# LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. I # , r- # # . "P. X ^&CT£ > ♦ #^M* - "• t opB»S M -i° # { UNITED STATES OP AMERICA. { THERAPEUTIC KEY; OR, PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR THE HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT OF ACUTE DISEASES. BY I. D. JOHNSON, M. D. Similia similibus curantur. PHILADELPHIA: F. E. BOERICKE, No. 635 ARCH STREET. NEW YORK: BOERICKE & TAFEL, 145 GRAND ST. 18 72. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, by I, D. JOHNSON, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. st^s —* -^ ^M<£ y** J. FAGAN & SON, *%s^ STEREOTYPE FOUNDERS, ^^\j PHILADELPHIA. fc/^ Xr^ ^* PREFACE. THIS little volume is simply what its title indicates, a " Practical Guide" to aid the memory of the practitioner at the bed-side. The necessity for a work like this must be apparent to every Homoeopathic physician, even of limited ex- perience. The fact that many of our distinguished practitioners carry with them, in their daily rounds of practice, the larger works to refer to, clearly indi- cates the necessity that exists for a book of this kind. Therefore, it is to supply this deficiency that I now offer this little volume to the Profession, as the fruit of my humble effort. It has been written at irregular and interrupted intervals, amid the pressure of other cares, and is the result of many years' experience, observation, and study. In its preparation I have consulted the best recent and ancient authorities in our English and American Homoeopathic literature, and have carefully selected from their rich treasury most of the material it contains. I have given only such symptoms and indications for the exhibition of remedies as have withstood the practical test of expe- rience. Most of these symptoms have been expressly set forth as characteristics, or key-notes, by Professors Guernsey, Herring, Lippe, Raue, and others, who regard them as preeminently requisite in determining the choice of the remedy. For this reason I have marked these characteristic symptoms with a star (*), to denote their distinctive value. It is not intended, iii iv PREFACE. however, that they should determine the choice of the remedy to the exclusion of others, as every symptom possesses a relative value which must correspond with those of the individual case. The symptoms marked in italics are likewise characteristic of the remedies, but in a less or subordinate degree. With respect to the remedies themselves, they have been arranged under the head of each particular dis- ease, in alphabetical order, and many new ones have been added, which will be found to disclose important symptoms not met with elsewhere. The diseases have likewise been arranged in alpha- betical order in the body of the work, as well as in the Contents, and can therefore be consulted with the greatest facility. For convenience, it is desirable that a book of this kind should be made to occupy as little space as pos- sible, and for this reason I have considered only acute diseases, or that class requiring prompt treatment, and which does not admit of time to consult larger works at the office. A chapter, however, has been devoted to the treatment of " Poisoning," and also one on "Ap- parent Death from Drowning," " Suffocation," &c, which will be found of great practical importance to the junior, as well as to the older members of the Profession. In conclusion, I may say that it has been my earnest endeavor to make this little volume one of practical utility. How far I have succeeded in the execution of this design, I leave to the just decision of those who are qualified to judge. I. D. JOHNSON. Kennett Square, Pa., July, 1871. CONTENTS. PAGE Abortion 123 Abscess 7 After-pains..... 8 Amenorrhoea 10 Aphtha? 12 Apoplexia 14 Apparent Death 16 from Cold 16 from Drowning 16 from Hanging... 16 from Lightning 16 from Foul Gas... 16 Arthritis 17 Asthma 19 Atrophy of Children 22 Bronchitis 24 Burns and Scalds 27 'atarrh 28 Cholera 31 Cholera Morbus. (See Chol- era.) 31 Cholera Infantum 33 Colic 38 Constipation - 42 Convulsions 161 Cough 46 Croup 51 Cystitis 53 Delirium Tremens..... 57 Dentition 59 Diarrhoea 64 Diphtheria 70 Droning IS Dysentery 72 Dysmenorrhcea 76 Dyspepsia 78 PAGE Enteritis 83 Erysipelas 84 Fever and Ague 101 Flooding 121 Gastritis 86 Gout. (See Arthritis.) 19 Headache 88 Heart, Diseases of 136 Hemoptysis 93 Hemorrhoids 94 Hepatitis 97 Hooping-cough 139 Hydrocephalus 100 Icterus 107 Inflammation of the Bladder 53 of the Bowels.. 83 " of the Brain.... 81 of the Eyes 134 " of the Kidneys 128 " of the Liver... 97 " of the Lungs... 144 " of the Stomach 86 Intermittent Fever 101 Jaundice 107 Labor 109 Leucorrhcea 110 Measles 113 Menorrhagia 115 Metritis 118 Metrorrhagia 121 Miscarriage 123 Morning Sickness 125 Mumps 127 V VI CONTENTS. Nephritis 128 Neuralgia 130 Ophthalmia 134 Pericarditis 136 Peritonitis 83 Pertussis 139 Pleurisy 142 Pneumonia 144 Poisoning 147 by Acids 147 by Alkalies 147 by Antimony 147 by Arsenic 147 by Cantharides 148 by Charcoal-gas.... 148 by Corrosive Subli- mate 148 by Copper 148 by Iodine 148 by Laudanum 148 by Lead 148 by Morphium 148 by Nitrate of Silver 148 by Opium 148 by Phosphorus 149 PAGE Poisoning by Prussic Acid... 149 " by Strammonium 149 " by Strychnine 149 Profuse Menstruation 115 Puerperal Convulsions 149 Puerperal Fever. (See Metri- tis) 118 Quinsy ; 164 Rheumatism 151 Rubeola 113 Scarlatina 156 Small-pox 159 Spasms 161 Suppression of the Menses... 12 Sun-stroke... 163 Tonsillitis 164 Toothache 165 Typhoid Fever. 169 Variola 159 Worm Affections 175 Yellow Fever 176 PRACTICAL GUIDE IN THE TREATMENT OF ACUTE DISEASES. ABSCESS. Therapeutics.- Special indications. Aeon. The tumor is swollen, red, and shining. Violent cutting pains: the parts burn, as from hot coals. Great nervous and vascular excitement. * Gets desperate about the pain, and declares that something must be done. * Great fear and anxiety of mind. Ag- gravation in the evening, and during the night. Ars. The abscess threatens to become gangrenous, and is accompanied with great debility. * Violent burning pains ; the parts burn like fire. Restless toss- ing about. - Great thirst, but can drink but little. Aggravation during rest, and better by motion. Asafcetida. The abscess discharges a thin, fetid pus: is very painful to contact, especially the sur- rounding parts. * Pains, with numbness of the affected parts. Nervous, hysterical, scrofulous individuals. Bell. The tumor is much swollen, hard, and of an erysipelatous appearance. Pressing, burning, sting- ing or throbbing pains. * Pains which appear sud- denly and leave as suddenly. * The parts have a hot, dry sensation, with much throbbing; they get worse about 3 p. M. Mammary abscesses. Bryonia. Mostly in the beginning, when the ab- scess is hard, swollen, and feels heavy. The tumor alternates in color, and is either very red or very pale. * Stitching pains, aggravated by the slightest motion. * Hard, dry stools, as if burnt. 7 8 AFTER-PAINS. Hepar. * Where suppuration is inevitable. Throb- bing pains, frequently preceded by a chill. Scrofulous persons, and after the abuse of mercury. Ledum. In the early stage, when the abscess is distended and hard. * Stinging and tearing pains, aggravated by heat. Tensive, hard swelling, with tear- ing pains. Mezer. Abscesses that occur in fibrous and ten- dinous structures, or where they arise from the abuse of mercury. Stinging and throbbing pains, worse at night and from contact or motion. Puis. The abscess bleeds easily, with stinging or cutting pains. Violent itching, burning, and stinging in the periphery of the abscess. Pus copious and yellow. After violent and long continued inflamma- tions. * Mild, tearful persons ; they weep at every- thing, be it good or bad. Rhus tox. Especially for abscesses of the axillary or parotid glands. Stinging and gnawing pains in the tumor, which is very painful to touch. Discharge of a bloody-serous matter. * Pain worse during rest, and relieved by moving the affected parts, Silicea Where suppuration is imminent, or in cases where the discharge becomes fetid, thin, and watery, Several fistulous openings form, which are very slow to heal. * In whitlow, where the pain is intense and the swelling unabated. Sulph. Inveterate cases, when there is a profuse discharge of matter, with emaciation, hectic fever, &c. Where there is a constant tendency to a return of the disease. Scrofulous persons who are frequently troubled with boils. * Psoric diathesis, * Lean persons who walk stooping. AFTER-PAINS, Therapeutics. Special indications. Arnica. Sore feeling all through the patient as if from a bruise. The pains are not very violent, but there is a bruised sore feeling, with pressure on the bladder and retention of urine. AFTER-PAINS. 9 Bell. * Severe bearing-down pains, as if all would be forced through the external organs. * The pains come on suddenly, and leave just as suddenly. Ful- ness and great tenderness of the abdomen. Sleepi- ness, but cannot sleep. Bryonia. * The pains are of a stitch-like charac- ter, and are excited by the least motion. The patient is exceedingly irritable. Cham. Great nervous excitement, with restless tossing about. The pains are very distressing, and she becomes almost furious. * Very impatient, can hardly answer one civilly. Dark lochial discharge. CofiF. Great sensitiveness, with general excitabil- ity. * Violent pains, driving her almost to despair. Extreme wakefulness. Cup. acet. * Terrible cramping pains, often ac- companied with cramps in the extremities. Spasms, with nausea and vomiting. Ignatia. The pains are cramp-like and pressing, resembling labor pains. * Sadness and sighing, with an empty feeling at the pit of the stomach. Nuz vom. When the pains are aching and more like colic. Violent contractive pains in the uterus. * Every pain causes an inclination to go to stool. Much pain in the small of the back, worse by turning in bed. Puis. Severe colicky pains extending to the back. The pains grow worse towards evening. Bad taste in the mouth, with desire to vomit. * Persons of a mild, tearful disposition. Thirstlessness, Secale cor. Excessive uterine contractions, which are long continued. * In thin, feeble, scrawny fe- males, or women who have borne many children. Thin, offensive lochial discharge. Sulph. Flashes of heat, and frequent weak, faint spells. Feet either cold or burning hot, particularly in the soles. * Constant heat in the top of the head. Sulph. acid. Great sense of general weakness. * A sense of trembling all over, without absolute trembling. Profuse perspiration, with great debility. 10 AMENORRHEA. AMENORRHEA. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aconite. If the suppression is the result of direct application of cold. Congestion of blood to the head or chest, with flushed face. Shooting and beating pains in the head, with delirium or stupefaction. * Vertigo with faintness on rising from a recumbent position. Arsen. Pale waxen color of the face. Great prostration of strength from the least exertion. Loss of appetite ; sadness and melancholy. Fear of death and of being left alone. Much chilliness ; wants more clothes on, or to be near the fire. * Intense thirst, but drinks little. * Sufferings all worse after midnight. Bell. Throbbing headache at the approach of each menstrual period. Red face, with determination of blood to the head when stooping. * Bearing-down pain in the hypogastrium as if the menses would ap- pear. * She cannot bear light or noise. Bryonia. Swimming in the head, with painful pressure in the temples. Bleeding of the nose, and bursting headache. Drawing pains in the lower part of the abdomen. * Hard, dry stools as if burnt. * Symptoms all worse by the least motion. Calc. carb. Scrofulous, rickety subjects. The menstrual period is preceded by swelling and soreness of the breasts, headache, colic, shiverings, and leucor- rhcea. * Cold, damp feet, and swelling at the pit of the stomach. * Dizziness on going up-stairs. Causticum. Yellow, discolored complexion. Weakly, scrofulous subjects with glandular swellingsr Melancholy mood ; she looks on the dark side of everything. Hysterical spasms and pinching pain in the sacrum. Leucorrhcea particularly at night. Cham. Pressure towards the genital organs, like labor-pains. Cutting colic, and drawing in the thighs previous to a menstrual period. * She is very irrita- ble, can hardly answer one civilly. * One cheek red and the other pale. Passing of large quantities of colorless urine. AMEXOEEHCEA. 11 China. Pale, sickly complexion. Weakness of digestion ; fulness and distention of the abdomen, par- ticularly after eating, * Debility from loss of animal fluids Cocculus. Leucorrhcea in place of the menses. * During the menstrual period, she is extremely weak. Sometimes a few drops of black blood are discharged. Nervous hysterical subjects. Coloc. Amenorrhcea from anger and silent grief. * Severe colicky pains which compel one to bend double. Great anguish and restlessness. Conium. Much vertigo, particularly when lying down, or when turning over in bed. * At every men- strual effort, the breasts enlarge, become sore and painful. Much difficulty in voiding urine ; it inter- mits in its flow. Crocus. Sensation as if the menses would appear, with colic and dragging down in the direction of the pudendum. * Sensation of something moving in the abdomen. Discharge of thick, black, stringy blood from the nose. Duic. Amenorrhcea from exposure to cold, or from getting wet. * At each menstrual period a rash shows itself upon the skin. Every time she takes cold has urticaria or some other eruption on the skin. Graph. Suppression of the menses, with a sense of weight in the arms and lower extremities. An oc- casional show of the -menses, the discharge being very pale and scant. Swelling and coldness of the feet. * Eruptions on the skin oozing out a sticky fluid. Kali carb. Amenorrhcea, with anasarca and ascites. Pains in the abdomen resembling false labor- pains. Shortness of breath and violent palpitation of the heart. * Little sac-like swelling over the upper eyelid, in the morning. Lyco. Chronic suppression of the menses ; also from fright. Sour eructations, with nausea and vomiting. especially in the morning. Great fulness in the stomach and bowels. * Red, sandy sediment in the urine. Nuz mos. Suppression of the menses from ex- posure to wet, with severe pains in the abdomen. * Irregular menstruation, blood thick and dark. 12 APHTHA. Sleepiness and inclination to faint. * Great dryness of the tongue, particularly after sleeping. Pain in the back as if broken and bruised. Enormous distention of the abdomen after eating. Pulsatilla. Suppression, especially from getting the feet wet. Aching pains over the forehead, with pres- sure on the vertex. Vertigo, with buzzing in the ears. Stitching toothache, the pains suddenly shift from one side to the other. Palpitation of the heart Pain in the stomach, with nausea and vomiting. * Constant chilliness even in a warm room. * Per- sons of a mild tearful disposition, with a tendency to sadness. Symptoms all worse in the evening. Sepia. Frequent paroxysms of hysteric or nervous headache. Toothache, with great sensitiveness of the dental nerves. * Sallow complexion or dingy spots on the face. Nervous debility and great disposition to sweat. * Painful sensation of emptiness at the pit of the stomach. Sulphur. Aching and tensive pain in the head, especially from the occiput to the neck. Rush of blood to the head, with a whizzing noise in the brain. * Constant heat in the top of the head. Pale, sickly complexion, blue margins around the eyes. Frequent weak, faint spells through the day. * She gets very hungry about 11 a. m., cannot wait for her dinner. Great nervous debility, especially in the lower ex- tremities. Verat. alb. Nervous headache at every menstrual period, with hysterical symptoms. Pale, livid face, and cold sweat upon the forehead. Cold hands, feet, and nose. * Great weakness, with frequent spells of fainting. APHTHiE. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aconite. Dry, hot skin, with much heat about the head. Constant restlessness, cries much, bites its fist, and has a green, watery diarrhoea. * Excessive sensibility to the least touch. APHTHA. 13 Arsen. The mouth is relJish-blue, and inflamed. Fetid smell from the mouth ; great restlessness. * Green, watery diarrhoea, attended with great weak- ness. Borax. Red blisters on the tongue, as if the skin were pulled off. Shrivelling up of the mucous mem- brane. The child cries when taking the breast as if in pain. Light yellow slimy stools. * Fear of fall- ing from a downward motion. Calc. C. Scrofulous children, especially during dentition. * Large, open fontanelles. Hard, undi- gested stools of a light color. * Cold, damp feet. Cham. Child starts and jumps much during sleep. Wants different -things, and rejects them when pre- sented. * Very uneasy, and must be carried all the time. Mercurius. Tongue inflamed, swollen, and ul- cerated on the edges. The gums bleed, and incline to ulcerate about the teeth. Very fetid breath. * Pro- fuse secretion of saliva in the mouth. Dysenteric diarrhoea, with griping and tenesmus. Nitric ac. Mouth full of fetid ulcers, with putrid smelling breath. * Ptyalism of a corrosive nature, causing fresh ulcers to break out on the lips, chin, or cheeks. Bleeding of the gums. Particularly if there should be a syphilitic discrasia. Nux vom. If the disease assumes the character of stomatitis. Painful swelling of the gums, with burning or beating pains. Fetid ulcers or blisters in the mouth, on the gums, palate, or tongue. * Con- stipation, with frequent urging to stool. Irritable mood. Staph. Spongy excrescence on the gums and in the mouth. Vesicles under the tongue. Mouth and tongue ulcerated and covered with blisters. Sickly complexion, with sunken cheeks, hollow eyes sur- rounded with blue margins. * The aphthous patches seem to bleed easily, and the gums are spongy. Sulphur. Thick whitish or brownish aphthous coating on the tongue. Blisters and aphthae in the mouth, with burning and soreness, especially when eating. Ptyalism or bloody saliva. Acrid, slimy or 14 APOPLEXIA. greenish diarrhoea excoriating the parts. * The child does not take its usual long nap, but wakens often. Sulph. ac. The mouth appears very painful, and the child is very weak. Vesicles on the inner side of the cheeks ; ulcers on the gums. Profuse flow of tasteless saliva. * Diarrhoea with great debility, and inclination to sweat. APOPLEXIA. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aconite. Congestion of blood to the head, with heat and redness of the face. Eyes red, sparkling, and prominent, with dilated pupils ; fixed look. Paralysis of the tongue, with trembling, stammering speech. Great difficulty in swallowing. Pulse full and hard, but not intermittent. Arnica. Head hot, while the rest of the bod}' is cool. Paralysis of the limbs, especially the left side. Loss of consciousness, with stupefaction and stertor- ous breathing. Staring eyes and contraction of the pupils. * Sighing, muttering, and involuntary dis- charge of faeces and urine. Baryta c. Apoplexy of aged persons, and those of intemperate habits. Paralysis of the limbs (right side). Disturbed consciousness, with childish gesticula- tions and inability to keep the body erect. Belladon. Face swollen, bluish, and dark-red. Distention of the veins of the head and neck * Visi- ble throbbing of the carotid and temporal arteries. Drowsiness with loss of consciousness and of speech. Paralysis of the limbs, especially of the right side. * Mouth drawn to one side; difficult or impossible deglutition. * Loss of sight, smell, and speech. In- voluntary emissions of urine. Cocc. The paroxysm is preceded by a stupid feeling in the head, and vertigo. Convulsive motions of the eyes. Paralysis, especially of the lower limbs, with insensibility. * Head and face hot, feet cold. Hyos. * Sudden falling down with a shriek. APOPLEXIA. 15 Loss of consciousness and of speech ; foam at the mouth. Constriction of the throat, and inability to swallow. Brown-red, swollen face, and staring dis- torted eyes, with dilatation of the pupils. Paralysis of the bladder and sphincter ani. * Twitching and jerking of all the muscles in the body. Lachesis. Apoplexia with paralysis of the left side, and coldness of the hands as if dead. Mouth drawn to one side, mostly to the left. Attack preceded by frequent absence of mind or vertigo. * Cannot bear anything to touch his neck. Entire inability to swallow. Nux vom. The paroxysm is preceded by vertigo with headache and buzzing in the ears, or nausea with urging to vomit. Swelling and redness of the face. Stupefaction, with stertorous breathing. * Pa- ralysis of the lower jaw, and often the lower ex- tremities, which are cold and without sensation. Habitual constipation. Persons of sedentary habits, who live upon highly seasoned food and stimulating drinks. Opium. * The patient lies in a state of sopor and unconsciousness, with half open eyes and dilated pu- pils. Redness, bloatedness, and heat of the face. * Respiration labored, snoring and rattling. Convul- sive motions of the extremities, or tetanic stiffness of the whole body. Slow pulse. Hydroc. ac The features are spasmodically dis- torted, the eyes fixed and turned upwards. Pupils immovable ; breathing stertorous, and pulse almost imperceptible. * Paralysis of the oesophagus ; fluids pass down into the stomach with a gurgling sound. Laurocerasus. Sudden attack of apoplexia where the patient falls down without any precursory symp- toms. Eyes staring, or lightly closed ; pupils dilated, or contracted and immovable. Slow, feeble, moaning, or rattling breathing. Pulsatilla. Stupefaction and loss of consciousness. Bloated and bluish-red face. Loss of motion, violent palpitation of the heart, and almost complete suppres- sion of the pulse. Restless sleep and tossing about. * Persons of a mild tearful disposition. 16 APPARENT DEATH. APPARENT DEATH. Treatment. In asphyxia from Cold, always place the body in a cold room, and cover it with snow, or bathe it in ice-cold water until the limbs become soft and flexible, then place it in a dry bed and rub briskly with flannel, at the same time try to induce artificial respiration by Dr. Hall's method, explained under the head of "Asphyxia from Drowning." As soon as there are signs of returning life, give small injections of coffee without milk, and if the patient can swallow, give him spoonful doses of coffee to drink. For the severe burning pains which usually follow resuscitation from intense cold: Aeon., Ars., Carb. veg., or Bryo., will be found sufficient. Asphyxia from Drowning : " Place the body in a horizontal position, face down, with one wrist under the forehead. Now, with one hand upon the back and the other upon the abdomen, press gently for about two seconds, then turn the body well upon its side, and after a couple of seconds place it again upon the face and repeat the pressing as before ; in this way strive to induce artificial respiration by the alter- nate pressure upon the abdomen and rotation of the body." Meantime have the limbs rubbed briskly up- ward, and the wet articles of clothing replaced by dry warm ones from the bystanders. In addition to the mechanical means resorted to, a dose of Laehesis may be placed upon the tongue, or administered as an injection. Tartar em. is also a valuable remedy in these cases. Asphyxia from Hanging, Choking, &c. En- deavor to induce artificial respiration by the same method as recommended for drowning, and give Opium or Tartar em. by injection. Asphyxia from Lightning. Place the patient im- mediately in a freshly made opening in the ground, in a half sitting posture, with his face toward the sun, and cover him all over with fresh earth. Give Nux vom, as soon as there are any signs of returning life. Asphyxia from Carbonic-acid Gas. Bathe the ARTHRITIS. 17 patient with vinegar, and let him inhale the vapor ; apply cold water to the head and warmth to the feet. If there is congestion to the head, loss of conscious- ness, throbbing of the carotids, and red, bloated face, give Belladonna. If the face is purplish and swollen, with soporous sleep, stertorous breathing, and vomiting, give Opium. If the patient is very much excited, talks much and rapidly, complains of shooting pains, or if it seems to him as if he were flying, feels giddy when lying down, give Coffea. ARTHRITIS. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aconite. Synochal fever. The parts affected are swollen, red, and shining. Tearing or stitching pains, less when moving the parts. * The pains are intoler- able at night, the patient becoming desperate. Ag- gravation from the use of wine or other stimulants. Arnica. Hard, red swelling of the joints, particu- larly of the knee. Violent pains as if sprained or contused, with a sensation as if resting upon something hard. * Great fear of being struck by persons coming near him. Aggravation by moving the parts. Arsen. Swelling "of the feet, hot, shining, with burning red spots. * Burning pains — the parts burn like fire. Wants to be in a warm room. Great an- guish, restlessness, and fear of death. Intense thirst, but drinks little. Symptoms all worse at night, par- ticularly after midnight. Bell. Wide-spreading redness and swelling of the parts, like erysipelas. * Stitching, burning, and throbbing pains, which come on suddenly and leave as suddenly. Throbbing headache. * Sleepiness, but cannot sleep. Symptoms all worse at 3 p. m. Bryonia. Red or pale tensive swelling, particu- larly of the joints. * Stitching, tearing pains, aggra- vated by motion and relieved by rest. * Patient wants to remain perfectly quiet. Extremely irritable ; 2* 18 ARTHRITIS. everything makes him angry * Dry, hard stools, as if burnt. Colch. Little or no swelling of the affected part; the skin is rose-colored, and leaves a white spot under the pressure of the finger. * Paroxysms of tearing, stitching, jerking pains, particularly in the finger- joints. * Urine dark and scanty, depositing a whitish sediment. Pains intolerable at night. Ferrum acet. The patient has a pale, consump- tive look. Several joints are affected at the same time ; the pains are violent, stinging, and tearing, obliging him to move the parts constantly. * The least emotion or pain produces a red, flushed face. Mercurius. Red and hot swelling of the affected joints. The pains are drawing and lacerating, or the joints feel as if dislocated; worse in cold damp weather, and at night. * Much perspiration, which affords no relief. Nux vom. The pains are tensive, jerking, or pull- ing, worse in the morning, from mental exertion, from motion and slight contact ; but strong pressure relieves. * Persons of intemperate or sedentary habits, and those who live on rich and highly-seasoned food. Constipation, or morning diarrhoea. Phosphorus. Arthritic affections of the wrist and finger-joints. Pains as if lacerated or sprained, worse early in the morning or in the evening, * Long, nar- row, hard stools, very difficult to expel. * Sensation of weakness and emptiness in the abdomen. Lean, slender persons. Puis. Red and hot swelling of the parts affected, particularly of the knee-joints and feet. The pains are tearing, stitching, burning. * Erratic pains, shift- ing rapidly from one joint to another. Aggravation towards evening, or at night. * Craves fresh cool air ; worse in a warm room. * Persons of a mild, tearful disposition. Rhus tox. Rheumatic gout; the joints are red, shining, and swollen. Stiffness and lameness of the affected parts. The pains are tearing, burning, or as if sprained. * Aggravation on first moving the limb after rest, or during rest ; relieved by motion. ASTHMA. 