r- 0^' X^^ -^ o .•0 '>- ^^ "°o ^ . ,. -^ ^G^ ^^ 1^ -^.w>' \'-' ii%$ S -^ . -V ■=v. ^A v^ .N x^q. f~- ^ 'ftir"^ \^ lift 'Z-- -"Ni V! , "^'^ -< & C ^ ■^ CATALOGUE '^ OF THE >/ Kappa Alpha Fraternity 1 865- 1 900. /■ * > o > O ■-)/)■» i COMPILED AND EDITED BY PAUL MURPTTT.. ' L • ^ ■ C CHARLO'XTE, N. C. JBLISHED BY TFTP. FRA-TErRNITY. 1900. n A»x>.»^Aftp\ C) GiO. 27Mr'0t CHARLOTTE, N. C. QTJBIEN CIT^E PRINTING CO. 1900. C 4 I •« PREFACE It is with mingled feelings of relief and pleasure that the accompanying Catalogue is presented to the fraternity. During fifteen months the labor has been all-absorbing, and the relief at realizing the task completed, is known only to those who have experienced the sensation. The demands of the Catalogue have consumed much time that should have been spent in other employments. But the time and labor have been given freely, and if the results are such as to receive the approval of the fra- ternity, the Editor will feel that the time has not been spent in vain. A few words concerning the Catalogue itself may not be amiss. It has been the Editor's aim and object to prepare a book which should he full, accurate and complete in every particular, and at the same time be clear and concise. Accordingly no historical narratives of the chapters are published, but the important facts, dates, names, etc., are given briefly and uniformly for all chapters. The book is intended for use rather than for orna- ment, and accordingly all illustrations are omitted, with the exception of the heraldic frontispiece. For convenience in find- ing, the chapter rolls have been inserted in (Greek) alphabetic order, rather than in the order of their establishment, and for the same reason the lists of members have been similarly arranged. The geographical index of members, the first that has appeared in a K. A. Catalogue, has been prepared with con- siderable expenditure of labor, and it is hoped that its usefulness will justify the outlay. The progress and growth of the Order is most gratifying. At the date of the last Catalogue (1891) 2309 persons had been initiated, and of this number 2138 were alive and in good stand- ing. Within nine years the members have almost doubled, and the first Catalogue contains the names of 4481 initiates, of whom 4119 are alive and in good standing. During the same time PRBFACE. fourteen chapters have been chartered (one of which is now in- active), thus increasing the number of living chapters from 27 to 40. Owing to a variety of causes, the Editor has done much of the work unaided, but to all who have in any way assisted in the labor, or who have offered to assist, the Editor expresses his gratitude and thanks. To the chapter Historians and to those who prepared the catalogue reports for the inactive chapters, especial thanks are given. The assistance rendered and services performed by Bros. Tazewell T. Hubard, Grand Historian, and Eobert E. Pritchard, Editor of the Journal, have been such as to merit the title of Associate Editors of the Catalogue, and to these thanks are due, not only from the Catalogue Editor, but from the entire fraternity. And now as the book nears completion and goes from the Editor to the Fraternity, the hope is expressed that through the means of the Catalogue the Editor has been enabled to contrib- ute in some measure to the unifying, solidifying, and upbuild- ing of our beloved Order. Fraternally, PAUL MURRILL, Cat. Ed. K. A. 0. Auburn, Ala., November 15, 1900. In a work of this kind it is almost impossible to secure free- dom from error, and it is known that many errors have escaped the watchfulness of the proof readers, and it is to be expected that there are many inaccuracies that could not be detected. In order that the records of the fraternity may be further perfected it is requested that any and all errors which may be discovered at any time, and hy any one into whose hands this book may come, will be reported to the Grand Historian, T. T. Hubard, 50 Bank St., Norfolk, Va. CONTENTS. History of the K. A. Fraternity, i — 27 Early History, i The Knight Commanders, ....... 6 Roll of Knight Commanders, ..... 7 General Organization, ........ 7 Conventions, ......... 9 List of Conventions, ........ 10 Department of History, ....... 10 Roll of Grand Historians, ...... 11 The Journal, 11 Roll of Editors-in- Chief, 13 The Journal's Growth, 13 Journal Statistics, 14 Finances, 14 Roll of Grand Pursers, 15 Organization of Alumni, ....... 15 Roll of Chief Alumni, 16 Catalogues, .......... 16 General Catalogues, ....... 17 Annual Catalogues, ........ 17 Council of Honor, ........ 17 Genealogy of the Chapters, 17 Extension, .......... 18 Chapter List, 21 Location of Chapters by States, 22 Internal Developement, ....... 22 Charters, .......... 23 Alumni Chapters, ......... 23 State Associations, ........ 23 The K. V. System, 24 Roll of Knight Visitants, 25 Boards and Commissions, ....... 25 Board of Directors, ....... 26 Advisory Board, ......... 26 Electoral Commissions, ....... 26. General Officers of the Fraternity, 28 Roll of the Council of Honor, 28 CONTENTS. Catalogue of Members by Chapters, Alpha, Washington and Lee University, Beta, Virginia Military Institute, Gamma, University of Georgia, Delta, Wofford College, .... Epsilon, Emory College. ... Zeta, Randolph-Macon College. Eta, Richmond College, Theta prime, Oglethorpe University, Theta second, S. C. Military Acad. Theta, Kentucky State College, Iota, Furman University, .... Kappa, Mercer University, Lambda, University of Virginia, Mu prime, Newberry College, Mu second, Erskine College, . . . Mu third, Emory and Henry College, Nu, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Xi, Southwestern University Omicron prime. Bethel Academy, Omicron, University of Texas, Pi prime, Gordon Institute, Pi, University of Tennessee, Rho, University of South Carolina, Sigma, Davidson College, Tau, Wake Forest College, Upsilon, University of North Carolina, . Phi, Southern University, Chi, Vanderbilt University, Psi, Tulane University of Louisiana, . Omega, Centre College of Kentucky, Alpha-Alpha, University of the South, Alpha-Beta, University of Alabama, Alpha-Gamma, Louisiana State University, Alpha-Delta, William Jewell College, Alpha-Epsilon, South-Western Presbyterian University, Alpha-Zeta, College of William and Mary, Alpha-Eta, Westminster College, Alpha-Theta, Kentucky University, Alpha-Iota, Centenary College, . Alpha-Kappa, Missouri State University, Alpha-Lambda, Johns Hopkins University, Alpha-Mu, Millsaps College, . Alpha-Nu, Columbian University, Alpha-Xi, University of California, Alpha-Omicron, University of Arkansas, 29-402 29- 38 39- 63 64- 83 84- 95 96-114 115-124 125-136 137-138 139-142 143-148 149-158 159-171 172-188 189-190 191-195 196-197 198-208 209-215 216-217 218-223 224-226 227-233 234-240 241-249 250-255 256-261 262-272 273-287 288-295 296-303 304-311 312-320 321-327 328-334 335-339 340-345 346-351 352-357 358-361 362-367 368-372 373-377 378-382 383-386 387-390 CONTENTS. Alpha-Pi, Leland Stanford, Jr., University, . . . 391-393 Alpha-Rho, West Virginia University, . . . . 394-396 Alpha-Sigma, Georgia School of Technology, . . 397-398 Alpha-Tau, Hampden-Sydney College, .... 399 Alpha-Upsilon, University of Mississippi, . . . 400-401 Special Initiates, 401 Tabulated Summary, 402 Alumni Chapters and Associations, ..... 403-405 Ivist of Deceased Members, ...... 406-413 Ivist of Expelled, 414-415 Abbreviations, ......... 416 Errata, Changes, etc., . . . . . . . . 416-417 Geographical Index, 418 470 Alphabetical Index, . . . . . . . . . 471 510 Mi6tor^* of the Ik. H. jftaternit^ AND Hts ITnstitutions. The Kappa Alpha Order had its origin in a fraternity organ- ized at Washington College, Lexington, Va., December 21, 1865, by James Ward AVood, William Nelson Scott, Stanhope McClel- land Scott and William A. Walsh.f The first meeting was held in the southernmost room of the South Dormitory, a building since replaced by Newcomb Hall. A ritual, drafted by Wood, was adopted. W. ^N". Scott was chosen (I), and Wood (III), after which W. M. Bell, E. S. Thompson and T. E. McCorkle were initiated. Thompson was made (II), Stanhope Scott (VIII) and other offices were filled. There was, of course, at that time no (IV) and no (V). The appearance of a new fraternity produced a commotion in the college world. The number of students was but 146, and there were already five fraternities. The new competitor was accordingly by no means welcome, but encountered bitter oppo^ sition which continued for several years. It was waited upon by a committee and urged to abandon a hopeless undertaking. But Wood persisted in his enterprise, and before the end of the session E. S". Gillespie, Wm. Saville, T. J. Hanson and S. L. Kirkpatrick were added to the roll. Meetings were held monthly with great secrecy in the rooms of members. There was much to do and there were many obstacles to overcome. Happily the founders were serenely unconscious of the thousand details to be attended to in organizing a successful fraternity, and went forward without an oppressive sense of responsibility. The badge devised by Wood was the same in form and lettering as that now in use. It was of one sheet of metal and enamel — not, as now, with a smaller shield inescutcheoned. Plain and without the pearls, rubies and diamonds added by the luxury of the present generation, it was from the point of view of *The tables were prepared bv Paul Murrill, editor of the Catalogue, chiefly from data obtained from T. T. Hubard, the Grand Historian. fDocuments recently discovered among Walsh's papers appear to render doubtful his claim to a place among the founders, and in the light of new facts it would seem that a distinction should be drawn between the originators and organizers of the frater- nity. "Wood and Wm. N. Scott were the originators. They selected Walsh and S. M. Scott, and the first meeting was held in Walsh's room. [Murrill, July, igoo. 2 HISTORY. heraldry, the most nearly correct escutcheon possessed by any American fraternity. Five members — Wood, the two Scotts, Thompson and Kirk- patrick — returned at the beginning of the next session. The old officers were continued. There was an enormous influx of new students and seven initiates were speedily secured. Of these but two, Stewart and Ammen, were faithful. The rest, being discontented, concerted a rebellion. They had joined to improve their position and to learn some of the awful secrets of the chapter room. They were disappointed to find themselves mem- bers of a new organization, small in numbers, opposed by the other fraternities and without sister chapters in other colleges. Secrets, there were none, the poverty of the ritual being obtru- sive. The new members did not see much profit for themselves in their new relation and proposed to resign. They were at once expelled for violation of their obligation. The remaining members drew closer together, but the incident was terribly depressing and prevented further proposals of new members for months afterward. It had, however, the good result of teaching conservatism and of impressing members with the necessity of improving the ritual and devising other internal helps and attractions. At Ammen's suggestion a new ritual was evolved and a new motto adopted, with the result of converting the " society," " lodge " or " council," as it was variously called, into an Order of Knighthood, with a military organization and appro- priate initiatory ceremonies. There was introduced a new leading idea which was susceptible of indefinite development, in lieu of the abstract proposition on which Wood's ritual was based. The latter was very brief, consisting of a short dialogue, a poem quoted entire, a declamatory lecture, a constitution to sign and an oath to keep it all secret. It presented one inspiriting senti- ment, but suggested no striking historical event, or dramatic situation, such as might be illustrated by an imposing ceremo- nial, rich vestments, banners and other adjuncts of an impressive initiation. The evolution of the new ritual began in 1866, and was ap- proximately completed by the fall of 1868. The work fell to Ammen, as being the hardest worker. Material was gathered from his reading, chapter experience and essays read at chapter meetings. The ruling ideas were the aspirations expressed, during the formative period, in the essays of leading members. The ritual, in fact, was not made ; it grew. Little by little the old ritual, in the process of emendation, passed out of the text, giving place to a new one with a different motif. Changes were facilitated by the fact that all our literature was in manuscript. HISTORY. 3 They continued till the text became fixed by printing the Ritual and Constitution in 1870. After that date there were no material additions or changes till 1893, when the text was again taken in hand by its author and carefully reyised and enlarged. In the eyolution of ritual and constitution nothing was bor- rowed from other fraternities, with respect to which the founders had very little knowledge or liking. There was no Baird at that time, or for many years after. Working out its ethical ideas and problem of goyernment in its own way, and in the light of its own experience, the Order little by little created its present elaborate and efficient system, which differs in important par- ticulars from that of any other College fraternity. The fundamental principles of the Order were suggested by the circumstances of the time and place of its origin. Its essen- tial teaching was that members should cherish the Southern ideal of character — that of the chivalrous warrior of Christ, the Knight who loves Cod and country, honors and protects pure womanhood, practices courtesy and magnanimity of spirit and prefers self-respect to ill-gotten wealth. Something might thus be saved from the wreck of material interests and political rights caused by the Civil War. Students at Lexington in 1866-68 saw all reputable citizens excluded from public life and the dregs of the population placed in control of affairs. What was best and most distinctive in Southern civilization seemed to be threatened with extinction under the new regime. There was needed, it was felt, an effort and an organization to stay the change. Environment, therefore, determined the nature of the new fra- ternity. Conceived and matured at a college of which Gen. R. E. Lee was president, at the close of a fateful military conflict ; in the Valley of Virginia made dear to Southern hearts by its vigor in battling for Southern rights ; in sight of the ruins of the Virginia Military Institute, plundered and wrecked by the infamous Hunter's invading force ; among the people with whom Stonewall Jackson lived till duty called him to arms, and near the spot to which his body was brought for sepulture after Chan- cellorsville — with this environment it was but natural that the Order should be of a semi-military* type and have for its aim the cultivation of virtues and graces conceived to be distinctively Southern. It was not an importation ; it was racy of the soil that gave it birth. Southern in its loves, it took Jackson and Lee as its favorite types of the perfect Knight. Caucasian in its sympathies, it excluded the African from membership. Not unnaturally, therefore, despite the absence of anything political or sectional in its laws, the Kappa Alpha Order has restricted its acti^dty to the Southern States. By a true instict — happily ? Wood, Wm. N. Scott, McCorkle and Ammen had been Confederate soldiers. 4 HISTORY. almost uniyersal — its members have readily perceived that in the South, and in the South alone, can it find a congenial home. Toward the close of the session of '(56-67, the chapter was strengthened by the initiation of W. A. Rogers, 0. J. Kilgour and Jo. Lane Stern. During the vacation the paraphernalia now in use were devised by Ammen, who made colored drawings to guide in making up the various articles. The ^'explanation of symbols" was produced at the same time. The session '67-'68 was the most prosperous in the history of the Old Alpha. The two Scotts, Bell, Kirkpatrick, Kilgour, Stern and Ammen returned, Martin, Collins and J. F. Eogers were initiated, and Beta and Gamma were founded. Ammen was made (I). A permanent home was found in Ann Smith Academy,* where with the kind aid of Mrs. Scott, Will's mother, a Chapter Room was fitted up for our use, to the great joy and comfort of the membership. Here the paraphernalia were first employed in the initiation of Frank Rogers. Here, too, we had our banquets, with toasts and speeches that fired all hearts. In March, '68, four good men of the Virginia Military Institute were initiated and Beta was established. Up to this time the history of Alpha is the history of the Order, but with the organ- ization of Beta — and particularly with the organization of Gamma by Collins in April, '68 — our history broadens and divides itself into many diverging lines. It will, however, be convenient to trace the story of Alpha to its conclusion with the extinction of the Chapter in '70, since it was in this period that the office of K. 0. was created, and the Ritual and Constitution were given the form which they retained, substantially, till 1893. The office of K. C. was created May 1, '68, at the suggestion of the (I), to relieve the latter of the labor of correspondence with the new chapters. The new official was to be an officer of Alpha, ranking as (II) and subject to the orders of the (I) of Alpha, who, at this period, directed the affairs of the whole fraternity. The supreme control, by our law, was in the senior chapter, and the K. C. was to transmit to the other chapters the "decrees" of the parent chapter, to supply them with manu- script rituals and copies of the Code, and, generally, to attend to the interests common to all the chapters. In the session '68-'69 Stern (I), Martin, Kirkpatrick, J. F. Rogers, and Ammen returned. There were no initiations. The only events were the founding of Delta and Epsilon. In the fol- lowing session Martin, (I) and Stern returned, and Clemmitt, Cloughton, and Iverson were initiated. Zeta and Eta were founded by Stern. Ammen, who was K. C, was residing in Kentucky where he completed the First Degree, and had the * A school of high grade for young ladies of which Rev. J. A, Scott was President. HISTORY. 5 Eitual and Constitution* printed, with additions and changes to which he procured Alpha's assent. With the close of the session '69-'70, Alpha became extinct, to be revived in '75 ; to perish again in '78 and be revived again in '85. Ammen, whom it had made K. 0. in February, '69, remained K. 0. till March 31, '71, when he resigned. At Alpha's demise, Beta, as being the Senior Chapter, suc- ceeded to the supreme power, and, at Ammen's suggestion, elected W. W. Collins, of Georgia, K. C. At the end of Collins' term, Beta being now inactive. Gamma succeeded to the sovereignty and made J. L. Hardeman, of Georgia, K. C. The Constitution as fixed in the text of '70 provided for an annual convention of limited powers, its acts not having the force of laws till confirmed by the chapters. But the chapters usually neglected to act on the convention's proposals, so that the system was unsatisfactory. Government by the senior chap- ter was also unsatisfactory, as being inequitable. The chapters, it was held, should have an equal voice in the election of the K. 0., in whose hands lay the entire control of the common interest. In theory the K. C. was a chapter officer, subordinate to the (I) of the senior chapter, but Ammen had been continued in the office after he left college, so that, as a matter of fact, he was no longer subject to Alpha's guidance, but necessarily acted for the most part on his discretion. He remained K. C. after Alpha's demise, when Beta had become the ruling chaper. The chapters were thus familiarized with the idea that the K. C. need not be an active member, need not be a member of the senior chapter, and need not be subject to any chapter's supervision in perform- ing the duties of his office. Hence the events of 1873. The convention of that year not only assumedf absolute powers of legislation, abolishing the referendum, but it made the K. C. *It is of interest to indicate what parts of our present ritual, laws and institutions we owe to various members. To J. VV. Wood we owe the badge, the name K. A., the names of most chapter officers, most of the opening and closing ceremonies, one paragraph of the ritual proper, an English quotation and several modified paragraphs elsewhere ; altogether about two pages. To S. Z. Ammen we owe all of the rest of the ritual, except that part of the secret work suggested to the convention of '93 by G D. Letcher ; also the grip, the meaning of K A., paraphernalia, explanation of symbols, the offices of K. C. and C. S. with their names, our " flowers," charter, seal, coat-of-arms, crest, most of the constitution as formed in '66-'68 and revised and expanded by him in '70 and '93, form of C. S. & Pursers' report blanks, the button, the office of C. A. and Special Messenger. At the suggestion of J. L. Hardeman the conventionof '73 gave the K. C. his present status ; that of '85, led by J A. Williams, made the Journal a permanent success by cre- ating the G. P. system. H. H. White, in 85, selected our colors, crimson and gold. The laws creating the library and other important laws of the Code of '93 were drafted by T. T. Hubard. Wm. 5. Hamilton originated the Council of Honor. t " The convention of '73 did not assume the governing power, but accepted it. The true history of that transaction I can give. I was K. C. when the convention met in Athens in '73. At its first meeting I decided the power was in Gamma. I then gc>t the (I) of Gamma to call a meeting of that chapter. I then introduced a resolution in Gamma that she yield to the convention the power she had, and ask the convention to accept it. At the next day's session of the convention, the convention accepted it. I, as K. C, then decided that the power was in convention." — Extract of letter from Hardeman to Murrill, June 23, 1900. 6 HISTORY. an officer of the Order, not of a chapter. It enlarged his author- ity, gaye him rank above all other officers, and provided for his election by the convention. In the interval between conventions he was to be the supreme and only executive. The effect of the change was to give the Order a strong government, unlike that of any other fraternity. Since 1885 the collection of the Gen- eral Fund has been devolved upon another official, but otherwise the K. O.'s duties have retained their comprehensive character. In the revision of laws in 1893 his authority over other general officers was explicitly reaffirmed and defined, and his relations with certain chapter officers were made clear. Apart from the story of the growth of the Order by the found- ing of new chapters, its history consists for the most part in the record of the development of its institutions, ritual, laws, offices, publications and other signs and instruments of progress. As respects ritual, there were two creative periods, '66-70 and '93. Our laws have grown in all periods, the chief revisions and addi- tions being those of '70 and '93. The Knigfht Commandefs* In the interval between conventions the K. C. is the sole author- ity for the determination of questions of administration in mat- ters affecting the Order as a whole, as also in matters concern- ing the chapters and their relations with the Order. The G. H., G. P., Editor and 0. A. report to him and he decides questions arising with respect to their several departments. His control is made effective by the fact that all payments from the Order's treasury require his sanction. It is the K. 0. who decides in principle how the year's outlay is to be proportioned and what expenditures may be undertaken. He decides all questions of ritual, law and policy. This wide discretion has been given him in order that he may be in a position to decide promptly the innu- merable questions to which the letter of the law gives no explicit answer, in order that our government, having flexibility, may be able to adapt itself to new circumstances as they arise. HISTORY. EOLL OF Ki^IGHT COM:m:AKDEKS. Name. Chapter. Elected by Term Began. Term Ended. J. F. Rogers J. F. Rogers S. Z. Ammen S. Z. Ammen W. W. Collins J. L. Hardeman.... J. L. Hardeman — W. W. Wadsworth J. L. Stern W. H. Wallace.... D. R. Neal D. R. Neal J. T. Graves J. S. Candler J. S. Candler J.L. Whitworth.... P. B. Hamer H. H.White S. Z. Ammen S. Z. Ammen S. Z Ammen S. Z. Ammen , Wm. S. Hamilton.. J. L. Hardeman — J. L. Hardeman — Alpha... Alpha... Alpha... Alpha.. . Alpha... Gamma. Gamma. Epsilon Alpha... Delta... Beta Beta Gamma. Epsilon . Epsilon. Lambda Delta . . . Chi . . . . . Alpha.. . Alpha.. . Alpha.. . Alpha.. . Alpha... Gamma. Gamma. Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Gamma 4th Convention. . . 6th Convention. . . (Succeeded from G. H.) 7th Convention . . 8ih Convention loth Convention nth Convention (Succeeded from G.H. i2th Convention 13th Convention 14th Convention 15th Convention i6th Convention 17th Convention i8th Convention igth Convention Electoral Commission. Special Convention. . 2oth Convention May, I, '68. Oct. 5, '68.. Feb. 8, '69.. Nov. 27, '69 -Mar. 31, '71. Feb. 24, '73. July 30, '73. July 22, '75. ;Dec. 13, '75 ijune 30, '76 I July 27, '77. June 19, '79 I July 27, '81. Oct. — , '81. June 13, '83 Oct. 3, '85.. Sept. 22, '87 Sept. 13, '89 Sept. 18, '91 Oct. I, '93.. Oct. I, '95.. Oct. I, '97.. Nov. I, '97. Apr. I, '98.. Oct. I, '99.. No\ Oct -- 5. '68. eb. 8, "69. Tov. 27, 69. Mar. 31, '71* . Feb. 24, '73. • July 30, '73- . July 22, '75t . Dec. 13, 75* . June 30, '76 • July 27, '77. . June 19, '79. . July 27, '81. . Oct. — , '81.* . June 13, 83. . Oct. 3, '85. Sept. 22, '87. . Sept. 13, '89. . Sept. 18, '91. . Oct. I, '93. • Oct. I, '95- . Oct. I, '97. . Nov. I, '97*. . Apr. I, '98*. . Oct. I, '99. . Oct. I, '01. ♦Resigned. fResigned in April 1875, but no successor chosen. General Orgfanization. The office of Purser dates back to the beginning of the fra- ternity, the duty of the incumbent originally being merely to look after the Chapter's finances. When in '85 the office of Grand Purser was created it was made the duty of the Purser to for- ward to him monthly dues to the General Fund, which the 0. S. has previously been required to send to the K. C. annually. The office of C. S. was created — by the K. C, it seems, in his revis- ion of the Code in '70 — as a means of bringing the chapters into closer relations with the K. C. and with each other. It was made the duty of the incumbent to "furnish such statistics as the K. C. may require."- Originally he was required to report in Janu- ary and June, nsing report-blanks supplied by the K. C. for the purpose. In '71 quarterly reports were required, and it was on the basis of the report-blanks left in use in '71 that Hardeman in '73 and '75 and ]^ealin'78 prepared their General Catal(5gues. But at some unknown date after '80, the Knight Commanders began to neglecf^ their duty of supplying the chapters with * The responsibility for this virould attach chiefly to the first K. C. who omitted to send out report-blanks and to exact reports. His successors — some of whom we know were zealous officers — may have supposed that the law had never been enforced. The K. C. who first neglected reports did so presumably from ignorance of the law and cus- tom of the Order. Such neglect is now happily impossible. 8 HISTORY. report-blanks and exacting the reports required by law. The Chief Executive ceased, accordingly, to be in close contact with the Chapters and to be well-informed as to their status and con- duct, with the result that he lost influence. Another result was laxity of discipline in the chapters and a partial loss of the sense of unity. Chapters began to isolate themselves, giving little attention to their duty to the Order as a whole. This tendency to anarchy was to some extent arrested by the revival of the JouKKAL in '83, and by the monthly reports of Pursers to the G. P. required by the law of '85, through the more frequent intercourse thus secured. As the law in regard to reports of the C. S. to the K. C. was vague, and the K. C. required no reports, he received none, it appears, in the interval between '79 and '91, except such as might be made informally in private letters. The K. C. elected in '91 — having left quarterly reports in use in '71 — was amazed to find himself entirely out of touch with the Chapters and Gen- eral Officers. He was not in the current of affairs. No reports came to him from any quarter, so that he had to apply to others for the addresses of Chapter officers ! To bring the Chapters and General Officers again into proper relations with the K. C, the latter in '91 prescribed a system of reports which had the effect of completing the general organiza- tion. By an executive order the C. S. was required to report monthly certain chapter facts, and twice a year to report names and addresses for use in compiling the Annual Catalogue. The Purser was required to report monthly to the K. C, as well as to the G. P., so as to provide means of auditing the G. P.'s ac- counts. The C. H. (the office was created Oct. 2, 1885), was required to report to the G. H. annually. Finally the General Officers were required to report to the K. C. at stated times. Our original scheme of government, thus revived and expanded, was confirmed by the Convention of '93. Books and pads contain- ing the prescribed report- blanks were sent to the proper Chapter Officers and the system now in use was at length firmly estab- lished. The general scheme of organization, bringing the other Gen- eral Officers into relation with the Chapters, is as follows : •Officers of the Order. Officers of the Chapter. I. K. C.T— Chief Executive Chapter Secretary. Receives reports from all General Offi- Represents the K. C. in the Chapter ; cers yearly, or oftener at his discretion ; reports to the K. C. monthly and sends receives reports from the C. S. and P. Catalogue facts to the K. C. semi-annu- monthly ; also Catalogue facts from the ally ; also writes chapter letters to the C. S. semi-annually ; manages the Order's Journal. affairs. HISTORY. 9 Officers of the Order. Officers of the Chapter. II. G. H. — Keeper of Records Chapter Historian. Receives reports of membership, &c., Represents the G. B. in the chapter; from the C. H. yearly ; gives transfers ; writes the Chapter History ; keeps the has all Rituals under control; supplies Chapter History up to date ; reports to the Chapters with report-blanks, books, &c ; G. H. yearly and sends report-blanks to has all publications for sale. Reports to Alumni yearly. the K. C. III, G. P.— Collector and Treasurer Purser. Receives reports and dues from the Pur- Represents the G. P. in the Chapter; sers monthly ; has charge of the General reports to the K. C. and G P. monthly ; Fund and the Hist, and Catalogue Fund ; sends dues to the G P. monthly, pays bills approved by the K. C; reports to the K. C. IV. Editor.— Edits the Journal: receives Chapter letters from the C. S.'s bi- monthly ; reports to the K. C. V. Chief Alumnus. — Organizes alumni chapters ; reports to the K. C. Conventions* The source of authority is the Convention which meets bien- nially at the call of the K. C. It is composed of delegates from the Chapters, and General Ofl&cers. Its function is to consider the reports of the General Officers, to audit accounts, to devise measures for the efficient administration of the Order's affairs, to legislate, subject to severe restrictions fixed by the Constitu- tion, and to elect General Officers. These officers are the Knight Commander, Grand Historian, Grand Purser, Editor, and Chief Alumnus. An Electoral Commission is named to elect General Officers, when, in the interval between Conventions, it is notified by the K. C, or G. H., that a vacancy exists. The power of a majority of the Convention varies with the nature of the propo- sal before it, a simple majority being competent to transact ordinary business, but practical unanimity being required for important changes. Our Constitution was modified and enlarged — but very sparingly — by successive Conventions, from '73 to '93. In the first printed (1870) edition, it had 14 pages ; in the second {'74) 13 pages ; in the third ('86) 19 small pages ; in the fourth ('93) 67 large pages. Conventions since 93 have added excessively to the Constitution, making it difficult for college boys to learn and observe our laws. The K. C. is older than the Convention, but our other General Officers have been created by that body. Progress has been along the line of devolving upon new officials — as the growth of the Order made the work excessive — labors originally performed by the K. C, but keepmy in his hands the power of directing and controlling everything in principle, to the end that responsibility may be centred in one person. By this device of concentrating responsibility the Order has secured efficient administration and general success. Our Ritual has been deemed sacred and left virtually untouched by Conventions. Of Wood's draft (1865) this much survived the formative period extending from '66 to '70, namely, the opening and closing cereironies, one paragraph in the 1 itual proper, part of a lecture, names of certain officers, the badge and the signal of admission. Between '66 and '70 the ritual was greatly expanded and wholly altered in character by the introduction of a new leading idea. The Paraphernalia now in use were then devised, as also the grip and meaning of K. A. ('66). The First Degree was added in '70, when the Ritual and Constitution were first printed. After '70 there were no changes of ritual till '93, when its author again took it in hand, removing crudities, expanding certain parts and adding new features in consonance with the old. As thus revised the Ritual was adopted by the Convention of '93, together with certain secret work suggested by G. D. Letcher. The ritual proper was thus enlarged from 22 small to 33 large pages, besides additions to the Order of Business, ceremony of installing officers and description of Paraphernalia. The extent of the development in '93 is roughly indicated by the fact that our " Book " of '86 had, all told, but 53 pages; that of 93 has 113 pages, besides index and supplements. to HISTORY. LIST OF COir\rEN"TIOKS. No. Place Date. President. I 2 Richmond, Va Macon, Ga Spartanburg, S. C Athens, Ga Ashland, Va Oxford, Ga Richmond, Va Athens, Ga Macon, Ga Spartanburg, S. C Atlanta, Ga Richmond, Va Nashville, Tenn Columbia. S. C July 11-13, 1870 Fuiv — , 1871 S. Z. Ammen, Alpha. W. W. Wadsworth, Epsilon. W. H. Wallace, Delta. J. L. Hardeman, Gamma. J. L. Stern, Alpha. Homer Wright, Epsilon. S. B. Witt, Eta. J. T. Graves, Gamma. M. L. Duggan, Kappa. E. B. Smith, Epsilon. J. T. Giaves, Gamma. W. T Turnbull, Epsilon. J. L. Whitworth, Lambda. C. W. Sims, Rho. H. S. Jones, Kappa. J. B. Keeble, Chi. W. S. Hamilton, Alpha. Augustus Benners, Phi. H. H. White, Chi. W. W. Millan, Chi. 3 4 5 6 7 8 July — , 1872 . July 30, 1873 June 10, 1874 July 21-22, 1875 July 29-30, 1876 July 26-28, 1877 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 i6 17 i8 19 Sp'l 20 July 5-6. 1878 June 18-20, 1879 July 26,27, 1881 June 12-13, 1883 Oct. 1-3, 1885 Sept. 20-22, 1887 Sept. 1T-13, 1889 Sept. i6-i8, 1891 Sept. 13-15, 1893 Sept. 25 27, 1895 June 14-16, 1897 March 1, 1898 Birmingham, Ala . . Richmond, Va Atlanta, Ga Nashville, Tenn Washington, D. C Lexington, Ky July 3-5, 1899 B. T. Southgate, Lambda. Department of History* The office of Grand Historian was created by the Convention of 1874, with a view to the accumulation of materials for the history of the Order and of the Chapters. Important docu- ments in charge of successive K. C.'s had been lost, and it was felt to be necessary to have a custodian of valued archives. To the first incumbents the office was in effect a sinecure, as the Order has nothing tangible from their hands. Our superb col- lection of historical data, revised Chapter lists, material for General Catalogues, etc., is due wholly to the initiative and steady labor of the present Grand Plistorian. The Order's fire- proof safe — secured by his personal exertions — now contains priceless records which enable us to trace the development of the Order and its institutions back to their beginning. To give the G. H. a representative in the Chapters and secure greater attention to Chapter records the Convention of 1885 created the office of Chapter Historian. In the revision of the Constitution in 1893 the functions of the G. H. were greatly enlarged so that he has become an active and prominent participant in the Order's current work. He receives for example, yearly reports from the Chapter Historians who send him the names of all members for his record ; certifies and validates all transfers ; is the K. C.'s successor ; has charge of all supplies for the chapters ; traces yearly each outstanding Ritual and has under his care all pub- lications of the Order, including such as are for sale. In his Li- brary may be found every known document bearing on our history. HISTORY. II EOLL OF GEAi^D HISTORIAJ^S. Name. Chapter. Elected by Term Begfan. Term Expired. J. L. Stern J. L. Stern (i) W. A. Candler J. T. Graves J. T. Graves (A. Coke Smith J. S. Candler. . (2) E. C.Smith G. N. Wilson H. H. White W. C. McLeod. ... T. T. Hubard T. T. Hubard... (3) Alpha.. Alpha.. Epsilon Gamma Gamma Delta... Epsilon. Sigma.. Gamma Chi .... Psi . , . . Beta Beta 5th Convention 6th Convention 7th Convention. 8th Convention loth Convention nth Convention (Appointed by K. C). 12th Convention 13th Convention 14th Convention I5lh Convention 16th Convention 17th Convention June ID, 1874. July 22, 1875. . June 30, 1876. July 27, 1877.. June 19, 1879. July 27, 1881.. June 13, 1883. Oct. 3, 1885... Sept. 22, 1887. Sept. 13, 1889. Sept. 18, 1891. Oct. I, 1893... July 22, 1875. June 30, 1876. July 27, 1877. June 19, 1879. July 27, 1881. Did not serve.) June 13, 1883. Oct. 3, 1885. Sept. 22, 1887. Sept. 13, 1889. Sept. 18, 1891. Oct I, 1893. Oct. I, 1901. (i) Succeeded to K. C. Dec. 13, 1875. (2) Succeeded to K. C. October, 1881. (3) In 1893 the term of office was made eight years. The JournaL The Journal had its origin in a resolution of the Convention of 1878, which, after declaring for its publication, named two editors and three canvassers. The duty of the latter was to obtain from active and alumni members subscriptions adequate to pay the cost of publication, the Order's treasury being at that time in a chronic state of depletion, owing to the smallness of the sum payable annually by active members as dues to the General' Fund and to imperfect collections. Dues were due only in the last month of the session, and responsibility for their payment was ill-defined. The 0. S. was expected to collect and forward them to the K. 0. "one week before the close of the session," but that official then as now, often forgot his duty, unless prodded, and at the end of the session it was too late to prod him. But had the C. S.'s been ever so faithful and successful in collecting, still the aggregate of cash in the hands of the K. C. would have been inadequate, since the law at that time made many demands on the General Fund. Besides being utilizable for printing catalogues and other matter, it was to be applied to ex- tending the Order, defraying expenses of Conventions, schooling indigent boys and girls and relieving destitute brother K. A's. In 1878, I). E. Neal, K. C, had just issued the 3rd General Catalogue, and this important work had doubtless exhausted the treasury. The imperfect financial machinery of that time accordingly necessitated the resort to canvassers — that is to say, to a committee whose members might, or might not, be energetic and successful in collecting money, and whose ability to find time for the work was subject to all sorts of accidents. Under 12 HISTORY. such a system the JouRifAL's income was bound to be variable and uncertain. Vol. I. of the Journal was planned to consist of three num- bers, each of 40 pages. The first number appeared in February, 1879, the second in August, the third in December, after which the publication ceased, owing doubtless to the inability of the canvassers to renew the spurt of energy to which their success with the first volume was due. The literary merit of Vol. I. has not been surpassed by any of its successors, but it was lack- ing in certain features, such as chapter letters, which experience has shown to be necessary in fraternity publications. The pub- lication reappeared in November, 1883, under the name "Kappa Alpha Magazine^^' and since that time publication has been continuous. This volume (1883-4:) was incorrectly marked "Vol. I." — an error that effects the numbering of all subsequent volumes. In October, 1885, the title "Kappa Alpha Journal" was resumed. In 1885, at the instance of J. A. Williams, of Omega, the Convention took a step which for the first time gave the Order a full treasury and made possible the regular publi- cation and constant development of the Journal. The annual contribution per member per session to the General Fund was quintupled, and it was decided to support the Journal out of the General Fund, voluntary subscriptions being no longer relied upon. A "Grand Purser" was created to collect the Gen- eral Fund from the Chapters, and the Chapter Pursers were required to pay dues to this officer monthly. The work of col- lecting and editing was placed on a strictly business basis by giving the Grand Purser a commission of 5 per cent, on his collections and by creating the office of Editor-in-Chief and establishing the principal of paying him for his services. In 1891 the editor was given a salary of $300, which was increased in 1896 by the K. C. to $400, with the proviso that deductions from this increase should be made for issues not "on time." The convention of 1899 gave this proviso the force of law. Vol. I. of Journal was printed at Eichmond, Va.; Vol. I. of Magazine consisting of four numbers, each of 32 pages, was issued, the first number from Charleston, S. C, the otliers from Atlanta, Ga.; Vol. II. consisting of two numbers of 52 and 60 pages respectively, appeared in November, 1884, and April, 1885. Subsequent vol- umes were printed at Nashville, till 1898, when Lexington, Ky., became the place of publication. In 1885-87 and in 1889-91 the Journal was a monthly, becoming a bi-monthly publication again in 1891. With a steady income and no unpaid bills to worry over, the Editor after 1885 began to occupy a comfortable position, the HISTORY. 13 charms of which are now much enhanced bj an adequate salary. As respects questions of general policy and law, the Editor con- forms to the decisions of the K. 0., his function being to make the JouRiiTAL a medium of communication between the Chapters, between the General Officers and the Chapters and between the Chapters and the Alumni. He is in a position to promote unity of spirit and action, to bind the Chapters together and impress the world with the Order's solidity and importance. ROLL OF EDITORS-IN-CHIEF. Name. Chapter. Elected by Term Began, Term Ended. fW. A.Turner.... Ih.C. Hill J M. A. Turner (H. C. Hill W. P. WooUey T. H. Huzza.,.. (3) P. B. Hamer J. H. P. Leigh H.H. White W. W. Brown J. B. Keeble J. B. Keeble J. B. Keeble J. K. Keeble V. M. Jones V. M. Jones S. M. Wilson S. M. Wilson C. W. Miller Eta Epsilon. Eta Epsilon. Epsilon. Epsilon . Delta . . . Zeta Chi Iota Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi. ... Chi Omega . Omega.. Omega. . j- 9th Convention y 10th Convention. ... 12th Convention I2th " (Appointed by K. C). 13th Convention (Appointed by K. C). 14th Convention 15th " i6th " 17th " i8th " Electoral Commission 19th Convention (Appointed by K. C). Special Convention. . . 20th Convention July 6, 1878... June 19, 1879. June 15, 1883. July 27, 1883.. Oct.— ,1883(4) Oct. 3, 1885... Sept.— ,1886.. Sept. 27, 1887. Sept. 13, 1889. Sept. 18, 1891. Oct. 3, 1893... Oct. I, 1895 . Feb. 19, 1896. Oct. I, 1897... Jan. 15, 1898. . Mar. I, 1898.. Oct. I, 1899 .. June 19, 1879. July 26, i88i.(i> July 27, 1883.(2) Oct. - , 1883. Oct. 3, 1885. Sept, —,1886 (5) Sept. 22, 1887. Sept. 13, 1889. Sept. 18, 1891. Oct. I, 1893. Oct. I, 1895. Feb. 19, 1896.(5) Oct. I, 1897. Jan. 15, 1898. (6) Mar. I, 1898. Oct. I, 1899. Oct. I, 1901. (i) Vol. I of Journal, issued in 1879, consisted of three numbers, after which pub- lication was suspended (2) Died in office, July 27, 1883. Elected as alternate by 12th Convention. Resigned in October, 1883. Publication resumed in November, 1883, as K. A. Magazine. Resigned Removed from office. (3) (4) (5) (6) THE journal's GROWTH. The subjoined table shows that the Journal has grown stead- ily in size and cost, from 120 pages per volume, costing $166, in '79, to 608 pages costing $837 in '98-99. In the earlier volumes there were no illustrations, but the volume for '98-'99 had as many as thirty-eight. For four years the JouRi^AL was virtually a monthly, but in recent years it has appeared bi-monthly. The first editors received no salary. On the contrary, they were some- times, it is believed, out of pocket at the end of their term. Under the law of '85 the Editor and Business Manager were different persons and their remuneration was to be the amount received from ''ads," the former getting 35, the latter 65 per cent, of the income from "ads." In '87 the Editor was given, in addition, a percentage of the proceeds of subscriptions 14 HISTORY. received from Alumni. It was evidently supposed at that time that the Jouris^al might be made to contribute materially to the Order's income, and the remuneration was so arranged as to stimulate the industry of the Editor and Business Manager. By '91, however, the Order's finances were so much improved that it Avas decided to combine the offices of Editor and Manager and give the incumbent a salary of $300. This was increased by the K. C. in '96, on certain conditions, to $400. In the follow- ing year the subscription price to Alumni — which had been $1.50 — was reduced, with a view to a wider circulation, to $1. The five issues of '98-'99 cost, including the Editor's salary, $1,463, of which sum the Journal's earnings supplied $226. Active members receive copies of the Journal free of charge, provided Chapter letters are forthcoming. JOURNAL STATISTICS. Vol. Year. No. 1879 I 1883-4 ••• I 1884-5.... 2 1885-6.... 3 1886-7... 4 1887-8.... 5 1888-9.... 6 1889-go. . . 7 1890-1.... 8 J891-2 9 1892-3 . . . . 10 1893-4.... 11 1894-5 . • . . 12 1895-6... 13 1896-7. .. 14 1897-8.... 15 1898-9 . . . . 16 1899-00. . . 17 Title. Journal. . . Magazine. Journal. . Nos. in Vol. 3 4 2 8 8 5 and Sup 5 9 9 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 ••• 5 Pages in Vol. 120 132 •110 322 244 342 274 472 560 462 484 510 510 430 478 444 608 534 Editors-in-Chief. Turner and Hill Hamer Hamer Leigh White Brown Brown Keeble Keeble Keeble Keeble Keeble Keeble Keeble, Jones. .. Jones Jones, Wilson.., Wilson , Wilson, Miller. Cost per Vol. 166 ? ? ? ? ? ? 540 640 647 630 732 797 676 863 705 837 780 Finances^ It is impossible to exaggerate the benefit conferred upon the Order by the creation in 1885, at the instance of J. A. Wil- liams, of the office of Grand Purser, with other steps of a prac- tical character for the increase and better collection of the General Eund. The annual payment per member at that time to the Order's treasury was a trifling one — so small that no enter- prise of even moderate cost could be undertaken without special assessments, which are always odious and difficult. Williams conceived and carried through the Convention the bold proposi- tion that the dues of members be quintupled ; that they be paid in monthly instalments by the Pursers to a General Officer whose function it should be to look after, receive and have in charge all the moneys of the Order ; that this General Officer should HISTORY. 15 have 5 per cent, of all funds collected by him and should report to the K. C. The success of the system has been remarkable. Since 1885 the Order has always had income abundantly sufficient for all its increasing needs, including an expensive JouRi^AL, salaries, Annual Catalogues, decennial Catalogues, Chapter registers, report-blank books. Special Messenger, annual reports of the K. C, convention minutes, etc., together with such occasional work as engraving Charter, Coat of Arms and Crest, reprinting Eitual and Code and publishing "K. A. in '97." Sur- plus revenue, by a law of '95, has gone to a ''History and Catalogue Fund" for the publication decennially of a General Catalogue, and this book has been paid for out of this Fund without sub- scription or assessments upon Chapters or members. The Order since 1891, supplies and owns all the Eituals, Charters, Chapter Eegisters, report-blank books, etc., used by the Chapters, no longer selling them as formerly to the Chapters. The General Fund, in a word, pays everything, and the Chapters, after once meeting their "General Dues," pay nothing further. As little as possible is left to the chance of individual initiative and zeal. ROLL OF GEAKD PURSERS. E a; Name. Chapter. Elected by Term Began. Term Expired. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J. A. Williams J. A.Williams Robt. Macfarland.. Omega Omega Rho Phi Phi Phi Phi A-Iota Kappa Nu 13th Convention 14th " 15th " 16th " 17th " i8th " 19th " 20th " (Appointed by K. C). . Elect. Com Oct. 3, 1885... Sept. 22, 1887. Sept. 13, 1889. Sept. 18, 1891. Oct. I, 1893 .. Oct I, 1895 .. Oct. I, 1897 .. Oct. I, 1899 .. April, 1900 . . . May 14, 1900 . Sept. 22, 1887 . . Sept. 13, 1889 .. Sept. 18, 1891 .. Oct. I, 1893 .... Oct. I, 1895 .... Oct. I, 1897 .... Oct. I, 1899 .... April, 1900 (i).. May 14, 1900 . . . Oct. I, 1901 A. Benners A. Benners Dan A James W. P. Wheeler.. (2) F. P. McConnell.... (i) Resigned March 3, 1900. (2) Appointed ad interim. Organization of Alumni* The office of Chief Alumnus was created in 1897 with the object of securing a more complete organization of the alumni into alumni chapters, more efficient co-operation of alumni with active chapters, and a larger list of alumni subscribers to the JouRXAL. So far the results have been small, owing probably to the lack of a suitable pamphlet designed to show w^here alumni chapters are practicable, how to proceed to organize, and what are the rights and duties of such chapters. The dissemination of this information is a desideratum. Experience has taught that two or three meetings a year, with an annual dinner, is i6 HISTORY. about all that may be reasonably expected of most alumni chapters. EOLL OF CHIEF ALUMiq"!. Name. Chapter. Elected by Term Bearan. Term Expired. (L.S.Boyd.. Warren Grice F. P. McConnell(i) R. E. Pritchard..(2) Nu ... Kappa Nu ... Pi .... 19th Convention (App. by K. C). 20th Convention (App. by K. C.) Did not serve.) (< i, y^c^\iJi-d^ July,— 1897.. Oct. I, 1899... May 26, 1900 . Oct. I, 1899. May 26, 1900 Oct. I, 1901. (i) Elected G. P. May 14, 1900, and resigned from C. A. (2) Elected by E. C , June 21, 1900. Catalogues* Our laws from the beginning made it the duty of the K. 0. "to compile and have printed statistics and Catalogues, showing the general condition of the Order/' and Catalogues were made the first charge on the General Fund. The original intention, it appears, was to have the Catalogue printed annually, together with financial reports and statistics of various kinds, but the Gen- eral Fund proved to be inadequate, with the result that the first Catalogue did not appear till the Order was eight years old, and between 1878 and 1891, owing to lax performance of official duty, the Order for thirteen years was without an up-to-date list of its members. Thanks to the zeal and industry of Bro. Wm. S. Hamilton, an Annual Catalogue began to be published in 1892, and has been since continued, the work being made obligatory by the provisions of the revised constitution of 1893. The records kept by the G. H. now render comparatively easy a task that formerly required almost superhuman energy and a long period of time. The present Catalogue shows 40 living Chapters, an active membership iu the year 1899-1900 of about 650, and a total membership since 1865 of 4465. Our law required the K. C. to publish a General Catalogue, and the first three Catalogues were compiled by this official. But this duty having been neglected for years, the Convention of 1885 entrusted it to Eho. Later it was given to Chi, our most enterprising Chapter, and finally fell to Chick, of Chi, who in '91 completed the admirable General Catalogue of that year. The General Catalogue of 1900 is the work of Paul Murrill, of Theta, who, by the Convention of '99 was made Catalogue Editor — an office then, for the first time, created. HISTORY. 17 GENERAL CATALOGUES. No. Year. Editor. Membership. Time Covered. I 2 3 4 5 1873 1875 1878 1891 1900 J. L. Hardeman, K. C J. L. Hardeman, K. C D R. Neal, K C 297 393 562 2305 4466 8 years. 10 " 13 " 26 " J S Chick Paul Murrill 35 " ANNUAL CATALOGUES. No. Year. I 1892 2 1893 3 1894 4 1895 5 1896 6 1897 7 1898 8 1899 9 1900 Editor. W.S.Hamilton • C( t< t ( (I (( ( ( D. A. Penick and S. Z. A W. S. Hamilton J. L. Hardeman (Unfinished, Estimated) . No. Chapters. 32 34 34 38 37 38 38 37 40 No. Members Shown. 429 470 504 532 586 600 597 585 650 Council of Honof^ The Council of Honor owes its origin to Wm. S. Hamilton, of Alpha, who drafted the section of the Constitution under which one distinguished member is added to the roll by each Conven- tion. Only those who have performed labors that have conduced materially to the Order's advancement — members who have orig- inated something — were intended to be admitted to the Council^ but from the first this original purpose has been but indistinctly apprehended by Conventions, with the result that the mere holds ing of a " General '' office has at times been accounted by unin- formed delegates an adequate qualification. Hence it happen- that several of our greatest benefactors — for example, Wm. N. Scott, the first (I) of Alpha, P. B. Hamer and W. W. Collins- do not at present appear upon the roll of the Council. Genealogy of the Chapters^ All chapters are descended, of course, from Alpha — most of them, it appears, through Delta. Alpha itself has founded six chapters — Beta, Gamma, Delta, Zeta, Eta and A-Eho. Beta was organized at Alpha's place of meeting by the (I) of Alpha, Gamma and Delta by members of Alpha who had left Washing- ton College to study elsewhere, and Zeta and Eta by members sent for the special purpose of organizing them. Beta is the l8 HISTORY. parent of Omicrou prime, A-Zeta and A-Tau. Gamma founded* Epsilon, Theta (prime), Kappa and Nu; Epsilon founded Psi and Phi ; and Phi founded A-Beta and A-tJpsilon ; while Kappa founded Pi prime and A-Sigma. Delta produced Iota, Theta (second), Mu (prime), Sigma and Ohi ; and Iota produced Mu (second). Sigma in her turn was the parent of Kho, Tau, A-Delta and A-Eta. In the next genera- tion Tau founded Upsilon and revived Pi, and A-Delta founded A-Kappa and A-Omicron. Ohi, vying with Sigma in fertility, produced Omicron, Pi, Omega, A-Alpha, A-Gamma, A-Epsilon, A-Iota and A-Xi. Pi founded Mu (third), and Omicron pro- duced Xi. Omega founded A-Theta which in turn founded the present Theta. A-Iota founded A-Mu and the latter assisted in founding A-Upsilon. A member of Ohi was designated by the K. 0. to found A-Xi which became the progenitor of A-Pi, and Chi shares with Beta and A-Zeta the honor of founding A-Nu. Zeta participated in the founding of Eta. Eta founded Lambda, and, along with representatives of Mu (second), Tau, Kappa, and Kho, took a leading part in founding A-Lambda. A-Mu was established by the direct order of a Oonvention, in consequence of the obstructive character of the "Advisory Board" created in 1891 and abolished in 1893. A-Iota was founded by a K. 0. in person, a distinction shared by Kappa, Phi and Psi. Also, the K. 0. assisted at the founding of Nu, and A- Sigma. In our early days the founding of a chapter was largely sub- ject to chance. A member happening to find himself in a college which had no K. A. chapter would ask the K. 0. for a charter, but without this suggestion from a peripatetic member nothing, as a rule, was done, though the K. O.'s discretion as to the issue of a charter was absolute. Since 1890, however, the founding of chapters has followed mostly upon action taken by the K. 0. after a survey by him of the collegiate field and a careful study of the character and eligibility of growing educational institu- tions throughout the South. Being the Southern Eraternity ]par excellence, the Order, it is felt, should occupy every Southern College and University of real merit. It is now accordingly first decided at what institutions chapters are to be desired and then search is made by the K. 0. for suitable men to establish them. Policy rather than personal impulse is the decisive factor. A-Omicron, for example, was founded at Eayetteville, Ark., by Claude O'lSTeal, of A-Delta, who, without previous communica- tion with the petitioners, was sent by the K. 0. to ascertain their fitness and act upon instructions, traveling hundreds of miles at * The credit of "founding" is given to the chapter of the man that seems to have taken the chief part in the work. HISTORY. 19 the Order's expense for the purpose. A-Eho, A-Sigma, A-Tau are more recent examples. The present policy is to place a chapter in every Southern collegiate institution of high grade, provided the attendance, corps of instructors, endowment and general character are such as to promise stability and success. Extension^ Very different ideas have prevailed in the Order at different times in regard to " extension," its methods and direction. In its first years the Old Alpha gave no thought to the founding of additional chapters, its entire energies being employed in main- taining its own existence. In '6 8-' 6 9 it lost interest even in that, making no initiations that year and at the end of '69-'70 Alpha died of inertia. Beta's existence for a year or more after its organization in '68 was merely nominal. But for the founding of Gamma and Delta and the impulse thus derived, Zeta and Eta would not have seen the light and the Order would have perished in '70. It is therefore to the Georgia and South Caro- lina chapters that the Order owes its life. These States, more than all others have determined its character, sustained it through the gloomy years 1870-'80, and ensured its success. To them we owe the fact that our centre of gravity is in the Gulf States — that our heart is in Dixie. There was in the Old Alpha a sentiment — that of a minority — in favor of rapid extension, this sentiment arising out of the sense of weakness of a small fraternity in a college where there were other fraternities having many chapters. It found expres- sion at first in a disposition to assume identity with northern K. A., a chapter of which had once existed in the University of Virginia, whence Wood was said to have obtained a ritual. When it was proved that there could be no identity with northern K. A., as respects either ritual or descent, the longing for strength took the form of a proposal to fuse with northern K. A., and thus, at one stroke, add four or five new chapters to our list. This pro- posal often appeared in resolutions presented at Conventions and in letters to the Jouekal. It ultimately became a proposal to " go North " independently and find there the desired rapid increase of chapters. In the Js'orth, it was agre e d , there are 80 or 100 ^"J colleges the average size and wealth of which vastly exceed the average size and wealth of the Southern Colleges at w^hich w^e have chapters, and it would be easy by '^northern extension " to swell our chapter list quickly to 40 or 50 chapters. This increase would give us revenue needed to maintain the JouRis'AL and enable us to dispense with our chapters at small colleges. Only big institutions, it began to be said, like the University of Vir- ginia, Harvard and Yale, are fit homes for K. A. chapters. The oj^^ASudL 20 HISTORY. multiplication of chapters at large northern institutions would give the votes in Convention required for withdrawing charters from all small Southern Colleges. The extinction of some of our oldest chapters at small colleges became, in fact, with many the chief charm of the policy of northern extension, outweighing the supposed advantage that Kappa Alphas going north to study would enjoy in finding f raters at any school they visited. But the " northern extension " sentiment — which was strong and growing ten years ago — has now almost vanished, owing chiefly to the Order's growth, present sense of strength and increased self-respect. Originating in a consciousness of weak- ness, it was a temporary phenomenon, bound to disappear when the Order attained its full development in the South. We are no longer weak or poor. With 40 living chapters, ample revenue, an excellent and bountifully supported Jouknal, salaries for officers, accumulated funds for decennial catalogues, etc. — with all these evidences of self-sufficiency few can now feel that there is need to go beyond our chosen limits to seek the ungracious and impossible task of impressing Southern ideals on Northern men. Mere bigness is not in itself an adequate object. It is wholly undesirable if it is to be secured only by the sacrifice of the homogeneity, unity and warmth of fraternal sentiment which we owe to the maintenance of our traditional policy of restricting our chapters to the South.* * The college fraternity system of the United States and Canada had its origin in a Southern fraternity, the Phi Beta Kappa, founded at William and Mary, Virginia, in 1776, and the system preserves its ideal excellence only in the South In New England, fraternities, as a rule, are clubs with expensive club houses and a heterogeneous member- ship, or class societies wholly lacking in fraternal spirit. In the West they tend to large and promiscuous masses and college politics. In the South alone do fraternities realize their proper objects. The Eastern fraternities have few or no chapters in the South ; the Southern and Western fraternities have few or no chapters of real weight and influence in the East. Such as exist in the East exist only at the cost of surrendering the features for which fraternities are valued in the South and West. The rivals which the K. A. Order meets in the South are almost exclusively of Southern and Western origin, and without influential chapters in those Eastern institutions to which Southern youth chiefly resort. As the few K. A.'s that go north yearly to study go as graduate students, when too busy to attend chapter meetings, no practical object would be served by establishing chapters there for their convenience. HISTORY. 21 Chapter List* ^-o OtS I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 i6 17 i8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Name. Alpha Beta Gamma Delta , Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta (prime) . . . Iota Kappa Lambda Mu (prime) Omicron (prime) Pi (prime) . Sigma Rho Tau Upsilon Psi Phi Chi Omega Theta (second) . Omicron Mu (second) ... Nu Xi Pi A-Alpha A-Beta A-Gamma A-Delta A-Epsilon A-Zeta A-Eta A-Theta , A-Iota A-Kappa A-Lambda , Theta A-Mu , Mu (third) A-Nu A-Xi A-Omicron A-Pi.... A-Rho A-Sigma A-Tau A-Upsilon Location. Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va. Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Va University of Georgia, Athens, Ga Wofford College, Spartanburg, S . C Emory College, Oxford, Qa Randolph Macon College, Ashland, Va Richmond College, Richmond, Va Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, Ga. (1872) Furman University, Greenville. S. C. (1898) Mercer University, Macon, Ga . .. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va Newberry College, Walhalla, B.C. (1876) Bethel Academy. Fauquier County, Va. (1879) Gordon Institute, Barnesville, Ga. (1883) Davidson College, Davidson, N. C S. C. College, Columbia. S. C. (1897) Wake Forest College, Wake Forest, N. C. (1894). University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C .. Tulane University, New Orleans, La Southern University, Greensboro, Ala. Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn Centre College, Danville, Ky S. C. Military Academy. Charleston, S. C. (1890). University of Texas, Austin, Texas Erskine College, Due West, S. C. (1893) Alabama A. & M. College, Auburn, Ala Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn University' of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La William Jewell College, Liberty, Mo S. W. Presbyterian University, Clarksville, Tenn. William and Mary College, Williamsburg, Va Westminster College, Fulton , Mo Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky Centenary College, Jackson, La Missouri State University, Columbia, Mo Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md Kentucky State College, Lexington, Ky Millsaps College, Jackson, Miss Emory & Henry College, Emory, Va . (1895) Columbian University, Washington, D. C University of California, Berkeley, California University of Arkansas Fayetteville, Ark Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ., Palo Alto, Cal West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va .. Georgia School of Technology, Atlanta, Ga Hampden Sidney College, Hampden Sidney, Va.. University of Mississippi, Oxford, Miss Date of Establishment. Dec. 21, 1865. Mar. 8, 1868. April 6, 1868. Feb. 23, 1869. June 4, 1869. Nov. 26, 1869. March 18, 1870. Dec. 25, 1870. May 8, 1872. Nov. 8, 1873. Nov. 18, 1873. Nov. 26, 1873. Oct. —,1878. April 18, 1879. Feb. 18, 1880. Jan. 4, 1881. Jan. 8, 1881. Nov. 25, 1881. Jan. 14, 1882. Jan. 17; 1882. April 9, 1883. Sept. 4, 1883. Oct. I, 1883. Oct. 5,1883. Nov. 14, 1883. Nov. 24, 1883. Nov. 28, 1883. Dec. I, 1883. Dec. I. 1883. June 17, 1885. July 2, 1885. Feb. 5, 1887. Nov. 16, 1887. Jan. 3, 1890. Feb. 5, 1890. Apr. 9, 1891. Sept. 14, 189 1. Sept. 30, 1891. Oct. 21, 1891. Feb. 21, 1893. Oct. I, 1893. Dec. 21, 1893. Nov. 18, 1894. Mar. 6, 1895. April 27, 1895. Oct. 27, 1895. March 10, 1897. Oct. 21, 1899. Dec. 6, 1899. Jan. 12, 1900. The first three chapters were established before the office of the K. C. \vas institu ted. Ammen as (I) of Alpha, presided at the organization of Beta and sanctioned the founding of Gamma. As K. C. he granted the charters of the chapters from the 4th to the 8th and 38th to 47th inclusive ; Collins the 9th ; Hardeman the loth, nth, 12th, 48th, 49th and 50th ; Neal the 13th to 17th inclusive ; Candler the i8th to 31st ; Whitworth the 32d ; Hamer the 33d, and White the 34th to 37th inclusive. As will be noticed, the order of the alphabet has been followed in the naming of the chapters, with the following exceptions : The names Nu and Xi (prime) were set apart for chapters that failed to be established. F"or no apparent reason Sigma was estab- lished before Rho, and Psi before Phi and Chi. When a chapter is dead beyond hope of revival its name is given to another. 22 HISTORY. Location of Chapters by States, Virginia A, B, Z, H, A, O', A-Z, M'", A-T . . . 9 Georgia T, E, 6', K, H', A-S 6 South Carolina A, I, M', P, 6", M" 6 North Carolina 2, T, T 3 Louisiana '^, A-T, A-I 3 Alabama ^, N, A-B 3 Tennessee X, 11, A-A, A-E 4 Kentucky H, A-©, 3 Texas O, S 2 Missouri A-A, A-H, A-K 3 Maryland A-A i Mississippi A-M, A-T 2 District of Columbia. . A-N i California A-H, A-LE 2 Arkansas A-O i West Virginia A-P i Total 50 Of the 50 chapters chartered, ten are extinct or inactive : ■ Theta prime, Theta second, Iota, Mu prime, Mu second, Mu third, Omicron prime, Pi prime, Eho and Tau. Of these but two, Omicron prime and Pi prime, perished because chartered at institutions of inadequate grade — a fact that speaks well for the good judgment of our K. C.s. The death of Theta prime was due to the suspension of Oglethorpe University, while Theta second, Mu second and third, Iota, Eho and Tau succumbed to anti -fraternity laws. Mu prime died of inanition. The avoidable mortality in a record of 35 years for 50 chapters was thus but 2, or 4 per cent, of the whole number. IKTERKAL DEYELOPEMENT. Seventeen chapters have been founded in the last decade. Great as this external growth has been, it has been exceeded by the internal growth — by the improvements within that period in ritual, laws, institutions, symbols, publications and other helps to maturity. Many things previously lacking for efficient admin- istration have been supplied, namely : a more precise definition of the duties of general and chapter officers ; frequent reports of 0. S., C. H., & P. to general officers ; budget and itemized finan- cial reports ; provision for auditing financial reports ; provision for a decennial catalogue and fund for its publication ; institu- tion of annual catalogue and secret Special Messenger ; the accu- HISTORY. 23 mulation of a fraternity library in charge of the G. H., with full collection of historical documents and records, and the introduc- tion of a uniform chapter register. To this period belongs our engraved charters, seal, coat-of-arms, crest, banner, flag, colors and flowers, as also the movement favoring a general acquisition of chapter houses and a memorial hall, at Lexington, Va. Zeta was the first chapter to own a house. At present about fifteen chapters occupy chapter houses, and three others are so comfort- ably fixed in college buildings as not to need houses, while five own the houses they occupy. More than all, our recent K. C.'s have set an example of energetic discharge of official duty, and have enforced discipline among the general officers and chapters, with the result that for the first time in our history our business affairs are managed with something like the strictness and system of a large corporation. This strictness and system have become absolutely necessary, now that we have 40 chapters, with an annual income exceeding 82,200; spending departments that require careful auditing, and various publications, in addition to the JouRiiTAL, to be edited and paid for. Charters. For the establishment of the chapters Beta to Eta inclusive, dispensations were granted until printed charters could be ob- tained. In 1872-3 printed charters were issued by W. W. Collins to the chapters then in existence (Gamma, Delta, Epsi- lon, Zeta, Eta), and to other chapters as they were established. In 1894, the present engraved charters were designed by the K. C. and have since been sent by the G-. H. to all chapters apply- ing for them, and to new chapters as they have been established. Alumni Chapters* Norfolk, Va., January 13, 1891. *HigginsvilIe, Mo., July, 1897. Richmond, Va., Julj- 10, 1891. Franklin, La., September 4, 1897. *Atlanta, Ga., September, 1891. Lexington, Ky., September 24 1897. New York, N. Y., December 7, 1891. Petersburg, Va., December 29, 1897. Raleigh, N. C, July 18, 1892. Talladega, Ala., February 14, 1898. JMacon, Ga., October 3, 1893. *Kansas Cit}-, Mo., October 9, 1898. Washington, December 28, 1893. St. Louis, Mo., December 6, 1898. Mobile, Ala., April 9, 1895. San Francisco, Cal., December 17, 1898. *Athens, Ga., 1S95. Alexandria, La., June 4, 1900. Dallas, Texas, September i, 1896. State Associations* State Associations have been formed in many of the States, but have usually been mere reunions of Alumni, without any * Unchartered. i On December 18, 1869, an unchartered organization of Alumni was formed in Macon, Ga., but by order of the K. C. it disbanded July, 1870. Similarly the Alumni of Augusta, Ga., organized'in 18S9, for the purpose of entertaining the Convention, and disbanded immediately after its adjournment. 24 HISTORY. attempt at a permanent organization or at the transaction of any business. At present only two, (Missouri and Georgia) are known to have an organized existence. SOUTH C AROLINA — Organized Nov. 12, 1884, and is known to have held meetings in '85, '86, '87 and '88. ALABAMA — Organized September i, '86, and held meetings in '92, '93, '94 and '96. LOUISIANA — Organized July 5, '88, and held meetings in '89, '90 and 93. VIRGINIA — Organized September 9, 88. No subsequent meeting reported. TENNESSEE — Organized May 20, '90. No subsequent meeting reported. KENTUCKY — Organized April 6, 93. Its meetings consist of a reunion and banquet on the first Friday night in April of each year, and have been held with- out interruption. NORTH CAROLINA— Organized October 23, '94. No subsequent meetings reported. MISSOURI — Organized May 7, '97. Holds annual meelings. GEORGIA — Organized May 8, '99. First (annual) meeting held June 14, '99. The K* V* System* The K. V. system was inaugurated by the 12th convention, June 13, 1883, and was abolished by the 13th convention, Oct. 1, 1885. In some particulars it may be regarded as a forerunner of the Gr. P. system, which was put into effect at the last named date. Eecords and information regarding the K. V.'s are very fragmentary and incomplete. The fraternity was divided at first into four districts or com- manderies, and an executive officer called Knight Visitant was appointed for each district. Subsequently (in '84) the fifth com- mandery was formed by subdividing the third. Among the duties of these officers were those of visiting and inspecting each chap- ter in their j urisdiction, and of collecting the annual assessments from the chapters. The persons named below are known to have held the office, but the records fail to show when each one was chosen, or how long each held office. The officers were appointed by the K. 0. from nominations made by the Conven- tion. The system was an effort to meet a problem that still exists — how to secure efficient inspection of the chapters. Our territory is too wide for the K. 0. to visit all chapters, and see that they manage their affairs in the best possible manner. The chapters need personal instructions as to initiations and secret work ; as to the working of our laws and chapter management ; as to deal- ings with erring trustees and anti-fraternity movements ; as to chapter houses and various local matters. The advice and guid- ance of a man of experience would solve many chapter difficul- ties. Between 1891 and 1897 the K. 0. attempted to meet the want in part by bringing the chapters in each state under the influence of some locally popular and energetic alumnus, but it was found to be impracticable to get the alumnus to take his duties seriously, or the chapter to look to him for advice. Nor is it desirable to weaken the K. C.'s authority by interposing officials between him and the chapters. The problem may be HISTORY. 25 solyed, when the finances of the Order will permit such a step, by authorizing the K. 0. to employ, subject to his control, a brother skilled in fraternity matters to visit the chapters, with authority to inspect and correct faulty methods, give instruction and encouragement, and generally see that K. A. work is everywhere conformed to the best model. Among the " Masons " there is such an official, called a " lecturer," who, when directed by the central authority, visits new chapters to train them in the chap- ter work, and old chapters to improve their modes of proceedure. • Roll of Kni§fht Visitors^ >> s u States . Chapters. K. V. X Va. andW. Va ... N. C. and S. C. .. Ga. and Ala La., Miss., & Tex. Ky. and Tenn Beta, Kta, Zeta, Lambda j 0. G. Clay, Zeta 1 J.W. Morris, Gamma & Zeta P. B. Hamer, Delta ...,• fT. H. Huzza, Epsilon 1 B . J , Conyers, Gamma fC. H. Smith, Epsilon [W. T. Turnbull, Epsilon ... James A. Wiliams, Omega 2 3 4 5 f Delta, Theta, Iota, Mu, Rho, Sig- \ ma, Tau, and Upsilon . j Gamma, Epsilon, Kappa, Nu, 1 Phi, and Alpha-Beta j Psi, Alpha-Gamma, Xi, and Omi- 1 cron Omega, Chi, Pi, and A- Alpha Boards and Commissions^ The "Board of Directors" and "Advisory Board" no longer exist. They are traces left in our history of obsolete conditions. It was noted in connection with the K. O.-ship that the office between '80 and '91 lost prestige, owing chiefly to the neglect of the K. C.'s of that period to keep in close touch with the chap- ters as the law required ; particularly the neglect of reports, catalogues and other work of a necessary character. It was, in consequence, several times proposed by contributors to the Joue- KAL to abolish the office of K. 0. That official began in fact to be regarded as a far-off personage, out of the current of affairs and personally unacquainted with the chapters and their needs. Hence the creation by the Convention of '89 of a Board of Directors to fill General offices vacated by death — a function previously exercised by the K. 0. This Board in '91 was replaced by an "Advisory Board" with larger powers. The latter Board was the expression of a senti- ment that attained its maximum strength about ten years ago, to the effect that the Order already had too many chapters ; that it was desirable to multiply obstructions to chartering by depriv- ing the K. 0. of this function and prescribing impracticable conditions ; that the K. O.'s judgment as to institutions fit to 26 HISTORY. enter was not as good as that of a Board appointed by a conven- tion would be ; that the K. 0. had made many mistakes in chartering and a Board would do better. It was accordingly proposed to lodge the chartering power in a Board governed by obstructive regulations of a radical character. The result, as soon as the resolution of the convention became operative, was that the establishment of new chapters ceased. Few members, however, were pleased with this outcome, in view of the fact that many institutions we have since gladly entered were then still unoQCupied by us. Moreover, the principle of government by Boards was an unwelcome one. The Convention of '93 there- fore abolished the Advisory Board and restored the ■ control of chartering in effect to the K. 0. In place of the Board was created an Electoral Commission restricted to the function of electing General Officers when notified officially of a vacancy. p. B. Hamer, Delta. A. F. Johnston, Gamma. A. B. Ellis, A-Beta. BOARD OF DIEECTOES. Elected by the 15th Convention. Term of office, Septem- tember 13th, 1889 to September iSth, 1891. ADVISOEY BOAED. H. H. White Chi, Chairman. ^ Leon P. Smith, Epsilon. j Giles L. Wilson, Delta. }- Josephs. Chick, Chi. ( D. M. McLeod, Delta. J Elected by the i6th Convention. Term of office, Sep- tember i8th, 1891 to Sept. 14th, 1893. ELECTORAL COMMISSIOifS. D. R. Neal, Jr., Beta, Chairman. Edwin Davis, Gamma. D. H. Hamilton, Jr., A-Alpha. J. F. Arial, Chi. E. P. Magruder, A-Lambda. D. R. Neal, Jr., Beta, Chairman. " Edwin Davis, Gamma. D. H. Hamilton, Jr., A-Alpha. T. F. Atial, Chi. G. D. Letcher, Alpha. Elected by the 17th Convention. Term of office, September 14th, 1893 to October ist, 1895. Elected by the i8th Convention. Term of office, October ist, 1895 to October ist, '89. 1 Wm. C. McLeod, Psi. Warren Grice, Kappa. J. E. Willoughby, A-Beta. R. E. L. Roy, Xi. C. N. Burch, Chi. S. Z. Ammen, Alpha, Chairman. D. R. Neal, Jr., Beta. George R. Uupuy, Sigma. B. T. Southgate, Lambda. R. C. Wickliffe, (Jmega. Elected by the 19th Convention. Term of office, October I, 1897 to October i, 1899. ! Elected by 20th Convention. Term of office, Octo- j ber I, 1899 to October i, 1901. In closing this sketch the author wishes to express his regret that want of space has made it impracticable to present various aspects of the many-sided life of the Order that may be deemed more interesting than the topic of institutional history to which he has given most attention. Much interest attaches to the romance of chapter-founding, the struggles and successes of HISTORY. 27 individual chapters and to the personal characteristics of officers and members, who, year after year, devoted themselves with zeal to K. A. interests. Without their work our present position would not have feeen attained. If this record is almost silent upon many important achievements of the rank and file, it may be pleaded in extenuation that the present magnificent position of the Kappa Alpha Order — its extent, its solidity, its strength — is an adequate memorial of their efforts and success. S. Z. Ammei^. Baltimore, March 1, 1900. ^8 HISTORY. GENERAL OFFICERS OF THE FRATERNITY* tS99—t90U KNIGHT COMMAT^DER : John L. Hardeman 566 Mulberry st., Macon, Ga. GRAND HISTORIAN : Tazewell T. Hubard 50 Bank st., Norfolk, Va. GRAND PURSER : Dan a. James Yazoo City, Miss. (From October, '99 to April '00.) W. P. Wheeler Macon, Ga. (From April '00 to May '00.) Frank P. McConnell Talladega, Ala. (From May, '00, to October, '01.) EDITOR OF JOURNAL : C W. Miller Northern Bank Building, Lexington, Ky. CHIEF ALUMNUS : Frank P. McConnell Talladega, Ala. (From October, '99, to May, '00.) R. E. Pritchard 3 Bluff Yiew Ave., Chattanooga, Tenn. (From May, '00, to October, '01.) CATALOGUE EDITOR : Paul Murrill Hickory, N. C The Council of Honor* "De Nobis Optime Meruit:^ Samuel Z. Ammen Alpha, '66 Elected '93 Augustus Benners Phi, '86 Elected '93 Joseph Smith Chick Chi, '87 Elected '93 William Spriog Hamilton Alpha, '86 Elected '93 John Lumsden Hardeman Gamma, '69 Elected '93 Tazewell Taylor Hubard Beta, '84 Elected '93 John Bell Keeble Chi, '80 Elected '93 Daniel Rowell Neal ..Beta, '76 Elected '93 Horace Henry White Chi, '83 Elected '93 James Ward Wood Alpha, '65 Elected '93 George Ruffin Dupuy Sigma, '81 Elected '95 Verner Moork Jones Chi, '88 Elected '97 James Allen Williams Omega, '83 Elected '99 WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY, (rormerly Washington College.) LEXINGTON. VA. Established in 1749. Chartered in 1782. Independent of Church or State Control. Board of Trustees Self-Perpetuating. FRATEEXITIES Phi Kappa Psi. 1855. Beta Theta Pi. 1856- '80. Alpha Tau Omega. 1865. Kappa Alpha. 1865. Sigma Chi. 1866. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. 1867. Delta Kappa Epsilon. 1867- Phi Gamma Delta. 1868. Delta Psi. 1869-'88. Theta Delta Chi. 1869-'74. Chi Phi. 1872-78. Kappa Sigma. 1873. Sigma Alpha. l873-'82. j Kappa Sigma Kappa. 1873-'87. ] United with Phi Delta Theta. Sigma Nu. 1882. Phi Theta Psi. 1885-'95. Phi Delta Theta. 1887 . Pi Kappa Alpha. 1892. Phi Kappa Sigma. 1893. Mu Pi Lambda. 1895. Delta Tau Delta. 1896. ALPHA CHAPTER. rouin)Eiis OF THE FRATERNITY :— J. W. Wood and W. ]S^. Scott. Charter Me^ibers (re-establishment in 1875) :— J. T. Akers, T. P. Calbreath; W. E. Cosner, H. M. Sydenstricker and W. P. Mc- Corkle. Alpha, the Mother Chapter of Kappa Alpha, was established December 21, 1865. In 1870 it ceased to exist and was inactive for nearly five years. On March 10, 1875, it was revived by T. E. Mc- Corkle, and a charter was issued by J. L. Hardeman, K. C, to the members above named. It again became inactive in 1878, and remained so till October 26, 1885, when it was received by W. G. Hatchett (Eta), with the aid of Beta Chapter. The chapter of 1865-'70 is commonly referred to as the " Old Alpha" and was the supreme or governing chapter during that, period. 30 AI, Columbia, '98-'00. LEE, GEOEGE MASON, War Dept, Washington, D. 0. Born, Alexandria, Va., '78; ent., '93, init., '96; U. S. Mil. Acad., West Point, '96-9 ; 1st Lieut 39th U. S. vol. Infty., '99 ; served in Philippines; commended for bravery and gallantry, battle of Puenta de Viga; adjutant 2d bat. 39th U. S. vol. Inf., '00. LETCHEE, GEEENLEE DAVIDSON, Lexington, Va. Born, Lexington, Va., '67; ent., '83; init., '85; 1st dist. grad., '86 ; 1st Jackson-Hope Medal; trans. Alpha, '86; law, Wash. & Lee Univ., '86 8; Hnmilton Law Scholarship, '87; Johnson law prize, '88; LL.B., '88; lawyer, Lexington, Va., '88-'1900; House of Delegates, Va. Legislature, '89-'93 (2 terms); chm'n Eockbridge Co. Democratic Com., '94-00; author of Secret Work of Order, '93; del. Alpha Conv., '93-5; Elect. Comm'n., '95-7; Pres. V. M. I. Alum. Assoc, '96-'00. *LEWIS, JOHN EEDMAN COXE, Berryville, Va. Born, Richmond, Va., '70; ent., '87; init., '91; grad., '91; Prof. Staunton (Va.) Male Academy '93; Med. Univ. of Va., '93-4; trans. Lambda, '93; died, Berryville, Va., '95. LEWIS, SAMUEL HANCE, Kansas City, Kans. Born, Culpepper, Va., '71; ent., '88; init., '90; Ricli. Coll., '92; trans. Eta, '92; dept., Swift & Co. Packing House, '98-'00. McBEE, VAEDEEY ECHOLS, Jk., Ghent, Norfolk, Va. Born, Charlotte, N. C, '79; ent., '95; init., 99; grad., '99; Eesdt. Engr., South Bound R. R., Columbia, S. C, '99-'00. MoCABE, EENEST EUHL, 2124 Maryland Ave.,Baltimore,Md. Born, Baltimore. Md., '81; ent., '97; Init., 99; clerk. Price, Mc- Cormick & Co., Stock Brokers, '00. • BETA. 53 McCOXXELL, EDWAED DEXXIS, 61 & 63 Worth St., New York, N. Y. Born, Cambridge, Mass., '54; ent., '68; init., 70; clerk, Jacob Wendell & Co., Xew York, '75-'00. McCOEMICK, JAMES JETT, Norfolk, Va. Born, Clark Co. Ya., '68; ent., 86; init., '90; dist. grad., '90, B. Sc: trans. Lamba, '91; M. D., (Univ. of Ya.), '92; resdt. pliys. St. Luke's Home, Richmond, Ya., '92-3; Polj'clinic, New Yuri? , '93-1; physician, Norfolk, Ya., '94-'00; City Bacteriologist. McDOXALD, ALEXAXDEE WATSOX, Durant, Miss. Born, Durant, Miss., '73; ent., '93; init., (A-Epsilon) '91; W. L. Univ., '92; trans, to Alpha, '92; trans, to Beta, '93; M. D.; physician, '97-'0O. McGILL, ELISHA LEAYEX^WOETH, 437 W. 59tli St., X^ew York, X. Y. Born, Petersburg, Ya., '75; ent., '93; init., '97; grad., '97;med., Col. of Phys. & Surg., '97-'00; (Home, Petersburg, Ya.) McXIEL, WILLIAM AETHUE, Bristol, Tenn. Born, Tazewell, Ya., '77; ent ., '95 ; init., '98: grad., '98; clerk. Dominion Xat'l Bank, '98-'00; head bookkeeper, '00. McTEEE, JOSEPH TEDFOED, Jfi., 505 W. Main St., Knoxville, Tenn. Born, Knoxville, Tenn., '81; ent., 98; init., 99; Univ. of Tenn., '99-'00; trans. Pi, '99. MAGOFEIX, BEEIAH, Je., Xome City, Alaska. Born, Lexington, Ky., '70; 'ent., 89; init., '93; grad., '93; mining eng., Klondike, '97-'00. (Home, Duluth, Minn.) MAEEOW, GEOEGE PEEK, Lexington, Ya. Born, Hampton, Ya., '77; 'ent., 93; init., 97; dist. grad., '97; B. Sc, 97; asst. Prof, draw., math. & tactics, Y. M. I., '98-'00; captain, State Engrs. MAESHALL, EICHAED COKE, Je., Lexington, Ya. Born, Portsmouth, Ya., '79; ent., 94; init., '98; dist. grad., '98; 2d Jackson-Hope Medal, '98; B. Sc, '98; Summer Law, Univ. of Ya., '99; asst. Prof. math. & tactics, Y. M. I., '99-'00; Cap- tain, State Engrs. MASOX, GEOEGE LEE, 1605 Conn. Ave., X. W., Washington, D. C. Born, Charlottesville, Ya., '76; ent., '94; init., '96; clerk, freight dept.. Southern Ey., '97- '00. MAUEY, DABXEY HEEXDOX, Je., Peoria, 111. Born, Yicksburg, Miss., '63; ent., 79; init., '79; 2d dist. grad., '82; 2d Jackson-Hope Medal, '82; Stevens Inst, of Tech., '82-4; M. E., '84 ; engr. & supt. Peoria Water Works Co., '93-'00; Con- sulting Civil & Hydraulic Engr. ; member Amer. Soc Civ. Eng. Amer. Soc. Mech. Eng. & Western Soc Engrs; Amer. Water Works Assoc. . 54 BKTA. MEEM, JOHN GAW, Jk., Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Born, ShreA^eport, La., '64; ent., 81; init , '82; dist. grad., '84; 1st Jackson-Hope Medal, '84; asst. Prof. V. M. I., French & Tactics, '84-'86;Chem. and Tactics, '86-8; Captain State Engrs., post grad. Chem., '84-5; B. S(',,|'85; U. S. coast survey, summer, '87; P. E. Theolog. Sem. '88-'91; grad., '91; ordained deacon, P. E. Church, '91; ordained priest, '91; missionary to Brazil, '91-'00. MEEM, JAMES LAWRENCE, 305 Washington St., Lynchburg, Va. Born, Lynchburg, Ya., '81; ent., '96 ; init., '96; grad., '00. MEEM, STEPHEN HALSEY, 305 Washington St., Lynchburg, Ya. Born, Shenandoah Co.,Ya., '79; ent., '95; init., '99; grad., '99; eng., '99; Supt. Larner Manganese Mines, '00. MEHEGAN, WILLIAM AMBROSE, Je., Norfolk, Ya. Born, Norfolk, Ya., '65; ent., '81; init., '82; grad., '84; agent, Southern Express Co., '89-'00. MICHEL, CHARLES EUGENE, 2927 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Born, St. Louis, Mo., '75; ent., '92; init., '96; grad., '96; med.. Mo. Med. Coll., '96-7; clerk, Burlington Route, '97-9; advertis- ing agent, '99-'00. MILLER, ALEXANDER ERSKINE, Staunton, Ya. Born, Seguin, Tex., '79; ent., '97; init.; '99. MILLER, ROBERT WARWICK, Woodville, Ya. Born, Woodville, Ya., '79; ent., '95; init., '99; grad., '99. MILTON, TALIAFERRO, Lexington, Ya. Born, Berry ville, Ya., '77; ent., '93; init., '97; grad., '97; asst. Prof. Physics, Astron. & Tactics. Y. M. I., '98-'00; Capt., State Engrs.; post grad. chem., '99-'00; B. Sc, '00. MONTGOMERY, WILLIAM BRUCE, Jr., 515 Court St., Lynchburg, Ya. Born, Lynchburg,Ya., '80; ent., '96; init., '00; grad., '00; 2d Jack- son-Hope Medal, '00; B. Sc. '00; Prof. Culver Mil. Acad., Culver, Ind., '00-1. MOORE, SYDNEY TRAYIS, Wytheville, Ya. Born, Wytheville, Co., Ya., '75; ent., '92; init-, '97; C & O. Ry., Newport News, Ya., '98; Capt. 6th Ya. Yol. Inf., '98-9. MORISON, HUGH GLEN, Gate City, Ya. Born, Gate City, Ya., '78; ent., '95; init., '99; grad., '99- read law, '99-'00. MURRAY, EDWIN, 326 Public Square, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Nashville, Tenn., '75; ent., '95; init., '96; clerk, Murray, Dibrell & Co., Nashville, Tenn., '97-'00. BETA. ^ 55 MUEEELL, GEOEGE EOSS, Bayou Goula, La. Born, Indian Territory, '61; ent., '78; init., '79; grad., '82; sugar planter, '84-1900; prest. Geo. M. Murrell Planting & Mfg. Co. NEAL, DANIEL EOWELL, [Jk.,] Navy Dipt, Washington, D. C. Born, Parkersburg, Va., '49; ent., '71; init., '76; grad., '75; law, Wash. & Lee Univ., '75-7; del., Alpha and Beta, 7th Conv., '76; lawyer, Parkersburg, W. Va., '77-'82; K. C, '77. '81; Ed. 3d Gen. K. A. Cat., '78; clerk, Navy Dept., '83-1900; del., Zeta & Ealeigh 17th Conv., '93; K. C H., '93; char, member Wash, alum.. '93; chairman Elect. Commis. '93-7; del., Talledega o^ Special Conv., '98; Elect. Commis., '99-'01. NEILL, WILLIAM, Charles Town, W. Va. Born, Hagerstown, Md., '60; ent., '76; init., '76; read med., Ha- gerstowon, '78-9; Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., N. Y., '79-'81; M. D., '81; Captain "Jefferson Guards," '88; physician, Charles Town, W. Va.. '81-1900; Brig. Gen. & Surgeon Gen., State Guards, of W. Va.; direc. Bank of Charles Town, '90-'00; Sur- geon, B. & O. Ey., '94-'00. NELSON, [CLAUDE] PAUL, Buckeye, W. Va. Born, Brentsville, Va., '76; ent., '94; init., '98; grad., '98; asst. engr., Greenbrier Eway, '99-'00. (Home, Manassas, Va.) NELSON, LILA THOMAS, North, Va. Born, Matthews Co., Va., '80; ent., '97; init., '99; Eaton & Bur- nett's Bus. Coll., Baltimore, Md., '99-'00. NICHOLS, EDWAED WEST, Lexington, Va- Born, Petersburg, Va., '58; ent., '74; init., '76; dist. grad., '78; asst.. Prof. Math., French & Tactics, V. M. I., '78-'81; lawyer, Norfolk, Va., '81-2; Instr. civil engr., V. M. I., '82; Prof. civ. & mil. engr., surveying and astronomy, '82-4; colonel, State engrs. ; Prof, applied math.,'84-'90; Prof, pure and applied math., '90-'00. NICHOLS, JAMES ANDEESON, 10 N. Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. Born, Petersburg, Va., '62; ent., '79; init., '79; commission mer- chant (Green & Nichols), '92-'00. NICOLSON, GEOEGE LLEWELLYN, Washington, D. C. Born, Middlesex, Co., Va., '64; ent., '81; init-, '83; grad., '85; gen. mgr. & chf. engr., C. & O. Canal, '93-1900. OEME, FEANK, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '70; ent., '86; init., '86; grad., '90; collector to paying teller, Maddox & Rucker Bkg Co., '90-1900. OEME, JOSEPH PEIESTLY, Equitable Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '75; ent., '92; init., '96; grad., '96; clerk, Queen Insur. Co., '96-'00. OTEY, DEXTEE, 1020 Federal St., Lynchburg, Va. Born. Lynchburg, Va., '79; ent., '95; init., '99; grad., '99; engr., C. & O. Ry., '99; clerk, Knight, Oglesby & Co-, wholesale no- tions, 1900. 56 BETA. PAYNE, HAREY FITZHUGH, Kansas City, Mo. Born, Warrenton, Va., '57; ent., '73; init., '74; Dept. Circuit Cleric, Kansas City, Mo., '99-'03. PAYNE, JAMES KEITH, Ceredo, West Va. Born, Warrenton, Ya., '79; ent., '95; init., '99; dist. grad., '99; 2d Jackson Hope Medal, '99; B. Sc, '99; Prof. Alleghany Inst., Roanoke, Ya., '99-'00; asst. engr. ^. & W. Ry, '00. (Home, Warrenton, Ya.) PEARSON, BENJAMIN RUSH, 501 S. Court St., Montgomery, Ala. Born, Dadeville, Ala., '49; ent., '68; init., '68; charter member; Yaledictorian, Cadet Soc, *71; grad., '71; Ala. Med. Coll., '79-'81; Yaledictorian and M. D., '81; physician, Montgomery, Ala., '81-1900; presdt. Med. & Surg. Society, Montgomery Co.; Junior Counsellor State Med. Assoc; Censor, Board of Health, Montgomery Co. PEARSON, WILLIAM FLETCHER, Oakdale, Oklahoma. Born, Dadeville, Ala., '47; ent., '68; init., '68 (charter member); grad., '71; del. Beta, 2d K. A. Conv., '71; law, Cumberland Univ., '71-2; lawyer, Dadeville, Ala., '73-5; med., Ala. Med. Coll., '80-2; M. D., '82. Physician. PEEK, WILLIAM HOLT, War Dept., Washington, D. 0. Born, Hampton, Ya., '76; ent., '93; init., '96; grad., '96; received Keys of Cuban Fortress at surrender; private. Battery E, 4th U. S. Artillery (studying for commission), '99'00: corporal, '00. PERRY, THORNTON TAYLOE, Charles Town, W. Ya. Born, Cumber'and, Md., '63; ent., '80; init., '80; C. E., '85; asst. engr., Illinois Steel Co , Chicago, '90. PEYTON, LAWRENCE WASHINGTON HOWE, Staunton, Ya. Born, Guernsey, Eng., '72; ent., '89; init., '93; dist. grad., '93; 2d Jackson-Hope Medal, '93; C. E., '93; law, Univ. of Ya., '93-4; trans. Lambda, '93; captain State engrs.; lawyer, '95-'00. PHINIZY, FERDINAND, Augusta, Ga. Born, Augusta, Ga., '78; ent., '93; init., '97; dist. grad., '97; B. Sc, '97; cotton weigher, Phinizy & Co., '97-'00. POAGE, WALLER STAPLES, Wytheville, Ya. Born, Newbern, Ya., '59; ent., '75; init., '77; grad., '79; law, Univ. of Ya., '80-1; trans, to Lambda, '80; lawyer, Wythe- ville, '82-1900; commonwealth's attorney, Wythe Co., '84-7. PRESTON, HUGH CAPERTON, War Dept.,Washington, D. C. Born, Union, Ya , '56: ent., '72; init., '76; coal business, '77-'00; mayor of Radford, Va., '92-6; capt. 4th U. S. Yol. Inf., '98-99; served in Cuba; 1st Lieut. 31st U. S. Yol. inf., '99-'00; served in Philippines; engr.. officer, Prov. of Matti, Island of Min- danoa; Inspector Customs and Coll. Int. Revenue of the Port; captain of the Port. RAHM, FRANK HENRY, Atlanta, Ga. Born, , '69; ent., '86; init., '91; grad., '90. Drummer. BETA. 57 EAVENEL, ALFEED EOED, [Jr.,] Eoanoke, Va. Born, Charleston, S.C, '57; ent., '73; init., '74; grad., '77; freight claim agent, N. & W. Ey., Eoanoke, Va., '88-1900. EEDFIELD, HEMAIS^ JUDD, 53 Broadway, Xew York, N. Y. Born, Marshall, Mich., '64; ent., '83; init., '83; dist. grad., '86; asst. Prof. French, Eng. & Tactics, V. M. I., '86-7; captain State engr; post grad. chem., '86-7; B. Sc, '87; auditor and gen'l manager. Knight & Treese, N. Y., '99-'00. Eesidence, 128 Mont Clair ave., Mont Clair, :N. J. EHETT, EOBEET BAENWELL, Jr., Charleston, S. C. Born, , '55; ent., '71; init., '71; med., S. C. Med. Col., '77-9; M. D., '79; Physician, Charleston, '79-'00; Dean of Faculty and prof, abdominal surgery, Charleston Med. School; Prest. Med. Society of S. C. EOBEETS, WILLIAM AECHEE, 626 F. St., N. W., Washington, D. 0. Born, Washington, D. C, '74; ent., '92; init., '96; with G-lascock & Co., patent attys, '96-9; patent attorney, '99-'00. EOBEETSON^, CHEISTOPHEE STEWAET, 209 W. Adams St., Jacksonville, Fla. Born, Lake Citv, Fla., '79; ent., '95; init., '99; mgr. Jacksonville Pressing Club, '99-'00. EOCKENBACH, SAMUEL DICKEESON, War Department, Washington, D. C. Born, Lynchburg, Ya.. '69; ent., '85; init., '89; dist. grad., '89; C. E., '89: 2d Lieut. 10th Cav., U. S. Army, '91-8 ; Comdt. Cadets and Prof, applied mech., Y. M. I.. '94-5; 1st Lieut. 9th Cav., '98; 1st Lieut. 10th Cav., '98-'00; adjutant 10th Cav., '98-9; erved Chickamauga, Tampa, siege of Santiago, Porto Eico, war with Spain, aide-de-camp. Gen. Guy Y. Henry; squadron adjutant 10th Cav. and Engr., officer, Manzanilla Dist., '00. EOPEE, LEEOY, Petersburg, Ya. Born, Petersburg, Ya., '76; ent., '93; init., '97; grad., '97; trav. salesman and clerk, Aug. Wright, wholesale shoe business, '99-'00. EUSSELL, EDWAED HUTSOIN^ 513 Lee St., Bristol, Ya. Born. Petersburg, Ya , '69, ent., '88; init., '91; valedictorian, '91; grad.. '91; law, Eich. Col., '91-2; trans. Kta, '91; Supt. City Schools, Bristol, '97-'00. EUTLEDGE, EDWAED, 113 Meeting St., Charleston, S. C. Born, Charleston, S. C, '70; ent., 87; init., '91; grad., 90: med., S. C. Med. Col., '93-6. M. D., '96; physician, '96-'00. EUTLEDGE, FEEDEEICK, Asheville, K C. Born. Fletcher, N. C, '68 ; ent., '87; init., '89; insur. agt. and broker, '90-'00. SANDEES, USTMAIST HOWELL, Bremen, Germany. Born, Augusta, Ga., '72; ent., '90; init., '92; Atlanta, Ga., '93-5; Bremen, '95-8; mgr., Sanders, Swann & Co., Bremen, '98-'00. 58 BETA. SAUNDEES, ISAAC HAWLING, Danville, Va. Born, Leesburg, Ya., '62; ent., '81; init., 81; dist. grad., '94; Supt. Danville (Ya.) Mil. Inst., '90-9; prest. aud owner, D. M. lnst.> '99- '00. SAUNDEES, LXJOIUS OHA:NrDLEE, 3302 West Ave., Newport News, Ya. Born, Bay Yiew, Ya., '60; ent., '76; init., '76; agt.. Merchant & Miners Trans. Co., Newport News, Ya., '90-'00. SCEEYEN, JOHN, Jr., 216 W. Bay St., Savannah, Ca. Born, Savannah, Ga., '65; ent., '79; init., '79; magr., Savannah Steam Eice Mills, '87-'91; rice broker, '91-'00. SCEEYEN, EICHAED MOOEE, Savannah, Ca. Born, Athens, Ga., '61; ent., '79; init., '79; grad., '83; asst. engr., Central of Ga., '89-'98; asst. engr., Ga. & Ala. Ey., '98-'00. SCEEYEN, THOMAS, Savannah, Ga. Born, , Ga., '57; ent., '76; init., '76; grad., '80; alderman citv of Savannah, '92-5; member Ga. Legislature, '94-5; Supt. Police Dept. '99-'00. fSEAES, WILLIAM M., Gloucester C. H., Ya. Born, , ent., '67; init., '68; charter member; expelled, '68. SELDEN, MILES CAEY, Stokes P. 0., Ya. Born, Orapax, Ya., '74; ent., '91; init., '95; grad., '95. Farmer. SHANEE, HAEEY LINDEN, Box 154, Lynchburg, Ya. Born. Lynchburg, Yh., '79; enb. '95; init., '99; grad., '99; asst. city engr., '99-'00. SHELTON, THOMAS WALL, Norfolk, Ya. Born, Ringgold, Ya., '67; ent., '85; init., '86; law. Wash. & Lee Univ., '92-3; trans. Alpha, '92;LL.B., '93; lawyer, Isorfolk, Ya., '93-'00; city attorney, '94-6; member Board Yisitors, Ya. Mil. Institute. SHEEEAED, DAYID GIBSON, Burnet, Texas. Born, Eomney, W. Ya., '52; ent., '70; init., '70; dist. grad., '74; stock business, Burnet, Texas, '76-'00. SHIPP, AETHUE MOESON, War Dept., Washington, D. C. Born, Lexington, Ya., '77; ent., '93; init., '97 ; grad., '97; trans. Alpha, '98; law, Wash. & Lee Univ., '98-9; 2d Lieut. 20th U. S. Inf., '99-'00. (Served in Philippine Islands.) SIMS, JOHN SHELTON, Mobile, Ala. Born, Surapter Co., Ala., '61; ent., '77; init., '77; trans. Lambda, '82; law, Univ. of Ya., '82-4; LL. B., '84. Lawyer. SLOSS, ALEXANDEE COFFEE, Jalapa, Y. Cruz, Mex. Born, St. Louis, Mo., '61; ent., '78; init., '78; dist. grad., '81; 1st Jackson-Hope medal, '81, manager, the Tacahuita Land and Planting Co., Jalapa, Y. Cruz, Mex., '98-'00. SMITH, DOUGLAS HUTCHESON, Tazewell, Ya. Born, Elk Garden, Ya., '73; ent., '91, init., '94; grad., '94; law, Wash. & Lee Univ., '94-5; trans. Alpha, '94; lawyer, '95-'00. BETA. 59 SMITH, JOHN NISBET, 1225 0. St., N. W., Washington, D. 0. Born, Washington,.D. C, 'o9;ent., '*76;init., '76;engr. withEngr. CommT Dist. of Columbia, '99-'00. SMITH, OSSIAN. Born, , '60; ent.. '80; init., '81; (matriculated from Wash- ington, D. C. Never heard from since '81.) SNEED, JOHN LLEWELLYN, Arrington, Va. Born, Arrington, Va., '76, ent., '94; init., '98; grad., '98: teacher, Arrington, Va., '98-9; teacher, Kent's Store, Va., '99-'bO. SNOWDEN, GEORGE LOGAN, Macon, Ga. Born, Charleston, S. C, '70; ent., '86; init., '90; grad., '90; cotton broiler, Macon, '91- '00. SPILMAN, JOHN ARMISTEAD, Navy Dept., Washington, D. 0. Born, Warrenton, Va., '78; ent., '91; init., '94; 1st stand in class; U. S. Naval Acad.,'96-'00; U. S. S. Cincinnati (war with Spain); dist. grad., '00. SPILMAN, ROBERT SCOTT, (1) Norfolk, Va. Born, Warrenton, Va., '68; ent., '89; init., '93; grad.. '9.3; med., Hellevue Hospital Med. Col. and Univ. of N. Y., '96'-'99; Hou^^e Surg. Norfolli (Va.) Prvt. Hosp., '98; M. D., '99; physician, '99-'00. SPILMAN, ROBERT SCOTT, (2) 101 W. Main St., Richmond, Va. Born, Warrenton, Va., '76; ent., '92; init., '96; dist. grad, '96; 1st Jackson-Hope medal, '96; H. ISc, '96; asst. prof. mod. lang. and tactics, V. M. I., '97-9; Capt. State Engrs.; law, Univ. of Va., '99-'00; trans, to Lambda, '99. STANARD, WILLIAM KAUFFMAN, 3736 W. Pine Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Born, St. Louis, Mo., '61; ent., '79; init., '80; VicePrest., '88- '00; Bd. of Direc. St. Louis Merc. Exch., '95-7; Apollo Club, '93-'0O. *STARLING, WILLIAM LEWIS, New Orleans, La. Born, Brandon, Miss., '57; ent., '73; init., '76; med., Starling Med. Coll., Columbus, Ohio, '78-'81; M. D., '81; physician, '81- '84; died, Philadelphia, Penn., 1884. STEGER, JOHN OVERTON, War Dept., Washington, D. C. ' Born, Richmond, Va., '77; ent., '92; init., '97; grnd., '98; asst. engr., C. & O. Ry., '99; asst. enur.. R. P. &'C. Ry., '99-'00; 2d Lieut. Puerto Rican Regt., '00. (Home, 201 E. Franklin St., Richmond, Va.) STEPHENS, JOSEPH SHACKLEFORD, [Jk.,] Natchitoches, La. Born, Natchitoches, La., '60; ent., '77; init., '78; grad., '81; read med., Natchitoches, La., '81-3; med., Univ. of La. andTulane, Univ., '83-5; M. D., '85; physician, '85-'00. 6o BKTA. STEVENS, ALBEET HOWAED, War Dept.,Washiiigton, D.O. Born, Washington, D. C, '77; e'-t., '94; init., '65; Univ. of Ya., '95-6; trans. Lambda, '95; 2d Lieut., 31st U. S. Vol. Inf., '99- '00; served in Philippines. STOCKDELL, HUGH, Je., Lexington, Va. Born, Petersburg, Va., '77; ent., '94; inib., '97; grad., '97; law, Eich. Coll., '98-9; trans. Eta, '98; asst. Prof. Mod. Lang., V. M. I., '99-'00; capt. State engrs. STEATTON, HUGH, 197 Pocahontas St., Dallas, Texas. Born, Hutchins, Tex., '74; ent., '94; init., '95; Univ. of Va., '95-6; trans. Lambda, '95; trav. salesman, '98-'00. STEATTOIST, STUEBEN TAYLOE, Je., Box 397, Dallas, Texas. Born, Dallas, Tex., '76; ent., '94; init., '96; trav. salesman, '97-'00; secy. & treas., Dallas alum. chap. STUBBS, JOHJS" BATOP, Je., War Dept., Washington, D. C. Born, Galveston. Tex., '78; ent., '94; init., '96; cadet, U. S. Mil. Acad., '98-'—. (Home, 238 N. J., ave., Washington, D. C) SULLIVAN, AETHUE EIOHAED, Eome, Ga. Born, Edgefield, S. C, '52; ent., '69; init., '70; dist. grad., '72; asst. Prof. Latin & Tactics, V. M. I., '72-3; post grad. engin- eering course, "72-3; manufacturer, Eome, Ga., '76-'00; presdt. Towers & Sullivan Mfg. Co. SULLIVAN, EEANK ALLISON, Elkton, Ky. Born, Elkton, Ky., '78; ent., '95; init., '99; grad., '99; del. Beta, 20th Conv., '99; law, Columbia Univ., New York, '99-'00. TAYLOE, CLYDE, Lake City, Ela. Born, Lake City, Fla., '— ; ent., '96; init., '00; grad., '00; lumber business, '00. TAYLOE, JAMES DAVIS, Je., War Dept., Washington, D. C. Born, Lake City, Fla., '77; ent., '94; init., '98; grad., '98; 2d Lieut. 20th U. S. Inf , '98-9; served in Philippines; Bat'n Adjt.; 1st Lieut., 24th U. S. Inf., '99-'00. TAYLOE, EICHAED COENELIUS, Norfolk, Va. Born, Norfolk, Va., '73; ent., '90; init., '92; clerk, Marine Bank, '92-'00. TAYLOE, WALTEE HEEEON, Je., Norfolk, Va. Born, Norfolk, Va., '72; ent., '88; init., '92; dist. grad., '92; C. E., '92; 2d Jackson-Hope Med., '92; engr. N. & W. E. E., '92-5; clerk, Burruss, Son & Co., bankers, '95; asst. city engr., '95-'00. TAYLOE, WILLIAM BUENHAM, Bowling Green, Ky. Born, Bowling Green, Ky., '80; ent., '97; Init., '97. TEEEY, JOHN YOUNG, Seattle, Wash. Born, Wytheville, Va., '58; ent., '76; init., '78; grad., '79; Re- ceiver Public Money, Seattle, '94-8; mining, '98-'00. BETA. 6 1 THOMAS, JAMES EOSS, 1029 Myrtle Ave., El Paso, Texas. Born, i^ashville, Tenn., '70; ent., '88; init., '92; 1st dist. grad., '92; 1st Jackson-Hope Medal, '92; C E., '92; draughtsman, El Paso, Tex., '98-'00. THOMPSON, LOUIS STEENEOD, " Brookdale," Red Bank, N. J. Born. Wheeling, AV. Ya., '65; ent., '83; init., '8-1; dist. grad., '87; C. E., 87: Mass. Inst, of Tech., '87-8; foreign travel, '88-9; asst. treas. Nat'l Lend Trust, Is". Y., '89-'92; travelling, '92-6; Pro- prietor Brookdale Stock Farm, '94-'00. THOEXTON, GUSTAYUS BEOWN, Jr., Memphis, Tenn. Born, Memphis, Tenn., '74; ent., '89; init., '93; grad., '93; fire insurance (Greene, Montedonico & Co.), '94-'00. TILGHMAIN^, HENEY ASHE, Salisbury, Ehodesia, So. Af . Born, Stockton, Cal., '72; ent., '88; init., '91; grad., '91; mining engr, Columbia College, iS^. Y., '91-3; mining engr., United Ehodesian Co. TINSLEY, THOMAS, Dunlow, W. Ya. Born, Hanover Co., W. Ya., '74; ent., '91: init., '95: grad., '95; supt. engr., Guyandot Coal Land Assoc, and Mining Coal Co., '97-'00. TODD, JAMES SCOTT, Jr., 322 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '79; ent., '96; init., '97. Stenographer. TUCKEE, IS^ATHAA^IEL BEYEELEY, Lexington, Ya. Born, Winchester, Ya., '67: ent., 85; init., '85; dist. giad., '88; C E., '88; 1st Jaci?son-Hope Medal, '88; post grad. chem., '88-9; B. Sc, '89; adjunct. Prof, chem., geol. and mineralogy, '91-6: Prof. geol. and mineralogy, and asso. Prof. cheuj.,Y. M. 1., '96-'00: colonel, State Engineers. TWIGGS, JOH]S^ DAYID, Jr., 18 West 32d St., ISTew York, N.Y. Born, Summer Hill, S. C, '74; ent., '91; init., '95; grad., '95; Augusta Water Works, '97-8; Captain, 3d U. S. Yol. Inf. (war with Spain), '98-9; served in Cuba. Engineer. TWIGGS, WILLIAM JOED AN, 352 Green St., Augusta, Ga. Born, Summerville, S. C, '76; ent., '92; init., '96; contracting, farming and cattle exporting, '96-'00. TYLEE, JOHN" WEBB, Memphis, Tenn. Born, AVarrenton,Ya., '54; ent., '70: init., '70. Travelling sales- man. *YA:N'CE, WILLIAM DEAE, New Orleans, La. Born , La., '54; ent., '71; init., '73; grad. '75; med., Univ. of La., '75-9; M. D., '79; physician, '79-'81; died, New Orleans, La., '81. YANCE, GEOEGE THOMPSON, Memphis, Tenn. Born, Lexington, Ky., '52; ent.. '70; init., '70; prop. "Fernwood" stock and grazing farm, '84-1900. 