Class. Rn 1895.] CITY DOCUMENT. [No. 23. FOURTH REPORT RECORD COMMISSIONERS RELATIVE TO THE Early Town Records. [Presented April 22, 1895.J Ube iprovi&cnce (press : Snow & Farnham, City Printers, 15 Custom House Street, 1895. 2364 In City Council, May 2, 1895. Read, whereupon it is Ordered that the same he Received and Printed. City Clerk. REPORT. T~ .he Honorable the City Council of the City of Providence : Gentlemen : The Record Commissioners hereby submit a further report upon the work committed to their charge : The Providence Town Papers consist of various papers and documents relating to the affairs of the Town of Providence embracing the period between 1639 and June, 1832, at which latter date the town was succeeded by the city of Providence and ceased to exist. The larger part of them are in the immedi- ate possession of the city, although a comparatively few are in the charge of the Rhode Island Historical Society, where they were deposited by vote of the City Council, passed March 10, 1845. All have been, or are being, repaired, divided into series, each series being arranged in chronological order, so far as prac- ticable, and mounted in books specially made for the purpose, each paper having been stamped as the property of the city and numbered. The bulk of the material in the immediate custody of the city, as contradistinguished from the papers placed in the custody of the Historical Society, and which the Commissioners have brought into an orderly arrangement, was found in cupboards in the store room of the City Hall, where they were depos- CITY DOCUMENT. [No. 23. ited when the old City Building was vacated in 1878. The first series comprises all the papers culled from that mass bearing date prior to 1800, together with various other papers of that period which have been donated since the organization of the Record Com- mission ; for happily the interest aroused by the cre- ation of a commission for the preservation and arrangement of the town papers, has incited owners of valuable old documents to present them to the city, and thus rich accessions have been made to the city's manuscript possessions. The city is indebted to Miss Ann Elizabeth Arnold, of Pawtuxet, for 17 papers which once belonged to the early representatives of the Arnold family ; to Mr. Howard Redwood Guild for 365 doc- uments formerly in the possession of the Brown and Humphrey families ; to Mr. William Henry Fenner for 1,082 papers and documents once belonging to Arthur and Thomas Fenner, both prominent officials in the early days of the town ; and to his Honor Mayor Olney for 19 papers relating to his ances- tors and to other members of his family. A strict chronological order has been somewhat inter- fered with by the desire to keep donations together; and each donated paper, in addition to being stamped as the property of the city, has also been marked with the name of the donor. The first series contains 17,727 documents, arranged in 42 volumes as follows : Vol. 1. 1642 to July 1761 . . Vol. 2. July 1761 to Oct. 1775 Vol. 3. Oct. 1775 to Oct. 1777 Nos. 1 to 350 Nos. 351 to 851 Nos. 852 to 1317 1895.] EARLY TOWN RECORDS. Vol 4- Vol ■ 5- Vol 6. Vol 7- Vol 8. Vol 9- Vol IO. Vol 1 1. Vol 12. Vol 13. Vol 14. Vol i5- Vol 16. Vol. 17. Vol 18. Vol 19. Vol 20. Vol. 21. Vol. 22. Vol. 23- Vol. 24. Vol. 25- Vol. 26. Vol. 27. Vol. 28. Vol. 29. Vol. 30. Vol. 31. Vol. 32. Vol. 33- Vol. 34. Oct. 1777 to Aug. 1779 Aug. 1779 to Jan. 1781 Jan. 1 78 1 to Aug. 1782 Aug. 1782 to Aug. 1784 Aug. 1784 to Aug. 1785 Aug. 1785 to Sept. 1786 Sept. 1786 to Nov. 1787 Nov. 1787 to Aug. 1788 Aug. 1788 to Dec. 1789 Dec. 1789 to Dec. 1790 Dec. 1790 to May 1791 May 1 791 to Dec. 1791 Dec. 1 791 to Aug. 1792 Aug. 1792 to Jan. 1793 Jan. 1793 to Nov. 1793 Nov. 1793 to Mar. 1794 Mar. 1794 to Dec. 1794 Dec. 1794 to Feb. 1795 Feb. 1795 to Sept. 1795 Sept. 1795 to Jan. 1796 Jan. 1796 to May 1796 May 1796 to Oct. 1796 Oct. 1796 to Jan. 1797 Jan. 1797 to Sept. 1797 Sept. 1797 to Jan. 1798 Jan. 1798 to May 1798 May 1798 to Oct. 1798 Oct. 1798 to May 1799 May 1799 to Oct. 1799 Oct. 1799 to Dec. 1799 Bowen Papers Dec. 1745 to Sept. 1772 Bowen Papers Sept. 1772 to Sept. 1807 Guild Papers Mar. 1684-5 t0 Ma y r 722 . . Nos. 1318 to 1800 . . Nos. 1801 1 to 23H . . Nos. 2315 to 2775 . . Nos. 2776 to 3208 . . Nos. 3209 to 3569 . . Nos. 3570 1 :o 4010 . . Nos. 401 1 to 4481 . . Nos. 44821 to 4948 . . Nos. 4949 to 5368 . . Nos. 5369 ;o 5814 . . Nos. 5815 :o 6335 . . Nos. 6336 :o 6784 . . Nos. 67851 :o 7264 . . Nos. 7265 1 to 7733 . . Nos. 7734 1 :o 8152 . . Nos. 8153 1 :o 8608 . . Nos. 86091 :o 9030 . . Nos. 9031 1 :o 9504 . . Nos. 9505 1 :o 9955 . . Nos. 99561 :o 10374 . . Nos. 10375 1 10850 . . Nos. 10851 1 1 1 260 . . Nos. 11261 1 :o 1 168 1 . . Nos. 1 1682 1 :o 12143 . . Nos. 12144I 12537 . . Nos. 12538 1 :o 12933 . . Nos. 12934 1 .0 13299 . . Nos. 13300 1 :o 13592 . . Nos. J 3593 t 13845 Nos. 13846 to 14186 y Nos. 14187 to 14649 CITY DOCUMENT. [No. 23. Vol. 35. Guild Papers ) AT ,,<„.* ,«.„>.} Nos. 1465 1 to 14920 May 1722 to May 1806 \ Vol. 36. Guild Papers ~| Oct. 1806 to Apr. 1828 > Nos. 14921 to 15330 Sept. 1698 to Feb. 1793 J Vol.37. Oct. 1784 to Apr. 1799 . . Nos. i5330Ato 15800 Vol. 38. Apr. 1799 to May 1799 . . Nos. 15801 to 16275 Vol. 39. May 1799 to Dec. 1799 "1 Town of Providence I Nqs ^^ tQ ^^ vs. Martha Howell J Vol. 39A- May 1640 to Jan. 1714 j Nos l662(5 to l6g46 Fenner Papers ) Vol. 39B. Mar. 1714 to June 1766 j Nqs l& ^ y tQ m ^ Fenner Papers ) Vol. 39c. Mar. 1641 to Feb. 181 5 ) Fenner, Bates and I Nos. 17338 to 17727 Olney Papers j The second series comprises the papers in the keeping of the Rhode Island Historical Society, which were deposited there by the vote of the City Council in 1845. They number 1,369, each number of this series having a o prefixed as a distinguishing mark, and they occupy five volumes, arranged as follows : Vol. 1. 1639 t0 April 1682 . . . Vol. 2. Apr. 1682 to Mar. 1722 . Vol. 3. Apr. 1722 to Feb. 1754 . Vol. 4. Aug. 1754 to June 1823 . Vol. 5. No date papers Nos. 01057 to 01369 This series contains papers which are of great value to the city as showing the assignment of lands, tax lists, layout of highways, erection of bridges ; and even many pages of the original records of the Town Meeting and Town Council are included in it. Nos. 01 to 0367 Nos. 0368 to 0717 Nos. 0718 to 0974 Nos. 0975 to 01056 1895.] EARLY TOWN RECORDS. In separating these town documents from the manuscripts belonging to the Historical Society, with which they had become mixed when arranged and mounted by that Society many years ago, it became necessary, in order to hold the Society harm- less, to repair, arrange and mount 2,076 of its papers. This work was done pursuant to a joint resolution of the City Council No. 715, approved Dec. 8, 1893, and these repaired and rearranged papers, neatly bound in nine volumes, marked Rhode Island His- torical Society Manuscripts, have been returned to the Society. The third series contains the papers included within the period from 1800 to June 1832, when the town became a city, and consists of 63,576 papers and will occupy about one hundred volumes, begin- ning with volume 40 of the manuscript volumes in the immediate possession of the city. The distin- guishing numbers of this series have two ciphers prefixed, thus : 001, in order to avoid confusing them with the numbers of the papers of other series. The volumes as now arranged are as follows: Vol . 40. Vol . 41. Vol . 42. Vol • 43- Vol • 44- Vol • 45- Vol . 46. Vol • 47- Vol . 48. Vol • 49- Vol . 50. 1800 . Nos. 001 to 00319 1800 . Nos. 00320 to 00750 1800 . Nos. 00751 to 001214 1 800- 1 80 1 . Nos. 001 21 5 to 001803 1801 . Nos. 001804 to 002369 1801 . Nos. 002370 to 002833 1801 . Nos. 002834 to 003139 1801-1S02 . Nos. 003140 to 003399 1802 . . Nos. 003400 to 003756 1802 . Nos. 003757 to 004215 1 802-1 803 . Nos. 004216 to 004717 CITY DOCUMENT. [No. 23. Vol . 51. 1. Vol . 52. 1 Vol • 53- 1 Vol • 54- i< Vol • 55- 1 Vol . 56. 1 Vol • 57- ii Vol . 58. 1 Vol • 59- U Vol . 60. i< Vol . 61. 1 Vol . 62. 1 Vol • 63. 1 Vol . 64. 1 Vol . 65. 1 Vol . 66. 1 Vol . 6 7 . 1 Vol . 68. 1 Vol . 69. 1 Vol . 70. 1 Vol . 71. 1 Vol . 72. 1 Vol • n- 1 Vol • 74- 1 Vol • 75- 1 Vol . 76. 1 Vol • 77- 1 Vol . 78. 1 Vo • 79- 1 Vol . 80. 1 Vo . 81. 1 Vo . 82. 1 Vo 1. 83. 1 Vo . 84. 1 Vo I. 85. 1 Vo I. 86. 1 Vo I. 87. 1 1803 1803 1 803-1 804 1804 1804 1804 1 804- 1 805 1805 1805 I 805- I 806 1806 1806 1806 I 806- I 807 1807 1 807- 1 808 1808 1808 I 808- I 809 1809 1809 1 809-1 8 10 1810 1810-1811 1811 181 1 1811-1812 1812. 1812. 1812-1813 1813 1813-1814 1814 1814 1814-1815 1815 1815 Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. 004718 005217 005584 005826 006142 006631 007122 007627 008 1 3 1 008484 008751 009008 009495 009984 0010478 0010994 0011294 0011681 0012216 00 1 269 1 0013337 0014045 0014548 0015309 0016225 0017099 0017784 0018231 0019016 0019904 0020766 002 1 390 0021754 0022295 0022959 0023657 0024159 o 005216 o 005583 o 005825 o 006141 o 006630 o 007121 o 007626 o 008 1 30 o 008483 o 008750 o 009007 o 009494 o 009983 o 0010477 o 0010993 o 001 1293 o 001 1680 o 0012215 o 0012690 o 0013336 o 0014044 o 0014547 o 0015308 o 0016224 0017098 o 0017783 0018230 o 0019015 o 0019903 o 0020765 o 0021389 o 0021753 o 0022294 o 0022958 o 0023656 o 0024158 o 0024849 1895.] EARLY TOWN RECORDS. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol, Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol, Vol, Vol Vol Vol Vol Vol Vol Vol Vol Vol Vol Vol Vol 88. i 815-1816 89. 1 816 90. 1 816 91. 1 816-1817 92. 1 817 93- 1 817 94. 1 817 95. 1 817-1818 96. 1 818 97. 1 818 98. 1 818 99. 1 818-1819 100. 1 819 IOI. 1 819 102. i 819 103. i 819-1820 104. 1 820 105. 1 820 106. i 820 107. i 820-1821 108. 821 109. i 821 IIO. 1 821 III. [821-1822 112. 1 822 I 13- [822 114. [822-1823 "5- [823 116. [823 117. [823 118. 1823-1824 119. [824 120. [824 121. 1824 122. [824 123. 1824-1825 124. 1825 Nos. 0024850 Nos. 0025314 Nos. 0025990 Nos. 0026698 Nos. 0027409 Nos. 0027925 Nos. 0028263 Nos. 0028909 Nos. 0029457 Nos. 0029883 Nos. 0030507 Nos. 0031 198 Nos. 0031985 Nos. 0032802 Nos. 0033446 Nos. 0033780 Nos. 0034133 Nos. 0034469 Nos. 0035200 Nos. 0036062 Nos. 0036879 Nos. 0037671 Nos. 0038165 Nos. 0038526 Nos. 0038882 Nos. 0039303 Nos. 0040093 Nos. 0040846 Nos. 0041449 Nos. 0041755 Nos. 0042422 Nos. 0043208 Nos. 0043518 Nos. 0043982 Nos. 0044856 Nos. 0045442 Nos. 0046275 to 0025313 to 0025989 to 0026697 to 0027408 to 0027924 to 0028262 to 0028908 to 0029456 to 0029882 to 0030506 to 003 1 197 to 0031984 to 0032801 to 0033445 to 0033779 to 0034132 to 0034468 to 0035199 to 0036061 to 0036878 to 0037670 to 0038164 to 0038525 to 0038881 to 0039302 to 0040092 to 0040845 to 0041448 to 0041754 to 0042421 to 0043207 to 0043517 to 0043981 to 0044855 to 0045441 to 0046274 to 0046653 10 CITY DOCUMENT. [No. 23. Vol. 125 1825. Vol. 126 1825. Vol. 127 1825-- 1826 Vol. 128 1826. Vol. 129 1826 Vol. 130 1826 Vol 131 1826 Vol. 132 1826- 1827 Vol. 133 1827 Vol. 134 1827 Vol. 135 1827 Vol. 136 1827- -1828 Vol. 137 1828 Vol. 138 1828 Nos. 0046654 Nos. 0047097 Nos. 0048081 Nos. 0048504 Nos. 0048889 Nos. 0049550 Nos. 0050449 Nos. 0051056 Nos. 0051678 Nos. 0052001 Nos. 0052512 Nos. 0053612 Nos. 0054156 Nos. 0054585 to 0047096 to 0048080 to 0048503 to 0048888 to 0049549 to 0050448 to 0051055 to 0051677 to 0052000 to 005251 1 to 005361 1 to 0054155 to 0054584 to 0055062 In addition to the manuscripts above referred to, Mrs. Catherine R. Peirce has lately deposited with the city a valuable collection of papers of the Warner family, which collection numbers 1,921 documents and contains many which throw much light on our early history, and particularly upon the relations existing between Providence and Warwick. The arrangement of these Warner papers will at once engage the attention of the Commissioners. So brittle was the condition of many of these old manuscripts when they came to the hands of the Commissioners that the least handling caused them to break to pieces, hence the most careful repairing was absolutely necessary for their preservation, and especially was this true as to whole pages of the Third Book of the Town Records. The result of this work of reparation may be seen, although imper- fectly, by the plates which accompany this report, which convey some idea of the nature of the docu- ments to which the Commissioners have directed V 4 is 5 ^ « 1 ^i\Fl^C\^ s ~ v * 1895.] EARLY TOWN RECORDS. H their attention. The first plate represents one page of a paper found among the mass of documents in the City Hall store room, previously mentioned, and now among the files of the Municipal Court, and is a part of the only paper in the immediate custody of the city which attests the fact that Roger Williams was once the Town Clerk. The second plate represents a part of paper No. 16,627, which is a memorandum in the handwriting of Daniel Abbott, who was town clerk from 1677 to 1681, and relates to certain questions as to land titles. It begins as follows : "Memorand: — Some short necessary intemations (for plea) against y e Wesquadnadians As followeth "ffirst That M r Williams y e Agent for y e Towne of providence & procur r of y e plantation thereof: had seaverall Treaties w th y e cheife Sachims in y e yeare 1634. & in 35 : And in y e end obtained ye same : " 2.1y. And in y e yeare 1637. became a Towne incorporated Agust ye 20 th : — " In the transcript made in 1800, under the author- ity of the town, of the first three books of the town, at the head of the first page and directly preceding the copy of the Compact of Providence (see Early Records of the Town of Providence, vol. 1, p. 1) is written the date "August the 20th, 1637," in the same handwriting in which the transcript is made. Opposite and to the left of this date is written, apparently at a different time, as follows : — " N. B. this date is on the Left hand page of the following." This date does not appear in the original book, as it now is, and, therefore, was not printed in the 12 CITY DOCUMENT. No. 23. volume prepared by the Commissioners. This tran- script of 1800, according to the inscription on the book, was " Transcribed by Order of the Town of Providence under the Inspection of a Committee and by them compared." Comparing these two entries the Commissioners think it may be concluded that the Compact of Prov- idence now appearing on the first page of the First Book of the Town of Providence is the first written compact or act of incorporation of the town, and that it was signed on the 20th of August, 1637. This marks the date at least of the formal foundation of Providence, a date hitherto uncertain. It is from papers in such condition as these that the Commissioners have been able to fill the hiatus existing in the records in the possession of the town for the period between 1676 and 1677. The papers being thus repaired and compactly arranged in volumes it became an important ques- tion how to render them available for reference. It was determined to prepare a comprehensive index which would afford to investigators information of the character of the papers and the place where they could be found. This task of indexing was dele- gated to Welcome Arnold Greene, Esq., of this city, whose familiarity with the history of the town and state had equipped him with the peculiar qualifica- tions required for such work. He has indexed the papers in the first series up to the end of the year 1790, and the result of his labors will be found in the index accompanying this report. A manuscript index of the names of persons and 1895.] EARLY TOWN RECORDS. 13 places mentioned in the papers included in this printed index has been made by Amelia E. Carpen- ter, and comprises upwards of 200 closely written pages. She has also indexed all the names appear- ing in the volumes of the Providence Town Papers in the keeping of the Rhode Island Historical Soci- ety, making 100 closely written pages. In the prosecution of the work on the Providence Town Papers the Commissioners have employed four assistants. The work of arranging the papers and inserting them in books has been done mostly by A. Josephine Torrey. The work of repairing and preparing for mounting has been performed by Susie F. Rathbun and Elizabeth E. Hunt, while the indexing of names has been done, as previously stated, by Amelia E. Carpenter. A part of the time of one assistant, Mabel G. Cole, has been given to arranging the papers preparatory to mounting. In addition to the papers which the Commissioners have brought together from the mass which came into their custody, they have put in order a number of loose and unbound pages of miscellaneous rec- ords which have not heretofore received the atten- tion which their value would justify. These have all been substantially but cheaply bound and put in a good state for preservation, and perhaps they can be described in no better way than by the follow- ing schedule : Town Meeting Minutes, from April, 1800, to August, 1808. 14 CITY DOCUMENT. [No. 23. Town Meeting Minutes, from August, 1808, to June 4, 1810. Town Meeting Minutes, from August, 18 10, to August, 181 2. List of Voters, October 11 1824. [These volumes contain the original minutes of the proceedings in town meeting, the petitions, memorials and communications generally submitted for consideration, and the certificates of freemen as to their qualifications to vote.] Record of Fire Buckets, 181 1 to 1814, i8i6to 1818, 1820 to 1825 and 1828. [These are the reports of the town sergeant as to the number and condition of the fire buckets which each householder was required to have on hand by order of the town, with the names of such householder.] In the arrangement of the papers heretofore referred to, the Commissioners found nearly a com- plete set of the records of the so-called Paper-Money Bank Mortgages, — devices by which bills of credit were issued by the colony and state from 17 15 to 1 786. These were originally a part of the records of land evidence, and while they are of no value as affecting titles to real property, they are of conse- quence in identifying property and its ownership at certain periods. These volumes, eight in number, the Commissioners have caused to be bound for preservation and to be indexed; and have printed that index following the index to the Providence Town Papers. Through the cooperation of William E. Clarke, City Clerk, and J. Herbert Shedd, City Engineer 1895.] EARLY TOWN RECORDS. 15 the Commissioners have caused 332 plats and reports on file in the City Clerk's office, relative to streets and highways in the Town of Providence, mostly dated previous to 1800, and which were badly mutilated from long and continuous handling, and were in imminent danger of soon becoming worthless, to be repaired and copies to be made for ordinary use. On the 20th day of November, 1893, the Commis- sioners addressed a letter to J. Herbert Shedd, City Engineer, requesting that these plats be copied, as many, if not all, were of great value in determining the original lines and layout of streets, many of them now in the compact part of the city. Pursuant to this request, Mr. Shedd assigned the work of copying to William G. Brennen, Assistant Engineer, and most careful copies have been made, which have been bound up in volumes entitled, Plats of Streets and Highways in the Town of Provi- dence, Numbers 1 and 2. The originals have been repaired and mounted in volumes entitled, Plats of Streets and Highways in the Town of Providence, Reports on Streets and Highways in the Town of Providence ; and references have been made on the copies to the places where the originals may be found. These when finally completed will be placed in the custody of the City Clerk. An index of these plats has been prepared by Mr. Brennen, under the direction of City Engineer Shedd and follows the index to the Paper-Money Bank Mortgages with this report. The work of printing the Early Records of the Town of Providence has been prosecuted with as 16 CITY DOCUMENT. [No. 23. much rapidity as the nature of the work would permit. In this work the Commissioners have employed two assistants, Cora B. Jewett and Mabel G. Cole, the former having been engaged in the work of transcribing the ancient records, while the latter has served as proofreader and general assistant. The first three books of records of the town have been reproduced in type and their contents are therefore preserved for all time against any calamity against which human foresight can guard. These three books make five printed volumes. Before this point had been reached, a careful examination of the records was made and the Com- missioners decided that it was desirable that the suc- ceeding books should follow as perfect a chronological order as the condition of the records would permit. The records from 1676 to 1692 were in such condi- tion that parts of this period could only be covered by the examination of many hundred manuscripts, involving much labor. In order that no time might be wasted while this work was in progress, the Commissioners decided to commence the printing of the first Will Book, as it is now generally called, but which was originally known as the first book for the Town Council's particular use. This volume had been copied some years ago and the copy thus made was used for the purpose of printing, thereby saving expense. Another reason why it was desirable to print this book at this time was that it was the earliest book of the Town Council Proceedings and covers in date a part of the proceedings of the Town Council dur- 1895.] EARLY TOWN RECORDS. 17 ing the very time of which the Commissioners were endeavoring to perfect a record. The first Will Book having been printed, in vol- umes six and seven of the Early Records, the Com- missioners then proceeded to collect the material for the Town Meeting records from the year 1676. This material is made up from the Town Meeting record book which, by some misarrangement, made many years ago, when the books of record were bound, was numbered 3, but which, in order of chronology, fol- lows the books in the custody of the Recorder of Deeds (which have been printed) and precedes the volumes now marked Vol. 1 of the Town Council and Town Meeting records. The manuscript for the period from 1676 to 1692 has been prepared and the first volume thereof is in the hands of the printer. HORATIO ROGERS, G. M. CARPENTER, EDWARD FIELD, Record Commissioners. Providence, April 22, 1895. INTRODUCTION INDEX Introduction to the Index, It is deemed advisable to present in this place a general statement of the character and method of the work whose results are here printed, as well as various particular statements as to titles, sub-titles and other entries. These particular statements are placed here, rather than in foot- notes, mainly for typographical reasons. They are intended to be only interpretative of the words used in the index, whether those be the words of the original documents or of the indexer. If statements of construc- tion or of correlative fact be therein found, they have been inserted because they are deemed necessary to a clear interpretation. In the work here presented there are references to about seven thousand and fifty documents. Many of these documents are of a composite order, embracing matters so differing from each other that separate references for each one are required. It is estimated that there are over ten thou- sand references in this work. When the Commissioners first began to gather and preserve these papers, it became evident that an index was needed. They had, at first, intended to place all the papers in, as nearly as could be determined, a chronological order so that the serial numbers would serve as a clue to the dates. After they had placed some fourteen thousand papers in this way, carrying the dates up into the present century, a collection came to light, comprising nearly a thousand papers and of dates between 1743 and later than 1S00. By the time these papers were properly mounted and numbered, another lot was received, the earliest date of which is in 1698; and before these were properly arranged another lot was found, the earliest one of which was dated in 1644. Hence it comes that in this volume, which covers only the period to 1790, we have this result : Serial Number 1 bears date in 1642 " " 14004 bears date in 1744. " " 14976 " " " 1698. " " 16611 " " " 1642. It may be noted, also, that since the preparation of the manuscript for this index was begun, there have come to the Commission some thou- sands of papers all bearing on the first century of the existence of Provi- [3] dence. All these, as a matter of necessity, had to be left to await a second volume of the index which will probably be required to cover the papers up to the date of 1790. After much consideration they devised the plan of giving the year date, which they have printed in a different type from the serial number (which it always precedes;) and where a number of similar documents are all in one and the same year the year date is given first and all num- bers following it, whether on that line or following lines, are serial numbers of papers dated in that year until the next year date is reached. It was at first intended simply to classify the papers by titles as "Acts," "Bills," "Certificates," etc.; but this was soon found to be impracticable and insufficient. In the matter of bills, for instance, there are thousands of bills bearing on every subject in which the town or the townsmen were interested; and to put them all into one class, even if alphabetically arranged, would only tend to the hopeless confusion of the seeker after information. It was useless to try to simplify the matter by attempting to make a distinction between " public " and " private " bills, — for, prior to the close of the Revolution, the great majority of the bills against the town were made out against the town officers, apparently as individuals; and it often requires a close scrutiny of the contents of a bill, and of the mode of payment as well, to determine whether the bill is against the individual or the town; and it can scarcely be said to be a rarity to find bills in Avhich some items are against the town and some against the person who filled the town's office. Another reason for not classing all bills under the title of that name is that nearly all of the public bills are in connection with matters which themselves require a titular distinction in the index as Bridges, Fire Apparatus, Highways, etc. ; and if other matters than bills connected with or referring to Bridges, etc., are entered under that or those titles it would seem as if the bills also should be so entered ; while if the bills are entered under both titles it would lead to an useless duplication of entries. It is true that many of these bills refer to matters affecting several of these, what may be called, natural titles; as, for instance, we find items referring to Bridges, Highways and Fortifications, all in one bill ; but this fact only shows more plainly the necessity of arranging the references by a classification based on the subject matter. These remarks in regard to bills apply equally to Certificates, Letters, Orders, Petitions, Warrants, etc. ; in fact to all of what would be consid- ered purely titular headings. In carrying out their plan the Commissioners have striven to make the titles and sub-titles and further sub-divisions of the index go as far as possible in the description of the subject matter of the papers. The features which the papers possess in common have been incorporated as succinctly as possible into such titles, leaving the actual reference in thousands of cases to be simply the serial number; and when more than that is given it is simply the differentia distinguishing it from others of its