"^ r M. L\. F AND ERS In ^^a-iur^at Cotor^s CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY 4^0f^Kosi22. by Chase Brothers Company Rochester, N. Y. \iii, I » iccl ©C1A6S6880 To OUR SALESMEN and PATRONS HE foremost thought in compiHng this catalogue was to secure accurate illustrations. To accomplish this, over one year's time was consumed by our own staff of men, experienced in fruits and flowers and conversant with the needs of the buying public, and all possible means at the command of photography and color printing have been used to make them exact reproductions. We have prepared these illustrations with the thought in mind that technical descriptions, however simply written, are not always easily understood and that the readiest means of comparison and identification for the average planter would be found in color work of this kind. No expense has been spared in the attempt to make the plates the best possible with the present knowledge of reproduction in color. Varieties considered import- ant from various standpoints are pictured, simplifying the selection of fruits of proven merit for the home or orchard, and ornamentals for beautifying purposes. In issuing this book (in many respects the only one of its kind ever published), we believe that our efiorts will be appreciated by our patrons who maybe guided in mak- ing their purchases from these illustrations true to nature. CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY The Rochester Nurseries Rochester, New York ACKNOWLEDGMENT E wish to express our appreciation of the vakiahle advice and assistance generously given us by Professors Hedrick and Tay- lor, Pomologists at the New York Agricul- tural Experiment Station, and Mr. John Dunbar, Superintendent of our Rochester Parks, the widely known authority on trees and shrubs. We are indebted to the Experiment Station, the Rochester Parks, the Webster Grange, and the Mon- roe County Farm Bureau for many specimens of fruit, shrubs, roses, etc., from which these photographs were made ; also to the Post Express Printing Com- pany for their skill in making the color plates and painstaking work in the printing and mechanical con- struction of the book. APPLES PEARS CHERRIES PLUMS PEACHES QUINCES APPLES M O other fruit occupies the commanding position of the Apple, whether it be for size, form or color, in flavor sweet or sour, in crispness or tenderness. It will in some variety or other suit every taste. The Apple is the leading orchard fruit of America. Its pre-eminent merits are: that it thrives everywhere; it can be had in the fresh state throughout the year; it is more adaptable to trans- portation than any other fruit; it is the handsomest and best flavored of our fruits; the trees are easy to care for, long-lived and are very productive; it serves the greatest variety of uses about homes; and it is the best known, most widely distributed, and has the greatest number of varieties of any fruit. In planting for commercial purposes, it is not policy to set out too many varieties, but bet- ter to confine the planting to sorts that can be harvested in rotation, thus facilitating ship- ping and curtailing expenses, time and labor. Buyers will generally be found willing to give a better price per barrel where a good quantity of each variety can he had than where there are a large number of varieties and only a few of each. An orchard of Apples will be an unfailing source of income. A Chase Apple orchard insures you from want Just at a time when you most need it. The Apple orchard ought to be a profitable corner in every farm instead of being as it is so often, abitofwaste land which brings no satisfaction or revenue. There is another very important consideration in the fact that cold storage has made it possible to keep Apples for months. That makes them as much a staple crop as corn and wheat and msures a good market for them. I 1922. by Chase Brothers Co. 1. Delicious— Flavor sweet, slightly touclicJ witli aoid. Season late. 2. Wealthy — Flavor mild, season late. 3. Banana — Flavor slightly sub-aeid, season medium. 9 |i322, by Chase Uiolhirs C 1. Red Astrachan— Flavor acid, season early. 2. Stark— Flavormild, season late. 3. R. I. Greening— Flavor acid, season late. 10 1. Baldwin — Flavor mild, season late. 2. Grimes Golden — Flavor mild, season late. 3. Northern Spy— Flavor mild, season medium to late. H 1922. bv Chase Br. 1. Yellow Transparent — Flavor acid, season early. 2. Hyslop (Crab) — Flavor acid, season early to medium. 3. Stayman's Winesap — Flavor acid, season late. 4. McIntosh — Flavor mild, season medium to late. 12 Juicy, melting, luxcioiis I'ears will prove a valuable addition to the garden. PEARS HE Pear is the longest-lived of our fruits; it is the least particu- lar as to soil; it endures drouth with greater fortitude;- it can stand more water about its roots than any other fruit. Yet the Pear repays good care; no fruit responds more generously and more profitably to proper treatment. Of all fruits the Pear is most varied in shape, color and quality. It is in greater de- mand for canning than any other fruit. Its slowness in ripening after pick- ing enables it to be marketed with deliberation, hence it is a profitable market fruit. To those who have but a limited amount of ground there is no fruit tree that will give quicker and better returns than Dwarf Pears. They come into bearing the third or fourth year, several seasons ahead of the Standards, occupy but little ground and are excellent bearers when prop- erly cared for. The best varieties of Dwarf Pears are Duchess, Bartlett, Flemish Beauty, Beurre