aassTX7'- Book^ill Copyright N"_ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. Superior Cook Book Prepared by the WOMEN o/G5^ACE CHURCH ISHPEMING. MICHIGAN •'A little l)it of patience oftc-ii makes the sniisliine coiiie. And a little bit (»!' li>ve inaUes a very happy lioine. A little i)it of hope makes a rainy day look fi'av. And a little bit of cookin^- makes ylad a weary way.'" ^ Ishpeming Co=Operative Society. PAID UP CAPITAL, $95,000.00. DIVIDENDS AND INTEREST PAID $147,837.96. CAPITAL S^TOCK. S3. 00 PKR SHAKIC. INTEREST 6 PKR CKNT PKR ANNUM. ^ WE CARRY EVERYTHING THATS GOOD IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. CERESQTA FLOUR IS BEST, ASK '^OUK GROCER FOR IT. M A N U F A C T U R K D B Y The Nortliwestern Consolidated Milliiif Co. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. TO GET BEST RESULTS in prcpai'ino i/u vai'ioiis dishes prcscnhcd in t/iis book, you need t/ie best quality of 77iateria/, THERE !S WHERE WE COME IN! WE SELL HKiHEST CRADE Groceries, Meats, Fruits, Ve,9:etables and Condinjents . // Lozcest Prices for tJie Quality. Come to us for voiir material. A. W. Myers Mercantile Co. L. W, ATKINS (^ CO. Clothiers and £^urnishers, 110 AND 112 FRONT STREET, ISHPEMING. MICH. 11'/: sell Jiaud-tailored Clothing that itetio/its t/ie unpretentious ma^t who likes to zualk out in stvle hut avoids the lime ti^iit . clothes constructed by masters in the art oj good clothes- ?7iaki7iiJ. Tailored Suits ready-to-piit on $12 up to $.10. Overcoats and Cra\enettes $10 up to $25. LATEST PRODUCTIONS IN HABERDASHERY. Knox and Stetson IJats. //a/u/n and The . Itki/is Shoes. LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Copies Received DEC 19 1905 CoDvriffht Entry CLA^ O, XXc. No, COPY B, COPYRIGHT. ENTERED ACCOROINC; TO ACT OE CONGRESS, IN THE YEAR 1*)(I5, BY THE woman's AUXILIARY OF GRACE CHURCH. IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN OF CONCiRESS. AT WASHINGTON. PRESS OF The Peninsular Record Publishing Co. Ltd. ishpeming. michkian. PRKFxVC i:. TiK' ladies who put toilli fins L.-ok do so with a full realizati.-n that it i-~ iiu- po^sibleto produce a perfect ho.,k. ICrrors arc l.ouu.l to occur even aiU-r the most painstaUin- supervision. We ouly ask that this .tVort he looked upou u. the same spirit iu whidi it is pul.lished. Kacii recipe has been tullv tried in the practical atTairs of house heei^in^- and found to be of merit. We wish to acknowledo-e the courtesy and help -iven us by all who have con- tributed of their kmnvled-e in tlie art of cookin-. or labor in compilm- wliat we hope will be a most useful addition to many households. We w.>uld also acknowledo-e the help from the many business men and lirms who have purchased advertisinj^- space herein. DEDTCATrON. To all who are earnestly lookinj^- For the daintiest ways of C(>(>Uin< Whether single or mated. Ascetic or epicure rated. Wliose appetite's zest is nnsated; Is this book dedicated. Dinner is one of file four aims (if existence. 1 have fort-ot ten llie other three. Soups. "Now. K'oikI (liffcslidii uaii on ;ii>l»'t it»'- And hcali li on 1h)1 li." -M.\oil and mash fine 3 or 4 medium sizeil potatoes. Add 1 quart of milk, place over lire and bring to a boil. Thicken slightly with a teaspoonful of corn starch stirred in a little cold milk. Strain through a sieve and season with salt, a table- spoonful of butter and a dash of cayenne pepper. If a little too thick, bring to the desired consistency by pouring in a little niore milk. Mrs. Myers. Cream of Tonnato Soup. One quart milk, 1 pint tomatoes, 2 tablespoons butter, 4 tablespoons flour, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 piece celery, 1 bayleaf, 1 sprig parsley, I teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon sugar. Put the tomatoes into a saucepan, add the bayleaf, parsley and celery, that have been cut up fine. Simmer for 10 minutes. Eub the flour and luitter together with the hack of a spoon until the flour is completely absorbed. Put the tomatoes into a saucepan, add the butter and flour and stir constantly until it roaches the boiling point. SCi'lOK'K »K' COOK liooK H Press tlie toinatoos tlirovig-]i n v(>rv lino sic\(\ .idd lo (he jnic,. Iho sn>;ar and soda and stir until it stops foaming. Add to the tomatoes the sli.nldly lliickcM.'d milk. wlii.-Ii has rcaclicd Ix.ilini; ])oint. Serve at oneo very liot. ElI'LWoi; M. Powei;. Cream of Tomato Soup. One ean of tomatoes oi- 4 lurgc raw ones. Add 1 quart of water and 1 medinni-sized onion slici'd line. |,ct siniinci' twentv minutes and strain. Cream togetlier 1 hirge tahlesponn of huHci- and 1 of flour. Put it into the soup kettle and wlien melted add the siraint;(l tomatoes slowlv, stir- ring- constantly so that it sliall not he lumpy. Season witJi 1 teaspoonful of sugar. 1 of salt, 1 of pepper, and 1 of celerv salt. Last of all add .V cup of sweet creani and serve. Mrs.'A. P. Schmidt. Cream of Vegetable Soup. Take the vegetables left over from a boiled dinuor (oi- fresh ones boiled until tender in salted water). Masli tliem through a colander, add as much milk as you need for your family, salt, pep])er, celery salt, a slice of oni(m and let it come to a boiling point, then add 1 tablespoonful each of butter and flour creamed together. ^^'hen thoroughly cooked, serve at once. Mrs. Harris, Marquette. Currant Soup. This cold soup will frequently create an appetite wliidi a liot soup would destroy. Pleat one pint of ripe red currants, crusli them in a colander and then strain through cheese" clot) i : add to this an equal ([uantity of water and place the mixture over the fire. ]\loisten a tablespoonful of coi'n starch witli cold water, add to the soup and cook slowly 5 minutes; add 1 tahlespoonfuls of sugar and serve' cold in punch glasses. Dried Pea Soup. Two cups dried split peas, soak over Jiigbt, in tlie morning put on to cook in about 2 quarts of water, at 10 o'clock add: 1 cup c]iopj)ed onion. 1 cup chopped celery, ^ cup chopped carrot. Strain and thicken with 2 tablespoons of butter, mixed with 2 tablespoons of fl*^"^- , Mi;s. P. P. BitoxsoN. Fruit Soup. To the juice from a can of [jeaches, add the juice of 1 orange, -.1 a large lemon, a very little pineapple and a gi'ating of nutmeg or a few drops oi' e.xtract; add water till the right strength: it will require considerable as it should not be unpleasantly strong; heat but not to the boiling point and serve in covered bouillon cups. Add at serving peeled and seeded green grapes, 3 oi- I in a cup. These fruit soups are nice served as a relish before a heavv dinner and mav be made of any combination of flavors, preferred or suital)le to the dinner scheme. Mrs. J. PL Qutnnt. Fritter Beans to Serve With Soup. Beat an ogg until light. .[ teasjmon of salt, .[ cup of milk. Pour into one cup of flour gradually; beat until smooth and add moic luilk if needed to make a drop batter; pour through colander into deep hot fat and fry until brown, lift out with a skimmer and drain on hi'own pa|)er. put a spoonful info each service of soup as served. .M,;s. ],>. K. Dkak,.;. ' Lettuce Cream Soup. Put a generous pint of IcLtucc in a pint of weak broth, cook tender and rub 12 SI^I'ICKIOR COOK r.OOK ')Totli ;ii^(l ]('tiuc(^ tl^'o^l^■ll ;i col.-i iidci'. IJcliiMi lo III." lii'c, slir into it a boiled onion minced liiH'. 1 t;il)|es|i(i()i! I'ld of hiilter i'iiM)e(| throiiuh 1 of Honi' and 1 of parsley'. Have a i)int of Jiot milk seasoned with white pepper and salt and while hot stir in 1 well ))eaten egg. lN)Ui' in tui-een all- ingredients and gi\(^ a, wliii'l with the egg- heater. Mrs. T. J. Flynn. Noodle Soup. To 1 egg well beaten add lloiii' enough to make stitt dough, roll thin, fold and ent into verv tine noodles. In milk hoih-i- put 1 (piai't milk, pinch of salt and Inmp of bntter. When boiling drop in noodles, when noodles rise to the top it is ready t<* serve: before serving stii' in 1 cup of cream. Mii.s. Gottstein. Noodle Soup. Tliree eggs, pinch of salt. Iloui' to luix si ill'. Iioll out thin and let dry, then cut in strips and add to stock. ^Iiis. d. J. Leffler. Noodles for Soup. Beat 1 egg light, add a pinch of salt and Honr enougli to make a stiff dough, b'oll vci'v thin, dredge with flour and then roll u|) tightly. Begin at one end and shave down vei-y line. Mrs. H. F. Jattn. Oyster Bouillon. On^'-half teaspoonful Armour's l^xiract of Tx^d'. '! do/,, lai'ge fresh oysters cho])])e(l. -i tablespoonfuU bnttei', 1 table-^poonful lloui'. "i cups oyster juice or watei-; salt. ])ep|)er and little nutmeg. Melt liutter, add tioui- and when ir creams, add ovsters, juice and extract of beef. ^Season and serve in bouillon cujjs oi' sou|) plates. This will serve about (S peojde. Mrs. W. H. .Tottnston. Oyster Soup. To 1 ((uai-t of ovsters, add 1 cup of water, shake well and sti'ain olT. putting the ovsters iji a double-boiler to heat; then take the sti'ained licpio]-. set it over the fire, iind as soon as it l:)econies scalding hot. ])our it o\er a ])iece of butter, the size of an egg, into which vou have braided, while the liquor is boiling, a tablespoon of flour; let butter, flour and li(pior cook a few minutes, stirring well, then add | a pint of cream oi- milk, and then the oysters, seasoning with salt and a little cayenne pepper. Do not let the soup boil, but kec]) it ((uite hot for one oi- two minutes after adding the oysters. Ha^-e both oysters and soup cookin"' so equally that neither waits for the illiei'. This is tlie secret of success. Mrs. Harris. ]\[arqnette. Pea Soup. Take one cu|) s])lit jieas, lnaiiis a various met' supply." —Pope. Suggestions. Viueoar added to water. I'or hoilina- nnv lh thoi'<>iiglilv, laih witli vinegar inside and out, stiiif with hread -easdiied w iih >alr. peppei' and huttei'. Use soft bi'ead and moisten with butter only. Covei- (he out-ide of lisli with lliin slices of salt poi'k. Put on a toasting rack over the (h'ipper; ))aste frerpiently. Mi;s. (Ieo. Barnes, Hastings. Parsley Sauce for Baked Fish. I'ld. in a saucepan 1 teaciij) liquid from llsli, 1 teacup inilk. w])en boiling add 1 ta])]espoon flour, creamed with one heaped tal)lespoon of Initter ; pepper and salt to taste, add 1 heaped tablespoon minced parsley. Mrs. W. H. Goodyear, Hastings. Pickled Whitefish. fake a 4 pound whitefish, put in |)orcelain lined pan, cover pan with towel and steam 1 hour in tightly covered steamer; remove fish from bones, keeping in nice sized pieces, place in vegetahle dish, season with salt and white pepper, cover with C & B. malt vinegar, cover closely and let stand 12 hours or more, serve ice cold for luncheon. Mrs. William Sedgwick. Fish Turbot. Little over a pint of milk, o tablespoons flour, butter size of an egg, salt and pepper. Let milk come to a boil in a double boiler. j\Iix the flour with a little cold water, as for gravy; when the milk boils stir in the mixture of flour and Avater, butter, salt and pepper. The fish must be cooked and picked apart free from the hones. Put a layer of fish in a baking dish, then layer of dressing, and so on until dish is full. Cover with cracker crumbs and moisten with little milk. This is for fresh fish. Canned salmon can Ije used in same way, only put cracker crumbs between each layer and on tojD. Mrs. Edgar Matheany, Hastings, Fillets of Halibut. Remove skin and bone from ^ inch slices of luilibut and wipe clean; cut in strips, making 10 or 12 froin 2 pounds of fish. Season with lemon juice, salt and onion juice or place slices of onion over the fish and leave for ^ an hour; add pepper to taste. Dip in melted butter, skewer in shape; place in a shallow pan, dredge with flour and bake -J an hour. Serve with white sauce, garnish with hard-boiled eggs and parsley. Escalloped Salmon. Take one can best salmon steak, remove bones and shred fine, butter dish well; put in layer of rolled crackers, covei' witli salmon, season with salt, pepper and bits of butter and moisten with cream or inilk, so continue until dish is full, having top layer of cracker crumbs. Dot thickly with pieces of butter and pour over cup of sweet cj'cam, put in hot oven, bake light brown. Mrs. C. J. Shaddick. ST'PIORIOR COOK r,OOK 17 Salmon Escalloped with Potatoes. One can of salmon Ji-oni wjiieli remove all skin and bones, o or (J large potatoes cut in small ])ioces, season well with salt and pepper. Into a buttered bake dish put first a layer of ))otatoes, then a layci' of salmon and so on imtil dish is full, pour over riiis a sauce made of 1 pint (»r nii!l<. 'i (a')lcspf)ons of flour and 1 tablespoon of itutii'i-. JJako about '■)'> miiiiitr-. Mns. E. J.- Butlki;. Salmon Loaf. One can salmon, ^ cup l)read crumbs, .") tablespoons l.uiiiei-, }j teaspoon of salt, [ teaspoon of pepper. Steam 1 hour in buttered mould. Sauce for Same. One and one-half cups milk, oil from the salmon, 1 tablespoon of buttei', 2 iablespOv:)ns of flour, 2 tablespoons ol catsujy, 1 egg, salt, pepper and a dash of cavenne, Vowv over salinnn and serve verv hot. ^li;s. G. 1{. Mlxku. Steamed Salnnon with Peas. One can salmon, mince line, l '"^ip ^l- hj'f^x' crumbs, roll(>d vQvy fine; add t« this 2 tablespoons of jnelted butter, pepper and salt to taste and pour over this 3 well beaten eggs and add to the mJnced fish; mix thoroughly and turn into huttered d.ish and steam 1 hour. SAUCE, f cup of milk, oil of the salmon, 1 tablespoon of butter, peppier and salt. 1 teaspoonful of corn starch, 1 egs:; boil about 1 minute and then add part of a can of peas, })reviously cooked. ^li;s. Tiri:o. J). TT.\i.r.. Lobster Bisque. A tablespoon butter, 1 tai:)lespoon flour, stirred together over fire, add 2 cups hot milk, season with salt ami pepper and add a can of lobster chopped fine. Let cook 2 minutes, then serve on toast if vou like. Mrs. C. L. .VyoEKSoy. Codfish Chops. One-lialf an ou]ice of Initter melted in i)an. -tir in tables])Oonful onion chopped fine, add 2 heaping tablespoonfuls floui', 1 cupful boiling water: stir till thick and smooth, then put in 1 cup of picked or shi-edded codfish, a little white pepper, stir, and cook 3 minutes: add 1 egg, spread this mixture on flat dish, and when cool shape into small chops, dip in beaten egg^ and bread crumbs, and fry a light brown in hot lard or butter. Xice for breakfast. !Mks. Fox. Codfish Balls. Boil together 1 i)int of picked u^t codllsh and 2 ([is. of i-aw [>otatoes cut in pieces. When potatoes are cooked drain off watei-, and mash thoroughly, and when cold add a beaten egg. nuike into round cakes and fry till brown in deep lard, which will take about ?> juiniites. Tf they crack when fried it is because they have not enough egg in them. Mi;s. E. C. Cooley. Codfish Puffs. Take 2 pounds of salt codfish. >oak in coM water all night on the back of thi -love, hi ihc moi'ning drain off the water ami pick out the bones. Peel about fi metlium-si/.ed i)olatoes. place in a pot, put the cod flsh on top of the potatoes, cover v.ith cold water and boil until the i)otatoes are tender. Drain oflf the water, put in a piece of Ijutter the size of a large egg, mash (using plenty of milk) the same as mashed potatoes until thorougidy mixed. Beat up -4 eggs and stir in the mixture. Have your grease hot the same as for fried oysters. Shape in round balls lightly with a spoon and dmp in grease until brown. Serve hot. 18 SUPKRTOR COOK BOOK Stuffing for Baked Fish. For i> IhIi \vei>-''hing J'our to six p-dinds, takr one cup of ciMi-kcr criiiiibs, one teaspoon of capers,, one salts|:)oon of salt, one teaspoon of chop[)e(l pickles, one salt- spoon of pepper,, one-fourth of a ])oun(l of nicltcil hiitlcr. one teaspoon of dioppcil onion, one teaspoon of chopped parslew 'I'his makes a drv cniiiil)lin,^- stiiHiiiL;- : if a moist dressing is desired, use stale hread, not dry hread cruiiil)S, and inoisreii \vit!i one beaten egg and the butter, or moisten tlie ci-acker ciaimbs with wann water. Do not pack the stuffing in the li^h, allow it to lie lightlv and leave room enough for it to swell in cooking. Salmon Turbot. One Clip sweet nnlk,, one tahie-poonl'id of housman's r.e>l i'aleiil tioui-, one taljlespoonful of butter, two eggs, one can n\' salmon, one-half cup l»read ci'innbs. Add the iiour and huttei-, mixed smoolh. to the scddeil milk, \\hen ihii-k add llie beaten eggs and a can of salmon picked in pieces; season with salt and pi'ppei- and cover with hread crumbs. J>ake in ramikins in a Jewel IJange until brown and serve hot. Al lis. \V. 11. Andkk'son. Norwegian Fish Balls. Use '"Sov" or '•Ejelland Co." lish oalls: make a j'ich i-ream drt'ssing, using the sauce off of the fish balls; ])arl)oil the lish l)alls in dressing. This can l)e served with lohster sauce. Alits. Fi;i':i). Biiaast.M). Fish Timbale. iJemoxc the skin and bone from half a pound of halibut oi' olhci- white (ish. Put it twice through a n-ieat-cho])])e!'. .\dd a pint of soft bi-ead (.•iaind)s to a gill of milk; cook to a smooth paste and add ii gradually to the lish ; add six tablespoonfuls of cream, a level teaspoonful of salt and a saltsiioonfid of white peppei'. Press this mixture through a sieve and then stii' in cai'cfnlh- the well-beaten wliites of five eggs, (irease a lai'ge mould. Garnish the hottom with chopped pai'sK'V oi' mushi-ooms, or nicelv cookeif grean peas; fill Vnc mixture in tlu' mould and stami it in a baking-pan half filled with water; co\-er with oilc-d paper and bake in a modiu'ate oven in a Jewel IJange for three-quarters of an lioui-. When done, turn out on the sci-vin-dish. Pour around either cream, lohster or shrimp sauce. Mi;s. S. .1. MiTCiJKLL. Salmon Chartreuse. Cover half a l)ox of gelatine with half a cup of cold Wiitei- and let it soak for half an houi-. I'nt a taI)lespoonful of cliojiped carrot, the same of onion, two bay leaves and a little celery in a pint of water; Indng to a boil, and add the gelatine; strain; add the juice of one lemon, jialf a teaspoonful of salt and a dash of red pepper. Put a layer of this in the l)ottom of the mould; tlien good-sized pieces of salmon, and i)our over the remaining pai't of the gelatint'. Tt must 1)0 cold, not stiff. Stand away to hai'den. Serve on lettuce leaves with mayonnaise dressing or a. sauce tartare. Lobster Cutlets. Into a cu|)fnl of thick white sauce stii' lu'aten yolk of an egg, a teaspoonful of lemon juice and two cupful- chopped lobster meat. Shape into cutlets; egg and liread erumlt each and fry in dee]) fat. Arrange the cutlets on a rice mold. Oyster Cocktails. Put into (\ndi glass ten di'ops of W'oi'c-i'-icrshii'c saut-e, a tablcspixjnful of tomato k'etchu|), about ten drops of onion juice, a dash of salt and a tables[)oonful of lemon juice. Then di'op in fi'om tliree to live small oystei's. iMits. S. J. I\lriH;iii;LJ.. SUPERIOR COOK BOOK 10 Oysters a la Kalamazoo. One quart of oysii'i'.'?, juice drained oil'. L'ut in a eluilliug dish 1 tablespoon each of butter and flour; wlien tlie butter melts, work together until very smooth, tiien add the oysters, and 1 salt spoon oi celery salt, salt and pepper as you like, one taljlespoon of ejiopped celery, one teaspoon of chopped parsley, a little sherry wine if you like it. ^\'ll(■^ oysters arr- nice and plniii|) and curled at the edge, they are done. Mi;s. Fowle. French Sardines. Pour the oil fi-oiu a box of French sardines into a |»an with- 1 tablespoon of flour; mix well and add U cups of boiling water, stii' ((uickly, add a well beaten yolk of an c 1 > a r t m (> n t Storp. SUPKKIOK COOK BOOK Meats. "Some liac meal and (•anna' cat. And sonic wad catfliat want il : |{n1 wc hac meal and \vc can cal. And sac tlic Lord he lliankil." "HiTUNS. Suggestions. All fresh meats should be put in boiling warer, unless intended for soup. If more water is needed, always add it boiling. Skim when scum arises. Boiling meat sh)wly and steadily makes meat much more tender. Allow about 20 minutes to th.e pound for all boiling meats ; 15 to 30 for roasting. For broiling or frying have gridiroii very but. Give steak your undivided attention wbile broiling; salt, pepper and butter, wben removed to hot platter. Scant teaspoonful of sugar and j nutmeg added to meat gravy impart delicious flavoi'. IIanna M. Barlow, Hastings. Roast Beef. Put tlie beef into a dripping pan wit^boiit water, into a very hot oven for the first ball hour, that the outside may sear over and keep the juice inside; when half done the oven heat may he lessened, tlie meat salted and peppered and sufficient water put on for a gravy. Cook IT) minutes to the pound if wished rare, or 20 ininiites will make it. wi'll done. If one does not, care for the gravy, roast ib(^ moat as above, leaving out the water entirely. Yorkshire Pudding. Five heaping talilespoons of hour, •") eggs, 1 ]»(. milk, a little salt. Put eggs, flour, sail and a little of I be milk in a l)owl and beat \\'ell with a spoon. Add remainder of milk, have ready 2 small pan^ witb a tablespoon of hot lard or dripping in each, and l)ake 20 minut(>s in a hot oven. Cut in S((uares and serve with roast beef. ]\ll!S. E. C. COOLEY. Plain Yorkshire Pudding. One cup milk, 2 ciijis lioiii'. 2 teaspoons baking j)owder, butter 1 the size of an ogg, salt. Mrs. Atwell. Pot Roast. Ask your butcher for a piece of beef for a pot roast. Place some butter in the bottom of an eai-tlien crock, slice a few pieces of onion on it; then place the roast on SrPilKloK v'ooK' r.CtoK' -3 ilir oiii.iiis. ("over closclv ;iihI Id cook lor ii \\W\\r l.dniv addiii-- .-iiiv water: thon |,Miir on aliniit our nil. "I' \^'''''''' ■""' '■"^'''' ''.-■''"• ■''""" -^ "'' -i "'' "" '"""' '•'''''*''^- .liniiri- ivmovc til.' cov.T and l.'l il l.rowii. I'lacr the ukmI on llic plallcr and make ,, ,,|.;)vv onl of !lu' dri|.i»in-i< and |.our owr ii. Il -honld l.r Lasted often, seasoned w.dl. and >liould cook ahont fonr hours. M i;s. ()i;.\isi',f.k, Marqnetie. Roast Haunch of Venison. Take a, liaun.-li of venison a!ioui 1 or :. poiindd.-. lai-d it with ', of a pound of salt pork and reason well with - '*- VoVKi;. Roast Leg of Venison. Take the hone out and lav meat open; sl,i>h the meat crosswise three or four times, not cuttin- throuLdi. then place in strips of -ali pork, roll u)) and skewer: place larue slice of salt pork on top. I'.ake in a dewel Uan.u'e in slow oven for two and one-hair h.oui's. l)astin,u- freipieiitly. ••('.v.Mi' XiXK Uhcipk.'" Crown Roast of Lamb. Make a cii-cle with '! j.iece^ of the rack of lamh. havin.i;- the rihs cut and trim- med. Press a ciip into the centei' and tie a strij) of salt pork ahout each bone, season and roast for 1 hour in a hot oven, hasting 'freciuently. Remove the enp and the pork and fill in the center with hlanched chestnuts, hoiled in stock until tendei' and ,^!a/.ed in meat ola/.e. (Jarnish and serve. Tt make< a verv |.retty I'oasf. K. I). Roast Turkey. SeU'ct a vouna- turkev weigliin.u- ahout 1(» or l".' poun(l>. After washing it wipe dry inside and >tuir. Place on its side in dripping pan. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Tut a \'v\v pi(H-ei-s of huttei' on turkey and roast in nnoderately Itot oven. Baste everv in nr lo minutes. Wlien hi'own. whicli will he in ahout Ij hours, turn turkey on the other ,,ii,,,\e the hone from le-- of mutton, till the space from which it was taken with a forcemeat compo.sed of the following ingredients: I large onion hoiled and chopped fine. 1 heaping pint (d' bread crumbs. '! ounces of butter. 1 teaspoon of sage. pepper and and rub salt and pepper well into the meal. Prepare the following l(.rcemeat: Two oz. fre^h pork. ', lb. >uct. C o/. bread crumhs. "i eggs. I >mall onion. I tea- .-poon minced parslev. a few sauv leaves, salt and pepper to taste. Lav the forcemeat the full length of the loin and roll up. binding well. Koast, allowiu"' ■?<> minutes to the pound. Mns. Thomas Walters. 74 StJPERIOR COOK BOOK Leg of Pork, Good as Goose. Parboil a Ic.u' of |)ni-k ami lake <>\\' skin, make a -iutTm-- of 1 oz. bread crumbs, a little chopped onion. sa,uv. luillcr. pe|)|»cr and sail. Bind mixture together with au egg. ]\Iake a slit iu K'g and |»iit in stulUng. ra>trn witli twine. Put in oven and haste well nntil l)rown and thoi-onghlv cooked. SerA'e wiili bi'own i;ra\\ and apple sauce. Mi;s. E. C. CooLEY. Baked Ham. One ciij) iiam chopped line. \ t-np hi'cad ciaimlis. pinch ol' mustard, little chop- jied parsley, 1 la,hies}to()ii melted hultei', "i (••^'iX'-^- Heat enough milk in ma] .-uiru-init for <'• ju'i-xms. Brown Stew of Beef. Two lbs. lean beef, -i tabh^spoons Hour. :; iaMr^,,onn> buH-.. I ^nari boiling water, 2 teaspoons salt, pepper, -^ carrot. 1 small onion. .,,.:„M^ Icmove the bits of fat and skin fron, ihe n.eat. rut .nlo eubc^ and sprinkle .vitb flol Pare and cut the onion and carrot into sn.all p.oces. Put t 'C vc^taW ^ and butter over the lire in a ^au.vpan. S,,p .nn.alt and pepper whn cooked 1. hour or when half cooked; add bod.ng -' ^ . '\'"^^t and Wn any particles that nuiy adluMv lo sidake the dough too soft. Drop l)v spoonfuls over the top of the stew leaving a space between eacb dnmplmg. Cover and cook IT) minutes. Do not uneovei' whde eookmg. \\ IN'IlvUED C00LE\. German Dumplings. Ten large boiled potatoes, 5 raw potatoes, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoonful of salt. Toos small squares of bread in butter. Grate the boiled P^ ^^^oes wbetr old o-rate tbe raw potatoes and press dry; add to tins the eggs and salt, ei ougb flom to i^Ji^. so it^can be handM and worked into balls the size of an 0|-dmary teacup . put 2 or 3 of the squares of toast inside, then bod m salt w^tci- for _1 lj^^^^^^^^_ Rice Dumplings. One CUD rice, I pint cold cookrd jneat, 1 ])int tomato sauce. Cook 1 e rice as for plain boiled rice. Grind or chop the meat very fine and seasont^th pepper and .sit. Place a piece of cheese ^^^^b al^out lO^n^bes^qua^^ on a saucer and in this put some of tbe cooked rice, press the rice m a thm la^M untn T^e?, the saucer and in tbe center put i cup of the seasoned meat Ga b^r up tbe corners of the cloth. Dressing firmly into the shape of a ball and tie it tigl th . nacJin boilino- water and cook 10 minutes. Remove from water and open the cloth and pkcelhem carefully on a heated dish so as not to break them. Serve at once witb tomato^savK^ ^^^^_^^^ ^.^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^.^^^ ^,^^^^^ ^^^^ ,^^^,,_ ,an^, or chicken. Liver Dumplings. German. One calfs liver, 2 ox. ba.ou. 1 .gg^- ^ ox. bread, grated nutmeg, butter, snet, "'^^k^n^Sl^^li"!- and rub it through a s,eve; put it in a basm with the bacjm finely cropped 4 whole ecro-,, ; ox. (d" white bread cut into dice and fried in butter andl^ r^ed 1 u meg,7ei.l>o.-. -It and finelv chopped onions to taste mix well l^etl ^-^nth i a teacuptul ol' cold water, adding sulbcum flour o bind the duuip- ngs. Test the mixturi bv throwing a small ,)iece into bo.hng water; ^t should 1 old toocthcr and vet be verv li-ht. A little flour ii\ sul]ie''u'iit laiiili cliops for r:iiiiily. pincc ;i l.iy.r of clKips. ;i layer of wli()l(^ I'l'clcd |M)iatoes and a U'w peeled (inion- in l)i-(i\\ii earthen dish; tlieii anotlioi' layer of e!i(i|)-, |)otaln(\* and onions nnld dish is Fnll. season each layei' well with salt and lie|)|ier, ha.i'elv eovei- with cold walor ami covci' dish vei-y ti-htly, piittin,ii' weight op. to retain steam. Cook in o\i'n Foi' iU hours, jnst hefoi'c serving place chops in centre of platter and snri'onnd with potatoes and nnions. thicken gravy and ponr over meat. 'I'his is a Favoi'ite luncheon di,-h on ho, u'd the Atlantic liners. ^Liis. Wm. Sedgwick. Stewed Breast of Veal. Take ahont 4 j)onnds ot hi-east of \eal. cut in. ahont -1 or o inch ])ieces. Add a ^■ood.-i/.cd tahU'spoon of ehoiiiied p.-ii'sley and "i good sized onions chopped tine. Cover with hoiling water and let hod slowlv until done. Season with salt and jieppei-. add a good sized piece of hutler and thicken gravy with Hour. Serve with h,,iled rice. -MkS. a. J. YuWiBLUTH. Larded Beef Steak. 'Idirec ))()nnds round heef steak, (i sticks of macaroni, } cnp hutter. 2 largv oidons. .', can tomatoes. 1 lieapinL;- tahles])oon fionr, salt. pep])er and one clove. Have vour steak cut /liicl,\ make holes m steak with a steel, then till with ])iece.- (if iiiac,ii-oni the thickness of the steak nntil yon have itsed the (i sticks, season with ,-alt and pt'i)per. Then i)nt huttei' atid onions, which have heen cnt fine, in a kettle uver liiv and stii- until brown, di'aw them one side, i)ut in your nieat, dredge with Hour and spread the onion over the meat: add 1 tdove and 1 pint of boiling water, {•o\'er tightly, simmer 3 hours slowly, then remove cover, add tomatoes, cook another 'houi', then take np meat .and pour gra\y over it very hot. ^UiH. J. rowi:!;. Stuffed Salt Pork. Choose a ])iece of pork -t inches thick that is streaked lean and fat, place in cold watei- and l)oil 1 honr ; then slice lengthwise down to the rind, but do not cut the I'ind ; have ready a quantity of ])arsley, place between slices as much parsley as possible with a little pe])per ; press the slices together and tie with a stout cord. .Boil two oi' thi-ee hours, according to the size of the ])ork : take out of water, sift a little Hour over it, and ])lace in ov(>n to brown. When t-old slice crosswise, so that each slice is composed of a thin sli'ip of i»ork' and a strijt of i^arsley. Mrs. Coodyk.m;. Hastings. Beef Loaf. Two poitnds chopjied beef (raw), I pound poi'k, chop|)ed fiiu', I cu)i soda ci-ackei's I'olled tine, 1 egg, salt and i)epi)er to taste and a pinch of sage. Form into a loaf a!id bake about an hour in a moderate oven, basting frequently with hot water and melted hutter. Mhs. J. A. Blackney. Veal Loaf. Th)'e(> pounds veal and \ lb. of salt ])ork chopped fine. Add three slices of stale bread al.'^o chopped fine, :> i-aw eggs, ;! teaspoons of salt, 11 teaspoons black pepper. ! teaspoon sage, mi.\ well together, l)ake '.M hours in a moderate oven. Baste well. Mother's Beef Loaf. Two lbs. roinid steak and , l!i. suet lain through a meat cuttei' twice, mix with a iiip of bread crumbs. 1 egg. 1 i-up of watei', r liiicly chopixM! onion ;iii(l 1 ioas[)()()ni'ul of c-hoppetl parsley, 1 s;ilts|)oon encli ol' iliymc .-iiid inai-joraiii. Add 1 Ijontcii osi'i;'. '! tablcspoonfuls of line cracls'ci' ci-inii^s and nioisjcn with iiol water or s1(H'I< cnonuii to pack it easily. !)ii(t('i- a small mould and line the Nottoni and sides ^l an inch dcH'p with the rice. I'ack' in th(> meat. (•o\('i- (dosriy with rice and steam -I') minutes. Loosen it around ed^e of mould, lurn it oul and pour t hours ami hoil il until tender. Then I'emove the skin ami cui oil' all the root and liorny tip. i'>one a hi'east of veal and spi'ead it \eiy Hal, and rnh with salt and pe|t|iei'. Lav ihe tongue in the center of (he veal ajid I'oll up the edues. W'cap this secuj-ely in a thin, muslin aiul place it in an earthen jar witli a sea^onin,^- of (i cloves, 1 onion, a stalk of celery, a few sprig? of j)arsley. more salt and pepp(M'. and a cu]) ot hot water. Covei- the jar and feake in ■1 modcT'ately hot o\'en J'oi- .'! houi-s. li'emo\c J Vom jai' and place hetweiMi two plates wirli a wei.u'ht on top. When cold remove the cloth, put the meat in a mold and tlien ])our over it the stock' which has been straineil. Leti stand until it jellies. M Ks. 'J'lioM AS Peli>ow. Jellied Meat. (let 4 p'-'X^ feet with Ic'^'s to iirst joint. Soak and sci-a|ie until thoroughly cleansed. Put in a pot of water without salt, and hoil until done, when the bones will fall out. l.jift the uhmI carefnliy fi-om the liquor and set away to cool. Pour the liquor into a ja.i' and wdieii cold renu)ve the gi'ease. Take a good sized shank ot bind', sawed and cut so as to go into a kettle. Boi; in nnsalted water until the meat falls into ])Jeces. Iiemoxc it fi'om the liquor. Xext day cut the meat ot pig's feet and beef into small hits, not mince-meat, put ihe jelly left of the feet into a kettle, add all the meat, mixing togethei' and heat to the boiling ])oint. 'Jdien season with i)e])per and salt. It desired a little of the beef licpior may l)e added, l)ut the latter can always he used for sou]) stock. Pour the conteiits of the ])ot into molds and when cold tuiii out. Cut in thin slices. AxNiE J\I. Bamford. Pressed Pig's Feet. l)oil the hocks and feet in a jiot till the meat tails from the hone, season with ])epper and salt, ]iut meat into bowl while hot, and have liquoi- in which it was cooked reduced by Ixhling. pouring eJiough ()\c'r meat to c(ner. Two hocks will make a o'ood sized bowd. It is to be sliced thin when cold and used for luncheon. AIns. E. C. CooLEY. Mock Duck. Take a slice of round of beef, 1 inch thicdv; remove the bone; make a dressing of 1 cup of bread crumbs, i an onion chopped fine, a ] ot a teaspoon ful of pep]:>ei' and the same of salt. Spread this on the steak and roll it. Tie the ends firmly witli .1 i)iece ot while coi'd, and then wind the cord around it to keep it in shape. Fry o slices ot salt j)oi-k in an iron kettle until you get all the fat out and put tlie meat in. tui'ning so as to In'own it on ev(MT side. Vnuv a ])int ot water over the meat, co\'ei- it (dose ami let it cook \cr\ slowdy 1 hours. If the gravy cooks anv too much, more watei' may he added. \\'hen you take up the inc^at remove the string, hut do no!" unroll the meat. Lay it on a dish and poui' the gravy over it. When sei'ving, cut the meat in slices aci'oss the roll. ^fus. E. E. ScRIBNEIl. Skewer of Sweet-Breads. Parboil till' sweet-breads as before described; cut them into slices or scollops about h an inch or more thick. Sprinkle them with pepper and salt^ egg and bread ST'PEKIOK COOK P.OOK 29 cMiiiiM ilicm: now run a liulc slccwci- 'liiouiiii 'i of ilicsc slices Jiltcrnatiii^if with 3 thill -([uniT slices n\' h.u-oji. I'l'v in hoilin:;- hird. serve a loiiialo or cream .sauce in tlic ct'uti'e and ;ui;nni-h will) paisley. Serve one skewer to each person at the tal)le. Mks. Aoxes ir. B.MtBKi;. Veal, or Mock Chicken. Cut thin slices oil' llie lei^-; lake eai-h sliee separatelv. spread either with chopped parsK'v and l)utler worked to a pasic. or meat stullhiti-. roll np, tie. J'rv hrown in a l'rvin,ii' pan : lake out while you make a rich i^ravy. I'ut veal in u;ravy again and leave uiilil iv.-idy t.i serve. M i;s. W. ,1. ('i;.\xi;. Chicken Pie a la Creme. j'xiil a I'at eiiicken — o oi- (i pounds in weiiiiil — unlil wvy It'iidcr and only a pint of water remains, licmove hones and return ch'icken to ketth\ Season well with >alt and pepper. Cook 10 minutes, add 1 pint of cream and thicken with a little Hour. Make a rich hakin^u' powder crust, roll 1 inch tliick. Line a deep "i (piart hasin and dreduc with tlour. Pour in chicken and co\ci' with crust in which slit.-i have l)een t-iit. I'inch down the edii'e and l)ake }, hour. The upper crust with the chicken dressing' should he serxcil lirsi. This pie will serve Pl. :\[i;s. W. II. doiixsTox. Mrs. E. B. Howard's Creamed Chicken. ^J'o l.l pounds of diced chicken, add 1 cu]) of celery cut tine and 1 can of mu-li- rooins. To one pint of cream add the juice from mushrooms, scald and tuiii on 2 tahlespoons of luitter and 2.', talilespoons of Hour, stiri'cd together, season A\dth pepper and salt. Put chicken and dressing in a huttered dish in alternate layers, cover top with hi-ead crumhs and hake h an liour. serve hot. This is especially nice. Jellied Chicken. Take 2 chickens and a sha.nk of |)ork and vi-al : hoil with an onion, a few whole cloves, pepper, salt, hay leaf, parslev and celery; when meat is well cooked, take it out and ])ick otT the hones in shreds, strain juii-e and pour it over the chicken and cool in a mold. Mi;s. Tiiovivs W.\i.ti-:i!S. Chicken Mold with Creamed Mushrooms. Take the hreasts of 4 or the whole of 2 medium size chickens and miiicc^ tine, add 1 pint of stiff cream. whi|)pe(l, season with salt, mix thoroughly, place in round mold and cover with pa|)er: steam i hour and then hake J hour: turn out on a platter aiid till the center with creamed mushrooms. Mi;s. A. K. Sedgwick. Chicken Southern Style. Cut up and steam a fat young chicken in the usual way. cook 1 can corn in a lup of cream, thicken with 1 tahlespoon of tlour and season with salt. Put the chicken in corn ;;nd let it stand J, hour hcfore sei'ving on hack of stove. ^^I;s. Tiio:\rAs Pi:r,T.o\v. Pressed Chicken. Boil a 1 |)ound chicken till tender. Let it cool. lla\f ahout oiu' r Miilk t'l make sullit'ieid ^uravy. whicli season to taste. Chicken Fricassee. Ciii cliickens at the joints, eo\er wirii hoilin^ij water, 1 heapin^u' teaspoon salt and a little p('])per, cook until tender; I'eniove the chicken to a fryin^ij,' ])an in which brown it, butter ready to serve on platter. Add to liquor 1 cup of cr(^ani oi- milk. Melt tablespoon buttcr in saucepan, add 2 tablespoons flour and when smooth stir into li(pini-. {'u\ hot baklno- powder l)iscuits in halves, butter and place \n deep dish, pourlnii' the litjuor over them. ^Li;s. Atwell. Chicken and Macaroni. ])0!l a chicken until very tender, take out all the bones and pick the meat quite lint'. l>oil .'. a pound (d' macaroni until tender, iirst breakinu' it up to pieces 1 inch loni^-. l)uttei- a deep |Middino- dish, ])ut on the bottom a layer of the cooked macaroni. then a layer of minced chicken, bits of butter, pepper and salt and some of the chic'cen licpioi-, o\-er this ])ut another layei' of macaroni and so on until the dish is hlled. I'oui" a cup of t-ream over the whole and l)ake .', an hour. Serve hot on a plattei-. ^[|;S. F. A. TONNESEN. Chicken Croquettes. Four cups chicken chop[)ed. \}, cujis bi'ead tanunbs, ;') cups milk boiled and tuiaied o\-ei' the bread, ami ^ pound of iDutter, 3 sweet-breads; if you can not get s\veet-bi-eads use one moi'e cup of chickcn. 2 small boiled onions chopped fine. Season with pepper ami salt and a ycvy little red jx-pper. jMix well, shape in cone shape and di|) in yolk of egg and then in rolled c]-ackers. Boil in hot lard. This Huikes -28. ■ "^^ Mi!S. H. F. Jaiin. Supreme of Chicken. Cho]) tine the bi-east of a raw chicken and beat thoroughly into it, one at a time, 4 ogii::^ and .] a pint of cream. Season with jjcpper and salt. lUitter small moulds, fill with the chicki'n. and I'ake. standing in hot watei' and covered with buttered paper. I'oi' "jO minutes. Do not let the water boil. Tui'n fi'om the moulds and serve Jiot with I>echainel, mushi-oom oi' tomato sauce. Creamed Chicken or Veal. 'I'wo chickens or three ami one-halt pomuls veal. l)oil and cut as for salad, one i-an muslintoms cut simill with sihci' knife am! cook Id nnnutes. Put in a sauce pan three |)ints of i-i'eam. let get hot but not l)oil. Tn another ])an four heaping tablespoons butiei- and live tablespoons of Dousman's Best Patent flour. When lieati'd -o it bubbles oi- boils poui' on the warm cream and stir until it boils. Mix with ve;d and mushrooms, stir well together, put in dish to l)e serxcd. cover with l)rea(-l or i-racker crumbs. ])ut-little bits of butter on to]). wet lightly with milk, and t)uke ujitil nice bi'own. Mrs. Geo. W. Jones. SUPERIOR CODK BOOK 31 Creamed Sweetbreads. ()iu> pnir s\v('t't-l)R!cul.