^^smm-'^rm^^f^^^ I LIB RillY OF CONGRESS.! I UNITED STATES OF AJIElilCA | wnaVVyy, \*« A A J 'A a * A /*» A A ^-^ WSftWr™ TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. A COMPLETE LIST ^ OF THK %'' ^^ -'tj' ^ FROM POIlTIiAND, ON THE RAILROADS AND STEAMBOATS la the State of Msiine. With other valuable inforraa- tica for Trayyllera, PRICE 10 CENTS, PORTLAND: J GEO. A. JONES & CO., Prtnters. 1873. A Pleasant and Profitable place to pass a fe^v moments while you are in Portland, is at AET GALLEUY! One BlocUontli Of the Falfflonlli Hotel. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, PAITiq TINGS, FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPHERS' SUPPLIES, CHROMOS, PHOTOGRAPHS, And all things else found in a well appoint- ed fine Art Gallery. AND YOU WILL BE VERY V/ELCOME ! ! HALE'S, NO. 2 FREE ST., (One Block South of the Faho^ulk Hotel.) HINTS TO RAILWAY TRAVELERS. Passengera are bound to observe decorum in the cars, and are obliged to comply with all reasonable demands to show their tickets. No passenger has a right to monopolize more seats than he has paid for. Any article left in the seat, while the owner is temporarily absent, entitles him to the seat on his return. Be careful to purchase tickets before entering the cars, thus avoiding much inconvenience. Baggage, of all kinds, should be checked. Examine your checks, and be sure they are right, before leaving the Baggage Agent. Railroad companies are not responsible for the loss of packages carried by passengers into the cars. Be sure you get on the right car of the right train, before the time of starting, and thus save the annoy- ance of changing on the route, or the disappointment of reaching other than the desired station. In addressing the Conductor on the train, do so, if possible, on his return, rather than when he is col- lecting tickets, as he then has little time to answer question!?. NEW STYLE iiili -A.X- 144 1-e Exchange Street, HINTS TO RAILWAY TRAVELERS. In leaving a car, never attempt to get off before the train has come to a full stop ; but it is well to make some preparation previously, that there may be no delay after the train has stopped. If, on arriving at your destination, yon do not find your baggage, give a memorandum of your check, and description of the missing articles, to the Bag- gage Master, or Station Agent ; if it fails to reach you by succeeding trains, during the next twenty- four hours, apply to the Master of Passenger Trans- portation, informing him of all the facts, from which train missing, &c. ' If, from any cause, it is needful to make complaint, do so to the chief of the department in which the grievance has occurred ; if no satisfaction is there obtained, then make a statement of the facts to the Superintendent ; but do not trouble either with fancied wrongs. TREAT ALL WITH COURTESY, and you will receive it in return. I WEIIDELL KIRSCE, ' MANT:FAOTtTFl!K OI- MEERSCHAUM & BRIER PIPES, I Cigar Tubes, Amber Mouth Pieces, j Billiard Balls, Canes, and all I kinds of Ivory Goods. I ; DEALER ly TOBACCO AND SEGARS, \ Imported & Domestic, Wholesale <£; Retail. ' Billiard Balis, Cues, Tips, Chalk, &c. Pipes ! Boiled, Repaired and Mounted, Opera i Glasses and Fancj Articles of all I kinds Repaired in the most i artistic manner I The largest and most complete assorted stock ! I of Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, Cigar | Holders, Amber Mouth Pieces, j and Canes in the State, always on hand. PORTLAND, ME. HINTS TO RAILWAY TRAVELERS. You wiil save money by purchasing yonr Tickets before entering the cars. CHECK YOUR BAGGAGE and the Company will then be responsible for it. Baggage in Passenger Cars is a source of anxiety to the owner ; causes inconvenience to others ; and is unsightly and alto- gether out of place. Baggage can be checked through from places in Canada to the United States and vice versa ; but in I such cases the law requires each Psssenger to point I out his Baggage to the Customs' Officers at the Fron- ! tier Station, in order that it may be examined. I Avoid altercations with the Conductors or other I Employees of the Company. Conductors have verjj- I responsible and arduous duties to "perform on the I journey, which require the utmost diligence on their part, and they have no time to enter into long dis- cussion, IT IS DANGEROUS to stand on the platform of cars or move from one car to another, or attempt to get on