>rw YOEK :tKS^ -ELECTROSE sr.d VaREI -ELECTR05E ?<^=f-g spe: -ELECTR05E INSULATION '•' ADE IK AMERICA" tu^u mm* - |- nnin^ at C— •_-,.,>— «^-- T>--^ W««M-« Fair. -± UNITED STATES NA\^' AND ARMY ?- L-i telephone; COMPANIES. ,- ..- ^~-.-i^- --- .-j---_.5 requirements, each grade pos- Hifh Frequency Currents, Power and M ■WA'iHrv&TOy 3-^ ILI>7 -T_ BROOKLYN. N. Y. AMERICA c '\ New York Division National Guard WAR RECORD By the OFiaCERS AND MEN OF THE DIVISION Illustrated Editor HENRY HAGAMAN gURDICK, Captain, Inf., U.S.R. (formerly 7th Infantry, N. G. U. S.) Associate Editor RUPERT LEE BURDICK ^ ^ ^ liy ^k Published by BuRDicK &■ King, New York. Lrr# -^^^^ Copyright 1917 R. L. BURDICK SEP 14 1917 ©GI.A47;M63 1^ m This book is a semi-official record of the Federal Service of the New York National Guard units. For the first time in the history of the militia was this organization, in June, 1916, mustered into Federal Service for action outside the boundaries of our nation. When the Mexican crisis arose and the call came it found a ready response from the National Guard. Especially prompt was the preparation and mustering in of the New \ ork Division. Few of those who witnessed the departure of the various regiments can ever forget the fortitude of the men, many of whom were of the peace- ful, civilian population, who, disregarding selfish or pecuniary interests, entrained willingly to face, at the Mexican Border, what was confidently expected to be deadly warfare. That this service did not develop into such an unhappy conclusion does not minimize the courage of the men, but is rather a matter of congratulation. This service gave the troops a training under conditions closely approximating war, which will stand them in good stead in the present war. The reception accorded the returning units demonstrated that the appreciation of the people was as sincere as if those ranks had shown vacant places and saddened hearts had greeted the khaki-clad men. The lights and shadows of that service are set forth herein ; the dangers, the dull, hard work, the wonderful training, the happy hours, and the humor of the trip are told by men who experienced them. Therefore this volume is a record of achievement, the story of the metamorphosis of well-trained, but somewhat inexperienced, troops into an efficient fighting machine worthy to take their place with the armies of the world. As this book was being outlined a greater call swept the country, and again our brothers and sons of the National Guard have responded — this time even more quickly and better prepared, owing to their valuable previous training. Thus, the purpose of the book has been enlarged to furnish a memento — an all-too-brief record of what these National Guard organizations have done and are now doing in the service of their nation — that may be to those who participate a permanent story of their heroism written by those best fitted to tell it. And for those to whom this war shall bring sorrow through the loss of their sons, brothers, sweethearts and friends in the Guard — -may their number be few — it is hoped that this volume will be a prouf gift they have given to preserve our national ideals and uphc mental rights of civilization. i I t \1 As this book was in the process of preparation its chief editor was ordered into Federal Service, and the completion of the book had to be left to another. Feeling that its patriotic purpose should not be abandoned, the writer has carried on the work, albeit handicapped by the lack of first- hand information, to which is attributable whatever of error may be found in this book. Some of the articles which were expected to be included could not be secured, because of the mobilization of the Division. Since it was, there- fore, impossible to give a complete history of each New York National Guard Regiment, at least one representative story of each branch of the service has been selected from the material at hand. No unit should feel slighted by the omission of a more lengthy account of its service, because, were circumstances otherwise, every one of them would have had a full representation. R. L. B. New York, August 15. 1917. $7-' ""^ ^-^: f 1^ Foreword By Governor Charles .*>. IVhilincin o Introduction and Review of Mexican Border Service By Maj. Gen. John F. O'Ryan ii Review of Mexican Situation to June, igi6 By Cap/. Moses King, U.S.R. 15 Organization of the Sixth Division By Maj. Edzcard Olmsted 21 Commanding Officers, Sixth Division 31 Headquarters Staff, Sixth Division 32 Military Courts and PoHce By Maj. J. L. Kineaid z^ Rifle Practice, Texas, 1916 By Lt. Col. f. .U. Waterbury 37 Entertainments of the Division By Lt. Col. Franklin 11'. Ward 41 •G. O. I, 1917, re Col. N. B. Thurston 45 Signal Corps By Lt. Gordon Ireland 47 Twenty-second Engineers By Lt. C. E. Bregencer 55 Squadron A, Cavalry By Maj. William R. II 'right 63 First Field Artillery By Lt. William P. Welsh 71 Third Infantry By Lt. Kennard Underwood 77 Seventh Infantry By Caft. H. H. Burdick, U.S.R. 83 Twenty-third Infantry By Capt. H. W. Congdon 91 Seventy-fourth Infantry By Capt. K. G. Kaffenberger cjj PART II. WAR W ITH GERADVNY Review of Events Leading Up to the Declaration of a State of War with Germany By R. L. Burdiek 104 President Wilson's Address to Congress, April 2, 1917 107 Service of the N. Y. National Guard Since the Return from Texas: I. All Units to July 15, 1917 ^^- II. Units Not in N, Y. Division July 15 to August 15, 1917 112 III. The Twenty-seventh (New York) Division, July 15 to August 15, 1017 113 Governor Charles S. Whitman Commander-in-Chief or NewVocjk TIVE Chambek Albany August 7. 1917. Mr. R. L. Burdlok, The War Record, 1703 Klnga Highway, Brooklyn, New York. Dear Sir: I am In receipt of your letter of Jxily 27th, In which you request a foreword froci me to be included in the publication which you are pre- paring as a record of the Federal service of the New York Division, "ational Guard, both on the Llexican Border and since its return, up to the present laobili- zatlon. It needs but a reference to the purpose for which the Guard was called to demonstrate the successful acoociplishment of the mission to which it was assigned. When the Guard was called into Federal service In June 1916 for border duty, if there existed ion-.lnent danger of an invasion at that time, it went no further, and if there was danger of further aggression, that danger was avoided. The force that accomplished this result was the National Guard and I sincerely believe that last Summer this force undoubtedly did save the country froni war with Mexico. No one Who had the opportunity of seeing our Guard upon the border could fail, to feel, as I did, a thrill of pride that these men were our citizens. They made their own camps, built their own roads, dug their own ditches, accepted as mere Incidents of the service the heat, the hardships, the lack of facilities; and with it all, exercised a self-restraint and discipline which was reflected In the splendid health and the condition of the troops upon their return to the State. I am prcud of every man who did his own part in the Mexican Border service. TVhatever may be its future, the Guard has removed the last vestige of doxibt as to its usefulness or availability. To every officer and man who participated, I say, "Well done'. You accomplished your mission; more could not be asked. The State of New York acclalRis you, and I, in behalf of the people of the State, express their pride and gratitude.'! Very truly yours, Photn Allies Stmlio. N. Y. Major General John Francis O'Ryan Commanding, New York Division i -: r2 - — ■<- r\\ V ^v; Afev! s;j unwarranted. Nevertheless, the soldierly spirit was at all times dominant -everywhere. The personnel of the New York Division had been carefully instructed in previous years to distinguish between boisterous enthusiasm and a quiet spirit of military self-sacrifice. The spirit of self-sacrifice was everywhere manifest throughout the Division. All remember the surprise of the people of the Border, both Texans and Mexicans, during the period when the units of the New York Division were arriving at McAUen, Mission and Pharr, leaving the trains and making their camps. The physical fitness of the men, the number of motor •cars and animals, the batteries of artillery, signal companies, cavalry, engi- neers and sanitary units, as well as the infantry, all impressed them mightily. This show of strength undoubtedly solved the Border situation. The solution was effective, though not glorious, and it provided the coun- try with a greatly needed asset in the form of a large force of trained and !liardened soldiers. Brigadier Gener.\l Louis W. Stotesbury Adjutant General be t 11 i Col. Charles L. De Bevoisk 1st Cavalrv CuL. \\ ILLAKD C KlSKl 7th Infantry Col. Cornelius Vanderbilt 22nd Engineers CoL. William G. Bates 71st Infantry 'X REVIEW OF THE MEXICAN SITUATION LEADING UP TO THE CRISIS OF JUNE 1916 By Capt. Moses King. U.S.R. W The history of Mexico has been one of unrest. For over a hundred years, with the exception of the last quarter of the nineteenth century, there has been one uprising or revolution after another. First, to throw off the yoke of Spain, then one faction or leader trying to wrest the power from another. The brief and stormy rule of Maximillian backed by France was followed by more unrest. In 1828 and 29 four different presidents held office, each in turn being overthrown by the man who compelled the choice of himself as successor. This record, however, was surpassed in 1846-48 during the war with the United States, when there were twelve changes in the chief executive. In 1836 the Texans made good their separation from Mexico, and in 1S45 the state was annexed to the United States and a dispute arose over the boundary. A.t this time, as in fact at almost all times in its history, Mexico was torn by revolution and contending factions and there being no strong government to enforce order a series of outrages upon American citizens, together with other causes, led in 1846 to the declaration of war on Mexico by the United States. Owing to the internal troubles in Mexico this country had little trouble in defeating her armies and annexed a large part of her territory. Conditions continued in an unsettled state in Mexico with only occa- sional brief respites until in 1877 Porforio Diaz ousted Lerdo de Tejada and became president, and, except for the years from 1880 to 1884 when he tried having his friend. General Manuel Gonzalez, rule for him and under his supervision, ruled with an iron hand until 1910. He was strong enough to suppress all discontent and gave Mexico a period of quiet which permitted the development of her immense resources. By 1910 Diaz, being quite old, had lost some of his old time control of affairs, and opponents began to rise and plot his overthrow. The result was an ever-increasing amount of unrest, particularly in the north, which was farthest from the capital and hence most difficult to control, and also where the richest and largest developments brought about by foreign capital were located. These were naturally easy prey for the revolutionists and a source of income wherewith to finance their plans. Conditions indicating serious unrest and intrigue on both sides of the ^^i^\ border led to the stationing of two cavalry troops along the frontier in Texas in November, 1910, and these were augmented as necessity indicated until the entire border line from the mouth of the Rio Grande in Texas to San Diego, California, was patrolled by United States troops. In 191 1 Francisco Madero launched his revolution which resulted in the ».. ;-\:^ rM '^'^"3;>y^"-^ • overthrow of Diaz. F^caring the neutrality of the United States might be violated, under orders of President Taft, in March, 191 1, a division of troops was concentrated at San Antonio, Texas, for the purpose of maneu- vers and to render the civil authorities any aid that might be required. A separate brigade was also mobilized at Galveston, Texas, and a partial brigade at San Diego, California. The return of these troops to their home station began June 15, 191 1, and continued gradually until August 7, 191 1, as the Madero party gained power. Subsccjuently and owing to later revolutions whirh were set on foot against the government of President Madero, it again became necessary to patrol the frontier in aid of neutrality laws. The United States troops on the border assisted in the suppression of General Reyes' attempt to insti- gate an insurrection against Madero's government and later when author- ized by Congress assisted in preventing the importation of arms, which was primaril}^ responsible for the unsuccessful end of the insurrection led by Orozco in Chihuahua. By 1913 about 7,000 officers and men of the United States Army were on the border. An extensive patrol was continuously maintained by these troops from the Gulf of Mexico to Sasabe, 30 miles west of Nogales, Arizona, a distance, following the winding of the river, of 1,600 miles. In February, 1913, with the overthrow of the Madero government and the establishment of the Huerta regime, active military operations were promptly inaugurated by the so-called Constitutionalists under Carranza and others. This led to a series of contests for the possession of the "border towns. Conditions became so bad that orders were issued February 21 and 24, 1913, for the troops of the second division to move to Galvcblon and Texas City. The next year following the insult to the United States flag at Tampico and the demand for a salute, the United States navy seized Vera Cruz. Under orders of April 23, 1914. the 5th brigade, 2nd division, was rein- forced and detached and sailed on April 24th under Brigadier General Funston lor Vera Cruz to relieve the navy of the work of occupying the town. The troops arrived April 28, 1914, and remained until November 23, 1914, when Huerta w^s forced to give up the government, which was taken over by Carranza, who has held the nominal control since. Soon after his accession to power he broke with his chief general, Fran- cisco ^^i^a, who has ever since endeavored to overthrow his erstwhile chief. On June 30, 1915. there were 486 officers and 14,354 men serving on or near the border, and the second division was still at Galveston and Texas City. Carranza had not established his government sufficiently strong to exercise much control over the large states of Chihuahua and Sonora, which are contiguous to the western part of the United States. These states had always been claimed by Villa, now styled an "outlaw." On the night of March 8-9, 1916, with a force variously estimated at '^'^'^' 1. "^^sS^ r from 500 to 1,000 men, he crossed the international border from Mexico to the United States at a point about 3 miles west of the border line gate, and concentrated his force for an attack on the town of Columbus, New Mexico. The attack was made during hours of extreme darkness and was for the purpose, according to information subsequently obtained by the military authorities, of looting the town after disposing of the garrison. A fight ensued in which seven American soldiers were killed and two officers and five soldiers were wounded and eight civilians killed and two wounded. Immediately after the raid one troop of Cavalry crossed the border and pursued the Mexicans. An additional troop, stationed at the border-line gate, also mounted and struck the retreating Mexicans in the flank ; the two troops, then joining, continued the pursuit of the Mexicans south for a distance of 12 miles, discontinuing the pursuit only when their ammuni- tion was exhausted and the horses and men, without water and almost exhausted, could continue no longer. On March 10, 1916, the commanding general of the southern depart- ment was directed to organize an adequate military force under' the com- mand of Brig. Gen. John J. Pershing, with instructions to proceed promptly across the border in pursuit of the Mexican outlaws who had attacked Co- lumbus. Under these instructions, two columns were organized, one start- ing from Columbus and the other from Culberson's ranch. The advance of the Columbus column started on March 15, on the road, through Palomas, Ascension, Corralitos, toward Casas Grandes. The Culberson column left the same night, via the Ojitas route, and arrived at Colonia Dublan, 4 miles north of Nueva Casas Grandes, on the night of March 17. These troops pushed rapidly south, the bandits scattering and fleeing from their front. Gen. Pershing was acting under orders to respect in every manner the sovereignty and rights of Mexico and her people, and to avoid all possible occasion of conflict with, or irritation to, the representatives of the de facto Government of Mexico. During the pursuit of Villa and his followers, Maj. Frank Tompkins, Thirteenth Cavalry, with Troops K and M of that regiment, under the command of Col. W. C. Brown, Tenth Cavalry, camped outside of the town of Parral, Mexico, and sent a detachment of soldiers to the town for the purpose of purchasing supplies, at about 11 o'clock a.m., April 12, 1916. Major Tompkins was cordially received by the higher civil and military officials. The Mexican general, Lozano, accompanied Maj. Tompkins on his way to the camp. On the outskirts of the town, groups of native sol- diers and civilians jeered, threw stones, and fired on the column. Maj. Tompkins at once took a defensive position north of the railroad but was soon flanked by Mexican troops and forced to retire. The American troops continued to withdraw to avoid further complications, until they reached .Santa Cruz, 8 miles from Parral. Gen. Lozano attempted to control his men when the fighting first began, but failed. For some time subsequent to this. Gen. Pershing's force maintained ^ liCi 7"N ^^^^^-^T^^^^w^ fc^a itself in substantially the same position, using scouting parties and detach- ments for the purpose of locating the force of Villa, which had been broken up and scattered in various directions through the difficult and mountain- ous country through which the expedition had penetrated. On the morning of the 2ist of June, 1916, Troops C and K of the Tenth Cavalry, under the command of Capt. Charles T. Boyd, while on the way to Villa Ahumada on such a scouting expedition, reached the town of Carrizal, and sought permission from the commanding officer of the Mexi- can forces garrisoned there to pass through the town in order to reach Villa Ahumada. Gen. Gomez, the Mexican commander, sent an officer of his command to the American troops denying the permission requested. During the conference, Mexican troops were seen to move toward the f^ank of the American troops. The latter assumed a defensive position, but an engagement immediately ensued, in which Capt. Charles T. Boyd and Lt. Henry R. Lewis S. Morey, Tenth Cavalry, and 9 enlisted men, were wounded. Twenty-three enlisted men of the Tenth Cavalry and i civilian interpreter were captured and sent to Chihuahua City. Gen. Pershing's force has been on Mexican soil since the 15th day of March, during part of the time engaged in active and vigorous pursuit of bandits, but during the larger part of the time encamped generally in the neighborhood of Colonia Dublan. In addition to the raid on Columbus, N. Mex., several raids of more or less importance have occurred during the past year, the most notable of them being: Glenn .Springs, Tex., May 5, 1916, the casualties being 3 American sol- diers and I civilian killed ; 3 American soldiers wounded. At this place, it is believed that 2 Mexican bandits were killed and a number wounded, although it was impossible to secure definite information. San Ygnacio, Tex., June 15, 1916, the casualties being 4 American sol- diers killed and 5 wounded ; 6 Mexican bandits killed. Near Fort Hancock, Tex., July 31, 1916, i American soldier and i civilian (United States customs inspector) killed, and i American soldier wounded; 3 Mexicans killed and 3 captured by Mexican de facto Govern- ment troops. The known presence of large numbers of bandit forces and irregular military organizations, hostile alike to the de facto Government of Mexico and to the Government and people of the United States, made it apparent that further aggression upon the territory of the United States was to be expected. The Mexican border is a long and irregular boundary line, passing in places through cities and towns, but for great stretches run- ning through sparsely settled regions and through a wild and difficult country. The forces at the disposal of the commander of the Southern Department for the protection of this border had been strengthened from time to time by the transfer to that department of a very large part of the Regular Army within the limits of the continental United States, including some detachments of Coast Artillery forces, withdrawn from their coast '3 5 f\^ i • -^ c f<^. defense stations. It was, however, clear that even thus strengthened the forces under Gen. Funston's command were inadequate to patrol this long and difficult line and to assure safety to the life and property of American citizens against raids and depredations. The President, therefore, deemed it proper to exercise the authority vested in him by the Constitution and laws to call out the Organized Militia. On May 9, 1916, he issued a call, through the governors of the States of Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, directing the concentration of the militia of those States at places to be designated by the commanding general of the Southern Department. The reasons which caused the President to issue the call for the Militia of Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico on May 9, 1916, impelled him, on June 18, 1916, to call into the service of the United States a large part of the Organized Militia and National Guard of the other States of the Union and the District of Columbia, the call being duly issued on the date last men- tioned through the governors of all the States concerned and the Com- manding General of the District of Columbia Militia. On August 31, 1916, the date of the latest complete returns received, the troops in the Southern T")epartment consisted of 2,160 officers and 45,873 enlisted men of the Regular Army and 5,446 officers and 105,080 enlisted men of the National Guard, making a total of 7,606 officers and 150,953 enlisted men in that department. On the date given there were 1,557 o^- cers and 28,176 enlisted men of the National Guard in the other military departments, making a total of 7,003 officers and 133,256 enlisted men of the National Guard in the Federal service on August 31, 1916. The mere presence of this enlarged force on the border has sefved to preserve peace and to protect life and property. Disturbances by outlaws and bandits in northern Mexico have continued and roving bands of vari- ous numbers have moved through the territory, harassing Mexican forces and raiding Mexican communities, but they have not ventured an attack upon the people of the United States. From the beginning the department appreciated the sacrifice which the members of the National Guard were called upon to make in the interest of the national defense. These organizations, made up of men engaged in all sorts of industrial, commercial, and professional activity, were sum- moned suddenly and without opportunity adequately to provide for a pro- longed absence from home. In many instances family illness, business commitments, and other pressing engagements had to be faced, and an effort was made by the department in the presence of extreme cases of hardship to minimize the sacrifice. The readiness with which the militia responded to this call was most gratifying, and when the transitional condition in which it was found by the call is remembered, the confusions and difficulties attending the mobili- zation willseem insignificant in comparison with its success. V il '■7i i' ^r '^ SJ ORGANIZATION OF THE N. Y. DIVISION By Major Edward Olmsted, Assistant Chief-of-Staff On Sunday, June i8, 1916, Division Headquarters had been established at State Camp, Peekskill, for three weeks in connection with the Schools of Application and preparation for the maneuvers near Green Haven, scheduled for the following month. Beginning at about 7.00 p.m. on that day numerous telephone inquiries were received from newspapers and press associations throughout the State requesting information regarding the mobilization of the National Guard. Thus the first intimation to the military authorities of the State that any orders were on the way and, in fact, the full text of the President's call, received by telephone from the New York Sun and repeated by tele- phone from Peekskill to the Governor at Albany, was of prior receipt to the official message. This was as follows: "Hon. Ch.\rles S. Whitm.^vn, Governor of the .State of New York, Albany, N. Y. Having in view the possibility of further aggression upon the territory of the United States, and the necessity for the proper protection of that frontier, the President has thought proper to exercise the authority vested in him by the Constitution and laws and call out the organized militia and the National Guard necessary for that purpose. I am, in consequence, instructed by the President to call into the service of the United States forthwith, through you, the following units of organized militia and the National Guard of the State of New York, which the President directs shall be assembled at the State mobilization point. New Dorp (or at the place to be designated to you by the Commanding General, Eastern De- partment), for muster into the service of the United States: New York : One division, including three brigades of three regiments each, of 'v\- fantry. One regiment and one squadron and one machine gun troops of cavalry. Two regiments of field artillery. Two battalions of engineers. One battalion of signal corps. Three field hospital companies. Four ambulance companies. Organizations to be accepted into the Federal service should have t.he minimum peace strength now prescribed for organized militia, the mrixi- mum strength at which organizations will be accepted and to which the}^ should be raised as soon as possible is prescribed in Section 2, Tables of Organization, United States Army. In case any regiment, battalion, or .squadron now recognized as such contains an insufficient number or organi- zation to enable it to conform at muster to regular army organization tables the organizations necessary to complete such units may be moved to mobilization camp and there inspected under orders of the Department Commander to determine fitness for recognition as organized militia by the War Department. Circular 19, Division of Militia Aiifairs, 1914, pre- 3 5 ^W*5 ^LrrJ scribes the organizations desired from each State as part of the local tactical division, and only these organizations will be accepted into service. It i- Toi'.::f:~x<:d that all officers of the Adjutant General's Department. Quar- t'-rni;! r r Corps and Medical Corps, duly recognized as pertaining to State H<;adfju.-i.r'':rs under Table i. Tables of Organization, Organized Militia, and not elsewhere reriuired for duty in State administration, be ordered to camp for duty as camp staff officers. Such number of these staff officers as the department commander may determine may be mustered into the service of the United States for the purpose of proper camp administration, and will be mustered out when their sen. ices are no longer required. Where recognized brigades or divi- sions are called into sen,ice from a State, the staff officers pertaining to ihese units under Tables of Organization, United States Army, will be mustered into service, and also the authorized Inspectors of small arms practice pertaining thereto. Except for these two purposes of mobilization ^.-imp service and of the prescribed staff service with tactical units, officers of State Headquarters, under Table i, above mentioned, will not be mus- tered into service at this time. If tactical divisions are later organized, the requisite additional number of staff officers with rank as prescribed for 'iivision staff will, as far as practicable, be called into service from those States, which have furnished troops to such division. Acknowledge. N'ewton' D. Baker, Secretarj' of War." Orders were promptly issued by the Division Commander and the Adjutant General for the assembly of commands at their home stations and covered the details of subsistence, transportation, pay, physical examina- tion, preparation of muster rolls, transfer of property, organization of depot units, requisitions for supplies and all the procedure requisite for the transition from the status of organized militia under the so-called Dick Bill of 1903 to that of National Guard of the United States in the federal service under the provisions of the recently enacted "National Defense Act" approved June 3, 1916. It was a remarkable and fortunate coincidence that a meeting of Com- manding Officers of all organizations had been called for June 19th at Peekskill for a conference regarding details of the proposed July maneu- vers. It was thus possible to convey essential instructions, at first hand and for the benefit of all those present, concerning the very much more immediate and important details of the mobilization and to apprise com- manders of the plans so far as formulated at that time. The strength of the auxiliary units included in the call and that of the nine Regiments later designated as those to constitute the three Infantrj' Brigades, at this time was approximately 14,500 officers and men. By reason of a recruiting campaign in May there had been a gain in the New York City commands of some 2,000 men and many companies in up- .State Regiments f because of similar recent additions), were at war strength. War Department Reports give the total number of New York troops moved to the Border as 18,761. The war strength for this force should have been about 28,000 officers and men, so that the percentage of war strength furnished was sixty-seven. Due to the fact that all units of the 22 ofctt— — o «^o Oi: c cos-^s c ^^Ljocnciocoo i-^ernrtOOOO ^ -- L= ^ C © C O H ^ r; -!■ ^ ?: ci r: C O 23 O -S» — c?i'*ricot-c:or3M2;i-r"it-OMiawO:3xt--*t--ioico^o Ctc:xc4:cosH«s:sr;«3 cao& c-iocs x^t-i ^<-l o irtiowi-n-tc^fiisr-* •vtDto e©c -vei.- — '-riR ©oo »©© :^)^ia ttor? S P » O •?