class, and making it, in so far sui generis ; which individualiza- tion is expressed in the briefest manner. [4] There are many cases where the system of this index and of a titular index concur. To prevent confusion arising from this source, the Com- missioners have introduced a series of cross references, in each case where it is applicable, showing where other papers of the same nominal title are to be found. The most general feature of the arrangement is its alphabetical order. A list of titles given in that order is hereto annexed and serves as a con- tents of the index. All sub-titles of any given title are placed in like order. When a sub-title becomes the subject of a further division, the numbers of that division are placed in alphabetical order, and so with further sub-divisions so far as they may be carried. If the occasion for it exists, a chronological classification is introduced, leaving the ultimate result to be the distinction of the serial numbers. This may be well illustrated in the case of Neal McNeal. He was a pauper, receiving aid from the town, hence his case comes under the title of Poor. Most of the aid he received was in the form of orders of Overseer of the Poor on the Town Treasurer. " Order of Overseer of Poor on the Town Treas- urer in favor of" is one of the sub-titles under Poor, and is found in its alphabetical order. But many other persons besides Neal McNeal were the beneficiaries of such orders; they therefore form the subject of a further division or a sub-sub-title. The names of these persons are placed in alphabetical order, and, in its proper place among those is Neal McNeal. Orders in favor of Neal McNeal are further classified according to the persons to whom payable, those payable to him being placed first and those payable to others following in alphabetical order. To show the general plan of the system, there is here given a diagram- matic abstract from the most complicated and, at the same time, one of the most interesting titles, viz. : Revolution. Under this head it has been intended to index every document bearing on the revolutionary struggle. Title. Sub-title. Division. Sub-division. Individualization. Sub-individualization. Revolution, alarm company) list of persons drafted etc. Bounty money, account by town treasurer etc. Receipt for bounty money etc. from Welcome Arnold by Job Pike Jabez Bowen by Cornelius Drisdell by John Delesdernier John Brown by Nicholas Power Report of distribution of bounty money etc. Camp followers, resolution of town council etc. Date. No. I 77 3 1493 1780 2156 1780 2135 17S0 3133 17S1 3333 17S1 2365 1780 2131 1777 1209 1780 1900 C5] LIST OF TITLES. Abstract. Accident. Account rendered. Acquittance. Act of General Assembly. Address. Admiralty Court of Rhode Island. Advertising. Affidavit. Agreement. Alarm Company. Appraisal of real estate. Apprentice. Appropriation. Arbitration. Arms and accoutrements. Assize of bread. Athletic feats. Attachment. Award of arbitrators. Bail bond. Ballot. Bank. Baptist Meeting House. Baptist Meeting House Lane note. Barrack. Barracking of troops. Barrington. Bastardy proceedings. Bell. Bill. Bill of Rights, etc. Bill of sale. Blockade, effects of. Bond. Boston, support of poor of. Bounds of Providence. Bounty money. Bread corn distribution. Bridge. Brig Amey. Brig Harmony. Case of Town of Providence vs. Martha Howell. Certificate. Classes and Classification of Town. College. Commerce and Navigation. Commission. Committee. Common. Congress. Constable. Constitution of the United States. Constitutional Convention of Rhode Island. Continental invalid. Continental money. Continental securities. Contract. Cord wood note. Corn note. Corn on account of town. Coroner's inquest. Correspondence, committee of. Council of War. Court House. Court of Inquiry. Court of General Sessions. Court of Trials. Currency, state. Custodian of estate. Debt. Declaration of town's right to join the United States. Deed. Defeasance. Delegate. Depositions. Deputy to General Assembly. Discharge of mortgage. Discharge of soldier. Disorderly house. Disorderly woman. Division of town. Doctor's practice. Dog. Due bill. Earmark of cattle. Enlistment. Estate. Examination. [6] Excise duties. Ferry. Fine of Town Council members. Fire apparatus. Fish way. Foreign relations. Fortification. Freemen. French certificate. Friends. Gaol. General Assembly. General Treasurer. Gold and Silver Loan. Gold note. Gold and Silver note. Greene, General. Grog Shops and Tippling Houses. Harbor. Hard money note. Hay Scales. Highway. Hypothecation. Impost tax. Indenture. Indiscreet conduct. Inferior Court of Common Pleas. Information. Ingrossing of prices. Interest account. Intendent's office. Invoice. Iron and flour account. Inventory. Jail. Juror. Justice Court. Land claim. Layout of land. Lease. Legal proceedings. Legal Tender Law. Letter. License. List. Loan office certificate. Lottery. Market House. Market Parade. Market Wharf. Marriage certificate. Memorandum. Memorial. Militia. Minutes of deed. Mortgage, discharge of. Note. Notice. Notification. Obituary. Old Tenor. Order. Paper money bank. Partition of estate. Pasturage. Petition. Plan of building. Plat. Poor. Power of attorney. Pound. Presbyterian Meeting House. Prices. Printing. Privateer. Proprietors. Protest. Providence bounds. Prudential affairs of the town. Public lands in private occupation. Quaker. Receipt. Records. Remonstrance, etc. Rent. Renunciation of trust. Report. Request to call town meeting. Resignation of officer. Revolution. Revolutionary papers, Town of Bar- rington. Return to Purchasers. Reward. Ride to Newport. Rhyming effusion. [7] Rythmical memorandum. Riot and rioters. Salt, distribution of. School. School house lots. School house. School house (brick). Schoolmaster. Sealer of Weights and Measures. Search warrant. Secretary of State. Settlement, certificate of. Settlement of accounts. Seven Mile Line. Silver money account. Silver money notes. Slave. Slavery, abolition of. Small pox, generally. Small pox hospital, generally. Small pox hospital at North Provi- dence. Small pox hospital at Tockwotten. Solitary Hill. Statement of account. State securities. Statera. Summons. Street paving note. Suscohannock affair. Tavern. Tax. Test Act. Tide Mill at Weybosset Bridge. Town Clerk. Town council minutes. Town of Johnston. Town meeting. Town Pump. Town of Scituate. Town Sergeant. Town Treasurer. Town watch. Town wharf. Train Bands. Treasure trove. Turf and twig. United States. United States chronicle extraordi- nary. Vendue master. Vendue public. Vagrancy proceedings. Vagrancy proceedings in Newport. Venture. Vote of General Assembly. Vote of town meeting. Voters, lists of. Ward-Hopkins controversy. Warrant. Warrant search. Watkins lots. Washington, General. Watch. Walerlots on flats. Wharfage. Will. Work house estate. Writ. PARTICULAR STATEMENTS. Bill against Henry Bowen on account of store. In classifying these bills, the principal item is chosen. Bridge — The rule followed is, where a paper is known to refer to a par- ticular bridge, to class it under the name of that bridge; where it is uncertain what bridge is referred to, the paper is placed in the general list. Case of Town of Providence vs. Martha Howell. This is a lot of papers all bearing on one case, recently come to light and all classed together, though of widely different dates and characters. [8] Highway bills where locality is given. — The names of localities, streets, etc., hero given, are those used in the hills and often differ from the places to which the same names are given at the present time. Note — The year date given with the notes is sometimes that of pay- ment, and not the date of the note. Note — Public. These notes were all given, unless otherwise specified, by the town treasurer. Some state the purpose for which they were given, some do not. In addition there was a distinction between cur- rent money notes, continental currency notes, hard money notes, gold notes, gold and silver notes, and silver notes, or notes payable in those respective kinds of currency, though sometimes all these differ- ent kinds of notes would be issued under the same resolution or for the same purpose. These differences are indicated by ist. Making a class of simple notes in which there was no special feature to be noted. 2d. Classifying the notes as far as possible according to the objects for which issued in alphabetical order and 3d. Placing in this alphabetical arrangement under the head of resolutions the notes that can only be classified by reference to the resolutions authorizing them in chronological order of the dates of the resolutions ; the notes themselves being ranged in alphabetical order of the names of payees. 4th. After the name of the payer is the indication of the money of payment, If unspecified in the note it is left blank ; if "gold," "gold or silver" or "gold and silver" it is rep- resented by a G, if " hard money " by an H, if " silver money" or " Spanish milled silver dollars " by an S, and if " Continental currency " by a C. Order drawn on James Arnold — Many of these may have been drawn upon him as town treasurer, but where it is impossible to determine positively that they were such they are entered as private matters. Poor — Order of overseer on town treasurer for relief of Daniel Box. He was a Continental invalid^ which title see. Poor — Order of overseer on town treasurer, in favor of Michael McFow- ley. See also orders in favor of Fowley above. Poor — Order of overseer on town treasurer in favor of Deborah Olney. See sub-title rent post. Poor — Order of overseer on town treasurer in favor of Sigbee Richmond, a black invalid state soldier. Poor — Order of overseer on town treasurer in favor of John Skirms, an old state soldier. Poor — Order of overseer on town treasurer in favor of Mrs. Bridget Smith. See sub-title rent post. Poor — Reports of overseer of poor. Many of the accounts noted hereto- fore as " bills general" are in the nature of reports. Poor — Work House, care of poor in. Many items in regard to poor in work house form parts of the bills indexed under title of "Town Sergeant." L.9] Revolution — Expedition to Rhode Island. These papers apparently refer to service other than that in the hattle of Rhode Island and the expe- dition leading thereto. School House — Some of these papers probably refer to the Brick School House, which see post. Small fox, general — The papers in regard to small pox are divided under four titles : ist. Those relating to small pox generally, viz.: with no spe- cial feature of distinguishment. 2d. Those relating to small pox hospital generally, viz. : where no location is given. 3d. Those relating to small pox hospital at North Providence and 4th. Those relating to small pox hospital at Tockwotten. Evidently many papers classed under the second title refer to the third or fourth, but as it is impossible to tell which of the two is referred to in them, they are classed as found. Tax — Assessment, bill for, of Nathan Wheaton. Perhaps this name should be Nathaniel. Tax — Order of town treasurer on tax collector out of tax collecting, for paving notes taken up in favor of Zephaniah Andrews (3756) was for pavement around the market house. Order to Nicholas Brown, in the same series (3793) was for paving the market parade. Test act — List of inhabitants of Providence who signed and list of inhabitants of Providence who did not sign. These two lists are not originals but copies, which the copyist states to be correct and that the originals were at the time of copying in the town clerk's office. Town Sergeant — Bill of against town for services. The nature of the services for which these bills are rendered is so varied that no attempt is made to classify them thereby. Totvn Treasurer — Receipt of, for endorsements on town treasurer's notes. The payments were in paper money, the endorsements are in hard or silver money at appropriate rates. [10] INDEX Providence Town Papers INDEXING PAPERS NUMBERED i to 5979, 14004 to 14872, 14882, 14976 to 15089a, 15093, ^^^ i533 oa to ^S^ 16611 to 16625 DATED IN THE YEARS FROM 1642 TO 1790. INDEX Providence Town Papers. Abstract of deeds of lands in Providence and North Provi- dence Accident bill against town for care of injured Account rendered by Christopher Smith of Antigua to William Brown Acquittance from charge of will Joseph Brown to Richard Brown Act of General Assembly as to paper money issues, see Paper Money Bank in nature of probate proceedings, see Estate as to fire engine, see Fire apparatus regarding freemen, see Freemen defining legislative powers of the towns authorizing town to make by-laws of stage plays Address to General Greene, see Greene to and from General Washington, see Washington to freemen of the state by Henry Ward to town council by " Naked Truth " Admiralty Court of Rhode Island in re General Treasurer vs. 16 packages of glassware, ist. jd and 3d proclamations 17S9 5339 Advertising - receipt for entrance money for Providence Gazette bill against Benoni Pearce for Providence Gazette Affidavit in legal proceedings, see Legal Proceedings of Samuel Tucker as to Daniel Brown and wife 17S6 3916 1785 3694 1730 14696 1746 14705 1776 993 1785 3674 1762 365 17S9 5151 1775 805 5340 5341 1769 14079 1774 - 1 - 1 17:9 14671 [13] Agreement as to arbitration, see Arbitration in settlement of estate, see Estate as to extension of pavements, see High-way as to Market House lot, see Market House as to schools, see Schools and School Houses with keeper as to work house, see Poor of Peleg Arnold and Simeon Arnold as to boundaries 1754 242 of Stephen Arnold and Peleg Rhodes 1692 29 of Nathaniel Eddy and Richard Brown as to hay 1743 14692 of Samuel Gorkin about an Indian named Tom 1651 18 between Pawtuxet men on the north side of Pawtuxet river 1682 22 of Eliphalet Philbrooks and wife with Joseph Edmunds ct al 1745 125 of John Rice and Israel Arnold 1724 73 of Bennett Wheeler and Henry Bowen 17S8 4859 Alarm Company, see Revolution Appraisal of real estate pertaining to issues of paper money, see Paper Money Bank of Lemuel Smith and John Smith 1676-7 12 Apprentice bill of Zephaniah Andrews for making inden- tures of Lewis (of Benaiah) to Jonah Hawkings 1774 621 bill of Nathaniel Wheaton for making indentures of Luke Allen to Henry Tillinghast 1784 3118 Henry Joseph Bowen to Samuel Hodges 179° 5472 Nancy Ann Bettis to James Arnold 1784 3118 Sarah Beard to Joseph Chandler 17S4 3118 Betsey Cleaveland to John Pettey 1789 5211 William Collins to Solomon Owen 17S6 3757 Polly Creed (of William) to John Mumford 1789 5211 Abijah Davis to Thomas Loring 17S5 3734 Charlotte Edwards (of Edward) to Philip Martin 1787 4570 William Edwards (of Edward) to Samuel Anderson 17S7 4570 Arthur Field to Henry Hufman 1790 5472 Benjamin Field to James Field 1789 5211 John Field (of James) to James Nickerson 17885032 John Foster to Joseph Whipple 17S4 3118 Thomas Foster to Joseph Chandler 1784 3118 Obadiah Jencks to Peter Chandler 1784 3118 Polly Johnson to Calvin Holbrook 17S6 3757 Reuben Johnson (of Reuben) to Louis Deblone 17S6 3757 Henry Joseph (of Elizabeth) to James Morss 17S7 4354 Benjamin Logan to Thomas Owen 1787 4354 Polly McFoy to Archibald Stewart 17S5 3734 Nancy Orin (of Margaret Scran ton) to Peter Jacobs 17S7 4570 George Parker to Peleg Arnold 1786 3757 Nancy Roberts to Joseph and Anne Clapp 178S 5032 Jenny Rounds to Stephen Payne and wife 1787 4354 [14] Apprentice bill of Nathaniel Wheaton for making indentures Joseph Seamans to Samuel Thurber Joseph Simeons to Jonathan March Edward Smith to Edward Fenner Samuel Smith to Calvin Holbrook Thomas Smith to Samuel Davenport William Smitton to Lemuel Chandler Samuel Sombody to Pardon Field William Stan field to William Ross William Teel (of John) to Peter Jacobs Polly Vial to John Trask Daniel Weaver to Peter Chandler certificate of Moses Daniels' agreement to take Rich- mond Norton as apprentice as to Rufus Mason's dues for taking James Ingra- ham as apprentice of consent by Alice Thurber to apprentice Paul Thur- ber her son to Jesse Angell indenture Edward Abbey to Esek Hopkins Mary Aldridge (of Mary) to Benoni Wooley and wife Stephen Arnold (of Meribah Stone) to Joseph Kim- ball Andrew Baxter of Glasgow to John P. Jones Abigail Barber to Nicholas Power and wife Charles Beares (of Benjamin) to Mrs. Mary Arnold Ezekiel Birket (of Roby Briggs) to Zachariah Allen Eles Bonnot (of Mary) to John Gorton Judah Bonnot (of Mary) to John Dunwell Sarah Bradford (of Hope an Indian Woman) to Samuel Angell Sarah Brown (of William) to Isaiah Hawkins and wife Abraham Burlingame (of Samuel) to Ephraim Congdon Sarah Capron (of Abijah) to Timothy Miles Potter Card (of Edward) to Jeremiah Harrington Samuel Chase to Daniel Learned William Clemence (of John) to John Barnes Ebenezer Collins to Simeon Thayer Richard Collins of Dartmouth England to Elisha Tillinghast Benjamin Coman (of Joseph) to Joshua Smith John Coman (of Joseph) to Abijah Bliss Benjamin Cook (of William) to Joseph Hoyle Barney Davis (of Gaius) to Jabez Pearce Christopher Davis (of John) to Nathaniel Water- man [15] of 1787 1787 17S7 17S6 1789 1784 17S7 17S7 17S7 17SS 1784 4354 4570 4354 3757 5311 3118 4354 4354 4570 4639 3118 1776 1103 1786 3749 1779 1603 1764 383 1709-IO 39 1764 381 17S5 3535 1779 1843 1720 70 1779 1675 1747 139 1747 140 1752 336 1760 333 1753 32 ° 1758 307 1757 394 1779 1597 1753 338 1770 435 1749 159 1753 233 1755 376 1 77 1 433 1755 373 1744 118 Apprentice indenture Gains Davis (of Gaius) to John William 1755 373 John Davis (of Gains) to Alexander Frazier 1763 371 Lewis Davis (of John) to Timothy Carpenter 1745 134 William Davis to James Brown '7°3 :{ 80 Ursula Davis (of Gaius) to Isaac Gray 1755 371 Mary Day ley (of Owen) to Amos Weslcot 1744 117 Andrew Dexter to John Hawkings J 74S 158 Dorcas (of Dinah a free Negro woman) to Henry Bo wen 17S3 14333 James Drown (of Shem) to William Smith 1761 34<» John Drown (of Shem) to Cooiner Hale 1763 370 John Drown (of Shem) to Samuel Smith 1770 433 Mary Drown (of Shem) to Azariah Whipple 1763 37« Mary Dunbar (of Archibald) to Gabriel Friend 1773 563 Uriah Edmonds (of Meribah) to Henry Harris 1752 317 Anthony Emanuel to Samuel Daggett '77° *"<* John Field (of Michael) to William Rhodes 1785 3701 Simeon Georgo to Thomas Harris '734 90 Francis Gershom to John Randall 1750 178 John Gilley to Samuel Robinson 1774 100 William More (of Christopher) to Amos Hammond 1751 173 Peter Norton (of Peter) to Job Smith 1780 1935 Richmond Norton to Moses Daniels 1777 1303 William O'Harra (of Eliza Florence) to William Henry 1758 304 George Olney (of Nedabiah) to Job Angel 1747 144 Israel Olney (of Nedabiah) to John Foster 1754 340 Jabez Olney (of Nedabiah) to Ezekiel Angell 1747 143 John Page of Guernsey to Daniel Angell 1716 GO George Pegg (grandchild of Margaret Tinsing) to Benjamin Vial 1761 350 Simeon Potter (of Abel) to Zachariah Mathewson 1733-4 105 Transfer of same to Benjamin Potter 1738-9 105 [16] Apprentice indenture William Prescot to William Gray John Roan to Archibald Weare Thomas Roan to Barnard Eddy Uriah Salisbury to Philip Roberts Sarah Scranton to Susanna Walker Phebe Smith to Eleazar Green Anstrus Stone to Daniel Sprague Sylvester Stone (of Job) to Jonathan Paine Sylvester Stone (of Job) to Jonathan Paine Uriah Stone of Rehoboth to Nathaniel Brown Jerusha Sugars (of Mary Estance) to Thomas Joslin and wife Benjamin Tallman (of Peleg) to Knight Dexter Nancy Taylor to John Franklin John Teal (of John) to Asa Waterman Daniel Thornton (of John) to Edward Hawkings Ruth Thornton (of John) to Richard Clemence Mercy Tinnin (of Margaret) to Simeon Smith Thomas Tucker (of Thomas) to Moses Burlingame Sarah Wailes (of Thomas) to John Angel Jr Eleanor White (of Jenny Fennceys) to Thomas Yeats duplicate of above Mehitable Yeates (of John) to Elisha Whitman William Yoats (of John) to Thomas Whipple Jr Anna Yots (of John) to John Dexter John Yots (of John) to Jeremiah Hawkings letter of Mehitable Yeates to town clerk asking for her indentures order of Peter Linnett on Squire Foster for his inden- tures to be delivered to bearer of overseer of poor on town treasurer in favor of master for taking as apprentice Sally Allen (of Margaret Scranton) to Peter Penno Betsey Arnold to William Bowen Nancy Caesar to William Martain John Cambridg to Gaius Peck Betsey Cleaveland to John Pettey Jr John Creed (of William) to Peregrine Foster Betsey Driskill to William Bowen Charlotte Edwards (of Edward) to Philip Strat- ton William Edwards (of Edward) to Samuel Anderson Arthur Field to Henry Hufman William Fletcher to Joshua Smith [17] 1776 1068 1750 165 1754 238 1745 148 1759 330 1760 337 1765 387 1754 366 1754 365 1755 305 1708-9 37 1778 1404 1769 418 1779 1863 1712-13 54 170S-9 36 1733 93 1746 133 17 1 1 44 1 761 355 1761 357 1762 366 1752 316 1752 309 1752 310 1767 398 177S 1543 1 7 53 3985 I 78 I 3564 1778 1367 17S2 3648 1789 5085 178S 4939 I 78 I 2564 1784 3178 1754 3336 1790 5384 17S0 1954 Apprentice order of overseer of poor on town treasurer in favor of master for taking as apprentice Henry Joseph (Jencks) (of Elizabeth) to James Morse 1786 4104 Polly Johnson to Calvin Holbrook 1785 3641 James Lewis to Josiah Hawkins 1773 488 one of the poor children to Ephraim Bowen 1776 890 Benjamin Olney to John Smith 1772 15051a Nancy Orin (of Margaret Scranton) to Mary Bradford 1783 3026 George Parker to Peleg Arnold 1785 3444 Nancy Roberts to Joseph and Anna Clapp 1788 5001 Samuel Sombody to Pardon Field 1786 3750 William Teel to Peter Jacobs 1784 3263 Crumel Trafton to Josiah Humphrey 1778 1421 Samuel Whitney to John Adye 1783 2979 Polly Vial (of Donnely) to John Trask 1787 4576 receipt for taking Nancy Orin as apprentice from over- seer of poor by Peter Jacobs 1785 3356 request by overseer of poor for an indenture to bind Johnjenckes (of John) to Samuel Whipple 1774 738 terms offered in taking James Ingraham 17S5 3724 vote of town council as to binding out Mary Dones' child 1763 369 as to indenture of Thomas Drown to Coomer Hale 1763 369 Peter Norton (of Peter) to Job Smith 17S0 1923 John Seamans to Esek Hopkins Jr 1780 1900 John Teel (of John) to Asa Waterman 1779 1841 Relief Thurber to Paul Allen 1780 1923 Appropriation by town council in favor of Daniel Cooke 17S8 4668 169S 14976 1784 3203 1787 4153 and that he account for the same Arbitration agreement to submit John Rice and Jabez Greene award of arbitrators Arms and accoutrements, see Revolution Assize of Bread bill for adjusting for advertising 1771 15024 1777 1353 1785 3322 3324 3697 1787 4548 1788 4707 17S9 5344 1790 5475 warrant to bring bakers before council 1784 3246 Athletic Feats exhibition of due bill for town's share of receipts for 1790 5654 license to John Bennett to exhibit 1790 5653 to Thomas Pool to exhibit 17S9 5117 receipt for town's share of receipts '79° 5710 report of committee as to town's share of receipts 1790 15087a Attachment, see Legal Proceedings Award of Arbitrators, see Arbitration Bail Bond, see Legal Proceedings Ballot for general officers 1780 1965 2003 of land holders for general officers and representatives in Congress 17S7 4601 [iS] Bank issues of state paper currency, see Paper Money Bank Baptist Meeting House bill of Samuel Westcott against order on James Arnold to be charged to John Brown in favor of bearer of Samuel Daggett Jr of Asa Hopkins of John Lindsev of Israel Low of Aaron Mann of William Seamans on D. E. Smith in favor of James Sumner on Daniel Smith in favor of John Lindsey of Mr. Pitman on P. William Tillinghast in favor of Martin Seamens of Eph. Walker Baptist Meeting' House Lane notes, see Note Barrack, see Revolution Barracking - of troops, see Revolution Barring'ton, see also Revolution election of deputies to General Assembly estate of James Adams Henry Bowen Exr. bill for pro- bate charges license to Henry Bowen receipt by town clerk for order of clerk on treasurer in favor of James Brown of William Winsor poor of support of Mary Barker Daniel Peck C Phillips Christian Phippen receipt by committee for town books of account by treasurer for balance due town tax receipt for warrant against Win. Smith copy of order and return i Bastardy proceedings appeal of Joseph Hawkins to Court of General Sessions bill of William Compton for services in of Levi Ham and Sarah Ham for expense of child of Jonathan Greene for services in bond to indemnify town by William and Thomas Aplin John Burton Peter Lunt (Lewit) complaint against Daniel Ball Jr Jeremiah Hopkins Obadiah Jenckes deposition of Mrs. Susanna Angell Rachel Olney Joseph Smith examination of Mary Hopkins [19] 1774 705 1775 763 1775 868 1775 746 1775 753 1775 764 1775 763 1776 879 1775 865 1775 760 1775 755 1775 850 1775 845 1776 14298 1784 14456 1776 14354 1779 14395 1778 14396 1777 14399 1776 14300 1776 14361 1779 14394 1777 14378 1780 14307 1771 14311 787 15330b 1730 89 1783 3893 1787 4319 - 1790 5798 1779 1855 1753 334 1754 345 1 77 1 441 1729 84 1712-13 57 1729 84 1729 84 1729 83 I7U-I2 48 Bastardy proceedings examination of Martha Smith 1729 84 Mary Thornton 1724-5 74 Sarah Whipple 1729 85 judgment against Jeremiah Angell 1724 91 Jeremiah Hopkins !7 2 9 8 <> Peter Lewit (Lunt) 1754 246 Martha Smith's child 172986 Mary Thornton's child 1730 91 Sarah Whipple's child 1729 85 warrant to arrest Daniel Ball Jr 1771 440 writ against Benjamin Hopkins x 7 2 9 8i J 7 2 9 83 Obadiah Jenckes 1711-12 47 1712-13 56 Bell bill for ringing of Nicholas Branch 1789 5137 Nicholas Hoppin 1790 5978 James Snow 1777 1140 Joseph Whittemore 1783 2878 1786 3817 certificate by town clerk of dues for ringing 1782 2410 order on town treasurer to pay for ringing by Nicholas, Branch 1788 4972 Isaac Corry 1780 1949 James Snow 1779 1669 James Snow Jr 1778 1415 resolution of town meetings as to ringing 1776 903 1784 3164 1785 3464 1787 4357 I 788 4766 I 789 5282 silver money note to Nicholas Branch for ringing !7§9 5136 Bill for making indentures, see Appretitice for adjusting assize of bread, see Assize of Bread in bastardy proceedings, see Bastardy Proceedings against Baptist Meeting House, see Baptist Meeting House for ringing bell, see Bell as to bread corn distribution, see Bread Com Distribution for bridges, see Bridge against brig Amey, see Brig Amey brig Harmony, see Brig Harmony for taking census, see Census as to college, see College as to supplies of corn, see Corn of coronor, see Coronors Inquest for court house, see Court House against estates, see Estate concerning ferries, see Ferries for fire apparatus, see Fire Apparatus concerning jail, see Gaol for staking out harbor, see Harbor concerning highways, see Highivay for summoning jurors, see Juror for tavern licenses, see Tavern [20] Bill for market house, see Market House for market house lottery, see Lottery about paper money banks, see Paper Money Bank for support of poor, see Poor about pound, see Pound for printing, see Printing as to records, see Records for rent, see Rent relating to the revolution, see Revolution as to distribution of salt, see Salt as to school interests, see Schools and School Houses as to sealer of weights and measures, see Sealer of Weights and Measures for support of free born children of slaves, see Slavery Abolition of as to small pox matters, see Small Pox relating to taxation, see Tax of town sergeant, see Town Sergeant of town clerk, see Town Clerk in vagrancy proceedings, see Vagrancy Proceedings for work house estate, see Work House Estate for supplies to work house, see Poor for reception of Gen. Washington, see Washington relating to town watch, see Watch against town by James Angell for services as council clerk 1772 15057a 15057b council by Esek Aldrich for use of his house and punch and wine 17S2 15068 by Esek Aldrich for refreshments, etc. 17S3 150G9 15070 15071 15073 15075 17S4 15077 15078 by Henry Rice for dinners and wine 1787 4381 for traveling per vote of Paul Allen sundries Amos Atwell divers notes etc. John Brown iron wire Brown Rogers & Brown attending committee William Compton services for committee William Compton moving D. Browns shop Esek Edd} - brick Arthur Fenner stone Wm. Field passage of Capt. Creeds children Peregrine Foster stone Josiah Greene blacksmiths work Charles Keene stone Lewis Peck two days work Solomon Searll oak plank Hezekiah Smith 1785 15081a 1786 15083a 1790 5509 1788 4930 1789 5235 17SS 4755 1779 1844 1779 1845 1763 375 1752 201 1790 5595 1785 3684 1789 5386 1787 4588 1790 5597 1778 4778 1782 2693 [21] Bill against town plank John Smith 17863934 an unsettled audit Ebenezer Thompson 1785 3514 platting lot etc. Benjamin West 1784 3173 against individuals unknown for furniture Asa Chace 1784 3256 handkerchiefs and bibbs Andrew Dexter 1784 3122 wool cards and lace Hoppins & Smart 1783 2969 Amos Allen boards Phineas and Joseph Potter 1773 596 James Arnold boards Aaron Burnham 1771 14984 carting corn Dexter Brown 1781 2401 corn and rye Josiah Greene J 781 2490 carting corn Daniel Sheldon 1780 1961 Nathan Arnold for wood James Field 1776 967 Rufus Bartlett sundries William Sheldon 1788 4955 Asa Bicknell rum Philip and Z. Allen 1786 14570 Mrs. Francis Bowen sundries John Greene 1761 14017 Henry Bowen for fishing schooner Ranger mackerel line N. Angell 1783 14333 boards E. Bacon 1788 4833 blockwork and pins Bucklin & Sons 1787 4225 bunting J. F. Jenkins 17874223 building chimney on board Philip Peck- ham 1787 4211 for measuring ship timber Thomas Sullivan 1785 14542 household expenses for bellows Clark & Night- engale 1789 5313 book viz. Young Mans Companion Benja- min Iloppin 17S6 3939 boots and shoes and mending Thomas Bean 1785 14528 H. Branch 1788 4713 John Cozzens 1785 14537 Andrew Dexter 1784 14392 Elias Emerson 1785 14501 Samuel Healey 1789 5141 Reuben Hudson 1784 14381 J. Pitman 1789 5299 Azariah Whipple 1784 14491 1785 14511 14532 17S6 14557 14558a brush plain Man & Low 1790 5715 burying son Samuel Allen 17SS 4891 candles and soap Allen & Waterman 1772 14184 chintz Clark & Nightengale 1773 14211 John Whipple 1788 4856 coffee and tape Samuel Nightengale Jr 1773 14218 coffin for daughter Recompense Healey 17S7 4573 commode making Joshua Salisbury x 790 5706 drugget Benjamin Cozzens J 7^9 5102 dyeing etc cloth Jesse Salisbury 1788 4835 [22] 2?