D 613 =======^========^======================== f , ITISH WAR AIMS Copy 1 oxATEMENT BY THE RIGHT HONOURABLE DAVID LLOYD GEORGE ]\ January Fifth, Nineteen Hundred and Eighteen Authorized Version as published by THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT NEW YORK: GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY of no J: -^ BRITISH WAR AIMS STATEMENT BY THE RIGHT HONOURABLE DAVID LLOYD GEORGE January fifth. Nineteen hundred and eighteen AUTHORIZED VERSION AS PUBLISHED BY THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT WHEN the Government," said Lloyd George, "invite organized labor in this country to assist them to maintain the might of their armies in the field, its representatives are entitled to ask that any misgivings and doubts which any of them maj^ have about the purpose to which this precious strength is to be applied should be definitely cleared, and what is true of organized labour is equally true of all citizens in this country, without regard to grade or avocation. "When men by the million are being called upon to suffer and die, and vast populations are being subjected to the sufferings and privations of war on a scale unprecedented in the history of the world, they are entitled to know for what cause or causes they are making the sacrifice. It is only the clearest, greatest and jus test of causes that can justify the 2 BRITISH WAR AIMS continuance even for one day of this unspeakable agony of the nations, and we ought to be able to state clearly and definitely, not only the principles for which we are fighting, but also their definite and con- crete application to the war map of the world. "We have arrived at the most critical hour in this terrible conflict, and before any government takes the fateful decision as to the conditions under which it ought either to terminate or continue the struggle, it ought to be satisfied that the conscience of the na- tion is behind these conditions, for nothing else can sustain the effort which is necessary to achieve a righteous end to this war. "I have, therefore, during the last few days taken special pains to ascertain the view and the attitude of representative men of all sections of thought and opinion in the country. Last week I had the privi- lege, not merely of perusing the Declared War Aims of the Labour Party, but also of discussing in detail with the labour leaders the meaning and intention of that declaration. I have also had an opportunity of discussing this same momentous question with Mr. Asquith and Viscount Grey. Had it not been that the Nationalist leaders are in Ireland engaged in endeavoring to solve the tangled problem of Irish self-government, I should have been happy to ex- change views with them, but Mr. Redmond, speak- ing on their behalf, has, with his usual lucidity and force, in many of his speeches, made clear what his ideas are as to the object and purpose of the war. GIFT KAR 9 1SI9 DAVID LLOYD GEORGE 3 I Have also had the opportunity of consulting cer- tain representatives of the great dominions overseas. "I am glad to be able to say, as a result of all these discussions, that, although the Government are alone responsible for the actual language I propose using, there is national agreement as to the character and purpose of our war aims and peace conditions, and in what I say to you to-day, and through you to the world, I can venture to claim that I am speaking, not merely the mind of the Government, but of the nation and of the empire as a whole. "We may begin by clearing away some misunder- standings and stating what we are not fighting for. I We are not fighting a war of aggression against the ] German people. Their leaders have persuaded them 1 that they are fighting a war of self-defence against a league of rival nations bent on the destruction of Gennany. That is not so. The destruction or dis- ruption of Germany or the German people has never been a war aim with us from the first day of this war to this day. Most reluctantly, and indeed quite unprepared for the dreadful ordeal, we were forced to join in this war in self-defence. In defence of the violated public law of Europe, and in vindication of the most solemn treaty obligation on which the public system of Europe rested, and on which Ger- many had ruthlessly trampled in her invasion of Belgium, we had to join in the struggle or stand aside and see Europe go under and brute force tri- umph over public right and international justice. It 4 BRITISH WAR AIMS was only t±ie realization of that dreadful alternative that forced the British people into the war. "And from that original attitude they have never swerved. They have never aimed at the break-up of the German peoples or the disintegration of their state or country. Germany has occupied a great position in the world. It is not our wish or intention to question or destroy that position for the future, but rather to turn her aside from hopes and schemes of military domination, and to see her devote all her strength to the great beneficent tasks of the world. Nor are we fighting to destroy Austria-Hungary or to deprive Turkey of its capital, or of the rich and renowned lands of Asia Minor and Thrace, which are predominantly Turkish in race. "Nor did we enter this war merely to alter or destroy the imperial constitution of Germany, much as we consider that military, autocratic