Class _..E_JiX ^ ,2 Booker?- COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN U.S. HISTORY BY H.M. TIPS WORD, PH. D. SUPERINTENDENT CUMBERLAND COUNTY SCHOOLS, AUTHOR AND PUBLISHER, TOLEDO, ILL, Mattoon, lU.; Commercial Print. 1907. =- n? 7 51 LlrvRARY of CONGRESS Two Co'jies Rt<;elveol AUG 23 »90r CoDvrnrht Entry COPY a. COPYRIGHT 1907 BY H. M. TIPSWORI> PREFACE. Ill the preparation of this worlv it has been the aim to direct the student over tlm liigh- ways of Imiiian activity in U. S. history, and so far as his ability will pemiit him to go and safely return to lead him to explore the hijiuays by means of inquiries of cause and ef- fect, or in other words to guide him down the great channels of historic movement and to the extent of his ability to direct him out at the inlets to search for the springs of motion which arc the origin of the various eifects. That these effects may be rightly interpreted, it is also necessary to study the influences act- ing on the rivulets sent out by these springs to detemiine the direction of their destiny. Only in this way can the real value of events and their relative significance be determined. The trend of the people at a certain time and place has much to do with how they will develop a certain movement and why they will so act, therefore, having an effect, the act- ors must be located in time and place and the stage of civilization studied before the motive which prompted the action can be determined. 4 PREFACE. That the 'journey may be more pleasant and profitable — there is more pleasure in a jour- ney if the time of day and the direction of bearings are known — the time and place ele- ments have been emphasized. It has also been the aim to suggest the em- ployment of such methods of assignment, pre- sentation and study of the lessons as will in- tensify the interest of the student and culti- vate a desire for systematic inquiry. The topical method of assignment and study of the lesson rather than so many pages to be memorized should be the rule. The ability to use profitably reference books in the prepara- tion of the lesson should be developed. Inde- pendent expression shouiii be encouraged and cultivated. Events should be studied as near as may be in the time order of their occur- rence that their relative position and impor- tance may be more easily determined and re- membered. The ability of the pupil to exe- cute rapidly free hand outline maps and sketclies should be developed and made use of in the preparation and recitation of the les- son to assist in the place relation of events and to aid the memtjry. The ability of the pupil should determine wlietlier the memory or reasoning faculty should be more exercised. Some topics are broken and again after a PREFACE. lapse of time coutiimed. It is, tlierefore, nes- essary to study intervening events before com- pleting the study of such topics. It is there- fore, thought advisable, after the entire range of development has been covered to review such topics as indicated by outlines. This will alford a good opportunity of making a more exhaustive study of the topic and application of the "library method." II. M. Tli'SWOKD. Toledo, 111, 1907. ERRATA. On page 23, H'' should be 8^ and even With 7^ above it. On page 55, under 13^, under 1-, 1^ and 2^ are reversed. On page 64 in Suggestion No. 2, vicin, should be vicinity. _()n page 90, Suggestion No. 3, northwestern should be northeastern. On page 110, 2^ Assassination of Garfield not (to). On page 112, Suggestion No. 1 this time not the time. On- page loJ), 29'], date wrong, should be (1857-61) instead of 27. On page 148 the preposition "in" should be inserted before American in 1- under 7^ CONTENTS. I. C'LASyE.S OF HlSTUHY AND DeFI X1TJON8. 13 II. Epochs of V. S. Histoky 14 III. Pkeitistoric P^pocii 14 IV. .P^POCH OF YOYACJF AND DISCOVERY. . . 15 1. The Northmen 15 •2. The Spaniards 15 3. The En^iish.. 18 4. The French., ' 21 5. The Dutch 23 G. Classification of Claims 23 V. Colonial Epoch. 1. Ylrqinia. [a) Outline 25 {h) Suggestions. 28 2. New York. (a) Outline 29 (h ) Suggestions 32 3. ]\f(ISS(tc]lUs('tfs. (a) Outline 33 (h) Suggestions 3G 4. Nnr Tlampsliire. (a) Outline 37 CONTEXTS (h) Suggestions 37 5. Connecticut. {a) Outline 37 {h) Suggestions 39 6. Marylan d. (a) Outline 40 (h) Suggestions 41 7. Ehode Island. (a) Outline . 42 (h) Suggestions *. . . 43 8. Delaware. (a) Outline 44 (h) Suggestions 45 9- Carolinas. (a) Outline 45 {!)) Suggestions 48 10. New Jersey. (a) Outline 48 (h) Suggestions 50 11. Pennsylvania. (a) Outline 51 (?>) Suggestions 52 12. Georgia. (a) 'Outline 53 (h) Suggestions 54 13. Tntercolonial Wars 55 14. Svgfjestions on Epoch 57 CONTENTS 9' VI. Epoch of Devolution and Conped- EEATION. 1. Eevolutionary War 59 2. Confederation 62 3. Suggestions on Epoch 64 VII. National or Constitutional Epoch. 1. Washington's Administration. (a) Outline 65 (h) Suggestions 67 2. Adams' -Administration. (a) Outline 6S {!)) Suggestions 68 3. Jefferson's Administration. (a) Outline 69 (h) Suggestions 71 4. Madison's Administration. (a) Outline 72 (h) Suggestions 75 5- Monroe's Administration. (a) Outline 76 (h) Suggestions 78 6. John Q. Adams' Administration. (a) Outline 79 (h) Suggestions 79 7. Jackson's Administration. (a) Outline 80 (h) Suggestions 82' 8. Van Buren's Administration. 10 CONTENTS (a) Outline 82 (h) Suggestions 84 9. Harrison and Tyler's Adminis- tration. (a) Outline 84 (h) Suggestions. 86 10. Polk's Administration. (a) Outline '. . S6 (h) Suggestions 90 11. Taylor and Filmore's Admi:^iis- t rati on. . (a) Outline 91 (h) Suggestions 92 12. Pierce's Administration. (a) Outline 93 ( //) Suggestions". 95 13. Buchanan's Administration. (a) Outline 95 (h) Suggestions 97 14. Lincoln's Administration. (a) Outline : 98 ■ ( /; ) Suggestion.^ 103 15. Johnson's Administration. (a) Outline 104 (h) Suggestions 106 16. Grant's Administration. (a) Outline 106 (h) Suggestions 108 CONTENTS 1 1 17. Hayes' Administration. (a) Outline 108 (h) Suggestions 110 18. Garfield and Arthur's Adminis- tration. (a) Outline 110 (h) Suggestions 112 19. Cleveland's First Administra- tion. (a) Outline 112 (h) Suggestions 113 20. Harrison's Administration. (a) Outline 114 (h) Suggestions 115 21. Cleveland's Second Adminis- tration. (a) Outline 115 (&) Suggestions 117 22. McKinlev's Administration. Outline 117 23. McKinlev and Eoosevelt's Ad- ministration. (a) Outline 120 24. Eoosevelt's Administration. (a) Ontline 122 .25. Suggestions on Epoch 124 12 CJNTENTS YIII. liEViEW Topics (3utlixed. 1. Early American Authors and Literature 126 2. Great inventors and Inventions. 128 o. Conflicting Claims and Bound- ary Adjustments 133 4. Negro Slavery in V. S 134 .5. Financial Conditions and Legis- lation. . . .' 141 (1. Tlie Tariff Question 145 7. Foreign delations 148 8. Alwriuines L53 UNITED STATES HrSTORY Classes. 1^ As to time. 1- Ancient 2- Mediaeval. 3- Modern. 2- As to natni'' 1- Civil. 2" Sacred. '^~ Profane. DEFTNITIONS. 1. History is a narration of the prot^ress of a nation or institution with inquiries of causes and ef['ects. 2. Ancient history is a statement of facts from the creation of the workl to the hirth of Christ. 3. Mediaeval history is a statement of facts from the hirth of Christ to the fall of the Ro- man Empire, 500 A. D. -1. Modern history is a statement of facts from the fall of the Roman Empire to the pres- ent time. 14 A MANUAL AND GUIDE tN 5. Civil history is a statement of facts con- cerning the rise, continuance and fall of em- pires, kingdoms and states. (). Sacred history is a statement of facts in the sacred scriptures. 7. Profane history is a record of fn))idous good. II. Epochs of U. S. History. 1^ Prehistoric. 1- Time. 1" From remote antiquity to about 1000 A. D. 2' A^oyage and Discovery. 1- Time. 1-^ From 1000 A. D. to 1607. V Colonial. 1- Time. 1=^ From 1G07 to 1775. 4^ Pevolution and Confederation. V Time. 1^ From 1775 to 1789. 5^ Constitutional. 1^ Time. 1^' From 1789 to present. III. Prehistoric Epoch. 1^ The Mound Builders. 1" The Mounds. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 15 1=* Location. 2'' Size. 3^ Probable purpose. 43 What they contained. 2- Write a composition on the char- acter of the Mound Builders as indicated by the signs they left. IV. Ei'ocir OF Voyage and Discovery. 1^ Nations, Voyages and Discoveries. 1- The Northmen. P Bjarni. (995-1000) 1* Coast of Nova Scotia, New- foundland and Labrador. 2^ Lief Erickson. (1000) 1* An island near Cape Cod. 3^ Thorwald Erickson. (1003-lOOd) 1-* Long Island Sound to New York harbor. 2-* New England coast. 4^ Thorfinn. (1007) l'^ New England coast. 2* Wintered at Buzzard's Bay.- 2- Spanish. 1=^ Columbus. (1435-150G) 1* Boyhood. 2* Education. 3^ Manhood. 4* Voyages and Discoveries, l-"^ Sansalvador. (1492) 16 A 3IANUAL AND GUIDE IN 2=^ Other Islands. (1493) 3^ Mainland. (1498) 4° Darien. (1502) 5^ Kesult of Voyages. ()^ Death. 2'-^ Vasco de Gama. ^ (1498) 1^ Around cape of Good Hope. 2^ .Result of Voyage. 3=^ Amerigo Vespucci. (1499-1501) 1"* Who he was. 2^ His voyages. 1=^ First. (1499) 2' Second. (1501) 3* What he did. 4* How he was honored. Ponce de Leon. 4^ Voyages and Discoveries. , 1^ Florida. (1512) 2^' Returned to Florida. (1520) 1" Result. 2^ Purpose in making a voyage. 3* How he was honored. Balboa. 1^ Moral and social character. 2"' Voyage and Discovery. (1513) P Pacific Ocean. :y' Death. 1^ Time. 2^ Place. 3^ Gauge. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 17 ^l"^ Result of Discoveiy. G^ Cortez. 1* His character. 2"* Object in coming to America. 3^ Eesult. 4^ Voyages and Discoveries. 1^ Sailed to Mexico. (1519) 2^ Conquered Mexico. (1521) 5* Montezuma. . 2^ His fate. 1^ Who he was. ()^ Guatimozin. 1^ Who he was. 2^ His fate. 3^' "Am I on a bed of roses?" 7'' Magellan. (1520-1522) 1^ Describe voyage. 2^ Difficulties of voyage. 3^ What his voyage proved. 8^ De Ayllon. (1520, 1524) 1-^ Voyages and Discoveries. P Carolina. (1520) 1« Eesult. 2^^" Carolina. ^ (1524) 1« Eesult. 2^ Honor bestowed upon him. 3"* What you think of him as a man. 9^ Narvaez. (1528) 1* Explored Florida. 18 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 1^ Object of voyage. 2^ Describe voyage. 3^ Result of voyage. 10=^ De Soto. 1* Honor conferred on him before he sailed. 