/// against Henry Bowen household expenses flour Samuel Aborn Welcome Arnold Edward and Jonathan Bosworth Lovett & Potter Ebenezer Macomber fustian John Ward & Co. ginger etc. Samuel Nightengale Jr hat Clark & Nightengale hay William Smith medical services Samuel Allen Parker Morse Thomas Truman milk Jacob Lyon millinery work Elizabeth Rice molasses etc. Wm. and Jas. Wheaton setting glass Esek Brown shalloon twist etc. John Russell silk and buttons Samuel Nightengale Jr silk and sugar Clark & Nightengale sugar loaf Nicholas Brown & Co Clark & Nightengale sundries Clark & Nightengale Samuel Nightengale Samuel Nightengale Jr 1774 14337 J. W. Russell Samuel Young tailors bill Cromwell Childs tea and stock lock Samuel Nightengale tea and comb Clark & Nightengale yarn Jesse Salisbury personal expenses almanacs R. Wheeler barber Joshua Sallisbury 1785 14505 14533 14543 Magg. Shackleford 1790 5613 hire of horses etc. Simeon Thayer newspapers Providence Gazette John Carter Newport Mercury, Solomon Southwick 1772 14180 1773 14^13 passages on sloop Prudence sawing boards Daniel Ormsbee schooling Benjamin Lindsy Joseph Balch Polly and Betsey Sarah Balch 1789 5339 1790 14594 1773 14308 1784 14398 1771 14154 1772 14183 1789 5333 1788 4879 1771 14133 17S4 14480 1784 14417 1772 14193 1768 14064 1784 14481 9 5348 5374 1789 5337 1786 14580 1789 5333 1775 14351 1775 14350 1773 14^15 1774 14339 1768 14053 1770 14099 I77t 14133 1773 14213 1769 14067 1763 14038 1772 14194 1770 14103 1773 11210 17S7 4335 and newspapers 17S6 14565 1784 14474 14493 17S6 14554 14560 14571 1787 4554 1789 5100 1755 14533 1770 14100 1 77 1 14143 1789 5073 1774 650 1790 5739 1756 14581 176S 14063 I 77 I 14151 [23] Bill against Henry Bovven personal expenses schooling son Henry Solomon Bradford 17S4 14423 1785 14527 14552 Miss Polly Mary Brown 1784 14478 14459 son Henry Nathan Donne 1786 14579 two daughters Rhoda H. Fuller 17S8 4694 tools etc. Thomas Chafee 1787 4203 store account books Robert Taylor 1775 14243 albums W. Robert Taylor 1783 14334 bellows Clark & Nightengale 17S3 14375 black mode and lace Samuel Chase 1784 14414 brandy Clark & Nightengale 1783 14342 14363 brass cocks John Updike 1783 14329 broadcloth Joseph Bicknell 17S3 14368 brushes hearth and sweeping Adam Kerr 1783 14373 buckles James Horton 17S3 14338 butter James and William Russell 1772 14191 Jesse Whipple 1787 4205 buttons Julian David 17S3 15074 Hoppin & Smart 17S4 14463 sleeve Joseph Rockwell 1783 14371 brittanies Julian David 1783 14362 1784 14389 calico Benjamin Bussey I 79° 5772 Clark & Nightengale 17S3 14350 Andrew Dexter 1784 14445 cambletun Hoppin & Snow 1789 5342 Eben Thompson & Son 178S 5068 candles, John Fowle 17S8 4947 candlesticks Joseph and W. Russell 1771 14163 casks Bos worth & Page 17S4 14484 John Hadwin 1771 14128 with black Benjamin Hoppin 1786 14556 cheese case Johnson & Frost 1790 5718 china ware Gershom Jones 1784 14397 14429 Edward Thurber 1790 5682 Thomas Thusfield 1786 14575 John Updike 17S4 14383 John Whipple 17S6 14576 chintz East India Brown & Francis 1790 5649 chocolate Samuel Brenton 1772 14170 Robert Newell 1785 14513 J. W. Russell 1770 14109 Joseph and William Russell 1770 14110 cloth Hoppin & Snow 17S9 5078 coffee Moses Adams 1785 14553 Samuel Brenton 1770 14107 Clark & Nightengale 1773 14199 1782 14315 John Fitton 1784 14475 [24] Bill against Henry Bowen store account coffee John Had win Iloppin & Smart Thomas Jenkins Thomas Jones David Lopez Samuel Nightengale Jr 14235 copperas Hoppin & Snow cotton John Brown and wool cards Thurber & cutlery Simeon Hunt Thomas Jenkins Ebenezer Macomber & Son cider Nicholas Whipple durant Andrew Dexter Joseph Rockwell dowlass Samuel Church files Jenckes Winsor & Co. fire buckets Gorham & Burr fish Prince Gardner Jenckes Winsor & Co. Peter Slater flannel William Jackson flour Josiah Giffon John Gorton Hoppin & Snow Richard Jackson Nathaniel Martin Mumford & Bowen Elihu Robinson George Throop gin (Geneva) Hoppin & Smart gingerbread Charles Bowler James Boyd David Lawrence Godfrey Wain wood glass ware Welcome Arnold John Brown John Holden gloves Hoppin & Smart Samuel Nightengale Jr handkerchiefs Benjamin Beale & Nathaniel Bird Phanuel Bowen Andrew Dexter Hoppin & Smart Samuel Nightengale Jr [25] 1775 14249 1783 14327 1782 14320 1783 14377 1780 14308 1784 14451 1773 14205 14221 14222 I790 5699 1783 14355 Chandler 17S3 14339 1784 14460 I7S4 14394 14415 1784 14422 17S5 14545 17S4 14470 1783 14369 1776 14265 1784 14416 1785 14521 1784 14424 1784 14395 1784 14435 I790 5773 I7 8 3 3035 17S4 14483 1789 5110 1790 5754 1769 14090 1783 14351 1772 14177 1784 14485 1784 14439 1774 14238 1774 14234 1775 14242 14244 1772 14171 1784 14461 1785 14533 17S3 14378 1783 14358 1772 14178 Co. 17S3 14343 1760 14060 1753 14347 1754 14391 17S4 14465 1775 14248 Bill against Henry Bowen store account handkerchiefs John Ward & Co. 1787 15084b hats Hoppin & Smart 17S4 14483 15079a hemp hose Jenckes Winsor & Co. i*J§\ 14448 hose (stockings) William Chace 1784 14455 Andrew Dexter 1784 14470 indigo French John Nichols 17S4 14431 ink cake Jenckes Winsor & Co. 1783 14376 jacket Hoppin & Smart 1784 14457 knitting needles Joseph and William Russell 1771 14121 lamp black David Nickerson 1785 14504 lime Samuel Nightengale Jr 1771 14144 linen Benjamin Hoppin 17S0 14310 Samuel Nightengale Jr 1771 14143 1773 14216 Joseph and William Russell 1771 14121 measures (liquid) Joseph Burrill 1784 14466 Gershom Jones 1784 14382 mirrors Hoppin & Smart 17S4 14518 mittens woman from Attleborough 1783 14361 molasses W. Burroughs Jr 1770 14112 Jonathan Carpenter I 79° 5568 Elias Child 1785 14547 William Earle 1772 14170 John Jacobs 1773 14206 Simon T. Olney 1784 14447 Ephraim S terry 178S 4823 Abner Thayer 1783 14360 Peleg Thurston 1769 14072 Anthony Wilbor 1770 14092 nails Samuel Nathaniel Wheaton 1774 14240 needles Thomas Jenkins 1784 14387 Samuel Nightengale Jr 1768 14050 paper Joseph and William Russell 1783 14326 Samuel Thurber 3d 1783 14336 1784 14462 17S5 14500 pillow and jean Thomas Jenkins 17S4 14443 pins Smith Brown 17S4 14399 pipes Smith Brown 17S4 14396 playing cards Ebenezer Macomber & Son 1784 14422 Ebenezer Thompson & Son 1783 14372 powder Christopher Champlin 1768 14063 Clark & Nightengale 17S4 14471 Ebenezer Macomber 17S4 14419 14438 Daniel Marsh 176S 14053 Samuel Nightengale 1770 14116 Samuel Nightingale & Son 1771 14137 Robert Stevens 177S 14384 raisins Thomas Jenkins 17S4 14431 [26] 1784 14379 14385 I77 2 14187 Bill against Henry Bowen store account raisins Samuel Nightengale Jr Edward Rumney ribbon William Gray Hoppin cV Smart Thomas Morton rice John Whipple rum Philip & Z. Allen Nathan Angell Joseph Bucklin John Bullock Jr Samuel Brenton Caleb Can- Clark & Nightengale 14196 1773 14301 Josiah Gifford Peleg Heath William Hoar Henry Hunter 1769 14087 1770 14091 1 77 1 14124 14131 14135 14137 14149 Ingraham & Remington Joshua Kent Lovett & Greene Samuel Nightengale Samuel Nightengale Jr H. John Overing Thomas Sabin William and John Smith Job Sweeting Daniel Tillinghast sale at auction Hoppin & Smart salt Robert Folger Samuel Viall satin William Chace Andrew Dexter scale beam Samuel Nightengale Jr schallon Hoppin & Smart shawls Andrew Dexter } ~§, shirts Hoppin & Smart shoe binding Clark & Nightengale cloth John Kinnecut Jr everlasting woman's Nehemiah Ran- dall shot Thurston & Jenkins snuff Joseph Hammond Hoppin & Smart Benjamin Jencks Kennedy & Bucklin 1771 1783 1785 1783 1783 1785 1785 1774 x 774 !774 1771 1771 14188 14129 14364 14503 14354 14337 14520 14550 14239 14230 14241 14136 14153 14195 17S4 17S3 14328 1774 14228 1772 14166 14101 14106 1772 14172 17S3 14356 1769 14084 1772 14185 1769 14085 1773 14204 1769 14074 17S3 14332 1770 14120 1769 14071 1769 14089 17S5 14516 1753 14374 1754 14489 1784 14458 14413 14425 176S 14050 17S3 14352 14433 14450 1785 14515 1783 14349 1784 14464 17S4 14434 17S3 14353 1784 14436 14437 176S 14061 1784 14467 1786 14558 1785 14497 [27] Bill against Henry Bowen store account snuff J. W. Russell Daniel Toler snuff boxes Andrew Dexter soap soft Cudg Nightingale and chalk, Rufus Waterman shaving White & Waterman 1771 14126 spelling books Clark & Nightengale Caleb Greene Benjamin West spices William Allen Welcome Arnold Smith Brown Benjamin Hoppin Samuel Nightengale Jr Joseph and William Russell 1770 14104 Samuel Young steel Nathaniel Sanders sugar Paul Allen Philip & Z. Allen Nathan Angell Samuel Bours Samuel Brenton Elisha Brown John T. Child Clark & Nightengale Benjamin Comstock Stephen Dexter Fenner & White Benjamin Gladding Jabez Hawkins Hoppin & Smart J 784 John Mum ford Peter Mumford Mum ford & Bowen Solomon M. Myers Benoni Pearce Joseph Peck J. W. Russell Joseph & William Russell Edward Thurber William Wheaton Josiah Viall sundries Samuel Allen and Viall Enoch Brown John Calder 1769 14075 1783 14341 1784 14380 14384 17S4 14488 1753 14317 1769 14076 1785 14499 1754 14453 1 77 1 14164 1784 14393 1783 14330 1784 14452 14487 1754 14418 1773 14226 1768 14058 1769 14083 1783 14359 14370 1787 4352 1785 14512 1773 14220 1770 14114 1 77 1 14145 1783 14357 1752 14318 1776 14252 1785 14495 17S9 5275 1755 14539 1780 14309 1753 14367 14426 14438 14473 17S4 14388 14477 1776 14259 14260 1783 14331 1754 14440 1769 14070 17S4 14427 14432 1769 14078 1785 14509 1788 4090 17S7 4530 1772 14174 1776 14256 1783 14344 1769 14073 [28] Bill against Henry Bowen store account sundries Clark & Nightengale 1760 14014 1770 14098 1772 14189 14193 14198 Andrew Dexter William Donnison John Hadwin Hoppin & Smart Hoppin & Snow Samuel Nightengale Jr 1784 14454 1770 14119 1769 140G9 17SS 14591 17S3 14346 1772 14169 1783 14335 1789 5300 177 1 14141 14147 14150 1772 14167 14168 14175 14176 14186 1779 14302 17S2 14316 J. W. Russell Ahiel Smith Nathaniel Smith Tillinghast & Holroyd tea Brown & Benson Christopher Champlin Clark & Nightengale Benjamin Comstock Nathaniel Greene John Hadwin Hoppin & Co. Hoppin & Smart Jenckes Winsor & Co. Thomas Jenkins William Mumford Jr. & Co Robert Nesbitt Joseph and William Russell 1773 14209 W. A. Sessions Nathaniel Smith Joseph Viall Jr John Ward & Co. George Young & Son thimbles Mumford & Bowen thread Clark & Nightengale Hoppin & Snow Jenckes & Company Samuel Nightengale Jr David Sted Ebenezer Thompson tobacco Asa Allen tow cloth Amos Allen Hoppin & Snow Samuel Young trucking of goods William Ladd Abner Salisbury turne Hoppin & Smart [ -9] 1769 14080 14082 1783 14345 1790 5642 1779 14301 1789 5239 1770 14093 14094 14105 1769 14054 17S7 4224 17S4 14476 17S5 14524 14549 1773 535 1769 14066 1785 14508 17S4 14444 14446 1783 14321 17S4 14430 1770 14111 1771 14152 1768 14056 1789 5372 1790 5684 1772 14181 1788 4906 17S9 5103 1783 14365 176S 14055 178S 4998 1784 14386 1773 14217 17S9 5207 17S3 15076 1785 14517 1788 4691 1789 5206 1789 5194 1785 14412 14529 1786 14582 1783 14366 Bill against Henry Bowen store account watches Julian David 1783 14348 whalebone Joseph Anthony 1784 14420 wire John Brown 1784 14400 against Jabez Bowen boarding sick prisoner Nathan Morrill 17S8 4803 Phanuel Bowen sundries John Greene 1760 14008 estate sundries John Greene 1760 14009 William Bowen tea and coffee William A. Ses- sions 1783 2911 Dexter Brown recording Theodore Foster 17S6 14869 lumber Nathaniel Jacobs 1777 14773 sack and petticoat Brown Payson 17S4 14856 sundries Edward Thurber 1771 14757 Elizabeth Brown carting goods 1775 856 Elisha Brown apples and a crooked white oak tree to mend his old grist mill Richard Brown 1756 14737 1759 14731 James Brown six three back chairs D. Bacon 1774 740 mending shoes planting peas etc. 1775 841 rum Nathaniel S. Jacobs 1775 748 salt tow cloth etc. Ezekiel Mitchell 1776 1043 estate medical services Henry Sterling 1775 851 Malachi Brown medical services Theodore Coker 1739 14681 Mary Brown (wife of Daniel) sundries 1731 14675 Moses Brown & Co. shells of putty etc. John Wiley 1772 461 Richard Brown making and mending shoes Joseph Nash 1753 14709 W. Christopher Champlin carting James Brown 1786 14868 John Childs rum Henry Hunter 1770 14103 gingerbread John Myers 1770 14097 Clark & Nightengale carting stones Dexter Brown 1781 14823-5 raisins Amos Throop 1773 14300 Mr. Cornal " fiting" Samuel Davenport 17S5 3434 Samuel Daggett panel saw James Arnold *774 ~l 5 Nathan Giles miscellaneous goods Althorp & Gardner 1759 14732 cloths Althorp & Gardner 1760 14737 Greene & Arnold lumber wharfage and carting Gould Marsh 1774 706 chestnut boards Daniel Whipple 1774 730 Rev John Grice Cutting and carting wood Dexter Brown 1781 14823-5 Benjamin Hunt farm produce Richard Brown 1761 14740 Capt. and Mr. Jenkins ballast stones Dexter Brown 17S6 14823-4 [3o] Bill against William Jones board Joseph Smeeton Amos Kinnecut balance of account Nathaniel Jacobs hat wool Robert Taylor estate of hat blocks Nicholas Clarke John Man ton recording proprietors records Richard Brown William Morris funeral expense of Grandmother Dexter Brown Jonathan Mowrj services Susanna Aldrich James Olney household supplies John Brown Page & Bowen work Jacob Woodward Prince Pain medicines and attendance John Chace Benoni Pearce one pair grave stones G. Allen Providence Gazette and advertising in John Carter Silas Proctor shoes and buckles A. Whipple & Co. Pomp Reaves household supplies A. Whipple & Co. Mary Rhodes for burial of herself and child Richard Browne Caleb Salisbury rum Henry Hunter Britton Salterson linen shirt Ebenezer Macomber William Sheldon blacksmithing and drinks Rufus Bartlett William Simmons lime David Harris John Updike lime Welcome Arnold lime John Jenckes Nathan Waterman hardware Nathaniel Gillman John Whipple fees etc. legal John Andrews Bill of Rights and amendments to Constitution Of United States proposed by Constitutional Con- vention of Rhode Island Bill of Sale of rights in paper money banks, see Paper Money Batik Thomas Allen of prizes in Barrington lottery to Henry Bowen Nathan Bowen large six cord scow Henry Bowen Samuel Clarke interest in a voyage Sylvanus Martin Abijah Crawford 1-32 of sloop Bachelor Ebenezer Tyler John Crawford 1-3 of schooner Mayflower Ebenezer Tyler Thomas McClish 1-1S of sloop Betsey Nathaniel Jenckes Blockade effects of, see Revolution Bond of collector of taxes, see Tax bail, see Legal Proceedings [3i J 1772 447 1769 419 1772 438 1772 443 1764 14744 1790 14873 1775 836 1773 14759 1787 4300 1776 994 1775 855 1774 714 17S0 3373 1780 3377 172S 14G67 1770 14096 17S5 3437 17SS 4144 1774 707 1779 1643 1779 1654 17S0 3049 1747 143 1790 5573 1772 14190 1777 14368 1782 14814 1747 14708 1743 14693 1783 3865 Bond in bastardy proceedings, see Bastardy Proceedings as to fire engine, see Fire Apparatus as to highways, see High-May as to lotteries, see Lottery as to manumitted slaves, see Slave as to paper money banks, see Paper Money Bank as to support of poor, see Poor as to probate matters, see Estate as to public house, see Tavern of town treasurer, see Town Treasurer of town sergeant, see Town Sergeant as to vagrants, see Vagrancy Proceedings as to vendue masters, see Vendue Master as to voyages by permission of committee of correspond- ence, see Revolution of Richard Brown to pay money to John Walton 1742 14695 William Brown to pay money to Timothy Williams 1743-4 14698 Richard Collings to repay sums received in calamity 1720 69 Joseph Edmonds et al. to perform articles to E. Philbrook and wife 1745 127 Amy Fenner to secure bondsman Joseph Brown 1725-6 14660 Thomas Field to pay money Richard Brown 1727 14665 James Mathewson et al. to maintain fishway to town council 1728 80 Thomas Patey to Richard Waterman 1694 30 Eliphalet Philbrooks and wife to perform articles to J. Edwards 1745 136 Boston support of poor of, see Revolution Bounds of Providence order of General Assembly fixing 1683 24 Bounty Money, see Revolution Bread, see Assize of Bread Bread corn distribution, see also Note account of corn and rye sold out of vessel and sloop 1779 1837 of sales of 1779 1695 balance sheet of John Updike 1779 1701 account of sloop Easter with John Jacobs 1779 1747 1779 1739 bill of James Martin for freight of corn from Connec- ticut 1780 1963 certificate of part payment for corn by William Hubbard 1779 1803 charter party of sloop Ester 1779 1797 invoice of sundries shipped on sloop Ester to Connecticut 1779 1718 memorandum of goods put on vessels to and from Con- necticut 1779 18 °6 of sales of bread corn 17S0 1968 order of John Jacobs on John Updike to pay for 1779 1803 receipt by Ebenezer Gray on an order in payment for 1780 3187 [32] 1779 1697 I 7S1 2589 Bread corn distribution receipt between James Martin and town treasurer on account of by John Updike from town treasurer for money to be accounted for to pay Ebenezer Gray report of James Arnold account of town with grain John Updike as to use of bread corn money resolution of town meeting as to borrowing money to buy breadcorn and form of notes to be issued therefor subscriptions to loan for purchase of voyage in sloop Ester to Connecticut in account with John Jacobs in May Flower with John Updike in Venus in account with John Updike Bridge bill for labor Amos Allen Joseph Arnold Joseph Bradford Joseph Bradford Amos Chafee Andrew Cole Andrew Cole Job Danforth Samuel Davenport Jonathan Gladding John T. Hammon S. Hammon Walker Harding Robert Hudson Robert Hudson John Lasell Nathan Morrill John Ormsby Thomas Peck William Pike Peter Randall Nathan Waterman Nathan Williams for labor and materials Jonathan Benjamin Levi Hall Robert Hudson Nathan Williams for material iron work Samuel Davenport boards Samuel Aborn plank James Angell James Angell Elihu Robinson 1774 733 17S3 2938 17S2 2826 1780 1964 1779 1648 1779 1726 1780 1998 1779 1701 1779 K' -* 1779 1604 1779 1799 1779 1696 1779 1786 1774 619 1789 5332 1776 1083 1785 3491 1780 2255 1776 921 1084 1786 4019 1780 2292 17S6 3821 1790 5396 I790 5721 17S9 5334 179° 5673 17S9 5333 1790 5560 5603 17S0 2239 1785 3477 1788 4802 1776 1082 1776 1085 17S8 4922 17SS 4653 179O 5433 1781 2477 1787 4152 I 78 I 2434 1786 3771 1787 4425 1787 4330 17S5 3476 1777 1177 1780 2285 1776 10X6 [33] Bridge bill for plank Christopher Sheldon 1771 16035 John Smith 1776 933 Jeremiah Wilkinson 1771 14987 rails Joshua Hacker 1782 3831 shells Benjamin Miller 1790 5406 spikes Samuel Davenport 1790 5503 sundries Bucklin & Jackson 17S5 3516 timber Charles Brown 1776 996 Asa Franklin 176S 413 Thomas L. Halsey 1785 3638 Daniel Manton 1779 1854 Munn & Snow 1785 3496 Ezekiel Olney 1780 3368 Joseph Waterman 1776 1080 order of town meeting in favor of O. Sprague for repair- ing 17S0 3180 report by James Arnold of expense of 1772 456 resolution of town meeting imposing tax for maintain- ing 17S9 5380 vote of town to pay James Angell for prosecuting action against colony on account of 1771 14983 Angell street bill of Moses Brown 1784 3083 Beimel's bill for labor Paul Allen 1785 3310 Thomas Bennet 1780 3340 17S1 3590 17S3 3967 John Mumford 1789 5360 Rhodes & Allen 17S5 3653 for labor and material Christopher Olney 1781 3593 for material timber Paul Allen 1781 3588 by Christopher Olnefs bill for labor Paul Allen 17S0 3360 plank John Smith 17S7 4448 Durges bill of Obadiah Sprague against 1784 3169 3170 Simeon Thayer 17S4 3177 Great, Weybossct, or Providence accounts paid for re- pairing list of bill for labor William Adye Zephaniah Andrews Zephaniah Andrews Christopher Arnold Joseph Arnold Elijah Bacon Samuel Black Joseph Bucklin Andrew Cole James Dorothy Lemuel Edwards Thomas Fanning 17S5 3530 17S9 5381 1785 3535 I 77 I 15039 17S0 3343 1 77 1 15007 I 77 I 15016 1790 5496 1780 3346 I 77 I 15006 1771 15013 17S5 3536 1790 5670 I 7 85 3539 [34] 1774 607 1787 4393 Bridge Great, Weybossct or Providence bill for labor Asa Franklin Cato Freeman Jonathan Mammon 1771 15028 1774 73 1777 1113 1255 1300 1323 1323 1778 1544 1671 1829 1780 1902 1924 I 78 I 2505 Walker Harding Walker Harding Benjamin Hodges Amos Horton Robert Hudson Robert Hudson David Martin Jesse Martin Philip Martin Richard Marvin Hezekiah Olney Tilley M. Olney John Pabody Thomas Pagon Wilbur Paul Ephraim Peabody Lewis Peck James Peckham Isaac Pitman Samuel Pool Reuben Potter John Richards Jonathan Seamans Abimelech Stiggs Silas Talbot Stephen Thurber Daniel Turtelot Ezekiel Whipple Daniel Whitaker Nathan Williams John Wood for labor and materials Jonathan Hammon John Smith Jacob Whitman for materials boards Jonathan Arnold & Sons Christopher Arnold Jr Clark & Nightengale John Humphrey Samuel Thurber fenders Abraham Belknap Squire Pain 1788 4842 1785 3527 1776 947 1779 1591 1782 2769 1789 5159 1785 3524 1773 594 1784 3108 1789 5100 1 77 1 15005 1782 2810 1777 1218 1785 3545 1786 4083 17S9 1805 1789 5183 17S5 3531 1785 3530 I 77 I 15022 1 78 1 2532 17S9 5177 1782 2778 17S2 2710 1751 2533 1785 3523 1777 1284 1782 2827 i 77 i 15010 1752 2694 1755 3528 1785 3523 1782 3733 177 I 15026 1785 3531 177S 1542 1563 1771 15008 1780 2278 1 77 1 1499G 1786 4063 1756 4075 17S2 2764 1782 2825 1789 5355 1757 4173 [35] 'ridge Great, Weybosset or Providence bill fo Caleb Vincent Caleb Vincent r fen iders 1782 I7S3 2817 3042 iron work Jonathan Ellis ] 771 15019 Joseph Masury 1787 4422 Jacob Whitman 1778 1497 Jacob Whitman 1790 5751 plank James Angell 1777 1244 James Angell 1778 1403 1782 ! 2023 2790 Thomas French 1778 1500 Benjamin Handley 17S2 2810 Jesse Lay land 1787 4482 Jason Newell 1788 5000 Jason Newell 1790 5541 William Sheldon 1782 2822 John Smith 1771 : L5013 John Smith 17S5 3433 17S6 3934 John Smith 3d 1780 1907 Benjamin Standley 1783 2942 1784 3088 Benjamin Standley '785 3320 3057 1789 5098 Jeremiah Waterman 177S 1408 Peter Wellman 1777 1290 rum Elisha Brown 1785 3515 scow and canoe Zephaniah An idrews 1781 2317 shells Paul Allen 1790 5509 Samuel Thurber 1790 5098 spars Jonathan Arnold 1771 15009 James Davenport 1782 2829 Rufus Hawkins 1771 15011 Thomas Jones 1787 4222 stone Amos Chafee I790 5493 James Field 1771 : 15015 John Fitton 1789 5370 sundries Amos Atwell 1786 3748 James Arnold 1785 3450 Samuel Davenport 17S4 3227 timber Caleb Alverson 1790 5458 5057 James Angell 1771 1 15000 Elisha Brown 1 77 1 14995 John and Obadiah Brown 1 77 1 14990 Nathaniel Day 1771 ] 5002 Rufus Hawkins 1 77 1 15004 Thomas Jones I7S6 3808 Ebenezer Macomber 1790 5072 Daniel Manton 178c > 2215 2281 [36] Bridge Ureal, Weybosset or Providence bill for timber Naval Committee 1776 lone Samuel Nightengale Jr 1771 14997 Emor Olney 177 1 14999 James Sweet 1785 3573 Philip and James Sweet 1786 4058 Jeremiah Waterman x 779 15003 Daniel Whipple 17S5 3544 certificate of receipt of shells by Paul Allen 1790 5943 note silver money for repairs town treasurer to Clark & Nightengale 17SS 4863 order of tOAvn auditor on treasurer in favor of George Throop for boards 1787 4331 town treasurer on tax collector out of tax col- lecting in silver money to Caleb Alverson for timber 1790 5453 to Jason Newell for plank 1790 5537 receipt by Benjamin Burlingham from James Arnold in payment for work 1771 14998 report of Jonathan Hammon on condition of 1779 1603 of town treasurer of labor and materials 1770 433 resolution of town meeting as to repairs of 1779 1601 on Jonathan Hammons report 1779 1603 vote of town as to building wall and filling in space between bridge and market house lot 1773 544 westerly approach to petition for leave to fill land on south side of Market street west of Great Bridge with plat 1777 1385 Liberty across Seekonk river near lower ferry prospec- tus and subscription for 1773 478 481 on Main street between Burying Hill and Constitution Hill bill of Levi Hall for labor 1781 3389 Mile End Cove Brook bill of Clark & Nightengale for labor 1790 5537 Mill bills for labor John Demount 1784 3367 John Smith 1777 1150 1789 5366 Tilley Merrick Olney 1777 1353 Martin Thurber 1781 3601 for labor and materials Obadiah Sprague 1779 1574 17S0 1983 I 78 I 3535 for materials Edward and Jeremiah Martin 17S9 5343 Robert Newell 1790 5437 of D. Branch for notifying inhabitants to work 17S4 3053 request to call town meeting to consider loss of 17S4 3051 warrants to warn town meeting to consider loss of and rebuilding new 1784 3054 3070 3075 north of Durges bridge report on advisability of i*l§\ 3241 [37] 1783 2998 Bridge Ship street bill of Zephaniah Andrews Small bill of Paul Allen over Moshassuck river bill of Benjamin Thurber for building Stevevs bill of Joseph Hawkins Tilley Maverick Olney Obadiah Sprague Tar\>\\\ for labor Paul Allen Benjamin Andrews Zephaniah Andrews Elijah Bacon Zephaniah Brown Oliver Carpenter Barnard Eddy Joseph Hoyle Richard Marvin John Mum ford Christopher Olney Christopher Olney John Pettey James Pettis Daniel Turtelot Nathan Waterman Nathan Williams 1784 3146 1787 4564 1779 159G 1 78 1 3591 1782 2779 1784 3264 for labor and material Paul Allen 1790 5509 Barnard Eddy Christopher Olney for plank George Young & Sons certificate that Samuel Butler & Sons paid for plank order on town treasurer to pay Ephraim Pearce for string pieces Potter & Field for plank Caleb Vinton for labor Upper bill for repairing abutments Benjamin Thur- ber Work House resolution of town council as to disposition of materials AlUCy bill for gauging molasses of Esek Brown for pilotage Samuel Warner against William Morris & Co Brig' Harmony account of with owners first voyage work in caulking list of stores wanted for part of envelope for papers of 1773 495 1784 3183 1777 1352 I 78 I 2535 1784 3148 3149 1790 5391 1790 5444 1790 5496 1790 5639 1787 4141 1775 840 1790 5417 1790 5519 1789 5359 1773 593 1790 5460 1789 5335 1790 5398 179O 5429 1790 5433 17S8 4815 Brig 1781 2510 1785 3310 1776 951 1778 1482 1790 5565 1790 5598 1782 2789 1782 2774 17S2 2806 1773 508 1784 3174 1783 14852 1784 14855 1784 14859 17S4 14863 1784 14854 1784 14863 [38] Case of Town of Providence vs Martha Howell agreement between town and Alice and John Smith as to mill 1649 1661G envelope containing papers as to case 1S36 16634 execution in case William Gibbs vs. Stephen Arnold 1644 16611 genealogy of the Elisha Brown family 16633 layout of land beyond Seven Mile Line to John Smith miller and Nathaniel Waterman 1693 16019 1693 1GG18 duplicate of 1661S 1693 16630 letter of deputies to William Arnold as to Town Evidence 1649 1GG14 Alice and John Smith to Thomas Olney 1649 16613 notice of or to John Smith as to mill at the Stampers 10617 order of justice on clerk of court 1S49 16623 prohibition town of Providence against illegal warrants served by any upon the towns liberties 1649 1G615 subpoena duces tecum to city clerk of Providence ^36 16631 writ of arrest William Field against William Cotton 1651 16613 wrapper about 16624 16635 Certificate as to apprentices, see Apprentice of attachment, see Legal Proceedings ringing bell, see Bell bread corn, see Bread Corn Distribution bridges, see Bridge freehold estates, see Freemen and Paper Money Bank highways, see Highway license money, see Tavern market house, see Market House of marriage, see Marriage paper money issues, see Paper Money Bank • support of poor, see Poor records, see Records Revolutionary matters, see Revolution of settlement, see Settlement small pox, see Small Pox taxes and taxation, see Tax settlement of town treasurers accounts, see Town Treasurer vagrancy proceedings, see Vagrancy Proceedings as to controversy about lands 16S1 16 of laj'out of lands in Hampshire county Mass. 1787 100 Elihu Robinson about a woman and her husband 1778 1463 taxes in North Providence on John Browns estate 1779 1633 as to John Trebys buying and selling lot 1775 837 of town treasurer of indebtedness to William Compton 17S1 3439 of indebtedness issued by town and bearing interest act of town authorizing issue of J 790 5759 bill for printing by John Carter against town J 79o 5779 Zephaniah Andrews Nos 8 to 16 1790 5831 5833 5833 5834 5841 5843 5843 5845 5816 [39] Certificate of indebtedness Joseph Arnold No 29 Henry Bacon No 30 Samuel Black No 4 Oliver Bowen No 6 Elisha Brown No 37 Isaac Brown No 36 John Carter No 1 Benjamin Comstock No 20 Joseph Com stock No 52 Jesse Cooke No 39 Silas Covel No 32 Marcy Dale Nos 43 48 49 Benjamin Dyer No 17 Moses Eddy No 34 Richard Fenner No 47 Thomas Field Nos 50 and 62 Jonathan Greene No 2 Amasa Grey No 57 John Gonsalve No 3 Gorham & Burr No 40 Hacker & Peck No 56 Sarah Hall No 51 Walter Harding No 63 Nicholas Hoppin Nos 64 and 65 David Howell No 21 Joseph Hughes No 18 Jeremiah F. Jenkins No 58 John P. Jones No 24 David Martin No 22 Philip Martin No 3S Sylvanus Martin No 23 Aaron Mason No 26 Pardon Mason No 27 Michael and Joel Metcalf No 54 Man cSi Lowe No 59 John Mumford No 53 Robert Newel No 35 Samuel Nightengale No 5 Jemima Potter No 60 Stephen Randall No 2S Jeremiah Sayles No 33 Pardon Sheldon No 45 John Spur No 54 Archibald Stewart No 41 Edward Taylor No 19 Peter Taylor No 42 Samuel Thurber Jr No 46 [40] 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1 790 1790 5910 5911 1790 1790 1790 1790 5935 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 5975 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 5X70 5876 5814 5819 5881 5881 5781 5851 5931 5892 5878 5913 5835 5883 5907 5973 5813 5953 3813 5894 5953 5936 5974 5976 5889 5836 5954 5863 5850 5893 5849 5863 5871 5936 5961 5937 5883 5818 5960 5868 5879 5905 5937 5908 5838 5909 5906 179° 5966 179° 5!