Class _h^_Lv.i_ Book-iVJLSL- \ WO WORDS AND THEIR USES, PAST AND PRESENT. A STUDY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. By RICHARD GRANT WHITE. ) » O ' 1 NEW YORK: S H E L D O X A N D COMPAX Y, 498 and 500 Broadway. 1 870. Hi* Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1870, By RICHARD GRANT WHITE, J n the Ofnce of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Stereotyped at the Boston Stereotype Foundry, No. 19 Spring Lane. To James Russell Lowell. My dear Sir : When jour forefather met mine, as he probably did, some two hundred and thirty or forty years ago, in the newly laid out street of Cambridge (and there is reason for believing that the meeting was likely to be about where Gore Hall now stands), yours might have been somewhat more grimly courteous than he doubtless was, had he known that he saw the man one of whose children in the eighth generation was to pay one of his, at the same remove, even this small tribute of mere words ; and mine might have lost some of his reputation for inflexibility had he known that he was keeping on his steeple-crown before him without whom there would be no " Legend of Brittany," no "Sir Launfal," no " Commemoration Ode." no "Cathedral," no " Biglow Papers," — without whom our idea of the New England these men helped to found would lack, in these latter days, some of the strength and the beauty which make it worthy of our respect, our admiration, and our love, — and without whom the great school that was soon set up where they were standing, to be the first and ever the brightest light of learning in the land, would miss one of its most shining ornaments. We may be sure that both these honored men spoke English in the strong and simple manner of their time, of which you have well said that it was " a diction which we should be glad to buy back from desuetude at almost any cost," and which (O TO JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL. you have done so much to illustrate, to perpetuate, and to en- rich. I have as little faith as I believe you have in the worth of a school-bred language. Strong, clear, healthy, living speech springs, like most strong, living things, from the soil, and grows according to the law of life within its seed. But pruning and training may do something for a nursery-bred weakling, and even for that which springs up unbidden, and grows with native vigor into sturdy shapeliness. It is because you have shown this in a manner which makes all men of New England stock your debtors, and proud of their indebtedness, that at the beginning of a book which seeks to do in the weak- ness of precept what you have done by the strength of example, I acknowledge, in so far as I may presume to do so, what is owing to you by all j r our countrymen, and also record the high respect and warm regard with which I am, and hope ever to be, Faithfully your friend, Richard Grant White. New York, Attg-ust 3, 1870. (2) PREFACE THE following pages contain the substance of the articles which appeared in The Galaxy in the years 1867, 1868, and 1869, under the title now borne by this volume. Some changes in the arrangement of the subjects of those articles, some excisions, and a few additions, have been made ; but after reading, with a willingness to learn, nearly all the criticisms with which I was favored, I have found reason for abandoning or modifying very few of my previously expressed opinions. The purpose of the book is the consideration of the right use and the abuse of words and idioms, with an occasional examination of their origin and their history. It is occupied almost exclusively with the correctness and fitness of verbal expression, and any excursion into higher walks of philology is transient and incidental. Soon after taking up this subject I heard a story of a professor at Oxford, who, being about to address a miscellaneous audience at that seat of learning, illus- trated some of his positions by quotations in the original from Arabic writers. A friend venturing to hint that this 3 4 PREFACE. might be caviare to his audience, he replied, " O, every- body knows a little Arabic.'' Now, I have discovered that everybody does not know a little Arabic ; and more, that there are men all around me, of intelligence and character, who, although they cannot be called illiterate, — as peasants are illiterate, — know so very little of the right use of English, that, without venturing beyond the limits of my own yet imperfect knowledge of my mother tongue, I might undertake to give the instruc- tion that I find many of them not only need, but desire. The need is particularly great in this country ; of which fact I have not only set forth the reasons, but have endeavored to explain them with such detail as would enable my readers to see them for themselves, and take them to heart, instead of merely accepting or reject- ing my assertion. Since I first gave these reasons in The Galaxy, they have been incidentally, but earnestly and impressively, presented by Professor Whitney in his book on Language and the Study of Language. Summing up his judgment on this point, that eminent philologist says, " The low-toned party newspaper is too much the type of the prevailing literary influence by which the style of speech of our rising generation is moulding. A tendency to slang, to colloquial in- elegances, and even vulgarities, is the besetting sin against which we, as Americans, have especially to guard and to struggle." What Professor Whitney thus succinctly declares, I have endeavored to set forth at large and to illustrate. Usage in the end makes language ; determining not PREFACE. 5 only the meaning of words, but their suggestiveness, and also their influence. For the influence of man upon language is reciprocated by the influence of lan- guage upon man ; and the mental tone of a community may be vitiated by a yielding to the use of loose, coarse, low, and frivolous phraseology. Into this people fall by the mere thoughtless imitation of slovenly exem- plars. A case in point — trifling and amusing, but not, therefore, less suggestive — recently attracted my atten- tion. Professor Whitney mentions, as one of his many illustrations of the historical character of word-making, that we put on a " pair of rubbers" because, when caoutchouc was first brought to us, we could find no better use for it than the rubbing out of pencil-marks. But overshoes of this material are not universally called " rubbers." In Philadelphia, with a reference to the nature of the substance of which they are made, they are- called "gums." A Philadelphia gentleman and his wife going to make a visit at a house in New York, where they' were very much at home, he entered the parlor alone ; and to the question, " Why, where is Emily?" answered, " O, Emily is outside cleaning her gums upon the mat ; " whereupon there was a momentary look of astonishment, and then a peal of laughter. Now, there is no need whatever of the use of either of the poor words rubbers or gums in this sense. The proper word is simply overshoes, which expresses all that there is occasion to tell, except to a manufacturer or a salesman. There is neither neces- sity nor propriety in our going into the question of the fabric of what we wear for the protection of our feet, O PREFACE. and of saying that a lady is either rubbing her rubbers or cleaning her gums upon the mat ; no more than there is in our saying that a gentleman is brushing his wool (meaning his coat), or a lady drying her eyes with her linen (meaning her handkerchief). Lan- guage is generally formed by indirect and unconscious effort ; but when a language is subjected to the constant action of such degrading influences as those which threaten ours, it may be well to introduce into its devel- opment a little consciousness. The difference between saying, He donated the balance of the lumber, and He gave the rest of the timber, is perhaps trifling; but man's language, like man himself, grows by a gradual accre- tion of trifles, and the sum of these, in our case, is on the one hand good English, and on the other bad. Therefore they are not unworthy of any man's serious attention. Language is rarely corrupted, and is often enriched, by the simple, unpretending, ignorant man, who takes no thought of his parts of speech. It is from the man who knows just enough to be anxious to square his sentences by the line and plummet of grammar and dictionary that his mother tongue suffers most grievous injury. It is his influence chiefly which is resisted in this book. I have little hope, I must confess, of un- doing any of the harm that he has done, or of pluck- ing up any monstrosity that, planted by him, has struck root into the popular speech ; particularly if it seems fine, and is not quite understood by those who use it. Transpire and predicate — worthy pair — will be used, I fear, the one to mean happen, and the other found ; PREFACE. 7 things will continue to be being" done, and the gentle* manly barkeeper of the period will call his grog-shop a sample-room, notwithstanding all that I have said, and all that abler men and better scholars than I am may- say, to the contrary. But, although I do not expect to purge away corruption, I do hope to arrest it in some measure by giving hints that help toward wholesome- ness. This book may possibly correct some of the pre- vailing evils against which it is directed ; but I shall be satisfied if it awakens an attention to its subject that will prevent evil in the future. Scholars and philolo- gists need not be told that it is not addressed to them ; but neither is it written for the unintelligent and entirely uninstructed. It is intended to be of some service to intelligent, thoughtful, educated persons, who are in- terested in the study of the English language, and in the protection of it against pedants on the one side and coarse libertines in language on the other. On the etymology of words I have said little, because little was needed. The points from which I have re- garded words are in general rather those of taste and reason than of history ; and my discussions are philo- logical only as all study of words must be philological. The few suggestions which I have made in etymology I put forth with no affectation of timidity, but with little concern as to their fate. Etymology, which, as it is now practised, is a product of the last thirty years, fulfils towards language the function which the antiquarian and the genealogist discharge in the making of the world's history. The etymologist of the present 8 PREFACE. day follows, as he should follow, his word up step by step through the written records of past years, until he finds its origin in the fixed form of a parent language. The disappearance of every letter, the modification of every sound, the introduction of every new letter, must be accounted for in accordance with the analogy of the language at the period when the change, real or supposed, took place. Thus etymology has at last been placed upon its only safe bases, — research and comparison, — and the origin of most words in modern languages is as surely determinable as that of a mem- ber of any family which has a recorded history. I have only to add he're that in my remai'ks on what I have unavoidably called, by way of distinction, British English and " American " English, and in my criticism of the style of some eminent British authors, no insin- uation of a superiority in the use of their mother tongue by men of English race in " America " is intended, no right to set up an independent standard is implied. Of the latter, indeed, there is no fear. When that new "American" thing, so eagerly sought, and hitherto so vainly, does appear, if it ever do appear, it will not be a language, or even a literature. This bookjwas prepared for the press in the autumn of 1869. An unavoidable and unexpected delay in its appearance has enabled me to add a few examples in illustration of my views, which I have met with since that time ; but it has received no other additions. R. G. W. New York, July 8, 1870. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. page Introduction 13 CHAPTER II. Newspaper English. Big Words for Small Thoughts 28 CHAPTER III. British English and "American" English 44 CHAPTER IV. Style 63 CHAPTER V. Misused Words 80 CHAPTER VI. Some Briticisms 183 CHAPTER VII. Words that are not Words 199 (9) IO CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. Formation of Pronouns. — Some. — Adjectives in En. — -Either and Neither. — Shall and Will. . . 239 CHAPTER IX. Grammar, English and Latin 274 CHAPTER X. The Grammarless Tongue 295 CHAPTER XI. Is Being Done 334 CHAPTER XII. A Desultory Denunciation of English Dictiona- ries 364 Conclusion 392 APPENDIX. I. How the Exception proves the Rule 403 II. Controversy , . . . 412 Index 427 WORDS AND THEIR USES, (ii) "They be not wise, therefore that say, what care I for man's wordes and utterance, if hys matter and reasons be good ? Such men, say so, not so much of ignorance, as eyther of some singular pride in themselves, or some speciall malice of other, or for some private and parciall matter, either in Religion or other kynde of learning. For good and choice meates, be no more requisite for helthy bodyes, than proper and apt wordes be for good matters, and also playne and sensible utterance for the best and deepest reasons ; in which two poyntes standeth perfect eloquence, one of the fayrest and rarest giftes that God doth geve to man." Ascham's Scholemaster, fol. 46, ed. 1571. "Seeing that truth consisteth in the right ordering of names in our affirmations, a man that seeketh precise truth had need to remember what every name he useth stands for, and to place it accordingly, or else he will find himselfe entangled in words as a bird in lime-twiggs. The more he struggles the more belimed." Hobbes's Leviathan, I. 4. "F. Must we always be seeking after the meaning of words? "H. Of important words we must, if we wish to avoid important error. The meaning of these words especially is of the greatest consequence to mankind, and seems to have been strangely neglected by those who have made most use of them." Tooke, Diversions of Purley, Part II., ch. 1. " Mankind in general are so little in the habit of looking steadily at their own mean- ing, or of weighing the words by which they express it, that the writer who is careful to do both will sometimes mislead his readers through the very excellence which qual- ifies him to be their instructor ; and this with no other fault on his part than the mod- est mistake on his part of supposing in those to whom he addresses himself an intel- lect as watchful as his own." Coleridge, The Friend, II., 2d Landing Place. ( 12 ) CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. ONE of the last judgments pronounced in philo- logy is, that words are merely arbitrary sounds for the expression and communication of ideas ; that, for instance, a man calls the source of light and heat the sun, because his mother taught him so to call it, and that is the name by which it is known to the people around him, and that if he had been taught in his childhood, and by example afterwards, to call it the moon, he would have done so without question. But this truth was declared more than two hundred years ago by Oliver Cromwell in his reply to the committee that waited upon him from Parliament to ask him to take the title of king. In the course of his refusal to yield to their request, he said, — " Words have not their import from the natural power of particular combinations of characters, or from the real efficacy of certain sounds, but from the consent of those that use them, and arbitrarily annex certain ideas to them, which might have been signified with equal propriety by any other." This conclusion, be it new or old, is sound; but it would be very weak reasoning that would draw from the fact that language is formed, on the whole, by consent and custom, an argument in favor x 3 14 WORDS AND THEIR USES. of indifference as to the right or wrong of usage. For, although he was so earnestly entreated thereto, and although it would have obviated some difficulty in the administration of the government, Crom- well, notwithstanding his opinion as to the arbitrary meaning of words, refused to be called a king, be- cause king meant something that he was not, and had associations which he wished not to bring up. And although words are arbitrary to the individual, to the race or the nation, they are growths, and are themselves the fruit and the sign of the growth of the race or the nation itself, and have, like its mem- bers, a history, and alliances, and rights of birth, and inherent powers which endure as long as they live, and which they can transmit, although some- what modified, to their rightful successors. But although most words are more immutable, as well as more enduring, than men are, some of them within the memory of one generation vary both in their forms and in the uses which they serve, doing so according to the needs and even the neglect of the users. And thus it is that living languages are always changing. Spoken words acquire, by use and from the varying circumstances of those who use them, other and wider significa- tions than those which they had originally ; inflec- tions are dropped, and construction is modified, its tendency being generally towards simplicity. Changes in inflection and construction are found not to be casual or capricious, but processes according to laws of development; which, however, as in the case of all laws, physical or moral, are deduced from the processes themselves. The apparent operation INTRODUCTION. 1 5 of these laws is recognized so submissively by some philologists that Dr. Latham has propounded the dogma that in language whatever is, is right; to which he adds another, as a corollary to the for- mer, that whatever was, was wrong. But even if we admit that in language whatever is — that is, whatever usage obtains generally among the people who speak a language as their mother tongue — is right, that is, fulfils the true function of language, which is to serve as a communication between man and man, it certainly therefore follows that, what- ever was, was also right; because it did, at one time, obtain generally, and did fulfil the function of language. The truth is, that, although usage may be com- pulsory in its behests, and thus establish a govern- ment de facto , which men have found that they must recognize whether they will or no, in lan- guage, as in all other human affairs, that which is may be wrong. There is some other law in lan- guage than the mere arbitrary will of the users. Language is made for man, and not man for language ; but yet no man, no number of men, how- ever great, can of purpose change the meaning of one monosyllable. For, unless the meaning of words is fixed during a generation, language will fail to impart ideas, and even to communicate facts. Unless it is traceable through the writings of many gen- erations in a connected course of normal develop- ment, language becomes a mere temporary and arbitrary mode of intercourse ; it fails to be an ex- ponent of a people's intellectual growth ; and the speech of our immediate forefathers dies upon their l6 WORDS AND THEIR USES. lips, and is forgotten. Of such misfortune there is, however, not the remotest probability. The recognition of the changes that the English language has been undergoing from the time when our Anglo-Saxon, or rather our English forefathers, took possession of the southern part of Britain, is no discovery of modern philology. The changes, and the inconvenience which follows them, w r ere noticed four hundred years ago by William Caxton, our first printer — a "simple person," as he de- scribes himself, but an observant, a thoughtful, and a very intelligent man, and one to whom English literature is much indebted. He was not only a printer, but a writer ; and as a part of his literary labor he translated into English a French version of the ^Eneid, and published it in the year 1490. In Caxton's preface to that book is a passage which is interesting in itself, and also germane to our sub- ject. I will give the passage entire, and in our modern orthography : — " And when I had advised me in this said book, I deliberated and concluded to translate it into English, and forthwith took a pen and ink and wrote a leaf or twain, which I oversaw again to correct it; and when I saw the fair and strange terms therein, I doubted that it should not please some gentlemen which late blamed me, saying, that in my translations I had over-curious terms which could not be understonden of common people, and desired me to use old and homely terms in my translations ; and fain would I satisfy every man ; and so to do, took an old book and read therein; and certainly the English was so rude and broad that I could not well understand it. And also my Lord Abbot of Westminster did shew to me of late certain evidences written in old English, for to reduce it into our English now used, and certainly it was written in such wise that it was more like Dutch than English. I could not reduce ne bring it to be understonden. And certainly our language now used varyeth INTRODUCTION. 17 far from what was used and spoken when I was born. For we Englishmen ben born under the domination of the Moon, which is never steadfast, but ever wavering, waxynge one season and waneth and decreaseth another season, and that common Eng- lish that is spoken in one Shire varieth from another. Inso- much that in my days it happened that certain merchants were in a ship in Tamis [Thames] for to have sailed over the sea into Zealand, and for lack of wind they tarried at Forland, and went to land for to refresh them. And one of them named Sheffield, a mercer, came into an house and axed for meat, and specially he axed for eggs. And the good wife answered that she could speak no French; and the merchant was angry; for he also could speak no French, but would have had the eggs, and she understood him not. And then at last another said that he would have eyren ; then the good wife said that she understood him well. Lo, what should a man in these days write? eggs or cyren f Certainly it is hard to please every man, because of diversity and change of language. For in these days every man that is in any reputation in this country will utter his communi- cation and matters in such manner and terms that few men shall understand them ; and some honest and great clerks have been with me and desired me to write the most curious terms that I could find. And thus between plain, rude, and curious, I stand abashed." My chief purpose in giving this passage in our regulated spelling is, that the reader may notice how entirely it is written in the English of to-day. Except axed, which we have heard used ourselves, and eyren, which Caxton himself notices as obso- lete, ben, ne, and under stonden, are the only words in it which have not just the form and the meaning that we now give to them ; and but for these five words and a little quaintness of style, the passage in its construction and its idiom might have been written yesterday. And yet the writer was born in the reign of Henry IV., and died a hundred years before Shakespeare wrote his first play. He says, too, in another part of his preface, that he wrote in 2 1 8 WORDS AND THEIR USES. the idiom and with the vocabulary in use among educated people of his day, in ,? Englishe not over rude," on the one hand, "ne curyous," that is, affected and elaborately fine, on the other. If the changes in language which took place during his life were as great as he seems to have thought them, if they were as great as those with which in the present day we seem to be threatened, certainly the period intervening between the time which saw him a middle-aged man and now — four hundred years — seems by contrast to have been one of almost absolute linguistic stagnation. This, how- ever, is mere seeming. The period of which Cax- ton speaks was one in which the language was crystallizing into its present form, and becoming the English known to literature ; and changes then were rapid and noticeable. The changes of our day are mostly the result of the very superficial instruction of a large body of people, who read much and without discrimination, whose reading is chiefly confined to newspapers hastily written b} r men also very insufficiently educated, and who are careless of accuracy in their ordinary speaking and writing, and ambitious of literary excellence when they make any extraordinary effort. The tendency of this intellectual condition of a great and active race is to the degradation of language, the utter abolition of simple, clear, and manly speech. Against this tendency it behooves all men who have means and opportunity to strive, almost as if it were a question of morals. For there is a kind of dishonesty in the careless and incorrect use of language. INTRODUCTION. 19 Purity, however, is not a quality which can be accurately predicated of language. What the phrase so often heard, " pure English," really means, it would, probably, puzzle those who use it to explain. For our modern tongues are like many buildings that stand upon sites long swept over by the ever-advancing, though backward and forward shifting tide of civilization. They are built out of the ruins of the work of previous generations, to which we and our immediate predecessors have added something of our own. This process has been going on since the disappearance of the first generation of speaking men ; and it will never cease. But there will be a change in its mode and rate. The change has begun already. The invention of printing, the instruction of the mass of the people, and the ease of popular intercommunication, will surely prevent any such corruption and detrition of language as that which has resulted in the modern English, German, French, Spanish, and Italian tongues. Phonetic degradation will play a less important part than it has heretofore played in the history of language. Changes in the forms, and variation in the meanings of w r ords will be slow, and if not deliberate, at least half conscious ; and the corruptions that we have to guard against are chiefly those consequent upon pretentious ignorance and aggressive vulgarity. It may be reasonably doubted whether there ever was a pure language tw r o generations old ; that is, a language homogeneous, of but one element. All tongues known to philology show, if not the min- gling in considerable and nearly determinable pro- 20 WORDS AND THEIR USES. portions of two or three linguistic elements, at least the adoption and adaptation of numerous foreign words. English has for many centuries been far from being a simple language. Chaucer's "well of English undefiled" is very pleasant and whole- some drinking; but, pronouns, prepositions, conjunc- tions, and " auxiliary " verbs aside, it is a mixture in which Normanized, Gallicized Latin is mingled in large proportion with a base of degraded Anglo- Saxon. And yet the result of this hybridity and degradation is the tongue in which Shakespeare wrote, and the translators of the Bible, and Milton, and Bunyan, and Burke, and Goldsmith, and Irving, and Hawthorne ; making in a language without a superior a literature without an equal. But the presence in our language of two ele- ments, both of which are essential to its present fulness and force, no less than to its fineness and flexibility, does not make it sure that these are of equal or of nearly equal importance. Valuable as the Latin adjuncts to our language are, in the appreciation of their value it should never be for- gotten that they are adjuncts. The frame, the sinews, the nerves, the heart's blood, in brief, the body and soul of our language is English ; Latin and Greek furnish only its limbs and outward flourishes. If what has come to us through the Normans, and since their time from France and Italy and the Latin lexicon, were turned out of our vocabulary, we could live, and love, and work, and talk, and sing, and have a folk-lore and a higher literature. But take out the former, the movement of our lives would be clogged, and the language INTRODUCTION. 21 would fall to pieces for lack of framework and foundation, and we could do none of those things. We might teach in the lecture-room, and formulate the results of our work in the laboratory, but we should be almost mute at home, and our language and our literature would be no more ours than it would be France's, or Spain's, or Italy's. To the Latin we owe, as the most cursory stu- dent of our language must have observed, a great proportion of the vocabulary of philosophy, of art, of science, and of morals ; and by means of words derived from the Latin we express, as it is assumed, shades of thought and of feeling finer than those of which our simple mother tongue is capable. But it may at least be doubted whether we do not turn too quickly to the Latin lexicon when we wish a name for a new thought or a new thing, and whether out of the simples of our ancient English, or Anglo- Saxon, so called, we might not have formed a lan- guage copious enough for all the needs of the high- est civilization, and subtle enough for all the requi- sitions of philosophy. For instance, what we call, in Latinish phrase, remorse of conscience, our fore- fathers called againbite of inwit ; and in using the former we express exactly the same ideas as are expressed by the latter. As the corresponding compounds and the corresponding elements have the same meaning, what more do we gain by put- ting together re and morse, con and science, than by doing the same with again and bite, in and wit ? The English words now sound uncouth, and provoke a smile, but they do so only be- cause we are accustomed to the Latin derivatives. 22 WORDS AND THEIR USES. No other advantage seems likely to be pleaded for the use of the latter than that they produce a single impression on the mind of the English-speaking man, causing him to accept remorse and conscience as simple words, expressing simple things, without the suggestion of a biting again and an inner wit- ting. But it may first .be doubted whether this thoughtless, unanalytic acceptance of a word is without some drawback of dissipating and enfee- bling disadvantage ; and next, and chiefly, it may be safely asserted that the English compounds would produce, if in common use, as single and as strong an impression as the Latin do. Who that does not stop to think and take to pieces, receives other than a single impression from such words as insight (bereaved twin of inwit), gosf el, falsehood, worship, homely , breakfast, truthful, boyhood, house- hold, brimstone, twilight, acorn, chestnut, instead, homestead, and the like, of which our current com- mon English would furnish numberless examples? In no way is our language more wronged than by the weak readiness with which many of those who, having neither a hearty love nor a ready mas- tery of it, or lacking both, fly to the Latin tongue or to the Greek for help in the naming of a new thought or thing, or the partial concealment of an old one, calling, for instance, nakedness nudity, and a bathing-tub a lavatory. By so doing they help to deface the characteristic traits of our mother tongue, and to mar and stunt its kindly growth. No one denies — certainly I do not deny — the val- ue of the Latin element of our modern English in the expression of abstract ideas and general notions. INTRODUCTION. 23 It gives also amplitude, and ease, and grace to a language which without it might be admirable only for compact and rugged strength. All which being granted, it still remains to be shown that there is not in simple English — that is, Anglo-Saxon with- out inflections — the power of developing a vocabu- lary competent to all the requirements of philosophy, of science, of art, no less than of society and of sentiment. I believe that pure English has, in this respect at least, the full capacity of the German language. Nevertheless, one of the advantages of English over German, in form and euphony, is in this very introduction of Anglicized Latin and Greek words for the expression of abstract ideas, which re- lieves us of such quintuple compounds, for instance, as s^prachwissenschaftseinkeit. With the expression of abstract ideas and scientific facts, however, the Latinization of our language should stop, or it will lose its home character, and kin traits, and become weak, flabby, and inflated, and thus, ridiculous. One of the changes to which language is subject during the healthy intellectual condition of a peo- ple, and in its progress from rudeness to refine- ment, is the casting off of rude, clumsy, and in- sufficiently worked-out forms of speech, sometimes mistakenly honored under the name of idioms. Speech, the product of reason, tends more and more to conform itself to reason ; and when gram- mar, which is the formulation of usage, is opposed to reason, there arises, sooner or later, a conflict between logic, or the law of reason, and grammar, the law of precedent, in which the former is always victorious. And this has been notably the case in 24 WORDS AND THEIR USES. the history of the English language. Usage, there- fore, is not, as it is often claimed to be, the absolute law of language ; and it never has been so with any people — could not be, or we should have an ex- ample of a language which had not changed from what it was in its first stage, if indeed under such a law there could be a first stage in language. Hor- ace made no such assertion as that usage is the su- preme authority in speech. He did say, — " si volet usus, Quern penes arbitrium est, et jus, et norma loquendi." And if his dictum were unconditional, and common usage were the absolute and rightful arbiter in all questions of language, there would be no hope of improvement in the speech of an ignorant and degraded society, no rightful protest against its mean and monstrous colloquial phrases, which, indeed, would then be neither mean nor monstrous ; the fact that they were in use being their full justifica- tion. The truth is, however, that the authority of general usage, or even of the usage of great wri- ters, is not absolute in language. There is a misuse of words which can be justified by no authority, however great, by no usage, however general. And, as usage does not justify that which is es- sentially unreasonable, so in the fact that a word or phrase is an innovation, a neologism, there is noth- ing whatever to deter a bold, clear-headed thinker from its use. Otherwise language would not grow. New words, when they are needed, and are rightly formed, and so clearly discriminated that they have a meaning peculiarly their own, enrich a language ; INTRODUCTION. 25 while the use of one word to mean many things, more or less unlike, is the sign of poverty in speech, and the source of ambiguity, the mother of confusion. For these reasons the objection on the part of a writer upon language to a word or a phrase should not be that it is new, but that it is inconsistent with reason, incongruous in itself, or opposed to the genius of the tongue into which it has been intro- duced. Something must and surely will be sacri- ficed in language to convenience ; but too much may be sacrificed to brevity. A periphrasis which is clear and forcible is not to be abandoned for a shorter phrase, or even a single word, which is am- biguous, barbarous, grotesque, or illogical. Unless much is at stake, it is always better to go clean and dry-shod a little way about than to soil our feet by taking a short cut. For two centuries and a half, since the time when King Lear was written and our revised trans- lation of the Bible made, the English language has suffered little change, either by loss or gain. Ex- cepting that which was slang, or cant, or loose col- loquialism in his day, there is little in Shakespeare's plays which is not heard now, more or less, from the lips of English-speaking men ; and to his vo- cabulary they have added little except words which are names for new things. The language has not sensibly improved, nor has it deteriorated. In the latter part of the last century it was in some peril. We ran the risk, then, of the introduction of a schol- arly diction and a formal style into our literature, and of a separation of our colloquial speech, the language of common folk and common needs, 26 WORDS AND THEIR USES. from that of literary people and grand occasions. That danger we happily escaped, and we still speak and write a common, if not a homogeneous lan- guage, in which there is no word which is excluded by its commonness or its meanness from the highest strain of poetry. Criticism, however, is now much needed to keep our language from deterioration, to defend it against the assaults of presuming half-knowledge, always bolder than wisdom, always more perniciously in- trusive than conscious ignorance. Language must always be made by the mass of those who use it ; but when that mass is misled by a little learn- ing, — a dangerous thing only as edge tools are dangerous to those who will handle them with- out understanding their use, -— and undertakes to make language according to knowledge rather than by instinct, confusion and disaster can be warded off only by criticism. Criticism is the child and handmaid of reflection. It works by censure, and censure implies a standard. As to words and the use of words, the standard is either reason, whose laws are absolute, or analogy, whose milder sway hinders anomalous, barbarous, and solecistic changes, and helps those which are in harmony with the genius of a language. Criticism, setting at nought the as- sumption of any absolute authority in language, may check bad usage and reform degraded cus- tom. It may not only resist the introduction of that which is debasing or enfeebling, but it may thrust out vicious words and phrases which through care- lessness or perverted taste may have obtained a footing. It is only by such criticism that our Ian- INTRODUCTION. 27 guage can now be restrained from license and pre- served from corruption. Criticism cannot at once, with absolute and omnipotent voice, banish the evil, and introduce or establish the good ; but by watch- fulness and reason it may gradually form such a taste in those who are, if not the framers, at least the arbiters, of linguistic law, that thus, by indirec- tion rinding direction out, it may insure the effec- tual condemnation of that which itself could not exclude. Until comparatively late years language was formed by the intuitive sense of those who spoke it; but now, among highly civilized peoples, the element of consciousness is entering into its pro- duction. If consciousness must be present, it should be, at least in the last resort, the conscious- ness of trained and cultivated minds ; and such con- sciousness is critical, indeed is criticism. And those who feel the need of support in giving them- selves to the study of verbal criticism may find it in the comfortable words of Scaliger the younger, who says, f *The sifting of these subtleties, although it is of no use to machines for grinding corn, frees the mind from the rust of ignorance, and sharpens it for other matters." * And it may reassure us to remember that, in the crisis of the great struggle between Caesar and Pompey, Cicero, being then in the zenith of his power, turned aside, in a letter to Atticus upon weighty affairs of state, to discuss a point of grammar with that eminent critic. * Harum indagatio subtilitatum, etsi non est utilis ad machi- nas farinarias conficiendas, exuit animum tamen inscitia? rubi- gitie, acuit-que ad alia. 28 WORDS AND THEIR USES. CHAPTER II. NEWSPAPER ENGLISH. BIG WORDS FOR SMALL THOUGHTS. SIMPLE and unpretending ignorance is always respectable, and sometimes charming ; but there is little that more deserves contempt than the pre- tence of ignorance to knowledge. The curse and the peril of language in this day, and particularly in this country, is, that it is at the mercy of men who, instead of being content to use it well according to their honest ignorance, use it ill according to their affected knowledge ; who, being vulgar, would seem elegant ; who, being empty, would seem full ; who make up in pretence what they lack in real- ity ; and whose little thoughts, let off in enormous phrases, sound like fire-crackers in an empty barrel. How I detest the vain parade Of big-mouthed words of large pretence! And shall they thus my soul degrade, O tongue so dear to common sense! Shouldst thou accept the pompous laws By which our blustering tyros prate, Soon Shakespeare's songs and Bunyan's saws Some tumid trickster must translate. Our language like our daily life, Accords the homely and sublime, And jars with phrases that are rife With pedantry of every clime. NEWSPAPER ENGLISH. 29 For eloquence it clangs like arms, For love it touches tender chords, But he to whom the world's heart warms Must speak in wholesome, home-bred words. To the reader who is familiar with Beranger's " Derniers Chansons " these lines will bring to mind two stanzas in the poet's "Tambour Major," in which he compares pretentious phrases to a big, bedizened drum-major, and simple language to the little gray-coated Napoleon at Austerlitz — a com- parison which has been brought to my mind very frequently during the writing of this book. It will be well for us to examine some examples of this vice of language in its various kinds ; and for them we must go to the newspaper press, which reflects so truly the surface of modern life, although its surface only. There is, first, the style which has rightly come to be called newspaper English, and in which we are told, for instance, of an attack upon a fortified position on the Potomac, that " the thousand-toned artillery duel progresses magnificently at this hour, the howling shell bursting in wild profusion in camp and battery, and among the trembling pines." I quote this from the columns of a first-rate New York newspaper, because the real thing is so much more characteristic than any imitation could be, and is quite as ridiculous. This style has been in use so long, and has, day after day, been impressed upon the minds of so many persons to whom news- papers are authority, as to language no less than as to facts, that it is actually coming into vogue in daily life with some of our people. Not long ago 30 WORDS AND THEIR USES. my attention was attracted by a building which I had not noticed before, and, stepping up to a police- man who stood hard by, I asked him what it was. He promptly replied (I wrote down his answer within the minute) , " That is an institootion inau- gurated under the auspices of the Sisters of Mercy, for the reformation of them young females what has deviated from the paths of rectitood." It was in fact an asylum for women of the town ; but my informant w r ould surely have regarded such a de- scription of it as inelegant, and perhaps as indel- icate. True, there was a glaring incongruity be- tween the pompousness of his phraseology and his use of those simple and common parts of speech, the pronouns ; but I confess that, in his dispensa- tion of language, "them" and "what" were the only crumbs from which I received any comfort. But could I find fault with my civil and obliging informant, when I knew that every day he might read in the leading articles of our best newspapers such sentences, for instance, as the following? — ' "There is, without doubt, some subtle essence permeating the elementary constitution of crime which so operates that men and women become its involuntary followers by sheer force of attraction, as it were." I am sure, at least, that the policeman knew bet- ter what he meant when he spoke than the journal- ist did what he meant when he wrote. Policeman and journalist both wished not merely to tell what they knew and thought in the simplest, clearest way ; they washed to say something elegant, and to use fine language ; and both made themselves ridiculous. Neither this fault nor this complaint is BIG WORDS FOR SMALL THOUGHTS. 3 1 new ; but the censure seems not to have diminished the fault, either in frequency or in degree. Our every-day writing is infested with this silly bom- bast, this stilted nonsense. One journalist, reflect- ing upon the increase of violence, and wishing to say that ruffians should not be allowed to go armed, writes, "We cannot, however, allow the opportu- nity to pass without expressing our surprise that the law should allow such abandoned and desperate characters to remain in possession of lethal weap- ons." Lethal means deadly, neither more nor less ; but it would be very tame and unsatisfying to use an expression so common and so easily understood. Another journalist, in the course of an article upon a murder, says of the murderer that w a policeman went to his residence, and there secured the clothes that he wore when he committed the murderous deed ; " and that, being found in a tub of water, " they were so smeared by blood as to incarnadine the water of the tub in which they were deposited." To say that " the policeman went to the house or room of the murderer, and there found the clothes he wore when he did the murder, which were so bloody that they reddened the water into which they had been thrown," would have been far too homely. But not only are our journals and our speeches to Buncombe infested with this big-worded style, the very preambles to our acts of legislature, and the official reports upon the dr} r est and most matter- of-fact subjects, are bloated with it. It appears in the full flower of absurdity in the following sentence, which I find in the ireport of a committee of the 32 WORDS AND THEIR USES. legislature of New York on street railways. The committee wished to say that the public looked upon all plans for the running of fast trains at a height of fifteen or twenty feet as fraught with needless danger ; and the committee man who wrote for them made them say it in this amazing fashion : — "It is not to be denied that any system which demands the propulsion of cars at a rapid rate, at an elevation of fifteen or twenty feet, is not entirely consistent, in public estimation, with the greatest attainable immunity from the dangers of transpor- tation." Such a use of words as this only indicates the lack as well of mental vigor as of good taste and education on the part of the user. "O," said a charming, highly-cultivated, and thorough-bred woman, speaking, in my hearing, of one of her own sex of inferior breeding and position, but who was making literary pretensions, and with some success as far as notoriety and money were con- cerned, — "O, save me from talking with that wo- man ! If you ask her to come and see you, she never says she's sorry she can't come, but that she regrets that the multiplicity of her engage- ments precludes her from accepting your polite invitation." The foregoing instances are examples merely of a pretentious and ridiculous use of words which is now very common. They are not remarkable for incorrectness. But the freedom with which per- sons who have neither the knowledge of language which comes of culture, nor that which springs spontaneously from an inborn perception and mas- tery, are allowed to address the public and to speak BIG WORDS FOR. SMALT. THOUGHTS. 33 for it, produces a class of writers who fill, as it is unavoidable that they should fill, our newspapers and public documents with words which are ridicu- lous, not only from their pretentiousness, but from their preposterous unfitness for the uses to which they are put. These persons not only write abom- inably in point of style, but they do not say what they mean. When, for instance, a member of Congress is spoken of in a leading journal as " a sturdy republican of progressive integrity," no very- great acquaintance with language is necessary to the discovery that the writer is ignorant of the meaning either of -progress or of integrity. -When in the same columns another man is described as being "endowed with an impassionable nature," people of common sense and education see that here is a man not only writing for the public, but actually attempting to coin words, who, as far as his knowledge of language goes, needs the instruc- tion to be had in a good common school. So, again, when another journal of position, discoursing upon convent discipline, tells us that a young woman is not fitted for "the stern amenities of religious life," and we see it laid down in a report to an important public body that, under certain circumstances, "the criminality of an act is heightened, and reflects a very turgid morality indeed," it is, according to our knowledge, whether we find in the phrases "stern amenities " and " turgid morality " occasion for study or food for laughter. Writing like this is a fruit of a pitiful desire to seem elegant when one is not so, which troubles many people, and which manifests itself in the use 3 34 WORDS AND THEIR USES. of words as well as in the wearing of clothes, the buying of furniture, and the giving of entertain- ments ; and which in language takes form in words which sound large, and seem to the person who uses them to give him the air of a cultivated man, because he does not know exactly what they mean. Such words sometimes become a fashion among such people, who are numerous enough to set and keep up a fashion ; and they go on using them to each other, each afraid to admit to the other that he does not know what the new word means, and equally afraid to avoid its use, as a British snob is said never to admit that he is entirely unacquainted with a duke. Our newspapers and reviews are haunted now by two words of this sort — normal and inaugurate. In the North American Review itself (I name this review because of its very high literary position — a position higher now than ever before) a writer is permitted to say that, "This idea [that of a ship without a bowsprit] was doubtless a copy of the model inaugurated by Mr. E. K. Collins, founder of the Collins line of American Ocean Steamships." The writer meant invented or introduced ; and he might as well have written about the President of the United States being in- vented on the 4th of March, as of inaugurating the model of a ship. But ere long we shall prob- ably have the milliners inaugurating their bonnets, and the cooks making for us normal plum-puddings and pumpkin pies. But normal and inaugurate, and a crowd of such big words, are now used as Bardolph uses accommodated, which, being ap- proved by Mr. Justice Shallow as a good phrase, BIG WORDS FOR SMALL THOUGHTS. 35 he replies, " By this day I know not the phrase ; but I will maintain the word with my sword to be a soldier-like word, and a word of exceeding good command. Accommodated ; that is, when a man is, as they say — accommodated; or, when a man is — being — whereby — he maybe thought to be accommodated ; which is an excellent thing." There is no telling to what lengths this desire to speak fine will lead. It breaks out very strongly with some people in the use of have and were. They have taken into their heads a hazy notion of the superior elegance of those words — as to the latter from having heard it used by persons who are precise as to their subjunctive mood ; how as to the former I cannot conjecture. So, some of them, when they wish to be very fine indeed, say, f * I were going to Europe last fali, but were prevented by the multiplied} 7 of my engagements," leaving ivas m the company of plain and simple folk. I was witness to a characteristic exhibition of this kind of pretence. With two or three friends I called on business at the house of a very wealthy man in the Fifth Avenue, whom I had never met before, and who has since gone to the place where " ail good Americans go when they die." He proposed that we should ride with him to the place to visit which was the object of our gathering, and he stepped out to give some orders. As the carriage came to the door, he reentered the parlor, and approaching our group, revolving his hands within each other, as if troubled by a consciousness, partly reminiscence, that they needed washing, he said with a little smirk, " Gentlemen, the carriage have arrived." 