62 BETA. VOORHEIS, WILLIAM THOMPSON, 246 Twentv-fifth St., JV^ewport N"ews, Ya. Born, Union City, Tenn., '66; Univ. of Va., '84-6; ent. V. M. I. faculty, '91; init., '92; Instructor of Latin, Y. M. I., '91-9; captain, .State engrs.; lawyer, '99-'00. WAILES, SYD^^EY IRYING, 96 Main St., Potsdam, N. Y. Born, Washington, D. C, '76; ent., '92; init., '93; elect, engr., Clarkson School of Tech., Potsdam, N. Y., '98-'00. (Perma- nent address, care M. B.Wailes, Northport, Long Island, N.Y.) WALKEE, JOHN STEWART, Eichmond, Ya. Born, Kichmond,Ya., '73; ent., '89; init., '90. Clerk, C. & O. Ry. WALKEE, EOGEE ATKINSON PEYOE, Charlottesville, Ya. Born, Petersburg, Ya., '79; ent., '96; init., '00;grad., '00: comdt. Newport News (Ya.) Mil. Acad., 'OO-'Ol. WAED, HENEY, Ghent, Norfolk, Ya. Born, Norfolk, Ya., '78; ent., '98; init., '00. WAEWIOK, PETEE CHEYALLIE, Jr., Box 8, Eichmond, Ya. Born, Eichmond, Ya., '73; ent., '89; init., '93; grad., '93; del. Beta, 17bhConv., '93; asst. engr. survey oyster beds of Va., ,93-7, and '97-9; asst. engr. James Eiver Construction Co., '99-'00. WATKINS, LOUIS CASS, Houston, Ya. Born, , '49; ent., '70; init., '70: valedictorian, class, '74; grad., '74; member Ya. House of Delegates, '88-'90; lawyer, '97-'00. WHITE, CHAELES STUAET, 1504 Douglas Court, Louisville, Ky. Born, Corning, N. Y., '60; ent., '78; init., 79; Louis. & Nash. Ey, '83-1900; motive power clerk. WILLIAMS, EOBEET WITHEES, Eichmond, Ya. Born, Baltimore, Md., '73; 'ent., '92; init., '96; grad., '96; mana- ger stock dept., Stephen Putney & Co., '98-'00. WILLIAMSON, SYDNEY BACON, Kingman, Ala. Born, Lexington, Ya., '65; ent., '80; init., '80; grad., '84; U. S. asst. engr. on Tenn. river, '91-'00; asst. to chief engr., 1st army corps; served in Forto Eico; U. S. asst. engr., Muscle Shoals Canal, Tennessee river. WINSTON, JAMES MEEEIWEATHEE, 933 W. Grace St., Eichmond, Ya. Born, Eichmond, Ya., '80; ent., 96; init., '00; grad., '00. WISE, HUGH DOUGLAS, War Dept., Washington, D. 0. Born, Eichmond, Ya., '71; ent., '87; init., '89; U. S. M. A., '89- '94; grad., '94; 2d Lieut., 9th U. S. Inf., '94-8; 1st Lieut. 9th U. S. Inf., '98-'00; served in Cuba (San Juan and Santiago); recom- mended Brevet-Capt., gallantry at San-Juan; aide-de-camp Brig.-Gen. Douglas, '98; Capt. and asst. Adjt.-Gen., U. S. Yols., '98-9; served withEegt. in Philippines; staif Gen. Jos. Wheeler, '99; Major, 47th U. S. Inf., '99-'00, comdg. 1st Bat'n at Donsol. BETA. 63 WISE, HENEY ALEXANDEE, 20 Broad St., New York, N. Y. Born, Eichmond, Ya., '74; ent., '90; init., '94; valedictorian, '94; grad., '94; N. Y. Law 8c., '94-'96; LL. B., '96; capt., 4th U. S. Vol. Inf. (war with Spain), '98-9; asst. Judge Adv. Gen., 7th army corps; served in Cuba; major 4th U. S. Vol. Inf., '99; lawyer, '96-'00; treas. N. Y. Alum, chapter. WISE, JOH]^ SEEGEANT, Je., 20 Broad St., New York, N. Y. Born, Eichmond, Va., '76; ent., '91; init., '95; grad., '95; N. Y. Law School, '95-7; LL.B., '97; lawyer, Denver, (^olo., '97-8; Judge Advocate, 1st Di v., 7th Army Corps, '98; lawyer, New York, '99-'00. WOETHINGTON, LYOUEGUS JOHNSON, Leon Eanche, San Antonio, Texas. Born. Lnke Port, Ark., '78; ent., '94; init., '97; grad. Nelson's Business College, Memphis, Tenn., '98; asst. mgr., cotton plan- tation, Hampton, Miss., '98-9; ranching, '99-'00. WEIGHT, MOOEHEAD, 622 W. Markham St., Little Eock, Ark. Born, Little Eock, Ark., '72; ent., '88; init., '92; grad., 92; Treas. The S. J. Johnson Co., Bankers, etc., '99-'00. YOUNG, WILLIAM GEEEN, Hampton, Va. Born, Warwick Co., Va., '59; ent., '76; init., '76; trans. Lambda, '77; Univ. of Va., '77-'78; grad. pharmacy, etc., '78. Pharmacist. ZIMMEE, WILLIAM LOUIS, Jr., Box 92, Petersburg, Va. Born, Petersburg. Va., '79; ent., '95; init., '99; grad., '99;Zimmer & Co.. tobacco mfrs., '99-'00. Initiates, 255; transfers, 6; total, 261; lost by transfer, 39; dead, 15; expelled, L UNIVERSITY or GEORGIA, ATHENS, GA. Chartered in 1785. Reorganized as State University in 1872. FRATERNITIES : j Mystical Seven, 1844-'59. Sigma Chi, 1872-'75. i United with BetaThetaPi,'89. Phi Gamma Delta, 187l-'91. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1866- Sigma Nu, 1873. Chi Phi, 1867. Alpha Tau Omega, 1878. Kappa Alpha, 1868. Delta Tau Delta. 1882. Phi Delta Theta, 1871. Chi Psi, 1890. GAMMA CHAPTER. Charted Members:— W. W. Collins (Alpha), H. W. Woodruff, J. C. McMichael, R. T. Barksdale and T.R. Lyon. Founder:— W. W. Collins (Alpha). The Chaptei- was established April 6, 1868 under a warrant from S. Z. Ammen, presiding officer ot Alpha, and in due time a manu- script charter was issued by him. The printed charter, now in existence, and bearing date June 21, 1872, was issued by W. W. Collins, K. C. (printed charters being similarly issued to all chapters then in existence.) (xamma was the governing chapter in l872-'73, and yielded her power as such to the Convention, July 30, 1873. Members of Gamma Chapter ABBOTT, SAMUEL KENDRICK, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '77; ent., '93; init., '93; LL.B., '97. Lawyer. *ADAIR, ROBIN, 441 Peters st, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '59;. ent., '75; init., '76; real estate agent. Died, 1891. ADAMS, JOHN MELL, (Augusta, Ga.) Born, Augusta, Ga., — ; ent., '70; init., '70. GAMMA. 65 AKm, PAUL FRANCIS, Cartersville, Ga. Born, Cartersville, Ga., '78; ent., '95; init., '95. ALEXANDER, JAMES FRANKLIN, 110 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '79; ent., '96;. init., '96. AMIS, FRANKLIN JOSEPHUS, Welcome, Ga. Born iiearNewnan, Ga., '54; ent., '71; init., '71; treas. 4tli conv.; B. S. '75. Minister and Farmer. ANGIER, EDGAR AUSTIN, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '51; ent., '69; init., '69. Lawyer and U. S. District Attorney. ARMISTEAD, WILLIAM THOMAS, Jefferson, Texas. Born, Oglethorpe Co., Ga., '48; ent., '68; init., '68; U. S. Senator from Texas. Lawyer. ATKINSON, JOSEPH ELLIS, Newnan, Ga. Born, Senoia, Ga., — ; ent., '76; init., '76. AYARY, ROBERT EDWARD LEE, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Decatur, Ga.. '65; ent., '89; init., (Epsilon), '82; A.B. (Em- ory,) '86; trans, from Epsilon, '89. Lawyer. AXSON, [ISAAC] STOCKTON [KEITH], Princeton, N. J. Born, Rome, Ga., '67; ent., '88; init. (Sigma), '84; trans, from Sigma, '88; (I.) '88; A.B.; A.M.; Prof. English, Princeton Univ. AYCOCK, JOSEPH AMIS, Carrollton, Ga. Born, LaFayette, Ga., '52; ent., '70; init., '70; A.B., '73; v. pres. & gen'l manager of Carrollton Oil Mills, Mandeville Cotton Mills. Manufacturer. BAKER, JESSE ALBERT, McLoud, Ok. Ter. Born, Bartow Co.. Ga., '53; ent., '72; init., '74; A.B., LL. B. Lawyer and Ranchman. BALLINGER, ELBERT WOODFIN, Griffin, Ga. Born, , S. C, '47; ent., '72; init., '72; iM.E.,'77; prin. Piedmont Inst., '95. Minister M. E. C. S. *BARKSDALE, ROBERT TOOMBS, Barnett, Ga. Ent., '68; init., '68; A.B. '72. Lawyer. Died, — ? BARROW, THOMAS AUGUSTUS, Pelham, Ga. Born. Decatur Co., Ga., '83; ent., '00; init., '00. Student. BASINGER, THOMAS GARNETT, Washington, D. C. Born, Savannah, Ga., '76; ent., '94; init., '94; B. E. "98. Civil Engineer with U. S. Geol. Surv. BASINGER, WALTER GARNETT, Athens, Ga. Born, Savannah, Ga., '79; ent., '94; init., '94. *BEANE, ALPHEUS CROSBY, Je., Athens, Ga. Born, Augusta, Ga., — ; ent., '83; init., '83; died, '84. Book- keeper. 66 GAMMA. *BEAED, EDWARD CALHOUN", Birmingham, Ala. Born, Huntsville, Ala., '70; ent., '87; init., '87; died, '94. BENEDICT, EAVAUD, Athens, Ga. Born, Athens, Ga., — ; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. BENEDICT, SAMUEL CALDWELL, Athens, Ga. Born, Hartford, Conn., '55; ent., '82; init., '82; Prof., Med. Juris- prudence, Univ. of Ga.; Pres. Ga. State Med. Ass'n. Physician. BEENAED, JEAN LEON PAUL, 8 Eue Crevaux, New Paris, France. Born, Paris, France, '79; ent., 97; init., '97. BIBB, WILLIAM GEOEGE, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Montgomery, Ala., '54; ent., '70; init-, '70; trans, to Lambda, '76; Prof, in Tenn. Med. Col. Physician. BLACK, JAMES CEOSS CONQUEST, Jk., Augusta, Ga. Born, Augusta, Ga., '73; ent., '91; init., '91; trans, to Alpha '94. Lawyer. BLACK, SEWELL WILLIFOED, 26 Cortlandt st, N. Y. City. Born, Columbus, Ga., '76; ent., '96; init., '96; with Bell Tele- phone Co. BLACKSHEAE, AECHIBALD BAKEE, Athens, Ga. Born, Augusta, Ga., '77; ent , '96; init., '96; A. B.; LL.B., '00; (I.) '99-'00. Lawyer. BLOOMFIELD, JAMES CAMACK, Athens, Ga. Born, Athens, Ga., '64; ent., '83; init., '83; A. B. '87. Physician. BONDUEANT, EMMET JOPLIN, Athens, Ga. Born, Augusta, Ga., — ; ent., '85; init., '85. Hardware merchant. BONNELL, WILLIAM BEAMWELL, Macon, Ga. Born, Athens, Ga., '47; ent., '66; init., '68; A. B., '69; A.M.,Prest. Masonic Female Col., Covington, Ga., '84; Missionary to China, '84-95; Prof. Nat. Science, Wesleyan Female College, '95-'00. Minister and Teacher. BOWEE, BYEON BEAUFOET, Jr., Bainferidge, Ga. Born, Bainbridge, Ga., '74; ent., '90; init., '90; member Ga. Leg- islature, '98-9; Trustee Univ. of Ga., '00. Lawyer. BOWEE, GEOEGE GOEDON, Bainbridge, Ga. Born, Bainbridge, Ga., '79; ent., '94; init., '95; (I.) '97; del. special con v., '98. Law student. BOYD, JOSEPH DAVID, Griffin, Ga. Born, Griffin, Ga., '75; ent., '94; init., (Epsilon) '92; trans, from Epsilon, '94; LL. B., '96. Lawyer. BEINSON, EDWAED LOEEAINE, Waynesboro, Ga. Born, Millen, Ga., — ; ent., '71; init., '72; A. B., '77; State Sena- tor. Lawyer. GAMMA. 67 . BEOUGHTON, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Madison, Ga. Born. Newbern, Ga., '50; ent. '68; init., '68; A. B., LL.B.; vice- prest. 1st conv., State Senator 28tli dist. Lawyer and Planter. BROWN, HENRY CROWLEY, 311 Centre st, Augusta, Ga. Born, Augusta, Ga., '75; ent. '91; init., '91 (1.) '93; C. E., '94. Bookkeeper. BROWNE, RHODES, Columbus, Ga. Born, Columbus, Ga., '65; ent., '82; init., '82;-(l.) '84. Insurance. BUCHANAN, EDWARD STOREY, Newnan, Ga. Born, Newnan, Ga., '52; ent., '70; init., '70. Merchant. BUCHANAN, HUGH MALCOLM, Newnan, Ga. Born, Newnan, Ga., '59; ent., '76; init., '76. Calif. State Asylum for Insane. *BUCHANAN, JOHN THOMPSON, Anderson, Tex. Born, Harris Co., Ga., '52; ent., '71; init., '71; U. S. District At- torney, and State Senator. Died, '81. BULLOCK, FLOYD DRAKE, Columbus, Ga. Born, Columbus, Ga., '78; ent., '97; init., '97. BURUM, HENRY PERCY, Augusta, Ga. Born, Augusta, Ga., '70; ent. '88; init., '88. Merchant. BUTLER, ROBERT MANNING, Savannah, Ga. Born, Savannah, Ga., '74; ent., '91; init., '91; A.B. '95. Cotton business. CALLOWAY, ENOCH HOWARD, Augusta, Ga. Born, Wilkes Co., Ga., '62; ent., '79; init., '79; A.B. , '83. Lawyer. CALLOWAY, FRANK ERWIN, Pryor & Hunter Sts., Atlanta, Ga. Born, West Point, Ga., '70; ent., '87; init., '87; del. 15th Conv., '89; A. B., Ph. B., A. M. Lawyer. CALLOWAY, JAMES POPE, La Grange, Ga. Born, La Grange, Ga., '76; ent., '94; init., '95. Journalist. CANDLER, CHARLES MURPHY, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Decatur, Ga., '58; ent., '75; init., '76. Cotton manufacturer. *CANDLER, MILTON ANTHONY, Je., Decatur, Ga. Born, Decatur, Ga., '61; ent., '79; init., '79; died, '93. Fertilizer manufacturer. CANDLER, SAMUEL CHARLES, Los Angeles, Cal. Born, Decatur, Ga., '59; ent., '77; init., 77. City sales agent. Pa- cific Const Biscuit Co. CARTER, JEFFERSON WASTHEN. Born, Savannah, Ga., — ; ent., '82; init., '82. Lawyer. CARY, THOMAS DYER, Augusta, Ga. Born, Putnam, Ct., '— ; ent., '99; init., '99; LL. B., '00. Lawyer. 68 GAMMA. CASE, GEOEGE DANIEL, Milledgeville, Ga. Born, Milledgeville, Ga., '56; ent., '73; init., '73; A. B., '75. Pharmacist. CHAPPELL, LUCIUS HENKY, 1430 Third Ave., Columbus, Ga. Born, Bibb Co., Ga.: '53; ent., '70; init., '71; A.B.,'74; mayor of Columbus, '97-'01. Teacher. CHAPPELL, THOMAS JEFFEESON, Columbus, Ga. Born,«Macon, Ga., ' — ; ent., '68; init.; '69; member Ga. Leg. '84-7 and '98-9. Lawyer. CHAELTON, HEEMAN AVEEILL, Savannah, Ga. Born, Savannah, Ga., — ; ent., '82; init., '82. Bank Cashier. CHISHOLM, WALTEE SCOTT, Jk., Savannah, Ga. Born, Savannah, Ga., "67; ent., '85; init. (Beta), '83; trans, from Beta, '85. Lawyer. *CHEISTIAN, JAMES OSBOENE, White Sulphur Spgs., Ga. Born, Meriwether Co., Ga., '43; ent., '67; init., '68. Merchant and tax collector; killed, '84, at Chipley, Ga. *CLAEKE, DAVID THOMAS, Athens, Ga. Born, Griffin, Ga., '74; ent., '93; init., '93; died, '96. CLAYTON, [AUGUSTUS] SMITH, Atlanta, Ga. Ent., '72; init. (Theta prime), '70; trans, from Theta prime, '72. With Atlanta Journal. COATES, JESSE, Baltimore, Md. Born, Baltimore, Md., '70; ent., '88; init., '89; B. E., '90; Fellow, Univ. of Ga., '91. Electrical Engineer. COBB, ANDEEW JACKSO]^r, Athens, Ga. Born, Athens, Ga., '57; ent., '72; init., '72; A. B,, '76; LL. B., '81; Asso. Justice Supreme Court of Ga., '97-'03. COILE, WILLIAM MAEION, Winterville, Ga. Born, Madison Co., Ga., '54; ent., '76; init., '77; A. B., '81. Bap- tist minister. *COLLEY, AECHILAUS EOBEET, Washington, Ga. Ent.. '72; init., '72. Died, '74. COLLINS, A¥ILLIAM WILSON, Macon, Ga. Born, Macon Co., Ga.,— ; ent., '68; Init. (Alpha) '67; trans, from from Alpha, '68; founder and charter member of Gamma; K. C, '73-'4. Real Estate Agent. COMEE, HUGH MASS, Savannah, Ga. Born, Savannah, Ga., ' — ; ent., '86; A. B., '90. Cotton factor. *CONE, EICHAED WAETHEN, Sandersville, Ga. Ent., '71; init., '71; A.B., '75; died, '92. Lawyer. CONYEES, BENNETT JONES, Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Perry, Ga., '— ; ent., '82; init., '82; First Honor, '84; A.M.; K. V. 3rd Commandery '83-5. Attorney. GAMMA. 69 CONYEES, SAMUEL THOMPSON, Atlanta, Ga. Ent., '84; Init., '84. COOK, HENRY HATOHETT, Ft. Gaines, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '79; ent., '96; init., (Nu) '95; trans, from Nu, '96. COOPER, HOUSTON FRANKLIN, Selma, Ala. Born, Autauga Co., Ala., '68; ent., '88; init. (Nu), '87; trans, from Nu,'88; B. E., '90. Cashier Banls of Selma. COOPER, HUNTER POPE, 29 Luckie St., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '60; ent., '76; init., '76; treas. Eighth K. A. Conv., trans, to Lambda, 77; M. D. (Columbia, N. Y.), '83; Surgeon Grady Hosp. and Prof. Anat. & Surg.; Atlanta Coll. P. & S. Physician and Surgeon. COOPER, THOMAS LACKINGTON, Decatur, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '58; ent., '75; init., '76. Farmer. COPE, JAMES CARROLL, Savannah, Ga. Born, Savannah, Ga., '65; ent., '82; init., '82. Broker. CRANE, WILLIAM HENRY, 105 Gordon St.,W., Savannah, Ga. Born, Savannah, Ga., '67; ent., '83; init., '83. Clerk, with C. S. Montague & Co. DANIEL, JOHN W — -, 102 Henry St., E., Savannah, Ga. Born, Burke Co., Ga., '68; ent., '85; init., '85; (I.) '87-8; del. 14th conv. '87; B. E. '89; M. D. '96. Physician. DANIEL, JAMES ZACHARIAH, Augusta, Ga. Born, Augusta, Ga., '70; ent., '87; init., '87. DAYIS, ARTHUR WEBSTER, (Birmingham, Ala.) Born, Atlanta, Ga., '58; ent., '74; init., (Theta prime) '72; A. B. trans, from Theta prime, '74. DAVIS, EDWIN, Gainesville, Ga. Born, Greensboro, Ga., '72; ent., '91; init., '92; del. 17th conven- tion '93; member Electoral Commission, '93-7; A. B. '94. DAVIS, JOHN ADRIAN, Je., Albany, Ga. Born, Cuthbert, Ga., '78; ent., '94; init., '94. Journalist. DAVIS, MACON CRAWFORD, , Cal. Born, Newnan, Ga., — ; ent., '69; init., '70; A. B., '73; LL.B.; for- merly lawyer in Montgomery, Ala. DENNIS, MICHAEL BENJAMIN, Eatonton, Ga. Born, Eatonton, Ga., '52; ent., '71; init., '71; Supt. Public Schools, Putnam Co. DENNIS, WILLIAM WALTER, Lynchburg, Va. Born, Eatonton Ga., — ; ent., '83; init., '83. Com. Traveler. DICKra SON, HENRY GRIMES, Laredo, Tex. Born, Albany, Ga., '55; ent , '72; init., '72; A. B., '74; del. 6th conv. Lawyer. 70 GAMMA. DONALSON, EARLE MELDEIM, Bainbridge, Ga. Born, Bainbridge, Gra., '79; ent., '96; inir., '96. DORSET, HUGH MANSON, 171 Capitol Aye., Atlanta, Ga. Born Fayetteville. Ga., '71; ent., '89; init., '89; trans, to Lambda '93; del. to 16tli conv. (I.) '92-3; A. B., '93. Lawyer. *DOSTOR, BEl^JAMIN ROBERT, Je., Blakely, Ga. Born, Blakely, Ga., '73; ent., '90; init., '90; M. D. (Jefferson Med. Col.), '95; died, '99. Physician. tcfoo *D0WDELL, WILLIAM A., (Columbus, Ga^ Born, Columbus, Ga., — ; ent. '71; init., '71. ^4-ou^^^,^^, t^-au DOWNING, HUGH URQUHART, Box 36, Columbus, Ga. Born, Summerville, Ala., '67; ent., '86; init., '86. Lawyer. DREWRY, JOSEPH HERNDOJST, Griffin, Ga. Born, Griffin, Ga., '69; ent., '89; init., (Kappa) '86; trans, from Kappa, '89; LL.B., '90. Manufacturer. DuBOSE, CHARLES WELBORN, Athens, Ga. Born, Warrenton, Ga., '78; ent., '97; init., '97. Coal dealer. DuBOSE, MARION DERELLE, Athens, Ga. Born, Warrenton, Ga., '78; ent. '93; init., '96. Student at Princeton. DuBOSE, ROBERT TOOMBS, Athens, Ga. Born, Washington, Ga., — ; ent., '76; init., '76; A. B., '81. Min- ister. DUNBAR, AMORY SIBLEY, Augusta, Ga. Born, Augusta, Ga., '78; ent., '97; init., '97. EDWARDS, JAMES MORDECAI, 33 Wall St., New York City. Born, Oglethorpe Co., Ga., '49; ent., '66; init., '68; A. B., '72; C. E. Banlier. ELDER, JOHN OLIETON, Barnesville, Ga. Born, Barnesville, Ga., '75; ent., '99; init., (Epsilon) '93; trans, from Epsilon, '99; (I.) '99-'01; A. B., A. M., (Emory.) Law Student. ELDRIDGE, GEORGE MORGAN. Born, Americus, Ga., — ; ent., '81; init., '81; B.Ph., C. E. ERAVIN, MARION, Macon, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., — ; ent., '74; init., '74 C. E.; Asst. U. S. Dis- trict Attorney. Lawyer. EVERETT, HENRY BASCOM, Bonner, Tex. Ent., '73; init., '73; LL. B. Farmer. EZELL, PERCY POWELL, Eatonton, Ga. Born, Eatonton, Ga., '73; ent., '92; init., '92. Merchant. FANNIN, COLEMAN FERRELL, Tallassee, Ala. Born, La Grange, Ga,, '61; ent., '79; init., '81; B. Sc, '82. Civil Engineer. GAMMA. 71 FAEBEE, OHAELES M. Ent., '83; init., '83. *EIELDEE, IDUS LAFAYETTE, Silver City, New Mex. Born, Cedartown, Ga., '53; ent., "73; init. (Epsilon), '69; trans, from Epsilon, '73. Lawyer. Died, '92. FINNEGAN, BENJAMIN EDWAED CEEGAN, Hampton, Va. Born, Ballentaggart, Ireland, '74; ent., '99; init., '99; A. B., '00. Secy. Y. M. C. A., Hampton, Ya. FLEMING, CLAUDE ANDEESON, Augusta, Ga. Born, Augusta, Ga., '76; ent., '92; init., '92. FLEMING, EDWAED CLAYTON, 834 Greene St., Augusta, Ga. Born, Augusta, Ga., '70; ent., '86; init., '86; B. E., '89; Govern- ment Inspector of Savannah Biver. Cotton factor. FLIESS, EOBEET ANTON, 201 W. 55tli St., New York City. Born, Augusta, Ga., '73; ent., '92; init., '92; E. E. (Columbia Univ.), '99. Electrical Engineer. FLOYD, CHAELES HENEY BOUEKE, Apalachicola, Fla. Born, Apalachicola, Fla., '76; ent., '92; init., '92. Lnwyer. FOEEMAN, EOBEET LANGDON, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Washington, Ga., '67; ent., '85; init., '85; (1.) '86; Ph. B., '87. Insurance. FOSTEE, STEWAET FLOYD, Madison, Ga. Born, Madison, Ga., '74; ent., '97; init., '97. Cotton buyer. FOWLEE, FLEMING BAILEY, Griffin, Ga. Born, Griffin, Ga., '80; ent., '96; init., '96. FOY, EDWAED JACKSON, Egypt, Gla. Born, Effingham Co.. Ga., '63; ent., '82; init. (Kappa), '80; trans, from Kappa, '82. Manufacturer. FOY, WASHINGTON MANASSA, Statesboro, Ga. Born, Effingham Co., Ga., '62; ent., '82; init. (Kappa), '81; trans, from Kappa, '82. Turpentine business. FEEDEEICK, FELDEE JOHN, Marshall ville, Ga. . Born, Marshallville, Ga., '62; ent., '83; init. (Pi prime) '81; trans, from Pi prime, '83. Merchant and farmer. FEOST, WILLIAM FEANCIS, Prattville, Ala. Ent., '81; init., '81. Merchant. GAMBLE, EOGEE LAWSON, Jr., Louisville, Ga. Born, Louisville, Ga., '51; ent., '69; init., '69; lawyer and Judge Superior Court, Middle Circuit. GAELINGTON, EENEST ALBEET, U. S. Army. Born, Newberry, S. C, '53; ent., '69; init., '70; A. M., '76. U. S. Army officer in Phillippines. 72 GAMMA. GAKRAED, WILLIAM THOMAS, Eatonton, Ga. Born, Putnam Co., Ga., '63; ent., '83; init. (Kappa), '81; trans, from Kappa, '83; A. B., '84. Merchant and farmer. fGEORGE, JAMES FEANK, , Ga. Ent., '73; init., '73. Expelled before '78. GEEDINE, JOSEPH LUMPKIN, Orange St., Macon, Ga. Born, Pickens Co., Ala., '70; ent., '85; init., '85. Lawyer. GLENN, GUSTAVUS EIOHAED, Capitol Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Jackson Co., Ga., '48; ent., '68; A.B., A. M., '72; LL. D. (U. of Tenn). State School Commissioner. *GLENN, HOWELL COBB, New York City. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '50; ent., '69; init., '69; del. to 4th Conv.; LL. B.; died. New York City, '91. Lawyer. GLENN, LUTHEE JUDSON, 22 Carlton Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '58; ent., '76; init., '76. Lawyer. GOODEICH, WILLIAM HENEY, Augusta, Ga. Born, Augusta, Ga., '73; ent., '90; init., '90. Physician. GOEDON, EEANK, Kirkwood, Ga. Born, La Grange, Ga., '58; ent., '75; init., '75; major 3d U. S. Vol. Inf., '98-9. Lecturer. GOEDON, HUGH HAEALSON, "Beechwood," Eeynolds, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '55; ent., '72; init., '72; (I.). Life Insurance, planter and fruit grower. *GOSS, JESSE MELANCTHON, Jefferson, Texas. Ent., '69; init., '69. Lawyer. Died, Brenham, Tex., before '78. GEAVES, JOHN TEMPLE, College Park, Ga. Born, Abbeville, 8. C, ent., '71; init., '71.; A. B., '76; riel.to8th Convention; Pres. 8th and 11th Conventions; G. H., '77-'81;K. C, '81. Journalist and Orator. GEEEN, THOMAS EITZGEEALD, Athens, Ga. Born, Milledgeville, Ga., '69; ent., '85; init., '86; A.B.; LL. B., '90. Lawyer. GEOOVEE, DANIEL EAWLS, Je., Statesboro, Ga. Born, Areola, Ga., '79; ent., '96; init., '96. Cotton business. HALL, JOHN ELLSWOETH, Macon, Ga. Born, Griffin, Ga., '76; ent., '99; init. (Epsilon), '92; A. B. (Em- ory); trans, from Epsilon, '99; LL. B., with 1st honor. Lawyer. HALL, MANSEIELD PLINY, Jackson, Ga. Born, Griffin, Ga., '71; ent., '94; init., (Epsilon), '92; trans, from Epsilon, '94; (I.) '95; LL. B., '96. Lawyer. HAMMOND, THEODOEE AUGUSTUS, 659 Piedmont Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Griffin, Ga., '61; ent., 77; init., 78; A. B., '80. Lawyer. GAMMA. 73 HAMMOND, WALTER JOXES, Thomasville, Ga. Born, Thomasville, Ga., '78; eat., '96; init.. '96; A. B., *00. Stu- dent. HAJS^D, JUDS0:N' LAREABEE, Pelham, Ga. Born, , Ga., — ; ent., — ; Init., '71; A. B. Com. Merchant. HAEDEE, EOBEET EEWIX, Griffin, Ga. Born, Savannah, Ga., '68; ent., '86; init., '86; trans, to Lambda, '87. Photographer. HAEDEMAN, BEXJAMIN EEAXKLIN", Athens, Ga. Born, Washington, Ga., '69; ent., '86; init., '86; B.Ph., '89. Cot- ton manufacturer. HAEDEMAN, J0H:N^ LUMSDEIST, 566 Mulberry St., Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '51; ent., '68; init., '68; del. and sec'y 2d con v.; prest. 4th conv.; organized Kappa, '73; K. C. '73-5, and '98-'01; revised Eitual and Constitution '74; edited 1st and 2d Catalogues, '73-5, and 7th and 8th Annual Catalogues, *98-9; elected K. C H., '93; Solicitor General Bibb Co., '76-9; Sol. Gen. Macon circuit, '80-9; member of Ga. Legislature '89; Judge Superior Court, '95-6; Bibb Co. Attorney, '94-7. Lawyer. HAEDEMAN, THOMAS, Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '80; ent., '97; init., '97. HAEEmGTOJST, ALFEED ELOUENOY, 117 W. lath St., N'ew York City. Born, West Point, Ga., '71; ent., '88; init., '88; B.Ph., 90; A. B., M. D. Physician. HAEEINGTON, EEAl^K TEAMMEL, 71 Broadway, New York City. Born, West Point, Ga., '76; ent., '92; init., '92; trans, to Beta. '93. Bank clerk. HAEEINGTON, JOHN MADISON, [Jr.,] 33 Wall St., New York City. Born, West Point, Ga., '74; ent., '91; init., '91; A.B., '95; LL.B., (cum laude), N. Y. Law School, '97. Lawyer. *HAEEIS, FEANKLIN HAEDEMAN, Cartersville, Ga. Born, , — ; ent., '68; init., '68; died, '88. Civil Engr. HAEEIS, JAMES AVATKINS, Je., Cartersville, Ga. Born, Cartersville, Ga., '53; ent., '68; init., '69; trans. toEpsilon, '70; A. B., (Emory) '73; Judge of City Court. Lawyer. HAEEIS, LUCIUS LAMAE, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '79; ent., '86; init., '96. HAEEIS, STEVE THOMAS, Carrolton, Ga. Born, Carrolton, Ga., '72; ent., '90; init., '90. *HAEEIS, THOMAS WILLIS HAMILTON, Eome, Ga. Born, Cartersville. Ga., '56; ent., '74. init. (Epsilon) '72; trans* from Epsilon, '74; LL.B.; died, 1893. Lawyer. 74 GAMMA. HARRIS, WILLIAM JULIUS, Oedartown, Ga. Born, Cedartown, Ga., '68; ent., '88; init., '88. HARRISON, EDWARD SULLIVAN, Thomson, Ga. Born, Columbia Co., Ga., '50; ent., '68; init., '68; M. D. Physician. *HARTRIDGE, GAZA WAY, 141 Broadway, New York City. Born, Savannah, Ga., '59; ent., '75; init., '75; A. B., '78; A. B., (Princeton) '79; member Ga. Legislature, '84-5, and '90-2; editor Savannah Press, '85-90; Insurance, '92-'00; Supt. of Agencies U. S. Casualty Co. Died, New York City, '00. HARWELL, WILLIAM ERANKLIN, Spring Garden, Ala. Born, West Point, Ga., '68: ent., 88; init., '88; (1.); A. M., '92. Teacher. HERTY, CHARLES HOLMES, Athens, Ga. Born, Milledgeville, Ga., '67; ent., '84; init., '84; B.Ph., '86; Ph. D., '90. Instructor in Chemistry, Univ. of Ga. HERTY, ERANK JAMES, ' Savannah, Ga. Born, Milledgeville, Ga., '72; ent., '90; init., '90. HEWLETT, SAMUEL DUNBAR, Savannah, Ga. Born, Barnesville, Ga., '78; ent., '99; init., '99. Teacher. HIGHTOWER, THOMAS D., (Lumpkin, Ga.) Born, Lumpkin, Ga., — ; ent., '72; init., '73. Lawyer. HILL, WALTER CLAY, Monticello, Ga. Born, Monticello, Ga., '80; ent., '97; init., '99. Insurance, (firm of H. C. Hill & Son.) HINTON, WILLIAM BENAJAH, Kissimmee, Fla. Born, Greenville, Ga., '50; ent., '70; init., 70; LL. B., '71; A. B., 75. Lawyer, and Co. Supt. Public Instruction. HODGE, MARCUS TAYLOR, Hawkinsville, Ga. Born, Houston Co., Ga., '--; ent., '71; init., '71; A.B., '75; twice mayor of Hawkinsville; member Ga. Legislature; memberGa. State Senate. Lawyer. *HODGE, RUFUS MICHAEL, Hawkinsville, Ga. Born, Houston, Co.. Ga., '— ; ent., '94; init., '64; A.B. Died, '85. HODGSON, CHARLES NEAL, Athens, Ga. Born, Bairdstown, Ga., '73; ent., '89; init., '89. Grocer. HODGSON, EDWARD REGINALD, Jr., Athens, Ga. Born, Athens, Ga., '71; ent., '89; init., '89. Cotton business. HODGSON, FREDERICK GRADY, Athens, Ga. Born, Athens, Ga.. '78; ent., '94; init., '94. Medical Student. Columbia Coll., N. Y. HODGSON, HARRY, Athens, Ga. Born, Athens, Ga., '74; ent., '89; inii.., '89. Cotton business. HODGSON, WALTER BLENSHALL, Athens, Ga. Born, Athens, Ga., '83; ent., '99., init., '99. Student. GAMMA. 75 HOWELL, ALBEET, Je., Kiser Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '68: ent., '82; init., '82; trans, to Beta, '83; gnid. Y. M. I., '86; retrans. to Gamma, '87; LL. B., '88. Law- yer. HOWELL, CLARK, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Erwinton, S. C, '63; ent., '81; init., '81; grad., '83; del. to 12th K. A. Conv.; editor Atlanta Constitution. Journalist. HUFF, JAMES BEXJAMIX, Columbus, Ga. Born, Columbus, Ga , '81; ent., '97; init., '97. HUFF, THOMAS DAXIEL, Columbus, Ga. Born, Cassetta. Ga., ' — ; ent., '69; init., '69; vice president 4tli K. A. Conv., '73; (I.) '73. HUFF, THOMAS SALISBURY, Columbus, Ga. Born, Columbus, Ga., '79; ent., '97; init., '97. HUGULEY, WILLIAM THOMAS, West Point, Ga. Born. Chambers Co., Ala.', 57; ent., '72; init., '72; secy 8th Conv. ; A.B., '75. Lawyer and cotton manufacturer. *HULL, ASBURY, Jr., Savannah, Ga. Born, Savannah, Ga., — ; ent., '82; init., '82; B. Sc, '85: (1.) '85; died, '88. HUTCHINGS, RICHARD HEK^RY, Ogdensburg, K Y. Born, Clinton, Ga., '69; ent., '87; iuit., '87; M. D., (Bellevue) '91; Physician, at St. Lawrence State Hospital. JOHNSON, ALLEN FLETCHER, West Point, Ga. Born, West Point, Ga., '68; ent., '87; init., '87; (I.) '89; Ph.B., '90; member K. A. Board of Directors, '8^-'91. Booli:lieeper. JOHNSON, MIDDLETON SAMUEL, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Lexington, Ga., '81; ent., '00; init., '00. Student. JONES, ARTHUR CLARENCE, 125 W. 136tli St., New York, N. Y. Born, New Yorlr, N. Y., '78; ent., '97; init., '97; student at Princeton. JONES, FRANCIS STANDIFER, Blakely, Ga. Born, Blakely, Ga , '76; ent., '95; init., (Kappa) '91; trans, from Kappa, '95. Asst. Banli Cashier. JONES, GEORGE FENWICK NOBLE, Savannah, Ga. Born, Savannah, Oa., '74; ent., '90; init., '90; trans, to Lambda, '92; re-trans, to Gamma, '94; LL.B., '96. Law^yer. JONES, THOMAS JEFFERSON, Logansville, Ga. Ent., '68; init., '68. Physician. JORDAN, STEPHEN, ' Sandersville, Ga. Born, Oconee, Ga., — ; ent., '63; init., '68. Lawyer. KELLY, ELMO CLYDE, Monticello, Ga. Born, Monticello, Ga., '83; ent., '99; init., '99; acting C H., '99- '00: C. H.. 'OO-'Ol. Student. 76 GAMMA. KIEBY, JOSEPH TOLLESON, Newnan, Ga. Born, Newnan, Ga., '56; ent., "72; init., '72. Planter. KONTZ, ERNEST CHARLES, 4 Kimball si, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Washington, D. C, '65; ent., '84; init., '84; Ph.B., '87; LL.B., '89; v.-pres., 18th conv. Lawyer. KRENSON, CAMPBELL McDONALD, Savannah, Ga. Born, Savannah, Ga., '84; ent., '99; init., '00. Student. LAMAR, GEORGE WRAGG, [Jr.] Quincy, Ela. Born, Savannah, Ga., '66; ent., '82; Init., '82; B. Sc, '86; M. D., '88. Physician. *LAMAR, JOHN WRAGG, Savannah, Ga. Born, Savannah, Ga., '68; ent., '84; init., '84; led Freshman class, '84; died, '87. LAMAR, ROBERT LEE, Savannah, Ga. Born, Savannah, Ga., '70; ent., '87; init., '87. Dentist. LAMAR, WILLIAM BAILEY, Tallahassee, Ela. Born, Jefferson Co., Fla., '83; ent., '70; init., '70; del. 4th conv. Lawyer, and Attorney General of Florida. LAMB, JAMES HALL, Jr., Jacksonville, Fla. Born, Deland, Fla., '65; ent., '88; init., (Alpha-Alpha), '85;tnms. to Gamma, '88; LL. B., '89. Lawyer. LANE, JULIAN REESE, 825 Orange St., Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga , '72; ent., '89; init., (Kappa), '87; trans, from Kappa, '89; Gen. Mgr., M. & B. Ry. Machinist. *LANG, JOHN HALL. Born, Manchester, Eng., — ; ent., '82; init., '82 ;died, '86. Manu- facturer. LANG, SAMUEL JAMES WELSBY, Macon, Ga. Born, Manchester, Eng., — ; ent., '83; init., '83: With Armory Knitting Mills. LANIER, DAMON THEODORE, Atlanta, Ga. Born, West Point, Ga., '77; ent., '94; init., '94. Bookkeeper. LANIER, FORTUNE, West Point, Ga. Born, West Point, Ga., '76; ent., '91; trans. toUpsilon '94. Banker. LAWTON, ALEXANDER RUDOLPH, Jr., Savannah, Ga. Born, Savannah, Ga., '58; ent., '76; init., '76; trans, to Lambda, '78; del. to 8th Conv. Lawyer. LOVELL, EDWARD FRANCIS, Jr., Savannah, Ga. Born, Savannah, Ga., '72; ent., '87; init., '87. Merchant. LOYLESS, DONALD ANDERSON, Macon, Ga. Born, Cartersville, Ga., '72; ent., '98; init., '98; del. 20th Conv., LL B., '99. Lawyer. LUMPKIN, JOSEPH HENRY, Atlanta, Ga. Ent., '71; init., '71; A. B.; Judge Superior Court, Atlanta Dist. Lawyer. GAMMA. 77 LYNDON, EDWARD, Newnan, Ga. Born, ISTewnan, Ga., '77; ent., '95; init., '95. *LYON, THOMAS RLTFUS, Camilla, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '49; ent., '68; init., charter member, '68; law- yer. Died, '82. McCAEREL, ARTHUR HICKS, 131 Greene st., Augusta, Ga. Born, Charleston, S. C, '69; ent., '85; init., '85; B. K.. '88; Civil Engr., with Aiken Mfg. Co., of Bath, S. C. McCURRY, JULIAN BERRY, Hartwell, Ga. Born, Hartwell, Ga., '79; ent., '97; (I.) '98-9; del. 20th Conv. Lawyer. MacDOUGALD, WILLI A.M ALEXANDER, Columbus, Ga. Born, Russell Co., Ala., '74; ent., '92; init., '92. McINTYRE, DANIEL IRWIN, 12 Temple St., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Thomasville, Ga., '60; ent., '76; init., '76. Fire Insurance. *McINTYRE, WILLIAM RENTER, Thomasville, Ga. Born, Thomasville, Ga., '57; ent., '76; init., '76; A. B., '77; law- yer. Died, '00. *McKINLEY, ANDREWS, Milledgeville, Ga. Born, Milledgeville, Ga., '53: ent., 71; init., '71; A.B., '75. Died, '75. *McMICHAEL, JOHN CLARK, [Sr.] Atlanta, Ga. Born, Monticello, Ga., '44; ent., '68; init. (charter member), '68; Editor Christian Index. Died, '95. McMICHAEL, JOHN CLARK, Jr., 369 First St., Macon, Ga. Boin, Barnesville, Ga., '79; ent., '96; init., '96. Book-keeper. Mcmullen, joel Sinclair, Hartweii, Ga. Born, Hart Co., Ga., '82; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. Mcmullen, LUCIUS LAMAR, Hartweii, Ga. Born, Hartwell, Ga., '79; ent., '97; init., 97. Farmer. MARTIN, FREDERICK ROBINSON, Lamar St., Macon, Ga. Born, Pulaski Co., Ga., '64; ent., '89; init. (Kappa), '85; trans, from Kappa, '89; LL.B , '90. Lawyer. MARTIN, JOHN L., (Thompson, Ga.) Ent., '68; init., '68. Lawyer. MAYSON, THOMAS CLIFFORD, Jr., Buford, Ga. Born, Edwardsville, Ga., '79; ent., '96; init., '96. Stenographer. MELL, PATRICK HUES, [Jr.,] Auburn, Ala. Born, Penfleld, Ga., '50; ent., '67; init., '69; A.B., '71; C. E., '72; M. E. Prof. Geology and Botany, Ala. Poly. Inst. MERRILL, JOSEPH HANSELL, 107i S. Broad St., Thomasville, Ga. Born, Thomasville, Ga., '62; ent., '78; init., '78; A.B., '82. Law- yer. 78 GAMMA. MINER, JOHN THOMAS, Klamathon, Gal. Born, Necedah, Wis., '64; ent., '81; init., '81; del. 12th Conven- tion. Mining business. MOBLEY, JOHN HOMEE, Lumber City, Ga. Born, Lumber City, Ga., '70; ent., '94; init. (Kappa), '88; trans, from Kappa, '94; LL.B., '96. Lawyer. *MOREIS, CHAELES, Athens, Ga. Born, .; init., '69; Prof. Greek, Univ. of Ga., '72-6; Prof. Greek. Eandolph-Macon, '76-'82; Prof. Belles-Letters and Rhetoric, Univ. of Ga., '82-'93. Died, '93. MOEEIS, CHAELES EDWAED, (Memphis, Tenn.) Ent., '82; init. (Zeta), '82; trans, from Zeta, '82; B.Ph., '86; del. 12th K. A. Convention. MOEEIS, JAMES WATSON, Santa Maria da Bocca do Monte, Brazil. Born, Goochland Co., Ya., '59; ent., *75; init., '76; trans, to Zeta, '76; A.M. (Randolph-Macon), '81; trans, to Lambda, '83. Mis- sionary. MORRIS, WILLIAM SYLYANUS, Athens, Ga. Born, Goochland Co., Ya., '55; ent., '70; init., '70; A.M., '75; LL. B.' '76. Prof, of Law and Dean of Law Dept., Univ. of Ga. MORTON, FREDERICK SAMUEL, ' Athens, Ga. Born, Athens, Ga., '70; ent., '84; 'init., '84. Insurance. MORTON, JAMES AUDLEY, Athens, Ga. Born, Athens, Ga., '75; ent., '92; init., '92. Farmer. MORTON, JOHN WHITE, Athens, Ga. Born, Athens, Ga., '73; ent., '89; init., '89; (I.) '94; B.S., '94. Manager Cotton factory. MORTON, JOSEPH WILLIAM, Athens, Ga. Born, Athens, Ga., '78; ent., '98; init., '95, at Ga. Tech. MOSS, JOHN DORTCH, Athens, Ga. Born, Athens, Ga., ' — ; ent., '83; init., '84. Cotton business. MURPHY, THOMAS DAYIS, Augusta, Ga. Ent., '81; init., '81. Journalist. MYERS, FREDERICK TOWLE, Tallahassee, Fla. Born, Tallahassee, Fla., '54; ent., '70; init., '70; (I.) '73-4; A. B., '74; State Senator since '91; Brest. Fla. Senate, '95. Lawyer. MYERS, WILLIAM EDWARD, Washington, D. C. Born, Macon, Ga., '52; init., (Epsilon) '69; trans, from Epsilon before '73. NEEL, JOSEPH FRANCIS, Cartersville, Ga. Born, Cartersville, Ga., '78; ent., '98; init., '98. *NEWTON, EBENEZER, Jefferson, Ga. Ent., '67; init., '68; died, '76. Teacher. GAMMA. 79 NEWTON, THOMAS CHALMEES, Pension Bureau, Washington, D. 0. Born, , Ga., — ; ent., '69; init., '69. NICHOLSON, AUGUSTUS KEAVES, Athens, Ga. Born, Athens, Ga., — ; ent., '84; init., '84. Hardware merchant. NORRIS, JOHN THOMAS, Jr., Oartersville, Ga. Born, Oartersville, Ga., '73; ent., '94; init., (Epsilon) '90; trans, from Epsilon, '94; A. B.; A. M.; LL B. Lawyer. *NOKKIS, THOMAS LARK, Albany, Ga. Born, Newton, Ga., '77; ent., '96; init., (Kappa) '94; trans, from Kappa, '96; LL.B., '97; del., 19th Conv., '97. Died, '97. PALMER, WILLIAM LOUIS COLLINS, Independence, Mo. Born, Warrenton, Ga., '56; ent., '75; init., '76; A. B., '79. Prin. Independence High School. PARKER, CADAR SHELDON, Thomasville, Ga. Born, Thomas Co., Ga., '61; ent., '77; init., '77; A. B., '81. Lawyer. *PAYNE, BENJAMIN ERANKLIN, Marietta, Ga. Born, Cherokee Co., Ga., '46; ent., '68; init., '70; A. B., '72; mem- ber Ga., Senate, '80-1; Methodist Minister, '82-'91; died. Mari- etta, Ga., '91. PEASE, WILLIAMS CLARK, 1140 Broad St., Columbus, Ga. Born, Columbus, Ga., '56; ent., '73; init., '37; A. B., (Davidson) '77. Merchant. PERSON, AUGUSTUS POU, Talbotton, Ga. Born, Talbotton, Ga., — ; ent., '81; init., '81. Lawyer. PETERS, RALPH, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '53; ent., '70; init., '70; A. B., '70; supt. Cin. & Newport Bridge Co.; Pres;. Central Div. Central Asso. of Rys. *PHINIZY, HARRY HAYES, Athens, Ga. Born, Athens, Ga., '63; ent., '79; A. B., '83; trans, to Lambda, '84; LL.B., (Univ. of Ya.) '85; journalist; died, '90. POPE, MARK COOPER, Washington, Ga. Born, Washington, Ga., '62; ent., '79; init., '79; first honor, '84; B.Ph., '84; trans, to Lambda, '82. Planter. POUND, JERE MADISON, ' Barnesville, Ga. Born, Liberty Hill, Ga., '64; ent., '82; init., (Pi prime), '80; (I.) '81-2 and '83-4; A. B., '84; Prest. Gordon Inst., '88-1900. RAMSPECK, ERNEST WORD, Decatur, Ga. Born, Decatur, Ga., '84; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. RAMSPECK, JOSEPH LEWIS, Decatur, Ga. Born, Decatur, Ga., '74; ent., '96; init., (Sigma) '94; trans, from Sigma, '96. Travelling salesman. 8o GAMMA. fRAlSTDALL, GEOKGE GAETRELL. Ent., '68; iiiit., '69; expelled, '69. RATCLIFFE, WILLIS, Stinson, Ga. Born, Augusta, Ga., '79; ent., '96; init., '96. Farmer. REDDING, JOHN FREDERICK, Barnesville, Ga. Born, Monroe, Ga., '48; ent., '68; init., '68. Lawyer. REYNOLDS, NATHANIEL MARION, Moultrie, Ga. Born, Marion, Fla., '72; ent., 96; init. (Epsilon), '96; trans, to Ganima, '96; retrans. to Epsilon, '97; rejoined Gamma, '98. RILEY, ALONZO CHURCH, • Perry, Ga. Born, Perry, Ga., '55; ent., '73; init., '73; del. 8tli Conv., '77; A. B., '78; twice mayor of Fort Yalley; county judge, Houston Co., '90-'00. Lawyer. ROBERTSON, JOHN LEMUEL, Greenville, Ga. Born, Greenville, Ga., '49; ent., '68; init., '68; A. B., '69; valedic- torian, '69. Farmer. ROCKWELL, WILLIAM O'DRISCOLL, Savannah, Ga. Born, Savannah, Ga., '66; ent., '89: init., (Kappa) '86; trans, from Kappa, '89; B. E., Civil Engr. M. & B. R.R., andG. S. & F. R.R. ROWLAND, ROBERT SMITH, Athens, Ga. Born, Augusta, Ga., — ; ent., '79; init., '79. Bookkeeper. ROWLAND, WILLIAM MAULTBIE, Athens, Ga. Born, Augusta, Ga., — ; ent., '83; init., '83. Fruit canning busi- ness. *RYALS, WALTER MELL, Anniston, Ala. Born, Bartow Co., Ga., '60; ent., '82; init. (Kappa), '78: trans, from Kappa '82: died, '86. SIBLEY, BARNEY DUNBAR, Coaldale, Ala. Born, Augusta, Ga., '70; ent., '88; init. (Mu^^) '86; trans, from Mu^^, '88; M.D. Physician and Surgeon. SIBLEY, WILLIAM LANGLEY, Coaldale, Ala. Born, Augusta, Ga., '72; ent., '89; init., '89; (I.) '92. SIMPSON, ROBERT ALEXANDER, Washington, Ga. Born, Sparta, Ga., '89; ent., '76; init., '76; A.B., '78; trans, to Lambda, '78. Physician. SINGLETOlSi, MICAJAH THOMAS, Cartersville, Ga. Born, Dahlonega, Ga., '50; ent., '70; init. (Epsilon), '69; trans, from Epsilon, '70; A. B. (Emory), '70. Civil Engineer and Mineralogist, with Iron Belt R. R. and Mining Co. SMITH, ALEXANDER WYLY, 944 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Habersham Co., Ga., '61; ent., '75; init., '75. Lawyer. SMITH, BURTON, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Chapel Hill, N. C, '64; ent., '80; init., '80; Ph.B., '84. Prest. Atlanta Alumni Chapter. GAMMA. 8l SMITH, VICTOR LAMAR, ' Prudential Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Hiawassee, Ga., '67; ent., '85; init., '85; led Soph., Jun. and Sen. classes; (I.) '86-7; B.Ph., '88; LL.B., '89. Lawyer. SPAIN, PRANK, Quitman, Ga. Born, Quitman, Ga., '78; ent., '94; init., '94. Bank Clerk. SPAIN, JOHN WILLIAM, Quitman, Ga. Horn, Quitman, Ga., '75; ent., '94; init., '94; (I.) '96; LL.B. Agent Atlantic and Gulf Mills. Lawyer. ^STEPHENS, JOHN HUGH, Sayannah, Ga. Born, Savannah, Ga., '76; ent., '95; init., '95. Died, '98. STEPHENS, ROBERT DOUGLASS, Savannah, Ga. Born, Savannah, Ga., '75; ent., '95; init., '95. STEPHENS, ROBERT GRIER, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Crawfordsville, Ga., '81; ent., '98; init., '99. Student. STILES, GEORGE GORDON, Rockwood, Tenn. Born, Cartersville, Ga., '75; ent., '93; init., '93. Horseman. STRAHAN, CHARLES MORTON, Athens, Ga. Born, Goochland Co., Va., '64; ent., '82; init., '82; First Honor, '86; C. E. and M. E.; Prof. Civil Eng., Univ. of Ga. Teacher. STRICKLAND, EDWARD, Jk., Cartersville, Ga. Born, Rome, Ga., '84; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. STRICKLAND, ROBERT HEAD, Griffin, Ga. Born Griffin, Ga., '79; ent., '96; init., '96. Merchant. STUBBS, HERBERT WILLIAM, Quitman, Ga. Born, Cedartown, Ga., '76; ent., '93; init., '94; A.B., '96. Cotton Manufacturer. SWIFT, CHARLES JEWETT, Columbus, Ga. Ent., '69; init., '69; A.B., '70. Lawyer. TABOR, JOHN FLETCHER, Livonia, Ga. Born, Fort Lamar, Ga., '52; ent., '75; init. (Epsilon), '74; trans, from Epsilon, '75. Merchant. *THOMAS, FRANCIS CUM MINGS, Athens, Ga. Born Athens, Ga., '— ; ent., '84; init., '84. Died, '88. *THOMAS, GEORGE DUDLEY, Athens, Ga. Born, Athens, Ga., '57; ent., '72; init., '72; B. S., '76; LL.B., '79: Professor of Law, Univ. of Law, Univ. of Ga.. Lawyer. Died, '95. THOMAS, JOHN MURCHISON, Savannah, Ga. Born, Savannah, Ga., '71; ent., '87; init., '87. Coal dealer. TICHENOR, WALKER REYNOLDS, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Anniston, Ala., '79; ent., 97; init. (Nu), '93; trans, from Nu, '97. Lawyer. 82 GAMMA. TISINGEE, BENJAMIN LOUIS, Thomaston, Ga. Born, Talbot Co., Ga., '66; ent., '83; init. (PiO, '82; trans, from Pi^ '83. Lawyer. TOLAE, SAMUEL WOETH, Brentwood, Ga. Born, Brentwood, Ga., '83; ent., '99; init., '00. Student. TEIMBLE, ALONZO EEANKLIN, Lone Oak, Ga. Born, Meriwether Co., Ga., '48; ent., '69; init., '69; A.B., '70. Teacher. *WADDELL, WILLIAM HENEY, Athens, Ga. Init., '68. Prof. An. Lang., Univ. of Ga. Died, '78. WADLEY, WILLIAM MOEEILL, Dothan, Ala. Born, Millan, Ga., '73; ent., '90; init., '90. Super. Cent, of Ga. Ky. WAEEEN, OHAELES EYAN, Hawkinsville, Ga. Born, Savannah, Ga., '— ; ent., '86; init., '86; (I.), '88-9; LL.B., '89. Lawyer. WAEEEN, LOUIS BACON, 120 High St., Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '74; ent., '93; init. (Kappa), '88; trans, to Eta, '90; retrans. to Kappa, '92; trans, to Gamma., '93. Minister. WAEE, GEOEGE, 32 Broadway, New York City. Born, Eayetteville, Ga., '60; ent., '79; init. (Kappa), '78; trans, from Kappa, '79; A.B., '84; LL.B., '85. Financier. WELCH, JOHN WHITE, Athens, Ga. Born, Waynesville, N. C, '75; ent., '92; init., '92. WETHINGTON, PINCKNEY ELETCHEE, Waukena, Fla. Init., '70. Lawyer. WHITE, BENJAMIN ASPINWALL, (Milledgeville, Ga.) Born, Milledgeville, Ga., '— ; ent., '72; init., '72. WILLCOX, AECHIBALD ALEXANDEE, 1515 Second Ave., Columbus, Ga. Born, Columbus, Ga., '61; ent., '78; init., '78; A.B., '82. Insur- ance Business. WILLCOX, COENELIUS DeWITT, Adjt. GenTs Office, Washington, D. C. Born, Geneva, Switz., '61; ent., '76; init., '76; A. B., '86; grad. West Point, '85; Captain 4th U. S. Artillery. WILLCOX, CECIL HOWAED, Gardner Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla. Born, Brussels, Belg., '65; ent., '81; init., '81; (I.), '85-6; B. E. Insurance. WILLCOX, CYPEION POETEE, Jr., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Athens, Ga., '73; ent., '88; init., '88. Stenographer. WILLCOX, HUGH NAVILLE, Montgomery, Ala. Born, Athens, Ga., '64; ent., '80; init., '80; Insurance. (J. S. Will- cox.) GAMMA. 83 WILLCOX, HAEEIS EUSSELL, Montgomery, Ala. Born, Brussells, Belgium, '62; ent., '76; init., '77; B. E., '80. In- surance. (J. S. Willcox.) WILLINGHAM, HAEOLD STEPHENS, Marietta, Ga. Born, Marietta, Ga., '84; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. WILLS, JAMES THOENWELL, Starke, Fla. Born, Fairfield Co., S. C, '52; ent., '69; init., '69; trans, to Theta prime, '70; member Fla. Legislature, '94 and '98. Lawyer. WILSOIN^, GEOEGE NEAL, Kansas City, Mo. Born, Bairdstown, Ga., '66: ent., '82; init., '82: B. E., '86; del. 13th Conv.; G. H., '85-7; Auditor K. C. P. & G. Ey. WILSON, PHILIP DUDLEY, (Atlanta, Ga.) Ent., '86; init., '86. WILSON, EOBEET EUGENE, Montana, Tex. Born, Atlanta, Ga., — ; ent., '69; init., '69. Merchant. WINGFIELD, JUNIUS A., Washington, D. C. Born, Eatonton, Ga., — ; ent., '83; init., '83. *WOODEUFF, HENEY WILLS, Palestine, Tex. Born, Columbus, Ga., '49; ent., '66; init., '68; bookkeeper, I. & G. N. E.E.; died, Palestine, Tex., '99. WEIGLEY, AETHUE, Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga.. '72; ent., '90; init., '91; B. E. '94. Engineer. YOUNG, JOSEPH WALTON, La Grange, Ga. Ent., '80; init., '81; A.B.,'86. Commercial Traveler. YOUNGE, CAMEEON ULMEE, Valdosta, Ga. Born, Yaldosta, Ga., '77; ent., '96; init., '96. Merchant. ZACHEY, JAMES GEEEE, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Conyers, Ga., — ; ent., '75; init., '75. Lawyer. Initiates, 264; trans., 40; total, 304; lost by trans., 17; dead, 32 initiates, 4 transfers; expelled, 2. WOrrORD COLLEGE, SPARTANBURG, S. C. Chartered in 1851. Controlled by n. E. Church, South, FKATERNITIES : Kappa Alpha, 1869. Phi Delta Theta, 1879-84. Chi Psi, 1869. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1885. Chi Phi, 1871. Pi Kappa Alpha, 1891. j Eainbow, 1873-'75. Alpha Tau Omega, 1871-'97. { United with Delta Tau Delta. Kappa Sigma, 1894. DELTA CHAPTER. Charter Members:— H. H. Newton, E. W. Peeples, L. D. Hamer, John Woods and W. A. Eogers (the last two names are not written on charter). Founder:— W. A. Rogers (Alpha). Established February 23, 1869, under warrant from S. Z. Ammen, K. C. The charter was not issued until 1872, by W. W. Collins, K. C. A chapter house is rented. Members of Delta Chapter^ ABNEY, JOHN RUTLEDOE, 71 Broadway, New York City. Born, Edgefield, S. C, '50; ent., '68; init., '69; Salutatorian; A.B., '70; A.M., '72. Lawyer. ANDERSON, GOODWIN VENABLE. (Anthony, Fla.) Born, Anthony, Fla., — ; ent., '73; init., '73. ARNOLD, EICHMOND McGOWAN, Greenwood, S. C. Born, (3^reenwood, S. C, '79; ent., 97; init., '97. *ATTAWAY, ADNEY McSWAIN, Phcenix, S. C. Born, Edgefield, Co., S. C, '61; ent., '77; init., '78. Died, '00. Minister. DEI.TA. 85 BAKEE, KENNETH, Greenwood, S. C. Born, Ariairville, Ky., '69; ent., '84; init., '84; trans, to Eho, '85. Cotton buyer and broker. BAMBEEG, LEON FEEDEEICK, Bamberg, S. C. Born, Bamberg, S. C, '72; ent., '87; init., '87. BAENES, JOHN FEANK, Lowndesville, S. C. Born, LowndesYille, S. C, '75; ent., '95; init., '95. Student. BEAEDEN, EUGENE MAECUS, 235 N. Main St., Asheville, N. C. Born, Greenville, S. C, '72; ent., '89; init., '89; A.B., '92. BETHEA, JOHN CEAWFOED, Dillon, S. 0. Born, Latta, S. C, '61; ent., '79; init., '79. Farmer. BEEEDEN, BAETOW BEE, Bennettsville, S. 0. Born, Marlboro Co., S. C, '61; ent., '79; init., '79; D.D.S., Univ. of Md., '83. Dentist. BEEEDEN, CLAEENCE EDWAED, Bennettsville, S. C. Born, Bennettsville,. S.C, '61; ent., '81; init., '81. Farmer. BEEEDEN, JOSEPH LINDSAY, Bennettsville, S. 0. Born, Bennettsville, S. C, '56; ent., '73; init., '73. Merchnnt. BEEEDEN, WILLIAM COOK, Fayetteville, N. C. Born, Bennettsville, S. C, '59; ent., '80; init., '80. Salesman. CALVEET, AECHIBALD BOYD, Spartanburg, S. C. Born, Eeidville, S. C, '57; ent., '76; init., '77; A.B., '80; mayor of Spartanburg, '99. Lawyer. CANNON, LOUIS CASS, Spartanburg, S. C. Born, Spartanburg, S. C, '47; ent., '69; init., '69; A. B., '71. Banker. CAELISLE, CHAELES HENEY, Spartanburg, S. 0. Born, Pendleton, S. C, '59; ent., '77; init., '78. Insurance agent. *CAETEE, EUGENE DOUGLAS, Asheville, N. C. Born, McDowell Co., N. C, '56; ent., '73; init., '73; K. A. Med- alist, '74. Lawyer. Judge of Superior Court. Died, '98. CAUTHEN, ANDEEW JACKSON, Jk., Allendale, S. 0. Born, Fairfield Co., S. C, '66; ent., '88; init., '88; (I.), '90-1. Minister. CAUTHEN, HENEY JENNINGS, Timmonsville, S. C. Born, Abbeville, S. C, '72; ent., '89; init., '89; A.B., '92; trans, to Chi, '95. Minister. CHAMBEES, EDWAED PATTEESON, Gainesville, Ga. Born, Spartanburg, S. C, '45; ent., '66; init., '69; A.B., '69. In- surance. CLAEK, WILLIAM HANLEY, Spartanburg, S. C. Born, Pendleton, S. C, '59; ent., '76; init., '78. Broker. 86 DEIvTA. CLAEKSON, GEKAEDUS FLOYD, Johnsonville, S. 0. Born, Manning, S. C, '68; ent., '86; init., '87; A. B., '91. Minister. CLEVELAND, EOBEKT MATHIS, Wartrace, Tenn. Born, Lawrenceville, Ga., — ; ent., '73; init., '73. Miller. COCKE, PHILIP CHAELES, Asheville, N. C. Born, Asheville, N. C, '79; ent., '94; init., '94: trans. Upsilon,'95. COCKE, WILLIAM JOHNSTON, Asheville, N. C. Born, Asheville, N. C, '73; ent., '88; init., '88; Mayor of Ashe- ville, '96; A. B., '92. COFIELD, CEOEGE, Je., Spartanburg, S. C. Born, Spartanburg, S. C, '65; ent., '80; init., '81; city sanitary inspector. COEIELD, JAMES, Spartanburg, S. C. Born, Spartanburg, S. C, '63; ent., '78; init., '78. COEIELD, EOBEET, Spartanburg, S. C. Born, Spartanburg, S. C, '81; ent., '98; init., '98. Bank clerk. CONNOE, WILLIAM MELLAED, Je., Charleston, S. C. Born, Charleston, S. C, '78; ent., '93; Init., '93; A. B., '93; trans, to Lambda '98. COVINGTON, HENEY KEMPEE, Bennettsville, S. C. Born, Marlboro Co., S. C, '61; ent., '80; init., '80. Farmer. CEAIGHEAD, JACOB DITZLEE, McColl, S. C. Born, Fulton, Mo., '72; ent., '90; init., '90. Lumber dealer. CEANE, BENJAMIN SYDNEY, Decatur, Ga. Born, Sumter, S. C, '50; ent., '70; init., '70. Broker. DANTZLEE, FEEDEEICK BUTLEE, Orangeburg, S. C. Born, Manning, S. C, '65; ent., '83; init., '84. Journalist. *DICKSON, JAMES WALTEE, [Se.] Columbia, S. C. Born. Anderson, Co., S. C, '49; ent., '68; init., '70; A. B., '72; founder of Mu prime, '73; A. M., '75; died, '98. DICKSON, JAMES WALTEE, [Je.] Townville, S. C. Born, Eichland Co., S. C, '83; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. DUNCAN, JAMES AEMSTEONG, 415 W. Church St., Knoxville, Tenn. Born, Eichmond, Va., '62; ent., '80; init-, (Zeta) '77; trans, from Zeta, '80; re-trans, to Zeta, '82. Minister. DUNCAN, WILLIAM NELSON, Spartanburg, S. C. Born, Spartanburg, S. C, '56; ent., '81; init., '82. Farmer. DUNCAN, WILLIAM HENEY GIST, Union, S. C. Born, Union, S. C, '73; ent., '91; init., '91; A. B., '95. Teacher. DuPEE:, AETHUE MASON, Spartanburg, S. C. Born, Abbeville, S. C, '69; ent., '91; init., '91; (I.) '93-5; A. B., '95; A. M., '96. Teacher. DBI.TA. 87 EAELE, ALSTON BEOOKLEBANK, Beaufort, S. C. Born, Greenville, S. C, '65; ent., '82; init., '82. Minister. EDENS, HENEY LUTHEE, Bennettsville, S. 0. Born, Bennettsville, S. C, '57; ent., '80; init., '80. Teacher. FEW, IGNATIUS PIEECE, Greers, S. 0. Born, Greers, S. C, '74; ent., '91; init., '91. FOLK, HENEY CALHOUN, Bamberg, S. 0. Born, Folk's Store. S. C, '59; ent., '76; init., '76; K. A. Medalist, '79; A.B., '80. Planter. *FOLK, WILLIAM HAYNE, Edgefield, S. C. Born, Batesburg, S. C '52; ent., '69; init., '69; member S. C. Leg- islature; lawyer; died, '98. fFOED, WILLIAM STEOTHEE BENJAMIN, Eicbburg, S. C. Ent., '84; init., '84; expelled, '86. FOENEY, JAMES HAEVEY, Moscow, Idaho. Moscow, Ida., '51; ent., '70; init., '71; Salutatorian; A.B., '74; A.M., '77; del. 5th K. A. Conv.; Univ. of Idaho. FEIDAY, JAMES MAEION, Clinton, S. C. Born, Eichland Co., S. C, '55; ent., '74; init., '75; A.B., '79. Minister. FULLEE, JONES, (1), Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tenn. Born, Coronaca, S. C, '69; ent., '87; init., '87; A.B., '90. GAGE, GEOEGE WILLIAMS, Chester, S. C. Born, Union, S. C, '56; ent., '71; init., '72; A. B., '75; LL. B., Yanderbilt. Circuit Judge. *GAGE, EOBEET DAVID, Union, S. C. Born, Union Co., S. C, '54: ent., '71; init., '71; A. B., '75; died Charleston, S. C„ '76. GAMEWELL, JOSEPH AUGUSTUS, Spartanburg, S. C. Born, Eutherfordton, N. C, '50; ent., '67; init., '69; A.B., '71. Prof. Latin, Wotford College. GAMEWELL, JOSEPH McDOWELL, Spartanburg, S. C. Horn, Asheville, N. C, '80; ent., '96; init., '97. GOODWIN, EOBEET EOY, Augusta, Ga. Born, Marshallville, Ga., '78; "ent., '95; init., '95; (I.), '96-'97; A. B., '98. Merchant. GEAHAM, THOMAS ADDISON, Greenwood, S. C. Born, Abbeville Co., S. C, '56; ent., '74; init., '74. County Auditor. GEAY, JAMES PINKNEY, Laurens, S. 0. Born, Laurens Co., S. C, '75; ent., '76; init., '76. Farmer. GEAY, WILLIAM LaFAYETTE, Laurens, S. C. Born, Laurens, S. C, '44: ent., '72; init., '72. Merchant. 88 DEI.TA. GEEEN, WALTER KIRKLAISTD, Greenwood, S. 0. Born, Greenwood, S. C, '84; ent., '99; init., '99; C. H., '99-'00. Student. HALL, EDWARD WALTER, Rock Hill, S. C. Born, Winnsboro, S. C, '59; ent., '78; init., '79. Teacher. HAMER, EDWIN RICHARDSON, Dillon, S. 0. Born, Little Rock, S. C, '66; ent., '84; init., '84. *HAMER, LAWRENCE DeKALB, Tatnm Station, S. C. Born, Little Rock, S. C, '48: ent., '67; init., '69, charter member; valedictorian, '70; A. B., '70 A. M., '71; died, '97. HAMER, LEWIS ROBERT, Fulmore, N. C. Born, Little Rock, S. C, '50; ent., '69; init., '69; A. B., '72. HAMER, PHILIP BASCOM, Marion, S. C. Born, Marlboro, S. C., '59; ent., '78; init., '78; founder of Sigma; del., 11th and 12th convs.; editor and manager Journal '83-5; K. C, '87-9; member Board of Directors, '89-91; K.Y. 2d com., '83-5; A.B., '82. Journalist and Insurance agent. HARDEN, WILLIAM HOLMES, Jr., Chester, S. 0. Born, Chester, S. C, '66; ent., '82; init., '82; valedictorian, '86; A. B., '86; trans, to Chi, '90. Farmer. HARDIN, PAUL, Chester, S. C. Born, Chester, S. C, '74; ent., '92; init., '92; (I.), '96. Broker. HARLEY, GEORGE GAMEWELL, Concord, N. C. Born, Columbia, S. C, '62; ent., '84; init., '84. Minister. HARRIS, WILLIAM RICHARD, Waterloo, S. C. Born, Waterloo, S. C, '65; ent., '82; init., '82; trans, to Mu^^ '83. Physician. HARMON, GEORGE THOMAS, Jr., Greenville, S. C. Born, Clio, S. C, '79; ent., '95; init., '95. HARTZOG, PERCY GRAHAM, Mt. Carmel, S. C. Born, Bamberg, S. C, '71; ent.. '90; init., '90. Farmer. HARYIN, JULIUS REMBERT, Sumter, S. 0. Born, Sumter, S. C, '58; ent., '75; init., '76. Lawyer. HAYNES, LAWSON BEDFORD, Leesville, S. C. Born, Union, 8. C, '50; ent., '68; init., '70; A.B., '75; A.M., '76. Pres. Leesville Female Institute. Teacher. HERBERT, DANIEL OSCAR, Orangeburg, S. C. Born, Newberry, S. C, '57; ent., '75; init., 76; Yaledictorian; A.B., '78; A.M., '79; LL.B., Yanderbilt Univ., '81. Lawyer. HOLLAND, SAMUEL NOLAND, Anderson, S. C. Born, Anderson, S. C, '50; ent., '69; init., '69; A.B., '70; A.M., '75. Physician. DKI.TA. 89 HOYLE, JESSE LEE, Newton, IST. C. Born, Union, S. C, '74; ent., '93; init., '94; del. 18th K.A. Conv. Teacher. HYDRIOK, DANIEL EDWARD, Spartanburg, S. 0. Born, Orangeburg, S. C, '60; eni:., '76; init., '77; A.B and A.M., Vanderbilt Univ., '82. Lawyer. JACKSON, HAMPTON MANNING, Maxton, N. 0. Born, Little Rock, S. C, '60; ent., '80; init., '80. Minister, N. C. Conference. JEFFRIES, CHARLES ASBURY, Home P. 0., S. C. Born, Union Co., S. C, '66; ent., '82; init., '82; A.B., '86; M.D., Tulane Univ., '89. Physician. JEFFRIES, JAMES LITTLEJOHN, 144 East 34th St., New York City. Born, Union Co., S. C, '66; ent., '84; trans, to Lambda, '89; A.B., '87. Physician. Home, Pacolet, !S. C. JOHN, RODERICK BELTON, Goldsboro, N. C. Born, Marlboro Co., S. C, '59; ent., '75; init., '76; trans, to Chi, '83; grad. at Univ. of N. C; in N. C. Conf. Minister. ]5:iLG0, JAMES WHITFIELD, Charleston, S. C. Born, Newberry, S. C, '59; ent., '77; init., '78; A.B., '81. KILGO, JOHN CARLISLE, Durham, N. C. Born, Laurens, S. C, '60; ent., '80; init., '80. Pres. Trinity Col- lege, N. C. Minister. KILGO, PIERCE FLEMING, Williamston, S. C. Born, Cokesbury, S.C.,'67; ent., '84; init., '84; K. A. Essay Med. Minister. KLUGH, JAMES COKE, Abbeville, S. C. Born, Cokesbury, S.C, '57; ent., '74; init., '74; trans, to Lambda, '80; A.B.. 77; A.M., '78; LL.B., Univ. of Virginia, '81. Law- yer. Circuit Judge. *KOGER, ALFRED LEMACKS. Born, Colleton Co., S. C, '64; ent., '81; init., '81; died at college, Spartanburg, S. C, '81. *KOGER, JAMES WILLIAM. Born, Colleton Co., S. C, '53; ent., '74; init., '74; A.B., '78; mis- sionary to Brazil from M. E. Church, South; died there of yel- low fever, '86. Minister. KOGER, WILLIAM CHARLES, Lynchburg, S. C. Born, Lynchburg, S. C, '80; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. LAKE, FREDERICK KING, Florence, S. C. Born, Florence, S. C, '82; ent., '97 init., '97. Student. LANDER, ERNEST McPHERSON, Williamston, S. C. Born, Williamston, S. C, '77; ent., '96; init., '99. Prest. class of '00. Student. 90 DEI.TA. LANDEE, FEANK McPHEESON, Williamston, S. 0. Born, Williamston, S. C, '72; ent., '90; init., '90. Med. Student. LA:NrDEE, MALCOLM McPHEESON, Williamston, S. 0. Born, Lenoir, N. C, '70; ent., '86; init., '86; A.B., '90. U. S. Civil Service Examiner. LAW, ANDEEW MOEFETT, Spartanburg, S. C. Born, Spartanburg, S. C, '77; ent., '92; init., '94; A.B., '96; del. 18th Conv., '95. Insurance Agent. LAW, EOBEET ADGEE, Spartanburg, S.C. Born, Spartanburg, S. C, '79; ent., '94; init., '95; del. and Essay Medal, 19th K. A. Conv., '97; A.B., '98. LEE, WILLIAM WIGHTMAN, Knoxville, Tenn. Born, Spartanburg, S. C, '58; ent., '74; init., '74; A.B., '78; Lawyer. LESTEE, WILLIAM McCULLOUGH, Columbia, S. C. Born, Greenville Co., S. C, '64; ent., '80; init., '82. Yaledicto- rian. Physician. *LIGON, MAESHALL OEE, Anderson, S. C. Born, Anderson, S. C, '70; ent., '88; init., '88; died, '92. . LUCAS, THOMAS CHESSLEY, Laurens, S. C. Born, Darlington, S. C, '72; ent., '89; init., '89. Druggist. LUCAS, WILLIAM EENEST, Laurens, S. C. Born, Darlington Co., S. C; ent., '81; init., '81; founder of Chi and of Theta second. Pres. Laurens Cotton Mill. LYON, JAMES FEASEE, Abbeville, S. 0. Born, Yerdrv. S. C, '71; ent., '91; init., '91; del. and Yice-Pres. 16th K. A. Conv., '93; A.B., '95. Furniture dealer. LYOIST, WILLIAM ANDEEW, Augusta, Ga. Born, Yerdry, S. C, '67; ent., '87; init., '86; del. 15th K. A. Conv., '89. McCEEAEY, JULIAN PEECIYAL, Williston, S. C. Born, Springfield, S. C, '77; ent., '94; init., '97; A.B., '98. Den- tist. McLEOD, DANIEL MELYIN, Blacksburg, S. C. Born, Bishopville, S. C, '66; ent., '86; init., '86; (I.), '89.'90; A. B., '90; trans, to Chi '90; member Advisory Board, '91-3. Min- ister. McLEOD, THOMAS GOEDON, Lynchburg, S. C. Born, Lynchburg, S. C, '68; ent., '88; init., '88; (I.), '92; A. B., '92. Lawyer. McLEOD, WILLIAM EOGEES, Lynchburg, S. C. Born, Lynchburg, S. C, '73; ent., '91; init., '91. Dentist. McLEOD, WILLIAM THOMAS, Lynchburg, S. 0. Born, Lynchburg, S. C, '72; ent., '89; init., '89. Salesman. DEI«TA. 91 McMASTEE, MAECUS BEOWN", Augusta, Ga. Born, Winnsboro, 8. C, '59; ent., 77; init., '78. Mas. of Trains. MAETIN, EDMUND WELLBOEIS", 56i Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Warm Springs, Ga.,'54; ent., '71; init., '71; Valedictorian; del. 6th K. A. Conv.; A.B., '75. Lawyer. MAETIN, JOHN MAESHALL, Je., 108 W. Duval St., Jacksonville, Ela. Born, Savannah, Ga., '56; ent., '72; init., '72; del. to 4th Conv. Orange grower and drummer. fMASSEBEAU, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS, Branchville, S. C. Ent., '83; init., '84. Expelled, '85. MILLEE, EUSTACE PEECIVAL, Greenwood, S. C. Born, Greenwood, S. C, '77; ent., '96; init., '98. Student. MONTGOMEEY, JOSEPH WYLIE, Spartanburg, S. C. Born, Spartanburg, S. C, '83; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. MONTGOMEEY, WALTEE SCOTT, Spartanburg, S. C. Born, Spartanburg, S. C, '66; ent., '81; init., '84. Secy Spartan Mills. MOOD, JULIUS ANDEEW, Sumter, S. C. Born, Lincolnton, N. C, '54; ent., '72; init., '72; Valedictorian. Physician and Surgeon. *MOOD, PEESTON DULA, Sumter, S. C. Born, Lenoir, N. C, '58; ent., '74; init., '74; del. 8th Conv.; trans, to Epsilon, '75. Teacher. Died, '80. MOOEE, CLAEENCE FONTAINE, Bennettsville, S. 0. Born, Marlboro Co., S. C, '63; ent., '80; init., '81. Farmer. MOOEE, JAMES SUMTEE, Columbia, S. C. Born, Spartanburg, S. C, '68; ent., '80; init., '83. Sec'y Eich- land Cotton Mills. MOOEE, MAUEICE HEENDON, 1413 Main St., Columbia, S. C. Born, Union, S. C, '63; ent., '80; init., '82; trans, to Eho, '86; Val- edictorian; A.B., '84; A.M., '85; LL.B. (S. C. Col.). Lawyer. MOEEIS, EEANCIS MAEION, Anderson, S. C. Enfc., '78; init., '78. MOEEISON, ALEEI MAEVIN SENTENEY, Louisville, Ky. Born, Louisville, Ky., '78; ent., '78; init. (Epsilon), '94; trans, from Epsilon, '98; del. to 20th Convention. Student. NEWTON, HENEY COVINGTON, Cuthbert, Ga. Born, Marlboro, S. C, '55; ent., '76; init., '77. Member Ga. Leg- islature. 92 DEI.TA. NEWTO]^, HOPE HULL, Sr., Bennettsville, S. C. Born, Marlboro Co., S. C, '45; ent.. '66; init. charter member, '69; Valedictorian, '69; A.B., '69; A.M., '70. Lawyer and Solicitor. NEWTON, HOPE HULL, Jr., Bennettsville, S. 0. Born, Bennettsville, S. C, '73; ent., '91; init., '93; A.B., '95. Cotton buyer. PEEPLES, EDWIN WILEY, Varnville, S. 0. Born, Varnville, S. C, '45; ent., '68; init. (charter member), '69. Minister. PEEEIT, ASA JOHN ALBION, Lamar, S. C. Born, Marion Co., S. C, '60; ent., '79; init., '81. Teacher. PEITCHAKD, SAMUEL EEYNOLDS, Blacksburg, Va. Born, Chester Co., S. C, '63; ent., '82: init., '82; A. B. and A. M. of S. C. Col.; trans, to Rho., '82. Prof, of Elec. Eng. Va. A. & M. Col. EAY, EDWIN LLOY^D, Asheville, N. 0. Born, Asheville, N. C, '74; ent., '93; init., '93; A. B., '96. Far- mer. EAY, JAMES KING STEINGFIELD, Spartanburg, S. C. Born, Asheville, N. C, '72; ent., '88; init., '88; A. B., '91; A. M., '93; trans, to A-Lambda, '91. Asst. Cashier Bank. EEMBEET, GEOEGE EOBEET, Columbia, S. C. Born, Rembert, S. C, '75; ent., '89; init., '89. Express mesgr. EEYNOLDS, GAEL VEENON, Asheville, N. 0. Born, Asheville, N. C, '72; ent., '88; init., '89. Physician. EICHAEDSON, WILLIAM MANNING, Fulton, S. C. Born, Fulton, S. C, '81; ent., '96; init., '96. Cotton Buyer. EILEY, JACOB HILLIAED, Sallys, S. 0. Born, Orangeburg, S. C, '57; ent., '76; init., '77. Merchant. EILEY, SILAS EAY, Greenwood, S. C. Born, Greenwood, S. C, '80; ent., '97; init., '97. EOGEES, CAEEOL PICKENS, Greenville, S. C. Born, Johnston, S. C, '80; ent., '95; init., '95. Student. EOGEES, FOSTEE CLYDE, Mullins, S. C. Born, Mullins, S. C, '80; ent., '97; init., '97. EOGEES, FEANK COWLES, Orangeburg, S. C. Born, Johnston, S. C, '83; ent., '99; init., '99. student. EOGEES, JULIEN CAELISLE, Spartanburg, S. 0. Born, Bishopville, S. C, '77; ent., '94; init., '94; A. B., '98. Book- keeper. EOGEES, JOSEPH MAEION, Mullins, S. 0. Born, Marion, S. C, '62; ent., '83; init., '84; A. B., '87. Teaclier. DEIyTA. 93 KOGERS, WILLIAM ANSON, Orangeburg, S. C. Born, Bishopville, S. C, '49; ent., '68; init., '67 (Alpha); trans, from Alpha, '68; charter member and founder: valedictorian, '72; A. B., '72. Minister. ROSEBOKOUOH, JAMES WILLIAMSON, Fulton, Mo. Born, Sardis, Miss., '52; ent., '71; init., '71; A. B., '73; B. D., Princeton, '77. Minister. EUFF, WILLIAM HERBERT, Ridgewav, S. 0. Born, Richland Co., S. C, '59; ent., '75; init;, '76; Prest. Bank of Ridgeway; member of firms Ruff & Co., and Edmunds & Ruff. Merchant and Banker. SADLER, JOHN EUGENE, Anderson, S. C Born, Anderson, S. C, '77; ent., '96; init., '96. *SANDERS, SAMUEL GILLESPIE, Georgetown, Texas. Born, Cheraw, S. C, '52; ent., '67; init., '69; salutatorian, '71; A. B. and A. M., '71; trans, to Lambda, 74; died, '92. SELLERS, PHILIP BRYANT, Dillon, S. C. Born, Marion, S. C, '60; ent., '79; init., '79; A. B., '82. Lawyer. SHIPP, ALBERT WILLIAM, Nashyille, Tenn. Born, Chapel Hill, N. C, '59; ent., '74; init., '74. Clerk. *SHIPP, JOHN WILDS, Nashyille, Tenn. Ent., '67; init, '69; died, '88. SMITH, ALEXANDER COKE, Norfolk, Va. Born, Lynchburg. S. C, '49; ent., '68; init., '69; A. B., '72; A. M., '76; D. D. Minister. SMITH, CHARLES WHITEFORD, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Hampton Co., S. C, '56; ent., '74; init., '74. Lawyer and State Senator. SMITH, FRANK STACEY, Asheville, N. C. Born, Charlotte, N. C, '70; ent., '85; init., '85. Druggist. SMITH, JAMES BENJAMIN, 453 Houston St., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Simpsonville, S. C; '59; ent., '78; init., '79. In Railway Mail Service. SPROTT, CHOVINE RICHARDSON, Jordan, S. C. Born, Jordan, S. C; ent., '89 ; init., '89. Farmer. SPROTT, JOSEPH, Jk., Manning, S. C. Born, Clarendon Co., S. C, '54; ent., '70; init., '72. Banker. STACKHOUSE, THOMAS BASCOM, Dillon, S. C. Born, Dillon, S. C, '57; ent., '77; init., '77; A. B., '80. Revenue Collector. *STOKES, JAMES EDWIN, Marion, S. C. Born, Union, S. C, '69; ent., 87; died, '88. 94 DEI,TA. STOKES, WHITEFORD SMITH, Cokesbnry, S. C. Born, Spartanburg, S. C, '65; ent., '79; init., '81; M.D. Minis- ter, and Sector Cokesbury Conf. School. STOLE, CHARLES WIGHTMAN, Williamston, S. C. Born, Williamsburg Co., S. C, '67; ent., '87; init., '87; A.B., '90. Teficiier. STOLE, PHILLIP HENRY, Bishopville, S. C. Born, Little Rock, S. C, '74; ent., '92; init., '92; A.B.; A.M., '97. Teacher. SULLIYAlSr, GEORGE CULLEN, Anderson, S. 0. Born, Anderson, S. C, '78; ent., '94; init., 94. Editor Anderson Daily Mail. Journalist. SULLIVAN, GEORGE WASHINGTON, Williamston, S. C. Born, Laurens, S.C, '48; ent., '67; init., '69; A.B. '70. Merchant. SULLIVAN, HEWLET CHILDS, Williamston, S. C. Born, Shoals, S. C, '78; ent., '96; init., '96. SULLIVAN, WASHINGTON HEARST, Williamston, S. 0. Born, Greenville, '82; ent.; '99; init., '99. Student. THACKSTON, TURNER BARTLETT, Spartanburg, S. 0. Born, Simpsonville, S. C, '58; ent., '76; init., '76. Journalist. *THOMASON, WHITEEORD SMITH, Spartanburg, S. 0. Born, Simpsonville, S.C, '57; ent., '76; init., '76; Probate Judge, Spartanburg Co.; died, '99. Lawyer. THOMPSON, ROBERT HAMER, Judson, S. 0. Born, Little Rock, S. C, '70; ent., '86; init., '86; trans, to Rho, '88. Farmer. TRIMMIER, THOMAS RANDOLPH, Spartanburg, S. C. Born, Spartanburg, S. C, '55; ent., '73; init., '73. Clerk of Court Spartanburg, Co., since '88. VARN, HENRY AARON, Folk's Store, S. C. Born, Lexington, S. C, '54; ent., '75; init., '75; A.B., '78; A. M., '79; LL.B., Vanderbilt Univ., '81. Lawyer and Farmer. WALKER, WILLIAM LAURENS, Cedar Spring, S. C. Born, Cedar Springs, S. C, '73; ent., '90; init., '90. Teacher. WALLACE, DAVID DUNCAN, Spartanburg, S. C. Born, Columbia, S. C, '74; ent., '91; init., '91; A.B., '95; Ph. D. (Vanderbilt) '99. Prof. Economics and History, Wofford Coll. WALLACE, JAMES CLOUGH, Union, S. C. Born, Union, S. C, '54; ent., '68; init., '70; A.B., '71. Merchant and Lawyer. WALLACE, ROBERT BARNWELL RHETT CA.LHOUN, Lydia, S. C. Born, Marlboro Co., S. C, '54; ent., '72; init., ^72; del. 7th K. A. Conv.; A.B., '76; trans, to Lambda, '77. Physician. DEIvTA. 95 WALLACE, WILLIAM HENRY, Greenville, S. C. Born, Newberry, S. C, '48; eat., '67; init., '69; Valedictorian, '71; A.B., '71; A.M., '73; K. C, '76-'77; Y. Pres. 2d Conv.; del 2d and 7tli Convs; Pres. 3d Conv. Editor Greenville Daily News. WANNAMAKER, HENRY SEIBELS, Peoria, 111. Born, Orangeburg Co., S. C, '61; ent., '78; init., '79. Minister. WANNAMAKER, JOHN EDWARD, St. Matthews, S. 0. Born, Orangeburg Co., S. C, '51; ent.; '70; init., '70; Valedicto- rian, '74; grad., '74. Planter. WARE, ROBERT ELLIS, Shelby, N. 0. Born, Shelby, N. C, '64; ent., '84; init., '85; A.B., '90. Dentist. WATSON, JAMES DANIEL, Ridge Spring, S. 0. Born, Ridge Spring, S. C, '68; ent., '83; init., '86. Farmer. WEBSTER, JAMES ELLIOTT, Gaffney, S. 0. Born, Spartanburg, S. C, '49; ent., '69; init., '71; A.B., '73. Lawyer. WILCOX, HENRY MOOD, Marion, S. C. Born, Marion, S. C, '58; ent., '76; init., '76. Merchant. WILSON, GILES LAWSON, Philadelphia, Pa. Born, Gastonia, N. C, '67; ent., '85; init., '85; del. K. A, Conv.; A.B.; '88; mem. Advisory Board, '91-3. Cashier N. Y. Life Ins. Co. WOODWRAD, HOSEA WILSON, Bishopville, S. C. Born, Bishopville, S. C, '76; ent., '95; init., '96; trans to Lambda, '99. Student Univ. of Va. *WOODS, JOHN, Darlington, S. C. Ent., '67; init, '69; grad., 71; died Darlington, S. C, '86. Mer- chant. ZIMMERMAN, SAMUEL HERBERT, Columbia, S. C. Born, Union, S. C, '61; ent., 81; init., '81. Minister. Initiates, 175; transfers, 3; total, 178. Lost by transfer, 19*; dead, 15; expelled, 2. E/^ORY COLLEGE, OXrORD, GA. Chartered, 1837. Controlled by n. E. Church. South- TRATERNITIES : j Mystical Seven, 1841-'58. Alpha Tau Ome«a, 1881. "i United with Beta Theta Pi. Signaa Alpha Epsilon, 1882. Kappa Alpha, 1869. Delta Tau Delta, 1882. Chi Phi, 1869. Sigma Nu, 1884. "Phi Delta Theta, 1871. Kappa Sigma, 1887-'91. EPSILON CHAPTER. Charter Members: — H. W. Key, J. F. Bonnell, J. L. Fielder, C. E, Dowman, and W. T. Singleton. Founders : — H. W. Key and J. F. Bonnell (initiated by Gamma for the purpose of establishing Epsilon). The chapter was established June 4, 1869, under a warrant issued by S. Z. Ammen, K. C, and the charter was issued by W. W. Col- lins, K. C. in 1872. The charter was lost by fire in 1891, and re-issued by S. Z. Ammen in the same year. Members of Epsilon Chapter ABBOTT, DON QUITMAN, 654 Mulberry St., Macon, Oa. Born, Columbus, Ga., '52; ent., '70; init., '70; Second Honor, A. B., '75; A. M., '78; (I.) '74-5; Supt. Public Schools, Bibb Co.; Sec'y Macon Alumni Chapter. Teacher. ABBOTT, HUNLEY, 588 Madison St., Macon, Ga. Born, Columbus, Ga., '81; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. AINSWOETH, WILLIAM NEWMAN, Dublin, Ga. Born, Cairo, Ga., '72; ent., '88; init., '88; (I.) '90-1; A. B., '91; member of So. Ga. Conf. Minister. AKIN, JOHN WESLEY, Oartersville, Ga. Born, Cassville. Ga., '59; ent., '74; init., '74; del. 8th Conv.; Sec- ond Honor, A. B., '77; A. M., '78. Lawyer and Author. EPSII.ON. 97 AKIN, WILLIAM EDWAKD, Washington, D. 0. Born Cartersville, Ga., '69; ent., '84; init., '84. Law clerk Dept. of Interior. ALLEN, ALBEET HENEY, 1236 4tli ave., Columbus, Ga. Born, Columbus, Ga., '75; ent., '92; init., '92; Ph.B., '96. Teacher. ALLEN, BEYEELY POPE, Dalton, Ga. Born, Fort Yalley, Ga., '62; ent., '77; init., '78; member of No. Ga. Conf. Minister. ALLEN, McFEEEIN OULLEE, Forsyth, Ga. Born, Perry, Ga., '67; ent., '79; init., '79; First Honor; del. K. A. Conv.; A. B., '84. Lawyer. ANDEESON, EDWAED WOOTTEN, Box 62, Monroe, La. Born. Danburg, Ga., '59; ent., '77; init., '78; A. B., '80;com'lagt. Mo. Pac. E.E. AENOLD, JOHN WESLEY, Boston, Ga. Born, Stellaville, Ga., '56; ent., '82; init., '83; memb^So. Ga. Conf., M. E. C. S. Minister. ATKINS, EOBEET HEETEL, 75 West End ave., Atlanta^ Ga. Burn, Atlanta, Ga., '81; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. ATKINSON, THEODOEE ELLIS, Newnan, Ga. Born, Brunswick Co., Va., '51; ent., '69; init., '70; First Honor; A. B., '71; A. M., '73; Prest. Board of Education, Newnan, Ga. Merchant. AYAEY, EOBEET EDWAED LEE, 518 Temple Court, Atlanta, Ga, Born, Decatur, Ga., '63: ent., '82; init., '82; A. B., '86; trans, to Gamma, '89; LL.B., (U. of Ga.), '90. Lawyer. BANKS, WESLEY TAEVEE, 6 Warren Block., Augusta, Ga. Born, Enon, Ala., '75; ent., '90; init., '91; A. B., '95; ^1 . D. (Belle- vue),'00. Insurance Agt. fBAENETT, ADDISON EOET, Macon, Ga. Born, Milledgeville, Ga., '57; ent., '68; init., '69; expelled, '70. Accountant. BAENUM, EOBEET EDWAED LEE, Eichland, Ga. Born, Lumpkin, Ga., '63: ent., '80; init., '80; M. D. Physician. BAEEY, EOBEET EDWAED, Decatur, Ga. Born, Decatur, Ga., '59; ent., '76; init., '76. P. O. Inspector. BASS, JAMES ANDEESON, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Athinta, Ga., '71; ent., '86; init., '86. Salesman. *BASS, JOHN COZAET, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '60; ent., '77; init., '78; A.B., '80. Teacher. Died, '00. BASS, JULIAN PIEECE, Calloway st., Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '68; ent., '84; init., '87; B. S., '88. Steno- grapher and R. R. Clerk, C. of Ga. Ry. 98 EPSII^ON. BAXTER, JAMES HUBERT HAMILTON, Decatur, Ga. Born, Dalton, Ga., '79; ent., '97; init., '97. Clerk. BAXTER, JOHN SPRINGS, Philadelphia, Pa. Born, Sparta, Ga., '66; ent., '84; init., '84; A. B., '86. Civil En- gineer. BELL, GEORGE LESTER, Inman Park, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Cumming, Ga., '57; ent., '75; init., '75; del. 7th Conv.; K. A. Essay Med., 76; Assistant U. S. Attorney since '93. Lawyer. BELL, WALTER HOWARD, Hargrove, Ala. Born, Alexandria City, Ala., '64; ent., '83; init., '83; A.B., '87; M. D. Physician. BIGGERS, BASCOM HILL, Columbus, Ga. Born, Columbus, Ga., '61; ent., '78; init., '78. Parmer. BIGHAM, ROBERT JETER, Inman Park, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Stockton, Cal., '58; ent., '73; init., '74; A. B., '77; A.M.; DJ). (Wofford). P. E. North Atlanta Dist., M. E. C. S. Min- ister. BLAIR, DANIEL WEBSTER, Marietta, Ga. Born, Lithia Springs, Ga., '59; ent., '78; init., '80; A.B., '81; Mayor of Marietta. Lawyer. BLOUNT, GEORGE DEXTER, Barnesville, Ga. Born, Live Oak, Fla., '81; ent., '97; init., '97; (I.) '00-1. Student. BLOUNT, ROY, Barnesville, Ga. Born, Live Oak, Fla., '83; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. BONNELL, JOHN FLETCHER, Oxford, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '51; ent. Univ. of Ga., '67; ent. Emory, '68; init., by Gamma for Epsilon, '68; charter member; (I.) '69-'70; A.B., '71; A.M., '72; Ph.D., '87. Prof, of Chemistry and Phy- sics, Emory College. BOWERS, PHILIP BARTLETT, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Macon, Ga., '59; ent., '76; init., '76. Cotton buyer. BOYD, JOSEPH DAVID, Griffin, Ga. Born, Griffin, Ga., '75; ent., '92; init., '92; trans, to Gamma, '94; LL.B., '96. Lawyer BOYD, JAMES GORDON, Bluffton, Ga. Born. Lumber City, Ga., '74; ent., '94; init., '94; (L), '96-7. Teacher. BOYD, WILLIS MORGAN, . Adairsville, Ga. Born, Sonoraville, Ga., '77; ent., '97; iniib., '99. Student. BRITTAIN, CHARLES MERCER, Pelham, Ga. Born, Conyers, Ga., '73; ent., '88; init., '89; trans, to Kappa, '94; A. B. (Mercer) '98. Principal Pelham High School. "Minister and Teacher. BRITTAIN, WILLIAM HENRY, 261 Peeples st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Cartersville, Ga., '70; ent., '87; init., '88. With Douglass & Davidson. KPSII.ON. 99 BEITTAi:^r, MAEION LUTHEE, 133 Capitol ave., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Covington, Ga.; '65; ent., '81; init., '81; A.B., '86; winner of Constitution'' s $1000 prize, '97; Sec'y Atlanta K. A. Alumni Ass'n. Prin. Boys' High School, Atlanta, Ga. Teacher. BEOOKS, EOLAKD EDGAE, Clayton, Ala. Born, Milledgeville, Ga., '72; ent., '89; init., '89; A.B., '93. Teacher. BEUCE, CHAELES HENLEY, Eatonton, Ga. Born, Harmony Grove, Ga., '68; ent., '88; init., '89; A.B. Supt. of Public Schools. Teacher. BUEWELL, HENEY AVAED, Columbia, S. C. Born, Franklin Co., Ya., '55; ent., '85; init., '85; A.B., '87. Pres- byterian Minister. BUSH, HOMEE, Cuthbert, Ga. Born, Pike Co.. Ga., '72; ent., '91; init., '91; (I.), '93; A.B., '93; A. M., '95. Teacher. CAMPBELL, EOBEET LAFAYETTE, Augusta, Ga. Born, Abbeville, S. C, '45; ent., '69; init., '69; A.B., '72; A .M., '73. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM JOSEPH, Boulevard, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Oxford, Ga., '58: ent., '73; init., '73; A.B., '77. Deputy City Clerk. CANDLEE, CHAELES HOWAED, 179 Edgewood ave., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '78; ent., '94; init., '94; A.B., '98. Travel- ing Salesman for Coca Cola Co. CANDLEE, JOHIN^ CUETEIGHT, 57 Elizabeth st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Augusta, Ga., '83; ent., '96; init., '98. CAISTDLEE, JOHN SLAUGHTEE, 179 Edgewood ave., Atlanta, Ga. Born, YillaEica, Ga., '61; ent., '77; init., '77; A.B., '80; G. H., '81-3; K. C, '81-5. Judge Superior Courts. *CANDLEE, MAUEY LEE, Decatur, Ga. Born, Decatur, Ga., '72; ent., '88; init., '88; died, Emory Col., '89. CANDLEE, WAEEEJSr AKIN, 57 Elizabeth St., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Yilla Eica, Ga., '57; ent., '73; init., '73; A. B., '75; A. M., '76; D. D., '88; LL.D., '97; First Honor, '75; Treas. 6th K. A. Conv.; Sec'y 7th K. A. Conv.; G. H., '76-7; Brest. Emory Col., '87-'98: Bishop of General Conference, M. E. Church, South, '98-'00: Minister. CHESHIEE, WALLACE BAXTEE, Temple Court, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Gainesville, Ga., '72; ent., '86; init., '86. Bookkeeper. CHUPP, JOSHUA Lafayette, Llthoma, Ga Born, Lithonia, Ga., '53; ent., '75; init., '75; A. B., '80. Farmer* LofC. ICX) EPSII^ON. CLEGHOEN, JOHN STOEEY, Jk., Summerville, Ga. Born, Summerville, Ga., '80; ent., '97; init., '97. Merchant. COFFMAN, JOHN WESLEY, 620 Mntli St., Wilmington, Del. Born, New Castle, Del., '77; ent., '99; init., '00. Student. *COLLINS, THOMAS EDGAR, Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '54: ent., '70; init., '70; A. B., '72; Prest. 6tli K. A. Conv.; died, '78. Manufacturer. CONN, THEODORE MILLER, Milledgeville, Ga. Born, Milledgeville, Ga., '72; ent., '89; init., '89; Teller, Milledge- ville Banking Co. Banker. CORBETT, STEPHEN WALLACE, , N. C. Born, Wilmington, N. C, '48; ent., '68; init., '69; del. 3rd Conv. Minister, M. E. C, S. COX, ROSS PARKER, Rome, Ga. Born, Citronville, Ala., '63; ent./ '82; init., (Phi) '82: trans, from Phi, '82; A. B., '84. Physician. *CRAWFORD, LEON ROBERT, Calhoun, Ga. Born, Calhoun, Ga., '70; ent., '88; init., '89; R. R. employe; killed in Railroad wreck '91. CREW, BENJAMIN LEE, 33 W. Harris st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '79; ent., '96; init., '96; A. B., '00; C H. '99- '00; sec'y Ga. K. A. Alumni Assoc. Student. *DANIEL, JEPTHA HILL, Cooksville, Ga. Born, Franklin, Ga., '54; ent., '75; init., '75; A. B., '76; died, '94. DANIEL, ROBERT TOWNS, Griffin, Ga. Born, Griffin, Ga., '59; ent., '76; init., '76. Lawyer. DAVENPORT, CHARLES HAMILTON, Fairburn, Ga. Born, Fairburn, Ga., '66; ent., '84; init., '85. Physician. DAY, THOS. FLETCHER, 5 J W. Alabama st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Augusta, Ga., '74; ent., '91; init., '92. Lawyer. DeJARNETTE, JOHN BASS, Eatonton, Ga. Born, Eatonton, Ga., '77; ent., '93; init.. '93. Farmer. DEJARNETTE, SYDNEY REID, Albany, Ga. Born, Putnam Co.. Ga., '73; ent., '90; init., '90; (I.) '94; A. B., '94; trans, to Chi, '96; Supt. Public School, Albany. Teacher. DIMON, STEPHEN HENRY, Bowman, Ga. Born, Columbus, Ga., '54; ent., '74; init., '74. Minister. DOWMAN, CHARLES EDWARD, Sr., Oxford, Ga. Born, Kent Co., England, '49; ent., '69; init., '69; charter member; (I.) '72-3; First Honor; A. B., '73; A. M., '74; D. D., '96; Prest. Emory College, '98-'00. Teacher and Preacher. DOWMAN, CHARLES EDWARD, Jr., Oxford, Ga. Born, Quincy Fla., '82; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. EPSII^ON. lOI DuBOSE, EDWARD REMBEET, 6 Whitehall st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Wastiington, Ga., '58; ent., '73; init., '76; A.B., '77. Mer- chant. DUVAL, LOUIS WEYMAN, Leesburg, Fla. Born, Summerville, Ga., '78; ent., '96; init., '96; A.B., '99. Prof. Natural Science, Leesburg, Fla. EASTERLTNG, THOMAS RUSSELL, (Bainbridge, Ga.) Born, Paris, Tex., '58; ent., '78; init., '78. Trav. Salesman. EDWARDS, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS, Washington, D. 0. Born, Covington, Ga., '69; ent., '84; init., '84; A. B., First Honor, '89. Lawyer. ELDER, HOWARD EDWARD, Waycross, Ga. Born, Quitman, Ga., '80; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. ELDER, JOHN CLIFTON, Barnesyille, Ga. Born, Barnesville, Ga., '75; ent., '93; init., '93; A.B., '95; A.M., '96; trans, to Gamma, '99; LL.B., '00. Lawyer. ELLIS, THOMAS WINANS, Perry, Ga. Born, Yaldosta, Ga.; ent., '82; init., '82; A.B., '86; (I.)I '85-6. Member S. Ga. Conference M. E. C, S. Minister. ERWIN, HARRY JOHNSON, 700 Cherry St., Chattanooga, Tenn. Born, Cartersville, Ga., '56; 71; init., '72 Insurance. ERWIN, WARREN AKIN, North Yakimo, Wash. Born, Cartersville, Ga., '80; ent., '97; init., '97. Mining business. EVANS, ROBERT MILTON, 1607 Mitchell St., Tampa, Fla. Born, Live Oak, Fla., '75; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. FEAGIN, ROBERT DOUGLAS, Oxford, Ga. Born, Sumpter Co., Ga., '79; ent,, '95; init., '95; (L), '98-9; A. B., with First Honor, '99; B.L., '00. Adj. Prof. Mental and Moral Science, Emory College. FEATHERSTON, JOHN HENRY, Woodbury, Ga. Born, Franklin, Ga., '49; ent., '75; init., '75; A.B., '76. Teacher. FEATHERSTON, WILLIAM STEGALL, 288 Boulevard, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Franklin, Ga., '53; ent., '75; init., '75; A. B., '77. Cotton buyer. *FIELDER, IDUS LAFAYETTE, Silver City, New Mex. Born, Cedartown, Ga., '53; ent., '68; init., '69; charter member, trans, to Gamma, '73; died, '92. Lawyer. FITE, WILLIAM CONYERS, Cartersville, Ga. Born, Cartersville, Ga., '82; ent., 97; init., '97; A.B., '00. Student. FLANDERS, JAMES JULIAN, Summerville, Ga. Born, Sylvania, Ga., '71; ent., '92; init., '92; A. B., '96; Prof. English, Hendrix College, '97-'00. Teacher. EPSII,ON. "FOED, HUGH OKAWFOED, Cartersville, Ga. Born, Cartersville, Ga., '82; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. FOEEMAlSr, HUGH QUIN, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Washington, Ga., '72; ent., '90; init., '90. Chief Clerk Ga. Gen'l Agency, N. Y. Mutual Life Ins. Co. Insurance Agent. FEASEE, FEEDEEIOK COZAET, Temple Ct, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '73; ent., '90; init., '90. Insurance Agent. FEAZEE, LUTHEE CHALMEES, Columbus, Ga. Born, Columbus, Ga., '58; ent., '75; init., '75. Hardw. merchant. FEAZIEE, WILLIAM WAKEFIELD, 46 W. Duval st., Jacksonville, Fla. Born, Jacksonville, Fla., '70; ent., '86; init., '86; (I.), '88-9. Eeal Estate. FEEDEEICK, JACOB WALTEE, Marshallville, Ga. Born, Lexington, S. C, '51; ent., '70; init., '72; A.B., '73; del. 4th K. A. Conv. Teacher and Fruit Grower. GAENEE. JAMES EYAN, 99 Capitol ave., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Lynchburg. Va., '77; ent., '96; init., '96; trans, to Lambda, 97; M. 1). (U. Ya.), '00. Physician. *GAETEELL, JOSEPH EEASMUS, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '53; ent., '70; init., '70; died, '86. Lawyer. *GILMEE, WILLIAM BENJAMIN SPATHEE, Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '59; ent., '75; init. (Kappa), '74; trans, from Kappa, '75; re-trans, to Kappa, '76; died '99. Physician. GLEATON, GEOEGE WASHINGTON, Oonyers, Ga. Born, Conyers, Ga., '45; ent., '67; init., '87; A.B., '70. Judge Eockdale County Court. Lawyer. GLEATON, JOHN STEWAET, Conyers, Ga. Born, Conyers, Ga., '76; ent., '90; init., '93; A. B.; '95; Assistant Engineer with Gen. Lee's staff in Cuba. Civil Engineer. GLOYEE, GEOEGE BENTON, Monticello, Fla. Born, Waukeenah, Fla., '62; ent., '80; init., '80; A.M., '83; M.D. (I.), '83. Physician. *GEAY, JAMES DAYIS, Oxford, Ga. Born, Monroe Co., Ga., '53; ent., '70; init., '70; A.B., '72; died, '87. Minister. HALE, HAEEISON, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Columbus, Miss., '79; ent., '96; init., '96; A.B.,'99. Teacher in Edgewood Public Schools. HALL, JOHN ELLSWOETH, Macon, Ga. Born, Griffin, Ga., '76; ent., '92; init., '92; (I.), '95; A.B.; '96; Yaledictorian, '96; trans, to Gamma, '99; LL.B. with First Honor, '00. Lawyer. HALL, MANSFIELD PLINY, Jackson, Ga. Bom, Griffin, Ga., '74; ent., '92; init., '92; trans, to Gamma, '94; LL. B. (Ga.), '96. Lawyer. EPSII^ON. 103 HARDEMAN, [JAMES] MAEVIN LEE, 1 Washington st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Oxford, Ga., '76; ent., '90; init., '90. Clerk, with Swift Fertilizer Co. HARDEMAN, ULLA GARDNER, Clarkston, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '60; ent., '74; init., '74. Dept. of Agricul- ture, State of Ga. HARRIS, HENRY FLETCHER, Rockmart, Ga. Born, Ft. Gaines, Ga., '68; ent., '88; init., '89; A.B. '93; K. A. Essay Medal, '91. Teacher. HARRIS, JAMES WATKINS, [Je.] Cartersyille, Ga. Born, Cartersville, Ga., '53; ent., '70.; init. (Gamma), 69; trans. from Gamma, '70; A. B., '73. Judge of City Court. Lawyer. HARRIS, LUNDY HOWARD, ' Young Harris, Ga. Born, Oxford, Ga., '58; ent., '73; init,. '73; Second Honor, A.B., '76; A.M, '77; (I.), '76; K. A. Essay Medal, '75; Professor Lan- guages, Young Harris Col. Teacher and Preacher. ^HARRIS, THOMAS WILLIS HAMILTON, Rome, Ga. Born, Cartersville, Ga.. '56; ent., '71; init., '72; trans, to Gamma, '74; died, '93. Lawyer. HARRIS, WILLIAM ALBINUS, Rockmart, Ga. Born, Banks Co., Ga., '65; ent., '81; init., '81. Minister. HARRIS, WALTER JOSEPH, Jackson, Ga. Born, Griffin, Ga., '57; ent., '76; init , '76; First Honor, '78; A. B., '78; (I.) '78. Druggist. HEINZ, HENRY CHARLES, 223 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. Born. New Haven, Ct., '79; ent., '97; init., '97; A. B., '00. With Atlanta Ry. Co. Electrician. HENTZ, HARRY FITZGERALD, Quincy, Fla. Born, City Point, Fla., '83; ent., '99; init., '00. Student. HILL, HERBERT CLAY, Monticello, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '56; ent,, '72; init., '72; del. 9th Conv.; joint editor first vol. K. A. Journal, '79. Real Estate and Insurance. HILL, HIRAM WARNER, Greenville, Ga. Born, Greenville. Ga., '58;ent., 77;init., '77; Mayor of Greenville. Lawyer. HILTON, ATYS PERLETTE, Dublin, Ga. Born, Sylvania, Ga., '69; ent., '92; init., '92; A. B. ; '95. Journalist. HITCH, JAMES WOOD, Waycross, Ga. Born, Marietta, Ga., '80; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. HOLLINSHEAD, JOHN SUMMERFIELD, Newnan, Ga. Born, Fort Valley, Ga., '49; ent., '69; init., '70; A. B., '72; Cashier Nat. Bank, Newnan, Ga. Banl^er. *HOLMES, THOMAS, Washington, Ark. Born, Washington, Ark., '65; ent., '83; init., '83; teacher; died in Ind. Territory. I04 EPSIIvON. HONIKEE, EOBEET LEE, Palatka, Fla. Born, Savannah, Ga., '48; ent., '69; init., '69; member Florida Conference. Minister. HOSCH, WILLIAM HE:REY, Gainesyille, Ga. Born, Flowery Branch, Ga., '76; ent., '95; init., '95; Ph.B., '99. Teacher. HULSEY, LUTHEE JOED AN, Inman Park, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '81; ent., '^8; init., '98. Student. HUET, JOHN [WILLIAM] SOUTHEELAISTD, Inman Park, Atlanta, Ga. Born. Hurtsboro, Ala., '77; ent., '94; init., '94; (1.) '97-8; Ph.B., '98; Student, So. Med. Col. *HUZZA, THOMAS HAEEY, Atlanta, Ga. Born, St. Louis, Mo., '63; ent., '80; init., '80; First Honor, '83; M. D., Jefferson Med. Col.; K. Y. 3rd Commandery, '83-5; del. 12th K. A. Conv.; died, '98. Physician. ^JACKSON, EDWIN ALONZO, Zebulon, Ga. Born, Zebulon, Ga., '64; ent., '82; init. Pi prime. '82; trans, from Pi prime, '82; A. B., '87; died, '90. JACKSON, JAMES MAOY, Jr., Miami, Fla. Born. White Springs, Fla., '66; ent., '82; init., '82; A. B., '85; M. D. ; Health Officer for Port of Miami. Physician. JAEEELL, AETHUE BLAKE, Sharon, Ga. Born, Fort Yalley, Ga., '60; ent., '78; init., '79; A. B., '83. Teacher. JEFFEIES, THOMAS HENEY, S. Pryor st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Boltonville, Ga., '54; ent., '73; init., '73; A. B., '77; (I.) '77. Deputy clerk, Superior Court. JEWETT, HENEY EAYMOND, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Columbus, Ga., '57; ent., '75; init., '75; A. B., '79; D. D. S. Dentist and Lecturer in Atlanta Dent. Col. JOHNSON, CLIFFOED SNEED, Waycross, Ga. Born, Graham, Ga., '82; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. JOHNSON, LEE CLIFFOED, Adams Park, Ga. Born, Griffin, Ga., '60; ent., 79; init., '79; M. D. Physician. JOHNSTON, JAMES BASCOM, Macon, Ga. Born, Griffin, Ga., '58; ent., '76; init., '76; A.B., '79; member So. Ga. Conf., M. E. C, S. Minister. JOHNSTON, WILLIAM HAMILTON, Sadlersville, Tenn. Born, Bullock Co., Ala., '65; ent. '85; init., '85; trans, to Chi, '86. Minister. JONES, EDWAED GEOYES, 93 Capitol Sq., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Kartah, Ga., '74;ent.,'93;init. '93; (I.). '94-5; A. B., '95; M. D. (So. Med. Col.), '00. Physician. EPSIIvON. 105 JOXES, IVEES0:N' ALPHOXSO, Denver, Ark. Born, ]S^ewton Co., Ga., '-46; ent., '67; ioit., '70; A. B , 71. Farmer and Stock Raiser. JCNES, THOMAS RICHARD, Jr., Dalton, Ga. Born, Dalton, Ga., '76; ent., '93: init., '93; delegate 18th Conv. Journalist. JOXES, WALTER FLEMING, Columbia, S. C. Born, Carrolton, Ga., '54; ent., '71; init., '74. Merchant. JOXES, WALTER MANLEY, Dalton, Ga. Born, Dalton, Ga., '74; ent., '93; init., '93. Lawyer. KENDALL, PAUL, Montgomery, Ala. Born, Rome, Ga., "70; ent., '87; init., '87; M. D., (Atlanta Med. Col). Physician and Physical Director, Y. M. C. A. *KEY, BENJAMIN WITT, Cuthbert, Ga. Born, Athens, Ga., '53; ent., '69; init., '69; A. B., '71; A. M., '74; Sec'y 4th K. A. Conv.: died, '83. Prof. Andrew Female Col. Minister and Teacher. KEY, HOWARD WALTER, lltb & Broad Sts., Columbus, Ga. Born, Lumpkin, Ga., '51; ent.. '67; init , by Gamma for Epsilon, '68; charter member; A.B., '71; A.M., '72; Ph.D., '89. Minister. KING, WILLIAM PETER, Ferguson, Mo. Born, Red Hill, Ga., '71; ent., '88; init., '89; A.B , '93; A.M., '96; trans, to Chi, '96. Minister. KINNEBREW, EDWIN ROBERT, Athens, Ga. Born, Oglethorpe Co., Ga., '53; ent., '72; init., '72; A.B., '74; M.D. Physician. LANG, THOMAS JEFFERSON, Leesburg, Fla. Born, Taldosta. Ga., "59; ent., '78; init., '78; A.B., '82; (I.), '82. Member Fla. Conference, M. E. C, S. Minister. LASTINGER, WILLIAM WALTER, Gatesville, Tex. Born, Carrollton, Ga , '67; ent., '84; init., '85. Editor Gatesville Star. Journalist. LAWRENCE, HENRY ALEXANDER, Sparta, Ga. Born. Sparta, Ga., '59; ent., '78; init., '78. Farmer. LEDBETTER, CHARLES MARTIN, Cocbran, Ga. Born, LaGrange, Ga., '60; ent., '81; init., '81. Minister. LEWIS, CARLISLE HINTON, 239 Capitol ave., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Cartersville, Ga., '82; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. LEWIS, HENRY GRAHAM, Greensboro, Ga. Born. Greensboro, Ga., '49; ent., '69: init., '70; A.B., '71; (I.),'71. Lawyer. LEWIS, JOHN RICHARD, Culverton, Ga. Born, Sparta, Ga., '51; ent., 70; init., '70; (I.), '71-2; A.B., '72. Minister. Io6 KPSII.ON. LEWIS, JOSIAH SYDNEY, Warrenton, Ga. Born, Athens. Ga., '73; ent., '90; Init., '90; A.B.; '94. Teacher, at Wadley, Ga. LEWIS, EOBEET HENEY, Sparta, Ga. Born, Sparta, Ga., '54; ent., '72; init., '72; A. B., '74; (I.), '74. Solicitor Gen., Superior Court, Hancock Co. Lawyer. LEWIS, WILLIAM EEALEY, Grovetown, Tex. Born, Sparta, Ga., '49; ent., '68; init., '69; A.B., '70. Minister. LIN, JAMES EEESE, AVesson, Miss. Born, Forsythe, Ga., '68; ent , '84; init., '84; A.B., '87; trans, to Chi, '94; Fellowship at Vanderbilt, '94-6; A.M. (Yanderbilt) '96. Supt. Graded Schools, Wesson, Miss. *LOVETT, PEESTON HENEY OEAWFOED, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Mobley Pond, Ga., '60; ent., '76; "init., '76; A.B., '81; died, '84. Lawyer. LOWE, LEWIS DAVIES, Green Coye Springs, Fla. Born, Forsythe, Ga., '77; ent., '95; init., 96; A.B., '99. Member Fla. Cont., M. E. C, S. Minister. *McCON]SrELL, WILLIAM MAESHALL, Holly Springs, Ga. Born, Holly Springs, Ga., '71; ent., '92; init., '92; died. '96. McCLUEE, JAMES WILLIAM, Shuqualak, Miss. Born, LaGrange, Ga., '77; ent., '91; init., '93. Commercial trav. McCEAEY, JOSEPH BOYD, 407 Eng.-Am. bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Warnersville, Ga., '69; ent., '87; init., '87; B. M. E. (Ga. Tech.), '91. Engineer and contractor. McGEE, JAMES TODD, 213 Green's Ferry ave., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Ben Hill, Ga., '59; ent., 81; init., '83; A.B., '85; (I.), '85. Teacher. McMillan, WILLIAM HENEY, Clarksyille, Ga. Born, Elberton, Ga., '52; ent , 71; init., '72. Civil engineer. MADDOX, JOSEPH EMEESON, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Cherokee Co., Ga., '61; ent., '80; init., '80; A. B., '84. Wholesale grocer. (J. J. & J. E. Maddox.) MAHAFFEY, JAMES ALEXANDEE BENSON, Jefferson, Ga. Born, Dahlonega, Ga.. '43; ent., '69; init., '70; A. B., '71; (L), '71; treas. 2d K. A. Conv. Lawyer. MANLY, FEANK, Dalton, Ga. Born, Dalton, Ga., '66; ent., '83; init., '83. Machinist. MAESH, McALLEN BATTS, 149 Washington st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '64; ent., '77; init., '77; trans, to Kappa) '78; A.B. (Mercer), '81. Capitalist. MAYS, JAMES EVANS, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Stilesboro, Ga., '66; ent., '84; init., '84; A.B., '87; (I.), '87. Pharmacist. EPSIIvON. 107 MEADOWS, T. D. (or J. D.) Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '50; ent., '70; init., '70. *MEEEITT, GEORGE BOZEMAN, Goggansville, Ga. Born, Americus, Ga., '50; ent., '69; init., '70; A.B., '71; died, '89. Physician and Teacher. MILNER, THOMAS HAMILTON, Oartersville, Ga. Born, Oartersville, Ga., '75; ent., '91; init., '91; A.B., '95. Lawyer. MILNEE, WALTER HAEEIS, Oartersville, Ga. Born, Oartersville, Ga., '72; ent., '89; init., '89; (I.), '92-3; A. B., '91. Lawyer. MITOHELL, WILLIAM HENEY, Box 145, Thomas ville, Ga. BorD, Thomasville, Ga., '62; ent., '78; init., '78; A. B., '80. Far- mer. MIXON, FLETCHEE BEANDOK Born, Washington, Ga., '71; ent., '87; init., '87. *MOOD, PEESTON DULA, Sumpter, S. 0. Born, Lenoir, N. 0-, '58; ent., '75; init., (Delta) '74; trans, from Delta, '75; died '80. Teacher. MOON, A. F., Oxford, Ga. Born, Covington, Ga., '59; ent., '80; init., '80; A. B , '82. Teacher. MOON, W. D., Oxford, Ga. Born, Covington, Ga., '64; ent., '83; init., '83. *MOOEE, JOHN LUCKY, Dalton, Ga. Born, Dalton, Ga., '66; ent., '84; init., '84; E. E. cleric. Died, Dalton, Ga., '98. MONEOE, ALBEET SYDNEY, Quincy, Fla. Born, Quincy, Fla., '73; ent., '90; init., '90. MOEAN, HENEY PEAECE, Moran, Ga. Born, Russellville, Ga., '53; ent., '71; init., '71. Merchant and Farmer. MOEEIS, JOHN EEEDEE, Weatherford, Tex. Born, Mobile, Ala., '56; ent., '82; init., (Phi) '82; trans, from Phi, '82; A. B., '84; Presiding Elder Weatherford Dist. Minister. MOEEISON, ALEEI MAEVIN SENTENEY, Louisville, Ky. Born, Louisville, Ky., '78; ent., '94; init., '94; trans, to Delta, '98; Delta's del. to 20th Conv. Student. MOEEISON, HAEEY KAVANAUGH, Louisville, Ky. Born, Louisville, Ky., '76; ent., '93; init., '93. Med. Student, Univ. of Mich. MOEEISON, HOEACE TICHENOE, Louisville, Ky. Born, Louisville, Ky., '74; ent., '93; init., '93. Merchant. MUNEOE,GEOEGE DISMUKES, Quincy, Fla. Born, Quincy, Fla., '67; ent., '82; init., '83; A.B., '86. Cashier Quincy State Bank. io8 EPSII.ON. MUNEOE, EOBEET LEE, Quincy, Fla. Born, Quincy, Fla., '64; ent., '82; init., '82; A. B., '85; M.D. Physician. MURPHEY, MICKLEBURY MERRITT, Griffin, Ga. Born, Barnesville, Ga., '75; ent., '95; init., '95; del. to 19th K. A. Conv., '97; A.B., '98. Prin. Griffin High School. Teacher. MURRAY, SAMUEL WEEMS, Newnan, Ga. Born, Griffin, Ga., '53; ent-, '69; init., '73; A.B.; del. 5th K. A. Conv. Merchant. MEYERS, EDWARD HOWELL, Waycross, Ga. Born, Mossy Creek, Tenn., '76; ent., '97; init., '98; del. 20th Conv; Shipping clerk, Plant System, R. R. MEYERS, WILLIAM EDWARD, Washington, D. C. Born, Macon, Ga.. '52; ent., '68; init., '69; trans, to Gamma, '72. Clerk, Treas. Dept. ^NICHOLSON, WILLIAM BONNER RICE, Sandersville, Ga. Born, Attapulgus, Ga., '68; ent., '87; init., '87; A.B., '91; died, Sandersville, Ga., '96. Teacher. NORRIS, JOHN THOMAS, Jk., Oartersville, Ga. Born, Cartersville, Ga., '73; ent., '90; init., '90; trans, to Gamma, '94; A. B., '94; A. M., '95; LL.B., '96; First Honor, Univ. of Ga., '96. Lawyer. OUSLEY, ROBERT F., Valdosta, Ga. Born, Ousley,Ga., '60; ent., '77; init., '77; member Ga. Legisla- ture. Lawyer and Merchant. i.-.*-ttjC ,>4a*-6-*^-v«^/ •it£«^.^/'y1 PALMER, WILLIS LUOILIUS, Orlando, Fla. Born, West Point, Ga., '54; ent., '74; init., '74; Mayor of Orlando, '90-4; member of Fla., Legislature, '99. Lawyer. PARK, JAMES BILLINGSLEA, Jr., Greensboro, Ga. • Born, Greensboro, Ga., '54; ent., '72; init., '73; A. B., '74; member Legislature, '98-9. Lawyer. PARKS, HENRY GRADY, ' Augusta, Ga. Born, Rome, Ga., '69; ent., '84; init., '84; A. B., '89; (I.), '89; Billing clerk, Ga. R. R. Co. PARK'S, JOHN SUMMERFIELD, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '56; ent., '74; init., '75; A. B., '76. Insurance. PARKS, ROBERT LEE McALLISTER, Provident Building, Savannah, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '64; ent., '79; init., '79; A. B., '84; manager Knickerbocker Ice Co. PASCO, FREDERICK LOCHE, Se., St. Augustine, Fla. Born, Prince Edward Island, '44; init., '84; A. B., (Harvard), '65; A. M. (Emory), '81; Supt. Fla. State Inst, for Blind and Deaf. Teacher and Preacher. EPSII.ON. I09 PASCO, FEEDEEIOK LOOHE, Jr., 60 Bowdoin st., Boston, Mass. Born, Duval, Fla., '72; ent., '89; init., '89; A. B., '93. Music teacher, New Eng. Conservatory. PEARSON, JAMES MADISON, Alexander City, Ala. Born, Alexander City, Ala., '62; ent., '82; init., '83. Teacher. PEEK, COMEE. LEONARD, Starke, Ela. Born, Hancock, Ga., '52; ent., '71; init., '71; A.B., '75. Land Com'r A. S. R. & G. R. R. Lawyer. PERRY, ERWIN, Eatonton, Ga. Born, Covington, Ga., '74; ent., '87; init., '88. Principal Public Schools. Teacher. PIERCE, ALFRED MANN, Rome, Ga. Born, Union Point, Ga., '74; ent., 91; init., '91; A.B., '95. Mem- ber N. Ga., Conf. Minister. PIERCE, GEORGE FOSTER, Cartersville, Ga. Born, Sparta, Ga., '79; ent., '95; init., '96; A.B., '00. With Iron Belt Ry Mining Co. PIERCE, JOHN FOSTER. Born, Oxford, Ga., '63; ent., '80; init., '80; A.B., '84. Lawyer. PIERCE, JAMES LOVICK, Monroe, La. Born, Madison, Ga., '61; ent., '78; init., '78; A.B., '82; A.M., '83;. D.D. Member La. Conf. M. E. C, S. Minister. PIERCE, THOMAS MURRAH, Austell, Ga. Born, Union Point, Ga.,'69; ent. ,'86; init., '87; A.B.,'91. Teacher. PIERCE, WILLIAM FLOURNOY, McKinney, Tex. Born, Madison, Ga., '55; ent., '71; init., '71; (I.) PIERCE, WALTER FLOURNOY, Jr., Nashville, Tenn. Born, Sparta, Ga., '69; ent., '83; init., '83; A.B., '86. Publisher. PIERCE, WILDS LOVICE, Winterville, Ga. Born, Austell, Ga., '65; ent., '81; init., '85 A.B., '86. Member So. Ga. Conf., M. E. C, S. Minister. PILCHER, WILLIAM WYMAN, Warrenton, Ga. Born, Warrenton, Gh., '69; ent., '88; init., '88. Physician. PONDER, JOHN OLIVER, Forsyth, Ga. Born, Forsyth, Ga., '55; ent., '73; init., '73; A.B., '77. Lawyer- *POOL, WILLIAM ROBERT, Buford, Ga. Born, Buford, Ga., '51; ent., '71; init., '71; A.B., '73; died, '89. Teacher. POUND, EDWIN ALDINE, Waycross, Ga. Born, Pike Co., Ga., '70; ent., '89; init., '89; A.B., '92. Supt. Waycross Public Schools. Teacher. RAMBO, CLIFTON JONES, Bluffton, Ga. Born, Bluffton, Ga., '76; ent., '94; init., '94; A.B., '97. Merchant, and Farmer. no EPSIIvON. BEDDING, HENEY ALBERT, Cuthbert, Ga. Born, Cuthbert, Ga., '66; ent., '86; init., '86. Pharmacist. EEDDING, ROBERT AUGUSTUS, 414 S. Pryor st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '67; ent., '85; init., '85; B.S., '87. Insurance. REED, GEORGE HOUSTON, 179 Edgewood ave., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Selma, Ala., '78; ent.. 99; init., '99. Student. fREYlSrOLDS, WALTER E., Barnesville, Ga. Born, Barnesville, Ga., '62; ent., '77; init., '77; expelled, '78. Farmer. REYNOLDS, JOSIAH BENJAMIN, Lumber City, Ga. Born, Conyers, Ga., '49; ent., '70; init., '70; M. D. Physician. REYNOLDS, JAMES WICKHAM, Waycross, Ga. Born, Marion, Fla., '77; ent., '97; init., '97. Stenographer, Plant System. REYNOLDS, NATHANIEL MARION, Moultrie, Ga. Born, Marion, Ela., '72; ent., '96; init., '96; trans, to Gamma, '96; re-joined Epsilon, '97; re-trans, to Gamma, '98. Lawyer. ROBERTS, STEWART RALPH, 63i Wbitehall st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Oxford, Ga., '78; ent., '94; init., '94; M. D., '00. Physician. RODWELL, JOHN WILLIAM, High Shoals, Ga. Born, Monroe, Ga., '63; ent., '81: init., '81; Sec'y High Shoals Mfg. Co. Manufacturer. SAMEORD, CHARLES McDANIEL, 606 Cotton St., Tampa, Ela. Born, Cartersville, Ga., '72; ent., '94; init., '95; Ph.B., '98. Teacher at Bartow Fla. fSAULSBURY, ROBERT SMITH, Istacbatta, Fla. Born, Macon, Ga., '55; ent., '69; init., '69; expelled, '70. Orange Grower. *SCAIFE, PAUL BOUND, Camilla, Ga. Born, Eufala, Ala., '74; ent., '90; init., '90; drowned, '98. SEALS, JOHN EMORY, • Columbus, Ga. Born, Dalton, Ga., '76; ent., '93; init., '93. Teacher. SHEATS, WILLIAM NICHOLAS, Tallahassee, Fla. Born. Auburn, Ga., '51; ent., '69; init., '69; A. B.; '73; Second Honor, A. M., '74; (I.), '73; Supt. Education Fla. Teacher. SINGLETON, MICAJAH THOMAS, Cartersville, Ga. Born, Dahlonega, Ga., '50; ent., '67; init., charter member, '69; trans, to Gamma, '70 A. B., '70; Civil Engineer and Mineralo- gist, with Iron Belt 1^. R. and Mining Co. SLEDGE, JAMES HENRY, 402 Peachtree st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, LaGrange, Ga., '78; ent., '94; init., '94; A. B., '98. With Atlanta Journal. EPSII.ON. Ill SMITH, ALWYJN' MEANS, LaGrange, Ga. Bortj, Sparta, Ga., '65; ent., '82; init., '82; Director of Music, LaG. Fern. Col. Musician. SMITH, CECIL HOWARD, Sherman, Texas. Born, Sparta, Ga., '(50; ent., '76; init., '76: A.B., '83: K. V. 4th Commandery, '83-4; member Texas Legislature. Lawyer. SMITH, CLIFFORD LEWIS, La Grange, Ga. Born. White Plains, Ga., '67; ent., '82; Init., '82. Prof, of Nat. Science, LaGrange Female College. Chemist. SMITH, EULER BEDFORD, Athens, Ga. Born, Sparta, Ga., '58; ent., '74; init., '74; A. B., '79; A. M., '80; del. 9th K. A. Conv. ; prest. lOth Conv. Teacher. SMITH, HUBERT MANN, Ringgold, Ga. Born, Sparta, Ga., '62; ent., 78; init., '78. Minister. SMITH, JULIUS LUNDY, Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '67; ent., '84; init., '84; A.B., '85; (I.), '85. Railway Mail Cleric. SMITH, LEON PERDUE, La Grange, Ga. Born, White Plains, Ga., '69; ent., '87; init., '87; (I), '89-'92; mem- ber advisory board, '91-3; del. 15th and 17th K. A. Convs; A.B., '92. Instructor in Latin, LaGrange Fem. College. Teacher. SPARKMAN, EDWARD LAMAR, Nebraska ave., Tampa, Fla. Born, Ft. Meade, Fia., '76; ent., '94; init., '94; A.B., '98; trans, to Lambda, '98. Law Student. SPECK, JOHN RHODES, 150 Foundry st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Buchanan, W. Ya., '53; ent., 80; init., '80. Member of N. Ga. Conf., M. E. C, S. Minister. SPEIR, J. E. Born, Barnesville, Ga., '57; ent., '74; init., '74. Lawyer and teacher. STAFFORD, FRANK MARCELLUS, Barnesville, Ga. Born, Barnesville, Ga., '68; ent., '90; init. (Pi prime), '83; trans, from Pi prime, '90; A.B., 91. Merchant. *STALLINGS, WILLIAM SIMEON, Covington, Ga. Born. Covington, Ga., '59; ent., '73; init., '73; died, '86. Merchant. STEYENS, GEORGE WEBB, 318 Washington st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Griflfin, Ga., '61, ent., '80; init., '80; Supreme Court Re- porter. Lawyer. STEYENS, WILLIAM SYDNEY, Sparta, Ga. Born, Tuskeegee, Ala., '66; ent., '83; int., '83; A.B., '86; trans, to Chi, '90; member of N. Ga. Conf., M. E. C, S. Minister. STONE, ALONZO CICERO, Monroe, Ga. Born, Monroe, Ga., '62; ent., '84; init., '84; member of Legisla- ture two year.^; Mayor of Monroe two years. Lawyer. 112 EPSII.ON. STONE, HAEEY HAELAN, Oxford, Ga. Born, Oxford, Ga., '61; ent., '76; init., '77; A. B., '80; A. M., '86; Prof, of Applied Math., Emory Col.; Prest. Board of Educa- tion, Newton Co., Ga. Teacher. STOVALL, PAUL EOONEY, Madison, Ga. Born, Madison, Ga., '77; ent., '95; init., '95. Clerk. STONE, WILLIAM THESTIDUS OAPEES, Oxford, Ga. Born, Oxford, Ga., '64; ent., '80; init., '80; A. B., '84. Farmer. STEOZIEE, EEUBEN JAMES, McEae, Ga. Born, White Plains, Ga., '57; ent., '77; init., '78; A. B., '80; A. M., '81; Prest. So. Ga. Conf. College. Teacher and Preacher. SWEAEINGEN, GEOEGE [HAETWELL] CEAWFOED, Jackson, Miss. Born, Bainbridge, Ga., '66; ent., '85; init., '85; trans, to Chi, '90; Second Honor, '88; A. B., '88; grad. Student and Fellow, Van- derbilt Univ.; A. M., '92; Wilworth Fellow, Univ. of Chicago, '95-6; Prof. Latin and Greek, MillsapsCol. Teacher. TABOE, JOHN FLETCHEE, Lavonia, Ga. Born, Fort Lamar, Ga., '52; ent., '74; init., '74; A.B., '78; trans, to Gamma, '75. Merchant. TANNAHILL, SAMUEL, Augusta, Ga. Born, Augusta, Ga., '80; ent., '95; init., '95. Hardw. merchant. TAPPAN, EDWAED LEWIS, White Plains, Ga. Born, White Plnins, Ga., '60; ent., '78; init., '78; A.B., '83. Mer- chant and farmer. TAYLOE, FEANCIS NOEMAN, Greensboro,- Miss. Born, Waynesboro, Miss., '79; ent., '97; init. (Phi), '95; trans, from Phi, '97. Student. *TELFAIE, MILTON STEWAET, Quincy, Fla. Born, Quincy, Fla., '53; ent., 70; init., '70; died, '77. Lawyer. TOOMBS, LAWEENOE CATLETT, Lumpkin, Ga. Born, Cuthbert, Ga., '54; ent., 73; init., '73. Lawyer. *TUENBULL, WILLIAM BELLAMY, Monticello, Fla. Born, Monticello, Fla., '64; ent., '81; init., '81; died, '96. Banker. TUENBULL, WALLEE TAYLOE, Eome, Ga. Born, Monticello, Fla., '60; ent., '77; init., '77; trans, to Lambda, '82; A.B., B.L., A.M.; (I.) '80; K. V., 4th Commandery, '83-5; Pres. 12th K. A. Conv; Judge, Eome Circuit Court since '94, Lawyer. TUENEE, FEANK HUDSON, Tennille, Ga. Born, Sparta, Ga., '65; ent., '85; init., '85. Commercial trav. TUENEE, SIMEON MOETON, Quitman, Ga. Born, Quitman, Ga., '78; ent., '96; init., '96; Ph.B., '00. Student. Van HOEN, JOSEPH THOMAS, Monroe, Ga. Born. Chattahoochee Co., Ga., '50; ent., '70; init., '70; A.B., '73;. M.D. Physician. EPSII^ON. 113 YEXABLE, GUS FOUTE, Leesburg, Fla. Born, Adairsville, Ga., '72; eat., '95; init , '95; (I.), '99-'00; A.B., '00. Prof. Math., Fla. Conf. Col. WADSWORTH, WILLARD WALTER, Marietta, Ga. Born, Decatur, Ga., '51; ent., '69; init., '70; K. C, '75; Pres. 2d CoQY.; trans, to Zeta, '70; A.B. (R. M. Col.), '71. Author and Minister. WASHBURN, FRED. EUGENE, Milledgeville, Ga. Born, Duluth, Ga., '82; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. WILEY, CLAUDE, Tyler, Texas. Born, Tyler, TexMS, '73; ent., '89; init., '89. Sec. & Treas. Tyler Cotton Oil Co. WILLARD, SAMUEL LEVI, 308 N. 4th st, Philadelphia, Pa. Born, Cartersville, Ga., '74; ent., '89; init., '89. Manager Phil. Branch Coca Cola Co. WILLIAMS, WILLIAM HIRAM, Griffin, Ga. Born, Griffin, Ga., '60; ent., '76; init., '76; trans, to Kappa, '— . Lawyer. *WILSON, CHARLES WESLEY, Decatur, Ga. Born, Decatur, Ga., '65; ent., '89; init., '90; died, '96. Minister, WILSON, JOHN CINCINNATUS, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Coweta, Ga., '64; ent., '82; init., '82. Commercial trav. WIMBERLY, OLIN JOHN, Macon, Ga. Born, Lumpkin, Ga., '62; ent., '78; init., '78; M. A. (Yanderbilt) '82. Lawyer. WIMBERLY, WILLIAM HENRY, 79 Ponce de Leon ave., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Baker Co., Ga., '56; ent., 72; init., '72; A.B., '76. Merchant. WOOLDRIDGE, JAMES CLEMENTS, Columbus, Ga. Born, Columbus, Ga., '77; ent., '95; init., '95; A.B. , '98. Teacher. WOOLLEY, LITTLE BERRY YASSAR, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '62; ent., '79; init., '79; Second Honor; A. B., '82. Lawyer. *WOOLLEY, WILLIAM PRICE, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga. '60; ent., '78; init., '78; A. B., '81; M. D., (1); elected Editor K. A. Magazine, '83; died, '83. Physician. WORSHAM, JAMES WILLIAM, Covington, Ga. Born, Oxford, Ga., '56; ent., '74; init., '74; Agent, Ga. R. R. WRIGHT, HOMER, Buford, Ga. Born, Jeffersonville, Ga., '50; ent., '70; init., '70;Prest. 