# LIBRARY OF CONGRESS.; f T""** ■ I ^^^ .:4.5?^./^/| # ^ f UNITED STATES OP AMERICA, i SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY; THREE MONTHS AT THE SOUTH, IN 1854. NEHEMIAH ADAMS, D. D. ^ THIRD EDITION RICHMOND, YA. : PUBLISHED BY A. MORRIS 1855. Ji^^. £ Entered, according to Act oi Congress, in the year 1854, by T. R. MARVIN, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT. Some things in the history of this book afford an illus- tration of the undesirableness of answering a matter before we hear it. A preliminary correspondence of mine with a southern gentleman has brought forth a singular com- bination of feelings and expressions, all founded on a mistake ; which is, that the writer of this book sought to conciliate a slaveholder with the proposition of a compro- mise between the north and south, by which northern opposition to slaver^' should be diverted and allayed. A plain statement may remove disagreeable feelings and apprehensions. Much of this book was written at the south. On com- pleting it at home, the writer wished to fortify himself in certain statements, and therefore wrote letters, wath differ- ent sets of questions, to different gentlemen at the south, but with no intention to publish their answers. One of these gentlemen was Hon. H. A. Wise, of Virginia. That he, in his way, as the writer well knew, is a representative man on the subject of slavery, none will now dispute. I approached him fairly and honorably. I disclosed my ob- ject so far as was necessary to secure his attention, and I gained the purpose for which I wrote ; so that on reading his letter in manuscript, and seeing that it confirmed the statements which I had written for my book, I jicknowl- edged the favor in a note of thanks. The letter, read in private, did not offend me, because I saw that the writer was not combating me personally; and I thought of it (3) IV INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT. only in one light, — viz., as making it unnecessary for me to correct my manuscript, which was nearly ready for the press. When the correspondence afterward came forth from Mr. W., without my consent, in the Washington (D. C.) Union, his letter had a different bearing. I was placed in a new relation toward him, and was sorry that he com- pelled me to speak to him as I did in my reply. And now this book is the development of my wishes and purposes so imperfectly expressed in my private letter to Mr. Wise. The book stands just as it did when I wrote that letter. I am not responsible for any expectations or disappointments with regard to this book occasioned by a letter which I did not write for publication, and never in- tended as a description of this volume. The book has been finished according to its first design. As some have held forth Mr. Wise's letter as a true ex- ponent of a slaveholder's spirit, it is due from me to say that, with that letter, I received other communications from southern gentlemen on the same subject. Answers to in- quiries, so obliging, so regardful of the supposed difficulty which suggested a question, so generous in affording in- formation, so candid; I have seldom known. Any who wish, may argue from them that the effect of slaveholding upon a gentleman's spirit and manner is eminently happy. A counterpart to Mr. Wise's letter appeared in the New York Independent of October 12, in an article on my cor- respondence with Mr. W. If the writer had waited for correct knowledge of the facts in the case, he might have written more discreetly. When I first heard of the piece, the whole of this book was in type. Watching in a sick room far from home, new affections are awakened toward our fellow-men ; sectional feelings are diminished ; and every subject, public as well as pri- vate, is viewed in connection with our higher and enduring interests and relations. Under such influences many of these pages were written, some of them containing stric- INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT. V tures which, in a chastened state of mind, one can make with the consciousness of being actuated only by good motives. The thought of writing a book on this subject never occurred to me till I had experienced much surprise and pleasure at certain new impressions from slavery at the south. They w^ho think that these impressions were owing to partial views of American slavery will see their mis- take. Should I relieve the minds of a few friends on this subject, as mine has been relieved, ray labor will not be lost. But it is proper to say, that while preparing these pages, from the beginning to the close, things have come to my knowledge with regard to slavery which took away, at the time, the power to think or speak of it except in the tone of reprobation. Feelings more discriminating and no less just have alternated wdth these, and the result is here given. No one can expect to find, nor do I think to give, in this book, a full exposition of the subject of slavery. Yet I trust it will be seen that I have gathered premises broad enough for all the conclusions which I have ventured to draw. Now, if any friend of mine, who, knowing me, knows that I am no partisan, will intrust himself to my guidance, I will take him with me in this book to the south, and we will together look at the things which happen to meet us, receive the impressions which they may naturally make, and if we diifer and part company, we will endeavor to do so wnth mutual respect and affection. CONTENTS. rAOE Inteoductoey Statement, ....... 3 Chaptee I. — Feelings and Expectations on going to THE South, 7—14 II. — Arrital and First Impressions, . . 15—19 III. — New Views of the Relations of the Slaves, 20—23 IV. — Fayorable Appearances in Southern So- ciety AND in Slavery, .... 24—43 Good Order. — The Dress of the Slaves. — The Children of the Slaves. — Labor and Privileges. — Personal Protection. — Pre- vention of Crime. V. — Subject continued, 44 — 46. Absence of Mobs. — Personal Liberty. — Ab- . sence of popular Delusions. VI. — Subject continued 47—63 Absence of Pauperism. — "Wages of Labor — Religious Instruction. — Review. VII. — Revolting Features of Slavery, . . 64 — 81 Slave Auctions. — Domestic Slave Trade. VIII. — Subject continued, 82—99 Homes of the Slaves. — Domestic Evils de- plored by the Whites. — Review. (vii) VIU CONTENTS. Chaptbb paoe IX. — Approaches to Emancipation, . . . 100—114 X. — "What shall we do ? 115—136 Dissolution of the Union an Absurdity. — Results to be expected from Emancipation. — Social Divisions deplored. — Return to the Constitution. XI. — New possible Issues on the Subject of Slavery, 137—146 XII. — Dissuasive from Interference with the South, 147—157 XIII. — Influence of Uncle Tom's Cabin at Home AND Abroad, 158—179 XIV. — British Interest in American Slavery, . 180—189 XV. — The Bible and Slavery, .... 190—201 XVI. — Feelings of Slaves, and Feelings for the Slaves, contrasted, 203 — 207 XVII. — Cheerful Views. — Conclusion, . . 208 — 214, Postscript, 215—222 SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. CHAPTER I. FEELINGS AND EXPECTATIONS ON GOING TO THE SOUTH. It was well said by Rev. John Newton, of London, that Job and his friends might have continued their dis- pute to the present time, if they had lived so long, unless God had interposed to settle the controversy. Good men, conscientiously persuaded of the truth and importance of their respective partial views of a great subject, pleading for God, and therefore convinced, each of them, that the Most High is on his side, cannot yield one to the other without doing violence to their con- sciences. Some new development, some providential disclosure, must be made to withdraw their thoughts from the issue which, they insist, is the only one of which the sub- ject is capable ; otherwise, that which was mere contra- riety of opinion grows to alienation and strife, of which no one sees the end. He who proposes to write or speak at the present time on the subject which has so long tried the patience of good men as the subject of slavery has done, is justi (7) 8 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. fied in asking attention only by the conviction which it is supposed he feels that he can afford some help. The writer has lately spent three months at the south for the health of an invalid. Few professional men at the north had less connection with the south by ties of any kind than he, when the providence of God made it necessary to become for a while a stranger in a strange land. He was too much absorbed by private circum- stances to think of entering at all into a deliberate con- sideration of any important subject of a public nature ; yet for this very reason, perhaps, the mind was better prepared to receive dispassionately the impressions which were to be made upon it. The impressions thus made, and the reflections which spontaneously arose, the writer here submits, not as a partisan, but as a Christian ; not as a northerner, but as an American ; not as a politician, but as a lover and friend of the colored race. Having unexpectedly experienced help and relief in some de- gree in contemplating the subject, perhaps others may be assisted by noticing the process through which it was derived. To give information about slavery, to depict scenes at the south, to add any thing to the almost num- berless discussions of the subject, is not the object of this book. I will relate the impressions and expectations with which I went to the south ; the manner in which things appeared to me in connection with slavery in Georgia, South Carolina, and Virginia ; the correction or confir- mation of my northern opinions and feelings ; the conclu- sions to which I was led ; the way in which our language and whole manner toward the south have impressed me ; and the duty which it seems to me, as members of the Union, we at the north owe to the subject of slavery and A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 9 lo tlie south, and with the south to the colored race. I shall not draw upon fictitious scenes and feelings, but shall give such statements as I would desire to receive from a friend to whom I should put the question, " What am I to believe ? How am I to feel and act ? " In the few instances in which I do not speak from personal observation, I shall quote from men whom, in many places at home and abroad, I have learned to re- spect very highly for their intellectual, moral, and social qualities — I mean physicians. Associated with all classes at all times, knowing things not generally ob- served, and being removed by their profession from any extensive connection with slavery as a means of wealth, they have seemed to me unusually qualified to testify on the subject, and their opinions I have found to be emi- nently just and fair. Very early in my visit at the south, agreeable im- pressions were made upon me, which soon began to be interspersed with impressions of a different kind in look- ing at slavery. The reader will bear this in mind, and not suppose, at any one point in the narrative, that I am giving results not to be qualified by subsequent state- ments. The feelings awakened by each new disclosure or train of reflection are stated without waiting for any thing which may follow. Just before leaving home, several things had prepared me to feel a special interest in going to the south. The last thinor which I did out of doors before leaving Boston was, to sign the remonstrance of the New England clergymen against the extension of slavery into the 10 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. contemplated territories of Nebraska and Kansas. I had assisted in framing that remonstrance. The last thing Avhich I happened to do late at night before I began my journey was, to provide something for a freed slave on his way to Liberia, who was endeavoring to raise several thousand dollars to redeem his wife and children from bondage. My conversations relating to this slave and his family had filled me with new but by no means strange distress, and the thought of looking slavery in the face, of seeing the things which had so frequently disturbed my self-possession, was by no means plea>ant. To the anticipation of all the afflictive sights which I should behold there was added the old despair of seeing any way of relieving this fearful evil, while the unavail- ing desire to find it, excited by the actual sight of wrongs and woe, I feared would make my residence at the south painful. Behind the tables at the hotel in New York, on my way south, stood a row of black waiters — no unusual sight to me, indeed ; but with my thoughts of the south and the slaves, it assumed new mterest. I connected them in my thoughts with the slaves. They seemed like straggling cinders at no great distance from the burning house which I was about to see. New sym- pathy for the slave v/as excited by their visages. If these who are free wear such dreary looks as my own thoughts imparted to them, how fearful must be the faces of the bondmen ! I felt that I was in the entrance way to the home of a race who would excite in me only sorrow. On board the steamship from New York to Savannah, white faces took the place of the black complexion Avhich had become identified with serving men. We belong A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 11 10 a slave State, was the obvious reason given for tlii? substitution. Free negroes could not be received at the southern port ; slaves belonging to the steamer could not be trusted at New York ; hence those white servants, whose faces, to an eye which retained the recent im- pression of shining black skin, looked paler than ever. We had been three days in a southern steamer, and had sailed by Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina, and had seen no slave. The sight was yet in reserve ; curiosity, sympathy, pity, the Avhole as- semblage of northern fancies and feelings which gather together at the mention of a slave, were " all hands on deck" as we entered Savannah River. Chmate now ceased to be the only object of interest connected with the south. There lay the rice plantations ; but where were the slaves ? Some feeling of dread was mingled with curiosity. Cowper's lines, learned and declaimed so often in boyhood, came to mind : — *' for a lodge in some vast ■wilderness," &c., " I would not have a slave to till my ground," &c., with the poet's enumeration of cruelties and horrors. The anticipation of hearing those groans which three millions of our fellow-countrymen are represented in our Fourth of July orations, and which I had myself in such an oration many years ago represented, as sending up to Heaven day and night, and the clanking of those chains which on such occasions are said to be minglinoj with John Adams's category of joyful noises forever to usher in the nation's birthday, and the confident expec- tation of seeing at the landing, or in passing tlirough the market-place, a figure like the common touching vignette 12 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. of a naked negro on one knee, with manacled hands raised imploringly and saying, " Am I not a man and brother ? " had made the thought of reaching the south increasingly painful. " So you are going south/' said a good friend in Bos- ton. " Well," he continued, " you will, I suppose, have your feelings of humanity strongly appealed to many a time." I felt afraid to trust myself in scenes such as I had heard described ; yet, as we came near Savannah, there was a natural impatience to see and feel the dire- ful object of so much anticipation. Within five miles of Savannah the steamer ran ^ground, in the early fog of a warm day ; and as the tide was ebbing, there seemed to be for the time no relief, except as the agents in the city might learn our situa- tion through their spyglasses, or a passing boat report us. The Florida steamer came alongside, took off some passengers for Florida, and left us with our paddle wheels out of water, and not even a slave to pity and help us, and to be an object of pity, from me at least, in return. A steam tug returning from the mouth of the river came alongside about noon, and took the passengers and their baggage to the city. On board this tug I looked for the first time in my life upon a slave. All hands on board were slaves. As the boat labored up the stream, I had leisure to in- dulge my eyes and thoughts in looking at them. Two, with unquestionable marks of servitude in their whole appearance, were talking together in the stern of the boat, the broad brims of their old black hats flapping in the wind over their faces, hiding partly the glances which they gave me as they noticed my interested looks A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 13 at tliem. One of them whispered covertly to the other, and both smiled with a kindly look. It was a different look from that which you receive in a prison yard, where shame and pain steal out in quick, uneasy glances. I felt impelled to speak with them, but was not yet suffi- ciently at home. In the growth of the human mind, fancy takes the lead of observation, and through life it is always run- ning ahead of it. Who has not been greatly amused, sometimes provoked, and sometimes, perhaps, been made an object of mirth, at the preconceived notions which he had formed of an individual, or place, or com- ing event ? Who has not sometimes prudently kept his fancies to himself? Taking four hundred ministers of my denomination in Massachusetts, and knowing how we all converse, and preach, and pray about slavery, and noticing since my return from the south the questions which are put, and the remarks which are made upon the answers, it will be safe to assert that on going south I had at least the average amount of information and ignorance with regard to the subject. Some may affect to wonder even at the little which has now been dis- closed of my secret fancies. I should have done the same in the case of another ; for the credulity or sim- plicity of a friend, when expressed or exposed, generally raises self-satisfied feelings in the most of us. Our southern friends, on first witnessing our snow storms, sleigh rides, and the gathering of our ice crops, are full as simple as we are in a first visit among them. We "suffer fools gladly, seeing" that we ourselves "are wise." Some intelligent men at the south, who have never seen Lowell, will speak of our " operatives " in a way to ex- cite quite as much mirth as their northern visitors occa 14 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. sion. We both need forbearance and charity one from the other. How to say enough of preconceived notions respect- ing slavery, so as to compare subsequent impressions with them, and yet not enough to give southern friends room to exult and say that we all have false and exag- gerated notions about slavery, is somewhat difficult. At the risk of disagreeable imputations, and with a desire to be honest and ingenuous, I will merely add, that there was one thing which I felt sure that I should see on landing, viz., the whole black population cowed down. This best expresses in a word my expectation. " I am a slave," will be indented on the faces, limbs, and actions of the bondmen. Hopeless w^oe, entreating yet despair- ing, will frequently greet me. How could it be other- wise, if slavery be such as our books, and sermons, and lectures, and newspaper articles represent? nay, if southern papers themselves, especially their advertise- ments, are to be relied upon as sources of correct im- pressions ? A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 15 CHAPTER II. ARIIIVA.L AND FIRST IMPRESSIONS. The steam tug reached the landing, and the slaves were all about us. One thing immediately surprised me ; they were aU in good humor, and some of them in a broad laugh. The delivery of every trunk from the tug to the wharf was the occasion of some hit, or rep- artee, and every burden was borne with a jolly word, grimace, or motion. The lifting of one leg in laughing seemed as natural as a Frenchman's shrug. I asked one of them to place a trunk with a lot of baggage ; it was done; up went the hand to the hat — "Any thing more, please sir ? " What a contrast, I involuntarily said to myself, to that troop at the Albany landing on our West- em Railroad ! and on those piles of boards, and on the roofs of the sheds, and at the piers, in New York ! I began to like these slaves. I began to laugh with them. It was irresistible. Who could have convinced me, an hour before, that slaves could have any other effect upon me than to make me feel sad ? One fellow, in all the hurry and bustle of landing us, could not help relating how, in jumping on board, his boot was caught between two planks, and "pulled clean off; " and how " dis ole feller went clean over into de wotter," with a shout, as though it was a merry adventure. One thing seemed clear; they were not so much 2 16 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. cowed down as I expected. Perhaps, however, they were a fortunate set. I rode away, expecting soon to have some of my disagreeable anticipations verified. In pursuance of the plan indicated in the beginning, I shall now relate the impressions which were invol- untarily made upon me while residing in some of the slave States. As before mentioned, I was making no deliberate investigations, and had no theory to maintain ; but the things which daily passed before me led to reflections and conclusions, which will appear, some of them, as we proceed, but more especially in the review. Should these pages meet the eyes of any to whom the things here described are perfectly familiar, they will read them with forbearance, and remember that the writer's object is not to give descriptions, but just to relate those things which led him to certain reflections and conclusions ; these conclusions alone, so far as they may be useful, constituting the purpose of the book. All things being arranged at your resting-place, the first impulse is to see how the land lies, settle certain landmarks, and, above all things, find the post-office. The city of Savannah abounds in parks, as they are called — squares, fenced in, with trees. Young children and infants were there, with very respectable colored nurses — young women, with bandanna and plaid cam- bric turbans, and superior in genteel appearance to any similar class, as a whole, in any of our cities. They could not be slaves. Are they slaves ? " Certainly," says the friend at your side ; " they each belong to some master or mistress." In behalf of a score of mothers of my acquaintance, and of some fathers, I looked with covetous feelings upon the relation which I saw existed between these A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 17 nurses and children. These women seemed not to have the air and manner of hirelings in the care and treat- ment of the children ; their conversation with them, the degree of seemingly maternal feeling which was infused into their whole deportment, could not fail to strike a casual observer. Then these are slaves. Their care of the children, even if it be slave labor, is certainly equal to that which is free. " But that was a freeman who just passed us ? " " No ; he is Mr. W.'s servant, near us." " He a slave ? " Such a rhetorical lifting of the arm, such a line of grace as the hand described in descending easily from the hat to the side, such a glow of good feel- ing on recognizing neighbor B., with a supplementary act of respect to the stranger with him, were wholly foreign from my notions of a slave. " Where are your real slaves, such as we read of ? " " These are about a fair sample." " But they seem to me like your best quotations of cotton; where are your can there be no end to our division and strife with regard to this subject ? Are we to spend the rest of this century debating it and contending over it? None can describe the vast harm which it has done to all our social relations. It has been the occasion of more unkind feelings and words, probably, than any other sub- ject ; it has alienated friends, divided great ecclesiastical communions, disturbed the peace of churches and par- ishes, led to the dismission of ministers, driven many into infidelity, embarrassed legislation, filled great sec- tions of the country with jealousy of each other, con- sumed the strength and zeal which were needed to rem- edy evils among ourselves, and, at the present time, is threatening us with greater mischief than ever before. The question which has hitherto absorbed our thoughts has been, " In what way shall slavery be disposed of consistently with the safety and interests of this nation ?'