30 WORDS AND THEIR USES. We stood it, as sober as judges ; but one of us soon made an execrable pun, which afforded opportunity for laughter, in which our host, as ignorant of a play upon words as of the use of them, heartily joined. Now, that man, if he had been speaking to his wife, would have called out, Cf Sairy Ann, the carriage has come," and have rivalled Thackeray or Hawthorne in the correctness of his English. We are suffering now, and shall suffer more hereafter, from the improper use of words, in a very important point, to wit, the drafting of our laws. When the Constitution of the United States was framed, the language of the instru- ment was considered with great care. Each para- graph, after having been discussed in committee and in full convention, and its purport clearly de- termined, was submitted to the revision of a com- mittee on style, and it was not adopted until it had received the sanction of that committee. Hence it is that there is hardly a passage in the whole Constitution the meaning of which can be doubted ; the disputes about the Constitution being, almost without exception, not as to what it provides, but as to the effects of its provisions. But as to most of the laws passed nowadays, both in the State and national legislatures, it would puzzle those who do not know the purpose of their framers, to discover it from their language ; and when the present generation of politicians has passed away, these laws, if they last until that time, will bear any construction that any court, or any majority of any Congress, chooses to put upon them; which, perhaps, in the view of the latter, will be an BIG WORDS FOR SMALL THOUGHTS. ^7 advantage. Some of the laws passed in the last two sessions of Congress have little more coherence or consistency than some of MotherGoose's rhymes. But passing by such laws as touch great questions of public policy, and as to which, therefore, it might be unreasonable to expect our present legislators to express themselves with clearness and propriety, take, for example, the following section of a bill brought into the legislature of New York in regard to the metropolitan police : — " Section 16. The Board of Metropolitan Police is hereby authorized, in their discretion, to pay out of the Police Life In- surance Fund an amount, not exceeding three hundred dollars, to the members of the force who may be disabled while in the discharge of their duties. In cases of death by injuries received while discharging their duties, the annuities shall be continued to the widow, or children, or both, as the Board may deem best. The Board of Metropolitan Police is hereby constituted Trustees of the Life Insurance Fund." Laying no stress upon such English as "the board is authorized in their discretion," and "the board is constituted trustees" let us try to find out what it is that the board is authorized to do. It is "to pay an amount not exceeding three hundred dollars to the members of the force who may be disabled while in the discharge of their duties." That is, unmistakably, according to the language used, to pay three hundred dollars to all the mem- bers of the force who may be so injured. This seems rather a small provision for the purpose in view; as to which there is still further uncertainty. For who are all the members of the force, for whom this provision is made? All who are injured during the existence of the board? So the law says, and 8 WORDS AND THEIR USES. there is not a word, expressed or implied, to the contrary. And how much is to be paid to each member? There is not a word definitely to show. But in the next sentence, which oddly says that, " In case of death by injuries received while dis- charging their duties, the annuities shall be con- tinued to the widows or children or both," the word annuities gives us a hint as to the meaning of the law, but no more. Yet it is safe to say that this section, which so completely fails to express a simple intention as to the payment of money that any construction of it might be plausibly disputed, was supposed by its framers to mean what it does mean in the corrected form following ; in which it would have been written by any tolerably well- instructed person — any person of sufficient intelli- gence and education to be intrusted with the writing of an official letter — much more the drafting of a law. " The Board of Police is hereby authorized in its discretion to pay out of the Police Life Insurance Fund' an amount not ex- ceeding three hundred dollars, annually, to every member of the force who may be disabled while in the discharge of his duties. In cases of death from injuries received in the discharge of duty, the annuities shall be fiaid to the widow or the children of the deceased member, or to both, as the Board may deem best. The Board of Metropolitan Police is hereby constituted the Trustee of the Police Life Insurance Fund." There are laws of the United States, enacted within the last four years, and which must come up before the courts, and finally before the Supreme Court, as the ground of the decision of important questions, which are not a whit more explicit or coherent than this example of the style of late New York legislation. BIG WORDS FOR SMALL THOUGHTS. 39 Language being perverted in this country chiefly in consequence of the wide diffusion of very super- ficial instruction among a restless, money-getting, and self-confident people, although the daily press is the chief visible corrupter of our speech, it must be admitted that the latter cause of degradation is itself the consequence of the former. Our news- papers do the harm in question through their ad- vertisements as well as through their reports, their correspondence, and their leading articles ; and it would seem as if, in most cases, the same degree of knowledge of the meaning of words and of their use prevailed in all these departments. The style and the language of their advertisements and their reading matter generally indicate the careless confidence of a people among whom there is little deference, or reference, to standards of authority. Competent as some of our editors are, none of our newspapers receive thorough editorial supervision. What is sent to them for publication would be gen- erally judged by a low standard ; and of even that judgement the public too frequency has not the benefit. As to advertisements, every man of us deems himself able to write them, with what reason we shall soon see ; while in England the writing of even these is generally committed to persons who have some knowledge of English and some sense of decorum. But here, the free, independent, and intelligent American citizen produces advertise- ments in which sense and decorum are set at naught with an absoluteness that speaks more for his free- dom and his independence than for his intelligence. To pass his ordinary performances under censure 4-0 WORDS AND THEIR USES. would be trivial, if not superfluous; there is, how- ever, a variety of his species, who is not unworthy of attention, because he is doing much to debauch the public mind — injuring it morally as well as in- tellectually. This is the sensation advertiser, who sometimes is a publisher, sometimes a perfumer ; at others he sells fire-safes, bitters, sewing-machines, buchu, houses and lands, piano- fortes, or clothes- wringers. But whatever his wares, his English is generally vile, and his tone always nauseous. Here follows a specimen of the sort of riff-raff of lan- guage that he produces. It is actually a part of a long advertisement of a "real estate agent," which appeared in a leading paper in the interior of New York : — " I am happy to inform my friends especially and the public generally, that I have entered upon the new year "as sound as a nut." My ambition is at bulkhead : my best ef- forts shall be devoted to the public. I am willing to live on crumbs and small fishes, and let others take the loaves and sturgeon. I am still dealing largely in Real Estate. Encour- aged by success in the past, I shall buckle on the harness in the future. Therefore "come unto me" and I will "see" what I can do for you. I am too modest to speak, even in a whisper; in my own behalf, but I am willing the public should speak in "thunder tones." . . . Any man who really wants to buy a farm, small or large, I can suit him ; also cheap houses and lots; also cheap vacant lots. ... I am also looking after the soldier's interest. Let their widows, orphans, parents, etc., also the poor maimed soldiers, "come unto me" for pensions, boun- ties, etc., for they have my deep-bosomed sympathies. I have a very cheap house, barn and very large lot, with trees, and splen- did garden land, some ten rods deep, to sell at a low figure. " Come and see." This gentleman, whose "ambition is at bulk- head," by which, if he meant anything, he possibly meant at flood-tide, who tells any man who wants BIG WORDS FOR SMALL THOUGHTS. 4I to buy a farm that he can suit him, also cheap houses and lots, who advertises his deep-bosomed sympathies, who calls garden-land splendid, and who interlards his hideous attempt at humorous humbug with phrases quoted from the tenderest and most impressive passages of the Gospels, may, nevertheless, be a decent sort of person outwardly, and a shrewd man of business. Still, although we may be obliged to put a murderer out of the way as we would a wild beast, the murderer might be a much more tolerable sort of person in daily life, and work less diffusive evil than this advertiser. He is sure to do some harm, and if he should be a successful man, as he probably will be, he can hardly fail to do a great deal. For he will then have the more imita- tors. He is even now the representative of a class of men which increases among us year by year — men whose chief traits are greed and vulgarity, who often get riches, and whose traits, when riches come, are still greed and vulgarity, with the ad- dition of purse-pride and vanity. Such advertis- ing as his is a positive injury to public morals and public taste ; and it is much to be desired that it could be excluded from all respectable newspapers. But of course this is as impossible as it would be to exclude rude, ill-mannered people from a hotel. Our only remedy is in the diffusion of a knowledge of the decencies of language and of intercourse. As a general rule, the higher the culture, the simpler the style and the plainer the speech. But it is equally true that, for rudeness and positive coarseness in the use of language, as well as for affectation and pretence, we must look to our public 42 WORDS AND THEIR USES. representatives, to the press, and to the members of our various legislative bodies. Here, for instance, is a paragraph from a grave and very earnest leading article upon the currency, which recently appeared in one of the foremost newspapers in the country. The subject of the paragraph is a Treasury note. " The United States paid it out as money, and received for it nearly or quite as much value as though it had been a half eagle. We came honestly by it and we want it paid. Yet, if we were to call on Mr. Sub-Treasurer Van Dyke and ask him to fork over a half eagle and take up the rag, he would politely but firmly decline." A little racy slang may well be used in the course of one's daily talk ; it sometimes expresses that which otherwise would be difficult, if not impossi- ble, of expression. But what is gained in this case by the use of the very coarse slang "fork over" and "take up the rag"? What do these phrases express that is not quite as well conveyed in the words cash the note, and pay the note in gold? It is quite impossible to believe that this offence was committed in ignorance, and equally so, I hope, that it was affected with the purpose of writing down to the level of a certain class of readers — a trick which may win their present favor, but which, in the end, they are sure to resent. It is rather to be assumed that this phraseology was used only with that careless indifference to the decencies of life and of language which some journalists - mistake for smartness. Such a use of language as that which has just been made the subject of remark, although common BIG WORDS FOR SMALL THOUGHTS. 43 in our newspapers, in Congress, in our State legis- latures, and even in the pulpits of certain religious denominations, is not a national peculiarity. On the contrary, there are, probably, more people in this country than in any other to whom such a style of writing and speaking is a positive offence. But the wide diffusion of just so much instruction as enables men to read their newspapers, write their advertisements, and keep their accounts, and the utter lack of deference to any one, or of doubt in themselves, which political equality and material prosperity beget in people having no more than such education, and no less, combine to produce a condition of society which brings their style of speech, as well as their manners, much more to the front, not to say to the top, than is the case in other countries. 44 WORDS AND THEIR USES. CHAPTER III. BRITISH ENGLISH AND "AMERICAN" ENGLISH. IT has been frequently asserted by British critics that even among the best educated people and the very men of letters in the United States, the Eng- lish language is neither written nor spoken with the clearness and strength and the mastery of idiom that are common among the people of Great Britain. Boucher, in his " Glossary," speaks of "Americans" as " making all the haste they can to rid themselves of the [English] language ; " * and Dean Alford makes a like charge in a passage of his " Queen's English," which, no less for its reasoning than for its assertions, deserves entire reproduction. It would be ruthless to mar so complete and so ex- quisite a whole. " Look, to take one familar example, at the process of deterio- ration which our Queen's English has undergone at the hands of the Americans. Look at those phrases which so amuse us in their speech and in their books ; at their reckless exaggeration and contempt for congruitj; and then compare the character and history of the nation — its blunted sense of moral obligation and duty to man, its open disregard of conventional right, where aggrandizement is to be obtained; and I may now say its reck- less and fruitless maintenance Of the most cruel and unprin- cipled war in the history of the world." * Quoted from Scheie de Vere. Boucher's "Glossary," which was designed as a supplement to Johnson's Dictionary, I have not read. BRITISH ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ENGLISH. 45 Some of our own writers, blindly following, I think, blind British guides, have been misled into the expression of like opinions. Mr. Lowell, in the preface to his second series of the "Biglow Papers," makes this damaging admission: — " Whether it be want of culture, for the highest outcome of culture is simplicity, or for whatever reason, it is certain that very few American writers and speakers wield their native lan- guage with the directness, precision, and force that are as com- mon as the day in the mother country." Speaking upon the careful observation of several years, I cannot admit the justice of this self-accusa- tion ; and I must express no little surprise at the lack of qualification and reserve in Mr. Lowell's language, which I can account for only by suppos- ing that his opinion was formed upon an insufficient examination of this subject. It is true that the writers and speakers of that very large class among us who are neither learned nor unlearned, and who are, therefore, on the one hand without the sim- plicity that comes of culture, and on the other incapable of that unconscious, intuitive use of idiom which gives life and strength to the simple speech of very humble people, do, most of them, use lan- guage awkwardly, and as if they did not feel at home in their own mother tongue. If it were not so, this book would lack one reason of its being. But I do not hesitate to say that British writers, not of the highest grade, but of respectable rank, are open to the same charge ; and, moreover, that it is more generally true with regard to them than with regard to writers of the same position in the United States. 46 WORDS AND THEIR USES. Mr. Marsh, in the last of his admirable "Lec- tures on the English Language," expresses an opinion which, on the whole, is more nearly like that which I have formed than Mr. Lowell's, not to say Dean Alford's. But Mr. Marsh himself has this passage : — ■ " In general, I think we may say that, in point of naked syn- tactical accuracy, the English of America is not at all inferior to that of England ; but we do not discriminate so precisely in the meaning of words; nor do we habitually, either in conversation or in writing, express ourselves so gracefully or employ so classic a diction as the English. Our taste in language is less fastidious, and our licenses and inaccuracies are more frequently of a character indicative of a want of refinement and elegant culture than those we hear in educated society in England." But here Mr. Marsh himself indicates the point of my objection to all these criticisms. He com- pares our average speech with that of educated society in the mother country. By such a com- parison it would be strange if we did not suffer . The just and proper comparison would be between the average speech of both countries, or between that of people of equal culture in both. Among living writers few have easier mastery of idiomatic English than Mr. Lowell himself; and setting aside peculiar gifts, as imagination, fancy," humor, many New England men of the present generation and of that which is passing away are of his school, if not of his form. There have been abler statesmen and more accomplished law- yers, but has this century produced anywhere a greater rhetorical master of English than Daniel Webster? While Hawthorne lived, — and his grave is not yet as green as his memory, — was there a BRITISH ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ENGLISH. 47 British writer who used with greater purity or more plastic power the language that we brought with us from the old home? Our very kinsmen them- selves, proud in their possession of the old home- stead, the plate, the books, and the portraits, made no such pretension ; but they settled the question for their own minds, by saying that Hawthorne " was not really an American writer." And Haw- thorne's case is not singular in this respect. The " Saturday Review," in an article upon what it calls "American Literature," recently said, — " There is very little that is American about American books, if we except certain blemishes of style and a certain slovenliness of grammar and clumsiness of expression derived from the colo- nial idioms of the country; and these are -wanting in the best American writers. Longfellow, Motley, Prescott, Washington Irving are only English -writers -who happen to print in America. Poe's eccentricities are rather individual than national. Cooper is American in little but his choice of subjects." * And not long ago the London " Spectator," which ought to have known better, declared that it is not among the eminent historians, poets, and essay- ists of America that we must look for American style, but to the journalists, politicians, and pam- phleteers. A more ingenious way of establishino- a point to one's own satisfaction than that adopted by both these British critics could not be devised. Proposition : The " American " style is full of blem- ishes ; it is slovenly in grammar and clumsy in expression. Refly: But here are certain histori- ans, novelists, poets, and essayists, who are the standard writers of "America," and in whose style * I am glad to read this about Cooper. I shall fight with no one for possession of his literary fame. 48 WORDS AND THEIR USES. the blemishes in question, as you yourself admit, "are wanting." Rejoinder : But these are not "American" writers. They are English writers who happen to print in " America " The " Ameri- can" writers in "America" are those only who have the blemishes in question. Q^ E. D. What a bewitching merry-go-round such reasoning is ! And so perfect ! It stops exactly at the point from which it started. Without picking out my examplars, I will take up the last two books by British authors that I have read for pleasure — both by men of note — Mr. John Forster's "Arrest of the Five Members," and Mr. Fronde's " History of England," and turning to passages which I remember noticing amid all my interest in the narratives themselves, I quote ; and first from Forster : — " Since his coming to town he had been greatly pleased to observe a very great alteration of the affections of the city to what they had been when he went away." — p. 21. This is not English, or at least it is English wretchedly ^deformed and crippled. If the affec- tions of the city were altered to what they were when the person spoken of went away, it is implied that there had been two changes during his absence, one from the condition in which he left the city, and one again to that in which he left it. We have to guess that the writer meant that the person in ques- tion observed a very great change in the affections of the city since he went away. The blunder in the bungling phrase " alteration of the affections to wjiat they had been," which is a variety of the phrase "different to" is peculiarly British. BRITISH ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ENGLISH. 49 The faults in the two following passages are such as are found in the writings of natives of both countries : — " Nor was it possible that Charles himself should have drawn any other construction from it. [Anglice, put any other con- struction upon it.]" — p. 23. " Captain Slingsby wrote, with an alarm which he hardly attempts [Angl., attempted] to conceal, of the displays of man- ifestations of feeling from the city." — p. 28. Could the reverse of directness and precision, to say nothing of force, have more striking example than such a phrase as " the displays of manifesta- tions of feeling from the city"? which we may be sure any intelligent and passably educated Yankee lad would change into "manifestations of feeling by [or in] the city." Now let us turn to Froude, whose slips will be pointed out almost without remark : — "She [Elizabeth] gave him to understand that her course was chosen at last; she would accept the Archduke, and would be all -which [Angl., thai] the Emperor could desire." — Vol. VIII., c. 10. "The English Admiral was scarcely in the Channel than he was driven [Angl., before he was driven] by a gale into Low- estoft Roads, and was left there for a fortnight motionless." — Vol. VII., c. 3. "A husband, on receiving news of the sudden and violent death of a lady in whom he had so near an interest, might have been expected to have at least gone [Angl., might have been ex- pected at least to go] in person to the spot." — Vol. VII., c. 4. "The Pope might succeed, and most likely would succeed at last in reconciling Spain; and experience proved that England lay formidably open [Angl., perilously or alarmingly open] to attack." — Vol. III., c. 14. "At eight o'clock the advance began to move, each division being attended by one hundred and twenty outriders to keep stragglers into line [Angl., in line.]" — Vol. III., c. 15. "If the tragedy of Kirk a Field had possessed a claim for notice [Angl., to notice] on the first of these grounds," etc. — Vol. IX., c. 13, p. 1. 50 WORDS AND THEIR USES. " Elizabeth regarded this unfortunate woman with a detesta- tion and contempt beyond zvhat she had felt at the worst times for Mary Stuart. [Angl., with far greater detestation and con- tempt than she had ever felt for Mary Stuart.]" — Ibid., p. 21. " — and those who were apparently as guilty as Bothwell himself were yet assuming an attitude to him \_Angl., toward him] at one moment of cringing subserviency [a writer of Mr. Froude's grade should have said "subservience"], and at the next of the fiercest indignation." — Ibid., p. 26. " — and had Darnley proved the useful Catholic which the Queen intended him to be, they would have sent him to his account with as small compunction as Jael sent the Canaanite captain, or they would have blessed the arm that did it -with as much eloquence as Deborah." — Ibid., c. 14, p. 127. Here, to get at the writer's meaning from what he has written, we must ask, How small com- punction did Jael send the Canaanite captain? and, What degree of eloquence did the arm attain that did it with as much as Deborah? What was it? and how much eloquence is Deborah? The sen- tence is so marked with slovenliness of grammar and clumsiness of expression, it is so lacking in directness, precision, and force, that it can be bet- tered only by being almost wholly re-written. We are all able to guess, but only to guess, that what Mr. Froude means is, that the persons of whom he speaks would have sent Darnley to his account with as little compunction as Jael felt when she sent the Canaanite captain to his, or would have blessed with the eloquence of Deborah the arm that did their pleasure. The blundering construction of which this last passage furnishes such a striking example is of a kind frequently met with in British writers of a rank inferior to Mr. Froude's ; but it is rarely found in "American" books or even in "American" newspapers. From Mr. Froude I shall further BRITISH ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ENGLISH. 5 1 select only the three following passages : the first containing a misuse of would and which — test words as to the mastery of idiom — the second a specimen of French English, and the third com- bining a misapplication of words with a miscon- struction of the sentence : — "The Bishop of Ross undertook that his mistress -would do anything -which [Angl., should do anything that] the Queen of England and the nobility desired.'' — Chap. XVII. . p. 432. •• Hepburn of Bolton, one of the last of Bothwell's servants who had been brought to trial, spoke distinctly to have seen [Angl., of having seen] one of them." — Chap. XV.. p. 199. •• Edward IV., when he landed at Ravenspurg. and Elizabeth's grandfather before Bosworth Field had fainter grounds to antici- pate success than the fiartv who was now preparing to snatch And out of the hands of revolution, and restore the ancient order in Church and State." — Chap. XVII.. p. 73. A man may be said to have grounds on which to rest hope of success, or anticipation of success ; or even, perhaps, grounds of anticipating success : and those grounds may be strong or weak, sufficient or insufficient; but such a phrase as "fainter grounds to anticipate success," in its misuse of the infinitive, must be pronounced slovenly, and in its vague, groping way of handling a metaphor so common as to be almost an idiom, clumsy. But how much worse than this is the succeeding phrase, "the party who was now preparing, etc.'"' ! It would have been easy, it seems, to write "the party which was now preparing," or, "the partv who were now pre- paring." and to one of these forms Mr. Froude must change his sentence if he wishes it to be Eng- lish ; unless, indeed, he means to speak of the Duke of Norfolk (the head of the revolution in question^) as a very dangerous "party." 52 WORDS AND THEIR USES, Turning to the books and papers lying on my table, I find two novels by British authors of well- deserved repute. Mr. Trollope's " Phineas Finn " is full of examples of the following affected and inverted construc- tion : — " He felt that she moved him — that she made him ac- knowledge to himself how great would be the pity of such a failure as would be his." — Chap. LXIX. " — one who had received so many of her smiles as had Phineas." — Chap. LXXIL The same writer, in the following sentence, falls in with a vulgar perversion of aggravate, using it in the sense of irritate, worry : — "This arose partly from a belief that the quarrel was final, and that therefore there would be no danger in aggravati?ig Violet by this expression of pity." — Chap. LXXIII. Mr. Charles Reade's last novel furnishes in only one of its monthly parts the following sen- tences : — "Well, farmer, then lefs you and I go \_Angl., let's go, or, let you and I go] by ourselves." — Put Yourself in his Place, Chap. X. "And while he hesitated, the lady asked him tvas he come \_A;/gl., if he had come] to finish the bust." — Ibid. " Ere he had thoroughly recovered the shock \_Angl., re- covered from the shock] a wild cry arose." — Ibid. Mr. Reade is one of the most vivid and dramatic of modern novelists ; but are these examples of the directness, precision, and force, and the mastery of idiom, which are "as common as the day in the mother country"? Taking up the last London "Spectator," — a paper of the very highest rank, — I find this sentence in BRITISH ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ENGLISH. 53 a careful, critical review of Lightfoot's " Saint Paul's Epistle to the Galatians : " — ' ; But we must return to the Galatians. We are called on to believe that the inspiration of this letter derives from a wholly different source than does that of the apostles. \_AngL, is de- rived from a source wholly different from that of the apostles.]" In the same copy of the ''Spectator,'"' I also find the following amazing sentences among the quotations from R Select Biographical Sketches," by William Heath Bennett. The passage relates to the last known instance of the infliction of ecclesiastical penance in England, which took place in 1812. <; She was herself a pauper, and her father also, but who had managed to contribute to her maintenance in jail from the charitv of others. This sentence of penance, although pro- nounced in general terms, her friends could never obtain from the ecclesiastical authorities how it was to be complied with, ex- cept that she was to appear in a white sheet in the church with a burning candle in her hand, and repeat some formula pre- scribed by the old law." The reviewer quotes other passages which sup- port his opinion that the style of this book is slip- shod and often ungrammatical. But the author is a barrister at law, and might reasonablv be expected to write intelligibly, if not elegantly. Had he been, however, not a British, but an "American" lawyer, the "Spectator" and the "Saturday Re- view," the Dean of Canterbury (and shall we say Mr. Lowell?) would have pronounced his style not slipshod and ungrammatical, but "American" — in a certain slovenliness of manner and clumsiness of expression, and in a lack of precision, distinctness, and force, that are as common as the day in the mother countrv. How common they are the reader 54 WORDS AND THEIR USES. is now, perhaps, better prepared to say than he was before he began to read this chapter. For the pas- sages above quoted are selected from many that were open to like censure ; and they were chosen less because of the gravity of their offences against the laws of the English language than because they were impressive examples of the lack of the very qualities which, Mr. Lowell tells us, are so common in England, and the lack of which the "Saturday Review," Dean Alford, and all of their sort will have it, are the peculiar, the distinguishing traits of those writers whom they call "American." And these passages were not sought out, it should be remembered ; nor are they, most of them, taken from the writings of inferior men. They lay in the way of every-day reading, and are from books and papers of high rank in contemporary British litera- ture. Yet I venture to say that it would be difficult to find in the writings of "American" authors and journalists of corresponding position passages in which mastery of idiom, directness, precision, and force are as conspicuously absent. Let us, for one more example in point, turn to a British author of less repute than Mr. Forster, or Mr. Froude, or Mr. Charles Reade, but of respectable standing, and turn to him merely because he may reasonably be taken as a fair example of the British writer of average literary ability and culture, and because the passage which I shall quote is one of two or three which I noticed while consulting the work from which it is taken — the well-known Natural History by the Rev. J. G. Wood, M. A., F. L. S., etc., etc. BRITISH ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ENGLISH. 55 "All external objects are, in their truest sense, visible em- bodiments or incarnations of divine ideas, which are roughly sculptured in the hard granite that underlies the living and breathing surface of the world above ; pencilled in delicate tra- cery upon each bark-flake that encompasses the trunk-tree, each leaf that trembles in the breeze, each petal that fills the air with fragrant effluence ; assuming a living and breathing existence in the rhythmic throbbings of the heart-pulse that urges the life- stream through the body of every animated being; and attaining their greatest perfection in man, who is thereby bound by the very fact of his existence to outspeak and outact the divine ideas, which are the true instincts of humanity, before they are crushed or paralyzed by outward circumstances. . . . Until man has learned to realize his own microcosmal being, and will himself develop and manifest the god-thoughts that are con- tinually inbreathed into his very essential nature, it needs that the creative ideas should be incarnated and embodied in every possible form, so that they may retain a living existence upon earth." Any Yankee of ordinary sense and moderately cultivated taste would set this passage down as a fine specimen of stilted feebleness — in its style a very travesty of English. But it was written by a clergyman of the English church, a graduate of one of the universities, a man who has attained some distinction as a naturalist, and who has half a score of letters after his name. The truth is, that when the English of British authors is spoken of, it is not that of such writers as Mr. Wood, but that of — well, of such as Forster and Froude? — let us rather say of such as Macaulay, Thackeray, Helps, and George Eliot, as Johnson, Burke, Hume, Gib- bon, Goldsmith and Cobbett. But when British critics speak of the English of "American" writers, they leave out Irving, Prescott and Motley, Haw- thorne, Poe and Longfellow,, as we have seen, and others less known, like Lowell, Story, and Howeils, 56 WORDS AND THEIR USES. who write in the same idiom ; and they look for "American" writers, not even among our thorough- ly-educated men of letters of the second or third rank, but to newspapers, written generally by men of average common-school education, little training, and no gift of language, and for the heterogeneous public of the large cities of a country in which every other Irish hackman and hodman keeps not only his police justice, but his editor. That there are journalists in this country whose English is irre- proachable, no one competent to speak upon this subject wdll deny. But they are they who will admit most readily the justice of these strictures. Upon the vexed question whether, on the whole, English is better spoken throughout the United States than throughout Great Britain, I do not deem myself competent to express a decided opinion ; but of this I feel sure — that of the mother tongue com- mon to the people of both countries, no purer form is known to the Old England than to the New. If in an assemblage of a hundred educated, well-bred people, one half of them from London, Oxford, and Liverpool, and the other from Boston, New York, and Philadelphia (and I have more than once been one of a company so composed, although not so large) , a ready and accurate phonographer were to take down every word spoken during an evening's entertainment, I feel quite sure that it would be im- possible to distinguish in his printed report the speech of the Britons from that of the "Americans," except by the possible occurrence of acknowledged local slang, or by the greater prevalence among the for- mer or the latter of peculiar words, or words used in BRITISH ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ENGLISH. 57 peculiar senses, which would be acknowledged to be incorrect as well by the authorities of the party using them as by those of the other party. In brief, their spoken language, reproduced instantly in writ- ing, could be distinguished only by some confessed license or defect, peculiar to one country, or more prevalent there than in the other. And I am strong- ly inclined to the opinion that, the assemblage being made up of educated and well-bred persons, there would be somewhat more slang heard from the Brit- ish than from the " American " half of the company, and also a greater number of free and easy devia- tions from correct English speech, according to British as well as " American " authority. The standard in both countries is the same. But although the written speech of these people would be to this degree indistinguishable, an ear at all nice in its hearing would be able to separate the sheep from the goats by their bleat. The difference would be one not of pronunciation (for the standard of pronunciation is also the same in both countries, and well-educated people in both conform to it with like habitual and unconscious ease), but of pitch of voice, and of inflection. Among those of both countries who had been from their birth accustomed to the society of cultivated people, even this dis- tinction would be made with difficulty, and would, in many cases, be impossible. But the majority of one half hundred could thus be distinguished from the majority of the other ; and the superiority would be greatly on the side of the British fifty. The pitch of the British Englishman's voice is higher and more penetrating than the American English- 53 WORDS AND THEIR USES. man's, and his inflections are more varied than the other's, because they more frequently rise. The voice of the former is generally formed higher in the throat than that of the latter, who speaks from the chest with a graver monotone. Thackeray and Goldwin Smith are characteristic examples on the one side, Daniel Webster and Henry Ward Beecher on the other. The distinction to a delicate ear is very marked ; but other than this difference of pitch and inflection there is none whatever. Pronuncia- tion is exactly the same. And even in regard to pitch and inflection, there is not so much difference between the average British Englishman of culture and the average American Englishman of like train- ing, as there is between the Yorkshireman and the Norfolkman ; and there is very much more difference between the pronunciation and the idiom of the two latter than there is between the speech of any two men of the same race born and bred, however remotely from each other, in this country. In imagining my assemblage by which to test speech and language, I have left altogether out of mind those people who, in one country, would, for instance, deal hardly with the letter /i, or turn the g in "nothing" to k, and the v in "veal" to a/,* although this class includes, as I have noticed, and as Dean Alford confesses, some clergymen of the Church of England ; and, in the other, those who speak with a nasal twang, although this class in- * Theodore Hook thus wittily illustrated this peculiar mispronunciation : — "With Cockney gourmands great's the difference whether At home they stay or forth to Paris go; For as they linger here or wander thither, The flesh of calves to thorn is weal or weau." BRITISH ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ENGLISH. 59 eludes, as we all know, some persons of similar position in "America." The point is, that those who would be regarded, in their own country, as among the best speakers and writers, conform to precisely the same standard of language in all particulars. From the speech of these the variations in both countries, but chiefly in England, are manifold. It is in these variations, degraded or dialectic, that local, or what may be called national, peculiarities appear. But, in judging of the degree of purity in which our mother tongue is preserved by our British kinsmen, we must judge only by those among them whose speech they themselves regard as pure. To do otherwise would be manifestly unfair. And in trying ourselves upon this point we must be careful to form our opinion by a like rule of evidence ; otherwise we may find ourselves condemning the nation upon the language of a man who, fifteen or twenty years ago, was an oysterman or a bar- tender, and who, since that time, has added much to his possessions, but nothing to his general knowl- edge or his right use of language — a change which, however profitable and pleasant it may be to his children, seems in him deplorable. Dean Alford makes merry over a story of an "American friend" who ventured to speak, in Eng- land, of the " strong English accent " which he heard around him. The dean evidently thinks that this is quite as if an Englishman were to go to France, and tell the people there, in the "French of Strat- ford at Bow," that they spoke with a strong French accent. It is nothing of the sort. An educated Genevan Frenchman, for instance, visiting Paris, bO WORDS AND THEIR USES. and offended, — as well he might be, — by the ac- cent of the mass of the people around higa, might complain of the strong Parisian accent with which they spoke ; and this case would correspond to that which the Dean of Canterbury has cited. Should it happen, however, I doubt if a French dignitary of the church would flout the objection on the ground that Paris is in France and Geneva in Switzerland ; for he would know, as a general truth, that lan- guage belongs to race, not to place, and as a par- ticular fact, that the best French is spoken at Geneva. The English. accent which Dean Alford's "Amer- ican " friend noticed with implied disapproval, — although common, and even general, among South Britons (it rarely taints North British speech), — is not heard among cultivated people, or approved by any authority on either side of the water. It can be described, I think, so that Dean Alford himself, and most of his circle of acquaintance, — certainly the best bred and educated among them, — would recognize it in the description. One of the persons in question asking, for instance, for a glass of ale, would pronounce glass with the broad ah sound of a, to rhyme with -pass, and ale as one syllable with the first or name sound of a, so as to rhyme with male arid sail. So would every Yankee of like culture. But let our Very Reverend and accom- plished censor kindly take a well-bred mouthful of finely-mashed potato, and after chewing it a deco- rous while, say, just as he is about swallowing it, "a gloss of ayitll ;" he and the friends around him will then hear a striking example of what his BRITISH ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ENGLISH. 6 1 " American " friend called English spoken with an English accent, but which he should have called English with a South British accent. Now, accord- ing to my observation, no man, whom the Dean of Canterbury would accept as a speaker of pure Eng- lish, says, with thick utterance, " a gloss of ayull ; " and yet thousands of his countrymen do speak thus ; and this peculiarity of British English passes very gradually away as social and mental culture increases, until among the best bred and best edu- cated people it vanishes, and is heard no more than it, or a nasal twang, is heard among similar people here. One trait of English spoken with a South British accent was thus whimsically contrasted with the pure English accent by "Punch," a few years ago. The value of the illustration is not affected by the fact that the pronunciation in question was that of a foreign word. The true pronunciation of the name of the Italian hero of the day was mooted, and "Punch" decided that it should be, — "Garibaldi when duchesses gave him a bal, Garibawldi when up goes the shout of the people." Here we have nicely put in print a distinction which all who remark the use of language, and who have opportunity, must have noticed. The strong tendency of the uncultivated South Briton is to give to the broad a, not the sound of ah from the chest, which is heard in the mouths of educated persons in Old and in New England, but a thick azv, formed in the upper part of the throat. The low and lower-middle class London man calls Garibaldi Gawribawldi, or, rather, GorribavAdi. But if the 62 WORDS AND THEIR USES. Yankee, in a similar condition of life, deviates from the true Gahribahldi, he will make the vowel shorter and thinner, pronouncing it as in "palace" — Gdrry- baldi. The thick, throaty pronunciation of the broad a is a British peculiarity ; but while it is heard in the mouths of so many persons that' it divides with the " exhasperated " h the honor of the chief distinction of English spoken with a British accent, it is as little prevalent as the extinction or superfluous utterance of the latter letter is among the best speakers in England, or as a nasal twang, ao nt for " out," and tew for " too " are among cul- tivated people in New England. Among British Englishmen few but those who to a good education unite the very highest social culture are perfectly free from both these traits of English as spoken with a British accent. It may here be pertinently remarked that the pronunciation of a in such words as glass, last, father, and -pastor is a test of high culture. The tendency among uncultivated persons is to give a either the thick, throaty sound of aw which I have endeavored to describe, or, oftenest, to give it the thin, flat sound which it has in "an," "at," and "anatomy." Next to that tone of voice which, it would seem, is not to be acquired by any striving in adult years, and which indicates breeding rather than education, the full, free, unconscious utterance of the broad ah sound of a is the surest indication in speech of social culture which began at the cradle. STYLE. 63 CHAPTER IV. STYLE. ACCURACY is first to be desired in writing, and is worthy of careful cultivation ; for gen- erally inaccurate writing is an outward sign of in- accurate thinking. But when men have shown that their thought is important, it is ungracious and superfluous to hunt down their ifs and ands, and arraign their pronouns and prepositions. This re- mark would apply to some of the criticisms in the previous chapter, if their special purpose were left out of consideration. Style, according to my observation, cannot be taught, and can hardly be acquired. Any person of moderate ability may, by study and practice, learn to use a language according to its grammar. But such a use of language, although necessary to a good style, has no more direct relation to it than her daily dinner has to the blush of a blooming beauty. Without dinner, no bloom ; without gram- mar, no style. The same viand which one young woman, digesting it healthily and sleeping upon it soundly, is able to present to us again in but a very unattractive form, Gloriana, assimilating it not more perfectly in slumbers no sounder, transmutes into charms that make her a delight to the eyes of every 64 WORDS AND THEIR USES. beholder. That proceeding is Gloriana's physio- logical style. It is a gift to her. Such a gift is style in the use of language. It is mere clearness of outline, beauty of form and expression, and has no relation whatever to the soundness or the value of the thought which it embodies, or to the im- portance or the interest of the fact which it records. Learned men, strong and subtle thinkers, and scholars of w T ide and critical acquaintance with literature, are often unable to acquire even an ac- ceptably good, not to say an admirable, style ; and, on the other hand, men who can read only their own language, and who have received very little instruction even in that, write and speak in a style that wins or commands attention, and in itself gives pleasure. Of these men John Bunyan is, perhaps, the most marked example. Better English there could hardly be, or a style more admirable for every excellence, than appears throughout the writings of that tinker. No person who has read "The Pilgrim's Progress " can have forgotten the fight of Christian with Apollyon, which, for vividness of description and dramatic interest, puts to shame all the combats between knights and giants, and men and dragons, that can be found elsewhere in ro- mance or poetry ; but there are probably many who do not remember, and not a few perhaps who, in the very enjoyment of it, did not notice, the clear- ness, the spirit, the strength, and the simple beauty of the style in which that passage is written. For example, take the sentence which tells of the be- ginning of the fight : — STYLE. 65 " Then Apollyon straddled quite over the whole breadth of the way, and said, I am void of fear in this matter : prepare thyself to die ; for I swear by my infernal Den that thou shalt go no further : here will I spill thy soul." A man cannot be taught to write like that ; nor can he by any study learn the mystery of such a style. Style, however, although it cannot be taught, is, to a certain extent, the result of mental training. A man who would write well without training, would write, not more clearly or with more strength, but with more elegance, if he were educated. But he will profit little in this respect by the study of rhetoric. It is general culture — above all, it is the constant submission of a teachable, apprehensive mind to the influence of minds of the highest class, in daily life and in books, that brings out upon lang;uage its daintiest bloom and its richest fruitage. So in the making of a fine singer : after the voice has been developed, and the rudiments of vocaliza- tion have been learned, further instruction is' of little avail. But the frequent hearing of the best music, given by the best performers, the living in an at- mosphere of art and literature, will develop and perfect a vocal style in one who has the gift of song ; and for any other, all the instruction of all the musical professors that ever came out of Italy could do no more than teach an avoidance of posi- tive errors in musical elocution. But, after all, the student's style may profit little by his acquirements. Unconsciousness is one of the most important conditions of a good style in speaking or in writing. There are persons who write well and speak ill; 5 66 WORDS AND THEIR USES. others who write ill and speak well ; and a few who are equally excellent as writers and speakers. As both writing and speaking are the expression of thought through language, this capacity for the one, joined to an incapacity for the other, is naturally the occasion of remark, and has, I believe, never been accounted for. I think that it will be found that consciousness, which generally causes more or less embarrassment of one kind or another, is at the bottom of this apparent incongruity. The man who writes in a clear and fluent style, but who, when he undertakes to speak, more than to say yes or no, or what he would like for dinner, hesitates, and utters confusion, does so because he is made self- conscious by the presence of others when he speaks, but gives himself unconsciously to the expression of his thought when he looks only upon the paper on which he is writing. He who speaks with ease and grace, but who writes in a crabbed, involved style, forgets himself when he looks at others, and is occupied by himself when he is alone. His con- sciousness, and his effort that he makes, on the one hand to throw it off, and on the other to meet its demands upon him, confuse his thoughts, which throng, and jostle, and clash, instead of moving steadily onward with one consent together. Mere unconsciousness has much to do with the charming style of many women's letters. Women's style, when they write books, is generally bad with all the varieties of badness ; but their epistolary style is as generally excellent in all the ways of ex- cellence. A letter written by a bright, cultivated woman, — and she need not be a highly educated, STYLE. 67 or a much instructed woman, but merely one whose intercourse is with cultivated people, — and written merely to tell you something that interests her and that she wishes } 7 ou to know, with much care about what she says, and no care as to how she says it, will, in twelve cases out of the baker's dozen, be not only irreproachably correct in expression, but very charming. Some literary women, though few, are able to carry this clear, fluent, idiomatic English style into their books. Mrs. Jameson, Charlotte Bronte, and perhaps George Eliot (Miss Evans), are prominent instances in point. Mrs. Trollope's book, "The Domestic Manners of the Americans," which made'her name known, and caused it to be detested, unjustly, in this country,* is written in this delightful style — easy-flowing and clear, like a beautiful stream, reflecting from its placid surface whatever it passes by, adding in the reflection a charm to the image which is not in the object, and distorting only when it is dimpled by ga} 7 ety or crisped by a flaw of satire or a ripple of humor. Its style alone will reward its perusal. It may be studied to advantage and emulated, but not imitated ; for all about it that is worthy of emulation is in- imitable. Mr. Anthony Trollope's mastery of our language is inherited ; but he has not come into possession of quite all the maternal estate. For at least a hundred years the highest reputa- * Unjustly, because all of Mrs. Trollope's descriptions were true to life, and were evidently taken from life. She, however, described only that which struck hjr as peculiar ; and hsr acquaintance with the country was made among the most unculti- vated people, and chiefly in the extreme South-west and West, thirty-five years ago ; which was much like going into "the bush" of Australia ten years ago. With society in New York, Boston, and Philadelphia Mrs. Trollope was charmed ; but of it she, apparently for that reason, says comparatively little. 68 WORDS AND THEIR USES. tion for purity of style in the writing of English prose has been Addison's. Whether or not he deserves, or ever did deserve, the eminence upon which he has been placed, he certainly is one of the most elegant and correct writers of the last cen- tury. Johnson's formal and didactic laudation, with which he rounds off his criticism of this author, "whoever wishes to attain an English style, familiar but not coarse, and elegant but not ostentatious, must give his days and nights to the volumes of Addison," has been worth a great deal to the book- sellers, and has stimulated the purchase of countless copies of "The Spectator," and, let us hope, the perusal of not a few. But in the face of so weighty a judgment, let us test Addison, not merely by comparison with other writers, but by the well- established rules of the language, and by those laws of thought the governing power of which is admitted in every sound and educated intellect, and to which every master of style unconsciously conforms. See- ing thus what manner of man he is who has been held up to three generations as the bright exemplar of purity, correctness, and grace in English style, we may intelligently determine what we can rea- sonably expect of the great mass of unpretending writers in our hard-working days. 1 have been led to this examination by recently reading, for the first time, the "Essay upon the Pleasures of the Imagination," which runs through ten numbers of the "Spectator,"* and which is one of Addison's most elaborate performances. Bishop Hurd says of it, in his edition of this author's writ- * Nos. 411 to 421. STYLE. 69 ings, that it is "by far the most masterly of all Mr. Addison's critical works," and that "the style is finished with so much care as to merit the best attention of the reader." The first number of the Essay appeared on Satur- day, June 21, 171 2, with a motto from Lucretius, which intimates that Mr. Addison broke his own path across a trackless country to drink from an untasted spring.* This should excuse some devia- tion from the line of our now well-beaten road of criticism ; but there are other errors for which it is no apology. The first sentence tells us that "our sight is the most perfect and delightful of all our senses." A careless use of language, to begin with ; for sight is not more perfect than any other sense. Perfect hearing is just as perfect as perfect sight ; that is, it is simply perfect. But passing by this as a venial error, we find the third sentence beginning thus : — " The sense of feeling can indeed give us a notion of extension, shape, and all other ideas that enter at the eye, except colours." Now, we may be sure that Addison did not mean to say what he does say — that the sense of feeling can give us the notion of ideas, and that colors are an idea. His meaning, we may be equally sure was this : The sense of feeling can indeed give us a notion of extension and tf/*shape, and every other idea that can enter at the eye, except that of color. A little farther on we find this explanation of the subject of his Essay : — * "Avia Pieridum pcragere loca, nuliius ante Trita solo : juvat intcgros accedere fonteis, Atque haurira." 