6thConv.; A. B., '72; A. M., '73; (I.), Supt. of Schools. Teacher. WRIGHT, WILLIAM COSBY, Covington, Ga. Born, Barnesville. Ga., '59; ent., '77; init,, '77; (I.), '78-9; Supt. City Schools. Teacher. 114 EPSII.ON. WYNlSr, WILLIAM THOMAS, Lizella, Ga. Born, Henry Co., Ga. '74; ent., '97; init., '97; A. B., '00. Teacher. Initiates, 266; transfers, 8; total, 274. Lost by transfers, 27; dead, 24 initiates, 3 transfers; expelled, 3. ^ RANDOLPH-AACON COLLEGE, ASMLAND. VA. Chartered in 1830. Controlled by n. E. Church, South. FKATERXITIES : Delta Psi, 1853-'61. Phi Delta Theta, 1874. Kappa Alpha, 1869. ( Kappa Sigma Kappa, 1883-'86. Phi KappH Psi, 1870-'82. 4 United with Phi Delta Theta, Phi Kappa Sigma, 1872. ( 1886. Beta Theta Pi, 1874-'93. Phi Theta Psi, 188- -'95, Sigma Chi, 1874. Kappa Sigma, 1888. ZETA CHAPTER. Chartek Members :— E. S. Johnson, F. M. Atkinson, Bernard Briel, and P. N. Sanderson. Fouin)ER :— J. L. Stern, (Alpha). Established November 26, 1869, under warrant from S. Z. Ammen, K. C. The charter being issuedby W. W. Collins, K. C, in 1872. The chapter became inactive in 1892, and was revived March 18, 1893. Zeta was the first of our chapters to own a chapter house, and at present a chapter house is rented. Members of Zeta Chapter^ *ATKINSON, FEANK M., Greenville, N. C. Born, Greenville, N. C, '52; ent., '69; init., charter member, '69; Dead, before '91. Farmer. BAGGS, JOHN FEEDERICK, Aberdeen, Md. Born, Easton, Md., '51; ent., '70; init., '71, member of Baltimore Conf., M. E. C, S. Minister. BAIN, GEOEGE McKENDEEE, 66 College pL, Norfolk, Va. Born, Portsmouth, Ya., '59; ent., '75; init., '75; trans, to Lambda, '77; M. A., (Univ. Va.);Prin. Norfolk High School. Teacher. BAEHAM, JOHN LANGHOENE, Newsoms, Va. Born, Newsoms, Ya., '79: ent., '96; init., '96; trans, to Lambda, '98. Merchant. Il6 ZETA. BLACKWELL, IKVING HALL, Broad Eun, Va. Born, Norfolk, Va., '72; ent., '90; init., '91; (I.), '94; B. A., '95; pres. grad. class, '95. Student, Johns Hopkins Univ. BLACKWELL, JOHN FKANCIS, 120 Freemason st., Norfolk, Va. Born, '60; ent., '78; init., '78; A. B., '81; A. M., '82; Principal Norfolk Male Acad. Teacher. BLACKWELL, KAEL SIGISMUND, Bedford City, Va. Born, Charlottesville, Va., '79; ent., '95; init., '95; A. B., '97; A. M., '98. Teacher E. M. Academy. BLACKWELL, EOBEET EMOEY, AsMand, Va. Born, Warrenton, Va., '54; ent., '68; init., '71; A. M., '74; (I.), '74; del. 5th K. A. Conv.; A. M., Prof, of Mod. Lang., Eandolph- Macon College. Teacher. BOND, FEANCIS MAEVIN, Winchester, Va. Born, Blacksburg, Va., '80; ent., '99; init., '99; C. H., '99-'00. Student. BOYD, HENEY AEMSTEAD, * Warrenton, N. C. Born, Warren Co., N. C, '55; ent., '72; init., '76; A. M., '78; (I.), '78. Lawyer. BEADFOED, GEOEGE LAFAYETTE, Marion, Ala. Born, Flint Hill, Va., '75; ent., '95; init., '95; (I.), '97-8; A. M., '98. Teacher, Marion Mil. Acad. *BEIEL, BEENAED, Je., Eichmond, Va. Born, Henrico Co., Va., '51; ent , '68; init., charter member, '69. Died, '92. BUCKNEE, LEIGH, Eoanoke, Va. Born, Buckner's Station, Va., '61; ent., '79; init., '81; trans, to Lambda, '83; M. D. (Univ. of Md.), '85. Physician. BUEWELL, SAMUEL, Petersburg, Va. Born, Williamsboro, N. C, '63; ent., '81; init., '82. Tobcicconist and bookkeeper. BUETON, JOHN MADISON, Madison, Va. Born, Bedford Co., Va., '48; ent., '70: init., '71; A.M., '76; mem- ber Va. Conf., M. E. C, S. Minister. BUTTS, DANIEL GEEGOEY CLAIBOENE, Belroi, Va. Born, Eoslin, Va., '48; ent., '68; init., '70; del. 1st K. A. Conv.: member of Va. Conf., M. E. C, S. Minister. CAMPBELL, HOEACE, Edinburg, Va. Born, Edinburg, Va., '76; ent., '94; init., '94; A.M., '97; (I.), '96; trans, to A-Lambda, '97. OANTEE, HALL, Baltimore, Md. Born, Baltimore, Md., '73; ent., '96; init., '96; (I.); A. B. Stu- dent, J. H. U. ZETA. 117 *CAEEOLL, THOMAS, Little Eock, Ark. Born, Carrollton. In. C., '56; ent., '71: init., '71; M.D., (Eichm. Med. Coll.), '78; del. 7tli K. A. Conv.; died, Pulaski Co., Ark., '99. Physician. CAESOIS^ SAMUEL KING, Eiverton, Va. Born, Enneskillen, Ireland, '65, ent., '83; init., '83. Sec'y Car- son Lime Co. CAETEE, SAMUEL EEDD, Ashland, Va. Born, Asliland, Va., '76; ent., '93; init., '94; trans, to Lambda, '96; LL.B. (Univ. of Va.). Lawyer. CATO, JOHN HENEY, Emporia, Va. Born, Hicksford, Va., '52; ent., '69; init., '70. Farmer. CHADWICK, FLOYD FEANCIS, Piedmont, W. Va. Born, Westernpont, Md., '75; ent., '94; init., '94. Chief clerk and bookkeeper, Davis Coal and Coke Co. *CHAMBLm, ALBEET EUSH, Snickersville, Md. Born, Loudon Co., Va., '58; ent., '70; init., 71; died, '76. CLAY, ODIN OEEEN, Jk., St. Paul, Minn. Born, Campbell Co.,Va.,'52; ent.. '73; init., '74; trans, to Lambda, '77; LL.B., Univ. of Va., '79; K. V. 1st Commandery, '83-5. Lawyer and Eeal Estate Broker. COLE, JOHN NELSON, Durham, N. C. Born, Franklinton, N. C, '52; ent., '73; init., '74. Member N. C. Conf., M. E. C, S. Minister. COMPTON, JAMES WILLIAM, Troy, Idaho. Born, Manassas, Va., '47; ent., '69; init., '69; member Oregon Conf., M. E. C, 8. Minister. COOPEE, JOHN EOBEET, Kinston, N. C. Born, Laurel Mills, Va., '75; ent., '93; init., '94. Bookkeeper. COOPEE, HENEY O'BANNON, Culpeper, Va. Born, Culpeper, Va., '77; ent.. '93; init., '95; B. A., '96; M. A., '97; trans, to Lambda, '99. Student. COVEE, AETHUE BYEON, Elkton, Va. Born, Elkton, Va.; '80; ent., '97; init., '97. With Cover Tan- ning Co. COVEE, HEEBEET LEE, Elkton, Va. Born, Elkton, Va., '78; ent., '97; init., '97. With Cover Tan- ning Co. CEALLB, GEOEGE ANDEESON, Blackstone, Va. Born, Amelia Co., Va., '66; ent., '83; init., '83. Sec'y Blackstone Manuf 'g Co. CEEECH, JOSEPH ALEXANDEE, ' Kelford, N. C. Born, Ealeigh, N. C, '57; ent., '73; init., '73: A.B., cum laude (Princeton), '80; A.M., '83. Lawyer. Il8 ZETA. CEENSHAW, DIBBEELL DUNCAN, 47 Nassau st., New York City. Born, Eectortown, Va., '69; ent., '85; init., '86; (1.), '88. With the A. B. Dick Co. Salesman. OEENSHAW, EDMUND MASSEY, 2212 Beach aye., Baltimore, Md. Born, Eectortown,Ya.,'70;ent.,'88;init.,'89. With Fox Gun Co. DAYIS, AETHUE KYLE, Petersburg, Va. Born, Petersburg, Ya., '67; ent., '84; init., '84; A.B., '87; A.M., '88. Teacher. DAVIS, OHAELES HALL, Petersburg, Va. Born, Petersburg, Va., '72; ent., '86; init., '86; (1.), '89-'90; A.B., A.M., '90; trans, to Lambda, '90; del. 17th Cony. Lawyer. DAVIS, HUGH CHANDLEE, Norfolk, Va. Born, Farmville, Va., '63; ent., '78; init., '78; (L), '81; A.B., '82; trans, to Lambda, '82. Lawyer. DAVIS, WILLIAM HOLMES, Danyille, Va. Born, Petersburg, Va., '73; ent., '88; init., '90; (I.), '92; A.B., '92. Prin. R. M. Inst. DAVIS, WILLIAMS THOMAS, Petersburg, Va. Born, Petersburg, Va., '70; ent., '86; init., '86. Sec'y Petersburg Alumni Chapter. Lawyer. DAEDEN, EIOHAED NEWIT, Newsoms, Va. Born, Newsoms, Va., '78; ent., '96; init., '96. *DILLAED, JAMES WELLINGTON, Centre Cross, Va. Born, Centre Cross, Va., '— ; ent., '69; init., '70; died, '91. Far- mer and teacher. DEEW, GEOEGE EOGEES, Wakefield, Va. Born, Wakefield, Va., '60; ent., '77; init., '77. Farmer. DUFFEY, JEFFEESON WAITE, 905 Massachusetts aye., N. W., Washington, D. C. Born, Mooresfleld, W. Va., '46; ent., '68; init., '69; member Bait. Conference, M. E. C, S. Minister. DUNCAN, DAVID TWITTY, 26 Broadway, New York City. Born, Eichmond, Va., '58; ent., '74; init., '74. With Standard Oil Co. DUNCAN, JAMES AEMSTEONG, 415 W. Church st., Knoxville, Tenn. Born, Richmond, Va., 63; ent., '77; init., '77; (I.), '83; trans, to Delta, '80; re-trans, from Delta, '82; D. D. (Central Col., Mo.) '95. Minister. FEEGUSON, SYDNOE GILBEET, 320 W. Burke st., Martinsburg, W. Va. Born, Fauquier Co., Va., '45. ent., '70; init., '70; member Bait. Conf. M. E. C, S. Minister. ZETA. Ilg FICKLE^T^ JOHN EOSE, New Orleans, La. Born, Falmouth, Ya., '58; ent., '74;lnit., '75: trans, to Lambda, '76; Prof. Hist, and Polit. Sci., Tulane Univ. Teacher. FEOST, WADE HAMPTON, Marshall, Ya. Born, Marshall, Ya., '80; ent., '96; init., '97; trans, to Lambda, '98. Medical Student. GEAYES, EDWAED CHAELTON, Washington, D. C. Born, Washington, D. C, '83; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. GEAY, BENJAMIN HUGHES, Cumberland, Ya. Born, Cumberland, Ya. '78; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. GEIGG, EDWAED WILLIAMSON, Petersburg, Ya. Born, Petersburg, Ya., '62; ent.; '79; init., '79. Merchant. HANNON, JOHN, Alameda, Cal. Born, Montgomery, Ala., '45; ent., '69: init., '69: A. M., '71; D. D. (Univ. of Ala.); (I.), '69; mem. Pacific Conf., M. E. C, S. Minister. HAEEISON, HATLEY NOETON, New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '57; ent., '72; init., '75; trans, to Lambda '76. Chemist. *HENEY, EDWAED HUGH, Jr. Born, Hillsboro, Ya., '61; ent., '82; init., 82; died, '89. Teacher. HOPE, HEEBEET MEEEDITH, Petersburg, Ya. Born, , '49; ent., '69; init., '70; (I.) '73. Editor and cler- gyman. HOWISON, JAMES FICKLEN, 47 Nassau st.. New York City. Born, New Canton, Ya., '67; ent., '85; init., '85; Trav. Manager Edison's Mimeograph. HOWISON, EOBEET COOK, New Orleans, La. Born, Buclfingham Co., Ya., '70; ent., '84; init., '86. Prin. Boys' High School. HUMPHEEY, JAMES EUFUS, Granite, Mont. Born, Loudoun Co., Ya., '53; ent., '69; init., '71. Physician and Surgeon. HUNTEE, EOBEET TUCKEE, Ashland, Ya. Born, Staunton, Ya., '84; ent., '98; init., '99. Student. HUTCHINS, WILLIAM THOMAS, Friendship, Md. Born, Friendship, Md., '65; ent., '84; init., '85. Merchant. lEBY, BENJAMIN, Blackstone, Ya. Born, Blackstone, Ya., '51; ent., '68; init., '71. Farmer. JAMESON, HENEY COWLES, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Culpepper, Ya., '60; ent., '78; init., '78. Merchant. JOHNSON, EDWAED S., Helena, Mont. Born, Ashland, Ya., '48; ent., '69; init., charter member, '69. I20 ZETA. JUDKINS, LEWIS McKENZIE, 103 S. 3dst., Eichmond, Va. Bom, Petersburg, Va., '69; ent., '87; init., 87; with T. W. Wood & Son., Seedsmen. KERN, ALFRED ALLAN, 1514 McGavock st, E"ashville,Tenn. Born, Salem, Ya., '79: ent., '94; init., '97; A. B., '98; M. A., '99; trans, to Chi, '99. Student. KERN, PAXIL BENTLE Y, 1514 McGavock st, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Alexandria, Ya., '82; ent., '97; init., '99; trans, to Chi, '99. Student. KREGLOE, CHARLES EMORY, Roanoke, Ya. Born, Luray, Ya., '60; ent., '75; init., '80; A. B. Teacher. LAMBERT, IRWIN CLAY, Chicago, 111. Born, New Windsor, Md., '59; ent., '83; init., '83. With Marshal, Field & Co. *LAMBERT, JORDAN WHEAT, St. Louis, Mo. Bort), Alexandria, Ya., '43; ent., '68; init., '70; (I.), '73; died, '89. LANCASTER, WILLIAM, 73 Tremont st., Boston, Mass. Born, Buckingham, Ya., '80; ent., '95; init., '96. Constructing engineer. LEIGH, JOHN HAMILTON PATTERSON, Weldon, N. C. Born, Garysburg. N. C, '62; ent., '79; init., '79; trans, to Lambda, '84. Editor-in-Chief, yc^r;?a/, '85-6. Traveling salesman. LEIGH, HEZEKIAH GILBERT, [Je.,] Petersburg, Ya. Born, Petersburg, Ya., '66; ent., '86; init., '86; trans, to Lambda, '88. Physician. LITTLE, WILLIAM A.LEXANDER, [Je.] Fredericksburg, Ya. Born, Fredericksburg, Ya., '58; ent., '72; init., '74; trans, to Lambda, '77; LL.B., '79; Ya. State Senator, '89-'97. Lawyer. McCABE, ROBERT EMMET, Leesburg, Ya. Born, Leesburg, Ya., '82; ent., 99; init., '99. Student. Mccormick, john newton, 285 E. Fulton st.. Grand Rapids, Mich. Born, Baltimore, Md., '63; ent., '79; init., '79; A.B., '83; (L), '82; Rector St. Mark's Church. Minister. MACON, LYTTLETON SAYAGE, Je., Charlottesville, Ya. Born, Keswick, Ya., '67; ent., '83; init., '85. Furniture dealer. MACON, WILLIAM DOUGLASS, 510 West Main st, Charlottesville, Ya. Born, Keswick, Ya., '69; ent., '84; init., '85; trans, to Lambda, '90; A.B.; M.D. (Univ. of Ya.). Physician. MORRIS, JAMES WATSON, Santa Maria da Bocca do Monte, Brazil. Born, Goochland Co., Ya., '59; ent., '76; init. (Gamma), '76; trans, from Gamma, '76; trans, to Lambda, '83; A.M., '81; (I.), '80; Episcopal missionary to Brazil. Minister. ZETA. 121 MORRIS, CHARLES EDWARD, (Memphis, Tenn.) Etit., '81; init., '82; trans, to Gamma, '82. MORRIS, LEWIS COLEMAN, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Ashland, Va., '70; ent.,'87; init., '87; trans, to Lambda, '91; M. D. (Univ of Ya.). Physician. MOYLER, JOHN, Petersburg, Va. Born, Petersburg, Va., '74; ent., '91; init., '91. Ins. business. NALLE, JAMES B., Raccoon Ford, Va. Born, Mitchell's Station, Va., '53; ent., '74; init., '74. Farmer. ISTEWBILL, HENRY LOCAN, Montague, Va. Born, Essex Co., Va., '49; ent., '68; init., '69. Lawyer and Farmer. NEWMAN, WILBUR LAUCK, Woodstock, Va. Born, Woodstock, Va., '80; ent., '96; init., '99. Student. NUNNALLY, ARTHUR VALENTINE, 102 E. 10th St., Manchester, Va. Born, Manchester, Va., '77; ent., '95; init., '95; B. A., '98; (I.) '97; del. special Conv. '98. Insurance Agent. *OFFUTT, WILLIAM WASHINGTON, Rockville, Md. Born, Rockville, Md., '61; ent., '80; init., '81; died about '84. PAGE, JAMES MORRIS, Charlottesville, Va. Born, Albemarle Co., Va., '64; ent., '81; init., '81; A. M.; took all medals given; Ph.D., (Leipsic). Prof. Math. University of Va. PAGE, THOMAS WALKER, [Je.,] Berkeley, Calif. Born, Cobham. Va., '66; ent., '83; Init., '83; A. M.; Ph.D. Prof. History and Pol. Econ. in Univ. of Calif. *PAULETT, HENRY CLARK, Farmville, Va. Born, Cumberland Co., Va., '49; ent., '69; init., '71; died, '99. Minister. PAULETT, RICHARD HOGE, Farmville, Va. Born, Farmville, Va., '60; ent., '77; init., '77; A. M. Merchant. PETTIT, PAUL, Palmyra, Va. Born, Cumberland Co., Va., '65; ent., '84; init., '84; A. B., '87; (1.) '85-8; trans, to Lambda, '92. Lawyer. PFEIFFER, HENRY CASPER, Lynchburg, Va. Born, Richmond, Va., '73; ent., '97; init., '98; (I.) '98-9. Student. *PITZER, HENRY CLAY, Lexington, Va. Born, Covington, Vh., '44; ent., '69; init., '70; member Baltimore Conf., M. E. C, S., at time of death; died, '77. PRICE, EDWARD DABNEY, 8 Franklin st. E., Richmond, Va. Born, Richmond, Va., '53; ent., '68; init., '70; del. 7th K. A. Conv. Merchant. REDD, JOHN WESLEY, [Je.] Danville, Ky. Born, Pr. Edward Co., Va., '52; ent., '69; init., '72; A.M.; Prof. Greek, Center College. Teacher. 122 ZETA. RHODES, CHAELES 0., Baltimore, Md. Knt., '69: init., '70. Lawyer and Judge. ROBERTS, CHARLES EDWARD, Bridgetown, Va. Born, Bridgetown, Ta., '81; ent., '98; init., '98. Student at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ROBERTSON, JOHJST HENRY, Rocky Mount, N. C. Born, Bellevue, Ta., '72; ent., '92; init., '93; A.B.,'96. Teacher. ROSS, RAYMOND RICHARD, Leesburg, Ya. Born, Trapp, Ya., '78; ent., '95; init., '96! A.M., '98. Bank clerk. ROSZEL, GEORGE ASBURY, Welbourne, Ya. Born, Frederick. Md., 50; ent., '69; init., '70: trans, to Lambda, '73; LL.B (Univ. of Ya.). Farmer. ROUNTREE, ALBERT LEONIDAS, Cot. Ex., New York, N. Y. Born, Wilson, N. C, '52; ent., '69; init., '70. Commission mer. SANDERSON, PHILIP NORTON, Moyock, N. C. Born, Moyock, N, C, '48; ent., '68; init. charter member, '69. Salesnoan. SCOTT, GEORGE WILLIAM, Lambert's Point, Ya. Born, Petersburg, Ya., '52; ent., '68; init., '70. With N. & W. R. R. Co. SCOTT, WILLIAM IRYIN, Lynchburg, Ya. Horn, Ashland, Ya., '63; ent., '80; init., '80. Civil engineer. SHARP, ROBERT, Tulane University, New Orleans, La. Born, Lawrenceville, Ya., '42; ent., '69; init., '71; A.M., '75; (I.) '75; A. M., Ph.D.; (Leipzig); Prof, of Eng. in Tulane Univ. Teacher. SHELTON, WILLIAM T., (Memphis, Tenn.) Ent., '71; init., '72. SMITH, LEROY LEE, Gatesville, N. C. Born, Gates Co., N. C, '47; ent., '70; init., '72; member N. C. Legislature, '94; del. to 5th Conv. Lawyer. SMITH, WALTER O'BANNON, Woodville, Ya. Born, Woodville, Ya., '79; ent., '97; init., '97. SMITHEY, MARYIN EDWARD, Bedford City, Ya. Born, Chase City, Ya., '79; ent., '93; init., '94; B.A., '96; A.M. Teacher. STARR, ERNEST LORRAINE, Ashland, Ya. Born, Charlottesville, Ya., '83; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. STEYENS, EDGAR JONES, Rome, Ga. Born, Rome, Ga., '52; ent., '70; init., '70. Merchant. STEYENS, ERNEST, Culpeper, Ya. Born, Petersburg. Ya., '61; ent., '83; init., '83; (I.), '84-5; mem. Ya. Conf., M. E. C, S. Minister. ZETA. 123 STEVEISTS, THOMAS WALLACE, 18 W. 9th st, New York. Born, Petersburg, Ya., '69; eat., '85; init., '85. Agent N. Y. Telephone Co. STEYENS, WILLIAM BEUCE, Petersburg, Ya. Born, Petersburg, Ya.. '69; ent., '84; init., '84. Banker. TAYLOR, JAMES WATSOIST, Medlock, Ya. Born, , '68; ent., '85; init., '85. Farmer. TAYLOR, JOHN TRAYIS, Smithfield, Ya. Born, Lynchburg, Ya., '74; ent., 90; init., '90. Physician. TILLETT, CHARLES WALTER, Charlotte, N. C. Born, Warren Co., N. C, '57; ent., '76; init., '76; (I.) '79; A.B., '80. Lawyer. *TWITTY, JAMES EITTS, Petersburg, Ya. Born, Warren Co., N. C, '48; ent., '69; init., '70; (I.) '70; member Ya., Conf., M. E. C, S. Minister; died, '92. *TWITTY, WILLIAM HORACE, Suffolk, Ya. Born, , N. C, '76; ent., '91; init., '93; (I.) '93; died, '97. YICKERS, JAMES CATOR, Golden Hill, Md. Born, Taylor's Island, Md., '77; ent., '96; init., '99; A.B., '99. WADSWORTH, WILLARD WALTER, Marietta, Ga. Born, Decatur, Ga., '51; ent., '70; init., (Epsilon) '70; trans, from Epsilon, '70; K. C, '7&; member N. Ga. Conf., M. E. C, S.; Pres. 2d Conv.; del. 2nd and 4th Convs. Minister. WARREN, HENRY CREWE, Richmond, Ya. Born, Richmond, Ya., '79; ent., '97; init., '97. WATERS, BAKER WORTHINGTON, Baltimore, Md. Born, Brooiisville, Md., '59; ent., '76; init., '79. WATTS, MARCUS HUBER, Hickory, Ya. Born, Bedford Springs, Ya., '79; ent., 97; init., '98. Stude^nt. WEISIGER, HERBERT E., Richmond, Ya. Born, , '50; ent., '69; init., '69; del., 1st K. A. Conv. Lawyer.- WEST, FRANK THORNTON, Jk., Huon, Louisa Co., Ya. Born, Louisa Co., Ya., '55; enfc., '71; init., '72; trans, to Eta, '77; B. L. (Richmond College); County Supt. Public Instruction; Teacher. WEST, GEORGE THORNTON, Fort Worth, Tex. Born, Trevilian's Depot, Ya., '61; ent., '80; init., '80; trans, to Lambda. Lawyer. WEST, WILLIAM BEYERLY, Fort Worth, Tex. Born, Louisa Co., Ya., '60; ent., '79; init-, '79. Physician and Surgeon. 124 ZETA. WHEELWEIGHT, THOMAS STEWAET, 90 La Salle st., Chicago, 111. Born, Warren Co.,Va., '66; ent., '81; init., '84. Prest. Gray Elec- tric Co. WHITE, WILLIAM SILAS, Norfolk, Va. Born, Norfolk, Ya., '76; ent., '94; init., '94. WILLIAMS, PATEICK HENEY, Elizabeth City, N. C. Born, Camden, N. C., '69; ent., '92; init., (Upsilon) '87; trans, from Upsilon, '92; re-trans, to Upsilon '97; (I.) '95-6; A. B., '96. Lawyer. WILSON, HAEEY OSCAE, 1823 Phelps pL, Washington, D. C. Born, Washington, D. C, '60; ent., '76; init., '76; LL.M., (George- town). Lawyer and Financier. WILSON, JOHN EDWIN, Washington, D. C. Born, Washington, D. C, '54; ent., 73; init., '73. Jeweler. WILSON, JOHN, Je., Bacon's Castle, Ya. Born, Surry Co., Ya., '49; ent., '68; init., '69. Farmer. WILSON, SAMUEL CHANNING, Washington, D. C. Born, Washington, D. C, '55; ent., '74; init., '74; (I.) '76; trans, to Lambda, '77. Insurance business. *WINFEEE, CHEISTOPHEE, Lynchburg, Ya. Born, Lynchburg, Ya., '62; ent., '80; init., '80; died, '91. Tobacco. WOODS, CHAELES LEWIS, Eolla, Mo. Born, Ivy Depot, Ya., '71; ent,, '89; init., '89; trans, to Lambda, '91. Lawyer. WOODWAED, CHAELES HAMILTON, White House, Va. Born, Barhamsville, Ya., '50; ent., '73; init., '73. Farmer. WOODWAED, EEANKLIN COLES, Columbia, S. C. Born, King George Co., Ya., '49; ent., '69; init., '70; A.M., '73; D.L.; del. 1st K. A. Conv.; Yice-Pres. 5th Conv; at present President Univ. of S. C Teacher. WOETHAM, COLEMAN, Eichmond, Ya. Born, Eichmond, Ya., '72; ent., 89; init., '90. Merchant. WEIGHT, FEANK M., [Jk.,] New York City, N. Y. Ent., '70; init., '71; treas. 7th K. A. Conv. Merchant. YOUNG, JOHN HOWAED, Burkeville, Ya. Born, Dinwiddie Co.,Ya.,'59; ent., '76; init., '77; M. D. (So. Med. Col.), '82; trans, to Lambda, '79. Physician. Init., 140; trans., 3; total, 143; lost by trans., 30; dead, 13. RICHMOND COLLEGE, RICHMOND, VA. Chartered in 1832. Opened in 1844. Controlled by the Baptist Church. featee:n^ities : Kappa Alpha, 1870. Sigma Chi, 1880-'81. Beta Theta Pi, 1871-'96. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1884-'87. Phi Kappa Sigma, 1873. Phi Gamma Delta, 1890. Phi Delta Theta, 1875-'95. Pi Kappa Alpha. 1891-'96. • Alpha Tau Omega, 1878-82. Kappa Sigma, 1898. ETA CHAPTER. Chartek Members: — J. E. L. Holmes, H. J. Barnes, J. T. Wallcer^ and T. :S'. Cox. Founders:— J. F. Twltty, (Zeta), D. G. Butts (Zeta), J. L. Stem (Alpha) and J. S. Iverson (Alpha). Established March 18, 1870. under warrant from S. Z. Ammen, K. C, and probably rechartered in 1872 by W. W. Collins, K. C. During 1895-6 the chapter was inactive. The chapter occupies desir- able rooms in the College Building. Members of Eta Chapter ABRAHAM, ST. GEOEGE TUCKER, Saluda, Va, Born, Cartersville, Ya.,'50; ent., '69; init., '70. Minister. ABRAHAM, WICKLIFFE YA:N"CEY, 903 E. Main st., Richmond, Ya. Born, Goschen Bridge, Ya., '50; ent., '69; init., '70. Dealer in Typewriters. ACREE, RUSSELL, Danyille, Ya. Born, DariTille, Ya., '75; ent., '92; init., '92. Tobacconist. ALDERMAJS", JACOB OLIYEE, 219 W. East st., Raleigh, ]S\ 0. Born, Sampson Co., N. C, '62; ent., '84; Init. (Tau), '84; trans, from Tau, '84; B.A., '86. Minister. 126 ETA. *ALDERSON, THOMAS OEEIGH, Ringgold, Va. Born, Russell Co., Ya., '41; ent., '68; init., '70; died, '99. Minister. *BARNES, HENRY JEFFRESS, Harmony Yillage, Ya. Born, Barnesville, Ya., '49; ent., '66; init., '70; charter member; del. to 2nd K. A. Conv., '71; B. L., '72; died, '74. BARTEJSTSTEIN, EDWARD HENRY, Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. Born, Alexandria, Ya., '57; ent., '74; lnlt.,'76;M.A., '78. Teacher. BEALE, FRANK BROWN, Tappahannock, Ya. Born, Westmoreland Co., Ya., '53; ent., '72; init., '73. Minister. BLAIR, WILLIAM HARRISON, 511 E. Grace st., Richmond, Ya. Born, Amelia Co.. Ya., '68; ent., '86; init., '86; trans, to Lambda, "87. Wholesale Grocer. BOWE, [NATHANIEL] STUART, 11th & Bank sts., Richmond, Ya. Born, Richmond, Ya., '74; ent., '90; init., '91; trans, to Lambda, '94; LL.B. (Univ.Ya.), '98. Lawyer. BOWE, ROBERT BRUCE, Richmond, Ya. Born, Richmond, Ya., '76; ent., '92; init., '93. Real Estate. BOWEN, FREDERICK FILLISON, Danville, Ya. Born, Culpeper, Ya., '46; ent., '68; init., '70. B.A., '72; M. A., '73; trans, to Lambda, '76. Lawyer. BRISTOW, ALLEN SAMUEL HARDY, Northporfc, L. L, N. Y. Born, Southampton, Co., Ya., '69; ent., '84; init., '85; B. A., '89; trans, to Lambda, '92; LL.B., (Univ.Ya.). Lawyer and Legal Writer. BROADDUS, ANDREW, Je., Sparta, Ya. Born, Caroline Co.,Ya.,'54; ent., '69; init., '73; B.L. ,'73. Minister. BROADDUS, JOHN ANDREW, Luray, Ya. Born, Luray, Ya., '67; ent., '87; init., '89. Merchant. BROWN, LITTLETON PAYNE, Upperville, Ya. Born, Front Royal, Ya., '60. ent., '77; init., '78. Druggist. *BUDD, SAMUEL WOOLSTON, Petersburg, Ya. Born, Dinwiddie Co., Ya., '52; ent., '70; init.. '72; trans, to Lambda, '73; one of the founders of Lambda; M. D., Univ. of Ya.;died, '99. BUNDICK, GEORGE CLINTON, Beaufort, S. C. Born, Accomac Co., Ya., '57; ent., '78; init; '82; B. A., '84. Min- ister. BURGESS, EDWIN, Baltimore, Md. Born, Culpeper Co., Ya., '54; ent., '71; init., '72. Merchant. BURNETT, CHARLES RYLAND, Richmond, Ya. Born, Richmond, Ya., '73; ent., '88; init., '89; with First Nat. Bank. ETA. 127 BUENLEY, HARDIN TEMPLE, Eichmond, Ya. Born, Madison Parish, La., '71; ent., '87; init., '87; B. A., '91; B. L., '92; trans, to Lambda, '95. Lawyer. BUXTOIST, EENEST PEEEY, Newport News, Ya. Born, Jackson, N. C, '79; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. CABELL, HENEY COALTEE, War Dept., Washington, D. C. Born, Eichmond. Ya., '59; ent.. '75; init., '76; B. A., '79; graduate West Point. U. S. Army officer. CABELL, JULIAN MAYO, University Club, New York City. Born, Eichmond, Ya., '61; ent., '76; init., '78; trans, to Lambda, '82, M.D., Univ. of Ya. Physician and Surgeon, U.S. army. CAMPBELL, lEYING EPPS, 1111 E. Main st, Eichmond, Ya. Born, Powhatan Co. ,Ya., '70; ent., '94; init. ,'94; B.L., '95. Lawyer. CAEE, CAEY PEYTON, Eichmond, Ya. Born, Eichmond, Ya., '78; ent., '96; init.. '96. CAETEE, OEOEOE WILLIAM, Berryville, Ya. Born, Clarke Co., Ya., '55; ent., '71; init., '74. Physician. CASKIE, JAMES, Eichmond, Ya. Born, Richmond, Ya,, '52; ent. ,'69; init., '71; B.L., '74. Lawyer. CLOPTON, SAMUEL CORNELIUS, Smithfield, Ya. Born, Kichmond, Ya., '47; ent., '69; init., '71; (I.), '73. Minister. *COCKE, CHAELES HENEY, Hollins, Ya. Born, Botetourt Spring^s, Ya., '52; ent., '68; init., '72. Business manager Hollins Inst. Died, '00. COCKE, MAEION ESTES, Hollins, Ya. Born, Hollins, Ya., '76; ent., '92; init., '92; trans, to Lambda, '94. COKE, JOHN AECHEE, Jr., 7 W. Eranklin st., Eichmond, Ya. Born, Eichmond, Ya., '77; ent., '93; init., '93; A.B., '96; trans, to Lambda, '96; LL.B (Univ. of Ya.). Lawyer. COLEMAN, CHAELES WOOLEOLK, Jr., 16 Kirn bldg., Portsmouth, Ya. Born, Caroline Co., Ya., '59; ent., '75; init., '76; M.A., '78; trans, to Lambda, *81. Lawyer. COOKE, CHAELES MATHEE, Jr., Louisburg, N. C. Born, Louisburg, N. C, '73; ent., '92; init., '92. Supt. Cot. Mills. COOPEE, CEOECE, Jr., Eichmond, Ya. Born, Eichmond, Ya., '81; ent., '97; init., '99. With American Tobacco Co. COUETNEY, JAMES ELYIN, . Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Born,LittlePlymouth,Ya.,'60; ent., '78; init., '80; M.D. Physician. COX, JAMES BEANTLEY, Geneva, Ala. Born, Enon, Ala., '52; ent., '69; init., '70. Lawyer. 128 ETA. cox, TAYLOE IST , Enon, Ala. Born, Enon, Ala., '48; ent., '69;init., charter member, '70; B. L., '71. Lawyer. CUTCHINS, SOLOMON, Eichmond, Ya. Born, Nansemond Co., Va., '54; ent., 72; init., '75, B.A., '76; M.A., '77; B.L., '78. Lawyer. DAEBY, CHAELES EICGS, Poolsville, Md. Born, Montgomery Co., Md., '56; ent., '72; init., '73. Merchant. *DAYIES, BAETELOT TODD, Eichmond, Va. Born, Gloucester Co., Ya., '53; ent., '70; init., '72; M. A., '77; died, '80. *DUDLEY, ALEXANDEE, King and Queen C. H., Ya. Born, King and Queen Co., Ya., '50; ent., '71; init., '72; A. M., LL. B., '72. Lawyer and farmer. Died, '73. DUKE, FEANK WILLIAMSON, Eichmond, Ya. Born, Eichmond, Ya., '71; ent., 89; init., '89; (I.), '92; B.A., '92; Prof. Mathematics. Eichmond College. DUKE, WILLIAM DABNEY, Eicmond, Ya. Bom, Eichmond, Ya., '72; ent., '91; init., '91; (I.), '93; B.A., '95. vSec'y to Pres. E. F. & P. R. E. DUKE, THOMAS TAYLOE, Eichmond, Ya. Born, Eichmond, Ya., '75. ent., '94; init., '94. EDWAEDS, OEOEGE HEEBEET, Darlington, S. C. Born. Darlington, 8. C, '67; ent., '84; init., '84; B.A., '86. Eeal • Estate and Insurance. ELLYSON, DOUGLAS WALKEE, 814 Park ay., Eichmond, Ya. Born, Eichmond, Ya., '80; ent., '97; init., '99. Student. ETHEEIDGE, EDWAED EUGENE, Indian Creek, Ya. Born, Norfolk Co., Ya., '64; ent., '81; int., '81. Merchant. *EUBANK, JOHN SHAEP, Lancaster C. H., Ya. Born, Lancaster Co., Ya., '61; ent., '80; init., '80; died; '81. FIELD, MAXEY GEEGG, Orange C. H., Ya. Born, Albemarle Co., 'Ya., '64; ent., '80; init., '80. Bank Cash. FIELD, WILLIAM WAEEEN, 420 Equitable bldg.,Denver,Col. Born, Oulpeper, Ya.. '57; ent., '74; init., '74; trans, to Lambda, '77; B.A., '77. Lawyer. FLEET, ALEXANDEE, Tappahannock, Ya. Born, King and Queen Co., Ya., '48; ent., 69; init., '70. Princi- pal Eappahannock Inst. FOLK, CAEEY ALBEET, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Brownsville, Tenn., '67; ent.,'85; init. ,'85; B.A.,'87; trans, to A-Lambda, '93; Pres. Brownsville Fem. Coh, '94-9; Pres. Bos- cobel College, Nashville, Tenn., '99-'00. FEANKLIN, JAMES HENEY, Pamplin City, Ya. Born, Appomattox Co., Ya., '72; ent., '88; init., '88. ETA. 129 FEAZEK, GOODAYIN, Za, Orange Co., Va. Born, Orange Co., Ya., '78; ent., '96; init., '00. Student. GAEDXEE, CHARLES SPUECEOiN", Greenville, S. 0. Born, Gibson, Co., Tenn., '59; ent., '81: init., '81. Minister. *GAE¥ETT, EEUBEN HANCOCK, Indian Neck, Va. Born, King and Queen Co.,Ya., '61; ent., '78; init., '79; M.A., '82; Prof, of Greek, Georgetown College, Ky. Died, '93. GAEEETT, OLIVEE H. P., Paris, Texas. Born, Brenham, Tex., '56; ent., '77; Init. ,'78; LL.B., '78. Lawyer. GAEY, THOMAS EEEDEE, Ocala, Fla. Born, Cokesbury, S. C, '54; ent., '74; init. (Iota) '74; trans, from Iota. '74. Farmer. GLOYEE, EOLFE ELDEIDGE, Eiclimond, Ya. Born, Brenham, Tex., '56; ent., '77; init. ,'78; LL.B. ,'78. Lawyer. GOEE, JOSHUA WALKEE, Chapel Hill, N. C. Born, Winchester, Ya., '52; ent., '71; init., '72; trans, to Lambda, '73; C. E. (Univ. of Ya.); Fellow at Johns Hopkins Univ.; Prof. Physics, Univ. of N. C. GEEGOEY, EOGEE, Lester Manor, Ya. Born, King William Co., Ya., '64; ent., '82; init., '82. Farmer. GEEGOEY, GEOEGE EDWAED, Bth & Franklin, Eiclimond, Ya. Born, Eichmond, Ya., '79; ent., '97; init., '97. Tobacconist. *GEESHAM, WALTEE E., Lancaster, Ya. Born, Lancaster Co., Ya., '51; ent., '72; init., '73; LLgB., '73. Lawyer. Died, '81. GEOTON, WILLIAM DUISTTOlSr, Eivera, Cal. Born, New York City, '54; ent.. '73; init., '74; M.D., (Baltimore Medical College). Physician. GUNN, JULIAN, Eicmond, Ya. Born, Cumberland Co., Ya., '77; ent., '99; init., '99; with C. & O. R. E. Co. *GUNTEE, ALFEED BENJAMIN, Accomac, Ya. Born. Accomac Co., Ya., '58; ent., '73; init., '74; trans, to Lambda, '75; M. A., (Univ. of Ya.); died, '83. Lawyer. GUNTEE, BENJAMIN THOMAS, Je., Accomac, Ya. Born, Accomac Co., Ya., '65; ent., '84; init., '84; trans, to Lambda, '86; re-joined Eta, '87; B. L., '91; Commonwealth's Attorney, Accomac Co. Lawyer. *GUNTEE, JAMES FISHEE, Accomac, Ya. Born, Accomac Co., Ya., '62; ent., '81; init.; '81; (I.) '83-4; trans, to Lambda, '84; died, '87. Teacher. *GUNTEE, JOHN JOSEPH, . Accomac, Ya. Born, Accomac Co., Ya., '60; ent., '78; init., '78; trans, to Lambda, '81; M. A., '81; died, '89. 130 ETA. , *GUNTEE, WILLIAM EEEDEEICK, Accomac, Va. Born, Accomac Co., Va., '64; ent., '81; init., '81; (I.) '84-5; M. A., '85; trans, to Lambda, '87; died, '88. GWATHMEY, AKOHIE BINFOED, Jr., Houston, Tex. Born, Brooklyn, N. Y., '74; ent.> '89; init., '89. Cotton Buyer. HALEY, LITTLEBEEEY JAMES, Jr., 2107 First ave., Birmingham, Ala. Born, Louisa Co., Ya., '65; ent., '83; init., '83; B. A., '86. Lawyer. HALL, SAMUEL BEUCE, Hallsboro, N. C. Born, Magnolia, N. C, '66; ent., '84; init. (Tau), '83; trans, from Tau, '84. Milling and Lumber business. HAEDAWAY, JOHN STEGEE, Oxford, K 0. Born, Amelia Co., Va., '52; ent., '73; init., '74. Minister. *HAEEIS, ALEXANDEE MASON, Waco, Tex. Born, Culpeper Co., Va., '53; ent., '69; init., '71; vice-prest. 7th K. A. Conv.; M. A., '76; LL.B., (Univ. Va.); trans, to Lambda, '81; died, '86. HAEEIS, WILLIAM ASBUEY, Waco, Tex. Born, Charlottesville, Va., '64; ent., '79; init., '80; M. A., '86; Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins), '92; trans, to A-Lambda, '91; Prof, of Greek, Baylor Univ. Teacher. HAEEISON, EDMUND, Jr., Eichmond, Va. Born, Henrico Co., Va., '73; ent., '88; init., '90. Physician. HAEEISON, ISAAC OAEEINGTON, Charlottesville, Va. Born, Amelia Co., Va., '70; ent., '87; init., '88; B. A., '90; trans. to Lambda, '92: M. D. (U. Va.), '95. Instructor in Univ. of Va. HAEEISON, JOHN STEGEE, Eichmond, Va. Born. Eichmond, Va., '71; ent., '85; init., '87; Clerk C. & O. E. E. Co. HAEEISON, WILLIAM HENEY. Hopkinsville, Ky. Born, Eichmond, Va., '69; ent., '83; init., '85; B. A., M. A., '89. Prof. Bethel Female College. HAEEISON, EOGEE WAYLES, Hopkinsville, Ky. Born, Eichmond, Va., '76; ent., '90; init., '92; trans, to Alpha, '98. HATCHETT, WILLIAM GWATHMEY, Gadsden, Ala. Born, New Georgia, Ala., '65; ent., '80; init., '80; trans. Alpha,'85. HILL, ALBEET HUDGINS, Eichmond, Va. Born, Madison 1 0., Va.. '66; ent., '83; init., '83; B. A., '87. Prin. Marshall School. HOBDAY, GEOEGE JONADAB, Salem, Va. Born, Portsmouth, Va., '47; ent., '69; init., '70; Supt. Baptist Orphanage of Va. Minister. *HOLMES, JAMES ELLIOTT LAFAYETTE, Savannah, Ga. Born, Southampton, Va.. '45; ent., '67; init., '70: charter mem- ber; B. A., '71; D.D., of Mercer Univ., Ga. Died, '91. ETA. 131 HUFF, LEWIS JAMES, Burlington, Vt. Born, Albemarle Co., Ya., '61; ent., '76; init., '77. Prof., Univ. of Vermont. HUFF, SLAUGHTER WILLIAM, Baltimore, Md. Born, BatesviDe, Ta., '68; ent., '82; init., '82. Insur. agent. HUNDLEY, GEOEGE TYLER, Richmond, Va. Born, Richmond, Ya., '81, ent., '99; init., '99. Student. HUXDLEY, HEXRY RHODES, Hightstown, N. J. Born, Louisa, Co., Ya., '67; ent., '86; init., '86; B. A., '88; del. lotli Conv. Teacher. *JACOBS, ERXEST, Je., Shreveport, La. BorD, JShrevepoit, La., '73; ent., '90; init., '90. Baniier. Died, '00. JEFFRESS, JOHIS^ BACON, Je., 337 W. 23d st, New York. Born, Red Oal^, Ya., '78; ent., '97; init., '97. With American Tobacco Co. ^JOHNSON, FRANK COOKMAN, Lynchburg, Ya. Born. Culpeper Co., Ya., '67; ent., '87; init., '87. Died, '90. JONES, ALLAN DUDLEY", Newport News, Ya. Born. Yorktown,Ya., '75; ent., '96; init./99; (I.). '99. '00. Student. JONES, CHARLES EZRA, Carysbrook, Ya. Born, Richmond, Ya., '59; ent., '74; init., '78. Farmer. JORDON, FLETCHER, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Born, Murfreesboro, Tenn., '79; ent., '96; init., '97; trans, to Lambda, '99. Student. LAIRD, EDMUND CODY, 706 Eng.-Am. bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Eufala, Ala., '71; ent., '90; init. (Tau), '89; trans, from Tau, '90; del. 16th K. A. Conv. Journalist. LAMBERT, ROBERT GRAHAM, 911 Floyd ave., Richmond, Ya. Born, Lynchburg, Ya., 79; ent., '98; init., '98. With American Tobacco Co. LANKFORD, CONWAY BURNLEY, Norfolk, Ya. Born, Southampton Co., Ya., '80; ent., '96; init., '96; (I.), '98-9; trans, to Lambda, '99. Student, Univ. of Ya. LATANE', HENRY ALLEN, Buchanan, Ya. Born, King and Queen Co., Ya., '60; ent., '78; init., '80; trans, to Lambda, "85. Lawyer. *LATANE', WILLIAM. Born, King and Queen Co., Ya., '62; ent., '83; init., '83; died, Richmond College, '84. LEWIS, HERBERT lYERSON, West Point, Ya. Born, King William Co., Ya., '54; ent., '69; init., '78. Lawyer. LEWIS, NOEL, Richmond, Ya. Born, Essex Co., Ya., '67; ent., '83; init., '84. Farmer. 132 ETA. LEWIS, SAMUEL HANCE, Kansas City, Kan. Born, Culpeper, Va., '71; ent., '92; init. (Beta), '90; trans, from Beta, '92. With Swift & Co., Packing Houses. LOCKETT, EOBEET EUGENE, Crewe, Va. Born, Mahoaca, Va. '74; ent., '92; init., '94; trans, to Lambda, '95. Merchant. LONG, AEMISTEAD EAGLAND, Lynchburg, Va. Born, Eichmond, Va., '59; ent., '74; init., '75; M.A., '78; LL.B., Univ. of Va.; trans, to Lambda, '78. Lawyer. LONG, CHAELES MASSIE, Charlottesville, Va. Born, Charlottesville, Va., '68; ent., '87; init., '87; B.A., '91; trans, to Lambda, '95; M.A. (Univ. of Va.). Prof. Latin and History, Eawlins Inst. LONG, JOHN CEALLE, Harris Creek, Va. Born, Goochland Co., Va., '61; ent., '80; init., '80. Farmer. LONG, JOSEPH EAGLAND, 710 Equitable bldg., Denver, Col. Born, Charlottesville, Va., '70; ent., '87; init., '87;B.A.. '90; B.S., 94 (Univ. of Penn.); trans, to Lambda, '94; LL.B-, '95 (Univ. of Va.). Lawyer. LONG, WILLIAM FIFE, Charlottesville, Va. Born, Charlottesville, Va., '73; ent., '90; init., '90; trans, to Lambda, '95. Lawyer. LUCK, JULIAN MAECELLUS, Christenburg, Va. Born, Bedford Co., Va., '47; ent., '68; init., '72. Minister. LUNSFOED, ABNEE, Frostburg, Md. Born, Eoanoke Co., Va., '72; ent. ,'93; init., '93; trans, to Alpha, '95. LL.B. (W. and Lee.) Lawyer. *McDONALT), J. H. (or J. M.) Born, Eichmond, Va.; ent., '77; init., '77. Dead ? MASSIE, CHAELES AUGUSTINE LEWIS, 135 Broadway, New York City. Born, Albemarle Co.,Va., '67; ent., '81; init., '82; trans, to Pi, '82; A.B., '85; A.M., '86 (Univ. of^Tenn.); LL.B. (Columbian) , '95. Lawyer. MEECEE, ISAAC MOETON, Eichmond, Va. Born, Richmond, Va., '57; ent., '74; init., '77; M.A., '79. Minister. *MICHAUX, WILLIAM WALTHALL, Eichmond, Va. Born, Powhatan Co., Va., '77; ent., '97; init., '97. Died, '98. *MILLEE, CHAELES GIDEON, Culpeper, Va. Born, Culpeper Co., Va., '53; ent., '69; init., '71. Died, Culpeper, Va., '87. MILLEE, HENEY EOBEETS, Danville, Va. Both, Culpeper Co.,Va.,'50; ent., '67; init., '70; B.A.,'72. Lawyer. MILLS, JOHN AUBUEN, Big Stone Gap, Va. Born, Lee Co., Va., '71; ent., '90; init., '90. « ETA. 133 MOOEE, GORDON BEVERLY, Greenville, S. 0. Born, Amherst Co., Va,, '54; ent., '76; init., '80; A.B.; Tli. M.; D.D. Prof, of Philosophy and Polit. Sci., Furman Univ. MOORE, JOHN FITZ-ALLEJSr, Waynesboro, Va. Born, Shenandoah Co., Ya., '78; ent., '97; init., '97; trans, to Lambda, '99. Law student. MOORE, THOMAS JEFFERSON, Fourth st., Richmond, Ya. Born, Charlotte, N. C, '80; ent., '98; init., '98. With Ya.-Car. Chem. Co. NANCE, LITTLEBERRY MANLY, Roxburv, N. 0. Born, Charles City Co., Ya., '57; ent., '72; init., '75; LL,B., '78. Lawyer. NOCK, LEYIN FLOYD, Accomac, Ya. Bom, Accomac Co., Ya., '54; ent., '72; init., '73; B.A., '75; M.A., '76; LL.B., Univ. of Ya.; trans, to Lambda, '77. Lawyer. NORFLEET, HERBERT LEE, Havana, Cuba. Born, Franklin, Ya., '71; ent., '90; init., '90; (I). Clerk, U. S. Quartermaster Dept. NORYELL, FRANK TURNER, Island, Ya. Born, Bretijo Bluff, Ya., '71; ent., '87; init.. '88; B.A., '90; trans, to Lambda, '91. NOTTINGHAM, JOHN EDWARD, Jr., Franktown, Ya. Born, Franktown Ya., '77; ent., '94; init., '94; trans, to Lambda, '95; LL.B. (U. Ya.), '99. Lawyer. NORWOOD, JOHN WILKINS, Wilmington, N. C. Born, Darlington Co., S. C, '65; ent., '84; init. (Tau), '84; trans, from Tau, '84. Banker. PAGE, ROBERT LEE, Batesville, Ya. Born, Albemarle Co., Ya., '63; ent., '78; init., '78; M. D., Bellevue Med. College, N. Y. Physician. PAGE, SAMUEL MASSIF, Red Hill Depot, Ya. Born, Albemarle Co., Ya., '58; ent., '76; init., '76. Farmer. PAGE, WILLIAM GARRETT, Batesville, Ya. Born, Albemarle Co., Ya., '60; ent., '76; init., '77. Farmer. PARKER, WALTER GREENHOW, Smithfield, Ya. Born, Isle of Wight Co., Ya., '79; ent., '99; init., '99; C. H., '99- '00. Student. . PEAKE, JOHN EYERETT, OhurcMand, Ya. Born, Norfolk Co., Ya., '55; ent., '73; init., '75.. Farmer. *PEATROSS, SAMUEL COLEMAN, Danville, Ya. Born, Hanover Co., Ya., '50; ent., '68; init., '72; died, Danville, Ya., '79. PILCHER, EDWIN MASON, Richmond, Ya. Born, Richmond, Ya.. '66; ent., '86; init., '89; A. B., '91; del. to 17th K. A. Conv., '93. Lawyer. 134 niA. PILCHER, WILLIAM, Petersburg, Va. Born, Covington, Va., '72; ent., '91; init., '91; D. D. 8. Dentist. PITT, ROBERT HEALY, Richmond, Va. Born, Middlesex Co., Va., '53; ent., '73; init., '74; D. D., Mercer Univ. Minister and Editor. POPE, NEWIT HARRIS, Newport :N^ews, Va. Born, Southampton Co., Va., '79; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. PUR YEAR, CHARLES, College Station, Texas. Born, Ashland, Va., '60; ent., '76; init., '78; (I.), '80; trans, to Lambda, '81; M.A., '81; C.E., B.S., Univ. of Va.; Prof. Math., Texas A. and M. College. Teacher. REDD, BENOIST SHIELDS, 116 Buena Vista ave., Yonkers, ^N". Y. Born, Natchez, Miss., '66; ent., '82; init., '84. Draughtsman. REDWOOD, WILLIAM MORRIS, 8 South si, Baltimore, Md. Born, King William Co., Va., '72; ent., '90; init., '90. Junior partner, J. M. Thompson & Co., bankers and brokers. RHODES, JOHN JAY, San Angelo, Texas. Born, Cooper Co., Mo., '51; ent., '71; init., '72. Editor San An- geles Press and stock raiser. ROBERTS, NOAH WHEELER, Eufaula, Ala. Born, Clayton. Ala., '51; ent., '68; init. '70. Treas. of Eufaula Cotton Mills. ROBERTSON, ERANK P., Lynchburg, Va. Born, Albermarle Co., Va., '53; ent., '73; init., '74; B.A.,'79. Min'r. RUCKER, DANA HENRY, Richmond, Va. Born, Fauquier Co.,Va.,'69; ent., '86; init., '86; B. A.,'91. Teacher. RUSSELL, EDWARD HUTSON, 513 Lee st., Bristol, Va. Born, Petersburg, Va., '69; ent., '91; init. (Beta), '91; trans, from Beta, '91; Supt. City Schools. *SAMPSON ROBERT, Cismount, Va. Born, Albemarle Co., Va., '47; ent., '70; init., '70; LL.B., '71; died, '96. Teacher. SATTERWHITE, FRANK MILLARD, Blenheim, S. C. Born, Goochland Co., Va., '55; ent., '75; init., '79. Minister. SAUNDERS, SAMUEL, Murfreesboro, N. C. Born, Northampton Co., Va., '42; ent., '67; init., '70. Minister. SCHMELZ, HENRY LANE, Hampton, Va. Born, Hampton, Va., '53; ent., '70; init., '72; del. to 5th K. A. Conv. Banker. SCOTT, EDWARD LEE, Baton Rouge, La. Born, Kingston, La., '64; ent., '81; init., '82; M.A., '84. Prof. ^/^vtcotvv't ^«^od. Lang., La. State Univ. ETA. 135 SMITH, CHARLES DOWNING, Charlottesville, Va. Bora, Richmond, Va., '72; ent., '86; Init., '88; trans, to Lambda, 89. Lawyer. *SMITH, JOHN HENRY, Mt. Vernon, Tex. Born, Gordon Co., Ga., '58; ent., '77; init., '78; B. A., '80; died, '80. STARKE, ASHTON, Richmond, Va. Born, Richmond, Va., '49; ent., '66; init., '77. Merchant. ^STEELE, LLTTHER R., Front Royal, Va. Born, Warren Co., Va., '51; ent., '70; init., '72. Dead. STORY, ELLIOTT FRANKLIN, Franklin, Va. Born, Southampton Co., Va., '73; ent., '97; init., '98; LL.B.) '98. Lawyer. SYDNOR, THOMAS LINCOLN, Danville, Va. Born, Nottoway Co., Va., '49; ent., '71; init., '72. Dentist. STOCKDELL, HUGH, Je., Lexington, Va. Born, Petersburg, Va. ; '77; ent., '98; init. (Beta), '97; trans, from Beta, '98. Instructor in V. M. Inst. TAYLOR, JOSEPH JUDSON, Norfolk, Va. Born, Henry Co., Va., '54; ent., '75; init., '77; M. A., '80. Minister. THOMAS, WILLIAM 0., Montrose, Md. Born, Richmond, Va., '48; ent., '70; init., '72; del. 5th Conv. Minister. TURNER, JOSEPH AUGUSTINE, Hollins, Va. Born, Hollins, Va., '75; ent.. '92: init., '92; trans, to Lambda, '94; Asst. Bus. Man., Hollins Institute. TURNER, MORTIMER A., Born, Eichmond. Va., '51; ent., '73: init., '75; K. A. Essay Med., '77; B. A., '78;B. L., '79; joint Editor first volume, K. A. Journal, '79. TURPIN, JOHN BROADUS, Americus, Ga. Born, Henrico Co., Va., '48; ent., '67; init., '70: B. L., '71. Min- ister. TYREE, WILLIAM CORNELIUS, Durham, N. C. Born, Danville, Va., '60; ent., '84; init., '84; B. A., '87; D. D. (Wake Forest), '99; trans, to Lambda, '87. Baptist Minister. *VEST, JAMES MARSHALL, • Richmond, Va. Born, Richmond, Va., '54; ent., '68; init., '72; trans, to Lambda, '74; died, '84. Physician. WALKER, JOHN TOM, 2026 5th ave., Birmingham, Ala. Born, Cusseta, Ga., '51; ent., '69; init., charter member, '70. Coal dealer. WARREN, LOUIS BACON, 120 High st, Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '74: ent., '90; init. (Kappa), '88; trans, to Eta, '90; re-trans, to Kappa, '92; trans, to Gamma, '93. Minister. 136 ETA. WAUGH, OHASTIAN VALENTINE, Gainesville, Ela. Born, Manchester, Ya., '50; ent., '68; init., '72. Minister. WEST, EEANK THOENTON, Jr., Huon, Va. Born, Louisa Co., Ya., '55; ent., '77; init.(Zeta), '72; trans, from Zeta, '77; B. L.; Supt. Public Instruction. Teacher. . . .- .WIATT, JOHN EDWARD, Churchland, Ya. -^^^^^^ ^'-'r Born, Gloucester Co., Ya., '59; ent., '78; init., '79; B.A., '82; M. A., ^^^^^^^^ JkJUk. c '83. Prin. Churchland Academy. Teacher. WILKINS, CHARLES FREDERICK, Eastville, Ya. Born, Northampton Co., Ya., '56; ent., '74; init., '75. Farmer. WILKINSON, HELL ROMAYNE, 327 W. Peachtree st, Atlanta, G-a. Born, Newnan, Ga., '64; ent., '82; init. (Kappa), '82; trans, from Kappa, '82. Sec. & Treas. E. Yan Winl^le Gin and Mch.Wks. WITT, SAMUEL BROWN, Richmond, Ya. Born, Prince Edward Co., Ya., '50; ent., '68; init., '71; Pres. 7th K. A. Conv.; B.L., '72. Lawyer. WOOD, WILLIAM HENRY, Laurel Mills, Ya. Born, Rappahannock Co., Ya., '79; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. WOODWARD, SAMUEL SHREYE, 5434 Yine st., PhiladelpMa, Pa. Born, New Egypt, N. J., '49; ent., '74; int., '74. Minister. WORTHAM, RICHARD DOUGLASS, Ruther Glen, Ya. Born, Richmond, Ya., '52; ent., '69; init., '70; B.L., '74. WYER, WALTER PENFIELD, Warrenton, Ya. Born, Warrenton, Ya., '61; ent., '81; init., '81; A. B. Druggist. Initiates, 166; transfers, 11; total, 177; lost by transfer, 42; dead, 26. OGLETHORPE UNIVERSITY, ATLANTA, GA. Chartered in 1837, Suspended in 1872-3. Controlled by Presbyterian Church. FRATEKNITIES. Beta Theta Pi, 1859-'61. Kappa Alpha, 1870-'72. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1859-'63. Chi Phi, 1871-'72. Phi Delta Theta, 1871-'72. THETA (Prime) CHAPTER. Charter Members:— J. T. Wills (G-amma), Smith Clayton, George P. Zimmerman and A. C. Briscoe. Founders :— J. M. Goss, J. T.Wills, E. A. Garlington, E. A. Angier, and Balph Peters (all of Gamma), and J. E. Gartrell (Epsilon). Established December 25, 1870, and chartered by S. Z. Ammen, K. C, January 31, 1871. The charter is peculiar in that it bears the names of J. M. Goss, E. A. Angier, G. R. Glenn nnd E. A. Garling- ton, instead of the names of the first members of the chapter. The chapter died with the University in December, 1872. Members of Theta (Prime) Chapter* BRISCOE, ALEXANDER OREAGH, College Park, Ga. Born, Wilcox Co., Ala., '53; ent., '70; init., '70; charter member; (1.) '71; del. to 2d Conv., 71; Sec'y Ga. Ri. R. Commission, '83- '96; Prest., So. Shorthand and Business Univ., Atlanta, Ga., '96-'00. CLAYTON, [AUGUSTUS] SMITH, Atlanta, Ga. Born, , Ga., — ; ent., — ; init., '70, charter member; trans. to Gamma, 72. With Atlanta Journal. Journalist. DAVIS, ARTHUR WEBSTER, (Birmingham, Ala.) Born, Atlanta, Ga., '58; ent., '72; init., '72; trans, to Gamma, '74; A. B. (Univ. of Ga.) *ECKFORD, CHARLES GATES, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Aberdeen, Miss., '54; ent., '71; init., '71; Carpet and Fur- niture Dealer. Died, '00. 138 THETA PRIME. JONES, JOHN OAEOLIN, Orlando, Fla. Born, , — ; ent., '72; init;, '72. LOGAN, ANDEESON EEDDING, Gainesville, Ga. Born, Rome, Ga., '55; ent., '70; init., '71. Traveling Salesman. SPENOEE, WILLIAM ALBEET, Covington, Ga. Born, Walthorville, Gh., '50; ent., '70; init., '71; A. B., '72. Ac- countant, with Clark Banking Co. THEOWEE, BENJAMIN KEY, Gainesville, Fla. Born, Newton Co., Ga., '51; ent., '69; init., '71; A. B., '72. Min- ister, M. E. C, S. WILLS, JAMES THOENWELL, Starke, Fla. Born, Fairfield Co., S. C, '52; ent., '70; init., (Gamma) '69; trans; from Gamma, '70; charter member; First Honor at Oglethorpe. Member Fla. Legislature, '94-5 and '98-9. Lawyer. ZIMMEEMAN, GEOEGE P , Hood bldg., Birmingham, Ala. Born, Madison, Ga., '54; ent., '70; init., '70; charter member. Lawyer. Initiates, 9; transfer, 1; total, 10; lost by transfer, 2; dead, 1. SOUTH CAROLINA MILITARY ACADEMY, CHARLESTON, S. C. Chartered 1842. Re-Opened in 1882. Under State Control. FKATERIS^ITIES. Alpha Tau Omega, 1883-'84. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1883-95. Kappa Alpha, 1883-'90. Epsilon Nu, 1886-'91. Pi Kappa Alpha, 1889-'90. THETA (Second) CHAPTER. Charter Members: W. E. Dick, F. O. Spain and P. H. Tamplet. Founders : W. E. Lucas and G. A. Norwood (both of Delta.) Chartered October 1, 1883, by J. S. Candler, K. C. Became inac- tive in Feb., 1885, but was revived Feb. 18, 1887 by C. B. Ashley and T. P. Harrison. In 1890 the chapter again became inactive on account of faculty opposition, and the charter was surrendered in October of that year. Fraternities nre prohibited at the school, and the chapter was sud rosa throughout its existence. Members of 'X\iz\2i (Second) Chapter* ASHLEY, COUNCIL BLACK, Madison, Fla. Born, Barnwell Co., S. C, '65; ent., '83; init., '84; grad., '87; (I.) '87. Lawyer. ALLISON, GEORGE WILLIAMS, Elberton, Ga. Born, Lancaster, S. C, '69; ent., '86; init., '87; grad., '90; LL.B. and LL.M. (Georgetown Univ.) Lawyer. DANIELS, WILLIAM BICELL, 559 Watkin st., Augusta, Ga. Born, Augusta, Ga., '72; ent., '89; init., '89. Wholesale grocer. DAVIS, WILLIAM BENJAMIN, Madison, Fla. Born, Jacksonville, Fla., '69; ent., '86; Init., '87. Druggist. DICK, WILLIAM EDWARD, Bossards, S. C. Born, Sumter, S. C.,'65; ent., '82; init. ,'83; charter mem. Farmer. T40 THETA SECOND. DIXON, WILLIAM WOODWARD, Union, S. 0. Born, Woodward, S. C. '68; ent., '86; init., '87; grad., '90; (I.). '88-'90; del. 14th Conv , '87. Lawyer and IJ. IS. Commissioner. DUNBAR, RANDOLPH BRADFORD, Beech Island, S. 0. Born, Beech Island, S. C, '69; ent., '86; init., '87. Farmer. FERGUSON, JAMES LENNERTON, Charleston, S. C. Born, Charleston, 8. C, '68; ent., '86; init., '87. Book-keeper. GADSDEN, GEORGE MORRALL, City Ex., Savannah, Ga. Born, Charleston, S. C, '65; ent., '82; init., '84. Director of Public WoriS. OILCHRIST, ROBERT BENJAMIN, 40 Broad st., Charleston, S. C. Born, Charleston, S. C, '71; ent., '88; init., '90. Cashier State Savings Bank. GRIER, FRANCIS BARRON, Greenwood, S. C. Born, Yorkville, S. C, '69; ent., '86; init., '89. Lawyer. HARRISON, THOMAS PERRIN, Davidson, N. C. Born, Abb eville, S. C, '64; ent., '82; init., '84; grad., '86; Univ. Scholarship and Fellowship (J. H. U.), Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins), '91; Prof, of English, Davidson College, '96-'00. HART, JOHN RATOHFORD, Yorkville, S. C. Born, Yorkville, S. C, '73; ent., '89; init., '89. Lawyer. HOWARD, ARMSTRONG JOLLY, Effingham, S. C. Born, Effingham, S. C, '66; ent., '82; init., '83; grad., '86. Mer- chant and Farmer. HUGER, FRANCIS PARKER, 60 W. 98th st.. New York City. Born, Charleston, S. C, '67; ent., '82; init., '84. Real Estate. HUTSON, RICHARD WOODWARD, 156 Rutledge ave., Charleston, S. C. Born, Yemassee, S. C, '69; ent., '86; init., '87. Deputy Clerk, U. S. District Court. INGLIS, BEATTIE ANDREW, Madison, Fla. Born, Madison, Fla., '71; ent., '86; init., '88; M. E. (Stevens Inst.) '93. Supt. Fla. Mfg. Co. JENNINGS, WILLIAM, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Pendleton, S. C, '63; ent., '82; init., '83; grad. '86; Adj.- Prof. Math. Ga. School Technol. *JONES, ROBERT BRODIE, Savannah, Ga. Born, Mobile, Ala., '70; ent., '86; init., '88; bookkeeper nnd clerk. Died, '97. LAKE, JOHN, 4th ave. & Broadway, Louisville, Ky. Born, Edgefield, S. C, '70; ent., '87; init., '88. Trav. Sec'y Y. M. C. A. THETA SECOND. 141 LAW, EVAIS^DEE McIVOR, Jr., Bartow, Fla. Born, Columbia, S. C '66; eat., "82; init., '84: grad., '86; C. E. & E. E. Prof. Physics and Engineering, So. Fla. Mil. Inst. McOULLY, PETEE KEYS, Je., Anderson, S. C. Born, Anderson, 8. C, '73; ent., '87; init., '89; grad.,'91, Merch. McELWEE, JAMES FEANCIS, Yorkville, S. C. Born, Yorkville, S. C , '69; ent., '88; init., '88; grad. '92. Trav. Salesman. MACMUEPHY, GEOEGE YUILLE, Charleston, S. C. Born, Augusta, Ga., '69: ent., '86; init., '87; trans to Chi, '87; M. D. (S. C. Col.) '91. Physician. MAGEATH, JOSEPH WALKEE, Northport, L. L, X. Y. Born, Charleston, S. C, '72; ent., '87; 'init., '88; grad. '91; with Thompson Pub. Co.. Lawyer and legal writer. MATHESOX, KEXXETH GOEDOX, 311 W. Peachtree st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Cheraw, S. C, '64; ent., '82; init., '83; A.M., '97; (Stan ford).. Asst. Prof, of English, Ga. School Technol. MAULDIN, THOMAS JOAB, Anderson, S. C. Born, Pickens, S. C, '70; ent., '87; init., '88; grad. '91. Lawyer. MAYS, JOHX FIXLAYSOX, Bond, Fla. Born, Jet'ierson Co , Fla., '69; ent., '86; init., '87. Farmer. MIKELL, WILLIAM EPHEAIM, Philadelphia, Pa. Born, Sumter, S. C, '68; ent.. '86; init., '87; grad., '90 del. lotk Conv., '89. Asst. Prof, of Law, Univ. of Pa. MOOEE, HUTSOX COLCOCK, Clarksville, Tex. Born, Yorkville, S. C, '68: ent., '86: init., '87. Cotton buyer. *MUXXEELY"X, BEXJAMIX, Georgetown, S. C. Born, Georgetown, S. C, '68; ent., '82; init., '84; First Honor grad., '86. Died, '92. O'XEALE, CHAELES LIVIXGSTOX, Spartanburg, S. 0. Born, Columbia, S. C, '73; ent., '89; init., '89; trans, to Kho. '90. Insurance. PAEKEE, EDWAED FEOST, 70 Hasell st, Charleston, S. 0. Born, Charleston, S. C, "67; ent., '83; init., '84: trans, to Lambda, '85; M.D. (Univ. of Ta). Prof, of Physiology and Lecturer on Eye, Ear, Xose and Throat, S. C Med. Col. Physician. PEEEIX, EOBEET McCAAV, Charleston, S. C. Born, Abbeville, S. C, '73; ent.. '89; init., '90; grad., '93. In- structor English and History, Porter Military Academy. EILEY, EICHAED WILSOX, Barnwell, S. C. Born, Barnwell, S. C, '67; ent., '86; init., '87. Dentist. EOBEETSOX, JEXKIXS MIKELL, 166 Broad st., Charleston, S. C. Born, Charleston, S.C.,'72; ent., '87; init, '87; grad. ,'91. Merchant- 142 THETA SECOND. SIMONS, WILLIAM HOWE, U. S. Army. Born, Charleston, S. C, '69; ent., '86; init., '87; grad., '90; Capt. 6th U. S. Yol. Inf., in Phillippines. (Home address, Charles- ton, S. C.) SHSTGLETAKY, AECHIBALD GILCHEIST, Plaquemine, La. Born, Marion, S. C, '67; ent., '86; init., '87; (1.). Principal High School. SPAIN, FEANCIS OVID, 361 Capitol ave., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Darlington, S. C, '66; ent., '82; init., '83; charter mem- mer; grad., '86. With American Book Co. TAMPLET, PAUL HUOT, 12th & G. sts., Washington, D. C. Born, Georgetown, S. C, '63; ent., '82; init., '83; charter mem- ber, (I.), '83. Insurance. *WALKEE, NEWTON PINCKNEY, Cedar Spring, S. C. Born, Cedar Spring, S. C, '72; ent., '88; init., '88; trans, to Lambda, '91; died, '95. WHALE Y, EPHEAIM MIKELL, Je., 1518 Sumter st., Columbia, S. 0. Born, Edisto Island, S. C, '71; ent., '88; init., '88; grad., 91; (I.), M. D. Physician. ZEMP, EENEST EUSSELL, Knoxville, Tenn. Born, Camden, S. C, '71; ent., '86; init., '87; grad., '90: M. D. (Bait. Col. P. and S.), '94. Physician. Initiates, 43 ; lost by transfer, 4 ; dead, 3. KENTUCKY STATE A. & A\. COLLEGE, LEXINGTON. KY. Chartered in 1865 as a College of the Kentucky University and Severed from that Institution in 1878. Controlled by the State, through Board of Trustees. FRATERNITIES: Pi Kappa Alpha. 1887-'88. Kappa Alpha, 1893. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1900. Sigma Chi, 1893. Kappa Sigma, 1900. THETA CHAPTER. Charter Meinibers : R. C. Stoll, B. Q. Willis, B. F. Yan Meter, L. P. Shackelford, H. M. Gunn, H. S. Bush and T. C. Spears. Founders • Charlton Wallace (A-Theta), with assistance of E. J . Green (Kappa) and members of Alpha-Theta chapter. Theta chapter, the third of the name, was chartered February 21, 1893, by S. Z. Ammen, K. C. Anti-fraternity laws had existed up to the fall of 1892, but their repeal was secured prior to the found- ing of the chapter. Members of Theta Chapter ALFORD, OLIVER PERRY, Jr., 39 W. 117th st., New York. Born, 'New Orleans, La., '80; ent., '96; init., '96; trans, to Alpha '97. Broker. ALFORD, SMITH EDISON, Lexington, Ky. Born White Sulphur Spring, W. Ya.-, '77; ent., '93; init., '93; A. B., '96; Champion Ky. in 100 yard dash; trans, to Alpha, '97. Lawyer. ALLEN, LEONARD BARNES, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '79; ent., '95; init., '99; C. E.; '99; with C. & O. Ry. Civil Engr. ASHER, ANDREW JACKSON, Jr., Wasioto, Kj. Born, Callaway, Ky., '79; ent., '95; init., '97. Bookkeeper. 144 THETA. ASHEE, GEORGE MATT, Jk., Wasioto, Ky. Born, Callaway, Ky., '75; ent., '91; init., '94. Lumber business. BECKNER, LUOIEN PEARSON, Winchester, Ky. Born, Winchester, Ky., '72; ent., '93; init., (Omega) '91; trans, from Omega, '93. BRADLEY, CHARLES WALTER, Jk., Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky,, '79; ent., '96; init., (A-Theta) '94; trans, from A-Theta, '96. Civil Engr. BRAND, EDWARD, East Lake, Ala. Born, Broadwell, Ky., '70; ent., '90; init., '93; A. B., '94; Yaledic- torlan; Prof. Math, and German, Howard College. Teacher. BRONSTON, THOMAS HUGHES, Lexington, Ky. Born, Richmond, Ky,, '78; ent., '97; init., '97. Clerk. BURNETT, JAMES CALDWELL, Shelbyville, Ky. Born, Shelbyville, Ky., '79; ent., '96; init., '96; trans.to Alpha, '97. BURTON, ROBERT ALLEN, Waddy, Ky. Born, Willisburg, Ky., '70; ent., '85; init., '93. Lawyer. BUSH, HENRY SKILLMAN, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '74; ent., '92; init., '93; charter member; B.S., '95; Draughtsman and Architect with Rowe & Co. Stu- dent of Architecture Columbia Col., N. Y. City, '99-'00. CALDWELL, WILLIAM HARDIN, Shelbyville, Ky. Born, Shelbyville, Ky., '78; ent., '96; init., '96. Book-keeper. CLAY, MATTHEW MARTIN, Lexington, Ky. Born, Paris, Ky., '81; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. COMBS, JAMES HORTON, Lexington, Ky. Born, Cornwell, Ky., '80; ent., '96; init., '00. Student. DAVIDSON, JOSEPH ERNEST, 1123 Floyd st., Louisville,Ky. Born, Louisville, Ky., '74; ent., '97; init., '99; C. E., '99; Vale- dictorian. Civil Engineer. DeBOW, SAMUEL CARUTHERS^ Lexington, Ky. Born, Hickman, Ky., '73; ent., '92; init., '95; B. M. E, 96; (I.), '95-6; instructor in Electrical Enginnering at K. S. C, since '96. Electrical and Mechanical Engineer. DENNY, VAN HAMILTON, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lancaster, Ky., '78; ent., '92; init., '94. Clerk in U.S.P.O. DUDLEY, BENJAMIN WILLIAM, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky.,'78; ent. ,'93; init., '93. Student Yale IJniv. ELLIOTT, JOHN MILWARD, Lexington, Ky. Born, Cairo, 111., '79; ent., '95; init., '97; collector, and student at business college. FALCONER, JOHN RUTHERFORD, Pisgah, Ky. Born, Fayette Co., Ky., '75; ent., '91; init., '93. Insurance. THETA. 145 FEAZEE, JOSEPH CHEISTIE WHITNEY, Lexington, Ky. Born, Fayette Co., Ky., '75; ent., '90; init., '94; B. S., '97; M. S. '98; at Johns Hopkins Univ., '98-'00. Student. GAEEED, ULYSSES ANDEESON, 6650 Perry ave., Chicago. Born, Louisa, Ky., '67; ent., '85; init., '93; B. M. E., '94. Electri- cian and Mechanical Engr. GEAEY, J0H:N^ THOMAS :^rOLAN, U. S. Army. Born, Lexington, Ky., '73; ent., '90; init., '96; B. S., '97; winner Inter-Col. Orator Contest, '96; Second Lieut. Bat. G., 5th U. S. Artillery, San Juan, Porto Eico. GEAHAM, JAMES HIEAM, Je., 223 E. Broadway, Louisville, Ky. Born, Louisville, Ky., '79; ent., '98; init., '99; B. C. E., '00. ^>tu- dent. GUNN, HENEY MAETIN, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky.. '71; ent., '87; init., '93; charter member; B. S., '93; (1.) '93. insurance. GUN:N", THOMAS, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '73; ent., '88; init., '93; with Lex. Ey. Co. HALLAM, MOETIMEE SHEPPAED, 127 Taylor st., San Antonio, Tex. Born, Selma, Ala., '77; ent., '93; init., '95. Clerk, Quartermaster's Dept. U. S. Army. HELM, JOSEPH SPAEKS, Lexington, Ky, Born, JiTicholasville, Ky., '81; ent., '97; init., '98. Student. HILL, HEEBEET HUDSON, Andover, Mass, Born, Andover, Mass., '66; ent., '92; init., '93. Chemist with American Woollen Mills, Lawrence, Mass. HOGAN, OVEETON SMITH, Williamstown, Ky. Born, Williamston, Ky., '74; ent., '92; init., '93; Upholsterer. HUDSON, EENEST, Lexington, Ky. Born, New Columbus, Ky., '74; ent., '90; init., '93. Book-keeper. HUGHES, LEONAED SAMUEL, 113 W. Chestnut st., Louisville, Ky. Born, Frankfort, Ky., '72; ent., '87: init.,'93;B.S., '94; M.D., '97, Louisville Medical College; Acting Ass't Surgeon U. S. Army, with 2d Bat. 3d Eng. U. S. Vol. Physician. HUGHES, WILLIAM NEAL, 2401 First st., Louisville, Ky. Born, Louisville, Ky., '82; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. JOHNSTON, JOHN PELHAM, Lexington, Ky. Born, Bryant's Station, Ky., '81; ent., '96; init., '96; B.M.E.,'00. Mechanical Engineer. KNAEP, CLINTON BEECHAM, Delaware, 0. Born, Bedford, Mass., '74; ent., '94; init., '94; trans, to A-Theta, '94; A.B. (Ohio Wesleyan). '98. Student, N. Y. Coll., P. and S. 146 THETA. LEWIS, SAMUEL HIGGINS, Lexington, Ky. Born, Marion, Ala., '74; ent., '89; init., '93. Insurance agent. LYNE, FRANK EARRA, Brannon, Ky. Born, Brannon, Ky.,'78; ent. ,'91; init., '95; trans, to A-Theta, '95; B. Lit. (Ky. Univ.), '99. Student at N. Y. Coll., P. and S. LYNE, WILLIAM, Brannon, Ky. Born, Brannon, Ky., '82; ent., '98; init., '00. Student. Mccarty, william carpenter, 1470 2d St., Louisville, Ky. Born, Louisville, Ky., '80; ent., '98; init., '99; B.S., '00. Student. Mcdowell, edward Campbell, Covington, Ky. Born, Cynthiana, Ky., '74; ent., '92; init., '94; B.M.E., '96; Salu- tatorian, '96; draughtsman at L. & N. R. R. Shops. Coving- ton, Ky., '96-9. Mechanical Engineer. (Home, Cynthiana.) McDowell, Sebastian haupt, Havana, Cuba. Born, Cynthiana, Ky., '77; ent., '97; init., '97. Quartermaster's clerk, U. S. Army. (Home, Cynthiana, Ky). McMAKIN, WILLIAM MONTCOMEY, Shelbyville, Ky. Born, Shelbyville, Ky., '81; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. MILWARD, JOHN BRIGHT, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexingbcn, Ky., '77; ent., '92; init., '94; trans, to A-Theta, 94. Deputy City Treas., Lexington, Ky. MORGAN, GEORGE MATT, Lexington, Ky. Born, Manchester, Ky., '74; ent., 92; init., '94; (I.), '95-6; B.S.,'97. Lumber business. MURRILL, PAUL IN GOLD, Hickory, N. C. Born, Hickory, N. C, '74; ent., '91; init., '93; B.S., '95; M.S., '96; Ph.D. '99, (Univ. of Michigan); (I.), '93-4; del. to 17th Conv.; Secretary 19th and 20th Conventions; Fellowship at Univ. of Michigan, '97-'00; Editor 1900 General Catalogue; Acting Prof. Chemistry, Ala. Polyt. Inst., Auborn, Ala., 'OO-'Ol. Chemist. NELSON, ROBERT, Winchester, Va. Born, Gambier, O., '78; ent., '92; init., '94; trans, to Alpha, '96. Teacher in Shenandoah Valley Academy. NEAVMAN, JOHN WESLEY, Versailles, Ky. Born, Gamaliel, Ky., '69; init., '93. Prof, in State College, '90-'98. NORTON, CHARLES FISHBACK, El Paso, Tex. Born, Carlisle, Ky., '69; ent., '89; init., '93; trans, to Omicron, '94; B. S. (Texas), '96; M. D. (Texas), '99. State Quarantine . Inspector of Texas. Physician and Surgeon. PRYOR, JOSEPH WILLIAM, Lexington, Ky. Born, Palmyra, Mo. ,'56; init., '93. Prof . of Anatomy and Physiol- ogy Mt Kentucky State College. Physician and teacher. RAILEY, LAWRENCE A., Versailles, Ky. Born, Versailles, Ky., '84; ent., '99; init., '00. Student. THKTA. 147 EAILEY, MOETO^^ SANDEKS, Versailles, Ky. Born, Yersailles, Ky., '71; ent.,'89;ioit.,'93; C.E., '93. WithU. S. Goedetic Survey. Civil Engineer. EEDMON, HAERY GEOEGE, Lexington, Ky. Born, Millersburg, Ky., '75; ent., '92; init., '93. Grocer. EIPY, FEANOIS LILLAED, Lawrenceburg, Ky. Born, Lawrenceburg, Ky., '78; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. SCOTT, WELLINGTON FEIEND, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '80; ent., '98; init., '98; C. H., '99-'00; (I.) 'OO-'Ol. Student. SHACKLEFOED, LEWIS PINKEETOlSr, 6 Board of Trade, West Superior, Wis. Born, Lexington, Ky., '75; ent., '88; init., '93; charter member; LL.B., '95, Univ. of Michigan. Lawyer. SMITH, DENNY PEEEYMAN, Cadiz, Ky. Born, Golden Pond, Ky., '66; ent., '89; init., '93; B.S., '93. Lawyer. SMITH, JOSHUA SOUL^, Je., Bloomington, HI. Born, Lexington, Ky., '80; ent., '96; init., '96; B. M. E., '00; with Chicago & Alton E. E. Co. Mechanical Engr. SMITH, LOUIS EIPPLE, Washington, D. C. Born, Marion, Va., '74; ent., '93; init., '93. Ey. Mail Service. SMITH, SIDNEY ALLAN, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '78; ent., '94; init., '95; B. A., '99; (I.) '98-9; OQ stall of Lex., Ky., Morning Herald. Journalist. SNEED, JOHN BOSWELL, Georgetown, Ky. Born, -, Tenn., '75; ent., '96; init., '96. Druggist. SPEAES, ESTEN WAEFIELD, Victor, Col. Born, Paris, Ky., '80; ent., '97; init., '98. Boolil^eeper. SPEAES, THOMAS CAENEAL, Cripple Creek, Col. Born, Paris, Ky., '74; ent., '90; init., '93; charter member. Post- office clerk. STOLE, JOHN GEOEGE, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '78; ent., '93; init., '94. With Stoll, Van- natta & Co. STOLL, EICHAED CHAELES, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '76; ent., '91; init., '93; charter member; A.B., '95; LL.B., '97, Yale; (I.), '94-5; del. special and 20th Conventions. Lawyer. SWEENY, WILLIAM OGLESBY, Je., Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '76; ent., '96; init. (A-Theta), '93; trans. from Alpha-Theta, '96; Sec'y Lex. Alumni chapter. Merchant. TANDY, CLAEKE HOWELL, Hopkinsville, Ky. Born, Hopkinsville, Ky., '82; ent., '96; init., '98. Student. 148 THETA. Van METEE, benjamin ERANKLIN, Je., Lexington, Ky. Born, Winchester, Ky., '73; ent., '90; init., '93; charter member; M.D; Assist. Surg. U. S. Army in Phillippines. Physician. VOORHIES, CHARLES HOWARD, Je., Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '73 ent., '93; init., '93; trans, to Lambda, '93; M. D (Univ. of Va.). Physician. WHITE, MILEORD, Lexington, Ky. Born, Meadorsville, Ky., '64; ent., '91; init., '93; B. C E., '93. Asst. Prof, in Ky. State College, '98-'00. WILLIS, BENJAMIN GRANT, Lexington, Ky. Born, Boone Co., Ky., '72; ent., '87; init., '93; charter member; B.S., '93. Grocer. WOOD, JOHN HARRY, 446 W. Market st., Louisville, Ky. Born, Russell Cave, Ky., '73; ent., '92; init., '93. Dentist. WOOLLEY, CHARLES WICKLIFFE, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '77; ent., '91; init., '96. Initiates, 70; transfers, 3; total, 73; lost by transfer, 9. FURMAN UNIVERSITY, GREENVILLE, S. C. Chartered in 1850. Controlled by the Baptist Church. FKATER:f^ITIES : Chi Psi, 1858-'98. j Rainbow, 1871-'74. Kappa Sigma, 1868-'69. ( United with Delta Tau Delta Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1868-'98. Kappa Alpha, 1872-'98. IOTA CHAPTER. Charter Members : J.V. Dowling, T. A. Jones, J. M. Cureton, and C. M. Williams. Founders : E. W. Peeples (Delta), J. E. L. Holmes (Eta) and Sam'l Saunders, (Eta). Established January 18, 1872, under W. W. Collins, K. C, but the charter was not issued until May 8, 1872. The chapter became inactive in the fall of 1875, but was revived in May 1879, by G. D. Bellinger, and members of Delta. In June 1898, anti -fraternity laws were passed by the faculty, and the Chapter succumbed. Members of Iota Chapter* ACKERMAN, MELVra HIERS, Blackville, S. C. Born, Colleton Co., S. C, '59; ent., '82; init., '82; B.S., '87; A.M., '88. Teacher and Minister. *ADDISON, WILLIAM PIERCE, Edgefield, S. C. Born, Edgefield, S. C, '59; ent., '79; init., '79; M.D., '82; Ph.D. Druggist. Died, '98. BARTON, MORRIS CHANDLER, Fair Play, S. C. Born, Oconee Co., S. C, '70; ent., '93; init., '94. Teacher and Minister. BARTON, WILLIAM CULVER, Greenville, S. C. Born, Greenville, S. C, '75; ent., '94; init., '95. Book-keeper and Ins. Agt. 150 IOTA. BELLINGEE, GEOKGE DUNCAN, Barnwell, S. 0. Born, Barnwell, S. C, '56; ent., '74; init., '74; A.B., '79; revived Iota, '79; Master of Equity, Barnwell Co., '85; Pres. Electric Light Co.; Attorney General of S. C. '98. Lawyer. BOATWEICHT, WILLIAM WOODWAED, Melrose, S. 0. Born, Montmorenci, S. C, '67; ent., '85; init., '85; M.D. (Univ. of Ga.). Physician. BEADHAM, ALLEN CEAVEN, Peaksville, S. C. Born, Manning, S. C, '77; ent., '96; init., '96. Merchant. BEODIE, PAUL THOMAS, Clemson College, S. C. Born, Leesville, S. C, '66; ent., '84; init., '84; B.S., '87; A.B., '94. Prof. Math., Clemson College. *BEOWN, WALTEE WIDEMAN, Williamston, S. C. Born, Anderson, S. C. '58; ent., '77; init., '79; A. M., '80; del. 11th, 12th, L4th and 15th Convs; Editor-in-chief ot Journal y '87-'89; Sec'y 12th Conv. Book-keeper. Died, '00. BUCK, HENEY LEE, Jk., Bucksport, S. C. Born, Bucksport, S. C, '72; ent., '90; init., '90; del. 16th Conv. Bookkeeper. BUEEISS, EOBEET EUGENE, 1416 Laurel st., Columbia, S. C. Born. Anderson, S. C, '72; ent., '91; init., '91. Chief bookkeeper S. C penitentiary. BUYCK, WALTEE FLEETWOOD, St. Matthews, S. C. Born, Columbia, S. C, '71; ent., '88; init., '89; A. B., '89. Lawyer. CALDWELL, JAMES BEOADUS, Linnington, Mo. Born, Phoenix, S. C, '58; ent., '74; init., '75. Farmer. *CHANDLEE, JOHN THOMAS, Jk., Lake City, S. C. Born, Clarendon, S. C, '67; ent., '84; init., '85; A. B., '88; died, '89. Teacher. fCLEVELAND, JESSE F., Indian Springs, Ga. Init., '79. Expelled. CLYDE, WILLIAM MICHEL, Montgomery, Ala. Born, Greenville, S. C, '70; ent., '83; init., '84; A. M., '87; Prin. Boys' High School. Teacher. COX, ALLEN ENNIS, Milan, Tenn. B<»rn, Honea Path, S. C, '72; ent., '90; init., '90; M. D.,(Vander- bilt). Physician and Surgeon. CUMMINGS, CHEISTIAN ISAIAH, Greenwood, S. C. Born, Islington, S. C, '59; ent., '81; init., '81. Merchant. CUNNINGHAM, MICHAEL BAILUS, Greenville, S. C. Born, Greer's S. C, '63; ent., '82; init., '83. Cotton buyer. CUEETON, JOHN MOON, Greenville, S. C. Born, Greenville, S. C, '51; ent., '71; init., '72; charter member. Farmer and Surveyor. IOTA. 151 CUTTING, HAREY WELLS, Tindal, S. C. Born, Manning S. C, '68; ent., '85; init., '85. Merchant and farmer. DAEGAN, MILTON, Equitable bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Sumter, 8. C., '62; ent., '78; init., '79. Insurance business. DEW, JOSIAH HAETWELL, 522 E. Ormsby ave., Louisville, Ky. Born, Latta, S. C, '64; ent., '85; init., '85; A.B., '90; graduate So. Bap. Tlaeol. Seminary. Minister. DINKINS, WILLIAM EASTEELING, Manning, S. C. Born, Clarendon Co., S. C, '67; ent., '84; init., '85; M.D. (Louis- ville Med. Col.). Physician. DOUTHIT, MAXWELL HOKE, Greenville, S. C. Born, Greenville, S. C, '78; ent., '94; init., '94. Clerk. *DOEEOH, WILLIAM CHALMEES, Greenville, S. C. Born, Greenville, S. C, '59; ent., '76; Init., '79; Ph.B., '79; died, '96. Lawyer. DOWLING, JOHN v., Brighton, S. C. Born, Beaufort, S. C. '56; ent.. '72; init., '72; charter member. Clerk. EAELE, THOMAS KEITH, Greenville, S. 0. Born, Pickens, S. C, '63; ent., '81; init., '82; A.B., '83; A. M., 84; (1.) Lawyer. EAELE, WILTON EOBINSON, Aspen, Col. Born, Holland. S. C, '67; ent., '90; init., '90, grad.. So. Bap. Theol. Seminary. Minister. EDWAEDS, HOWAED AUGUSTUS, Hartsville, S. C. Born, Darlington, S. C, '69; ent., '86; init., '87; Ph.B., '88; A.B., '89. Manager Paper Mill. EDWAEDS, JOSEPH EDWIN, Monk's Corner, S. C. Born, Chester, S. C, '66; ent., '90; init., '90; Ph.B., '94. Teacher and Minister. EDWAEDS, PEESTON HAMPTON, Darlington, S. C. Born, Darlington, S. C, '77; ent., '92; init., '93; trans, to Lambda, '95; M. A. (U. of Va.), '00. Teacher. EDWAEDS, WALTEE COKEE, Hartsville, S. C. Born, Darlington, S. C, '74; ent., '91; init., '91. Supt. Paper Mill. ELLIS, JESSE C, Hodges, S. C. Born, Hodges, S. C.,'60;ent., '78; init., '79. Merchant and farmer. EEWIN, JAMES OYEETON, Spartanburg, S. C. Born, Hendersonville, N. C, '— ; ent., '— ; init.. '72. Com. trav. EUNDEEBUEG, JAMES HAEEY, Orangeburg, S. C. Born, Orangeburg, S. C.,'74; ent., '91; init., '92; A.B., '95. Lawyer. GAFFNEY, FEANCIS BEE, Henrietta, N. C. Born, Draytonville, 8.C., '61; ent., '82; init., '82. Merchant. 152 IOTA. GARDNER, GEORGE WILLIAM, Greenwood, S. C. Born, Orangeburg, 8. C, '51; ent.,'71; init., '72; B.S., '76; D. D. Editor and Minister. GARLINGTON, HARRY M. War Dept, Washington, D. 0. Born, ^Newberry, S. C, — ; ent., — ; init., '81. Army officer in tlie Philippines. GARY, THOMAS REEDER, Ocala, Fla. Born, Colcesbury, S. C, '54; ent., '73; init., '74; trans, to Eta, '74; del. to 7tli Conv., '76. Farmer. *GIBBS, J. F., Union, S. 0. Born, Union, S. C, — ; ent., — ; init., '73; died, 1875. GIFFORD, ELIHU WILLIAM, Gifford, S. C. Born, Lawtonville, S. C, — ; ent., '79; init., '79; A. M., '80. Farmer. GILREATH, JEFFERSON DAVIS, Greenville, S. C. Born, Greenville, S. C, '61; ent., '79; init., '80. Deputy sheriff. GRACE, WILLIAM HARTWELL, Sweetwater, Tenn. Born, Humboldt, Tenn., '76; ent., '97; init., '97. *HICKSON, WILLIAM THOMAS, Lockbie, Fla. Born, Greenville, S. C, '62; ent.. '80; init., '82; died, '94. Orange gr(/wer. HOLLAND, WILLIAM DURISOE, Johnston, S. C. Born, Edgefield, S. C, '75; ent., '92; init., '94; B.Lit., '95; Prin. Johnston Inst. Teacher. HORTON, CHARLES MANLY, Savannah, Gc Born, Lowndesville, S. C, '79; ent., '96; init., '96; del. 19th K. A Conv., '97; A. B., '98. Asst. Train Dispatcher, Central R. R. of Ga. HORTON, EBERLE ROSCOE, Lowndesville, S. C. Born, Anderson, S. C, '57; ent., '74; init., '74. Merchant and cotton buyer. HORTON, JETER RICE, Williamstown, S. C. Born, Williamstown, S. C, '79; ent., '94; init., '95; B. Lit., '99. Book-keeper. *HORTON, THADDEUS EDGAR, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Williamstown, S. C, '66; ent., '82; init., '83; editor with Atlanta Journal ; died, '99. Journalist. HUDSON, WADDY HAMPTON, care So. Presb. Mission, Shanghai, China. Born, Greenville, S. (L, '67; ent., '86; init., '87; A.M., '90; A. M. (Princeton), '93. Foreign Missionary. HUDSON, WILTON TYLER, Greenville, S. C. Born, Greenville, S. C, '68; ent., '84; init., '90; A. B., '91; A. M. (Princeton), '95. IOTA. 153 *HUGHES, SAMUEL MOSES, Chapel Hill, N. C. Born, Reidsville, S. C, '64; ent., '84; init., '85; died at Chapel Hill, N^. C, '95. Minister. HUMPHRIES, WILLIAM ELIPHAZ GARY, Union, S. 0. Born, Darling-ton, S. C, '64; ent., '82; init., '83. Minister. HUMPHRY, CHARLES AUGUSTUS, Montmorenci, S. C. Born, 'New York City, '64; ent., '80; init., '81; A.B., '83; A.M., '84. Farmer and merchant. *JETER, JOHN ERASTUS, Santuc, S. C. Born, Union Co., S. C '53; ent., '72; init., '72. Farmer. Died, '81. JOHNSON, GEORGE LAFAYETTE, Laurens, S. C. Born, Laurens Co., S. C, '72; ent., '88; init., '91. A.B., '92; trans, to Rho, '96. Lawyer. JONES, J. A., Salley, S. C. Born, Orangeburg, S. C.,'54; ent., '74; init., '74. Farmer and P.M. JONES, THOMAS ARTHUR, Springfield, S. C. Born, Jones' Bridge, S. C, '52; ent., '69; init., '72, charter mem.; trans, to Lambda, '73; M. D. (Univ. of Va.), '74. Pliysician. *KEMP, JOHN DAYIS, Union Springs, Ala. Born, Kirlfsey, S. C, '62; ent., '79; init., '80. Died at Union Springs, Ala., 1885. KNIGHT, WILKES BOOTH, - Laurens, S. C. Born, Laurens, S. C, '74; ent., '95; init., '96. Lawyer. *LAKE, THOMAS EDMUND, Edgefield, S. C. Born, Edgefield, S. C, '54; ent., '72; init., '74; died, '84. IaWTON, THOMAS OREGON, Jr., Estill, S. C. Born, Allendale, S. C, '76; ent., '94; init., '94; A.B. (Ersldne), '97. Farmer and lumber dealer. kWTON, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Estill, S. C. Born, Allendale, S. C, '72; ent., '88; init., '88. Farmer. f AWTON, WESLEY WILLINGHAM, Chin Kiang, China. Born, Allendale, S. C, '69; ent., '87; init., '88; (I.), '90; A.B.,'91; graduate So. Bapt. Theol. Seminary. Missionary. EE, THOMAS OSWALD, Statesboro, Ga. Born, Statesboro, Ga., '72: ent., '91; init., '91; trans, to Kappa, '95; A.B., '99. Teacher and minister. IDE, EZRA CHARLES, Darlington, S. C. Born, Darlington, S. C, '49; ent., '67; init., '72. Asst. Bank Cashier. OTT, WILLIAM EMSLEY, Je., Johnston, S. C. Born, Johnston, S. C, '69; ent., '90; init., '91; (I.), '94; A. B., '94. Farmer and teacher. McCRAVY, SAMUEL TUCKER, Spartanburg, S. C. Born, Spartanburg, S. C '52; ent., '75; init., '75. Lawyer. 154 IOTA. McOULLOUGH, JOHN GEAHAM, Benson, S. 0. Born, Williamsburg Co., S. C, '67; ent., '84; init., '85; B. S. '89. Merchant and Farmer. McDAVID, WILLIAM GOODLETT, Greenville, S. 0. Born, Greenville, S. C, '65; ent., '81; init., '82. Bank clerk. McFADDEN, SAMUEL EDWARD, Chester, S. C. Born, Chester, S. C, '69; ent., '87; init., '88; A. M., '90; (I.) '89- '90. Lawyer. McGEE, EGBERT LEE, Greenville, S. 0. Born, EdgeSeld, S. C, '75; ent., '91; init., '92. Bank Cashier. MACK, JOHN E., Brownsville, Tenn. Born, Orangeburg, S. C, '53; ent., '73; init., '73; A. B.; A. M., (Mercer) '77. Brest. Brownsville Female Col. MAESHALL, JOHN AUGUSTUS, Greenwood, S. 0. Born, Greenwood, S. C, '60; ent., '73; init., '73; M. D. (Univ. of Ga.). Physician and Farmer. MAETIN, BENJAMIN FEANKLIN, Anderson, S. C. Born, Central, S. C, '69; ent., '91; init., '92; trans, to Lambda, '92; A. B., (Univ. of Ya.) '95. Lawyer. MAETIN, COLUMBUS BENJAMIN, Youngs, S. 0. Born, Youngs. S. C, '76;«nt., '95; init., '98; A. B., '99. Teacher, Hendersonvllle, N. C, MAETIN, OSCAE BAKEE, Greenville, S. C. Born, Central, S. C, '70; ent.. '90; init., '91; A. B., '92. Teacher. MASTEES, YICTOE lEVINE, Beech Island, S. C. Born, Anderson, S. C, '67; ent., '86; init., '88; A. M., '89. Min- ister. MATTISON, LAWEENCE SYLVESTEE, Anderson, S. C. Born, Donald's, S. C. '73; ent., '91; init., '91. Bookkeeper and Cashier Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co. MAYFIELD, STAMVIX GABEIEL, Denmark, S. C. Born, Benton, Tenn., '60; ent., '79; init., '79; A. B., '79; A. M., '83; Brest. Denmark Cotton Mill. Lawyer. MAYS, DOUGLAS H., • Easley, Ala. Born, Ninety-Six, S. C, — ; ent., '72; init., '72. Farmer. MEADOE, DANIEL JOHN, Myrtlewood, Ala. Born, Feasterville, S. C, '58; ent., '78; init., '79. Member Ala. Legislature. MEEIWETHEE, COLYEE, 325 E. Capitol st, Washington, D. 0. Born Clark's Hill, S. C; ent., '77; init., '81; B. A., (Johns Hop- kins) '86; Prof, of Eng., Japan Gov. School, Sendai, Japan, for some years. Sec'y Southern History Association. Teacher. IOTA. 155 MILHOUS, JOHN HENEY ELLIOTT, Blacksville, S. C. Born, Blackville, S. C, '56; ent., '73; init., '74; D. D. IS. (Phila. Dent. Col:) '78. Dentist. MILLEE, AISTDEEW: HILL, Greenville, S. C. Born, Wellford, S. C, '77; ent., '94; init., '94; A.M., '98. Lawyer. MOOEE, JEFFEESON DAVIS, Cokesbury, S. 0. Born, Cokesbury, S. C, '60; ent., '79; init., '79. Cotton buyer. MOSELEY, HAETWELL EOBEET, Santiago, Cuba. Born, Greenville, S. C, '63; ent., '82; init., '82; del. 13th K. A. Conv.; Ph.B., '86; Brest. Mexican Theological Seminary, '86- '92. Minister. Missionary. NOEWOOD, JOSEPH, Greenville, S. 0. born, Charleston, S. C, '75; ent., '90; init., '91; B. S. (Chicago Univ.), '97. Manager Gates Desk Co. NOEWOOD, SAMUEL WILKINS, Marion, S. C. Born, Effingham, S. C, '71; ent., '89; init., '89; Ph. B., '92; (I.), '90- '92. Merchant. O'BANNOJSr, HAEEY LEE, Barnwell, S. 0. Born, Barnwell, S. C, '65; ent., '79; init., '81. Lawyer. PADGETT, AUGUSTUS ELLIOTT, Edgefield, S. 0. Born, Delphi, S. C, '60; ent., '79; init., '80. Banker. PICKEL, FEANK WELBOEN, Fayetteville, Ark. Born, Williamston, S. C, '64; ent., '82; init., '82; A.B., '86; trnns. to Eho, 88; M.S., '90; Prof, of Greek, Mississippi College, '95-99; Prof, of Biology, Univ. of Arkansas, '99. Teacher. PICKEL, JAMES MAEIOIST, University, Ala. Born, Williamston, S. C., '55: ent., '73; init., '74; A.M., '76; Ph. D. (Gottingen), '84.- Prof, of Chem., Univ. of Ala. POOEE, HEEMAN MUEEAY, Belton, S. C. Born, Belton, S. C, '79: ent., '96; init., '96. With Belton Cotton Mill Co. POOEE, JAMES EDWAEDS, Lancaster, S. 0. Born, Belton, S. C, '76; ent., 93; init., '93; M.D., 97. Physician and Surgeon. QUATTLEBAUM, THEODOEE ADOLPHUS, Batesburg, S. 0. Born, Eidge Springs. S.C.,'76: ent., '92; init.,'92;M.D. Physician. EABB, EOBEET MOEEIS, Mount Morris, N. Y. Born, Monticello, 8. C.,'62; ent., '80; init., '81; (I.), '85-6. Minister. EICE, LEWIS MALONE, Union, S. 0. Born Barnwell, S. C, '68: ent., '87; init., '87; A.B.,'91. Minister. EIOE, MALCOLM NICHOLSO]^, Olar, S. 0. Born, Olar, S. C, '68; ent., '86: init., '88. Planter. 156 IOTA. EIOHARDSON, ISHAM WILLIAM, Gaffney, S. C. Born, Wellford, S. C, '77; ent.,'95; init.,'95. Prop. ISt'm. Laund. RILEY, HARRY LEE, Johnston, S. 0. Born Martinsburg, W. Ya., '73: ent., '91; init., '91; del. 17th K. A. Conv., '93; (I.), '94-5. Minister. fSAMS, LEE LESLIE, Patron, Tex. Horn, Lowell, N. C, '67; ent., '89; init., '90; expelled, '91. SEN:N", CHARLES A^NIE, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Graniteville, S. C, '58; ent., '77; init., '79; LL.B., George- town Law School. Lawyer. SMART, RUPERT WAYLAND, Troy, S. 0. Born, Brunson, S. C, '78; ent., '96; init., '96. Student, Univ. of Chicago. SMITH, ANGUS MOORE, Chester, S. 0. Born, Chester, S. C, '69; ent., '88; init., '89. Farmer and horse- man. SMITH, CLARENCE AUGUSTUS, Charleston, S. C. Born, Greenville, S. C, '64; ent., '80; init., '82. Undertaker. SNIDER, EUGENE JEROME, Dublin, Tex. Born Orangeburg Co., S. C, '69; ent., '86; init,, '87; D. D. S., (Yanderbilt). Dentist. STALWORTH, AMON BUTLER, Greenville, S. C. Born, Phoenix, S. C, '61; ent., '79; init., '80; A. B., '93. Teacher. STALWORTH, GEORGE CALDWELL, Phcenix, S. C. Born, Phoenix, S. C, '63; ent., '80; init., '80. Planter and Lum- berman. STEVENSON, JOHN REDMOND, 32 Park Row, New York. Born, Anderson, S. C, '67; ent., '86; init., '86. Journalist. TAYLOR, ROBERT KING, Wilson, N. C. Born, Wilson, N. C, '75; enr,., '93; init., 93; A. B., '97; Principal Wilson Graded School. Teacher. THACKSTON, HENRY YOUNG, Mansion House, Greenville, S. C. Born, Greenville, S. C, '66; ent., '82; init., '85. Trav. salesman. THACKSTON, WILLIAM JEFFERSON, Greenville, S. C. Born, Greenville, S. C, '66; ent., '82; init., '83; (I.), '86; A.B., '86; del. 13th Conv. Real Estate and Insurance. THOMAS, ANDREW JACKSON SPEARS, Greenville, S. C. Born, Bennettsville, 8. C, '52; ent., '72; init., '72; grad. So. Bap. Theol. Sem.; D.D. (Columbian, D. C.) Minister and editor Baptist Courier. WARE, JAMES ROBERT, Greenville, S. C. Born, Greenville, S. C, '73; ent., '89; init., '90; (I.), '92; A.B., '92; M.D., '95. Physician. IOTA. 157 WATSON, HAEEY LEGAEE, Greenwood, S. C. Born, Phoenix, S. C, '76; ent., '93: init., '96: trans, to Upsilon, '98; A.B. (Univ. of :N'. C), '99. Merchant and journalist. WATSON, JOHN BEOADUS, Greenyille, S. C. Born, Greenville, S. C, '78; ent., '94; init., '94; (I.), '99; A.M. '99. Prin. Batesburg High School. Teacher. *WATSON, PEEEY LEWIS, Wards, S. C. Born, Wards, S. C, '76; ent, '93; init., '94; died, '96. WATSON, EIOHAED FUEMAN, Eidge Spring, S. C. Born, Eidge Spring, S. C, '79; ent., '97; init., '98; A.B., '00. In- structor in Latin, Furman Univ. WATSON, SAMUEL JAMES, Johnston, S. 0. Born, Johnston, S. C, '67; ent., '87; init., '87; del. 15th K. A. Conv., '89. Banker. WATSON, WADE ALLEN, Anderson, S. 0. Born, Anderson, S. C, '76; ent., '96; init., '96. Farmer. WELBOEN, ADAM CLAEK, Greenville, S. C. Born, Anderson Co., S.C.,'54; ent., '78; init.,*81; A.B. ,'81. Lawyer- WEETZ, JONATHAN HILL, Donalds, S. 0. Born, Newberry, S. C, '63; ent., '88; init., '88. WEST, WILLIAM BENJAMIN, 228 Highland ave., Greenville, S. C. Born, Fork Shoals, S. C, '70; ent., '91; init., '91. Merchant. WESTFIELD, JOHN OSCAE, Greenville, S. 0. Born, Greenville, S. C, '69; ent., '84; Init., '84; trans, to Alpha- Alpha, '85; trans, to Kho, '87. Furniture dealer. WHITE, GEOEGE PIEECE, Johnston, S. 0. Born, Longmires, S.C.,'71: ent., '91; init., '92; B. Lit. ,'95. Minister. WIDEMAN, JAMES LEONAED, Bradley, S. 0. Born, Bradley, S. C, '53; ent., '71; init., '72; del. 5th Conv., '74; (I.), '74. Farmer. WILDS, EOBEET HAETWELL, Darlington, S. C. Born, Darlington, S. C, '78: ent., '96; init., '97. Salesman. WILKINS, CLAEENOE EDWIN, Manning, S. 0, Born, LaClede, 111., '77; ent-, '92; init., '93; (I.), '96-7. Merchant. WILKINS, WALTEE EUGENE, Clyde, N. C. Born, LaClede, 111., '72; ent., '89; init., '89; (I.), '92-3; A. B., '93. Minister. fWILLIAMS, ANDEEW F., Memphis, Tenn. Born, Greenville, S. C, '56; ent., '72; init., '73; expelled, '74. WILLIAMS, CHAELES McOAY, Liberty, Mo. Born, Auburn. Ala., '53; ent., '68; init., '72, charter member; (1.), '73: Ph.B., '72; del. 4th Conv., '73; Prest. Liberty Ladies'; Col. Minister and Teacher. 158 IOTA. WILLIAMS, FEANOIS HAEDEE, Hardeeville, S. 0. Born, Hardeeville, S. C, — ; ent., '82; init., '85. Planter. WILLIAMS, HAEEY LEE, Hardeeville, S. 0. Born, Hardeeville, S. C, '60; ent., '78; init., '79. Planter and lumber dealer. WILLIAMS, EOBEET SNEAD, Jk., Salkehatchie, S. 0. Born, Colson, S. C, '75; ent., '92; init., '92. Teacher. WILLIAMS, STEPHEN WHITEHEAD, Washington, D. 0. Born, Greenville, S. C, '66; ent., '81; init., '82; B. S., '85. Clerk, Dept. of Interior. WILLIAMS, THOMAS YANCEY, Lancaster, S. 0. Born, Lancaster, S. C, '66; ent., '82; init., '82; LL.B., (S. CCol.) '86; member of Legislature, '97 -'00. Law3'er. *WOODWAED, MAETIlSr BOSIE, Aiken, S. C. Born, Montmorenci, S. C, '59; ent., '78; init., 79; B.S., '81; LL.B., W. and L. Univ.; dead. Lawyer. WEIGHT, GEOEGE ALBEET, Newberry, S. C. Born, Johnston, S. C, '57; ent., '79; init., '80; A.B., '89. Minister. Total initiates, 140; lost by transfer, 9; dead, 13; expelled, 3. MERCER UNIVERSITY, /nACON, GA. Chartered In 1857. Controlled by n. E. Church, South. FRATEENITIES : Chi Phi, 1869-81. Kappa Alpha, 1873. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1870. Kappa Sigma, 1875. Phi Delta Theta, 1272. Alpha Tau Omega, 1880. Sigma ]Nu, 1884. KAPPA CHAPTER. Charter Members : Grordon Sorrell, W. A. Adams, T. U. Butts, G. S. Birch and J. R. Duggan. Founder : J. L. Hardeman, (Gamma), K. C. Chartered ^November 8, 1873, by J. L. Hardeman, K. C. The charter having been lost, it was re-issued April 27, 1885, by J. S. Candler, K. C. The Chapter occupies very desirable quarters in the college building. Members of Kappa Chapter* *ADAMS, CLIFTO]^ AMERICUS, Bryan, Tex. Born, Washington Co., Ga., '55: ent., '71; init., '74. Merchant. Died, ? ADAMS, WILLIAM ARNOLD, Fort Worth, Tex. Born, Sparta, Ga., '53; ent., '73; init., charter member, '73: A.M., M.D., LL.D.; Valedictorian; (I.), '74. Physician and Surgeon. ALSOP, JOHN THOMAS, Je., Jacksonville, Fla. Born, Enfield, N. C, '74; ent., '93; init., '93; (1.), '93; trans, to Lambda, '94. Lawyer. ANDERSON, CLIFFORD LeCONTE, Equitable bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '62; ent., '77; init., '77; A.B., '80; LL.B., '83. Mem. Board of Com'rs. Roads and Rev., Fulton Co. Lawyer. l6o KAPPA. ANDEESON, JAMES LeOONTE, Macon, Ga, Born, Macon, Ga., '64; ent., '79; init., '79. Lawyer. AN13EES0N, LOUIS JOSEPH, Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '66; ent., '82; init., '82. ASBUEY, JESSE COBB, Greensboro, Ga. Born, Crawfordsville, Ga.; '64; ent., '83; init., '83. Physician. *ASHFOED, JAMES MILTON, . Ellersbey, Ga. Ent.,:'87; init., '87; died, '88. BAEFIELD, DAUPHIN HOWAED, Wayside, Ga. Born, La Grange, Ga., '60; ent,, '81; init., '82; A. B., '85; A. M. Merchant. BAEEOW, JOHN WILLIAM, Bowden, Ga. Born, Bowden, Ga., '66; ent., '84; init., '84. Mercliant. BENNET, SAMUEL STEVENS, Camilla, Ga. Born, Quitman, Ga., '73; ent., '90; init., '90. Lawyer. BENNET, STANLEY SPENCEE, Quitman, Ga. Born, Quitman, Ga., '67; ent., '85; init., '85; A.B., '88; (I.). '87-8. Lawyer. BENNETT, MATTHEW CAMPBELL, 319 Vineville ave., Macon, Ga. Born, Thomasville, Ga., '76; ent., '94; init., '94. Stenographer. BIEOH, GEOEGE SNIDEE, Macon, Ga. Born, Columbus, Ga., '57; ent., '73; init. charter member, '73; del. 6th Conv; A.B., '77; (I.), '76-'77. Farmer. BIECH, JOHN NEVILLE, 232 High st, Macon, Ga. Born, Columbus, Ga., '59; ent., '73; init., '73; A.B., '77. President Cotton Mill. *BIVINS, JOSEPH EMMET, Cordele, Ga. Born, Pineville, Ga., '66; ent., '84; init., 84; A. B., '87. Prest. First National Bank, Cordele, Ga. Died, '98. *BLALOCK, CHAELES ZADOCK, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Fayetteville, Ga., '58; ent., '78; init., '78; A.B., '80; A.M.; (I.), '79-'80; founder of Pi prime. Lawyer. Died, '97. BLALOCK, WILLIAM JOSIAH, 29i Marietta st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Fayette vil]e,Ga., '66; ent., '84; init., '84; A.B.,'87. Physician. BLITCH, WILLIAM HOMEE, Je., Blitch, Ga. Born, Blitch, Ga., '79; ent., '97; init., '97. Book-keeper. BLOUNT, JOSEPH GEAY, Washington, D. C. Born, Macon, Ga., '64; ent., '79; init., '80; A. B., '84. Lawyer and newspaper correspondent. BONNELL, JOHN WEIGHT, Vineyille ave., Macon, Ga Born, Atlanta (Edgewood), Ga.,'79; ent. ,'97: init., '97. Stenog'r. BOWEN, WILLIAM LEVL Quitman, Ga. Born, Thomas Co., Ga., '64; ent., '85; init., '85. Teacher. KAP1>A. l6f BEITTAIN, CHARLES MERCER, Pelham, Ga. Born. Conyers, Ga., '73; ent., '94; init. (Epsilon), '88; trans, from Epsilon, '94; (I.) '95-6 Mnd "97-8; A.B., '98; Principal Pelham High School. Minister and Teacher. BRITTAIlSr, EUGENE CALLOWAY, Barnesville, Ga. Born, Covington, Ga., '79; ent., '98; init., '98; A.B., '00. Student. BROWN, PRATT ANTHONY, 52 Wall st.. New York City. Born, Dublin, Ga., '74; ent., '88; init., '88; A. B., '92; A.B. (Yale) '94; LL.B., (N. Y. Law School) '96. Lawyer. BROWN, ROBERT LAWSON, 341 College st, Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '72; ent., '87; init., '87. Wagon manufacturer. BROWNE, JAMES COURTNEY. Born, Newnan, Ga., '63; ent., '80; init., '81. *BUTLER, THOMAS KING, Je., Camilla, Ga. Born, Camilla. Ga., '76; ent., '93; init., '93; died, '96. BUTTS, THOMAS USHER, Columbus, Ga. Born, Hancock Co., Ga., — ; ent., '70; init., charter member, '73; A.B., '74; (1.) '74. Planter. CALLAWA.Y, THOMAS MERRILL, Talladega, Ala. Born, West Point, Ga., '66; ent., '85; init., '85. Minister. CAMP, EELIX, 240 Equitable bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Acworth, Ga., '61: ent., '77; init., '77; A. B., A.M., '80. Lawyer. CARSON, JOSEPH JEFFERSON, Reynolds, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '58; ent., '75; init., '75. CHOATE, JAMES DILWORTH, 490 Decatur st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Born, Hawkinsville, Ga., '59; ent., '77; init., '78. Journalist. CLARK, MALLIE ADKIN, 117 Cotton ave., Macon, Ga. Born, Russell Co., Ala., '66; ent., '84; inir., '84; A.B., '85; A.M. '88; M.D., (Bellevue, N. Y.) '90. Physician and Surgeon. CLEVELAND, LLOYD, Griffin, Ga. Born, Griffin, Ga., '60; ent., '77; init., '77; A.B., A.M., '79. Lawyer. *COOLEDGE, AURELIAN FLAVIUS, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Cotton Hill, Ga., '54; ent., '72; init., '73; A.B., A.M., '75; stenographer; died, '96 in Atlanta. COX, CHARLES CARSON, College Park, Atlanta, Ga. Born, LaGrange. Ga., '64; ent., '81; init., '81; trans, to Lambda, '84; First Honor; A. B., A.M., '84; M. A., (CJniv. of Ya.) '85; Ph.D. Principal Southern Female College. CRENSHAW, HANSELL, Prudential bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Roswell, Ga., '76: ent., '98; init., '98; M. D., (Atlanta, Col. P. & S.) '00. Physician. l62 KAPPA. CROCKETT, CHARLES WINTHROP, Troy, N. Y. Born, Macon, Ga., '62; ent., '75; init., 75; Second Honor, '79; A. B„ A. M., '79; C. E., (Rensselaer Pol. Inst.) Prof. Math, and Astron., Rensselaer Polyt. Inst. CUBBEDGE, LAWRENCE LEE, Savannah, Ga. Born, Guyton, Ga., '6S; ent., '84; init., '84. DANIELS, WALTER THOMAS, 196 Gordon st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '79; ent., '97; init., '97. Shoe merchant. DAYIS, JAMES RUSSELL, Quitman, Ga. Born, Quitman, Ga., '70; ent., '89; init., '89. Bank Cashier. DAVIS, WILLIAM HUDSON, Waynesboro, Ga. Born, Hephzibah, Ga., '63; ent., '82: init., '82; A.B., A.M., '85; (I.) '84-5. Lawyer. DENNEY, WILLIS ERANKLIN, 1018 Prudential bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Louisville, Ga., '74; ent., '90; init., '90. Architect. DENNIS, NEWTON THOMAS, Eatonton, Ga. Born, Eatonton, Ga., '65; ent., '85; init., '85. Planter. DILWORTH, CHARLES GAULDEN, Tifton, Ga. Born, Monticello, Fla., '65; ent., '83; init., '84; A. B., '87: (I.), '86-7. Minister. DREWRY, JOSEPH HERNDON, Griffin; Ga. Born, Griffin, Ga., '69: ent., '85; init., '86; A.B.,'88: LL.B., Univ. of Ga., '90; trans, to Gamma, '89. Manufacturer. *DUGGAN, JAMES REYNOLDS, Macon, Ga. Born, Washington Co., Ga., '59: ent., '73: Init., charter member, '73; A.M., '80; M.D., Jeff. Med. Coll., Phila., Pa.; Fellow and Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ.; died, 1888, while Prof. Chem., Wake Forest College, N. C. Physician and teacher. DUGGAN, MELL LEONID AS, Linton, Ga. Born, Washington Co., Ga., '67; ent., '73; init., 73; Prest. 9th Conv.; Sec'y 6th Con v. Merchant. ELLIS, CURRAN ROGERS, Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., 72: ent., '85; init., '87; A.B., '89. Architect. ETHERIDGE, PAUL SHARP, 57* Whitehall st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Greensboro, Ga., '74: ent., '96; init., '96. Lawyer. EENDLEY, JOSEPH MARTIN, Woodbury, Ga. Born, Woodbury, Ga., '78; ent., '95: init., 99; A.B.,99. Teacher. TOY, EDWARD JACKSON, Egypt, Ga. Born, Etlingham Co., Ga., '63; ent. ,'80; init., '80; trans, to Gamma, '82. Mill owner. FOY, WASHINGTON MANASSA, Statesboro, Ga. Born, Effingham Co., Ga., '62; ent., '80; init., '81; A.B., Univ. of Ga.; '83; trans, to Gamma, '82. Farmer and Real Estate Agent. KAPPA. 163 rRAJS^KLIN, GEOEGE HOLLIFIELD, Tennille, Ga. Born, Tennile, Ga., '75; ent., '94; init., '94. GAEEARD, WILLIAM THOMAS, Eatonton, Ga. Born, Putnam Co., Ga., '63; ent., '81: init., '81; trans, to Gamma, '83; A.B. (Univ. of Ga.), '84. Merchant and Farmer. GAULDEN, SAMUEL SCEIVEN, Quitman, Ga. Born, Lumpkin, Ga., '59; ent., '76; init., '76; A.B., '79. Physi- cian. GAULDElSr, WILLIAM TUENEE, Quitman, Ga. Born, Lumpkin, Ga., '57; ent., '76; init., '77; A.B., '78; (I.) '77-8. Teacher and Ins. Agt. GEOEGE, EMEESON HOLLAIStD, Madison, Ga. Born, Shady Dale, Ga., '65; ent., '82; init., '82; A.B., '84; A. M., '84; trans, to Lambda, '92. Lawyer. GEEDLSTE, WILLIAM MUEEAH, Macon, Ga. Born, West Point, Miss., '80; ent., '97; init., '97. *GILMEE, WILLIAM BENJAMIN SPATHEE, Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '59; ent., '74; init., '74; A.M., '78; trans, to Epsilon, '75; re-joined Kappa, '76; died, '99. Physician. *GLOVEE, EEEDEEICK WILLIAM, Macon, Ga. Born, Eichland, Ga., '59; ent., 77; init., '77; A.B., '79; (1.) '78-9; died, '97. Lawyer. GOLDEN, EEASMUS ZEEULEUS EEAKLIN, 480 Orange st., Macon, Ga. Born, Wilkinson Co., Ga., '53; ent., '72; init., '75; A. B., A. M., '76; D. D. Editor and Preacher. GEEEN, ELIJAH JAMES, Je., 409 Scott st., Covington, Ky. Born, Key West, Ky., '69; ent., '86; init., '86;LL.B., '89. Lawyer. *GEEEN, JOHN BELL, Georgetown, Ga. Born, Georgetown, Ga., '63; ent., '84; init., '84; died, '85. GEEEN, WALTEE GEESHAM, Waynesboro, Ga. Born, Pemberton, Ga., '62; ent., '79; init., '79;. Farmer. GEICE, [JOSIAH] WAEEEN, Hawkinsville, Ga. Born, Perry, Ga., '75; ent., '92; init., '92; (I.) '93-4; member elec- toral commission, '97-9; Chief Alumnus, '97-9. Lawyer. *GEIFFIN, WALTEE WILLIAM, Greenville, Fla. Born. Greenville, Fla., '66; ent., '85; init., '85; died, '99. GEOOYEE, BENJAMIN HILL, Sfcatesboro, Ga. Born, Areola, Ga., '80; ent., '96; init., '96; B. S., '00; C. H., '99- '00. Student. GEOOYEE, l^^EANK BAETOW, Statesboro, Ga. Born, Areola, Ga., '80; ent., '96; init., '96; B. S., '00. Student. GUEEEY, DAYENPOET, 815 Orange st., Macon, Ga. Born, Americus, Ga., '80; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. l64 KAPPA. *HALL, ADONIEAM JUDSON, Sylacaiiga, Ala. Born, Alachua Co., Fla., '67; ent., '84; init., '84; B. 8., '89; (1.) '88-9; died, '95. Teacher. HALL, ALONZO. - Lincoln, Ala. Born, Alachua Co., Fla.; ent., '77; init., '77. Farmer. HALL, HEWLETTE ALEXAISTDEE, ISTewnan, Ga. Born, Greenville, Ga., '62; ent., '80; init., '81; A.B., A.M., '84; (I.) '82-3; member Legislature, '92-9. Lawyer. HALL, JAMES HAMILTON, Jk., Kingston, Ga. Born, Newnan, Ga., '67: ent., '85; init., '86; A. M. Teacher. HALL, OLIVEK BUNYAN, Concord, Fla. Born, Concord, Fla., '60; ent., '83; init., '83. tHAEDEMAN, EOBEET NOETHINGTOlSr, Louisville, Ga. Born, Davisboro, Ga., '72; ent., '89; init., '89; trans, to Mu sec- ond, '90; expelled, '91, by M^^. Lawyer. HAEDEMAlSr, WILLIAM GAEDINEE, 419 3d st., Macon, Ga. Born, Davisboro, Ga., '70; ent., '90; init., '90. Clerk. HILL, POPE STEICKLAND, Macon, Ga. Born, Albany, Ga., '67; ent., '85; init., '85. Lawyer. HAEEIS, JOHN JOSEPH, Sandersville, Ga. Born, Sandersville, Ga., '82; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. *HAEEIS, EICHAED IVEY, Sandersville, Ga. Born, Sandersville, Ga., '65; ent., '80; init., '80; A.B., '82; LL.B., '83. Lawyer. Died, '95. HAETSFIELD, EOBEET GIBSON, 29 Gould bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Lexington, Ga., '67; ent., '83; init., '83; A.B., '87. Lawyer. HENDEESOJSr, DANIEL LEE, Vienna, Ga. Born, Snow, Ga., '62; ent., '84; init., '84; A. B., '86. Lawyer and Judge of County Court. HILLYEE, WILLIAM HUED, 151 Capitol ave., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '80; ent., '98; init., '98. Insurance. HINKLE, TEEEY, 518 W. 22d st.. New York City. Born, Americus, Ga.,'74;ent.,'91; init.. '92. Firm, HinklelronCo. HOLLEMAN, JOSEPH TEAVIS,405 Gould bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '58; ent., '77; init., '77. Eeal Estate Agent and Lawyer. HOLMES, CHAELES ELLIS, Tennille, Ga. Born, Augusta, Ga., '74; ent., '92; init., '92. Medical student. HOLMES, CLAEENCE STANLEY, Tennille, Ga. Born, Augusta, Ga., '77; ent., '92; init., '93. HOLMES, EDWAED THOMAS, Macon, Ga. Born, Tennille, Ga., '71; ent., '89; init., '89. Teacher. KAPPA. 165 *HOOTEN, HENEY CLAEK, La Grange, Ga. Born, LaGrange, Ga., '62; ent., '81; init., '81; A.B., '83; died, '83. HUDSON, OYKUS WHITE, 419 First st., Macon, Ga. Born, Cochran, Ga., '82; ent., '96; init., '96. Stenographer. HUDSON, DANIEL STEWAET, Conyers, Ga. Born, Conyers, Ga., '71; ent., '91: init., '91. HUDSON, MIKE, Conyers, Ga Born, Conyers, Ga., '74; ent., '92; init., '92. Travelling Salesman. HUTCHESON, GAEL FEANKLIN, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '79; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. INGLESBY, CHAELES, 123 Park aye., E., Savannah, Ga. Born, Mt. Pleasant, S. C, '72; ent., '89; init., '89. Bookkeeper. lEWIN, JOHN EICHAED, Fort Gaines, Ga. Born, Warthen, Ga., '60; ent., '78; init., '78; A.B., A.M., '81; (I.) '80-1. Lawyer. JACKSON, HENEY PATEICK, . Vienna, Ga. Born, Athens, Ga., '69; ent., '87; init., '87. Minister. JELKS, EDWIN LAMKIN, Quitman, Ga. Born, Hawkinsville, Ga., '74; ent., '91; init., '91; A.B., '93; M.D., (Bellevue, N. Y.). Physician. JONES, FEANCIS STANDIFEE, Blakely, Ga. Born, Blakely, Ga., '76; ent., '94; init., '94; trans, to Gamma, '95. Asst. Bank Cashier. JONES, HENEY SEABOEN, 830 Broad st, Augusta, Ga. Born, Burke Co., Ga.. '64; ent., '81; init., '81; A.B., '84; A.M., '89; First Honor, '84; (I.) '83-4; Pres. 15th K. A. Con., '89. Lawyer. *JONES, lEA GEEEN, Lithonia, Ga. Ent., '88; init., '88; died, '94. *JONES, THOMAS HILL, Hephzibah, Ga. Born, Hephzibah, Ga., '67; ent., '85; init., '85; died at college, '86. KILPATEICK, GEOEGE PULASKI, Waynesboro, Ga. Born, Hephzibah, Ga., '68; ent., '85; init., '85; A.B., '88. Planter. KILPATEICK, HENEY HINES, Hephzibah, Ga. Born, Davisboro, Ga., '61; ent., '79; init., '79. Merchant. KILPATEICK, HUGH HALL, Marfa, Tex. Born, White Plains, Ga., '60; ent., '78; init., '78; (I.) '81-2; Coun- ty Judge. Lawyer. KILPATEICK, JAMES JUDSON, Yoakum, Tex. Born, White Plains, Ga., '57; ent., '77; init., '77; First Honor, Carson College (Tenn.), '81; Supt. City Schools. Teacher. KILPATEICK, MACON MALLOEY, White Plains, Ga. Born, White Plains, Ga., '65; ent., '83; init., '83. Physician. l66 KAPPA. KILPATEIOK, WILLIAM HEAED, Macon, Ga. Born, White Plains, Ga., '71; ent., '88; init., '88; del. 16th Conv; grad. '90; (I.) '90-1; trans, to A-Lambda, '91; A.B.; A. M. Prof, of Math. Mercer Univ. LANE, ANDEEW WASHINGTON, 504 Mulberry st., Macon, Ga. Born, Smith's Mills, Ga., '68; ent., '86; init., '87; Second Honor, '90; (I.) '89-'90; Solicitor-Gen., Macon Circuit, '96; member Gen. Assembly of Ga., '90. Lawyer. LANE, JULIAN EEESE, -825 Orange st, Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '72; ent., '87; init., '87; trans, to Gamma, '89. Gen. Manager, Macon & Birmingham Ey. LANIEE, WILLIAM EUFUS, Guy ton, Ga. Born, Eureka, Ga., '72; ent., '96; init., '97. Teacher. LAWSON, HAELEY FLEETWOOD, Newton, Ga. Born, Hawkinsville, Ga., '79; ent., '96; init., '96. Prin. Newton Public Schools. LEE, DANIEL GEEEN, Gordon, Ga. Born, Wilkinson Co., Ga., '55; ent., '75; init., '75; del. 8th Conv., 2nd honor, '79; A. M., '79. Teacher. LEE, THOMAS OSWALD, Meldrim, Ga. Born, Bullock Co., Ga., '72; init. (Iota), '91; trans, from Iota, '95; (I.), '97. Teacher. *LEWIS, ELIJAH JOHN, Montezuma, Ga. Born, Montezuma, Ga., '79; ent., '94; init.; '94. Drowned, '96. LONGLEY, ELDON SCOTT, LaGrange, Ga. Born, LaGrange, Ga., '78; ent., '97; init., '97; LL.B.,'99. Lawyer. McBEYDE, NEWTON WATTS, Eockmart, Ga. Born, BartowCo., Ga., '59;ent.,'78;init.,'78;A.B.,'91. Merchant. McOALL. BEOOKS BUTLEE, Madison, Ela. Born, Quitman, Ga., '74; ent., '90; init., '90; trans, to Alpha, '91. Cotton buyer. McCALL, HENEY BUNN, Oviedo, Fla. Born, Hawkinsville, Ga., '76; en])., '90; init., '92. Merchant and Orange Grower. McCALL, HOWAED HENEY, 23 E. Alabama st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Hawkinsville, Ga., '67; ent., '85; init., '85; A.B., '87. Mer- chandise broker. McCALL, JOHN EEANCIS, Quitman, Ga. Born, Quitman, Ga., '76; ent., '93; init., '93; A.B., '96; (I.), '95; LL.B., '99. Lawyer. McCALL, PHILIP BOAEDMAN, Macon, Ga. Born, Hawkinsville, Ga., '74; ent., '88; init., '88. Engaged in culture of voice, Paris, France. KAPPA. 167 McCALL, THOMAS JOSEPH, Brunswick, Ga. Boro, Hawkinsville, Ga., '73; ent., '88; init., '88. Clerk. McCATHEE:N', WILLIAM WALKER, Waynesboro, Ga. Born, Waynesboro, Ga., '72; ent., "88: init., '88. Farmer. McELMUEEAY, EEAXCIS LOEAINE, 811 Broad st., Angusta, Ga. Born, Waynesboro, Ga., '73; ent., '91; Init., '91; A.B. Lawyer. McMATH, EDWAED JOSEPH, Americas, Ga. Born, Americas, Ga., "59; ent., '84; init., '84; B.S., '86; (1.), '85-6. Merchant. McMATH, EOBEET LEE, Sumter, Ga. Born, Sumter Co., Ga., '64; ent., '84. Wholesale grocer. MALLOEY, CHAELES DAVIS, Macon, Ga. Init., '86. MAESH, McALLElS' BATTS, 149 Washington st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga.. '64; ent., '78; init. (Epsilon), '77: trans, from Epsilon, '78; Second Honor; A.B., '81. Merchant. MAETIN, EEEDEEICK EOBIXSOX, Lamar st, Macon, Ga. Born, Pulaski, Co., Ga., '64; ent., '85; Init., '85; LL.B., Univ. of Ga., '90; trans, to Gamma, '89. Lawyer. *MAETI^S JAMES McDOlS^ALD, Cochran, Ga. Born, Cochran, Ga., '66; ent, '85; init., '85; died, '86. MASSEY, LUCIUS HENEY, Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '75; ent., '90; init., '91. MASSEY, OEWEN WEBB, Box 632, Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '72: ent., '87; init., '87; trans, to Alpha, '88; B. A., Wash, and Lee Univ., '91. Manager, Massey Cotton Gin Works. MASSEY, WALTEE MATTEAIS^EE, Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., ; ent., : init., '91. MASSIE, EOBEET WITHEES, 715 Main st, Lynchburg, Ya. Born, Rockcastle, Ta., '58: ent., '75; init., '76. Lumber man'f'r. MILLEE, EOBEET LEE, Hephzibah, Ga. Born, Hephzibah, Ga„ '70; ent, '87; init., '87; (I.), '88-9: M.D. (Univ. of Ga.), '91. Physician and Surgeon. MOBLEY, JOH^^ HOMEE, Lumber City, Ga. Born, Lumber City, Ga., '70; ent. ,'87; init., '88; A.B., "92; trans, to Gamma, '94; LL.B. (Univ. of Ga.), '96. Lawyer. MOOEE, KINGMAN COLQUIT, 109 Washington st, Macon, Ga. Born, Knoxville,Ga., '76; ent., '93; init., '93; (L), '96-7; del. 19th K. A. Conv., '97: B. S. Teacher Science and History, Griffin High School. l68 KAPPA. MOEEIS, OSOAE BOYD, Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '82; ent., 99; init., '99. Student. MULLIS, OHAELES, Cochran, Ga. Born, Cochran, Ga., '80; ent., '97; init., '97. NEWSOM, SOLOMON, Davisboro, Ga. Born, Davisboro, Ga., '80; ent., '86; init., '86. Mer. and farmer. NEWTON, EALPH, 521 Oak st, Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '78; ent., '94; init., '95; A.B., '97. Teacher. *]SrOEEIS, THOMAS LAEK, Albany, Ga. Born, Newton, Ga., '78; ent., '94; init., '94; trans, to Gamma, '96; died, '97. PEACOCK, JAMES PATEICK, Cochran, Ga. Born, Cochran, Ga., '78; ent., '97; init., '97. Asst. Bank Cash'r. PEAESON, JACKSON ELAVIUS, Brocton, N. Y. Born, Oconee, Ga.,'62; ent., '77; init., '77. Manufacturer Wines, Ciders and Yinegars. POLHILL, JAMES BEOWN, Louisville, Ga. Born, Louisville, Ga., '72; ent., '89; init.,'89; A.B., '92. Merchant. POLHILL, THOMAS GOLDWIEE, Hawkinsville, Ga. Born, Hawkinsville, Ga., '77; ent., '98; init., '98; A.B., '00. Student. POWELL, AETHUE GEAY, Blakely, Ga. Born, Blakely, Ga., '73; ent., '90; init., '90. President Blakely Telephone Co. Lawyer. POWELL, EICHAED HOLMES, Jr., Las Yegas, N. Mex. Born, Blakely, Ga., '75; ent., '91; init., '92; A. B., with first honor, '94; A. M. (Univ.'of Colo.), '98; Prof. Latin and History, New Mexico Normal University. QUAELES, ABEAM DAYID, Jr., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Eussell Co., Ala., '80; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. EAMSAUE, AETHUE ELGIN, Calhoun, Ga. Born, Fair Mount, Ga.,'75; ent.,'96;init.,'96; LL.B.,'99. Lawyer. EAMSEY, CHEISTIAN NOEMAN, Grange, Ga. Born, Sumter, S. C. '74; ent., '90; init., '91; A.B., '92. EAMSEY, MALCOLM GAYLE, Grange, Ga. Born, Grange, Ga., '78; ent., '97; init., '97. Teacher. EOCKWELL, WILLIAM O'DEISCOLL, Savannah, Ga. Born, Savannah. Ga., '66; ent., '86; init., '86; trans, to Gamma, '89; B. E., Univ. of Ga., '89. Civil Engineer G. S. & F. E. E. *EYALS, JAMES GAZAWAY, Jr., Macon, Ga. Born, Bartow Co., Ga., '55; ent., '75; init., '75; trans, to Lambda, '79; first honor, '77; A.B., '77; M. A., Univ. of Ya.; '81. Brest. Ala. State Normal College. Died, '85. KAPPA. 169 EYALS, EOBEET LEE, Macon, Ga. Born, Bartow Co., Ga., eat., '85; init., '85; first honor, '89; A.B., '89. Lawyer. EYALS, THOMAS EDWAED, Macon, Ga. Born, Bartow Co., Ga., '65; ent., '83; init., '83; First Honor, '85; A.B., '85; LL.B., Univ. Ya., '87; trans, to Lambda, '86. Law- yer. *EYALS, WALTEE MELL, Anniston, Ala. Born, Bartow, Co.. Ga., '60; ent., '78; init., '78; A. B., '82; trans, to Gamma, '82; LL.B., Univ. Ga., '83; Editor Anniston Hot Blast. Died, '86. SAJSTFOED, OLAELES DIOKEEMAN, 622 College st., Macon, Ga. Born, Covington, Ga., '74; ent., '91; init., '94. Clerk. SAJSTFOED, SHELTON PALMEE, 622 College st, Macon, Ga. Born, Conyers, Ga., '89; ent., '95; init., '97. Cleric. SANFOED, STEDMAIST YINCENT, Marietta, Ga. Born, Covington, Ga., '71; ent., '86; init., '87; A.B., '90; Supt. Marietta Public Schools. Teacher. SASSEE, CEEED, Bonaire, Ga. Born, Perry, Ga., '55; ent., '76; init., '76; A. B., '79. Farmer. SEAMAN, HENEY COLIN, Waycross, Ga. Born, Quitman, Ga., '70; ent., '89; init., '89. SI:NGLET0N, TEEEELL WINGFIELD, Mlllard, Ga. Born, Putnam Co., Ga., '58; ent., '75; init., '75. Lawyer. SIISTQUEFIELD, ALBEET LAMAE, Louisville, Ga. Born, Louisville, Ga., '72; ent., '89; init., '89. SMALL, AUGUSTUS BAILEY, Jr., 656 College st., Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '81; ent., '97; init., '98; B. S., '00. Student. SMALL, LAWEENCE CLEVELAND, 656 College st., Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '83; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. SMALL, WILLIAM EMMETTE, Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '75; ent., '90; init., '90; (I.) '93; trans, to Lambda, '93. Wholesale Grocer. SMITH, FEEDEEICK AUGUSTUS, Nielly, Ga. Born, Lumber City, Ga., '75; ent., '92; init., '92. Book-keeper. SMITH, JAMES THOMPSON, Dublin, Ga. Born, Laurens Co.,Ga., '51; ent., '73; init., '75; A.M., '77. Minister. SOLOMON, WILLIAM GEIFFIN, Jr., 732 For sy the st., Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '82; ent., '98; init., '98: (L), 'OO-'Ol. Student. 