* This question seems as far as ever from a satisfactory answer. Perhaps it may not be long before different questions will be forced upon our attention, which, while they will gratify and satisfy the interest of good men in the sub- ject as moral and philanthropic questions, will unite us 138 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. at the north, and also, by the national relation of the subject, with the south. Let us then imagine for a few moments that the north and south, through some unforeseen harmonious influence, are actually losing all other thoughts upon this subject in their interest on this question, " What duties do the American people owe to the African race here and else- where ? " It is a question which the providence of God, in the remarkable history and continuance of slavery in this country, may have intended, from the beginning, to force upon our attention. We may be too impatient with regard to the con- tinuance of American slavery. Mingled with the sys- tem there are mitigating elements which we do not suf- ficiently consider ; but above and beyond this there are hopeful and even cheerful views of it for those who will connect it with their belief in the sure progress of hu- man redemption. The continuance to the present time of slavery, unprotected by old feudal institutions, but surrounded by the popular influences of such a land and such an age as this, its evident strength, its step ad- vancing against such powerful opposition, must awaken thoughtfulness in the minds of all who are disposed to reflection. Is this system to be utterly abolished? or can it be that in some form it is connected, in the mys- terious purposes of God, with his great plan of good will toward men, and especially toward the African race ? The contemplation of this question in a candid spirit will soothe our feelings and modify our views and measures with regard to this great national concern. Could this question, in some practical form, get pos- session of the public mind, it is evident that antagonism between the north and southj on the subject of slavery. A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 139 would soon be destroyed. " The expulsive power of a new affection," as a theologian has expressed it, is constant- ly illustrated in change of personal habits and character, in love, in business, and religion ; attachments, seeming- ly invincible, to certain views, are at once and wholly destroyed by the entrance of a new master passion. Never can the instincts of people unused to slavery be overcome by argument; never can the most law- abiding, patriotic submission at the north to the recov- ery of slaves cease to be accompanied, in the minds of many, with repugnance and distress, so long as they re- tain their present associations with slavery. On the other hand, a southerner, looking at the slaves from childhood, regarding the Constitution of the United States as the rule by which we are to be governed, can not appreciate our difficulties. Discussion may pro- ceed without end and in vain. No limit seems possible to disagreement on the subject of slavery ; claims founded upon it and resisted, irritating acts, and unkind, hostile words threaten to make the days of the years of the life of this nation, like those of Jacob, however pro- tracted, seem few and evil. Some great question is capable of so absorbing our minds as to have all the effect of agreement on the subject, by leading us to act efficiently, and on a large scale, for the welfare of the African race here and on the continent of Africa. The object is not to propose any way in which this may be effected, but merely to suggest the possibility of such reHef God can arrest the career of our present thoughts and purposes on this subject by some surpris- ing event of his providence toward us or toward that people. His Spirit changes the views and feelings of individuals, makes entire revolutions in the opinions of 140 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. whole communities, brings stillness and fear upon the hearts of men at the approach of divine judgments, fills multitudes with solemn religious impressions by means of some providential event. It is in his power to bring over the entire mind of this nation, agitated by the sub- ject of slavery, a calm like that of twilight ; he can mcike us drop our contentions and forget our differences by some influence of his, as at the curfew knell the Britons covered their fires. With men this is impossi- ble ; legislation, ecclesiastical censures, compromises, dis- cussions, political parties, can not do it ; but it can be done by Him in whose works, at the beginning, darkness preceded the light, and by whose appointment, in private experience and in great national histories, it is the same now as when " the evening and the mornmg were the first day." It would not be a more surprising event than the de- velopment of the California enterprise within a few years past, if some development in Africa should draw attention to it in connection with the employment of portions of our colored people there. The possibility of this, and of many other ways of relief which will oc- cur to a reflecting mind, should help our faith and pa- tience. Instead of contending with one another, and en- dangering our future means of doing good to the colored race through impatience at present and temporary evils, necessary, in the providence of God, as it may prove, to prepare us all for his further benevolent purposes, let us endeavor to heal the breaches between us, and inter- change kind words and deeds. Africa is still, to a great extent, a land of bondage. Three millions and a quarter of her children are slaves in Brazil, nine hundred thousand in the Spanish colonies. ' A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 141 eighty-five thousand in the colonies of Holland, a hun- dred and forty thousand in European establishments in Africa, and over three milHons in the United States. Here, then, is a member of the human family whom God in his sovereignty has for five centuries suffered to bow its neck to other races. The susceptibility of these people to servitude should touch the hearts of their fel- low-men, and stir them up to defend and protect them. The reverse of this has been the history of their treat- ment ; but there is a day of redemption at hand ; they will see good according to the days in which they have seen evil. Amid all the tumultuous excitement on the subject of American slavery and the din of approaching conflict, I cannot help looking at the south as the appointed pro- tectors of this feeble member of the human family. Brought to them indeed in transgression, and subjected to every injury, the importation of them protracted by northern votes eight years against the wishes of the south, the great law of human progress is nevertheless reaching them. Instead of regarding the south as hold- ing their fellow-men in cruel bondage, let us consider whether we may not think of them as the guardians, edu- cators, and saviors of the African race in this country. Only they who have been brought up with them from childhood are q.ualified, as a general thing, to succeed well in the care and management of them. The com- mon remark, that slaveholders from the free States are the worst masters, has honorable exceptions, owing to moral quahties in certain men which sustain them amidst great trials of patience ; to which trials, ordinarily, one must have been used from infancy, not to be intol- erant and severe toward the slaves. A man from New 142 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. England, accustomed to have his orders obeyed promptly and with the faithfulness which self-interest dictates, tinds it hard to bear the slack manner of that " eye service " against which an Apostle admonishes "servants." If we are to do further good to the African race in this country, we must be obliged to our southern brethren and sisters to do it for us.- We frequently meet with the proposition to bring over Asiatip free laborers to supplant the Africans. If the object of this be to drive out slavery and the colored race with it, we shall gain nothing in the matter of races by taking the Asiatics in the place of the Africans, nor will the condition of the Asiatics here long be any more agreeable to them and to us than slavery now is. The revival of the trade in African negroes is men- tioned now and then at the south ; but it will be in time to discuss that scheme when it is seriously entertained by any Christian nation. Among the strange and extremely improbable things which are sometimes proposed, the voluntary immigra- tion of Africans to our southern regions, if any one could bring it about and make it acceptable to the south, would no doubt be for the good of that race. The immigration of Africans to the south would be better than that of coolies, or any other new race, while their labor might be equally cheap, being essentially free labor under strong regulations, and obviating the present enormous and increasing expense of buying the person of the colored man. It is by no means certain that some great change in the system of black labor, on account of the great prices demanded for slaves, will not be indispensable if the cotton interest in this country is to coniinue. A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 143 It is only because it is hardly safe to deny that any thing is possible, that we say it may turn out, after all, as some suppose, that God has ordained us to receive the African race still more extensively for their benefit and ours, as we already are as an asylum to the op- pressed and poor of other lands. His plan seems to be, that suffering nations shall resort hither. As we give the wheat-growing districts to the Europeans, perhaps the tropical regions on this continent are to be the tem- porary abode of the African, from which he will go forth, as Moses did, to look upon his brethren and de- Hver them. How they are to come, and whether they will be received, is not considered. We have reason to pause and wonder at the ill suc- cess, hitherto, of efforts to rid ourselves of the blacks ; and moreover the providence of God, the God of nature and the God of nations, with respect to that great staple of commerce, our cotton, is worthy of consideration^ It is not unfrequently the case that the word cotton is made a byword ; it is spoken with a sneer ; it is cotton, we are told, that keeps three millions in bondage, and it is denounced as the foe of human liberty. Now, the great God that formed all things has seen fit to con- nect this product of ours with the comfort and happiness of a large portion of the earth, and by its connection with mercantile exchanges, being eighty-six per cent of the cotton raised on the whole earth, it exerts a preemi- nent influence upon the world's commerce. The rainy season in the East Indies occurs at a part of the year which makes it impossible for that district of the earth to compete with us in the supply of this article ; we are appointed to this work; the south was about to free herself of her slaves ; northern interference, seeking to 10 144 A. SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. hasten the day, prevented it, perhaps forever ; and now we will not dispute with those who say that the south, and other portions of our land and continent, are, per- haps, to be the nursery of millions more of Africans, for their present and eternal good, and for the increasing supply of the world with a great necessary of life. Perhaps, in future, the failure of southern efforts at emancipation may be the occasion of unparalleled good to that race, by bringing us to unite in the only com- promise that will save us from ruin and them from pro- tracted misery. That which we do not know can not bring us much comfort ; yet we admit that, could we bring the slaves, every where, through our example and efforts, under the social and religious influences which many of the slaves at the south enjoy, it would be, in fact, breaking every yoke. At all events, let us look above sectional and political considerations. There is a stone cut out of the mountains without hands which is destined to fill the earth. Oppression will flee before it ; and whatever relation the colored man may sustain to the white man, it must be only such as will be for the benefit of both. We must not be prejudiced by our associations with the word slavery^ but consider what the nature and influences of the relation designated by it are ; and if necessary hereafter, whether our brethren, the colored men, may not be related to us even more exten- sively than now, as dependent objects of a benevolence which this nation will be so fully prepared to render, in view of the wrongs and woes of which we have been the occasion. Then, the north and the south having a common aim with regard to the African race, every thing in the nature of oppressive laws made necessary by the self- A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 145 defence of one section of the country against the other, and all usages not approved by an enlightened and be- nevolent mind, will be done away. Then that cause of endless irritation and war, as things now are, escape from the south, will be harmoni- ously adjusted ; and it is impossible to see in what other way it ever can cease to divide and embroil us. Then the long-vexed question about the right of man to hold property in man will forever cease among us by our universal agreement to stand in the relation to the African as a stronger and more highly favored brother. Then our brethren and friends, those noble and brave spirits who emigrate from us to the new Territories, in- stead of rushing to shut the gates against slaveholding immigrants, will be relieved of all apprehension of con- flict by a general agreement what portions of our un- settled lands will be most favorable for the African race in connection with white men. Then this most perplexing subject, which irritates and divides us against each other at the north, and arrays the north and west against the south, will be taken out of the way. God hasten it in his time. We may yet thank and bless the south for being willing to continue her relation to the colored race ; it may yet seem to us one of the greatest illustrations of divine wisdom in the affairs of men that she was pre- vented from throwing off the blacks. Some of these reflections may serve to nourish hope, keep us from desperation or despondency, make us for- bearing, and teach us to connect every thing in the affairs of the world with the beneficent plan of God and the sure law of human progress. No one can tell the result of this agitation on the subject of slavery ; 146 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. but no one can consider its remarkable history and not feel tbat there may be some great design in it which will satisfy those who prefer the will of God to their own philosophy. If any of the foregoing new schemes which are now afloat for the Africans may be pronounced visionary, as they seem to be, it is a relief, at least, to have a slight variety in our fanaticism on this subject, which has been more fruitful of fanaticism than any other subject in our history. One thought only shall be added here. Past events teach us that this whole subject is a great deep ; and we have had sufficient admonition to be very humble and patient as to future disclosures in connection with it. He who insists upon any definite scheme with regard to the subject seems as sure to draw upon himself a just suspicion of unsoundness of mind as he who professes to have a key to Daniel or the Apocalypse. A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 147 CHAPTER XII. DISSUASIVE FROM INTERFERENCE WITH THE SOUTH. The north must take the first step in pacifying the country on this subject ; and to some it will seem to be a backward step. We must begin to be " friends of the master," if we would be truly " friends of the slave." Our only way of benefiting the slave is through his master. Let us then think of that great body of Christian men at the south, who are perfectly competent to manage this subject, and meet their accountability to God without our help. The Presbyterian, the Methodist, the Baptist, the Episcopal ministry there are a goodly fellowship of men, who, if drawn up over against us northern minis- ters, would strike a feeling of diffidence in us, to say the least, with regard to any bold, hasty imputation of injustice, cruelty, or enormous wrong ; men who know more than we can tell them about the evils of slavery ; who are incapable of being seduced or overawed by wickedneso ; and who are fully competent to struggle with the evils of the system, and to reform them, with- out one word of exhortation or advice from us; and whose daily prayer, with regard to us, is, that if there be any consolation in Christ, if any bowels of mercies, we 148 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. would let them alone. Remember what they said and did before we drove them to personal self-defence. Mingle with them as friends, and not as antagonists ; hear them preach and pray; talk with them as you loiter in the woods, or ride, or sail ; and let them tell you, as they will be sure to do, all their burden on this subject, and compare it with what you see in the streets, and in families, and in all the unconstrained intercourse of society ; and you will be sure to feel that the greatest kindness which we at the north can bestow upon the slaves, is to be no longer the seeming enemies, the cen- sors, the civil and ecclesiastical judges of the masters. We must, therefore, change our manner and tone with regard to the south, and study ways to signify such a change. One expression of kind feeling, one frater- nal act on the part of the north toward the south, in exchange for the almost unremitted expressions of dis- pleasure with which she is addressed, would do much to restore a good understanding, not by its influence at the south, but by putting ourselves into a more suitable attitude. Any thing like inviting the south to a com- promise on this subject, or obtaining from her a promise that certain things shall be done on certain conditions, is absurd. "We must of our own selves correct the spirit and manner in which we have conducted toward her. Little things may involve great principles, and are connected with important effects ; and therefore the fol- lowing obvious illustration of what has now been said will not be considered trivial. There is one form of unkindness and hardship in- flicted on southerners, which, for the good effect the change would have upon ourselves, we shall do well to remove. A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OP SLAVERY. 149 We will suppose that a husband at the north is ad- vised to take his wife to the south for several months, to save, or at least, prolong life. She has a young and only child. There is a domestic in the family, between whom and the child there has been and is an attach- ment almost romantic, and in whom the parents place unlimited trust, -svho, besides her valuable services to the patient, will make the child happy, and so relieve the mother wholly of care. The privilege of taking such a domestic to a distant part of the country, under such circumstances, is beyond price. Now, there are husbands and wives at the south in corresponding circumstances. To spend the hot season on our seaboard, or at the water-cures, seems necessary to save life. They have a colored nurse, who is to them all that the domestic just mentioned is in her place ; and no one could be more. The nurse knows no happiness compared with ministering to this family ; but she is in law a slave. A slave can not set foot in Massachusetts, for example, without being, by that act, free, and may go or come at pleasure. Were this family Bure that no inducements would be offered to draw this nurse away from them clandestinely, they would take the risk of her deserting them. But to have a vigilance conm[uttee about their premises at the north, tampering with the woman ; to miss their nurse suddenly when their need may be sorest ; to follow the habeas corpus and the crowd to court ; and to be gazetted, and to see the happiness for life of an estimable servant put in jeopardy through some powerful temptation, or sudden indiscretion, induces them to forego the privilege of taking her with them, and either to endure the trouble and risk of obtaining a suitable nurse at the north, or to stay at home. 150 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. It is easy to see that there is a large amount of incon- venience and suffering occasioned by such HabiHties, which is not of course published, but to which northern- ers would submit with very poor grace. We desire to guard against the possibility of slavery being reestab- lished in Massachusetts, as might be the case if slaves were brought into the State to remain indefinitely, at the pleasure of the master or mistress. This self-defence we can not yield. But it seems hard if some good under- standing can not be had, to the effect that travelers from the south, visitors, are to be protected in the enjoyment of services rendered by members of their families, who, if left to themselves, would not exchange their condition, with its name slavery, for any thing under the name of freedom. Now, they must either stay at home or leave their favorite servants behind them — the skillful driver, the almost physician, who has dressed the chronic sore for months ; the maid, who is a rival with the mother in the child's love ; this must be foregone, because of our practice of waylaying with the habeas corpus every colored servant from the south. Let our people be appealed to against this injustice and unkindness. Legislation can not well remedy the evil, especially if its only remedy be the poor donation of leave to stay a few weeks, and no more, with a slave at the north, as some of the free States have enacted. This concession makes visitors from the south feel that they are under obligations to us for that which ought not to be placed on the ground of permission. Would that, for our own sakes, we could enjoy the pleasure more frequently of becoming acquainted with the citizens of the south in their domestic relations, We are becoming mutually repulsive, through northern A SOUTH-SIDE YIEVT OF SLAVERY. 