r\^ ^'>®'*«*c|£*^« -\ pv5ty r)02\eT\/ey[ vA^J^M^M^^^^M^ ('. -ru-^nA^^-^^^^^^f ^^^•'' •^/ -w^^^^^ Vr LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. UNITED STATES OF AJT^MlCA. Descriptive AMPLE B'Di i" \ (§)-St EduisMd, I Cog^^-itghted by W"° M. Regan, 1881 f /es ij -^'S ^'^^ GENTLEMEN: For the convenience of Merchants and Commercial Travelers we present this Sample Book to the Trade, in the hope that it will prove of great benefit to both buyer and seller For a long time we have felt the need of some handy method of show,ng many kinds of Crackers not usually sold by Wholesale Grocers, and we trust this book may be the means of largely increasing your cracker trade. The cuts are as near fac similies of our goods as it is possible to make them, and we have added copies of many of our labels and show cards. We take particular pains to have our goods well packed in handsomely labeled and attractive looking packages, and promise every attention to your interests; offermg first- class goods, nice packages, and reasonable prices, and on these grounds we base our hopes for at least a portion of your patronage. Yours truly, ^ DOZIER-WEYL CRACKER CO. WE ^^ , ^:^^MI ^A ct'^'b'^ Regarding Grades and Display. Qf many of our staple goods we make three grades, viz: T. M., XXXX and XXX. While our XXXX and XXX brands are equal to any and superior to many in the market, we would, by all means, recommend the Trade-Mark goods. They are of a well known superior quality, and a trade built up on this kind of goods is durable, as all observing merchants must admit. To sell goods rapidly you must DISPLAY THEM / No matter how great your variety or how fine your stock, if kept out of sight your trade will drag and your stock remain unsold. N.B.—We would strongly recommend buying Crackers in boxes, as it is more satis- factory in every way— fewer broken Crackers in a package, fewer goods exposed to the air when opened, more convenient to handle and store, and Glass Show Tops can then be __ used, and sales greatly increased. See pages 4 and 5, n ., i m m H EXPLANATION OF TELEGRAPH CODEN On the two following pages we give a Telegra.pl] Cypher, which it is hoped our friends will use when ordering Crackers by wire. The object is to curtail expenses in sending Messages and facilitate business generally. Please notice that we have so arranged tlie Key that one word expresses the kind and grade of goods, and style of package wanted: i, e. to order ''Ten Half Boxes Cakes and Jumbles," simply say "ten aloe," Yours truly. Dozier-¥etl Cracker Co. m m ^ - O o g=i'? ?S?g2g>9 Cakes and Jumbles. See page 34. M to 5=?? r^> > 3 :::::: L strawberry Cakes I. Vienna Jumbles y Shell Oyster Crackers . oanut Taffy Snaps. ter Crackers, T. M XXXX.... " XXX ter Scotch Snaps ^Banana Fingers Chocolate Cakes....... " Jumbles Cocoanut " Cakes Cuba Jumbles Gem Cakes Honey " ■' Fingers •■ Jumbles Jack Frost Cakes Lady Fingers Lemon Jumbles Lindcll Hotel Cakes... Nonpariel Cakes I'eorloss Jumbles Prize " Spico " ■' Cakes 1 it Hi II amber . . apron .. age .... adopt... acid .... avoid. . . atlas . . . aspect . . balm'.!!! boat..., briar.. .. bough . . buggy . . bush... baker. .. bull .... brick. .. baron... beg .... clieck. . . china . . . cigar.... clan .... clash . . . cog. .. crono... cravat . . corona., crest . . . caustic, compass, cube . . . cadet . . . cargo . . . cardinal, cannon . carriage cause . . . charcoal, cow .... chain . . . church . angry .. aloe.... aid admit... article . . ato artful... berry . . . book . . . blade . . . broth . . . booty... brave. .. baby. . . . bale .... buckle., batch . . . bol'd ... chickeu. cider. . . . civil.... claret... coach... colt crib confer. . . crown . . cross . . . crystal.. cuff".!! cane... . carpet., captive., camel .. cavalry . century . charity . chalk . . . cloak ... arch attic ..»t H4. lit.. ' '■"••• ' m^ nnriFR-WEYL CRACKER CO? 'GINGER CAKKS. A pood n>««>h«.Ut,te ««e. weU «l.p.«l to Soulhen. teade 8K Inche. i» dUm.ter, .««g. U . P«!k«f In boxei or b««l.. weight aboat 80 or » lb>. each. Oaegrad" D02IEH-WEYL CRACKER CO? "BUTTER SCOTCH SNAPS.' Am Tcrj rich tBo^- .