■ O »^ LI 1.0 y 1.. t~ o »:!; iS i.'S L- -J. 13 §11 5 i<=aQiT!OQaOa-!SOQQfe,feKoSfeia2;bwOaif;fe,caSfc. UC3 ■^?i|=l -•_;_:Saa£5' = 2i- — s — 'Scasoooo'O •= o — =£53 ; = i i • --~ ^ 2 5, ode — I •oca i = = =■= = £ Division were not in Texas at any one time, the strength of commands given in the following table was that as reported at the time of stated retnrns. The dates noted are those of arrival at and departure from Border stations. The War Department plans contemplated the shipment from Govern- ment Depots and Arsenals to the Mobilization Camp of "war-strength efjuipment'" — being that required for the difference between commands at their normal or peace strength and the maximum war strength as pro- \ided in Tables of Organization. For three years, the Division Commander had repeatedly urged that these supplies, so much needed immediately upon mobilization, be stored in the armories of commands for instant availability. During the week ending June 24th eiTorts in this direction were renewed with the effect that a -portion of such equipment actually was delivered to Armories in New York City and issued to organizations. The Kincaid Bill passed by the State Legislature providing for the mobilization of the New York National Guard and carrying an appropria- tion of $500,000 applicable for equipment, etc., was a most fortuitous cir- cumstance since contracts had been made for the hire, with option of pur- chase, of horses and mules, so that instructions to anticipate deliveries of these animals in addition to those owned by organizations, enabled our mounted commands to report better provided for immediate field service than those of any other state. The normal procedure following a call for Federal service in accordance with former instructions, was for the units to assemble at their Company Rendezvous (the local armory), recruit and equip new men within the limits of available materiel and on receipt of orders proceed to join other units of their regiment at the Mobilization Camp. There it was contem- plated to raise commands to war strength with complete equipment, muster them into federal service, commence field training, rifle practice, etc., and in due course entrain for the concentration camp. In view of preliminary surveys made about three years before, a site at New Dorp on Staten Island had been designated as the Mobilization Camp for New York troops. Early in May of 1916, the State farm at Green Haven in Dutchess County had been inspected and recommended for the purpose, and it had been planned to hold the maneuvers on this tract in July. A detachment of Engineers had already commenced work on mapping, preparing the water supply, etc. Upon application to the Com- manding General, Eastern Department, the Green Haven tract was desig- nated as the Mobilization Camp for the New York Division and was named Camp Whitman. In line with existing plans then, orders were issued to the Corps of F.ngineers and the Sixty-ninth Infantry to proceed to Camp Whitman to complete the preparation of the site and to the Fourteenth Infantry to entrain for Peekskill for several days' rifle practice on the range, thence by marching to Camp Whitman (about thirty miles), the intention being- to have the other New York Citjr regiments follow in prompt succession. 21 i.i>. At the same time, the up-State regiments were to move to Poughkeepsie and march to Camp Whitman, later marching to Peekskill for several days' rifle practice and return to the Mobilization Camp. The Cavalry and Field Artillery were also ordered from their several home stations to camp at Van Cortlandt Park. After these plans were well under way, the War Department directed the movement to Texas to expedited because of the existing emergency (we were afterwards informed by General Parker that there was at the time immediate need for "men with guns in their hands"), ■-■^^^ so that many of our troops were sent direct from their armories as soon as entrainment was possible, and the general movement to the Border commenced. The destination of the New York Division was the Brownsville Dis- trict and more specifically Hidalgo County, Texas, in the "Magic Valley" ("of the Rio Grande), the stations assigned by Brigadier General James Parker, U. S. A., the District Commander, being the towns of Pharr, McAllen and Mission on the single-track St. Louis, Brownsville and Mex- ico Railroad. Pharr is thirty-two miles west of Harlingen — the supply base — McAllen being about three miles farther west and Mission about five miles to the west of McAllen. The country along the railroad is flat with a gradual slope from Mission to the East and South, except, where under cultivation, covered with chap- paral, cactus and mesquite, which was very dense along the river, where in some localities, there were also larger trees. Throughout this section were numerous irrigation canals with their laterals and ditches. The First New York Infantry Brigade, consisting of the Second, Four- teenth and Sixty-ninth Regiments, First Ambulance Company attached, all under the command of Brigadier General James \V. Lester and numbering some 3,950 officers and men, were stationed at Mission, the first organiza- tion to arrive there being the Fourteenth Infantry on July 3rd. The Third New York Infantry Brigade, consisting of Third, Twenty- third and Seventy-fourth Regiments, 2nd Ambulance Company attached, all under the command of Brigadier General William Wilson and number- ing some 4,120 officers and men, were stationed at Pharr, the first organiza- tion to arrive there being the Seventy-fourth Infantry on July loth. The Second New York Infantry Brigade included the Seventh, Twelfth and Seventy-first Regiments, commanded by Brigadier General George Dyer, with the remaining auxiliaries — Engineers, Signal and Sanitary Troops, Cavalry, Field Artillery and Trains, were stationed at McAllen. where also was situated the Camp Hospital and the Headquarters of Major General John F. O'Ryan, commanding the New York Division. The fir->t organization to arrive at McMlen was the Seventh Infantry on July 2nd, and the greatest number of troops at this station at any one time was 10,290 officers and men, as shown by the return of August 30, 1916. On the return to home stations at Headquarters, 2nd Brigade and Second, Fourteenth and Seventy-first Regiments Infantry, and because of an epidemic of paratyphoid fever. Mission was abandoned as a Camp and .^ ^- ^ ^ ^ & ..ii ^^^ First Brigade Headquarters moved to IVIcAllen, tlie regiments constituting the Brigade being the Seventh, Twelfth and Sixty-ninth. At the same time, the Third Tennessee Infantry, Colonel Gary F. Spence, Commanding, replaced the Third New York Infantry in the Third Brigade at Pharr. Thereafter the designation of General O'Ryan's com- vmand was changed from New York Division to Sixth Division. After the departure of Division and Third Brigade Headquarters and • the Seventh and Twenty-third Infantry, the Third Tennessee Infantry was moved to Llano Grande, and all the remaining New York Troops were stationed at IMcAllen under Brigadier General Lester, as Camp Com- mander. The Brigade thereafter was known as Second Brigade, Thir- teenth Provisional Division, to which the auxiliary troops were assigned, all being under the command of Brigadier General James Parker, U. S. A., as Division and District Commander. Other changes of station by New York Troops while on the border were those of the Third Field Artillery on December 8th, for Brownsville, and the Division Supply Train on February nth for San Antonio, both by marching", that of the latter unit covering some 320 miles, a notable achieve- ment. The last New York organization to leave Texas was the Fourth Field Hospital which entrained at McAllen on March 12, IQ17. The first month or six weeks at the border were strenuous in the • extreme. Unfamiliar and difficult conditions were encountered and dis- posed of. It was a time of becoming acclimated, domiciled and generally established in a country, and under conditions of climate and routine new to all. The necessary orders providing for Service Calls, Schedules of Instruction. Camp Sanitation and Hygiene, Military Police, Examining Boards, Prohibition (This was the well-known G. O. No. 7), were promul- gated for the government of the rapidly growing military communities. One of these orders prescribed complete measures to be taken for the protection of the camps in the event of a night attack. At this time Division Headquarters was in receipt of numerous instruc- tions from the Southern Department concerning the new materiel and animals needed to complete our equipment. Innumerable reports, on this, that and the other thing, were called for. All such matters it was necessary to communicate to all those concerned, together with instructions regarding . details of routine, administration, conduct and "setting up housekeeping." On the part of the troops this last involved hard physical labor under trop- ical sun or frequent torrential rains in what may be characterized as "Intensive Castramentation" — the science and practice of camp building, — Unnecessary to recount the details. In due course of time the ground was cleared of the chapparal, roads, drainage ditches and latrines had been dug, mess shacks, incinerators, tent flooring, frames and screens built, and organizations began to vie with one another in the matter of horticultural exhibits in their camps. There was , also much back and heart-breaking labor for the common weal. The disposal %\ s. / of refuse involved the establishment of "Dumps" for this purpose near V===> each of the Camps, Pharr, McAllen and Mission, and this constituted a job that was never finished. Also at McAllen numerous details were neces- sary for work on the water system— which was wholly inadequate. Though miproved after some time, the mounted commands were always fearful of its unreliability, a well-founded suspicion in more ways than one, since the First Field Artillery and Squadron A, Cavalry, drove their own wells and installed tanks with pumping systems so that thereafter they were independent of the town supply as their own was superior and more abundant. All this construction work did not move evenly and continuously to completion as there were many causes for interruption, one being the frequent heavy rains. During this time, also, the possibility of imminent active service involv- ing a moveme-nt "across the river" was impressed on all so that drill, inspections and the issue of equipment essential to the success of the "big :push" engaged the attention of those responsible. Early in August features of more strictly military training commenced. Elementary small arms practice with rifle and pistol was begun at the extemporised short ranges about three miles southwest of McAllen for the troops at that station and at Mission, and another about two miles south- east of Pharr for the Third Brigade, principally for the instruction of men whose experience had been limited or none at all. The "hardening" process was initiated by practice marches of a few days for Infantry by Companies or Battalions. Some of these were gruel- ling hikes. The Cavalry, a Squadron at a time, were the pioneers to make the marches later familiar to all north of Mission and into the bosque from Sterling's Ranch to La Gloria, Laguna Seca and Young's Ranch. Beginning August loth, this march of about a hundred miles, sched- uled to be covered in twelve days, was made by every Infantry Regiment in turn, one each from Mission, McAllen and Pharr starting on the same day and followed three days later by the next three regiments from those stations. The orders for the movement prescribed that bivouacs should be made in the order named, at Mission, Alton, Sterlings, La Gloria, Sterlings, Laguna Seca, Youngs, Laguna Seca, Sterlings, Edinburg, Pharr, McAllen, and that marches should be conducted as in enemy country with the proper provisions for security, outposts, etc. The Gulf Hurricane of August i8th, heavy roads, steaming humid days through the chapparal, and a scarcity of water at some of the bivouacs, made this march a rather stiff test for the hiking ability and "guts" of our Infantry, and tried the mettle of transport and supply personnel. Generally all measured up well, their Route Sketches, War Diaries and Field Orders ifor the marches, combats (simulated), and outposts filed at Division .Headquarters, comprising a valuable record of their performance. October 6th, instruction combat practice for all the Infantry com- panies and cavalry troops over the rough terrain at La Gloria Ranch commenced, and continued for two months or until all units had completed the course in field firing. This involved six days' absence from their proper stations of commands participating, each battalion making a march of two days to the range where two days were occupied in the firing prob- lem and another two days for the return march. The course comprised an interesting and instructive tactical problem, involving the proper handling. — as regarded fire discipline and control — of a company in combat, incident to its advance on a hostile position. The enemy, represented by targets, appeared unexpectedly at unknown ranges and the advance could only continue after fire superiority had been gained (as determined by hits on targets). The relative standing by Brigades, Regiments, Battalions, or Scjuadrons, and Companies or Troops was indicated by their respective figures of merit carefully compiled by Major George F. Chandler, Adju- tant, 1st Brigade, who was the Range officer in charge of the firing and arranged all details of the problem. The records disclosed that first place in each Tactical unit of the Division as above indicated, had been attained as follows: By Brigades 2nd Inf. Brigade By Regiments 1st Cav. Regt. By Battalions Squadron A Cavalry By Companies Co. "C," 7th Inf. During October and November, a week's instruction in the mechanism and practice in firing the machine guns (Colt, Benet-Mercie, or Lewis types) with which they were equipped, was given machine gun companies and troops of Infantry and Cavalr\% each unit marching to and from Har- lingen, where a Machine Gun School of instruction was established for the purpose. In September, October and November, the ist and 2nd Field Artillery had firing practice with their 3-inch materiel in the desolate terrain to the north of La Gloria Ranch : and in December, the 3rd Field Artillery marched via Brownsville for firing practice with their 4.7-inch Howitzers over the country between the old battle field of Palo Alto and Point Isabel. During October and November a line of eight detached posts was estab- lished, covering 28 miles along the Military Road, as a line of resistance and with a front of about 52 miles along the Rio Grande, as a line of observation. The Infantry and Cavalry of the Division were assigned by Battalions or .Squadrons, with detachments of the Machine Gun Companies or Troops from their regiments, to these detached posts for a week at a time, and were given detailed instructions relative to the thorough observation, map- ping and patrolling of their sectors, the establishment of intrenched outpost positions, opening up of connecting roads, precautions in the event of attack, etc. As all of this was intensely practical, the situation being a real one and none of the conditions, assumed, the varied duties necessary in the carrying out of the orders were performed most efficiently and enthusi- 28 -^'J -^i^'^^?'^^^' nstically by all concerned. That those engaged in this duty were on the "qui vive" was evidenced by the report received at Division Headquarters at 2 a.m. one dark night that a flotilla of boats crossing from Mexico had been driven back by the heavy fire of a vigilant but over-zealous outguard which "shot-up" some drift wood. A sequel to this incident, which may be apochryphal, but makes a good story, is to the effect that "our friend the ■enemy," Major Flores, Com.niandant of the Mexican garrison at Reynosa, just across the Rio Grande from Hidalgo, requested that further night firing be discontinued, as it disturbed the rest of his troops. Almost immediately after the arrival of the New York Division at its stations on the Border, the Cavalry commenced patrolling the river bank, at first under the guidance of detachments of the 28th U. S. Infantry, until they later became thoroughly familiar with all the fords, crossings, bends, and with the many trails through the chapparal south of the Militar}' Road. Besides the many short practice marches and bivouacs of the mounted troops, the entire 1st Cavalry made an interesting march in October to Point Isabel, covering i(So miles. Bivouacs en route in both •directions were at Llano Grande. San Benito and Brownsville, all of which places were stations of troops, both of the National Guard and the Regu- lars. The Regiment was reviewed while at Brownsville by Brig. Gen. James Parker. U.S.A. ("Galloping Jim"), the District Commander. During the six months while the New York Division was at the border, there were other frequent reviews of Regiments and Brigades. There were bIso six occasions when Division Reviews, including detachments of all arms, were given at the "White House Field" about three miles south- ■east of McAllen, to distinguished personages. These were as follows: Sept. 22d, Major General O'Ryan, Commanding N. Y. Division : Sept. 23d, Brig.-Gen. James Parker, U.S.A., Commanding Browns- ville District: Oct. I, Major Genera! Frederick Funston. Commanding Southern Dept. ; Nov. 16. Hon. Charles S. Whitman, Governor of New York ; Nov. 2q, Hon. James \^^ Wadsworth, Jr., Senior U. S. Senator, from New York; Dec. 12, Brig.-Gen. Edward M. Lewis, Ind. N. G., Commanding 13th Div. Tactical Exercises of the different arms by Company, Battalion and Regiment were incidental to the training of all the troops. Small Maneu- Acr problems were worked out in connection with, the daily drills or marches. In addition to these, in September and October, there were combined arms Exercises, by Reinforced Brigades, which involved a inarch to the Rio Grande to repel an invading (imaginary) force, a bivouac with outposts and a retirement before superior force. These were also problems covering the attack and defense of a convoy and several others incidental to the field inspections of troops bv officers of the Armv. a" '^ f I II i JJ) -W' \^ -1 m^ The departure of several cornm.'uids to their home stations in Septem- ber precluded the possibility of extensive division maneuvers, which had been contemplated. Officers of the regular army who were commissioned by the Governor and their assignments to duty with the New York Division, were as follows : Colonel W'm. S. ]\IcNair, F. A., as Brigadier General, Commanding Artillery Brigade. Lt.-Col. Harry H. Bandholtz, Infantry as Colonel, Chief of Staff. Captain Gordon Johnston, Cavalry, A.D.C. to Commanding General,. Eastern Department, as Colonel, Commanding 12th Infantry. Captain \\'illiam N. Haskell, Cavalry, as Colonel, Commanding ()()Xh. Infantry. Captain Daniel \\'. Hand, F. A., as Colonel, Commanding 3rd Field Artillery. Captain George H. White, Infantry, as Lieutenant Colonel. 74th Infantry. Major W illiam E. \\ elsh. Infantry, as Lieutenant Colonel, 23rd Infantry. Colonel Johnston being aggrieved at a requirement of discipline, which in his opinion, publicly discredited his command, tendered his resignation as Colonel of Infantry. In accepting the resignation his action was char- acterized by the War Department as indicating a spirit of insubordination and lack of self discipline, not expected in an officer of his experience. The services of the other officers named, were of the utmost benefit to the organizations with which they were connected. Under a ruling of the War Department, these capable officers were recjuired to resign their State commissions on the final muster of their commands, who lost them with great regret. Other officers of the Army stationed in Texas, who were temporarily assigned for duty with units of the New York Division, were Major Frank E. Bamford, 28th Infantry, as Division Adjutant. 1st Lt. Max R. Wainer, 28th Infantry, as Adjutant, 2nd Brig. Capt. Arthur G. Hadsell, 28th Infantry, as Adjutant, 3rd Brig. Lt.-Col. Charles E. Tayman, 28th Infantry, as Camp .Adjutant at ]\Ic- Allen, imder General Lester. The Sixty-fifth Infantry of Bufl'alo were reorganized and mustered into the federal service as the Third New York Field Artillery (Heavy), armed with 4.7 Howitzers. Other new commands were the Field Bakery Company, Division Sup- ply Train and Fourth Field Hospital. The Pioneer and Pontoon Battalions, Corps of Engineers were reor- ganized as the 22nd Regiment, New York Engineers, and Headquarters, Supply and Machine Gun Companies or Troops were organized in the Infantry and Cavalry, Headquarters and Supply Companies in the Field Artillerv also, conforming to the provisions of the National Defense Act. .^:v-N^-,..it) and the action begins. Some discussion was introduced in the instruc- tion as to the proper use of an advance guard, its change of mission in attack, etc. The matter of handling troops was left entirely to the com- pany or troop commanders. The battalion commander accompanied the range officer and tactical criticism was made through the proper channel ss t,- v^*^r es so as to eliminate any friction which might otherwise obtain. The inten- tion was to make the combat exercises tactically correct, to teach the mean- ing of fire superiority and to show that the individual shot must subordi- nate himself to the unit of which he is only a part. The officers and men of each battalion or squadron were instructed by the range officer in a half hour talk upon arrival at the range and before going through the exer- cises, special attention being given to the enlisted man and encouraging him to ask questions which were answered carefully by the range officer. Rifle fire in all its phases from the viewpoint of the expert as well as the novice was discussed. In ordinary target practice only the target is con- sidered and not the target the soldier himself presents to the enemy and this being a good opportunity, demonstrations in visibility were made by separating companies into platoons, each platoon facing the other over the last range of three hundred yards, in standing, kneeling and prone posi- tions, the last with hats off and hugging the ground. A method of crossing a road by rolling as opposed to dashing across, was chosen. The value of slow, deliberate movements as a mode of security in scout work was demonstrated. The danger of glittering equipment was pointed out by example and the fact was proven that immobility plus the olive drab uniform renders the soldier practically invisible. Each unit shot once each day, covering the two days' period that the battalion or squadron remained at La Gloria. The element of competition injected into the scheme added materially to the interest which was maintained throughout the course, while the frequent critiques gave each individual rifleman more knowledge of actual work on the firing line and of the meaning of fire disci- pline, fire control and fire dispersion than he had ever before attained. In rating the different units a formula was developed in which dispersion of fire was given due weight as follows : Number of hits plus value of hits, plus target hit, divided by number of targets appearing. The difference in value of the hits at the various distances was based on regular target practice, modified by tactical values, i.e., 2, 3, 4 and 5 being given for ist, 2nd, 3rd and 4th ranges respectively. The total figure obtained by adding the scores of the four distances was then divided by the number of rifles, this arriving at a final figure of merit after adding the two days' scores together. It was proved in this firing, as in the slow fire instruction during elementary practice, that the results from the use of the battle sight were not comparable with the results obtained with the point blank sight. This schedule of combat firing was continued without a break each day for six weeks until all the remaining infantry and cavalry units at the border had practiced. In November and December the remaining units at the Border expended the balance of the one hundred rounds per rifle, allowed by the Govern- ment for the rifle practice and instruction of the National Guard. This practice was on the regulation "A" target at 200 and 300 yards on the two and three target ranges at Pharr, Ponitas and Sam Fordyce, from three to twenty miles from camp. The Cavalry were also busily engaged in addi- 39 -^ the balance- of tlu- fifti tls ]l(.T pistdl tional pistol practice, nsiiifj up allowed by the (iovernmcnt. In August and September the entire Division engaged in field maneu- vers over an area of ground frcjni the Division Camps to the Kiu (irande. During these different ])r<)l>lenis about 75,ocK) rounds of blank ammunition were expended. The Machine (iun Companies of the regiments of the Division were sent to the Ordnance Depot at Harlington where schools of instruction were held for a period of se\eral weeks. The .Artillery Brigade of the Xew \'ork Dixision. three conipU'te rc-gi- ments, had extensive field firing instruction with their ^ in. and 4.7 in. guns, besides individual pistol practice. The range used by the ist and 2<\ Field Artillery regiments was constructed by the artillery troops at La Gloria, about a mile from the rifle range. This range was open about three > months and both regiments not only recei\ed excellent training but did commendable work. In December the 3rd Field Artillery, e(|uipped with the 4.7 in. guns, i)racticed at Point Isabel, about 73 miles south of our headquarters. The distances to and from all the ranges were of necessity covered by marching, but as the troops were well seasoned the matter of a twenty or thirty mile "hike" was of little consecjuence. The Navy's idea of "unlimited ammunition for rifle practice" would be a .step of progress if adopteil by the L^ .'>. .Army. \i\\' York Troops ox thk Rio Gr.\xdi-: ^=^1 '4 r THE ENTERTAINMENTS OF THE DIVISION By Lt.