70 WORDS AND THEIR USES. " — so that by the pleasures of imagination or of fancy (which I shall use promiscuously), I here mean such as arise from visi- ble objects." Here the strange confounding of imagination with fancy — faculties which had been clearly dis- tinguished a hundred years before the time of Addi- son — first attracts attention. But not insisting upon that mistake, let us pass on to learn immediately that he means to use the pleasures of those faculties promiscuously. But he manifestly intended to say that he would use the words imagination and fancy promiscuously. The confusion in his sentence is produced by his first mentioning the faculties, and then using " which " to refer, not to the faculties, but to the words which are their names. Again he says, — " — but we have the power of retaining, altering, and com- pounding those images which we have once received into all the varieties of picture and vision that are most agreeable to the imagination." Did Addison mean that we have the power of "retaining images into" all the varieties of picture, and so forth? Certainly not ; although that is what he says. Here again is confusion of thought. He groups together and connects by a conjunction three verbs, — retain, alter, and compound, — only two of which can be united to the same preposition. This fault is often committed by writers who do not think clearly, or who will not take the trouble to perfect and balance their sentences by repeating a word or two, and by looking after the fitness of their particles. What Addison meant to say was, — but we have the power of retaining those images which STYLE. 71 ive have once received, and of altering and com- pounding them into all the varieties of picture, and so forth. A few lines below we find this sentence : — " There are few words in the English language which are em- ployed in a more loose and uncircumscribed sense than those of the fancy and imagination." The confusion here is great and of a very vulgar kind. It is produced by the superfluous words " those of the." Addison meant to say — in a more loose and uncircumscribed sense, not than the words of the fancy and imagination, but than fancy and imagination. In the same paragraph which fur- nishes the foregoing example, the writer says, Cf I divide these pleasures in two kinds." It is English to say, I divide these pleasures into two kinds. The next paragraph opens thus : — " The pleasures of the imagination, taken in their full extent, are not so gross as those of sense, nor so refined as those of the understanding." Here again is confusion produced by a careless use of language — careless even to blundering. Addison did not mean to speak of taking pleasures, either of the imagination, the sense, or the under- standing. If he had written — The pleasures of imagination, regarded, or considered, in their full extent, are not so gross, and so forth — he would have uttered what the whole context shows to have been his thought. The next paragraph makes the following assertions in regard to what is called a man "of polite imagination : " — *' He meets with a secret refreshment in a description, and often feels a greater satisfaction in the prospect of fields and 72 WORDS AND THEIR USES. meadows than another does in the possession. It gives him, indeed, a kind of property in everything he sees, and makes the most rude and uncultivated parts of Nature administer to his pleasures ; so that he looks upon the world, as it were, in another light, and discovers in it a multitude of charms that conceal themselves from the generality of mankind." The first of these sentences is imperfect. We may be sure that the writer means that his man of polite imagination feels a greater satisfaction in the prospect of fields and meadows than another does in the possession of them. But he does not say so. Nor by any rule or usage of the English language are the preposition and pronoun implied or under- stood ; for the sentence might just as well end — " than, another does in the possession of great riches." And what does the author mean by say- ing that his politely imaginative man looks upon the world "in another light"? Another than what? No other is mentioned or implied. The writer was referring to an idea which he had in mind, but which he had not expressed ; and we can only guess that he meant — another light than that in which the world is regarded by men of impolite imagination. The same sort of confusion appears in the first sentence of the very next paragraph : — " There are, indeed, but very few who know how to be idle and innocent, or have a relish of pleasures that are not criminal ; every diversion they take is at the expense of some one virtue or another." Here, in the first place, by neglecting to repeat who, Addison says that there are very few men who know how to have a relish of pleasures that are not criminal ; whereas, he manifestly meant to say that there are very few who know how to be idle and STYLE. 73 innocent, or who have a relish of pleasures that are not criminal. But the chief blunder of the sentence is in its next clause. Who are " they " who are said to take every diversion at the expense of some vir- tue ? According to the writer's purpose, " they " has really no antecedent. Its antecedent, as the sen- tence stands, is, "very few who know how to be idle and innocent ; " but these, the writer plainly means to say, are they who do not take their diversion at the expense of some virtue. By " they " Addison meant the many from whom he had in his own mind sep- arated the ver} 7 few of whom only he spoke ; and he thus involved himself and his readers in a con- fusion which is irremediable without a recasting of his sentence. All these marked faults of style — faults which are not examples of mere inelegance, but of positively bad English and confused thought — occur within three duodecimo pages. It might possibly be suggested that perhaps Addison wrote this particular number of "The Spectator" when the usual mellowness of his style had been spirited into his brain.* But, on the contrary, similar ex- amples of slovenly writing may be found all through those charming " Spectators " to which Johnson refers us as models of English st} T le. Let us see. Here is the third sentence in "Spectator" 405, a musical criticism apropos of Signor Nicolini's sing- ing ; for Addison, as well as Guizot, wrote art criticisms for the daily press. * Bishop Hurd says of this Essay, 'Some inaccuracies of expression have, how- ever, escaped the elegant writer ; and these, as we go along, shall be pointed out." But it is important to our puipose to mention that not one of the inaccurate and con- fused passages noticed above is pointed out by the editor, who calls attention to but one or two trifling lapses in mere elegance of expression. 74 WORDS AND THEIR USES " I could heartily wish there was the same application and endeavours to cultivate and improve our church-musick as have been lately bestowed on that of the stage." It would not be easy to construct an intelligible sentence, without burlesque, that would be more blundering than this one is. To begin : " I could heartily wish " is nonsense. A man wishes, or he does not wish. But to pass by this feeble and affected phrase, which is too commonly used, the writer wishes that there " was the same application and endeavors," etc., " as have been" etc. He says neither "was" and "has been," nor "were" and " have been." He should have used the plural form of each verb, of course ; but he contrived to get into his sentence all the errors of which it was capable. Besides, the use of the pronoun "that" is extremely awkward, even if, indeed, it be correct. For, as the sentence stands, "that" refers to "church music," and the writer really speaks of the endeavors which have been bestowed " on the church music of the stage." He should have written either — church music and stage music, or music of the church and that of the stage ; of which constructions the latter is the better. The sentence may, therefore, be correctly written (it cannot be made graceful or elegant) thus : I heartily wish that there were the same application and endeavors to cultivate and im- prove the music of the church as have lately been bestowed on that of the stage. In "Spectator" No. 381 is the following sen- tence : — " The tossing of a tempest does not discompose him, which he is sure will bring him to a joyful harbour." STYLE. 75 The use of which in this sentence is like that which Mr. Dickens has so humorously caricatured in the speech of Mrs. Gamp ; indeed, the sentence is almost in her style, or that of her invisible gossip, Mrs. Harris. Addison meant to say — The tossing of a tempest does not discompose him who is sure that it will bring him to a joyful harbor. In this sentence, from "Spectator" No. 21, ven- ture is used for allow : — " — as a man would be well enough pleased to buy silks of one whom he would not venture to feel his pulse." And what shall be said of the correctness of a writer who couples the separative each with the plural are, as Addison does in the following passage from " Spectator " No. 21 ? " When I consider how each of these professions are crowded with multitudes that seek their livelihoods in them," etc. That slovenly writing is the birth-form of careless thinking, could hardly be more clearly shown than by the following example, from "Spectator" No. in : — "That cherubim which now appears as a god to a human soul knows very well that the period will come above in eternity, when the human soul shall be as perfect as he himself now is; nay, when she shall look down upon that degree of perfection as much as she now falls short of it." If Addison did not know that cherubim was the plural of cherub, and that he should have used the latter word, there is at least no excuse for the last clause of the sentence, which is chaotic. He would have expressed his meaning if he had written — - Nay, when she shall look down upon that degree 76 WORDS AND THEIR USES. of perfection as much as she now looks uf to it ; or, better — Nay, when she shall find herself as much above that degree of perfection as she now falls short of it. With two more examples I must finish this ar- ray. Speaking of Sir Andrew Freeport, Addison says, — " — but in the temper of mind he was then, he termed them mercies, favours of Providence, and blessings upon honest in- dustry." — Spectator, No. 549. Explaining a pasquinade, he writes, — " This was a reflection upon the Pope's sister, who, before the promotion of her brother, was in those circumstances that Pas- quin represented her." — Spectator, No. 23. It would be superfluous either to point out or to correct the gross errors in these passages — errors which are worthy of notice as examples of blunders peculiarly British in character. Errors of this kind are not unfrequently met with in the writing or the speech of the middling folk among our British cousins at the present day ; but on this side of the water they seldom occur, if ever. Our faults are of another sort ; and they appear in the casual writings of inferior journalists, who produce at night what must be printed before morning, or in those of authors who attain not even to local reputa- tion. It would be difficult to match with examples from American writers of even moderate distinc- tion such sentences as the following, which appear in Brougham's appreciation of Talleyrand : — "Among the eminent men who figured in the eventful history of the French revolution was M. Talleyrand; and whether in that scene, or in any portion of modern annals, we shall in STYLE. 77 vain look for one who represents a more interesting subject of history." What a muddle of thoughts and words is here ! Talleyrand figured in the French revolution, not in the history of that event. It may be correctly said of him that he figures in the history of the French revolution ; but whether this is what Brougham meant to say, the latter clause of the sentence makes it impossible to discover. For there "scene" which refers to the event itself, and " annals" which refers to the record of events, are confounded ; and we are finally told that a man who figured in an eventful history represents an interesting subject of history ! Within a few lines of this sentence we have the one here following : — " He sided with the revolution, and continued to act with them, joining those patriotic members of the clerical body who gave up their revenues to the demand of the country, and sacri- ficed their exclusive privileges to the rights of the community." With whom did Talleyrand continue to act? What is the antecedent of "them"! It has none. It refers to what is not expressed, and, except in the mind of the writer, not understood — the revo- lutionary clergy ; and I have quoted the whole of the sentence, that this might appear from its second clause. And yet Henry Brougham was one of the men who achieved the splendid early reputation of the "Edinburgh Review." But to what conclusion are we tending? If not only Brougham's but Addison's sentences thus break down under such criticism as we apply to the ex- ercises of a school-boy, — Addison, of whose style we are told by Johnson, in Johnsonian phrase, that 78 WORDS AND THEIR USES. it is " pure without scrupulosity and exact without apparent elaboration," — to whom shall we look as a model writer of prose, who can be our standard and authority as to a pure English style ? Clearly not to the principal writer of "The Spectator." For, although he may have been without either scrupu- losity or elaboration, he was also quite as plainly often without both purity and exactness. Such faults of style as those which are above pointed out in the writings of Addison are not to be found, I believe, in Shakespeare's prose, in Bacon's, or in Milton's ; but they do appear in Dryden's. They will be looked for in vain, if I may trust my mem- ory, in the works of Goldsmith, Johnson, Hume, Gibbon, Hallam, Jeffrey, Macaulay, Irving, Pres- cott, Ruskin, Motley, and Hawthorne. Addison, appearing at a time when English literature was at a very low ebb, made an impression which his writings would not now produce, and won a repu- tation which was then his due, but which has long survived his comparative excellence. Charmed by the gentle flow of his thought, — which, neither deep nor strong, neither subtle nor struggling with the obstacles of argument, might well flow easily, — by his lambent humor, his playful fancy (he was very slenderly endowed with imagination), and the healthy tone of his mind, the writers of his own generation and those of the succeeding half century placed him upon a pedestal, in his right to which there has since been almost unquestioning acqui- escence. He certainly did much for English litera- ture, and more for English morals and manners, which, in his day, were sadly in need of elevation STYLE. 79 and refinement. But, as a writer of English, he is not to be compared, except with great peril to his reputation, to at least a score of men who have flourished in the present century, and some of whom are now living. And from this slight examination of the writings of him whom the world has for so long accepted as the acknowledged master of Eng- lish prose, and who attained his eminence more by the beauty of his style than the value of the thought of which it was the vehicle, we may learn the true worth and place of such criticisms as those which have preceded these remarks. Their value is in their fitness for mental discipline. Their place is the class-room. 8o WORDS AND THEIR USES. CHAPTER V. MISUSED WORDS. THE right use of words is not a matter to be left to pedants and pedagogues. It belongs to the daily life of every man. The misuse of words confuses ideas, and impairs the value of lan- guage as a medium of communication. Hence loss of time, of money, and sore trial of patience. It is significant that we call a quarrel a misunderstand- ing. How many lawsuits have ruined both plaintiff and defendant, how many business connections have been severed, how many friendships broken, be- cause two men gave to one word different mean- ings ! The power of language to convey one man's thoughts and purposes to another, is in direct pro- portion to a common consent as to the meaning of words. The moment divergence begins, the value of language is impaired ; and it is impaired just in proportion to the divergence, or to the uncertainty of consent. It has been told, as evidence of the richness of certain Eastern languages, that they have one thousand words, more or less, for the sword, and at least one hundred for the horse. But this, unless the people who use these languages have a thousand kinds of swords and a hundred kinds of horses, is no proof of wealth in that which makes MISUSED WORDS. 01 the real worth of of language. A highly civilized and cultivated people having a language adequate to their wants will be rich in words, because they will need names for many thoughts, and many acts, and many things. Parsimony in this respect is a sign, not of prudence, but of poverty. Juli- ana, passing her honeymoon in the cottage to which her ducal bridegroom leads her, flouts his assurance that the furniture is useful, with the re- ply, conveying a sneer at his supposed poverty, "Yes, very useful; there's not a piece of it but serves a hundred uses." So, when we find in a lan- guage one word serving many needs, we may be sure that that language is the mental furniture of an intellectually rude and poverty-stricken people. The Feejee islanders ate usually pig, but they much preferred man, both for his flavor and his rarity; and as we call pig prepared for table pork, and deer in a like condition venison, so those poor people called their loin or ham " short pig," and their daintier human haunch or saddle "long pig." Archbishop Trench, assuming that there was in the latter name an attempt at a humorous concealment of the nature of the viand to which it was applied, finds in this attempt evidence of a consciousness of the revolting character of cannibalism. But this seems to be one of those pieces of fanciful and over- subtle moral reflection which, coming gracefully enough from a clergyman, have added to the popu- larity of Trench's books, although hardly to their real value. The poor Feejeeans called all meat pig, distinguishing two sorts only by the form of the animal from which it was taken, merelv because of 82 WORDS AND THEIR USES. the rude and embryotic condition of their language, just as a little child calls all fur and velvet " pussy- cat." The child knows as well as its mother that her muff or her gown has not four legs, claws, whiskers, and a tail ; and it has no purpose of concealing that knowledge. But its poverty of language enables it to speak of the muff and the velvet gown only by a name which expresses (to the child) the quality which the muff, the gown, and the animal have in common. A neglect to preserve any well-drawn distinction between thoughts or things by w r ords is, just so far, a return toward barbarism in language. In the London " Times's " report of the revolting scene in front of the gallows on which Muller (he who killed a fellow-passenger in a railway carriage) was hanged, it was said that many of the spectators, knowing that if they would get a good place they must wait a long while to see -the show, came pro- vided with "jars of beer." Now, we may be sure that there was not a jar in all that crowd. A jar, which is a wide-mouthed earthen vessel without a handle, would be a most unsuitable and cumbrous vessel on such an occasion and in such a place ; and besides, beer is neither kept in jars, nor drunk from them, The "Times's" reporter, who is said to have been, on this occasion, a man of letters of some reputation, meant, doubtless, tankards, pots, jugs, or pitchers. Of household vessels for con- taining fluids we have in English good store of names nicely distinctive of various forms and uses ; and there seems to be a chance that we shall lose some of them, through either the ignorance or the MISUSED WORDS. 83 indolence of writers and speakers like the Times's reporter. It is not long since every lady in the land had, as Gremio said that Bianca should have, "basins and ewers to lave her dainty hands," although not of gold, as that glib-tongued lover promised. But now we are all, with few excep- tions, content to use a bowl and pitcher. The things are the same, only they are handsomer ; but we have, many of us at least, given up the distinc- tion between bowl and basin, and common pitcher and ewer, and so far we have retrograded in civil- ity. Some British writers and speakers say " a basin of bread and milk." We may be sure they mean a bowl, for a basin is an uncomfortable vessel to eat from. But if they mean a bowl, they should say a bowl ; for although we have dropped -por- ringer except in poetry (yet there are men living who, in their childhood, have talked of porringers as well as eaten out of them) , we may as well try to preserve some distinction between the names of our domestic utensils, unless, emulating the sim- plicity of the Feejeeans in their short pig and long pig, we call them all, for example, cup, and say short cup, long cup, high cup, low cup, big cup, little cup, deep cup, shallow cup. Our British kinsmen have, during the last fifty or perhaps hundred years, fallen into the use of a peculiar misnomer in this respect. They, without exception, I believe, talk of the water jug and the milk jug, meaning the vessels in which water and milk are served at table. Now, those vessels are not jugs, but pitchers. A jug is a vessel having a small mouth, a swelling belly, and a small ear or 84 WORDS AND THEIR USES. handle near the mouth ; and this, we know, is never used at table : a pitcher is a vessel with a wide mouth, a protruding lip, and a large ear ; and this we know that they, as well as we, do use at table for milk and for water. The thing has had the name for centuries. Hence the old saying that little pitchers (not little jugs) are all mouth and ears. Little pitchers, from the physical necessity of their shape and proportion, must be all mouth and ears ; little jugs have mouths and ears in pro- portion to their size. This word, by the by, is the best test, if indeed it is not the only sure test, of the nationality of a cultivated man of English blood, — for as to the uncultivated, no nice test is needed. Been and bin, sick and ill, drive and ride, a quarter- to twelve and a quarter of twelve o'clock, railway station and railroad despot, even pitch and inflec- tion of voice, may fail to mark the distinction ; but if a man asks for the milk jug, be sure that he is British bred ; if for the milk pitcher, be equally sure that he is American.* But perhaps some peo- ple are quite indifferent whether or no it is said that they sip their coffee out of a jar, drink their beer from a vase, and put their flowers into a jug. Such readers will not be at all interested in the following remarks upon the misuse of certain English words. It is not my purpose in these remarks to notice * As to the use of ill for sick, and drive for ride, see pages 192, 196. Since this passage was written, I have had a remarkable confirmation of its truth in the language of a lady born and bred in London, who spoke, with entire unconsciousness of her ex- cellence, the most beautiful English I ever heard even among her countrywomen, however high their breeding or their culture — beautiful in idiom, in pronunciation, in enunciation, and in quality and inflection of voice. She, being entirely ignorant of any question upon these points, and thoughtless about her speech, said, "I have been sick with a cold;" "I have enjoyed the ride" (in a carriage); but even she asked the servant to bring "a jug of water." MISUSED WORDS. 85 slang, but I shall notice cant. Between the two, although they are often confounded, there is a clear distinction. Slang is a vocabulary of genuine words or un- meaning jargon, used always with an arbitrary and conventional signification, and generally with hu- morous intent. It is mostly coarse, low, and fool- ish, although in some cases, owing to circumstances of the time, it is racy, pungent, and pregnant of meaning. Cant is a phraseology composed of gen- uine words soberly used by some sect, profession, or sort of men, in one legitimate sense, which they adopt to the exclusion of others as having peculiar virtue, and which thereby becomes peculiar to them- selves. Cant is more or less enduring, its use continuing, with no variation of meaning, through generations. Slang is very evanescent. It gen- erally passes out of use and out of mind in the course of a few years, and often in a few months. Abortive. — A ridiculous perversion of this word is creeping into use through the newspapers. For example, I read in one, of large circulation and high position, that "a young Spaniard yesterday abortively seized two pieces of alpaca." That is abortive which is untimely in its birth, which has not been borne its full time ; and, by figure of speech, anything is abortive which is brought out before it is well matured. A plan may be abortive, but an act cannot. It would be a weak waste of time to notice such ludicrous, writing as that above quoted, were there not among journalists, and gen- erally among that vast multitude who think it fine to use a word which they do not quite understand, 86 WORDS AND THEIR USES. a tendency to the use of abortion to mean failure in all its kinds and all its stages. Adopt. — A very strange perversion of this word from its true meaning prevails among some un- lettered folk, generally of Irish birth, whose misuse of it is daily seen in the Personal Advertisements in the New York "Herald." Thus, "Wanted to Adopt — A beautiful and healthy female infant." The advertisers mean that they wish to have the children mentioned in their advertisements adopted. In speaking of the transaction, their phrase is that the child is " adopted out," or, that such and such a woman " adopted out" her child. The perversion, it may be said inversion, of this word, is worth no- ticing because upon the misuse of adopt in these advertisements, travellers and foreign writers have founded an argument against the reproductive pow- er of the European races in this country. From the man}' advertisements "Wanted to Adopt," it has been inferred that the advertisers were childless and hopeless of children ; how unjustifiably will appear by the following example, which appeared a few da} r s ago : — "A lady having two boys would like to adopt one. Inquire for two days at 228 Sullivan Street." This lady, quite surely an Irish emigrant peasant woman, wished to rid herself of one of her children. Affable. — A use of this word, which has a very ludicrous effect to those for whom it has the signification given to it by the best English usage, is becoming somewhat common in newspaper cor- respondence and accounts of what are therein called "receptions" and "ovations." It means, literally, MISUSED WORDS. 8j ready to speak, easily approachable in conversation. But by the usage of the best writers and speakers, and by common consent, it has been limited to the expression of an easy, courteous, and considerate manner on the part of persons of superior position to their inferiors. A king may be affable, as Charles II. was to his attendants ; and so may a nobleman be to a laborer. Dr. Johnson at the height of his career might have been affable to a penny-a-liner, but he wasn't. General Washington was not affa- ble, but Aaron Burr was. Milton calls Raphael "the affable archangel," and makes Adam say to him, as he is about departing heavenward, — " Gentle to me and affable hath been Thy condescension, and shall be honored ever With grateful memory." But in "American" newspapers we now read of affable hotel-keepers and affable steamboat cap- tains ; and we are told that Mrs. Bullions, at her "elegant and recherche reception," although mov- ing in a blaze of diamonds, tempered by a cloud of -point de Vcnise lace, was "very affable to her guests." Far be it from me to suppose that there may be a difference between a hotel-keeper and an archangel, or to hint that the true sense of this word may be preserved in this usage by there being the same distance between a steamboat captain and a reporter that there was between Raphael and Adam. That suggestion is made by the reporters themselves. Perhaps this usage is one of the signs of the level- ling power of democracy, and affability is about passing away among the vanished graces. Aggravate is misused by many persons ig- bd WORDS AND THEIR USES. norantly, and, in consequence, by many others thoughtlessly, in the sense of provoke, irritate, anger. Thus : He aggravates me by his impu- dence — meaning he angers me: Her martyr-like airs were very aggravating — the right word being irritating. The following example is from an elaborate article in the critical columns of a critical paper of high pretensions: "This lovely girl, so different in her naive ways and lady-like carriage from all her homely surroundings, puzzles Felix, aggravates him, and finally leads him into attempt- ing to infuse more of seriousness into her nature." The writer meant that Esther provoked or irritated Felix. Her conduct and bearing called forth, i. e., pro-voked, certain action on his part. Aggravate means merely to add weight to. Injury is aggra- vated by the addition of insult. Thus, in Howell's Letters (sec. V. 12) : "This [opposition] aggra- vates a grudge the French king hath to the duke for siding. with the Imperialists." An insult may be aggravated by being offered to a man who is courteous and kindly, as it may be palliated by being offered to a brute and a bully. But it is no more proper to say in the one case that the person is aggravated, than in the other to say that he is palliated. Alike is very commonly coupled with both in a manner so unjustifiable and so inconsistent with reason as to make the resulting phrase as gross a bull as was ever perpetrated. For example : "Those two pearls are both alike." This is equal to the story of Sam and Jem resembling each other very much, particularly Sam. When we say of MISUSED WORDS. 89 two objects that they are alike, we say that they are like each other — that is, simply, that one is like the other. For the purpose of comparing one with the other, they must be kept in mind separate ; but by using both, we compare them as two together, not separately one with the other. Both means merely, and only, the two together. Etymologically it means the two two, and it corresponds to the French phrase tous les deux. Of two objects we may say that both are good, and that they are equally good ; but not that both are equally good, which we do say if we say that both alike are good. The au- thority of very long and very eminent usage can be brought in support of both alike; but this is one of those points upon which such authority is of no w 7 eight ; for the phrase is not an idiom, and it is at variance with reason. The error is more and other than pleonastic or than tautological. It is quite like that which I heard from a little girl, — a poor street waif, — who told a companion that she "had two weenie little puppy-dogs at home, and they were both brothers." Allude is in danger of losing its peculiar signifi- cation, which is delicate and serviceable, by being used as a fine-sounding synonyme of say or mention. The honorable gentleman from the State of Ko- keeko, speaking of the honorable gentleman from the same State, denounces him as a drunken vaga- bond and a traitor to his party. The latter rises and says* that his colleague has alluded to him in terms just fit for such a scoundrelly son of a poor- house drab to use, but that he hurls back the hon- orable gentleman's allusions, and so forth, and so 90 WORDS AND THEIR USES. forth. The spectacle is a sad one to gods and men, and also to all who have respect for the English language. For whatever may have been the case with the other words, allude and allusion were used in their Kokeekokian, certainly not in their English, sense. Allude (from ludo, ludere, to play) means to indicate jocosely, to hint at playfully, and so to hint at in a slight, passing manner. Allusion is the by-play of language. A certain paper* having said, some months ago, that a certain article in "The galaxy" was "respectably dull," the writer thereof amused himself by turning off for the next number the following epigram : — " Some knight of King Arthur's, Sir Void or Sir Null, Swears a trifle I wrote is respectably dull. He is honest for once through his weakness of wit, And he censures a fault that he does not commit; For he shows by example — proof quite unrejectable — That a man may be dull -without being respectable." Here the paper in question is not mentioned, but it is alluded to in the first line in such a manner that any person acquainted with the press of New York could not doubt as to the one intended. Alp. — This is not an English word; but it is not out of place here to notice its frequent misuse by English speaking people, who speak of a single one of the Swiss mountains as "an Alp." They might as well say an Appenine, an Ande, a Pyrenne. "An Alp" is proper as applied to one of the patches of pasture, alps, which give the mountains their name ; but as applied to one mountain, it is ridiculous. * "The Round Table," sbce deceased MISUSED WORDS. 91 Animal. — It would seem that man is about to be deprived of the rank to which he is assigned by Hamlet — that of being the paragon of animals. Man, like the meanest worm that crawls, is an ani- mal. His grade in the scale of organic life makes him neither more nor less than an animal. And yet many people affect to call only brutes animals. Is this because they are ashamed of the bond which binds them to all living creatures? Do they scorn their poor relations ? On this supposition Mr. Bergh might account for that lack of sympathy, the absence of which causes the cruelty of some men to their dumb fellow-beings, were it not that in past days, when no one had thought of taking man out of the animal kingdom, brutes were more hardly treated than they are now. Mr. Bergh's society — like that in London, of which it is a copy — is called The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. It is in reality a society for the prevention of cruelty to brutes ; for the animal which suffers most from cruelty — man — appears not to be under the shield of its protection. Antecedents. — The use of this word as in the question, What do you know of that man's ante- cedents? is not defensible, except upon the bare plea of mutual agreement. For in meaning it is awkward perversion, and in convenience it has no advantage. Antecedent, an adjective, meaning go- ing before, may logically be used as a substantive, to mean those persons or things which have pre- ceded any person or thing of the same kind in a certain position. Thus the antecedents of General Sherman in the generalship of the army of the 92 WORDS AND THEIR USES. United States are General Washington, General Scott, and General Grant. There are also the substantive uses of the word in grammar, logic, and mathematics. But to call the course of a man's life until the present moment his antecedents is nearly as absurd a misuse of language as can be compassed. And it is a needless absurdity. For if, instead of, What do you know of his antecedents? it is asked, What do you know of his previous life? or, better, What do you know of his past? there is sense in- stead of nonsense, and the purpose of the question is fully conveyed. Apt. — This little word, the proper meaning of which it is almost impossible to express by definition or periphrasis, is in danger of losing its fine sense, and of being degraded into a servant of general utility for the range of thought between liable and likely. I have before me a letter published by a woman of some note, who, asking for contributions \o her means of nursing sick and wounded soldiers, says that anything directed to her at a certain place "will be apt to come." The blunder is amusing. I have no doubt it provoked many smiles ; and yet how delicate is the line which divides this use of the word from the correct one ! To say that a package will be apt to come, is inadmissible ; but to say that it would be apt to miscarry, would provoke no re- mark. This lady meant that the packages would be likely to come. Her error was of the same sort as that of the member from the rural districts, who, driving into a village, called out to a person whom he met, " I say, mister, kin yer tell me where I'd be liable to buy some beans?" A man is liable to MISUSED WORDS. 93 that to which he is exposed, or obliged, or subject; but he is not liable to act. He is liable to take cold, to pay another man's debts, or to incur his wife's displeasure. He is liable to fall in love ; but, un- less he is a very weak brother, he is not liable to be married. Aptness and liability both express con- ditions — one of fitness and readiness, the other of exposure — inherent in the person or thing of which they are predicated. A man may be liable to catch the plague or to fall in love, and yet not be apt to do either. For manhood's sake we would not say of any man that he is liable to be married ; yet, under certain circumstances, most men are apt to be married ; and having done so, a man is liable, and may be apt, to have a family of children. Shakespeare makes Julius Caesar say of Cassius, — " I fear him not; Yet if my name were liable to fear, I do not know the man I should avoid So soon as that spare Cassius." Csesar might have said, "if I were liable to fear" as well as "if my name w r ere liable." He could have said, "if I were apt to fear," but not, "if my name were apt to fear." Artist is a much abused word, and one class of men misuse it to their own injury, — the painters, — who seem to think that artist is a more dignified name than -painter. But artist has been beaten out so thin that it covers almost the whole field of human endeavor. A woman who turns herself upside down upon the stage is an artist ; a cook is an artist; so is a barber; and Goldsmith soberly calls a cobbler an artist. The word has been so 94 WORDS AND THEIR USES. pulled and hauled that it is shapeless, and has no peculiar fitness to any craft or profession ; its vague- ness deprives it of any special meaning. Its only value now is in the acknowledgment of the ex- pression of an aesthetic purpose, or, rather, of any excellence beyond that which is merely utilitarian. The painters say that they assume it lest they should be confounded with house-painters. The excuse is as weak as water. If they are liable to such con- fusion, or fear it, so much the worse for them. Leonardo, Raphael, Michael Angelo, Correggio, Titian, were content to be called painters. True, they were decorative house-painters. But the same name satisfied Rubens, Vandyke, Reynolds, and Stuart, who did not paint houses. Balance, in the sense of rest, remainder, resi- due, remnant, is an abomination. Balance is met- aphorically the difference between two sides of an account — the amount which is necessary to make one equal to the other. It is not the rest, the re- mainder. And yet we continually hear of the balance of this or that thing, even the balance of a congregation or of an army ! This use of the word has been called an Americanism. But it is not so : witness this passage from " Once a Week : " — "Whoso wishes to rob the night to the best advantage, let him sleep for two or three hours, then get up and work for two hours, and then sleep out the balance of the night. Doing this, he will not feel the loss of the sleep he has surrendered." Bountiful. — This word is very generally mis- used both in speech and in writing. The phrase, a bountiful dinner, a bountiful breakfast, or, to be fine, a bountiful repast, is continually met with in MISUSED WORDS. 95 newspapers, wherein we also read of bountiful re- ceipts at the box-offices of theatres, and even, in a leading article of a journal of the first class now before me, of "bountifully filled hourly trains." This use of the word altogether perverts and degrades it from its true meaning, which is too val- uable to be lost without an effort for its preservation. Bountiful applies to persons, not to things, and has no reference to„quantity ; although quantity in benefits received is often the consequence of bounti- fulness in the giver. Lady Bountiful was so named because of the benefits she conferred. But the things that she gave — the food and clothing — were not bountiful. A breakfast or dinner which is paid for by those who eat it, has no relations of any kind to bounty ; but it may be plentiful ; and if it is given in alms or in compliment, it will be plentiful because the giver is bountiful. The re- pasts, collations, and banquets, above referred to, were plentiful ; the receipts at the theatres large ; and the trains well filled or crowded. Bring, Fetch. — The misuse and confusion of these two words, which are so common, so rooted for centuries in the deep soil of our vernacular, would indicate a very great unsettling of the foun- dations of our language, were it not that the per- version is confined almost entirely to cities. You will hardly find an English or a Yankee farmer who is content to speak his mother tongue as his mother spoke it, who, without taking thought about it, does not use these words as correctly as persons bred in the most cultivated society. But people filled with the consciousness of fine apparel are g6 WORDS AND THEIR USES. heard saying to their shop boys, "Go to such or such a place, and bring this parcel with you ; and, say ! you may fetch that other one along." Now,' bring expresses motion toward, not away. A boy is properly told to take his books to school, and to bring them home. But at school he may correctly say, I did not bring my books. Fetch expresses a double motion — first from and then toward the speaker. Thus, a gardener may say to his helper, " Go and bring me yonder rake ; " but he may better say, "Fetch me yonder rake," i. e., go and bring it. And so we find in our English Bible (Acts xxviii. 13), " and from thence we fetched a compass ; " t. £., we went out, around, and back, making a circuit. The distinction be- tween bring and fetch is very sharply drawn in the following passage. (1 Kings xvii. 11.) "And as she was going to fetch it, he called to her and said, Bring me, I pray thee, a morsel of bread." From this usage of these words there is no justifiable vari- ation. The slang phrase — "a fetch" — is hardly slang, for it expresses a venture, i. 6t is a place where stores and materials are deposited for safe keeping. A little lonely shanty, which looks like a lodge outside a garden of cucumbers, a staging of a few planks upon w r hich two or three people stand like criminals on the scaffold — to call such places depots is the height of pretentious absurd- ity. But it is not less incorrect to give the same name to the most imposing building, which is used merely as a stopping place for trains and pas- sengers. Station means merely a standing, as in the well-known passage in Hamlet, — "A station like the herald Mercury New-lighted on a heaven-kissing hill," — and a railway station is a railway standing — a place where trains and passengers stand for each other. There is no justification whatever for calling such a place a depot. And to aggravate the offence of so doing as much as possible, the word is pronounced in a manner which is of itself an affront to com- mon sense and good taste — that is, neither day- poh, as it should be if it is used as a French word, nor dee-pott, as it should be if it has been adopted as an English word. With an affectation of French pronunciation as becoming as a French bonnet or French manners to some of those who wear them, it is called dee-poh, the result being a hybrid Eng- I50 WORDS AND THEIR USES. lish-French monster, which, with the phrase of which it forms a part, should be put out of existence with all convenient despatch. Real Estate is a compound that has no proper place in the language of every-day life, where it is merely a pretentious intruder from the technical province of law. Law makes the distinction of real and personal estate ; but a man does not, therefore, talk of drawing some personal estate from the bank, or going to Tiffany's to buy some personal estate for his wife ; nor, when he has an interest in the na- tional debt, does he ask how personal estate is sell- ing. He draws money, buys jewels, asks the price of bonds. Real estate, as ordinarily used, is a mere big-sounding, vulgar phrase for houses and land, and, so used, is a marked and unjustifiable Ameri- canism. Our papers have columns headed in large letters, "Real Estate Transactions," the heading of which should be Sales of Land. Recollect is used by many persons wrongly for refnember. When we do not remember what we wish to speak of, we try to re-collect it. Misrec- ollect appeared in a leading article in the " Tribune" not long ago — a word hardly on a par with Biddy's disremember. We either can or cannot recollect what we do not at once remember. We cannot recollect amiss, unless it be that we recollect the facts, but not in their proper order. Religion is constantly used as if it were a synonyme of -piety, to the obliteration of a very important distinction in ethics, and the consequent misleading of many minds. Religion is a bond, according to which all who acknowledge it assume the performance of certain duties and rites having MISUSED WORDS. 151 relation to a supreme being, or to a future state of existence, or to both. Piety is that motive of human action which has its spring in the desire to do good, in the reverence for what is good, and in the spon- taneous respect for the claims of kindred or grati- tude. There are many religions : there is but one piety. Judaism is a religion ; Mohammedanism is a religion ; Christianity has become a religion, within which are two religions, the Roman Catholic and the Protestant. And as to which of all these is the true religion, very different views are honestly held by Jews, Mohammedans, Roman Catholics, and Protestants, all of wdiom may be pious with the same piety. Socrates inculcated piety ; but when, on his death-bed, with his last breath, he reminded his friend to sacrifice a cock to^Esculapius, he con- formed to the rites of a religion he w r as put to death for attempting to undermine. When Christ kept the Passover, he conformed to a rite of Judaism into which he had been born and in which he had been bred. But he was put to death by the priests and the Pharisees chiefly because he taught the need- lessness of that very religion. The Sermon in the Mount teaches not religion, but piety. Remit. — Why should this word be thrust contin- ually into the place of send? In its proper sense, to send back, and hence to relax, to relinquish, to sur- render, to forgive, it is a useful and respectable word ; but why one man should say to another, I will remit you the money, instead of, I will send you the money, it would be difficult to say, did we not so frequently see the propensity of people for a big word of which they do not know the meaning ex- actly, in preference to a small one that they have 152 WORDS AND THEIR USES. understood from childhood. This leads people, in the present instance, to speak even of sending remittances, than which it would be hard to find an absurder phrase. But it sounds, they think, much finer to say, My correspondents have not sent the remittances I expected, instead of, My friends have not sent me the money I looked for. Restive means standing stubbornly still, not frisky, as some people seem to think it does. A restive horse is a horse that balks; but horses that are restless are frequently called restive. Restive- ness, however, is one sign of rebellion in horses. Thus Dryden (quoted by Johnson) : — "The pampered colt will discipline disdain, Impatient of the lash, and restiff to the rein." Hence a misapprehension, by which those who did not understand the word, were led to a complete reversion of meaning. Reverend and Honorable. — The editor of a western newspaper has asked me the following question: "In speaking of a clergyman — not a Catholic or an Episcopalian — is it proper to say the Rev. John Jones, for instance, or, simply, Rev. John Jones? If it is proper to say the Rev. John Jones, why is it not proper to say the Captain Tom Robinson, or the General Robert Smith?" The article is absolutely required. The sect to which the clergyman belongs does not affect the ques- tion. Between Reverend and Captain or General there is no analogy. The latter are names of offices ; they are titles pertaining of right to the persons who hold those offices. Reverend is not the name of an office, nor is it a title, and it belongs to no one of MISUSED WORDS. 153 right. Clergymen are styled Reverend by a cour- tesy which supposes that every man set apart for his special sanctity and wisdom as an example, a guide, and an instructor, is worthy of reverence. So members of Congress are styled Honorable, but by mere courtesy. But in Congress does a member ever rise and say, "I heartily agree with the views which honorable gentleman from has just laid before the House. Honorable gentleman could not have presented them with greater force or clear- ness " ? The most unlettered and careless speaker in the House of Representatives would say the honorable gentleman. Honorable and Reverend are not even courtesy titles ; they are adjectives, mere epithets applied at first (the one to men of consequence, and the other to clergymen) with special meaning, but afterward from custom only. The impropriety of omitting the article can be clearly shown by a transposition of the epithet and the name, which does not affect the sense. For instance, Henry Ward Beecher, the Reverend ; Charles Sumner, the Honorable ; not Henry Ward Beecher, Reverend ; Charles Sumner, Honorable. But the transposition which has this effect in the case of epithets has none in that of official titles ; thus : Winfield Hancock, Major-General, Samuel Nelson, Judge, which, indeed, are very common modes of writing such names and titles. The omis- sion of the article has been the cause of a misappre- hension on the part of many persons as to the name of the ecclesiastical historian to whom we owe so much of our knowledge of our Anglo-Saxon fore- fathers in England. He was styled by his succes- 154 WORDS AND THEIR USES. sors the Venerable Bede ; but this having been written in Latin Vencrabilis Beda, he has often been mentioned by British writers as Venerable Bede, which some readers have taken, as a whole, for his name. (I have more than once heard the question mooted among intelligent people.) He was merely called Bede, the venerable; but the Latin has no article ; and hence the mistake of call- ing him Venerable Bede. We may correctly speak of a distinguished prelate who recently died as Bishop Hopkins, as the Right Reverend Bishop Hopkins, or as the Right Reverend John Henry Hopkins, Bishop (not the Bishop) of Vermont. But if we speak of the officer without mention of the individual, even although we give the courtesy epithet, we should use the article before the title, as, the Right Reverend the Bishop of Vermont; and so, in speaking of a military officer by name, the article is not admissible; but if we speak of the officer without mentioning the name, the article is required : thus, Major-General Meade, Command- ing-in-Chief, but, the Major-General Commanding- in-Chief. Sample Room. — This confluent eruption has appeared on sign-boards all over New York during the last few years. Thus used, it means, not a room in which samples are displayed, but simply a place at which spirits and beer may be had by the glass, and is the fruit of a nauseous attempt to sweeten bar-room, ale-house, and tavern. Its his- tory is a very disgusting one. It first appeared in small, shame-faced letters over the doors of par- titions put up across the back part of certain so- MISUSED WORDS. J 55 called wholesale wine and liquor stores ; and it told of men sponging up liquor by samples until it became necessary to say that if they " sampled " they must pay ; and then of the self-styled whole- sale wine merchant, who was above keeping a bar, finding that it was profitable as well as gen- tlemanly to ask acquaintances to " sample " his liquors ; and of this sham's being kept up until it became necessary to hide the multitudinous " samp- lers" and the multifarious "sampling" from the public and the police by a screen or partition ; and, finally, of the spread of this w gentlemanly " way of keeping a tippling house ; so that the very sight of the word is enough to make one's gorge rise. Very worthy and well-behaved, and even intelligent, men do keep bars and taverns ; but if they do, let them say so. When I see samftle-roo?n over a door, I feel a respect for a bar-room, and as if I could take to my heart a man who owns that he keeps a grog-shop. Section. — An unpleasant Americanism for neighborhood, vicinity, quarter, region; as, for in- stance, our section, this section of country. It is western, of course, but has crept eastward against the tide. It is the result of the division of the un- occupied lands at the West, for purposes pf sale, into sections based upon parallels of latitude and longitude. Emigrant parties would buy and settle upon a quarter-section of land ; and they continued talking about their section even after they had homes, and neighborhoods, towns, villages, and counties; a fashion which, even with them, should have had its day, and in which they should not be imitated. 