> 4 7 1790 58G4 1790 5877 1790 5904 1790 5837 1773 581 1773 538 1780 2095 1780 2238 1789 5120 1789 5121 1783 3027 Certificate of indebtedness Daniel Tifft No 61 Olive Tracy No 55 Amos Turner No 25 Benjamin Turpin No 31 Jacob Whitman Jr No 44 Samuel Young No 7 Classes and Classification of Town, see Revolution College order on Mrs. Kinnicut for husbands subscription for to pay for window stuff for and charge to market house use of as a hospital bill of William Barton against town for influencing General Assembly in regard to bill of Theodore Foster Commerce and Navigation request to call town meet- ing to consider warrant to call town meeting to consider Commission appointing deputy sheriff for one day Committee for classing town, see Revolution of correspondence, see Revolution on hospital, see Small Pox on school houses, see Schools and School Houses on small pox, see Small Pox on towns, see Revolution for repairing work house, see Work House Estate Common act regarding cattle bill for publishing Congress petition by town as to relations of the State to the United States representative warrant to warn town meeting to elect Constable order of town meeting as to refusal to take engagement Constitution of the United States act of General Assembly calling convention to consider 1 79° 15085a amendments proposed by Congress 17S9 5288 5289 and Bill of Rights proposed by constitutional con- vention of Rhode Island declaration that town as such would seek protection of the United States in case of non adoption of federal constitution by State instructions by town to deputies as to action regarding to delegates at constitutional convention as to action in case of non adoption of minutes of proceedings of town meeting March 24 25 and 26 minutes of vote in town meeting as to petition of town to General Assembly regarding 17S7 4548 1789 5250 1790 5749 1784 3174 1790 5573 1790 5628 17S9 5169 1796 5628 1788 4766 1788 4767 17SS 4;V! [41] Constitution of the United States petition of town to call convention to consider to Congress as to relations of Rhode Island with United States petition for a town meeting to request General Assem- bly to call a convention to act in regard to to discuss future action in case of non adoption of resolution of town meeting as to warrant to warn town meeting to vote as to adoption of 17S8 to vote as to amendments of to request General Assembly to call a convention to act in regard to to act pursuant to act of General Assembly concerning to discuss future action in case of non adoption of Constitutional Convention of Rhode Island, see Constitution of the United States Continental Invalid Major Daniel Box order of town treasurer on Joseph William Russell in favor of of tax collector out of tax collecting in favor of of D. Box on town treasurer in favor of John Field in favor of Andrew Dexter petition of to town council for relief 17S7 4236 receipt by from Brazela Richmond for one hat resolution of town council as to 1787 4234 Henry Morris a negro manumitted for service in the war bill of William Larned for nursing and burying of town against State for money paid W. Larned for Continental Money endorsement of Continental Securities account of Contract, see School and School House between Israel Young and Jeremiah Field building house Cord Wood Note viz note payable in cord wood, see Note Corn Note viz notes given for corn, see Note Corn on account of town receipt by town treasurer from John Brown for by Brown & Waner from treasurer in payment for Coroners Inquest Samuel Chace coroner bill against town for expense of inquisitions in case of Elizabeth Hargill William Martins child Miss Ann Proud bill for services Henry Bowen I 1^9 of Simeon Thayer in case of child found dead near the mill pond [42] 17SS 4785 17S9 5250 17S9 5130 1789 51G5 1790 5037 1758 4706 4746 4759 1788 5042 1759 5131 17S9 5100 1789 5277 1790 5479 1790 5026 17S7 4239 17SS 4656 1787 4241 1788 4654 178S 4615 1787 4238 1788 4658 1790 5686 1790 15O80 1781 2010 1787 4387 1746 134 1787 4525 1787 4525 17S7 4457 17S7 4420 17S9 5104 1789 5208 5088 5294 1786 3788 Correspondence Committee of, see Revolution Council of War, see Revolution Court, see Inferior Court of Common Picas Justice Court Legal Proceeding's Court House bill of Nicholas Brown & Co. against town for building , 773 53} j vote of town as to Benjamin dishing securing the 1771 14994 Court of Inquiry, see Legal Proceedings Court of General Sessions, see Legal Proceedings Court Of Trials, see Legal Proceedings Currency State, see Paj>er Money Bank Custodian of Estate, see Estate Debt due to town list of due from town list of 17S5 3465 to Zachariah Allen to Welcome Arnold to Mrs. Lydia Dexter due at the division of town to form Johnston report of committee as to request and warrant to call town meeting to consider vote of town to pay liquidated debts not bearing interest if there are funds for the purpose warrant to call town meeting to discuss to devise means of discharging Declaration by town of right to make application to the Congress of the United States for the same privileges and protection as are afforded to the towns under their protection in case of non adoption of constitution of United States by constitutional convention and instruc- tions to delegates as to carrying such rights into effect 1790 5628 Deed, see Abstract of agreement, see Agreement of defeasance, see Defeasance of estate, see Estate of manumission of slaves, see Slave of partition, see Partition Benedict Arnold to Stephen Arnold land near Pavvtuxet Falls Israel Arnold Jr to Edward Arnold land on Pawtuxet neck Fenner Angell to Dexter Brown house etc. on land of Moses Brown Benjamin Aplin to Peter Bateman and wife to William Brown land in Providence Jeremiah Brown to Richard Brown house and lot on Stampers hill Jeremiah Brown to Richard Brown land in neck on See- konk river and Balies cove 177S 1373 17S9 5215 1789 5279 1790 14593 17S9 5134 1769 414 17 18 14642 1755 278 17S9 5280 1780 2171 17S1 2432 1660 7 1730 90 1787 14870 1769 14882 1754 14719 l,-\2 14089 I 73 J 14677 [43] Deed Judah Brown to Jeremiah Brown of 1-4 part of whole purchase right in common lands which now are on east side of Seven Mile Line 1724 14C56 of indenture between Henry Bowen and Richard Greene as to sale of lands in Barrington and Rehoboth 1 7S3 14323 quit claim (not executed) to Dexter Brown 17S2 14830 Richard Brown (not executed) to Samuel Wilkinson and wife 1-2 of cove near Narrow Passage 1706-7 14733 Samuel Byles to Edward Arnold land in Warwick 1751 171 William Carpenter to Stephen Arnold land on neck near Pawtuxet Falls 1656 :$ William Carpenter to Joseph Carpenter meadow land on a cove 1665-6 9 Thomas Clemence to William Carpenter land on Paw- tuxet neck 165S 5 Gideon Comstock to Andrew Waterman of right of way 1758 358 Samuel Comstock attestation of by witnesses 1726-7 14601 testimony of Thomas Comstock as to 1726-7 14663 James Dexter to Richard Brown and Joseph Brown of lands not yet laid out on west side of Seven Mile Line 171S 14644 John Greene Jr to Benedict Arnold land on north side of Pawtuxet river near Pawtuxet falls 1647 3 William Harris to Daniel Abbott land on neck near upper Balies cove J 730 14673 Stephen Harris to Joseph Allen lot on east side of Main street 1784 3343 William Hopkins attorney for John Beers showing con- ditions on which land of Thomas Peaty late deceased is held 1733 93 Zebedee Hopkins to Joseph Hopkins of land east of Seven Mile Line near Loakesqueset 1720 71 Thomas Olney Sr to son William Olney land on west side of Seven Mile Line near Chapumpumcit hill 1715 14641 Thomas Olney to Stephen Arnold land near Pawtuxet river and in Vineyard 1659 6 Thomas Olney to William Arnold land at north side mouth of Pawtuxet river 1642 1 Elizabeth Peedy to Benjamin Beers land in the neck and on Mosshassuck river 1709-10 14635 Thomas Peck to John Barden house on west side of river 177S 1371 Malachi Rhoades to James Arnold land in Warwick 175 1 174 Zachariah Rhodes to Stephen Arnold land on north side Pawtuxet river 1663 8 George Shearman to William Brown land on road lead- ing to Elisha Browns upper mill 1762 14743 Nehemiah Sheldon to Peleg Rhodes surrender of ease- ment 1709-10 40 [44] Deed Joseph Smith to William Hopkins and others home lot of his father in Providence and other lands 1705-6 34 William Sprague to Joseph Hopkins land west of Seven Mile Line near Washuttauset 1714 62 Rohert Taylor to Edward Smith land at Quinoncquot 1658 4 Ebenezer Tyler to Ann Tyler his wife land on west side Main street 1769 14754 Emanuel Walley to Edward Smith land in Qiiinoniquot 166S 10 John Warner to Stephen Arnold land on neck east of Pawtuxet falls and also the one third part of the Vine- yard 1682 21 Defeasance John Inman to John Pierce land west of Seven Mile Line 1727-8 77 Delegates instructions to as to constitution of the United States and as to legal tender law ^89 5169 Deposition in bastardy cases, see Bastardy Proceedings legal proceedings, see Legal Proceedings as to marriages, see Marriage in vagrancy matters, see Vagrancy Proceedings as to wills, see Will Deputies to General Assembly election of and instructions to warrant to warn town meeting to elect 1682 19 1753 225 1783 2989 17S5 3517 1 789 5267 to consider whether freemen will grant allowance to for services and expenses while attending General Assembly Dischai'ge of Mortgage Freelove Crawford to Zacha- riah Field 1708-9 Discharge of Soldiers, see Revolution Disorderly Houses petition to suppress warrant to bring persons charged with keeping before council to answer for l 7$3 2916 Disorderly Woman bill of Henry Bowen against town for services relating to 1789 5271 1790 5580 letter from overseer of poor to town council relating to 1785 3493 Henry Thompson to Henry Bowen as to 1789 5263 minutes of personal estate of 17S5 3484 order of town council as to personal belongings and chil- dren 1785 3474 as to clothes of and children 1785 3647 • as to Phebe Bowens goods and children 17S5 14526 on town council in favor of bearer by P. Bowen for furniture wood and potatoes 17S5 3479 petition as to 17S7 4350 resolution of town council as to confinement of *7S9 15330e regarding certain 17S8 4982 [789 5251 I 76 I 348 1 78 1 2499 38 17 IO 41 1783 2916 [ 45 ] Disorderly woman warrant for commitment of 179° 5269 I>i vision of Town remonstrances against 1765 389 390 report of committee on division of poor between Provi- dence and Johnston 1766395 settlement of accounts and division of poor between Providence and North Providence 1769 414 Dogs in the market house bill for notifying by beat of drum through the town the act concerning them 1785 14530 Doctors Practice account of visits of Dr Hevves 178:: 14815 Due Bill, see Highway issued by town treasurer to Samuel Aborn 1788 4933 Esek Aldrich 17S8 4722 Benjamin Allen 1787 4463 Paul Allen 17SS 4877 Philip Allen 1788 4624 Zephaniah Andrews 1787 4565 Isaac Angell 1788 4681 Daniel Anthony 1787 4549 Nathan Arnold 17S8 4881 William Bacon 1787 4500 James Black 1787 4531 Daniel Bray ton 1787 4413 Isaac Brown 1787 4323 John Brown 17S7 4519 Brown & Benson 1787 4479 Brown Rogers & Brown 17SS 4758 David Burr 1787 4543 Joshua Burr 1788 5055 James Burril 1787 4434 Samuel Butler T78S 4607 E. Callender 17S8 4844 Gershom Carpenter 1787 4540 John Carter 1787 4541 Dr John Chace 1787 4441 Samuel Chace 1787 4417 Nancy Clan 1787 4586 4587 17S5 3430 Clarke & Nightengale 178S 4735 4800 Benjamin Comstock 17S7 4529 Benjamin Cozzens 1787 4463 Mary Demount 17S7 4595 John Dorrance 1787 4442 Dr Solomon Drown 17^87 4497 William Earle 1787 4331 4427 Edward Fenner 17S7 4533 Richard Fenner 17S8 4734 George Field 1788 4890 Lemuel Field 1788 4925 [46] Due bill issued by town treasure! to Mrs Martha Field Thomas Field Asa Franklin Cato Gardner Josiah Gilford William Givens Caleb Greene Josiah Greene Thomas L. Halsey Levi Ham Samuel Hamblin Walker Harding David Hicks Charles Holden Holroyd & Tillinghast David Howell Richard Jackson Jeremiah Jenkins Thomas Jones Charles Keene Jonathan Knowles Charles and John Lippitt Sylvanus Martin John Mason Joseph Masury Ralph Merry Michael Metcalf Nathan Miller Nathan Morrill Samuel Nightengale Philip Pain Lewis Peck Peter Penno John Pettey Meshack Potter Reubin Potter Samuel Proud Grindol Reynolds Barzillai Richmond & Son Lewis Rogers Joseph and William Russell Thomas Sabin Solomon Searll William Sessions Thomas Smart John Smith Samuel Smith I7S7 4443 17S7 4461 4501 17SS 4843 1787 4561 1787 4411 17SS 4946 17S7 4599 1787 4408 1788 4837 1787 4485 1787 4433 17S7 4416 1788 4897 17S8 4688 1787 4518 1788 4649 178S 4610 1787 4578 4581 17S7 4568 17S7 4590 1787 4535 1787 4543 1787 4407 4504 1787 4436 1787 4456 17SS 4814 17S7 4552 17S8 4930 17S8 4804 17S7 4458 17S7 4484 17S7 4478 17SS 4895 17S8 4853 17S7 4473 17SS 4647 17SS 4960 1 788 4963 17S7 4333 17S7 4539 1787 4476 1787 4515 1788 4779 1787 4452 17S7 4516 1787 4450 17SS 4836 [47] Due bill issued by town treasurer to Daniel Snowe James Snow Daniel Spencer Obadiah Sprague Cyprian Sterry Archibald Stewart Daniel Sullivan Peter Taylor David TilTt Eben Thompson Stephen Thurber John Tillinghast Joseph Tillinghast William Tillinghast Daniel Turtelott John Updike Ephraim Walker John Waker Susanna Walker Mrs Susanna Walker Nathan Waterman Rufus Waterman William Waterman John Ward & Co Stephen Wardwell Mrs Amy West William and James Wheaton Jacob Whitman Nathan Williams Gideon Young Earmarks of cattle of Joseph Brown and of Richard Brown Enlistment, see Revolution Estate James Adams receipt by Matthew Watson from II. Bowen executor and person of Abigail Birket guardian appointed Frances Bowen receipt by executor of from Henry Bowen Phanuel Bowen bill of John Greene against James Brown bill of Jonathan Arnold against of Henry Sterling receipt by Eli Brown for legacy in lieu of dower Jeremiah Brown letter of Jabez Bowen to town council and warrant to call council meeting as to Joseph Brown receipt from Richard Brown administra- tor by in full of all accounts by Robert Gibbs by John Jenckes by Thomas Shippee 17SS 4063 1788 4961 1787 4159 1 7 88 4884 1787 4574 1787 4492 1780 2193 1787 4472 1788 4813 1788 4910 1787 4440 1 78 1 4506 1787 4499 1780 2192 1787 4453 17S7 4412 1788 4819 17S7 4510 1785 3480 3490 178S 4604 17S7 4428 1787 4388 1787 4433 17S7 4423 17SS 4956 178S 4630 1788 4871 1787 4336 1787 4418 1787 4402 1709 14633 1776 14255 1780 1923 177 1 14146 1760 14009 1770 14756 1775 851 1776 1071 1776 1097 1746 14704 1746 14703 1742 14687 1743 14694 US] Estate Joseph Brown receipt by Thomas Waite by Joseph Walton i-^ 2 Martha Brown citation as to probate of nuncupative will William Brown bill of council clerk against executor bond of William Morris to executor to pay debts and legacies of letter testamentary to Dexter Brown probate of will receipt from executor by Huldali Arnold 1782 by Jonathan Arnold by James Brown by collector of North Providence by Nathan Waterman Timothy Brownoll warrant to bring him before town council on charge of non support of family and wast- ing his estate Luke Byrns petition of William Concklin for relief out of Samuel Carew bill of against town Thomas Chafee bill of against Henry Bowen Nicholas Clarke appointment of administrators John Cole bill of against town for rent of hospital John Crawford copy of inventory and proceedings as to John Demount bill of against Henry Bowen John Dexter letter of administration granted to widow Barnard Eddy, memorial of administrator to council Paul Allen appointed to examine accounts settlement of administration account James Edmonds agreement in settlement of Patience Eddy et ah. citation to choose guardians of estates and persons James Field bill of Daniel Box against custodian of estate and children appointed Mary Field request to appoint guardian Elizabeth Gibbs petition by guardian that town council recommend legislature to grant him leave to sell real estate of Caleb Greene bond of Nathaniel Greene for benefit of inventory of Mary Greene executrix widow Mary Greenes account William Grinnel request to appoint guardian Henry Harris letter testamentary Jack Harris letter of administration to Richard Brown William Harris refusal by Andrew Harris to accept co- executorship John Hopkins request for and appointment of Esek Esten as administrator L.49 J 1 742-3 14691 14685 14688 1779 1663 1782 14813 1782 14818 1782 14813 17S2 14811 14816 14817 1782 14809 1786 14868 1782 14819 17S2 14808 1783 3973 178S 4665 1774 613 1787 4154 17S0 1900 1777 1148 1724 14645 1787 4317 1763 369 1783 3860 17S0 1900 1780 1900 1745 135 1779 1663 1789 5346 178S 4857 1 78 1 3435 1776 1039 1744 115 1746 134 1743 111 17S3 3868 1727 14663 1746 14703 1681 14 1777 1335 Estate Joseph Ingraham account of Henry Bowen with town council 1786 14563 bill of Henry Bowen for services 1786 14584 of Thomas Chafee 178S 4914 lease of real estate by town to Henry Bowen 17S6 3803 duplicate of 3804 lease of part of to Samuel Johnson 1789 5391 receipt from Amos Chaffee towards rent due town I 79° 5440 by town treasurer from H. Bowen for rent 1786 3810 1790 5542 by William Spencer from H. Bowen for truck- ing goods 17S9 5127 by town treasurer from town sergeant for note taken for rent 17S6 14583 by town treasurer from H. Bowen for proceeds of sold at auction by order of town council 17S9 5138 resolution of town council as to sale of personal estate of 1787 4382 James request of Sarah James that her son Allen James be appointed administrator 1779 1582 Charles Jenckes widows request for appointment of Isaac Cory as administrator 17S3 2855 Amos Kinnecutt bill of Nicholas Clarke against 1772 443 receipt by William Taylor from 1771 431 Jonathan Lewis late of Newport minute of town council of Providence granting letters of administration on 1777 1249 Joseph Larchar Jr appointment of administrator 1787 4512 Joseph Larcher a minor appointment of guardian 1787 4512 Samuel Maverick further time allowed administrator 17S7 4391 Joseph Olney motion against probate of will 1777 1356 Ephraim Peabody appointment of administrator 17SS 4857 Samuel Perry of Rehoboth copy of minutes of return of committee as to creditors 176S 14753 Farrell Reily statement of account of with Terrence Reily 1779 1842 Joseph Rhodes warrant to call town council meeting to act as to guardianship J 74^ 133 Malachi Rhodes agreement between John Rice 2d and Israel Arnold in settlement of 1724 73 Joseph Sheldon order in favor of executor of 1772 460 John Smith summons to debtors and creditors of to appear before council 16S3 25 Ebenezer Sprague act of General Assembly authorizing sale for payment of debts 1742 108 Serviah Sprague act of General Assembly authorizing guardians to sell lands to pay debts 1742 108 Abner Thayer proceedings by town council 17S7 4489 4496 Charles Tillinghast warrant to call town council meeting 1743 lioa [5o] Estate Dinah Tillinghast bill of town against for her expense at small pox hospital North Providence 1777 1267 Elizabeth and Ebenezer W. Treby guardians bond 1781 2454 Isaac Tuckerman administration granted to widow 1780 190O William Walker letter from town council 1746 130 to town council 1746 137 Samuel Warner appointment of administrator 17SS 4781 Archibald Weirs statement of account of Archibald Stewart with 17S2 2714 Anne Whipple bill of Levi Whipple 1778 1375 Providence Williams custodian appointed 1686 27 letter of town to General Assembly as to 1686 27 Robert Young citation of administrator before council to account Examination, see Vagrancy Proceedings Excise Duties instructions of town to deputies as to State law Ferry Edmonds petition of Andrew Edmonds as to Fullers bill of John Carter against town for printing of Caleb Fuller against town council for obstruc- tion of fen vat Tockwotten receipt by Caleb Fuller for damage for obstruction vote of town council to pay Mrs. Mehitable Fuller as damages for obstruction Fine of town council members vote of council as to Fire Apparatus act of General Assembly providing a tax rate for purchase of a fire engine bill against engine No 1 Samuel Butler Jr repairing hose Samuel Butler leather to leather engine Jonathan Ellis repairing A. Gray labor on hose Daniel Jackson repairs on engine 1 774 657 1778 1445 William Larchar mending buckets 1790 5693 Pearce & Jackson fitting and repairs 1777 1117 Edward Spaulding repairing 1784 3198 Stoddard & Clapp 1774 656 against engine No 3 Zephaniah Brown repairs 17S 1 2314 Amos Chase repairing hose 177S 1423 Jonathan Ellis repairs 1777 1187 D. Jackson cleaning oiling and repairs 177S 1445 John Mathewson lignum vitac and sole leather for clappers x 79° 5*98 Stoddard & Clapp repairs 1774 658 against engine at market A. Gray labor on hose 1783 2986 Joseph Bucklin labor on engine J 774 687 1790 5608 1789 5251 167S-9 13 1777 1353 1777 1205 1777 15059 1777 1207 1756 285 1754 260 17S4 3200 1777 1114 1777 1187 1787 4285 76 89 [SO Fire apparatus bill against engine at market Grinnell & Taylor labor on door Jonathan Hammon labor 1779 1591 Caleb Ormsbee labor Ford Westcoat labor on hose Jacob Whitman fire hooks etc. against engine at North End James Wheaton mate- rial and repairs against engine on west side of bridge Amos Atwell repairs against engine of Capt Simeon Thayers company Samuel Hamlin repairs against engine house Benjamin Gladding labor Jonathan Hammon moving and repairing John Smith Daniel Stillvvell Nehemiah Sweet Simeon Thayer miscellaneous for nails Christopher Arnold repairs on hose Amos Atwell labor Ephraim Bowen repairs Brown & Thurber nails John Carter printing 1777 1353 copies of rules and regulations to be ob- served in case of fire Samuel Davenport repairs work Jonathan Ellis repairs Peter Grinnell painting Jonathan Hammon labor Daniel Jackson repairs making chain John Lasell labor Aaron Mason oiling hose Masury & Dowlless labor Benoni Pearce for five ladders Nicholas Power cordage John Smith leather Nehemiah Sweet firehooks Ebenezer Thompson sole leather Jacob Whitman repairs bond of Daniel Jackson to build fire engine buckets bill of John Carter for advertising as to printing resolutions of town of Henry Bowen against town for notifying persons to furnish themselves with list of persons to be notified to procure [52] 790 5728 781 2505 [790 5725 [779 1G58 [781 2402 178S 4807 [78J 2071 1787 442!) I 78 1 2408 1774 <;•:.