Class J?Sii_Zzbf1__ CrOESWGHT DEPOSIT. niV. TWO CDHES r^reiEiVED EDiriOX LIMITED TO 250 COPIES. XcK 250 Copyright iSgy by Marshall Winslow Greene, New York. /// Illustrations. Title-Page. Drawn by Morton Townsend \ \'ie\v in Old Amsterdam. From a painting by E. Shoepler. Pastor Robinson on the Deck of the Speedwell in Delft Haven On Shipboard Elizabeth Tilley. X'ignette The Parents'- Burial on Cole's Hill (then Burial Hill). â– Elizabeth Tilley and John Howland. Full page. Rowland's Grave on Burial Hill (then Fort Hill). \ "Good-Bye, Old Ship." National Monument to the Pilgrims at Plymouth. . Group Watching Mayflower. From painting by A. W. Bayes. \TowN Brook, Plymouth. From photograph Meeting-House and Fort on Fort Hill (now Burial Hill). By \V Pilgrims Going to Church. From painting by Bridgman ^The Howland House (built in 1666), on Sandwich Street. From photograph Tail-Piece \ L. Williams. Ulben the mayflower Sailed Bms. A Trying Day in the Life of the Pilgrim Maiden, Elizabeth TiLLEY, WHO MARRIED JOHN HOWLAND. BY RICHARD HENRY GREENE, A.M.,LL.B. NO, John, I am not down hearted And tired of our wilderness life. But that windlass with its clicking Is cutting my soul like a knife ; For it seems like burning the bridges, And cutting off every retreat, I fancy I see, thro' the dim beyond, Leyden's houses and street; Our Dear old Pastor Robinson, Delft Harbor, the parting, the prayer. Come back to me now, as the Mayflower Spreads her arms to the air. The breeze is caught by the canvas, I know she has started amain, And to-morrow, beyond the horizon. We never may see her again. From summer's heat, and old England, To this coast and winter's snow. That ship was our only country. Where I learned to love you so ; For then I was but a girl, you know, I had father and mother kind ; The way ahead, tlio' untried, was bright, The shadows were all behind. Yes, the night we stood in sorrow, Yonder by the open grave, Childhood left me and the morrow Found me learning to be brave Neither Elder Brewster's reading-, Nor our leader Carver's love, Half so powerful were in leading My poor heart to look above, As the care you seemed to give me. Even when removed from view, And I learned to trust the Saviour, Partly, John, from loving you. Am I foolish to be talking While the ship that brought us o'er, Like a thing of life, is walking Every moment from our shore? See! Old England's Banner rising. Point with gladness to its goal, Flowing tides of the Bay Where the Maytlower lay Soon unoccupied will roll. Months liave broken np our party, Half are underneath the sod ; On Burial Hill they are cold and still, But their souls are with their God I will be brave, John Howland, And He will carry us through. We will face each duty that comes to And to each other be true. Good-bye ! old ship, familiar, A wearisome home for a child ; Yet wdiile you fade in ocean mists. Here in this region wild, There are hearts, despite discomforts, Years and years will follow thee ; And others, too, long hence, will revere. The ship and her company. Now it fades from sight and never Can we call it back again. Every tie with home is severed, Naught is seen upon the main But a broad expanse of water. And behind, a forest wild. "Heavenly Father! hear the orphan! Dear lost parent, see your child ; Strengthen me for every duty Keep the poor flock, stranded here. As we think of what has happened. We must dread another year. Out of sight the Maytlower going May be greeted by our friends, They may never know our sorrows And the ills that fortune sends To this band who, conscience-guided, Left their native land to roam In the stranger's land and over Yonder sea to find a home. God in mercy bless and keep us. And whatever is Thy will, Let the pilgrim band forever Be Thy faithful children still." Thus she let her thoughts be uttered While the strong man listened there, Till the eloquence of nature Reached the closing word of prayer. What he might have said we know not, But just then across the l)ro()k His quick eye beheld a shadow, And without another look Quick he took her liand and leading Left her in the company Of their friends, who still weie standing Gazing