constitution a dangerous anachronism in the Twentieth Century. Our point of view is that the adoption of a really democratic constitution by Germany would be the most convincing evidence that in her the old spirit of military domination had indeed died in this war, and would make it much easier for us to conclude a broad democratic peace with her. But, after all, that is a question for the German people to decide. "It is now more than a year since the President of the United States, then neutral, addressed to the bel- ligerents a suggestion that each side should state clearly the aims for which they were fighting. We DAVID LLOYD GEORGE 5 and our allies responded by the note of the tenth of January, 1917. "To the President's appeal the Central Empires made no reply, and in spite of many adjurations from their opponents and from neutrals, they have maintained a complete silence as to the objects for which they are fighting. Even on so crucial a mat- ter as their intentions with regard to Belgium, they have uniformly declined to give any trustworthy indication. "On the twenty-fifth of December last, however, Count Czernin, speaking on behalf of Austria-Hun- gary and her Allies, did make a pronouncement of a kind. It is, indeed, deplorably vague. We are told that it is not the intention of the Central Powers to appropriate forcibly any occupied territories or to rob of its independence any nation which has lost its political independence during the war. It is obvious that almost any scheme of conquest and annexation could be perpetrated within the literal interpretation of such a pledge. "Does it mean that Belgium, and Serbia, Monte- negro and Roumania will be as independent and as free to direct their own destinies as the German or any other nation? Or does it mean that all man- ner of interferences and restrictions, political and economic, incompatible with the status and dignity of a free and self-respecting people, are to be im- posed? If this is the intention then there will be one kind of independence for a great nation and an 6 BRITISH WAR AIMS inferior kind of independence for a small nation. We must know what is meant for equality of right among nations, small as well as great, is one of the fundamental issues this country and her Allies are fighting to establish in this war. Reparation for the wanton damage inflicted on Belgian towns and vil- lages and their inhabitants is emphatically repudi- ated. "The rest of the so-called 'offer' of the Central Powers is almost entirely a refusal of all concessions. All suggestions about the autonomy of subject na- tionalities are ruled out of the peace terms alto- gether. The question whether any form of self-gov- ernment is to be given to Arabs, Armenians or SjTians is declared to be entirely a matter for the Sublime Porte. A pious wish for the protection of minorities 'in so far as it is practically realizable' is the nearest approach to liberty which the Central statesmen venture to make. "On one point only are they perfectly clear and definite. Under no circumstances will the 'German demand' for the restoration of the whole of Ger- many's colonies be departed from. All principles of self-determination or, as our earlier phrase goes, gov- ernment by consent of the governed, here vanish into thin air. "It is impossible to believe that any edifice of per- manent peace could be erected on such a foundation as this. Mere lip-service to the formula of no an- nexations and no indemnities or the right of self- DAVID LLOYD GEORGE 7 determination is useless. Before any negotiations can even be begun, the Central Powers must realize the essential facts of the situation. ^The days of the Treaty of Vienna are long past. We can no longer submit the future of European civilization to the arbitrary decisions of a few nego- tiators striving to secure by chicanery or persuasion the interests of this or that dynasty or nation. The settlement of the new Europe must be based on such grounds of reason and justice as will give some prom- ise of stability. Therefore, it is that we feel that government with the consent of the governed must be the basis of any territorial settlement in this war. ! For that reason also, unless treaties be upheld, unless every nation is prepared at whatever sacrifice to hon- our the national signature, it is obvious that no treaty of peace can be worth the paper on which it is written. "The first requirement, therefore, always put for- ward by the British Government and their Allies, has been the complete restoration, political, terri- torial and economic, of the independence of Bel- gium, and such reparation as can be made for the devastation of its towns and provinces. This is no demand for war indemnity, such as that imposed on France by Germany in 187 1 . It is not an attempt to shift the cost of warlike operations from one bellig- erent to another, which may or may not be defens- ible. It is no more and no less than an insistence that, before there can be any hope for a stable peace, 8 BRITISH WAR AIMS this great breach of the pubhc law of Europe must be repudiated and, so far as possible, repaired. Rep- aration means recognition. Unless international right is recognized by insistence on payment for in- jury done in defiance of its canons it can never be a reality. "Next comes the restoration of Serbia, Montenegro and the occupied parts of