-> 1774 095 1790 5720 1785 3540 1785 3070 17S4 3188 1782 2703 17S6 3748 [783 2902 1779 1589 1783 2901 771 15024 1789 5130 [790 5581 1784 3191 [784 3197 1784 3190 1773 542 [784 3102 17S2 2083 1780 1920 1790 5578 [782 2091 1790 5507 1775 783 17S1 2515 1784 3189 17S1 2402 1 77 1 438 1785 3322 [790 5779 1790 5738 1790 5723 Fire apparatus buckets return of persons having letter to Joseph Sherwood ordering an engine from Joseph Sherwood concerning engine O. Brown and J. Angell to Joseph Scott order of committee on town treasurer in favor of Daniel Jackson order of council on town treasurer in favor of Jackson & Updike for cordage used at the fire at Eddy's house rate streak for an engine for paying charges on engine for an engine bill of Ezekiel Burr for collecting report of committee on machinery of Capt John Updike for use in case of fires reservoir on Broad Street petition for construction of warrant to warn town meeting to rescind vote as to vole of town to pay Jabez Brown for pails lost at the late lire for engine treasurer to prosecute collector of taxes immediately for money in his hands due the town warrant to warn a town meeting to pay freight on fire engine and provide place for Fishway in dam near Moswansicut Pond bond of James Mathewson Jr ct al to town council to maintain Foreign Relations bill of Benjamin Bourn against town for services as to of James Manning petition of town to Congress as to relation of this State with the United States request to call a town meeting to consider warrant to call town meeting to consider to receive report of committee to draft a petition to Congress Fortifications, see Revolution Freemen act of General Assembly as to certificates of certificate town clerk of as to William Warner of Johnston as to Caleb Sheldon as to George Beverly list of who voted for general officers r 777 1196 17S4 3133 17S5 3449 178S 4834 17S9 5167 1790 5G05 list of propounded town meeting minute of French Certificate viz in French language translation of Lewis J. Rivery discharging Mr Douville 1774 737 Friends, see Quakers Graol l)ill of Amos Atwell for leg shackles and ironwork 1790 5G89 1760 333 1760 336 1761 345 1 77 I 14989 1770 14977a 1759 333 1761 344 1772 458 1 77 1 15036 1790 5703 1788 4954 178S 4957 1770 14978 1768 413 1760 341 1728 80 1789 5384 17S9 5383 17S9 5350 1789 5130 1789 5131 1789 5353 1762 363 1752 3830 1782 3G95 1780 1957 1753 3874 1790 5G04 1774 649 1774 ?28 1790 5705 [53] GWbill of keeper for keeping prisoner and for fees 1790 5393 5515 order of council on treasurer in favor of keeper report of committee on boundaries of gaol lot resolution of council to pay keeper for keeping prisoner General Assembly, see Aets of General Assembly order of fixing bounds of Providence resignation of Thomas Jenkins member of General Treasurer bonds to and receipt from as to paper money emissions, see Paper Money Bank list of State securities to be returned to order on in Council of War, see Revolution receipt by for supplies for army, see Revolution for continental taxes, see Revolution for State taxes, see Tax Gold and Silver Loan for support of poor, see Poor Gold Notes, see Note Gold and Silver Notes, see Note Greene General address to request to call town meeting to consider address to warrant to warn town meeting to consider address to Grog' Shops and tippling" houses suppression of letter from Nicholas Cortlandt A. D. C. to council Adjutant General Peck Harbor staking out channel bill of Philip and Zacbariah Allen against town of Robert Sutton against committee Hard Money Notes, see Note Hay scales, see Statera Highway for notes issued for paving streets, see Note for payments made for highway purposes by order of town treasurer on tax collector, see Tax agreement as to extension of pavement between John Brown and town committee Clark & Nightengale and town committee bill for work where locality is not given Paul Allen 17S0 2260 17S1 2341 2570 Isaac Angell Nathan Angell Nathan Arnold Thomas Arnold William Bacon Thomas Ben net 17S5 3311 1786 3762 Randall Briggs Chad Biown Daniel Brown 17S3 2943 1780 199-1 1995 2240 1789 5226 1789 5153 1785 3512 17S9 5305 1683 24 17S3 2977 178S 5022 1783 2837 1784 3002 17S4 3061 177S 1501 1778 1452 1790 5545 1790 5733 1783 2897 17S3 2926 1778 1379 1790 5455 1782 2676 17SS 4882 1790 5785 1786 3768 17S2 2828 1790 5459 17S5 3685 1790 5423 [ 54 J igh way bill tor work where locality is Isaac Brown Morris Brown William Brown Timothy Brownell Ezekiel Burkett Elias Callender Amos Chafee Benjamin Cozzens not given 1787 1789 1787 1789 1790 1788 1790 1787 4250 5347 4503 5080 5461 4757 5397 4288 Job Danforth 1780 2216 2220 Knight Dexter 1790 5490 Richard Fenner 178S 4733 Richard Fenner Jr 1785 3650 Daniel Field 1785 3673 179O 5535 James Field 17S2 2078 178S 4637 James Field Jr 17S9 5361 Lemuel Field 1788 4924 Amasa Gray 179O 5958 George Gordon 1789 5363 Joseph Hewes I7SS 4641 1790 5454 David Howell 1779 1859 17S7 4254: I7S5 i 4648 1790 5435 Nathan Jacobs 1776 887 Samuel Knight 1735 3309 3686 Benjamin Marshall 1790 5463 Sylvanus Martin 1787 4550 Richard Marven 179O 5518 Aaron Mason 1790 5406 5865 Pardon Mason 1790 5562 John Mathewson 1790 5498 Ralph Merry 1788 4811 4812 John Mumford 1790 5933 Robert Newell 1787 4391 1790 5437 5880 Jabez Olney 17S4 3250 Stephen Olney 1790 5401 Bristol Olney 179O 5427 Bristor Olney 1790 5574 Jacob Otis 1790 5503 Eleazer Peck 1788 4631 John Pettey 17S1 2335 1785 3510 John Potter 1782 2675 Reuben Potter 1788 4646 1789 5352 Reuben and William Potter 17S6 3770 Benjamin Randall 17S9 5379 Peter Randall 17SS 4653 Stephen Randall 1788 4652 1789 5356 Amos Round 1790 5678 Daniel Rutenber I78S 5009 Archibald Salisbury 1790 5443 [55] 17S4 3161 17S5 3357 1779 1835 1787 4164 Highway bill for work where locality is not given Magg Shackleford John Smith also for plank Samuel Smith Daniel Snow James Snow William Snow Obadiah Sprague Elijah Starkweather against Paul Allen Daniel Sullivan against Thomas Bennett 17S2 3677 Simeon Thayer Squire Thurber Daniel Tifft against John Mumford David Tifft Benjamin Turpin Daniel Turtelot Caleb Vinson Nathan Waterman 1790 5433 Ephraim Wheaton William Wheaton Jonathan Whipple against Obadiah Sprague Eben White Andrew Williams 1784 3265 3373 1787 4307 1790 5516 Nathan Williams Samuel Young where locality is given opposite Capt Algers Edward Thurber Angell street Moses Brown 1784 3083 Nathan Waterman lane south of Welcome Arnolds Welcome Arnold Back street Paul Allen 1781 3510 1783 3998 William Bacon Moses Brown 17S4 3084 A. Butler Clarke & Nightengale John Pettey Nathaniel Jacobs Nathaniel Packard by Baptist meeting house Zephaniah Andrews Moses Brown Morn & Low Bennets hill Paul Allen Rhodes & Allen Nathan Waterman 1790 1786 178S 1778 1781 1790 1790 1735 1786 1779 1784 17SS 1790 178S 1790 3669 .787 178S 5439 3934 4835 1439 3337 5410 5478 3305 3769 1836 3177 4689 5105 4780 5873 3683 4333 4693 I 78 I 3510 17S3 3998 1790 5497 1790 5533 1780 1987 1785 3337 17S9 5083 17SS 4815 179O 5418 1774 643 17S5 3495 1790 5431 1790 5631 1784 3148 1785 5008 1785 3495 1790 5644 1790 5537 17S9 5335 1775 781 1776 888 1784 3146 17SS 5065 179O 5616 1784 3148 1785 3653 17SS 5047 [56] Highway bill for work at Beimels bridge Nathan Williams near bridge Zephaniah Andrews Samuel Black Dexter Brown 1779 1581 Nathan Waterman Jacob Whitman Nathan Williams levelling breastwork Josiah Miller Bowens lane Philip & Zachariah Allen Camp hill Tillev Maverick Olney Nathaniel Packard Edward Thurber Martin Thurber by John Carters Moses Brown Cat swamp lane Dexter Brown by court bouse parade Martin Thurber Cranston road Paul Allen 1784 3148 Randall Briggs Joseph Hoyle Constitution street Samuel Thurber Squire Thurber Church lane Joseph Comstock College lane Ephraim Bowen Thomas Bennet Cross street Paul Allen James Field Feather hall road Tilley Maverick Olney Ferry road to Thomas Bennet Clarke & Nightengale Ebenezer Thompson Front street Clarke & Nightengale Greenwich road Joseph Hoyle Hanover street Henry Alexander Joseph Martin near Dr Hewes Jeremiah Sayles hill (Sand) Paul Allen 17S8 4878 near Mr Seamans Brown & Benson and Welcome Arnold by Ebenezer Wheatons Jacob Whitman High street William Brownell Jabez Olney 1789 5315 Jail lane Moses Brown John Carter William Seamans Johnston road Paul Allen Liberty lane Nathaniel Packard Main street Levi Hall C 57 J 1790 5480 1750 2243 1780 2244 1780 2231 1755 4135 1790 5489 1787 4419 17S4 3276 1790 5558 1777 1352 1776 888 1774 643 1751 2601 17S4 3086 1782 2820 17S1 2601 1790 5509 1790 5734 1756 3803 1789 5365 1789 5367 1790 5402 1790 5563 1785 3687 1785 3310 17S4 3257 1777 1352 1 78 1 2590 1790 5527 1783 2907 1790 5527 1790 5417 1790 5810 1790 5528 1788 4661 1790 5509 1790 5747 1790 5489 1790 5495 1790 5559 1775 780 1777 1353 1775 780 1790 5509 1776 888 17S0 2289 Highway bill for work Mill bridge near John Smith 1777 ll.">o Martin Wheeler 1781 2601 Muddy dock Zephaniah Andrews 17S7 4564 Neck highways in Dexter Brown [785 3720 North end of town street at Borrak Brown 17S7 4306 John Luther 178S 4659 Northerly part of town William Earle 17S7 4486 Sylvanus Martin 17S7 4345 17SS 4660 Christopher Olneys near Paul Allen 1790 r>.-,<>:» Stephen Beverly 1789 5112 pavement generally Zachariah and Philip Allen 1783 3287 Thomas Bennet 17S1 2590 Samuel Black 1789 5374 E. Bo wen 1784 3245 Daniel and Stephen Brayton 1785 3348 Moses Brown 17S4 3084 Clarke & Nightengale 1783 3043 Benjamin Comstock 1785 3519 Levi Hall 1785 3355 David Howell 1786 3801 Thomas Jones 1787 4244 M. and Joel Metcalf 1785 3341 John Mum ford 17 89 5360 Samuel Nightengale Jr 1785 3342 Saunders Pitman 17S5 3329 William Seamans 1775 780 John Smith 1785 3303 Darius Sessions J 79° 5564 Nehemiah Sweet 1785 3438 Joseph Tillinghast & Son 1785 3551 William & James Wheaton 1785 3721 Joseph and John Whipple 1785 3419 3420 Samuel Young 1784 3212 about market house Zephaniah Andrews 17S6 3755 Brown & Benson 1786 3745 Amos Chaffee 17S6 3787 George Corlis & Co 1786 3783 Samuel Davenport 17863798 David Howell 1786 3801 near bridge Nathaniel Jacobs 1744 638 M. and Joel Metcalf 17853340 Nathan Waterman 1787 4163 Meeting street Moses Brown 17S4 3081 Pettis lane Nathan Waterman 1790 5433 Planet lane William Peck 1789 5373 on the plain Nathan Waterman 17SS 5047 1790 5433 Powers lane Clark & Nightengale 1790 5527 [58] Highway bill for work Prospect lane Henry Alexander Jonathan Russells near Dexter Brown School street Paul Allen near John Seaman s Edward Thurber sewers generally Paul Allen Philip Martin Stephen Randall Martin Seamans John Whipple at Baptist meeting house lane Moses Brown Back street Nathaniel Jacobs John Pettey hill by Salisburys Isaac Angell in Sylvanus Martins district Sylvanus Mar- tin Ship street John Pettey at the stone bridge Silas Covel Ship street Zephaniah Andrews Samuel and D. Proud 17S9 5316 and Snow streets Grindol Reynolds & Co James Snow Jr & Co Small bridge by the Paul Allen John Smiths by John Smith Obadiah Sprague Snow street Zephaniah Brown James Pettis near Samuel Spooners house Ephraim Walker Star lane Amos Allen Stevens bridge near Levi Hall Edward Thurber Martin Thurber Tar bridge near Nicholas Branch Jonathan W. Coy James Field Nathaniel Jacobs Christopher Olney Nathan Williams near Paris Tillinghasts house Richard Fenner Transit lane Clark & Nightengale Paul Tews wall Joseph and John Whipple Turpin's brook by Andrew Comstock Turpin's road Tilley Maverick Olney Waterman's lane Thomas Bennet Moses Brown Westminster street William Brownell James Burrill Ralph Merry [59] 179O 5810 1782 3688 1790 5509 1774 643 1790 5509 17S7 4342 1790 5789 1776 926 1785 3713 1788 50G5 1775 781 1789 5335 1788 4683 1790 5853 1788 4853 1787 4366 1787 4564 1790 5463 1785 4959 1790 5534 1779 1596 1786 3785 1785 4885 1790 3639 1790 5398 1790 5494 1789 5348 17S0 3389 1774 643 I 78 I 3601 1790 5400 1790 5517 1786 3818 1744 638 1790 54G0 1790 5480 1790 5415 X790 5537 1787 4186 1779 1575 1777 1353 17S1 2590 1785 3495 1790 5495 1789 5356 1786 3774 Highway bill for work Westminster street Jabez Olney 1790 5559 Nathan Waterman 17S8 5047 Mr Whitmans by Sylvanus Martin 17S9 5317 bond to build a causeway at mill (Moshassuck) river (at or near present Mill street) Joseph Whipple 1738 104 of directors in lottery for paving Union street to town treasurer Elijah Bacon 17S0 1979 Joseph Hoyle 1780 1981 Robert Taylor 17801978 Thomas Truman 1780 1980 certificate of labor on highways from Paul Allen sur- veyor to Joseph Larchar 17S2 2673 to Stephen Thurber 1790 57G4 to Eben White 1787 4187 districts list of 1756 285 due bill by surveyors of to Jonathan Brownell 1787 4569 David Burr 1787 4545 Joshua Burr 1787 5033 178S 5048 Samuel Hamlin 1782 4091 1787 4414 Israel Low 1787 4337 Philip Martin 1787 4318 Nathan Miller 1788 4919 John Remington 17S7 4198 Magg Shaggleford 17SS 4730 bill against town for due bills of surveyor of high- ways taken up by A. Gray 17S7 4243 Aaron Mason 1787 4246 Stephen Randall 17S7 4371 layout of over Chockstone hill 1751 173 to Crook Fall river 1720 68 cross road from road that comes by Uriah Watermans to road that runs by Jonathan Olneys 1763 369 through Inmans purchase 1721-2 72 Ephraims wading place on Pocasset river north easterly 1744 116 to Mashantatut I 73° 88 Nuteconqueneet river near Mr Nichols house to Nicholas Sheldons orchard 173$ 99 Pawtucket to Smithfield 1761 351 14738 1763 377 Pawtuxet road to head of Long cove 1742 109 Plainfield road to Pawtuxet road 1737 103 Providence to Smithfield 1759 349 stated common through to north bounds of Providence 1733 95 Setemechute hill across north end of 1 724 98 Wainscott details about 1760 334 [60] Highway layout through Wescottomscott and Woonsocket lands West river to town line West river and Thurbers highway bill for services in William Ashtons street by Henry Bowen Joseph Bovvens cross street by Daniel Anthony burying place to Cranston line towards Paw- tuxet Henry Bowen Charlestown streets in Henry Bowen Daniel Cookes street near Henry Bowen gangways William Compton Hanover street Henry Bowen Nathan Waterman Mill bridge road near Daniel Anthony Nightengales lane Daniel Anthony Packards lane Daniel Anthony north end of street and road at H. Bowen town street down Henry Bowen Sugar lane Daniel Anthony west end of Westminster street to brook near J. Olneys Seth Wheaton grant to council for of land between John Potters land and land of John Rains deceased letter of town council to Dr Jonathan Arnold in regard to hay scales and pavement memorial of Daniel Tillinghast requesting permission to alter grade of street pavement notification to owners of a highway being laid out through their land on the hill east of Benefit street order of town auditors on town treasurer for work on in favor of Joshua Burr Tilley M. Olney Benoni Pearce Samuel Sharp Ebenezer White of James Arnold on Moses Brown in favor of Mr Demont to enable him to pay poor people at work on by the mills of town council on town treasurer in favor of Job Sweeting for land damage petition to exchange land for of Jonathan Allen for from Charles street across West river for a driftway by Christopher Burlingame in re Market street for leave to fill land on south side of westerly approach to the bridge with a plat of same from Neck road from Pawtucket down to salt water 1716 65 1741 106 1752 468 1790 5949 17S7 4270 I 7 86 14566 1786 14566 1790 5949 1772 15040 15055 1790 5738 5767 1790 5735 1787 4270 4271 17S7 4546 1787 4546 1790 5767 5949 1790 5738 5949 1787 4546 1784 3187 1730 87 1784 3216 17S1 2540 1785 14525 1788 5033 1779 1798 1788 4638 1790 5554 1790 5724 17S4 3089 1787 4389 175S 282 1752 215 1745 128 1777 1285 1752 200 [61] Highway petition New street for new layout of parade opposite house of Joseph Ilojle to widen pest house road to by Martha Field Pawtuxet road to Pawtuxet road to salt water to relay Rutenbcrgs mills for landing place and highway near Ezekiel Woodwards land for road through proposal of John Brown for paving street from Col. Walls house to about middle of Archibald Youngs house receipt for land damage William Tillinghast and promise to return for plat of Plain field road by Welcome Arnold from town treasurer on account of paving notes taken up report of Paul Allen of debts for work on Bennets Hill etc. Moses Brown for work and expense on roads committee on highway to Killingly concerning highway and bridge north of Durges bridge on highway from Cranston on paving of Hanover street Amasa Gray as to expenses of mending request to call a town meeting as to paving streets 1788 4948 to stop further paving streets 1788 4950 4951 streets lanes and alleys list of 1772 15050 vote of town council as to layout of road by James Angells into the country 1 7 2 4-~S 14657 to pay Nathan Angell for highway laid through his land to Cranston Baptist meeting house lane paving and issuing notes therefor as to paving Bowens lane as to payment of notes for paving Main street Plainfield road as to surveyors of as to Westminster street plat of as to road from John Wilkinsons to Crook Fall river 1719-20 14646 of town council of North Providence as to high- way from Pawtucket to road in the neck 1766 14748 of town meeting as to opening (Angell) street 1783 3012 transfer of land from Richard Brown 1789 3201 paving Meeting street 17S3 2988 widening near Mill bridge 1784 3132 notes to be issued for paving streets 17S4 3213 [62] 1752 207 17S9 5144 1790 5647 1786 3790 1758 329 1745 121 1758 319 1782 2669 1772 15056 1783 2992 1788 4695 1784 3149 1789 5058 1728 78 17S4 3231 1784 3259 1790 5714 17S3 2965 1782 2754 1785 3450 1785 3547 1788 4888 1785 3465 17S8 4655 1786 3766 Highway vote of town meeting highways in south district Moses Brown paving Meeting street, Watermans lane and Hanover street widening and straightening upper North Main street widening Watermans lane filling in Westminster street to make it passable imposing tax to maintain warrant to notify jurors to lay out from Ephraim's wad- in- place to notify land owners of lay out of highway on south side of Church of England to call a town council meeting to consider a return of to warn town meetings to consider reports of com- mittee on paving South Main street 1785 3497 Broad and Westminster Mill street bridge and highways near same widening and paving reconsider vote for paving rescind vote for paving consider repairs of consider whether highways shall be repaired from town taxes or not Hypothecation receipt by Henry Bowen for Connecticut loan office note received in Impost Tax printing resolutions respecting bill of John Carter against town for of Bennet Wheeler Indenture to apprentice, see Apprentice of lease, see Lease and State to lease school house, see School House of service Alee Arnold to Jabez Bowen Roby Briggs to William Barker and wife Morgin Tinian to William Hopkins Jr Santos (an Indian boy) to Jonathan Olney Mary Williams to Richard Borden Thomas Worsemaned to Gideon Smith Indiscreet Conduct warrant to arrest Thomas Tate for Inferior Court of Common Pleas, see Legal Pro- ceedings Information to town council as to Elizabeth Freeman IllgTOSsing - Of Prices, see Prices Interest Account of John Brown with town IntendantS Office permit of entry by collector of imports for brigantine Amey Invoice of Cargo of Rum on brigantine Jenney see also Revolution 1754 3211 17S3 8895 1784 3136 1 7 53 3936 1786 3773 17S9 r»;:so 1 743-4 no 1753 231 174S 153 17S2 3753 1755 4919 1754 3070 17S2 3670 17S8 4953 1788 4957 1784 3075 17S1 3499 1785 14496 1785 3323 1755 3334 1759 334 1759 325 1728 79 1757 303 1752 213 1755 377 1789 5361 I77S 1556 1775 768 17S3 14851 1782 14833 [63] Iron and Flour ordered to town by General Assembly appointment of James Arnold agent to sell 1777 15060 account of sales of flour in detail 1777 15001 account of James Arnold 1777 15062 Inventory of Personal Fstate of Patience Ingraham when committed to jail 1785 3483 3484 .Tail, see Gaol Johnston, see Town of Johnston Juror, see also Town Sergeant bills bill against town for warning William Complon 1772 15049 of Henry Bowen 1790 5505 5651 5778 election of 1789 5251 grand and petit warrant to warn J 789 5338 1790 5750 vote of town to pay William Compton for warning 1771 15034 warrant to warn town meeting to choose 1682 19 1748 157 1750 164 1753 235 1782 2665 Justice Court, see Legal Proceedings .Land Claims appointment of committee on 178S 4X.~>7 Layout of Land east side of Seven Mile Line in the neck southeast of Cat swamp to Richard and Joseph Brown 1704 14629 to Richard Brown 1709-10 14632 on Seekonk river between the two Baileys coves to Richard Brown and Joseph Brown 1710 14634 Nutaconkonut hill east side Henry Brown 1707 14630 Smithfield to Caleb Shrefe 1759 14729 Whortleberry hill south end William Hawkins 1719-20 67 west side of Seven Mile Line in right of George Palmer 173 1 14676 Chepatchet river two miles west of to John Billoo 1720 14647 Gloucester to Samuel Irons 1753 1*317 Enoch Place 1760 14734 14735 14736 Messketahawk plain to Richard Browne 1706-7 14723 Punhungansett river Richard Browne 1747 14699 west of and east of Snaggwood swamp to Rich- ard Browne 1747 14707 Scituate Aaron Aldrich 1768 14751 Joseph Brown 1743 14682 Edward Carpenter 1768 14750 Simon Davis 1765 14745 Amos Hammond 1765 14746 John King 1768 14739 Shonock woods Richard Phillips 1 724—5 14658 memoranda as to 1729 14752 175S 14724 1759 14730 Lease of land in neck near Balies cove Joseph Brown to Joseph Brown 1735 14680 part of estate of Joseph Ingraham town council to Samuel Johnson 17S9 5291 land in Providence Ann Tyler to John Carlisle el ah 1784 14861 [64] Lease land in neck Joseph Whipple to Nathan Angell 1761 347 L('ij;;il proceedings in bastardy cases, see Bastardy Pro- ceedings vagrancy cases, see Vagrancy Proceedings see also Case of Town of Providence vs. Martha Ilorvell attachment of personal property return and receipt for 17S7 4455 keepers receipt 1785 14534 17'/) 5547 of real estate Nathaniel Gilmore 17S5 3473 John Granger 1787 4178 4179 4308 4200 4310 Samuel Haley 1784 3143 Charles Handy 1786 3797 Nathaniel Jacobs Jr 17853338 William Morris 1784 3144 3151 Joseph Olney 1784 3153 3154 3155 Benjamin and Esther Page 1784 3315 Peter Pen no 1784 3175 John Smith 2d 17S2 3193 1784 3193 1785 3346 Thomas Tate 1784 3344 bond bail David Buffington 1783 3840 James Gaskill 1786 40G8 to pay costs and keep Cain Bowman out of state Ezra Bowman 1786 15083a certificate as to affidavit of Daniel Whitaker by David Howell Associate Justice Supreme Court 17S6 3834 as to executions against Peter Penno and John Keen by deputy sheriff 1785 3304 that Henry Bowen served as sergeant and furnished a waiter to United States Circuit Court ^19° 5848 that Henry Bowen acted as clerk and furnished a waiter to United States District Court 1790 5783 of town clerk as to payment of referees in case of town treasurer vs. Paul Allen 1781 3609 Court of Common Pleas citation to take deposition Curry vs. Tyler 1788 15085 deposition of Hannah Whitman 178S 15088 certificate of clerk as to costs Lasell vs. town treas- urer 1786 3753 citation to take depositions Potter vs. Smith 1779 1593 Rhodes vs. Olney 1777 1355 continuance Jenckes vs. Bennet 1761 14741 motion for Hopkins vs. Shaw 177s 1516 writ Arnold vs. Tyler 1770 14755 Mowry vs. Aldrich 1776 964 Sprague vs. Jenckes 1776 971 Court of General Sessions judgment town council of Providence vs. Waterman 1772 470 [65] Legal proceedings Court of Inquiry decision as to highway across Seteme- chute hill 1724 08 Court of Justices proceedings for assault and battery vs. Stephen Field 1724 nor,.-, justice Court sentence for theft vs. Lupu Slaid 17S3 2833 proceedings before justices assigned to keep the peace in and for the town and county of Providence bond of Charles Holden to prosecute John Cook for theft 17S9 15093 complaint and warrant for assault and battery Samuel Robinson 1790 5585 James Gaskill 1784 4065 complaint for swindling and intended forgery 17SS 4890 deposition Abraham Cooke in case vs. James Gaskill 1786 4064 summons to witness King vs. William 1788 15087 warrant to arrest Robert Daggett for assault and battery 1785 15081 Pedro a mulatto for theft 1789 5316 John Smith and another for theft 1789 15094 search for stolen goods 1783 3044 Court of Magistrates complaint and warrant Arnold vs. Thornton 1712-13 14636 minutes of actions of 1713 14637 summons to witness 1716 14639 writ of summons for trespass for assault vs. Nathan- iel Jenckes 1715-16 64 Court of Trials declaration |debt on a bond Brown vs. Whipple 1707 14631 writ of arrest action of debt 167 1 11 attachment Sanford vs. town of Providence 1682 30 order on an execution William West on Ephraim Bowen in favor of Henry Bowen 1785 3703 receipts for attorneys fees by David Howell in action town vs. Amos Atwell 1790 5681 order of town treasurer on tax collector out of tax collecting for same 1790 5680 by William Channing in same case 1790 5388 Benjamin Bourne in case town vs. Paul Clarke 17S2 2666 W. Channing in appeal of John Lasall 17S6 3795 on execution against town for taxes 1788 4847 4848 I 78 I 2433 2441 by town sergeant from Jesse Joslin 17S6 14574 on judgment against Phanuel Bowen 1755 14007 in discharge of judgment against John Lewis by Charles Aldrich 1775 747 for demands of execution vs. Henry Morris 1768 14051 resolution of town meeting appointing committee to assist town treasurer to hire money to discharge exe- cution 17S1 2437 [66] Legal proceedings resolution of town meeting to defend suit of Lemuel Storrs vs. town sergeant sentence of town council on Thomas Field and William Martin statement by John Foster as to stolen property warrant to warn town meeting to choose person to appear for town in case between towns of Scituate and Providence to arrest Stephen Wright for selling strong liquors without license Legal Tender Law instructions to delegates as to action regarding requests to call town meeting to consider warrants to call town meeting to consider Letter as to indentures, see Apprentice as to disorderly women, see Disorderly Women as to probate matters, see Estate as to hay scales, see Statera as to fire engines, see Fire Apparatus as to grog shops, see Grogshops and Tippling Houses as to paper money emissions, see Paper Money Bank as to poor, see Poor as to small pox, see Small Pox as to vagrants, see Vagrancy Proceedings of advice Jabez Bowen to town council in matter of Jeremiah Brown William Creed to William Wheaton as to payment for house of instructions O. Brown to William Brown as to transaction between Thomas Field and Jeremiah Field Job Randall to town council to moderator by Henry Ward License, see Taverns and also Athletic Feats List of ale house keepers license receipts etc., see Tavern of debts due to and from town, see Debts of accounts paid for bridges, see Bridge of highway districts and list of streets etc., see Highway of voters see Freemen of delinquent militia, see Revolution and also Militia in revolutionary matters, see Revolution of patients expenses etc. of small pox, see Small Pox of bills etc. paid by Benjamin Cushing of final settlements of Nathan Watermans securities Loan Office Certificate order for Oliver Davis on Dex- ter Brown in favor of William Mumford Lottery Barrington sale of tickets Thomas Allen to Henry Bowen 17S0 1871 1789 5237 1783 15073a 1747 141 1760 334 1789 5109 1789 5130 5105 1789 5121 51GG 1783 14833 1776 1007 17S7 2400 1759 14738 1746 131 17S9 5152 1756 289 178S 4928 1790 1459G 1785 148G4 1773 14202 [67] Lottery church receipt by Jonathan Gladding for share in 17S6 14555 Congregational parsonage class 2d Nos 322 and 326 177 1 14160 14162 class 3d Nos 175 177 183 1771 14155 14157 14159 Nos 187 193 and 194 1 77 1 14158 14161 class 5th No 255 1 77 1 1415G market house account of John Carter with directors 1773 490 account current with James Lovett 1774 733 bill against managers of Joseph Lawrence 1773 558 report of directors of 1775 819 scheme of for building I 77 i 416 vote of town meeting on report of director of 1775 819 market house and bridge tickets class 1 Nos 999 1028 and 1642 1784 14404 14400 14411 Nos 1643 1654 ana " l( ^55 14403 14405 class 2 Nos 48 8S IOI2 1784 14403 14409 14410 IO43 562 563 and 564 14401 14408 class 3 No 9 1784 14407 meeting house first class receipt by Samuel Nightengale from Henry Bowen for cash for ticket 1775 14246 pavement of Union street for bonds of directors Elijah Bacon 1780 1979 Joseph Hoyle 17S0 1981 Robert Taylor 17S0 1978 Thomas Truman 1780 1980 prizes bill of sale of Thomas Allen to Henry Bowen 1772 14190 Providence Great bridge ticket class 4 No 7352 !79° 14595 ticket account Henry Bowen with Samuel Nightengale Jr 1776 14258 United States class second No. 28m 730 1776 14263 Market House agreement as to filling in lot 1772 406 certificate that Simeon Burt landed brick at 1773 552 of disposal of stalls for one year at public vendue 1777 1349 that Nathaniel Dana blacksmith furnished articles for completing 177S 1376 bill for labor Barney and Church 1790 5727 Samuel Black 1772 15044a Francisco against Moses Brown 1772 lsocoa Abimelech Riggs 1779 1600 blacksmith Thomas Stoddard 1774 611 Stoddard & Clapp 1774 613 Jacob Whitman 1781 2463 bricklaying Seamans & Horton against Joseph Brown 1774 741 carpenter Benjamin Gladding 1781 2468 Greene & Vaughan 1787 4406 Asa Hopkins 1774 735 [68] Market house bill for labor of carpenter Robert Hudson David Martin John Smith Ephraim Walker carting timber James Olney against Arnold (leaning and sweeping Simeon Devoll glazing David Martin 1776 1029 177S Potter & Lovett against Greene & Arnold 17S4 3108 17S7 4292 1777 1134 1774 693 1788 4818 1790 5697 Greene & 1774 6t)4 1778 1515 1522 1419 1784 3253 1774 718 Bacon John Brown Patrick Dew ier Joseph Jewet Henry Lane Frances Pollard Samuel Poole Luke Thurston against Nicholas Brown mason Zephaniah Andrews Amos Horton