19 Sabina. Swelling, redness, and stitches in the big toe. Nodosities of the joints. _ Pains tearing and stinging, almost insupportable when the limbs hang down ; relief in the open air ASTHMA. Therapeutics. * Special indications. Aconite. Shortness of breath, especially when sleeping. Paroxysms of suffocation, with anxiety and restlessness. Dyspnoea, with inability to take a deep breath. Spasmodic. rough, croaking cough, with con- striction of the windpipe. * Great fear and anxiety of mind, with nervous excitability. * Fear of death, predicts the day he will die. Arsenicum. Anxious and oppressed shortness of breath, with labored breathing, particularly when as- cending an eminence. Attacks of suffocation, especially at night, or in the evening in bed, with wheezing respi- ration. * Great anguish, extreme restlessness, and fear of death. * Extreme thirst, and drinks but little. * Cannot lie down for fear of suffocation. Wants to be in a warm room. Belladonna. Paroxysm mostly in the afternoon or evening. * Sensation as if dust were in the lungs, better when bending the head back, and when holding the. breath. Face and eyes red, and head hot. Dry, spasmodic cough, especially at night. Uneasiness and beating in the chest * Sleepiness, but cannot sleep. Plethoric individuals and young people. Bryonia. Increased difficulty of breathing when talking, and during any kind of exercise. * Patient wants to remain perfectly quiet, as the least exertion makes him worse. Frequent dry cough, or cough with •expectoration of a quantity of mucus. Stitches in the chest, especially during an inspiration or when cough- ing. * Sitting up in bed causes nausea and fainting. * Dry, hard stools, as if burnt. Cham. Oppression in the chest, as if from incar- 20 ASTHMA. cerated flatulence in the epigastrium. Constriction of the upper part of the chest, with soreness when coughing. Hoarseness and cough from rattling of mucus in the trachea. * Much hot perspiration about the face and head. One cheek red and the other pale. * Is very impatient, can hardly answer one civilly. Especially adapted to children ; they are very cross, and want to be carried all the time. China. Suffocative fits, as from mucus in the larynx, in the evening in bed. Difficult inspiration and quick expiration. * The patient appears as if dying. Cough, with difficult expectoration of clear, tenacious mucus. Worse at night and after drinking. * Better every other day. Conium. Asthma, particularly in the morning on waking. Rattling in the chest. Dry, tickling cough, increasing when lying down, with oppression of the chest. * Face of a bluish-red color. Pale urine, voided with difficulty. Attacks mostly in wet weather. Ferrum. Asthma most violent when lying down, obliging one to sit up. Spasmodic cough with expec- toration of transparent, tenacious mucus. * With every paroxysm or fit of coughing, the face becomes fiery-red. Always better when walking slowly about. Ipecac. Spasmodic asthma, with violent contract tion in the throat and chest. Contraction of the chest with short and panting breathing, * Rattling noise in the bronchial tubes, during an inspiration. * Suf- focation threatens from constriction in the throat and chest ; worse from the least motion. * Nausea with a feeling of emptiness about the stomach. Kali carb. Difficult wheezing respiration. Spas- modic asthma, worse about 3 a. m,, relieved by sitting up and bending forward, resting the head on the knees. Cough, excited by a tickling in the throat, with sourish expectoration, or of blood-streaked mu- cus. * Great aversion to being alone. Lobelia in. The attack is preceded or accom- panied by a kind of prickly sensation through the whole system, even to the ends of the fingers and toes. Short anxious wheezing respiration. * Sensation as of a foreign body in the throat, impeding breathing ASTHMA. 21 and deglutition. Nausea and vomiting with a sense of great emptiness in the stomach. Lachesis. Shortness of breath, after every exer- tion. Tightness of breathing, with anguish in the chest and great inclination to vomit. * Can bear nothing to touch the larynx, seems as though it would suffocate him. * Aggravation after sleeping, and during rest. Phos. Loud and panting respiration. Spasmodic constriction of the chest. Fatiguing cough, with ex- pectoration of tenacious mucus. ** Complete loss of voice, * Sensation of weakness and emptiness in the abdomen. * Long, narrow, hard stools, very difficult to expel. Tall, slender people. Sambucus. Violent dyspnoea, with anguish and danger of suffocation, especially when lying down. * Nightly suffocative paroxysms, with spasmodic con- striction of the chest. Mucus rattling in the chest. Especially adapted to children. Spongia. Difficult respiration as if the throat were closed by a plug. Wheezing respiration or slow and deep breathing, as if from debility. * x\wakens often in a frigh and feels as if she was suffocating. Hoarse, hollow wheezing cough. Silphium lac. Acute or chronic asthma, with much difficulty of breathing. Wheezing in the chest during an inspiration. - Moist cough with copious ex- pectoration of white frothy mucus. Especially in old people. Sulphur. The attack comes on during sleep or in the evening, with a feeling of tightness across the chest, and a sensation as of dust in the air -passages. Dry cough with hoarseness, or loo*e cough with soreness and pressure in the chest. * Frequent weak, faint spells. * Constant heat on top of the head. If the attack was caused by breathing a smoky atmosphere. Tartar em. Anxious oppression, difficulty of breathing and shortness of breath, with desire to sit erect. * When the patient coughs, it seems as if the bronchial tubes were full of phlegm, but none comes up. Suffocative fits, especially in the evening or in the morning in bed. 22 ATROPHY OF CHILDREN". Verat. alb. The attack mostly occurs in cold, damp weather, and early in the morning. Anguish, suffo- cation, and oppression about the heart. Coldness of the nose, ears, and lower extremities. * Cold sweat upon the forehead, with great prostration. Exhaust- ing diarrhoea. ATROPHY OF CHILDREN. Therapeutics. Special indications. iEthusa c. The child throws up its milk soon after nursing, with great force, suddenly — then falls asleep as if from exhaustion, to awaken for a fresh supply. Arsen. General emaciation, with dry parchment- like skin. Pale and oedematous swelling of the face. Sunken eyes with blue margins. * Feverish heat, with desire to drink often, but little at a time. Great restlessness and tossing about, particularly at night. Painful, offensive undigested stools. Prostration and coldness of the extremities. Baryta c. Swelling and induration of the glands. Emaciation, bloated face, swollen abdomen and con- stant desire to sleep. Indisposed to work or play. * Scrofulous children that do not grow. Bell. Glandular swellings, painful or suppurating. Eyelids inflamed and ulcers on the cornea. * Child sleepy, but cannot get to sleep. * Sudden starting and jumping during sleep. Children with premature intellects. Bryo. alb. The child throws up its food immedi- ately after taking it. Mouth and lips very dry, with thirst for large quantities of water. * Child is very irritable and wants to be very quiet. * Dry, hard stools, as if burnt. Calc. c. Large head with open font anelles. Dry and flabby skin. Enlargement and hardness of the abdo- men. * General emaciation with a good appetite. Debility and weakness after the least exercise. Diar- ATKOPHY OF CHILDREN. 23 rhoea, with clay-colored stools. * Cold, damp feet. * Much perspiration about the head. Cough with rattling of mucus in the bronchia. China. Pale, sickly appearance of the face. En- largement of the liver and spleen. Copious sweats, especially at night ; great debility and prostration. * Painless, undigested, offensive stools. * Abdomen distended with flatulence. Mercurius. Yellow earthy color of the face. Large head and open fontanelles. Swelling and sup- puration of the glands. * Slimy or bloody stools, with much straining. * Profuse night sweats. Child is never so well during wet weather. Nux vom. Swelling and hardness of the liver. Obsti?\ate constipation, or alternate constipation and diarrhoea. Hunger with aversion to food. Frequent vomiting of the ingesta. Constant desire to lie down. Cannot sleep after three or four in the morning. Phos. Pale and bloated face. Sunken eyes, with blue circles under the same. Dry, hacking cough. Diarrhoea, with white, watery, undigested stools. Great debility and oppression after the least exercise. Children of tall, slender stature. Puis. The child seems to be very changeable ; gets better for a time, and then without any apparent cause gets worse. * Diarrhoea, especially at night, no two stools alike, so changeable. * Worse towards even- ing : better in the open air. Rhus tox. Herpetic eruptions on the face. Swell- ing and induration of the glands. Diarrhoea, with thin red mucous stools. * The child always gets worse after twelve o'clock at night. Staph. Hollow eyes, with weary look. Swelling of the submaxillary and cervical glands. Unhealthy, readily ulcerating skin. * Canine hunger, even when the stomach is full of food. Sulphur. The child frequently awakens from sleep with screams. Great voracity, wants to put everything it sees in the mouth. * Diarrhoea, ex- coriating the anus. * Copious morning sweats, after waking. 24 BRONCHITIS. BRONCHITIS. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aconite. Mostly in the commencement of acute attacks. Chill and cynochal fever, dry hot skin, and great restlessness. Short dry cough, with constant irritation in the larynx. * Great fear and anxiety of mind, with nervous excitability. After exposure to dry cold winds. Apis mal. Sensation of soreness in the chest as from a bruise. * Cough, particularly after lying down and sleeping. A clear, tough, stringy phlegm arises in the throat, which causes him to hawk fre- quently. Arsen. alb. Dry hacking cough, with soreness in the chest as if raw, or moist cough with difficult ex- pectoration consisting of blood-streaked mucus. Op- pression and difficulty of breathing, obliging him to sit up. * Great thirst, but drinks little. Restless- ness, debility, and fear of death. Bellad. Congestion of blood to the head, with visible pulsation of the carotids. Face flushed and eyes red. * Great fulness in the head, or pains as if it would split. Hot skin, with inclination to perspire. Spasmodic cough which does not allow one time to breathe. Children cry after every coughing spell on account of the pain. Sleepy, but cannot sleep. * Starting and jumping during sleep. Bryonia. Short difficult respiration, obliging him to sit erect. Dry cough with stitches in the chest. Violent morning cough, with expectoration of a quan- tity of mucus. * Sensation when coughing as if the head and chest would fly to pieces. * The patient wants to remain perfectly quiet ; the least movement aggravates all his symptoms. Carb. veg. Obstinate hoarseness, particularly in the evening. Tightness in the chest and shortness of breathing. * Severe burning in the chest as if from hot coals. Violent cough with discharge of a quantity of yellowish pus. Cough with vomiting and retching. Stitching pains between the scapula. * Patient craves more air ; wants to be fanned all the time. BRONCHITIS. 25 Causticum. Hoarseness and roughness of the throat, particularly in the morning. Short and hack- ing cough caused by constant tickling in the throat. *When coughing, pain over the hip, involuntary emis- sions of urine. Loss of voice. Cham. Hoarseness and cough from rattling of mu- cus in the trachea, the place feeling sore from whence the mucus was detached. * Scraping dry cough from tickling in the larynx, worse at night, even during sleep. * One cheek red, and the other pale. * Very impa- tient, can hardly answer one civilly. Hepar s. Dry, hoarse cough, and roughness in the throat. * Rattling, choking cough, worse after mid- night. Hoarse, anxious wheezing breathing, with dan- ger of suffocation when lying down. After exposure to cold west winds. Ipecac. * Rattling of mucus in the bronchial tubes. Suffocative cough with great difficulty of breathing. The chest seems full of phlegm, but does not yield to coughing. * Much nausea and vomiting of mucus. Kali bi. Burning pain in the trachea and bronchi. * Cough, with expectoration of tough, stringy mucus, which can be drawn to the feet. Lachesis. Hoarseness with feeble voice and con- striction of the throat." Short, hacking cough, caused by a tingling in the throat. Difficult yellow expecto- ration. * Larynx and throat painful when touched, and pressure produces violent cough. * Always worse after sleeping and in the afternoon. Merc. sol. Hoarseness and sore throat. Catarrh of the whole mucous membrane. Violent, racking cough, particularly at night, as if it would burst the head and chest. Alternate chilliness and heat. * Cough worse when lying on the right side. * Much perspiration which affords no relief. Thick, yellow- ish coat on the tongue. Nux vom. Roughness and scraping in the larynx, inducing cough. Dry cough from midnight until morning. Cough with headache as if the skull would bnrst. Nose stopped up. Fever, but chilliness from slight motion. * Always worse after four o'clock in 26 BRONCHITIS. the morning. * Habitual constipation. After pre- vious use of cough mixtures. Phosph. Complete loss of voice. Painfulness of the larynx. Tightness across the chest. Cough with expectoration of frothy, pale-red or rust-colored mu- cus. Severe and exhausting cough, which the patient dreads and avoids as long as possible. * Sensation of weakness and emptiness in the abdomen. Pulsatilla. Scraping and drynass in the throat. Dry cough at night, going off when sitting up in bed. Loose cough, with copious expectoration of yellow or greenish mucus. * Chilliness even in a warm room*. * Hot, dry skin, with little or no thirst. Persons of a mild, tearful disposition. Rhus tox. Roughness in the larynx and soreness in the chest. Cough excited by a tickling under the middle of the sternum, worse from laughing or loud talking. * Rheumatic pains in the bones, worse when at rest. * Worse at night, particularly after midnight. Sang. can. Dryness of the throat and sensation of swelling in the larynx. Severe cough, with circum- scribed redness of the cheeks and pain in the breast. Fluent coryza and thin diarrhoea. Burning in the hands and feet at night. Spongia. Great dryness in the larynx, with hoarse, hollow, wheezing cough, worse in the evening. Saw- ing respiration. * The voice frequently gives out when talking or reading aloud. Sulphur. Hoarseness and loss of voice. Sensation as of something creeping in the larynx. Loose cough, with expectoration of thick, mucus and soreness in the chest. * Stitches in the chest extending to the back. Pain in the left side. * Frequent weak, faint spells. Constant rattling in the chest. * Lean per- sons who walk stooping. Tartar em. Large collection of mucus in the bronchial tubes, expectorated with great difficulty. * When the patient coughs, it seems as if much would be expectorated, but nothing comes up. * Nausea and vomiting of much mucus. Great oppression and difficulty of breathing. Verat. alb. Tickling in the lower parts of the BUEXS AND SCALDS. 27 bronchial tubes, inducing cough with slight expecto- ration. Dry, hollow cough as if proceeding from lower parts of the chest, or abdomen. * Rattling of mucus in the chest, but can't get rid of it. * Vomit- ing with diarrhoea and great prostration. BURNS AND SCALDS. Therapeutics. Principal remedies. 1. Cantharides. In superficial burns or scalds, this is one of the best external applications. Put twenty drops of the Tincture in a gill of water and keep the injured parts constantly wet with rags or lint satu- rated with the solution. After the acute symptoms have subsided, dress the parts with simple cerate. 2. Urtica urens. This is a remedy of great value in all classes of burns, not only for slight and superfi- cial cases, but in the severe and more deeply pene- trating injuries of this kind. It may be applied the same as directed for the use of Cantharides. 3. Castile Soap. This has been highly recom- mended by some in the treatment of burns and scalds. Make a thick salve by mixing it with warm water, spread it upon soft linen or muslin, and apply to the injured part. 4. Flour and Oil. This is a good application, and is most always at hand. As soon after the accident as possible, oil the injured surface with sweet or lin- seed oil, and dust it over with flour from a common dredging-box until it is thickly and completely covered. 5. Glycerine. For burns in the mouth, throat, or stomach, this is an excellent remedy. Equal parts of glycerine and water may be taken in spoonful doses, and the mouth and throat gargled with the same. Urtica urens taken internally is a remedy of great value in burns of this character. Symptomatic indications. Aconite. Chills, high fever, dry, hot skin and much thirst. * Great fear and anxiety of mind, with much nervous excitability. 28 CATARRH. Arsenicum. Dark, watery, offensive diarrhoea. Rapid and great prostration, with sinking of the vital forces. * Extreme thirst, drinking often, but little at a time. * Great anguish, restlessness, and fear of death. Cham. In convulsions arising from severe burns. Becomes almost furious about the pains. * Very im- patient, can hardly answer one civilly. Warm sweat about the face and head. China. Extensive suppuration, producing much debility. Painless diarrhoea, of dark watery stools, particularly at night. Silicea. When the ulcer heals but slowly, or proud flesh, is disposed to shoot up. Sulphur. There is a strong tendency to the pro- duction of proud flesh, and there is no appearance of granulations. Much itching, burning, and inflamma- tion around the ulcers. CATARRH. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aconite. Mostly in the first stage ; chilliness, with burning heat, especially in the head and face. Piercing or throbbing pains in the forehead or tem- ples. Profuse lachrymation. Short, dry cough, from tickling in the larynx. * Fear, anxiety, and great rest- lessness. * From dry, cold west winds. Allium cepa. * Profuse discharge of water from the eyes, and burning excoriating water from the nose. Terrible laryngeal cough, which compels the patient to grasp the larynx with the hands, for it seems to him that the cough would tear it. Ammo. carb. Burning of the eyes, with lachryma- tion. Dry coryza, with stoppage of the nose, especially at night. Dry, nightly cough, and stitches in the chest. Frequent chilliness. Arsen. Frequent sneezing, with profuse fluent coryza, and stoppage of the nose. Burning and sore- ness of the nostrils. Profuse lachrymation and burn- CATARRH. 29 ing in the eyes. Dryness in the mouth and loss of taste. Dry cough with difficult expectoration. Chilli- ness, particularly after drinking. * Intense thirst, drinking little and often. * Restlessness and prostra- tion. Arum, try. * Coryza, with discharge of burning, ichorous fluid from the nose, excoriating the nostrils and upper lip. Nose stopped up ; can only breathe with mouth open. Hoarseness and sore throat. Dry, feverish heat and hot skin. Bellad. Sore throat and hoarseness. * Throbbing headache, worse from motion. Fluent coryza. Ulcer- ation of the nostrils and corners of the mouth. Dry, hoarse cough, especially at night. Alternate chilli- ness and heat. Swelling and stiffness in the nape of the neck. * Sleepy, but cannot sleep. Aggravation at 3 p. m. Bryonia. Dry coryza, with inflamed and ulcerated nostrils. * Lips parched, dry, and cracked. Dry cough, apparently from the stomach, worse after drinking. * Constipation of hard, dry stools as if burnt. * Patient wants to keep very still. Exceed- ingly irritable. Carb. veg. Beating or pulsating headache. Burn- ing in the eyes and profuse lachrymation. Stoppage of the nose, particularly in the evening. Fluent coryza, with hoarseness and rawness of the chest. If the coryza return in the evening. Cham. Fluent, acrid discharge from the nose. Chilliness and feverish heat. * One cheek red and hot. and the other pale and cold. Hoarseness and cough from rattling mucus in the bronchia. * Dry cough, worse at night, even during sleep. * Patient very irritable, can hardly answer one civilly. * Chil- dren want to be carried all the time. Dulc. Dry coryza, aggravated in the cold air. Dryness of the mouth without thirst. * The symp- toms are aggravated by every cold change, and in wet weather; better when moving about. Euphrasia. * Profuse fluent coryza, with burning acrid tears. Cough only during the day. Ulceration of the margins of the eyelids. 30 CATARRH. Gelsem. Liability to take cold from any change in the weather. Sore throat with pain on swallowing, shooting up into the ear. * Fever without thirst; wants to lie still and rest. Hepar s. Great liability to take cold, especially after the abuse of Mercury. Headache worse by mo- tion. Roughness and scraping sensation in the throat. * Stitches in the throat as if caused by a splinter. * Hoarse croupy cough, the phlegm being loose and choking. Ipecac. Aching pain over the eyes. Fluent coryza, stoppage of the nose and loss of smell. * Rattling of phlegm in the chest, but does not yield to coughing. * Nausea and vomiting of large quantities of mucus. Oppressed breathing as of asthma. Kali bic. Fluent coryza, worse in the evening and in the open air. Flow of acrid water from the nostrils excoriating the parts. * Cough with expecto- ration of tough phlegm, which can be drawn into long strings. Loss of smell. Lachesis. Fluent coryza, with profuse secretion of mucus and running from the eyes. Dryness of the mouth, with burning as if from pepper. Dry cough, shortness of breath and stitches in the chest. * Can bear nothing to touch his throat; it excites the cough and produces a sense of suffocation. * Symptoms worse in the afternoon and after sleeping. Merc. Catarrhal headache. Stitches through the whole head. Burning in the eyes and profuse lachry- mation. Pain in the jaws and teeth. * Frequent sneezing and profuse fluent coryza. Feverish heat and redness of the cheeks. Inflamed and ulcerated tonsils. Short, dry, fatiguing cough, worse at night. * After sweating at night, the cold is no better. Feels better in a warm room. In epidemic catarrh. Nux vom. Chilliness and feverish heat, pressure and sticking pains in the forehead. * Fluent coryza during the day and dry coryza at night. Dry cough, with headache as if the skull would burst. * Very irritable and wishes to be alone. Constipation, with frequent urging to stool. * Symptoms all worse in the morning. CHOLERA. 31 Puis. Discbarge of a yellowish, green, thick fetid mucus from the nose. Loss of taste and smell. Tooth- ache and otalgia. Duiness and heaviness in the head, especially in the evening.- * Craves fresh cool air, worse in a warm room. * Chilliness even in a warm room. Loose cough, with expectoration of yellow mu- cus. * Symptoms all worse towards evening. Per- sons of a mild, tearful disposition. Sepia. iNose swollen and inflamed, with sore and ulcerated nostrils. Obstruction of the nose, and vio- lent dry coryza. Loss of smell. Pain in the back and stiffness in the nape of the neck. * Cough, worse in the morning terminating in an effort to vomit. * Great- sense of emptiness at the pit of the stomach. Sulph. f atarrh with fluent coryza of clear water. Soreness and pressure in the throat as from a lump. Complete loss of taste and smell. Coldness of the ex- tremities and chilliness. * Frequent weak, faint spells. * Great liability to take cold. * Morning diarrhoea, driving the patient out of bed in great haste. CHOLERA. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aconite. In the forming stage, where there is great vascular excitement. Violent heat and dryness of the skin. * Great fear and anxiety of mind, with ner- vous excitability. Full and frequent pulse. * Vertigo, particularly on raising the head. * Bitter greenish vomiting. Stools whitish, with discharge of lumbrici. * Fear of death, predicts the day he will die. Arsen. * Great anguish, extreme restlessness and fear of death. * Sudden prostration, with sinking of the vital forces. Tongue dry, blackish, and cracked. Violent burning pains in the stomach. Vomiting of watery, slimy, greenish, brownish, or blackish sub- stances : worse after drinking. Frequent watery stools. * Oreat thirst for cold water, drinks little and often. Skin cold and covered with clammy sweat, or dry and Shrivelled. 32 CHOLERA. Camphor. In the commencement, when there is great anguish and sudden prostration of strength. Pulse small and rapid. Hands, feet, and skin cold. * Burning pains in the stomach and throat, with cramps in the calves. Painfulness of the pit of the stomach when touched. * Icy coldness and blueness of the face and limbs, even of the tongue. * Half stupid and senseless; he moans and groans in a hoarse husky voice. Carb. veg. Mostly in the last stage. * Complete collapse of pulse, the patient lies in a state of asphyxia. The spasms and vomiting have ceased, followed by great debility. Cold breath, cold tongue, or coldness all over. * Livid countenance, hoarse voice, and sunken eyes. Croton tig. Watery discharges from the bowels mixed with whitish flakes. * The discharges always come on after drinking, and are expelled with a sud- den gush. Great exhaustion with faintness and vertigo. China. Hippocratic countenance, pointed nose and hollow eyes. Yellowish, blackish or parched tongue. Violent thirst, with a desire to drink often, but little at a time. Spasmodic pains in the stomach. Painless diarrhoea, stools blackish, bilious or whitish. Pros- tration even unto fainting. * If the disease has su- pervened upon a great loss of animal fluids. Colocynth. Vomiting, first of food, and after- wards a greenish substance. * Violent constrictive pain in the abdomen as if the intestines were squeezed between stones, relieved by forcible pressure. * Terrible cramp -like pains which draw the patient nearly double. Diarrhoea, with thin greenish, slimy, and watery stools. Aggravation after eating or drinking. Cuprum me. Violent vomiting, with colic and diarrhoea. Convulsions of the extremities, especially of the fingers and toes. Rolling of the eyeballs, great restlessness and coldness of the face. Spasmodic colicky pains without vomiting, or vomiting preceded by spasmodic constriction of the chest, arresting the breathing. * Extreme thirst, the liquids descend the throat with a gurgling sound. * Violent cramps in the stomach, fingers, and toes. The vomiting is re- lieved by drinking cold water. CHOLERA INFANTUM. 38 Ipecac. In the early stage, and where nausea and vomiting is a prominent symptom. * Vomiting of large quantities of green jelly-like mucus, or black pitch- like substances. Griping pinching in the abdomen, as if grasped with the hands; excited by motion. * Grass-green mucous stools, having the appearance as if fermented. Cramp in the calves, fingers, and toes. Coldness of the face and extremities. Phos. acid. In the commencement, before vomit- ings set in. Diarrhoea, with whitish, watery, slimy stools, without pain. Tenacious viscid mucus in the mouth. * Indifferent, not disposed to talk. Quiet de- lirium and stupefaction. Secale cor. Face pale and eyes sunken. Dry, thick yellowish-white coating on the tongue. Un- quenchable thirst. Heat and burning in the abdomen. Watery, slimy diarrhoea, or involuntary diarrhoea. The evacuations are preceded by vertigo, anguish, cramps in the calves, rumbling in the abdomen, and nausea. * Great aversion to heat, or to being covered. Thin, scrawny persons. Verat. alb. Pale death-like expression of the face. Tongue dry, blackish, and cracked. * Unquenchable thirst for cold drinks. Excessive vomiting of the in- gesta with green mucus ; also of black bile. * Great weakness after vomiting. Severe cutting pains in the abdomen. Violent diarrhoea with greenish, watery flocculent stools, followed by rapid prostration. Cramps in the calves. Small, almost imperceptible, pulse. Hoarse, weak voice, and cold breath. * Cold sweat over the whole body. CHOLERA INFANTUM. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aconite. In the beginning, when there is dry, hot skin, quick pulse and sleeplessness. Stools green, watery, or white slimy mucus. Before and during stool, cutting pain and tenesmus. Nausea and vomit- 34 CHOLERA INFANTUM. ing of what has been drunk. * Restlessness, the child turns from side to side. JESthusa. In the worse cases. Stools light-yellow or greenish liquid. Before stool, pinching cutting pain in the abdomen. Violent vomiting of coagulated milk. * Spasms, with stupor and delirium, clenched thumbs, eyes drawn downward, pupils dilated. Con- stant thirst: great prostration. Ant. crud. Tongue coated white or yellow. Great dryness of the mouth and lips ; no thirst. Violent vomiting of slimy mucus and bile, worse after eating or drinking. Stools watery and profuse. Pain before and during stool. Protrusion of the rectum. * Where the disease was caused by overloading the stomach. * The child cannot bear to be looked at. Apis mel. Tongue dry and shining. No appe- tite or thirst. Stools greenish, yellowish, slimy mucous. During stool, griping and tenesmus. Vomiting of bile or thin bitter liquid. Tenderness of the abdomen to pressure. * Aggravation in the morning. Arsenicum. Pale death-like countenance. Skin dry and shrivelled. Stools thick, dark-green mucous, or dark, watery, offensive. Cutting pain before and tenes- mus during stool. * Vomiting immediately after drinking. * Great restlessness, extreme prostration, and the peculiar thirst distinguish this remedy. Ag- gravation after midnight. Bellad. Face pale or flushed. Great dryness of the mouth and lips. Tongue coated white in the mid- dle with red edges. Stools thin green mucous, or bloody mucous. Tenesmus during and after stool. Delirium, ivorse during and just after sleep, with desire to get out of bed. * Sleepy, but cannot sleep. * Child cries out suddenly, and ceases just as suddenly. * Sud- den starting and jumping during sleep. Benzoic ac. Fetid, watery, white stools, very copious and exhausting. During stool, much pressing or straining. * Strong-smelling urine, mostly dark-col- ored. Troublesome and dry hacking cough. Tongue coated with white mucus, or ulcerated. Borax. Pale clay-colored appearance of the face Aphthae in the mouth and on the tongue. Light yellow, CHOLERA INFANTUM. 