De Anjou and Seckel. f.e -\^^^:^i^^ The Pear, especially in New York and ?iew England, is often grown on the same farm with the Apple and is considered quite as profitable a crop. Raisinj5 Pears is a business that should not be overlooked by the farmer with land space that can be devoted to orchard plantings. The fruit is to be relied upon nearly as much as the Apple, will keep about as well and in certain respects is a great deal more delicious. It is good to eat raw, pre- served, canned or evaporated, and may be had on the table in any of these forms almost the whole year round. Standard Pears for orchard purposes should be planted 25 feet apart each way, which would require seventy trees to the acre. The returns on an investment of this kind are usually very satisfactory, and not only that, the trees will bear for years and years after other fruits set out at the same time have grown old and died. For commercial purposes there is probably no more money to be made on any other variety than on a Standard KiefTer Pear planting. There are many good sorts of Pears. Bartlett is the favorite now with KiefTer a close second. Seckel is the standard in quality. Anjou is one of the best all-around pears. Duchess is the largest in size. ! Brothers Co. 1. Clapp's Favorite — Flavor juicy, sweet, vinous; season early to medium. 2. Sheldon — Flavor juicy, sweet, vinous, perfumed; season medium to late. 3. Bartlett — Flavor juicy, sweet, perfumed; season early to medium. 15 KiEPFER— Flavor juicy, sweet; season medium to late. Duchess— Flavor vinous; season medium. Beurre d'Anjou— Flavor vinous, perfumed; season medium. 16 1922. by Chase Brothers Co. 1. Seckel— Flavor juicy, perfumed; season medium to late. 2. Flemish Beauty— Flavor juicy, sweet, perfumed; season early to medium, 17 CHERRIES HERRIES are a luxury in reach of everyone owning a small piece of land. They are easy to grow, stand shipment well, are free from disease, and there is a steady demand for them at good prices. The Cherry demands more attention from the planter than is given to most of the standard fruits, because it can return more value. Its usefulness and value is evident, first from a point of beauty, as it is suit- able for shade purposes, roadside planting, marking lanes or avenues; and combined with these uses satisfactory returns can be expected on Cherries planted for commercial purposes. Sour or Acid Cherries are suited to many environments, thriving in various soils, and withstanding rather better than most orchard fruits, heat, cold and atmospheric dryness, and though they respond to good care, yet they thrive under neglect better than most other tree fruit. The Acid varieties are valuable for the hardiness of the trees, and also the fruit buds, and many think the fruit of the Acid Cherry is preferable for pies, canning, etc. One of the best known of Acid Cherries is the Early Richmond, which ripens about the beginning or middle of June. Large Montmorency is later, and somewhat larger. The cost of growing Cherries is less than most other tree fruits, as they require less spraying and little pruning. Of course, Apple trees are longer lived, but Cherries come into bearing sooner, and should he profitable for many years, perhaps twenty or more. Every home owner should have a few trees for his own use in orchard, garden, back-yard or along the fence. They make excellent shade trees and seem to do unusually well when grown near houses. ^' • ;» ■ . »r.r".r ^^r*.^ . .- 1 ■^^ir*»LL^?«?'«»*'S'^ Sour Cherry I'rn- Orchard in bloom 19 1. LargeMontmorency— Quality good; season early to medium. 2. Riga— Quality good ; season medium. 3. Early Richmond— Quality good; season early. 4. Schmidt's BiGARREAU— Quality good; season late. 20 1. Napoleon Bigqareau — Quality good; season medium. 2. Gov. Wood — Quality good; season early to medium. 3. Windsor — Quality very good; season late. 4. Bi-ACK Tartarian — Quality very good; season early to medium. 21 PLUMS N stone fruits the greatest diversity of kinds will be found among Plums. The different varieties give a wide range of flavor, aroma, texture, color, form and size. Plums are easy to grow and are among the hardiest of our orchard fruits, doing well in almost any soil, provided it is well drained. They hear at an early age, and taking all things into consideration the Plum is a most satisfactory tree to plant. i: j^tZ Young Plum trees produce good crops of fruit as the above illustration shows Four varieties, at least, should be planted in every Plum orchard and for general market use. None better can be selected than the Lombard, Niagara, Shropshire Damson and German Prune. For home consumption we suggest the Yellow Egg. The Green Gage is an excellent Plum for canning. The Shipper's Pride can be mentioned for its certainty to produce a long crop of fruit. The Bradshaw is of fine quality and the Moore's Arctic is valuable for its productiveness and extreme hardiness 1>122, by Chase Brolhers Co 1. Abundance— Quality good; season early to medium. 2. Bradshaw— Quality good; season early. 3. BuRBANK— Quality good; season medium to late. 24 I 1«2. hy Chase Brothers Co. 1. Shipper's Pride — Quality good; season medium to late. 2. Yellow Egg— Quality good; season early. 3. Lombard — Quality good; season early, 25 192:. I.y Chase Brothers To. 1. Shropshire Damson— Quality good; season medium. L'. German Prune— Quality good; season medium. 3. Green Gage- Quality very best; season medium. 