William Seamans against Joseph Brown painting William Tyler Samuel & Seth Yates pay roll for wages of laborers Amos Horton ploughing down road to college Charles Keen pump taking out and paving over the well Amos Horton laying water table Amos Horton weights and scales adjusting and repairing Lewis Peck William Seamans against Joseph Brown bill for labor and materials Nicholas Brown & Co Greene & Arnold Hammon & Smith against directors David Harris Elisha Mowry Joseph Lawrence expense in finishing room Lovett & Greene in account with William Russell in account with bill for materials bricks Joseph Barney hoe and spade handles William Barker improvements setting posts and trees etc. on lot Nicholas Brown Brown & Benson iron work Jacob Whitman locks and fastenings Nathan Angell 1774 736 1775 773 northeast 1774 652 1775 707 1773 475 1774 655 1772 15053a 1772 15056a 1778 1430 1772 15051 1773 554 1773 594 1774 6?8 1778 1458 1785 3672 1774 683 1772 473 1774 684 1774 686 I 78 I 2532 1774 685 1775 761 1774 712 1776 950 1776 923 1775 816 1788 4784 1773 565 1774 774 1773 579 1774 725 1785 3589 1786 3745 1778 1563 1779 1598 [69] Market house bill for locks and fastenings Jacob Whitman against Silas Downer lumber William Corlis Caleb Greene John and Stephen Ilolden against Paul Allen Edward Thompson John Updike nails spikes etc. Samuel Davenport Philip Pain against Paul Allen E. White printing by-laws John Carter Bennett Wheeler ratline Brown & Power 1773 541 scaffold stuff E. Hopkins against Caleb Greene scow use of Joseph Bucklin against Joseph Brown stage to land brick John Jenckes stone John Allen Petty Brown James Field Samuel Hill Petty & Brown Joseph Potter scales weights and measures George Beverly Samuel Davenport Deblois & Thompson Tillinghast & Holroyd Jacob Whitman Jacob Whitman Jacob Whitman order of Silas Downer clerk of the market on town treasurer in favor of Simon Devoll of Joseph Brown on William Russell in favor of William Seamans Amos Horton Stephen Hopkins and Joseph Brown on William Russell in favor of Mr. Hammond petition to town council to stop the selling of shoes in by a Massachusetts man receipt for building lot Avail Joseph Andrews on account of bill against Zephaniah Andrews for filling up lot John Brown in full for building Jonathan Hammond and John Smith report of clerk of Silas Downer financial of Joseph Brown of managers vote of town meeting as to account for finishing north- east room in chambers ordered settled on principles of equity [7o] 1777 1225 178S 4800 1776 914 1791 5010 1783 3946 1787 4294 1784 3227 17S7 44SO 1774 701 17S7 4548 1787 4153 1774 OKI 1773 555 1773 595 1773 603 1773 491 1773 479 1774 679 1772 485 1773 597 1773 530 1777 1334 1 7 S3 2864 1784 3184 1777 1327 1777 1333 1778 1566 1787 4327 1778 1470 1773 548 1773 547 1773 538 1790 5737 1773 474 1773 486 1774 622 1777 1197 1776 109S 1774 716 1775 817 1789 55 Market house vote of town meeting building wall and filling in space between bridge butchers subletting stalls by-law as to dogs in committee of and wharf appointed committee to settle accounts of appointed occupants of rooms in warrant to call town meeting as to appropriating for use of the French troops Market House Parade, see also Tax bill for work Zephaniah Andrews against town for improving and paving Brown & Benson against town for stone Amos Chaffee against town for paving stones George Corlis & Co. against Nicholas Brown Market Wharf bill for improving Brown & Benson against town Marriage certificate of William Hariden to Esther Bennet Samson Indian to Abigail Petacome John Jencks to Rachel Lawrence Prince Luis to Abigail Frank Grindam Reynolds to Abigail Rhodes Anthony Sprague to Anna Thurston deposition of Joseph Jenckes and wife Esther as to mar- riage of Thomas Eustance to Priscilla Harding Memorandum as to accounts allowed by town council see Tozun Council Minutes as to bread corn, see Bread Com Distribution as to notes, see Note as to poor, see Poor as to revolution, see Revolution as to small pox, see Small Pox as to taxes, see Tax of orders on town treasurer, see Tozun Treasurer of delivery of possession by turf and twig, see Turf and Twig of Thomas Beans account and contra credits by Henry Bowen as to bounds of meadow land west side of Moshassuck river as to bounds of land as to Brown Paysons goods household furniture as to claims of Clark & Nightengale as to death of Mrs. Hannah Jenckes as to dues Benedict Tabor to Richard Browne as to settlement of execution vs. Ezekiel Olney 1773 544 17S9 5251 1775 847 1785 3498 1777 1122 1782 2740 1 78 1 2407 17S6 3755 1786 3745 1786 3787 1786 3783 1786 3745 1783 2950 1773 14652 1731 14674 1724 14654 1780 1911 1723 14653 1708 35 17S8 4861 1686 14628 1760 14733 1753 14721 1788 4748 1 718 14643 1756 14722 17S7 4216 [71] Memorandum as to farm produce sales of Richard Browne 1726 14659 1726-7 14604 1750 14714 1753 14726 1 757 14723 1 767 14753 as lo gauges Sylvanus Martin 17S4 14858-5 miscellaneous 1782 2716 1783 14340 1784 3180 miscellaneous by Henry Bowen 17S7 14590 miscellaneous by Richard Browne 1722 14651 1752 14718 1756 14725 1757 14723 1 759 14730 miscellaneous by Sylvanus Martin 17S4 14858-1 14858-2 14858-3 14858-4 14858-6 14858-7 14S58-8 as to payments of cash Sylvanus Martin 17S4 14858-9 a» to receipts from Henry Bowen 178S 4944 as to reckonings with divers persons Richard Browne 1753 14726 as to returns of land 1752 14715 as to security for rent Dorcas Perkins 17S5 3731 as to testimony as to Samuel Comstocks deed Richard Browne 1726-7 14664 as to articles wanted at Providence Henry Bowen 1779 14279 as to transactions with Daniel Whittaker Richard Browne 1745 14716 as to the weather by Richard Browne 1727 14664 1750 14713 Memorial of Elisha Brown miller to town council as to grinding of corn 1779 1677 Militia Men Delinquents of first company of train band lists of with warrants to collect fines 1775 786 787 788 789 memorandum list of on different dates 1775 798 of second company of train band warrants to collect fines of 1775 828 829 830 831 Minutes of deed William Creed to town treasurer in trust 1783 2921 Mortgage discharge of Freelove Crawford administra- tor to Zachariah Field 1708-9 38 Freelove Crawford to Zachariah Field 1710-11 41 Note bill for printing John Carter against town 17S5 3322 17905779 list of against town paid and taken up 1787 14589 paid sundry persons hired to pay soldiers bounty by town treasurer 1780 2156 of town treasurer taken up under note of Oct. 25 I 79° 5760 four per cent state notes taken on January 13 and since by Henry Bowen 1789 15089 private William Andrews to Henry Bowen 1785 14519 James Arnold to John Tillinghast 1781 3472 James Brown to John Field 1773 559 Thomas Champlin to Henry Bowen 1780 14306 Jonathan Clarke to Smith & Sabin 1773 563 Amos Kinnecutt to Samuel Butler 1771 436 to Ephraim Bowen 1771 441 William Ladd to Henry Bowen 17S4 14441 [72] Note Edward Layall to Henry Bowen 1785 14502 Sylvanus Martin to William Morris 17S3 14850 Edward Pealy to Richard Waterman ^95 30 Gideon Smith to John Andrew 1752 311 to Jeffrey Henry 1752 213 Hezekiah Sprague to Henry Bowen 1785 14531 Philo Phillips to James Philips 1786 3786 special form of payable in corded oak wood Rums Thornton to Henry Bowen 1787 4197 payable in West India goods Henry Bowen to Daniel Gaboon 17S7 4290 payable on demand in work on a vessel Oliver Luther to Henry Bowen 17S5 14510 public simple note to Welcome Arnold 17S5 3577 Nathan Angell 1784 3150 Jabez Bowen 1776 1081 1780 2038 John Brown 1784 3335 N. Brown G 1780 3186 Hezekiah Dayton G 1780 2043 John Demount H 1780 3085 Josiah Gifford H 1780 3051 Levi Hall H 1781 3319 Lewis Peck 1777 1346 William Rhodes 1777 1136 S terry and Murray S 1780 3036 Robert Taylor G 1780 2028 William Wheaton H 17S0 3037 Aaron Wright H 1780 3040 under resolutions the dates of which are not given Zephaniah Andrews S 1790 5824 Welcome Arnold S 1790 5636 Nicholas Branch S 1790 5831 Charles Holdin 1790 5744 Man and Lowe 1790 5964 John Mumford S 1790 5932 Daniel Tefft S 1790 5963 for account taken up under resolution of Oct. 18 1786 to Zephaniah Andrews S Samuel Black S Nicholas Branch S Elisha Brown S Isaac Brown S Henry Bowen S John Carter S Dr. John Chace S Silas Covel S Samuel Davenport S 17S7 4260 1787 4559 178S 4793 17S9 1790 1790 4296 1787 1790 5135 1790 1790 179O 17S9 5823 5811 4520 4362 5887 5185 5788 5957 5791 5133 [73] Note for account taken up under resolution of Oct. i8, 1786 Richard Fenner S Ainasa Gray S Dr. Joseph Howes S David Howell S 1788 4645 Thomas Jones S Joseph Lawrence S 1788 Joshua Lindlev S Philip Martin S Sylvanus Martin S 1790 5854 Aaron Mason S Robert Newell S 1790 Reuben Potter S Stephen Randall S Squire Thurber S Nathan Waterman S 1787 4336 4397 Nathaniel Wheaton S William and James Wheaton S Bennett Wheeler S John Whipple S Andrew Williams S for account ringing bell Nicholas Branch S 1789 5136 Joseph and William Russell S for account repairs Great bridge Clarke & Nighten- gale S for money borrowed to buy corn, see also Bread Corn Distribution authority to issue and form of Amos Allen Paul Allen Philip Allen Zephaniah Andrews 1779 James Angell Christopher Arnold Joseph Arnold Welcome Arnold Elijah Bacon William Barton John Brown Moses Brown 1779 1721 Nicholas Brown Zephaniah Brown Ephraim Bowen Jabez Bowen James Burril Samuel Butler John Carter [74 J 1790 1790 1790 1790 17S7 4782 1790 1790 5857 1790 5896 1790 1790 1790 1 788 1789 17S8 1790 17S7 17S7 17S8 5913 5956 5822 5853 4562 4783 5895 5890 5858 5860 5901 5866 5794 5900 5049 5212 4869 5899 4424 4329 4973 1787 4509 17S8 4862 1779 1779 1779 1779 1758 1779 1779 1779 1779 1779 !779 1779 1722 1779 1779 1779 1779 1779 1779 1779 1604 1738 1647 1705 1759 1687 1754 1766 1749 1643 1727 1724 1779 1700 1715 1771 1622 1746 1741 1633 Note for money borrowed to buy corn Samuel Chace Joseph Clarke Samuel Clarke Clarke & Nightengale Billings Coggeshall Benjamin Cozzens John Davis Solomon Drown Zachariah Eddy James Field John Foster Theodore Foster Benjamin Gladding Jotham Ham Levi Ham Samuel Hamblin Hawkins and Bitts James Hill Joseph Hovle Jeremiah Jenckes John Jenckes Sylvanus Jenckes Reuben Johnston Charles Keen John Larcher David Lawrence Joseph Lawrence Richard Maiden Aaron Mason John Mumford Robert Newell Ambrose Page Israel Pearce Oliver Pearce of Benoni Mrs. Jerusha Pease Lewis Peck Mrs. Philip Peckham Sanders Pitman Phineas and Joseph Potter William Rhodes Thomas Roan Mrs. Elizabeth Ross Joseph and William Russell Thomas Rutinbar Thomas Sabin Timothy Sabin Martin Seamans 1779 1745 1779 1770 1779 1634 1779 1707 1779 1756 1779 1639 1779 1613 1779 1636 1779 1636 1779 1630 1779 1639 1779 1637 1779 1748 1779 1755 1779 1619 1779 1615 1779 1617 1779 1634 1779 1733 1779 1610 1779 1757 1779 1650 1779 1631 1779 1763 1779 1713 1779 1635 1779 1644 1779 1780 1779 K> 4 1 1779 1719 1779 1704 1779 1794 1779 1014 1779 1788 1779 1730 1779 1760 1779 1716 1779 1761 1779 1635 1779 1645 1779 1740 1779 1637 1779 1730 1779 1753 1779 1717 1779 1763 1779 1765 [75] Note for money borrowed to buy corn Timothy Sheldon Jr Levi Sisson Daniel Snow Daniel Spencer Mrs. Barbara Stanton Robert Stevens Jr Archibald Stewart Daniel Stilwell William Thurber Tillinghast and Holroyd Mrs. Mary Tripe William Tyler Henry Weeden William Webb Jacob Whitman Abraham Whipple John Whipple Aaron Wright for corn payable out of next tax see also Bread Com Distributio?i John Brown C Hezekiah Dayton John Field C Thomas Sabin John Updike Nathan Waterman C for execution against town for taxes (apparently) for money to pay Clarke and Nightengale for highway account repairs taken up under act of Oct. iS 17S6 Stephen Randall S Jeremiah Sayles S repairs at Cat swamp for money advanced for Moses Brown paving Back street Moses Brown Meeting street John BroAvn Moses Brown around the market Low & Man S New lane Moses Brown generally resolution of June 2 1784 Welcome Arnold S John Brown S Clarke and Nightengale S George Corlis S Thomas Jenkins S William Morris S Thomas Sabin S 1779 1646 1779 1694 1779 1713 1779 1032 1779 1628 1779 1618 1779 1731 1779 1638 1779 1619 1779 1640 1779 1714 1779 1737 1779 1732 1779 1791 1779 1781 1779 1711 1779 1732 1779 1752 1781 2383 1781 2371 1781 2380 1781 2374 1781 2372 I7SI 2384 1785 4854 179O 5793 1790 5790 1782 2824 1784 3083 1784 3194 1786 3738 1787 4346 17S5 3308 1784 3209 1784 3505 1784 3181 1784 3172 1784 3229 17S4 3182 1784 3272 [76] Note for paving resolution of Aug. 30 1785 Moses Brown S 1790 5664 Man and Lowe S 1790 5903 Baptist meeting house lane resolution authorizing l7 8 5 3547 Moses Brown S 17S5 3553 3554 3555 3556 3557 3558 3559 3560 3561 3563 3563 3564 3565 3566 3567 3568 3569 3570 3571 4302 5827 5828 5840 17S6 3279 3739 3740 3741 4399 4400 resolution of town authorizing 1784 3223 of town council as to payments 1785 3465 to Zachariah Allen S 1785 3282 3283 3284 3285 3286 3587 3596 3610 3611 3613 3613 3614 3617 3618 3637 4617 4618 4619 4620 4621 4625 4672 4673 4674 4675 4676 4677 4678 4679 5414 to Daniel and Stephen Brayton S 17S5 3358 3359 3360 3361 3363 3363 3364 3365 3366 3367 3368 3369 3636 4410 to Benjamin Comstock S 1785 3350 3353 3354 5777 5856 5886 5930 to Levi Hall S 17S5 3349 3351 3605 3606 4339 4347 5483 5917 5918 5919 5930 5933 5933 to Michael and Joel Metcalf S 1785 3336 3337 3338 3339 3597 3598 3600 3615 3616 3635 3675 3676 3677 3678 3679 4338 4340 4342 4521 4522 4523 4524 4591 4593 4593 4594 5758 5800 5801 5803 5803 5805 5929 5938 5939 to Samuel Nightengale S 1785 3335 to Samuel Nightengale Jr 1785 3330 3331 3333 3333 3334 3603 3604 3619 5799 5804 5806 5807 5808 5809 5885 to John Smith S 1785 3289 3390 3391 3292 3393 3394 3395 3296 3297 3398 3299 3300 3301 3303 3594 3595 3601 3602 3607 3608 4737 4738 4741 4742 4743 5825 to Nehemiah Sweet S 1785 453s to William and James Wheaton S 1785 4341 to Joseph and John Whipple S 1785 3371 3372 3373 3374 3375 3376 3377 3378 3379 3380 3381 3383 3383 3384 3385 3386 3387 3388 3389 3390 3391 3393 3393 3394 3395 3396 3397 3398 3399 3400 3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 3407 3408 3409 3410 3411 3412 3413 3414 3415 3416 3417 3418 3620 3631 3633 3623 3634 3635 3636 3627 3628 3629 3630 3831 3632 3633 3634 to Samuel Young S 17S5 3353 3599 3609 3700 4739 4740 4744 4745 5796 5829 5830 [77] Note memorandum received of J. Beverly 17S1 2411 of Brown and Bensons of Moses Browns John Jenckes securities paving of Michael and Joel Metcalf as to paving for orders against town taken up by resolution of Oct. iS 17S6 David Brown S Henry Bowen S 1787 Ephraim Carpenter S Holroyd & Tillinghast S John Sheldon S John Walker S by resolution no date given Dr. John Chace S for poor by virtue of resolution of Oct. 18 1786 (see 403°) for orders of overseer taken up William Brownell Marcy Dailey S Thomas Field S Thomas Jones S 1787 Nathan Merrill S Ilolliman Potter S Mrs. Olive Tracy S John Walker S 1790 for relief of poor Thomas L. Halsey S for supplies for poor Lewis Peck S by virtue of resolution of Jany 11 1787 for sup- plies Esek Aid rich S David Anthony S Welcome Arnold S 1788 4362 4701 Benjamin Bourn S Smith Brown S James Burrill S Samuel Butler S Clarke and Nightengale S John Dorrance S William Earle S Nicholas Easton S Esek Eddy S Mr. Fitton S. Amasa Gray S Caleb Greene S Hacker and Peck S James Hammon S Henry Hoffman S John Holden S Daniel Jackson S Nathaniel Jacobs S 1785 3533 1785 3683 1785 3080 1785 3081 17S7 4596 1788 4868 1787 4493 4155 4373 179O 5793 1787 4517 1787 4431 1789 5077 1790 5955 1790 5447 1790 5787 1790 5924 4386 4331 1790 5431 1790 5959 1790 5945 5390 5935 17SS 4838 1789 5093 17SS 4723 1787 4304 4097 4699 17SS 4798 1787 4303 1787 4430 1788 4006 1788 4864 1787 4439 1787 4333 17S7 4396 1787 4298 1787 4373 17S7 4309 1787 4000 1787 4393 1787 4395 1787 4334 1787 4300 17S7 4304 1787 4319 [78] Note for poor by virtue of resolution ot Jan. u, 1787 Gershom Jones S Charles and John Lippitt S David Martin S Sylvanus Martin S Aaron Mason S John Mason S Philip Pain S Benoni Pearce S Sanders Pitman S Barzillai Richmond & Son S Samuel Sampson S William A. Sessions S Archibald Stewart S Benjamin Talbot S Peter Taylor S Robert Taylor S Edward Thurber S Gideon Young and Son S Samuel Young by virtue of resolutions where the object for which the notes were issued does not appear under a resolution the date of which is not given John P. and William Jones S John Walker G by virtue of resolution of Dec. 15 1780 Paul Allen G Paul Allen H Zephaniah Andrews H Moses Brown G Moses Brown H Joseph Martin G Abednego Potter H James Snow G Nathan Waterman G by virtue of resolution of Jany 26 1781 Zepha- niah Andrews S Amos Atwell S Jabez Bowen C Joseph Brown C Nicholas Brown C 1781 Charles Keen H Charles Keen C by virtue of resolution of March 3 1781 payable out of next tax Thomas Jones C by virtue of resolution of April 17 17S1 payable out of next tax Paul Allen H Zephaniah Andrews H [79] 1790 5551 1787 4544 1790 5847 I7S7 4503 1790 5861 1787 4435 I7S7 4481 1787 4305 1788 4616 I7S7 4334 1788 4603 1787 4449 I7S7 4491 1787 4393 1787 4471 1787 4394 1787 4299 1787 4403 I7S7 4379 1787 4401 I 78 I 3509 I 78 I 3340 1781 3470 1781 3344 I 781 3583 I 781 3583 I 78 I 3359 17S1 3339 I 781 3336 1 78 1 3361 17S1 17S1 1781 17S1 3343 1781 17S1 3366 2346 2343 3476 3376 3390 3403 1 78 1 2381 1781 2417 I 78 I 3432 5759 5763 1790 5760 1790 5817 1790 5891 1790 5928 179° 5903 i79° 5844 1790 5816 1790 5815 1790 5567 1790 5839 179° 5977 1790 5888 1790 5869 1790 5903 Note for poor by virtue of resolution of April 17, 1781 Joseph Brown H 1781 2475 Nicholas Brown II 1781 2420 Nicholas Power II 1781 2418 by virtue of resolution of June 4 1788 payable out of tax now making Amos Atwell S 178S 4904 by virtue of resolution of Oct. 25 1790 vote of town authorizing J 79 list of notes taken up under Samuel Black S Jesse Cooke S Joseph Corns tock S Marcy Dailey S Benjamin Dyer S John Gonsolve S Jonathan Greene S Walker Harding S Dr. Joseph Hewes S Nicholas Hoppin S Robert Newell S Stephen Randall S Jacob Whitman Jr S for revolutionary expenses to purchase beef for the town quota of army supplies Dr. Jonathan Arnold S to pay 100 silver dollars for 6000 continental ones received for enlisting men by the committee Welcome Arnold S to furnish beef for the army Jabez Bowen H for money advanced to pay soldiers wages for a tour of duty at Rhode Island in September Nicholas Brown S for indemnity for money Brown and Power as a committee had borrowed from George Corlis on personal security to enable the town to raise quota Nicholas Brown G Nicholas Power G note of Brown and Power to George Corlis for blankets for towns quota payable out of the first state tax William Viall H for repairs of brick schoolhouse under resolution of Oct. 18 1786 Walter Harding S 1790 for small pox hospital building Brown and Benson S 1787 Joshua Lindley S 1787 4372 4526 for treasury supplies Zephaniah Andrews G 17S0 Nathan Angell G 1780 Welcome Arnold H 1781 Welcome Arnold H 1780 1 78 1 2399 1780 2164 1 78 1 2353 I 78 I 2542 1780 2033 1780 2033 1780 2284 17S1 2456 5968 4511 4527 2219 2035 2403 3177 [So] Note for treasury supplies Amos Atwell G John Beverly G Ephraim Bovven H Jabez Bowen G John James Clarke G John Demount G Jabez Bovven G John James Clarke G John Demount G Ichabod Brown H Brown and Frances S Samuel Butler G Samuel Chace G Clarke and Nightengale S Arthur Fenner G Josiah Gifford G Joseph Martin G Joseph and William Russell II Thomas Sabin G Edward Spalding G Archibald Stewart G Daniel Stillwell G Thurston and Jenkins of Nicholas Brown to Anthony Kinnicut G 17S0 to be paid out of the next town tax Welcome Arnold S Welcome Arnold C Amos Atwell S Arthur Fenner G John Fitton C Powers and Rogers S William Wheaton G to be paid out of tax now making John Brown S Nicholas Brown S to be paid out of tax now assessed Zepha- niah Andrews S to be paid out of tax now ordered Benjamin and Joseph Comstock S Jabez Bowen Nicholas Brown to be paid when money enough in treasury Ebenezer Thompson to town treasurer Asa Franklin on account of small pox Jonathan Brownell Vespatian Miller Notice from Martha Crondon to Richard Brown not to harbor Caesar [Si] 1780 2283 1780 2094 1781 2448 1780 2027 1780 2027 1780 2027 1780 2034 1780 2034 I7S0 2034 17S0 2029 1789 5253 1780 2035 1780 2162 1789 5254 1780 2043 1780 2024 1780 2039 1780 2065 1780 2023 1780 2026 1781 2316 1780 2291 1780 2163 2082 2084 17S1 2444 1781 2385 17S1 2445 17S1 2480 17S1 2377 1781 2506 17S1 2595 17S1 2488 1781 2450 17S2 2641 1781 2469 I 78 I 2449 1781 2447 1776 1102 1772 463 1777 1331 1778 1455 1754 14725 Notice of warning that ordinance against retailing goods with- out license will be enforced to tavern keepers from town council Notification to town council John Adye as to woman from East Greenwich Barnard Eddy as to John Ingraham and wife from Bristol Theodore Foster as to Augustus Peck and family Timothy Fuller as to sundry persons James Hill as to James Morrel Richard Lewis as to Ann Tyler from Cranston Noah Smith as to Ane Moltman of Boston Edward Spalding as to Anna Coffin from Newport William Tyler as to John Harris from Boston Ephraim Bowen as to John Morrow a negro man who came with the French army and " hath a mind to marry my negro woman " Obituary John Aplin Godfrey Malbone Old Tenor value of in lawful money in taxes Order as to payment for ringing bell, see Bell as to bridges, see Bridge as to bread corn, see Bread Com Distribution as to disorderly woman, see Disorderly Woman as to subscription to college, see College as to highway matters, see Highway on James Arnold paymaster, see Revolution as to market house, see Market House as to paper money issues, see Paper Money Bank for support of poor, see Poor for support of poor of Newport, see Revolution as to revolution, see Revolution as to distribution of salt, see Salt as to school houses, see School and School Houses as to small pox, see Small Pox as to taxation, see Taxes as to town treasurer, see Town Treasurer as to vagrants, see Vagrancy Proceedings as to work house estate, see Work House Estate made in council of war as to conduct of inhabitants of town on private persons John Thurber on James Angell in favor of bearer R. Murray on Mr. Anthony in favor of Joe James Arnold to be charged to meeting house, see Baptist Meeting House by Aldolph et Lion favor Mons De Luce i bale osnabergs [82] 177S 1507 1778 1538 1774 634 •775 849 1775 853 1775 813 1775 749 1774 659 1774 717 1778 1459 1775 758 1783 3863 1772 14758 1772 14759 1768 405 176S 403 1777 1168 1789 5136 17S6 4003 1782 3617 Order on James Arnold by Amos All. mi favor of bearer 1767 407 1773 575 577 583 584 589 601 1 774 G18 632 635 04O 040 689 1 775 77G 808 815 831 1777 11^1 1183 1778 1416 of Elias Calnder of Mr. Potter Zephaniah Andrews favor of bearer John Antin , 773 550 John Anthony favor of Michael Anthony Benjamin Aplin favor of Britton Salsterion John Aplin favor of bearer Joseph Arnold favor of bearer 1773 513 576 1775 839 of Miss Downer ol William Green of Tom Hawes of William I lines of Sam Mitchell of William White Isaac Backus favor of bearer Solomon Bradford favor of bearer Robert Briggs favor of bearer Cudge Brown favor of Alis White Joseph Brown favor of Samuel Westcoat 1775 853 of Nathaniel Wheaton Nicholas Brown favor of Benjamin Man Rebecca Brown favor of bearer Richard Bullock favor of John Field John Chace favor of bearer Hezekiah Cooke favor of bearer of Nicholas Cooke William Compton favor of Josiah Gifford Samuel Coy favor of bearer 1774 647 651 653 660 673 676 Coy & Waterman favor of Christopher Shel- don William Cozzens favor of bearer Christopher Crapon favor of Joseph Peck of Thomas Bennet Eliphaz Day favor of bearer Stephen Dexter favor of Christmas the truckman A. Fenner Jr favor of Collewillo Asa Franklin favor of bearer Josiah Gifford favor of bearer Hudson J. Goodwin favor of Gabriel Allen Jonathan Mammon favor of bearer 1775 806 1773 596 1773 583 1776 587 1780 2895 1788 J<>:57 1774 699 704 1774 654 683 1773 586 1774 667 1774 671 1774 665 1774 633 1773 588 1784 3339 1773 539 1773 560 1788 4943 1774 705 1775 836 1776 881 1773 533 1790 5653 1783 3863 1785 3407 1785 3738 1773 534 1773 591 1775 753 1 78 1 2598 1784 3351 1775 759 1789 5101 1783 3940 1785 4900 1775 857 17SS 5038 1779 1667 [S 3 ] Order on James Arnold by Stephen Harris favor of Rose Young S. Hartshorn favor of " this man" Edward Hawkins favor of bearer of James Dyre Hope Hawkins favor of bearer of Susanna Gavit of Samuel Hollowell of Jemima Hubbard of Elizabeth Morgan of Israel Pearce of Obadiah Robertson of Stephen Simons Samuel Hill favor of Anthony Perry Jemima Hubbard favor of bearer Robert Hudson favor of bearer 1787 4251 1773 5G9 1773 4 93 1773 515 531 I 78} 3137 3228 1783 2925 1784 3171 1783 2924 1785 3732 1785 3445 1783 2929 1784 3091 1773 536 1774 690 692 702 1785 14538 1787 4398 Thomas P. Ives favor of Joseph Davenport 1788 49G9 Richard Jackson favor of William Earle 1775 756 Wilson Jacobs favor of bearer 1773 551 580 581 Amos Lawrence favor of William Compton 17S0 2294 David Lopez favor of John Saber 177S 1545 Aaron Man favor of bearer 1775 782 James Manning favor of John Alexander 1784 3071 B. Olivieux favor of bearer 17S0 2290 17S1 2364 Hezekiah Olney favor of bearer 17S6 4047 Nathaniel Packard favor of Peter Norton 1775 862 Power and Tillinghast favor of William Whip- ple Bulkely Prescott favor of bearer of Phineas Brown Elihu Robinson favor of Richard Seaver of John Duncan of Major Flagg of John Gonsolve of John Griffis of Benjamin Hoppin of Joshua Sayer Aaron Seamans favor of bearer Martin Seamans favor of of Mrs. Mason of Jonathan Peckham William Seamans favor of Nehemiah Cole of Mrs. Rebecca Lippitt of Abel Martin of Seth Phillips of Anne Power of John Rogers Earle J. Sheldon favor of bearer 17S0 36G0 1773 519 1773 518 1778 1372 1778 1377 1778 1394 177S 1390 1778 1370 1778 1368 1778 1393 1787 4214 1773 557 1773 549 1773 545 1774 644 1774 633 1774 664 1773 570 1774 666 1787 4215 1787 4110 [3 4 ] Order on James Arnold by Christopher Smith favor of bearer 1775 801 D. Smith favor of Thomas Wright 1775 822 John Smith favor of Martin Seamans 177S 1436 of bearer 1773 553 John Smith Jr favor of hearer 1774 672 John Smith 3d favor of bearer 1774 680 Joseph Smith favor of bearer 1773 489 Samuel Snow favor of bearer 177S 1557 Matthew Sweet favor of bearer 1775 637 David Tefft favor of bearer 1782 2734 Daniel Tillinghast favor of John Burroughs 1775 802 John Walker favor of Elizabeth French 1784 3261 of Lydia Walk 17853457 Amos Warner favor of bearer 1788 4642 4726 Amos Weeks favor of bearer 1774 670 677 Christopher Whipple favor of bearer 1772 450 Benjamin Whipple favor of Mary Whipple 1782 2701 John Whipple favor of bearer 1783 2932 of bearer 17S3 3019 of Ephraim Whipple 1783 3003 of George Walding 17832834 Gideon Young favor of P. M. Tillinghast 1774 648 of Richard Olney on friend Arnold 1774 722 Joseph Park on Mr. Arnol to bearer 1774 737 Philip Sweet on Squire Arnold to bearer 1786 4062 John Walker on Mr. Arnold to bearer 1784 3210 Justice Brown Stephen Carpenter in favor of bearer 1765 14747 on Richard Brown Nathaniel Eddy in favor of Val- entine Whitman 1742-3 14690 William Earle and Co. Amos Briant in favor of Den- nis O. Briant 1775 796 Mrs. Lawrence A. Fenner in favor of Henry Bowen 17S9 5228 Sylvanus Martin John FitzGerald in favor of West & Tillinghast 1783 14841 town clerk John Dexter in favor of bearer 1773 578 Doctor Wells James Brown in favor of Mr. Kinne 1775 814 Bulkelay Prescott in favor of Mrs. Crow- ford I77 2 516 George Sigden in favor of bearer 1790 14597 Paper Money Bank bond of Daniel Abbott to Jeremiah Brown to keep certain land on the neck free from any incumbrance of the colony bank 1722 14649 of 1729 bond of Jeremiah Brown to trustees to repay issue 1729 14668 14669 of 1733 bond of Joseph Brown to general treasurer to secure issue x 733 14686 [85] 1733 14 6-9 Paper Money Batik of 1733 bond of Samuel Killton to Trustees for colony to repay issue mortgage by Joseph Brown to trustees to secure issue ! 