170 KAPPA. *SOEEELL, GOEDOlSr FEENCHIE, Bryan, Texas. Born, Wharton, Texas, ' — ; ent., '73; init. charter member, '73; died, '76. SPAEKS, OHAELES WOETH, Vidalia, Ga. Born, Eatonton. Ga., '56; ent., '75; init., '75; A.B., '76. Lawyer and farmer. STEVENS, WILKINS, Preston, Ga. Born, Marion Co., Ga., '54; ent., '76; init., '76; A.B., '78. Farmer. STOEY, FEANK JULIUS, Stellayille, Ga. Born, Hephzibah, Ga., '73: ent., '90; init., '90. Parmer. STEATON, JOHN EOAOH, 44 Eairview ave., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Evansville, Ind., '75; ent., '96; init., '96. Lecturer. *STUBBS, OLAEENCE LUNDY, Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '57; ent., '73; init., '73; A.B., '76; (1.), '74-'75; died, '91. Commercial traveller. SWEATT, ALLAN, 118 E. Duffy st. Savannah, Ga. Born, Savannah, Ga., '74; ent., '90; init,, '90. Life Insurance. VAUGHM, ALBEET BELL, Je., Canton, Ga. Born, Pil^e Co., Ga., '51; ent., '74; init., '77; A.B., A.M., '78; D.D., '96. Minister. WADE, JOHN WILLIAM, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Blal^ely, Ga., '72; ent., '88; init., '89; A. B., '91. Brest. Howell Cotton Co. WADE, THOMAS WILKINSON, Anniston, Ala. Born, Blakely, Ga., '73; ent., '88; init., '89; (I.), '92: A.B.; First Honor; trans, to Lambda, '93. WAEE, GEOEGE, 32 Broadway, New York City. Born, Fayetteville, Ga., '60; ent., '77; init., '78; trans, to Gamma '79. Financier. WAEEEN, LOUIS BACON, 120 High st., Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '74; ent. '88; init., '88; trans, to Eta, '90; re- trans, to Kappa, '92; trans, to Gamma, '93. Minister. WEST, ALONZO MINOE, Jr., 12 Bay st., E., Savannah, Ga. Born, Savannah, Ga., '71; ent., '87; init., '87. Cotton buyer. WHEELEE, WALLACE POLHILL, 807 Poplar st., Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '74; ent., '90; init., '91; A. B., '94; del. 18th and 19tli Con vs.; appointed G. P. ad interim, '00. Banl^er. WHITE, SAMUEL, Baker City, Ore. Born, Griffin, Ga., '60; ent., '79; init., '79; Deputy U. S. District Attorney, '85-'98; U. S. Dist. Attorney, '98-'04. Lawyer. WHITEHEAD, JOHN BEEEIEN, Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '81; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. WHITFIELD, AUGUSTUS BEYANT, Hawkinsville, Ga. Born, Hawlcinsville, Ga., '76; ent.. '96; init., '96; (I.) '00; B.A., '00. Student. KAPPA. 171 WILKINSON, MELL EOMAYNE, 327 W. PeacMree st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Newnan, Ga., '64; ent., '82; init., '82; trans, to Eta, '82. Sec. and Treas. E. VanWinkle Gin and Mach. Works. WILLIAMS, JOHN EOLSTON, Louisyille, Ga. Born, Quitman, Ga., '72; ent., '91; init., '91. Merchant. WILLIAMS, WILLIAM HIRAM, Griffin, Ga. Born, GrifBn, Ga., '60; ent., — ; init., (Epsilon), '76; trans, from Epsilon; A.B., '83. Lawyer. WILSON, EDGAR STOVALL, Je., 1321 Oglethorpe st., Macon, Ga. Born, Sparta, Ga., '80; ent., '95; init., '96. Insurance. WINN, COOPER DAYID, Je., Vineville, Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '80; ent., '97; init., '97. Clerk. *WOLEE, TELLIMAN DOUGLAS, Dublin, Ga. Born, Dublin, Ga., '62; ent., '80; init., '80. Law student. Died, '86, in Marshall, Texas. ZETTLER, GUYTON MALLON, Park Hotel, Macon, Ga. Born. Macon, Ga., '72; ent., '87; init., '87. Railway Mail Service. Initiates, 191; transfers, 4; total, 195; lost by transfer, 26; dead, 24; expelled, 1. UNIVERSITY or VIRGINIA, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. Chartered 1819. rirst Session in 1825, The State University. FRATEKNITIES Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1852. Phi Kappa Psi, 1853. Phi Kappa Sigma, 1855. Beta Theta Pi, 1855. Kappa Alpha(Northern),1857-'61. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1857. Phi Gamma Delta, 1859. Chi Phi, 1859. Chi Psi, 1860-'70. Sigma Chi. 1860. Delta Psi, 1860. J Mystical Seven, 1867-'89, 1 United with Beta Theta Pi. Mu Pi Lambda, 1897. Kappa Sigma, 1867. Zeta Psi, 1868. Pi Kappa Alpha, 1868. Alpha Tau Omega, 1868. Sigma Nu, 1870. Sigma Alpha, 1871-'77. Theta Delta Chi, 1872-77. Kappa Alpha (Southern), 1873. Phi Delta Theta, 1873. j Kappa Sigma Kappa, 1878-'86, I United with Phi Delta Theta. Delta Tau Delta, 1888-'93. Phi Theta Psi, 1888-'95. Phi Delta Phi (legal), 1890. Pi Mu (medical), 1892. LAMBDA CHAPTER. Charter Members and Founders :— J. W. Gore (Eta), S. W. Budd (Eta), G. A. Koszell (Zeta) and T. A. Jones (Iota). Chartered November 18, 1873, by J. L. Hardeman, K. C. Having become dormant and disorganized, the chapter was revived by James A. Williams in 1886. Members of Lambda Chapter* AINSLIE, GEOEGE, 1422 Grove Ave., Eichmond, Va. Born, Eichmond, Va., '68; ent., '90; init., (Beta) '90; B. S., (Y.M. I.) '90; trans, from Beta, '90. Lawyer. ALLEN", LEWIS MINES, 1919 Maryland Ave., Baltimore, Md. Born, Berryville, Va., '74; enfc., '93; init., '93; M. D. (U. of Md.), Associate Prof. Obstetrics, Univ. of Maryland. Physician. ALSOP, JOHN THOMAS, Jr., Jacksonville, Ela. Born, Enfield, N. C, '74; ent., '94; init., (Kappa) '93; trans, from Kappa, '94. Lawyer. I^AMBDA. 173 ALSOP, THOMAS, Brunswick, N. J. Born, Eichmond, Yn., '72; ent., '93; init., (Beta) '93; trans, from Beta, '93; M. D., '95. Physician. BAILEY, JOHN HALIFAX, (Galveston, Texas.) Born, Oxford, Miss., '66; ent., '87; init., '88; LL.B., '88. Lawyer. BAIN, GEOEGE McKENDEEE, 66 College PL, Norfolk, Ya. Born, Portsmouth, Ya., '59; ent., '77; init., (Zeta), '75; trans, to Lambda, '77; B.L., '81; B.A., '82; M. A., '83. Prin. Norfolk High School. BAEHAM, JOHN LANGHOENE, Newsoms, Ya. Corn, Newsoms, Ya., '78; ent., '98; init., (Zeta) '96; trans, from Zeta, '98. Law student. BAETLETT, MOEEIS WHITON, Lexington, Ky. Born, Natchez, Miss., '72; eut., '92; init., '92; LL.B. ,'94. Lawyer. BIBB, WILLIAM GEOEGE, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Montgomery, Ala., '54; ent., '76; init., (Gamma) '70; trans, to Lambda, '76; M.D., '77. Physician. BLACKFOED, EALEIGH COLSTON, Law Building, Lynchburg, Ya. Born, Lynchburg, Va., '70; ent., '89; init., '89. Lawyer. BLAIE, WILLIAM HAEEISON, 511 E. Grace st., Eichmond, Ya. Born, Amelia, Co., Ya., '68; ent., '87; init. (Eta), '86; trans, to Lambda, '87; LL.B., '88; B. A., '89; M. A., '90. Member, Harvey, Blair & Co., wholesale grocers. BOOKEE, GEOEGE SELWYN, Old Point, Ya- Born, Hampton, Ya., '76; ent., '94; init,, (A-Zeta), '93; trans, from Alpha-Zeta, '95. BOUENE, HENEY KIEBY, New Castle, Ky. Born. Christianburg, Ky., '64; ent., '86; init., (Omega), '84; trans, to Laiubda, '86; LL.B., '87. Lawyer. BOWE, [NATHANIEL] STUAET, 917 W. Franklin st., Eichmond, Ya. . Born, Eichmond, Ya., '74; ent., '94; init., (Eta) '91; trans, from Eta, '94; LL.B., '98. Lawyer. BOWEN, FEEDEEICK FILLISON, Danville, Ya. Born, Culpeper, Ya., '46; ent., '76; init., (Eta), '70; trans, to Lambda, '76; LL.B., '77. Lawyer. BEENNENAN, TIMOTHY HENEY, Harrisonburg, Ya. Born, Lima, O., '71; ent., '97; init., '99. Medical student. BEISTOW, ALLEN SAMUEL HAEDY, Northport, L. L, N. Y. Born, Southampton Co., Ya., '69; ent., '92; init., (Eta) '85; trans, from Eta, '92; LL.B., '93. BEOWN, ALFEED GOEDON, Hampton, Ya. Born, Hampton, Ya., '76; ent., '97; init., (A-Zeta) '95; trans, to- Lambda, '97. 174 IvAMBDA. BUCKISTEE, LEIGH, Eoanoke, Va. Born, Buckner's Station, Ta., '61:ent., '83: init. (Zeta), '81; trans, to Lambda, '83; M.D., (Univ. of Md.) '85. Physician. *BITDD, SAMUEL W00LST0:N", Petersburg, Ya. Born, Dinwiddle, Co., Ya., '52; init. (Eta), '72;trans. to Lambda, '73; charter member; died, '99. Physician. BURXLEY, HAEDm TEMPLE, Eichmond, Ya. Born, Eichmond, Ya., '76; ent., '95; init., (Eta) '87; trans, from Eta '95; A.B. Lawyer. BUEEUSS, HENEY PAGE, Thomas, Ala. Born, Louisa. Ya., '54; ent., '72; init., '76; B.L., '73; B.A., '74; M.A., '75; LL.B., '76. Teacher. CABELL, CLAEEISTCE, King st, St. James, London, Eng. Born. Eichmond, Ya., '63; ent., '82; init., '82; B.L., '83; B. A. and M.A., '84. CABELL, CHAELES ELLET, Washington, D. 0. Born, Xelson Co., Ya., '71; ent., '94; init., (Beta) '92; trans, from Beta, '94. CABELL, JULIA]^ MAYO, University Club, New York City. Born, Eichmond, Ya., '61; ent., '82; init. (Eta), '78; trans, to Lambda, '82; M.D., '86; Asst. Surg., U. S. Army. Physician. CANXADY, SAMUEL HILMON, [Jr.] Oxford, N. C. Born, Wilson, IS^. C, '66; ent., '85; init. (Tau), '84: trans, to Up- silon, '84; trans, to Lambda, '85; M.D., '87. Physician. CANNON, MALLOEY KING, 136 Bute st., Norfolk, Ya. Born, Norfolk. Ya., '70; ent., '86; init., '86; (I.), '92; Ph.B., '91; A. M., '92. Teacher, Norfolk High School. CAESON, ADAM CLAEKE, Eiverton, Ya. Born, Newtownbutler. Ireland, '69: ent., '87; init., '89; LL.B., '93. Captain 28th U. S. Inf. in Phillippines. CAETEE, CHAELES SHIELEY, Jr., Yineyard Haven, Mass. Born, Baltimore, Md., '70; ent., '89; init., '89. CAETEE, SAMUEL EEDD, Ashland, Ya. Born, Ashland, Ya., '76; ent., '96; init , (Zeta), '94: trans, from Zeta, '96; LL.B., '98. Lawyer. CAEY, HUNSDON, Eichmond, Ya. Born, Eichmond, Ya., '72; ent., '94; init. (Beta), '92; trans, from Beta, '94. Lawyer. CHANCELLOE, PHILIP STANLEY, 12 E. Eager st., Baltimore, Md. Born, Fredericksburg, Ya., '75; ent., '92; init., '92; U. S. Deputy Consul at Havre, '93-7. Medical student. CLAEK, WILLIAM MEADE, 110 N. Fifth st., Eichmond, Ya. Born, Halifax Co., Ya., '55; ent., '74; init., '76. Episcopal min- ister and editor of Southern Churchman. I^AMBDA. 175 CLAY, ODIN GREEN, Jr., St. Paul, Minn. Born, Lynchburg, Va., '55; ent., '77; init., (Zeta), '74; trans, from Zeta, '77; LL.B., '79; K. Y., 1st Coiumandery, '83-5. Lawyer and Real Estate Broker. COLEMAN, CHARLES WOOLFOLK, Jr., 16 Kirn bldg., Portsmouth, Ya. Born, Caroline Co., Ya.,'59; ent. ,'81; init., '81; trans, to Lambda, '81. Lawyer. COCKE, MARION ESTES, Hollins, Ya. Born, Hollins, Ya., '76; ent., '94; init. (Eta), '92; trans, from Eta, '94. Student. COCKE, NORBORNE PAGE, Charlottesville, Ya. Born, Belmeade. Ya., '78; ent., '95; init., '95. Medical student. COKE, JOHN ARCHER, Jr., 7 W. Franklin st., Richmond, Ya. Born, Richmond, '77; ent., '96; init. (Eta), '93; trans, from Eta, '96; LL.B. Lawyer. COOKE, ROBERT PAGE, Newport News, Ya. Born, Clarke Co., Ya., '74; ent., '95; Init. (Alpha), '92; trans, from Alpha, 95; M. D. Physician. COOPER, HENRY O'BANNON, Culpeper, Ya. Born, Culpeper, Ya., '77; ent., '99; init. (Zeta), '85; trans, from Zeta, '99; Law student. COOPER, HUNTER POPE, 29 Luckie st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '60; ent.. '77; init. (Gamma), '76; trans, to Lambda, '77; (I.), '79-'80. Physician and Surgeon. COPELAND, WALTER SCOTT, Richmond, Ya. Born, Jackson, N. C, '56; ent., '74; init., '75. Assoc. Ed. Rich- mond Times; Editor Evening Leader. Journalist. CORSE, MONTGOMERY BEYERLY, Roanoke, Ya. Born, Alexandria, Ya., '66; ent., '88: init. (Beta.), '82; trans, from Beta, '88; (I.), '90. COX, CHARLES CARSON, College Park, Atlanta, Ga. Born, LaGrange, Ga., '64: ent., '84; init. (Kappa), '81; trans. from Kappa,'84; (L),'84-5; A.M., '85; Ph.D. Pres. So.Fem.Col. GUMMING, SAMUEL GORDON, Hampton, Ya. Born, Hampton, Ya., '72; ent., '94; init. (A-Zeta), '90; trans, from Alpha-Zeta, '94; B.L., '95. GARY, FRANCIS GRADDY, Lexington, Ky. Born, Louisville, Ky., '78; ent., '98; init. (A-Theta), '94; trans, to Omega, '96; trans, to Lambda, '98; A.B. (Centre), '98; (I.) '99- '00. Law student. CLAY, BUCKNER, • Paris, Ky. Born, Paris, Kv., '77; ent., '98; init. (A-Theta), '95; trans, from A-Theta, '98; A.B., (Ky. Univ.) '98. Law student. COLEMAN, ROBERT MILLIGAN, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '78; ent., '98; init. (A-Theta), '94; trans, from A-Theta, '98. Medical student. 176 I^AMBDA. CONNOE, WILLIAM MILLAED, Jk., Charleston, S. 0. Born, Charleston, S. C, '77;ent., '99:lnit. (Delta), '93; trans, from Delta, '99. Law student. DACGETT, WILLIAM WHITEHEAD, Pulaski, Va. Born, Wilmington, N. C, '69; ent., '88; init., '90. Chemist. DAYIES, JAMES JENKYN, Manassas, Va. Born, Brentsville, Ya., '76; ent., '96; init. (A-Zeta) '94; trans, from Alpha-Zeta, '96. Lawyer. DAYIS, CHAELES HALL, Petersburg, Ya. Born, Petersburg-, V'd., '72; ent., '90; init. (Zeta) '86; trans, from Zeta, '90; del. 17th Conv.; A.B.; A.M. Lawyer. DAYIS, HUGH CHAISTDLEE, ^^orfolk, Ya. Born, Farmville, Ya., '63; ent., '82; init. (Zeta), '78; trans, to Lambda, '82; LL.B., '84. Lawyer. *DAYIS, JOSEPH BAELING, Eichmond, Ya. Born, Eichmond, Ya., '59; ent., '79; init. (Beta), '76; trans, from Beta, '79. Merchant. Died, '92. DAYIS, MANTON, Mayfield, Ky. Born, Mayfield, Ky., '76; ent., '99; init., '99. Law student. DELLA, CHAELES MILTON, Harrisonburg, Ya. Born, Baltimore, Md., '74; ent., '98; init., '99. Law student. DICK, ALEXANDEE COLCLOUGH, Sumter, S. 0. Born, Sumter, S. C, '61; ent., '87; init. (Sigma), '82: trans, from Sigma, '87; M.D. (S. C. Med. Col.), '89. Physician. DICKmSOlST, JOHN OYEETON, Bon Air, Tenn. Born, Nashville, Tenn., '77; ent., '97; init., '97. Engineer. DOESEY, HUGH MANSON, 171 Capitol ave., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Fayetteville, Ga., '71; ent., '93; init. (Gamma), '89; trans, from Gamma, '93. Lawyer. EDWAEDS, PEESTON HAMPTON, Darlington, S. C. Born, Darlington, S. C, '77; ent. ,'95; init. (Iota) '93; trans, from Iota, '95. Student. ELLIS, CHAELES SCOTT, Greensboro, Ala. Born, Shiloh, Ala., '74; ent., '98; init. (Phi) '92; trans, from Phi, '99; A.B. (So. Univ.). Law student. EAISON, JOHN MILLEE, Faison, N. 0. Born, Faison, N. C, '62: ent., '83; init. (Sigma), '81; trans, from Sigmn, '83; M.D., '84. Physician. FENNEE, CHAELES PAYNE, cor. 1st & Camp sts.. New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '67; ent., '84; init., '84; trans, to Beta, '85; back to Lambda, '88; LL.B., '90. Lawyer. FICKLEN, JOHN EOSE, New Orleans, La. Born, Falmouth, Ya., '58; ent., '76; init. (Zeta), '75; trans, from Zeta, '76; B.Lit., '79. Prof. History, Tulane University. IvAMBDA. 177 FIELD,WILLIAM W AREEN", 420 Equitable bldg., Denver, CoL Born, Culpeper, Va., '57; ent., '77; init. (Eta), '74; trans, from Eta, '77. Lawj^er. ^FINNEY, LOUIS CURRY HAMMERSLEY, Onancock, Va. Born, Locust Mt., Ya., '68; ent., '87; init., '87; died, 90. FITZ-HUGH, THOMAS, Charlottesville, Va. Born, Fredericksburg, Ya., '63; ent., '79; init., '79; LL.B., '80; M. A., '83; Prof. Lat., Univ., 'l exas, '90; student in Germany, '99- •00; Prof. -Elect of Latin, Univ. of Ya. Teacher. FORCE, PETER, Selma, Ala. Born, SeJma, Ala., '79; ent., '99; init., '99. Medical student. FORD, HARRY CLmTOJST, Lexington, Va. Born, Charlotte Co., Ya., '67; ent., '93; init. (Beta) '89; trans, from Beta, '93; (1.) '94-5; B.S., (Y.M.I.) '89; Ph.D., '99; Adj- Prof. Latin and English, Ya. Mil. Inst. FROST, WADE HAMPTON, Marshall, Ya. Born, Marshall, \a., '80; ent., '98; init. (Zeta), '97; trans, from Zeta '98. Medical Student. GARNER, JAMES RYAN, 81 Washington st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Lynchburg, Ya., '77; ent., '97; init. (Epsilon), '96; trans, from Epsilon, '97; M. D., '00. Physician. GASTON, ARTHUR LEE, Chester, S. C. Born, Chester, S. C, '76; ent., '96; init. (Sigma), '93; trans, from Sigma, '96. Lawyer. GENTRY, JOHN ALLEN, Chattanooga, Tenn. Born, Waynesboro, Ga., '80; ent., '99; init. (Pi) '98; trans, from Pi, '99. Med. student. GEORGE, EMERSON HOLLAND, Madison, Ga. Born, Shady Dale, Ga., '65; ent., '92; init. (Kappa), '82; trans, from Kappa, '92; A.B.; A.M. Lawyer. *GILLIAM, JOHN, Petersburg, Ya. Born, Petersburg, Ya., '70; ent., '93; init. (A-Beta), '88; trans, from Alpha-Beta, '93; M. D., '94; died, St. Louis, Mo., '00. Physician. GODFREY, EDWARD S., Jr., Ottawa, Ohio. Born, Fort Yates, N. D., '78; ent., '97; init., '99. Medical student. GORDON, JAMES HERNDON, South McAlester, Ind. Ter. Born, Locust Dale, Ya., '67; ent., '85; init., '86; LL.B., '90. Lawyer. GORE, JOSHUA WALKER, Chapel Hill, N. C. Born, Winchester, Ya., '52: ent., '73; init. (Eta), '72; trans, to Lambda, '73, charter member, (I.), '73-4 and '81-2; C. E., '75. Prof. Physics, University of N. C. Teacher. GRAHAM, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Charlotte, N. C. Born, Charlotte, N. C, '65; ent., '84; init. (Upsilon), '82; trans, to Lambda, '84. Physician. tyS I^AMBDA. GEATTAN, GEOEGE GILMEE, Jr., Harrisonburg, Va. Born, Harrisonburg, Ya., '75; ent., '94; init.. '97. Lawyer. GEEEJSr, GAENEE WYNJS^, Jackson, Miss. Born, .racksoQ, Miss., '80; ent., '99; init. (A-Mu), '95; trans, from A-Mu, '99. Law Student. *GUNTEE, ALEEED BENJAMIN, Accomac, Va. Born, Accomac Co., Va., '58; ent., '75; init. (Eta), '74; trans, from Eta, '75; (I.), '77 and '81; M. A., '80; died, '83. Lawyer. GUNTEE, BENJAMIN THOMAS, Jr., Accomac, Va. Born, Accomac Co., Va., '65; ent., '86; init. (Eta), '84; trans, from Eta, '86; rejoined Eta, '87; (I.), '87. Lawyer. *GUNTEE, JAMES FISHEE, Accomac, Va. Born, Accomac Co., Va., '62; ent.. '84; init. (Eta), '81; trans. from Eta, '84; teacher, Onancock Acad. ,'85-6; died, '87. Teacher. *GUNTEE, JOHN JOSEPH, Accomac, Va. Born, Accomac Co., Va., '60; ent., '81; init. (Eta), '78; trans, from Eta, '81; M.A., '81 (Eichmond); died, '89. Lawyer. *GUNTEE, WILLIAM EEEDEEICK, Accomac, Va. Born, Accomac Co., Va., '64; ent., '87; init. (Eta), '81; trans, from Eta, '87; died, '88. Lawyer. *GUNTHEE, LUDOLPH WILHELM, Jr., Baltimore, Md. Born, Accomac Co.,Va., '57; ent., '74; init., '74; (I.),'78. Died, '89. GWATHMEY, GEOEGE TAYLOE, Bute st., Norfolk, Va. Born, Mobile, Ala., '67; ent., '95; init. (Beta), '85; trans, from Beta,'95; C. E., (V. M. I.); Asst. City Eng'r '89-'96. Civil Eng'r. HAMILTON, ALEXANDEE DONNAN, Petersburg, Va. Born, Petersburg, Va., '77; ent., '99; init. (Beta), '97; trans, to Alpha, '98; trans, to Lambda, '99. Law student. HAMILTON, WILLIAM SPEIGG, 1111 Main st.. Wheeling, W. Va. Born, Savannah, Ga., '67; ent., '88; init. (Alpha), '86; trans, from Alpha, '88; Essay Medal, 15th Bien. Conv. K.A., '89; D.D.S. Dentist. HAEDEE, EOBEET EEWIN, Griffin, Ga. Born, Savannah, Ga., '68; ent,, '87; init. (Gamma), '86; trans, from Gamma, '87. Photographer. *HAEEIS, ALEXANDEE MASON, Waco, Tex. Born, Culpeper Co.,Va., '53; ent., '81; init. (Eta), '71; trans, from Eta, '81; LL.B., '82; died, '86. Lawyer. HAEEIS, CHAELES MOEGAN, Versailles, Ky. Born, Camden, Ky., '73; ent., '94; init., (A-Theta), '94; trans, from Alpha-Theta, '94; LL.B. Lawyer. HAEEISON, HATLEY NOETON, New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '57; ent., '76; init. (Zeta), '75; trans, to Lambda, '76. Chemist for La. Sugar Eefining Co. Chemist. I'86; trans, to Lambda, '87. Fruit broker. WISE, GEOEGE NELMS, Newport News, Va. Born, Norfolk, Ya., '74; ent., '94; init. '94; grad. Y. M. I.; LL.B. Lawyer. WOOD, WILLIAM DANIEL, Montgomery, Ala. Born, Autauga Co., Ala., '59; ent., ' — ; init. (Nu), '84; trans, from Nu. WOODS, CHAELES LEWIS, Ivy Depot, Ya. Born, Ivy Depot. ,Ya., '71; ent., '91; init. (Zeta), '89; trans, from ZetH, '91. WOODWAED, HOSEA WILSON, Bishopville, S. C. Born, Bishopville, S. C, '76; ent., '99; init. (Delta), '96; trans, from Delta, '99. Law student. YOUNG, JOHN HOWAED, Burkevllle, Ya. Born, Dinwiddle Co., Ya., '59; ent., '79: init. (Zeta), '77; trans, to Lambda, '79; M. D., So. Med. Coll.', '82. Physician. YOUNG, WILLIAM GEEEN, Hampton, Ya. Born, Warwick Co., Ya., '59; ent., '77; init. (Beta), '76; trans; to Lambda, '77. Initiates, '78; transfers, 157; total, 235; lostby transfer, 3; dead, 6 initiates, 15 transfers; expelled, 1. NEWBERRY COLLEGE, VVALHALLA. S. C. Chartered, 1858. Controlled by Lutheran Church. FRATERNITIES : Kappa Alpha, 1873-'76. A\U (Prime) CHAPTER. Charter Me^ibers : L. E. Busby, G. D. Haltiwanger, J. B. O'N. Holloway, C. W. Moore and J. C. Watkins. Founder : J. W. Dickson (Delta). Chartered November 26th, 1873, by John L. Hardeman, K. C. No members were initiated after the fall of '74; although a business quorum was present until June 1876. In October 1877 the college was removed from Walhalla to Newberry, and the last two members- of the chapter graduated in 1878. Members of Mtt (Prime) Chapter* BUSBY, LEVI ENOCH, Salisbury, N. C. Born, Lexington Co., S. C, '49; ent., '72; init., '73; charter mem- ber; A.B., '75; A.M., '78. Sec'y E. L. Synod of N. C. Luthe- ran Minister. CAMPBELL, ROBERT ERSKINE, Bordentown, N. J. Born, Cross Hill, S. C, '55; ent., '72; init., '74; A.B., '76; A. M., '79. Episcopal Minister. DOYLE, FRANCIS BURT, Bowersville, Ga. Born, Pickens Co., S. C, '54; ent., '70; init., '73. Cotton buyer and merchant. *HALTIW ANGER, GEORGE DAVID, Ninety-Six, S. C. Born, Ninety-Six, S. C, '54; ent., '70; init., '73, charter member; A.B., '75, with First Honor. Lawyer. Died at Fort Worth, Texas, '80. HOLLOWAY, JOHN BELTON O'NEALL, Bellwood, S. C. Born, Pomaria, S. C. '55; ent., '72; init., '73, charter member; A.B., '75; A.M. Teacher. igo MU PRIMK. LAKE, WILLIAM ELIJAH, Julia, S. C. Born. Newberry Co., S.C, '52: ent., '73; init., '74; A.B.,'78; M.D. (S. C. Med. Col.), '81. Physician and farmer. MOOEE, OOMMODOEE WORTH, Seneca, S. C. Born, Anderson Co., S. C, '49; ent., '71; init. '73; charter mem- ber; (I.), '73-4; A.B,, '75. Teacher. STRIBLING, WILLIAM JESSE, Walhalla, S. C. Born, Oconee Co., S. C, '53; ent. '73; init., '73; A. B., '76; A. M. Lawyer. WATKraS, JOHN ORISPAN, Anderson, S. C. Born, Anderson Co., S. C, '51; ent., '71; init., '73; charter mem- ber; grad. '76. Clerk of Court, Anderson Co. WERTZ, JOSEPH QUINCY, China Grove, N. 0. Born, Edgefield Co., S. C, '53; ent., '74; init.,'74; A.B., '78; A.M., '81. Lutheran Minister. Initiates, 10; dead, 1. ERSKINE COLLEGE. DUE WEST, S. C. Chartered 1841 . Controlled by Asso. Reformed Presbyterian Church , FRATERNITIES : Sigma Chi, 1859-'61. Rainbow, '1872-'84. Kappa Alpha, 1883-'93. United with Delta Tau Delta. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, "l884-'94. A\U (Second) CHAPTER. Charter Members : J. H. Moffatt, J. T. Henry, J. C. Kennedy and W. S. Castles. Founders : W. W. Brown, (Iota) and S. G-. Mayfield, (Iota). Chartered November 14th, 1883, by J. S. Candler, K. C. On account of faculty opposition the Chapter was sub-rosa until 1885, at which time opposition became less active. Later it was renewed, and in September, '93, the Chapter was killed by anti- fraternity laws. Members of Mu (Second) Chapter* ABERCROMBIE, LOUIS LeBO]^, Tulare, Cal. Born, Pensacola, Fla., '68; ent., '80; init., '84; A.B., '85; (I.) '85. Druggist. AGNEW, WILLIAM HENRY DRENNEN, 1420 N. Y. ave., Washington, D. 0. Born, Due West, S. C, '77; ent., '91; init., '92. Clerk in R. R. office. ALEXANDER, RALPH WALLACE, Raeford, IST. C. Born, Sharon, N. C, '70; ent., '88; init., '89; trans, to Sigma, '90; A.B.; Ph.B. Presbyterian Minister. BELL, JESSE RUTLEDGE, Due West, S. 0. Born. Antreville, S. C, '72; ent., '88; Init., '92; B.A., '93; M.D., '99, (S. C. Med. Col.). Physician. *BELL, WILLIAM CONDEE, Due West, S. 0. Born, Abbeville, S. C, '67; ent., '82; init., '84; A.B., '86; trans, to A-Lambda, '91; died, '92. 192 MU SECOND. BLAKELY, EOBEET FLEMING, College Park, Ga. Born, Laurens, S. C, '66, ent., '84; init., '84. Farnier. BEIGE, JOHN MOOEE, Chester, S. C. Born, Woodwards, S. C, '67; ent., '84: init., '85; trans, to Eho, '86; M.D. Physician. *BEICE, EOBEET HEMPHILL, Due West, S. C. Born, Ctiester, S. C, '67; ent., '81; init., '84; A.B., '85; died, '87. tCANTEEBUEY, lEA ISAAC, Lower Peach Tree, Ala. Born, Dallas Co., Ala., '67; ent., '85; init., '85. Expelled, '87. *CASTLES, WILLIAM SAMUEL, Chester, S. C. Born, Yorkville, S. C, '63; ent., '84; init., charter member, '83; A.B., '86; died, '96. fCOCHEANE, JOHN BEIGE, Huntsville, S. 0. Born, Mecklenburg Co., N. G, '66; ent., '83; init., '84. Expelled, 1886. COX, MAXEY ALBEET, Gray Court, S. C. Born, Ora, S. G, '63; ent., '81; init., '84; (I.) '86; A.B., '86. Teacher. DALE, JAMES GAEY, care S. J. A. Hunter, Cuidel Maize, S. Luis Potosi, Mex. Born, Allentown, Ala., '70; ent., '88; init., '88; (I.) '92. Mission- ary to Mexico. (Home, Eowell, Ala.) *DALE, JESSE [PALMEE] COLE, Eowell, Ala. Born, Allenton, Ala., '66; ent., '85; init., '86; A.B., '89; (I.) '89; died, at Oak Hill, Ala., '93. GAMBLE, JAMES FEANKLIN, Statesville, N. C. Born, Mecklenburg Co., N. C, '63; ent., '84; init., '85. Lawyer. GEIEE, EOBEET LIVINGSTON, Gastonia, N. 0. Born, Allenton, Ala., '67; ent., '81; init., '84; A.B., '87. Editor. GEIEE, WILLIAM MOFFATT, Je., Gastonia, N. C. Born, Due West, S. C, '74; ent., '90; init., '90; editor Gastonia Gazette. Journalist. *GEOOE, WILLIAM OSCAE, (Columbia, S. C.) Born, Greenville, S. C, '66; ent., '84; init., '85; trans, to Sigma, '85; re-trans, from Sigma, '86; dead, — ? fHAEDEMAN, EOBEET NOETHINGTON, Louisville, Ga. Born, Davisboro, Ga., '72; ent., '90; init. (Kappa) '89; trans, from Kappa, '90. Lawyer. Expelled, '91. HAEEIS, WILLIAM EICHAED, Waterloo, S. C. Born, Waterloo, S. C, '65; ent., '83; init. (Delta), '82; trans, from Delta, '83. Physician and druggist. *HENEY, JOHN TOEBET, Chester, S. C. Born, Chester, S. C.,'63; ent., '81; init. charter member, '83; A. B., '84; (I.), '83; M.D., (N. Y. Med. Coll.), '89. Physician. Dead. MU SKCOND. 193. HOPE, EDWARD EEWI^, (Yorkville, S. C.) Born, Yorkville, S. C, '69; ent., '88; inlt., '88. HUNTEE, BAXTEE EOSS, King's Mountain, N. C. Born, Sardis, N. C, '73; ent., '91; init., '91; M. D. Physician. JAMES, JSTOEMAN GILCHEIST, Hayneville, Ala. Born, Hayneville, Ala., '73; ent.. '91; init., '93. Physician. JOHNSON, OLIVEE, Leslie, York Co., S. 0. Born, Abbeville Co., S. C, '66; ent., '79; init., '83; A.B., 88; (I.), '87. Minister. KENNEDY, EBENEZEE BONGES, Bartow, Fla. Born, Wideman's, S. C, '71; ent., '84; init., '85. Minister. KENNEDY, ISAAC NEWTON, Harms, Tenn. Born, Widemans, S. C, '74; ent., '89; init., '91; (1.), '93; B.A., '93. Minister. KENNEDY, JOHN CALVIN, Troy, S. C. Born, Abbeville, S. C, '65; ent., '81; init. charter member, '83. Farmer. KENNEDY, JOHN PAYSON, 63i Whitehall st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Due West, S. C, '64; ent., '80; init., '83; M.D , (N.Y.M.C.) Physician. LYON, JOHN, Je., Abbeville, S. C. Born, Abbeville, S. C, '74; ent., '90; init., '91. M.D. (S. C.Med. Col.) '00. Physician. McDILL, THOMAS PAUL, Hickory Grove, S. C. Born, Hickory Grove, S. C, '74; ent., '90; init., '90; (1.)., '92-3; del. 17th Conv.; mem. S. C. Legislature, '98. Cotton buyer and Insurance agent. *MAFFETT, EOBEET DAVID, Silver Street, S. C. Born, Silver Street, S. C, '67; ent., '85; init., '87; died, '87. MAETIN, FOSTEE NEWTON, Newberry, S. C. Born, Newberry, S. C, '70; ent., '85; init., '85; A. B., '89. Bank Clerk. MILLEE, BENJAMIN MEEK, Camden, Ala. Born, Oak Hill, Ala., '64; ent., '81; init., '84; trans, to A-Beta, '87; A.B., '84; LL.B. (Univ. of Ala.), '88. Lawyer. *MILLEE, DAVID PEESSLY, Camden, Ala. Born, Allenton, Ala., '68; ent.," '85; init., '85; A. B., '89. Jour- nalist. Died, '99. MILLEE, JOSEPH EODDEY, Eock Hill, S. C. Born, Eock Hill, S. C, '67; ent., '83; init., '84; A. B., '87; (I.), '87; M.D. (S. C. Med. Col.), '91. Physician. MOFFATT, JOSIAH HEMPHILL, Micanopy, Fla. Born, Chester, S. C.,'67; ent., '82; init. charter member, '83; A.B., '87. Hotel Proprietor. 194 MU SECOND. MOEEISO^^ EUGENE, Statesville, N. 0. Born, Mooresville, N. C, '72; ent., '89; init., '89. Firm, J. K. Morrison & Sons. Wholesale grocers. PATEIOK, JOHN OHEISTOPHER, Kings Mountain, N. C. Born, Blairsville, S. C, '71; ent., '92; init.. '92; D.D.S. (Univ. of Md.), '96. Dentist. PEAESON, JOHN ALEXANDEE, Woodruff, S. 0. Born, Woodruff, S. C, '72; ent., '91; init., '91. Farmer. PEESSLY, OEOEGE WILLIAM LAUEENOE, Charlotte, N. 0. Born, Millway, S. C, '70; ent., '86; init., '86; M.' D. (Atlanta). Physician. PEESSLY, JAMES GEIEE, Due West, S. 6. Born, Millersburg, Ky., '73; ent., '89; init., '91. Prin. Mt. Car- mel High School. Teacher. PEESSLY, LEON TAYLOE, Edgmoor, S. 0. Born, Statesville, N. C, '70; ent., '90; init., '90. Minister. EEID, EBENEZEE LEONIDAS, Due West, S. 0. Born, Charlotte, N. C, '67; ent., '84; init., '85; First Honor, '88; A.B., '88; trans, to A-Lambda, '92. Prof. Chemistry and (Geol- ogy, Erskine College. EEID, JOHN CALVIN, Sardis, N. C. Born, Sardis, N. C, '69; ent., '88; init., '88; A.B., '92. Farmer. EEID, JAMES WALKEE, Waxhaw, N. C. Born, Cotton Wood, N. C, '70; ent., '87; init., '88; (L), '90-1; A.B., '91; trans, to A-Lambda, '95. U eacher. EOSS, MEEK McELWEE, Oxford, Pa. Born, Blairsville, S. C, '69; ent., '86; init., '86. Minister. SADLEE, WILLIAM WESTON, Bethlehem, S. C. Born, Moflettsville, S. C, '63; ent., '87: init., '87; (I.), revived Eho, '95. Minister. SIBLEY, BAENEY DUNBAE, Coaldale, Ala. Born, Augusta, Ga., '70; ent. ,'86; init., '86; trans, to Gamma,'88. SIBLEY, JULIAN SCALES, 44 Stonewall st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Columbus, Ga., '67; ent., '83; init., '84; B.S., '87; B.D.,'96. Minister. SLOAN, THOMAS WYLEY, Abbeville, S. C. Born, Newberry, S. C, '64; ent., '83; init., '84; A.B.; '86. Minister. STEWAET, THOMAS BONNEE, Doraville, S. C. Born, Moffettsville, S. C, '57; ent., '80; init., '83; A.B., '84; (1.) '84. Minister. WHITE, JAMES GASTON, Corinne, Tex. Born, Elk Shoals, N. C, '63; ent., '84; init., '85. Lumber dealer. MU SKCOND. 195 WINECOFF, WILLIAM FLEMING, Box 272, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Archer, Fla., '70; ent., '84; init., '86; trans, to Lambda, '87. Fruit broker. WOODKUFF, FEANK LEE, Sanford, Fla. Born, Sanford, Fla., '72; ent., '87; init., '87. Stock raiser and insurance agent. YOUNG, JOHN TODD, Due West, S. C. Born, Due West, S. C, '76; ent., '92; init., '93. Principal Oak Hill (Ala.) Fitting School. Teacher. Initiates, 54; transfers, 2; total, 56; lost by transfer, 9; dead, 8; expelled, 2 Initiates, 1 transfer. CnORY AND HENRY COLLEGE, E/nORY, VA. Chartered 1837. Controlled by /n. E. Church, South. FRATEKNITIES : Phi Kappa Sigma, 1856-'61. j Rainbow, 1884-'86, Kappa Sigma, 1874-'95. } United with Delta Tau Delta. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1884-'95. Kappa Alpha, 1893-'95. A\U (Third) CHAPTER. Charter Members : J. B. Peery, S. B. Yaught, C. T. Davis and C. O. Miller. Founders : L. G. Rice (Pi) and Chas. Huff Davis (Pi). Chartered December 21, 1893, by S. Z. Ammen, K. C Soon after its establishment faculty opposition arose, and the chapter became sud rosa, and in April, 1895 died from anti-fraternity laws. Members of Mu (Third) Chapter. BAKER, CHARLES HOWARD, Graham's Forge, Va. Born, Graham's Forge, Va., '74; ent., '91; init., '95. Medical student, Univ. of Va. BOGLE, GEORGE WILLIAM, Huntersville, W. Va. Born, White Gate, Va., '74; ent., '94; init.. '95. Minister, M. E. C.,S. OORNETT, WALTER MUNSEY, Spring Valley, Va. Born, Fairy, Va„ '74; ent., '92; init., '95; B.S., '96. Farmer. DAVIS, CHARLES THOMAS, 515 Shelby st., Bristol, Tenn. Born, Bristol, Tenn., '74; ent., '91; init., '93; charter member; A. B., '94; trans, to Chi, '96; B. D. (Vanderbilt), '99. Minister, M. E. C, S. HAYNES, LEE KERNAN, Emory, Va. Born, Franklin, N. C, '75; ent.. '92; init., '94; (I.) '95. Merchant. MU THIRD. 197 HUGHES, STEPHEN DAVIS, Pulaski,»Va. Born, Pulaski, Ya., '76; ent., '94; init., '95. Merchant. KINOAID, JOHN GALON, 309 Gay st, Knoxville, Tenii. Born, Stockville, Tenn., '74; ent., '94; init., '94; B. S.(Hiawassee Gol.), '96. Clothing manufacturer. McKIE, EOBEET EARLY, 713 Belvin st, San Marcos, Tex. Born, San Marcos, Tex., '75; ent., '94, init., '94; trans to Chi, '95; LL.B. (Yanderbilt), '97. Lawyer. . MILLER, CHARLES OVERTON, Rural Retreat, Va. Born, Fincastle, Tenn., '74; ent., '92; init., '93; charter member; A.B., '96. PEERY, HARVEY GEORGE, Jk., Emory, Va. Born, Tazewell, Va., '75; ent., '92; init., '94. Merchant. PEERY, JOHN BROWN, Floyd, Va. Born, Gap Store, Va., '72; ent., '89; init., '93; charter member; (I.) '94: B.S., '95. Merchant. *PYOTT, EDWARD SPRING, Tazewell, Va. Born, Rhea Springs, Tenn., '72; ent., '88; init., '94; died, '97. TERRELL, JAMES MILAS, Sonoma, N. C. Born, Sonoma, N. C, '68; ent., '87; init., '93; A.B., '94; trans, to Chi, '95. VAUGHT, SIDNEY BAYS, Elk Garden, Va. Born, Cedar Springs, Va., '67; ent., '91; init., '93; charter member; Minister, M. E. C, S. WORLEY, JAMES PARKS, Hot Springs, Ark. Born, Bluff City, Tenn., '73; ent., '93; init., '94. Med. student. Initiates, 15; lost by transfer, 3; dead, 1. ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, AND A. AND A\. COLLEGE, AUBURN, ALA. Chartered 1872. A State Institution. FEATEENITIES: Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1878. Kappa Alpha, 1883. Phi Delta Theta, 1879. Sigma Nu, 1890. Alpha Tau Omega, 1879. Pi Kappa Alpha, 1895. Kappa Sigma, 1900. NU CHAPTER. Charter Members : B. H. Boyd, J. W. Chapman, J. T. McCrory and J. U. Tate. Founders : P. H. Mell (Gamma), and J. S. Candler (Epsilon), K. C Chartered November 24, 1883, by J. S. Candler, K. C. Anti-fra- terity laws had previously been in existence, but were repealed in 1883. A chapter house was purchased in 1886-7, and has been occu- pied since that time. Members of Nu Chapter ABBOTT, EOLAND TEAOY, New Orleans, La. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '79; ent., '95; init., '95. ABEENATHY, BENJAMIN CHENEY, Orlando, Fla. Born, Birmingham,Ala.,'68; ent.,'86; init.,'87;'B.S.,'90. Druggist. ABEENATHY, HOUSTIS BAEEETTE, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Marengo Co., Ala., '69; ent., '86; init., '86. Lawyer. ABEENATHY, JOHN COCKE, Orlando, Fla. Born, Greensboro, Ala., '75; ent., '94; init., '94. Druggist. t^ol ^BENNETT, JOHN SIMEON, Opelika, Ala. Born, Opelika, Ala., '77; ent., '93; init., '93; B.S., '96. Cotton buyer. BIVINS, FEANK JAEVIS, Cordele, Ga. Born, Pineville, Ala., '72; ent., '88; init., '88; B. S., '91. Bank teller. NU. 199 BIVINS, JAMES WILLIAM, Cordele, Ga. Born, Pineville, Ala., '69; ent., '87; init.,'87; B.S.,'90. Secretary and Treasurer Guano Co. BlVmS, EOBEET LEE GORDO:^r, Pineville, Ga. Born, Pineville, Ga., '75; ent., '89; Init., '90; B.S., '93; M. S., '94. Minister. BLACK, JOH:^^ WILSON, Mobile, Ala. Born, New Orleans, La., '82; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. BOOKHART, HENRY HARRINGTON, New York City. Born, West Point, Ga., '74; ent., '91; init., '91. Cotton buyer. BOYD, BENJAMIN HARTWELL, Ramer, Ala. Born, La Place, Ala., '64; ent., '81; init. ,'83, charter member; (I.), '83-4; A.B., '84; A.M., '90. BOYD, LEUbY STAFFORD, 9^ l/l,M.^n,^MrM.JSrew Orleans, La. '^ *H^ ^ 1../ A»T.r^orn, Baton Rouge, La., '73; ent., '88; init., '89; B.S., '92; M.S., Ci^vvt, 5-'.:/ f 95; elected C.A., '97; B. L. Tulane University, New Orleans, T^uv^li^ /j(r^,. „^J^^ La., '99; member Republican State Central Committee; del.j,y • ' IS' ti^(, State Convention and National Republican Convention at'jp*^'*^**^.' * ' * Philadelphia; employee Congressional Library, Washington, ^^^^^o^uc-Xmiw. , D. C. Lawyer. '>^t.o.*.^jV BRANCH, BENJAMIN EVANS, Montgomery, Ala. Born, Langley, S. C, '66; ent., '84; init., '84. With Pollak & Co. Clerk. BREEDLOVE, BENJAMIN WILBUR, Tuskegee, Ala. Born, Tuskegee, Ala., '72; ent., '87; init., '88. Pliysician. BROOKS, THOMAS JEFFERSON, [Jk.,] Columbus, Ga. Born, Griffin, Ga., '70; ent., '86; init.,'86; i^^*.,'90. Prescrip. cl'k. BROWDER, DAVID, ^ * Montgomery, Ala. Born, Montgomery, Ala., '71; ent., '87; init., '87; trans, to Alpha- Beta, '87. Civil Engineer. BROWN, BAILEY EDGAR, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Cookeville, Tenn., '7^ ent., '96; init., '96. Chemist, with Demick Pipe Worlds, (hfouje address, Decatur, Ala.) BURDETTE, LESLIE DALLAS, Birmingham, Ala. Born, West Point, Ga., '68; ent., '87; init.,'87; B.S., '89. Ins. agt. BURR, AARON JASON, Griffin, Ga. Born, Griffin, Ga., '71; ent., '86; init., '86; (I.), '88-9; B. S., '89. Hardware merchant. BURR, HENRY CLAY, Jr., Griffin, Ga. Born, Griffin, Ga., '74; ent., '91; init., '91. Hardware merchant; BURR, JOSEPH LITTLE, • Griffin, Ga. Born, Griffin, Ga., '72; ent., 'h9; init., '89. Hardware merchant. BUSH, THOMAS GREENE, Jr., Ironaton, Ala. Born, Mobile, Ala., '82: ent., '96; init., '96; del. 19th Conv., '97. B.S., '99. Iron business. 200 NU. CHANDLER, MOSELEY STUAET, Trinity, Miss. Born, Hurtsboro, Ala., '67; ent., '88; grad., '90. Physician. noi -^OHAPMAlSr, GEORGE CLARENCE, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Monroe Co., Ala., '66; ent., '83; init., '83; trans, to Phi, '86; Ph. B.; B. S, (So. Univ.); M. D., (Yanderbilt), '90. Physician and teacher. CHAPMAN, JOHN WILLIAM, Simpkinsville, Ala. Born, Simpkinsville, Ala., '64; ent., '83; Init., '83; charter mem- ber. Farmer. CHRISTIAN, LEROY ABDA, Shelby, Ala. Born, Shelby, Ala., '75; ent., '94; init. (A-Beta), '90; trans, from Alpha-Beta, '94. CHRISTIAN, WILLIAM LeVERT, Shelby, Ala. Born, Shelby, Ala., '77; ent., '96; init., '96. CLOWER, JOHN ROBERTSON, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Auburn, Ala., '70; ent., '86; init., '88; B.S., '89. Insurance. CLOWER, THOMAS HARRISON, Opelika, Ala. Born, Opelika, Ala., '78; ent., '95; init., '95. Insurance. COLEMAN, LeVERT, U. S. Army. Born, Huntsville, Ala., '76; ent.. '93; init., '93; B.S., '95; grad. U. S. Mil. Acad., '99. iqc^X . ^COLLINS, THOMAS ERWIN, West Point, G.a. Born, West Point, Ga., '73; enb., '92; init., '92. Merchant. COOK, HENRY HATCHETT, Miami, Ela. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '79; ent., '95; init., '95; trans, to Gamma, '96. Book-keeper. COOPER, HOUSTON ERANKLIN, Selma, Ala. Born, Autauga, Ala., '68; ent., '85; init., '87; B.E., (Univ. of Ga.) trans, to Gamma, '88. Cashier, Bank of Selma. CRAWFORD, HENRY BENNING, Columbus, Ga. Born, Columbus, Ga., '72; ent., '88; init., '88. Insurance Agt. CROWDER, ARTHUR CAMPBELL, Jackson, Miss. Born, Fork Union, Va., '68; ent., '85; init., '86; B.S., '89. Insur- ance Agt. *CROWDER, HOWARD GRAYSON, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Huntsville, Ala., '69; ent., '85; init., '86; B.S., '89; died, '97. Civil Engineer. DARDEN, WILLIAM ABNER, Anniston, Ala. Born, Cave Springs, Ga., '83; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. DAUGHTRY, WILLIAM ROZIER, Opelika, Ala. Born, Opelika, Ala., '78; ent., '92; init., '92. DAVIS, BOLIVAR, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Sumter, Ala., '79; ent., '95; init., '97; B.S., '96. Draughts- man. NU. 20I DAVIS, WILLIAM EASLY, Opelika, Ala. Born, Gold Hill, Ala., '66;eDt., '82; init., '83; B.S., '87. Merchant. De BARDELEBEN, CHARLES FAIRCHILD, Bessemer, Ala. Born, Prattville, Ala., '76; ent., '90; init., '90. Furnace business. De BARDELEBEN^, HENRY TICKNOR, Newcastle, Ky. Born, Prattville, Ala., '74; ent., '88; Init '88. Furnace business. DOBBIN, HENRY FARRIS, Altoona, Fla. Born, Louisville, Ky., '71; ent., '88; init., '88. Book-keeper. DOBBIN, JAMES FRANCIS, Altoona, Fla. Born, Louisville, Ky., '79; ent., '95; init., '95; B.S., '99. DORSEY, ISHAM JENKINS, Opelika, Ala. Born, Tuskegee, Ala., '69; «f*^r7-^; init., '88. Dry Goods Mer- chanD. DORSEY, RUFUS THOMAS, Je., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Fayetteville, Ga., '73; ent., '90; init., '90; Surgeon U. S. Volunteers. Physician. DRAKE, RICHARD AUGUSTUS, Griffin, Ga. Born, Griffin, Ga., '72; ent., '86; init., '86. Insurance business. DRIVER, JOSEPH ADDISON, Selma, Ala. Born, Augustine, Ala., '75; ent., '90; init., '92. DRIVER, JOHN CHRISTIAN, Augustine, Ala. Born, Augustine, Ala., '73; ent., '88; init., '88. Stock business. DUMAS, OB A DeVAN, Arlington, Ala. Born, Arlington, Ala., '76; ent.,'93;init.,'93;B.S.,'96. Merchant. DUMAS, JOEL, Arlington, Ala. Born, Clifton, Ala., '71; ent., '89; init., '90; (I.) '92; B.S., '93. "Merchant. DUMAS, ROBERT EUGENE, Arlington, Ala. Born, Arlington, Ala., '75; ent., '91; init., '91. FITZGERALD, WALTER EDWARD, Lotus, Ga. Born, Florence, Ga., '70; ent.,'88; init.,'89;B S.,'91. Elec. Eng'r. FULGHUM, WILLIAM WHARTON, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Birmingham, Ala., '74; ent., '92; init., '92., .^ jid^ GLASS, WILLIAM THOMAS, '^'"''"'^''6i^kse4U^. ' Born, Osanippa, Ala., '69; ent.,'88; init., '88; B.S., '91. Physician. GOING, RICHARD BILLUPS, /^.{i US. A. Birmingham, Ala. Born, Pickens Co., Ala., '72; ent., '90; init., '90. Insurance agent. GOLDTHWAITE, HERBERT ARMSTEAD, Montgomery,Ala. Born, Montgomery, Ala., '72; ent., '91; init. (A-Beta), '88; trans, from Alpha-Beta, '91. Farmer. GRAHAM, EDGAR JONES, Pinewood, Tenn. Born, Pinewood, Tenn., '79; ent., '96; init., '96. Farmer. 202 NU. HALL, EOLAISTD B , Jk., Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga.,'80; ent.,'97; init.,'97. Student. *HAEDIN, TABOK FLEMING, Eomulus, Ala. Born, Auburn, Ala., '63; ent., '81; init., '84; B.E., '84; died, Tus- caloosa, Ala., '88. Minister. HAREIS, GEOEGE WILLIAM, West Point, Ga. Born, West Point, Ga.,'69; ent., '87; init., '87. Machinist. HATOHETT, SAMUEL POPE GALA WAY, Port Gaines, Ga. Born, West Point, Ga., '71; ent., '88; init., '88. Druggist. *HODGE, OHAELES WESLEY, Almond, Ala. Born, Almond, Ala., '63; ent., '83; init., '83; died, '91. Merchant. HOLCOMBE, WALTEE PEAECE, Mobile, Ala. Born, Mobile, Ala., '74; ent., '96; init. (A-Iota), '91; trans, from A-Iota,'96. Electrical Engineer, U. S. Army. HOLLEY, GEOEGE MICHAEL, Ft. Gaines, Ga. Born, Lawrenceville, Ala., '76; ent., '92; init., '94; B.S., '97; M.S., '98. Lieut, of Eng. Corps, with U. S. Army in Phillippines. HOEN, ELI, Sylacauga, Ala. Born, Coleta Ala., '60; ent., '83; init. ,'84. Farmer and civil eng'r. HUGULEY, EDWI]^ DeWITT, West Point, Ga. Born, West Point, Ga.,'81; ent.,'97; init.,'97. Student. HUGULEY, GEOEGE ABNEE, West Point, Ga. Born, Chambers Co., Ala., '68; ent., '83; Init., '84; B.S.,'88; (l.),'87w?. Banker. *HUET, JOEL FLETCHEE, Columbus, Ga. Born, ISotasulga, Ala., '67; ent., '88; init.,'88; died,'90. Clerk. HUTCHISON, MILLEE EEESE, Mobile, Ala. Born, Mobile, Ala., '76; ent., '95; init., '95. Electrician. ILLGES, GEOEGE MAETIN, Montgomery, Ala. Born, Glenville, Ala.,80; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. lEWIN, LESLIE KILSHAW, Mobile, Ala. Born, Mobile, Ala., '77; ent., '93; init., '93. Clerk. JOHNSON, CHAELES CICEEO, Goodwater, Ala. Born, Troup Co., Ga., '71; ent. '88; init., '88; B. S., '91; C. E., '92. • Teacher. JOHNSON, COLLINS JAMES, Je., Palmyra, Mo. Born. Palmyra, Mo., '82; ent., '98; init., '99. Student. JOHNSTON, WILLIAM FEANCIS, Anniston, Ala. Born, Carrolton, Ala., '81; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. JOHNSTONE, HAMILTON EOWAN, Chicago, 111. Born, Mobile, Ala., '74; ent., '89; init., '89. Lawyer, M.&O.E.R.Co. NU. 203 JO:^^ES, NEELY FOESYTH, Phcenix City, Ala. Born, Jackson, Ala., '67; ent., '89; init. (Phi), '88; trans. fromPhi, '89. Minister. JONES, EOGER ap CATESBY, Selma, Ala. Born, Selma, Ala., '67; ent., '85; Init., '85; Pres. of Bank of Selma. Banker. KELL, HEISTDLEY VARNER, Sunny Side, Ga. Born. Sunny Side, Ga., '69; ent., '87; init., '89. Farmer. KELLY, EDWIN, Montgomery, Ala. Born, Montgomery, Ala., '81; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. KELLY, JOHN WHITFIELD, Montgomery, Ala. Born, Newton, Ala., '76; ent., '92; init., '92. Merchant. KELLY, WILLIAM BERRIEN, Montgomery, Ala. Born, Newton, Ala., '77; 'ent., '93; init., '93;B.S., '96; with Mont- gomery Drug Co. KILLEBREW, ADHS EDWIN, Newton, Ala. Born, Newton, Ala., '74; ent., '94; init., '94; B.S., '9^. Merchant. KILLEBREW, EMMET STEVENS, Newton, Ala. Born, Newton, Ala., '79; ent., '98; init., '98; C.H.,'99-'00. Student. KILLEBREW, OSCAR DON, Greensboro, N. C. Born, Newton, Ala., '66; ent., '87; init., '87; del. 14th Conv.; B. S., '89 Civil Engineer, So. Ry. Co. KILPATRICK, HOWARD MALCOLM, White Plains, Ga. Born, White Plains, Ga., '78; ent., '96; init., '96; student. KNIGHT, WALTER JOSEPH, Mobile, Ala. Born, Mobile, Ala., '82; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. LEA, SUMTER, Jk., Birmingham, Ala. Born, Selma, Ala,, '68; ent., '85; Init., '85. Civil Engineer. LEARY, WILLIAM MERRIWETHER, 502 Temple Court, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Montgomery, Ala., '71; ent., '87; init. ,'87; trans, to A-Beta, '87; trans, to A^Alpha, '89; re-trans, to A-Beta, '90. Book- keeper. Le hardy, LEON PHILIPPE, San Juan, Porto Rico. Born, Salt Lake City, CJtah, '81: ent., '96; init., '96: clerk, Engrs. Dept. Board of Public Works, Ponce, P. R. LESESNE, HENRY DEAS, Mobile, Ala. Born, Mobile, Ala., '82; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. LESLIE, FELIX HOPE, Alexander City, Ala. Born, Smith's Station, Ala., '69; ent., '87; init., '87. Book-keeper. LINDSEY, HENRY MADISON, Mobile, Ala. Born, Mobile, Ala., '77; ent., '94; init., '94. Salesman. 204 NU. McALLISTEE, EGBERT LEWIS DIBEELL, 417 Equitable bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '72;ent., '90; init.,'90; trans, to Lambda, '92; del. 16th Conv., B.S., '92; LL.B. (U. Va.), '95. Lawyer. McBEYDE, WAEEEN HOETON, Mobile, Ala. Born, Mobile, Ala., '76; ent., '93; Init., '93; electrician, U. S. Navy. McBEYDE, EAELE lEVIN, Oak Hill, Ala. Born, Oak Hill, Ala., '81; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. McCONNELL, FEANK PEECY, Talladega, Ala. Born, Union City, Tenn., '70; ent., '86; init., '86; appointed trus- tee K. A. Memorial Hall Fund, '97; Chief Alumnus, '99-'00; G. P., '00- '01. Banlc Cashier. McCEOEEY, JAMES THOMAS, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Belleview, Ga., '64; ent., '82; init., charter member, '83. Merchant. McHAVID, WILLIAM HENEY, Pensacola, Fla. Ent., '85; init., '85. Hotel clerk. McDOUGALD, DUNCAN, Columbus, Ga. Born, Adairsville, Ala. ,'71; ent., '88; init., '88. Trav. salesm. for J. E. Orr&Co. *McGOLEICK, JOHN METTA/eE, Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga.,'79; ent., '97; init., '97; died, '98. Student. McMICHAEL, EOSCIUS SANDWICH, Macon, Ga. Born, Barnesville, Ga.,'82; ent., '98; init., '98. Eailroad business. McMillan, eobeet Houston, Taiiadega, Aia. Born, Talladega, Ala. ,'67; ent. ,'85; init., '86. Merchant. McMillan, william Cunningham, Taiiadega, Aia. Born, Talladega, Ala., '74; ent., '91; init., '91; B.S., '95; (L). '94-5. City attorney of Talladega. Lawyer. McVOY, LEONAED KENT, Selma, Ala. Born, Selma, Ala., '69; ent., '86; init., '86. Business manager, Selma Book Co. MASON, JAMES MONEOE, Je., 334 Hood bldg., Birmingham, Ala. Born, Marion, Ala., '71; ent., '83; init., '85; trans, to Phi, '90; M.D. (Tulane), '99. Physician. MASON, ENOCH MAEYIN, Auburn, Ala. Born, Marion, Ala., '78; ent., '98; init., '98, Student. MEEEICK, EDWIN THOMAS, Merrick, La. Born, Merrick, La., '79; ent., '93; init, '94; trans, to A-I.,'96. Far- mer. *MOEGAN, JAMES WILLIAM, Jr., Florence, Ala. Born, Lauderdale Co., Ala., '66; ent., '84; init., '84; B.S.,'86; C. E., '87;(l.),'84-7; died,'94. NU. 205 MOSES, ASHLEIGH STEU.DWICK, Montrose, Ala. Born, Montrose, Ala., '80; ent., '96; init., '97. Assistant in Me- chanics, Ala. Poly. Inst. NEWSOM, JAMES, La Grange, Ga. Born, Columbus, Ga.,'77; ent. ,'92; init.,'92; B.S., '95. Electrician. NIOHOLSOlSr, MINOK EVANS, Comer, Ga. Born, Athens, Ga.,'72; ent., '90; init. ,'90. Manufacturer. *OATES, JAMES JETHEO, Mobile, Ala. Born, Mobile, Ala. ,'66: ent., '83; init., '84; died,'89. GATES, WILLIAM HENKY, 262 N. Conception st.. Mobile, Ala. Born, Mobile, Ala., '71; ent. ,'87; init. ,'87. Pharmacist. PHILLIPS, GEOEGE BENAGH, Columbus, Ga. Born, Columbus, Ga.,'79; ent. ,'97; init., '97. POWELL, HIEAM PEEEY, Blakeley, Ga. Born, Blakeley, Ga.,'80; ent., '96; init., '96. POWLEDGE, BEYANT HOMEE, Wacoochee, Ala. Born, '70; ent., '88; init., '88. Farmer. PEOUT, WILLIAM SYLVESTEE, Demopolis, Ala. Born, Demopolis, Ala., '72; ent., '87; init., '87. Bank clerk. PUEIFOY, JOHN, Je., Brewton, Ala. Born, Furman, Ala., '75; ent., '93; init., '94; B.S. Pharmacist. EEDDING, SAMUEL AETHUE, Schenectady, N. Y. Born, Ellaville, Ga.,'73; ent., '92; init.,'92; (I.), '94. Electrician. EEESE, JAMES SIMPSON, Pensacola, Ela. Born, Lowndes Co., Ala., '66; ent., '83; init., '83. Bank clerk. EOBEETSON, EEANCIS ALVA, 2500 6th aye., Birmingham, Ala. Born, Oxford, Ala., '73; ent., '94; init., '94. Salesman. fEOSEBOEOUGH, lEVING JEFFEIES, Union Springs, Ala. Born, Girdner, Mo., '83; ent., '99; init., '99. Expelled, '00. SCEOGGS, WILLIAM OSCAE, Auburn, Ala. Born, Monroe, N. C, '79; ent., '96; init., '97; Asst. Prof. Eng. Ala. Poly. Inst. SEMMES, OLIVEE JOHN, Je., Pensacola, Fla. Born, Mobile, Ala., '76; ent., 93; init., '93; B. S., '97; M.S., '98. Electrician. SHAEPE, AECHIBALD YOUNG, Je., Memphis, Tenn. Born, Demopolis, Ala., '70; ent., '87; init., '87. Merchant. SHEEEILL, WILLIAM SWIFT, Athens, Ala. Born, Athens, Ala., '83; ent., '99; init., '99. SIMMONS, CHAELES WOODWAED, Elba, Ala. Born, Ozark, Ala., '62; ent., '83; init., '83; B.S., '87; M.S., '88. Teacher and Lawyer. 206 NU. SIMMONS, EGBERT JASPEE HOGUE, Elba, Ala. Born, Clopton, Ala., '68; ent., '83; init., '83; B.S., '86. Teacher. SKEGGS, HENEY ALEXANDEE, Decatur, Ala. Born, Decatur, Ala., '80; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. SKEGGS, JOH:^r HUNT, Decatur, Ala. Born, Decatur, Ala., '82; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. SLOAN E, MATTHEW SCOTT, Mobile, Ala. Born, Mobile, Ala., '81; ent., '97; init., '98. Student. SMITH, BEENAED HOEACE, Orlando, Fla. Born, Smyrna, Fla., '82; ent., '00 init., '00. Student. SMITH, EDWAED BEOADUS, 24 Twelfth st., Columbus, Ga. Born, Monticello. Ga., '71; ent., '91; init., (Phi) '90; trans, from Phi, '91; B.S., '92; M.S., '93. Druggist. . . SMITH, HAEEY HOWELL, 14-Li^4ftgitoiL4il., New York City. Born, Smith Station, Ala., '75; ent., '93; init., '93; (I.) '95; B.S., '95. Book-keeper, Oxley & Enos Mfg. Co. SMITH, JOHN HOWAED, " Blackshear, Ga. Born, Sparta, Ga., '73; ent., '89; init., '89. Merchant. SMITH, LINTON SPAEKS, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Rome, Ga., '73; ent., '89; init., '89;B.S., '93. Cotton broker. SMITH, NEWTON CAEAWAY, Shelby, Ala. Born, Montevello, Ala., '76; ent., '96; init., '96. SMITH, OTIS OLIVEE, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Smith's Station, Ala., '69; ent., '83; init., '84; First Honor, '88; B.S., '88. Bank cashier. SPAEKS, HENEY WILLIAMSON, Griffin, Ga. Born, Griffin, Ga., '72; ent., '90; init., '90. Clerk. STEONG, EUSH PEICE, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Mobile, Ala., '79; ent., '96; init., '96; with So. Bell Tel. Co. SUTCLIFFE, JOSEPH WILSON, M^feileH^a. Born, New Orleans, La., '77; ent., '94; init., '96; B.S., '99. TALLICHET, DAVID COMPTON, Demopolis, Ala. Born, Demopolis, Ala., '74; ent., '92; init., '92. Clerk, cotton warehouse. *TATE, JAMES ULMEE, Selma, Ala. Born, Selma, Ala., '64; ent., '83; init., charter mem., '83; died, '92. THOMPSON, GEOEGE HOOVEE, New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '78; ent., '97; init., '97. TICHENOE, WALKEE EEYNOLDS, 17 E. Georgia ave., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Alpine, Ala., '77; ent., '93; init., '93; B.S., '96; trans, to Gamma, '97; LL.B., (U. of Ga.). Lawyer. NU. 207 *TEAWICK, WILLIAM DOUGLASS, Opelika, Ala. Born, Marvyn, Ala., '73; ent., '91; init., '91; died, '92. / TUTTLE, MONTAGUE HAET, Atlanta, Ga. \ Born, La Place, Ala., '69: ent., '85; init., '86: D.D.S., (Atlanta -/ Dental Col.), '97. Dentist. ^ TUTTLE, MOETIMEE HAET, Montgomery, Ala. ^ Born, SpftrtiR,-i&a., '69; ent., '85; init., '87. Dentist. TUENEE, FILO HAEEISON, Pensacola, Fla. Born, Pensacola, Fla., '83; ent., '98; init., '99. Student. TUEXEE, GEOEGE JACK, Pensacola, Fla. Born, Pensacola, Fla., '81; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. TUE:N^EE, HENEY CUEEY, Huntsville, Ala. Born, Huntsville, Ala., '74; ent., '91; init., '91. Farmer. WAEE, HOEACE, Anniston, Ala. Born, Birmingham, Ala., '82; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. WEBB, JOEL FEA]S"KLIN", Talladega, Ala. Born, Kellyton, Ala., '71; ent., '90; init., '90; B.S., '93; M.S., '94. Attorney. WEBB, JOHN OSCEOLA, Kellyton, Ala. Born, Kellyton, Ala., '82; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. WEBB, EEUBElSr DAVID, Dothan, Ala. Born, Kellyton, Ala., '76; ent., '94; init., '94; B.S., '9^, with First Honor; M.S., '9^. Teacher. WEEDEN, EOBEET PATTON, Huntsville, Ala. Born, Huntsville, Ala., '73; ent., '90; init., 91. Merchant. *WEISINGEE, WM. CAMEEON, Talladega, Ala. Born, Talladega, Ala., '72: ent., '87; init., '87; died, '89. *WEET, BUENS MICHAEL, Chattanooga, Tenn. Born, Decatur, Ala., '79; ent., '94; init., '95; with Milburn-Bass Wagon Co., '00; died, Decatur, Ala., '00. WEET, THOMAS WILLIAM, Decatur, Ala. Born, Decatur, Ala., '80; ent., '95; init.. '95. Student at U. of Ala. WHEELEE, DANIEL, Mobile, Ala. Born, Boloxi, Miss., '76; ent., '96; init., '96. Electrital Engineer. WILLIAMS, WILLIAM MAETIN, West Point, Ga. Born, West Point, Ga.. '77; ent., '93; init., '93; (I); B. S. 96; M. S. 97, Law Student, Harvard Uuiversity. WILSON, DAVID EDWIN, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Mobile, Ala., '71; ent., '89; init. '89; Bookkeeper for Tenn. Coal, Iron, and E. E. Co. WOOD, WILLIAM DANIEL, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Autauga Co., Ala., '59; ent., '81; init., '84; trans, to Lambda. Lumber M erchant. 208 NU. WOODS, NEANDEE MONTGOMEEY, Je., Eandolph Bldg., Memphis, Tenn. ^ _ Born, Norfolk, Ya., '76; ent., '96;init. (Pi) '93; trans, from Pi, '96; 3.S. .^.'98. Architect. ^ CctJ O^Mj^Uc^ WOOLLEY, ANDEEW FEASTI8j / ^. JVToV Ortoano, La v Born, Kingston, Ga., '67; ent., '83; init., '84; (I); '85-'86. Civil Engineer. *WOOLLEY, JOHN MITCHELL, Kingston, Ga. Born, Kingston, Ga., '72; ent., '89; init., '89; died, Guatemala, 1895. WEIGLEY, GEOEGE, Macon, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '77; ent., '93; init., '93; B. S., '97; M. S., '99. Electrician. Initiates, 162 ; transfers, 6 ; total, 168 ; lost by transfer, 10 ; dead, 12; expelled, 1. SOUTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, GEORGETOWN, TEX. Chartered in 1873. Controlled by /n. E. Church. South. FRATERNITIES : j Rainbow, 1882-'86. Kappa Sigma, 1886. I United with Phi Delta Tlieta. Phi Delta Theta, 1886. Kappa Alpha, 1883. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1887-'88. Phi Phi Phi, 1894-'96. XI CHAPTER. Charter Me:mbers :— T. L. Crow, Elisha Emhree, W. E. Hawkins, E. W. Martin, W. C. McKamy, and R. C. Porter. FoLTNDERS :— F. C. Proctor and A. S. Walker, Jr. (both of Omicron.) Chartered November 28, 1883, by J. S. Candler, K. C. The chap- ter was sub rosa until May, 1886, and the anti-fraternity laws were repealed in September, 1887. A chapter house was built in 1895, and is owned by the chapter. Members of Xi Chapter, ADICKES, THOMAS JEFFERSON, Brownwood, Tex. Born, HuntSYille, Tex., '67; ent., '84; init., '85. Merchant. ALDERIDGE, GEORGE NATHAN, Dallas, Tex. Born, Dallas, Tex., '85; ent., '00: init. ,'00. Student. ANDREWS, FRANK, Houston, Tex. Born, Fayetteville, Tex. ,'65; ent., '83; init., '84; grad. '85. Lawyer. ARMSTRONG, RAMSEY CLARKE, Je., Fort Worth, Tex. Born, Jasper Co., Tex., '73; ent., '89; init., '93; M.A. Lawyer. ATWELL, AVILLIAM HAWLEY, 220 Main st, Dallas, Tex. Born, La Crosse, Wis., '69; ent., '86; init., '88; B. S., '89; LL.B., Texas Univ., '91. U. S. District Attorney. Lawyer. BAIRD, RALEIGH WILLIAM, Linz bldg., Dallas, Tex. Born, Red River Parish, La., '70; ent., '90; init.. '90; A.B.,'93; (I.), M.D. (N. Y. Med. Coll.), '96. Physican. 2IO XI. BAECUS, EDWAED EOSEMAIS^ Jk., West, Tex. Born, Camden, Ark., '72; ent., '90; init., '93; A.M., '96; trans, to Chi, '96. Minister. BAECUS, THOMAS STANFOED, Graham, Tex. Born, McLennan Co., Tex., '77; ent., '96; init., '96. Min.,M.E.C.,S. BASS, CHAELES THOENTON, San Marcos, Tex. Born, Fort Bend Co.. Tex. ,'67; ent.. '78; init., '85; A.M., '86; trans, to Chi, '86; Ph.G., (Yanderbilt). Pharmacist. BIGGS, HENEY SCUDDEE, Sanderson, Tex. Born, Tulip, Arl<.,'73; ent., '93; init., '95. BLACK, FEANK MUEFY, Bonham, Tex. Born, St. Albans, W.Ya.,'79; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. BOAZ, HIEAM ABIFF, Dublin, Tex. Born, Calloway Co., Ky.,'66; ent., '91; init., '91; B.S.,'93; (1.),'934. Minister, M. E. C S. BEOOKS, CHAELES LEWIS, Gainesville, Tex. Born, Whitesboro, Tex., '74; ent.,'94; init.,'94; A.B.,'99; (I.), '99. Minister, M. E. C, S. BEOOKS, JOHN LEANDEE, Georgetown, Tex. Born, Elgin, Tex., '70; ent., '87; init.,'89; Yaledictorian,'93; A.M., '93; trans, to Chi, '94. Minister. BEOOKS, EICHAED EDWAED, Austin, Tex. Born, Bastrop Co., Tex. ,'64; ent., '79; init., '84; Yaledictorian,'84; * A.M., '84; Judge 53d District, '96. Lawyer. BEOWN, JOHN LUCIUS, Goliad, Tex. Born,GaudaloupeCo.,Tex.,'62;ent.,'82;init.,'85;B.S.'85. Lawyer. CAEEOLL, WILLIAM WISE, Dallas, Tex. Born, Parkersburg, W.Ya.,'79; ent., '96; init., '96; B.S.,'99; P. G. Student. CAEPENTEE, JESSE C , Taylor's Gin, Tex. Born, Faimersville, Tex., '69; ent., '86; init., '91. Teacher. CHESSHEE, DANIEL SIMPSON, Je., Georgetown, Tex. Born, Industry, Tex.. '65; ent. ,'77; init., '86. Lawyer. CLAEK, JOSHUA JONES, Winsboro, Tex. Born, Leesburg,Tex.,'71;ent.,'91;init.,'91. Member North Tex. Cont. M. E. C, S. Minister. COMBS, HENEY BASCOM, Bastrop, Tex. Born, San Marcos, Tex., '71; ent., '89; init., '89; M.D. (Tenn. Med. Coll.) '91. Physician. CEISWELL, FELIX FLOYD, Mart, Tex. Born, Mart, Tex., '78; ent., '00; init., '00. Student. *CEOW, THOMAS LAWEENCE, Gatesville, Tex. Born, Union Par., La.,'59;ent.,'82;init. chartermember,83; died, Gatesville. Tex., '84. XI. 211 CULLUM, THOMAS MAKVIN, Dallas, Tex. Born, Covington, Tenn., '71; ent., '88; init., '89; B.S., '90. Com- mercial traveller. DAVIS, JOHN OWEN, Huntsville, Tex. Born, Clayton, Tex., '76; ent., '94; init., '94. Student. DAVIS, KOBERT WILLIAM, Weatherford, Tex. Born. Weatherford, Tex., '72; ent., '88; init., '89; trans, to Chi, '89; A.B. (Vanderbilt). Banker. DUDLEY, JAMES WILLIAM, Waco, Tex. Born, Paris, Tex., '75; ent., '93; init., '93. Lawyer. EIDMAN, EREDERIOK GUSTAVE, Houston, Tex. Born, San Felipe, Tex., '74; ent., '90; init., '90; M.D., (University of Texas). Physician. EMBREE, ELISHA, Belton, Tex. Born, Bell Co., Tex., '62; ent., '81; init. charter member, '83; B.S., '84. Merchant. GARRETT, CLYDE BARBEE, Hearne, Tex. Born, Salado, Tex., '69; ent., '88; init., '89; A.M.,'92; trans, to Chi, '92; re trans, from Chi, '94. Minister. GIBBS, JAMES PHILIP, 38 W. 57th st., New York City. Born, Huntsville, Tex., '75; ent., '90; init., '91; A.M., '96. GIBBS, THOMAS CLIFFTON, Huntsville, Tex. Born, Huntsville, Tex., '70; ent., '89; init. ,'89. Merchant. GIBBS, WILBOURNE SMITH, Huntsville, Tex. Born, Huntsville, Tex., '66; ent., '84; init., '85. Banker. GOODRICH, ROBERT EUGENE, Waco, Tex. Born, Jackson, Tenn., '76; ent., '97; init., '98. Student. GRAHAM, MALCOLM KINTNER, Graham, Tex. Born, Cedar Farm, Harrison Co., Ind., '72; ent., '86; init., '87; Sec. and Treas., Tex. S. P. A., '97. *HALL, JOHN WINSTON, Carthage, Mo. Born, Missouri, '73; ent., '88; init., '89; died, at Carthage, Mo., '90. HAWKINS, WILLIAM EDWARD, Dallas, Tex. Born, Greenwood, La., '63; ent., '82; init. charter member, '83; B.S., '84. Lawyer. HEMPHILL, WILLIAM ANDREW, Sherman, Tex. Born, Lebanon, Mo. ,'69; ent. ,'91; init., '91. Music Teacher. HENRY, ROBERT LEE, Waco, Tex. Born, Linden, Texas, '64; ent., '82; init., '84; valedictorian, '85; A. M., '85; trans, to Omicron, '86; LL.B., '87; member of Con- gress, '96. Lawyer. HOGG, WILLIAM CLIFFORD, San Antonio, Tex. Born, Quitman, Tex., '75; ent., '92; init., '92; trans, to Omicron, '93; LL.B., '97. Lawyer. 212 XI. JACKSON, HENEY EEISTEST, Mexia, Tex. Born, Springfield, Tex., '73; ent., '90; init.. '90; salutatorian, '93; A.B., '93. Merchant. JACKSON, EICE EOBINSON, Mexia, Tex. Born, Mexia, Tex., '77; ent., '97; init., '97. Merchant. JOHNSON, KELDEE EEANK, * San Marcial, N. M. Born, Henrietta, Tex., '80; ent., '99; init., '99. Eanchman. JONES, COLUMBUS SAM, Paris, Tex. Born, Dallas, Tex., '79; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. KEEE, ALPEED, San Antonio, Tex. Born, Fayetteville, Tex., '75; ent., '95; init., '95. Book-keeper. KINCANNON, ANDEEW JEPTHA, Eddy, Tex. Born, Eusk, Co., Tex., '72; ent., '92; init., '92. Merchant. KNIOHT, EOBEET EDMOND LEE, Dallas, Tex. Born, Dallas, Tex., '65; ent., '81; init., '86; valedictorian, '86; A. M., '86; trans, to Omicron, '86. Lawyer. KNOWLES, SAMUEL BAECUS, Waco, Tex. Born, Moody, Tex., '77; ent., '97; init., '99. Clerk. LOONEY, SAMUEL WESLEY, Portland, Ore. Born, Cameron, Tex., '64; ent., '84; init., '85. Civil Engineer. McCULLOUGH, EDWAED, Jr., Mooresville, Tex. Born, Mooresville, Tex., '68; ent., '84; init., '85; tied with M. D. Slater on First Honor, '87; B.S., '87; (I.) '86. Merchant. McCULLOUGH, THOMAS LEE, Waco, Tex. Born, Mooresville, Tex., '69; ent., '86; init., '86; B.S., '89. Lawyer. McCULLOUGH, WILLIS HOWELL, Waco, Tex. Born, Mooresville, Tex., '70; ent., '86; init., '86; B.S., '89. Mer- chant. McKAMY, WILLIAM COOPEE, Dallas, Tex. Born, Dallas, Tex., '61; ent., '81; init., charter member, '83; (I.) '85; A.M., '85; trans, to Omicron, '86; LL.B., '87. Lawyer. MAETIN, EDWAED WILSON, Branchville, Tex. Born, Lexington, Tex., '63; ent., '82; init., charter member, '83. Civil Engr. and Teacher. MILES, DUDLEY HOWE, Piano, Tex. Born, Milwaukee, Wis., '81; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. MOOD, ALEXANDEE McFAELAND, Georgetown, Tex. Born, Georgetown, Tex., '82; ent., 96; init., '97; C.H., '99-'00. Student. MOOD, EOBEET GIBBS, Dallas, Tex. Born, Georgeton, Tex., '73 ent., '89; init., '92; A.M. Minister. MOOD, WILLIAM EEADEE, Georgetown, Tex. Born, Georgetown, Tex., '75; ent., '90; init., '93; (I.) '96-7; A.M.; del. and Asst. Sec'y 19th Conv., '97. Merchant. XI. 213 MOOKE, ALLEN LETCHER, Salado, Tex. Born, Weedowee, Ala., '68; ent., '96; init., '96. MORGAN, JOSEPH JAMES, 250 Junius st, Dallas, Tex. Born, Torquay, Devon, En^., '70; ent., '90; init., '91; (I.) '94-6; A. M., '96; trans, to Chi, '96; B.D., (Vanderbllt). Minister, M.E. C.,S. MUNSON, WALTER BASOOM, Aughton, Tex. Born, Brazoria, Tex., ent., '83; init., '85; LL.B., Univ. Texas. Lawyer. MURCHISON, WALTER HAMILTON, Cedar Creek, Tex. Born, Cedar Creek, Tex., '75; ent., '94; init., '96. NELMS, WILLIAM STOCKTON, GeorgetowA, Tex. Born, Cleburn, Tex., '83; ent., '98; init., '99. Student. NEWSOM, ERNEST PEGRAM, Huntsville, Tex. Born, Davidson, Co., N. C, '67; ent., '84; init., '86; Second Honor; A. M., '90; (I.) '90. Minister, M. E. C, S. NICHOLS, CLAUDE ANDREW, 56 Conterus st., Matanzas, Cuba. Born, Bell Co., Tex., '77: ent., '94; init., '94; A. M., '98; (I.) '97-8. Teacher. NICHOLS, RAYMOND ASA, Belton, Tex. Born, Moffatt, Tex., '73; ent., '90; init., '95; A.B., '96. Teacher. PARKER, JOHN KENNARD, Bryan, Tex. Born, Bryan, Tex., '71; ent., '88; init., '88. Merchant. *PEELE, CHARLES HARDY, De Kalb, Tex. Born, Cass Co., Tex., '66; ent., '85; init., '87; died, '96. Minister. POPE, GABRIEL EMMIEL, Goliad, Tex. Born, Leona, Tex. ,'65; ent., '82; init., '85. Lawyer. PORTER, DAVID KNOX, Kosse, Tex. Born, Porter's Prairie, Tex., '75; ent., '92; init., '94; Ph.B. Minis- ter, M. E. C, S. PORTER, RUFUS CHOATE, 257 Main st, Dallas, Tex. Born, Caldwell, Tex.. '59; ent., '81; init. charter member, '83; (I.), '83-4; Salutatorian, '85; A.M., '85; trans, to Omicron, '85; LL.B., '86. Lawyer. POTEET, JOHN BUTLER, Calvert, Tex. Born, Somerset, Ky., '68; ent., '94; init., '94. Teacher. REAGAN, CHARLES HASKINS, Oakville, Tex. Bora, Helena, Tex., '69; ent., '87; init., '88; M.D. (Tulane). Physician. RECTOR, GEORGE CARROLL, Bozeman, Mont. Born, Austin, Tex., '67: ent., '88; init., '88; (I.), '90-1. Minister, M. E. C.,S. 214 XI' EEEDY, JOHN HENEY, Jr., Piano, Tex. Born, Piano, Tex. ,'78; ent.,'96; init.,'96; (I.),'99-'00; A. M., with First Honor, '00. Student. ROACH, JOHJS^ EBER, Oomo, Tex. Born, McNairy Co., Tenn., '74; ent.,'93; init.,'93; A.M. Minister. ROY, ROBERT EDWARD LEE, 300 Main st. Fort Worth, Tex. Born, Johnson, Tex., '69; ent., '88; init., '89; trans, to Omicron, '92; member of E. C, '97 -'9. Lawyer. RUCKER, LESLIE CURRIE, Hillside, Tex. Born, Robinson, Texas, '78; ent., '95; init., '95. RUCKER, SAMUEL JAMES, Salado, Tex. Born, Rutherford Co., Tenn., '68; ent., '87; init., '88; (1.), '92; Valedictorian, '92; A. M., '92; B.D. (Yanderbilt). Minister. RUCKER, WALTER KEEBLE, Azle, Tex. Born, Murfreesboro, Tenn., '72; ent., '90; init., '92; A.M., '96. SANDERS, SAMUEL DAVID, Georgetown, Tex. Born, Nashville, Tenn., '80; ent., '95; init., '96. Student. SCALES, ALBERT LOUIS, Rozeman, Tex. Born, Lewisburg, Ark., '69; ent., '95; init., '95; A.M., '99. Minister. SIMPSON, CHARLES WESLEY, Colorado, Tex. Born, Ferryville, Tex., '57; ent. ,'77; init., '84; Valedictorian, '85; A.M., '85. Editor and teacher. SLATOR, MATTHEW DAMON, Llano, Tex. Born, Llano, Tex. ,'65; ent. ,'83; init. ,'85; (I.), '85-6; trans, to Omi- cron, '88; LL.B., '89. Lawyer. SLOVER, GEORCE STANFORD, Glen Rose, Tex. Born, Springton, Tex., '69; ent., '91; init., '94; A.M., '96; trans, to Chi, '96. Minister. SMITH, ELLIS, Nacodoches, Tex. Born, Nacogdoches Co., Tex., '68; ent., '87; init., '89; A. B., '90. Minister. STREETMAN, SAMUEL, Cameron, Tex. Born, Cameron, Tex., '70; ent., '85; init., '86; (I.), '86-8. Lawyer. SWEET, EVANDER McIVER, 1946 2d St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Born, Sabine Co., Tex., '70; ent., '90; init., '90; A.B. Clerk:, War Department. TERRELL, ROBERT, Seguin, Tex. Init. about '88. Merchant. Furniture dealer. THOMAS, JOHN ROSSER, Dallas, Tex. Born, Millican, Texas, '69; ent., '86; init., '87; Second Honor, '89; B.S., '89. Journalist. THOMAS, WILLIAM WELDON, Pilot Point, Tex. Born, Edom, Tex., '78; ent., '96; init., '96. Journalist. XI. 215 VAUGHAN, SAMUEL DeWITT, Childress, Tex. Born, Bertram, Tex., '76; eat., '93; init., '97; A.B., '99. Teacher. VAUGHAlSr, SAMUEL McCARVEE, Liberty Hill, Tex. Born, Bertram, Tex., '80; ent., '97; init., '97. WATSON, SAMUEL ELIJAH, Honey Grove, Tex. Ent., '85; init., '87. WOODSON, JAMES MADISON, Temple, Tex. Born, Camden, Ala., '68; ent., '86; init., '86; M.D., (Tulane). Phy- sician. WOEEELL, STEVEN HEEBEET, Austin, Tex. Born, Willis, Tex., '75; ent., '90; init., '91; trans, to Omicron, '99. Student. fWEOE, JOHN LESTEE, Brenham, Tex. Born, Winchester, Tex., '80; ent., '98; init., '98; expelled, '98. Initiates, 97; lost by transfer, 15; dead, 3; expelled, 1. BETHEL MILITARY ACADEA\Y, BETHEL ACAEA\Y, EAUQUIER CO.,VA. FEATEENITIES : Alpha Tau Omega, ]873-'74. Kappa Alpha, 1878-'79. Kappa Sigma, 1882- '83. OA\ICRON (Prime) CHAPTER. Charter Members : E. T. North, C. E. Crittenden, J. W. Chapin, W. Percy Smith, W. B. Kirk and C. L. Stovall. Founders : J. W. Tyler and H. F. Payne, (both of Beta). This Chapter was chartered by D. R. Neal, K. C, in September or October, '78, and six or more members were initiated during the college year '78-9. All of these left the Academy in June, '79, and the Chapter became extinct. On June, 13, '83, the 12th Convention revoked the charter. An unauthorized attempt to revive the Chap- ter was made in '86, at which time three or more members were pledged. One of these (J. S. Smith) afterwards became a member of Lambda, and another (C. C Phillips) was initiated under special dispensation in '95. Members of Omicron (Prime) Chap ten CHAPIN, JOHN WATTS, 1751 Amsterdam ave.. New York. Born, Santa Fe, N. Mex., '61; ent., — ; init., '78; charter member. Clerk, with J as. McCreery & Co. OEITTENDEN, CHAELES EDWAKD, Chicago, 111. Born, Culpeper, Va., — ; ent., — ; init., '78; charter member. KIEK, WILLIAM B., , La. Born, , La., — ; ent., — ; init., '78; charter member. NOETH, EDWAED THUESTON, Warrenton, Va. Born, Charleston, S. C, '65; ent., '78; init., '78; charter member. Cotton buyer and accountant. (Permanent address, Waco, Tex.) OMICRON PRIME. 217 PHILLIPS, CLAUDIUS CRAWLEY, 65W. 70th st., New York. Born, Nansemond Co., Ya., '65; eat., '82; pledged, '85; init., '95. Dealer in foreign and domestic fruits. SMITH, WILLIAM PERCY, Parkersburg, W. Va. Born, Parkersburg, W.Ya., '61; ent., '77; Inlt., '78; charter mem- ber. U. S. Int. Rev. service. STOVALL, C. L. (or C. S.) Born, , — ; ent., — ; Inlt., '78; charter member. Initiates, 7. UNIVERSITY or TEXAS, AUSTIN, TEX. Chartered, 1881. Opened In 1883. The State University. FEATERNITIES : j Kainbow, 1883-'86. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1884. I United with Phi Delta Theta. Sigma Chi, 1885. Kappa Alpha, 1883. Beta Theta Pi, 1886. Phi Delta Theta, 1883. Sigma Nu, 1886. Phi Gamma Delta, 1883-'87. Chi Phi, 1892. Kappa Sigma, 1884. Phi Phi Phi, 1897. Alpha Tau Omega, 1897. OAMCRON CHAPTER. Charter Members :— A. J. Gibson (Chi), J. E. Hamilton, F. C. Proctor, H. C. Eandolph, A. S. Walker, Jr. W. H. Wilson, W. E. Spaulding and E. E. Jalonicl^. Founders :— A. J. Gibson (Chi), and J. D. Choate (Kappa). Chartered October 18, 1883 by J. S. Candler, K. C. In June, '87 the chapter became inactive, but was revived October 17, 1891. An unsuccessful attempt to revive the chapter was made in the fall of 1888, resulting in a single initiation. A chapter house is owned. Members of Omicfon Chapter* AUSTIN, HENEY, Jr., Galveston, Tex. Born, Galveston, Tex., '66; ent.,'85; init., '85. Minister. BANKHEAD, CHAELES OAEE, Austin, Tex. Born, Mount Yernon, Tex., '80; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. BATTS, EDWAED LEE, 602J Main st., Houston, Tex. Born, Bastrop, Tex., '72; ent., '93; init., '94; M. D., '97. Home Surgeon, John Sealy Hospital. Physician and Surgeon. BATTS, EOBEET LYNN, Austin, Tex. Born, Bastrop, Tex., '64;ent.,'84; init., '85; LL.B.,'86. Instructor, Law Department, University of Texas. Lawyer. OMICRON. 219 BOWSEE, DAVID WATT, Dallas, Tex. Born, Dallas, Tex., '68; ent., '94; init.,'94; (I.), '96. Lawyer. BEADFIELD, JOHN WEST, Daingerfield, Tex. Born, Jefferson, Tex., '78; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. BKAMLETTE, EDGAE ELLIOT, Terrell, Tex. Born, Paris, Texas, '60; ent., '85; init. (Chi), '83; A. B. (Yander- bilt), '83; trans, from Chi, '83; M.A.,'86; consul to Saxon}^ '87- '90. Teacher. *BEAMLETTE, LEON BATES, Austin, Tex. Born, Paris, Tex., '63; ent., '84; init., '84; died, Austin. Tex., '86. BUCHANAN, SAMUEL EOBEET, Bastrop, Tex. Born, Bastrop, Tex., '72; ent., '92; Init., '95. BUFFINGTON, THOMAS PATEICK, Anderson, Tex. Horn, Anderson, Tex., '70; ent., '89; init., '91; LL.B.,'92. Lawyer. CAMEEON, DONALD, Wheelock, Tex. Born, Wheelock, Tex., '75; ent., '91; init., '93; A.B.,'95; A. M., '96; A.M. (Harvard), '00. Grad. student at Harvard. CAETEE, SAMUEL HUNTEE, Belton, Tex. Born, Belton, Tex., '77; ent. ,'96; init., '97. *COCKEILL, WILLIAM CHUM, Flatonia, Tex. Born, Flatonia, Tex. ,'68; ent., '85; init., '85; grad., '85; died, '86. CEAWFOED, EICHAED EDDIUS, Mason, Tex. Born, Mt. Pleasant, Tex., '71; ent., '87; init., (Omega) '86; trans, from Omega, '88. Lawyer. CEAWFOED, WALTEE JOSHUA, Beaumont, Tex. Born, Mt. Ternon, Tex., '73; ent., '88; init., '91; A.B., '94; (1.), Eeferee in Bankruptcy, East' 11 Dist. of Tex. Lawyer. DAVIS, JAMES LAMAE, El Paso, Tex. Born, Bryan, Tex., '79; ent., '96; init., '96. DUPEEE, THOMAS BLAKE, Houston, Tex. Born, Hockley, Tex., '63; ent., '84; init., '84. Lawyer. DUEEN, GEOEGE ALEXANDEE, Corsicana, Tex. Born, Corsicana, Tex., '81; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. DUTTON, WILLIAM OSCAE, Mt. Vernon, Tex. B(.rn, Sulphur Bluffs, Tex., '78; ent., '97; init., '97. Salesman. FEAES, WALTEE TIDWELL. Eufaula, I. T. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '67; ent., '91; init., '91; U. S. Comr. North- ern Dist., Ind. Ter. Lawyer. FOED, THOMAS CHEATHAM, Houston, Tex. Born, Burkeville, Tex., '73; ent., '95; init., '95. Lawyer. FEY, EOBEET DANIEL, Morgan, Tex. Born, Water Valley, Miss., '80; ent., '97; init., '98. Merchant. 220 OMICRON. GEORGE, JOHN WOOLFOLK, Dallas, Tex. Born, Fulton, Mo., '60; ent., '84; init. (Sigma), '83; trans, from Sigma, '84; A.B., '85; LL.B., '87. Lawyer. GIBSON, ANDREW JOSEPH, (Austin, Tex.) Born, Travis Co., Tex., '62; ent., '83; init. (Chi), '83; trans, from Chi, '83; charter member and founder; LL.B., '86. Lawyer. GILBERT, GEORGE HORACE, Galveston, Tex. Born, Hornsby, Tex., '78; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. GOGGIN, JAMES MANN, (Austin, Tex.) Born, Bedford Co., Ya., '65; ent., '83; init., '83; LL.B., '87. Law- yer. GOODMAN, WILLIAM GASTON, Tyler, Tex. Born, '74; init., '92. GRAVES, DAVID BIBB, Montgomery, Ala. Born, Hope Hull, Ala., '73; ent., '93; init. (A-Beta), '90; trans, from Alpha-Beta, '93; Lawyer. HAMILTON, JAMES ROBERT, Austin, Tex. Born, Franklin Co.,Tenn., '61; ent., '83; init., charter member, '83; M.A. (South Western), '83; valedictorian, '83; LL.B., '85. Lawyer. HARDING, COLLIN HUGHES, Dennison, Tex. Born, Washington, N. C, '74; ent., '98; init. (Upsilon), '91; trans, from Upsilon, '98. HAYES, WILLIAM NORMAN, Norman, Okla. Born, Cherokee, Ala., '68; ent., '90; init., '91; LL.B., '92. Y.Pres. Citizens' Bank of Norman. HENRY, ROBERT LEE, Waco, Tex. Born, Ca&s Co., Tex., '64; ent., '86; init. (Xi), '84; trans, from Xi, '86; LL.B., '87; member of Congress, '96. Lawyer. HILL, BENJAMIN FELIX, 174 W. 126th st, New York. Born, La Grange, Tex., '76; ent., '92; init., '95: B. S., '96; M.S., '97; M.A. (Columbia), '98; Ph.D., '00; Fellow in Geology, Colum- bia Univ., N. Y., '98-'00. Geologist. HOGG, WILLIAM CLIFFORD, San Antonio, Tex. Born, Quitman. Tex.. '75; ent., '93; init. (Xi), '92; trans. fromXi, '93; LL.B., '97. Lawyer. ISAACS, LEONARD BRODNAX, 403 Linz bldg., Dallas, Tex. Born, Rockdale, Tex., '76; ent., '92; init., '96; del. 19th Conv., '97; (I.) '97-8; B.Lit., '96; LL.B., '98. Lawyer. *JACK, JOHN WELBOURN, Austin, Tex. Born, Natchitoches, La., '66; ent., '85; init., '85; LL.B., '87; died, '91. Lawyer. JACKSON, ANDREW LEE, La Grange, Tex. Born, Colorado Co., Tex., '63; ent., '84; init., '84; A.B., '87; LL.B., '88. Lawyer. OMICRON. 221 JALONICK, EDWIN FKAN^OIS, Dallas, Tex. Born, Brenham, Tex., '64; ent., '83; init., charter member, '83. JONES, JAMES SLAUGHTEE, Bastrop, Tex.. Born, Alum Creek, Tex., '75: ent., '95; init., '95; grad. V. M. I., '95; LL.B., '97. Lawyer. KELLEE, EAYMOND, San Antonio, Tex. Born, Mt., Yernon, 111., '76; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. KING, CLAEENCE WALDMAN, 1106 San Pedro ave., San Antonio, Tex. Born, Wharton, Tex., '76; ent., '95; init., '96. Architect. KNIGHT, EEANK BENJAMIN, Jr., Austin, Tex. Born, Omaha, Neb., '78; ent., '00; init., '00. Student. KNIGHT, EOBEET EDMOND LEE, Dallas, Tex. Born, Dallas, Tex., '65; ent., 86; init. (Xi), '86; trans, from Xi, '86. Lawyer. LANHAM, FEEDEEICK GAELAND, Weatherford, Tex. Born, Weatherford, Tex., '80; ent., '98; init. (Chi), '97; trans, from Chi, '98; (I.) '99-'00. Student. LEFEVEE, ALBEET, Ithaca, N Y. Born, Baltimore, Md., -73: ent. ,'91; init., '91; trans, to A-Lambda, '94; A.B., '94; Ph.D. (Cornell), '98. Lecturer Cornell Univ. LOYE, WILLIAM GEASTON, Houston, Tex. Born, Dallas, Tex., '68; ent., '88: init., '88; LL.B., '89. Lawyer. McKAMY, WILLIAM COOPEE, Dallas, Tex. Born, Dallas, Tex., '61; ent., '86; init. (XI), '83; trans, from Xi, '86; LL.B., '87. Lawyer. McLANE, EAY, Laredo, Tex. Born, Laredo, Tex., '76; ent., '93; init., '93. *McNEAL, EOBEET DENSON, Denver, Colo. Born, Davenport, la., '72; ent., '91; init., '91; died, 94. MONTEITH, WALTEE EMBMEE, Austin, Tex. Born, Belton, Tex., '79; ent., '97; init., '00. Student. NOETON, CHAELES FISHBACK, El Paso, Tex. Born, Carlisle, Ky., '69; ent., '94; init. (Theta), '93: trans, from Theta, '94; B.S., '96; M.D., '99: State Quarantine Inspector. Physician. NOEWOOD, WILLIAM DIXON, Shreveport, La. Born, Marshall, Tex., '72; ent., '89; init., '91. Physician. O'BEIAN, CHENAULT, Beaumont, Tex. Born, Beaumont, Tex., '74; ent., '93; init., '94. O'BEIEN, GEOEGE CAYE, Beaumont, Tex. Born, Beaumont, Tex., '62; ent., '84; init., '84. Lawyer. O'NEAL, HENEY ANDEEW, Jr., Atlanta, Tex. Born, Linden, Tex., '79; ent., '96; init., '96. 222 OMICRON. OPP, FEEDEEICK, Llano, Tex. Born, Montgomery, Ala., '63; ent.,'90; init., '91. Mayor of Llano. PAEKEE, HOWAED, Greenyille, Tex. Born, Mt. Yernon, Tex., '75; ent., '94; init., '94; A.B.; LL.B., '98; (I.) '96-7. Lawyer. PENICK, DANIEL ALLEN, 3U5 W. 19th st, Austin, Tex. Born, Cabarrus Co., N. C, '69: ent., 87; init., '91; (I.) '92; trans, to A-Lambda, '94; (I.) A-Lambda, '96-7; A. B.. '91; A.M., '92; Ph.D., (J.H.U.) '98. Instructor, Univ. of Tex.' PHILP, JOHN WILLIAM, Wichita, Kan. Born, Caldwell, Tex., '74; ent., '93; init., '93. Trav. Salesman. POETEE, EUFUS CHOATE, 257 Main st, Dallas, Tex. Born, Caldwell, 'J'ex., '59; ent., '85; init. (Xi), '83; trans, from Xi, '85; M.A., '85; LL.B., '86. Lawyer. PEICE, JOSEPH BUETON, Bastrop, Tex. Born, Hill's Prairie, Tex., '65; ent., '85; init., '85. Lawyer. PEOCTOE, FEEDEEICK COCKE, Victoria, Tex. Born, Indianola, Tex., '66; ent., '83; init., charter member, '83. Lawyer. EAINBOLT, JOHN WELLINGTON, Luling, Tex. Born, Gause, Tex., '75; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. EANDOLPH, HALBEET CYEUS, Coleman, Tex. Born, Austin, Tex., '61; ent., '83; init., charter member, '83; LL.B., '85. Lawyer. BENDEE, SAMUEL PEYTON, Fort Worth, Tex. Born, Hartford, Ky., '63; ent., '93; init., '95; LL.B.. '96. Lawyer. EOY, EOBEET EDWAED LEE, 300 Main st.. Fort Worth, Tex. Born, Arlington, Tex., '69; ent., '92; init. (Xi), '89; trans, from Xi, '92; (I.), '93. Lawyer. EUSS, SEMPEONIUS, San Antonio, Tex. Born, Kingston, La., '78; ent., '98; init. (Psi), '96; trans, from Psi, '98; LL.B., '99. Lawyer. SCHEEINEE, CHAELES AEMAND, Kerryille, Tex. Born, Kerrville, Tex., '76; ent., '96; init., '96. Salesman. SCHEEINEE, WALTEE EICHAED, Kerrville, Tex. Born, Kerrville, Tex., '78; ent., '96; init., '96; (I.), '98-9. Student. SELLAES, JAMES WESLEY, Cleburne, Tex. Born, Warsow, Mo., '71; ent., '97; init., '97; LL.B., '98. Lawyer. SHELTON, SAMUEL PEECY, 1004 Marshall st., Yicksburg, Miss. Born, Eaymond, Miss., '74; ent., '95; init. (A-Epsilon), '92; trans, from Alpha-Epsilon, '93. Eailroad business. SHEPPAED, JOHN MOEEIS, Texarkana, Tex. Born, Wheatville, Tex., '75; ent., '91; init., '92; A.B.,'95; LL.B., '97; (I.) Lawyer. OMICRON. 223 SHEPPAED, WALTER CLIFTON, Pittsburg, Tex. Born, Daingerfield, Tex., '79: ent., '96; init., '96. Student. SIMMONS, DAVID EDWARD, Sherman, Tex. Born, Burlington, la., '68; ent., '87; init., 91; B. Lit., '91; LL.B., '92. Lawyer. SLATOR, MATTHEW DAMON, Llano, Tex. Born, Gillespie Co., Tex., '65; ent., '88; init. (Xi), '85; trans, from Xi, '88; LL.B., '89. Lawyer. SMITH, GEORGE HUNTER, Waco, Tex. Born, Cincinnati, Tex., '56; ent., 84; init., '84. Lawyer. SMITH, GEORGE RUSSELL, McKinney, Tex. Born, Horse Cave, Ky.,'58;ent.,'83; inib.,'83; LL.B. ,'84. Lawyer. SMITH, WILLIAM JORDAN JOSEPH, 655 Swiss ave., Dallas, Tex. Born, ■ , Ky., '60; ent., "78; init., '86; LL.B., '87. Assist. Attorney General and District Judge. SMOOT, ASHER GRAHAM, Austin, Tex. Born, Bowling Green, Ky., '69; ent., '86; init., '86. Journalist. SORLEY, LEWIS STONE, War Dept., Washington, D. C. Born, Liverpool, England, '67; ent., '85; init., '86; grad., West Point, '91; 2nd Lieut., 16th U. S. Infantry. *SPAULDING, WILLIAM RUST, Austin, Tex. Born, Austin, Tex. ,'66; ent., '83; init., charter member, '83; died, Austin, Tex., '89. WALKER, ALEXANDER STUART, Jk., Austin, Tex. Born, Georgetown, Tex., '65; ent., '83; init. charter member, '83; LL.B., '86. County Judge, Travis Co. Lawyer. WILLBANKS, JOHN ROBERT, Mount Vernon, 111. Born, Mount Vernon, 111., '80; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. WILLIAMS, JOHN ALEXANDER, Colfax, La. Born, Winnfleld, La.. '65; ent., '85; init. (Alpha-Gamma), '85; trans. toOmicron, '85; B.S., '85. Lawyer. WILLIAMS, JOSEPH MASON, (Giddings, Tex.) Born, Lee Co., Tex., '70; ent., '91; init., '92. WILSON, WILLIAM HERBERT, Houston, Tex. Born, Fairfield, Texas. '65: ent., '83; init. charter member, '83; LL.B., '88. Lawyer. WOOTERS, ANDREW HENRY, Crockett, Tex. Born, Crockett, Tex., '63; ent., '84; init., '84. Merchant. WORRELL, STEVEN HERBERT, Albany, Tex. Born, Willis, Tex., '75: ent., '99; init. (Xi), '91: trans, from Xi, '99; C. H., '99- '00. Student. Initiates, 69 ; transfers, 19 ; total, 88 ; lost by transfer, 2 ; dead, 5. GORDON INSTITUTE, BARNESVILLE. GA. FRATERNITIES : Kappa Alpha, 1879-'83. PI (Prime) CHAPTER. Charter Members : W, C. Stafford, R. A. Stafford, J. C. Porch^ R. F. Jackson and T. W. Cochrane. Founder : Chas. Z. Blalock (Kappa). Chartered April 18, 1879, by D. R. Neal, K. C. The last initia- tion occurred June 2, 1883, and in the fall of the same year, on account of lack of material the chapter disbanded and the charter was surrendered. Members of Pi (Prime) Chapten BLALOCK, ROBERT JACKSON, Columbia, S. C. Born, Upson Co., Ga., '59; ent., '78; init., '79. Insurance. *BLALOCK, WALTER BRANDON, Barnesville, Ga. Born, Upson Co., Ga., '66; ent., '80; init., '82; A.B.,'84; died,'95-6. COCHRANE, ALVIS STAFFORD, Mineola, Texas. Born, Barnesville, Ga., '64; ent., '79; init., '80; A.M., '85. Physician. COCHRANE, JAMES MARCELLUS, Barnesville, Ga. Born, Barnesville, Ga., '67; ent., '82; init., '83. Trav. salesman for Coca Cola Co. COCHRANE, THOMAS WARREN, Barnesville, Ga. Born, Upson Co., Ga., '62; ent., '77; init., '79, charter member. Live stock dealer end farmer. FARLEY, WILLIAM BRETT, Marianna, Fla. Born, Marianna, Fla., '64; ent., '80; init., '81. Lawyer. FREDERICK, FEEDER JOHN, Marshallville, Ga. Born, Marshallville, Ga., '62; ent., '81; init., '81; grad., '83; trans. to Gamma, '83; Mayor of Marshallville, '90. Merch. and farmer. PI PRIME. 225 FEEDEEIOK, JULIEN VICTOR, Marshallville, Ga. Born, Macon, Ga., '60; ent., '79; init., '79; grad., '80; postmaster for twelve years. Merchant and fruit grower. GEACE, MATTHEW T , Macon, Ga. Born, Hawkiiisville, Ga.,'62; ent., '75; init., '79; grad., '80. Com- mercial traveller. HmTON, EMMETT J , Woodbury, Ga. Born Merri wether Co., Ga., '60; ent., '78; init.; '79; grad., '81. Merchant. HIJSrTOJN-, WILLIAM HENEY, Woodbury, Ga. Init., '82; grad.. '82. Farmer. *HU]SrT, JAMES COLLIIS^SWOETH, Barnesville, Ga. Born, Upson, Co., Ga., '65; ent., '82; init., '82; died, '86. *JACKSON, EDWm ALONZO, Quincy, Fla. Born. Zebulon, Ga., '64; ent., — ; init., '81; trans, to Epsilon, '82; A.B., (Emory) '87; died, '90. ^JACKSON", EOBEET ELETCHEE, Culloden, Ga. Born. Upson, Co., Ga.. '62; ent., '78; init., charter member, '79; grad., '80; died, '84. JOED AN, ANDEEW AUGUSTUS, Beckville, Tex. Born, Beckville, Tex., '59; ent., '79; init., '80; grad., '82. Teacher. *MATTHEWS, BENJAMIN ANTOINETTE, Barnesville, Ga. Born, Upson Co., Ga., '61; ent., '80; init., '80; died, '90. Farmer. MUEPHEY, OTIS AMBEOSE, Barnesville, Ga. Born, Monroe Co., Ga., '65; ent., '80; init., '82. Eeal estate and insurance. POECH JOHN COLLIEE, Barnesville, Ga. Born, Monroe Co., Ga., '57; ent., '79; init., charter member, '79. Planter. POUND, JEEE MADISON, Barnesville, Ga. Born Liberty Hill, Ga., '64; ent., '79; init., '80; grad., '82; (1.), '81-2; trans, to Gamma, '82; A.B.(Univ. of Ga.), '84; President Gordon Institute, '88-'00. *EITCH, EDWAED GILMOEE, Upatoie, Ga. Born, Muscogee Co., Ga., '57; ent., '79; init., '79: grad., '81. Far- mer. Died, '00. EOSE, THOMAS MOBLEY, Mineola, Texas. Born, Tomaston, Ga., '66; ent., '81; init., '82. Lawyer. SMITH, WALTEE BYEON, Barnesville, Ga. Born, Barnesville, Ga., '66; ent., '78; init., '82; A.B., '82. Manuf. STAEEOED, FEANK MAECELLUS, Barnesville, Ga. Born, Barnesville, Ga., '68; ent., 82; init., '83; grad., '84; trans, to Epsilon, '90; A.M., Emory College, '91. Merchant. 226 PI PRIMS. STAEFOED, EEUBEN ALVIS, Barnesville, Ga. Born, Upson Co., Ga., '62; ent., '78; init. charter member, '79; grad., '80. Merchant. STAFFOED, WILLIAM OAPEES, Barnesville, Ga. Born, Upson Co., Ga., '60; ent., 77; init. charter member, '79; grad., '80. Merchant. TISINGEE, BENJAMIN LOUIS, Thomaston, Ga. Born, Talbot Co., Ga., '66; ent., '82; init., '82; (I.), '82-3; trans, to Gamma, '83. Lawyer. WYNN, CHAELES OSOAE, Augusta, Ga. Born, High Falls, Ga., '60; ent., '76; init., '79; grad., '80. Head book-keeper, Augusta Grocery Co. Initiates, 27 ; lost by transfer, 5 ; dead, 6. UNIVERSITY OP TENNESSEE, KNOXVILLE, TENN. Chartered 1807. A State Institution. FKATERNITIES: Alpha Tau Omega, 1872-'73. Kappa Alpha, 1883. Pi Kappa Alpha, 1874. j Eainbow, 1884- '86. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1879. ( Uunited with Delta Tau Delta. Kappa Sigma, 1880. Phi Gamma Delta, 1890. PI CHAPTER. Charter Members : E. B. Cooke, T. C. Tanner, R. H. Jones, and G. A. Fain, Jr. Founders : H. H. White and Marion Dargan, (both of Chi). Chartered December 1, 1883, by J. S. Candler, K. C. During 1886-7 the Chapter became inactive, and the charter was recalled by the Convention, September 21, 1887. On April 3, 1893, the Chapter was revived by Albert Blanton (Tau), with assistance of J. B. Mc- Bryde (Rho) and H. K. Bourne (Omega), and the charter was re- issued by S. Z. Ammen, K. C. A chapter house is owned. Members of Pi Chapter ALBERS, EDWARD SANFORD, 603 W. Main st., Knoxville, Tenn. Born, Knoxville, Tenn., '82; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. AYDELOTT, JOHN DOAK, Tullahoma, Tenn. Born, Tullahoma, Tenn., '75; ent., '96; init, '96. Insurance. BARTON ALVIN, Knoxville, Tenn. Born, Knoxville Tenn., '76; ent., '93; init., '96. Sergeant, 23rd U. S. Vol. Infantry. BARTON, McKINJSTEY, Jr., Chattanooga, Tenn. Born, Chattanooga, Tenn., '79; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. 228 PI. BAXTEE, BYED DOUGLAS, 118 McCallis ave., Chattanooga, Tenn. Born, Chattanooga, Tenn., '80; ent., '97; init., '97. Medical student, at Tulane. BELL, CHAELES ALONZO, Purcell, Indian Territory. Born, Chattanooga, Tenn., '77; ent., '96; init., '97. With Pur- cell Cotton Oil Co. Book-keeper. BELL, EALPH WILLIAMS, Chattanooga, Tenn. Born, Chattanooga, Tenn., '82; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. BOYD, DICK WILSON, 514 W. Church st., Knoxville, Tenn. Born, Knoxville, Tenn., '78; ent., '97; init., '97. Book-keeper. BEENT, HIT INNES, Paris, Ky. Born, Paris, Ky., '75; ent., '91; init., '93. Book-keeper. BEOWN, CANIE NAPOLEON, 135 Haywood st, Asheville, N. C. Born, Leicester, N. C, '73; ent., '91; init., '93; (I.) '94. Propr. Palace Livery Stables. BEOWN, EDWAED OTIS, 1218 Broadway, Knoxville, Tenn. Born, Knoxville, Tenn., '79; ent., '96; init., '98. Clerk. BEOWN, LEEOY HYDE, Care Major G. L. Brown, U.S.A'y. Born, Eichardson, Tex., '75; ent., '96; init., '96. BEOWN, MAECUS WILEY, Asheville, N. 0. Born, Leicester, N. C, '76; ent., '92; init., '93. Lawyer. BEYAN, CLAEENCE LEON, 308 Walnut St., Chattanooga, Tenn. Born, Chattanooga, Tenn,, '80; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. BUTLEE, EDWAED EAST, Mountain City, Tenn. Born, Mountain City, Tenn., '64; ent., '81; init., '83; LL.B. (Cum- berland Univ.). Lawyer. BUTLEE, JEEOME PILLOW, Pulaski, Tenn. Born, Aspen Hill, Tenn., '79; ent., '97; init., '98. Student. *CAWOOD, CHAS. MEIGS, Knoxville, Tenn. Born, Dandridge, Tenn., '64; ent., '83;init., '83;B.Ph., '86;M.D.; (I.) '86; died, '94. Physician. CHILDEES, JOSEPH PULLEN, Pulaski, Tenn. Born, Nashville, Tenn., '80; ent., '98; init., '98. Clerk. COLHOUN, ADAMS, Staunton, Tenn. Born, Staunton, Tenn., '76; enb., '95;init.,'99; A.B.,'99. Teacher. COLVILLE, WAENEE ELMOEE, 602 Heist bl'g Kansas City, Mo. Born, McMinnville, Tenn., '67; ent., '84; init., '85. COOKE, EOBEET BUECH, 203 E. 4th st., Chattanooga, Tenn. Born, Tellico Plains, Tenn., '66; ent., '81; init., charter member, '83; B.A., '85. Lawyer. PI. 229 *OORBAN, REPPS LEMOINE, Corbandale, Tenn. Born, Corbandale, Tenn., '77; ent., '98; init. (A-Epsilon), '96; trans, from A-Epsilon, '98; died, '98. DAVIS, CHARLES HUEF, 977 Luttrell ave., Knoxville, Tenn. Born, Lebanon, Ya., '75; ent., '93; init., '93. Physician. EATO]^, EDWIN HENRY, Luttrell, Tenn. Born, Haverhill, Mass., '61; ent., '79; init., '83. Marble Producer. EDWARDS, AUGUSTINE DEAN, 802 J Broad st. Nashyille, Tenn. Born, Asheville, Ala., '64; ent., '82; init., '84; B.E., '86; Insp. U. S. Engr. Dept. Engineer. EAIN, GEORGE ALEXANDER, Je., 35 Olapp Block, Des Moines, la. Born, Dandridge, Tenn., '63; ent., '81; init. charter member, '83; (L), '84; B.E., '85. Real Estate. FAIN, JAMES RHEA, Arecibo, P. R. Born, Dandridge, Tenn., '63; ent., '81; init., '83; C.E., '85. With LJ. S. Gov't Works. Civil Engineer. EORGEY, CHARLES ALFRED, Columbia, Tenn. Born, Water Yalley, Tenn., '62; ent., '84; init., '84; A.B., '87; (I.), '86; M.D., Univ. of Tenn , '90. Physician. FLOURNOY, EZELL W , Pulaski, Tenn. - Born, Pulaski. Tenn., '78; ent., '98; init., '98. Bank clerk. GENTRY, JOHN ALLEN, 16 Bluff View ave., Chattanooga, Tenn. Born, Waynesboro, Ga., '80; ent., '98; init., '98; trans, to Lambda, '99. Medical student. GREER, ALLEN JAMES, Memphis, Tenn. Born, Memphis, Tenn., '78; ent., '95; init., '95; A. B., '98. 2nd Lieut., 4th U. S. Infantry. GREER, AUTRY MICAJAH, 194 Rayburn Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Born, Memphis, Tenn., '81; ent., '96; init., '97. Clerk. GREER, ROWAN ALLEN, 194 Rayburn Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Born, Memphis, Tenn., '81; ent., '96; init., '96. Student. HART, HENRY CLAY, 205 Broad st, Knoxville, Tenn. Born, Jacksonville, Fla., '81; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. HART, PAUL DONNELLY, 205 Broad st., Knoxville, Tenn. Born, Louisville, Ky., '77; ent., '94; init., '95; A. B., '97. Book- keeper. HAVEY, MARSHALL LAWRENCE, Knoxville, Tenn. Born, Knoxville, Tenn., '81; ent., '97; init., '98. Student, Col- umbia College, N. Y. 230 PI. HAYNES, BENJAMIN LEONAED, Chattanooga, Tenn. Born, Dotsonville, Tenn., '76; ent., '98; init., '98; manager, Thatcher Medicine Co., for Texas. Commercial Traveller. fHAYNES, SAMUEL HAEDEN, Je., Memphis, Tenn. Born, Carbondale, 111., '75; ent., '93; init., '93; expelled, '95. HAYNES, WILLIAM WALLEE, Law Ex. Jacksonville, Ela. Born, Dotsonville, Tenn., '73; ent., '93; init., '95; LL.B., '98. Lawyer. HOLMES, GEOEGE HAMILTON, Asheville, N. C. Born, Birmington, Eng., '71; ent., '89; init., '93; (I.), '96;B.S., '93. Merchant. HOLMES, LAWEENCE EDWAED, Episcopal Hosp. Philadelphia, Pa. Born, Birmingham, Eng., '73; ent., '90; init., '93; A. B., '93;M.D., with first honors, U. of Penn., '97. Physician. HOENE, CLAUDE EUTLEDCE, Carrollton, Miss. Born, Knoxville, Tenn., '81; ent., '97; init., '98. Book-keeper. HOENE, Mcdonald KELSO, Wlnona, Miss. Born, Knoxville, Tenn., '78; ent., '96; init., '96. Book-l^eeper. HUCKINS, LEON WOOD, Sedalia, Mo. Born, St. Louis, Mo., '77; ent., '93; init., '94. Hotel Proprietor. INCEESOLL, FEANK BASSETT, 616 Pacific Block, Seattle, Wash. Born, Greenville, Tenn., '66; ent., '82; init., '83; Essay Med.; First Honor, '86; B.S., '86. Lawyer. JONES, EOBEET HANCOCK, Houston, Tex. Born, Bolivar, Tenn, '62; ent., '81; init., charter member, '83; (I.) '83-4; C.E., '84; Div. Engr., So. Pac. H.j. Co. Civil Engineer. KEFAUVEE, PAUL FIELDING, Madisonville, Tenn. Born. Madisonville, Tenn., '63; ent., '82; init., '83. Farmer and Dairyman. KEITH, JOHN DEHUNTEE, Denmark, Tenn. Born, Jackson, Tenn., '65; ent., '83; init., '83. Farmer. KINGMAN, DANIEL CHEISTIE,Je., 515 Oak St., Chattanooga, Tenn. Born, West Point., N. Y., '79; ent., '98; init., '98; C.H., '99-'00. Student. KINGMAN, EALPH WILCOX, 51 5 Oak St., Chattanooga, Tenn. Born, West Point, N. Y., '80; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. LOCKETT EDWAED, 321 Spruce st., Bristol, Tenn. Born, Scooba, Miss., '67; ent., '81; init., '83; Decl. Med., '84; B. A., '85. Wholesale grocer. LOGAN, JOHN GUILFOED, 702 Hill ave., Knoxville, Tenn. Born, Knoxville, Tenn., '79; ent., '96; init., '98. Student. PI. 231 *LOVE, JOSEPH KARL, Tazewell, Tenn. Born, Tazewell, Tenn., '66; ent., '82; init., '84; A. B., with high- est honors, '86. Died, '91. McCALL, JAMES HENRY, St. Augustine, Ela. Born, Huntingdon, Tenn., '67; ent., '84; init., '85; B. S., '91; M.D. (Yanderbilt), '96. Post Surgeon U. 8. Army. McTEER, JOSEPH TEDFORD, Je., 505 Main st., Knoxville, Tenn. Born, Knoxville, Tenn., '81; ent., '99; init. (Beta), '99; trans. from Beta, '99. Student. MAOUIRE, JOHN FRANK, 749 N. 4tliave., Knoxyille, Tenn. Born, Long Island City, N. Y., '89; ent., '00;init., '00. Student. MARTIN, RAYMOND WINFIELD, 401 W. 2nd St., Little Rock, Ark. Born, Augusta, Ark., '76; ent., '93; init., '94. Bank clerk. MASSIF, CHARLES AUGUSTINE LEWIS, 135 Broadway, New York City. Born, Albemarle Co., Ya., '67; ent., '82; init. (Eta), '82; trans. from Eta, '82; First Honor, with highest grade ever made, '85; A.B., '85; A.M., '86: LL.B. (Columbian, D. C), '95. Lawyer. MATHESON, DONALD STUART. Cheraw, S. 0. Born, Cheraw, S. C, '69; ent., '95; init. (Rho), '87; trans, from Rho, '95; (I.) Law'Scholarship, '96. Lawyer. MAUBERRET, LEON EUGENE, 1813 Bienville ave.. New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '75; ent., '94; init., '94. Teacher in Boys' High School. MAYNARD, JAMES, Jk., Knoxville, Tenn. Born, Washington, D. C, '81; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. MEEK, WILLIAM MINNIS, Knoxville, Tenn. Born, Strawberry Plains, Tenn., "65; ent., '82; init., '83; A.B., '86; 1st Lieut. Commissary Dept., U. S. Yol., '00. Lawyer and soldier. MILLER, THOMAS PEACOCK, Knoxville, Tenn. Born, Lancaster, Ky., '77; ent., '93; init., '94. Manufacturer. MORGAN, FRANCIS HENRY GOFF, St. Louis, Mo. Born, Davidson Co., Tenn., '75; ent., '94; init., '94. Merchant. MORISON, HENRY ADDISON, Gate City, Ya. Born, Gate City, Ya., '80; ent., '00; init., '00. Student. MORRIS, ERNEST CALYERT, Box 67, San Juan, P. R. Born, Princess Anne, Md., '76; ent.. '94; init., 95. Chief Clerii of Ordnance, Dept of P. R. Clerk. MORRIS, THOMAS DALLAM, Knoxville, Tenn. Born, Norfolk. Ya., '71: ent., '93; init., '94; del. 19th Conv., '97; LL.B., '95. Burser and Registrar, Univ. of Tenn. 232 PI. NICE, OHAELES McKINNEY, Eogersyille, Tenn. Born, Eogersville, Tenn., '81; ent., '98; init., '99. Medical stu- dent. OMBERG, JAMES ADOLPH, Jk., Memphis, Tenn. Born, Memphis, Tenn.. '77; ent., '94; init., '94; trans, to Chi '96; C.E., '99. Civil Engineer. PARKS, LAWRENCE STUART, Com. Club., Ft. Worth, Tex. Born, Newbern, Tenn., '75; ent., '96; init., '96. Travelling Sales- man. PRITCHARD, ROBERT EDWARD, 314-316 Temple Court, Chattanooga, Tenn. Born, Madisonville, Tenn., '79; ent., '96; init., '96; del. and Asst. Sec. 20th Conv.; C. A., '00; Asst. Ed. Gen. Catalogue of 1900; First Honor (Chattanooga Law School), '00; Dramatic Editor, Chattanooga Times. Lawyer. RAMSEY, JAMES CHISHOLM, Manchester, Tenn. Born, McMinnville, Tenn., '68; ent., '85; init., '85; B.Ph., '88. Lawyer. REYNOLDS, EUGENE CHILDRESS, Pulaski, Tenn. Born, Pulaski, Tenn., '81; ent., '97; init., '98. RICE, LUTTRELLE GULLETTE, Knoxville, Tenn. Born, Ripley, Tenn., '74; ent., '90; init., '93; A.B., '94. Book- keeper. ROSS, GEORGE WASHINGTON, Knoxville, Tenn. BorUj Knoxville, Tenn., '77; ent., '97; init., '98; U.S. Hosp. corps, U.S.S. "Relief." Hospital Attendant. RUDISILL, HUBBARD, Demopolis, Ala. Born, Demopolis, Ala., '76; ent., '91; init., '93; A.B.; 95. Business man. SMITH, SPENCER CALEB, Harrodsburg, Ky. Born, Winchester, Ky., '74; ent., '94; init., '94; A.B.; A.M., (Cen- tre College, Ky.). SMITH, VINCENT VIVIAN, 134 S. 12th st, Quincy, 111. Born, Detroit, 111., '75; ent., '91; init., '93; Prin. Shorthand Dep. Union Col. Teacher. SMITH, WILLIAM PRUDEN, Law Exch., Jacksonville, Fla. Born, Dalton, Ga., '76; ent., '95; init., '95; LL.B., '98. TANNER, THOMAS CALVIN, Jackson Bdg., Nashville, Tenn. Born, Brownsville, Tenn., '63; ent., '82; init. charter member, '83. Insurance. VERTREES, CHARLES CANTRELL, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Nashville, Tenn., '77; ent., '95; init., '95. Medical stu- dent, Vanderbilt. WALLER, ALONZO RAWSON, 536 "Rookery," Chicago, HI. Born, Louisville, Ky., '67; ent., '85; init., '85. Broker. PI. 233 WALLEE, EDWAED, 170 La Salle st, Chicago, 111. Born, Chicago, 111., '69; ent., '86; init., '86. Insurance. WHITLOW, DAKIEL WADE, (Salt Lake City, Utah.) Born, Jackson, Tenn., ent., '85; init., "85. Commercial trav. WILLIAMS, BEXJAMIX JOSEPH, Huntingdon, Tenn. Born, Huntingdon, Tenn., '69; ent., '84; init., '85. Merchant. WILSOX, JAMES WADKIXS, Tullahoma, Tenn. Born, Beech Grove, Tenn., '76; ent., '97; init., '97. Lawyer. WOODS, NEANDEE MOXTGOMEEY, Je., Eandolph Building, Memphis, Tenn. Born, Norfolk, Va., '76; ent., '93; init., '93; trans, to Nu, '96; - i^M. (Auburn), '98. Architect. es.j Initiates, 83 ; transfers, 4 ; total, 87 ; lost by transfer, 3 ; dead, 2 initiates, 1 transfer; expelled 1. SOUTH CAROLINA UNIVERSITY, COLUA\BIA, S. C. Chartered in 1801. Opened in 1805. A State Institution. (Pormerly S. C. College.) FEATERl^ITIES : Delta Psi, 1850-'61. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1882-'97. Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1852-'61. Phi Delta Theta, 1882-'93. Phi Kappa Psi, 1857-'93. Alpha Tail Omega, 1883-'97. Chi Psi, 1858-'97. Sigma Nu, 1886-'97. Beta Theta Pi, 1858-'61. Chi Phi, 1889-'97. Theta Delta Chi, 1859-'61. Kappa Sigma, 1890-'97. Kappa Alpha, 1881-'97. Pi Kappa Alpha, 1891-'97. RHO CHAPTER. Charter Members : (Emslie ISTicholson, Jr.), Macbeth Young, W. T. Beaty and R. P. Stackhouse. Founder : Emslie Nicholson, Jr. (Sigma). Chartered December 20, 1880 by D. R. Neal, K. C, and estab- lished January 4, 1881. The chapter became inactive in 1892 at a period when attendance at the college was at a low ebb, but was revived October 4, 1895 by C. M. Richards (Sigma) and others. In 1897 the chapter succumbed to an act of the legislature prohibiting fraternities at all schools receiving State aid. A chapter house was owned prior to 1892. Members of Rho Chapter. AIKEN, AUGUSTUS MARSHALL, Jr., Chester, S. C. Born, Stony Point, S. C, '69; ent., '87; init., '87. Wholesale Gro- cer and Cotton Buyer. AIKEN, HUGH KERR, Laurens, S. C. Born, Greenwood, S. C, '67; ent., '84; init., '84; M.D., with first honor, '90. Physician and Druggist. AIKEN, JOEL SMITH, Greenwood, S. C. Born, Stony Point, S. C, '71; ent., '89; init., '89; (I.) '92. Trav. Agent, Southern Presbyterian. RHO. 235 ANDEESON, ALBEET WILLIAMS, 304 Greene si, Augusta, Ga. Born. Laurens, S. C, '63, ent., '81; init., '81. Supt. Charleston & West Coast E. E. BACON, JOHN EDMUND, Edgefield, S. C. Born, Columbia, S. C, '64; ent., '82; init., '82. Lawyer and Far- mer. BAKEE, KENNETH, Greenwood, S. C. Born, Adairsville, Ky., '69; ent., '85; init. (Delta), '84; trans, from Delta, '85; grad. S. C College, '88. Cotton Buyer and Broker. BAENWELL, CHAELES HEYWAED, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Born, Columbia, S. C, '68: ent., '85: inifc.,'85; A.B.,'87; M. A., with honors. '88: A.M. (Harvard), '93; Ph.D. (Harvard), '98: Sec'y 14th Conv., '87. Prof, of English, Univ. of Ala. BEATY, WILLIAM THOMAS, Union, S. C. Born, Union, S. C, '64; ent., '80; init., charter member, '81; B. S. Merchant. BISSELL, JAMES DOUGAL, 49 W. 38th st., New York City. Born, Summerville, S. C, '64, ent., '81; init., '81; (I.), '83. Phys- ician and Gynecologist. BEATTON, PAUL, Charleston, S. C. Born, Yorkville, S C, '65; ent., '83; init., '83. Dealer in Fertil- izers and Phosphates. BEAWLEY, WILLIAM POETEE, 9 Legare st., Charleston, S.C. Born, Charleston, B.C., '72; ent., '89; init. (Beta), '89; trans, from Beta, '89. Ship Brokerage. BEICE, JOHN MOOEE, Chester, S. C. Born, Woodward, S. C, '67; ent , '86; init. (Mu^O, '85: trans, from Mu,^^ '86; M.D. Physician. CHAFFEE, WILLIAM GEEGG, Aiken, S. C. Born, Aiken, S. C, '66; ent., '84: init., '84; LL.B., '86. Lawyer and editor. *COOPEE, EDWAED WOOD, Mayesville, S. C. Born, Mayesville, S. C, '64; ent., '83; init., '83; died, '87. COTHEAN, JAMES SPEOULL, Jk., 35 S. Tryon st., Charlotte, N. C. Born, Abbeville, S. C, '69; ent., '86: init., '86; B.S., '90: (I.), '89; del. 15th Conv., '89. Mechanical engineer. DAVIDSON, EOBEET JAMES, Blacksburg, Va. Born, Armagh, Ireland, '62; ent., '82; init., '85; M.A., '87. Prof. Chemistry Ya. Polyt. Institute. DAYIES, JAMES BUFOED, 1404 Hemphill st.. Fort Worth, Texas. Born, York Co., S. C, '64; ent., '83; init., '85; A. B., LL. B., '86. Lawyer. 236 RHO. DICK, GEOKaE WILLIAM OOOPEE, Sumter, S. C. Born, Mayesville, S. C, '64; ent., '81; init., '82; D.D.S. (Univ. of Penn.), '85. Dentist. EDMUNDS, NICHOLSON WILLIAM, Congaree, S. 0. Born, Sumter, S. C, '60; ent., '82; init., '82. Farmer. ENGLISH, BEYEELY MEANS, English S. 0- Born, Columbia., S. C.,'63; ent. ,'81; init., '81. Farmer and logger. *FKOST, WILLIAM PRINGLE, Charleston, S. 0. Born, Charleston, S. C, '66; ent., '83; init., '83; died, '91'. GADSDEN, PHILIP HENRY, 47 Broad st, Charleston, S. C. Born, Charleston, S. C, '67; ent., '85; Init., '85; (I.) '87; del. to K. A. Conv., '87. Lawyer. GIFFORD, HENRY ELLIOTT, 194 S. 9th st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Born, Giflord, S. C, '63; ent., '82; init., '82. Book-keeper. GIST, NATHANIEL, Newberry, S. C. Born, Union Co., S. C, '64; ent., '80; init., '82. Cotton buyer. GLOVER, MORTIMER WORTH, Charleston, S. C. Born, Orangeburg, S. C, '69; ent., '85; init., '85; A.B., '89. Travel- ling Auditor, Southern Railway. GREEN, THOMAS MtJLDROW, Bishopville, S. C. Born, Bishopville, S. C, '72; ent., '95; init., '95. Cotton buyer. HARREL, MARTIN LUTHER, Hot Springs, Ark. Born, Lydia, S. C, '59; ent., '81; init., '81; M.D., '88. Physician. HASKELL, ALEXANDER CHEVES, Jr., Enoree, S. C. Born, Columbia, S. C, '71; ent., '87; init., '87; B.S. Supt. Cotton Mill. HASKELL, EDWARD CHEVES, 122 State st., Birmingham, Ala. Born, Savannah, Ga., '68; ent., '88; init. (Psi), '87; trans., to Rho, '88; LL.B., (U. Va.), '89. Railway business. HA.SKELL, GEORGE OWENS, Macon, Ga. Born, Savannah, Ga., '73; ent., '89; init., '89; B.S., (Mass. Inst. Tech.) Manufacturer. HASKELL, JOHN CHEVES, Je., 9 E. Bat'ry, Charleston, S. C. Born, Bryan Co., Ga., '70; ent., '88; init., '88; (I.) '90-1. Physician. *HAYNE, ISAAC, Je., Charleston, S. C Born, Charleston, S. C., '70; ent., '85; init., '85; grad., '89; died at Summit, Miss., '99. HUGER, DANIEL ELLIOTT, 34 Meeting st., Charleston, S.O. Born, Charleston, S. C, '71; ent., '88; init., '88; A.B., '91. Cotton buyer. HUMBERT, WHEELER SMITH, Pregnalls, P. 0., S. 0. Born, Summerville, S. C, '62; ent., '82; init., '82: B.S., '83. Su- perintendent of saw mill. RHO. 237 JAMES, EOBEKT ERWIlSr, Darlington, S. C. Born, Palmetto, S. C, '66; ent., 83; init., '84. Cotton buyer and farmer. JERVEY, CHARLES HEYWARD, Dillon, S. C. Born, Charleston, S. C, '71; ent., '89; init., '89. Wliol. grocer. JOHNSON, GEORGE LAFAYETTE, Laurens, S. C. Born, Laurens Co., S. C.,'72; ent. ,'96; init. (Iota), '91; trans, from lota, '96; A.B. (Furman.) Lawyer. KENNEDY, ROBERT MacMILLAN, Camden, S. C. Born, Camden, S. C, '66; ent., '82; Init., '83; A. B., '85; A.M., '87. Superintendent City Schools. KIRKPATRICK, GEORGE WILLIAMS, U. S. Army. Born, Charleston, S. C, '71; ent., '86; init., '86. 1st Lieut. Troop "L," 8th U. 8. Cavalry. LUCAS, EDWARD RAYMOND, Walhalla, S. C. Born, Hartsville, S. C, '66; ent., '85; init., '85: del. K. A. Conv., '89; A.B., '89. President Walhalla Cotton Mills. McBRYDE, JAMES BOLTON, Blacksburg, Va. Born, Buckingham Co., A^a., '66; ent., '82; init., '83; A.B., '86; C.E.,'88. Prof. Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Ya. Poly. lost. McCUTCHEN, JAMES GILL AND, [Je.], Church, S. C. Born, Kingstree, S. C, '61; ent., '80; init., '81. Planter. MACFARLAN, ROBERT, Darlington, S. 0. Born, Cheraw, S. C, '62; ent., '80; init., '81; (I.) of Rho; G.P., '89-'91. Lawyer. McKERRALL, WILLIAM JASPER, [Je.], 218 Dyer Building, Augusta, Ga. Born, Marion, S. C, '62; ent. ,'81; init., '81. Rep. of book houses. McKISSICK, ANTHONY FOSTER, Pelzer, S. C. Born, Union, S. C, '69; ent., '85; init., '88; B.S., First Honor, '89; M. A., '91; M. M. E. (Cornell.) Chief engr., Felzer, M'f'gCo. McNEEL, JOHN DAVIDSON, Clanton, Ala. Born, Yorkville, S. C, '72; ent., '89; init. (Sigma), '88; trans, to Rho, '89; trans, to Alpha-Lambda, '91; trans, to Lambda, '94; A.B., '91; LL.B. (Univ. of Va.), '95. Teacher. MASON, ROBERT BEVERLEY, Wilmington,*N. C. Born, Orange Co., Va., '67; ent., '87; init., '87; grad., '89. Mana- ger N. C. Cotton Oil Co. MATHESON, DONALD STUART, Cheraw, S. C. Born, Cheraw, S. C, '69; ent., '87; init., '87; A.B., '90; trans, to Pi, '95; LL.B., '97. Lawyer. MOBLEY, ELDRED LADSON, Rock Hill, S. C. Born, Waxhaw, S. C, '77; ent., '95; init., '95. Student, Balti- more Med. College. 238 RHO. MOOEE, MAUEICE HEENDOIS^ 1413 Main st, Columbia, S. C. Bom, Cedar Grove, S. C, '66; ent., 86; init. (Delta), '82: trans, to Rho, '86; A.B., '84; A.M., '85 (Woflord), LL.B., '87. Lawyer. M0RGA:N^, THOMAS REDMAN, Aiken, S. C. Born, Aiken, 8. C, '63; ent., '83; init., '83. Lawyer. MULLINS, HENRY, Marion, S. C. Born, Mullins, S. C, '64; ent., '83; init., '84; (I.), '87; A.B., '87. Merchant and Planter. O'NEALE, CHAS. LIYINCSTON, Spartanburg, S. 0. Born, Columbia, S. C, '72; ent., '90; init. (Theta Second), '89; trans, to Rho, '99. Insurance. *PARKER, ALLEN WARDLAW, Abbeville, S. 0. Born, Abbeville, S. C, '67; ent., '84; init., '85; del. K. A. Conv., '87; grad., '88; died, '91. PARKER, LEWIS WARDLAW, Greenville, S. 0. Born, Abbeville, S. C..'65; ent., '83; init., '83; (I.), A.B., '85; LL.B., '87. Lawyer and Banker. PARKER, THOMAS DRAYTON, U. S. Navy. Born, Abbeville, S. C, '71; ent., '87; init., '87; grad. U. S. N. A., '93; A. M. (Harvard), '94. Ensign, U. S. Navy. *PATTON, HENRY COWPER, Columbia, S. C. Born, Due West, S. C, '63; ent., '82; init., '85; A.B. (Erskine), '81; M.A., '84; LL.B., '86; member S. C Legislature, '90-1, and '94- '00. Lawyer. Died, 1900. PEARCY, WILLIAM CURTIS, Harleyville, S. C. Born, Summerville, S. C, '61; ent., '80; init., '81. Merchant. PICKEL, FRANK WELBORN, Fayetteville, Ark. Born, Williamston, S. C, '67; ent., '88; init. (Iota), '82; trans, from Iota, '88; A.B. (Furman), '86; M.S., '90; Ph.D. (Univ. Chicago). Prof, of Biology, Univ. of Arkansas. PINCKNEY, GUSTAVUS MEMMINGER, Charleston, S. C. Born, Charleston, S. C, '72; ent., '88; init., '88; (I.), '90; A.B., '91; del. K.A. Conv., '91. Planter. PRITCHARD, SAMUEL REYNOLDS, Blacksburg, Va. Born, Bascomville, S. C, '63; ent., '84; init. (Delta), '82; trans, from Delta, '84; A.B., '85; A.M., '89. Prof. Elect. Eng., Va. Polyt. Inst. RAVENEL, ELIAS PRISLEAU, 9 Broad st, Charleston, S. C. Born, Charleston, S. C, '70; ent., '89; init., '89. Accountant. *RHODES, JEFFERSON MAGRUDER, Darlington, S. C. Born, Darlington, S, C, '64; ent., '82; init., '82. Farmer, Died, '85. ROBINSON, WILLIAM WALLACE, Portland, Ore. Born, Union, S. C, '61; ent., 81; init., '81; (I.), '82; grad., '83. Wholesale merchant. RHO. 239 SHEEAED, WADE HAMPTON, Iva, S. C. Born, Moflettsville, S. C, '77; ent., '94; init., '95. Merchant. SIMPSON, AETHUE OSMOND, Glenn Springs, S. 0. Born, Laurens, S. C '66; ent., '84; init., '84; del. K. A. Conv., '87; grad., '88. Hotel Proprietor. SIMPSON, FEANK FAEEOW, 524 Penn ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Born, Laurens, S. C, '68; ent., '85; init., '85; (1.), '88-9; A.B., '89; M.D. (Penna), '93. Physician and Surgeon. SIMPSON, JOHN WELLS, Main st, Spartanburg, S. C. Born, Laurens, S. C, '71; ent., '88; init., '88; A.B., '90. Bank Cashier. SIMS, CLOUaH WILLIAMS, 1706 Polk st., Houston, Tex. Born, Columbia, S. C, '63; ent., '80; init., '81; B.S., '83; M. A., '88. Prest 14th K. A. Conv. Chemist and Teacher. *SINOLET0N, JOHN, Edgefield, S. 0. Born, Sumter, Co., S. C, '69; ent., '90; init., '90; died, '97. STACKHOUSE, EANDOLPH PEGUES, Oswego, S. 0. Born, Little Eock, S. C, '63; ent., '80; init., '81, charter member. STUCKEY, GEOEGE MYEES, Bishopville, S. C. . Born, Bishopville, S. C, '72; ent., '94; init., '95; (I.), '95-6; grad., S. C. M. A., '94. Farmer. TAYLOE, FEANK ELMOEE, Jacksonville, Fla. Born. Charleston, S. C, '76; ent., '94; init. '95. With Pope & McLaurin, wholesale grocers. THOMSON, ATJEELIUS WALLACE, Columbia, S. C. Born, Union, S. C, '67; ent., '86; init., '89; First Honor, '90; B. S., '90. Lawyer. THOMPSON, EOBEET HAMEE, Judson, S. 0. Born, Little Eock, S- C, '70; ent., '88; init. (Delta), '86; trans, from Delta, '88. Farmer. TOWNSEND, AETHUE SIDNEY, Bennettsville, S. C. Born, Bennettsville, S, C, '63; ent., '82; init., '82; M.D., Charles- ton, S. C. Physician. WALKEE, ALBEET HAYNE, 1520 Laurel st., Columbia, S.C. Born, Cedar Springs, S. C, '70; ent., '85; init., '85. Insurance. WALKEE, HOEACE EPPS, Asylum st, Knoxville, Tenn. Born, Cedar Springs, S.C, '67; ent., '84; init., '84. Teacher in E. Tenn. School for Deaf. WAEING, GEOEGE WALKEE, Columbia, S. C. Born, Columbia, S. C, '64; ent., '79; init., '81; grad., '81. Con- tractor and builder. WESTFIELD, JOHN OSCAE, Greenville, S. C. Born, Greenville, S. C, '69; ent., '89; init. (Iota), '84; trans, to Alpha- Alpha, '85; trans, to Eho, '89. Furniture dealer. 