*S 3537 ■L65 V5 1899 -opy 1 ''(9 f^e Vision o/T The i I ladonna DF_rREGELR . By grace L. SLOCUM XTbe IDision of Zbc /Iftabonna 3^ " For voices pursue him by day And haunt him by night ; And he listens and needs must obey When the angel says, ' Write.'" Longfellow Thomas Whittaker, Publisher, New York "-''In "k O /4 O O- Copyright 1899 by Thomas Whittaker Wo COPIES BECEl r ■d.-j mi \ %A SeCOiJD OOPY, Y of K4. THE VISION OF THE MADONNA. (MARY LOQUITUR.) Methought an angel came to me and said, "Fear not, thou hast found favor in the sight Of God, and art among all women blest." And then, as in a vision, I beheld Time like a scroll unrolled before mine eyes. Upborne, as if on angels' wings o'er earth, I watched the swift flight of the burdened years. With all the wonder and the suffering And final triumph of the Holy One. And first I saw below a bare, white plain And shepherds watching by their flocks by night. A wondrous light all round about them shone, A path of glory leading up to Heaven, That pulsed from rose to silver, as it were Ebe melon of A mighty heart-beat throbbing through the world. Then down the path of light an angel came, Clothed all in glittering raiment wonderful, And to the startled shepherds thus he spake, — *' Fear not, I bring good tidings of great joy. For unto you is born this day a King In Bethlehem, a Saviour! Christ the Lord! " ****** Then from the star-lit deeps lo, hosts of Heaven Sail in soft splendor down the sea of light, Their wings all glistening with the sheen celestial. As earthward swift they take their radiant flight; While choiring seraphs lean o'er barriers golden, And seraph harps still sound from Heaven's far height. The air is all aquiver with the rapture That overflowed from founts of joy on high; All palpitating with the hues resplendent Flashed forth from wings that beat adown the sky, Soft emerald, rose and amethyst and golden, That in a mist of splendor melt and die. And all the night is filled with music glorious. The startled shepherds' souls with rapture fill; ^be fIDa&onna The winds are hushed, the stars bend low to listen, And the whole world is wrapped in wonder still, To hear the echo of that song proclaiming,— *' Peace on the earth, and unto men good-will! " :ic * * * * * The light thrilled toward me, flamed beyond, I felt The touch of angels' wings upon my brow ; And lo, a strange, swift rapture stirred my soul And all of thought and being merged in this, That in mine arms I held a new-born Babe, Whose eyes, all wonder-filled, gazed into mine ; (A dream within a dream, yet not a dream. But truth revealed. God's way!) 1 clasped it close And earthward looked once more. And then, behold I, in the spirit, saw myself in flesh. And in mine arms 1 held a new-born Babe, And in my heart a voice said, " Lo, this is The Christ-Child, the Messiah long foretold By prophets to redeem the world from sin." And all my soul bowed down in reverence glad Before this Godsent One, that yet was mine By every sacred right of motherhood. A radiant light lit all the lowly place, Such lio:ht as mortal ne'er had seen before ; 9 The meaning of those words mysterious That Simon spake, what time I brought the child Into the temple to present Him there — ''The sword shall also pierce through thine own soul." I stretched forth empty arms, in vain! a wave Of mighty anguish swept across my soul. Thou whom my mother heart had hoped to see The ruler of His people, the Messiah Who was to come, the chosen one of God, My dreams, my hopes, my life, were all for thee! Thou whom I used to hold close to my heart, And whisper of the wonders of Thy birth, And of the promised wonders yet to come, In sweet communings in the twilight hour, Here at Thy cross I bow in agony! Almost the vision fails; in this blind hour Brought face to face with woman's deepest woe, Almost I doubt Thee, God omnipotent. Yet, O forgive! each pang He suffered there Has pierced my soul as with a sword. Yet still My faith looks up to thee. Thou knowest all. Still dimly through the veil I see thy truth Clear shining as the sun, and know all things 20 zhc IPieion of Shall work together for the final good. O aching hearts, be still And learn the Father's will That so on earth His name be glorified; O trusting hearts of earth That gloried in the birth Of Him who on the cross for your sakes died, Hold fast your faith upon His spoken word, Thine eyes shall yet behold the glory of the Lord. While yet the soldiers kept Guard over Him who slept The whole earth trembled and my watchful eyes Beheld ere break of day, The great stone rolled away By angels winging from the wakening skies; While yet afar came Mary Magdalene And others, knowing not what wonder there had been. Ere yet the night was spent Unto the tomb they went All sorrowful for Him their souls adored; Bearing rare spices hence Myrrh and sweet frankincense, To anoint the precious body of their Lord; But lo. He whom they sought, mighty to save, Hath won the victory over death — and o'er the grave! For as I watched (O vision glorious That floods my being with the light of truth, Uplifts my fainting heart to heights serene Zl)c fIDabonna 21 Where in the great light of God's infinite love, My spirit breathes the breath of the divine And yearns to be at one with the Eterne !) I saw Him standing by the sepulchre My Babe, my Saviour, and my risen Lord! Transfigured with the glory all divine Before which angels bow. With one low cry Of grief and rapture blent, " Rabboni, Lord!" She with the sad, sweet eyes, who loved Him so, Knelt at His feet there sobbing passionately. Till at His bidding she arose and went Her way to Galilee with swift, glad feet, To tell the joyous tidings, ''Christ is risen." Aye, He is risen indeed, and my stilled soul Is filled with rapture all unspeakable! Thou who fulfill' dst thy mission unto death, O not in vain thine anguish, not in vain Thy triumph over sin, death and the grave! Thy words prophetic time shall yet fulfil — "Lo, I, if 1 be lifted up, will draw All men unto Me." Ay, and they shall learn To look to Thee and live, to drink Thy cup, To die for Thy name's sake, their faces lit With peace divine reflected from Thy face! Yea, in Thy name shall mighty domes be built; And at Thy name all hearts shall bow the knee And worship Thee in love and unity. Then from Thy throne of glory Thou shalt see Of Thy soul's travail and be satisfied, For all the world shall own Thee Lord and King. ****** *'My soul doth magnify the Lord, behold In God, my Saviour, hath my spirit rejoiced ; For He, the Lord, He that is mighty, hath Regarded His handmaiden's low estate. And unto me done great and wondrous things; And holy is His name! behold, henceforth All generations me shall call blessed. His mercy is on them that fear His name; With arm of strength He doth resist the proud; He hath put down the mighty from their seat And hath exalted them of low degree; Lo, He hath filled the hungry with good things And empty hath He sent the rich away; Lo, He hath helped His servant Israel In the remembrance of His covenant. Zbc flDabonna 23 As He spake to our Father— Abraham And to His seed forever." SEP 25 1899 W0'