<. I tabK-spooii If.illcr. 1 laltlrsitouii lltuir. 1 ciipriil ciciiiii. 1 tablespoon narslcv, salt and pcpixT. As «)()ii as swcct-lircads aiv piiiTliascd the pipes and fat sliould be removed, and tlie rennindci soaked in t-ohl \val ininutes. ilrain. wijiedrv and M-t in eold place until wanted. When n>ady In ii-r. iciiin\c all iin 'nibi-a ne. clit il\lo '>!. i;y. Dried Beef in Cream. S!ia\c bfcf \crv lini' and pour bnilini:- water u\cr it. l-el it stand \'nv a few minutes. I'oiir this oil' ami |iour on iinod rich cream. Let it come to a boil. If vou dc noi I'.ave ci'eam, use milk and butter thickened with a little flour. Season with pe])|)i'i and oon of pepper. 1 table- sijoon lemon juice, carmel enough to color. .1 can of mushi-ooms, whole (jr quartered. Mince the onion and fry it in butter o minutes. Be cai'efnl not to bui-u it. When the butter is brown, add the dry tionr and stir well. Add the hot stock, a little at a time, and stir ra|)idly as it thickens, until perfectly smooth, add the salt 32 SUPERIOR COOK BOOK ;"!n(l |)0|)|tiM-, iisiiii^ iiii)i-c ifliigli seasoning be dcsirerl. Siininer 5 minutes, and strain In Triiio\(' niiimi : add niii^livooms and lieat thoronglilv. M]!S. C. V. E. TOWXSEND. Daube. Tlii-CL' 111' I j)()iiiids iciidci-, l(':ni Im'cI' (a i-'HM]) roa-t is host). lJenio\e tlie fat, put into a saucepan and cdvci' ]ialJ' way witli cold watei'. l^laee on ])ac\\ of the stove and lit siiiinici' until tlie juice is well cxti'actod IVoui tlu' iiu'at. Tlien put in tlie sauce- pan witli tlie'hrcl' a sliced onion, a sliced loniato, a sliced potato, a few cloves, celery seed to taste, and cover closely; let cook until nearly done, basting the meat oc- casionally willi ^he dressing. Wlien nearly done have some browned flour made into ■1 smooth ])aste wilh a little watei'. some salt and p)e})pe]'. Mix this with gravy and \egetal)les in the saucepan and let hoil. AVIien ready to serve add a dessertspoonful of \\'(»i'cesiershire sauce. I'hu-e the meat iji a hot dish, poui' ovei' the daube and serve. Meat Scalloped with Tomatoes. Chop the meat line and sea^im ; liuttei- the baking dish well; have a layer of ci'ackei- t-inimbs, butter, salt and ]n'})per, then the meat, then stewed tomatoes also seasoned and so on until the dish is full. Tf not wet enough add water. Chopped boiled eggs can he used with this meat to hel)) out. Boudins. One ])int cold meat chopped tine, 'i tahles|)oons ])read crumbs, 1 tablespoon melted bultei'. \ cup slock. ;] cu|) ci'eam ami 1 beaten egg, season with salt and pe|)pei- and mix well. Fill small greased molds or cups, stand in pan of hot water aiul cook in eat the e^i^-s unlil lii^hi and stir into the meat mixture. Fill ihis inlo center of mold and cover with a iireascd paper. Stand the mold in a pan oi' hot watci- and hake .'!(• minui(N in a moilerate oven. Turn cai'i'tnlly f)nto a heated ))lalter and sei-\(' remainder of sauce around it. MliS. i;. W. WlMCilLT. Spiced Liver. Split calf's li\('i- parboil, scoop out cenli-r, mince with 1 onion, 1 teaspoon of pai'sley, 1 slice of salt poi-k browned, 1 teaspoonful of salt, a few shakes of peppei'. Fill cavity, sew edges of liver together, and put iii a pan with 1 cup of water and 'i tal)lespor)iis of Ainegar: baste often and liake 1 hour. Sauce Supreme. Make a cream sauce of two taI)le is done, which may he known liv the grains feeling nei fe.iK lender when rubbed between thumb and fingers. Veal Rechauffe. Chop line enough cold veal to make 1 cupful, add to it 1 cupful of bread crumbs, mixing lightly; .artlv lilled with lioilin,^ water and bak(^ in a quick' o\('n for .■')<• n;iiiiites. When done tui'U fi'om the cups on ;i heated platter and pour ; round a tomato sa.uce. Stuffed Tenderloin. Split tlie pork teuderloin through the center, stulV, roll and tie. and hake in a Jewel lian,:^-e ahout an houi'. hasting' often with huttei'. Serve with brown sauee. l''(n- tlie stuttinu' use one cup of hread crumhs. two t(.'aspoonfuls of powdered sage, a hit of chopped onion and par-ley. with pepper and salt. ^Ijss ]^)tLV'ri;icE Si':Dii\vicK. Cold Jamboli. ()ne !l). ham. ".' onion-. 1 pt. tomato sauce. 1 cup I'ice. }, teaspoon salt, i" teas].)oon peppei'. Boil rice o minutes. Fi'y ham ai\d onions. \l\(\ other in^u'redicnts. Bake in Jewel lianii'e one-half houi's. Put hits of hutter on top. Mutton Cecils. Choj) the inuttoD vei-y line. 'I'o 1 pint add a l)ealen cu;a'. a teaspnonfn.l salt, a tal)l(.'S[)oon]'ul (d' melted hutter. !, teas|)i)()ii pepper. 1 tahlesj)oonrul onion juice and 2 tablespoonfuls of luoist lii'ead ci'umhs. with 1 tai)lespoonl'ul of hot water. Let them stand a few mijiutes. Mix the whole well to^uclhei'. form into small balls, roll in bread ei'unihs and fry to ;i rich hrown. Ser\c with tomato sauce. 'I'lu'' cec-ils may 1)(' sbajK'd the dav hefoi'e and kept in a ci)i)l place. Sage and Onion Stuffing. Fotir lai'o'e onions, 10 sage leaves, -| Ih. bread crumbs, 1-i oz. Initter. 1 egg, salt and pep[)er to taste. A'ery nice for ducd/,. Icnn poi-k. (i oz. fat pork. '! oz. hread I'rumbs. 1 teaspoon sage. 1 blade of pouiuled mace, 1 r'j;'/. Sa.lt and pepper to taste. Celery Stuffing. Chop .1 a head of celei-y \cry line. Mix with 1 (piart of hi'ead cimmbs, 2 scant tablespoonfuls (d' salt, \ a teaspoonfnl of pe].)[jer, 2 heaping tal.)lesp()()iifuls t)\' butte,- and 2 eggs. "Aunt Lucy's" Dressing for Turkey or Chicken. Our loaf of l)rr.ul i-uijl)f(l ilin)u-h a lolaiidn-. 1 ica.-poiiiirul carli of sail. iK;p[)ei' and sauv, 1 niiion (if liked ). :) co-.o-s. |,r;U line: o tablespoons of hultcr. 1 |.inl of c-ivani or milk: mix riiomu-hlv. M ifs. d. W MnviiKLL. Nice Dressing for Turkey or any Roast Meat. Cur bread into sliet-s lakiiiu-olV llieci-iisr. then riit into small d iee-sbapi'd pieces, put ill Inittei-. sail and pepper, a tiny bit of sa.uc the merest flavor of onion. mi.\ ioirother. then pul in -'5 eo-yv. For extra nice tnrkev ii'ravv make as usual, and just before taking up put m f quart ..f ovsters. ' ' M us. lU-ssKLL. Hastin.us. Dressing for Roasts. (irnlc ihc bread whieli -should be stale. Dice sail pork and place in spidei- to frv. .\.(M 1 ouiiui. cliopped or diced: when all is brown, add '^(xul sized piece of I, litter and llieii the bread ciaimbs. I'cpper and sail to taste. This makes a litjli: dre.ssinu'. doin-; awav with so.u.uy appearance when ioead is soaked. Oy.-lers or ci!estnut> mav be added to ihi.-. Drviii.ii' the bread in the oven bcd'ore .u'ratin,!;- ,u-iv('r a. verv ])lea00. J. p. OUTHWAITK, President. THOS. WALTERS, Vice President. K. A. MALMGREN, Cashier. J. G. WELSH, Ass't Cashier. l>IRKCTOKS: Tiio.MAs Waltkks, Hkr.max Jaedecke, Timothy Hughes, John p. Outhwaite, Gi:o. F. Thonev, RoliEKT MaXWEEE, JoSi:iMI MiTCHKEE, Thos. H. Bar(;h, Otto E<.ek. SUPERIOR COOK BOOK Meat and Fish Sauces. "ITuntrcr is ihe best seasoning foi" meat." —Cicero. Suggestions. Cold hut tor |)iii into ;i lioi saiicojtnii -polls the sauce: sauco])aii and butter must heat slowlv too-etliei-. and the huttcr must not l:)e left to hoil. or hoth flavor and digestibilitv are spoilecL An iron saucepan will not produce a delicate sauce. Keep a dainty white ^u-ranite pan es])eciallv for sauc-es. Each sauce sliouid he littcil or adapted to the veii-etahle or ineat or iisli with winch it is to l)e sei'vcd. V\^]\ requires a slightly acid sauce; for it either lemon .juice oi- vinegar may he used. Iioots used as vegetables, sucli as turnips, carrots, (^tc, not containing murh nourishment, may be covered with a cream or an egg sauce. Asl)araauce Hollandaise. A roun(h"ng tablespoonful of butter and a rounding tablespoonful of flour will iliick'^n hair a, pint of liquid. Seasonings do not play any part in the body of the recipe; they Diust he added to harmonize with tlu^ articles with which the sauce is to be sei'veil. White, Milk or Cream Sauce. Ifub together a tablesjjoonl'ul of luitter and 1 of flour; add half a pint of cold milk. M]v until boiling: take from tlu' lii'e. add \ a teas])oonful of salt and a .salt- spoonful of white peppei-. Serve with hoiled mutton. ])otatoes. white meats or green \egeia!)les. English Drawn Butter. I'ub together a tablespoonful of l)utter and f of iloui'. Add slowly ^ a pint of boiling water, heating all the while. Boil foj' a moment, take from the fire: add ^ a teaspoonfid of salt, a, salt^poonful of pe])iiei'. and then stir in another tablespoon- ful of butter. Serve with summer squash, stewed cuciimliers oi' other green vegetables. I>y .'idding the juice of \ a lemon this sauce will answer nicely foi- hsh. Sauce Bernaise. J)eat the yolks of A eggs: add J tahlespoojifuls of olive oil and -f of stock: ,stir and cook ovei- hot water until jelly-like. Be careful not to allow it to curdle. Take from the fire; add ^ a teaspoonful of salt, a saltspoonfitl of pepper, and the scented vinegar made according to the recipe for sauce Hollandaise. This sauce is served cold, as an accompaniment to broiled steak, or fish, either broiled or planlved. SL:Pi:i\'l()K' COOK i;0()|\ 39 Tiger and Champion Hats AI^SO A KUJ^J^ J^I?s J^: OF FITKKISIIIXO G0033S. Pear/ cnn/ .Ucn^^ S/rce/s. M. A. KAHIS". Mayonnaise Sauce. I'm ilic volks of "i ciii^s in ,1 cilil |)oi)iirid of salt, and slowly. (In)|) l)v drop, (i (al)]('S|ioonriils of oIIa'c oil; add a few dl'n|» of IcMioH juice and il will hr ready lo use. W I'.crc a lai'^c ([uaniily of drcssinu- is nrcilcd add nioi'o oil. 2 csi'g.'^ will liold a j)int of oil, ])i'o\idinu' yon ;idd a lilllc \in('iiai' now and tlicu. Cream of Horseradish Sauce. Add to (■) ial)l('s| nfnls of i^ralcd lioi>c-radi>li llio yolk of 1 cgu- and J- a tea- spoonfnl of salt : mix 1 liorou^ldy. add a tablespoon ful of y-ood vinegar and then fold in eand'nlly a _| of a cuprnl of creani whipped to a stilT froth. If the horsei-adisli is already in vine!.':ar omit_ the taiilespoonrnl of vinegar and press the horseradish mitil dry. 'This is one of the nieesi of sauces to serve with cold roasted beef or mutton, or with hot corned ])eef. Sauce Vinegarette. Adil to I tablespnonfuls ol' good consomme I a teaspoonful of paprika, 3 table- s])oonruls of tarragon vinegar. I ''^ teaspoonfnl of salt, a teas]ioonft]l of sugar, a table- s|)()onfu' of ca])ers, a tables|)oonrul of grateil oi- tinelv cho])ped onion and 2 table- .-poon fills of chopped gherkin. Cucumber Sauce for Fish. l*ai'e and gi'ate (m a sie\e ^ large ci'isp. fresh cucumbers; wlien the pulp is thoi'ougld\- di-ained turn it in a bow 1 ; add 1 t(>a,spoonftil of p(>ppei'. 1 inedium-siz(^d onion gi'ati'd. 1 le\-el teaspoon fu! n\' salt and 'i taljlespoon fills of tarragon viiK^gar. 'Mix and stii' in ju-;l at -;erving-tiin(> (i ta!)lespoon fills of ci'eain whipped to a si ilT froth. Bread Sauce for Game. Cook }, a pint of soft, stale breadcrumbs, 1 pint of milk. 1 good-.si/.ed onion chopped \cr\- line. 1 salts])oon fid of ground mace. 1 saltspoonful of paprika and 1 le\('l teas|»oonful of salt for o minutes in a double boiler, stirring constantlv. 'I'he mixture niiisi be perfec|l\- -mooili. Add a rounding tables])oonfnl of butter; .stir iinlil it is melted : add 1 lalde-poon f ids of thick cream and use at once for game or roasti'd guinea fowl. Tomato Sauce. six larg(^ tomatoes, or r)ne can of tomalot's, two small onions, one stalk of celerv iikI oiie-lialf teaspoonful of salt. Boil togetlier until celery and onion are well cooked, .-ti'a in through a sieve, then add a small table>poon of Dousman's Pest Patent llitur mixed smooth with one-half tablles]iooii of ])iitter. cook until it thickens, tlien strain auain and add small one-half teaspoon of ca\t'nne. Mrs. J. M. IIaydex. 40 vSUPERIOR COOK BOOK Tomato Sauce. l^'oiii- l;il)U'S|)()()ii< Hour. 1 |)ii!l sti-.iiiu'il lidiinloos. i l;|lik'S[)(K)ii,s biiltci', li- tca- s|ii)(in> s.ill. I'cd |)('])|)('r. A(l(] .', I'll]) wntci' to }, (•nil loiiuiloi's and sininicr 10 minntos. soa.-Diiino" witli a j)iccr of cclci-x-. 'lav leal', a lilllc mace and onion. Sti-ain and use the li(|ni(l. ^Ft'lt tiic hutli')- and ini\ with it carcrnllv llic llour. add tlic strained loii)atn(\^ and stir luitil it I'ca.clics Itoilinu' |t(iinl. add minute^; add 1 teaspoonfnl of salt, 1 of onion juice and tI a teaspoonfu! of iii'ound niiiee. Huh tile mixing-spoon with a clove of garlic; stii- and cook tin.' sauce a moment longer; take from tlu' lire, add 5 tablespoonfuls ot thick cream. Strain tlii-ough a \rvy tine sieve, and serve witli boiled or fried i-iiicken. Ol' (dlicl• Sauce Bechamel. K'uh togethi'r 1 talde-pooiifnl of butter and 1 of lioui-; till the cup half full of milk and the remaining half with eliicken stock; stir until boiling. Take from the lii-e; add i a tea>|)ooiiful of salt and a da-^h iir until the sugai- i< dissolved and l)oil For o nunutes. Cranberry. Wash and pick over a (piaid of rrajiheri'ies : put them in a granite or porcelain saucepan with 1 pinl of cold water; covei' the saucepan, bring to l)oiling point and Itoil rapidly for T) ndnutes. Press through a colaiult'r. Add 1 pint of sugar, stir iiiilil the sugar is dissohcd and turn the sauce out to eool. Sauce Hollandaise. Ili'at in a saucepan 1 slice of onion, 1 bayleaf, a little chopped celery or a salt- s])()onful (d' celery seed, 1 clove of garlic mashed, and 4 tablespoonfuls of tarragon sr'IM":RI(H\' CO(^K r'.DOK 41 \ illi'i:;!!'. W'licil I'cdiiccil \ (.)oii fiil ol' biitlor out in liioclvS. J, ;l lc;l<]/MOiiriil of >;lll. A (l;l>ll of |ic|i|i('r .-ind llic \ i 11cl;;1 1'. PlT-SS tlirouii'li a line >i('V('. 'I'll:-; is one ().r llic licsl of H-li -iiicc-. A |il;iill Siiiicc I |()ll,iii(l.iisc iii,i\ lie iiuidc Uy ;iddini^- llic yolks of "2 Oii'gs sliglitlv l)(';it('ii ;ind '' t;il)l('s|)ii(iii fills of I ,i n-.iizoii \iii('u;ir lo MiiLilisli drawn butter. Sauce Tartare. One t(',is|io()iiriil (if iiinslard. \ tca-|io()ii fill id' sail, llic \()lk ol' 3 eggs, L cupful of oil. ;') tal>lcs|io(inruls of tarragon vinegar. 1 tal)lc>|ioonfiil of cliopjjed caper.?, 1 table- spoonful of (•!i()ppc(! y ami 1 Icaspooiiful of cliojipiMl shallots. This may lie made just as a mayonnaise is iiii\(Ml. the chopped {\i'\'y liiicly) iugrcdiciils being added at the last. If shallots are not ohlainahle use a little onion-juice, or rub tbe mixing-bowl with garlic. Mint Sauce with Roast Lamb. One-half cup of \inegar. I tal)le~;[)oonfiil of siiiiar. Mix well with 2 table- -|iooii< of chopped spearmint. ^liis. C. J. SlIAUDlCK. Caper Sauce wjth Boiled Mutton. ^Iak(^ nudled hutlc!' sauce, adding I table.~poon fid of clio])])e(l caper.s. M i;s. ( '. .]. Sit \i)TnrK. Onion Sauce. P)oil o or \ white onion.- iinlil tender: mince line: hoil \ pint of milk, add butter I si?,i^ of an o^^g, salt and p^cpper (o taste, and -lir in minced onion and 1 lai)lespoon of flour, wbich has heeii moistened with millc. Port Wine Sauce for Venison. One-half a cup of Port wine, l- a cup of currant jelly melted, 1 saltspoon of salt, a little cayenne pejiper. 1 teaspoon ful of lemon juice. }, a cup of thick brown stock, or I a cup o;' di-ipping< from the meat, freed from fat. Heat all together until very hot. ]\[i;s. Ltxcoln. Curry Sauce. iMiiir tahle-pooiis of hiittei-. 'i tablespoons of Hour. 1 cup of watei'. or stock. 1 leaspooii of salt, ^'olk of 'i c^^j!::^, \ teaspoon of ciiiry |)()wder: nudt \ the butter, arid flour and then the water or stock, stir over the lire until it thickens and boils. Add the rest of the butter, the curry powder and salt, a dash of pej)per and a few drops of onion juice; pom- while boilini;- h(»t oxer the volks n\' the (^u-us and serve at once. Mi;'s'. F. II. Raiskey. Giblet Sauce. Uoil the giblets until tender: chop iiieiii. but not \-ei-y line; add a tal)lespoonful (d l)ou>inan"s I'est Patent Hour to the pan in whiidi the turkey was roasted; let it b!T)\\-n. stirring constantly: add slowly a cupful of water in which the giblets were boiled; season with salt and pi'pper : strain and add the chopjied giblets; serve in ,1 sauceboat. Meats and Their Sauces. Here is a Ji~t of meals and iheii- reli.\\\rr: k)i'(iiKMl ^li;id. l)oilfd ri'-e mul salad ; oojiipote of pigeons, niiislii'noiii sauce: \'vc<\\ salnioii, ■svrou peas, ci-eaui sauce. 'I'o make a juistake in >ei-viim- meat ivlislies is io (ilTeiid llu taste of au epicui'e bevoud hope of pardon. SrPF:K'l< >l\' v'< •()]< IK M il\ 43 PETER WHITE & (s Insurance Agents MARQUETTE. MICHIGAN Fire, Life, Accident, Steam Boiler, Eni= ployers Liability and Plate Glass. Sttrety Bonds Fitrnis/icd on S/wrf Notice. r>KLL • PHONIC 82. REFERENCES. (VU-vT^- •i:)r4nvr o> Miners' National Bank, Ishpeminj HUAi. ti-iwAi'. '_. Peninsula Bank, Ishpeming. First National Bank, Negaunee. GEORGE F. RUEZ LISTED AND UNLISTED SECURITIES. Bonanza Circle Stocks a Specialty, LhiHslcil Stocks Boi/o/il ami Sold For Cus/i (hi /v. I.is/ed S/ocks Carried on Mari>i/is. Daily Market Letter Mailed Free Upon Application. Office: Jeiiks Block, Second Floor, Ishpemitig, Mich. 44 SITPKRIOR COOiv BOOK TAYLOR KIRK CO CHICAGO. For Fine Hats 1l» R. G. OUINN, Representative forMictiipn and Wisconsin. Brenk Brothers, Importing Tailors, Mikvaukee. Next to liolel J'fister. I ?rt IVisconsiii SI. ST^PI^RIOR COOK r.OOK 45 Salads. ••Tn MiiiUr ;i iM-rrcrl salad 111. Tf >honl(lhr ;i >i>cii(hlirili for nil. M iiiiNri- lui- vinctrar, a wise man C'l- sail anil a mad-can i" stir The inyn-dicnl^ iid and nii.N Ihcin well loycllitT." M'amsii I'kov i.itii. Mayonnaise Dressing. rx'iit Ihe volks oi ■^ e.uiis witli '4 tcnspooii of iiir.stanl. 1 triispooii of siipir and a |.iii(li of cayenne pepper. Tl'eii add l-j i)int of olive oil drop hy drop lliinnm,':- as it tliiekens'with the juice of half a lemon. Lastly, add '^ teasi)ooi) of salt. 11' added at lirst. tlie salt may eausr the oil to ciirdlo. Mi;s. H. (). Vorxi;. Salad Dressing. "^'olks of I eii-g-s. -2 licapiiii:- tcjispooiis inwslard. '1 teaspon.is Doiisinan'^ lies^ raleiit Hour. 1 even teaspoon sail. '^ fnp . A. W. IImiu.i:. Dressing for Cabbage Salad. The volks of -i eggs. 1 teaspoonful of . When cool beat in a cuji of thick, sour cream. This is sullicient for 1 (p. of linelv chopjK-d cabbage. Mi;s. IT. (). Vorxc. Salad Dressing. 'i'liree tablespoonfiils sugar. I laliles] nfiil salt. I- laMopoonful mustard. '! tablespoon fuls melti'd butter. 1 cup of sweet or sour en am. small pinch of red pepper. ilix sugar, salt, mustard and butter togetler with a little water and -I't on lh<' stove luilil it comes to a boil. I'x'at eggs and add the \inegar: pour that in and let come to a boil. Then add the cream and let c(mie to a boil again. Siiv while cook- ijl.r. Mi;s. .1. !•'. \ AX Hl.'OCKl.lX. Salad Cream Dressing. Ilciil 1 clip of cream, mix 1 lalilespooii (d' Dousiiiairs liesl raleiil Hour with milk: when cream is hot. add Ihuir and milk stin-ing for 'i minutes: add '! table- spoons of powdered sugar, take (d'f tlii' stove aiul partly cool. Then add the beaten whites of -1 eggs and 'i tablespoons of melted butter and 1 teaspoon of salt, 'g tea- spoon of [lepper, 1 l<'as|ioon of iiiii-lari! and ■". tablesp is of vinegai". Put ovci- salad. .^[I^s. .Muoin". 46 vSTTPKRfOR COOK BOOK DYEING AND CLEANING IN ALL IT'S HRx^XCHES. «^ =— ISTEIKDHAM BROH.— Salad Dressing. 'I'lirc'c-roiii'llis ciiii (if \iii('L;;n'. |uil (iii sIom' \n lioil in small hasiii. I'lil 1 tea- spoon of iiroiind nuistai'il. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 talilespooii suL;ar, 1 teaspoon conisturcli and a shake of (-ni'iiiie peppei' into a eup. lill cup ' -j Full of eold watei', n)i\ well with iiin()K 47 French Salad Dressing. Six l;ililcs|)(ioils oil. "J lr;is|i()(iii.- \iiici^;ii-. 'j Ii';i^|iu(iii sail. |)iiirli of rc(| |)r|)|iiM-. Mix till' >alt. |ii'|i|ici- and oil lo^■(•lh(■|•. >lir in .-lowly the \iiicpir. Iicaliii^' until il hc- t-onics wliilc and sliL;litlv 1 hickmcil. Scrxc at once o\ci' the \cL:ctal)lcs doii'cd. This is 08|)t'<'ially nice on lettuce, watercress and cnciunhei-s. M i;s. \\. W . \\'i;i(.iri'. Cheese Balls. One cup id' iirateil cheese mixed with 1 ei;u' anll . 1 >poou of cream aiul '.J teaspoon of salt stiri'cd toLiether: then shape like huiier halls. \'ej'v nice to serx'e with lish. meat o|- \(';^etal)le salads. Mi;s. ||. (). ^■|l^^•l;. Creann Salad Dressing. I-',, 111- e^o-yolks, I tahlespoonrul< of tai'i'a^on \ine'iar. two taidespooii rnl.- of hutler. one le\el leaspoonrul of salt, the same of mustard, a hit of ca\enne. and as niucli whipped cream as the whole. Heat the \ineL;ar in a L;i'anite saucepan and pour o\ci' the other inijredients ( exceptin,ii- the hutter) well healeii touetlier: stir, return to t he sto\e, and cook until it thi(;kens. st irriui;- all the time; now i'emo\-e I'roiii tlie stove, add huttei'. and heat until smooth. Add the ci-eam just hel'ore ser\inii-. .Mi;s.' K. .1. I'.i Ti.Ki;.' Aspic Jelly. I)i-('ss a fowl, cut il up. cracking;- the holies, and put it in a hiri^e pot with a o-lb. heed' hone (cut just ahoxc the knuckle). I calf leel and (i qts. of water. Sim- nier o iioiirs. then add "? onions, '1 small carrots, I turnip, a stalk of celer\-. 1 lea- spoonrul of dried mixed hei-hs, (i cloves. 1 doz. peppercorns. I hav-leat and I ile>s(.i-t- spoonl'ul of salt. Simmer until there is onl\- o pints of stock, then strain and coo!. When cold remoxe nil urease, chop up line with a spoon, and mix with the mass ■i eggs (shells and all), heating the whole togcllu')-: now put it on the stove and •stir constantly until the hoiling-point is Jiisl touched, then draw hack on the stove where it will harely simmer for -jo minutes, covering it. and /;o/ stirring it. Il is now ready to strain, and should he as (dear as amher. Strain through a tlii(d< jellv- cloth, first wringing it out in hot water, and when half cold add a tund)leror Madeira. Call' feet arc not easily procured in cilies. and a >uli.Ntitute luav he fonml in a kniickle of veal, adding enough dissolved gidatiiie just hefore the last straining to insnre the proper consistency when cold. Half a pa(dpoontul ol' ciderv seed, a dozen whole pe|ipe!- corns: cover with 1 pi. of cold water. l)ring slowlv lo hoiling point and l)oil ."> minutes: add 1 lahlcspoontul of ij(.'ef extract. U. ho.\ of gelatine (hat lias been soaked in \.j cujjfuj of cold water for \.j. an hour. .Stir, strain; 48 STTPKRIOR COOK BOOK add a talilcHpoiiii Fid of lemon juice. ' ■_, a leas|M).>)i ful of sail and a dash of I'eil [lepjtei-. 'I'lIl'U (lUl til cool. Tomato Jelly. Seak 1 1m)\ of i;('latiiie I'di" an lidiir in '! eiipi'ids n\' cold waler. I*ut n\rr the lire the li(|ii()i- i'rdni "' cans nf tomatoes, with ' ;_. an onion, sliced, a Itav-leaf, 'i cIoncs and a s])ri.u' oL' parsley. Let them cool< loL;'ethei- •'!<) ndnutes. put in the ^lelatine. stir uiiti] dissolved, strain the jell\. add to it a conple n\' tahlespoon I'uls of Wiu'cestei'- shii'e sauce, salt and jieppei' to taste, and poui- into the mold, which is wet with CO hi watci-. Tomato Aspic. ()ne |iiid lomaloes slraineii. 1 lai\i;'c tahlespoon ^claline. soak' for ' .. liou'': add tomato and hi'liii;' to hoilinu' point: add 1 teaspoon TaiTa^'on \ineuai'. I teas[ioon salt. 1 toas]H)on onion juice, jdiicli of cayenne. Strain and turn into molds. Serve on lettuce with mayonnaise. Miss Maiilanii. Spice Salad. Soak 1 hoxtul of gelatine in '' cupfuls (d' consomme tor 1 hour: just hi'iiu^- to a sininier and add ' _j of a cupful of \ iiieiiai-. '' tahlespoon t'uls of Madeii'a wine. "' tahle- spooiil'uls of lemon juice, and 1 teaspoonlul of salt. In a Fancy mould [lack cooked string Ijeans, asparagus, potatoes, peas. cucund)ei' and radishes, cut into sjuall pieces: ])Our in the jelh' as \i)u lill. Set on ice until lli'iu. hip in wai'ui watei' an instant, unniould on a lace paj)er doil\-: iiarnish with uiaNonnaise and pai'slex nr set in hi'd of lettuce leaves. Mushrooms in Aspic Jelly. Simmer till meat shi'eils 'i llis. oF knuckle oF Ncal. I calF's loot, i ^, Ih. oF lean bacon, a lumch of sweet hei'hs. ;! s\\\;\\\ carrots. 1 ^reen oniiui: strain, ami seaxiu with salt and ])c|)pt'r: cool, I'cmoxc Fat and sediment. I'eturn to sauce])an. heat in the whites of 2 eggs witli the shells, hod up. sti'ain through jelly-hag, add 1 wineglassFul of sherrv, C(jol. ^\'hen thickening pour into liuted mold lined with cook-ed musli- rooins, ])lacing mushrooms throughout jell)'. Let it hecouie lii'm h(d'oi"e invei'ting on a dish. Oyster Mayonnaise. One quart Asjjic jelly, k^ jiackage gelatine. 1 (|t. oystci's. '^ do/., olives, y^, doz. sweet pickles For the Jelly. Take 1 ([1. (d' li(pioi' in which chicken has keen cooked, in this hoil 1 onion, few sprigs of parsley, and little celery. For a U-\v minutes. A(\i\ Few drops oF tabasco sauce, salt and y^ |)ackage of gelatine, cool. Cook 1 (|t. of ovsters in iheir own liipior till they curl and add to al)i)\e, with pickles and oli\'es cut up line. Tour into a mould and wlu'U jellied mmac with slices of hai'd-hoileil egL:' aiul mayonnaise dressino. )li;s. Thomas I*1';i,i,ow. Oyster Salad. r)oil I pi. oF oNsters in their own liipior until plump. hrain. cool, chop, and mix with an e(pud amount oF lettuce oi- celei'x. Tour on uiMyounaise dressing and ser\'e wit h waFers. Jellied Ham Salad. Soak '4 '*'' <> '"*^ "'' gelatine in ' 'i of a cupFul of cold water: add •'> i oF a cup- ful K 4') ;i wcttcil iiKiiild. W'licii (inn. Iiii'ii out r<\ df l)laiiclic(l lettuce leaxcs ami L;ar- iiisli with iiiayoimaisc. \'er\ nice with a lisli dinnei-. M i;s. Acxics II. l>Ai;i{i':i;. Chicken Salad. I'sc a pint nf cnhl roasted chicken cnl in .--niall pieces, and [■_■ as mncli celerv — clioosiiiiii,L;'. Add an c(nial (piantity of cubes of cucumber at sei'\inL;' lime. Mix with m;i\o!iiiaise dres>inL;'. Serve on lettuce. .Mi;>. D. U. IJh.kkv. Shrimp Salad. l-'onr e,u;a's. h.anl boiled, 1 J.^ cups of celery. I can >lirimp. Dressing. Two i-aw (••^'j:>. well lieaten. 1 tablespoon ful of butter, 1 tea^poonful of >alt, 'i teaspoonfuls of prepared mustard. VL> teaspoonful id' peppci' and 1 lar^^c tablesi)oon- fnls f)f vine thick. Let cool am! add 1/. cup of whipped cream. Mi;'-. -L Lkox \i,m) .Ioiixson. Shrimp Salad. Shred with a fork the contents of I can L'ichelieu shrimp.-: add 1 cn() choppiMl celery, '2 hard-boiled e.u'^s ehopiied line. ' ^. cup shredded lettuce, a li Kiclielien salad dressin;:^- diluted with cream to moisten. Toss all together with 2 silver forks. Place on lee V^ hour before serving-. (Jarnish Avith stulfVd olives or clio])ped beets. Lii.i.tAN' Daavsox. Chicago. Salad in Cucumber Boat. Ifemove seed pulp frcun cucumbci' to f(u-n) boat ; cut pulp into cubi\-. add 1 am lobster, celery cut into small pieces and an e(|ual amount of fresh tomato cut into small ])ieces. Cover with mavi^nnaise and ser\e boat on cel(>rv phnnes. :\li;s'. 1>. r>. Hii,Ki-v. Salmon Salad or Lobster. One can -almou and one-half as much ci'ler\, ■.' tablespoons lemon juice. 1 table- spoon vinegai'. 1 ti-aspoon salt, L'o teas])oon peppei-. Ureak u]» salmon with two silver forks. Add salt and pepper ano not use sugar in dressing. " " -Uks. F. A. Bell, 50 SUPERIOR COOK ROOK German Potato Salad. Uoil ]"i iiicdiuin si/.t'd ])()tati)('s witlioiit |ic('liii,i;-. in smIIimI wjilcr. Tec! nml sli(^c wliilc \\';ii-iii, aild salt and ])('it|i('r to taslc, 1 lai\uc onion and 1 linncli of cclci-y (•lio|)|icd (inc. Mix l)y slialtai-d, huttci- size (d' cu'l;-. Cook o\ci' steam until thick'. \\ hen cold add 1 taip whipped cream. ri;sri,.\ lioi'Ks. Potato Salad. 1'wel\(.' ii'ood sized potatoes ;ind lioil in jacdscts, when cool slice and add 'i cucund)ers cut in small pieces, 1 lai'^c onion choppeil line. '! knnclies of n^d radishes cut line and 1 cup of i;i-een peas. Mix thorouulil\ with the following; French dressinii' : : One taklespoonful of \ineuai', '.) tablespoonfuls of oil. 1 salt- spoonful of salt and 1 saltspoonful of pepper. ^li;s. Thomas \\'.\i/i'i;i;s. Tomatoes Stuffed with Nuts and Celery. Peel the tonuitoes, cut out a cii'culai' piece at the stem of each and scoop oiH (•t'uter, so as to form cups. Chill tliorou^iily, then llll with Fai,uiish walnut or pt'can meats, Ijroken into pit^'cs, and celery cut into small pieces and nii\e(l with mayonnaise. Ser\(' on lettuce lea^■es. .\ . W . Kk'oc.max. Stuffed Tomato Salad. Six smooth small tomatoes, (i taklespoonful of cold chicken or any cold meat you may- have, G taklespoonful of i)eas, '■] olives, cho])ped liiu', ■] gherkins, chopped fine, 2 tablespoonfuls of ea])ers, salt and pep|)er. l>emove a round jdece from the stem end of the tonuitoes and scoop out the seeds in center, chill. Just before serving, mix together the solid pai't of the tomatoes cut line ami the other ingredi- ents; season to taste, adding mayonnaise to bold tlic ndxtui'c together. Fill the tomatoes with this and ser\-e on lettuce lea\-es. .\li;s. S. ,1. M itch hi, l,. Pepper Salad. Parboil the pepj.iers until they are very tendei-. Wdien cold slice them in strips and dress with French dressing. .Serve with hot meats. Apple Salad. Select good sized red a|)ples. ("ut olf top. scooj) out ceidei'. llll with cclei'y. apple and walnuts nuxed with go(jd mayonnaise. Serve on lettuce with salted A\-afers and toasted cheese. MliH. C. T. Krusk. SrPllKloR COOK i;ooK 51 Pineapple Salad. ()ilLM-;lll nf |iiiH';i|i|tlc clll i II ell I irs ; til kc ' ^. ;l> II lilll \ W I i i tc l:|-;I | ic>. ell I ilitwoillld t^ecded ; '/f; us niaiiv pjii^lish \\;ilinils. Take ' ;._ as iiiucli salad ilri'ssinu as t'niii. twicr as imicli \\lii|i|ird crcaiii as >alad di-cssiiii;-. Salad Dressing for Above. ()iu' (Mill \iiici;a!'. let l)(iil: '- ciiii >imai'. yulks of I cii.iis. ! lal.l('>|)iMiii imislai'd. 1 talil('s|i()oii liiiltcr. .Mi;s. !•". A. 1)1;!, i.. Beet Salad. ()lli'-liair do/., cooked ln'ct>. cliolilicd line. .\ild ilic follow iii;^- ( I rcs.-iii;/ : 1 dessertspoon butter ami 1 dcsseiispoon ol' I )()usiiiair> llcst Patent Hour, ereaiiieil : add lo cup \ine,ii"ai", add ' •_. cui) watei', y\ teaspoon sail. I tablespoon supir. and a lilllr pepper. Cook till thick, 'i'licii add '^ cup thick sour ci'eaiii and lieal for a I'cw minutes. .\li;s. O'Coxxoi;. Pear Salad. .\n acce|ttalile salad coiii->c at Iniichcon nr dinner collsi^t^ of larL;c canned l)aiilett pears, drained and the core 1 lioroiii;ld\ reiiio\ed. leavinu' a hole for a lillin<:' of eelerv ami l-Ji^lish walnut meats mixed with mayoniniise. 'Idie\ may he st'rved individually on lettuce lea\;'> or arranp'ij ai'ound ihe ediic of round, tial salad dish, and the center (ilhd with cream ck.eese which has been mixeil with cream and ])assed throuiiii a i)otato I'icer. Mks. ,]. II. .Vndik s. Waldorf Salad. One cu|) apple> cut in culio. 1 cnp celei'w ' •_. cup |-]n,:zli.-h walnut-. .Ser\c on lettuce with salad di'essim^. (iarnish with walnut hal\cs. AuXES II. I') \i;i'.i:i;. Beet Salad. l-'oiii' or .■) Liood sized iieets. boil until Well cooked, cut ill small pieces; 'i cup^ful of nuts, walnuts or almonds, chopped or not. as you desii-e; '* eup.'^ru! Iiuel\' chopped celerw Place a layer of beets in a dish, a layer of nuts and celery, add a little dressinr e!M»|»|ie(l nuls. salad (Iressiiiiz-. Servt' on lettuce. Mi;s. ,1. II. (^)uiNX. Cherry Salad. 'ral. Shell and hlanch the nuts and boil theiu until tender in salted water. 'I^ake out the nids and cut them in ])ieces. Cover with a mayonnaise dressing, and place on dainty lettuce leaves to serve. If a French dressing is ]ireferred put it o\er the nuts while they arc warm, but serve the salad cold. Stuffed Beet Salad. To make stuffed beet salad, boil red Bermuda beets of medium size until well cooked, and remove the skin while warm. Cut off the end of the beet, and with a sharp round-end knife take out the centers, making a thick cup of each heet. Let them stand over night in vinegar. AMien ready to serve tal^e crisp celery and chop fine, and mix the cek'ry with a mayonnaise dressing. Place the beet cups on lettuce leaves and lill them witli the ])i-epai'ed celery,, heaping them, and cover with dressing. S]»ri]dvle a little tiiu'ly clio])ped ])arslcy o\-ei' the dressing. Stuffed Cucumber Salad. Cut the Intter [loint from the ends ol' "j n)ediuni sized cucundjers. ]-)eel them, and cut them into hahcs lengthwise; scra])e out the seeds, and lay the cucumbers in ice water for an lioui- or mtjre. i'eel one tomato, cut it in half, and I'emove the seeds; chop the solid paii with half a slice of oni(_)n, 1 stalk' ol' celerv and a sj^rig of parsley until all are line, and nnx them with a little uiaMUuiaise dressing. \Vipe the cucumbers with a soft cloth and till wilh the ch(_)|)ped nu.xlui'e, puttijig a little more dressing over the to]i. Serve on lettuce leaves. Fruit Salad. I'lit ;i Invcr of spoii^^c-HiimM's jiiid iii;ic;i rnnii- diihi ;i |)l;ilc: ;i(l(l lavci's of pared and st'cdcd ni'ai)_. llicn liaiianas cut Irn^tli- wisc. on cacli sti'ip of wliicli place lilandiiMl almonds: put a macaroon in centei'. Just liefoi-e sei-\ini;- pour o\ei- cold s'lnce made of suLiar. watei'. st rawhei'i'v juice and sherry wine lioiled lo a tlTuk >\rup. Fruit Salad. split and >ecd I pt. of Malaga ,i;rapc>: add '^ pi. of sliced hanaiia.s, 1^ P*^- of (>ranu"e pul[». and '^ pt. of nut meats. Mix and poui' (i\cr I wine glass of sherry and 1 coi-(lial ulass of l>i'and\\ Ser\e with oi' without whipped cream. Fruit Salad. Slice oi-aniics and hananas \rv\ tidii. spi'inkle with ' ^. cupful of su^ar. 2 tahlespooiil'uls of sliei'i-y and 1 tahlespoon j'ul of maraschino, ami then ])lace in the rofvip'erator for 1 hour. This is nice to serve- hcfore game, as it pi'ejiai'os the palate I'oi" new dishes. Fruit Compote. Tln'ce oranges I'l-et'd from all ineud)ranc ami .-liceij into small stvijis: "i hanana.^ cut in slices; 1 pound ■Malaga gra])cs. stoned and halved (if the ^lalaga arc out of season other variety can he nseil ) ; ])ineap])le cut into ciihes: take a jtonnd of granu- lated sugar and '- cup watei- and hoii until the consistency of honey and while hot pour over the I'l'uit : wdien cool put into pineapple shell; keep in a cool ])lace mitil I'eady to serve. Salsify Salad. chop rather line c