-Col. Franklin W. Ward, Assistant Chief of Staff, N. Y. Division The task of recording all the various forms of entertainment of a tactical division of New York soldiers responsible for the protection of approximately -"ifty miles of Texan border along the Rio Grande, is by no means an easy one, particularly if an attempt is made to follow a strict definition of the word. For instance, hurricanes that blew in from the Gulf and swept over and around them, and the "northers" that swept through them— might be called entertainments, or at least diversions. Then there was the "hiking" and the "digging-in" by day, with the pump-handle braying of the burros, and the ear-splitting shriek of the overworked locomotives, by night, all entertaining in a more or less serious sense. Then there was pay-day, the various Palaces of Sweets, the Delmonico Jr. restaurant, the Screen-off- Restorio, Helen's Palm Cafe, the excursions to Corpus, Bevo, Peruna, let- ters from home, and The I\.io Grande Rattler. Then there was the Amusem Airdome Picture Theatre, that great leveler of military rank, where nightly in clear weather, a single bench would be very liable to contain, in the order named, a brigadier general, a mule-skinner, a colonel of infantry, a Mex, six privates, a citizen of Texas and a contract undertaker. However, the old saying which indicates that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, was in all probability in the mind of Major General O'Ryan when he began the development of a systematic and carefully planned series of entertainments for the benefit of the soldiers of the N. Y. Division. .Shortlv after the arrival of the troops at ]\IcAllen, Mission and Pharr, spacious entertainment platforms were constructed of heavy lumber on ground convenient to the camps located at. those points. These platforms were elevated about five feet and equipped with the conventional prize ring, posts, ropes, etc. A piano, hired in the adjacent town, was placed in one corner and a rough shelter tent built over it to protect it from the weather. Alany of the individual organizations also erected platforms for their own use. The chaplains of the various regiments were asked to formulate plans for suitable entertainments, and nights reserved for the benefit of each organization. As a result on at least one evening during the weeks, when the commands were occupying their "home" camps, thousands of khaki- clad men would assemble tor the performance. Splendid upstanding men they were, squatting two-hundred deep, their bronzed open-air faces dimly illuminated against the darkness of the warm damp night by the lights on the platform, a suitable setting for any picture calculated to show strong ^ feL If ■:-,-=^; _ ^■- 1. ^ American manhood, rough perhaps, and brown, but clean-cut as a knife blade, and all was good nature and good fellowship among these men with boys' eyes, whose lot, by a trick of fate, had been thrown together. Who that has witnessed the spectacle can forget the deep quiet that always prevailed during the rendition by some favorite singer of "You'll Always Be the Same, Sweet Girl," or ''The End of a Perfect Day"? And who that heard it will forget the deep-throated tribute that always followed "Good-bye. Good Luck, God Bless You"? Favorites, there were many of them — the mere appearance of Bannon, the popular virger of the 7th Infantry's entertainments, was sufficient to develop loud calls for "Aladdin's Lamp." Then there was Kirkpatrick of the Squadron, who could do anything from a four-round go to a love song, and the Squadron A Glee Club whose songs and music were always a finished product. Then there was Shriner of the 74th who sang "Asleep in the Deep," and Metcalf with "Mother Machree." Many others, like Love of the 2nd Field Artillery, Hyde of the 23rd, and Goodwin of the I2th became very well known to the tune-loving audiences. The fight fans were treated to many exhibitions of the manly art. Prob- ably the favorite knight of the buckskin mits, was little "Stockings" Conroy, of the 2nd Infantry, who found himself famous after a four-round go with a Goliath from the 14th, who looked big enough to eat him alive. At McAllen the most popular figure in the squared circle was Pvt. Norman Selby, of the 71st Inf., better known among fight fans as Charles Kid McCoy. It was at the boxing exhibitions that the favor or disfavor of the soldier audiences was most emphatically indicated, and many a seeker for pugilistic honors went cold under the boisterous acclamation to "take him off!" It was not long after the arrival of the N. Y. troops in Texas before large roomy frame buildings were constructed at each of the three camps. These buildings were furnished with the ordinary conveniences of a club, there were facilities for letter writing and reading, each house being plentifully supplied with current literature, newspapers, magazines, etc. The entire expense of this most highly appreciated enterprise was borne by the Young Men's Christian Association. A similar building was erected at McAllen camp by the Knights of Columbus. This article might not be considered complete unless some mention is made of the occasional gatherings of soldiers for entertainments of particular varieties. For instance, forty odd alumni of Amherst and Wil- liams held a banquet at which "Lord Jeffrey Amherst" and other songs of college days were sung. All stein songs, however, were omitted. There were also meetings of the Harvard Club and Psi Upsilon. There was base- ball galore and later football was played, one of the most notable games being that between the 4th Ambulance Company and the 69th Infantry's teams. A bowling tournament at McAllen also attracted much interest. The star occasion, however, was Frontier Day, for not only did the entire Division turn out for the entertainment, but every regiment from "1. ■^4 (•■ Rio Grande City to Brownsville, contributed its quota of men, and the civilian population of the entire "Magic" Valley attended en masse, arriv- ing in lumbering carts, autotrucks, jitneys, horse-back, special train, and on foot. Soldiers, Mexicans, cowboys, rancheros, senoritas, and Northern tourists met and mingled on the narrow sidewalks of the one main thor- oughfare of McAllen. The exhibition was given on the field near Division Headquarters. The morning was given over to athletic events in which a large number of entrants from the various regiments of the Division competed for the prize. In the afternoon the military, mounted and Wild West events were held. Over six thousand people had passed into the field before two o'clock and the canteens and pop-corn stands sprinkled around the field, did a land office business. Boys with peanuts and programs were as busy as their brothers at the New York Polo Grounds on a Saturday afternoon. The Cavalry and Artillery events were very interesting but it was the Grand Melee, in which picked men from Squadron A and the ist Cavalry participated, that particularly delighted the crowd. Wearing masks and padded headgear with long paper-string plumes, the combatants, ten to a side, charged fiercely at each other on horse-back and slashed away at the streamers with wooden swords. The Wild and Woolly West in which broncho busting was demon- strated, proved somewhat of a surprise as the cleverest riding was not done by the professional Western busters, but by two members of the N. Y. Division, Pvts. Hathaway of the 2nd Field Artillery and Joe Hooker of the 1st Cavalry. The evening show was opened by the 22nd Engineers with a fireworks display that possessed much military interest, for it included the newest things in trench-lighting and other features. A mammoth vaudeville show and two championship bouts concluded the programme, which ended at ii.OO p.m., when the band of the 3rd Ten- nessee Infantry, which had furnished the music during the evening, played Home Sweet Home. The Horse Show which was given under the auspices of the ist Cav- alry, was another entertainment which was probably the first of its kind ever held under shnilar conditions, and by a similar organization of men. Many of the best looking horses entered belonged to men in the ranks. The entries exhibited, taken as a whole, were the finest class of horses ever exhibited at a show. The show lasted for three days and the music was furnished by three military bands, while the scores of the World's baseball series were posted on the bulletin board. The show ended with races, a rescue race and a four-mount relay race being the most thrilling. Another event that attracted considerable interest among the soldiers was a point race held by the 12th N. Y. Infantry on Thanksgiving Day, the race consisting of a three-mile cross country run with full pack and 100 rounds of rifle ammunition. fi,\ \i m *i„ii<^^-- 5 r Perhaps of all the pleasures that the average soldier had, the receipt of mail from home stood first. It is safe to say a large majority of the men of the N. Y. Division had never before been so far away from their home cities, and the daily distribution of letters and packages was an occasion i)f great interest. Some idea of the magnitude of the task may be learned vvhen it is stated that the greatest sale of stamps in one month at the McAllen postoffice before the arrival of the New York troops was 7,300. In the month of July the sales amounted to 72,700. The day the camp was established the mail was carried from the station in a push-cart, while during July the daily delivery averaged three two-horse truck loads. The mail received averaged from 6o,oo(J to 70,000 pieces, while that sent out averaged 40,000 pieces a day. A military postmaster was appointed by General O'Ryan and the post- ofifice force supplemented by twenty enlisted men experienced as clerks in the New York postoffice. M.AjOR General Funstox, USA; M.\.tor Gener.m. O'Ryan, N.G.U.S., and (in background) Brigadier General Parker, U.S.A. ■r'A i \dMit^ \ .T^^ HEADQl-ARTERS, DHISIOX, XATIOXAL GUARD, NEW YORK. Albany, January 15, 191 7. General Orders, \o. I. I. The Division Commander announces with deep regret the death of Colonel Nathaniel Blunt Thurston, Commanding the 74th Infantry. Colonel Thurston's death occurred in the line of duty at 11:00 p. m., January 15, 1016, at McAllen, Texas, and was caused by apoplexy. Colonel Thurston was so well known throughout the military service that an extended recital in this order of his qualities and virtues would seem unnecessary. Essentially he was a soldier. He was rigid and just. But as many of the younger ofiicers will testify, his sternness was a cloak for a kindli- ness and sympathetic understanding that marked his character. Of the highest integrity and loyalty, he combined with these qualities great capacity for organization and for energetic leadership, which crowned with success every undertaking entrusted to him. In the loss of this remarkable man the Division Commander and the mem- bers of the Division StaflF have lost an intimate friend and a most capable advisor. The 74th Infantry has lost a Colonel who by virtue of his eminent capacity and qualities of leadership has raised that regiment to an excep- tional standard of efhciency, and the National Guard as a whole has lost one of the most capable men ever in its service. II. Nathaniel Blunt Thurston enlisted as a private in Company E, 22nd Regiment, Infantrj-, N. G., N. Y., August 6, 1877 ; was promoted' Corporal. April 3, 1878; 1st Sergeant, February 20, 1879; was commissioned second lieu- tenant. February 11, 1880; first lieutenant, April 6, 1880; Captain, December 20, 1886, major, July 28, 1896; lieutenant colonel. May 14, 1898; inspector of small arms practice and ordnance ofticer on the staff of the major general commanding the division, with the grade of lieutenant colonel, December 31, 1898; colonel by brevet, September 18, 1902. Under his brevet commission as Colonel, he was at dififerent times in com- mand of the 22nd Engineers, the ist Field .\rtillery and the 13th Coast Defense Command, in each instance with credit to himself and marked benefit to the command. Under his conduct, the National Guard of this state attained and held a position of the first importance in the rifle practice of the countrj-, and repeatedly won the leading trophies for excellence in military marksmaiiship. Colonel Thurston was in the United States service, as Lieutenant Colonel of the 22nd Regiment of Infantry, N. Y. Volunteers, from May 24, 1898, to November 23, 1898, and as Colonel, 74th N. Y. Infantn-. from June 30, 1916, to the time of his death. III. The prescribed badge of militar\- mourning will be worn for thirty days by officers of the Division Staff and of the Ordnance Department. By Command of Major General O'Ryan : CHAUNCEY P. WILLIAMS, Colonel. Adjulant General. Official : Lieutenant Colonel. Adjutant General. Buzzer Station Operating Under Difficulties McAiXEN Camp Telephone Line ^''^Avn!^!^ A Wire Section fe.J THE SIGNAL CORPS By Lt. Gordon Ireland The President's call of June i8th found the New York Signal Corps, under the State Military Law, Section 34, organized as a Battalion, com- manded by a Major who was also Chief Signal Ofticer of the Division, and comprising battalion headquarters, one radio company, one wire company and a telegraph and telephone detachment. The Battalion assembled in its quarters as promptly as the previously arranged squad telephone and telegraph notification plan could reach the men. At 10.00 p.m. on June 19th, less than three hours after the mobiliza- tion order had been received by telegraph from Peekskill, 92.8 per cent, of the existing Battalion was in uniform and present at roll calls. Armory guards were established, entrance and departure allowed on duly counter- signed pass only ; and the companies settled down to the details of preparation for entraining, orders for which were expected every moment. On June 21st, the entire Telegraph and Telephone Detachment was ordered, and proceeded under command of ist Lt. Frederick M. Steeves, from Battalion Headquarters to Camp Whitman, at Beekman, Dutchess County, to establish a complete communication system for the organiza- tions which were then supposed to be going to occupy that Camp. This unit was not mustered into Federal Service, and did not leave the State. The Detachment remained at Camp Whitman, working hard and faithfully on telephone installation for the whole Camp, and maintaining and operat- ing it when completed, during the whole period of use of the Camp, until August 3, 1916. July 3rd the Battalion, after a medical examination in which not a single man presented was rejected, was mustered into the active Federal service, by Capt. J. L. Gilbreth, Inf., U.S.A. The Fourth brought leaving orders, with details of railroad accommo- dation ; and on July 5th the Battalion entrained at the Communipaw yards of the Jersey Central Railroad, and moved out at i.oo p.m., amid somewhat suspiciously throaty farewells from men and women relatives. The gov- ernment contract speed of not to exceed 25 miles per hour, observed throughout the trip, gave ample opportunity, for those who had cheerfully oflFered greater service than they were afterward called upon to render, to learn what the rest of the country really thought of them. As far as the Blue Ridge Mountains, people came to their store or farm house doors and waved hats or aprons, or sometimes flags, and occasionally cheered a little as the yellow burdened train passed. From West Virginia onward, through Ohio, Kentucky, Arkansas and into Texas, the encouragement of supporting loyalty seemed to diminish as curiosity strengthened: it was not "We are glad you are going forward for us," but "What do New York soldiers look like? How do they talk?" Throughout the i'\\ -^ =^=-1'. =5^ '4 t^^ J' five days" journey the wire company maintained inter-coach communica- tion by lines strung along the outside of the cars, which proved of over- whelming interest at many stops, and gave the telegraph operators excel- lent opportunity for practice under more or less distracting surroundings. There were daily schools, lessons in elementary Spanish ; and brisk exercise at one or two stops each day. The Battalion train ran through Harlingen Junction, Texas, at night: and the first sight of the spasmodically irrigated \'alley that was to be their half-year's home came to most of the men in a glimpse of good-looking citrus trees and a palm avenue, as the train approached the West McAllen siding. Arriving at 6.oo a.m., the Battalion had made camp, had break- fast, pitched conical tents, and unloaded, transported and put away all its property by ci.20 a.m. At T.40 p.m. appeared and burst a heavy rainstorm bj' way of hospitable introduction to the similar features of the next few weeks. The ist Field Hospital, 3rd Ambulance Co., ist Cavalry, and 7th, I2th and -ist Infantry were already established at McAllen. The Signal Battalion occupied a rectangle about 300 by 800 feet in the south- east corner of the Camp, next to the McAllen Canal. The actual performance of duty by the Battalion in and from Mc.'Mlen. from July loth to December 13, 1916, falls into two distinct classes. Organized and equipped as Field Companies, its units were charged with the duty of keeping ready at any moment to be, fully equipped, at any point of action of infantry, cavalry or artillery ; and thence, preserving contact w'ith subordinate commanders, to maintain uninterruptedly under combat conditions such communication, without regard to change of head- quarters, as would keep the commander fully and continuously informed as to the progress of the action and the position of his troops, hospitals, trains and supply departments. On the other hand, in semi-permanent camps, such as the three of the 6th Division became, even without guar- antee of continuance, it is the duty of the .Signal troops to erect and main- tain an efficient, durable, and ample communication system among all commands. This ordinarily means substantial telephone lines, strung overhead, from a central switch board to all organization headquarters. In the absence of the I'elegraph and Telephone Detachment, created, trained and equipped for this function (and in fact performing it at Beekman). the field companies, with the readiness in undertaking and ingenuity and persistence in executing which has come to be characteristic of the Corps, essayed, constructed and put into successful operation not merely a Camp, but a Border sector, telephone system, such as no Field Signal Battalion had theretofore undertaken. On August 3rd a platoon of the radio company, under ist Lt. Herbert L Watson accompanied Maior-Cicn. John F. O'Ryan and Squadron A on the practice march of 80 miles around the Mission — Monte Christo — La Gloria circuit. They returned to camp on August 8th, in satisfactory condition, with an excellent march record, and having been able to be of practical assistance horn La (jioria. in imtling the Commanders, through '3 'M vm the McAllen station, in touch with their much needed forage and supply 'irains. Enough riding and draft horses having been received to mount two wire sections, Co. B undertook field practice involving two imaginary Bri- gades, in advance, attack, one night bivouac camp and retreat. Officers representing Brigade Headquarters were found, connected with Field Division Headquarters, ammunition and supply trains and sanitary units kept in touch through the night and followed as they advanced or re- treated. Notwithstanding the actual presence of other troops, much was gained in self-reliance and the exercise of individual resource by the per- sonnel engaged. On August I7th two radio sections went to Alonte Christo, and there established communication with Division Headquarters for the Range at La CTloria, during the artillery practice firing, which was maintained until November, with the addition of a telephone system on the range itself installed by a detail from Co. A on .September 27th. On September 20th-2ist a detachment (the McAllen Brigade rein- forced) of the Blue Division marched south in two columns on parallel roads one mile apart, met and drove off Red cavalry, in lively brushes on the outskirts and in the, streets of Hidalgo, camped for the night in the town, and in the morning withdrew before a threatened flank attack, under rear guard harassment by Red cavalry. The wire Signal Company was required to establish and keep up communication between the Right and Left Columns; which it did continuously, to such eflfect that Commanders in the critique in the Hidalgo County Court House Wednesday evening declared that there were more reports made to them of stations established and ready for business close at hand than they could possibly use. On September 15th Company B with full equipment and combat train left Camp at 6.20 a.m., proceeded through McAllen and as far east as McColl. turned north across the railroad and marched about 5 miles to the Monte Christo-Edinburg highway, west on that road with an hour's halt by the roadside for mess, to Lomita Boulevard about nine miles north of Mission, and along the railroad to "Sterling's" Ranch, where it pitched camp, at 4.20 p.m. A wind had overthrown the main water supply tank so that all the animals were watered at the windmill trough a mile and a half through the chaparral to the northwest. The permanent communication work of the Battalion arose slowly at first, but more rapidly in September and October. On July nth, the day after reaching McAllen, Co. A erected a wireless mast and established within the Battalion camp a radio station, which remained in continuous and successful operation from that time until the Battalion left. This station exchanged messages at first with the station operated by Regular Signal Corps at Hidalgo ; and received the press messages sent out every evening from the powerful stations at Miami and Key West, Fla. As the regular Signal troops were withdrawn more and more from the New York sector and cojicentrated at company reorganization camps, pursuant to the -^ li': War Department's policy, the Battalion radio station took over the relay work between Fort Sam Houston, Fort Ringgold and Brownsville. Near the end of September, the regular station at Hidalgo was closed, and the McAUen station became the official link in the course. The wind storms of August 5th and iSth, of whose coming warning was received through the radio station, retaliated by blowing down the pole ; but it was immedi- ately put up again, and there was no period longer than twelve hours when this line of communication was out. On the latter occasion all wires, including the Western Union lines, out of the District were down for four days, and until August 25th, in addition to the official work, all press despatches were sent out by this station, working well, to Brownsville. Time signals were received direct from Arlington, Virginia, at 11.00 a.m. and 9.00 p.m., and World's Series, election and football returns received and distributed. Constant operation of a field wireless set for 155 days over 200 miles has, as the District Signal Officer remarked, probably not been accomplished by any other National Guard organization. For the first eleven weeks, until about September 27th, the power for this station when sending was furnished from the regular portable generator, turned by four men, with which the field radio section is equipped. There was then received and set up a new J4 k.w. generator with a 2 H.P. motor and a 191 5 pack set, which in spite of belt troubles and mechanical difficulties requiring continual tinkering and adjustment was kept in commission thereafter ; so that for the last twelve weeks gasoline supplanted hand power. Detachments from Co. A relieved the regular operators for ;. short time at the Hidalgo station. Radio stations were established at Mission and Pharr on July 22nd, and supplemented other inter-camp communication lines until they were with- drawn on August 8th. Very shortly after the Battalion arrived at Mc Allen it became evident at Headquarters that the existing commercial telephone and telegraph lines were entirely inadequate to handle the Division's business. Accord- ingly, the Signal troops were called on for relief; and at once, afoot, with borrowed draught horses for the wire carts, laid military field lines, on July i8th to Hidalgo, connecting the Camp with the Border telegraph system, and on July 20th to Mission and Pharr, connecting those camps with Division Headquarters. All three of these wires were subsequently elevated, by working details from the Signal Battalion: and kept under patrol by Signal Corps linemen until December 9th. The permanent system was the natural outgrowth of a demand, as the Camps became seemingly fixed, for stronger and less troublesome con- struction and additional facilities. On August 5th a squad of ten men, mostly ex-linemen or with other commercial experience, under Sgt. Don- ald McLean, assisted by Cpl. Hallam B. Peters, both of Co. A, was assigned to the construction of a weather-defying, overhead telephone system for the McAllen and Pharr camps. These men worked steadily, as fast as supplies could be obtained, first from home quarters, later moving to and BO 9 ^^M^ L wms. camping at Pharr, until October i8th, digging holes, erecting poles of 2x4 timber, putting on wooden cross arms and brackets, and stringing twisted pair wire, between Division Headquarters and the quarters of every organization Commander at McAllen, including the 1st Cavalry and 22nd Engineers; Brigade Headquarters and every organization at Pharr; trunk lines to the commercial telephone switchboards at both places (over which conversations were subsequently held between McAllen and New York City) ; an independent double line between McAllen and Pharr: and at each .^^^ place built and painted a small central exchange with sleeping accommo- C^ J^^ dations, in which a Signal operator was thereafter on duty day and night. "'"' On October .'ith and 5th, for the purpose of easing up the strain caused by the presence of the troops at the Border on the single wire strung bv the Regulars along the Military Road from Brownsville to El Paso the con- struction of a metallic telephone line seemed imperative, and was under- taken by the Battalion by direction of Major F. E. Hopkins, 8th Field Artillery, U.S.A. Signal O'ficer for the District from Brownsville to Sam Fordyce, and ist Lt. Ira D. Hough, Co. B, 2nd Texas Inf. (Western Union District Chief from Dallas), assistant. Business became especially heavy when, on October 14th (G. O. No. 37), the infantry regiments of the Division began actual patrol duty at detached two company posts along the Rio Grande from Madero to San Juan Hacienda. The line was extended on November ist (G. O. No. 46) to one mile east of Penitas on the west, and to La Donna Canal on the east. Problems of control, food, medical •service and patrol reports necessitated immediate and constant connection with Headquarters. Again the Signal Corps was called upon; and responded with a proposition to string two additional wires, making a three wire line, for the whole 52 mile front of the New York sector, from Donna Pump to Los Ebanos. Construction began, east and west from Hidalgo, and was pushed as fast as the necessary material was received from the District Signal Office, at Brownsville. As the Battalion's men on detached service were drawn in for the journey home, small parties of Regular signalmen took over the working of the stations the New York men had been holding: radio at McAllen, telephone and telegraph at McAllen and Mission, and telephone at Pharr. With the standard type of construction used, and patrolling to meet weather conditions continued by the regulars as established by this Bat- talion, there is no reason why these lines should not continue in service- able condition for many years. They form a visible, permanent and • important result of the 6th Division's stay in Texas; and the satisfaction of aiding by so effective and lasting a contribution at this point to that national defense for which the Guard stands, may well explain to no small extent the fact that discontent, grumbling and infractions of discipline reached their minimum in the Division among the men of the Signal Battalion. Master Signal Electrician Willett B. Baker, Co. A, died in the Camp Hospital at McAllen on October 18th. He was the ranking non-com- 3 5 TJ r^ missioned officer of the New York National Guard, and after 36 years of Militia service in New York and Pennsylvania had on continuous duty with Co. A from September, 1899, to the time of his death endeared himself by his loyalty and unselfish devotion, his rare capabilities as drill master, technical operator and horseman, to every man who had been associated in any manner with that Company for the last seventeen years. That he should have closed his eyes in service with the colors, as his lifetime of devotion testifies he must have wished, is but slight consolation to his man friends and pupils in their loss. Not a man of the Battalion was up on charges before a General Court Martial during the entire period of service; and there were but 15 cases before the Summary Court within the Battalion. Not one of the Otficers of the Battalion was on leave or absent for a day from June 19th to Decem- ber 23rd. Maj. W'illiam L. Hallahan, Capts. Arthur L. Howe and Robert W. Maloney, and ist Lts. Herbert I.. Watson and Gordon Ireland scrxed on General Courts Martial at Division Headquarters. On December 8th instructions from the War Department were for- warded by telegraph from Headquarters, Southern Department, for the Battalion, with four other units, to return to home stations for muster out. Formal transmission of this order ( S. O. No. 276, Dec. 9) was received from Division Headquarters on December nth. plans provided in antici- pation for breaking camp and entraining were energetically carried out, and the Battalion with 68 horses departed from McAUen at 9.45 p.m. on December 13th, first of such five units to get away, and establishing a Division record, it is thought, for shortness of time between receipt of orders and actual pulling out. The homeward route was through Arkan- sas (with snow at Suttgart), Tennessee and Illinois, where seven cold hours were spent in railroad yard shifting at Chicago, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and the Erie through the Southern Tier into Jersey City at 9.00 a.m. on December 20th. The Companies marched with escorts of ex-members and bands to their respective Armories, and, e.xcept for necessary guards, were allowed to go home that afternoon. The property was brought in, checked and put away, paper work completed, and the command mustered out by Regular Army Captains on December 23, 1916. This recital of the varied activities of the Battalion will, in so far as it proves successful, serve to bring a tingle of just pride into the veins of every man fortunate enough to have borne a personal part in those activi- ties; and may enable fellow Guardsmen of the Division, and others, to understand more clearly the nature of the duties and manner of their oerformance in this little advertised branch of the service. ^J fca ,-\\ Urti i Copyright 1916, Undecwood & Underwood C?, I Back on New York Pavements Again — 7th Infantry Arriving at 23RD Street. Col. Fiske in Foreground m- 7 ■• S^vT^^i' ■'^Wr: Laying Out Trenches With Tape Laying Water Pipes Under Difficulties Constructing Ponton Bridge THE 22nd CORPS OF ENGINEERS By Lt. C. E. Bregenzer At the time of President Wilson's call for Mexican border service, a provisional company of the 22d Engineers was engaged in topographical and water supply work at Camp Whitman, N. Y., preparing camp for sup- posed innocuous summer maneuvers. The remainder of the regiment joined them June 21, 1916, two days after the call, bringing with them the advance ponton and combat trains. The work at the new mobilization camp, already under good headway, was vigorously prosecuted, not only along the lines of water supply, but also road construction and other engi- neering duties. Prepared and hardened by this strenuous work, the first battalion, Major F. Whitley commanding, was mustered into United States service July 4th, and entrained for the Mexican border July 12th. The second battalion. Major W. Conrow commanding, was mustered in July 6th and departed July 14th. They arrived at McAllen, Texas, on July i8th and 21 st respectively. The 22d Engineers have an enviable record as rainmakers, and true to tradition, their advent at McAllen was coincident with a torrential down- pour of rain, fittingly introducing the rainy season. The camp site of the engineers was located in a depression or resaca, and it soon required all their engineering ingenuity to prevent flooding, as the site formed a nat- ural water basin. Their first duties perforce were to dig canals, laterals and other ditches, but these only availed temporarily, as the continued rains and the intrud- ing back waters of the Rio Grande soon drove them from the site. Their engineering instinct chose a location, second to none, just a few hundred yards west of the site occupied by the 12th Infantry. Here they ex- changed picks and shovels for grubbing mattocks and machetes, and inspired by the location and its sandy soil, soon cleared the ground of prickly cactus and wiry mesquitc. The rainy season and subsequent floods not only harassed the engi- neers, but laid an especially heavy hand on the 12th Infantry, at the west- ern end of whose company streets a large lake formed, lending a Venetian aspect, and driving the occupants from their tents, and rendering the adobe streets all but impassable. Col. Johnson and Lt. Kluge struggled with the difficult problem and finally decided to dig a canal, having obtained per- mission to break the dike of one of the neighboring irrigation ditches. They sent to the engineers for surveying instruments and several officers and men were detailed. A profile survey by the engineers verified the judgment of the officers of the 12th Infantry, and a drainage ditch was staked from the lake to the irrigation ditch, being a measured distance of 1,475 ^cct. The canal averaged from 2.5 to 14 feet in depth and allowed of 4h <'t S a 0.3 per cent, ruii-ol't'. Vhv ditch was dug by soldiers from the 12th Infantrv and J'ourtli Anilnilance Company, and about 600 feet by a con- t racier, who used Fresno scrapers, ])lows and mules. Part of the dike was blown up with explosives bj' the engineers. This drainage canal bisected the camps of the 12th lnfantr_\ and h'ourth .