35 slimy mucous, or greenish, watery stools. Pinching pain in the abdomen. * Fear of falling from down- ward motion, even during sleep. * Easily startled at sudden noise, with anxious scveams. Bryonia. Dry parched lips and mouth. Thirst for large quantities of water at long intervals. * Vom- iting of food soon after taking it, undigested. Stools brown, thin fecal, or undigested. Previous to stool, the child cries out with pain, and cannot bear to be move,!, as it increases the suffering. * Gets faint and sick on sitting up. Symptoms worse in the morning. If caused from cold drinks, or from getting overheated. Calc. carb. Children with large heads and openfon- tanclles — scrofulous. Swollen, distended abdomen, with emaciation and good appetite. Skin dry and shrivelled. Stools whitish and watery, or chalk - like ; undigested. Vomiting of sour substances, particularly of milk. * Profuse sweat on the head when sleeping, * Cold damp feet. Carb. veg. Great paleness, or gray-yellow color of the face. Dryness of the mouth without thirst. Stools light-colored; involuntary; putrid; cadaverous smelling. Mostly in the last stage, and where the vital powers are greatly exhausted. Restlessness and anxiety, worse towards evening. * Emission of large quantities of flatus, inodorous, or putrid. Cham. Redness and heat of the face, sometimes one cheek red and the other pale. Tongue coated thick yellow, or white. Sour vomiting of food, or slimy substances. Green, watery, corroding stools with colic; also mixed white and yellow mucous, like chopped eggs. Colic before and during stool. * The child is very fret- ful, and wants to be carried all the time. China. Tympanitic distention of the abdomen. Stools yellow, watery, undigested, painless, or blackish and offensive. Before stool, colic which is relieved by bending double. Patient worse after eating, and at night. * Great weakness and inclination to sweat- Emission of much flatulence. * Worse every other day. Cina. Children that are troubled with worms. Paleness of the face, particularly around the nose and 36 CHOLERA INFANTUM. mouth. * Disposition to pick and bore at the nose. White papeseent stools. * White, turbid, or jelly-like urine. Restless sleep, frequent changing position, and waking with cries. Grinding of the teeth during sleep. Croton tig. Dry parched lips. Nausea and vom- iting of water, mucus, and bile, especially after drink- ing. Yellow watery, dark green, or greenish-yellow stools, coming out like a shot. * Worse after drinking, while nursing. Great prostration after stool. Dulc. Dry heat of tbe skin, and violent thirst for cold drink. Stools yellowish, green, watery, or whitish. Colic before and during stool. * The child gets worse at every cold change in the weather, or from exposure to cold air. After taking cold or getting wet. Gumm. gut. Loud rumbling and gurgling in the bowels. Stools thin yellow fecal, or dark green and offensive. * Sudden expulsion of the stool, coming out in a gush. Nausea and vomiting after eating or drink- ing. The child seems to crave food, but little satisfies it. Aphthae in the mouth. Ipecac. Pale face, with blue margins around the eyes. Yellowish or white coated tongue. * Almost constant nausea and vomiting. The child throws up its food, and large quantities of green mucus. Stools grass-green mucous, or white, fermented. Colic and sick stomach before and during stool. * After vomiting in- clination to sleep. Laurocerasus. Sunken countenance ; livid, gray- ish-yellow complexion. Eyes staring or lightly closed. Tongue white and dry, with violent thirst. Pulse slow, irregular, or imperceptible. Stools green, liquid, mucous, involuntary. Cutting pain in the abdomen before and tenesmus after stool. * Rattling sound of liquids when passing through the oesophagus. Magnesia c. Face dirty dark yellow. No appe- tite, violent thirst, inclination to vomit. * Stools green and slimy, like the scum of a frog-pond, smelling sour. Before stool, cutting and pinching in the abdomen. Worse in hot weather, and during dentition. Merc. Dry lips, with ulcerated corners of the mouth. Tongue coated as with fur. Vomiting ami CHOLERA INFANTUM. 37 empty retching. Violent thirst. Stools yellow, the color of sulphur, sometimes green, slimy, or bloody. * Colic before, and violent tenesmus during and after stool. * Great tenderness over the pit of the stomach and abdomen Cold clammy sweats, especially at night. Nux mos. Great languor ; cold, dry skin, little or no thirst. Colic, worse after eating or drinking; re- lieved by the application of moist heat. Stools thin yellow (like beaten or stirred eggs), undigested, watery, slimy. Colic before, and urging during stool. * Great droicsiness and dulness of sense. Worse at night, and in cool damp weather. Nux vom. Tongue coated thick yellowish-white. Swelling of the gums, and fetid ulcers in the mouth. Vomiting of sour-smelling mucus. Frequent, small, watery, slimy, dark-colored, mucous stools. Colic before and violent straining at stool ; relief after stool. * After gastric medicines and prolonged drugging. Worse in the early morning. Phosphorus. Pale, sickly complexion ; hollow eyes, with blue margins around the same ; dry tongue, coated with white mucus ; thirst for cold drinks. Vom- iting of what has been drunk as soon as it becomes warm in the stomach. Stools white watery, containing little lumps like grains of tallow ; undigested. * Watery stools, pouring away as from a hydrant. Worse in the morning, and from lying on the left side. Phos. ac. Blue margins around the eyes ; violent thirst ; loss of appetite ; profuse perspiration at night. Stools whitish, watery, light yellow, painless. * The disease is not marked by much debility, though it may continue a long time. Podophyl. Moaning during sleep, with half-closed eyes, and rolling the head from side to side. Gagging or empty retching. Stools watery, with meal-like sedi- ment ; dark -yellow mucous, smelling like carrion. * Pro- fuse watery, painless stools, very exhaustive. * Pro- lapsus ani during stool. Worse in the morning, and after eating and drinking. Puis. Tongue coated with tenacious mucus. Thirst- lessness. * Stools very changeable, no two alike, worse at night. Before stool, rumbling in the bowels, during stool chilliness. 4 38 colic. Secal. cor. Face pale, eyes sunken and sur- rounded by blue margins. Dry, thick yellowish-white coating on the tongue. Easy, painless vomiting, with- out effort, very exhausting. Stools watery and slimy, involuntary . Before stool, cutting and rumbling in the abdomen; great exhaustion during and after stool. * Great aversion to heat, or to being covered. * Thin, scrawny children, with shrivelled skin. Silicea * Children with large heads and open fontanelles — scrofulous. Profuse perspiration on the head y particularly during sleep. Stools liquid, slimy, frothy, or bloody mucous. Colic, and distention of the abdomen. Where the disease is complicated with a psoric derangement. Sulphur. The child is very drowsy through the day and wakeful at night. Stools very changeable, attended with pain, or no pain at all ; worse in the early morning. * Stools very excoriating. When there are repeated relapses, or the case seems to linger a long while. Thuja oc. Great, desire for cold drinks ; rapid ex- haustion ; oppressed breathing; great emaciation. * Stools pale-yellow watery, very copious, and gushing out like water from a bung-hole. Aggravation in the morning, and after vaccination. Verat. alb. Cold sweat on the forehead. Lips dry and dark-colored. * Vomiting, excited by the smallest quantities of liquids, with great prostration. The least motion increases the vomiting. Stools green- ish watery, with flakes. Before stool, severe colic; dur- ing stool, cold sweat on the forehead. * Violent thirst for large quantities of cold water. Pulse almost im- perceptible. COLIC. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aconite. Inflammatory colic involving the blad- der. Difficult and scanty emissions of urine. Great sensitiveness of the abdomen. Intolerable cutting colic. 39 pains in the belly, so violent that he screams, tosses about, and is almost beside himself. * Great fear and anxiety of mind, with nervous excitability. Aloes. Violent cutting pains in the bowels ; or beating, boring, and stinging in the region of the um- bilicus. Dull, heavy headache, with dull pains in the liver. * Loud gurgling in the abdomen, as of water running out of a bottle. Large and 'prominent hemor- rhoids. Ars. alb. Severe cutting, or spasmodic, drawing pains ; or a sensation as if the intestines had become twisted. Violent burning pains in the stomach. * Ex- treme thirst, drinks little and often. * Great rest- lessness, anxiety, and fear of death. Prostration and cold sweat. Bell. Pad-shaped protrusion of the transverse colon. * Clutching pain in the abdomen as if seized with claws. Constriction of the abdomen around the um- bilicus, as if a ball or lump would form. External pres- sure and bending double relieves somewhat. * Period- ical pains, which come on suddenly, and cease as sud- denly. Mostly worse in the afternoon, and after sleeping. Bryo. Hard swelling around the umbilicus, and under the hypochondrium. Spasms of the stomach. Painful twisting around the umbilicus, with frequent stitches. * Wants to "keep perfectly still, as the least motion or pressure increases the pain. Vomiting of bitter bile and water, particularly after drinking. Nausea and fainting on sitting up. * Hard, dry stools, as if burnt. Carb. veg. Great fulness in the abdomen as if it would burst. Crampy pain in the left side of the epigastrium, more towards the back. Incarcerated flatus in different parts of the abdomen. Frequent eructations affording no relief. * Constant pressure downwards in the abdomen. Audible rumbling in the bowels, and belching of sour, rancid food. * Prostra- tion, hippocratic face, with coldness of the extremities. Worse from 4 to 6 P. M. Cham. Flatulent colic, the abdomen being distended like a drum. Continual drawing, tearing pains in the 40 COLIC. abdomen, with a sensation as if the bowels were rolled up in a ball. Pressing toward the abdominal ring, as if a hernia would protrude. Vomiting of sour food, or of slimy substances. * Very impatient, can hardly an- swer one civilly. * Children want to be carried all the time. * He becomes almost furious about the pains. China. Flatulent colic, with thirst. Tympanitic distention of the abdomen. Violent cutting, pinching pains about the navel, relieved by bending double. * The abdomen feels full and tight as if stuffed. If the disease was caused by eating fruit or drinking new beer. After exhausting illness, or loss of vital fluids. Cocc. Violent spasms of the stomach, with a griping- lacerating sensation. Contraction of the abdomen, with a downward and outward pressure. Flatulent colic at midnight ; belching relieves. * Abdomen distended, and feels as if full of sharp stones when moving. Coffea. Insupportable labor-like pains in the abdo- men. Sensation as if the bowels would be cut to pieces; horrible cries and grinding of the teeth. * The patient becomes desperate on account of the pains. Cannot bear to be touched, the parts are so sensitive. * Great excitability. Colo. Violent cutting, constrictive or spasmodic pains. * Feeling in the whole abdomen as if the intestines were being squeezed between stones, compelling one to bend double, worse in any other position. Great restlessness, moan- ing, and lamentation. After violent indignation, or after the abuse of opium. Cup. met. Violent spasms in the abdomen and in the upper and lower limbs, by spells. Cutting and lacerating in the bowels. * A violent piercing pain, as if a knife were penetrating through from the um- bilicus to the back. Fearful cries as if he were being killed. Convulsive movements and distortions of the limbs. Ignatia. Periodical spasms in the abdomen in sen- sitive and hysterical persons. Colic, lirst pinching, afterwards sticking in one side of the abdomen. Nightly flatulent colic, and much rumbling in the COLIC. 41 bowels. * Sadness and sighing, with a w T eak, empty feeling at the pit of the stomach. Ipecac. Horrid, indescribable pain and sick feel- ing in the stomach. Cutting- and pinching (as if grasping with the hands) around the umbilicus, worse by motion, and better by rest. * Constant nausea, stooping causes him to vomit. After vomiting, inclina- tion to sleep. Merc. Very sensitive over the pit of the stomach and abdomen. Pinching pains in the abdomen, dur- ing which he is attacked with chilliness and shuddering . Frequent urging to stool; slimy diarrhoea. * Cold clammy sweat on the thighs and legs. Nux vom. Cramp-like pains in the stomach, with pressure towards the thorax. Pressure in the stomach as from a stone. Cutting, pinching pains, with desire to vomit and belch. Flatulent colic, with distention of the bowels. * Frequent urging to stool, without effect. Persons of a malicious, irritable disposition; high livers, and the victims of drug medication. Plumb, met. Violent colic, with sunken abdomen. * Terrible contractive pains, drawing in the abdomen to the back. Constriction of the intestines, the navel and anus are violently drawn in. * Obstinate consti- pation, faeces lumpy, and packed together like sheep's dung. Suppression of urine from paralysis of the bladder. Puis. Putrid, bitter taste, especially after taking food or drink. Aching drawing pains in the pit of the stomach. Eructations tasting of the ingesta. Painful sensitiveness of the abdominal walls. Fre- quent loose stools very changeable, worse at night. Patient can't bear to be covered, and craves fresh cold air. If caused from eating rich greasy food. * Per- sons of a mild, tearful disposition. Sulph. Painful sensitiveness in the abdomen, as if ail the parts were raw and sore. Pain as if some- thing would be torn out. Hemorrhoidal colic. Thin, lean persons, who walk stooping. After eating sweet things. Verat. alb. Pain here and there in the abdomen, as if cut with knives. Terrible colic (cutting painsj, 4* 42 CONSTIPATION. with violent nausea and vomiting. Great thirst for large quantities of cold drinks. Anxiety, fear, and despair. * Cold sweat over the whole body. Great weakness, with very feeble pulse. CONSTIPATION. Therapeutics. Special indications. Alumina. Great inactivity of the rectum, as if paralyzed. Hard and difficult stool attended with pain in the rectum. * Stools very hard, knotty, and scant. Sensation of pricking and excoriation in the rectum after an evacuation. * Much pressing and straining to pass even a soft stool, so inactive is the rectum. Agaricus. Stools first hard and knotty, afterwards loose, and finally diarrhoeic. Itching and tingling of the anus, as of ascarides. Gastric derangements, with sharp stitches in the region of the liver. * Itching, burning, and redness of the feet and hands, as if frozen. Ammo. mur. Whining, peevish, insociable mood. Empty eructations, and painful stitches in the left hy- pochondrium, early in the morning. Disposition to constipation; stools large and hard, followed by soft stools. * Large hard stools, crumbling as they pass from the anus. Anacar. Frequent and ineffectual urging to stool. * The rectum feels as if stopped up with a plug. If the expulsion does not take place soon, a painful twisting is felt across the abdomen. Stools, first loose, afterwards hard and of a very pale color. Ant. crud. Hard stool with very difficult expul- sion and much previous straining. Alternate diar- rhoea and constipation of aged persons. * A sensa- tion as if a copious stool would take place, when only flatus is expelled ; finally a very hard stool is voided. Protrusion of the rectum during stool. Apis mel. Pain in the eyeballs and forehead. COXSTIPATIOX. 43 Inability to fix the thoughts on any subject. Tender- ness of the abdomen to pressure. No stool for several days, then very difficult, with stinging pains in the abdomen. * Sensation in the abdomen as if some- thing would break if much effort was made to void the stool. Bell. Constipation, with tendency of blood to the head. When stooping, the blood rushes to the head followed by giddiness. * Violent throbbing and stitch- ing pains, particularly in the forehead. Plethoric in- dividuals, or persons with blonde hair and red com- plexion. Bryo. Lips dry and parched, with much thirst for large quantities of water. Frequent eructations, especially after a meal ; food is vomited immediately after eating. Headache as if the skull would split, aggravated by the least motion. * Hard, dry stools as if burnt. Irritable mood, Calc. carb. * Stools large, hard, and sometimes only partially digested. After stool, a gloomy feeling in the head. * Cold damp feet. Women who suffer with profuse and too frequent menses. Scrofulous dia- thesis. Caust. Frequent and unsuccessful desire to pass stool, accompanied with pain, anxiety, and redness of the face. * Stools tough, light-colored, whitish, shin- ing like grease. Soreness in the anus and rectum when walking. Chelido. Suitable to persons subject to hepatic diseases. Sallow, jaundiced complexion. * Constant pain under the lower inner angle of the right shoulder- blade. * Stools like sheep's dung. Graph. Constipation with much tenesmus and stitches in the rectum. * Stools hard and knotty, the lumps being united by mucous threads. Sometimes a large quantity of mucus is expelled with the stool. Unhealthy skin. * Itching blotches over the body, which emit a glutinous fluid. Ignatia. Difficult stool, causing prolapsus of the rectum. Anxious desire for stool, with inactivity of the rectum. Constipation from taking cold, or from riding in a carriage. * After stool, a violent stabbing 44 CONSTIPATION. stitch, from the anus upwards into the rectum. * Full of grief, with a weak, empty feeling in the stomach. Hemorrhoids, the tumors prolapse with every stool. Iodine. In the constipation of scrofulous people, with a low cachectic state of the system. * Stools hard, knotty, and dark-colored. Chronic headache, and vertigo, especially in old people. Throbbing in the head at every motion. Kali carb. Constipation every other day, with painful drawing in the abdomen. Inactivity of the rec- tum. The stools are too large, and there is a sensa- tion as if the rectum were too weak to expel it. * Dis- tress with stitching colicky pains an hour or two be- fore stool. Aged persons inclined to be fleshy. Lycop. Ineffectual urging, particularly in the evening. Stools very hard, scant, and passed with great difficulty. Sensation after stool as if much remained behind. Acidity and heartburn, with great drowsiness after dinner. Much fermentation as if a yeast-pot were in the abdomen. * Loud rumbling and gurgling in the bowels. * Red sediment like sand in the urine. Mag. mur. Frequent and severe pressure on the rectum with colic. Stool hard and knotty, with pain in the rectum when passing it. * Large difficult stools crumbling when passing from the anus. Throbbing in the pit of the stomach, with dulness of the head. Nitric ac. Painless constipation. Stools hard, dry, and scant. Difficult, irregular stool, with much pressing. Headache ; it feels as if surrounded by a tight bandage. Sour or bitter taste after eating; sour eructations. Excessive flatulence. * Fetid and strong smelling urine, like that of horses. Antidotes all dis- eases having a mercurial origin. Nux vom. Stools large, hard, and passed with great difficulty. * Sensation as if the anus were closed, or too narrow. Frequent eructations of sour or bitter fluids. Feeling of fulness in the stomach soon after eating. * Sensation as if a stone, or lump of lead were in the stomach. Constipation from seden- tary habits, and of pregnant women. Where the dis- ease has been induced by the use of rich or highly- seasoned food, drastic medicines, or prolonged drugging. Frequent urging to stool. CONSTIPATION. 45 Opium. Torpor of the bowels, after chronic diar- rhoea, or from abuse of cathartics. Costiveness for weeks, with loss of appetite. * Stools of nothing but .small hard black balls. * Constipation from fright or fear. Paralysis of the intestines. Phos. For persons with phthisical constitutions, lean and slender. * Stools long, narrow, and hard, like a dog's; very difficult to expel. Alternate diarrhoea and constipation of old people. * Belching up large quantities of wind after eating. Very sleepy after meals, especially after dinner. Plumb, met. Constipation with violent colic. • Stools composed of little hard black-brown balls, re- sembling sheep's dung. A sense of constriction in the sphincter ani. with ineffectual urging. Puis. Constipation produced by derangement of the stomach, consequent upon eating too much rich, greasy food. Obstinate constipation ; also, alternate diarrhoea and constipation. Adapted to females, or persons of a mild, gentle, tearful disposition. Ruta. Hard, scanty stool, almost like sheep's- dung. * Frequent urging to stool, with protrusion of the rectum. Great difficulty in voiding the stool on account of the protrusion of the rectum. Constipa- tion following mechanical injuries. Sarsap. Obstinate constipation, with urging to urinate. Desire for stool, with contraction of the in- testines and pressure from above downwards. * Feel- ing as if the bowels would be pressed out during stool. Frequent but scanty emissions of urine, especially at night. Sepia. Stools hard and knotty, sometimes mingled with mucus, with cutting pains in the rectum. * Sense of weight or of a lump in the anus, not relieved by stool. * Especially suited to pregnant women, or to females suffering from uterine difficulties. Silicea. Constipation of difficult stools, as if the rectum had not power to expel them. * After much effort and straining, the stool recedes back into the rectum after having been partially expelled. Constipation of fe- males, particularly before and during menstruation ; also of infants and scrofulous children. 46 COUGH. Sulph. Chronic constipation. Stools hard and lumpy, mixed with mucus, followed by burning pain in the anus and rectum. Hard, knotty stools, insuffi- cient, accompanied by hemorrhoids. The first effort at stool is often very painful, compelling the patient to desist. Flashes of heat, and throbbing headache. * Constant heat on top of the head. * Frequent weak, faint spells. Sulph. ac. Hard, knotty stools, streaked with blood, very fetid. Pain during stool as if the rectum would be torn. Pinching in the sides of the abdomen, and prickings in the anus during stool. * Much debility, with a tremulous sensation over the whole body, with- out trembling. . Thuya. Violent pain in the rectum during stool. Dis- charge of large, hard, brown faeces, in balls, streaked with blood. Painful contraction in the anus and rec- tum, followed by tearing pains in the bowels. * Co- pious and frequent urination, with burning in the urethra. Verat. alb. Chronic constipation, particularly of infants. Stools of large size and very hard. Inac- tivity of the rectum, it seems as if paralyzed. * Much straining, with cold perspiration on the forehead. * Great exhaustion and faintness after stool. Zinc. met. Constipation, with hard, dry, insuffi- cient stool, with much straining, and rumbling in the bowels. * Trembling of the hands, with coldness of the extremities. * Chronic sick headache, and great weakness of sight. Fidgety feeling in the feet and legs ; he must move them constantly. COUGH. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aconite. Short, dry cough, arising from a constant tickling in the larynx, excited by smoking, or drink- ing, and at night. Stitches in the chest, hindering respiration. Cannot breathe freely, the lungs feel as COUGH. 47 if they would not expand. * Persons of a plethoric habit, and where the disease was induced by a cold west wind. Arnica. Dry, short, and tickling cough, particu- larly in the morning after rising. Also for a cough with expectoration of mucus and coagulated blood. Stitch- ing pain in the side of the chest, increased by coughing. * The chest and abdomen feel as if bruised, with shortness of breath. Arsen. Dry cough, as if caused by the smoke of sulphur, with a sense of suffocation ; aggravated by drinking, at night after midnight, and in the cold air. Cough with scanty and difficult expectoration, some- times with blood-streaked mucus. Anxious and op- pressive shortness of breath, particularly when going up stairs. * Anxiety, restlessness ; thirst for cold water, but drinks little. Arum tri. Loose cough, particularly in children and aged persons, where there is inability to expecto- rate the accumulated mucus. Hoarseness ; throat sore and feels as if excoriated. * Discharge of a gleety fluid from the nose, excoriating the nostrils and upper lip. Bell. Dry spasmodic cough, worse at night and from motion. Night-cough, frequently waking the patient from sleep, with catarrh and stitches in the chest. Sensation as if down or dust were in the throat, causing a constant tickling in the larynx, with irresistible desire to cough. * Redness and heat of the face, with throbbing headache. Bryo. Dry cough, preceded by a tickling or creep- ing in the pit of the stomach, and vomiting of the in- gesta during the cough. Violent cough, particularly in the morning, with expectoration of a quantity of mucus. Stitches in the chest, when coughing or breathing deep. Sensation when coughing, as if the head and chest would fly to pieces. * Dry hard stools as if burnt. Is very irritable and disposed to be angry. Calc. c. Dry cough, especially in the evening and after midnight, with palpitation of the heart. Also cough early in the morning, with yellow expectoration. Tightness in the chest, as if there was not room to 48 COUGH. breathe. General weakness ; great fatigue when walking. * When going up stairs he is out of breath and has to sit down. * Cold damp feet. Caps. Dry cough, worse in the evening and during the night. Headache and inclination to vomit during the cough. Throbbing pain in the chest. * Shudder- ing and chilliness in the back. Carb. veg. Short dry cough, caused by a tickling in -the throat, which frequently excites vomiting and retching. Also for a violent cough, with expectora- tion of a quantity of yellowish pus, accompanied by stitches in the left side of the chest. Caust. Short dry cough, caused by a constant tick- ling in the throat without expectoration. * Cough with involuntary emissions of urine. Soreness of the chest when coughing. Hoarseness, particularly in the morning, with dry cough. Cham. Dry tickling cough, worse at night, even during sleep, especially in children after taking cold. * One cheek red and the other pale. * Patient very irritable, can hardly answer one civilly. * Children are very cross and want to be carried all the time. China. Dry hacking cough, as if caused by the vapor of sulphur, without any expectoration. Cough excited by laughing, talking, drinking, or by deep in- spiration. Also cough with expectoration of clear tena- cious mucus, or blood-streaked mucus. * After hem- orrhage from the lungs, and other debilitating losses. Cina. Dry spasmodic cough, particularly in children troubled with worms. The child starts suddenly as if it would loose its senses, gasps for breath, coughs and gags as if something was in his throat. * Continually picking and boring at the nose, * The urine turns milky after standing but a short time. Dros. Loose cough, with expectoration of yellow- ish mucus, and hoarse voice, having a deep base sound. Pain in the chest and under the ribs when coughing, obliging the patient to hold the painful part with the hands. Vomiting of food, after which, of phlegm and water. Worse at night when lying in bed, after sing- ing, laughing, &c. Hepar s. Croupy cough, with loose rattling of COUGH. 