^. ■£ Very rich goods «nd highly fltvored. Piclted only In bo»e» or % bOxe« of about 80 or 15 Ibi. each. REDUCED FAC-SIMILES OF T.MXXXX J( XXX - "2 BOX LABELS 27 ^^^^.j^^inl^-^l^-iVt'-'-'*''-^-^^^^'^^^''''''''**'*'*'^ I^^V^ DOZIER'WEYL CR ACKE R _ CO:^"BOSTON BUTTER! DOZIER-WEYL CRACKER CO'^ "ST. L OUIS BUTTER. ^i. One of our rlohe»t and most popular butter oraokere. Packed In boxea or barrela. Average weight «5 or d DOZIER-WEYL CRACKER C.O'^'TEA BUTTER (__:-■ '/^■■,V' A vi^ry rirh crackor and 000 that plcasos wU.re?er aoM. Ono grnd«. Packed In bcToa cr iwrds. Avenge DOZIER-WEYL CRACKER CO'^ " MILK CRACKER. 33 REDUCED FAC-SIMILES OF 4 1b MILK S "FANCY ASSORTED" CARTON LABEL We nse the " Milk " label on our 4 pound MUk C»rtoD. The " Fancy AsEorted " label we use on a carton of nicely assorted crackers holding about T or 8 Ib«. For a fine &mlly trade this ia an excellent thing. Shipped In oases holding 4, 6, 8 or 12 cartons each. Cakes and Jumbles. Qn the twelve following pages we show facsimiles of our leading Cakes and Jumbles. Although a comparatively new article, they have attained a wonderful popularity. They possess all the qualities of hand-made goods, and retain their favor and freshness for a long time. Being mixed and molded entirely by machinery, they are absolutely clean and nice, and are unequaled for their regularity of shape and fnish- a result obtained only by tht- Holmes machine, the original and only complete soft dough machine yet introduced, and to which we own the exclusive right for this State. THEY ARE PACKED in boxes or half boxes of about 26 or 12 lbs. each, either assorted 10 or 12 kinds in a box, or each kind separately as desired. They average about 28 or 30 to the pound. DOZIER-WEYL CRACKER C^O^^ P R I Z E JUMBLE ■ Si^ DOZIER - WEYL CRACKER CO ^ " C O COANUT JUMBLE. #S W^% ws A light colored JvimliJo, ivcll sp.-luldcd with ciicoaimt. Bee bottom of page 84 for style of ijsokliig. DOZIER-WEYL CRACKER CO^ "LINDELL HOTEL CAKES DO ZIER-WEYL CRACKER 00"^ NONPAREIL CAKE, /?: DOZIER-WEYL CRACKER CO- SPICE JUMBLE ^1^^^ -WEYL CRACKER CO^ "JACK FROST CAKES' A Terr •botry ud M)e4bl« caka, hMTtljr eoktad with rruttlatad (Ugv. Be* ft* M ft>r ttjl* of pteUaf. IThzTER^WEYL CRACKER^P'^ "VIENNA JUMBLE. A plain smootL jumble, very «weet and popular. See page 84 tor style of p ackin g. ^^ DQZIER-WEYL CRACKEj^ CO'^ "BANANA FINGER. An otlracUve looking cake, well c : with pranulated sugar. Are weU liked by the trade. See pige 84. i* nn7TFR-WEYL CRACKER CO'^ " STRAWBERRY CAKE. ■^^fH^f^^^' P'-* A flashy and fast selling cake, covered with red eugar. and rarticnlnrly adapted to Bonthern trade. DOZIER WEYL CRACKER CO^ ' PEERLE DOZIER-WEYL C R AC KE R C ? ' CUBA JUMBLE. # A highly flavored and splendid selling cake. Bee bottom of page M for style of packing. DOZIER-WEYL CRACKER CO'^ " P RETZ EL S ^ # 1 "DOZIER-WEYL cracker GO'S LEAFLETS 49 REDUCED FAC-SIMILES OF OUR ' LEAFLET ' LABEL S Tli<'ii« Inbflsare very attractive, and for slielf eomls none are more boautiftil than the " Leaflets.' £^^^^ DOZIER-WEYL CRACKER~CO's^COCOANUt MACCAROONS.' ^ > made. Keep tnah and nice for a long time. Packed only 1> ^ boiea OJ ^ DOZIER-WEYL CRACKER CO'^ " FRENCH MACCAROONS. A rich ftnd elegant almond and for exceilonce cannot be sarpaaeed. Packed only in ^ boxes 0/ ^31 DOZIER-WEYL CRACKER CD's " FANCY MIXED BISCUIT DOZIER-WEYL CRACKER CO'^ C^RACKNEL BISCUIT and splendid for th« sick room I^DOZIJER-WEYL CRACKER CO'^ " 'ANIMAL ^BlSCUlf/ g- Ave.^"w iigM Sjf wTftX"' """ '"'' "*" ~^""''- ^"'■^ """^ ''^''" ^''"' ""'^ »° boxe, .r « boxes. DOZIER-WEYL CRACKER CO'^ ' NATIONALITIES " +;' m>- DQZIER-WEYL CRACKER CO? "ALPHABETTS ''H-' '}^>:^^\ pleMing to tbe little folks, and one »f our most popular ■ght 80 or l^ lb». ewMt goods. P«cked only In bozu or X DOZIER-WEYL CRACKER CO"^ " CORNHILL BISCUIT." *m if'^V One of the staple. Weight ibout 86, 18 or 70 lb« respertively. I well known to need description. Packed in boie«, Ji 1 58 REDUCED FAC-SIMILES OF OUR OSWEGO & ALBERT LABELS. BOZM^WEYICRACMEOF Very h&ndaome little labels, maktDg very showy shelf goods, DOZIER-WEYL CRACKER CO'^ 'OSWEGO ^ ALBERT BISCUITS>a|l DOZIER-WEYL CRACKER CO'^ "GRAHAM CRACKER. Particularly adapted for the use of dyspep- !^ DOZIER - WEYL CRACKER C0'= " OATMEAL CRACKER: DOZIER - WE YLCR ACKER CO'? " FRUIT BISCUIT. " -^1 !. :/.■: A ainall rieti currnnt Msriilt. PftckftJ In hoxofl. % boxoa or ban-els. Average weight. -iO, 20 or 70 < DOZIER-WEYL CRACKER C0'= "LEMON SNAPS. and highly flavorftd 'with Paok«d only in boxei or H ■