2* Discovered Mississippi River. ; (1541) 3* Purpose of expedition. 4* Death. 1^ Time. (1542) 2^ Places of burial. 3^ Result. 5* Result of expedition. 11^ Menendez. (15G5) 1* Founded St. Augustine. 2* His cruelty. 3* How his bloody deeds were avenged, and by whom. 4* For what is St. Augustine not- ed? 5^ Result of his work. 12^ Espejo. - (1582) 1* Founded Santa Fe. 2* For what is Santa Fe noted ? 3* Result of his work. 32 English. 1^ The Cabots. (1497, 1498) 1* The object of vo3^ages. 2* The voyages, UNITED STATES HISTORY. lO I-' Coast of Labrador. (1497) 2-' South to Chesapeake Bay (1498) 3* Describe the voyages. 4* Result of voyages. 5^ M^as John 'Cabot justifiabk' in naming the land he discovered Prima Vista — first view? 2' Frobisher. (157G) 1-^ His object. 2* Describe his voyage. 3* Discovered what? 4* What still bears his name? 5^ What did he take home with him? G'^ Result with reference to object. 3-^ Drake. (1579) 1* Cause and result of his expedi- dition. 2^ Why his expedition was impor- tant. 3^ Describe the expedition. 4* What he named I^ew Albion. 5"* What honor conferred on him ? 4-- Gilbert. (1583) 1"^ The expedition, l-'^ Object. 2-' Describe. 3-^' Result. 4^' Name of vessel on which he 20 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN sailed. 5''' His fate. 6^ His last words. ry' lialeigh. (1584, 1585, 1587) 1* Roanoke Island. 2"^ Describe the several voyages. S^ Object of each voyage. • 4"^ Eesult of each voyage. 5^ Who was Virginia Dare ? 6'-^ What was the Lost Colony? 7^ Who were Ealph Lane and John White ? 8"^ The tobacco story. O'^ The potato and tobacco. 10* Fate of Ealeigh. iy' Gosnold. , (1602) 1* Coast of Massachusetts. 2"* His object. 3* Wliy he crossed Atlantic in less time than liis predecessors. 4** Result of voyage with reference to his object. 7-'^ Pring. (100,3, IGOG) 1* The voyages. 1^ Object. 2'' Describe. 3^ Result. 2"^ What he carried home; use made of it. S^ Hudson. (1607, 1608) UNITED STATES HISTORY. 21 1"^ Tlie , expeditions. • 1-^ ()l).]ect. 2' Result. Frencli. 1^ A^errazzani. (1524:) 1"^ Exploration. 1-^ Object. 2-^ Extent. 3-^ Result. 4-' What lie named the region. 5-^ TTow he increased i;.he value of his explorations. 2^ Cartier. . (15:34,1535) 1* The expeditions. 1-^ Object. 2-' Discovery. 1" St. Lawrence River. (1534) 2" Sailed up St. Lawrence River to Montreal. (1535) 3" How the French valued these possessions at that time. 4-^ How they valued these pos- sessions later. 3^ Ribault. (1562) 1^ The expedition. 1-^ Object. 2-^ Under whpse auspices made? 3' Who the Huguenots were. 4'^ Result of the expedition. 4^ Laudonniere. (1564) 22 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 1^ The expedition. 2^ Object. 3^ Under whose auspices expedi- tion was made. 4^ Kesiilt of expedition. 5^ De Monts. (1605) I"' The expedition. 1-^ Object. 2' Eesnlt. '-¥' Port Koyal for what noted? i)'' Chaniplain. ' (1(508, 1(309) 1* The voyages. 1"^ Describe. 2' Object. 3-^ ()uebec» founded. (lOOS) 4" Lake C]iani])hiin discovered. (1(309) 5' Importance of work. 6' Quebec noted for what? 7'' Marquette. (1(573) V The exploration. 1-' Chief object. 2'' What he discovere(L 3' What he explored. 4"' Describe the voyage. y' Importance of voyage. 8^ La Salle. "(1673-80) 1* Explorations. 1-^ Object. , 2^ Description. UNITED STATES HISTORY. ^*^ 3-5 Kesult. 4-^ What he named the country. 5-^ Other phices he named. 6^ Sis fatp. ''i? Hudson. (1609, 1610) 1^ The voyages. 1-5 Object. 2'' Result. ;^-^ Eesult with reference to ob- ject. / 2^ Fate of Hudson. 2^ Discoveries and explorations. 1- Classification. 13 Spanish. 1^ West Indies. 2-^ Continent. i 3^ Coast of Florida. 4-^ Atlantic coast. 5^ Gulf coast. 6"^ Pacific coast. 7^ Mexico. 8^ ]\Iississippi River. 23 French. 1"^ Atlantic coast. 2-^ Gulf of St. Lawrence. 3^ St. Lawrence River. •i-' Region of Great Lakes. 5-^ Acadia. 6^ Mississippi A^illey. 24 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 3^ English. 1* The Continent. 2* Xorth- Atlantic coast. 3^ Middle-Atlantic- coast. 4* Eoanoke Island. 5^ Hudson Bay. 6* Pacific coast. 4^ Dutch. 1"^ Manhattan. 2^ Hndson River. 2- Counter claims. S IT G (I E S T I X S . 1. Ui3on whose discovery or exploration was each of the ahove claims based? 2. Make an outline map of the U. S. and locate the claims and counter claims of each nation. 3. Write the name of the discoverer or ex- plorer on region discovered or explored on out- line map. 4. Write date of discovery or exploration under name on map. o. Study the conditions in Europe wliich led to the discovery of America. fi. Study the influences in Europe which led to discovery and exjiloration in x\merica. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 25 7. The race uf })eople found l)y Europeans in America. 8. How the Indiaiir^ were treated hy the several nationalities who came to America^ 9. Families of Indians as divided by eth- nologists. 10. How t]w Indians subsist in their nat- nral state. 11. Describe their weapons and implements, an'l tell how' they obtained them. 12. Discuss their peculiar l)eliefs and cus- toms. 13. Discuss the characteristics of the Cliff Dwellers. CoLoxiAL Epoch. 1^ Virginia (London Company). 1- Two patents issued. 1^ To whom. (1606) 2^ Purpose. 3^ Particulars. 2- Plymouth Company settlement. 1^ Object. 2^ Particulars. attempted (1606) 33 Result. 32 First Charter granted. 1^ Particulars. (1606) 26 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 2'' Effect. 4^ Settlement at Jamestown. (1607) 1^ Pvirpose.. 2^ English. 1"* Characteristics. 3=^ Eesult 5- Second charter granted. (1609) 1^ Compare with first. 2« Effect. 6^ Starvincr time. (1609-10) 1^ Cause. 2^ Eesult. 7~ Third charter granted. (1612) 1^ Compare with others. 2^ Effect. 8^ Marriage of Pocahontas. (1613) 1^ To whom. 2^ Effect. 9^ Tohacco culture. 1^ First planted. (1614) 2^ Value. 3^ Ii^creased production. (1615) 10^ Pocahontas went to England. (1616) 1^^ Particulars. 11^ Lord Delaware died. (1617) 1^ His character. ' 2^ Effect. 12- Kepres(;nt:itive assembly. (1619) 1'^ Place. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 27 introduced. (1619 (IG^l) (1622) 2* Purpose. 3^ Result. 13^' Negro slavery 1^ Particulars. 2"^ Effect. 3^ Result. 14- Women brought to America (1620) 1^ Number. 2' Purpose. 15- Culture of cotton. 1^ Extent. 2^ Value. 16- Indian massacre. 1^ Cause. 2^ Description. 3^ Result. 4^ Effect. 17" Royal Province. 1^ Cause of change. 2^ Effect of change. 18- Indian massacre. 1^ Cause. 2^ Events. 3' Result. 4^ Effect. 19^ Navigation Act. 1^ Object. 2^ Particulars. 3^ Passed. 4^ Enforced. (1641-18) (1651) (1660) 28 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 53 Effect. 20- Bacon's Rebellion. (1676) 1^ Cause. 2^ Events. 33 Eesult 43 Effect. 21- Proprietary government. (1677) 1" Purpose of change. 2" Proprietors. 3=^ Effect. 22- Eoyal Province. (1684) 1^ Cause of change. 2^ Effect. 1^ Development to Pevolution. 23- William and Mary College. (1692) 1' Location. 2^ Leaders. 33 Effect. 24- Birth of Washington. (1732) 1^ Parents. 1* Brief sketch. 25- Virginia Pesolutions. (1765) 1^ Nature. 2^ Effect. SUGGESTIONS. 1. Give a biographical sketch of John Smith ind discuss his inlluence and its effect in the ;olony. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 29 2. Draw a, map of Virginia indicating the territory of London and Plymouth companies and the important places mentioned. 2^ New YorJc. 1- Settlements. 1- New Amsterdam. (IGlo) 1' People. 1^ Characteristics. 2^ Object. 2* Result. 2'' Fort Orange. (1615) 1* People. 1^ Characteristics. 2-' Object. 2^ Result. 2- Minuit governor. (l()2(»-3o) 1^ Characteristics. 2^ Influence. 3- Van Twiller governor (168o-o7) 1^ Characteristics. 2^ Influence. -1- Delaware settled. (lGo8) 1^ Place. 2^ People. 1* Characteristics. 2* Object. 3^ Result. 5- Kieft o-overnor. (1637-47) 30 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 1^ Characteristics. 2^ Influence. 6^ Trouble with Mohawks. (1643-45) 1^ Cause. 2^ Eesult. 7- StuyvGsant governor. (1647-64) 1^ Character. 2^ Influence. 8^ Swedish rule ends (1655) 1' Particulars. 9- New York City founded (1656) 1^ Particulars. 2^ Result. 10- English rule. ' (1664) 1- Particulars. 2' Effect. 11- Nicolls governor. (1664-68) 1^ Character. 2^ Influence. 13- T^velace governor. (1668-73) 1^ Character. 2^ Influence. 13=^ Dutch rule. (1673) 1^ Particulars. 14^ Calve governor. (1673) 1^ Effect. 15= Ceded to England. (1674) V Terms. 16= Andros governor. (1674-83) 1^ Character. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 3i 2" Influence. 17^ Dongan governor. 1^ Character. (1683-89) 2^ Influence. 18" Legislative assembly. 1^ Place. (1683) 2=^ Object, 3^ Effect. 19- Charter of Liberties. (1683) 1^ Object. 2^ Effect. 20" Leisler governor. 1=* Character. (1689-91) 2^ Influence. 3^ Fate. 21^ Slaughter governor. 1^ Character. (1691) 2^ Influence. 3^ Death. 22^ Fletcher governor. 1=' Character. (1691-98) 2^ Influence. 23- Bellomont governor. (1698-1701) 1^ Charactei. 2^ Influence. 242 Career of Capt. Kidd. (1698-1701) 1^ Description. 2^ Result. 25- Hyde govenior. 1^ Character. (1701-1708) 32 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 2-^ Influence. 2Cr Lovelace governor. (1708-1709) l** Character. 2'^ Influence. 27- Crosby governor. (1709-1731) 1^ Character. 2^ Influence. 2. liow much was paid for Manhattan Is- land ? }i). Discuss the home life of the Dutch. 11. Stud}^ the social and religious condi- tion of the colonial life in New York and com- pare with that of Virginia. 12. Study the educational ideals of the col- onists ;md com])are wi^h Virginia. lo; Discuss incentives and hindrances to industrial jirogress and compare with Virginia. V Massachusetts. 1- Charter to Council of Plymouth (ir.20) . i^ Provisions. 2- Settlement at Plymouth. (1G20) 1"' English Independents. 1* Chaxacter. 2^* Ohject. V DifTiculties. 4* Journey. 5* Landing. 34 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 6* Compact. 2^ Result. 3- Carver governor. (1620) 1" Character. 2" Influence. 3^ Administration. 4^ Death. (1620) 4^ Bradford governor. (1620) 1^ Character. 2^ Influence. 3^ Writings. 4^ Administration. 5- Visit of Massasoit and Samoset. (1621) 1^ Object. 2^ Effect. * 6^ Message of Canonicus. (1622) 1^ Nature. 