or off whilst the Train is in motion. Heads and arms are safest when they are inside the car windows. MANUFACTURER Of NO, 33 TEMPLE STREET, Having made importaut im- provements in liiiGS, adapted * tA.'flll tho rarioiis lorms ol" am- putations, wliicl) are secured byLsMera Patent, dated July fttli, 1870, is prepared to receive and execute orders for Legs' in which tiie best Materials and; Mechanical skill will be employed. These improve- I ments secure lightness and durability, natural lorm and action, and a perfect adjustment by the wearer, being simple in construction and noiseless. Weight from two to live pounds. Prices from $50 to $150. Old Legs repaired on call. Pattern and Model making and difficult jobbing will receive prompt attention. The system of Sockets, Joint?, Muscles, and Fasten- ings are upon a new plan on the theory of using all that remains of the amputated Limb. For all cases above the knee thigh, sockets are combined with the lower one by the artificial knee joints, -and if the stump is de- formed, the socket for the thigh is opened vertically by a lateral Joint. They are commended hj all surgeons, and the disabled who have become acquainted with their merits. Warranted to give satisfaction. Eastern Railroad. Connects with all Roads and Boats running North & East. From Portxand. fares. miles. $0 10 Cape Elizabeth 2 030 Oak Hill (Scarborough) ,.. 6 040 West Scarborough 9 55 Saco.r 13^ 55 Biddelord 15 90 Kennehunk (Stage to Alfred) 23 115 ^Yells (Stage to Alfred) - 28 1 25 Nortli Berwick (Stage to Alfred) 34 140 South Berwick Junct 38 150 Conwav Junction 41 155 Elliot 45 105 Kittery 50| 1 65 Portsmouth 52 1 85 Greenland 57 1 95 North Hampton 59 2 05 Hampton 62 2 15 Hampton Falls G5 2 15 Seabrook. 66 2 30 Salisbur J' 70 2 35 Newburyport. 72 2 40 Knight's Crossing 74 2 55 Rowley 78 2 75 Ipswich 81 275 Wenham 86 2 80 North Beverly 88 285 Beverly 90 285 Salem 92 2 90 Swampscott 96 290 Lynn 97 2 90 West Lynn 98 290 Revere 102 290 Chelsea 104 290 Everett 105 3 00 Somerville 108 3 00 Boston lt)8 A. N. IIOYES & SOiT, I)EALEKS I\ Magee Stoves, Eanges, AND PLATE IRON FURNACES. All kiMs of Parlor, Office end Cooi Stoyes, Pumps, Lead ripe, Slieet Lead, Tin, Zinc, Copper and Iron. VASES! VASES! For Gardens, Lawns and Cemeteries. Also, FOUNTAIN & BOQUET HOLDERS, FLOWER STANDS AND TRELLISES. (Upriglit and Chest.) And a general assortment of Kitchen Fur- j nishing Goods. Call and examine at 12 EXCIIAlSraE STREET. PORTLAND, ME. Portland and Ogdensburg Railroad. Fkom Portland. MILES. Stroud water 2} Westbiook 5 South Windham 11 Gan.bo 12 White Rock 13^ Sebago Lake 16% Richville -. 20| Steep FallP 24 East lialdwin - 2^5 Baldwin 29 Stages daily for Cornish, Keazer Falls, Porter, and Freedom, N. II. West Baldwin 33 Hiram ." . 3G^ Brownfleld 43 Stages daily to Denmark and Bridgton. 2 10 Fryeburg 40 Stages daily for Lovell and North Lovell. 2 30 Center Conway, N. H., 55 2 50 North Conway, N. H., 60 Disc.Hint of 10c. on Tickets bought at Stations. $0 25 35 50 55 OGO 75 95 1 10 1 20 130 145 155 185 f, paaMiif s. MAKUFACTL'RKR OF Plain and Fancy Confectionery, At Wholesale and Retail. Also, Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Oranges, Lemons, Figs and Dates, Nuts of all kinds, Lozenges, Raisins, Bananas, Chewing Gum, Tobacco and Cigars. 287 Congress St., Morton Block, Portland. j^Orders by Mail or Express prompUy attended to. Portland and Rochester Railroad. From Portland, fares. miles. $010 Morrill's 2i 25 Cuniberlan.^. Mills 5 025 Saccjirai)pa 6 035 Gorhain 10 Stages daily for West Gorham, Standish, & No. Limington. 50 Buxton Center 15 Stages daily for West Buxton, Bonny Eagle, and Limington. 60 Saco River 18 Stages tri-wcekly lor Limerick, Newflield, Adams' Corner, East Wakefield, Leigh- ton's Corner, and Ossipee. ■ 070 HollisCenter 20^ 090 Center Waterborougb 25 Stage Tuesday and tri-weekly for Limerick, Newlield, Parsonsfleld, and Ossipee. 100 So. Waterboro' .^ 28 115 Alfred 32 130 Springvale 36| Stages daily for Shapleigh and No. Sbapieigh. 145 EastLebanon , 42| 150 East Rochester 49^ 1 .50 Rochester (June, with D. & W. and P., G. F. &C. R.R.'s, for Boston, Lake WinnejMSseo- gee and Conway.) 