151 jealousy and fear. Are we afraid that the sight of the happy relation subsisting between masters and their slaves will make our people in love with the institution ? Would that all could see instances of such relationships under this system. It would do much toward abolishing things objectionable in slavery, by making us discrimi- nating and just in our censure, if there should be need of any. It would do much toward satisfying us that the south is competent to manage this subject without our help. As a dissuasive from interference with the south with regard to slavery, it is deeply interesting to consider the impulses of their intelligent and good men in measures of relief and kindness toward the colored people. Notwithstanding the powerful pressure from jealousy of northern interference with which these impulses are obliged to contend, philanthropy is working out benevo- lent plans for the slaves. Men at the south, in places of influence, whose opinions have a controlling eifect, are meditating the following changes, among others, in the slave code. One is, to raise the term of years within which no child shall be separated from its parents. The age pro- posed in the case to which I allude, and which would have been adopted by the legislature had it not been for some appeals with regard to northern interference, was thirteen. In that State, a child over five years of age may now be separated from its parents. Another proposition generally entertained is, to forbid the sale of a slave for debt. This would prevent, of course, a vast proportion of painful separations. It would greatly change the nature of slavery. Another proposition is, that slaves shall by law have 15-3 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. a right of release from a cruel master, as provided for by slave codes of some other nations. In recent numbers of the New Orleans Crescent we find a series of articles in favor of giving the right of suffrage to the native free colored population. But the most interesting and important proposition which is discussed in some quarters is that of legalizing the marriage of slaves. There is a strong sentiment in favor of this measure. Surely there is progress in a right direction at the south ; and may we at the north but exercise wisdom and discretion, we shall soon see great changes in favor of the colored race. These changes have begun where slavery has felt the influence of the best state of society ; but they will in time reach the relation of master and slave in all the land. Let us grant for a moment all that the strongest advo- cates of the right and duty of intervention by the north with southern slavery have ever claimed. It shall be allowed that we are accountable to God for every oppression which exists in our slave States, and that our first duty, to which no claims at home, even, are superior, is, to see that this system of slavery is vir- tually abolished. What is the best way to accomplish the object ? We have tried one method for more than a quarter of a century. So long we have been practising upon our patient, and to-day the disease is extending more rapidly than ever. Some practitioners would, in such a case, have misgivings about the mode of treatment ; and we may well indulge a similar distrust. If the object be to subdue the south as a political enemy, and abridge her influence in the general govern- A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 153 ment, the only way is to plot and counterplot against her bj means of political organizations and party war fare, and leave every thing to the fortunes of the war. But is it the sincere and kind desire of any to see the supposed wi'ongs and woes of the colored race redressed, and our system of slavery purged of every objectionable influence, and thus, if in no other way, to prevent it from further afHicting the white and black races ? Is this the form of our antislavery ? Does this express the substance of our abolitionism ? TVe are sitting do^vIl like an army before an impreg- nable wall, battering the gates and throwing bombs pro- miscuously into the place. A strong party within are in principle essentially with us, and, if suffered to exert their influence unmolested from without, would effect all that we desire. As it is, they are opposed to have their houses and lives destroyed by our indiscriminate shot, nor are they willing that we should march in and give laws. Therefore they combine with their civil opponents to resist their mihtary assailants. Never will they cea^ to resist and oppose us, not for our principles, but for our mode of enforcing them. If conquest be not our aim, or the gratification of malignant passions, but simply to have justice executed, our surest way to effect this is, to withdraw our forces, and leave the cause in the hands of those who but for us would long since have made their influence effectuaL This will not prevent us from using all proper measures of simple self-defence. To do more than this, under existing circumstances, is to perpetuate the evil which we would see removed. There are many things in slavery which, as human beings, fellow-creatures with the slaves, we intensely desire to see abolished. Let no man say here, " Why 154 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. take an interest in my servants ? " But if lie says this, we will remind him of a well-known scene in a Roman theatre, where these words of a former slave, " I am a man, and nothing that pertains to man do I con- sider as not pertaining to me," brought down thunders of applause. We reciprocate, for all his fellow-servants and fellow-men every where, the noble sentiment of this slave ; nor would pagan Rome reprove us. Every week, events within the bounds of slavery make us cry out to know what can be done to prevent them. Tell us, friends and brethren at the south, what shall we at the north do, or cease to do, to help you prevent these enormities ? The last that came to the knowledge of some of us was a well-authenticated case, in which forty persons, de- scendants of a freed slave, some of whom had been free for thirty years, were to be reduced again to slavery, on the claim of one man. Can you do nothing to prevent such things? Can we help you, either by act or by silence ? Tell us if we have any duty whatever in the case. K it were the Greeks, or the Poles, or the starv- ing Irish, or the Madiai, who were suffering these things, you and we would inquire at the capital whether, as a nation, we had no call to interfere. We do not wish to be contending against brethren and friends in a good cause. We can not desire to perpetuate, by our well-meant endeavors, the evils which you and we seek to remove. Who of you, then, will speak out, and, recognizing the evils to which we allude, show us our duty ? Be sure that your directions will be grate- fully received and honorably regarded. It is appalling to think of a presidential campaign in which the subject of slavery, with its potent sway over human passions, shall be the aU-absorbing question. We A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 155 are going into battle with conscience exalted to absolute monarchy and dictatorship ; conscience, under whose banner, in the name of God, wars, persecutions, tor- tures, and massacres have made the earth reel, and the blood of saints has reached to the horses' bridle^. The destiny of unborn millions, as slaves or free, will excite one party beyond all former experience, and under the combined heat of conscience, humanity, fancy, sectional feelings, fanaticism, and recollections of recent defeat in the Nebraska measure, even adamantine bonds will melt. On the other hand, domestic institutions, homes, the w^hole mysterious, complicated system of life, in one en- tire and united section of the country, will arm fifteen States of the Union with a desperation such as they only feel who are in the agony of a last hope. Let us not see that contest. " The shields of the earth belong unto the Lord." There is such a mixture of pohtical and moral questions in this subject of slavery, that no one can tell by what motives men are influenced in their opposition. Some, whose thoughts and purposes are wholly political, never- theless make use of our sensibility to the moral relations of the subject, and complicate the bare question of the moral character of slavery with appointments to foreign political offices, and the customs, and post-ofiices. Thus they justly incur the opposition of the south by their in- vectives against slavery, when their chief objection to it is the influence which it exerts in the government. Could the subject become a simple moral question, and be discussed apart from politics, the jealousy and opposi- tion of the south would have far less excitement. The best thing which we at the north can do to pacify the country, to help the colored race, to prevent further 156 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. Nebraska measures, and promote our common interests as a nation, is to reconsider our feelings and conduct in times past toward the south. A penitential state of mind becomes us. In that statesman's manual, the Bible, there is a passage of history most pertinent in its appli- cation to us at the north. The tribe of Benjamin had been guilty of an " enormous wrong " in the case of the Levite and his concubine. The other tribes assembled before God, prepared for Avar. Their question was, " Which of us shall go up first to the battle against Ben- jamin ? " Not, Shall we go up ? nor. In what way shall we best bring the offender to repentance ? The answer was in anger. Thrice Israel was smit- ten, and at last the offending tribe was defeated, with a slaughter on both sides, in the three battles, of sixty- five thousand men. Then the nation wept over the almost ruined tribe, and resorted twice to the stealing of women from neighboring people to repair it. So much for unwarrantable methods of redressing " enormous wrongs " in the bosom of a nation. Let it be repeated, we must not seek to obtain from the south any expression in the way of confession, or concession, or promise. "We are not properly a ruler or a judge over them, though w^e have assumed both ofiices. Let us adopt the principle that the south is competent to manage the subject of slavery, and straight- way cease from all offensive action. Proper defences for free colored citizens must be secured, and, if sought for, disconnected with the agitation of the subject of sla- very, as a political or sectional interest, can unquestion- ably be obtained. We must put a stop to the unlawful seizure of colored servants passing with their masters through a free State. We must in sonxe way prevent A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 157 the annoyance to wliicli southern travelers are exposed of having their colored servants enticed away, or brought before the courts to be emancipated. Perhaps these things, in connection with our whole manner of treating the south, have created a state of mind in which it was easy to violate compromises. Two things they do not ask nor expect of us, viz., to express any approbation of slavery, nor to sympathize with them. A northerner at the south soon perceives that, if he feels and shows in a proper manner a natural repugnance to slavery, they respect him for it, while they greatly suspect and distrust those from the north who seem in favor of the system. Moreover, any con- dolence with them at the evils of slavery, or show of in- terposition for their benefit, is wholly out of place. A slaveholder of liberal education and great influence at the south, and withal an extreme defender of the system of slavery, made a declaration, which, for many reasons, impressed me, perhaps, more than any thing which fell from the lips of a southerner. He said, " If the north had directed its strength against the evils of slavery instead of assailing it as a sin per se, it could not have survived to the present day." This is con- firmed by many witnesses, and may teach us wisdom in time to come. But our invectives against the south, our exaggerated representations of slavery, our indiscriminate imputations of connivance with its abuses, our political opposition, our resistance of southern rights under the Constitution, and our efforts to decoy the servants, at home and abroad, excite opposition which renders all our desire for the benefit of the colored race in this country entirely hope- less. We may drive the south and her slaves from tlje Union, but we thereby gain nothing for the slaves. 158 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. CHAPTER XIII. INFLUENCE OF UNCLE TOM'S CABIN AT HOME AND ABROAD. One thing which interested me at the south was the spirit in which Uncle Tom's Cabin was frequently men- tioned. Some of the warmest advocates of slavery said that they could parallel most of the abuses in slavery mentioned in the book out of their own knowledge ; and on speaking of some bad master, and wishing to express his tyrannical character and barbarous conduct, they would say. He is a real Legree ; or. He is worse than Legree. The book was mentioned with candor, and with little appearance of wounded sensibiUty. Yet many criticisms were made upon it, both of a sectional and general nature. There was one criticism on the plan of the book which may be heard from every southerner, even from those among them who are antislavery men. The scene with which the book opens, they say, is unnatural. A gentleman embarrassed and constrained to sell a slave, and especially a child, would not act the part of Mr Shelby, in that conversation and drinking scene which are described in the first chapter. If, by the strangest combination of events, he should, be led to do it, he would fling himself, with such a slave and child, into the hands of a trader, in the same state of mind with which he A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 159 would surrender his wife's wardrobe, or her jewelry, in- herited from her mother; but to sit and laugh, and hold up the glass, and uncork a new bottle of wine, and peel an orange, and haggle with a fiend like Ha ley, they say, is not according to human nature among slaveholders, in any man who had not himself become a fiend. But above all, to represent a southern gentle- man, a man having " the appearance of a gentleman," "the arrangements of the house and the general air- of the housekeeping indicating easy and even opulent circumstances," as suffering Haley to bid for such a woman as Eliza, with a view to her peculiar fitness for the New Orleans market, " slapping Mr. Shelby on the shoulder," and coaxing him to let him have her for this purpose, it may well be conceived by honorable and virtuous gentlemen, is felt to be an affront by every decent man at the south — a coarse, broad, disgusting caricature, which, as a libel on a community, they say, hardly has a parallel. The tone of fairness with which the book is men- tioned at the south makes one feel that they have reasons in their consciousness for protesting as they do against this part of the book, or rather this part of its plan. The manner in which the criticism is made gives- one a favorable and deep impression of the relation be- tween a master and a good slave ; it is not a mercenary relation. This impression is confirmed every day in the mind of a visitor, until, on reperusing the opening scene in Uncle Tom, he finds that the representation of a southerner with "the appearance of a gentleman, in easy and even opulent circumstances," in connection with the abominable talk and purposes of that scene, is an imposition and a cruel injustice. 11 160 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. While many things in the book are paralleled by characters and events at the south, and while the Key more than proves it, still, like all other novels, it de- ceives. At the north I partook fully in the general effect of the book upon our feelings, as the author knows full well ; but at the south, even after seeing or hearing things like many which are related in the story, I found that still the whole impression of the book on my mind was that of a falsehood. Perhaps this was in part ray fault as a reader; it is in part the fault of novel writing, its intrinsic evil. The first thing in which I found myself misled by the impressions to which I had yielded in the book, was with respect to the children of the slaves. I had fixed the image of Topsy in my mind as the exponent of col- ored children, and of Eva as their contrast. I supposed that generally a black child was, as Topsy said of her- self, " nothing but a nigger " in its own esteem and that of the whites. I expected to find in those black children imps, Shakspeare's Calibans and Flibbertigibbets, a pro- voking, disgusting brood. I was angry with myself to find how I had suffered poor Topsy to form my notions of childhood and youth among the slaves ; but I may be alone in the impression which she had the misfortune to give vae of her race. I saw specimens of some, who, with a little change, in the hands of a fictitious writer, would answer forTopsys — girls as disagreeable and im- practicable as their prototype; but they are the excep- tions ; there is such a class ; Topsy is a fact ; and this is all which the volume intended to" say, and by no means to libel the whole rising generation among the slaves, by setting forth Topsy to represent them to the world. But notwithstanding the writer's good intentions, she did A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAYERY. 161 not, she could not limit the influence of her book upon the fancies and feelings of her readers. I found myself frequently stopping to talk with the black children, for the pleasure of hearing them talk, and secretly feeling also, that I owed them some atonement for the injustice which I had done to them m my thoughts. The next thing in which I found myself repenting of the impressions which, with no such design on the part of the writer, the book had given me, was with regard to the influence of slavery on female character. I did not suppose that Mrs. St. Clair was a true picture of southern women, for I knew better ; at the same time, when I saw the women of the south in their families, on their plantations, in their Sabbath schools, and heard them speak of their servants, and found them making the garments worn by field hands, superintending the distribution of food, nursing the sick, and enduring toils for them to which northern ladies are generally stran- gers, I felt that that miserable woman was out of place in any prominent connection with descriptions of southern character. Many, of course, were the instances in which a character illustrating the entirely opposite effects of slaveholding upon the women of the south occurred to me, and so had they done to the narrator of Mrs. St. Clair's biography ; all that I would say is, I wondered that such a woman should have been permitted to be the prominent figure among her sex in the antislavery romance. The writer's object was by no means to de- scribe southern women ; no one more than she would deplore unjust impressions with regard to them derived from her writings ; yet one who has received the natural impression of the book will find at the south that he dis- likes Mrs. St. Clair, for new reasons, more than ever. 162 SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OP SLAVERY. And then, as a whole, I found that the book gives a northerner false conceptions of the actual state of things at the south, not excepting abuses in slavery ; for with respect even to them, after reading the book, appari- tions will be ever present to one's thoughts, which will not be laid except by going south. There he sees that many thing^ referred to can and may take place ; but if he has taken the book into his mind almost as a trav- eler in the East takes the book of Joshua, if he expects frequently or necessarily to pattern after the book in his observations, he will be displeased with himself more than with the writer at his mistake. By using any simile to illustrate what has now been said, there is danger of doing to the reader what the book in question does to us. But it occurred to me that Uncle Tom's Cabin was in some sense like a solar microscope applied to vinegar. Fearful are the sights thus revealed in that liquid. Lizards, ichthyosaurians, and megalatheria in general, are there without number ; and the impression is, that the element in which they live is appropriate to their dispositions, for they are evi- dently carrying on an internecine war. Are not those things there ? will you dispute the evidence of sight ? is it not the essential nature of vinegar to generate such things ? and will you ever taste a drop of vinegar here- after? This simile is capable of great perversion and abuse ; and so is the author's design in the Cabin. The truth is, the writer of Uncle Tom's Cabin is not only the foe, but the Defoe, of slavery, and Uncle Tom is the Robinson Crusoe of involuntary servitude. Now, if people, as far as possible from the seaboard, should ask me for a book giving a true picture of a sailor*s experience, it would be as fair to give them Robinson A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 163 Crusoe as to put Uncle Tom's Cabin into the liands of a foreigner who wished to learn w^hat American slavery ac- tually is. Robinson Crusoe is all probable, has all been verified ; but the journals of our merchantmen do not ordinarily coiTespond with the experiences of that book, and still every crew, in every voyage, is liable to verify it for substance, in every part of the earth. Having written the foregoing at the south, I was much interested a week or two afterwards, on receiving the Boston Daily Advertiser, in meeting with the fol- lowing coincidence of opinion and expression in an article by one of the respected editors of that paper, being a notice of an article in the North American Review for April, on Robinson Crusoe : — "Robinson Cmsoe has a peculiar interest to American students, because properly -an American novel, written by a Puritan, with its locality, scenery, and moral all strictly American. It is worth remark that the play Shakspeare is said to have valued most was the Tempest, whose scenery is all American also. The greatest English ro- mance and the greatest English drama are ours, the first fruits of the new world to English literature. " We are tempted to add, as a suggestion to his next re- viewer, that Robinson Crusoe, and the only other English romance which has ever attained an equal popular circu- lation, — both novels of American life, — illustrate together the vanity of 'the argument from invented example,' or rather the ease with which fiction may be turned to sup- port either side of a moral question. "Uncle Tom's Cabin — the only romance which has gained a popular circulation equal to Robinson Crusoe — is the history of a slave, written to expose, and wonder- fully successful in exposing, the horrors of the slave system. Robinson Crusoe, on the other hand, whom every reader loves, was a slave trader, shipwrecked on a voy- age to the Guinea coast for slaves, which he never re- gretted for its wickedness ; and one of the features of his life for which certainly he is least blamed, is his holding 164 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. Friday, whom he has preserved {servus quia servatiia erat) as his slave. The Christian slave Uncle Tom and the Christian slaveholder Robinson Crusoe are the tvi^o most popular heroes of English romance. So little is really proved by the argument from invented example." Let us imagine an intelligent community in Southern India, where custom, we will suppose, had for gen- erations forbidden widowers with children to marry. The proposition being made to set aside this custom, some, who are still in favor of the prohibition, cause to be translated and circulated a book written in Amer- ica called the Stepmother. It is a novel. The author having been deeply affected by the acknowledged mis- ery resulting in very many cases, from the injustice and cruelty of stepmothers, constructs a most thrilling tale, which makes more weeping than any book of its time. Objections having been made to the repre- sentations in the book, the author gives a Key in which she prints authentic letters detailing scenes of exquisite domestic misery in consequence of second marriages. Her novel is most fully sustained by these cases ; and indeed the one half has not been told. Perhaps the nucleus of the story was furnished by a transaction which we all know to be true, and which at the time made a sensation that needed no aid from fancy. An adopted boy told his father of some impro- prieties which he had accidentally witnessed in his step- dame in connection with a gentleman. The wife denied it, and required that the boy be whipped for falsehood. The father was deacon of a church. He whipped the little fellow till a pool of blood stood at his feet, the child protesting his innocence and trutlifulness ; and with his dying accents, (for he died,) after saying, " I feel cold," as the chill of death came over him, he said, " Dear A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 165 father, I love you." The two parents were at the last accounts in jail awaiting their trial. I give the nar- rative from memory ; a fictitious case would serve my purpose, but this appeared in an authentic manner not long since in the papers. The writer of the fiction which we are supposing would need to alter this case so far as to call this adopted child an own child of this father, and the woman a stepmother. But, for the vast good wdiich was meant to be accomplished, how few fic- titious writers would consider it wrong to make even so essential an alteration ! No fictitious narrative of slavery or piracy could make a deeper impression than a book on this subject written by a female hand which knew w^ell how to touch the chords of the human heart, especially if there were interspersed skillful representations of the unnaturalness of second love, of the impossibility that maternal affec- tion should be imitated, and that where a stepmother has children of her own. there is the strongest temptation to partiality, with other theoretically truthful things which a woman of genius would know so well how to set forth. The book, then, is pubhshed in India. Should visitors in India from America be reproached with this picture of domestic life in second marriages, and should they complain that it is unjust, every mouth could be stopped by the question, " Is there a word in the book which is not true ? Do you deny the facts ? " It would all be true; but the common law adage would apply, in a sense different, it is true, from its in- tended meaning, " The greater the truth, the greater the libel." Husbands and fathers who have found for their moth- erless children second mothers whose disinterested, im- 166 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. partial, generous love for their stepchildren approaches nearer than anj thing else on earth to the ministry of angels, must feel that such a book, with all its candid and fair protestations in favor of the many exceptions to the general rule of the unnaturalness of second mar- riages and second mothers, would make a false