26 PEACHES EACHES are divided into white flesli sorts and yellow flesh sorts. The former are the earliest in the season, juiciest and sweetest, but very few markets prefer them to yellow Peaches. The lat- ter, however, are firmer, ship better, and better liked in a great majority of markets. Another division of Peaches may be made, cling stones and free stones. The cling stones are earlier and as a class are not as well flavored as the free stones. They are preferred, however, by many for culinary purposes, since they hold their shape better after cooking. The Peach will thrive upon a great diversity of soil, provided two con- ditions be ever present — good drainage and soil warmth. It is chiefly because sandy, gravelly and stony soils are warm that the Peach is grown thereon. Upon such soils the trees make a fine growth, the wood matures thoroughly and the fruit is highly colored and well flavored. Peaches, fresh and tempting The Peach stands next to the apple as a fruit of commercial value, and although it cannot be grown over as large an area of territory, still where climatic conditions are favorable, the production of the peach represents more profit to the acre than that of any other fruit, not excepting the apple. 28 1. Carman — Quality gnod; season early. 2. Early Crawford — Quality very good; season mo 3. Greensboro— (Quality good; season early. 4. Rochester — Quality very good; season medium. 29 Crosby— Quality good; season medium. FiTZOEKALD— Quality very good; season medium to early. Elberta— Quality good; season medium to late. Belle of Georgia— Quality good; season early. New Prolific— Quality good; season niediui 2. Lemon Cling— Quality very good; season mediui 3. Triumph— Quality very good; season early. 4. J. H. Hale— Quality good; season medium. 31 QUINCES HE Quince is a much-neglected fruit. Such trees as exist suflfer ^f=|pQ from ill-treatment in some neglected corner of the orchard. \ l^ The fact that the fruit can not be eaten raw, though delicious ll^0i when cooked, has greatly impeded the progress of its culture. In spite of this neglect it is everywhere valued for preserves and marmalades. Stewed with Apples or Pears it gives addi- tional flavor and piquancy. In Europe the Quince is highly esteemed as a dried fruit. In this country the canning of Quinces is a growing industry. The fruit is very ornamental and of delicious flavor and aroma, but the texture is too coarse and tough to allow of its being used out of hand. The tree is a slow and irregular grower, never attaining a height greater than ten or twelve feet. It thrives best in strong, well-drained soils. The roots of the Quince never run deep, therefore it is necessary to mulch heavily during the winter. A continuous crop of clover is advocated for the Quince orchard, and affords the necessary protection. Deep cultivat- ing is not advisable. 32 1922. by Chase Brothe 1. Oranuk (Api'LE)~i^>u;ilit.y good; season early. 2. Champion— Quality go 1922. by Chase Brolh 1. Niagara — (Quality good; season medium to late. 2. Concord — Quality good; season medium. 35 1922, by Chaie Brothers Co. 1. Moore's Diamond— Quality good; season medium. 2. Salem — Quality good; season medium. 36 1922. by Chase Biolhers Co 1. Moore's Early— Quality good; season early. 2. Brighton— Quality .ijood; season early to medium. 37 Every back yard can hare its own Currant Flushes like these CURRANTS URRANTS ripen at a time of the year when other fruits are scarce, and therefore play an important part in fruit growing, both for home use and for the markets. Moreover, their sprightliness of flavor and healthfulness commend them for the home garden, while the fact that they can be picked and sold before fully ripe, and therefore bear shipment with but little waste, commends them for market purposes. The currant is a northern plant and refuses to grow in any but a cold climate. In selecting a location for this fruit, a cool, northern exposure is desirable. For small plantations the shade of trees or of buildings can often be utilized, while in commercial plantings high land may be made to offset low latitude. The currant will bear fruit in almost any soil, but to produce profitable crops it should be planted in a cool, moist soil. None of the small fruits will remain so long on the bushes without injury as the currant. That one thing alone makes the fruit crop very valuable. 38 1. Cherry — Quality good; season medium. 2. Fay's Prolific — Quality good; season medium. 3. Red Cross — Quality best; season medium. 39 1. Wilder — Quality good; season medium. 2. White Grape— Quality best; season medium o. Perfectiox— Quality sood; season medium. 40 Quarts of this culinary fruit can be had by planting a few bushes as a fence or dividing line GOOSEBERRIES OOSEBERRIES are by nature northern plants and grow suc- cessfully only in cool climates. They thrive best in northern exposures, on cool, moist, retentive soils, and under some condi- tions, in the partial shade. For home use, fruit may be obtained on almost any soil. As the bushes occupy the ground for a number of years some care should be given to preparation of soil. It should be well drained. There is but little danger of too much plant food in the soil. Gooseberries are rank feeders and to secure maxi- mum yields a rich soil and liberal applications of manure are essential. The roots extend but a short distance and their food must be within reach. Stable manure is the best fertilizer, and should be applied in November, during the Winter or very early in the Spring before growth starts so that the crop will receive the maximum benefit from the fertilizer before the berries reach maturity. In gardens where the available land is limited, Gooseberries may well be planted among the tree fruits and left there permanently. 