2^ Effect. 7- Indian difficulty. (1623) 1^ Cause. 2« Place. 33 Result. 4« Effect. .S- Socialism. l"' Abandoned. (1623) '2^ Land allotted to settlers. 3^ Effect. 9- Massachusetts Bay settlement. (1629) UNITED STATES HISTORY. ^'^ 10- Wintlirop governor. (^io^u; 1=^ Character. 2^ Influence. ,3^ Administration. 11^ Boston founded. (l^^O) 1^ Particulars. o3 T?psult. 12- Banishment of Williams. (1G35) 1^ Cause. 13^ First Printing Press. {ib6J) 13 Name of manager. 2^ Place. 3'^^^^*- • /Iran 11- Body of Liberties. (l^^l) 1^ Nature. 2^ Effect. . 15- Union of iNe.w England Colonies (lG4o) 1^ Purpose. 1 Cr King Philip's War. • (IbVo-O) r^ Causes. 2^ Events. 33 Kesult. 43 Effect. 17- New Charter. i^^^^) V Comparison. 18^ Salem Witchcraft. (169^) 36 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 1^ Nature. 2'' Cause. 3^ Result. 19- First Xews paper. (1704) P Name. 2^ Effect. 20- First Post office. (1710) 1^ Particulars. ^ ! 21- Culture of tea. (1720) 1^ Extent. 2« Value. SUGGESTIONS. 1. Explain the meaning of Puritans^ Pil- grims, Independents, Separatists and non-con- formists. 2. Discuss the social and religious views of lioger Williams and Anne Hutchinson. 3. Discuss the cause of industrial and so- cial difficulties in the colony.. 4. Discuss provisions for education and compare with Virginia and New York. 5. Why is the Salem Witchcraft known as one of the strange delusions of colonial liistory? G. Draw an outline map of Massachusetts and locate the colonies and places mentioned. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 37 4^ New Hampshire. 1- Settlement at Dover. (1G33) 1^ English under Mason. 2^ .description. 33 Progress. 2- Union with. Massaclmsetts. (1041) 1^ Cause. . 2^ Result. 0- Koyal Province. (IGTU) 1^ Cause. 2^ Progress. SUGGESTIONS. 1. Discuss the nature and effect of the pro- prietary government of Gorges and Mason. 2. Discuss the nature and result of the trouble that followed when New Hampshire was united to Massachusetts. 3. Discuss the cause for Massachusetts, Maine and New Hampshire having almost a common history, 4. Draw an outline map of New Hampsliii-e and locate places connected with colonial his- tory. b^ Cotmecticut. V Settlement at Windsor. (1633) 1=^ English. V Character. 38 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 2^ PurjDOse. 3* Progress. 2^ Eesult. 2- Saybrook Colony. (1635) 1^ People. I'* Character. 2* Object. 2^ Eesult. 3- Hartford settlement. (1G35-6) 1^ People. 1* Character. 2* Object. 2^ Eesult. 4- Pequod War. (1637) 1^ (5ause. 2"^ Events. 3^ Eesult. 5- New Haven Colony. (1()38) P People. 1* Character. 2^ Object. 2^ Eesult. 6- Hartford, Windsor and Wethers- field united. (1639) 1^ Cause. 2^ Eesult. 33 Written Constitution. (1639) 1* Second in America. 2* Effect. V Union with Massachusetts and UNITED STATES HISTORY. 6\) others. (1643) 8- Boundary line between New Netherlands and Connecti- cut settled. (UrA)) 1^ Cause of dispute. 2^ Settlement. 9- Royal charter. (1G()2) 1-'^ Cause of change. 2' Effect. 10- Charter demanded. (1687) 1^ Particulars. 2^ Result. 3« Charter Oak. IV Charter government resumed. (168'9) l""^ ProgTcss. 12- Yale college founded. (1701) 1^ Location. 2=^ Promoters. 3'^ Effect. SUGGESTTONS. 1. Explain how Roger Willams prevented the Narragan setts frcmi joining the Pequods. 2. Discuss the chief cares of the law-mak- ers. 3. What was the only law book of the New Haven Colony? 4. Discuss the incentives and hindrance to civil, industrial, social aud moral progress. 40 A MANUAL AND GDIDE IN G^ Maryland. 1- Settlement at 8t. Mary's. (1G3-1 i 1"^ English. I'* Character. 2* Purpose. 2'^ Pro.srress. 2" Legislative asseml)]v. ■ (1G35) 1' Phice. 2" 'Purpose. S-"^ Effect. -3- Troul)le with Clavl^orne. (1G35) l'"* Cause. 2^ Piesult. 3' Clavhorne deprivefl of Civil "rights. (1G:3.S) 4- Eepresentative o-overnment. (1G39) 1^ Purpose. 2-*^ Effect. 52 Indian troiihles. (1G42-4) l""* Cause. 2^ Events. 8'' Result. 4^ Effect. G- Clayborne's Rebellion. (IGin) 1^ Cause. 2^ Events. 3^ Result. 7- Toleration Act. (1649) 1' Nature. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 41 2^ Purpose. 3=^ Effect. ■i^ Eopeal. (1G54) !■* Cause. 2' Effect. 8-' Civil War.. (1655-60) 1^ Cause. 2^ Events. 3^ Jlesult. 5)- llight of suifraii-e. (KiTS) 1^ Effect. 10- Became lloyal Province. (168!)) 1^ Cause of change. 2« Effect. 11- Proprietarv rights of Baitiinores restored.' (1715) V Efl'ect. 12- Mason and Dixon Line. (1762) 1^ Occasion. 2"^ Eesult. S IT G a E S T 1 N S . 1. Gi\'e a Ijrief hiography of tlie Lord Baiti- inores connected with tlie colonial history of Maryland. 2. Explain wliat pronii)ted the first jjord Baltimore to come to America. 3. Discuss the liberal conditions of the con- stitution received by the: son of the first Lord 42 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN Baltimore after his death. •i. Describe the voyage of the Ark and Dove. 5. Tell how Virginia received the new set- tlers. 6. Give an account of Geo. Fox and his wori. in the colony. 7. Compare the educational, social and in- dustrial developments of colonial life in Mary- land with those of the other colonies studied. 8. Draw an outline map of Maryland and locate places noticed. Rhode Island. 1- Settlement at Providence. (1636) 1^ People. 1* Character. 2* Purpose. 3^ Anne Hutchinson and Wm. Codington joined colony. (1637) 2^ Purpose. 3" Effect. 22 Settlement at Portsmouth. (1637) 1^ People. 1* Character. 2* Purpose. 3- Massachusetts forbade trade with Ehode Island. 1^ Cause. UNITEiD STA*rES HISTORY. 43 2^ Result. 4- Denied admittance into New Eng- land Union. (1643) 1^ Cause. 5- Newport and Portsmouth united. (1G44) ^ 1^ Purpose. 2' Effect. 3^ Election oiticers. (1647) 1* Why delayed. 6- Royal Province. (16G3) 1^ Effect. 7- Andros expelled and fornuor gov- ernment resumed. (1(589) - 1^ Effect. 23 Progress. SUGGESTIONS. 1. Discuss the religions ideas of loaders of these settlements. 2. Discuss some of tlie laws adopted in 1647. 3. , Relate tlie life and fate of Mrs. Hutchin- son. 4. Compare the industrial, political, social and moral developniKsnts with the other colonies studied. 5. Draw a map, and locate settlem.ents and places mentioned. 44 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 8^ Delaware. 1" Settlement at Wilmington. (1638) l-*^ Settlers, (Swedes.) 1^ Character. 2^ Object. ^ Resnit. 2- Settlement at Tiniciim Island. (4(U3) V Settlers. 1^ Character. 2^ Object. 2--^ Resnit. 3- Under authoritv of Xew Nether- lands. " (1055) l-*^ Effect. 2^ Resnit. |- Secedcnl from rennsylvania. ■(l(;j)l) 1" Canse. 2^ Effect. 5- Fletcher of N. Y. governor " (1692) l"^ Anthoritv. 2^ Effect. 6- Reunited with Pennsylvania. (1693) 1^ Purpose. 2^ Effect. 7" New Constitution granted bv Penn. ' (ITOl") UNITED STATES HIStORY. 45 1^ Nature. 2^ Purpose. 3^ Effect. . Sketch Burgoyne's campaign and revie' it. G. Discnss constitutional position of the Declaration of Independece and the politicri, theories it sets forth. 7. Sketch, and recite Howe's campaign iii Pennsylvania. 8. Describe Clinton's Cam])aign up tlic Hudson River. 9. Discuss Arnold's Treason. UNITED STATES HISTOUY. 65 10. Draw sketches nnd describe the cain- j)fiigiis ill the south. 11. Battles fought to defend Xew York: Phihidelphia. 12. T.earn fully the termis of tlie treaty of 1783. 13. Draw an outline map to indicate the boundary of the U.S. as fixed by this treat . 14. Study carefully the (Confederation as indicated by outline. 15. Study the advancement made during- til is e]>och in education, literature, science, com- uierce, agriculture and manufacture. 1(). (^mi})are the social and religious condi- tion during this epoch with that of the colonial epoch. VII. National or Constitutional Epoch. 1^ The new government. 1- Organization. l'"^ Legislative de})artment. 2^ Executive department. 3^ Judicial department. 2^ The Administrations. 1- Wa.<^hwf/fon. (1789-1797) 1-^ Inaugurated President. (1789) 2^ Harmer defeated by the In- dians. (1790) 3 66 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 1* Cause of trouble. 2^ Eesult. 3^ Seat of government renioxed from New York to Philadel- phia. >( 171)0) 1* Wliy changecl. 4-'^ Vermont admitted into tlie Union. (1701) 1^ Amount paid New York foi it, 5^ Trouble with Indians. (ITDl) 1* Cause. 2* Eesult. (v^ IT. S. Bank incorporated. (1791) 1-*. Author of Bill. 2* Object. 3* Eesult. 7^ Kentucky admittcMl into ITnion. (1792) S^ Colund)ia Eiver div^covered. (1792) 1* By whom. 2* Eesult. 9^ Cotton gin invented. (1793) 1"^ By whom. 2^ Object. 3* Eesult.. 10-^ Trouble with France. (1793) 1* Cause. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 67 2-^ Result. 11^ Whiskey Rebellion. (ITDi) 1^ Cause. 2^ Result. 122 Trouble with the Indians. (171U) 1^ Where. 2"* Cause. 3^^ Result. 13^' Jay's Treaty. 1^ When made. (1794) 2^ When ratified. (1795) 3* Object. 4* Result. 14^ Tennessee admitted into the Union, (179G) 15^ Adams elected President (1790) S IT G G E S T 1 N S . . 1. Discuss the origin of political parties. 2. Origin of Republican party. 3. Give history of the settlement of th-e new states. 68 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 2- John Adams. (1797-1801) 1^ Inaugurated President. (1797) 2^ Trouble with France. (1798) 1* Cause. 2* Events. , 3* Treaty. 1^ Time. (1800) 2^ Terms. 3^ Alien and Sedition Laws. (1798-1800) 1^ Object. 2^ Provisions. 3* Cases under acts. 4* Objections. 5^ When passed. (1798^ ()* When repealed. (1800) 4^ Death of Washington. (1799.) Iv Effect on country. 5^ Jefferson elected President. (1800) 6^ Seat of governments changed from Philadelphia to Wash- ington. (1800) SUGGESTIONS. Effect of the Alien and Sedition Laws in UNITED STATES HISTORY. 69 the election of 1800. 2. Discuss the political contests of Europe which were transferred to America. 3. What party was successful in this first contest ? 4. Explain the circumstances under which Pinckney said, '^Millions for defence but not ono cent for tribute." 5. Explain the X. Y. Z. episode. 6. How Jefferson was elected. 7. Discuss the educational and industrial conditions. 32 Jefferson. (1801-1801)) 1^ Inaugurated President. (1801) 2^ War with TTipoli declared. (1801) 1* Cause. 2* Events. 1^ Problems campaign. (1803) 1^ What he accomplished. 