cu]) (d' vin(\::"ai" in lop of douhic hoiler. Mix '' lexcl teaspoons of salt. "3 level teaspoons of mustard. ' j teaspoon ol' papi'ika. oi- slightly less of cayenne, and 2 tahlespoons of sugar. Heat I eggs till light and smooth, add the spice mixture, aiul 1 cu]) of thick cream; pour it into the hot vinegar, add "3 tablespoons of melted hutter ami stir until thick like custai-d. being cai-eful that it does not cui'dle. Strain it into a dish f(»r serving and set away to cool. 15oil (! or 8 eggs hard, and remove tl;e shells. Cut in liahes ami remove the yolks. Mash iIkmu to a ])aste with some of the dressing, adding enough to maki' a thick, creamy mi\lui-e. \i\i\ also 1 tahlespoon, of nnxed pickle and capei's. or minceil olives. oi- gi-een peppei'. .\ri-am^-e the halved whites in heds of lettuce, tdl the cavities with the nuxlure and poui' on enough of the di'essing to cover lie white, and serve \ery cold. If you liappen to have anv hits of cooked chicken or \eal. they n)ay he mixed with the volks ami dressini;'. sui'I'.InM )I\ C( )(»k [;()() k The Miners' National Bank ISH]M*:M1NG, .MICHIGAN. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $120,000.00. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. F. BkaasTAI), President. A. B. MiNiOR, Cashier. D. McViCHiK, Vice Prest. O. G. A as, Ass't Cashier. Economy is the Mother of Wealth. Savin,2[ Pennies Seemetli Slow, But Soon to Dollars Tliey Will Grow. Open a sainngs acco7mt zvith tis. Do it now. If You Want the Most Delicious Meats that can be secured, you ivill Jind them at J. J. LEFFLER'S. Our Hams are Fine. Try Them. 218-220 WEST DIVISION STREET. ISHPEMING. SI iM.i\i< >i\ *.'( X >i\ i;< »' >i\ Vegetables. ■I'lic liiilrhci-. llic hakcr. iIh' .■.i iiilli'sl ick iiialviT, All .iiiiiii>('aUed water, boilin.u- hot and bod rapnlly. without rover, skimminu- carefully imlil done, if water is hard, put in a small pi ml) (d' soda. Celery and Cheese Baked. Three cu.pfuls celerv, cul in pieees. one cujitiil >lalr bread crumbs, three-quar- lers cupful orated cheese, one-half cupful milk, iwn tablespoonfuls l)utter. one tablespoon fufDonsman's Best Patent flour. Cook celery in salted water until tender. Drain and set aside half a cupful of the liqnid. Melt the hutter, add the flour and iiii\ smooth, then stir into the scahh'd milk and celery liquid. Cook imtd thick, add a balf cupful of cheese and stii- ujitil melted, then mix with the celery, seasoning with sail and pep|)er. :\ri\ the bread cruml)S with a tablespoon hutter and put celery .md crumbs in bake di-^b in allernative layers and sprinkle cheese on top. Bake duicklv until brown in a J.'wel Ilange. Serve hot. Mi;s. W. TT. .\xni:i;so\'. Succotash. Sodc one cupful dried lima bc.in^ ^ver nigh',. l'>uil until lender and add on(> ,an rnrn- reason with sail and i.-.piM.r ami ah:kh>k cook hook IF YOU HAVE A SEVERE HEADACHE SOME DAY I'/s not worth iv/iitc ,i>oi;i^i4 to see a doctor , yet its a nasty thing to put up ivit/i ami a needless one too when = Tillson's Headache Powders = WILL STOP IT IN TEN MINUTES. SIX DOSES FOR 15 CENTS. POST OFFICE BLOCK. Sot in the oven and liakr lialf an lidur in a .lewel Ran.^e. it should he nicely hrowned on io|). Jeanette Tonnesen. Spinach a la Creme. Conk half a peck oi' .sjhnaeh in hoiliii^- salted watei" until tender; drain and rhoj). Cook two tablespoonfuls of butter in two of flour; mix with sj^inach, and add half a cupful of cream and a litth> salt and pepper. Slio-htly cook. Tip Top Pudding. JJoil a llruu wiiite cabbage fifteen minutes, changino- water then for more from the boiling tea-kettle; when tender, drain and set aside till perfectly cold; chop ,'ine, add two l^eaten eggs, a tahles])oon of butter, three of very rich milk or cream, pepper and salt. Stir all well togethei' aud bake in a -lewel. Eange in a buttered \'egetable dish until hi'own : serve hot. Tlu' dish imieli resembles cauliflowers. Miss Ethel Hamby. Baked Tomatoes. Cut a thin slice from l)lossoiii side ol twelve solid, smooth, ripe tomatoes, with a teaspoon remove ]>ul]) without breaking shell; take a small, solid head of cabbage and one onion, choj) line, add hicad ci-umbs rubbed tine, and pulp of tomatoes, season with jX'pper, salt and sugar, add a teaiii|) good sweet cream, mix well together, fill tomatoes, put the slice back in its ])lace, lay them stem end down in a buttered i)aking dish with j\>»t ('ni)iiijh water (souu' cook without water), with a small lump of l)utter on each, to kee|) fi'oui bui'uing. and bake half an hour in a Jewel Range, or until thoroughly done; |)lace a Ml of butter on each and serve in baking dish. 'I he\' make a handsome di^li For a iliniiei' table. Miss ^Iatilda Sincook. Escalloped Tomatoes. I'ut in a buttered baking-dish a layei' of bread or ci'at-ker ci'umbs seasoned with bits of l)utter, then a layer of ,-liced tomatoes seasoned with ])e]jper, salt, and sugai' if desired, then a layer of erunihs, and so on till disli is full, finishing with the crumbs. Bake fi-om three-((uartei's (d' an houi- to an houi' in a Jewel Range. Onions, jjrepared l)y soaking over night in hot water, di-ied well, sliced in nearly half inch slices, and browned on both side< in a frying-pan with hutier. may f)e added, a lavei' on each la\'er of tomatoes. Scalloped Tomatoes. One |)l. canned tomatoes or I laige raw oiu's, 1 pt. of stale bread crumbs. 4 table- spoons butler, 1 teaspoon salt. 1 saltspoon pe|)per. I'nt i)i'ead crumbs into butter and stir so ci-um])s will he buttered. Season tonudoes with |)ep])er and salt. Put into baking dish in layers with toiualoes on bottom and bread ei-umbs on top. Fresh lomatoes bake •] hi', and canned \ \w. in Jewel Range. Winifred Cooley. SL'PEKIOK *JV)()K BOOK 57 Stuffed Tomatoes. Take 1 (l(./.. hn-v inn,;Mu,.>. ml wlT lii.^ n,,!.. mkr nut xv.ls nihl |.ul|-.. nw\ ,,,rinkK. the in-ill.' wuh -.iM .iiul |m'|.|"'i-- "■•^'' 1»i-"|k«'v,1 a .Inssiii- ol a pound o (Vi.l l.'an hoof, a slic-.- ..f cnl.l l.oil,.! ham. .•!... im-mI lin.': mix wuli n h'aeuptul o smlo l)ivn(1 enin.l)>. 'i Ix-atrn (---. and tlu- Ion. at... ' jnu-.'. S.M^.n with salt aii. Slice m thm -lies U'nglhwi.-e. Take a . n.ck or pan, cover botDm with huvr of potatoes. ..n top place 4 pieces of butter the -ize of a'nutme.-. sprinkle plentifullv with sugar an.l pulverize.! cinnamon. I hen ■,hU\ another laver of potat..es and pnu-.H".! as helore with hutt.M- an.l cinnanmn until ,dl ilie potato.- an- uscmI. dust h.doiv putting in oven a.l.l h a cup ol milk, being .■.ireful to pour in at tlw of hult.M' and al)..ut 1 teasp.)onrul of minced chicken, veal or l.oiled ham t.. .'xerv p.. tat... S.'ason higblv ami pack again in skm. ll.'turn t.. ..veii for about 10 minut.'s. ^^''■^- >>"'^'i:^'- Sweet Potato Puffs. St. Mm C. lar-.' sweet potatoes until len.l.-r, p.'el and mash and add 1 tablespoon 58 SUPEKI(»K TOOK IU)()K powdcj'cil sui;;ir, "' t;ll>li'S|Mii)iis hiitlci'. litllc sail and a Few (l|-o|)s oiiiiui jiiiuu. ix'Ut wilii n sih'ci' Fork iiiilil \ci-\ li^'^lil, and slir in (|nickly stii'lly Itcalcii wliitcs of 2 egg's. I'oiw inln ciiii-. plarcd ill |»an ni' Imiliii;^- watci', ami l>alilki:y. Creamed Fried Potatoes. I'ccI and ciil inio dice <(inic I'aw |iMialoc>. Vry to xcry li,L:iit hi'own in buttoT, addiiiL!,' |)('|)|)cr and salt. -Iiisl lud'oic s('r\ini;' |ti)iii- (»\(M' tlicin some tliii-k cream; boil ii|) and sci'N'c. Sauerkraut. Cui ca'^l^a.ux' thin and to ('\(M-v pan (use |ian size ol' dish-|»an') of eal)l»a,u"o add. one liandrnl (d' salt and no inure. I*iii in liari'd and |)it,-s down uood and put elntli o\'ci- it : ilirn lii a hoard on lop and put a Ii(M\v slono on ihc hoard. Put in a warm |)lac(' r(»r a W'W weeks and then pnl in cellai'. The stone, hoard ami (doth shonh"! lie washed e\-ei'v we(-k and pnt ha'-k on elean. Afh'r it is cook'ed. and jnsj hel'ore ul|) and season it well with jiepper, salt. hnttei' and a little onion-juice, adding half the hulk' (d' hread-crumhs soaked in (a'cain and drained; heap tliis iiii.xture in the skins, cover with crninhs nuiistened in melted hut ter, and hake until !)i'own. Egg Plant Fried in Butter. peel ami slice egg plant, let it lie in salt for 1 hour, I'oll slices in Hour, season with pepper and salt. IIa\(' pan vei'y hot. try in lots ot hntter until golden hrown. ^It;s. (k J. SiiADniCK. Mock Mushroom Stew. Pare the eggplant, cut lii'st into h inch slices and then into dice or cubes. Siminer in salted watei' until tender hut not sol't. It will he s].)oik'd it mushy, ilrain. In a separate saiicepaii put a I'oundcd tal)les))oonful of nice butter and a le\-el tablespoontiil of tlonr. Stir until fi'othy but not brown. Add a teacnpful of j'icli milk (cream is better), season well with salt and pepper, let boil up, add the eggplant car(d'uli\- and when it simmers thi-oughont. dish tor the table. A ti'ille of cithei' lemon juice or onion juice ma\' be added it liked. 'I'his is a choice accompani- ment to be(d'steak. Cabbage. Chop one niediiiin-si/ei! c,d)bagc line, jml in stew pan with boiling water, suf- fudent to t-oN-er wtdl. boil lo minute-, drain oil' all water and add: 7} half cup of \inegar, '-, i-up of sugar, salt, [x'ppei, .', tcaspoontui mnstai'd and "i teas]50onfuls of -alad oil. When this is boiling hot add 1 cu]» of ci'eain and 1 egg stirred together; mix thi< Wfdl wilii cabbage ami cook a moment; ser\e hot. Miss Cauuie Xelsox. sriM':KM<">l\ COOK I'.OOK 59 To Cream Cabbage. Cut n liani li.'ad of .mMm-v inlo halvs. llu'ii into .,uarU-rs. an.] >oak iii t'olf' \-iU.r for ■' hniii- Sliak.' uDtil drv : di-.p ralh.T lin.". an.l throw it into a kettlo ol l.oilino- .alU'.l watc.-. P.oil wiili tli.' kciilc uncovrnMk for "in iiiimitv<. Drain ma colan tabhpooiifnl. „r huitn- an.l n.M at oiu-r a roiin.liii- teaspoon rul of salt an.l a salt.>p.)..nlnl o, IHM>|H.r Pla.v tiu- kcttl." over a vrv iiiodcrat." (iiv while yon mix 1 tahl.'spnonlul .. |l„',,. \v.th 1 or milk: wlu'i. ll,i< is p.M-f.vtlv sni..olh a.l.i }, a .Mipl-iil ..I milk an.l strain the mixtinv int.. tlu' .■ahhaov. T..ss ..r ^tii ih.' ral.l.a-.' unti it reaches the iM.ilino- p.)inl. S.rv." ai ..n.-.". if this r.vip.. is |-oll..w.'.l earelullv the cabbage will he loim.l t.) ho almost .■.pia! in tk'.vor an.l a|.i..'aran.v to i-aiilifl.)W.'r. Warm Slaw. Chop on.' hea.l ..f eal)hau-.' linr. I'ut .•ahl)ao-e, a very little water an.l small ,mH-e of hnir.'r in a frvin- pan. .-ovo:- and l.'t >immer till thorono-hly (lone. Beat up Imo iHvu- v.M'v liiiht and, >tir in >l..wlv. hi-rlv a.ld }, a enp of sour eream. Salt an.l p.']i|»t'r [o ia>te. Cold Slaw. One head .)r cabbair<^ cut line 1 .--. 1 l.Mruplul of vinegar, butter the size of a hiek.M-v nut. 1 teaspoonfiil nl' wU'vx so...l. a littl." Hour, salt to taste. Sprink e the Hour salt and eelerv seed over the eabha-v. warm th.' vin.\o-av and butter m a skilie.. I'ut the eabbao-e in'it, beat the eo-'-c parsnips. •> .'g-s. A littl.- l)..usmairs Be oi- •'. time- a.-cording to delicacy of flavor desired. Prepare I .-upfuT of whit.' >au.-.' u>in- 1 ial)l.>sp,).)nful ..f butter. 1 heajiing tablespoonfnl II, Mir. .1 ..r a i.'asp..onful ..f salt. 1 ..f a teasp.)..nfiil whit.' p.'pper and 1 cupful milk. i)raiirtli.' ,,ni,.ii-. turn tli.'in int.) a bnttcre.l baking dish, pour over them th<> white .an.-.' an.l .-.^v.'r lb. 'in with '. of a .-ui-fiil .)f tine .Iri.^d brea.l crumbs mix.'.l with 1 :,.ah of -alt. I'.ak.' in a hot ..ven in .lew.'l IJangv till lb.'.rn,nl.^ ith m in.'h of wat.-r. .-ov.-r an.l b'ak.' 1 hour in .lowcl Pang.'. Let brown and .serve. Mrs. J. M. Perkins. 60 SUPERIOR Crx^Fv UOOK Canned Corn Pudding. '!'(» I r;iii coin ;hM I I'.u,^-. Iii'.'ilcii sc|i,i r.) I el y. 1 ic;is|)(>i>ii of siiuar. 1 teaspoon of llouf ci'-Miiicil with 1 r,ii)l('S|M)ini liiiUcr, 1 pitii iiiiik. snli nnd |tr|t|)i'r. Bake altout .', \\ouv ill s!(Mil\' ()\('n ill .Ii'wcl liaiiL;r. Sci'M' as snoii a.- iloiic. Mi;s. I). 15. Btlkky. Corn Pudding. Two ci^'ii's. 1 teaspoon of ^ii:^ai'. sail ami |ii'|)|i('r lo taste, l)ral to^^'ether well. Add I i-u|) of milk and 1 can of corn or i^ralcd Fresh corn. I »oi with hits of 'butter and itake in slow oncii -!, or '■; of an hour in dowel i.'an.uc. Miss ^Tattland. French Spaghetti. lireak' into small pieci's .', packa,u-e spaghetti, wash, throw into hoilinii' water Tiid le-i hoil until tender, remove l>oin sto\e and drain, pni hack and add 1 ])int of eitlier eanned or sh'wed ['n'>\\ tomatoes, let cook ahoiit 10 mimites; then just l^efore --rviui;- add 1 taldespoonl'id of hiitter, pineh of salt. ])e|)per to 'taste and lastly 1 cup of .a'rated .Vmerican cliee,-^e, al'tei- which, let remain on lire just long- enough to melt chivse thorou.Ldily. Mi;s. W. H. Hopkixs. Beets in Jelly. Boil small beets about the size of half an egg, and if none as small are at hand cut larger ones into slices after thev are cooked. ^Vhen they rub off easily the beets ;ire done. After cooling place them in an earth.en mold. Make the jelly from o level talilespoons of sngar, o level teaspoons of arrow- j'oot. S cup of vinegar and ] vu]) of boiling water. Cook until (dear, which will take about o minutes. I'oui' the mixture round rhe beets ami cool. When taken from the mold the liects will show through a cidmson jelly. If ])referred arrange the heets in a clear glass dish and cool. The sour jelly will be found appetizing with the heets. Flour cannot lie used in place of the arrowroot, because it would give a cloudy jelly: c«uaistarcli is better, but arrowroot makes almost as clear a jelly as gelatine. Mrs. J. S. Wood. Baked Tomatoes. Take nice smooth tomatoes. Cut slice off blossom end and serapo the seed out of tlie cells. Make filling as follows: Take a piece of eal)bage the size of a small .■;oiip l)owl, and one onion choi)]ied tine. Cook calibage, onion and the tomatoes taken from tlu' cell until tender: add salt, pepper and sugar to taste. Koll cracker line and add enough ca'eam to make the thickness of pasti', and stuff the tomatoes and put on the little to])s. J'ut a little water in the ])an and bake until tender in Jewel Range. Refore tilling the tomatoes season ehem with salt, pepper and sugar if desii'ed. The above lilling mak'es enough for 12 tomatoes. ^li;s. A^AN iDEiiSTtXE. ^Marcjuettc. Baked Cucumbers. l'e(d good .-ized ciicumlx'rs: cut into halves and scoop out the seeds. To each (■» allow: 1 pint finely chopped meat. 1 tablespoon onion juice, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tea- spoon pep|)er. Fill cucumbers and tie or fasten with skewer, stand in baking jar in w liich i- a teaspoon (d' salt, 1 chopiied onion, 'i |)eeled and (diopped tomatoes and }, cup of water or stock. l>ak(' 1 hour, basting often, in ,lew(d IJange. Srpiash may he baked in same manner. Boiled CaulifloNver with Hollandaise Sauce. Cook a caulillower, until tender, in boiling water, slightly salted, and ])our over it a :;aiu-e made hv creaming .', a caiptul of Imtter and adding, one by the one, the yolks of 3 Qggs and i a cupful of l»oiling water. Cook, stirring continually, over Sr'I'KRlOK COOK BOOK 61 lioiliiiii- wn'.cr imlil slii^hrly lliickciicil. Scnsoii with Siill. ix'ppcr ami ;i lilll<' Iciikid juice. Cauliflower and Cheese. Si);)k caiilillowc'r in >li«iiillv sallcil cold waii'i J'or an hour, di'ain ami cook in hoililm- watci' uiiiil IcikU'I-. Di'ain a^ain, hrcjk apart and put into a haking dish and (•()\rr wilh a ci'c:!!!! sauce. Sprinkh' with I'arniesan. or other p)oil i-ich cheese grated, and hi'own in Ihcoxcn in Jewel iiaiiLie. Baked Squash. Use the liard-shelleij s(|ua.sh : split, break into pieces. reino\ iiig the seeds, steam for .', hour, liien season with salt and ])epper, and l)ake in .lewel lianoc until done. Sii'ape rheni from the \. 'I'licsc l-uhs whirli we shall Irll : Who kiicadclh ill siiall iicfd Ihcin iiiDrc 'I'haii she who Uiicadclh well." •lie very slatVof lire: The coiid'orl of llic hii^l.aiid. ihc iiridc ot I he wile. Hop Yeast. 'I'akc a liaiHlfiil nf hops. "J (iiiails of hoiliii-- walcr ami l)<)il 'v^n iiiimilrs. Slraiii l)()iliii-- hdl iiUo one Tcarii|) of Doiisiiiairs \]r<\ I'alciil llniii-. a.M 1ai)lr>]M,(.ii nf browirsiio-ar and 1 tcasitooii sail. When cold, add I lcacii|i (d' yrasl \v\'\ fi-oiii las; l)akiii^- Of ('1st' 1 Mat cake, di>.M)lved. Let lhi> >taiid lor lonr or live hour>. stirrin- it down each lime it c(nnc> to the top (d' the crock. When it >ctllc.-. covci' and >land ill a cool place. Free/.in.u- . 1 >mall handfnl of hops, lioiled ID ininnlc.-^ in ■! ipiarts of water. '- teacup of >u,i;ar. 1 tahle.-po(.n of sail. Crate the potatoes while the hops are hoilin.i:. stir into lln' water, in which the hops tied nji m a l>a,i4 liave i>een ixnled. Let it cook until thick. When c.dd add > -j pint of vcast or a wliolc compressed yast cake. M- ''•• l''^*""'- Railroad Yeast. Vwr tahlcspouiis of coarse IJour. 'j t(;a.-|ioon each n\' salt and -^orja ; pour on l.oilini: watei- and stir alvnit as thick as lioiir ,i;ravy. Set awa\ to iM>e. Potato Yeast. Take I _iio<)(l-.-i/.ed poialoe> ami hoil soft. Ma>h in the water th.-y are hoiled m. Put ihrouii-li sieve and pour hoiliii-:- Imt "H I" 1 '"I' "' l>'>usmairs IJest I'ateiil tlour. When lukt' warm add 1 vcast cake. soake |i(iiii- 1 (•ii|) of hot ]j()lat() water. Tlicu add 'o cup of pdhilocs, iiiaslicd line. l)iss()l\c ' ■_, eakc of Yeast Foam in wai'iii water, and wlien the al)()\c mixture is luke warm, stir in the dissoh'ed veast cake. Do this at noon, 'idie next mornin,^ take 'l tablespoon- fuLs of gramdated sugar, 1 teaspoonl'ul (d' salt, 1 tahh'spoon ol' hii-d and hutter, mixe(L Dissolve these In- adding 1 eup (d' hot watei'; wlien lukewai'm stir into the yeast. Ifave tlie fioui' wai'm and athi it to tlie yeast until hatter will dro]) from a spo(;n. Let tliis stand an limir, or until light, tlieu mix into hai'd loaf; tlien let it stand an(.»ther iiour oi' until it is twice its hulJ<, llieu knead ^\■ithout a.dding uioi'e tloui'. Let loaves rise another houi'. then haJ yeast, 'I (piarh- \\at(M". make a sponge and 1el stand o\er night. In morning add the following: -I (|uarts warm milk, butter the size of an egg. 4 ounce.- salt, y.j_ cu|) sugar, ^lix into a "-'-^''''- Rye and Indian Bread. One quart of rve meal or rve Hour. ■>. calded ( hv placing in a pan and pouring Just enough haUiuu water over it, stirring eoustanllv with a spoon, to nierelv wet it.' hut iml enough to mak,- it into a batt<'r). i/, teacup molasses. 'Measpoons salt, 1 of soda. 1 teacup veast : make as stilT as can be stirred with a spoon, mixing with warm water, and let rise all night: th.en put in a large pan sinooth the toi, with th,. hand dipped in col.l water, let it stand a short time, and bake 5 or (i h.airs in a Jewel Kange. 1^ put in the oven late in th.e dav. let i remain all night. (Jraham niav he ussed instead of rve. anAK»hU. Salt Rising Bread. First take a cup of warm milk, a pinch <.f salt, a small bit of soda and mix in hidian meal enough to make a thin batter. Let it stand over night wlnnv it ,s warm until it gets light? Then have the Donsman's Best Patent Hour a I't 1< .wnnu ad stir int.; it a small cup of almost scalding water: when it cools a htt le add the '•eniptvinos- and what warm water or water and milk yon need to make the desired onantitv.'stir it into the flour and let it stand half an hour to rise: then nux and put in a good teaspoon of salt. Let rise again, which will take an hour, then hake in a Jewel Eange. Oatmeal Bread. One cup molasses. •> cujjs rolled oats, 4 cups boiling water, S cups sifted Dous- nuui-s Best Patent flour, 1 tabhspo.ni salt, i tablespoons butter, 1 cake compressed veast. Put the boiling water over tl;e oatmeal and M stand nn il nkewarm, then add molasses, butter and salt, then the yeast, adding flour las . Beat it good uith a spoon. Let rise over night, heat again in the morning and put in P;^"/^- ^^^ rise almost to top of pans and bake 2 hours m a Jewel Bange. l^onot cut same V •, • 1 ' AIhs C. L. Si'ORLin'. > Oatmeal Bread. One-half pint oatmeal. 1^ pints Dousmans Best Patent flour, lA teaspoon salL 2 teaspoons Koval Baking Powder, ^^ pint in. k. Boil oatmeal m 1^2 P^t of slightly salted water for 1 hour. Add milk and let coo : then idace in boul. Sle^e Jo^-ther flour, salt and baking ix.wder and add. Mix thoroughly until smooth and bake 45 minutes in a Jewel Bange. Oatmeal Brown Bread. Mix a pint of rolled oats, a pint ot rolled wheat, halt a pint of f ^>^^'''^|^;|' >^: low cornmeal, half a pint of whole wheat flour and one teaspoonful of salt. Dissohe ^6 vSUPERTOR COOK BOOK a teaspoon fill of Ijicarlioiiatc of soda in "3 tahk'spooji fills of wai'iu Avaicr; add it to lialf a pint of Xew Orleans molasses; stir and add this to a pint of thick, sonr milk; mix witli drv ingredients. Ponr in a greased l3rown-l)read mould, and l)oil or steam continuously for 4 hours. Brown Bread. Two cups sweet milk. 1 cup sour milk. 1 heaping cii|.) eornmeal, 1 ]iea])ing cuj; rye flour. 1 heaping cup graliain ilour, 1 heaping teaspoon of soda, i/. cup of mo- lasses, 1 cup of raisins, or raisins and currants, floured,- 1 heaping teaspoon of salt. Steam 3 hours in covered tins. Stand in oven in JcAvel Kange 10 ininutes to dry out. ^[rs. Minnie B. Tillson. Brown Bread. One-half cup molasses, Y2 ^'^M' ^"^i^" itiilk, 1 cup t-onimcnl, ^ cup graham ilour. •■54 cup wheat flour, 1 cup raisins, ^li.v well, then add 1 cu]) of sweet milk in which a teaspoon of soda lias keen dissolved. Steam ;? hours. ]\Ii!S. D. D. IiAxdall. Brow^n Bread. One pint of yellow eornmeal, 1 pint of graham flour, 3 cups of sour milk, 2 tea- spoons of soda, 1 cup of molasses. Steam 3 hours. Mrs. D. Caimpbell. Brow^n Bread. One egg, 1/2 cup lirown sugar, Y2 cup molasses, 2 cups sweet milk and 3 tea- spoons leaking powder (or 2 cu])s sour milk and two teaspoons soda), 'Sy^ cujjs of graham flour, 1 scant teaspoon salt. Bake from Yj to 1 hour in a Jewel Range. Brow^n Bread with Raisins. Sift 1 cupful each of eornmeal, rye meal and entire wlicat flour: add 1 iea- spoonful of salt, 21/^ of soda, 2 of melted butter, 1% cupfuls of water, ^/i of a cupful of molasses, a few raisins. Beat, turn into a mould and steani 4 hours. Decorate with bunches of raisins. Steamed Brown Bread. One cup wheat flour, 2 cups graham flour, 1 cu]) New Orleans molasses, 1 cup sour milk, 1 teaspoonful soda. Steam 2 hours. Bake 10 minutes in Jewel Range. Mrs. Shaddick. Steamed Bro\vn Bread. One cup sour milk, 2 cups graham flour, I/2 cup molasses, V2 cup raisins, 1 tea- spoonful soda, 1/2 teaspoonful salt. Steam IVo hours. Mrs. M. E. Lamb. Steamed Brown Bread. Two cups graham flour, 1 cup sour milk, 1 teaspoon soda, % cup molasses, 1 cup raisins and y^ cup chopped nuts. Steam VA hours. Mrs. D. D. Randall. Brow^n Bread Baked. Two and one-half cups Graham flour, % cup eornmeal. % cup molasses, 2I/2 cups sour milk, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 egg. Bake in a Jewel Range. Mrs. D. D. Randall. Entire Wheat Bread. One cpiart entire wheat flour, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 2 teaspoons of Royal Baking PoAvder. Mix all together; add sufficient liquid — Avater, milk or equal portions of each. Turn at once into a greased tin and bake 1 hour h^ a JcAvel Range. Corn Bread. One tablespoon sugar^ 1 cup sweet milk, 1 cup eornmeal, 1 cup Dousman's Best SrPl':KIOR COOK liOOK 67 Patent Hour, 'i teaspoons hakino- ])<)\v(ler, Yj toasj.oon salt, 2 e-i«is well beaten, •.' large tal)lesi)()()ns of hutter, ineltcd. l^ake about :35 minutes in a .lewel Kaiige. ' :\rKs. A. 15. :\riN'i:i:. Boston Corn Bread. One euj. ^weet niills. "i eu|)> sour milk, % eu]) molasses, 1 euj) Duusmairs Best Patent Hour. I cups eornmeal, "2 teasi)oons s.xla. Steam :! hours and l)ro\vii a fcw minutt s in the oven. Steamed Corn Bread. On,, eup eornmeal. % eup Dousman's Best Patent iinur. 1 eup sour milk Mi .•up New Orkans molasses. 1 small tcaspoonful of soda, a litlle salt. Mix Hht- oughly ami stean, ;5 hours. ^1'=^- SiiAi.i.uK. Graham Bread. One-half teaspoon soda dissolved in U eup molasses. A.ld 'i tablespoons butter. ■> tai)lesi)oons sngar. Beat this thoroughly and lightly into a bowl ol bread dough. \dd enough graham flour to make a soft batter. Pour into a greased bread tin", let rise and bake in a Jewel Range. ^I>«- i'- ''• ^'-^i'^'''- Graham Bread. Seald a pint of milk: add half a pint of water: when lukewarm add 1 yeast eake ,li...,lved in half a cupful of water: add a tablespoonful of molasses, a level teaspoon- ful'of salt, and sufficient oraham flour to make a batter that will diY)p from a siKxm : beat for 5 minutes: cover and stand in a warm place, 75° Fahrenheit, tor :> hours Add 1 pint of o-raham flour, beat again: pour in 'A greased s(iuarc pans: cover and stand aside for 1 hour. Bake in a moderate oven in a Jewel Bange for % ot an iiour. Graham Bread. Two cni)s oraham flour. 1 cu]. Dousnuurs Best Patent white flour. 1 cup sour milk 1/. cup xCw Orleans molasses, 2 eggs well beaten, V/. teaspoons soda, I table- spoon butter, melted. Steam lU. hours. ^hi^- A. B. Minkr. Baked Graham Bread. One egg, V> cu]) su-ar, V2 (^"1> molasses, 2 cups smir milk. "M.^ispoons soda, i/j teaspoon salt, sifted Graham flour to make stiff. Bake m a^,lewc.|^Kang.'.^^^^^^^ Egg Bread. Add 1 level teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda to 1 pint of thick sour niilk or bttttermilk, add 1/, teaspoonful of salt and 2 eggs well beaten : stir m hastily 1 cup- ful and a half of" Southern eornmeal: turn at once m a shallow greased pan and bake from 30 to 40 minutes in a (luick oven in a Jewel Bange. Serve hot. Fine Baking Powder Biscuits. Three cups of Dnusmaivs Best Palrnt Ih.ur, 1 cup of lard, f tc^ispoons of bak- ing powder, 1 teaspoon of salt, IV, eups of inilk. Bake '\^^^/'l'\f^^ll^^^^ Baking Powder Biscuits. One uuart Dousman's Best Patent flour, ^ , cup butter, 3 heaping teaspoons baknlf ;oi-der and M. teaspoon of salt sifted w,th the iKmr: -'^'l^^ao "iriian ' throuo-h the flour, then wet up with enough cold water to form a soft dough , lian- d nglUtlv, roll out only jJst enough to cut into sutpe. ''^-'^^^-^^^^^'^ if you use milk in place of water. Bake ,u a Jewel Bange. Mhs. Al^^KLL. Beaten Biscuit. Two cups Dousman's Best Patent flour, V, teaspoon salt, % cup of lard. Mix 68 STTPERTOR COOK BOOK tliDroiiglily ; add (.'iKui^i;-!! cohl water to make a very still' dou<;ii ; put hack and fordi tlirough steel rollers for V() minutes; roll out to y^ iueli thickness; cut out; stick with fork; put in hot o\-en and hake '^0 to 30 minutes in a Jewel Range. Serve hot. Mijs. M. M. Allen. South Carolina Biscuits. One quart sweet cream, ly^ tups hutter or fresh lard, 2 tablespoons Avhite sugar. 1 teaspoon salt, add Dousnian's Best Patent flour sufficient to make a stiff dough ; knead well and mold into. neat, small hiscuit as our grandmothers used to do. Bake well in a Jewel Hange and you ha\e good, sweit biscuit that will keep for weeks in u dry ])lace. Rolls. One quart sponge, 1 })int sweet milk, -^4 fp "'' lai'd, pit'ce oC butter size of an egg; mdt lard and butter and put in the milk; "i scant teasjXJonl'uls salt, 1 tahle- spoonful of sugar. Knead as you woiild bread, but not (piite as stiff. Let rise, knead again and let rise. Mould and when light bake in a moderate oven in a Jewel Range. When liaked, brush over with melted butter. ^Iks. Flsiiee. French Rolls. One ])int milk, 1 cup home-made yeast, Dousman's Best Patent flour enough 1o make stiff' batter; let rise over night; in the morning add 1 egg, 1 teaspoon but- ter and Hour enough to make it stiff to roll. ]\lix it well and let it rise, then knead it again (to make it hue and white), roll it out, butter it, cut with round tin and fold over, put them in a buttered ])an and cover close. Set them in a warm place until they are very light; hake (juickly in a Jewel Range and you will have delicious rolls. Mrs. Soddy. Perfect Rolls. l^:)ur 1 quart boiling milk over f |)int siftt'd Dousman's Best Patent flour, 2 tahlespoons sugar, 2 tablespjoons butter, f ta1)lesi)()on lard and a little salt. When lukewarm add Y2 f^^^P y^ast; mix, adding flour eiiough f(n" rolls; let rise. When light, make into rolls, place in pans, let them rise. Bake ten or fffteen minutes in a Jewel Range. Mrs. Eddy. Nine O'Clock Rolls. i\.t 9, allow to come to a boil one quart of milk, 1 tablespoon each of butter and lard, % cup of sugar; let cool. At 10, add a 3-cent cake of yeast dissolved in 1/4 of a cup of lukewarm water. Add Dousman's Best Patent flour to make a thick batter. At 13, add salt, mix stilf with a spoon. xVt 3, pour out on a floured board, roll out, cut with a biscuit cutter, butter and turn over; let rise until 5, then bake in a Jewel Range. ^Irs. Willl^ms, Marquette. Cinnamon Rolls. Roll out some paste in long narrow strips and lavishly sj)read with a mixture t'omposed of brown sugar and l)utter creamed together and liigldy flavored with cin- namon. Roll them up, moisten and ])inch edges and ends well together, and bake in a hot oven in a Jewel Range. When partly done brush the top over with a little of the mixtiire reserved for that purpose. Mrs. Sproul. Sally Lunn. Sift together 1 (piart Dousman's Best Patent ilour. 1 teasp)oo)rful salt, 2 tea- spoonfuls baking powder; rub in % enp Initter cold; add I beaten eggs, i/o pint milk; mix into a firm batter like cu[) cake, pour into 2 round cake tins, and bake 25 minutes in a pretty hot oven in a Jewel I^ange. sl'pi:ki()k cook book 69 Sally Lunn. Sil'l iiilu ;i pan line piiuiid and a hall' of Jloui', jtul two Diinccs of hiirtcr warnii'd ill a |)iiil of nrw milk, one salts[)()on of salt, throe e^iis well hoatcii and two tahlo- spoons of liood yeast. Mix well and set to ri-c ovei- niii'ht. Tea Cakes. One (piart li,u-ht .spon hours. ]\Ionl(l in tiny rolls, place in F^rench-roU pans and stand aside for Y^ of an honi'. Brush the tops with milk and hake in a quick oven in u Jewel Kange for 2(1 minutes. After they have been baked foi- 15 minutes brush the to])s with glaze made by beating the white of egg with a tabk's]ioonful of water. Saffron Buns. j\rake a sponge as for bread, using 1 yeast cake and 1 (piart of Dousman's Best Patent flour. Take 2 quarts of sifted flour and rub into V-> pound of butter and 1 ])ound of lard. Then add 1 ])ound of currants, 1 nutmeg, 2 cups lirown sugar, a little chopped lemon peel and ^ '■> ho,\ of saffron which has been steeped over night. Add yeast and moisten with milk or water. It should be a little softer than bread dough and should not he kneaded. Imt mixed lightly with the hands. Let rise until light and foi'm gently into huns. Let I'ise again and hake 1 hour in a Jewel Pange. ^fits. Ja:\[ks Bl.vckxey. To pre])are the saffron ])ut VL' '•"•'^ "' sart'ron in warming-oven until perfectly dry; then rub to a ])owder and pour about .') cups boiling water over it — for above amount of Hour. Hot Cross Buns. Two ])ounds of L)ousmairs ISe^t Paleni H tea- spoonful of salt, 1 teaspoonful of mi.xed spice. Mix Dousiuan's Best Patent flour, sugar, spice and currants; make a hole in the middle of the Hour and put in a glass- 70 STTPERIOR COOK BOOK J'ul of thick yeast and liali' a ])iut of wanned milk; make a thin batter of the sur- rounding flour and nnlk: set the ])an covered before the fire till the leaven begins to ferment. Pnt ft) this half a jxmnd of melted butter and enough milk to make a soti paste of all the flour; covci' this \\\{\] a dust of flour, and let it once more rise for half an hour. tSluipe the dough into huns and lay them apart on buttered tin plates, in rows, to rise for half an hour. Press a cross mould on them (this may be done roughly with the back of a knife) and bake in a quick oven in a Jewel Eange from 15 to 20 minutes. Mrs. Moutrie. Southern Corn Cakes. One cup of white cornmeal, lo cup of Dousman's Best Patent flour, 1 cup of sweet milk, salt, 1 egg, 1 heaping teaspoon of baking powder, 1 tablespoon of melted butter. Mrs. A. H. Green. Coffee Kuchen. One quart milk, 2 quarts Dousnuui's Pest Patent Hour, 1 small cake compressed yeast, fi/^ teacups sugar, 1 cup l)utter and lard mixed, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon salt, nutmeg for flavoring. tScald milk; when cool add yeast dissolved in a little warm water, then add flour, mix well and set in a warm place. When light add sugar, butter, egg, salt and nutmeg ; mix well ; add flour enough for the dough to be easily handled after kneading. When light turn on bread board, take part of dough at a time, roll out V-2 inch thick, put in square pans, let rise again a short time, then spread with nudted butter, sugar and cinnamon. If desired, quartered tart apples laid on evenly with thick cream and sugar mi to]) can he usccL P.-dce in a inoderate oven in a Jewel Pange imtil a light brown. ]\[rs. E. P. Biegler. German Coffee Cake. Allow a qt. of rich, sweet milk to come to a boil. Stand aside until just warm, then break into 1 cupful of the milk a yeast cake and dissolve. Stir into this Dous- man's Best Patent flour sufficient to make a batter and let rise. When light mix in the renuiinder of milk, a cupful sugar, a cupful raisins, half cupful butter, a saltspoon- ful grated nutmeg, grated rind of lemon, a scant teaspoonful salt and flour to make a soft dough. Mold with hands 5 minutes. Set in warm place to rise. When light divide into 4 equal parts, roll out, place in shallow pans and rise again. Then put dabs of butter on top, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and bake in a moderate oven in a Jewel Eange 25 minutes. German Coffee Cake. One bowl bread dough. 1 or 2 eggs, 1 small cup sugar. 1 small cup butter; mix evenly, add Dousnuins Best Patent flour enough to make a little thicker than cake, let rise; when ready pour lightly in square })ans % or 1 inch thick; let it stand again till light, then wash to]» with milk and sprinkle thickly this mixture: 3 tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon flour, y^ teaspoon cinnamon, 1 snudl ))utter-ball. Bake 15 to 20 minutes in a Jewel Range. Doul)le recipe for toj) when necessary. Mrs. Girzi. Currant Bread. Make this on baking day. When the dough is ready for the tins, take a piece the size of a small loaf, spread out on the board and lay on to]) of it a tal)lespoonful of butter, 2 of sugar and a beaten egg. knead this thoroughly in, then add 1 teacup- ful of floured currants and knead again, until they are well mixed through the bread; use flour Avheu necessary to keep from sticking, but keep the dough as soft as possible. Put in pan and let rise twice its size, then brush over with melted butter. Bake 1 hour in moderate oven in a Jewel Range. Muffins. Two cups sifted Dousman's Best Patent flour. 2 slightly rounding teaspoonfuls of baking powder, i/o teaspoonful of salt, 2 rounding tablespoonfuls sugar, 2 rounding SUI^iCKJOR COOK 1500K 71 tabli'sjioouruls l)uttc'r, molted, 'i cii'^s. % ciii) of milk. Sift the flour, salt, bakino; ]io\v(lor and sugar togotlior; rul) the butter tliorouj^bly Ibrougb them, then pour over ihc milk; add the eggs mibeaten, and stir (juiekly and lightly to a smooth battiT. Turji at once into buttered gem pans and Ii;d-:(' 1.") mijiutes in a quick oven in a Jewel Kange. ^Iiss Fitz Patrick. Muffins. One cup milk, 1 egg, 2 cups Dousman's Best Patent flour, butter the size of an egg, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder. Bake in a ([uick oven in a Jewel Range 10 miinites. Mrs. Fatrtjaikn. Muffins. One egg, 1 lal)lespoon sugar, 2 tal)lespo()ns melted butt(M'. 1 cup milk, II/2 cups Dousman's Best Patent Hour, 2 teaspoons l)aking powdei-. J>ak'e in a Jewel Bange. ^Frs. Forxiis. Graham Muffins. One cup of brown sugar. 1 cup of sweet milk, 1 tablespoon of lard, 2 eggs, 2 tea- sj)oons leaking powder. ]\lix baking powder in two tablespoons of Dousman's Best Patent (wlieat) fiour, then stiffen with graham flour so they will drop from spoon. Bake in a Jewel Bange. ^fits. ^Fark Elliott. Corn Gems or Johnny Cake. One egg, I/2 cup sugar. 1 eu]) sour milk, 2 tablespoons butter, 1 teaspoonful soda dissolved in milk, 1 cup cornmeal. 1 cu]) Dousman's Ik^st Patent flour, salt to taste. Bake in a Jewel Kange. Mrs. A. W. ^Myers. Cornmeal Gems. One cup cornmeal, 2 cups Dousman's Best Patent floui", 3 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons sugar, II/2 cups milk, 1 egg well beaten, 1 tablespoon melted butter. Sift together cornmeal, flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Add the milk, vgg and butter. Bake 2-") minutes in a Jewel Range. Mrs. D. B. Bilket. Graham Gems. One tablespoon of butter, 1/2 cup sugar, 2 eggs, 1/2 cup molasses, i/o cup water, 1-8 CU]) Dousman's Best Patent flour, 2 teas])oons baking powder; add graham flour. Bake in a .Jewel l^ange. Mrs. J. F. Yax Brocklix. Graham Gems. Two cups rich bmtermilk, 2 tablespoons molasses, 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in a teaspoon of warm water and added to the milk, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, stir in enough graham flour to make a batter that will dro]) off the spoon nicely. Have gem irons very hot, grease well, put in batter, and bake in a hot oven in a Jewel Range. ]\Irs. Mykk'S. Corn Puffs. Score down the center of each row of grains of (> tars of corn ; with a dull knife press out the pul]); this should measure 11/2 cups. Add to this 1/2 cup of milk, the yolks oi' 2 eggs, and ^2 teasi)oonful of salt; then stir in V/2 cupsful of pastry flour that has been sifted with 1 rounding teaspoonful of baking powder. Fold in the well-b: aten whites and bake in greased gem-pans in a moderate oven for 20 minutes in a .lewd i>ange. Serve the same as breakfast muffins. Pop-Overs. Beat 2 eggs without se])araling until they are light; add 1/2 pint of milk, 1/2 teaspoonful of salt, and then add gradually to a pint of Dousman's Best Patent 72 SUPERIOR COOK BOOK floni". stii'i'ing all the while Strain and turn at onco in 1'^ hot, greased pop-over Clips. Bake in a quick o\cn in a Jewel Eange tor 10 minutes. Breakfast Fruit Gems. Stone and chop twenty-toui- dates; nd\ them with half a cuprul of seedless raisins; separate 2 eggs, heat the ycdks and add It^ eupsful of milk, then the dates and raisins, y^ a cupful of cornnieal and 1 cupful ( Dousnian's Best Patent) whole wheat flour ; heat thoroughly ; add 2 rounding teaspoonfnls of baking powder ; beat again and fold in the well-beaten wliites. Bake in a (|uiek oven in a Jewel Bange for 20 minutes. Pancakes. One pint of Dousman's Best Patent flour, 1 pint of sweet milk, 1 tablespoon of sugar, ly^ tablespoons of butter, melted, 2 teas]ioons of baking powder, 2 eggs beaten separately, a little salt; add whites of eggs just Ixd'ore baking. Bake in a Jewel Bange. ]\Ii!S. MaPxK Elliott. Potato Pancakes. Pare, wash and grate 4 large or (5 small potatoes into a howl and add quickly to them the beaten yolks of two eggs, i/o teaspoonful of salt and a tablespoonful of tine bread crumbs. Beat in gradually the whites of the eggs, beaten to a froth and saute l)y s])oonfuls on a \A-ell-greased, smoking hot griddle. Pancakes with Bread Crumbs. Soak the hrt'ad crundjs over night, then di'ain them; to two cupfuls of bread crumhs aild 1 cu])ful of Dousman's Best Patent flour or cornnieal, 1 egg and milk enough to make a thin l)atter. If the milk is sweit. add a teaspoonful of baking powder; if sour, li: a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a tablespoonful of warm water. Wintfred Coolly. Corn meal Pancakes. Two cups of sour milk. 2 teaspoons of soda, 2 eggs, lVi> cups of cornnieal, 1^/^ cups of Dousman's Best Patent Flour. Mks. J. X. St. Clair. Buckwheat Cakes. At night take two tablespoons of yellow cornnieal, 2 teaspoons of salt, y^ small cake of compressed yeast; mix with small amount of warm water until yeast is dis- solved, then add gradually three cups of buckwheat flour and sufficient warm water to make a thick batter, hi the morning add 1 tablespoon of molasses and sufficient lukewarm milk to make the batter thin ennugli to bake the cakes. Have griddle very hot and turn quickly, letting them bake longer after they are turned than before. Do not turn but once. Mrs. E. C. Cooley. Raised Flannel Cakes. Boil a pint and a half of swt et milk and let it stand until lukewarm; add two large tablespoonsful of yeast and i)our ujjon 1 ])int of Dousman's Best Patent flour. 1/2 pint of cornnieal. 1 teas])o()nfu1 of salt. 1 tablespoonful of sugar; mix well to- gether; cover closely and ])ut in a warm ])lace. In the morning add two eggs beaten separately; let the batter stand fifteen minutes if convenient, after adding eggs. Bake in liot griddle. Mrs. H. F. Jalin", Ironwood. Waffles. One pint of Dousman's Best Patent flour, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoonful of baking pow- der, 1 tablespoonful of butter, milk enough to make a pancake batter. Beat eggs together, add milk and flour, add tablespoonful of melted butter and, lastly, put in baking j)owdei'. Grease l)oth sides of waffle iron. This makes six waffles. Mrs. Thomas R. Harney, Washington, D. C. SUPERIOR COOK ROOK 73 Oatmeal Waffles. Add 1 ]iiiit of left-over (latiiunl ln-ciikfii.-l pDrriduc Id 1 piiil oT milk: stir in Y2 teaspoonful of salt, 1 eii|)rul of whole wheat lioui' and a t^alilcs|i()()nfid of hutter TiU'lted. Add the Vdlks (if three eggs, hcateii thoroiigidy, and 2 teaspoonfuls of ])aking ]»()W"dei'; mix and told in the well-beaten whites ol' the eggs, and l)ake at once on a .lewel IJange. Shortcake. One pint Dousnian's Best I'atmt Hdui', '- (ii|) hnttei'. "i i-ounding teas]ioons baking powder, ])inch of salt; sift flour, salt and haking pdwder into pan: ruh hnt- ter all through the flonr, then wet n]i with just enough milk (oi- half milk ami hall' water) to roll but. J)o not handle moi'e than enough to shape to the tin. fJake in a Jewel Iiange. Mi;s. Ai'w 1:1.1,. Winter Shortcake. One ]Mnt Dousnian's Best Patent flour, t-i teaspoon haking powder, '/'^ eup hutter (or butter and lard) : nu.x with one eu]) milk. Holl out one-half of dough and put in tin; spread lightly with soft butter; roll out remainder of dough and put on top of first layer. Bake th(u-oughly in (piiek oven in a Jewel Range. Baaana Filling for Above. Select bananas (not o\-er I'ipe. ri'd ones prefi'ri'cd). cut in thin slices oi' small cubes; sprinkle with lemon juice and set aside in cool place for an hour before serv- ing. When the shortcake is taken from th(> ovin. pull the two layers apart and butter each generously; while still wai-m and just l)efore serving, spread with bananas, adding more lemon juice, ami a thick layer of ])owder(>d sugar; ])roceed the same with upper layer covering with whipped cream. OraLfvge Filling for Above. Cut fruit in snuiil pieces; to two or three large oranges add 1 spoonful of grated rind; spread on shortcake and cover with ]>nwdered sugar. Put on top shortcake and treat the same, serving at once. If liked, a sprinkling of grated cocoanut mav he used. Mas. 0. B. Robixson. S^ 74 SUPKRIOR COOK ROOK COOK WITH GAS. mM& T^HIS advise has been heeded by hundreds of thousands of house keepers throughout the country, with the result that having once used gas they will not be without it. Pay no at- tention to those who tell you •'Oh! gas is expensive." In a large majority of cases they belong to one of tv^o classes: Persons who have never used it, or to persons who, using gas, would intimate that they can afford a convenience that you can not. Seek advice only from those whom 3^ou know to be careful housekeepers. GAS OFFICE, 114 CANDA STREKT, ISHPEMING. SUPERIOR COOK BOOK 75 Breakfast and Luncheon Dishes. •'Aiul ilicn to lircakl'asi wiili wiiat aiipct ilc you liavo.'" — Shakespkahk. ■'<;i\ (• IK) more to every truest Tlian lie is able to (lisrest. (;ive him always of tlie Di-iine. And liul mile al a lime." I'OI'K. How to Prepare Grape Fruit. Cut the fruit in half. Witli a sharp knilV ivin.nc the while pulp froin the center, and loosen carli section, so that tlie fruit can easily be remove.! with a spoon Si)rinklr with i.ow.hMv.l suoar. Tliis shonh! he i)repare(l several hours he- fire using! Miss Edith (ii.