\nibulance Company, so bridges were retjuired to establish inter- communication. Lt. T-. Koop, of the Engineers, was assigned as bridge engineer, and he designed and placed four beam bridges of from u to 16 ft span, and one trestle bridge of three 12 ft. s])ans, at \arious hications on this canal. He was assisted by Lts. Palmer. Mcllen and the writer in this work. Part of this work was done 1)\' ni,L;lit, and some of the be.ani bridges took less than two and ojie-half hours in construction. Lt. Koop continued as bridge engineer and examined all bridges in the territory occupied by the New York Division, repairing more than thirt\- and constructing ele\en new bridges. The work extended as far as Oblate on the .Mission-Monte Christo road, and as far as Hidalgo on the McAllen- Hidalgo ro.nd. In the two later instances the work was done by Compan\- A. Prior to the first Hidalgo maneuvers Company C was sent o\ er the .Middle McAllcn road to repair culverts and bridges. The repaired five and built one new bridge, covered four culverts and placed a section of cordu- rt)y road. In this w(irl^ the ninunted section of the company did good service as they were able to advance with the bridge train, leaving bridge timbers at ■^ite. then returning and handling lighter repairs. Night overtook them at the site of the new bridge, and they bivouacked at the location, building the new bridge before mess call sounded the following morning. Master Engineer Sergeant Richardson gathered statistics on all types uf railroad and highway bridges, tabulating type of structure, materials .and Iciad-carrying capacity. Com])any F. l.t. Donoxan in charge, also built bridges in outlying districts. Hurins.; the P.rigade maneuvers at Hidalgo, a company of engineers 'ormed part of the advance. During the first. Company A, Capt. Ross conmianding. were detailed and they carried out the j^ractical part of the theoretical objective by constructing a fascine raft, hurriedly built from willows in chokers improvised from poles. The raft sustained a weight of ten men. During the second maneuvers, held at the same place, Capt. Daly, commanding E Company, was also given the problem of constructing a raft. He used empty oil barrels, which were found in the vicinity of the pumping station at flidalgo, which proved successful. Even as at Camp \\ hitman, the problem of water supply was one of the most important, for the arrival of troops and stock soon taxed the pumping station at McAllen to the limit. This, primarily designed to meet the needs of a population of 2,000, eventually served 10,000. When it had been decided to increase the number of supply lines and install showers, I..t. J- E. Baker, of the engineers, was assigned to the quartermaster at McAllcn, to design and supervise this work, which involved the design and construc- 56 y tion of 200 sliovvcrbaths and latrines, and laying approximately 6o,oou feet of pipe, ranging from 6 to .;-4 in. Most of the trench excavating was done by Mexican labor, but details from the engineers laid the pipe, llie work consisted of laying a 6-in. pipe from the pumping station parallel to the railroad to Division headquarters, then south to the regimental street of the 7th Infantry, then west along the first company street to its end, where the 6-in. line branched off at an angle of 50 degrees in the direction of the engineers' camp. At a jioint 400 ft. this side of the latter camp, a 4-in. line was also run in the rear of the 7th. 12th and 71st Infantry, then reduced to a .^-in. line, supplying the First and Second Field Artillery and Squadron A. These mains were tapped for showers and supply and there was no dearth of water after the drilling of a third well at the pumping station. The work was arduous for it had to be done during the hot Aug- ust weather. Sgt. Smith and Pvt. Kellogg, of the .engineers, did most of the work connected with cutting and threading pipe. The field work was done under supervision of Lt. Donovan and the writer. I-a Gloria, located about 22 miles northwest of McAllen, in the "hin- terland," was as well known to the various units as Sterling's Ranch. To this epitome of desolation, in its disconsolate setting of chaparral, mes- quite, sage and ubiquitous cactus. Company C was sent to augment the water supply, when it had been decided to use this location as an infantry and artillery range. It required a two-day hike to reach this place, a one- night halt being made at Oblate. La Gloria is not a hamlet or settlement, but simply a deranged windmill, the erstwhile rendezvous of Mexican bandits, the marks of whose hurried exit can still be seen in the windmill structure. When camp was made, and the guard arranged, the windmill was repaired and careful measurement revealed that under average wind conditions it would develop about one and one-half gallons of water per minute. A portable 4 h.p. gasoline engine and a pump jack, both of remote pattern, had been sent to be installed as a power auxiliary. The engine particularly was in a provocative stage, as it lacked several essen- tials. A survey was made for a storage tank, pipe fittings, pump rods, belting, lumber, engine parts and other supplies, and the writer started for .Sterling's Ranch to order them. In the meanwhile the engine was taken apart and cleaned. Several stagnant waterholes in the vicinity, proving prolific sources as mosquito breeders, were emptied and cleaned, and a 6 X 6-in. timber head was placed in the windmill structure for mounting the pump jack. As at other times it developed the 22d Engineers had all trades represented, for four men were found in the company who knew the moods of gasoline engines and finally coaxed it into action. After twenty- two working hours the tank was installed, the engine belted up, fittings made, and the result was ten gallons per minute. Besides the accom- plished task La Gloria will long live in the memories of Company C, for the singing of the quartette, the Quixotic speech of "Dizzy" O'Rourke from the top of the windmill, and the outburst of post No. 4 with "Oh Sergeant, Sergeant, the 'willies' are coming" ! 1 i ^€~f. ^■^'>*5X -^ ^ %( Q. i iic cumpany left for McAllen at 5.30 p.m., arriving there at 1.55 a.m., having taken only the customary rests and one hour at Mission. This is one of the best hike records made, although it was done under the patron- age of a glorious moon. Water supply work was also required at Laguna Seca, where the West Indian hurricanes had severely damaged the seven extant windmills. Capt. Woodward and a detail from Company B was hurried there in a motor truck. When they arrived they found several essentials lacking, but water as well, so they rigged up a rope drive using the jacked-up rear wheels of the motor truck as a prime mover, which proved successful. About September ist, the two battalions were reorganized into a regi- ment of engineers in accordance with the new table of organization. This resulted in the apportionment of Lt.-Col. \V. Conrow, commanding. Major H. Garrison, ist battalion, and Major F. Humphreys, 2d battalion, Capt Dieges and Lane as battalion adjutants, and Capt. Bates as regimental adjutant, vice Capt. Barrett, appointed to command of Company B. Capt. Robinson became topographical officer and Capt. Snyder and Lt. Palmer were placed in command of Companies D and C respectively. Chaplain Fell also joined the regiment. Capt. Dunn was made regimental supply officer, and nine master engineer sergeants were appointed and warranted. Immediately after the reorganization Capt. Snyder, commanding D Com- pany, was sent to Los Ebanos, and Capt. Johnson, F Company, to Sam Fordyce. Major Humphreys also took station at Los Ebanos. These two companies were given the task of taking care of the heavy ponton train, which had been damaged by the weather. They also improved the water supply. These troops remained at the above stations until recalled to McAllen, when the first battalion was ordered home. Most of the road work was done under contract, and the engineers only gave attention to such bad spots as were in need of immediate repair. All the companies of the regiment did a good share of this work, of which there was much. It is hardly necessary here to digress on the condition of the roads during the rainy season. Capt. Daly and Bates, of the engineers, were in charge of the contract road work for some time, and during the former's administration one of the main regimental thoroughfares was treated to a gravel surface, which pro\'ed a great improvement. At the time the second battalion left McAllen, a map covering 234 square miles in extent had been made. This covered all topographical features and such other information as was necessary for tactical pur- poses. Most of this work was done with the military plane table, and covered territory as far east as Donna and as far west as Los Ebanos. The data gathered forms a valuable collection of information. The work was in charge of Capt. Robinson. The infantry rifle range at La Gloria, designed by Major Waterbury and Capt. Robinson, was constructed by Company C, who seemed to have an affinity for the place. The range was 3,600 ft. long, and the work consisted of digging a conduit trench 3,600 ft. long, 3 x 10 x 7 ft, operating u "x pits at the 300, 500, 700 and 1,200 yd. points, a set of target butts, and clear- ing a space 225 x 900 ft. of stubborn cactus, mesquite and other allied desert growth, also in the construction of mechanism for operating surprise fig- ures at various points. It took a week of good hard work, and a detail of 60 men from B Company helped one day in clearing. Lt. Palmer, com- manding C Company, and a detail of thirty-four men, also took charge of the operation of the range, later succeeded by Lt. Barbour and a detail of men from Company E. Under direction of Lt.-Col. Conrow and the immediate supervisioin of ■Capt. Robinson, a complete system of modern trenches was traced and constructed in a field adjoining the engineer camp. The dimensions were ■of a size to accommodate one company. The first-line trenches were of the ■en-quad traverse type, and were connected by communicating trenches to dressing stations, bomb-proofs, latrines, overhead shelters, and other features dictated by most modern practice. Work in sapping and mining was also carried on, and troops were trained in defensive work in con- nection with mine craters. The execution of this work was the daily engi- neer drill of such engineer troops as were not otherwise detailed. In front of the trenches a complete system of barbed wire entanglements was con- structed, together with other types of obstacles. A trip wire system was also installed to prevent night surprises and attacks. On approaching the entanglements the enemy could not avoid contact with the wire, which automatically released a device, which in turn exploded flares provided with reflectors, outlining all in strong silhouette, and bringing them under ■direct field of fire of the trenches. Mortars were also constructed having a sector of from 40 to 60 degrees, from which illuminating bombs were fired, lighting up the entire field. Several night maneuvers proved the success of this work. The entire system of defense was used as a school of instruction for members of the various infantry units, who attended lectures by engineer •officers and were taught how to trace and dig trenches efficiently. Shortly after the engineers arrived on the border Lt. Thos. A. Crim- mins, of A Company, was detailed to the quartermaster's department to supervise the erection of structures. He was assisted in the work by Master Engineer Sergeant Kiniernan, Sergeant Boster, F Company, and Privates Colgate, Patterson and Vollmer, of A Company. The work done under them consisted of 149 mess shacks, six regi- mental storehouses, quartermaster's depot, base hospital, field bakery, ■pack train shed, and motor truck shed, besides tent flooring benches and tables. It is estimated that approximately 1,250,000 feet of lumber were used in these various operations. This work without question contributed more to the comfort of the men than any other performed, for no one will gainsay that the mess shacks and tent floors did a great deal to make life more bearable. Everyone who was on the Border is familiar with the necessary but .malodorous existence of incinerators, and a trip of inspection among them 1 u ^ r >=-:- % H was highly interesting, because they revealed so many and varied ambi- tions along lines of masonry construction. Several experimental ones Iniilt by the engineers almost rivaled the famous (luiffery and pungent "Incinerator" of Rio Grande Rattler fame. Two were built by the engineers along the line of boiler furnace con- struction, supplied with grates, ashpits and superimposed grates for des- troying solid mess offal. By means of baffles, the space under the pan was reduced to six inches and this saved much wood. Tests made with these showed that the offal of one mess could be destroyed in two hours, shortening the term of the blacklisted detail in charge. The C Company incinerator showed the love of the craftsman, for Private Kelly, who is a bricklayer by trade, did work which is rated at the laying of eight-brick per day, and the job was certainly a fine one. Seeking after comfort is one of the unwritten laws of the soldier and in pursuit of it sluiceways and watergatos on a neighboring ranch suf- fered, according to claims by the owner. At all events a detail from Company C was ordered to rebuild them. Whoever supervised the work was no mean adept at demolition work, for he knew how to get at the inner workings. After a week's hard work these were replaced with new material. To placate the outraged feelings of the owner, standards equipped with drums, were added which would save him from a wetting. The sluiceways were 4 x 6 x i8 ft. with 4x6 gates. This describes briefly the various engineering activities of the 22d Engi- neers on the Border, which though brief in description involved many weary hours of work. Details were always in demand and little time was devoted to siesta and maiiana, the prevailing Mexican deities. In addition to their engineering duties, the engineer troops enjoyed all the various phases of infantry drill. In addition they had ponton bridge trestle drills on Lake Conception, and several exciting races. Be- sides this a mounted detail from each company, under the command of Capt. Bates, were given a vigorous course in cavalry drill, and those who were present afterwards denied seeing anything so very wonderful in Cos- sack riding. That the engineers were proficient in infantry drill is easily shown bv the splendid showing made by the Second Battalion at the third review, on which occasion they not only received the encomiums of ]Major General OR van, but also of the regular army officer. The battalion was under command of Major Frederick Humphreys. Much improved in health, discipline and morale the First Battalion left for New York October 12th. The Second Battalion, in the same condition, only with a hardier bronze, arrived in New York on Christmas Eve and paraded up Fifth .\vciuie under the leadership of Colonel Cornelius \'an- derbilt. V.-^^ '■<■.*■ -isi Bivouac at Ojo de Agua c T« THE SQUADRON A, CAVALRY By Major William R. Wright On June 19, 191 7, information was received that the President of the United States had called upon the National Guard to do something as yet undetermined but involving mobilization. The Squadron at that time was scattered over the face of the earth, in Switzerland, California, Yellowstone Park and many other places frequented by privates of cavalry when not on active duty, but all started back at once, and by the same evening 95 per cent, were on deck for assembly, all others coming in to report with a promptness in proportion to their distance. During the first week of our service the galleries of the armory were filled with eager cavalrymen, the burden of whose conversation was "A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse." The 130 horses always on hand would of course not go far towards mounting the 500 eager applicants that, with the troops at war strength, would clamor for something better than shanks mare. Fortunately arrangements had already been made to supply the Squadron with horses for Camp Whitman and this contract was changed to meet the new conditions. On Wednesday, the 20th, therefore, Troops A and B mounted their own horses and rode off to Van Cortlandt to establish camp, while a detail from the other troops departed for the West 130th Street docks to receive the first instalment of our new thorough- breds. In accounts of the doings of the various equine reception committees details vary, but all unite in saying that German Sherman was right. A vast open space with a concrete floor was carefully moistened to the required degree of slipperiness, and filled with the requisite number of horses from lighters, the horses were then properly excited by black snake whips operated by well-trained hostlers, and the game was on. The rules prescribed that troopers should not hit in the clinches and should break clean when torn asunder by two or more steeds going in diflferent direc- tions, but no restrictions were placed on the steeds themselves. A man who did secure a good horse and got him out of the dock usually had him taken away by the Division Q. M. Department at once and given to some other organization ; unless the intelligent animal seconded his efforts to dodge quickly around the corner and escape with his prize. Even when our chargers were safely delivered, assigned to troops and tied on the picket line troubles did not cease. Devilish ingenuity was shown by stable sergeants who had acquired a particular trying lot. He who could day after day report the same number of horses on the line and yet point with pride to a steady improvement in their appearance and manners, was in direct line for promotion. Sorry indeed was the fate of the recruit horse guard who, while dreaming of the glories of war, found at the end of his tour of duty that he had seven more horses than when he started, and that ^1 Ml ^\ xM \ (>T^> % all of the seven were kicking seventeen different ways. Stern were the refusals of experienced troopers when loose horses were brought up to be tied to their line; although their captors (from another troop) might even tearfully protest that they just saw them break away from that line and had expected thanks for their kindness. During this excitement the troops had all been moved to the camp at Van Cortlandt Park, recruits had been enlisted to fill all the five troops to within a few numbers of war strength, large boxes of uniforms, supplies and arms were arriving daily, and drills, horse training and fatigue duty were ahvays with us. Our departure had been delayed by the necessity of securing horses for all. On July 5th, however, everything was ready ; all sworn in, exam- ined, and mustered ; well equipped with arms, uniforms, and other martial trappings ; a horse, such as he was, for every man, mules for every wagon and machine gun pack, and we received the permission of the Eastern Department to fire when we were ready. On the morning of Thursday the sixth, we broke camp, packed up, received the colors with ceremony, and in column of twos rode under the fine trees of the park bound for our entraining point at Yonkers — "Every man a millionaire and mounted on a thoroughbred'' — as the daily press so beautifully and truly has described it. Let us pass briefly over our outward bound trip. It was marked by extreme deliberation and lack of haste. Twice freight trains could not slow up enough and ran into us from the rear. As the rear car by regula- tions is devoted to officers, these accidents could not have had serious consequences and created no excitement. Through the heart of the con- tinent we majestically proceeded while tortoises and snails whizzed by us towards the front. At Parsons, Mo., when we had finally learned the art of sleeping in day coaches, they were removed, and we had to start all over again and get the hang of a tourist sleeper. At last we were in Texas, we reached Houston, Harlingen, Donna, Pharr, McAllen ; — we were then in the "M.Tgic A'alley," — on the Border at last. For the first month or two our chief impression of Texas can be expressed in three letters, — an M, a U, and a great big D. There was mud in camp and mud when we drilled, mud on all hikes, and mud in which our motor trucks sank with all on board. Our horses drank the same material slightly diluted with water, and in so doing plastered themselves and their riders from head to foot. Very soon after our arrival our camp was ditched and supposedly drained ; dikes and ditches protected all tents and we thought that we were ready for anything. One Sunday, however, Texas favored us with the first of its many weather surprises. A shower, seemingly no more severe than others, visited us and our beautiful camp disappeared under the waves. Ditches ceased to exist, dikes were sub- merged and dissolved. With frantic haste each troop turned out en masse and put forth every effort to dam the waters into another Troop street be- fore they could be dammed into theirs. Our military instruction and training falls naturally into several classes. -^^^ J fx I ^^ I >»■ ^ irr^ \ t^;- ^^^Js<^^^ J^^r '^ "^> First our hikes, because in many ways they were a holiday as they took us out of the camp and varied the monotony. On August second, three weeks after our arrival, we were pronounced ready for our first one, and accom- panied by the Division Commander set out to look over the ground for the Infantry hikes which later were required of all troops. The first of the Division, we left our hoof marks in turn in Sterling's, La Gloria, McAUen's Ranch, Young's Ranch, I,aguna Seca and Monte Christo. 'Tis true that our own motor trucks and those sent to us by the Division Quartermaster sank all over the country and had to be pulled out on our return trip. Still we saw the mesquite country, and we successfully made one day's march of over thirty miles. Getting away from the McAllen mud hole did both men and horses good in spite of hard work and short rations. While the Infantry marches previously referred to were being held. Troop C was detailed to Monte Christo, ostensibly as Supply Depot gu^ard, really to act as stevedores. This hard work was turned into a sporting event and many records for unloading freight were shattered by our ama- teur roustabouts. Later Troops D and A in turn held down this job, btit C Troop had the longest service, including the experience of passing through the hurricane in shelter tent camp, and "pointed with pride" to the fact that one tent stayed up throughout the storm. B Troop saw detached service at Mission with Troop D, 2nd U. S. Cavalry, while the Machine Gun Troop had two private trips, to Penitas for target practice and to Harlingen, at the Machine Gun School. Drills were varied with field problems and, no matter what decision was given by an umpire, these always furnished food for discussion and mutual recrimination for days afterwards. We had also several larger maneuvers in connection with other troops of the Brigade, the first of which was made notable by our capture of Hidalgo without firing a shot; owing to our adopting the safe though oft-neglected method of approach- ing via the family entrance instead of the front door. On another occasion we planned a little problem all our own, to attack theoretically a former Mexican settlement, where some squatters had recently been evicted and their houses and crops burned by the sherifs. Approaching the supposedly deserted ruins, concealed in thick brush, we guarded every avenue of exit, formed cordon of mounted .skirmishers and charged in with raised pistols, to discover that our "bag" contained five Texas rangers, bristling with weapons as usual, and somewhat puzzled at our offensive appearance. A feature of our training throughout was the call to arms, usually just when one was carefully squeezing four aces. At this psychological moment a loud bugle call would shatter the calm of night. Musical critics would announce that it was "To Horse,'' "To Arms," or anything equally foolish. You were expected to dash madly to your tent, clothe and arm yourself and possibly continue to the picket line, where you rudely awakened your trusty steed and placed saddles and other things on unusual parts of his anatomy, owing to the dark and to his habit of changing ends while you picked things up. Then in some cases you would form skirmish line and ^ ^1 f plunge through the cactus, invariably picknig oui the largest and thorni- est plant on which to prostrate yourself when the line was halted. A particularly pleasant and profitable trip was the field firing at La Gloria. We had had practice before at the short range near Sharyland, but this was different. Not only was it instructive, but it was good fun, and we fired with vindictive energy at the sometimes almost invisible silhouettes. When all records were in, and we learned that the Squadron led the Division in battalion scores, and that all of our troops had finished in the first twelve companies, we were satisfied indeed. Reviews, possibly unpopular to other troops at McAllen, were no hard- ship to us. As the line of march to the White House field ran by our camp, and as our honorable position at such functions was at the tail of the column, we could always breakfast, saddle and fall in leisurely, while in- fantry and artillery plodded by, and finally the appearance of the First Cavalry would warn us that our time was approaching. Nor when we reached the held was the review lacking in novel features, at least after the introduction of the "extended gallop." We received this innovation coldly when first it was sprung on us, and the Squadron Field and Stafif beat the rest of the organization by approximately half a mile. Thereafter we woke up to the possibilities of such a maneuver, and on future occasions they had to ride for their lives. One of the pleasantest features of our service, the nearest approach to what we had expected when mobilized, was river patrol. Within a week of our arrival at McAllen a composite troop was ordered to Hidalgo for this duty. How eagerly were places on this detail sought after. \\'hat tales they brought back of the iazy brown river, of peaceful Mexico seen close at hand, of willow thickets and steaming heat therein, of Mexican guides and of the military road. Later the entire Squadron performed this duty; the Machine Gun Troop at Jackson's Crossing, C and D at Madero, A and B at Dougherty's Ranch. These were halcyon days. W'c clamored for Cossack post assignment, or failing that to be at least on a visiting ]iatrol. Even in the camps of the supports the mess which did not supply duck, quail, rabbit, hot bread and honey was at once deserted for neigh- boring haciendas which did so. AH too soon were we ordered back. Lieutenant Colonel John D. Hartman, 2d U. !>. Cavalry, joined us in August as Inspector Instructor. Remaining only a short time, he proved himself to be the finest type of regular cavalry officer, and left with us the sincere hope that our trails would often cross again. He returned later and with nimierous other members of the Inspection Board put us through our paces in an unexpected and thorough field inspection. A little later Captain KdlvTt C. Foy, 2d U. .S. Cavalry, was detailed, afterwards affec- tionately and naturally, but to his own great mystification, known as '"Eddie." He introduced us to the "Riley seat" which caused stiffness and soreness to so many supposedly hardened cavalrymen. .