impres- sion in a country where the whole truth could not be known, the necessity of second marriages be appreciated, and the incidental evils of the relation in question, and its abuses, be distinguished from its normal operation under moral and Christian principle. How natural and kind it would be for the women of India, led by that accomplished woman, the lady Rajah Seringapatara, to join in an address to the stepmothers of the United States, deploring the existence of such enormous wrongs, and remonstrating with their Christian sisters ! If the burning of widows on the same funeral piles with the bodies of their husbands were at the date of the address still practised, the sympathy of those East Indian women with our domestic histories would be bet- ter appreciated, especially if the suttees should be passed over with but a slight allusion. Now, it is not necessary to my argument that this case should be shown to be parallel with slaveholding and with a book written to show the evils of slavery. The only point of the illustration (and let nothing else be confounded with it) is tliis — that the truth, fairly, dis- criminatingly, kindly spoken, and confirmed by more than sufficient cases, the truth itself may opei*ate most cruelly if presented in the form of fictitious narrative. This is an illustration, to those who wish to use it, of the pernicious influence of novels. "We can not describe a character or class of men in any place without imprint- A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 167 ing almost the whole surface of a reader's mind with the image of the persons described, so as to fill his vision whenever he hears of or sees that place. Not to seem like laying blame on the writer of the book in question as a sinner above all others, but rather to comfort her in view of the harm she has done, by a somewhat flattering illustration, it may be observed that, passmg through Coventry, England, I was sure that I saw survivors of Falstaff's ragged regiment ; and whoever has read Shakspeare will find them there to-day. One man, in particular, stood as a specimen of them in the public square, at six o'clock in the morning, in the position of erect and somewhat opened dividers, his hands in his pockets, his coat torn under the right shoulder behind. I made no question that he was a survivor of his regi- ment. " I'll not march through Coventry with them," said Falstaff. But I could not help thinking that he did, and that some of them had never left the place. That ancient regiment, and Shakspeare, and " Peeping Tom," are no more to blame for our having few other thoughts at first in Coventry except those which are lu- dicrous, than are the Hateys and their inventor, and " Uncle Tom," for making us project the images of those characters all about us at first in the slavehokUng States. While we confine the influence of this ima^nation to our private thoughts, the practical evil, of course, is limited, though it is an evil ; for it is not the truth ; it is not the case as it exists. But when this \vTong impression, innocently made, instead of being left like a fugitive water color, becomes like a water color which is rolled over with a chemical preparation to sink and fix it ; when a romance is followed by a book of facts to prove the tale, and this originally 168 A SOUTII-SIDE YIEAY OF SLAVERY. wrong impression becomes an exasperated conviction leading us to take counsel and revolutionize a country, to exscind whole communities, to fill the air over their heads with imprecations to Heaven for vengeance upon them — it behooves us to pause and see whether our premises are true ; whether other things equally true do not so modify the case, as presented in the novel, that the fiction becomes false and mjurious. "With all my feehngs in favor of the work referred to, and against our system of slavery, on going to the south as a place of refuge in sickness with no purpose to become in any wise interested in the subject of slavery, but rather studying how to defend myself against the impressions which i supposed it would make upon me, I found my- self, for three months, in a state of society, in different places, which made me say, " If Uncle Tom's Cabin is true, there are other things just as true which ought to modify every judgment of slavery as dictated by that book." The reply to this is, " You saw the best specimens of slaveholding." Truly, I did ; and gave thanks for the power of the gospel in its direct and indirect influences upon the master and slave. I took courage in thinking what that gospel would continue to do there, if " the wrath of man " could only be taught that it " worketh not the righteousness of God." But if the remark im- plies that I did not see and feel the evils of slavery, some of the preceding J)ages, I trust, are a sufficient answer. Indignity to the human person, nieek sufferings under cruelty, woman in the power of a brutal nature, child- hood's innocence and simplicity, maternal instincts, the pathetic themes of redemption, with interchanges of drollery and brogue, that stroke of art to keep the sol- A SOUTII-SIDK VIEW Of' SLAVKRY. 169 emn and pathetic from palling upon the mind, and the didactic from seeming prosy, — these, combined by the hand of genius into a novel to make southern slavery abhorred, create an impression against the south itself which many can not see and feel to be in a most im- portant sense, and to a great extent, unjust, till they mingle with the masters and servants. Had I read a novel designed to eulogize and commend the system, written with the power of this book, my disappointment and revulsion in another direction would have been no less real, though producing a different effect upon my feelings. This book has entered like an alcoholic distillation into the veins and blood of very many people in the free States. They did not, nor do they now, make any dis- tinction between Red River and any other river, south, or south-west ; nor did the author mean that they should, for the Key applies the whole power of the book against slavery in all the south, and brings facts from the Southern States generally to corroborate the fiction. At the south its effect is more secret. There are in- juries which pride forbids men to retaliate at a time or in a way which will show that they are capable of being offended by them. In the secret places of the heart, the smothered fire slowly generates heat, which makes combustion fierce when the flame kindles. This book has had much to do with preparing a state of feeling at the south by which Nebraska measures are more will- ingly sustained. Yet most southerners would scorn the thought of being offended or influenced from such a source.* * It will illustrate this topic to speak of Rev. Dr. Perkins's ser- mon preached at Oroomiah, Persia, entitled '* Our Country's Sin." 170 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. But what impression must the book have made on foreign nations, was a question which occurred to me, if its impression on an American be thus false ? What ideas must Frenchmen, and the Swiss, and Germans, and the converts from heathenism and paganism, have of our southern men universally, if, for example, Topsy gave me such impressions respecting the slave children as a race of chimney sweeps ? This question had ceased to interest me, for I had concluded that my own impressibility was in some way wrong, and that no one else would fall into the same error. On looking at " Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands," Private letters from abroad inform us tliat it was written under the influence of the Cabin. A word of personal explanation will be excused. Dr. Perkins quotes from a sermon of mine on Mr. Web- ster the words, " Let the land have a Sabbath on this subject, (sla- very,) and let this Sabbath be the long, long days of our mourning," &c., and he devotes some space, and uses strong language, in la- menting and reproving the idea of keeping " a Sabbath silence " with regard to slavery. My previous sentence would seem to make this meaning of my language improbable: " And now, as we sail away from the sea-girt tomb of our pilot, let us all agree, north, south, east, and west, to throw into the waves, as a sacrifice, our un- kind feelings and bitter words on the subject of American slavery. Let the land have a Sabbath with regard to this subject," — mean- ing, and no doubt I should have added these words, as thus dis- cussed; the idea of silence on this or any other great moral question beiilg foreign from my thoughts. The blame of this sermon must not be laid at the door of that far-off mission home, with its priva- tions and sorrows, but at the door of the Cabin, which led a mis- sionary of the cross to employ the sacramental occasion to pour out his excruciated feelings to his little company of exiled brethren in reproof of pastors and religious editors here at home, whose chief, if not their only regret at the sermon, is the pain which it must have cost him to write and preach it. We are not offended. We can not, indeed, call his smiting of us " excellent oil," yet, like such oil, it has not broken our heads. A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 171 I came to this passage in the author's account of what she saw and heard in Geneva, Switzerland, at Castle ChiUon : — " After we left the dungeons, we went up into the judg- ment hall, where prisoners were tried, and then into the torture chamber. Here are pulleys by which limbs were broken ; the beam, all scorched with the irons by which feet were burned ; the oven where the irons were heated ; and there was the stone where they were sometimes laid to be strangled after the torture. On that stone, our guide told us, Two thousand Jews, men, women, and children, had been put to death. There was also, high up, a strong beam across, where criminals were hung, and a door, now walled up, by w^hich they were thrown into the lake. I shivered. ''Twas cruel,' she [the guide] said; "twas almost as cruel as your slavery in America.' " '• Then she took us into a tower/' &c. — Vol. ii. pp. 273, 274. Here I found that my false impressions with regard to slavery, made by reading the Cabin were proba- bly not peculiar, and that, without doubt, unjust impres- sions have been given by the book to millions of foreign people. The torments of Chillon Castle, organized, administered religiously, scientifically, and with that diabolical cruelty in wdiicli passion has given place to stolid indifference, these are, in the view of a Swiss reader of the Cabin, " almost as cruel as your slavery in America." No rebuke, no correction is given. And all this time that the book is making these impressions with regard to the slaves, those slaves, notwithstanding the inherent evils and liabilities of their state, surpass any three millions of laboring people, in any foreign land, in comforts, in freedom from care, in provision for the future, in religious privileges and enjoyment, and probably send tenfold more from their number to be in heaven kings and priests to God. 172 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. In view of the injury inflicted on the south by this novel in the opinions and feelings of humane people all over the earth, the meekness and kindness with which it has been privately spoken of by many southerners awaken sympathy and love toward them, which, though slow, may one day overtake the injustice, and make com- pensatory reaction. Many things in the book are specifically true ; it has afforded an inestimable amount of pleasure ; the author has been placed by it in situations of rich enjoy- ment, for which every generous mind is glad : and now we wish that the same genius might be employed in doing justice to private characters at the south, to the benevolent effects, in the providence of God, and the possible prospective relations, of slavery — slavery as it really is — slavery as it may be. But the genius that dictated the Cabin would fail here. There would be no bad passions to be stimulated ; hatred of the south would not be stirred ; the self- righteousness of foreign people would be disturbed by the dark shade into which the bright side of slavery would throw their laboring poor. No political party, no rival religious publication societies, would get any help from it ; certain aspirants for the presidency would, by its influence, see their prospects as in the light of a waning moon. Some would even burn the book on their platform with the Constitution of the United States. In- fidels and atheists, who every year in May drink to- gether the Circean cup of radicalism, would trample her book under their feet, and turn again and rend her. How she would use her well-known facility in quoting Scripture then : " My soul is among lions ; and I lie even among them that are set on fire, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword." A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 173 The book will have the effect to make slaveholders, in many instances, feel the vast responsibleness which rests upon them to render to their servants that which is just and equal, knowing that thev also have a Master in heaven, and that the world looks on to see how they use a trust by which they can do more good or more harm directly to a human being than in any other rela- tion except that of a parent. Now that we are upon this subject, something may be said, perhaps to good effect, — as certainly it is dictated by kind feelings in which personal attachments also mingle, — with regard to the manner in which the south and our country are spoken of, through the influence of northern hostility to slavery, not only by Americans, but by for- eigners. Southerners have need of patience in view of the manner in which they are commonly spoken of by many. There is a saucy way of talking about slave- holders, a slurring manner of alluding to them in the style of byword, which ought to be reproved. The book already quoted. Sunny Memories, &:c.,* affords an illus- tration of this in the Journal of the author's brother, who may as well be quoted for a casual example as any man, and who knows how to answer for himself He is de- scribing his altercation with a mule which had suddenly refused to move ; he stones him in three distinct pitched onsets, each graphically described, and we hope in an exaggerated manner ; for, had some southern gentle- men been passing by, they would have said, ' Were you a passionate negro, we should reprove you ; but being one of the prominent exposers to the world of southern inhumanity, it must of course be all right.' The mule, in * Vol. ii. pp. 257, 2-58. 174 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. one of his caprices, does some obstinate thing, and his driver then compares him to " a proslavery demagogue." His mode of dealing with the mnle was so much Hke the way in which, doubtless, he has heard some men reason with the south, that while employed in showering granite upon the dumb beast, proslavery men were readily sug- gested to his thoughts. The trimmings of low discourse with some whom he can call to mind are flings at slave- holders. How strange it would seem to hear certain men speak of slaveholders with courtesy, and of their alleged sins with Christian sorrow, or even with a Chris- tian indignation. As specimens of the unjust manner in which our country is regarded and spoken of under the influence of certain representations of slavery, the following in- stances are in place. In this last-named book we read that, — " Madam Belloc received, a day or two since, a letter from a lady in the old town of Orleans, which gave name to Joan of Arc, expressing life most earnest enthusiasm in the antislavery cause. Her prayers, she says, will ascend night and day for those brave souls in America who are conflicting with this mighty injustice." — Vol. ii. p. 416. The question arises, " Who are these brave souls ? " "We know, probably, to whom this refers ; but what claim have they to be called brave ? They have said a great many brave things, but have they done any ? They have added the great State of Texas to slave^ territory, and this is characteristic of their history ; their efforts have all redounded to prevent emancipation, and strengthen and extend slavery. They are like an army with no weapons but boomerangs, which, before reaching the object, turn in the air, and come back in the faces of those A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 175 who hurl them. For ill-adapted, unsuccessful efforts, no party ever made such an impression upon bystanders. Deborah would have felt obliged to upbraid them as she did Reuben in her war ; Elijah, seeing them leaping on their altar at their anniversary, crying and cutting them- selves, would have bid them cry louder; while as to some of their number who kept not their first estate, the apostle Jude could most appropriately have charac- terized and denounced them. They fling the Bible across the platform ; impiously boast on whom they would put their feet, if He should teach otherwise than their resolutions have it ; then pause for a poor non-resistant but extra-clamorous fanatic to be lifted out of doors by his hands and heels, when they proceed to assail that church of which they have been forewarned from the beginning that they should " never prevail against it." The rest of us in this land, in the view of estimable foreigners whose knowledge with regard to our slaves began and ended in the Cabin, are a cruel, prejudiced, besotted people, upholding a mighty injustice, while a few "brave souls," comprising most of the piety and humanity in the United States, are contending with us at fearful odds in the spirit of Christian heroes. In another part of the book the author describes a class of Americans in Paris who plunge into the stream of fashion and pleasure, and "speak with heartless levity of the revolutions in France as of a pantomime got up for their diversion : " they are " young America, fresh from the theatres and gambling saloons, decharing, be- tween the whiffs of his cigar, that the French are not capable of free institutions ; that the government of Louis Napoleon is the best thing France could have, " and dividhig the time between defences of American slavery 12 176 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. and efforts to attach themselves to the skirts of French tyranny.'' Having described this class of men, the writer remarks, — " Thus from the plague spot at her heart has America become the propagandist of despotism in Europe." — Vol. ii. p. 418. These few young gentlemen of the town, then, are America's representatives, for whose judgments and flashy sayings all the north, and west, and south are re- sponsible, and by whom we are " propagating despotism," because, before they sailed for Paris, the country had not been able to agree as to the proper light in which to regard and treat the subject of slavery. For very many private reasons, it is painful to make these re- flections ; but it is time to see if we can not arrest the hurtful way in which some speak of their country in connection with slavery, or, at least, to let the more sensible among them see how their mode of speaking strikes some among their friends, of whose candor and kindness they have had sufficient proof. Here is an illustration : — " In the course of the afternoon a telegraph came from the mayor of Liverpool, to inquire if our party would ac- cept a public breakfast at the town hall, before sailing, as a demonstration of sympathy with the cause of freedom^ — Vol. ii. p. 431. The words italicized (not by the author) are like thousands of similar instances in other writers and speak- ers ; but the sentence which follows the above deepens the impression by awaking a melancholy feeling : — " Remembering the time when Clarkson began his career amid such opposition in Liverpool, we could not but regard such an evidence of its present public sentiment as full ol encouranrement." A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 177 We see no proportion nor contrast between this offer of a breakfast to our American antislavery friends and the original opposition to Clarkson. Here is something entertaining : — " A French gentleman who was greatly distressed in view of the sufferings of the negro race in America, said, naively enough, to Mrs. C , that he had heard that the negroes had great capability for music, dancing, and the fine arts, and inquired whether something could not be done to move sympathy in their behalf, by training them to exhibit characteristic dances and pantomimes." — Vol. ii. p. 416. Here I recalled the impressions made upon me by the respectable appearance and the religious demeanor of the slaves in southern towns and cities, and thought how little those slaves need this good monsieur to "move sympathy " for them, and what an injurious, insulting proposition this seems, to one recently from the south, that those slaves should be taken about to jump Jim Crow for the benefit of abolitionism. These "friends of the slaves," to whom this benighted speech was made, had no correction at hand for it ; but " Mrs. C quoted to him the action of one of the great ecclesiastical bodies in America, in the same breath de- clining to condemn slavery, but denouncing dancing as so wholly of the world lying in wickedness as to require condign ecclesiastical censure. The poor man was whol- ly lost in amazement." — Vol. ii. p. 416. There is a strange comparison in this book of the French and American republics, in view of the aboli- tion of slavery in French colonies, and our refusal to emancipate the slaves, who are a part of society here. Passing this, we come to the following, which is a great trial of American equanimity : — " A deputation from Ireland here met me, presenting a 178 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. beautiful bog-oak casket, lined with gold, and carved with appropriate national symbols. They read a beautiful ad- dress, and touched upon the importance of inspiring with the principles of emancipation the Irish nation, whose in- fluence in our land is becoming so great." — Vol. ii. p. 431. To excite the poor Irish emigrants with zeal against American slavery is to some of equal importance with lifting them from their proximity to the brutes. One great cause of reluctance to emancipate, is and will con- tinue to be, the fear that our colored people would be- come what these Irish are at home. Once more. The writer is at the Pantheon in Paris. " Now, this Pantheon seems to me a monument of the faults and the weakness of this very agreeable nation. Its history shows their enthusiasm, their hero worship, and the want of stabler religious convictions. Nowhere has there been such a want of reverence for the Creator, unless in the American Congress." — Vol. ii. p. 399. There have been infidels, atheists, and all descriptions of men in the American Congress, individuals who have at times spoken in a way to pierce the heart of the country to the core. So in State legislatures, lyceums, conventions, freedom of speech has been indulged to licentiousness. But the American Congress maintain daily prayers and public worship on the Sabbath, and a private prayer meeting has for a long time been attend- ed by a goodly number of that body. This comparison in the Pantheon of our national legislature with French infidels, in the matter of irreverence toward God, shows a state of feeling toward her country for which neither the writer's descent, education, or natural disposition is answerable, for they are above reproach ; but she is unduly affected by her party position with regard to slavery. She sees a negro standing in the sun, as she A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 179 looks from foreign shores to her own land, and this is Uncle Tom's right ascension in her astronomy of our heavens. In her reperusal abroad of Walter Scott, did this writer forget the Lay of the Last Minstrel and never say to her soul — " This is my own, my native land " ? Yes, but the book, the romance, had been written, and it created an atmosphere which is a sufficient apology for every thing. We enter an arrest of judgment for her against the poet. She shall not " forfeit fair renown." She will live, we trust, to change the tone of her present feelings, when the providence of God unfolds something more of his mysterious, but, we will persist in our hope, benevolent, purposes in connection with American sla- very. When we all think and feel ahke in regard to this perplexing and now inscrutable subject, we shall rejoice to see this prophetess in Africa's captivity tak- ing her timbrel and leading us forth in songs and dances at Africa's redemption. 