France, Italy and Rou- mania. The complete withdrawal of the alien armies and the reparation for injustice done is a fundamen- tal condition of permanent peace. "We mean to stand by the French Democracy to the death in the demand they make for a reconsid- eration of the great wrong of 1871, when, without any regard to the wishes of the population, two French provinces were torn from the side of France and incorporated in the German Empire. This sore has poisoned the peace of Europe for half a century, and, until it is cured, healthy conditions will not have been restored. There can be no better illustra- tion of the folly and wickedness of using a transient military success to violate national right. "I will not attempt to deal with the question of the Russian territories now in German occupation. The Russian policy since the revolution has passed so rapidly through so many phases that it is difficult to speak without some suspension of judgment as to what the situation will be when the final terms of European peace come to be discussed. Russia accepted war with all its horrors because, true to her DAVID LLOYD GEORGE 9 traditional guardianship of the weaker communities of her race, she stepped in to protect Serbia from a plot against her independence. It is this honour- able sacrifice which not merely brought Russia into the war, but France as well. France, true to the conditions of her treaty with Russia, stood by her ally in a quarrel which was not her own. Her chiv- alrous respect for her treaty led to the wanton in- vasion of Belgium; and the treaty obligation of Great Britain to that little land brought us into the war. "The present rulers of Russia are now engaged without any reference to the countries whom Russia brought into the war, in separate negotiations with their common enemy. I am indulging in no re- proaches; I am merely stating facts with a view to making it clear why Britain cannot be held account- able for decisions taken in her absence and concern- ing which she has not been consulted or had her aid invoked. "No one who knows Prussia and her designs upon Russia can for a moment doubt her ultimate inten- tion. Whatever phrases she may use to delude Rus- sia, she does not mean to surrender one of the fair provinces or cities of Russia now occupied by her forces. Under one name and another — and the name hardly matters — these Russian provinces will hence- forth be in reality part of the dominions of Prussia. They will be ruled by the Prussian sword in the interests of Prussian autocracy, and the rest of the iio BRITISH WAR AIMS people of Russia will be partly enticed by specious phrases and partly bullied by the threat of contin- ued war against an impotent army into a condition of complete economic and ultimate political enslave- ment to Germany. "We all deplore the prospect. The democracy of this countr}^ means to stand to the last by the de- mocracies of France and Italy and all our other Al- lies. We shall be proud to fight to the end side by side with the new democracy of Russia; so will America and so will France and Italy. But if the present rulers of Russia take action which is inde- pendent of their Allies we have no means of inter- vening to arrest the catastrophe which is assuredly befalling their country. Russia can only be saved by her own people. "We believe, however, that an independent Po- land comprising all those genuinely Polish elements who desire to form part of it, is an urgent necessity for the stability of Western Europe. "Similarly, though we agree with President Wil- son that the break-up of Austria-Hungary is no part of our war aims, we feel that unless genuine self- government on true democratic principles is granted to those Austro-Hungarian nationalities who have long desired it, it is impossible to hope for the re- moval of those causes of unrest in that part of Eu- rope which have so long threatened its general peace. "On the same grounds we regard as vital the sat- isfaction of the legitimate claims of the Italians for DAVID LLOYD GEORGE ii union with those of their own race and tongue. We also mean to press that justice be done to men of Roumanian blood and speech in their legitimate as- pirations. "If these conditions are fulfilled Austria-Hungary would become a power whose strength would con- duce to the permanent peace and freedom of Europe, instead of being merely an instrument to the perni- cious military autocracy of Prussia, which uses the resources of its allies for the furtherance of its own sinister purposes. "Outside Europe, we believe that the same prin- ciples should be applied. While we do not chal- lenge the maintenance of the Turkish Empire in the homelands of the Turkish race with its capital at Constantinople, the passage between the Mediter- ranean and the Black Sea being internationalized and neutralized, Arabia, Armenia, Mesopotamia, Syria and Palestine are in our judgment entitled to a recognition of their separate national conditions. What the exact form of that recognition in each par- ticular case should be need not here be discussed, be- yond stating that it would be impossible to restoTe to their former sovereignty the territories to which I have already referred. "Much has been said about the arrangements we have entered into with our Allies on this and on other subjects. I can only say that as new circum- stances, like the