out upon the sea. Then, returning to the brook-side, If perchance the savage still With a company or single Might be prowling on the hill. But he looked in vain, and crossing Searched the woods in useless quest ; When again he crossed the Town-Brook Day was sinking in the west. As he stood where they together Saw the Mnyilower disappear, He resolved, if she would join him. They would build their cabin here. When the site of Howhind's home lot In that town is sought to-day, You are shown the spot they stood on When the Mayflower sailed away, Opposite the Pilgrim fountain Where the home of Brewster stood ; But the buildings now have hidden Brook and bank and further wood Where the savage watched the exiles As the vessel passed from view. And we iind that Rowland, later, Was possessed of that spot, too. Gone is meeting-house and watch tower, Every vestige of that day, I)Ut the rock and brook and harbor, Has been changed or passed away. :"^iis^, Now the only Plymouth building Which a Pilgrim toucli can prove, Is the Howland house on Sandwich Where he saw the shadow move. But the nation which they builded, And the good they came to find, Will continue and extending Prove a blessing to mankind. APPENDIX. Mr. H. R. Howland w-ives the following facts, which will be of interest to many : "John Howland, from County Essex, England, born 1592 or 1593, came as a member of Gov. Carver's family, probably (from his early prominence in the Colony) as his general man of affairs. By family tradition was always believed to have been Carver's son-in-law, until the discovery of Bradford's MSS. showed that Carver left no children, though possibly his w'fe may have been Carver's granddaughter. Narrowly escaped drowning on the voyage. Married in the latter part of 1623 (after August 14) or early in 1624, Elizabeth, daughter of John Tilley. Was one of the eight 'Undertakers' who purchased the rights of the Colony from the Merchant Adventurers. Was an 'Assistant' in 1633, 1634, and 1635. Commanded the trading post on the Kennebec in 1634. Was for more than twenty years Representative for Plymouth in the General Court. Died February 23, 1672-3, aged above eighty years." There is little to be added to the above. We might say, the Pilgrims who, December 8, 1620, had the first hostile meeting with the savages were Carver, Bradford, E. Winslow, Standish, John and Edward Tilley, Howland, Warren, Hopkins, Dotey, J. Allerton and Eni^lish. This was called First Encounter, and took place at Oreat Meadow, Truro. These last-named Pilgrims were the party who first landed at Plymouth, December ii (O. S.). Their report brought the May- flower with the rest of the company, December i6, 1620, from the anchorage off Provincetown. William T. Davis, in his "Ancient Landmarks of Plymouth," at page 302, alludes to this house as follows : " The next lot, on which the Carver House stands, has a record of unusual interest. It was granted by the town in 1667 to Jacob Mitchell, who built a portion of the house now standing. After a few years he moved to Dartmouth, and was killed by the Indians, in King Philip's War, in 1675. At the time of his removal he sold the estate to Jabez Howland, son of John Howland, of the Mayflower, who also made it his residence. . Mr. Howland occupied it until 1680, when he moved to Bristol, and sold it to Elkanah Watson No house yet described is more nearly associated with the Pilgrims than this. Owned and occupied, as it undoubtedly was, by Jabez Howland before the death of his father and mother, it is fair to presume that its floors have been trodden by those two passengers of the Mayflower, and that its walls have listened to their voices. Let this ancient structure be added to the list of Pilgrim memorials, and hereafter share with the rock our veneration and respect." Fort Hill, now Burial Hill. Edward Winslovv. Francis Ciioke. Isaac Allerton. John Billingtou. Passageway to Town Brook. William Brewster. John (joodnian. Peter Brown. Common House. 2 r, H - PI a-- William Bradford. Main Street. Stephen Hopkins. John Hovvland. Samuel Fuller. Coles Hill, the First Burial Place. The Rock. The Harbor. PLYMOUTH, MASS., 1621 ^