156 WORDS AND THEIR USES. Sit (one of the verbs a confusion in the use of parts of which has previously been remarked upon) is confounded with another word, set, as most of my readers well know. The commoner mistakes upon this point I pass by ; but some prevail among peo- ple who fancy that they are very exquisite in their speaking. Most of us have heard and laughed at the story of the judge who, when counsel spoke of the setting of the court, took him up with, "No, brother, the court sits ; hens set." But I fear that some of us have laughed in the wrong place. Hens do not set ; they sit, as the court does, and frequently to better purpose. No phrase is more common than "a setting hen," and none more incorrect. A hen sits to hatch her eggs, and, therefore, is a sitting hen. Sit is an active, but an intransitive verb — a very intransitive verb — for it means to put one's self in a position of rest. Set is an active, transi- tive verb — very active and very transitive — for it means to cause another person or thing to sit, willy- nilly. A schoolma'am will illustrate the intransitive verb by sitting down quietly, and then the transitive by giving a pupil a setting down which is anything but quiet. This setting down is metaphorical, and is borrowed from the real, physical setting-down which children sometimes have, much to their as- tonishment. The principal parts of one of these verbs are sit, sat, sitten ; but of the other, the pres- ent, preterite, and the past participle are in form the same, set. Many persons forget this, and use sat as the preterite of set, thus : She sat her pitcher down upon the ground. But as we read in our translation of Matthew's Gospel (chap, xxi.), it was MISUSED WORDS. 157 prophesied that Christ should come " sitting upon an ass," and, therefore, his disciples took a colt and "they set him thereon." On the other hand, some persons use the preterite of set for that of sit, e.g., I went in and set down ; while others have invented one labor-saving monosyllable for both these hard- worked verbs. For instance, "I went to meet him at his office, sharp on time, and sot (sat) down and waited for him, and sot, and sot, and sot ; and when he came in, he sot (set) me down that his time was right, because he'd sot (set) his watch that morning by the City Hall clock." I have heard the word thus used by an estimable and not unintelligent mer- chant. As far as the poultry-yard is concerned, the hen- wife sets the hen, but the hen sits. The use of the former word for the latter in this case is so com- mon, and I have heard it defended so stoutly by intelligent people, that I shall not only refer to the dictionaries those of my readers who care to consult them, but cite the following examples in point : — As the partridge sitteth on eggs and hatcheth them not, etc. Jeremiah, xvii. II. TV. 161 1. And birds sit brooding in the snow. Love's Labor 's Lost, iv. 3. Thou from the first Wast present, and with mighty wings outspread, Dove-like safst brooding on the vast abyss, And mad'st it pregnant. Paradise Lost, I. 21. When the nominative in a sentence requiring sit or set is the subject of the action, the word is" set ; when the nominative is not the subject, the word is sit; — a rule w T hich, like most of its kind, is su- 158 WORDS AND THEIR USES. perfluous to those who can understand it, and use- less to those who cannot. Sit and set, unlike lie and lay, which have the same relations with each other as the former have, and are subject to a like confusion, have no tenses or participles which are the same in form. There is one peculiarity in the use of the two for- mer which is worthy of attention. We say that a man rises and sits ; but that the sun rises and sets. For this use of set, which has prevailed since Eng- lish was a language, and from which it would require an unprecedented boldness to deviate, there is no good reason. It is quite indefensible. Sets is no part of the verb sit ; and as to setting, the sun sets nothing. For we do not mean to say that he sets himself down — an expression which would not at all convey our apprehension of the gradual de- scent and disappearance of the great light of the world. If either of these words be used, we should, according to reason and their meaning, say the sun sits, the sun is sitting. I had supposed that this application of the verb set to the sinking of the sun was inexplicable as well as unjustifiable, when it occurred to me that in the phrase in question set might be a corruption of settle. On looking into the matter, I found reason for believing that my conjecture had hit the mark. In tracing this corruption, it should be first observed that the Anglo-Saxon has both the verb sittan (sit) and settan (set). In coming to us, these words have not changed their signification in the least; they have only lost a termination. Indeed, it is only the absence or the presence of this termination that MISUSED WORDS. 1 59 makes them in the one case English, and in the other Anglo-Saxon. They have been used straight on, with the same signification by the same race for at least fifteen hundred years. But when that race spoke Anglo-Saxon, they said, neither the sun sets nor the sun sits, but the sun settles, and sometimes the sun sinks ; and his descent they called not sun- set or the sun setting, but the sun settling. Thus the passage in Mark's Gospel, i. 32, which is given thus in our Bible, "And at even, when the sun did set, they brought him all that were dis- eased," etc., appears thus in the Anglo-Saxon ver- sion, "So£>lice Sa hit was oefen geworden 8a sunne to setle eode." That is, Verily when it was even- ing made when the sun to settle went. In Luke's account of the same matter our version has "Now when the sun was setting; but the Anglo-Saxon " SoJ>lice Sa sunne asah" — Verily when the sun sank down. And the Maeso-Gothic version has "Mippanei pan sagq sunno"— when the sun sagg- ed, or sank down. In Genesis, xv. 17, "And it came to pass when the sun went down," we have again in the Anglo-Saxon version "pa pa sunne eode to setle " — when the sun went to settle; and in Deuteronomy, xi. 30, " by the way where the sun goeth down," is in the Anglo-Saxon Bible "be pam wege he lis to sunnen scilgange" — by the way that lieth to the sun settle-going, or settling ; and in Psalms, cxiii. 3, "From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same " in Anglo-Saxon " From sunnan uprine 08 to setlgange " — From sun's uprising even to settle-going. The word setl in all these passages, is not a verb, but a noun ; and the l6o WORDS AND THEIR USES. exact meaning in each case is that the sun was go- ing seat-ward — toward his seat. All the stronger, therefore, is the conclusion that it is right to say that the sun sits or takes his seat, and wrong to say that he sets : the clear distinction between the two Anglo- Saxon verbs sittan, to sit, to go down, and settan, to place in a seat, to fix, being remembered. This conclusion derives yet other support from the fact in the passages of the Bible above cited, and in all others that I have examined in which the same fact is mentioned, the earlier English versions do not use set. WyclifTe's version, made about A. D. 1385, Tyndale's, A. D. 1536, Coverdale's, A. D. 1535, and the Geneva version, A. D. 1557, have either " when the sun went down," or " when the sun was down." It is not until we reach the Rheims version, A. D. 1582, that we find "in the evening after sunset." In Hereford's version of the Psalter, given in the WyclifFe Bible, we find in the well- known Psalm, cii. 12, " Hou myche the rising stant fro the going don [not the setting] aferr he made fro us our wickidnissis." And according to Her- bert Coleridge's Glossary, sunrising appears in the English of the thirteenth century, but sunset is not found. It would seem that the corruption of setle into set, although prevailing in common speech, by which it had been handed down from the time when our language passed from its Anglo-Saxon into its early English period, and among vulgar writers, was not recognized by scholars until near the end of the sixteenth century. I offer, not dogmatically, but yet with a great degree of confidence, this explanation of our singu- MISUSED WORDS. l6l lar use of the verb set to express the descent of the sun to the horizon ; warning my readers at the same time that the definitions of set in dictionaries, as meaning to go down, to decline, to finish a course, all rest upon the presence, or rather the supposed presence, of this word in the old and common phrase sunset, w r hich is really an abbreviation of ■sun-settling, the modern form of sunn an-setl gang. Sociable, Social. — We are in danger of losing a fine and valuable distinction between these words. This is to be deplored, and, if possible, prevented. The desynonymizing tendency of language enriches it by producing words adapted to the expression of various delicate shades of meaning. But the promiscuous use of two words each of which has a meaning peculiar to itself, by confounding distinc- tions impoverishes language, and deprives it at once of range and of power. The meaning of sociable is, fitted for society, ready for companionship, quick to unite with others — generally for pleasure. So- cial expresses the relations of men in society, com- munities, or commonwealths. Hence, social sci- ence. But there is no sociable science, although some French women are said to make societe an art. A man who is an authority upon social mat- ters may be a very unsociable person. Those who are inclined to like that strange kind of entertain- ment called a social surprise, the charm of which is in the going in large bodies to a friend's house unannounced and unexpected, should at least call their performance a sociable surprise ; for it must be the crucial test of the sociability of him to whom it is administered. It may possibly tend to a pleas- ii l62 WORDS AND THEIR USES. ant sociability among those whose taste it suits ; but its social tendency is quite another matter. Special is a much overworked word, it being loosely used to mean great in degree, also peculiar in kind, for the particular as opposed to the gen- eral, and for the specific as opposed to the generic. Sometimes it seems to express a union or resultant of all these senses. This loose and comprehensive employment of the word is very old, at least six hundred years ; and yet it cannot but be regarded as a reproach to the language. But to point out the fault is easier than to suggest a remedy, other than the dropping of the first and third uses, in which it is at least superfluous. Splendid suffers from indiscriminate use, as awful does, but chiefly on the part of those whom our grandfathers were wont to call, in collective compliment, the fair. A man will call some radiant beauty a splendid woman ; but a man of any culture will rarely mar the well-deserved compliment of such an epithet by applying it to any inferior excel- lence. But with most women nowadays everything that is satisfactory is splendid. A very charming one, to whose self the word might have been well applied, regarded a friend of mine with that look of personal injury with which women meet minor dis- appointments from the stronger sex, because he did not agree, avec effusion, that a hideous little dog lying in her lap was " perfectly splendid ; " and once a bright, intelligent being in muslin at my side pred- icated perfect splendor of a slice of roast beef which was rapidly disappearing before her, any dazzling qualities of which seemed to me to be due to her own MISUSED WORDS. 1 63 sharp appetite. The sun is splendid, a tiara of dia- monds may be splendid, poetry may be metaphori- cally splendid. But all good poetry is not splendid ; for instance, Gray's "Elegy." The use of splendid to express very great excellence is coarse. State is much misused in the sense of say. State, from status, perfect participle of the Latin verb meaning to stand, means to set forth the con- dition under which a person, or a thing, or a cause, stands. A bankrupt is called upon to state his con- dition, to make a statement of his affairs. But if a man merely says a thing, do let us merely say he sa} T s it. Storm is misused by many people, who say that it is storming when they mean merely that it is raining. A storm is a tumult, a commotion of the elements ; but rain may fall as gently as mercy. There are dry storms. Women sometimes storm in this way; with little effect, however, except upon very weak brethren. But the gentle rain from a fair woman's eyes, few human creatures, not of her own sex, can resist. A dry storm not unfrequently passes off in rain. Hence, perhaps, the confusion of the two words. Tea is no less or more than tea ; and while we call strong broth beef tea, or a decoction of cam- omile flowers camomile tea, we cannot consistently laugh at Biddy when she asks whether we will have tay tay or coffee tay. Transpire. — Of all misused words, this verb is probably the most perverted. It is now very com- monly used for the expression of a mode of action with which it has no relations whatever. Words 164 WORDS AND THEIR USES. may wander, by courses more or less tortuous, so far from their original meaning as to make it almost impossible to follow their traces. An instance of this, well known to students of language, is the word buxom, which is simply bow-some or bough- some, i. e., that which readily bows or yields, like the boughs of a tree. No longer ago than when Milton wrote, boughsome, which, as gh in English began to lose its guttural sound, — that of the letter chi in Greek,; — came to be written buxom, meant simply yielding, and was of general application. " and, this once known, shall soon return, And bring ye to the place where thou and Death Shall dwell at ease, and up and down unseen Wing silently the buxom air." — Paradise Lost, II. 840. But aided, doubtless, as Dr. Johnson suggests, by a too liberal construction of the bride's promise in the old English marriage ceremony, to be "obedi- ent and buxom in bed and board," it came to be ap- plied to women who were erroneously thought likely to be thus 3'ielding ; and hence it now means plump, rosy, alluring, and is applied only to women who combine those qualities of figure, face, and expres- sion. Transpire, however, has passed through no such gradual modification of meaning. It has not been modified, but forced. Its common abuse is due solely to the blunder of persons who used it although they were ignorant of its meaning, at which they guessed. Transpire means to breathe through, and so to pass off insensibly. The identical word exists in French, in which language it is the equiva- lent of our perspire, which also means to breathe through, and so to pass off insensibly. The French- MISUSED WORDS. 165 man says, J'az beaucouf transpire — I have much perspired. In fact, transpire and -pcrsfire are etymologically as nearly perfect synonymes as the nature of language permits ; the latter, however, has, by common consent, been set apart in English to express the passage of a watery secretion through the skin, while the former is properly used only in a figurative sense to express the passage of knowl- edge from a limited circle to publicity. Here follow examples of the proper, and the only proper or tolerable use of this word. The first, which is very characteristic and interesting, is from How- ell's Letters : — "It is a true observation that among other effects of affliction, one is to try a friend ; for those proofs that were made in the shining, dazzling sunshine are not so clear as those which break out and transpire through the dark clouds of adversity." — 1.6,55- The next three, because I have had such frequent occasion to censure severely the general use of words in newspapers, I have pleasure in saying, are from the columns of New York journals : - — "Who the writer of this pamphlet was, who, four years before the great uprising in 1848, saw so clearly, and spoke so pointed- ly, has, to our knowledge, never transpired." " After twelve o'clock last night it transpired that the Massa- chusetts delegation had voted unanimously in caucus to present the name of General Butler for Vice-President." "It transpired Monday that the 'Boston Daily Advertiser' has been recently sold to a new company for something less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars." The following very marked and instructive ex- ample of the correct use of transpire is — marvellous to relate — from one of the telegrams of the Associ- ated Press : — l66 WORDS AND THEIR USES. " At a quarter past four o'clock Judge Fisher received a com- munication from the jury, and he sent a written reply. The subject of the correspondence has not transpired." The next is from the London "Times : " — " The Liberals of Nottingham, England, have selected Lord Amberley and Mr. Handel Cossham as their candidates. It has not yet transpired who the conservative candidate will be. The election, the first after the vote on the Reform bill, will be ot great importance." But the same number of the same paper furnishes, in the report of a speech by a member of Parlia- ment (I neglected to note by whom), the following example of the misuse of the word in the sense of occur, take place. The insurrection in Jamaica was the subject of discussion. " So that, notwithstanding that the population of the Island was 450,000, it was stated that only 1,500 voted for the mem- bers of the Legislature. The whole thing had culminated in the horrors and the atrocities which had lately transpired there, and which he was obliged to believe had thrown discredit upon the English government and the English character in every other country in the world." So I find it said, in a prominent New York news- paper, that "the Mexican war transpired in the year 1847." The writer might as well — and, consider- ing the latitude in which the battles were fought, might better — have said that the Mexican war perspired in the year 1847. The most monstrous perversion of the word that I have ever met with — than'which it would seem that none could be more monstrous — is in the following sentences, the first and second from papers of the highest position, the last from a volume of which tens of thousands have been sold, and which aspires to the dignity of his- tory : — MISUSED WORDS. 167 "Before this can be finished, years may transpire; indeed, it may take as long to complete the West Bank Island Hospital as it has taken to erect the new Court-house." "The police drill will transpire under shelter to-day in conse- quence of the moist atmosphere prevailing." "More than a century was allowed to transpire before the Mississippi was revisited by civilized man." To any person who has in mind the meaning of the word, the idea of years and centuries and police drills transpiring, is ridiculous. There is a very simple test of the correct use of transpire. If the phrase take -place can be substi- tuted for it, and the intended meaning of the sentence is preserved, its use is unquestionably wrong ; if the other colloquial phrase, leak out, can be put in its place, its use is correct. This is illustrated in the following sentence : — "An important cabinet meeting was held to-day; but what took place did not transpire." * * The writer of an article in the "Methodist Quarterly Review" thus boldly advocates the misuse of transpire, and flouts those who oppose it : — ' ' We have no one word to express the regular coming i?ito existence of an event. . . . Now, there is a word which is fresh and clear, which is not very irrevocably ap- propriated to any other idea, and which by popular healthy instinct is aspiring to occupy the blank spot. The word is transpire. ' O, no,' exclaim the effeminates, ' that word must not designate the taking place of an event ; it signifies to become known. ' It is of no use to tell these imbeciles that the latter meaning is itself little known, little used, and little needed, while the want it is called to supply is a startling defect in the entire language. You may supply reasons, but you cannot supply brains. Your only method is to use the needed word in the needing place, and leave the shrieking pedant to his spasms." To this the answer is, first, that transpire is misused to express not the regular com- ing into existence of an event, but the most hap-hazard accidents of daily life, as any one may see: next, the flat contradiction of the assertion that the meaning, to become known, is little known, little used, and little needed. Of the contrary, examples are given above, taken from newspapers of the day; and here follow others, recently taken from the minor news reports of two New York journals, the "Times" and the "Tribune," which, although they may sometimes have been written by imbeciles, it would seem are rarely or never from the pens of pedants : — " Nothing new transpired concerning the steamer Euterpe yesterday. Workmen were engaged in filling her with a quantity of hay," &c. l68 WORDS AND THEIR USES. Those Sort. — Many persons who should, and who, perhaps, do, know better, are in the habit of using this incongruous combination, exgr. , those sort of men, instead of that sort of men. The pronoun (so-called) belongs to sort, and not to men. It would be as proper to say, those company of soldiers. Truism is often used for truth, as if such use were more elegant and scholarly ; whereas it is the reverse. For instance, take the following sentence from a leading article in a high-class New York newspaper : — " That the rents charged for tenements on the lower part of this island are higher than men of moderate means can afford to pay, is a palpable truism." It is no such thing. The writer meant to say that " It transpires that the Gould-Fisk control of the Bank is not to be consummated until January, although Jay Gould is already a director." "Hannah Baker, a child nine years old, was kidnapped near her home, in Park Avenue, by Catharine Turner, and taken to New York, where it transpired that the child disowned the woman as her mother," &c. " Soon after the funeral, however, it transpired that the supposed dead and buried woman was alive and in good health, the fact being made certain to her daughters by her actual, living presence." And see the following passage from the very preamble to Resolutions passed at a political meeting within the erudite precincts of Tammany Hall, on the evening of March 29, 1870: — " Whereas, A call for a meeting of the General Committee, to be held in Tammany Hall this evening, has been issued, having for its ostensible purpose the consideration of measures of legislation relating to this city, but it has transpired that this movement has originated with Mr. John Morrissey and his prominent associates," &c, &c. The contemporary London press would also furnish numberless instances like the following : — " A meeting of the Tory party was called by Mr. Disraeli, on Wednesday, at Lord Lonsdale's house. The meeting was fully attended, — Lord Stanley, however, being absent, — and no report of its proceedings was allowed to transpire." — Spectator, April 17, 1869. A page of such examples might be taken even from newspapers published within a week of the publication of the 'Methodist Quarterly's' assertion, quoted above. The truth is, that this word seems to be used in its proper sense by all who know its meaning, in which sense it is valuable, and occupies a place which can be filled by no other. MISUSED WORDS. 1 69 his proposition was plainly true ; but to say so sim- ply would have been far too simple a style for him. He must write like a moralist or a philosopher, according to his notion of their writing. A truism is a self-evident truth ; a truth, not merely the truth in the form of a true assertion of fact. Thus : The sun is bright, is not a truism : it is a self-evident fact, but not a self-evident truth. But, All men must die, Youth is weak before temptation, are tru- isms ; i. e., self-evident, or generally admitted truths. Ult., Inst., Prox. — These contractions of ulti- mo ^ instante, and proximo, should be used as little as possible by those who wish to write simple Eng- lish. It is much better to say last month, this month, next month. The contractions are conven- ient, however ; and much must be sacrificed to con- venience in the use of language. But from the usage in question a confusion has arisen, of which I did not know until I was requested to decide a dispute whether, in a letter written, for instance, on the 15th of September, "the ioth ult.," would mean the last ioth, i. e., the ioth of September, or the ioth of the last month, i. e., the ioth of August, and "the 20th prox." would mean the next 20th or the 20th of the next month, October. Ult. and prox. are con- tractions of ultimo and -proximo, which are the abla- tive cases of ultimus and proximus, and mean, not the last and the next, but in the last and in the next — what? The last and the next month. Ultimo and proximo are themselves contractions of ultimo mense, in the last month, and proximo mense, in the next month; so that "the ioth ult." means the ioth day in the last month, and "the 20th I70 WORDS AND THEIR USES. prox." the 20th day in the next month. In- stant is instante mense, the month now standing before us. We do a thing instantly, or on the in- stant, when we do it at the present moment, the moment standing before us. But I submit it to the good sense of my readers that it is better to write August 10th and October 20th, than to write 10th ult. and 20th prox., and nearly as expeditious and convenient. Utter. — This word is merely outer in another form. The outer, or utter, darkness of the New Testament is the darkness of a place completely outside of the rea]m of light. To utter is merely to put out, to put forth, or outside of the person utter- ing. Utter nonsense is that which is entirely outside the pale of reason. This outwardness is the essence of the word in all its legitimate uses, and in all its modifications. But some people seem to think that because, for instance, utter darkness is perfect dark- ness, and utter nonsense absolute nonsense, there- fore utter means perfect, absolute, complete. Thus, in a criticism in a literary paper upon a great pic- ture, it is said of the color that "the effect is that of utter harmony ; " and in one of Mrs. Edwards's novels, she says of a girl and a man, "Nelly's nature fitted into his nature utterly." This is sheer nonsense, unless we agree to deprive utterly of its proper meaning, and make it do superfluous duty as a mere synonyme of complete and ferfect, which would be by just so much to impoverish and confuse our language. The use of this word in the sense of absolutely is not, however, of recent or of popu- lar origin. Witness the following examples : — MISUSED WORDS. I"JI " Full cunningly these lords two he grette, And did his message, asking him anon If that they were broken, or aught wo begon, Or had need of lodesmen or vitaile, For socoure they shoulde nothing feile, For it was utterly the queenes will." Chaucer, Legend of Good Women, i. 1460. " It is not necessary that Traditions and Ceremonies be in all places tttterly alike." Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England, Art. 34. Ventilate. — Many persons object to the use of this word in the sense of to bring into discussion, on the ground that it is a neologism. This use, of course, is metaphorical ; andwhile we may say that a man airs his notions at a public meeting or in a newspaper, I am not prepared to defend the good taste of saying that he ventilates them. But this use of ventilate is not a neologism, as appears by this passage in a state paper of the time of Henry the Eighth, quoted by Froude : " Nor shall it ever be seen that the king's cause shall be ventilated or decided in any place out of his own realm." Veracity. — It is newspaper English to say, as nowadays is often said, that a man is "a man of truth and veracity." Veracity is merely an Angli- cized Latin synonyme of truthfulness. Truth and veracity is a weak pleonasm. But veracity is prop- ery applied to persons, truth to things. A story is or is not true ; a man is or is not veracious — if truthful is too plain a word. We may doubt the truth of a story because we doubt the veracity, or, better, the truthfulness, of the teller. Vicinity. — This word is subject to no perversion of sense that I have observed ; but it is very often in- correctly and vulgarly used without the possessive 172 WORDS AND THEIR USES. pronoun necessary to define it and cause it to express a thing instead of a thought. Thus : New York and vicinity, instead of New York and its vicinity. With equal correctness and good taste we might say, New York and neighborhood; which no one, I believe, would think of doing. This error has arisen from the frequent occurrence of such phrases as, this city and vicinity, i. e., this city and this vicinity, this being understood. So we may say, this village and neighborhood. When a pronoun is used before a common noun, as, this town, this village, it need not be repeated after the conjunction which unites the noun to vicinity. But otherwise a pronoun is required before vicinity, just as one is before neighborhood, which, in most cases in which vicinity is used, is the better, as well as the shorter, word. Vulgar, the primitive meaning of which is com- mon, and which, from its frequent qualification of the conduct and the speech of the vulgar, came in natural course, to mean low, rude, impolite, is often misused in the sense of immodest. A lady not without culture said to another of a third, " She dresses very low ; but as she has no figure, it doesn't look vulgar;" meaning, by the feminine malice of her apology, that it did not look immodest. The gown was perhaps low enough (at the to'p) to be vulgar, if material lowness were vulgarity ; but only that which is metaphorically low is vulgar. Widow W t oman. — Here is an unaccountable superfluity of words ; for it would seem that the most ignorant of those persons who use the phrase must know that a widow is necessarily a woman. MISUSED WORDS. 173 It would be as well to say a female lady, or a she cow. The error is hardly worth this notice ; but the antiquity of the word widow in exactly the same sense in which it is now used, the remoteness of its origin, and the vast distance which it has travelled through ages without alteration of any kind, — ex- cept as to the pronunciation of v and w, which are continually interchanging, not only in various lan- guages but in the same language, — make it an unu- sually interesting word. How many thousand years this name for a bereaved woman has been used, by what variety of nations, and over what extent of earth's surface, it would not be easy to determine. Our Anglo-Saxon forefathers used it a thousand years ago in England and in North Germany ; they spelled it widuwe or witdewe. The Magso-Goths, in the fourth century, for the same thing used the same word — widowo. But nearly a thousand years before that time it was used by the Latin people, who wrote it vidua. And yet again, a thousand years and more backward, on the slopes of the Himalayas a bereaved wife was called a widow ; for in the Sanscrit of the Rig Veda we find the word vidhavd* Pronounce the v as w, and see how simply each stricken woman has taken this word from her stricken sister and passed it on from lip to lip as they were bearing our fathers in the weary pilgrimage of war and suffering through un- told ages from what is now the remotest bounds of civilization. The Sanscrit vidhavd is merely the * I give this on the authority of Max Muller. My having in Sanscrit, like Orlando's beard, is a's revenue — what I can glean from the well-worked fields of my elders and betters. 174 WORDS AND THEIR USES. word dhavd, a man, and vi, without; so that the word at its original formation meant simply a wo- man left without a man, just as it does to-day ; and it has remained all these ages materially unchanged both in sound and meaning. Widow is one of the very few words of which the feminine form is the original ; for owing to the traits, functions, and relations of the sexes, among no peo- ple would a peculiar name be first given to a man who was deprived of a woman. It would be only after the condition of widowhood had been long recognized, and conventional usages had narrowed and straitened the sexual relations, that it would enter the mind of a people to give widow its mascu- line companion-word. It must be admitted that in English this has been done clumsily. Widower is a poor, feeble w T ord in all respects, and particularly in respect to its etymology. Widower should mean one who makes widows, or one who has widows ; and how this word happened to receive its present form is beyond my conjecture. But finely formed and touching as the original feminine word is, it was inevitable that the preposterousness of forming upon it a masculine counterpart should produce monstrosity. The same difficulty did not occur in Latin ; for although it would seem that the word must have come into that language in its original feminine form, yet, as the Latin had gender, all that was necessary was to give vidua a masculine ter- mination, and it became viduus, or a neuter, and it became viduum. It was an adjective in Latin, as doubtless it was first in Sanscrit, and it became a noun also, like many adjectives in most languages. MISUSED WORDS. 1 75 By metaphor it came to mean deprived, deprived of anything. But until recently deprived was given in Latin lexicons as its primary meaning, and de- prived of wife or husband was given as its secon- dary and dependent meaning,* — preposterously, as we have seen. It must have been applied first to women, then to men, and last to things in general, which is the natural manner of growth in language. Men do not conceive an abstract idea and then pro- ject their thoughts into infinite space in search of a name for the new born ; but having names for par- ticular and concrete objects, they transfer, modify, and combine these names to designate new things and new thoughts. Witness. — This word is used by many per- sons as a big synonyme of see, with absurd effect. ff I declare," an enthusiastic son of Columbia says, as he gazes upon New York harbor, " this is the most splendid bay I ever witnessed." In which exclama- tion, by the by, if the speaker has much acquaint- ance with bays, the taste is worthy of the English. Witness, an English or Anglo-Saxon word, is from witan, to know, and means testimony from per- sonal knowledge, and so the person who gives such testimony ; and hence the verb witness, to be able to give testimony from personal knowledge. A man witnesses a murder, an assault, a theft, the execution of a deed, or of the sentence of a felon. He witnesses any act at the performance of which he is present and observing. " Bear witness," * For instance, in Leverett's Latin Lexicon, ' ' Viduus, -a, -um, separated, deprived, without anything. Hence, deprived of a husband or wife " ! From the Latin vidua the Italians and French of course have their vedova and veuve. I76 WORDS AND THEIR USES. say we, " that I do thus." But we cannot witness a thing : no more a bay or a range of mountains than a poodle dog or a stick of candy. And yet, if mere ancient usage and high authority could justify any form of speech, this would not be without an approach to such justification, as will be seen by the following sentence in WyclifTe's "Apolo- gy for the Lollards : " — " Forso]? it is an horrible ping fiat in sum kirkes is witnessid marchaundis to haue place." — p. 50, Ed. Camd. Soc SQUEAMISH CANT. Persons of delicacy so supersensitive that they shrink from plain words, and fear to call things by their names, who think evil of the mothers that bore them, and, if men, of the women who have brought them children, and who are so prurient that they prick up their ears and blush at any implied dis- tinction of sex in language, even in the name of a garment, would do well to avoid the rest of this chapter, which cannot but give them offence. But that would leave me only the well-bred and modest among my readers ; and they are they who least need counsel in the use of language. Chemise. — How and why English women came to call their first under-garment a chemise, it is not easy to discover. For in the French language the word means no more or less than shirt, and its meaning is not changed or its sound improved by those who pronounce it shimmy. Of the two names shirt and smock, given at a remote period to this the first was common, like chemise in MISUSED WORDS. 1 77 French, to both sexes; e.g., the following passage from Gower's " Confessio Amantis : " — "Jason his clothes on him cast, And made him redj right anon, And she her sherte did upon And cast on her a mantel close, Withoute more, and than arose." By common consent shirt came to be confined to the man's garment, and smock to the woman's, to express which it was generally, if not univer- sally, used until the middle of the last century. It is now so used by some English women of high rank and breeding, and unimpeachable in propriety of conduct, while by the large majority it is now thought coarse — why, is past conjecture. The place of smock was taken and held for a time by shift — a very poor word for the purpose, the name of the act of changing being applied to the garment changed. As smock followed shirt, so shift has followed smock; and women have returned to shirt again, merely giving it its French name. From this it is more than possible that the grand- daughters of those who now use it with no more thought that it is indelicate than stocking, may shrink as they now do from smock or shift, and for the same reason, or, rather, with the same lack of rea- son. Indeed, the history of our language gives us reason to believe that this will surely happen, unless good sense, simplicity, and real purity of thought should drive out the silly shame that seeks to hide its unnatural face behind a transparent veil of for- eign making. Enceinte. — The use of this French word bv English-speaking folk to mean, with child, like that 12 178 WORDS AND THEIR USES. of 'accouchement for delivery, seems to me gross, pru- rient, and foolish. Can there be a sweeter, purer phrase applied to a woman, one better fitted to claim for her tenderness and deference from every man, than to say of her that she is with child? What is gained by the use of the French word, or of the round- about phrase " in a delicate situation " ? Certainly nothing is gained in delicacy by implying, as these periphrastic euphemisms do, that her condition is in- delicate. Delicate health may be owing to various causes ; and yet even the phrase "in delicate health" is used by many persons with exclusive limitation to pregnancy or child-bearing. There is about this a cowardly, mean-minded shifting and shuffling which is very contemptible. Can there be in lan- guage anything purer and sweeter than the declara- tion, " Fie shall tenderly lead all those that are with young," or that, "Woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days"? As bad as accouchement is confined, used in a sim- ilar sense — worse, indeed; for the former does mean a bringing to bed. The use of this word is carried by some persons to that pitch of idiocy that, instead of saying of a woman that her child was born at such or such an hour, — half past six, for instance, — they will say that she was confined at half past six; the fact being that she was confined, and from the same cause, just as much a few hours before, and would before some days afterward. This esoteric use of this word is liable to ludicrous and unpleasant consequences — like this. A lady was reading aloud in a circle of friends a letter just received. She read, "We are in great trouble. MISUSED WORDS. 1 79 Poor Mary has been confined" — and there she stopped; for that was the last word on a sheet, and the next sheet had dropped and fluttered away, and poor Mary, unmarried, was left really in a delicate situation until the missing sheet was found, and the reader continued — "to her room for three days, with what, we fear, is suppressed scarlet fever." The disuse of the verb to child has been a real loss to our language, with the genius of which it was in perfect harmony, while it expressed the fact in- tended to be conveyed with a simplicity and delicacy which would seem unobjectionable to every one, except those who are so superfinely and super- humanly shameful that they think it immodest that a woman should bear and bring forth a child at all. It might comfort them in the use of this word to re- member that the French, which they regard as a language so much more refined than their own, has in constant use an exactly correspondent word, — enfanter. But that might lead them to say that yesterday Mrs. Jones enfanted. Female. — The use of this word for woman is one of the most unpleasant and inexcusable of the common perversions of language. It is not a Brit- icism, although it is much more in vogue among British writers and speakers than among our own. With us lady is the favorite euphemism for woman. For every one of the softer and more ambitious sex who is dissatisfied with her social position, or uncer- tain of it, seems to share Mrs. Quickly's dislike of being called a woman. There is no lack of what is called authoritative usage during three centuries for this misuse of female. But this is one of those per- ISO WORDS AND THEIR USES. versions which are justified by no example, however eminent. A cow, or a sow, or any she brute, is a female, just as a woman is ; as a man is no more a male than a bull is, or a boar; and when a woman calls herself a female, she merely shares her sex with all her fellow-females throughout the brute creation.* Gentleman, Lady. — These words have been forced upon us until they have begun to be nau- seous, by people who will not do me the honor of reading this book ; so that any plea here for man and woman would be in vain and out of place. But I will notice a very common misuse of the former, which prevails in business correspondence, in which Mr. A. is addressed as Sir, but the firm of A. B. & Co. as Gentlemen. Now, the plural of Sir is Sirs ; and if gentleman has any significance at all, it ought not to be made common and unclean by being ap- plied to mere business purposes. As to the ado that is made about " Mr. Blank and lady," it seems to me quite superfluous. If it pleases any man to an- nounce on a hotel book that his wife, or any other woman who is travelling under his protection, is a lady, a perfect lady, let him do so in peace. This is a matter of taste and habit. The world is wide, and the freedom of this country has not yet quite deprived us of the right of choosing our associates or of forming our own manners. * The following whimsical fling at this squeamishness is from Graham's "Word Gossip, ' ' which has appeared since the publication of these chapters in their original form. Observe the implication that a young person must be of the female sex. This is a Briticism ■ — "In the many surgings of the mighty crowd I had actually laboured to assist and protect two (I was going to say ladies, but ladies are grateful ; I can't say young per- sons, for they wern't young ; nor can I say women, for that is considered a slight ; or females, for such persons are no longer supposed to exist) — well, two individuals of a different sex from my own." — p. 79. MISUSED WORDS. l8l Limb. — A squeamishness, which I am really ashamed to notice, leads many persons to use this word exclusively instead of leg. A limb is any- thing which is separated from another thing, and yet joined to it. In old English limbed was used to mean joined. Thus, in the " Ancren Riwle," " Lok- eth that ye beon euer mid onnesse of herte ilimed togeder," i. e., "Look that ye be ever with oneness of heart joined together." The branches of a tree have a separate individual character, and are yet parts of the tree, and thus are limbs. The fingers are properly limbs of the hand ; but the word is generally applied to the greater divisions, both of trees and animals. The limbs of the human body are the arms and the legs ; the latter no more so than the former. Yet some folk will say that by a railway accident one woman had her arms broken, and another her limbs — meaning her legs ; and some will say that she has hurt her leg when her thigh was injured. Perhaps these persons think that it is indelicate for a woman to have legs, and that therefore they are concealed by garments, and should be concealed by speech. If so, Heaven help them ; they are far out of my reach. 1 can only say to them that there is no immodesty in speaking of any part or function of the human body when there is necessity for doing so, and that when they are spoken of it is immodest not to call them by their proper names. The notion that by giving a bad thing a wrong or an unmeaning name, the thing, or the mention of it, is bettered, is surely one of the silliest that ever entered the mind of man. It is the occasion and the purpose of speech that make l82 WORDS AND THEIR USES. it modest or immodest, not the thing spoken of, or the giving it its proper name. Retire. — If you are going to bed, say so, should there be occasion. Don't talk about retir- ing, unless you would seem like a prig or a prurient prude. Rooster. — A rooster is any animal that roosts. Almost all birds are roosters, the hens, of course, as well as the cocks. What sense or delicacy, then, is there in calling the cock of the domestic fowl a rooster, as many people do? The cock is no more a rooster than the hen; and domestic fowls are no more roosters than canary birds or peacocks. Out of this nonsense, however, people must be laughed, rather than reasoned. SOME BRITICISMS. 1 83 CHAPTER VI. SOME BRITICISMS. I HAVE heretofore designated the misuse of cer- tain words as Briticisms. There is a British affectation in the use of some other words which is worthy of some attention. And in saying that a form of English speech is of British origin, or is a Briti- cism, I mean that it has arisen or come into vogue in Great Britain since the beginning of the eighteenth century, when, by the union of England and Scot- land (A. D. 1706-7), the King of England and of Scotland became King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, a British took the place of an English Parliament, and Englishmen became politically Britons. This period is one of mark in social and literary, as well as in political history. To us it is one of interest, because, about that time, although our political bonds were not severed until three quarters of a century latter, our absolute identity with the English of the mother country may be regarded as having ceased. For, after a mod- erate Jacobite exodus at the end of the seventeenth century, there was comparatively little emigration from the old England to the new. They change their skies, but not their souls, who cross the sea ; and whatever the population of this country may 184 WORDS AND THEIR USES. become hereafter, it had remained, till within twen- ty-five years, as to race, an English people, just as absolutely as if our fathers had not left the Old Home. The history of England, of the old Eng- land, pure and simple, is our history. In British history we have only the interest of kinsmen ; but the English language and English literature before the modern British period belongs to both of us, in the same completeness and by the same title — in- heritance from our common fathers, who spoke it and wrote it, quickened by the same blood, on the same soil. And, in fact, the English of the period when Shakespeare wrote and the Bible was trans- lated has been kept in use among people of educa- tion somewhat more in the new England than in the old. All over the country there are some words and phrases in common use, and in certain parts of New England and Virginia there are many, which have been dropped in British England, or are to be found only among the squires and farmers in the recesses of the rural counties. The forms of speech which may be conveniently called Briti- cisms, are, however, generally of later origin than the beginning of the British empire. They have al- most all of them sprung up since about A. D. 1775. As well. — This phrase is improperly used by some British writers in the sense of all the same. For instance, " Her aged lover made her presents, but just as well she hated the sight of him and the sound of his voice;" t. e., she hated him all the same. This misusage has yet no foothold here, although, owing to the influence of second-rate British novels, it begins to be heard. SOME BRITICISMS. 1 85 Awful. — It would seem superfluous to say that azvful is not a synonyme of very, were it not that the word is thus used by many people who should know better than to do so. The misuse is a Briti- cism ; but it has been spreading here within the last few years. I have heard several educated English gentlemen speak in sober, unconscious good faith of " awfully nice girls," " awfully pretty women," and K awfully jolly people." That is awful which inspires or is inspired by awe ; and in the line in the old metrical version of the Hundredth Psalm, " Glad homage pay with awful mirth," Tate and Brady did not mean that we were to be awfully jolly, or very mirthful or gay, in our worship. Observe here, again, how misuse debases a good and much-needed word, and voids it of its meaning, just by so much impoverishing the language. Commence. — There is a British misuse of this word which is remarkably coarse and careless. British writers of all grades but the very highest will say, for instance, that a man went to London and commenced poet, or commenced politician. Mr. Swinburne says that " Blake commenced pupil ; " and Pope, quoted by Johnson, — " If wit so much from ignorance undergo, Ah, let not learning too commence its foe." A man may commence life as an author, or a poli- tician, or he may commence a book, or any other task, although it is better to say he begins either. But it is either a state or an action that he com- mences. Commencement cannot be properly pred- icated of a noun which does not express the idea of continuance. It may be said that a woman 1 86 WORDS AND THEIR USES. commences married life, or that she commences jilting, but not that she commences wife, or com- mences jilt, any more than that she ends hussy. Directly. — The radical meaning of this word is, in a right line ; and hence, as a right line is the shortest distance between two points, it means at once, immediately. Its synonyme in both senses is a good English word, now, unhappily, somewhat obsolete — straightway. But John Bull uses directly in a way that is quite indefensible — to wit, in the sense of when, as soon as. This use of the word is a wide-spread Briticism, and prevails even among the most cultivated writers. For instance, in the London "Spectator" of May 2, 1867, it is said that " Directly Mr. Disraeli finished speaking, Mr. Lowe rose to oppose," etc. Anglice, As soon as Mr. Disraeli finished speaking, etc. It is difficult to trace by continuous steps the course of this strange perversion, for which there is neither justification nor palliation. A fortnight ago I should have said that it was unknown among speakers and writers of American birth ; but since then I have read Mr. Howells's charming book, "Italian Journeys," than which I know no book of travel more richly fraught with pleasure to a gentle reader. And by a gentle reader I mean one who, like the author, can look not only with delight upon all that is beautiful and loveable, but with sympathy upon that which is neither beautiful nor loveable in the customs and characters of those who are strangers to him, whose ways of wickedness are not his ways, and whose follies are foreign to him, — one who can admire the boldness of an impostor, and see the humorous side SOME BRITICISMS. 187 of rascality. When a traveller sees with Mr. How- ells's very human eyes, and writes with his graphic and humorous pen, — a pen that caricatures with a keenness to which malice gives no edge, — travel- ling with him on paper, which is generally either the dullest or the most frivolous of employments, is one of the most inspiriting, and not the least in- structive. Mr. Howells's style, too, is so good, it shows such unobtrusive and seemingly unconscious mastery of idiomatic English, that I notice with the more freedom two or three lapses, one of which, at least, I attribute to the deleterious influences of foreign travel. I am sure that it was not in New England, and not until after he had been subjected to daily intercourse w r ith British speakers and to the influence of British journals, that he learned to write such sentences as these : " Directly I found the house inhabited by living people, I began to be sorry that it was not as empty as the library and the street," p. 30. " I was more interested in the disreputable person who mounted the box beside our driver directly we got out of our city gate," p. 218. Mr. How els meant that when he found the house in- habited he began to be sorry, and that the interest- ing and disreputable person mounted his coach-box as soon as they got out of the gate. Mr. Howells is the first born and bred Yankee that I have know r n to be guilty of this British offence against the Eng- lish language ; and his example is likely to exert so much more influence than my precept, that, unless he repents, I am likely to be pilloried as his perse- cutor by the multitude of his followers. But I am sure that he will repent, and that, with the amiable 1 88 WORDS AND THEIR USES. leaning toward iniquity which enables him to throw so fresh a charm over the well-trodden ways of Italy, he will even think kindly of the critic who has put him upon the barb as if he loved him. So sure am I of this, that, wishing to use him again as an eminent example of error, I shall bring forward two other faults which I have noticed in his book, and in which he is not singular among Yan- kees. There is among some people a propensity, which is of late growth, and is the fruit of presum- ing half-knowledge, to give to adjectives formed participially from nouns, and to nouns used as adjec- tives, a plural form, the effect of which is laughably pedantic, as all efforts to struggle away from simple idiom to superfine correctness are apt to be. For instance, the delicious confection, calf's-foot jelly, is advertised in many confectionary windows as calves'-feet jelly — the confectioners having been troubled in their minds by the reflection that there went more than one calf's foot to the making of their jelly. So I once heard a richly-robed dame, whose daughter, named after the goddess of wis- dom, was suffering pangs that only steel forceps could allay, say, with a little flourish of elegance, that " M'nervy was a martyr to the teethache." And could this gorgeous goddess-bearer doubt that she was right, when she found Mr. Howells saying that the peasants in Bassano return from their labor "led in troops of eight or ten by stalwart, white- ieethed, bare-legged maids !" She would probably be shocked by the bareness of the maidens' legs, but she would glory in the multitudinous dental epithet which Mr. Howells applies to them. But SOME BRITICISMS. 