240 RHO. WHITE, JAMES SPRATT, Eock Hill, S. C. Bom, Rock Hill, S. C, '78; ent., '95; init., '95. Merchant. WHITNEE, WILLIAM CHURCH, Rock Hill, S. C. Bom, Anderson, S. C, '64; ent., '80; init., '83; grad., '85; (I.), '84; del. K. A. Conv., '87. Civil engineer. WILLCOX, PHILIP ALSTON, Elorence, S. C. Born, Marion, S.C, '66; ent., '82; init., '82; A.B., '87. Lawyer. WILLIAMSON, BENJAMIN ERANKLIN, Darlington, S. C. Born, Darlington, S. C, '65; ent., '82; init., '83; A.B., '86; (I.). '85-6. Planter. YOUNG, McBETH, Union, S. C. Born, Union, S. C, '63; ent., '80; init., charter member, '81;B.S., '83; (I.) '81-2; mayor of Union, '00. Merchant. Initiates, 73; transfers, 12; total, 85; lost by transfer, 2; dead, 7. DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, N. C. Chartered in 1837. Controlled by Presbyterian Church (South). FEATEKNITIES : Beta Theta Pi, 1858. Si^ma Alpha Epsilon, 1883. Chi Phi, 1859-67. \ Mystical Seven, 1883-89. Pi Kappa Alpha, 1869. } United with Beta Theta Pi. Kappa Alpha, 1880. Kappa Sigma, 1890. S1GA\A CHAPTER. Charter Members : (P. B. Hamer,).W. C. Eion, S. A. Gregg and E. C. Holt, Jr. Founders : P. B. Hamer and A. B. Calvert, (both of Delta). Chartered February 18th, 1880, by D. E. IS'eal, K. C, and estab- lished March 6, '80. The Chapter was sub-rosa from its founding until 1884; when fraternities were recognized by the faculty. The Chapter occupies desirable rooms in the college building. Members of Sigma Chapter* ALEXANDEE, EALPH WALLACE, Pineville, N. 0. Born, Pineville, I^. C, '69; ent., '90; init. (Mu Second), '89; trans, from Mu Second, '90. Minister. AENOLD, DANIEL HAEVEY HILL, San Diego, Cal. Born, Beverly, W.Ya., '79; ent., '96; init., '96; trans, to Alpha, 98. Student at W. and Lee. *AVEEY, MOEEISON EOBEET, Morganton, IST. 0. Born, Morganton, iN". C, *68; ent., '83; init., '84; first honor, '87; A.B., '87; died, Washington, D. C, '90. AYEEY, WILLIAM WAIGHTSTILL, Morganton, JS". C. Born, Morganton, IS". C, '63; ent., '79; init., '80; first honor, '83; A.B., '83. Manufacturer. AXSOK, [ISAAC] STOCKTON [KEITH], Princeton, N. J. Born. Savannah, Ga., '67; ent., '84; init., '84; trans, to Gamma, '88; A.B.; A.M. Prof. English, Princeton, Univ. 242 SIGMA. BAEKINGEE, OSMOND LONG, Charlotte, N. 0. Born, Charlotte, N. C, '74; ent., '93; init., '93. Job Printer, (Com. Ptg. Co.) BEALL, JOHN McCULLOCH, 621 Market st., San Francisco, Cal. Born, Belmont, N. C, '69; ent., '84; init. (Upsilon), '84; trans, from Upsilon, '84. Gen. Agt. So. By. *BELLAMY, CHESLEY CALHOUN, Wilmington, N. C. Born, Wilmington, N. C, '59; ent., '78; init., '80; died, '81. BELLAMY, EOBEKT EANKIN, Wilmington, N. C. Born, Wilmington, :N. C, '61; ent., '78; init., '80; A.B., '82. Phar- macist. BEENHAEDT, JOHN MATTHIAS, Lenoir, N. C. Born, Lenoir, N. C, '60; ent., '83; init., '83; (I.) '86. Merchant. BETHEA, DAVID WILLIAM, Je., Dillon, S. C. Born, Little Roclf, S. C, '64; ent., '78; init., '80; First Honor, '82; A.B., '82. Farmer. BOYD, WILLIAM SIMS, 334 Jersey ave., Jersey City, N. J. Born, Salters, S. C, '61; ent., '78; init., '80; B. S., '82; M. D. (Univ. of Maryland). Physician. BEATTON, CLAEENCE STUAET, Pine Bluff, Ark. Born, Guthriesville, S. C, '66; ent., '80; init., '82; A. B., '84. Merchant. BEENIZEE, CHASE, Charlotte, N. C. Born, Charlotte, N. C, '72; ent., '86; init., '89; Second Honor, '90; A. B., '90; trans to Upsilon, '97. Lawyer. BEIGGS, HENEY CLAY, Valdosta, Ga. Born, Yaldosta, Ga., '60; ent., '79; init., '80. Farmer. BEOWN, EENEST HAEGEOVE, Salisbury, N. C. Born, Salisbury, N. C, '72; ent., '91; init., '91. BEOWN, EUFUS DONALDSON, Jr., Winston-Salem, N. C. Born, Mocksville, N. C, '71; ent., '91; init., '91. BEOWN, EOBEET HALL MOEEISON, Charlotte, N. C. Born, Charlotte, N. C, '72; ent., '89; init., '92; A. B., '94; (1.), '96-7. Student, Union Theological Seminary, Eichiuond, Ya. BEOWN, THEODOEE BAKEE, Salisbury, N. C. Born, Salisbury, N. C, '63; ent., '81; init., '82. Merchant. CHEATHAM, ADOLPHUS WHITFIELD, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Oxford, N. C, '70; ent., '86; init., '89; A.B.,'90. Minister. CLAYPOOLE, JESSE STANLEY, Newbern, N. C. Born, Newbern, N. C, '81; ent., 98; init., '98. Student. COOPEE, CEAWFOED JAMES, Oxford, N. C. Born, Oxford, N. C, '67; ent., '83; init., '85; A.B., '87. SIGMA. 243 CEOMAETIE, ROBEET SAMUEL, Garland, N^. C. Born, Garland, :N^. C, '69; ent., '90; init., '92; A.B., '95; trans, to Upsilon, '97. Student, N. C. Med. Col., Davidson, N. C DENHAM, WILLIAM, Monticello, Fla. Born, Monticello, Fla., '82; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. DICK, ALEXANDER COLCLOUGH, Sumter, S. C. Born, Sumter, S.C., '61; ent., '79; init., '82; A.B., '83; trans, fco Lambda, '87; M.D. (S. C Med. Col.), '89. Physician. DICK, JOHN ASHBY, Claussen, S. C. Born, Sumter, S. C, '68; ent., '85; init., '85; (L), '88 ; A. B., '91. Teacher. DICK, LEONARD WHITE, Sumter, S. C. Born, Sumter, S. C, '63; ent., '79; init., '82; A.B., '83. Teacher. DICK, WALTER LEE, Charleston, S. C. Born, Charleston, S. C, '78; ent., '94; init., '94. DUPUY, GEORGE RUFFIN, [Jr.,] Greensboro, N. 0. Born, Eddyville, Ky., '62; ent., '80; init., '82; A.B., '84; a founder of Alpba-Delta, '86, Alpha-Eta, '90; elected K.C.H., '95; mem- ber of Eletoral Commission, '99-'01. Book-keeper. FAISON, JOHN MILLER, Faison, N. C. Born, Faison. N. C, '62; ent., '79; init., '81; B.S., '83; trans, to Lambda, '83. Physician. FAISON, WILLIAM MILLER, Faison, N. C. Born, Faison, N. C, '64; ent., '84; init., '85. Farmer. FAUOETTE, ROBERT THOMAS, Jr., Durham, N. C. Born, Durham, N. C, '79; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. FINLEY, THOMAS BROWN, North Wilkesboro, N. 0. Born, Wilkesboro, N. C.,'62; ent., '81; init., '82; A.B.,'85. Lawyer. *FOLK, GEORGE BLACKMER, Cilley, N. C. Born, Lenoir, N. C, '71; ent., '89; init., '90; died, '94. FOWLE, JOHN BLACKWELL, Washington, N. C. Born, Washington, N. C..'61; ent., '79; init., '80; A.B.,'83. Merch. FULLER, FRANK LANNEAU, Durham, N. C. Born, Fayetteville, N. C, '68; ent., '85; init., '85; A.B.,'89; mem- ber N. C. Legislature, '93. Lawyer. GASTON, ARTHUR LEE, Chester, S. C. Born, Chester, S. C., '76; ent., '93; init., '93; trans, to Lambda, '96; (I.), '90-6; A.B., '96. Lawyer. GEORGE, JOHN WOOLFOLK, Dallas, Tex. Born, Fulton, Mo.. '60; ent., '83; init., '83; trans, to Omicron, '84; A.B., '85. Lawyer. *GIBBS, GEORGE YOUNG, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Clinton, N.C.,'65; ent., '82; init., '83. Civil eng'r. Died, '99. 244 SIGMA. GILMER, ELLISON LINDSAY, Greensboro, N. 0. Born, Greensboro, N. C, '66; ent., *82; init., '83; trans, to Upsi- lon, '84. Capt. 31st U. S. Inf., in Phillippines. GREGG, SMILIE ALEXANDER, Jr., Mars Bluff, S. 0. Born, Florence, S. C, '61; ent., '78; init. charter member '80. Merchant. *GROOE, WILLIAM OSCAR, (Columbia, S. C.) Born, Gainesville, Ga., '66; ent., '85; init. (Mu^O> '85; trans, from Mu^^ '85; retrans. to Mu^^ '86. Dead ? HALL, ALEXANDER McDONALD, Wilmington, N. C. Born, Wilmington, N. C, '74; ent., '90; init., '90. HALL, JAMES SPRUNT, Wilmington, N. C. Born, Wilmington, N. C, '71; ent., '90; init., '90; (I.), '92-3. HALL, JOHN, Wilmington, N. C. Born, Wilmington, N. C, '79; ent., '96; init., '96; (1.), '99-'00. Student. HALL, THOMAS JETHRO, Winston-Salem, N. C. Born Winston, N. C, '75; ent., '92; init., '92. HARDIE, EBEN, New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '76; ent., '93; init., '93. HARDIE, MARION MEADE, New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, '77; ent., '93; init., '95; (I.), '96. HARPER, GEORGE EINLEY, Lenoir, N. C. Born, Lenoir, N. C, '64; ent., '82; init., '84; A.B., '86. Merchant. HARRIS, BREVARD ERVIN, Concord, N. C. Born, Concord, N. C, '61; ent., '81; init., '83; (I.), '86; First Honor, '85. Journalist. HOLLAND, RALPH HERSCHEL, 35 Nassau st., N. Y. City. Born, Charlotte, N. C, '71; ent., '86; init., '86; trans, to Upsilon, '89; A.B., '90, U. N. C, Prest., N.Y. Alumni Chapter. Lawyer. HOLT, EDWIN CAMERON, Burlington, N. C. Born, Graham, N. C, '61; ent., '78; init., charter member, '80. Manufacturer. HIJGGINS, EDWIN TOOMER, Wilmington, N. C. Born, Wilmington, N. C, '72; ent., '90; init., '90. Accountant. INMAN, WM. HENRY, Jr., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '63; ent., '80; init., '81; del. 12th K. A. Conv., '83. Merchant. JOHNSON, CHAS. STUART, Winston, N. C. Born, Winston, N. C, '61; ent., '80; init., '83; First Honor, '83. Merchant. fJOHNSON, WILLIAM DALRYMPLE, Jr., Marion, S. C. Ent., '89; init., '89; expelled, '90. SIGMA. 245 JOHNSTON, JOSEPH BOUDINOT, Lincolnton, N. 0. Born, Lincolnton, N. C, '81; ent., '97; init., '99. Student. KIEKPATRICK, ELIJAH THOMAS, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Nashville, Tenn., '62; ent., '82; init., '83; trans, to Chi, '84. Wholesale Grocer. KRIDEE, WILLIAM WOOD, Salisbury, N. 0. Born, Salisbury, N. C, '68; ent., '86; init., '86. LEE, BENJAMIN EUSH, New York City. Born, Charlotte, N. C, '72; ent., '90; init., '90; trans, to Upsilon, '93. Lawyer. LeGEAND, GEOEGE SPENOEE, Wilmington, N. 0. Born, Eichmond, Co., N. C, '62; ent., '80; init., '80. LINEBEEGEE, JOHN LAB AN, Charlotte, N. C. Born, Charlotte, N. C, '70; ent., '88; init., '88; (I.), '91; A.B., '91. McOALLUM, AETHUE NEWELL, Seguin, Tex. Born, Eed Banks, N. C, '65; ent., '83; init., '83; (L)/87; A.B., '87. Superintendent City Schools. McCOY, TAYLOE, Staunton, Va. Born, Natchez. Miss., '67; ent., '83; init., '84; trans, to Lambda, '85. Stenographer. McCUBBINS, JAMES FEANKLIN, Salisbury, N. C. Born, Salisbury, N. C, '63; ent., '79; init., '82. Merchant. McCUTCHEN, HUGH, Church, S. 0. Born, Indiantown, S. C.,'59; ent., '79; init., '80; A.B.,'83. Merch. McGEACHY, AECHIBALD ALEXANDEE, Fulton, Mo. Born, Athens, N. C, '69; ent., '87; init., '88; (1.), '90; A.B., '91. Minister. McGEACHY, EOBEET SHEEWOOD, 112 Halifax st, Ealeigh, N. C. Born, Lumber Bridge, N. C, '71; ent., '90; init., '90; M.D. (Belle- vue, N. Y.) Physician. McGILVAEY, EVANDEE BEADLEY, 222 Eddy st, Ithaca, N. Y. Born, Bangkolr, Siam, '64; ent., '80; init., '83; Latin, Greek and Math. Medals, Davidson College; First Honor, '84; A.B., '84; M.A., (Princeton), 88; Greek Scholarship, Princeton, N. J.,'89; Ph.D. (Univ. of California), '97. Sage Prof, of Moral Philoso- phy in Cornell University. McINTIEE, JOHN McKAY, Wilmington, N. 0. Born, Wilmington, N. C, '74; ent., '97; init., '94. Pharmacist. McKAY, EOBEET MUEPHY, Cheraw, S. C. Born, Cheraw, S. C, '60; ent., '78; init., '80; (L), '82; A.B., '82. Merchant. *McKEE, SAMUEL WATS0:N, Matthews, N. C. Born, Matthews, N. C, '71; ent., '91; init., '91; (L),'95; died, '97. 246 SIGMA. McMUEEAY, JOSEPH ALEXANDEE, Gadsden, Ala. Born, Union Springs, Ala.. '66; ent., '82; init., '83; del. 13tli K. A. Conv., '85; First Honor, '86. Minister. Mc]S"EEL, JOHN DAVIDSON, Olanton, Ala. Born, Yorkville, S. C, '72; ent., '88; init., '88'; trans, to Eho, '89; trans, to Alpha-Lambda, '91; trans, to Lambda, '94. Teacher. *MIKELL, THOMAS BAKEE, Sumter, S. 0. Born, Sumter, S. C, '64; ent., '82; init., '83; died, Davidson Col- lege, '83. MILLS, LAWEENOE TENNEY, - Camden, S. C. Born, Winnsboro, S. C, '74; ent., '90; init.,'92; A.B.,'94. Teacher. NASH, SHEPAED, Magnolia, N. C. Born, Maxton, N. C, '61; ent., '80; Init., '81; (I.), '84; A. B., '84. Teacher. NEWELL, LEONE BUENS, Newells, N. C. Born, Monteith's, N. C, '79; ent., '97; Intt., '99; C H., '99-'00. Student. NICHOLSON, EMSLIE, Union, S. C. Born, Union, S. C, '63; ent., '78; init., '80; B.S., '82; founder of Eho Chapter. Banker. NISBET, JAMES DOUGLASS, 10 E. 43rd st., N. Y. City. Born, Waxhaw, S. C.,'60; ent., '77; init., '80; A.B.,'8L Physician. GATES, JOHN BLACKWOOD, Charlotte, N. C. Born, Charlotte, N. C, '80; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. OSBOENE, THOMAS DEWEY, Charlotte, N. C. Born, Charlotte, N. C, '81; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. PEEEY, WILLIAM GILMEE, Charlotte, N. C. Born, Columbia, S. C, '77; ent. '95; init., '95; (I.) '96-7; A.B., '98. Teacher. PHAEE, HENEY NEAL, Charlotte, N. C. Born, Statesville, N. C, '65; ent., '82; init., '84; A.B., '86; LL.B., Univ., N. C. Lawyer. PHAEE, JAMES WATT, Charlotte, N. C. Born, Statesville, N. C, '63; ent., '82; init., '83; A.B., '86. Mer- chant. QUAELES, JAMES PEEEIN, Abbeville, S. C. Born, Abbeville, S. C, '77; ent., '95; init., '95; grad. S. C Mil. Acad., '00. Teacher. EAMSPECK, JOSEPH LEWIS, Decatur, Ga. Born, Decatur, Ga., '75; ent., '94; init., '94; trans, to Gamma, '96; del. 18th Conv., '95. EANKIN, CHAELES ALEXANDEE, Fayetteville, N. C. Born, Fayetteville, N. C., '70; ent., '86; init., '87; trans, to Upsi- lon, '88; A.B., Univ. N. C, '90. SIGMA. 247 RANKIN, HENEY ASHBY, Fayetteville, N. 0. Born, Fayetteville, N. C, '72; ent., '90; init., '90. RICHAEDS, OHAS. MALONE, Mechanicsville, S. 0. Born, Liberty Hill, S. C, '71; ent., '88; init., '90; revived Rbo, '95; Minister. *EION, WM. CALHOUN, Winnsboro, S. 0. Born, Winnsboro, S. C, '61; ent., '78; init., charter member, '80; (I.) 80; died, 89. EOGEES, FEANCIS MITCHELL, Winston-Salem, N. C. Born, Morganton, N. C, '83; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. EOSS, WILLIAM HENEY, Claussen, S. C. Born, Florence, S. C. '60; ent., '79; init., '80. Dentist. EYBUEN, EOBEET LEE, Shelby, N. C. Born, Shelby, N. C, '62; ent., '79; init., '80; A.B., '83; del. I2th Conv., '83; (I.) '83. Lawyer. SANFOED, EDWAED COWLES, Mocksville, N. C. Born, Mocksville, N. C, '79; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. SANFOED, EUFUS BEOWN, Mocksville, N. C. Born, Mocksville, N. C, '77; ent., '95: init., '95; (I.) '97; A.B., '98. Clerk. *SAYE, WM. MONTCOMEEY, Cameron, Tex. Born, Cameron, Texas, '58; ent., '78; init., '80; died, '84. SCALES, WALLACE NATHANIEL, Ealeigh, N. 0. Born, Granville, N. C, '66; ent., '82; init., '83. Private Sec'y to Governor. SCOTT, JOHN LEVI, Graham, N. C. Born, Graham, N. C, '59; ent., '77; init.. '80; A.B., '81; Sec. and Treas. Sidney Cotton Mills; Y.-Prest. Bank of Alamance. SHEEAED, STUAET BASKIN, Moffetsville, S. C- Born, Moffetsville, S. C, '79; ent., '96; init., '96; (I.) 'OO-'Ol, Stu- dent. SMITH, CHAELES ALPHONSO, 611 Srdst. Baton Eouge, La. Born, Greensboro, N. C, '64; ent., '80; init., '82; First Honor, '84; A.B., '84; A.M., '87; Ph.D. (Johns-Hopkins), '93; Prof, of Eog- lish, La. State Univ. Teacher. SMITH, EDWAED CHAMBEES, Ealeigh, N. C. Born, Ealeigh, N. C, '57; ent., '77; init., '80; K. A. Essayist's Medal, '81; A.B., '81; (I.) '81; del. 11th Conv., '81; trans, to Up- silon, '82; G.H., '83-5. Lawyer. SMITH, HENEY GILLESPIE, Abbeville, S. C. Born, Abbeville, S. C, '80; ent., '95; init., '95; (I.),'98-9; A.B.,'99. SMITH, JUNIUS GAENETT, New York City. Born, Boston, Mass., '72; ent., '90; init., '90; trans, to Upsilon, '93. Lawyer. 248 SIGMA. SMITH, WILLIAM OHESLEY, Equality, S. C. Born, Equality, S. C, '62; ent., '82; imt.,'83; A.B.,'86. Teacher. SPEUNT, THOMAS PECK, Rock Hill, S. 0. Born, Fort Defiance, Va., '84; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. STANBACK, MAEOELLUS CHANDLEE, Little's Mills,N.O. Born, Stanback's Ferry, :N^. C, '61; ent., '79; init., '80. Merchant. STEVENSO]^, MAEK DeWOLFE, Newbern, N. C- Born, Newbern, IS^. C, '79; ent., '97; init., '97. Clerk. STUOKEY, HEJSTEY MOETIMEE, Sumter, S. 0. Born, Manville, S. C, '67; ent., '84; init., '84; A. B., '88; M. D., Univ. Ya., '90; (I.), '88. Physician. TATE, FEANKLIlSr PIEEOE, Morganton, N. 0. Born, Morganton, N. C, '67; ent., '84; init., '84. Civil engineer. TELFAIE, SAMUEL FOWLE, Ealeigh, N. 0. Born, Hertford Co.,]^.C., '63; ent., '80; init., '81; A.B.,'84. Physi'n. THOENWELL, ELIAS EAELE, b^rt Mill, S. 0. Born, Louisville, Ky., '72; ent., '89 ; init., '89. YAJST NESS, JAMES HENEY, Je., 304 W. 5tli St., Charlotte, N. C. Born, Charlotte, N. C, '78; ent., '97; init., '97. Manager Photo- graphic Supply House. VASS, EDWAED SMALLWOOO, Bellevue Hospital, New York City. Born, Newbern, N. C, '75; ent., '92; init., '92; trans, to Lambda, '96; B.S., '96; M. D. (Univ. of Ya.), '98; M. D. (Bellevue), '00. Physician. *WATSON, JOHN EMMETT, Eome, Ga. Born, Clay Hill, S. C, '63; ent., '82; init., '83; (I.), '86; A. B., '86. Pharmacist. Died, '93. WATSON, SAMUEL PAEKS, Eock Hill, S. 0. Born, Eock Hill, S. C, '72; ent., '90; init., '92; (I.), '94; A.B., '94. Pharmacist. WATSON, WILLIAM ANDEEW, Fort Mill, S. C. Born, Eock Hill, S. C, '67; ent., '84; init., '84. Pharmacist. WATT, HANSELL, Thoniasville, Ga. Born, Thomasville, Ga., '82; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. WATT, WILLIAM AUGUSTINE, Thomasville, Ga. Born, Thomasville, Ga., '80; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. WEBB, WILLIAM PEESSLEY, Louisburg, N. 0. Born, Louisburg, N. C, '87; ent., '94; init., '95. WHITE, LEONAED, Statesville, N. 0. Born, Sumter, S. C, '66; ent., '83; init., '83; A.B., '87. Dentist. SIGMA. 249 WHITE, GEOEGE DUDLEY, Kock Hill, S. 0. Born, Americus, Gra., '74; ent., '91; init., '91; del. 17th Conv. Book-keeper. WHYTE, WILLIAM HOPE, Gastonia, N. C. Born, Rock Hill, S. C, '74; ent., '93; init., '93. WILLIAMS, JAMES EEID, Fayetteville, N. C. Born, Fayetteville, N. C, '62; ent., '79; init., '80; A. B., '83; del. to 12th Conv., '83. Banker and manufacturer. WILSON, ALEXANDER, Morganton, N. 0. Born, McDowell Co., N. C, '63; ent., '80; init., '81; B. A., '82; (I.), '84. Manufacturer. WILSON, HAMILTON WITHERSPOON, Charlotte, N. C. Born, Charlotte, N. C, '77; ent., '94; init., '94; A.B.,'98. Banker. WILSON, JAMES WILLIAM, Je., Morganton, N. 0. Born, Round Knob, N. C , '69; ent., '84: init., '84; trans, to Up- silon, '86. Agent So. Ry. WITHERSPOON, WILLIAM IRVIN, Yorkville, S. C. Born, Yorkville, S. C, '63; ent., '81; init., '82. Pharmacist. YOUNO, JOSEPH EDWARD, Lake City, Fla. Born, Lake City, Fla., '71; ent., '88; init., '89. Book-keeper. YOIJNO, LAURENS OARLINGTON, Union, S. C. Born, Union S. C, '61; ent., '78; init., '80; A.B., '82. Merchant. Initiates, 127 ; transfers, 3; total, 130; lost by transfer, 21 dead, 9 initiates, 1 transfer; expelled, 1. WAKE rOREST COLLEGE, WAKE POREST, N. C. Chartered in 1834. Controlled by Baptist Church. FEATEEI^ITIES: Kappa Alpha, 1881-'95. TAU CHAPTER. Charter Members : E. S. Alderman, Thos. Dixon, Geo. E. Hun- ter, Archibald McDowell, and J. R. I^ichols. Founders : R. L. Ryburn and C. C. Bellamy, (both of Sigma). The Chapter was chartered Jan. 8, 1881, by D. R. ISTeal, K. C. Anti-fraternity laws are rigidly enforced at the College, and the Chapter remained sub-rosa throughout its existence. In June, 1884, Tau was suppressed by the faculty, three of its members going to Eta and five to Upsilon. On December 10, 1889 the Chapter was re- vived through the efforts of Wm. S. Hamilton, of Alpha, and was re-chartered by H. H. White, K. C, but on April 11, 1890 it met with a similar fate. Since October 1891, the charter has been in custody of P. H. Cooke of Upsilon, and initiations into the Chapter have been made in 1891-2, 1892-3, and 1894-5. Members of Tau Chapter ALDERMAN, EDWARD ST. CLAIR, Woodvale, Ky. Born, Wilmington, N. C, '63: ent., '79; init., '81; charter mem- ber; A.M., '90. ALDERMAN, JACOB OLIVER, 219 N. East si, Raleigh, N.C. Born, Sampson Co., N. C, '62; ent., '82; init., '84; trans, to Eta, '84; A.B. (Richmond), '86. Minister. ATKINSON, JAMES OSCAR, Elon College, N. C. Born, Wake Co., N. C, '66; ent., '86; init., '90; Prof. An. Lang. Elon College. AUSTIN, CHARLES CHISMAN, Tarboro, N. C. Born, Tarboro, N. C, '75; ent., '92; init. by Upsilon, '94; A. B., '96. Farmer. TAU. 251 BAENES, EDWIN TARTT, Wilson, N. C. Born, Wilson, N. C, '72: ent., '89; init. by Upsilon, '91; A.B., '92. Fire Insurance. BATTLE, LEE HAREIS, Greensboro, N. C. Born, Montgomery Co., Ala., '68; ent., '86; init., '89. Accountant. *BECKWITH, EXUM GREEN, Wake Forest, N. C. Born, Wake Co.. N. C. '60; ent., '77; init., '81; A.B., '82; A.M., '84; student, Johns-Hopkins, '84-5; teach'er, Clayton, IS. C, '85-7; A sst. Prof. Math., W. F. Col., '87-'92; minister, '88-'92; died, '92. BLAXTON, ALBERT, Marion, N. C. Born. Marion, N. C, '74; ent., '89; init. by Upsilon, '91; revived Pi, '93. Merchant. BLANTON, GEORGE WILBERT, Shelby, N. 0. Born. Shelby, N. C, '71; ent., '89: init. by Alpha, '92. BRIGGS, THOMAS HENRY, Je., DeLand, Fla. Born, Raleigh, N. C. '77; ent., '93; init. -by Upsilon, '94; A.B., '96; Prof, of English, Stetson Univ.; P. G. student, Univ. of Chicago, summer of '00. BRITTON, DANIEL ROY, Coleraine, N. C. Born, Coleraine, N. C, '73; ent., '89: init. by Alpha, '92; A. B., '93. Merchant and Farmer. CANNADY, SAM'L HILMON, [Je.,] Box 34, Oxford, N. 0. Born, Wilton, N. C, '66; ent., '83; init., '84; trans, to Upsilon, '84; trans, to Lambda, '85; M.D. (U.Ya.), '87. Physician. COOKE, FREDERICK. KINGSBURY, Louisburg, N. C. Born, Louisburg, N. C, '77; ent., '94; init. by Upsilon, '94; trans, to Upsilon, 98. Medical student at Tulane. COOLEY, ROGER ATCHISON PRYOR, Nashville, N. C. Born, Rosinburg, N. C, '60; ent., '76; init., '18; valedictorian '81; A.M., '81; member N. C. Senate, '99. Lawyer. *CONRAD, HENRY BEAUREGARD, Lewisville, N. C. Born, Forsyth Co.,N. C, ent., — ; init., '83; B.S., '85; died, '85. CRUDUP, THOMAS HENRY, Kittrell, N. C. Born, Kittrell, :N. C, '72; ent., '89; init. by Alpha, '92. DIXON, FRANK, 28 Capitol ave., Hartford, Conn. Born, Cleveland Co., N. C, '66; ent., '82; init., '83; trans, to Up- silon, '84; A. B. (N. C Univ.) Minister. DIXON, THOMAS, Je., Dixondale, Va. Born. Cleveland Co., N. C, '64; ent., '79; init., '81: charter mem- ber; salutatorian, '83; live gold medals; A.M., '84; member of N. C Leg., '85-6. Minister and lecturer. DUNNING, JAMES ANDREW, Aulander, N. C. Born, Bertie Co., N. C, '65; ent., '83; init., '84. 252 TAU. FELT, OAELE LEE, 1700 Girard ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Born, Emporium, Pa., '70; ent., '86; inlt., '89; A.B., '90; M.D. (Univ. Penn.), '94. JPhysician. *FOLK, HENEY BATE, Brownsville, Tenn. Born, Brownsville, Tenn., '63; ent., '79; init., '81; valedictorian, '83; A. M., '83; died, St. Louis, '85. FOLK, EEAU ESTES, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Brownsville, Tenn., '65; ent., '81; init., '82. Journalist. FEEEMAN, EDWAED HOETIE, Wilmington, N. 0. Born Wilmington, ]S^. C., '62; ent., '80; init., '81. Photographer. FULLEE, JONES OOOKE, Durham, N. 0. Born, Ealeigh, N. C, '76; ent., '91; init. by Upsilon for Tau, '94; trans, to Upsilon, '96. Lawyer and Counsel for So. Ey. GEIMES, WILLIAM THOMAS, Hamilton, N. 0. Born, Halifax Co., N. C, '66; ent., '82; init., '82; trans, to Upsi- lon, '84. Farmer. HALL, SAMUEL BETJOE, Hallsboro, N. 0. Born, Magnolia, N. C, '66; ent., '81; init., '83; trans, to Eta, '84. Lumber and milling. *HECK, JOHN MAETIN, Ealeigh, N. 0. Born, Ealeigh, N. C, '77; ent., '94; init., by Upsilon, '94; died at Knoxville, Tenn., '96. HECK, WILLIAM HAEEY, 309 N. Blount st, Ealeigh, N. 0. Born, Ealeigh, N. C, '79; ent., '94; init. by Upsilon, '95; A. B., '97; A.M., '99; won Fellowship, June, '00. P. G. Student, Col- umbia University, N. Y. HEEEING, DAVID WELLS, Shanghai, China. Born, Pender Co., N. C, '60; ent., '79; init., 81; A.B., '82; B.D., So. Bap. Theol. Sem., '85; missionary to China. Minister. *HILL, CHAELES UEQUHAET, Washington, D. C. Born, Scotland Necli, N. C, '59; init., '81; trans, to Upsilon, '81; drowned, '86. Lawyer. HILLIAED, ELI E , Scotland Neck, N. C. Born, Harnett Co., N. C, '55; ent., '79; init., '81; A.B.,'82; mayor of Scotland Neck. Editor and lawyer. HUNTEE, GEOEGE EDWIN, 119 Hillsboro st., Ealeigh, N. C. Born, Neuse, N. C, '57; ent., '78; init., '81; charter member. Wholesale grocer and com. merchant. (Wyatt & Hunter.) HUNTEE, JOSEPH EUFUS, Eichmond, Va. Born, Apex, N. C, '65; ent., '81; init., '84; A.B., '85; A.M., '89; Ph. D. (Johns-Hoplcins), '95: Prof, of Chemistry, Eichmond College, '95-'00. JONES, HOWAED LEE, 635 Park ave.. New York City. Boi:n, Lexington, Ya., '72; ent., 89; init., '89; trans, to Alpha, '90. Baptist minister. TAU. 253 JONES, PAUL, Tarboro, N. 0. Born, Tarboro, N. C, '67; ent., '82; init., '83; A. B., Trinity Col- lege, N. C, '85; trans, to Upsilon, '68. Editor N. C. Law Journal 2iX\^ Tarboro Southerner. Lawyer and editor. *JONES, WILLIAM HOUSTO]^, Chatham, Ya. Born, Mountain Home, :N. C, '72; ent., '90: init., by Alpha, '92; A. B., '94. Died, Chatham, Va., '96. JOYNEE, WILLIAM EOENEY, Eranklinton, N. 0. Born, Franklinton, N. C, '75; ent., '94; Init. by Upsilon, '94; A.B., '97. Elected mayor of Franklinton, May, '00. KEEK, JOHN HOSEA, Warrenton, N. 0. Born, Yanceyville, N. C, '73; ent., '92; init. by Upsilon, '94; A. B., '95; mayor of Warrenton, '97-9. Lawyer. LAIED, EDMUND CODY, 706 Eng.-Ave. Bldg, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Eufaula, Ala., '71: ent., '89; init., '89; trans, to Eta, '90. JournMlist. Mcdowell, AECHIBALD, Scotland Neck, N. C. Born, Murfreesboro, N. C, '61; ent., '78; init., '81, charter mem- ber. Banker and cotton manufacturer. MANNING, EEEDEEICK HAUGHTON, Talladega, Ala. Born, Gates Co., N. C, '59; ent., '81; init., '82; A.M., '87: Supt. State Academy for Blind, '95-'00. MITCHELL, CLINGMAN WEBSTEE, Aulander, N. C. Born, Bertie, La.,ent.,'80;init.,'81; A.M.,'82. Merch. and farmer. MONTGOMEEY, WALTEE ALEXANDEE, Fayetteville, Ark. Born, Warrenton, N. C, '72; ent., '88; init., '90; trans, to A- Lambda, '91; A. B., '94; Ph. D., '99. Prof, of Ancient Lan- guages, Univ. of Arkansas. NICHOLS, JOSHUA EOBEETSON, (Tarboro, N. C.) Born, Halifax Co., N. C; ent., '80; init., '81, charter member; trans, to Upsilon, '81. NOEWOOD, GEOEGE ALEXANDEE, Jr., Goldsboro, N. 0. Born, Darlington, S. C, '63; ent., '79; init., '81. Brest. National Bank of Goldsboro. NOEWOOD, JOHN WILKINS, Wilmington, N. C. Born, '65; ent., '83; init., '84; trans, to Eta., '84. Banker. OLIYEE, WILLIAM BENJAMIN, Fayetteville, N. C. Born, Bladen Co., N. C, '61; ent., '80; init., '81. Minister. OSBOENE, WILLIAM HENEY, Jonesboro, Tenn. Born, Batesville, Ark., ent., '78; init., '81; K. A. Essay Med., '83. Editor and minister. PENDLETON, AETHUE SYLBEET, Warrenton, N. C. Born, Warrenton, N. C, '74; ent., '89; init., by Upsilon, '91; M. D. (Univ. of Penn.), '95. Physician. 254 TAU. POWELL, EGBERT BENJAMIN, Savannah, Ga. Born, Raleigh, N. C, '77; ent., '92; igiit. by Upsilon, '95; A. B., '96. Dealer in naval stores. PRIDGEN, CARL WALDO, Kinston, N. 0. Born, Kinston, N. C, '72; ent., '90; init., by Alpha, '92. PRINCE, DAVID MAYBURY, Scotland Neck, N. C. Born, Goldsboro, N. C, '70; ent., '89; init. by Alpha, '92; A. B., '93. Supt. Vine Hill Male Acad. PRITOHARD, WILLIAM BROADDUS, 105 W. 73d St. New York City. Born, Baltimore, Md., '62; ent., '78; init., '81; M. D., College of Phys. and Surg., Baltimore, Md.; Prest. N. Y. Alumni chap., '91-'00; Adj. -Prof. Nerv. and Ment'l Disease, N. Y. Polyclinic. RIDDICK, IVY GOODMAN, Youngsville, N. 0. Born, Wake Co., N. C.,'63;ent.,'81;lnit.,'82; A.B.,'84. Physician. RIDDICK, WALLACE CARL, Box 136, West Raleigh, N. 0. Born, Raleigh, N. C, '64; ent., '79; init., '82; trans, to Upsilon, '84; A.B. (Univ. of N. C), '85; C.E., (Lehigh Univ.), '90. Prof. Math, and Civil Engineer N. C. A. & M. College. ROYSTER, HUBERT ASHLEY, Tucker bldg, Raleigh, N. 0. Born, Raleigh, N. C, '71; ent., '88; init., '90; A.B., '91; M. D. (U. of Henn.), '94, with First Honor; Surgeon-in -Charge St. Agnes Hospital; member Raleigh Board of Health; Se'cy Raleigh Alumni chapter, '92-'00; Acting C. H., '99-00. Physician and Surgeon. SAVAGE, WILLIAM VANN, Churchland, Va. Born, Hertford Co., N. C, '64; ent., '81; init., '84; A.B., '85. Min- ister. SCHENCK, JOHN FRANK, Lawndale, N. C. Born, Cleveland Mills, N. C, '65; ent., '82; init., '83; trans, to Upsilon, '84; B.Ph., Univ. N. C, 86. Lawyer and cotton manu- facturer. SHIELDS, FRANKLIN PERCIVAL, Scotland Neck, N. C. Born, Scotland Neck, N. C, '64; ent., '81; init., '82. Banker. SNIDER, EARLE HARTLEY, Elloree, S. C. Born, Elloree, S. C, '75; ent., '93; init. by Upsilon, '94. Mer- chant. SPILMAN, JOHN BARHAM, Beaufort, N. 0. Born, Weldon, N. C, '68; ent., '86; init., '90; (I.) '90; B.S., '90. Teacher. STRAYHORN, EDWARD CANNADY, Winston, N. C. Init., '83. Tobacconist. TAYLOE, JOHN WILLIAMS, Union, N. C. Born, Union, N.C., '66; ent., '82; init., '84; A.B., '86; trans, to Lambda, '87. Physician. TAU. 255 UPOHUECH, DELMEE DEMOND, 219 S. McDowell st., Ealeigh, N. C. Born, Raleigh, :N'. C, '73; ent., '89; init., '90. Banker. VASS, WILLIAM WOEEILL, Ealeigh, N. 0. Born, Ealeigh, IS^. C, '72; ent., '88; init., '90; A.B., '92, with First Honor; trans, to Upsilon, '93. Lawyer and capitalist, (Grimes and Yass). WAED, DAVID LIVINGSTON, Wilson, N. 0. Born, Wilson, Co., N. C; ent., '79; init., '81. Lawyer. WEBB, EDWIN YATES, Shelby, N. 0. Born, Shelby, N. C, '72; ent., '89; init. by Alpha, '92; trans, to Upsilon, '93; A.B., '95; member N. C. Senate, '00; tem. chair- man State Democratic Conv. of '00. Lawyer. WHITE, JOHN ELLINGTON, 113 Eayetteyille, st., Ealeigh, N. 0. Born, Clayton, N. C, '68; ent., '86; init., '89; A.B., '90; (I.) '89- '90, Minister,and Sec'y Bapt. State Conv.; tendered presidency of Baptist Female Univ. at Ealeigh, May, 1900, declined. WHITE, EOBEET BEUCE, Franklinton, N. C. Born, Raleigh, N. C, '72; ent., '87; init., '90; A.M., '91; mayor of Franklinton, '99; elected in '99, supt. of Pub. Schools of Frank- lin county. Lawyer. WHITEHEAD, EIOHAED HENEY, Chapel Hill, N. C. Born, Salisbury, N. C, '65; ent., '82; init., '83; A.B., '86; trans. to Lambda, '86; M.D. (Univ. of Va.); Prof. Anatomy, Univ. of N. C. WILLIAMSON, BAILEY FINLEY, 4311 Ellis ave., Chicago, 111. Born, Ealeigh, N. C, '73; ent., '90; init. by Upsilon, '91. Chemist. WILLIAMSON, BENJAMIN EOBEET, 312 Warburton ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Born, Ealeigh, N. C, '65; ent., '80; init., '81. Salesman, Brooks Bros., 22d and Broadway, N. Y. City. WILSON, ADOLPHUS EEWIN, Weldon, N. C. Born, Morganton, N. C, '66; ent., '81; init. (Upsilon), '83; trans, from Upsilon, '86; Salesman. Initiates, 72; transfer 1; total, '73; lost by transfer, 19; dead, 6. UNIVERSITY or NORTH CAROLINA, CHAPEL HILL. N. C. Chartered, 1789. The State University. FEATEENITIES : Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1851. Chi Phi, 1858-'68. Phi Gamma Delta, 1851. Alpha Tau Omega, 1879. Beta Theta Pi, 1852. Kappa Alpha, 1881. Delta Psi, 1854-'62. j Mystical Seven, 1884-'89, Delta Phi, 1855-'6l. ] United with Beta Theta Pi. Chi Psi, 1855-'61. Phi Delta Theta, 1885. Phi Kappa Sigma, 1856-95. Sigma :Nu, 1888. Theta Delta Chi, l857-'62. Sigma Chi, 1889. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1857. Kappa Sigma, 1893, Zeta Psi, 1858. Pi Kappa Alpha, 1895-'6. UPSILON CHAPTER. Charter Members : J. R. ISichols (Tau), C. U. Hill (Tau), M. C. Millender, and Gr. A. Mebane. Founders : J. R. Nichols (Tau) and C U. Hill (Tau). Established October 1, 1881, and chartered November 25, 1881 by J. S- Candler, acting K. C The chapter was sub-rosa until 1884-5, and in 1887 it became inactive. On October 9, 1891 it was revived by W. A. Cheatham (Sigma) and P. H. Cooke, and the chapter re-is- sued by S. Z. Ammen, K. C. Members of Upsilon Chapter* *AEEI]SrGTON, GEORGE WIMBERLY, Henderson, N. 0. Born Eocky Mount, N. C, '64; ent., '83; init., '83; died, '85. Merchant. ARTHUR, JOHN ABRAHAM, Jk., Washington, N. C. Born, Washington, N. C, '71; ent., '91; init., '91. Editor Ga- zette- Messenger. Lawyer and editor. BARNES, DAVID COLLIN, Murfreesboro, N. C. Born, Murfreesboro, N. C, '75; ent., '95; init., '95. Lawyer. UPSII,ON. 257 BEALL, JOHN McCULLOOK, 621 Market st., San Francisco, CaL Born, Belmont, N. C, '69; ent., '83; init., '84; trans, to Sigma, '84. Gen'l Agent Southern Railway. BOKDEN, JOHN LEMUEL, Goldsboro, N. 0. Born, Goldsboro, N. C, '64; ent., '81; init., '82; Ph.B., '84. Fur- niture manufacturer. BRENIZEE, CHASE, Charlotte, N. C. Born, Charlotte, N. C, '73; ent., '97; init. (Sigma), '89; trans, from Sigma, '97. BURWELL, ROBERT TURNBULL, Lawler Hotel, Houston, Tex. Born, Charlotte, N. C, '67; ent., '84; init., '84; Ph.B., '87; M.E., (Cornell), '91. Inspector, Hartford Steam Boiler Inspector and Insurance Co. CANNADY, SAMUEL HILMON, Jk., Oxford, N. C. Born, Wilton, N. C, '66; ent., '84; init. (Tau), '84; trans, to Up- silon, '84; trans, to Lambda, '85. Physician. CARMICHAEL, WILLIAM DONALD, Je., Durham, N. 0. Born, Little Rock, S. C, '74; ent., '92; init., '92; (I.), '95-7. Prin. Morehead Graded School. CARTER, ROBERT EDWARD, Fairfield, N. C. Born, , — ; ent., '— ; init., 87. COBB, EDWARD BARHAM, Wilson, N. C. Born, Wilson, N. C, '75; ent., '98; init., '99. Student. COCKE, PHILIP CHARLES, Asheville, N. C. Born, Asheville, N. C, '80; ent., '95; init. (Delta), '94; trans, from Delta, '95. .CONRAD HOLMES, Jr., Waynesville, N. C. Born, Winchester, Ya., '75; ent., '97; init. (Beta), '94; trans, from Beta, '97. Lawyer. COOKE, FREDERICK KINGSBURY, Louisburg, N. C. Born. Louisburg, N. C, '77; ent., '98; init. (for Tau), '94; trans, from Tau, '98; CH., '99-'00. Medical student. COOKE, FRANCIS NEAL, Fort Wadsworth, Staten Isl., N. Y. Born, Louisburg, N. C, '75; ent., '92; init., '92; grad. N. Y. Mil. Acad., '99. 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Artillery. COOKE, PERCIVAL HENDERSON, Gastonia, N. C. Born, Louisburg, N. C.,'71; ent.,'91;init.,'91; LL.B.,'92. Lawyer. COSTNER, ROBERT EDWARD, Mount Holly, N. 0. Born, Lincolnton, N. C, '64; ent., '84; init., '85. Mill owner. COWPER, GEORGE VERNON, Winston, N. 0. Born, Como, N. C, '79; ent., '97; init., '98. Student. *COXE, PIERRE BAYARD, Tarboro, N. C. Born, Raleigh, N.C.,'67; ent., '82; init., '82; died,'92. Physician. 258 UPSII.ON. CKOMAKTIE, EGBERT SAMUEL, Garland, IS". 0. Born, Garland, IS". C, '69; ent., '97; init. (Sigma), '92; trans, from Sigma, '97. Medical Student, Davidson College. DAVIS, THOMAS WHITMEL, Jr. Louisburg, N. 0. Born, Cypress Hall, N. C.,'76; ent., '95; init., '95; M.D. Physician. DEVIN, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS, Oxford, N. 0. Born, Oxford, N. C, '71; ent., '92; init., '92, Lawyer. DIXON, FRANK, 28 Capital ave., Hartford, Conn. Born, Shelby, N. C, '66; ent., '84; init. (Tau), '83; trans, to Up- . silon, '84; A.B. Minister. DOUGLAS, ROBERT DICK, Box 343, Greensboro, N. C. Born, Greensboro, N. C, '75; ent., '92; init., '97; A.B., (George- town, D. C.) Lawyer. E ATM AN, DARIUS, Asheville, N. C. Born, Earpsboro,N. C, '70; ent., '93; init., '95; (L), '95-6. Tutor in Bingham School. ELLIS, ALEXANDER CASWELL, 2308 San Antonio st., Austin, Tex. Born, Louisburg, N. C , '71; ent., '90; init., '91; del. 17th Conv., '93; (I.), '91-4; A.B., '94; Ph.D. (Clark Univ.), '97. Adj. -Prof. Pedagogy, Univ. of Texas. FERGUSON, GARLAND SEVIER, Jr., Waynesville, N. C. Born, Waynesville, N. C, '78; ent., '99; init., '99. Lawyer. EORD, EDWARD STIGALL, Louisburg, N. C. Born, Louisburg, N. C.,'82; ent., '98; init., '99. Merchant. FOUSHEE, HOWARD ALEXANDER, Durham, N, C. Born, Roxboro, N. C, '70; ent., '93; init., '93; A. B., '88; A. M., '89 (Wake Forest). Lawyer. FULLER, JONES COOKE, Durham, N. 0/ Born, Raleigh, N. C, '76; ent., '96; init. (for Tau), '94; trans, from Tau, '96. Lawyer. GILMER, ELLISON LINDSAY, Greensboro, N. C. Born, Greensboro, N. C, '66; ent., '84; init. (Sigma), '83; trans, to Upsilon, '84. Capt. 31st U. S. Inf. in Phillippines. GRAHAM, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Charlotte, N. C. Born, Charlotte, N. C, '65; ent., '82; init., '82; trans, to Lambda, 84. Physician. GRAVES, VICTOR MORSE, Burlington, N. C. Born, Selma, N. C, '76; ent., '93; init., '93; (I). Book-keeper. GRIMES, WILLIAM THOMAS, Hamilton, N. C. Born, Hamilton, N. C, '66; ent., '84; init. (Tau), '82; trans, to Upsilon, '84. Farmer. GRISSOM, ROBERT GILLIAM, 319 Bennett ave.. Cripple Creek, Col. Born, Grissom, N. C.,'67; ent.,'83;init.,'83; (L), B.S. Pharmacist. UPSII^ON. 259 HAMPTON, HAEEY RIED, Minneapolis, Minn. Born, Minneapolis, Minn., '75; ent., '93; init., '93. HARDING, COLLIN HUGHES, Denison, Tex. Born, Washington, N. C, '74; ent., '91; init., '91; trans to Omi- cron, '98. HILL, ATHERTON BARNES, Scotland Neck, N. 0. Born, Scotland Neck, N. C, '61; ent., '81; init., '82; Ph.B., '85. Geologist. *HILL, CHARLES URQUHART, Washington, N. C. Born, Scotland Neck, N. C, '59; ent., '81; init. (Tau), '81; trans, from Tau, '81; B.S., '83; drowned, '86. Lawyer. HILL, THOMAS NORFLEET, Jk., Charleston, S. C. Born, Halifax, N. C, '65; ent., '86; init., '86. HOLLAND, RALPH, HERSCHEL, 35 Nassau st., N. Y. City. Born, Charlotte, N. C, '71; ent., '89; init. (Sigma), '86; trans. fromSigma,'89; A.B.,'90;Prest. N.Y. Alumni Chapter. Lawyer. JONES, PAUL, Tarboro, N. C. Born, Tarboro, N. C, '67; ent., '86; init. (Tau), '83; trans, to Up- silon, '86; A.B. (Trinity, N. C), '85; editor, N. C. Law Journal. Lawyer. KEOGH, THOMAS SAWYER, Greensboro, N. C. Born, Greensboro, N. C, '67; ent., '83; init., '84. LAND, EDWARD MAYO, Littleton, N. C. Born, Whitakers, N. C, '78; ent., '95; init., '96; A.B., '99. LANIER, FORTUNE, West Point, Ga. Born, West Point, Ga., '76; ent., '94; init. (Gamma), '91; trans, from Gamma, '94. LEE, BENJAMIN RUSH, New York City. Born, Charlotte, N. C, '72; ent,, '93; init. (Sigma), '90; trans, from Sigma, '93. McGEHEE, LUCIUS POLK, Northport, L. L, N. Y. Born, Person Co., N. C, '68; ent., '83; init., '83; A.B.; valedicto- rian. Lawyer and legal writer. MANN, JULIAN SMITH, Newbern, N. C. Born, Middleton, N. C, '63; ent., '81; init., '82; A.B., '85. Law- yer. MARTIN, JOHN HENRY. Black Mountain, N. C. Born, Black Mountain, N. C, ent. '93; init., '93. Lawyer. MEBANE, GEORGE ALLEN, Asheville, N. C. Born, Mebanesville, N. C, '63; ent., '80; init., charter member, '81; trans, to Lambda, '84. Physician. MICKS, WENTWORTH SWIFT, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Clinton, N. C, '65; ent., '83; init., '83. Manager, furniture business. 26o UPSII^ON. MILLENDEE, MAEION CHAELES, 233 Montford ave., Asheville, N. 0. Born, Selma, N. C, '59; ent., '80; init., charter member, '81; trans, to Lambda, '85, M.D. (U. Va.)'87. Physician and Sur- geon. MOEEHEAD, JOHN MOTLEY, Leaksville, N. 0. Born, Charlotte, ]^. C, '66; ent., '82; init., '82. Manufacturer. OTOHOLS, J OSHUA EOBEETSON, (Tarboro, K 0.) Born, Tarboro, N. C, '61; ent., '81; init. (Tau), '81; trans, from Tail and charter member, '81. PAEKEE, JUNIUS EEVEEDY, 111 Eifth aye., N. Y. City. Born, Grraham, N. C, '67; ent., '85, init., '85. Lawyer. POST, JAMES EEANCIS, Je., Wilmington, N. C. Born, Wilmington, N. C, '81; ent., '97; init., '98. Student. EANKIN, CHAELES ALEXANDEE, Eayetteyille, N. C. Born, Fayetteville, N. C, '70; ent., '88; init. (Sigma), '87; trans, from Sigma, '88; A.B., '90. EIDDICK, WALLACE CAEL, Box 136 West Ealeigh, N. C. Born, Ealeigh, N. C, '64; ent., '84; init. (Tau), '82; trans, to Up- silon, '84; A.B., '85; CE. (Lehigh), '90. Prof. Math., and Civil Eng., N. C. A. & M. Col. EOBEETSON, WILLIAM EOSS, Charlotte, N. C. Born, Winnsboro, S. C, '74; ent., '91; init., '91. Real estate and fire insurance. *EOBINSO]Sr, THOMAS EOSS, Jk., Charlotte, N. C. Born, Winnsboro, S. C, '75; ent., '93; init., '93. Died, '95. SANFOED, THOMAS FEANKLIN, Mocksville, IST. C. Born, Mocksville, N. C, '74; ent., '92; init., '92; (I.), '94-5. Trav. salesman. SANFOED, WILLIAM LAFAYETTE, Mocksville, N. C. Born, Mocksville, N. C, '72; ent., '92; init., '92; B.S., '96. SOHENCK, JOHN FEANK, Lawndale, N. C. Born, Cleveland Mills, N. C, '65; ent., '84; init. (Tau), '83; trans, to CJpsilon, '84; Ph.B., '86. Cotton manufacturer. SCOTT, HENEY WILLIAM, Graham, N. C. Born, Graham, N. C, '68; ent., '86; init., '86. Cotton manuf'r. SHOET, FEANK HANCOCK, Washington, N. C. Born, Bath, N. C, '73; ent., '92; init., '92. SMITH, EDWAED CHAMBEES, Ealeigh N. 0. Born, Ealeigh, N. C, '57; ent., '82; init. (Sigma), '80; trans, to Upsilon, '82; (I.); G. H., '83-5; A. B. (Davidson), '81; K. A. Essay Medal, '91. Lawyer. SMITH, HUGH WHITE, Greensboro, N. C. Born, Greensboro, N. C, '80; ent., '96; Init., '97. Student. UPSII.ON. 26l SMITH, JUNIUS GARNETT, New York City, N. Y. Born, Boston, Mass., '72; ent., '93; init. (Sigma), '90; trans, from Sigma, '93. SMITH, WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM, Greensboro, N. C. Born, Greensboro. N. C, '71; ent., '92; init., '97; Ph,B., '96. In- structor in English, Univ. of N. C. THOMAS, HERBERT BROUGHAM, Newberne, N. C. Born, Washington, D. C, '74; ent.. '91; init., '91. VASS, WILLIAM WORRILL, Raleigh, N. C. Born, Raleigh, N. C, '72; ent., '93: init. (Tau), '90; trans, from Tau, '93. Capitalist (Grimes & Yass). YICK, GEORGE DAYIS, Selma, N. C. Born, Selma, N. C, '77; ent., '95; init., '96; (I.), '96-'00; del. 19th Conv., '97. Student. WATSON HENRY LEGARB, Greenwood, S. C. Born, PhoeniXj S. C, '76; ent., '98; init. (Iota), '96; trans, from Iota, '98; A. B., '99; Special Diploma in English. Editor Greenwood Index. WEBB, EDWIN YATES, Shelby, N. C. Born, Shelby, N. C, '72; ent., '93; init. (Tau), '92; trans, from Tau, '93. Lawyer. WILLIAMS, PATRICK HENRY, Elizabeth City, N. C. Born, Camden, Co., N. C, '70; ent., '87; init., '87; trans. toZeta, '92; re-entered and trans, from Zeta,'97; (I.) Zeta, '95-6. Lawyer. WILSON, ADOLPHUS ERWIN, Weldon, N. C. Born, Morganton, N. C, '66; ent., '82; init., '83; trans, bo Tau, '86. Salesman. WILSON, JAMES WILLIAM, Je. Morganton, N. C. Born. Round Knob, N. C, '69; ent., '86; init. (Sigma), '84; trans, to Upsilon, '86. Agent So. Ry. WINSTON, HOLLIS TAYLOR, Annapolis, Md. Born, Chapel Hill, N. C, '77; ent., '93; init., '94. Cadet U. S. Naval Academy. *WOOD, JOHN WHITAKER, Raleigh, N. C. Born, Scotland Neck, N. C, '63; ent., '83; init., '83; died '92. Lawyer. WOOTEN, EMMETT ROBERT, Kinston, N. 0. Born, Kinston, N. C, '79; ent., '99; init., '99. Lawyer. WRIGHT, CLEMENT GILLESPIE, Greensboro, N. C. Born, Greensboro, N. C, '64; ent., 83; init,, '85. YOUNG, CADMUS TURNER, Polenta, N. C. Born, Wake, N. C, '80; ent., '98; init., '99. Student. Initiates, 57 ; transfeis, 25 ; total, '82 ; lost by transfer, 8 ; dead, 4 initiates, i transfer. SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY, GREENSBORO. ALA. Chartered in 1856. Controlled by M. O. Church. South. FEATERI^ITIES: Pi Kappa, Alpha, 1871-'73. Kappa Alpha, 1882. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1878. Alpha Tau Omega, 1885. Sigma Chi, 1879-'82. Phi Delta Theta, 1887-'96. PHI CHAPTER. Charter Members : Phares Coleman, G. W. Hill, P. G. Wood, Jr., J. H. Webb, U. E. Scales and J. E,. Connerly. Founder : J. S. Candler, (Epsilon) K. C. Chartered, January 17, 1882, by J. S. Candler, acting K. C, and was at first sub-rosa. At the close of the session in 1882, the Chap- ter disbanded on the supposition that the University would close, but was revived on February 21, 1884, by Roscoe McConnell, C. M. How- ard and Percy G. Wood. A Chapter house is rented. Members of Phi Chapter* ABEEOROMBIE, JOHN WILLIAM, Montgomery, Ala. Born, Kelly's Creek, Ala.. '66; ent-, '87; init., '87; trans, to Alpha- Beta, '87; LL.B., '88. State Supt. Public Instruction. ACTON, JOSEPH GAINES, Brookwood, Ala. Born, Trussville, Ala., '72; ent., '92; init., 92. R. R. Conductor. *ADAMS, FRANK LESLIE, Greenville, Ala. Born, Greenville, Ala., '67; ent., '88; init., '88; minister; died, '96. AGEE, ISHOM AVERY, Magnolia, Ala. Born, Shiloh, Ala., '77; ent., '92; init., '93. ALLGOOD, ROBERT VENABLE, Avondale, Ala. Born, Chepultepec, Ala., '66; ent., '86; init., 88; B.P.; B.S.; '90; A.M. (Univ. of Nashv.); Supt. Public Schools, '94- '00. ANDREWS, ALLEN LEWIS, Wetumpka, Ala. Born, Columbus, Miss., '68; ent., '82; init., '84; A. B., '86; A. M., '87; del. 14th Conv., '97. Minister. PHI. 263 ASKEW, ALBERT HARRIS, Granger, Ala. Born, Gordon, Ala., '69; ent., '84; init., '86. Merchant and Far- naer. BAIN, GEORGE EINIS, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Bessemer, Ala., '70; ent., '95;init., '95. Minister, M. E.G., S. BAIRD, HUGH LEE, Columbus, Ga. Born, Lively, Ala., '66; ent., '87; Init., '87. Manufacturer. BALLARD, GEORGE CLINTON, Natchez, Miss. Born, St. Helena Par., La., '70; ent., '85; init., '87; A.B., '89; Ph.D.;M.D. (Univ. of South); Asst. House Surgeon, Jersey City Hospital, Jersey, City, N. J . BEARD, COY ALFRED, Athens, Tenn. Born, Columbia, Ala., '70; ent., '92; init., '92; del. 18th K. A. Conv. Minister. BEAVERS, JOHN ROBERT, Childersburg, Ala. Born, Harpersville, A la., '66; ent., '84; init., '84; A.M. ,'88. Teach'r. BENNERS, AUGUSTUS, Potter Bldg, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Greensboro, Ala., '72; ent., '86; Init., '86; (I.), '90; del. to 14th Conv., '89; A.B.,'90; Brest. 18th Conv.; G.P.,'91-9; elected K. C. H., '93. Lawyer. BENNERS, HAMILTON GRAHAM, Potter Bldg, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Greensboro, Ala., '69; ent., '83; init., '88; A.B., '87; A.M., '«8. Lawyer. BLANTON, ROBERT LEE, Double Springs, Ala. Born, Wall^er Co., Ala., '74; ent., '90; init., '91. Probate Judge, Winston Co. BLUNT, JEFFRIES ALGENON, Greensboro, Ala. Born, Greensboro, Ala., '66; init., '88. Merchant. BRANDON, FRANK WOODWARD, Owenton, Ala. Born, Tuscaloosa, Ala., '68; ent., '88; init., '88; Financial agent N. Ala. Conf., M. E. C, S. Minister. BRIGGS, ANDREW JACKSON, Greenville, Ala. Born, Cowikee, Ala., '66; ent., '83; init., '84; trans, to Alpha- Beta, '85. Minister, M. E. C, S. BROWN, EDWARD LAMAR, Greensboro, Ala. Born, Summerfleld, Ala., '64; ent., '88; init., '88; B.P., '88; B.S., 89; Prof. Geology and Chem., S. U. Teacher and minister. BROWN, PUGH ULPIAN, Troy, Ala. Born, Troy, Ala., '69; ent., '86; init., '87; B.P., '89. Physician. BRYAN, FRANK L , Greenwood, Fla. Born, Greenwood, Fla., '75; ent., 94; init., '94. BULLARD, HENRY CLAY, Neman, Ala. Born, Floyal, Ala., '80; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. 264 PHI. *BULLAED, ROBEET CHRISTOPHER, Neman, Ala. Born, Keman, Ala , '78; ent., '96; init., '96. Student. Died at College, '00, CALLOWAY, EUGENE, Selma, Ala. Born, Selma, Ala., '83; ent., '89; init., '89. Student. CHANDLER, JOHN EDGAR, Sandersville, Miss. Born, Cropwell, Ala., '71; ent., '87; init., '87. Mill business. CHAPMAN, GEORGE CLARENCE, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Pine Apple, Ala. ,'66; ent., '86: init. (Nu), '83; trans, from Nu,'86; B.P., '86; B.S., '87. CHRISTENBERRY, DANIEL PINKNEY, Greensboro, Ala. Born, Marion, Ala., '56; ent., '84; init., '84; B.P., '87; A.M., '88; Prof, of English, Souttiern Univ. Teacher. CHRISTIAN, JAMES JACK, Greensboro, Ala. Born, Havana, Ala., '71; ent., '89; init., '92; B.S., '94. Merchant. OOBBS, JOHN HOOKER, Anniston, Ala. Born, Greensboro, Ala., '65; ent., 85; init., '86. Manufacturer. COCKE, JAMES DANIEL WEBB, Greensboro, Ala. Born, Greensboro, Ala., '78; ent., '92; init., '92. COLEMAN, JOSEPH RICHARD, Sheffield, Ala. Born, Columbiana, Ala., '66; ent., '86; init., '86. COLEMAN, PH ARES, 214 Clayton st., Montgomery, Ala. Born, Livingston, Ala., '65: ent.. '79; init., charter member, '82; A.B.,'82; M.A.,'83, (Univ. of Ala), LL.B., '85; trans, to Alpha- Beta, '85; founder of A-Beta. Lawyer and Reporter of Deci- sions, . Supreme Court of Ala. COMPTON, WILLIAM FINCH, Jefferson, Ala. Born, Jefferson, Ala., '63; ent., '81; init., '82, Merchant. *CONNERLY, JOHN R., Vienna, Ala. Born, Vienna, Ala., '64; ent., '81; init., '82. Died before '91. COPELAND, EDWARD RIVERS, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Birmingham. Ala.. 80: ent., '95; init., '95. Cleric L. & N. R. R. fCOWLES, WILLIAM T., Montgomery, Ala. Born, Montgomery, Ala., '67; ent., '89; init., '89; expelled, '89. COX, ROSS PARKER, 26 Broad sfc., Rome, Ga. Born, Citronville, Ala., '63; ent., '81; init., '82; trans, to Epsilon, '82; A. B. (Emory), '84. Physician. CRADDOCK, EUGENE PLEASANT, Columbus, Miss. Born, Columbus, Miss., '68; ent., '86; init., '86; member North Ala. Conf., M. E. C, S. . Minister. CRAIG, JOHN CHAPMAN, Lanett, Ala. Born, Mt. Hope, Ala., '85; ent., '92: init., '92; (I.) '93-6. Ph.B., '96. Minister. PHI. 265 CULVER, FRANK PUGH, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Born, Lawrenceville. Ala., '63; ent., '85; init., '85: del. to ISth Conv., '87; K. A. Med., '87; B.S., 87; A.M., '88. Minister. DE:N^NIS, WILLIAM KEYSER, Clanton, Ala. Born, Pensacola, Ela., '86; ent., '86; init., '86. Minister. DICKIN^SON, WALTER PHILLIPS, Montgomery, Ala. Born, Tuskegee, Ala., '79; ent., '98; init., '98; C.H., '99-'00; B.P., '00. Student. DRENNAIN^, FELIX MELVIN, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Birmingham, Ala., '6«; ent., '86; init., "87; B.P., '89. Mer- chant. DUGGAR, JOHN FREDERICK, Auburn, Ala. Born, Gallion, Ala., '69; ent., '84; init., '85; M.S. Prof. Agricul- ture, Ala. Polyt. Inst. ECHOLS, ROBERT, Helena, Ala. Born, Selma, Ala., '74; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. ELLIS, CHARLES SCOTT, Charlottesville, Va. Born, Shiloh, Ala., '74; ent., '90; init., '92; A.B.; trans, to Lamb- da, '99. Law student. ELLIS, GEORGE CURRY, Avondale, Ala. Born, Shiloh, Ala., '71; ent., '87; init., '88; (I.); del. 16th Conv.; B.S., '93. Pharmacist. ELLIS, JOSEPH DUDLEY, Avondale, Ala. Born, Shiloh, Ala., '66: ent., '83; init., '84; (L), '86: A.M., '87. Minister, M. E. C, S. FARRIOR, JOSEPH BROWN, Ohipley, Fla. Born, Campbellton, Fia., '81; ent., '97; init., '98. Student. FORT, THOMAS WILEY, (Cotton Valley, Ala.) , Born, Cotton Valley, Ala., '65; ent , '84; init., '85. O^^^^y^UijtJUL , v. 'U.^ GIDDENS, LUCIEN PINCKARD, Greensboro, Ala. Born, Mt. Carmel, Ala., '63; ent., '87: init., '87;A.B., '88; Prof, in Southern Univ. Teacher. GREEN, CHAS. MARTIN, North Birmingham, Ala. Born, Lawrence Co., Ala., '65; ent., '86; init., '86. Real estate. GREENE, JAMES THOMAS, Verbena, Ala. Born, Dixie, Ala., '74; ent., '92; init.. '92. GREGORY, BENJ. FRANKLIN, Demopolis, Ala. Born, .leflerson, Ala., '73; ent., '90; init., '90. Merchant. GULLEY, FRANK DAVIDSON, Greensboro, Ala. Born, Greensboro, Ala., '58; init., 86. Merchant. HALL, LESLIE, Atmore, Ala. Born, Hurricane, Ala., '80; ent., '96; init., 96. Lawyer and Coun- ty Solicitor. 266 PHI. HALL, THOMAS WAEEEN, Selma, Ala. Born, Selma, Ala., '71; ent., '87; init., '87. Merchant. HAMILTON, WILLIAM CHALMEKS, 2101 First ave., Birmingham, Ala. Born. Birmingham, Ala., '76; ent., '94; init., '94; (I.)., '9-89; AB., '99. Asst. Cashier Steiner Bros. Banking Co. HANSBEEGER, W. E., North Birmingham, Ala. Born, Six Mile, Ala., '67; ent., '86; init., '86. Merchant. HAEEISON, EDWAED TATE, Ballinger, Tex. Born, Summerfield, Ala., '65; ent., '87; init., '87. Minister, M. E. C, S. HAYS, WALTEE MILLEE, Helena, Ala. Born, Helena, Ala., '81; ent., '99; init., '99. Medical student. HENDEIX, JOHN HENEY, Fair, Ala. Born, Fair, Ala., '73; ent., '93; init., '93. HENEY, WEET GIBBS, Palm, Fla. Born, Palm, Fla., '79; ent., '94; init., '98; A.B., '00; (1.), '99- '00. Student. HILL, GEOEOE WASHINGTON, Greensboro, Ala. Born, Gainesville, Ala., '63; ent., '81; init., charter member, '82. *HINTON, GEOEGE WASHINGTON, Prattville, Ala. Born, Billingley, Ala., '69; ent., '94; init., '94. Minister. Died,'99. HINTON, MAEION WESLEY, 25 Houston st., Atlanta, Ga. Born, Billingsley, Ala, '69; ent., '94; init., '94. Saw maker. HOBSON, JAMES MAECELLUS, Jk., West Point, N. Y. Born, Greensboro, Ala., '77; ent., '91; init., '91. Cadet U. S. Mil. Academy. HOBSON, JOSEPH MOEEHEAD, Greensboro, Ala. Born, Greensboro, Ala., '63; ent., '84; init., '86; A.B.,'90. Lawyer. HOBSON, EIOHMOND PEAESON, U. S. Navy. . I ., Born, Greensboro, Ala., '70; ent., '84; init., '84; First Honors, W#e^ ^y%i^rvwct^a(u>^04nt,'89; commander of "Merrimac," at Santiago, '89. Naval Constructor, U. S. Navy. HOBSON, SAMUEL AUGUSTUS, Greensboro, Ala. Born, Greensboro, Ala., '69; ent., '84; init., '84; A.B.,'87; (1.), '87; K. A. Essay Med., '87; First Honors, Columbia Law School, '90. Lawyer. HOLMES, LEWIS ASBUEY, Centre, Ala. Born, Harpersville, Ala., '60; ent., '84; init., '84. Minister. HOWAED, CHAELES MALONE, Selma, Ala. Born, Mulberry, Ala., '66; ent., '83; init., 83; trans to Chi, 85. Hardware merchant. HOWAED, FONTAINE MAUEY, Mulberry, Ala. Born, Mulberry, Ala., '76; ent., '96; init., '96; B. S., '99. Farmer. PHI. 267 HOWAED, THOMAS LEONIDAS, Selma, Ala. Born, Mulberry, Ala., '80; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. HUTCHINSON, CLAEENOE EDWAED, Pensacola, Fla. Born, Pensacola, Fla., '82; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. INGE, EIOHAED, Greensboro, Ala. Born, Greensboro, Ala., '79; ent., '93; init., '93; trans, to Chi. INGE, WILLIAM BULLOCK, [Jk.], 74 St. Michael st, Mobile, Ala. Born, Forkland, Ala., '75; ent., '90; init., '92; A.B., '94; trans, to A-Beta, '94; LL.B.; (Univ. of Ala.), '95. Lawyer. JAMES, JOHN CALLA, Clayton, Ala. Born, Bladen Springs, Ala., '80; ent., '98; init., '93; A. B., '00. iStudent. JAMES, JOSEPH HOPKINS, Clayton, Ala. Born, Suggsville, Ala., '81; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. JENKINS, GEOEGE LUCKEY, Eoanoke, Va. Born, Port Deposit, Ala., '63; ent., '86; init., '85; B.S., '88. Min- ister M. E. C, S. JONES, HAEOLD, • Greensboro, Ala. Born, Greensboro, Ala., '83; ent., '97; init., '98. Student. JONES, LEE, Greensboro, Ala. Born, Greensboro, Ala., '81; ent., '96; init., '96. Student. JONES, NEELY FOESYTH, Phoenix City, Ala. Born, Brownsville, Ala., '86; ent., '88; init., '88; trans, to Nu, '89. Minister. KEADY, GEOEGE KENNEDY, Greensboro, Ala. Born, Port Gibson. Miss., '70; ent., '89; init., '89. Job Printer. *KENDEICK, HENEY CLAY, Florence, Ala. Born, Florence, Ala., '72; ent., '87; init., '88; died, '91. Minister. KENNEDY, JOSEPH LEWIS, Kennedy, Ala. Born, Kennedy, Ala., '74; ent., *93; init., '93. LAWSON, LEWIS, Greensboro, Ala. Born, Greensboro, .Ala., '82; ent., '96; init., '98. Student at busi- ness college. LEONAED, JOHN HOEACE, Bessemer, Ala. Born, Longview, Ala., '72; ent., '91; init., '94; (I.) '96-7; A. B., '97. Book-keeper. LEWIS, EDWAED LASTEAPES, 2552 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. Born, Opelousas, La., '72; ent., '90; init. (A-Gamma), '88; trans, from Alpha-Gamma, '90; U. 8. customs service. New Orleans, '93-9. Veterinary student. 268 PHI. LIVINGSTON, GEORGE STEWAET, Prattville, Ala. Born, Prattville, Ala., '65; ent., '84; init., '85; B.S., '85. Lawyer, and Judge of Probate. LOWRY, CHARLES WESLEY, . Muscogee, Ind. Ter. Born, Yalley Head, Ala., '78; ent., '97; init., '97. Book-keeper, Muscogee Cot. Oil Co. McCONNELL, ROSCOE, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Greensboro, Ala., '64; ent., '83; init., '83. Real estate agt. McCOY, JAMES HENRY, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Greensboro, Ala., '68; ent., '84; init., '84; A.B., '87; A.M., '88; (I.) '87-8. Minister. McOOY, JOHN PIERCE, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Birmingham, Ala., '79; ent., '94; init., '94; trans, to A-Beta, '97; LL.B. (Univ. of Ala.), '99. Lawyer. McCURDY, GEORGE REESE, Lowndesboro, Ala. Born, Lowndesboro, Ala., '79; ent., '96; init., '96. Med. Student. *McLAURIN, DUNCAN, Meridian, Miss. Born, Fannin, Miss., '68; ent., '88; init., '88; B.P., '90; died, '96 at Shreveport, La. Physician. McNEAL, WILLIAM HENRY, Eunola, Ala. Born, Geneva, Ala., '76; ent., '97; init., '97; A. B., '00. Student. *McVOY, ARTHUR DuBOSE, Natchitoches, La. Born, Summerfleld, Ala., '68; ent., '84; init., '84; A.B., '88; died, '93. Minister. McVOY, EDGAR CORNELIUS, 415 Vine st., Chillicothe, Mo. Born, Summerfleld, Ala., '72; ent., '88; init., '88; A.B., '91. Min- ister, M. E. C, S. fMcVOY, JAMES ALEXANDER, Mansfield, La. Born, Summerfleld, Ala., '74; ent., '91; init., '91; trans, to Chi, 92; expelled by Chi. McWHORTER, EUCLID HARVEY, Elmira, Cal. Born, Baylesville, Ala., '69; ent., '86; init., '86;B.S. Minister. *MALLORY, JAMES GOLDEN, Harris, Ala. Born, Harris, Ala., '69; ent., '85; init., '85; died, '87. MASON, JAMES MONROE, Jr., 334 Hood bldg., Birmingham, Ala. Born, Marion, Aia., '71; ent., '90; init. (Nu). '85; trans, from Nu, '90; M.D. (Tulane), '99. Physician. MATTHEWS, JOHN BRECKIN, New Orleans, La. Born, St. Louis, Mo., '75; ent., '95; init., '95. MATTHEWS, KEENER NORWOOD, Atmore, Ala. Born, Mt. Olive, Ala., '76; ent., '95; init., '95; A.B., '99. Teacher. PHI. 269. MONETTE, EEUBEN FLETCHEE, Ward's Island, New York City. Born, Greensboro, Ala., '70; ent.,'88; mit.,'88; trans, to Lambda, '— ; B.S., '90. Physician. MOOEE, JOSEPH FEANKLIN, Eastabutchie, Miss. Born, Enterprise, Miss., '70; ent., '90; init., '91. MOOEE, LUCIUS HAYWOOD, Uniontown, Ala. Born, Newbern, Ala., '77; ent., '96; init., '96. Salesman. MOOEE, EOBEET ISAAC, Selma, Ala. Born, Summerfleld. Ala., '70; ent., '87; init., '87. Merchant. MOEEIS, JOHN EEEDEE, Weatherford, Tex. Born, Mobile, Ala., '56; ent., '80; init., '82; trans, to Epsio '82; A. B. (Emory). Presid. Elder, Weatherford Dist. Minister. OEMOND, JAMES BENJMIAN, Meridian, Miss. Born, Lauderdale, Miss., '74; ent., '89; init., '89. Whol. grocer. OEMOND, JOHN WILLIAM, Meridian, Miss. Born, Meridian, Miss., '83; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. OEMOND, MAEVIN THOMAS, Meridian, Miss. Born, Lauderdale, Miss., '78; ent., '94; init., 94; (1.), del. to 19th Conv., '97; A.B., '98; trans. toA-Upsilon, '00; charter member and founder of A-Upsilon. Law student. OEMOND, EOBEET FLETCHEE, Meridian, Miss. Born, Meridian, Miss., '81, ent., '98; init., '98. OEMOND, WALTEE OODFEEY, Sumterville, Ala. Born, Sumterville, Ala., '72; ent., '90; init., '90. PIPPEN, PEECY SHELTON, Courtland, Ala. Born, Courtland, Ala., '81; ent., '00; init., '00. Student. POELLNITZ, CHAELES AUGUSTUS, Greensboro, Ala. Born, Eembert, Ala., '76; ent., '93; init,, *93. Medical student, at Tulane. POPE, WILLIAM HAEPEE, Box 309, Purcell, Ind. Ter. Born, Brandon, Miss., '73; ent., '89; init., '90. Lawyer. POWEES, CALVIN BUETON, Greensboro, Ala. Born, Greensboro, Ala., '80; ent., '96; init., '96. Student. PEICE, WILLIAM FEANCIS, Cordell, Ala. Born, Cordell, Ala., '70; ent., '97; init., '97; A.B., '00. Student. PUCKETT, EOBEET HENEY, 1422 Allen st., Birmingham, Ala. Born, Birmingham, Ala., '76; ent., '95; init., '95. Money broker. PUCKETT, WALTEE, 1422 Allen st., Birmingham, Ala. Born, Danville, Ala., '75; ent., '95; init., '95. Clerk, L. & N.E.E. EEDDOCK, CHAELES EDGAE, Vernlidge, Ala. Born, Vernlidge, Ala., '76; ent., '96; init., '96. 270 PHI. fEENOHEE, EUGENE HINTON, Mobile Ala. Born, Fort Deposit, Ala., '74; ent., '90; init., '90; expelled, '91. EENCHEE, JOSEPH ALLEN, 411 S. 19th St., Birmingham, Ala. Born, Fort Deposit, Ala., '66; ent., '84; init., *84. Ticket gate- man, Union Depot. EOULHAO, THOMAS EUFFIN, Je. Sheffield, Ala. Born, Greensboro, Ala., '74; ent., '88; init., '88. Express mes'r. SADLEE, FEANK HOWAED, Sheffield, Ala. Born, Greensboro, Ala., '80; ent., '96; init., '97. SAUNDEES, SAMUEL THOMAS, (Columbia, Ala.) Born, Washington Co., Fla., '72; ent., '89; init., '89; A. B., '91. Minister. SCALES, UEIAH EEWIN, Coatopa, Ala. Born, Coatopa, Ala., '61; ent., '81; init., '82; (I.), '82. County Tax Assessor. SCHUESSLEE, ELLIOTT MAEION, LaFayette, Ala. Born, LaFayette, Ala., '79; ent., '99; init., '95. Student. SESSIONS, EOBEET, Montevallo, Ala. Born, Montevallo, Ala., '78; ent., '98; init., '99. Student. SHEEEILL, EOBEET CLAY, Athens, Ala. Born, Prospect, Tenn., '77; ent., '96: init., '96. SHOEES, EOBEET EDWAED, Prattville, Ala. Born, Georgiana, Ala., '75; ent., '91; init., '91. SIMS, JOHN LEWIS, Je., Woodlawn, Ala. Born, Richmond, Va., '78; ent., '95; init., '95; A. B., '98. Lawyer's clerk. SIMPSON JOHN DIXON, Decatur, Ala. Born, Bradford, Ala., '58; ent., '84; init., '87; B.P., '88. Minister, M. E. C, S. SKINNEE, OLIVEE, Demopolis, Ala. Born, Old Spring Hill, Ala., '64; ent., '81; init., '82. Farmer. SLEDGE, FEANK PETEESON, Greensboro, Ala. Born, Greensboro, Ala., '71; ent., '87; init., '91; B.P., '91. SLOSS, JAMES LUNDIE, Birmingham, Ala. Born; Birmingham, Ala., '65; ent., '87; init., '87; trans, to A- Beta, '92. SMITH, EDWAED BEOADUS, 24 12th st., Columbus, Ga. Born, Monticello, Ga., '71; ent., '90; init, 90; trans. toNu, '91; B. S., '92; M. S., '93; (Ala. Poly. Inst.). Druggist. SMITH, EOBEET EAELE, Huntsville, Ala. Born, Newburg, Ala., '77; ent., '95; init., '95. Lawyer. PHI. 271 SMYLIE, CLAEENCE NEIL, 709 23d ave., Meridian, Miss. Born, Terry, Miss., '74; ent., '90; init., '90; trans, to A-Mu, '93. Clerk, Q. & C. R. R. STEINER, JAMES HENRY, Greenville, Ala. Born, Greenville, Ala., '72; ent., '93; init., '93. TAYLOR, CLARENCE TURNER, Waynesboro, Miss. Born, Enterprise, Miss., '79; ent., '95; init., '95. TAYLOR, FRANCIS NORMAN, Waynesboro, Miss. Born,Enterprise,Miss.,'79;ent.,'95; init.,'95;trans. toEpsilon,'97. TAYLOR, SWEPSON JAMES, Isney, Ala. Born, Greensboro, Ala., '65; init., '87. Merchant. TERRAL, SAMUEL HARDY, Jr., Quitman, Miss. Born, Quitman, Miss., '72; ent., '88; init-, '88; B.S., '92. Lawyer. TOTHEROW, CANARA CLARK, Ensley, Ala. Lorn, Franklin, N. C, '68; ent., '96; init., '96. TURNIPSEED, WILLIAM EVERETT, Dillburgh, Ala. Born, Carrollton, Ala., '71; ent., '95; init., '96. TYLER, RICHARD THOMAS, Bond, Ala. Born, Bond, Ala., '74; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. WALDROP, LELAND GORDON, Ensley, Ala. Born, Bridgeton, Ala., '73; ent., '92; init., '92. Local Freight Agent, L. & N. R. R. WATKINS, WILLIAM HAMILTON, Jackson, Miss. Born, Lee, Miss., '71; ent., '90; init., '90; trans, to A-Mu, '93. Lawyer. WATSON, JAMES ALEXANDER, Jr., 411 Court St., Florence, Ala. Born, Watsonia, Ala., '74; ent., '91; init., '91; M.D. Physician. WATSON, JAMES WILLIAM, White Plains, Ala. Born, White Plains, Ala., '76; ent., '96; init., '97; C H., 'OO-'Ol. Student. WATTS, LEROY, Clanton, Ala. Born, Crenshaw Co., Ala., '73; ent., '91; init., '91. Farmer. WEBB, ALFRED PELLAR, Atmore, Ala. Born, Prairie Lee, Tex., '73; ent., '88; init., '90; A.B., '93; M.D., '96. Physician. WEBB, JAMES HENRY, 968 Government st.. Mobile, Ala. Born, Greensboro, Ala., '63; ent.. '81; init., charter member, '82; A. B., '83; trans, to A-Beta, '84; LL.B. (Univ. of Ala.), '85; Prosecuting Attorney, Mobile Co., '92-'04. WHEAT, ETHEL EGBERT, (Sardis, Miss.) Born, Oxford, Miss., '73; ent., '90; init., '90. 272 PHI. WHITTAKER, WILSON OAKY, Oswichee, Ala. Bora, Oswichee, Ala., '74; eat., '92; init., '92. WILKERSON, JOHN HALBERT, Elba, Ala. Born, Troy, Ala., '69: ent., '85; ioit., '85; B.S., '87; LL.B. (Univ. Ala.). Lawyer. WILKINSON, DAVID LEONIDAS, Montevallo, Ala. Born, Gastonburg, Ala., '72; ent., '88; init., '88; trans, to A-Beta, '90; re-joined Phi; '91; (1.) '92; A.B., '92. Physician and Drug- gist. WILLIAMS, AUGUSTUS GAINES, Benevola, Ala. Born, Macon, Miss., '76; ent., '94; init., '94. WOOD, FELIX MARION, Box 77, Selma, Ala. Born, Cahaba, Ala., '67; ent., '82; init., '84; A.B., '85; A.M., '86; (I.) '85-6; Chief clerk. Probate Court, Dallas Co., Ala. *WOOD, PERCY GREEN, [Jk.] Selma, Ala. Born, Cahaba, Ala., '64; ent., '80; init. charter member, '82; A.B., '84; A.M., '85; (I.) '84-5; killed at Montgomery, Ala. '96. Law- yer. WOODWARD, RICE HERNDON, Talladega, Ala. Born, Talladega, Ala., '78; ent., '97; init., '97. Mercantile Busi- ness. YOUNG, GEORGE LUKE, East Lake, Ala. Born, Wetumpka, Ala., '61; ent., '82; init., '84. Railroad con- tractor. Initiates, 162; transfers, 3; total, 165; lost by transfer, 21; dead, 9; expelled, 3. VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY, NASMVILLE, TENN. Chartered in 1872. Controlled by n. E. Church, South. FEATERNITIES: Phi Delta Theta, 1876. Beta Theta Pi, 1884. Kappa Sigma, 1876. Delta Tau Delta, 1886. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1878. Sigma Nu, 1886. ( tiainbow, 1881-'86. Alpha Tau Omega, 1889. I United with Delta Tau Delta. Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1890. Kappa Alpha, 1883. Sigma Chi, 1891. Chi Phi, 1883. Pi Kappa Alpha, 1894. Delta Sigma Delta (dental), 1897. CHI CHAPTER. Charter Members : H. H. White, Edgar Smith, Andrew J. Gib- son and Marion Dargan. Founders : W. E. Lucas (Delta), and W. E. Eeynolds (Epsilon, tl878). Chartered, April 9, 1883, by J. S. Candler, acting K. C. During the first year of the chapter's existence a number of students of the University of Nashville were initiated, but the practice was discon- tinued. The chapter was sub-rosa until 1884, at which time the ant i -fraternity laws were repealed. A chapter house is owned. Members of Chi Chapter* ALBES, CHAS. EDWAED, Decatur, Ala. Born, Nashville, Tenn., '67; ent., '85; init., '85; B.P., '89; LL.B., '90; proprietor Hotel Bismark. Lawyer. AMES, WILLIAM aOODSON, Havana, Cuba. Born, Sonora, Ky., '74; ent., '93; init., '93. Electrical Engr., (Ames & Marshall). *AEIAIL, JULIUS FELLOWS, Alexandria, La. Born, Alexandria, La., '63; ent., '84; init., '84; B.S. and A.M., '84, (La. State Univ.); LL.B., '86; founder of A-Gamma; mem- ber Elect Com. '93-7. Lawyer. Died, '99. 274 CHI. BACON, WILLIAM JAMES, Je., Imboden, Ark. Born, Montgomery, Ky., '76; ent., '97; init. (A-Omicron), '97; trans, from A-Omicron, '97; Mayor of Imboden, 1900. BAKEK, OHAELES EOBEKT, Weatherford, Tex. Born, Granberry, Tex., '78; ent., '96; init., '96. Merchant and Banker. BALDEIDGE, EELIX EDGAE, Huntsville, Ala. Born, Huntsville, Ala., '67; ent., '86; init. (Alpha-Beta), '85; trans, from A-Beta, '86; M.D. (Tulane), '91. Physican. BALLENTINE, AISTDEEW MITCHELL, Pulaski, Tenn. Born, Pulaski, Tenn., '74; ent., '91; init., '91. Stock farmer. BAECUS, EDWAED EOSEMAN, Je., West, Tex. Born, Camden, Ark., '72; ent., '96; init. (Xi), '93; trans, from Xi, '96; B.D., '99. Minister, M. E. C, S. BAENETT, ALBEET EDWAED, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Greenville, Ala., '60; ent., '83; init., '83; LL.B., '85. Law- yer. BAENETT, EEANK WILLIS, New Haven, Conn. Born, Glennville, Ala., '65; ent., '85; init., '85; B. A., (Univ. Ala.); special course, Vanderbilt U., '85; philosophical course, Univs. Berlin, Vienna, SorbonneaParis, Coll. France; Lawyer, '90-'93; grad. So. Bap. The. Sem., '96; minister and student of Sociolo- gy, '99-'00. BAENETT, PAUL, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Eufaula, Ala., '68; ent., '85; init., '85. Merchant. BAEE, JOHN EOBEET, Eufaula, Ala. Born, Spring Hill, Ala., '65; ent., '82; init., '83. Wholesale Boot and Shoe Dealer. BAETHELL, EDAVAED EAST, Cham. Com., Nashville, Tenn. Born, Nashville, Tenn., '66; ent., '86; init., '86; del. 16th Conv.; LL.B., '88; Prest. Board of Education. Lawyer, (Barthell & Keeble). BASS, CHAS. THOENTON, San Marcos, Tex. Born, Fort Bend Co., Tex., '67; ent., '86; init. (Xi), '85; trans, from Xi, '86. Ph.G. Pharmacist. BAYNAED, LUDLOW BUAED, Je., Alexandria, La. Born, Alexandria, La., '75; ent., '93; init., (Psi), '92; trans, from Psi, '94. Insurance. BEACH, CHAS. HENEY, Eufaula, Ala. Born, Columbia, Ala., '66; ent., '84; init., '84; Ph.G., '86. Drug- gist. BIED, HUNTEE LINN, Cairo, 111. Born, Bird's Point, Mo., '80; ent., '99; init., '00. Student. BLACK, WILLIAM LYLES, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Nashville, Tenn.; '76; ent., '96; init. (Beta), '96; trans, from Beta, '96; student of vocal music, Chicago, 111., ami New York City. CHI. 275 BLAND, SAMUEL KNIGHT, Jk., Louisville, Ky. Born, Franklin, Ky., '72: ent.,'90; init., '90; (L), '92-4; LL.B., '94; Sec'y Ky. Title Co. Lawyer. BLUME, JULIUS, Miinster, Germany. Born Miinster, Germany, '63; ent., '87; init., '87; trans, to A- Lambda, '91. Instructor in Univ. of Vienna. BONTA, WALTEE GAREETT, 207 Mason st., San Francisco, Oal. Born, Harrodsburg, Ky., '67; ent., '85; init., '85; B. A., '89; LL.B., '90; (I.) '87-8; founder of A-Xi and A-Pi. Lawyer. BOSLEY, OHAS. FLEECE, Lebanon, Ky. Born, Washington Co., Ky., '68; ent., '83; init., '83; member Ky. Legislature, '99-'00. Stock raiser. BEADLEY, WALTEE DAVID, New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '78; ent., '95; init., (Psi) '94; trans, from Psi, '95; B.S., '99. Manufacturer's agent. BEAMLETTE, EDGAE ELLIOTT, Terrell, Tex. Born, Paris, Tex., '60; ent., '79; init., '83; A. B., '83; trans, to Omicron, '83; Pli.D., Leipsic, '91; U. S. Consular Agent to Saxony, '87-'90. Teacher. BEANHAM, HAEEIS MILLEE, Fort Valley, Ga. Born, Fort Valley, Ga.; ent., Univ. of Nashville, '81; init., '83; L.I., '83. Teacher. BEITT, AYLETT TEEVILLE, Fulton, Mo. Born, Montgomery City, Mo., '75; ent., '98; init. (A-Eta), '94; trans, from A-Eta, '94. BEOOKS, JOHN LEANDEE, Georgetown, Tex. Born, Bastrop Co., Tex., '70; ent., '93; init. (Xi), '89; trans, from Xi, '94; Xi's del. 17th K. A. Conv., '93; A.M. Minister. BUCKLEY, EAY, Louisville, Ky. Born, Lawrenceburg, Ky., '80; ent., 99; init., '99. Student. BUECH, CHAELES NEWELL, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Nashville, Tenn., '68; ent., '84; init., '85; A.B.,'88; LL. B., '89; (1.), '88-9; Bus. Man'g'r K. A. Journal, '87-'91; del. to 15th Conv.; member Electoral Commission, '97-9; Sec'y Tenn. Bar Association; Dist. Attorney L. & N. E. E. Lawyer. BUECH, LUCIUS EDWAED, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Nashville, Tenn., '75; ent., '92; init., '92; M.D., '96; Dem- onstrator of Anatomy, Vanderbilt, '89-'00. Physician. BUECH, EOBEET LEE, 709 Addison ave., Nashville, Tenn. Born, Nashville, Tenn., '70; ent., '87; init., '87; B. S., '92. Chief Editorial writer Nashville American. BUSH, MOEEIS WILLIAMS, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Mobile, Ala., '80; ent., '95; init., '95; A.B., '99; (L), '97-9. Iron manufacturer. 276 CHI. BUTLEE, PIEECE MASON, • Hotel Aragon, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Edgefield, S. C, '67; ent., '86; init., '86; M. D. (Bellevue), '93; Ass't Prof. Anatomy and Clinical Surgery, Atlanta Col- lege Physicians and Surgeons. CABELL, JOHN VIVION, Bowling Green, Ky. Born, Bowling Green, Ky., '77; ent., '98; init., '98; B. S. (Ogden Col.), '98; M.S, '99. Student. CAETWEIGHT, EEEDEEICK DEAN", Bowling Green, Ky. Born, Bowling Green, Ky., '76; ent., '97; init. (Omega) '94; trans, from Omega, '97; M.D., '00. Physician. CATEE, GEOEGE WHITFIELD, Jk., Meridian, Miss. Born, Selma, Ala., '76; ent., '93; init., '93. WithM.&O. E.E. Co. OAUTHEN, HENEY JENNINGS, Timmonsville, S. C. Born, Abbeville, S. C, '72; ent., '95; init. (Delta), '89; trans, from Delta, '97; A.B. (Woflord), '92. Minister. CHANEY, HALCOME DuBOSE, Eosedale, Miss. Born, Lake Providence, La., '58; ent., '84; init., '85; Ph.G., '85; Valedictorian, '85. Druggist. CHAPMAN, EOBEET AEEINGTON, Lincoln, Ala. Born, Livingston, Ala., '66; ent., '84; init., '84. Civil engineer. CHEEEY, WILLIAM CAPEES, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Athens, Ala., '69; ent., '85; init., '87; B.A., '88. Pres. and Valedictorian, Law Class, '91; LL.B., '91. Lawyer. CHICK, JOSEPH SMITH, Columbia, La. Born, Chariton Co.. Mo., '67; ent., '87; init., '87; LL.B., '91; Ed- in-chief K. A. History and Catalogue, '91; devised chapter register, '92; member Advisory Board, '91-3; elected K. C. H., '93. Lawyer and Eeal Estate Agent. CLAYTON, JOHN B., Kirkwood, Mo. Ent., '84; init., '84. Minister. COCHEAN, WALTEE WATEES, Tiptonville, Tenn. Born, Miss., '63; ent., '82; init., '83; LL.B., '86. Lawyer. COWAN, SAMUEL KINKADE, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Nashville, Tenn., '69; ent., '85; init., '85. City editor Nashville American. Journalist. COX, EUGENE ANDEEWS, Columbia, Tenn. Born,Athens,Ga.,'76;ent.,'94;init.,'94; A.B.; LL.B.,'00. Lawyer. CEAIGHEAD, EDWIN BOON, Fayette, Mo. Born, Fulton, Mo., '61; ent., '84; init., '85; M.A. (Central Col.), '84; Prest. Central College, '98-'00. CEAWLEY, JOSIAH THOMAS, Audubon Park, New Orleans, La. Born, N. C, '63; ent. Univ. of Nashville, '83; init., '83; Harvard Univ., '87; A.B. (Harvard), '90. Chemist. CHI. 277 CULVEE, EOMCJLUS ESTEP, St. Josephs, Mo. Born, Plattsburg, Mo., '65; ent., '85; init., '85; Ph. B., (Central Col.), '85; (I.), '86; LL.B., '87. Lawyer and City Judge. DAKGAN, MAEIOISr, Florence, S. C. Born, S. C, '57; ent.. '80; init., charter member, '83; B.D., '84; founder of A-Alpha and Omega; member S. C. Conf. M. E. C, S., '84-'00. Presiding Elder. DAVIS, OHAELES THOMAS, Bristol, Tenn. Born, Bristol, Tenn., '74; ent., '96; init. (Mu^^O» '93;trans. from Mu^^^ '96. Minister. *DAVIS, JOHN HENEY LaFAYETTE, Davisville, Ala. Born, Davisville, Ala., '58; ent., '81; init., '84; B. A., '82; M. A., '83; B.D., '84, Minister N. Ala. Conf., M. E. C, S. Died, '88. DAVIS, LOUIS ANDEEW, 310 Lamar st., Weatherford, Tex. Born, Denton, Tex., '74; ent., '91; init., '91; (I.), '96-7; A.B., '97; del. 19thConv., '97. Banli cashier. DAVIS, EOBEET WILLIAM, Weatherford, Tex. Born, Weatherford, Tex., '72;ent., '89; init. (Xi), '89; trans, from Xi, '89; A.B., '92. Banker. DE JAENETTE, SYDNEY EEID, Albany, Oa. Born, Eatonton, Ga., '73; ent., '86; init. (Epsilon),'90; trans, from Epsilon, '96. Supt. Public Schools, Albany. DENNIS, EDWAED COLGATE, 115 S. Sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Born; Bishopville, S. C, '72; ent., '91; init., '91; del. 17th Conv., '93; (I.), '94-5; B.S., '95. Lawyer. DIXON, WILLIAM OLAEENOE, Ashwood, Tenn. Born, Ashwood, Tenn., '81; ent., '99; init., '99. Medical student. DUDLEY, THOMAS PAEKEE, 3523 Olive st., St. Louis, Mo. Born, Winchester, Ky., '77; ent., '96; init., '96; B. S. (Ky. Wes- leyan), '96. With 'Frisco E. E. DUKE, HENEY LOMAS, Eidgeway, S. C. Born, Eidgway, S. C, '58; ent. Univ. of Nashville, '82; init., '83. Travelling salesman. DUPUY, WILLIAM MOEGAN, Boa^rdman, Fla. Born, Plaquemine, La., '64; ent., '84; init., '84; A. B. (La. S. Univ.), '84; LL.B., '86. Lawyer. ELAM, EDWAED EVEEETT, Anniston, Ala. Born, Murfreesboro, Tenn., '63; ent., '83; init., '83; Ph. G., '95. Druggist. ELLIS, ALBEET BLOCK, Fredericksburg, Va. Born, Bailey Springs, Ala., '70; ent., '90; init. (A-Beta), '86; trans. from Alpha-Beta, '90; A.B. (Univ. of Ala.), '90; Graduate Fel. low, '90-'91; Prin. Bailey Springs Fem. Acad.,'94-'98. Teacher. EVANS, JOHN, Columbia, Tex. Born, Columbia, Tenn., '82; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. 278 CHI. EWAN, PAKKER CONNER, Jr. Clarendon, Ark. Bom, Clarendon, Ark., '78; ent., '99; Init., '99. Student. FALL, JOSEPH HORTON, Jr., Nashville, Tenn. Born, Nashville, Tenn. ,'76; ent., '93; init. ,'93. Hardware merch. FARRAR, BENJAMIN JOSEPH, Jr., Shores, Va. Born, Nashville, Tenn,, '78, ent., '96; init., '96. Planter. FINN, CLARENCE McELROY, Owensboro, Ky. Born, Franklin, Ky., '76; ent., '96; Init., '96. Lawyer. FINN, GERALD THOMAS, Franklin, Ky. Born, Franklin, Ky., '68; ent., '86; init., '86; LL.B., '89; member Ky. Legislature, '99. Lawyer. FINN, JAMES MOORE, Dublin, Ga. Born, Franklin, Ky., '68; ent., '86; init., '86. Cashier Bank of Dublin, '92-'00. FINN, LAWRENCE BIGGER, Franklin, Ky. Born, Franklin, Ky., '73; ent., '94; init., '94. Lawyer. FOLK, JOS. WINGATE, Lincoln Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo., Born, Brownsville, Tenn., '69; ent., '88; init., '88; LL.B., '90. Lawyer. FOLLANSBEE, JAMES SOULE, Bramwell, W. Va. Born, Chapel Hill, Tex., '63; ent., '83; init., '83; Ph. G., '86. Pharmacist. GARRETT, CLYDE BARBEE, Hearne, Tex. Born, Salado, Tex., '69; ent., '92; init. (Xi), '89; trans, from Xi, '92; retrans. to Xi, '94; A.M., with Second Honor (S- W. N.), '92. Minister. GIBSON, ANDREW JOSEPH, Austin, Tex. Born, Travis Co., Tex., '62; ent., '82; init. charter member, '83; trans, to Omicron, '83. Lawyer. GODCHAUX, FRANKLIN AREA, Abbeville, La. Born, Abbeville, La., '79; ent., 98; init., (A-Gamma), '97; trans, to Psi, '98; trans, to Chi, '99; (I.), 'OO-'Ol. Student. GOSE, JOHN THOMAS, Shelbina, Mo. Born, Monroe Co., Mo., '71; ent., '94; init., '94; A.B. (Central Col.), '94; M.A., '96. Teacher. GUILD, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Gallatin, Tenn. Born, Gallatin, Tenn., '71; ent., '93; init., '93. A.B. (Princeton), '93. Lawyer. HANDLY, MARKS WHITE, Winchester, Tenn. Born, Winchester, Tenn., '71; ent., '87; init., '88. Paulist Priest. HARDEN, WILLIAM HOLMES, Jr., Chester, S. C. Born, Chester, S. C, '66; ent., '90; init. (Delta), '82; trans, from Delta, '90; LL.B., '92. Farmer. CHI. 279 fHAREIS, JAS. ALEXANDER, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Jonesboro, Tenn., '64; ent., '83; init., '83. Expelled, '84. Lawyer. HARRISON, ROBERT EERDINAND, Kansas City, Mo. Born, Bedford, Co-, Tenn., '57; ent., '82; init., '83; LL.B., '83. Lawyer. HARSH, FORREST RUTHEREORD, Memphis, Tenn. Ent., University of Nashville, '80; init., '83; grad., '83. HART, JAMES EDWARD, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Nashville, Tenn., '70; ent., '86; init., '86. Brest. Collier Grocery Co. HART, THOMAS TERRY, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Nashville, Tenn., '70; ent., '87; init., '87. Coal dealer, (firm Hunter & Hart). HAWKINS, PRINCE ALBERT, Boulder, Col. Born, Huntington, Tenn., '71; ent., '92; init., '92; LL.B., '94. Lawyer. HAWTHORNE, JOHN HAMILTON, Jonesboro, Ark. Borti, Corning, Ark., '79; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. HEMINGWAY, WILSON LINN, Little Rock, Ark. Born, Patosia, Mo., '80; ent., '97; init., '97; B.S., '00. Student. HERSHEIELD, WM. MARTIN, Elkton, Ky. Born, Elkton, Ky., '66; ent., '82; init., '83. Merchant. HEARD, HENRY OSWALD, Jr., 712 S. Crockett st., Sherman, Tex. Born, Sherman, Tex., '80; ent., '99; init., '00. Law student. HINES, RICHARD PERCY RAPIER, Mobile, Ala. Born, Mobile, Ala., '79; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. HODGES, DAVID HARRY, Bledsoe's Landing, Ark. Born, luka, Miss., '71; ent., '88; init., '89. Planter. HOWARD, CHAS. MALONE, Selma, Ala. Born, Mulberry, Ala., '66; ent., '85; init. (Phi), '83; trans, from Phi, '85. Wholesale Hardware Merchant. HOWARD, JAMES TURNER, Fayette, Mo. Born, Fayette, Mo., '64; ent., '86; init., '86. Pharmacist. INGE, RICHARD, Greensboro, Ala. Born, Greensboro, Ala., '79; ent., — ; init. (Phi), '93: trans, from Phi. JACKSON, JAMES CRANBERRY, Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. Born, Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., '73; ent., '90; init., '90;B.E., '94;C.E., '95; grad. Fellow, '94-5; Instructor, '95-6; Civil Engr. and phos- phate operator, (Jackson & Young). 28o CHI. JOHN, EODEEICK BELTON, Goldsboro, N. C. Born, Marlboro Co., S. C, '58; ent., '83; init. (Delta), '76; trans, from Delta, '83; member N. C: Conf., M. E. C, S. Minister. JOHNSON, EIOHAED, (Memphis, Tenn.) Born, '64; ent., '85; init. Merchant. JOHNSTON, WILLIAM HAMILTON, Sadlersville, Tenn. Born, Bullock Co., Ala., '65; ent., '86; init., (Epsilon), '85; trans. from Epsilon, '86; member Tenn. Conf. M. E. C., S. Minister. JONES, EOSTEE, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Nashville, Tenn., '69; ent., '88; init., '88. • Dealer in min- eral lands. JONES, OEOEGE HOUSTON, Pollock bldg.. Mobile, Ala. Born, Stone, Ala., '75; ent., '94; init. (A-Beta), '91; trans, from Alpha-Beta, '94; LL.B., '97. Lawyer (McAlpine & Jones). *JONES, JOED AN EEANOIS, Greensboro, N. C. Born, Lewisburg, N. C, '69; ent., '89; init., '89; A. B., (Trinity, N. C), '89; died at school, '90. Minister. JONES, JULIUS, Eockford, Ala. Born, Coosa Co., Ala., '58; ent., '82; init., '84; Valedictorian, '84; M.D., '84. Physician. JONES, VEENEE MOOEE, 30 Chamber of Commerce, Nashville, Tenn. Born, ISashville, Tenn., '71; ent., '88; init., '88; trans, to Alpha, '90; Sec'y 17th Conv.; Associate Editor /cz/r^a/, '91-6; Editor- in-Chief /o«r«a/, '96-98; elected K. C. H., '97. Lawyer. JOYNEE, NICOLAS EVEEETTE, Monterey, Mex. Born, Pearl Eiver, La., '71; ent., '93; init. (A-Iota), '91; trans, from Alpha-Iota, '94; missionary to Mexico, '96-'00. JUSTUS, WILLIAM HICKS, Hendersonville, N. C. Born, Hendersonville, N. C, '57; ent., '84; init., '84; Ph. G., '86. Pharmacist. KEEBLE, JOHN BELL, 2114 West End ave., Nashville, Tenn. Born, Murfreesboro, Tenn., '68; ent., '85; init., '86; LL.B., '88; del. to 15th Conv.; Pres. 16th Conv.; Associate Editor y(92/r«a/, '87-9; Editor-in-Chief Journal, '89-'96; elected K. C. H., '93; Prof, and Sec'y Faculty, Yanderbilt Law School, '00; lecturer Medical Jurisp., Yanderbilt and Univ. of Tenn. Lawyer. KEEN, ALFEED ALLEN, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Salem, Ya., '79; ent., '99; init. (Zeta), '94; trans, from Zeta, '00; A.B., '98; A.M., '99 (Eandolph-Macon). Fellow and Instructor in Biology in Yanderbilt University. KEEN, PAUL BENTLEY, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Alexandria, Ya., '82; ent., '99; init. (Zeta), '98; trans, from Zeta, '00. Student. KEEE, WILLIAM MOEEIS, Kansas City, Mo. Born, Dyersburg,Tenn.,'76;ent.,'97; init., '97; M.D.,'98. Physic'n. CHI. 281 KING, WILLIAM PETER, Ferguson, Mo. Born, Red Hill, Ga., '71; ent., '96; init. (Epsilon), '89; trans, from Epsilon, '96. Minister. KIRKPATRIOK, ELIJAH THOMAS, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Nashville, Tenn., '62; ent., '84; init. (Sigma), '83; trans, from Sigma, '84. G-eneral merchandise broker. KNAPP, BRADFORD, Belmond, Iowa. Born, Yintoo, la., '70; ent., '88; init., '89; (I.), '91-2; B.S., '92; trans, to Alpha-Nu, '94. Lawyer. LANHAM, FREDERICK GARLAND, Weatherford Tex. Born, Weatherford, Tex., '80; ent., '97; init., '97; trans, to Omi- cron, '98. Student Univ. of Tex. LEONARD, NATHANIEL, NELSON, Boonville, Mo. Born, Boonville, Mo., '76; ent., '96; init., '96. Banker. LEWIS, CLARENCE LINDEN, Je., St. Louis, Mo. Born, Bolivar Co., Miss., '64; ent., '83; init.. 83; trans, to Lambda, '85; M.D. (Coll. of Phys. and Surg., N. Y.), '88; with Cystogen Chem. Co., '99-'00. Physician. LIDE, LESLIE, Meridian, Miss. Born, Sumter Co., Ala., '64; ent., '83; init., '83; Ph.G. '85. Phar- macist. LIN, JAMES REESE, Wesson, Miss. Born, Forsyth, Ga., '68; ent., '94; init. (Epsilon), 84; trans, from Epsilon, '94; A.B. (Emory), '89; Fellowship, '94-6; M.A., '96; Supt. Graded Schools, Wesson, Miss. *LONG, JACKSON EDWARD, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Perote, Ala., '65: ent., '82; init., '83;LL.B. (Univ. of Ala.), '86: founder and charter member Alpha-Beta, '85; Lawyer, Eu- faiila, Ala., '85-9; died, '91. Mcdonald, KENNETH, Je., Louisville, Ky. Born, Louisville, Ky., '81; ent., '00; init., '00. Student. McKIE, ROBERT EARLY, San Marcos, Tex. Born, San Marcos, Tex., '75; ent., '95; init. (Mu^^O, '94; trans. from Mu^^^ '95; LL.B., '98. Lawyer. McKINNEY, WILLIAM FELIX, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Booneville, Ind.,'70; ent., '93; init., '93; D.D.S.,'96; Demon- strator, Dental Dept. Vanderbilt, '99-'00. Dentist. McLEOD, DANIEL MELYILLE, Blacksburg, S. C. Born, Bishopville, S. C, '66;ent., '90; init. (Delta), '86; trans, from Delta, '90; A. B-- (Wofford), '90; member K. A. Advisory Board, '91-3. Minister. McLIN, ROBERT ORLANDO, Kansas City, Mo. Born, Green Co., Tenn., '62; ent., '85; init., '85; LL.B., '86; Mo. Legislature, '90. Lawyer. 282 CHI. MAOMURPHY, GEO. YUILLE, 155 Rutledge ave., Charleston, S. 0. Born, Augusta, Ga., '69; ent., '87; init. (Theta^^) '87; trans, from Theta^^ '87. Physician. fMcVOY, JAMES ALEXANDEE, Mansfield, La. Born, Summerfield, Ala., '75; ent., '92; init. (Phi), '91 ; trans, from Phi, '92; expelled, '94. MALONE, EDWARD FALL, Nashville, Tenn. Born, ]S"ashville, Tenn., '80; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. MALONE, JOHN WESLEY, Cold Water, Miss. Born, Smyrna, Ga., '56; ent., '84; init., '85. Minister. MALONE, THOMAS HENRY, Jk., 28 Yanderbilt bldg., Nashville, Tenn. Born, Nashville, Tenn., '72; ent., '87; init., '87; A.B., '92; A.M., '93; LL.B., '96; Instructor Yanderbilt Law School, '00. Law- yer. MANN, RICHARD MADISON, Brownsville, Tenn. Born, Brownsville, Tenn., 76; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. MARCH, JAMES PORTER, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Nashville, Tenn., '79; ent., '96; init., '96. With Standard Snuff Co. MARSHALL, HARRY LEE, Havana, Cuba. Born, Little Rock, Ark., '76; ent., '95; init., '95. Electrical En- gineer, (Ames & Marshall). MENEFEE, NEWLAND JACQUES, Denver, Colo. Born, Richmond, Mo., '72; ent., '93; init., '93; Ph.B. (Central Col.) '93. Lawyer. MEUX, GEORGE WHITFIELD, Stanton, Tenn. Born, Stanton, Tenn., '81; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. MILLAN, WILLIAM WALTER. Washington, D. C. Born, Culpeper Co., Ya., '62: ent. Univ. of Nashville, '82; init., '83; LL.B., Nat'l Univ., Washington, D. C, '88; LL.M., '89; Brest, special K. A. Conv. '98. Lawyer. MILNER, JAS. WOODDELL, Florence, Ala. Born, Florence, Ala., '63; ent., '81; init., '83; Ph.G., '84; member Ala. Board of Pharmacy, '91-'00. Druggist. MOORE, CHAS. FORREST, Clifton Forge, Ya. Born, Dunmore, W.Ya.,'63; ent., '79; init., '83; trans, to Lambda, '86; minister, '84-6; law student, '86-7; lawyer, '87-'00. MOORE, JOSEPH BOONE, Deadwood, S. D. Born, Nashville,Tenn.,'62; ent., '84; init., '84; LL.B. ,'85. Lawyer. MOORE, JOHN MERRICK, Little Rock, Ark. Born, Little Rock, Ark., '80; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. CHI. 283 MOEGAlSr, JOSEPH JAMES, 250 Junius st., Dallas, Tex. Born, Torquay, Devon, Eng., '70; ent., '96; init. (Xi), '91: trans, from Xi, '96. Minister, M. E. C, S. MOEGAN, MATTHEW MAESHALL, Nashville, Tenn. Born, I^ashville, Tenn., '77; ent., '95; init., '95;LL.B., '97. Law- yer. MOEEIS, MAESHALL, Jr., Bowling Green, Ky. Born, Birmingham, Ala., '77; ent., '96; init., '96; Civil Engr., with L. &N. E. E. MOEEISON, HENEY CLAY, Louisville, Ky. Born, Trimble Co., Ky.. '57; ent., '85; init., '85. Minister and Editor Kentucky Methodist. MOSS, CLEMENT DILLAED, Lake Charles, La. Borlf, Lalie Charles, La., '70; ent., '86; init., '87; trans, to A-Nu, '94; trans, to Psi, '96. Lawyer. MUEPHEEE, WALTEE THEODOEE, Gadsden, Ala. Born, Walnut Grove, Ala., '62; ent. Univ. of Nashville, '84; ihit., '84; traus. to Alpha-Beta, '87; L.I.; A.B.; LL.B. (Univ. of Ala.), '88. Lawyer. NOLAND, LUTELLUS BAENETT, Brunswick, Mo. Born, Independence, Mo., '61; eni^., '85; init., '85. Minister. O'BEYAN, LAUEENCE GOEDON, 327 N. Vine st., Nashville, Tenn. Born, Nashville, Tenn., '70; ent., '88; init., '88. Wholesale dry goods. OELZE, EOBEET LEONAED, Cloverport, Ky. Born, Cloverport, Ky., '69; ent., '90; init., (Omega), '86; trans, from Omega, yO. Lawyer. OMBEEG, JAMES ADOLPH, Je., Memphis, Tenn. Born, Memphis, Tenn., '77; ent., '94; init. (Pi), '93; trans, from Pi, '96; B.E., '99. Civil engineer. OYEETON, JOHN (4th), Nashville, Tenn. Born, Nashville, Tenn., '80; ent.. '97; init., '99. Student. OWEN, CEOCKETT, Columbia, Tenn. Born, Columbia, Tenn., '80; ent., '94; init., '98. Law student. PAEKS, LEXIE SMITH, Union City, Tenn. Born, Obion, Tenn., '67; ent., '85; init., '87; B. S., '89; LL.B., '90; (I.), '89-'90. Bank Brest, and Lawyer. PATTEESON, JAMES WIMBEELY, Lumpkin, Ga. Born, EandolphCo.,Ga.,'63;ent.,'83;init.,'84; M.D.,'84. Physi'n. PEEEY, ALEXANDEE, Je., Nashville, Tenn. Born, Nashville, Tenn., '81; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. 284 CHI. PHAEE, HENEY NEWTON, Olivier, La. Born, New Iberia), La., '72; ent., '93; init. (A-Iota), '91; trans, from Alpha-Iota), '93; A.B., (Centenary), '92; B.E., '96. Sugar planter and chemist. PHAEE, JOHN ANDEUS, Berwick, La. Born, New Iberia, La., '70; ent., '92; init., '92; member Delta Sigma Phi, (see A-Iota); A. B. (Centenary), '91. Sugar planter and chemist. PLATEE, EIOHAED CHEATHAM, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Nashville,Tenn.,'72; ent.,'90;init.,'90;LL.B., '92. Banker. PEITCHETT, aEANYILLE MOEEISON, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Fayette, Mo., '75; ent., '94; init., '94; A.B., '96; LL.B.,'00. PEITCHETT, PAUL LIVINGSTON, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Glasgow, Mo., '82; ent., '99; init., '00. Student. *EAMSEE, MAJOE LEE, Eufala, Ala. Born, Eufaula, Ala., '64; ent., '83; init., '83; Ph.G., '87. Whole- sale druggist. Died, '96. EATCLIFFE, CUMMINS, Little Eock, Ark. Born, Little Eock, Ark., '74; ent., '91; init., '91; A.B., '96; LL.B. (Harvard), '98. Lawyer. EAY, HENEY EEANCIS, Marion, Ky. Born, Flat Creek, Tenn., '58; ent., '82; init., '83. Merchant. EEID, CHAELES CHESTEE, Morrillton, Ark. Born, Clarksville, Ark. ,'68; ent., '85; init., '85; LL.B., '87. Lawyer. EEYNOLDS, CHAELES BENJAMIN, (Fort Worth, Tex.) Born, Atlanta, Ga.; ent., Univ. of Nashville, '81; init., '83; Vale- dictorian, '83; B.A., (Univ. of Nashville), '83. Lawyer.' EOSS, JAMES LEE, Eufala, Ala. Born, Midway, Ala., '63; ent., 83; init., '83. Hardware merchant. EOSS, MAECUS MAECELLUS, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Fairmount, W.Va., '55; ent. Univ. of Nashville, '82; init., '83; first Business Manager K. A. Journal; L.I., '84. Teacher Nashville Public Schools. EYLAND, EDWIN PIGOTT, Kansas City, Mo. Born, Lexington, Mo. ,'66: ent. ,'85; init., '85. Minister M.E.C.,S. SCALES, JOHN LYTLE, Alden Bridge, La. Born, Mansfield, La., '71; ent., '94; init. (A-Iota), '91; trans, from Alpha-Iota, '94; M.D., '96. Physician. SCEOGGIN, GILBEET CAMPBELL, Glass, Tenn. Born, Glass, Tenn., '81; ent., 'i98; init., '98. Student. SEAY, DEEO EUGENE, Dallas, Tex. Born, Gallatin, Tenn., '74; ent., '93; init., '93; M.D.,'96. Physician. SEAY, EDWAED TUCKEE, Gallatin, Tenn. Born, Hartsville, Tenn., '68; ent., '86; init., '89; (L), '90-1; del. 16th Conv.; LL.B., '91; mem. Tenn. Legislature, '99. Lawyer. CHI. • 285 SEAY, HAREY LAUDERDALE, Dallas, Tex. Born, Gallatin, Tenn., '72; ent., '90; init., '90; Prest. Dallas Alumni Chapter; LL.B. Lawyer. SIMPSON, WILLIAM THOMAS, Tullahoma, Tenn. Born, Eufala, Ala., '67; ent., '84; init., '84. Presby'n Minister. SMITH, BAXTER, Jk., 728 Hayne ave.. Nashville, Tenn. Born,Gallatin,Tenn.,'66;ent.,'83;init.,'83. Fireman, L.«fc:N.R.R. SMITH, EDGAR, 207 E. Sixth st, Austin, Tex. Born, Webbville, Tex.. '62: ent., '80: init., charter member, '83; (I.), '83-4. Merchant. SMITH, GEORGE FRANKLIN, Beaufort, N. C. Born, Jackson Hill,]S".C., '60; ent., '84; Init., '86; B.D., '87. Minister. *SMITH, HENRY WEBSTER, Danceyville, Tenn. Born, Haywood, Co., Tenn., '65; ent., '83; init., '83; died, '84. SMITHWICK, JAMES FRANCIS, Memphis, Tenn. Born, Memphis, Tenn., '80; ent., '98; init., '98. Bank clerk. *SLOYER, GEORGE STANFORD, Glen Rose, Tex. Born, Springton, Tex., '69: ent., '96; init. (Xi) '94; trans, from Xi, '96. Minister. *SOUTHGATE, HUBBARD KAYANAUGH, Newport, Ky. Born, Newport, Ky., *70; ent., '89; init., '89; died at school, '90. SPAIN, JOHN BATT KENNEDY, Auburn, Ala. Born, Tuscaloosa Co., Ala., '59; ent., '81; init., '84; B.D.,'85. Min- ister, M.E. C, S. STEYENS, WILLIAM SYDNEY, Sparta, Ga. Born, Tuskeegee, Ala., '66; ent., '90; init. (Epsilon), '83; trans, from Epsilon, '90; A.B. (Emory), '86. Minister. STEWART, NOLAN, Jackson, Miss. Born, Rankin Co., Miss., '64; ent., Univ. of Nashville, '81: init., '83; M.D. (Univ. Nash.), '83; Asst. Physician, Miss. State In- sane Asylum. STROTHER, SIDNEY LANIER, ' Fresno, Cal. Born, Marshall, Mo., '67; ent. '86; init., '86. Lawyer. SWEARINGEIS, GEO. [HARTWELL] CRAWFORD, Jackson, Miss. Born, Bainbridge, Ga., '66: ent., '90; init. (Epsilon), '85; trans, from Epsilon, '90; M.A., '92; A.B. (Emory), '88;Prof. Latin and Greek, Millsaps College, '93-'00. SWEARINGEN, SCOTT AUGUSTUS, Washington, D. C. Born, Atlanta, Ga., ent. U. of Nashville, '81; init., '«3; L.I., '83. Clerk, Ireas. Dept. TALLEY, HASKELL BURLASON, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Born, Murfreesboro, Tenn., '77; ent., '97; init., (A-Epsilon) '95; trans, from A-Epsilon, '98; LL.B., '99. Student at Harvard Law School. 286 * CHI. TANNEE, BEVEELr OSBOEl^E, Pottsboro, Tex. Born, Fayette Co., Tenn., '59; ent., '81; init., 83. Farmer. TEEEELL, JAMES MILAS, Sonoma, N. C. Born, Sonoma, :Nr. C, '68; ent., '94; init. (Mu^^O, '94; trans, from Mu^^^ '95; A.B.,(E.&H.),'94; Theolog. student, '94-6. Minister. TOWSOIST, WILLAED ELMOEE, Khobe, Japan. Born, St. Louis, Mo., '58; ent., 79; init., '84; B.D., '84; M. E. Missionary, '92- '00. WASHBUEN, CHAELES CAMPBELL, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Quincy, 111., '68; ent., '86: init., '86; grad., Cinti. Col. of Music, '95. Singer and Teacher of Voice Culture. WATKINS, HEEBEET BEOWN, Jackson, Miss. Born, Lee, Miss., '76; ent., '99; init., (A-Mu), '95; trans, from A-Mu, '99; A.B. (Millsaps), '99. Student. WEBB, JUJSriUS YOUNG, Minden, La. Born, Minden, La., '62; ent., '84; init., '84. Merchant. WEBB, THOMAS I., Nashville, Tenn. Born, Brownsville, Tenn., '80; ent., 97; init., '97. Student. WEBB, THOMAS PHILLIPS, Mcholasville, Ky. Init. (Omega), '89; trans, from Omega. WHITE, HOEACE HENEY, Alexandria, La. Born, Opelousas, La., '64: ent., '82; init., charter member, '83; A.B., '86; LL.B., '87; (L), '84-6; Business Manager, Editor-in- Chief , /oe^rwa/, '86-7; G. H., '87-9; K. C, '89-'91; Chairman Ad- visory Board, '91-3; del, to 13th and 14th Conv's; Brest. 19th Conv. ; elected K. C H., '93. Lawyer. WHITE, WILLIAM ALLEN, Anniston, Ala. Born, New Iberia, La., '75; ent., '94; ent., '94; A.B. ,'00; (I.), '99-'00. Prin. Anniston Prep. School (after Sept. '00). WHITESIDE, WAEEEN TEISTOM, St. Joseph, Mo. Born, New Florence. Mo.. '69; ent., '94; init., '94; A. B. (Central Col.), '94. Minister M.E. C, S. WHITMAN, WILLIAM OASSIE, Sweetwater, Tenn. Born, Sweetwater, Tenn., '76; ent., '96; init., '96. Merchant. WILLIAMS, JOSEPH MINNICK, [Jk.], Nashville, Tenn. Born, Ashwood, Tenn. ,'66; ent. ,'87; init,. '87; LL.B. ,'88. Lawyer. WOOFTEE, THOMAS JACKSON, Milledgeville, Ga. Born, Eoane Co., Va., '62; ent. Univ. of Nashville, '83; init., '84; A.B. (Univ. of Nashville), '85. Prof. Math., Ga. Normal and Industrial College. *WYNN, JOHN EOBEET, Huntsville, Ala. Born, Cross Co., Ark., '68; ent., '85; init., '85; LL.B., '88. Law- yer. Died '96. YAEBEOUGH, WALTEE SPAIN, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Gordon, Ga..'64; ent., '83; init., '83; Ph.G.,'86. Trav.salesm. CHI. 287 YOUNG, BERT EDWARD, Jackson, Miss. Born, Louisville. Ky.,'75; ent.,'92; init.,'92; V. Prest. 19th Cony., '97; B.S., '96; M.S., '97; Prof, of Eng. and Hist., Millsap's Col;, '00. Teacher. YOUNG, CLARENCE SAMUEL, Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. Born, Louisville, Ky., '78; ent., '95; Init., '95. Mining Engin- eer. (Jackson & Young.) Initiates, 158; transfers, 46; total, 204; lost by transfer, 12; dead, 8; expelled, 1 initiate, 1 transfer. TULANE UNIVERSITY OE LOUISIANA, NEW ORLEANS, LA. Chartered, 1853, as University of Louisiana. Reorganized in 1884, With Present Title, FRATEKNITIES : Phi Kappa Sigma, 1858. Sigma Nu, 1888. Pi Kappa Alpha, 1878. Delta Tau Delta, 1889. Kappa Alpha, 1882. Phi Delta Theta, 1889. Sigma Chi, 1882-'84. Kappa Sigma. 1889. Alpha Tau Omega, 1888. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1897. Pi Beta Phi (Sorority), 1891. PSI CHAPTER. Charter Members : Arsene Perilliat, C. B. Stafford, E. E. L. Con- ger and Alfred Eaymond. Founder : J. S. Candler (Epsilon), K. C. Chartered January 14, 1882, by J. S. Candler, acting K. C. In October, 1883, the Chapter disbanded on account of anti-fraternity laws. It was reorganized February 9, 1886, by C. C. Luzenberg, of A-Gamma. Members of Psi Chapter* ALDKICH, EOBERT HENEY, Baton Eouge, La. Born, Baton Eouge, La., '67; ent., '92; init., '92; M.D. Physician and Surgeon. AEOHINAED, JOHN JOSEPH, Baronne and Common sts., New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '71; ent., '90; init., '91; M.D., '93. BACKUS, SAMUEL HAEEIS, 807 St. Charles, New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '73; ent., '89; init., '89; A.B., '93; M.D., '97; Act. Asst. U. S. Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S. *BAETON, THOS. SCOTT, Birmingham, Ala. Born, Buchanan, Ya., '65; ent., '80; init., '82; died, '93. PSI. 289 BAYNAED, LUDLOW BUARD, Jr., Box 269, Alexandria, La, Born, Alexandria, La., '73; ent., '92; init., '92; trans: to Chi '94. Insurance Agt. BAYNE, HUGH AIKEN, 35 Wall st., New York City. Born, New Orleans, La., '70; ent., '86; init., '86; A.B. (Yale), '92; LL.B., '94; del. 14th Conv., '87. Lawyer. BEARD, ISHAM BASS, Lake Providence, La. Born, Lake Providence, La., '80; ent., '98; init., '98. Salesman. BLACK, WARREN EEATHERSTONE, 2207 Baronne st.. New Orleans, La. Born, Camden, Miss., '78; ent., '97; init., '97. Business Manager N. O. Christian Advocate. BLACKMAN, JOHN CALHOUN, Alexandria, La. Born, Alexandria, La., '76; ent., '96; init., '97; A.B. (Spring Hill Col.); LL.B. Lawyer. BORDE, GEO. URQUHART, 252 Canal st.. New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '71; ent., '84; init., '86; B.A., '88; M. A., '90. Electrican. *BORDE, ROB'T GEO. URQUHART, New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '66; ent., '80; init., '86; M.A., '85;M.D., '89; died, '93. BRADLEY, LAUREN JAY, Jackson ave.. New Orleans, La. Born, Syracuse, N. Y., '75; ent., '91; init., '91. BRADLEY, WALTER DAVID, Jackson ave.. New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '78; ent., '94; init., '94; trans, to Chi, '95. BROWN, JOSEPH, Algiers, La. Born, Algiers, La., '73; ent., '92; init., '93. BURKE, PORTEUS RUBAN, New Iberia, La. Born, New Iberia, La., '75; ent., '96; init., '97. CADE, ROBERT JOSEPH, Port Allen, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '74; ent., '93; init., '93. CASPARI, RICHARD LEWIS, Natchitoches, La. Born, Cloutcherville, La., '66; ent., — ;init. A-Gamma, '85; trans, from A-Gamma, — . CHAMBERLAIN, CHARLES THOMPSON, 611 Main st, Natchez, Miss. Born, Natchez, Miss., '80; ent., '98; init., 99. COLEMAN, JOHN BEYROTH, 1542 Canal st.. New Orleans, La. Born, Rodney, Miss., '79; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. *CONGER, ROB'T EDWARD LEE, New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '63; ent., '80; init., charter member, '82; died, '85. 290 PSI. CONEAD, PAUL JOSEPH GERMAIN, New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '70; ent., '87; init., '93. OORDELL, SOLOMON LOWRY, Crowville, La. Born, Crowville, La., '80; ent , '99; init., '99. Student. CORDILL, RICHARD PRITCHARD, Como, La. Born, Como, La., '77; ent., '94; init. (A-G-amma), '93; trans, from A-Gamma, '96. DARCANTEL, GUY. Born, , — ; ent., — ; init., '00. Student. DAVIS, LEE, Brunswick, Miss. Born, Brunswick, Miss., '70; ent., '87; init., '87; B.A., '91. DePASS, ROBERT BROOKINGS, 639 Desire st.. New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '76; ent., '95; init., '95. Broker. DONALDSON, GUY, Philip st.. New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '77; ent., 92; init., '92. ERNEST, ALGERNON SYDNEY, 61 Eleanore st.. New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '76; ent., '92; init., '92. Pharmacist. ERNEST, EREDERIO WILKINS, 610 Eleanore st.. New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '82; ent., '98; init., '98. FAYROT, LEO MORTIMER, New Roads, La. Born, Port Allen, La., '74; ent., '90; init.. '90; (I.), '94; B.S., '95. Teacher. FAYSSOUX, WILLIAM McLELLAN, 1006 Washington ave.. New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '73; ent., '95; init., '95; member La. Legislature, '00. Lawyer. FINNEY, EMILE BARNELL, New Orleans, La. Born, Powhatan Co., Va., '66; ent., '80; init., '82. FRBRE, THOMAS FOSTER, Glencoe, La. Born, Franklin, La., '70; ent., '90; init., '92. FR^RE, ALEXANDER GABRIEL, Je., Franklin, La. Born, Franklin, La., '78; ent., '95; init , '95. GODCHAUX, FRANKLIN AREA, Abbeville, La. Born, Abbeville, La., '79; ent., '98; init. (A-Gamma), '97; trans, to Psi, '98; trans, to Chi, '99. Student at Vanderbilt. HART, JOHN HAMLIN BROWER, New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '67; ent., '80; init., '82; M.D.,'86. Phys'n. HASKELL, EDWARD CHEVES, 122 State st., E., Savannah, Ga. Born, Savannah, Ga., '68; ent., '87; init., '87; LL.B., '89; trans, to Rho.. '88. Clerk, Ga. and Ala. Ry. PSI. 291 HEACOCK, JOSEPH DAVIS, East Lake, La. Bora, Alpine, La., '69; ent., '90; init., '92. HENEY WALLACE BELL, Carondelet st., New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '70; ent., '90; init., '90. HIGDON, EOBEET EAEL, Hazlehurst, Miss. Born, Hazlehurst, Miss., '73; ent., '93; init., '95. HUNTEE, EOBEET ALEXANDEE, Alexandria, La. Born, Alexandria, La., '79; ent., '99; init., '99. Lawyer. JONES, OHAELES COLCOCK, Coeburn, Va. Born, Augusta, Ga., '68: ent., '80; init., '82; B. S. (La. S. Univ.), '84; B. S. (Lehigli), '88. Supt. Lynchburg Iron Works. Gen'l Manager Coeburn Colliery Co. KAHLE, PIEEEE JOED A, 1124 Marais st., New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '82; ent., '98; init., '98; C. H., '99-'00. Student. LANDEY, MAXIME, Esplanade and St. Claude, New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '72; ent., '90; init., '91; M.D., '93. LANIEE, CALHOUN FLUKEE, St. Charles ave.. New Orleans, La. BorD, New Orleans, La., '76; ent., '95; init. (A-Gamma), '95; trans, from A-Gamma, '95. LEWIS, HAMPDEN SIDNEY, St. Charles st.. New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, '67; ent., '84; init., '86; B.A., '87; M.D., '91; (I.), '89-'90; Prof. Physical Diagnosis, Tulane. Physician. LUZENBEEG, CHANDLEE CLEMENT, New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '67; ent., '88; init. (A-Gamma), '85; trans, from Alpha-Gamma, '88. Lawyer. McLEOD, WILLIAM CHAELES, 1427 State st.. New Orleans, La. Born Bayou Lafourche, La., '66; ent., '82; init., '86; B.A., '87; LL.B., '89; (I.), '86-9; G.H., '89-'91; member Electoral Commis- sion, '97-9. Lawyer. MALOCHBE, JAMES JOSEPH, 611 Esplanade aye., New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '82; ent., '99: init., '99; A.B. (Jeff. Col.), '99. Student. MAETIN, EDWAED DENEGEE, Camp st.. New Orleans, La. Born, Bayou Waxia, La. ,'70; ent., '86; init., '87; M.D.,'91. Phys'n. MATTHEWS, GEOEGE BEENAED, Jr., 3313 Prytania st., New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '76; ent., '91; init., '91. 292 PSI. MATTHEWS, MAETIN LEVERING, 3313 Prytania st., New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '78; ent., '93; init., '93. MEROIEE, THEODORE ARMAND, Carrollton, and Elm sts.. New Orleans, La. BorD, New Orleans, La., '82; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. MOORE, JAMES JOSIAH, Vicksburg, Miss. Born, Blanton, Miss., '78; ent., '00; init., '00. Student. MORRIS, ROBERT TOWNES, (Austin, Tex.) Born, Austin, Tex., — ; ent., — ;init., '91. MOSS, CLEMENT DILLARD, Lake Charles, La. Born, Lake Charles, La.; '70; ent., '95; init. (Chi), '87; trans, to A-Nu, '94; trans, to Psi, '96; valedictorian. MOSS, LELAND HUNT, Lake Charles, La. Born, Opelousas, La., '67; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. NEWELL, CECIL EDWARD, St. Joseph, La. Born, Newellton, La., '68; ent., '88; init. (A-Gamma), '86, and trans, from Alpha-Gamma, '88. Wharf agent. NEWELL, EDWARD THOMAS, Jr., St. Joseph, La. Born, St., Joseph, La., '79; ent., '96; init. (A-Gamma), '92, and trans, from Alpha-Gamma, '96. PATTON, MERCER WILLIAMS, Camp st.. New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '67; ent., '84; init., '86; B. A., '89; LL.B., '91. Lawyer. PERRILLIAT, ARS^NE, Esplanade st, New Orleans, La. Born, Paris, France, '65; ent., '80; init., charter member, '82; B. S., '83; (1.), '82. Engineer. PHARR, EUGENE ALBERTUS, Berwick, La. Born, New Iberia, La., '76; ent., '96; init. (A-Iota), '91; trans, from Alpha-Iota, '96. PIPES, WILLIAM HENRY, Clinton, La. Born, Clinton, La., '78; ent., '96; init., '96; trans, to A-lota, '96; trans, to A-Epsilon, '97; B.S. (Centenary), '99; Prof. English, Bliss Mil. Acad. Macon, Mo., '99-'00. POITEVENT, EADS, Pearlington, Miss. Born, Pearlington, Miss., '79; ent., '98; init., '98. Lumber busi- ness. POST, AUDLEY MAXWELL, 1616 Dufossat st.. New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '80; ent., '96; init., '97. RAINOLD, FRANK EDWARD EMILE, Camp St., New Orleans, La. Born, Homer, La., '65; ent., '85; init., '86; B.A., '86; LL.B., '89. Lawyer. PSI. 293 EANDOLPH, LEMUEL CONNEE, Bayou Goula, La. Born, Bayou Goula, La., '77; ent., '94; init., '94. " EAYMOND, ALFEED, 109 Baronne st, New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '65, ent., '79; init., charter member, '82; B.S., '85; (I.), '85. Sugar chemist. EEED, WAEEEN BETTISON, City Hall, New Orleans, La. Born, Osyka, La., '71; ent., '86; init., '87; B.S., '91. City elec- trician. EEMBEET, GEOEGE WILLIAM FEANCIS, 1424 Pleasant st., New Orleans, La. Born, Natchez, Miss., '79; ent., '96; init., '97. Trav. salesman. EICAN, GEOEGE JOSEPH, 824 Eoyal st.. New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '81; ent., '98; init., '98. *EICHAEDSON, FEANK LIDDELL, Je., New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '73; ent., '91; init. (A-Epsilon), '91; trans, from Alpha-Epsilon, '91; died, 96. EOBIN, EENEST ANDEEW, St. Charles ave., New Orleans,La. Born, Pte. Coupee, La., — ; ent., '90; init., '90. EOBINSON, LEWIS, Montgomery, Ala. Born, Montgomery, Ala., '73; ent., '93; init,, '94. EODD, JOHN EDWIN, Jr., 2705 Chestnut st. New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '75; ent., '92; init., '92; del. 18th Conv. Electrician. EOEHL, FEEDEEICK AUGUST, 4709 Prytania st., New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '72; ent., '92; init. (A-Beta), '88; trans, from Alpha-Beta, '92. EOEHL, THEODOEE JULIUS, 4709 Prytania st.. New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '78; ent., '97; init., '97; Acting C.H., '99- '00. Stenographer. EUSS, SEMPEONIUS, San Antonio, Tex. Born, Kingston, La., '78; ent., '96; init., '96; trans, to Omicron, '98; student, Univ. of Tex., '98-'00. Lawyer. SALTEE, EICHAED WASHINGTON, New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La, '— ; ent., '— ; init., '90. SCHNEIDAN, CHAELES, 1722 Esplanade ave, New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '77; ent., '96; init., '97. SCOTT, JOSEPH TILFOED, [Jr.], 1531 Josephine st., New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '69; ent.. '88; init., '89; M.D.,'94. Phys'n. SIMPSON, OEAMEL HINCKLEY, Washington, La. Born, Washington, Lh., '70; ent., '92; init., '93; member Delta Sigma Phi (see A-Iota). 