49 phlegm in the windpipe. * Rattling, choking cough, worse after midnight. ' Also, for a dry hoarse cough, worse in the morning. * Cannot bear to be uncovered, the least exposure to cold excites the coug-h. Anxious. hoarse, wheezing respiration. Hyos. * Dry spasmodic cough, especially at night and when lying down, relieved by sitting up. Bluish color of the face, twitching and jactitation of the mus- cles over the whole body. Hysterical females and young girls. Ignatia. Dry spasmodic cough, as if caused by the vapor of sulphur or dust in the throat. Constant hack- ing cough in the evening in bed. * Full of grief, with weak, empty feeling at the pit of the stomach. p Stitches in hemorrhoidal tumors during every cough. Ipecac. Dry cough, produced by a tickling in the upper part of the larynx. Suffocative cough, with rat- tling of mucus in the bronchial tubes when breathing. Children when coughing almost suffocate, and become purple in the face. * Much nausea, and vomiting of tenacious, white, glary mucus. Green, watery, or fermented stools, with nausea and colic. Kali bi. Loose cough, with rattling in the chest. Cough with thick, heavy expectoration of bluish, lumpy mucus. * Cough, with expectoration of tough 'scid mucus, which can be drawn out in long strings. L>uring the cough, pain in the sternum, darting- through between the shoulders. Lachesis. Short, dry cough, caused by a tickling in the throat. * The slightest pressure on the larynx causes a violent cough and a sense of suffocation. Larynx and throat painful to touch ; cannot bear any- thing on, the neck. Soreness in the chest and stitches in the side, worse when coughing. Worse during the day. and after sleeping. Lyco. Cough with gray, salt expectoration, and great weakness of the stomach. Morning cough with ■zpectoration and violent pain in the side. Also cough with thick white - yellowish expectoration. Stitches in the left side of the chest during an inspira- tion. * Fan-like motion of the aire nasi. Constipa- 50 COUGH. tion of large, hard, difficult stools. * Red sediment like sand in the urine. Merc. Dry cough, which sounds as if the whole inside of the chest were dry. Cough with expectora- tion of yellowish mucus ; sometimes attended with spitting of blood. * Much perspiration affording no relief. Patient worse at night and in damp, rainy weather. Nux vom. Dry cough, caused by a rough, scrap- ing, acrid sensation in the throat. Dry cough in the evening and at night, with slight expectoration through the day. Cough with pain in the head, as if the skull would burst, or a sensation as if bruised in the region of the stomach. * Constipation of large, hard, diffi- cult stools. Aggravation in the morning, and from physical or mental exertion. Phos. Mostly a dry cough, arising from a tickling in the throat and chest, and where it is excited by reading aloud, talking, laughing, or drinking. * Dry tickling cough in the evening, with tightness across the chest. * Long, narrow, hard stools, very difficult to expel. Tall, slender persons, with phthisical consti- tutions. Phos. ac. Cough with expectoration of yellow phlegm, only in the morning. Cough with purulent, very offensive expectoration. Headache when cough- ing, with nausea and vomiting of food, or with invol- untary emissions of urine. Puis. Dry cough during the night, going off when sitting up in bed. Also, a loose cough, with yellowish, greenish, or bitter expectoration, which is discharged easily. * Morning cough with much yellow, salty, bitter, disgusting expectoration ; sometimes attended with vomiting. Stitching pains in the sides of the chest, particularly when lying down. * All the symp- toms worse towards evening. Persons of a mild tear- ful disposition. Silicea. For a dry or loose cough, with expec- toration of a quantity of transparent mucus. Dry hacking cough, with soreness of the chest. Also cough, with vomiting of much purulent matter. Aching in the sternum, towards the stomach. Want of vital CROUP. 51 heat ; inclines to be cold. * Constipation, the stools recede after having been partially expelled. Stann. Loose cough, with rattling breathing. * Cough, with profuse greenish expectoration of a dis- agreeable sweetish taste. Also cough with yellowish expectoration having a putrid taste. After every cough, a sore feeling in the chest and trachea. Scrofu- lous or phthisical subjects. Sulph. Dry cough, with hoarseness and dryness in the throat. Also, for a loose cough, with expecto- ration of greenish lumps having a sweetish taste. * Much rattling of mucus in the lungs, cough worse in the morning. Dry, scaly, unhealthy skin. $ Lean persons, who walk stooping. Tartar em. Loose cough, without expectoration. Battling or hollow cough, worse at night, with suffo- cative spells. * Throat full of phlegm, sweat breaks out at every coughing spell. * Nausea and vomiting of large quantities of mucus. Thirst day and night. Verat. alb. Deep hollow cough, caused by a tick- ling low down in the bronchial tubes, with slight expec- toration. Cough with yellow expectoration, and a bruised pain in the chest after coughing. Violent cough with blueness of the face, and involuntary emis- sions of urine. Excessive weakness. CROUP. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aconite. First stage, when there is high fever, dry hot skin and great restlessness. On attempting to swallow, the child cries as if from soreness and pain in the throat. * Loud breathing during expiration, but not during inspiration. * Every expiration ends with a hoarse, hacking cough. Ammo. caus. Deep, weak voice ; can scarcely utter a word. Cough with copious expectoration of mucus, especially after drinking. Difficult, labored, rattling breathing; stertorous breathing. Spasms of chest and suffocative fits. 52 croup. Bell. Heat of the head; face flushed and eyes red. Great soreness of the 'larynx, and when touched the child seems as if it would suffocate. Bright redness of the fauces. Dry, barking, spasmodic cough. Short, anxious inspirations with moaning. * Sleepiness, but cannot sleep. * Starting and jumping during sleep. Bromine. Great oppression and difficulty of breath- ing; child gasping for air. Spasm of the larynx causing suffocation. Dry, hoarse, spasmodic cough, with wheez- ing, rattling respiration, impeding speech. * Forma- tion of a false membrane in the larynx and trachea. Pulse frequent, feeble, and tremulous. Worse from evening until midnight. Cham. Catarrhal croup, where there is much hoarseness, wheezing and rattling of mucus in the trachea. Dry, short, croupy cough, worse at night, even during sleep. * The child is very cross, and wants to be car- ried all the time. * One cheek red and the other pale. Hepar s. Croup, with loose, rattling, choking cough; the air-passages seem clogged with mucus. Violent fits of coughing as if the child would suffocate or vomit ; slight nervous or vascular excitement. * The child cannot bear to be uncovered, and coughs whenever any part of the body gets cold. Great drowsiness and profuse sweat. Iodine. * Soreness and pain in the throat and chest, which the child manifests by grasping the parts with the hand. Dry, short, hacking cough, with great difficulty of breathing. Membranous croup, with wheezing, sawing respiration. * Face pale and cold ; voice deep, rough, and hoarse. Kali bi. In true membranous croup. The disease approaches gradually; at first, there is slight dyspnoea, with hoarse, croupy cough; as it progresses, the diffi- culty of breathing increases, and the air as it passes through the trachea, sounds as though it were passing through a metallic tube. Hoarse, dry, barking cough. Tonsils and larynx red, swollen, and covered with a pseudo-membrane. Head inclined backwards; violent wheezing and rattling in the trachea, heard at a dis- tance. Lachesis. In far advanced cases, where there is CYSTITIS, ETC. 53 threatened paralysis of the lungs. Patches of exuda- tion on the fauces. * Larynx very painful to touch, the slightest pressure causes spasmodic suffocative cough. Can bear nothing tight about the neck. Toss- ing about and moaning during sleep. * Distressing aggravation after sleeping. Phos. Great hoarseness with painfulness of the larynx, impeding speech. * Cannot talk on account of pain in the larynx. * Trembling of the whole body while coughing. Shortness of breath, which otherwise has a natural sound. Hoarseness after croup, and where there is a tendency to relapse. Spong. * Non-membranous croup, where there is a rough, crowing, and barking cough. Slow, loud, wheez- ing and sawing respiration, or suffocative fits, with ina- bility to breathe except with the head bent backwards. * The stridulous respiratory sound is heard during inspiration, and the cough which is dry, is excited only during the respiratory act. Fluent coryza, and some- times sneezing, with saliva drivelling from the mouth. Tartar em, In the advanced stages of croup, where there are indications of paralysis of the pneumogastric nerves. * With every cough, a sound as if a large quantity of mucus were lodged in the bronchial tubes, while none is expectorated. Respiration very difficult, short, hoarse, shrill, or whistling. The chest expands with great difficulty : head thrown back, much anxiety and prostration. Forehead, and sometimes the whole body, covered with cold perspiration. CYSTITIS, ETC. The symptoms characterizing inflammation of the bladder are so closely related to those of Dysuria, Irritable bladder, Retention of urine. &c, that we will include under one head the appropriate remedies for these several morbid conditions. Therapeutics. Principal remedies. Aeon. Dry, hot skin, intense thirst and great 6* 54 CYSTITIS, ETC. restlessness. Frequent and violent urging to urinate, with difficult and scanty emissions of deep red turbid urine. * Retention of urine, with stitches in the kid- neys. Painfulness of the region of the bladder. * Great fear and anxiety of mind, with nervous ex- citability. Arnica. When the disturbance arises from me- chanical injury. Retention of urine, with tenesmus of the neck of the bladder. Urging, the urine dropping out involuntary. Brown urine, with brick-red sediment. * Pain in the small of the back as if bruised. Apis m. Burning, smarting pain before and after urination. Stinging pains in the urethra during micturition ; the urine dark-colored and scanty. * Incon- tinence of urine, with great irritation of the parts ; worse at night and when coughing. * Sensation as if something in the abdomen would break, if too much effort was made to void the urine. Bell. Difficult micturition, the urine being passed drop by drop, with frequent urging. The urine is yellow and turbid, or the color of gold ; sometimes depositing a reddish sediment. * Constant dribbling of urine, wholly involuntary; also enuresis with pro- fuse perspiration. Sharp stitches low down in the abdomen, in the direction of the perineum. * Pains come on suddenly, and cease just as suddenly. Feel- ing in the back as if it would break. Camph. Burning heat in the region of the bladder. Retention of urine with constant pressure on the blad- der and desire to urinate. Red thick urine, depositing a thick sediment. Burning in the urethra during micturition. * Strangury, especially if caused by the abuse of cantharides. Coldness of the extremities, with cramp in the calves. Cann. in. Inflammation of the bladder. Painful discharge by drops of bloody urine. Darting stitches in the "posterior portion of the urethra. * Violent burn- ing in the urethra during and after micturition. Drawing pain from the region of the kidneys to the inguinal glands, with anxious and sick feeling in the pit of the stomach. Canth. Swelling and tenderness in the region of CYSTITIS, ETC. 55 the bladder, with tensive and burning pain in the loins. Violent pains and burning heat in the bladder. F Very frequent micturition, with burning and cutting pains, so severe the patient screams aloud. Constant desire to urinate, with scanty emissions of dark or bloody urine. Abdomen distended and painful to contact. Caps. Frequent but ineffectual desire to urinate. The urine is emitted in drops, is hot and burning. * Burning smarting in the urethra after micturition. The urine deposits a white sediment. * Shuddering and chilliness in the back. Caust. Difficult, frequent, and painful micturition. The urine is light-colored, like water ; it is loaded with lithic acid and lithates, with great debility. * In- voluntary emissions of urine when coughing, or at night. Aching and crampy pains in the small of the back, in the region of the kidneys. Colch. Persons of a gouty or rheumatic diathesis. Constant desire to urinate, with scanty emissions of dark-red urine depositing a tchitish sediment. Burning and tenesmus in the urethra. Rheumatic pains in the limbs, especially during warm weather. Coni. Especially old men, and persons suffering from excessive sexual indulgence. * The flow of urine suddenly stops, then continues at short intervals. Cutting pain in the urethra while urinating. Urine thick, white, and turbid. * Vertigo, particularly when lying down. Dig. Inflammation of the neck of the bladder. Continual desire to urinate ; each time only a few drops are emitted. * Frequent, sharp, cutting pains in the neck of the bladder, as if a straw was being thrust back and forth. Urine dark brown and hot. Can. retain the urine best in a recumbent posture. Dulc. Painful pressing down in the region of the bladder. Urine turbid and white, or reddish and burn- ing, depositing at times a red, at times a white sedi- ment. * The disease was induced by exposure to damp, cold weather, or it gets worse every time the weather changes. Lachesis. Dull pain in the bladder, and stitching pains in the region of the kidneys. Frequent micturi- 56 CYSTITIS, ETC. tion with copious discharge of foaming, dark urine. Yellow urine, the color of sulphur or saffron. Sensa- tion as if a ball were rolling in the bladder. * Very un- happy and distressed after sleeping. Women at the climacteric period. Lyco. Much pain in the small of the back, and pressure in the region of the kidneys. Stitches in the bladder and rectum. Pain in the back previous to urination, with relief as soon as the urine begins to flow. * Red sediment like sand in the urine. * Constant sense of fulness in the stomach. Cutting pain across the hypogastrium from right to left. * Great fear of being left alone. Merc. Stinging pains in the small of the back, with a sensation of weakness. Constant desire to urinate, with scanty emissions of dark-red urine soon becoming turbid and fetid. The urine looks as if mixed ivith blood, with white flakes or as if containing pus. * Worse at night, and in damp rainy weather. Nux vom. Burning and lacerating pain in the neck of the bladder and urethra. Painful, ineffectual desire to urinate, with discharge of a few drops of red, bloody, burning urine. Spasmodic stricture of the urethra, with retention of urine. * Constipation, with large, hard, difficult stools. Persons of sedentary or intem- perate habits, or who suffer from hemorrhoids. Phos. Contractive pain in the bladder, or stitches from the neck of the bladder to the anus. Urine white like curdled milk, soon becoming turbid with brick-dust sediment. Also brown urine, with sediment of red sand. Smarting, cutting, and jerking in the urethra. * Constipation, stools long, narrow, hard, and very difficult to expel. Phos. ac. Great desire and urging to urinate, with pale face, heat and thirst. * Frequent micturi- tion, the urine like milk mixed with jelly-like, bloody pieces, with pain in the kidneys. * Is very weak and indifferent to the affairs of life. Puis. Aching, burning, and cutting pains in the region of the bladder. * Retention of urine, with redness, heat, and soreness of the vesical region ex- ternally. * Involuntary emissions of urine when sit- DELIRIUM TREMENS. 57 ting, coughing, or walking. * After urinating, spas- modic pain in the neck of the bladder, extending tc the pelvis and thighs. Scant, red, brown urine, with reddish, blood?/, or mucous sediment. Persons of a mild, tearful disposition. Rhus tox. Involuntary emissions of urine at night or when at rest. Difficult urination, with drops of bloody urine. * Snow-white sediment in the urine. Rheumatic subjects ; worse before a storm and in damp weather. Ruta g. Frequent pressing to urinate, with scanty discharges of green urine. Pressure on the bladder as if continually full. * The pressure to urinate con- tinues after micturition. Sarsa. Tenesmus of the bladder, with cutting pain during micturition. Urine red, fiery, turbid, containing long flakes. The urine contains large quantities of pale sand. Children cry before and dur- ing micturition. Pain in tl*e small of the back, ex- tending towards the genital organs. Sulph, Obstinate cases, the urine is mixed with mucus or blood ; very fetid. * Burning in the urethra during micturition. Incontinence of urine, particularly at night. * Constant heat on top of the head. * Lank, lean persons who walk stooping. Terebinth. Burning drawing pains in the kid- neys. Pressure in the bladder extending up into the kidneys when sitting-, disappearing when walking about. * Urine mixed with blood, forming a dirty reddish-brown or blackish fluid, with sediment like coffee-grounds. DELIRIUM TREMENS. Therapeutics. Special indications. Arsen. Pale, jaundiced complexion. Bloated face and cold blue skin. Fainting fits, particularly during vomiting. The patient imagines that vermin are crawling about the bed, and ugly animals are staring 58 DELIRIUM TREMENS. him in the face. * Great restlessness and fear of death. * Extreme thirst, drinks little and often. Bell. Persons of a full plethoric habit. Flushed face and red eyes, with dilated pupils. * Boisterous delirium, with desire to escape. He tears the clothes, strikes, bites, and shrieks in his rage. * Sudden starting and jumping while sleeping. Camph. Features distorted ; eyes sunken ; face, hands, and feet icy cold. Confusion of ideas, mania- cal delirium, convulsions, frothing at the mouth, and insensibility. * Retention of urine, with constant pressure on the bladder. Cofifea. Headache as if a nail were driven into the brain. * Excessive irritability and wakefulness.. Talks in his sleep and wakes with starting. Hyos. Twitching and jerking of the muscles, especially of those about the eyes and face. Furious delirium, ivith wild staring look, dilated pupils, and throb- bing of the carotids. Convulsive movements ; subsul- tus tendinum. * Grasping at imaginary objects, mut- tering. Lachesis. Where the throat is principally affected with difficult deglutition. * Cannot bear anything about the neck, not even his neck-tie. Talks much, flying from one subject to another. * The attacks are worse in the afternoon and after sleeping. Nux vom. Trembling of the limbs and spasmodic twitching in different parts of the body. Incapable of thinking correctly. Makes frequent mistakes in talking. Delirium with frightful visions and efforts to escape. * Very irritable, and wishes to be alone. * Constipation with large difficult stools. Apprehen- sive of death. Opium. Patient lies in a comatose state, with eyes half open. Loud stertorous breathing. * Complete loss of consciousness and sensation. * Delirious talk- ing, with eyes wide open. Pupils widely dilated, or contracted. Pulse full and labored, or slow and feeble. Stram. Disposed to talk continually. Sings and prays most devoutly. * Awakens with a shrinking look as if afraid of the first object seen. * Loquacious de- lirium, with desire to escape from bed. Dilatation of DEXTITIOX. 59 the pupils. Staring, somnolent eyes. Grinding of the teeth and distortions of the mouth. The best remedies for the inclination to drink, and the evil effects of habitual drunkenness, are Ars., Nux vom., Sulph., Sulph. ac. DENTITION. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aeon. * Constant restlessness, which no change of position seems to relieve. The child cries, whines. or frets most of the time and cannot be quieted. If Dry, hot skin, disturbed sleep, much heat about the head, and great thirst. Green watery diarrhoea, or con- stipation. Apis m. Frequent waking at night, or during sleep with screams. Red spots here and there over the whole body. Urine scanty, sometimes profuse. -'/eUowish, watery diarrhoea, worse in the morning. * Much yawning and uneasiness. Arsen. The child has a very pale and waxen look, and is very weak. It often vomits all fluids soon after taking them, particularly water. * Drinks often, but little at a time. * Very restless, tossing from side to side. Fetid, undigested stools; dry and shrivelled skin. Bell. The child moans a great deal ; awakens from sleep in a fright, with staring eyes. * Starting and jumping during sleep. Face and eyes red, pupils dilated, head hot. * Convulsions, followed by sound sleep. Gums swollen and inflamed, with numerous blood-vessels showing on the surface. Borax. The child is very nervous, starts and jumps at the least noise. Sometimes it will start, cry out and hold on to things as if afraid of falling. P Cannot bear a downward motion even during sleep. * Aphthae in the mouth, causing the child to cry out when nursing. Bryo. Mouth and lips dry and parched. The child 60 DENTITION. wishes to be kept very quiet ; gets faint and sick when raised up in bed. * The food is thrown up soon after taking it unchanged. Thirst for large draughts of water. * Hard, dry stools as if burnt, or morning diarrhoea. * Desire for things which are rejected when offered. Very irritable. Calc. c. Large head with open fontanelles — scrofulous. Much perspiration about the head during sleep. * Cold damp feet. * White, chalk-like stools, or thin and whitish. Sour vomiting, or regurgitation of food. Swollen, distended abdomen, with emacia- tion and good appetite. Caust. Children with delicate skin, which becomes chafed or excoriated during the process of teething. Prolonged constipation ; stools tough, covered with mu- cus, and shine like grease, * Yellowish, sickly-looking face. Cham. Great irritability and sensitiveness of the nervous system. Starting, uttering sudden cries and tossing about during sleep. * Very cross, wants to be carried all the time. * One cheek red and the other pale. Convulsive twitchings of the extremities. Diar- rhoea, with greenish, yellowish, or whitish, mucous stools, smelling like bad eggs. Dry cough, especially during the night. Cicuta. * Grinding of the teeth, with pressing of the jaws together, like lock-jaw. Convulsions, with limbs relaxed, hanging down, or stiff, rigid, and ex- tended. A kind of half-sleep with tossing. Cina. Paleness of the face, particularly around the nose and mouth. Disposition to pick or rub the nose. * Very restless during sleep, must be kept in motion all the time to be quieted. Very peevish, wants many things ivhich it rejects immediately . * Urine whitish like milk. Grinding of the teeth ; hacking cough. Coffea. * The child is very excitable and sleep- less. It frets and worries in a pitiful manner ; cries one moment and laughs the next. The system is feverish, and the child is greatly exhausted for want of sleep. Cup. m. Great uneasiness and tossing about. Convulsions, beginning with cramps in the lower extremi- ties and drawing in the fingers and toes ; much throwing DENTITION. 61 • about of the limbs, frothing at the mouth, and choking in the throat. Green painful stools and vomiting of mucus. Dulc. Pale face, with circumscribed redness of the cheeks. Dry coryza and frequent sneezing. Diar- rhoea with yellowish, greenish, or whitish stools. Nausea or real vomiting. * Symptoms all worse by every damp, cold change in the weather. Ferr. Dentition advances very slowly, and an ob- stinate diarrhoea is the result. * Stools composed of mucus and undigested food. * Painless, exhausting diarrhoea, sometimes excoriating the parts. Vomiting of food soon after taking it. * Sudden flushing of the face. Emaciation, debility, and exhausting sweats. Graph. Unhealthy condition of the skin. Rawness in the bends of the limbs, on the neck, and behind the ears. * Eruptions over the head and face which dis- charge a sticky, glutinous fluid. Constipation of large knotty stools. Hepar s. Dry herpetic eruptions on the skin, especially in the bend of the arms, groin, upon the face and scalp, itching violently. * The gums are very tender and apparently very painful. Diarrhoea, stools whitish and smelling sour. Stomach inclined to be out of order ; craves sour or strong-tasting things. Hyos. The child continually puts its fingers into the mouth, presses its gums together as if chewing on something. Eyes red and sparkling. * Convulsions, beginning with twitching of the muscles of the face, especially about the eyes. Dark, bloated appearance of the face; dilated pupils. * Deep sleep, muttering, and picking at the bed-clothes. Yellow, watery, in- voluntary stools. Ignat. Frequent flushes of heat, with perspiration. The child awakens from sleep with piercing cries, and trembling all over. Convulsive jerking of single parts. * The child is much distressed, sighs, sobs, and cries. Stools bloody mucous, often attended with tenesmus and prolapsus of the rectum. Ipecac. Pale face, with blueness around the eyes. * Continual nausea, with frequent vomiting. Diar- 6 62 DENTITION. rhoea ; stools green as grass, or fermented with many colors. Catarrh, with suffocative cough and rattling of mucus in the bronchia. Kreasote. Very painful dentition. The protruding gum seems infiltrated with a dark, watery fluid. * The teeth begin to decay almost as soon as they are through the gums. The sufferings are usually aggravated dur- ing the night. Constipation, with hard, dry stools, or diarrhoea with dark-brown, watery, very offensive stools. Lach. * The child always awakens in distress, and is worse after sleeping. Convulsions, which usually occur as the child goes to sleep Gums dark- purple and painful to touch. * Difficult deglutition, can't bear the throat to be touched. Lyco. The child sleeps with its eyes partially closed, throwing its head from side to side, with moan- ing. Just before passing water, the child cries and screams as if in great pain. * Red sand-like sediment in the urine. Much rumbling of wind in the bowels. Worse about four p. m., and better during the night. Mag. carb. Green and sour-smelling diarrhoea which has continued a long time. * Stools green watery, resembling the scum of a frog-pond. Frequent vomiting of sour-smelling substances. Loss of appe- tite, emaciation. Merc. * Copious salivation, redness of the gums, and sometimes little ulcers on the tongue and mouth. Diarrhoea, with greenish, slimy, or bloody stools, with much straining. Yellowish and strong-smelling urine. Aggravation at night. Nux vom. The child is very irritable and cross. Loss of appetite with increased thirst. * Constipa- tion, with large difficult stools, or small, frequent, lumpy, or brown mucous stools. * Especially suited to children raised on cow's - milk, &c, or whose mothers indulge in highly-seasoned food, wines, &c. Aggravation early in the morning. Nux mos. Exhausting diarrhoea, with thin yellow stools, like beaten or stirred eggs. * The diarrhoea is accompanied with great drowsiness. Symptoms worse at night, and in warm weather. Podo. pel. Restless sleep, with half-closed eyes ; DENTITION. 63 moaning and grinding of the teeth. Rolling of the head from side to side. Green, watery, or whitish, chalk-like stools, very offensive, with frequent gagging or empty retching. * Morning diarrhoea, with prolap- sus ani during every stool. Aggravation in hot weather, and after eating and drinking. Rheum. When during dentition a sour-smelling diarrhoea is developed, with colic before and tenesmus after stool. * Sour smell of the whole body, which washing does not remove. Diarrhoea worse by mov- ing about, or from uncovering any part of the body. Silicea. * Large head with open fontanelles — scrofulous. Profuse sour-smelling perspiration on the head. Hard, hot, distended abdomen. The protrud- ing gum seems blistered, and is very sensitive. * Con- stipation, the stool suddenly recedes after having been partially expelled. Stram. The child's brain seems to be much dis- turbed. Violent grinding of the teeth. Moving of the fingers during sleep as if searching for something. * Convulsions, with cries as if frightened by the sight of hideous objects. Agitation of the limbs, particu- larly of the arms and hands, with motions of the fingers. * Thin, blackish stools, having a putrid smell. Sulph. Face pale o_r sallow. Open fontanelles. * Eruptions on the skin attended with much itching. Restless nights, with frequent waking. Diarrhoea, with whitish, greenish, or bloody mucous stools, and excoriation of the anus. * Early morning diarrhoea. Frequent vomiting of the food taken. * Frequent weak, faint spells. Sulph. ac. Aphthse of the mouth and gums, with much slavering. The child is very irritable, and cries much of the time. * Diarrhoea, the stools look like chopped, saffron-yellow mucus. Loss of appetite, and great debility. Verat. alb. Vomiting, and severe empty retching, aggravated by the least motion. * Diarrhoea, each stool followed by great prostration and cold sweat on the forehead. Cold damp feeling of the extremities. * Very weak, faint pulse. * Violent thirst for large quantities of cold water. 64 DIARRHOEA. DIARRHOEA. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aeon. Stools frequent and scanty, watery, whitish, or slimy. Nausea and sweat before, and tenesmus during stool. General dry heat, full and frequent pulse. * Vertigo or fainting on rising up. Restlessness and intense thirst. * If caused by checked perspiration, or exposure to a cold dry wind. Aloes. Stools yellow fecal, copious and watery. Is driven out of bed early every morning to stool. Before stool, a feeling of weight and fulness in the pelvis. During stool, tenesmus and heat in the rectum and anus. Prominent hemorrhoids, tender to touch. * Loud gurgling in the abdomen as of water running out of a bottle. Diarrhoea worse after eating. Ant. c. Stools watery and profuse, with deranged stomach. * Tongue coated white. Violent vomiting of bitter, bilious, or slimy mucus ; worse after eating or drink- ing. If caused by overloading the stomach. Apis. Stools greenish, yellowish, slimy mucous, or yellow watery. * Sensation in the abdomen as if some- thing would break, when straining at stool. Tongue dry and shining; little or no thirst. (Edema of the feet. Aggravation in the morning. Argen. nit. Stools green, fetid mucous, passing off with much flatus. Nausea with loud eructations. Vom- iting of glassy, tenacious mucus. Aggravation at night, after midnight, and after eating sweet things. Arnica. Stools slimy mucous, or brown fermented (like yeast). Bitter or putrid taste in the mouth. * Putrid eructations, as if from rotten eggs. Aversion to food ; bad breath. If caused by mechanical injuries. Arsen. Stools thick, dark green mucous, or brown, black, and watery. During stool, tenesmus, burning in the- anus and rectum. * Great weakness, fainting, and rapid exhaustion. * Restlessness, constantly changing from side to side. * Great thirst, drinking often but little at a time. Vomiting after eating or drink- ing. Aggravation at night, after midnight, after eat- ing or drinking. DIAEEHCEA. 65 Bell. Stools thin, green mucous, or white watery mucous, small and frequent. Clutching pains in the abdomen. * Pains which come on suddenly and cease as suddenly. * Sleepy, but cannot sleep. * Sudden starting and jumping during sleep. Throbbing head- ache. Aggravation in the afternoon, and after sleeping. Benz. ac. Stools watery or light-colored ; copious; very offensive. * Strong-smelling urine, mostly dark- colored. Feels weak and exhausted. Bry. Diarrhoea in hot weather, or when the dis- ease was induced by taking cold drinks when the system was heated. Stools brown, thin fecal, Or undigested. p Nausea and faintness from sitting up. * Thirst for large quantities of water, at long intervals. Aggra- vation in the morning ; from motion ; after suppressed exanthemata. Calc. c. Diarrhoea of scrofulous persons. Swollen, distended abdomen, with emaciation and good appe- tite. Stools whitish or watery. Chronic diarrhoea, with clay like stools. * Profuse sweat on the head when sleeping. * Feet cold as if they had on damp stock- ags. Difficult urination; urine clear, smelling strong and fetid. Carb. veg. Stools light-colored; involuntary ; putrid ; cadaverous -smelling. Mostly in the last stage, and where the vital powers are greatly exhausted. * Emis- sions of large quantities of flatus, inodorous or putrid. ssness and anxiety. Aggravation from 5 to 6 p. m. Cham. Stools green, watery, corroding, icith colic. * Hot diarrhoeic stools smelling like bad eggs. Bitter taste with bilious vomiting. * Very impatient, can hardly answer one civilly. * Children are very cross and fretful, and must be carried all the time. * One cheek red and the other pale. Aggravation at night, and during dentition. China. Stools yellowish, watery, whitish, or blackish, with severe spasmodic colic relieved by bending double. Painless, undigested, offensive stools, with much disten- tion of the abdomen. * Great weakness and inclina- tion to sweat. Emissions of large quantities of fetid flatus. Thirst, drinks often, but little at a time. Ag- gravation at night, after eating, and every other day. G* 66 DIARRHOEA. Cina. White, papescent stools. Paleness of the face, particularly around the nose and mouth. * Disposi- tion to pick and bore at the nose. * White, turbid, or jelly-like urine. Restless sleep, frequently changing posi- tion, and waking with cries. Grinding of the teeth during sleep. Adapted to persons troubled with worms. Colo. Stools saffron-yellow, frothy, or thin, slimy, and watery. Before stool cutting colic, great urging. * Feeling in the abdomen as if the intestines were be- ing squeezed between stones. Severe colicky pains mostly around the navel, relieved by bending double. Great thirst ; bitter taste in the mouth. Aggravation after taking the least nourishment. Crot. tig. * Stools yellow, watery, or greenish-yel- low, expelled with great force. Aggravation after drink- ing, while eating. Gagging with vertigo, worse after drinking. Colic and writhing around the umbilicus. Dulc. Stools yellowish, greenish, watery or whit- ish. Colic before and during stool. Griping pain in the region of the navel, with vomiting of mucus. *If the disease was caused by taking cold, or is aggra- vated in cold damp weather. Dry heat of the skin. Ferrum. Painless diarrhoea. Stools copious, watery, undigested. Bowels feel sore as if bruised. Emacia- tion, debility, good appetite. Vomiting of the food soon after eating it. * The least emotion or exertibn produces a red flushed face. Gels. Diarrhoea induced by sudden depressing emo- tions, fright, grief, bad news. Stools the color of tea, dark-yellow. Desire to be quiet. Little or no thirst. Gum. gutt. Stools yellow or green, mixed with mucus ; very offensive. Before and during stool, strong urging, with hot pinching pain in the abdomen. * Feeling of great relief after stool, as if an irritating substance were removed from the intestines. * Rapid expulsion of the stool. Hepar. Painless or chronic diarrhoea. Stools light- yellow, green, slimy, undigested. * Sour-smelling diar- rhoea. Better after eating. Hot, sour regurgitation of food. * Feeling of fulness in the stomach, with de- sire to loosen the clothing. DIARRHCEA. 67 Hell. nig. * White, jelly-like mucous stools, with rging and tenesmus. In protracted and dangerous rises, during dentition, or acute hydrocephalus. Vomiting of green or blackish substances. Hyos. Painless, yellow watery diarrhoea. * Invol- ntary stools without being conscious of it. Diarrhoea uring typhoid fever, and in lying-in women. Ipec. Stools grass-green mucous ; fermented. Before nd during stool, nausea and colic. * Vomiting of ellow, green, or jelly-like mucus. Paleness of the ace, and coldness of the extremities. * Flatulent colic, vith pinching, griping about the umbilicus. Iris vers. Painful, green, watery stools, worse at light, about two or three o'clock a. m. * Burning in he rectum and anus after stool. Periodical diarrhoea. Vomiting of sour fluid, with burning in the mouth and fauces. Iodine. Especially in chronic diarrhoea. Stools atery, foaming, whitish. Patient feels better after eat- ng. * Restlessness, continually changing position. Emaciation with good appetite. Scrofulous persons. Kali c. Chronic diarrhoea, with light, gray, fecal stools, followed by burning in the anus. Painless diarrhoea with much rumbling in the abdomen. * Lit- tle sac-like swellings on the upper eyelids in the morning. Lep. vir. * Stools black, papescent, tar-like, very fetid. After stool, sharp cutting pains and distress in he umbilical region. Aggravation in the afternoon or evening. After exposure to wet, damp weather. Lyco. Chronic diarrhoea. Stools thin, brown, pale, fetid. A feeling of great fulness in the stomach after eating but little. Pain and tenderness of the stomach, relieved by loosening the clothing. * Red sediment like sand in the urine. In weak dyspeptic persons. * Aggravation about 4 p. m., and in the morning. Mag. carb. Sour-smelling diarrhoea of children. * Stools resembling the scum of a frog-pond, or green, slimy, and watery. Before stool, cutting and pinch- ing pain iu the abdomen. Sour vomiting. (Edema of the feet up to the calves. QS DIARUHCEA. Merc. Stools dark-green, slimy, frothy, or bloody. * Frequent urging and tenesmus, during and after stool. Cutting, pinching pain in the abdomen, with chilli- ness. Bitter bilious vomiting. Violent thirst for cold drinks. Aphthae in the mouth, and increased flow of saliva. Sour-smelling night-sweat, particularly about the head, cold on the forehead. Worse at night and in hot weather. Nux mos. Stools thin yellow, like stirred eggs. Be- fore stool, cutting pain in the abdomen. * Loss of appetite, and great droivsiness. Colic worse after eat- ing or drinking. The tongue is very dry, it sticks to the mouth.* Great distention of the abdomen after every meal. Worse at night and in cool damp weather. Nux vom. Frequent small watery, slimy, brownish, mucous stools. Colic and tenesmus before and during stool, with relief after. Dysenteric diarrhoea. * Symp- toms worse early in the morning. * Nausea and sour, bitter vomiting. After the use of quack nostrums, and for persons of intemperate habits. Phos. Chronic painless diarrhoea, worse in the morning. Stools undigested, watery, with little white flakes or lumps like sago. Gradual loss of strength. Thirst for very cold drinks. * Vomiting of what has been drunk as soon as it becomes warm in the stomach. Sleepy in the daytime, particularly after meals. Phos. ac. Painless diarrhoea. Stools whitish- watery, or yellowish and very offensive. The diarrhoea is accompanied with great rumbling in the bowels.. * Very indifferent, wants nothing, and cares for nothing. Frequent emissions of pale, watery urine. Profuse perspiration at night. Podo. pel. Painless diarrhoea. Profuse watery stools, with meal-like sediment ; also yellow mucous stools smelling like carrion. Before stool, loud gurgling in the bowels as of water. * During stool, prolapsus ani. Gagging or empty retching. Cramp in the feet, calves, and thighs. * Always worse in the morning, at night, and in hot weather. Puis. Stools greenish, yellowish, like bile. * Very changeable stools, no two alike. Before stool, rum- bling and cutting pain in the bowels. * Diarrhoea, DIARRHOEA. 69 worse at night, from eating fruit, or ice-cream. Bitter taste in the mouth after eating. * Craves cool fresh air. worse in a close, warm room. Inclination to be chilly even in a warm room. White-coated tongue ; . loss of taste; thirstlessness. Rheum. Stools green, brown, fermented, smelling sour. Colic before and during stool, and tenesmus after. * The whole body has a sour smell, which cannot be . removed by washing. Cutting colic, relieved by bend- ing double. Diarrhoea during dentition. Rhus tox. Stools reddish mucous, or yellowish mu- cous. Cutting colic before and during stool, with relief after stool. Troublesome dreams. Involuntary stools at night while sleeping. * Aggravation at night, and when at rest. Secale. Painless diarrhoea. Stools brown, watery, or slimy ; discharged rapidly and with great force. Great exhaustion during and after stool. Vomiting without effort, with great weakness. Great anxiety, and burn- ing at the pit of the stomach. * Aversion to heat, or to being covered up. Extreme thirst. Sulph. Stools very changeable, yellow, brown, green, undigested. Early morning diarrhoea, driving the patient out of bed in a hurry. Before stool, urging and cutting colic. * Constant heat on top of the head. Sour or bitter vomiting. * Frequent, weak, faint spells. Drowsiness during the day, and wakeful at night. After suppressed eruptions. Sulph. ac. Diarrhoea with great debility. Pain- less, chronic diarrhoea. Stools saffron- colored mucous, stringy, green, watery. Coldness and relaxed feeling in the stomach. Sour eructations. * Sensation of tremor j all over the body without trembling. Aphthae in the l mouth. Thuya. Copious, pale-yellow, watery stools, discharged , with great force ; gurgling like water from a bung-hole. j Rapid exhaustion and emaciation. Aggravation in the morning, after breakfast and after drinking coffee. Verat. alb. Stools profuse watery, blackish or green- \ ish. Severe pinching colic before and during stool. * After stool, great weakness and empty feeling in the ftbdomen. * The suffering causes a cold sweat to 70 DIPHTHERIA. stand on the forehead. Violent vomiting of frothy mucus. * Violent thirst for large quantities of cold water. Excessive weakness. DIPHTHERIA. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aeon. In the forming stage. Dry, hot skin, and very quick pulse. Dark redness of the fauces, velum palati, and tonsils. Burning, fine piercing sensation in the throat. * Great fear and anxiety of mind, with nervous excitability. * Very sensitive to contact. Apis m. Great debility from the beginning. The membrane assumes at once a dirty-grayish color. Puffiness around the eyes, and pain in the ears when swallowing. * Stinging pains in the affected parts. Itching stinging eruption on the skin. Numbness of the feet and hands. Arsen. Great anguish, extreme restlessness and fear of death. Fetid breath, and viscid foul discharge from the nostrils. * Constant desire for cold drinks, but can take but little at a time. * Great and increas- ing prostration. All worse about midnight. Arum tri. Throat raw and sore, as if excoriated. Putrid odor from the mouth. * Burning, ichorous discharge from the nose, excoriating the nostrils and upper lip. Cracked corners of the mouth and lips. Sub- maxillary glands swollen. Urine abundant and pale. Bell. Great dryness of the fauces ; tonsils bright- red and swollen. Cannot swallow, or only with the greatest difficulty. * Very restless, feels drowsy yet cannot sleep. * Starts in his sleep, or jumps sud- denly up in bed. Congestion to the head, with throb- bing of the carotid arteries; eyes injected ; delirium. Bromine. The disease commences in the larynx and rises up into the fauces. In some cases it extends into the larynx, producing a croupy cough and much rattling of mucus. * Suffocating cough, with hoarse, whistling, croupy sound. DIPHTHERIA. 71 Bry. Formation of false membrane on the tonsils and palate. Lips parched, dry, and cracked. Thirst for large draughts of water. * Wants to remain per- fectly still, as the least motion increases his suffering. Cannot sit up on account of nausea and faintness. * Hard, dry stools as if burnt. Calc. chlor. This remedy (Chloride of Lime) is highly commended by Dr. Neidhard in all stages of the disease. He says, it not only cured the ordinary diphtheria, but the most dangerous cases, and also diphtheric croup. He uses it both in trituration and in solution. Canth, Burning and dryness in the mouth, ex- tending to the throat and pharynx. Extreme pros- tration, sinking, death-like turns. * Constant desire to urinate, passing but a few drops at a time. Cap. an. Burning and soreness in the mouth and throat. Congested appearance of the mucous mem- brane. Fauces partially covered with the diphtheric deposit. Heat and throbbing in the head. Rapid pulse, vertigo and bleeding at the nose. * Chilliness in the back. Kali bi. Fauces inflamed, and more or less covered with a dirty-yellow deposit forming pseudo-membrane. * Hoarse croupy cough, with expectoration of stringy mucus. Deep-eating ulcers in the fauces. Tough stringy discharge from the nose. Swelling of the parotid glands. Lachesis. The disease mostly appears on the left side first. Throat greatly swollen internally and ex- ternally. Discharge from the nose and mouth of a very fetid and excoriating fluid. * Can bear nothing to touch the larynx and throat, — it is so painful. Fauces covered with a diphtheric membrane. * Patient worse after sleeping. Lyco. * The disease commences on the right side of the throat and spreads to the left. Brownish-red appearance of the fauces. Stitching pains in the throat when swallowing. Nose stopped up, and the patient cannot breathe with the mouth shut. * Widely dilated nostrils with every inspiration. Awakens from sleep very cross and irritable. * Red sand in the urine. 72 DYSENTERY. Merc. iod. * Pseudo-membranous deposit upon the tonsils, uvula, velum palati, and pharynx. TDngue coated with a thick, yellow, dirty coating. Tonsils much swollen, and there is great difficulty in swallow- ing. * Breath very offensive. Expectoration of much tough fetid saliva. Hoarse breathing. Swelling of the parotid and submaxillary glands. Nitric ac. Spreading ulcers in the mouth and throat. Putrid-smelling breath. Swelling of the sub- maxillary and parotid glands. Corroding discharge from the nose. Dry, barking cough ; intermittent pulse. * Strong-smelling urine, like that of horses. * Sore throat, extending up into the nose, with pro- fuse, thin purulent discharge. Phytolacca. * Fauces, tonsils, and pharynx covered with dark-colored pseudo-membrane. Exces- sive fetor of the breath. Great prostration, is unable to stand. When rising up in bed, gets faint and dizzy. Violent aching in the back and limbs. DYSENTERY. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aeon. Usually in the beginning of the disease. Stools frequent, small, bloody, or slimy mucous. Dur- ing stool cutting pains and tenesmus. * Vertigo on rising up. General dry heat and great restlessness. * Fear of death ; predicts the day he will die. Aloes. Stools bloody, jelly-like mucous. Before stool, a sense of fulness and weight in the pelvis, and pain around the navel. During stool, tenesmus and burning in the rectum. * Loud gurgling in the bowels, like water running out of a bottle. Large and promi- nent hemorrhoids, tender to touch. Arnica. Dysentery caused by mechanical inju- ries. Stools clear mucous, or bloody, with tenesmus. Bitter or putrid taste in the mouth. * Putrid eructa- tions as if from bad eggs. Arsen. Stools dark or blackish fluid, mixed with DYSENTERY. 73 blood, of a putrid foul smell. During stool, tenesmus and burning in the rectum. * Great anguish, rest- lessness, and fear of death. * Extreme thirst, drinks often, but little at a time. Rapid prostration and sink- ing of the vital forces. Aggravation at night, or after eating or drinking. Baptisia. Stools scant, bloody mucous. Before and during stool, violent colicky pains in the hypogastri- ura. During stool great tenesmus. * Soreness of the flesh and whole body, with chilliness. * The sweat, urine, and stools, are all extremely fetid. Belladon. Stools greenish, slimy, bloody. Great tenesmus during and after stool. * Clutching pains in the abdomen, which appear suddenly, and cease as 1 suddenly. * Pains are relieved by stopping the breath and bearing down. Abdomen hot and tender to pres- sure. Sleepiness with restless tossing about. * Sud- I den starting, and jumping during sleep. Mouth, and ' throat very dry, with little or no thirst. Bryonia. The disease was induced by getting overheated, or from taking cold drinks when the sys- tem was very warm. Thin bloody stools, preceded by cutting colic. * Sitting up in bed causes nausea and vomiting. * The patient wants to keep very still. Thirst for large quantities of water at long intervals. Aggravation in the morning and by motion. Cantharis. Stools white or pale-reddish, like scrapings of the intestines. Great tenesmus and burning, sting- ing in the anus. * Frequent urging to urinate, with slight and painful discharge. High fever, with burn- ing and dryness of the mouth, burning thirst, or no thirst at all. Caps. Stools bloody mucous, or mucous streaked with black blood. * After stool, tenesmus and thirst, with shuddering after drinking. Tenesmus of the bladder. Distention of the abdomen as if it would burst. * Chiiiiness in the back. * Taste as of putrid water in the mouth. Carb. veg. Mostly in advanced stages. Stools of foul blood and mucus ; involuntary, smelling terribly. * Great prostration, and cold breath. * The patient wants more air and to be fanned all the time. Heat 74 DYSENTERY. about the head, and cold perspiration on the ex- tremities. Cham. Stools frequent, small, green or white mu- cous, smelling like bad eggs. Colic before and during stool. * Very impatient, can hardly answer one civilly. * Children are very fretful, must be carried all the time to be appeased. * One cheek red and hot * and the other pale and cold. In the first stages, and during dentition. China. Weakly persons, and others who have lost much blood. Stools chocolate-colored, smelling putrid. Before stool colic, relieved by bending double. Aggra- vation at night, and after a meal. Great weakness and inclination to sweat. * Patient worse every other day. Colch. Stools jelly-like mucous, or bloody, mingled with a skinny substance, attended with severe colic and tenesmus. During stool, spasms of the sphincter ani, with a shuddering over the back. * Autumnal dysen- tery, when the days are warm and the nights cool. (Edema of the lower extremities ; urine dark-brown and scant. Colocynth. Stools bloody mucous. Before stool, cutting pain and great urging. * Violent colicky pains, mostly around the navel, causing the patient to bend double. Relief after every evacuation. Abdomen distended and painful to contact. Patient worse after a meal. Dulc. Stools green mucous, or bloody. If the dis- ease was induced by exposure to cold. .* Symptoms all aggravated by every cold change in the weather. Dry heat of the skin, and much thirst. Ipecac. Stools bloody, or bloody mucous. Great pressing to stool, with griping and pinching about the navel. * Much nausea and vomiting. Disgust and loathing of all kinds of food. If caused by eating un- ripe, sour fruit. No thirst. Kali bi. Stools bloody, or jelly-like. During stool, painful urging arid tenesmus. Gnawing pain about the navel. * Tongue dry, smooth, red, and cracked. Much thirst, desire for acids. Aggravation in the morning. Mag. car. Stools bloody mucous, or green slimy mu- DYSENTERY. 75 cons. Before stool cutting and pinching in the abdo- men. During and after stool tenesmus. Tongue coated dirty-yellow. Sour vomiting. In children during dentition. Merc. cor. Stools p ure blood, or bloody mucus. During stool, painful pressing, straining, and tenes- mus. Almost constant cutting pain in the abdomen, mostly around the umbilicus, * Great tenesmus of the bladder, with scanty secretion of urine. Merc. sol. Stools bloody mucous, or green, slimy. Before stool, violent and frequent urging. During and after stool, violent tenesmus. * Wants to remain a long time at the chamber. Pinching and cutting colic, with chilliness and shuddering. Prolapsus ani. Violent thirst for cold drinks. Profuse night sweats, particu- larly, on the head. All the symptoms worse at night, and in damp rainy weather. Nitric ac. Stools profuse, bloody. Before stool, drawing colicky pain. During stool, tenesmus and spasmodic contraction of the anus. Long-lasting pains, which are very exhausting. * Spreading ulcers in the mouth, with fetid breath. Nux vom. Stools thin, bloody mucous, sometimes mingled with hard lumps of fsecal matter. Before stool, constant urging; back-ache as if broken. During stool, violent tenesmus, and cutting pain in the hypo- gastrium, with desire to vomit. After stool, relief. * Persons of intemperate habits, or who have been drugged with nostrums. Symptoms worse in the morning. ■ Patient very irritable, and wants to be alone. Phos. Stools green, slimy, or bloody. Painless dysentery. The anus remains open as if paralyzed. Symptoms worse in the morning, and from lying on the left side. Thirst for very cold drinks, which are thrown up as soon as they get warm in the stomach. Podo. pel. Stools bloodj/ and green mucous, or jelly- like mucous. Disease attended with little or no pain. 'Prolapsus ani during and after stool. Children toss their heads from side to side. * Gagging or empty retch- ing. Aggravation in the morning, at night, and dur- ing dentition. Loud rumbling in the bowels. Puis. Stools blood-streaked mucous. Before stool, 76 DYSMENOKRHCEA. rumbling and cutting colic. During stool, chilliness and pain in the back. Thick yellow coat on the tongue. Bitter taste in the mouth. * Thirstlessness. * Worse towards evening and at night. Rhus tox. Stools reddish mucous, or jelly-like. Before and during stool, cutting colic. * Pain which runs in streaks down the limbs with every evacuation. Remission of the pains after stool, and from moving about. Staph. Stools, yellow mucous. Before and after stool, cutting pains in the bowels. During stool, tenes- mus of the rectum and bladder. Always worse after drinking cold water. Sulph. Stools green mucous, or blood-streaked mucous ; changeable. Before stool cutting colic. After stool tenesmus. Painful sensitiveness of the abdo- men, as if the internal parts were raw and sore. * Weak, faint spells, frequently through the day. Dysentery, consequent upon suppressed cutaneous eruptions. * Lean persons, who walk stooping, or who suffer from piles. DYSMENORRHEA. Therapeutics. Special indications. Ammo. C. Menses premature and abundant, pre- ceded by griping colic and loss of appetite. Discharge blackish, in clots, passing off with pain in the abdo- men. Paleness of the face, sadness, and toothache. Bell. The pains precede the flow, with congestion to the head and confusion of sight. Frightful visions and screaming. * Disposition to bite and tear things. Redness and bloatedness of the face. * Strong bearing down in the lower parts of the abdomen, as if every- thing would escape through the vulva. * Pains come on suddenly and cease just as suddenly. Discharge copious, and of a bright-red color; sometimes clotted and offensive. Cactus. Menses scanty and cease flowing when lying down. * Terrible pains causing her to cry DYSMENORRHEA. 77 out aloud and weep. Pains come on periodically, mostly in the evening. * A feeling as if the heart was constricted with an iron band. Palpitation of the heart, worse when lying on the left side. Calc. c Preceding the flow, swelling and tender- ness of the breasts, headache, colic, shiverings and leucorrhcea. During the flow, cuttingin the abdomen, toothache, bearing down in the abdomen, and enlarge- ment of the veins. * Feet cold as if they had on damp stockings. Scrofulous diathesis. Cham. Pressure towards the uterus, resembling labor-paijis. * Discharge dark - colored and coagu- lated, with tearing pains in the thighs. Frequent de- sire to pass urine. Bloated red face, or one cheek red and the other pale. Hot perspiration about the head. * Very impatient, can hardly answer one civilly. Cimicifu. Scanty or profuse flow of coagulated blood. * Severe pains in the back, down the thighs and through the hips. Labor-like pains with heavy pressing down. Hysteric spasms, cramps, tenderness of the hypogastric region. Low-spirited and very sensitive. Conium. Discharge scant, and brown in appear- •ance. Previous to the menses, the breasts swell, be- come hard and painful. Pressing dow r nwards in the abdomen and drawing in the legs. * Much difficulty in voiding urine, it stops and starts repeatedly. * Aching pains about the heart, and vertigo when lying down or turning over in bed. Painful abdomi- nal spasms. Nuz vom. Menses return too soon, discharge thick and clotted. Writhing pains in the abdomen with nausea, or pain in the back and loins as if dislocated. * Soreness across the pubis as if bruised. Frequent desire to pass urine. Constipation with frequent urg- ing, hard difficult stools. After the use of drugs and nostrums. Phos. Menses too early and scant. Very sleepy during the flow, she can hardly keep awake. Stitches in the mammae, sour eructations and vomiting of sour nces. Great fermentation in the abdomen. Cutting in the hypogastric region, chilliness, cold 78 DYSPEPSIA. hands and feet. * Sensation of weakness and empti- ness in the abdomen. * Long, narrow, hard stools, very difficult to expel. Puis. Delayed menses, the blood is thick and black, flowing by fits and starts. Feeling of heaviness as if from a stone in the pelvic cavity. * Pains so violent that she tosses about in all directions, with cries and tears. Drawing sensation and numbness extending down the thighs. * Vertigo on rising up, with chilliness. * Mild, tearful woman. Worse in a warm room. Sepia. Menses too early and scant. Colicky pains and great bearing down, obliging her to cross the limbs. Before the menses, leucorrhoea, excoriating the parts. * Painful sensation of emptiness at the pit of the stomach. Sick stomach, particularly in the morning. Constipation of hard, knotty, difficult stools, with a sensation of weight in the anus. Sulph. Discharge thick, black, and acrid. Vio- lent pinching in the abdomen, with great heat, chilli- ness, and sort of epilepsy. * Constant heat in top of the head. * Frequent flashes of heat and weak faint spells. Chronic cutaneous eruptions. Lean persons who walk stooping. DYSPEPSIA. Therapeutics. Special indications. Ant. cr. The disease was caused by overloading the stomach. Tongue coated white. * Eructations tasting of the food last eaten. Nausea and vomiting. Watery stools, mingled with hard lumps. Thirst, worse at night. Arnica. If caused by a blow or concussion. Sore bruised feeling in the stomach. Eructations, tasting like bad eggs. Sense of fulness in the pit of the stomach. Tongue coated yellow. After meals, incli- nation to vomit. Bitter or putrid taste. Arsen. Derangement of the stomach from ice- DYSPEPSIA. 