\t first it seemed to consist of placing our knees against our chests and maintaining our equilibrium hv pra\-er alone. Later we grew more at ease. It m^^^.MM^ irW One day the Major General appeared approaching from the direction of McAllen. The Squadron was at drill. Number i gazed in horror, hoping against hope that something would deflect him. Hope faded and died. "Turn out the guard, Major General Commanding.'" One bashful rookie burst from the guard tent, blushing at thus being thrust into the limelight. He formed platoon front, counted fours and presented arms. The General appeared mterested. He dismounted, inspected the guard in detail and asked for the commanding officer. For some time after this the guard tent was always crowded ; Generals, Colonels and privates who passed were received with all the honors of war. The entire guard was there in serried ranks. Arms flashed and bugles flourished. Evidently we were at war again. While all these martial duties had been going on our camp had been gradually changing; in fact, improvements were being made up to the date of our departure. The camp water system, which never produced more than a gentle perspiration, was replaced by our own well, pump, tank and pipe lines ; the gift of a member of Troop B, anonymous but ever blessed. Watering troughs for the horses and shower baths for the men appeared. Water flowed freely. No longer was it necessary to buy White Rock with which to shave. Not to us applied the daily order which came down from headquarters that "owing to the scarcity of water shower baths would be permitted only between the hours of 2.00 and 2.05 a.m." Canvas covered horse sheds, screened tent frames, mess shacks, officers' "bird houses" appeared, and our own roomy infirmary and diet kitchen. When once admitted there even caviar and pate-de-foie-gras was yours for the asking: and methods of faking just the right temperature to prolong the stay were cherished secrets. The Squadron A Club, "Texas Branch," was built, which made us think of home over our Beevo because it was so different Cboth architecturally and alcoholically). Later it was supplied with a large blackboard for football scores and totally erroneous and misleading election returns. More sturdy sports prevented our decadence. We entered the Field and Frontier Day with enthusiasm. Our magnificent track and field team of one consistent point-winner carried off the point prize from all the foot soldiers of the Division. Our mounted athletes also scored the greatest number of points in the mounted part of the program, and we were con- tent. Two polo games were played with the Army Officers at Fort Brown. Both lacked the vital element of victory, but both were close, fast con- tests and also served to introduce us to the joys of Brownsville. In camp, ba,seball (hard and soft), football, soccer, and general roughhouse filled our few daylight hours of leisure, while at night the great American game flourished, with bridge or chess for the high-brows. Several crap shooters of All-American calibre were also discovered. Such were our humble and homely pleasures. A few days before Thanksgiving the Division Commander sent word' to us that in appreciation of the services of the Squadron, a three days" \,v Ic ^^^ holiday could be granted to a reasonable number. The fortunate ones scattered over Texas, — to San Antonio, Galveston, Corpus Christi, and many other abodes of civilization. Such an event as this predicated other happenings. They came on the Monday following our return, in the shape of orders for home. Whether these orders resulted from petitions from the above mentioned towns that we be removed at once, we cared not. We •only rejoiced and wired to New York to reserve tables at our favorite hostelry, to celebrate our relief from bondage. Thursday, December 15th, was finally set for our departure. Camp was struck, our furniture and personal property distributed to the less for- tunate, the 32 horses per troop which we were to take home were picked out and the other sent to San Antonio, the train all loaded,' and we were ready. We cannot fail to make mention of the kind send-off given us by the less fortunate organizations which we left at McAllen. The luncheon at the 1 2th Infantry Camp, their subsequent parade at the train, the colifee and chocolate served by the 69th at the train that evening, the turning out of the entire 1st Cavalry mounted to bid us farewell, all made us feel that the New York Division was something more than a name. About midnight the wheels commenced to turn ; we were off at last. The trip home was of course marked by the same speed as when outward bound. Of course at one place we had to unload and repack all of our wagons, because the cars in which they were placed were declared to be too large to go through certain West \'irginia tunnels : but this was merely a customary and usual incident to troop travel. Finally, the first section pulled into Jersey City at i a.m. on Saturday, December 23rd, and at daylight we started to unload. The second section, with the horses, arrived about 10, and by noon we were saddled up and ready to start across the ferry. Horses and men were chilled through l)y the biting cold wind, but we were on the last lap and the knowl- edge of this brought a warm glow in spite of all. Soon we were all formed in the West 23rd Street Ferry plaza, with wagons packed and ready to be towed behind the motor trucks which had done such good service throughout. Escorted by the Depot Squadron we marched through to Fifth Avenue, swung into platoon column, and drew sabre. What we had been dreaming of for months was actually taking place, but not until this moment could we feel that it was really true. Through Christmas streets, and between Christmas crowds which received us with kindly applause, past friends whose greetings strained "attention" to the break- ing point, past the reviewing stand at the University Club, filled with civic and military dignitaries, we pressed on to the Armory, and finally filed through its familiar door. A few minutes to put away equipment and horses (and how it all ever was packed in there will always remain a mystery), and we reformed dismounted to march to the 8th Regiment Armory, adjoining ours, where ex-members and families, food and drink, laughter and a few tears awaited us. We formed in mass, retreat was sounded, and we were dismissed. The finish line was crossed. ^Jj m *> ! i VA The 1st Field Artillery Skhj-ful Work in a Tight Place Arti!i.i-rv Rrtgadr Rfvif Artti.i.fry Camp ^%i^' THE FIRST FIELD ARTILLERY By Lt William P. Welsh Among the many experiences incidental to service on the border, in our recent unpleasantness with Mexico, the period of encampment at Van Cortlandt Park during the first ten days following the President's call will hold its place in the minds of most artillery men with almost anything that happened subsequently. I say artillery men, because other organiza- tions were happily spared the trials which fell to the lot of the First and Second Regiments of Field Artillery. Squadron A and the First Cavalry were encamped somewhere up in the hills to the northeast, nobody knew just where, but the four city batteries of the ist F. A., B, D, E, and F, along with the entire 2nd F. A., were spread out invitingly on the most accessible and attractive area in the Park, the polo field. The result was that every day a host of admiring friends gathered to partake of the specta- cle. They were most welcome, and it would be unfair to imply that their attentions and interest were not much appreciated by officers and men alike, but the efifect from the military standpoint was lamentable. The reavy routine chore-work characteristic of field artillery was increased to endless proportions. Everywhere the machinery was clogged. Watering horses, feeding, grooming, all was done when the opportunity seemed ripe and accomplished more by persuasion than by command. But even these things were secondary matters. The chief occupation consisted in sending after, extricating and bringing up to camp the horses purchased by the government and unloaded on the pier at 130th Street and Hudson River. It was this activity which more than anything else furnished the tragedy and comedy of those days and stamped the proceedings as some- thing better than a cross between a three-ring circus and a veritable loi- Ranch. These horses were powerful and must have been more or less wild when they left their native ranges "somewhere in the Northwest," and their natural dispositions were not improved by the hard trip East. They were unloaded in Jersey, ferried across the river in lighters and herded on the huge pier in an excited and formidable mass formation — and this is where the show started. The simple problem then consisted in getting them from the pier to Van Cortlandt. To do this a detail from each bat- tery was sent down to the pier, where each man in his turn was directed to a certain horse with instructions to place a halter on it if possible and lead it away. And it must be said that the ensuing melees demonstrated a high order of courage and resolution on the part of the men. But the agility and skill in all-round oflfensive-defensive tactics displayed by the horses remains unparalleled in the experience of all who participated in the mighty scenes. Three months later. General Frederick Funston reviewed the entire New York division in a great Texas field three miles from the Rio Grande : and it is said that his only comment was made when the 3 r ^' artillery rolled by pulled by these same horses. "They have done wonders with the horses." Any chronicle of field-artillery is apt to take on the appearance of a series of anecdotes about horses. This is not because there is nothing else of interest in it, but because they are the center of interest, the first and last dominating problem. There was much going on all this time of a very different character. Endless checking and re-checking of property, muster-in rolls which had to be made out according to the complex Gov- ernment system. Physical examination had to be made ; Federal oaths had to be signed ; and, last but not least, a large percentage of recruits in all organizations had to be instructed in elementary military principles, for no one knew how soon we would be sent into action. The horses arrived at camp in groups of half a dozen or so at all hours in the day and night and each man had a story of struggle to tell, usually corroborated by mute evidence in the way of torn clothing and occasion- ally bruises and bumps ; only in one or two cases were there any serious mishaps. Some of the horses, having contracted influenza, were separated from the others and placed under the care of the veterinaries. Government officials proceeded to inspect and approve those fit for service, and to con- demn those unfit. Those which were approved had to be branded and shod. This last was accomplished with the aid of great stocks built for the occasion, which were the scene of many more heroic and it must be said, brutal struggles. But at last things were whipped into shape and orders came to move, the Second Battalion under Major Austin being the first to go. They entrained at Yonkers on the 28th of June and pulled out late that night. It was five days later that orders came from Headquarters, B Battery and the Hospital Corps to move out, which organizations were the only remain- ing units of the First F. A. at Van Cortlandt; Batteries A and C having been mobilized at Camp Whitman, did not join the regiment until all units reached the border. Headquarters, B Battery, the Hospital Corps and the band entrained at Yonkers on July 3rd, and pulled out that night. A bit of interesting inside history may be mentioned here. About six o'clock that evening when every unit had been loaded, bag and baggage, orders came counter- manding the order to entrain and directing that all units return at once to Van Cortlandt Park, there to await an inspection of property which would be held by a Federal Inspector, some time in the indefinite future. The consternation caused by this order need hardly be mentioned, but fortu- nately Tt.-Col. Smith, who was in command of the regiment in the absence of Col. Rogers, knew where a strenuous kick would do some good and proceeded forthwith to register the kick. What transpired is veiled by the censor, but after a tense period of several hours, new orders came clearing the tracks and the air simultaneously, and the train started on its eight- day journey. A detailed account of experiences on the trip down would not \ary a ^^, '< g^ om^ti \jMI '~^ § C great deal from those of other organizations on the way to the border under the same conditions. All had to take whatever accommodations were provided by the unsympathetic railroads, and make the best of them. These might have been a whole lot worse, but they should have been a great deal better. The difficulties of feeding the two hundred men on our train three times a day were not lessened by the primitive, improvised kitchens it was necessary to rig up in the common freight cars allotted to us for that purpose. The stoves had to be taken down, reinforced and put up again at least once a day. Whether we had cofifee for supper or not depended in large measure upon the temperament of the engineer ahead. If he was inclined to put on the brakes sharply, stop unexpectedly, or start again suddenly, the absolute minimum of liquid in all receptacles would be emptied on what remained of the fire in the stove and the constantly soaked floor. But it was valuable experience in developing the resource- fulness and self-reliance mentioned in the drill regulations and that is the spirit in which it was taken by the men. The country we traversed during the greater part of the journey was monotonous, iminteresting and remarkable for lack of variety, until we reached the lower region of Texas, when the weird hanging moss began to appear on the trees and all vegetation gradually changed. Houses and signs of human activity became very infrequent, and the beloved cactus made its first appearance. On the day before we reached our destination we stopped at the little town of Kingsville and every one remembers its refreshing tropical beauty, with its palms, Spanish mission architecture, plaza and clustered electric lights. It is decidedly the prettiest place we visited, all the more pleasing because of the desolate region surrounding. In regard to the welfare of the horses it is only necessary to explain that approximately once in every twenty-four hours they were unloaded, watered, fed and groomed. This schedule extended over a period of eight days proved to be every exhausting to the already sorely tried animals. The great heat also contributed to their discomfort, so that when we arrived at our destination they were all very tired, a large percentage sick with distemper, and some were greatly emaciated and worn, — this in spite of all that could be done by commanding officers, veterinarians and all con- cerned to alleviate the harsh conditions. The Second Battalion reached McAllcn on July 5th and proceeded at once to make itself at home. The ground had to be cleared first of cactus, mesquite, tarantulas, scorpions, lizards and various other fauna and flora more or less frightful in appearance, but rarely the source of real danger. The ground allotted to the First F. A. was fortunately slightly higher than that of the rest of the camp : but the full advantages of this were not mani- fest until later. By the time the second train, containing Headquarters, B Battery, etc., arrived on July nth, the Second Battalion was well estab- lished. L.t.-Col. Smith was greeted at the depot by Major Austin, who gave great assistance in the work of hauling material from train to camp, using the Second Battalion horses which had recuperated from the trip. 3 9 ^'^■>--^'-~ & !'/■' The days that followed were long and arduous, the business of making camp occupying the attention of everyone. Weather conditions were a chief source of exasperation. We were told by the natives in all sincerity that prior to the arrival of the soldiers it had not rained a drop in eleven months. If this was true, Mother Nature certainly exerted herself to make up for lost time. The sky was heavy with great dark clouds most of the time, the air hot and humid. Suddenly it would start raining and for a few minutes it would seem like a small sized cloud-burst, when it would as suddenly stop, the sun would break through, bake everything to a crisp brown for a space and retire behind the clouds; then it would start raining again. The soil was of a sandy nature which soaked in the water rapidly, but the time came within a few weeks when it seemed to have soaked in about all it could contain ; when the camps pitched on the lower ground began first to be muddy, then sloppy and finally flooded. It was then that the higher ground of the First proved to be a blessing. Except during actual showers, our ground was always dry and strong underfoot. But heavy rains and hot sun were not the only extremes to which we were treated. Great hurricanes swept in from the Gulf on more than one memorable occasion, threatening to scatter our tents and material over a large portion of Texas. The actual damage done was comparatively small, due to the great energy of every one in safeguarding property. Field training began in earnest the second week after reaching Mc- ,\llen. Everything previous to this may be said to be part of the mobili- zation. The mobilization was completed with the arrival of A and C Batteries on July 17th and i8th. This united the First Battalion under Major Seymour. Lt.-Col. Smith was now in command of the entire regiment, the first time it had been brought together. He at once adopted a programme of progressive training, starting with elementary draft exer- cises for the horses. In the instruction of the men he laid especial emphasis on the importance of guard duty and gave this particular branch his keen personal attention. OfScers' School was conducted every day, Major Seymour and Major Austin supervising the instruction alternate weeks. This schedule was followed consistently and began at once to show results, so that when Col. Rogers arrived on July 22nd the whole regiment was "rolling wheels." hiking and holding mounted drills every day. Col. Rogers was in Japan when the call came and immediately started on the return journey to join his regiment. He had been troubled with ill liealth for some time, and when he arrived in McAllen, he plainly showed the efifects of his ailment. However, ill health did not deter him from taking very active command and, after preliminary inspection of all bat- teries, assured General McNair, in response to the General's query, that the regiment was prepared to hold a mounted review at once. The next day our first mounted review was held, and from that time forward the prog- ress of the regiment proceeded with great rapidity. Hikes were taken in all directions, the longest being to Sterling Ranch on September 14th, -,^N^? ^ ^"'^ k^ 3V, pitching camp for the night and returning to McAlIen the next day. On August 31st, the first brigade review was held in Jennings' Field. Mean- while, the climate was not improving Col. Rogers' health, and he was granted a thirty-day leave of absence. He left McAllen on the ist of Sep- tember, Lt.-Col. Smith resuming command of the regiment. Space limitations prohibit recounting all the incidents which would make interesting reading, but one event should be included, chiefly because it was the nearest thing to real action which we experienced. Shortly after midnight, August 17th, the camp was startled by several shots fired from the direction of the Mexican settlements in back of the watering troughs, about a half mile away. This was followed rapidly by several more coming from our sentries who at the same time sent out a call to "Turn out the Guard." More shooting and more calls repeated from sentry to sentry turned everyone out in a general alarm. To add to the excitement, the bugle sounded the call "To arms." It is not too much to say that everyone believed that we were actually attacked. Batteries were hastily formed, marched to the parks, and the horses were harnessed and hitched in record time with a remarkable lack of confusion. But before the harnessing was complete the shooting was stopped and every- one was wondering what had happened. After a wait of a few minutes General McNair directed that the horses be unhitched and unharnessed. The excitement was over. The next day it developed that a few members of the 2nd F. A. had merely taken that way to celebrate the first pay day. It is hardly necessary to add they were given something else to celebrate. One feature which served to break the monotony of camp life was the sporting Saturday nighter held nearly every week. The regiment is in- debted to Captain Herbert Shipman, Chaplain, for the clean, sportsman- like conduct of these events, which proved so popular. The regiment is proud to have among its members several real champion amateur pugilists who demonstrated their superiority on many occasions. Chaplain Shipman held divine service regularly every Sunday morn- ing, the attendance being consistently good and in no small way a tribute to his talent and earnestness. The month of September was devoted to an elaboration of the field training of the earlier weeks. The efficiency of the men improved notice- ably; their work became easier in consequence, and this in turn improved their spirit. They gathered speed, so to speak ; they felt that they were really soldiers. Towards the end of the month, preparations were made for target practice at I.a Gloria, six miles above Sterling Ranch. Captain Verbeck was directed to proceed with A Battery to La Gloria to lay out the ranges, set up targets and prepare problems. Accordingly on Septem- ber 15th, A battery left McAllen. The country around La Gloria was quite wild and broken only by rough trails. This added to the difficulties of the task, but the manner in which Captain Verbeck executed his com- mission excited much favorable comment. On September 28th, the ranges were reported ready for firing. And on October 2nd, B and C Batteries ^. -L hiked to Sterling; l^anch, which was to be their camp during target practice.- Lt.-Col. Smith was granted a leave of absence of thirty days, beginning on the 1st of October. Col. Rogers had been granted an extension of his iea\e. so the command of the regiment during target practice devolved upon Major Seymour. This placed Captain X'erbeck battalion commander of the First Battalion, which position he retained during their firing. On October 3rd B and C batteries, under Captain McClure and Captain: Blakcslie respectively, reported to Captain Verbeck at La Gloria for the first problem. General McNair, brigade commander, supervising the fire, directed that Captain Verbeck fire one problem for instruction purposes. This served to show the officers the general character of all ensuing prob- lems. The flat character of the terrain made it necessary to erect observa- tion ladders on nearly all problems, using a modification of direct laying. The officer firing the problem from his position on the ladder would give the general direction to one gun of the battery by directing that the trail bo shifted to right or left; then parallel fire would be established for the other three. After each problem. General McNair would hold a critique in which errors in observation or method were pointed out and the way to- correct them indicated. All data was checked up with the observations of the range party. Each day two batteries would fire ; the third doing range party duty. That gave each battery two days successive fire, followed by one day on the range, then two days fire again. On the 12th of October the First Battalion exhausted its allowance of ammunition and prepared to return to McAllen. Each ofiFcer in the battalion had fired at least two problems, the battery commanders firing considerably more. The Second Battalion hiked to Sterling Ranch while the First returned to AIcAUen. E Battery under Captain Delaney took the place of A Battery at La Gloria, D and F under Captain Simpson and Captain Reid respectively taking the place of B and C at Sterling. A Battery did not return to ^[c.\llen, but moved down to Alonte Christo where it remained anticipating orders to return to New "S'ork, which everyone was expecting upon the conclusion of firing practice. Major Austin conducted the fire of the Second Battalion with General McXair supervising as before. The schedule followed was practically the same as that of the First Battalion. The firing records, of course, are the property of the War Department and not to be published, but it is not too much to say that they were in general highly satisfactory. The days spent at target practice were easily the most interesting and enjoyable of all the time spent on the border, and there are manv pleasant recollections which both officers and men will cherish. Upon returning to ]\IcAllen all preparations were made to return home and in a few days transportation was provided, orders came, and on Octo- ber 19th the First Battalion entrained for home. The Second Battalion followed a few- davs later. lu^^^ 0^ THE THIRD INFANTRY By Lt. Kennard Underwood This regiment went on duty at its various home stations on June 19, 1916, under command of Col. Edgar S. Jennings, of Auburn. It was mustered into Federal service on July 5, 1916, at Camp Whitman, New York, did border duty at Pharr, Texas, as part of the Third Brigade, New York Division, and was mustered out of Federal service on October 5, 191 6, at Camp Whitman, New York. The regimental headquarters are at Rochester, N. Y., the various organizations being stationed as follows: ■Companies A, G, H, Machine Gun Co., Headquarters Co., and Hospital ■Corps Detachment at Rochester, N. Y. ; Co. B, Geneva ; Co. C, Syracuse ; Co. D, Oswego; Co. F, Niagara Falls; Co. F, Medina; Co. I, Olean; Co. K, Hornell ; Co. L, Elmira, Co. M and Supply Co., Auburn. The writer was detailed from the Machine Gun Co. to duty with the Supply Co. and this narrative is therefore apt to contain overmuch information relating to the supply service and transportation features of our experience. If any one feels he has been slighted he may hire hall or wait for the second edition of this volume. Our regiment mobilized nearly up to peace strength within twenty- four hours. Pursuant to orders received, we remained at home stations for a week, recruiting actively and setting our domestic and business aflfairs in order. Plans had been prepared relating to the movement to July camp and these were helpful and were acted on by our quarter- master, at that time Capt. David D. Mohler of Syracuse. He also con- tracted for about 30 horses which were provided by an Auburn firm. These last were loaded at Auburn during the afternoon of June 26th. At 10 o'clock that evening Col. Jennings and certain of his stafif left Auburn and joined the first section (The Rochester Companies) at the Dewitt freight yards, outside Syracuse. The other companies left at various times during that afternoon and evening, in three other sections. We arrived at Green Haven, N. Y., at approximately the same time. Our sec- tion unraveled itself from the car seats and marched up about a mile and a half to a good camp site, where details commenced laying out the camp. Meanwhile other details were engaged in unloading animals and baggage, and in drawing up forage and a moderate amount of rations, kindly pro- vided even at that late hour by the Quartermaster Corps officers encamped near the railroad station. To one unacquainted with the workings of a Division camp the number of officers in that Quartermaster Corps encamp- ment seemed unending. We later found that duty was provided for each one of them. This same Quartermaster's Corps furnished us with trans- portation, of the mule and motor variety, and kept their drivers on the job so well that by ten o'clock that night most of the baggage had been moved up and most of the men slept in camp that night. The days fol- te. w lowing were spent in practice marches, close and extended order drills, inspections and all the endless detail of camp life. Water pipes were laid down by our engineering expert, Capt. Thurber Brown, the former Ord- nance officer, who was given command of K Company at Camp Whitman and retained same until our return home. The medical corps detachment performed nobly, scratching and scraping the regiment into shape for the muster in, which took place on July 5th. We mustered in 54 officers and 1. 716 men. Shortly after our arrival we were presented with two dozen mules and the wagoners of the newly organized Supply Company pro- ceeded to brush up on the art of mule skinning. Subsequently three of the companies acquired motor trucks, donated by patriotic citizens at the home towns. The trucks did yeoman service with the Supply Company at various times. The U. S. Q. M. Corps supplied us with free gasoline for a short time, then the lid shut down hard and our company funds had to pay the freight. We felt abused for a time — if we were willing to wear out the truck in United States service, shouldn't the government supply the gas? We finally decided that the government desired to give the wagoners in the Supply Company a thorough, practical experience in the care and handling of mule teams. On July I2th the railroad company began to spot our cars for baggage and animals, and by 2 a.m. of the 13th a great part of the loading was accomplished. A final physical examination was required early that morn- ing and then with the band in full blast, we marched down to entrain. The movement was accomplished in three sections, long loads at that. The first section left at 2.30 p.m., the second at 4 p.m., and the third about 4.30 p.m. Having been assured that morning by certain of the non- coms of the O. M. Corps that we could not possibly leave that night be- cause so much loading remained to be done, there was a universal feeling of satisfaction in the regiment over our prompt getaway. The first section drew tourist sleepers at Philadelphia, the second pulled a couple of drawheads at Warwick, N. Y., and in consequence missed out on the tourists at Philadelphia, obtaining theirs at Cincinnati, while the poor third section eased its slumbers on car seats until St. Louis was reached. The first section carried all of the animals, which the members of our Supply Company and Lt.-Col. Ross took out daily for their exercise period of two to four hours. Our transportation carried us from Green Haven to Maybrook Junc- tion on the Central New England, thence to Easton, Pa., on the Lehigh and Hudson, to Bethlehem. Pa., on the C. R. R. of N. J., to Philadelphia on the Philadelphia & Reading; to .St. Louis on the Baltimore & Ohio, to Dallas, Texas, on the Frisco; to San Antonio, on the M. K. & T. ; thence to Pharr, via the Sunset and the S. L. B. & M. Once on board the troop trains, feeding the regiment was the biggest problem. Each section was provided with an open end baggage car, placed in the center of the train, in which the regulation brick and dirt lined wooden boxes were set up, two stoves to a car. With well over 500 V4 men to a section the cooks had their hands full and the train mess ser- geants, who ruled supreme, were kept on the job most of the time in pro- viding their cars with wood, ice, water and rations for twenty-four hours ahead. These last were drawn from a box car, one to each section. The men met with considerable hospitality aleng the way. On one occasion the proprietor of a canning factory opened his warehouse to a few of the boys, the news spread too rapidly and but for the timely inter- vention of an officer this merchant would have been out of stock for some days. At Washington, Ind., the local order of Elks invited the men up to their club and made many poor souls happy on a hot Sunday afternoon. The inhabitants of Springfield, Mo., with their Mayor, greeted us with a fine supply of sandwiches, fruit and buttermilk. Springfield has a number of pretty girls, so they tell me. At Bushyhead, Oklahoma, a young lady, deeply interested in one of our brave boys in the first section sleepers, failed to note a belated north bound express and it remained for "Joe" Heick, a product of M Company's training, to snatch her to one side in safety almost from under the pilot of the oncoming flier. On the morning of July 2ist we arrived at Pharr, Texas, and with feel- ings of curiosity, not unmixed with pleasure, gazed at the little town of the appropriate cognomen, where we were to make our station for the next — well, some said months, others were positive that with the Third New York on the border a general movement into Mexico was close at hand. The second and third sections pulled in in rapid succession and by noon our patch of ground was swarming with men, busy in rooting out the cac- tus, mesquite, tarantulas and land turtles. Thanks to the civil authorities of Pharr, a large part of the clearing had been accomplished before our arrival, water pipes had been laid and shower baths set up. The pipes were later buried to avoid the heat. Our camp lay on the right of the brigade, the 23rd N. Y. and the 74th N. Y. occupying the center and left respectively, with Brigade Head- quarters to the right of the 74th at the edge of the main road south from Pharr. Between the 23rd and the road lay an open field, occupied in part by the Depot Quartermaster and a company of the 28th U. S. Infantry. The labors of the first few days taxed the strength of the men heavily. To dig with the thermometer mounting towards 135 degrees, when one's energies have been sapped by a week of train travel, is productive of head- ache, stomach trouble and other distress. We were fortunate in having few men knocked out. Much hard work with pick and shovel was done in laying the pipes under ground, in grading and ditching the streets and clearing the camp. A post exchange was constructed near the guard tent and Lieutenants Whitley and Hodder were placed in active charge under the supervision of Lt.