2^^ Eaton's campaign. (1805) 1^ Captured Derne. 3* Treaty. 1^ Time. (1805) 2^ Terms. 3^ Ohio admitted into the Union. (1802) 4^ Louisiana Purchase. 1* Give history. 70 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 2' Of whom purchased. 3* By whom negotiated? 4* Treaty. 1'^ Time.^ ■ (1803) 2^ Terms. 1^ Boundary. 3» Cost. 1^ Money. 2' Claims. 5* Objections, l"' By w^hom? 2^ Cause. 6* Value. I-'" Napoleon^s estimate. 2^ Estimate of U. S. 5" Hamilton-Burr duel. (1804) 1* Cause. 2* Eesult. 3* Character of each. 4^ Service of each. 6^ Twelfth Amendment. (1804) 1* Provisions. 7" Lewis and Clark expedition. (1804-1806) 1^ Purpose. 2* Result. 1^ Columbia River discov- ered. 1* Importance. 2^ Astoria founded. (1811) UNITED STATES HISTORY. 7l 3* Nortliwestem Boundary. 8^ Britisli "Orders in Council." (1807) 1* Cause. 2^ Result. 9' Milan Decree. (1807) 1* Cause. 2* Eesult. lO--^' Embargo Act. (1807) 1* Cause. 2^ Eesult. 11^^' Steam-boat invented. (1807) 1* By whom. S"* Significance. IS'*^ Importation of slaves forbid- den after Jan. 1, 11)08. (1807) 1* Cause. 2* Effect. 13- Election of Madison. (1808) 14-'^ Embargo Act Eepealed. (1809) IS-'' Commerce with Great Britain and France forludden. (1809) SUGGESTIONS. 1. Give history of settlement of Ohio. 2. Classify the legislation of this adminis- tration as having for its object the promotion 72 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN of civil, industrial, social or moral progress. 3. Discuss the condition of the international relations of the country. 4. Discuss the incentives -and hindrances to agriculture, commerce and manufacture. 42 Madison. (1809-1817) 1^ Inaugurated President, (1809) 2"^ War with .Creeks. (1811-1813) . 1^ Cause. 2* Important Battles. 1° Tippecanoe. (l-'^H) 2" Fort Mimms. (1813) 3^ Horse-shoe Bend. (1813) 3* Result. S-"^ President and Little Belt 4' Louisiana admitted into Union (1812) rr' Second War with England de- clared. ' (1812) I'' Cause. 1^ Disturhance of trade. 2^ Im,pressment of seamen. 3'"' Refused indemnit}^ 4^ Desire for conquest of Canada. 2* Events. 1^ On Land. UNITED STATES HISTORY. •73 V Invasion of Canada. 1^ Object. 2' Battles. 1« Detroit. (1812) 2^ Niagara. (1813) 3^ Result. 2'^ Battle of Lundy's Lain (1814) 3*^ Washington burned. (18U) ■l" Plattsburg. (1814) 5° New Orleans. (1815) 2^ On Sea. 1^ Three Naval Battles. (1812) V Wasp and Frolic. 1« Place. 2^^ Description. 3« Eesult. 2^ United States - and Macedonian. V Place. 2^ Description. 3*^ Result. 3^ Constitution and Ja- va. 1^' Place. 2^ Description. 3' Result. 2« The four Naval Battles. 74 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN (1813) 1^ Hornet and Peacock. 1« Place. 3^ Description. 3« Eesult. 2^ Chesapeake . and Shan- non. 1^ Place. 2^ Description. 3« Eesult. 4-^ Impressive saying. 3^ Enterprise and Boxer. 1« Place. 2^ Description. 3^ Eesult. 47 Perry's Victory V Place. 2** Description. 3« Eesult. 4^ Memorable saying. 3« The ISTaval Battles". (1814) I'' Lake Chaniplain. l**" Description. 2« Eesult. 3^' Treaty. 1« Time. (1814) 2« Place. 3« Terms. 4^ Eussian Mediation, UNITED STATES HISTORY, 7& 5^ Peculiarity. 6« Result. ()•■■• Hartford Convention. (18U.) 1^ Where. 2* Object. :V IJesiilt. 7=^ War with Algiers. (1815) 1* Cause. 2" Events. 3* Result. 8^ IT. S. Bank ree bartered. (1810) 1^ Review history. 9" Indiana admitted into Union. (181G) 1* History of settlement. 1 0-'* Electi on of Monroe. (1816) B IT G G E S T I N S . 1. Review international relations. 2. Study financial conditions. 8. Study social and religious conditions. 4. What party opposed the war? IJesult of this opposition ? 5. Make drawings to indicate the land cam- paigns. • f). Effect of the land campaign. 7. Effect of the naval warfare. 8. General condition of the country. 76 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 5- Monroe. (1817-1825) 1" Liaiiguratod President. (181T) 2'^ ^lississippi admitted into the Union. ~ (1817) 1^ Ifistorv. S-"^ First Seminole War. (1817-18) l'^ Cause. 2" Events. 1'' Jackson's eam]iaign. (1818) 1« Effect. 3* Eesnlt. 4-*^ Illinois arlmitted into the Union. (1818) U JTistory. 1"' Settlement. 2-' N^orthwest Territory. 3-^ Ordinance' of 1787. I \ Territorial s^overnment. (1809) 5^ Alahama admitted into the Union. (1819) 1^ History of settlement etc. . (P Florida ceded to U. S. (1819) 1"* By whom. 2^ Conditions. 3* Southeaf^t houndary. 4* Treaty ratified. " (1821) 1"' Canse of delay. 5* History. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 77 V Discovery. i-' Settlement. 3^ Changes of ownership. 7-' Maine admitted into the Union. (182')) 1* History, l"' Settlement. 2-' Boundary. ^'■' Tlio Missouri (Vimpromise. (1820) 1^ Author of Bill. 2* Necessity. 3* Provisions. 4^ Effect. 9'"' Missouri admitted into th(^ Union. (1S21) 1^ Application. 1^ Time. (1818) 2^' Opposition. 3^ Dehates. 2'^ History of territory. lO-' South American Kepublics es- tablished. (1822) 1"* Significance. 2^ The Washington of S. A. 11- The Monroe Doctrine. (1823) 1* Purpose. 2"* Provisions. 3^ Effects. 4^ Efficiency. 78 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN l"' Examples. 1« Cuba. (18o4) 2« Mexico. (18G5) 3« Peru.^ (18S1) 4« Cuba. (1897) 12^ Lafayotto's visit to ^U. S. (1824) 13" John (}. Adams elected Presi- dent. (1824) 143 Erie Canal constructed. (1817-25) 15=^ Immigration. (1815-48) SUGGESTIONS. 1. Study the condition of the country with reference to finances, commerce ,and manufac- ture. 2. Study internal improyements made and attempted during tliis administration. 3. Ex]4ain why the period from 1821-1825 is known as the "Era of Good Peeling.'' 4. Disappearance of the Federal Party. 5. Appearance of the Loose Constructionist Pepublican Party. G. Existence of real parties. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 79 ()- J oil a Quincy Adams. (1825-1829) 1^ rnaugurated President. (1825) 2^ Erie canal completed. (1825) 3^ Treaty of Indian Springs. (1825) 1* Object. 2^ Effect. 4^ U. S. and Georgia conflict. (1825) 1^ Cause. 2^ Eesult. 5^ Treaty with Indians. (182G) 1^ Object. 2^ Result. ii^ First Eailwav constructed. . (1827) 1^ Description. 2* Effect. 7^ Protective Tariff. (1828) 1* Object. 2^ Opposition. 8" Jackson elected President. (1828) SUGGESTIONS. 1. Lea 111 the manner of electing Adam? President. 2. The formation of National Republi'-ai and Democratic Parties. 80 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 3. Discuss the causes of the sectional dif- loMiice en the tarift" question at this time. -i. Study the etforts made at internal im- ]'rovenieni. 5. Compare the political, social, industrial and moral conditions at this time with those conditions of 1800, and state causes of dif^ ference. '■ Jaclson. (1829-1837) 1^ Inaugurated President. ( 1829) 2'' Wehster-IIayne dehate. (1830) 1* Issue. 2^ Particulars. 3^ "Address" of South Carolina. (1831) 1^ Cause. 2* Character. 3* Eesult. 4^ Tariff Act. (1832) 1^ Object. 2* Provisions. 3^ Op])osition. 1^ Cause. 4:' Eesult. 5^ Nullification Act. (1832)' V Convention. 2* Ordinance. 3^ Exposition. 4^ Jackson's proclamation. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 81 5* Force Bill. 6^ Webster-Calhoun debate. 1\ Particulars. 6" Mr. Clay's Compromise Bill. (1833) V Object. 2^ Provisions. 3^ Eesults. 7^ Black Hawk War. (1832) 1^ Cause. 2^ Events. 34 Result. 8=^ Bill to re-charter U. S. Bank vetoed. (1832) 1* Review history. 9" Funds removed from U. S. Bank. (1833) V Purpose. 2' Result. 10- Trouble with France. (1834) 1* Cause. 2^ Result. 11^ Removal of Cherokee Indians to Indian Teritory. (1835> 1* Review cause. 2" Result. 12^ Seminole War. (1835-1842) ^1* Cause. 2* Events. 3* Result. 82 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 13^ Arkansas admitted into the Union. (1836) 1^ Review History. 1^ Settlement. 2^ Development. 14^ Van Buren elected President. 15^ Michigan admitted into the Union. (1837) 1^ History, l'"^ Settlement. 2'' Development. SUGGESTIONS. 1. Discuss tlie cause of Jackson's tirst term being stormy in foreign and domestic rela- tions. 2. Study action takeii for internal imjvrove- ment. 3. State some of the differences of ()j)inion on internal improvement. 4. Give meaning- of rotation in office. 5. Party in power? 8- Van Buren. (1837-1841) 1^ Inaugurated President. (1837) 2" Commercial crisis. (1837) !■* Cause. 2* Nature. 3* Extent. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 83 3-* Extra session of CJ'oiigress. (183T) 1^ Purpose. 2^ Eesult. 4^ Sub-Treasury Bill. (1837) l* Provisions. 2^ 01)jections. .3^ Failure. 5-* Canadian Rebellion. (1837) 1^ Action in U. S. 2^ Result. Vr' Elect rie Telegraph invented. (1837) 1^ Inventor . 2^ Signifieance. 7' Mormon difficulty. (1839-44) 1* Cause. - 2^ Result. 8-^ Vulcanized rub))er invented. (1839) 1* Inventor. 2^ Uses. 3^ Value. • 9'" Second ComnuTcinl Crisis. (1839) 1"* Cause. 10'^ Passage of Sub-Treasury. Bill. (1810) 1^ Effect. 11'^ Election of Harrison. (1840) 84 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN S U G Ct E S T T N S . 1. Study condition of foixngn relations, cv-^- pocially with Mexico. ~ 2. Study the nature of internal improve- ments. 13. Progress in science. 4. Al)olition party appears. 9- Harrison and Tyler. (1841-1845) 1^ Harrison inaugurated Presi- dent. ' (1841) 2^ Eepeal of suh-treasury. (1841) 3^ Death of Harrison. ^ (1841) 4^ Tyler inaugurated President. (1841) 5^ Bankrupt Law. (18^1) 1* Object. 2-^ Effect. O*^ Veto of bill to reeharter Fiscal Bank. (1841) 1^ Effect. 1° Eesignation of President's cabinet except Webster. 7-' Dorr Rebellion. (1842) 1* Cause. 2* Result. 8'^ Webster-Ashburton treaty. (1842) V Terms. UKlTEIi STATES HISTORY. SS 2^ Kesult. ' S* History of contention. 9" Underground railroad (1842) 1^ What. 2^ Purpose. 3^ 0|)position. 1"' Cases. 10' Tariff Act. (1842) 1* ()i)j(^ct. 3^ Effect. IT' Anti-rent riots. (1843) 1^ Origin. 2' Result. 12" Sewing machine invented. (]S4r,) 1* Inventor. 2* Significance. l"' Industrial. 2-'^ Social. IS-*^ First telegrapli line. (1844) 1* Significance, l'"' Commercial. 2^ Social. 3"' First message. 1" By whom sent ? 2*^ By whom received ? 14-' Polk elected President. (1844) 15^ Florida admitted into the Union. (184,-), 1* Eeview^ history. 86 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN SUGGESTIONS. 