Russian collapse and the separate Russian negotiations, have changed the conditions 12 BRITISH WAR AIMS under which those arrangements were made, we are and alwa^^s have been perfectly ready to discuss them with our Allies. "With regard to the German colonies, I have re- peatedly declared that they are held at the disposal of a conference whose decision must have primary regard to the wishes and interests of the native in- habitants of such colonies. None of those territories are inhabited by Europeans. The governing consid- eration, therefore, in all these cases must be that the inhabitants should be placed under the control of an administration, acceptable to themselves, one of whose main purposes will be to prevent their exploi- tation for the benefit of European capitalists or gov- ernments. The natives live in their various tribal organizations under chiefs and councils who are com- petent to consult and speak for their tribes and mem- bers and thus to represent their wishes and interests in regard to their disposal. The general principle of national self-determination is, therefore, as applic- able in their cases as in those of occupied European territories. "The German declaration that the natives of the German colonies have, through their military fidelity in the war, shown their attachment and resolve un- der all circumstances to remain with Germany is ap- plicable not to the German colonies generally, but only to one of them, and in that case (German East Africa) the German authorities secured the attach- ment, not of the native population as a whole, which DAVID LLOYD GEORGE 13 is and remains profoundly anti-German, but only of a small warlike class from whom their Askaris or soldiers were selected. These they attached to them- selves by conferring on them a highly privileged posi- tion as against the bulk of the native population, which enabled these Askaris to assume a lordly and oppressive superiority over the rest of the natives. By this and other means they secured the attach- ment of a very small and insignificant minority, whose interests were directly opposed to those of the rest of the population, and for whom they have no right to speak. The German treatment of their na- tive populations in their colonies has been such as amply to justify their fear of submitting the future of those colonies to the wishes of the natives them- selves. ''Finally, there must be reparation for injuries done in violation of international law. The Peace Conference must not forget our seamen and the serv- ices they have rendered to, and the outrages they have suffered for the common cause of freedom. "One omission we notice in the proposal of the Central Powers, which seems to us especially regret- table. It is desirable and, indeed, essential, that the settlement after this war shall be one which does not in itself bear the seed of future war. But that is not enough. However wisely and well we may make territorial and other arrangements, there will still be many subjects of international controversy. Some, indeed, are inevitable. 14 BRITISH WAR AIMS "The economical conditions at the end of the war will be in the highest degree difficult. Owing to the diversion of human effort to warlike pursuits, there must follow a world-shortage of raw materials, which will increase the longer the war lasts, and it is inevitable that those countries which have con- trol of the raw materials will desire to help them- selves and their friends first. "Apart from this, whatever settlement is made will be suitable only to the circumstances under which it is made and, as those circumstances change, changes in the settlement will be called for. "So long as the possibility of dispute between na- tions continues — that is to say, so long as men and women are dominated by passion and ambition, and war is the only means of settling a dispute — all na- tions must live under the burden, not only of having from time to time to engage in it, but of being com- pelled to prepare for its possible outbreak. The crushing weight of modern armaments, the increasing evil of compulsory military service, the vast waste of wealth and effort involved in warlike preparation, these are blots on our civilization of which every thinking individual must be ashamed. "For these and other similar reasons, we are confi- dent that a great attempt must be made to establish by some international organization an alternative to war as a means of settling international disputes. After all, war is a relic of barbarism and, just as law has succeeded violence as the means of settling DAVID LLOYD GEORGE 15 disputes between individuals, so we believe that it is destined ultimately to take the place of war in the settlement of controversies between nations. "If, then, we are asked what we are fighting for, we reply as, we have often replied: we are fighting for a just and lasting peace, and we believe that be- fore permanent peace can be hoped for three con- ditions must be fulfilled; firstly, the sanctity of trea- ties must be established; secondly, a territorial set- tlement must be secured, based on the right of self- determination or the consent of the governed, and, lastly, we must seek by the creation of some interna- tional organization to limit the burden of armaments and diminish the probability of war. 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