294 PSI. SMITH, BEVERLY WALKER, Franklin, La. Born, Franklin, La., '70; ent,, '89; Init., '92. Physician. SOMPAYRAO, PAUL AMBROSE, Natchitoches, La. Born, ISTatchitoches, La., '71; ent., '92; init., '93. SPENCER, WALKER BRAINERD, Pleasant st.. New Orleans, La. Born, Natchez, Miss., '68; ent., '84; init., '86; B.A., '88; (L), '90; LL.B., '91; del. 16th Conv., '91. Lawyer (firm of Howe, Spen- cer & Cocke). SPILLER, JOHN WOOD. Born, ; ent., — ; init., '00. Student. STAFFORD, CHARLES BURKE, Chicago, HI. Born, New Orleans, La., '65; ent., '78; init. charter member, '82; B.Lit., '83; LL.B., '86. STAFFORD, CRAHAM, Alexandria, La. Born, ; ent., — ; init., '00. Student. STONE, CHAS. POMEROY, Custom House, New Orleans, La. Born, Clinton, La., '70; ent., '92; init., '92. Chief Clerk. TERRIBERRY, GEORGE HITCHINGS, 711 Common st.. New Orleans, La. Born, Galveston, Tex., '75; ent., '94; init., '95; del. 19th Conv. Lawyer. TOOMER, JOHN SHELDON, Lake Charles, La. Born, Pearlington, Miss., '75; ent., '95; init., '96; LL.B., '96. City Clerk, Lake Charles. TOWLES, JOHN KER, New Orleans, La. Born, W. Feliciana Par., '82; ent., '98; init. (A-Gamma), '98 ; trans, from A-Gamma, '98. Student. TUCKER, FELIX ROBERTS, San Augustine, Tex. Born, San Augustine, Tex., ' — ; ent., ' — ; init., '91. VOK PHUL, WILLIAM, 1529 7th st, New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '71; ent., '87; init., '88; (I.), '91-3; B. S., '91; M. E., '93. Gen'l Supt. Edison Elec. Co. VON PHUL, NOLAN STEWART, 9th st, New Orleans, La. Born, Port Allen, La., '74; ent., '91; init., '91. WALKER, MARCUS, Franklin, La. Born, Franklin, La., '75; ent., '95; init., '95. Book-keeper. WATERMAN, JOHN BARNETT, 240 Jackson ave., New Orleans, La. Born New Orleans, La., '65; ent., '80; init., '82. With Texas & Pacific R. R. Co. WEST, EDGAR WILLIAMSON, New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '67; ent., '80; init., '82. PSI. 295 WESTEEFIELD, GEOEGE SUMNEE, 1835 Berlin st., New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '76; ent., '91; init., '94. WESTEEFIELD, WILLIAM WEEKS, 1835 Berlin st., New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '76; ent., '97; init., '97. WICKLIFFE, EOBEET CHAELES, [Jr.], St. Francisyille, La. Born, Bardstown, Ky., '74; ent., '95; init., (Omega), '91; trans, from Omega, '96; Valedictorian Law Class, '97; B.S., (Centre)^ '95; LL.B., '97; member Electoral Commission, '99-'01. Law- yer and U. S. District Attorney. WEEN, ATTIOUS ASBUEY, 801 Jena st., New Orleans, La. Born, Minden, La., '74; ent., '96: init., (A-Mu), '94; trans, from Alpha-Mu, '96. Clerk, U. S. Mint. Initiates, 88 ; transfers, 14 ; total, 102; lost by transfer, 6 ; dead, 3 initiates, 1 transfer. CENTRE COLLEGE OE KENTUCKY, DANVILLE. KY. Chartered in 1819. Controlled by Presbyterian Church. FRATEENITIES : Beta Theta Pi, 1848. Phi Kappa Sigma, 1860-'62. Phi Delta Theta, 1850. Sigma Chi, 1876. Phi Gamma Delta, 1856-56. Kappa Alpha. 1883. OMEGA CHAPTER. Charter Members : W. L. Clark, F. W. Grossman, G. A. Titter- ington and James A. Williams. Founder : Marion Dargan, (Chi). Established September 4th, 1883, and chartered September 12th, 1883, by J. S. Candler, K. C. Members of Ome§:a Chapter^ ALCOEl^, KINDEICK SUMMEES, Stanford, Ky. Born, Stanford, Ky., '80; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. BAEBEE, THOMAS MOEEOW, Excelsior Springs, Mo. Born, Marshall Mo., '71; ent., '90; init. (A-Eta), '90; trans, from Alpha-Eta, '90; re-trans, to Alpha-Eta, '91; A.B. (West- minster), '92; A.M. (Gallaudet), '96. Theological student. BAENHILL, OLIVEE PAUL, La Grange, Ky. Born, La Grange, Ky., '78; ent., '96; init., '96; A.B.. '00; (I.), '99- '00. Student. BECKNEE, LUOIEN PEAESON, Winchester, Ky. Born, Winchester, Ky., '72; ent., '91; init., '91; trans, to Theta, '93. Government Office. BUCKNEE, SETH SHACKLEFOED, Winchester, Ky. Born, Winchester, Ky., '74; ent., '91; init., '91. BELL, JUNIUS WOOLFOEK, Owensboro, Ky. Born, Owensboro, Ky., ' — ; ent., '91; init., '91. Farmer. OMEGA. 297 BEST, AETHUE SMEDLEY, Iron Gap, Tenn. Born, Millersburg, Ky., '75; ent., '93; init., '93. Lumb. business. BEST, HAEEY FEYE, Millersburg, Ky. Born, Millersburg, Ky., '80; ent.. '97; init., '98; C. H., '00-1. Student. BEST, ISAAC DODD, Millersburg, Ky. Born, Millersburg, Ky., '79; ent., '97; init., '97. Clerk. BEST, SPENCEE, Lexington, Ky. Born, Millersburg, Ky., '76; ent., '95; init., '95; A. B., '97. Ee- porter on Morning Herald. BEST, THOMAS EEYNOLDS, Fulton, Ky. Born, Millersburg, Ky., '71; ent., '90; init., '90; A.B.,'91; founded A-Theta. Minister. BLAYNEY, THOMAS LINDSEY, Frankfort, Ky. Born, Lebanon, Ky., '73; ent., '90; init., '90; A.B., '91. Teacher. BLAYNEY, JOHN McCLUSKY, Je., Frankfort, Ky. Born, Albany, N. Y., '78; ent., '94; init., '94; A. B., '98. Student in Europe. BONTA, HAL EHOTON, Harrodsburg. Ky. Born, Louisville, Ky., '75; ent., '94; init., '94. Pharmacist. BOEEING, JAMES MUEEAY, London, Ky. Born, London, Ky., '71; ent., '88; init., '89. U. S. Storekeeper. BOUENE, HENEY KIEBY, Newcastle, Ky. Born, Christianburg, Ky., '64; ent., '80; init., '84; trans, to Lambda, '86; A.B., '84; A.M., '87; LL.B., '87. Lawyer. BOYEE, OEOEOE EOLAND, Harrodsburg, Ky. Born, Campbellsburg, Ky., '71; ent., '91; init., '94; Valedicto- rian and B. S., '95. Teacher. BOYEE, JACOB TWYMAN, Osceola, Mo. Born, Campbellsburg, Ky., '63; ent., '86; init. '87; A. B., '90. Minister. BEOWN, HENEY PAEK, Jr., London, Ky. Born, London, Ky., '68; ent., '90; init., '90; (I.), '93. Lawyer. BEOWN, JAMES WILLIAM, Brandenburg, Ky. Born, Brandenburg, Ky., '— ; ent., '90; init., '90. BEUCE, WILLIAM WALLACE, Perryville, Ky. Born, Cynthiana, Ky., '62; ent., '83; init., '83; (I.), '85; A.B., '88. Minister. BULL, EDWAED HAEDY, Grant City, Mo. Born, Frankfort, Ky., '69; ent., '86; init., '86; (I.), '89-'90; A.B., '90. Minister. CALDWELL, HENEY BEAD, Burdick, Ky. Born, Columbia, Ky., '79; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. 298 OMEGA. CALDWELL, JOSEPH EVANS, May's Lick, Ky. Born, , — ; ent., — ; init., '89. CALDWELL, EOBEET TATE, Burdick, Ky. Born, Burdick, Ky., '82; ent., '99; init., 99. Student. CARE, PEECY HEEBEET, Zanesville, 0. Born, Zanesville, O., '78; ent., '96; init., '96. CAETWEIGHT, EEEDEEICK DEAN, Bowling Green, Ky. Born, Bowling Green, Ky., '76; ent., '94; init., '94; trans, to Chi, '97; M.D. (Yanderbilt), '00. Physician. CAEY, EEANCIS GEADDY, Lexington, Ky. Born, Louisville, Ky., '78; ent., '96; init. (A-Theta), '94; trans, from Alpha-Theta, '96; trans, to Lambda, '98; A.B., '98;LL.B. (U. Ya.), '00. Lawyer. CHINN, PHILIP THOMPSON, Lexington, Ky. Born, Harrodsburg, Ky., '74; ent., '93; init., '93. CLAEKE WILLIAM LUKE, Montezuma, Iowa. Born, Cerro Gordo, 111., '62; ent., '83; init., '83; charter member; (L), '84; A.B., '87. Minister. CEAIG, HAEDIN, Owensboro, Ky. Born, Davies Co., Ky., '75; ent., '95; init., '97; A. B., '97; A. M. (Princeton), '99; Chas. Scribner Fellow in English, at Princeton Univ. Student. CEAIK, HENEY NELSON, Frankfort, Ky. Born, Frankfort, Ky., '67., ent., '85; init., '87; A.B., '90. Marble Dealer . CEAWEOED, CLAEENCE KEEE, Danville, Ky Born, Perryville, Ky., '64; ent., '80; init., '83; divided valedict. '84; A.B., '84; A.M., '88;Prof. in Danville Theo. Sem. Teacher CEAWFOED, EICHAED EDDIUS, Mason, Tex Born, Mt. Pleasant, Tex., '71; ent., '86; init., '86; trans, to Omi cron, '88. Lawyer. DAVIS, GEOEGE EDWIN, Sal visa, Ky Born, Harrodsburg, Ky., '66; ent., '82; init., '84; A.B., '86; M.D (Bellevue), '88; A.M., '89. Physician. DAVIS, JOSEPH LeCOMPTE, Los Angeles, Cal. Born, Harrodsburg, Ky., '64^ ent., '80; init., '83; A.B., '84. Law- yer. DICKEESON, LUCIEN BEOWN, Nicholasville, Ky. Born, Cowdin, 111., '76; ent., '93; init., '93; B.S., '97. Druggist. DICKSON, JOSHUA BEOWN, Higginsville, Mo. Born. Dovey, Mo., '76; ent., '98; init., '98; A.B., '99; Command- ant at Hogsett Academy, Danville, Ky. DUNN, WALTEE JAMES, Jr., Evergreen, La. Born, Franklin, Ky., '76; ent., '92; init., '93. Teacher. OMEGA. 299 EASTLAND, ROBEET WALTON, Owenton, Ky. Born, Danville, Ky., '65; ent., '82; init., '84; A. B., '86;Pli.G., '87; A.M., '9L Lawyer. EWING, JOHN TENNYSON, 919 3rd aye., Louisville, Ky. Born, Louisville, Ky., '80; ent.,' '99; init., '99. Student. GABBERT, LEWIS CASS, St. Joseph, Mo. Born, Dearborn, Mo., '74; ent., '94; init., '95; winner Ky. Inter- Collegiate Oratorical Contest, '95; (I.), '95-6; A.B., '97. Law- yer. GARTH, CHARLES MEREDITH, Je., 1332 3rd st, Louisville, Ky. Born, New York, N. Y., '79; ent., '97; init., '97; B.S., '99. ' GOWDY, VANCE MOORE, Campbellsville, Ky. Borri, Campbellsville, Ky., '78; ent., '95; init., '96. Manufacturer of Cigars and Tobacco. GRANT, HUGH McKEE, Lancaster, Ky. Born, Lancaster, Kv., '66; ent., '82; Init., '84; A.B., 86; A.M., '89; M.D., '94. Physician. GREEN, LEWIS WARNER, Danville, Ky. Born, Maysville, Ky., '80; ent., '97; init., '98; A.B., '00. Student. GROSSMAN, FRANK WILLIAM, King City, Mo. Born, Louisville, Ky., '58; ent., '81; init. charter member, '83; (1.), '83; A.B.,'85; B.D., Union Theo. Sem., N. Y. City, '88. Minister. HANN, ALEXANDER ROBERSON, Denton, Tex. Born, Richmond, Ky., '72; ent., '86; init., '87; A.B., '90. Dentist. HANN, EDMUND LYNE, Denton, Tex. Born, Danville, Ky., '69; ent., '83; init., '83; A.B., '88. Dentist. HARDIN, NORBURNE ARTERBURN, Worthington, Ky. Born, Worthington, Ky., '80; ent., '97; init., '97. HARDING, SILAS YEAGER, Anchorage, Ky. Born, Eden, Ky., '68; ent., '89; init., '89. HEFFNER, JOHN McKEE, Frankfort, Ky. Born, Frankfort, Ky., '74; ent., '91; init., '92. HIGGINS, ALFRED ALCORN, Stanford, Ky. Born, Stanford, Ky., '80; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. HOGSETT, ROBERT ALEXANDER, Danville, Ky. Born, Danville, Ky., '82; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. HOGSETT, SAMUEL HENDERSON, Globe Democrat Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Born, Crittenden, Ky., '65; ent., '82; init., '83; A.B., '86; A.M., '89. Treas. of St. L. Salt Co. 300 OMEGA. HONAN, JOHN BEYAN, Maysville, Ky. Born, Maysville, Ky., '78; ent., '97; init., '98; C. H., '99-'00; B.S., '00. Medical student. HUDSO:^, EDWARD HOPPER, Barbourville, Ky. Born, Barbourville, Ky., '72; ent., '89; init., '92. Minister. HUMPHREY, HEMAN, 1403 Fourth St., Louisville, Ky. Born, Louisville, Ky., '79; ent., '97; init.,'97; A.B., '00. Medical Student. HUNTER, JOHN ALEXANDER, Washington, Ky. Born, Washington, Ky., '76; ent., '93; init., '93; B. S., '96. Civil Engineer. IRVINE, GABRIEL CALDWELL, Lebanon, Ky. Born, Boyle Co., Ky., '72; ent., '92; init., '92. Merchant. IRWIN, WILLIAM ROBERT, 1054 Brook st., Louisville, Ky. Born, Jefferson ville, Ind , '81; ent., '98; init., '98. Clerk, Carter Dry Goods Co. JOHNSON, JOHN DOWNING, Owenton, Ky. Born, Williamston, Ky., '68; ent., '86; init., '88. Druggist. KELLY, WALLACE, Hopkinsville, Ky. Born, Hopkinsville, Ky., '75; ent., '92; init., '92; Valedictorian, '96; A.B., '96. Tobacconist. KINKEAD, CLEVES GRINSTEAD, 425 Park ave., Louisville, Kv. Born, Louisville, Ky., '82; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. KLIESSENDORFF, ROY AUGUSTUS, Louisville, Ky. Born, Louisville, Ky., '72; ent., '89; Init., '89. Real Estate. KOBERT, CHARLES BISMARK, Lebanon, Ky. Born, Cincinnati, O., '78; ent., '94; init., '96; B.S., '98. Medical Student. LAFON, NATHANIEL, Louisville, Ky. Born, Harrodsburg, Ky., '79; ent., '95; init., '96; A.B., '99. With Columbia Trust Co. LAWWILL, WILLIAM SCOTT, Danville, Ky. Born, Mayslick, Ky., '72; ent., '88; init., '88; (I.), '92; A. B., '92. Lawyer. *LINNEY, WILLIAM THOMAS, Osceola, Mo. Born, Danville, Ky., '68; ent., '83; init., '83; died, '85. Farmer. McCLOY, WALLACE EMMETT, Cherokee, la. Born, Frankfort, Ky., '73; ent., '90; init., '90. R. R. Employee. McCLURE, ALBERT H , Frankfort, Ky. Born, Frankfort, Ky., '73; ent., '91; init., '91; A.B.,'94. Merchant. McHENRY, LEMUEL HARDIN, Mutual Life Bldg., Louisville, Ky. Born, Hartford, Ky., '73; ent., '90; init., '90; (1.), '94. Lawyer. OMEGA. 301 McKENZIE, JAMES ANDEEW, Jr., Oak Grove, Ky. Born, Oak Grove, Ky., '78; ent., '95; init., '95; A.B.,'98. Lawyer. McWILLIAMS, THOMAS SAMUEL, Montreal, Que. Born, Shelbyville, Ky., '65; ent., '82; init., '83; (1.), '85; valedic- torian, '86; A.B., '86; A.M., '89; B.D., Princeton Theo. Sem., '89. Presbyterian Minister. MAKES, HOWAED JACKSON, Danville, Ky. Born, Danville, Ky., '69; ent., '85; init., '85;B.S., '89. Druggist. MEEEILL, EHUEL HAMPTON, Charleston, W.Va. Bornville, Danville, N. J., '67; ent., '93; init., '93: B.S., '96. Pas- tor Kanawha Pres. Church. MILLEE, CHAELES WESTON, Lexington, Ky. Born, Irvine, Ky., '76: ent., '94; init., '94; trans to Lambda, '97; A.B., '95; A.B. (Yale), '96; LL.B. (U.Ya.),'98; del. 19th, special, and 20th Convs.; Prest. Lex. Alumni Chapter; Editor-in-Chief Journal, '99-'01. Lawyer. MONTGOMEEY, CUETIS, Ghent, Ky. Born, Ghent, Ky., '74; ent., '94; init., '94. MUEEELL, HENEY CLAY, Louisville, Ky. Born, Louisville, Ky., '74; ent., '90; init., '91. Mechanical Engr. NOEL, LUCIEN DOTY, Lebanon, Ky. Born, Lancaster, Ky., '68: ent., '84; init., '85; winner State Or. Cont., '87: A.B., '88. Minister. NOEEIS, JOHN LANE, Louisville, Ky. Born, Louisville, Ky., '74; ent., '92; init., '92. Journalist. OELZE, EOBEET LEONAED, Cloverport, Ky. Born, Cloverport, Ky., '69: ent., '86; init., '86; divided valedictory, '90; A.B., '90; (I.), '89; trans, to Chi, '90. Hardware merchant. PEAY, AUSTIN LEAVELL, Hopkinsville, Ky. Born, Bell, Ky., '76; ent., '93; init., '93; (I.), '95. Lawyer. EEAD, FEANK SLAUGHTEE, Lexington, Ky. Born, McKinny, Ky., '68; ent., '83; init., '84. Journalist. EIKEE, WILLIAM HENEY, Harrodsburg, Ky. Born, Harrodsburg, Ky., '78; ent., '95; init., '96. Insurance. EOGEES, HAEEY CLAYTON, Mt. Sterling, Ky. Born, Mt. Sterling, Ky., '78; ent., '96; init., '97; (I.), '99; A.B., '99. Theological student. EOUSE, SHELLEY DEYDEN, Boone Block, Covington, Ky. Born, Crittenden, Ky., '67; ent., '82; init., '84; A.B., '86: A.M., '89; LL.B., '89. Lawyer. fSALTEE, EOBEET LEE, Jr.. Danville, Ky. Born, Danville, Ky., '74; ent., '89; init, '89; expelled, '91. SAVAGE, WILLIAM EDWIN, Cincinnati, 0. Born, Millersburg, Ky., '72; ent., '92; init., '92; A.B., '96; M.D.; Resident Physician, Good Samaritan Hospital. Physician. 302 OMEGA. SHANKS, HARVEY CLIFTON, 1210 3rd st, Louisville, Ky. Born, Louisville, Ky., '78; ent. '92; init., '92. With O. V. Tele- phone Co. SNYDER, EDWARD BEDELL, Charleston, W.Va. Born, Chnrleston, W.Va., '81; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. SPALDING, THOMAS PINCKNEY HILL, Stanford, Ky. Born, Stanford, Ky., '78; ent., '94; init., '95; B.S., '98. Lawyer. SPALDING, CLEMENT BENEDICT, Lebanon, Ky. Born, Danville, Ky., '80; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. STARLING, HENRY WATSON, Greenville, Miss. Born, Frankfort, Ky., '73; ent., '92; Init., '92; A.B., '96; (I.). Banlf clerk. STARLING, LYNE, Je., Greenville, Miss. Born, Frankfort, Ky.. '75; ent., '93; init., '93; A.B., '97. STODGHILL, WILLIAM MANSFIELD, Lexington, Ky. Born, Danville, Ky., '68; ent., '82; init., '83; (I.), '87; A.B., '88. Editor Ky. Stock Farm. STOFER, JAMES NELSON, Mt. Sterling, Ky. Born, Mt., Sterling, Ky., '77; ent., '96; init., '98;B.S., '98. Clerk. TABB, WILLIAM PAYNE, Louisville, Ky. Born, Louisville, Ky., '74: ent., '89; init., '89. TAYLOR, FRANK CONGLETON, Carlisle, Ky. Born, Carlisle, Ky., '79; ent., '95; init., '96; del. 20th Conv: B.S., '99. THOMAS DANIEL LINDSEY, Lebanon, Ky. Born, Lebanon, Ky., '80; ent., '96; init., '97; A.B., '00. Teacher. *THOMAS, JOSEPH EDGAR, Hopkinsville, Ky. Born, Elmore, Ky., '67; ent., '85; init. (A-AIpha), '83; trans, from A-Alpha, '85; died, '96. TINSLEY, CHARLES AUGUSTUS, Barbourville, Ky. Born, Barbourville, Ky., '69; ent., '90; init., '90. Lawyer. TITTERINGTON, GEORGE ALFRED, 314 Main st, Dallas, Tex. Born, Dallas, Tex., '64; ent., '82; init., '83; A.B., '86; charter member. Lawyer. TITTERINGTON, JESSE BENTON, 314 Main st., Dallas,Tex. Born, Dallas, Tex., '69; ent., '87; init., '87. Physician and Sur- geon. fTUCKER, HERBERT WILLIAM, Dayton, 0. Born, , — ; ent., '93; init., '93; expelled, '94. TURNER, HORACE GREELEY, Richmond, Ky. Born, Nicholasville, Ky., '69; ent., '88; init., '88; A.B., '90; A.M., '93. Minister, M. E. U., S. OMEGA. 303 TUENER, JOHN ELMEE, Morganton, Ky. Born, Berry's Lick, Ky., '72; ent., '88; init., '88; (1.) A.B., '92; Prin. Morgantown Sein. Teacher. TUENEE, JAMES HOCIDAY, Ambrose, Ky. Born, Nicholasville, Ky., '73; ent., '89; init., '89. WALLEE, HENEY, 1121 Eookery Bldg., Chicago, 111. Born, Washington, Ky., '74; ent., '90; init., '92; A.B., '94; A.M., '98; (I.) '93. Inspector of Engineering. WICKLIFFE, EOBEET OHAELES, Jr., St. Francisville, La. Born, Bardstown, Ky., '74; ent., '91; init., 91; trans, to Psi, '96; B. S. '95, LL.B. (Tulane), '97; member Electoral Commission, '99- '01. Lawyer. WELCH, THOMAS PHILLIPS, Crescent City, Fla. Born, Hanly, Ky., '72; ent., '89; init., '89; A. B., '91; trans, to Chi, M.D., (Vanderbilt). Physician. WILLIAMS, JAMES ALLE:N', Salt Lake City, Utah. Born, Catlettsburg, Ky., '59; ent., '81; init., '83: charter member; A.B., '85; A.M., '88; trans, to Lambda, '86; LL.B., '88; G.P., '85-'89; devised present Gr. P. system; elected K.C.H., '99. Law- yer. WILSON, EUOENE KEEE, London, Ky. Born, Williamstown, Ky., '69; ent., '85; init., '85; B.S., '87; LL.B., '89. Lawyer. WILSON, SAMUEL MACKAY, 221 N. Limestone st., Lexington, Ky. Born, Louisville, Ky., '71; ent., 88; init., '90; Editor-in-Chief, Journal^ '98-9; winner of Chautauqua Oratorical Contest, '90. Lawyer. WOODWAED, WILLIAM THOMAS, Lexington, Ky. Born, Eminence, Ky., '73; ent., '92; init., '92. ZEIGLEE, JOHN DAVID, Danville, Ky. Born, Frankfort, Ky., '69; ent., '86; init., '86. Merchant. Initiates, 113; transfers, 3; total, 116; lost by transfer, 11; dead, 1 initiate, 1 transfer; expelled, 2. UNIVERSITY or THE SOUTH, SEWANEE. TENN. Chartered in 1868. Controlled by the Protestant Episcopal Church. FRATEENITIES : Alpha Tau Omega, 1877. Phi Delta Theta, 1883. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1881. Delta Tau Delta, 1883. Kappa Sigma, 1882. Kappa Alpha, 1883. Sigma Nu, 1889-'93. ALPHA-ALPHA CHAPTER. Charter Members : A. E. Cornish, J. E. Thomas, O. T. Porcher and J. B. Jones. Founder: Marion Dargan, (Chi). Chartered December 1, 1883, by J. S. Candler, K. C. The original having been lost in the burning of the Chapter house on March 30, 1897, the Charter was re-issued May 28, 1897. A Chapter house is owned, having been rebuilt since '97. Members of Alpha-Alpha Chapter* ADOUE, JULIEN BAPTISTS, Calvert, Tex. Born, Calvert, Tex., '78; ent., '94; init., '94. Bank clerk. ALLEN, PERCY, 28 Main st., Houston Tex. Born, Houston, Tex.. '69; ent., '86; init., '86. Lumberman. ARRINGTON, ROBERT GOLDTHWAITE, Montgomery, Ala. Born, Montgomery, Ala., '78; ent., '98; init., '98. Railroad clerk. BARNETT, HARLOW, Jacksonville, Fla. Born, Jacksonville, Fla., '80; ent., '97; init., '98. BARNWELL, ROBERT WOODWARD, Je., Selma, Ala. Born, Selma, Ala., '80; ent., '99; Init., '99. Student. *BELLINGER, GEORGE RIVERS, Brookside, Ala. Born, Walterboro, S. C, '65; ent., '82; init., '85; M.A., '85; died, '91. Book-keeper. BENEDICT, ROBERT, Philadelphia, Pa. Born, Germantown, Pa., '72; ent., '93; init., '93. Clergyman. AJvPHA-AI^PHA. 305 BEOWN, QUAELES [DOWSING] JEMISON, 515 N. 21st, Birmingliam, Ala. Bom, Palestine, Tex., '74; ent., '97; Init., '98; M. D. (Univ. of Ala.) '00. Physician. OAFFEY, GUY HAMILTON, Verbena, Ala. Born, Collinia, Ala., '78; ent., '97; init., '97. CHUEOH, ALONZO, Sanford, Fla. Born, Madison, Fla., '70; ent., '86; init., '86; (I.), '88. Wholesale grocer. *CLAY, GEEEN, Je., Mexico, Mo. Born, Clarksville, Tenn., '72; ent., '89; init. '89; died at San Antonio, Tex., '96. Planter. CLEVELAND, EOBEET BENJAMIN, Spartanburg, S. 0. Born, Glenn Springs, S. C, '79; ent., '97; init., '99. CONSTANT, FEANCIS TEBBETS, Ulawara, La. Born, Illawara, La., '76; ent., '91; init., '91; (I,); B. D. Stock raiser. COOPEE, AETHUE FEEDINAND, Trenton, Tenn. Born, Trenton, Tenn., '81; ent., '98; init., '98. Medical student. COENISH, ANDEEW EENEST, Charleston, S. C. Born, Aiken, S. C-. '61; ent.. '79; init., charter member, '83; (I.), '84; B. D., '85. Clergyman. CEAIGHILL, FEANCIS HOPKINSON, Macon, Ga. Born, Suflork, Va., '75; ent., '92: init., '92; B. D., '98: B. A., '97. Clergyman. CEAIGHILL, GEOEGE BOWDOIN Forestville, Md. Born, Bel Air, Md., '82; ent., '00; init., '00. Student. DANIEL, EICHAED POTTS, Jacksonville, Fla. Born, Jacksonville, Fla., '80; ent., '96; init., '96. DAVIDSON, ALBEET TEEAT, Augusta, Ga. Born, Augusta, Ga., '80; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. DeLOACH, ALFEED BUETON, Je., So. Ex. B'ld'g, Memphis, Tenn. Born, Living-ton, Ala., '68; ent., 86; init., '86; M. D. (Tulane), '91. Physician. DEXTEE, CHAELES, Evansville, Ind. Born, Evansville, Ind., '76; ent., '94; init., '94. Professional B. B. player. DOFFLEMEYEE, JAMES FEANCIS, San Saba, Tex. Born, San Saba, Tex., '79; ent., '98; init., '98. DOZIEE, EDWIN JOED AN, Tallahassee, Fla. Born, Cedar Keys, Fla., '79, ent., '97; init., '97. Asst. chief clerk, F. C. & P. E. E. 3o6 AI,PHA-AI^PHA. DOZIEE, THOMAS McCAA, Tampa, Fla. Born, Fernandina, Fla., '76; ent., '92; init., '92. Cashier, F. C. & P. Ry. *DRYSDALE, JOSEPH FORREST, Jacksonville, Fla. Born, Lake City, Fla., '66; ent., '85; init., '85; died '89. EARLE, BAYLIS DRAYTON, Greenville, S. C. Born, Greenville, S. C, '71; ent., '88; init., '89. Pharmacist. EASLEY, ROBERT WATERS, Harriman, Tenn. Born, Hannibal, Mo., '78; ent., '97; init., '97. ELAM, JOSEPH BARTON, Mansfield, La. Born, Washington, D. C, '78; ent., '97; init., '97. Lawyer's cleric. ESTILL, REVERDY VAN WARREN, Louisville, Ky. Born, Bowling Green, Ky., '76; ent., '94; init., '94. ^FLEMING, LOUIS ISADORE, Jacksonville, Fla. Born, Jacksonville, Fla., '66; ent., '84; init., '84; died, '88. FULLER, GEORGE STONEY, Dallas, Tex. Born, Charleston, S. C, '68; ent., '84; init., '85. G. C & Santa Fe R.R. GALT, HAMILTON POPE, Montreal, Que. Born, Louisville, Ky., '76; ent., '95; init., '95. GLASS, OHAS. LEWIS, Hearne, Tex. Born, Hearne, Tex., '72; ent., '88; init., '89. Farmer. GLASS, GEORGE HENRY, Hearne, Tex. Born, Hearne, Tex., '72; ent., '88; init., '89; (I ). Insurance bro- ker. *GLASS, FRANK EUGENE, Hearne, Tex. Born, Hearne, Tex., '74; ent., '90; init., '90; died, '90. GLASSELL, PHILIP HOBART. Los Angeles, Cal. Born, Los Angeles, Cal., '66; ent., '87; init., .'87. GRAHAM, WILLIAM HENRY, Richmond, Va. Born, Hamilton, Ontario, '55; init., '92. Teacher. GRAY, CAMPBELL, Orlando, Fla. Born, Bolivar, Term., '79; ent., '95; init., '99. Student. GRAY, CHARLES QUINTARD, Ocala, Fla. Born, Cleveland, Tenn.. '78; ent., '95; init., '95; A.B., '9h; A.M., '00. Student. GRAY, ROBERT MUNCASTER, Oxford, Md. Born, Los Angeles, Cal., '78; ent., '96; init., '96. GRESHAM, JAMES WILMER, Charleston, S. C. Born, Ocean Springs, Miss., '71; ent., '90; init., '90; (I.) '94; B.D. Clergyman. GUERIN, GEORGE HERBERT, Covington, Ky. Born, Covington, Ky., '77; ent., '95; Init., '95. AI^PHA-ALPHA. 307 GUTHEIE, WILLIAM NOEMAN, Cincinnati, 0. Born, Dundee, Scotland, '68; ent., '86; init., '90; B.Lit., '89; M.A., '91. Clergyman and Teacher. HALL, EICHAED CONKLIN, Trenton, Tenn. Born, Trenton, Tenn., '80; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. HAMILTON, DANIEL HEYWAED, Jk., Baltimore, Md. Born, Hillsboro, N. C, '72; ent., '87; init., '88; del., 17tli Conv., '93; (I.), '90-'92; Elect. Com., '93-7; A.B., '92; A.M., '94; In- structor in Ancient Languages in Univ. School for Boys. HAMILTON, JOSEPH OEBGOIEE de EOULHAC, Hillsboro, N. C. Born, Hillsboro, N. C, '78; ent., '96; init., '96; C.H., '00; M.A., '00. Student. HAEEIS, GEO. CAEEOLL, Jr., New Orleans, La. Born, Yicksburg, Miss., '67; ent., '83; init., '84; (I.); del. to 13th Conv. Wholesale commission merchant. HAEEISON, JESSE McVEICH, Hannibal, Mo. Born, Hannibal, Mo., '78; ent., '96; init., '96; (I.), M.A., '00. Stu- dent. HAEEISON, WILLIAM PEESTON, Hannibal, Mo. Born, Hannibal, Mo., '75; ent., '96; init., '96. Timber inspector. *HAYDEN, EUBEN CONE, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '71; ent., '87; init., '88; died, '00. Lawyer. HICKS, EOBEET BUEBANK, Henderson, Ky. ■ Born, Henderson, Ky., '75; ent., '92; init., '92. Hardware dealer. HODGSON, GEO. WILMEE, Eiclimond, Ya. BorD, Keyport, N. J., '72; ent., '88; init., '89; (I.) Lawyer. HOWAED, EWING FOX, Yicksburg, Miss. Born, Yicksburg, Miss., '74; ent., '89; init., '89. Physician.. *HOWE, WILLIAM TOEEEY, Woodville, Miss. Born, Green Bay, Wis., '64; ent., '91; init., '91; died, '97. Clergy- man. JAMES, WM. THOMAS, Lexington, Okla. Ter. Born, Louisville, Ky., '71; ent., '88; init., '89. Real Estate Agt. JOHNSTON, THOS. JACOB, 653 Superior st., Cleveland, 0. Born, Cleveland, Ohio, '69; ent., '86; init., '87. Eailroad business. JONES, JOSEPH BEEYAED, 323 Adam st., Montgomery, Ala. Born, Montgomery, Ala., '67; ent., '84; init., charter member, '84; del. 13th and 16th Conventions; M. A., '88. Lawyer. JONES, JAMES MONEOE, Selma, Ala. Born, Marion, Ala., '83; ent., '00; init., '00. Student. KEELY, EOBEET WYNDHAM, Atlanta Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '79; ent., '97; init., '97. Business man. 3o8 ALPHA-AI^PHA. KEENE, WALLIS BODIEN, Illawara, La. Born, Illawara, La., '75; ent., '91; init., '91. Planter. KNIGHT, EAYMOND DEMEEE, Jacksonville, Ela. Born, Jacksonville, Fla., '93; ent., '00; init., '00. Student. LANIEE, JOHIST SUMMEEFIELD, Jr., New Orleans, La. Born, Clinton, La., '72; ent., '93; init., '93. LANIEE, NICHOLSON CHAMBEES, New Orleans, La. Born, Clinton, La., '68; ent., '93; init., '93; M. D. (Tulane), '95. Physician. LEAEY, WILLIAM MEEEIWETHEE, 502 Temple Court, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Montgomery, Ala., '71; ent., '89; init., (Nu), '87; trans, to A-Beta, '87; trans, to Alpha- Alpha, '89; re-trans, to Alpha- Beta, '90. Bookkeeper. LIDSTONE, LAMAE WOESHAM, Box 26, San Saba, Tex. Born, Galveston, Tex., '78; ent., '97; init., '97. Eanchman. LINCOLN, CHAS. KNOX, Cor. 7th & Cumberland sts.. Little Eock, Ark. Born, Little Eock, Ark., '71; ent., '89; Init., '89. Pharmacist. MASON, LANDON EANDOLPH, Marshall, Va. Born, Hutledge, Va., '77; ent., '99; init., '99. Medical student. MASTEESON, JAS. EOANE, Jr., Houston, Tex. Born, Galveston, Tex., '67; ent., '87: init., '87. Commercial Trav. MICOW, MOEGAN TUEEENTINE, Montgomery, Ala. Born, Montgomery, Ala., '80; ent., '97; init., '97. Medical student, Tulane Univ. MIKELL, HAEEY JUDAH, Charleston, S. C. Born, Sumpter, S. C, '73; ent., '91; init., '91; (I.), '96; delegate 19th Conv., '97 and special Conv., '98; B. A., '95; M. A., '98; B. D., '98. Clergyman. MILTON, GEO. FOET, Knoxville, Tenn. Born, Macon, Ga., '69; ent., '87; init., '89; Editor Knoxville Sentinel. Journalist. MOOEE, LEEOY PAETEIDGE, Buffalo, N. Y. Born, Jacksonville, Fla., '75; ent., '92; init., '93. Merchant. *MOEEHOUSE, HOWAED LOED, Milwaukee, Wis. Born, Milwaukee, Wis., '73; ent., '90; init., '90; del. 18th Conv.; died, '95. NOETHEOP, JOHN MYGATT, Memphis, Tenn. Born, New Milford, Conn., '66; ent., 89; init., '89. Clergyman. *PHELAN, GEOEGE EICHAED, Memphis, Tenn. Born, Memphis, Tenn., '75; ent., '92; init., '93; trans, to Lambda, '94; died, '95. AlyPHA-AI^PHA. 3C9 PHILLIPS, FRANK PIEECE, Atlanta, Ga. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '72; ent., '87; init., '89. Cotton broker. POPPLESTONE, LOUIS BOLLES, 498 Lauderdale st., Memphis, Tenn. Born, Memphis, Tenn., '60; ent., '88; Init., '88. Flour business. POROHER, OOTAVIUS THEODORE, Pendleton, S. C. Born, Wellington, S. C, '65; ent., '84; init., charter member, '84; Latin salutatory, '87; M. A., '87; del. 15th Conv., '89; (L) '85 and '90. Minister. RAND, FREDERIC HENRY, Je., Longwood, Fla. Born, Longwood, Fla., '83; ent., '00; init., '00. Student. *RATHBURN, WM. DANIEL, Chattanooga, Tenn. Born, Chattanooga, Tenn., '71; ent., '87; init., '88. Bank clerk. died, '90. RISLEY, HOWARD SANK, 156 Fifth ave., New York City. Born, Philadelphia, Pa., '78; ent., '94; init., '94; A.B., '98; (I.) Commercial traveller. ROBBE, CHARLES ARTHUR, Je., Augusta, Ga. Born, Augusta, Ga., '81; ent., '97; init., '97. ROBINSON, FRANCIS LEE, St. Louis Mo. Born, St. Louis, Mo., '76; ent., '92; init., '92. SANDERSON, EVELYN MARION, Jacksonville, Fla. Born, Jacksonville, Fla., '69; ent., '84; init., '85. Minister. SAUNDERS, DUDLEY DUNN, Je., Memphis, Tenn. Born, Memphis, Tenn., '69; ent., '86; init., '86; (I.) '88; M.D. (Univ. Penn.), '92. Physician. SCOTT, FREDERICK MYERS, Je., Atlanta, Oa. Born, Atlanta, Ga., '78; ent., '95; init., '95. Student. SEIBELS, HENRY GOLDTHWAITE, Sewanee, Tenn. Born, Montgomery, Ala., '76; ent.: '95; init., '95; A.B., '99; (I.); del. 20th Conv. Instructor, Univ. of the South. SHEPARD, THOS. HARRISON, Edenton, N. C. Born, Edenton, N. C, '69; ent., '85; init., '86; Fishery business. SHIELDS, BAYARD BENOIST, Jacksonville, Fla. Born, Aberdeen, Miss., '79; ent., '94; init., '94; A.B., '98. Bank clerk. SHIELDS, ROBERT BENOIST, Jacksonville, Fla. Born, Newbern, N. C, '81; ent., '00; init., '00. Student. SHIPP, JULIAN LEE, Pittsburg, Ky. Born, Social Circle, Ga., '71; ent., '87; init., '87; (I.) '89-'90. Bap- tist Minister. SIMPSON, WILLIAM HESTER, Terry, Miss. Born, Terry, Miss., '79; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. 3IO AI; init., '91. Newsp. Adv. Ag't. TUTT, ARTHUR MONROE, Liberty, Mo. Bom, Coal Banks, Mo., '71; ent., '83; init., '87; (I.), '89; A.B., '90; D.D.S., '92. Dentist. *TUTT, GEORGE EDWIN, ' Boonville, Mo. Born, Boonville, Mo., '65; ent., "86; init., '89; died, '90. TUTT, JOHN MAURICE, Renfrow, Okla. Born, Marshall, Mo., '79; ent., '91; init., '94; A.B., '97; M.D.,'00. Physician. WALLACE, HARRY CROCKETT, Je., Lexington, Mo. Born, Lexington, Mo., '65; ent., '85; init. charter member, '87. Lawyer. 334 ALPHA-DEI^TA. WALTON, ROBERT SIMEON, Armstrong, Mo. Born, Armstrong, Mo., '70; ent., '86; init., '87. Journalist. *WELLS, OLIVER PHIPP, * Platte City, Mo. Born, Platte City, Mo., '68; ent., '85; init. charter member, '87; died at college, June, '88. WILKERSON, JEFFERSON S , 1010 Harrison St., Kansas City, Mo. Born, Edgerton, Mo., '77; ent., '93; init., '95; A.B.,'97. Salesman. WILLIAMS, EUGENE JAMES, West Point, Miss. Born, West Point, Miss., '76; ent., '93; init., '93. With Hamil- ton-Brown Shoe Co., St. Louis, Mo. Initiates, 91 ; transfers, 2 ; total, 93 ; lost by transfer, 2 ; dead, 5; expelled, 2. SOUTHWESTERN PRESBYTERIAN UNIV'Y, CLARKSVILLE, TENN. (rormerly called Stewart College.) Chartered in 1875. Controlled by Presbyterian Church. FEATER^ITIES : Pi Kappa Alpha, 1878. Alpha Tau Omega, 1882. Kappa Sigma, 1882. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1882. Kappa Alpha, 1887. ALPHA-EPSILON CHAPTER. Charter Members: E. D. Hancock, Jr., J. M. Kennedy, Windsor Pipes, W. P. Crawford, D. McK. Pipes, and Donelson Caf- fery, Jr. Founders : J. B. Keeble, E. E. Barthell, and W. G. Bonta. (All of Chi). Chartered IS^ovember 16th, 1887, by P. B. Hamer, K. C, and on March 10th, 1890, the charter was re-issued by H. H . White, K. C. Members of AIpha-Epsilon Chapter* ALBEIGHT, OWEN STEDMAN, 438 Court st, Memphis, Tenn. Born, St. Louis, Mo., '81; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. ARCHEE, WILLIAM HAYORAFT, Greenville, Miss. Born, Greenville, Miss., '70; ent.; '85; init., '88; L.LB. (Univ. of Mississippi.) Cotton buyer. fARRIlS'GTON, GUY, Memphis, Tenn. Born, Memphis, Tenn., '72; ent., '90; init., '90; expelled, '90. ASHCRAFT, JOHN EDWARD, Lexington, Miss. Born, Lexington, Miss., '80; ent., '98; init., '98; trans, to A-Up- silon, '00. Student. BARNES, CHARLES KENNETH, Clarksville, Tenn. Bjorn, Trenton, Ky., '69; ent., '85; init., '91. BARTON, JOSHUA, Readerville, Tenn. Born, Readerville, Tenn., '72; ent., '90; init., '90. 336 ALPHA-EPSII^ON. BEEARD, BYRO:^r, Monroe, La. Born, Monroe, La., '80; ent., '98;mit., '99. Student. tA:ta.v.^**4*:*<;AFFERY, DONELSON, Jk., <^cl^^Xa^ . Franklin, La. uuL fc«Tv^l<^^u/vcu^ , Born, Franklin, La., '70; ent., '86; Init., 87; A.B.,'88; char. mem. CAFFERY, FRAISTK RICHARDSON, Franklin, La. Born, Franklin, La., '71; ent., '86; init., '88. CAFFERY, RALPH EARL, Franklin, La. Born, Franklin, La., '73; ent., '88; init., '89. CHAMBERLAIN, JOHN FLEMING, Natchez, Miss. Born, Natcbez, Miss., '77; ent., '93; init., '93. *CORBAN, REPPS LEMOINE, Corbandale, Tenn. Born, Corbandale, Tenn., '77; ent., '96; init., '96; trans, to Pi, '98; died. '98. COX, WARREN MURDOCK, Columbus, Miss. Born, Columbus, Miss., '80; ent., '95; init., '96. CRAWFORD, WILLIAM PLUMMER, McConnellsville, S. C. Born, McConnellsville, S. C, '69; ent., '86; init., '87; charter member; (I.), '88. Merchant. CREBS, STEWART L , Carmi, 111. Born, Carmi, 111., '79; ent., '96; init., '96; trans, to Alpha, '97. Member banking firm. DUNCLINSON, JOSEPH, Talladega, Ala. Born, Cockermouth, Eng., '80; ent., '97; Init., '99. DYSON, JOHN LEONARD, Lexington, Miss. Born, Lexington, Miss., '80; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. FINLAY, JOHN LEWIS, Greenville, Miss. Born, Natchez, Miss., '76; ent., '93; init., '93; (I). FRIDGE, HARRY GREENWELL, Ellisville, Miss. Born, Wilson, La., '80: ent., '98; init. (A-Mu), '97; trans, from A-Mu, '98; re-trans, to A-Mu, '99. GILMER, CALVIN WARREN, Quincy, 111. Born, Quincy, 111., '74; ent., '93; init., '93. GREEN, WILLIAM HENRY, Clarksville, Tenn. Born, Grandview, Tenn., '73; ent., '91; init., '91. HAMILTON, JOHN GAILLARD, Mobile, Ala. Born, Mobile, Ala., '75; ent., '91; init., '92; valedictorian, '94; (I.) '94. HANCOCK, ERASMUS DARWIN, [Jk.] Murfreesboro, Tenn. Born, Murfreesboro, Tenn., '70; ent., '86; init., '87; (I.) '88; char- ter member; valedictorian, '90; A.B., '90. HANCOCK, JOHN GABRIEL, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Born, Rutherford, Tenn., '74; ent., '92; init., '92; (I.): del. 19th Conv., '97. AI,PHA-EPSII.ON. 337 *HARPEE, JOSEPH STKATTON, Natchez, Miss. Born, Natchez, Miss., '76; ent., '93; init., '93; died, '96. HOLINGSWOETH, HEARSEY QUARLES, Shreveport, La. Born, Shreveport, La., '74; ent., '92; init., '92. HOOD, EDWIN DOUGLAS, Washington, D. 0. Born, Tupelo, Miss., '78; ent., '96; init., '96. HOOD, JOSEPH FRAZIER, . Tupelo, Miss. Born, Tupelo, Miss., '75; ent., '92; init., '92; (I.), '95; trans, to A- Lambda, '98. HORD, JAMES CALMES, Clarksville, Tenn. Born, Trenton, Ky., '71; ent., '90; init., '92. HUGGINS, GRANVILLE RIDLEY, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Born, Murfreesboro, Tenn., '76; ent., '97; init., '97. JACKSON, CHARLES SPURGEON, Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. Born, Mt. PJeasant, Tenn., '71; ent., '88; init., '89. JOHNSON, CAVE, Clarksville, Tenn. Born, Clarksville, Tenn., '77; ent., '93; init., '93. JOHNSTON, THOMAS ROGERS, Memphis, Tenn. Born, Memphis, Tenn., '72; ent., '89; init., '89. ^KENNEDY, JOSEPH MEDICUS, Lake Providence, La. Born, Lake Providence, La., '70; ent., '86; init., '87; char. mem. Died, '95. KILBOURNE, HARRY HARPER, Clinton, La. Born, Clinton, La., '79; ent., '97; init., '97. LAKE, HENRY, 39 Union st., Memphis, Tenn. Born, Memphis, Tenn., '71; ent., '87; init., '91. LEWIS, WALTER HENRY. Madison, Miss. Born, Madison, Miss., '72; ent., '89; init., '89. Merchant. LIGON, CHARLES RAYFORD, Gloster, Miss. Born, Liberty, Miss., '81; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. LOCKERT, CHARLES ELI, Clarksville, Tenn. Born, Clarksville, Tenn., '71; ent., '86; init., '91, LOCKETT, REECE THOMAS, Camden, Ark. Born, Camden, Ark., '73; ent., '91; init., '91; (I.), '92. McCOMB, HENRY BARRETT, Pembroke, Ky. Born, Pembroke, Ky., '77; ent., '94; init., '94. Mcdonald, Alexander watson, Durant, Miss. Born, Durant, Miss., '73; ent., '91; init., '91; trans, to Alpha, '92; trans, to Beta, '93. Physician. McGEHEE, WILLIAM RUSSELL, Gloster, Miss. Born, Liberty, Miss., '81; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. 338 AIvPHA-EPSII,ON. McEAE, CHESTER, Camden, Ark. Born, Mt. Holly, Ark., '72; ent., '91; init., '91; trans, to Alpha, '92. Machinery business. MELTON, LUCIUS HOPKINS, Chester, S. C. Born, Chester, S. C, '72; ent., '92; inlt., '92. MUEFREE, JAMES BEICKELL, [Jk.], Murfreesboro. Tenn. Born, Murfreesboro,Tenn.,'69;ent.,'89; init., '89; (1.), '90. NOEWOOD, THOMAS STEEET, Norwood, La. Born, Norwood, La., '81; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. OGDEN, DUNBAE HUNT, Vidalia, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '78; ent., '95; init., '95. PAYNE ALEXANDEE CALBEAITH, Montgomery, Ala. Born, Clinton, La., '68; ent., '83; init., '88; Ph.B., '86. PAYNE, WILLIAM SILLIMAN, Clarksville, Tenn. Born, Liberty, Miss., '67; ent., '83; init., '88. PATCH, BENJAMIN AVEEY, Clarksville, Tenn. Born, Hamilton, Mass., '68; ent., '84; init., '89. PIPES, DAYID McKOWAN, Clinton, La. Born, Clinton, La., '69; ent., '86; init., '87; charter member. PIPES, WINDSOE, Clinton, La. Born, Clinton, La., '70; ent., '86; init., '87; (I)., '89. PIPES, WILLIAM HENEY, Clinton, La. Born, Clinton, La., '78; ent., '97; init. (Psi),'96; trans, to A-Iota, '96; trans, to A-Epsilon, '97; B.S. (Centenary), '99; Professor of English, Blees Mil. Academy, Macon, Mo., '99-'00. PITTMAN, WILLIAM BUCKNEE, Yicksburg, Miss. Born, Vicksburg, Miss., '74; ent., '90; init., '91. PLANCK, EENEST HOPKINS, 311 St. Michael st.. Mobile Ala. Born, Port Gibson, Miss., '79; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. PEICE, EOBEET BLACK, Eaymond, Miss. Born, Raymond, Miss., '81; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. *EICHAEDSON, FEANK LIDDELL, Jr., New Orleans, La. Born, New Orleans, La., '73; ent., '89; init., '91; trans, to Psi, '91; died, '96. EOSE, LEWIS HENEY, Little Rock, Ark. Born, Little Rock, Ark. ,'74; ent., 92; init., '92; trans, to Lambda, '94. Student in Frieburg. SHAW, CHAELES McDEEMOTT, Oloster, Miss. Born, Clinton, La., '70; ent., '86; init., '87; A.B., '90. AI^PHA-EPSIIvON. 339 SHELTON, SAMUEL PEECY, 1004 Marshall st., Vicksburg, Miss. Born, Eaymond, Miss., '74; ent., '91; init., '92; trans, to Omicron, '93. Railroad business. SPENCER, SAMUEL MARSHALL, Jr. Grace, Miss. Born, Dunkinsby, Miss., '74; ent., '91; init., '91; (I.), '93. Cotton Planter. STREET, ABEL JOHl^, Street, Miss. Born, Street, Miss., '81; ent., '98; init,, '98. Student. TALLEY, HASKELL BURLASON, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Born, Florence, Tenn., '77; ent., '96; init., 96; trans, to Chi, '98; LL.B. (Vanderbilt.) Student at Harvard Law School. VAN LEAR, WILLIAM, Shreveport, La. Born, Winchester, Ky., '74; ent., '93; init,, '93. WILLIAMS, JOSEPH PHILLIPS, Clarksville, Tenn. Born, Clarksville, Tenn., '79; ent., '95; init., '96. Initiates, 64 ; transfers, 2 ; total, 66 ; lost by transfer, 10 ; dead, 4 ; expelled, 1. COLLEGE or WILLIAA AND A\ARY, WILLIA/nSBURG, VA. Chartered in 1693. Partly Under State Control. FEATERNITIES: [The Greek letter fraternity system of the United States and Canada, had its origin at this College.] Phi Beta Kappa, 1776-1781. Beta Theta Pi, 1874-'77. Theta Delta Chi, 1853-'72. Kappa Alpha, 1890. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1858-'61. Kappa Sigma, 1890. Pi Kappa Alpha, 1871. Phi Theta Psi, 1890-'95. ALPHA-ZETA CHAPTER. Charter Members : E. G. Baylor, F. C. Williams, S. G. Cumming, S. O. Bland, J. O. Reid and C. E. Lipscomb. Founders ; T. T. Hubard (Beta), W. S. Hamilton (Alpha) F. T. Norvell (Eta), and F. W. Duke, (Eta). Chartered January 3, 1890, by H. H. White, K. C. Members of Alpha-Zeta Chapter ALLEN, CHARLES WARE, Charlottesville, Va. Born, Fairfield, Va., '61; ent., '87; init., '90; LL.B. (U.Va.), '93. Lawyer. ANDERSON, ALFRED SCOTT, Ivy Depot, Va. Born, Ivy Depot, '78; ent., '97; init., '97. Teacher. ANDERTON, JOHN GAYLE, Tappahannock, Va. Born, Baltimore, Md., '80; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. BAILEY, BENJ. JONES, Barrows Store, Va. Born, Lawrenceville, '68; ent., '88; init., '90; L. I. BARRON, CHARLES OTIS, San Juan, P. R. Born, Norfolk, Va., '79; ent., '98; init., '98. With U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. BAYLOR, RICHARD GARNETT, Norfolk, Va. Born, Norfolk, Va., '67; ent., '88; init., charter member, '90. AI,PHA-ZETA. 341 BENNETT, GEOEGE EDGAR, Roanoke, Va. Born, Bristersburg, Va., '66; ent., '91; init., '93. National Busi- ness College, Roanoke. BIDGOOD, WILLIAM HARRISON, New Orleans, La. Born, Farmville, Va., '78; ent., '93; init., '94. BIRD, EDWARD RANDOLPH, Petersburg, Va. Born, Petersburg, Va., '81; ent., '98; init., '98; C.H., '99-'00. Stu- dent. BLAND, SCHUYLER OTIS, Newport News, Ya. Born, Gloucester Co., Va., '72; ent., '88; init., '90; (I.) '96; L.I., '90. Lawyer. BOLYN, ROBERT TALIAFERRO, Lincoln, Va. Born, Lincoln, Va., '73; ent., '92; init., '93. BOOKER, GEORGE SELWYN, Old Point, Va. Born, Hampton, Va., '76; ent., '93; init., '93; trans. Lambda, '95. BOOKER, RICHARD MARSHALL, Je., Hampton, Ya. Born, Sherwood, Va., '75; ent., '90; init., '90. Farmer. BROWN, ALFRED GORDON, Hampton, Ya. Born, Hampton, Va., '76; ent., '92; init., '95; trans. Lambda, '97; LL.B. (U.Va.), '99. Lawyer. CABELL, JAMES BRANCH, *123 W. 45tli st., N. Y. City. Born, Richmond, Va., '79; ent., '94; init., '94; (I.), '96; A.B., '98; B.Lit., '98. Journalist. CABELL, MAYO, 703 E. Leigh st., Richmond, Va. Born, Amherst Co., Va., '76; ent., '95; init., '95. CHANDLER, JULIAN ALVIN CARROLL, Richmond, Va. Born, Guineys, Va., '72; ent., '89; init., '90; (I.), '92; trans, to A- Lambda, '93; A. B., '91; A.M., '92; Ph.D., (J.H.U.). Prof, in Woman's College, Richmond, Va. CHICHESTER, FRANK MONCURE, Fairfax, Va. Born, Fairfax, Va., '76; ent., '92; init,, '94. CHICHESTER, JOHN CONWAY, Fairfax, C. H., Va. Born, Fairfax C H., Va., '75; ent., '91; init., '92. CHINN, AUSTIN BROCKENBROUGH, 1566 Scott St., Covington, Ky. Born, Tappahannock, Va., '69; ent., '89; init., '90. Rector St. John's Episcopal Church. COLEMAN, CLAUDE, Welchs, Ya. Born, Caroline Co., Va., '79; ent., '94; init.", '97. Teacher. COUNTS, RICHARD LYNCH, Stratton, Va Born. Dickinson Co., Va., '60; ent. '89; init., '90. 342 AI,PHA-ZKTA. OEALLE, GRIEF MAURY. War Dept., Washington, D. 0. Born, Blackstone, Ya., '73; ent., '90; init., '90; (I.); L.I., '93. Army Officer. GUMMING, SAMUEL GORDON, Hampton, Va. Born, Hampton, Ya., '72; ent., '89; init. charter member, '90; (I.), '90; L.I., '90; trans, to Lambda, '94; LL.B. (Univ. of Ya.) Lawyer. DAYIES, HA WES THORNTON, Manassas, Ya. Born, Manassas, Ya., '83; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. DA YIES, JAMES JENKYN, Manassas, Ya. Born, Brentsville, Ya., '76; ent., '93; init., '94; trans, to Lambda, '96. Lawyer. DAYIES, JOHN JENKYN, Manassas, Ya. Born, Manassas, Ya., '81; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. DAYIES, WILLIAM WILLIS, Manassas, Ya. Born, Manassas, Ya., '79; ent., '97; init., '97. Teaclier. DELK, GEORGE WILLIAM, Smithlield, Ya. Born, Smithfleld, Ya., '69; ent., '89; init., '91. Merchant. GOODWYN, JOHN B OLIYER, Nottoway 0. H., Ya. Born, Nottoway C. H., Ya., '72; ent., '92; init., '92. GUY, LEE SPAULDING, 35 Bank st, Norfolk, Ya. Born, Norfolk.Ya.,'74; ent., '90; init., '91. With E. C. Guy & Son. *HENLEY, RICHARDSON LEONARD, Lightfoot, Ya. Born, James City Co., Ya., '70; ent., '88; init., '90; died, '98. *HERBERT, THOMAS SWEPSTON, Hampton, Ya. Born, Hampton, Ya., '76; ent., '92; init., '95; died, '00. Farmer. HOSKINS, HORACE FAULKNER, Carlton's Store, Ya. Born, Carlton's Store, Ya., '80; ent., '97; init., '98. Teacher. HOSKINS, WILLIAM, Carlton's Store, Ya. Born, Carlton's Store, Ya., '74; ent., '91; init., '92. HOWLE, PAUL WILLIAMSON, Sussex 0. H., Ya. Born, Elm Shade, iSussex Co., Ya., '74; ent., '92; init., '92. HUGHES, HARRY CANBY, Lincoln, Ya. Born, Loudoun Co., Ya., '77; ent., '93; init., '96. HUGHES, ROBERT MORTON, Jr., Ghent, Norfolk, Ya. Born, Norfolk, Ya., '80; ent., '95; init.. '96; (I.), '99-'00. Student. tJARYIS, RAYMOND PRESTON, Jarvisburg, N. C. Born, Jarvisburg, I^. C, '80; ent., '98; init., '98; expelled, '98. JONES, MABEN SUMMERYILLE, Sheppards, Ya, Born, New Store, Ya., '81; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. AI.PHA-ZETA. 343 JONES, PLUMMEE FLIPPED, Sheppards, Va. Born, :Sew Store, Va., '75; ent., '91; inifc., '93; (I.) '95; L.I., '93; A.B., '96. Journalist and writer. LA]S[E, SPEJSrCEE, 315 Mary ave., IS^orfolk, Va. Born, Williamsburg, Va., '81; ent., '96; init., '96; trans, to Beta, '97. With Southern Eailway Co. LIPSCOMB, CHAELES EPPA, 1710 Market st, Philadelphia, Pa. Born, Brentsville, Va., '70; ent., '88; init., '90; charter member. Publi!?her. LIPSCOMB, PHILIP DODDEIGE, Crozet, Va. Born, Albemarle Co., Va., '70; ent., '89; init., '90; (I.) '90-1; L.I., '89; A.B., '91; med. student, Univ. of Va. LONG, JOHN LINDSAY, lyy Depot, Va. Born, Morganfield, Ky., '75; ent., '94; init., '95; L.1.,'97. Teacher. MAPP, GEOEGE WALTEE, Accomac, Va. Born, Accomac Co., Va., '73; ent., '88; init., '90; (I.), '93-4; L.I., '91; A.B., '94; B. L., (Centre College). MAESDEN, BENJAMIN PAGE, 188 Boush st. Norfolk, La. Born, Norfolk, Va., '74; ent., '96; init., '96. Draughtsman. MASON, EDWAED THOMAS, Savageville, Va. Born, Savageville, Va., '70; ent., '93; init., '93; M.D., (Univ. of Maryland). Physician and Surgeon. MASON, MATHEW GEEENE, Petersburg, Va. Born, Sussex Co., Va., '72; ent., '92; init., '92; trans, to A., '95. MASON, WILLIAM VIEGINIUS, 1827 H. St., Washington, D. C. Born, Gainesville, Va., '78; ent., '96; init., '97. Pottery business. MONCUEE, WM. ANDEESON PATTEESON, Blacksburg, Va. Born. Eichmond, Va., '82: ent., '97; init., '97. Student, Va. A. & M. College. MOOEE, GEOEGE LEWIS, 202 W. 22d st.. New York City. Born, Glenmore, Va., '78; ent., '95; init., '95. MOOEE, JOHN NEWTON, Charlottesville, Va. Born, Eose Valley Farm, Va., '81; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. PALMEE, EDWIN CABELL, Emporia, Va. Born, MeclclenburgCo., Va., '76;ent., '92; init., '93; L.I., '94; trans. A., "97; LL.B. (W. & Lee), '99. PAGE CECIL WEAY, White Marsh, Va. Born, Greenway, Va., '83; ent., '99; Init., '99. Student. PAGE, THOMAS NELSON, White Marsh, Va. Born, Greenway, Va., '81; ent., '97; init., '98. Student. 344 AI.PHA-ZETA. PLUMMEE, JOHN BOWLING, Fairfax 0. H., Va. Born, Prince George Co., Md., '77; ent., '98; init., '98. PORTEEFIELD, JOHN TEERILL, Charles Town, W.Va. Born, Charles Town, W.Va., '79; ent., '95; init., '95; (I.) '97. EEID, JESSE OSBOEN, 415 Church st., Norfolk, Va. Born, Northampton Co., Va.,'66; ent., '89; init., charter member, '90. Merchant. EOSE, THOMAS ALGEENON, Joyceville, Va. Born, Joyceville, Va., '72; ent., '90; init., '90; L.I., '92. SLAUGHTEE, EOBEET KEMP, 2116 Oak st., Baltimore, Md. Born, West Point, Va., '77; ent., '94; init., '94. Accountant, B. C. & R. Steamboat Co. SMITH, EEANCIS SCOTT KEY, 416 5th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Born, Mantua. Va., '72; ent., '90; init., '90; LL.B., '96; LL.M.; one of founders of A-Nu; Sec'y 18th Conv. Lawyer. STUBBS, THOMAS JEFFEESON, Jr., Williamsburg, Va. Born, Batesville, Ark., '79; ent., '95; init., '95; (L), '98; L.I., '98; A.B., '99. Student. TAYLOE, FEEDEEICK SOUTHGATE, 154 York st., Norfolk, Va. Born, Norfolk, Va., '77; ent., '92; init., '93; trans, to Lambda, '95. Wholesale druggist. TAYLOE TAZEWELL, 154 York st, Norfolk, Va. Born, Norfolk, Va., '74; ent., '89; init., '90; del. to 17th Conv.; (1.), '92-3; trans, to Lambda, '93; LL.B.) (Univ. of Va.), '95. Police Justice, city of Norfolk. TEAVIS, EUGENE BEAUHAENAIS, New London, Va. Born, New London, Va., '76; ent., '92; init., '94; A.B.,'98. Teacher. TUENEE, ETHELEED PEYTON, Emporia, Va. Born, Emporia, Va., '77; ent., '92; init., '95. TUENEE, EENEST WEBB, Grayson ave., Norfolk, Va. Born, Portsmouth, Va., '71; ent., '91; init. '91. Salesman. fTYLEE, AETHUE EOBB, Frostburg, Md. Born, Richmond, Va., '82; ent., '98; init. '99; expelled, '00. WALDEOP, EICHAED WOOLFOLK, Je., 73 Boush St., Norfolk, Va. Born, Norfolk, Va., '84; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. WATKINS, EOBEET EDWAED LEE, Franklin, Va. Born, Southampton Co., Va., '68; ent.; '88; init. charter member, '90. Lawyer. AI,PHA-ZETA. 345 WEBB, WALTEK DUVAL, Ponce, Porto Eico. Born, Wakata, Minn., '72; ent., '90; init., '90; trans, to Lambda, '91; M.D. (N. Y. Col. P. & S.), '95; with 1st U. S. Vol. Eng. Physician and Surgeon. WEYMOUTH, JOHN, Hampton, Va. Born, Portsmouth, Va., '74; ent., '90; init., '92; L.I., '92; A. B., '94. Lawyer. WILLIAMS, FAYETTE CLAIBORNE, Irby, Va. Born, Blackstone, Va., '71; ent., '89; init. charter member, '90; A.B., (Univ. of Ills.), '93. WINSTON, RICHARD PENDLETON, 629 E. Broad st, Richmond, Va. Born, Richmond, Va.. '80; ent., '95; init., '99. Clerk. WOODS, JOHN RHODES, Ivy Depot, Va. Born, Hockborn, Va., '80; ent., '97; init., '98. Farmer. Initiates, 76; lost by transfer, 11 ; dead, 2 ; expelled, 2. WESTMINSTER COLLEGE, PULTON, /no. Chartered in 1853. Controlled by the Presbyterian Church, (South.) FRATERNITIES : Beta Theta Pi, 1868. Phi Delta Theta, 1880. Kappa Alpha, 1890. ALPHA-ETA CHAPTER. Charter Members: Augustus Hockaday, P. B. Bartley, G. E. Keithley, A. B. Garvin, W. C Shanlis, J. R. Pourie, C. L. Hem- ming, J. B. Gray and T. M. Barbee. Founders : G. R. Dupuy (Sigma), G. E. Tutt (A-Delta), and B. P. Patrick, (A-Delta). Chartered January 28, 1890, by H. H. White, K. C, and estab- lished February 5th, 1890. The first eight of the charter members, together with R. L. Clark, N. R. Taylor and J. H. Wear, had con- stituted a local fraternity called Chi Beta Delta, which had been organized by R. L. Clark, in 1887, and ceased to exist at the estab- lishment of Alpha- Eta chapter. Members of Alpha-Eta Chapter^ AKERS, WILLIAM WIRT, Memphis, Tenn. Born, Marceline, Mo., '70; ent.,'86; init.,'90; Valedictorian Class, '92; A.B.,'92; del. 17th Conv. Minister. ARNOLD, CHARLES PLEASANT, Shamrock, Mo. Born, Shamrock, Mo., '73; ent., '94; init., '94. Merchant. BARBEE, JOSHUA FRANCIS, Excelsior Springs, Mo. Born, Marshall Mo., '74; ent., '91; init., '91; A.B., '95; LL.B. (Univ. of Mich.), '00; (I.), '93-4. Lawyer. BARBEE, THOMAS MORROW, Excelsior Springs, Mo. Born, Marshall, Mo., '71; ent., '88; init. charter member, '90; trans, to Omega, '90; re-trans, from Omega. '91; (I.), '91-2; A.B., '92; A.M. (Gallaudet Col.), '96. Theological student. AI.PHA-ETA. 347 BAETLEY, PAEIS BASKETT, Auxbasse, Mo. Born, Fulton, Mo., '68; ent., '83; init. charter member, '90. Bank cashier. BEEDLE, GEOEGE AUGUSTUS, 3604 Baltimore ave., Kansas City, Mo. Born, Kansas City., Mo. ,'70; ent., '89; init., '90; M.D. (K. C. Med. Col.) '93. Physician and Surg-eon. BOTTS, EMMET TEIMBLE, 1118 Penn st., Kansas City, Mo. Born, Monroe City, Mo., '78; ent., '97; init., '97; Student, Colum- bia Univ., N. Y., '99-'00. Lawyer. BOTTS, LOUIS ELKIXS, Santa Fe, Mo. Born, Monroe Co., Mo., '71; ent., '90; init., '90. Farmer. BEANCH, EAYMOND SIDNEY, Higginsville, Mo. Born, Concordia, Mo., '83; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. BEAY, CYEUS DAVID, Campbell, Mo. Burn, Campbell Co., Mo., '74; ent., '97; init., '98. Editor. BEITT, AYLETT TEEVILLE, Fulton, Mo. Born, Montgomery City, Mo., '75; ent., '94; init., '94; B.L., '98; (I.), '98; trans, to Chi, '98; Theological Student (Yanderbilt), '98-'00. BEITT, EMMITT CECIL, Fulton, Mo. Born, Montgomery City, Mo. ,'78; ent.,94; init,'95. Dent, student. CAETEE, SAMUEL MAEION, St. Louis, Mo. Born, Patterson, Mo., '75; ent., '91; init., '95; B.L., '96. Law student. CAETHEAE, LEWIS, Je., Corder, Mo. Born, St. Louis, Mo., '73; ent., '89; init., '91. Druggist. CAETHEAE, WALTEE LEIGH, 12tli and Main sts., Kansas City, Mo. Born, Corder, Mo., '75; ent., '95; init., '95. Druggist. CLAEK, EUFUS LACKLAK^D, 335 St. Peter st, St. Paul, Minn. Born, Stillwater, Minn., '67; ent.; '86; init., '91. Founder of Chi Beta Delta, '87. Mining and minerals. COLLETT, CHAELES COPE, Fulton, Mo. Born. Holt Summit. Mo., '78; ent., '98; init., '99; Acting C.H., '99-'00; (I.), '99-'01. Student. CEAWFOED, AETHUE TUBMAN, Mexico, Mo. Born, Memphis, Tenn., '73; ent., '87; init., '91. Trav. salesman. DEAKE, EWELL TEA VIS, Santa Fe, Mo. Born, Santa Fe, Mo., '79; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. DUNN, PEESTON B , Jk., Shelbyville, Mo. Born, Shelbyville, Mo., '78; ent., '97; init., '97. Banker. 348 AIvPHA-ETA. GAKVIN, ALEXANDER BOYD, St. Louis, Mo. Born, St. Charles, Mo , '70; ent., '85; init. charter member, '90; B.S., '90. Merchant. GATSON, JOHN STUAET, St. Louis, Mo. Born, Monroe Co., Mo., '71; ent., '86; init., '90; A.B.,'92. Lawyer. GEAY, JOHN BARBOUE, 408 W. Main st., Louisville, Ky. Born, Louisville, Ky., '70; ent., '89; init. charter member, '90. Insurance. HALE, HOLLY MOEGAN, Shamrock, Mo. Born, Shamrock, Mo., '78; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. HAEEISON, JOHN FEANK, Benton City, Mo. Born, Benton, City, Mo., '71; ent., '92; init., '93; trans, to A.- Kappa, '95; M.D. (St. Louis Med. Col.). Physician. HAEEISON, WILLIAM WIET, Waverly, Mo. Born, Richmond, Ya., '75; ent., '93; init., '96; B.L., '98. Minister. HATLEE, BUEET FEANK, ' Jackson, Mo. Born, Oak Ridge, Mo., '78; ent., '98; init., '98. Surveyor. HEMMING, CHARLES LeGRANDE, Ardmore, L T. Born, Brenham, Tex., '73; ent., '89; init., charter member, '90; (I.) '90. Asst. Bank Cashier. HITNER, FRANK EWING, St. Louis, Mo. Born, Taylorsville, Ky., '74; ent., '91; init., '92; A.B., '96. Trav. Salesman. HOCK AD AY, AUGUSTUS, Fulton, Mo. Born, Fulton, Mo., '68; ent., '82; init., charter member, '90; B.S., '89; A.B., '90. Bank Cashier. HOWE, WILLIAM MADEIRA, 2401 Jackson ave., Kansas City, Mo. Born, Kansas City, Mo., '73; ent., '95; init., '96; (I.) '98. Sales- man. HYNDS, JOHN, Norburn, Mo. Born, Odessa, Mo., '78; ent., '97; init., '97. Druggist. KEITHLEY, GEORGE EUGENE, Coronado, Col. Born, Marshall, Mo., '68; ent.. '86; init., charter member, '90; salutatorian, '90; B.S., '90; (I.) '90. Minister. KEITHLEY, ROLAND HILL, 966 St. Nicholas ave.,N.Y.City. Born, Shackleford, Mo., '77; ent., '94; init., '95. Student, Colum- bia College. KING, EOBEET EDWAED, St. Louis, Mo. Born, St. Louis, Mo., '82; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. KOPPENBEINK, JESSE EDMUND, Alma, Mo. Born, Concordia, Mo., '81; ent., '98; init., '99. Student, Central Wesleyan College. ALPHA- ETA. 349 LEAVELL, BENJAMm EOY, St. Louis, Mo. Born, Keadsville, Mo., '77; ent., '92; init.,'93. With Lincol Trust Company. LIVINGSTON, HEEBEET EAY, Ash Grove, Mo. Born, DuQuoin, 111., '76; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. LOWEE, WILLIAM LEE, Longwood, Mo. Born, Longwood, Mo., '77; ent., '95; init., '96; (I.) '99. Farmer. LUNBECK, WILLIAM OLIFFOED, Malta Bend, Mo. Born, Malta Bend, Mo., '77; ent., '97; init., '97. Student at Quin- cy Business College. McCHESNEY, FEEDEEIOK LEONIDAS, Odessa, Mo. Born, Odessa, Mo., '78; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. MATTHEWS, HALSEY lEYINE, Mexico, Mo. Born, Ashley, Mo ,'73; ent., '89; init., '92; (I.) '95-6; B.S.; '96. Hotel Proprietor. MATTHEWS, HOMEE DeWITTE, Shreveport, La. Born, Ashley, Mo., '76; ent., '92; init., '92. Trav. Salesman. MOBEELY, OSOHAE HAMPTON, Humphreys, Mo. Born, Humphreys. Mo., '75; ent., '94; init., '94. Commercial Traveller. MOFFETT, HAEEY McOLELLAN, 6tli and Main sts., Louisville, Ky. Born, Cliurchville, Va.,'79; ent., '96; init., '96; A.B., (Wentworth Mil. Acad.) '95; A. B. (Central Univ. of Ky.), '99. Salesman. MOFFETT, LACY IE VINE, Eichmond, Ky. Born, Churchville, Ym., '78;ent., '95; init., '96;(L) '96-7; A.B., (Central Univ. of Ky.) '99. Theolog. Student. MOOEE, ODUS BUEDETTE, Pittsburg, Pa. Born, Cedar City, Mo., '71; ent., '91; init., '92. Electrician with Westinghouse Mfg. Co. MOOEE, EOY ALFEED, Fulton, Mo. Born, Cedar City, Mo., '74; ent., '92; init., '93. Druggist. MOETON, HAEEY THOMAS, Eichmond, Mo. Bcirn, Greenville, S. C, '78; ent., '94; init., 95. MOSS, DAVID HOLLINGSWOETH, Je., Paris, Mo. Born, Paris, Mo.. '76; ent., '93; init., '93; (I.), '96-7. Lawyer. NOLAND, ENNIS DIXON, Monroe City, Mo. Born, Shelbyville, Mo., '77; ent., '96; init., '97. Farmer. OEEAE, JAMES LACY, 1326 E. Ninth st., Kansas City, Mo. Born, Mexico, Mo., '75; ent.', '96; init., '96. Trav, salesman. PAYNE, EDWAED HOWAED, Je., ' Fulton, Mo. Born, Fulton, Mo., '75; ent., '94; init., '95. Merchant. -359 AI,PHA-KTA. PEIRSOL, ROBERT CARROLL, Monroe City, Mo. Born, Monroe City, Mo., '73; ent., '89; init., '92; Salutatorian Class, '92; B.S.,'92. Journalist. POURIE, JAMES ROBERT, St. Charles, Mo. Born, St. Charles, Mo., '71; ent., '87; init. charter member, '90; B.S., '91; leporter for St. Louis Globe Democrat, with U. S. Army. ROLL, EDWARD LEIGH, Kansas City, Mo. Born, Sedalia, Mo., '72; ent., '91; init. ,'91. Trav. salesman. RYLAND, LEONARD GAMBLE, Lexington, Mo. Born, Lexington, Mo., '73; ent., '91; init., '91; (I.), '93; trans, to A-Kappa, '96; LL.B. (Mo. S. Univ.), '98. Lawyer. SASSE, ROBERT LOWIS, Brunswick, Mo. Born, Brunswick, Mo., '75; ent., '92; init., '93. Merchant. SCHAEEER, OUSTAYITS ADOLPHUS, Appleton, Mo. Born, Appleton, Mo.; '78; ent., '96; init., '98. Student. SHANKS, WILEORD CAMERON, Sweet Springs, Mo. Born, Sweet Springs, Mo., '71; ent., '88; init. charter member, '90; B.S., '90. Farmer. SHARP, ELMER, Mexico, Mo. Born, Concord, Mo., '70; ent., '91; init., '92; B.S., '93. Professor Math., Fleet Mil. School. STEED, LYMAN, St. Charles, Mo. Born, Wingville, Mo., '80; ent., '96; init., '97; (I.), '98; B.L., '00. Student. STEELE, WYNEORD KELLOGG, Seattle, Wash. Born, Willoughby, O., '73; ent., '91; init., '91; (I.), '94. Supt. Manual Training Dept., Seattle High School. Elect, engin'r. STOKES, FRANK CHALMERS, Maiden, Mo. Born, Clarkton, Mo., '78; ent., '96; init.,'97; (I.), '98-9. Merchant. TAYLOR, NATHAN LOUIS RICE, 1012 E. ] 5th St., Kansas City, Mo. Born, Ya., '70; ent., '84; init., '90. Railway Mail Service. THOMAS, HARRY W., Centralia, Mo. Born, Centralia, Mo., '80; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. TOWNSEND, JOHN ROGERS, Kansas City, Mo. Born, St. Joseph, Mo., '72; ent., '90; init., '90. Lawyer. UNSELL, JOSEPH BRYSON, New Franklin, Mo. Born, Frankford, Mo , '80; ent., "'97; init., '97. WALTHAM; WILLIAM HENDERSON, Fulton, Mo. Born, Fulton, Mo., '80; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. AIvPHA-ETA. 351 WEAE, JOHN HOLLIDAY, St. Louis, Mo. Bom, St. Louis, Mo., '68; ent., '85; init., '90. With Wear & Boogher Dry Goods Co. WHALEY, NATHANIEL CALVIN, Osceola, Mo. Born, St. Clair Co., Mo., '78; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. WHEELEE, BEETAN HENEY, Westport, Kansas City, Mo. Born, DeKalb Co., Mo., '72; ent., '89; init., '90; (I.), '90. Physi- cian and Surgeon. WHITNEY, EEWIN LIONEL, Sedalia, Mo. Born, Joplin, Mo., '83; ent., '00; init., '00. Student. WIGGS, GAEL EOED, 3955 Finney aye, St. Louis, Mo. Born, Fulton, Mo., '73; ent., '89; init., 92. Merchant. YONGE, ALLEN MUEEAY, Jefferson, Mo. Born, St. Charles, Mo., '77; ent., '94; Init., '95. Initiates, 75; lost by transfer, 4. KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY, LEXINGTON. KY. Chartered in 1836. Controlled by Church of Christ (Discipleg), Its Predecessor, Transylvania University, was chartered as a Sem- inary in 1793, and as a University in 1799. It Suspended in 1859, and was merged in Kentucky University in 1865. Originally a State Institution. FRATERNITIES : Beta Theta Pi, 1842-47. Phi Gamma Delta, 1860-62. Kappa Alpha, 1891. Phi Kappa Psi, 1865-66. Kappa Sigma, 1894. ALPHA-THETA CHAPTER. Charter Members : G. W. Kemper, fS. S. McClintock, J. M. Mc- Yey, and Charlton Wallace. Founders : T. R. Best, H. P. Brown, J. E. Turner, T. P. Welch, (all of Omega) and T. M. Barbee, (Alpha-Eta). Chartered April 9th, 1891, by H. H. White, K. C. The Chapter was sub-rosa until May, '96, when the anti-fraternity laws were repealed and the Chapter formally recognized. Members of AIpha-Theta Chapter. BEARD, JAMES ALLEN, Lexington, Ky. Born, Shelbyville, Ky., '78; ent., '96; init., '96. With Blue Grass Stock Yards. BLAOKERBY, JAMES FRANK, W. Jefferson St., Louisville, Ky. Born, Berlin, Ky., '77; ent., '93; init., '94. BOSWELL, CLARENCE JESSE, Winchester, Ky. Born, Leesburg, Ky., '74; ent., '91; init., '91. BRADLEY, CHARLES WALTER, Jr., Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '79; ent., '92; init., '94; trans, to Theta, '96. Civil Engineer. AlvPHA-THETA. 353 BRADLEY, EENEST BEENNAN, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '77; ent., '89; init., '93; B.A., '95; saluta- torian '95. Prin. Johnson City School, Lexington, Ky. BEAYTON, CHAELES ISAAC, Monticello, Wis. Born, Cleveland, O,, '70; ent., '91; init,, '91; Asst. Supt. Berlin and Monticello, Granite Co. BEONSTON, CHAELES JACOB, Jk., Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '81; ent., '98; init., '98. BEOOKS, CLAYTON SAUNDEES, Frankfort, Mo. Born, Monroe, Co., Mo., '68; ent., '91; init., '94. Minister. BEOWN, ELI [HOEACE] HUSTON, Bardstown, Ky. Born, Owensboro, Ky., '75; ent., '92; init., '93; B. A., '95; member Ky. Legislature, '99. Lawyer. BEOWN, WASHINGTON DOESEY, Kaufman, Tex. Born, Owensboro, Ky., '77; ent., '93; init., '93; A.B., '96. BUCKNEE, AYLETTE, Paris, Ky. Born, Paris, Ky., '77; ent., '96; init., '96. Farmer. BUSH, JAMES EICHAED, Stanford, Ky. Born, McKinney, Ky., '77; ent., '92; init., '93. Lawyer. CALLAWAY, COLEMAN DUEEETT, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '78; ent., '97; init., '98. Student. CAEY, FEANCIS GEADY, Lexington, Ky. Born, Louisville, Ky., '78; ent., 94; init., '96; trans, to Omega, '96; trans, to Lambda, '98; A.B. (Centre), '98; LL.B. (Univ. of Va., '00. Lawyer. CLAY, BUCKNEE, Paris, Ky. Born, Paris, Ky., '77; ent., '96: init., '95; trans, to Lambda, '98; A.B., '98. Law Student, Univ. ot Ya. COLEMAN, EOBEET MILLIGAN, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '78; ent., '93; init., '94; (I.), '96; trans, to Lambda, '98. Medical student at Univ. of Ya. CONLEY, ADOLPHUS BOOKEE, Mexia, Tex. Born, Montgomery, Ala., '73; ent., '92; init., '93. CEYSTAL, EENEST LIN WOOD, Chilesburg, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '72; ent., '90; init., '93. Minister. DAVIS, PEESTON JOHNSON SEAMONDS, Vinita, Ind. Ter. Born, North Middletown, Ky., '70; ent., '91; init., '93. Lawyer. DUNLAP, WILLIAM ALEXANDEE, Faywood, Ky. Born, Fayette Co., Ky., '79; ent., '98; init., '98. Farmer. ELLIOTT, JAMES NATHAN, Mayfield, Ky. Born, Kirksville, Ky., '77; ent., '96; init., '96; A.B.; winner Chau- tauqua Intercollegiate Oratorical Medal, '97. Law student. 354 AIvPHA-THETA. ELLIOTT, MILTON, Jr., Mayfield, Ky. Born Kirks vi lie, Ky., '75; ent., '97; init., '98; A.B., '98. ESTILL, GEORGE CASTLEMAN", Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '81; ent., '98; init., '99. Student. ESTILL, EOBERT JULIAN, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '77; ent., '94; init., '95; (I.), '96. Medical student, N. Y. Col. Phys'. and Surg's. FEEEMAN, WILLIAM EDWIN, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '80; ent., '96; init., '99. Student. GRAVES, CHARLTON HIGBEE, Versailles, Ky. Born, Versailles, Ky., '76; ent., '94; init., '95; B.S., '98. Grocer. GREHAN, ENOCH, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '71; ent., 88; init., '91; winner Kentucky Intercollegiate Oratorical Contest, '94; A. B., '94. Managing- Editor Morning Herald. Journalist. fHALLEY, HENRY HAMPTON, White Sulphur, Ky. Born, White Sulphur, Ky., '74; ent., '90; init., '92; expelled, '93. HARRIS, CHARLES MORGAN, Versailles, Ky. Born, Camden, Ky., '73; ent., '89; init., '94; trans, to Lambda, '94; LL.B. (Univ. of Va.) Lawyer. HAWKINS, ELIJAH, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '78; ent., '93; init., '96. Law student. HAZELRIGG, DYKE LANDEMAlSl, Frankfort, Ky. Born, Mt. Sterling, Ky., '81; ent., '97; init., '97; (I.), '00- '01. Student. HELM, ERNEST WHITE, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '74; ent., '90; init., '91. With Morning Herald. Journalist. HIGGINBOTHAM, WILLIAM WALKER, Danville, Ky. Born, Lancaster, Ky., '75; ent., '91; init., '94. Farmer and Stockman. HOCKER, WILLIAM SHANKS, Kansas City, Mo. Born, Stanford, Ky., '76; ent., '93; init., '96. HUNT, WALLER BULLOCK, Lexington, Ky. Born, Prairie au Chien, Wis., '80; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. JAMES, JOHN GAY, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '78; ent., '96; init., '96; C.H., '99-'00. Stu- dent. KEMPER, GEORGE WHITFIELD, Midway, Ky. Born, Cuckoo, Va., '68; ent., '90; init., '91; charter member; (1.) '91; AB. Editor and Minister. ALPHA-THETA. 355 KEMPER, GEAHAM HA WES, Cuckoo, Va. Born, Bethany, W.Ya., '77; ent., '92; init., '93; B.S., '96; valedic- torian, '96; M.S. (Ky. S. Col.), '97. Teacher. KNAPP, CLmTON BEECHAM, Delaware, 0. Born, Bedford, Mass.. '74; ent., '94; init. (Theta), '94; trans, from Theta, '94; A.B. (Ohio Wesleyan), '98; student at N. Y. Col P. and S. LISLE, HAMPTON" HALLEY, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '77; ent., '92; init., '93; trans, to Alpha, '96, LYNE, FRANK EARRA, Brannon, Ky. Born Brannon, Kv., '78; ent., '95; init. (Theta), '95; trans, from Theta, '95; B.Lit., '99; (L), '98-9. Student at N. Y. College P. andS. fMcCLINTOCK, SAMUEL SWEENEY, Lexington, Ky. Born, Millersburg, Ky., '72; ent., '89; init., charter member, '91; expelled, '94. McVEY, JOSEPH MOLER, Paris, Ky. Born, Nicholas Co., Ky., '70; ent., '88; init., '91; charter mem- ber; trans, to Lambda, '93. Lawyer. MAY, CHARLES BRENT, Jacksonville, Ky. Born, Bloomfield, Ky., '76; ent., '89; init., '93; (I.) '95; del. to 18th Conv., '95. Farmer. MAY, HENRY SHAWHAN, Jacksonville, Ky. Born, Mayfield, Ky., '78; ent., '93; init., '95; B.S., '97. Farmer. MILWARD, HENRY KAYANAUGH, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky.,'77; ent.,'95; init., '96. Clerk in U. S. P. O. MILWARD, JOHN BRIGHT, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '77; ent., '94; init. (Theta), '1^4; trans, from Theta, '94; 1st Lieut., 3d Ky. Inf., '98-9. Deputy City Treas., Lexington, Ky. MOORE, GEORGE HENRY, Shawhan, Ky. Born, Shawhan, Ky., '78; ent., '96; init., '96. Student. MOORE, THOMAS EDWIN, Je., Paris, Ky. Born, Shawhan, Ky., '72; ent., '88; init., '91; Salutatorian, '92; A.B., '92. *MOORE, WILLIAM, Shawhan, Ky. Born, Shawhan, Ky., '74; ent., '90; init, '91; died, '94. PETERS, HERBERT NEWMAN, Waxahachie, Tex. Born, Greenville, Tex., '76; ent., '95; init., '96. Insurance ag't. PREWITT, ALLEN GANG, Thomson, Ky. Born, Mt. Sterling, Ky., '80; ent., '97; init., '97. Farmer. 356 AI^PHA-THETA. PREWITT, EUGENE OASBY, Thomson, Ky. Born, Mt. Sterling, Ky., '81; ent., '97; init., '98. PREWITT, JOHN WILLIAM, Mt. Sterling, Ky. Born, Thomson, Ky.; ent., '99; init., '00. SHAW, CLARENCE MILLER, 812 South "M " St., Tacoma, Wash. Born, Millville, Ky., '75; ent., '90; init., '93; B.S., '94; (I.), '93-4. Clerk. SIBLEY, WILLIAM CURTIS, 1018 E. Jeff. St., South Bend, Ind. Born, Owatonna, Minn., '81; ent., '00; init., '00. Student. SIMPSON, ROBERT NEAL, Lexington, Ky. Born, Centreville, Ky., '75; ent., '91; init., '93. With Lexington Steam Laundry Co. SOBER, JOHN, Jk., Little Rock, Ky. Born, Little Rock, Ky., '73; ent., '90; init., '91. SPEARS, CATESBY WOODFORD, Paris, Ky. Born, Paris, Ky., '76; ent., '93; init., '96; A.B., '96. SPENCER, HOWARD GALE, Lexington, Ky. Born, Cuckoo, Va., '81; ent., '95; init., '97. Student. STOLE, GEORGE JAMES, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '80; ent., '97; init., '97; (I.), '99; del. to 20thConv.; A.B., '00. Student. STUCKY, JOHN McGARVEY, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '81; ent., '98; init., '99. Student. SWEENEY, EDWIN STANTON, Paris, Ky. Born, Paris, Ky., '82; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. SWEENEY, WILLIAM ELZA, Paris, Ky. Born, Paris, Ky., '78; ent., '94; init., '97. SWEENY, ARTHUR GARY, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '83; ent., '98; init., '99. Student. SWEENY, WILLIAM OGLESBY, Je., Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '76; ent., '92; init., '93; trans, to Theta, '96; A.B., '96. Sec'y Lexington Alumni Chapter. Merchant. *THOMAS, CHARLES ALLEN, Louisville, Ky. Born, Gulong. Victoria, Australia, '70; ent., '92; init., '94; (1.), '94-5; died, Newtown, Ky., '00. Minister. WALKER, FRANK PULLEN, Paris, Ky. Born, Pnris, Ky., '74; ent., '91; init., '92; A.B., '94. Teacher in Paris High School. AI^PHA-THETA. 357 WALLACE, CHAELTON, 156 W. 81st st, New York City. Born, Lexington, Ky., '72; eat., '89; init. charter member, '91; (I.), '92-3; del. to 17th Conv.; A.B., '94; M. D. (Columbia), '98; Medical Inspector, Henlth Dept., N. Y. City. Physician. WIDENEE, GEOECE HOY, 1821 First ave., Birmingham, Ala. Born, Franklin Ky., 75; ent.,'94; init., '85. Merchant. YEEKES, JOHN WOODFOED, Box 192, Paris, Ky. Born, Paris, Ky., '84; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. YOUNG, EOBEET BEUOE, Bonham, Tex. Born, Bonham, Tex., '75; ent., '91; init., '93. Initiates, 69; transfers, 3; total, 72; lost by transfer, 8; dead, 2; expelled, 2. ^«uy^ f CENTENARY COLLEGE, (JACKSON. LA. Controlled by P\. E. Church, South. FEATEKKITIES : Phi Kappa Sigma, 1855-'61. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1861-'61. Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1857-62. Kappa Sigma, 1885. Chi Phi, 185.8-'61. Kappa Alpha, 1891. Phi Phi Phi, 1896. ALPHA-IOTA CHAPTER. Charter Members : W. M. Drake, H. N. Pharr, Dan A. James and J. L. Scales. Founder : H. H. White (Chi), K. C. Chartered September 14, 1891, by H. H. White, K. C. The peti- tioners were members of a local fraternity. Delta Sigma Phi. Delta Sigma Phi was organized at Centenary College in May, 1890, and had a total of 22 members. Eight of these became mem- bers of Alpha-lota, viz: J. M. Carter, W. M. Drake, W. P. Holcomb, D. A. James, H. N. Pharr, J. L. Scales and W. W. Drake. Later, two others, J. A. Pharr and O. H. SimpsoD became members of Chi and Psi respectively. The local fraternity ceased to exist at the establishment of Alpha-lota. Members of Alpha-Iota Chapter^ ADAMS, FEANKLIN OLIVER, Jr., Goldman, La. Born, Waterproof, La., '81; ent., '97; init., '98. Student. ADAMS, JAMES MOORE, Goldman, La. Born, Waterproof, La., '83; ent., '98; init., '98; C.H., '99-'00. Stu- dent. ALDRIOH, MADISON CORNWALL, Jr., Baton Rouge, La. Born, Baton Rouge, La., '76; ent., '93; init., '94; trans, to A- Gamma, '95. Book-keeper. ALPHA-IOTA. 359 ALEXANDEE, EOBEET, Oak Eidge, La. Born, Oak Ridge, La., '75; ent., '90; init., '91; A.B., '95; saluta- tory, '95. Teacher. AUSTIN, HOLCOMBE McEEA, Galveston, Tex. Born, Jackson, La., '77; ent., '92; init., '94. Student of Medicine. BOEEON, PAUL GEDDIS, Boyce, La. Born, Alexandria, La., '74; ent., '00; init., '00. Student. BEAME, SCOTT MILLEE, Clinton, La. Born, Clinton, La., '81; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. CAETEE, JOHN McCALLUM, McLaurin, Miss. Born, Enon, Perry Co., Miss., '69; ent., '88; init., '91. Merchant. CAETEE, JAMES VANDEEVOET, Crowley, La. Born, Bastrop, La., '78; ent., '94; init., '95. Book-keeper. CLAEK, LAMBEET OEAN, Crowley, La. Born, Eidge, La., '79; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. DECKEE, EUGENE MOOEE, Dallas, Tex. Born, Jackson, La., '76; ent., '91; init., '93; A.B., '95. Book- keeper. *DEMANADE, ABY, Lafayette, La. Born, Areola, Tex., '82; ent., '99; init., '99; died at college, '99. DEAKE, WINBOUENE MAGEUDEE, Vicksburg, Miss. Born, Jefferson Co.. Miss., '74; ent., '89; init., '91; charter mem- ber; salutatory, '92. Book-keeper. DEAKE, WILLIAM WINANS, Waterproof, La. Born, Waterproof, La., '71; ent., '86; init., '92. Planter. *EMBEEE, FEANCIS EDWAED, Clinton, La. Born, Woodville, Miss., '79; ent., '97; init., '97; died, '98. FULLILOVE, JOHN POPE, Sbreveport, La. Born, Preston, La., '75; ent., '90; init., '93. Farmer. FULLILOVE, SAMFOED CHEISTIAN, Shreveport, La. Born, Preston, La., '77; ent.. '90; init., '92; trans, to A-Nu, '98. Salutatorian, '96; A.B., '96. Student at Columbian Univ. GOEDON, WILLIAM EICHAEDSON, Alden Bridge, La. Born, Gordon, La., '79; ent., '96; init., '96. Clerk. HAMILTON, WILLIAM MOETIMEE, Berwick, La. Born, New Iberia, La., '74; ent., '87; init., '92; (I.) '94. Chemist and Planter. HOLCOMBE, AEMSTEAD EICHAEDSON, (1) Mobile, Ala. Born, Mobile, Ala., '76; ent., '88; init., '94. Student at Vander- bilt. 360 AI^PHA-IOTA. HOLOOMBE, AEMSTEAD RICHAEDSON, Jr., (2) Jackson, La. Born, Jackson, La., '83; ent., '95; init., '99. Student. HOLCOMBE, CHAELES ANDEEWS, Jackson, La. Born, Jackson, La., '84; ent., '96; init., '99. Student. HOLCOMBE, EICHAED GOEDON, Jackson, La. Born, Jackson, La., '81; ent., '96; init., '97. Student. HOLOOMBE, WALTEE PEAEGE, Mobile, Ala. Born, Mobile, Ala., '74; ent., '88; init., '91; (I.) '96; valedictorian, '96; B.S., '96; trans, to Nu, '96. Electrician. HOWELL, GAENETT OATLETT, St. Francisville, La. Born, West Feliciana, La., '80; ent., '98; init., '98; trans, to A- Gamma, '98. Student. HOWELL, WILLIAM CATLETT, St. Francisville, La. Born, Jackson, La., '76; ent., '92; init., '93; trans, to A-Gamma, '96. Planter. JACKSON, JOHN GAEDINEE, Mansfield, La. Born, Shreveport, La., '73; ent., '94; init., '94. Farmer. JAMES, DANIEL ALPHEUS, Yazoo City, Miss. Born, Holmes Co., Miss., '72; ent., '89; init., '91, charter member; • G. P., '99-00. Cotton buyer. JOYNEE, NICOLAS EVEEETTE, Monterey, Mex. Born, Pearl River, La., '71; ent., 89; init., '91; Yaledictorian, '93; trans, to Chi, '94. Missionary. MEEEICK, EDWIN THOMAS, Merrick, La. Born, Merrick, La., '79; ent., '96; init. (Nu), '94; trans. fromNu, '96. Farmer. NABOES, JAMES THOMAS, Mansfield, La. Born, Mansfield, La., '83; ent., '00; init., '00. Student. PEAECE, JOHN MAGEUDEE, Punta Gorda, B. H., C. A. Born, Punta Gorda, British Honduras, '77; ent., '93; init., '96. Reading Law. PHAEE, EUGENE ALBEETUS, Berwick, La. Born, New Iberia, La., '76; ent., '89; init., '91; (I.), '95; A.B., '95; trans, to Psi, '96. Student at Cornell Univ. PHAEE, HENEY NEWTON, Olivier, La. Born, New Iberia, La., '72; ent., '87; init., '91, charter member; Yaledictory,'92; A.B.,'92; trans, to Chi, '93. Sugar-house Supt. PIPES, WILLIAM HENEY, Clinton, La. Born, Clinton, La., '78; ent. ,'96; init. (Psi), '96; trans, to A-Iota, '96; trans, to A-Epsilon, 'V47; B. S., '99; Prof. English, Blees Mil. Acad., Macon, Mo., '99-00. AI,PHA-IOTA. 361 PLEASANTS, EICH'D LEDBETTER, Ocean Springs, Miss. Born, Oakland, Miss., '77; ent., '96; init., '96. EEILEY EDWARD CARROL, Blairstown, La. Born, Blairstown, La., '82; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. RIGGS, SAMUEL LE0:N^IUS, St. Patrick Par., Gueydan, La. Born, New Iberia, La., '72. ent., '97; init., '98, Minister. SCALES, JOHN LYTLE, Alden Bridge, La. Born, Mansfield, La., '71; ent., '89; init., '91; charter member, (I.), '92-3; trans to Chi, '94. Physician. SMITH, KEMP CATLETT, 108 Church st., Baton Rouge, La. Born, West Feliciana, La., '79; ent., '95; init., '97. Collector. SMITH, MATTHEW GILMORE, 108 Churcli St., Baton Rouge, La. Born, Jackson, La., '81; ent., '96; init., '97. Clerk. SNELLINGS, GEORGE MARION, Bunkie, La. Born, Cheney ville, La., '79; ent., '95; init., '96. Book-keeper. STEVENS, HIRAM STUART, Hattiesburg, Miss. Born, Augusta, Miss., '74; ent., '91; init., '92; trans, to A-Mu, '93; founder and charter member, A-Mu; B. S. (Millsaps), '95 ; LL.B. (Univ. of Miss.), '97; del. 18th Conv, Lawyer. TUCKER, CURTIS JEROME, St. Patrick, La. Born, Ascension Parish, La., '80; ent., '94; init., '98. Engineer. TUCKER, JOSEPH WILSON, Jackson, La. Born, Denford, La., '83; ent., '96; init., '99. Student. WALL, ISAAC DICKSON, Jr., Clinton, La. Born, Clinton, La., '80; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. WILLIAMS, ALEXANDER, NORWOOD, Mer Rouge, La. Born, Mer Rouge, La., '77; ent., '91; init., '92. Book-keeper. WYNN, JOSEPH WM., 3811 Camp st, New Orleans, La. Born, Washington, La., '77; ent., '96; init., '97. Drug Clerk. Initiates, 46 ; transfers, 2 ; total, 48; lost by transfer, 11 ; dead, 2. UNIVERSITY or MISSOURI, COLUA\BlA. /no. Chartered in 1839. The State University. FEATERNITIES : Phi Kappa Psi, 1869-'76. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1884. Phi Delta Theta, 1870, Sigma Nu, 1886. j Zeta Phi, 1870-'90. Beta Theta Pi, 1890. i United with Beta Theta Pi. Kappa Alpha, 1891 . Sigma Chi, 1896. Kappa Kappa Gamma (sorority), 1875. Phi Delta Phi (law), 1890. ALPHA-KAPPA CHAPTER. Charter Members : W. K. Conley (A-Delta), J. J. Duncan, J. P. White, C. M. Howell, O. W. Granger, L. S. Turner and H. A. Martin. Founders : W. K. Conley, H. H. Hurt, F. S. Calloway, J. A. Hope and E,. L. Motley (all of Alpha-Delta). Chartered September 30, 1891, by S. Z. Ammen, K. C. Members of Alpha-Kappa Chapter* ALEXANDEE, CAETEE, Paris, Mo. Born, Paris, Mo., '81; ent., '98; init.. '99. Teacher. ASBUEY, AI EDGAE, Je., Higginsville, Mo. Born, Dover, Mo., '76; ent., '94; init., '94. Bank Cashier. BIGGS, EVEEETT ELMS, Ashland, Mo. Born, Ashland, Mo., '79; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. BIGGS, JAMES PAUL, Ashland, Mo. Born, A.shhmd, Mo., '77; ent., '98; init., '98. Teacher. BOND, EEFOED, Chickasha, L T. Born, Johnsonville, I. T., '76; ent., '95; init., '97; trans, to A-Nu, '98; LL.B., '98. BOWEES, WILLIAM SWAETZ, Mpberly, Mo. Born, Union City, Ind., '81; ent., '98; init., '98. Merchant. AIvPHA-KAPPA. 363 BEIDGMAN, EICHAED BELDON, Maitland, Mo. Born, Bigelow, Mo., '75; ent., '96; init., '97; LL.B., '98. Lawyer. BEUCE, EIOHAED ALEXAISTDEE, Mexico, Mo. Born, Audrain Co., Mo., '81; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. OATEON, EDWAED M., 505 Keith & Perry bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Born, Lafayette Co., Mo., '74; ent., '97; init., '97. LL.B., '98. Lawyer. CATEOlSr, THOMAS KENT, 505 Keith & Perry bldg, Kansas City, Mo. Born, Waverly, Mo., '82; ent., '98; init., '99. CHEISTIAN, GEOEGE MILTON, Ashland, Mo. Born, Ashland, Mo., '67; ent., '96; init. (A-Delta), '93; trans, from A-Delta, '97; represented Alpha-Delta 19th K. A. Conv., '97. Teacher. CLEMENTS, WILLIAM THOMAS, Platte City, Mo. Born, Platte City, Mo., '67; ent., '95; init., '95; (I.), '96; A.B., LL.B. Lawyer. COLEMAN, EOBEET EUGENE, 3328 "Washington ave, St. Louis, Mo. Born, Monarch, Mo., '79; ent., '97; init., '97. Salesman. *CONLEY, WILLIAM KIETLEY, Columbia, Mo. Born, Columbia, Mo., '74; ent., '91; init. (A-Delta), trans, from Alpha-Delta, '91; charter member; died, '92. DAVIDSON, EENEST EVANS, 625 Brooklyn st., Kansas City, Mo. Born, Liberty, Mo., '81; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. DAVIS, PAUL EOBEET, Kansas City, Mo. Born, Columbia, Mo., '71; ent., '95; init., '95. DeAEMOND, JAMES AECHIBALD, Butler, Mo. Born, Greenfield, Mo., '73; ent., '94; init. (Alpha), '92; trans, from Alpha, '94; (1.) '94-5; private sec'y to Member of Congress. DEAKE, CLAIEE EEEDINAND, Boonville, Mo. Born, Plainfield, Ind., '77; ent., '96; init., '96. DUNCAN, CLAEK BEVEELY, Olney, Mo. Born, Olney, Mo., '72; ent., '91; init., '92. Farmer. DUNCAN, JESSE JAMES, Olney, Mo. Born, Olney. Mo., '70; ent., '88; init., '91; charter member; (I.) '92; LL.B. (Univ. of Mich.). Lawyer. ESTES, BEEKELEY, Columbia, Mo. Born, Columbia, Mo., '73; ent., '91; init., '92. Sec'y Tandy Lum- ber Co. 364 ALPHA-KAPPA. EVANS, EDWIN ELGIN, Hallsville, Mo. Born, Meadville, Mo., '69; ent., '89; init., '91; M.D., '98. Phys- cian. FAREINGTON, JOHN SEBREE, Baker Block, Springfield,Mo. Born, Payette, Mo., '75; ent., '93; init., '93; LL.B., (Washington Univ.) Lawyer. GENTEY, JAMES HOLLAND, Boonville, Mo. Born, Huntsville, Mo., '79; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. GOTTFRIED, CHARLES FREDERICK, Je., 716 Boonville st., Springfield, Mo. Born, Springfield, Mo., '79. ent., '97; init., '97; D.D.S. Dentist. GRANGER, ORRIN WILBER, St. Louis, Mo. Born, Greenville, Ky., '67; ent., '88; init., '91, charter member. GROVES, DAVID GORDON, Blackburn, Mo. Born, Blackburn, Mo., '79; ent., '98; init., '98. GUM, EUGENE PEYTON, Odessa, Mo. Born, Strausburg, Mo., '78; ent., '96; init., '96. Lawyer. HAGGARD, BEVERLY PRICE, Columbia, Mo. Born Columbia, Mo., '75; ent., '96; init., '96; del. 19th K. A. Conv., '97. Farmer. HALL, BEN REYNOLDS, 342 Belf ontaine ave., Kansas City, Mo. Born, Boone, la., '80; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. HANGER, ROB ROY, Kansas City, Mo. Born, Woodlawn, Mo., '73; ent., '95; init., '95. HARDING, JAMES, Jr., Jefferson City, Mo. Born, Jefferson City, Mo., '77; ent., '98; init. (Beta), '98; trans, from Beta, '98. HARDY, JOSEPH BRYANT, Waterloo, HI. Born, Waterloo, 111., '77; ent., '96; init., '96. Medical student. HARRISON, JOHN FRANK, Benton City, Mo. Born, Benton City, Mo., '71; ent., '92; init. (A-Eta), '93; trans, from A -Eta, '95. HARTMAN, MARCELLUS THOMAS, Higginsville, Mo. Born, Higginsville, Mo., '81; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. HARVEY, JOHN BENNETT, Nevada, Mo. Born, Walker, Mo., '81; ent., 99; init., '99. Student. *HENDRICK, ERNEST, Bowling Green, Mo. Born, Bowling Green, Mo., '73; ent., '92; init., '92; died, '97, at bt. Joseph, Mo. AI,PHA-KAPPA. 365 HEENDON, CHAELES WILSON, Prescott, Ariz. Born, Fayette, Mo., '77; ent., 95; init., '95. Private Sec'y to J. F. Wilson, M. C. HIGGINBOTHAM, LEVI SOOVILLE, Louisville, Mo. Born, Amherst Co.,Va., '75; ent., '92; init., '93; trans, to A-Delta, '96. Merchant. HOWELL, CHAELES MOEGAN, Kansas City, Mo. Born, Shools, Md., '72; ent., '89; init., '91; charter member; trans, to A-Delta, 91. HULETT, FEEDEEICK, Columbia, Mo. Born, Columbia, Mo., '77; ent., 93; init., '94. HUME, EDWIN, Columbia, Mo. Born, Columbia, Mo., '70; ent., '93; Init., '94. IDLE, MACK lEVIN, 20 Olive st., Leavenworth, Kan. Born, Clarksville, Mo., '80; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. JACKSON, CHAELES THOMAS, Miami, Mo. Born, Miami, Mo., '81; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. JAEVIS, EOBEET EAELE, Moberly, Mo. Born, Moberly, Mo., '71; ent„'91; init., '91; (I.),'94; LL.B. Lawyer. KILLAM, OLIVEE WINFIELD, Joplin, Mo. Born, Winfleld, Mo., Mo., '74; ent., '96; init., '97; B.S., LL.B., '98; (I.), '97-8. Lawyer. KIMBLE, ELIJAH WALTEE, Carrolton, Mo. Born, Carroll Co., Mo., '73; ent., '92; init., '92. LL.B. Lawyer. KEAEMEE, HEEMAN, Phoenix, Ariz. Born, California, Mo., '74; ent., '93; init., '96; trans, to A-Pi, '98; A.B., '96; A.M. (Stanford), '99. Teacher. KEAMEE, JOHN, Carrollton, Mo. Born, Chillocothe, O., '72; ent., '98; init., "98. LANCEOED, CHATHAM EWING, Lexington, Mo. Born, Lexington, Mo., '76; ent,, '94; init., '95. LYONS, MAETIN PETEE, Marshall, Mo. Born, St. Louis, Mo., '74; ent., '96; init., '97; LL.B., '98. Lawyer. McALLISTEE, EDGAE, Bowling Green, Mo. Born, Bowling Green, Mo., '73; ent., '92; init., '93. *McCUEDY, GEOEGE VEST, Sedalia, Mo. Born, Lamonte, Mo., '69; ent., '90; init., '91, (I.) '93. Died. MAESHALL, THOMAS FEANCIS, Columbia, Mo. Born, Blacliwater, Mo., '78; ent., '98; init., '98. MAETIN, HENEY AUSTIN, Moberly, Mo. Born, Moberly, Mo., '73; ent., '90; init., '91; charter member. 366 AIvPHA-KAPPA. MASON, EIOHAED EOLAND, Mexico, Mo. Born, Mexico, Mo., '78; ent-, '99; init., '99. MAXWELL WILLIAM EOBEET, Columbia, Mo. Born, Boone Co., Mo., '74; ent., '97; init., '97. Druggist. MUEPHY, SELAH HAET, Trenton, Mo. Born, Morgan Co., O., '73; ent., '97; init., '97. NEWMAN, THOMAS JEFFEESON, Mt. Vernon, Mo. Born, Albany, Mo., '74; ent., init., '94; LL.B. Lawyer. NOEVELL, JAMES EOBEET, Columbia, Mo. Born, Columbia, Mo., '77; ent., '97; init., '97. Grocer. PAXTON, CHAEES FLAGG, Oentralia, Mo. Born, Centralia, Mo., '77; ent., '96; init., '97; LL.B., '98. Lawyer. PEATHEE, WILLIAM HAEEY, Je., 243 Main st., Dallas, Tex. Born, Dallas, Tex., '74; ent., '94; init., '95. City Agent., H. & T. C. Ey. QUESTA, CON DIT, Brookfield, Mo. Born, Brookfield, Mo., '74; ent., '94; init., '95. EISLEY, CHESTEE HOWAED, Cameron, Mo. Bom, Cameron, Mo., '78; ent., '96; init., '98. Sudent, Eush Medical College. EOBINSON, HAEEIS HAMILTON, Coates House, Kansas City, Mo. Born, Bowling Green, Mo., '78; ent., '94; init., '94. Lawyer. EOGEES, EGBEET lEWIN, Cameron, Mo. Born, Jt. Joseph, Mo., '76; ent., '95; init., '95. EYLAND, LEONAED GAMBLE, Lexington, Mo. Born, Lexington, Mo.; '73; ent., '96; init. (A-Eta), '91; trans, from Alpha-Eta, '96; (I.), '97 (I.), '96-7; LL.B., '98. Lawyer. SLOAN, JAMES CEAIG, Cameron, Mo. Born, Cameron, Mo., '78; ent., '97; init., '97. Telegrapher. SMITH, CHAELES EGBEET, Perry, Mo. Born, Monroe Mo., '75; ent., '92; init., '93. SWEAEINGTON, OESON HANSFOED, 511 Heist Bldg, Kansas City, Mo. Born, Franklin, Ky., '71; ent., 95; init., '95; LL.B., '97. Lawyer. TUENEE, LEVY SPUEGEON, (Moberly, Mo.) Born, Moberly, Mo., 93; ent., '91; init., '91; charter member. UTLEY, LEE, Miami, Mo. Born, Summerfield, 111., ent., '95; init., '97. AI,PHA-KAPPA. 367 WADE, BE:N"JAMI]Sr EGBERT, Butler, Mo. Born, Butler, Mo., '74; ent., '95; Init., '96; Lieut, in 32Qd U. S. Inf. in Phillipines. Journalist. WAGNER, rRA:N^K GRAY, Memphis, Mo. Born, Scotland, Mo., '77; ent., '94; init., '94. Student. WHITE, JAMES PAUL, Fayette, Mo. Born, Fayette, Mo., '71; ent., '89; init., 91; charter member. WILLSON, ORVILLE ALEXANDER, . Nevada, Mo. Born, Nevada, Mo., '80; ent., '98; init., 98. WILSON, WILLIAM FRANK, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Born, Oak Ridge, Mo., '75; ent., '95; init., '96; A.B., '98. WOODS, FRANK TIPTON, Moberly, Mo. Born, Woodlawn, Mo., '68; ent., '96; init., '96; LL.B. Lawyer. WOOD, WALTER FOUNTAIN, California, Mo. Born, California, Mo., '75; ent., '92; init., '96; A.B.,'96. Lawyer. Initiates, 73 ; transfers, 6 ; total, 79; lost by transfer, 4; dead, 2 initiates, 1 transfer. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, BALTIMORE, no. Chartered in 1867. Independent of Church or State. Board of Trustees Self-Perpetuating. FEATEEISriTIES : Beta Theta Pi, 1878. Alpha Delta Phi, 1889. Phi Kappa Psi, 1879. Phi Gamma Delta, 1891. Delta Phi, 1885. Kappa Alpha, 1891. ALPHA-LAMBDA CHAPTER. Founders and Charter Members : W. A. Harris (Eta), W. H. Kilpatrick (Kappa), W. C Bell (Mu^O, J- B. McNeel (Sigma), W. A. Montgomery (Tau), J. K. S. Ray (Delta), and Julius Blume (Chi). Chartered October 21, 1891, by S. Z. Ammen, K. C. A chapter house is rented, and Alpha-Lambda's successful scheme of making aggregate room rents pay house-rent preceded our large extension of the custom of occupying chapter houses. Members of Alpha-Lambda Chapter ANDERSON, EDWIN BUIST, 434 Randolph, Huntsville, Ala. Born, Coonewar, Miss., '68; ent., '92; init. (A-Be^a), '85; trans, from Alpha-Beta, '92; B. M. E., '88; A. M.. '99 (Univ. of Ala.). Engineer. *BELL, WILLIAM CONDEE, Due West, S. C. Born, Abbeville, S. C, '67; ent., 91; init. (Mu second), '84; trans. from Mu^^ '91; charter member; A. B. (Erskine),'86; died, '92. BENTLEY, ARTHUR FISHER, Grand Island, Neb. Born, Freeport, 111., '70; ent., '90; init., '92; A. B., '92; Ph.D., '95; Fellowship, '94-5. BENTLEY, FREDERICK JAMES, Grand Island, Neb. Born, Freeport, 111., '73; ent., '93; init.. '93; M. D. (Columbia), 99. Physician. ALPHA-LAMBDA. 369 BLUME, JULIUS, Monster, Germany, Born, Miinster, Germany, '65; ent., '90; init.. (Chi), '87: trans, from Chi, '91; charter member. Instructor Univ. of Vienna. BRANCH, CHARLES HENRY HARDIN, CollinsYille, HI. Born, Loudoun, Co., Va., '75; ent., '75; ent., '92; init., '92; A.B., '95; A.M. (Princeton). Minister. BRANCH, BENJAMIN HARRISON, Ellicott City, Md. Born, New Haven, Conn.. '71; ent., '92; init., '93;E.E., '95. Elec- trical Engr. CAMERON, THOMAS FITZ PATRICK, 1008 Cathedral st., Baltimore, Md. Born, Baltimore, Md., '72; ent., '90; init., '92; A.B.,'94. Lumber Merchant. CAMPBELL, HORACE, Edinburg, Ya. Born, Edinburg, Ya., '76; ent., '98; init. (Zeta), '94; trans, from Zeta, '98; A.M. (Randolph-Macon), '97. CHANDLER, JULIAN ALYIN CARROLL, Richmond, Ya. Born, Guineys, Ya., '72; ent., '93: init., (A-Zeta), '90: trans, from Alpha-Zeta, '93; A.B., '91; A.M., '92; (William & Mary), Ph.D., '96; Prof. English and History, Richmond Woman's College. CLUNET, ERANCIS JACLARD, Baltimore, Md. Born, Baltimore, Md., '76; ent., '95; init., '96. With B. & L. Ry. COOKE, EDMUND PENDLETON, Boyce, Ya. Born, Clarke Co., Ya., '70; ent., '94: init. (Beta), '91; trans, from Beta, '94. CONSTANTINE, COSEY WALKER, East Lake, Ala. Born Birmingham, Ala., '77; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. DeHAAN, EONGER, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Born, Leeuwarden, Holland, '59; ent., '91: init., '91; (1.) '92; Ph.D., '95. Teacher. DIGGS, CHARLES FRANCIS, Je., Box 51, Baltimore, Md. Born, Baltimore, Md., '79; ent., '97; init., '97. Coal Dealer. DIGGS, ROSS MILES, 1210 Linden ave., Baltimore, Md. Born, Baltimore, Md., '81; ent.. '99; init., '00. Student. ESTILL, HOWARD SHEFFER, Lexington, Ky. Born, Lexington, Ky., '77; ent., '98; Init. (Beta), '98; trans, from Beta, '98; del. 20th Conv.; B.S. (Y.M.I.), '98. EYERETT, WILLIAM TROUT, 215 Penn st., Camden, N. J. Born. San Francisco, Cal., '73; ent., '96; init., '96; (I.), E. E., '99. Electrician. FITZGERALD, THOMAS, Je., New York City. Baltimore, Md., '78; ent., '95; init., '96; del. 19th Conv., '97. FOLK, CAREY ALBERT, Nashville, Tenn. Born, Brownsville, Tenn., '67: ent., '93; init. (Eta), '85; trans, from Eta, '93; A.B. (Richmond), '87. President, Boscobel Col- lege, Nashville, Tenn. 370 AlyPHA-I^AMBDA. FOEBES, WILLIAM OLIN, 77 39th st., Chicago, IlL Bom, Lacon, 111., '69; ent., '90; init., '92; M.D., '96. Physician and Surgeon. FOUSHEE, WILLIAM LINWOOD, Eoxboro, N. C. Born, Boxboro, N. C, '74; ent., '96; init., '00; M. A. (Wake Forest), '94. Fellow in Johns Hopkins Univ. GRASTY, JOHN SHARSHALL, Versailles, Ky. Born, Staunton, Va., '80; ent., '98; init., '99. Student. HARRIS, CEBERN DODD, Baltimore, Md. Born, Raleigh, IS". C, '78; ent., '99; Init., '00; B.S. (N.C. A. and .M. Col.); holder scholarship J.H.U. Student. HARRIS, WILLIAM ASBURY, Waco, Tex. Born, Charlottesville, Va., '64; ent., '90; init. (Eta), '80; trans, from EtH, '91; charter member; A.M., '86; Ph.D., '92. Teacher Baylor University. HOOD, JOSEPH FRAZIER, Tupelo, Miss. Born, Tupelo, Miss., '75; ent.; '98; init. (A-Rpsilon), '92; trans, from A-Epsilon, '98; A.B. (S. W. P. U.) Student. HUNTER, PAUL STUART, 24 S. 22d st., Pittsburg, Pa. Born, Morgantown, W. Va., '77; ent., '99; init. (A-Rho), '98; trans, from A-Rho, '00. Student in Medical Department. JAMES, MORRIS, Morganfield, Ky. Born, Morganfield, Ky., '67; ent., '90; init., '92; A.B., '92. JAMES, WILLIAM McCULLY, Reistertown, Md. Born, Richmond, Va., '80; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. KENNEY, WILLIAM CORSRAN, Baltimore, Md. Born, Philadelphia, Pa., '82; ent., '99; init., '00. Student. KILPATRICK, WILLIAM HEARD, Macon, Ga. Born, White Plains, Ga., '71; ent., '91; init. (Kappa) '88; trans, from Kappa, '91; charter member; del. 16th Con v. Prof, of Mathematics, Mercer University. KREBS, GEORGE EDGAR, Baltimore, Md. Born, Baltimore, Md., '76; ent., '96; init., '96. LACKEY, OSCAR FRANCIS, Box 170, Santiago, Cuba. Born, Washington, D. C, '74; ent., '93; init. '94. Assistant En- gineer, Engineer's Office. LEFEVRE, ALBERT, Ithaca, N. Y. Born, Baltimore, Md., '73; ent., '94; init. (Omicron), '91; trans, from Omicron. '94; A.B. (Texas), '94; Ph.D. (Cornell), '98. Lec- turer at Cornell University. McNEEL, JOHN DAVIDSON, Clanton, Ala. Born, Yorkville, S. C, '72; ent., *91; init. (Sis^ma), '88; trans, to Rho, '89; trans, to A-Lambda, '91; charter member; trans, to Lambda, '94. Teacher. MAGRUDER, ERNEST PENDLETON, Collington, Md. Born, Upper Marlborough, Md., '71; ent., '91: init., '92; del. 17th Conv., '93; member electoral commission, '93-5; A.B., '95. Life insurance business. ALPHA-LAMBDA. 37 1 MALLOKY, FEAXOIS, Lexington, Va. Born, Norfolk, Ta., '68; ent., '94; init., '94; grad., T. M. I., '89; C. E., '89. Prof. Physics and Astronomy, V. M. I. MOA^TGOMEEY,WALTEE ALEXAXDER, Fayetteville, Ark. Born. Warrenton, X. C, '72; ent., '91; init. (Tau), '90; trans, from Tau, '91, charter member; A.B., '92; Ph. D., '99. Professor in University of Arkansas. •MOWEE, FEANK DUANE, Newberry. S. C. Born, Newberry, S. C, '80; ent., '98; init., '98. Student! MOWEE, McHAEDY, Newberry, S. C. Born, Newberry, S. C.,'82; ent.,'99; init.,'99; C.H.,'99-'00. Stud't. NEWTON, FEANCIS CLEMENT, Seattle, Wash. Born, Washington, D. C, '74; ent., '91: init., '92. Chief Assayer, U. S. Assay Office. NOYES, FEEDEEICK BOCUE, 625 E. 41st st., Chicago, 111. Born, Chicago, 111., '72; ent., '90; init., '92: AB.,'96; D.D.S. (2sorth- western), '95; at Northwestern Univ. Dental School. Dentist, and Pn)f. of Histology. PENICK, DANIEL ALLEN, 305 W. 1 9tli st., Austin, Tex. Born, Cabarrus Co.,N. C, '69: ent., '94: init. (Omicron), '91: trans, from Omicron, '94; (I.), '95-6; A.B., '91: A.M. (Univ. of Tex.), '92; Ph.D., '98. Instructor, Univ. of Texas. PEIECE, EOBEET LAWSON, Wytheville, Va. Born, Wytheville, Ya., '73; ent., '92; init., '92. Mining. PEIDCEN, JAMES HENEY, Kinston, N. C. Born, Kinston, N. C, '70; ent., '91; init., '91; A. M., '91 (Wake Forest); honorary scholarship, '93. EADCLIFFE, GEOECE LOVIC PIEECE, Cambridge, Md. Born, Lloyd's, Md., '77; ent., '94; init., '95; A.B., '97. EAY, JAMES KINC STEINGFIELD, Spartanburg, S. C. Born, Asheville, N. C, '71; ent., '91; init. (Delta), '88; trans, from Delta, '91: charter member; A.B. (Woflord), '91; A. M., '93. Cashier Bank. EEID, EBENEZEE LEONIDAS, Due West, S. C. Born, Charlotte, N. C, '67; ent., '92; init. (Mu second), '85: A.B., '88 (Erskine) trans, from Mu second, '92; honorary scholarship, '93. Prof. Chem. and Geology, Erskine Col. EEID, JAMES AYALKEE, Waxhaw, N. C. Born, Cotton Wood, N. C, '70; ent., '95; init. Mu^^ '88: trans, from Mu^^ '95; A.B. (Erskine), '91. Teacher. SCHEEMEEHOEN, ALEX. VAN EENSSELLAEE, Baltimore, Md. Born, Baltimore; Md., *80; ent., '97; init., '97. Student. SCHEEMEEHOEN, NATHANIEL EDWAED, Baltimore, Md. Born, Baltimore, Md., '77; ent., '97; init., '97. In business in Philadelphia. 372 AI,PHA-I,AMBDA. SELHAUSEN, ARMIN FREDERICK AUGUSTUS, 510 D st, S.E., Washington, D. 0. Born, Washington, D. C, '74; ent., '94; init., '95; trans, to A-Nu. '96; LL.B.; LL.M. Lawyer. THIEME, HUGO PAUL, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Born, Ft. Wayne, Ind., '70; ent., '90; init.-, '92; A.B., '93; Ph.D., '97; Instructor in French, Univ. of Michigan, '98-'00. TYLER, JAMES EDWARD, Baltimore, Md/ Born, Groton, Conn., '80; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. UNDERBILL, ALBERT JAMES, North ave., and 10th st., Baltimore, Md. Born, Baltimore, Md., '75; ent., '94; init., '95; A.B., '97. Medical Student. WARING, JAMES MOWTON SAUNDERS, 808 Paul St., Baltimore, Md. Born, Baltimore, Md., '74; ent,, '94; init., '94; grad. V. M.I., '91; E.E., '96. Electrical engineer. WASHINGTON, FRANCIS JOSEPH, St. Louis, Mo. Born, St. Louis, Mo., '80; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. WEST, AUGUSTUS PRICE, Baltimore, Md. Born, Baltimore, Md., '78; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. WEST, HENRY SKINNER, 2419 Maryland ave., Baltimore, Md. Born, Baltimore, Md., '70; ent., '91; init., '92; (I.) '93-4; A.B., '93. Instructor in English, J.H.U. Fellow, '98-9; Ph.D., '99. WEST, JOHN MONTGOMERY, Baltimore, Md. Born, Baltimore, Md., '73; ent., '93; init., '94; A.B., '96. Medical Student. WITTE, GEORGE WILLIAM, [Je.] 3 E. 41st st, N.Y. City. Born, Charleston, S. C, '74; ent., '92; init., '92. WRIGHT, ARTHUR, Baltimore, Md. Born, Baltimore, Md., '79; ent., '96; init., '96. Student. WRIGHT, HENRY CLAY, Jr., Sparrow Point, Md. Born, Baltimore, Md., '78; ent., '97; init., '97. Initiates, 44; transfers, 19; total, 63; lost by transfer, 2; dead, 1 transfer. J» /niLLSAPS COLLEGE, cJACKSON, yniss. Controlled by A\. E. Church, South. FRATERNITIES Kappa Alpha, 1893. Kappa Sigma, 1895. ALPHA-A\U CHAPTER. Charter Membees : W. H. Watkins (Phi), H. S. Stevens (A-Iota), C. N. Smylle (Phi)Tand F. M. Austin. Founders : Dan A. James and H. S. Stevens (of Alpha-Iota), and W. H. Watkins (Phi). Chartered October 1st, 1893 by S. Z. Ammen, K. C On account of faculty regulations the chapter was not fully active until June, 1894, at which time fraternities were formally recognized. Members of AIpha-Mu Chapter* ALFORD, JACOB ELIAS, Gallman, Miss. Born, Rockport, Miss., '80; ent., '96; init., '97. Student. St. Louis College of Pharmacy. APPLEWHITE, JOSEPH ANDERSON, Vancouver, Wash. Born, Talden, Miss., '73; eut., '92; init., '93; A. B., '96; A. M. (Gallaudet Col.), '97. Teacher Washington School for Deaf. AUSTIN, FRANCIS MARION, Edna, Tex. Born, Raymond, Miss., '72; ent., '92: init., '93; charter member; (I.), '96; A.B., '95; LL.B., '97. Lawyer. BAILEY, FRANK MAYE, Winona, Miss. Born, Winona, Miss., '76; ent., '99; init.. '99; A. B., '97 (Miss. Col.); A.M., '99 (ibid). Law student. BRADLEY, WILLIAM HAMPTON, Flora, Miss. Born, Brownsville, Miss., '77; ent., '94; init., '96; B.S., '98. Civil Engineer I. C. R. R. 374 AIvPHA-MU. BROWN, CHARLES ROBERT, Jk., Oomo, Miss. Born, Como, Miss., '79; ent., '96; inlt., '96. Book-keeper. BCJIE, WEBSTER MILLSAPS, Brookhaven, Miss. Born, Vidalia, La., '80; ent., '98; init., '99. Student. CALHOUN, JESSE THOMPSON, Columbia, Miss. Born, Mt. Olive, Miss., '70; ent., '92; init., '93; A.B.,'96. CAMERON, ALLEN SMITH, Jackson, Miss. Born, Toomsuba, Miss., '75; ent., '00; inlt., '00. Student. CANADA, JOHN WALTER, 22 Madison st., Memphis, Tenn. Born, Memphis, Tenn., '76; ent., '95; init., '95. Lawyer. CATCHING, WALTER WILROY, Georgetown, Miss. Born, Georgetown, Miss., '75; ent., '92; init., '94; A. B., '97. Med- ical student, Tulane. CLIFTON, PERCY LEE, Biloxi, Miss. Born, Jackson, Miss., '78; ent., '94; init., '96; A.B.,'98. Lawyer. CLIFTON, YERGER HUNT, Jackson, Miss. Born, Jackson, Miss., '82; ent., '98; init., '98. COOK, WILLIAM FEEDER, Hattiesburg, Miss. Born, Paulding, Miss., '8L; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. DENT, ROBERT DOWRY, Belton, Miss. Born, Cato. Miss., '75; ent., '97; init., '97; LL.B., '98. Lawyer. DOBYNS, ASHBEL WEBSTER, Jackson, Miss. Born, Austin, Tex., '79; ent., '93; init., '95; A.B., '99. Fellow in National College for Deaf. DYE, THOMAS MELVILLE, Coldwater, Miss. Born, Cockrum, Miss., '74; ent., '92; init., '95. Physician. EATON, BARNEY EDWARD, Taylorsville, Miss. Born, Taylorsville, Miss., '78; ent., '97; init., '99. Student. ENOCHS, DeWITT CARROLL, Brandon, Miss. Born, Fannin, Miss., '80; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. *FAVRE, DANIEL BOARDMAN, Pearlington, Miss. Born, Pearlington, Miss., '75; ent., '93; init., '93; died, '00. Merch. FITZ-GERALD, GERALD, Friar's Point, Miss. , Born, Grenada, Miss., '82; ent., '98; init., '98. FiTzHUGH, WILLIAM HENRY, So. Ex. Bldg, Memphis, Tenn. Born, Terry, Miss., '76; ent., '92; init., '93; (1.), '97-9; A. B., '97; LL.B., '99. Lawyer. FRIDGE, ARTHUR WASHINGTON, West Point, N. Y. ' Born, Indian Mound, La., '81; ent., '96; init., '97. Cadet U.S.M.A. FRIDGE, HARRY GREENWELL, Ellisville, Miss. Born, Wilson, La., '79; ent., '96; init., '97; trans, to A-Epsilon,'98; retrans from A-Epsilon, '99. Student. AI,PHA-MU. 375 GADDIS, JOHN LLOYD, Bolton, Miss. Born, Bolton, Miss., '84; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. GREEN, GARNER WYNN, Jackson, Miss. Born, Jackson, Miss., '80; ent., '92; init., '95; trans, to Lanibdn, '99; A.B., '98; LL.B., '99. Law student, Univ. of Va. GREEN, WHARTON, Jackson, Miss. Born, Jackson, Miss., '79; ent., '92; init., '96; B. S., '98. Civil Eng-ineer. GUIOE, CLARENCE NORMAN, Natchez, Miss. Born, Natchez, Miss., '80; ent., '96; init., '96. Student. HALL, WILLIAM MONTGOMERY, 2914 8tli St., Meridian, Miss. Born, Carthage, Miss., '76; ent., '95; init., '95; LL.B. Lawyer. HARDY, JOHN CRUMPTON, Starksville, Miss. Born, Newton, Miss., '64; ent.; '96; init., '97; LL.B., '97. Prest. Hoard of Trustees D. & D. Institute and Prest. Miss. A. & M. College. HARGROVE, WILLIAM HENRY, Sardis, Miss. Born, Columbus. Miss., '76; ent., '94; init., '95; A.B. (Univ. of Miss.). Student in Theology, Vanderbilt. HARMON, ROBERT WALLACE, Lockhart, Miss. Born, Pushmataha, Ala., '73; ent., '92; init., '95; M.D. (Ala. Med. Col.), '99. Physician. HENINGTON, HENRY LIVINGSTON, Tyrus, Miss. Born, Tyrus, Miss., '73; ent., '92; init., '93. Merchant. HENINGTON, LUCIUS LAMAR, Columbia, Miss. Born, Tyrus, Miss., '75; ent., '94; init., '95. Lawyer. HOLLOMAN, THOMAS WYNN, Phoenix, Miss. Born, Phoenix, Miss., '80; ent., '95; init., '00. Asst. Prof. Greek, Millsaps College. HYER, ERIC BOWDEN, Jackson, Miss. Born, Holly Springs, Miss., ent., — ; init , '00. JONES, ROBERT FERRELL, Coldwater, Miss. Born, Cockrum, Mis^., '81; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. LIDDELL, ROMULUS THOMAS, Fayette, Miss. Born, Fayette, Miss., '81; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. Mccormick, AQUILA JOHN, Clarksdale, Miss. Born, Yosburg, Miss., '75; ent., '92; init., '93; (I.) '96-7; A.B., '96; LL.B., '97; county Supt. of Education. Lawyer. * McGEHEE, JOHN LUCIUS, Jr., Memphis, Tenn. Born, Como, Miss., '79; ent., '95; init., '95; del. 19th Conv., '97; B.A., '98. Medical Student. McLEOD, JOHN HUGH, Hattiesburg, Miss. Born, Santee, Miss., '79; ent., '98; init., '99;C.H., '99-'00. Student. 376 AI,PHA-MU. MAISTSHIP, CHAELES PHELPS, Jackson, Miss. Born, McCombs City, Miss., '81; ent., '96:init., '97. Student. MAY, GEOKGE WILLIAMS, Jackson, Miss. Born, Westville, Miss., '76; ent., '96; init.,'97; LL.B.,'98. Cashier in State Treasury. MILLEE, EOBEET LAEON, Crystal Springs, Miss. Born, Jackson, Miss., '80; ent., '99; init., 99. Student. NALL, EDWAED WALTHALL, Jackson, Miss. Born, Memphis, Tenn., '81; ent., '96; init., '98. POINTEE, MONEOE, Como, Miss. Born, Como, Miss., '75; ent.,'93;init.,'93;B.S.,'97. Planter. POWEE, GEOEGE BOYD, 810 N. Eankin st., Natchez, Miss. Born, Jackson, Miss., '77; ent., '92; init., '93; A.B., '97. Lawyer. EECTOE, THOMAS ALLEN, Jackson, Miss. Born, Yicksburg, Miss., '81; ent., '96; init., '98. EEISTNEE, HAEEY GUSTIN, Natchez, Miss. Born, Natchez. Miss., '78; ent., '94; init., '94. Pharmacist. SCOTT, WALTEE HAMBLEN, Houston, Tex. Born, Camden, Miss., '76; ent., '92; init., '94; LL.B., '97. Lawyer. SMYLIE, CLAEENCE NEIL, 709 23rd ave.. Meridian, Miss. Born, Terry, Miss., '74; ent., '92; init. (Phi), '90; trans, from Phi '93; charter member. Clerk Q. & C. E.E. SNEED, HAEEY PEENTISS, Kosciusko, Miss. Born, Kosciusko, Miss., '82; ent., '98; init., '98. Law student. STAFFOED, THOMAS EDWAED, Vosburg, Miss. Born, Yosburg,Miss., '72; ent., '92; init., '95; Ph.B., '98. Medical student, Tulane Univ. STEVENS, HIEAM STUAET, Hattiesburg, Miss. Born, Augusta, Miss., '74; ent., '92, init. (A-lota), '92; trans, from Alpha-Iota, '93; charter member: (I.) '94-5; B.S., '95. STEVENS, JOHN MOEGAN, Lexington, Miss. Born, Augusta, Miss., '76; ent., '93; init., '93; B.A. (Univ. Miss.); Valedictorian. Lawyer. TATUM, WEST O'NEAL, Hattiesburd, Miss. Born, Bethel Springs, Tenn., '82; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. TEAT, GEOEGE LEE, Brookhaven, Miss. Born, Kosciusko, Miss., '72; ent., '94; init., '95; B.S., '98; LL.B., '98; Supt. Brookhaven Public School. T:pAT, JAMES ASGILL, Kosciusko, Miss. Born Kosciusko, Miss., '73; ent., '96; init., '96; (I.) '99.'00. Stu- dent. THOMPSON, ALLEN, Kentwood, La. Born. Duffan, Tex., '80; ent., '98; init., '99. Student. AIvPHA-MU. 377 THOMPSON, AENON LYNN, Grange, Miss. Born, Grange, Miss., '79; ent., '98; init., '99. Student, Uniy. of Nashville. THOMPSON, MARVIN EARL, Grange, Miss. Born, Grange, Miss., '79; ent., '98; init., '99. Student, Univ. of Nashville. WATKINS, WILLIAM HAMILTON, Jackson, Miss. Born, Lorman, Miss., '71; ent., '92; init. (Plii), '90; trans, from Phi, '93; charter member. Lawyer. WATKINS, HERBERT BROWN, Jackson, Miss. Born, Lee, Miss., '76; ent., '94; init., '95; (I.), '98; trans, to Chi, 99. Student at Vanderbilt. *WHITE, THOMAS SIMPSON, Brandon, Miss. Born, Steen's Creek, Miss., '76; ent., '92; init., '94; died, '96. AVIER, CHARLES EDWIN, Yazoo City, Miss. Born, Yazoo City, Miss., '77; ent., '99; init., '99. Book-keeper. WILLIAMS, MIMS, Terry, Miss. Born, Dry Grove, Miss., '74; ent., '93; init., '94. Salesman and bool^keeper. WILLIAMS, WILLIAM, Hazlehurst, Miss. Born, Westville, Miss., '70; ent., '96; init., '97; B.S. (Miss. Col.), '95; LL.B., '97. Lawyer. WILLIAMS, WALTER ALBERT, Grenada, Miss. Born, McCool, Miss., '80; ent., '98; init., '99. Student. WREN, ATTICUS ASBURY, 801 Jena st, New Orleans, La. Born, Minden, La., '74; ent., '92; init., '94; trans, to Psi, '96, Clerk, U. S. Mint. Initiates, 66; transfers, 3 ; total, 69; lost by transfer, 4 ; dead, 2. t COLUMBIAN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C. Chartered in 1821. FRATEENITIES: Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1858-69. Kappa Sigma, 1892. Sigma Chi, 1864. Kappa Alpha, 1894 Phi Kappa Psi, 1868. Theta Delta Chi, 1896. Alpha Tau Omega, 1874-'90 Phi Sigma Kappa, 1899. Phi Delta Phi (legal), 1884. Pi Beta Phi (sorority), 1889. ALPHA-NU CHAPTER. Charter Members : J. C. Goodfellow, Ormsby McCammon, E. H. C. Kelton and H. H. Westcott. Founders : W. W. Millan (Chi), F. S. K. Smith, rA-Zeta), and Ar- thur Johns (Beta), committee appointed by Washington- Alumni Chapter. Chartered Iiifovember 18, 1894, by S. Z. Ammen, K. C A chap- ter house is rented. Members of AIpha-Nu Chapter* ALLEN, WILLIAM SILAS, St. Marys, W. Va. Born, Shiloh, W. Va., '71; ent., '97; init. (A-Eho), '97; trans, from A-Eho, '97; LL.B. (Columbian). Lawyer. ANDEESON, DWIOHT, Washington, D. 0. Born, St. Louis, Mo., '70; ent., '98; init.» '98. Law student and real estate agent. BEALL, CHAELES MIDDLETON, Washington, D. 0. Born,Wasbington, D. C.,'77; ent., '96; init., '97; (I.), '99. Physic'n. BELL, DAVID WILKINSON, Washington, D. 0. Born, New Berne, N. C, '78; ent., '00; init., '00. Law student. Clerk, War Dept. BEEEY, EUGENE BENTON, Washington, D. 0. Born, Baltimore, Md., '76; ent., '99; init., '00. Law student. Clerk, So. Ey. AIvPHA-NU. 379 BOND, EEDFORD, Chickasha, I. T. Born, Johnsonville, 1. T..'76; ent.,'98; init. (A-Kappa), '97; trans, fiom A-Kappa, '98; LL.B. (Univ. of Mo.). Lawyer. BOYLE, JOHN, Jr., Washington, D. C. Born in Ireland, '76; ent., '98; init., '98. Law student and clerk War Department. BRADLEY, STEPHEN DUNCAN, Washington, D. C. Born, Georgetown, D. C, '74; ent., '95; init., '95; (I.). '97-8; LL.B; LL.M. Lawyer. BRADLEY, THOMAS ABRAHAM, Washington, D. C. Born, Chevy Chase. Md.. '73; ent., '95; init., 'h5; LL.B., '98. With Wash. Loan and Trust Co. Real estate agent. BREAZEALE, ROSS EDMOND, Nachitoches, La. Born, Campti, La., '77; ent., '00; init., '00. Law student. BROTHERS, MAXWELL RICE, Columbus, Miss. Born, Artesia, Miss., '70; ent., '99; init., '99. Chief deputy col- lector for Port of Washington. Law student. CANNON, HAL MULDRON, Ardmore, I. T. Born, West Point, Miss., '75; ent., '98; init., '99. Student. CHENEY, CHARLES BOLIVER, 3 Cocke pL, Washington, D. C. Born, Washington, D. C, '73; ent., "95; init., '96; B.A. (Yale), '95; LL.B. Clerk Navy Department. CONNER, HENRY ANSON, Boston, Mass. Born, San Francisco, Cal., '72; ent., 95; init., '95; LL.B., '97. Lawyer. CROSS, SAMUEL CLARK, Washington, D. C. Born, Washington, D. C, '74; ent., '94; init., '96; (I.), '98-9. Draughtsman, Navy Yard. DAVIS, JOHN THOMAS, Elkins, W. Va. Born, Piedmont, W. Va., '74; ent., '96; init., '96; grad., PrincetX)n. DALZELL, SAMUEL, Washington, D. C. Born, Hawkins, Penna., '73; ent., '95; init., '95; LL.B., '97. DOOLITTLE, HENRY PELOUZE, 2022 Hilyer Place, Washington, D. C. Born, Washington, D. C '74; ent., '95; init., '96; del. Special Conv., '98; LL.B., '97; Mas. Pat. Law, '98. Lawyer and So- licitor of Patents. EULLILOVE, SAMFORD CHRISTIAN, Shreveport, La. Born, Preston, La., '77; ent., '98; init. (A-Iota), '92; trans, from Alpha-Iota, '98; (I.), '99-'00. Student. *GANA, ALFREDO VICTOR, Santiago, Chile. Born, Santiago, Chile, '73; ent., '93; init.. '94: B.S., Columbinn, '96; B.A. «fc B. Ph. University of Chile. Died in London, Eng., '99. 