-Av. Plain Hominy. Take 2 eupfuls of lioniiny grits and wash wcM. Cook in douhle-hoih'r witli 4 cups water Cook until sol't\viien water will he mostly al)Sorbed. Mks. Thomas llAitXKV. Washington. D. C. Egg Omelet. Beat the volks and wiutcs of G eggs until wry light. To the volks add 12 tablespoonf uls of milk, some salt, then add wliitcs. Melt a piece of butter m the frvin^ pan, add eggs and lu.ld ovor Wvo f.u- a few minutes, sliaking pan constantly to prevent pan stickino-. Plaee in hot oven in a Jewel Kange until slightly brown, fold ov.T ami serve iin.ue.liately. or ,1 will fall. Mk«. E. C. Cooley. Foamy Omelet. Separate the whites and volks ..f I eggs, to \hv yolks add i/:, a teaspoon of salt and a saltsp,.on of pepper ami heat until suinnth. Add 4 tablespoons of milk, sliu-hilv wanue.J. l^<'at the whil.'s until stilT and told them into the yolks so that tlu^whole slu^ll shall he pulTv and li-ht. Have in a trying pan a tablespoon of melted butter i)our the mixture in and eook sh.wlv until the underside becomes brown, shakin*.- the pan to prevent sticking. This will lake prohably :5 or 4 minutes Ihen put the pan on the grate in a hot oven in a Jewel Range about a moment to cook the ui)iK"r surface, fold doidde and serve immediately. Either chopped parsley, ham, cheese toimue ehiekeii (U' tnmatoes luav he a.hle.l to any plain omelet before turning. :\[l!S. E. E. SCKIBXKI!. Omelet with Peas. I'.reak S eo-s in a Im.wI. heal sliuiitlv, add saU and pepjier and 4 tablespoonfnls of milk or water. Put a pi.ve of hntter si/.e of a walnut in frying pan, when 76 SUPERIOR COOK BOOK =lshpenimg Steam Laimdry= AND DYE IVORKS. JNTEKDHAM BROS., I^kopkiktoks. !ii('lt(_'(l ]i()iir ill tlic (\ug. A\'li('n tlic (\u-,ii' li(\L;iiis to cook loosen it around the cd^ux' willi a knife. Wlien set fold o\('r and tui'ii u|ioii a Iiot ))lattev. Have ready 1 ean of ])eas, well drained and st'asoned witii sail. )ie|i|)ei- and hntter. Pour these liot over the omelet and siM've a1 once. M its. \\ . K. I'owkk'S. Baked Omelet. P)oil 1 ]it. of milk, melt in it 1 tahlespoon of hntter. a teaspoonfiil of corn- starch and a tahlespoonfnl of Donsnian's Best Patent tlonr, mixed smoothly in a little nnlk; ])our th.is slowly on the yolks of 8 eggs, which have been beaten ;3 or 4 ndiiiites. and stir vei'y fast nntil well mixed, then add the whites of the Q-gg,?, beaten to a fi-oth. and ])oiir all into a hot buttered dish, l^ake 20 minutes in a Jewel JJange until it has I'isen very liigh and is of a rich brown color. Serve directly. Mrs. p]. E. Scrtbnrr. Potato Omelet. First bake 1 large, mealy potato, renioxe the inside and rnb throngh a wire sie\e. ]\Iix in the beaten yolks of .'! eggs, a \r\\ dro]is of lemon juice. hea])ing salt- spoon of salt and a shake of pepper; last thing, stir in lightly the whi]:)ped whites of the eggs'. Heat 11/2 ozs. of Imtter in omelet ])an; pour in the mixtiire. Fry gently nntil the bottom is a pale brown, then, in a quick oven in a Jew^el Range, brown the to]). Turn it onto paper, sprinkle with chopped parsley, tnrn over half. ])lace on a dish and serve at once. Baked Eggs. Sprinkle fine dried bread crumbs into buttered baking dish. |)ut in a layer of hard-boiled eggs, cut into slices and a layer of cream sauce. Altei'iiate cruml)s. Qgg and sauce, having crumbs on top nntil you have desired quantity, and bake a short time in hot oven in a Jewel range. A good luncheon dish. Mrs. E. C. C'oolhy. Pressed Eggs. Boil eggs 15 to ">?() minutes, then dro|» in cold water and shell ([uickly. Cho]) fine and season to taste with salt, mustard and cayenne pepper. Press in a sipiare tin while warm and set away in a cold place. Serve in slices on lettuce lea\es. Miss Edith Buoad. Egg Croquettes. ^Fake a sanee of a 14 ^^^ ''^ cupful of buttei'. ' ^. cupful T)ousinan\s Best Patent Hour. 1 cupfid chicken stock and 14 cu])rid ()\ cream; add salt. ])ep])er and 13 hard- boiled eggs, chojiped, and ])arsley chopped line. Form into e-ro(piettes : Qgg and bread crumb and fry in hot fat. Serve in nest of parsley. Gurtrudi-; Kruse. Japanese Eggs. lfard-l)oil (i eggs, remove the shells, cut them into hahes lengthwise ; take (_)ut the SUPKKIOK COOK' BOOK 77 volks aud iiia8li thcni ; add a tal)lcspoonful of incited Inittcr and .'5 sardint's rubbed to a paste, a dasli of red pe]i]ier. V^ a teaspoonful of salt; mix, form into l)alls, and till into the space in each white. Have ready 1 cuj) of carefully boiled rice, form it into a mould in the center of a phitter. sink the e!' milk: stir nntil boiling; add a level teaspoonful of salt and a dash of red pepper. Strain this over the egi^'s and rice, dust with c]io])pe(l parsh-y. and serve very hot. Fritters. Three t^g.i^, 2 teaspoons of baking )i(>\v(h'r, 1 cup of milk, ])ineli of salt. 2 cu])s of Donsman's Best Patent flour. Drop from s[)oon in hot lard. :\ri{s. A. W. llAiuLK. Plain Fritters. One cup sweet milk. 1 pt. Dousman's Best Patent flour, 2 eggs, IV^ teaspoon- fuls baking powdei'. Drop Ijy the tablespoon into the smoking hot lard. Serve with maple syrup hot. Mi;s. A. W. Mvi:i;s. Hominy Fritters. One ])t. cooked honn'ny grits, 2 eggs, and a little salt, 1 tablespoonful Dous- man's Best Patent iiour. Drop in hot fat and serve with maple syrup. ^fliS. TllO.MAS \V.\LTEUS. Cheese Fritters. Three tablespoons I)ousman"s Best Patent Hour. 1 tal)lespoon butter, i/, tea- spoon salt, dasli of cayenne. Bub well together and stir in by degrees i^ cup nf tepid water. Then 3 tablespoons of grated cheese with yolk of 1 ogg. Lastly the white beateii^to a stiff froth; di'op into hot fat in spoonfuls and cook 3 minutes. Gi:RTi;ri)i: Iviu'se. Corn Fritters. Grate 1 doz. eai's of corn (or you can use canned corn), add Y-2 cup of sweet milk, % cnp melted butter, a little salt and 2 eggs; sift in just enotigh Donsman's Best Patent flour so they will hold together. l)i'o[) fVom a spoon in hot butter and fry. (iKHTUiDE Atwell. Apple Fritters. Make a hatter with 1 cup sweet milk, 1 teaspoonful sugar, 2 eggs. 2 cups Dons- man's Best Patent flour, f teaspoonful baking powder mixed with flower. ('ho]» some good tart apples, mix in tlie hatter and lix in hot bird. Serve with maple syrup. Mnrni (Jkay. Celery and Cheese Patties. Cut celery into snuill pieces and boil until tender. Make a cream sauce of butter, cream, a little Dousnuur's Best l^itent Hour, etc. J)rain ccU'i-y and add to it 1 cupful of cheese, grated ; then i)our over it the sauce, season to taste and fill patty shells. OEitTUt'DE Kruse. Deviled Eggs— for Two Dozen Eggs. One lump butter size of an og,^, 1 teaspoonful grated onion, i/, teaspoonful nnistard (even), 1 teas])oonful sugar, i/o teaspoonful salt (.snudl), 14 c*np vinegar, parsley to taste, ^felt butter, mix mustard, salt and sugar together, then put in melted butfei- and vinegar. ^lix all together. Elizabeth Jokdax, Washington. D. C. 78 SUPERIOR COOK BOOK Fried Cream. One [)t. of milk, .") ozs. su^nar (little more tliaii ' ^ c-iiprul). butter size of liiek'orv nut, vulks of o egg.s, 2 taljlespooiis of eonistarcli and 1 tahlespoon Dousinan's Best Patent flour (a generous Y_< en])riil altogether). Stick of cinnamon. 1 iiu-li long, V) teaspoon of vanilla. Put tk.e cinnamon into tl'.e milk, and wlien it is ju.st ahoid to boil stir in tk.e sugai' and tke co]'ustarch and flour, the two latter i-uhked smootl! with 2 or 3 tablespoons of extra cold milk. Stir over fire for 'i nunutes. Stir in beaten yolks of eggs, and cook 1 ndnnt(> loiiger, now take lYoni (Ire, remove cin- juimon, stii' in butter and \anilla and pniii' on bntterid platter until ^ ■_. inch thick. A\'lien cold and stiff cut in.to pieces :'> inck.es long an.d '2 inches wide. U'oll tiiese carefidlv first in cracker crumbs, then beaten eggs., then cracker ci-und)s. Cook in boiling hot lard and Avhen nice color take out and place in oven in a Jewel Pange 4 or .") ndnute^^, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve immediately. The cream should l)e made the day hef small saltspoon of nuxed salt and cayenne. Mix these ingredients into a ^jaste, and roll it out a quarter of an inch in thickness; cut it into narrow strips, lay them on a sheet of |)a])er. and l)ake for 5 minutes in a Jewel Eange. Serve cold, but very fresh. Mrs. Moutxe. Cottage Cheese. Place pan of thick sour ndlk, not more than a day old, after souring, on hack of Jewel Range and let it scald (not boil) until it separates. Strain through cheese- cloth bag mitil dry, then add pe|)])er. salt and plenty of sweet cream. Mix well and place in moulds. ^lua. T. H. Bargh. Delicacy for Lunches. Two eggs beaten separately and very light. Stir in Dousman's Best Patent sifted flour until it can l)e rolled out on moulding board. Poll as thin as possible and cut in strips an inch wide and an inch and one-half or two inches long. Fry a delicate brown in very hot fat. Sprinkle either powdered sugar or salt as you take them from the fat. I'lixt soon after frying. Very nice for lunches or high teas. Mrs. Mark Elliott. Fruit Sand\viches. Make a syrup of 1 cup of granulated sugar and 2 tablespoons of water. Chop 1/2 cup of figs and ^/^ cup of dates together. After the syrup has come to a boil, add the fruit. Then spread the fruit between Long Branch wafers or bread sliced thin. Ann Campbell. Ham Sandwiches. Take yolks of 2 hard-boiled eggs, 3 tablespoon fuls of prepared mustard and 1^4 lb. butter; put this all together and stir to a cream. Spread your bread with dress- ing, then spread with tine chopped ham. You can make them much thinner if you spread the cream sauce before von cut the slices from the loaf. Mrs. John Power. Date and Nut Sandwiches. One-half cupful chopped dates, Y_, cupful chopped English walnuts, l^ cup- ful rich cream. Make paste of dates and cream, add nuts. Use with whole wheat or white bread. SITPRRIOR COOK BOOK 79 Strawberry Sandw^iches. Oiu'-lialL' cupful strawberries, ;3 tablespoonfuls ])ulverize(l suoar, 1 tablespoon- ful butter, i/> teaspoonful vaniHa extract. Work the butter until creamy, add the sugar gradually, beating well, stir in vaniUa and sj)read the mixture on unbuttered slices of white bread. Slice the berries and ])lace between the slices of bread. Baked Beans. Soak a qt. of small white b.ans over night in cold water. Put over the (ire with enouu-h cold water to cover aiul \[, a saltsi)oon of soda. When the water be- gins to boilpour it off at once and pu't beans in colander and let cold water run^ over them until thev are thoroughly cliilled. This keei)S them llrm. Tut •-' (u- :', slices of salt ])ork in the bottom of tlie bean pot, on top of which lay a good-si/.ed ^yhole union, then pour in the l)eans, ])ut i/o or % of a 11). of salt pork on the top. Add a teaspoon of salt, a saltspoon of ground mustard and 2 spoons of molasses. Cover with cold water and jnit in a slow oven and bake in a Jewel range from 8 to 10 hours. As the water boils off add more but be sure that it is boding and do not add water within an hour of serving. ' ^Ins. A. J. YrxonnTTii. Miss Sweet's Baked Beans. One (it. wlute l)eans, 1 lb. dry salt pork. In tlie morning as early as possible remove all foreign substances from the beans and wash thoroughly. Tut in kettle and cover with cold water and let just come to a boil; also parl)oil the pork. Skim them out in a pan, pour on more hot water, then 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon molasses, scant teaspoon of mustard dissolved in hot water, then a little pepper. Put part of the beans in earthen pot, then the pork, then the remainder of the beans, cover with water, place in hot oven, covering pot closely. Tut in more water as needed. Bake in a Jewel range until night. Do not add an> water th.e last hour. Two tablespoons of catsup may be added if desired. Mi;s. .\T\VKi.r.. 80 ' SUPERIOR COOK BOOK Foster s Receipt. THE NEW WAY PAY CASH— TRADE AT THE NEW STORE. We cut t lie prices and save money for you. If we don't sell you your goods, we both loose money. FOSTER'S Main Street and Cleveland Ave. Diindon Block. Pure Sw^eet Creann Silver Creek Creamery Pasteurized Butter is the highest grade of butter that can be produced by thebest methods. It is made of pure pasteurized cream. M A N U P A C T U R K D B Y RIPON PRODUCE CO. RIPON, WIS. SUPEKIOK COOK BOOK 81 Chafing DisK Dainties. "I'm uuito asliaiiu'cl 'lis niig-lity rudo To eat so much— but all's so good!" —Pope. Creamed Chicken. One eii|) (■(>I(] chicken, cut into squares, or 1 can boned cliicken. 1 can luusli- roonis, 1 can French peas, 1 pt. cream, 1 tahles])0()nful butter, 2 tablespoon fuls Dousman's Best Patent flour. Melt butter and floui- in dialing dish, and add cream, stirring until it thickens. Then add chicken, mushrooms, and pease; cook for several minutes, and season to taste. Serve on toast if desired. Miss Scott. Creamed Shrimps. ^Ii\ ill chafing dish th.c yolks of "2 eggs. 1 tcaspoonful of anchovy sauce, i.-G cup creaii!. Tut in V-. pt. of shrini])s, k't tlieiii get hot, not allowing the eggs to curdle. I'se hot water dish. Serve on toast. Miss ScOTT. Eggs and Oysters. Heat slightly (i eggs, cut up I'i oysters niodeiMlely line, rub bottom of chafing dish with aiiclio\y paste. i)ut in a good walnut of butter and scramble eggs. Just as they are turning thick, put in the oysters and stir until cooked. Sin-ve on toast lightly spread with anchovy sauce. Edii'ii M. Wiught. Welsh Rarebit. One-half lb. cheese cut very line. Wet i-liating dish with cream, add piece of butter size of a hickory nut, heat butter to boiling, add ch.eese slowly, alternately with a little cream, until all the cheese is melted; add 1 teaspoonful of mustard, a dash of cayenne pepper and salt to taste. Sift with spoon and cook until it will not string. Servo on crackers or toast. Jkssie HorTKKS. Welsh Rarebit. One lb. rich American cheese, pinch salt, dash or two of paprika, I/3 spoonful mustard, lo glass ale, 1 Oix^^x. Put into blazer a piece of butter the size of a walnut. Add cheese which has lieeii cut in very small ])ieces. Let nielt well then add the salt, pa])rika, and mustard. Put in th.e ale ne.xt, but be careful aiul add gradually. This is the secret of a fine, smooth rarebit. Lastly, just as you are ready to serve, add (also gradually) the vig, beaten well. Serve on toasted bread or crisp crackers. This amount will serve G people. ^Mks. W. H. Hopkins. 82 SUPERIOR COOK BOOK When You Have a Bad Couiih and all stuffed up, so hoarse you cannot speak; tn^ a bottle of TILLSON'S SYRUP OF TAR AND WILD CHERRY, IT WILLL GIVE YOU IMMEDIATE RELIEF. 25 AND 50 CENTS. POST OFFICE BLOCK. Cheese Fondue. One f;il)los|)0()n InitttT, 1 ciii) milk', 1 cuii ilry lircad rriiiiihs, "i cups cliccsc, "i r,u'_us. 1 salls])()(.)ii inu.stard, salt and c-awinii'. !\k'lt l)iilti'r. add (/ruinl)s and milk: when mixture is liot, add elicese and eondinionts. Wlu-n smooth, atld yolks of eggs slightly beaten. Serve on toast. Edith ]\[. Whioiit. Shrimp Wiggle. Two hea|»ing tablespoons of hu.tter, 1 pt. of milk. 1 small teaspoon of salt. 1 (alilespoon of Jjousinan's iJest Patent flour, 1 ])t. of shrimps. 14 ^'^^'^ Freneh peas; add a dash of eayenne. ^lelt hutter. add ficnu'. then milk: stir until smooth. When boiling hot. add shrimp. ])eas. salt and i»ep[)er. Mi;s. A. Smith, l^ansing. Lobster Force. Two eujis lobster. 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tal»l(>s])oo]i Dousman's Best Patent flonr, 1 cup cream, *1 tal)lespoon chopped parsley, 14 *j'' '^ nutmeg, 3/2 teaspoon salt, cayenne, yolks of 3 hard-boiled eggs mashed fine. IMakc; a irliite mncc. add yolks of eggs, parsley, nutmeg, salt and eayenne, and lastly the lol)ster meat cut in small pieces. Edith M. Wkigiit. Grilled Sardines. One small Itottle of catsup and one box sardines. Heat the catsup in chafing dish, then ])ut in the sardines, being careful to remove all the oil. Serve on salted wafers. Gekaldine Scott. Oyster Rarebit. Remove hard muscles from ^2 pt. of oysters, parl)oil them in their own liquor until edges curl and remove to hot bowl, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 saltspoon mustard, 1 saltspoon salt, cayenne, % lb- cheese (chopped). jMelt butter, add clieese and sea- soning. Beat 3 eggs slightly, add to oyster !ir[Uor and gradually stir into melted cheese. Add oysters and serve on toast. IOditm M. \VRiG;irj\ Welsh Rarebit. One 11). of American cream che(>se, % pt. of ndlk, 1 tablespoon of butter, 2 eggs (beat ver}- light), 1 teaspoon of salt, a dash of cayenne pepper. When milk and butter are almost at boiling point, add cheese, salt, pepper, and eggs when cheese is thoroughly dissolved. Stir constantly. Mrs. Miner. Golden Buck. This is a welsh rarebit, with a poached egg on top of it. j\[rs. p. H. Raiskey. Gypsy Pot-Pourri. One and one-half cups of veal (ground). 1 cup of cream, 2 tablespoons of SUPIOKIOR COOK liOOK 83 flioose (,ur;it{'(l ) . '.^ t;ilil('s|)<)()iis (if walmits (^tihiihI), I tal)lcs|)()()ii of l)(ni.siiiairs Bcsl Patent flour (dissolved in a little milk), 'A teasjiooii of salt, i/i tcasjjoon of pepper, 1 tablespoon of butter. Put butter in pan. then veal, cream, ehoese, walnuts, salt, P'TI"''" •""' <'i'in'- -^Fiis. Smith, Lansing. Eggs and Cheese. Six egu's. ;> tablespoons of urated cheese. ] bii-iir lablcsiioou of butter. I lea- spoon of onion juice. 1 saltspoon of pajjrika and a liltle salt. .Mix the cheese, but- ter, onion, paprika and salt in hot jjan and stii- until the cheese is nieltod. Break the eggs into a bow I and whip, pour them into cheese, i-rduce the flanu- of lamp anri stir until done. Ser\c on toa.-t. l''i.oi;i;x(:i-; IiAXDall. Smothered Ham. Put a little butter in chating dish ( i-enu)\c! hot water pan), then ham. Cover tightly and cook '.] minutes, turn and cook ?> minutes. Serve at once. ^li;s. Al.ma Smi'i'ii. Lansing. Pigs in Blankets. One pt. of oystei's, \._, lb. bacon, toast. J)i'ain and wi[)e nice large ovsters. Cut l)acon ii! thin slices and pin 1 oyster in each slice of bacon: fasten together with tooth picks. Cook in hot Idazel' until bacon is cris]) and serve on round pieces of toast. Fi.oiiEXci:: IJanual].. Lobster a la Newburg. Put 2 ozs. Imtte]- in chating dish. \\'h.en melted add 1 can of loI). white of an egg; add XU cup ice water gradually, knead well, then make into little loaves. Poll these out and place the remainder of the butter lietween. Fold 8 times. Ahrai/i^ roll from you. ^Frs. John Powkh. Pie Crust for One Pie. One full measuring eup of Dousman's Jk'.st Patent Hour, t;> cup of sweet lard (or part butter), i/^ teaspoon salt, 4 tablespoons of ice water. Work all together (except water) till like cracker cruml)s. then add water a little at a time. Pie Crust. Two and one-half cui)s Dousman's liest Patent tlour, I rounding cup lard and butter mixed. 1 level teaspoon l)aking ])owder, salt. Mix shortening well through the flour, then add just enougli cold water to wet it up. handling softly. This makes 2 pies and 1 extra crust. ^[us. Atwell. Butter Pie Crust. One small pt. of Dousman's Best Patent flour, I teasjioon baking powder, pinch of salt, large i/> cup l)uit('r. ^Ii\ with cold water. ^lus. Kxickeuuockkr. To Make Suet Crust. Select leaf or tender suet; free it from membrane, measure, and to each pt. allow an e<[ual (piantity of sifted Dousman's Echo jiastry flour: add a teaspoonful of salt ; chop the flour and suet together. When well mi.xeil a S(|uare crackers i-olled wvy tine, just a jiincb of salt and a little grateaste and bake. Stew pie-plant with sugar, small piece of but- ter, until it almost jells. When cold and just before serving pour into crust and cover with whipped cream. Mi;s. .\. IT. BAumoi^ Green Tomato Pie Peel and slice green tomatoes, allowing for 1 pie 4 tablesjioonfuls of vinegar, 1 of butter, 3 of sugar, and ilavor with nutmeg oi' cinnamon. Bake slowly with 2 ci'usts in a Jewel Kange. Cranberry Pie. Chop finely together 2 cupfuls cranberries and 1 cupful seeded raisins; add 2 cupfuls sugar, and cupful water, and sprinkle a little Dousman's Best Patent flour over the berries. Bake in 2 crusts in a deep ])ie tin in a dewel Bange. Chocolate Pie. One coffee cuj) uulk, % cofll'ee cup sugar, 2 tables]»oons grated chocolate, yolk^ of 3 eggs. Heat chocolate and uulk together in double boiler; add sugar and yolks beaten together to a cream, cook uidil thick stii'ring constantly; add vanilla, pour llie nnxture in a baked crust and ]»ut on nn'i'lngue, nuide of the whites of the eggs. iM ISS BUKOKSS. Chocolate Pie. b\)Ui- taliles])oons gi'ated cliocolate, (I iabl(\'^poons sugar, 2 tablespoons corn stai'ch, yolks of two eggs. 1 pint water. Whij) whites of two eggs for the top. Mrs. James Tucker. Strawberry Pie. Line pie tin with good pastry, ])rick with a fork and bake in Jewel Bange. Fill with strawberries, shake plenty of ]iowdered sugar over l)erries. ('over pie with whii)ped cream, sweetened; use plenty of (-ream and serve cut like pie. Mrs. G. G. Johnston. Sn/ICKIOR COOK BOOK 87 Miss Sweet's Lemon Pie. One and onc-lialf Icinons. I ciiii >ii,L;ar. J cuii lioiliiiii water, 2 eggs, butter size of an egg. Two licai'iiig lahlespodiis ol' cornstarcli. i'oil lemon, sugar, water and butter together and add nioistent-d coi-nstiircb : set it oil' tlic stove 1 niinntc and stir jn beaten yolks — use wliites for meringue. Lemon Pie with Tnvo Crusts. For small ])ie: 'Vi\\; eggs. Sei)arate two Avbites for frosting. liake in a ([uiek oven in a Jewel IJange. Mi;s. .7. A. HttYDEX. Lennon Pie. One eu]) sugar, jiiite of 1 large lemon, yolks of :> eggs, i/j cup water, 1 large grated. raw ])otatn: mix. Pour into pan lined with crust and bake in a Jewel range ;5() minutes, ^^'llip the whites of ;! eggs with 1 lal)les|)oonful of jnilverized sugar. Spread on top and bi'owii. ^lUs. CtI-:o. B.vMFOijn. Lemon Pie Filling. The juice of 2 lemons and a little grated rind. :! cups sugar. 2 cups water, i^ cup Dousnian's Best Patent Hour, genei'ous measure; yolks of (i eggs, a ])iece of but- ter the sizie of a large liickory nut. Stir the butter, sugar, flour and rind together. Add tlie juice, the well-beaten yolks of tlie eggs and water. Cover with the wliites of the eggs well beaten and a little powdered sugar added. This will make two ])ies. ]\riss U. Eoi'ES. Lemon Apple Pie. One lemon. 1 cu]i sugar. I cup cold water, small round crackers: peel lemon, removing all the white inner skin, slice very thin. Cover the bottom crust with split crackers, one layer laid closely. Add the sliced lemon, laid over the crackers; add tlie cu]i of sugar spriidaten fresh. Mits. M. M. P.v:\r.si)i;Li.. Apple Lemon Pie. One ])t. l;ot water. •' ^ cup sugar. 1 teaspoon butter. 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons corn- starch. ]>inch (d' salt. 1 gi'aled rind and juice of oiU' lemon, 1 grated apple. Tane the pie tin with g()(i(| rich crust and put in Jewel range and bake, then make the lilling jiiid let it cool, ("se the yolks for lilling and the whites for top. M.\i;v 15()i"i;cii:i;. Raisin Lemon Pie. One cup seeded raisins. 1 cup cold wati-r. grated rind and juic<' of 1 lemon, V, cup sugar. 2 1ables])oons melted butter. 2 tablespoons Dousmairs lU'st Patent Hour. IJoil water ami thicken with thuir lirst. then add other ingredients. Pake in a Jewel l.'ange with two crusts. ^Flts. TiiovrAS Pi-l.I.ow. Fig Pie. One-half cup ligs. chopped Jiui'. 1 cu)) water. 1 cup sugai'. 1 cup apjtles. chopped. volks of 2 vi<:i:!:i^, V- lemon. 1 small lalilespoon cornstan-h. I'.oil until thick. Whiles of eggs for "frosting. Mtjs. M. \. OLiiiw.uTE. 88 SUPKRIOR COOK BOOK Jelly Pie. One-half cnp of jelly, 3/4 ^^^P ^^ butter, 14 *^'^ip each of cream and sugar (if sour jelly use 1 cup of sugar), 3 eggs, 1 teaspoonful each of Dousman's Best Patent flour and vanilla. Cream butter and sugar; add eggs well beaten, cream and jelly; lastly, put in flour and vanilla. 1'bis filling is for 1 pie and is very delicious. Miss Minnie Witt. Cream Pie. Two and three-quarter cups sweet milk, 1 cup sugar, i/o cup Dousman's Best Patent flour, yolks of .2 eggs. Cook milk, flour, eggs and sugar in double boiler. When cool, add 1 teaspoon vanilla. Fill a baked crust with above and cover with meringue nuide of the whites of 2 eggs beaten stitf with 2 tal)lespoons sugar. Brown in Jewel Pange. .Mrs. W. H. Anderson. Cream Pie. Two cups of rich milk, 2 rounding tablespoons of sugar, 2 rounding tablespoons of Dousman's Best Patent flour, 1 rounding teaspoon of butter, 2 eggs (yolks). When cool, add 1 teaspoon of vanilla. Meringue. — Two eggs (whites), 1 tablespoon of sugar, C drops lemon extract. Brown very lightly in the oven in a Jewel Eange. Mrs. G. Miner. Cream Puffs. One-half cup of butter (scant), 1 cup of water. Bring to a boil and add 1 cup of Dousman's Best Patent flour. Cook 2 minutes, stirring thoroughly. Remove from fire and beat in 4 eggs — one at a time — drop on buttered tins and bake 35 minutes in a moderate oven in a Jewel Range. Makes 1 dozen puffs. Filling. — Scald 1 pt. of milk. Mix % cup of sugar, scant % cup of Dous- man's Best Patent flour, i/> saltspoon of salt, 2 eggs, and add this to hot milk. Cook 20 minutes in double boiler, stirring constantly. Cool, add 1 teaspoon of vanilla. Mrs. a. W. Haidle. Cream Puffs. One pt. of boiling water, i/o cup of butter, 1 cup of sifted Dousman's Best Patent flour, 3 eggs. Place boiling water on stove and add to it the butter, then the flour ; remove from stove and put in an earthen dish and beat until cold. When cold add the eggs 1 at a time and beat until all are mixed in. Then drop into a but- tered pan and bake 20 minutes or more in a quick oven in a Jewel Range. Take about a tablespoonful of batter for each puff. When cold slit open and add the cream or custard. Mrs. H. F. Handford. Cream Puffs. Put into a large-sized saucepan half a cup of butter and one cup of hot water; set it on the fire, and when the mixture l)egins to boil turn in a ])int of sifted flour at once, beat and stir until it is very smootli and leaves the pan. Remove from fire, and when cool add five eggs that have been well beaten, first the yolks and then the whites, also a little salt. Then set in a warm pli^ee for half an hour, stirring fre- c|uently. Drop on buttered tiu-^ in large spoonfuls about two inches apart. Bake about twenty minutes in a quick ()V<'n. When done- they will be quite light. When cold open tlieiu on tlie side with a knife and put in as much as possible of whipped cream or custard. Mi;s. j^els. Clifton. Almond Flowers. Roll out some paste and cut out a numlx'r of round pieces with a fluted cutter. Now work up the paste again and cut out an equal number of pieces 2 sizes smaller. Brush the larger pieces over Avith white of an egg and ])lace a snuiller piece in the center. Blanch the almonds and divide them into halves. Press them slantino- into SUPKKIOK COOK BOOK 89 tlic paste, closely aroniul ilic smaller riii;^- and hake in a .Irwcl K'aiiij'e. When done, place in the centers a l)it of jelly. ^Ii;.'^. Si-iion,. Chess Cakes. One lb. snoar, V. pt. of water, lloil I ') iniiiiitcs in donhle l)oiler; add V^ "*• '^^ cocoanut and boil 1.") minutes longer. \<\i\ ' i II). of Imtter, yolks of 4 eggs, well beaten. Take from lire and add well-beaten whites of 4 eggs. Fill patty pans lined with rich pastry. Uake lightly in a -Jewel I'angc. Mns. JoiiN^ Powku. Eccles Cakes. One cup of currants. 1 cu]) of granidated sugar, 1 cup of finely chopped lemon peel, 1 piece of butter the size of an egg (large), 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, y^^ tea- spoon of ginger. AN'oik these to a i)aste. Take pnlV jiastc, roll it 14 of an inch thick. Cut this into ])ieces 3 inches square. Place some of the filling on each square and take the corner nearest you and fold over to. the opposite corner, making a triangle. Press down with ])alm of hand, l)rush top with water, sprinkle with granulated sugar, being careful the edges are fastened securely. Bake in a moderate oven in a Jewel Eange. Mrs. Gko. Fisher. New England Dried Apple Turnovers Soak apples until soft, cook until soft enough to jjut through colander, season with lemon and sweeten with sugar to taste. Make dough as for any doughnuts, cut with cookie cutter, roll thin, drop 1 tablespoon ful of dried a]:)ple sauce in center, turn once, pinch edges together very carefully and fi-y in hot lard. ]\rKS. Ht'RLINUiAMi:. Cheese Straws. Two cups grated cheese, V;{ '^'"P l)Utt('r. cayenne to taste, % cup Dousuum's Best Patent flour or enough to roll as pie crust, \-> cup warm water. Work l)utter and flour together, beat all together, roll out and cut in narrow strips and bake in a hot oven in a -Jewel Pange to a light luowu. i\Ii!S. -J. E. SuESS. Crust for Timbale Shells. For timbale shells, use \-> a |>iiit of i)ousnuin"s Ijest Patent flour, a generous gill of milk, 2 eggs, Y2 ^ teaspoon ful of salt, I/2 '^ teaspoonful of sugar and 1 table- spoonful of salad oil. Beat the eggs until light and then add the milk to them. Pour this mixture onto th.e flour and beat to a smooth batter. Add the other in- gredients and beat 2 minutes longer, i'ut the timbale iron in a kettle of hot fat for about ten minutes. Lift the iron fi'om the fat and turn it over, to drain all the grease from the timbale. Have a pan lined with brown ])aper and drop the tim- bale into this. ('ontin\U' ibis process until all the batter has been cooked. These shells will be found delicate cris|) cups. Ari'ange the shells on a dish and put into each a heaping tal)les])oonful of any kind of meat or fish cut into dice and heated in . a delicate sauce. Take the bowl of batter in the left hand and hold it near the kettle of fat; with the right hand lift the iron from the fat and dip it into the bat- ter, coating the iron about an inch deep witii the l)atter. Peturn the iron to the fat and cook the batter until it is n delicate bi-o\\ii. It will take about 1 minute. Puff Paste for Tarts. One CU]) of Doiisnuin's I'est Paie^nt flour, 1 eup of lard, 1 teaspoonful of sugar, 1 teaspoonful of baking powder, 1 teaspoonfuls of water, white of 1 egg. Mix and set on ice 1 hour. ^fiis. Tl. F. lI.\N'nFonn. English Tarts. Roll out puff ])aste as foi' pie crust and cut with biscuit cutter. To till, take 1 cupful .needed raisins, juice and grated rind of 1 lemon, 1 cupful sugar and 3 figs; chop figs and raisins, mix with sugar and lemon, place a spoonful on one side of 90 SUPERIOR COOK BOOK each rouiul of crust, fold ovei- and wet cdacs and piiicli toucl her, prick toj) with J'ork. l)akc -jd ndiintcs in a Jewel Ran,iiC. ^[rs. (Jthzi. Sand Tarts. Two cups sugar. 1 cup butter. ;! cups !)()usnian"s JBest Patent flour, 2 eggs, leav- ing out the white of one. T»oll ont thin, cut in s([uarcs, spread white of egg on top, sprinl\le with cinnamon and sugar and [)ress a hhinched almond in the center. Mrs. Eddy. Date Torte. 1^'our eggs. 1 cu[) sugai', 1 piiicli salt. 1 lb. of dates, f lb. walnuts, large cup of ih)ur, 2 teaspoons ))aking powder. Eent volks and sugar verv hard, add well beaten wliites. and salt to taste, then add the ilour (and if not stiff enougli add little more) and bakini.'' powder. hi>tl\- the dates and walnuts t-hop[ied verv coarse. Mrs. R. H. Eolly. Krummer Torte. One-half pound each of datt'^; and walnuts cut in small [)ieces. -| lb. sugar, 3 iai>iespoons biead crumbs, 1 teaspoon baking powder, (i eggs. Beat yolks and stir in the al)o\c ingi'edicnts. .vdd beat'm whites last. Bake in 2 sheets in Jewel Range slowly foi' .')'/ minutes. When cold crumble ami cover with whipped cream, fiavorad. ■aiul sweeteiu'd. Mrs. Klennp]R. Kartoff le Torte. Fou]- eggs. 2 cuj)s sugar, 1 cu]) butter, ^ cu]) milk. ] lb. almonds, rind of a lemon, I teaspoon of cinnamon. Put togetlicr same as any other cake. Potatoes must be cooked the (la\- bid'ori'. Mrs. Ivlexneil Vinegar Pie. One CU}) sugar. VU cuj) vinegar, f tablespoon Dousman's Best Patent flour, i/> ctip water, 1 egg, little piece of Initter. ]\Irs. Bradford. Pumpkin Pie. One-hall cuj) sugar. U. can of ])umpkin. V. ])t. of rich nnik, 1 egg, beaten and added last. Salt, gingei'. allspice and cinnamon to taste. Mi;s. A. W. TIaidlk. Punnpkin Pie. Pare tlu' [)umpkin, cut' in small pii'Ccs, and stir in enough water to prevent burning: when soft strain through colander; to 1 (|t. of pumpkin add 1 (|t. of milk, 1 tahlesjjoon of ginger, 1 teaspoonful of salt, 1 teaspoonful cinnamon, 1 nutmeg, 2 cujis of sugar, 4 eggs well Ix'aten. ^'his makes 2 full ])ies. IMrS. M. X. OtTIlWAITE. Mock Mince Pies. One and one-half cu})s of sugar, l'/^ eups of molasses, l^ a cup of vinegar, 14 CU]) of nielte(| butter, 2 cups of raisins and 2 cu])s of currants, 12 butter crackers rolled hue, 2 eggs, 1 ieasjioon each of cloves, cinnamon an- npidcs, clioppcd, .') Ihs. of .suj>ai". I lemons, 1 oi'aiiiiv, \-> 11). cilroii, '' iiutiiic^is. ."J tal)l('s])()<)iifuls cinnaiiioii. '.\ tal)l('S])ooii- j'uls salt, 1 teaspoonfiil cloves. 1 Icaspoonrul allspice. 1 (|t. cral)a]i]>le cider. S(|ueeze jiiiee from lemons and oraiiiic chop them line and add the juice If hrandy is used loosen the top crust with a knife and mix from 1 to S teasjjoon fuls nf l)est French hrandy in. llien I'eplace crust. M i;s. Iioi-i-s. Mince Meat. Suppress all lihei's and skin rnnn ' ^. Ih. heel' kidney suct.chup it up very lliiely; chop 1/. Ih. cooked o\ heai'l ; ^vvi] and |iick ' ^. II). Malai^a raisins. '^ lli. Smyrna raisins, i u Ih. cui'rants; chop ."] ozs. of citron, cut ;> ozs. candied orauiic ])i'el into o-Ki of an inch sipians, pet'l and chop tine 2 Ihs. a|)))les. Have 2 ozs. hrown sugar, Vo oz. ground cinnamon, y_^ oz. grated nutmeg, Vi *'^'- alls])ici' and ground ginger and '4 oz. of powdered ceft-o\('r pieces ol' meat fi'oin eithei' I'oast or steak mav he used for uiinco- lueat. Foi' 2 pies take 1 cupful of liuely chopped, cold, cooked meat. \(\i\ 2 tahle- sjioonfuls of sugar, 2 of cho])]ied suet, \/._> a i-npful of raisins, Yj a cupful of currants. 2 tart ajjples cliopjjed fine, V2 a teasi)oonful of cinnamon, a salts])oon of cloves, the grated rind and juice of 1 leiiion. and ^ ■_> a pint of hoiled eider. English Mince Meat Without Meat One Ih. hi'own sugai'. 1 Ih. suet, I Ih. raisins, 1 Ih. currants, 1 Ih. sultana raisins. 8 large apples, rind of 2 and juice of t lemons, chopped, 2 teaspoons allspice. 1 nut- meg. 1 tuiidflei-. any kind of sweet wine. — sherry or hrandy. .Mi;s. I-'. I'. .\i:i;i)iiA.M. Green Tomato Mince Meat. One ])k. of green tonuitoes cho})i)t'd line; drain olf jiearly all the water, add f! Ihs. of l)rown sugar, 2 cU])fuls of hoiled cider; hoil 4 hours; then add 3 Ihs. of seeded and cho])ped raisins. 1 Ih. of clioppe(l dates or 1 can of red sour cherries, 2 tahle- s])oonfuls of cinnamon. 2 of allspice. 1 of cloves, 'i.' »-'r. and an imkIU'ss host of otlicr sucli lady-like luMiric: "Tlio Hour, tlio sugar, and tlif fruit Conimiiifrk'd well, liow well tlioy suil. Wlifii they were well bestowed. "' Walnut Date Pudding. Two larji'e eggs, 1 cup of jjowdcrcd siigai'. 1 ciii) of walmits. (•li()i)i)c- -'• M ^ ^^• Tapioca Pudding. Soak i/> a cupful of tapioca U liuur in a pi. of cold walcr. Tlini put it in saucepan and let it boil 20 minutes or until it is transparent: if it becomes too thick add a little more water. In a double l)oiler bring a (jt. of milk to lioiling point with thevellow rind of Vi' ^^ Vernon and a little salt. Beat tbe yolks of fi eggs witb a cup" of sugar, add them to tbe milk, stirring until smootb and creamv. but not allowing it to boil. Wlieii thick, remove from lire and add tlie tapioca, blending thoroughlv. Bour it into a pudding disb. Heat tbe whites of tbe eggs to a stiff froth with three tablesjioonfuls of ]iowdered sugar and ont^ teas]->oonful of vanilla. Spread over pudding and brown liglit Iv in tbe oven. Tbe pudding reouires no baking and is d(>licioiis. Serve very cold. ^ Miss :Mixnii-: Witt. Pineapple Tapioca Pudding. Four lemons. 2 cups of sugar. 2 eups of civaiii. 1 tan of grated pineapple. whites of 4 eggs. Beat eggs stiff and tben adoil 1 honi' oi- lonucr till all tapioca is soft. Stir in 1/. teaspooii \anilla. ^louhi and ser\e with cream. ]\li;s. ('. v. \l. TowxsEXD. A Good Dessert. Chop ((uite iiiie ^/{. Ih. of walnut meats and J/L> "'• |)nvi\ as sauce, though whipped cream is a delicious accom[)animent. Other fruit than peaches can he iised in exactly the sanu' way. Lemon Pudding. One (|t. nnlk. 1 pt. hread crund)s (soft), yolks of 4 egg!