1. Make a map showing Jiow the northeast l)oun(hiry of LI. S. was fixed by treaty of 1842. 2. Study the lielps and liind ranees to pro- gress on various lines that have developed dur- ing this administration. 3. Gondition with reference to the shivery question. 4. Gondition of international relations. T). Study the Texas annexation agitation which beo-an in 1836. 10- Pom. (1845-1849) 1"^ Inaugurated President. (1845) 2^ Texas admitted into the Union. (1845) V History, jr. Territorial. 1^' French claim. 2" Spanish claim. 3" Treaty with Mexico. (1832) 2^ Declared independence. (1836) 3'"' Applies for admission. (1836) '4'' Annexation Act. (1845) 1« Effect. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 87 3^ Harvesting Machine invented. (1845) 1^ Inventor. 2* Significance. 1° Industrial. 2^ Social. 3^ Educational. ■4=^ Planetarium invented. (1845) 1^ Inventor. 2^ Significance. 1^ Educationcil. 5^ Smithsonian institution estab- lished. (184()) 1^ Location. 2* Purpose. 3* Effectiveness. G^ TsTorthwestcrn boundarv settled. (184(>) 1* Oregon territory controversy. 1^ Claims. 1" Russian. 1^ Basi^. 2« Spanish. V Basis. 3« United States. 4^ Arbitration. 5« Result. 7^ Iowa admitted into the Union. (184G) 1* History. 88 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 1^ Settlement. 2^ Development. 8^ Gen. Taylor sent to Eio Grande Eiver; (184G) 1* Purpose. 2' Eesult. 9" Mexican War. (184G-181S) 1^ Cause. 1^ Conflicting claims. 2^ Boundary question. 3^ Slavery Question. 4"'^ Annexation of Texas. 2^ Events. 1^ Campaiij^is. V Western. 1^ Freemont's. 1^ California. 1^ Result. 3^ Kearney's. P :N^ew Mexico. 1« Eesult. 2^ Northern. 1^ Tavlor's. V ]3attles. P Pak) Alto. (1846) 2« Eesaca de la Pal- ma. (184G) 3^ Matamoras. (1840) dnIted states history. 89 4'-' Montere}'. (184(1) 5'' Kiieiin Vista. (184;) 3" Contral. 1' Scott's. 1« Battles. 1« Vera Cruz. (1847) 2'' ('Cro (iordo. (1847) ?)^ Coiitroras". (1847) 4'^ ]\Tolino del Roy (1847) 5*^ Chapultepec. (1847) G*^ Mexico. (1847^ 3^ Treaty. 1-^' Time. (1848) 2-' Place. 3-' Terms. 1*^ The two million bill. 2« Texas, California, New Mexico. 3*^ Southwestern lioundary. 10^ Wilmont Proviso. (181(5) 1* Provisions. 2* Opposition. 3* Result. 90 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN ll-"' Wisconsin admitted into th» Union. (1848y 1* History. 1^ Settlement. 2'' Development. 13' Discovery of golH in Califor- nia. (1848) 1* Importance. 2* Effect. 133- Election of Taylor President. ■ (1848) SUGGESTIONS. 1. Draw an outline map to show the Texas boundary dispute, and the southwestern bound- ary of the U. S. as fixed by the treaty of Gude- loupe Hidalgo. 2. Draw a map of the Oregon territory and indicate the nortwestern boundary line of the U. ,S. as fixed in 1846. 3. Draw^ a map to indicate the northwestern [)oundary as fixed by the treaty of 1842. 4. Draw a sketch and review Taylor's cam- paign. 5. Draw a sketch and review Scott's cam- paign. 6. Study and discuss the progress made in commerce, agriculture and manufacture. 7. Discuss the social, educational and mor- al incentives. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 91 8. Explain how labor-saving machinery af- fects a people intellectually, morally and so- cially. 9. Explain the cause of the revival of the slavery contention. 10.' Formation of the Free Soil Party. 11^ Taijlor and Filmore. (1849-1853) 1^ Taylor inaugurated President. (1849) 2'' Rush to California. (1849) 1-* Cause. 2^ Results. 3=^ Death of Taylor. (1850) 4^ Filmore inaugurated President. (1850) 5^ Omnibus Bill (1850) 1* Object. 2^ Dekites. 3* Provisions. 1^ Texas Bill. 2' California Bill. 3-^ New Mexico Bill. 4^ Utah Bill. 5^ District of Columbia Bill. 6^' Fugitive-slave Bill. 4-* Result. 6^ California admitted into the Union. (1850) 92 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 1^ History. 1^ Discovery. 2^ Settlement. 3^ Development. 7^ Clayton-Bulwer Treaty. (1850) 1* Purpose. 2* Provisions. 3* Effect. 8^ Underground railroad. (1851-54) 9^ Lopez in Cuba. (1851) 1* Purpose. 2* Eesult. 10" Louis Kossuth in U. S. (1852) 1* Object. 2* Eesult. 11^ Pierce elected President. (1852) 12^ Tripartite Tteaty. 1* Proposed. (1853) 2* Atitude. 1^ England. 2-'' France. 3^ United States. 3* Eesult. SUGGESTIONS. 1. Discuss the political changes at this time. 2. Explain the meaning of sqaiatter sov- ereignty. What; party favored it? UNITED STATES HISTORY. 93 3. What caused some states to pass personal liberty laws? -L .Draw a map of Cuba and review the Cu- ban Filibustering expedition. 5. Discuss the condition of international relations. 6.. Discuss the internal conditions of tlie country. 12- Fierce. (1853-1857^ 1^ Inaugurated President. (1853^ 2" Gadsden purchase. (1853) 1* By whom. 2* Of whom. 34 Terms. .4* Southwestern boundary. 3^ Kane's search for Franklin. (1853) 1* Eeview Franklin's expedition. (1845) 2* Result. 4^ World's Fair at New York. (1853^ 1* Object. 2* Comparisons. 5^ Pacific railroad exploration. (1853-4) I'' Purpose. 2* Result. 6^ Kansas-N'ebraska Bill. (1854) 94 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 1* x\iithor. 2^ Oi^position. 3^ Amendments, -i^ Provisions. 5^^ Result. 1'^ Kansas warfare. 7^ Walker's Filibustering expedition. (1853-1855) 1^ Purpose. 2' Result. 8^ Treaty with Japan. (1854) 1^ Terms. 2' Effect. 9^ Treaty witk Great Britain. (1854) 1^ Terms. 2* Effect. 10^ Ostend Manifesto.* (1854) 1* Object. , 2^ Result. IP Civil War in Kansas. (1855-56) 1* Cause. 2^ Object. 3* Events. 44 Result. 12^ Election of Buchanan. (1856) UNITED STATES HISTORY. 95 SUGGESTI.ONS. 1. Draw an oiitiine map to indicate the change in the Southwest boundary of the U. S. as fixed in Gadsden Purchase. 2. Discuss the comparative in(histrial condi- tion of the IT. S. as indicated h}' tlie WorhFs Fair at N^ew York. 3. . Discuss the condition of international relations and internal improvements. - 4. Stud}^ the sectional strife^ on the shivery question. T). Party in power (). New Parties. 13- Buchanan. ( 1857-1 S()l) "l-"^ Inauo-urated President. (1857) 2'' Sub-marine telegraph. (1857-8) 1^ First atte:mpt. (1857) ■ I-''' By whom. 2^' Description. 3^ Eesult. 2' Second attempt. (1858^ l"' By whom. 2"' Description. ' 3-^ Eesult. 3-' Commercial Crisis. (1857) 1* Cause. 2* Extent. 3* Effect. ^"^ Dred Scott Decision. (1857^ 96 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 1* Object. 2* The case. 1^ Descriptioii. 2^ The decision, o^ Princii^les involved. 4^ Eiffect. rr Personal Liberty Bills. (ISoT) 1'* Cause. 2^ Effect. ()•* Minnesota adniiitted into the Union. (ISrxSj 1^ History. 1^ Settlement. 2-' Development. 7'' Oregon admitted into tbe ITnion. (1851), 1* History. 1'' Discovery and exploration. 2'' Settlements. 3^ Claims. 4^ Development. f^-' Discovery of silver, oil and gas in west. (18 50) 1^. Development. 2* Effect. 1)^ Homestead Bill. 1* Proposed. (1859) 2* Object. 3* Provisions. 4* Defeat. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 97 10'' John ])r()\v]rs lliud. (I8:ii)) V Object. 2^ Description. 3-* Eesult. IP Japan Embassy. (18G0) 1"* Purpose. 2^ Result. 12'' Election of Lincoln. (18()0) 13';* Secession of South Carol i 11 a. 14^ Kansas admitted into the (18()()) ! Union. V History of territory. (18(11) SUGGESTIONS. 1. (Hassify the disturbing influences — re- lio'ious, social, civil and financial — during thii; administration. - 2. Describe tlie activities which stimulated )u-()gress on the lines nxentioned in No. 1. ;>. Compare the educational, religious, so- cial and industrial conditions at this time with those of 1830. 4. What was the last act of legislation which had for its object the peaceful adjust- ment of the sectional difference on the slavery question ? T). Study the effect of "Uncle Tom's Cab- in." 4 VO A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 6. Review the men who distinguished them- selves in debating the slavery question. 7. Discuss the significance of the elt'orts made to facilitate the means for communication abroad. 8. Study the effect of easy' communication abroad on the moral and industrial life of a people. 14^ Lincoln. (1861-0.-)) 1^ Star of the west fired upon. (18G1) 2^^ Miss., Fla., Ala., Ga., La., Tex.. Ark., X. C, and Tenn. seceded. (18G1) 3^^ Congress of (Jonfederacy met at Montgomery. ' (IHCl) 1"* Confederate Constitution. 2^ Confederate Cabinet. 3* Confederate flag. 4^ Lincoln inaugurated President. (18()1) 5-"^ The Civil War. (ISfU-Gr)) 1^ Causes. l'^ State's Rights. 2^^ Slavery. ' 3'' John Brown's Raid.' 4^ Election of Lincoln. ^y' Firing on Fort Sumter. 2* Events. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 99 1^ Introductory. (1861) 1" Bombardment of Fort Sumter. 2^ Capture of Harper's Ferry. \3^ Norfolk NaVy yard burned 4*' Call for volunteers. 5^ Writ of Habeas Corpus suspended. G^ Opening movements. 1^ Plan of the North. 2" Plan -of the South. 2^ Campaigns. 1« In\he East. 1^ West Virginia. (ISGl) 1^ Philippi. 2« Cheat Mountain. 2' First Bull Pun. (18G1) 3^ Peninsular. (1862) 4^ Amtietam. ■ (1862) 5' Fredericksburg. (1862) 6^ Chancellorsville. (1863) 7' Gettysburg. (1863) S' Wilderness. (1864) 9^ Grant's Virginia. (1864) 10^ Sheridan's Valley. (1864) 11^ Expedition of Banks. (1864) 12^ Stoneman's Paid. LOFC 100 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN (1864) 13^ Early in Shenandoah Valley (1864) 14^ Sheridan in Shenan- doah Valley. (1864) 15^ CedaT Creek. (1864) 16' Sheridan's Eide. 2" In the West. V Kentucky. 1« Belmont. (1861) 2^ Fqrt Henry. ( 1862 J 3^ Fort Donelson. (1862) 4« Perry ville. (1862) 2^ Missouri. 1' Carthage. (1861) 2« Wilson's Creek. (1861) 3« Lexington. (1861) 4« Pea Ridge. (1862) 3^ Murfreesborough or Stone River. (1863) 4^ Vicksburg. (1863) 5^ Cliickamauga. (1863) 6^ mattanooga. (1863) 7'' Sherman from Chatta- nooga to Atlanta. (1864) 8^ Sherman from Atlanta to the sea. (1864) 9^ Nashville. (1864) UNITED STATES HISTORY. 101 3« On Gulf Coast and Mis- sissippi River, r Fort St. Philip. (1862) 2' Fort Jackson. (1863) 3^ Kaval engagement. 4« On the Coest and Ocean. 