41 ^^^^ ^^ 1922. by Chase Brothers Co. 1. Pearl — Quality best; season medium. 2. Red Jacket — Quality good; season early. 42 1922, by Chase Brolhers Co. 1. Downing — Quality fair; season medium. 2. >iouiTHTON — Quality good; season medium. 43 Gathering the crop RASPBERRIES HE Raspberry is a small fruit standing in a class by itself for the home use. Two or three rows in the garden will furnish an abundance of fruit for the table use as well as for canning. The Raspberry being a prolific bearer will yield crops the second year after planting. It is poor economy to set out inferior stock. The best plants obtainable should be secured and should have a well developed fibrous root system if good results are to be expected. The most desirable plants usually come from two and three year old plantations, as their vigor has not been impaired and such plants may be expected to be comparatively free from insects and diseases. To keep a Raspberry bed in good productive condition, the old, weak and dead wood should be cut out every season, to give strength to the young shoots for the next year's bearing. In the Spring the weakest suckers should be removed, leaving five or six of the strongest in each hill. ' W22, by Chase Brothers Co 1. Golden Queen — Quality good; season inediuin. 2. Columbian — Quality good, season early. 45 bv Chase Biolhers Co 1. Herbert— Quality best: season medium. 2. CrxHBERT — Quality good; season medium. 46 1<)2:. hy Chase Brothers Co. 1. St. Kegis — Quality good; season, "the early till lute variety," -. .Marlhijro — Quality good; season medium. 47 I 1922, by Chase Brothers Co. 1. Ohio — Quality good; season early. 2. Honey Sweet — Quality good; season medium. 48 IW2. by Chase Brothers Co 1. GKEU(i — Qualit_y good; seaison medium. 2. CrJiBERLAND — Quality best; season early. 49 Blackberries trained to post show the plants to be ornamental as well as productive BLACKBERRIES value, supply apart i apart i HE great profit in growing small fruits is not generally known to the average farmer. Blackberries are always in good demand either for canning or drying. They are the ideal crop for obtaining money returns from poor lands, yet the cultivation ot vines should not be neglected, and liberal fertilizing should he accorded. Blackberries are easily grown, have a good market and a few bushes well taken care of adds largely to the domestic fruit . In the garden, plant in rows about live feet apart and four feet n the rows. In the held plant in rows, si.x feet apart and three feet n the rows. 50 ' 1922. by Chase Brothers Co. Kathbux — Quality best; season medium. Blowers — Quality good; season medium. SxYDER — Quality good; season medium to late. 51 I W22, by Chaoe Brothers Co. 1. Eldorado — Quality best; season early 2. Erie — Quality good; season medium. 52 'T^hubarb or '■Vie Spring of the year ■ '-Plant This valuable vegetable fruit /ith the earliest material for making pie.s ery garden. A dozen plants will supph in (he ;ices :ind pr HYBRID TEA ROSES CLIMBING ROSES BABY RAMBLERS HYBRID PERPETUAL ROSES LTHOUGH styled perpetual bloomers, none of them are such in reality. They make a magnificent display through June, their regular blossoming period, and by vigorous pruning and fertilizing after blooming, it is possible to again bring many of the bushes to the blooming stage during September, at which time some of the best and largest flowers are borne on strong stems that are particularly useful for cutting purposes. The numerous kinds, especially of recent introduction, embrace some of the greatest acquisitions to the flower garden, being of the largest size, rich in color and of delightful fragrance. Because of the hardiness of this group, the Hybrid Perpetuals are especially desirable for the Rose garden, for planting in the shrub border and for grouping in beds on the lawn. This class of Roses thrive best in a rich soil. Therefore frequent appli- cations of liquid manure early in the season will prove highly beneficial. Pruning should be regulated by the habit of growth. The weak shoots should be closely cut in, those which are vigorous left longer. Most of the varieties are fra- grant. Our plants are large, healthy and vigorous, two years field grown. The blossoms can usually be expected the first season after plant- ing. /. ^. Clark (H. P.) Intense scarlet, shaded crimson- maroon; very dark and rich, and sweetly fragrant; petals large, deep and smooth; extremely high pointed center; foliage bronzy-green changing to dark green; growth strong and upright, making a large handsome bush. White American Beauty or Snow Queen (H. P.) Snow white flowers, very large and beautifully formed; growth is ex- tremely vigorous with abundant foliage. A pro- lihc bloomer. General Jacqueminot {H. P.) A favorite red Rose, widely used for garden culture; color brilliant and glowing; flowers fra- grant, not full, but large and very attractive; an earlv bloomer. Mn. John Laing (H. P.) Shell pink, flowers beauti- fully formed, finely colored, extremely fragrant and borne on strong stems. Splendid for cutting. A thorougfily good variety. One of tfie best pinks in tfie H . P. class. 1W2. by Chase Brolhers Co. 56 "I\nd Tsleyron {H. P ) About the largest of all Rose blooms; bright shining pink, clear and beautiful; very double and full; finel.v scented. Grows to a great height in a single season and stems are almost Ihorn- Ulrtch '■Bruncr (H. P. The Hardy Red American Beauty. Flowers large, full and globular form. A hardy and free flowering garden Rose of innumerable good qual CC) VI21. by ChHSe H^r,llu■f^ Cc Margaret Dickson (H. P.) White with flesh center; petals large and of firm texture; buds globular and liandsome. Fine foliage; free bloomer; quite fragrant. 