-Col. Ross. For the first night or two the regiment suffered from expectation of nocturnal visits by tarantulas and scorpions. Night attacks from this quarter not developing to any extent, aporehension soon gave way to indifTerence, and the most timid rookie was able to snatch a few hours' repose. 3 Across from the regiment's front was a large field which we used as our -first corral. Shortly after our arrival the Government or somebody sent us 69 mules and more horses, which with those brought from Whitman gave the Supply Company about 140 animals to care for. This last lot descended on us without warning and of course we were unprovided with any quantity of ordinary veterinary supplies. However, due to good luck and the constant attention of the drivers, under the supervision of Stable Sergeant Miner, our picket lines remained full and we are proud that at the successful conclusion of our "hike" the inspector of transportation for g f 've Ki the Department Quartermaster rendered a splendid report to his chief. — ^ == ^'1 A rifle range (so-called) lay about a mile southeast of our camp and the companies in turn spent a day at the butts. For other diversion base- ball was plas'ed and an amuf.ement platform was constructed on which members of the Third Brigade gave occasional entertainments, exhibiting skill in boxing, wrestling and clog dancing. Monologue and dialogue artists were also popular. The twelve day hike in August has been so well described by Capt. Rupert Hughes and other of the participants that perhaps the tale is of no further interest to an outsider. But to the men who tramped the long, hot, wcarv march, with its drag, slip and recover through sticky Texas clays, who endured the thirst, sore feet and bowel trouble which seemed inevit- able concomitants of our peregrinations, who cheerfully bore a weakening comrade's rifle or pack, encouraging him on through dizzy heat for the last mile, inwardly wondering if the march would ever end, who with dust- caked lips and parched throats sang their Vv^ay into camp, the memory of the hike will remain clear and cherished as an event where they made good. The Third went out first from our Brigade. General Wilson, the Brigade Commander, elected to make the march with us. We moved out on August 17th, with full marching equipment on the men, ambulances and ammunition wagons witii each battalion and wagon train plodding in the rear. First pav day for a portion of the men furnished additional excite- ment. The next morning we camped at Mission in a drizzle which in- creased in severity. By 2 p.m. our pup tents were afloat in spite of ditch or drain. A change of camp was imperative and Col. Jennings obtained permission for us to occupy the tents of the 14th N. Y. Infantry, they being on the first leg of their hike. Certain of the companies quartered themselves about town in school buildings and over stores. About half the regiment reached the I4th's camp, where wood and forage was given us, out little attempt at cooking supper was made. The change of camp was made in the midst of a hurricane which swept over the country. Next day we rested and gathered up the loose ends, assisted by the provost guard. We reached Alton Sunday morning without mishap, reports of impassable roads notwithstanding. By the 21st the roads had improved and we made good time, arriving at Sterling's Ranch about 10 o'clock. We camped there ^lext to the 14th, who were about to start for Laguna Seca. Being behind 57-' S 5 I'eI' ^ ImM^ S^^T^X r-"* schedule the regiment marched over to La Gloria and back on the day fol- lowing, taking advantage of this opportunity to try out the emergency ration. At Sterling's rations for three days were drawn and distributed to the companies. The ten mile march to Laguna Seca, the place of windmills, taxed the men considerably. Major General O'Ryan visited camp at re- treat and we learned that the Third was doing as well as, if not better than, the other regiments. Next morning we proceeded six miles up the road to Young's ranch, where we were hospitably entertained in the big ranch pool or tank. Mr. Young offered our quartermaster a "small pasture" of a thousand acres in which to graze our animals, which the latter declined with thanks. However, they found plenty to eat in the enclosure around the ranch house. Nothing eventful occurred between Young's and Sterling's which we reached Saturday noon, after spending another night at Laguna Seca. We pitched camp in a field across from our former ground, then occupied by the 7th N. Y.. with the 2nd N. Y. next door. The Seventh marched ofif to La Gloria that afternoon and about midnight we heard the band playing as the Second started off over the Laguna Seca road. We left camp Sunday morning for Edinburgh. The wagon train was allowed to go through the regiment on the march and reached Edinburgh in time to get the wagons unloaded and the cook tents up before the column came in. By now the camp at Pharr was lovingly termed "home," the previous ten days having made us aware of its comforts and conveniences, and with light hearts we swung off next morning on the eight miles that lay between. Our band, which had remained at camp, was out to greet us and a majority of the town folk were around to watch us march in. We were scarcely settled when orders came to prepare for movement north. The paymaster, Co1. Sternberger, spent a happy day in camp, and on September 8th we left Pharr for Camp Whitman, the last to come and the first to go of our Brigade. What luck! The Supply Co., less its cap- tain and a few sergeants, remained behind to dispose of the animals. We went north via New Orleans and Cincinnati and reached Green Haven dur- ing the night of September 14th, detraining next morning in a pouring rain. Tt always seemed to rain when we changed camps. Some fever cases devel- oped on our way north and the medical authorities kept us in quarantine for most of our stay. On October 4th final payrolls and muster rolls were signed as of October 5th and we returned to our home stations. The regiment performed the duties required of it remarkably well. Large numbers of untrained recruits joined it in June. The experience gained by these men and by those with prior service to their credit will be of value to the country in future mobilizations. It is a strain on any organ- ization thus composed to be shifted from pillar to post without opportunity to relax, and the writer believes that Col. Jennings is to be congratulated, as well as commended, on having taken this command on this tour of service without greater loss of life, and on the success attained and soldierly spirit shown by this regiment. 'j:^^(y. -^/ h The Famous Garbage Incinerator The Start of tut First Hike First VVacons on the Camp Ground THE SEVENTH INFANTRY By Capt. H. H. Burdick, U.S.R. The President's call of June 19th found the Seventh Regiment not unprepared. A short and busy week served to arrange all the details of the mustering in, which was accomplished on June 26, 1916. There had been some question as to whether the regiment was to proceed to a mobili- zation camp or direct to the border. It was with much satisfaction that orders were finally received directing the regiment to entrain immediately for Brownsville, Texas. The departure was made June 27 by way of the Pennsylvania Railroad. In heavy marching order the ranks passed through cheering crowds to the ferry and after a short delay while final details were arranged, the journey was begun. The regiment was divided into two sections; the second of which often dropped far behind the other. The route lay through Harrisburg, Pa., Columbus, Ohio, Indianapolis, Tnd., St. Louis, Mo., and thence to San Antonio and McAUen, Texas, reaching there July 2. Everywhere along the line ovations were given to the troops, and at several places special receptions and drills were held. While en route a certain discipline was maintained, and instruction given. During the trip the second section ran just ahead of the Seventy-first Regiment, being the first of the New York Division to make camp on the Border. The camp site was a barren flat adjoining the town, and our first duty was to pitch tents along the company streets, which had already been partially staked out. The sun was extremely hot and a number of the men unthinkingly stripped to the waist, only to suffer severely later from sun- burn. Before our arrival there had been no rain for a number of months, six- teen according to local weather sharks, but no sooner had we pitched our tents than a storm suddenly swept down on us. These sudden storms, which were severe, were frequent occurrences during our stay, and a dis- agreeable feature of camp life and marching alike. We had immediate and practical instruction in drainage around the tents, and quickly learned to dig ditches large enough to carry oft' the deluge of water which came down. The real bright spot of our arrival was the first hot meal we had had for six days. After policing our camp we learned much about scorpions and tarantulas. Although there was a natural fear of these at first we soon grew accustomed to them, but always looked before we sat. We soon got down to a regular schedule. At 5 a.m. we were turned out; 5.15 Assembly and setting-up exercises; 6 o'clock breakfast; Assem- bly at 7 o'clock for drill until 8.30. Owing to the heat of the day we were given a rest until dinner at 12 o'clock, and a further rest until 4, 3 5 e when we again assembled for an hour's drill. Supper was at 6 p.m. and taps at lo. Jt was not long before boxes began to arrive from home, and tea parties were promptly held in each tent occupied by the recipients. It was singu- lar how many friends a man seemed to have who had just signed for delivery of a box of "eats." However, the men were generous and many learned to respect the excellent cooking of some unknown mother and have a warm spot for home folks whom they have never seen. No cots were provided at first, but some men purchased their own. With these and the shipment which finally came from the Government we began to set up housekeeping in a most orderly way. A rigid inspection of equipment made order our watchword. It was a curious fact that we on the border actually knew less about the immediate situation in Mexico than those in New York. In fact the greater part of our information came from the New York newspapers. \Ve had various practice marches and an increasing amount of work which broke us into shape for the long hike which came later. The first real test of our endurance came on July 21, when some of the companies left camp for a four-day hike of about ij miles, through Mission, IVIadero md Hidalgo. As this hike was typical of the experiences we had I shall describe the trip of Company' I in some detail. At four o'clock in the afternoon we formed in the company street with our rolls, consisting of shelter tent half, tent poles and pins, blanket and poncho. We also carried an extra suit of underclothes, socks, a towel and an extra "O. D." shirt. At five o'clock, headed by the field music, we marched out of camp to the accompaniment of rousing cheers and cries of "good bye" and "good luck" from the other companies which made the blood course faster through the veins. Colonel Fisk and Major Falls accompanied us a short distance on their horses. After about a mile the musicians left us and we settled down to the march toward Mission. The temperature was about 120 degrees and the dust kicked up by the men filled eves, nose and mouth. We passed thriving ranches and now and again a Mexican "jacal" or hut. About three miles out we came to a bungalow settlement called "Sharyland." This settlement consisted of modern small bungalows, surrounded by intensively cultivated small farms. \\"e reached Mission about 7.30 p.m. just as a terrific dust storm blew up, preceded by a heavy wind and followed by a tremendous down- pour of rain. Fortunately, the 3d U. S. Cavalry, stationed nearby, took us into their shacks for the night. The rain turned the whole country into a sea of nmd. •Saturday morning early we started on the hardest part of our hike to Granjeno. The road was ankle deep in mud — not just ordinary, every- day mud, but mud that clung to the shoes until each weighed about eight pounds. We sloshed along in this muck, in some places no road was visible, 84 '^^^:^^^M^ -r^-^?^ "^"^^r s being covered entirely by water. At 11.45 a-"''- we had traversed the six miles of our march, and a weary lot of men pitched their "dog" tents be side the ruins of the old mission building of St. Peter's Novitiate Mission. Sunday morning we made the five miles to Hidalgo in short time. From here we had a good view over into Mexico but we were not espe- cially tempted by the sight. Here we saw for the first time the picturesque Texas rangers and the first real "movie" cowboys. Monday we made the last stage of the hike back to camp, some seven miles through the sticky mud. Although tired out. we marched into our company street in good condition. For some time after this we put in our time making permanent im- provement to the camp — digging sewers, laying water pipes, grading the streets and the like. All this gave us the impression that we were due for a long stay, although there were constant rumors of our being ordered home. These rumors were usually without foundation. One instance was c|uite amusing: The quartermaster called out to the mess sergeant of the 1st Company, "Come and get your meat." A great cheer went up from the men, who understood him to say, "We"re going home next week." A\e had to do most of our own washing because the laundry facilities were poor. Each squad, as a rule, provided itself with a metal wash tub and a sprinkling pot. The pot served as a shower bath and it was not an uncommon sight to see a man standing in a tub with another man holding the water pot on high for the daily shower. Some squads built wooden floors for their tents at their own expense, and one even went so far as to put down linoleum rugs. By the first of .August the rations had so improved and things were running so smoothly that there was little complaint among the men. Amusements of various sorts began to spring up, and a "movie" show in a large circus tent was installed near the camp. We built permanent mess shacks of wood which were a great improve- ment over our previous arrangement. Before this we had eaten on impro- vised tables and often on our cots. We did not receive our first pay until the middle of August and it was certainly welcome when it did come. Somewhere about this time we experienced a terrific hurricane that held us storm bound for twenty-four hours. Forced to stay in our tents, as it was dangerous to move outside, we prepared our own meals and slept in our clothes, ready for a quick move should the tents blow away. On August 23 we started on the "big hike" of one hundred miles. This march was the great test of our endurance and it will always be remem- bered. At 7 a.m. we started out with full equipment weighing sixty pounds. This hike, although severe on the men, was of real usefulness in giving the stafif an opportunity of commanding a whole division in the field, and in giving the quartermaster's department training in provisioning so many troops on the march. All the infantry of the division started from their respective camps at different times, but over the same course, in n 3 5 u the fiillowing order: Seventy-iirst Regiment from McAllen, the Third Regiment from Pharr, the Seventh Regiment from McAllen, the Four- teenth Regiment from Mission, the Sixty-ninth Regiment from Mission, the Sevcnt_v-fourth from Pharr and the Twelfth Regiment from McAllen. The first leg of the hike was to Mission, six miles. We made this in one hour and fifty minutes with only one rest, a considerable excess of speed over the army regulation requirements. Seven men dropped out, and four of these had to be taken back in the ambulance. The next morning we turned out early and when we set out on our march our tents were several pounds heavier, being saturated with the dew which fell almost like a light rain It was a rule that every camp site must be left immaculate, and this was our regular morning task before setting out on the march. The second day we made seven miles to Alton, marching in stretches of thirty-five to fifty minutes with ten-minute rests. But few men dropped out on this day. The third day we proceeded north on a fairly good road for seven and a half miles to Sterling Ranch. This was a central base from which we were to take two and four-day marches. Here the water supply was good, and we found an ingenious shower bath. A big pipe, about eight inches in diameter, was run from a pumping station over a dried pool at an elevation of twelve feet for about twenty-five feet. From a series of holes punched in the under side of the pipe water came down with considerable force. We bathed in companies, being allowed twenty minutes per company. Returning to camp, we found the Fourteenth Regiment, and later the Second Regiment arrived, each at a different stage of the hike. The next day's march to La Gloria was one of the most difficult. We marched in the afternoon, carrying full canteens, as there was no water at our destination. At four o'clock, when we started, the thermometer registered 132 degrees, and by the time we sighted our destination we were a bedraggled lot of men. Monday our return to Sterling Ranch was without event. Here we found the Seventy-fourth Regiment and the lliird Regiment. Another shower bath and a washing of clothes prepared us for the twelve-mile march through the desert to Laguna Seca. .\ few more men were sent back to McAllen, and a number of others were ill from exhaustion and over-indulgence in "belly-wash," as grape juice and lemonade were called. This day's march was monotonous and tedious. Occasionally we had tu make detours where we found the road inundated. The sand at times was three or four inches deep, which made marching difficult. Thus far we had been favored with excellent weather, but this day a rain storm forced us into our tents. On Tuesday we started out at the usual hour for Brown's Ranch, only seven miles. This was through flat country, but the roads were fair. We arrived in good season with the exception of our wagon train, which did not arrive until five hours later, having been stuck in the mud, hence -= ^c •^^= 3 V, ^^ P" ^ ^^ V^ 1 e — c-^ i i ^\^^ //W\l .^ "^''s*^- -^iMm s.mm:2ML ^ we had nothing to eat until mid-afternoon. On Thursday we broke camp at 4.30 a.m. and doubled back on our trail to Laguna Seca. The heat this day was intense. Although the continuous marching took its daily toll of men who were forced to drop out, nevertheless we made the best showing in this respect, of any of the regiments who completed the hike. It was on this march that we passed our old friends, the "Fighting" Sixty-ninth Regiment. Upon our arrival at Sterling Ranch we learned that the Third, Fourteenth and Seventy-first Regiments had been ordered back to New York, and while we envied them it gave us hope that our turn would soon come. The next leg of the hike, from Sterling Ranch to Edinburg, nearly fin- ished us. We passed over fourteen miles of dusty roads that coated us with dust until we resembled black men. Owing to the peculiar rarification of the air, our destination seemed close long before we ever reached it, and we nearly gave up hope of getting there before we finally made camp. The mirage of the Edinburg Court House is now history. When tents were pitched the men fell into them without even removing their sweat- soaked clothing. Hardly half the men responded to mess-call; resting being preferred to eating. This was the last night, and an early march being planned, more than half the regiment struck their tents, made up their rolls and slept on their ponchos. At 12.30 a.m. a heavy thunder storm broke without warning over the camp, soaking every man not under cover. What followed was a fine example of the value of discipline. First, an officers' call was sounded, soon after the Assembly went, and we were ordered to strike tents and make up our rolls for the march back to McAllen. This brought order out of chaos and was the best possible move in the circumstances. The first grumbling was quickly replaced by good humor and all possi- bility of panic averted. After a hasty breakfast we took up the march at 2.30 a.m. Although rain had ceased, the road was a mire. We splashed and stumbled along in the dark for three hours with occasional rests. After about four miles we found dry roads the rest of the way to camp. The men in camp, headed by the field music, turned out to give us a rous- ing welcome. Many a man stooped with fatigue and the weight of the burden he had carried for twelve miles that morning, stood erect, threw back his head, and, strengthened by that emotion that comes to one upon such an occasion, strode manfully into the regimental street with a full heart, proud of his accomplishment but glad that the task was done. Company I of the Seventh was the first detailed to real serious work, that of guarding a pumping plant at Madero, Texas, on the bank of the Rio Grande. The men performed their duties there excellently, and put in much hard work improving the fortifications. Later they were relieved by other companies of the 7th Regiment. This was about September 20 and the weather had moderated so that 90 degrees was about the daily average, and at niglit extra blankets were needed. ^ ^='^ ^ =^^= — w ^ 1 IS^i — ^^^^ i ru ii E===?Y "J m i ^ v^ tc -^ During this period occurred another maneuver which is adequately described in other chapters. The solution of these tactical problems gave us good training. Following this came several reviews and other field exercises. On each occasion we showed greater efficiency, for by this time we had become as hard as nails. We had special drills in open for- mation and field firing problems. Both officers and men profited much from them. When the news that we were ordered home finally did arrive we could hardly believe it at first, but when we were officially notified such cheering broke loose as surpassed by far any efforts in this line which had been made before. As glad as we were to return to New York, each one of us felt in his heart a bit of regret at leaving the "Magic Valley." The Sixty-ninth Regiment gave us a farewell dinner on the day of our departure, relieving us of preparing a last meal. We were dined, company for company, squad for squad, and man for man, by the Sixty-ninth, who, although green with envy at our happy lot, gave us a most unselfi^i send-off. The departure with the rousing cheer of our brother regiment brought an extra throb to our hearts and choke to our throats. The journey home seemed interminable, and the miles dragged; but each click of the wheels sang its song of joy as we neared our destina- tion. Our welcome in New York, where we were met by a huge turnout of the veterans, and our triumphal march on the good old pavements of New York, through frenzied crowds, amply repaid us for our labor. We reached our Armory about i p.m., November 28, where we were given an ovation. In four days we had completed checking up the prop- erty and were mustered out December 2, 1916, closing an important chapter in the history of the Regiment. ^^.jA^a-^ „i*r^ f^-sr ^ i: o ^ Sh The " Mary Powell " and Mess Shack Shower Baths at Sterling's Ranch Outpost Duty on the Rio Grande r THE TWENTY-THIRD INFANTRY By Capt. H. W. Congdon The President's call was received on the usual Headquarters Night, Monday, the 19th of June, and many of the members of the Regiment were therefore in the building. The rest were quickly gathered in, so the full strength was reported present within a few hours. Recruiting was to begin at once, and the officers were kept busy sifting out those obviously unfit physically from among the throngs that sought to enlist. This rush continued until the rumor became current that our Regiment would not be one of those to go, when it almost entirely ceased, and did not greatly revive when our departure became almost a certainty. Intensive drills were begun the following day, using not only the drill sheds, but the adjacent streets and even the Park, where signalling, patrolling, and extended order work was taught amidst admiring crowds of nursemaids and children. In this way even the recruits were given a smattering of the work that was later drilled into them on -Texas plains. Orders were finally received to entrain, and on the afternoon of July Fourth the column moved from the Armory, over 1,100 strong, and started the march to the Chambers Street Ferry through streets that were crowded enough around our own Armory but strangely deserted -down-town. The people on the curb displayed little enthusiasm, but plenty of good-will; they seemed stunned by our sudden departure. Arriving at Jersey City the regiment was packed into two sections, long trains with flat-cars at the head for our wagons, freight cars for our heavy tentage and supplies, and then the Erie day-coaches of ancient build, which we firmly believe had carried our fathers to the Civil War. They were not luxurious, but the men were looking for service and not a holiday, and there was surprisingly little grumbling except from some of the lengthy ones of the First Squads, who found sleep impossible on any combination of seats and backs that they could evolve, and who finally took refuge on tfte bare wooden floors. Our first greetings came from a little town in Jersey through which our train rolled slowly : the station platform was packed with cheering, singing people grouped around a band, while fireworks and Chinese lan- terns added their touch of gayety to the reception. As we progressed we found constantly increasing enthusiasm, and all felt its inspiration. Reach- ing Chicago, the first section had half a day liberty while waiting for the second to catch up, and for the equipment of trains with water, ice, and supplies. The men certainly enjoyed Chicago's hospitality, and not once was it abused : no one forgot that he was under constant scrutiny as an exemplar of his regiment and state. Continuing our journey after this pleasant pause, and running on fast-freight schedule, the next stopping place was Oelwein. Iowa, where L,A^rf i _-_-£ h^ 3 C the Chicago Cjicat W csterii has its junction and shops. Here, the whole town was out to greet us, including bevies of pretty girls who led us to a counter where ice-cream cones in unlimited quantities were passed out to us: an especially pretty but husky young woman being stationed at the head of the line to keep it moving, while automobilists picked up the dazed young fellows for a spin around the city ; spins that nearly cost two men dear, as they were brought back to the station after the train had begun to move so they just "made'" the rear platform of the last car! Oelwein certainly was a hospitable town : for besides the cordial greet- ings and the ice-cream, the men found it very hard to spend any money, the shop-keepers either charging absurdly low prices or else good- naturedly waving away the proffered change with a smile and "Oh, that's all right, boy''! Towns seemed to vie with one another to show the troops hospitality of a much-appreciated kind : Olathe, Kansas, had the bright idea to halt the train alongside the lake belonging to the Country Club, and there the boys shed their clothes and swam for a glorious half hour. To be sure, thev were mighty shy of the muddy water, and it required the leadership of some of the native small boys before they dove in. As one man expressed it, "I'm so dirty now that I hate to think of getting into that muddy water and getting dirty all over" ; but they discovered that it was wet, and cool, and not so dirty as it looked. On two other occasions there was an opportunity for a cooling swim: so with these, the cordial receptions from even the tiniest prairie towns, and the regular and ample meals, the trip was not as bad as the news- papers made out. The last two hundred miles of the journey was especially interesting, for every bridge and culvert had its guard of a squad or so, and the spice of danger that they suggested was a welcome break to the monotony while the assurance that Uncle sam was "prepared" and taking no chances was good news to write home. Letters home : that was another act of kindness that we appreciated. Town after town greeted us with free postal cards or stamped souvenir post-cards, and everywhere the small boys were ready to catch letters from the flying train to take to the post- office. Sometimes a billet-doux would be thrown in, and more than one correspondence was started between sentimental school-girl and soldier- boy who never saw one another. July eleventh brought the first section of our train to the destination, Pharr. The bugle sounded and the men started to alight, when the train began to move again. Supposing it would pull on a siding, half the regi- ment stayed aboard, while the rest of us had the alarming experience of seeing our "home'' dwindle to a dot and finally disappear over the hori- zon ! Some excited telephoning resulted in the train being flagged at McAUen and the conductor brought to the phone, where he declared he had orders to deliver his train at Mission, and if we were deserters he didn't care : that "orders was orders." But a few pointed remarks from 92 is !.