1^ Building of hlockade runners. (1861) 2^ Operations in Florida. (1861) 3^ Forts Hatteras and Clark. il861) 4^ The Trent Affair. (1861) 5^ The sinking of the Cumberland. (1862) 6^ Destruction of the Con- gress. (1862) 7^ Monitor and Merrimac. (1862) 8^ The Alabama. (1863) 9^ Draft Riots' in New York. (1863) lO'' Expedition against Cliarkston. (1863) 11" Surrender of Forts. (1864) 12^ The Florida. (1864) 13^ The Shenandoah. (1864) 102 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 14' The Alabama and the Kearsarge. (1864) 5" Closing. 1" The fall of Charleston. (1865) 2' Petersburg. (1865) o' Evacuation of Rich- mond. (1865) 1' Surrender of Lee. (1865) 5' Johnston surrenders. (1865) 6' Southern organization dissolved. (1865) G^ Paper money issued. (1862) 1^ Purpose. 2* Result. 7^ Emancipation Proclamation. (1862) 1* Provisions. 8^ West Virginia admitted into the Union. (1863) 1^ History. 9^ Emancipation Proclamation. (1863) 1* Provisions. 2* Result. 10^ Nevada admitted into the Union. (1864) 1"* History. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 103 11-^ Formation of Sanitary ajnl Chris- tian Commissions. (1S()4) 1^ Purpose. 2^ Effect. 12-"' Plan of escape, from. Anderson- ville and Libby prisons. (18G4) 13-' Trouble in Mexico. (1805) I'' Cause. 2* Monroe Doetorine. 3* Result. 14-'' Thirteenth Amendnwnt to the Constitution. (1865) 14 Provision. 15'^ Freedman's Bureau Bill. (1865) 1* Purpose. 2* Eesult. IG-^ Atlantic cable. (l!^<>">) 1* Result. IT-"- Assassination of Lincoln. (1805) l'^ Particulars. 2' Effect. . SUGGESTIONS. 1. Draw a sketch of each campaign to illus- trate relative positions and movements. ^ 2. Study the purpose of each campai,2:n and be able to locate each battle under oue of the following objects: 104 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN (a.) To keep {loul)tful states in the Union. (h.) To defend New Orleans and open the Mississippi River. (c.) To shield Washington -against the iVortliern invasions of the South. ((J.) To weaken the renter of the Confed- eracy. (('.) To close southern ports. (/'.) To capture Kichmond. P>. Study hiography of Lincoln. 4. Study the condition of the country. ir)2 Johnson. (1805-9) 1-^ Inaugurated President. (18(1,5) 2^ Capture of Jefferson Davis. (18Go) 1* Particulars. -S"' French evacuate Mexico. (1805^ 1* Application of Monroe Doc- trine. 2* Effect. 4^ Atlantic Cable laid. (1800) 1* Give history. 2* Effect. 5^ Civil Rights Bill. (1860) 1* Object. 2* Opposition. l'^ Result. 3^ Effect. Cr Purchase of Alaska. (1867) UNITED STATES HISTORY. 105 1"* History. 2'^ Negotiation. 1^ By whom. 2^ Terms. 3* Advantages. r Tenure of OtTice Act. (1807) 1^ Purpose. 2^ Provisions. 3* Effect. 8^ Nebraska admitted into tiio Union. (1807) I'* History of territory. IJ" Reconstruction. 1^ Acts. (1807) 2* A^iews of President. 3'^ Views of CongTCSs. 4* Carpetbaggers. (1807-74) 5* Eesult. 10'' Quarrel between P'resident and Stanton. (1807) P* Cause. 2* Result. 11" Impeachment of President. 1* Cause. 2' TriaL (180)7) 1^ Result. 12'' Fourteenth amenihiieid. (18(i8) I't Provisions. 2* Effect. 13^ Election of Grant. (1808) 106 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN SUGGESTIONS. 1. Discuss work of reconstruction. 2. Discuss the effect of tlie_ administration on the people, and the condition of the country. 16- Grmit (1869-77) 1" Pacific Railway. 1^ Completed. 2^ Points connected. (186'J) 3^ Credit Mobilier. 1^ Organization in England. (1863) 2^ Pe-organization in U, S. (1869) 3^ Purpose. 4= Effect ' 5'' Investigation. 1« Eesult. (1873) 2" Fifteenth amendment (1870) 1' Provisions. 2* Effect. 3^ Census taken. (1870) 4^ Chicago fire. (1871) P* Cause. 2* Effect. 5^ Tweed King Frauds. 1* Exposure. 2^ Result. (1871) 6=^ Treaty of Washington. (1871) UNITED STATES HISTORY. 107 1* Cause. 2' Terms. 3^ Effect. ?•■' Geneva Arbitration. (1872) 1* Fislieries. 2"^ Alabama Claims. 3-^ Nortluvestern bonndary. 4* Terms. 5^ Elfects. 8=* Amnesty Act passed. (1872) 1"^ Purpose. 2-^ Effect. 9^ Re-election of Grant. (1872) 10=^ Civil War in Arkansas. (1872-74) 1^ Cause. 2^ Result. 11'' Financial panic (1873-79) 1* Cause. 2^ Extent. 3^ Effect. 12'' Trouble with the Indians. 1* Modocs. (1873) l'' Cause. 2-' Result. 2^ Sioux. (1'^^^') 1"^ Cause. 2-' Result. 13=^ x\dmission of Colorado into the Union. (1876) io^ A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 1'^ History of territory. 1^ Settlement 2^ Development. 14"' Centennial Exhibition. (ISr(i) P Particulars. 2' Effect, lo- Electoral Commission. (1877) 1* Object. 2^ Kesult. SUGGESTIONS. 1. Discnss the railroad in relation to com- merce,, socijil condition and territorial develo])- ment. 2. Discnss the condition of international re- lations. ']. [)iscnss political scandals. 17^ Hayes. _ (1877-81) 1" Tnangnrated President. . (1877) 2-- Railroad Strikes. (1877) 1* Cause. 2" Rioting. 3* Regular troops. 4* Extent. 5^ Result. 3' The Halifax Commission. (1877) V Occasion. 2"* Decision. \ UNITED STATES HISTORY. 109 3* Injustice. 4^ Eesult. 4^ Trouble with J^ez Perce Indians. ■ (1877) 1* Cause. 2^ History. !■' Treaty. ' (1800) 2'' Purchase. (1854) • 3^ Result. 5^ Grant's tour around World. (1877-79) ir' Remonetization of silver. (1878) V Object. 2' Demonetization. (1873) I-' Okject. 2^ Effect. 3* Effect. 7-^ Yellowfever epidemic. (1878) 1* Origin. 2^ Extent. 8' Resumption of specie payment. (1879) 1^ Effect. 9-^ Census taken. (1880) lO"^ Treaty with China. (1880) V Occasion. 2* Terms. 3^ Effect. ll"' Garfield elected President. (1880) liO A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN S U G G E S T I IST S . 1. Discuss the financial^ social and moral condition of the nation. 2. Make a study of institutions which have heen developed to provide for man's wants when diseased intellectnally, morally, socially or physically. 3. Compare the condition of the countrv with that in 1860. 4. Compare the educational, industrial and social conditions in the Xorth and South. 0. Discuss the party issues. 18- Garfield and Arthur. (1881-85) 1'^ Garfield inaugurated President. (1881) 2-' Assassination to Garfiehl. (1881) 2" Arthur inaugurated President. (1881) 4-' Star Poute Frauds. (1881) 1* ^N^ature. 2' Ohject. 3* Pesult. 4^^ Investigation. 5^ Peform. o^ Greely Arctic expedition. (1881-2) 1"' Purpose. 2^' Particulars. UNITED STATES HISTORY. Ill 3^ Eelief expedition. (1884) 1« Result, -i^ Effect. 6^ Trouble with Mormons. 1^ Anti-poligamy Bill. (1882) 15 Provisions. 2^^ Effect. 7^' Chinese exclusion law. (1882) 1"^ Occasion. 2* Provisions. 3^ Result. 8^ Brooklyn bridge. I"' Conmiencement. (1870) 2"* Construction, l"' Particulars. 3^ Opened. (1883) 4* Effect. 9=^ Exploration of Alaska. (1883) 1* Object. 2"' Particulars. 3* Result. 10^ Yorktown Centennial. (188;')) 1-^ Ceremonies. 2"^ Monument erected. S'^ Cuests. 4* Effect. 11^ Cleveland elected President. (188-n 112 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN SUGGESTIONS. 1. ."Review Artie exj^editions ujo to the time and discuss results. 2. Eeview the history of the Mormons in the IT. S. up to this time. - 3. Draw outline map of Alaska and review its liistory. 4. Discuss the condition of the Civil Ser- vice, and need of reform. 19- Cleveland. (1885-188U) 1^ Inaugurated President. (1885) 2' Death of IJ. S. Grant, Thos. A. Hendricks. (1885) o" Trouble with Alpache Indians. (1885) 1* Cause. 2* Result.. 4^ Earthquakes. (188G) 1* Extent. 2* Effect. 5^ Numerous Strikes. (188(1' 1* Cause. 2* Effect. 3^ Chicago Kiot. (188G) 1^ Trial. 1« Eesult. 2« Pardon. (1893) 2= Eesult. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 113 3^ Effect. G^ Presidential Succession Bill. (188G) 1^ Object. * 2* Provisions. r- Bartholdi Statute. (188G) 1* Significance. 2^ Description. 3* Effect. 8^ Interstate Commerce Act. (1887) 1* Object. 2* Provisions. 3* Effect. J)^ Election of Harrison President. (1888) 10=^ North and South Dakota admit- ted into the Union. (1881))- SUGGESTIONS. 1. Discuss the social and industrial condi- tions of the country. 2. Discuss the incentives and hindrances to commerce, manufacture and agriculture, and compare North and South. 3. Discuss the^ increased disturbance be- tween capital and labor. 4. What issue was made prominent by Pres- ident's messaofe? Discuss. 114 A MANUAL AND GlilDE IN 30- Harrison. (1889-93) 1^ Inaugurated President. (1889) 3^ Naval, disaster at Apia, Samoa. (1889) 1* Cause. 2^ Result. 3^ Johnstown Flood. (1889) 1* Cause. 2* Description. 3^ Eesult. 4^ Oklahoma reservation opened. (1889) 1* Terms. 2* Results. 5^ Montana and Washington admit- ted into the Union. (1890) G^ The Sherman Act. (1890) 1* Provisions. 2* Effect. T' The McKinley Bill. (189;) 1* Provisions. . . 2^ Effect. 8^ Reciprocity.. (1890) 1* Action. 2* Result. 9^ The Mafia. (1890) 1^ New Orleans difficulty. 2* Result. 10^ Sioux Indian trouble. (1890-1) 1* Cause. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 115 2^ Eesult. 11-^ Australian Ballot reform. (1S!)1) 1^ Object. 2^ Result. IS-"^ Trouble with Chili. (1891-2) I'* Cause. 2* Result. 13'^ Election of Cleveland President (1892) S IT a G E S T I X S . SUGGESTIONS. 1. Discuss internal conditions and large ap- propriations for improvement. 2. Discuss the effect^ of the excessive tarilf legislation,- industrial and political. 3. Discuss the principles advocated l)y the Populist party. 4. Discuss the object of the establishment of the department of agriculture under the pre- ceedinii' administration. 21- Cleveland. (1893-97) 1^ Inaugurated President. (1893) 2-'^ Columbian Exposition. (1893) 1"* Why delayed. 2^ Particulars. 3"* Comparisons. ♦ 116 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 4"^ Significance. 3' Hawaiian .Revolution. (1S93-9-I ) 1* Cleveland's ^ policy. 2* U. S. protection. (1893) 3* Provisonial government. (1S94 • 4-'^ The Panic. (1893) 1* Cause. 2^ Eixtent. 3* Effect. 5^ Repeal of Sherman Act. (1893) 1* Object. 2* Effect, n-' Paris Tribunal. (1893) 1* Purpose. 2* Result. 3* Effect. 7" Strikes. (1893-4) 1* Cause. 2^ Legal steps. (1893) 3^ Attempted Arbitration. (1891 1^ Result. 4* President's action. 1^ Result. 5* Effect. 8^ Wilson Bill. (1894) V Object. 2* Effect. 9-^ Income Tax Bill. (1894) 1* Purpose. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 117 2"* Provisions. 3* Eesult. 10^ Eebellion in Cuba. (1894-5) 1* Cause. 2^ Eesult. 11"^ Venezuelan trouble. (1895-7) 1* Cause. 2"* Monroe Doctrine. 3"* Anglo-A^enezuelan treaty. (189G) l'"* Terms. 2'' Eesult. 