'Prince Camille de %ohan {H. P.) Color deep, velvety crimson, passing to in- tense maroon and shaded black; large handsome and fragrant blooms; sometimes called the Black Rose. 58 HYBRID TEA ROSES HE Roses included in this group are valued especially for their free and continuous blooming qualities which render them par- ticularly useful to plant in beds and groups for the ornamenta- tion of the lawn or to grow in the garden for a supply of cut flowers for decorative purposes. Our collection of Hybrid Teas embraces the choicest varie- ties, which are very free flowering, fragrant and beautiful. Hybrid Teas require Winter protection. The plants need to be well banked up with earth and covered with straw or boughs, while those planted in beds should also be protected to keep ofT wet and moisture. The e.xtra care devoted to the Roses in this class will be amply repaid in the satisfac- tory flowers produced abundantly and continuously during the Summer months. Roses cut early in the morning or at evening will last much better than if cut in the heat of the dav. British ^eai (H.T.) Purest white on opening after disap- pearance of an oc- casional slight flush in the bud. Flow- ers borne on stiff, slender stems: val- uable alike for ex- hibiting, massing, bedding and decor- ating. The buds before opening have an unique beauty of their own, showing indian-rcd and old gold between the bright green sepals. All the color tints are greatly intensified, and it never looks faded. With good culture it takes on remarkable size and exquisite form. An excellent cut flower variety, having good keep- ing qualities. A very vigorous grower with fine reddish bronze fo- liage. The color ot the blossom is a superb orange- copper or golden orange with a deep orange center. Grusi an Teplitz (H. T.) Velvety crimson .shaded to scarlet center. Cup- shaped moderately full owers usually coming in small clusters at the end of long stems; a free and con- tinuous bloomer and very hardy, making it a great bedding Rose. (SI l'J2:, hy Chase lirolhcrs Co. Columhid (H. T. Peach blow pink, deep- ening as it opens. A large Rose with long stiff stem, nearly thorn- less; flowers double and ^ lasting. £ Mrs. cAaroii Ward (H. T.) A variety of strong, vigorous and compact growth, flow- ers of which are of splendid form, full double, equally attractive when fully blown as in the bud state. In a distinct Indian Yellow shading lighter toward the dges; very beautiful under all color variations. 62 Killciriiey, the Irish 'beauty (H. T.) Brilliant sparkling pink, with large pointed buds, broad wax-like petals with sil\'ery edges, and enormous semi-full flowers of ex- ceeding beauty. Bush is strong and upright with beautiful foliage. Free blooming. Kaiserin oAugusta 'Victoria (H. T. One of the most popular white \arieties in the H>'- brid Tea class. Flowers art- large, very full and beauti- fully formed with reflexed outer petals. © 19:: or Star of France (H. T.) A bril- liant shade of clear red-crimson vel- vet; large flowers on long stiff stems: remarkably vigor- ous, free bloom- ing and hardy. This variety is largely prized in the home garden for its striking be;iutv. J.LMock(H.T.) Color imperial pink, reverse of pet- als rosy, silvery white. Blooms of magnificent size and form, produced freely on stiff, elect canes. The strongest grower in the Hybrid Tea class. 10 1922, by Cha ■ i'l-'.-'-A - ■^^'ji^^^Afj^'j'kKr CLIMBING ROSES RE of rapid growth, suitable for covering fences, pergolas, for training over arbors, porches or for screening unsightly objects. They are profuse bloomers, the flowers literally covering the branches, calling forth much admiration wherever planted. The Thousand Beauty in the above picture shows that this wonderful Rose has justly earned its name. Climbing Roses will add much to the beauty of the home where used for decorative purposes, for porch or archway. Those who get Roses from the greenhouse or florists' shops, Roses some- one else has produced, do not have the same appreciation of their beauty as those who go into their own Rose garden early in the morning when the dew is still glistening on the petals, and gather a bunch of blossc^ns for the house or for some friend held prisoner by sickness. Any good garden soil which will produce good vegetables will with proper fertilization yield very fine Roses. Well known and popular. A strong, rapid grower that pro- duces exceedingly large and bril- liant clusters of small, double crimson flowers in great profu- sion. Perfectly tiardy in itie most trying climates, being a native of © It*::, by Chase Br. 1922. by Chase Brothers Co. T>r. Va A Rose which on account of its dainty color and exquisitely shaped buds and flowers, has become a great favorite. The long, pointed buds are of a rich flesh-pink on stems 12 to 18 inches long, splendid for cutting. 1922, by Chase Brothers Co. i-i:>Mm Climbing oAmerican 'Beauty No lover of Roses should fail to plant the Climbing American Beauty as it is a worthy orna- ment to any garden, and its beauty and fragrance will prove a lasting pleasure. The flowers are borne on single stems. A strong and vigorous grower. Best results follow the second or third year after p!;inting. © lO:;, by Cha cAviateur ''BleriOt An exceptionally t'l shading to delightful golden yellow in the ■ty. The Howers arc medium in size and are a pleasing The large clusters of bloom are borne in great profusion. 