1 89 because the most beautiful of the Nereides trips through our memories as silver-footed Thetis, do we, therefore, think of her as a unipede, a one- legged goddess? How would it do for the Cam- bridge lads to translate, silver-feeted Thetis? And if we have calved -feet jelly, why must not we, a fortiori, have oysters-pie and^/z^zs-pudding? and if white-teet/zed maids, why not tect /i-brushes? and, above all, why do we commit the monstrous ab- surdity of speaking of the numberless human race as mankind instead of men-WvA"? A noun used as an adjective expresses an abstract idea ; and when by the introduction of the plural form this idea is broken up into a collective multitude of individuals, it falls ludicrously into concrete ruin. A like endeavor toward precision has led some folk to say, for instance, that a man w r as on Broad- way, or that such and such an event took place on Tremont Street ; and Mr. Howells countenances this folly by writing, "There were a few people to be seen on the street." Let him, and all others who would not be at once childish and pedantic, say, in the street, in Broadway, and not be led into the folly of endeavoring to convey the notion that a man was resting upon or moving over an extended sur- face between two lines of houses. v A house itself is in Broadway, not on it ; but it may stand on the line of the street ; and an event takes place in a certain street, whether the actors are on the pavement or on the steps, or in the balcony of a house in that street, or in the house itself. We are in or within a limited surface, but on or upon one that is without visible boundaries. Thus, a man is in a field, but on a I9O WORDS AND THEIR USES. plain. Some generations, at least, will pass away before a man shall appear who will write plainer, simpler, or better English than John Bunyan wrote ; and he makes Christian say, "Apollyon, beware what you do, for I am in the king's highway," There is no telling into what absurdity these blind gropers after precision will stumble when we find them deep in such a slough as written over the sig- nature, fancying the while that they stand on solid ground. A man's signature, we are told, is at the bottom of his letter, and therefore he writes over the signature! But — answering a precisian ac- cording to his preciseness — the signature was not there while the man wrote the letter ; it was added afterward. How, then, was the letter written over the signature ? This is the very lunacy of literalism. A man w r rites under a signature whether the signa- ture is at the top, or the bottom, or in the middle of his letter. For instance, an old correspondent of the New York " Times " writes under the signature of " A Veteran Observer," and his letters, written sub tcgmincfagi, are under the date of "The Beeches." And as they would be under that date whether it were written at the top, or, as dates often are, at the bottom of the letter, so they are under that signature, wherever on the sheet it may be signed. A soldier or a sailor fights under a flag, not, as Mr. Precisian would have it, because the flag is flying over his head, but because he is under the authority which that flag represents. Sometimes he does his fight- ing above the flag, as is often the case with sharp- shooters in both army and navy ; and Farragut, in the futtock shrouds of the " Hartford," fought the SOME BRITICISMS. I9I battle of Mobile Bay as much under the United States flag that floated ten or fifteen feet below him, as if he had issued his orders from the bottom of the hold. So writs are issued under the authority of a court, although the seal and the signature which represent that authority are at the bottom of the writ ; and a man issues a letter under his signature, i. e., with the authority or attestation given by his signature, whether the signature is at top or bottom. The use of such a phrase as over the signature is the sign of a tendency which, if unchecked, will place our language under the formative influence, not of those who act instinctively under guidance of what we call its genius, or of scholars and men of general culture, but of those who have least ability to fashion it to honor — the literate folk who know too much to submit to usage or authorhy, and too little rightfully to frame usage or to have authority themselves. I shall notice only one other bad example set by Mr. Howells, that in the phrase "when we came to settle for the wine." He meant, to pay for the wine, that and nothing more. To settle is to fix firmly, and so, to adjust; and therefore the adjusting of accounts is well called, by figure, their settlement. But the phrase to settle, meaning to pay, had better be left entirely to the use of those sable messengers, rapidly passing away, who summon passengers on steamboats to "step up to the cap'n's office and settle." For accounts may be settled, that is, they may be made clear and satisfactory, — as the passenger wished his cup of coffee to be made when he called upon the negro to take it to the captain's office and have it settled, — and yet they may not be paid. I92 WORDS AND THEIR USES. To settle your passage means, if it means any- thing, nothing more or less than to pay your fare ; and there is no reason whatever for the use of the former phrase instead of the latter. It displaces one good word, and perverts another ; while the use of settle without any object, which is sometimes heard, as, Hadn't you better settle with me? is hideous. These four slips are notable as being all that I remarked in reading " Italian Journeys " thoroughly and carefully. There have been very few books, if any, published on either side of the water, that would not furnish more as well as greater oppor- tunities to a carping critic. Drive and Ride are among the words as to which there is a notable British affectation. According to the present usage of cultivated society in England, ride means only to go on horseback, or on the back of some beast less dignified and comfortable, and drive, only to go in a vehicle which is drawn by any creature that is driven. This distinction, the non-recognition of which is marked by cousin Bull as an Americanism, is quite inconsistent with com- mon sense and good English, and involves absurd contradictions. Drive comes to us straight from the Anglo-Saxon: it means to urge forward, to expel, to eject, and Drift is simply that which is driven. There is no example of any authority earlier than this century known to me, or quoted by any lexicographer, of the use of drive with the meaning, to pass in a carriage. Dr. Johnson gives that definition of the word, but he is able to support it only by the following passages from Shakespeare and Milton, which are quite from the purpose : — SOME BRITICISMS. IQ/J " There is a litter ready : lay him out, And drive toward Dover." — King Lear. " Thy foaming chariot wheels, that shook Heaven's everlasting frame, while o'er the neck Thou drov'st of warring angels disarrayed." Paradise Lost. In the first of these the person addressed is merely ordered to drive or urge forward his car- riage to Dover ; in the second, Jehovah is represented as urging the wheels of his war chariot over his fallen enemies. There is not a suggestion or im- plication of the thought that drive in either case means to pass in any way, or means anything else than to urge onward. Dr. Johnson might as well have quoted from the account in Exodus of the pas- sage of. the Red Sea, that the Lord took off the char- iot wheels of the Egyptians, that "they drave them heavily." Drive means only to force on ; but ride means, and always has meant, to be borne up and along, as on a beast, a bird, a chariot, a wagon, or a rail. We have seen that Shakespeare, and Milr ton, and the translators of the Bible use drive in connection with chariot when they wish to express the urging it along ; but when they wish to say that a man is borne up and onward in a chariot, they use ride. "And Pharaoh made him [Joseph] to ride in the second chariot which he had." — Genesis xli. 43. "And I will overthrow the chariots and those that ride in them ; and the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his brother." — Haggai ii. 22. " So Jehu rode in a chariot, and went to Jezreel. . . . And the watchman told, saying, He came even unto them, and cometh not again ; and the driving is like the driving of Jehu the son of Nimshi; for he driveth furiously." — 2 Kings ix. 16, 20. 13 194 WORDS AND THEIR USES. In these passages drive and ride are used in what is their proper sense, and has been since long before the days of the Heptarchy, and as they are used now in New England. And yet only a few days since, as I spoke of riding to a British friend, he said to me, pleasantly, but with the air of a polite teacher, "You use that word differently to what we do. We ride on horseback, but we drive in a carriage ; now, I have noticed that you ride in a carriage." "The distinction seems to be, then," I replied, "that when you are on an animal, you ride, and when you are in a vehicle, you drive." "Exactly; don't you see? quite so." "Well, then" (we were in Broadway), "if you had come down from the Clarendon in that omnibus, you would say that you drove down, or, if you went from one place to another in a stage coach, that you drove there." "'M ! ah ! no, not exactly. You know one rides in a 'bus or a stage coach, but one drives in one's own Carriage or in a private vehicle." I did not answer him. Our British cousins will ere long see the in- correctness of this usage and its absurd incongruity, and will be able to say, for instance, — for are they not of English blood and speech as well as we? — We all rode down from home in the old carryall to meet you, and John drove. But if they insist, in such a case, upon saying that they all drove, we shall have reason to suspect that there is at least the beginning of a new language, — the British, — and that the English tongue and English sense has fled to the Yankees across the sea. Right. — A Briticism in the use of this word is creeping in among us. It is used to mean obliga- SOME BRITICISMS. I£5 tion, duty. On one of those celebrations of St. Patrick's day in the city of New York, when, in token of the double nationality of its governing classes, the City Hall is decorated with the Irish and the United States flag, and miles of men, each one like the other, and all wearing stove-pipe hats and green scarfs, are allowed to take possession of its great thoroughfares, in acknowledgement of the large share which their forefathers took for two hundred and fifty years in framing our government and establishing our society upon those truly Irish principles of constitutional liberty and law which are the glory and the safeguard of our country, and in acknowledgement, also, of that devotion to the great cause of religious freedom which brought those Celtic pilgrims to our shores — on one of those occasions I heard an alien creature, a Yankee, who had presumed to drive out jauntily in a wagon on that sacred and solemn day, and who ventured to be somewhat displeased because he had been detained three quarters of an hour lest he should break the irregularity of that line, and interrupt his masters' pleasure — I heard this Yankee say to the police- men, as he saw the Fourth Avenue cars allowed to pursue their course (probably because it was thought they might contain some of the females of the dom- inant race), "What do you stop me for? The cars have as good a right to be stopped as the carriages." This was unpleasant. That he should have stood humbly before his masters, having put a ballot into their hands with which to break his back, was a small matter ; but of his language he should have been ashamed. He could not have spoken worse I96 WORDS AND THEIR USES. English if he were a Cockney ; and from some Cockney he must have caught this trick, which, common enough for a long while among British speakers, and even writers of a low order, has been heard here only within a few years. He meant that carriages had as good a right as cars to go on with- out interruption, and that the cars had as much obligation to stop as the carriages. A right is an incorporeal, rightful possession, and, consequently, something of value, which we strive to get and to keep, except always when it is claimed from us in the name of the patron saint Patrick, of the great State and the great city of our country. Death is the legal punishment of certain felonies. But we do not speak of the murderer's right of being hanged.. Yet in case of a choice of two modes of death, we should use the word, and speak, for in- stance, of the soldier's right to be shot rather than hanged. Sick and III are two other words that have been perverted in general British usage. Almost all British speakers and writers limit the meaning of sick to the expression of qualmishness, sickness at the stomach, nausea, and lay the proper burden of the adjective sick upon the adverb ill. They sneer at us for not joining in the robbery and the impo- sition. I was present once when a British merchant, receiving in his own house a Yankee youth at a little party, said, in a tone that attracted the atten- tion of the whole room, "Good evening! We haven't seen you for a long while. Have you been seeck" (the sneer prolonged the word), "as you say in your country?" "No, thank you," said the SOME BRITICISMS, I 9 7 other, frankly and promptly, " I've been hill, as they say in yours." John Bull, although he blushed to the forehead, had the good sense, if not the good nature, to join in the laugh that followed ; but I am inclined to think that he never ran another tilt in that quarter. As to the sense in which sick is used by the best English writers, there can be, of course, no dispute ; but I have seen this set down in a British critical journal of high class as an "obsolete sense." It is not obsolete even in modern British usage. The Birmingham "Journal" of August 29, 1869, informs its readers that, "The Sick Club question has given rise to another batch of letters from local practitioners of medicine ; " Mrs. Massingberd pub- lishes "Sickness, its Trials and Blessings" (Lon- don, 1868) ; and a letter before me, from a London woman to a friend, says, "I am truly sorry to hear you are so very sick. Do make haste and get well." One of Matthew Arnold's poems is "The Sick King in Bokara," in which are these lines: — " O, King thou know'st I have been sick These many days, and heard no thing." British officers have sick leave; British invalids keep a sick bed, or a sick room, and so forth, no matter what their ailment. . No one of them ever speaks of ill leave, an ill room, or an ill bed. Was an 111 Club ever heard of in England? The incon- gruity is apparent, and it is new-born and needless. For the use of ill — an adverb — as an adjective, thus, an ill man, there is no defence and no ex- cuse, except the contamination of bad example. Stop for stay is a Briticism; e. g., "stop at 'ome." To stop is to arrest motion ; to stay is to I98 WORDS AND THEIR USES. remain where motion is arrested. " I shall stop at the Clarendon," says our British friend — one of the sort that does not " stop at 'ome." And he will quite surely stop there ; but after he has stopped, whether he stays there, and how long, depend upon cir- cumstances. A railway train stops at many stations, but it stays only at one. WORDS THAT ARE NOT WORDS. I99 CHAPTER VII. WORDS THAT ARE NOT WORDS. WHAT is a word? Every one knows. The most ignorant child, if it can speak, needs no definition of word. Probably no other word in the language is so rarely referred to in dictionaries. Until I began to write this chapter, and had framed a definition of word for myself, I had never seen or heard one, that I remember. Yet, if any reader will shut this book here, and try to tell exactly what a word is, and write down his definition before he opens the book again, he may find that the task is not so easy as he may have supposed it to be. Dr. Johnson's definition is, "a single part of speech," at the limited view and schoolmasterish style of which we may be inclined at first to smile. Richardson's first definition is, " anything spoken or told." But this applies equally to a speech or a story. His second is, " an articulate utterance of the voice," which is really the same as Worcester's, " an artic- ulate sound." But this will not do ; for baclomijpivit is an articulate sound, but it is not a word, and I hope never will be one in my language ; and / and you are not articulate sounds, and yet they are words. Webster's definition is, — "An articulate or vocal sound, or a combination 200 WORDS AND THEIR USES. of articulate ^and vocal sounds, uttered by the human voice, and by custom expressing an idea or ideas." Here plainly, fulness and accuracy of definition have been sought, but they have not been attained. The definition, considering its design, is superflu- ous, inexact, and incomplete. The whole of the first part of it, making a distinction between articu- late and vocal sounds, and between such sounds and a combination of them, is needless and from the purpose. The latter part of the definition uses custom vaguely, and in the word idea fails to in- clude all that is required. A word is, an utterance of the human voice which in any community expresses a thought or a thing. If there is a village or a hamlet where ao expresses I love, or any other thought, and babo means bread, or anything else, then for that com- munity ao and babo are words. But words, gen- erally, are utterances which express thoughts or things to a race, a people. Custom is not an es- sential condition of wordship. Howells, in one of his letters (Book I. Letter 12), says of an Italian town, "There are few places this side the Alps better built and so well streeted as this." Streeted was probably never used before, and has probably never been used since Howells used it, two hundred and forty years ago. But it expressed his thought perfectfv then to all English-speaking people, and does so now, and is a participial adjective correctly formed. It is unknown to custom, but it has all the conditions of wordship, and is a much better English word than very many in "Webster's Dic- tionary." And, after all, Johnson's definition cov- WORDS THAT ARE NOT WORDS. 201 ers the ground. We must dismiss from our minds our grammar-class notion of a sort of things, prep- ositions, nouns, adverbs, and articles, the name of which is part-of-speech, and think of a single part of speech. Whatever is a single part of any speech is a word. But as there are books that are not books, so there are words that are not words. Most of them are usurpers, interlopers, or vulgar pretenders ; some are deformed creatures, with only half a life in them ; but some of them are legitimate enough in their pretensions, although oppressive, intolerable, useless. Words that are not words sometimes die spontaneously ; but many linger, living a precarious life on the outskirts of society, uncertain of their position, and a cause of great discomfort to all right thinking, straightforward people. These words-no-words are in many cases the consequence of a misapprehension or whimsical perversion of some real word. Sitting at dinner beside a. lady whom it was always a pleasure to look upon, I offered her a croquet, which she de- clined, adding, in a confidential whisper, " I am Banting." I turned with surprise in my face ; for she had no likeness to the obese London upholsterer, and heard the naif confession that she lived in daily fear lest the polished plumpness which so delighted my eye should develop into corpulence, and that therefore she had adopted Banting's system of diet, the doing of which she expressed by the grotesque participle banting. She was not alone in its use, I soon learned. And thus, because a proper name happened to end in ing, it was used as a participle 202 WORDS AND THEIR USES. formed upon the assumed verb bant. In fact, I have since that time often heard intelligent women, speaking without the slightest intention of pleas- antry, and in entire simplicity and unconsciousness, say of one or another of their friends, "O, she bants" or "She has banted these two years to keep herself down." The next edition of " Webster's Dictionary" will probably contain a new verb — Bant, to eschew fat-producing food. Another example of this mode of forming words is afforded by the following political advertisement, which I found in a Brooklyn paper : — "Notice. — I am intercessed by Mr. and certain of his friends to withdraw my claims for the supervisorship of this Ward. I have only to say to the citizens of the 13th that I run for the office upon the recommendation and support of many influential citizens, amounting to me as much as is claimed by the so-called regularly nominated candidate. I shall run for the office as Democratic Supervisor, despite intercessions or browbeating, and if elected shall make it my sole duty to attend to the inter- ests of property-holders and rights of the country. J S K G." I have given the advertisement entire, that it may be seen that the writer is a man of intelligence and some education ; and yet such a man not only sup- poses that hit er cession means simply entreaty, — losing sight entirely of the vicarious signification which is its essential significance (its primitive meaning being, going between), — but that it is from a verb inter cess ; or else he boldly forms in- tercess from intercession, and uses it apparently without the least hesitation or compunction. His honesty of purpose should win him forgiveness for less venial errors; but at this rate, and with this style of word-formation, where shall we stop? For WORDS THAT ARE NOT WORDS. 203 inter cess ) although it is yet rather raw and new, is as good a word as others which are in not infre- quent use among people of no less intelligence and general information than his. In this chapter some of these words will be examined, and also some others against which purism has raised objections which do not seem to be well taken. Adjectives are used as substantives with clear- ness and force when they thus give substantive form to an abstract quality, as, Seek the good, eschew the evil ; the excellent of the earth ; speak well of the dead. But the use of the adjective part of a compound-designating phrase as a noun is to be avoided upon peril of vulgarity and absurdity, and generally produces a word-no-word of the most monstrous and ridiculous sort. For example, a large gilded sign in Wall Street announces that Messrs. A & B are " Dealers in Governments ; " but if any gentleman in want of the articles should step in and ask to be supplied with a republic and two monarchies, he w r ould then probably learn that Messrs. A & B dealt not in governments, but in government securities. In like manner the editor of a Southern paper, carried out of the orbit of high journalistic reserve by the attractions of two ladies unknown to fame, begins thus an article in their glory : — " For the first time during the existence of this paper we notice a theatrical representation editorially. We generally leave that matter to our locals; but really the Worral sis- ters ! " What " a local " is might well puzzle an}^ reader who had not the technical knowledge that would 204 WORDS AND THEIR USES. enable him to see that it is " short " for local re- porter ; itself an incorrect name for a reporter of local news. Beguiling the time by reading the ad- vertising cards in a railway station where I awaited a belated train, my eye was caught by the following sentence in one of them : — " The Southern States is without exception the most com- plete six-hole premium ever made." What a premium was I knew, but a six-hole pre- mium, and still more a complete six-hole premium, was beyond the range even of my conjecture, un- less, perhaps, it might be a flute given as a reward of merit. But, reading farther, I found that the advertisers called public attention not only to their Southern States, but to their "Dixie for wood, with extended fire-box. A perfect premium I " This, and the wood-cut of a cooking stove, led me step by step to the apprehension of the fact that these in- ventors in language, as well as in household articles, had produced a utensil for the kitchen, which, hav- ing received a premium for it, they called, rightly enough, their premium stove ; and that thereafter they called their stoves, and perhaps all other good stoves, if any others than theirs could be good, -pre- miums, and consequently the best and largest of them all a complete six-hole premium. The height' of absurdity which they thus reached is a sufficient warning, without further remark, against the sub- stantive use of adjectives of which they furnished so bewildering an example. Authoress, Poetess. — These words and oth- ers of their sort have been condemned by writers WORDS THAT ARE NOT WORDS. 205 for whose taste and judgement I have great respect ; but although the words are not very lovel}< , it would seem that their right to a place in the language cannot be denied. The distinction of the female from the male by the termination ess is one of the oldest and best-established usages of English speech. Mistress, goddess, -prioress, deaconess, shepherd- ess, heiress, sempstress, traitress are examples that will occur to every reader. Sir Thomas Chaloner, in his translation of Erasmus's " Praise of Folly " (an excellent piece of English) makes a feminine noun, and a good one, by adding ess to a verb — foster. " Further, as concern yng my bringynge up, I am not envious that Jupiter, the great god, had a goat to his fostress" Gower says that Clytemnestra was "of her own lord mordrice" Fuller uses baildress and intrn- dress, Sir Philip Sidney captainess, Holland (Plu- tarch) Jlattress, Sylvester soveraintess, and Ben Jonson victress. And could w T 'e afford to lose Milton's " Thee, ckauntress, oft the woods among I woo, to hear thy even song " ? Indeed, these examples and this defence seem quite superfluous. There can be no reasonable objection made, only one of individual taste, to actress, authoress, poetess, and even to sculptress and paintress. Donate. — I need hardly say, that this word is utterly abominable — one that any lover of simple honest English cannot hear with patience and with- out offence. It has been formed by some presum- ing and ignorant person from donation, and is 206 WORDS AND THEIR USES. much such a word as vocate would be from voca- tion, orate from oration, or gradate from grada- tion : and this when we have give, -present, grant, confer, endow, bequeath, devise, with which to express the act of transferring possession in all its possible varieties. The first of these will answer the purpose, in most cases, better than any one of the others, and donation itself is not among our best words. If any man thinks that he and his gift are made to seem more imposing because the latter is called a donation, which he donates, let him remember that when Antonio requires that the wealthy Shylock shall leave all he dies possessed of to Lorenzo and Jessica, he stipulates that "he do record a gift" of it, and that Portia, in conse- quence, says, "Clerk, draw a deed of gift;" and more, that the writers of the simplest and noblest English that has been written called the Omnipo- tent "the Giver of every good and perfect gift." But there are some folk who would like to call him the Great Donater because he donates every good and perfect donation. If they must express giving by an Anglicized form of the Latin dono, it were better that they used donation as a verb. So Cotton writes (Montaigne's Essays, I. 359), "They used to collation between meals." This is better than "They used to collate between meals." Enquire, Enclose, Endorse. — These words have been condemned by some writers on the ground that they are respectively from the Latin inquiro, includo, and in dorsum, and should, there- fore, be written inquire, inclose, and indorse. This is an error. They are, to be sure, of Latin origin, WORDS THAT ARE NOT WORDS. 207 but remotely ; they come to us directly from the old French cnquerre, enclos, and endorser. For cen- turies they appear in our literature with the prefix en. That Johnson gives this class of words with the prefix in must be attributed to a tendency, not uncommon, but not healthy, to follow words of Norman or French origin back to their Latin roots, and to adopt a spelling in conformity to these, in preference to that which pertains to them as rep- resentatives of an important and inherent element in the formation of the English language. The best lexicographers and philologists now discour- age this tendency, and adhere to the forms which pertain to the immediate origin of derived words. But it must be confessed that the class of words in question is notably defiant of analogy, and ver}^ much in need of regulation. For instance, enquire, enquiry, inquest, inquisition. No one would think of writing enquest and enquisition. The discre- pancy is of long standing, and must be borne, except by those who choose to avoid it by writing inquire for the sake of uniformity ; condemnation of which may be left to purists. Enthused. — This ridiculous word is an Ameri- canism in vogue in the southern part of the United States. I never heard or saw it used, or heard of its use, by any person born and bred north of the Potomac. The Baltimore "American" furnishes the following example of its use : — " It seems that this State, so quickly entJiu&ed by the generous and loyal cause of emancipation, has grown weary of virtuous effort, and again stands still." I shall not conceal the fact that the following 208 WORDS AND THEIR USES. defence might be set up, but not fairly, for en- thuse. Evdovaiaapog (JEnthousiasmos) was formed by the Greeks from evQovg (enthous), a contracted form of evdeog (entheos) , meaning in or with God, i. e., divinely inspired. From the Greek adjective enthous, an English verb, enthuse might be properly formed. But, with no disrespect to Southern schol- arship, we may safely say that enthuse was not made by the illogical process of going to the Greek root of a Greek word from which an English noun had already been formed. It was plainly reached by the backward process of making some kind of verb from the noun enthusiasm, as donate was formed from donation. If our Southern friends must have a new word to express the agitation of soul to which this one would seem to indicate that they are peculiarly subject, let them say that they are en- thusiasmed. The French, who have the word en- thousiasme, have also the verb enihousiasmer , and, of course, the perfect participle enthousiasme , en- thusiasmed, which are correctly formed. But while we have such words as stirred, aroused, inspired, excited, transported, ravished, intoxicated, is it worth while to go farther and fare worse for such a word as enthused, or even enthusiasmed? &c. &c. — This convenient sign is very frequently read "and so forth, and so forth ;" and what is worse, many persons who read it properly, et cetera, regard it and use it as a more elegant equivalent of " and so forth ; " but it is no such thing. Et cetera is merely Latin for and other things, and is properly used in schedules or statements after an account given of particular things, to include other things WORDS THAT ARE NOT WORDS. 209 too unimportant and numerous for particular men- tion. But the phrase and so forth has quite an- other meaning, u e., and as before so after, in the same strain. It implies the continuation of a story in accordance with the beginning. Sometimes the story is actually continued in the relation, at other times it is not. Thus we may say, And so forth he told him — thus and so; or, after the relation of the main part of a story we may add, And so forth ; meaning that matters went on thereafter as before. This phrase is one of the oldest and most useful in the language. Gower thus used it in his "Confessio Amantis," written nearly six hundred years ago : — "So as he mighte [he] tolde tho [then] Unto Ulixes all the cas, How that Circes his moder was, And so forth said him every dele How that his moder grete him wele." Fellowship used as a verb (for example, "An attempt to disfellowshift an evil, but to fellowship the evil-doer") is an abomination which has been hitherto regarded as' of American origin. It is not often heard or written among people whose language is in other respects a fair example of the English spoken in "America;" but Mr. Bart- lett justly says in his " Dictionar}^ of American- isms" (a useful and interesting, although a very misleading book), that it "appears with disgusting frequency in the reports of ecclesiastical conven- tions, and in the religious newspapers generally." The conventions, however, and the newspapers are those of the least educated sects. To this use of fellowship it would be a perfect parallel to say that, 14 2IO WORDS AND THEIR USES. fifteen years ago, the monarchs of Europe would not kingship with Louis Napoleon. There is no excuse of need for the bringing in of this barbarism. Fel- low > like incite^ may be used as a verb as well as a noun ; and it is as well to say, I will not fellow with him as I will not mate with him. The authority of eminent example is not needed for such a use of fel- low ; but those who feel the want of it may find it in Shakespeare's plays and in " Piers Ploughman's Vision " by referring to Johnson's and Richardson's dictionaries, in both of which fellow is given as a verb. Words ending in ship express a condition or state, and fellowship means the condition or state of those who are fellows, or who fellow with each other. But the use of this word as a verb did not begin in " America ; " witness the following pas- sages from the " Morte d' Arthur : — " How Syr Galahad faugh t wyth Syr Tristram, and how Syr tristram yelded hym and promysed to felaushyp with lance- lot." "And, sire, I promyse you, said Sir Tristram, as soone as I may I will see Sir launcelot, and enfelaushifi me with hym, for of alle the knyghtes of the world I moost desyre his felauship." " Morte d' Arthur" Ed. Southey, Vol. I. pp. xix. 287. This was written A. D. 1469, and the verbs fel- lowship and enfellowship were reprinted in all editions, notwithstanding numerous and important modernizations and corrections of the text, down to that of 1634, which Mr. Wright has made the authority for his excellent edition of 1858. If the word could be justified by origin and use, it has them, of sufficient antiquity and high authority. And as to its being an Americanism, it was in use, like many other words, so-called, before Columbus WORDS THAT ARE NOT WORDS. 211 set sail on the voyage that ended in the unexpected discovery of the new continent. Forward, Upward, Downward, Toward, and other compounds of ward (which is the Anglo- Saxon suffix weard, meaning in the direction of, over against), have been written also forwards, upwards, and so forth, from a period of remote antiquity, extending even to the Anglo-Saxon form of the language. But there seems hardly a doubt that the 5 is a corruption as well as a superfluity. The weight of the best usage is on the side of the form without the s. " Speak to Israel that they go forward." (Exodus xiv. 15.) "For we will not inherit with them on yonder side Jordan, or for- ward : because our inheritance is fallen to us on this side Jordan eastward." (Numbers xxxii. 19.) There is no reason for forwards and backwards which would not justify eastwards and westwards, which no one thinks of using. Granting that both forms are correct, the avoiding of the hissing termi- nation, which is one of the few reproaches of our language, is a good reason for adhering to the simple, unmodified compound in ward. Gent and Pants. — Let these words go together, like the things they signify. The one always wears the other. Gubernatorial. — This clumsy piece of verbal pomposity should be thrust out of use, and that speedily. While the chief officers of States are called governors, and not gubernators, we may better speak of the governor's house and of the gov- ernor's room, than of the gubernatorial mansion and the gubernatorial chamber ; and why that which 212 WORDS AND THEIR USES. relates to government should be called guberna- torial rather than governmental, except for the sake of being at once pedantic, uncouth, and outlandish, it would be hard to tell. Hydropathy. — This word, and electropathy, and all of the same sort, should also be scouted out of sight and hearing. They are absolutely with- out meaning, and, in their composition, are fine examples of pretentious ignorance. Hahnemann called the system of medicine which he advocated, homoeopathy, because its method was to cure by the use of medicines which would give a like (omoios) disease or suffering (-pathos). The older system was naturally called by him (it was never before so called by its practisers) allopathy, because it worked by medicines which set up an action counter to, different from (alios), the disease. These are good technical Greek derivatives. And by just as much as they are good and reasonable, are hy- dropathy and electropathy bad and foolish. Why should water-cure be called water-disease? why electric-cure, electric-disease? The absurdity of these words is shown by translating them. They are plainly sprung from the desire of those who practise the water-cure and the electric-cure to be reckoned with the legitimate pathies. And the " hydropathists " and "electropathists" are not alone. I saw once, before a little shop with some herbs in the window, a sign which ran thus : — INDIAN OPATHIST. I was puzzled for a moment to divine what an opathist might be. But, of course, I saw in the WORDS THAT ARE NOT WORDS. 213 next moment that the vender of the herbs in the little shop, thinking that his practice had as good a right as any other to a big name, and deceived by the accent which some persons give to homoeop- athy and allopathy, had called his practice Indian- Opathy, and himself an Indian-Opathist. He was not one whit more absurd than the self-styled " hy- dropathist " and " electropathist." As great a blun- der was made by an apothecary, who, wishing to give a name to a new remedy for cold and cough, advertised it widely as coldine. Now, the termi- nation ine is of Latin origin, and means having the quality of; as metalline, having the quality of m.etal ; alkaline, having the quality of alkali ; canine hav- ing the qualities of a dog ; asinine, those of an ass. And so this apothecary, wishing to make a name that would sound as fine as glycerine, and stearine, and the like, actually advertised his remedy for a cold as something that had the quality of a cold. The rudest peasants do better than that by lan- guage for they are content with their mother tongue. A gentleman w r ho was visiting one of the remotest rural districts of England, met a bare-footed girl carrying a pail of water. Floating on the top of the water was a disc of wood a little less in diam- eter than the rim of the pail. "What's that, my lass?" he asked. "Thot?" (with surprise) ; "why, thot's a stiller," It was a simple but effective con- trivance for stilling the water as it was carried. The word is not in the dictionaries, but they con- tain no better English. It is only when men wish to be big and fine, to seem to know more than they do know, and to be something that they are not, that 214 WORDS AND THEIR USES. they make such absurd words as hydropathy, elec- tropathy, indianopathy , and coldine. Ize and 1st, two useful affixes for the expression of action and agency, are often ignorantly added when they are entirely superfluous, and when they are incongruous with the stem. They are Greek terminations, and cannot properly be added to An- glo-Saxon words. 1st is the substantive form, ize the verbal. Among the monsters in this form none is more frequently met with than jeopardize — a fool- ish and intolerable word, which has no rightful place in the language, although even such a writer as Charles Reade thus uses it : — " He drew in the horns of speculation, and went on in the old, safe routine ; and to the restless activity that had jeopardized the firm succeeded a strange torpidity." Certain verbs have been formed from nouns and adjectives by the addition of ise, or properly ize; as, for example, equal, equalize ; civil, civilize ; -pa- tron, patronize. But jeopardize has no such claims to toleration or respect. It is formed by adding ize to a verb of long standing in the language, and which means to put in peril ; and jeopardize, if it means anything, means nothing more or less. Experimentalize is a word of the same char- acter as the foregoing. It has no rightful place in the language, and is both uncouth and pre- tentious. The termination ize is not to be tacked indiscriminately to any word in the language, verbs and adverbs as well as adjectives and nouns, for the purpose of making new verbs that are not needed. It has a meaning, and that mean- ing seems to be continuity of action ; certainly WORDS THAT ARE NOT WORDS. 21 5 action, and action which is not momentary. Thus, equalize, to make equal ; naturalize, to make as by natural ; civilize, to make civil ; so with moralize, legalize, humanize, etc. But the people who use ex- perimentalize •> use it in the sense, to try experi- ments. Experiment, however, is both noun and verb, and will serve all purposes not better served by try and trial. Controversialist, conversationalist , and agricul- turalist, too frequently heard, are inadmissible for reasons like to those given against experiment- alize. The proper words are controvertist, con- versationist, and agriculturist. The others have no proper place in the English vocabulary. The ridiculous effect of the slang words shootist, stabbist, walkist, and the like, is produced by the incongruity of adding ist to verbs of Teutonic ori- gin. Er, the Anglo-Saxon sign of the doer of a thing, is incorrectly affixed to such words as -pho- tograph and telegraph, which should give us pho- tographist and telegraphist; as we say, correctly, paragraphist, not paragrapher ; although the lat- ter would have the support of such words as geog- rapher and biographer, which are firmly fixed in the language. Petroleum. — This word may be admitted as perfectly legitimate, but it is one of a class which is doing injury to the language. Petroleum means merely rock oil. In it the two corresponding Latin words, petra and oleum, are only put together; and we, most of us, use the compound without knowing what it means. Now, there is no good reason, or semblance of one, why we should use a 2l6 WORDS AND THEIR USES. pure Latin compound of four syllables to express that which is better expressed in an English one of two. The language is full of w r ords compounded of two or more simple ones, and which are used with- out a thought of their being themselves other than simple words — chestnut, walnut, acorn, household, husbandman, manhood, witchcraft, shepherd, sher- iff, anon, alone, wheelwright, toward, forward, and the like. The power to form such words is an element of wealth and strength in a language ; and every word got up for the occasion out of the Latin or the Greek lexicon, when a possible English com- pound would serve the same purpose, is a standing but unjust reproach to the language — a false im- putation of both weakness and inflexibility. The English out-take is much better than the Latin compound by which it has been supplanted — ex- cept. And why should we call our bank-side towns riparian ? In dropping wanhope we have thrown away a word for which despair is not an equiva- lent ; and the place of truth-like, or true-seeming would be poorly filled by the word which some very elegant people are seeking to foist upon us — vrai- semblable. If those who have given us petroleum for rock oil had had the making of our language in past times, our evergreens would have been called sempervirids. Practitioner is an unlovely intruder, which has slipped into the English language through the phy- sician's gate. We have no verb practition to be made a noun expressive of agency by the affix er. But either practitioner or practitionist means only one who practises, a practiser. Physicians speak of WORDS THAT ARE NOT WORDS. 217 their practice, and of the practice of medicine, and in the next breath call a medical man a practitioner. The dictionary-makers give practise as the stem of practitioner — it is difficult to see why. The word is evidently the French praticien, which has been Anglified first by distortion, and then by an incongruous addition, in the hope of attaining what was unattainable — a word meaning something big- ger and finer than is meant by the simple and cor- rect form practiscr. Presidential. — This adjective, which is used among us now more frequently than any other not vituperative, laudatory, or boastful, is not a legiti- mate word. Carelessness or ignorance has sad- dled it with an *', which is on the wrong horse. It belongs to a sort of adjectives which are formed from substantives by the addition of al. For example, incident \ incidental ; orient, oriental; regiment, regimental ; experiment, experimental. When the noun ends in ce, euphony and ease of utterance require the modification of the sound of al into that of ial ; as office, official ; consequence, consequential ; commerce, commercial. But we might as well say parcntial, monumential, and governmential, as -presidential. The proper form is presidcntal, as that of the adjectives formed upon tangent and exponent is tangental and exponental. Presidential, tangential, and exponential are a trinity of monsters which, although they have not been lovely in their lives, should yet in their death be not divided. Tangential and exponential, it is plain, were in- correctly made up by some mathematician ; and 2l8 WORDS AND THEIR USES. mathematicians, however exact they may be in their scientific work, are frequently at fault in their formation of words and phrases. These words and ^presidential are the only examples of their kind which have ^received the recognition, and have been stamped with the authority, even of dic- tionary-makers ; which recognition and stamp of authority mean simply that the dictionary-makers have found the words somewhere, and have added them to the heterogeneous swarm upon their pages. Euphony, no less than analogy, cries out for the correct forms, presidental, tangental, and ex p orien- tal . The rule of analogy is far from being abso- lute ; but if analogy may not be reasoned from in etymology (although not always as the ultima ratio}, language must needs be abandoned to the popular caprice of the moment, and we must admit that, in speech, whatever is, at any time, in any place, among whatever speakers, is right. The phrase -presidential campaign is a blatant Americanism, and is a good example of what has been well styled* " that inflamed newspaper Eng- lish which some people describe as being elo- quence." Is it not time that we had done with this nauseous talk about campaigns, and standard- bearers, and glorious victories, and all the bloated army-bumming bombast which is so rife for the six months preceding an election? To read almost any one of our political papers during a canvass is enough to make one sick and sorry. The calling a canvass a campaign is not defensible as a use of * In " The Nation," a paper which is doing much, I hope, at once to sober and to elevate the tone both of our journalism and our politics. WORDS THAT ARE NOT WORDS. 2IO. metaphor, because, first, no metaphor is called for, and last, this one is entirely out of keeping. We could do our political talking much better in simple English. One of the great needs of the day, in re- gard to language, is the purging it of the prurient and pretentious metaphors which have broken out all over it, and the getting plain people to say plain things in a plain way. An election has no manner of likeness to a campaign or a battle. It is not even a contest in which the stronger and more dex- terous party is the winner : it is a mere comparison, a counting, in which the bare fact that one party is the more numerous puts it in power, if it will only come up and be counted ; to insure which, a certain time is spent by each party in belittling and reviling the candidates of its opponents, and in magnifying and lauding its own ; and this is the canvass, at the likening of which to a campaign every honest. soldier might reasonably take offence. The loss of an election is sure to be attributed to vari- ous causes by the losers ; but the only and the sim- ple and sufficient cause is, that more men chose to vote against them than with them ; and as to the why of the why, it is either conviction, or friend- ship, or interest, with which all the meeting and parading, and bawling and shrieking, of the previ- ous three or four months has nothing to do what- ever. It will be well for the political morality and the mental tone of our people when they are brought to see this matter as it is, simply of itself; and one very efficient mode of enabling them to do so, would be for journals of character and men of sense to write and speak of it in plain language, calling a 2 20 WORDS AND THEIR USES. spade a spade, instead of using " that inflamed Eng- lish " which is now its common vehicle, and which is so contagious and so corrupting : — so contagious, and so corrupting, indeed, that I am not fond enough to hope that anything said here, even were it said with more reason and stronger persuasion than I can use, will unsettle any fixed habit of speech in my read- ers. I merely tell them what, in my judgment, it is right and best to say, knowing in my heart, all the while, that they, or most of them, will go on speaking as they hear those around them speak, as they will act as they see those around them acting. People do not learn good English or good manners by verbal instruction received after adolescence. Ever}?- man is like the apostle Peter in one re- spect — that his tongue bewrays him. Proven, which is frequently used now by law- yers and journalists, should, perhaps, be ranked among words that are not words. Those who use it seem to think that it means something more, or other, than the word for which it is a mere Low- land Scotch and North of England provincialism. Proved is the past participle of the verb to prove, and should be used by all who wish to speak English. Reliable. — Before giving our attention direct- ly to this word, it will be well to consider what might be said in favor of one which has some- what similar claims to a place in the language — undisfellowshi fable. We have seen that the verb to fellowship has the " authority " of ancient and distin- guished usage. Now, if we can fellowship with a man, we may disfellowship with him ; and if a man WORDS THAT ARE NOT WORDS. 221 whom we may rely upon is a reliable man, a man whom we can disfellowship with is disfellowshipa- ble, and one whose claims upon us are such that we cannot disfellowship with him is undisfellowshipable. I admit that I can discover no defect in this reasoning if the premises are granted. If mere ancient and honorable use authorizes a word, the verb to fellow- ship — as, I would fellowship with him — has un- deniable authority; and no reason which can be given for calling a man who may be relied upon reliable will fail to support us in calling a man who can be fellowshipped with fellowshipable. It may, however, be urged, — and I should venture to take the position, — that the mere use of a word, or a col- location of syllables with an implied meaning, what- ever the eminence of the user, is not a sufficient ground for the reception of that word into the recog- nized vocabulary of a language. For instance, the word intrinsecate is used by Shakespeare him- self:— " Come, mortal wretch, With thy sharp tooth this knot intrinsecate Of life at once untie." — Ant. and Cleop., V. 2. But, as Dr. Johnson said, "this word seems to have been ignorantly formed between intricate and in- trinsecal ;" and it has, notwithstanding the preemi- nent position of him who made it, no recognized place in the language, and is one of the words that are not words. Reliable is conspicuous among those words. That it is often heard merely shows that many per- sons have been led into the error of using it ; that other words of like formation have been found in 222 WORDS AND THEIR USES. the writings of men of more or less note in litera- ture merely shows that inferior men are not more incapable than Shakespeare was of using words ignorantly formed by the union of incongruous ele- ments. Passing for the present the words which are brought up to support reliable by analogy (on the ground, it would seem, unless they themselves can be sustained by reason, that one error may be justified by others), let us confine our attention to that one of the group, which, being oftenest heard, is of most importance. Probably no accumulation of reason and authority would protect the language from this innovating word (which is none the worse, however, because it is new) ; for to some sins men are so wedded that they will shut their ears to Moses and the prophets, and to one risen from the dead. Previous writers have well remarked that it is anomalous in position and incongruous in formation ; that adjectives in able, or its equivalent, ible, are formed from verbs transitive, the passive participle of which can be united with the meaning of the suffix in the definition of the adjective. For example, lovable, that may be loved; legible, that may be read; eatable, that may be eaten ; curable, that may be cured, and so forth ; that reliable does not mean that may be relied, but is used to mean that may be relied ufon, and that, therefore, it is not tolerable. The counter- plea has been, until recently, usage and conven- ience. But the usage in question has been too short and too unauthoritative to have any weight; and convenience is not a justification of monstrosity, when the monstrosity is great, offensive, and of WORDS THAT ARE NOT WORDS. 