180 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. CHAPTER XIV. BRITISH INTEREST IN AMERICAN SLAVERY. There is no land in which the common people are better clothed, sheltered, and fed than in the United States, with the exception of one class ; and that is, some who come to us from Great Britain, the poorer class of the Irish Catholics. Human nature in civilized life sel- dom goes down to worse degradation than in them, and the land that suffers such specimens of moral deformity to go from her, not in solitary instances, but in ship loads, never should offer compassionating prayers and exhortations, much less reproaches with regard to any other nation, until this class of her own subjects is improved. The most appropriate object in this country for British commiseration and tears, and for addresses from ladies to their sisters here, is the condition of their own people, exiles from Great Britain, some of whom look as the old Egyptians would on whom a few of the ten plagues should have made their mark. To go from their cellars and garrets in Boston and New York, and look upon the southern slaves enjoying not only the necessa- ries, but in towns and cities the luxuries, of life, in- dulged with all the comforts, and even, in many cases, with the superfluities, of dress, the most cheerful class of people that meets the eye of a stranger in this or any land, and every where enjoying the influences of pure A. SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 181 religion, makes one consider wliat misplaced pity there is in British lamentations over American slavery. The abolition of British slavery gives no right to speak to us even in the language of instruction. To abolish slavery in a foreign colony is Hke cutting off a wen from the body ; our slavery is in our constitution, our blood. Great Britain has never exercised any thing like the curative, painful, critical treatment which eman- cipation here would be to us. There is no parallel in raising twenty millions of pounds, and setting free the blacks of the British West Indies, to abolishing Ameri- can slavery from the very warp and woof of human life in one third of this nation. This venerable mother England, her hoary age reck- oned by centuries, has only a few years since begun to re- form certain dreadful oppressions and wrongs among her population at home, yet has seemed unwilling to allow her daughter, just come of age, a little time to dispose of one evil imposed upon us by her own hands, and which the country, as such, has no power to remove. In Charlotte Elizabeth's Wrongs of Women, and Ho Witt's Rural Life in England, there are materials for a more powerful appeal to the feelings of humanity than can be found in American slavery, provided they could be wrought by true genius into the form of a tale. Indeed, there are appeals founded on facts, in the first- named book, in behalf of the milliners, seamstresses, pin makers, lace makers, and colliers of England, which leave an American reader at a loss to account for Brit- ish interest, in years past, with regard to our slaves, while such disclosures and remonstrances were published in Great Britain. Well did Charlotte Ehzabeth say, " Infanticide in India or China is a very awful thing ; 182 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OP SLAVERY. slavery on tlie African coast makes our freeborn blood tingle in our veins ; and against both, man's lip can utter most persuasive sounds of eloquent appeal, woman's eye can slied a torrent of soft tears over the tale, but — infanticide in Nottingham or Birmingham, slavery in Manchester or Leeds — our excited feelings are calmed down ; the bright flame of our zeal expires." * A good way to correct a morbid state of feeling pro- duced by reading a novel founded on American slavery is to read, for example, a piece by the above-named writer, which parallels any thing which slavery has ever furnished. Let it be remembered that the evils of sla- very are mostly its abuses, but the evils depicted in such descriptions as the one that follows are system- atized wrongs, which within a few years the English have begun to remove, but find that the abolition of evils interwoven with society at home is not a simple and easy work. Nell Carter was employed about an English coal mine, and Alice Smith, a villager's wife, had come with her husband to the manufacturing district to earn money. Nell unfolds to Alice the mysteries of the pits : t — " ' You see that girl with red hair, the most foul-mouthed young slut that ever used bad words ; well, she is one of nine children, all living in this place ; and I think not one of them knows who made 'em, they're so ignorant. Their mother was a tidy girl, married, very young, to a miner ; and he had hardly got her into his power when he took her down into the coal pits " to hurry " for him. You don't know what that is ? 'Tis the drawing of a wooden car- riage, heavy loaded with coals, along the seams of a mine, * Wrongs of Women, p. 278, New York ed t Ibid. pp. 99-101. A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 183 where a body couldn't stand half upri^rht, where all is dark as midnight, except the candlestick in the miner's cap ; and where she had to slave like a brute beast, in nothing but her body linen, with a coarse pair of trousers, a thick leathern belt round her waist, a heavy iron chain fastened to it, passing between her legs and hooked on to the carriage, and she dragging it, almost on all fours, through these passages ; ten, twelve, fourteen, or sixteen hours — I was going to say every day — but there was no day for her. It was dark night always in that frightful mine, and dark nights above ground before she could leave it. " ^ She toiled so for a few months, with her own husband to drive her on in the work ; but he found her earnings would keep him idle half the week, and so he left her there — poor young thing — among such a set that the worst you ever saw here are angels to them. She worked till the morning of the day her first child was born, — a lovely boy, — and had to go down again in less than a fortnight, to the same life. Till then, she had kept herself different from the rest ; but it seemed the parting her from the baby made her desper- ate. I was told her wild laugh would ring again through the long, black galleries, and her jests keep them all merry ; but her heart was breaking as fast as it could then, and it had broke. But we are blind creatures, and can't tell what is best. It was a great lord owned all these mines ; his agent gave good wages, and got the worth of them out of the miners too. Penrose, seeing the value his wife's toil was of, took some pains to keep her from sinking, and she came round a little, especially when he gave her a holiday now and then to nurse her boy. She had that girl, yonder, for her next; and by the time the third was horn, I think she'd as little of human nature left about her as could well be found even in a coal pit. My heart has ached to see her, all black and filthy, with a pipe in her mouth, swag- gering or standing about, swearing and talking as nobody in a Christian land should be let talk. And it was with her own consent that at four years old her little boy was carried down to his work in the pit.' '' She pauses, for all the color has left Alice Smith's face; then hastily resumes. " < Don't suppose they set the baby " to hurry ; " no, he was only a trapper, sitting behind a door to pull it open with a string, when any of the cobs came up. But it was all in darkness, cold, and silence ; and the child dared not sleep through the long, long, black hours ; and he said, poor little thing ! -— but no matter for that ; we will talk of 184 A SOUTH-SIDE YIKW OF SLAVERY. the mother. Ah. you begin to feel in your heart, now, that your lot isn't so bad as it might be ! I see that. The poor woman bore ten or eleven children ; nine lived, which was a wonder in all the place. She died at last by an awful death. One of her own children was winding at the pit's mouth, and, by carelessness natural in a child, overwound the rope ; the bucket was drawn over the roller, and down, down she went, how many hundred feet I can not say ', but there was no life in the mangled body.' " While such fearful things as these abounded in the English collieries, and while every dressmaking estab- Kshment, as this writer says, in the language of an agent, "killed a gal a year," and Thomas Hood was writing the Song of the Shirt, addresses, remonstrances, were sent over by public bodies to this country, plead- ing for the slave. The ladies, who were responsible for the woes of the laboring classes of women, joined in appeals to their sisters here with regard to the con- dition of the slaves ; but, most wonderful of all, remon- strances came from ecclesiastical bodies in Ireland, which was then depositing upon our shores a population which had few rivals in misery. Well may we use Whitefield's well-known exclamation, " Lord, what is man " ! The truth is, this subject of slavery has been the occasion of more fanaticism than almost any thing since the crusades. We will not recriminate ; but a sense of injustice to us compels us to allude to one thing for which England has not exercised sufficient repentance, nor made sufficient atonement, to warrant many tears on our account. The wrongs and woes inflicted on young children in Great Britain have nothing to correspond with them in any Christian country. Allusion is made to this topic in the extract already given. There is a piece of poetry by Miss Barrett (Mrs. Browning) which is unsurpassed in the English language for its power to move the feelings. A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 185 called the " Cry of the Children." Sent down at four years of age, many of them, to work under ground, they find an eloquent pleader in this exquisite poetess, as follows,(the dashes indicating imperl'ect quotations : — ) *' Do ye hear the children weeping, my brothers ? — Do you question the young children in their sorrow ? YouT old earth, they say, is very dreary. — Our young feet, they say, are very weak. — The graves are for the old. — Little Alice died last year ; — We looked into the pit prepared to take her ; There was no room for any work in the close clay ; From the sleep wherein she lieth none will wake her/ Crying, Get up, little Alice ; it is day. If you listen by that grave in sun and shower, "With your ear down, little Alice never cries. — It is good when it happens, say the children, That we die before our time. — Go out, children, from the mine. — Pluck the meadow cowslips. — If we cared for any meadows, it were merely To lie down in them and sleep. — The reddest flowers would look as pale as snow." ♦* All day long the wheels are droning, turning ; Their wind comes in our faces ; Till our hearts turn, and our heads with pulses burning, And the walls turn in their places. Turns the sky in the high wndow, blank and reeling, Turns the long light that droopeth down the wall, Turn the black flies, that crawl along the ceiling ; Are all turning all the day, and we with all ! — And sometimes we could pray, — ye wheels, stop, be silent for a day." — " And well may the children weep before ye ; They are weary et'e they run. They know the grief of men, but not the wisdom ; Are slaves ^vithout liberty in Christdom ; Are martyrs by the pang without the palm." Then comes this awful close : — 186 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. '• How long, they say, how long, O cruel nation. Will you stand, to move the world, on a child's heart, Trample down with mailed heel its palpitation. And tread onward to your throne amid the mart ? Our blood splashes upward, our tyrants, And your purple shows your path. But the child's sob curseth deeper in the silence Than the strong man in his wrath.'* A nation who had had such a piece as this written about them, verified by commissioners of Parhament, ought to have been sure that no trace of this enormous wrong remained when they rejected American preachers for not being up to their mark on the subject of abolishing slavery, and before they remonstrated with slaveholders. Let any one read Miss Barrett's piece at the south, in sight of some little negroes, on any plantation, or in any town or city. Their condition is paradise compared with that of those whose " cry " is echoed by this lady. What if the colored children in the slave States should have had this piece read and explained to them, and an address should have been written for them to Mrs. Browning, thanking her for her interest in the suf- fering children of her own realm, and inviting her to make the tour of the Southern States. We could have made speeches and presented addresses about " the cry of the children " in England which would have been extremely distasteful across the water, especially if Eng- land itself were at that time exasperated by a sectional controversy on the subject almost to the point of a civil war. It is an occasion for wonder to think of the common antislavery feelings of our own people at the north, com- pared with the small amount of zeal and effort employed in behalf of the British outcasts in our cities. Were such A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 187 meetings and such speeches as are employed to rouse up the north against slavery used to direct pubUe attention to these unhappy creatures, no infidel orator at those meetings would then be subjected to the divine reproach of something worse, if possible, than his infidelity, name- ly, of not providing for his own. When shall we send food, and raiment, and shelter, and means of cleanliness, not to say Christian teachers, to the poor of our own cities, to the degree in which the slaves at the south en- joy these blessings ? Let us use in behalf of our own poor those stirring appeals drawn from "one blood," "all men free and equal," " am I not a man and brother ? " and add, if we please, "Bunker Hill," " Bill of Rights," "American Independence." There are men, women, and children, who are our neighbors, that need this elo- quence in their behalf more than the slaves. They can not recompense us, it is true, with notoriety ; nor with political advantage, except that we shall do most, in car- ing for them, to save the country. You may establish schools among these with no danger of imprisonment ; visit them in their miserable homes, and talk kindly to them, without being suspected of incendiary motives ; protect fugitives from God and virtue without breaking any laws. No chains about the Court House prevent you from interposmg as bail for tempted souls in their first step into crime ; no Mason's and Dixon's line makes a boundary to your lawful zeal. These poor ye have al- ways with you, and when ye will ye may do them good. If the saying be true, that a man who goes to law should have clean hands, he who reproves others for neg- lect and sin should be sure that the God before whom he arraigns them can not wither him by that rebuke, "Thou hypocrite ! first cast out the beam out of thine own eye ! ** 188 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. In the following extract from a late number of the New Orleans Creole, we see how the gospel is triumph- ing over well-known obstacles in that city : — Religious Instruction of the Blacks in New Orleans. — Nd one who has spent a month in New Or- leans will deny the fact that the colored population of our city is a happy, well-dressed, and improving race. They are far above the poorer class, or day laborers, of northern towns, in all that tends to comfort and freedom from care. It affords matter of astonishment, and an interesting subject for reflection, to those from the Northern States, to stand on the corners of any of our thoroughfares, of a Sab- bath morning or an afternoon, and witness the constant succession of group after group of colored people, arrayed in plain, neat, and elegant attire, consisting often of Vv'hole families, from aged grandsire to toddling grandchild ; their faces expressive of content and abundance ; their conver- sation indicative of genuine happiness, as they wend their way to the various places of worship provided in the city for their accommodation. There is no countenance sharp- ened by want ; there is no miserable caricature of human- ity, redolent with tilth, with rags fluttering in the breeze ; there is no infantile visage crushed into the mould of age ; but ever varied as our colored population is in features and dress, there is the undoubted proof of enjoyment, of plenty, of kind treatment, and of contentedness. In the family circle, they receive religious instruction, as well as from the pulpits of their churches. The Sabbath school and the lecture room are open to their entrance. We wandered, a week or two since, to the neighborhood of one of their principal places for worship. Before us the street was dotted with gay troops of black, brown, and tawny, on their way to the church. Long before we reached the edifice, the notes of sacred music broke upon the ear, chanted by voices of black worshipers. As we came to the door of the sacred edifice, a novel scene was pre- sented. The pulpit was occupied by a preacher of ebony blackness ; around the alt^r sat several white men, under whose especial care were the exercises of the occasion, who did not, however, interfere with the management of the religious' services. There was a gravity in the gathered audience, filling the entire area of the building, which whiter congregations, in some places, might happily imitate. It was soul-inspiring to witness the enthusiasm with which the hymn was sung, the whole audience rising in A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 189 token of respect: and untutored as were the voices of the many, a note of liquid sweetness was heard, which would have brought down the theatrical critics with thunders of applause. When the prayer was offered, they all bowed, as though each one was personally interested in the peti- tion, fervently but rudely uttered. How simply the wants of that crowd were presented ! How trustingly the peti- tion was made ! The topic of the preacher was the glory of heaven. The speaker knew his hearers. He adapted his language to their capacity. We can not avoid giving an instance of illustration, apt and forcible : — " My bredren," said he, as he pointed to a stagnant ca- nal and filthy thoroughfare, '• de streets here am full ob mud ; de water still until it is full of corruption ; de hot sun makes it steam up with bad smells, and often fill de whole city wid death. But, bressed be God, my bredren, dare is no muddy streets in heben : dare are golden pavements and pure waters, and de air is full ob de smell ob de violet and de rose, and de face ob God ever makes de place glo- rious wid hebenly light." The muttered exclamation of assent showed he had awakened the feelings of his hearers ; and the swinging to and fro of the crowds proved the enthusiasm with which they were moved. This scene is repeated on a smaller or larger scale all over the south. The Methodist and Baptist black churches in this city have a very large number of communicants. It is generally acknowledged, by all classes of the com- munity, that religious advantages for the slave are imper- atively demanded from the master. Our plantation slaves on the coast have their regular ministers in religious things ; generally a white clergyman of standing, who preaches at three or four places of a Sab- bath day. We are familiar with the means of religious instruction for the poor in northern cities, and we can safely aver that their advantages fall far short of those granted the blacks of the south. . 190 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. CHAPTER XV. THE BIBLE AND SLAVERY. When the Hebrew nation was organized oj the Most High, he found among the people masters and slaves. He could have purged out slaveholding by positive enactments; he could have rid the people of all the slave owners by making their dead bodies fall in the wil- derness. Instead of this, he made slavery the subject of legislation, prescribed its duties, and protected the parties concerned in the performance of them. But who can withhold his tribute of love and adora- tion at the divine goodness and wisdom which mark the whole Mosaic code, as illustrated in that honorable re- gard for man, as man, which strove continually to lift and break the yoke of bondage to his fellow-man from his neck ? They who assert that the Bible sanctions the relation of master and slave are bound to show in what spirit and with what intentions the Most High per- mitted the relation to remain. Otherwise they commit the fearful mistake of making infinite goodness and wis- dom countenance oppression. There are some extremely interesting and even beau- tiful illustrations in the Bible of the destiny of involun- tary servitude to be from the first a waning, transient relation. Every thing pointed to freedom as the desira- ble condition; easements, deliverances from it, were A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 191 skillfully prepared in the Hebrew constitution. Maim- ing, concubinage, the children of concubines, years of release, jubilees, all the various conditions and seasons connected with the termination of bondage, show that slavery was a condition out of which it is the destiny of human nature to rise ; and fallmg into it is a calamity, a retrogression. The preferableness of freedom to slavery, in the divine mind and plan, is set forth in the passage where Jere- miah, in the name of God, directed, in the last days of the nation, that every Hebrew servant should be manu- mitted according to law ; for afilictions were making them break off their sins. This divine injunction was obeyed ; but afterwards they reconsidered their repentance, and the servants were reduced again to bondage. God ap- peals to them against this outrage, by reminding them of Egypt, and of his appointment in their early history of years of release, and charges them with " polluting ** his name by the reestablishment of slavery over those who had a right to liberty, threatenmg them for this in these words of awful irony : " Behold, I proclaim a lib- erty for you, saith the Lord, to the sword, to the pesti- lence, and to the famme ; and I will make you to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth." * The New Testament speaks out, not in ordinances, but in words, and teaches more distinctly that freedom is to be preferred when it may be had. " If thou mayest be free, use it rather." It is as though bondage were mcident to darkness and twilight, and removable only by the clear sunlight of a state of society which would be incompatible with every * Jer. xxxiv. S-22. 