70 saffron-yellow, Beautiful shell pink color which holds for a long time, fading finally to a deep rose: very sweet scented. Flowers borne in clusters; foliage almost evergreen. I<'22. hy Chase Brothers Co. Chase Brothers Co. Excelsa or '•Red "Dorothy T'erki'li Intense crimson-scarlet, double flowers in brilliant clusters set in glossy shiny foliage wiiich does not mildew or spot. E.xtremely vigorous and one of the handsomest of red climbers. 72 "Tdiiieiiilschon or Thouuiiuj '-Beauties Varying shades from a deli- cately flushed white to a deep pink or rosy-carmine, in bright clusters ol" blossoms which almost cover the pale green foliage. A vigorous and hardy climber with few thorns. I 1922. by Chase Brothers Co X««£iBlHH^^ BABY RAMBLER ROSES IIS type is very popular for bedding purposes. They are also especially useful for bordering beds of taller growing varieties of Roses and for edging walks. The plant is of dwarf habit, and bears abundantly and continuously clusters of dainty, small tlowers. The Baby Rambler comes in three colors, white, crimson and pink. The plants form shapely, compact, bushy specimens about eighteen inches high and produce a great profusion of bloom from early in the season until severe frost. To obtain the best results they should be used in beds or masses, twenty-tive, fifty or more plants together, thus insuring a very effective group. The satisfaction of having a bed of Roses almost constantly in bloom, equalling in beauty a bed of Annuals or foliage plants that have to be renewed each year can be realized by the use of Baby Ramblers. With this class of Roses pruning is not required. All that is necessary is to remove the past season's flower stems. '■B^lby %ll>lblers Pink, White and Crimson. These splendid K..s..s l,l,„,in cnliiuioush tin ,,u>;li.inl the Snniiiier. They are unexcelled for dwarf hedges and bedding. Colors are distinct; flowers produced in greatest profusion, plants hardy and not subject to insects. HARDY SHRUBS CLIMBING VINES FLOWERING SHRUBS HRUBS have an important bearing in the adornment of the home grounds. The charm and grace they lend is invaluable and if a judicious selection is made, it is possible to have a continuous succession of bloom from early in April when the Forsythia displays its flowers to welcome the returning birds until the days when the frost again nips flowers of the very latest in bloom. In this and in similar climates where great extremes in temperature are experienced, it is necessary to plant hardy ornamental stock. Impressed with the importance of this fact, and in order that our patrons may be spared any disappointments, we have omitted from our growing list as far as possible, everything which is liable to suffer from severe cold, and we have gathered together all available hardy material which includes an extensive assortment enabling a planter by careful selection, to accomplish any de- sired results with Chase Ornamentals. The flowering shrubs illustrated show the blossom in detail, also the form of growth making it possible for the home owner to more read- ily identify stock in which he may be par- ticularly interested. Arthtic Foundation PUmning 1922. by Chase Brolhers Co. cAlmond 'Double Flowering An old favorite bearing a weallh ot double pink flowers like Utile roses followed by soft, hairy leaves, wfiicti are bread, oval, often tfiree pointed. The Uouble Flowering Almond and Bridal Wreatti Spirea make a good pink and white combination in early Spring. 77 cAlthea or ''Rose of Sharon An old fashioned shrub, indispensible for its hollyhock like flowers in August; grows six to eight feet in height and is noted for its extreme hardiness and ability to thrive and bloom under all conditions. ^ 1922. by Chase Brothers Co. Butterfly Bush So called because it attracts buttcrthcs iii la.sc iiuu.hcrs. lilussoms late July and August I eaves are bright green above, white, wooly below. This shrub is valuable lor arching habit and long, narrow, tern'inal 7J,iL^Z rich violet nowers with orange eve. 79 Cdlycanthlli {Sweet Scented Shrub) Another garden favorite where its peculiar chocolate br searched for early in Sprin^J and enjoyed for their delightful, unique fragrance. Blossoms in May. 1922, by Chase Brolhers Co. 'Deutzid Crenatd An extremely hardy and free flowering shrub of upright branching growth, hixuriant foliage and handsome double pure white tlowers in erect panicles, producing a mass of bloom in early June. 1922, by Chase Btolhers Co. Deutzid Gracilis Introduced from Japan. Its fine habit, luxuriant foliage and profusion of attractive flowers makes it one of the most popular flowering shrubs. The blossoms are produced the latter part of June in racemes 4 to inches long. 8: ^',^<*,''^ I 1922, by Chase Brothers Co. 'DeUtZta 'Pride of '-Rochester A showy and tall growing variety that completely obscures the plant with quantities of pure white, large, double flowers blossoming in early Summer. Very beautiful as an individual specimen and an effective shrub for grouping or massing. / Forsythia {Golden liell) The showiest of early yellow flow- ered shrubs. Very rapid in growth with many branches which become clothed with beautiful bright golden }ellow flowers before the leaves ap- pear. Blossoms in April. Chase Brothers Co. Houeymckle Tartarian Is small flowers in May and agaii can be furnished in three colors, white, pink and red. :..f the very best large "tiller" shrubs for foliage. It is also attractive when covered with small flowers in .May and again when bearing red or orange yellow berries in July and August. The Tartarian Honeysuckle HyJnvigCd '■Paniculata Grandiflora One of the most popular and best known of flowering shrubs, lis handsome plumes of white flowers bend the branches with their weight changing finally to pink and bronzy green. Blossoms in August and September. 