52^ 3 00 Boston W. C. COBB'S Nos 28 & 30 Pearl Street, PORTLAND, ME. Bread, Cakes and Pastry of all kinds, Plain and Fancy Crackers, Wholesale and Eetail. Orders by Mail or Express promptly filled. BEST FAMILY FLOUR FOR SALE. MASONIC MEETINGS IN THE PEINCIPAL TOWNS AND CITIES THROUGHOUT THE STATE. Bridgton — Oriental, Saturday on or before full moon ; Oriental R, A. C, Thursday on or before full moon. GoEiiAM — Harmon, Wednesday on or before fullr moon. Westbrook— Temple, 4th Wednesday in month. BucKSPORT— Felicity, 1st Mond'iy in month; Han- cock R. A. C, 1st Wednesday in month. Ellswoetk — Esoteric, 1st Friday in month ; Lygonia, Wednesday on or before full moon ;*Acadia R. A. C, 1st Tuesday in mouth. Augusta — Augusta, Tuesday ; Bethlehem, first Monday. Gardiner — Hermon, Tuesday on or befce fall moon ; Lonic, 1st Monday in month. Hallowell — Kennebec, Wednesday on or before full moon ; Jerusalem R. A. C, Thursday on or before full moon. Watery iLLE—Waterville, Monday on or before full moon. Camden — Amity, Friday on or before full moon ; Keystone R, A. C., 2d Wednesday of month. Rockland — Aurora, 1st Wednesday in month; Rockland, 1st Tuesday in month ; King Solomon's Chapter, 1st Thursday in month ; King Hirams Council, 1st Friday in month. B. F. L1BBY & SON, STAIR BUILDERS, Delano's Mill, 252 Fore St., POETLAND, ME. Wood Turning. Posts and Banisters con- stantly on hand, and Pails made to order. Pattern & Model Maker, PRINTERS WORK, PLASTER MOULDS, &C. 252 Fore Street, foot Cross Street, POETLAND. MASONIC MEETINGS IN THE PUIXCIPAL TOWNS AND CITIES THROUGHOUT THE STATE. Eastport — Eastei'D, 1st Monday in month ; R. A. C, Ist Thursday in month ; K. T. C, 2d Tuesday in month. Alfred — Fraternal, Wednesday on or before full moon. BiDDEFORD — Dunlap, No. 47, 1st Monday in month, j Kennebunk — York, Monday on or before full moon ; Murray R. A. C, Monday after full moon. Kennebunkport — Arundel, Tuesday. Saco — York Chapter, 2d AVednesday in month ; Maine Council, 6tli Wednesday in month ; Saco Lodge, 1st Wednesday in month. South Berwick — St. Johns, Monday on or beforv3 full moon ; Unity R. A. C, 1st Thursday in month. Portland. — Placa of meeting, Pythian Castle, No 8 Clapp's Block. Bramhall Lodge, No. 3, Thursday evenings ; Munjoy Lodge No. 6, VVednesday evenings. Westbrcok.— Presumpscot Valley, No. 4, Monday evenings. Bangor — Norombega, No. 5. TO TI^-A."V^EX.EI^S 1 J. R. DURAN & CO., No. 171 MIDDLE STREET, PORTLAND, Offer to the TRAVELING PUBLIC ;m assoi tment of Trunks, Bags, Baskets SHAWL STRAPS, J ! And nil ;traveliug materia], equal to the best in New England, in sti'le and price. i»-CALL ON THEM.-Ser ( MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD. Through Trains to JBangor. Connects in Portland with Eastern, and Boston & Maine Railroads. Fkom Portland, fares. jules. *« 15 Decnng | ^'o^SJ!'.'-;;;:;;;;;;;;;:::::::::::: I 30 West Falmouth 9 40 Cumberland Junction 12 045 Yarmouth Junction, (G. T. R.) 16 080 Freeport 22 1 25 Brunswick (Androscoggiu R. R. connects 30 140 Harding's 35 150 Bath (Knox & Lincoln R. R. connects^ 40 135 Topsham 31 150 Bowdoinham 38 170 Harward's Rqad 41 185 Richmond 46 2 00 So . Gardiner 51 210 Gardiner 5G 2^3 Hallowell Gl 225 Augusta G3 Stages daily for Windsor, Liberty & Belfast. 260 Seven Mile Brook 70 285 Vassalboro' 75 Stages daily for East & No. Vassalboro', China. 325 Winslow 78 3 25 Waterville 81 3 35 Kendall's Mills 84 Stages daily for Unity. General Insurance Agent, 30 EXCHANGE STREET, (2 doors North iVIerchants'Exchange,) Represents the following First-class reliable Companies: Girard Fire Ins. Company, of Philadelphia, Pa. Assets/ $750,000. Merchants Fire Ins. Company of Newark, N. J. Assets, $625,000. Agricultural Fire Ins. Company, of Water- town, N. Y. Assets, 8800.000. Allemounia Fire Ins. Company, of Pittsburg, Pa. Assets, $350,000. Franklin Fire Ins. Company, of Indianapo- lis, Ind. Chartered Capital, $500,000, Assets, $300,000. GOOD COMPANIES. FAIR RATES. Large or Small Lines placed m first-class Companies in Boston, ISTew York, Philadel- phia and other Cities. MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD. Through Trains to Bangor continued. Connects in Portland with Eastevu and Boston & Maine Railroads. From Portland. fares. miles. $350 Clinton 91g •6 75 Burnham (.Jnnc, B. & M. L. R. R,) 97 415 Unity 105 430 Thorndike 109 I 4 40 Brooks 119 j 450 CityPoint 129 j 450 Belfast 132 j Pittsfield 104 I Stages daily to Hartland, St. Albans, Athens, I Harmony, Cambridge and Ripley. j 410 Detroit 108 j 4 25 Newport (N. &D, R.R.) Ill Corinna 148 , 5 00 Dexter (daily Stage to Moosehead Lake,) 125 435 East Newport 113| Stage daily to Plymouth and Dixmont. 