«, 1 cup sugar, juice of 1 lemon. JJake in a . lewel range until milk is creamy, then take from the oven and make a meringue of whitis of eggs and a little powdered sugar and put in oven to hrown. Eat cold. ^lits. S. G. S.uixii. Lemon Pudding. Stir into the yolks of (! eggs 1 cup of sugar, the grated rind and the juice of 2 lemons. Soften in warm watei' (i crackers, lay them in the hottom n\' the pudding dish and pour custard over them; hake in a Jewel range until firm. Heat tin- whites of the eggs to a stiff froth and add (> tahkspeonfuls sugar and heat well. When the custard is done ]X)ur the frosting over it: return to the oven and hrown. Serve either cold or warju. Mi;s. Koi'Ks. Tipsey Pudding. Cut a sponge cake or any light, plain cake into thick squares and dip the squares in a mixture of equal ])arts wine and water sweetened with sugar. Milk flavored with wine, hrandy, vanilla or lemon will answer for soaking the s(|uareg if sufficient wine is not at hand. Arrange the pieces of cake in a liandsome dish and heap whipped cream over it. On the whip|)ed cream place small pieces of jelly, candied cherries cut in half, strawherries, shaved [dneapjile, rasi)herries, all of these fresh or canned, and any kind of fruit jelly or jam one ha[)i)ens to have on hand. Steamed Sponge Cakes. Three eggs heaten separately, 1 cuj) sugar, 1 heaping cu]> Dousnian's Best Patent flour, 2 teaspoons haking powder, 2 tahU'spoons sweet milk. Mix all to- gether. Grease some teacu])s thoroughly. ]nit a tahlrspoon of the mixture in each cup. Steam 20 minutes and roll in confectioner's sugar. Thev will look like snowballs. Mrs. X. ^l. A ax Aukex. Prune Pudding. Boil I/O lb. prunes until very soft and the juice all boiled out. IJeniove stones and eliop the ])runes. Beat tlie whites of ;? eggs, add Vl' eup ])ulverized sugar, pinch of salt, i j teaspoon of cream t cup milk, 1 cup Dousman's Best Patent flour, II/2 teaspoons baking powder, V2 taip raisins. Steam in cups % hour and serve with sauce. Mrs. E. E. Nelson. Cream Sponge Drops. Separate -i eggs, add gradually to the yolks 1 cup of ])owdered sugar: beat until light; then stir in carefully the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth, then % ,of a cup of Dousman's Echo pastry flour. Bake this in timl)ale cups; stand tbe cups in a leaking pan of boiling water. Serve as soon as done, with an ordinary ])udding sauce or soft custard. ■Mits. Joski'ij A'axdevexter. Fig Pudding. One t'Up of cliopijed ligs, 1 cup of cl!op]Jcd suet, 1 cup of sugai', 1 cup of bread cruml)s, 1 cup of wine or fruit juice, 2 well beaten eggs and a little nutmeg. Steam 1 hour in a double boiler and serve with lemon or wine sauce. Mrs. F. H. Paiskey. Fig Roly-Poly. Pick over and wash 1 lb. of iigs, cut into bits and place in a double boiler with 1 cupful of water. Cover and cook slowly until they can be beaten to a pulp with a spoon. Cool and flavor with a few drops of vanilla. Sift together 1 pt. of Dous- man's Best Patent flour, i/£. of a teasywonful of salt and 1 heaping teaspoonful of baking powder, then rub into it 2 heaping tablespoonfuls of butter. Mix to a soft dough with cold milk, turn out on a floured board and roll out in a sheet half an inch thick. Spread ^\ itb tbe fig paste and roll up tightly, pinching the ends well together. Place on a buttered pan, steam for % of an hour and stand in a hot oven in a Jewel Eangc for 5 minutes to dry off. For the sauce, cream ^/^ of a cupful of butter, add VL' of a cup of sifted pow- dered sugar and beat hard until very creamy. Work in gradually 3 tablespoonfuls of thick cream and add siifficient vanilla to flavor. Stand the bowl in a pan of hot water and stir and beat until tbe sauce is creamy and smooth. Serve at once. Black Currant Pudding. Boil for 30 minutes a scant cupful of rice in "? cupfuls of salted water; add a tablespoonful of butter, half a cupful of sugar and a beaten egg and cook 5 minutes. Butter a pudding dish and line with macaroon crumbs or bread crumbs, tb.en put in a half-inch layer of rice, then a layer of black currants which have been budded : so continue until all the rice is in and a pint of currants used ; cover with crumbs and ]K)ur over a teacujiful of cider (sweet) : bake in a Jewel Pange % of an hour in a moderate oven ; turn onto a platter and serve ^vith custard sauce. To tliose who like the peculiar flavor of the black currant this will Ix' found a delicious pudding. SUPICRIOK COOK BOOK 97 Little Orange Puddings. Cream 1 licai-cd talilcsjxxuirul of Imltcr and 1 nip of o-raimlatcd suti-ar; add the well-beaten volks of 1 e-i-is. the grated rind of 1 orange and 1 cup of orange juice and pul]). Stir^in 1 laliii'spoonfuls of fine ci-acker erunil)s and 1 cup of milk, then add the whites of the egg, Ix-aten witli V-i <'i'I> ^^^ sugar. Pour into well-but- tered cases or ramekins and l)ake ((uickly in hr.t oven in a .Jewel Kange. Cracker Raisin Pudding. Scald ."■) cups milk, pour over 1'- cup rollce will serve four people. Mary Miner. Sour Cream Pudding. One pt. sour cream, lo teas])oon soda. 8 lablespoons of Dousiuan's Best Patent Hour 4 eoas beaten separatelv. i)inch of >alt. Pake in a .lewel range 1 hour and eat with a rich sauce. ^r««- T"- A- Felcii. Graham Pudding. One cup of sour milk. 1 cu]) of molasses. 1 cup of raisins. :3 cups of Dousman's I'.e^^t Patent lh)ur. 1 larue teaspoon (d' soda. 1 egg and a pinch of salt. Steam 3 hours Sauce for steamed pudding: Peat whit.'s and yolks of 3 eggs separately 98 SUPERIOR COOK BOOK until ^■(.'l•v liii'lit: add U. cup of sugar to vac-h, put in doul)K' hoiler and stir i-oii- stantly until thick. Miis. TiiEOuoui- Hall. . Graham Pudding. One-half cup molasses, I/4 cup liuttcr. i/^. cup sour milk, li/> cups graham tlcjur. 1 egg, 1 teaspoon soda. 1 cup raisins, sjjice and salt. Steam 3 hours. Serve with rich sauce. Mrs. Sedgwick. Graham Pudding. One cup molasses, 1 cu}) sweet uiilk, y^ teaspoon cinnamon, 1 egg, 1 tcasjjoon soda, 1 teaspoon butter, 1 cup raisins, nutmeg to taste, a little salt, ly^ cups graham tlour. Steam in buttered pan 2 hours. Mus. H. Harwood. Pudding Sauce. One cotfee cup granulated sugar. 3/;> cup butter, 1 egg jjeaten light, y-> grated nutmeg, a little wine if liked. Cook in double boiler, stirring all the time. Add tlu." wine when the sauce is cool, if at all. MiiS. H. Hauwood. Farina Pudding. One and one-half qts. of milk, ;> tablespoonfuls uf Farina. Boil milk with a little salt. When boiled, stir in the Farina slowly: let it boil up once or iirlce; take off the lire and when (juite cool add 5 eggs well beaten (not separate), sweeten to taste, add also vanilla. Flouring, turn into a pudding dish and bake in a Jewel range ten minutes. This pudding is delicious cold. Mrs. Duxcan. Rice Blanc Mange. Put into a double Ijoiler ;> cups milk, ])inch salt and a scant I'l' <-'^ip *jf v'lQe. Cook until milk is absorbed. Add 1/5 of a hox of gelatine, soaked in cold water and dissolved by placing cup over the steam of the kettle. As the mixture begins to thicken add i/^ cup powdered sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla and a wine glass of sherry and Vo pt. of cream whip})ed to a stiff froth. '^Purn into a wet mold and set away in a cold place. ^lus. T). B. Bilkly. Chocolate Blanc Mange. Put one ])int of milk in a double boiler. When hot add two ounces of grated chocolate or two heaping teaspoonfuls of cocoa. Add half a cupful of sugar, ^loisten three level tablespoonfuls of cornstarch with a little cold milk; add them to the hot milk and chocolate, stir until thick and smooth, turn into small individual moulds and stand aside to harden. Serve cold with cream. Suet Pudding One cup of suet chopped fine, 1 cu]* of molasses, 1 cu]) of sour ndlk, 1 teas])oon- ful of soda, 1 cup of raisins, 3 cups of Dousman's Best Patent flour, and a little salt. Steam 3 hours. Sauce. Bring to boiling point 1 pt. of milk, add 3) tablespoonfuls sugar, and beat yolks of 3 eggs in, stirring all the time until it thickens. Flavor with vanilla or lemon. jMrs. Eichard ]\[atthews. Steamed Pudding. One cup suet chopped fine, 1 cu]) raisins seeded, 1 cuj) molasses. 1 cup sweet milk, 3 cups Dousman's Best Patent sifted flour, 1 even teaspoon soda, 1 teas])oon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon cloves, 1 teaspoon salt, i/o grated nutmeg. j\Iix suet and spices, add soda, dissolved in a little warm water, to tlie molasses, put with su(>t and spices, add milk and flour and the raisins well floured. Steam 3 hours. Mrs. p. p. Bronson. ST^PERIOK COOK BOOK 99 Steamed Pudding. 'I'uo cups J)ousiiiairs Best ratciil llimr, 'a. ciii) suet. 1 cup ^u_ii teaspoon salt, rub in i/t cup butter and lard, Yi ^^'P <^^ milk, I beaten egg. Xearly fill a dee]) ]»u(lding dish with a|q)les pared and cut in quarters, 1 cup sugar, flavor with lemon rind oi- whatever you wish, turn the dough over the apples. Bake in Jewel range slow so tlio crust will not get brown before the apples are done. Ser^e with cvam. "^^KS. DAEoyPK. Cherry Dumplings. Edl cups -i/o full of stoned sour cherries, and 1 hea])ing tables|)oonful of sugar; take ;> cups Dousman's Best Patent flour, 3 teaspoonfuls of baking ])owder. f table- sjioonful of butter: add sweet milk enough to stir stiff like cake. Fill cu])s % full, steam % "f '^^^ hour. Eat with sauce. .Vny other fruit is good. i\ri{S. E. E. SCRIBNEIJ. 100 . SUPERIOR COOK BOOK Peach Dumplings. Wash hair a poimil ol' rice tlirouoii several cold waters; drain, throw the rice ill a kettle of l)oilin«i- water and boil rapidly for twenty minutes: drain. Spread a thin laver in the centre of a ilunipling clotii : place in the centre of this one small, soft peach; fold the rice over, tie tightly; throw the dumplings in a kettle of boiling water, boil rapidly for fifteen minutes, and serve hot with a pitcher of cream. Cherry Pudding. Mix % pt. flour. 1 teaspoon of baking powder and 1 tablespoon of sugar. In another dish beat up l^ cup of milk and the yolks of 2 eggs. Pit 1 (|t. of cherries and dredge with 1 tablespoon of Dousman's Best Patent flour. Beat the whites of the eggs with i/. teaspoon of salt. ]\lelt 1 tables])Oon of butter in youi- pudding dish.' Add the milk mixture to tlu' Hour, then the Imtter. and heat well. Stir in the cherries and last of all the whites of eggs. Pour the pudding into the l)asin, cover with buttered paper, and put on to steam at once, steaming for 1 hour. I'his pud- ding must be mixed rapidly and put at once in the steamer over fast boiling water and kept steaming or it will be heavy. If properly made it is delicious. Serve with any preferred hot sauce. ^Irs B. A. Tylep.. Cherry Pudding. One pint of flour, j a teaspoonfid of salt. 2 level teasjioonfids of l)aking powder, I a cup of sugar, ;', a cuj) of milk, or more, ]_ a cu[) of melted l)utter, the whites of three eggs, 1 cup of stoned cherries, 1 teaspoonful vanilla or lemon. Sift together the first four ingredients and mix with the milk and melted butter; add the whites of tlie eggs Ijeaten di'y. the extragt and a little nmre milk, if needed, to make a soft dough ; lastly, mix in the cherries. Steam in a buttered mould about three hours. Serve with Cherry Sauce for Above. One CLij) of sugar, 1 level taljlespoonful of cornstarch. 1 pint of cherry juice, 1 tablespoonful of butter, 1 teaspoonful lemon extract. Sift together the sugar and the cornstarch and stir into the boiling juice; let cook ten minutes, then add the butter, beaten to a cream, and the extract. Fruit Pudding. Make a batter of 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of butter (uudted*, 1 pt. of Dousman's Best Patent flour, 2 heaping teaspoons of baking powder, and add milk to make a thick batter, pinch salt. Add 1 cup of raspberries, 1 cup of raspberry juice, 1 cup of water. 1 cup of sugar, 1 tal)lespoon of cornstarch, moistened with the water. Steam 1 hour in bowl, or !/> hour if you use cups. Mrs. G. Miner. Plum Pudding. One pt. suet, li/o pts. Dousman's Best Patent flour, 1 })t. sugar, 1 pt. raisins, 1 pt. currants (scant), i/o pt. bread crumbs, 1/4 ^^^P blanched almonds, little citron and lemon peel, 5 eggs, 1 cup milk, 1 tablespoon molasses, 214 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 teaspoon allspice, 1 teaspoon cloves, 1 teaspoon salt. Steam 31/2 hours. Miss Winter. Plum Pudding. One qt. Dousman's Best Patent flour. 1 11). suet (chop})ed tine), 2 lbs. raisins, 4 eggs, 1 grated nutmeg, 2 teaspoonfuls of salt, water enough to mix. Tie in bag, put into boiling water and l)oil steady for 4 hours. ^Irs. E. TIauris. Plum Pudding. Ponr a cupful of hot milk over n cu]d'nl of bread crund)s. WIumi the milk becomes cold add 3/^ of a cupful of sugar, a teaspoonful of salt, the yolks of 4 eggs, 1/4 lb. each of raisins and cui'rants, 14 cupful of chopped ahnonds, 14 lb. of SUIMOKIOR COOK BOOK 101 8iiet aiul si)ici's to taste. Strain lor six hours. Srrvc with wliippcd ereaiu sweet- ened with maple sugar. Plain Plum Pudding. 'Sl'ix together one pint of stale, dry bread ei'uiiihs, one cupful of brown sugar, a teaspoonl'ul of eiiuianion, half a grated nutmeg and half a pound of finely chopped suet. Stone half a pound of i-aisins and mix with them half a pound of cleaned currants and half a ])ound of shredded citron. Dissolve half a teaspoonful of soda in a tahlespoonful of warm watei-; add it to half a cupful of Xew Orleans molasses. Add this to three eggs, well beaten, and pour the wlu)le over the dry ingredients. Mix. and park into greased moulds or kett;les. Sieaui or l)f)il for four hours. Cheap Pudding. One of the nicest cheap j)uddings is made by chopping line i/o Ih. of dates and 2 ozs. of beef suet. Mix with the snet Y2 fwpful of brown sugar, 2 cupfuls of rolled oats, 1 tcaspoonfnl of cinnamon, the juice and grated rind of 1 lemon; add 1/2 teaspoonful of soda to 2 tablespoonfuls of warm water. Stir this into Y2 cupful of molasses; add 3 well-beaten eggs and then the fruit well floured. Pnt in a greasi'd pudding moidd and boil or steam continuously for 2 hours. Serve hot ^\•illl a li(piid, or a hard pudding sauce. Fig Pudding. One-half lb. of figs, 3 tablespoons of Initter, 1 tablespoon of molasses, 14 tea- spoon of soda. 2 cups fine bread crund)s, 1 cu]) of milk. V) cup of brown sugar, 2 egLis. Cho]) figs very fine aiul \\\\x with the butter. Steam 3 hours. Sauce. Beat i^. a cup of butter to a cream, gradually add to it a cup of powdered sugar, flavor with 3 tablespoons of sluM-ry or ]\ra(h'ira. G. ]\Iiner. Christnnas Pudding. Mix 21/2 cups of Dousman's Best Patent Hour. 1 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon each of salt, cinnamon, mace and allspice, and 2 level teaspoons baking powder. Have ready 1 cup raisins, seeded and cut in quarters, I/4 cup figs, wiped and cut in i/^-inch bits, I/4 cup citron measured after slicing thinly, and I/2 cup pecans, broken into small [)iec;s. Flour the fruit slightly. To the flour mixture add 1 cup milk, 1 cup molasses, and % of a cup softened butter and when well mixed stir in the fruit and nuts. Turn the mixture into well-buttered moulds. Steam 3 hours. If cans are suudl 2 hours will be sulficient. U. Ropes. Christnnas Plunn Pudding. One 11). suet (chopped very fine), f II). Ijrown sugar. 1 lb. raisins. 1 lb. sultana raisins. 1 II). currants, I/2 lb. mixed candied peel, 1 teaspoon all>piee. 1 nutmeg. I'/; ])ts. fine bread crumbs, 2 cups Dousman's Best Patent Hour. 1 dozen eggs. Mix all thoroughly, add eggs well beaten, steam 8 or 10 houi's in bowls or in cloths, 'i'lus will make two large puddings. Mi;s. \i:i:i)I!.\m. English Plum Pudding. One and one-half ])ts. fresh bread crumbs, 1 pt. chopped suet. 1 ])t. raisins, 1 pt. cnrrants, 1 cuj) candied citron, 1/0 cu]) candied lemon or oi-ange peel, ~) Oiiij!;!^, 1 cup sugar. I/2 teaspoon salt, I/2 teaspoon mace. 1 li^^'ii-^poon cinnamon. 2 bea])ing table- spoons of Dousman's Best l*atent flour, 4 tablesjjoons of milk. 1 wine glass of wine. ]\Iix suet and bread crundjs together, add sugar, spices and gratt'd rind of 1 lemon. Beat the yolks together and add to the dry materials, ^[ake a thin batter of the flour and nnlk and add mwt. Cut in tlie beaten whites. Dastly add the IIouhmI currants and i-aisins. IMacc in a pail with a tube tbi'ough the nnddle, lirst a layer of batter, tlun one of sliced citron and orangx- peel, etc. ("over and steam (i hours. Steam 1 hour before serviny-. Serve with a foamv sauce. Mii.s. C)i;i! Sciilktz. 102 vSUPERIOR COOK BOOR ILL FITTING SHOES MAKE EEET LOOK LIKE THIS. Most everyone wants style when they 1)U.\' shoes. Both good and poor materials are monlded into style. But poor workmansliip is also put into poor material. Then when such shoes are purehased and worn for two or three we<>ks. tlie wearer com- mences to think ahout comfort. But ifs too latel Nine out of Ten never get comfort because, they do not think of (luality, style, and fit of .shoes. WHEN YOU BUY SHOES FIRST THINK OK FIT. That is tlie first consideration at the Caspari & Virmond store. It prevents a heap o* trouljle. We can fit any foot perfectly, hecau.se we thoroughl.\ understand the structure of the human foot. We insist upon the right fit ALWAYS no matter vvlio the customer is, man, woman or child, no matter how much he or she pays for tlieir shoes, a PERFECT FIT is always in- cluded. "WE FIT ALL FEET." CASPARI ". ^V. WASHINTiTOX, U. C. BRANCHES:— CLEVL:LAND. CHICAGO AND DETROIT. SUPERIOR COOK liOOK 10.^ Pudding Sauces. Cliaiige is the sauce llial sliarpeiis apyetiu Hard Sauce. One pi. con feet ioiierv supir, 1/4 II). buttei-, white of 1 or 2 eggs. Mus. T. M. Wells. Liquid Sauce. ^lake a Ii(|ui(l sauee of hoiling water, a little brandy, butter, sugar and nutmeg. Hoil 2 niinute.s. IFits. Paukiiurst, Escanaba. Maple Sugar Sauce. ]\re]t over a slow fire, in a small teacup of water, half a pint maple sugar; let it-siniuun", removing all scum; add A tal)lespoons of butter mixed with a level tea- spoon of Dousman's Best Patent flour; add 1 tablespoon of grated nutmeg. P)oi] a f(nv minutes and serve. Maple Sauce. Poll one cupful of maple syrup a few uunnents, skim and add one-lvalf cupful id' fresh butter which has Ix'en rubbed smooth with one tablespoonful of tiour; boil again just long enough to cook the flour, remove from the fire, and serve hot. Yellow Sauce. J?ul) 1/2 cup butter till soft, add Yj. cup liglit brown sugar and beat until very light aiul creamy. Beat the yolks of 2 vgi:^^ and when ready to serve ]nit the bowl or [)an containing the sugar and buttei' over boiling watei- and stir until it is liquid, then adil tlu' eggs, 1/v; teaspoonful mace and '/l- eup fi'uit juice, oi' wint' if you a\)- pr(i\e. and slir until it is thick. Serve at oiu-e aiul stir it before each pouring. ^[ISS "ROPKS. Golden Sauce. This sauce is also served with ice cream, i'ut a ])int of cream in a double boiler; when hot add the yolks of 3 eggs thoroughly beaten with half a cupful of sugar; cook a moment; take from the (ire and add a tablespoonful of gelatine that has been soaking for 15 ndnutes in half a cupful of cold milk. Strain, and when C(dd add the flavoring, which nuiy be the juice and grated rind of an orange, vanilla 111' any llavoring in I'ommou use. ^Ii;s. IiOi;i:i;. Lemon Sauce. Mix ;> heai)ing teas])oons of coni.-tarcb with 1 cujt of sugar in a sauce]ian ; pour on •-' ( uns (if boilinu' water and stir (luicklv as it thii-kens, and when smonlli set it 104 SUPKRIOK COOK BOOK l){U'k wliere it will inorcly l»ulil>i(' and stir it occasidiially. Add the ^^ratecl rind and juice of 1 Iciuoii and 1 lu'a])t'd tabK'spoon n\' Uiittci-. Add more hot water if too thick, as it thickens in cooling and s^hould be thin enough to i)our easily. Mrs. J. S. Wood. Sauce for Plain Puddings. Beat whites and yolks of ;> eggs s.'parately until very light ; add Vo cup of sugar to each and put in a double boiler and stir constantly until thick: add vanilla, aiul 1 tal)lespoon of Avhi])ped cream if you have it. Mrs. E. L. Drake, Marquette. Chocolate Dressing. Two cups brown sugar, 2i/2 squares Baker's chocolate, i/2 ^'^^P i^weet railk, 2 tablespoons butter. Cook in double boiler until perfectly smooth. AIi.'s. WiLLiA.Ai Sedgwick. Chocolate Sauce. This is usually served hot as a sauce for ice eii'aiii. But i ozs. of grated choco- late, 1 cupful of sugar and half a cuj)ful of )nilk over the fire: stir until the sugar is dissolved, and boil until the mixture forms a soft hall when dropped into ice water. Rich Wine Sauce. One cupful of butter, 2 of powdered sugai', jialf a cupful of wine. Beat the butter to a cream; add the sugar gradually and when very light add the wine, which has been made hot. a little at a time. Blace the bowl in a basin of hot water and stir for 2 minutes. The sauce should be smooth and fc)amy. ^lltS. J. [.. IJliADFORD. Brandy Sauce. One-(juarter cup of butter, yolks of 2 eggs, dash of mace, "L^ cup granulated sugar, i/s teaspoon salt, ^2 ^'^^P "^ l-^"^ cream or rich milk, ("ream tlu> butter, grad- uallv add the sugar, beating continually: to this add the yolks well beaten, then pour into this mixture the hot cream or milk, cook over hot water until it will coat the spoon, remove from range and add ;> tablespoons of fine brandy and 1 tablespoon of Jamaica ]'um. pour this mixture slowly over tic liglitly beaten whites of eggs, beating continually. Liquid Pudding Sauce. ]\rix a rounding tablespoonful of Dousnum's Best Patent floui' with half a cu]v ful of sugar: add hastily half a i)int of boiling vrrder: boil foi- a moment and pour, while hot, into 1 egg well beaten. Flavoring of any kind may be added to this sauce — the grated rind and juice of 1 lemon or orange or a suspicion of mace, with the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoonful of vanilla. Foamy Sauce. Wash and beat to a cream half a ])ound of butter: add gradually 1 cuj^ful of powdered sugar, and, one at a time the yo'ks of ;] eggs. When very light add a gill of boiling water and stir over hot water until the mixtui'e thickens: then take from the fin' and add S tal)lesp()oiLfuls of orange juice or other fiavoring. Or add nutmeg and a little lemon juice. Nun's Butter. Wash, by pressing under water, a ([uarter of a pound of butter: l)eat to a cream and add gradually half a pound of powdered sugar. When wvy light dro|) in the unl)eaten white of 1 egg, beat for o minutes, add tl;c second white and beat for o minutes again. Put the mixture in the serving-it upon a cushion, and sew a fine seam And feed upon strawberries, sugar and cream. Mousse of Chestnut. Witli 14 ])). of cliostntit ]»uivc mix al)()iit eggs that have been beaten stitf. ]\[onld in any form desired. This dessert may he served with a custard made of a pint of milk, the yolks of o eggs, 4 level teaspoons of sugar and I/2 teaspoon of lemon flavoring, or a lemon jelly colored red and piled in spoonfuls around the snow makes a very attractive dish. " Mijs. J. X. St. Clair. Sponge Cream Dessert. One pt. milk, ;] tablespoons gelatine, -"> tabh s[)()()]is sugar, 3 eggs. Put gelatine in cold milk and let stand for a while; ])ut on stove and bring milk to the boiling point, then add sugar and yolks of eggs, which have been well beaten together. Ee- move fi'om lire ami stir in whites of eggs, which have been beaten stiff. Add a jiincji of salt and Ihwor to suit, and ])our into small moulds. Serve with cream. d/KS. T. F. Cole, Duluth. A Favorite Dessert. One heaping tablespoon Knox's gelatine, 1 can grated pineapple, juice of 1 lemon, 2 dozen walnuts. Dissolve gelatine in 2 glasses of hot water, mix lemon with pineapple, add to gelatine and pour all into moulds. When nearly set stir in walnut meats broken in small ]neces. Serve with whipped cream. Mr>s. SiiAW, l)uhl. ^linn. SUPKRIOR COOK V.noK 107 WE WASH WELL i^ NEEDHAM BROS Orange and Strawberries in Basket. Seloc't yood-sizcil oi'aiiiies. Cul oil' to]) and scoo]) out ccMiter: fill witli straw- herrics and some of the oran^ue. If liked pour a little slierrv over and put on top a .spoonful of whipped ercani. Mi;s. ('. 'V. KursK. Lemon Ice Cream. Dissolve 4 large cups of sugar in 1 (|t. of hot milk. Wln'u eool add I] pts. of cream, put in freezer and chill. Add the juice of S lemons. Turn the freezer until Ihe cream begins to freeze, then add the well-beaten whites ot 4 eggs and beat hard for 3 minutes with a spoon. Turn freezer very rapidly until frozen. This is .suffi- cient for 4 qts. of ice cream. ^[i!s. 11. 0. Yorx(;. Stra\vberry Ice Cream. Sprinkle sugar over strawberries, mash tliem well and rid) them through a sieve. To a pint of the juice add half a pint of good cream, make it very sweet, freeze it in the usual way, and when beginning to set stir in lightly 1 pt. of whipped cream, and lastly, a handful of whole .strawberries. Miis. E. ('. C'oolev. Chocolate Ice Cream. One pt. cream, I })t. milk, i^U cups sugar, yolks of G eggs, 1 square of Baker's chocolate, 1 tablespocm ol' vanilla, ^lake a custard of the milk, sugar and yolks; melt the chocolale and thin it with hot water, then add it to custard. AVhen cold flavor and add beaten eream. Mrs. Haidle. Vanilla Ice Cream. I^se above reci])e. omitting chocolate. ^[i;s. A. W. TlAinr.K. Maple Ice Cream Boil 1 pt. of maple syrup .") minutes, take from lire. Beat the yolks of 4 eggii light, then pour ovei' tiie syrup slowly, set over boiling water until mixture is thick enough to coat the spoon; strain aiul cool, stirring occasionally. Then aild 1 c|t. of eream, 1 table.spoonful of vanilla. Freeze and pack. Mi;s. 'i\ J. Fi.yxx. Maple Ice Cream. Two cu])s of maple .syrup, ti eggs, I (jt. of cream. Heat the maple .syrup just to boiling and before removing from the lire add the beaten yolks of (i eggs, letting them scald but not boil, \\4ien cool stir in eream and the whites of 2 eggs l)eaten stiff. Place in the freezer and freeze as usual. Mu.s. .7. Li'oxakd Johnson. Peach Ice. IJul) 1 can of ])t'aches through a eolamb'r. add a (|t. of water, juice of 2 oranges and I or 2 lemons, 1 pt. of sugai- (clarified). When cold i)ut in freezer and when half frozen add the beaten whites of 2 eggs. For i'as|)b(M*rv or strawberry ice, the 108 SUPERIOR COOK BOOK (?aiiic as ])c'acli jcf, only ii.se ">? ji'lasscs ol' rasphrrrv 1(' ice usi' 1 can u'ralcd ])iii('ai)])l(_' Avitli llic juice. ' Mrs. E. E. Drake. Grape Sherbet. Masli 1 II). of Concord grapes thorouglily. and strain tlie juice. Add an ef|nal amount of cold water, juice (d' 1 Jenion and sugar to make ver}' sweet; freeze. Mrs. jAHiiT^ Ironwood. White Velvet Sherbet. The juice of 4 lemons and thinly shaved peel of 1, soaked in the juice !/> hour; then strain the juice and add enough sugar to make a thick syrup — usiially ^4 of ^ cup of sugar to eaeli lemon ; add 1 qt. of milk and turn at once into a freezer packed with 3 parts of ice and 1 of rock salt. Turji slowly at first and when it begins to thicken turn rapidly until stiff; add more ice and salt and let stand for 2 hours. Mrs. Crane. Pineapple Sherbet. One qt. water, whites of 2 eggs, 1 })t. sugar, juice of 2 lemons, 1 can grated pineapple. Let sugar melt in water on hack of a Jewel Eange, add lemon juice, ])ineap])le and sugar, and when half frozen add beaten whites and finish freezing. Gloriana Rogers. Milk Sherbet. Juice of 3 lemons, 2 cups granulated sugar. Mix Avell and allow to stand 2 hours. Tlioroughly chill 1 c|t. new milk, mix all together and freeze. Mrs. AVm. Sedgwick. Nesselrode Pudding. Jioil ••_. ])t. of sugar, i/o pt. of water and the juice of a ])t. can of sliced pin- ajjple 'JO ininuTes. I'eat the yolks of C eggs and stir into the syrup; cook until it titiekens. When cool add 1 (|t. of cream, 2 cups of shelled almonds chopped fine, Vi II). of candied cl.erries and the ])ineapp]e ci:opped fine. Add vanilla, t tcaspoDnful. ^lix well and freeze. JMiiS. A. K. Sedgwick. Macaroon Whip. Whip 1 pt. of ci'eain to its stilfest froth, drain it and add \{> cu]) powdered sugar and 1 teaspoonful of vanilla. Crush 1 dozen larg(_' macai'oons into small ):)ii'ces, lightly whisk them into the cream, turn into a mould, coxx'r carefully and ])ack ice Ol' snow around it. Let it stand all day. Serve in sherbet glasses. Miss Olga Girzi. Maple Parfait. For 1 qt. ma|)le ])arfait take 1 coffee cu|» milh, 1 of cream, 1 of ma})le syrup and volks of I eggs. Set the syru}) on the stove and l)()il a little and then pour over the heateii \olks and stir to a ci'eam ; then add milk and cream and freeze as for ice cream. Miriam x^ustin. Mrs. Smith's Dessert. Make a nice cottage pudding, either in little cakes or on a slab; if the latter, then cut in s(piares and on the top of each piece put a tablespoon of the following: Cream half a cup of butter and 1 cup of sugar together and add 1 qt. of strawl)er- ries, or more, if desired, which have been crushed and stood on ice some time Itefore. Lunch Bananas. Slice -i bananas; cook ' ■_. cup watei', 1,4 cup sugar and juice of lialf a lemon. When like a s\ru]), add bananas and cook 3 minutes. Mrs. C. M. Leon'ard. SUPERIOR COOK ROOK 109 Bavarian Cream. One (|t. of swtvl t-i-c;nii, yolks of 1 c.Li-.as. \:_, l)o\ of ,iivl;it inc. 1 cii)) of sii.^ar, ■^ tcaspoonl'uls of vanilla; soak tlic irclatiiic in 1 cu]) of (.-old wati'V 20 niinules. then pour into 1 ])t. oi' boilin-i' hot swot't t-ivani : add tb.c yolks of the (■••■u-s well Ix-atcii and heat until it begins to thicken, then take froni the stove and while hot add the other pt. of ere.ini \vhi|)ped to a stitT froth, and fUivor willi extract. Mould and set on ice until ready for use. Pineapple Bavarian Cream. One-half can grated i)ineapi)le, »- fi^'P ^ugar: hoil lo niinules: i/, box gelatine dissolved in a little cold water. Add' VL' ^'up boiling water. I'ut Vi: pt. whipped cream in ab()\c when it begins to set: also add 1 teaspoon vanilla. I'el in mould and pack in ic-c or snow. Orange or other fruits can be used in place of iIk' pine- apple. Miss I.ida <;ii;zi. Disque. Put 1/. II). macaroons into •;? (jts. sweet cream. Let stand over night and frec/.e. Mi;s. Tiio.MAs lM:i.i.ow. Maple Bisque. Cook 4 beaten eii;^ yolks with 1 cup of thick maple syrup until boiling, stirring constantiv; strain and cool. I'.eat 1 pt. thick cream, add it to the stiffly beat(m whites of 4 eggs", add cooled syrup and beat whole mixture until light. Pour in niotdd and pack in ice and salt for 4 hours. ^Ihs. D. B. Bilkky. A Delicious Ice. As this is not frozen very hard, it is perhaps more allowable than many other frozen desserts. One qt. rich cream and the whites of (i eggs, with V-i ^'"1' "f strong coffee, 1V> cups sugar and a teasi)oonful of cornstarch. \Miip the cream very light and strong and put in a sieve to drain. The whites of the eggs are also whijipcd into a stiff- froth. Take the liquid cream remaining after the whip is removed and add the coffee and cornstarch to thicken it. Boil this until the cornstarch is cooked suf- ficientlv, stirring this smooth. Cool and freeze. When frozen line a mould with the frozen coffee cream; then mix the whipped cream, eggs and sugar and fill the center of the mould to the very to]). Pack the mould in ice and salt and let it stand for an hour or more. This will fill a 'i <|t. mould and is delicious to eat with strawberries. M. R. G. Victoria Pudding. Beat 4 eggs separately; to yolks add 1 tablespoon of sugar: dissolve '1 teaspoons of pulverized gelatine in 2 tal)lesi)Oons of water. Add to yolks with 1 cuj) of crea'.u. Put on fire and hoil until thick, stirring constantly. IJoll 1 dozen almond maca- roons and chop fine 2") blanched almonds: add to boile(| ingreiliciits. also the juice of 1 lemon. When cool add the l)eaten whites. Mix well and jtour in moulds. Serve with w'.iipped cream. This receipt, if put in small individual moulds, will serve about 10: if in 1 mould it does not go so far. Mws. Shaw. Buhl. :\linn. Maraschino Parfait. One cup of sugar and 1 cup of water. Cook until it threads, then pour gradu- ally on the beaten whites of 3 eggs. Beat thoroughly and cool. Cut 1 cup of mara- schino cherries into halves and roll in powdered sugar. Beat 8 cups of thick cream until stiff (reserve 1 cup), fold 2 cujis of the beaten cream into the egg mixture, add cherries and vanilla to flavor. I'ut in mould (a lard ]>ail will answer), pack in ice and salt for 4 hours. Turn out and garni.^h with orange sauce. Orange Sauce. Jieat the yolks of :> eggs and \-j cu[) of sugar until light. Add the juice of an 110 SUPERIOR COOK BOOK orani;!' and cook o\er liot water until tlic inixtui'c coiiinu'ijc'es to Ihickon. Cool and fold ill oni' ciipi'al of the Avhippcd crcaiu. This sauce is hue for rice or steamed puddings. j\[rs. K. E. Dkakh. Compote of Apples. ]\!ake a syi-iip with 1 cup of sugar, 1 cu]) of Avater and a S(piare inch of stick cinnamon. Boil slowly for 10 minutes, skiniining well. Core and pare S or 10 tart apples; cook till nearly done in the syrup. Di'ain and cook iheiu a few Jiiinuies in the oven. Boil the syrup till almost like jelly. Arrange the apples on a dish for serving. Fill the eore cavities with jelly or marmalade. I'onr the syrup over them. Put whi])ped cream around tl'c base, and garnish the cream with jelly. A. j\I. Bajmfokd. Lemon Tapioca. One pt. of water. 1 cup of minnte t;i])ioca. Hoil until (dear and (hen mould. LioMON" Sauce. — One taljlespoon of butter, 'htly the whites of 3 eggs, beaten to a stiff froth; thivor witli rind and juice of lemon, or lemon or vanilla extract. Put it in a puddin- dish an.d cover it with the heateii whites of 2 or 3 e"-gs, sweett'ned and llaNoi'ed. i!rown it in th.e oven and serve with cream or cnstard.'^'^ ' ^l"^- Din^'AX. Currants with Bananas. Sprinkle a cup of tine gi'anulated sugar ovei' I box of currants, first picking them over carefully aiul washing if they have \kvu exposed in th.e markets. Let them stand an hour, then mash until every currant is broken, and when the sugar is dissolved set them away in the ice cliest until serving tinu' or until very cold. Thev may be made almost like a jelly l>y using eijual amounts of sugar and fruit. Slice nice red bananas in glas> dish aiul pour the nuished currants over them. Ixi:z (Iehalij. Pineapple Trifle. Beat whites of (i eggs to a stiff froth and a. Id C tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar; beat for 'iO minntes. and beat in Vo enpful of pie.eapple. Place the trifle in a prcttv dish, cover with whipped cream dotted with bits of strawberry ji'lly. :\rKS. C. T. KiasK. Pineapple Sponge. C)ne box gelatine. -'! })ts. cold water. I lb. white sugar, juice of :] lemons. 1 can grated ])inea])ple. Soak gelatine in part of tlie water till very soft, add renuiinder of water boiling hot, sugar and lemon juice. Let come to a boil, strain and add pineapple. Stir well when just beginning to stitTen, and pour into moulds to set. Serve with whi]tped cream. ^'i>'^- ^^ -^i- I'htkks. Wine Jelly. One box of gelatine, dissolved in just water enough to cover it. 1 pt. of wine. 1 ])t of boilino- water. 1 pt. of i;ranulated suyar ami juice of 3 lemons. ' ^ :\his. d. P,. Ma.vs. Tutti Frutti Jelly. Take 1 pt. of brandy and 1 lb. of sugar; add fruit as it comes along, such as berries of any kind and cherries and peac-hes and pears, if you like. Cook the latter a little before ])utting them in, add an ecpial anu)unt of sugar as you add fruit. Let this stand till wanted to use. When ready to nud \\ cups of hoiling water stii' 'i tal)l!'sp()onl'uls of coi-nstarcli wet with water, aiul th.e juice of a large lemon. Add thie beaten yolks of 3 eggs and 1 cup of sugar. l>oil .■> minutes, then stir in th.e whites of the eggs beaten stiff. I'oni' into punch, glasses and servt* cold with a spoonful of whi])ped cream on the top of each glass. Mrs. A. P. Schmidt. Gelatine Blanc Mange. One-half box of gelatine, lyo pts. sweet milk, 3 eggs, 1 small lunn) of butter, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, I tablespoons sugar. Soak gelatine in milk 1 hour. Cook in double boiler until it comes to a boil. Add yolks of eggs and sugar beaten together, i^nd wh.cn egg is cooked take off lire. Add butter and flavoring. When cold add the stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Tour into mould. Mi^s. THO]\rAS Tkllow. Lemon Jelly with Fruit. One box gelatine, juice of ;> lemons, 1/4 '^^^V brandy, 1 cup sugar, 1 pt. cold \Aatei'. 1 qt. boiling water, 1 lb. white grapes, 2 bananas, 1 orange. Coyer gelatine with cold water, let soak half an houi'; add the sugar, boiling water, grated yellow rind of 2 lemons, lemon juice and lu'andy. Let this stand 10 or 15 minutes, strain through cheese cloth into a mould. Seed grapes, cut oranges and bananas in small pieces and add. Stand asid(^ to harden. Serve with whipped cream. Mrs. W. T-1. Oakley. Fruit Gelatine. One oz. of gelatine dissolved in 1 cup of cold water; after standing 20 minutes ])onr o\('r it 1 cup of boiling water; strain and add 2 cups of sugar. When i)erfectly cold add 2 bananas sliced, juice of two lemons, y^ lb. of figs cut very fine, 1 can grated jiineapple, % lb. green grapes cut in half. Serv(! with whipped cream. Ursula Eores. SUl^ICRIOK COOK BOOK 113 Maple Mousse. Wlii]) 1 |»1. oT crcaiii, add ' - cui) of iiiaplo synip wliicli has first Ik'cu licatcd and then cooli'd ; if not sweet enouji'li add a little sii^uai--. \\lii|) all to^a'ther, i)lace in a mould or Inikiiig powder cans, pack in ice and freeze. ^Lus. W. l^ Beldek. Strawberry Mousse. S|)i'iidped). ('. hananas, 1 can of sliced pineapple, 1 can eggs, 'i lahlesi)oons sugai-, 2 salt six.ons salt, •^ talilespoons ehop]»ed almonds. 1 cmished macaroons, \ whole macaroons. Soak the whole macaroons in orange juice. .Make a custard of v^^ii, milk, salt, sugar, crushed macaroons and nuts. IJutter the pan, lay into it the soft macaroons to cover the hot- torn, lav in the cold mixture. Cook over hot water until it sets, then cover with a meringue made of the whites of ;5 eggs Ijeaten stiff, ;5 tahlesjjoons powdered sugar. 3 tahlcspoons chopped almonds. 1 t( aspoon lemon juice. Cook a few nunutes longer l)ut do not hrown. Euini M. Wuiuht. Tutti Frutti. One can of grated ])ineapple. 1 Ih. of figs. 1 Ih. of dates (stoned), 1 dozen of hamnias. S oranges, 1 cup of sugar. Freeze without the center piece. ]\Irs. G. Mixeu. Almond Cream. Put on in double boiler a pt. of rich milk, 4 tablespoons of sugar, the yolks of 4 esigs, and a pinch of salt. .Vdd when hot a tablespoon of cornstarch wet with half a cup of milk. Cook 3 miinitc^. take from the fire and cool. When cold add a small cup of finelv chopped almonds and half a teaspoon of vanilla. Serve in punch odasses with whipped cream sprinkled with almonds. '"^ ^Ijss Kleaxok M. Power. Fruitina. One ])t. cold wafer. 1 pt. sugar. 1 pt. grated i)ineap|ile. juice of 2 lemons. Place ill freezer and when half frozen add 1 i)t. of whipped cream. ]\Iiss Geh.vldixe Parky. Frozen Pudding. ilix 1 tablespoon Dousman's Best Patent flour into 1 pt. sugar; then add 1 pt. water and boil 5 minutes. Pour this hot over 3 well beaten eggs, stirring continu- ally. Still stirring, cook until it thickens, take from fire immediately, add 1 table- spoon butter : soak 1 cup raisins or dates in juice of an orange 1 hour. When custard is cool, add 1 at. milk and the dates: flavor with vanilla. Freeze. ^li:s. Pit ifAiu) ^IattiiI'Ws. Frozen Strawberries. One qt. of strawberries. 3 lemons. 1 Ih. of sugar, 1 qt. of water. Stem and if nece.ssarv wash the berries: add to them the sugar and lemon juice and let stand an 114 SLTPKRIOR COOK BOOK liour. ^lasli (lie horrios tliorouglily. add tlu> water, stir until tin' sugar is (iissolvcd. turn into the can of the freezer and freeze. Let stand an liour before using. This will serve eight persons. Mrs. GuAFr. Maple Parfait. The yolks of 8 eggs or 4 whole eggs well beaten and put with 1 cup of maple syrup and cooked over the fire in water until it is thick. Then remove from the fire and beat until cold, then add 1 pt. of whipped cream and put into a mould and freeze. Mks. F. H. Eaiskey. Strowberry Parfait. S])rinklc 1 ([t. of rich berries with 1 cupful of granulated sugar, ami allow them to stand 4 or 5 hours. Xow strain off' the juice through a jelly-bag, whip 1 qt. of cream, add the juice. l)Iend well, ])ut into a mould and bury in ice and salt for o hours. This will make enough to fill a very large mould when frozen. Lemon Ice. p]ight lemons. 4 oranges. 2 qts. water, A\-. cups sugar. Chi)) the y(41ow rind from 4 of the lemons and 2 of the oranges, being careful not to cut any ot the Avhite part. Pour half of the water (1 qt.^ boiling hot over this rind and let stand until cool. Put the sugar and the other (|t. of water on to Ijoil and boil 5 minutes. Squeeze the juice from tlie oranges and lemons, add it to the syrup wdien cold, and add the water containing the chipped lemon and orange rind. Strain through a fine sieve. Freeze until stiff, turning the crank slowly, as a water ice should l)e rather coarse and not as smooth as a cream. Stand away, ])acked with ice and salt, for at least an hour Ijcfore using. This quantity makes 1 gallon. Mrs. W. W. (tRAFF. Mock Ice. Take al)0ut .'