86 © 1922, by Chase Brothers Co. Hydrangea cArborescem Also called Snowball Hydrangea and Hills of Sn,,w. Considered one of the finest of tile fiardy American Shrubs. A most valuable characteristic is its coming into bloom after the flowering season of all other Spring shrubs is past. 87 1922. by Chose Brothers Co J^llac, Ludnig Spaeth The blossoms as well as the clusters are very large and of splendid dark purple red color. A distinct and superb variety. 1922, by Chase Brothers Co. Lilac Marie Le Grayc Considered one of the very finest of early single wfiite (lowering Lilacs, blooms being exceptionally fine and fragrant. This variety is a small grower. 90 © 1922, by Chase Brothers Co. Lilac '^'resident Grevy Clusters large and full. Color very attractive. Individual llowers double and very large. One of the finest Lilacs. Sambucus Aurea A handsome shrub for lawn planting; flowers white in flat-topped cymes in early Summer Contrasted with other shrubs, the golden yellow leaves of this Elder give heightened effects in tone and color. 92 1922, by Chase Brothers Co. Spirea cAnthony IVaterer A popular little shrub, seldom over two feet high, bearing dark crimson flower Summer. A desirable plant for the shrubbery border or whenever a low bush is required. Spirea Thutlhergti The first Spirea to bloom. Of dwarf habit and rounded graceful form. Branches slender and somewhat drooping. Foliage narrow and yellowish green. Flower.s small white, appearing early in the Spring. 95 k""^- I 1923, by Chase Brothers Co. Symphorkarpns '^cemosus Also known as the Snowberry and Wa\herr\ Valuable for large while berries thai hang on the plant all Winter and for good foliage, the leaves being smoolh below like Ihose of the Tartarian Honeysuckle but smaller and almost round. 97 Synnga Coronarim {Mock Orange) An old fashioned shrub of good, upright habit with handsome foliage and fragrant, creamy white flowers produced in the greatest profusion at the blossoming season during the month of June. I 1922, by Chase Brolhers Co IVeigela, Eva %athke Very u.eful for the border in shrub plantmgs, and extremely showy when in flower The best red variety in Weigelas. Blossoms late in June. 99 1922, by Chase Brolhers Co. gela "Tipit'd A handsome shrub, introduced from China, having fine rose colored flowers and justly considered a most satisfactory variety to plant. Blossoms in June. CLIMBING VINES LIMBING Vines are as important requisites to the comfort and beauty of a home as the trees and shrubs we phint about it. Their uses are many and include shade, screening and orna- mentation being always useful for covering verandas or porches, corners of buildings, foundations, walls, trellises, etc. Every house has peculiar architectural features which call for a certain treatment in the arrangement of material to be used to best beautify the side and foundation walls to make the property appear to best advan- tage. The above picture shows a well arranged combination of Vines and shrubs, the side walls being covered with Ampelopsis Veitchii and the foun- dation planting shows what good effects can be secured with New American or Snowball Hydrangea. The deciduous Vines always give the best results if planted in sunny positions. Shade is required by the evergreen Vines, however, and they may be planted to best advantage in cool exposures. It is desirable to have the ground in which any of the Vines are planted thoroughly prepared and a deep fertile, moist soil should be supplied. ^trthwort ("Dutchman's ^ipe) / broad, oval, casting very dense shade © id: , by Che e Br igorous twiner climbing high; stems r Iten one to two inches thick; lea Should not be ised unless heav\ shade s desired. ^r*-'^-''^- 1 V^22. bv Chase I!. Clematis 'J'aniculata Climbs by twisting leaf stems; flowers medium in size, white and fragrant, covering the plant with a mass of bloom in September and October; foliage remains glossy green until December; the best Fall blooming vine. 104 CC) 1922, by Chase Brothers Co. Clematis Henryil A very large, finely formed flower; slrong grower. It is considered the best while variety. Blooms through August and September. 1922. CIV Chase Brolhets Co Clematis J ackniami An excellent Vine to plant lor hloom in July and August; flower remarkable for its velvety richness. One of the best of the large flowering varieties. large, intense, violet-purple, 106 Clematis Mad. Ed. oAndre Strong, vigorous, grower: large, deep velvety crimson flowers, blossoming season. Entirely distinct from all other varieties and one ot the earliest to hloom. J 1922, by Chase Brolhe Honeysuckle Halls Japan Climbs by twining; flowers white to yellow, very abundant and fragrant, semi-evergreen, remaining until January; a handsome porch vine, hut also very useful for covering banks. July, August and September. 108 Foliage small, Blossoms during I 1922. by Chase Bfolhers Co. Wisteria ''Purple A strong twining vine with long hanging cluster,s of purple flowers, blossoming in middle and late May; rapid grower; foliage nearly evergreen. The attractive pea-shaped flowers are borne in long, drooping racemes, producing a most beautiful effect. 