79 cream, fruit, and acid things. * Nausea and vomiting after eating or drinking. Heat or burning in the stom- ach. * Intense thirst, drinking often but little at a time. Anxious restlessness. Rapid prostration of strength. * Pressure as of a stone in the stomach. Bry. Dyspepsia occurring in hot weather, or from drinking cold water when over-heated. Loath- ing of food, sometimes so violent that even the smell of it is intolerable. Stitching pains in the stomach, worse from motion or pressure. Soreness over the region of the stomach. Frequent eructations, especially after a meal. Food is thrown up immediately after eat- ing. * Constipation, stools dry and hard as if burnt. * Is very irritable, everything vexes him. Calc. c. Pressure as of a weight in the stomach, * Cannot bear anything tight around the hypochon- drium. Sour taste in the mouth. Vomiting of the ingesta, which tastes sour. Aversion to meat and warm food, with desire for dainties. * Cold damp feet. Profuse menstruation. Cannot sleep after 3 a. m. Stools large, hard, and sometimes only partially digested. Carb. v. Frequent eructations affording only tem- porary relief. The most innocent kind of food disa- grees with the stomach. * Sensation as if the stom- ach and abdomen would burst when eating or drink- ing. Sour rancid belchings, and burning in the stomach. After debauching. Cham. Painful bloatedness of the epigastrium in the morning, with a sensation as if the contents were rising to the chest. * Aching pain in the stomach and under the short ribs. Bitter taste with bilious vomiting. * Very impatient, can hardly answer a civil question. China. * Abdomen feels full and tight as if stuffed, eructations affording no relief. * Aversion to every kind of nourishment. Craves wine or sour things. Eructations tasting of the ingesta. Debility with de- sire to lie down after every meal. Weakly persons who have lost much blood. Gel. sem. Feeling of emptiness and weakness in the stomach and bowels. Distention of the stomach 80 DYSPEPSIA. with pain and nausea. Burning in the stomach ex- tending up to the mouth. * Symptoms all worse from sudden emotions, fright, grief, or bad news. * False hunger — a kind of gnawing in the stomach. Hepar. The stomach is easily disordered despite the utmost care. Craving for acids or strong acrid articles. Nausea, and eructations without taste or smell. Putrid or metallic taste. * Accumulation of mucus in the throat. Hard, difficult stools. Risings in the oesophagus as if he had been eating sour things. Hydras. * Dull aching pain in the stomach, which causes a very weak faint feeling. Burning pain in the umbilical region. Eructations of sour fluid. Cut- ting pain in the stomach. * A feeling of goneness in the region of the stomach, with violent palpitation of the heart. Lye. Feeling of great fulness and heaviness in the stomach after a meal. * After taking a mere swallow of food, feels full up to the throat. * Con- stant sense of fermentation in the abdomen, like yeast working. Much rumbling, particularly in the left hypo- chondria. Distressing pain in the back before uri- nating. *Red sand in the urine. Constipation, stools hard, scant, and passed with great difficulty. Symp- toms worse about 4 p. m. Merc. * Very sensitive about the pit of the stom- ach and abdomen. When sitting, the food feels like a stone in the stomach. Pressure in the epigastrium., eruc- tations and heartburn after a meal. Aversion to solid food, meat, warm food, with desire for refreshing things. Much salivation, with saltish, metallic taste. Nux vom. Putrid or bitter taste in the mouth early in the morning. Frequent sour eructations. * Re- gion of the stomach is very sensitive to pressure. Cramp-like pains in the stomach, with pressure, particularly after a meal. Cannot bear the clothing fastened. * Ris- ing of sour and bitter fluids from the stomach. * Very irritable, and wishes to be alone. Constipation with frequent urging, and a sensation as if the anus were contracted. Persons of sedentary or intemperate hab- its, or the victims of drugs and nostrums ENCEPHALITIS. 81 Puis. Tongue coated white or yellow, with bad taste in the morning. * Eructations after a meal, tasting of the food last eaten. Beating in the region of the stomach. All kinds of fatty food, pork, pastry, ice-cream, etc., par- ticularly disagree. * Vertigo when stooping or rising from a sitting posture. Chilliness and flashes of heat. No thirst. Nightly diarrhoea. Mild,- tearful disposition. Sepia. Pulsations in the stomach during a meal. * Great weakness of digestion. Sour or bitter eruc- tations. Pressure on the stomach as of a stone. * Yellowness of the face, with a streak across the nose resembling a saddle. * Constipation of hard, knotty, difficult stools, with a sense of weight in the anus. Silicea. Bitter taste in the morning. Nausea, especially in the morning, or after a meal. * Water tastes badly; vomits after drinking. Pains in the stomach with water-brash. No appetite, but great thirst. * Constipation, the stool recedes after having been partly expelled. Staph. Sensation as if the stomach were hanging down relaxed. Soon after full and substantial meal the patient feels hungry. * Extreme hunger, even when the stomach is full of food. Sulph. Sour eructations and much troublesome acidity in the stomach. Region of the stomach sensi- tive to contact. Feels very weak and faint about 11 a. M. ; must have something to eat. * Frequent weak faint spells. * Burning heat on top of the head. * Early morning diarrhoea. * Lean persons who walk stooping. ENCEPHALITIS. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aeon. In the commencement, when there is a high degree of fever, evinced by a hot, dry skin and hard* quick pulse. Congestion of blood to the head, with redness of the face. * Great anxiety and fear of 82 ENCEPHALITIS. death, predicts the day he will die. * Sleeplessness, restlessness, tossing from side to side. Vertigo or fainting on rising up. Bell. Violent throbbing and stitching pains in the head. * Red sparkling eyes, with furious look. Face red and bloated. Great heat in the head, with violent throbbing of the carotids. * Furious delirium, with desire to escape from bed ; he tries to strike, bite, and injure those around him. * Great intolerance of noise and light. Pupils contracted or dilated. * Start- ing and jumping during sleep. Bry. Pain in the head, as if the skull were being pressed asunder. Congestion of blood to the head, with heat and burning. * Delirious talk, at night with desire to escape. Lips dry and parched, with great thirst. * Wants to keep perfectly still, as the least motion makes him worse. Sudden starting up from sleep. * Sitting up in bed causes nausea and fainting. * Constipation of dry, hard stools, as if burnt. Very irritable. Cimic. Intense pressing, throbbing pain in the head, mostly in the vertex and occiput, with delirium. * Sensation as if the brain was. too large for the skull, and as if the top of the head ivould fly off. Severe pain in the eyeballs. Swelling in the back part of the tongue. Cup. act. If the disease has arisen from the retro- cession of some acute eruption. Fretfulness or apathy. Restless or disturbed sleep. Inability to hold the head erect. Convulsive movements and distortions of the limbs. * When drinking, the fluid descends with a gurgling noise. Grinding of the teeth. Hell. Usually in the last stage, when serous exu- dation has already taken place. * Face pale and puffed. * Soporous sleep, with screaming and start- ing. * Lower jaw sinking down. * Chewing motions with the mouth. * Automatic motions with one arm and one leg. Squinting, pupils dilated. Hyos. Drowsiness and loss of consciousness. In- distinct speech. Delirium with wild staring look, jerking of the limbs and throbbing of the carotids. White coated tongue ; frothing at the mouth. * Staring, ENTERITIS. 83 distorted eyes, with double vision. Starting up sud- denly from sleep. * Muttering, with picking at the bed-clothes. Involuntary stools and urine. Opium. Lethargy, with stertorous breathing, eyes half closed. Stupefaction after waking. * Delirious talking, eyes wide open. Face purplish and swollen. * Acuteness of hearing. Fearfulhess and great ten- dency to start. After grief, fright, or violent mental emotions. * Constipation, stools round, hard, black balls. Stram. Great indifference. He does not notice the objects around him. Stupefaction of the senses. * Loquacious delirium, with desire to escape out of bed. * Awakens with a shrinking look, as if afraid of the first object seen. Disposed to talk continually. * Grinding of the teeth, with shuddering. Lips sore and cracked, and sordes on the teeth. Glistening eyes and staring look. Black fluid stools. ENTERITIS, Therapeutics. Special indications. Aeon. In the early stage, presenting a high in- flammatory fever, dry hot skin, and full frequent pulse. Mouth and tongue dry. with intense thirst. Abdomen swollen and tender to touch. * Cutting, burning, and tearing pains in the umbilical region, aggravated by the least pressure. * Great fear and anxiety of mind, with nervous excitability. Bright-red and hot urine. Ars. Usually in the last stage. Very rapid and weak pulse. Sudden sinking of strength, cold, clammy sweat, and great restlessness. * Intense thirst, drinking often but little at a time. * Burning in the abdomen, with cutting and lancinations, icorse after eating or drinking. Vomiting, especially after eating or drink- ing. Symptoms all worse after midnight. Bell. Great heat and tenderness of the abdomen. Violent contractive, or clutching pains in the bowels 84 ERYSIPELAS. * Pains which appear suddenly, and cease as suddenly. Congestion of blood to the head, with throbbing of the carotids. * Face flushed, eyes red and sparkling. * Great intolerance to noise and light. Starting and jumping during sleep. Sleepiness, but cannot sleep. Almost constant moaning. Partial or general spasms, with unconsciousness. Bry. Inflammation, with hard swelling around the umbilicus. * Stitching or lancinating in the bowels, worse from the slightest motion. * Lies perfectly still, don't want to move. * Cannot sit up on account of nausea and faintness. Lips parched, dry, and cracked. Great thirst for large draughts of water. Vomiting immediately after eating or drinking. * Con- stipation of hard, dry stools as if burnt. Very irrita- ble, everything makes him angry. Delirium, wants to get out of bed and go home. Canth. Heat and burning in the abdomen and bowels, which are very sensitive to pressure. Cutting burning pains through the bowels. * Violent burning thirst, with aversion to all kind of drinks. * Tenesmus of the bladder, with ineffectual efforts to urinate. Stools pale-reddish mucous, like scrapings of the intes- tines. Anxious restlessness. Merc. Abdomen swollen, hard, and painful to con- tact. Cutting, stabbing pains in the bowels, accompa- nied by chilliness and shuddering. * Green or bloody mucous stools, with violent tenesmus. * Profuse per- spiration affording no relief. Pale, wretched com- plexion. Foul smell from the mouth ; vomiting of bitter mucus. Restless sleep. Vomiting of bitter or bilious mucus. ERYSIPELAS. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aeon. Chill and synochal fever, with dry hot skin and full quick pulse. Great redness, tingling, and burning in the face. Chilliness with internal heat. ERYSIPELAS. 85 * Vertigo from sitting up in bed. * Great fear and anxiety of mind, with great nervous excitability. * Cannot bear the pain, nor to be touched or un- covered. Apis m. Erysipelas of the face, with oedematous swelling. * Burning, stinging pains in the affected parts. Pressing pain in the forehead and temples, worse when sitting or in a warm room. * Chilliness from the least motion, with heat, of the face and hands. * Dryness of the throat without thirst. Urine dark- colored and scanty. Ars. When the parts assume a blackish hue, with a tendency to gangrene. * Burning pains, the parts burn like fire. * Rapid prostration of strength. * Great anguish, extreme restlessness, and fear of death. * In- tense thirst, drinking little and often. Worse at night, particularly after midnight. Bell. Especially in facial erysipelas. * Smooth shining skin, not much swollen. * The redness be- gins in a small spot, and runs in streaks from the centre. * Congestion of blood to the head, with deli- rium and throbbing of the carotids. Throbbing head- ache, worse from motion. * Great intolerance of light or noise. Aggravation about 3 p. m. Bry. If the disease attacks the joints. Hot, red swelling of the affected parts, with inability to move them. * Pains stitching, burning, and stinging ; worse from the least motion or touch. * Patient wants to remain perfectly quiet. * Cannot sit up from nau- sea and faintness. Lips parched, dry, and cracked. Headache as if it would split open. Very irritable and impatient. Dry, hard stools as if burnt. Graph. Unhealthy skin ; the slightest injury in- clines to suppurate. * Phlegmonous erysipelas of the head and face, with burning, tingling pains. * Vesic- ular eruptions, discharging a sticky glutinous fluid. Persons inclined to obesity. Hepar. Where the disease inclines to terminate in suppuration. The eruption is very sensitive to touch. Especially after the abuse of mercury. Empty feeling at the stomach. Opium. Cases which supervene during pneumonia, 8 86 GASTRITIS. typhoid or other fevers. * Profound coma, with stertorous respiration. General appearance stupid and besotted. Eyes dull and watery, pupils dilated. Face dark-red and bloated. Stools composed of hard black balls. Slow pulse. Puis. Erratic erysipelas, where the redness disap- pears in one place to reappear in another. Hard, blu- ish-red swelling, with burning heat, and stinging, particularly when touching or moving the part. * Ver- tigo when rising from a sitting posture, with chilli- ness. Thickly coated tongue, with very bad taste in the morning. Mild, tearful persons, with blue eyes and blonde hair. * Rhus. * Vesicular erysipelas. Burning and red- ness of the surface, which soon swells and becomes covered with watery vesicles. * Intolerable burning, itching, and tingling in the affected parts. Swelling and redness of the face, with partial or entire closure of the eyelids. Bruised feeling in the limbs and back. Amelioration from moving the affected parts. Sulph. In cases terminating in ulceration, and where it has assumed a chronic form. The parts burn and itch when near the fire, or from getting in a heat. * Frequent weak faint spells. Vesicular eruptions filled with pus. * Constant heat on top of the head. Early morning diarrhoea. Dry, husky, scaly skin. Scrofulous diathesis. GASTRITIS. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aeon. Synochal fever, evinced by hot, dry i full quick pulse, and intense thirst. Sharp, snooting pains in the stomach, which is tender to touch. * Bit- ter bilious vomiting, with anguish and fear of death. Everything except water has a bitter taste. * Great fear and anxiety of mind, with great nervous excita- bility. Shortness of breath ; great restlessness. Arn. If caused from a blow or some mechanical GASTRITIS. 87 injury. Painful pressure in the stomach, with pinch- ing, spasmodic, griping pains. * Vomiting of dark coagulated blood. * Sore, bruised feeling all through the body. Belching, with taste of putrid eggs. Com- plains all the while of the bed being too hard, and keeps changing about continually. Ars. Anxious expression of countenance. Great tenderness of the epigastric region to pressure. * Heat, or burning in the stomach, with sharp, shoot- ing pains. * Vomiting of everything eaten or drank. During the vomiting violent pain in the stomach. * Urgent thirst for cold water, drinks often but little at a time. * Great restlessness and anxiety, with fear of death. Rapid prostration of strength. Bell. Great tenderness of the whole abdomen, with painful pressure in the stomach. Burning and cutting pains in the stomach. * Pains which couie on suddenly and cease as suddenly. Congestion of blood to the head, with throbbing headache. Delirium, with desire to escape from bed. * Great intolerance to light and noise. * Starting and jumping during sleep. Sleepiness but cannot sleep. Bry. Region of the stomach exceedingly sensitive ; cannot bear the least pressure on it. Stitching and dart- ing pains in the pit of the stomach. Burning in the stomach. * Vomiting immediately after eating or drink- ing. * Nausea and faintness from sitting up in bed. Delirium, with desire to escape from bed and go home. Lips parched, dry, and cracked. Thirst for large draughts of cold water. * Wants to remain perfectly quiet. Hard, dry stools, as if burnt. Canth. Violent pains in the stomach ; the patient tossing about in despair. Severe burning in the stomach, sometimes extending down into the bowels. * Con- stant desire to urinate, passing but a few drops at a time. Stools like scrapings of the intestines. Burn- ing thirst. * Vomiting, with violent retching and severe colic. Anxious restlessness. Ipec. Where nausea and vomiting are the most prominent features. Diarrhoea, with grass-green mucous stools, and cutting colic. Iris v. Great burning distress in the epigastric region. 88 HEADACHE. Intense burning in the region of the pancreas. * Sharp cutting pains of short duration, and changing often. Distressing nausea and vomiting, with pain in the stomach. Aggravation by motion. Nux v. Face red and bloated. Tongue red, clean, and tremulous. Burning pain in the stomach, which is very tender to touch. * Contractive, spasmodic pains in the stomach. * Vomiting of sour-smelling mucus, also of blood. Burning in the oesophagus up to the mouth. Constipation of hard, difficult stools, with frequent urging. All worse in the morning; cannot sleep after 3 a.m. Victims of drastic medicines and quack nostrums. Puis. Epigastrium sensitive and painful to pres- sure. Aching and darting pains in the stomach. Nausea and vomiting after eating or drinking. * Suf- focating and fainting spells, must have fresh, cool air. * Vertigo when rising up, with chilliness. Watery diarrhoea, especially at night. Mild, tearful disposi- tion. Bitter taste, constant spitting of frothy mucus. Verat. alb. * Hippocratic countenance. Eyes sunken and glazed. Lips bluish and dry. Great soreness in the region of the stomach. * Intense thirst for cold drinks. Inability to retain anything on the stomach. Extremities cold and covered with clammy sweat. Extreme prostration, with anguish and fear of death. Pulse almost imperceptible. Exhausting diarrhoea. HEADACHE. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aeon. Violent stupefying headache, with great fulness and heaviness in the forehead. * Sensation as if the brain would press through the forehead. * Vertigo when rising from a sitting posture. Bitter bilious vomiting, with anguish and fear of death. * Gets desperate, and declares he cannot bear the pains. Argen. nit. Dull, pressing pain in the forehead, HEADACHE. 89 with vertigo early in the morning. Stupefying dulness of the head, with great iceakncss of mind. The head- ache is usually art ended with chilliness and trembling of the body. Faintish sick feeling ending in real vom- iting. Worse in the open air, and relieved by tying something tight around the head. Arnica. Headache principally over the eyes. Stitch- ing, darting pains in the forehead, worse by stooping. * Head and face hot, while the body is cool. * Sore- ness in the stomach, and belchings tasting like putrid eggs. Nausea and vomiting, w r orse after eating or drinking. If caused by a blow, or concussion of the brain. Ars. Periodical headache. Great weight in the head, particularly in the forehead. Beating pain in the fore- head, with inclination to vomit. * Violent vomiting, particularly after eating or drinking. * Extreme thirst, drinking little and often. * Restlessness, pros- tration, fear of death. Pains worse during rest, and better by motion. Bell. Face flushed and eyes injected. Congestion of blood to the head, with throbbing of the carotids. * Violent throbbing pain, especially in the forehead, obliging one to close the eyes. * Boring headache in the right side of the head. * Vertigo, with stupefac- tion and vanishing of sight. Nausea and vomiting of bile, mucus, or food. * Cannot bear noise or bright light. Aggravation about 3 p. M. Bry. Headache sets in on first waking in the morn- ing. Beating, jerking, or stitching pains, especially on one side. * The head aches as if it would split open, aggravated by stooping or motion. * Wants to keep perfectly still. Sour or bitter vomiting. Thickly coated tongue ; lips parched, dry, and cracked. * Constipation of hard dry stools as if burnt. Patient very irritable. Cactus. Headache from irregular habits or dissi- pation. Pulsating pain, with a sensation of weight in the right side of the head. Pain commencing in the morning and growing worse as the day advances. Must lie perfectly quier, as any motion, noise, or light increases the suffering. 90 HEADACHE. Calc. c. Chronic headache. Dull, stupefying, op- pressive pain in the forehead, with cloudiness of in- tellect. Throbbing headache in the morning, continu- ing the whole day. * Feeling of coldness in the head. * Feet cold as if they had on damp stockings. * Much dandruff on the scalp. Vertigo on going up stairs. Menses too soon, too profuse, and lasting too long. Cham. If caused from catarrh, or by drinking coffee. Rending or drawing pain in one side of the head extending to the jaw. Acute shooting or throb- bing pains in the forehead. * One cheek red and the other pale. * Bitter bilious vomiting. Over-sensitive to pain ; gets almost furious. * Very impatient, can hardly answer one civilly. Dysmenorrhoea, with labor-like pains. China. Headache from suppressed coryza. Pres- sure in the forehead as if it would burst. Soreness of the brain as if bruised, worse from mental exertion. * Intense throbbing headache after excessive deple- tion. * Ringing in the ears, and weak fainting spells. Worse every other day. Cocc. Sick-headache from riding in a carriage, on a boat, &c. Tearing, throbbing headache, especially in the evening. * Violent headache, which compels the patient to sit up, aggravated by talking, laughing, noise, or a bright light. * Vertigo, with nausea and vomiting from the motion of a carriage. Constipation of hard difficult stools. Dysmenorrhoea followed by hemorrhoids. Coffea. Patient very sensitive and excitable. * Headache as if a nail were driven into the brain, worse in the open air. Pain in the head as if it would fly to pieces, worse from noise or light. Head feels too small. * Extreme wakefulness. Burning, sour eruc- tations. Glonoin. Congestive nervous headache, with no gastric or bilious symptoms. * Violent throbbing, pul- sating headache, with fulness and upward pressure in the head. * Undulating sensation in the head, worse from turning round. Sick, faint-like feeling at the stom- ach, with nausea. Head feels too large. Palpitation of the heart. Sun-stroke. HEADACHE. 91 Igna. Boring, sticking pain in the forehead, re- lieved by lying down. * Pain as if a nail were driven out through the side of the head, relieved by lying on it. Headache as if something hard pressed upon the surface of the brain. * Patient full of suppressed grief, with an empty feeling at the pit of the stomach. Constipation, with prolapsus ani. Ipecac. * If nausea and vomiting is the most prominent feature. Headache as if the brain and skull were bruised even to the root of the- tongue. * Stooping causes vomiting. Diarrhoea with grass- green stools. Lach. Headache with nausea and drowsiness. Throbbing or beating pains in the temples. Pressing headache early in the morning, worse from stooping. * Cannot bear anything tight about the waist. Vertigo with paleness of the face. Pain in the left ovarian re- gion. * Larynx and throat very sensitive to touch. Despondent mood. Aggravation after sleeping. Nux v. Headache with sour, bitter vomiting. Pressing, boring pain, with sensation as if the skull would split. * Stupefying headache, especially in the morning, aggravated by mental exertion. * Habitual constipation of large difficult stools, with frequent urging. Persons of sedentary or intemperate habits, or those troubled with piles. Phos. ac. Dreadful pain on top of the head, as though the brain were crushed, after long continued grief. * Too early and long continued menstruation, with pain in the liver. * Sensation as if the stomach were being balanced up and down. Painless diar- rhoea : whitish stools. Puis. Headache consequent upon eating rich, greasy food. Tearing, drawing, or stitching pains, worse towards evening. * Vertigo, especially when stoop- ing or looking up. * Craves cool fresh air, and feels worse in a close warm room. Nausea and vomiting with repugnance to food. * Menses too late, scanty, or suppressed. Chilliness even in a warm room. Very bad taste in the morning. Mild, tearful disposition. Sang. can. Sick-headache. * Pains in the back part of the head, running in rays from the neck up- 92 HEADACHE. wards. Severe pains in the head, especially over the right eye, with nausea and vomiting. * Has to keep in a dark room and lie perfectly still. Sepia. Beating, stitching, or jerking pains, mostly in the forehead or temples. Also, violent pain as if the head would burst, extorting cries. * Nausea and vomiting, with a feeling of emptiness in the stomach. * Dirty yellow appearance of the face, especially across the nose. Constipation, with hard, knotty stool. Very fetid urine depositing a clay-colored sediment. Leucorrhcea between the menses. Silicea. Beating or throbbing pains, mostly in the forehead, with heat and congestion to the head. Tearing pains mostly on one side with stitches through the eyes. The pains are worse from mental exertion, stooping, talking, or cold air; better in a warm room. * Constipation, the stools recede after having been partially expelled. Spig. Periodical headache. Pains boring, press- ing, increased by motion, noise, and especially by stooping. * Nervous headache when one or both eyes are involved. * Severe pressing and sticking pains in the eyes, worse during motion. Palpitation of the heart. Sulph. Pains mostly in the forehead and temples, of a pressing, throbbing, or tearing character. * Con- stant heat on top of the head, and coldness of the feet. * Early morning diarrhoea, driving the patient out of bed in a hurry. * Frequent weak, faint spells through the day. Suppressed eruptions. Hemorrhoids. * Lean persons who walk stooping. Verat. alb. Nervous headache. Violent pains, that almost deprive the patient of reason. * Becomes very weak and faint, with cold perspiration all over. * Coldness on top of the head. * Vomiting with ex- hausting diarrhoea, and cold sweat. Nervous head- ache at each menstrual period. Great thirst for cold drinks. HEMOPTYSIS. 93 HEMOPTYSIS. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aeon. The attack is preceded by fulness or con- gestion of rlie chest, and burning pain. Palpitation of the heart, anguish and restlessness. * Great fear and anxiety of mind, with great nervous excitability. Arn, If caused by a fall or blow on the breast or back. * Expectoration of dark and coagulated blood. Tickling under the sternum, and a sore pain as if bruised in the chest when coughing. * The bed 'on which he lies feels too hard. Bell. * Congestion to the head and chest. Con- stant tickling in the larynx, with cough and expecto- ration of bloody mucus. Stitch-like pains in the chest, worse by motion. * Vertigo when stooping or rising from a stooping posture. Takes cold from every draught of air. China. After great loss of blood or animal fluids. * Singing in the ears and fainting spells. Periodical attacks, worse every other day. Debilitating morning and night sweats. Dulc. Constant titillation in the larynx, with de- sire to cough. Expectoration of bright-red blood. Hemorrhage caused by a cold or a loose cough which existed some time. * Gets worse at every cold change in the weather. * On waking in the morning, feels giddy and dizzy, with a sense of trembling and weak- ness. Ferr. Hemorrhage with flying pains in the chest, better when walking slowly about. * Haemoptysis with pain between the shoulders. Palpitation of the heart and difficult breathing. * The least emotion or exertion produces a red flushed face. Slender per- sons with sallow complexion. Hem. v. Profuse hemorrhage ; blood venous, com- ing into the mouth without any effort, like a warm current from out the chest. Mind calm. Sometimes taste of sulphur in the mouth. Frequent paroxysms of pain in the left ovary, passing down to the uterus. Hyos. The hemorrhage is preceded by a dry 94 HEMORRHOIDS. cough, especially at night, obliging the patient to sit up. * Frequent and sudden starting from sleep, with red face, and wild staring look. Things seem too large ; frequent looking at the hands because they seem too large. Puis. In obstinate cases, the discharge is black and coagulated. Loose cough. * Very nervous dur- ing the night. * Chilliness even in a warm room. Weakness and pain in the lower part of the chest. Sickish, empty feeling in the stomach. * Craves fresh cool air, worse in a warm room. Scanty or sup- pressed menses. Persons of a mild, tearful disposition. Rhus tox. Dry cough, which seems as if it would tear something out of the chest. Discharge of light- red blood. * Tickling under the sternum, that excites the cough. After straining, lifting, or stretching the arms high up to reach things. HEMORRHOIDS. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aeon. Bleeding piles. Stinging and pressure in the anus. General dryness of the skin. * Constant restlessness, inability to keep still. Persons of a full plethoric habit. uEiseulus. Large protruding tumors, with slight hemorrhage. * Itching, burning pains, with a sense of fulness and dryness of the anus. * Severe aching pains in the lumbar and sacral region, with stiffness of the back, aggravated by walking. Constant back- ache, affecting the sacrum and hips. Aloes. Protruding piles, bleeding often and pro- fusely. * Great heat and tenderness of the tumors, relieved by cold water. Violent tenesmus, with bloody or jelly-like mucous stools. * Fistula in ano. Dull, heavy headache, with dull pains in the liver. A feel- ing of faintness during and after stool. Apis. Hemorrhoids, with stinging, burning, and smarting paius, relieved by cold water. * Constipa- HEMORRHOIDS. 95 tion, with a sensation in the abdomen as if something tight would break, if too much effort was used to void the stool. * Enlargement of the right ovary, with pain in left pectoral region, with cough. Ars. Blind piles, which burn like fire, particularly at night, hindering sleep. During the day, stinging pains, particularly when walking. * Great anguish, restlessness, and fear of death. Much thirst, drinks little and often. All worse at night, particularly after midnight. Bell. Bleeding piles, with great tenderness and pain from the slightest touch. * Feeling in the back as if it would break, hindering motion. * Pains which appear suddenly and cease just as suddenly. Conges- tion of the head with throbbing in the temples. * Sleepy but cannot sleep. Feverish restlessness. Calc. c. Varices swollen and protruded, emitting considerable blood. Burning, pricking in the rectum, so that the patient cannot remain still. Drawing, cutting pains in the rectum, with a feeling of painful- ness, particularly after stool. * Menstruation too fre- quent and too profuse. * Cold damp feet. Vertigo on going up stairs. Carb. v. Swollen, protruding varices, discharg- ing pure blood. * Acrid corroding humor oozing from the rectum emitting a fetid smell. Tickling, itching, and burning of the varices. Stools of foul bloody mucus. * Eructations of sour rancid food, with much flatulence from the bowels. Cascarilla. Frequent and profuse bleeding from the rectum during and after stool. Constipation of hard, brown, lumpy stools, sometimes covered with slime. Caust. Large and painful varices, hindering stool. * Stinging and burning of the tumors when touched, intolerable when walking. Weak scrofulous persons, with yellow complexion. Pressure and ful- ness in the abdomen as if it would burst, worse after eating. Collinsonia. Blind or bleeding piles, with a sen- sation as if gravel or sand had lodged in the rectum. Ob- stinate and habitual constipation ; stools lumpy and 96 HEMORRHOIDS. light-colored, with dull pain in the anus. Dysmenor- rhcea. Aggravation in the evening and better in the morning. Graph. Hemorrhoids with prolapsus recti. Pain- ful burning cracks between the varices. Burning, itching, and sticking in the rectum. * Prolapsus recti, without straining, as if the sphincter were par- alyzed. * Chronic constipation of hard, difficult, knotty stools. * Unhealthy skin, and eruptions that excrete a sticky fluid. Hemam. Profusely bleeding hemorrhoids, with burn- ing soreness, and at times rawness of the anus. The back feels as if it would break off. # Passive hemor- rhage from the nose, stomach, or bowels. Ignatia. Hemorrhoids, with violent shooting pains high up in the rectum. * The tumors prolapse with every stool and have to be replaced. Soreness of the parts as if excoriated. * Bleeding and pain worse when the stool is loose. Drawing pain around the pelvis. * Full of suppressed grief, with an empty feeling at the pit of the stomach. Kali c. Large, painful varices, with considerable protrusion during micturition. Large difficult stools, as if from inactivity of the rectum. * The tumors swell and bleed during stool, with pricking and burning. * Constipation, with distress one or two hours before stool, with colicky stitching pains. Mur. ac. Large protruding piles, with burning and sore pain. * The tumors are bluish, are extremely sensitive and painful. * Violent itching of the parts not relieved by scratching. Discharge of blood with the stool. Prolapsus ani during micturition. Nitric ac. Bleeding piles, protruding after every stool. * Sharp cutting pain in the rectum, lasting for hours after an evacuation, and is worse after a loose stool. * Old hemorrhoidal tumors, secreting much slime, and bleeding profusely after stool. Fissures of the anus. Nux v. Blind or bleeding piles. Burning, prick- ing pains in the tumors. Discharge of light-colored blood after stool. Horrid tearing, pressing pains in the small of the back and lower bowels. * Frequent i HEPATITIS. 97 and ineffectual urging to stool. * Habitual constipa- tion, with frequent urging to stool. Is very irritable, and wishes to be alone. Persons of sedentary or in- temperate habits, and the victims of drugs, nos- trums, &c. Puis. Mostly blind piles, with painful pressure on the tumors. Stinging, itching in the rectum, and soreness of the anus. * Obstinate constipation, with nauseous bad taste in the morning. * Inclination to be chilly even in a warm room. * Vertigo on rising from a sitting posture. Symptoms all worse towards evening. Mild, tearful disposition. Rhus t. Sore blind piles, protruding after every stool. Drawing in the back from above downwards ; tension and pressing in the rectum. * Pain in the small of the back as if bruised, relieved by motion. Worse from getting wet, or by lifting heavy loads. Rheumatic diathesis. Sepia. Mostly bleeding piles, with protrusion of the tumors and rectum during stool. Continual strain- ing pain in the rectum, with heat, burning, and swell- ing of the anus. Difficulty in urinating, especially in the morning. * Sense of weight or of a ball in the anus, not relieved by stool. Sulph. Blind or bleeding piles. Constant urging to stool, which continues after a thin bloody evacua- tion. * Stinging, burning, and soreness in and about the anus. Prolapsus recti, especially during a hard stool. Violent stitching pains in the back. Burning pains in the urethra during micturition. * Weak, faint spells, especially when standing or walking. * Constant heat on top of the head. Aggravation in the morning. HEPATITIS. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aeon. Violent inflammatory fever, with stitches in the region of the liver. * Intolerable pains driving 9 98 HEPATITIS. one to despair. * Great restlessness, anxiety, and fear of death. Vertigo on sitting up in bed. Head- ache as if everything would press out of the forehead. Bitter bilious vomiting. * Retention of urine, with stitches in the kidneys. Great nervous excitability. Ars. Region of the liver tender and swollen, with violent burning pains. Vomiting of brownish or black- ish substances. Diarrhoea of blackish stools, worse after eating or drinking. * Violent thirst, drinking little and often. Great anguish, restlessness, and fear of death. Rapid prostration of strength. Bell. Acute pain in the region of the liver, ex- tending to the chest and shoulder. Tension in the region of the stomach. Labored and anxious breath- ing. * Tenderness of the whole abdomen, aggravated by the least jar, even of the bed on which he lies. * Congestion of the head, with throbbing pains in the temples. Almost constant moaning ; the patient seems drowsy, with starting and jumping during sleep. * De- lirium, with desire to escape. Cannot bear noise or bright light. Bry. Burning or stitching pains in the hypochon- dria. Pain in the right shoulder and arm. Yellow- coated tongue, with bitter, bilious vomiting. * Lips cracked, parched, and dry. Headache as if it would split open. * Sitting up in bed causes nausea and faintness. Region of the stomach very sensitive to touch or pressure. * Exceedingly irritable, every- thing makes him angry. * Constipation of hard, dry stools, as if burnt. * Wants to keep perfectly quiet. Chelido. Acute or dull pain, and tenderness of the region of the liver. * Constant pain under the lower inner angle of the right shoulder-blade. Sal- low, jaundiced complexion. Pressive pain in the back part of the head, towards the left ear. * Stools like sheep's dung, or soft and bright yellow. Urine scanty, deep yellow, and sour. Lep. vir. Aching pains in the liver. Yellow-coated tongue. Black, profuse, papescent, tar-like, very fetid stools, generally in the afternoon or evening. Dark-brown urine. Constant distress in the lower part of the epigastrium. HEPATITIS. 99 Merc. Pressive pain and stitches in the liver. In- ability to lie on the right side. * Inflammation, with great tenderness of the liver to contact, and jaundice- like appearance of the skin. * When coughing or sneezing, a stitch runs directly through the chest to the back. * Much perspiration affording no relief. Green, bilious, or frothy stools, w 'ith frequent urging and tenesmus. Bilious vomiting. Nuz v. Stitching or throbbing pains in the liver, with great tenderness to contact. * Sour or bitter taste in the mouth, with bilious vomiting. Shortness of breath, and sense of pressure under the ribs. * Headache as if it would split open. Habitual con- stipation of large difficult stools. * Cannot sleep after 3 A. M. Symptoms all worse in the morning, Per- sons of sedentary or intemperate habits. Podo. pel. Fulness and pain in the region of the liver. Nausea and bilious vomiting. * The patient is constantly rubbing and shaking the hypochondriac region. Bitter taste and risings in the mouth. * Pain- less morning diarrhoea. Pul§. Yellow-coated tongue, and bitter taste in the mouth. Frequent attacks of anguish, especially at night. Nausea and desire to vomit. * Green, slimy diarrhoea, usually at night. * Chilliness, even in a warm room, with vertigo when rising from a sit- ting posture. • Persons of a mild, tearful disposition. Frequent urging to urinate, with cutting pain. Symp- toms all worse towards evening. Silicea. Hardness and distention of the region of the liver. Throbbing ulcerative pain, increased by contact and motion. * Formation of abscess. * Con- stipation, the stool recedes after having been par- tially expelled. * Lymphatic swellings, with inclina- tion to suppurate. Sulph. Mostly chronic hepatitis. Swelling and hardness of the liver. Beating, stitching pains and pressure in the liver. Sour or bitter taste. * Fre- quent weak, faint spells, with flashes of heat. * Con- stant heat on top of the head. Constipation, or early morning diarrhoea. * Drowsy during the day, and wakeful the whole night. 100 HYDROCEPHALUS. HYDROCEPHALUS. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aeon. In the early stage, when the febrile ex- citement runs high. * Intolerance to light and noise. * Great fear and anxiety, with nervous excitability. * The child is sleepless, restless, cries much, bites its fist, and has a green watery diarrhoea. Apis m. High fever with delirium. Sleep in- terrupted by sudden shrill cries. * Boring the head deep into the pillow. * Squinting, and grinding the teeth. * Twitching on one side of the body, while the other is paralyzed. Profuse perspiration on the head. Frequent and scanty emissions of urine. Apo. can. Sutures open. Forehead projecting. Sight of one eye totally lost, and the other slightly sensible. Stupor. Constant involuntary motion of one leg and arm. Urine suppressed. Compare with Hellebore, Artemisia. Convulsions of the right side, and paralysis of the left. Body cold all over. Sopor, yet drinking and swallowing water eagerly. Face pale, with an oldish look. Involuntary stools, which are greenish and thin. Bell. Face flushed and eyes injected. Boring with the head in the pillow, rolling the eyes and squinting. * Throbbing of the carotids. * Sudden starting and jumping during sleep. Delirium, with desire to get out of bed. Involuntary emissions of urine. Great intolerance of light or noise. Bry. Manifest signs of effusion. Dark flushed face, dry and parched lips. Tongue coated with a dark- yellowish fur. * Frequent motion of the jaws, as if chewing something. * Cannot sit up on account of nausea and faintness. * Constipation of hard, dry stools, as if burnt. Scanty, hot, red urine. Exceed- ingly irritable. Calc. c. Persons of a scrofulous diathesis. * Large head, with open fontanelles. * Profuse perspiration on the head when sleeping. * Emaciation with a good appetite. Painful and difficult urination, the urine having a strong fetid odor. INTERMITTENT FEVER. 101 Hell. After exudation has taken place. * Auto- matic motions of one arm and one leg. * Soporous sleep, with screaming and starting. * Lower jaw sinking down, Chewing motion with the mouth. Squinting, pupils dilated. Forehead drawn in folds, and covered with cold perspiration. Vomiting of green or blackish substances. Opium. * Extreme drowsiness, and coma, with stertorous breathing. The face is purplish and swollen. * Screaming before or during the spasm. Depression of the lower jaw. Dilated or contracted pupils, and general symptoms of paralysis of the brain. Stram. Convulsive motions of the head. Sensa- tion of lightness in the head, causing the patient to frequently raise it up. * Awakens with a shrinking look as if afraid of the first object seen. * Loquacious delirium, with a desire to escape. No thirst, although the mouth is very dry. * Light of brilliant objects, and contact renew the spasms. Stools black fluid. Sulph. Heaviness of the head, sinking involun- tary backwards. Sweat on the head, with a kind of musk-like smell. Frequent change of color in the face. Sour smell from the mouth. * Drowsiness in the daytime and wakefulness at night. Scrofulous diathesis ; dry, husky, scaly skin. * After suppressed or dried-up eruptions on the head, behind the ears, or elsewhere. Zinc. Impending paralysis of the brain. Frequent jerking of the whole body, and crying out during sleep. When awakened, expresses fear, and rolls his head from side to side. * Constant trembling of the hands, with coldness of the extremities. Gagging and vomiting, with a voracious appetite. INTERMITTENT FEVER. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aeon. In recent cases of young persons of full habit. Violent chill, and heat especially about the 9* 102 INTERMITTENT FEVER. head and face. * Great fear and anxiety of mind, with great nervous excitability. Palpitation of the heart, and pleuritic stitches in the chest. Ant. c. Much gastric disturbance. White coated tongue. * Great sadness and a woful mood. Chilli- ness predominates. Great desire to sleep ; want of thirst. Apis m. Chill about 4 p. m., worse in a warm room or near a stove. Renewed chilliness from the slightest motion, with heat of the face and hands. Sweat alternating with dryness of the skin. During the apyrexia, pain under the short ribs, worse on the left side. * Sensation in the abdomen as if something tight would break, if much effort were made to void a stool. Arnica. Chill in the evening. Thirst before and during the chill. During the fever, constant desire to change one's position. * Sore, bruised feeling all through the body, as if he had been beaten. * The bed or couch on which he lies feels too hard. Eructa- tions smelling like bad eggs. Ars. Paroxysms imperfectly developed. Before the chill, vertigo, headache, yawning, stretching, and general discomfort. The chill is frequently intermin- gled with heat and fever; or there is internal chilli- ness and external heat at the same time. * During the fever, great anguish, extreme restlessness, and fear of death. After the paroxysm, great prostration. * Urgent thirst, drinking often but little at a time. Bell. Slight chill, with much fever, or vice versa. Some parts are cold, while others are warm. Violent throbbing headache, with stupefaction. *Heat and red face, with throbbing of the carotids. Choking sensation in the throat, with dryness of the mouth. Bry. The chill predominates. Great thirst during all the stages. * Violent, dry, racking cough, with stitching pains in the side of the chest. Stitching pain in the region of the liver and abdomen. * Con- stipation of hard, dry stools, as if burnt. Exceed- ingly irritable ; everything makes him angry. Cactus. Chill at 11 a. m., or 11 p. m. First chill, then burning heat, with headache, coma, stupefac- INTERMITTENT FEVER. 103 tion, insensibility. Thirst, shortness of breath, ina- bility to remain lying. Profuse sweat, attended with unquenchable thirst. Calc. c. Persons of a scrofulous diathesis. Thirst during the chill. Chills alternating with heat, or ex- ternal coldness and internal heat. Hardness of hear- ing. * Feet feel as if they had on cold, damp stock- ings. Patient, very weakly in general ; vertigo and shortness of breath on going up stairs. Diarrhoea, stools whitish, undigested. Cap. an. Chill with thirst, followed by heat with- out thirst. * The chill commences in the back and from thence extends over the entire body. Drowsi- ness during the fever accompanied by perspiration. Much pain in the back and limbs. Carb. v. Paroxysms irregular, sometimes com- mencing with sweat followed by chill. The attack is preceded or attended by toothache and pain in the limbs. * Thirst only during the chilly stage. Vertigo, redness of the face and sick stomach during the hot stage. * When eating or drinking, sensation as if the stomach or abdomen would burst. Cedron. Chills and shiverings very severe, with cramps, and tearing pains in the upper and lower ex- tremities. Dry heat, followed by profuse perspira- tion. * Numb, dead feeling in the legs ; they feel en- larged. * The entire body feels numb. Cham. Chill generally light. Heat and sweat predominate. Much thirst in the hot stage. * Face red, or one cheek red and the other pale. * Very im- patient, can hardly answer one civilly. Hot perspira- tion about the head and face. * Pain in the abdomen, with frequent emissions of large quantities of pale urine. China. The paroxysm is preceded by nausea, headache, hunger, anguish, and palpitation of the heart. * Thirst before the chill, and during the sweat- ing stage. Chills alternating with heat, skin cold and blue. Ringing in the ears, with dizziness and a feel- ing as if the head was enlarged. * Pain in the region of the liver and spleen, when bending or coughing. Sallow complexion. Miasmatic districts. 104 INTERMITTENT FEVER. Cimex. Before the chill thirst and heaviness in the legs. Chill commences with clenching of the hands and violent raging. During the chill, pains in all the joints. Sensation as if the tendons were too short. During the heat, gagging. Thirst, but drinking causes violent headache. The sweat is mostly on the head and chest, accompanied by hunger. Cina. Vomiting and great hunger before, during, or after the paroxysm. Thirst only during the chill or heat. Pale face throughout the paroxysm. Fre- quent tickling in the nose. Restless at night. * Dila- tation of the pupils; perfectly clean tongue. Eupato. per. Thirst several hours before the chill, continuing during the chill and heat. Stiffness of the fingers during the chill. The paroxysm usually occurs about 7 or 9 A. m. * During the chill severe aching in the back and limbs as if the bones were broken. Sweat not very prominent. * Vomiting of whatever is eaten or drank. Eupato. pur. * Chill commencing in the back, and then spreading over the body. * Violent shaking, with comparatively little coldness. Thirst during the chill and heat. Violent pain in the bones during the chill and heat. Head feels light, and as if it was fall- ing to the left side. Ferr. Chill with thirst, headache, nnd swelling of the cutaneous veins. (Edema of the face, especially around the eyes. Vomiting of everything eaten with- out being digested. * The least emotion or exertion produces a red flushed face. Great loss of muscular power. In protracted and badly treated cases by quinine. Gels. Chill mostly in the evening, commencing in the extremities. The heat is attended with nervous restlessness and mental anxiety. Vertigo, with a sense of intoxication as if he would fall down. Sen- sitive to light or noise. Hepar. Chill generally in the evening, preceded by bitter taste in the mouth. Chill followed by heat with sweat, especially on the chest and forehead, with slight thirst. * Itching, stinging nettle-rash before and during the chill. Fever blisters around the mouth. Previous abuse of mercury. INTERMITTENT FEVER. 105 Ignatia. Thirst only during the chill. External heat with partial internal shuddering. * The chill is relieved by external heat. Very little perspiration, or only in the face. Headache and pain in the pit of the stomach. Ipecac. Much chilliness with little heat, or much heat and little chilliness. Paroxysm sets in with yawning, stretching, and a collection of saliva in the mouth. Chill increases by external heat. No thirst in the cold stage, but a great deal in the hot. * Nau- sea and vomiting predominate, The apyrexia is marked by more or less gastric disturbance. Lach. Paroxysm usually in the afternoon. The chill predominates. * Much chattering of the teeth, with violent headache and soreness in the chest. * Patient desires to be held on account of the violence of the chill hurting the head and chest. After pre- vious abuse of quinine. * Can bear nothing to touch the throat or neck. Lye. * The paroxysm comes on about 4 p. m., and terminates about 8 p. m. * Constant sense of ful- ness in the stomach and abdomen as though they would burst. Obstinate constipation. * Red sedi- ment like sand in the urine. Great fear of being left alone. Natr. m. .* Chill commencing at 10 A. m., with great thirst, drinking often and much at a time. During the heat violent headache. * Dry tongue, and ulcerated corners of the mouth. Nux v. Paroxysm usually at night or early in the morning. * Long-lasting, hard chill, with bluish cold face and blue finger-nails, * Great heat, not- withstanding the patient wants to be covered all the while. Both chill and heat are accompanied with gas- tric and bilious symptoms. During the chill, pain in the sacrum. During the fever, headache, vertigo, red face, pain in the chest and vomiting. Opi. Drowsiness or heavy sleep, with loud snor- ing during the cold and hot stages. * Stertorous respiration, with the mouth wide open. Congestion of blood to the head, with red and puffy appearance of the face. Aged persons and children. 106 INTERMITTENT FEVER. Puis. The attack mostly occurs in the afternoon or evening. Chill and heat simultaneous. No thirst during the entire paroxysm, or only in the hot stage. Bitter or sour vomiting of mucus or bile. * Thickly coated tongue, and bad taste in the morning. Slight disorder of the stomach induces a relapse. * Much gastric disturbance. Persons of a mild, tearful dis- position. Rhus t. Paroxysm usually in the after part of the day. Chill preceded by stretching of the limbs and yawning. Coldness of some parts of the body, and heat in others. Perspiration after midnight or to- wards morning. During the hot stage, nettle-rash breaks out. * Restlessness, constantly changing posi- tion. * Dry, teasing cough, coming on before, and continuing during the chill. Sabad. Chill predominates, with thirst between the chill and heat. * The paroxysm recurs at the same hour on each or alternate days. * Dry, hacking cough during the chill. During the apyrexia, constant chilliness. Samb. * Profuse debilitating perspiration, even in the apyrexia. Cold creeps over the whole body, with fine stitching formication. Icy-cold hands and feet. Burning heat in the face, with moderately warm body and cold feet. Sepia. General cold feeling, with pressure over the temples and eyes. * Great coldness of the hands, with sensation as if the fingers were dead. During the heat, vertigo, even to insensibility. Sweating over the whole body, with anxiety, and dryness of the throat. * Perfect absence of thirst. Sulph. Attacks mostly in the evening or at night, preceded by thirst and lassitude. Chilliness in the back, chest, and arms, with coldness of the hands, feet, and nose. During the heat, thirst with burning in the hands and feet, and a bruised, tired feeling in the limbs. * Burning heat on top of the head. * Frequent weak, faint spells through the day. * Early morning diarrhoea. Verat. alb. Severe chill, with feeling of internal heat, or both together. Great thirst, especially dur- JAUNDICE. 107 ing the chill, and sweating. Profuse sweat, often cold and long continued. * Great exhaustion and sinking of strength. Vomiting and diarrhoea. Intermittents during the prevalence of cholera. JAUNDICE. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aeon, Synoehal fever, with acute stitches in the region of the liver. Yellowish color of the skin. Scanty red urine. * Great fear and anxiety of mind, with nervGus excitability. Ars. Yellowness of the skin and sclerotica. Un- digested, light-colored, offensive stools. * Great an- guish, restlessness, and fear of death. * Urgent thirst, drinks often but little at a time. Irritable mood, alter- nating with lowness of spirits. Berberis. Icterus, with pale, tough alvine, or pro- fuse acrid, watery diarrhoea. * Urine dark-yellow, with copious sediment. Morbid hunger, or loathing of food. Pressure in the region of the liver. Bloated- ness of the abdomen. Bry. Stitching pains in the liver when pressed upon. Pain in the right shoulder and arm. Pain in the limbs, worse by motion. Yellow-coated tongue, with bitter bilious vomiting. * Lips parched, dry, and cracked. Nausea and faintness on sitting up. * Con- stipation, stools dry and hard as if burnt. Calc. c. Patient of a scrofulous habit. * Large head and open fontanelles. Stitches in the liver dur- ing or after stooping. Enlargement of the liver. Can- not bear tight clothing around the hypochondria. * Clay-like stools, scant and knotty. Fetid, dark- brown urine, white sediment. * Cold, damp feet. Swollen abdomen; emaciation and good appetite. Cham. Mostly new-born children, or after cha- grin. Yellowness of the face and whites of the eyes. * Green, watery, corroding stools, with colic. Bitter taste with bilious vomiting. * Very impatient, can 108 JAUNDICE. hardly answer one civilly. * Children are very cross and fretful, and want to be carried all the time. China. Persons who have been weakened by loss of animal fluids. Yellow color of the skin. Dulness and muddled condition of the head. Oppressive, tear- ing headache. Liver swollen, hard and tender. * Bitter taste in the back part of the throat, every- thing tastes bitter. * Abdomen feels full and tight as if stuffed. Yellow, watery, undigested stools, without pain. Aggravation every other day. Dig. Frequent and empty retching, with a clean tongue. Soreness and bloatedness of the pit of the stomach. * Stools almost white. Frequent and pain- ful emissions of scanty, brown urine. Irregular or inter- mittent pulse. Iodine. * Yellow, almost dark-brown color of the face. Thickly coated tongue. White diarrhoeic stools alternating with constipation. Dark, yellowish- green, corroding urine. Nausea and thirst. After mercurial poisoning. Mag. m. Induration of the liver, with pressive pain extending to the back and stomach. Face dirty, dark -yellow. Tongue dirty yellowish. Bowels dis- tended and hard, with pressure and heaviness. Stools hard and of a grayish color. Palpitation of the heart. (Edema of the feet and legs. Weak and emaciated. Merc. Painfulness of the region of the liver, skin very yellow. * Grayish-white fasces, with tenesmus during and after stool. Thickly coated flabby tongue. *Bad smell from the mouth. Nausea and vomiting. Loathing of food. Urine scanty and red, with a strong smell. Nux v. Sour or putrid taste in the mouth, with aversion to food. Contractive pain in the region of the liver. Nausea and bilious vomiting. * Constipation, with unsuccessful urging to stool. * Cannot sleep after 3 a., m. * Very irritable and wishes to be alone. Aggravation in the morning. Persons of sedentary or intemperate habits. Puis. Yellow coating on the tongue, with bitter taste in the mouth. Nausea and desire to vomit. Fre- quent attacks of anguish, especially at night. * Chilli- LABOR. 