E 491 .U724 Copy 1 ^.C. SANITARY COMjMISSION. 3\ro, 20. Office (if the Sanitahv Coinimission, Treasvij/ Bnildin;/, Washington., Jnltj 29, LSGl. At :i iiieetiiiji cil' the Commission, held this day, the followina; res( liitions wevp pnssed umiiiimnusly, and ordered to be printed. FRED. i.AW OLMSTED. 7?^.s. Ser. /^f.<(i/i(/i'i>ris pas.^cd hji Sn(h(t/, .liili/ ^1\^, and ordered to l>r Kfnt fn f/ir. Frc^^ident, UecuU of the Dppartmrnis, and to hotli TIoiiAii!.