^ \\^ c y\ our Adjutant brought him to see that while his premises were correct his deductions were at fault, and we were reassured by seeing a tiny jet of smoke in the distance take shape as our returning train. Detrainment was then effected promptly and smoothly, and many willing hands intelligently directed soon emptied the freight cars, while others played mule and hauled the wagon? over to our camp-site by hand-power: mules being a minus quantity for several weeks. Camp was made with the accustomed rapidity and neatness, greatly aided by the preparations that had been made by the Army officials, who had driven a stake to mark each tent, laid water to each company street and elsewhere where needed, and had all the comforts of a semi-permanent camp, even to shower-baths, practically ready for us. Our arrival marked an epoch for that locality, for it rained. We broke a drought that had lasted from eighteen to twenty-nine months, accord- ing to the story-teller. And we broke it beyond repair, for the rain kept on until we had to grow web-footed. Texas mud is something that should be experienced ; it cannot be described. But it is certainly the highest devel- opment of mud that has yet been found, being both exceedingly sticky and alarmingly slippery, very dense and at the same time most liquid and penetrating. Our first work was to make our camp secure against the enemy, therefore, and the Panama Canal was no busier place than the Twenty-third's camp as we dug drains and ditches and formed dikes and sidewalks. Enthusiasm having once been engendered, companies vied with one another in making their homes decorative if not luxurious: palm trees were bought and set out, cannas and other plants decorated some streets, while flowering cacti were thoughtfully planted around the officers' tents to keep those gentlemen from straying from the strait and narrow sidewalk. The men's behavior was not only good : it was splendid. An order, the famous "G. O. 7," had been issued prohibiting drinking of even the inno- cent "near beer." The men played the game and lived up to the spirit of the order. Of course it would be foolish to state that there was no drink- ing at all, for liquor was easily obtainable in the near-by towns : but there was practically no drunkenness, and the Military Police had an easy time for many weeks to come. The snakes, centipedes, tarantulas and scor- pions that we saw in abundance were all the real thing and not figments of disordered brains. Saturday afternoons and all day Sundays the men were free to enjoy themselves, the duties of the day being very light and limited to a few. Visits were made to all the adjoining camps of our New York troops, and all felt on returning to our camp that we not only had the best station, but alto- gether the best camp on the Border. Maybe this was not so, but it was a very good thing that we believed it : it was easier to maintain its neatness and to develop improvements when backed by real pride. Pharr is a little town, and the incursion of about 4,000 troops, a Brigade with an ambulance company added, made it ours by sheer weight of numbers. The people had '2 to put up with much that must have been disturbing to their quiet life : the leisurely work of the storekeeper changed to a mad hustle to keep up to his orders, the hotel work took on an olive-drab complexion, the towns- folk were practically crowded out of their own movie-house of evenings, and of their church on Sundays : yet it must be acknowledged that thej' lost no opportunities that Fate had thus tossed to them, and it was aston- ishing to see the numbers of new automobiles that appeared in the village after a month or two 1 Drills were begun at once, of course, but nothing was done in a hurry. The men were developed slowly and given plenty of time to become accli- mated. Drills were made short at first, with plenty of rests, and the work made harder progressively. With a large proportion of new and untrained men every angle of military life had to be developed and polished : men who had never known the meaning of the word "police" save as applied to an individual in blue cloth and brass buttons, now learned its more intimate application, and the sanitary report of the camp showed how well they had taken to heart their instruction in personal and camp hygiene. And this tine health record was general among the New York troops. They learned many things that had been far from their thoughts a few weeks earlier: more than one man has gone home to wife or mother able to teach her how flannels ought to washed, and the bachelors will certainly be in danger next Leap-year, so well "house-broken" are they. Many experts were discovered or developed in lines as varied as opera-singer and mule- skinner, wireless expert and carpenter; no matter what the Colonel called for, some Company could produce the very man wanted : and that man could deliver the goods ! After six weeks of preparation the regiment started on The Big Hike. This was over the same ground taken by all the other regiments, and probably all had about the same experience. The chief novelty was the lack of water, something we have never experienced in our Northern duties. Dirty canal water that tasted of garden mould, alkali water that tasted as nothing else under the heavens, "sterilized" water that had been prepared with the little ampule of calcium hypochlorite, all of these kinds of water in quantities so small that they had to be cherished : how we longed for the good old Croton. Many a man regretted the pure, clean water wasted in the bath-tubs at home. The heat was pretty severe, and the men felt it keenly on some of the marches, notably that from Ta Gloria to Laguna Seca. A thermometer on one of the wagons registered 130 in the more-or-less shade. Coupled with the heat on this march was the deep and slimy mud which made the name of our destination, Laguna Seca — Dry Pond — a ghastly mockery, and the smells from the rotting vegetation in the mud and the drug-like fumes from the bruised plants by the road-side. The men suffered, but they were plucky, and more than one man got into camp practically uncon- scious, his burden shared among his comrades. We like to think of the bandit-like appearance of Chaplain Cadman with a rifle taken from one of ^-J a if-/' r\i I '^ll \ bi s c these men over his shoulders as he sat his placid horse. The regiment's record for the march was very good, but the most welcome sight for many days was the grain elevator at Pharr when we spied it on the south- ern horizon. Adventures there were, of course : the bold pigs at Young's Ranch who upset the pail of precious water in a certain officer's tent and then scratched their backs on the under side of his cot while he hurled maledictions at them ; the affectionate snake which tried to go to bed with one of the men ; the coyotes which caused loud challenges from an alarmed sentinel as they rummaged in the garbage pit ; all these and many others are history. Less historical but equally believed is the story of the mad dash made by the advance guard as the regiment approached Edinburg, to keep its cupola-ed County Court-house from sliding over the horizon after it had eluded our pursuit for many weary hours: Edinburg, the smallest town with the best lemonade and layer-cake in Texas. Other minor experiences helped the weeks to speed by in routine work: the two-day Hidalgo hike that laid out so many, the field-firing exercise at La Gloria that almost repaid us for the hard marches there and back but which was rather an aggravation when we found how f^w cartridges we were permitted to fire ; finally the Great Adventure of Election Day, when each qualified voter was permitted to exercise the right of suffrage and a lengthy wind-twisted ballot in a snake-charming act. The best part of the whole tour of duty was the outpost work on the Rio Grande. It was hard work, but interesting, so despite discomforts that we were spared in our comfortable home-camp, it seemed rather like a vacation. There were trees and shade and swimming in the resaca, bailies, whereat we might dance with exceedingly unattractive sefioritas to the music of a drum and accordion "executing" Tipperary. The natives liked that tune; but it was a long, long way from Tipperary! Capote Ranche has the pleasantest sound of any of the names in our recollections. This was the land of real adventure, the place where we met coyotes and wild-cats face to face in our reconnaissances, where we got lost in much-tracked wilderness for hours at a time, where the sentinels heard strange noises by night and by day and were always on the alert in a manner that could not be attained in sleepy, peaceful Pharr. It was at our Number Three outguard that the corporal reported a tragedy on the other bank: a screaming woman, a rifle shot, and then deep silence! It was near our Reserve camp that we found the old live-oak tree with the two deeply-graven crosses in the trunk, just under a convenient horizontal limb ; near it, too, was a ruined house beneath two lofty palm trees. There was a strange brown stain on the floor, and patrols usually closed up and quickened their pace as they passed it in the dim moonlight. The outguards did their own cooking, and many a savory dish was concocted : stews of toothsome turtle and frisky kids, strange composi- tions evolved from canned goods, still stranger interpretations of the bill-of-fare laid down in the Manual ! And despite our very excellent HI ^ official cooks, many a squad declares it fared better on the River than at Pharr. Yet at Pharr there was one great Feast, the real Thanksgiving Dinner, which outshone the Christmas Dinner because it was the first real feast. It was as good a dinner as we had ever had at home; com- mencing with the savory bisque of tomatoes and going through the accepted program to mince-pies and ice-cream of our own making. Some fortunate ones were able to add quail or duck to the official roast turkey, for there was excellent shooting to be had for the trouble of taking a walk with a gun, and the game-wardens considered us all as residents, not to be bothered for licenses. After many disappointments that were harder to bear than home-folks can realize, the orders home were received at last, and never was a camp broken by more willing or efficient hands. Not an order was given; everything moved automatically, as in a dream, and in a surprisingly short time the train was loaded, and the regiment found itself marching out of camp for the last time, escorted by the band of our old friends, the Third Tennessee. The journey home was uneventful, but the reception that we met with when Brooklyn was reached will never be forgotten by any of us. The streets were filled with throngs of people, the s..hool-children lined the curbs waving flags, the Governor and Mayor reviewed us, and as an escort we had our Veterans in a regiment about as big as our own and marching, so it is said, quite as well. Arrived at the Armory we met a real ovation, and before long the men were turned over to their families for admiration. So ended, on January ninth, our first long tour of service since the Civil \\ ar that saw our beginnings. \&^\ £^- r*>r > , M u THE SEVENTY-FOURTH INFANTRY By Capt. Karl G. Kaffenberger The Call of the President, June 19, 1916, found the 74th Infantry, N. G. N. Y., ready for service as it had been many times before in its early his- tory. However, for a time shortage in numbers led to strong misgivings that the Regiment would not be selected for Border Service on the Mexican Frontier. As a result everyone bent their energies to a brief campaign of intensive recruiting and outfitting between the call of the President and July 5th, the date the Regiment started for the Border. Just before the muster of the Regiment July i, 1916, the 74th received as its new commander, Colonel Nathaniel B. Thurston, an officer well known in the New York Division and throughout the army for his faithful and varied services. The departure for the Border will be long remembered by the men of the Regiment. Throngs of people lined the streets to see their Buffalo boys depart at the Nation's urgent call. Just what was coming no one knew, but the men were ready and willing for what might come. The trip to the Border was one of great inconvenience on account of the lamentable lack of tourist sleepers for transporting the men. However, like good soldiers, the men accepted this and the rather meagre train ration with cheerful grumbling as part of the game. The trip to the Border was uneventful, but grew in interest as we neared the southern part of Texas. To most of the .soldiers the cacfus and mesquite, which were to become such familiar sights, presented a peculiar interest which grew, colored by the uncertainty of the exact destination and the picturesque appearance of the dark-skinned Mexicans whose tantalizing "Manana" and friendly "Adins" were soon to be passwords among the northern soldiers. Upon arriving at Pharr on July loth it was the good fortune of the Regiment to find the camp all staked out, the latrines built and the water system installed. With this as a start, and by hard toil with pick and en- trenching shovel, good roads were built in the camp, and soon the 74th enjoyed the reputation of having one of the finest camps on the Border. After the arrival at the Border, Capt. George H. White, 28th U. S. Infan- try, was assigned to the Regiment on detached service as Lieut. Colonel, known to many as an Inspector Instructor of exceptional ability with the New York Division. Colonel White was a great help to the Regiment, adding much to its efficiency in administration, in drill, and in the field. On the 23rd day of August, after over a month of preliminary training, the Regiment started on its ten-day practice march to measure its strength with other units in the New York Division. 5k -^r IW '\\n c^ ^ On the second day while at McAIlen, Colonel Thurston's illness required his removal to a northern climate. While en route the newspapers pub- lished a report that the Colonel had died, but fortunately he lived to read the account of his death, and to receive many eulogies which so many times are not voiced until a man has passed away. Probably nothing at the Border did more to harden the men and put them into fit shape than the practice march of 85 miles or. better. The first day's march was but three miles between Pharr and McAllen, but many a stalwart man fell by the wayside, being unaccustomed to the exer- tion of carrying his heavy pack in this torrid climate. The second day the command started at Mc.'^llen, making a short four-mile hike for practice. On the third day a march of five miles was made to Mission and on a fourth one of five and one-half miles from Mission to Alton. These two marches were probably the most disastrous, in numbers of men falling out. At Alton there was a scarcity of drinking water and that which was fur- nished had to be hauled five miles by mule team. Many a novice who failed to accept the warning requiring the careful use of the water in his canteen learned a bitter lesson that day. On the next day, a march of six and three-quarter miles was made to Sterling's Ranch, which was a veritable oasis in this desert mesquite coun- try. Here was found abundance of good drinking water, canteen and a refreshing shower bath which had been cleverly improvised by the enter- prising ranch owner. Perhaps nothing showed the cheerful grit of the 74th more than the march to the one-time bandit stronghold of La Gloria, five and three-quarters miles distant. The road, which was no more nor less than a wagon trail, led through dense mesquite and cactus so thick that it was impos.sible to detour around mud holes and puddles. The rain fairly deluged the road and in many places the water was above the knees of even the tallest men. However, the ranks were unbroken, and the men drenched to the skin marched smiling and singing through the water. That night at La Gloria, bonfires were built and the men gathered around until the wee small hours drying their clothes and equipment. The seventh day brought the Command back to Sterling's Ranch. On the eighth day the Regiment marched to Laguna Seca, a distance of ten and one-half miles. It had rained during the night and marching was made difficult because of knee-deep puddles and heavy mud which gath- ered on the shoes during the first few miles. The road was later very hot and sandy. But this time, however, the men were becoming hardened to the hiking, and very few fell out. Next day the 74th continued its march to Young's Ranch, the northernmost point of the entire march. Here were located two excellent swimming tanks which afforded great pleasure to the weary soldiers. The tenth day brought the Regiment again to the quaint little Mexican town of Laguna Seca, and the eleventh day to the familiar Sterling's Ranch. l"he twelfth day was the supreme test of the hike, a distance of fifteen miles being covered between Sterling's Ranch and Edinburgh. i;--^ r^ :==■ =:nM E' :===# '^Mi ^^^ Leaving camp at 3.30 a.m. after a drenching rain, the Command marched in the regulation 50 minute hitches and 10 minute rests to Edinburgh. During the march the weather was excellent, but upon arriving at Edin- burgh the rain again deluged the troops, and dog tents were pitched in a veritable quagmire. During this march only eight men fell out, which was a very excellent record, comparing favorably with performance to be expected frora highly trained troops. From this time until September 26th various Battalion, Regimental and Brigade maneuvers were held. These culminated in the maneuver of a reinforced brigade along the Rio Grande River. On .September 25th and 26th the Regiment started out from Pharr and joined the balance of the troops at East McAllen road. From here the Brigade proceeded to the Taylor road at the Border, along which the maneuver was carried out. After a night in shelter tents, the Command marched north along the Pharr road as a withdrawing movement. The entire distance marched in this problem was 28 miles. October i8th. Companies A and C marched to San Juan Hacienda for detached duty on outposts along the Rio Grande River. This was the first detachment of the Regiment used on this service, which was continued in short periods from four days to a week by other detachments and battalions of the Regiment. Perhaps nothing that was done approximated more nearly war conditions than the work at these out- posts, particularly in the case of early detachments, where reconnais- sance was original in unknov.m terrain. Many lessons of self-reliance were learned by both officers and men during these periods of detached service. After October i8th, outpost duty at the Border, maneuvers near Pharr, and rifle practice at La Gloria followed in rapid succession, for the various units in the Command. The practice at La Gloria in combat firing was most interesting and instructive, due to the careful and up-to-date method of conducting this practice as carried on by Major Chandler of the loth Infantry. Upon the return of the First Battalion from La Gloria a forced march was made of 26 miles in 12 hours from Sterling's Ranch to Pharr, includ- ing a four-hour halt at Edinburgh for dinner. From October until January great progress was made in the set up and precision of the troops at Pharr. The Regiment participated in three great reviews of the New York Division. The first, to Governor Whitman, October 16, 1916; the second to Senator Wadsworth, November 29, 1916, and the third to Major Gen- eral O'Ryan, December 5, 1916. Besides these, numerous small reviews were held. On October 22nd the Regiment participated in night maneu- vers in the direction of San Juan. From this time until the 74th was ordered to McAllen, regular drills, ceremonies and garrison duties were in order. 100 .^ sJ On January 12 and 13, 1917, the 74th Regiment moved to McAllen, where they occupied the old camp of the 7th Regiment. Suddenly, on January 15, 1917, the Regiment sustained a very serious loss in the death of its Colonel Nathaniel B. Thurston, who had returned to his command during the month of November. Colonel Thurston was respected and admired by all members of his Command, and his death was mourned by all. It is hard to measure the devotion of the Regiment to Colonel Thurston. His character was broad and confidence-inspiring. The officers found in him a friend and advisor, the men an honest and square leader. On January i6th a Brigade funeral was held for Colonel Thurston. Among the many rumors that were rife in the latter days of the Regi- ment's stay at the Border was one that it was to return to Buffalo early in February. In fact an order had been seen, but hopes were dashed to the ground when the order came suspending further troop movements. At this time the Regiment was ordered to Penitas by Battalions for rifle prac- tice. Only the first Battalion, however, went, as orders were received on February 9th, ordering the return of the Regiment at once. Camp was broken at Penitas in 45 minutes and as the Battalion neared McAllen, Ser- geant Bolton and his band greeted them with "Hail ! Hail ! the Gang's all here," "It will be a hot time in the old town to-night," and "Home, Sweet Home." The effect was magical, and enthusiastic shouts greeted the Battalion as it reached camp. The Regiment left McAllen for Buffalo, February 14, 1917. Just before leaving Lieutenant White was relieved of the command of the Regiment and the Regiment was brought home under command of Major Arthur Kemp, now its well-known and popular Colonel. It arrived at its home station February 20, 1917. Many amusing scenes were witnessed as sol- diers slipped on the icy pavements after their experiences in Texas gumbo and alkaline sands. It was with eager expectancy that the Regiment hit Buffalo. The great blasts of whistles, which greeted the troop trains as they entered the City, made the men feel that they were not entirely forgotten during their eight months' .stay at the Border. It was a veteran organization that the people viewed as the 74th marched up Main Street, not veterans of a war, but veterans of an expedition, which had hardened and seasoned the men to an astonishing extent. 3 % \ \\ ir^: ' l/^il^ 4''^'^''^ a> \ PART II WAR WITH GERMANY THE NEW YORK DIVISION MOBILIZED AGAIN li c^ ^« j^^.— _'^ . Editor's Note: Obviously this record is incomplete, but rather than omit '%\ 11 a this important service such facts as are available at the time of going to press are included. in «^ t .^^,--3, ^i^i=:=^^^M.li^Xt^^^" " --^--^^^^ REVIEW OF EVENTS LEADING UP TO THE DECLARATION OF A STATE OF WAR ^VITH GERMANY By R. L. Burdick. Not in ten, nor perhaps even fifty, years will the question of the respon- sibility for the greatest war be definitely placed by historians. Although most of us have our own and a rather unanimous opinion on the subject, yet it would be futile at this short range to lay the blame on any one or group of agencies. It may well be that later historians of broad view may show the war to have been an economic necessity, a racial upheaval, or a readjustment of social forces. These problems we can but speculate upon, the while we sufTer. But even after the brief period of our own entry into the conflict we can definitely point out the causes and events which led the greatest democracy of the modern world to take up arms. When the wrack of war is done, when the aching hearts find respite, and when the battlefields of France are once more green, our great cause shall stand unchallenged — that cause summed up in the imperishable words of President Wilson — "to make the world safe for democracy." Those few words rank with Patrick Henry's enunciation of our national ideals and with Lincoln's memorable address at Gettysburg. This, then is our cause. Let us refresh our memories with the facts which led up to the National crisis. Surely we cannot forget the sinking of the Lusitania and the immediate sentiment of our nation for entering the war. As we look back, however, we see that the opinion of the people had not sufficiently crystallized to enable us to enter upon such a policy. It is a characteristic of our form of government that we must ponder long before acting, but that when we do strike our unanimity of opinion lends the greater force to the blow. The later sinking of various of our ships and the consequent loss of American lives did not of themselves constitute a sufficient cause for precipitating us into the struggle. Their effect was, nevertheless, cumula- tive, and stored up a growing reservoir of wrath which needed but a drop more to burst its containing walls. A year ago. in August, 1916, there seemed little likelihood that we would become immediately involved in the European struggle. We had been in a measure reassured of the safety of our foreign commerce and the observance of international law on the seas, by Germany's promise of May 4 to conduct her submarine warfare with proper regard to the rights of neutrals. The state of strict neutrality which we were trying to maintain, at the urgent behest of our governmental leaders, seemed easier of achievement. Yet the respite was brief; before long there appeared evidence of Teutonic in+ ':m ..^•c^^ r^-^p s. plots in our own country. The actual details of these have never been fully made public, but undenied newspaper reports of the origin of the Welland Canal plot, of the blowing up of the Canadian-American bridge, left no room for doubt as to these later activities. Many of them were traced to the doors of the Central Powers' embassies. These negotiations fell through, as might have been expected, because of the diversity of peace terms which could not be reconciled. Then, as a bolt from the blue, came the announcement, on January 31, 1917, of Ger- many's new submarine policy. Disregarding her previous promise of May 4, 1916, she declared a ruthless policy of unrestricted naval warfare to com- mence February ist in all waters surrounding her enemy countries. As a sop to the United States one ship per week flying our flag was to be "allowed" to sail through a prescribed course to Falmouth. This made the break practically certain. Our stand for the freedom of the seas was directly flouted. The President acted promptly. On February 3d passports were handed to the German Ambassador, Count von Bernstorff (who, by the way, did much to prevent a crisis arising), and our Ambassador in Berlin, Mr. Gerard, was recalled. In quick succession followed Mr. Wilson's appeal to other neutrals to take the same action, and his refusal to open nego- tiations with Germany until she should withdraw her new policy. The one last straw which broke the back of our endurance was the authorized publication on February 28th by the Associated Press of the contents of a note signed by the German Foreign Secretary, Zimmerman, addressed to the German Ambassador to Mexico proposing an alliance with Mexico in the event of war between the United States and Germany, and even proposing that Japan be invited to join. Financial aid and territorial annexation was promised to our southern neighbors. Let it be said right here that Japan immediately repudiated any knowledge of the proposal and refused absolutely to take it into consideration. Two points in this scheme stood out prominently. The first was that Germany expected, despite her ofifer of negotiations of February 12th, that the United States would consider her pronouncement of January 31st a cause of war. This necessitated a definite decision as to whether we were to face the issue squarely and take its consequences or back down from our position. We all know the answer — its wording is set forth on another page in President Woodrow Wilson's address to the joint session of Con- gress, April 2nd. The other point which fanned the flame of our anger was the under- handed attempt to re-embroil us with our then peaceful neighbor, Mexico. Was Germany to be let go unpunished for attempting to set at naught our successful eflforts to quiet the disturbance on our southwestern border ; was all the work of our army in Mexico, the service and sacrifice of our National Guard to be flouted ; or did the Monroe Doctrine still hold good ? Those were the burning rmestions — and their answer was worthy of a land known for its love of liberty and justice. Even previous to this, far-seeing eyes beheld another development which made a growing demand for our entry into the war — the weakening of Russia. Should disaster fall in that direction a greater burden would be thrown on France and England and the chances of defeating the blood and iron rule of Germany became less, unless supported by the United States. The Russian Duma brought about, on November 24, 1916. the replacing of Boris V. Stiirmer, a pro-German, by Alexander TrepoiT as Premier. Later, Prince Golitzin succeeded Trepofif. The crisis in that nation rose on March 12th when the Duma refused -to dissolve upon order of the Czar. That body in answer demanded internal reforms, a more energetic prose- cution of the war, and even charged the Administration with being pro- German. Three days later Czar Nicholas 11 abdicated the throne, both for himself and his son, designating his brother, Grand Duke Michael Alexahdrovitch, as his successor. A new cabinet was hastily formed ; on March i6th the Duma declared for universal suffrage, liberty of speech, press and religion, general amnesty and the abolition of political police. The Grand Duke provisionally renounced the throne in favor of the democratic form of 'government they wished, and an election was called. Pending this, the Provisional Government repeated its allegiance to the Allied Powers. In spite of the long forbearance of this country in the face of growing difficulties, we did not lie idle. During the last year the Army and Navy have been active in preparing against eventualities. A Council of National Defense was created by Congress. The Army awarded contracts for 175 airplanes and contracted for 200 more building. Late in December the General Staff completed and laid before the Senate and House Committees on military affairs the plans for the raising and mobilizing of 1,500,000 trained troops on a basis of universal military training. When this plan was made public it created widespread discussion. There were many who favored it as a necessity of preparedness, while others looked upon it unfavorably as a phase of military domination inconsistent with our con- stitutional ideals. The Sixty-fourth Congress had passed the Army Appro- priation Bill in its first session but this feature was not included. L^pon reconvening in 191 7, Congress in January and February passed .several large bills appropriating money for the use of the Army and Navy. On February 27, it authorized the President to supply defensive weapons to merchant ships, which was announced on March 12. When the first of these ships sailed the country held its breath, expecting an actual com- mencement of hostilities. The Navy Department let contracts for four liattle cruisers and six scout cruisers on March 15. Aleanwhile President Wilson called a special session of the new (Sixty- fifth) Congress which met in joint session on April 2, 1917, when the President addressed them. Debate waxed heavy on the war resolution but finally, on April 4th, the Senate passed it by 82 to 6, the House passed it April 6th by 373 to ^o: it was signed by the President and was transmitted to the world. 