! tablespoon I'uls of some good preserve, rub it through a sieve with as much cream as will fill a (|t. mould; dissolve % of an oz. of isinglass or gelatine in 1/2 pt. of water. When almost cold mix it well witli the cream, put it into a mould, set it in a cool place and turn out next day. Jhaxnettf Tonnesen. Roman Punch. Grate the rinds of 4 lemons and 2; oranges into 2 lbs. of white sugar, adding their juicc>. Cover and let stand until next day, when strain through a sieve, adding either a qt. l)ottle of champagne or 1 pt. of water and !/> pt. of Jamaica rum, the whites of 8 eggs beaten very stiff. Freeze like ice cream and serve as soon as pos- sible after freezing. Mrs. M. W. WiGHTMAN. SUPERIOR COOK BOOK 115 GOOD COOKING Depends on the Quality of the Ingredients Used. : xpe r i e n c e d \ mr^'~'=s^^^^ ^ooks b r e fe r I mr^^ -===.■ Sellwood's Groceries to any o I h e r line. tOPYRlOllT WHY? Because they are known and app 7' ec la te d for their Puri- ty, S treniyth. Freshness and Ftavor. We carry the most complete stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries in the County. Keep us in mind when orderini^Tea and Coffee v^^^^ff^^ iASMN« Remember we are agents for Chase ®. Sanbo rn^s CELEBRATED BRANDS /// Purity , Strength, Flavor — Superior to All. JOS. SELLWOOD (Wl CO. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. POST OFFICE BLOCK. ISHPEMING, MICH 116 SUPKRIOR COOK BOOK Cookies and Doughnuts. "I ijasst'd llif most (It'liKlitful liour, I\Ii(l sugar, liuttcr aiul niulassf.s. Suggestions. Vov while cookies ei'eani hiittei' and suu'ar. hiil for all dark cookies and doni;ii- iiuls the lard or hutter may Ix' nielled. Cocoanut Cookies. 'I'wo cu])s sii^'ar, 1 cu]) Inittei', 1 e^;us, \ cup cocoanut. 'i'-j leiispoons hakin,^ powder, 2 cups Doiisman's Best Patent flour, or euouuii for a slilT douuii. vanilla. Spread wliite of an egg on to]i and sprinkle with cocoanut. Cream l)utter and sugar, add eggs, tlien fruit and Hour mixed with haking powder. Bake in a Jewel Bange. Mus. ,). E. Suess. Cocoanut Cookies. One and one-halt cups sugar, 1 cu]) huttei', 2 i"j:'j;i<, 1 I'oU'ee cup cream (not too sour), 14 !'*• eocoanut. ^A teaspoon salt, t leaspoon soda. 1 teaspoon vanilla, y-> teaspoon lemon, Dousman's Best Patent flour to mix soft. Boll thin, sprinkle sugar on top and bake in Jewel Bange ver}- liuht brown. l\li;s. W. TT. Oakley. Ice Cream Cookies. One cup 1)rown sugar, 1 cup clio])ped liickorv nuts, 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 tablespoon of Dousman's Best Patent flour, 1 egg. Bake these on the bottom of a dripping pan in a Jewel Bange, dropping 1/. teaspoonful for a cake. Mrs. B. M. Edwards. Sugar Cookies. One cup sour cream, 1 cup fjutter, 2 cu])s sugar, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoonful of soda, nutmeg. Dousman's Best Patent flour to roll. Bake in a Jewel Bange. Mrs. F. E. Nightingale. Sugar Cookies. One cup of sugar. '■} cu() of butter, ] cup of sweet milk. 2 eggs, ',] teaspoons of baking powder, -}i teaspoon salt, -J teas]~)oou lemon extrai-t. Flour enough to roll. ]\Ii;s. James Tltoker. Sour Cream Cookies. Cream together 1 cuy of sugar. 1 cu]) of butter, 1 i'g;j:: into 1 cup of sour cream SIUMCKIOR COOK liO(M\' 117 (li.iigi""- ' -i <-'^il' "'' ^^^^^' Ti'l'^' ^ level teaspoon of soda, 1 teaspoon of gi'aled nutmeg and Dousman's liest l\l1ent Hour, enough io I'oll. Make (|uitt' soft, and j)ul 1 tahlespoon of jxiwdeivd sugar on a plate and dip the tops n\' < ;ieh cake as soon as you cut Ihem (Uit. I*>ake in Jewel Jiauiie. ^\nH. JoMN Payxtki;. Nut Cookies. One eu|) !)u!ter. U cups sugar, 2^ cups tlonr, 1 eup chopi)ed nuts, 1 cup ehopped ]-aisins. 3 I'ggs, 2 tablespoons cold water, 1 teaspoonful soda. ^Irs. Crocker. Maple Sugar Cookies. One cupful of sugar, one cupful of crushed maple sugar, one cupful of hutter, two well-beaten eggs, two tablespoonfuls of water, two , teaspoonfuls of baking [)owder, and tlour enough to roll out. Do not have the dough too stilf. Cut witli a small cookie cutter and bake in a hot oven. Mrs. Alvin G]iKi<:xE, IMilwaukee. Japanese Tea Wafers. lireak Ihe white of 1 egg in a howl, add 1 tabh'spoon of sugar, stir a moment, and then add 1 tablespoon of Dousman's Best J*alent Hour, and Vo teaspoon of softened butter; beat until well mixed, it sliould be about as thick as cream: ixair a teaspoon of this Initter on the wxrv^c side of a large baking i)an. slightly greased. and with the back of the s])oon s|)read it until about four inches in diameter and almost as thin as tissue pa])er. Bake in a moderate oven in a Jewel Range till brown and while still warm roll around a curling stick. Keep in a covei'cd tin. M iss W'oon. ( 'ali f(M'nia. Nut Wafers. One-lourth c-up of buttei'. 1 cup sugar. 1 egg. 1 cup of i)ousm;;n"s I'.est Patent flour. 1 cup of nut meats, or gratt'd cocoannt. Drop on buttered tins ami bake • pnckly in a Jewel IJange. ' M ';>• T. J. FhYXX. To Make Cookies. Beat 1/4 "I* :> euj.ful of butter to a cream; add gradually a cupful of gi-anu- lated sugar; then add 2 eggs beaten without separating, 1 cup of water, part of a grated nutmeg, and 1 cu]) of Dousman's Best Patent flour into which has been sifted a teaspoon fulOf baking j)owder; add snllicient Hour to make a soft dough that wdl roll out. Cut. and press into the centre of each one a pi( ce of citron, and bake in a nuxlerate oven in a Jewel i{ange. Cookies will have a sugary appearance if you dust the board with granulated su-ar instead of Hour. Mrs. Pldoli'ii Olson. 118 SUPERIOR COOK BOOK Drop Cakes. Two oggs, 1 cup 8Ui>'ai'. VL' ^'^'P butter. XU cup milk, 1 toaspoon ](^inoii extract, 2 cups Donsmaji's Best Patent tloiir, 1 teaspoon liakinu' powder. Put in little tins. Bake in a Jewel liange. Louise Matthews. White CookieSi Two cups sugar, 1 en}) Imtter, 1 cup sweet milk, 2 eggs, 2 teaspoons baking powder, pincb salt, 1-;^) nutmeg. Dousnian's T^est Patent tlour to roll. Bake in a Jewel Eange. Mes. H. L. Eamsdell. White Cookies. One large cup sugar, 4 cup butter, o well-beaten eggs, 4 tablespoonfuls sweet milk, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder and enough flour to enable you to roll it into a soft dough. First ercaiii the l)uttei' and sugar, lieat in. th(^ wliijjped eggs, milk and spices, and then stii' in the flour and l)aking powder. Eoll into a tliin sheet and cut into shapes with eake-cuttei'. P)ake in rpiick oven. Agnes Clifton. Cookies. One-hair cup lard, 1 t-u]) of sugar, salt: mix all to a cream; i/o cup of sour milk and Y2 tf^aspoon soda ; add to Dousman's Best Patent flour 1 teaspoon of leaking powder and mix stitf, l\oll very thin. Will keep any time. Bake in a Jewel T'ange. Mrs. C. L. Spokley. Sweet Cookies. One e\\\) lai'd. 2 cups sugar. 1 cup sour milk. 1 teaspoon flavoring, 1 teaspoon soda; Dousmau's Best Patent flour to thicken. Bake in a Jewel Eange. j\[rs. John Kermode. Currant Cookies. One cup currants, l\ cups Dousman's Best Patent flour, 2 tablespoons of butter. 1 tal)les])oon lard, 1 cu}) sugar, i/> teaspoon of allspice. '■] teaspoons of baking pow- der. Enough milk to enable you to roll them out. (!ut with a biscuit cutter and bake in a (juick oven in a Jewel Eange. Mrs. Mugfur. Marguerites. One cuj:) chopped English walnuts, 1 cu}) ])owdered sugar, whites 2 eggs. Beat whites stiff, add sugar and beat till very light. Stir in chopped nuts: spread on waferettes. Place in slow oven in Jewel Eange till delicate brown. Mrs. W. p. Belden. Chocolate Cookies. Beat to a cream V^ cupful of butter and 1 tal)les])oon of lard; gradually beat into this 1 cupful of sugar; then add Vi of a teaspoonful oT salt, 1 teaspoonful of cinnamon and 2 ounces of chocolate melted. Xow add I well-beaten egg, and V^ teaspoonful of soda dissolved in V. cu]) of milk. Stir in 2 cupfuls of Dousman's Best Patent flour. Eoll thin and cutting in round cakes, bake in a rather quick oven in a Jewel Eange. Mrs. Eddy. Graham Oatmeal Cookies. Three cups of oatmeal, ?> cups of graham flour, 1 cuj) of butter, I/2 cup of sugar. 1 teaspoonful soda dissolved in 2 tablespoons of sour milk. Mix oatmeal and graham flour, then add the butter. Add sugar and sour milk and soda. Mix as soft as possible and bake in a Jewel Eange. j\1rs. Duncan Camrbelu. Oatmeal Cookies. One heaping eu]) of sugar and scant cup of butter beaten to a cream, 2 eggs and SUFIORIOR COOK BOOK 119 1 c'Li[) oi sour milk: 2 (•ii})s of DousinanV P>t'st Piitoiit Hour ;hi(I 'i cups of Quaker oats, 1 teaspoon soda, ^ ^ cup of chopped walnut nirats and 1 cuj) of clioppecl vaisiiis, 1 teaspoon ciniiiiinon. Drop thi'Ui from tlie spoon on i;i'eased tins and bake in a mod- erate oven in a .Jewel IJange. ^Ins. A. J. Yungblutpi. Oatmeal Cookies. Three eggs, 1 cup oi' sugar, 1 cup of siiortening (part butter and part lard), •ui" civani, 3io teas[)oon-^ so(hi, 2 eggs, 1 tables])oon ginger. "Make up soft as possible. Bake in a Jewel Range. This is a very large measure. One-lialf makes a good measure. ;Mrs. E. R. Xelson. Ginger Drop Cakes. One-half c\ii» butter, i/. cu]) sugar, 1 v\\]) mi>lasses, 21/. cups Dousnuin's Best Patent flour, 2 teas])oons soda in a cup of boiling water, 1 teas])oon each of ginger, cloves and cinnamon, 2 eggs, beaten and put in the last thing. Pake in gem pans in a Jewel Range. ' (ir.oiiLvxA Rogers. Ginger Cookies. One cup lard, 1 cup brown sugar, 1 cup molasses, 1 egg, 1 teaspoonful ginger. 120 SUPERIOR COOK BOOK 1 piiK'h of salt, 1 tcas])()Oivful of soda dissolved in a little over V^ cup of water. Doiisniaii's Best Patent fiouv, enonoh to roll out soft. Bake in a Jewel Range. ]\rRS. Ci-iARLES 'Nightingale. Jumbles. One cup sugar, 1 cup l)utter, '2 (\!i'gs, 'i tal)]('S})o<)uruls of soui' milk, ^ ■_> tea- spoon soda, sufficient Dousnum's Best Patent tio\ir to roll out. Sprinkle sngai- and cinnamon on top and l)ake in quick oven in a Jewel Pange. Mrs. H. a. Goody i:.\1!. Jumbles. One cup butter. 2 cn]is sugai'. heat logetlier. "3 eags. 1 cui) thick sour eream, 4 even teas|)oons soda. .\i\(\ l)ousman"s Hest Patent Hour to make soft. r;iil:i!son. Hermits. One cup butter, 1^/4 cups brown sugar. 1 cup sour cream, 2 eggs. 1 teas])0(ni soda, ?) cu])s Dousmaifs Best Patent flour, 1 cu]i raisins, i/^ cup pecan nuts, 1 tea- spoon cinnamon, i/. nutmeg. Bake in a Jewel Range in large square tins. Out as desired. Mrs. D. D. Raxoalf.. Fruit Cookies or Hermits. One cu]i butter, li/o cups sugar, 1 cup I'aisins, 1 cu]) pecan nuts, 4 tablespoons sweet ndlk, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teas])oon cinnamon, V^ nutmeg, 3 eggs. Boll thin. Bake in a Jewel Range. Mrs. W. H. Oakley, SUPERIOR COOK BOOK 121 Drop Hermits. One cuj) hiiltc r. 1 ciii) soui' crcaiii. 1 cup (•l!(i|)|i('(l nuls, 1 cup I'aisius. 'il'- eujis brown suo-ar, 4 egi^s, 1 teaspoon ciniiaiinin. 1 teaspoon soda. 1 mitincLi'. I cups Dons- mans' Best Patent Flour. Bake in a Jewel Ifanuc Mrs. McNeill's Hermits. One cup l)uttei\ ;! cuj)s Niown su;':ar, 2 cu|)s I'aisins. 2 cu])s cui'rants, 1 cup nut meats, (! cups Dnusnian's Px-ho cake tloui'. 1 teas])oon nutm(\ij, 1 teaspoon cinnamon. ■I e^-gs, 2 tea.spoons soda, a little grated orange peel. Cream butter and sugar, add milk and eggs beaten lightly and soda sifted into one-half the flour. Add the fruit and nuts that have been eh'^-pped and floured. Work well together and then add spices and rest of flour. Drop by spoonfuls on l)uttei'ed tins some distance apart and smooth down with a knife dipped in boiling water. These are delicious and will keep a long rime. iJ.'ke in a .lewel IJange. Oatmeal Date Cakes. Two cups Dousman's Best Patent lloui'. 2 cups oatmeal. 1 cu]-> brown sugar. 1/2 cup buttermilk, 1/2 teaspoon soda, 1/2 cup butter, '.g ^np ''^'■*'- l^al'^<-' in a Jewel Range. Filling for Above. Oiu' lb. dates, 1 cup brown sugar and 1 cup water: boil to a jam. lioll the dough thin, cut in strips, spread on filling, fold over and cut in o1)longs. ^!i;s. Jam: ]^)I.a('kxky. German Christmas Cakes. One lb. (lark brown sugar. 4 eggs, 1 teaspoon of soda dissolved in a little vin- egar, 14 "'• almonds and 1/4 li-*- t'itron cut tine, 2 teaspoons of cinnamon. 1 teaspoon cloves. 1 teaspoon allspice. Dousman's Best Patent flour to roll soft. Cut in s(|uares and frost with boiled fi'osfing and put an almond on toji of eacb. F)ake in dripping pan in a Jewel Pange. Mim. Maas. Bro\vn Drop Cookies. Two cups light brown sugar, 1 cup butter. :! eggs. 1 cup raisins. 1 cup |)ecan nuts, 2 nutmegs, grated, I/2 cup cold water, in wliicb dissohc 1 teaspoon of soda, 4 cups of Dousmair's Best Patent flour. Drop from spoon in floured j^an and bake a light brown in a Jewel Pange. Mrs. O. Vmvm. Spice Nuts. Four eggs, 1 lb. granulated sugar, '/; lb. shelled almonds, V; '!>• citron. 1 heap- ing teaspoonful ciiniamon, 1 even teaspoonful cloves, 1 even teaspoonful alls])ice, 1 lb. Dousman's Best Patent flour, 2 teas])oonfuls baking powder. Wipe the almonds on a clean clotb. and chop or cut into small pit'C( s. Cut the citron fine. Sift the flour, weigli it and divide into two poi'tions. Mix the spicks. nuts and citron witli one jxulion aiir: when clear add 1 lb. of chopped blanched alnu)nds, the gi'ated peel of a lai\i;e lemon, V. 122 Sl^PERIOK'COOK liOOK grated iiiitniog. 1 sall-sjxjoii of itrouud cloves, and uii\ ; now lake from the ,sto\('. blend in gradually 1 Ih. ol: sifted J)ousrnan's Best Patent flour and a wine-glassfnl of brandy. Let it rise in a cold ])laee foi' a \ve(^k. then roll out and bake as cookies in a Jewel Range or bake in sliei'ts and lut in linger-strips Avhen half cooled. Miis. ]\r. II. Klenxek. Almond Sticks. Beat together d talilespoons of sugar and yolks of -'5 eggs, add l)ousnian"s Best Patent flour to make the consistency of fried-cake batter, 1 teaspoon salt, i/o pound blanched almonds cut very fine, and lastly, wbites of eggs whipped stiff. Roll out, cut into narrow strips and fry in hot fat. ]\Ii!S. Pellow. Fruit Cookies. Three eggs. Y-i <'^d^ '*' l)uttei-. 1 VL' cups of sugar, 1 teaspoonful of spices, all kinds, 1 teaspoonful soda dissohcd in 2 tablespoons of hot water, 1 cup of raisins aiul 1 cup of nuts. 'iV> cups of Donsnian's Best Patt'ut flour. To be mixed over night. ' ^Liis. T. H. Baegh. Mrs. P*s Sour Milk Doughnuts. Scant cu]i sugar. 2 eggs, 3 tablespoons nudted butter, 1 teas))oon soda, 1 cup sour nnlk. Dousman's Best Patent flour to roll. ^Ins. Bilkey. Cream Doughnuts. Beat 1 cup each of sour cream and sugar and 2 viXii:^ together. Add level tea- spoon soda, a little salt and Dousman's Best Patent flour enough to roll. Grandmother's Unsweetened Fried Cakes. To be eaten hot with maple syrup, like fritters. One cup of sour cream. 1 cup of sour milk, 2 well-beaten eggs. 1 teaspoon of soda, i,^ teaspoon of salt. Dous- man's Best Patent flour to roll. Cut out and fry like doughnuts. Mrs. W. H. JoHNSTOisr. Doughnuts. One cup of sugar, 1 cup of sweet milk, 3 eggs, 3 tablespoons of melted butter, 3 heaping teaspoons of baking powder, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, a little nutmeg. Dis- solve sugar in two tablespoonfuls of milk (extra). Then drop in whole eggs, add melted butter, the cup of milk, the sprinkle of nutmeg and teaspoon of vanilla. Put baking powder in flour and add last. It takes about 514 cups of Dousman's Best Patent flour. When frying, keep a piece of raw potato in lard to prevent doughnuts from getting dark. Mrs. A. W. Ha idle. Aunt Lizzie's Fried Cakes. Three eggs, 1 cup of sugar, '/v. cup of butter, 11^. cups sweet milk, 3 teaspoons baking powder sifted in one quart of Dousman's Best Patent flour. Mix eggs, sugar, butter and milk together: stir into the flour and baking powder, add flavoring and make stiff enough to cut out and fry. >rutnieg or cinnamon may be used and im- proves them. Mrs. Geo. O. Johnston. Mrs. La Londe*s Doughnuts. One cup sugar, 2^^ tablespoons melted butter. \\> teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon grated nutmeg, 2 eggs, l^/^ cups nulk, 3 teaspoons baking powder, Dousman's Best ['atent flour to make a soft dough : handle as little as possible. Mrs. Crocker. Doughnuts. One-half cup sugar, 2 eggs, 1 grated nutmeg, 1 cup sweet milk, 1 tablespoon SUPERIOR COOK BOOK 123 lard, 2 toaspoons hakiu- powder. Siir ."nouoh Dousnuurs Hfst Patont fl.uir in to make a still'hattt'r. drop witli teaspoon in hoilino- lanl. Mks. a. M. Coi.K. Calnnict. Mn-li. Crullers. Beat thoroughlv 4 c->is, a.M s oranitr spoons (lar-c size) of sn-ar l.oat well: r, of butter, beat; then 10 spoons of thick sour ]iiilk. 1 hcapm- teaspoon ol soda, salt and Dousnu-in's Best Tatenl flour sutVieient to roll out easdy. Cut witli .iao-,oin,o- 1 !• • 1 < I ,,. 1 Mi;s H A. (iooDVKAi;. iron and Irv m hot lard. ■'"> • Doughnuts. One-half c-u]. butter. 1 cup sugar. ;i e-s. P^ cups milk. ■^ teaspoons baki.i- powder in 1 (luart Dousniairs Best Patent flour, pineli salt, nutnu-- flavor. Make .•« 1 + .. J] M i;s. (ii:o. I>\.\i i-()i;ii. stiir enou.uh to roll. . ■ i. . Raised Doughnuts. One eake eonipressed veast. 1 pint of wanu milk and sutlieient Dousnian's Best Patent flour to nudce a sponge. When light, stir -:., of a .up ol butter with 1 (up of sugar to a eream. add 4 beaten eggs. 1 teaspoon salt, add to tlie sponge. Stir m enouo-h flour to make stiff douuli to roll, ahout like rais.'d l)iseuits. let rise; when liit'tt'd sugar, t-. teaspoon ereain tai'tar, a [)ineh of salt, 1 eup Dousman's Eest i'att'Ut Hour. I)eat whitts hrdf, a(hl eream tartar and salt, then l)eat very stiiT. Add .sugar, then tiour and measure after sift- ing, flavor with vanilla. Bake 3-^ to .")(i minutes in moderate o\cn in a Jewel Kange. Mus. M.vitK Elliott. Angel Food. One and one-half eups of sugar, whites of 11 eggs. 1 euj) of Dousuum's Echo pastry flour, 1 teaspoon ereaui of tartar. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Sift flour, sugar and eream of tartar together '> ui' (i times. Add to the well-heaten whites as lightly and with as little handling as possible. J'ake in slow oxen in a Jewel Range from % to 1 hour. LuELLA Ropi'is. White Cake. (^ne-half eup of huttcr (eream this hrst). IVl' eups of granulated sugar sifted 5 times, 1 teas])oonful of vanilla. 'I teaspoonfuls haking powder (heaping), -Vii eups of pastry Houi- sifted -") times, 1 eup of cold water, little salt, whites of 5 eggs, ("ream the butter and sugar, adtl the water, then stir in ahout 2 cups of flour, then vanilla and then the wdiites of the eggs beaten stiff*. Before add- ing the last half eu]) of flour and baking powder, beat the cake for 5 minutes. Bake in a Jewel Range, either in \\ layers or loaf cake. Measure flour and sugar after sifting. Miss Ursula Ropes. Mrs. H. F. Handford. ]\Iarquette. ^ri;s. TiiEO. D. Hall. Xegaunee. White Cake. Two cups sugar, ti cups J)ousman"s Best Patent flour. 1 cup butter. 1 cup sweet milk, 1 cup cornstarch, whites of S eggs, W teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon almond extract. Mix butter and sugar to a cream, then add the milk. Mix flour, cornstarch and baking poAvder and add by degrees the wdiites of tlie eggs, beaten very stiff', and lastly the flavoring. Bake in a Jewel Range. Mrs. T. A. Felch. White Cake. One and three-quarters of a cu]» of sugar, 1 cup of butter. 1 cup of cold water, \anilla, wdiites of 8 eggs, 'IV^ t'U])s of Dousman's J'est Patent flour, 2 teaspoons of baking powder. Bake in a Jewel ]»ange. Mrs. Harris. White Cake. • Two cups sugar. % cup butter, 1 cup millc. ;] cups Dousman's Best Patent flour, SUPERIOR COOK lK)OK 127 '2 licapiiii;' loii.'^pdoiis hakini;' pDwdcr, xaiiilla. whites of S c.ii'.^is Uoatcn (o a I'rdth (stiJP. Civaiii butter and supu- xcrv liui't, add milk. Ilicn licat in the Hour and whites of eaa's. alternately, until all of eaiis and Hour are u.-^ed. IJeatin^ llns cake well makes it mueli liner. .Makes I layers or 'i hars. Mljs. Axwr^Ll,. Gold Cake to go with it. One eup butter. "2 eu[)s siiuar. 1 cuii milk. ;! leaspoons baking;- powder, o cups Uousman's Best Patent, flour, yolks of S cnj^s and "i whole e,i:',ii's. Whites beaten and ])nt in last. T.omon extract, liake in a .lewel IJanuf. Mi;s. A'i"\vi:r.i.. White Layer Cake. One eup uranulatt'd su<;'ar. ',•_. cup bullei' (cream buller and su,uai'). ' ^. eup uulk. \U cuj) cornstarch. l\/-> cups Dousman's Best Patent Hour, 'i teaspoons baking;; powder, whites of '.] ei:'^'s beaten stilT. pinch of salt. I-Jake in a -lewel Han.iie. Mi;s. .1. S. Olson. White Layer Cake. One and one-half cups of sui^ar. [■_, vu\) of butlt'r. -j.^ cup of nnlk. whites of 4 eggs, 2 cups of sifted Dousman's Pest Patent flour (sift 4 times). 1 teas])oonrul of soda in floui' also. 1'^. teaspoonfuls ci"e,im of tartar. Make in a .lewel lianuv. Mi;s. T. ,). Fly NX. Rich White Layer Cake. Cream \'U cup of butter and beat o minutes, add IVl' eu[)s of powdi'ivd sugar and beat o minutes longer. Sift "^ cu]is of Dousman's P)est Patent flour and y^ cup of cornstarch with 4 \r\v\ teaspoons of l)aking powder. .\dd th.e Ihuir and corji- starcli to the first mi.xture altcriuUely with i, :_> cup n\' cold watt'r. .\(\i\ last the stilflv beaten whites of 4 eggs and a teaspoon of lemon flavoring. Pake in a .lew(4 Pange in ."5 layers and put any kind of white icing or lllling between. White Cake with Soft Filling. One cup of butter. "? cups of sugai'. whitts of (i eggs, 1 cup (d' sweet milk, o'- cups of cake flour and 3 heaping teaspoonfuls of leaking powder, thnoring to suit. This makes 4 thick layers. l>ake in a Jewel Pange. PiLi.iNo. — One egg, a cup of sugar. '.] grated apples and 1 lemon. Stir until it boils and beconu's thick, let it cool befon' |)Utting betwet'n layers. Ice lop (d' cake with white icing. ]\[i{s. Li-: Hoy Christlvn. World's Fair White Cake. Two cups sugar, i/^ ^'^'P buttt-r, 1 cup sweet uulk or water. ;^ cups Dousman's Best Patent flour, 3 teaspoons baking pow'der, whites of 8 eggs, beaten stiff. Makes 1 large cake or two small cakes. Bake in a Jewel Pange. Allegultti FiLLixcj. — Two tablespoons of thick sweet cream. 1 teaspoon of vanilla, confectioners' sugar enough to make thi(4\. Spread on cake. \Mien dry melt 2 squares of Baker's chocolate and spread a thin layer on to]) of white frosting with a spatula. Floi!i:n(m: Osbounk. White Mountain Cake. 3Ii-\ thoroughly until light, V2 i'^- "^^^ butter. 1 11). of sugar. 1 lb. of Dousman's Best Patent flour, 1 large teaspoonful of baking powder dissolved in 1/2 pt. of milk. Add to the butter and sugar the yolks of (1 eggs, beaten, ^fix \xeU. then add the whites, beaten to a stiff froth, mix in the flour, and lastly stir in the milk ajul powdei-. Bake in jelly pans and ]iut it together with frosting like ji !!y cake. ]iake in a Jewel Pange. ]\[hs. Covn:. Candied cherries can be ch()p[)ed and stirred in any white cake as you do raisins, giving a pretty effect. Mrs. W. P. Beldex. 128 supi^:rior cook book Snow Cake. Ililir l('acu|) l)ii(tci-. 1 ciii) sii<;av. ! Vii ciq^s Doiismairs l^cst Falciii Hour, ' ^ cup swt-et milk, wliiics of \ t'^'ii's. 1 traspooii liakiiij^' powdri-. llaNor with li'iuon or orange. Bake in a Jewel liaiige. Mits. Soddy. Cornstarch Cake. Qjie-liair II). wheal Hour. ' ^ Ih. cornslarch. ',- II). huitci-. 1 Ih. sugar, leasjtoonrul sour cream, 14 Icaspoonl'iil soda. 1 tcaspooiifiil ci'cain of tartai-, (! eggs and llavoring. Instead of using sonr cream, soda and cream of tartar, you can use sweet milk and haking j)ow(h'r. I'ake in a -lewel IJangc Mi;s. M. M. Dl'NCAX. Water Cake. Two eggs, i/o cu|) huttci'. 1 cup sugar. ' ^. cup cold water. ".' cups Dousman's T>est l'at<'iit Hour (scant measure). 1 teaspoonfid l)aking powder. ' ^ of a nutmeg. A \cry good cake for couimon use. ('an he xai'ied h\' adding spices to taste oi' thin slices of citron or raisins. Hake in a .lewd Range. Mi;s. ,). li()i'i:s. Empress Cake. (h'eam 1 cupful of hiilter. add slowly '2 cupfuls of line sugai'. and heat : add V-j en])ful of cornstai'ch to "i ' ;_. cupfuls of |)ousman"s Kcho pasti'v Hour, then add alternately to the hulter with 1 cupful of milk: heat until smooth, add stiflly heaten whites of- S eggs, 2 teaspoonfuls of haking powder, and hake in loaf with luhe in a Jewel iiange. ^li;s. ^Iandi.i^'. Delicate Cake. ' Large Vi.> eup hutlei'. 1 ' •_. cu|)s sugar, "i ' ■_. cu|)s Dousman's ilesl Patent lh)ur, 1 eu|) sweet milk. ;! small teaspoons haking powder. 1 teaspoon Havoring, 'i eggs heaten sepai'atelx. If care is taken in heating the ingi'edients togethei", this rule makes a very nict' cake. Hake in sheet or in layers in a, Jewel Range. Mus. A. B.' MiNEU. Sunshine Cake. Whites of 7 eggs, yolks of .'>. I cup of granulated sugar. '/•. teaspoon cream of tartar, 1 eup Dousman's l!est I'atent tlour. |)incli of salt added to whites of eggs hefore whi])])ing. Sift tloui- and sugar o tjjnes. Whip whites cd' eggs ahout half, then add cream of tailar and heat \ery stiff. \(\(\ sugar to whites and heat in, then heaten yolks, then Ihnor and fold in Hour lightly. l>ake in moderate oven in a Jewel Itange for 10 nnnutes. Mi;s. J. S. Ol.sON. Sunshine Cake. Beat the white's of 11 eggs to a stilf froth; add to them the well-heaten yolkirf of 'A eggs, then stir in carefully a cup and a half of sifted granulated sugar, a tea- s])()onful of vanilla and I cu]) of Dousman's Best l^atent tlour that has been sifted with a teaspoonful of cream of tartar 5 times; add this a little at a time and mi.\ thoroughly. ]>ake in a moderate oven foi- -IT) minutes in a -lewel Kange. Mks. a. V. Schmidt. Gold Fig Cake. One cup hi'own' sugar, i/j cup hutter, ' .. cup swet't milk, '[\{> teaspoons haking powder sifted in 1 '/L' <^'iilJ^ Dousman's Best I'ateirt Hour, yolks of 7 eggs, whites of 1. 1 teaspoon allspice and cinnamon, little salt. "WIkmi haked in dripjnng pan. ])ut half of I he haltei' in pan. then lav a layei' of Hg^ that have heen rolled in Houi' on the hattei'. then put tl;e rest o\' hatter on Hgs ami hake i]i hot o\'en in a Jewel Range. This cuts into many |)ieces. B. D. SUPICRIOR COOK BOOK 129 Gold Cake. One cu)) of hlltlci'. 'i cups of sii;^;ir, '■> clips i>\' I )()ilsiii;urs I'x'sl I'iitclll llolir. VI* cup of sweet milk oi' watci'. yolks of (i e;s and 1 wlmlc one, 2 tea8])0()nfiils of liakiut: powder. Bake in a Jewel i^m^iie. Mits. II. F. IlANDFoiiix Sponge Cake. Tell e-.izs. 1 pt. Doiisiiian's Hi'st I'atent Hour. 1 pi. powdered sugar, piece of 1 lemon, lieat su^ai- and yolks of e.u>is looctlier uiilil \c!'y liulil, add whites of eggs beaten lo froth, and then stir in Hour. l>ake in a Jewel Kange. Mi;s. S. (i. SMi'rii. Sponge Cake. Take (> eggs. 1 cup of gramilaled sugar: heat together 'ii) iiiinutes. then stir in gradually 1 cup of Dousiuairs Best I'ateiit 1lni;r, tlie grated rind of 1 lemon. Pour in huttered mould and hake in a steady oxen in a Jewel llange ()l» minutes. When done dust with jxiwdered sugar. Mi;s. Stkin i'.l!.\cKi:i;. Ice Cream Cake. One cup sugar, "i tggs well healeii, 1 ', i cups Ddiisniairs liest Patent Hour. 1 lea- spoonful baking ])0wder. ]\lix eggs, sugai' and lloiii- all together, then add ' ;., cup boiling water a little at a time, liake in uioder;ite o\en and in a Hat. long pan in a Jewel Kange. Icixu. — One cup sugar, '/^ cup boiling watei-. lloil until it syru])s and jiour over the white of 1 vii;'^ well l)eateii to which has been athled a saltspoonful (d' eream of tartar. C!ood when eaten fresh. Mi;<. DixcAX. Lennon Cake. One cup .-ugar, [•_> cu|t of milk. 1'- cups of l)oii>mairs IJest I'ateiit Hour. '.' tal)lespoons butter, 3 eggs, 'i teaspoonfuls of baking j^owdei-. Ibike in a Jewel Wange. MUS. J. P. OlTll WALTI::. Jelly for above. One cup of sugar, \ grated lemon. I large a])ple; g!-:ite and cook until well done. MkS. J. P. OlTllWAlTi:. Hickory Nut Cake. One and oiu'dialf eupfuls of sugar. '/. cupful of butter, % of a cupful of sweet nnlk, 2 eupfuls of Dousman's Best I*atent Hour, Vi' eu})ful of eho[)ped nuts, 1 tea- spoonful of cream of tartar, y^ teaspoon ful of soda, the beaten whites of 4 eggs, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla. Cream Sponge Cake. Twi) cups sugar. 1 tu]i cream (sweet). 2 cups Doiismairs IJcsl Patent Hour. 1 eggs, 1 teaspoonful baking [)owder. 1 teaspoonful lemon extract. I>ake (|uiekly in a Jewel Eange. Si:l.ma Boi kciei;. Orange Cake. One-half cup of butter. 1 'ii cups of sugar. i ._. eu]i wel Kange. Fn.LiXG. — (_)ne-half cup of orange juice. :> taI)lespoons sugai'. o eggs, 2 tea- spoonfuls of flour. Cook in custard kettle uidil it thickens. FiiOSTiNG FOrt Top. — Two cups of >iftcd X X X X sugar, juice and rind of ^4 orange, beaten white of 1 of::^^. ^li;.-;. J. 1^. Suess. Orange Cake. One cup sugar, V^ cup butter, 1% cu[)s Dousmairs Best Pateid flour, VL' cup 130 SUPERIOR COOK BOOK milk, 1 tcavspooji Ijaking ijowdcr. 2 eggs beaten separately. Bake in a Jewel Eange. Filling for Above. — One large orange or 2 small oranges, 1 cup sugar, 1 egg beaten separately. Choj) the orange as fine as possible. Mrs. Crocker. Cocoanut Cake. Three-quarters cup of butter, 2 level cups of sugar, 4 eggs (beat in without separating), % cup of milk, 3 cups of sifted Dousman's Best Patent flour with 3 teaspoonfuls of baking powder, flavor with vanilla. Bake in a Jewel Eange. Filling. — Two cups of granulated sugar. Moisten well with cold water and boil until it threads. Pour this mixture into the Avhites of 2 eggs that have been beaten. After spreading this on the cake sprinkle the top well with cocoanut. Mrs. J. H. Quinn. Tip-Top Cake. One cup sugar, 1 cii|> butler, 1 cup sweet milk, 2 eggs or wliites of 3, 2 teaspoons lioyal baking jDowder, 2 cups Dousman's Best Patent flour, flavor to taste. Bake in a Jewel Eange. Mrs. Eddy. Queen Cake. One cup sugar, i/o cup Initter, i/. cup mill^. ;i eggs, 2 cups Dousman's Best Patent flour, 2i/'o teaspoons baking powder. Can l)e used as layer or loaf cake. Bake in a Jewel Pange. Mrs. D. D. Randall. Swiss Cake. One and one-half cu|)s line granulated sugar, ^j eup Ijutter, 1 cup milk, 2i.{) cups Dousman's Best Patent flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1 t/^aspoon vanilla. Beat 10 minutes and add the whites of 4 eggs beaten stiff and beat 10 minutes more. Bake in a moderate oven in a Je\\'(4 Range. Make the day before >'ou wish to use it. Keeps fine for more than a week. jMrs. H. L. Ramsdell. Walnut Cake. One lb. walnuts cliopped line, -y^ cup cracker ci-uiiihs sil'ted, 1 cup sugar, 8 eggs beaten separately, 1 teaspoon l)aking powder, ])iuch salt. Bake in 3 layers in a Jewel Range. Filling. — One tablespoon cornstarch, 1 cup milk, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 egg. Boil. Caramel Frosting for Tor. — One cup light l)rown sugar, 3 tablespoons. cream, small piece butter. Boil. Mrs. O. W. Jones. Hickory Nut Cake. Beat half a cupful of butter to a-creani; add a cu})ful and a half of powdered sugar; beat until light. Measure % of a cupful of water: add 1 teaspoonful of bak- ing powder to 2 cupfuls of Dousman's Best Patent flour and sift. Beat the whites of 4 eggs to a stilf froth. ,\.dd the water and flour alternately; beat until smooth. Then add one-half the whites; fold in carefully and add 1 cupful of chopped hickory nut kernels; then add the remainder of the whites. Bake in a round, deep cake-pan in a Jewel Range in a uiodcrate oven for % <*f JUi bour. ^fits. D. B. Bilkey. Poor Man's Cake— No Eggs. Two cups sugar, \\> cup Nutter, 2 cups sour milk, 4 cups Dousuuiu's Best Patent flour, 2% teaspoons soda, 2 cu])s raisins, 1 teaspoon cloves, 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Bake in a Jewel Range. Mrs. D. D. Randall. Old Fashioned Sour Cream Cake. One lb. sugar, '"'^ lb. butter, 1 11). Dousman's Best Patent flour, y^, lb. citron, 2 cups of sour cream, 1 teasjxxui of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon of nutmeg, 1 teaspoon of SUPKRIOK COOK UOOK 131 soda, G eggs beaten separately. ^\\\ sugar and l)iitter: jidd volks. eitrou and spices. Tlien sour cream to Avliich soda has l.een added. The Hour and whites of eggs last. Bake in a Jewel Range. Mi;s. W . II. .loiixsrox. Brod Torten. Xine eggs ])eaten separately. % Ih. powdered sugar. I ozs. hread crundjs (grated rye), 1 glass of brandy, i/, lb. grat(>d almonds, juice of 1 lemon. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Very nice. Bake in a moderate oven in a dew el Rangi" in an ano-el's food or funnel pipe pan. :\I,.s. Mauk ELr.roTT. XfT FiLi.iNfi.— One cu]) of thick eream. 1 cup of light brown sugai', 1 cu]i of chopped nuts. Uoil all together I.") minutes. ':\|i;s. Mxuk Elliott. Rye Bread Cake. Ten whole eggs and yolks of l".^ others, 1 lb. of sifted granulated sugar. 1 oz. of finely choi)i)e(l citron, 1 teas])ooii of cinnamon, i/. teas|)oon cloves, grated rind of 1 lemon, % lb. of grated 1)lanched almonds. 4 ozs. of grated rye bread, moistened with a wine glass of sherry wine. Weigh almonds and bread after they are grated. Bake in slow oven in a Jewel Kange about 45 minutes.' ]\ri88 Lizzii-; SpoitLKV. Roll Jell Cake. Beat 3 eggs as for si)onge cake, whites bcMten stilV, volks to a foam, then to- gether, 1 cup sugar. 1 cup Dousman's Best Patent flour," 1 small teaspoon baking powder, little salt : l)eat well : last add \\ cup l)oiling water. Bake in a Jewel Piange. Afus. SaC'KKIDKIJ. Plain Pound Cake. Beat to a cream 1 lb. of butter: add 1 II). of granulated sugar, and Ijeat for 10 minutes. Beat 10 eggs without separating until very light. Add a level teaspoonful of baking powder to 1 lb. of Dousnian's Echo pastry flour and sift. .Vdd a little of the egg to the butter and sugar, then a little of the "flour, then a little egg and flour until the whole is well mixed. Then add your flavoring and the grated rind and juice of 1 lemon. Beat foi- r^ minutes, and bake in a very slow ov(>n in a Jewel Kange for 2 hours. Fruit Pound Cake. One 11). pulverized sugar, 1 lb. butter, 1 lb. Dousnuins Best Patent flour. 1 lb. seedless raisins, 9 eggs, 1 wine glass of sherry or brandy, 1 teaspoon of mace, 1 nut- meg; 1 cup of tiut meats and 1 cup citron may be added. Cream butter and sugar well, then break in 1 egg at a time and I)eat 2 or o ininutes between each egg. Then beat the flour through a little at a time in the same war. Bake steady 2i/> hours in a Jewel Pange. Mi.-s. Ttfo^ias "Walti^i^. Huckleberry Cake. One cup l)utter, 2 cups of sugar, 4 eggs, 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in 1 cup sweet milk, a cups of Dousmaji's .Best Patent flour, 1 qt. huckleberries floured. Bake in a Jewel Pange. Mk'S. E. C. Cooley. Blueberry Tea Cakes. Cream together 2 tablespoonfuls of buttei' and 1 cupful of sugar; add to them 2 eggs beaten very light, 1 cupful milk, 2 cuj)fuls Dousnian's Best Patent flour with wliich have been sifted 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder, and 1 saltspoonful of salt. Dredge 3 cupfuls of blueberries with flour, stir them lightly into the cake and hake in muffin tins in a Jewel Range. Eat warm with buttej'. ' ?iri;s. ('. W. Jarvis. Date and Nut Cake. Four eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup siltake in 2 layers in 2 long tins in a Jewel Eange. FiLLiNt4. — Two cups of granulated sugar, (i tablespoons of water. Boil until it threads from the spoon; beat the whites of 2 eggs stiff and pour the boiling sugar into it; beat until almost cold, then add 1 cup of raisins, chopped, and 1 cup of hick- ory nuts, chopped. Spread between lay(M-s and on to]i. Mrs. Geo. Bamford. Apple Kuchen. One and one-half cups Dousman's Best Patent flour, II/2 teaspoons Eoyal bak- ing pow'der, butter size of an egg. Mix thoroughly. Break 1 egg in center, add milk enough to make a soft dough, add a little salt, cover top with quartered apples, sprinlded with sugar and lumps of butter. Bake in a Jewel Eange. Miss Heyn. Oshkosh Cake. Cream 1/2 a cu]) of butter. Add gi-adually 1 cuj) of granulated sugar, the yolks of 3 well-beaten eggs and 14 cuj) of milk. Mix 1% cups of Dousman's Best Patent flour with 21/0 teaspoonfuls baking i)owder and add to the first mixture Avith the 3 whites beaten stiff'. When the batter is thoroughly beaten, add % cup of nut meats broken in very snuill pieces. Bake in Imttered and floured cake pan 40 minutes in a Jewel Eange. N. W. Krogman. SUPICkMOR COOKjKOOK 133 A Very Good Seed Cake. (),„, 11,. ,,r luitlcr. li c.ii-ji-s. % 11). of sirt(' m a J.'wrl Ifan-e. Mi-'-^- •\- MorTtaK. Cocoa Cake. Cream i-. enp butter and 1 eni) sugar: add ' | eii|. cocoa and beaten yolks of 3 eggs, 1 teaspoon cinnamon. ' :- cup water. 1 Vi 'nps DousmanV I'.est I'atent flour and 8*teaspoons hakim- powder, beaten whites of :i eggs. l'.ak<' in 2 layers in a Jewel Eange. Mrs. Spouli-y. Buttermilk Cake. Two eu])s ot l)rown sugar. 1 cup of shortening (hall' dripinng. lard and butter), 3 eggs, 1 nutmeu. 1 teaspoonful cinnam(.n. ' • . teaspoonful allspice, "i cups of butter- miilv or smir niilk. L'. teaspocm of lemon and V:.. teaspoon of vanilla. 2 cups of clioi)l)ed rai^in^ 1 teaspoon soda. l)ousman"s I'.est Patent Hour enough, hut do not make very thick. P>ake in a J.'wel IJang.'. ^flis. T. .J. Flyxn. Hard-Time Cake. One cupful suo-ar, '.l euus. 1 cupful Dousnum's Best Tatent Ihuii'. 1 teaspoonful bakino- powder. Mix well.'add slowlv i ., cup .d' boiling water. Bake in a Jewel T^ang?. ^fi«« ^^THIER. Pork Cake. One lb. salt pork choppealte[)cd line. 1 pint boiling water, Vj pounds j-aisins. ]i i)()unds currants. 1 pound ligs,l pound lemon peel, 2 cups molasses, 2 cups ])ro\vn sugar, 2 teaspoons allspice, 2 teaspoons cloves, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 2 teaspoons ^oda, Dousman's Best Patent flour to thicken. Mrs. Ole Walseth. Potato Rolls. One cup of flour; one cup of uiilk; (Uie-lialf cuj) of lard: cme-half cup sugar (scant) : oiu"' cujj of potatoes wliicli liave been ])ut tiirough the potato ricer ; two eggs, well beaten: one teas])()onful of salt: one cake of yeast, dissolved in half a cup of lukewarm water. ]\Iix tlioroughly the lard, salt, potatoes and sugar, add the eggs, then flour, milk, tlien tlu' y(>ast. Set to rise for two hours; make into a soft dough by adding a ([uart of flour and set to rise again for two hours. Make into rolls (a(b1ing sutticieut flour) and set to rise again for aliout an liour. Bake quickl^y. Mrs. M. M. Allen. Victoria Cake. One cup of butter, 2 cups of sugar, 4 eggs, 1 cup molasses, 1 cu}) sour milk, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon cloves, i/> teaspoon allspice, 5 cups of Dousman's Best Patent flour, 1 cup of raisins, 1 teaspoon soda, heaping. Bake in a Jewel Pange. Miss A. M. McDov^'ell. Blackberry Jam Cake. One cup of sugar, <^ cup of butter. 