223 degrading influence, and the convenience so small as to be inappreciable. But it has been recently urged, with an air of pardonable triumph, that the rule of formation above mentioned has not pre- vailed in our language, as is shown by the presence in it of long-established adjectives, bearing with them the weight of all possible authority ; for in- stance, laughable, which does not mean that may be laughed, but that may be laughed at. Here the case has rested ; and if this argument could not be overthrown, the question would have been decided b} r it, and the use of reliable would be a matter of individual taste. But the argument goes too far, because those who used it did not go far enough. Comfortable does not mean that may be comforted, but that has or that gives comfort ; forcible, not that may be forced, but that is able to force ; seasonable, not that may be seasoned, but that is in season, in accord with the season ; leisurable, that has leisure ; fashionable, that has fashion. The suffix able, in Latin abilis, expresses the idea of power,* and so of capacity, ability, fitness. It may be affixed either to verbs or to nouns ; and of adjectives in this class not a few are formed upon the latter. In the ex- amples above it is affixed to nouns. Now, laugh is a noun, and laughable, marriageable, treasonable, leisurable, objectionable, and companionable are in the same category. Laughable does, in effect, mean that may be laughed at, as objectionable means, in effect, that may be objected to , but neither must therefore be regarded as formed from the verb by which each may be defined. Finally, the * See Tooke's "Diversions of Purley," VoL II. p. 502. 224 WORDS AND THEIR USES. fact is that, excepting a comparatively few adjec- tives in able or ible thus formed upon nouns,* every one of the multitudinous class of adjectives formed by this suffix — a class which includes about nine hundred words — is formed upon a verb transitive, and may be defined by the passive participle. They afford, therefore, no support to the word reliable, because we cannot rely anything. Professor Whitney, in his book on "The Study of Language," a work combining knowledge and wisdom in a greater degree than any other of its kind in English literature, gives some attention to the word in question, but contents himself with setting forth the arguments for and against it, with- out summing up the case and passing judgement. Among the reasons in its favor he mentions "the enrichment of the language by a synonyme, which may yet be made to distinguish a valuable shade of meaning ; which, indeed, already shows sight of doing so, as we tend to say f a trustworthy witness ' but ' reliable testimony.' " This is plausible, but only plausible; and it has been well answered by an able pupil of Professor Whitney's, and one worthy of his master,! as fol- lows : — " A little examination will show that there is no case at all for the word in question. There is really no tendency whatever, in common speech, to differentiate the two words in the senses named, for reliable is, in a large majority of cases, applied to persons. Nor, if there were such a tendency, would it add any- thing to the language, any more than to devise two distinct verbs meaning believe, the one to express believing a man, the other, believing what he says." * No small proportion of them is cited above. Many which have no proper place in the language are to be found in dictionaries. t Mr. Charlton Lewis in "The Evening Post" of March 6, 1869. WORDS THAT ARE NOT WORDS. 2 25 Of the common use of reliable , I met with the following amusing and illustrative example in the Paris correspondence of the London " Star." The Prince and Princess Christian, arriving at the French capital, had been compelled, for want of better carriage, to visit Trianon in a cab. Whereupon a quarter of a column of British astonishment and disgust, closing with this paragraph : — " I do the justice to the Prefect to assert that a telegram de- spatched on the party leaving Paris would have secured the presence of a more reliable vehicle than a hackney cab at the Versailles station." Here our word is put to fitting service in contrast- ing a reliable vehicle with an unreliable cab. And here is yet another instance in which the word ap- pears suitably accompanied. The sentence is from the prospectus of "The Democrat," published by the gentleman known as " Brick Pomeroy." " Politically it will be Democratic, red-hot and reliable." The red-hot and reliable democracy of Mr. "Brick Pomeroy's " paper and the unreliable cab at Versailles are w r ell consorted. Of the few words which may be, and some of which have been, cited in support of reliable, here follow the most important — the examples of their use being taken from Richardson's Dictionary : — Anchorablc. " The sea, everywhere twenty leagues from land, is anchor able." — Sir T. Herbert. Complainable. ''Though both be blamable, yet superstition is less complain able." — Feltham. Disposable. "The office is not disposable by the- crown." — Burke. Inquirable. ''There may be many more things inquirable bv you." — Bacon. IS 226 WORDS AND THEIR USES. Of these passages, the first affords an example of the improper use of words properly formed ; the second, of unjustifiable formations, like reliable. A vessel may be anchorable ; a sea cannot be so : neither a superstition nor anything else can be complainable, although it may be complained of. Herbert and Feltham could go astray in the use of anc/wrable and complainable, as Shakes- peare could in that of intrinsecate. The other two words could be accepted as of any weight upon this question only through ignorance both of their meaning and their history. Dispose does not need of to complete its transitive sense ; and the preposition has been added to it in common usage quite recently — long after disposable came into the language. Richardson affords the following ex- amples in point : — " Sens God seeth everything out of doutance, And hem disposeth through his ordinance." Chaucer. " But God, who secretly disposeth the course of things." Tyndal. And to this day we say that people dispose (not dispose of) themselves in groups to their liking, as Spenser said : — " The rest themselves in troupes did else dispose." Faerie J^hieene, II. 8. And accordingly Prynne, a careful writer, who lived two hundred years before Burke, says of the realm of Bohemia, " most of the great offices of which realme are hereditary, and not disposable by the king." Inquirable, as used by Bacon, means, not that may be inquired into, but that may be inquired, i. e., WORDS THAT ARE NOT WORDS. 227 asked. It is simply equivalent to askable. In the sense of inquired into it would not be admissible, and no recent examples of its use, or of its use in that sense, are cited by Richardson. Available — the word which seems most to sup- port reliable, because it is surely formed upon the verb avail, and because, although we may say of a thing that it avails much or it avails nought, we cannot say it may be availed — is itself unavail- able to the end for which it is cited. For avail itself is an anomalous and exceptional word in the manner of its use. It means to have value, effect, worth, power. Yet we say, both, It avails little, and He avails himself of it; both, Of what avail was it? and It was of no avail, as we say, Of what worth was it? and It was of no worth. But we cannot, or do not, speak of the avail of anything, as we speak of the worth of any thing. Avail, both as verb and sub- stantive, was used absolutely by our early writers in the sense of value, and available — i.e., that may be valued — came into the language under those circumstances. Unrefentable, which is used by Pollok, a writer of low rank and no authority, has been cited in support of reliable. But there is no verb unre- ■pent ; nor is there any instance known of the use of the adjective refentable. And although exam- ples are numerous of the use in the Elizabethan period of refent absolutely, without of* yet we read in our English Bible not of a repentance not repentable, but of "a repentance not to be repented of." * See Mrs. Clarke's " Concordance to Shakespeare." 228 WORDS AND THEIR USES. Accountable and answerable are, like available , anomalous, self-incongruous, and exceptionable. Accountable is used to mean, not that may be ac- counted for, but that may be held to account ; but answerable is used to mean both that may be an- swered (in which it is not a counterpart of reliable) and, that may be held to answer; while unaccount- able is used only to mean that cannot be account- ed for, and unanswerable, only that cannot be an- swered. These adjectives are out of all keeping. These are all the instances of adjectives in ble which are worthy of attention in the consideration of this formation ; and we have seen that none of them support the use of the affix with a verb de- pendent and intransitive, like rely. If there were a noun rely, upon that we might form reliable, as companionable has been formed on companion, and dutiable on ditty. Unless we keep to this law of formation, there is no knowing where we may find ourselves — stranded, it maybe, on some such rock as a grievable tale, an untrhieable person, or a weep- able tragedy. For instance, reliable has been fol- lowed into the world by a worthy kinsman, liveable, in the phrase " a liveable house," which we not only hear now sometimes, but even see in print, although it has not yet been taken into the diction- aries. See, for example, the following passage from a magazine of such high and well-deserved a reputation as " Macmillan's : " — • " In the first place, we would lay down as a fundamental prin- ciple in furnishing, that the end in view should be to make a house or a room cheerful, comfortable, and liveable. We say liveable, because there are so many which, though handsomely furnished, are dreary in the extreme, and the very thought of living in them makes one shudder." WORDS THAT ARE NOT WORDS. 229 Now, a life is liveable, because a man may live a life, as he can be himself; but a house cannot be lived any more than a pea-jacket. Either ma} T be lived in, according to the liver's fancy. Let us not, through mere sloth and slovenliness, give up for such a mess as reliable our birthright in a good word and a good phrase for a man who is trust- worthy, and whose word may be relied upon. Preventative, Casuality, receive a passing notice, only because they are heard so often instead of -preve?itive, casualty. They ought to be, but I fear that they are not, evidences of an utter want of education and of a low grade of intelligence. Resurrected. — This amazing formation has lately appeared in some of our newspapers, one of them edited by a man who has been clerk of the Senate, another, one of the most carefully edited journals in the country. For example : — "The invention described in yesterday's Times, and displayed on Saturday at Newark, by which a person who may happen to be buried alive is enabled to resurrect himself from the grave, may leave some people to fancy there is actual danger of their being buried alive." A weekly paper, of some pretensions, now ex- tinct, described Thomas Rowley as a priest whose writings Chatterton " professed to resurrect in the form of old, stained, moth-eaten manuscripts." What is this word intended to mean? Possibly the same act which people who speak English mean when they say that Lazarus was raised from the dead. The formation of resurrect from resurrection is just of a piece with the formation of donate from donation, inter cess from intercession. But it is 23O WORDS AND THEIR USES. somewhat worse ; for resurrected is used to mean raised, and resurrection does not mean raising, but rising. Thus we speak of the raising of Lazarus, but of the resurrection of Christ ; of God's raising the dead, but of the resurrection of the dead. Sis and Bub. — The gentlemen who, with affec- tionate gayety and gay affection, address very young ladies as Sis or Sissy, indulge themselves in that captivating freedom in the belief that they are merely using an abbreviation of sister. They are wrong. They doubtless mean to be frater- nal, or paternal, and so subjectively their notion is correct. But Si's, as a generic name for a young girl, has come straight down to us, without the break of a day, from the dark ages. It is a mere abbreviation or nickname of Cicely, and appears all through our early literature as Cis and Cissy. It was used, like Joan and Moll, to mean any young girl, as Rob or Hob, the nicknames of Robin, were applied in a general way to any young man of the lower classes. Of the latter name, Bub and Bubby are not improbably corrupt representatives ; although we may here have a real childish pronunciation of 'brother. Shamefaced, as every reader of Archbishop Trench's books on English knows, is a mere cor- ruption of shamefast, a word of the steadfast sort. The corruption, doubtless, had its origin in a misap- prehension due to the fact that fast was pronounced like facd, with the name sound of a, which led to the supposition that shamefast was merely an irregular spelling of shamefaced. To a similar confusion of words pronounced alike we owe the phrase "not WORDS THAT ARE NOT WORDS 23 1 worth a damn," in which the last word represents zvater-cress. The Anglo-Saxon name of the cress was cerse ; and this, by that transposition of the r so common in the earlier stages of our language, and which gave us bird for brid, and burn for bren, became cres. But for a long time it retained its original form ; and a man who meant to say that anything was of very little value, said sometimes that it was not worth a rush, and others that it was not worth a cerse, or kerse. For example (one of many), see this passage of "Piers Ploughman's Vision : " — Wisdom and wit now Is noght worth a kerse, But if it be cai'ded with coveitise, As clotheres kemben his wolle." Identity of sound between two words led to a misapprehension which changed the old phrase into f * not worth a curse ; " and a liking for variety, which has not been without its influence, even in the vocabulary of oaths and objurgations, led to the substitution to which we owe "not worth a damn." But for one variety of this phrase, which is peculiar to this country, and which is one of its very few original peculiarities, " not worth a continental damn," I am at a loss to assign a source; except that it may be found in that tendency to vastness of ideas, and that love of annexation of which we are somewhat justly accused, and which crops out even in our swearing. Stand-point. — To say the best of it, this is a poor compound. It receives some support, but not full justification, from the German stand-j)unkt , of 232 WORDS AND THEIR USES. which, indeed, it is supposed to be an Anglicized form, first used by Professor Moses Taylor. Grant- ing for the moment that stand-foint may be accepted as meaning standing-point, and that when we say, from our stand-point, we intend to say from the point at which we stand, what we really mean is, from our point of view, and we should say so. Periph- rasis is to be avoided when it is complicated or burdensome, but never at the cost of correctness ; and periphrasis is sometimes not only stronger, because clearer, than a single word, but more ele- gant. Stand-point, whatever the channel of its coming into use, is of the sort to which the vulgar words wash-tub, shoe-horn, brew-house, cook-stove, and go-cart belong, the first four of which are merely slovenly and uncouth abbreviations of wash- ing-tub, shoeing-horn, brewing-house, and cooking- stove, the last being a nursery word, a counterpart to which would be rock-horse, instead of rocking- horse. Compounds of this kind are properly formed by the union of a substantive or participle, used adjectively, with a substantive ; and their meaning may be exactly expressed by reversing the position of the elements of the compound, and connecting them by one of the prepositions of, to, and for. Thus, death-bed, bed of death ; stumbling-block, block of stumbling ; turning -point, point of turning ; play-ground, ground for play ; dew-point, point of dew ; steam-boat, boat for or of steam {bateau de va- peur) ; starvation-point , point of starvation ; horse- trough, trough for horses ; rain-bow, bow of rain ; bread-knife, knife for bread ; house-top, top of house ; dancing-girl, girl for dancing ; and standing-point, WORDS THAT ARE NOT WORDS. 233 point for or of standing ; and so forth. But by no contrivance can we explain standpoint as the point of, or to, or for, stand. Telegram. — This word, which is claimed as an "American" production, has taken root quickly, and is probably well fixed in the language. It is both superfluous and incorrectly formed ; but it is regarded as convenient, and has been allowed to pass muster. Telegraph is equally good as a verb expressing the act of writing, and as a noun ex- pressing the thing written. This is according to a well-known analogy of the language. But they who must have a distinct etymology for every word may regard telegraph, the verb, as from yguyeiv (graphein) = to write, and the noun as from the Greek noun yQucprj (graphe) =a writing. In mono- graph, epigraph, and paragraph, the last syllable in like manner represents yqaqtrj (graphe) ; in mon- ogram , epigram, and diagram the last syllable represents ygafi/m (gramma) = an engraved charac- ter, a letter.* This distinction, remembered, will prevent a confusion which prevails with many speakers as to certain words in graph and gram. A monograph is an essay or an account having a single subject ; a monogram, a character or cipher composed of several letters combined in one figure : an epigraph is an inscription, a citation, a motto; an epigram, a short poem on one subject. The confusion of these terminations has recently led some writers into errors which are amazing and * Toa/jifia, litera, scriptum ; (2) librum ; (3) scriptum quodcunqueut tabulae publics, leges, libri rationum, &c, et in plurali; (4) epistola, liters; (5) literae, doctrina ; (6) acta publica, tabulae ; (7) chirographum. rpais ylcan tid," i. e., Now to-morrow on this same time. (Exodus ix. 18.) This sense of an appointed time it had in the old, and now no longer heard, saying, The tider you go, the tider you come, which Skinner renders thus in Latin : £>tio temporius discedis, eo temporius rc- cedis. The ebb and flow of the sea came to be called the tide because it takes place at appointed seasons. The use of tide in this sense, a set time, a season, continued to a very late period ; of which the following passage from Shakespeare is an example : 236 WORDS AND THEIR USES " What hath this day deserved, That it in golden letters should be set Among the high tides in the calendar?" King John, iii. 1., where " high tides " has plainly no meaning of peculiar interest to mariners and fishermen. Chau- cer says, in "Troilus and Cressida : " — " The morrow came, and nighen gan the time Of mealtide." This use of the word is still preserved in the names of two appointed seasons, the church festivals Whit- suntide and Christmastide, or Christtide, which are more in vogue in England than in this country. Tide appears in this sense in the word betide. For example : Woe betide you ! that is, Woe await you ; May there be occasion of woe to you. Tide was thus used before the addition of the prefix be, as in the following lines from a poetical interpretation of dreams, written about A. D. 1315 : — " Gif the see is yn tempeste The tid anguisse ant eke cheste " (J. e., strife). Our proverb, therefore, means, not time and the flow of the sea wait for no man, but time and occa- sion, opportunity, wait for no man. The proverb appears almost literally in the following lines, which are the first two of an epitaph of the fifteenth cen- tury, that may be found in the "Reliquiae Antiquae " (Vol. I. p. 268): — " Farewell, my frendis, the tide abideth no man; I am departed fro this, and so shall ye," where, again, there is manifestly no allusion to the flow of water. There is an old agricultural phrase still used among the Lowland Scotch farmers, in WORDS THAT ARE NOT WORDS. 237 which tide appears in the sense of season : " The grund's no in tid," i. e., The ground is not in sea- son, not ready at the proper time for the earing. The use of tide in its sense of hour, the hour, led naturally to a use of hour for tide. Among the examples that might be cited of this conversion, there is a passage in " Macbeth w which has long been a puzzle to readers and commentators, and upon which, in my own edition of Shakespeare, I have only given some not very relevant comments by the Rev. Mr. Hunter. Macbeth says (Act i. scene 3), — "Time and the hour runs through the roughest day." As an hour is but a measured lapse of time, there has been much discussion as to why Shakespeare should have written " time and the hour," and many passages have been quoted from Shakespeare and other poets by the commentators, in which time and hour are found in close relation ; but they are all, as such quotations are apt to be, quite from the purpose. "Time and the hour" in this passage is merely an equivalent of time and tide — the time and tide that wait for no man. Macbeth's brave but unsteadfast soul is shaken to its loose foundations by the prophe- cies of the witches, and the speedy fulfilment of the iirst of them. His ambition fires like tinder at the touch of temptation, and his quick imagination sets before him the bloody path by which he is to reach the last and highest prize, the promised throne. But his good instincts — for he has instincts, not purposes — revolt at. the hideous prospect, and his whole na- ture is in a tumult of conflicting emotion. The soul 238 WORDS AND THEIR USES. of the man that would not play false, and yet would wrongly win, is laid open at a stroke to us in this first sight we have of him. After shying at the ugly thing, from which, however, he does not bolt, at last he says, cheating himself with the thought that he will wait on Providence, — <: If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me Without my stir." And then he helps himself out of his tribulation, as men often do, with an old saw, and says it will all come right in the end. Looking into the black, turbulent future, which would be all bright and clear if he would give up his bad ambition, he neither turns back nor goes forward, but says, — "Come what come may, Time and the hour runs through the roughest day." That is, time and opportunity, time and tide, run through the roughest day ; the day most thickly bestead with trouble is long enough, and has occa- sions enough for the service and the safety of a ready, quick-witted man. But for the rhythm, Shakespeare would probably have written, Time and tide run through the roughest day ; but as the adaire in that form was not well suited to his verse, he used the equivalent phrase, time and the hour (not time and an hour, or time and the hours) ; and the appearance of the singular verb in this line, I am inclined to regard as due to the poet's own pen, not as accidental. FORMATION OF PRONOUNS. 239 CHAPTER VIII. FORMATION OF PRONOUNS. SOME. ADJECTIVES IN EN. EITHER AND NEITHER. SHALL AND WILL. FORMATION OF PRONOUNS. TWO correspondents have laid before me the great need — which they have discovered — of a new pronoun in English, and both have sug- gested the same means of supplying the deficiency, which is, in the words of the first, "the use of en y or some more euphonious substitute, as a personal pronoun, common gender." "A deficiency exists there," he glibly continues, "and we should fill it." My other correspondent has a somewhat juster notion of the magnitude of his proposition, or, as I should rather say, of its enormity. But, still, he insists that a new pronoun is "universally needed," and as an example of the inconvenience caused by the want, he gives the following sentence : — "If a person wishes to sleep, they mustn't eat cheese for supper." "Of course," he goes on to say, "that is incorrect; yet almost every one would say they.''' (This I venture to doubt.) "Few would say in common conversation, f If a person wishes to sleep, he or she mustn't eat cheese for supper.' It is too much 24O WORDS AND THEIR USES. trouble. We must ha\ge a word to take the place of he or she, his or hers, him or her, etc. As the French make the little word en answer a great many purposes, suppose we take the same word, give it an English pronunciation (or any other word), and make it answer for any and every case of that kind, and thus tend to simplify the lan- guage." To all this there are two sufficient replies. First, the thing can't be done ; last, it is not at all neces- sary or desirable that it should be done. And to consider the last point first. There is no such dilemma as the one in question. A speaker of common sense and common mastery of English would say, " If a man wishes to sleep, he must not eat cheese at supper,"* where man, as in the word mankind, is used in a general sense for the species. Any objection to this use of man, and of the rela- tive pronoun, is for the consideration of the next Woman's Rights Convention, at which I hope it may be discussed with all the gravity beseeming its momentous significance. But as a slight contribu- tion to the amenities of the occasion, I venture to suggest that to free the language from the oppres- sion of the sex and from the outrage to its dignity, which have for centuries lurked in this use of man and he, it is not necessary to say, "If a person wishes to sleep, en mustn't *eat cheese for supper," but merely, as the speakers of the best English now say, and have said for generations, " If one wishes to sleep, one mustn't, etc." One, thus used, is a * Unless we mean that the supper consisted entirely or chiefly of cheese, we should not say cheese for supper, but cheese at supper. FORMATION OF PRONOUNS. 24 1 good pronoun, of healthy, well-rooted growth. And we have in some another word which supplies all our need in this respect without our going to the French for their over-worked en; e. g., Void dcs bonnes fraises. Voulez-vous en avoir ? These are fine strawberries. Will you have some? Thus used, some is to all intents and purposes a pronoun which leaves nothing to be desired. With he 9 she, it, and we, and one, and so?ne, we have no need of en or any other outlandish pronoun. Or we should have had one long ere this. For the service to which the proposed pronoun would be put, if it were adopted, is not new. The need is one which, if it exists at all, must have been felt five hundred years ago as much as it can be now. At that period, and long before, a noun in the third person singular was represented, according to its gender, by the pronouns he, she, or it, and there was no pronoun of common gender to take place of all of them. In the matter of language, popular need is inexorable, and popular ingenuity inex- haustible ; and it is not in the nature of things that, if the imagined need had existed, it should not have been supplied during the formative stages of our language, particularly at the Elizabethan period, to which we owe the pronoun its. The introduction of this word, although it is merely the possessive form of it, was a work of so much time and diffi- culty, that an acquaintance with the struggle would alone deter a considerate man from attempting to make a new pronoun. Although, as I have said, it is the mere possessive case of a word which had been on the lips of all men of Anglo-Saxon blood 16 242 WORDS AND THEIR USES. for a thousand years, and although it was intro- duced at a period notable for bold linguistic innova- tions, and was soon adopted by some of the most popular writers, Shakespeare among them, nearly a century elapsed before it was firmly established in the English tongue. For pronouns are of all words the remotest in origin, the slowest of growth, the most irregular and capricious in their manner of growth, the most tenacious of hold, the most difficult to plant, the most nearly impossible to transplant. To say that /, the first of pronouns, is three thousand years old, is quite within bounds. We trace it through the old English form ich, the Anglo-Saxon tc 9 the Maeso-Gothic ik, the Icelandic eg, the Latin and Greek ego, the Hebrew verbal postfix 1, to the San- skrit a/i-am. Should any of my readers fail to see the connection between ah-am and /, let him consider for a moment that the English sound expressed by the character / is ah-ee. The antiquity of pronouns is shown, also, by the irregularity of their cases. This is generally a trait of the oldest words in any language, verbs and adjectives as well as pronouns. For instance, the words expressing consciousness, existence, pleas- ure, and pain, the first and commonest linguistic needs of all peoples, — in English, /, be, good, bad ; in Latin, ego, esse, bonus, mains, — are regular in no language that I can remember within the narrow circle with which I have been able to establish an acquaintance. Telegrafh and skedaddle are as regular as may be; but we say go, went, gone; the Romans said eo, ire, ivi, itum ; and the irregular- FORMATION OF PRONOUNS. 2.{3 ities, dialectic and other, of the Greek Etfit (eimi), are multitudinous and anomalous. English pronouns have real cases, which is one sign of their antiquity, the Anglo-Saxon having been an inflected lan- guage; but not in Anglo-Saxon, Latin, or any other inflected language, are the oblique cases of / derived from it more than they are in English. My, me, we, our, us, are not inflections of /; but neither are meus, mihi, me, nos, nostrum, nobis, inflections oiego. The oblique cases of pronouns are furnished by other parts of speech, or by other pronouns, from which they are taken bodily, or composed in the early, and, generally, unwritten stages of a lan- guage. Between the pronoun and the article there is generally a very close relation. It is in allusion to this fact that Sir Hugh Evans, putting William Page to school (" Merry Wives of Windsor," Act IV. Scene i), and endeavoring to trip the lad, —though he learned the trick of William Lilly the gram- marian, — asks, "What is he, William, that doth lend articles?" But the boy is too quick for him, and replies, "Articles are borrowed of the pronoun, and be thus declined : singular iter, nominativo, hie, hcEC, hoc" A marked instance of this relationship between the pronoun and the article, and an instructive ex- ample of the manner in which pronouns come into a language, is our English she, which is borrowed from the Anglo-Saxon definite article se, the feminine form of which was sed ; and this definite article it- self originally was, or was used as, a demonstrative pronoun, corresponding to who, that. For se is # a softened form of the older the ; and Ic the, he the 244 WORDS AND THEIR USES. are Anglo-Saxon for I who, he who. The Anglo- Saxon for she was heo ; the masculine being, as in English, he. And as a definite feminine object was expressed by the article seo, the likeness and the difference between this and he6, the feminine pro- noun, caused a sort of coalition between the two, as our language was losing its old inflectional form, and passing from Anglo-Saxon into Early English, and from seo and hed came she. Something of the same sort is done by the jocular feminization of the word Hebrew, and the calling a woman of that race a Shebrew. Our possessive neuter pronoun its, to which refer- ence has been made before, came into the language last of all its kin, in this manner : As heo was the feminine of he, hit was the neuter. From hit the h was dropped by one of the vicissitudes which have so often damped the aspirations of that unfor- tunate letter. Now in it, the t — half the word —is no part of the original pronoun, but the mere in- flectional termination by which it is formed from he. But by long, usage, in a period of linguistic disintegration, the t came to be looked upon as an essential part of the word, one really original let- ter of which, h, had been dropped by the most cultivated writers. This letter, however, long held its place ; and in the usage of the common people, and in that of some writers, the Anglo-Saxon hit was the neuter pronoun nearly down to the Eliz- abethan period. Of both the masculine he and the neuter hit, the possessive case was his, just as ejus is the genitive of both Me and Mad ; and so his was the proper lineal possessive case of it, the succes- FORMATION OF PRONOUNS. 245 sor of hit. If his had been subjected to a depriva- tion like to that of the nominative, by an elision of the h, and made into is, there would have been no apparent reason to question its relationship to it. But this was not to be. The t, not the h, had come to be regarded as the essential letter of the word ; his was looked upon as belonging to he, and not to it ; and to the latter was added the s, which is a sign of possession in so many of the Indo-Euro- pean languages. But there lingered long, not only among the uneducated people who continued to use hit, but among writers and scholars, a consciousness that his was the true possessive of it, and still more a feeling that its was an illegitimate pretender. And, indeed, if ever word was justly called bas- tard, this one deserves the stigma. But like some other bastards, it has held the place it seized, and justified the usurpation by the service it has ren- dered.* This is the history, hitherto untold consecutively, I believe, of a pronoun which as late as A. D. 161 1 was not allowed to appear in a work at once so schol- arly and so idiomatic as our English version of the Bible, which occurs but a few times in Shake- speare, and instead of which we find his, her, and even it, used by writers far down in the seven- teenth century. * Some doubt yet prevails as to the origin of the use of his as a sign of the posses- sive case, as, John his book. May it not have come in thus? Es or is, the possessive inflection, was first separated from the noun ; e. g., — " &. the sweetest tyring that is to gosshawke & sperhawke is a pigge is tayle." " Anoynt the hawke is erys with oyle of olive, " etc. » Book of Hawking (tem. Henry VI.), Relig. Antiq. I. 296, 301. The separation effected, is was aspirated, and supposed to be the pronoun. A pigge his tayle and John his book are not easily distinguishable from a pigg-es tayle and John-es book. Hence the confusion of the two. 246 WORDS AND THEIR USES. It is worth while to remark that the feminine pos- sessive pronoun has a story somewhat similar to the neuter's. Her is the Anglo-Saxon hire slight- ly modified by time and usage. In hire, and con- sequently in her, the r is not an original element, but merely inflectional ; hire or her being the gen- itive of heo, she. We still say, as our Anglo- Saxon forefathers said, her book, her gown. But the instinct of uniformity which led to the addition of s to it had led also before to the addition of the same letter to her for the formation of a possessive absolute, hers. We say, not, This gown is her, but, This gown is hers ; as we say, Your book, but, This book is yours ; Our house, but, This house is ours. Thus all these absolute possessive nouns in 5 are double possessives, having the possessive affix s added to the inflectional possessive form. In the case of the first example, hers, the inflectional pos- sessive her became the objective, taking the place of the Anglo-Saxon objective or accusative hi; probably because hers was regarded as a possessive formed from her, which in some parts of England among the peasantry is now used as a nomina- tive. To the above illustration of the way in which pronouns find their way into a language, I will add one example of this taking of a part of an original word as a root. Had we lived three or four hun- dred years ago, we should have said about this time of year, — July, — that we liked pison for din- ner. But by this we should not have meant that fluid which is sung, cold, in the touching ballad of " Villikins and his Dinah," but simply peas ; and FORMATION OF PRONOUNS. 247 we should have pronounced the word, not py-son, but -pee-son. Pison or pis en is merely the old plu- ral in en (like oxen, brethren) of pise — pronounced (peese) — the name of the vegetable which we call pea. Our forefathers said a pise, as we say a pea. When the old plural in en was dropped, pise (peese) came to be regarded as a plural in 5 of a supposed singular, pi (pronounced pee) ; and by this back- ward movement toward a non-existent starting-point, we have attained the word pea. To return to our subject. The British Parliament is called omnipotent, and a majority may, by a single vote, change the so-called British Constitu- tion, as a majority of Congress may, if it will, set at naught the Constitution of the United States. But neither Parliament nor Congress, not both of them by a concurrent vote, could make or modify a pronoun in the language common to the nations for which they legislate. I shall endeavor to answer another and a difficult question which has been lately asked as to the for- mation of pronouns. Why do we say myself , your- self, ourselves, using, as it appears, the possessive form of the pronoun, and yet himself, themselves, using the objective? No reason has been discov- ered for this anomaly ; but its history is traceable.* * The question was asked by Mr. Edward S. Gould, author of " Good English," a book full of counsel and criticism that justifies its title. His communication ap- peared in "The Round Table " of April 10; and the above reply, forming the remain- der of the present chapter, appeared April 24, in the same paper, under date of April 10. An explanation, substantially the same, was subsequently given in "The Round Table" of June 5 by Mr. Thomas Davidson, of St. Louis, an accomplished scholar and etymologist, who thus introduced his remarks : — " Mr. Gould's other difficulty is one which he shares with a very large number of scholars. It is a real one, and I have never seen in any book a definite solution of it I will, therefore, ask leave to state, at some length, the results of my own researches 248 WORDS AND THEIR USES. The emphatic compound pronoun has come directly down to us from the Anglo-Saxon, in which it was formed by the union, although not the compound- ing, of the pronoun ic (I), and the pronominal adjective sylf (self). The adjectival force of the latter word continued long unimpaired. In the Cursor Mundi, a Middle English metrical version of parts of the Bible, Christ says, "For I am self man al perflte," i. e., I am very man all perfect ; and even in Twelfth Night Shakespeare wrote, "with one self king," which the revisors of the text for the folio of 1632, not apprehending, altered to " with one se\f-same king." But the Anglo-Saxon ic (I) and syf (self) were both declined; and when they were united they still were both declined. So, as we have res-^ublica, rei-fublicize airizane ussto]?." 256 WORDS AND THEIR USES, That is, some centurion, some prophet; as we might say, some one centurion or other, some two or three centurions. So that the Gothic Ulphilas used so?ne just as it was used by the Anglo-Saxon Alfred and the English WyclifTe. Returning to the Anglo-Saxon, we find that where Moses tells us, ac- cording to our modern version (Genesis xlvi. 37), that " all the souls of the house of Jacob which came into Egypt were threescore and ten," the Anglo- Saxon translator tells us that there were "some seventy" of them — "seofontigra sum." Our ex- amination proves, then, that this use of some, which is objected to, in so many quarters, as inelegant and incorrect English, conforms strictly to the meaning which the word has had among speakers and the best writers ever since it came out of the darkness a thousand and half a thousand years ago ; that it can be traced from Holmes and Thackeray, through Shakespeare, and Bacon, and Wycliffe, and King Alfred, to Ulphilas, the Goth, on the Dacian banks of the Danube ; where, we may be sure, the Em- peror Julian heard it, as, during the life of Ulphilas, and before Alaric came upon the stage, he led his victorious legions down that river, after his splendid campaign against the Germans, which so revived the somewhat tarnished lustre of the Roman arms. In fact, this idiom, as well as this word, is found, without variation, in the oldest Teutonic dialect known to us, and is, at least, a thousand years older than the modern English language, in which it has been preserved, without change, both in the writings of scholars and in the common speech of the people. There can be. no higher authority, no better SOME. 257 reason, for any word or form of language, than that it springs from a simple native germ, and is rooted in the usage of fifteen hundred years. And it would be difficult to find in any tongue another word or phrase which has such simplicity of origin and structure, and such length of authoritative usage in its support, as this, which has offended the ears of some half a dozen of my correspondents and some three or four British critics. It is not my purpose to enter here upon the defence of good English words and phrases ; but I have gone somewhat at length into the history of this phrase, not only because I hoped it might be interesting to my readers, but because the denuncia- tion of the usage is a noteworthy example of the mistakes that may be made by purists in language. When a word, a phrase, or an idiom is found in use both in common speech and in the writings of edu- cated men, we may be almost sure that there is good reason for the usage. But cultivated and well- meaning people sometimes take a scunner against some particular word or phrase, as we have seen in this case, and they flout it pitilessly, and think in their hearts that it is the great blemish upon the speech of the day. And, by the by, one of my critics, and one who I fear rates my judgment and my knowledge much above their desert, finds fault with my own English (which I am far from setting up as an example, having neither time nor inclination to "Blair-up" my sentences), in that I use the phrase first rate as denoting a high degree of superiority, which he says " will hardly be found in that sense 17 258 WORDS AND THEIR USES. in serious English composition, certainly not until within a comparatively recent period." This brought to my mind the following passage from Sir Walter Scott's "Monastery" (chapter xxviii.) : — " The companion of Astrophel, the flower of the tilt-yard- of Feliciana, had no more idea that his graces and good parts could attach the love of Mysie Happer than a first-rate beauty in the boxes dreams of the fatal wound which her charms may inflict on some attorney's apprentice in the pit; " and this also from Fielding's "Tom Jones" (chapter iv.):- " — and she was indeed a most sensible girl, and her under- standing was of the first rate." If Walter Scott, fifty years ago, and Henry Fielding, a hundred and twenty-five, called beauties and sensible girls first rate, surely I, in these days, may, with calm indifference to consequences, so call the journal in which, and the critic by whom, I am reproved. But I had, of course, no thought of these precedents when I wrote, and should have used the phrase without scruple, even were I sure that it had never been used before. Too much stress is generally laid upon the authority of mere previous usage, which is not at all necessary to the justification of a good word or phrase. A lawyer of distinction once said to me that, before a jury, he had needed, and on the spur of the moment, had made and used, the word juxtapose, adding that he .had no business to do so, but that it was a pity that there was no such word in the language, or, as he said, in the dictionaries. But no man needs the authority of a dictionary (even such authority as dictionaries have) , or of previous usage, for such ADJECTIVES IN EN. 259 a word as juxtapose. It is involved in juxtaposi- tion as much as interpose and transpose are in in- terposition and transposition. The mere fact that it had not been used before this occasion, or rather that no maker of dictionaries had happened to notice it, is of no moment whatever. Any man has the right to use a word, especially a word of such natural growth and so well rooted as juxtapose, for the first time, else we should be poorly off for language. But he must be wary and sure of his ground ; for an innovator does his work at his own proper peril. ADJECTIVES IN EN. Unless a stand is made by the writers and speakers who guide the course of language (I mean not only scholars and men of letters, but the great mass of w r ell-educated and socially-cultivated people), we shall lose entirely a certain class of words — adjectives in en formed from nouns — which contribute much to the usefulness and beauty of our language. Threaden is hopelessly gone, and, rarely needed, will be little missed. Golden, brazen, leaden, leathern, wkeaten, oaten, and waxen are in more or less advanced stages of departure. They all appear in poetry, but are not often used for the every-day needs of life, except in figurative language. Most people would say, a gold candle- stick, a brass faucet, a lead pipe, and so forth ; but a golden harvest, a brazen face, a leaden sky. The most untaught or the most eccentric person would hardly say, a brass face, or a lead sky. The adjective in en seems to be restricted to the 260 WORDS AND THEIR USES. expression of likeness ; whereas it was formed to express substance, of course including likeness. Golden, meaning made of gold, and, of course, like gold, now is generally used to mean the latter only ; and for the former sense the noun gold is used as an adjective. This is to be deplored, not only because the formation in question is one of the oldest in our language, but because its loss is a real impoverishment of our vocabulary, compelling us to put one word to two uses, and also because we are thereby deprived of what we much need — dis- syllables the last syllable of which is unaccented. In proportion as a language is without such words, it lacks one of the chief elements of a flowing rhythm, and becomes stiff and chalk-knuckled. Compare the sound of a golden crown, a leaden weight, a wheaten loaf, with that of a gold crown, a lead weight, a wheat loaf. To a person who has an ear for rhythm the former is agreeable, the latter harsh and offensive. To any one the former phrases are easier of utterance than the latter. The adjectives in en can be saved if we will, and they are well worth saving. If those who are strong enough v do not stretch out their hands to them, we shall soon be wearing wool clothes ; we shall not know the difference between a wooden house and a wood-house ; we shall be talking of the North States and the South States, the East and the West States ; and when we go back to the old well, we shall find there, not the old oaken bucket, but an oak bucket, which, in losing half its distinc- tive epithet, will have lost half the association, and all the beauty, of its name. In an old inventory EITHER AND NEITHER. 26 1 before me, which was made about the year 1600, there are these items : " A tynnen quart, lod. ; a square tynnen pot, 6d." Overbury, in his "Charac- ters," writes of " pellets in eldern guns ; " Tubervile of" a pair of yarnen socks." And in the "Apology for the Lollards," supposed to have been written by WyclifFe, is this passage, which contains a cluster of adjectives in en formed from substantives, and used by our forefathers five hundred years ago. "As the hethun men hed sex kyndis of similacris clayen, treen, brasun, stonun, silveren, and golden, so have lordis now sex kjndis of prelatis." It is difficult to see why silveren should have been dropped, and brazen and golden retained. Better return to stonen and clay en and yarnen , than lose golden and its fellows. EITHER AND NEITHER. Either is a singular word. It expresses, and from Anglo-Saxon times has expressed, in the best usage, one of two and both of two. As both means two taken together, so either means two considered sep- arately. Thus, " On either side of the river was the tree of life," means that the tree grew on both sides alike; but, "Take either side of the river," means that one or the other of the two sides may be taken. It is well to assert this claim for ei- ther, because it has been questioned by some pu- rists. It is almost impossible to explain how this word means both one and two, and how it can yet be used without causing any confusion for in- telligent people. Either, being compounded of the Anglo-Saxon aeg, every, and hwa^er, which of two, 262 WORDS AND THEIR USES. and so meaning every which, or one, of two, should, strictly, be used only with reference to two objects. Neither, being but the negative of either, conforms to like usage. But for a very long period, they, particularly the latter, have been used by our best writers in relation to more than two objects. For example, — "Which of them [the ancient Fathers] ever said that neither kings, nor the whole clergy, nor yet all the people together are able to be judges over you?" — Bishop Jewell's Apology, Part V. c. 5. " — their main business [that of sacred writers] is to abstract man from this world, and to persuade him to prefer the bare hope of what he can neither hear, see, nor conceive, before all present enjoyments this world can afford." — Hobbes's Liberty and Ne- cessity, Epistle. " Independent morals are to be neither Catholic, Evangelic, Buddhist, nor Atheistic." — Saturday Review, October 31, 1869. " — this new and ambitious organ attacks neither Protestants like M. Guizot, Catholics like its orthodox readers, Israelites like M. Rothschild, nor Atheists like M. Prudhon." — Idem. This use of these words, although not defensible on any other grounds than those of convenience and custom, seems likely to prevail, and it were well if no graver errors had been sanctioned by the au- thority of eminent writers. Either, used separately, is responded to by or, and neither by nor ; thus — either this or that, neither this nor that. This rule, which is absolute, is frequently violated. Some people, not uneducated, seem to think that if either has been preceded by a negation, it should be fol- lowed by nor. They would write, for instance, a passage in Bacon's " New Atlantis " thus : " We never heard of any ship that had been seen to arrive upon any shore of Europe; no, nor of either the East nor the West Indies." But Bacon wrote, cor- EITHER AND NEITHER. 