3-' Signed. (1S9T) 12"^ TItali admitted into the Union. (189(;) 1^" Cleveland's otfer of mediation in favor of Cuba. (189(1) 14'' Election o^f McKinley President. (1896) SUGGESTIONS. 1. ^ Discuss the social, financial and indus- trial internal condition of the country. 2. Discuss the international difficulties, and the right of the U. S. to mediate in the Ha- waiian and Cuban revolutions. 22= McKinley. (1897-1901) l'"^ Ii^augurated President. (1897) 1J8 , A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 2^ Wasliington monument unveiled. (1897) 1* Place. 2* Ceremonies. 3* Description. 3^ Extra session of Congress. (189T) I'* Object. 3^ Eesult. 43 Dingley Tariff Bill. (1897) 1^ Object. 2^ Provisions. 3* Effect. ■ 5^ Dawes Commission. (1897) 1* Object. 2* Kesult. 6" Gold discovered in Alaska, (]897) l'^ Place. 2* Extent. 3* Development. 7" Spanisli-American war. (1S98) I'* Causes. 1"'"' Spanish cruelty. 1^ History. 2-' Virginius Affair. (1873) S^ Cuban insurrection. (189,5-97) 4^ Destruction of the Maine.. (1898) • UNITED STATES HISTORY. 119 1*^ Board of inquiry verdict. 5^ Cuban resolutions. 2* Events. 1^ Preparatory. 1« The War Revenue Act. 3« The call for troops. 3« Blockade of Cuba. 3^ Campaigns. 1^ Philippine. V Dewey's Victory at Ma- nilla. 1' Effect. 2'' West Indian. 1^ Bombardment of San Juan and El Caney. 2^ Destruction of Cevera's fleet. 1^ Description. 2« Effect. 3^ Surrender of Santiago. 1« Effect. 4^ Porto Eican. 1^ Description. 2« Eesult. 3* Treaty. 1^ Time. (1898) 2' Terms. 3^ Ratified. (1899) »^ Hawaii annexed to IT. S. (1898) 1* Government. 1 20 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN D" Omaha Exposition. (1898) , 1^ Particulars. 10=^ War in the Thilippiues. (18'J1M 11=^ Sanioan Treaty. (1899) 1^ Terms. ]*-.'^^ Keciproeity treaty with FraucL'. (1809) 1* Terms, lo^ Xational Export Exposition at Phihulelphia. ( 1899' 1^ Partieiilars. 14^ Wireless teleiiTapiiy established. (1899) 1"^ Etficiency. 15^ Polygamy trouble. (1900) P Partieulars. 'l^ Result. 10^ Galveston flood. (1900) 1^ Cause. •2^ Effect. W Trouble with the Boxers. (1900) 1^ Cause. "l^ Result. 18^ Re-election of McKinley. (19(Mi) '23- McKinlcif and Eooseielt. (1901-190r.) P McKinley Inaugurated. (1901) 2^ Assassination of MeKinlev. '(1901) UNITED STATES HISTORY. 12l o^ Iiiaiiouratinii of Roosovolt. (11)01) 4=^ Isthmian Canal. 1-* Object. 2-* n ay-Pan neofoto troaiy. (11)01) 1"'' 'rerms. 2'' KQsnlt. o\ AU'o-otiations witli T^ S. of (^)l- iimbia. (10015) 1' Resnlt. 4* Panama, dedans Tiidejieudenee. (ino;; o* Treaty with Panama. (li)03) P' Terms. ^y^ Postal scandal. (IDOl)) 1"* Investigation. 2* Result/ C)^ Alaskan Boundary Commission. (11)0:5) V History. P' Treaty. (lS2r)) 2'' Tronlile. (LS73) 3^ Trouble. (1887) 7^' Cuban Reciprocity P)ill. (190;]) 1* Provisions. 2* Effect. 8^ Reed Smoot acfifation. (lOOn) l-* Cause. 2^ Result. 9" Educational Conferonce it Rich- 122 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN mond. Va. (1903)' 1^ Particulars. 2* Effect. 10"' Completion of railway over Great Salt Lakes. "' (1903) n ■• Treaty with China. (1903) 1* Object. 2* Terms. 12" Louisiana Purchase Exposition. (1904) 1^ Why delayed? 2"" Particulars. 13^ Hudson Eiyer tunnel. V Points connected. 2* Object. 14-'^ Fire at Rochester. 1* Extent. 2* Particulars. ^r^^ Fire at Baltimore. 14 Extent. 2^ Particulars. 16'' Election of Koosevelt. 24- Roosevelt. 1" Inaugurated President. 2-' Pel)ate investigation. 1^ Object. 2^ Result. S^ Ship Subsidy Bill. 1^ Object. 2' Result. (1904) (1904) (1904 (1904) (1905-) (1905) (1905) (1905) UNITED STATES HISTORY. 123 4:^ Dominican Problem. (1905) 1* Particulars. 2"* Monroe Doctrine. 5-^ Trust agitation. (1905) I'* Suit against paper trust. 2^ Result. 1^ Particulars. 2"^ Suit against beef trust, l'^ Particulars. 2^ Result, (i^ Centennial of Lewis and Clark exjoedition at Portland. (1905) 1* Particulars. 2* Effect. 7^ Chicago Strikes. (1905) 1* Cause. 2* Result. 8^ Isthmian Canal. 1* Progress. 2^ Difficulties. 9^ Standard oil trust investigations. (1906) 1^ Object. 2* Result.' 10^ Peary's artic expedition. (1906) 1* Particulars. 2* Various attempts. 3* Results. 11^ Chicago traction troubles. (1006) 124 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 1* Cause. 2* Eesult. 12^ Wireless telegraphy established. (1906) 1"^ Particulars. 2^ Efficiency. 13^ San Franscisco earthquake disas- ter. (1906) 1* Extent. 2* Particulars. 14^ Interstate Commerce Commis- sion. (1906-7) 1^ Purpose. 2* Result. SUGGESTIONS. 1. Discuss incentives and hindrances to in- ternal improvement. 2. Discuss the legislation which had for its object internal improvement and development. 3. Discuss the progress made since last noticed in science and education. Compare the North and South in these respects. 4. Discuss the subject of expansion of Amer- ican territory by conquest. 5. Discuss advantages to the U. S. of their new possessions. 6. Discuss the legal questions with other UNITED STATES HISTORY. 125 nations involved in the Isthmian canal prop- osition. - 7. Make a sketch to show the location of the proposed Isthmian canal. 8. Make a sketch of Hawaii. 9. Make a sketch of our new possessions m the West Indias to aid in the study of the war with Spain in that territory. 10. Make a sketch of the Philippines in which we are interested. 11. Study the history and geography of our ne^'^ possessions. 12. Review the development of Amercan in- dustries. 13. Keview the development of our educa- tional institutions and classify them with ref- erence to their physical, intellectual and m'oral aims. 14. Notice how the cause of events is in- fluenced by the time and place relations. 15. Compare the North and South. 16. Compare the Old and the New South, 126 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN RKVIEW TOPICS, 1^ Early American Authors and Litera- ture. 1- Colonial Epoch. 1^ Prose. 1"^ Historians. 1^ Capt. John Smith. 1^ A true account of Vir- ginia. 2^ John Winthrop. 3^ William Bradford. 2^ Theologians. 1^ Increase Mather. • 1*^ One hundred hooks. -^ Cotton Mather. 1*^' Magnalia. 2" Three hundred hooks. 3^ Jonathan Edwards. I'' Inquiry into Freedom of Will. 4''^ Thos. Hooker. . V' Survey of Church Discip- line. 5° John Eliot. 1« Translation of New Testa- ment. UNITED STATES HISTORY. V2: 3* Essayist. 1^ Benjamin Franklin. 1® Essays. 4^ Poets. 1^ Anne Bradstreet. 1" The four elefnents. 2'' John Eliot. V' Bay Psalm Book. 2- Epoch of the Eevolntion. 1^ Prose. V Politicians. 1-^ Thos. Jefferson. 1^ Declaration of Independ- ence. 2-' Thos. Paine. 1^^ The Eights of Man. 3^' Alexander Hamilton. 1« Camillas. 4^' James Madison. 1" The Federalist. 5^'' Geo. Washington. 1" Farewell address. 2^ Poets. 1^ Philip Frenean. 1'^ Eutaw Springs. 2^ The Yankees Return from Gamp. 2* John Trumlmll. 1' McFingal. 3* Francis S. Key. 128 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 1^ The Star Spangled Banner. 4* Maria Brooks. 1^ The Bride of Seven. 2' Great Inventors and Inventions. 1- Aifecting agriculture. P The scythe. 1* Inventor. 1^ Joseph Jenks. 2^ Time. 1^ Colonial. 3^ Improvement. 1^ Cradle. 4* Effect. 2^ The cotton gin. 1* Inventor. 1-' Eli Whitney. 2* Time. ' (1793) 3* Effect. 3-'' Cast-iron plow. 1* Inventor. 1^ Jethro Wood. 2^^ Time. (1819) S'* Improvements. 1° Tieing two together. 2''' Riding plow. 1® Application of steam. 4* Effect. 4^ Thresliing machine. 1* Inventor. UNITEDSTATES HISTORY. '129 1" Geo. Washington. 2^ Time. (1798) 3^ Development. 1^ Time. (1825-50) 4* Effect. 5'' Mowing machine. 1* Inventor. 1^ Hnssey. 2* Time. (1833) 3* Effect. 6^ Reaping machine. 1^ Inventor. 1^ C. H. McCormick. 2^ Time. (1845) 3* Improvements. P Binders. (1855j 2^ Reapers and Threshers com- bined. 4* Effect. 2- Affecting manufacture, l""^ Art of flour milling. 1* Inventor. 1^ Oliver Evans. 2^ Time. 1^ Close of Revolution. 3* 'Effect. 2^ Application of steam. 1* Author. 1** Evans. 2* Engine. 130 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN P Time. (1786) 3* Steam Dredger. P Time. (1804) 4* Lancaster steam carriage. 1^ Time. (1804) 5* Effect. 3^ Nail machine. 1* Inventor. 1° Jacob Perkins. 1^ Time. (1795) 3* Effect. 4^ Tack machine. 1* Inventor. 1^ Thos. Blanchard. ■ 2* Time. (1806) 3* Effect. 5^ The Blanchard lathe. 1* Purpose. 2* Time. (1819) 3* Effect. 6^ Woodworth planer. 1* Purpose. 2* Time. (1828) 3* Effect. 7^ Automatic loom. 1* Inventor. 1*^ Wm. Compton. 2* Time. (1837) 3* Effect.' 8^ Vulcanized rubber, UNITED STATES HISTORY. 131 1* Inventor. 1^ Chas. Goodyear. 2' Time. ' ( 1839) 3^ Effect. 9^ Positive motion loom. 1* Inventor. 1^ Jas. Lyall. 2' Time. (1868) 3* Effect. 10^ Harnessing other natural forces. 1* Water. " 1^ Effect. 2* Air. 1^ Effect. 3* Electricity. 1^ Effect. 3- Affecting Commerce. 1^ Steamboat. /I* Inventor. 1^ Eobert Fulton. 2* Time. (1807) 3* Effect. 2^ Eailway passenger car. 1* Inventor. 1*^ Eoss Winans. 2* Time. (1828) 3^ Electric telegraph. 1* Inventor. 1^ S. F. B. Morse. 2* Time. (1837) 132 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN / 3* Effect. 4^ Submarine telegraph. 1* Inventor. 1^ Cyrus W. Field. 2* Time. 5^ Steel bridge over Miss. 1* Inventor. 1^ Jas. B. Eads. 2* Time. 3* Effect. 6^ Telephone. 1* Inventor. 1^ Graham Bell. 2* Time. 3^ Effect. 4^ Affecting Domestic Life. 1^ Lightning rod. 1* Inventor. 1^ Benjamin Franklin. 2^ Time. 3^ Effect. 2^ Sewing machine. 1* Inventor. 1^ Elias Howe. 2* Time. 3* Effect. 3^ Phonograph. 1* Author. 1^ Thomas A. Edison. 2* Time. (1866) R. (1867) (1876) (1752) (1843) (1877) UNITED STATES HISTORY. 183 3* Effect. Electric Light. 1* Inventor. 1^ Thomas A. Edison. 2* Time. (18^8) 3* Effect. EEMAEKS. These inventions affect more than one in- dustry but have been placed under the one they seem to affect most. The student should deteraiine how they af- fect other industries. 3' Conflicting Claims and Boundary Adjustments. 12 Treaty of 1763. 1^ Terms. 2^ Boundary of English territory. 2^ Treaty of 1783. 13 Terms. 2^ Boundary of U. S. 32 Jay^s treaty. (1794) 1^ Terms. 2^ Boundary. 4? Purchase of Louisiana. . (1803) 1^ Boundary. 2^ Disputes. 52 Florida. (1819) 134 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 1^ Boundary. 6- Webster-Ashburton treaty. (1842) 1^ Terms. 2^ Northeast boundary. 7 2 Oregon territory. (1846) 1^ Boundary. 2^ Disputes. 