4 50 Etna 119^ Stage daily to Stetson, Exeter and Levant. 4 50 Carrael - 123^ 4 50 Hermou Pond 127| Stage to North Newburg. 450 Bangor (E. & N. A. R. R. & B. & P. R. R.)....138 8 00 St. John, N. B 343| ALLEU & COMPACT, MAXIFACTCRKR?} & DSALERS IN CUSTOM 6c READY-MADE NO. 87 MIDDLE STREET, Maine Central Railroad— Through Trains to Skowhegan. Connects in Portland with Eastern, an«l Boston & Maine Railroad. FARES. Prom Portland. miles. Cumberland Junction 12 Walnut Hill (No Yarmouth U Perlej^'s (Gray) 19 Cliandler's (New Gloucester) 22 Danville Junction (G. T. R.) 28 Auburn , 33^ Stages daily to No. Auburn, Turner, North Turner, and 1 Jverraore Center. Lewiston , .S4| Greene. '. 43 Daily Stage to South Leeds. Leed&(Junc. A. R. R.) 45| Monmouth 48^ Winthrop ? .'54 Stages dailv to Augusta and Manchester. 22;> Readfleld..^ 00 Stages daily to Kent's Hill, Vienna, Mount Veruoti, Farniiegton and Farmington Falls. 250 Belgrade.... 08 Stages daily to New Shai-on, Mercer, East New Sharon, Rome, and Smithfield. 270 No. Belsradc... 721 2 l».'j West Waterville. IGh 325 Waterville..... 83 Stages daily to Fairfield, No. Fairfield, Lavone and So. Norridgewock. 335 Kendall's Mills 86 Stage daily for Unity and Benton. 3 40 Somerset Mills 85 3 5o Pishon's Ferry 02 Stages daily to Canaan. 4 00 Skowhegan , 100 Stages daily to Norridgewock, No. Anson, New Portland, Solon, Athens, and Har- mony, f0 40 55 80 100 110 110 110 1 70 180 190 2 00 i ^ "0 ^ti 1 )mpt att Si. 3* 3 ention O O -J 3 k ^ ^ 1. c1- to CI5 to 3 CD 3 (» o C/) CD ^ B' 9.^ c o o o ^ P H CD 3 2 W g o 1 o o S i 1-3 1 i 5 1 OQ (K 1 r VJ GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. o Connects in Portland with Eastern, and BoBton & Maine liailroads from Boston. From Portland, fares. miles. $0.30 Falmouth 5^ 45 Cumberland 8J 50 Yarmouth II4 50 Yarmouth Junction (P. & K. K. R.) V2h 70 No. Yarmouth 15^ Stage daily to Pownal and Durham. 80 Pownal 18^ 1 00 New Gloucester 22| Stage daily to Upper and West Gloucester, No. Raymond, and So. Poland. 110 Danville Junction (M. C. R. R.) 27^ 1 30 Hotel Road 283 140 Empire Road 32 1 60 Mechanic Falls (June. P. & Oxford Central - Railroad) 36\ Daily Stage to Poland and West Poland. 170 Oxford 40| Stage Monday and tri-weekly to Casco, Naples, and Otisfleld. 1 95 So. Paris 47| Stage daily to Paris, Norway, Bridgton, and Harrison ; Monday and tri-weekly to Water- ford and Lovell. 220 West Paris 55| Stage daily to No. Paris and Woodstock. 2 50 Bryant's Pond 61| Stage daily to Rumford; Monday and tri- weekly to Andover; Tuesday and tri-week- ly to Rumford Center, Peru and Dixfield. . BAILEY & NOYES, Piano Forte Warerooms, All who desire to pi.rchase a Cbickcring Piano will please read the following: By abolishing all discounts, Messrs. Chickoring & Son have abandoned the old stvle of Piano selling, and a- dopted in its place the One t'rico system. Every Instru- ment, wheuevku SOLD, bears invariably the fixed price. Messrs. Railey & Noyes are now authorized to sell an elegant Rosewood Seven Octave Chlckering Piano, for $475 11 The price for the same instrument under the old sys- tem of discounts, was $000. The same scale of great reduction in at-l classes op their instrumexts. Psrticular attention is called to the fact that the LARctKST STOCK OP PIAKOS kept in the State, will be found at our warerooms. Instruments will be sold on installments, if desired, giving persons of moderate means an opportimity to buy; and trices are so exceed- ingly low, ranging from $50 upwara, that all who choose may enjoy one of these indispensable ministers of social happiness. BUSINESS LAW. It is not legally necessary to say on a note '* for value received." A note drawn on Sunday is void. A note obtained by fraud, or from an intoxicated person, cannot be collected. If anote be lost or stolen, it does not release the maker ; he must pay it. An endorser of a note is exempt from liability if not served with notice of its dishonor within twenty- four hours of its non-payment. A note given by a minor is void. Notes bear interest only when so stated. Principals are responsible for the acts of their agents. Each individual in a partnership is responsible for- the whole nraount of the debts of a firm. Ignorance of the law excuses no one. It is a fraud to conceal a fraud. The law compels no one to do impossibilities. An agreement without a consideration is void. Signatures made with a lead pencil are good in