263 rectly, " nor of either the East or the West Indies." The introduction of a second nor in such sentences involves the use of two negatives in the same asser- tion. It is like, He hadn't none. The pronunciation of either and neither has been much disputed, but, it would seem, needlessly. The best usage is even more controlling in pronunciation than in other departments of language ; but usage itself is guided, although not constrained, by anal- ogy. The analogically correct pronunciation of these words is what we call the Irish one, ayther and nayther ; the diphthong having the sound it has in a large family of words in which the diphthong ei is the emphasized vowel sound — weighty freight, deign, vein, obeisance, etc. This sound, too, has come down from Anglo-Saxon times, as we have already seen, the word in that language being cBgfer; and there can be no doubt that in this, as in some other respects, the language of the educated Irish Englishman is analogically correct, and in conformity to ancient custom. His pronunciation of certain syllables in ei which have acquired in English usage the sound of e long, as, for example, conceit, receive, and which he pronounces consayt, resayve, is analogically and historically correct. E had of old the sound of a long, and i the sound of e, particularly in words which came to us from or through the Norman French. But ayther and nay- ther, being antiquated and Irish, analogy and the best usage require the common pronunciation eether and neether. For the pronunciation i-ther and ni- ther, with the i long, which is sometimes heard, there is no authority, either of analogy or of the 264 WORDS AND THEIR USES. best speakers. It is an affectation, and in this coun- try, a copy of a second-rate British affectation. Persons of the best education and the highest social position in England generally say eether and neether. SHALL AND WILL. The distinction between these words, although very clear when it is once apprehended, is liable to be disregarded by persons who have not had the advantage of early intercourse with educated Eng- lish people. I mean English in blood and breeding ; for, as the traveller found that in Paris even the children could speak French, so in New England it is noteworthy that even the boys and girls playing on the commons use shall and will correctly ; and in New York, New Jersey, and Ohio, in Virginia, Maryland, and South Carolina, fairly educated people of English stock do the same ; while by Scotchmen and Irishmen, even when they are pro- fessionally men of letters, and by the great mass of the people of the Western and South-western States, the words are used without discrimination, or, if discrimination is attempted, will is given the place of shall, and vice versa. It is much to be regretted that an English scholar of Mr. Marsh's eminence should have expressed the opinion that the distinc- tion between these words " has, at present, no logical value or significance whatever," and have ventured the prediction that " at no very distant day this verbal quibble will disappear, and that one of the auxiliaries will be employed with all persons of the nominative, exclusively as the sign of the future, SHALL AND WILL. 265 and the other only as an expression of purpose or authority." The distinction between shall and will, as aux- iliary verbs to be used with various persons as nom- inatives, is a verbal quibble, just as any distinction is a quibble to persons too ignorant, too dull, or too careless for its apprehension. So, and even } T et more, is the distinction between be, am, art, is, and are, a quibble. All these words express exactly the same thought — that of present existence. Why, there- fore, should not the distinction between them, which assigns them to various persons as nominative::, be swept away, so that, instead of entangling ourselves in the subtle intricacies of I am, thou art, he is, we are, you are, they are, which are of no logical val- ue or significance, we may say, with all the charm and the force of simplicity, I he, thou be, he be, we be, you be, they be? — as, in fact, some very worthy people do, and manage to make themselves under- stood. Why, indeed, should we suffer a smart little verbal shock when the Irish servant says, "Will I put some more coal on s the lire?" And why should we be so hard-hearted as to laugh at the story of the Frenchman, who, falling into the water, cried out, as he was going down, " I vill drown, and nobody shall help me"? But those who have genuine, well-trained English tongues and ears are shocked, and do laugh. The reason of the distinction is regarded by most writers upon language as very difficult of explanation. Essays have been written upon the question ; Sir Edmund Head even made a little book about it ; but no one has yet traced the usage to its origin so clearly as 266 WORDS AND THEIR USES. to satisfy all philologists. Without pretending to do what so many others have failed in doing, I shall give the explanation that is satisfactory to me. The radical signification of will (Anglo-Saxon willan) is purpose, intention, determination ; that of shall (Anglo-Saxon sceal, ought) is obligation. / will do means, I purpose doing — I am determined to do. I shall do means, radically, I ought to do; and as a man is supposed to do what he sees he ought to do, / shall do came to mean, I am about doing — to be, in fact, a mere announcement of future action, more or less remote. But so you shall do means, radically, you ought to do ; and therefore unless we mean to impose an obligation or to announce an action on the part of another person, over whom we claim some control, shall, in speak- ing of the mere future voluntary action of another person, is inappropriate ; and we therefore say you will, assuming that it is the volition of the other person to do thus or so. Hence, in merely announcing future action, we say, I or we shall, you, he, or they will; and, in declaring purpose on our own part, or on the part of another, obligation, or inevitable action, which w r e mean to control, we say, I or we will, you, he, or they shall. Offi- cial orders, which are in the form you will, are but a seeming exception to this rule of speech, which they, in fact, illustrate. For in them the courtesy of superior to subordinate, carried to the extreme even in giving command, avoids the semblance of com- pulsion, while it assumes obedience in its very language. Should and would follow, of course, the - SHALL AND WILL. 267 fortunes of shall and will; and, in the following short dialogue, I have given, I believe, easily- apprehended examples of all the proper uses of these words, the discrimination of which is found by some persons so difficult. A husband is supposed to be trying to induce his reluctant wife to go from their suburban home to town for a day or two. He. I shall go to town to-morrow. Of course you will ? She. No, thanks. I shall not go. I shall wait for better weather, if that will ever come. When shall we have three fair days together again ? He. Don't mind that. You should go- I should like to have you hear Ronconi. She. No, no ; I will not go. He. [To himself. ~\ But you shall go, in spite of the weather and of yourself. [To her.] Well, remember, if you should change your mind, I should be very happy to have your com- pany. Do come ; you will enjoy the opera; and you shall have the nicest possible supper at Delmonico's. She. No ; I should not enjoy the opera. There are no sing- ers worth listening to ; and I wouldn't walk to the end of the drive for the best supper Delmonico will ever cook. A man seems to think that any human creature would do anything for something good to eat. He. Most human creatures will. She. I shall stay at home, and you shall have your opera and your supper all to yourself. He. Well, if you will stay at home, you shall; and if you won't have the supper, you shan't- But my trip will be dull without you. I shall be bored to death — that is, unless, indeed, your friend Mrs. Dashatt Mann should go to town to-morrow, as she said she thought that she would; then, perhaps, we shall meet at the opera, and she and her nieces will sup with me. She. [To herself] My dear friend Mrs. Dashatt Mann ! And so that woman will be at her old tricks with my husband again. But she shall find that I am mistress of this situation, in spite of her big black eyes and her big white shoulders. [To him.'] John, why should you waste yourself upon those ugly, giggling girls? To be sure, she's a fine woman enough; that is, if you will buy your beauty by the pound ; but they ! He. O, think what I will about that, I must take them, for 268 WORDS AND THEIR USES. politeness' sake ; and, indeed, although the lady is a matron, it wouldn't be quite proper to take her alone — would it? What should you say? She. Well, not exactly, perhaps. But it don't much matter; she can take care of herself, I should think. She's no chicken; she'll never see thirty-five again. But it's too bad you should be bored with her nieces — and since you're bent on having me go with you — and — after all, I should like to hear Ronconi — and — you shan't be going about with those cackling girls — well, John, dear, I'll go. The only passage in this colloquy which seems to me to need a word of explanation, is that in which the lady says to herself that her friend Mrs. D. Mann n shall find " that some one else is mistress of the situation. It would have been quite correct for the wife to say " she will find," etc. But, in that case, she would merely have expressed an opinion as to a future occurrence. By using shall, she not only predicts with emphasis, but claims the power to make her prediction good. I have given my readers this colloquy, because more can be gained toward the proper use of these words through example than from precept. It seems to be instinctively apprehended — imbibed. Asso- ciation and early habit cause many people, who are far from being well educated, and who are entirely unconscious as to their speech, to be unerring in their use of this idiom, which, in my judgment, is one of the finest in the language. It is violated with conspicuous perversity in the following examples. The first is from Coverdale's version of the Bible : — "And Gedeon saj'de unto God, Yf thou wilt delyuer Israel thorow my hande, as thou hast saide, then wil I laye a flese of woll in the courte : yf y e dew be onely upon y e flese, and dry upon SHALL AND WILL. 269 all the grounde, then wyll I perceaue that thou shall delyver Israll thorow my hande, as thou hast said." — Judges vi. Here, in the last sentence, will is used for shall, and shall for wilt. Gideon meant to express merely a future occurrence in both cases, and to imply no will in his own case, and no obligation in God's. And thus, in the King James version of the same passage, we have "then shall I know that thou wilt save Israel." The next example is from a "Narrative of a Grand Festival at Yarmouth," in honor of the victory of Waterloo (Yarmouth, 1815). " Every individual was requested to take his place at the table, . . . and it was requested that no persons would leave their seats during dinner." Here the right word is should, as would and should follow the regimen of will and shall, and we request that people shall do thus or so, not that they will do it. A similar error appears in the following extract from an account published in the " New York Tribune " of the interview between President Grant and a committee of Pennsylvanians who waited upon him to urge the importance of appoint- ing a Pennsylvanian to a place in the Cabinet. " They intended making no suggestions or recommendations further than that if Pennsylvania was to be represented, the ap- pointment xvoicld be given to a man who should be known as an unflinching supporter of the Republican party." These disinterested gentlemen meant to say, and perhaps did say, that they recommended that the appointment should be given to a man who would be known as a thorough-going party-man. The next passage, which is from an article in 270 WORDS AND THEIR USES. "The World " on the last change in the British embassy at Washington, contains an example of a monstrous misuse of will. " Mr. Thornton was without any suite, as it is intended that the staff or legation formerly attached to Sir Frederick Bruce will act under the orders of Mr. Thornton until further news from the Foreign Office." Without doubt, the writer meant that it is intended that the staff shall act, etc. The intention was to lay a future obligation upon the members of the legation. We cannot intend what others will do. Another New York journalist, not improbably an Irishman, exclaims, as these pages are in prepara- tion for the press, — " When will we get through with the everlasting, tedious, un- profitable, and demoralizing Byron controversy?" He meant, When shall we get through with it? There is a fine use of shall, the force of which escapes some intelligent and cultivated readers. An example is found in the following passage from a number of " The Spectator," written by Addison : " There is not a girl in town, but, let her have her will in going to a mask, and she shall dress like a shepherdess." Upon this even the acute and gen- erally sound Crombie remarks in his " Etymology and Syntax of the English Language " (p. 398, ed. 1830), "It should be 'she will. 9 The author intended to signify »mere futurity ; instead of which he has expressed a command." But mere futurity w 7 as not what Addison meant to express, nor did he express a command. He meant to assert strongly ; and therefore, instead of the word will, w r hich with the third person predicates simple futurity, he used SHALL AND WILL. 27 1 shall, which implies more or less of obligation, — here a propensity so strong as to control action. So in the Urquhart translation of Rabelais, a mas- terpiece of idiomatic English, we find (Book I. c. 17), *' A blind fiddler shall draw a greater conflu- ence together than an evangelical preacher." So Dr. Johnson says, in the Preface to his Dictionary, that it should be considered, — " — that sudden fits of inadvertency will surprise vigilance, slight avocations will seduce attention, and casual ellipses of the mind will darken learning; and that the writer shall often in vain trace his memory at the moment of need for that which yesterday he knew with intuitive readiness, and which will come uncalled into his thoughts to-morrow." Here will is used in three clauses, and shall va. one, to express the same relation of time in the third person ; but the latter clause would lose much of its significance if will were to take in it the place of shall. And in the prophecy of Isaiah, " He shall feed his flock like a shepherd . . . and shall gently lead all those that are with young," how much of its grandeur, as well as of its power of assurance, would be lost, if will were substituted for shall I Bishop Jewell nicely discriminates (but intuitively, we may be sure) between shall and will thus used, in the following passage in one of his sermons : — " Let us turne to him with an upright heart. So shal he turne to us ; so shal we walke as the children of light ; so shall we shine as the sunne in the kingdome of our father; so shall God be our God, and will abide with us forever." — Ed. 1583, fol. q. iii. An example of this distinction, unsurpassed in delicacy and exactness, and consequent effect, is found in the following passage, — my memorandum of the source of which is unfortunately lost, — and 272 WORDS AND THEIR USES. which refers to the assassination of President Lin- coln : — " It justly fastened itself upon the rebellion, and demanded new and severer punishment of the rebels, instead of the mag- nanimous reconciliation which the beloved president, of whom it had been bereaved, had recommended. Who will say that this sentiment was unnatural? Who shall say that it is even unjust?" Here, again, will and shall are used to express the same time in regard to like actions of the same per- son. Will might have been used correctly in the lat- ter question as it was in the former ; but some force would thereby have been lost. Shall could not have been used with the same fine effect in both questions. Will having been used, shall intensifies the query. It is as if the questions were, Who can say that this sentiment was unnatural? Who could venture to say that it is even unjust? But we may be sure that no conscious, careful selection of these words was made in this case. And we may be even surer of the unconsciousness with which the following passage was written, in a letter from a lady to a friend from whom she had been alienated, and who sent her a present which she felt some delicacy in accepting. The subject is common- place, and the writer expresses in the simplest lan- guage a feeling natural, yet not too common. But the passage is so remarkable for its free yet nicely correct use of idiom, that I am sure the writer, as well as the friend to whom I am indebted for a sight of it, will pardon its appearance here. In the last sentence, the use of may, instead of will, which would have been quite proper, shows a delicate in- stinct in the use of language, which, as I have said SHALL AND WILL. 2'/ 3 before, is characteristic of the epistolary style of intelligent and cultivated women. "I thank you sincerely for still thinking of me, and I will keep it just as it is until I hear from you again. If you are willing to become friends with me once more, I shall only be too happy. I will accept it as a seal on the renewal of our friendship. If not, then I will return it and what you gave me before we parted. Perhaps, after you have read this letter to the end, you may not wish to continue our acquaintance; if not, I shall come back to , and will keep my engagements there, and then go home." Such a mastery of idiom belongs only to persons who, having grown up among those who use lan- guage correctly, have themselves a delicate and sure sense of the various significance of words. It is not so common even among the educated as to be taken as a matter of course : for instance, see the following note, printed from the original, which was written by a distinguished member of one of the learned professions in New York : — " I enclose to you a document which your interest in Sanitary matters will doubtless induce an appreciation of the views there- in expressed." " I should feel very obligatory to you if you could find a good appointment for my son , to enable him to procure a free living for himself and his family, having a wife and 2 children. He is intelligent, industrious, and perfectly reliable, and would devote all the time required for the necessary duty." Of the authors of these two specimens of letter writing, the lady is not, I believe, highly educated, and her intellectual pretensions, should she make any, would be scouted by the gentleman ; but she could no more fall into his blundering style and in- correct use of words than he could write or speak with her simple clearness and unaffected grace. 18 274 WORDS AND THEIR USES. CHAPTER IX. GRAMMAR, ENGLISH AND LATIN. THE first punishment I remember having re- ceived was for a failure to get a lesson in English grammar. I recollect, with a half painful, half amusing distinctness, all the little incidents of the dreadful scene ; how I found myself standing in an upper chamber of a gloomy brick house, book in h^nd, — it was a thin volume, with a tea-green pa- per cover and a red roan back, — before an awful being, who put questions to me, which, for all that I could understand of them, might as well have been couched in Coptic or in Sanskrit ; how, when asked about governing, I answered, " I don't know," and when about agreeing, "I can't tell," until at last, in despair, I said nothing, and choked down my tears, wondering, in a dazed, dumb fashion, whether all this was part and parcel of that total depravity of the human heart of which I heard so much ; how then the being — to whom I apply no epithet, for, poor creature, he thought he was doing God service — said to me, in a terrible voice, " You are a stupid, idle boy, sir, and have neglected your task. I shall punish you. Hold out your hand." I put it out half way, like a machine with GRAMMAR, ENGLISH AND LATIN. 275 a hitch in its gearing. " Farther, sir." I advanced it an inch or two, when he seized the tips of my fingers, bent them back so as to throw the palm well up, and then, with a mahogany rule, much bevelled on one side, and having a large, malig- nant ink-spot near the end, — an instrument which seemed to me to weigh about forty pounds, and to be a fit implement for a part of that eternal torture to which I had been led to believe that I, for my inborn depravity, was doomed, — he proceeded to reduce my little hand, only just well in gristle, as nearly to a jelly as was thought, on the whole, to be beneficial to a small boy at that stage of the world's progress. The carefully-filed and still preserved receipts of a methodically managed household enable me to tell the age at which I w T as thus awakened to the sweet and alluring beauties of English grammar. I was just five and a half years old when one Al- fred Ely — may his soul rest in peace ! — thus gently guided my tottering and reluctant steps into the paths of humane learning. Fortunately, my father, when outside the pale of religious dogma, was a man of sound sense and a tender heart; and as there was nothing about English accidence either in the Decalogue or the Common Prayer-Book, he sent a message to the schoolmaster, which caused that to be my last lesson in what is called the gram- mar of my mother tongue. I was soon after re- moved to a school the excellence of which I have only within a few years fully appreciated, although, as a boy, I knew that there I was happy, and felt 2^6 WORDS AND THEIR USES. as if I were not quite stupid, idle, and depraved.* Thereafter I studied English, indeed, but only in the works of its great masters, and unconsciously in the speech of daily companions, who spoke it with remarkable but spontaneous excellence. My kind and courteous readers will pardon, I hope, this reminiscence, in which I have indulged myself only because in some of the comments, pri- vate as well as public, which have been made upon these chapters in their original form, I have seen myself called a grammarian. God forbid that I should be anything of the sort ! That I am un- versed in the rules of English grammar (so called), I am not ashamed to confess ; for special ignorance is no reproach when unaccompanied with presump- tion. -And that in which I confess that I have no skill, I have not undertaken to teach. That task I leave to those who are capable of the subject, and who feel its necessity. If grammar is what it has been defined as being, the science which has for its object the laws which regulate language, the remarks just made cannot be justified ; for, in that sense, grammar is as much concerned with words by themselves, with their signification and their origin, and with their right- ful use in those regards, as with their relations to each other in the sentence ; and it is in that sense but another name for the science of language — phi- * Let me mention with respect and love, which have grown with my years, the names of my two teachers, Theodore Eames and Samuel Putnam, to whom I owe all that I could be taught at school before I left them for college. I know that should any one of my fellow-pupils chance to see these lines, he will declare with me that the boy who could remain even a year under their hands without profit in mind, morals, r.nd manners, must indeed have given himself up to original sin. GRAMMAR, ENGLISH AND LATIN. 277 lology. But, notwithstanding that definition, and its acceptance by some grammarians and some com- pilers of dictionaries, such is not the sense in which the word gra7nmar is generally used. Nor can the position which I have taken be maintained, if gram- mar is regarded as the science of the rightful or reasonable expression of thought by language ; for grammar extended to these wide limits would in- clude logic and rhetoric. But grammar, in its usual sense, is the art of speaking and writing a language correctly ; in which definition, the word correctly means, in accordance with laws founded upon the relations, not of thoughts, but of words, and determined by verbal forms. It is this formal, constructive grammar which seems to me almost if not entirely superfluous in regard to the English language. Long ago, before any attempt had been made to write its grammar, that language had worked itself nearly free from those verbal forms which control the construction of the sentence, and therefore free in the same degree from the needs and the control of formal, constructive crrammar. And, notably, it was not until English had cast itself firmly and sharply into its present simple mould that scholars undertook to furnish it with a grammar, the nomenclature and the rules of which they took from a language — the Latin — with which it had no formal affinity, to which it had no formal likeness, and by the laws of which it could not be bound, except so far as they were the uni- versal laws of human thought. Allusions to gram- mar and to its importance as a part of education abound in our early literature. In a rhyming ex- 278 WORDS AND THEIR USES. hortation to a child, written in the fifteenth century, these lines occur : — "My lefe chyld I kownsel ye To furme thi vj tens, thou awyse ye; And have mind of thy clensoune Both of nowne and of pronowne, And ilk case in plurele How thai sal end, awyse the wele; And thi participyls forgete thou nowth, And thi comparisons be yn thi thowth; Thynk of the revele of the relatyfe ; And then schalle thou the better thryfe ; And how a verbe schalle be furmede, Take gode hede that thou be not stunnede ; The ablatyfe case thou hafe in mynd, That he be saved in hys kynd ; Take gode hede qwat he wylle do. And how a nowne substantyfe Wylle corde with a verbe and a relatyfe, Posculo, ■posco, $eto. ReliquicB Antiques, II. 14. But, as appears on its face, this exhortation refers not to English, but to Latin grammar, which was the only' grammar taught or thought of at the time when it was written. That was the day of the establish- ing and endowing of grammar schools in Eng- land ; but the grammar taught in them was the Latin, and afterward a little of the Greek. Chau- cer and WyclifFe had written, but in English gram- mar schools no man thought of teaching English. When, at last, it dawned upon the pedagogues that English was a language, or rather, in their signifi- cant phrase, a vulgar tongue, and they set themselves to giving rules for the art of writing and speaking it correctly, they attempted to form these rules upon the models furnished by the Latin language. And what wonder? for those were the only rules they GRAMMAR, ENGLISH AND LATIN. 279 knew. But the construction of the English lan- guage was even less like that of the Latin than English words were like Latin words. From this heterogeneous union sprang that hybrid monster known as English grammar, before whose fruitless loins we have sacrificed, for nearly three hundred years, our children and the strangers within our gates. Of grammar, the essential parts, if not the whole, are etymology and syntax. For orthography re- lates to the mere arrangement of letters for the arbitrary representation of certain sounds, and pros- ody to the aesthetic use of language. And, if prosody is a part of grammar, why should the latter not include rhetoric, and even elocution? In fact, grammar was long regarded as including all that concerns the structure and the relations of language ; and a grammarian among the ancients was one who w^as versed, not only in language, but in poetry, history, and rhetoric, and who, generally, lectured or wrote upon all those branches of literature. But it seems to me that in the usage of intelligent peo- ple the English word grammar relates only to the laws which govern the significant forms of words, and the construction of the sentence. Thus, if we find extraordinary spelled igstrawnery -, or hear suggest pronounced sujjest, we do not call these lapses false grammar ; but if we hear, " She was Msn, but he wasn't hern" which violates true ety- mology, or, " He done it good" which is incorrect syntax, these we do call false grammar. Etymology, which relates to the significant forms of words, and syntax, the rules of which govern 28o WORDS AND THEIR. USES. their arrangement, are, then, from our point of view, the great essentials, if not the whole, of grammar. Now, the principal Latin words, the noun, the ad- jective, the verb, the participle, and the adverb, vary their forms by a process called inflection, and the Latin sentence is constructed upon the basis of those significant verbal forms. English words do not vary their forms by inflection, and the English sen- tence is constructed without any dependence upon verbal forms. To this remark there are exceptions ; but they are so few, and of such small importance, that they cannot be regarded as affecting its general truth. The structure of the Latin sentence depends upon the relation of the words of which it is com- posed ; that of the English sentence, upon the rela- tion of the thoughts it expresses. In other words, the construction of the Latin sentence is grammati- cal, that of the English sentence, logical. At the first offshooting of the English language from its parent stem, its growth and development began at once to tend toward logical simplicity — in fact, that tendency was its offshooting ; and since then it has gradually, but surely and steadily, cast off inflec- tional forms, and freed itself from the trammels of a construction dependent upon them. This being true, how preposterous, how impossible, for us to measure our English corn in Latin bushels ! Yet that is what we have so long been trying to do with our English grammar. In illustration of the foregoing remarks, I will present and compare some examples of Latin and English words and sentences, the former of which shall be so simple that they can hardly escape the GRAMMAR, ENGLISH AND LATIN. 28 1 apprehension even of those who have not received the training of a grammar school. The Latin for boy is fiuer. But fiuer stands for boy only as the subject of a sentence. When the boy spoken of is the object of an action, he is repre- sented by an inflection o( jbuer — the \noy& fuerum. Boys as the subjects of an action are called -pu- eri, but as the objects, -pueros. The Latin for girl is pttella, as the subject of a verb, but when the girl is the object of the action, she is not represented in that relation by changing -pnella into -piicHum, as -piier was made -piierum^ but the word -puella, being feminine, becomes -fiiiellam. In the plural it becomes, not -puelli as the subject, and pnellos as the object, of an action, but -puellce and -paellas^ those being feminine inflections. Loved is amabam, if you wish to say, I loved ; but if he or she loved, amabat ; if they loved, ama- bant. Any of my readers will now be able to trans- late this little sentence : — Pueri amabant puellam. There being no article in the Latin, it of course must be supplied, and we therefore have, — The bojs loved the girl. In this Latin sentence, and in its English equiva- lent, the words not only represent each other per- fectty in "sense, but correspond exactly in place. If, however, we change the relative positions of the English nouns, without modifying them in the least, we not only change, but entirely reverse the mean- ing of the sentence. The girl loved the boys. But in the Latin sentence we may make what 202 WORDS AND THEIR USES. changes of position we please, and we shall not make a shade of difference in its meaning. Puellam amabant pueri, Puellam pueri amabant, Pueri amabant puellam, Pueri puellam amabant, all have the same meaning — the boys loved the girl. For puellam shows by its form that it must be the object of the action ; amabant must have for its subject a plural substantive, and which must there- fore be, not puellam, but -pueri. The connections of the words being therefore absolutely determined by their forms, their position in the sentence is a matter at least of minor importance. The reader who has not learned Latin will yet, by referring to a preceding paragraph, have little difficulty in con- structing a Latin sentence, which represents the reverse of our first example ; t. e., the girl loved the boys. For in that the girl is the subject, and the boys are the objects of the action, and the verb must have its singular form, which gives us Puella amabat pueros. In the corresponding English sentence, the words are exactly the same as those in the sentence of exactly opposite meaning ; in the Latin they are all different. And again, their position has no effect on the meaning of the sentence; for these words, whether given as above in the order, the girl loved the boys, or in the more elegant order, Puella pueros amabat [The girl the boys loved], or, Pueros amabat puella [The boys loved the girl], GRAMMAR, ENGLISH AND LATIN. 283 can have but one construction, and therefore but one meaning ; i. e., the girl loved the boys. If we extend the sentence by qualifying either the subject or the object, or both, the operation of this rule of construction will be more striking. Let the qualification be goodness. The Latin for good is bonus; but in this form the word qualifies only a subject of the singular number and mascu- line gender ; singular feminine and neuter subjects are qualified as good by the forms bona and bonum. A singular feminine object is qualified as good by bonam ; a plural masculine subject by boni, a plural masculine object by bonos. If, therefore, we wish to say that the boys were good, the sentence becomes Boni pueri amabant puellam, The good boys loved the girl. By merely changing the position of the adjective in the English sentence, we say, not that the boys were good, but the girl : The boys loved the good girl. But a corresponding arrangement of the Latin words Pueri amabant boni puellam, means still that the boys were good, and the girl was loved ; because boni, from its form, can qualify only a plural masculine subject — here -pueri. If we wish to say that the girl was good, we must use the form of bonus which belongs to a singular feminine object, and write bonam -puellam. Then, wherever we put bonam, it will qualify only puellam. Thus, in the sentence, Bonam puellam amabant pueri, 284 WORDS AND THEIR USES. the order of the words, represented in English, is The good girl loved the bojs : but the meaning is, the boys loved the good girl. It is not even necessary, in Latin, that the adjective and the noun which it qualifies should be kept together. Thus, in the sentence, Puella bonos amabat pueros, the order of the words, represented in English, is The girl good loved the boys ; and in this arrangement, Pueros amabat bonos puella, the order is, The bojs loved the good girl ; but the meaning in both is the same, and is quite unlike that conveyed by the English arrange- ment — The girl loved the good boys. The reason of this fixed relation is simply that bonos, whatever its place in this sentence, qualifies pueros only, as appears by the number, gender, and case of each, which are shown by their respec- tive and agreeing forms ; that -pueros must be an object of action, which is shown by its form; and that puella and amabat are subject and predicate, pertaining to each other, which is also shown by their forms. Bonos cannot belong to puella, because the former is masculine plural, and belongs to an object ; and puella is feminine singular, and a subject ; pueros cannot be the subject of amabat, because the former is plural in its inflection, and the latter singular. In Juvenal's noble saying, Maxima debet ur puero revereniia, The greatest reverence is due to a boy, the order of the words is this : GRAMMAR, ENGLISH AND LATIN. 28 greatest is owed to a boy reverence ; and there is nothing in this order to preclude the application of the word meaning greatest to the word meaning boy, which would give us, Reverence is due to the biggest boy. But in Juvenal's sentence, the Latin word for boy has the dative inflection, which shows that the boy is the recipient of something, and is the object of the verb debetur ; it is also mascu- line ; and as maxima agrees in case and in gender with reverentia, the feminine subject of the verb, it must qualify that word. If we should find the following collocation of words, "Thy now doings of my of mistress with weeping swollen redden pretty eyes," we should pronounce it nonsense. It is not even a sentence. And yet it is a translation of the beautiful lines, in the order of their words, with which Catullus closes his charming ode, "Funus Passeris." " Tua nunc opera meee pullae Flendo turgiduli rubent ocelli." And the words, reduced to their logical or English order, are, Now the pretty swollen eyes of my mistress redden with weeping thy doings. The Latin arrangement is as if we were presented with the figures 819457263, and were expected to read them, not eight hundred and nineteen million four hundred fifty-seven thousand two hundred and sixty-three, but one hundred twenty-three million four hundred fifty-six thousand seven hundred and eighty -nine ; the order 123456789 being indicated by some peculiar and correspondent form of the characters known only to the initiated. 286 WORDS AND THEIR USES. Enough has been said in illustration of the differ- ence between the construction of the Latin and that of the English sentence. The former depends upon the inflectional forms of the words ; and its sense is not affected, or is affected only in a secon- dary degree, by their relative positions. In the latter, the meaning of the sentence is determined by the relative positions of the words, their order being determined by the connection and inter- dependence of the thoughts of which they are the signs. Syntax, guided by etymology, controls the Latin ; reason, the English. In brief, the former is grammatical ; the latter, logical. English admits very rarely, and only in a very slight degree, that severance of words representing connected thoughts which is not only admissible, but which is generally found in the Latin sentence ; of which structural form the foregoing examples are of the simplest sort, and are the most easily resolvable into logical order. Milton is justly regarded as the English poet whose style is most affected by Latin models ; and the opening passage of his great poem ii often cited as a strongly-marked example of involved construc- tion. But let us examine it briefly. " Of man's first disobedience [and the fruit Of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste Brought death into the world, and all our woe, With loss of Eden, till one greater Man Restore us, and regain the blissful seat], Sing, heavenly muse [that on the secret top Of Oreb, or of Sinai, didst inspire That shepherd who first taught the chosen seed In the beginning how the heavens and earth Rose out of chaos]." GRAMMAR, ENGLISH AND LATIN. 287 This, certainly, is not the colloquial style, or even the high dramatic. How many young people, when called upon to " parse " it, have sat before it in dumb bewilderment ! And yet its apparent intricacy is but the result of a single, and not violent, inversion. In all other respects the words succeed each other merely as the thoughts which they represent arise. The natural order of the passage is, Sing, heavenly muse, of man's first disobedience ; and that simple invocation is the essential part of the sentence. What follows muse, between brackets, is a mere description, modifica- tion, or limitation of muse; what follows disobe- dience is a description of the disobedience, which is the object of sing — that is, the subject of the poem. The words between brackets are only a sort of prolonged parenthetical adjectives, qualifying muse and disobedience. If any intelligent person, bearing this in mind, will read the passage, begin- ning at sing, and turning from chaos back to the first line, all the seeming involution will disappear; and in the after reading of it in its written order, he will be impressed only by the grandeur and the mighty sweep and sustained power of the invoca- tion. The two qualifying or adjectival passages, although composed of several elements, each of which is evolved from its predecessor, which it qualifies, being itself a sort of adjective, are written in a style so plain and so direct that no reader of ordinary intelligence can fail to comprehend them as fully and as easily as he can comprehend any passage in a novel or newspaper of the day. Would, indeed, that novels and newspapers were 288 WORDS AND THEIR USES. written with any approach to such simplicity and such directness ! I do not say such meaning. Milton's invocation is not the only example of its kind in the opening of a great English poem. Chaucer, writing nearly three hundred years be- fore the blind Puritan, and in an entirely different spirit, thus introduces his " Troilus and Creseide," a poem as full of imagination and of a knowledge of man's inmost heart as any one, not dramatic in form, that has since been bestowed upon the world : — " The double sorrow of Troilus to tellen, That was Kinge Priamus sonne of Troy, In loving, how his aventures fellen From woe to wele, and after out of joy, My purpose is, er that I part froy : Thou, Tesiphone, thou helpe me for t'indite These wofull verses, that wepen as I write." That is clear enough to any intelligent and edu- cated reader who is not troubled by the fact that Chaucer " didn't know how to spell ; " but it is real- ly more involved in structure, more like a passage from a Latin poet, than the opening of " Paradise Lost." The sentence, according to the natural order of thought, begins with the fifth line, " My purpose is," etc., and then turns back to the first line, which itself contains an inversion — " The sorrow to tellen " for tf To tellen the sorrow." But the whole of the second line is really an adjective qualifying Troilus, and this is thrown in between the verb " to tellen " and the phrase " in loving," the latter of which is really an adjective qualifying the object of the action " sorrow." So that the logical order of the sentence is this : " My purpose is to GRAMMAR, ENGLISH AND LATIN. 289 tell the double sorrow in loving of Troilus, that was King Priam's son of Troy, how his adventures fell from woe to weal, and after out of joy." The con- struction of the passage, however, as Chaucer wrote it, is not English ; and although in a formal open- ing of a long poem, it is not only admissible, but impressive, it would, if continued, become intoler- able. Inversion has been used with fine effect in a single clause by Parsons, in his noble lines upon a bust of Dante, — , " How stern of lineament, how grim, The father was of Tuscan song! " Here the limiting adjectival phrase, " of Tuscan song," is separated by the verb from the noun which it qualifies, and the result is (we can hardly tell why) a deep and strong impression upon the reader's mind. Such effects, however, are not in harmony with the genius of the English language, and are admissible and attainable only at the hands of those who wield language with a singular felicity. The reason why inversions of the logical order of thought are perilous, and rarely admissible in English, has a direct relation to the subject under discussion. For example, in neither of these pas- sages from Chaucer and from Parsons is the con- struction safely keyed together by etymological forms, as would have been the case if they had been written by a Greek or a Latin poet. We have to divine the connection of the words and clauses — to guess at it, from our general knowledge of the poet's meaning — from the drift of his sentence; and thus, instead of being placed at once in com- munication with him, and receiving his thought di- J 9 29O WORDS AND THEIR USES. rectly and without a doubt, and being free to assent or dissent, to like or to dislike, we must give our- selves, for a longer or a shorter time, — in some cases but an inappreciable moment, — to unravel- ling his construction ; doing, in a measure, what we are obliged to do in reading a Greek or a Latin author. In the example quoted from Parsons, the inversion, although violent, disturbs so little of the sentence, and produces so pleasant a surprise, and one which is renewed at each re-reading, that we not only pardon, but admire. Success is here, as ever, full justification. But Chaucer loses more in clearness and ease than he gains in impressiveness and dignity ; and Milton's exhibition of power to mount and soar at the first essay does not quite recompense all of us for the sudden strain he gives our eyes in following him. But the completest victory over the difficulty of inversion in the con- struction of the English sentence will not make it endurable, .except as a curious exhibition of our mother tongue, disguised in foreign garb, and aping foreign manners. A single stanza, composed of lines like that of Parsons, on Dante's bust, would weary and offend even the most cultivated English reader. Those who are untrained in intellectual gymnastics would abandon it, upon 'the first at- tempt, as beyond their powers. The most striking example of the destruction of meaning by the inverted arrangement of thought that I have met with in the writings of authors of re- pute is the following line, which closes the beauti- ful sonnet in Sidney's " Astrophel and Stella," beginning, "With how sad steps, O Moon, thou climbst the night ! " GRAMMAR, ENGLISH AND LATIN. 20,1 " Do they call virtue there forgetfulness?" The meaning of this seems clear ; and it is so, according to the order of the words, which ask if, in a certain place, virtue is called forgetfulness. But this is exactly the reverse of Sidney's meaning, as will be seen by the context : — " Is constant love deemed there but want of wit? Are beauties there as proud as here they be ? Do they above love to be loved, and yet Those lovers scorn whom that love doth possess? Do they call virtue there forgetfulness?" That is, we at last discover, Do they call forgetful- ness virtue? But reason ourselves into this appre- hension of the sentence as absolutely as we can, familiarize ourselves with it as much as we may, it will, at every new reading, strike us, as it did at first, that the poet's question is asked about virtue. So absolute, in English, is the law of logical order. The following passages, which I have recently seen given as examples of confusion resulting from a lack of proper punctuation, illustrate the present subject : — '•I continued on using it, and by the time I had taken five bottles I found myself completely cured, after having been brought so near to the gates of death by your infallible med- icine " The extensive view presented from the fourth story of the Hudson River" ! " His remains were committed to that bourn whence no trav- eller returns attended by his friends " ! The fault here is not in the punctuation, but in the order of the words, which, however, although nonsensical in English, might make very good sense in Greek or Latin. The sentences are all examples of the hopeless confusion which may be produced 292 WORDS AND THEIR USES. by an inversion which violates logical order ; and if they were peppered with points, the fault would not thus be remedied. I shall leave it to my read- ers to put the words into their proper order, merely remarking upon the last example, that the form of the sentence is quite worthy of a man who could speak of committing a body to a bourn , and that bourn the one whence no traveller returns ! The difference between the construction of the Latin and Greek languages and that of the English language is not accidental, nor the product of a merely unconscious exercise of power. It is the result of a direct exertion of the human will to make the instrument of its expression more and more simple and convenient. The change which has produced this difference began a very long while ago, and for many centuries has been making more or less progress among all the Indo-European lan- guages. Latin is a less grammatical language than its elder sister, the Greek ; the modern Latin or Romance tongues, Italian, Spanish, French, are less grammatical than the Latin ; the Teutonic tongues are less grammatical than the Romance ; and of the Teutonic tongues English is the least grammatical — so little dependent is it, indeed, upon the forms of grammar for the structure of the sentence, that it cannot rightly be said to have any grammar. And here I will remark that it is in this wide dif- ference between the etymology and the syntax of the modern languages — French, Italian, Spanish, German, and English, and those of the Greek and Latin — that the incomparable superiority of the latter as the means of education consists. The languages of modern Europe, widely dissimilar GRAMMAR, ENGLISH AND LATIN. 293 although they seem to the superficial reader, differ chiefly in their vocabularies ; and even there much of their unlikeness is due to the difference of pro- nunciation, an incidental variation which obtains to a considerable degree in the same language within the period of one hundred years. In structure the modern languages are too much alike to make the study of any one of them by a person to whom any other is vernacular very valuable as a means of men- tal discipline. They are acquired with great facility by people of no education and very inferior mental powers : couriers and valets-de-jplace, who speak and write three or four of them fluently and cor- rectly, being numerous in all the capitals of the European Continent. Education is not the getting of knowledge, but dis- cipline, development ; and it is not for the knowledge we obtain at school and college that we pass our early }^ears in study. The mere acquaintance with facts that we then painfully acquire, we could, in our maturer years, obtain in a tenth part of the time that we give to our education. Still less is it necessary for European students in modern days to seek knowl- edge from Greek and Latin authors. All existing knowledge is easily attainable in a living tongue. And, finally, to the demand why, if boys must study language as a means of education, can they not study French or German, languages which are now spoken, and which will be of some practical (/. £., money-making) use to them, the answer is, that the value of the classical tongues as means of education is in the very fact that they are dead, and that their structure is so remote from that of ours, that to dismember their sentences and recon- 294 WORDS AND THEIR USES. struct them according to our own fashion of speak- ing is such an exercise of perception, judgment, and memory, such a training in thought and the use of language, as can be found in no other study or in- tellectual exertion to which immature and untrained persons of ordinary powers are competent. To us of English race and speech this discipline is more severe, and therefore more valuable, than to any people of the Continent, because of the greater dis- tance, in this respect, between our own language than between any one of theirs and the Greek and Latin, and the wider difference between the English and the Greek or the Latin cast of thought. Be- cause, to repeat what has already been insisted upon, the Greek and the Latin languages are con- structed upon syntactical principles, which, in their turn, rest upon etymological or formal inflection, and English, being almost without formal inflection, and nearly independent of syntax — without dis- tinction of mood in verbs, and with almost none of tense and person — with only one case of nouns, and with neither number nor case in adjectives — with no gender at all of nouns, of adjectives, or of participles — without laws of agreement or of govern- ment, the very verb in English being, in most cases, independent of its nominative as to form, rests solely upon the relations of thought ; in brief, because the Greek and Latin languages have grammar — formal grammar — and the English language, to all intents and purposes, has none. How this is, and why, will be more fully and particularly considered in the next chapter. THE GRAMMARLESS TONGUE. 295 CHAPTER X. THE GRAMMARLESS TONGUE. IN the last chapter it was set forth that English is an almost grammarless language. The two elements of grammar being etymology, — which concerns the inflections of words ; that is, changes in form to express modification of meaning, — and syntax, — which concerns the construction of sen- tences according to the formal relations of words, — and the English language being almost without the former, and therefore equally without the latter, its use must be, in a corresponding degree, untram- melled by the rules of grammar, and subject only to the laws of reason, which we call logic. We have, indeed, been long afflicted with grammarians from whom we have suffered much, and to whose usurped authority we — that is, the most of us — have submitted, with hardly a murmur or a ques- tion. But the truth of this matter is, that of the rules given in the books called English Grammars, some are absurd, and the most are superfluous. For example, it can be easily shown that in the English language, with few exceptions, the fol- lowing simple and informal relations of words prevail : — 296 WORDS AND THEIR USES. The verb needs not, and generally does not, agree with its nominative case in number and per- son : Pronouns do not agree with their antecedent nouns in person, number, and gender : Active verbs do not govern the objective case, or any other : Prepositions do not govern the objective case, or any other : One verb does not govern another in the infin- itive mood : Nor is the infinitive a mood, nor is it governed by substantive, adjective, or participle : Conjunctions need not connect the same moods and tenses of verbs. The grammarians have laid down laws directly to the contrary of these assertions ; but the gram- marians are wrong, and, in the very nature of things, cannot be right; for their laws assume as conditions precedent the existence of things which do not exist. In English, the verb is almost with- out distinction of number and of person ; the noun is entirely without gender, and has no objective case ; the adjective and the participle are without number, gender, and case ; the infinitive is not a mood, it is not an inflection of the verb, or a part of it ; and conjunctions are free from all rules but those of common sense and taste. No term was ever more unwisely chosen than govermnent to express the relations of words in the sentence. It is one of the mysterious metaphors which have been imposed upon the world, gen- erally by tyrants or tricksters, and with which THE GRAMMARLESS TONGUE. 297 thought is confused and language darkened. In grammar it implies, or seems to imply, a power in one word over another. Now, there is in no lan- guage any such power, or any relation which is properly symbolized by such a power. In Latin, Greek, and other inflected languages, the forms of the words of which a sentence is made up, present outward signs of requirement which give some hint as to what the grammarians mean by one word's governing another. But in English there is no such visible sign ; and this arbitrary, mysterious, and metaphorical phrase, government, is, to young minds, and particularly if they are reasoning and not merely receptive, perplexing in the extreme. Even in languages which have va- riety of inflection, words do not govern each other; but they may be said to fit into each other by cor- responding forms which indicate their proper con- nection, so that a sentence is dovetailed together. In English, however, with the exception of a few pronouns, one case of nouns, and two tenses and one person of the verb, all the words are as round and smooth, and as independent of each other in form, as the pebbles on the sea-shore. The at- tempt to bind such words together by the links of etymology and syntax, or, in other words, to make grammatical rules for a language in which the noun has only one case, — in which there is no gender of noun, adjective, or participle, — in which dis- tinction of tense, number, person in verbs is almost unknown, and that of voice absolutely wanting, is, on its face, absurd. In English, words are formed into sentences by 2Q-8 words and their uses. the operation of an invisible power, which is like magnetism. Each one is charged with a meaning which gives it a tendency toward some of those in the sentence, and particularly to one, and which repels it from the others ; and he who subtly divines and dexterously uses this attraction, filling his words with a living but latent light and heat, which makes them leap to each other and cling together while they transmit his freely-flowing thought, is a master of the English language, although he may be igno- rant and uninstructed in its use. And here is one difference between the English and the ancient classic tongues. The great writers of the latter were, and, it would seem, must needs have been, men of high culture — grammarians in the ancient sense of the word, which I have before mentioned; but some of the best English that has been written is the simple, strong utterance of uneducated men, entirely undisciplined in the use of language. True, they had genius, — some of them, at least ; but genius, giving them strength and clearness of imagination, or of reason, could yet not have taught them to write with purity and power a language like the Greek, in which the verb had three voices, five moods, and two aorists, and nine persons for every tense; in which all nouns had three num- bers, and each noun a gender of its own ; and every adjective and participle three genders and six cases, a copiousness of inflection possessed by the very articles, definite and indefinite. The Greek language may be the noblest and most per-' feet instrument ever invented by man for the ex- THE GRAMAMRLESS TONGUE. 