1* Arbitration. 8- Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo. (1848) 1^ Terms. 2^ Boundary. 92 Gadsden Purchase. (1853) 1^ Terms. 2^ Boundary. 10^ Purchase of Alaska. (1867) 1^ Terms. 2^ Boundary. 11^ Expansion. (1898) 1^ Annexation of Hawaiian Islands 2^ Treaty with Spain. 1* Terms. 2'* Colonies. :^ Negro Slavery in U. S. V- Colonial Epoch. 1^ Introduction. 1^ Time. (1619) 2* Place. 3* Particulars. , UNITED STATES HISTORY, 135 2=^ Barter. 1* Opposition. 2* Fugitives. 3* Extent. 3=^ Growth. 1* Sections. 1^ Comparison. 2* Influences. 1^ Favorable. 2^ Opposing. 4^ Effect on colonial life. 1* Industrial. 2* Social. 3^^ Political. 4* Moral. ' Epoch of Revolution and Oonfedera- tion. 1^ Territorial extent. 1* Sections. 1^ Conflicting sentiment. 1^ Debates. 1^ Leaders. 2^ Issues. 2*^ Anti-slavery movements. 1^ State prohibition. 2' Ordinance of 1787. 1^ Slavery provision. 3^ State emancipation. 1« Vermiont, (1777) 136 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 2^ Massachussetts. (1780) 3^ Pennsylvania. (1780) 4^ New Hampshire. (1783) 5** Rhode Island. (1784) 6« Connecticut. (17^) 1« Provisions. ' 2« Effect. 23-' Uncle Tom's Cabin. (1852) 16 Author. 2« Effect on slavery. 24^ Death of Webster, Clay and Calhoun. (185^) 1« Effect on slavery. 25=^ Gadsden Purchase. (1853) 1« Effect on slavery. 2G-' Personal Liberty liaws. 1*' Object. 2« Effect 2r' Repeal of Missouri Compro- mise. (1854) 1« Effect. 28-' Kansas-Nebraska Bill. (1854) 10 Provisions. 2« Effect. 29-^' Kansas Struggle. (1827-01) 1« Cause. 2« Result. 140 A MANUAL AND GUIDE iN 30-5 Ostend Manifesto. (1856) 16 Provisions. 26 Eesult. 31^ Dred Scott Decision. (1857) 1*^ Particulars. 2« Effect. 32-'^ Lincoln-Douglas Debate. (1858) 1^ Issues. 2« Effect. 335 Jolin Brown's Raid. (1859) 1« Object 2« Result. 3° Effect. 34-' Election of Lincoln. (18G0) 1« Effect. 35-'^ Secession. (1860-1) 1« Effect. 36^^ Civil War. (1861-65) 37^ Emancipation Proclamation. (1862-3) 1« Extent 2« Result. 38"' Thirteenth Amendment. (1865) 16 Provisions. 39'' Freedmen's Bureau Bill. (1865) 1« Provisions. 4(F' Civil Rights Bill. (1866) UNITED STATES HISTORY. 141 1*^ Provisions. 4:1-' Fourteenth. Amendment. (1868) 16 Provisions. 42'" Fifteenth Amendment. (1870) 1« Provisions. 2-'^ The Pace Question. (1870-Present.) 5^ Financial Conditions and Legisla- tion. 1- Epoch of Confederation. 1^ System. (1781-84) 2^ Currency. S" Paper money. 4^ Bank of North America. (1781) 5" Jefferson's idea of coinage. 6^ Ordinance. 7^ ExpendituTes. 8" Resources. 93 Difficulties. 10^ Financial Amendmients. 1* Five per cent phin. 2* Revenue plan. 3* Revenue plan. 2- Constitutional Epoch. 1^ System. 2-'^ Difficulties. (1784) (178,6) (1781) (1783) (1786) 142 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 33 state Banking. 43 U. S. Bank. V Established. 1^ Place. (1791) 2-' Plan. 35 Effect. 2* Recharter lost. (1811) 1^ Cause. 2' Effect. 3* Madison's veto. (1815) 1^ Effect. 4* Rechartered. (181G) 1^ Effect. 5* Redemption of specie' 1^ Effect. payments. (1817) G'^ Commercial diirieult ies. (1819) 1^ Cause. 2-^ Extent. 3^ Effect. 7* Bill to recharter vetoed. P Effect. (1832) S* Removal of funds. 1^ Effect. (1833) 9* Sub-Treasury Bill. (1837) 1^ Object. 2^ Opposition. 3= Result. 10* Commercial Crisis. (1837) UNITED STATES HISTORY. 143 1^ Cause. a^ Extent. 3^ Effect. 11* Second Commercial Crisis. (1839) 1° Cause. 35 Extent. 3^ Effect. 12* Passage of Sub-Treasury Bill. (1840) 1^ Object. 2« Effect. 13+ Kepeal of Sub-Treasury Bill. (1841) P Effect. 14* Bankrupt Law. (1841) 1^ Purpose. 2^ Effect. 15* Veto of Bill to Recharter. (1841) P Effect. 16* National Banks. 1^* Comparison. 2= Acts. (1863-64) 3^ Plan. 4^ Legislation. 5^ Legislation since 1860. 1* Legal Tender. 1° Greenback. 1« Acts of 1862-3. 144 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 2^ Relation to gold. 3« Fluctuations. (l,8G4-78) 1^ Cause.. 2' Effect. 2' Silver and Gold. 1*^ Revisions in Laws. 1^ Silver Demonetized. (1873) 1^ Object. 2« Effect. 2^ Gold the standard of value. 1^ Meaning. 'S' Bland Silver Bill. (1878) 1^ Object. 2^ Provisions. 3« Effect. 4^ Fluctuations in silver. (1873-93) 1^ Cause. 2« Effect. 5^ The Sherman Law. (1890) 1^ Occasion. 2^ Provisions. 3« Effect. 6^ Repeal of Sliernian Law (1893) 1« Object. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 145 2« Effect. V The Gold Bill. (lUOO) 1« Object. 28 Provisions. 3« Effect. The Tariff Question. 12 Tariff Act. (1789) 13 Object. 23 Provisions. 3^ Effect. 22 Tariff Acts. - (1812) 1^ Objects. 23 Provisions. 3^ Effect. 32 Tariff Acts. (1816) 1^ Object. 23 Provisions. 3=^ Effect. 42 The Iron Act. (1818) 1^ Object. ,23 Provisions. 33 Kesult. 52 Tariff Act. (1820) 13 Object. 23 Provisions. 33 Eesnlt. •43 Effect. 6^ Tariff Bill. (1822) 1^ Object. 146 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 33 Provisions. 33 Eesult. r Tariff Act. (1824) 1^ Object. 33 Provisions. 33 Effect. 8- Tariff Act. (1837) 1^ Object. 23 Provisions, 3^ Eesult. 9- Tariff Bill. (1328) P Object. 23 Provisions. 32 Eesult. 10- Tariff Act. (1832) 1^ Object. 23 Provisions. 33 Effect. 11- Tariff Compromise Act. (1833) 1- Object. 23 Provisions. 33 Effect. 12^ Tariff Act. (1842) 1^ Object. 2^ Provisions. 3^ Effect. 13- Tariff Acts. (1846) 1^ Objects. 23 Provisions. 33 Effects. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 147 14^ Tariff Bill. • (1857) 1^ Object. 2^ Provisions. 33 Effect. 15- Tariff Bill. (1861) 1^ Object. 2^ Provisions. 33 Effect. IG" Tariff' Commission. (1882) 1^ Purpose. 2^ Report. 3^ liesult. 17- Tariff Bill. (1884) l"' Object. 2^ Provisions. 3=^ Result. 18=^ Mills Bill. (1887) 1^ Object. 2''' Provisions. 3^ Effect. 19- McKinley Bill. (1890) P Object. 2^ Provisions. 33 Result. 4=^ Effect. 20- Wilson Bill. (1894) 1=^ Object. 2^ Provisions. 3^ Effect. 21- Revenue Act. (1898) 148 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 1^ Object. 2^ Provisions. 3=^ Effect. 22- Dingley Act. (1897) 1» Object. 23 Provisions. 32 Effect. 7^ Foreign Relations. 1- Conditions in Europe leading to Discovery and Exploration America at close of the fif- teenth century. 1^ Eevival of learning. I'* Causes. 2* Particulars. 3^ Effect. 2^ The priniting press. 1^ Publications. 2* Effect. 3^ Compass and astrolabe. 1* Purpose. 2* Effect. 4^ Political. 1* Particulars. 2* Effect. ^ 52 Social. 1* Status. 2* Effect. ^ r>^ Religious. UNITED STATES HIStORt. J 49 1* Particulars. 2* Effect. 7'-^ Comonercial. 1^ Difficulties. 2'* Incentives. 3* Spirit of navigation. 4* Effect. 8^ Manufacture. !■* Nature. 2"^ Particulars. 3-^ Effect. 9'"^ Geographical Theories. V Old. 2* New. 3^ Effect. ' Conditions in Europe leading to Colonization in America. 1'^ Political rivalry between Eng- land, France and Spain. 1* Particulars. 2* Effect. 2^ Spirit of the times. (Outline 1-). ^^' The desire of freedom. 1-* Political. 2* Religious. 3^ Industrial. 4^ The desire for wealth. r^^ Desire to Christianize the In- Indians. 150 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 3- Conflicting claims. 1^ Treaty. (^63) l"* Terms. 2* Eesult. 4- The Struggle for Inclependence. P Treaty. (^83) 1^ Terms. 2"" Result. 5^ Jay's Treaty. , (^95) 1^ Occasion. 2^ Terms. 33 Result. G- French Revolution. (1789) 1=^ Neutrality of U. S. 1-* M. Genet trouble. (1793) 2* Monroe affair. (1794) 3* Pinckney affair. (179(3) 7- Trouljle with Spain. P Treaty. (1^95) 1* Occasion. 2^ Tenns. 3^ Result. 8" Treaty with France. (1800) 1^ Occasion. 2'' Terms. 33 Result. 9- Alien and Sedition Laws. (1798-1800) 1^ Occasion. 2^ Terms. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 151 3^ Result. 1.0- Treaty for pureliase of La. (1803) 1^ Terms. 2^ Eesult. 11- Treaty with Tripoli. (1805) 1" Occasion. 2^ Terms. 33 Eesult. 12^ Second War with England. (1812-11) 1^ Cause. 2^ Treaty. 1* Terms. 2* Result. 132 Treaty for Florida.. (1819) 1^ Terms. 2^ Result. 14- Monroe Doctrine. (1823) 1^ Purpose. 2^ Provisions. 3^ Result. 152 Trouble with France. (1834) 1^ Cause. 2^ Result. 1(5- Texas Agitation. (1836-45) 1^ Cause. 2^ Result. 17' Webster- Ashburton Treaty. (1842) 1^ Occasion. 2^ History. 152 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 33 Terms. ' 4^ Eesult. 18- Oregon Arbitration. (18-iG) 1^ Occasion. 2^ History. 3^ Terms. 43 Result. 19- Mexican War. (1846-48) 1^ Cause. 33 Treaty. 1^ Terms. 2^ Result. 20- Trouble with Mexico. (1865) 1^ Cause. 2^ Result. 21- Treaty for Alaska. (1867). 1^ Terms. 2^ Result. 22- Treaty of Washington. (1871) 1^ Occasion. 2^ Terms. 3=^ Results. 23- Geneva Arbitration. (1872) 1^ Occasion. 2=^ Terms. 3=^ Result. 24- Treaty with Japan. (1895) 4^ Terms. 2^ Effect. 25'-^ War with Spain. (1898) UNITED STATES HISTORY. 153 1^ Causes. 2^ Treaty. 1* Terms. 2^ Result. 2G- Trouble with Japan. (1907) 1^ Cause. ' 2^ EeWlt. 8^ Ahorigines. 1- Origin. 1^ Traditional, l"* Theories. 1^ Asiastic. 2^ Atlantis. 2- Number. 1^ East of the Mississippi River. 2^ Mexico. 3^ Peru. 3- Distribution. V East of the Miss. River. 1^ Families. 2"* Six Nations. 1^ Organization. V Time. 2« Place. 3^ Purpose. 4*^ Result. 3* Draw outline map to indicate locations. 4- Character. 154 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 1^ Chief characteristics. 2^ Degrees of civilization. 5- Government. 1^ Nature. 2^ Eulers. (r Language. 1^ Oral. 2^ Written 7- Education. 1^ Characteristics. 2^ Purpose. 3^ Effect. 8- Eeligion. 1^ Origin. 2^ Particulars. - 3^ Effect. 9- Social condition. 1^ Customs. 2' Effect. 10- Occupations. 1^ Women. 2^ Men. 11- Food. 1^ Kind. 2^ How obtained. 3^ Preparation. 122 Clothing. 1« Kind. 2^ How obtained. 3^ Preparation. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 155 13- Dwellings. 1^ Kind. 2^ Construction. 33 Home life. 14^ Weapons and Implements. 1^ Kinds. 2^ Manufacture. 3^ Uses. 15- Medium of exchange. 13 Use. 1^ Extent. 2^ Value. 1^ Kind. 33 How obtained. IG- Relations with Europeans. 1^ Epoch of Voyage and Discovery. 1* Attitude of English. 1^ Events. 2* Attitude of Spanish. I'' Events. 3^ Attitude of French. 1^ Events. 33 Colonial Epoch. 1* Attitude of English. 1^ Events. 2^ Attitude of Spanish. 1« Events. 3* Attitude of French. 1^ Events. 17" Relation with U. S. 156 A MANUAL AND GUIDE IN 1^ Epoch of Eevolution and Confed- eration. 1* Events. 2^ Constitutional Epoch. 1* Events.