law A Receipt for money paid is not legally eonclusive. The acts of one partner bind all the others. A.TTEISrTIO]J<^ I THE FINEST STYLES OF CUSTOM Boots, Shoes & Gaiters FOU LADIES AND GENTS iisr ]s^E^^^ eng-land, AT 101 Middle Street, Portland, Me. Special attention given to Style in Custom Work. C, F. JELLERSON. FOR EVERYBODY. Never fail to take a receipt for money paid, and keep copies of jour letters. Do your business promptly and bore not a business man with long visits. Law is a trade in which the lawyers eat the oysters and leave the clients the shells. Caution is the father of security. He who pays before-hand is served behind-hand. If you would know the value of a dollar try to bor- row one. No man can be successful who neglects his business- Be silent when a fool talks. Give a foolish talker rope enough and he will hang himself. Never speak boastingly of your business. Drs, JOHNSONS FRENCH, DENTISTS, Office ovei'H. H. Hay's Apothecary Store, JUNCTION OF FREE & MIDDLE STS. Dr3. J. & F. have all necessary facilities for preparing Pure Nitj'ous Oxide {Laugh- ing Gas.) The best Preparation that can be taken so that Teeth can be Extracted without pain. They claim to Jill teeth in the best possible manner, Teeth that are half or two-thirds gone by decay^ they can build up with Gold so as to render them serviceable for years. Artificial Teeth, from one to a full set, on the Vulcanized Rubber, Gold or Silver me fitted by the7n, and warranted to be as perfect as can possibly be made, and to give entire satisfaction to the patie7it. They will administer Ether to those who prefer it to the Gas. They cordially solicit the patronage of per- sons desiring skilfully performed Dental operations. WALTER R. JOHNSON, ^LGER W. FRENCH. 1 VALUE OF FOREIGN MONEY. On a Gold Basis. Pound Sterling, of England, $ 4.84 * Guinea, '* - - 5.05 Crown, " - 1.21 Shilling, - - .22 Napoleon, of France, - 3 84 Five Francs, " - _ . .93 Franc, - .18^ Thaler, of Saxony, . . .68 Guilder, of Netherlands, . .40 Ducat, of Austria, . _ 2.28 Florin, . .48^ Doubloon, of Spain (1800), - - 15.54 Real. «♦ . .05 Five Rubles, of Russia, . - 8.95 Ruble, . .75 Franc, of Belgium, - . .18i Ducat, of Bavaria, _ 2.27 Franc, of Switzerland, - . .18.^ Crown, of Tuscany, - 1.05^ ING. poonful ADVICE IN CASES OF POIS JON teas Stir into a glass of water a heaping each of salt and mustard and drink immediately. One or more doses will cause vomiting. and cleanse the stomach. To overcome ' the, effects, swallow the whites of two or three eggs, and drink a cup or two of strong coffee. Sweet Oil, taken freely, is excellent in poisoning. EXTENSIVE LIVERV, HACK & BOARDING 4: & 6 OREEN STREET, Rear of City Hotel, Where can be found an assortment of First-Class Livery & Hack Teams Landeaus, &c., at the shortest notice, and the most liberal terms. Also Splendid Band or Tarty Car^ 7'iages for Town or Beach Woi'Jc. J. W. EOBINSON, Proprietor. MONEY-ORDER OFFICES IN MAINE, Alfred, Eastport, Portland, { Auburn, Ellsworth, Presque Isle, | Augusta, Farmington, Richmond, | '' Bangor, Fort Fairfield, Rockland, Bath, Foxcvoft, Saco, Belfast, . Fryeburg, Solon, Bethel, Gardiner, Searsport, Biddeford, Gorham, Skowhegan, Boothbay, Ho u ton South Berwick, Brewer, Kendall's Mills Springvale, Bridgton, Lubec, Stockton, Brunswick, Lewiston, Thomaston, Buckfield, Machias, Unity, Bucksport, Mechanic Falls Waldoborough, Calais, NewpQrt, Waterville, Camden, New Sharon, Wilton, Ostiue, Norway, Winterport, Ch-erryfield, Paris, Winthrop, Dexter, Pembroke, Wiscasset, I>Ast Machias, Phillips, Yarmouth. INTERNATIONAL MONEY OFFICES. Augusta, Eastport, Rockland, Bangor, Ellsworth," Saco, Bath, Houlton, South Berwick, Belfast, Lewiston, Thomaston, Brunswick, Portland, Yarmouth, Calais. ! A FIRST CLASS GENT^ FURNISHING STORE, 293 Congress St., Portland, Men's Shirts, Under Shirts and Drawers, Hosiery and Gloves, Suspenders, Scarfs and Neckties, Collars, Cuffs, Cuff Buttons and Studs, Shirt Bosoms, Umbrellas, and other goods usually found in a Fur- nishing Store. We have a very large stock, and the best goods in this country. Fine Shirts made to order from measure^ and warranted to fit. REFERENCES: Hon. Israel Washburn, Jr., Hon. Samuel E. Spring. Hon, Joseph Howard, Hon. Geo. F. Shepley, Hon. Wra, Wirt Virgin. Hon. John B. Brown, Hon. C. P. Kimball, Hon. L.D. M. Sweat, Hon. Bion Bradbury, Hon. Wm, L. Putnam, T. C. Hersey, Esq., H. N. Jose, Esq , of Portland; Hon. Eugene Hale, Ellsworth; H. A. De- Witt, Esq., Augusta; Hon. T. S.Lang, Bath; E. Foster, Jr., Bethel; and hundreds of others of that class, who are our regular patrons. MONEY ORDERS Between the United Kingdom of Great Britain, German Empire, Switzerland, and the 1 1 United States. 