733 _ 4 1*701 discharge of same 1746 14701 mortgage by William Brown to trustees to secure issue 1734 14701 discharge of same 1773 14761 of 173S-9 bonds of Richard Brown to general treasurer to secure issue J 738-9 14683 14684 of 1744 bonds of Richard Brown to general treasurer to secure issue bonds of Richard Brown to trustees to secure issue mortgage to trustees to secure issue by Ephraim Carpenter of 1786 act of general assembly authorizing report of committee to general assembly certified copy of act as to trustees fees certified copy of act as to duties of trustees bill of Bennett Wheeler against town for printing proceedings of town on the test law of town clerk against trustees for recording mortgages bond of trustees of to general treasurer taking up same bills, of sale of rights to take out money in, see Transfers of Rights under this title certificate by town clerk of North Providence as to deed from Esek Hopkins to trustees by town clerk of Providence as to real estate of persons entitled to take out money in Benjamin Allen Joseph Allen Paul Allen Thomas Angell Alfred Arnold Christopher Arnold Christopher Arnold et al Mrs. Elizabeth Arnold James Arnold Jonathan Arnold et als Joseph Arnold Nehemiah Arnold Owen Arnold Welcome Arnold et als William Ashton et als Nehemiah Arnold 1744 14720 1744 14697 1744 14004 1786 14567 17S6 3912 1756 3911 1 7 86 4108 17S8 4707 1787 4176 1786 3825 1757 4177 1786 4032 1786 3831 1786 3948 1786 3952 4071 4128 1786 3860 1786 3931 1786 3922 1786 3897 1786 4042 1786 3921 1786 4070 17S6 404S 1786 4130 3833 I 7 86 3909 17S6 4070 1786 4037 1787 4130 [86] /'ik of 17S6 transfer of right to Charles Holclen by Joshua Hacker 1786 3877 Richard Hoyle by Daniel Bucklin 1786 388G John Keene by Pardon Mason 1786 3867 Christopher Olney by C. Arnold 1786 3922 by Oliver Carpenter 1786 3917 by Jonathan Olney 17S6 3918 by Henry Reid 17S6 3885 Henry Rice by John Carter 1786 3884 James Sabin by Jonathan Donneson 17S6 3904 Job Smith by William Drown 1786 15083 Joseph Snow by Joseph Potter 1786 3942 by Phineas Potter 1786 3941 Joseph Snow Jr by Daniel Snow 1786 3888 by Joseph Snow 3d 1786 3887 Benjamin Talbot by Henry Bacon 17S6 3848 William Wheaton by Peregrine Foster 1786 3952 Andrew Williams by John Greatreaks 17S6 39G1 in form of certificates of sales or transfers to Thomas Angell by James Snow Sr 1786 38G3 by James SnowJr 17S6 38G2 by town clerk 1786 3859 William Hrownell by Benoni Williams 1786 4025 John Carpenter by William Givens et al 1786 3903 Hugh Cole by Othniel Tripp et al 17S6 3840 Fenner and White by Daniel Pearce et ah 1786 4041 Benjamin Hill by Phineas Brown 17S6 3954 by Jonathan Knowles 1786 3955 Joseph Hoyle by Calvin Dean 1786 3S35 by Peter Howard 1786 3834 by Andrew Williams 17S6 383G Richard Hoyle by Zephaniah Brown 17S6 3865 Ralph Merry by Ichabod Brown 17S6 3989 Nathaniel Packard by Esek Brown 17S6 38G9 by Joseph Comstock 17S6 38G4 by John Howland 17S6 3868 by Lewis Peck 1786 3873 John Pettey by Daniel Pettey 1786 3972 Reuben Potter by Charles Sampson 17S6 3889 William Randall by John T. Sheldon et ah 1786 403G William Rhodes by Richard Fenner Jr 1786 3963 James Sabin by Elijah Bacon 17S6 3900 by Samuel Westcott 17S6 3998 Joseph Snow by Samuel Black 17S6 3932 by John Nichols 1786 3928 by Benoni Pearce 17S6 3851 by Barzillai Richmond 1786 3937 Joseph Snow Sr by Samuel Proud 17S6 3940 [9i] Paper Money Bank of 1786 transfer of right to Joseph Snow Jr Ivy Stephen Dexter 1786 3915 by Esek Eddy 1786 3968 Simeon Thayer by Nehemiah Sweet ct ah 17S6 4053 Edward Thurber by Samuel Hill 1786 3906 William Thurber by Smith Brown 17S6 4015 by Nathaniel Wheaton 1786 4012 John O. Waterman by John Clifford 1786 3843 Andrew Williams by Rnfus Stone 17S6 3970 in form of orders on trustees to deliver rights in lo Amos Atwell by Elisha Brown 1786 3995 by Oliver Carpenter 1786 3980 by William Compton 17S6 3812 by Gideon Crawford 17S6 3828 by Nathaniel Frothingham 17S6 3978 by Timothy Gladding 1786 3982 by Simon Ingraham 17S6 3987 by Ephraim Pabodie 1786 3981 by Elihu Peck 1786 3974 by Stephen Remington 1786 3979 by Samuel Smith 1786 3984 by William Tyler 1786 3996 by William Waterman 17S6 3986 bearer by William Ashton et ah 1786 4037 William Brownell by Thomas Williams 1786 4026 Joseph Eddy by Jeremiah Eddy 1786 3846 Nathaniel Jacobs by William Jacobs 17S6 3983 Joshua Lindley by Thomas Rone 1786 4007 Ralph Merry by Daniel Field 1786 3991 Job Smith by Thomas Bennet 1786 3946 by Isaac Bo wen 1786 3929 by Simeon Smith 1786 3947 David Tefft ct al by William Tyler 1786 3880 William Thurber by Joseph Arnold 17S6 4048 by Joseph Bowen 1786 4050 by Jonathan Greene 1786 4049 William Tyler by Nathaniel Dummer 1786 3905 by Amos Throop 1786 3960 J. Whipple by Alfred Arnold 1786 3931 Samuel Young by Levi Burr 1786 4029 valuation of land for purposes of in Bristol Benja- min Bournes 1786 3988 Foster William Randalls 17S6 3950 Providence Joseph Hoyles 17S6 3829 Smithfield Samuel Aldrich 5th 1787 4114 Partition of Estate of Richard Waterman 16S1-2 15 thatch lot Joshua Warner Benjamin Smith et ah 174S 160 for agreement in as to boundary line, see Agreement [92] Partition of Estate for copy of writ in action of partition, see Legal Pro- ceedings Pasturage of Cattle and Horses bill of Richard Browne against Benjamin Hunt memoranda as to 174414000 174811710 17^7 11 r • t 1768 14752 memoranda as to by Richard Browne 1749 14720 1760 14714 1764 14744 Petition as to Constitution of United States, see Constitu- tion of the United Slates of Major Daniel Box, see Continental Invalid as to fire apparatus, see Fire Apparatus as to disorderly houses, see Disorderly Houses as to disorderly women, see Disorderly Women as to ferry, see Ferry as to highways, see Highway as to relation of state to other states, see Foreign Relations as to probate matters, see Estate as to fixing of prices, see Prices as to revolutionary war, see Revolution as to schools or school houses, see Schools and School Houses as to small pox, see Small Pox as to taxation, see Tax as to public house, see Tavern as to town wharf, see Town Wharf of Christopher Almy to General Assembly for salary and expenses of going to England for colony to General Assembly for relief of Moses Dexter of Anthony Kinnecut to town for his civil rights for a " preferable license " of lot owners to town for land in front of lots on the Burying hill between lots and the highway of John Smith to town for land in the street " for which I will be thankful unto you " of Xehemiah Sprague et als to town for leave to repair a well on towns land at east end of Weybosset bridge of Christopher Stocken to town for leave to return and live in Providence Plan of One Story of a Building- (no date) Plat of land and certificate in re lands in llamphire County Mass of land near Peak Bottom highway belonging to Henry Bowen and others showing westerly approach to the great bridge Poor as to poor of Barrington, see Barrington as to support of poor of Boston, see Revolution [93] 1 76 1 14740 1760 1 *7.j:{ 1752 U71K 1696 33 1786 14805 177S 1520 1778 1533 1762 304 1682-3 3 3 1719 103 17S7 4380 103 1750 14713 1737 101 1771 14105 1777 1^85 Poor 1773 «G 17S5 3G90 I78S 4939 as to support of poor of Newport, see Revolution as to aid of prison ship sufferers brought here from New York harbor, see Revolution as to aid to prisoners from Charlestown by flag of truce, see Revolution as to aid to soldiers and their families, see Revolution for payments made for support of poor by orders of treasurer on tax collector out of tax collecting, see Tax for payments for support of poor in workhouse, see sub- title under this head of " Work House Poor " agreement for keeping William Joanes between overseer of poor and Joseph Smetton bill general against town for aid to poor, see also Bill for supplies for poor Paul Allen Zephaniah Andrews Welcome Arnold Amos Atwell Henry Bacon Henry Bowen Taber Brown John Demount Peregrine Foster Joseph Hart Charles Holden Thomas Jones D. Lawrence John Mathewson Joseph Martin Ambrose Page Lewis Peck Daniel Spooner Benjamin Thurber John Updike John Walker Nathan Waterman 1781 2363 2479 Nathaniel Wheaton 1780 1878 1942 1950 2148 17S1 2397 2503 2607 17S2 2712 2803 1 784 3118 17S6 3757 17S7 4354 4570 1 7 SS 4639 4923 5032 179O 5472 William Wheaton 1776929 1777 1133 17S0 2249 for medical attendance Jonathan Arnold 1772 15053 17S9 5195 5326 1790 1782 2635 1785 3511 3706 Ephraim Bowen Pardon Bowen 178S 4608 5005 William Bowen Solomon Drown 1790 5481 1773 496 497 1785 3433 3575 3576 1772 455 1783 3041 1790 5719 1774 631 1777 1189 1786 3748 17S7 4119 17S9 5331 1774 636 1777 1139 1785 3695 1772 442 1790 5668 5661 5979 1777 1188 1790 5498 17S5 3652 1772 502 1789 5091 178S 4808 1772 453 1777 1153 1772 449 17S2 2685 2236 2237 1785 3734 1789 5311 17S1 3349 1773 60O 1790 5563 1786 3764 1778 1378 17S4 3348 [94] Poor bill for medical attendance on Joseph Hewes Stephen Randall Henry Sterling Henry Sterling Jr Amos Throop Thomas Truman for relief of individual cases (for relief in form of rent, see sub-title Rent -post infra) Polly Adams bill of Job Danforth for coffin ^.gar's child bill of Thomas Truman medical Joseph Bears bill of James Burrill supplies Job Beears bill of Daniel Branch funeral Bodkey family bill of Benjamin Lindsey for pas- sage and board of to New York John Boneur bill of John Jones services John Bonx bill of Recompense Healy coffin Marcy Brown bill of Marcy Billings board bill of Benjamin Whipple board 17S2 2689 3703 3734 bill of Ephraim Whipple board bill of John Whipple board keeping and funeral Pero Brown bill of Henry Sterling medical Timothy Brownel bill of Paul Allen-funeral Joseph Burke bill of Amasa Gray supplies Mary Casey bill of Thomas Field board Marcy Chase bill of Richard Olney nursing Mary Chease bill of Recompense Healy coffin Capt Creed's three children, bill of Peregrine Foster passage to St. John's island Widow Crowe bill of Samuel Thurber Jr medical Field Daley's son bill of Thomas Truman medical Mehitable Dido bill of Reuben Potter keeping Elis Dennison bill of Henry Sterling medical Mrs. Downer bill of Holroyd & Tillinghast wood Esther Drown bill of Aaron Mason supplies Sarah Dunbar bill of Nathaniel Wheaton supplies George Durant bill of William Martin support- ing and attending while sick bill of Nathan Waterman advances to William Martin for care of Arthur Field bill of Daniel Box board James Field bill of Pardon Bowen medical bill of Henry Bowen conveying to work house Michael Field bill of Daniel Tillinghast board nursing and supplies 1785 3370 1790 5665 1773 498 499 1775 830 1776 981 1786 3813 1787 4589 1783 3008 1787 4369 1787 4374 1775 800 1787 4563 1786 3809 1 78 1 3436 1782 3638 1782 3633 1782 3805 1784 3371 17S4 3100 1790 5509 1784 3109 17S9 5385 1 78 1 3567 17S1 3495 1785 3684 1776 875 I 78 I 3586 1787 4474 1775 8^0 17S7 4193 17S9 5349 17S7 4353 1785 3433 1785 3434 17S9 5350 1789 5090 178S 5038 1790 5511 [95] Poor bill for relief of Ruth Fisk bill of Thomas Field board 178S 1898 4917 bill of Pardon Bowen medical 1785 3420 bill of Nathaniel Wheaton getting a place for in Gloucester 17S1 2395 Margaret Fowle bill of Timothy Merry nursing and supplies 1790 5765 Michael Fowley bill of Thomas Jones medicines and supplies 1789 5196 Esmerillon Fuller bill of Svlvanus Martin supplies 1790 5632 Esmerillon Fuller and child bill of David Smith coffins 1790 5619 Margaret Gardner bill of William Foster nurs- ing and boarding 17S1 2398 Mary Gardner bill of John Thomas keeping 1756 286 Lucy Gideon bill of Benjamin Hoppin cash 17S2 2713 Sam Gillse's family bill of Thurber and Cahoone supplies 1772 15037 Wait Godfrey's child bill of James and William Angell clothing 1783 2981 bill of Thomas Truman medical 1783 3006 Wait Godfrey's children bill of Elizabeth Mors making three shirts for . 17S3 2963 Andrew Hacker bill of Gershom Carpenter coffin 177S 1506 1779 1585 Andrew Hackers wife bill of Gershom Carpenter coffin 177S 1526 Mrs. Hargale bill of Nicholas Branch funeral 1786 4106 Widow Hassambillof Jonathan Arnold medical 1784 3147 Martha Hathaway bill of Wiliiam Bowen medical 17S4 315S bill of Nathaniel Jenks for keeping and attending 1784 3157 Hercules (negro) Nicholas Branch burial 17S7 4295 Cynthia Holden bill of Rufus Waterman use of horse and chaise to remove 17S6 4078 Oliver Hoppin bill of Joseph Rawson coffin 17S5 3506 Philip Horsewill bill of Benjamin Hoppin cash 17S2 2713 Jemima Hubbard bill of Job Hawkins boarding and nursing 17S3 2933 Stephen Hunt bill of Mary Smith boarding and caring for 1773 002 Edward Hunts wife bill of Nicholas Branch dig- ging grave 1790 5753 Prince Jencks bill of Pardon Bowen for amputat- ing leg 178S 4720 Marcy Johnson bill of William Wheat board 17S5 3318 3325 Sally Johnson bill of Paul Allen funeral sup- plies 1790 5470 [96] Poor bill for relief of Widow Johnson bill of Gideon Crawford keeping William Jones bill of Joseph Smeeton keeping Mrs. Kipp bill of Henry Bowen clothing Deborah Lads family bill of Thurber& Cahoone supplies Mrs. JLarchar bill of Elisha Peck coffin of John Petty assistance in lifetime and burial James Lee bill of Henry Bowen service to of Henry Sterling attendance Abner Lealands wife bill of Joseph Martin coffin Robert Leonard bill of Thomas Chaffee clothes Robert Linard bill of Wheeler Martin cloth etc. Betsey Lindsey bill of George Gordon keeping Thomas Lindseys two children bill of Nathaniel Proctor for board Wealthy Lindsey bill of Sylvanus Martin supplies Benjamin Lows daughter bill of Pardon Bowen medical Molly Lunt bill of Thomas Truman medical Jeremiah McFoy bill of Joseph Whitman funeral Widow McFoys child bill of Pardon Bowen medical Neal McNeal bill of Nathan Waterman getting him a place in Gloucester (see Post) Pammile Manning and child bill of Thomas McClish lying in and nursing charges William Martins child bill of David Smith coffin Dinah Mitchell bill of Gershom Carpenter coffin William Molten bill of Amasa Gray supplies Freelove Morehead bill of John Walker keeping and clothing 1782 3613 2818 17S3 3018 1785 3735 for clothing keeping and clothing Widow Morehead bill of Thomas Truman medi- cal Henry Morris (negro) bill of Daniel Spencer coffin David O'Hara bill of Gershom Carpenter coffin Elizabeth Olney bill of Samuel Healey supplies Sarah Olney bill of Henry Sterling medical Patrick bill of Job Danforth coffin Abel Peavey bill of Job Danforth coffin Abel Peeve bill of Daniel Branch burial Mr. Pike bill of Job Danforth coffin Pashant Potter (negress) bill of Gershom Car- penter coffin [97] '3 1771 ] L5017 1772 447 1788 4735 1772 15037 17S0 1938 17S0 1936 1790 5580 1790 5579 1778 1469 1782 3686 1790 5940 1789 5369 1785 3435 1790 5387 1784 3333 1776 911 1735 3473 173s 3704 17S1 3395 17S1 3383 17S9 5086 1776 1101 1785 3536 1784 3368 1787 4508 1789 5079 1782 3663 17S7 4369 1783 3903 1788 4936 1772 448 1789 5375 1788 5045 1788 4638 1791 5757 I 7 So 3335 3996 4584 5G07 3431 Poor bill for relief of Mrs. Randle bill of A. Kerr board 1783 James Robinson bill of Nancy Clan board 17S7 James Rogers wife and children bill of Daniel Spencer supplies 17S5 3313 Widow Rone bill of Samuel Butler & Sons sup- plies 1790 Salems child bill of Pardon Bowen medical 1785 Sarah Scranton bill of Abednigo Potter cloth- ing 17S2 2630 3833 Marcy Sessions bill of Comfort Bardini coffin 1776 1035 Mrs. Shereden bill of William Holrojd expense 177S 1436 Edward Arms Smiths family bill of Ephraim Clemence board I 79° 5510 Joshua Smiths family bill of Pardon Bowen medical 1789 5081 Edmund Smith bill of Edward Fenner support 17S7 4534 Thomas Stocker bill of Nathan Merrill board 1787 4314 Jedediah Stone and wife bill of David Tefft care of 1790 5499 Benjamin Tallman bill of Elihu Robinson keep- ing 177S 1531 Lucy Taylor bill of Gershom Carpenter coffin 1782 2796 Esau Thayer bill of John Carpenter coffin 1783 3938 bill of David Tift board etc. 1782 2723 bill of John Whipple board 1782 2805 Primus Tillinghast bill of Philip Potter coffin 1761 350 Loes Tracy bill of Benjamin Cushing support 1756 289 of town of Johnston support 1766 393 of Mary Tracy support 1757 393 of Olive Tracy against three towns for boarding and clothing 1782 2758 17S4 3120 1785 3482 3719 1787 4343 17S8 4761 1790 5948 Hannah Tripp bill of Reuben Potter care 17S7 4311 for unnamed Poor viz. black child bill of Nicholas Branch funeral 1786 4107 child taken up in the street bill of Gershom Carpenter coffin 1779 1849 dead child found near Mill pond bill of Henry Bowen expenses 17S6 14563 an Indian bill of Daniel Spencer burial 1780 1984 transient negro bill of Thomas Truman medical 1782 3721 deceased sailor bill of Gershom Carpenter coffin 1790 5548 drowned sailor bill of Daniel Branch burial 1790 5504 Spaniard that died at Rileys bill of William Wheaton burial 1775 807 [9§] Poor bill for relief of drowned stranger bill of Daniel Branch burial bill of Job Danforth coffin Dorothy Wheeler bill of Nathaniel Jenks lying in expenses Michael Whitehorn bill of Mary Tyler board and care John Wilkinson bill of Jabez Bowen supplies Mrs. Willson and daughter bill of James Sab in board Betsey Wolles or Welsh bill of Nancy Clan board and nursing Elizabeth Young bill of Anthony Kinnecut for care of and for stolen butter for printing for overseer of poor John Carter 17S3 3961 1785 3697 for services by order of overseer of Cornelius Bailev Daniel Branch estate of Samuel Carew Frances Sisco Daniel Spencer Ebenezer Thompson for an unsettled audit for supplies for poor generally John Baston John Carpenter coffins Hezekiah Dayton flannel Andrew Dexter flannel and hose Richard Guild meat Joseph Martin coffins John Smith for advances Daniel Spencer coffins Abner Tef t clothes bond to maintain Mary Aldrich widow Joseph Wilken- son and Hosannah Brown to town council to indemnify for support of children of Benjamin Beers by John Beers on account family of Benjamin Beers William Hop- kins to town council to indemnify overseer of poor John Burton to over- seer of poor certificate by Lewis Peck that Richard Marvin had " trouble of a black woman with a dead child at his house " information of overseer to town council regarding Eliz- abeth Freeman letter overseer to Dr. Thomas Truman as to care of poor, there being no doctor appointed by town this year [99] 1789 5369 17S9 5370 17S0 1983 1790 5448 1774 636 179O 5506 17S2 3808 17S0 1967 1777 1353 1775 743 178S 4887 1774 613 1776 1036 1789 5199 17S5 3514 1790 5486 1 788 4830 17S0 1875 1789 5308 1790 5465 1776 1018 1772 15055a 1776 1030 1041 1790 5786 I7M-5 w 1733 93 !733 9* 1753 334 1790 5575 1778 1556 1776 1065 Poor letter from Jabez Bowen to town council as to a poor family from Benjamin Thurber to overseer of poor calling notice to need of relief memorandum by town treasurer of amount due Nancy Clan in part of an order from overseer for orders of overseer of poor and town treasurer for rent for poor, see sub-title, rent post. order of overseer on town treasurer for Polly Adams to Newton Fitup for digging grave John Agar's child to Gershom Carpenter for coffin to Mrs. Griffith boarding 17S3 2900 2901 to Nathan Waterman for money advanced Mrs. G. for support Noah Allen support Susanna Allen to Mrs. Scranton support Robert Anderson Robert Curry coach passage to Boston John Anthony support John Arms (or Annes) to John Demount wood support 17S7 4188 178S 4680b 4714 4756 1789 5090 5115 5357 1790 5464 5512 5587 5617 John Arms family support 17S8 John Arms daughter Helen to John Arms support Rose Arnold (mulatto) to Dr. John Chace support to Mrs. Griffeth support Widow Atvvood to Nathaniel Jacobs to provide for Sarah Bazzle to David Tift for support Job Beers support 1787 4196 4202 to Joseph Peck wood John Bears to Recompense Healy coffin Catharine Bettes et al support Mary Billings and her sisters child to Ignatius Pitts support Mercy Billings support Obadiah Blanding support to his wife support to James Black support John Bowen to Nicholas Branch grave and funeral Daniel Box support 17S7 Widow Bradford support Widow Mary Briggs and family to bearer mainten- ance George Brown support of family Marcy Brown support to Amos Allen coffin to Mrs. Mary Billings board to John Whipple board 1783 1785 3705 1786 3779 1785 3430 17S7 4363 1787 4532 4585 178S 17S7 4575 1783 2939 2935 2966 1783 2934 1782 2673 1780 1939 1783 2881 1787 4134 1787 4312 4805 5061 4903 4965 1788 4967 1784 3063 17S4 3094 1788 4632 1788 4715 1788 4614 1787 4160 1787 4247 1781 2430 1784 3340 17S7 4190 1788 4605 1788 4670 4043 4703 1786 4077 4118 4130 1782 3653 1776 985 17S6 3780 177; X 473 17S4 3135 17S1 3297 2845 8957 [ 100] Poor order of overseer on town treasurer for Pero Brown (negro) to Comfort Barden coffin 1780 18SO to Peggy Bowler board 1779 1679 to Marcy Mitchell supplies 1779 1858 17S0 1870 to Jeffrey Turpin grave and burying 17S0 1883 Ruth Brown support 177S 1503 1508 1513 1534 76 10G3 1777 1155 1784 3101 1784 3105 1784 310G 1777 1235 17S7 4194 1782 2036 2636 1782 3627 1773 504 17S1 2G03 1776 998 Samuel Burges to George Linit digging grave Joseph Burkes wife to William Snow supplies to Recompense Ilealy coffin to Jeffrey Turpin digging grave Peggy Burr's child to Francis Cisco keeping 17 Abigail Carr support John Cambridg to Miriam Burch support to Mrs. Abigail Obrian support Lydia Casey to bearer Mrs. Chaffey et al to bearer support Ann Chatty to Deborah Smith support Mary Chease to Hannah Mason providing and nurse- ing Cisco to bearer Mr. Clarke to James Greene keeping Mrs. Mary Clarke to Mrs. Anna Clarke support to Jonathan Clarke support 1776973 1777 1143 177S 1401 to Mrs. Hannah Read board and nursing 1780 1986 Anna (Nancy) Clarkson to Sarah Dobson support 1777 1287 177S 1369 Sarah Clarkson to John Teel's wife support Thomas Connor to Recompense Healy coffin to Jeffrey Turpin grave John Creed to Peregrine Foster support Polly Creed to Mrs. Mary (or Marcy) Creed support 17S4 3225 3354 17S5 3345 3448 3470 3539 3729 1 786 3800 3811 4021 1787 4111 4170 4191 4361 4364 4513 4514 178S 4603 4721 4794 4846 Mrs. Crow support to Ezekiel Burr support John Dehoritz to James Currie for carrying him to Boston Mrs. Marcy Dexter wood etc. Mr. Donnel support Elizabeth Donneson to bearer clothing to Abijah Ford board to Mrs. Hope Hawkins board and clothing 1778 1413 1538 1779 1692 1809 1833 17S0 1879 1953 2087 2265 1781 2463 3563 17S2 3679 3730 3761 17S3 3898 3953 1784 3130 3165 1785 3659 3661 3663 3664 17S6 3761 1 787 4145 4163 4218 4268 4470 1 788 4062 4663 4751 4880 4977 4978 4979 5020 5044 17S9 5133 17S1 2473 1775 744 1775 854 1779 1830 177S 1511 1536 1784 3093 1784 3078 17SS 4939 1776 953 1776 930 1785 3313 17SS 5064 1754 3067 1782 2756 177 1 14988 [IOI] Poor order of overseer for Elizabeth Donneson to Dr. Job Hawkins board 1777 1383 1778 1414 1539 to Charles Holden shoes 17S8 4G8G to John Hunt support 1790 5449 to Samuel Young for cloth 1787 4380 James Dorothy support 1790 5755 575G 5775 5855 5867 5943 Nabby Driskill support 1781 2430 to Recompense Hcaly coffin 17S1 2453 Nabby Driskills two children Ruth Mitchell sup- port 1 78 1 2481 2487 2494 Esther Drown support 1786 3949 Esther Drown and child support 17S6 3998 Esther Drown's child support 17S6 4005 4043 4079 4080 1787 4117 4138 4151 4158 4183 4199 4310 4358 4445 4528 4571 178S 4G35 46G4 4719 4792 4839 4858 4935 5039 5053 1789 5071 5084 5094 5105 5114 5123 5139 5145 5148 5163 5175 5193 5209 5210 5230 5331 5345 5358 5359 5364 5365 5373 5376 5287 5393 5395 5310 5311 5334 5346 5368 5370 1790 5435 5436 5469 5471 5491 5493 5553 5570 5571 5589 5590 5001 5603 5613 5614 5660 5694 5944 Esther Drown's children support 1790 5534 5643 5675 5711 5774 5753 John Drown wood 17SS 4908 Catharine Dunbar shoes and expense of travel 1777 1373 John Dunbar to Sarah Friend keeping 177S 1383 1444 1473 1479 1484 1509 1518 1541 1564 I 779 1574 Sarah Dunbar cloth 1785 3651 shoes etc. 1786 4010 clothing 1787 4330 4582 178S 4841 4893 17S9 5076 support 17S8 4833 4874 4901 4911 4933 4940 4999 5031 5053 1789 5099 5154 5188 5334 5378 5313 1790 5453 5539 5573 5633 5677 5736 to Sarah Fuller support 1784 3093 3096 3113 3138 3143 3307 3370 Robert Taylor cloth 1787 4536 Mrs. Susannah Walker support 1785 3453 3481 3503 3640 3671 1786 3747 4069 4086 4087 4088 4089 1 787 4139 4143 4167 4184 4387 4330 4360 4446 4567 I 788 4667 4718 4777 4797 Daniel Dunwell wood 1784 3095 Dorcas Nancy to William Holroyd coffin 1780 1877 Comfort Eddy wood 17S6 4102 Anne Ellis widow support 1777 1338 177S 1443 Anne Ellis' children to Anne Ellis, 1779 1784 17S0 1938 3359 Comford Ephraim Mary Mitchel support 17S3 3841 Elizabeth Feeley 1790 5951 Mr. Field to John Holden for cloth 1787 4147 Arthur Field to Daniel Box board 17S9 5347 [ 102 ] Pan- order of overseer for James Field to Esek Eddy support and nursing 17SS 5034 5054 Michael Field his wife being sick 1785 3573 woo <4 1785 3307 meal and necessaries ^86 3767 support till Monday 17S6 40G0 half bushel corn 178S 4749 support 17S9 5203 Henry Bowen clothing 1789 5198 William Fletcher Joshua Smith support 1779 1659 1074 1775 Ruth Fisk board 1776 972 1030 10S7 1777 1143 1353 1374 1340 177S 1437 1503 1 779 1651 1655 1739 1743 1773 1819 1837 1860 17S0 3333 3356 17S1 3433 3434 3435 3460 3498 3541 3558 I 782 3638 3646 3674 3711 3735 3748 3791 3813 17S3 3893 3904 3954 3997 3031 3045 17S4 3058 3080 3099 3116 3139 3153 3168 3195 3314 3336 3353 1785 3446 3455 3471 3486 clothing 17 8 4 3139 to bearer wood 1781 3534 to Abner Butler support 1785 3508 to Charles Cohvell board 1782 3643 to Mrs. Dickey support 1779 1703 to Daniel Fenner board 17S0 1887 1893 to Ruth Fisk daughter board 1774 663 1775 799 1778 1441 1565 1779 1571 to William Henderson support 1783 3948 to William Hopkins support 17S3 3917 to Mrs. Stephen Hubbard support 1774 663 71la to Charles Lippett flannel 17SS 4705 to Philip Martin supplies 1785 3507 to Eliakim Phetteplace support 1781 3354 3515 3516 to Jonathan Pike, support 1779 1599 to Samuel Smith cloth shoes 17S6 3793 to Nathaniel Sprague, boarding 1783 3858 to Ruth Starbord boarding 17S0 1901 1931 1953 1965 1976 3089 3154 3159 3185 to Benjamin Whipple support 1776 934 959 to Thomas Whipple support 1775 809 1776876 to Ebenezer White board 17S3 3968 3970 to John Williams board 1783 3853 3870 Michael Fowle to Nicholas Frederick grave 17S9 5179 to John Holdin board 1788 5043 5051 5056 5067 17S9 5074 5083 to Susanna Walker board and nursing 17S9 5135 5143 5146 5147 5164 5305 Priscilla Foster support 1780 1866 1898 17S1 3413 Esmerillon Fuller to Benjamin Cozzens grave clothes 1790 5631 to Uriah Hopkins grave for him and child 1790 5633 [ 103] Poor order of overseer for Esmerillon Fuller to Aaron Mason grave clothes Esmerillon Fuller and wife to Stephen Randall medical Esmerillon Fullers wife and children to self support Richard Fuller to Mrs. Ann Fuller support 1784 3059 3237 to Recompense Mealy coffin to William Sims tolling bell to Jeffrey Turpin digging grave Sarah Fuller widow wood Libeus Gabbit to Catherine Bettes support 17S2 Dennis Gibben to help him journey home to Mr. Fuller support to Thomas Tate support Mrs. Gideon to bearer wood Sarah Gleason and family supplies Wait Godfreys child to Mrs. Moss board and clothing Wait Godfreys son to Elizabeth Mors board Wait Godfreys children to Elizabeth Morse board 2930 2944 2964 to John Sheldon tow cloth Ann Grainger's children to Ann Grainger support Joshua Ingraham Grainger to Joshua Ingraham sup- port 17SS 4752 4918 5030 to Simon Ingraham support 17S9 5309 Sarah Griffith wood 1788 5063 1790 5430 5539 Mr. Hall to James Walker support 17S7 4165 James Weltch support 1786 4085 4105 Jonathan Hammon support 178S 4636 4710 4764 4938 4953 4966 4974 4980 5006 5011 5016 5020 5057 17S9 5106 5149 5157 5303 5323 1790 5428 5484 5532 5591 5748 5769 5770 5934 Widow Hanes to Daniel Branch digging grave 1786 4095 Hannah Hartshorn to Amos Atwell support 