380 ALPHA-NU. GOODFELLOW, JOHN CAEEOLL, 1711 De Sales st., Washington, D. C. Born, Washington, D. C, '74; ent., '93; init., '94; charter mem- ber; (I.), '94-5, '95-'96; del. 19Lh Conv.; LL.B., '95; LL.M., '96; 2nd Lieut., 4th U. S. Artillery. GOEDON, GOEDON, 115 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Born, Georgetown, D. C, '74; < nt., '95; init., '95; (I.), '96-7 ; del. 19th Conv., '97; LL.B. (Columbian), '97; LL.B. (N. Y. Law School), '98; Sec'y N. Y. Alumni Chapter. Lawyer. GOEDON, JOHN BLAKE, Washington, D. C. Born, Washington, D. C, '80; ent., '98; Init., '98. Student. GEANT, THOMAS, Washington, D. C. Born, Fort Snelling, Minn., '76; ent., '99; init., '99. Lawyer. HEAEN, WILFEED, Arkadelphia, Ark. Born, Arkadelphia, Ari^., '76; ent., '98; init., '99. Student and lawyer. HETH, EOBEET MASON, Washington, D. C. Born, Indian Rock, Va., '78; ent., '97; init., '97; LL.B., '99. HILLS, EALPH WAEEEN, 1342 13th st., Washington, D. C. Born, Cleveland, O., '75; ent., '94; init., '95; B.S., '96. Clerk, Marine Barracks. HOLLO WAY, WILLIAM HINTON, Washington, D. C. Born, Ealeigh, N. C, '70; ent. '98; init., '99. Clerk. P. O. Dept. Student. HOPKINS, MAECUS CLAEENCE, Washington, D. C. Born, Hollowell, Me., '77; ent., '98; init., '98. Student. JOHNS, AETHUE, 50 Broad st., New York City. Born, Eichmond, Va., '71; ent., '94; init. (Beta), '92; trans, from Beta, '94; LL.B., '96. Lawyer. JOHNSON, ALWAED LEE, Washington, D. C. .Born, Washington, D. C, '81; ent., '99; init., '99. Student. JOHNSON, ALBANUS STEPHENSON TUDOE, Washington, D. C. Born, Washington, D. C, '76; ent., '98; init., '99. Student. JONES, EDWAED EVEEETT, Washington, D. C. Born, Washington, D. C, '76; ent., 99; init., '99. Med. student. KELTON, EOBEET HALL CAMPBELL, 1841 E St., Washington, D. C. Born, San Francisco, Cal., '72; ent., 94; init., '94; charter mem- ber; 2nd Lieut. 1st U. S. Artillery. KEYSEE, ADOLPH GUSTAVUS, Washington, D. 0. Born, Washington, D. C, '74; ent., '96; init., '98; LL.B., '98. KNAPP, BEADFOED, Belmond, Iowa. Born, Vinton, Iowa, '70; ent., '94; init. (Chi), '89; trans, from Chi, '94. Lawyer. AI,PHA-NU. 381 LEACH, BOYNTON McCONNEL, Washington, D. C. Born, Norfolk, Va., '81; ent., — ; init., '99. Student. McCAMMON, OEMSBY, Washington, D. C. Born, Washington, D. C, '72; ent., '93; init., '94: charter mem- ber; LL.B., '96. Lawyer. McROBEETS, CHARLES GREGORY, 302 C St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Born, Washington, D. C, '72; ent., '97; init., '97; LL.B., '99. Clerk, Treas. office, So. Ry. Co. MERRILL, THOMAS SHERLOCK, Washington, D. C. Born, Washington, D. C, '78; ent., '98; init., '98. Law student. MILLS, EDWARD POOL, Washington, D. C. Born, Falls Church, Va.,'75. ent., '98; init., '98; LL.B., '98. Clerk, War Dept. MOSS, CLEMENT DILLARD, Lake Charles, La. Born, Lake Charles, La., '69; ent., '94; init. (Chi), '87; trans, from Chi '94; trans, to Psi, '96. Lawyer. PARKER, CHARLES LIEBERMANN, Washington, D. C. Born, Washington, D. C, '76; ent., '93; init., '94. PE:N'DLET0N, JOS. SAXTON, 144 N. 5th St., Reading, Pa. Born, Washington, D. C, '73; ent., '92; init., '94; B.S., '97. With Carpenter Steel Co. PIERCE, HARRY ALLEMAN, Washington, D. C. Born, Washington, D. C, '77; ent., '97; init., '98; LL.B., '99. Student. POLK, CHARLES MARTIN, Little Rock, Ark. Born, Helena, Ark., '78; ent., '00; init., '00; LL.B. (Univ. of Mo.) Student. PORTNER, EDWARD GEORGE, Washington, D. C. Born, Alexandria, Ya., '75; ent., '95; init.,'96; B.S., '97; M.S. ,'98. *PORTNER, ROBERT FRANCIS, Washington, D. C. Born, Alexandria, Ya., '74;ent.,'98; init., '98; B.S.,'99. Died, '00. RICHARDSON, HARRIS PORTER, Angelica, N. Y. Born, Angelica, N. Y., '76; ent., '98; init., '98. ROBINSON, WALTER WILLIAM HAMBLETON, Jr., College Park, Md. Born, Washington, D. C, '78; ent., '96; init., '97. ^ SELHAUSEN, ARMIN FREDERICK AUGUSTUS,- Washington, D. C. Born, Washington, D. C, '74;- ent., '96; init. (A-Lambda), '94;-^ i a a 'a trans, from Alpha-Lambda, '96; LL.B.; LL.M.,'99. Lawyer, c) . I ^ o o ' SELHAUSEN, HARRY AUGUSTUS, Washington, D. C. Born, Washington, D. C, '72; ent., '94; init., '97; M.D.,'99. Phys'n> 382 AI,PHA-NU. SHINN, JOHN BEOGNARD, Je., Washington, D. C. Born, Raleigh, 1^. C, '76; ent., '99; init., '00. Student. SLAYBAUGH, GEORGE ELDRED, Washington, D. C. Born, Kingston, Pa., '80; ent., '97; init., '98. SNOW, ALVIRUS ERASTU8, Salt Lake City, Utah. Born, Utah, '65; ent., '97; init., '97. Lawyer. [SOWERS, GORDON]. Name changed in '98 to GORDON, GORDON. Which see. STENGER, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, Pittsburg, Pa. Born, Homestead, Pa., '78; ent., '98; init., '99. Student. TOWLES, CLARENCE SPOTSWOOD, Quillenbee, Va. Born, Quillenbee, Va., '70; ent., '97; init., '97. WESTCOTT, HORACE HAMPTON, Washington, D. C. Born, Philadelphia, Pa., '72; ent., '93; init., '94; charter member; LL.B., '95. Keal Estate Agt. WHITNEY, CARL EVERETT, Washington, D. C. Born, Mons Forks, N. Y., '76; ent., *97; init., '00. Student. WHITNEY, GEORGE DUDLEY, 505 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. Born, Glassboro, N. J., '72; ent., '94; init., '95; B.S. (Princeton), '94. Lawyer. WILSON, CHARLES FREDERICK, 2004 G St., Washington, D. C. Born, Washington, D. C, '74; ent., '94; init., '94; LL.B., '96; LL.M., '97. Lawyer. WILTSE, FRANKLIN STEELE, 42 E. 53rd st.,.N. Y. City. Born, New York, Navy Yard, '80; ent., '98; init., '98. WYETH, LEONARD JAR VIS, Washington, D. C. Born, Chicago, 111., '69; ent., '94; init., '97; C.H., '99-'00. Physi- cian. 7<, YELLOTT, ROBERT EDWARD LEE, Washington, D. C. Born, Lexington, Va., '68; ent., '98; init., '99. Law student. Initiates, 57; transfers, 7; total, 64; lost by transfer, 1; dead, 2. UNIVERSITY or CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, CAL. Established as the College of California, 1855. Chartered as the State University in 1868. FEATERNITIES : Zeta Psi, 1870. Sigma IS^u, 1892. Phi Delta Theta, 1873. Chi Psi, 1894. Chi Phi, 1875. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1894. Delta Kappa RpMlon, 1876. Kappa Alpha, 1895. Beta Theta Pi, 1879. Delta Upsilon, 1896. Phi G-amma Delta, 1879. Alpha Tau Omega, 1900. Sigma Chi, 1886. Theta Delta Chi, 1900. Phi Delta Phi (legal), 1884. Delta Sigma Delta (dental), 1891. Xi Psi Phi (dental), 18—. SOROKITIES : Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1880. Kappa Alpha Theta, 1890. Gamma Phi Beta, 1896. ALPHA-XI CHAPTER. Charter Members : A. J. Sherer, C. L. Oldenbourg, L. D. Mead, L. A. Hilborn, B. H. Turner and Melville Dozier, Jr. F0I3NDEK : W. G. Bonta, (Chi). Chartered March 6, 1895, by S. Z. Ammen, K. C. The chapter was inactive during 1896-7. A chapter house is rented. Members of Alpha-Xi Chapter^ BATES, THOMAS rLETOHEE,War Dept, Washington, D. C. Born, Wartrace, Tenn., '76; ent., '94; init., '98; 2d Lieut. U. S. Yol., in Phillippines. (Home address, Shelbyville, Tenn.) BLEDSOE, WALTER GREYDON, Modesto, Cal. Born, Stockton, Cal., '76'; ent., '95; init., '97. BOEGLE, FREDERICK, Jr., Oakland, Cal. Born, Virginia, Nev., '75; ent., '94; init., '95. BUTLER, JOHN WINCHEL SPENCER, Folsom, Cal. Born, Akron, O., '76; ent., '97; init., '98. 384 AIvPHA-XI. CANFIELD, FKEDERICK WARREN, Santa Barbara, Cal. Born, Santa Barbara, Cal., '76; ent., '97; init., '98. CHEEK, MARION ADOLPH, Oakland, Cal. Born, Siam, '76; ent., 95; init., '97. CRA.IG, WILLIAM BERRY, San Francisco, Cal. Born, San Francisco, Cal., '76; ent., '95; init., '96. CUNNINGHAM, WILLIAM WATKINS, Ukiab, Cal. Born, , '— ; ent., '— ; init., 99. DAWSON, WILLIAM EDMUND, Oakland, Cal. Born, Red Bluff, Cal., '76; ent., '95; init., '97. *DODDS, JOHN, Berkeley, Cal. Born, Columville, Ont., '74; ent., '97; init., '98; died at Guadala- jara, Hex., '00. DOZIER, MELVILLE, Jk., 825 W. 11th st, Los Angeles, Cal. Born, Santa Rosa, Cal., '74; ent., '94; init., '95; charter member; (I.), '98-9; B.S., '99. Constructing engineer So. Pac. R. R. EATOIS, LEWIS FRANCIS, Santa Barbara, Cal. Born, Nice, France, 77; ent., '95; init., '95. Miner. GAGE, HENRY T., Oakland, Cal. Born, Oakland, Cal., '— ; ent., '97; init., '99. GRIFFIN, JESSE ANSLEY, Honolulu, H. L Born, Akron, O., '68; ent., '98; init. (A-Pi), '94; trans, from A-Pi, '95; revived, A-Xi, '97. HAMLIN, TYRRELL LATHAM, Berkeley, Cal. Born, Samalito, Cal., '78; ent., '98; init., '98. HANSEN, CHARLES H., San Raphael, Cal. Born, San Raphael, Cal., — ; ent., '99; init., '00. HAXIE, VIRON, San Raphael, Cal. Born, San Raphel, Cal., — ; ent., '98; init., '00. HILBORN, LEWIS ALLEN, Mills bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Born, Suisun City, Cal., '75; ent., '92; init., '95; charter member; Ph.B. Lawyer. HINZ, CARL RICHARD, San Francisco, Cal. Born, San Francisco, Cal., '79; ent., '97; init., '99. HUSSEY, EDWARD H., Oakland, Cal. Born, Oakland, Cal., — ; ent., '99; init., '99. JUDSON, CHESTER WILLIAM, Berkeley, Cal. Born, Oal, >> ^ ^ P c I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 23 40 9 10 II 12 25 42 26 27 13 24 14 28 16 15 17 18 20 21 19 22 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta prime . . . Theta second. . . . Theta Iota Kappa Lambda Mu prime • . Mu second Mu third Nu Xi Omicron prim,e. . Omicron Pi prim^e Pi Rho Sigma Tau Upsilon Phi Chi Psi Omega A- Alpha A-Beta A-Gamma . A-Delta A-Epsilon A-Zeta A-Eta A-Theta A-Iota A-Kappa A-Lambda A-Mu A-Nu A-Xi A-Omicron A-Pi A-Rho A-Sigma A-Tau A-Upsilon Special Initiates. Totals 105 280 264 175 266 140 167 9 43 70 140 191 78 10 54 15 162 97 7 69 27 83 73 127 72 57 162 158 88 1^3 114 115 107 91 64 76 75 69 46 73 54 66 57 43 48 27 37 13 4 5 5 24 6 40 3 8 3 II I 4 159 2 6 19 4 12 3 I 25 3 46 14 3 2 13 3 2 2 3 2 6 19 3 7 I 129 I 286 304 178 274 143 178 10 43 73 140 195 237 10 56 15 168 97 7 88 27 87 85 I I o 73 82 165 204 102 116 116 128 no 93 66 76 75 72 48 79 63 69 64 44 48 28 37 13 4 7 5 4481 I 466 1 4947 10 39 17 IQ 27 30 42 2 4 9 26 10 3 10 15 2 5 3 2 21 19 8 21 12 6 II 5 14 10 2 10 II 4 8 II 4 2 4 I 2 I 2 10 16 31 15 24 14 26 I 3 14 24 6 I 8 I 12 3 5 6 2 7 9 6 4 9 8 3 I 12 10 3 5 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 I I I 318 ALUMNI CHAPTERS AND ASSOCIATIONS. NORFOLK, Va., CHAPTER. [Organized and Chartered Jan. 13, 1891.J OFFICERS : J. S. Smith, Lambda, Prest. T. T. Hubard, Beta, Sec. and Treas. RICHMOND, Ya., chapter. [Organized and Chartered Jan. 10, 1891.] OFFICERS : Jo. Lane Stern, Alpha, Prest. W. D. Duke, Eta, Sec'y and Treas. ATLAlJ^TA, Ga., ASSOCIATION. [Organized Sept., 1891. Unchartered.] OFFICERS : Burton Smith, Gamma, Prest. M. L. Brittain, Kappa, Sec'y. NEW YORK, N. Y., CHAPTER. [Organized and Chartered Dec. 7, 1891.] OFFICERS : Ralph H. Holland, Sigma, Prest. John M. Harrington, Gamma, Sec'y. RALEIGH, N. C, CHAPTER. [Organized and Chartered July 18, 1892.] OFFICERS : E. C. Smith, Sigma, Prest. Dr. H. A. Royster, Tau, Sec'y. MACON, Ga., CHAPTER. [Estab'd Dec. 18, 1869; Discontinued July, 1870; Reorganized and Chartered Oct. 3, 1893.] OFFICERS ; J. F. Rogers, Alpha, Prest. D. Q. Abbott, Epsilon, Sec'y. WASHINGTON, D. C, CHAPTER. [Organized and Chartered Dec. 28, 1893. J OFFICERS : — , Prest. , Sec'y. 404 AI.UMNI CHAPTERS AND ASSOCIATIONS. MOBILE, Ala., CHAPTER. [Organized and Chartered April 9, 1895.] orriCERS : . Prest. J., G. Hamilton,, A-Epsilon, Sec'y. ATHENS, Ga., association. [Organized 1895. Unchartered.] OFFICERS : — , Prest. , Sec'y. DALLAS, Tex., CHAPTEE. [Organized and Chartered Sept. i, 1896.] OFFICERS : Harry L. Seay, Chi, Prest. S. T. Stratton, Jr., Beta, Sec. and Treas. FRANKLIN, La., CHAPTER. [Organized and Chartered Sept. 4, 1897.] OFFICERS : Beverly W. Smith. Psi, Prest. M. F. Hine, A-Gamma, Sec'y. LEXINGTON, Ky., CHAPTER. [Organized and Chartered Sept. 24, 1897. 1 OFFICERS : C. W. Miller, Omega, Prest. W. O. Sweeny, Jr., A-Theta, Sec'y. PETERSBURG, Ya., CHAPTER. [Organized and Charteyed Dec. 29, 1897.] OFFICERS : Rev. H. M. Hope, Zeta, Prest. William T. Davis, Zeta, Sec'y. TALLADEGA, Ala., CHAPTER. [Organized and Chartered Feb. 14, 1898.] OFFICERS : Rev. T.M.Callaway, Kappa, Prest. F. P. McConnell, Nu, Sec.-Treas KANSAS CITY, Mo., ASSOCIATION. [Organized Oct. 9, 1898. Unchartered.] OFFICERS : B. H. Wheeler, A-Eta, Prest. Gordon A. Beedle, A-Eta, Sec'y. AI^UMNI CHAPTERS AND ASSOCIATIONS. 405 ST. LOUIS, Mo., CHAPTER. [Organized and Chartered Dec. 6, 1898.] J. H. Wear, A-Eta, Prest. S. M. Carter, A-Eta, Sec'y. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., CHAPTER. [Organized and Chartered Dec. 17, 1898.] OFFICEBS : Walter G.Bonta, Chi, Prest. Brooke M. Wright, A-Xi, Sec. and Trs. ALEXANDRIA, La., CHAPTER. [Organized and Chartered June ist, 1900. | OFFICERS : H. H. White, Chi, Prest. R. A. Hunter, Sec'y. JACKSON, Miss., CHAPTER. [Organized and Chartered Aug. 10, 1900.] ' OFFICERS : A. C. Crowder, Nu, Prest. C. P. Manship, A-Mu, Sec'y. MISSOURI STATE ASSOCIATION. [Organized May 7, 1897.] OFFICERS : O.H. Swearingen, A-Kappa, Prest. L.C. Muir, A~Pi, Sec. and Treas. G-. M. Christian, A- Delta, Historian. GEORGIA STATE ASSOCIATION. [Organized May 8, 1899.] OFFICERS : John R. Straton, Kappa, Prest. Julian B. McCurry, Gamma, V.-Pres. B. L. Crew, Epsilon, Sec'y. Cam. U. Younge, Gamma, Treas. -s- DECEASED. "Requiem /'Eternam dona eis, Domine.*' Name. Chapter. Date of Death. Adair, Robin Gamma July 21, '91 Adams, Clifton Americus Kappa ? Adams, Frank Leslie Phi Dec. 29 Addison, William Pierce Iota Alderson, Thomas Creigh Eta May 26 A lien, Henry Howard Beta July 22 Ariail, Julius Fellows Chi Mar. 3 Arrington, George Wimberly Upsilon June 29 Ashford, James Milton Kappa Aug. 12 Atkinson, Frank M Zeta (Before Attaway, Adney McSwain Delta Jan. 4 Avery, Morrison Robert Sigma Jan. 23 Baldwin, Gill Beta June 13 Ball, Lucien Vernon Beta June 19 Barnes, Henry Jeffress Eta Nov. 28 Barton, Thamas Scott Psi Sept. — Bass, John Cozart Epsilon Jan. 4 Beane, Alpheus Crosby, Jr Gamma Feb. 2 Beard, Edward Calhoun Gamma Aug. 12 Beckwith, Exum Green Tau June 25 Bell, William Condee Mu^^ A-Lambda May 22 Bellamy, Chesley Calhoun Sigma Aug. 7 Bellinger, George Rivers A-Alpha Feb. 21 Benedict. Henry Pinckney A-Alpha July 5 Bivins, Joseph Emmett Kappa Dec. 27 Blalock, Charles Zadock Kappa Nov. 5 Blalock, Walter Brandon Pi^ Borde, Robert George Urquhart Psi Dec. 17 Bramlette, Leon Bates Omicron Nov. 25 Brice, Robert Hemphill Mu^^ Mar. 21 Brickell, Frank Hamer Beta Aug. 8 Briel, Bernard, Jr Zeta May 22 Brown, Archibald Dixon Beta April 30 Brown, Walter Wideman Iota May 30 Buchanan, John Thompson Gamma Budd, Samuel Woolston Eta, Lambda May 13 '96 '98 '99 '93 '99 '85 '88 '91) '00 '90 '97 '97 '74 '93 '00 '84 '94 '92 '92 '81 '91 '97 '98 '97 '95 '93 '86 '87 '98 '92 '95 '00 '81 '99 DECEASED. 407 Bullard, Robert Christopher Phi Feb. 12 Burney, William Westbroolc A-Beta Mar. 24 Butler, Thomas King, Jr Kappa Nov. 26 Candler, Milton Anthony, Jr Gamma Oct. 12 Candler, Maury Lee Epsilon April 5 Carroll, Thomas Zeta April 2 Carter, Eugene Douglas Delta Oct. 9 Castles, William Samuel Mu^^ Cawood, Charles Meigs Pi April 9 Chamblin, Albert Rush Zeta Dec. 23 Chandler, John Thomas, Jr Iota July 10 Christian, James Osborne Gamma Sept. 9 Clarice, David Thom-is Gamma Jan. — Clay. Green, Jr A-Alpha May 3 Clemens, William Grant A-Eho Jan. 28 Cocke, Chailes Henry Eta May 3 Cockrill, William Chum Omicron Mar. 20 Colley, Archllaus Robert Gamma June 26 Collins, Thomas Edgar Epsilon April 11 Cone, Richard Warthen Gamma April 8 Conger, Robert Edward Lee Psi Oct. 3 Conley, William Kirtley A-Delta, A-Kappa. . .Feb. 14 Connerly, John R Phi (Before Conrad, Henry Beauregard Tau .July 13 Cooledge, Aurelian Flavins Kappa Aug. 25 Cooper, Edward Wood Rho Aug. — Corban, Repps Lemoine A-Epsilon, Pi Oct. 15 Cordill, John ..A. Gamma Feb. 14 Cosner, William Francis Alpha Nov. 17 Cox, Pierre Bayard Upsilon Sept. — Crawford, Leon Robert Epsilon Oct. 24 Crenshaw, Thomas Pemberton Beta June 25 Crow, Thomas Lawrence Xi July 26 Crowder, Howord Grayson Nu Feb. 23 Dale, Jesse [Palmer] Cole Mu^^ Dec. 26 Daniel, Jeptha Hill Epsilon .June 10 Davies, Bartelot Todd Eta Davis, Joseph Barling Beta, Lambda. Oct. L6 Davis, John Henry Lafayette Chi. Jan. 5 Demanade, Aby.. A-Iota Nov. 30 Dickinson, Moseley Sale .Beta May 28 Dickinson, James Walter, [Sr.]. .. Delta July 14 Dillard, James Wellington Zeta Mar. 13 Dodds, John A-Xi Jan. — Dorroh, William Chalmers Iota May 28 '00 '96 '96 '93 '89 '99 '98 '96 '94 '76 '89 '84 '96 '9H '99 '00 '«6 '74 '78 '92 '85 '92 '91) '85 '96 '87 '98 '93 '80 '92 '91 '00 '84 '97 '93 '94 '80 '92 '88 '99 '95 '98 '91 '00 '94 4o8 DECEASED. Doster, Benjamin Robert, Jr Gamma Oct. 30 Drysdale, Joseph Forrest A-Alplia Feb. 28 Dudley, Alexander Eta April — Duggan, James Reynolds Kappa Jan. 8 Eckford, Charles Gates Theta^ Jan. 22 Ellis^ James Brock A-Beta. '. June 18 Embree, Francis Edward A-Iota Oct. 30 Eubank, John Sharp Eta Aug. 20 Favre, Daniel Boardman A-Mu Aug. 11 Fielder, Idus Lafayette Epsilon, Gamma Dec. 4 Finney, Louis Curry Hammersley. .Lambda June 12 Fleming, Louis Isadore A-Alpha . ...Sept. 12 Folk, George Blackner , Sigma Folk, Henry Batt Tau Sept. 16 Folk, William Hayne Delta May 17 Foster, Arthur Pegram Beta Sept. 29 Frost, William Pringle Rho Spring Gage, Robert David .• Delta Sept. 18 Gana, Alfredo Victor A-Nu July — Garnett, Reuben Hancock Eta Jan. 13 Garret, Thomas Abel Beta Jan. 18 Gartrell, Joseph Erasmus Epsilon Aug. 16 Gibbs, George Young Sigma Gibbs, J. F Iota Gilliam, John A-Beta, Lambda April — Gilmer, William Benjamin Spatber, Kappa, Epsilon June 1 Glass, Frank Eugene '. A-Alpha June 1 Glenn, Howell Cobb Gamma Oct. 9 Glover, Frederick William Kappa Aug. 6 Goss, Jesse Melancthon Gamma About Gray, James Davis Epsilon Feb. 21 Green, John Bell Kappa June 27 Gresham, Walter R Eta July — Griffin, Walter William Kappa. Dec. 28 Groce, Wm. Oscar Mu^^ Sigma Gunter, Alfred Benjamin Eta, Lambda Feb. 16 Gunter, James Fisher Eta, Lambda Nov. 20 Gunter, John Joseph Eta, Lambda Oct. 1 Gunter, Willi am Frederick Eta, Lambda Dec. 28 Gunther, Ludolph Wilhelm, Jr Lambda May 9 Gwin, Ralph Beta July 17 Hall, Adoniram Judson Kappa Sept. — Hall, John Winston Xi Jan. 24 Haiti wanger, George David Mu^, Nov. 17 DBCEASED. 409 Hamer, Lawrence DeKalb Delta Sept. 24 Hardin, Tabor Fleming Nu April 5 Harris, Alexander Mason Eta, Lambda Nov. 19 Harris, Franklin Hardeman Gamma Dec. 16 Harris, Richard Ivey Kappa July 15 Harris, Thomas Willis Hamilton . .Epsilon, Gamma. . . . .Feb. 11 Hartridge, Gazaway Gamma July 12 Hayden, Eeuben Cone A-Alpha Jan. 23 Hayne, Isaac, Jr Kho Oct. 17 Heck, John Martin Tau Jan. 30 Hendrick, Ernest A-Kappa Oct. 1 Henley, Richardson Leonard A-Zeta Aug. 24 Henry Edward Hugh, Jr Zeta Sept. 21 Henry, John Torbet Mu^^ Herbert, Thomas Swepston A-Zeta April 2 Herndon, Basil Gordon Lambda Feb. 24 Hibbard, John Leslie A-Beta Jan. 9 Hicks, Edward Block A- Delta Sept. — Hickson, William Thomas Iota Dec. 18 Hill, Charles Urquhart Tau, Upsilon Aug. 16 Hinton, George Washington Phi Oct. 24 Hodge, Charles Wesley Nu Jan. '28 Ho ige, Rufus Michael Gamma June 17 Hollingsworth, John Eliphalet Beta May 7 Holmes, James Elliott Lafayette. . . Eta Dec. 5 Holmes, Thomas Epsilon Hooten, Henry Clark Kappa .July 19 Horton, Thaddeus Edgar Iota I:^ov. 14 Howe, William Toirey .A- Alpha Aug. — Hughes, Samuel Moses Iota Nov. 25 Hull, Asbury, Jr Gamma Oct. 28 Hunt, James Collinsworth Pi^ Aug. 30 Hurt, Joel Fletcher Nu April 8 Hutter, John Langhorne Beta June 23 Huzza, Thomas Harry Epsilon Dec. 9 Iverson, James Smith Alpha Nov. 28 Jack, John Welbourn Omicron Jan. 7 Jackson, Edwi n Alonzo Pi^, Epsilon Dec. 7 Jackson, Robert Fletcher Pi^ Oct. — Jacobs, Ernest, Jr Eta Jan. 18 Jeter, John Erastus Iota Oct. 10 Johnson, Frank Cookman Eta Nov. 30 Jones, Ira Green — Kappa Aug. — Jones, Jordan Francis. Chi Nov. 25 Jones, Robert Brodie Theta^^ May 11 '97 '88 '86 '88 '95 '93 '00 ,00 '99 '96 '97 '98 '89 _ V > • '00 '83 '93 '96 '94 '86 '99 '91 '85 '75 '91 '83 '99 '97 '95 '88 '86 '90 '93 '98 '86 '91 '90 '84 '00 '81 '90 '84 '84 '97 4IO DECEASED. Jones, Thomas Hill Kappa May 24, '86 Jones, William Houston Tau Feb. 11, '96 Joseph! , Hawthorne Murray A-Pi Aug. 18, '99 Kemp, John Davis. Iota April 23, '85 Kendrick, Henry Clay Phi April 12, '91 Kennedy, Joseph Medicus A-Epsilon Dec. 7, '95 Key, Benjamin Witt Epsilon Nov. 30, '83 Kirkpatrick, Samuel Lindsay Alpha June 5, '90 Koger, Alfred Lemacks Delta Dec. 23, '81 Koger, James William. Delta Feb. 8, '86 Lake Thomas Edmund Iota Sept. 17, '84 Lamar, John Wragg Gamma Feb. 17, '87 Lambert, Jordan Wheat Zeta Jan. 6, '89 Lang, John Hall Gamma Aug. 19, '36 Latane, William Eta Dec. 14, '84 Lewis, Elijah John Kappa Aug. 5, '96 Lewis, John Eedman Coxe Beta, Lambda Feb. 26, '95 Ligon, Marshall Orr Delta Dec. 24, '92 Linney, William Thomas. . Omega June 14, '85 Long, Jackson Edward Chi, A-Beta April 16, '91 Lung, Nimrod Walto n A-Beta May 10, '87 Love, Joseph Karl Pi Nov. 4, '91 Lovett, Preston Henry Crawford. . .Epsilon Sept. 1, '84 Lyon, Francis Strother A-Beta Jan. 19, '88 Lyon, Thomas Rufus Gamma Mar. 12, '83 McCalla, Frederick A-Beta Dec. 15, '92 McConnell, William Marshall Epsilon Aug. 29, '99 McCorkle, Thomas Edward , Alpha Mar. 10, '99 McCurdy, George Yest A-Kappa , ? McDonald, J. H Eta About '83 McGolrick, John Mettaner Nu May 19, '98 Mclntyre, William Kenter Gamma April 15, '00 McKee, Samuel Watson Sigma July 20, '97 McKinley, Andrews Gamma Sept. 5, '75 McLaurin, Duncan Phi Nov. 12, '96 McMichael, John Clark, [Sr.] Gamma .Oct. 15, '95 McNeal, Robert Denson Omicron April 25, '94 McVoy, Arthur DuBose Phi Aug. 15, '93 Maffett, Robert l;avid Mu^^ Oct. 8, '87 Mallory, James Golden Phi June 9, '87 Martin, John Alpha July 18, '84 Martin, James McDonald Kappa May 28, '86 Matthews, Benjamin Antonett Pi^ July 19, '90 Merritt, George Bozeman Epsilon Aug. 19, '89 DECEASED. 411 Michaux, William Walthall Eta Oct. 1, '98 Mikell, Thomas Baker Sigma June 12, '83 Miller, Charles Gideon Eta June 2, '87 Mitchell, Joseph Price Alpha Feb. 9, '95 Mood, Preston Dula Delta, Epsilon Jan. 24, '80 Moore, John Lucky Epsilon , '98 Moore, William A-Theta A ug. 12, '94 Morehouse, Howard Lord A- Alpha Nov. 7, '95 Morgan, James William, Jr H^u Sept. 17, '94 Morris, Charles Gamma May 3, '93 Munnerlyn, Benjamin Theta^^ Mar. 17, '92 Newton, Ebenezer Gamma Feb. 17, '76 l^ewton, Horace Greenleaf A-Gamma Feb. 10, '00 Nicholson, William Bonner Kice.. .Epsilon Oct. 11, '96 Norris, Thomas Lark Kappa, Gamma Oct. 15, '97 Northington, William Smith A-Beta Aug. 27, '93 Nottingham, William Kennard Lambda Jan. 24, '92 Oates, James Jethro Nu June 24, '89 Offutt, William Washi ngton Zeta (About '84) Parker. Allen Wardlaw Rho.. Aug. 3, '91 Patton, Henry Cowper Rho May 23, '00 Paulett, Henry Clark Zeta July 29, '99 P;iyne, Benjamin Franklin Gamma Dec. 29, '91 Peatross, Samuel Coleman Eta , '79 Peele, Charles Hardy Xi April 3, '96 Phelan, George Richard A- Alpha, Lambda. . .Nov. 24, '96 Phinizy, Harry Hayes Gamma, Lambda May 1, '90 Pitzer, Henry Clay Zeta Feb. 8, '77 Pool, William Robert. Epsilon Aug. 3, '89 Pope, Alexander Barnet Lambda June — , '95 Portner, Robert Francis A-Nu Jan. 23, '00 Pyott, Edward Spring Mu^^ Dec. 29, '97 Ramser, Major Lee Chi Oct. 13, '96 Rathburn, William Daniel A-Alpha May 20, '90 Rather, Pearsall A- Beta April 15, '94 Read, David Sims Alpha Jan. 3, '92 Rhodes, Jefferson Magruder Rho , '85 Richardson, Frank Liddell, Jr A-Epsilon, Psi Aug. — , '96 Rion. William Calhoun Sigma Aug. 10, '89 Ritch, Edward Gilmore Pi prime Spring, '00 Robertson, Thomas Ross, Jr Upsilon Ju ne 25, '95 Rotan, James McCall Lambda Nov. 17, '92 Ryals, James Gazaway, Jr Kappa, Lambda . . .April 18, '85 Ryals, Walter Mell Kappa, Gamma Dec. 10, '86 412 DECEASED. Salmon, William Henry A-Delta Aug. 3, '90 Sampson, Eobert '. Eta Feb. 4, '96 Sampson, Samuel Gille pie Delta, Lambda Sept. 30, '92 Saville, William Alpha , '82 Saye, William Montgomery Sigma May 30, '84 Scaife, Paul Bound Epsilon May 13, '98 Scott, Edwin Allen A-Gamma Sept. 15, '98 Shipp^ John Wilds Delta Nov. 27, '88 Singleton, John Kho Nov. 13, '97 Smith, Henry Webster. Chi July 5, '84 Smith, John Henry Eta July 20, '80 Sorrell, Gordon Kappa Jan. 31, '76 Southgate, Hubbard Kavanaugh. . .Chi Feb. 13, '90 Spaulding, William Eust Omicron Dec. 13, '89 Stallings, William Simeon Epsilon Aug. 23, '86 Stalworth, Amon Butler Iota Sept. '26, '00 Starling, William Lewis Beta Aug. 9, '84 Steele, Luther Rice Eta July 22, '90 Stephens, John Hugh .Gamma Nov. 10, '98 Stewart, Arthur Sidney Alpha Sept. 19, '93 Stokes, James Edwin Delta Aug. 8, '88 Stubbs, Clarence Lundy Kappa July 17, '91 Tate, James Ulmer Nu Oct. 23, '92 Taylor, John Travis Zeta Aug. 31, '00 Telfair, Milton Stewart Epsilon April 20, '77 Thomas, Charles Allen A-Theta Aug. 23, '00 Thomas, Francis Cummings Gamma July 16, '88 Thomas, George Dudley Gamma Jan. 5, '95 Thomas, Joseph Edgar A- Alpha, Omega Mar. 8, '96 Thomason, Whiteford Smith Delta July 25, '99 Traywicli, William Douglass .. Nu Oct. 23, '92 Turnbull, William Bellamy Epsilon May 20, '96 Tutt, George Edwin A-Delta Dec, 27, '90 Twitty, James Fitts Zeta July 12, '92 Twitty, William Horace Zeta May 8, '97 Vance, William Dear Beta April 25, '81 Vest, James Marshall Eta, Lambda , '84 Waddell, William Henry Gamma Sept. 18, '78 Walker, Newton Pinckney Theta^^, Lambda . . .June 25, '95 Walsh, William Archibald Alpha luly 25, '76 Watson, John Emmett Sigma Dec.—, '93 Watson, Perry Lewis Iota Sept. 18, '96 Weisinger, William Cameron Nu July 12, '89 Wells, Oliver Phipp A-Delta June 12, '88 Wert, Burns Michael Nu Aug. 10, '00 DECEASED. 413 White, Thomas Simpson A-Mu Jan. 25, '96 Wilson, Charles Wesley Epsilon July 14, '96 Winfree, Christopher Zeta Nov. 12, '91 Wing, Eugene Glover A-Beta , '00 Wolfe, Telliman Douglas Kappa Nov. 26, '86 Wood, John Whitaker Upsilon Oct. 21, '92 Wood, Percy Green Phi April — , '96 Woodruff, Henry Wills Gamma Sept. 24, '99 Woods, John Delta Jan. 8, '86 Woodward, Martin Bosie Iota ? Woolley, John Mitchell Nu Oct. 31, '95 Woolley, William Price Epsilon July 27, '83 Wynn, John Eobert Chi , '96 Total, 318. LIST or EXPELLED. Name. Name of Chapter. Date of Expulsion. Arring-ton, G-uy Alpha-Epsilon Nov. 17, '90 Barnett, Addison Fort Kpsilon Feb. 19, '70 Bevan, Thomas Horatio Alpha Dec. 7, '66 Brown, Ealph Fletcher Alpha-Delta Feb. 11, '95 Canterbury, Ira Isaac. Mu^^ June 23, '87 Cleveland, Jesse F Iota ? Cliniiscales, John Henry Alpha , '76 Cochrane, .lohn Brice .Mu^^ Noy. 27, '66 Cowles, William T.. Phi...- Apr. 10, '89 Crockett, John Stewart Alpha Dec. 7, '66 Drake, Frederick Henry Alpha-Pi Jan. 14, '98 Ford, William Strother Benjamin. .Delta Jan. 22, '86 George, James Frank Gamma (Before '78) Halley, Henry Hampton Alpha-Theta Oct. 21, '93 Hardeman, Robert Northington . . .Kappa, Mu^^ Nov. 21, '91 Harris, James Alexander Chi Sept. 6, '84 Haynes, Samuel Harden, Jr Pi May 20, '95 Jarvis, Raymond Preston Alpha-Zeta Dec. 15, '98 Johnson, William Dalrymple, Jr. . .Sigma May 20, '90 Lacy, John Alexander Alpha Dec. 7, '66 McClintock, Samuel Sweeney Alpha-Theta Dec. 13, '94 McVoy, Jamees Alexander Phi , Chi , '92 Massebeau, William Augustus Delta Tune 3, '85 Matthews, John Edgar Alpha-Delta Feb. 11, '95 Morse, Joseph Bradley Alpha-Xi April 10, '97 Randall, George Gartrell Gamma Nov. 8, '69 Rea, Smith, Clinkscales Alpha , '76 Rencher, Eugene Hi nton Phi May 1, '91 Reynolds, Walter E Epsilon Feb. 17, '78 Roseborough, Irvi ng Jeffries Nu May 26, '00 Salter, Robert Lee, Jr Omega May 30, '91 Sams, Lee Leslie Iota , '91 Samuel, Thomas Norris Alpha-Gamma ...... Dec. 20, '92 Saulsbury , Robert Smith Epsilon Feb. 19, '70 Sears, William M Beta , '68 *Spiller, James Robert Alpha Dec. 7, '66 Stanard, 1^ obert Alpha Dec. 7, '66 *Died, Feb. 23, '82. EXPEI*I,ED. 415 Tucker, Herbert William Omega June 21, '94 Tyler, Arthur Eobb A-Zeta Feb. 16, '00 Weaver, Thomas Shadrach Alpha Nov. 8, '67 Worth, Duncan Scott A.lpha-Beta May 2, '91 Williams, Andrew F Iota May 18, '74 Wilson, James Willis Lambda June 6, '87 Wroe, John Lester Xi Nov. 13, '95 Total, 44. List of Abbteviations* * Dead. t Expelled. [ ], part of name that has been discarded. ( ), with name of place, denotes last known addkess, B— , etc., denotes no namh; except initial. B., denotes name unknown. (1), (2), after names, to distinguish members having identical names. Errata^ Changfest Etc^ Page 13 19 28 28 30 35 36 36 44 49 61 61 61 62 , 63 65 69 83 86 86 8-7 87 89 91 92 92 94 95 95 96 96 108 123 124 129 First line of table, read "M." A. Turner, for **W." A. 9th line from below, read "argued" for "agreed." 9th " " " read "Gramma '68," for '"69." 7th " " " read "Chi, '86" for '"80." Arnold, D. H. H., address San Diego, Cal. read Massey, Orwen Webb, instead of Massie. Palmer, E.G., address, Emporia, Ya. Rogers, W. A., " Orangeburg, S. C. Conrad, H., Jr., ent., '94 ; init., '94. Harman, J. P., init., '97. Tilghman, H. A., address, Salisbury, Mashonaland,So. Af. Vance, G-. T., living, omit *. Vance, W. D., deceased, prefix *. Voorheis, W. T., address Norfolk, Va. last line, read "dead, 16." Barksdale, R. T., living, omit *. Address, 951 Grreene st., Augusta, Ga. Civil Engineer. Cook, H. H., address, Miami, Fla. Young, J. W., address, Prattville, Ala. Connor, W. M., Jr., address, Spartanburg, S. C. Duncan, W. H. G.. address, Columbia, S. C. tFord, W. S. B., address, Gaflney. S. C. Charlotte, N. C. Spartanburg, S. C. McClure, S. C- Tatum, S. C. Bishopville, S. C. Spartanburg, S. C. Chattanooga, Tenn. for Woodrad. "Phi" Delta Theta, for "Chi." under Charter Members, read: "1. L. Fielder, for "J.L.F." Meyers, E. H., address. Savannah, Ga. *Taylor, John Travis, died Richmond, Va., 1900. last line, read "dead, 14." name omitted. Eta chapter : Gamewell, J. M.. Jeffries, J. L., Morris, F. M.. Newton, H. H., Jr., Rogers, J. C, Walker, W. L., Wilson, G. L., read : Woodward, H. W. under Fraternities, read ABBREVIATIONS, ERRATA, CHANGES, &C. 417 FRAZER, MARSHALL CALVIN, Za, Oraoge Co., Va. Born, Orange Co., Va., '— ; ent., '— ; init., '00. Student. " 130, Hatcbett, W. G., address, Montgomery, Ala. " 136, Wiatt, J. E., " Auburn, Ala. " 136, last line, read : •Initiates, 167 ; total, 178." " 153, Lee, T. O., address, Meldrim, Ga. " 156, *Stalwortb, A. B., died, Woodruff, S. C, 1900. " 158, last line, read, 14." " 173, name omitted. Lambda chapter: BUFORD, ALGERNON SIDNEY, Jk., Richmond, Va. Born, Richmond, Va., '80; ent., '99; init. (Beta), '99; trans, to Lambda, '99. Student. 175 176 182 186 188 188 188 199 201 206 241 260 270 274 284 285 286 296 304 Corse, M. B., address, Lexington, Va. Connor, Wm. Mellard, address, Spartanburg, S. C. Moore, C T., *• Clifton Forge, Va. Turnbull, W. T., " Rome, Ga. Wood, W. D., " Birmingham, Ala. Woods, C. L , ♦* Rolla, Mo. last line read : "Initiates, 78; transfers, 159; total, 237." Bush, T. G., address, Rome, Ga. Goldthwaite, H. A., " Mt. Meigs, Ala. Sutclifle, J. W., " New Orleans, La. Alexander, R. W., '♦ Raeford, N. C read "Robertson, T. R., Jr." read -'Sanders, 8. T." Barnett, A. E., address, Opelika, Ala. Pritchett, G. M., " Webb City, Mo. Glover, G. S., living, omit*. For "Webb" read "Welch, T. P." Address, Crescent City, Fla. For "Buckner" read "Beckner, S. S." et seq. Names omitted. Alpha-Alpha Chapter : *BENEDICT, HENRY PINCKNEY, Ft. Meade, Fla. Bom, Philadelphia, Pa.. '77; ent., '96; init., '96; died, '97. BERGHAUS, PAUL, Towanda, Pa. Born, Doylestown, Pa., '75; ent., '92; init., '92; A.B. Lawyer. BRINKLEY, ROBERT CAMPBELL, Memphis, Tenn. Born. Memphis, Tenn., '66; ent., '84; init., '84. Engineer. BRODIE, JAMES HAWKINS, B(.rn, Henderson, N. C, '80; ent., '99; init. student. Henderson, N. C. '99; C.H., '99. Law LAMB, JAMES HALL, Jk., Born. Deland, Fla., '65; ent., '83; init., '85; B.S., Gamma, '88; LL.B. (Ga.), '89. Lawyer. Page, 332, For Revelle, read Ravelle, C. G. " 343, Marsden, B. P., address, Norfolk, Va. " 343, Mason, M. G., " Emporia, Va. " 347, read, Beedle, Gordon Augustus. Jacksonville, Fla. ; trans, to GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. [Pigures refer to page numbers.] ALABAMA. Ackerville. Little, C. T 316 Alexander City. Leslie, F. H 303 Pearson, J. M 109 Anniston. Cobbs, J. H 264 Darden, W. A 200 Elam. B. E 277 Gilliam, H. S 315 Johnston, W, F 202 Pelhani S. C 318 Wade, T. W 170, 186 Ware, Horace 207 White, W. A 286 Young, C. H 320 Arlington. Dumas, Joel 201 Dumas, O. D 201 Dumas, R. E 201 Atmore. Hall, Leslie 265 Matthews, K. N 268 Webb, A. P 271 Athens. Sherrill, R. C 270 Sherrill, W. S 205 Auburn. Duggar, J. F 265 Mason, B. M 204 Mell, P. H 77 Scroggs, W. 205 Spain, J. B. K 285 Wiatt, J. E 136 Augustine. Driver, J . C 201 Avondale. Allgood, R. V 262 Ellis, G. C 265 Ellis, J. D 265 Weaver, L. A 310 Bellville. Bedingfield, C. A 313 Benevola. Williams, A. G 272 Benton. Dudley, R. H 314 Bessemer. DeBardeleben, C. F 201 Leonard, J. H 267 Birmingham. Abernathy, H. B 198 Bain, G. F 263 Benners, Augustus 263 Benners, H. G 263 Bowers, P. B 98 Brown, B. E 199 Brown, Q. J 305 Burdette, L. D 199 Bush, M. W 275 Chapman, G. C 200, 264 Copeland, E. R 264 Davis, Bolivar 200 Drennan, F. M 265 Fulghum, W. W 201 Green, CM 265 Haley, L. J.. Jr 130 Hamilton, W. C 266 Hansberger, W. E 266 Haskell, E. C 236, 290 Johnson, E- B 316 Latady, Albert 180 Lea. Sumter. Jr 203 McConnell, Roscoe 268 McCoy, J. H 268 McCoy, J. P 268,317 McCrory, J. T 204 Mason, J. M., Jr 204, 268 Moore, P. H 317 Morris, L. C 121, 182 Poe, W. T 318 Puckett, R. H 269 Puckett, Walter 269 Rencher, J. A 270 Robertson, F. A 205 Senn, C. A 156 Sloss, J. L 270, 318 Smith, D.H 318 Smith, H. S 318 Smith, L. S 206 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX, 4T9 Wade, J. W 170 Walker. J. T 135 Washburn, C. C 286 Widener, G H 357 Wilson, H. F, Jr 319 Wilson, D. E 207 Wood, W. D 188, 207 Zimmerman, G. P 138 Blount Springs. Willoughby, J. E 319 Boligee. Perry, B. G 318 Bond. Tyler, R, T 271 Brewton. Purifoy, Jno., Jr. 205 Brookwood. Acton, J. G , . 262 Camden. Bonner, Sherwood 313 Foster, J. R 315 Kilpatrick. J. Y 316 Miller, B. M 193, 317 Centre. Holmes, L. A 266 Centreville. Davidson. J L 314 Childersburg. Beavers, J. R 263 Citronelle. Eddington, D. H 314 Clanton. Dennis, W. K 265 Foshee, D. M 314 McNeel, J. D 181, 237, 246, 370 Watts, Lerov 271 Clayton. Brooks, R. E 99 James, J. C 267 James, J. H 267 Coaldale. Sibley, B. D 80, 194 Sibley, W. L 80 Coaling. Beatty, T. L 313 Coatopa. Patton, D. D 317 Scales, U. E 270 Columbia. Beach, Thornwell 313 Thetford, W. F 319 Columbiana. Milner, Jno 317 Cordeli. Price, W. F" 269 Courtland. Pippen, P. S 269 Decatur, Albes, C. E 273 Godbey, E. W 315 Henkel, L. C 315 Simpson, J. D 270 Skeggs, H. A., Jr 206 Skeggs. J. H 206 Wert, T. W 207 Demopolis, Foscue, F. L 47 Gregory, B. F 265 Prout. W. S 205 Rudisill, Hubbard 232 Skinner, Oliver 270 Tallichet, D. C 206 Dillburgh, Turnipseed, W. E 271 Dothan. Wadley. W. M 82 Webb, R. D 207 Double Springs. Blanton, R. L 263 East Lake. Brand, Edw 144 Constantine, C. W 369 Young, G. L 272 Elba. Simmons, C. W 205 Simmons, R. J. H 206 Wilkerson, J. H . 272 Enon. Cox, T. N 128 Ensley. Mays. D. H 154 Totherow. C. C 271 Waldrop, L. G 271 Epes. Smith, W. Parks 319 Eufaula. Barr, J. R 274 Beach, C H 274 Roberts, N. W 1^4 Ross, J. L 284 Eunola. McNeal, W. H 268 Fair. Hendrix, J. H 266 Florence. Crow, E. C 314 Crow. Walter A 314 Milner. J. W 282 Watson, J. A., Jr . 271 Wood, A. H 320 Wood, W. S 320 Geneva. Cox, J.B 127 420 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Gadsden. Kyle.T. vS 34 McMurray, J. A . . . 246 Murphree, W. T 283, 317 Goodwater. Johnson, C. C 202 Granger. Askew, A. H 263 Greensboro. Blount, J. A 263 Brown. E. L, 263 Christenbury, D. P 264 Christian, J.J 264 Cocke, J. D. W 264 Giddens, Iv. P 265 Gulley, F. D 265 Hill, G. W 266 Hobson, Jos. M 266 Hobson, S. A 266 Inge, Richard 267, 279 Jones, Harold 267 Jones, Lee 267 Keady. G. K 267 Lawson, Lewis 267 Poellnitz, C. A 269 Powers, C. B 269 Sledge, F. P 270 Greenville Briggs, A.J 263, 313 McKensie, T. E 317 Steiner, J. H 271 Hargrove. Bell, W. H 98 Hayesville. Caffey, W. G 313 Hayneville. James, N. G 193 Helena. Echol'5, Robert 265 Hays, W. M 266 Huntsville. Anderson, E. B 312, 368 Baldridge, F. E 274, 312 Smith, R. E 270 . Speake, P.M.... 319 Taylor, W. D 319 Turner, H. C 207 Weeden, R. P 207 isney, Taylor, S.J 271 Jasper. Gravlee, J. M 315 Jefferson. Compton, W. F 264 Kellyton Webb, J. O 207 Kennedy. Kenned}', J. L 267 Kingman. Williamson, S. B 62 LaFayelte. Schuessler, E. M 270 Laneit. Craig, J. C 264 Lincoln. Chapman, R A 276 Hall, Alonzo 164 Livingstone. McMahon, Winsion 317 Luwer Peach Tree. McLeod 317 Lowndesboro. McCurdy, G R 268 riagnolia. Agee, I A 262 Marion. Bradford, G. L 116 Mobile. Black, J. W 199 Bondurant, E. D 313 Hamilton, J. G 336 Hines, R. P. R 279 Holcombe, A. R. (i) 359 Holcoinbe, W. P 202, 360 Hutchison. M. R 202 Inge, W. B .267, 316 Irwin, L. K 202 Jones, G. H. . 280, 316 Knight, W. J 203 Lesesne, H. D 203 Lindsey, H. M 203 McBryde, W. H..' 204 Gates, W. H 205 Planck, E. H 338 Sims, J. S 58, 185 Sloane. M. S 206 Vidmer. R. H • 319 Webb, J. H . 271, 319 Wheeler, Dan'l ... 207 Woo 1, B. A 32a Yerger, A. W 311 Montevallo. Sessions, Robt 270 Wilkinson, D. L. 272, 319 rionrgomery. Abercrombie, J . W 262, 312 Arrington, R. G . 304 Branch, B. E 199 Bross. W. L. M 313 Browder, David . 199, 313 Coleman, Phares 264, 314 Clyde, W. M 150 Dickinson, W. P., Jr 265 Foster, J H 315 Goodwyn, R.T 315 Graves, D. B 220, 315 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 421 Hatchett, W. G 33- 130 Illges, G. M 202 Jones, J. B.... . 307 Jones, J. R. 316 Kelly, Edwin 203 Kelly, J. W 203 Kelly, W. B _. 203 Kendall, Paul *. 105 McConnico, F. H. . 181, 316 Micow, M. T 308 Payne, A. G 338 Pearson, B. R 56 Robinson, Lewis 293 Tuttle, Mortimer H 207 Willcox, H. N 82 Willcox, H. R 83 riontrose. Moses, A. S 205 nt. Meigs. Goldthwaite. H. A 201, 315 flulberry. Howard, F. M 266 Myrtlewood. Meador, D.J 154 Newman. Bullard, H. C 263 Newton. Killebrew, A. E 203 Killebrew, E. S 203 Oak Hill. McBryde, E.I 204 Opelika. Barnett, A. E 274 Barnett. J. B 312 Bennett, J. S 198 Clower, T. H 200 Daughtry, W. R 200 Davis, W. E 201 Dorsey, I. J 201 Oreville. Molette, J U 317 Oswichee. Whitaker, W. C 272 Owenton. Brandon, F. W 263 Phoenix City. Jones, N. F 203. 267 Prattviile Davis, R. M 314 Foster, O M 315 Frost, W. F. 71 Livingston, G. S 268 Northington, Allen 317 Northington, EG 181, 317 Northington, M. P 317 Pratt, H. M 318 Shores. R. E • 270 Smith. T. S 318 Young, J. W 83 Kamer. Boyd, B. H 199 Renfro. Sims, M. H 318 Richmond. Kyser, W. D 316 Robinson Springs. Pierce, J.J 318 Rockford. Bentley, A. D 313 Jones, Julius 280 5elma. Barnwell, R. W., Jr 304 Calloway, Eugene 264 Cooper, H. F 69, 200 Driver, J. A 201 Force, Peter 177 Hall, T. W 266 Howard, CM 266, 279 Howard, T. L 267 Jones, J. M 307 Jones. R. ap C 203 McVoy, L. K 204 Moore, R.I 269 Wood, F. M 272 Sheffield. Coleman, J. R 264 Roulhac, T. R.. Jr 270 Shelby. Christian, C.J 313 Christian, L. A 200, 313 Christian, L. E 313 Christian, W. L 200 Smith, N. C 206 Simpkinsville. Chapman, J. W 200 Spring Garden. Harwell, W. F 74 Stone. Windham, E. P 319 Windham, L. B 320 Sumterville. Ormond, W. G 269 Sylacauga. Horn, Eli 202 Talladega. Bross, W. L. M 3I3 Callaway, T. M i6j. Davis. J. D 31. Dunglinson. Jos 33^ McConnell, F. P 20 McMillan, R.H 20J McMillan. W. C 20^ Manning, F. H 25^ Plowman, T. S.Jr 31° Thetford, Kennon 186, 31^ Thetford, S. L 3i9 422 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Vandiver, C. W 319 Webb, J. F 207 Woodward, R. H 272 Tallahassee. Fannin, C. F 70 Thomas. Burrus, H. P 174 Troy. Brown, P. U 263 Henderson, Jere 31s Shackelford, E. M 318 Trussville. Acton, J. M 312 Tuscaloosa. Barnwell, C. H 235 Crawford, D. W 314 Culver, F. P 265 Fitts, Alston 314 Foster, Glenn 314 McCalla, Frederick 316 Pickel, J. M 155 Purifoy. F. M 318 Yuille, N. A 320 Tuscumbia. Keller, W. S 316 Rather, J. D, Jr 318 Tuskeegee Breedlove, B. W 199 Union Springs. Hobdy. R. L 315 Uniontown. Moore, L. H 269 Verbena. Caffey, G. H 305 Greene, J. T 265 Vernlidge. Reddock, C. E 269 Wacoochee. Powledge, B. H 205 Wetumpka. Andrews, A. L 262 Williams, A. E 319 White Plains. Watson, J. W 271 Wilsonville. Wallace, W. W 319 Woodlawn. Sims, J. L., Jr 270 ARIZONA. Phoenix. Prescott Kraemer, Herman 365, 392 Herndon, C. W 365 ARKANSAS. Arkadelphia. Hearn, Wilfred 380 Augusta. Summers, J. F 390 Bledsoe's Landing. Hodges, D. H 279 Camden. Lockett, R. T 337 McRae, Chester 35, 338 Parker, J. H 389 Charleston. Richardson, D. A 389 Clarendon. Ewan, P. C, Jr 278 Denver. Jones, I. A 105 Dickson. Glass, W. T 201 El Dorado. Goodwin, W. L 388 Fayetteville. Graham, R. N 388 Henderson, S. L 49, 388 Hight, W. G 388 Howell, Edw 388 Lipsey, D. B 389 Montgomery, W. A 253, 371 Pickel, F. W 155, 238 Prall, G. V 389 Purdue, A. H 389 Rattenbury, W. H 389 Spencer, E. L 389 Wassan, A. W 390 Fort Smith. Buckley, W. D 329 Gravette. Cochrane, V. H 388 Green Forest. Worthington, J. A 390 Greenwood. Campbell, J. L 3^7 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 423 Harrison. Kirby, F. B 389 Hazen. Horsfall, Frank 388 Helena. Fitzpatrick, C. S 32 West, M. E 38 Wooten, C. A 38 Hindsville. Cummings, R. N 388 Vaughan, A. J 390 Hot Springs. Harrel, M. L 236 Worley, J. P 197 Howell. McKie, W. H 389 Imboden. Bacon, W. J., Jr. ...... . .274, 387 Hatcher, J. O 388 Jonesboro. Frierson, CD 388 Hawthorne, J, H 279 Thompson, F. A 390 Little Rock. Buckley, W. H 329 Daniels, H. T 388 Drees, C. J 388 Hemingway, W. L 279 Henderson, G. D 388 Hughes, R. C 33 Lincoln, C. K 308 Martin, R. W 231 Moore, J. M 282 Polk, CM 381 Price, P. B., Jr 36 Ratcliffe, Cummins 284 Rose, L. H 184, 338 Sadler, C L 389 Treadway, W. A 390 Wright, M 63 Morrillton. Reid, C C 284 nt. Holly. McRae, Carleton 389 Paragould. Thompson, R. S 37 Pine Bluff. Bratton, C S 242 Godfrey, J. H 388 Poplar Grove. Connelly, J. S 388 Rogers. Brixey, A. M 387 Springdale. Beavers, A. W 387 Stephens. Smith, Carl 389 CALirORNlA. Alameda. Hannon, Jno 119 Auburn. Van Norden, R. W. . 393 Berkeley. Hamlin, T.L 384 Judson, C W 384 Page, T. W 121 Downey. Green, J. D 330 Elmira McWhorter. E. H 268 Folson. Butler, J. W. S 383 Fresno. ' Strother, S. L 285 Golden Gate. Thomas, W. L 310 Humboldt. Kerfoot, Lee 384 Klamathon. Miner, J. T 78 Los Angeles. Candler, S. C 67 Davis, J. L 298 Dozier, M., Jr 384 Glassell, P. H 306 Sherer, A.J 385 riodesto. Bledsoe, W. G 383 Niles. Thane, B. L 3^5 Whipple, J. R 386 Oakland. Bogle, F.,Jr 383 Cheek, M. A 384 Dawson, W. E 384 Gage, H.T 384 Hussey, E. H 384 Kirby, H. H., Jr 392 Wilson, H. M 386 Porterville. Owens, J. J 332 Rivera. Groton, W. D 129 Sacramento. Pinkham, C B 392 Van Norden, O. H 393 424 GKOGRAPHICAI, INDKX. San Diego. Arnold, D. H. H 30, 241 San Francisco. Beall, J. M 242, 257 Berry, E. S 42 Bonta, W. G 275 Craig, W. B 384 Day, H. h 391 Gwin, W. M.,Jr 48 Hilborn, ly. A 384 Hinz, C. R 384 James, Edward 392 James, Morris C 370 McNee, A. E 392 Mead, Iv.D 385 Pache, F.C.J 385 Poheim, Hugo 385 Rambo, W. T 392 Stone, W.J 393 Turner, R. H 385 Wagner, L. T 385 Walsh, A. M 386 Wright, B.M 386 San Jose. Ivcndrum, B. A 385 San Mateo. Dunphy, W. C 392 San Raphael. Hanson, C. H 384 Haxie, Viron 384 Santa Barbara. Canfield, F. W^ 384 Eaton, Iv. F 384 Playtor. Harold 385 Starke, T. M 393 Tulare. Abercrombie, L. Iv 191 Ukiab. Cunningham, W. W 384 Union House. Reith, C. E 385 COLORADO. Aspen. Earle, W. R " 151 Boulder. Hawkins, P. A 279 Canon City. Tanner, C. F 333 Colorado Springs. Brown, C. W 329 Coronado. Keithley, G. E 348 Cripple Creek. Grissom, R. G 258 Spears, T. C 147 Denver. Field, W. W 128, 177 Helbig, J. W 179 Long, J. R 132, 181 Menefee, N. J 282 Victor. Spears, E- W 147 CONNECTICUT. Hartford. New Haven. Dixon, Frank 251,258 Barnett, F. W 274 DELAWARE. Wilmington. Blackford, W. A 42 Berghaus, Paul Coffman, J. W 100 Blackford, T. A. 42 DISTRICT or COLUMBIA. Washington. Agnew, W. H. D 191 Akin, W. E 97 Anderson, D wight 378 Basinger, T. G 65 Beall, C. M 378 Bell, D. W 378 Berry, E. B 378 Blount, J. G 160 Boyle, Jno., Jr 379 Bradley, S. D 379 Bradley, T. A 379 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 425 Bruce, M. G 31 Butler, R. O '. 43 Cheney, C. B 379 Claughton, Rodolphe 31 Cross. S. C 379 Dalzell, Sam'l 379 Denby, S.F 45 Doolittle, H. P 379 Duffey, J. W 118 Edwards, W. A loi Gordon, J. B 380 Grant, Thos 380 Graves, E. C 119 Heth, R. M 380 Hills, R. W 380 Holloway, W. H 380 Hood, E.D 337 Hopkins, M. C 380 Jackson, B. L 179 Johnson, A. L 380 Johnson, A. S.T 380 Jones, E. E 380 Kelton, R. H. C 380 Keyser, A. G 380 King, C. K 51 Leach, B. M 381 McCammon, Ormsby 381 McRoberts, C. G 381 Maloney, E. S 182 Mason, G. L 53 Mason, W. V 343 Merrill, T. S 381 Meriwether, Colyer 154 Meyers, E. H 78, 108 Millan, W. W 282 Mills, E. P 381 Neal, D. R 55 Newton, T. C 79 Nicolson, G. L 55 Parker, C. L 381 Pendleton, J. S 381 Pierce, H. A 381 Portner, E- G 381 Powell, G.C 36 Roberts, W. A 57 Selhausen, A. A 372, 381 Selhausen, H. A 381 Shinn,J. B., Jr 382 Slaybaugh, G. E 382 Smith, F. S. K 344 Smith, J. N 59 Smith, L. R 147 Swearing-en, S. A 285 Sweet, E. M 214 Tamplet, P. H 142 Tucker, W. P 186 Westcott, H. H 382 Whitney, C.E 382 Williams, S. W 158 Wilson, C. F 382 Wilson, H. O 124 Wilson, J. E 124 Wilson, S. C 124, 188 Wingfield,J.A 83 Wyeth, L. J 382 Yellott, R. E. L 382 FLORIDA. Altoona. Dobbin, H. F 201 Dobbin, J. F 201 Apalachicola. Floyd, C. H. B 71 Bartow. Kennedy, E. B 193 Law, E. M., Jr 141 Law, W. L 52 Boardman. Dupuv, W. M 277 Bond. Mays, J. F 141 Chipley. Farrior, J . B 265 Concord. Hall, O. B '164 Crescent City. Welch, F. P 286, 303 De Land. Briggs, T. H.,Jr 251 Gainesville. Thrower, B. K 138 Waugh, C. V 136 Qreen Cove Springs. Lowe, L. D 106 Greenwood. Bryan, F. L 263 Jacksonville. Alsop, J. T., Jr 159, 172 Barnett, Harlow 304 Daniel, R. P . . 305 Frazier, W. W 102 Haynes, W. W 230 Knight, R. D 308 Lamb, J. H., Jr 76, 417 Martin, J M.. Jr 91 Robertson, C. S 57 426 GEOGRAPHICAI, INDEX. Sanderson , E. M 309 Shields, B. B 309 Shields, R. B 309 Smith, W. Pruden 232 Taylor, F. E 239 Willcox, C. H 82 Kissimee. Hinton,W. B 74 Lake City. Taylor, Clyde 60 Young, J. E 249 Leesburg. Duval, L. W loi Lang, T.J 105 Venable, G F 113 Longwood. Rand, P\ H, , Jr . . . . 309 Madison. Ashley, C. B : 139 Davis, W. B 139 Inglis, B. A 140 McCall, B. B 34, 166 Mariana. Farley, W. B 224 Miami. Cook, H. H 69, 200 Jackson, J. M., Jr 104 Micanopy. Moffatt, J. H 193 rionticello. Denham, Wm. 242 Glover, G. B 102 Ocala. Gary, T. R 129, 152 Gray, C. R 306 Orlando. Abernathy, B. C 198 Abernathy, J. C 198 Gray, Campbell 306 Jones, J. C 138 Mullins, J. W 36 Palmer, W. L- C 108 Smith, B. H 206 Oviedo. McCall, H. B 166 Palatka Honiker, R. L 104 Palin. Henry, W. G 206 Pensacola. Hutchinson, C. E 267 McDavid, W. H 204 Reese, J. S 205 Semmes, O. J. , Jr 205 Turner, G.J 207 Turner, F. H 207 Quincy. Hentz, H F 103 Lamar, G. W 76 Monroe, A. S 107 Munroe, G. D 107 Munroe, R. L 108 St. Augustine. McCall, J. H 231 Pasco, Frederick 108 Sanford. Church, Alonzo 305 Whitner, B. F 310 Woodruff. F. L 195 Starke. Peek, C. L T09 Wills, J. T 83, 138 Tallahassee. Dozier, E.J 305 Lamar, W. B 76 Myers, F. T 78 Rainey, G. P.. Jr 184 Sheats, W. N. no Tampa. Dozier, T. M 306 Evans. R. M loi Sanford, CM no Sparkman. E. L m, 185 Sutton, D C 326 Waukeenah. Wettington, P. F 82 GEORGIA. Adairsville. Boyd, W. M 98 Adams Park. Johnson, L. C 104 Albany. Davis, J. A., Jr 69 dejarnett, S. R 100, 277 Americas. McMath,E. J 167 Miles, G. B 317 Turpin, J. B 135 Athens. Basinger, W. G 65 Benedict, Ravand 66 Benedict, S. C 66 Blackshear, A. B 66 Bloomfield, J. C 66 Bondurant, E. J 66 GEOGRAPHICAI, INDEX. 427 Cobb, A. J 68 DuBose, C. W 70 DuBose. M. D 70 Dubose, R. T 70 Green, T. F 72 Hardeman, B. F 73 Herty, C. H 74 Hodgson, C. N 74 Hodgson, E. R., Jr 74 Hodgson, F. G 74 Hodgson, Harry 74 Hodgson. W. B 74 Kinnebrew, E. R 105 Morris, W. S 78 Morton, F. S 78 Morton, J. A 78 Morton, John W 78 Morton, Jos. W 78 Moss, J. D 78 Nicholson, A. R 79 Rowland, R. S 80 Rowland. W. M 80 Smith, E. B iii Strahan, CM 81 Welch, J. W 82 Atlanta. Abbott, S. R 65 Alexander, J. F 65 Anderson, C. h 159 Augier, E. A 65 Atkins, R. H 97 Avary. R. E. L 65. 97 Barnett, Paul 274 Bass, J. A 97 Bell, G L 98 Bigham, R. J 98 Blakely, R. F 192 Blalock, W. J 160 Briscoe, A. C 137 Brittain, M. L 99 Brittain, W. H 98 Butler, P. M 276 Callaway, F. E 67 Camp, Felix 161 Campbell, W. J 99 Candler, C. H 99 Candler, CM 67 Candler, J. C 99 Candler, J. S 99 Candler, W, A 99 Cheshire. W. B 99 Clayton, Smith 68, 137 Clower. J . R 200 Conyers, B. J 68 Conyers. S. T 69 Cooper, H. P 69, 175 Cooper, J. C 397 Cox, CC 161, 175 Crenshaw, H 161 Crew, B. L 100 Daniels, W. T 162 Dargan, Milton 151 Day, T. F 100 Denney, W. 'F 162 Dorsey, H. M 70, 176 Dorsey, R. T., Jr 201 DuBose, E. R loi Etheridge. P. S 162 Featherston, W. S loi Foreman, H. Q 102 Foreman, R. L 71 Eraser, F. C 102 Garner, J. R 102, 177 Glenn, G. R 72 Glenn, L. J 72 Graves, J. T 72 Hale, Harrison 102 Hammond. T. A 72 Hardeman, M. Lee 103 Harris, L. L 73 Hartsfield, R. G 164 Heinz, H. C 103 Hillyer, W. H 164 Hinton, M. W 266 Holleman.J. T 164 Howell, Albert, Jr 50, 75 Howell, Clark 75 Howell, E. P., Jr 49 Hulsey, L.J 104 Hurt, J. S 104 Hutcheson, C F 165 Inman, W. H 244 Jameson, H. C 119 Jeffries, T. H 104 Jennings, Wm 140 Jewett. H. R 104 Johnson, MS 75 Jones, E. G 104 Keely , R. W 307 Kennedy, J. P 193 Kirkpatrick, W. W 34 Kontz, E. C 76 Laird, E. C 131, 253 Lanier, D. T 76 Leary, W. ' 203, 308, 316 Lewis. C H 105 Lumpkin, J. H 76 McAllister, R. D 181, 204 McCall, H.H 166 McCrary, J. B 106 McGee, J. T 106 Mclntyre, D. I 77 Maddox. J . E 106 Marsh, McA. B 106, 167 428 GBOGRAPHICAI, INDEX. Martin, E. W 91 Mathesoii, K. G 141 Mays, J. E 106 Meadows, T. D 107 Micks, W. S 259 Nicholson, W. P 183 Ornie, Frank 55 Orme, J. P 55 Parks, J. S 108 Phillips, J. S . 309 Pittman, A. C 398 Quarles, A. D., Jr 168 Rahm, F. H 56 Redding, R. A no Reed, G. H no Renfro, J. L 318 Roberts, S. R no Rushton, C. E 398 Scott, F. M., Jr 309 Sibley, J. S 194 Sledge, J. H no Smith, A. W 80 Smith, Burton 80 Smith, C. W 93 Smith, J. B 93 Smith, Otis O ... 206 Smith, V. I. 81 Spain, F. O 142 Speck, J. R Ill Stephens. G. W in Stephens, R. G 81 Strahan, CM 81 Stratton, J. R 170 Strong, R. P 206 ^A,^^/, Ti e kiior , W. R 81,206 JLM^^ f Todd, J. S., Jr 61 Tuttle, Montague H 207 Wilkinson, M. R 136, 171 Willcox, C. P., Jr 82 Wilson, J. C 113 Wimberly, W. H 113 Winecoff, W. F 188, 195 Woolley. L. B. V 113 Wynn, C. G 320 Zachry, J. G 83 Augusta. Anderson, A. W 235 Banks, W.T 97 Barksdale, R. T 65 Black, J. C. C, Jr 31, 66 Brown, H. C 67 Burum, H. P 67 Calloway, E- H 67 Campbell, R. L 99 Carv, T. D 67 Daniel, J. Z 69 Daniels, W. B 139 Davidson, A. T 305 Dunbar, A. S 70 Fleming, C. A : 71 Fleming, E. C 71 Goodrich, W. H 72 Goodwin, R. R 87 Jackson, J. H 50 Jones, H. S 165 Lyon, W. A . . 90 McCarrel, A. H 77 McElmurray, F. L, 167 McKerrall, W.J 237 McMaster, M. B 91 Murphy, T. D 78 Parks, H. G 108 Phinizy, Fer'd 56 Robbe, C. A., Jr 309 Tannahill, Sam'l 112 Twiggs, W.J 61 Wynn, C. O 226 Austell. Pierce, T. M 109 Bainbridge. Bower, B. B.. Jr 69 Bower, G. G 66 Donalson, E. M 70 Barnesville. Blount, G. D 98 Blount, Roy 98 Brittain, EC 161 Cochrane, J. M 224 Cochrane, T. W 224 Elder, J. C 70, loi Murphey, O. A 225 Porch, J. C 225 Pound, J. M 79, 225 Redding, J. F 80 Smith, W. B 225 Stafford, F. M in, 225 Stafford, R. A 226 Stafford, W. C 226 Blackshear. Smith, J. H 206 Blake ley. Jones, F. S 75, 165 Powell, A. G 168 Powell, H. P 205 Blitch. Blitch, W. H., Jr 160 Bluffton. Boyd, J. G 98 Rambo, C.J 109 Bonaire. Sasser, Creed .... 169 Boston. Arnold, J. W 97 CEOGRAPHICAIv INDEX. 429 Bowden. Barrow, J. W 160 Bowman. Dimon, S. H 100 Bowersville. Doyle, F. B „ 189 Brentwood. Tolar, S. W 82 Brunswick. McCall, T.J 167 Buford. Mayson, T. C, Jr 77 Wright, Homer 113 Calhoun. Ramsaur, A. E 168 Camilla. Bennett, Samuel S. 160 Canton. Vaughn, A. B., Jr 170 Carroll ton. Aycock, J. A 65 Harris, S. T 73 Cartersville. Akin, J. W 96 Akin, P. F 65 Fite, W. C loi Ford, H. C 102 Harris, J. W 73, 103 Milner, F. H 107 Milner, W. H 107 Neel, J. F 78 Norris, J. T., Jr 79, 108 Pierce, G. F 109 Singleton, M. T .80, no Strickland, Kdw. , Jr 81 Cedartown. Harris, Wm. J 74 Clarkston. Hardeman, U. G 103 Clarksville. McMillan, W. H 106 Cochran. Ledbetter, CM 105 Mullis, Chas 168 Peacock, J. P 168 Columbus. Allen, A. H 97 Baird, H. L 263 Biggers, B. H 98 Brooks, T. J 199 Browne, Rhodes 67 Bullock, F. D 67 Butts, T. U 161 Chappell, L. H 68 Chappell, T.J 68 Crawford, H. B 200 Downing, H. U 70 Frazer, h- C 102 Huff.J.B... 75 Huff, T. D 75 Huff, T. S 75 Key, H. W 105 McDougald, Duncan 204 MacDougald, W. A 77 Pease, W. C 79 Phillips, G. B 205 Seals, J. E no Smith, Edw. B 206, 270 Swift, C.J 81 Willcox, A . A 82 Wooldridge, J. C 1 13 Comer. Nicholson, M. E 205 Conyers. Gleaton,G. W 102 Gleaton, J. S 102 Hudson, D. S 165 Hudson, Mike , 165 Cordele. Bivins, F.J 198 Bivins, J. W 199 Covington. Spencer, W. A 138 Worsham, J. W 113 Wright, W. C 113 Culverton. Lewis, J. R 105 Cuthbert. Bush, Homer 99 Newton, H. C 91 Redding, H. A no Dalton. Allen, B. P 97 Jones, T. R.,Jr 105 Jones, W. M 105 Manlj', Frank 106 Davisboro. Newsom, Sol 168 Decatur. Barry, R. E 97 Baxter. J. H. H 98 Cooper, T. Iv 69 Crane, B. S 86 Ramspeck, E- W 79 Ramspeck, J. L 79, 246 Dublin. Ainsworth, W.N 96 Finn, J. M 278 Hilton, A. P 103 Smith, J. T 169 Eatonton. Bruce, C. H 99 Dejarnette, J. B 100 Dennis, M. B 69 430 GEOGRAPHICAI. INDEX. Dennis, N. T 162 Ezell, P. P 70 Garrard, W. T 72, 163 Perry, Erwin 109 Egypt. Foy, E. J 71. 162 Elberton. Allison, G. W 139 Fairburn. Davenport, C. H 100 Forsythe. Allen, McF. C 97 Ponder, J. O 109 Fort Gaines. Hatchett, S. P. C 202 Irvin, J. R 165 Fort Valley. Branham, H. M 275 Gainesville. Chambers, E. P 85 Davis, Edwin 69 Hosh, W. H 104 IvOgan, A. R 138 Gordon. Lee, D. G 166 Grange. Ramsey, C. N 168 Ramsey, M. G 168 Greensboro. Asbury, J. C 160 Lewis, H. G 105 Park, J. B.,Jr 108 Greenville. Hill, H. W 103 Robertson, J. L 80 Griffin. Ballinger, E. W 65 Boyd, J. D 66, 98 Burr, A.J 199 Burr, H. C. , Jr 199 Burr, J. L 199 Cleveland, Lloyd 161 Daniel, R. T 100 Drake, R. T 201 Drewry, J. H 70, 162 Fowler, F. B 71 Hardee, R. E 73, 178 Murphey, M. M 108 Sparks, H. W 206 Strickland, R. H 81 Williams, W. H 113, 171 Guyton. Lanier, W. R 116 Hapeville. Whitner, J. A.,Jr 398 Hartwell. McCurry, J. B 77 McMullen, J. S 77 McMuUen, L. L 77 tiawkinsville. Brown, S. W 397 Grice, Warren j 63 Hodge, M. T 74 Polhill, T. G 168 Warren, C. R 82 Whitfield, A. B 170 Hephzibah. Kilpatrick, H. H 165 Miller, R. L 167 High Shoals. Rodwell, J. W no Jackson. Hall, M. P 72, 102 Harris, Walter J 103 Jefferson. Mahaffey, J. A. B 106 Jonesboro. Hunt, J.J. ,Jr 315 Kartah. Jones, A. A 397 Kingston. Hall, J. H , Jr 164 Woolley, M. P 398 Kirkwood. Gordon, Frank 72 La Grange. Calloway, J. P 67 Ivongley, E. S 160 Newsom, Jas 205 Smith, A. M in Smith, C. L m Smith, L. P Ill Linton. Duggan, M. L 162 Lithonia. Chupp, J. L 99 Livonia. Tabor, J. F 81, 112 Lizella. Wynn, T. O 114 Logansville. Jones, T.J 75 Lone Oak. Trimble. A. F 82 Lotus. Fitzgerald, W. E 201 Louisville. Gamble, R. L. , Jr 71 Polhill, J. B 168 Sinquefield, A. L 169 Williams, J. R 171 Lumber City. Mobley, J. H 78, 167 Reynolds, J. B no GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 431 Lumpkin. Patterson, J. W 283 Toombs, L. C 112 McRae. Strozier, R J 112 Macon Abbott, D. Q 96 Abbott, Hunley 96 Anderson, J. L 160 Anderson, J.J 160 Bass, J. P •97 Bennett, M. C 160 Birch, G. S 160 Birch, J. N 160 Bonnell, J. W 160 Bonnell, W. B 66 Brown, R. L 161 Clark, M. A 161 Collins, W. W 32, 68 Craighill, F. H 305 Ellis, C. R 162 Erwin, Marion 70 Gerdine, J. L 72 Gerdine. W. M 163 Golden, E. Z. F 163 Grace, M. T 225 Guerry, D 163 Hall, G. O 236 Hall, J. E 72, 102 Hall. R. B.. Jr 202 Hardeman, J. Iv 73 Hardeman, Thos 73 Hardeman, W. G,. 164 Hill, P. S .. 164 Hines, R. K 49 Holmes, E. T 164 Hudson, C.W.. 165 Johnston. J. B 104 Kilpatrick, W. H 166, 370 Lane, A. W 166 Lane, J. R 76, 166 Lang, S.J. W 76 Loyless, D. A 76 McCall, P. B 166 McMichael, J. C, Jr 77 McMichael, R. S 204 Mallory, CD 167 Martin, F. R 77, 167 Massey, L. H 167 Massey, O. W 35, 167 Massey, W. M 167 Merritt, G. J 397 Moore, K. C 167 Morris, O. B 168 Newton, Ralph 168 Rogers, J. F" 36 Ryals, R. L 169 Ryals, T. E 169, 184 Sanford, CD 169 Sanford, S. P 169 Small, A. B.. Jr 169 Small, L. C' 169 Small, W. E 169, 185 Smith, J. L Ill Snowden, G. L 59 Snowden, S. L 398 Solomon, L. M 398 Solomon, W.G., Jr 169 Warren, L. B 82, 135, 170 Wheeler, W. P 170 Whitehead, J. B 170 Wilson, E.S.,Jr 171 Wimberly, O. J 113 Winn, C D., Jr 171 Woodson, W. H 401 Wrigley , Arthur 83 Wrigley, Geo 208 Zettler, G. M... 171 Madison. Broughton, W. A 67 Foster, S. F 71 George, E. H 163, 177 Stovall, P. R 112 HarieLta. Blair, D. W 98 Sanford, S. V 169 Wadsworth, W. W 113, 123 Willingham, H. S 83 narshallville. Frederick, F. J 71, 224 Frederick, J. V 225 Frederick, J. W 102 Meldrim. Lee, T. O t53, 166 riillard. Singleton, T. W 169 Milledgeville. Case, G. D 68 Conn, T. M 100 Washburn, F. E 113 Woofter, T. J 286 Monroe, Stone, A. C m Van Horn, J. T 112 rionticello. Hill, H.C 103 Hill, W. C 74 Kelly, E. C 75 Moran. Moran, H.P 107 floultrie. Reynolds, N. M 80, no 432 GEOGRAPHICAI, INDEX. Newnan. Atkinson, J. E- 65 Atkinson, T. E 97 Buchanan, E. S 67 Buchanan, H. M. .. . ...... 67 Hall, H, A 164 HoUinshead, J. S 103 Kirby,J. T 76 Lyndon, Edw 77 Murray, S. W 108 Newton. lyawson, H. F 166 Neilly. Smith, F. A 169 Oxford. Bonnell.J. F 98 Downian, C. E., Sr 100 Dowman, C. E., Jr 100 Feagin, R. D loi Moon, A. F 107 Moon, W. D 107 Stone, H. H 112 Stone, W. T. C 112 Pelham. Barrow, T. A , . 65 Brittain, CM 98, 161 Hand, J. L 73 Perry. Ellis, T. W loi Riley, A. C 80 Pineville. Bivins, R. L. G 199 Preston. Stevens, Wilkins 170 Quitman. Bennet, Stanley S 160 Bowen, W. L 160 Davis, J. R 162 Gaulden, S. S 163 Gaulden, W. T 103 Jelks, E. L 165 McCall, J. F 166 Spain, Frank 81 Spain, J. W 81 Stubbs, H. W 81 Turner, S. M 112 Reynolds. Carson, J. J 161 Gordon, H. H . . . 72 Richland. Barnum, R. E. L 97 Ringgold. Smith, H. M in Rockmart. Harris, H. F 103 Harris, W. Alfinus 103 McBryde, N. W 166 Rome. Bush, T. G., Jr 199 Cox, R. P 100, 264 Graham, J. M 32 Pierce, A. M 109 Stevens, E.J 122 Sullivan, A. R 60 Turnbull, W. T 112, 186 Sandersville. Harris, J.J 164 Jordan, S. G 75 Savannah. Butler, R. M 67 Charlton, H. A 68 Chisholm, J. A 44 Chisholm, W. S., Jr 44, 68 Comer, H. M 68 Cope, J. C 69 Crane, W. H 69 Cubbedge, L. L 162 Daniel, J. W 69 Gadsden, G. M 140 Herty, F.J 74 Hewlett, S. D 74 Horton, C. M 152 Inglesby, Chas 165 Jones, Courtland, S 397 Jones, G. F. N 75, 179 Krenson, CM 76 Lamar, R. L 76 Lawton. A. R., Jr 76 180 Lovell, E. F.. Jr 76 Parks, R. L M 108 Powell, R. B 254 Rockwell. W. O'D 80, 168 Screven, John, Jr 58 Screven, R. M 58 Screven, Thos 58 Starr, W. R 398 Stephens, R. D.. 81 Sweatt, Allan 170 Thomas, J. M 81 West, A.M., Jr 170 Sharon. Jarrell, A. B 104 Sparta. Lawrence, H. A 105 Lewis, R. H 106 Stevens, W. S in, 285 Statesboro. Foy, W. M 71, 162 Groover, D. R. , Jr 72 Groover, B. H 163 Groover, F. B 163 Stellaville. Story, F.J 170 GKOGRAPHICAI, INDEX. 433 Stinson. Ratcliffe, Willis 80 Summerville. Cleghorn, J. S., Jr 100 Flanders, J. J loi Sumter. McMath, R. L 167 Sunnyside Kell, H. V 203 Talbotton. Person, A. P 79 Tennille. Franklin, G. H 163 Holmes, C. E 164 Holmes, C. S 164 Turner, Frank H 112 Thomasville. Hammond, W. J 73 Merrill, J. H 77 Mitchell, W. H 107 Parker, C. S 79 Watt, Hansen 248 Watt, W. A 248 Thomaston. Tisinger, B. h 82, 226 Thomson. Harrison, E. S 74 Tifton. Dilworth, C. G 162 Valdosta Briggs, H. C 242 Ousley, R. F 108 Younge, C. U 83 Vidalia. Sparks, C. W 170 Vienna. Henderson, D. L 164 Jackson, H. P 165 Warrenton. Lewis, J. S 106 Pilcher, W. W 109 Washington. Pope, M. C 79, 184 Simpson, R. A 80, 184 Waycross. Elder, H. E loi Hitch, J. W 103 Johnson, C. S 104 Meyers, E. H 108 Pound, E. A 109 Reynolds, J. W. no Seaman, H. C 169 Waynesboro. Brinson. E. L 66 Davis. W. H 162 Green, W. G 163 Kilpatrick, G. P 165 McCathern, W. W 167 Wayside. Barfield, D. H 160 Welcome. Amis. F.J 65 West Point. Collins, T. E 200 Harris, G. W 202 Huguley, E. D 202 Huguley, G. A 202 Huguley, W. T 75 Johnson, A. F 75 Lanier, Fortune ... 76, 259 Williams. W. M 207 White Plains. Kilpatrick, H. M 203 Kilpatrick, M. M 165 Tappan, E. L 112 Winterville. Coile, W. M 68 Pierce, W. L 109 Woodbury. Featherston, J. H loi Fendley, J. M 102 Hinton, E. J 225 Hinton, W. H 225 Young Harris. Harris, L. H 103 rioscow. Forney, J. H IDAHO. Troy. 87 Compton, J. W 117 Bloomington. Smith. J. S., Jr 147 Cairo. Bird, H. L 274 Carmi. Crebs, S. L 32, 33^ ILLINOIS. Chicago. Crittenden, C. E 216 Forbes, W. 370 Garred, U. A 145 Harding, P. C 48 Johnstone, H. R 202 434 GEOGRAPHICAIv INDEX. Ivambert, I. C 120 Collinsville. Lewis, E. L 267,324 Branch, C. H. H 369 Marsh, C. B 331 fit. Vernon. Noyes, F. B 371 Willbanks, J. R 223 Stafford, C B 294 Peoria. Tedford, O.P 333 Maury, D. H., Jr 53 Waller, A. R 232 Wannamaker, H. S 95 Waller, Edward 233 Quincy. Waller, Henry 303 Gilmer, C. W 336 Wheelwright, T. S 124 Smith, V. V 232 Williamson, B. F 255 Waterloo. Hardy, J. B 364 INDIANA, Evansville. Indianapolis. Dexter, Charles 305 Marmon, H. C 385 Fort Wayne. South Bend. Thieme, H. P 372 Sibley, W. C 356 INDIAN TERRITORY. Ardmore. Muscogee. Cannon, H. M 379 Lowry, C. W 268 Hemming, C. L 348 Purcell. Chickasha. ?^^^'^^/tt- ^f Pope, W. H 269 Beavers, W. W . . . ., 387 South HcAlester. Bond, Reford 362,379 Gordon, J. H 177 Eufaula. Vinita. Fears, W. F 219 Davis, P. J. S 353 IOWA. Ames. Council Bluffs. Erwin, A. T 388 Green, P. E 395 Belmond. Des iloines. Knapp, Bradford 281,380 Fain, G. A.,Jr 229 Cherokee. Montezuma. McCloy, W. E 300 Clarke, W. Iv 298 KANSAS. QIasco. Idle, M. I 365 Day, S. T. 330 Rosedale. Kansas City, Sharp, B. T 333 Lewis, S. H 52 132 Wichita. Leavenworth. Philip, J. W 222 KENTUCKY. Ambrose. Barbourville. Turner,;. H . 303 Hudson, E. H 300 Anchorage. Tinsley, C. A 302 Harding, S. Y 299 "^ ^ Ashland. Bardstown. Houston, J. R 33 Brown, E.H 353 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 435 Bowling Green. Cabell. J. V 276 Cartwright, F. D . . 276, 298 Crump, M. H 45 Hines, A. S 49 Morris, Marshall, Jr 283 Taylor, W. B 60 Brandenburg. Brown, J. W 297 Brannon. Lyne, F. F 146, 355 Ivyne, Wm 146 Burdick. Caldwell, H. R 297 Caldwell, R. T 298 Cadiz. Smith, D. P 147 Campbellsville. Gowdy, V. M 299 Carlisle. Taylor, F. C 302 Chilesburg. Crystal, E). L 353 Cloverport. Oelze, R. L 283, 301 Covington. Chinn, A. B 341 Green, E. J., Jr.. 163 Guerin, G. H 306 Rouse, S. D 301 Cynthiana McDowell, E. C 146 Danville. Crawford, C. K 298 Green L. W 299 Higginbotham, W. W 354 Hogsett, R. A , . 299 Lawwill, W. S 300 Marrs, H. J 301 Redd, J. W 121 Zeigler, J.D 303 Elkton. Hershfield, W. M 279 Sullivan, F. A 60 Faywood. Dunlap, W. A .'. . . 353 Frankfort. Blayney, J. M., Jr 297 Blayney. T. L 297 Craik, H. N 298 Hazelrig, D. L 354 Heffner, J. M 299 McClure, A. H 300 Mason, S. B 35 Franklin. Finn, G.T 278 Finn, L. B 278 Fulton. Best, T. R 297 Georgetown. Sneed. J. B 147 Ghent. Montgomery, Curtis 301 Harrodsburg. Bonta, H. R 297 Boyer, G. R 297 Riker, W. H 301 Smith, S. C 232 Henderson. Hicks, R. B 307 Yeaman, J. M 311 Hopkinsville. Harrison, R. W 33, 130 Harrison, W. H : , . 130 Kelly, Wallace 300 Long, G. C 181 Peay, A L . . 301 Tandy, C.H 147 Jacksonville. May,C.B 355 May,H.S 355 La Grange. Barnhill, O. P 296 Lancaster. Grant, H. M , . . 299 Lawrenceburg. Ripy, F. L 147 Lebanon. Bosley, C. F 275 Irvine, G. C 300 Robert, C. B 300 Noel, L. D 301 Spalding, C. B . 302 Thomas, D. L 302 Lexington Alf ord, S. E 30, 143 Allen, L. B 143 Bartlett, M. W 173 Beard, J. A 352 Best, Spencer 297 Bradley, C. W., Jr 144,352 Bradley, E.B 353 Bronston, C. J;, Jr 353 Bronston, T. H 144 Bush, H. S 144 Callaway, CD 353 ^"ary, F. G ..175, 298. 353 Chinn, P. T 298 Clay, M. M 144 Coleman, R. M 175-353 Combs, J. H 144 DeBow, S C 144 Denny, V. H 144 Dudley, B. W 144 436 GEOGRAPHICAI, INDEX. Elliott. J. M 144 Estill, G.C 354 Estill, H. S 46, 369 Estill, R. J 354 Falconer, J. R 144 Frazer, J. C. W 145 Freeman, W. E 353 Grehan, Enoch 354 Gunn, H. M 145 Gunn, Thos 145 Hawkins, Elijah 354 Helm, E. W 354 Helm, J. S 145 Hudson, Ernest 145 Hunt, W. B 354 James, J. G 354 Johnston, J. P 145 Lewis, S. Higgins 146 Lisle, H. H 34, 355 Miller, C. W 182, 301 Milward, H. K 355 Milward. J, B 146, 355 Morgan, G. M 146 Muir, G. W 36 Pryor, J. W 146 Read, F. S 301 Redmon, H. G 147 Scott, W. F 147 Simpson, R. N 356 Smith, S. A 147 Smith, W.C 185 Southgate, B. T 185 Spencer, H. G 356 Stodghill, W. M 302 Stoll, G.J 356 Stoll, J. G 147 Stoll, R. C 147 Stucky, J. M 356 Sweeny, A. C 356 Sweeny, W. O., Jr 147, 356 Van Meter, B. F., Jr 148 Voorhies, C. H., Jr 148, 186 White, Milford 148 Willis, B. G 148 Wilson, S. M 303 Woolly, C. W 148 Woodard, W. T 303 Little Rock. Soper, Jno.,Jr 356 London. Boreing, J. M 297 Brown, H P., Jr 297 Wilson, E. K 303 Louisville. Blackerby, J. F 352 Bland, S. K.,Jr 275 Buckley, Ray 275 Davidson. J . E 144 Dew, J. H 151 Estill, R. V. W 306 Ewing, J. T 299 Force, G. A 47 Garth, C. M., Jr 299 Graham, J. H., Jr. 145 Gray, J. B 348 Hughes, L. S 145 Hughes, W. N 145 Humphrey, Heman 300 Irwin. W. R 300 Kinkead, C. G 300 Kliesendorff , R. A 300 Lake, John 140 Lafon, Nat 300 McCarty. W.C 146 McDonald, K., Jr 281 McHenry, L. H 300 Moffett, H.M 349 Morrison, A. M. S 91, 107 Morrison, H. C. .-. 283 Morrison, H. K 107 Morrison, H. T 107 Mullen, E. L 36 Murrell, H. C 301 Norris, J. L 301 Shanks, H. C 302 Tabb, G. C 186 Tabb, W. P 302 White, C. S 62 Wood, J. H 148 riarion. Ray, H. F 284 riayfield. Davis, Manton 176 Elliott, J. N 353 Elliott, Milton, Jr 354 nay*s Lick. Caldwell, J. E 298 riaysville. Honan, J. B 300 Midway. Kemper, G. W 354 Millersburg. Best, H.F 297 Best, I. D 297 Morgantown. Turner, J. E 303 Mt. Sterling. Prewitt, J. W 356 Rogers, H. C 301 Stofer, J. N 302 New Castle. Bourne, H. K 173, 297 DeBardleben, H. T 201 GEOGRAPHICAI, INDEX. 437 Nicholasville. Dickerson, Iv. B 298 McKenzie, J. A. Jr 301 Owensboro. Bell, J. W 296 Craig, Hardin 298 Finn, CM 278 Owenton. Eastland, R. W 299 Johnson, J. D 300 Paris. Brent, H. 1 228 Buckner, Aylette 353 Clay, Buckner i75. 353 McVey, J. M 181, 355 Moore, T. E.,Jr 355 Spears, C. W 356 Sweeney, E. S 356 Sweeney, W. E 356 Walker, F. P 356 Yerkes, J. W 357 Pembroke. McComb, H. B 337 Perryville. Bruce, W. W 297 Pisgah. Falconer, J. R 144 Pittsburg. Shipp, J. L 309 Richmond. Akers, J. T 30 Moffett, L.I 349 Turner, H. G 302 Salvisa. Davis, G. E 298 Shawlian. Moore, G.H 355 Shelbyville. Burnett, J. C 31, 144 Crldwell, W. H 144 McMakin, W. M 146 Stanford. Alcorn, K. S 296 Bush. J. R 353 Higgins, A. A 299 Spalding, T. P. H 302 Thomson. Prewitt. A. G 355 Prewitt, E. C 356 Versailles. Grasty, J. S 370 Graves. C. H 354 Harris, CM 178, 354 Newman, J. W 146 Railey, L. A 146 Railey, M. S 147 Waddy. Burton, R. A 144 Washington. Hunter, J. A 300 Wasioto. Asher, A. J., Jr 143 Asher, G. M. , Jr 144 Williamston. Hogan, O. S 145 Winchester. Beckner, Iv. P 144, 296 Beckner, S. S 296 Boswell. C J 352 Willis, B. C 187 Woodvale. Alderman, E. S 250 Worthington. Hardin, N. A 299 LOUISIANA. Abbeville. Godchaux, F. A 278, 290, 323 Alden Bridge. Gordon, W. R 359 Scales, J. L 284,361 Whited, H. W 327 Alexandria. Baynard, L. B., Jr 274, 289 Blackman, J. C 289 Blackman, W. W 322 Bolton, J. W 401 Dugger, J. E 323 Hooe, Iv. L 324 Hunter, R. A 291 McGinnis, A. L 324 Stafford, Graham 294 Staples, D. P 326 Thornton, R. S 327 White, H. H 286 Algiers. Brown, Jos 289 Barbreclc. Fenner, G. C 47 Haynes, W. D 49 Bastrop. Evans, D. M 323 Baton Rouge. Aldrich, Burford 321 Aldrichi M. C, Jr 321, 358 Aldrich, R. H 288 Boyd, T. D., Jr 322 Burden, W. S. P 322 Bynuni, S. A 322 Bynum, W. H 32^ 438 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Bynum, W. W 322 Duchein, C. F 323 Mc Vea, Chas 324 Plaisance, R. H 325 Prescott, A. T 325 Reymond, C. D 326 Robertson, E. W 326 Scott, E. Iv 134 Smith, C. A , . 247 Smith. K. C 361 Smith, M. G 361 Spencer, G. W 326 Bayou Qoula. Murrell, G. R 55 Randolph, Iv. C 293 Berwick. Hamilton, W. M 359 Pharr, E. A 292, 360 Pharr, J. A 284 Blairstown. Reiley, E. C 361 Boyce. Barron, P. G 359 Bunkie. Snellings, G. M 361 Burnside. Bringier, B. P' 322 Calhoun. Lee, J. G 324 Clayton. Lay, W. Iv 324 Clinton. Brame, S. M 359 Kilbourne, H. H 337 Pipes, D. M 338 Pipes, Windsor 338 Pipes, W. H 272, 338, 360 Wall, I. D., Jr 361 Colfax. Williams, J. A 223, 327 Columbia. Chick, J. S 276 Crowley. Carter, J. V 359 Clark, L. 359 Crowville. Cordell, S. L 290 Devali. Chamberlain, W. B 322 Devali, C. C 322 Donaldsonville. Sims, F. K 326 Sims, E. K 310 Sims, R.N 310 East Lake. Heacock, J. D 291 Evergreen. Dunn, W. J., Jr 298 Farmerville. Taylor, J. W 326 Franklin. Berwick, W. S 321 Caffery, C. S 31 Caffery, D., Jr 336 Caffery, F. R 336 Caffery R. E 336 Caffery, S. L 31 Clinton, G. H -. 322 P'rere, A. G. , Jr 290 Frere, J. C 323 Hine, M. F 323 Smith, B. W 294 Walker, Marcus 294 Qlencoe. Frere, T. F 290 Goldman. Adams, F. O., Jr 358 Adams, James M 358 Grande Prairie. Lee, J. W 324 Greensburg. Rainer, J. C 326 Gueydan. Riggs, S. L 361 Houma. Gueno, L. R 323 Staples, S. B 326 lllawara. Constant, F. F 305 Keene, W. B 308 Jackson. Holcombe, A. R., Jr. (2) 360 Holcombe, C. A ; 360 Holcombe, R. G 360 Sanders, J. W 326 Tucker, J. W 361 Kenner. Gustine, S. D 323 Kentwood. Thompson, Allen 376 Lafourche Crossing Williams. W. D 327 Lake Charles. Moss, C. D 283, 291, 381 Moss, L. H 292 Toomer. J. S 294 Lake Providence. Beard, I. B 289 Kennedy. J. L 324 Lecompte. Mathews, W. C 325 Merrick. Merrick, E. T 204, 360 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 439 Mansfield. Elam, C. W 323 Elam, J. B 306 Jackson, J. G 360 Nabors, J. T 360 Pegues, W. T 325 /Vler Rouge. Turpin, Baynard 327 Williams. A. N 361 ninaen. Webb, J. Y 286 Monroe. Anderson, E. W 97 Breard, Byron 336 Pierce. J. L 109 Steele, W. C 326 riontgomery. Dugger, C. W 323 Montrose. Brogan, J. E 322 Natchitoches. Breazeale, R. E 379 Caspari. R. L 289, 322 Rollings worth, R. B 324 Sompayrac, P. A 294 Stephens, J. S 59 Newellton. Newell, E. D 325 Newell, E. F 325 Newell. R. W 325 Newell, R. Y 325 New Iberia. Burke, P. R 289 Pierson, Clarence 325 New Orleans. Abbott, R. T 198 Archinard, J. J 288 Backus, S. H 288 Bayley, R. P 321 Bell, H. T 30 Bidgood, W. H 34i Black, W. F 289 Borde, G. U 289 Boyd, L. S .' . . 199 Bradley, L. J 289 Bradley, W. D 275, 289 Brewer, Jos. 42 Coleman, J. B 289 Conrad. P. J. G 290 Crawley. J. T 276 De Pass, R. B 290 Donaldson, Guy 290 Douglass, T. A 323 Ernest, A. S 290 Ernest, F. W 290 Fayssoux, W. M 290 Fenner, C. P 46, 176 P'icklen, J. R 119, 176 Finney. E. B 290 Fluker, Calhoun 47 Grunewald, F. T 315 Hardie. Eben 244 Hardie, M. M 244 Harris, G. C, Jr 307 Harrison, H. N 119, 178 Hart, J. H. B 290 Henry, W. B '. 291 Howison, R. C 119 Kahle, P.J 291 Landry, Maxime 291 Lanier, C. F 291, 324 Lanier, J. S., Jr. 308 Lanier, N. C 308 Lewis, H. S 291 Luzenberg, C. C 291, 324 McLeod, W. C 291 Malochee, J.J 291 Martin, E. D 291 Matthews, G. B.. Jr 291 Matthews, J. B 268 Matthew^s, M. L 292 Manferret, L. E 231 Mercier. T. A 292 Patton, M. W 292 Perilliat, Arsene 292 Post. A. M 292 Rainold, F. E. E 292 Raymond, Alfred. 293 Reed, W. B 293 Rembert, G. W. F 293 Rican, G.J 293 Robin, E. A 293 Rodd.J. E.,Jr 293 Roehl, F. A 293, 318 Roehl. T. J 293 Salter, R. W 293 Schneidan. Chas 293 Scott. J. T 293 Sharp. Robert 122 Sinnott, J. B., Jr 326 Spencer. W. B 294 Stewart, J. A 185 Stone, C. P 294 Sutcliffe, J. W 206 Terriberry, G. H 294 Thompson, G. H 206 Towles, J. K 294, 327 von Phul. Wm 294 von Phul. N. S 294 Waddill, F. H 327 Waterman, J. B 294 West. E. W. 294 Westfield, W. W 295 Westerfield, G. S 295 440 GKOGRAPHICAI, INDEX. Wilson, R. C 31Q Woolley, A. F 208 Wren, A. A 295, 377 Wynn, J. W 361 Mew Roads. Carruth, W. C 322 Farrot, L. M 290 Norwood. Norwood, T. S 338 Oak Ridge. Alexander, Robert 359 Pipes, A. S 325 Olivier. Pharr, H.N 284, 360 Patterson. Williams, C. S 187 Plaquemine. Singletary, A. G 142 Port Allen. Cade, R.J 289 Parker, C. A 325 Rayville. Mangham, H. A 325 Robelin. Blackshear, D. A 322 St. Francisville. Butler, Edward 43 Howell, G. C 324, 360 Howell, W. C 324, 360 Lawrason, CM 324 Lawrason, S. M 52 Wickliffe, R. C, Jr . . .295, 303 St. Joseph. Newell, C. E 292, 325 Newell, E. T., Jr 292, 325 Whitney, E. L 327 Whitney, R. H 327 St. Patrick. Tucker, C.J 361 Shreveport. Craddock, W. P 322 Enders, T. W 323 Fullilove, J. P 359 Fullilove, S. C 359, 379 Holingsworth, H. Q 337 Matthews, H. D 349 Norwood, W. D 221 Ratzburg, Fred , 326 Van Lear, Wm 339 Spring Ridge. Sebastian, J. A 326 Tallulah. Evans, T. P 323 Vidalia. Ogden, D. H 338 Washington. Prescott, Benj 325 Prescott, W. B 325 Simpson, O. H 293 Waterproof. Andrews, B. C 321 Drake, W. W 359 Winnsboro. Womble, H. B 327 MARYLAND. Aberdeen. Baggs, J. F 115 Baltimore. Allen, L. M 172 Ammen, S. Z 30 Burgess, Edwin 126 Cameron. T. F. P 369 Canter, Hall 116 Chancellor, P. S 174 Clunet, F. J 369 Coates, Jesse 68 Crenshaw, E. M 118 Diggs, C. F., Jr 369 Diggs, R. M 369 Hamilton, D. H., Jr 307 Harris, C. D 370 Kenney, W. C 370 Krebs, G. E 370 McCabe, E. R 52 Redwood, W. M 134 Rhodes, C. C 122 Schermerhorn, A. V. R 371 Schermerhorn, N. E 371 Slaughter, R. R 344 Tyler, J. E 372 Underbill, A. J 372 Waring, J. M. S 372 Waters. B. W 123 West, A. P 372 West, H. S 372 West, J. M 372 Wright, Arthur 372 Cambridge. Radcliffe, G. Iv. P 371 Chestertown. Gilpin, C. P 401 College Park. Robinson, W. H, H., Jr 381 Collington. Magruder, E. P 370 Forestville. Craighill, G. B 305 Friendship. Hutchins, W. T 119 GEOGRAPHICAlv INDEX. 441 Ellicott City. riontrose. Branch, B. H 369 Thomas, W. 135 Exall, A. D 46 Oxford. Frostburg. Gray. R. M 306 Lunsford Abner. . . . .34. 132 j,,,^^^ e. R.^"'.'^'"'; 128 ,Q;?'^®" "'" Reistertown. Vickers, J. C 123 james, W. M 370 McDaniel. Sparrow's Point. Hopkins, W. L 49 Wright, H, C, Jr 372 MASSACHUSETTS. Andover. Lancaster, Wm 120 Hill, H. H 145 Pasco, F. L 109 Boston. Vineyard Haven. Conner, H. A 379 Carter, C. S., Jr 174 Gregory, J. C.,Jr 48 MICHIGAN. Grand Rapids. McCormick, J. N 120 MINNESOTA. Minneapolis. Patrick, B. R 332 Hampton, H. R 259 St. Paul. Duluth. Clark, R. L 347 Magoffin, B., Jr 53 Clay, O. G.,Jr 117, i75 MISSISSIPPI. Belton. Columbus. Dent, R. L 374 Brothers, M. R 379 Biloxi. Cox, W. M 336 Clifton, P. L 374 Craddock, E. P 264 Bolton. Harris, W. B., Jr 33 Gaddis, J. L 375 Clarksdale. Brandon. McCormick, A. J 375 Enochs, D. C 374 Como. Brookhaven. Brown, C. R., Jr 374 Buie, W. M 374 Pointer, Monroe 376 Teat, G. L 376 Crystal Springs. Brunswick. Miller, R. L 376 Davis, Lee 290 Durant. Carrollton. McDonald, A. W.. . 35, 53, 337 Home, C. R 230 Eastabutchie. Centreville. Moore, J. F 269 Redhead, J. A., Jr 401 Ellisville. Coldwater. Fridge, H. G 336, 374 Dye, T. M 374 Fayette. Jones, R. F 375 Liddell, R. T 375 Malone, J. W 282 Flora. Columbia. Bradley, W. H 373 Calhoun, J. T 374 Friar's Point. Hennington, L. L 375 Fitz-Gerald, Gerald 374 442 GKOGRAPHICAI, INDEX. Qallman. Alford, J. E .... 373 Georgetown. Catching, W. W 374 Qloster. Ligon, C. R 337 McGehee, W. R 337 Shaw, C. McD 338 Grace. Spencer, S. M., Jr 339 Grange. Thompson, A. L 377 Thompson, M. B 377 Greenville. Archer, W. H 335 Finlay, J. Iv 326 Finlay, O. P 323 Ireys, H. T., Jr 50 Starling, H. W 302 Starling, Lyne, Jr 302 Greenwood. Bew, R. W 400 Grenada. Williams, W. A 377 Hattiesburg. Cooke, W. F 374 Dixon, J. W 314 McLeod, J. H 375 Robertson, V. O. . . .* 401 Stevens, H. S 361, 376 Tatum, W. O'N 376 Hazlehurst. Higdon, R. E 291 Williams, Wm 377 Jackson. Cameron, A. S 374 Clifton, Y. H 374 Crowder, A. C 200 Dobyns, A. W 374 Green, G. W 178,375 Green, Wharton 375 Hyer, E. B 375 Manship, C. P 376 May, G. W 376 Nail, E. W 376 Rector, T. A.; 376 Stewart, Nolan. 285 Swearingen, G. C 112, 285 Watkins, H. B 286, 377 Watkins, W. H 271, 377 Young, B. E 287 Lexington. Ashcraft, J. E 335, 400 Dyson, J. L 336 Gwin, J. S 400 Stevens, J. M 376 Kosciusko. Sneed, H. P 376 Teat, J. A 376 Lockhart. Harmon, R. W.. 375 McLaurin. Carter, J. M 359 Macon. Holman, J. M 315 riadison. Field, S. Iv 400 Lewis, W. H 337 Meridian. Beeson, J. W 313 Cater, G. W., Jr 276 Hall, W. M 375 Lide, Leslie 281 Ormond, J. B 269 Ormond, J. W 269 Ormond, M. T 269, 400 Ormond, R. F 269 Smylie, C. M 271, 376 Natchez. Adams, W. A 321 Ballard, G. C , 263 Chamberlain, C. T 289 Chamberlain, J. F 336 Guice, C. N ... 375 Guice, C. P 323 Hodge, A. A 323 Power, G. B 376 Renner, H. G 376 Turner, C. H. B 310 Ocean Springs. Pleasants, R. L 361 Pearlington. Poitevent Eads 292 Phoenix. Holloman, T. W 375 Quitman. Terral, S. H., Jr 271 Raymond. North, C. S 36 Price, R. B 338 Rosedale. Chaney, H. D 276 5andersviIIe. Chandler, J. E 264 Sardis. Hargrove, W. H 375 Shuqualak. McClure, J. W 106 Starksville. Hardy, J. C 375 State Levee. Thompson, Jacob, Jr 310 (^EJOCiRAPHiCAI, INDEX. 443 Street. Street, A.J 339 Taylorsville. Eaton, B. E 374 Terry. Simpson, W. H , . 309 Williams, Mims 377 Trinity. Chandler, M. S 200 Tupelo. Hood, J. F 337, 370 Tyrus. Henington, H. L 375 Vicksburg. Drake, W. M 359 Moore, J. J 292 Pittman, W. B 338 Shelton, S. P 222, 339 Vosburg Stafford, T. E 376 Waynesboro. Taylor, ex.. 271 Taylor, F. N 112,271 Wesson. Lin, J. R 106, 281 West Point. Williams, E.J 334 Winona. Bailey, F. M 373 Home, M. K 230 Yazoo City. James, D. A 360 Wier, C. E 377 MISSOURI. Alma. Koppenbrink, J. E. • 348 Appleton. Schaeffer, G. A 350 Armstrong. Walton, R. 3 334 Ash Qrove. Livingstone, H. R 349 Ashland. Biggs,E.E 362 Biggs, J. P 362 Bullard, C. L 329 Charlton, Frank 329 Christian, G. M 329, 363 Auxbasse. Bartley, P. B 347 Benton City. Harrison, J. F 348, 364 Blackburn. Groves, D. G 364 Boonville. Drake, C. F 363 Gentry, J. H 364 Leonard, N. N 281 Bowling Qreen. Biggs. J. W 329 McAllister, Edgar 365 Motley, R. L 332 Brookfield. Questa, CD 366 Brunswick. Noland, L. B 283 Sasse, R. L 350 Bunceton. Goodwin, Gentry 330 Butler. DeArmond, J. A 32, 363 California. Wood, W. F 367 Cameron. Risley, C. H 366 Rogers, E.J 366 Sloan, J. C 366 Campbell. Bray, CO 347 Cape Girardeau. Wilson, W. F 367 Carthage. Shaha, Richard 389 Carrollton. Kimble, E. W .... 365 Kramer, John 365 Centralia. Paxton, C F 366 Thomas, H. W 350 Chilicothe. McVoy, E. C 268 Clinton. Avery, C H 328 Callaway, F". S 329 Corder. Carthrae, Lewis, Jr 347 Columbia. Estes, Berkeley 363 Haggard, B. P 364 Hulett, Frederick 365 Hume, Edwin 365 Marshall, T.F 365 Maxwell, W. R 366 Norvell. J. R 366 Excelsior Springs. Barbee, J. F 346 Barbee, T. M 296, 346 444 GKOGRAPHICAI, INDEJX. Fayette. Craighead, E. B 276 Howard, J. T 279 White, J. P 367 Ferguson. King, W. P 105, 281 Frankfort. Brooks, C. S 353 Fulton, Britt, A. T 275, 347 Britt, E. C... 347 Collett, C. C 347 Hockaday, A 348 McGeachy, A. A 245 Moore, R. A 349 Payne, E. H., Jr 349 Roseborough, J. W 93 Walthall, W. H 350 Grant City. Bull, E. H 297 Hallsville. Evans, E. E 364 Hannibal. Harrison, J. M 307 Harrison, W. P 307 Higginsviile. Asbury, A. E., Jr 362 Branch, R. S 347 Dickson, J. B. 298 Hartman, M. T 364 Humphreys. Moberly, O. H 349 Independence. Palmer, W. L. C 79 Jackson. Hatler, B. F 348 Hope, J. A 331 Jameson. Stovall,J. C....... 333 Stovall, J. S 333 Jefferson City. Harding, Jas., Jr 48, 3^4 Yonge, A. ivi 351 Joplin. Killam, O. W 365 Kahoka. Dickson, C. E 330 Kansas City. Bagby, Louis 328 Beedle, G. A 347 Botts, E. T 347 Carthrae, W. L 347 Catron, E. M 363 Catron, T. K 363 Chandler, E- E 329 Colville, W. E 228 Cordell, R. V. M 45 Davidson, E. E 363 Davis, P. R. 363 Goodwin, W. W 330 Hall, B. R 364 Hanger, R. R. . , 364 Harrison, R. F 279 Hocker, W. S 354 Howe, W. M 348 Howell, CM 331, ^65 Hurt, H. H 331 Hurt, J. C 331 Kerr, W. T 280 McLin, R. 281 Orear, J. L 349 Payne, H. F 56 Robinson, H. H 366 Roll, E. Iv 350 Ryland, E. P 284 Sharp, W. 333 Soper, Frank 333 Swearingen, O. H 366 Taylor, N. L. R 350 Townsend, J. R 350 Wheeler, B. H 351 Wilkerson, J, S 334 Wilson, G.N 83 King City. Grossman, F. W 299 Kirkwood. Clayton, J. B 276 La Grange. Lewis, E. W 331 Lake City. Mason, D. P 332 Mason, V. P 332 Leonard. Singleton, W. T 333 Lexington. Langford, C. E 365 Ryland, L. G 350, 366 Wallace, H. C, Jr 333 Liberty. Alexander, S. M 328 Beauchamp, J. A 329 Black, E. B 329 Dougherty, J. L 46 Hughes, CM 331 Hughes, Ralph 331 Hymer, J.E 33^ Jones. J. W. 331 Marsh, M. F 332 Muir, L. C 392 Stigers, E. M 333 Tutt, A. M 333 Williams, CM 157 Linnington. Caldwell, J. B 150 GKOGRAPHICAI, INDEX. 445 Longwood. lyower, W. Iv 349 Louisville. Higginbotham, L. S 33i. 365 Lutesville. Revelle, C. G 332 Maitland. Bridgtnan, R. B 363 ilalden. Stokes, F. C 350 flalta Bend. Lunbeck, W. C 349 Marshall. Duncan, C. P 330 Lyons, M. P 365 riaysville. Roberts, Mack 332 riemphis. Sydensticker, H.. M. 37 Wagner, F. G 367 Mexico. Bruce, R. A 363 Crawford, A. T . . 347 Crossley, Wallace 330 Guthrie, M. B 330 Mason, R. R 366 Matthews, H. 1 349 Sharp, Blmer 350 riiami. Jackson, C. T 365 Utley Lee 366 Mineola. Huddleston, J. B. L 331 Moberly. Bowers, W. S 362 Jarvis, R. B 365 Martin, H. A 365 Woods, F. T 367 rionroe City. Noland, B. D 349 Piersol, R. C 350 Proctor D. Milton 332 Proctor, D. Montgomery. .. . 332 Mosby. Mosby, J. D 332 Mt. Grove. Stinson, J. T 390 nt. Vernon. Newman, T. J 366 Nevada. Harvey, J. B 364 Willson, O. A 367 New Franklin. Unsell, J. B 350 Norburn. Hynds, John 348 Odessa. Gum, B. P 364 McChesney, F. L 349 Olney. Duncan, C. B. ...,., ,. 363 Duncan, J. J 363 Oregon. Gallup, R. H 330 Osceola. Boyer, J. T 297 Whaley, N. C. ... 351 Palmyra. Johnson, C. J., Jr 202 Paris. Alexander, Carter 362 Moss, D. H., Jr... 349 Perry. Smith, C. B 366 Plattsburg. Davis, Chas . . 330 Dawson, G. C 330 Platte City. Carmack, G. W 329 Clements, W. T 363 Princeton. Mullinax, I. D 332 Roanoke. Patterson, T. G 332 Rolla. Woods, C. L 124, 188 St. Charles. Pourie, J. R , ..... 350 Steed, Lyman 350 St. Joseph. Culver, R. B 277 Gabbert, L. C. ' .'. 299 Whiteside, W. T 286 St. Louis. Benning, H. L 329 Carter, S. M 347 Cocke, W. H 44 Coleman, R. B 363 Dudley, T. P 277 Folk, J. W 278 Garvin. A. B 348 Goddard, G. H 32 Granger, O. W 364 Hitner, F. B 348 Hogsett, S. H 299 Jaudon, B. Y 331 King, R. B 348 Langhorne, L. W 57 Leavell, B. R 349 Lewis, C. L., Jr 180, 281 Michel, C. E 54 Moore, B. W 35,182 Morgan, F. H. G 231 446 (iEOGRAtHtCAIy INDEX. Robinson, F. L 309 Stanard, W. K 59 Washington, F. J 372 Wear, J. H 351 Wiggs, C. F 351 Wragg, S. A 311 Salisbury. Baker. W.Iy 328 Ehrhardt, A. M 330 Santa Fe. Botts, L. E 347 Drake, E. T 347 Sedalia. Huckins, L. W 230 Whitney, E. L 351 Shamrock. Arnold, C. P 346 Hale, H. M 348 Shawnee Mound. Bowman, L. E 329 Shelbina. Gose,J. T 278 Shelbyville. Dunn, P. B.,Jr 347 Slater. Russell, O. S 332 Speed. Allee, E. M 328 Springfield. Farrington, J. S 364 Gottfried, C. F.,Jr 364 Stewartsville. Stigall, E. E 333 Stigall, L. V 333 Sweet Springs. Shanks, W. C 350 Trenton. Murphy, S. H 366 Troy. Stuart, J. P 333 Tumey. Crouch, W. A 330 Vandalia. Daniel, W. M 330 Waverly. Harrison, W. W 348 Webb City. Pritchett, G. M 284 Weston. Bretz, Julian 329 Windsor. Keyser, W. F 331 MONTANA. Boulder. Maury, H. L, 182 Davis, R. M 330 Granite. Bozeman. Humphrey, J. R 119 Rector, G. C.^.^^.^.^. 213 " Helena. Gordon, W. A., Jr.*. 32 Johnson, E. S 119 Eddyville. Maret, Benton , NEBRASKA. Grand Island. ... 331 Bentley, A. F 368 Bentley, F.J 368 NEW JERSEY. Bordentown. Campbell, R. E 189 Camden. Everett, W. T 369 Elizabeth. Brown, G. C 401 Henderson, J. S 49 Hightstown. Hundley, H. R 131 Jersey City. Boyd, W. S 242 New Brunswick. Alsop, Thos 40, 173 Newark. Seitz, E. Z 385 Princeton. Axson, Stockton 65, 241 Ked Bank. Thompson, ly. S 61 GEOGRAPHICAI. INDEX. 447 NEW MEXICO. Las Vegas. San Marcial. Powell, R. H.,Jr i68 Johnson, K. F 212 NEW YORK. Angelica. Richardson, H. P 381 Brocton. Pearson, J. F 168 Brooklyn. Choate, J. D 161 Gifford, H. E 236 Pearson, L. W 317 Buffalo. Moore, L. P 308 Ithaca. Duggar, B. M 314 Lef evre, Albert 221, 370 McGilvary, E. B 245 Jamestown. Barrow, J. S 41 Long Island City. Bruce, Howard 43 nt. Morris. Rabb, R. M 155 New Lebanon Centre. Gillet, R. H 32 [New York City. Abney, J. R 84 Alexander, G. H 40 Alford, O. P., Jr 30, 143 Andrews, G. S 40 Bayne, H. A 289 Bissell, J. D 235 Black, S. W 66 Bookhart, H. H 199 Brown, P. A 161 Burlingham, Wm 395 Cabell, J. B 341 Cabell, J. M 127,174 Chapin, J. W 216 Crenshaw, D. D 127, 174 Duncan, D.T 118 Edwards, J. M 70 Fitzgerald, Thos., Jr 369 Fleiss, R. A.. 71 Freeland, John 47 Gibbs, J. P 211 Gordon, Gordon 380 Gwathmey, J. T 48 Harrington, A. F 73 Harrington, F. T 49, 73 Harrington, J. M 73 Hill, B. F 220 Hinkle, Terry, 164 Holland, R. H 244, 259 Howison, J. F 119 Huger, F\ P 140 Jeffress, J. B., Jr 131 Johns, Arthur 51, 380 Jones, A. C 75 Jones, H. Iv 33? 252 Jones, N. R 51 Keithley, R. H 348 Lee, B. R 245, 259 McConnell, E. D 53 McGill, E. L 53 Massie, C. A. L 132, 231 Monette, R. F 182, 269 Moore, G. L 343 Nisbett, J. D 246 O'Neal, W. C 332 Parker, J . R 260 Phillips, C. C 217 Pritchard, W. B 254 Redfield, H. J 57 Risley, H. S 309 Rountree, A. L 122 Scofield, A. H 401 Sharpe, A. Y., Jr 205 Smith, H. H 206 Smith, J. G 247, 261 Stevens, T. W 123 Stevenson, J. R 156 Tanner, J. S 310 Tillinghast. M 38 Twiggs, J. D.. Jr 61 Vass. E. S 186, 248 Wallace, Charlton 357 Ware, George 82, 170 Waters, T. L 187 Wiltse, F. S 382 Wise, H. A 63 Wise, J. S., Jr 63 Witte, G. W 372 Wright, F. M 124 Northport, L. 1. Bristow, A. S. H 126, 173 Clark, B. B 44 McGehee, L. P 259 Magrath, J. W 141 Watson, A. R 187 448 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Ogdensburg. Schenectady. Hutchings, R. H 75 Redding, S. A 205 Potsdam. Troy. Wailes, S. 1 62 Crockett, C. W 162 Poughkeepsie. ^.. g Yonkers. NORTH CAROLINA. Asheville. Bearden, E.M 85 Brown, C. N.. . . 228 Brown, M. W. 228 Cocke, P. C 86, 257 Cocke, W. J.. ....: 86 Batman, Darius 258 Holmes, G. H. . . ... 230 Meban«, G. A. 182, 259 Millender, M. C. . . . 182, 260 Ray, B. Iv. 92 Reynolds, C. V. ; 92 Rutledge, Frederick. ....... 57 Smith, F. S... 93 Aulander. Dunning, J. A 251 Mitchell, C. W 253 Beaufort. Smith, G.-F. 285 Spilman, J. B. 254 Black Mountain. Martin, J. H 259 Burlington. Graves, V. M 258 Holt, B. C 244 Chapel Hill. Gore, J. W 129, 177 Whitehead, R. H 187,255 Charlotte. Barringer, O. L 242 Brenizer, Chase 242, 257 Brown, R. H. M 242 Cothran, J. S., Jr 235 Gamewell, J. A 87 Graham, W. A 177, 258 Linebarger, J. L 245 Gates, J. B . . . . , 246 Osborne. T. D 246 Perry, W. G 246 Pharr, H. Neal 246 Pharr, J. W 246 Pressly, G. W. L 194 Robertson, W. R 260 Tillett, C. W 123 Van Ness, J. H., Jr. 248 Wilson, H. W 249 China Qrove. Wertz, J. Q 190 Clyde. Wilkins, W. B 157 Coleraine. Britton, D. R. 251 Concord. Harley, G. G 88 Harris, B. B 244 Davidson. Harrison, T. P 140 Durham. Bruce, W. C... 31 Carmichael, W. D., Jr 257 Cole, J. N . ..*. 117 P'aucette, R. T., Jr 242 Foushee, H. A 258 Fuller, F. Iv 242 Fuller, Jones C 252. 258 Kilgo,J. C 89 Tyree, W. C 135, 186 Edenton. Shepard, T. H 309 Elizabeth City. Williams, P. H 124,261 Elon College. Atkinson, J. O 250 Fairfield. Carter, R. B 257 Faison. Faison, J. M 176, 242 Faison, W. M 242 Fayetteville. Breeden, W. C 85 Oliver, W. B 253 Rankin, C. A 246, 260 Rankin, H. A '. 247 Williams, J. R 249 Franklinton. Joyner, W. F 253 White, R. B 255 Fulmore. Hamer, L. R 88 Garland. Cromartie. R. S 242, 258 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX, 449 Qastonia. Cooke, P. H 257 Grier, R. L 192 Grier, W. M., Jr 192 Whyte, W. H 249 Gatesville. Smith, L. L 122 Goldsboro. Borden, J. Iv 257 John, R. B. 89, 280 Norwood, G. A., Jr 253 Graham. McCorkle, W. P 35 Scott, H. W 260 Scott, J. L. 247 Greensboro. Battle, L. H 251 Douglas, R. D 258 Dupuy, G. R 242 Keogh, T. S 259 Killebrew, O. D 203 Smith, H. W 260 Smith, W. C 261 Wright, C. G 261 Hallsboro. Hall, S. B 130, 252 Hamilton. Grimes, W. T 252, 258 Henderson. Brodie, J. H 417 Hendersonville. Justus, W. H 280 Henrietta. Gaffney, F. B 151 Hickory. Murrill, Paul 146 Hillsboro. Hamilton, J. G. deR 307 Kelford. Creech, J. A 117 Kings Mountain. Hunter, B. R 193 Patrick, J. C 194 Kinston. Cooper, J. R 117 Pridgen, C. W 254 Pridgen, J. H 37i Wootten, E. R 261 Kittrell. Crudup, T. H 251 Lawndale. Schenck, J. F 254, 260 Leaksville. Morehead, J. M 260 Lenoir. Bernhardt, J. M 242 Harper, G. F 244 Lincolnton. Johnston, J. B 245 Little's Hills. Stanback, M. C 248 Littleton. Land, E. M 259 Louisburg. Cooke, C. M., Jr 127 Cooke, F. K 251, 257 Davis, T. W. Jr 258 Ford.E. S 258 Webb, W. P 248 Magnolia. Nash, Shepherd 246 Marion. Blanton, Albert 251 Maxton. Jackson, H. ivf. 89 Mocksviile. Sanford, E. C 247 Sanford, R. B 247 Sadford, T. F 260 Sanford, W. h 260 Morganton. Avery, W. W 241 Tate, F. P 248 Wilson, Alex 249 Wilson, J. W., Jr 249, 261 Mt. Holly. Costner, R. E 257 Moyock. Sanderson, P. N 122 Murfreesboro. Barnes, D. C 256 Saunders, Samuel 134 Nashville. Cooley, R. A. P 251 Newbern. Claypoole, J. S 242 Mann, J. S 259 Stevenson, M. D 248 Thomas, H. B 261 Newells. Newell, h.B 246 Newton. Hoyle, J. L 89 North Wilkesboro. Finley, T. B 242 Oxford. Cannady, S. H 174, 251, 257 Cooper, C.J 242 Devin, W. A 258 Hardaway, J. S 130 Polenta. Young, C. T 261 Rasford. Alexander, R. W 191, 241 450 GEOGRAPHICAI. INDEX. Raleigh. Alderman, J. O 125, 250 Heck, W. H 252 Hunter, G. E 252 McGeachy, R. S 245 Riddick, W. C 254, 260 Royster, H. A 254 Scales, W.N 247 Smith, E. C 247, 260 Telfair, S. F 248 Upchurch, D. D 255 Vass, W. W 255, 261 White, J. E 255 Rocky Mount. Robertson, J. H 122 Roxboro. Foushee, W^. L . • . -• 370 Nance, L. M 133 Salisbury. Brown, E. H 242 Brown, T. B 242 Busby, L. E 189 Krider, W. W 245 McCubbins, J. F 245 Sard is. Reid, J. C 194 Scotland Neck. Hill, A. B 259 Hilliard, E. E 252 McDowell, Arch 253 Prince, D. M .. . 254 Shields, F. P 254 Selma. Vick, G D 261 Shelby. Blanton, G. W 251 Ryburn, R. L 247 Ware, R..E 95 Webb, E. Y 255, 261 Sonoma. Terrell, J. M 197, 286 Statesville. Gamble, J. F 192 Morrison, Eugene 194 White, Leonard 248 Union. Tayloe, J. W . . .186, 254 Tarboro. Austin, C. C 250 Bryan, H. T 43 Jones, Paul 253, 259 Warrenton. Boyd, H. A 116 Kerr, J. H 253 Pendleton, A. S 253 Washington. Arthur, J. A., Jr 256 Fowle, J. B 242 Short, F. H 260 Waxhaw. Reid, J. W 194, 371 Waynesville. Conrad, H., Jr 44, 257 Ferguson, G. S., Jr 258 Weldon. Leigh, J. H. P 120, 180 Wilson, A. E 255, 261 Wilmington. Atkinson, W. M 40 Bellamy, R. R 242 Bidgood, C. W 42 Freeman, E. H 252 Hall, A. McD 244 Hall, John 244 Hall, J.S 244 Huggins, E. T 244 Le Grand, G. S 245 Mclntyre, J. M 245 Mason, R. B 237 Norwood, J. W 133, 253 Post, J. F., Jr 260 Wilson. Barnes, E. T 251 Cobb. E. B 257 Taylor, R. K 156 Ward, D. L 255 Winston=Salem. Brown, R. D., Jr 242 Cowper, G. V 257 Hall, T. J 244 Johnson, C. S 244 Rogers, F. M 247 Strayhorn, E. C 254 Youngsville. Riddick, I. G 254 OHIO. Cincinnati. Guthrie. W. N 307 Peters, Ralph 79 Savage, W. E 301 Cleveland. Johnston, T. J 307 Delaware. Knapp, C. B 145, 355 Ottowa. Godfrey, E. S., Jr 177 Portsmouth. Hudson, J. 1 50 CiEOCiRAPHlCAI, INDEX. 45i Salem. Zanesville. Sanford, J. T 326 Carr, P. H 298 OKLAHOnA TERRITORY. 389 McLoud. Hartzell. Oakdale. Norman, P. A 389 Pearson, W. F 56 „, Lexington. Oklahoma City. James, W.T^^..^^.^ 307 George, Clifton 330 Renfro. Baker, J. A. Norman. 65 Tutt.J.M 333 Hayes, W. N 220 OREGON. Antelope. Ivueddeman, Max 316 Baker City. White, Samuel 170 Cornvallis. Burnett, B. F 391 • Eugene. Reichmann, O. H 385 Portland. Dunne', T. M 392 Ivooney, S. W 212 McCraken, R. G 392 Morgan, E. L 392 Robinson, W. W 238 Smith, H. C 392 Valine, F. W 393 Watson, F. W 393 PENNSYLVANIA. Altoona. Bowie, J. R 31 Bryn flawr. De Haan, Fonger 369 Epton. Snee,W. J 396 Euclid. Campbell, N. W 395 Germantown. King, C. K 51 Lykens. Kilgour, C.J 34 Oil City. Oliphant, E. C 396 Oxford. Ross, M. M 194 Philadelphia. Ash, F. R 40 Bacon, H. D 40 Baxter, J. S 98 Benedict, Robert 304 Dennis, E. C 277 Felt, C. Iv 252 Holmes, Iv. E 230 Lipscomb, C. E 343 Mikell, W. E 141 Whitney, G. D 382 Whittaker, B, H. W 310 Willard, S. Iv 113 Woodward, S. S 136 Pittsburg. Hunter, P. S 370, 396 Moore, O. B 349 Simpson, F. F 239 Stenger, R. C 382 South Bethlehem. Johnson, N. R 51 Towanda. Berghaus, Paul 417 Uniontown. Ewing, P. D 41 Waynesburg. Staggers, H. C 39^ 452 GEOGRAPHICAI, INDEJX. SOUTH CAROLINA. Abbeville. Klugh. J. C 89, 179 Ivyon, J. F 90 I,yon,John,Jr 193 Quarles, J. P 246 Sloan, T. W 194 Smith, H. G...^ 247 ./Vikeii Chaffee, W. G ' 2-35 Morgan, T. R 238 Allandale. Cauthen, A. J., Jr 85 Anderson. Holland, S.N 88 McCully, P. K., Jr 141 Martin, B. F 154, 182 Mattison, L. S 154 Mauldin, T. J 141 Sadler, J. E 93 Sullivan, G. C 94 Watkins, J. C 190 Watson, W. A 157 Bamberg. Bamberg, L. F 85 Folk, H. C 87 Barnwell. Bellinger, G. D 150 O'Bannon, H. h 155 Riley, R. W 141 Batesburg. Quattlebaum, T. A 155 Beaufort. Bundick, G. C 126 Earle, A. B 87 Beach Island. Dunbar, R.' B 140 Masters, V. 1 154 Belton. Poore, H. M 155 Bellwood. Holloway, J. B. O'N 189 Bennettsville. Breeden, B. B 85 Breeden, C. E 85 Breeden, J. ly 85 Covington, H. K 86 Edens, H. ly 87 Moore, C. F 91 Newton, H. H., Sr 92 Townsend, A. S 239 Benson. McCullough, J. G 154 Bethlehem. Sadler, W. W 194 Bishopville. Green, T. M 236 Rogers, J. C 92 Stoll, P. H 94 Stuckey, G. M 239 Woodward, H. W 95, 188 Blacksburg. Mclveod, D. M 90, 281 Blackville. Ackerman, M. H 149 Milhous, J.. H. E 155 Blenheim. Satterwhite, F. M 134 Bossard's. Dick, W, E 139 Bradley. Wideman, J. Iv 157 Brighton. Dowling, J. V 151 Bucksport. Buck, H. Iv., Jr 150 Camden. Kennedy, R. M 237 Mills, Iv. T 246 Charleston. Bratton, Paul .*. 235 Brawley, W. P 42, 235 Cornish, A. E 305 Dick, W. L 242 Duncan, W. H. G 86 Ferguson, J. L 140 Gadsden, P. H 236 Gilchrist, R. B 140 Glover, M. W 236 Gresham, J. W 306 Haskell, J. C 236 Hill, T.N. , Jr 259 Huger, D. E 236 Hutson, R. W 140 Jervey, T. D 51 Kilgo, J. W 89 Macmurphy, G. Y 141, 282 Mikell, H. J 308 Parker, E. F 141, 183 Perrin, R. McC 141 Pinckney, G. M 238 Ravenel, E. P 238 Rhett, R. B., Jr 57 Robertson, J. M 141 Rutledge, Edw 57 Smith, C. A 156 Cheraw. McKay, R. M 245 Matheson, D. S 231, 237 geographicai, index. 453 Chester. Aiken, A. M., Jr 234 Brice, J. M. 192, 235 Gage, G. W 87 Gaston, A. L 177, 242 Harden, W. H., Jr 88, 278 Hardin, Paul 88 McFadden, S. B 154 Melton, ly. H 338 Smith, A. M 156 Church. McCutchen, Hugh 245 McCutchen, J. G 237 Claussen. Dick, J. A 242 Ross, W. H. 247 Clemson College. Brodie, P. T 150 Clinton. Friday, J. M 87 Cokesbury. Moore, J. D 155 Stokes, W. S 94 Columbia. Blalock, R. J 224 Burriss, R. K 150 Burwell, H. W 99 Duncan. W. H. G 86 Jones, Walter F 105 Lester, W. M 90 Moore, J. S 91 Moore, M. H 91, 238 Rembert, G. R 92 Thomson, A. W 239 Walker, A. H 239 Waring, G. W 239 Whaley, E. M. , Jr 142 Woodward, F. C 124 Zimmerman, S. H 95 Congaree. Edmunds, N. W 136 Darlington. Edwards, G. H 128 Edwards, P. H 151, 176 James, R. E 237 Lide, E. C 153 Macfarlan, Robert. ... 237 Wilds, R. H 157 Williamson, Benj. F 240 Dillon. Bethea, D. W., Jr 242 Bethea, J. C 85 Hamer, E. R 88 Huger, Benj 50 Jervey, C. H 237 Sellers, P. B 93 Stackhouse, T. B 93 Denmark. Mayfield, S. G 154 Donalds. Wertz, J. H 157 Doraville. Stewart, T. B 194 Due West. Bell, J. R 191 Pressly, J. G 194 Reid, E. L 194, 371 Young, J. T 194 Edgefield. Bacon, J. E 235 Padgett, A. E 155 Edgmoor. Pressly, L. T 194 Effingham. Howard, A.J 140 Elloree. Snider, E. H 254 English. English, B. M 236 Enoree. Haskell, A. C.,Jr 236 Equality. Smith, W. C 248 Estill. Lawton, T. O., Jr 153 Lawton, W. A 153 Fair Play. Barton, M. C , 149 Florence. Dargan, Marion 277 Lake, F. K 89 Willcox, P. A 240 Folk's Store. Yarn, H. A 94 Fort Mill. Thornwell, E. E 248 Watson, W. A 248 Fulton. Richardson, W. M 92 Qaffney. Richardson, I. W 156 Webster, J. E 95 Qifford. Gifford, E. W 152 Glenn Springs. Simpson, A. O 239 Smith, R. H 310 Gray Court. Cox, M. A 192 Greenville. Barton, W. C 149 Cunningham, M. B 150 Cureton, J. M 150 Douthit, M. H. 151 454 GEOGRAPHICAI, INDEX. Earle, B. D 306 Earle, T. K 151 Gardner, C. S 129 Gilreath, J. D 152 Harmon, G. T., Jr 88 Hudson, W. T 152 McDavid, W. G 154 McGee, R. L 154 Martin, O. B 154 Miller, A. H 155 Moore, G. B 133 Norwood, Jos 155 Parker, L. W 238 Rogers, C. P 92 Thackston, H. Y 156 Thackston, W. J 156 Thomas, A.J. S 156 Wallace, W.H 95 Ware, J. R 156 Watson, J. B 157 Welborn, A. C 157 West, W. B 157 Westfield, J. O 157, 239, 310 Greenwood. Aiken, J. S 234 Arnold, R. M ... 84 Baker, Kenneth. 85, 235 Cummings, C. I 150 Gardner, G. W 152 Graham, T. A. . 87 Green, W. K 88 Grier, F. B 140 Marshall, J. A 154 Miller, K- P 91 Riley, S. R 92 Watson, H. L 157, 261 Greer's. Few, I. P 87 Hardeeville. Williams, F. H 158 Williams, H. L 158 Harleyville. Pearcy, W. C 238 Hartsville. Edwards, H. A 151 Edwards, W. C 151 Hickory Grove. McDill, T. P 193 Hodges. Ellis, J. C 151 Home. Jeffries, C. A 89 Iva. Sherard, W. H , . . . 239 Johnsonville. Clarkson, G. F 86 Johnston. Holland, W. D 152 Ivott, W. E., Jr 153 Riley, H. L 156 Watson, S.J 157 White, G. P 157 Jordan. Sprott, C. R 93 Judson. Thompson, R. H 94, 239 Julia. Lake, W. E 190 Lamar. Perrit, A. J. A 92 Lancaster. Poore, J. E 155 Williams, T. Y 158 Laurens. Aiken, H. K 234 Gray. J. P 87 Gray, W. L 87 Johnson, G. L 153, 237 Knight, W. B 153 Lucas, T. C 90 Lucas, W. E . 90 Leesville. Haynes, L- B 88 Leslieville. Johnson, Oliver 193 Lowndesville. Barnes, J. F 85 Horton, E. R 152 Lydia. Wallace, R. B. R. C -. .94, 187 Lynchburg. Koger, W. C 89 McLeod, T. G 90 McLeod, W. R.. 90 McLeod, W. T 90 ricClure. Morris, F. M 9I McConnellsville. Crawford, W. P 336 HcColL Craighead, J. D 86 Manning. Dinkins, W. E 151 Sprott, Jos., Jr 93 Wilkins, C. E 157 Marion. Gregg, S. A., Jr 244 Hamer, P. B 88 Mullins, Henry 238 Norwood, S. W 155 Wilcox, H. M 95 riechanicsviile. Richards, CM 247 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 455 Melrose. Boatwright, W. W 150 rioffetsville. Sherard, S. B 247 Monk's Corner. Edwards, J. E 151 Montmorenci. Humphry, C. A 153 Mt. Carmel. Hartzog, P. G 88 Mullins. Rogers, Foster C 92 Rogers, J. M 92 Newberry. Gist, Nathaniel 236 Martin, F. N 193 Mower, F. D 371 Mower, McHardy 371 Wright, G. A 158 Olar. Rice, M.N 155 Orangeburg. Dantzler, F. B 86 Funderburg, J. H 151 Herbert, D. O 88 Rogers, Frank C 92 Rogers, W. A 31, 93 Oswego. Stackhouse. R. P 239 Peaksville. Bradham, A, C 150 Pelzer. McKissick, A. F 237 Pendleton. Porcher, O. T 309 Phoenix, Stalworth, G. C 156 Pregnanes. Humbert, W. S 236 Ridge Spring. Watson, J. D 95 Watson, R. F 157 Ridge way. Duke, H. Iv 277 Ruff, W. H 93 Rock Hill. Hall, E. W 88 Miller, J. R 193 Mobley, E. Iv 237 Sprunt, T. P 248 Watson, S. P 248 White, G. D '249 White, J. S 240 Whitner, W. C 240 St. Matthews. Buyck, W. F 150 Wanamaker, J. E. . . • 95 Salkehatchie. Williams, R. S., Jr 158 Sally. Jones, J. A 153 Riley, J. H 92 Seneca. Moore. C. W 190 Spartanburg. Calvert, A. B 85 Cannon, L. C 85 Carlisle, C. H 85 Clark, W. H 85 Cleveland, R. B 305 Cofield, George, Jr, ... 86 Cofield, James 86 Cofield, Robert 86 Connor, W. M., Jr 86, 176 Duncan, W.N 86 Du Pre, A. M 86 Erwin, J. 151 Gamewell, J. A 87 Hydrick, D. E 89 JefEries, J. L 89, 179 Law, A. M 90 Law, R. A 90 McCravy, S. T 153 Montgomery, J. W 91 Montgomery, W. S 91 O'Neale, C. L 141, 238 Ray, J. K. S 92, 371 Simpson, J. W 239 Thackston, T. B 94 Trimmier, T. R 94 Walker, W. L 94 Wallace, D. D 94 Springfield. Jones, T. A 153, 179 Sumter. Dick, A. C 176, 242 Dick, G. W. C 236 Dick. L. W 242 Harvin,J. R .. 88 Mood, J. A 91 Stuckey, H. M 248 Tatum. Newton, H. H., Jr 92 ' Timmonsville. Cauthen, H. J 85, 276 Tindal Cuttino, H. W 151 Townville. Dickson, J. W., Jr 86 Troy. Kennedy, J. C 193 Smart, R. W 156 Varnville Peeples, E. W 92 456 GEOGRAPHICAI, INDEX. Union. Beaty, W. T 235 Dixon, W. W 140 Humphries. W. E. G 153 Nicholson, Bmslie, Jr 246 Rice, L. M... . . 155 Wallace, J. C 94 Young, L. G 249 Young, McBeth 240 Walhalla. Lucas, E. R 237 Stribling, W. J 190 Waterloo. Harris, W. R. ., 88, 192 Williamstown. Horton, J. R 152 Kilgo, P. F. 89 Lander, E. M 89 Lander, F. M 90 Lander, M. M 90 Stoll. C. W 94 Sullivan, G. W 94 Sullivan, H. C 94 Sullivan, W. H 94 Williston. McCreary,J. P 90 Winnsboro. Cathcart, J. H 44 Woodruff. Pearson, J. A 194 Yorkville. Hart, J. R. , 140 McElwee, J. F 141 Witherspoon, W. I 249 Youngs. Martin, C. B 154 SOUTH DAKOTA. Dead wood. Moore, J. B 282 TENNESSEE. Ashwood. Dixon, W. C 277 Athens. Beard, C. A 263 Bon Air. Dickinson, J. O 176 Hardeman, W. D 48 Bristol. Davis, C. T 195, 277 Lock'ett, Edw 230 McNiel, W. A 53 Brownsville. Mack, J. R 154 Mann, R. M 282 Chattanooga. Barton, McK., Jr 227 Baxter, B. D 228 Bell, R. W 228 Bryan, C. L •. . • 228 Cooke, R. B 228 Erwin, H. J loi Gentry, J. A 177, 229 Haynes, B. L 230 Jordan, J. D 51 Kingman, D. C, Jr 230 Kingman, R. W 230 Pritchard, R. E 232 Temple, M. E 310 Wilson, G. L 95 Clarksville. Barnes, C. K 335 Green, W.H 336 Hord,J.C 337 Johnson, Cave. 337 Lockert, C. E 337 Patch, B. A 338 Payne, W. S 338 Williams, J. P. , 339 Columbia. Cox, E. A 276 Forgey, C. A 229 Lee, B. P., Jr 52 Owen, Crockett 283 Dayton. Gillespie, R.N 32 Denmark. Keith, J. D 230 Fayetteville. Bagley, S. C 30 Lamb, W. B 179 Gallatin. Guild, W. A 278 Seay, E.T 284 QIass. Scroggin, G. C 284 Harms. Kennedy, I. N 193 GEOGRAPHICAL, INDEX. 457 Harriman. Easley, R W 306 Huntington. Williams, B.J 233 Iron Gap. Best, A. S. . . 297 Jonesboro. Osborne, W. H 253 Knoxville. Albers, E. S 227 Boyd, D. W 228 Brown, E. O 228 Davis, C. H 229 Duncan, J. A 86,118 Gettys, P. E 48 Hart, H. C 229 Hart, P. D 229 Havey, M. L 229 Kincaid. J. G 197 Lee, W. W 90 Logan, J. G 230 McTeer,J.T.,Jr 53,231 Maguire, J. F 231 Maynard, James, Jr 231 Meek, W. M 231 Miller, T. P 231 Milton, G. F 308 Morris, T. D 231 Rice, L. G 232 Ross, G. W. . . 232 Walker, HE 239 Zemp, E. R 142 Luttrelle. Eaton, E. H 229 Madisonville. Kefauver. P. F 230 Hanchester. Ramsey, J. C 232 Memphis. Agee, G. W., Jr 321 Akers, W. W 346 Albright, O. S...S 335 Avery, F. M 328 Brinkley, R. C 417 Crowe, Wni. A 314 Canada, J. W 374 De Loach, A. B., Jr 305 Dunavant, W. A 46 FitzHugh, W. H 374 Gilmore, H. L 323 Greer, A. M 229 Greer, R. A 229 Hamilton, H. H 388 Harsh, F. R 279 Johnston, T. R 337 Lake, Henry 337 McGehee, J. L., Jr 375 Northrop, J. M 308 Omberg, J. A., Jr 232, 283 Pegram. J. W., Jr 183 Popplestone, L. B 309 Saunders, D. D., Jr 309 Sharpe, A. Y., Jr 205 Smithwick, J. F 285 Thornton, G. B., Jr 61 Tyler, J. W 61 Vance, G. T 61 Woods, N. M., Jr 208, 233 nilan. Cox, A. E 150 Mountain City. Butler, E. E 228 nt. Pleasant. Bartenstein, E. H 126 Jackson, J. G 279 Jackson, C. S 337 Young, C. S 287 Murfreesboro. Hancock, E. D 336 Hancock, J. G 336 Huggins, G. R 337 Jordon, Fletcher 131, 179 Murfree, J. B 338 Talley, H. B 285,339 Nashville. Barthell, E. E 274 Bibb, W. G 66, 173 Black, W. L 42, 274 Burch, C. N 275 Burch, L. E 275 Burch, R. L 275 Cheatham, A. W 242 Cherry, W. C 276 Cowan, S. K 276 Dallas, H. D 45 Edwards, A. D 229 Fall, J. H, Jr. 278 Folk, C. A 128, 369 Folk, R. E 252 Fuller, Jones 87 Hart, J. E 279 Hart, T. T 279 Jones, Foster 280 Jones, V. M 34, 280 Keeble, J. B 280 Kern, A. A 120, 280 Kern, P. B 120, 280 Kirkpatrick. E- T 245, 281 McKinney, W. F 281 Malone, E. F 282 Malone, T. H., Jr 282 March, J. P 282 Morgan, M. M 283 Murray, Edwin 54 458 GEOGRAPHICAI, INDEX. O'Bryan, L. O 283 Overton. John (4tli) 283 Perry, A., Jr 283 Pierce, Walter F., Jr 109 Plater, R. C . 284 Pritchett, P. L 284 Ross, M. M 284 Shipp, A. W 93 Smith, Baxter, Jr 285 Tanner, T. C 232 Vertrees, C. C 232 Webb, T. I 286 Whitworth, J. L 187 Williams, J. M 286 Yarborough, W. S . . . 