1 1 On orders not exceeding $5 (to German Empire) _ . - - 15 cts. On orders not exceeding $10 - 25 " Over ^10 and not exceeding ^20, 60 " Over $20 and not exceeding $30, 75 - Over $30 and not exceeding $40, $1 00 •« Over $40 and not exceeding $50, 125 - United States Treasury notes or National Bank notes 1 1 only received or paid. )stage in REGISTRY DEPARTIVIENT Letters may be registered by paying pc full, and a registration fee in stamps, for — United States, - - _ 15 eta. Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and New Foundland, 5 " England, Ireland and Scotland, 8 ♦' German-Austrian Postal Union, embracing 1 the German and Austrian States, 8 - Spain and Portugal, 16 » Belgium and Holland, 8 " France, - _ . . 8 " I .. ii WM. M. PAINE, Fresco Painter, No. 30 Myrtle Street, PORTLAND, ME. Halls, Churches, Hotels and Private Eesi- dences painted in Oil or Distemper colors, from the plainest to the most elaborate style or finish, At the most reasonable T>rices. "Knox &. Lincoln Railroad. Fkom Portland. FjIres. miles. $1 50 Bath 40 155 Woolwich 41 1 G5 Nequasset 43 1 1 75 Montsweag 46| 1 75 Wiscasset 51i 2 CO Newcastle and Damariscotta 582 Stages daily for Bristol and Pcuioquid. 2 10 Damariscotta Mills COi 2 20 Nobleboro' 63 2 25 Winslow's Mills 68| 2 25 Waldoboro' 70^ 2 50 Warren 77 Siages Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, to Union, Jefferson, and Whitefield. 2 50 George's River 82^ 250 Thomaston 85 Stage daily for St. George. 2 50 Rockland 89 Stages daily to Camden, Lincolnville, North- port, St. George's, and So. Thomaston; Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, for Union, Appleton, and Washington. Steam- ers for all Points on the Penobscot River, Hurricane and Dix Islands. UNION TICKET OFFICE NO. 1 EXCHANGE STREET, PORTLAND, ME. Railroad and Steamboat Tickets on any line, to all points North, South, East and West. Time Tables, Maps, and all other infomation cheerfully furnished on application either by letter or person. No. 1 Exchange Street, PORTLAND, ME. European & North Amepican Railway. a . From Portland. «« g FAKES. MILES. ^^ Bangor, M. C. Depot 138 5: 03 Exchanore Street 138^ ^^ MountHope 140 fO 20 Veazie ..142| 35 Basin Mills 14.5^ 35 Eight Mile Siding 146 35 $4 75 Orono 146^ 45 Great Works 149^ 50 4 99 Oldlown (June. B. & P. R. R.) 1.50^ 050 • Milford 151^ 75 Costigan 156| 100 Greenbush i61 125 Olaman 1G4J 145 585 Passadumkeag 169 1 65 Enfield 173 2 00 6 40 Lincoln 182| 2 00 Lincoln Centre 184J 250 690 Winn 193^ 2 60 700 Mattawaumkeag 196 2 85 7 26 Kingman 204 305 Bancroft 217 3 30 Dauforth 226 3 35 Jaekson Brook 231 3 70 Lambert Lake 247 3 75 8 00 Vanceboro' 252 375 800 St.Croix,N. B 252 3 95 8 00 McAdam June. (June. N.B.&C.R. R.) 258 4 95 8 00 Fredrickton June. (June. F. B. U.R.)...297^ 600 800 St.John.N.B 343^ St. CpoIx dt Penobscot Railroad. FARES. From Calais. miles. Stages to Eastport and intei-mediate towns. $005 Milltown Z 015 Baring 5 040 Sprague's Falls 10 050 Whidden'sFarm 13 065 Baileyville 18 75 Princeton 21 Stage to Grand Lake Stream, Topsfield, pring- field, Jackson Brook, &c. Mannfacturcrs and Bottlers' Agents of Al6s, Porter & Qiampagne Cider, And Manuractuvcrs of , MINERAL cC SODA WATER. Soda Water in Steel Fountains and Siphons. Sarsaparilla and Ginger Beer Hotels and Retail Dealers throughout the State supplied at the shortest notice. No. 13 P^REBLE STREET, rORlXAND, ME. Portland, Bangor &. Machias Steamboat Line. INSIDE OR BANGOR ROUTE. Leaves Railroad Wharf ou arrival of steamboat train Boston. From Portland. fares. miles. $ir)0 Rockland... 80 150 Camden 88 150 Lincolnville 97 200 Belfast 10(> 2 00 Searsport , 113 2 o{) Bucksport 122 2 50 Winterport 127 2 50 Hanideu 134 2 50 Bangor UO MACHIAS (£ MT. DESERT ROUTE. $3 00 Castine U© 3 00 Deer Isle 130 3 00 Sedgwick 132 * '^ iVronnt Dpsert \ ^^- ^^^^^ Hwbor 155 5Q0 Mount ueseit | Bar Harbor 170 5 00 Millbridge 207 5 00 Jonesport 222 6 00 Machiasport 250 Portland Steam Packet Company. Daily Line of First-class Steamers between Boston and Portland. Steamers leave Atlantic Wharf, Portland, and India Wharf, Boston, every evening (Sundays excepted), at 7 P. M, From middle of September to middle of April, the hour of leaving Boston is 5 p. m. Fare, $1. 