1 V-> eups of Dousnuin's Best Patent flour, 3 eggs, 1 cnp of blackberry jam or ])reserve's, 3 tablespoonfuls of sour cream, 1 tea- spoonful each of soda, allspice and cinnamon, 1 nutmeg. Bake in layers in a Jewel Pange and put together witli l)oi]ed frosting. Bake a little try cake, and if it falls add a little flour. Mrs. H. F. Handford. Ginger Cake. One-half cup butter, 1 cup molasses, 1 cup sour milk, 1 cup sugar, 1 teaspoonful soda in a little water, 1 teaspoonful ginger, 1 teaspoonful cinnamon, 2 eggs, 3 cups Dousman's Best Patent flour. Add fruit and raisins if desired. Bake in a Jewel Pange. Mrs. Belden. Ginger Drop Cakes. Three eggs, 1 cu]) lai'd, 1 cu]) molasses, 1 cup brown sugar, 1 tal)lespoonful of ginger, 1 tablespoonful of soda dissolved in 1 cup of boiling water, 5 cups unsifted Dousman's Best Patent flour. Drop from tablespoon into well-greased pan 3 inches apart. Mrs. A. W. PIaidle. Molasses Spice Cakes. One cup of butter, 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of molasses, Vo cup of sour milk, 3 eggs, 1 teaspoon of soda, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 tablespoon of cloves, 1 nutmeg, grated. Mix soda with sour milk. Add Dousman's Best Patent flour last, enough to niake a cake batter, and bak(> in i)atty i»ans iu a Jewel Pange. Drop by spoonfuls. X. W. Krogman. Cream Drop Cakes. Break 1 egg in a cu]). beat thoroughly and All with sweet cream: 1 teas])oon butter, 1 cup sugar, 2 scant cups Dousman's Best Patent flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder. Mrs. F. J. Baker. ST'prCRIOK COOK BOOK 135 Soft Gingerbread. Oiit'-liair Clip j;u,ii cnp brown sui;ar. 2 tablespoons butter, melted. VL' f"P boiliiig waier. 1 (' cnp boiling water. Stir in Dousman's Best Patent flour to usual consisteucy (about 2 cups). Bake in a Jewel Range. ]\ri;s. 'SI. M. PA:\rsDr;Li,. Gingerbread. One-half cup of l)utter. !/> cup of lard. 1 cup of liglit lirown sugar, 1 cup of New Orleans molasses. 1 cu)) of sour milk, 2 teaspoons of soda, 2 teaspoons of gin- ger, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. 1 teaspoon of cloves, 2 eggs, pinch of salt, 5 cups of sifted Dousman's Best Patent flour. .\ few currants or raisins if you like. Bake in a Jewel Jiange. Mrs. J. E. LaLonde. Nut Gingerbread. One cup of butter. 1 cup of light brown sugar. 1 cu]) of molasses, 1 cup of sour nulk, ;! cups of sifted Donsman's Best Patent flour. 1 tablespoon of ginger, 1 tea- spoon of cinnamon, Y2 teaspoon of cloves, 2 level teasj)oons of soda dissolved in water and added to milk. 2 eggs beaten and added last. When all is well mixed add 1 cup of chopped butternuts or walnuts. Xice warui for luncheon. Bake in a Jewel Bange. ^fus. IMcViCHiE. Dried Apple Cake. Two cups dried a])]des soaked over night; drain off water and chop fine, add 2 cups of molasses and l)oil 1 hour. When cold add ;> eggs. 1 cu]) of butter, 1 cu]) sugar, 1/. cup sour milk, 4 cu])s Dousman's Best Patent flour, 1 teaspoon each of cloves, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg. 1 scant teaspoon soda, 1 II). of raisins. 1 lb. cur- rants. Bake in a .lewel IJaiige. Mrs. F. Copkland. Potato Chocolate Cake. One and one-half cii|)s sugar, Vo ciij) of butler, o (?ggs, 1,0 cup of chocolate, i/o cup of raw grated potato. -^ cu]) milk, 2 teaspoons cinnamon. 2 teaspoons of baking jiowder, 2 teas])oons of vanilla. 2 cup-; of Dousman's Best Patent flour. Bake in lavers in a -Jewel Kanae. Mrs. W. F. Noye. 13(. SUPKKIOK COOK BOOK Chocolate Nougate Cake. t'lvaiu 1 e-ii}) of siii^ar and lialf a cu]) of luittcr to^uotlicr. l?ea-t in 2 eggs, a tea- spoon of vanilla, half a cake of swcel cliocnjatc. 1 cuj) raisins and 1 cu]) of chopped nuts. Lastly add V. teaspoon soihi dissoUcd in i ^, cup of sonr cream or milk and 2 cups of Dousiuan's I'x'st I'aictit tloiii-. l>ake in slow oven 40 minutes in a Jewel Eauge. Mrs. Otto Egek. Chocolate Loaf Cake. One cujt sugar. [■_. cu|» huliei'. J cu]) milk. .'! cu])s Doiisman's Best Patent flour. 3 teaspoons baking ]Hi\\(hM'. 4 eggs, 7;. cup grated chocolate put in dry. Bake in a Jewel Eange. Mrs. D. D. Eandall. Chocolate Loaf Cake. One-half cupful each of huttcr and niilk. 1\^ cupfuls of sugar. 4 eggs. 2 level teaspoons of hak'ing |)()\\(lei'. l-'>4 cupfuls of Dousman's Echo pastry flour. 4 ozs. of chocolate dissolved in ■'> tal)l(\^j)oons of hot water, 1 cupful fruits and nuts. Bake in a Jewel Eange. Mrs. O'Co^tistor, Xegaunee. Chocolate Puffs. Beat to a stilf froth the whites of 'i eggs, stirring into them very gradually 2 t(^acu])S of ])OAvdered sugar and 2 tahlespoons of cornstarch into Avhich you have grated 2 ozs. of chocolate. Dro]) with a dessertspoon 1 inch apart on buttered tins. Bake 1.") minutes in a Avarm oxen in a Jewel Eange. Miss Border. Chocolate Cake. One cup gi'anulated sugar. 1 hea|)ing tahles[)oon butter, yolks of ."> eggs; beat together. Add 1 cu]) sweet milk. Dousman's Best Patent flour for a stiff batter with 2 teaspoons of Eoyal baking powder and 1 teaspoon of vanilla. Frosting. — Beat the whites of '■] eggs and mix with jtulverized sugar: melt a s(piare of bittei' chocolate and add to the egus and sugar; 1 teaspoonful of vanilla. Mrs. J. F. Van Brocklin. Saffron Cakes. One cup of sugar, i/> cup of butter, 2 eggs, i/4 cup of milk, 1.^ cup of saffron, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 2 cups of Dousman's Best Patent flour, 1 cup of fruit, cut, salt. Bake in a Jewel Eange. Saffron should have boiling water thrown over it and allowed to steep a short time. Mrs. Mark Elliott. Kit's Cake. On(> and one-half cups sugai'. 1/2 cup butter, 3 eggs, 3 cups Dousman's Best Patent Hour, large V'-, c-up sweet nnlk. 1 cup raisins. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Bake in a Jewel Eange. IMrs. John Power. Mrs. Roosevelt's Recipe for Spice Cake. One cup butter. 2 cu])s sugar, 1 cu]) milk. 4 eggs, 4 cups Dousman's Best Patent flour, 2 teaspoonfuls Eoyal baking powder, 1 teasjioonful ground cinnamon. 1/. tea- spoonful nutmeg. Bake in a Jewel Eange. Layer Spice Cake. One cup sugar, y^ cu]) butter, \/._, cup sweet milk, 1 cup Dousman's Best Patent flour, 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon molasses, 1 teas])oon cinnamon, i/o teaspoon ginger, i/o teaspoon niitnu^g, 2 teas})Oons baking powder. Bake in a Jewel Eange. Mrs. a. B. Miner. Brown Raisin Cake. Two-thirds cup of sugar, hjrge tablespoon ful of luitter, 1 vgg, % eup of molasses, SUI'LCRIOK COOK liooK 137 V;! flip of sour milk. 1 icasiiooii siu];\. 1 (111) TMisins. salt, spice mul grated n'lui of It'iHOii, Donsiuairs I'xst I'afciit lliuii' lo make slid'. Kako in very slow oven in a .Icwcl l»aniiuai-. I cii|) -wccl milk. 1 c\i|i chopped raisins. 1 iiip ciiriMnts, J clip cliop])ed citron. '■'> cii|)s Donsman's IJcst Patent flour, 4 eggs licatcn separately. '■) teaspoons liaking powder. 1 P'aspooii cloxcs. 'I t(^aspoons cinna- mon, '/j teaspoon vanilla. Hake in a Jewel lian,:^(,'. Boii.Ki) FuosTixci. — One and one-hall' cups sugar, .'i taliles|»oons wati-r, whites of o eggs. Boil o ininut(\'^ al'tei' commencing to boil. Mi!S. ChocivKi;. Spice Cake. One and one-half ciip> of sugar. 1 cup hntler. ."> eggs. 1 cup of soui' unlk. 1 tea- s])oon of soda, "i cups I'aisins, 1 teaspoon of cIoncs, .") teaspoons cinnamon. 1 nutmeg, 2 cups of l)ousuuin"s llest I'atent Hour. 1 cup of mils. Make in a .lewel IJange. ^[iss IvriiiKK. Spice Cake. One cu]> sugar. 1 cuji Imlter and lard. I cup sonr uulk. .'! eggs well heaten, % cup Xew Orleans molasses, ^ teaspodii cloxcs. 1 cup cui-rants. 1 teaspoon soda. 1 cuj) I'aisins. stoned. ."5 cups Dousnuin's lU'st i'ati'ut Hour. Uake in a Jewel Range. ^Il!S. F. A. TOXXRSEN. Coffee Cake. One cu]) of dripping or hutter. fi/o i'U})s of hrown sugar. 1 cup of molasses, 2 eu])s of seedless raisins. 1 eggs. I teaspoon i-ach of cinnamon and cloxcs. 1 cup of cold coffee, 1 nutmeg. 1 teaspoon soda dissohed in a little hot watei'. 1 teaspoon baking powder, DousmanV JJest I'atent floui- to make stilf (about ;! cups). Cur- rants or citron may be added. This makes '! loaxcs and should be baked 11^4 hours. Bake in a Jewt^l ]>ange. Mi;>. 'I'iiom \s W.\i/ri:i!s. A Very Nice Dark Cake. Two eggs, 2 cups of brown sugar. 1 cup of sour milk, \-. cup of l)utter, scant 21/2 cups of Dousnian's I'^cho cake Hour. 1 teas])oon soda and allspice, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, i/. teas])oou of (doves, '/l' td' nutmeg, '/l- <'iM' *^f chopped walnuts, i/G cup of raisins. Bake in a Jewel Range. Mrs. II. H.viiWOOD. Moravian Cake. ^lake a s])onge of 1 cu]) of yeast (or 1 cake of compressed yeast), 1 tablespoon sugar, i)inch of salt, about '2 cu]) of Donsman's Best Patent flour and sufficient warm water to dissohc yeast cake: ]ilace wlnu'e warm and let rise. When light, add 1 CU)) sugar, 2 I'g^ji^i well beaten, 1 cup warm milk, -v^ of imp of butter, 1 teaspoon salt and Hour to tiudxc stitf batter to drop from spoon. Beat well, let ri.se all niglit. Jn A. .M. pour in pans, about half full, and let rise almost to top. S|n'inkle with cinnamon, sugar and bits of butter. Hake in moderate oxen in a Ji'wel Range about iSo minutes. Miss ]j]///ak Si'(~)i{r.i;v. Rock Cakes. Three cups llousman's llc-l Patent llnur. Pj cup> sugar, -y^ cup Initti'r, 1 cup seeded raisins. V._. t-up fhiglisb walnuts, fo cup currants. 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of sweet milk. 1 teaspoon baking powdt i-. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 1/. teaspoon nutmeg. Flour and chop the raisins, nuts and currants; nn.\ well and droj) on tins; make cakes the size of small cookies; pick up the top of each with a lui-k to make it rough. Pake in a moderate oven in a Jewel Pauij-e. .Mi;s. \V. J. Orane. 138 SUPERIOR COOK BOOK Honey Cakes. Heat slowly on Ijaek of sio\H' '! qis. of strained lionov or golden drip syru]K add 1 ponjid of grannlat('(l sugar. 1 teaspoon each of eiiiiianion. eloves, niitnieg' and all- spice, 1 II). eho})ped citron, 1 lb. chopped almonds, \'2 glass brandy, V^ teaspoon soda dissolved in hot water; remove from stove and add 3 lbs. of sifted Dousman's Best Patent flour or sufficient to roll. AVhen cool enough to handle, ciit in any desired sha]")e about V4 inch thick, place in pans and let stand over night. Xext A. M. bake in moderate oven in a Jewel liange about '^0 minutes. j\[i8S Lizzri-; Sporley. Cup Spice Cakes. One cup S(nir cream, 1 cup sugar, V- cup molasses, grated rind of orange and lemon. 2\(, cups Dousman's Best Patent flour, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon cinna- mon, 1 teaspoon cloves, % teas])oon allsjuce, nutmeg and salt, 1 cup raisins and nuts if yo\i wish. Bake in a Jewel Range. Mart Mullaitghney. Spice Cakes. One cup of raisins (chopped fine), % t-up butter, IV2 cups sugar, % cup of ei(mr milk or sweet, 2 eggs, 2 cups of Dousman's Best Patent flour, 1 teaspoon cinna- mon, cloves and nutmeg, V-) teaspoon soda or 2 teaspoons baking powder. Bake in a Jewel Range. Mrs. C. M. Leonard. Devil's Food. One cup brown sugar, yolks 3 eggs, i/v. cup butter, y^ cup hot water (scant). 3 cups Dousman's Best Patent flour, 2 teaspoonfuls leaking powder, % cup sweet milk. Second part: One cup grated chocolate. 1 cup brown sugar, i/o cup sweet milk. Set on the back of the stove until dissolved and let come to a boil. When cool, stir into first part. Bake in a Jewel Rang(>. Euphemia Ham, Devil's Food. Two S(juares chocolate. l]> cup milk, tg cu\) sugar; nu'lt all together. Three eggs (save whites of two), 1 cup sugar, I/2 cup butttu", U, cup milk, 2 cups Dous- man's Best Patent flour, small teaspoon soda. Add first part to this when cool. Bake in a Jewel Range. j\Irs. P. J. Baker. Devil's Food. Cream, 14 cup butter, fi/o cups sugar, yolks of four eggs stirred in, but not beaten; 14 cake or 2 squares of bitter chocolate melted in 5 tablespoons of boiling water; 14 cup milk and 1% cups of Dousman's Best Patent flour mixed with one heaping teaspoon baking powder. Add heaten whites of 4 eggs. Bake in three layers or two long square layers in a Jewel Range. Devil's Food. Four squares of bitter chocolate, to c\ip sweet milk and the yolk of 1 egg, heated until smooth, stirring constantly. When cold add to this i-. cup butter and IM.' cups sugar (beaten to a cream), I/2 cup sweet milk, 2 eggs, 2 cups Dousman's Best Patent flour and 1 level teaspoon soda dissolved in the milk. This is much richer if you use yolks in place of the whole eggs. Bake in a Jewel Range. Mrs. Atwell. Devil's Food. Melt one-fifth of a cake of bitter chocolate, add i.'o cup of milk, a small cup of sugar; when cooked smooth add the yolk of 1 egg: cook until thick; remove fi'om the fire and add y^ teaspoonful of vanilla. For the cake, cream lo cu]) (scant) of butter; add 1 c\ip of sugar and beat thoroughly; break in 1 egg and beat until light, then add another egg and beat; add V> cup of cold water, the chocolate mixture, and b^rPb:RIOR COOK BOOK l.V) l)(.'t'ure .siirrjng add v* full tups <>f Dousnian's J-?(,'st Patent (Iduw and. lastly. ? tca- spoonruls of bakino- powdt'i' al'tci- the otlicr iii^i-rcflionts have licoi well mixed. I'akc ill a Jewel Raii<>o in a loaf and ico with plain ieini^;. Date Cake. Yolks of 10 e<;iis, 1 II). ol" suyar, 1 II). of dates, clioppt'd tine, 'i s<|uares of olioeo- lato. irrated. 10 soda crackers rolled fine and sifted. Id whites beaten stiff, cinnamon and cloves. r>ake in ;i Jewel Kani^e. Mi;s. .Iaiix. Christmas Fruit Cake. One cnp buttei'. '? i-njis sii^ar, 1 cup Mack syrup. 1 cu[i sour nulk, 4 eggs, 2 tea- spoonfnls cinnamon. 1 teasjioonful soda. I teaspoonfnl cloves, 1 teaspoonfnl vanilla, 1 lb. currants, 1 lb. I'aisins, y^ lb. citron, 1 cu]) cho])iie(| nuts, -i-y^ cups Dousnian's Best Patent flour, j^ake in a Jewel Pange. Mrs. 8. K. Home. Fruit Cake. 'J'wo lbs. of stoned i-aisins. '* lbs. of cleaned currants. 1 lb. of butter. 1 lb. of sugar, 114. Ihs. of Dousman's Best Patent Hour. 10 eggs. 1 wine glass of brandy, 1 wine glass of wine, 1 tabiespoonfnl of cloves, 1 tablespoon ful of allspice, 2 tablcspoon- fuls cinnamon, 1 nutmeg, 1 teas])oonful of sweet almond meats blanched and cut in slices, 2 oz. of candied lemon, 2 oz. of citron, 1 teacujjful of molasses. Flour the fruit, using that weighed out far the cake: put Y-, teas])oonfu> of soda or 1 teaspoon- fnl of baking powder with it on the fruit. Pake 3 hours.. slowly, in a Jewel Eangc. ^Iiis. G. Dnicw. Fruit Cake. One lb. of dark brown sugar. 1 lb. of butter. 1 lb. of citron cut into strips, 3 lbs. of currants, 2 lbs. of seeded raisins. 1 lb. ol' almonds. 1 wine glass of brandy, 1 tea- spoonful of soda, 1/2 cup of molasses. I nutmeg, 1 lb. of Dousman's Best Patent flour, 12 eggs. The above amount is. for one large cake. IJake in a Jewel Pango four hours in a deep tin lined with well-buttei-ed |)aper. .Mi;s. 11. P. IIandi'Ohd. Fruit Cake. One II). dai'k l)i'own sugar. 1 lb. butter. 1 doz. eggs. 1 1{. lbs. Dousnuin's Best Patent flour, 2 lbs. raisins, 2 lbs. currants, Xu lb. citron. 1 nutmeg, 1 tablespoon of c loves. 1 tiiblespoon allspice. 1 cup of nuts, I pt. brandy. 2 teasjxions baking powder. l>ake in a Jewel Pange. ^tus. J. A. Bkydkx. Twentieth Century Cake. Pub ll/L' Ih-^- of butter and f ^2 "j''"- ^ugar to a cream, then add the yolks of l/i eggs; beat well and stir in 2 scant lbs. of Dousman's IVst Patent flour with 3 tea- spoonfuls of baking powder: mix in the beaten whites of the eggs : grate 2 lemons in 1^ f'^ip of molasses and add 2 lbs. of finely chopped almonds and 1 lb. of chopped citron, [yake this in moderate o\en in a .lewel IJange. Add 1 wine glass of brandy. Mi;s. SA^t^KL ^rirciiKLL. Nut Fruit Cake. Twelve oggi^, -^4 II'- butler and '4 li«. lard mixed. I lb. sugar. 1 cup milk. U/j lbs. nuts, chop]K'd, % "'■ niisins. 1 lb. curi-ants, '/o lb. citron and lemon pei'l, mixed, 1 lb. Dousman's Best Patent flour and 2 teas|)ooiis baking powder, 1 grated nutmeg, liMuon and vanilla to taste: beat eggs separately and add whites last: bake in two s(|uare bread tins, well lined with ])apcr. for ll.j houi's in a moderate oven in a Jewel Pange. Will kee]) any leiiglb of time. ^fi;s. .M. .\. (i()ou^rA^^ Xeoaunoc. 140 SUPKRIOR COOK BOOK A Fine, Rich Fruit Cake. Will) 1 111. of hiitlcf wirli 1 111. (if Dousiii.iirs Best I'alciit Hour: add 1 II). of sugar and 1 Hi. (iF aliiKuids cIkiiiiiciI line: nv\\. '! Ilis. of c-li()])[)('d raisins, i/o 11^^- can- died orangr |»i'cl, [._> II). raiidicd Iciiion peel. ' ^ II). ritron, all cut fine; tiour tliese and mix well; heat Id t',ii,us until vcrv li,ulit and add lo the mixture. Xow add I/2 pt. ol' hi'andv, ^ ■> 'j;\\\ of rose water and (i laMespoons of thick sweet cream: tlion add 1 II). cui'i'ants. 1 II). candied cliei'ries. ^ ■_< II). of chopped lii;s, 1 teaspoon of soda. Bake in a. \cvv slow oxen in a .Jewel l»an,ue 1 hours. \\\\\ k'ecp for years. M. M. Eamsdell. Ribbon Fruit Cake. This is one of I he fiuest fruit cakes made and for its novelty is a favorite wed- ding and liolidav cake. A\'ill keep a yeai': BIjACK PAirr — lV-> cups sui^ar, 1 cup hulter. ".' cups hrowned Dousman's Best Patent flour, yolks of (! eggs. H- Ihs. raisins, 1 Ih. cui'rants, y^ Ih. citron, 14 Ih- luits, % cup whiskev, 1. teaspoonful of soda dissoKcd in hot water. 14 teaspoonful each of cloves, cinnamon, nulmeg and allspice. Cream the sugar and hutter, add eggs and beat well, then add fiMiit and. lastly, soda. Bake a test cake and add more tlour if necessary, as one flour does not hold frint as well as another. WHITP]' PART— The whites of (i eggs. 1 Ih. almoiuls, clio])ped fine, 1 cup white sugar, y^ cu]) hutter, i,g cu|) swet't cream, 'l\-> cups Dousman's Best Patent flour, i/_. 11). citron cut' fine, i/> Ih. grated cocoanut, 1 teas|)oonful of rose water, 1 tea- spoonful of lemon extract, 2 heaping teaspoonfuls of haking powder, 1 small slice of suffared orange rieel. Cream the sugar and hutter. add ci'eam. sifted flour, nuts, etc.. and lastly the whites of the eggs heaten stifl'. Select a deep Itaking pan and line the hottom with huttered pa]ier. Put in a layer of hiack cake and then a layer of white cake, and so on until the ])an is -;.; full. I'ake for an hour or more in a moderate oven in a .Kwel I'ange. ]\l!;s. .1. S. Johnson. Fruit and White Cake. One cu]j Ijutter. 1 cu]) sugar, "2 cups molasses, 1 cuj) sweet milk. 2 cups raisins, chopped, 2 cujis currants. 1 teaspoon of all kinds of sp)ice, 1 teaspoon cream tartar, 1 teaspoon soda, yolks of 5 eggs, 4 cu])s Dousman's Best Patent flour. Bake this 3/^ of an hour, then put the white })art on top of this and hake iu a Jewel range until the white is done. White Part. Whites of o eggs, 2 cups of white granulated sugar. 1 cup of hutter. 1 cup of sweet milk, 1 teaspoon of cream tartar, i^ teaspoon soda. ;! cuj)s of flour. Will keep a long time if frosted. " M. M. K. White Fruitcake. One cup butter, beaten to a cream: add gradually 2 cups of sugar, i(. cup of railk, 3 cups of Dousman's Best I'atent flour, wineglass of hrandy, 14 l^'- citron, sliced very fine, Co lb. lilanched almonds, split, 1/4 !''• of shi't'dded cocoanut, 3 tea- spoons of baking powder mixed in 1 tablespoon of flour, whites of 8 eggs folded in. Bake in 1 loaf in a Jewel range. ^lus. William Sedowfck. Layer Fruit Cake. One-half cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 3 eggs, I/2 cup milk, 1 teaspoon cream tartar. 1/2 teaspoon soda, 2 cups Dousman's Best Patent flour. Filling: Co lb. dates, i/- lb. I'aisins. juice of 1 lemon, y^ cu[) water. Chop all together, then put y^ of batter in pan, spread filling on evenly, then the rest of the batter. Bake in a Jewel range. Mrs. H. L. Eamsdell. SUIMOKJOR COOK BOOK lU Bride's Cake. One II). sugar and \-2 11). I)utlci- eri'ami'il. Add 1 II). Hour sifted witli 1 tea- spoon of baking powder and beat well. Add Ibnoiiiig. then fold in wbites of 10 eggs. Put in cool oven with gradual inci-ease of heat. Bride-Elect Cake. Croani 'i cu])s of butter, 'iXU cups of sugar: tlien add S eggs, 1 at a time, beat- ing; 1 wineglass each of ereani, brandy and shei'ry, \[> teaspoon of nutmeg and lemon extracts, 1 cu]) each of candied fruit, cocoanut and almonds, i A cu]) of shred- ded citron, li/> pts. of Dousman's Best I'atent flour. 1 teaspoon of baking ])owder. Bake in a Jewel range. ^liis. I'ascok. Wedding Cake. Fifty t'ggs, .J lbs. sugai'. .'> lbs. |)()usniairs liest Patent Hour, .") lbs. butter, ^~> lbs. I'aisins, ."! lbs. citron. 10 lbs. cui'rants, 1 pt. liramly, V| oz. cIoncs. ounce cin- namon. 1 of mace. I of nutmeg. This makis l.'Po lbs. and ki'e[)s "^(1 years. Bake in a .Jewel range. White Fruit Cake. One-half cuj) of butler and "i cups of pulverized sugar creameil together. .\d(l % of a cup of milk, 2VL> cups of pastry tiour, alternately with the whites of 8 eggs. One cup of crystallized fruit, cut fine, and Yj cup of chopix'd almonds are put in last. l^)ake in a tuhe pan, slowly, for an hour in a Jewel Eange. The cake should rise high in the pan before beginning to brown. Groom's Cake. Twelve t'ggs (well beaten), 1 II). butter and 1 lb. soft white sugar ei'eamed, ."3 lbs. raisins stoned, 1 lb. citron cut .small, 1 lb. almonds blanched and chipped, 1 lb. Dousman's Best Patent flour, 1 wine glass brandv, grated rind and juice of 1 lemon and 1 orange, 1 teaspoon nuice, 2 nutmegs (grated). Beat 2i) minutes and bake 4 hours steady in a Jewel Range. Will keep any length of time. Almorvd Paste for Above. Boil 2 cups of granulated sugar in 1 cu]) of water until it hairs from the spoon. Beat into it the whites of 2 eggs beaten stiiT, 1 11). of almonds chipi)ed and lA tea- spoonful tartaric acid. I'ut on paste second day. Ice the ne.xt. ^Ir8. Tiio.mas \\'.\i,ti:i{8. 142 SUPERIOR COOK BOOK ROVAL BAKING POH'DER Will aid the cook as agent will ^f to make The dainty cake, The white and flaky tea biscuit, The sweet and tender hot griddle cal^e, The light and delicate crust, The hnely flavored waffle and muffin, The crisp and delicious doughnut. The white, sweet, nutritious bread and roll,— Delightful to the taste and always wholesome. Roya! Baking Powder is made from PURE GRAPE CREAM OF TARTAR and is absolutely free from lime, alum and ammonia. There are many imitation baking powders, mostly made from alum and sold cheap. Avoid them, as their use is at the cost of health. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK, SUPERIOR COOK BOOK 143 Fillings and Frostings for Cakes. Frosting Without Eggs. Five taJjlespooiis sweet milk. 1 cu]) sugar: stir till it boils, and hoil ") minutes without stirrin,^-. I'x'at until neailv cold and spread on cake. .Alus. .Mykus. Boiled Icing. Boil 1 cup granulated sugar with 1 tablespoons of boiling water until it will spin a thread. Pour into the white of 1 well-beaten egg. Flavor witli pinch of tartaric acid, vanilla or any other flavoring desired. ^Irs. Wai/I'hrs. Pineapple Filling. Two cn|>s of white sugar, moistened well with cold water: boil until it strings. Pour on the whites of 2 eggs beaten stiff: add 1 eu[> of grated pineapple. Mtts. ,). H. Qvi^y. Marshmallow Filling. Two tablespoonfuls gelatine dissolved in 4 tablespoons of hot water, and add 2 cups of confectioners sugar. Beat hard i/. hour. If this mixture becomes too stiff to run easily, add a Uttle hot water as you beat it. and then pour into well but- tered tins the same size as those the cake is baked in, and set on ice to harden. When cold, which is an absolute necessity, put between tlie layers of cake, and cover the top Avith soft frosting, which must be cold as possible. ^Irs. T). (t. l^OBiNsox. Hastings. Marshmallow Frosting. One cu}) brown sugar. 1 vu[) white, 1 cup water, 1 tablespoon vinegar. Boil as for frosting. When it will hair add 3/4 lb. of marsh mallows and when melted in the syrup pour on the beaten whites of 2 eggs. This will frost 2 large cakes. Maple Frosting. Two cups of brown sugar, 1 cu^) of crcaju or milk, butter size of an egg, 1 tea- spoon of vanilla. Cook until it forms a soft ball when dropped in water. Then stir imtil cool. M_rs. Thko. D. Hall. Maple Sugar Frosting. One and one-half cups shaved mai)le sugar moisteiu'd with little water. Boil until it hairs. Beat whites of 2 eggs light. When syrup is done. po\ir slowlv upon the eggs. This frosting will kee]i n wei^k. Apple Cream Filling. Boil 4 large apples so that they burst the skin ami froth with the heat of cook- 144 SUPERIOR COOK BOOK ing. Jlave ^U P^- "^ c-ri'ain .md tlic wliite of an egg wliipjied to a stiff frofli. Press apples throngh a sieve and Ijeat into the M-lii])ped eream. Sweeten lightly and spread between tlie la3-ers of the cake. 'V\\v top should be covered with whipped cream with apples. Miis. Ciikistiax. Chocolate Icing. Melt in a dry pan -i ozs. chocolate. Boil l-)4 ciij^s sugar A\ith 1 cupful of water till it threads wlien dropped from tiie spoon. Turn it slowlv in the chocolate; stir all tlie time. ' E. D.' Chocolate Filling. One and one-half cups iuill<, I'o (•u])s sugar. '^ cake cliocohite, butter the size of a walnut. Put all togt^lier and Iniil slowly |(i juinutcs. Add this to whites of 2 eggs well beaten. Kltzabeth Gottsteix. Chocolate Filling and Frosting. One lb. c-onfectioiu'r's sugar, '2 ozs. TUikcr's choeolate. unsweetened, vanilla and hot water. Sift the sugar and add the hot water, a few drops at a time, until you get a mixture that will s])read nicely: lla\(n' with vanilla and add the chocolate which has been melted over hot watci'. A \-ery little stirring will l)lend the materials smooth]}', when the mixtui'e is i-cndx' for filling and frosting. j\riss- MiNxiE Witt. Jelly and Nut Filling. For middle lllling use '^ cup of mirranl jelly to wliieli has been added iq lb. of pecan meats. For to]) of cake use ' /.> cup of cream and enough confectioner's sugar to make a thin liattei-. .Melt ' ■_. cake of choeolate ami add this to the sugar and. eream. Florence IIaxdall. Fig or Jelly Filling. One cup of figs. 1 cup of I'aisins witli M'ater to cover. (*ook until tender. Ee- niove fruit from water and chop line. Put back into the same water, add 1 cup sugar, small ])iece of butter, yolks of 'i eggs, 1 teas])()on corn starch. Beat this thoroughly and stir into the fruit until a thick ])aste is fornie cupful water until it hairs and then pour in beaten whites and add rind and juice of 1 orange. Mrs. Drake. Maple Pecan Frosting. Boil l^s cups powdered sugar, f cup of maple syru]), and b'o cup of cream until Avhen tried a soft ball may be formed in cold water. Eeuuive from fire, add % cups of nut meats and beat until it will spread. X. W. Tvrogmax. Sour Cream Filling for Cake. One cup sour cream, 1 cup sugar, f cup hickory nuts, chopped. Boil until soft ball stage. Stir until thick. Mrs. ^Y. H. Andeesox. SrPlOKIOK COOK HOOK 145 Custard Filling. One ])t. 1)1' milk. H tal)les])()()iis of siij^ar. A\'licii it l)()ils tliii-kcii Aviili Hour ijiixeil witli milk iiml tlio yolk oi' an co-a. (!ook until thick, liavor, add a tal)lc?ipoon of thick cream and 1 c-u])riil of chopped hickory nuts. Beat until cool. Cream Filling. ]\rix and sift too'ether VL' cupful of .sugar and V-, cup Dousman's Best Patent, flour each; pour into the mixture sugai' and boil -j-'i minutes: seal when cold. Mrs. W. J. Stromvall. Raspberry Jelly. Boil the berries with ^ cup of water. 20 minutes, pour into coarse linen bag and let it drip until cold, then press it liard. .\llow 1 cup sugar to 1 cup juice. Then put juice on the stove first until it boils up, then skim it, heat the sugar in a dish in the oven and add it as tlie juice boils uj). boil 20 minutes and pour it into tumblers. Mrs. Geo. Thonet. Crabapple Jelly. Wash and f[uai-tcr large crabs, c(M'er to the depth of 1 inch or 3 with cold water, and cook to a mu-li : |)our into a coarse cotton bag and when cool enough press and extract all the juice. Take a piece of fine muslin, wring out of wafer, place over a crock and with a cu]) dip the juice slowly in, allowing time for juice to run through; repeat 'this process twice rinsing out the muslin frequently. Allow the strained juice of 4 lemons to a peck of fruit and f of a pound of sugar to 1 pint of juice. _ Boil the juice 15 to 20 minutes, wliile l)oiling sift the siigar in slowly, stirring constantly and boil 5 minutes longer. This is generally sufficient, hut it is always safer to try it. This makes- very clear and sparkling jelly. Putting a piece of sliced SUPICKIOR COOK BOOK 149 DID YOU EVER TRY Tillson's Ruby Tooth Powder? It is a harmless i\ntiseplic Itased on a scientific formula. De- signed for Cleansing- and IJeautifvino- the Teeth, preventing- discoloration and decay. 25 CENTS A BOTTLE. POST OFFICE BLOCK. pine-apple or a rose ueraiiiuiu leaf in each glass adds to the flavor. Pour over the eoutents of eaeh glass a ] of an ineh of melted parafline. I'aper or tin t-over may be l)ut over this, if desired, but they are not really necessary. A. M. Bamford. Apple Jelly. To ordinary apple jelly add this mi.xtui'e and boil 5 minutes: 1 can sliced pine- a])le, 4 orajiges, cut into dice, add e(pial quantity of sugaT. 1 lb. raisins. AFiis. "RuDOLiMr Olson. Uncooked Currant Jelly. Take equal parts of currants and sugar, and 1 tablespoon of sugar for good luck, mash every berry thoroughly with potato masher, put into glass jars and seal. Xice for cold meat. How to Make Cranberry Jelly. Wash and ])ick one quart of cranberries; j)ut them into a kettle with 1 pint of v.'ater. Cover the kettle, bring the cranberries to boiling point, put them through a colander, pressing out as much of the flesh as possible. Add to the cranberries 1 ])ound of sugar. Stir over the fire until the sugar is dissolved and the mixture reaches the boiling point. Turn at once into moulds and stand away to harden. For cranberry sauce simply add another 4 pint of water and boil the mixture for about 5 minTites. This boiling will invert tlie sugar and the mixture will re- main soft. Delicious Rhubarb Jelly. Cut rhubarb into pieces an inch in length, and then place it in a dish with a cupful of sugar, 1 of water, a little ginger root and lemon peel, and bake until the rhubarb is tender. Put some pink gelatine to soak : soften over hot water ; strain into the rhubarb; add the juice of a lemon. Pour into a mould and chill. Serve witli whip|)ed ci'oam. Currant Jelly. .Squeeze out juice, and io one pint of juice take one pint of sugar. Boil the juice two mimites. then add the sugar liot and boil one minute longer. Pour out into glasses and cover. ITeat sugar in oven, but do not brown it. Make a pint at a time. ]\Ins. Florexce Piper. Jellied Currants. Take currants freshly picked, stem and wasli. To every cupful of currants take one cupful of granulated sugar. Put a little water in granite Icettle, add sugar and let boil to a syru]). but not until it hairs. Add the whole currants and boil • .") nips pulp add -1 cups sugar, cook until thickness of apple Ijuttcr. Mi;s. F. A. Bell, Negaunee. Preserved Cranberries with Citron. Cook 3 cupl'uls cit]'OJi (pared and sliced) in water to cover, until tender, add 2 cups cranberries ajid weigh, add '} lbs. sugar to each lb. of fruit, and the juice of one lemon. Simmer until tlie fruit looks clear and rich, and seal. 2 cups sugar to 4 of fruit make a ])alatal)lo sweet for imnu''diate use. Crabapple and Pear Preserves. Cook and sti'ain ^ pk. of ci-al) apples, peel aiul (piarlcr 1 pk. of pears, allow lb. for lb. of sugar with a couple of Ihs. extra for the ci-ahs. lioil apples, sugar and a few cloves and a little un-gi-ound ginger togethei-. Add pears and when tender hottle and seal. Mrs. Drake. Preserved Citron. J'are olf green rind, cut into dice shape; cover with, water ami boil until tender. Have a thick syrup I'cady; put in syrup and simmer gently for an hour. Eai^ins anil lemons to taste improve flavor and color. ^Fits. IU'dolpti Olson. Preserving Orange Peel. The skins from oranges may l)e cut into s!ii-eds, boiled in water until they are tender, then boiled in a thick syrup, dried and rolled in sugar, and put aside for flavoiing cakes, mincemi^at and things of that kind in winter. Tliis will save the pui-chase of (lri(Ml oi-ange peel, and costs but very little. Currant Conserve. Five pouiuls fresh currants, o pounds seedless raisins. 5 pounds sugar, C, oranges (cut in small |)ieces), 4 teaspoons whole cloves, 4 tablespoons stick cinna- nu)n. Cook about 40 minutes or until it jells. Xice with meats. Mrs. Rudolph Olsox. Gingered Pears. Four lbs. of pears chopped or sliced in ([uile tine pieces, 4 lbs. of sugar, 1 oz. of green ginger root, which is difficult to get this time of year, so I use crystallized ginger or the dry root steeped in water until strong enough to suit the taste, then use that juice. Grated rind of 4 lemons and the juice with water enough to make a pint, add to the sugar and nudvC a syrup into which ])ut the fruit, ginger and lemon rind, cook until the pears are tender and all looks cleai'. T do it down quite thick, then put into glasses and cover tight. Miss ^I. J. Earle. To Can Peaches in Halves. Pear and cut in halves, then take 3 cups of halved peaches to 1 cup of sugar, let stand to draw syrup. Take some stones and 2 cu])s of water and boil 10 minutes, then strain it on the peaches and drain all the syrup off, let come to a boil and put peaches in, boil until tender. ^Irs. \V. J. Strom vall. Fruit Canning "California Method." To everv j)0und of fruit add a pound of .-ugar, mash line in an earthen jar with a wire potato masher, then pack in glass jars; seal up, and wrap each, can in paper to exclude the light. Fruit with tliis method is so much more delicious than when cooked, as cooking destroys the delicate flavor of many fruits, especially straw- berries. I have given this reeijx' a thorough test and it has proven very satisfactory. Be sure and trv it. ^Irs. J. S. Wood. 152 SUPKRIOR COOK BOOK Canned String Beans. Strin_a-. cut ami lioil iiiiiil ti'iuK'r in siilti'(l water, seal while hot. Raspberry Syrup. Mash the bei'ries and stand tlieni aside in a warm place for three days until fermentation has commenced. If tliis is omitted tl'.e raspberries will form a jelly and will not I'emain in a scmi-li(iuid as a syru]). To each quart of this juice allow two pounds of sugar. Mix the sugar and the juice together until only a small por- tion settles to tlie bottom of the vessel; tlien pour it into a preserving kettle and •place it over the fire until the sugar is thoroughly dissolved; then take it from the iire. put it into sterilized bottles, cork and seal. Keep in a dry, cool, dark place. Strawberry Syrup. Stem and mash very ]dj)e bert'ies and di'ain them ovei' night in a jelly-bag. N(\\t moi'ning turn into a poi'celain-lined kettle, and add half a pound of sugar to each poiuid of juice. Txhl ten minutes, put into sterilized bottles, cork and seal. S^ SrPlCKlOR COOK BOOK ■ ^^^'' The Appetizing Qualities of Foods prepared fn.m these receipts will l>e increased if served on i)retty china and cut .^lass. You all know where fitiedishes and glass are for sale. HENRY HARWOOD, /)rNo-s^ Stationery ami Fancy Gooi/s. Ishpeming, Mich. JOHNSON BROTHKRS -i:)KAr^KKS IX I'INK- Tailor Made Ready-to-Wear Clothing GENTS FURNISHINGS. HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. E. A. JOHNSON, DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 200-202 N. FIRST ST, ISHPBMING. MICHIGAN. O. WALSETH Wagons, Buggies, Cutters and Sleighs BLACKSMITHING AND GENERAL WOOD WORK. Plows, Spring Tooth Harrows and Other Agricultural Implements. Horseshoeing and Rubber Tire Work. ISHPEMING, IHICH. Wagon Makers' Wood Stock. rvy MRS. 1. J.Al.l.KRSTKl)^i Hair Dressing, Sha mpooin g, Manicuring, Face ^lassage^ and Electric Trea tment. ANDERSON Block. ISHPKMING, MICH. 154 SUPICRIOR COOK BOOK Pickles and Catsup. "Peter Piper picked a peck of priclily peppers A peck of prickly peppers Peter Piper picked Now, if Peter Piper picked a peck of prickly peppers Produce tlie peck of prickly pei^pers Peter Piper picked." Crabapple Sweet Pickle. Woigli 14 pounds of crab apples and measure out 1 quart of vinegar and S pounds of u'ranulated sugar. Put the apples in a kettle witli a pint of boiling neater and stew gently for 10 minutes. Drain, remove the apples from the kettle and then put them back in layers, s|;)rinkle each layer with sugar, bring to a boil. Have reatly the boiling vinegar, into which has been stirred 3 tablespoonfuls of broken stick cinnamon and whole cloves and 1 tablespoonful of ground mace. Pour the vinegar over the ai)ples and l)oil for ."> minutes. Witli a skimmer remove the fruit, spread on platters to cool. F)oil the syrup until thick. Pack the pickles in iars, and till the jar with the l)oiling syi'U}) and seal immediately. Mrs. Walters. Cantaloupe Sweet Pickle. Use melons that are not quite ripe, scrape out pulp, peel and cut into slices I inch thick; lay these in weak brine over night, drain, wipe dry and drop into syrup made as follows: To, 3 lbs. light brown sugar add 1 qt. cider vinegar, 1 tea- spoon cloves and 1 tablespoon cinnamon. Boil 20 minutes and seal. The spices should be tied in cheese cloth bags. Mrs. J. M. Perkins. Nasturtium Pickle. Gather nasturtium seeds when they are small and green, before the inner kernel becomes hard, remove stems and let them stand in salted water over night; a level tablespoon of salt to a pint of water. In tlie morning drain and pour over them cold fresh water, rinse well, pack in small bottles and pour over them boiling vinegar, cork well. You nu\v sweeten and spice the vinegar if you prefer. These may be used as a substitute for capers or added to your othei' pickles. Mrs. J. M. Perkins. Ripe Cucumber Pickles, Sweet. Peal and cut the cucumbers in pieces and put a layer in stone jar, then a layer of salt and so on. The next morning wash them off and cook them in i vinegar, ^ water till they are transparent, then drain them. Then make a syrup of 1 quart vinegar, 3 pounds brown sugar, some whole cloves, cinnamon and allspice. Tie spices in bag. Put cucumbers in the syrup and cook a few minutes longer. Take t-hein out, cook syrup 10 or 15 minutes longer, and pour over the cucumbers; have syrup enough to cover. Mrs, John Power. SUPERIOR COOK BOOK 155 The Best and Most Reliable Clothing FOR MKX. BOVS x\NU CHILDREN AT M. A. K^VTIN'S Corner Main and Pearl Sis. ISHPEMING, MICH. Syrup for Sweet Pickles or Peaches. Seven lbs. of fruit, 4 lbs. brown sugar, 1 t|t. vinegar, 1 oz. cloves, 2 oz. stick cin- namon. Boil vinegar and sugai', skim well, add spices and stick a clove in each piece of fruit. Boil 10 minutes, take out fruit and place in stone jar; pour boiling syrup over fruit to cover well. ^fus. C. J. Sitaddick. Cucumber Pickle. 1st morning: 'i'o 1 gal. of wati'r take 1 i-up of salt, let boil and pour over encumbers. 2nd da}': Boil some brine and pou)' over pickles again. 3rd day: Eepeat as for second day. 4th day: Make a new brine same as before and pour wliile boiling over pickles. oth day: Heat brine and pour over pickles. 6 til day: Same as 5th. 7th day: ]\Iake new bi'ine \ water and \ vinegar, boil and place over pickles. 8th day: To one gallon of vinegar take 8 pounds of brown sugar, small lump of alum, \ lb. white mustard seed, -^ lb. whole cloves, \ lb. whole allspice, \ lb. stick cinnamon, \ lb. celery seed, 3 red peppers sliced. Pour boiling hot over pickle and ]Mit in jars well covered. ^Tiss Maitland. Cucumber Pickles. Ojie peck small cucumbers, 1 peck small onions. 