286 Pulaski. Ballentine. A. M 274 Butler, J. P 228 Childers, J. P 228 Flournoy, B. W 229 Graham, E.J 201 Reynolds, E. C 232 Readerville. Barton, Joshua , 335 Rockwood. Stiles, G.G 81 Rogersville. Nice, CM 232 Sadlersville. Johnston, W. H 104, 280 Sewanee. Seibels, H. G 309 Stanton. Colhoun, Adams 228 Meux, G. W 282 Sweetwater. Grace, W. H 152 Whitman, W. C 286 Tiptonville. Cochran, W. W 276 Trenton. Cooper, A. F 305 Hall, R. C 307 TuIIahoma. Aydelott, J. D 227 Simpson, W. T 285 Wilson, J. W 233 Union City. Parks, L. S 283 Wartrace. Cleveland. R. M 86 Winchester. Handly, M. W 278 TEXAS. Albany. Worrell, S. H 215, 223 Anderson. Buffington, T. P \... 219 Atlanta. O'Neal, H. A., Jr 221 Aughton. Munson, W. B 213 Austin. Bankhead, C. C 218 Batts, R. Iv 218 Brooks, R. E 210 Ellis, A. C 258 Hamilton, J. R 220 Knight, F. B., Jr 221 Monteith, W. E 221 Penick, D. A 222, 371 Smith, Edgar 285 Smoot, A. G 223 Walker, A. S., Jr 223 Wilkerson, A. W 310 Azle. Rucker, W. K 214 Ballinger. Harrison, E. T 266 Beckville. Jordan, A. A 225 Bastrop. Buchanan, S. R 219 Combs, H.B 210 Jones, J. S 221 Price, J. B 222 Beaumont. Crawford, W. J 219 O'Brian, Chenault 221 O'Brian, G. C 221 Belton. Carter, S. H 219 Embree, Elisha, 211 Nichols, R. A 213 Bonham. Black, F. M 210 Young, R. B 357 Bonner. Everett, H. B 70 Branch vi lie. Martin, E. W 212 Brownwood. Adickes, T. J 209 Bryan. Parker, J. K 213 Calvert. Adoue, J. B 304 Poteet, J. B 213 GEOGRAPHICAI, INDEX. 459 Burnet. Sherrard, D. G 58 Cameron. Streetman, Samuel 214 Cedar Creek. Murchison, W. H 213 Childress. Vaughan, S. D 215 Clarksville. Moore, H. C 141 Cleburne. Sellars, J. W 222 Coleman. Randolph, H. C 222 College Station. Puryear, Chas 134, 184 Colorado. Simpson, C. W 214 Columbia. Evans, John 277 Como. Roach, J. E 214 Corinne. White, J. G 194 Corsicana. Duren, G. A 219 Crockett. Wootters, A. H 223 Dallas. Alderidge, G. N 209 Atwell. W. W 209 Baird, R. W 209 Bowser, D. W 219 Carroll, W. W 210 Carter, J. T 44 Cullum, T. M '. 211 Decker, E. M 359 Fuller, G. S 306 George, J . W 220, 242 Hawkins, W. E 211 Hereford, F. S 49 Isaacs, L. B 220 Jalonick, E. F 221 Knight, R. E. L 212, 221 McKamey. W. C . 212, 221 Mood. R. G 212 Morgan, J.J 213, 283 Porter, R. C 213, 222 Prather, W. H., Jr 366 Seay, D. E 284 Seay, H. L 285 Smith, W.J.J 223 Stratton, Hugh 60. 186 Stratton. S. T.,Jr ' 60 Thomas, J. R 214 Titterington, G. A 302 Titterington, J . B 302 Daingerfield. Bradfield, J. W 219 Denison. Harding, C. H 220, 259 Denton. Hann, A. R 299 Hann, E. L 299 Dublin. Boaz, H. A 210 Snider, E. J 156 Edna. Austin, F. M 373 Eddy. Kincannon, A. J 212 El Paso. Davis, J. L 219 Norton, C. F 146,221 Thomas, J. R 61 Fort Worth. Adams, W. A 159 Armstrong. R. C, Jr 209 Davies, J. B 235 Flowers, J. B 47 Parks, L. S 232 Render, S. P 222 Roy. R. E. L 214, 222 Temple, E. W 327 West, G. T 123, 187 West, W. B 123 Gainesville. Brooks, C. L 210 Galveston. Austin, Henry, Jr 218 Austin, H. M 359 Gilbert, G. H 220 Jerdone, W. M 50 Moody, F. B 35 Scott, W. N 37 Gatesville. Lastinger, W. W 105 Georgetown. Brooks, J. L 210, 275 Chessher, D. S., Jr 210 Mood, A. M 212 Mood, W. R 212 Nelms, W. S : 213 Sanders, S. D 214 Snyder, J . E 326 Glen Rose. Slover, G. S 214, 285 Goliad. Brown. J. L 210 Pope, G. E 213 Graham. Barcus. T. S 210 Graham, M. K 211 460 GEOGRAPHICAI, INDEX. Greenville. Parker, Howard 222 Qrovetown. Lewis, W. F 106 Hearne. Garrett, C. B 211, 278 Glass, C. L 306 Glass, G. H • 306 Wilkerson, W. A 310 Hillside. Rucker, L. C 214 Honey Grove. Watson, S. E 215 Houston. Allen, Percy 304 Andrews, Frank 209 Batts, E. Iv 218 Burwell, R. T 257 Dupree, T. B 219 Eichman, F. G 211 Ford, T. C 219 Gwathney, A. B., Jr 130 Jones, R. H 230 Love, W. G 221 Masterson, J. R., Jr 308 Ring, Robert 36 Scott, W. H 376 Sims, C. W 239 Wilson, W. H 223 Huntsville. Davis, J. O 211 Gibbs, T. C 211 Gibbs, W. S 211 Newsom, E- P 213 Jefferson. Armstead, W. T 65 Kaufman. Brown, W. D 353 Kerrville. Schreiner, C. A 222 Schreiner, W. R 222 Kosse. Porter, D. K 213 La Grange. Jackson, A. L 220 Laredo. Dickinson, H. G 69 McLane, Ray 221 Liberty Hill. Vaughan, S. M 215 Llano. Opp, Frederick 222 Slator, M. D 214, 223 Luling Rainbolt, J. W 222 McDade. George, R. C 47 McKinney. Pierce, Wm. F 109 Smith, G. R 223 riarfa. Kilpatrick, H. H 165 Mart. Criswell, F. F 210 Mason. Crawford, R. E 219, 298 riexia. Conley,A. B 353 Jackson, H. E 212 Jackson, R. R 212 Mineola. Cochrane, A. S 224 Rose, T. M 225 riontana. Wilson, R. E 83 Mooresville. McCullough, Edw., Jr 212 Morgan. Fry, R. D 219 Mt. Vernon. Dutton, W. O 219 Nacodoches. Smith, Ellis 214 Oakville. Reagan, C.H 213 Paris. Garrett, O. H. P 129 Jones, C. S 212 Pilot Point. Thomas, W. W 214 Pittsburg. Sheppard. W. C 223 Piano. Miles, D. H 212 Reedy, J. H. , Jr 214 Pottsboro. Tanner, B. O 286 Rozeman. Scales, A. L 214 Salado. Moore, A. L 213 Rucker, S. J 214 San Angelo. Rhodes, J.J 134 San Antonio. Hallam, M. S 145 Hogg, W. C 211, 220 Keller, Raymond 221 Kerr, Alfred 212 King, C.W 221 Magruder, A. L. C 325 Russ, Semp 222, 293 Whitaker, C. L 327 Worthington, L.J 63 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 461 San Augustine. Tucker, F. R 294 Sanderson. Biggs, H. S , . . . 210 San riarcos. Bass, C. T 210, 274 McKie, R. E 197, 281 San Saba. Dofflemeyer, J. F 315 Ividstone, L. W 308 Seguin. McCallum, A. N 245 Terrell, Robert 214 Sherman Heard, H. O., Jr 279 Hemphill, W. A 211 Simmons, D. E 223 Smith, C. H iii Taylor's Gin. Carpenter, J. C 210 Temple. Woodson, J. M 215 Terrell. Bramlette, E. E 219, 275 Tyler. Brown, H. S 387 Goodman, W. G, 220 Wiley, Claude 113 Texarkana. Sheppard, J. M 222 Victoria. Proctor, F. C 222 Waco. Dudley, J. W 211 Goodrich, R. E 211 Harris, W. A 130, 370 Henry, R. L 211, 220 McCullough, T. L 212 McCullough, W. H 212 Smith, G. H 223 Weatherford. Baker, C. R 274 Davis, L. A 277 Davis, R. W 2TI, 277 Lanham, F. G 221, 281 Morris, J. R 107, 269 Waxahachie. Peters, H. N 355 West. Barcus, E. R., Jr 210, 274 Wheelock. Cameron, Donald 219 Winsboro. Clark, J.J 210 Yoakum. Kilpatrick, J. J 165 UTAH. Snow, A. E. Salt Lake City. . . 382 Williams, J. A 187, 303 VERMONT. Burlington. Huff, Iv. J 131 VIRGINIA. Accomac C. H. Gunter, B. T., Jr 129, 175 Lilliston, A. H 180 Mapp, G. W 343 Nock, ly. F 133, 183 Alexandria. Bryant, A. H 43 Bryant, Wm 43 Corse, W. B. B 45 Stewart, Douglas 185 Arrington Sneed, J. L 59 Ashland. Blackwell, R. E 116 Carter, S. R 117, 174 Hunter, R. T 119 vStarr, E- L 122 Bacon's Castle. Wilson, Jno., [Jr.] 124 Barrow's Store. Bailey, B.J 340 Batesville. Page, R. L 133 Page, W. G 133 462 (^E;0(iRAl>HtCAt iNDKX. Bedford City. Blackwell. K, S -. 116 Smithey, M. E 122 Belroi. Butts, D. G. C 116 Berryville. Carter, G. W 127 McCormick, Frank 181 Big Stone Gap. Mills, J. A 132 Blacksburg. Davidson, R.J 235 McBryde, J. B 237 Moncure, W. A. P 343 Pritchard, S. R 92, 238 Biackstone. Cralle, G. A 117 Irby, Benj 119 Bowling Green. Webb, C. S 187 Boyce. Cook, E. P. 44' 369 Bridgetown. Roberts, C.E.. 122 Bristol. Russell, E. H 57,134 Broad Run. Blackwell. I. H 116 Brownsburg. Mitchell, R. G 35 Buchanan. Latane, H. A 131, 180 Burkevilie. Young, J. H 124, 188 Carlton's Store. Hoskins, H. F 342 Hoskins, Wm 342 Carysbrook. Jones, C. E 131 Charlottesville. Allen, C. W 340 Cocke, N. P 175 Ellis, C. S 176, 265 Fishburne, G. P 32 Fitz-Hugb, Thos 177 Harrison, I. C 130, 179 Linder, A. Iv 397 Long, CM 132, 181 Long, W. F 132, 181 Macon, L. S., Jr 120 Macon, W. D 120, 181 Moore, J.N 343 Page. J. M 121 Smith, CD 134, 185 Walker, R. A. P 62 Christenburg. Luck, J. M 132 Churchland. Peake, J. E- 133 Savage, W. V 254 Clifton Forge. Moore, C F 182, 282 Coeburn. Jones, C C 291 Crewe. Lockett, R. E 132, 180 Crozet. Lipscomb, P. D 343 Cuckoo. Kemper, G.H 355 Culpeper. Bell, A. A 41 Cooper, H. G'B 117,175 Stevens, Ernest 122 Cumberland. Gray, B. H . 119 Danville. Acree, Russell 125 Acree, R. F . . . . . 40 Bowen, F. F 126, 173 Davis, W. H 118 Holland, C G 179 Miller, H. R 132 Saunders, I. H 58 Sydnor, T. L 135 Dixondale. Dixon, Thos., Jr 251 Eastville. Wilkins, C F 136 Edinburgh. Campbell, Horace 116, 369 Elk Garden. Vaught, S. B. 197 Elkton. Cover, A. B 117 Cover, H. L 117 Emory. Haynes, L- K 195 Peery, H. G., Jr 197 Emporia. Cato, J. H 117 Mason, M. G 35. 342 Palmer,' E. C 36, 343 Turner, E. P 344 Fairfax C H. Chichester, F. M 341 Chichester, J. C 341 Plummer, J. B 344 Farmville. Paulett, R. H 121 Floyd. Peery, J. B 197 Franktown. Nottingham, J. E., Jr 133.183 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 463 Franklin. Story, E. S 135 Watkins, R. E. L 344 Fredericksburg. Ellis, A. B 277, 314 Little, W. A 120, 180 Front Royal. Forsythe, C. W 32 Qale City. Morison, H. A. . . 231 Morison, H. G 54 Qordonsville. Stokes, S. D 37 Graham's Forge. Baker. C. H 195 Hampden=Sidney. Cross, Hardy 399 Cross, T. P 399 Wanchope, W. C 399 Hampton. Bickford, J. V 42 Booker, R. M. , Jr 341 Brown, A. G.. -. 173, 341 Cumming, S. G 175, 342 Finnegaii B. E. C 71 Holt, H. H 49 Schmelz, H. L 134 Weymouth, Jno 345 Young, W. G 63, 188 Harris Creek. Long, J. C 132 Harrisonburg. Brenneman, T. H 173 Delia, CM 176 Grattan, G. G., Jr 178 Newman, H. M. 36 Hickory. Watts, M H 123 Hollins. Cocke, M. E 127, 175 Turner, J. A 135, 186 Hot Springs. Page, Mann 183 Houston. Watkins, L. C 62 Huon. West, F. T., Jr 123, 136 Indian Creek. Etheridge, E. E 128 Irby. Williams, F. C 345 Island. Norvell, F. T 133, 183 Ivy Depot. Anderson, A. S 340 Long, J. L 343 Woods, J. R 345 Joyceviile. Rose, T. A 344 Lambert's Point. Scott, G. W 122 Laurel Mills. Wood, W. H 136 Leesburg. ?"cCabe, RE 120 Ross, R. R 122 Lester Manor. Gregory, Roger . . 129 Lexington. Barclay, D. M 30 Campbell, J. H. 44 Coles, E. P 31 Corse, M. B 45, 175 Ford, H. C 47, i77 Johnston, W. Z 33 Letcher, G. D 34, 52 Mallory, Francis 371 Marrow, G. P 53 Marshall, R. C. , Jr 53 Milton, T 54 Moore, E. McD 35 Nichols, E. W 55 Stockdell, Hugh, Jr 60, 135 Tucker, N. B 61 Turner, W. J 38 Lincoln. Bolyn, R. T 341 Hughes, H. C 342 Luray. Broaddus, J. A. . 126 Low Moor. Kent, J. F 51 Lynchburg. Blackford, R. C 173 Craighill, G. P., Jr 45 Dennis, W. W^ 69 Long, A. R 132, 180 Massie, R. W 167 Meem, J. L 54 Meem, S. H 54 Miles, J. M 35 Moore, Maurice 35 Montgomery, W B., Jr 54 Otey, Dexter 55 Pfeiffer, H. C 121 Robertson, F. P 134 Scott, W. I 122 Shaner, H. L 58 Sharp, R. H 184 Madison. Burton, J. M 116 Marshall. Frost, W. H 119,177 Mason, L. R 308 464 GEOGRAPHICAI, INDi^X. Manassas. Davies, H. T 342 Davies, Jas. J 176, 342 Davies, Jno. J 342 Davies, W. W 342 Nelson, Paul 55 Manchester. Nunnally, A. V 121 Max Meadows. Hanson, T. J. M 33 Medlock. Taylor, J. W 123 rioffatt's Creek. Hogshead, Richard 49 Hontague. Newbill, H. Iv 121 New London. Travis, E. B 344 Newport News. Bland, S. O 341 Buxton, B. P 127 Cooke, R. R 32, 175 Hopkins, C. W 179 Jones, A. D 131 Pierce, R. T., Jr 183 Pope, N. H 134 Sanders, L. C 58 Wise, G. N 188 Newsoms. Barham, J. L T15, 173 Darden, R. N 118 Norfolk. Bain, G. McK. 115, 173 Baylor, R. G 340 Blackwell. J. F 116 Bowden, Henry 399 Cannon, M. K 174 Davis, H. C 118, 176 Dobie, R. Iv 46 Goode, J. U 32 Guy, L. S 342 Gwathmey, G. T .48, 178 Gwathmey, W. W 48 Hubard, J. Iv 50 Hubard, T. T 50 Husrhes, R. M., Jr 342 Kellinger, F. W 34 Lane, Spencer 51, 343 Lankford, C. B . . .131, 180 McBee, V. E., Jr 52 McCormick, J.J 53, 181 Mcintosh, C. F 181 Marsden, B. P 343 Mehegan, W. A. Jr 54 Reid, J. O 344 Ross, W. A 36 Sale, W. W.. 36 Shelton, T. W 37, 58 Smith, A. C 93 Smith, J. Sydney 185 Spilman, R. S. (i) 59 Starke, W. W 185 Taylor, F. S 186, 344 Taylor, J. J 135 Taylor, R. C 60 Taylor, Tazewell 186, 344 Taylor, W. H., Jr 60 Tilton, J. G 186 Turner, E. W 344 Voorheis, W. T 62 Waldrop, R. W., Jr 344 Ward, Henry 62 White, W. S 124 North. Nelson, L. T 55 Nottoway C. H. Goodwyn, J. B. 342 Old Point. Booker, G. S 173, 341 Orange C. H. Field, M. G 128 Williams, W.C 187 Palmyra. Pettit, Paul 121, 183 Petersburg. Bernard, D. M 42 Bird, E. R 341 Burwell, Samuel 116 Davis, A. K 118 Davis, C. H 118, 176 Davis, W. T 118 Grigg, E. W 119 Hamilton, A. D 33, 48, 178 Hope, H.M 119 Hurt. S. J., Jr 50 Leigh, H. G 120, 180 McGill, E. L 53 Mahone, R. B 181 Moyler, John 121 Nichols. J. A 55 Pilcher, Wm 134 Roper, LeRoy 57 Stevens, W. B 123 Zimmer, W. L , Jr 63 Portsmouth. Coleman. C. W., Jr 127, 175 Parrish, E.J 36 Parrish, H. F 183 Watts, E. M 187 Pulaski. Daggett, W. W 176 Hughes, S.D 197 Miller, A. 1 182 GEOGRAPHICAI, INDEX. 465 Pamplin City. Franklin, J. H 128 Quillenbee. Towles, C. S 382 Raccoon Ford. Nalle, J.B 121 Red Hill Depot. Page, S. M 133 Richmond. Abraham, W. Y 125 Ainslie, George 40, 172 Antrim, C. B 30 Baker, H. B 41 Blair, W. H 126, 173 Bossieux, J. M 31 Bowe, R. B 126 Bowe, Stuart 126. 173 Boyd, J. R. N 42 Buford, A. S., Jr 43, 417 Burnett, C. R 126 Burnley, H. T 127, 174 Cabell, Mayo 341 Campbell, I. E 127 Carr, C. P 127 Carter, S. L 44 Cary, Hunsdon 44, 174 Caskie, James 127 Chandler, J. A. C 341, 369 Clark, W.M 174 Clemmett, C. W 31 Coke, J. A., Jr 127,175 Cooper, George, Jr 121 Copeland, W. S 175 Cutchins, Sol 128 Derbyshire, G. A 45 Duke, F. W 128 Duke, T. T 128 Duke, W. D 128 Elliott, G. B 46 Ellyson, D. W 128 Glasgow, F. T., Jr 48 Glover, R. E 129 Graham, W. H 306 Gregory, G. E 129 Gunn, Julian 129 Harrison, E , Jr 130 Harrison. J. S 130 Hill, A. H 130 Hodgson, G. W 307 Hundley, G. T 131 Hunter, J. R 252 Jones. A. S., Jr 33 Jones, M. A 33, 179 Judkins, L. McK 120 Laird, David 34 Laird, Edwin 34 Lamb, J. C 180 Lambert, R. G 131 Leake, L. K 52 Lewis, Noel 131 McCarthy. Edw., Jr 181 McCluer, F. W 34 McGuire. R. T 35 Mercer, I. M 132 Montague, R. L 182 Moore, T.J 133 Pilcher, E. M 133 Pitt, R. H 134 Price, E. D 121 Rucker, D. H. 134 Smith. R. M 185 Spilman, R. S. (2.) 59, 185 Starke. Ashton 135 Steger, J. O 59 Stern. J. L 37 Walker, J. S 62 Warren, H. C 123 Warwick, P. C, Jr 62 Weisiger. H. E 123 Williams, R. W 62 Winston, J. M 62 Winston, R. P. 345 Witt, S. B 136 Wortham , Coleman 1 24 Riverton. Carson. S. K 117 Carson, A. C 175 Roanoke. Bennett, G. E 341 Buckner, Leigh 116, 174 Calbreath, T. P 31 Jameson, J. M 179 Jenkins, G. L 267 Kregloe C. E 120 Ravenel, A. F 57 Rural Retreat. Miller, C. O 197 Ruther Glenn. Wortham, R . D 136 Salem. Hobday, G. J 130 Moser, C. K 385 Saluda. Abraham, St. G. T 125 Savageville. Mason, E. T 343 Sheppards. Jones, M. S 342 Jones, P. F 343 Shores. Farrar, B. J., Jr 278 Smithfield. Clopton, S. C 127 Delk, G. W 342 466 GEOGRAPHICAI. INDEX. Parker, W. G 133 Sparta. Broaddus, A., Jr 126 Spring Valley. Cornett, W. M 195 Staunton. McCoy, Taylor 181, 245 Miller, A. E 54 Peyton, L. W. H 56, 183 Stokes. Selden, M. C 58 St ration. Counts, R. L 341 Suffolk. Pinner, J. B 184 Withers, R. W 38 Sussex C. H. Howie, P. W 342 Tappahannock. Anderton, J. G 340 Beale, F. B.... 126 Fleet, Alex 128 Tazewell. Smith, D. H 37, 58 Upperville. Brown, L. P 126 Lawson, R. B. , Jr 52 Wakefield. Drew, G. R 118 Warrenton. Hooe, J. D 49, 179 North, E. T 216 Wyer,W. P 136 30 Waskey Mills. Allen, R. H Waynesboro. Houston, H. M 33 Moore, J. F 133, 182 Welbourne. Roszel, G. A 122, 184 Welchs. Coleman, Claude 341 West Point. Lewis, H. I 131 White House. Woodward, C. H 124 White riarsh. Page, C. W 343 Page, T. N 343 Williamsburg. Stubbs,T.J., Jr 344 Winchester. Bond, F. M 116 Nelson, Robert 36, 146 Stone, E. E 185 Woodstock. Newman, W. L 121 Woodville. Miller, R. W 54 Smith, W.O'B 122 Wytheville. Moore, S. T 54 Poage, W. S 56, 184 Peirce, R. L 371 Za. Frazer, Goodwin 129 Frazer, M. C 417 WASHINGTON. Aberdeen. Weatherwax, C. M 393 Everett. King,C. V.H 392 North Yakimo. Erwin, W. A loi Olympia. Kaufman, A. G 392 Seattle. Ingersoll, F. B 2 ^o Kling, L. A. H 384 Newton, F, C 371 Steele, W. K 350 Terry, J. Y 60 Tacoma. Shaw, C. M 356 Vancouver. Applewhite, J. A 373 WEST VIRGINIA. Bethany. Ceredo. Bondurant, B. C 394 Payne, J. K Bramwell. Charleston. Follansbee, J. S 278 Atkinson, G. W., Jr Buckeye. Carmichael, J. R. T Nelson, Paul 55 Dickinson, C. C 56 394 31 46 GEOGRAPHICAI, INDEX. 467 Merrill, R. H 301 Smith, C. T 37, 185 Smith, I.N 37 Snyder, E. B 302 Charles Town. McDonald, P. N 396 Neill, Wm 55 Perry, T. T 56 Porterfield, J. T 344 Trapnell, R. W 396 Clarksburg. Brown, R. C 395 Law, J. E 396 Stout, W. F 396 Dunlow. Tinsley, Thos 61 Elkins. Davis, J. T 379 Fairview. Horn, J. W 395 Grafton. Carmichael, H. S. T.. 31 Dent, H. W 395 Poe, Clarence 396 Huntersville. Bogle, G. W 195 Lewisburg. Barclay, H. W 30 Bell, W. M 30 Lost River. Wood, J. W 38 riammoth. Willis, J. A 396 Mannington. Taylor, L. R 396 riartinsburg. Ferguson, S. G 118 riontgomery. Warman, Altha 396 Moorefield. Hawse, A. L ... . . 395 florgantown. Armstrong, R. A 394 Brooke. C. F. T 394 Dille, T. R 395 Hodges, T. E 395 Moreland, J. R 396 New Cumberland. Gardiner, K. C 395 Richards, E. U 396 Parkersburg. Gerwig, E. C, Jr 395 Hall, H. H 395 McChesney, H. M 34 Smith, W. Percy 217 Phillippi. Frum, F. N 395 Piedmont. Chadwick, F. F 117 Rock Lick. McGlumphy, W. A 396 St. nary. Allen, W. S 378, 394 Terra Alta. Scott. S. M 37 Vivian. Harman, J. P 49 Wellsburg. Duval, H. L 395 Sage, A. B 396 Wheeling. Hallock, A. G 395 Hamilton, W. S 33. 178 WISCONSIN. Madison. Monticello. Clements, J. M 313 Brayton, C. 1 353 West Superior. Shackelford, h. P 147 CUBA. Havana. Ames, W. G 273 McDowell, S. H 146 Marshall, H. L 282 Norfleet, H. L 133 Matanzas. Nichols, C. A 213 Santiago. Lackey, O. F 370 Moseley, H. R 155 Navajas. Esnard, Miguel, Jr 323 468 GEOGRAPHICAI. INDEX. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Honolulu. McChesney, L. E 392 Griffin, J. A 384,392 Soper,W.H 393 PORTO RICO. Arecibo. San Juan. Fain, J. R 229 Barron, C. 340 Ponce. LeHardy, L. P 203 Webb, W. D 187,345 Morris, K. C 231 BRAZIL. Pelotas. Santa flaria. Meem, J. G., Jr 54 Morris, J. W 78,120,182 BRITISH HONDURAS. Punta Gorda. Pearce, J. M 260 CHINA. Chin Kiang. Lawton, W. W 153 Shanghai. Herring, D.W 252 Hudson, W. H 152 ENGLAND. Clipping Sodbury. London. Romero, Cayetano 184 Cabell, Clarence 174 TRANCE. New Paris. Bernard, J. L. P 66 GERMANY. Bremen. Munster. Sanders, I. H 57 Blume, Julius 275, 369 JAPAN. Khobe. Towson, W. E 286 GEOGRAPHICAIv INDEX. 469 MEXICO. Colima. Jalapa. Oldenbourg, C. Iv 385 Sloss, A. C 58 Culiacan. Monterey. Sulliger, R. A 385 Joyner, N. E 280, 360 Rio Verde. Dale, J. G 192 QUEBEC. riontreal. Gait, H. P 306 Mc Williams, T. S 301 SOUTH APRICA. Salisbury, Mashonaland. Buluwayo, Matabeleland. Tilghman, H. A 61 VanNess, W. W., Jr 310 UNKNOWN ADDRESSES. Adams, John M 64 Kirk, W. B 216 Allen, B. B 321 Martin, J. L 77 Anderson, G. V 84 Mixon, F. B 107 Bailey,J.H 173 Morris, C. B 78,121 Browne, J. C 161 Morris, R. T 292 Carter, J. W 67 Nichols, J. R 253, 260 Corbett, S.W 100 Pierce, J. F 109 Darcantel, Guy 290 Reynolds, C. B 284 Davis, A. W 69, 137 Saunders, S. T 210 Davis. M. C ^i , 69 Shelton, W. T 122 Dowdell, W. A . .^M . . v^*>:' .•' .-^^ 70 Smith, Ossian 59 Easterling, T. R loi Spier, J. K ....... .^.,^. .. . iii Eldridge, G. M 70 Spiller, J. W. .A»r84^. wJajt?* A294 Farber, CM r . . . 71 Stovall, C. L 217 "FortyT.W .P/^'i'^fCj^JAiM^ 265 Turner, Iv. S 366 Gibson, A.J 220, 278 Turner, M. A 135 Gilmore, Thos 32 Wheat, E. E 271 Goggin, J. M 220 White, B. A 82 Hightower, T. D 74 Whitlow, D. W 233 Hope, E. E 193 Williams, J. Mason ... . 223 Johnson, Richard, 280 Wilson, P. D 83 U. S. NAVY. Hobson, R. P.. S-^^^t^- Lieut Naval Constructor 266 Langhorne, CD Ensign Ass't Surgeon 51, 180 Ivincoln, G. S Ensign Ass't Engineer 331 Parker, T. D Ensign Ass't Engineer 238 Spilman, J. A.. Cadet U. S. Ship 59 Winston, H. T Cadet U. S. Ship ^ 261 Klyce, H. S Cadet U. S. Naval Academy 384 Lawrason. G. C Cadet U. S. Naval Academy 326 Morton, H. T Cadet . . . .U. S. Naval Academy 349 Sadler, F. H Cadet U.S. Naval Academy 270 470 GEOGRAPHICAI. INDEX. U. S. ARMY. RANK. Garlington, E. A ...... . Lieut. Col . Cabell, J. M. Capt . . . .. . Beckurts, C. L. . . . . . Capt ... .'.J Buck, W. Iv Capt .7.': . . Cabell H. C Capt Simons, W. H Capt Willcox, C. DeW Capt Cralle, G. M. .ist Lieut. , Faulkner, C. P . ist Lieut. . Huguet, A. H., Jr ist Lieut. Kirkpatrick, G. W ist Lieut; , Rockenbach, S. D ist Lieut, , Sorley,"L. S. ist Lieut. . Taylor,' J. B., Jf . . . ... .ist Lieut. . Wise, H. D ist Lieut. . Coleman, LeVert. 2nd. Lieut. Cooke, F. N. 2nd Lieut. , Geary, J. T. 2nd Lieut. Goodfellow, J. C. 2nd Lieut. Greer, A. J 2nd Lieut. Howell) Willey 2nd Lieut. Kelton, -R. H. C. . . . . . .2nd Lieut., Shipp, A. M.*..^-. ^ .. 2nd Lieut. . Summerlin, G. T. . .... .2nd Lieut. . Peek, W. H Corporal. . , Cabell, C B .Major Wise, H. D .....Major Carson, A. C ..... . Captain Gilmer, B. L . ., .Captain.. . . Summerlin, G. T , Captain Cordill, R. P . . . .. .... . .ist Lieut. . Going, R. B . . . . ist Lieut. . Jeffers, S. L.. . . . ... .... .ist Lieut. . Lee, G. M ist Lieut. . Preston, H. C , ist Lieut. . Bates, T. F. . .. .. . . .2nd Lieut. Holley, G.'M. , .2nd Lieut. Lansing, C. C 2nd Lieut. Stevens, A. H 2nd Lieut. Wade, B. R 2nd Lieut. Steger, J. O 2nd Lieut. ^ Barton, Alvin.. . . .Sargeant... + Crockett, A. T. ........ Jl'^'^sg^ ? . . . Garlington, H. M. . . . . . . — — ? . . . Devali, J. W. .'. .1^. Cadet . . . . . Fridge, A. W Cadet . . .'. . Hobson, Jas. M., Jr. ... . Cadet Stubbs, J. B., Jr Cadet . . .' . , Wilmpt, J. C Cadet . . . . . ASSIGNMENT. PAGE. . Ass't Insp'r. Geii'. 71 . Ass't Surgeon 127 .i6tli U. S. Infantry. . ... 41 ,i3th U. S. Infantry 43 . 3rd U. S. Infantry 127 . 6tli U. S. Infantry 142 4tli U. S. Artillery 82 . 2otli U. S. Infantry . . . ...... 342 . Sth U. S. Infantry 46 22nd U. S. Infantry 324 . Sth U. S. Cavalry 237 . loth U. S. Cavalry 57 , i6th U. S. Infantry 223 , 24th U. S. Infantry 60 . gth U. S. Infantry 62 . 5th U. S. Artillery 200 . 5th U. S. Artillery 257 . sth U. S. Artillery . 145 . 4th U. S. Artillery 380 . 4tli U. S. Infantry 229 .4tli U. S. Infantry 389 . ist U. S. Artillery 380 .20tli U. S. Infantry 37, 58 .8th U. S. Cavalry 326 .4th U. S. Artillery 56 ,32nd U. S. Vol. Infantry.. .43, 174 .47th U. S. Vol. Infantry 62 28th U. S. Vol. Infantry . . . . 174 .31st U. S. Vol. Infantry . .244, 258 U. S. Vol. Infantry 326 .33rd U. S. Vol. Infantry. .290, 322 .44th U. S. Vol. Infantry 201 .33rd U. S. Vol. Infantry 389 .39th U. S. Vol. Infantry 52 .31st U. S. Vol. infantry. .... 56 U. S. Vol. Infantry . . . . 383 .29th U. S. Vol. Infantry . . . . 202 .32nd U. S. Vol. Infantry 51 .31st U. S. Vol. Infantry . . .60, 185 .32nd U. S. Vol. Infantry 367 .Porto Rican Regiment 59 ,23rd U. S. Vol. Infantry 227 ,..'.... 322 152 U. S. Mil. Academy 323 U. S. IV lil. Academy. .... 374 . U. S. Mil, Academy 266 .U. S. Mil. Academy 60 . IJ. S. Mil. Academy 390 VUri 1- PU.. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. A Abbott, D. Q 96 Abbott, Hunley 96 Abbott, R. T 198 Abbott, S. K 64 Abercrombie, J. W 262, 312 Abercrombie, L,. ly 191 Abernathy, B. C 198 Abernatby, H. B. 198 Abernathy, J. C 198 Abney, J. R 84 Abraham, St. G. T 125 Abraham, W. Y 125 Ackerman, M. H 149 Acree, Russell 125 Acree, R. F 40 Acton, J. G. 262 Acton, J. M 312 *Adair, Robin. 64 *Adams, C. A 159 *Adams, F. ly 262 Adams, F.O.,Jr 358 Adams, James M 358 Adams, John M... 64 Adams, W. Allen 321 Adams, W. Arnold. 159 *Addison, W. P 149 Adickes, T. J 209 Adoue, J. B 304 Agee, G. W., Jr 321 Agee. I. A 262 Agnew, W. H. D 191 Aiken, A. M., Jr 234 Aiken, H. K 234 Aiken, J. S 234 Ainslie, Geo 40, 172 Ainsworth, W. N 96 Akers, J. T 30 Akers, W. W 346 Aikin, J. W 96 Aikin, P. F 65 Aikin, W. E 97 Albers, B. S 227 Albes, C. B 273 Albright, O. S 335 Alcorn, K. S 296 Alderidge, G. N 209 Alderman, B. St. C 250 Alderman, J. O 125, 250 *Alderson, T. C 126 Aldrich, Burford 321 Aldrich, M. C, Jr 321, 358 Aldrich, R.H 288 Alexander, Carter 362 Alexander, G. H 40 Alexander, J. F. 65 Alexander, Robt. 359 Alexander, R. W. . . , ; ... 191, 241 Alexander, S. M, ; ; 328 Alford, J. B 373 Alford, O. P., Jr 30, 143 Alford, S. B. 30, 143 Allee, B. M.. 328 Allen, A. H . . . 97 Allen, B. B. . . . 321 Allen, B. P..... 97 Mien, C. W 340 *Allen, H. H... 40 Allen, ly. B 143 Allen, L. M 172 Allen, McF. C 97 Allen, Percy 304 Allen, R. H......... 30 Allen, W. S.. ..;.... 378, 394 Allgood, R. V. 262 Allison, G. W. 139 Alsop, J. T., Jr 159, 172 Alsop, Thos. .40, 173 Ames, W. G. 273 Amis, F.J 65 Ammen, S. Z 30 Anderson, A. S. 340 Anderson, A. W 235 Anderson, C. Iv 159 Anderson, Dwight 378 Anderson, B. B 312, 368 Anderson, B. W 97 Anderson, G. V. ; .■ 84 Anderson, J. L 160 Anderson, Iv. J 160 Anderton, J. G 340 Andrews, A. L 262 Andrews, B. C 321 Andrews, Frank 209 Andrews, G. S. 40 Angier, E. A ..... 65 Antrim. C. B . . ... 30 Applewhite, J. A 373 Archer, W. H 335 Archinard, J. J 288 472 AI^PHABETICAIv INDEX. *Ariail, J. F 273 Armistead, W. T 65 Armstrong, R. A 394 Armstrong, R. C, Jr 209 Arnold, C.P 346 Arnold, D. H. H 30, 241 Arnold, J. W 97 Arnold, R. McG 84 f Arrington, Guy 335 *Arrington, G. W 256 Arrington, R. G 304 Arthur, J. A., Jr 256 Asbury, A. K., Jr 362 Asbury, J. C 160 Ash, F. R 40 Ashcraft, J. B 335, 400 Asher, A. J., Jr 143 Asher, G. M. , Jr 144 *Ashford, J. M 160 Ashley, C. B 139 Askew, A. H 263 Atkins, R. H 97 *Atkinson, F. M 115 Atkinson, G. W. , Jr 394 Atkinson, J. B 65 Atkinson, J. O 250 Atkinson, T. B 97 Atkinson, W. M 40 *Attaway, A. McS 84 Atwell, W. H 209 Austin, C. C 250 Austin, F. M 373 Austin, Henry, Jr 218 Austin, H. M 359 Avary, R. B. L 65, 97 Avery, C. H 328 Avery, F. M 328 *Avery, M. R 241 Avery, W. W 241 Axson, Stockton 65, 241 Aycock, J. A 65 Aydelott, J. D 227 Ayers, J. B. R 40 B Backus, S. H 288 Bacon, H. D 41 Bacon, J. B 235 Bacon, W. J., Jr 274, 387 Bagby, Louis 328 Baggs, J. F 115 Bagley,S.C 30 Bailey, B.J 340 Bailey, F. M 373 Bailey, J. H 173 Bain, G. F 263 Bain, G. McK 115, 173 Baird, H. L 263 Baird, R. W 209 Baker, C. H 196 Baker, C. R 274 Baker, H. B 41 Baker, J. A 65 Baker, Kenneth 85, 235 Baker, W. L 328 Baldridge, P\ B 274, 312 ^Baldwin, Gill 41 *Ball, L. V 41 Ballard, G. C 263 Ballentine, A. M 274 Ballinger, B. W 65 Bamberg, L. F 85 Bankhead, C. C 218 Banks, W. T 97 Barbee, J. F 346 Barbee, T. M 296, 346 Barclay, D. M 30 Barclay, H. W 30 Barcus, B. R., Jr 210, 274 Barcus, T. S 210 Barfield, D. H 160 Barham, J. L 115, 173 Barksdale, R. T 65 Barnes, C. K 335 Barnes, D. C 256 Barnes, B. T 251 *Barnes, H.J 126 Barnes, J. F' 85 Barnett, A. E 274 f Barnett, A. F 97 Barnett, F. W 274 Barnett, Harlow 304 Barnett, J. B 312 Barnett, Paul 274 Barnhill, O. P 296 Barnum, R. E. L 97 Barnwell, C. H 235 Barnwell, R. W., Jr 304 Barr, J. R 274 Barringer, O. L 242 Barron, C. 340 Barrow, J. S 41 Barrow, J. W 160 Barrow, T. A 65 Barry, R. B 97 Bartenstein, E. H 126 Barthell, B. B 274 Bartlett, M. W 173 Bartley, P. B 347 Barton, Alvin 227 Barton, Joshua 335 Barton, McK., Jr 227 Barton, M. C 149 *Barton, T. S 288 Barton, W. C 149 AI^PHABETICAI, INDEX. 473 Basinger, T. G 65 Basinger, W. G 65 Bass, C. T 210, 274 Bass, J. A 97 *Bass, J. C 97 Bass, J. P 97 Bates, T. F 383 Battle, L. H 251 Batts, E. L 218 Batts, R, L 218 Baxter, B. D 228 Baxter, J. H.H 98 Baxter, J. S 98 Baylor, R. G 340 Bayly, R. P 321 Baynard, Iv. B., Jr. 274, 289 Bayne, H. A 289 Beach, C. H 274 Beach, Thornwell 313 Beale, F. B 126 Beall, C. M.... 378 Beall, J. McC 242, 257 *Beane, A. C, Jr 65 Beard, C. A 263 *Beard, E. C 66 Beard, I. B 289 Beard, J. A 352 Bearden, E. M 85 Beatty, T. L 313 Beaty, W. T 235 Beauchamp, J. A 329 Beavers, A. W 387 Beavers, J. R 263 Beavers, W. W 387 Beckner, L. P 144, 296 Beckner, S. S 296 Beckurts, C. Iv. 41 ^Beckwith, E. G 251 Bedingfield, C. A 313 Beedle, G. A 347 Beeson, J. W 313 Bell, A. A 41 Bell. C. A 228 Bell. D. W 378 Bell, G. Iv 98 Bell, H. T 30 Bell, J. R 191 Bell, J. W 296 Bell, R. W 228 *Bell. W. C 191, 368 Bell, W. H 98 Bell. W. M 30 ^Bellamy, C. C 242 Bellamy, R. R 242 Bellinger, G. D 150 *Belliiiger, G. R 304 ^Benedict, H. P 417 Benedict, Ravaud 66 Benedict, Robert 304 Benedict, S. C 66 Benners, Augustus 263 Benners, H. G 263 Bennett, Samuel S 160 Bennett, Stanley S 160 Bennett, G. E 341 Bennett, J. S 198 Bennett, M. C 160 Benning, H. L 329 Bentley, A. D 313 Bentley, A. F 368 Bentley, F.J 368 Berghaus, Paul 417 Bernard, D. M 42 Bernard, J. L. P 66 Bernhardt, J. M 242 Berry, E.B 378 Berry. E. S 42 Berwick, W. S 321 Best, A. S 297 Best, H. F 297 Best, I. D. 297 Best, Spencer 297 Best, T. R 2Q7 Bethea, D. W., Jr 242 Bethea, J. C 85 fBevan, T. H 30 Bew, R. W 400 Bibb, W. G 66, 173 Bickford, J. V. A 42 Bidgood, C. W 42 Bidgood, W. H 341 Biggers, B. H 98 Biggs, E. E 362 Biggs, H. S 210 Biggs, J. P 362 Biggs, J. W 329 Bigham, R.J 98 Birch, G. S 160 Birch, J. N 160 Bird, E. R 341 Bird, H. L 274 Bissell, J. D 235 Bivins. F. J 198 *Bivins, J. E 160 Bivins J. W 199 Bivins, R. L. G 199 Black, E. B 329 Black, F. M 210 Black, J. C. C, Jr 31, 66 Black, J. W... 199 Black, S. W 66 Black, W. F 289 Black, W. L 42, 274 Blackerby, J. F 352 474 AI^PHABETICAI, INDEX. Blackford, R. C 173 Blackford, T. A 42 Blackford, W. A 42 Blackman, J. C . 289 Blackman, W. W 322 Blackshear, A. B. 66 Blackshear, D. A 322 Blackwell, I. H 116 Blackwell, J. F. . . 116 Blackwell, K. S 116 Blackwell, R. E 116 Blair, D. W. ......... .. .... 98 Blair, W. H. ............ . 126, 173 Blakely, R. F. 192 *Blalock, C.Z 160 Blalock, R. J . . . . 224 *Blalock, W. B 224 Blalock, W. J 160 Bland, S. K., Jr.. 275 Bland, S. O 341 Blanton, Albert 251 Blanton, G. W 251 Blanton, R. L 263 Blayney, J. McC, Jr. . ..... 297 Blayney, T. Iv 297 Bledsoe, W. G 383 Blitch, W. H., Jr 160 Bloomfield, J. C 66 Blount, G. D 98 Blount, J. G 160 Blount, Roy 98 Blume, Julius 275, 369 Blunt, J. A 263 Boatwright, W. W. 150 Boaz. H. A. 210 Boegle, Fred'k, Jr 383 Bogle, G. W 196 Bolton, Jl W .... 401 Bolyn, R. T 341 Bond, F. M 116 Bond, Reford 362, 379 Bondurant, B. C . 394 Boudurant, B. D 313 Bondurant, B. J 66 Bonnell, J. F 98 Bonnell, J. W . . . . 160 Bonnell, W. B......... 66 Bonner, Sherwood 313 Bonta, H. R 297 Bonta. W. G. 275 Booker, G. S 173 Booker, R. M., Jr. 341 Bookhart, H. H 199 Borde, G. U 289 *Borde, R. G. U 289 Borden, J. L 257 Boreing, J. M 297 Borron, P. G 359 Bosley, C. F 275 Bossieux, J. M 31 Boswell, C.J 352 Botts, B. T 347 Botts. L. E . . 347 Bourne, H. K 173, 297 Bowden, Henry.. 399 Bowe, R. B 126 Bowe, Stuart 126, 173 Bowen, F. F. : 126, 173 Bowen, W. L 160 Bower, B. B., Jr. 66 Bower, G. G 66 Bowers, P. B 98 Bowers, W. S 362 Bowie, J. R 31 Bowman, L. B 329 Bowser, D. W 219 Boyd, B. H 199 Boyd,D. W.. 228 Boyd. H. A. 116 Boyd^ J. D . . . . . 66, 98 Boyd, J. G 98 Boyd, J. R. N 42 Boyd, Iv. S 199 Boyd, T. D., Jr 322 Boyd, W. M 98 Boyd, W. S. [Jr.] 242 Boyer, G. R 297 Boyer, J. T ' 297 Boyle, John, Jr 378 Bradfield, J. W 219 Bradford, G. L 116 Bradham, A. C 150 Bradley, C. W., Jr 144, 352 Bradley, B. B 353 Bradley, L.J 289 Bradley, S.D 379 Bradley, T. A. 379 Bradley, W. D 275, 289 Bradley, W. H. 373 Brame, S. M 359 Bramlette, B. B 219, 275 *Bramlette, L. B. 219 Branch, B. B 199 Branch, B. H 369 Branch, C.H.H 369 Branch, R. S 347 Brand, Bdward 144 Brandon, F. W 263 Branham. H. M 275 Bratton, C. S 242 Bratton, Paul 235 Brawley, W. P 42,^235 Bray, CD 347 Brayton, C. 1 353 AI^PHABETICAI, INDEX. 475 Breard, Byron 336 Breazeale, R. E 379 Breeden, B. B 85 Breeden, C. B 85 Breeden, J. L 85 Breeden, W. C 85 Breedlove, B. W 199 Brenizer, Chase. ........ .242, 257 Brenneman, T. H 173 Brent, H. I. 228 Bretz, Julian 329 Brew«r, Jos 42 Brice, J. M. 192, 235 *Brice, R. H 192 *Brickell, F. H 42 Bridgman, R. B. 363 *Briel, Bernard, Jr. 116 Briggs, A. J 203, 313 Briggs, H. C 242 Briggs, T. H.,Jr 251 Bringier, B. F 322 Brinkley, R. C 417 Brinson, E. L 66 Briscoe, A. C. 137 Bristow, A. S. H 126, 173 Britt, A. T . . ..•.-. 275, 347 Britt, E. C 347 Brittain, C. M.. 98,161 Brittain, E. G 161 Brittain, M. L 99 Brittain, W. H 98 Britton, D. R 251 Brixey, A. M 387 Broaddus, Andrew, Jr 126 Broaddus, J. A 126 Brodie, J. H 417 Brodie, P. T. 150 Brogan, J. E 322 Bronston, C. J., Jr. 353 Bronston, T. H 144 Brooke, C. F. T 394 Brooks, C. L 210 Brooks, C. S 353 Brooks, J. L. 210, 275 Brooks, Richard E 210 Brooks, Roland E 99 Brooks, T. J. [Jr.] 199 Bross, W. L. McK 313 Brothers, M. R. 379 Broughton, W. A 67 Browder, David. . . , 199, 313 *Brown, A. D 43 Brown, A. G 173, 341 Brown, B. E 199 Brown, G. N 228 Brown, C. R., Jr.... 374 Brown, C. W 329 Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown EliH 353 Ernest H 242 E.L E.O G.C H. C. . . . H. P., Jr. H. S... . , 263 228 401 67 297 387 Joseph 289 , 210 ,..;.... 297 ........ 228 , 126 M. W 228 P. A....'. P.U;.... Q.J R. C... J-L J. W. L. H. Iv. P. 161 263 305 395 R. D.,Jr 242 f Brown, R. F 329 R. H. M 242 161 397 242 R. h S. W T. B. W. D 353 *Brown, W. W 150 Browne, J. C 161 Browne, Rhodes 67 Bruce, C. H 99 Bruce, Howard 43 Bruce, M. G 31 Bruce, R. A 363 Bruce, W. C. 31 Bruce, W. W 297 Bryan, C. L 228 Bryan, F. L 263 Bryan, H. T. 43 Bryant, A. H 43 Bryant, Wm 43 Buchanan, E. S 67 Buchanan, H. M " 67 *Buchanan, J. T 67 Buchanan. S. R 219 Buck, H. L., Jr 150 Buck. W. Iv 43 Buckley, Ray 275 Buckley, W. D 329 Buckley, W. H 329 Buckner, Aylette 353 Buckner, Leigh 116, 174 *Budd, S. W 126, 174 Buffington, T. P 219 Buford, A. S., Jr 43. 4i7 Buie, W. M.... 374 Bull, E. H 297 Bullard, C. L. 329 Bullard, H. C 263 476 ALPHABETICAI, INDEX. *Bullard, R. C 264 Bullock, F. D 67 Bundick, G. C 126 Burch, C. N 275 Burch, R. Iv 275 Burch, L. E 275 Burden, W. S. P 322 Burdette, L. D 199 Burgess, Edwin 126 Burke, P. R 289 Burlingham, Wm 395 Burnett, B. F 391 Burnett, C. R 126 Burnett, J. C 3r. I44 *Burney, W. W 313 Burnley, H. T 127, 174 Burr, A. J - . . 199 Burr, H. C.,Jr 199 Burr, J. 1/ 199 Burriss, R. E r 150 Burrus, H. P 174 Burton, J. M 116 Burton, R. A 144 Burum, H.P 67 Burwell, H. W 99 Burwell, R. T 257 Burwell, Samuel 116 Busby, L. E 189 Bush, Homer 99 Bush, H. S 144 Bush, J. R 353 Bush, M. W 275 Bush, T. G.,Jr 199 Butler, Edward 43 Butler, E. E 228 Butler, J. P 228 Butler, J. W. S 383 Butler, P. M 276 Butler, R. M 67 Butler, R. O 43 *Butler. T. K., Jr 161 Butts, D. G. C 116 Butts, T. U 161 Buxton, E. P 127 Buyck.W. F 150 Bynum, S. A 322 Bynum. W. H 322 Bynum, W. W 322 C Cabell, Clarence 174 Cabell, C. E 43. 174 Cabell, H. C. 127 Cabell, J. B 341 Cabell, J. M 127, 174 Cabell, J. V 276 Cabell, Mayo 341 Cade, R. J 289 CafEery, C. S 31 Caffery, D. Jr. 336 Caffery, F. R 336 Caffery, R. E 336 CaJEfery, S. Iv.V 31 Caffey, G. H 305 Caffey, W. G 313 Calbreath, T. P 31 Caldwell, H. R 297 Caldwell, J. B 150 Caldwell, J. E 298 Caldwell, R. T 298 Caldwell, W. H 144 Calhoun, J. T 374 Callaway, CD 353 Callaway, F. S 329 Callaway, T. M 161 Calloway, Eugene 264 Calloway, E. H 67 Calloway, F. E 67 Calloway, J. P 67 Calvert, A. B 85 Cameron, A. S 374 Cameron, Donald 219 Cameron, T. F. P 369 Camp, Felix 161 Campbell, Horace 116, 369 Campbell, I. E 127 Campbell, J. H 44 Campbell, J. L 387 Campbell, N. W 395 Campbell, R. E 189 Campbell, R. L 99 Campbell, W. J 99 Canada, J. W 374 Candler, C. H 99 Candler, CM 67 Candler, J. C 99 Candler. J. S 99 *Candler, M. A., Jr 67 *Candler, M. L 99 Candler, S. C 67 Candler, W. A 99 Canfield, F. W 384 Cannady, S. H., [Jr.]. 174, 251, 257 Cannon, H. M 379 Cannon, L. C 85 Cannon, M. K 174 Canter, Hall 116 f Canterbury, I. 1 192 Carlisle, C H 85 Carmack, G. W 329 Carmichael, H. S. T 31 Carmichael, J. R. T 31 Carmichael, W. D., Jr 257 Carpenter, J. C 210 Carr, C P 127 AI^PHABETICAI, INDEX. 477 Carr, P. H 298 *Carroll, Thos 117 Carroll, W. W 210 Carruth, W. C 322 Carson, A. C 174 Carson, J.J 161 Carson, S. K 117 Carter, C. S., Jr 174 *Carter, E. D... 85 Carter, G. W 127 Carter, J. M 359 Carter, J. T 44 Carter, J. V 359 Carter, J. W 67 Carter, R. E 257 Carter, S. H 219 Carter, S. L 44 Carter, S. M 347 Carter, S. R 117, 174 Carthrae, Lewis, Jr 347 Carthrae, W. L - 347 Cartwright, F. D 276, 298 Cary, F. G 175, 298, 353 Cary, Hunsdon 44, 174 Cary, T. D 67 Case, G. D 68 Caskie. James 127 Caspari, R. L 289, 322 *Castles, W. S 192 Catching, W. R 374 Cater, G. W.,Jr 276 Cathcart. J. H 44 Cato, J. H 117 Catron, E. M 363 Catron, T. K 363 Cauthen, A. J., Jr 85 Cauthen, H. J . 85, 276 *Cawood, CM 228 Chad wick, F. F 117 Chafee, W. G 235 Chamberlain, C. T 289 Chamberlain, J. F 336 Chamberlain, W. B 322 Chambers, E. P 85 *Chamblin, A. R 117 Chancellor, P. S . 174 Chandler, E. E 329 Chandler, J. A. C 341, 3^9 Chandler, J. E 264 *Chandler, J. T. , Jr 150 Chandler, M. S 200 Chany, H. D 276 Chapin, J. W 216 Chapman, G. C 200, 264 Chapman, J. W 200 Chapman, R. A 276 Chappell, L. H 68 Chappell, T. J 68 Charlton, Frank 329 Charlton, H. A. . .' 68 Cheatham, A. W 242 Cheek, M. A 384 Cherry, W. C 276 Cheshire, W. B 99 Chessher, D. S., Jr 210 Cheyney, C. B 379 Chichester, F. M 341 Chichester, J. C 341 Chick, J. S 276 Childers, J. P 228 Chinn, A. B 341 Chinn, P. T 298 Chisholm, J. A 44 Chisholm, W. S., Jr 44, 68 Choate, J. D 161 Christenberry, D. P 264 Christian, C. J 313 Christian, G. M 329, 363 Christian, J. J 264 ^Christian, J. 68 Christian, L. A 200, 313 Christian, L. E 313 Christian, W. L 200 Chupp, J. L 99 Church, Alonzo 305 Clark, B. B 44 Clark, J.J 210 Clark, L.O 359 Clark, M. A 161 Clark, R. L 347 Clark, W.H 85 Clark, W. L 298 Clark, W. M 174 *Clarke, D. T 68 Clarkson, G. F 86 Claughton, Rodolphe 31 Clay, Buckner 175, 353 *C-lay, Green, Jr 305 Clay, M. M 144 Clay, O. G., Jr 117, 175 Claypoole, J. S 242 Clayton, J. B 276 Clayton, Smith 68, 137 Cleghorn, J. S., Jr 100 Clemans, W. G 395 Clements, J. M 313 Clements, W. T 363 Clemmitt, C. W 31 fCleveland, J. F 150 Cleveland, Lloyd 161 Cleveland, R. B 305 Cleveland, R. M 86 Clifton, P. L 374 Clifton, Y. H 374 478 AI.PHABETICAL INDEX. f Clinkscales, J- H 31 Clinton, G. H 322 Clopton, S. C. 127 Clower, J. R 200 Glower, T. H 200 Clunet, F. J 369 Clyde, W.M 150 Coates, Jesse 68 Cobb, A. J 68 Cobb, E. B 257 Cobbs, J. H 264 Cochran, W. W 276 Cochrane, A. S 224 f Cochrane, J. B. , 192 Cochrane, J. M 224 Cochrane, T. W. 224 Cochrane, V. H 388 *Cocke, C. H 127 Cocke, J. D. W 264 Cocke, M. E 127, 175 Cocke, N. P 175 Cocke, P. C .86, 257 Cocke, W. H . : ' 44 Cocke, W. J...... 86 *Cockrill, W. C... 219 Coffman, J. W . 100 Cofield, Geo., Jr.. 86 Cofield, Jas 86 Cofield, Robt 86 Coile, W. M 68 Coke, J. A.,Jr ...127, 175 Cole, J. N 117 Coleman, Claude 341 Coleman, C. W., Jr. 127, 175 Coleman, J. B 289 Coleman, J. R. 264 Coleman, LeVert 200 Coleman, Phares ........ .264, 314 Coleman, R. E 363 Coleman, R. M 175, 353 Coles, E. P 31 Colhoun, Adams 228 ''Colley, A. R....... 68 Collett, c. c: 347 *Collins. T. Edgar 100 Collins, T. Erwin 200 Collins, W. W 32, 68 Colville, W. E 228 Combs, H. B 210 Combs, J. H 144 Comer, H. M 68 Compton,J. W 117 Compton, W. F 264 *Cone, R. W 68 *Conger, R. E. ly 289 Conley, A. B 353 *Conley , W. K 330, 363 Conn, T. M 100 Connelly/ J. S 388 Conner, H. A. 379 *Connerly, J. R 264 Conner, W. M., Jr 86, 176 Conrad, Holmes, Jr .44, 257 *Conrad, H. B 251 Conrad, P. J. G 290 Constant, F. T 305 Constantine,C. W. 369 Conyers, B. J... 68 Conyers, S. T 69 Cook, H. H 69,200 Cook, W. F.. 374 Cooke, C. M., Jr 127 Cooke, E. P 44, 369 Cooke, F. K. . 251, 257 Cooke, F. N 257 Cooke, P. H 257 Cooke, R. B 228 Cooke, R. P 32, 175 *Cooledge, A. F 161 Cooley, R. A. P 251 Cooper, A. F 305 Cooper, C.J 242 *Cooper, E. W 235 Cooper, Geo., Jr 127 Cooper, H. F 69, 200 Cooper, H.O'B 117,175 Cooper, H. P ,69, 175 Cooper, J. C 397 Cooper, J. R 117 Cooper, T. L 69 Cope, J. C 69 Copeland, E. R ....... . 264 Copeland, W. S 175 *Corban, R. L. < . . . .229, 336 Corbett, S. W , 100 Cordell, R. V.M. 45 Cordell. S. L. . 290 *Cordill, John. 322 Cordill, R. P. . . . .'. 290, 322 Cornett, W. M . . . 196 Cornish, A. E 305 Corse, M. B. . .45, 175 Corse, W.B.B.. 45 *Cosner, W. F. . . 32 Costner, R. E 257 Cothran. J. S., Jr 235 Counts, R. L. 341 Courtney, J. E 127 Cover, A. B . 117 Cover, H. L 117 Covington, H. K 86 Cowan, S. K 276 f Cowles, W. T. . . ; 264 Cowper, G. V. . 257 AI,PHABETICAL INDEX. 479 Cox, A. E 150 Cox, C. C 161, 175 Cox, E. A 276 Cox. J. B 127 Cox, M. A 192 *Cox, P.B 257 Cox, R. P 100, 264 Cox, T. N 128 Cox, W. M 336 Craddock, E. P 264 Craddock, W. P . . . 322 Craig, Hardin 298 Craig, J. C 264 Craig, W. B 384 Craighead, E. B 276 Craighead, J. D 86 Craighill, F. H 305 Craighill, G. B 305 Craighill, G. P., Jr 45 Craik, H. N 298 Cralle, G. A 117 Cralle, G. M 342 Crane, B. S 86 Crane. W. H 69 Crawford, A. T 347 Crawford, C. K 298 Crawford, D. W 314 Crawford, H. B 200 ^Crawford, Iv. R 100 Crawford, R. E 219, 298 Crawford, W. J 219 Crawford, W. P 336 Crawley, J. T 276 Crebs. S. L 32, 336 Creech, J. A 117 Crenshaw, D. D 118 Crenshaw, E. M 118 Crenshaw, Hansell 161 ^Crenshaw, T. P 45 Crew, B. L 100 Criswell, F. F 210 Crittenden, C. E 216 Crockett. A. T 322 Crockett, C. W 162 ■fCrockett, J S 32 Cromartie, R. S 243, 258 Cross, Hardy 399 Cross, S. C 379 Cross. T. P 399 Crossley, Wallace 330 Crouch, W. A 330 Crow, E. C 314 *Crow, T. L 210 Crow, Walter A 314 Crowder, A. C 200 *Crowder, H. G 200 Crowe, Wm. A 314 Crudup, T. H 251 Crump, M. H 45 Crystal, E. L 353 Cubbedge, L. L 162 Cullum, T. M 211 Culver, F. P 265 Culver, R. E 277 Gumming, S. G 175, 342 Cummings, C. 1 150 Cummings, R. N 388 Cunningham, M. B 150 Cunningham, W. W 384 Cureton, J. M 150 Cutchins, Solomon 128 Cuttino, H. W 151 D Daggett, W. W 176 Dale, J. G 192 *Dale, J. P. C 192 Dallas, H. D 45 Dalzell, Sam'l 379 *Daniel,J. H 100 Daniel, J. W 69 Daniel, J. Z 99 Daniel, R. P 305 Daniel, R. T 100 Daniel, W. M 330 Daniels, H. T 388 Daniels, W. B 139 Daniels, W. T 162 Dantzler. F. B 86 Darby. C. R 128 Darcantel, Guy 290 Darden, R. N.. 118 Darden, W. A 200 Dargan, Marion 277 Dargan, Milton 151 Daughtry, W. R 200 Davenport, C. H 100 Davidson, A. T 305 Davidson, E. E 363 Davidson, J. E 144 Davidson, J. L 314 Davidson, R.J 235 *Davies, B. T 128 Davies, H. T 342 Davies, J. B 235 Davies, James J 176, 342 Davies, John J 342 Davies, W. W 342 Davis, A. K 118 Davis. A. W 69, 137 Davis, Bolivar 200 Davis, Chas 330 Davis, Chas. Hall 118, 176 Davis. Chas. Huff 229 Davis, Chas. T 196, 277 48o AI^PHABKTlCAIv INDEX. Davis, Edwin. '..'.'. 69 Davis, G". E. : : . : 298 Davis, H. C 118, 176 Davis, J. A., Jr 69 *Davis, J. B 45, 176 Davis, J. D . ; 314 *Davis, J. H. L. 277 Davis, James L 219 Davis, Joseph Iv 298 Davis, J. O 211 Davis, J. R 162 Davis, J. T 379 Davis, Ivce 290 Davis, L. A 277 Davis, Manton 176 Davis, M. C 69 Davis, P. R 363 Davis, P.J. S 353 Davis, R. McNair 330 Davis, R. Merritte. 314 Davis, R. W. .'. 211, 277 Davis, T. W., Jr 258 Davis, W. B 139 Davis, W. B . . 201 Davis, W. Hudson 162 Davis, W, Holmes 118 Davis, W.T 118 Dawson, G. C 330 Dawson, W. B 384 Day, H. L 391 Day, S.T..... 330 Day, T. F 100 DeArmond, J. A 32, 363 De Bardeleben, C. F 201 De Bardeleben, H. T 201 DeBow, S. C 144 Decker, E. M 359 De Haan, Fonger 369 De Jarnette, J. B 100 de Jarnette, S. R 100, 277 Delk, G. W 342 Delia, C. M 176 De Loach, A. B., Jr 305 *Demanade, Aby 359 Denby, S. F 45 Denham, William 243 Denney, W. F 162 Dennis, B. C 277 Dennis, M. B 69 Dennis, N. T 162 Dennis, W. K 265 Dennis, W. W 69 Denny, V. H 144 Dent, H. W 395 Dent, R. L 374 DePass, R. B 290 Berbyshire, G, A 45 Devall, C. C... ::.... 322 Devall, J. W 323 Devin,W. A 258 Dew,J.H. 151 Dexter, Chas 305 Dick, A. C 176, 243 Dick, G. W. C 236 Dick, J. A 243 Dick, L. W 243 Dick, W. E 139 Dick, W.I/ 243 Dicken, C. B 330 Dickerson, L- B 298 Dickinson, C. C 46 Dickinson, H. G 69 Dickinson, J. 176 ^Dickinson, M. S 46 Dickinson, W. P 265 Dickson, J. B 298 *Dickson, J. W. [Sr.] 86 Dickson, J. W., Jr 86 Diggs, C. F.,Jr 369 Diggs, R. M 369 *Dillard, J. W 118 Dille, T. R 395 Dilworth, C. G 162 Dimon, S. H 100 Dinkins, W. B 151 Dixon, Frank 251, 258 Dixon, J. W 314 Dixon, Thomas, Jr 251 Dixon, W. C 277 Dixon, W. W 140 Dobbin, H. F 201 Dobbin, J. F 201 Dobie, R. Iv 46 Dobyns, A. W 374 *Dodds, John 384 Dofflemeyer, J. F 305 Donalson, E. M 70 Donaldson. Guy 290 Doolittle, H. P 379 *Dorroh, W. C 151 Dorsey, H. M 70, 176 Dorsey, I.J 201 Dorsey, R. T., Jr 201 *Doster, B. R., Jr 70 Dougherty, J. L 46 Douglas, R. D 258 Douglass. T. A 323 Douthit, M. H 151 Dowdell, W. A 70 Dowling, J. V 151 Dowman, C. B., Sr 100 Dowman, C. E., Jr 100 Downing, H. U 70 Doyle, F. B 189 AI^PHABETlCAIv INDEX. 481 Dozier, E.J 305 Dozier, Melville, Jr 3iJ4 Dozier, T. M 306 Drake, C. F 363 Drake, E. T 347 f Drake, F. H 392 Drake, R. A 201 Drake, W. M 359 Drake, W. W 359 Drees, C. J 388 Drennan, F. M 265 Drew, G. R T18 Drewry, J. H 70, 162 Driver, J. A 201 Driver. J. C 201 *Drysdale, J. F 306 Du Bose, C. W 70 Du Bose, E. R loi Du Bose, M. D ; 70 Du Bose, R. T 70 Duchein, C. F 323 *Dudley, Alexander 128 Dudley, B. W 144 Dudley, J. W 211 Dudley, R. H 314 Dudley, T. P 277 Duffey, J.W 118 *Duggan, J. R 162 Duggan, M. L 162 Duggar, B. M 314 Duggar, J. F 265 Dugger, C. W 323 Dugger, J. E 323 Duke, F. W 128 Duke, H. L 277 Duke, T. T.' 128 Duke, W. D 128 Dumas, Joel 201 Dumas, O. D 201 Dumas, R. E . 201 Dunavant. W. A 46 Dunbar, A. S 70 Dunbar, R. B 140 Duncan, C. B. . . 363 Duncan, C. P 330 Duncan, D. T 118 Duncan, J. A 86, 118 Duncan, J.J 363 Duncan, W.H.G 86 Duncan, W. N 86 Dunglinson, Jos 336 Dutilap, W. A 353 Dunn, P B., Jr 347 Dunn, W. J., Jr 298 Dunne, T. M 392 Dunning, J. A 251 Dunphy, W. C 392 DuPre, A. M 86 Dupree, T. B 219 Dupuy, G. R. [Jr.] 243 Dupuy, W. M 277 Duren, G. A 219 Dutton, W. O 219 Duval, H. Iv 395 Duval, L. W 101 Dye, T. M 374 Dyson, J. L 336 E Earle. A. B 87 Earle, B. D 306 Earle, T. K 151 Earle, W. R 151 Easley , R. W 306 Easterling, T. R loi Eastland, R. W 299 Eatman, Darius 258 Eaton, B. E 374 Eaton, E. H 229 Eaton, L. F ... 384 Echols, Robert 265 *Eckford, C. G 137 Eddington, D. H 314 Edens, H. L 87 Edmunds, N. W 236 Edwards, A. D 229 Edwards, G. H 128 Edwards, H. A 151 Edwards, J. E 151 Edwards, J. M 70 Edwards, P. H 151, 176 Edwards, W. A loi Edwards, W. C 151 Ehrhardt, A.M. 330 Eidman F. G 211 Elam, C. W 323 Elam, E. E 277 Elam, J. B 306 Elder, H. E loi Elder, J. C 70, loi Eldridge, G. M 70 Elliott G. B 46 Elliott, J. M 144 Elliott, J. N 353 Elliott, Milton, Jr 354 Ellis, A. B 277, 314 Ellis, A. C 258 Ellis, C.R 162 Ellis, C.S 176, 265 Ellis, G.C 265 *Ellis, J. B 314 Ellis, J. C 151 Ellis, J. D 265 Ellis, T. W loi EUyson, D. W 128 482 AI^PHABETlCAIv INDEX. Embree, Elisha 211 *Embree, F. K 359 Enders, T. W 323 English, B. M ' 236 Enochs, D. C - 374 Ernest, A. S 290 Ernest, F. W 290 Erwin, A. T 388 Erwin, H. J loi Erwin, J. 151 Erwin, Marion 70 Erwin, W. A loi Esnard. Miguel, Jr 323 Estes, Berkeley 363 Estill, G.C 354 Estill, H. S 46, 369 Estill, R. J 354 Estill, R. V. W 306 Etheridge, E. E 128 Etheridge, P. S 162 *Eubank, J. S 128 Evans, D. M 323 Evans, E. E 364 Evans, Jno 277 Evans, R. M loi Evans, T. P 323 Everett, H. B 70 Everett, W. T 369 Ewan, P. C.,Jr 278 Ewing, J. T 299 Ewing, P. D 46 Exall, A. D 46 Ezell, P. P 70 F Fain, G. A., Jr 229 Fain, J. R 229 Faison, J. M 176, 243 Faison, W. M 243 Falconer, J. R 144 Fall, J. H.,Jr 278 Fannin, C. F 70 Farber, C. M 71 Farley, W. B 224 Farrar, B. J., Jr 278 Farrington, J. S 364 Farrior, J. B 265 Faucette, R. T., Jr 243 Faulkner, C P 46 *Favre, D. B 374 Favrot, L. M 290 Fayssoux, W. M 290 Feagin, R. D loi Fears, W. T 219 Featherston, J. H loi Featherston, W. S loi Felt, C. L 252 Fendley, J. M 162 Fenner, C. P 46, 176 Fenner, G. C 47 Ferguson, G. S., Jr 258 Ferguson, J. L 140 Ferguson, S. G 118 Few, I. P 87 Ficklen, J. R 119. 176 Field, M. G 128 Field, S. L 400 Field, W. W 128, 177 * Fielder, I. Iv, 71, loi Finlay, J. L •• 336 Finlay, O. P 323 Finley, T. B 243 Finn, CM 278 Finn, G T 278 Finn, J. M 278 Finn, L. B 278 P'innegan, B. E. C 71 P^innej', E. B 290 *Finney, L. C. H 177 Fishburn, G. P 32 Fite, W. C loi Fitts, Alston 214 Fitz-Gerald, Gerald 374 Fitzgerald, Thos. Jr 369 Fitzgerald, W. E 201 Fitz-Hugh. Thomas 177 Fitzhugh, W. H 374 Fitzpatrick, C. S 32 Flanders. J.J loi Fleet, Alexander 128 Fleming. C. A 71 Fleming, E. C 71 ^Fleming, L.I 306 Fliess. R. A 71 Flournoy, E. W 229 Flowers, J. B 47 Floyd, C. H. B 71 Fluker, Calhoun 47 Folk. C. A 128, 369 *Folk, G. B 243 *Folk, H. B 252 Folk, H. C 87 Folk, J. W *. 278 Folk, R. E 252 *Folk, W. H 87 Follansbee, J. S 278 Forbes, W. O 370 Force, Peter 177 Ford, E. S 258 Ford, Harry C 47, 177 Ford, Hugh, C . 102 Ford, T. C 219 fFord, W. S. B 87 Foree, G. A 47 Foreman, H. Q 102 AI^PHABETICAL INDKX. 483 Foreman, R. L 71 Forgey, C. A 229 Forney, J. H 87 Forsythe, C . W 32 Fort, T. W 265 Foscue, F. ly 47 Foshee, D. M 314 ^Foster, A. P 47 P'oster, Glenn 314 Foster, J. H 315 F'oster, J. R ' 315 Foster, O. M 315 Foster, S. F 71 Foushee, H. A 258 Foushee, W. L 370 Fo wle, J. B 243 Fowler, F. B 71 Foy, E.J 71, 162 Foy, W. M 71, 162 Franklin, G.H 163 F'ranklin, J. H 128 Fraser, F. C 102 Frazer, Goodwin 129 Frazer, J. C. W 145 Frazer, L. C 102 P'razer, M. C 417 Frazier, W. W 102 Frederick, F.J 71, 224 Frederick, J. V 225 Frederick, J. W 102 Freeland, Jno 47 Freeman, E. H 252 Freeman, W. E 354 Frere, A. G., Jr 290 *Frere, J. C 323 Frere, T. F 290 Friday, J. M 87 Fridge. A. W 374 Fridge, H. G 336, 374 Frierson. C. D 388 Frost, W. F 71 Frost, W. H 119, 177 *Frost, W. P 236 Frum, F. N 395 Fry, R. D 219 Fulghum, W. W 201 Fuller, F.L 243 Fuller, G. S . . . 306 Fuller, Jones 87 Fuller, Jones C 252, 258 Fullilove, J. P 359 Fullilove, S. C 359, 379 Funderburg, J. H 151 Q Gabbert. L- C . , 299 Gaddis, J. L 375 Gadsden, G. M ,. 140 Gadsden, P. H 236 Gaffney, F. B 151 Gage, G. W 87 Gage, H. T 384 *Gage, R. D 87 Gallup, R. H 330 Gait, H. P 306 Gamble, J. F 192 Gamble, R. ly., Jr 71 Gamewell, J. A 87 Gamewell, J. McD 87 *Gana, A. V 379 Gardiner, K. C 395 Gardner, C. S 129 Gardner, G. W 152 Garlington, E. A 71 Garlington, H. M 152 Garner, J. R 102, 177 *Garnett. R. H 129 Garrard, W. T 72, 163 Garred, U. A 145 Garret, O. H. P 129 Garrett, C. B 211, 278 *Garrett, T. A 47 Garth, CM 299 *Gartrell, J. E 102 Garvin, A. B 348 Gary, T. R 129, 152 Gaston, A. L 177, 243 Gatson, J. S 348 Gaulden, S. S 163 Gaulden, W. T 163 Geary, J. T.N... 145 Gentry, J. A 177, 229 Gentry, J. H 364 George Clifton 330 George, E. H 163, 177 f George, J. F 72 George, J. W 220, 243 George, R. C 47 Gerdine, J. L 72 Gerdine, W. M 163 Gerwig, E. C, Jr 395 Gettys, P. E 48 *Gibbs, G. Y 243 *Gibbs, J. F 152 Gibbs, J. P 211 Gibbs, T. C 211 Gibbs, W. S 211 Gibson, A.J 220, 278 Giddens, L- P 265 Gifford, E. W 152 Gilford, H. E 236 Gilbert, G. H 220 Gilchrist, R. B 140 Gillespie, R. N 32 Gillet; R. H 32 484 AI^PHABETICAI, INDEX. Gilliam, H, S 315 *Gilliam, Jno 177, 315 Gilmer, C. W 336 Gilmer, E. L 244, 258 *Gilmer, W. B. S 102, 163 Gilmore, H. L 323 Gilmore, Thos. H 32 Gilpin, C. P 401 Gilreath, J. D 152 Gist, Nathaniel 236 Glasgow, F. T., Jr 48 Glass, C. Iv 306 Glass, F. E 306 Glass, G. H 306 Glass, W. T 201 Glassell, P. H 306 Gleaton,.G. W 102 Gleaton, J. S 102 Glenn, G. R 72 *Glenn, H. C 72 Glenn, L. J 72 *Glover, F. W 163 Glover, G. B, 102 Glover, M. W 236 Glover, R. E 129 Godbey, E. W 315 Godchaux, F. A 278, 290, 323 Goddard, G. H 32 Godfrey, E. S.,Jr 177 Godfrey, J. H 388 Goggin, J. M 220 Going, R. B 201 Golden, E. Z. F 163 Goldthwaite, H. A 201, 315 Goode, J. U 32 Goodfellow, J. C 380 Goodman, W. G 220 Goodrich, R. E 211 Goodrich, W. H 72 Goodwin, Gentry 330 Goodwin, J. B. O 342 Goodwin, R. R 87 Goodwin, W.L 388 Goodwin, W. W 330 Goodwyn, R. T 315 Gordon, Frank 72 Gordon, Gordon 380, 382 Gordon, H. H 72 Gordon, J. B 380 Gordon, J. H 177 Gordon, W. A., Jr 32 Gordon, W. R 356 Gore, J. W 129,177 Gose, J. T.. * 278 *Goss, J. M 72 Gottfried, C. F.,Jr 364 Gowdy, V. M 299 Grace, M. T 225 Grace, W. H 152 Graham, E.J 201 Graham, J. H. Jr 145 Graham, J. M 32 Graham, M. K 211 Graham, R. N 388 Graham, T. A 87 Graham, W. A 177, 258 Graham, W. H 306 Granger, O. W. 364 Grant, H. M . 299 Grant, Thos 380 Grasty, J. S 370 Grattan, G. C, Jr 178 Graves, C. H 354 Graves, D. B 220, 315 Graves, EC 119 Graves, J. T 72 Graves, V. M 258 Gravlee, J. M 315 Gray, B. H. 119 Gray, Campbell 306 Gray, C. Q 306 Gray, J. B 348 *Gray, J. D 102 Gray, J. P 87 Gray, R. M 306 Gray, W. L 87 Green, CM 265 Green, E. J. , Jr 163 Green. G. W 178, 375 *Green, J. B . 163 Green, j. D 330 Green, L. W 299 Green, P. E 395 Green, T. F 72 Green, T. M 236 Green, Wharton 375 Green, W. G 163 Green, W^ H 336 Greene, J. T 265 Greene, W. K 88 Greer, A. J 229 Greer, A. M 229 Greer, R. A 229 Gregg, S. A., Jr 244 Gregory, B. F 265 Gregory, G. E 129 Gregory, J. C, Jr 48 Gregory, Roger 129 Grehan, Enoch. 354 Gresham, J. W. 306 *Gresham, W. R 1 29 Grice, Warren 163 Grier, F. B 140 Grier, R. L 192 AI^PHABBTICAI, INDEX. 485 Grier, W. M., Jr 192 Griffin, J. A 384, 392 *Griffin, W. W 163 Grigg, E. W 119 Grimes, W. T 252, 258 Grissom, R. G 258 *Groce, W. 192, 244 Groover, B. H 163 Groover, D. R., Jr 72 Groover, F. B 163 Grossman. F. W 299 Groton, W. D 129 Groves, D. G 364 Grunewald, F. T 315 Gueno, L. B 323 Guerin, G. H 306 Guerry, Davenport. 163 Guice, C.N 375 Guice. C. P 323 Guild, W. A 278 Gulley, F. D 265 Gum, E. P 364 Gunn, H. M 145 Gunn, Julian 129 Gunn, Thos 145 *Gunter, A. B 129, 178 Gunter, B. T., Jr 129, 178 *Gunter, J. F 129, 178 *Gunter, J. J 129, 178 *Gunter, W. F 130, 178 *Guntlier. L. W., Jr 178 Gustine, S. D 323 Guthrie, M. B 330 Guthrie, W.N 307 Guy, L. S 342 Gwathmey, A. B., Jr 130 Gwathmey, G. T . . .48, 178 Gwathmey, J. T 48 Gwathmey, W. W. [Jr.] 48 Gwin, J. S 400 *Gwin, Ralph 48 Gwin, W. M., Jr 48 H Haggard, B. P 364 Hale, Harrison 102 Hale, H.M 348 Haley, L. J., Jr 130 Hall, Alonzo 164 *Hall, A.J 164 Hall, A. McD 244 Hall, B. R 364 Hall, E. W 88 Hall, H. A 164 Hall, H. H 395 Hall, John 244 Hall. J. E 72, 102 Hall,J.H.,Jr 164 Hall, J. S 244 *Hall, J. W 211 Hall, Leslie 265 Hall, M. P 72, 102 Hall, O. B 164 Hall. R. B., Jr 202 Hall, R. C 307 Hall, S. B 130, 252 Hall, T.J 244 Hall, T. W 266 Hall, W. M 375 Hallam, M. S 145 fHalley. H. H 354 Hallock, A. C 395 *Haltiwanger, G. D 189 Hamer, E. R 88 *Hamer. L. DeK 88 Hamer, L. R 88 Hamer, P. B 88 Hamilton, A. D 33, 48, 178 Hamilton, D. H., Jr 307 Hamilton, H.H 388 Hamilton, J. G 336 Hamilton, J. G., DeR 307 Hamilton, J. R 220 Hamilton, W. C 266 Hamilton, W. M 359 Hamilton. W. S 33, 178 Hamlin. T. L 384 Hammond, T. A 72 Hammond, W. J 73 Hampton, H. R 259 Hancock, E. D., [Jr.] 336 Hancock, J. G 336 Hand. J. L 73 Handly, M. W 278 Hanger, R. R 364 Hann, A. R 299 Hann, E. L 299 Hannon, John 119 Hansberger, W. E 266 Hansen, C. H 384 Hanson, J. T. M 33 Hardaway, J. S 130 Hardee, R. E 73, 178 Hardeman, B. F 73 Hardeman, J. L 73 Hardeman. M. L 103 f Hardeman, R. N 164, 192 Hardeman, Thos 73 Hardeman, U. G 103 Hardeman, W. D 48 Hardeman, W. G 164 Harden, W. H 88, 278 Hardie. Eben 244 Hardie, M. M 244 Hardin, N. A 299 486 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Hardin, Paul 88 ^Hardin, T. F 202 Harding, C. H 220, 259 Harding, Jas., Jr 48, 364 Harding, P. C 48 Harding, S. Y 299 Hardy, J. B 364 Hardy, J. C 375 Hargrove, W. H 375 Harley, G. G 88 Harmon, J. P 49 Harmon, G. T.,Jr 88 Harmon, R. W 375 Harper, G. F 244 *Harper, J. S 337 Harrel, M. L 236 Harrington, A. F 73 Harrington, F. T 49, 73 Harrington, J. M., [Jr.] 73 *Harris, A. M 130, 178 Harris, B. E 244 Harris, C D 370 Harris, CM 178, 354 *Harris, F. H 73 Harris, G. C, Jr 307 Harris, G. W 202 Harris, H. F 103 f Harris, J. A 279 Harris, J. J 164 Harris, J. W., [Jr.] 73. io3 Harris, L. H 103 Harris, L. L 73 *Harris, R. I 164 Harris, S. T 73 *Harris, T. W. H 73, 103 Harris, W. Albinus 103 Harris, W. Asbury 130, 370 Harris, W. B., Jr 33 Harris, Walter J 103 Harris, William J 74 Harris, W. R 88, 192 Harrison, Edijiund Jr 130 Harrison, E. S 74 Harrison, E. T 266 Harrison, H.N 178 Harrison, I. C 130, 179 Harrison, J. F 348, 364 Harrison, J. M 307 Harrison, J. S 130 Harrison, R. F 279 Harrison, R. W 33. 130 Harrison, T. P 140 Harrison, W. H 130 Harrison, W. P 307 Harrison, W. W 348 Harsh. F. R 279 Hart, H. C 229 Hart, J. E 279 Hart, J. H. B 290 Hart, J. R 140 Hart, P. D 229 Hart, T. T 279 Hartman, M. T 364 *Hartridge, Gazaway 74 Hartsfield, R. G 164 Hartzog, P. G 88 Harvey, J. B 364 Harvin,J. R 88 Harwell, W. F 74 Haskell, A. C, Jr 236 Haskell, E. C 236, 290 Haskell, G. 236 Haskell, J. C.,Jr 236 Hatcher, J. O 388 Hatchett, S. P. C 202 Hatchett, W. G 33, 130 Hatler, B. P' 348 Havey, M. L 229 Hawkins, Elijah 354 Hawkins, P. A 279 Hawkins, W. E 211 Hawse, A. L 395 Hawthorne, J. H 279 Haxie, Viron ... 384 *Hayden, R. C 307 Hayes, W. N 220 *Hayne, Isaac, Jr 236 Haynes, B. L 230 Haynes, Iv. B 88 Haynes, ly. K 196 f Haynes, S. H., Jr 230 Haynes, W. D 49 Haynes, W. W 230 Hays, W. M 266 Hazelrigg, D. L 354 Heacock, J. D 291 Heard, H. O., Jr 279 Hearn, Wilfred 380 *Heck. J. M 252 Heck, W. H 252 Heffner, J. M 299 Heinz, H. C 103 Helbig, J. W 179 Helm, E. W 354 Helm, J. S 145 Hemingway, W. L. . . ! 279 Hemming, C. L 348 Hemphill, W. A 211 Henderson, D. L 164 Henderson, G. D 388 Henderson, Jere 315 Henderson, J. S 49 Henderson, S. L 49, 388 *Hendricks, Ernest 364 AI^PHABETICAL INDEX. 487 Hendrix, J. H 266 Henington, H. Iv 375 Henington, L. L 375 Henkel, L. C 315 *Henley, R. h 342 *Henry, E. H., Jr 119 *HenrY, J. T 192 Henry, R. L 211, 220 Henry, W. B 291 Henry, W.G. 266 Hentz, H. F 103 Herbert. D. O 88 *Herbert, T. S 342 Hereford, F. S 49 *Herndon, B. G 179 Herndon, C. W 365 Herring, D. W 252 Hershfield, W. M 279 Herty, C. H 74 Herty. F. J 74 Heth, R. M 380 Hewlett, S. D ^74 *Hibbard, J. Iv 315 *Hicks, E. B 330 Hicks, R. B 307 *Hickson, W. T 152 Higdon, R. E 291 Higginbotham, L. S 33i. 3^5 Higginbotham, W. W 354 Higgins. A. A 299 Hight. W.G 388 Hightower, T. D 74 Hilborn. L. A 384 Hill, A. B 259 Hill, A. H 130 Hill, B. F 220 *Hill, C. U 252,259 Hill, G. W 266 Hill, H. C 103 Hill, H. H T45 Hill, H. W 103 Hill, P. S 164 Hill. T. N.,Jr 259 Hill. W. C 74 Hilliard, E. E 252 Hills, R. W 380 Hillver, W. H 164 Hilton. A. P 103 Hine, M. F 323 Hines, A. S 49 Hines, R. K 49 Hines, R. P. R 279 Hinkle, Terry 164 Hinton, E.J 225 *Hinton, G. W 266 Hinton, M. W 266 Hinton, W. B 74 Hinton, W. H 225 Hinz, C. R 384 Hitch. J. W 103 Hitner, F. E 348 Hobday, G.J 130 Hobdy, R. L 315 Hobson, James M., Jr 266 Hobson, Joseph M 266 Hobson, R. P. 266 Hobson, S. A 266 Hockaday, Augustus 348 Hocker. W. S 354 Hodge, A. A 323 *Hodge, C. W 202 Hodge, M. T 74 *Hodge, R.. M 74 Hodges, D. H 279 Hodges, T. E 395 Hodgson, C. N 74 Hodgson, E. R., Jr 74 Hodgson, F. G 74 Hodgson, G. W 307 Hodgson, Harry 74 Hodgson, W. B 74 Hogan, O. S 145 Hogg, W. C 211,220 Hogsett, R. A 299 Hogsett, S. H 299 Hogshead, Richard 49 Holcombe, A. R., (i) 359 Holcombe, A. R., Jr., (2). . . . 360 Holcombe, C. A 360 Holcombe, R. G 360 Holcombe, W. P 202, 360 Holingsworth, H. Q 337 Holland, C. G 179 Holland, R. H 244, 259 Holland, S. N 88 Holland, W. D 152 Holleman, J. T 164 Holley, G. M 202 *Hollingsworth, J. E 49 Hollingsworth, R. B 324 Hollinshead. J. S 103 Holloman, T. W 375 Holloway, J. B. O'N 189 Holloway, W. H 380 Holman, J. N 315 Holmes, C. E 164 Holmes, C. S 164 Holmes, E. T 164 Holmes. G. H 230 *Holmes, J. E. L 130 Holmes, L. A 266 Holmes, L. E 230 *Holmes, Thomas 103 Holt, E. C 244 488 AIvPHABETlCAI. INDKX. Holt, H. H 49 Honan, J. B . . . . 300 Honiker, R. L 104 Hood, E. D 337 Hood, J. F 337,3 70 Hooe, J. D •. 49, 179 Hooe, Iv. L 324 *Hooten, H. C 165 Hope, E. E 193 Hope, H. M 119 Hope, J. A '. 331 Hopkins, C. W. 179 Hopkins, M. C 380 Hopkins, W. L, 49 Hord,J.C 337 Horn, Eli 202 Horn, J. W 395 Home, C. R .... 230 Home, M. K. . = 230 Horsfall, Frank 388 Horton, CM 152 Horton, E. R 152 Horton, J. R 152 *Horton, T. E 152 Hosch, W. H 104 Hoskins, H. F 342 Hoskins, William 342 Houston, H. M 33 Houston, J. R 33 Howard, A. J 140 Howard, CM 266, 279 Howard, E. F 307 Howard, F. M 266 Howard, J. T 279 Howard, T. Iv 267 Howe, W. M 348 *Howe, W. T 307 Howell, Albert, Jr 50, 75 Howell, Clark 75 Howell, C M 331, 365 Howell, Edward 388 Howell, E. P., Jr 49 Howell, G. C 324, 360 Howell, Willey . 389 Howell, W. C 324, 360 Howison, J. F 119 Howison, R. C 119 Howie, P. W 342 Hoyle, J. L 89 Hubard, J. L 50 Hubard, T. T 50 Huckins, L. W 230 Huddleston, J. E. L 331 Hudson, C W 165 Hudson, D. S 165 Hudson, Ernest 145 Hudson, E. H 300 Hudson, J.I 50 Hudson, Mike 165 Hudson, W. H 152 Hudson, W. T 152 Huff, J. B 75 Huff, L.J 131 Huff, S. W 131 Huff, T. D 75 Huff,T.S 75 Huger, Benj 50 Huger, D. E 236 Huger, F. P 140 Huggins, E. T 244 Huggins, G. R 337 Hughes, CM 331 Hughes, H. C 342 Hughes, L. S 145 Hughes, Ralph 331 Hughes, R. C 33 Hughes, R. M., Jr 342 Hughes, S. D 197 ^Hughes, S. M 153 Hughes, W.N 145 Huguet, A. H., Jr 324 Huguley, E. D 202 Huguley, G. A 202 Huguley, W. T 75 Hulett, Fred'k 365 *Hull, Asbury, Jr 75 Hulsey, L.J 104 Humbert, W. S 236 Hume, Edwin 365 Humphrey, Heman 300 Humphrey, J. R 119 Humphries, W. E. G 153 Humphry, C A 153 Hundley, G. T 131 Hundley, H. R 131 *Hunt, J. C 225 Hunt J.J.,Jr 315 Hunt, W. B .... 354 Hunter, B. R 193 Hunter, G. E 252 Hunter, J. A 300 Hunter, J. R 252 Hunter, P. S 370, 396 Hunter, R. A 291 Hunter, R. T 119 Hurt, H. H 331 Hurt, J. C 331 *Hurt, J. F 202 Hurt, J. S 104 Hurt, S.J., Jr 50 Hussey, E. H 384 Hutcheson, C F 165 Hutchings, R. H 75 Hutchins, W. T 119 AI^PHABETICAL INDEX. 489 Hutchinson, C, E 267 Hutchison, M. R 202 Hutson, R. W 140 *Hutter, J. L 50 *Huzza, T. H 104 Hydrick, D.E 89 Hyer, E. B 375 Hymer, J. E 331 Hvnds, Jno 348 I Idle, M. I 365 Illges, G. M 202 Inge, Richard 267, 279 Inge, W. B., [Jr.] 267,316 Ingersoll, F. B 230 Inglesby, Charles 165 Inglis, B. A 140 Inman, W. H., Jr. 244 Irby, Benj 119 Ireys, H. T., Jr 50 Irvine, G. C 300 Irwin, J. R 165 Irwin, L- K 202 Irwin, W. R 300 Isaacs, L. B 220 *Iverson, J. S 33 J *Jack, J. W 220 Jackson, A. L 220 Jackson, B. L 179 Jackson, C. T 365 Jackson, C. S 337 *Jackson, E. A . 104, 225 Jackson. H. E 212 Jackson, H. M 89 Jackson, H. P 165 Jackson. James, G 279 Jackson, John G 360 Jackson, J. H 50 Jackson J. M., Jr 104 *Jackson, R. F 225 Jackson, R. R . 212 ^Jacobs, Ernest, Jr 131 Jalonick, E. F 2.21 James, D. A 360 James. Edward 392 James, J. C 267 James, J. G 354 James, J. H 267 James, Morris 370 James, N. G 193 James, R. E 237 James, W. M 370 James, W. T 307 Jameson, H. C 119 Jameson, J. M . : 179 Jarrell, A. B 104 Jarvis. R. E 365 fjarvis, R. P 342 jaudon, B. Y 331 Jeffers, S. L 389 Jeffress, J. B., Jr 131 Jeffries, C. A 89 Jeffries, J. L 89, 179 Jeffries, T. H 104 Jelks, E. L 165 Jenkins, G. h 267 Jennings, Wm 140 Jerdone, W. M 50 Jervey, C. H 237 Jervey, T. D. [Jr.] 51 *Jeter, J. E 153 Jewett, H. R 104 John, R. B 89, 280 Johns, Arthur 51, 380 Johnson, A. F 75 Johnson, A. L 380 Johnson, A. S.T 380 Johnson, Cave 337 Johnson, C. C 202 Johnson, C. J., Jr 202 Johnson, Charles, S 244 Johnson, Clifford, S 104 Johnson, E. B 316 Johnson, E. S 119 *Johnson, F. C , 131 Johnson, G. L 153, 237 Johnson, J. D 300 Johnson, K. F 212 Johnson, L. C 104 Johnson, M. S 75 Johnson, N. R 51 Johnson, Oliver 193 Johnson. Richard 280 f Johnson, W. D., Jr 244 Johnston, James B 104 Johnston, Joseph B 245 Johnston, J. P 145 Johnston, T. J 307 Johnston, T. R 337 Johnston, W. F 202 Johnston, W. H 104, 280 Johnstone, H. R 202 Johnstone, W. Z 33 Jones, A. A 397 Jones, A. C 75 Jones, A. D 131 Jones, A. S., Jr 33 Jones, C. C 291 Jones. C. E 131 Jones, Columbus S 212 Jones, Courtland S 397 Jones. E. E " 380 Jones. E. G 104 490 AI^PHABETICAL INDEX. Jones, Foster 280 Jones, F. S 75, 165 Jones, G. F. N 75, I79 Jones, G. H 280,317 Jones, Harold 267 Jones, H. L 33, 253 Jones, H. S 165 Jones, I. A 105 *Jones, I. G 165 Jones, Julius 280 Jones, J. A 153 Jones, J. B 307 Jones, J. C 138 *Jones, J. F 280 Jones, J. M 307 Jones, J. R 316 Jones, J. S 221 Jones, J. W 331 Jones, Lee 267 Jones, M. A 33, 179 Jones, M. S 342 Jones, N. F 203, 267 Jones, N. R 51 Jones, Paul 253, 259 Jones, P. F 343 *Jones. R. B 140 Jones, R. A. P. C 203 Jones, R. F 375 Jones, R. H 230 Jones, T. A 153, 179 *Jones, T. H 165 Jones, T.J 75 Jones, T. R.,Jr 105 Jones, V. M 34, 280 Jones, W. F 105 *Jones, W. H 253 Jones, W. M 105 Jordan, A. A 225 Jordan, J. D 51 Jordan, Stephen G 75 Jordon, Fletcher 131,179 *Josephi. H. M 392 Joyner, N. E 280, 360 Joyner, W. F 253 Judkins, L. McK 120 Judson, C. W 384 Justus, W. H 280 K Kahle, P. J 291 Kaufman, A, G 392 Keady, G. K 267 Keeble. J. B 280 Keely, R. W 307 Keene, W. B 308 Kefauver, P. F 230 Keith, J. D 230 Keithley, G. E 348 Keithley, R. H 348 Kell, H. V 203 Keller, Raymond 221 Keller, W. S 316 Kellinger, F. W 34 Kelly, Edwin ... 203 Kelly, E.C 75 Kelly, J. W 203 Kelly, Wallace 300 Kelly, W. B 203 Kelton, R. H. C 380 *Kemp, J. D 153 Kemper, G. H 355 Kemper, G. W 354 Kendall, Paul 105 *Kendrick, H. C ; 267 Kennedy, E. B 193 Kennedy, I. N 193. Kennedy, J. C 193 Kennedy, John L 324 Kennedy, Joseph ly 267 *Kennedy, J. M 337 Kennedy, J. P 193 Kennedy, R. M 237 Kenney, W. C 370 Kent, J. F., [Jr.] 51 Keogh, T. S 259 Kerf oot, Lee 384 Kern, A. A 120, 280 Kern, P. B 120, 280 Kerr, Alfred 212 Kerr, J. H 253 Kerr, W. M 280 *Key, B. W 105 Key, H. W 105 Keyser, A. G 38a Keyser, W. F 331 Kilbourne, H. H 337 Kilgo,J.C 89 Kilgo, J. W 89 Kilgo, P. F 89 Kilgour, C J 34 Killiam. O. W 365 Killebrew, A. E 203. Killebrew, E. S 203 Killebrew, O. D 203 Kilpatrick, G. P 165 Kilpatrick, Henry H 165 Kilpatrick, Hugh H 165 Kilpatrick, H. M 203 Kilpatrick, J.J 165 Kilpatrick, J. Y 316 Kilpatrick, M. M 165 Kilpatrick, W. H 166, 370 Kimble. E. W 365 Kincaid, J. G • 197 Kincannon, A. J 212 AI^PHABETICAI, INDEX. 491 King, C. K 51 King, C. V. H 392 King, C. W 221 King, R. E 348 King, W. P 105, 281 Kingman, D. C, Jr 230 Kingman, R. W 230 Kinkead, C. G 300 Kinnebrew, K. R 105 Kirby, F. B 389 Kirby, H. H., Jr 392 Kirby, J. T 76 Kirk, W. B 216 Kirkpatrick, B. T 245, 281 Kirkpatrick, G. W 237 *Kirkpatrick, S. L 34 Kirkpatrick, W. W . . 34 Kliessendorff, R. A 300 Kling, L. A. H .... 384 Klugh,J. C 89, 179 Klyce, H. S 389 Knapp, Bradford 281, 380 Knapp, C. B 145, 355 Knight, F. B.,Jr 221 Knight, R. D 308 Knight, R. E. L 212, 221 Knight, W.B 153 Knight, W. J 203 Knowles, S. B . . 212 Kobert, C. B 300 *Koger, A. L 89 *Koger, y. W 89 Koger, W. C 89 Kontz, E. C 76 Koppenbrink, T- E 348 Kraemer, Herman 365, 392 Kramer, John 365 Krebs, G. E 370 Kregloe, C. E 120 Krenson. C. McD 76 Krider, W. W 245 Kyle, T. S 34 Kyser, W. D 316 L Lackey, O. F 370 fLacy, J. A 34 Lafon, Nathaniel 300 Laird, David 34 Laird, Edwin 34 Laird, E. C 131, 253 Lake, F. K 89 Lake, Henry 337 Lake, Jno 140 *Lake, T. E i53 Lake, W. E 190 Lamar, G. W., [ Jr] 76 *Lamar, J. W 76 Lamar, R. L 76 Lamar, W. B 76 Lamb, J. C 180 Lamb, J. H., Jr 76, 417 Lamb, W. B 179 Lambert, I. C 120 *Lambert, J. W 120 Lambert. R. G 131 Lancaster, Wm 120 Land, E. M 259 Lander, E. McP 89 Lander, F. McP 90 Lander, M. McP 90 Landry, Maxime 291 Lane, A. W. . 166 Lane, J. R 76, 166 Lane, Spencer 51, 343 *Lang, J. H 76 Lang, S. J. W 76 Lang, T.J 105 Langford. C. E 365 Langhorne, CD 51, 180 Langhorne, L. W 51 Lanhani, F. G 221, 281 Lanier, C. F 291, 324 Lanier, D. T 76 Lanier, Fortune 76, 259 Lanier, J. S., Jr 308 Lanier, N. C 308 Lanier, W. R 166 Lankford, C. B 131, 180 Lansing, C. C 51, 180 Lastinger, W. W 105 Lataday, Albert 180 Latane, H. A 131, 180 *Latane, William 131 Law, A. M 90 Law, E. M., Jr 141 Law, J. E 396 Law, R. A 90 Law, W. L 52 Lawrason, CM 324 Lawrason, G. C 324 Lawrason. S. McC 52 Lawrence. H. A 105 Lawson, H. F 166 Lawson, Lewis 267 Lawson, R. B., Jr 52 Lawton. A. R., Jr 76, 180 Lawton, T. O., Jr 153 Lawton. W. A 153 Lawton, W. W '. . . 153 Lawwill, W. S 300 Lay, W. L 324 Lea, Sumter, Jr 203 Leach, B. M 381 Leake, L. K 52 492 ALPHABETICAI, INDEX. Leary, W. M 203, 308, 316 Leavell, B. R 349 Ledbetter, CM 105 Lee, B. P., Jr 52 Lee, B. R 245,259 Lee, D. G 166 Lee, G. M 52 Lee, J. G 324 Lee, J. W 324 Lee, T. O 153, 166 Lee, W. W 90 Lefevre, Albert 221, 370 LeGrand, G. S 245 LeHardy, L. P 203 Leigh, H. G. [Jr.] 120, 180 Leigh, J. H. P 120, 180 Lendrum, B. A 385 Leonard, J. Hi 267 Leonard, N.N 281 Lesesne, H. D 203 Leslie, F. H 203 Lester, W. McC 90 Letcher, G. D 34, 52 Lewis, C. H 105 Lewis, C. L-, Jr 180, 281 *Lewis, E.J 166 Lewis, E. L 267, 324 Lewis, E. W 331 Lewis, H. G 105 Lewis, H. 1 131 Lewis, H. S 291 Lewis. J. R 105 *Lewis, J. R. C 52, 180 Lewis, J. S 106 Lewis, Noel 131 Lewis, R. H 106 Lewis, S. Hance 52, 132 Lewis, S. Higgins 146 Lewis, W. F 106 Lewis, W. H 337 Liddell, R T 375 Lide, E. C 153 Lide, Leslie 281 Lidstone, L. W 308 Ligon, C. R 337 *Ligon, M. O ; 90 Lilliston, A. H 180 Lin,J.R 106,281 Lincoln, C. K 308 Lincoln, G. S 331 Linder, A. L 397 Lindsey, H. M 203 Lineberger, J. L 245 "■••"Linney, W. T 300 Lipscomb, C. E 343 Lipscomb, P. D 343 Lipsey, D. B 389 Lisle, H. H 34, 355 Little, C. T 316 Little, W. A ., [Jr.] 120, 180 Livingston, G. S 268 Livingston, H. R 349 Lockert, C. E 337 Lockett, Edward 230 Lockett, R. E 132, 180 Lockett, R. T 337 Logan, A. R , 138 Logan, J. G 230 Long, A. R 132, 180 Long, CM 132, 181 Long, G. C 181 Long, J. C 132 *Long, J E 281, 316 Long, J. L 343 Long, J. R 132, 181 *Long, N. W 316 Long, W. F 132, 181 Longley, E. S 166 Looney, S. W 212 Lott, W. E., Jr 153 *Love, J. K 231 Love, W. G 221 Lovell, E. F., Jr 76 *Lovett, P. H, C 106 Lowe, L. D 106 Lower, W. L 349 Lowry, C W 268 Loyless, D. A 76 Lucas, E. R 237 Lucas, T. C 90 Lucas, W. E 90 Luck, J. M 132 Lueddeman, Max 316 Lunbeck, W. C 349 Lumpkin, J. H 76 Lunsford, Abner 34, 132 Luzenberg, C C 291,324 Lyndon, Edward 77 Lyne, F. F 146, 355 Lyne, Wni 146 *Lyon, F. S 316 Lyon, John, Jr 193 Lyon, J, F , 90 *Lyon, T. R 77 Lyon, W. A 90 Lyons, M. P 365 M McAllister, Edgar 365 McAllister, R. L. D 181, 204 McBee. V. E., Jr 52 McBryde, E. 1 204 McBryde, J. B 237 McBryde, N. W 166 McBryde, W. H 204 AIvPHABETlCAL INDKX. 493. McCabe, E. R 52 McCabe, R. E 120 McCall, B. B 34, 166 McCall, H. B 166 McCall, H. H 166 McCall, J. F 166 McCall, J. H 231 McCall, P. B t66 McCall, T.J 167 *McCalla, Fred'k 316 McCallum, A. N 245 McCannon, Ormsby ........ 381 McCarrel, A. H 77 McCarthy, Edward. Jr 181 McCarty, W. C 146 McCathern, W. W 167 McChesney, F. L 349 McChesney, H. M 34 McChesney, Iv. E 392 fMcClintock, S. S 355 McCloy, W. E 300 McCluer, F. W 34 McClure, A. H 300 McClure, J. W 106 McComb. H. B 337 McConnell, E. D 53 McConnell, F. P 204 McConnell, Roscoe 268 *McConnell, W. M 106 McConnico, F\ H 181, 316 *McCorkle, T. E 35 McCorkle, W. P 35 McCormick, A. J 375 McCormick, Frank 181 McCormick, J.J 53, 181 McCormick, J.N 120 McCoy, J. H 268 McCoy, J. P 268, 317 McCoy, Taylor 181, 245 McCraken, R. G 392 McCrary, J. B 106 McCravy, S.T 153 McCreary, J. P 90 McCrorey, J. T... 204 McCubbins, J. F 245 McCuUough, Edward, Jr 212 McCullough, J. G 154 McCullough, T. Iv 212 McCullough, W. H 212 McCully. P. K , Jr 141 McCurdy, G. R 268 *McCurdy, G. V 365 McCurry , J. B 77 McCutchen, Hugh 245 McCutchen, J. G. , [Jr] 237 McDavid, W. G 154 McDavid, W. H 204 McDill, T. P 193 McDonald, A. W 35, 53. 337 *McDonald, J. H 132 McDonald, Kenneth, Jr 281 McDonald, P.N 396 McDougald, Duncan 204 McDougald, W. A 77 McDowell, Archibald 253 McDowell, E. C 146 McDowell, S. H 146 McElmurray, F. L 167 McElwee, J. F 141 McFadden, S. E 154 Macfarlan, Rob't 237 McGeachy, A. A 245 McGeachy, R. S 245 McGee,J. T 106 McGee, R. h 154 McGehee, J. L., Jr 375 McGehee, L. P 259 McGehee, W. R 337 McGill, E. L 53 McGilvary, E. B 245 McGinnis, A. L 324 McGlumphy, W. A 396 *McGolrick, J. M 204 McGuire, R. T 35 McHenry, L. H 300 Mclntire, J. M 245 Mcintosh, C. F 181 Mclntyre, D.I...! 77 *McIntyre, W. R 77 McKamy, W. C 212, 221 McKay, R. M 245 *McKee, S. W 245 McKensie, T. E 317 McKensie, J. A., Jr 301 McKerrall, W. J., [Jr.] 237 McKie, R. E 197, 281 McKie, W. H 389 *McKinley, Andrews 77 McKinney, W. F 281 McKissick, A. F 237 McLane, Ray 221 *McLaurin, Duncan 268 McLeod, D. M 90, 281 McLeod, J. C 317 McLeod, J. H 375 McLeod, T. G 90 McLeod, W. C 291 McLeod, W. R 90 McLeod, W.T 90 McLin, R. O 281 McMahon, Winston 317 McMakin, W. M 146 McMaster, M. B 90 McMath, E.J 167 494 AI^PHABETICAI, INDEX. McMath, R. L 167 *McMichael, J. C, [Sr.] 77 McMichael, J. C, Jr 77 McMichael, R. S 204 McMillan, R. H , 204 McMillan, W. C .* 204 McMillan, W.H 106 McMullen, J. S 77 McMullen, L. L 77 MacMurphy, G. Y 141, 282 McMurray, J..A 246 *McNeal, R. D 221 McNeal, W. H 268 McNee. A. E 392 McNeel, J. D 181, 237, 246, 370 McNeil, W. A 53 McRae, Carleton 389 McRae, Chester 35) 338 McRoberts, C.G...., 381 McTeer, J. T., Jr 53, 231 McVea, Chas 324 McVey, J. M .181, 355 *McVoy, A. D 268 McVoy, E. C 268 f McVoy, J. A 268, 282 McVoy, L. K 204 McWhorter, E. H 268 Mc Williams, T. S 301 Mack, J. R 154 Macon, L S 120 Macon, W. D 120, 181 Maddox, J. E 106 *Ma£fett, R. D 193 Magoffin, Beriah, Jr 53 Magrath, J. W 141 Magruder, A. L. C 325 Magruder, E. P 370 Maguire, J. F 231 Mahaffey, J. A. B 106 Mahone, R. B 181 Mallory, C. D 167 Mallory, Francis 371 *Mallory, J. G 268 Malochee, J.J 291 Malone, E. F 282 Malone, J. W 282 Malone, T. H. Jr 282 Maloney, E. S 182 Mangham, H. A 325 Manly, Frank 106 Mann, J. S 259 Mann, R. M 282 Manning, F. H 253 Manship, C. P 376 Mapp, G. W 343 March, J. P 282 Maret, Benton 331 Marmon, H. C 385 Marrow, G. P 53 Marrs, H.J 301 Marsden, B. P 343 Marsh, C. B 331 Marsh, Mc A. B 106, 167 Marsh, M. F 332 Marshall, H. L 282 Marshall, J. A 154 Marshall, R. C. Jr 53 Marshall, T. F 365 Martin, B. F 154, 182 Martin, C. B 154 Martin, E. D 291 Martin, Edmund W 90 Martin, Edward, W 212 Martin, F. N 193 Martin, F. R 77, 167 Martin, H. A 365 *Martin, Jno 35 Martin, J. H 259 Martin, J. L 77 *Martin, Jas. McD 167 Martin, Jno. M., Jr 91 Martin, O.B 154 Martin, R. W 231 Mason, D. P 332 Mason, E. M 204 Mason, E.T 343 Mason, G. L 53 Mason, J.M., Jr 204, 268 Mason, L. R 308 Mason, M. G 35, 343 Mason, R, B 237 Mason, R. R 366 Mason, S. B 35 Mason, V. P 331 Mason, W. V 343 f Massebeau. W. A 91 Massey, L- H 167 Maasey, O. W 35, 167 Massey, W. M 167 Massie, C. A. L 132, 231 Massie. R. W 167 Masters, V. 1 154 Masterson, J. R., Jr 308 Matheson, D. S 231, 237 Matheson, K. G 141 Mathews, W. C 325 ''Matthews, B. A 225 Matthews, G. B., Jr 291 Matthews, H. D 349 Matthews, H. 1 349 Matthews, J. B 268 f Matthews, J. E 332 Matthews, K.N 268 Matthews, M. Iv. 292 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 495 Mattison, L. S 154 Maubarret, L. E 231 Mauldin, T. J 141 Maury, D. H., Jr 53 Maurv, H. L 182 Maxwell, W. R 366 May, C. B 355 May, G. W 376 May, H. S 355 Mayfield, S. G 154 Maynard, James, Jr 231 Mays, D. H 154 Mays, J. E 106 Mays, J. F 141 Mavson, T. C, Jr 76 Mead, L. D 385 Meador, D. J 154 Meadows, T. D 107 Mebane. G. A 182, 259 Meek, W. M 231 Meem, J. G., Jr 54 Meein,J. Iv 54 Meem, S. H 54 Mehegan, W. A., Jr 54 Mell, P. H 77 Melton, L. H 338 Menefee, N. J 282 Mercer, I. M 132 Mercier. T. A 292 Meriwether, Colyer 154 Merrick, E. T 204, 360 Merrill. J. H 77 Merrill, R. H 301 Merrill, T. S 381 *Merritt, G. B 107 Merritt, G. J 397 Meux, G. W 282 Meyers, E. H 108 *Michaux, W. W 132 Michel, C. E 54 Micks, W. S 259 Micow, M. T 308 :\rikell. H. J 308 *Mikell, T. B . . . 246 Mikell, W. E 141 Miles, D. H 212 Miles, G. B 317 Miles, J. M 35 Milhous. J. H. E 155 Millan. W. W 282 Millender, M, C 182, 260 Miller, A. E 54 Miller, A. H 155 Miller, A. 1 182 Miller, B. M 193, 317 ^Miller, C. G 132 Miller, CO 197 Miller, C. W 182, 301 *Miller, D. P 193 Miller, E. P 91 Miller, H. R 132 Miller. J. R 193 Miller, R. lyaron 376 Miller, R. Lee 167 Miller, R. W 54 Miller, T. P 231 Mills, E. P 381 Mills, J. A 132 Mills, L. T 246 Milner, John 317 Milner, J. W 282 Milner, T. H 107 Milner, W. H 107 Milton, G. F 308 Milton. Taliaferro 54 Milward, H. K 355 Milward, J. B. 146, 355 Miner, J. T 78 Mitchell, C. W 253 *Mitchell, T- P 35 Mitchell, R. G 35 Mitchell, W. H 107 Mixon, F. B 107 Moberly, O. H 349 Mobley, E. L 237 Mobley, J. H 78, 167 Mo£fatt,J. H 193 Moffet. H. L 349 Moffett. L.I 349 Molette,J.U 317 Moncure, W. A. P 343 Monette, R. F 182, 269 Monroe, A. S 107 Montague. R. L 182 Monteith. W. E 221 Montgomery, Curtis 301 Montgomery, J. W 91 Montgomery, W. A 253, 370 Montgomery, W. B., Jr 54 Montgomer}', W. S 91 Mood, A, M 212 Mood. J. A ... 91 *Mood. P. D 91, 107 Mood. R. G 212 Mood, W. R 212 Moody, F. B 35 Moon, A. F 107 Moon, W. D 107 Moore, A. L 213 Moore, B. W 35, 182 Moore, Chas. F 182, 282 Moore, Clarence F 91 Moore, C W 190 Moore, E. Mc. D 35 496 A1,PHABETICAI, INDEX. Moore, G. B 133 Moore, G. H 355 Moore, G. L 343 Moore, H. C 141 Moore, J. B 282 Moore, J. D 155 Moore, John F 133, 182 Moore, Joseph F 269 Moore, J. J 292 *Moore, J. L 107 Moore, J. M 282 Moore, J. N 343 Moore, J. S 91 Moore, K. C 167 Moore. L. H 269 Moore, L. P 308 Moore, Maurice 35 Moore, M. H 91, 238 Moore, O. B 349 Moore, P. H 317 Moore, R. A 349 Moore, R.I 269 Moore, S. T 54 Moore, T. B., Jr 355 Moore, T.J 132 *Moore, William 355 Moran, H, P 107 Morehead, J. M 260 *Morehouse, H. L 308 Moreland, J. R 396 Morgan, E. E 392 Morgan, F. H. G 231 Morgan; G. M 146 Morgan, J.J 213, 283 *Morgan, J. W., Jr. 204 Morgan, M. M 283 Morgan, T. R 238 Morison, H. A 231 Morison, H. G 54 *Morris, Charles 78 Morris, C. E 78, 121 Morris, E. C 231 Morris, F. M 91 Morris, J. R 107, 269 Morris, J. W 78, 120, 182 Morris, L. C 121, 182 Morris, Marshall, Jr 283 Morris, O. B 168 Morris, R. T 292 Morris, T. D 231 Morris, W. S 78 Morrison, A. M. S 91 , 107 Morrison, Eugene 194 Morrison, H. C 283 Morrison, H. K 107 Morrison, H. T. 107 *Morse,J. B 385 Morton, F. S jS- Morton, H. T 349. Morton, J. A 78 Morton, John W 78 Morton, Jos. W 78 Mosby, J. D 332 Moseley, H. R. . 155 Moser, C. K 385 Moses, A. S 205. Moss, CD 283, 292, 381 Moss, D. H.,Jr 349. Moss, J. D 78 Moss, L. H 292 Motley, R. L 332- Mower, F. D 371 Mower, McHardy 371 Moyler, John 121 Muir, G W 36 Muir, L. C 392 Mullen, E. L 36- Mullinax, I. D 332 MuUins, Henry 238 Mullins, J. W 36 Mullis, Charles 168 *Munnerlyn, Benj 141 Munroe, G. D 107 Munroe, R. L 108 Munson, W. B 213 Murchison, W. H 213 Murfree, J. B., Jr 338 Murphy, M. M 108 Murphy, O. A 225 Murphree, W. T 283,317 Murphy, S. H 366 Murphy, T. D 78 Murray, Edwin 54 Murray, S. W 108 Murrell, G. R 55. Murrell, H. C 301 Murrill, Paul 146 Myers, F. T 78 Myers, W. E 78, 108 N Nabors, J. T 36a Nail, E. W 376 Nalle, J. B 121 Nance, L. M 133 Nash, Shepard 246^ Neal, D. R., [Jr.] 55 Neel, J. F 78 Neil], Wm 55 Nelms, W. S 213. Nelson, L.T 55 Nelson, Paul 55 Nelson, Robt 36, 146- Newbill, H. G 121 Newell, C. E 292, 325 AI^PHABETICAI, INDEX. 497 Newell, E. D 325 Newell, E. F 325 Newell, E. T., Jr 292, 325 Newell, L. B 246 Newell, R. W 325 Newell, R. Y 325 Newman, H. M 36 Newman, J. W 146 Newman, T. J 366 Newman, W. L 121 Newsom, E. P 213 Newson, James 205 Newsom, Solomon 168 *Newton, Ebenezer 78 Newton, F. C 371 Newton, H. C 91 *Newton, H. G 325 Newton, H. H., Sr 92 Newton, H. H., Jr 92 Newton, Ralph 168 Newton, T. C 79 Nice, CM 232 Nichols, C. A 213 Nichols, E. W 55 Nichols, J. A 55 Nichols, J. R 253, 260 Nichols, R. A 213 Nicholson, A. R . 79 Nicholson, Emslie, [Jr.] .... 246 Nicholson, M. E 205 *Nicholson, W. B. R 108 Nicolson, G-. L 55 Nicholson, W. P 183 Nisbet, J. D 246 Nock, L. F 133, 183 Noel, L. D 301 Noland. E. D 349 Noland, ly. B 283 Norfleet, H. L 133 Norman, P. A 389 Norris, J. L 301 Norris, J. T. , Jr 79, 108 *Norris, T. L 76, 168 North, E. T 216 North, C. S 36 Northington, Allen 317 Northington, E. G 183, 317 Northington, M. P 317 *Northington, W. S 317 Northrop, J. M 308 Norton, C. F 146. 221 Norvell, F. T 133. 183 Norvell, J. R 366 Norwood, G. A., Jr 253 Norwood, Jos 155 Norwood, J. W 133, 253 Norwood, S. W 155 Norwood, T. S 338 Norwood. W. D 221 Nottingham, J. E.. Jr . . . 133, 183 ^Nottingham, W. K 183 Noyes, F. B 371 Nunnally, A. V 121 O Gates, J. B 246 *Oates, J.J 205 Gates. W. H 205 O'Bannon, H. L 155 O 'Brian, Chenault 221 G'Brien, G. C 221 0-Bryan, L- G 283 Oelze, R. ly 283, 301 *Offutt, W. W 121 Ogden, D. H 338 Oldenbourg, C. Iv 385 Oliphant, E. C 396 Oliver, W. B 253 Omberg, J. A., Jr 232, 283 O'Neal, H. A., Jr 221 O'Neal, W. C 332 O'Neale, C. L 141, 238 Opp, Frederick 222 Orear, J. L 349 Orme, Frank 55 Orme,J.P 55 Ormond, J. B 269 Ormond, J. W 269 Ormond, M. T 269, 400 Ormond, R. F 269 Ormond, W. G. . . 269 Osborne, T. D 246 Osborne, W. H 253 Otey, Dexter 55 Onsley, R. F 108 Overton, Jno 283 Owen, Crockett 283 Owens, J.J 332 P Pache, F. C. J 385 Padgett, A. E 155 Page, C. W 343 Page. J. M 121 Page, Mann 183 Page, R. L 133 Page, S. M 133 Page, T. N 343 Page, T. W.,[Jr] 121 Page, W. G 133 Palmer, E. C 36, 343 Palmer, W. L 108 Palmer, W. L. C 79 Park.J. B.,Jr 108 *Parker, A. W 238 498 AI^PHABETICAI, INDEX. Parker, C. A 325 Parker, C. L 381 Parker, C. S 79 Parker, E. F 141, 183 Parker, Howard 222 Parker, J. H 389 Parker, J. K 213 Parker, J. R 260 Parker, L. W 238 Parker, T. D 238 Parker, W. G 133 Parks, H. G 108 Parks, J. S 108 Parks, Lawrence S 232 Parks, Lexie S 283 Parks, R. L. M 108 Parrish, E.J 36 Parrish, H. F 183 Pasco, F. Iv., Sr 108 Pasco, F. L., Jr 109 Patch, B. A 338 Patrick, B. R 332 Patrick, J. C .... 194 Patterson, J. W 283 Patterson, T. G 333 Patton, D. D 317 «-Patton, H. C 238 Patton, M. W 292 *Paulett, H. C 121 Paulett, R. H 121 Paxton, C. F 366 Payne, A. G 338 *Payne, B. F 79 Payne, E. H., Jr 349 Payne, H. F 56 Payne. J. K 56 Payne. W. S 338 Peacock, J. P 168 Peake, J. E 133 Pearce, J. M 360 Pearcy, W. C 238 Pearson, B. R 56 Pearson, J. A 194 Pearson, J. F 168 Pearson, J. M 109 Pearson, h. W 317 Pearson, W. F 56 Pease, W. C 79 *Peatross, S. C 133 Peay, A. L 301 Peek, C. L: 109 Peek, W. H 56 *Peele, C. H 213 Peeples, E. W 92 Peery, H. G.,Jr 197 Peery, J.B 197 Pegram, J. W., Jr 183 Pegues, W. T 325 Peirce, R. L 371 Peirsol, R. C 350 Pelham, S. C 318 Pendleton, A. S 253 Pendleton, J. S 381 Penick, D. A 222, 371 Perrilliat, Ars6ne 292 Perrin, R. McC 141 Perrit, A. J. A 92 Perry, Alex. Jr 283 Perry, B. G 318 Perry, Erwin 109 Perry, T. T 56 Perry, W. G 246 Person, A. P 79 Peters, H, N 355 Peters, Ralph 79 Pettit, Paul 121. 183 Peyton, L. W. H 56, 183 Pfeiffer, H. C 121 Pharr, E. A 292, 360 Pharr, H. Neal 246 Pharr, H. Newton 284, 360 Pharr, J. A 284 Pharr, J. W 246 *Phelan, G. R 183, 308 Phillips, C. C 217 Phillips, F. P 309 Phillips, G. B 205 Philp, J.W 222 Phinizy, Ferdinand 56 *Phinizy, H. H 79, 183 Pickel. F. W 155, 238 Pickel, J.M 155 Pierce, A. M 109 Pierce, G. F 109 Pierce, H. A 381 Pierce, J. F 109 Pierce, J.J 318 Pierce, J. L 109 Pierce, R. T., Jr 183 Pierce, T. M 109 Pierce, Walter F., Jr 109 Pierce, William F 109 Pierce, W. L 109 Pierson, Clarence 325 Pilcher, E. M 133 Pilcher, William 134 Pilcher, W. W 109 Pinckney, G. M 238 Pinkham, C. B 392 Pinner, J. B 184 Pipes, A. S 325 Pipes, D. M 338 Pipes, Windsor 338 Pipes, W. H .292, 338, 360 AI^PHABETlCAIv INDEX. 499 Pippen, P. S 269 Pitt, R. H 134 Pittman, A. C 398 Pittman, W. B 338 *Pitzer, H. C 121 Plaisance, R. H 325 Planck, E. H 338 Plater, R. C 284 Playter, Harold 385 Pleasants, R. h 361 Plowman, T. S., Jr 318 Plummer, J. B 344 Poage, W. S 56, 184 Poe, Clarence 396 Poe, W. T 318 Poellnitz, C. A 269 Poheim, Hugo 385 Pointer, Monroe. . . 376 Poitevent, Eads 292 Polhill, J. B 168 Polhill, T. G 168 Polk, CM 381 Ponder, J . O .... 109 *Pool, W. R 109 Poore, H. M 155 Poore, J. E 155 *Pope, A. B 184 Pope, G. E 213 Pope, M. C 79> 184 Pope, N. H 134 Pope, W. H 269 Popplestone, L. B 309 Porch. J. C 225 Porcher, O. T 309 Porter, D. K 213 Porter, R. C 213, 222 Porterfield, J. T 344 Portner, E. G 381 *Portner, R. F 381 Post, A. M 292 Post, J.F., Jr 260 Poteet, J. B 213 Pound, E. A 109 Pound, J. M 79, 225 Pourie, J. R 350 Powell, A. G 168 Powell, G. C , 36 Powell, H. P 205 Powell, R. B 254 Powell, R. H., Jr.. 168 Power, G. B 376 Powers, C. B 269 Powledge, B. H 205 Prall. G. V 389 Prather, W. H., Jr 366 Pratt. H. M 318 Prescott, A. T 325 Prescott, Benj ... 325 Prescott, W. B 325 Pressly, G. W. I, 194 Pressly. J. G 194 Pressly, L. T 194 Preston, H. C 56 Prewitt, A. G 355 Prewitt, E. C 356 Prewitt, J. W 356 Pfice, E. D 121 Price, J. B 222 Price, P. B., Jr 36 Price, R. B 338 Price, W. F 269 Pridgen, C. W 254 Pridgen, J. H 371 Prince, D. M 254 Pritchard, R. E 232 Pritchard, S. R 92, 238 Pritchard, W. B 254 Pritchett, G. M 284 Pritchett, P. L 284 Proctor, D. Milton 332 Proctor, D. Montgomery. . . . 332 Proctor, F. C 222 Front, W. S 205 Pryor, J. W 146 Puckett, R. H 269 Puckett, Walter 269 Purdue, A. H 389 Purifoy, F. M 318 Purif oy, John, Jr 205 Puryear, Charles 134, 184 Pyott, E. S 197 Q Quarles, A. D., Jr . . 168 Quarles, J. P 246 Quattlebaum, T. A 155 Questa, CD 366 R Rabb, R. M 155 Radcliffe, G. L. P 371 Rahm, F. H 56 Railey, L. A 146 Railey, M. S 147 Rainbolt, J. W. '. 222 Rainer, J. C 326 Rainey, G. P., Jr 184 Rainold, F. E. E 292 Rambo, C J 109 Rambo, W. T 392 Ramsaur, A. E 168 *Ramser, M. L 284 Ramsey, C N 168 Ramsey, J. C 232 Ramsey, M. G 168 500 AI^PHABETICAI, INDEX. Ramspeck, K. W. 79 Ramspeck, J. L 79, 246 Rand, F. H., Jr.- 309 f Randall, G. G 80 Randolph, H. C 222 Randolph, L. C 293 Rankin, C. A 246, 260 Rankin, H. A 247 Ratcliffe, Cummins 284 Ratcliffe, Willis 80 *Rathburn, W. D 306 Raiher, J. D., Jr 318 *Rather, Pearsall 318 Rattenbury, W. H 389 Ratzburg, Fred 326 Ravelle, C. G 332 Ravenel, A. F. [Jr.] 57 Ravenel, E. P 238 Ray, E. L 92 Ray, H. F 284 Ray. J. K. S 92, 371 Raymond, Alfred 293 fRea, S. C 36 *Read, D. S 36 Read, F. S 301 Reagan, C. H 213 Rector, G. C 213 Rector, T. A 376 Redd, B. S 134 Redd, J. W. [Jr.] 121 Redding, H. A no Redding, J. F 80 Redding, R. A no Redding, S. A. 205 Reddock, C. E 269 Redfield, H.J 57 Redhead, J. A., Jr 401 Redmon, H. G 147 Redwood, W. M 134 Reed, G. H no Reed, W. B 293 Reedy, J. H., Jr 214 Reese, J. S 205 Reichmann, OH 385 Keid, C. C 284 Reid, E. L 194, 371 Reid, J. C 194 Reid, J. O 344 Reid, J. W 194, 371 Reily, E. C 361 Reith, C.E 385 Rembert, G. R 92 Rembert. G. 'W. F 293 f Rencher, E. H 270 Rencher, J. A 270 Render, S. P 222 Renfro, J. L 318 Renner, H. G 376 Reymond, CD 326 Reynolds, C.B 284 Reynolds, C. V 92 Reynolds, E. C 232 Reynolds, J. B.. no Reynolds, J. W no Reynolds, N. M 80, no f Reynolds, W. E no Rhe'tt, R. B.,Jr 57 Rhodes, C. C . 122 Rhodes, J. J 134 ^Rhodes, J. M 238 Rican, G.J 293 Rice, L. G 232 Rice, L. M 155 Rice, M. N 155 Richards, C. M 247 Richards, E. U 396 Richardson. D. A 389 *Richardson, F. L., Jr. . . .293, 338 Richardson, H. P 381 Richardson, I. W 156 Richardson, W. M 92 Riddick, I. G 254 Riddick, W. C 254, 260 Riggs, S. L 361 Riker, W. H 301 Riley, A. C 80 Riley, H. L 156 Riley, J. H 92 Riley, R. W 141 Riley, S. R 92 Ring, Robert 36 *Rion, W. C 247 Ripy, F. L 147 Risley, C. H 366 Risley , H. S 309 *Ritch, E. G 225 Roach, J. E 214 Robbe, C. A.. Jr 309 Roberts, C. E 122 Roberts, Mack 332 Roberts, N. W 134 Roberts, S. R no Roberts, W. A 57 Robertson, C. S 57 Robertson, E. W 326 Robertson, F. A 205 Robertson, F. P 134 Robertson, J. H 122 Robertson, J. L 80 Robertson, J. M 141 *Robertson, T. R., Jr 260 Robertson, V. O 401 Robertson, W. R 260 Robin, E. A 293 AI^PHABETICAI, INDEX. 501 Robinson, F. L 309 Robinson, H. H 366 Robinson, Lewis 293 Robinson, W. W 238 Robinson, W. W. H., Jr . . . . 381 Rockenback, S. D 57 Rockwell, W. O'D 80, 168 Rodd, J. E., Jr 293 Rodwell, J. W no Roehl, F. A 293, 318 Roehl, T.J 293 Rogers, C. P 92 Rogers, E. I 366 Rogers, Foster C 92 Rogers, Frank C. . 92 Rogers, F. M. . . 247 Rogers, H. C 301 Rogers, J. C 92 Rogers, J. F 36 Rogers, J. M 92 Rogers, W. A 93 Roll, E. L 350 Romero, Cayetano 184 Roper, LeRoy 57 Rose, L. H 184, 338 Rose, T. A 344 Rose, T. M 225 Roseborough, J. W 93 fRoseborough, I.J 205 Ross, G. W 232 Ross, J. L 284 Ross, Marcus M 284 Ross, Meek M 194 Ross, R. R 122 Ross, W. A 36 Ross, W. H 247 Roszell, G. A 122, 184 *Rotan, J. M 184 Roulhac, T. R., Jr 270 Rountree, A. G 122 Rouse, S . D 301 Rowland, R. S 80 Rowland, W. M 80 Roy, R. E. L 214, 222 Royster, H. A 254 Rucker, D. H 134 Rucker, Iv. C 214 Rucker, S. J 214 Rucker, W. K 214 Rudisill. Hubbard 232 Ruff, W. H 93 Rushton, C. E 398 Russ, Sempronius 222, 293 Russell, E. H .-57, 134 Russell, O. S 332 Rutledge, Edward 57 Rutledge, Frederick 57 *Ryals, J. G., Jr 168, 184 Ryals, R. E 169 Ryals, T. E 169, 184 *Ryals, W. M 80, 169 Ryburn, R. L 247 Ryland, E. P 284 Ryland, L. G 350, 366 S Sadler, C. L 389 Sadler, F. H 270 Sadler, J. ^ 93 Sadler, W. W 194 Sage, A. B 396 Sale, W. W 36 *Salmon, W. H 333 fSalter, R. E., Jr 301 Salter, R. W 293 Samford, C. McD no *Sanipson, Robt 134 f Sams, E. E 156 fSamuel, T. N 326 Sanders, I. H 57 Sanders, J. W 326 Sanders, S. D 214 *Sanders. S. G 93, 184 Sanders, S. T 270 Sanderson, E. M 309 Sanderson, P. N 122 Sanford, C. D 169 Sanford, E. C 247 Sanford, J. T 326 Sanford, R. D 247 Sanford, S. P 1^9 Sanford, S. V 169 Sanford, T. F 260 Sanford, W. L 260 Sasse, R. L 350 Sasser, Creed 169 Satterwhite, F. M 134 fSaulsbury, R. S no Saunders, D. D., Jr 309 Saunders, I. H 58 Saunders, L. C 58 Saunders, Samuel 134 Savage, W. E 301 Savage, W. V 254 *Saville, Wm 37 *Saye, W. M 247 *Scaife, P. B no Scales, A. E 214 Scales, J. E 284, 361 Scales, U. E 270 Scales, W. N 247 Schaefer, G. A 350 Schenck, J. F 254, 260 Schermerhorn, A. V. R 371 502 AI^PHABETlCAIy INDEX. Schermerhorn, N. K 371 Schemelz, H. L 134 Schneidan, Chas 293 Schreiner, C. A 222 Schreiner, W. R 222 Schuessler, E. M 270 Scofield, A. H 401 *Scott, E. A 326 Scott, E. Iv 134 Scott, F. M., Jr 309 Scott, G. W 122 Scott, H. W ■ 260 Scott, J. L 247 Scott, J. T. [Jr.] 293 Scott, S. M 37 Scott, W. F 147 Scott, W. H 376 Scott, W. 1 122 Scott, W. N 37 Screven, Jno, Jr 58 Screven, R. M 58 Screven, Thos 58 Scroggin, G. C 284 Scroggs, W. O 205 Seals, J. E no Seaman, H. C 169 tSears. W. M 58 Seay, D. E 284 Seay, E. T 284 Seay, H. L 285 Sebastian, J. A 326 Seibels, H. G 309 Seitz, E. Z 385 Selden, M. C 58 Selhausen, A. F. A 372, 381 Selhausen, H. A. 381 Sellars, J. W 222 Sellers, P. B 93 Semtnes, O. J. , Jr 205 Senn, C. A 156 Sessions, Robert 270 Shackelford, E. M 318 Shackelford, L. P 147 Shaba, Richard 389 Shaner, H. Iv 58 Shanks, H. C 302 Shanks, W. C 350 Sharp, B. T 333 Sharp, Elmer 350 Sharp, Robert . 122 Sharp, R. H. [Jr.] 184 Sharp, W. 333 Sharpe, A. Y., Jr 205 Shaw, Chas. McD 338 Shaw, Clarence M 356 Sheats, W. N no Shelton, S. P 222, 339 Shelton, T. W 37, 58 Shelton, W. T 122 Shepard, T. H 309 Sheppard, J. M 222 Sheppard, W. C 223 Sherard, S. B 247 Sherer, A. J 385 Sherrard, D. G 58 Sherrard, W. H 239 Sherrill, R. C 270 Sherrill, W. S 205 Shields, B. B 309 Shields, F. P 254 Shields, R. B 309 Shinn, J. B., Jr 382 Shipp, A. M 37, 58 Shipp, A. W 93 Shipp, J. Iv 309 *Shipp. J. W 93 Shores, R. E 270 Short, F. H 260 Sibley, B. D 80, 194 Sibley, J. S 194 Sibley, W. C . 356 Sibley, W. Iv Sk) Simmons, C. W 205 Simmons, D. E 223 Simmons, R. J. H 206 Simons, W. H 142 Simpson, A. O 239 Simpson, C. W 214 Simpson, F. F 239 Simpson, J. D 270 Simpson, J. W ' 239 Simpson, O. H 293 Simpson, R. A 80, 184 Simpson, R. N 356 Simpson, W. H 309 Simpson, W. T 285 Sims, C. W 239 Sims, E. K 310 Sims, F. K 326 Sims, J. Iv., Jr 270 Sims, J. S 58, 185 Sims, M. H 318 Sims, R.N 310 Singletary, A. G 142 *Singleton, Jno 239 Singleton, M. T 80, no Single ton, T.W 169 Singleton, W. T 333 Sitt,nno J.B., Jr 326 Sinquefield, A. Iv 169 Skeggs, H. A., Jr 206 Skeggs, J. H 206 Skinner, Oliver 270 Slator, M. D 214,223 AI,PHABETICAL INDEX. 503 Slaughter, R. K 344 Slaybaugh, G. E 382 Sledge, F. P 270 Sledge, J. H no Sloan, J. C 366 Sloan, T. W 194 Sloane, M. S 206 Sloss, A. C 58 Sloss, J. Iv 270, 318 Slover, G. S 214, 285 Small, A. B . Jr 169 Small, L. C 169 Small, W.E 169,185 Smart, R. W 156 Smith, A. C 93 Smith, Alwyn M.. in Smith, Angus M 156 Smith, A. W .- 80 Smith, Baxter, Jr. . . 285 Smith, Burton 80 Smith, B. H 206 Smith, B. W 294 Smith, Carl 389 Smith, Chas. A 247 Smith, Clarence A 156 Smith, CD 135, 185 Smith, C. E 366 Smith, C. H in Smith, C. L in Smith, C. T 37, 185 Smith, C.W 93 Smith, Daniel H 318 Smith, Douglas H 37, 58 Smith, D. P ■ 147 Smith, Edgar 285 Smith, Ellis 214 Smith, Edward B 206, 270 Smith, Euler B in Smith, E. C 247, 260 Smith, F. A 169 Smith, F. S 93 Smith, F. S. K 344 Smith, G. F 285 Smith, G. H.... 223 Smith, G. R 223 Smith, H. C 392 Smith, H. G 247 Smith, H. H 206 Smith, H. M in Smith, H. S 318 *Smith, Henry W 285 Smith, Hugh W 260 Smith, I.N 37 Smith, J. B 93 Smith, J. G 247, 261 *Smith, J. Henry 135 Smith, J, Howard 206 Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith J.L Ill J. N 59 J. Soule, Jr 147 J. Sydney 185 JT 169 K. C 361 L. L 122 Iv. P Ill L. R 147 L. S 206 M. G 361 N. C 206 Ossian 59 Otis O 206 R. E 270 R. H 310 R. McA 185 S. A 147 S. C 232 T. S 318 V. L 81 V. V 232 W. B.. 225 W. Chesley 248 W. Cornelson 185 W. Cunningham .... 261 W.J.J 223 W O'B 122 W. Parks 319 W.Percy 217 W. Pruden 232 Smithey, M. E 122 Smithwick, J. F 285 Smoot, A. G 223 Smylie, C. N 271, 376 Snee, W. J 396 Sneed, H. P 376 Sneed, J. B 147 Sneed, J. L 59 Snellings, G. M 361 Snider, E. H 254 Snider, E. J 156 Snow, A. E 382 Snowden, G. L 59 Snowden, S. L 398 Snyder, E. B 302 Snyder, J. E 326 Solomon, L. M 398 Solomon, W. G., Jr 169 Sompayrac, P. A 294 Soper, Frank 333 Soper, Jno., Jr 356 Soper, W. H 393 Sorley, L. S 223 *Sorrell, Gordon 170 Southgate. B. T 185 *Southgate, H. K 285 504 ALPHABETICAI. INDEX. [Sowers, Gordon] 382 Spain, Frank 81 Spain, F. O 142 Spain,'J. B. K 285 Spain, J. W 81 Spalding, C. B 302 Spalding, T. P. H 302 Sparkman, E. Iv m, 185 Sparks, C. W 170 Sparks, H. W 206 *Spaulding, W. R 223 Speake, P. M 319 Spears, C. W 356 Spears, E. W 147 Spears, T. C 147 Speck, J R Ill Speir, J. K iii Spencer, B. L 389 Spencer, G. W 326 Spencer, H. G 356 Spencer, S. M., Jr 339 Spencer, W. A 138 Spencer. W. B 294 f*Spiller, J. R 37 Spiller, J. W 294 Spilman, J. A. 59 Spilman, J. B 254 Spilman, R S. (i) 59 Spilman, R. S. (2) 59, 185 Sprott, C. R 93 Sprott, Jos., Jr 93 Sprunt, T. P 248 Stackhouse, R. P 239 Stackhouse, T. B 93 Stafford, C. B 294 Stafford, F. M 111,225 Stafford, Graham 294 Stafford, R. A 226 Stafford, T. K 376 Stafford, W. C 226 Staggers, H. C 396 *Stallings, W. S iii *Stalworth, A. B 156 Stalworth, G. C 156 fStanard, Robert » . . 37 Stanard, W. K 59 Stanback, M. C ' 248 Staples, D. P 326 Staples, S. B 326 Starke, Ashton 135 Starke, W. W 185 Starling, H. W 302 Starling, Lyne, Jr 302 ^Starling, W. L 59 Starr, B. L 122 Starr, W. R •. 398 Steed, Lyman 350 *Steele, L. R 135 Steele, W. C 326 Steele, W. K 350 Steger, J. O 59 Steiner, J. H 271 Stenger, R. C 382 *Stepliens, J. H 81 Stephens, J. S. [Jr.] 59 Stephens, R. D 81 Stephens, R. G 81 Stern, J. L 37 Stevens, A. H 60, 185 Stevens, Brnest 122 Stephens, E. J 122 Stevens, G. W iii Stevens, H. S 361, 376 Stevens, J. M 376 Stevens, T. W 123 Stevens, Wilkins 170 Stevens, W. B . . . : 123 Stevens, W. S iii, 285 Stevenson, J. R 156 Stevenson, M. deW 248 *Stewart, A. S 37 Stewart, Douglas 185 Stewart, J. A 185 Stewart, Nolan 285 Stewart, T. B 194 Stigall, E. B 333 Stigall, L. Y 333 Stigers, E. M 333 Stiles, G. G 81 Stinson, J. T 390 Stockdell, Hugh, Jr 60, 135 Stodghill, W. M 302 Stofer, J. N 302 Stokes, F. C 350 *Stokes, J. E 93 Stokes, S. D 37 Stokes, W. S 94 Stoll, C. W 94 Stoll, G.J 356 Stoll, J. G 147 Stoll, P. H 94 Stoll, R. C 147 Stone, A. C iii Stone, C. P 294 Stone, E. E 185 Stone, H. H 112 Stone, W. J 393 Stone, W. T. C 112 Storke, T. M 393 Story, B. F 135 Storv, F. J 170 Stout, W. F 396 Stovall, C. Iv 217 Stovall, J. C 333 AIvPHABETlCAIy INDEX. 505 Stovall, J. S •. 333 Stovall, P. R 112 Straham, C. M 81 Straton, J. R 170 Stratton, Hugh 60, 186 Stratton, S. T., Jr 60 Stryhorn, E. C 254 Street, A. J 339 Streetman, Samuel 214 Stribling, W. J 190 Strickland, Edw., Jr 81 Strickland, R. H 81 Strong, R. P 206 Strother, S.h 285 Strozier, R. J 112 Stuart, J. P 333 *Stubbs, C. L 170 Stubbs, H. W 81 Stubbs, J. B., Jr 60 Stubbs, T.J., Jr 344 Stuckey, G. M 239 Stuckey, H. M 248 Stucky, J. M 356 Sulliger, R. A 385 Sullivan, A. R 60 Sullivan, F. A 60 Sullivan, G. C 94 Sullivan, G. W 94 Sullivan, H. C 94 Sullivan, W. H 94 Summerlin, G. T 326 Summers, J. F 390 Sutcliffe, J. W. 206 Sutton, DC 326 Swearingen, G. C 112, 285 Swearingen, O. H 366 Swearingen, S. A 285 Sweatt, Allen 170 Sweeney, E. S 356 Sweeney, W. E 356 Sweeny, A. C 356 Sweeny, W. O., Jr 147, 356 Sweet, E. M 214 Swift, C.J 81 Svdenstricker, H. M 37 Sydnor, T. L 135 T Tabb, G. C 186 Tabb, W. P 302 Tabor, J. F 81, 112 Talley, H. B 285, 339 Tallichet, D. C 206 Tamplet, P. H 142 Tandy, C. H 147 Tannahill, Sam'l 112 Tanner, B. O 286 Tanner, C. F 333 Tanner, J. S 310 Tanner, T. C 232 Tappan, E. Iv 112 Tate, F. P 248 *Tate, J. U 206 Tatum, W. O'N 376 Tayloe, J. W 186, 254 Taylor, Clyde 60 Taylor, C. T 271 Taylor, F. C 302 Taylor, F. E 239 Taylor, F,N 112,271 Taylor, F. S 186, 344 Taylor, J. D., Jr 60 Taylor, J. J 135 *Taylor, J. T 123 Taylor, John W 326 Taylor, James W 123 Taylor, L. R 396 Taylor, N. L. R 350 Taylor, R. C 60 Taylor, R. K 156 Taylor, S. J 271 Taylor, Tazewell 186, 344 Taylor, W. B 60 Taylor, W. D 319 Taylor. W. H., Jr 90 Teat, G. Iv 376 Teat, J. A 376 Tedford, O. P 333 *Telfair, M. S 112 Telfair, S. F 248 Temple, E. W 327 Temple, M. E 310 Terral, S. H. Jr 271 Terrell, J. M 197, 286 Terrell, Robert 214 Terriberry, G. H 294 Terry, J. Y 60 Thackston, H. Y 156 Thackston, T. B 94 Thackston, W. J 156 Thane, B. h 385 Thetford, Kennon 186, 319 Thetford, S. Iv 319 Thetford, W. F 319 Thieme, H. P 372 Thomas, A. J. S 156 *Thomas, C. A 356 Thomas, D, L 302 *Thomas, F. C 81 *Thomas, G. D 81 Thomas, H. B 261 Thomas, H. W 350 Thomas, H. B. *Thomas, J. E 302, 310 5o6 AI^PHABETICAI, INDEX. Thomas, J. M 8i Thomas, James R 6i Thomas, John R 214 Thomas, W. L 310 Thomas, W. O 135 Thomas, W. W 214 *Thomason, W. S 94 Thompson, Allen 376 Thompson, A. Iv 377 Thompson, F. A 390 Thompson, G. H. 206 Thompson, Jacob, Jr 310 Thompson, L. S 61 Thompson, M. E 377 Thompson, R. H 94, 239 Thompson, R. S 37 Thompson, A. W 239 Thornton, G. B., Jr 61 Thornton, R. S , 327 Thornwell, E. E 248 Thrower, B.K 138 Tichenor, W. R 81, 206 Tilghman, H.A 61 Tillett, C. W 123 Tillinghast, Morgan 38 Tilton, J. G 186 Tinsley, C. A 302 Tinsley, Thos 61 Tisinger, B. L 82, 226 Titterington, G. A 302 Titterington, J. B 302 Todd, J. S.. Jr 61 Tolar, S. W 82 Toombs, L. C 112 Toomer, J. S 294 Totherow, C. C 271 Towles,C. S 382 Towles, J. K 294, 327 Townsend, A. S 239 Townsend, J. R 350 Towson, W. E 286 Trapnell, R. W 396 Travis, E. B 344 *Trawick, W. D 207 Treadway, W. A 390 Trimble, A. F 82 Trimier, T. R 94 Tucker, C.J 361 Tucker, F. R 294 fTucker, H. W 302 Tucker, J. W 361 Tucker, N. B 61 Tucker, W. P 186 *Turnbull, W. B 112 Turnbull, W. T 112, 186 Turner, C.H.B 310 Turner, E. P 344 Turner, E. W 344 Turner, Filo H 207 Turner, Frank H 112 Turner, G. J 207 Turner, H. C 207 Turner, H. G 302 Turner, J. A 135, 186 Turner, J. E 303 Turner, J. H 303 Turner, L. S 366 Turner, M. A 135 Turner, R. H 385 Turner, S. M 112 Turner, W. J 38 Turnipseed, W. E 271 Turpin, Baynard 327 Turpin, J. B 135 Tutt, A. M 333 *Tutt, G. E 335 Tutt, J. M 333 Tuttle, Montague H 207 Tuttle, Mortimer H 207 Twiggs, J. D., Jr 61 Twiggs, W. J 61 *Twitty, J. F 123 *Twitty, W. H 123. tTyler, A. R 344 Tyler, J. E 372^ Tyler, J. W 61 Tyler, R. T 271 Tyree, W. C 135, 186. U Underhill, A. J 372 Unsell, J.B 350 Upchurch, D. D 255 Utley, Ivce 366 V Valine, F. W 393 Vance, G. T 61 *Vance, W. D . 61 Vandiver, C. W 319 Van Horn, J. T 112 Van Lear, Wm 339 Van Meter, B. F., Jr 148 Van Ness, J. H., Jr 248 Van Ness, W. W., Jr 310 Van Norden, O. H 393 Van Norden, R. W 393 Varn, H. A 94 Vass, E. S 186, 24a Vass, W. W 255, 261 Vaughan, A. J 390^ Vaughan, S. D 215 Vaughan, S. M 215 Vaughn, A. B., Jr. 170 Vaught, S.B. 197 AI^PHABBTICAI, INDEX. 507 Venable, G. F 113 Vertrees, C. C 232 *Vest, J. M 135, 186 Vick, G. D 261 Vickers, J. C 123 Vidmer, R. H 319 von Phul, N. S , 294 von Phul, William 294 Voorhis, W. T 62 Voorhies, C. H., Jr 148, 186 W *\Vaddell, W. H 82 Waddill, F. H 327 Wade, B.R 367 Wade, J. W 170 Wade, T. W 170, 186 Wadley, W.M 82 Wadsworth, W. W 113, 123 Wagner, F. G 367 Wagner, L.T 385 Wailes, S. 1 62 Waldorp, L. G 271 Waldorp, R. W., Jr 344 Walker, A. H 239 Walker, A. S., Jr 223 Walker, F. P 356 Walker, H. E 239 Walker, J. S 62 Walker, J. T 135 Walker, Marcus 294 >= Walker, N. P 142, 187 Walker, R. A. P 62 Walker, W. L 94 Wall, I. D., Jr 361 Wallace, Charlton 357 Wallace, D. D 94 Wallace, H.C.,Jr 333 Wallace, J. C 94 Wallace, R. B. R. C 94, 187 Wallace, W. H 95 Wallace, W. W 319 Waller, A. R 232 Waller, Edward. 233 Waller, Henry 303 Walsh, A. M 386 *Walsh, W. A 38 Waltham, W. H 35© Walton, R. S 334 Wannamaker, H. S 95 Wannamaker, J. E 95 Ward, D. L 255 Ward, Henry 62 Ware, George 82, 170 Ware, Horace 207 Ware, J. R 156 Ware, R. E 95 Waring, G. W 239 Waring, J. M. S 372 Warman, Altha 396 Warren, C. R 82 Warren, H. C 123 Warren, L- B 82, 135, 170 Warwick, P. C.,Jr 62 Washburn, C. C 286 Washburn, F. E 113 Washington, F. J 372 Wasson, A. W 390 Waterman, J. B 294 Waters, B. W 1 23 Waters, T. L 187 Watkins, H. B 286, 377 Watkins, J. C 190 Watkins, h. C 62 Watkins, R. E. L 344 Watkins, W. H : 271, 377 Watson, A. R 187 Watson, F. W 393 Watson, H. L 157, 261 Watson, J. A., Jr 271 Watson, J. B 157 Watson, J. D 95 *Watson, J. E 248 Watson, J. W 271 * Watson, P. L 157 Watson, R. F 157 Watson, S. E 215 Watson, S.J I57 Watson, S. P 248 Watson, Wade A 157 Watson, William A 248 Watt, Hansen 248 Watt, W. A 248 Watts, E. M 187 Watts, Leroy 271 Watts, M. H 123 Wauchope, W. C 399 Waugh. C. V 136 Wear, J. H 35i Weatherwax, CM 393 Weaver, L- A 310 f Weaver, T. S 38 Webb, A. P 271 Webb, C S 187 Webb, E. Y 255, 261 Webb, J. F 207 Webb, J. H 271, 319 Webb, J. O 207 Webb, J. Y 286 Webb, R. D 207 Webb, T. 1 286 Webb, W. D 187,345 Webb, W. P 248 Webster, J. E 95 5o8 ALPHABETICAI^ INDKX. Weeden, R. P 207 Weisiger, H. E 123 *Weisinger, W. C 207 Welborn, A. C 157 Welch, J. W 82 Welch, T. P 286, 303 * Wells, O. P 334 *Wert, B. M 207 Wert, T. W 207 fWerth, D. S 319 Wertz,J. H 157 Wertz, J. Q 190 West, A.M., Jr 170 West, A. P 372 West, B. W 294 West, F. T., Jr 123, 136 West, G. T 123, 187 West, H. S 372 West, J. M 372 West, M. E 38 West, W. Benjamin 157 ^ West, W. Beverly 123 ' Westcott, H. H 382 Westerfield, G. S 295 Westerfield, W. W 295 W^estfield, J. O 157, 239, 310 Wethington, P. F 82 Weymouth, John 345 Whaley. E. M., Jr 142 Whaley, N. C 35i Wheat, E. E , 271 Wheeler, B. H 351 Wheeler, Daniel 207 Wheeler, W. P 170 Wheelwright, T. S 124 Whipple, J. R 386 Whitaker, C. L 326 White, B. A 82 White, C. S 62 White, G. D 249 White, G. P 157 White, H. H 286 White, J. E 255 White, J. G 194 White, J. P 367 White, J. S 240 White, Leonard 248 White, Milford 148 White, R. B 255 White, Samuel 170 f White, T. S 377 White, W. A 286 White, S 124 Whited, H. W 327 Whitehead, J. B . 17° Whitehead, R. H 187, 255 Whiteside, W. T 286 Whitfield, A. B 170 Whitlow, D. W 233 Whitman, W. C 286 Whitner, B. F 310 Whitner, J. A., Jr 398 Whitner, W. C 240 Whitney, C. E 382 Whitney, Edw. L 327 Whitney, Erwin h 351 Whitney, G. D 382 Whitney, R. H 327 Whittaker, B. H. W 310 Whittaker, W. C 272 Whitworth, J. Iv 187 Whyte, W. H 249 Wiatt, J. E 136 Wickliffe, R. C, Jr 295, 303 Wideman, J. L 157 Widener, G. K . 357 Wier, C. E 377 Wiggs, C. F 350 Wilcox, H. M 95 Wilds, R. H 157 Wiley, Claude. 113 Wilkerson, A. W 310 Wilkerson, J. H 272 Wilkerson, J. S 334 Wilkerson, W. A 310 Wilkins, C. E 157 Wilkins, C. F 136 Wilkins, W. E 157 Wilkinson, D. L 272, 319 Wilkinson, M. R 136, 171 Willard, S. L 113 Willbanks, J. R 223 Willcox, A. A 82 Willcox, C. DeW 82 Willcox, C. H 82 Willcox, C. P., Jr 82 Willcox, H. N 82 Willcox, H. R 83 Willcox, P. A 240 Williams, A. E 319 f Williams, A. F 157 Williams, A. G 272 Williams, A. N 361 Williams, B. J 233 Williams, CM 157 Williams, C. S 187 Williams, E.J 334 Williams, F. C 345 Williams, F. H 158 Williams, H. L 158 Williams, Jas. A 187, 303 Williams, John A 223, 327 Williams, J. Mason 223 Williams, J. Minnick, Jr 286 AIvPHABETlCAL INDEX. 509 Williams, J. P 339 Williams, James R 249 Williams, John R 171 Williams, Mims 377 Williams, P. H 124, 261 Williams, R. S., Jr 158 Williams, R. W 62 Williams, S. W 158 Williams, T. Y 158 Williams, Wm 377 Williams, W. A 377 Williams, W\ C 187 Williams, W. D 327 Williams, W. H 113, 171 Williams, W. M 207 Williamson, Bailey F 255 Williamson, Benj. F 240 Williamson, B. R. 255 Williamson, S. B 62 Willingham, H. S 83 Willis, B. C 187 Willis, B. G 148 Willis, J. A 396 Willoughbv, J- E 319 Willis, J. f 83, 138 Wilmot, J. C 390 Wilson, Alexander 249 A. E 255, 261 C. F 382 Wilson Wilson *Wilson, C. W 113 Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson W^ilson Wilson Wilson D. E 207 E. K 303 E. S.,Jr 171 G. L 95 G.N 83 H. F., Jr 319 H. M , 386 H. O 124 H. W 249 John, Jr 124 J. C 113 J.E 124 J. Wadkins 233 J. William, Jr. . . .249, 261 f Wilson. J. Willis 187 Wilson, O. A 367 Wilson, P. D 83 Wilson, R. C 319 Wilson, R. E 83 Wilson, S. C 124, 1B8 Wilson, S. M 303 Wilson, W. F 367 Wilson, W. H 223 Wiltse, F. S 382 Wimberly, O. J 113 Wimberly, W. H . 113 Windham, E. P 3^9 Windham, L. B 320 Winecoff, W. F 188, 195 *Winfree, Christopher 124 *Wing, E. G 319 Wingfield, J. A 83 Winn, C. D., Jr 171 Winston, H. T 261 Winston, J. M 62 Winston, R. P 345 Wise, G. N 188 Wise, H. A 63 Wise, H. D 62 Wise,J. S., Jr 63 Withers, R. W 38 W^itherspoon, W. I 249 Witt, S. B...' 136 Witte, G. W. [Jr.] 372 * Wolfe, T. D 171 Womble, H B 327 Wood, A. H 320 Wood, B. A 320 Wood, F. M 272 Wood, T- H 148 Wood, Jas. Ward 38 *Wood, John W 261 *Wood, P. G.. Jr 272 Wood, W. D .' 188, 207 Wood, W. F 367 Wood, W. H 136 Wood, W. S 320 Woodard, W. T 303 Woodruff, F. L 195 * Woodruff, H. W 83 Woods, C. L 124, 188 Woods, F. T 367 *Woods, Jno 95 Woods, J. R 345 Woods, N. M., Jr 208, 233 Woodson, J. M . 215 Woodson, W. H 401 Woodward, C. H 124 Woodward, F. C 124 W^oodward, H. W 95, 188 * Woodward, M. B 158 Woodward, R. H 272 Woodward, S. S 136 Woofter, T. J 286 Wooldridge, J. C 113 Woolley, A. F 208 Woolley, C. W 148 * Woolley, J. M 208 Woolley, L. B. V 113 Woolley. M. P 39^ * Woolley. W. P 113 Wooten. C. A 38 Wooten, E. R 261 Wootters, A. H 223 5IO AIvPHABETICAI, INDEX. Worley, J. P 197 Worrell, S. H 215; 223 Worsham, J. W 113 Wortham, Coleman 124 Wortham, R. D 136 Worthington, J. A 390 Worthington, L.J 63 Wragg, S. A 311 Wren, A. G 295, 377 Wright, Arthur 372 Wright, B.M 386 Wright, C. G 261 Wright, F. M., [Jr.] 124 Wright, G. A 158 Wright, Homer 113 Wright, H. C.,Jr 372 Wright, Morehead 63 Wright, W. C 113 Wrigley, Arthur 83 Wrigley, George 208 fWroe, J. h 215 Wyer, W. P 136 Wyeth, L. J 382 Wynn, C. G 320 Wynn, C. O 226 *Wynn, J. R 286 Wynn, J. W 361 Wynn, W. T 114 Y Yarborough, W. S 286 Yeaman, J. M 311 Yellot, R. E. L 382 Yerger, A. W 311 Yerkes, J. W 357 Yonge, A. M 351 Young, B. E 287 Young, C. H 320 Young, C. S 287 Young, C. T 261 Young, G. L 272 Young, J. E 249 Young, J. H 124, 188 Young, J." T 195 Young, J. W... 83 Young, L. G 249 Young, McBeth 240 Young, R. B 357 Young, W. G 63, 188 Younge, C. U. 83 Yuille, N. A 320 Z Zachry, J. G 83 Zemp, E. R 142 Zettler, G. M 171 Ziegler, J. D 303 Zimmer, W. L., Jr 63 Zimmerman, G. P 138 Zimmerman, S. H 95 4 46S c^ -n^ f^ -^c^. yP^.. 0^ ^ v)^ ^ ■> "•■ ^ '^C \-^^' ■>-, ^\ f x^^^. V ^:- V \" ^^. ^^. c- .^^ C' i- ?5 -^c^. '^» * 8 I \ " \V "c^. ^oo A X ,\~I> ^ o c» oV' ',0 .A r> ^ x^<^< ^^ "<->. ■^ x<-~^ ''■'*<. 'O "^a^ 0^ ^^^^%V V\' _ ' / ' 7* 0^ X "oo^ "^^ V^^ .-^ ^\' i^ ■% >P°c >- 0: ^. * M -^ ^' o5 -^c^ .# "^^^ ^o. *-, ^^ ^C^. ■^ A^ <^ "0-^-^ <\ K ^^, '"'^ ^^' ^0^ ^ .\ -^^^ , 1 * < ^ -^ , V "* .'^ n ) o > oO' A _ ^ z ^ '\ A^ *^ "^ ^ O (V <■ ^ -? -^5 .\\ . N C „ ^^ > 0~ 1 ^ -^^ ^'^ *^,