50. From Portland about 112 miles. State- rooms $1.00. lEA C. STOCKBHIDGE, 156 EXCHANGE STREET, PORTLAND, ME. MUSIC PUBLISHER, And Dealer in Sheet Music, Music Books, Strings, Violins, Banjos, Guitars, Ac- cordeons, Concertinos and Flutes, PianoSj Organs, Piano Slools, and Cloths, Musical In- struments and Musical Merchandise of all kinds. Very liberal arrangements made with Teachers. I Orders by mail receive prompt attention. New Music sent to any address for selection. International Steamship Company. Steamboats leave Central Wharf, Portland. Mondays at 6 o'clock in Januar}^ and Febrnarj' ; Mondays and Thursdays in March, April, May, June, October, November and December ; Mon- days, Wednesdays and Fridays, at six o'clock in July. August and September. Exact running time somewhat dependent upon time of arrival of trains from Boston. Xumber of boats each week somewhat dependent upon business and opening of navigation. FAKES. From Portland. .miles. .S3 50 Eastport. . - - 180 4 00 Calais, - - - 213 connects with Steamer for Calais. 4 50 St. John, _ . . 250 State-rooms $2 00 extra. Sanford's Independent Line of Steamers. FARES. From Bangor. miles. $0 50 Hamden G 75 Wlnterport 13 65 Bucksport 18 100 Searsport 27 1 00 Belfast, (M. C. R, R.) 34 150 Camden 52 150 Rocklaud (K. & L. R. R ) 60 400 Bostou, Mass 235 Kennebec Steamboat Company. FARES. From Augusta. miles. $ Hollowell 2 025 Gardiner 6 025 Richmond 17 050 Bath 32 2 00 Boston 165 Leaves Kennebec River Mondays and Thursdays, and Boston Tuesdays and Fridays, during the season of open navigation. S. H. & A. n. DOTEN'S Steam Planing & Moulding Mills Cross St,f Portland, Me* Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Lumber, Mouldings, Gutters, Conductors. STAIK WORK, &C, Kiln dried Lumber constantly on hand and worked to order. Job Mill-work Promptly attended to. Agents for Wood Working Machinery and Emery Wheels. Maine Steamship Company. New York Steamers leave Gait's Wharf, Portland, every Monday and Thursday at 4 o'clock, p. m., in winter, and 5 o'clock, p. m., in summer, and New York the same day at 3 o'clock, p, m., in winter, and 4 o'clock, p. M,, in summer. Fare, $5.00, including berth in State-room, meals extra. New England and Nova Scotia Steamship Company. Steamers leave Gait's Wharf every Saturday, at at 4 o'clock, p. M., for Halifax in winter; in summer on Tuesdays and Saturdays, at 5.80 p. m. Fake, $7.00, Stateroom, meals extra. Damariscotta and Waldoborough Steam- boat Company. Steamer Charles Houghton leaves Atlantic Wharf dur- ing the season of open navigation, Wednesday morn- ings for Boothbay, Round Pond and Waldoboro' ; Sat- urday mornings for Boothbay, Hodgdon's Mills and Damariscotta. Returning, leaves Damariscotta on Monday, and Waldoboro' on Friday. JORDAN BROS., Carpenters & Bmlders, I No. 11 Danforth Street, PORTLAND, ME. Particular attention paid to fitting up Stores, Offices, Counting Rooms, &c Doors and Sashes made to order. Also Book- Cases and Desks of all kinds made to order at short notice. Second hand Doors and Sashes constantly on hand. All Orders promptly attended to. M. S. JORDAN. J. C. JORDAN. U. S. POSTAGE. All postage must be prepaid, by affixing stamps denoting the postage required, upon letters, packages, or otkier m&il matter-. Every letter, or written communication, weight not over half an ounce, any distance within the United States, 3 cints ; for each additional half ounce, or fraction, 3 cents in addition. Manuscripts, for Newspapers, and Magazines, letter rates. Di-op Letters, 1 cent for every half ounce or less. At offices where free delivery by carrier is established. 2 cents for each half ounce. Postal Cards, with stamp impressed, one cent each. Pamphlets, occasional publications, transient news- papers, magazines and periodicals, hand-bills, posters, sheet-music, unsealed circulars, prospectuses, book manuscripts and proof-sheets, printed cards, maps, lithographs, prints, cbromo-lithographs and engrav- ings, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots and scions, 1 cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof; weight of packages limited to four pounds. Flexible Patterns, samples of ores, metals, minerals and merchandise, sample cards, phonographic paper, letter envelopes, postal envelopes and wrappers, un- printed cards, plain and