109 ness, with vertigo on rising from a sitting posture. * Green, slimy diarrhoea, especially at night. Thirst- lessness. Mild, tearful disposition. Aggravation to- wards evening. Sulph. Beating, stitching pains in the region of the liver. Sour or bitter taste in the mouth. Abdo- men bloated. * Weak, faint spells, and flashes of heat. * Constant heat, on top of the head. Itching of the skin at night. * Drowsy during the day and wakeful at night. Constipation, or morning diarrhoea. Scrofu- lous diathesis. LABOR. Strictly speaking, labor is a natural physiological process; frequently, however, cases occur in which it is protracted much beyond the usual period, or is at- tended with a great amount of suffering ; in such cases, recourse to the following remedies will greatly relieve or remove the difficulty. Therapeutics. Special indications. Cham. Over-excitement, and excessive sensibility to pain. Anguish and discouragement, with tossing about. * Pains' spasmodic and very distressing. *She is very impatient, can hardly answer a civil question, Coff. Pains excessively violent, with great mental and general nervous excitement. * She weeps and laments fearfully. * Great sensitiveness of the genital organs, cannot bear them to be touched. Great wake- fulness at night. Ign. Hysterical fitful women, and who are full of grief. * Weak, empty feeling in the stomach, not re- lieved by eating. Uterine cramps, with cutting stitches. Convulsive jerking in single parts or limbs. * Patient seems full of grief, with frequent sighing. Nux v. Pains irregular, and the labor does not seem to advance. Drawing in the back and thighs with pressure downwards. * Every pain produces a desire to go to stool or to urinate. Habitual constipa- tion, with frequent urging to stool. Irritable temper. 10 110 LEUCORRHGEA. Opium. Persons of full habit, and when the pains suddenly cease. Determination of blood to the head, with bloated, red face. * Drowsiness and delirious talking. Bed feels so hot she cannot lie upon it. Puis. The pains seem too weak and too far apart, they grow weaker as if from inactivity of the womb. * Pains which excite palpitation of the heart, or suffo- cating, fainting spells. * Patient craves cool, fresh air, worse in a warm room. Mild, tearful women, with blue eyes and light hair. Secale. * The pain is much prolonged, as if press- ing and forcing the uterus. * Constant sensation of bearing down in the abdomen ; or the pains are too weak or suppressed. *Thin, scrawny women, subject to passive hemorrhages. Desire to be uncovered ; worse in a warm room. Cimicifu. This remedy, given once daily for ten or twelve days previous to the expected confinement, is said to greatly facilitate labor and shorten its dura- tion. LETJCORRHCEA. Therapeutics. Special indications. Asculus. * Constant backache affecting the sacrum and hips. * Great fatigue from walking ever so little, on account of the weakness in the back. Large pro- truding hemorrhoids, and constipation. Alumina. Leucorrhoea just before or after tbe menses. * Profuse, purulent, yellowish, corroding discbarge, relieved by cold applications. Severe burning pain in the small of the back. Great inactivity of the rectum, with much straining at stool. Amb. gris. Discharge of bluish- white mucus. * Leucorrhoea only at night. * Stitches in the vagina preceding the discharge. Nervous hysterical subjects. During micturition, burning, smarting, itching in the vulva. Amm. m. Leucorrhoea, with distention of the ab- LEUCOERHCEA. Ill domen. * Discharge like the white of egg, preceded by a pinching pain around the navel. * Brown, slimy leucorrhoea after urinating. Intolerable pain in the small of the back at night. Menses premature, pro- fuse, and composed of black clots. Ars. Acrid, corroding leucorrhoea. * Discharge thick, yellow, dropping out while standing, or when emitting flatus. Great anguish and restlessness at uight. Feeble, weakly women. Bovista. Especially after the catamenia. * Dis- charge like the white of egg, coming away while walk- ing. Also, yellowish, green, corrosive leucorrhoea. Menses too often and too profuse, with painful bearing down towards the genitals. Calc. c. Leucorrhoea, with milk - like discharge during micturition, or flowing only by spells. Too early and too profuse menstruation. Very weakly in general, walking produces great fatigue. *Very sen- sitive to cold air. * Feet feel as if they had on cold damp stockings. Scrofulous diathesis. China. Weakly persons who have lost much blood. * Leucorrhoea before the menses, with painful press- ing towards the groins and anus. * Bloody leucor- rhoea, with occasional discharge of black clots, or fetid purulent matter. Troublesome itching and spasmodic contraction in the inner parts. Cocc. Scanty irregular menses, with leucorrhoea between the periods. * Discharge like serum, mixed with a purulent, ichorous liquid. * When bending or sitting down the discharge escapes in a gush. Pain- ful menstruation followed by hemorrhoids. Abdomen distended, with sharp, cutting pains, worse by motion. Coni. Weakness and lameness in the small of the back. * Leucorrhoea, smarting, and excoriating the parts. Discharge whitish or milk-colored and painful. Induration or ulceration of the os uteri. * Vertigo dur- ing the menses, particularly while lying down. Dys- menorrhoea, with shooting pain in the left side of the chest. Graph. Females inclined to obesity ; menses too late and too scanty. * Leucorrhoea profuse and of a white color. Great weakness in the small of the back when 112 LEUCOHRHCEA. walking or sitting. * Eruptions on the skin oozing out a sticky fluid. Igna. Violent labor-like pains, with pressing in the region of the womb. * Purulent, corrosive leucorrhoea, with a weak empty feeling in the stomach. * She seems full of suppressed grief. Difficult stools causing prolapsus ani. Kali bi. * Yellow, ropy leucorrhoea, which can be drawn out in long strings. Much pain and weakness across the small of the back. Menses too soon, with vertigo, nausea, and headache. Kreosot. Leucorrhoea before and after the menses. * Putrid, acrid, corrosive leucorrhoea, with great de- bility, particularly of the lower extremities. Menses too early, too profuse, and last too long. * She al- ways feels chilly at the menstrual period. Lach. Leucorrhoea before the menses. * Dis- charge copious, smarting, slimy, stiffening the linen and staining it green. Menses regular, but too short and feeble, * Inability to bear anything tight around the waist. Women at the critical age. Lye. * Profuse leucorrhoea at intervals, accom- panied by a cutting pain across the hypogastrium from right to left. Pale face, with frequent flushes or cir- cumscribed redness of the cheeks. * Red sandy sedi~ ment in the urine. Menses too long and too profuse, * Sense of great fulness in the stomach, after eating ever so little. Nux v, Fetid leucorrhoea tingeing the linen yellow, with pain in the uterus as if sprained. * Menses irre- gular, never at the right time, Habitual constipation, with frequent urging to stool. As a consequence of high living, or of a sedentary life, Podo. Leucorrhoea, attended with constipation, and bearing down in the genital organs, Discharge consisting of thick transparent mucus. * Prolapsus uteri and ani. Morning diarrhoea; stools watery and green. Puis. Burning, thin, acrid leucorrhoea. * Milky leucorrhoea, with swelling of the vulva, particularly after the menses, AJ S P> leucorrhoea with thick white mucus before and during the menses. '* Vertigo when MEASLES. 1 1 3 rising from a sitting posture, with chilliness. Mild, tearful women. Sepia. Climacteric period, during pregnancy or puberty. Leucorrhoea with stitches in the neck of the uterus, and itching in the vagina. Yellowish, watery, milk-like, or mucous leucorrhoea. * Dirty yellow spots on the face. Very fetid urine, depositing a clay-colored sediment. Sulph. Burning and painful leucorrhoea, making the vulva sore. Discharge thin, yellowish, preceded by pinching in the hypogastrium. * Burning in the vagina. * Frequent weak, faint spells during the day. * Constant heat on top of the head. Burning in the soles of the feet; puts them out of bed to get cool. MEASLES. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aeon. At the beginning, when there is dry and hot skin, full, quick pulse and much thirst. *Eyes red, watery, and sensitive to light. Catarrhal irritation, with dry hacking, or hoarse, croupy cough. * Great anxiety and restlessness. Headache, and vertigo on rising up. Apis. Confluent eruption and (Edematous swelling of the skin. * Cough and soreness in the chest as if bruised. Oppression of the chest, with inability to remain in a warm room. Scanty and high-colored urine. * Diarrhoea in the morning, stools greenish- yellow. Ars. In severe cases, when typhoid symptoms are present. * Burning and great dryness and itching of the skin. The eruption disappears too suddenly. *Bloatedness of the face, and dry, parched lips. * Great anguish, restlessness, and fear of death, -tant craving for cold water, drinking often but little at a time. Rapid prostration. Aggravation about midnight. Bell. Bright-red appearance of the throat and 10* 114 MEASLES. tongue, with difficulty of swallowing. * Red and hot face, with throbbing headache. Feeling in the back as if it would break. Dry, spasmodic cough. Con- stant drowsiness, and moaning during sleep. * Start- ing and jumping during sleep, with flushed face and red eyes. If complicated with scarlet fever. Bry. The eruption is imperfectly developed. * Congestion of the chest, with shooting, stitching pains, increased by deep breathing. * Great dyspnoea and quick breathing. Dry, painful cough, with rough- ness and dryness of the larynx. * Sitting up in bed causes nausea and faintness. Thirst for large draughts of water. Camph. When there seems to be a depression of the vital forces. * Face pale, and the skin cold, as- suming a bluish color. * The eruption does not make its appearance as it should. Great prostration and spasmodic stiffness of the body. * Coldness of the skin, yet the patient cannot bear to be covered. Coff. Measly spots on the skin, with dry heat at night. * Great sensitiveness, with general excitabil- ity. * Extreme wakefulness. Dry, hacking cough, with constant tickling in the larynx. Ipec. Eruption slow to make its appearance, with oppression of the chest. * Constant tickling cough with every breath, and rattling of phlegm in the chest. * Much nausea and vomiting. Suppression of the erup- tion. Constant sense of nausea. Merc. The glands of the throat are much swollen, and there is difficulty in swallowing. * Soreness of the throat and ulceration of the tonsils. Profuse secre- tion of saliva, and bad breath, * Great sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach. Much perspiration with- out relief. Diarrhoea, with green, slimy, or bloody stools, with severe tenesmus. Phos. If the disease be complicated with pneu- monia, or if typhoid symptoms set in. * Tightness across the chest, with violent and exhausting cough and rust-colored sputa. Sticking pains in the chest, aggravated by coughing or breathing. * Hoarseness, with loss of voice. Puis. Generally in the beginning, when the catar- MENORRHAGIA. 115 rlial symptoms first, appear. Eyes red, watery and sensitive to light. Thick, yellow discharge from the nose. * Dryness of the mouth without thirst. * The eruption is tardy in coming out. Loose cough, with thick, yellow mucous expectoration. * Nightly diar- rhoea. * Craves cool, fresh air, worse in a warm room. Increase of all the symptoms towards evening. MENORRHAGIA. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aeon. Adapted to plethoric females and lively young girls. * Profuse menses, with great fear and anxiety of mind. * Vertigo on rising from a recum- bent position. If induced by exposure to a dry, cold wind. Amm. c. Premature and profuse menstruation, with spasmodic pain. Discharge blackish or light- colored; acrid, making the thighs sore. Great sadness, and pain in the small of the back. Bell. Too early and too profuse menstruation. Discharge bright red, with coagula having a bad smell. * Violent pressing down as if everything would escape through the genitals. * Throbbing headache, and pain in the small of the back. Clutching pain in the hypogastrium, with screaming, and disposition to bite and tear things. Bry. Too early and too profuse. * Discharge dark- red, with lacerating pains in the limbs. Pain in the back, and headache as if the skull would split open. Cannot sit up on account of nausea and faintness. * Wants to remain quiet and still, the least motion makes her worse. * Constipation, stools hard and dry as if burnt. Very irritable, everything makes her angry. Lips dry and cracked. Calc. c. Menstruation too soon, too profuse, and lasting too long. Preceding-the flow, there is swelling and sensitiveness of the breasts, headache, colic, and 116 MENORRHAGIA. shiverings. During the flow, cutting in the abdomen, toothache and bearing down. * Vertigo when stoop- ing, worse on rising or going up-stairs. * Feet feel as if they had on cold, damp stockings. Very sensitive to the least cold air. Calc. phos. Menses every two weeks, black and clotted. Preceding the flow, griping and rumbling in the bowels. Stitching pains in the left side of the head. Sleepiness during the day. Cham. * Profuse discharge of dark and clotted blood, flowing at intervals. * Violent labor-like pains in the uterus, and tearing in the veins of the legs. Very impatient, can hardly answer a civil question. Frequent desire to pass urine. Cimicifu. Too early and profuse. Discharge dark and coagulated. * Severe pain in the back and down the thighs. Aching across the hips, and pressing down in the uterus. Great nervousness, and hysteri- cal spasms. Severe pain in the head and eyeballs, in- creased by the least motion. Croc. Menses regular, but too profyse and long- continued. * Discharge dark, clotted, stringy blood. * The least movement increases the flow. Yellowish earthy color of the face. * Sensation as of something moving in the abdomen. Great debility and palpita- tion of the heart on going up-stairs. Igna. Too frequent, profuse, and long -lasting. * The patient seems full of suppressed grief. * Fre- quent involuntary sighing, with a feeling of emptiness in the stomach. Difficult stool causing prolapsus ani. Cold hands and fe^t ; also numbness of the feet and legs. Iodine. Menses premature, copious and violent, with great weakness. Discharge preceded by heat in the head and palpitation of the heart. * Ovarian re- gion painful, or sensitive to pressure. * Emaciation with a good appetite. Hard, knotty, dark-colored stools. Nux mos. Menses too early and too profuse, with discharge of thick, black blood. * Tongue and mouth very dry, particularly after sleeping. Great pressure in the back from within outwards during the menses. * Drowsiness and inclination to faint. * Pain in the MENORRHAGIA. 117 sacrum when riding in a carriage. Great distention of the abdomen after eating. Nux v. Menses too early and too profuse ; dis- charge dark-colored blood. * The flow after continu- ing several days, stops and then returns. Dragging about the loins, with bearing down in the pelvis. * Cramp-like pains in the abdomen extending down to the thighs. "*She gets angry and violent without, provocation. Habitual constipation, with frequent urging to stool. Phos. Menses too soon, too copious, and lasting too long, with pain in the small of the back and in the abdomen. Great weakness, with cold feet and legs. * Sensation of weakness and emptiness in the abdomen. * Belching up large quantities of wind after eating. Very sleepy after meals, especially after dinner. * Long, slim, hard, difficult stools. Tall, slender people, with fair skin. Sabina. Very profuse and debilitating menses. Discharge partly pale-red and partly clotted blood. * Labor -like pains drawing down into the groin. * Drawing, tearing pains from the back through to the pubis. Very nervous and hysterical. Great liability to miscarry. Secale. Too profuse and too long continued. Dis- charge dark, liquid blood, increased by motion. * All her common ailments worse just before the menses. Suitable to thin, scrawny women. Sepia. Mostly too early and profuse. Before the menses, violent colic. * Painful sensation of empti- ness at the pit of the stomach. * Fetid urine, having a sediment like burnt clay. Yellow spots on the face, especially across the nose. * Prolapsus uteri. * Sen sation as if everything would escape through the vagina. Sulph. The menses last too long. * She seems to get almost well, and then it returns again, and again. Discharge acrid, corroding the thighs, and smelling i sour. * Flashes of heat, followed by weak, faint spells. * Constant heat on top of the head. Bleeding hemor- rhoids. Trillium. Menses lasting too long ; discharge at 118 METRITIS. first bright-red, but grows pale. Between the periods, profuse leucorrhoea of a yellowish color and creamty consistence. Profuse hemorrhages. METRITIS. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aeon. After a violent chill; dry, hot skin, full bounding pulse, and intense thirst. Cutting, lancinat- ing, burning, and tearing pains in the region of the uterus, with anguish and great fear. Suppression of the lochia, or too scanty discharge. * Excessive sen- sibility to the least touch. * Retention of urine, with stitches in the kidneys. * Fear of death, predicts the day she will die. Great restlessness and nervous ex- citability. Arnica. If the disease was induced by external vio- lence, as a Mow or concussion. * Sore bruised feeling all through the body. * The bed on which she lies feels too hard, which makes her constantly change about- Putrid eructations. Ars. Mostly in the advanced stages. Burning, lancinating pains ; the parts burn like fire. * Great anguish, extreme restlessness and fear of death. Rapid prostration, with sinking of the vital forces. * Craves cold drinks, but can take but little at a time. Wants to be covered up warmly. Aggravation at night, par- ticularly after midnight- Bell. Great tenderness of the abdomen, aggravated by the least jar, even of the bed. * Violent clutching pains, as if the parts were seized with talons (clawing). * Pains come on suddenly and cease as suddenly as they come. Great heat in the abdomen, which imparts a burning sensation to the hand. * Almost constant moaning, with starting and jumping while sleeping. Painful bearing down in the pelvis. Suppression of the lochial or menstrual discharge, or else it is scant and fetid. Congestion to the head, with flushed face and red eyes. Throbbing headache, and also delirium. * Great intolerance to light or noise. METRITIS. 119 Bry. Stitching, burning pains in the abdomen, which is tender to touch, * Lochia suppressed, with headache as if it would split open. Lips parched, dry, and cracked. Great dryness of the mouth, with little thirst, or else drinking large quantities. * Cannot sit up from nausea and faintness. * Wants to remain perfectly quiet; worse from the least motion. * Con- stipation of hard, dry stools as if burnt. Exceedingly irritable. Canth. Great heat and burning in the abdomen. Debility, restlessness, and trembling of the limbs. * Constant, painful urging and tenesmus of the blad- der, passing but a few drops at a time, sometimes mixed with blood. Cham. If the disease was induced by a nt of anger. Heat all over, with thirst and red face, or one cheek is red and the other pale. * Violent labor-like pains in the uterus. Profuse lochia. Great sensitiveness to pain, becomes almost furious. * She is very impatient, can hardly answer a civil question. Urine abundant and light-colored. Warm sweat about the head. Colo. * Terrible colicky pains, causing her to bend double, with great restlessness. * Feeling in the ab- domen as if the intestines were being squeezed be- tween stones. Vomiting and diarrhoea, worse after eating or drinking. Bitter taste in the mouth. Full, frequent pulse, and great thirst. Hyos. If the disease assume a typhoid character. * Spasmodic jerking of the limbs, face, and eyelids. Furious delirium, with wild, staring look. * Mutter- ing, and picking at the bed-clothes. * She throws off the bed-clothes and wants to be naked. Complete apathy, or else great excitability. Ipec. Pain in the region of the umbilicus, extend- ing towards the uterus. Every movement is attended with a cutting pain, running from left to right. * Con- tinual nausea and vomiting. Discharge from the womb of bright-red blood. * Green, watery, fermented stools. Lach. * Cannot bear any pressure, not even the clothing over the uterine region. * The pain in the uterus is relieved for a time by a flow of blood, but 120 METRITIS. ♦ soon returns. Repeated chills, livid face and uncon- sciousness. Skin alternately hot and cold. Abdomen distended. Lochial discharge thin and ichorous. * Aggravation after sleep. Merc. Lancinating, boring or pressing pains in the genital organs. * Very sensitive about the pit of the stomach and abdomen. Much saliva in the mouth. * Tongue moist, with great thirst. Much perspira- tion, which affords no relief. Aggravation at night. * Green, slimy, or bloody mucous stools with violent tenesmus. Nuz v. Feeling of heaviness and burning in the genital organs and abdomen. Suppression, or else too profuse discharge of the lochia, with violent pains in the small of the back. Pain as if bruised in the neck of the uterus. * Constipation, with frequent and in- effectual urging to stool. Pain in the small of the back, much worse when attempting to turn in bed. Aggravation in the morning. Puis. After taking cold, particularly after getting the feet wet. * Frequent chilliness, even in a warm room. Inflammation of the uterus, with suppression of the lochial or menstrual discharge. Contractive or labor-like pains in the uterus. Semi-lateral headache. Nightly diarrhoea. * Thirstlessness, and bad taste in the mouth. Mild, tearful persons. Rhus t. Metritis after confinement. * She cannot lie still, but must change continually to get a little rest. * The lower limbs seem powerless, she can hardly draw them up. Dry tongue with red tip. Typhoid symptoms. Aggravation during rest, at night, particularly after midnight. Secale. Tendency to putrescence. Hot fever, in- termingled by shaking chills. Discharge from the vagina of thin black blood, very offensive. Great an- guish, pain in the pit of the stomach, and vomiting of decomposed matters. Painless diarrhoea, with much debility. She lies either in quiet delirium, or grows wild with great anxiety and desire to escape from bed. * Thin, scrawny women. * Desire to be uncovered. Stram. Face red and bloated. Extreme degree of nervous erethism. Convulsive trembling and restless- METRORRHAGIA. 121 ness. * She awakens with a shrinking look, as if afraid of the first object seen. Talks continually, and imagines all sorts of absurd things. Verat. alb. Puerperal metritis, with violent fits of vomiting and diarrhoea. * Coldness of the extremi- ties, with deadly-pale face, covered with cold per- spiration. Suppression of the lochial discharge, with delirium. * Excessive weakness. METRORRHAGIA. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aeon. In persons of a full plethoric habit, es- pecially young girls. * Active hemorrhage, with fear of death and great nervous excitability. So giddy, she cannot sit up in bed. Bell. Pale or flushed face. Violent pains in small o/ the back, as if it would break. * Profuse discharge of bright-red, hot blood, with violent press- ure downward as if everything would escape through the vulva. The blood sometimes has a bad smell. Palpitation of the heart. Bry. Discharge of dark-red blood in large quan- tities, with violent pressive pains in small of the back, and headache as if it would split. * Nausea and faintness on sitting up in bed. Mouth and lips un- usually dry with thirst. * Symptoms all worse by moving; she wants to keep perfectly quiet. Exceed- ingly irritable. Dry, hard stools. Cham. Hemorrhage of dark, coagulated blood, with labor-like pains. Tearing pains in the legs. Fre- quent discharge of large quantities of colorless urine. •"Very impatient; can hardly give one a civil answer. China. After miscarriage or labor, and in danger- ous cases. Discharge of clots of dark blood. * Heavi- ness of the head, ringing in the ears, loss of sight, and fainting. Sadden weakness, coldness of the extrem- ities, and pale face. Colic, frequent urging to uri- 11 122 METRORRHAGIA. nate, and sore tension in the abdomen. * Debility and other troubles after the loss of much blood. Croc. After miscarriage or labor, or from over- exertion. * Discharge of dark, stringy blood, worse from the least exertion. Sensation as of something rolling or moving about in the abdomen. Passive hemorrhage, in nervous, hysterical women. Ferr. m. Weakly persons of hemorrhagic tendency. Frequent discharge of partly fluid and partly black clotted blood, with violent labor-like pains. *The least emotion or exertion produces a red flushed face. Frequent short shudderings; headache and vertigo. Hyos. Flooding attended with labor-like pains in the uterus, drawing in the thighs and small of the back. Bright-red blood continuing to flow all the time. Heat all over the body, with a quick or full pulse. Trembling over the whole body, or numbness of the limbs. * Twitching or jerking of single limbs. Ipec. * Very copious flooding of bright-red blood, coming away in a gush, with cutting pains around the navel. Great pressure and bearing down. Chills and coldness of the body. Great weakness and inclination to vomit. After parturition or miscarriage. Sabina. Forcing or dragging pains extending to the back and loins. Profuse discharge of bright-red blood. Feeling of sinking or faintness in the abdo- men. * Sometimes the discharge is dark, having black- ish clots mixed with thin watery blood. Pains extend- ing from the back through to the pubis. Secale. * Passive hemorrhage in feeble cachectic females. After parturition or miscarriage. Discharge of dark liquid blood, with little or no pain. Coldness of the extremities, pale or sallow face, and small feeble pulse. Desire to be uncovered, worse from warmth. Sepia. Induration of the neck of the uterus, with spasmodic painful pressure over the sexual organs. Chronic metrorrhagia, when it is excited from the least cause. Yellow complexion, with spots on the face. * Painful sense of emptiness in the abdomen. Fetid urine, depositing a clay-colored sediment which adheres to the vessel. Sulph. Frequent attacks of hemorrhage ; she seems MISCAEKIAGE. 1 23 to get almost well, when it occurs again and again. * Constant heat in top of the head, and cold feet. Fre- quent weak faint spells and flushes of heat. Gets very hungry about 11 a. m., cannot wait for dinner. MISCARRIAGE. Therapeutics. Special indications. Aeon. Threatened miscarriage in consequence of fright. * Hemorrhage, with fear of death; she is sure she will die. Great fear and anxiety of mind, with great nervous excitability. Dizziness on rising from a recumbent position. Feverish restlessness. Apis. Stinging pains in the ovarian region. Press- ing-down, or labor-like pain, in the uterus. * Sensa- tion in the abdomen as if something tight would break, if much effort was made to void a stool. Scanty urine, and absence of thirst. Aggravation in a warm room. Arnica. After a fall, blow, or concussioji, especially if labor-pains set in, with discharge of blood or serous mucus. * Sore feeling all through the patient, as if from a bruise. The bed on which she lies feels too hard. Bell. Flushed face, red eyes, throbbing carotids and heat in the head. Pain in the back as if it would break. * Severe bearing down, as if everything would issue through the vulva. Profuse discharge of blood, neither very bright, nor dark-colored. * Pains which come on suddenly, and leave just as suddenly. * Ver- tigo when stooping, or when rising from a stooping posture. Great intolerance to light or noise. Calc. c. Scrofulous diathesis. She has heretofore suffered from too early and too profuse menstruation. She is very weakly in general ; walking produces great fatigue, and she is out of breath when going up stairs. When standing, a pressing down, as if everything would come out through the genitals. * Her feet feel as if they had on cold, damp stockings. * Vertigo when ascending a height. L24 MISCARRIAGE. Cham. Periodical pains resembling those of labor, with discharge of dark-colored or coagulated blood. * Violent pains in the bowels, extending to the sides, with frequent urination. Becomes almost furious about the pains. * Very impatient, can hardly answer a civil question. Hot perspiration about the head. China. In weak and exhausted persons from loss of animal fluids. After miscarriage when there is hemorrhage unto fainting ; giddiness, drowsiness, and loss of consciousness. * Heaviness of the head, ring- ing in the ears, and coldness of the extremities. Twitching and jerking of single muscles. Croc. Especially where the discharge consists of dark, stringy blood, which is increased by the least exertion. * Sensation of fluttering, or as if something were mov- ing about in the abdomen. Mostly after miscarriage. Ferr. m. After miscarriage, when there is a dis- charge of partly fluid and partly black, clotted blood, with violent labor-like pains. Full, hard pulse, and short shudderings. * Least emotion or exertion pro- duces a red, flushed face. General hemorrhagic ten- dency. Hyos. Miscarriage attended with spasms or con- vulsions of the whole body. Discharge of light-red bloo