13 192 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. form of oppression. So we find that wherever the influ- ence of rehgion reaches a high point, slavery wholly changes its character, though it may continue in form and name. It may be benevolent to individuals, to a class, that the form of slavery remain ; but in such a case the yoke is broken, and to fight against the form and the name, when the thing itself had ceased to be an evil, would be to fight a shadow. The wise manner in which the Apostles deal with slavery is one incidental proof of their inspiration. The hand of the same God who framed the Mosaic code is evidently still at work in directing his servants, the Apostles, how to deal with slavery. Men with their benevolence and zeal, if left to themselves, would, some of them, have gone to extremes on that subject; for " ultraism," as we call it, is the natural tendency of good men, not fully instructed, in their early zeal. The dis- position to put away a heathen husband or wife, abstain- ing from marriage and from meats, Timothy's omission to take wine in sickness, show this, and make it re- markable that slavery was dealt with as it was by the Apostles. Only they who had the Spirit of God in them could have spoken so wisely, so temperately, with regard to an evil which met them every where with its bad influences and grievous sorrows. Some in their day, who professed to be Christian teachers, were " ultraists," and •could not restrain themselves, but evidently encouraged servants not to count their masters worthy of all honor, and to use the equality of divine grace to them and their believing masters, as a claim to equality in other things, thus despising their believing masters because they were brethren. Never is the Apostle Paul more severe in the use of epithets than in denouncing such teachers and A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 193 their doctrines. • Far as possible from countenancing servitude as a condition which man has a right to per- petuate, or to which any class of men is doomed, but declaring plainly that freedom is to be preferred by the slave, he and his fellow-laborers employed themselves in disseminating those principles and that spirit which would make slavery as an oppression impossible, chan- ging its whole nature by abolishing all the motives which create such an institution. But as it is not sunrise in every place at the same moment, and in places where the sun has risen there are ravines and vales, where the light is slow to enter, so we can not expect that the evils of slavery will disappear at once, even where the religion of Christ generally prevails ; but in proportion as it ex- tends its influence, slavery is sure to cease in all its objectionable features. An interesting illustration of this, on a large scale, is afforded by the state of slavery in the United States and Cuba. Spanish slavery has a very mild code, but is severe and oppressive. American slavery has perhaps as rigid a code as any ; but practi- cally, it is the mildest form of involuntary servitude, and few would justify themselves in doing no better for their slaves than the law requires. Pure religion must have the credit of this difference, teaching us that to remove slavery we must promote spiritual religion, and to this end use every means to propagate Christian knowledge and Christian charity. We are not as wise as Paul if we withdraw our Christian teachers and books, imbued with the great principles of pure religion, from communities where we are not allowed to do all the good which we may de- sire, or to present a duty in such specific forms as our preferences dictate. Our principle ought not to be, to 194 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OP SLAVERY. abandon men as soon as we are resisted, or can not say and do all that we would ; but we should study ways to remain, trusting to the power of light and love to open doors for us. The dust which we too readily shake off from our feet against men will be a witness against us, rather than against them. It must gratify the arch enemy to see us withdraw our forces in solemn indigna- tion at his show of resistance. The children of this world do not suffer themselves to be so easily foiled, nor do they force unacceptable offerings upon Japan, but ply her with things to tempt her desire for further com- modities, representing their usefulness in ways which do not e:^cite national jealpusy and pride. It is refreshing to escape from those books of over- heated zeal which attack slavery, and read the passages in the New Testament relating to the subject ; breath- ing a spirit fatal to oppression, yet counseling no meas- ures against it because of its seeming trust in its own omnipotent influence wherever it shall build its throne. Paul's refusal to interfere between Onesimus and his master is one of those gentle lessons of wisdom on this subject which are so characteristic of his spirit in deal- ing with this pubUc evil. That small epistle to Phile- mon, that one chapter, that little piece of parchment, that mere note of apology, — that this should have fallen into the sacred canon, and not the epistle to La- odicea, is curious and interesting to those who regard the providence of God in the canon of Scripture. That little writing is like a small, firm beach, where storms have beaten, but have left it pure and white. It is the least of all seeds in Paul's Epistles. It is a curiosity of inspiration, a solitary idiom in a language, a Stonehenge in a country, a warm stream in the sea ; it begins with A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 195 loving salutations, ends with affectionate Christian mes- sages, and sends back a servant to his master and to a system of slavery under which this fugitive could, if his master required, be put to death. Now, he who argues from this that he has an unqualified right to reclaim his slave, and subject him to just such treatment as he pleases, is as much at fault as those who are at the other extreme. It was to a Philemon that Onesimus was returned ; it was to Abraham's house that Hagar was remanded. While the abstract principle of owner- ship is defended by these examples, he who uses them to the injury of a fellow-being will find that God has stores^ of .vengeance for him, and that his own "Master in heaven" is the inexorable Judge. The difference in the Apostles' way of dealing with slavery, and with other evils, teaches clearly that the relation itself is not in their view sinful. Many insist that it is sinful, that the Apostles must so have regarded it, and that the reason why they did not attack it is, they would not interfere with the laws and government. It is said " they girdled slavery, and left it to die." But this surely is not in accordance with the apostolic spirit. There is no pubhc wickedness which they mere- ly girdled and left to die. Paul did not quietly pass his axe round the public sins of his day. His divine Mas- ter did not so deal with adultery and divorces. James did not girdle wars and fightings, governmental measures. Let Jude be questioned on this point, with that thunder- bolt of an Epistle in his hand. Even the beloved dis- ciple disdained this gentle method of dealing with pub- lic sins when he prophesied against all the governments of the earth at once. But slavery, declared by some to be the greatest sin 1.96 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. against God's image in man, most fruitful, it is said, of evils, is not assaulted, but the sins and abuses under it are reproved, the duties pertaining to the relation of master and slave are prescribed, a slave is sent back to servitude with an inspired epistle in his hand, and slavery itself is nowhere assailed. On the contrary, masters are in- structed and exhorted with regard to their duties as slave- holders. Suppose the instructions which are addressed to slaveholders to be addressed to those sinners with whom slaveholders are promiscuously classed by many, for example : " Thieves, render to those from whom you may continue to steal, that which is just and equal." "And, ye murderers, do the same things unto your victims, forbearing threatening." " Let as many as are cheated count their extortioners worthy of all honor." If to be a slave owner is in itself parallel with stealing and other crimes, miserable subterfuge to say that Paul did not denounce it because it was connected with the institu- tions of society ; that he " girdled it, and left it to die." Happy they whose principles with regard to slavery enable them to have a higher opinion of Paul than thus to make him a timeserver and a slave to expediency. But was he therefore " a proslavery man " ? Not he. Would he have spoken against the system of American slavery had he lived in our day ? Surely he would ; against its evils, its abuses, its sins, but not against the relation of master and slave. Suppose that Philemon had thrown Onesimus into prison for absconding, and Paul had heard of his having lain there three months till he was sick with jail fever, and likely to die. If he could have reached Philemon through church disciphne, and the offender had persisted in his sin, we can imagine Paul directing the church "in the name of the Lord Jesus A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 197 to deliver such an one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus." Any church that suflfers a member to deal wrongfully with his servant, or suffers a slave member to be recklessly sold, has in Paul's epistles single words and whole sentences which ought to make it quail. Yet there is not a word there against the relation of master and slave ; and for what reason ? The way in which the Apostles evidently purposed to remove slavery, was by creating a state of things in which it would cease. This method is not analogous to girdling trees, but to another process resorted to by hus- bandmen. Their only method of expelling certain weeds — sorrel, for example — is, to enrich the soiL The gospel is to slavery what the growing of clover is to sorrel. Religion in the masters destroys every thing in slavery which makes it obnoxious ; and not only so, it converts the relation of the slave into an effectual means of happiness. In many instances at the south, for example, slavery is no more slavery so long as those masters live ; and if religion were every where pre- dominant, their servants would not suffer by the death of their masters any more than by time and chance, which happen to all. Religion will never remove men's need of being served and of serving ; but it will make service an honorable and happy employment, under what- ever name it may pass. And as farmers do not attack weeds for the mere sake of expelling them, but to use their place for something better, so the New Testament does not attack slavery to drive it out, but gets posses- sion of the heart, which is naturally tyrannical and cov- etous, and, filling it with the fruits of the Spirit, the works of the flesh disappear. 198 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. When a man repents and is converted, he does not repent of his sins one by one, but there is a state of heart created within him, with regard to all sin, which constitutes repentance. In accordance with this we do not find the Bible laboring merely to make a man specifically peni- tent, but it uses one sin and another to lead the man back to that heart which is the root of all his sins. Those who preach to convicts tell us that when they are convinced of sin, if they fix their thoughts upon particular trans- gressions, and make them the special subjects of repent- ance, one of two things happens ; they either see the whole of their sin and misery by means of these in- stances of wickedness, or they confine their thoughts to these items, and then become superficial and self-righteous. David's sin, as we see by the fifty-first Psalm, led him to feel and deplore his ruined nature. Many attempts to reform particular evils in society which grow out of hu- man wickedness have no effect to make men true peni- tents, though reformations of morals and of abuses are al- ways auxiliary to religion ; but if an equal amount of zeal employed in assailing abuses were employed in promot- ing Christian piety and charity by diffusing Christian knowledge and ordinances, and also by the influence of a good temper and spirit, especially where Christian men are the objects of our zeal, and their cooperation and influence are our surest means of success, we should see changes in society brought about in a healthful way, which would be permanent because of the basis of char- acter on which they would rest. But all this antifebrile sentiment is scorned by overheated zealots. Still there is sound discretion in these words of Dr. Chalmers : — " I have been a projector in my day, and, much as I have been employed with the economics of society, my convic A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 199 tion is more and more strengthened in the utter vanity of all expedients short of faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ; whose disciples are the salt of the earth, and through whose spirituality and religion^ alone^ we can look for the perma- nent civilization and comfort of the species, or even for earthly blessings ; which come after, and not before, the kingdom of God and his righteousness." ^ The apostolic spirit with regard to slavery, surely, is not of the same tone with the spirit which encourages slaves every where to flee from their masters, and teaches them that his swiftest horse, his boat, his purse, are theirs, if they wish to escape. Philemon, traveling with Ones- imus, was not annoyed by a vigilance committee of Paul's Christian friends with a habeas corpus to rescue the ser- vant from his master ; nor did these friends watch the arrival of ships to receive a fugitive consigned by " the saints and faithful brethren which were at Colossc" to the " friends of the slave " at Corinth. True, these disci- ples had not enjoyed the light which the Declaration of American Independence sheds on the subject of human rights. Moses, Paul, and Christ were their authorities on moral subjects ; but our infidels tell us that we should have a far different New Testament could it be writ- ten for us now ; but since we can not have a new Bible now and then, this proves that " God can not make a revelation to us in a book." Every man, they say, must decide as to his duty by the light of present circnmstances, not by a book written eighteen hundred years ago. Zeal against American slavery has thus been one of the chief modern foes to the Bible. Let him who would not be- come an infidel and atheist beware and nof follow his sensibilities, as affected by cases of distress, in preference * Sab. Readings, Deut. xxxiv. 200 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. to the word of God, which the unhappy fate of some who have made shipwreck of their faith in their zeal against slavery shows to be the best guide. I may be allowed to state the manner in which my own mind was relieved at the south with regard to the prospects of slavery. From youth, I had believed that its removal is essential to our continued existence as a nation, and yet no one saw in what way this change was to be effected. My error was in supposing that the blacks must be removed in order to remove slavery, or, that they must be emancipated ; that we must have some " first of August" to mark a general manumission. Now there are many slaveholders at the south who make the condition of their slaves as comfortable and happy as the condition of the same persons could be in any cir- cumstances. Wicked men are permitted by the present laws to practise iniquity and oppression; but when the influence of good men so far prevails as to make laws which will restrain and govern those who are susceptible to no influence but that of authority, the form of slavery will be all pertaining to it which will remain, and this only while it is for the highest good of all concerned, and acknowledged to be so by both parties, the doom of the blacks, as a race, being aban- doned, and the interests of each individual, his inclina- tion and aptitude, being regarded in finding employ- ment for him. I saw that if good men at the south were left to themselves without annoyance by foreign in- tervention, the spirit of the New Testament with regard to slavery might ere long be fulfilled. Nor would the Old Testament jubilee, or seventh year release, be necessary ; these, like other things in Moses, being done away in Christ by the bestowal of liberty, or protection A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 201 under Christian masters ; no ceremonial, therefore, being needed to effect or announce their liberty, and jubilees and seventh years, indeed, not coming fast enough, and being too formal for the times. Let us feel and act frater- nally with regard to the south, defend them against inter- ference, abstain from every thing assuming and dictatorial, leave them to manage their institution in view of their accountability to God, and, if we please, in view of the line upon line and precept upon precept which we, their many and very capable instructors, male and female, have vouchsafed to them, and we may expect that Amer- ican slavery will cease to be any thing but a means of good to the African race. When no longer available for good, the form itself will be abolished. Suppose that we should receive a report from mission- aries giving an account of three millions of people brought out of heathenism and elevated to the position of the slaves in our Southern States. While we should join with the missionaries to deplore remaining evils and certain liabilities to evil among them, we should fill our prayers with praises at the marvelous work of grace among that people. And w^ere the foreign lords of that people generally in favor of their improvement, and very many of them examples of all kindness and faith- fulness, we should be careful how we interfered with the leaven which was leavening, slowly, but surely, the wliole mass of the population. Some, however, as now, would wish to precipitate the process. In addition to what has been said of the way in which the gospel will affect slavery, it may be observed that common humanity, self-interest, and law may, each in its own method, do all the good in its power, without waiting for the higher motives of spiritual religion. 202 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. Nor are we to neglect or disparage means and measures which tend to good, though actuated merely by considera- tions of policy. Yet spiritual religion is God's chosen instrument of doing the greatest amount of good in the best possible way. It puts every thing at work for its object ; it purifies our motives ; it makes the result per- manent ; it saves men from the temptations incident to victory and defeat. A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 203 CHAPTER XVI. FEELINGS OF SLAVES, AND FEELINGS FOR THE SLAVES, CONTRASTED. The feelings and language of some leading opposers of slavery are greatly to be deplored for the bad effect which they have upon the country and upon the best interests of the slave. No one can be at the south for a while and not feel that the spirit, language, and meas- ures of such men are very hurtful, being not only use- less, but positively frustrating the good which is profess- edly sought. At the, south, after reading the report of an abolition meeting in New York in May last, at which the speak- ers seemed to be in throes of anguish on account of slavery, and were for dissolving the Union, declaring also the Christian church to be the great defender of the greatest of sins, and representing the house of bondage at the south as a universal mass of corruption through festering sins and wounds, I happened to attend a re- ligious meeting of slaves on the Sabbath. Their pas- tor, a white man, preached a sermon to them on the assurance of Christian hope. They stood up to sing. Such was the evident contrast between the report of the meeting in New York, with its infidelity and almost blasphemy, and this company of worshiping slaves, that it seemed to me, could that song of the slaves have broken in upon the abohtion meeting, it would have been to it almost as when one in another place " saw 204 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom." The pastor from the pulpit called on one of the colored men to conclude with prayer. He kneeled before a seat in the aisle, an elderly negro with a gray head, and seemed to forget that there was any ear but that of God that listened to his humble, earnest prayer. Thus, while some are burning the Constitution and pulling down the fabric of the American Union to rid themselves of sla- very, the great plan of human redemption, as it respects the African race, is proceeding noiselessly at the south, and there is joy more frequently perhaps in the pres- ence of the angels of God over a penitent sinner there than among the same number of souls in any part of our land. One of the best of men, who ministers to a church having on its list twenty-seven hundred blacks, writes to me, " In the church I serve there are some of the most beautiful specimens of Christian character I ever saw. Often have I witnessed the calm, intelli- gent, triumphant death bed, and have said in my soul, I shall not be fit to sit at the feet of these in heaven. I experience from them great affection, and regret most deeply that, as reputation among men can not operate as an incentive to preparation, I have not a more simple love to Christ and souls to urge me to diligence in studying for the pulpit." A slave, with a subdued, touching face, stood up one evenmg in a prayer meeting of the colored people, and broke the silence by repeating two lines at a time of the hymn beginning thus : — " How sad our state by nature is ! Our sin how deep it stains ! And Satan binds our captive minds Fast in his slavish chains. " But there's a voice of sovereign grace," &c. A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 205 It would seem strange to many that a slave should feel that there are " chains " more to be deplored than those of southern slavery ; but they would find in tlie rehgious meetings of the colored people that there is a bondage which, in the view of the slaves, would more appropriately be the subject of certain conventions which have been held, than American slavery — a bondage which makes infidel opposers of slavery proper objects of com- passion and subjects of prayer with the slaves as they look down with concern from their religious assemblies upon those unbelievers who meet to pity them. Tens of thousands among them feel and speak as one of them did to whom in conversation I ventured to put the question whether he would like to be free. Twisting the withes of old grape vines around the ends of rails in mending a fence, he thought a moment, turned his face toward me, while he held a rail, half tied, in its place, and emphasizing his words with motions of his head, he replied, each word being deliberately separated from the rest : " I want to be free from my sins ; them's all my burden ; and if I can get that, the balance of the rest may go from me." We were in the woods alone ; I had spoken of heaven ; he feared he should " never see that happy place ; " I spoke of par- don through Christ ; his hopes revived ; he promised that he would look to Christ alone for salvation, and after I had gone from him some way, he broke out with the well-known tune of Ortonville : — " Majestic sweetness sits enthroned Upon the Saviour's brow." The woods were filled with his powerful voice. I thought of those words, which can seldom be quoted at 206 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. the present day with safety to one's reputation as being " right on the subject of slavery," but which were illus- trated in him — " Art thou called being a servant ? care not for it." Paul evidently was not so much dis- tressed in his mind about slavery and the slaves, as some of us are who know less about slavery than he, and feel far less than he what it is to be " called." We frequently hear it said, referring to the duty of re- moving slavery, that we must break every yoke. Many who say this reckon that in the United States there are three million two hundred and four thousand three hun- dred and thirteen " yokes," this being the number of slaves. Now, you can not pass through the south and not see that a very large number may at once be struck from this reckoning of yokes ; that there are very many slaves who, if you should propose to break a " yoke " for them, would not understand you. The question is not as to enslaving a new people ; nor does it relate to the An- tilles, nor to Guiana, nor to Mexico ; it relates to these people who are here ; and the proper question is not an abstract one with regard to slavery, but what is best for this people in their circumstances. The troubles which we impute to their condition are many of them like the most of our own, viz., " borrowed troubles ; " we make them in our thoughts bear the burdens of all the possi- ble evils which theoretically belong to the system of slavery. Even if we take all these into view, the amount of happiness among them compares favorably with that among the same number of people elsewhere. If there are some evils to which they are exposed, there are others from which they are exempt. The feeling in- voluntarily arose within me at the south, and especially A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 207 in the religious meetings of the slaves, Would that all Africa were here ! Could villages and tribes of Africans be by any means induced to emigrate to this land, and be placed under the influences which the slaves enjoy, Ethiopia would stretch out her hands to God sooner than the most sanguine interpreters of prophecy now dare to hope. It is deeply affecting to hear the slaves give thanks in their prayers that they have not been left like the heathen who know not God, but are raised, as it were, to heaven in their Christian privileges. 14 208 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY CHAPTER XVII. CHEERFUL VIEWS.