299 pression of his thought ; but certainly, of all the tongues ever spoken by civilized men, it is the most complicated. And I venture to express my belief, that its complication, so far from being an element of its power, is a sign of rudeness, and a remnant of barbarism ; that the Greek and Latin authors were great, not by reason of the verbal forms and the grammatical structure of their lan- guages, but in spite of them ; and that our mother tongue, in freeing herself from these, has only cast aside the trammels of strength and the disguises of beaut} r . But I must turn from these general considerations of my subject to such an examination of its partic- ulars as will sustain the position which I have taken. And first of the verb. The Greek verb has, for the expression of the various moods and times of acting and suffering by various persons, more than five hundred inflections ; and these inflections so modify, by processes called augmentation and re- duplication, and by signs of person and of number, both the beginning and the end of the verb, that, to the uninstructed eye, it passes beyond recogni- tion. Thus, for instance, ivmoj (tu-pto), (the verb which occupies in Greek Grammars the place of to love in English Grammars), assumes, among its changes, these dissimilar forms: twiw (tufito), I strike; ireHcpsiv (etetuj)hein) , I had struck; xvnxiasy- aat' (tuftctosan), 1ft them strike; iTETtyetoav (etetu- -pheisan), they had struck; Hupag {titfsas)^ having struck; ixvmofitdov {etiijttomethoii) , we two were struck; izvip&fiedov (etupsamet/ion), we two struck 300 WORDS AND THEIR USES. ourselves ; zv^.Q^uoi^v (tufhtheesoimeen) , I might be about to be struck. These are but specimens of the more than five hundred bricks which go to make up the regular Greek verbal edifice. Each person of each case has its peculiar significant form or inflection, every one of which must be learned by heart. Looking back upon this single and simplest specimen of its myriad inflections, I cannot wonder that boys of English race regard Greek as an invention of the enemy of mankind. But this variety of inflection has not entirely passed away w T ith the life of the ancient Hellenic people and language. It has been shown that the French lan- guage has three hundred different terminations for the simple cases of the ten regular conjugations, one thousand seven hundred and fifty-five for the thirty-nine irregular conjugations, and two hundred for the auxiliary verbs — making a sum total of two thousand one hundred and sixty-five terminations which must be learned by heart.* The verbs of the Greek language must have, I think, in all, more than ten times that number of changes in form. Now, the English verb has, in its regular or weak form, only four . inflections ; and in its so-called irregular, or strong, or ancient form, only five. These inflections serve for the two voices, five moods, six tenses, and six persons which must have expression in a language that answers the needs of a civilized, cultured people. The four forms of the verb to love, for instance, are love, loves, loved, and loving. The first two and the last * Sinibaldo, quoted by Max Muller, THE GRAMMARLESS TONGUE. 3OI express action indefinite as to time, the third, definite action. Two others, lovest and lovedest, are to be found in the Grammars, but they have been thrown out of use by the same process of simplification which has cast off the mass of the Anglo-Saxon inflections during the transformation of that lan- guage into English. The present tense indicative of the verb to love is, therefore, now as follows : — I love, We love, You love, You love, He loves, They love. Here are five, and, in effect, six nominatives of two numbers and three persons, but only two forms of the verb. How, then, to return to our rules of grammar, can the verb agree with its nominative in number and person? The truth is, that it does not so agree, because those who use it have found that such agreement is not necessary to the clear expression of thought. I love and we love are just as exact in meaning as amo, aniamus. The past tense of the English verb has not even one inflec- tion. It is as follows : — I loved, We loved, You loved, You loved, He loved, They loved. It was not always thus. The Anglo-Saxon verb, although, like the English, it had but one voice and two tenses, had inflection of person and number. The present, or indefinite, and the perfect tenses of lufian, to love, were as follows : — PRESENT. ic lunge, we lufiath, thu lufast, ge lufiath, he lufath, hi lufiath. 302 WORDS AND THEIR USES. PERFECT. ic lufode, we lufodon, thu lufodest, ge lufodon, he lufode. hi lufodon. These inflections appear in what is called the Early English stage of our language, and some of them are found even in the writings of Chaucer and Gower, although in the days of those poets they had lost their old force, and were rapidly passing away. They were dropped almost with the purpose of simplifying the language, of doing away with complications which were found need- less. It was seen that as the noun or pronoun always accompanied the verb, the plural form in ath or en was not necessary for the exact expres- sion of thought, and that we love and we loved were as unmistakeable in their significance as we lufiath and we lufodon ; and so as to the other numbers and persons of the two tenses. The plu- ral form in en held a place long after other inflec- tions had disappeared ; but that at last passed out of the speech of the people, and about A. D. 1475 it disappeared from the writings of reputable authors. The inflections of the singular number had a stronger hold upon the language, probably because the singular number is more frequently used in the common intercourse of life than the plural, and because it is found more necessary to distinguish between the actions, thoughts, and conditions of individuals than between those of masses or groups. The distinctive inflection of the second person singular, est, held its own until the Elizabethan period, when it began to disappear. It prevails in THE GRAMMARLESS TONGUE. 303 our translation of the Bible, but Shakespeare rarely uses it : the reason of the difference being that solemnity of occasion or of subject is regarded as requiring unusual precision of language. ■ Thus, to this clay, educated clergymen, in reading the Bible, give the past participle its full, and not its contracted form — lov-ed, not lovd, and, for in- stance, say ven-i-son, not ven'son. Again, the change from thou lovcst and thou lovcdest to you love and you loved, seems to have been made merely from the wish to do away with a superfluous inflection. If, in the course of }^ears, the inflection of the third person singular should follow that of the second, and we should say he love, the change would be directly in the line of the natural movement of our language. Should it not take place, the preservation of this lonely, unsup- ported inflection will probably be owing to the restraints of criticism, and the introduction of con- sciousness and culture among the mass of speakers. To some of my readers it may seem impossible that this change should be made, and that he love would be barbarous and almost incomprehensible. But such is not the effect of identity of form between the third person and the first of the perfect tense ; and as it is neither absurd nor obscure to say / loved, you \_z. e., thou] loved, he loved, why should it be so to say I love, you [i. e., thou] love, he love ? To turn now to the first rule of our text-books of English grammar — "A verb must agree with its nominative case in number and person." In this rule, if agree means anything, it can only mean that 304 WORDS AND THEIR USES. the verb must conform itself in some manner to its subject, so that it may be seen that it belongs to that subject. This is the case in Latin, for instance, in which language every person of each number of the verb has a form which indicates that person. Amo, I love, Amamus, we love, Ainas, you [/. e., thou] love, Amatis, you love, Amat, he loves, Amant, they love. But in English, for five of these six persons the verb has but one form. It has been released from all conformity to person except in the third person singular. It has but one form for all the other persons, and it therefore cannot agree with its nominative in number and person, except in the case specified. To say that this one form of the verb does agree with all those forms of the nom- inative — that love does agree with /, and you, singular, we, you, and they, plural is a mere begging of the question by a childish and stren- uous "making believe." And, indeed, as I trust most of my readers now begin to see, nearly all of our so-called English grammar is mere make- believe grammar. No more words should be necessary to show that verbs which have not num- ber and person cannot agree with nominatives, or with anything else, in number and person. And yet that they do so agree is dinned into chil- dren from their infancy until they cease to receive instruction ; and they are required to cite a rule which they cannot understand, as the law of a relation which does not exist. The Anglo-Saxon language was even charier as to tenses of the verb than as to numbers and persons. THE GRAMMARLESS TONGUE. 305 It had but two of the former, the present, or rather the indefinite, and the past. i\s it passed into Eng- lish, this number was not increased. No English verb has more than two tenses. With these and the two participles, present and past, English speaking folk express all the varieties of mood and tense, and also of voice ; for in English there is but one voice, the active. The Anglo-Saxon present or indefinite tense expressed future action as well as present. Ic lufige (I love) predicated loving in the future as well as in the present time. Nor has this form of speech passed away from the Anglo-Saxon folk. To this day we say, I go to town to-morrow ; Do you go to town to-morrow? The form, I shall go to town, is rarely used except for emphasis ; that, I will go, except to express determination. Indeed, I go is the more elegant form ; is heard most generally from the lips of speakers of the highest culture. And in fact, the commonest predi- cation of future action is one which expresses action passing continuously at time present — I am going, e.g., I am going to town to-morrow. This use of the present or indefinite tense is not at all peculiar to the Anglo-Saxon language, or to the English. It appears in many others. "Simon Peter said unto them, I go a fishing; they say unto him, We also go with thee." Two Greek verbs are here translated go ; but both the first, vnuyco (Jiufa- go), and the second, eg/ofjedu (erchomctha) , are in the present tense. In this passage, too, I go, I am going, I shall go, and we go, we are going, we will go, would be equivalents. The peculiarity of the Anglo-Saxon and the English languages in this 20 306 WORDS AND THEIR USES. respect (if they are two languages, which some philologists with show of reason deny, on the ground that our present speech is only a lineal descendant of that of our forefathers), — the peculiarity of our tongue as to this tense and others is, that while, like others, it uses the present indefinite form to ex- press future action, it has not developed a form of the verb for the special expression of that action, or, in fact, of any other action but that which is either present or past. We say, I shall go ; but shall can no more be a part of the verb go than will, or may 9 or can. We say, I have loved ; but, again, have is no more a part of the verb love than to be is, when we say, If I were loving. When we say, I am loving, we only say, in other words, I exist loving; and what other connection has am with loving than exist would have were it used in the place of the former? We, like other peoples, are obliged to express all the different times of action, present, past, and future ; but most other peoples do this by inflections, that is, by real tenses of the verb. As English has different words for expressing the time present and time past of the same action, other tongues have different words for expressing all the varieties of the time of action. In English we say, I love, I have loved, I shall have loved ; but in Latin the same thoughts are expressed respectively by the different single words Kzmo, amavi, amavero. To express what the Ro- man expressed by amavi, an inflection of amo, we use a verb have, and the perfect participle of another verb. That participle is an expression of completed action in the abstract — loved. It has no THE GRAMMARLESS TONGUE. 307 relation to person, whether the person is the subject or the object of the action, — a point to be remem- bered in our consideration of voice — or to specific time or occasion. The only real verb that we use in this instance is one that signifies possession. We say, I have — have what? possess what? Posses- sion implies an object possessed ; and in this case it is that completed action which is expressed in the abstract by the participle. Loved is here the object of the verb have as much as money would be in the sentence, I have money ; and / have loved is no more a verb, or a part or tense of a verb, than 1 have money is, or / have to go. In the first and the last of these, loved and to go are as plainly objects of the verb have as money is in the second ; nor is this relation at all affected by the mere verbal origin of the participle and the infinitive. As to the latter, what the grammarians call the infinitive mood is no mood at all, but a substantive, of verbal origin. It is the name of the verb, and so may well be called a substantive. It is not so called for that reason, but because there is no qual- ity of a substantive which the infinitive has not, and but one relation of the substantive — that of pos- session — which it cannot assume ; and there is no distinctive quality of the verb which it does not lack, or relation of the verb which it can assume. For instance, / have to go is merely, It belongs to me to go, To go belongs to me — forms of expression not uncommon among the most cultivated and idiomatic speakers, and which are not only correct, but ele- gant. But that which is expressed by a verb cannot belong to an} r one. Only a thing, something sub- 308 WORDS AND THEIR USES. stantial (although not necessarily material or phys- ical), i. £., a substantive, can belong. This is no new discovery ; and yet grammarians have gone on for generations teaching children and strangers that to go is a mood, as they have taught them that / have gone and / shall go are tenses of a verb.* The substantive character of the infinitive is to be discovered in those phrases which the grammarians call the future tense indicative, and the present and imperfect tenses subjunctive — I shall love, I may love, and I might love. These are no tenses, and have no semblance of tenses ; they are phrases, or rather complete sentences, which express future or contingent action. The formation of the future indicative and of the tenses of the subjunctive mood was in this wise : The Anglo-Saxon infinitive was formed in an ox en> and did not admit the preposition to before it ; but there was a second infinitive, formed with the prep- osition, having a dative sense, and being, in fact, a dative form of the infinitive, conveying that sense of obligation or pertinence to which linguists have given the name dative. Thus witan is the Anglo- Saxon infinitive, meaning to know ; but there was used another infinitive, to zuitanne, implying duty, obligation. For example, Hit is to witanne, it is * Mary Elstob alone, among Anglo-Saxon grammarians ("The English-Saxon Grammar," 4to, London, 1715, p. 31), mentions "a future tense or time to come" in that language ; of which her example is, " ic stajidc nu rihte, or on sumue timan, I shall stand by-and-by, or some time or other; " and a very pretty sort of future tense it is — one that must commend itself to some of my critics, and all the gentlemen who " usual y talk of a noun and a verb." For if / stand at some time or other be not as good a tense as / shall have stood, they may be able to tell the reason why. I regret, for their sakes, that Mistress Elstob is not, at the present day, a very high authority on the Anglo-Saxon language. THE GRAMMARLESS TONGUE. 309 to know, *. &. We have in these words merely different names for different things. And although in such instances as actor, actress, hunter, huntress, tiger, tigress, the name of the female is a feminine form of the name of the male, this has no effect upon the construction of the sentence ; the distinction made is still one purely of sex, and not of gender. Yet further : in pronouns, although they represent nouns belonging to the two sexes, there is no distinction of gender whatever; and, w r hat is the more re- markable, considering the ado grammarians make about gender, none even of sex, except in one num- ber of one person. /, thou, we, you, they, who, and all the rest, except he, she, and it, refer to mas- culine and feminine persons alike. In the pronoun of the third person singular we have a relic of our forefathers' inflected tongue. The Anglo-Saxon pronoun was masculine he, feminine he6, neuter hit, which are respectively represented by our he, she, it. But here, again, the distinction is of sex, not of gender, and would be so even if it were carried through all the persons. He, she, and it are merely words that stand for male, female, and sexless things, and their forms are not affected by any "governing" or requiring power of the other words in the sentences in which they appear. There is, then, no gender in the English language, but only distinction of sex ; that is, merely, we do not call a woman a man, a hen a cock, or a heifer a bullock. This being true, it is impossible that there can be agreement in gender of nouns or of pronouns. The one case of English nouns, the possessive. THE GRAMMARLESS TONGUE. 323 is equally without power in the sentence, upon the structure of. which it has no effect whatever. It merely expresses possession, and its power, confined to that expression, "governs" nothing, requires nothing, " agrees " with nothing. The reason of this is, that English adjectives and participles are without case, as they are without number and with- out gender. In Latin every word qualifying a noun in the genitive or possessive case, or closely related to it, must be also in that case. Thus we see upon the title-pages of the classics, sentences crammed with genitives like the following : Albii Tibulli, Equitis Romani Elegiarum aliorumque Car- minum, Libri IV. ad optimos codices emendati, cura Reverendissimi, Doctissimi, Sanctissimi Caroli Bensonis ; that is, Four books of the Elegies and other poems of Albus Tibuilus, a Roman knight, restored according to the best manuscripts, by the care of the most reverend, learned, and holy Carl Benson. Here, in Latin, because Tibuilus is in the genitive or possessive case, the w r ords meaning Roman and knight must also be in that case ; so with the word meaning other, because that mean- ing poems is in the genitive ; and of course so with those meaning most reverend, most learned, and most holy, that these may agree with Carl Benson. This is syntax or grammatical construction. We Eng- lish folk have burst all those bonds of speech forever. It must have been with some reference to this topic that Lindley Murray has vexed the souls of generations by proclaiming as the tenth law of English grammar, that " One substantive governs another signifying a different thing in the possessive case." Trulv an awful and a mysterious utterance. 324 WORDS AND THEIR USES. It is about substantives and the possessive case ; but what about them? I can believe that the Apoca- lypse is to be understood — hereafter ; I will under- take to parse " Sordello " — for a consideration ; but I admit that before the Yankee Quaker's tenth law I sit dumbfounded. I cannot begin, or hope to begin, to understand it, or believe that it has been, is, or will be understood by any man. The assertion that it is a law of the English lan- guage that conjunctions connect the same' moods and tenses of verbs, may be confuted by. a single example to the contrary, such as, " I desire, and have pursued virtue, and should have been re- warded, if men were just." This sentence is good English ; and yet in it the conjunction and connects what are, according to Murray and the other Eng- lish grammarians, two moods and three tenses. But I must bring this chapter to an end; and I may well do so, having shown my readers that government, and agreement, and apposition, and gender have no place in the construction of the English sentence, that tense is confined to the necessary distinction between what is passing, or may pass, and what has passed, and case, to the simple expression of possession. This being the condition of the English language, grammar, in the usual sense of the word, — i. e., syntax accord- ing to etymology, — is impossible ; for inflected forms and the consequent relations of words are the conditions, sine qua 11011 , of grammar. In speaking or writing English, we have only to choose the right words and put them into the right places, respecting no laws but those of reason, conforming to no order but that which we call " logical. " THE GRAMMARLESS TONGUE. 325 NOTE. The views set forth in " The Grammarless Tongue " as to the English verb have met with an opposition which I looked for, and which, indeed, has been less general and violent than I expected it would be ; for the reason, I am inclined to think, that the article in question had the good fortune to express the opinions to which many silent and unprofessional thinkers on language — among whom I was until I began these articles — - had been led, independently of authority, and by the mere force of right reason. My assertion that the English verb has but two tenses, that it generally does not agree with the nominative in num- ber and person, and the like, bring upon me the charge, not of error, but of blundering, misstatement, ignorance, and impertinent self-assertion. (I take some pleasure in the recapitulation.) As to the general non-agreement of the English verb with its nominative case, it is too manifest to need a word of argument. And as to whether a man in taking this position may justly be held guilty of ignorant and impertinent self-assertion, I cite the fol- lowing passage from Sir John Stoddart's " Universal Grammar." "The expression of Number is another accidental property of the verb, and belongs to it only in so far as the verb may be com- bined with the expression of person. . . . The verb is equally said to be in the singular or plural whether it has or has not distinct terminations appropriated to those different numbers ; we call I love singular, and we love plural; but it is manifest that in all such instances the expression of number exists only i?i the pronoun" — p. 155. Now, it is the calling of things what they are not, in order that the terminology of English Grammar may 326 WORDS AND THEIR USES. correspond to that of the Greek and Latin languages, that I think pernicious. Upon some of the points in question, I cite the follow- ing passages from Crombie's " Etymology and Syntax of the English Language." Dr. Crombie, an Oxford Doctor of Laws, and a Fellow of the Royal Society, is one of the profoundest, and closest, and least pedantic thinkers that have written on our subject ; and his work (from the third and last edition of which — London, 1830 — I quote), was made a text-book for the class of English literature in the London University. Dr. Crombie is examining the argument of an English grammarian, which is to this effect. If that only is a tense which in one inflected word expresses an affirmation with time, we should in English have but two tenses, the present and past in the active verb, and in the passive no tenses at all, — the very position that I have taken. " But," the writer, Dr. Beattie, adds, " this is a needless nicety, and, if adopted, would introduce confusion into the grammatical art. If amaveram be a tense, why should not amatus Jueram? If I heard be a tense, I did hear, I have heard, and I shall hear must be equally entitled to that appellation." This argument Crombie thus sets aside : — " How simplicity can introduce confusion I am unable to com- prehend, unless we are to affirm that the introduction of Greek and Latin names, to exfress nonentities in our language, is necessary to illustrate the grammar and simplify the study of the language to the English scholar. . . . Nay, further, if it be a needless nicety to admit those only as tenses which are formed by inflection, is it not equally a needless nicety to admit those cases only which are formed by varying the termination? And if confusion be introduced by denying / had heard to be a tense, why does not the learned author simplify the doctrine of English nouns by giving them six cases — a king, of a king, to or for a king, a king, O king, with, from, in, or by a king f This, surely, would be to perplex, not to simplify. In short, the inconsistency of those grammarians who deny that to be a case which is not formed by inflection, yet would load us with moods and tenses THE GRAMMARLESS TONGUE. 327 not formed by change of termination, is so palpable as to require neither illustration nor argument to oppose it. . . . Why do not these gentlemen favor us with a dual number, with a middle voice, and with an optative mood ? Nay, as they are so fond of tenses as to lament that we rob them of all but two, why do they not enrich us with a first and second aorist and a paulo post fu- ture?" (pp. 118, 119.) "Whether amatus fueram be or be not a tense is the very point in question ; and so far am I from ad- mitting the affirmative as unquestionable, that I contend it has no more claim to the designation of these than loopai Ttrws — no more claim than amandum est mihi, amari oportet, or amandus sum have to be called moods. Here I must request the reader to bear in mind the necessary distinction between the grammar of a language and its capacity of expression. . . . Why not give, as English cases, to a king, of a king, with a king, etc. ? The mode is certainly applicable, whatever may be the consequences of that application. A case surely is as easily formed by a noun and a preposition as a tense by a participle and an auxiliary." (p. 121.) " What should we think of that person's discernment who should contend that the Latins had an optative mood because utinam legeres signifies, I wish you would read? It is equally absurd to say that we have an imperfect, preterpluperfect, or future tense ; or that we have all the Greek varieties of mood, and two voices, because by the aid of auxiliary words and definitive terms we contrive to express these accidents, times, or states of being. I consider, therefore, that we have no more cases, moods, tenses, or voices in our language — as far as its grammar, not its capacity of expression, is concerned — than we have variety of termina- tion to denote these different accessory ideas." — p. 127, 128. But upon this point I cite also the following passage from a yet higher authority, — Bosworth, — in the front rank of the Anglo-Saxon and English scholars of the world, who speaks as follows upon the subject, at p. 189 of the Introduction to his Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. The passage, it will be seen, touches what I have said, and upon voices and cases as well as upon tenses. "What is generally termed the passive voice has no existence in Anglo-Saxon, any more than in modern English. The Anglo- Saxons wrote, he is Ivfod, he is loved. Here is is the indicative indefinite of the neuter verb tvesan, and lufod, loved, is the past participle of the verb lufian, to love. In parsing, every word 328 WORDS AND THEIR USES. should be considered a distinct part of speech. To a king- is not called a dative case in English, as regi in Latin, because the Eng- lish phrase is not formed by inflection, but by the auxiliary words to a. If auxiliaries do not form cases in English nouns, why should they be allowed to form various tenses and a passive voice either in the English, or in its parent, the Saxon? Thus, Ic maeg beon lufod, I may be loved, instead of being called the potential mood passive, maeg is more rationally considered a verb in the indicative mood, indefinite tense, first singular, beon the neuter verb in the infinitive mood after the verb maeg ; lufod is the perfect participle of the verb lufian." This view is exactly the same, it will be seen, as that wdiich is taken of the subject by Crombie ; and, indeed, it is hard for me to understand how any man of common sense, who thinks for himself, can take any other. Bos- worth here supports the main position taken in " The Grammarless Tongue," which is in effect, to use Bos- worth's words, that in analyzing the English sentence " ev- ery word should be considered a distinct part of speech ; " every word, auxiliary verbs as well as auxiliary preposi- tions, as he regards them in his analysis of what English grammarians call the first person singular, present in- dicative, potential mood, passive voice of the verb to love — 7" may be loved. That is the point of this whole question. Against the position taken in the foregoing chapter as to the so-called tenses which are formed. by the union of a verb and a participle, — that the verb retains its proper meaning ; e. g., that in I have loved, have ex- presses possession, — a position impregnable, I think, to argument, — two of my critics have directed the shafts of feeble ridicule. One says, " He, therefore, who has loved, has, in his possession, an abstract completed action, bearing the name ' loved.' Such a person may well be excused for inquiring with some anxiety what he shall do with it." Another flouts the pretensions of a man who dared to write about language, and yet " thought that a participle could be the object to a verb." THE GRAMMARLESS TONGUE. 329 Now, in the first place, Bosworth's dictum — say- rather his primal law of English construction — that, in parsing, every word should be regarded as a distinct part of speech, covers this ground entirely. The case of a verb followed by a participle is no more than any other excluded from the operation of that law, which, indeed, as we have seen, Bosworth himself illustrates by an analysis of the so-called tense / may be loved. What I have written upon this point is therefore merely an expression and particular enforcement of a general law recognized by the facile princeps of British Anglo- Saxon scholars. But I am not left without a particular justification of my view of the relation of the auxiliary verb to its participle. Dr. Crombie, explaining the difference between the tenses which some grammarians have called the preterite definite, I have written, and the preterite indefinite, I wrote, furnishes me with the fol- lowing opinion in point : — "When an action is done in a time continuous to the present instant, we employ the auxiliary verb. Thus, on finishing a letter, I say, I have written my letter, i. e., I possess (now) the finished action of writing a letter. Again, when an action is done in a space of time which the mind assumes as present, or when we express our immediate possession of things done in that space, we use the auxiliary verb. ' I have this week written sev- eral letters,' I have iio~lv the perfectio?i of ■writi?zg several letters finished this week. These phraseologies, as the author last quoted justly observes, are harsh to the ear, and appear exceed- ingly awkward ; but a little attention will suffice to show that they correctly exhibit the ideas implied by the tense which we have at present under consideration." — Etymology, etc., p. 166. Upon the same subject, one of my critics has the fol- lowing passage, which is useful in enabling me to illus- trate my position : — "All participles are adjectives, and cannot, without being made substantives by the prefixing of the article, or in some similar way, be used as objects to transitive verbs. We can, of course, say, He posits the conditioned ; but we cannot say, He 330 WORDS AND THEIR USES. posits conditioned, or, He possesses conditioned. In the third place, suppose we admit that a participle could be the object of a transitive verb, and that / possess conditioned expressed what we mean by I have conditioned ; is there not one respect in which / have conditioned or I have loved differs from I have money? We can certainly say I have loved the ocean; but can we also say / have money the bank P I have hunted the fox does mean something; I have a hunt the fox means nothing." Clearly all participles are adjectives when they are predicated of the subject, or used to qualify a noun. This is so obvious a truth that it hardly needs to be asserted. Thus, in I am good and I am loved, good and loved are equally adjectives, as in a bad man and a hated man, bad and hated are also adjectives. But I am not so sure that the prefixing of an article, or the like, is the condition and sign of use as an object of a trans- itive verb. I am overwhelmed with such a tremendous illustration of the use of participles, as He posits the conditioned. It takes me back, however, to the days when Tappan and Henry led my youthful steps through the flowery paths, and fed my downy lips with the sweet and succulent fruits of metapheezic. Of this experience I retain sufficient memory to admit, with shame and con- fusion of face, that we can say, He posits the conditioned, and that we cannot say, He posits conditioned, or He possesses conditioned. But when, stepping down from the sublime of the conditioned, I reflect that although we may say of Paddy, He bolts the pratie, we may not say, He bolts pratie* or, He possesses pratie, and yet that we may say, He bolts praties, and even, He likes bolting praties, I am comforted. I admit that although we may say, I have loved the ocean, we may not say, I have money the bank, unless we would talk nonsense. But that is because loved the ocean, which in one case is the object of the verb have, is sense, and money the bank, which is its object in the other case, is not sense. As a phrase or sentence may be the subject vf a verb, so it THE GRAMMARLESS TONGUE. 33 1 mav be its object. For example, in the sentence. He likes bolting, the participle, although no article is pre- fixed to it, is the object of the transitive verb likes; but in the more complex, fully-developed, and well-rounded sentence, He likes bolti?ig praties, the object of the verb is bolting praties. I have called English the grammarless tongue ; but it merits that distinction only because it excels in its supe- riority to inflections, and its regard for the logical se- quence of thought, all other languages of civilized Chris- tendom. Compared with Greek and Latin, the French, Italian, and Spanish languages, and even the German, may be called grammarless. Indeed , the tendency to the laying aside of inflections showed itself early in the Latin tongue, in the very Augustan period of which we find in the best writers the germ of our method of ex- pressing action in combination with the idea of time, by the use of the verbs signifying existence and possession, in combination with participles. Cicero, instead of De Caesare satis dixi, said, " De Caesare satis dictum habeo " — I have said enough of Caesar ; and Caesar himself wrote, " copias quas habebat paratas" instead of para- verat — the forces which he had prepared.* Now, will any one pretend that when Cicero said habeo dictum — I have said, he used the word habeo without the idea of possession, and yet that he used it with that idea when he said habeo pomum — I have an apple? I think no one will do so who is competent to write on language at all ; and should there be such a person, I confess at once that I cannot argue with him. We do not approach each other near enough to clash. And as to the ques- tions whether English verbs have real tenses, and what is the force of " auxiliary " verbs in all cases, I shall leave them without further discussion, merely giving my readers an example upon which to ruminate. If I shall have * These examples I find to my hand, among others of the same sort, in Brachet : s "Grammaire Historique de la Langue Francaise." 33 2 WORDS AND THEIR USES. followed is a tense, the future perfect tense of the verb to follow, in which the verb shall does not express futu- rity, and the verb have does not express possession, what becomes of that tense, and what is the meaning of those verbs, when, instead of saying, I shall have followed him so long to-morrow, we say, I shall to-morrow have fol- lowed him so long, or, I shall to-morrow have so long followed him, or, I shall have so long followed him to- morrow? If a tense may be split in pieces and scattered about in this way, and its component parts, each of them a word in constant and independent use, may retain in their divided condition the same modified meaning or lack of meaning which they have in combination, it would seem that the construction of English, according to the grammarians, is so absolved from the laws of rea- son, which hold on all other subjects, that any discus- sion of it in conformity with those laws must be en- tirely superfluous and from the purpose. A volume like this is not the place for controversy, even were 1 inclined thereto ; but I will notice one or two of the remarks elicited by the foregoing chapter from writers who, I am sorry tosay, were not pretentious ignoramuses, but men of sense and some philological acquirement, because these examples will show the style and temper of even the ablest of my opponents. One of them sneered at the views set forth in that chapter, because, among other things, they were those of a man who " could make reHxpofiui, a future perfect," meaning, I shall have been beaten. As to this point, I cite the fol- lowing passages from a grammarian of authority: — "The third future, or paulo post future, of the passive in respect to signification (§ 139), and form is derived from the perfect passive, of which it retains the augment, substituting conat for the termination of the perfect passive. It is therefore only necessary to take the ending of the second person perfect passive in aai (4>ai, |«<)< anc ^ change the ai into opai — TfrvjAnai (rerv- ipai), TZTv^ojAai." — Buttman, § 99. "The third, or paulo post future, is properly, both in form and in signification, compounded from the perfeci and future. THE GRAMAMRLESS TONGUE. 333 It places what is past or concluded in the future; e. £-., fj Trohrcia te?.{ws KCKoent'iaETai iav b toiovtos avTtjv iiriGKOTrrj (pv?.a^ — The City will have been perfectly organized if such a watchman oversee it; i. e., disposita erit, not disJ>onettir." — Ibidem, § 139. This is Greek, as I learned it. I do not pretend to write a new Cratylus, or profess to be able to do so. Another of my censors is facetiously severe upon a man who ventures to write on language, and yet himself uses such phrases as "a young-eyed cherubin," and " poning the gutter." This writer, although he figured in the Philological Convention at Poughkeepsie, seems not to know that cherubin came into our language from the Italian cherubino, and that until a very late period the form cherub was not known. And as to the par- ticular phrase I used, if my very scornful censor will take a poor mariner's advice, and overhaul his little Shakespeare, he will find, in a passage famous (among the ignorant) for its beauty, the following lines : — " There's not the smallest orb which thou beholdest But in his motion like an angel sings, Still quiring to the young-eyed cherubins." Merchant of Venice, V. 1. Now, if very learned and scornful professors of phi- lology will not, before criticising a poor layman like me, and before figuring at philological conventions, make them- selves acquainted with such familiar passages of poetry as this, why, all the worse for — me and for Shakespeare. As to " poning the gutter," that is a city boy's name for a city boy's amusement. In winter, when a hard frost has filled the gutters with ice, boys make slides on them, and as they dash down the slide and run up again to take a start from the head, they cry out one to another, " Pon the gutter." Therefore, although the origin of the first word is unknown to me, I said of my young-eyed cher- ubin, that " five years ago he, rustic, was milking the cow, or urban, was poning the gutter." With this answer I shall leave my critics in charge of my reputation, and their own. 334 WORDS AND THEIR USES. CHAPTER XI. IS BEING DONE. TO a man who has reached what Dante calls the middle of the journey of our life, nothing in the outside world is more remarkable than the un- conscious freedom with which people ten or fifteen years younger than himself adopt new fashions and fangles of dress, of manners, and of speech, except, perhaps, their persistence in these novelties after the absurdity thereof has been fully set forth and explained. His difficulty is, that for a long time he does not see — does not unless he combines, un- usually, quickness of penetration and readiness of reflection — that what seems so new and strange to him seems to younger people neither strange nor new. The things are new, indeed, to them, but only in that they are not yet old ; they are not nov- elties that disturb their peace as they disturb his. He wonders that that beautiful girl of seventeen goes about in public unconcerned, and in fact almost unnoticed, — that is the strangest feature of the case, — in such amazing apparel as would ten years ago have made her mother the laughing-stock of the whole town, and which yet she wears as calmly as if from Eve's day down the sex had known no other IS BEING DONE. 335 garments. Why should she not? The fashion of to-day is" all that she knows of fashion, and she cares to know no more, except for the sake of curiosity. All the rest is to her in the keeping of history, where she may, perhaps, in an idle mo- ment, look at it, and find it food for wonder or for laughter. In it there is nought to her of personal concern. When does a fashion cease to be new? When does it become old? when obsolete? Before these questions can be answered, we must know the measure of time used by him who asks them. What would be new to a young elephant of thirty or forty years would be old to an aged cony of nine or ten ; what to the butterfly of a meadow and a summer would date from the beginning of all things, would hardly be a memory to an eagle that had soared for half a century above half a continent. What is new to one man may be old to men only five years younger than he, and to men ten years younger, obsolete. Few truths are more difficult of apprehension than this, apparently so obvious. Few mental faculties are rarer than that which gives to a mature man the prompt, intuitive recognition of the fact that there are human beings whose opinions and habits, if not worthy of consideration, must yet be considered, to whom that which is to him a part of the present is not merely unfamiliar, but shut out among the things of the past as completely as the siege of Troy, or the building of the Pyramids. Five thousand years ago, five hundred, fifty, five — what is the difference as to that which is beyond the grasp of consciousness, out of the record of ex- perience ? 336 WORDS AND THEIR USES. This elasticity of the standard by which the new is measured, is in no respect more worthy of consider- ation than in that of language. Unless a man is a monster of pedantry and priggishness, — and, in- deed, not then, — the words and the forms of speech he uses are not made, or even chosen, by himself. The first condition of language — that it shall be a means of communication between men — forbids the near approach to a vocabulary or a construction which is, even in part, the work or the choice of any one man. As we get our food and our breath from the earth and the air around us, so we get our lan- guage from our neighbors — not the language in which we work out and discuss questions in science, in art, or in letters, but that which serves the needs of our daily life. A little comes to us from abroad ; but this is mere spicery, much of which is neither wholesome nor appetizing. A fastidious precisian in language might carry his nicety so far as to leave himself almost speech- less. A man must speak the language of his peo- ple and his time. As to the first, there can be no doubt; but what is his time? Generally, to-day. If A hears B use a word or a phrase to-day which, although it is entirely new to him, has a meaning that he readily apprehends, and that saves trouble, and "will do," he will use it himself, if he has need, to-morrow. And so it will go on from mouth to mouth, until within a year it may pervade a neigh- borhood ; and in these days of railways and news- papers, a year or two may spread it over a whole country. The child that was in the cradle when the new word first was spoken, on going to school IS BEING DONE. 337 finds it a part of the common speech. For that child it is neither new nor old ; it simply is. And that impression of its far-off, unknown origin — for K I am " expresses the eternal — the child will carry through life, although he may afterward learn that it was new when he first heard it. But to him who was a man when the word came in, and who reflects at all upon the language that he uses, it will always have upon it the stamp of newness, because it is one of the things of which he remem- bers the beginning. In bad eminence, at the head of those intruders in language which to many persons seem to be of established respectability, but the right of which to be at all is not yet fully admitted, stands out the form of speech is being done, or rather, is beiiig, which, about fifty years ago, as I infer, began to affront the eye, torment the ear, and assault the common sense of the speaker of plain and idiomatic English. That it should be pronounced a novelty will seem strange to most of my readers ; for we have all heard it from our earliest childhood. But so slow has been its acceptance among unlettered people, so stoutly has it been resisted by the let- tered, that we have heard it under constant protest ; yet it is so much used, and seems to suit so well the mental tone of those who now do most to mould the common speech, that to check its diffusion would be a hopeless undertaking. But to examine it may be worth our w r hile, for the sake of a lesson in language. Mr. Marsh says of this form of speech, that it is "an awkward neologism, which neither conven- ience, intelligibility, nor syntactical congruity de- 22 33$ - WORDS AND THEIR USES. mands," and that it is the contrivance of som grammarian. But that it is the work of any gram- marian is more than doubtful. Grammarians, with all their faults, do not deform language with fan-* tastic solecisms, or even seek to enrich it with new and startling verbal combinations. They rather resist novelty, and devote themselves to formulating that which use has already established. It can hardly be that such an incongruous and ridiculous form of speech as is being done was contrived by a man who, by any stretching of the name, should be included among grammarians. But, nevertheless, it is a worthy offspring of English grammar ; a fitting, and, I may say, an inevitable consequence of the attempt to make our mother tongue order herself by Latin rules and standards. Some pre- cise and feeble-minded soul, having been taught that there is a passive voice in English, and that, for instance, building is an active participle, and builded or built a passive, felt conscientious scruples at saying, The house is building. For what could the house build? A house cannot build ; it must be built. And yet to say, The house is built, is to say (I speak for him), that it is finished, that it is " done built." Therefore we must find some form that will be a continuing present tense of this pas- sive verb to be built ; and he found it, as he thought, in the form is being built ; supposing that, by the introduction of the present participle, expressive of continued existence, between is and built, he had modified the meaning both of the former and the latter. Others, like him, half taught and badly taught, precise and fussy, caught up the t -'irc. ' IS BEING DONE. 339 which seemed to them to supply a deficiency in their passive voice, and so the infection spread over Eng- land, and ere long into this republic. It was con- fined, however, to the condition of life in which it had its origin. Simple-minded common people and those of culture were alike protected against it by their attachment to the idiom of their mother tongue, with which they felt it to be directly at variance. To this day there is not, in the Old England or the New, a farmer's boy who has escaped the contamination of popular weekly papers, who would not say, While the new barn was a-building, unless some prim schoolma'am had taught him to say, was being built ; and, at the other extreme of culture, Macaulay writes, " Chelsea Hospital was building," "While innocent blood was shedding," " While the foulest judicial murder that had dis- graced even those times was perpetrating." Mr. Dickens writes (Sergeant Buzfuz's speech), "The train was preparing." In the "Atlantic Monthly" for May, 1869, I find, "Another flank movement was making, but thus far with little effect ; " and in the " Brooklyn Eagle " for June 13, 1869," St. Ann's Church, which has been building for nearly two years on the corner of Livington and Clinton Streets." I cite these miscellaneous writers to show modern and common usage, mean- ing to set up neither the "Brooklyn Eagle" nor Mr. Dickens as a very high authority in the use of language. And thus, to go no farther back than the Eliza- b^thar period, Bishop Jewel wrote, " Some other 34° WORDS AND THEIR USES. there be that see and know that the Church of God is now a building, and yet, not onely refrain them- selves from the worke, but also spurne downe that other men have built up." (Sermons, Ed. 1583, fol. F. vii.) "After the Temple was buylded, or was in building, and rearing, Esdras the prophet read the Law of God." {Idem. G. vi.) And Bishop Hall, "While my body is dressing, not with an effeminate curiosity, nor yet with rude neglect, my mind addresses herself to her ensuing task ; " and Shakespeare, •" and when he thinks, good easy man, His greatness is a-ripening." Henry VIII. Thus Milton wrote, "While the Temple of the Lord was building;" Bolingbroke, "The nation had cried out loudly against the crime which was committing ; " and Johnson wrote to Bosweir, "My 'Lives' are reprinting." Hence we see that the form is being done, is being made, is being built, lacks the support of authoritative usage from the period of the earliest classical English to the present day. This, however, it might do without if it were consistent with reason, and conformed to the normal development of the language, else there would be no growth of language. But this consistency and conformity it lacks. Let us see w r hy and how. The condition sought to be expressed by is being done is not new in any sense. It is neither a new shade of thought nor a new-born idea. On the contrary, it is one of the first conditions that need expression. It has been expressed in many Ian- IS BEING DONE. 34I guages from remote ages, and very completely in English for centuries. The phrase is at best merely a new name for an old thing already well named. Those who use it seem to me to disregard the fitness of the forms of speech by which the thought which they would present has been uttered by our best writers and speakers. For example, Hamlet says to the king, of the slain Polonius, that the latter is at supper, " not where he eats, but where he is eaten ; " and the words fully express — there has never been a doubt suggested by the most microscopic commentator that they express just what Hamlet meant, that the eating of Polonius was going on at the time then present. " Is eaten " does not mean has been eaten uf. It is in the present tense, and expresses what has been called "the continuous recipience of action," as much as I eat expresses continuous action. Hamlet goes on to say, " A certain convocation of politic worms are e'en at him." So Hotspur says, — " Why, look you, I am -whip fid and scourg'd with rods, Nettled and stung with pismires when I hear Of this vile politician, Bolingbroke." It was not necessary for Hotspur, although he spoke of time present, to say, " I am being whipped, being scourged, being nettled, being stung, when I hear," or for Hamlet to say that Polonius was being eaten, although the worms were at him while the prince was speaking. It will be of some interest to observe how this idea has been expressed in various languages, including English. It may be, and has been, expressed, both participially and verbally. In the New Testament 342 WORDS AND THEIR USES. (i Peter iii. 20) there is the following passage in the Original : iv -^fiegaig JV&e, xa'caaxEva'Qo/Ltevrjg xifiwTOv, which, in our English version, is translated thus: "In the days of Noah, while the ark was a-frefar- ing" Here the last clause represents the Greek passive participle present used absolutely with the substantive, according to the Greek idiom. In the translation of 1582 we find, "when the ark was a-building;" in that of 1557, "while the ark was frefaring ;" but in Wycliffe's translation, made about A. D. 1380, "In the days of Noe, when the ship was made" The last form, which corre- sponds to Hamlet's " not where he eats, but where he is eaten" represents the imperfect subjunctive passive, "cum fabricaretur area" of the Vulgate, from which Wycliffe made his translation. In the account of the building of Solomon's temple is an- other passage (1 Kings vi. 7), which serves in illustration : "And the house, when it was in build- ing, was built of stone made ready before it was brought thither ; so that there was neither hammer, nor axe, nor any tool of iron heard in the house while it was in building" Here, "when it was in building" is represented in the Septuagint version by iv tu oixodofteiod