ornamental paper, photo- graphs and all other articles for which other rates of postage are not prescribed in this table, and which are not by law excluded from the mails, 2 cents for each two ounces or fraction thereof; weight of packa- ges limited to 12 ounces. The best Clothes Cleaning Establishment in the State of Maine. Is always to be found at 97 FEDER.AL STREET, 4 Doors East of Temple, Where he is prepared to attend to gentlemen who wish to have their old clothes look like new. All work done at reasonable rates, at short notice, Gents cast-off garments bought and sold. Gentlemen's garments of all descriptions Dyed a?id Pressed in superior style. Don't forget the j^lnce, JRuby'Sf 97 Federal Street, U. S. POSTAGE-Contlnued. Books, 2 cents for each two ounces or fraction thereof; weight of packages limited to four pounds. Weekly Newspapers, Postage must be paid quarter- ly in advance, as follows : Weekly papers, 5 cents ; semi -weekly, 10 cents ; tri-weekly, 15 cents, and so on, adding 5 cents for each additional issue. Quarterly Magazines, &c., 1 cent per quarter for every 4 ounces thereof ; monthly, three times, semi- monthly six times this rate. Religious, Educational, and Agricultural News- papers, of small size, issued less frequently than once a week, may be sent in packages tp one address at the rate of 1 cent for each package not exceeding fc^r ounces in weight, and an additional charge of 1 cent is made for each additional four ounces or frac- tion thereof, the postage to be paid quarterly or yearly in advance. News Dealers may receive and send periodicals to regular subscribers, as publishers, but packages so sent cannot be returned except by pre-payment of transient rates. Franking Privilege, repealed after July 1, 1873. Money Orders from $1 to $ 50, may be obtained at any post-office in the United States authorized to transact this business. Commission charged for transmitting sums from $1 tojf'lO, 5 cents ; from ^i'lO to $20, 10 cents ; over #20 and not exceeding $30' 15 cents ; over $S0 and not exceeding $40, 20 cen's ; over $40 and not exceeding $50, 25 cents. Not over three orders can be sent at one time. THE REPRESENTATIVE MAINE JOURNAL. "THEE ST.A.TE/' Devoted to Maine and her interests, and in- dependent of party or denomination. $2 00 per year. 40 columns of choice matter. Address "THE STATE/' Portland, Me. Successor to S. S. MOONEY, UNITED STATES HOTEL, ■" 1 DISTANCES FROM PORTLAND To THE LARGEST TOWNS IN EACH State. MILES. 1 Washington, D. C. - - 554 1 Concord, N. H. - - 111 Montpelier, Vt. - - 150 Boston, Mass. - - 118 Providence, E. I. _ _ 153 Hartford, Conn. - - 218 Xew Yorlv, N. Y. - - 341 Trenton, N. J. - - 401 Philadelphia, Pa. - - 431 Wilmington, Del. - - 559 Baltimore, Md. - - 559 Eichmond, Va. - - 719 Ealeigh, X. C. - - - 842 Charleston, S. C, - - 1098 Savannah, Ga. - - 1211 . Cahawba, Ala. ^ - 1469 Monticello, Miss. - - 1784 JTew Orleans, La. - - 1814 Murfreesboro, Tenn. . _ 1262. Frankfort, Ky. - - 1119 Colnmbns, Ohio. - - 852 Indianapolis, Ind. - - 1064 Vandalia, 111. . -_ 1292 St. Lonis, Mo. 1331 1 i POPULAR RESORTS. And other places of Interest in the vicinity of the city 1 1 of Portland, and their distances, making the head of Free Street the 1 starting point. 1 m ! To Libby's at Fronts necli, by way of Broad's, •* Same — by -way of Vaughn's Bridge, old I'oad, 11 ! '♦ Atlantic House, Scarborough, by way of j Vaughn's Bride, 10 1 '• Kirkwood House, 10 «« Reform School, 4 " AVhite House, 3 " Ocean House, Bowery Beach, 8 «• First of the two Cape Lights, ?^ '* Cape Cottage, H " Evergreen Cemetery, following the Horse i Railroad Track, 3 ♦« Marine Hospital, n ■ From head of Cape Elizabeth ferryways to ; Cape Cottage, 2i «' Ocean House to Libby's, Prout's Neck, 7i 1 *« Union Wharf to Diamond Cove is about, 5 : To Pleasant Cove, 5 " Peaks' Island Landing, 3 " White Head. . . . - 3i " Cape Cottage, 3i ; '« Forest or Clapboard Island, 7 ♦' Basket Island, 8 '« Jewell's Island, H «« Goose Island, (Crouch's Cove,) 1 — 17 TRAVELLERS' GUIDE A COMPLETE LIST Ifaf jo??, Ifet^Pfi i |wf^\ FROM PORTLAND, ON THE RAILROADS AT^D STEAMBOATS In the State of Maine. With other valuable informa- tion for Travellers. PRICE 10 CENTS. PORTLAND : GEO. A. JONES & CO., Printers. 1873. r,mm'^ L „u wy avjvvw ^vVVV, , .JiiU/i> ■Jy\iJ<^^ mw vwv, #.^f^^ mNmi mm ^f»iyyya*«^^.»l,;^^Wy'^.s^ Ss«^fi LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 995 619 9