— CONCLUSION. We ought to be the happiest people on earth. The strongest mutual affection should exist between the dif- ferent parts of a country constituted as we are. Our family of States, so many sovereignties governing them- selves, yet consenting to be governed, like constellations, each with its own order and laws, but all obeying one great rule, suggesting, as organized communities, more than any other nation, the divine pattern of the tribes in the Hebrew commonwealth; our heroic origin sur- passing even the fabulous romantic beginnings of other nations, but superior to them in its pious and benevolent motives ; the names of our States holding charmed asso- ciations of adventure and exploit, the Indian relics, shrined in the names, growing more and more interest- ing with age ; our enthusiastic union in times of peril ; the reception, one by one, of new members into the house- hold, and thereupon one star after another quietly taking its place in the field of our flag ; the beautiful respect paid to the humblest member of the family by her equality of representation in the Senate with the proud- est State ; our territory compassed overhead by such a zone and around by oceans, yet the sea shores exceeded by the coasts of navigable inland lakes ; our rivers ; our soil adapted to almost every culture ; the absence of A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 209 social disabilities, and the political equality of the citi- zens ; our freedom of faith and speech ; our rulers chosen by the people ; our ability to receive and pro- tect the oppressed of other lands ; our schools, our Sab- bath, our vigorous manhood, reached at the period of the world's history when we can be preeminently useful by our example and influence, — bring together more elements of happiness for a nation than are elsewhere found. It might well be said to us, "Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another." The providence of God, as it shall unfold with regard to the African race, will no doubt greatly affect our hearts. We are apprehending trouble and sorrow on account of this people. In the abyss of the future we hear such confused noises as might have been heard in the sounding deep of chaos, when mountains and seas were jostling into their places. Order was asserting her sway, and at the present time, while " chains and sla- very" fill the ears and appall the hearts of many, some great development of providence with regard to the Afri- can race may be approaching. Let us settle this in our minds, that progress and improvement are to be the rule of human destiny, and let us have patience one with another. Never, we are constrained to think, could slavery have existed so long amidst such influences of Christianity as prevail in this country, and such efforts of the southern people themselves to abolish it, were it not that God intends to use us as the chief instruments of good to the African race. Therefore he ha^ suffered us to be greatly affdcted on account of them ; and now he may be leading us to the brink of ruin by our con- nection with this people, to show us that we must unite 210 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. to redeem and bless them, if it be only for our own pres- ervation. Their increase has averaged in each ten years four or live per centum more than that of the whites. Had it not been for the foreign immigration of white persons, they would have been in 1850 nearer to an equaUty with the whites by three hundred and fifty or four hundred, thousand. The time must come when the slaves will outnumber the whites in some dis- tricts of the country. A leader only will be necessary to place them in a position in which they can make their own terms with us. Surely we are bound by sentiments of common human brotherhood, not to say by ties of country, to look upon the south not as an enemy, but as one whom we w^ould invite and encourage to lead our efforts in union with theirs in behalf of this people.* We turn to our southern brethren and friends, there- fore, and with no obtrusive zeal we beg them to let us stand related to them, and to this subject, as their friends and brethren ; not repelling us, but encouraging every sign of desire to promote a good understanding. Let us together wait and hope till Providence discloses ways of doing good to the African race, in which we shall have been prepared to cooperate by a previous cultivation of mutual good feelings. God will not leave us always to contend together. "The north and the south, thou hast created them ; Tabor and Hermon shall rejoice in thy name." A young missionary from the south was embarking for Africa. His mother was taking leave of him ; her * See some valuable statistics with regard to the blacks in this country, in several articles in the Boston Courier, ending March 2, 1853, understood to be &om the pen of Dr. J. Chickering. A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 211 arms were round his neck. She cried, " Granville, Granville, my dear son, how can I give you up ! " The son, without embracing his mother, stood, and lifted his arms above her, and stretched them out beyond her, and cried, louder than his mother, " O Africa, Africa, how can I give you up ! " At foreign missionary meetings in the Southern States I noticed that African missions in- terested the people most deeply. The south is best qualified to lead the whole country in plans and efforts for the African race. We will follow her. In the first part of this book I have spoken of a choir whose performances were not so cultivated as edifying ; but there was one occasion, when, in listening to the per- formances of a colored choir on the Sabbath, it is no exaggeration to say that I enjoyed more than in the per- formance of sacred music at any time by any other choir, such was the perfect time, accentuation, judicious stress, varied movement, and just conception of the sentiments of the hymns sung by fifteen voices of remarkable va- riety. One development of African talent hereafter will no doubt be in music. Even now we have illus- trations of the power which some of their popular airs have over the common mind in whistling boys, and mihtary bands, and the merry making parlor music. The colored people will give us music of a natural order, full of genuine feeling, opening its way directly to the general heart. Their voices probably surpass all voices known to us in sweetness, compass, and power ; male tenor voices, so rare among us, abound among them ; large additions to human happiness await us from this source, under proper cultivation. In the choir now al- luded to there was a man whose voice was like a reed 212 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. instrument ; and in other choirs and meetings no such vocal phenomena have ever occurred to me as among the blacks. This choir sung a hymn, a voluntary per- formance, at the opening of public worship, which in the state of mind with which I was thinking of the slaves, seemed as though I was hearing it sung to them by those who sung over Bethlehem at the nativity. That slaves, — though a few of this choir were free, — that these representatives of Africa, should sing this hymn with perfect skill and deep feeling, seemed beautifully prophetic. The tune was " Marton," in Cantica Lau- dis: — " On the mountain top appearing, Lo, the sacred herald stands, Joyful news to Zion bearing, Zion long in captive lands. Mourning captive ! God himself will loose thy bands. " Lo, thy sun is risen in glory ; God himself appears thy friend ; All thy foes shall flee before thee ; Here their boasted triumphs end. Great deliverance ! Zion's King vouchsafes to send. " Enemies no more shall trouble ; All thy wrongs shall be redressed ; For thy shame thou shalt have double, In thy Maker's favor blest. All thy conflicts End in an eternal rest." Those who wait for the consolation of Africa, and who love to sing, can make this hymn and tune keep fresh their best affections for that people, and help their peti- tions for the approach of the time when "for their shame A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. 213 they shall have double, and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion." If the nations of the earth celebrate in heaven their national experiences under the providence and grace of God, Africa's song will probably do as much as any to illustrate them. But who will write Africa's hymn ? What mysteries of providence and grace, what remem- brances of woe, what corresponding heights of joy and bhss, what forgiveness and love, what adoration, what sweet affections born of chastisement, what appreciation of heaven, with its liberty, and equality, and recompense of patient suffering, will that hymn contain, and with what voices will it be sung ! No man can learn that song, no man can write it, but some African slave. We from America shall listen to that song with feelings unlike those of any other nation. If there were truth in the fancy that angels are per- mitted to invent flowers, he must have been the most original, and the most to be wondered at, who invented the cactus, the rough, misshapen thing, which puts forth a flower surpassed by nothing in the kingdom of nature. As though to vex and repel for a time, and then to as- tonish, and to secure the love and care of woman ; as though it were a hieroglyphic, coarse in its engraving and exquisite in its sense ; an emblem of God's afilictions and their fruits in those whom he loves ; a promise vege- tating ; faith, having no sight ; hope, with the reward of patience concealed in it, — this cactus always impressed me more than any other plant. When, at the south, I spent a morning in a burying ground of the colored people, reading the simple, touching inscriptions, — •' Their names, their years, spelt by the unlettered muse," — 214 A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OP SLAVEET. and saw, all about in the grass, the prickly pear, embryo cactuses, gathering round the graves of the slaves, I felt no need of one to interpret for me. The deep murmur in the tops of the pines overhead, with the birds singing in the branches, comported well with the discovery of this token of present, thorny sorrow, this emblem of Africa in her past history and her coming beauty, and in the love which she is to win from all hearts. POSTSCRIPT In publishing a new edition of this book I have concluded to add this Postscript, chiefly that those who take an interest in the work maybe assisted to correct some important mistakes of the reviewers. To prevent cavil, I have changed words in some of the places here quoted, — and a new page, (39,) containing a more striking fact, has been substituted for one about which I now think that I was misinformed. " Georgia detachment of troops." p. 22. One reviewer, followed by others, makes me say that there was a levy of citizen-soldiers in Georgia for the north-eastern frontier during the boundary difficulty. "Bancroft" and other writers, and the position of the South on the boundaiy question, are quoted against me. This alleged ignorance of' our history is used to pour discredit upon the book. All this has no foundation. My Georgia friend was an officer in the United States artillery in Maine at the time of the boun- dary difficulty. Understanding him to say that he had for a time some United States troops in Georgia in his command, and that they went to Maine with him, I expressly distinguished be- tween such " detachment " and " Georgia soldiers," saying, four lines below, " Should the North ever need Georgia soldiers to bat- tle with a common foe," &c. Whether I misunderstood my friend, and whether a " detach- ment " went with him or not, is wholly immaterial. I sent no such troops to Maine as the reviewers would have their readers believe. A few United States troops, I take it, could have been ordered from Georgia to Maine without interfering with the position of the South, or being chronicled by Bancroft. But even this was not necessary to the drift of my remarks. My friend's individual patriotism was the only ground of my illus- tration. Nuinber of"' readers " North and South, p. 46. No less unwarrantable is the attempt to make the book say that there are more at the South than at the North who can read. The census is appealed to. My statement is this, that " the white population are readers of books, though not of newspapers, perhaps more generally than we." (p. 46.) Or, of those who read, North and South. " perhaps " southerners mav be said to be " readers more generally than we," " of books, though not of newspapers." The southern climate, leading the people to be much within doors,. and several things which are equally obvious at the South, favor this impression. ^ ^ (215) 216 SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. Here, again, the distinction which I make between " readers of books " and readers " of newspapers," shows that I am speaking only of people who read. People who do not read at all are not " readers." I trust that this is clear. •' Mobs at the South." p. 44. One of my captions is, " Absence of Mobs." Individual con- trol subtracts three millions of the laboring class, at the South from liability to be engaged in mobs. How this can prevent the whites from making mobs, or how any one could suppose that I should think so, I will not inquire. Painful efforts have been made to show that there have been white mobs at the South : in doing which there has been a needless expenditure of time and labor. The section shows that I am comparing the slaves with the classes at the North for which at the South the slaves are ; substitutes. The three following perversions were made by the " Christian Watchman and Reflector," Boston, December 21, 1854. " When a scholar of generous culture gravely tells us that 'The cotton crop is eighty-six per cent, of all the earth's products,'" &c. ; then follow certain words which I omit. The sentence, having every mark of a quotation from the book, is not in it ; "all the earth's products " is not my language. See page 143 : " Our cotton " is " eighty-six per cent, of all that is raised on the whole earth," — that is, of all the cotton. Again : " What can we think of his unworthy flings at fugitive slaves, whose only object, he says, in running away is to form a new, adulterous marriage? " This is not so. A slave, (p. 87,) hating his wife, but belonging with her to the same plantation, flees and makes a fugitive slave case, " while the only unhap- piness in his particular case" (these are my carefully chosen words) " is," &c. Again : " Our author favors the Romish theory of the superior worth of oral instruction." A grave charge, at the present day, against a Protestant minister. I need only refer to page .59, bot- tom, — "The whole Bible committed to memory is not so avail- able," &c. " Sunny side of slavery." This is wholly foreign from my meaning and intention. He who says with himself that, a certain subject having been misunderstood, he will bring down the bal- ance strongly on the other side, instead of weighing the matter. is unworthy of trust. The meaning of " a south side view of slavery " is, a view of slavery as seen at the South, rather than from the North, or East, or West. " Seeing the best part of slavery." I did not go to the South to write a book, nor did I go out of my way for materials when I concluded to write. I took the things which came fairly before my notice in all places, public and POSTSCRIPT. 217 private. Those things, I felt, were not known, but that they needed to be known, at the North. I saw whatever came before me, and that which I saw I related. The cities and towns of tiie South where I sojourned, and throujjh which I passcil, were laid under no restraint, nor did they make any exhibitions on my account. " Defence of slavery." The writer, it is said, went to the South with strong prejudices, changed them, and is now at the other extreme, defending slavery. Some have yet to learn how great a mistake this is, not a few having already been undeceived. This book does not defend slavery. It aim's to show what re- ligion has done to mitigate its curse, and how we can in the most effectual way help to remove it. In doing this it has been nei-es- sary to defend humane and Christian slaveholders from the many aspersions cast upon them ; and this seems to many, in the present state of their minds, to be a defence of slavery. The mistakes of my reviewers, many of them, grow out of tlie false assumption that the book was written to defend slavery as a good institution. Hence every mention of any evil connected with slavery is, in their view, a " concession," an ''inconsistency," &o. They would have been saved from this mistake by observing the well-established law of interpretation which requires that the several parts of a writing be so interpreted as not to contradict each other. Can it be necessary for one bom and educated in the most favored places of New England, the pastor for twenty-one years of one church in Boston, to tell his fellow-citizens that the deep foundations of his moral nature were not overthrown in the space of a few weeks ? " Nemo fuit repente turiiissimus," — No one ever became wholly depraved at once. Shall the shields of the mighty be vilely cast away from before a man who for a long time has not failed to make some grateful impressions upon the confidence and esteem of the public ? No ; hfe has found already, and will yet find, that it is a privilege to live in a community like this, where men who are not contemptible, and for that rea- son among others are not contemptuous, are numerous enough to sustain one who in the fear of God relates his honest convic- tions, however unacceptable at first, with a simple desire to do good. The trees on the south side of Boston Common, shut out from the free influence of all winds except those which blow from the south and south-west, are bent from their propriety, and have an uncomely northern leaning. Continuous influences, partial and unfair, have in like manner given the northern mind, to a great degree, a false position with regard to the South. Let no one say that this book seeks to pull us down to an equal declension the other way, in order to bring us right. The author has too much respect' for his fellow-citizens to suppose that they could be influenced by an attempt which he knows would fail with him. 218 SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. Let us not be afraid to sway toward every side, for that is the only way to keep upright. Falsehood and passion have stormed upon us in one direction so long, that any effort to lift us back to a true position is now resisted as an attempt to uproot us. " Editorial articles in the Congregationalist," (January and February, 1855,) attributed to Rev. Dr. E. Beecher. Article 1. "What, now, is the import of his book? The po- sition which lies the deepest, and has the widest range, is this — that the African race cannot exist on this continent as freemen side by side with the whites, and to emancipate them so to live would be no blessing, but a curse." The book has no such position. " On this continent, side by side with the whites " — that idea is not in ray book, and of course it is not denied in the book. Not only so. it happens to be the principal thought which I have frequently indulged as to the ultimate destiny of the blacks. What, then, is my language ? He quotes it con-ectly, and strange to say, in almost his next words, viz., " together" " on the same soilP This is not " side by side, on the same continent." On reading the article through, I can not tell whether he means *' together " or " side- by side ; " but though he says " together," yet, having used this convertibly with " side by side," I must look to his own " controlling statement," with which he enunciates my meaning, to understand his. That statement I nowhere make, and do not believe. He has created an eternity of thralldom for countless millions of slaves, and has imputed the picture to me and my book, by substituting words and ideas of his own for mine. Again : " It cannot be denied, that from time to time he says some things against it, [slavery.] But this is done quietly, with great caution, and with obvious reluctance." The reason why this impression is made on my friend's mind is, I do not fall in with his mode of assailing slavery. He does not find in my book, for example, such language as this, which I quote from his first article : " The crisis and the prac- tical questions are not merely the welfare of the slave, but the deliverance of the whites from intellectual and moral degradation and corruption, through the immense, malignant, and all-pervading infiuence of slavery." Of course, a man could not speak against slavery in a way which would seem right to the respected author of such language, without being in a state of mind from which a brief residence at the South, if nothing else, I am happy to think, has saved me. — His second article, on " Mobs," which does him great credit for patient investigation, I have answered, (p, 216.) Article 3. " Influence of northern interference at the South." He takes my "glowing descriptions" to represent the present state of things at the South, then shows how deplorable it was when the anti-slavery agitation began, and then concludes that the two are related as cause and effect. Many of his facts are invaluable to my position, showing how extensive and POSTSCRIPT. 219 Strong were the anti-slaverv feeling and efforts at the South when northern interference began. Now, we, like the apples in the fable, have undoubtedly been on the tide \^-ith slavery for the last twenty-five years ; but that we have directed the tide is not clear. This is a common mistake, even among many con- servative people at the North — that our agitation has done some good at the South. I thought so till I went there. I am per- suaded now that the southern Christian heart and conscience would have reached a far higher point, had it not been for us. Northern interference was like an issue of chemical vapor from a fire annihilator, which almost put out the fires upon the altars. The Drs. Rice and others have not needed our superior sense of right, our finer sensibility, our Christian zeal, to make them do their duty. See the doings of the General Assembly, 1818, before northern interference began, pp. 102-105. The indwelling sin of self-righteousness at the North, the belief that our con- science is m.ore correct than that of southern Christians, is the root of evil which we chiefly need to have removed. Article 4. He quotes from an address by R. A. Fair, Esq., be- fore a Bible Society in South Carolina, July, 1854, in which the ignorance and superstition of the slaves are described : " Let it now be noticed that these statements were made the same year that Dr. Adams." &c. Our respective statements may be correct- ly represented thus : Returning from the Sandwich Islands, I publish an account of the achievements which the gospel has made there. Soon a sermon arrives here, preached by one of the missionaries to a Moral Reform Society of the native Christians, in which the missionary mourns over the imperfect morality even of the converts, and seeks to rouse the Christians to effort. "We know how he would write and speak. Now let him make an ad- dress before the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, and he will astonish us beyond any thing which I had published, by showing what the gospel had accomplished. So would Mr. Fair, with regard to the slaves, in an address ap- propriate to a different occasion. He speaks of my " theory," my " system." I have none ; at least I could not tell what 'it is. I state facts, and give reflec- tions under each head. Will the reader please turn to page 9, and read the few lines beginning, " Very early in my visit," &c Had I made a theoretical treatise on the subject, it would soon have been " conducted to the land of oblivion with the pomp of criticism." But a witness often gives an advocate more trouble than the opposing bar, or the bench, could do. His explanation of my book, by ascribing it to the kindly influences of friends, will hardly consist with the secret respect for me which appears in his articles. If he would reflect how impossible it must be for friends or enemies at the South to lay the least constraint upon the thoughts and feelings of himself, he may, without violence to his previous knowledge of me, conclude to part with some of his theoretical prejudices, rather than impute a boyish, an almost girlish, weakness to his friend. 