106 ^Ife \m^. 'A K t IC ^'^' 1/ ^ President Woodrow Wilsons Address to Congress in Joint Session, April 2nd, 1917 Gentlemen of the Congress: I have called the Congress into extraordinary session because there are serious, ver>' serious, choices of poHcy to be made and made immediately, which it was neither right nor constitutionally permissible that I should assume the responsibihty of making. On the third of February last I officially laid before you the extraordinary announce- ment of the Imperial German Government that on and after the first day of Februarj- it was its purpose to put aside all restraints of law or of humanity and use its sub- marines to sink every vessel that sought to approach either the ports of Great Britain and Ireland, or the western coasts of Europe, or any of the ports controlled by the enemies of Germany within the Mediterranean. That had seemed to be the object of the German submarine warfare earlier in the war, but since April of last year the Imperial Government had somewhat restrained the commanders of its undersea craft in conformity with its promise then given to us that passenger boats should not be sunk and that due warning would be given to all other vessels which its submarines might seek to destroy when no resistance was offered or escape attempted, and care taken that their crews were given at least a fair chance to save their lives in their open boats. The precautions taken were meagre and haphazard enough, as was proved in distressing instance after instance in the progress of the cruel and unmanly business, but a certain degree of restraint was observed. The new policy has swept every restriction aside. Vessels of every kind, whatever their flag, their diaracter, their cargo, their distination, their errand, have been ruthlessly sent to the bottom without warning and without thought of help or mercy for those on board, the vessels of friendly neutrals along with those of belligerents. Even hospital ships and ships carrj-ing relief to the sorely bereaved and stricken people of Belgium, though the latter were provided with safe conduct through the prescribed areas by the German Government itself and were distinguished by unmis- takable marks of identity, have been sunk with the same reckless lack of compassion or of principle. I was for a little while unable to believe that such things would in fact be done by any government that had hitherto subscribed to the humane practices of civilized nations. International law had its origin in the attempt to set up some law which would be respected and observed xipon the seas where no nation had right of dominion and where lay the free highways of the world. By painful stage after stage has that law- been built up, with meagre enough results indeed, after all was accomplished that could be accomplished, but always with a clear view, at least, of what the heart and con- science of mankind demanded. This minimum of right the German Government has swept aside under the plea of retaliation and necessity and because it had no weapons which it could use at sea except those which it is impossible to employ as it is employing them without throwing to the winds all scruples of humanity or of respect for the understandings that were supposed to underlie the intercourse of the world. I am not now thinking of the loss of property involved, immense and serious as that is, but only of the wanton and wholesale destruction of the lives of non-combatants, men, women, and children, engaged in pursuits which have always, even in the darkest periods of modern history, been deemed innocent and legitimate. Property can be paid for; the lives of peaceful and innocent people cannot be. The present German submarine warfare against commerce is a warfare against mankind. It is a war against all nations. American ships have been sunk, American lives taken, in w^ays which it has stirred us very deeply to learn of, but ships and people of other neutral and friendly nations have been sunk and overwhehned in the waters in the same way. There has been no discrimination. The challenge is to all mankind. Each nation must decide for itself how it will meet it. The choice we make for our- selves must be made wnth a moderation of counsel and a temperateness of judgment befitting our character and our motives as a nation. We must put excited feeling 3 -^ 'i'\\ away. Our motive will not be revenge or the victorious assertion of the pliysical might of the nation, but only the vindication of right, of human right, of which we are only a single cliampion. When I addressed the Congress on the twenty-sixth of February last I thought that it would suffice to assert our neutral rights with arms, our right to use the seas against unlawful interference, our right to keep our people safe against unlawful violence. But armed neutrality, it now appears is impracticable. Because submarines are in effect outlaws when used as the German submarines have been used against merchant shipping, it is impossible to defend ships against their attacks as the law of nations has assumed that merchantmen vw)uld defend themselves against privateers or cruisers, visible craft giving chase upon the open sea. It is common prudence, in such circumstances, grim necessity indeed, to endeavor to destroy them before they have shown their own intention. They must be dealt with upon sight, if dealt with at all. The German Government denies the right of neutrals to use arms at all within the areas of the sea which it has proscribed, even in the defence of rights which no modern publicist has ever before questioned their right to defend. The intimation is conveyed that the armed guards which we have placed on our merchant ships will be treated as beyond the pale of law and subject to be dealt with as pirates would be. Armed neutrality is ineffectual enough at best; in such circumstances and in the face of such pretensions it is worse than ineflfectual ; it is likely only to produce what it was meant to prevent ; it is practically certain to draw us into the war without either the rights or the effectiveness of belligerents. There is one choice we cannot make, we are incapable of making. We will not choose the path of submission and suffer the most sacred rights of our nation and our people to be ignored or violated. The wrongs against which we now array ourselves are no common wrongs ; they cut to the ver>' roots of human life. With a profound sense of the solemn and even tragical character of the step I am taking and of the grave responsibilities which it involves, but in unhesitating obedience to what I deem my constitutional duty, I advise that the Congress declare the recent course of the Imperial German Government to be in fact nothing less than war against the government and people of the United States ; that it formally accept the status of belligerent whidi has thus been thrust upon it; and that it take immediate steps not only to put the country in a more thorough state of defence, but also to exert all its power and employ all its resources to bring the government of the German empire to terms and end the war. What this will involve is clear. It will involve the utmost practicable cooperation in counsel and action with the governments now at war with Germany, and, as incident to that, the extension to those governments of the most liberal financial credits in order that our resources may, so far as possible, be added to theirs. It will involve the organization and mobilization of all the material resources of the country to supply the materials of war and serve the incidental needs of the nation in the most abundant, and yet the most economical and efficient way possible. It will involve the immediate full equipment of the navy in all respects, but par- ticularly in supplying it with the best means of dealing with the enemy's submarines. It will involve the immediate addition to the armed forces of the United States already provided for by law in case of war, at least 500,000 men, who should, in my opinion, be chosen upon the principle of universal liability to service, and also the authorization of subsequent additional increments of equal force so soon as they may he needed and can be handled in training. It will involve, also, of course, the granting of adequate credits to the Government, sustained, I hope, so far as they can equitably be sustained by the present generation, by well conceived taxation. I say sustained so far as may be equitable by taxation because it seems to me that it would be most unwise to base the credits which will W.. G-. ?L now be necessary entirely on money borrowed. It is our duty, I most respectfully urge, to protect our people so far as we may against the very serious hardships and evils which would be likely to arise out of the infliction which would be produced by vast loans. In carrying out the measures by which these things are to be accomplished, we should keep constantly in mind the wisdom of interfering as little as possible in our own preparation and in the equipment of our own military forces with the duty— for it will be a very practical duty— of supplying the nations already at war with Germany with the materials which they can obtain only from us or by our assistance. They are in the field and we should help them in every way to be effective there. I shall take the liberty of suggesting, through the several executive departments of the Government for the consideration of your committees, measures for the accom- plishment of the several objects I have mentioned. I hope that it will be your pleasure to deal with them as having been framed after very careful thought by the branch of the government upon which the responsibility of conducting the war and safeguarding the nation will most directly fall. While we do these things, these deeply momentous things, let us be very clear and make very clear to all the world what our motives and our objects are. My own thought has not been driven from its habitual and normal course by the unhappy events of the last two months, and I do not believe that the thought of the nation has been altered or clouded by them. I have exactly the same things in mind now that I had in mind when I addressed the Senate on the 22d of January last; the same that I had in mind when I addressed the Congress on the 3d of February and on the 26th of February. Our object now, as then, is to vindicate the principles of peace and justice in the life of the world as against selfish and autocratic power, and to set up amongst the really free and self- governed peoples of the world such a concert of purpose and of action as will hence- forth insure the observance of those principles. Neutrality is no longer feasible or desirable where the peace of the world is involved and the freedom of its peoples, and the menace to that peace and freedom lies in the existence of autocratic governments backed by organized force wTiich is controlled wholly by their will, not by the will of their people. We have seen the last of neutrality in such circumstances. We are at the beginning of an age in which it will be insisted that the same standards of conduct and of responsibility for wrong done shall be observed among nations and their governments that are observed among the individual citizens of civilized states. We have no quarrel with the German people. We have no feeling towards them but one of sympathy and friendship. It was not upon their impulse that their Gov- ernment acted in entering this war. It was not with their previous knowledge or approval. . • . ij It was a war determined upon as wars used to be determmed upon m the old, imhappy days when peoples were nowhere consulted by their rulers and wars were provoked and waged in the interests of dynasties or of little groups of ambitious men who were accustomed to use their fellow men as pawns and tools. Self-governed nations do not fill their neighbor states with spies or set the course of intrigue to bring about some critical posture of affairs which will give them an opportunity to strike and make conquest. Such designs can be successfully worked out only under cover and where no one has the right to ask questions. Cunningly contrived plans of deception or aggression, carried, it may be, from generation to generation, can be worked out and kept from the light only within the privacy of courts or behind the carefully guarded confidences of a narrow and privi- leged class. They are happily impossible where public opinion commands and msists upon full information concerning all the nation's affairs. A steadfast concert for peace can never be maintained except by a partnership of { i^ ^ -I democratic nations. No autocratic government could be trusted to keep faith within it or observe its covenants. It must be a league of honor, a partnership of opinion. Intrigue would eat its vitals away; the plottings of inner circles who could plan what they would and render account to no one would be a corruption seated at its very heart. Only free peoples can hold their purpose and their honor steady to a common end and prefer the interests of mankind to any narrow interest of their own. Does not every American feel that assurance has been added to our hope for the future peace of the world by the wonderful and heartening things that have been hap- pening within the last few weeks in Russia? Russia was known by those who knew it best to have been always in fact democratic at heart, in all the vital habits of her thought, in all the intimate relationships of her people that spoke their natural instinct, their habitual attitude towards life. The autocracy that crowned the summit of her political structure, long as it had stood and terrible as was the reality of its power, was not in fact Russian in origin, character, or purpose, and now it has been shaken off and the great generous Russian people have been added in all their native majesty and might to the forces that are fighting for freedom in the world, for justice and for peace. Here is a fit partner for a League of Honor. One of the things that has served to convince us that the Prussian autocracy was not a.nd could never be our friend is that from the very outset of the present war it has filled our unsuspecting communities, and even our offices of government, with spies and set criminal intrigues everywhere afoot against our national unity of counsel, our peace within and without, our industries and our commerce. Indeed, it is now evident that its spies were here even before the war began; and it is unhappily not a matter of conjecture but a fact proved in our courts of justice that the intrigues which have more than once come perilously near to disturbing the peace and dislocating the industries of the country have been carried on at the instiga- tion, with the support, and even under the personal direction of official agents of the Imperial Government accredited to the Government of the United States. Even in checking these things and trying to extirpate them we have sought to put the most generous interpretation possible upon them, because we knew that their source lay, not in any hostile feeling or purpose of the German people towards us (who were, no doubt, as ignorant of them as we ourselves were), but only in the selfish designs of a Government that did what it pleased and told its people nothing. But they have played their part in serving to convince us at last that that Government entertains no real friendship for us and means to act against our peace and security at its convenience. That it means to stir up enemies against us at our very doors the intercepted note to the German Minister at Mexico City is eloquent evidence. We are accepting this challenge of hostile purpose because we know that in such a government, following such methods, we can never have a friend ; and that in the presence of its organized power, always lying in wait to accomplish we know not what purpose, there can be no assured security for the democratic governments of the world. We are now about to accept gage of battle with this natural foe to liberty and shall, if necessary, spend the whole force of the nation to check and nullify its pre- tensions and its power. We are glad, now that we see the facts with no veil of false pretence about them, to fight thus for the ultimate peace of the world and for the libera- tion of its peoples, the German peoples included; for the rights of nations, great and small, and the privilege of men everywhere to choose their way of life and of obedience. The world must be made safe for democracy; its pace must be planted upon tested foundations of political liberty. We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion. We seek no indemnities for ourselves, no material compensation for the sacrifices we shall freely make. We are but one of the champions of the rights of mankind. We shall be satisfied >^ ^ I t M mm^£j(^^^^ s,=. .^^ T when those rights have been made as secure as the faith and the freedom of the nations can make them. Just because we fight without rancor and without selfish object, seeking nothing for ourselves but what we shall wish to share with all free peoples, we shall, I feel con- fident, conduct our operations as belligerents without passion and ourselves observe with proud punctilio the principles of right and of fair play we profess to be fighting for. I have said nothing of the governments allied with the Imperial Government of Germany because they have not made war upon us or challenged us to defend our right and our honor. The Austro-Hungarian Government has, indeed, avowed its unqualified indorsement and acceptance of the reckless, lawless submarine warfare adopted now without disguise by the Imperial German Government, and it has, herefore, not been possible for this Government to receive Count Tarnowski, the Ambassador recently accredited to this Government by the Imperial and Royal Government of Austria- Hungary; but that Government has not actually engaged in warfare against citizens of the United States on the seas, and I take the liberty, for the present at least, of post- poning a discussion of our relations with the authorities at Vienna. We enter this war only where we are clearly forced into it because there are not other means of defend- ing our rights. rt will be all the easier for us to conduct ourselves as belligerents in a high spirit of right and fairness because we act without animus, not in enmity towards a people or with the desire to bring any injury or disadvantage upon them, but only in armed opposition to an irresponsible Government which has thrown aside all considerations of humanity and of right and is running amuck. We are, let me say again, the sincere friends of the German people, and shall desire nothing so much as the early reestablishment of intimate relations of mutual advantage between us, however hard it may be for them, for the time being, to believe that this is spoken from our hearts. We have borne with their present government through all these bitter months because of that friendship— exercising a patience and forbearance which would otherwise have been impossible. We shall, happily, still have no opportunity to prove that friendship in our daily attitude and actions toward the millions of men and women of German birth and native sympathy who live amongst us and share our life, and we shall be proud to prove it towards all who are in fact loyal to their neighbors and to the Government in the hour of test. They are, most of them, as true and loyal Americans as if they had never known any other fealty or allegiance. They will be prompt to stand with us in rebuking and restraining the few who may be of a different mind and purpose. If there should be disloyalty, it will be dealt with with a firm hand of stern repres- sion; but, if it lifts its head at all, it will lift it only here and there and without counten- ance except from a lawless and malignant few. It is a distressing and oppressive duty, gentlemen of the Congress, which I have performed in thus addressing you. There are, it may be, many months of fiery trial and sacrifice ahead of us. It is a fearful thing to lead this great peaceful people into war, into the most terrible and disastrous of all wars, civilization itself seeming to be in the balance. But the right is more precious than peace, and we shall fight for the things whicli we have always carried nearest our hearts — for democracy, for the right of those gf<--;__^ *. who submit to authority to have a voice in their own governments, for the rights and '■i^^r~v liberties of small nations, for a universal dominion of right by such a concert of free peoples as shall bring peace and safety to all nations and make the world itself at last free. To such a task we can dedicate our lives and our fortunes, everything that we are and ever>-thing that we have, with the pride of those who know that the day has come when America is privileged to spend her blood and her might for the principles that gave her birth and happiness and the peace which she has treasured. God helping her. she can do not other. 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Wholesale distributors Broadway at 24th Street, New York City A Rope For Every Purpose As the only manufacturer making every kind of wire and fibre rope, the Water- bury Company is in a position to supply ropes for practically every requirement, Waterbury Products include Standard Wire Rope in all grades, "Green Strand" Wire Rope and Armored Wire Rope, [Gore Patent] Fib- reclad Wire Rope for Marine and Hoisting purposes and Manila and Sisal Cordage in all grades. We shall be glad to quote prices and send you special catalogues on any of our products. WATERBURY COMPANY 63 PARK ROW. NEW YORK CHICAGO 1315-21 West Congress St. D.ALLAS, TEXAS, Powell & Ellet Co 911 Southwestern Life Bldg. SAN FRANCISCO 151-161 Main St. NEW ORLE.\NS 1018 Maison Blanche Bldg., Canal and Dauphine Sts. he use of KERITE insulated wires and cables is -the logical result of experience 'ir^S' NBW TORK CHICAGO ^«>' ^|i ^iBaiBiggaaa8KBaaa,asaraa !saBaaaa;^piia8a^ ^ Every man in active military service receives in- struction in personal hygiene and First Aid treatment- it's a part of his training and important because sick- ness must be guarded against as well as the other evils of war. This is an example that might well be followed by the folks at home, good health is important to everyone. Dioxo^en is of decided value both in First Aid treatment and personal hygiene; an antiseptic and germicide of unquestioned value, it is as harmless as ^vater and may be used almost as freely. Applied to wounds and cuts, DIOXOGEN guards against infection; as a mouth wash it is per- haps the best cleanser that can be used. DIOXOGEN has many other uses, it should be in everv home. THE OAKLAND CHEMICAL CO. 10 ASTOR PLACE NEW YORK. Liquid Petrolatum Squibb Heavy (Californian) THE Ql ALITV MINERAL OIL SPECIALLY REFINED FOR INTERNAL USE Pure. Palatable, Efficient, Safe A Perfect Mechanical Lubricant Does Not Interfere with Digestion Is Not Absorbed by the Human System Restores Normal Bowel Activity Will Not Form a Habit Differs Essentially from all Other American Oils and is Superior to the Russian Oils THE BEST BOAVEL REGULATOR INVALUABLE DURING PREGNANCY, LACTATION, INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD Liquid Petrolatum Squibb, Heavy (Californian) is refined under the control of E. R. Squibb & Sons, and exclusively for them, only by the Stmulard Oil Company of California, which has no connection with any other Standard Oil Co. Sold at all Drug Stores only in Original One-Pint Packages Under the Squibb Isabel and Guaranty. D'UXBAK Leather Belting has won an immense trade in all countries of the world because it gives the maximum return for its cost. Compared with ordinary leather belting or with canvas or rubber beltings it is far more economical and gives much more efficient service. pUXBAK was designed primarily for use in damp climates or where water, steam, oil or acid fumes de- stroyed ordinary belting. But the waterproofing treat- ment, through which DUXBAK leather is put, so in- creased its flexibility and pulley gripping qualities that we soon found .power users applying it to all their drives. This double quality makes DUXBAK the most widely used belting in "the world, as it supplies, in itself, every belting requirement of any belt user, whatever his industry may be. We have many interesting features to tell you about the uses of DUXBAK Belting. Write us for full par- ticulars, sample and prices on any size and any quan- tity you require. Prompt deliveries made from our various depots in the world's princi- pal trade centers. r/ tgmn'/Ut/ n/ia/ii/ T.4NNERS, BELT M.\Nl FACTVRERS New York: :iO-3S Ferry Street Oak Leather Tanllerie^: Bristol, Tenn. Offiees and Branches in ->lany Important ( HAM><)M'H SLUXER GEORGE DRYDEN Cable Address: "OCRBYBM" A. B. r. Code Sth Edition •ILW YORK OFFICE Vt. IJreeze, Pa. IToduce Exchange Annex Telephone Brond 4210 Pt. Arthur, Texas San Francisco. Cal. Tampico, Mex, CHAS. MARTIN & CO. INSPECTORS OF PETROLEUM Authorized and Approved by the New York Produce Exchange TANK MEASURING A SPECIALTY Compliments of FRANCE AND CANADA STEAMSHIP COMPANY i?o Broadway New York City Rosenwasser Bros. Inc. Executive Offices and Factories LONG ISLAND CITY New York N. Y. Salesroom, 452 Fifth Avenue MANUFACTURERS OF FINE WELT SHOES U. S. Army, Navy and Marine Corps Standards Leggings, Knapsacks, Haversacks and Army Supplies U. S. A., N., and M. C. Standards SAVAGE ARIVIS CORPORATION ^^^ ^^ Manufacturer of LIGHT ORDNANCE LEWIS AUTOMATIC MACHINE GUNS MILITARY HIGH-POWER & SMALL CALIBER SPORTING RIFLES AUTOMATIC PISTOLS and AMMUNITION Factories: Sharon, Penn.; Utica, N. Y., U. S. A. Executive Offices: 50 Church Street, New York City IMPROVED RELIEF BANDAGE ROLLER, with Double Table Clamps. Polished and Full Nickel-plated So Simple a Child can use it Surgical Instrument Makers GEORGE TIEMANN & CO. Surgical Instrument >Iakers 107 Park Row New York Compliments of THE STANDARD COMMERCIAL TOBACCO CO., INC. New York — Russia — Greece The Army & Xa\v Co-operative Company, backed b\' 7,000 Arm\-. N'avy, Marine Corps and National (iiiard Officers, has made arrangements to fill your requirements, no matter where you are serving, whether abroad or in the I'nited States, and with promptness. Our experience in the past, making shipments abroad and together witli the large stock of uniforms and equip- ment on hand at all times, give assur- ances of service. Why not take advan- tage of this? Write for price list and mail order blank. Arm}' & Navy Co-operative Company t6 East 42nd Street, near Fifth Avenue Ninth I lixir New York City Washington, D.C. : 721-7 i7thSt.. N.W. Philadelphia, Pa.: 1121-3 So. Broad St. Telephone Chelsea 3978 Night Telephone Bergen 1937 William J. Kennedy Co. FUSIBLE PLUGS Engineers Machinists Boilermakers Blacksmiths Coppersmiths Plumbers 518-520 West Twenty-second Street New York PURSCH & LEVIN ManufiKturiTs ..f OVERCOATS and FUR TRIMMED GARMENTS H TII WKM E XK«- VOliK MIETZ OIL ENGINES >I.\KIXE AM) ST.VTION.MJV SIZES ■.'- l()0 II. I'. Over 300,000 H.P. in operation Used by U. S. and Foreign Govern- ments AUGUST MIETZ CORPORATION i;s-i:is MOTT sTKEET m:w vokk < itv HAPPY HOURS 'Mid Summer Flowers with the kiddies, are easily possi- ble where ELECTRIC SERV- ICE in the Home economizes labor, and gives you leisure for out-of-doors enjoyment. The use of Electricity — Electric Lighting — the Electric Washer — Vacuum Cleaner — Iron, etc., will make each day go twice as far as otherwise. Make the most of the summer days. Win health and happiness by using Electricity. Ask Us How. BINGHAMTON LIGHT HEAT AND POWER CO. 172 Washington St. BINGHAMTON, N. Y. Our soldiers are protecting tlie country. Have you PROTECTED your family ? Our policies are THE PER- FECTION OF PRO TECTION Inquire of Security Mutual Life Insurance Company, Binghamton, N. Y. Compliments of COAL COMPANY OF FULTON COUNTY Gloversville, N. Y. Compliments of CHENANGO VALLEY SAVINGS BANK Binghamton, N. Y. Oil Cups Grease Cups Lubricators Try Cocks Water Gauges Steam Gauges Steam Cocks "WEW" RAILROAD AND MARINE SUPPLIES Full line of Bronze and Iron Body Valves carried in stock. Cross Valves Shifting Valves Relief Valves Throttle Valves Gate Valves Check Valves WILLIAM E. WILLIAMS 62 FRONT STREET, NEW YORK LA SULTANA EMPRESS OF CIGARS On sale at all good stores 5c. TOBACCO CORPORATION OF AMERICA 6 East 39th St., New York City, N. Y. Compliments of OTTO GOETZ 43 Murray Street New York "Binghamton's Most Popular Men's Store" FOWLER, DICK & WALKER The Department Store Which SPECIALIZES IN Men's Clothing C. Kenyon Company Makers NEW YORK UNCLE SAM'S FIGHTING MEN WEAR THEM ! OUR SOLDIERS WITH PERSHING - ON THE BORDER - IN TRAINING ARE FITTED WITH The Endicott-Johnson U. S. Army Shoe (BACKED BY 25 YEARS OF THE "SQUARE DEAL") The ENDICOTT-JOHNSON U. S. ARMY SHOE Made over the regulation Munson last designed by Gov- ernment experts, is the ideal shoe for drill, hiking or every- day wear. No "sore feet" in this shoe — it's the most comfortable ever made, supporting the foot where it needs support. DRIES SOFT after wetting. ^NOicorr JOHINSOIN'S Undicott-Johnson U. S. ARMY SHOE USAbmyShoe MUINSON (LOOK FOR THIS STA:\lr OX SOLES) SOLDIER or CIVILIAN-CAMP or STREET Endicott-Johnson U. S. Army Shoes "Fill the Bill" ENDICOTT, JOHNSON & CO. MAKERS OF ARMY AND NAVY SHOES FOR THE I'NITED STATES GOVERNMENT ENDICOTT, NEW YORK THE BULLDOG 7!£Tbns Capa^cfty write For * ' Cateilog N?4- INTERNATIONAL MOTOR CO. West end. Ave.& S^^^t. f^EW YORK CITY. rareiiMMi^i