109 PERENNIALS ARDY herbaceous perennials are plants which live over Winter and flower again each season. They are most satisfactory for use in the garden and for planting in the foreground of shrubs, and include all the varieties that our grandmother loved best, such as Larkspur, Phlox, Hollyhocks and Fox Gloves. The flowers show a great range of color. The foliage is abundant and beautiful and by proper selection the flowering season can be made to continue from early Spring until late Fall. After two or three years the roots can be divided and the increase used to further beautify the garden. Perennials are particularly effec- tive in shrub borders, and should be planted in generous pockets or bays. Another excellent way to use them is in a border along the walk. Peren- nials planted along winding or infor- mal paths aff"ord constantly changing pictures of rare charm and beauty. For cutting purposes the flowers of the hardy perennials have no ecjual; they are unsurpassed for household decoration. Good, rich soil and thorough cultivation are essential, together with liberal mulching in the Fall. Before mulching all the tops should be cut oft' even with the ground. Perennial Border Planting dAqiiilegij (Columbine) Graceful and hardy perennial that will thrive in either sun or shade, and lend itself to any form of planting. Flow- ering season, April-Ma Ornamental plants, bearing spikes of long, tubular flow- ers. Very popular and much enjoyed in gardens. Does best in shaded situ- ations. Flowering season, Mav-June. 1'32:. bv Chase Brothers Co © 1922. by Chase Brolhers Co. Hardy Chrysanthemum Are among the most popular and important of the later flowering perennials. The pink blossom in the illustration is the Queen of Bulgaria, and the yellow pictures the variety Flora. Flowering season, October-November. Are among the most brilliant and gorgeous of our perennials. Flowers differ from the German Iris in being broad and flat. They exhibit a wonderful variety of colors and shades and rank among tht- most desirable of hardy plants; succeed best in a moist soil and blossom in June and July. IQ) 1922. by Cha 113 W22, by Chase Brolhers Co. '-Delphinium {Larkspur) Most beautiful stately plants, growing 3 to 5 feet tall, with immense spikes of handsome blue flowers. They are of the easiest culture, being hardy and preferring well drained places. Flowering season, June. 114 Campanula ''Belljlontr A most atlractive plant tor the perennial border or ^^^^^f -''^ iiB garden. Of easy culture, growing either in sunny or shady positions, doing well ^\^^^ s^ ^H in any good garden soil. vt*.* ^n^Bl^^^l I The Campanula can be , ,e, compac. form; s,rikir,.|y handsc and very nch in purple .hades of c,,l,.r. and n.aking a strong contrast in collectnu, plantini* ^TEONY — Fulglda The color is a dark ro,se of intensely rich shade. The plant is vigorous grower; flowers large, compact, borne on strong stems, desirable for cutting. 126 © \922 bv Chase Brolhers Co rbUNY resttva Very large, pure while center, outer petiils sometimes faint lilac-while on first opening. Strong, vigorous grower. One of the most popular white varieties for cut flowers. 1922, by Chase Brothers Co. ''PEONY S^eeil %)tCtortd Larse, full, compact bloom with fine, broad, milk-white guard petals; tinted flesh, center cream while with crimson spots. Strong free bloomer. 128 L_,^ ORNAMENTAL TREES AND HEDGES O complete the decoration of the home lawn, ornamental trees and hedges should not be overlooked. Shade trees protect the home from intense heat during the Summer months and add to the attractiveness of the owner's grounds. More attention is being paid than ever before to the trees in the City streets and ornamental trees around the farm home not only add to its beauty and comfort but greatly increase the value of the property as well. The planting of hedges is a practical one rapidly becoming appreciated. Nothing is more beautiful than a hedge well kept and pruned to serve as a boundary line or as a division between the lawn and garden or to hide unsightly places. City streets are made more attractive and land values increased by the planting of shade trees, and best etTects are had by using one kind of tree as shown in the street pictured where Oriental plane was used. 1. Cut Leaf Birch L'. Poplar Lombanly 3. Willow Babylonica 130 © 1''.'-', hy Chase Brothers Co. 131 © 1922. by Chase Brothers Co. 132 © 1922. by Chase Brothers Co. 1922, by Chase Brolhers Co. by Chase Brothers Co. INDEX Almond .i,.ulile Fl- :. 77 Kerria . 88 Althea . 78 Ampelopsis Apples Aquilegia . . 102 7-S-4-10-11-12 111 Lilac ... Linden . Lychnis m-90-gi . 132 116 Arbor Vitae 138 Maples 131-133 Ash , 132 Monarda 118 Mulberry . 133 Bireh 130 Birthwort . 103 ( )rnaniental Trees 129 Blackberries SO-.S1-52 Peaches . 27 -28-29-30-31 Butterfly Bush 7') Pears . . 13 -14-15-16-17 Calycanthus ao Peonies 123-124-125- Perennials . Phlox Pine . . . . -126-127-128 Campanula Catalpa 115 . 133-134 110 . 119 138 (Cherries lH-lQ-20-21 Chestnut 132 Plane 1.34 Chrysanthemum 112 Platycodiin Plums . 22- . 117 -23-24-25-26 Clematis 11)4-105-106-107 Poplars Clethera . 135 130-132 Coreopsis 120 l^)uince 32-33 Crab, BechtePs 135 Raspberries 44-45- -46-47-48-49 Currants . 38-30-40 Rhubarb . 53 Dahlia 122 Roses, Baby Ramblers 74-75 Delphinium 114 Roses, Climbing 65-66- -67-68-69-70 71-72-73 Deutzia 81-82-83 Roses. Hybrid Perpetual 54-55-56 Digitalis 111 57-58 Elm 134 Roses. Hybrid Tea 5'1-rjO- -61-02-63-64 Forsythia 84 -Sambucus 92 Fringe . 134-135 Shrubs . 76 Snowball 93 Garden Pink . 118 GiUardia 120 Spireas 'J4-95-96 Gooseberries 41-42-43 Spruce 138 Grapes 34-35-36-37 Symplioricarpus Syringa 97 . 98 Hedges 1 36-137 Thorn . 135 Hollyhock . 117 Tritoma 121 Honeysuckle 85-108 Vines Hydrangea . 101 . 86-87 Weigela ')')-l(i() Iris . 113 Willow 13(1-133 Juniper 138 Wisteria . 109 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DDODTETlSSti *»