220 SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. I have been strongly tempted to take up this -writer's positions and leading remarks one by one, and show their fallacy, as it would be easy and pleasant to do ; but I have already been tempted by private regard to pay as much attention to his articles as my space will allow, and will therefore close by saying, that his reasonings and deductions, and those of other men, as to what the condition of the slaves must he under our system of slavery, would be agree- ably corrected (and perhaps in no other way could they be cor- rected) by living a short time at a place in the South of average comfort. For example, he says, " Let something better be de- manded by law than a peck of corn a week and salt." Of that law how seldom, if ever, would he be reminded ! So, again, he quotes my words, and puts them in capitals : " Slave labor is ex- pensive, and the more so in proportion to the conscientiousness and kindness of the owners." (p. 90.) Then he says, " What a concession is this ! How fatal to his whole theory ! It arrays against it the immense power of the love of money — that root of all evil ! " Hence the slaves must be pinched, and nearly starved. All that I can say is, Go and see. His logical and con- clusive reasonings against my actual observations at the South, would almost convince me, if any thing could, that what I saw there must be a part of some misremembered experience. " New Englander for February, 1 8.55." We have here rather an extreme instance of the peculiar style of notice which this book has in many instances called forth. It has much of the smart- ness which characterizes strong anti-slavery productions, contains a large show of statistical information, and carries an air of con- scious demonstration, while in every position it is weak and re- futable. But to show the feelings which the book needlessly stirs up in certain minds, I will refer to the way in which it treats the incident respecting the cane from the frigate Constitution, and that respecting the tender of the locomotive, (pp. 21, 22.) Why these harmless allusions by a traveler far from home should be scoffed at, or what there is in them unfriendly to " liberty," it is hard to see ; but this writer and others seize upon them thus : (p. 65.) " Things seemed to combine to make our traveler feel better. He was induced to use a cane, because it was made of a splinter ' from the live oak of the frigate Constitution.' Here was a call for patriotic feeling. Next came the engine named the 'Nevv Hampshire,' gently rolling along the track. How delight- ful to see one of our New England States thus honored ! " This vein runs through much of the piece. I took it up with a secret hope that in a periodical of my own denomination the book would be candidly examined. But the writer is contemptu- ous and unmannerly. Moreover, he presumes to call the book " an unblest volume," to " be forgotten, or remembered only with regret," not knowing the impressions which it has made upon many of the best of men in church and state, — at the North, as well as at the South, — whose names and whose "blessings" POSTSCRIPT. 221 upon the book, to quote their uniform lanfruage, would make this writer blush. Of course I can not reason with a scoffer, but I use his piece for two purposes: — 1. His assertion, (p. 71.) which of course he has no means of verifying, and which I can not but say is cruel, respecting '• the promiscuous concubinage of the great majority of slave girls who are seamstresses," his agglomerated view of licentiousness at the South, (p. 77.) his anec- dote (p. 85) from English history, which it is rather a venture for a truly chaste mind to repeat, and his familiar, unnecessary talk about the habits of the sexes at large, (p. 70,) illustrate the way in which some- imaginations are often seen to be affected by a certain revolting theme connected with the subject of slavery. — His indignant, but uninstructed, denial with regard to the amount of crime in our northern cities, (p. 79.) and his declaration (p. 88) concerning Dr. Perkins's (Oroomiah) sermon, as having been " hailed with almost unanimous applause by the Orthodox clergy of New England," are no strong proofs of that general and par- ticular information which he requires (p. 67) in another. 2. The writer quotes my remark, (p. 107,) that to ascribe the suppres- sion of anti-slavery feeling at the South to the cotton interest is derogatory to one's knowledge of human nature ; and then he quotesMr. Webster's words, in his 7th of March speech, where Mr. Webster expressly ascribes this change to the development of the cotton interest. This reinforces my statement. Mr. Web- ster (Works, V. 338) speaks of the very first development of the cotton interest, but does not allude to the development of the Christian feeling which had afterwards found its way through the cotton interest, which I allude to, and of which I say, that there was no development of the profitableness of cotton '• at that time " to account for it. The southern heart and conscience had worked its way up through " cotton," and was on the eve of some great anti-slavery action, when northern interference drove it back. Mv position is, it is contrary to all experience of human nature, or' Christian character, to say that "cotton" changed the opinions and feelings of the Christian men who framed and passed the act of the General Assembly, 1818, (quoted in my book, pp. 102-5,) even leaving out of view the fact, that there was no development at that time respecting the profitableness of cotton. Mr. Webster's thoughts were upon the period beginning from the time when Judge Jay, negotiating the treaty with England, (1794.) did not knaw that cotton was exported from the United States. Then, " the age of cotton became the golden age of our southern brethren." (v. 338.) And then, several years afterward, as mv book shows, the gospel vindicated its power against worldly interest, and was looking to some anti-slavery movement, which, the North must ever have the comfort of reflecting, was stopped by her intrusive zeal. There is a review of this book in the Christian Examiner, (Unitarian,) Boston, January, 1855, understood to be written by 222 SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY. Rev. James Freeman Clarke, a Unitarian clergyman of this city They who would expect me to notice one who uses the language of this article, and who insults, not only me, but every ' Orthodox New England minister,' would not be profited by any reply of mine. Respectable men, whose attention has been drawn to the piece, might think that I almost deserved his treatment, could I descend so far as to make any reply. " Religion among slaves." One thing in several religious writers must not pass unnoticed ; and that is, the way in which they speak of the piety of the slaves. Zeai against slavery has made them, good men though they are, forget the Master's injunction, " Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones." The Christian Watchman and Re- flector, December 21, 1854, says, " The doctor is charmed with the genuine piety of the slaves. Superlatives flow from his peri on this interesting topic." The New Englander speaks of " piety " where there is " little but religious jollification," of having " a good time at meeting " and breaking " half the decalogue before they get home," Even the editorial writer in the Congregation- alist, article 3, February 16, speaks in this connection of " the brilliant regions of light seen by Dr. A." This is not the spirit of Paul ; and how can these brethren rebuke the gibes of the un- godly against our own church members who are weak ? May the time arrive when our New England people will reflect, and see that, whatever may be true of slavery, there is a state of mind at the North, with regard to slavery, indicated by certain writers in some respectable publications, which shows that there must be something radically wrong in our views and feelings on this subject. So far as we countenance such things in our pub- lications, or even take no off'ence at them, we prove that our moral feelings with regard to slavery must be wrong. We must not apologize, and say that the principles of such writers are correct, and it is only that their manner of expressing them is unfortunate. This is not right. "A good tree can not bring forth evil fruit." DR. ADAMS' WRITINGS, PUBLISHED BY JOHN P. JEWETT &o COMPANY, No. 117 Washington Street, Boston. THE FRIENDS OF CHRIST IN THE NEW TESTAME]ST: THIRTEEN DISCOURSES;' By isr]<:H£3ii^ii ^i>jL]ix:s, o.i>. FIFTH EDITION. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR. pp. 2#5. The object of this book Is to illustrate faith in Christ, aiul love tc.wariU him, by the examples of those who befriended him when he was on earth. Contents. — 1. The Wise Men from the East ; 2. Simeon ; S. John the Bap- tist; 4. The Bridegroom and Bride at Cana ; 5. The Twelve Apostles; C. The Children in the Temple ; 7. The Woman with the Alabaster Box ; 8. Martha and Mary; 9. Simon the Cyrenian ; 10. The Penitent Thief ; 11. The Relenting Crucifler; 12. Joseph of Arimathea; 13. The Women at the Sepulchre. OPIIVIOXS OF THE PK£SS. A rare combination of various learning, forcible reasoning, graceful diction, felicitous illustration, beautiful simplicity, and pertinent application.— Puritan Recorder^ Boston. Every way worthy of the fine taste, superior scholarship, and unaffected Christian spirit of the author.— ^os^on Traveller. The volume belongs among the best.— 7?os^on Christian Watcliman -V Reflector, (Baptist.) They will be read with pleasure and profit.— Christian Witness, (Episcopal.) Conceived in adelightful spirit, and written with rare ability both of thou^jht and style.— Zion's Herald, (Methodist.) Those who neglect to place this volume upon one of the sclectest shelves of their library will miss doing justice to the most original, most afliucnt, and most useful volume of sermons which the American press — at least for a long time — has given to the world.— Boston Congregationalist. It is a volume that will live, and not die, and as long as it lives will nourish and develop the germs of piety. The portraitures of Cliristian character arc so accurate and finely wrought, lifelike and natural in their conception and finish, that thev thrill the soul continnallv.— iV'o/iVr of the second editirm, from the same. "We have receivec\ from it edification and instruction of tlie most precious kind. . . . We have noticed many admirable features in this volume, expressing some noble truths in chaste and eloquent language. . . . The earnest and devoted zeal of the Cliristian minister to commend the character and ofRces of the Saviour to the love and faith of human hearts is apparent in the whole volume.— £osfo?2 Christian Examiner, {Unitarian.) These Sermons were listened to -with great interest when delivered, and the following opinion of them, from a distant country, will, we doubt not, be re- sponded to bj' many : — Extract of a letter from Rev. James Hamilton, D. D., London, to a gentleman in Boston, February 8, 1853. " Many thanks do I owe you for your valuable present of Dr. Adams' Dis- courses. They are at once so sound and so fresh, so solid and so lively, so full of instruction and so practical, that I am sure they will be very popular and use- ful. Even outwardly it is a noble book. A London publisher, to whom I showed it, was quite struck with its beautiful typography."— i?os^o« Daily Advertiser. The beauty of style, tenderness of feeling, and richness of doctrinal and experi- mental truth which the Discourses display, are of high order. Some of the portraitures of character are exquisite, and the hand of the artist is visible in iiW.—New York Evangelist. They enrich^nd adorn our Christian literature. "We have to ascribe it to the fine creative talent of the preacher that these examples of faitli and love toward Christ are reproduced in the full power of their actual life and beauty.— iV^ew York Journal of Commerce. Greatly refreshed and strengthened have we been by the perusal of these Ser- mons. Fragrant with the gentle spirit of the gospel, they are eminently fitted to mould and improve the character, while they inspure the earnest sentiments of devotion in the heart.— iV^ew York Observer. This beautiful volume will become a favorite in very many Christian fam.ilies. We can suggest no book more appropriate than this to those who would supply themselves with a choice and fragrant alabaster box of religious instruc- tion, or who would give such to their friends.— iV'eep York Independent. A happy conception, this series of Discourses, and as happily executed. With- out afi'ectation or bluster, they quietly find their way to the conscience and the heart. You find within you meltings of spirit, yearnings of heart, without any forewaruings of such effects. It is a precious family book ; a treasure to any member of the family of Christ.— Porf^awd Christian Mirror. Through the kindness of a friend in Boston, your correspondent has enjoyed the privilege of reading the "Friends of Christ in the New Testament." A book so rich in evangelical truth, so full of graphic descriptions of Scripture scenes, and so admirable in its tone of Christian feeling, must be, sooner or later, widely r&ai^.— New York Correspondent of the Puritan Recorder. A beautiful book in every respect — able, rich in thought, eloquent in the best sense of the term, commending the truth in holy beauty. Those who dare not encounter the reading of a volume of sermons will not be likely to lay this book &%\^&\xnxQSiCi.— Philadelphia Christian Observer. The work is possessed of superior merit.— Western Chnstian Advocate, {Cin- cinnati, Ohio.) These themes have the charm of novelty. They are treated with an originality, an unction, an inwardness of spirit, which, in these days ;of commonplace and outM'ardness, make one's soul to come ixgAin.— Bibleotheca Sacra, {Andover.) CHRIST A FRIEND. ^a^ THIRTEEN DISCOURSES, By XEHEMIA-H ^I>A.M», D.D. SECOND EDITION. PRICE,- ONE DOLLAR, pp. 290. These Discourses are intended by the Author as a counterpart to his Volume, *' The Friends of Christ in the New Testament." There the Saviour was seen befriended ; here we see him as a Friend, Contexts.— 1. Behold how he loved him; 2. The Call of Mat- thew ; 3. The Widow of Nain and her son ; 4. Conversion of Zacche- us ; 5. Who touched me ? 6. Thomas ; 7. Peter on the Waves";' 8. Nathanael ; 9. The Friend of Seamen ; 10. John ; 11. Thou shalt never wash my feet ; 12. Paul; 13. Stephen. NOTICES. The style of execution of this volume is in beautiful keeping with that of its fellow, "The Friexds of Christ." In beauty, tender- ness, and spirituality, the author has made " these last equal to the first." — Puritan Recorder, Boston. A collection of beautiful thoughts. No lover of religious truth can read this work without being deeply interested. — Religious Herald, HaHford, Ct. Though it is very high praise to say it, we do not see but this volume is every way worthy to follow its predecessor, and, like it, be a guide, a comforter and delight to many and many a heart. — Congregationalist, Boston. They present all the beauty, imagination, originality, genius and pa- thos, that characterize the writings of this excellent pastor and divine. They are pure gold. No one can read them without finding the four Gospels shining with a new light. And as mere devotional books, we hardly know their equal in our modern religious literature. — Cor. Journal of Commerce. It throws the most endearing points in the Saviour's character into a new and striking light. Dr. A.'s style is one of rare excel- lence. Besides being clear as crystal, it is enriched with a good deal of beautiful imagery, always so simple and natural as to render the thought more vivid and impressive, and not to render itself an object of admiration. Tlie Sermons are characterized by great rich- ness of evangelical sentiment, a deep tone of religious fervor, and by a seriousness and pathos v?ell becoming such hallowed themes. It is comparatively a rare thing at this day that a volume of sermons passes to a second edition, but this has already reached a second, and its predecessor a fifth, and so manifold are the attractions of both of them, and so happily adapted are they to persons of every class, that we can hardly suppose that their mission of good is now more than begun. — Rev. Dr. Spragne, in the Puritan Recorder, Boston. These topics are unfolded vfith all the unction, tenderness, and sweetness of one who has communed much with Christ, and who, to the literary elegance of a scholar, and the mental grasp of a powerful thinker, adds the higher qualities of a mature Christian. These volumes are a noble reply to the old cavil of infidelity, that the ethics of Christianity are defective in not inculcating friendship. — Richmond (Fa.) Watchman ^ Enquirer. Dr. Adams' previous volume of Sermons was very warmly com- mended, even by those who differed from its doctrinal views. This volume will be equally acceptable. The style is admirable for its simplicity, transparent as a mountain stream, flowing with ease and beauty. These volumes furnish the best illustration we know of, between the eloquence of words and the eloquence of thought. Nor are these discourses the best instance of the Dr.'s affluence of thought. — Boston Telegraph. Dr. Adams' style of writing chastely, elegant and simply beautiful, is a fit vehicle for his theme. He writes like a man who has a heart, — a true and faithful, tender, loving, Christian heart. — Christian Mir- ror, Portland, Me. In style, a model of good taste and unaffected elegance, in spirit and sentiment, truly evangelical and practical. It is a book to be read by old and young, with hallowed delight and profit, in the closet and the family, and by the way. — Christian Observer, Pa. FOR SALE BY JOHN P. JEWETT & CO., Boston. T. R. MARVIN, SHELDON, LAMPORT & CO., New York. LIPPINCOTT, GRAMBO & CO., Phil. A. MORRIS & CO., Richmond, Va. J. M. COOPER & CO., Savannah, Ga. T. N. MANN & CO., Mobile. J. C. MORGAN, New Orleans. S. G. COURTNEY, Charleston, S. C. THIRD EDITION A SOUTH-SIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY ; Or, Three Months at the South, in 1854. BY NEHEMIAII ADAMS, D. D. Boston : Published by T. K. MAEVIN, and for sale by the Trade. OPINIONS OF THE WOKK. Hon. Rufus Clwate., Boston, (previous to its pul)licaiioii )— li is a most manly, conscientious and admirable testimony, soothing, wise, and wholly right. I admire its spirit, its Clirislianily, its naliouality,' its love of white men and black men, and 1 am most proud of its author. Hon. Joel Giles, Boston. — It is tiie best work on Slavery in lie United States that has ever been written. The author has done Ins country a statesman's service of the highest order. Boston Courier. — No work has appeared so well adapted to enligiu- en the people on Slavery as this. Such books would soon abolish slavery, or entirely take away its revolting features, if works of a contrary class were out of existence. Boston Post. — A remarkable book. Ii regards slavery all through to be an evil, and is as thoroughly anti- Nebraska as language can make it, yet deals with Slavery as a fact. There runs through il an even-balanced judgment, a kindly inlenlioned, love-of-country spirit — a quiet mode of statement and logic, which cuts like a keen-edged Damascus. We would ask nothing better than to put the book itself into the hands of any man of conmion sense as a fit answer to any thing we have seen. New York Observer. — Though it is no part of his object to wriie down Slavery, he incidentally shows ils intrinsic badness by proofs both from reason and Scripture, more profound, more efTectnal. more unassailable by sophistry, than any that Mr. Garrison ever knew. And yet the book contains nothing which any decent man's slave might not read without iiating his master. It was not wrnien lo pro- mote the interests or secure the favor of any party. North or Souih. Those who know any ihing of the author, need not be told thai there is nothing dull in this book. Il deals in fads so clearly appre- hended and graphically described, and possessing such a living, human interest, that they enchain the reader as fiction is seldom able lo do. Norton's Literary Magazine.— Is it an apology for slavery ? By no means. Nor is It a rabid ebullilion of feeling aganisl il. Il*" f)b- served, reflected, and here we have his clear and candid mind on many important points coanecled with Slavery and Freedom. He speaks with a caudor, raoderaiioa and Ciiristiau simplicity worthy of all acceptation. Properly read and understood, this work will be seen to have a strong bearing against the system of American Slavery, while uo reader cau well be otieiided by any thing that is said. German Reformed Messenger, Chamhersbnrg, Fa.— We admire the generous tone and spirit of the man — the large-iieartednes^ and world- embracing philanthropy, which can free itself trom sectional and party feelings, and seek the good of the whole country. Clirislian Observer, Philadelphia. — This book will relieve the minds of thousands of a great burden of factitious semimentalism created by works of fiction. The auihor gives us more truth and information respecting tlie state of society at the Souih on five pages, than can be gat&ered from a hundred pages of romance. Rev. John Maltby, Bangor, Me. — I thank tlie author, — I thank God, for the book. 1 am glad tnat another element is born into the history of the nineteenth century, a green spot where the tires have passed. Rev. Samuel H. Cox, D. D., Oicego. N. Y. — For calmness and candor, for Christian kindness and ministerial d^gnitv, for compre- hension and discrimination, for exemplary patriotism and impartial philanthropy, for sound American principle and right Scriptural views, for suggestive and instructive wisdom, for originality and independence, for large reading and mature thought, for the array of facts and the statement of just inferences, and for the pervading and permeating temper of kindness and consistency that characterizes it. It has no peerj it is singular, and deserves the palm. It is a blessing to every - side."' It is a gem tor the country. I thank God that such a book is abroad. From Rev. Heman Humphrey, D. D., Pittsfield, Mass. — I thank you kindly for seudiug me Dr. A.'s Souih-Side View of Slavery. It is one of the honestest books that ever was written oa that subject. Ii carries this feature on the face of it, from beginning to end. I am glad he has put down bis impressions and conclusions, and that you have published tliem. The book will be read. It is admirably writ- ten. It shows him to be a scholar, a gentleman, a philanthropist, a patriot, and a Christian. Rev. Alfred Ely, D. D.. Monson, Mass. — 1 have read it with great satisfaction. The views it presents are such as 1 have long enter- tained, and which I hope will prevail at the iNorih when the steam of fanaticism shall have passed away. The book is timely, and 1 do hope it will be extensively read. A Massachuselis Pastor. — I most heartily thank you for the stand you have taken. You deserve the devout thanks of every true friend of his country, of his race, of his God. It will accomplish a noble work. It is making, I leeu-n. a deep impression on thinking men, and gradually but surely accomplishing its mission. A MasS'ichusetls Pastor. — I have often vindicated it from the charge of pro-slavery, so easily and often made without the shadow of a foundation. The des gn and tendency of the J>ojk is to bring good naen at the North and Suuih together, aad coabine ideir infljence against Slavery. A 31jssyclimeUs Pastor. — It is true from the beginniog to ibe end. li might well assume a title of \e%s modest pretensions. It is more than a '• Scuih-Side View" — or a one-side view— it is Christian, iu IIS broadest sease. A Massachusetts Faslor — It seemed to carry me back to subslaji- tially the same sceiies which I wiiuessed during my residence at the South. I do now. and ever shall, advocate the principles of the book . Rev. John Leighion Wilson, iWic York. — It commends itself to my own mind uoi more for the justice it does the Christian feeling of the South than for the plain and faithful manner with which u deals with many of the evils of Slavery. There are laws on the subject of Slavery in many of the Southern States that are not approved by the great mass of the Christian j)eople there, and this book, I have no doubt, will do more to effect the repeal of those laws than any thing that has been published in this part of the world for a long time. Richmond ( Va.) Daily Dispaiciu — We hesitate not to say, that this hook is the fairest picture of Southern Slavery ever drawn by a Northern pen. IVo one can read it without the deepest res|>eci for the author as a patriot, a Christian, aad a man. We hesitate not to say, ihat if this book, with its sober, truthful, ingenuous statements and refiectioas, could obtain a general audieace of the Northern public, it would do more to dispel ignorance and prejudice, and to cement tlitr bonds of the American Union, than any book on the subject that ha.", ever been printed. Hon. G. M. Dudley, Americas, Ga.—l have just been permitted to read, with inieose interest, the South Side View of Slavery. And these are the sentiments of a Bostonian I As one of the 90,0i«i voters of Georgia, as an bumble citizen of the best government it has pleased Gud to bestow on man. I thank the author for the book. As surei3' as mind acts on mind, it is destined to exert a happy if not a conirollmg influence for good upon the future destinies of our Republic. SouUiern B