1 caulillower. Let stand in brine for 24 hours, then drain and scald in equal parts of vinegar and water, then stand over night. Let stand 3 days and put fresh vinegar and red pepper to taste. Mrs. Campbell. Cucumber Pickles. Fourteen large cucumboi's, S small onions, slice cucumbers without peeling. Peel onions and slice. Place in crock in alternate layers, sprinkle a little salt on each layer. Cover with a jilate and put on heavy weight. Let stand for 2 hours. Drain off water and pack in fruit jai-s. Mix \ teacup each of black and white mustard seed and 1 tablespoon of celery seed. Scatter through the pickles in jars when filling them. A tablespoon of olive oil to each jar. l*our on cider vinegar cold, and make Jtirtight. 1-:mma Willis, Canton, Ohio. Oil Pickles. One dozen large cucumbers, ,i lb. ground mustarti, 1 teaspoon hlack pepper, -4 lb. whole mustard seed, 1 qt. onions, 1 oz. celery seed, 1 pt. olive oil, 2 qts. cider vinegar. Pare cucum])ers and onions and chop fine. Put a layer of each in a jar and sprinkle with salt, place on top a weight and let stand over night, drain and put a teaspoon of jjowderod alum in sutlicient vinegar to cover, and let stand over night, then drain again, mix mustard. p('j)per and celery seed with the oil, then add gi'aduallv 2 qts. vinegar, put in glass jai's, and in 2 weeks it is readv for use. Mrs. W. H. Rood. 15() SUPICKMOR COOK BOOK Salad Pickle. Oiii' liiiiiiln'il sinall or iiicil iiiiii size (.■iiciiinhors — .sliced fine — o pts. of onions (about si/r of tlio ciicuiiilx'i's in I'ii-eumference) sliced (inc. If cups of olive oil, oz. wliole ]iiustanl seed. 1 o/. eeleiT seed, ^ oz. white ^uround pepper, sprinkle over eneunibers 2 cups of salt, leave ;> lioiirs, then drain. Cover onions with cold water, leave 3 hours, then drain. I'lit cucnnnhers and onions in a jar in layers, with the oil and spices, vowr witli cohl vino.iiai", mix well, leave 10 days before usinff. Keep fine any hMi.y-tli of time. j\iR,s. M. M. Ea:\[Sdell. Dill Pickles. One ))k. iiicumltci's soaked oxer night in bi'ine. strong I'nough to l^oat an egg, in the moi-ning i-inse and wipe good. Eoil together and skim well •■■> qts. vinegar, 3 eu])s water. 1 fidl eup sugar. Fill cans with i>iekles and dill, ponr vinegar on boiling hot. Mrs. Bradford. Danish Pickle. Peel ]-i])e euciimhers, take seeds ont. cut into stri])s, and then salt and let stand ill jar 24: hours. Drain and wi[)e dry. Add mixed spiecs and bay leaves to cold vinegar, enough to cover pickle, and let remain in it 3 days. x\t end of this time l)oil same amount of vinegar and more spices. Drain pickle, add some small pickling onions and liot vinegar. Keady to use in 1 week. Marion Fellow. Tomato Pickle. Twelve large onions, 1 ])eck of green tomatoes sliced, 1 cup salt, sprinkled over them for 24 hours. In the morning drain and put in layers in jar, sprinkling on la3^ers the following mixture: 2 tablespoons mustard seed, 2 tablespoons ground cloves, 1 tablespoon allspice, 1 tablespoon pepper, 2 sinall red peppers sliced, 1 cup brown sugar. Cover with cold vinegar, let boil till tomatoes look clear. Mrs. Cooley. Green Tonnato Pickle. One peck of green tomatoes sliced, (i lai'ge onions sliced. Sprinkle through them 1 cup of salt, let them stand over night; drain oif in the morning. Take 2 quarts oC water and 1 of vinegar. Boil the tomatoes and onions 5 minutes in this, then drain tlirough a colander. Take -i qts. of vinegar, 2 lbs. of brown sugar, ^ lb. of ground mustard, 2 tablespoons of cloves, 2 tablespoons of ginger, 2 of cinnamon, ^ teaspoon of cayenne pepper, or 4 or 5 green peppers chopped. Boil all together for 15 minutes. Miss Fannie Winter. Pineapple Pickle. Seven lbs. of pineapple, 2 lbs. of granulated sugar; 1 pint of cider vinegar, | ounce of cassia buds, ^ oz. of whole cloves. Pare and slice large strawberry pineapple. Quarter the slices. Then remove the eyes and the hard core from the center of each quarter. Put a laver of the prepared pineaple in a stone crock. Put cassia buds and cloves in the vinegar and when hot add the sugar. When it boils put a little on the pineapple. Then add more pineapple; then more dressing; then more pine- apple until all are used. Cover tightly and let stand for 5 days in a cool place. 'J'hen pour into a new colander and let drain. Boil the dressing down ji. Then add 2 lbs. more of sugar. Put the pineapple in glass jars and cover with the dressing and seal tightly. Do not put more than ^ of the cassia buds and not more than -^ of the cloves in the jar with the fruit. ]\Iary F. Miner, Canisteo, IST. Y. pepper, 4 quarts of baked apples, 2 quarts of best vinegar. Boil mustard seed and sugar in the vinegar for 5 minutes ; when cold mix the whole in a large jar to be tied down close. The longer kept the better the chutney. Mrs. H, F. Handford. SUPERIOK COOK I^OOK 157 Watermelon-Rind Pickles. For o-oo(1 pickles the rind ol' tlie melon nm>t he ihiok. Pare oft the ;?roen out- side and all the soft inside, then cut into slices. Soak the rind in salt-water over night, using three tahlespoonfnls of salt to a gallon of water. In the morning wash thoroughly in cold water, and put into a preserving-kettle. Cover with alum water (a level tahlespoonful of alum to throe quarts of water), l)ring to a boil, and cook imtil tender. Xow thoroughly rinse again in cold water, and drain. Have ready a well-spiced syrup made of vinegar of moderate strength and sugar — use three pints of sugar to two pints of vinegar. Cook in this syrup until clear. Some tastes would i-equire a cujjful of spices to each quart of vinegar, others one-half cu]:)ful; the latter quantity is aihised. T'se ginger- I'oot, stick cinnamon, cloves (sparingly), stick mace and allspice, i'ut in rlii- syfiq) Iialf an hour l)efore tlie rinds are done. Katie Rice's Pickles. Slice }, hii. green tomatoes lliick, sprinkle sail hetwei'ii each layer and stand over night. In the morning put into a colander, drain and rinse with cold water. Slice ^ pk. white onions. 3| qts. vinegar, 3| lbs. granulated sugar, 2 oz. cloves, -i oz. allspice, 1 oz. stick cinnamon, h ny,. black pepper. Put spice in a bag. When pickles are hoiling put in (i lal)lespoons of mustard seed. 4 tablespoons curry jwwder, while boiling thicken with -j lb. Colman's mustard, add a little salt if necessary. Mrs. Gottstein. Mustard Pickle. Two qts. each of small wJioJe eueumhers ajid huitou onions, 1 large cauliflower divided into flov/erets, 4 green ]ieppers cut fine, make a brine of 4 qts. water and 1 pint of salt, pour it over the mixture of vcgetal)les ami let it soak for 24 hours, heat just enough to scald, place into a colander to drain. Mi\ o talilespoonfuls of Dous- man's Best I'atent flour, (i of nuistai'd and 1 of tunncric with enoiigli cold vinegar to make a smooth paste, then add i cup of sugar, !, cup of huttcr. 1 oz. whole ginger and vinegar enough to make 2 cjts. in all, boil this-mixiure until it thickens and is smooth, stirring all the time, add the vegetables and cook until well heated through. ^fliS. A. II. FORDYCE. Mustard Pickles. Twenty-four small cucnmbei's, 2 cauliilowci-s, (i (iva^n peppers, 2 qts. green toma- toes, 1 qt. onions (small if possible), stand in strong brine over night and in morning scald and pour off water. ]\[ake a dressing of 4 cups sugar, 3 qts. vinegar, ^ lb. ground mustard, l oz. celery secnl, -jV oz. turmei'ic, 1 cup Dousman's Best Patent flour; pour ovei- ])ickles while hot and put in fruit jars to keep. Mrs. p. p. PiiONSOX. Mustard Pickles. One (piari ciii iiinbers. sliced. 1 tpiai't of small whole cucumbers. 1 quart green tomatoes sliced, 1 quart small liuttou onion-, 1 lai'ge or ? small cauliflowers, divided into flowerets, 1 green peppers, cul line. Make a brine of 4 (piarts of water and 1 |)int of salt; pour over the mixture and let soak 2\ hours. Heat just enough to scahl it and turn into a colander to drain. ]\lix 1 cup of Dousman's Pest Patent tloui-. S lal)l(\-]ioons of ground mustard, i ta])lespod boiled beet, 2 cups of sugar, 1 cup of chopped onion, 1 cup of grated horse-radish, 1 tablespoonful of salt, 1 tea- spoonful of black pepper, } teaspoonful of red pepper. j\tix well with cold vinegar aiul keen well coi'ked or sealed. Peach Chutney. Thi'ce lbs. peaclies, ■") lbs. cho]ipe(| ap))h's. 1 H). raisins, 1 II). currants, 1 onion, 1 led pepper, 2 lbs. sugar, 1 qt. of malt \inegar, 2 teasjioons of cinnamon, 2 teaspoons of ginger, 2 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of cloves. Dissolve sugar in a little water and cook all one hour slowly. Fine foi' cold meats. Seal while hot. Mrs. Drake. India Chutney. One ])Ound of salt, 1 pound of niustard seed, 1 pound of raisins, chopped and seeded, 1 pound of bi'own sugar. 12 oz. of onions, well chopped, 3 oz. of cayenne ST'l'lCKMOR COOK BOOK 159 Piccalilli. Chop one gallon of gnrii li»m;iloc^, .-prinklo witli salt and let stand 24 hours, then drain otf the water, add twelve onions chopped, six green peppers, three quarts chopped cabbage, one-half ])int of grated horseradish, mustard seed, black pepper to taste Put vineo-ar to this and cork tiaht. Do not cook. Put in mustard if preferred. "" ' Mrs. A'ickers. Cooked Piccalilli. One peck green tomatoes, three large onions c!io|)|)tMl l]m\ mix with one cu'p of salt, let this lie over night, then drain in the morning, boil in two quarts of vinegar and one quart of water 15 minutes, drain again, then add two pounds of sugar, three pints of vinegar, one-half pitund of white mustard seed, one-half teaspoon of cayenne popper, two tablespoons of cinnamon, two tablespoons of allspice, two tal)lespoons of ginger. Boil all togetlier 1.") miiinie.-. Afus. ^. B. Chili Sauce. Fourleen large ripe tomatoes, •>}, rups vinegar. 2 J (•u])s sugar, .■) onions, 1 red pepper, 1 small tablespoonful of salt, 1 large teaspoonful of cinnamon, 1 small tea- spoonful of cloves, chop pep|)er and onions verv fine, peel tomatoes and cut very fine: cook until thick. ^Mrs. C. W. Jarvts. Chili Sauce. One pk. tomatoes, 9 large onions, 5 tablespoonfuls salt, 16 tablespoonfuls brown sugar, 2 nutmegs (grated), 4- teaspoons cinnamon, 2 teaspoons allspice, 2 teaspoons cloves, 3 red peppers. 3 green peppers. Boil 2 hours. 7 cups cider vinegar. Boil 1 hour. Mrs. W. J. Suo^ivall. Chili Sauce. Slice 1^ large ripe tomatoes, 8 large onions, oi' 10 of medium size, -i doz. green bell peppers (chopped), 8 tablespoonfuls sugar, 1 small teaspoon of ground cloves, 3 tablespoonfuls salt, 4 tables])oonfuls ground cinnamon, 4 tablespoonfuls ground ginger, 3 teaspoonfuls red pepper, 8 teacupfuls of good vinegar: boil it 5 hours or until quite thick. ^fn^^- Duncan. Chili Sauce. Tliirly-six large ripe tomatoes, (i jcd peppers, 4 large onions, 4 tablespoons salt, 8 tablespoons sugar, 4 teaspoons ginger, 4 teaspoons cloves, 4 teaspoons cinnamon, 4 teaspoons allspice. 2 nutmegs, 8 teacups vinegar. Chop onions and peppers, put all in kettle together and let mixture boil one hour. Mrs. John \riTCHELL, Winter Chili Sauce. One can tomatoes, .', cu|) vinegar, 1 teaspoon eacli of pepper, cinnamon, cloves, allspice, oround mustard. 2 teaspoons salt. 1 tablesj)oon sugar, 1 onion: mix and cook until thick. Mrs. D. D. Kandall. Spiced Peaches. Three lbs. fruit cut in small pieces, 2 lbs. granulated sugar, -} i)t. of vinegar, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon and salt to taste. Cook slowly until thick. Mi;s. ('. J. SlTADDICK. Spiced Peaches. Seven lbs. fruit. I lbs. sugar, I pt. vinegar, cloves. alls|)ii-e autl i-innamon, whole small handful of each. Boil the fruit and sugar until fruit is tender, then take out the fruit, put into jars, tlu-n put in the vinegar and spices in the sugar and boil down well. I'ourover the frui't ami seal. Mits. DuNCAN. Spiced Blueberries. Four poun.ls fruit, two poniuls sugar, one eiip viiu^gar, one teaspoonful cloves, 160 SUPERIOR COOK BOOK two tcaspoonful^ cinnamon. Boil half hour before putting in sugar; then boil fiom half to tlirec-quartors hour longer. Spiced Gooseberries. Ten pouiuls of goosebei-rics, 7 Ib.s. of coirec sugar, 3 jits, vinegar, 2 tablespoon- fuls ground cinnamon. 1 tablespoonful ground allspice, ^ tablespoonful ground cloves. Stir together and l)oil 4 or 5 liour*. or until tJiick, like jelly. Seal up the same as jelly. 3Ii;s. H. F. iHANDFORD. Spiced Grape. Five ])(»unds gra|)es boih>d and straiiK'd. 'Il pounds sugai", 1 pt. vinegar, 1 table- s|jooii finnamo]!. 1 tablespoon cloves, 1 tablespoon allsj)ice. 1 tablespoon pepper, i teaspoon to Matilda) and lee. Fruit and coffee."' -MERf.DiTU's Lucri-E. ■Mintrlcs with llio friendly bowl Tlie feast of reason and the How of s.-ul." I'OPK. Tea. One teaspoon of tea and 1 eup of l)oilinii- water is the usual allowaiiee for each person and 1 teaspoon of tea for the ]^nt. Scald the teapot, it is hetter to use china or poreelain. Use fresh hoiling water ; steep 5 minutes. "Tea hoiled is tea spoiled. Russian Tea. Pare and slice fresh, juicy lemons: lay a ])iece in the hottom of each cup and pour hot, strong tea over it. Xo cream is used. Coffee for Eight People. To a 3-qt. coffee pot. take a teacup of colTcc, mix with cold water and part of an eo-o- Put in coffee pot. Pour on 2 qts. of hoiling water. Let hoil ahout 10 min- utes. Eemove from the fire. Pour ahout 2 tahlespoons of cold water through the spout to settle it Serve. If this is not strong enough to suit use a coffee cup in- stead of a teacup. ^Ji«s B. Sedgwick. Drip Coffee. The coffee pot should lia\e a slrainer in it. Into this put the coffee which must be pulverized. Pour boiling water over the cotfee and let it dnp through. Put the coffee where it will keep hot, but will imt l)oil, while hltenng. A table- spoon to the cup is the proportion, but if you like it weaker, use a teaspoon instead and pour out 2 or 3 cups and then i^our th.-m through the strainer again. Coffee for 50 People. To an 18-(it. boiler, take II .[Is. of water (or up nearly to the spout), allow it to come to a boil: then add V :. ll.s. of cffee. that have been mixed with cold water and an egg and put in bags allowing room to swell. Stir it up. let boil lo minutes. Settle with cold water. It can be mad(^ with cold water. Put the coffee right m and let all boil together, until clear. French Chocolate. Two squares bitter chocolate, 3 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoons cold water, 1 164 SUPERIOR COOK BOOK saltspoon vanilla, 2 cups ercain or milk. ^lix sugar, water and chocolate and cook to a smooth, shiny paste; turn on the milk or cream and Just bring to boiling point. Add whipped cream. K wanted very thick, add 1 teaspoon of cornstarch and cook with paste.- Never boil milk in chocolate. Edith 'M. Wkigkt. Chocolate. One square i?weet chocolate to 1 cup milk. Scrape into the cold milk and let it come to boiling point slowly. Add 1 well-beaten Qgg. Whip up with egg-beater and serve immediately. " Editi-i M. Wright. Chocolate. To make 1 i|l.. di'(i|> ". s(|uares of baking cbocolate into 2 cups of warm water. !•(. cup sugar, place on stove and stif occasionally for 15 minutes. Have a pt. of milk hot on tbe stove: wben the cliocolate has cooked 15 minutes, dissolve y^ tea- spoon of cornstarch in a little Avater. add a pinch of salt and stir into it. add % of the hot milk and a teaspoon vanilla. Let it cook well that cornstarcb may be thoi'- oughly done. Put tbe yolk- of 1 <'gg wilb the I'emaining !,•{. of mill< into the pitcher for serving. Sliake well and })our the hot chocolate into it. ]\Irs. Edward 1). Nelson^. Regent's Punch. One lb. loaf sugar. 1 large cup strong black tea (madi-)' ''> wineglasses of brandy, 3 wineglasses of rum, 1 C|t. champagne, juice of 2 oranges, juice of 3 lemons, 1 large lump of ice. Dit. J. Yandeventer. Punch. Eub loaf sugar over the peels of (i lemons; then squeeze the juice of 1 doz. lemons and 1 doz. oranges: add to it 1 pt. of best brandy, 1 pt. of Jamaica rum, 1 <[t. of claret, and 1 qt. of cold tea. Sweeten to taste. (One ounce of Maraschino or Curacoa improves it.) Dr. Andrus. Fruit Punch. Put 1 pt. of water and 1 lb. of sugar and the chopped yellow rind of 1 lemon on to l)oil. Boil 5 minutes, strain, and Avhile hot slice into it 2 bananas, 1 grated pineapple, and i/L' a bottle ]\Iaraschino cherries ami tlieii' li(iuor. When ready to serve put in the center of your punch l)owl a scpiare block of ice: pour over it 2 qts. of Apollinaris; add to the fruit tbe juice of (i lemons, and put it all into the l)Owl. Serve in thin, tall tumblers. Claret Punch. To the juice of 12 lemons add ;> ll)S. of white sugar, 3 qts. of water, and stir well until thoroughly mixed ; strain through a sieve, adding at the moment of .serv- ing, 1 r|t. bottle of good claret and a pt. bottle of cham])agne. Sugar can be added after the claret is put in, if it is not sweet enough. Serve with a large piece of ice in the punch bowl. A lemon sliced is a pretty addition. ^Irs. M. W. Wightman. Egg and Milk Punch. Stir well a heaping teaspoonful of sugar and the yolk of an egg together in a glass; add a tablespoonful of best brandy. Fill the glass with milk until it is % full, then stir well into the mixture the white of the egg beaten to a stiff froth. Add a grating of nutmeg over the toj). Mrs. J. H. Andrus. Milk Punch. Six fresh eggs, 1 lb. sugar ( |)ulverized ». 1 ])t. whiskey, 1 pt. ci-eam whipped, not stiff, 1 qt. new milk. Beat yolks of eggs and sugar together, add liquor next, add Avhites beaten stiff, then add cream just before serving. This will serve about 30. Mrs, John Power. SrPIOKIOK COOK lU)OK 1^5 PETER WHITE'S PUNCH. "We'll drink to-nlgrlit with hearts as lig-ht. To loves' as gay and fleeting. As l.uhbles that float on the beaker's hriiii And die on the lips while meeti'ig.' 166 SUPKKMOR COOK BOOK Grape Cordial. 'I'akc ;> l)ask('ts hluc .uTaprs and Ixiil in just ciioiiiilt watri- to i-ovcr tliem; boil until the seeds all fall out. strain same as ['or j«'ll.\-. add enongli sujiar to snit the taste. (About 1 cup to a basket is aood.) Boil apiiii 'iO minutes. Bottle and seal. Mrs. a. H. Green. Blackberry Cordial. One qt. b]aekl)eri'it's luaslit'd. 1 oz. cruslied cinnamon bark, l{. oz. allspice and cloves each crushed, 1 })t. water. Sinuner slowly I'oi" an hour or two; strain and add i/> lb. loaf suo-ar; simmer until there is about 1 ])t. Add 1/4 pt. oood French brandy. jMrs. J. E. SuESS. Raspberry Vinegar. Put perfectly dry raspberries in a bowl and cover them Avith good cider vinegar. Ijet them stand for 3 days and crush the berries' and squeeze them in a cloth to expel the juice. ]\Ieasure it and to eveiT pint of juice add 1 lb. of white sugar. Boil for 30 uiinutes, skimming it well. 'J'ake off the fire and let it remain until per- fectly cold before bottling. Cook well and set l)ottles in cool place. Mixed with ice water nuikes a refreshing driid<. Mrs. Mark Elliott. Raspberry Shrub. Pack the ripe berries in glass jars and ijour owr them enough vinegar to cover them. Cover tightly and let stand 1 week, then heat until they can be mashed and drain through cheese-cloth. Add 1 jit. of sugar to each pt. of juice, boil rapidly 15 minutes, then skim and seal the same as for canned fruit. Blackberry Juice. A fine summer drink is easily made ot blackberries, which are just coming into the market. Pour 1 gallon of boiling water over I gallon of mashed berries and let them stand 24 hours, then strain and add ;! lbs. of brown sugar to every gallon of juice. Put this into a demijohn and cover with a [)iece of muslin, letting it stand ;] or 4 weeks, then bottle. Ripe Grape Juice. ►Stem and wash Vo Inishel of Concord grajtes. Pnt in kettle, nearly cover with water and l)oil until soft, then drain in l)ags, sweeten to taste, boil and can. Mrs. David Goodyear. Grape Juice. Pick over and stem the grapes, almost cover with cold watei- and bring slowly to a boil. When all the juice seems freed strain through a jelly-bag, measure, and return to the stove. For each (jt. of juice allow ' ;•, of a cupful of sugar, boil for 5 mimdes, bottle, and seal immediately. A Christmas Bowl. Bake 6 Greening and 3 Baldwin apples without removing skins or cores. When tender add 4 qts. of boiling water, the thin yellow rind of ;j lemons and 1 oranges, and 1 bay-leaf. Ijet simmer 30 minutes, then strain through a bag, pressing out the juice. Boil ;5 cups of sugar with a pt. of water 30 minutes. Add to the liquid with 1 cup of black tea infusion, and set aside to l)ecome cold. Then add the juice from the oranges and lemons and a small bottle of Maraschino cherries with the syrup. T^et stand several hours l)efore serving. Grape Wine. ]\rash the gra])es and to evei'y gollon pour 1 (|t of boiling water. Stir well every morning for :> days, then sti'ain; and to every gallon of juice put 3 lbs. of SL'PKK'IOK COOK HOOK 167 sugar. Lc'l it work for a avch^Ic, tlioii strain and iml into a keg or jugs. Do not cork tiglit till it is llirougli working. Cliorrv winr may lie niailo in the same way. M i;s. Fisiii:!:. Refreshing Summer Beverages. .Make lea. and while boiling ])our inl(» an earthen jar into which an orange has been sliced, then set away to cook When I'cady for use. add the juice of 2 or 3 lemons and sweeten to taste. A most delicious lemonade may he nuuh- hy slicing o h-mons and I orange into a large earthen jar, and adding 1 cupFul of i-i'(| raspberries. Ci'ush the fruit well, add water and sugar to taste and strain. \\'hen .serveiK adces with buttei'ed scissors. Candy will become more creamy if |»iit in a covei-e(| dish oi' jar for se\ci'al lioiii-s. ^Iiss GuM.MKi;]':. Cream Wafers. Two cups granulale(l sugar, 1 scant cup Avater, \i, teaspoon cream of tartar. Boil imtil it hairs, divide inio two oi' three jjortions. Flavor with 1 teaspoon wiuter- greeu, peppermint or i'riiit coloring. Stir until nearlv cold and drop fi'om spoon on marble slal). .Ii;ssii: IJookus. Sugared Popcorn. One cup white sugar, 'i tablespoons huttii'. '■> tablespoons iioiling water, ;! (puirts popcorn. Melt the butter in the Avatei'. add sugar and stir over lli'e until dissohcd. Boil until it will form in a hard hall in cold water. Then poui' the popcorn into the syrup and stir until the gi'ains are crystallized with the sugar. Dona I.I) .\ rwia.i,. Popcorn Balls. Salt the corn, take 2 cups of Xew Orleaiis m minutes, ibit in t/^ teaspoon of soda minutes l)et'ore doiu'. Pour oxer corn and makt' into balls. j\liss K.vi'i-: Wal'I'ki.'s. Holiday Candy. One-half ])ound jMiglish walinits, '^ j)ound Ib'a/il nuts. I pound lilherts, 1 pound almonds (soft shelled). 1 t-upful hiek'ory nuts. ^ ■, pound citron. V-i pound tigs and raisins. Blanch nuts and choj) all very line. Moisten o pounds of tbe best confectioners" sugar with the white of 1 ('y:i£ and water. Flavor with 2 tablespoonfuls of vanilla: mi.\ niits and fruit with the sugar, kneading with the hands: make into loaf, cutting" in small s((uares only as used. If covered well fr(un the air. will keep b)r months. ^Tiss K. G. Pixi;, Walton, X. Y. Chocolate Creams. Melt chocolate in douhie boiler and add a lew shavings of paraftine: dip cream in and allow to cool on oiled ]>aper. L^ i.a Rogers. Chocolate Creams. One vg'^, 1 pound of confectioner's sugar, 1 teaspoon of thick cream, i/i cake of chocolate. Whi]) white of egg very stitl' and gradually add i/> of the sugar. Put in cream and then add the remaining sugar, ^lold into small balls and .set aside until th(U'oughly drie(l. Mcli chocolate and dip tl;e creams into chocolate by means of a hat pill. Florence Kaxdali.. Chocolate Caramels. One-half cake Baker's chocolate, 1 cup molasses. [._, cu]) milk. 2 cups sugar, y-> cu]) butter, flavor with vanilla. Boil until it will harden in water. Pour upon plat- ter and when nearly cold cut in scpiares. .Mi;s. S'r. Ci.aii;. Fudge. Two cups sugar, 1 cup milk, butter size of a walnut, v? sipiares oi' 14 pound of 172 SnpKRlOR COOK BOOK Baker's cliocolate. Boil iiiilil it I'di'ius a soft ball in water. Then beat until it be- comes creamy. Ponr out in disb and set out to cool. Miss Mollie B. Crocker. Chocolate Fudge. Two cups sugar, \U cup water, 1 tcaspoou (■(irnstarcli. "i tablespoons butter, o squares bitter chocolate. Boil until, ■when tested by jnitting a little in a saucer and creaming with a teaspoon, it tonus a soft luit not a sticky ball. Set to cool. When cold, stir until it may be taken in the bauds and ereameil. I-'latten out on a plate and cut into squares. Winifred Cooley. Fudge. Two scant cups of sugar, y-> cup of inilk. 2 scpiares leaker's unsAveetened choco- late, butter 1/^ size of an egg. Let it boil T) minutes: after coming to a boil take it from the stove, add 1 teaspoonful of vanilla. ])(nir it into a buttered dish and stir until creamy, then cut into squares with a silver knife dipped in hot water. For "Eaisin" Fudge add Vi* <^'i'l' '^1 chopped raisins just before beginning to stir. For "Nut" Fudge add y-> cup of chopped English walnuts before beginning to stir. Miss Elizabeth jMcCracken. Maple Fudge. Two cups of sugar, i/o cup of cream or milk, 1 tablespoon of butter, 14 pound of pecan or peanut meats. Put sugar, cream and butter in a granite pan and boil until it forms a soft ball in cold water. Add nut meats and stir imtil it begins to get thick. Pour on well buttered pans and mark into squares. Florence Eandall. Maple Penochie. Two cups light brown sugar, 1 cu}) milk, V^ fi^H' chopped nuts, butter size of an egg. Chop nuts fine, put sugar, milk and butter into a granite saucepan, stir well before putting on to cook. Let it boil slowly and do not stir while boiling. Test by dropping a little into cold water. If it forms a soft ball it is done; put in the nuts just before removing from the tire. Take froin the lire and stir briskly until it becomes stiff. Pour into buttered pans. TjAura Moody. Maple Penochie. One pint of cream, 2 large cups (packed) C sugar, butter size of an egg or larger, 10 cents' worth walnuts or pecans, 10 cents' worth candied cherries, flavor with grated orange peel. Boil cream, sugar and butter over a strong fire until it forms soft ball in water. It will probably take 7 or 8 minutes if you have a good fire. Pemove from stove, add nuts, flavoring and candied clierries. Whip until it begins to sugar, then pour on buttered platter. Candied cherries are not necessary and any other flavoring can be used. Miss Fitzpatrick. Maple Creams. One cup of maple syrup, I/2 cup of water, butter size of a walnut, 1 teaspoon of cornstarch. Mix ingredients in granite pan and boil until it forms a soft ball in cold water. Take from stove and set aside until cold. \\'hen cold stir until it sugars. Mold into small balls. Ff-orence Eandall. Peppermints. Put any quantity of brown sugar on the stove and moisten with a little milk. When it begins to thicken when dropped in water, take from stove and stir briskly in a cool place for a moment or two. then flavor witli a few drops of peppermint oV vanilla. Mrs. T. A. Felch. SUPERIOR COOK T'.OOK 173 Chocolate Creams. (.'oloi- ami liii\(ii' llu' roiiilaiit Id >iiif llic taste, inoiild iiitd various sluipcs and place on ice or in a vorv cold place. Melt the chocolate in a douhle boiler and .SM'eeten vitli pcnvdered sugar or fondant. Ijct it ln'conie partially cool until it is thick enough to form a coating that will not run oil' the candy. Dip the balls quickly in the chocolate, covering- them well, and place on waxed j)aper to harden. Xuts may also be placed on each if desired. Anna FiiLcii. Chocolate Creams. Two and one-half cups sugar. 1 cup cream. -'4 cu]) cocoanut. IJoil fully ~i minutes, then stand in cold watci' until hard enough to make into balls. M \i I) l*'ir('ir. Butter Scotch. Three pounds coffee sugar, 1/4 pound butter, ^/^ teaspoonful cream of tartar, 8 drops extract lemon. Cold watei' enough to dissolve the sugar, boil until it l)reakT in cold water, pour out and mark in s(piai'es. ^fi!s. J. Ili;\vi:s. Nut Candy. Two cups brown sugar. 1 cup watei-. buttei' size of lialf i'iXi::. 1 tablespoon vine- gar. Boil until it forms a hard ball in cold water: stir in nuts anugar. I'ut sugar in an iron pan on the sto\c and with a spoon stii' constantly the bottom (d' the pan to jirevent burning until the sugai- melts: then stir in the peanuts and pour iiii- mediately on oil cloth or marble and roll with i-olling pin until '4 '''^'l' thick. AxxA Fj:i.cii. Walnut Candy. Two cups white sugar, [tui in pan and melt o\ei' hot stoNc. Si ii- constantly to keep from bui-ning; as soon as nudted take olV stoNc and put in (piickly 1 teaspoon vanilla, % cup walnuts. Pour at once into a buttei'cd tin and beat down with a but- tered potato masher until cool. l.ii.i.i.w Fiicii. White Taffy. Four cups granrdated sugai-, 1 teaspooiiful of cream of tartai- or i\ tablespoons of vinegar, 1 tal)lesp()onful butter. Cook until brittle. The flavoring should he added while pulling. Fither vanilla or pe])[)ermint may he used. Chocolate taffy is nuub' by putting 2 or .") tabh^spoons of grated chocolate (un- sweetene(l) on top of the camly as soon as it is poured into the pans. The hot candy melts the chocolate, anil wdieii it is pulled it will be an o\v\^ chocolate color. Miss Ada Mii.nox. White Taffy. Four cups granulated sugar. 2 cups water, v? tablespoons \inegar. 2 tablo:*]X)ons melted butter, 2 teaspoons cream of tartar dissolvc^l in water. Add 2 teaspoons lemon or vanilla just before taking candy from the lire. Boil until it strings, wlu'ii put in cold water, then cool ami pull until white. GKitTiii'nH d. Smith. Taffy. One and one-half cups light Xew Orleans molasses, I cup sugar, \^ cu[) butter. When taken from stove put in a little })incli of soda. '^^Phen pull. Miss Ursula Eopes. 174 SUPERIOR COOK BOOK Marshmallows. Dissolve ^ pound of wliite gum arable in 1 pint of water. Strain and add i pound of sugar; place over the fire, stirring constantl)^ until the syrup is dissolved and is the consistency of honey. Add gradually the whites of 4 well beaten eggs. Stir the mixture until it becomes some^\hat thin and does not adhere to the finger. Flavor with extract and poiir into a tin slightly dusted with powdered starch and when cool cut into small squares. Chocolate Kisses. One pound of pulverized sugar, IG ounces ; 1 pound of grated chocolate, % pound of grated almonds, 13 ounces; whites of 8 eggs, large; flavor with vanilla. Mks. Mark Elliott. Orange Drops. Grate the rind of 1 orange and squeeze the juice, taking out seeds. Add to tliis a pinch of tartaric acid. Stir in confectioners' sugar until stiff enough to form into small balls. Mes. Felch. Oriental Delight. Look over carefully luilf a pound of figs. Seed and pit half a pound eacli of dates and raisins, and put through a meat chopper. Knead on a board sprinkled with confectioner's sugar until of a consistency to roll out to the thickness of half an incli. Cut out in tiny forms with small fancy cutter. Eoll in sugar. Miss Evelyn Stevens, Washington, D. C. ST^'ICKMOR COOK r>OOK 17: Geo. B. Se ALL KINDS OF Insurance. 107 WEST CLEVELAND AVENUE. Both 'Phones. Ishpeming, Mich. 176 SUPKRIOK COOK BOOK Jones & Laughlin Ore Co. Producers and Consvimers of IR.ON OR-ES. B. F. Jones, Jk. President, Pittsburgh, Penna. J. B. Laughlin, Treasurer, Pittsburgh, Penna. W. C. MoKKlvAND, Secretary, Pittsburgh, Penna. Thos. Wai^TERS, Agent, Ishpeniing, Mich. C. T. KrusE, Local Auditor and Assistant to Agent, Ishpeniing, Mich. SUPICKJOR COOK BOOK 177 Invalid Dishes and Drinks. 'SinipU' (lii-l is lifsl, for iiuin.v dislics l>riii}r maii.v disfa^ii-s." -Pliny. Drinks for the Sick. ()raii an ounce of pow- dered cinnamon, Vt of '^^^ ounce of mace, and 2 teaspoons of cloves. ]k)il the whole mixture 15 minutes, strain syrup, and add a wineglass of French brandy to each pint. Beef Tea, One lb. beef. 1 ])t. c-old water. I level teasjjoon salt. (J rind or chop the l)ecf fine, add the salt, cover it with the cold w'ater and let it stand 1 hour. Put it over the lire and let it slowly heat until it steams J)ii{ does not hoit. stir- ring it continually. Draw it to a cool part of the stove and let it steam V^ hour, then strain through two thicknesses of cheese cloth. To clarify it and make it as clear as wipe, beat an egg white lightly with ^ cup cold water and add it to the beef tea as soon as it has been strained through tlie cheese cloth. Stir it a moment and strain again. When servinu", heat the necessarv quantitv mitil it commences to steam, but do not boil it. '" " " Mrs. W. W. Graff. 178 SUPKRIOR COOK BOOK Dessert for an Invalid. One cup whipped eroam, 2 teaspooiifuls sugar, 'i tcas])()()nfii]s l)raiuly. ]\Iix tliese and fill an empty 1-11). baking powder box with it. Cover tightly. Partly (ill a small dishpan with salt and chopped ice. Place the baking powder box in tlic center and press it down so that the ice will come up nearly to the top. Stir the box round in the ice occasionally. It will be ready in about an hour. Mrs. Drake. Frothed Eggs. One egiX- '^ fe\v grains of salt, a small piece of Initter. Have a little water boil- ing in a large covered sauce-])an. Separate egg, and beat white to a stiff froth and heap it into a dainty bowl. ]\[ake a little well in center, drop in yolk whole. Place bowl in sauce-pan, cover closely; remove all from fire and let stand -3 minutes. Re- move bowl from water, and serve at once with salt and butter. Miss Geualdine Parry. Barley Water. Wash two ounces of pearled Ijarley, put in, a gi-anite saucepan, cover with cold water, scald, bring to a boil, and drain. Return it to the saucepan; add two quarts of cold water, ])ring to l)oiling point and simmer gently until reduced to one quart. Strain ami add a (piarter ol' a teaspoonful of salt, and stand at once in a cold place. This is to l)e used with milk in proportions of one-third l)arley water to two-thirds milk. Sago Gruel. Put one tablespoonful of sago into one cpiart of cold water. Soak for half an lioui'. ('ook gently for thirtv minutes, and strain through a fine sieve. If this is to be served warm ]uit into the serving-bowl a block of sugar, two tahlespoonfuls of whijjped ci'eam, and just the suspicion of the grated yellow rind of a lemon. Pour in half a pint of the hot gruel, and serve at once. Where a greater amount of nourishment is ncH'ded this may l)e made fi-om milk instead of water. It may also be flavored with raisins, bay leaves, oi' a blade of mace. Tapioca or manioca may be used in the place of sago. Banana Souffle. Mash 1 ripe Ijanana A\ifli a silver fork. Add 1 tal)les])Oonful of granulated sugar and the -well-beaten Avhite of 1 egg. Bake in a quick oven in a Jewel range 10 minutes. Serve at once with cream. ^fiss Geraldin"e Parry. Junket with Raw Egg. Separate 1 egg, beat the white perfectly dry and the yolk till thick; add it to the white gradually beating all the time. Heat i/o pt. of milk lukewarm, dissolve in it 1 tablespoonful sugar, add flavoring. Pour this over beaten egg, stir in I/4 of a junket tablet dissolved in a teaspoon of cold Avater and turn quickly in glasses. Stand in warm place for 1 hour till firm, then put in cold place. Miss (teraldine Parry'. SUFKKIOK COCIK 1!(KIK l''' Things Worth Knowing, •Tlio hack door robs tlic lioiisc," -llERTtEnT. Hand Lotion. Tlii-^ lotion is vcrv ao-reeahle f..r use on tin- skin and is easily prepared. Rose uater oz., , ,, V f , , 1 ,/ CiiiCACiO Decoe.vtors. luitter of antimony I o/. ^^ Javelle Water. Will remove all fruit stains; can be obtained at Tillson-s gals, of cream, i gals, of ice cream. loaves of cake and 5 ten-lb. turkeys. One gallon of ice cream Avill ser\e from twenty to twenty-four. One gallon of brick ice cream will serve fi-om twenty-five to tliirty nicely. E]\i]\rA M. Willis, Canton, 0. Kerosene oil is tlie best of furniture polisbes. It cleanses, makes a fine polisb. and ] (reserves from tbe ravages of insects. Here is an excellent floor polisb, tbe recipe for wdiicli conies from Japan: To 1 pt. of linseed oil add a ])t. of strong cold tea, 2 ozs. of spirits of salts and tbe wbite< of 2 eggs. Mix tborougbly and ])our into a large bottle. Sbake tbe bottle well be- fore applying tbe ])olisb. Pour y-> a teaspoonful on a mo]) or pad of old silk and rul) tbe wood witb it. following up tbe grain. Polish with an old silk bandkercbief. Tbe result will compensate for tbe tedious and careful labor necessary. Use kerosene for blood stains. Wash colored cottons and linens as (juickly as possible, dry in tbe sbade and take olf tbe line as soon as dry. Xever sun featber beds or 2)ilb>\\s. Air tbem tborougbly on a windy day in a cool ]ilace. Tbe sun draws the oil and gives tbe featbers a rancid smell. To remove a refractory screw from wood beat a piece of iron red bot and bold it on top of the screw for a minute or two; then the screwdriver will easily take out tbe screw if used wbile tbe screw is warm. The cleanest way to dri\'e water bugs or roac;hes from bureau draM'ers or closed shelves is to sprinkle powdered borax over and around tbe shelves and cover witb clean paper. Keep a boM'l of oatmeal on the wasbstand. and after washing the bands drv them in the meal. Tbe skin will be kept MJiitc and smooth, and less lial)le to chap by this process. Half a teaspoonful of sugar will nearly always revive a dying lire, and it is always a safe thing to use for this purpose. To destroy ants in pantry or refrigerators: Tjay small pieces (or pulverized) (•am])hor around in small quantities. To remove paint from glass: llwh with silver dollar. Clean jnarl)le in same way. To clean combs and brushes: Wash thoroughly in. wai'iu water, to which a teaspoonful of cooking soda has been added: dry quickly. To clean kettles and frying pans from Imi'iit vt'getahles or meat: Pour in water cold, add teaspoon of soda, let i)oil bard. Take a newspaper folded and wax thoroughly, use on ironing talde. Will keep irons smooth while ironing starched clothes. Always soak linen over night to take out coffee or cream stains and to take out berry stains pour through boiling water before wetting. To wash cambric or ginghams without fading: Take 2 tablespoons of salt, the same of turpentine. ]Tut in a ]>ail of cold water. Soak articles 2 hours then wash in bot suds. SUPERIOR COOK HOOK 1^1 Table of Equivalents. One speck makes 14 ^=>'^ spuun. Four salt spoons make 1 teaspoon. Three teaspoons make 1 tablespoon. Two gills make 1 cnp or y, pint. One wine glass makes y^ a gill. One cnp contains 8 ounccis of liquid. Ten eggs, average size, make 1 pound. One-half an ounce bottle of extract makes \-> i.-aspoons. One tablespoon of butter makes 1 ounce. One tablespoon of sugar makes 1 ounce. One heapino- tablespoon of ])0wdered sugar makes 1 (nuice. One tablespoon of Dousman's Best Patent flour makes V. ounce. Two tablespoons of ground spice make 1 ounce. Five nutmegs make 1 ounce. One quart Dousman's Echo sifted pastiT Ibuir makes 1 pound. One quart less 1 gill of sifted patent flour makes 1 p.)un,^