1771 14982 1772 483 to Field Dailey support 1769 14979 1770 14980 1 77 1 14991 14992 15023 1 772 15041 15044 1 773 480 487 492 514 523 533 546 1774 60 ° 645 W8 ] 775 ~ 93 7*>3 795 797 834 1776 873 955 968 1024 1053 I 779 1579 to Marcy Dailey support 1776 1093 1777 1131 1236 1275 1324 1341 177S 1365 1406 1483 1779 1577 1691 1846 17S0 1918 1966 2245 1 78 1 2408 2562 2587 17S2 2644 2708 2762 1783 2839 2856 2882 2949 17S4 3156 3160 17S5 3451 3546 3548 1787 4365 4367 1788 4729 17S9 5358 1790 5914 5915 1790 5620 1790 5640 1784 3243 17S3 2951 1784 3092 1784 3065 1784 3064 17S6 4096 2749 2757 2766 1782 2743 17S2 2741 17S2 2742 1782 2640 1776 1091 17S3 3016 1783 3036 1783 2914 1783 2922 1758 4633 1759 5214 1790 5588 17S9 5124 [ 104 ] 1784 3263 3375 17S9 5131 Poor order of overseer for I Ian nali Hartshorn to Mrs. Archibald Stewart support Jeremiah Hawkins widow support William Hawkins to Henry Bowen clothing to Holroyd & Tillinghast cloth to Hezekiah OIney board John Holden and wife to Benjamin Tabour house room and firewood Wynne Hone wood Thomas Hooker (or Hocker) to Jeffrey Turpin dig ging grave to Comfort Wheaton coffin Oliver Hoppin William Walker care of to Joseph Whittemore digging grave and fune- ral Jemima Hubbard Ruth Fisk support wood Mary Hugans Edward Hunt wood and support 3436 1786 3775 178S 4703 blanket for wife to Benjamin Hoppin wood Thomas Huston to Rachel Gardenner care of Daniel Jack to William Wheaton 2d transporting home to North Carolina Mary Jackson to Abigail Carr support Jeremiah Jenkes child to Mrs. Phebe White board and nursing John Jones support John Jones family to John Jones support One Johnson to Oliver Carpenter tending John Kinslow to George Allen passage to New York Abram Kipp to help him back to his native country Robert Newell supporting Kipp and wife winding sheet Thomas Piggon care of Daniel Spencer carriage to grave Jeffrey Turpin digging grave di gg in g grave for wife Amos Lawrences wife and children to Mrs. Phebe Babcock support to Louis Bosworth support 17SS 4 to Mrs. Compton support i 7 SS 4637 4657 4704 4763 4789 4817 4855 4883 I 790 5859 to Mrs. Phebe Lawrence support I7SS 4333 to wife of Amos Lawrence support l7 ss 4 964 to Widow Lawrence support l7SS 475Q C *°5 ] 1758 3833 1790 5483 1789 5193 1759 5189 1790 5546 5931 1790 5965 17S9 5377 1786 4094 1786 4093 1785 3501 1785 3493 1779 1850 1780 1864 1782 3777 1785 3333 I790 5438 5550 5743 1790 5740 1784 3057 1775 785 1788 5066 17S0 1974 1778 1540 1788 4644 17S9 5163 I 78 I 3486 1790 5540 1788 5004 17SS 4713 1788 5018 1788 5014 1788 5015 1788 5019 178S 4711 17S9 5335 Poor order of overseer for Abner Lealand support 1777 1335 177S 1504 Abner Lealands family to Aaron Mason support 177S 1488 Abner Lealands wife to Jeffrey Turpin digging grave 177S 1490 James Lee to Peggy Gardner board 1790 5530 Edward Semming towards journey to Philadelphia 1790 5577 Thomas Lindseys family to Thomas Lindsey sup- port 1784 3053 305G 3068 3090 Thomas Lindsey support 1787 4332 4348 4359 4376 to Benjamin Allen coffin 17S7 4404 to Caleb Greene shoes 1787 4598 to Jeffrey Turpin digging grave 17S7 4405 Wealthy Lindsey to Mrs. Wealthy Lindsey support 1786 3784 3796 3830 4073 1787 4174 4337 4437 1788 4769 5040 to self 1787 4378 Mrs. Lindsey to Jonathan Hill support 1790 5950 John Lisher to Sarah Doson keeping 1777 1381 1338 1778 1369 1434 1510 Mrs. Lisher wood 17S0 1865 Benjamin Low blacksmith to self support 17S3 3846 178S 5046 1789 5093 5143 5180 wood 1783 3836 1788 4709 1789 5113 to Henry Bowen flannel shirt 17S7 4483 17885003 to Charles Holden clothing 1785 3347 to Joseph Tillinghast clothing 1785 3733 Benjamin Lows wife to Recompense Healey coffin 17S3 3888 to Jeffrey Turpin digging grave 17S3 3880 Mary Lunt Mowry Potter support 1776 884 Mrs. Makentosh support 1773 500 Jane McCoyl support 1789 5338 John McNeal to Tillinghast & Holroyd cloth 1777 1383 to Mrs. Young work for 1776 1038 Neal McNeal support 1778 1440 1779 1698 1706 1710 1735 1738 1744 1751 1768 1774 1785 1790 1793 1795 1801 1807 1808 1810 1814 1815 1816 1831 1833 1835 1838 1830 1833 1840 1848 1853 1853 1 780 1940 1945 1951 1956 1960 1969 1973 1975 1987 1993 3001 3003 3047 3080 3098 3146 3150 3153 3158 3160 3167 3174 3179 2184 3189 2217 2222 2236 2232 2242 2353 2258 2264 2266 2273 2280 to Paul Allen clothing 1778 1554 to Comfort Ephraim washing etc. 1781 2300 to Daniel Fenner board to Coomer Hale shoes to Joseph Hawkins board going to Gloucester to Samuel May board to Marcy Mitchell supplies [106] 1780 1887 1893 1920 1932 1944 1776 1052 1778 1485 1779 1649 1657 1735 1736 1767 1780 2286 I 78 I 2388 2405 1779 1858 17S0 1870 Poor order of overseer for Neal McNeal to Benjamin Waterman hoard 1780 18G9 Michael McFowlej to John Ilolden board 1788 5013 5035 Ann Manchester support 1776 957 909 house rent 1776 1233 to bearer house rent 1776 1094 to Benjamin Robinson house rent 1776 1037 Parmala Mannings child to Parmala Manning sup- port 17S1 3523 2604 Pardon Mawneys child to Elizabeth Corps support 1775 810 842 1776 904 975 to Joseph Corps support 1776 997 David Martin 177S 1402 William Martins family to Aaron Mason supplies 17SS 4754 Noah Mason support 17S6 3799 Samuel Maverick to Recompense Healy coffin 1784 3092 to Mrs. Jane Johnson support 1783 2982 2995 3000 3009 3017 3028 3038 3046 3050 to Mrs. Pliebe Pool support 17S3 2962 2980 to Dr. Thomas Truman, medical 17S4 3104 to Jeffrey Turpin digging grave 17S4 3064 John Meloyds children to Margaret Rounds sup- port 1786 4082 Anne Miller to Isaac Corey digging grave 1776 1057 Man v Mitchell wood 17S5 3306 3441 Ruth Mitchell support of sick child 1779 1818 to Recompense Healy coffin for child 17S0 1894 17S0 1948 1955 1959 1972 I 7 So 1999 1777 1235 17S4 3190 I 77 I 14981 to Levi Burr supplies to Sarah Mathewson nursing Sarah Mitchel to Fran Cisco digging grave Luce Molton to Nicholas Branch coffin Freelove Morehead to Richard Spears support 1772 15040 to John Walker support 1771 14985 15030 1772 449 1773 482 590 1775 750 867 869 1 777 1171 1 77S 1405 17S7 4121 4375 4579 boarding and clothing 1772 15042 1779 1769 I 78 I 2298 17S7 4252 Prudence Morehead support to Comfort Barden coffin to Joseph Martin support to Marcy Snow support 1826 1851 1780 1863 1881 1895 1912 2358 to Jeffrey Turpin digging grave Widow Morehead support Pashoner Mumford to Joseph Martin coffin Suer Nolcar to Joseph Whittemore digging grave and tolling bell 1779 1683 1708 1750 1780 1915 1779 1590 1764 1779 1787 1800 1811 1817 17S0 1914 1779 1652 1776 109O 17S4 3206 [ I07] Poor order of overseer for Rose Norton to Francis Sisco digging grave Benjamin Olney to Recompense Healy coffin to Ruth Mitchel supplies 1782 2759 to Ruth Thurber supplies Deborah Olney supplies Elizabeth Olney to Jonathan Jenkes supplies 1779 1780 1943 1 78 1 3599 1 782 2629 1 783 2971 1787 41 36 Henrietta Olney to Freelove Temple support Henrietta Olneys child to Freelove Temple sup- port 1790 Sarah Olney to Mrs. Indicia dishing support 1777 1226 to Joseph Hawkins digging grave and winding sheet to Joseph Martin coffin Sarah Olney to Ruth Mitchel supplies 1782 Elizabeth Oxley to Francisco digging grave to Joseph Martin coffin A Peve to Daniel Spencer services Thomas Phelpes to John Williams support William Pomeroy to self expenses to Boston to Thomas Sabin carrying to Boston Mrs. Lydia Potter to self support to Zephaniah Brown supplies Mrs. Lydia Potters family to S. Potter support Widow Prescot to Robert Dickey boarding and moving Widow Prescot and sick child to Robert Dickey keeping Widow (Mary) Randal to Sarah Marshal board to John Walker support 1783 2906 3011 Amy Read to Elizabeth Phillips support Amy Read and child to Philip Tillebor support 17S9 Sigbee Richmond to Pleasant Hitch support to Daniel Spencer coffin and carriage to grave to Jeffrey Turpin digging grave and burying Jenny Rodman to Rose Ilorton support James Robinson support to John Tillinghast passage to New York Margaret Rounds children to M. Rounds support 1787 4159 1788 4609 4706 Margaret Rounds child to Ruth Piper support Benjamin Sampson to Nathaniel Jacobs supplies Benjamin Sampson's family to Amos Atwell support Sarah Scranton for services as a midwife 1776 1043 1782 2784 2770 2780 1782 2765 1787 4551 1690 1823 1785 3278 1790 5549 5594 5731 1776 1073 1777 1227 1777 1223 2780 2788 1776 933 1776 931 1788 4634 1787 4142 1790 5691 1790 5692 1786 4122 17S7 4124 1756 4097 1776 962 1776 958 1783 2899 1784 3066 1789 5304 5321 5329 1787 4317 1787 4454 1787 4451 1776 984 1785 3794 1757 4507 17S3 3010 17SS 4747 1790 5416 17SS 4816 1780 1886 [108] I 77 I 15018 15021 1777 1158 1376 1779 1611 1089 17S7 4469 1 77 J 15039 1784 3009 17S0 1903 1790 5385 1790 5941 17S6 4067 to New- Poor order of overseer for Sarah Scranton to Abednego Potter support and clothes 1774 G30 1775 777 1776 897 919 1775 1417 1779 1876 17S1 3338 3378 3437 17S2 2809 17S3 3850 3033 17S5 3336 3642 to Hollinian Potter support and clothes 1847 1861 17S7 4312 to Meshack Potter support and clothes 17S8 4996 17S9 5318 5240 5381 Sarah Scranton's children to George Brown support 1771 15020 tow cloth 1783 3029 Margaret Scranton to Obadiah Blanding support 1775 784 833 to Mrs. Scranton support 1780 1939 to Benedict Tabor coffin and burying 1783 3013 to Abiel Weaver support 17S3 2912 2919 2931 Margaret Scranton's child to Obadiah Blanding support 177 1 14986 to Mary Bradford support 1783 2920 2983 to Mrs. Sarah Scranton support Benjamin Sessions support Elizabeth Shields self wood Betsey Shoomakers child to Daniel Branch digging grave and attending funeral Simses family to John Hathaway carryin port Benjamin Sisson wood John Skirms to Charles Holden shirt to Charles and John Lippitt clothing to Jeffrey Turpin digging grave Joseph Smeeton support 2050 2081 2097 2147 2149 2153 2157 2161 2169 2173 2178 2183 2188 2191 2218 2221 2238 3334 3341 3252 2257 2263 2267 2276 2379 3393 17S3 3866 2871 2879 2883 2889 2896 to Mrs. Mary Smeeton support 1780 1906 17S1 2396 2474 wood 17S1 2299 Mrs. Bridget Smith support 1785 3429 wood 1785 3468 Joseph Smith to Ephraim Carpenter support 17SS 5009 to Ephraim Clemens support 1786 4081 17S7 4349 Joshua Smith's daughter support 1786 3997 Joshua Smith's family support 1788 4622 to Pardon Bowen medical 1787 4112 Sarah Smith to Sarah Fuller support 1784 3055 Thomas Smith to Daniel Davenport shoes 1790 5457 Mr. Smith and family to help him out of town 1786 3744 Ann Spindelo to Mrs. Betsy Bickford support 17SS 4791 4800 Abigail Spooner lying in charges 17S0 1891 to Elizabeth Potter services 17S0 1897 1785 3654 1790 5872 1788 4687 1757 4140 1758 4683 1780 1884 2000 2004 [ io 9] Poor order of overseer for Abigail Spooner and child to A. Spooner support 1780 1910 John Stanfield wood 1783 2851 support 1783 3843 3844 3849 3853 to Recompense Ilealy coffin 1783 3887 to Margaret Rounds caring for 1783 3859 to Jeffrey Turpin digging grave l 7&3 3857 John Stanfield's children to Margaret Rounds sup- port 1783 3884 1784 3103 17S5 3315 3344 to hearer support 1785 3504 Stephenson's wife to James Hammon supplies 1788 4734 Jedediah Stone and wife to David Teft support 1790 5430 545G Patience Stone and children supplies 1779 1G60 Wynne Stone support 1790 5530 Elizabeth Stonehouse wood etc. 17S8 5063 1789 5108 5306 5337 1790 5473 5875 Samuel Sues to Joseph Martin coffin 1777 1153 Lucy Taylor supplies 1782 3063 3705 3739 3763 to John Mathewson advances to 17S4 3330 to Joseph Whittemore tolling the bell digging a grave and a pall for 1782 3798 John Teel to Ezekiel Burr support 1776 930 John Teels wife or bearer 177S 1480 1498 1535 Esau Thayer to Timothy Mason transporting, etc. 1781 3535 to Benjamin Man boarding 1782 3706 to Benjamin Whipple boarding 1781 3561 to John Whipple boarding 1782 3616 3657 to Jeffrey Turpin digging grave 1782 3735 Edward Thomas to Recompense Healy coffin 1790 5383 to Daniel Spencer carriage to grave x 7^9 5378 Margaret Towers to Timothy Merry board and nursing 1790 5874 Lois Tracy to Abraham Belknap board and clothing 17S0 1933 to Edward Fenner support 1779 1583 to overseer of poor of Johnston support 1779 1670 to Olive Tracy support 17S0 3371 17S1 3555 17S2 3815 17S3 3885 1789 5155 5300 5334 I 790 5386 5946 Alice Allen supporting child found in street attend- ing funeral of etc. Nathan Angell sundries to poor Elijah Bacon coffin for black child Mary Bradford board of two children Samuel Butler shoes for poor supplies to poor Ezekiel Burr cash advanced for poor Abigail Carr supporting an Indian woman 1779 1834 1831 1834 1776 874 1786 4073 1 7 S3 3945 3960 1776 938 1789 5307 1772 15038 1776 965 1780 3369 C"0] Poor order of overseer for Nancy Clan care of an Indian woman Andrew Comstock object not stated Samuel Curry services in relieving poor Andrew Dexter tow cloth for poor Solomon Drown for medical services A. Gray for sums advanced Levi Hall for bill against town Recompense Healy coffin for Indian woman Charles Holden object not stated Levi Iloppin to pay for wood for poor Abner Lealand for support of two black children 1203 1228 1258 1280 Widow Logan supporting a transient formerly a wagoner in French service Aaron Mason supporting an Irish girl scalded and sick Catharine Nichols on account of poor Mrs. Lydia Potter boarding an infant child John Sheldon tow cloth to clothe poor children Daniel Spencer coffins for poor 1777 Archibald Stewart to buy provisions for six tran- sient poor people on passage to Philadelphia Jeffrey Turpi n digging two graves for poor digging grave and burying an Indian woman Rufus Waterman for 10 cords of wood standing had of him for and distributed among the poor in want Mrs. Mehitable Vial to bearer support 17S5 3699 3702 to Rufus Waterman room for Miss Vial bearer support Polly Vial Mrs. Sally Birket support 17S7 4263 4335 4415 1789 5176 to Joseph Masury support to Mrs. Amy West support 17S5 17S6 3763 3777 3782 3789 3976 17S7 4444 4577 Betsy Walsh to Nancy Clan support Betsy Wallis to Mr. Griffin support 1782 2760 Betsy Walles (or Welsh) daughter to Betsy Walsh support Betsy Welch (or Wallis) son to Betsy Walsh sup- port Mrs. Weaver in distressed circumstances Susanna Weaver wood Mrs. Westcotts sister to Mrs. Westcott support Jabez Westcott to bearer support 17S5 3425 1777 1291 1789 5273 1757 4175 1787 4487 1787 4228 1777 1192 17S0 1988 1758 4708 1780 1870 1777 1169 17S3 2875 1790 5599 1776 1107 1790 5434 1783 2913 1123 1173 17S7 4301 1777 1159 1780 1985 1787 4150 3688 3696 178S 4822 1785 3665 4182 4220 1786 3815 3707 3735 1782 2781 2747 2755 17S2 2807 1783 2877 17S1 2603 1782 2625 178S 4936 1787 4368 [III] Poor order for Jabez Westcott wood John Westcoats child Mary Sandfoid support John Westcoat Jr's child to Mary Sandfoid nursing boarding and lying in expenses Phebe Whites child to Aaron Mason necessaries to bury Gin Whipples child to Jeffrey Turpin digging grave Nathaniel Whitaker support a woman to Abigail Carr care of Elizabeth Young to Anthony Kinnecut support 1899 1917 Elizabeth Young and child to Anthony Kinnecut support order of overseer of poor on town treasurer in favor of Ezekiel Burr for money received from him for sup- port of poor of clerk of court in settlement of case between Providence and Attleboro in re Betty Hoppin of John Lasell for inclosed account of James Martin per within bill of Elisha May in settlement with Attleboro in re Betty Hoppin of overseer of poor on Dr. Pardon Bowen to attend on old Mrs. Fisk of town council on town treasurer in relation to care of poor in favor of Ichabod Billings for board and attendance on John Bateas i of Sarah Frank to pay expenses on road to Mid- dleborough of Joseph Smeeton to pay his bill against Wil- liam Jones for board of Amos Throop to pay him for medical care of poor order on town treasurer based on claims against town for care of poor Esther Drown in favor of Clarke & Nightengale 1789 Ruth Fisk in favor of John McNeal Hope Hawkins in favor of Nathaniel Jacobs in favor of Nathaniel Robinson Olive Tracy in favor of Abraham Belknap in favor of William Belknap in favor of Samuel Proud in favor of Valentine Sweet Benjamin Whipple in favor of bearer a defective order in favor of Walker receipt from overseer of poor for keeping Stephen Bailey by Nathan Stain [112] 17S7 4517 1779 1573 1779 1580 1780 2175 1778 1418 1790 5971 1776 1105 17S0 1893 17S0 1933 1776 965 177S 1433 1783 2910 1778 1517 177S 1439 1785 3343 772 15045 1780 3096 1772 447 1774 691 5175 5209 1774 726 1787 4379 17S4 3141 1784 3115 1783 2890 1782 2615 1785 3431 1775 846 1785 3481 175S 313 Poor receipt for keeping Patience Clemence by Mary Burlingame 1758 310 Sarah Scranton (of Stephen) by John Thomas X 75S 309 by Mary Thomas 1759 320 child of Meribah Stone Benjamin Low x 759 322 Charles Lashbrook x 759 331 Sarah Stones (of Job) John Thurber 1757 292 303 Lois Tracy (of Mary) Mary Tracy 1757 293 1758 313 from town treasurer for support of Marcy Brown by Mercy Billings 1781 2322 2355 2404 Joseph Smeeton by self 17S0 1890 1896 1903 1908 1913 1919 1927 1937 1941 Lois Tracy by town treasurer of Johnston 1771 15032 1773 477 1774 615 1775 765 1776 883 1777 1174 rent for poor bill against town for rent of house to Abi- gail Giles family by Amos Horton 177 1 15014 to William Hernden family by Mary Seamans 1790 5696 to Ann Manchester (see orders for her benefit) to Mrs. Mackfoy by Benjamin Peck 17S7 4315 to Noah Mason by Rufus Waterman 1782 2773 by Nathan and Rufus Waterman 17S4 3047 17S5 3475 17S7 4460 1790 5776 order on overseer of poor for house rent by Anne Ellis in favor of William Rhodes 1780 2274 2275 order of overseer of poor on town treasurer for house rent for Miss Ellis in favor of Mrs. Sever 17S1 2596 for James Field in favor of Nathaniel Jacobs 17S9 5191 for Betty Olney in favor of Deborah Olney 1776 956 980 1078 1777 1160 for Margaret Rounds in favor of Elizabeth Arnold 1790 5556 in favor of Abigail Carr 1786 3913 for Widow Bridget Smith in favor of Benjamin Lindsey 17S2 2776 1783 2848 in favor of Mrs. Deborah Olney 17S3 2923 3007 3040 in favor of Joseph Smith 17S3 2847 3114 for Mary Squibb when French troops occupied the workhouse in favor of Joseph Grove 1782 2607 of town council on town treasurer for house rent of Elizabeth Stonehouse in favor of Charles Holden 1790 5676 of Mehitable Viall room in favor of William Carpenter 1788 4822 vote of town meeting that Greenwich Navy be paid for rent of house 176S 403 report of overseer of poor to town 1774 620 1775 791 1777 1188 of debts due from town on account of 1769 414 as to liabilities on account of Lois Tracy 1776 395 [113] Poor report of overseer to the town as to expense of keeping Lois Tracy since division of town 1776 392 resolution of town council as to bill of Dr. Chace for medical services to Joanna (a mulatto) 1783 3030 as to care of Patience Ingraham 17S5 3280 of town meeting as to gold and silver loan for sup- port of poor 17S6 4004 as to subscription and loan to provide for poor 17S7 4116 imposing tax for maintaining 17S9 5380 to pay bill of Henry Sterling for care of Elizabeth Dennison 1775 8*0 as to settlement of workhouse accounts 1764 382 subscription to town to provide for 1787 4116 terms of Dr. Amos Throop for attending 1776 1046 warrant to warn town meeting to raise money 1750 164 to provide supplies of wood for 1784 3054 to provide for 17S7 4113 workhouse care of poor in account of Eleazer Greene keeper 1760 342 agreement between overseers of poor and Gideon Young keeper 1773 572 1774 573 bill for carrying to workhouse William Compton 1772 15048 Daniel Lawrence 178S 5010 Daniel Spencer 17S5 3316 of keeper of workhouse for boarding inmates Mary Brown 1772 15050a Gideon Young 1774 606 Joseph Hawkins 1777 1224 Thomas Field 17S4 3077 3102 3119 3140 3163 3185 3202 3216 3232 3247 3249 17S5 3288 3321 3428 3458 3459 3502 3552 3643 3691 3709 17S6 3746 3773 4006 4020 4066 4090 I 787 4125 4126 4229 4231 4265 4266 4267 4289 4344 4345 4464 4465 4466 4467 4468 4505 4553 1788 4611 4684 4728 4790 4849 1 789 5129 5314 5364 1790 5513 5523 5566 5600 5633 5663 5683 5967 5969 5970 5972 for medical attendance to inmates by Pardon Bowen by William Bowen by A. Throop for supplies Nicholas Brown and Co. Brown and Power oakum Fenner and White Holroyd and Tillinghast Nathan Waterman wood certificate as to agreement with Dr for attending poor at workhouse 17S4 3224 1782 2783 1777 1194 1774 ° 28 1773 574 1785 3692 1784 3087 17S7 4189 4193 17S0 2270 Amos Throop 1777 1194 ["4] Poor workhouse order of overseer of poor on town treasurer in rela- tion to workhouse for attendance of Colley Yeates on Prince Jenckes 1787 4566 4573 for transportation to workhouse by Henry Axtell Ol Mrs. Stone 17S5 3714 by Joseph Hart of James Thompson J 77 2 ** 3 by John Lassell of Widow Randall 17S4 3113 for transportation from workhouse to grave by John Jenkins of Thomas I locker 1786 4093 Joseph Salisbury Thomas Connor 1784 3111 Daniel Spencer Elizabeth Jenks 1789 5097 for making coffins for inmates of workhouse by Recompense Healy for transient poor 17S5 3433 by Benedict Tabor two children 17S4 3110 for digging grave and burying two black chil- dren Jeffrey Turpin 17S4 3861 in favor of keeper of workhouse Mary Brown 1771 15035 1772 15043 15057 1773 506 571 1774 630 Thomas Field 178S 5003 5039 5050 17S9 5087 5111 5181 5330 5366 Joseph Hawkins 1776 1033 1089 1777 1135 1331 1779 1656 Gideon Young Jr 1774 614 1776 893 894 899 901 941 Gideon Young Jr's administratrix for supplies at workhouse to bearer for wood to Samuel Butler for clothing to Clark and Nightengale for cloth to Charles Holden for supplies to Jeremiah Jenkins for blankets to Mrs. Luther for making clothing to Daniel Marsh for supplies to Isaac Pitman for flannel shirts for Sigbec Richmond to Job Smith for wood to Mrs. Teel for supplies for Mrs. Beard to Gideon Young and sons for flannels of overseer of poor on Dr. Arnold to attend cer- tain persons at workhouse of Thomas Field on town treasurer charged to his account in favor of Brown 1787 4378 Joseph Comstock 1787 4381 Edward Thurber 17S7 4148 William Tyler 1787 4307 receipt of keeper of workhouse from overseer of poor Eleazer Green 175S 311 17^9 381 ["Si 1775 775 778 779 794 1776 983 1780 3351 1787 4137 1787 4336 1785 3667 17S7 4583 1787 4447 1777 1156 1157 1787 4364 1780 3363 17S0 3108 1787 4161 1772 457 to be Smith Poor workhouse rules and orders of 1773 57 subscription towards the poor receipt by Thomas Field keeper of workhouse from John Fitton Power of Attorney Mary Briand executrix to Bela Lin- coln William Brown to Christopher Sheldon Seth Daniels et al to Henry Wilson William Earle to John Mumford John liana to Joseph Martin Walter Monck to Benjamin Mountford William Townsend to Theodore Foster Pound bill against town for repairing Abimeleck Briggs Nathan Waterman for materials and building Daniel Whitaker labor Jacob Whitman Jr for building against James Arnold Epenetus Olney for mate- rials against Nathan Waterman Job Danforth for work Presbyterian Meeting" House order of committee on Henry Bowen in favor of Philip Peckham for steps and rails Prices bill of John Carter against town for printing pro- ceedings as to advertising proceedings as to lowering affixing to laborers etc. laws for preventing abuses by retailers notice of warning that ordinance against purchase of goods to retail again at advanced prices will be en- forced petition to town meeting to take measures to reduce and fix prices of articles of necessity resolution of town meeting to prevent engrossing warrant to bring bakers before town council as to Printing" bill of John Carter against town 1771 15024 1777 1353 1779 1606 1612 1778 17S1 2464 2465 1785 3322 3697 I 787 4548 1790 5475 5779 of Bennet Wheeler 17S5 3324 3533 17S7 4153 178S 4707 1789 5344 Privateer, see Revolution Proprietors of the Lands of Providence bill of Richard Browne clerk against John Manton for services in recording reports and searching records minutes of a meeting of see also Lay out of Land and Case Town of Providence vs Martha Howell Protest of Deputy Governor Bowen against action of mob 1782 2746 i 1774 573 1787 4171 1 764 14749 1 77 1 439 1777 1154 1787 4284 1783 2905 1685 1*627 1775 818 1782 2728 17S0 2176 1782 2733 1790 5897 17S2 2727 17S0 2022 1790 5826 1777 1353 1779 1778 I 78 I 2464 I 78 I 2464 1778 1507 1777 1295 1777 1297 1784 3246 1774 631 17S3 2961 1761 14743 1745 14700 [ "6] Providence Bounds order of General Assembly fixing Prudential affairs of the town warrant to call a town meeting Public Lands in Private Occupation warrant to warn town meeting to receive report of committee Quakers li6t Of drawn to do duty in Rhode Island Receipt apprenticeship, see Apprenticeship bread corn distribution, see Bread Corn Distribution bridges, see Bridge bounty money, see Revolution highways, see Highway legal proceedings, see Legal Proceedings lotteries, see Lottery market house, see Market House probate matters, see Estate care of poor, see Poor prize money (privateer), sec Revolution rents, see Rent revolutionary matters, see Revolution small pox, see Small Pox soldiers wages, see Revolution taxes, see Tax town treasurer, see Town Treasurer work house estate, see Work House Estate from Henry Bowen on account James Balch Andrew Dexter 1785 14514 in full of all book accounts Nathaniel Child Stephen Keyes in full of all accounts Stephen Abbott James Adams Peter Allardite Daniel Allen Samuel Allen 1771 14133 Timothy Allen Ebenezer Andrews Samuel Bacon Comfort Barden Thomas Bellows Asa Bicknell Edward Bosworth Shearja Bourn Jr James Brown Jr Lemuel Cady Mary Chandler Stephen Chapman Nathaniel Child 1767 14039 Francis Cowden John Dyer [117] 16S3 84 1756 284 1785 3549 .777 1230 1790 571G 17S7 4390 1765 14034 1765 14036 17S5 3317 1768 14059 1768 1404G 1781 14313 1786 14559 1771 14134 17S5 14548 176S 14042 1786 145G8 176b 14011 1771 14130 1774 14233 1774 1423G 1 77 1 14139 1764 14030 1760 14012 1 76 1 14021 1765 14048 1761 14019 1765 14033 Receipt from Henry Bowen in full of all accounts Samuel M. Eldlam Barneby Evans Isaac Fellow Thomas Fox Gorliam & Burr Lette Hebbard Asa Hopkins Benjamin Horton Benjamin Jackson Jonathan Kingsley Daniel Kinnecut David Lawrence John Lawrence Daniel Lovett Hooker Low Benjamin Lyon John Lyon John Martin 1770 Nathaniel Martin John Morey Matthew Murry Samuel Nightengale Jr Jenks Olney Joseph Rockwell Benjamin Rogers James Smith James Smith Jr 1769 14088 Sarah Smith Daniel Tefft Simeon Thayer Amos Throop John Throop Edward Thurber Solomon Tovvnsend Jr Ichabod Tuesdell James Walker Rufus Waterman Azariah Whipple Jeremiah Wilkey Elijah Willoughby Jonathan Wilson 1760 14015 Josiah Viall 1770 14113 Samuel Viall in full of all accounts against his wife William Bradford on specified accounts Francis Adams on account of Dr. Amos Throop [ >iS] 1767 14040 1762 14020 1762 14022 1763 14037 1790 54*76 1761 14018 17S9 5108 1771 14138 1773 14223 1763 14025 1769 140G8 1774 14232 1784 14390 1772 14183 1771 14123 1768 14049 1768 14057 14095 14118 1 77 1 14140 1763 14023 1768 14043 1773 14203 1785 14498 1784 14449 1768 14005 1774 14231 1770 14108 1784 14490 1787 4477 1787 4377 1773 14224 176S 14044 1771 14125 1773 14197 1768 14047 1783 2978 1788 47G8 1785 14506 1765 14037 1778 14287 176S 14045 1785 14546 1770 14117 17S2 14314 1790 5095 />'• i eipt from Henry Bowen Samuel Allen rent of his mother in laws dower right in farm in Barrington 1771 14148 for hogshead of cider and all demands 17S1 14312 Fenner Angell in full for beef had of John Bur- ton 1790 5445 Samuel Bacon on Joanna Alhuds account 1760 14013 Sarah Balch for pay in advance for schooling Polly and Betsy 17S6 14672 Noah Barrows on account of Prentice Bowen 1760 14010 Israel Barney in full for rails 1775 14245 Cyrell Brown for money sent by him by Brown's father 1767 14038 Phanuel Bowen for goods and cash to be deliv- ered to Francis Bowen 1769 14081 Phanuel Bowen executor of Francis Bowen of all demands 1781 14146 Matthew Bowen by agent for butter 1784 144C8 Daniel Brown for pay for keeping horse 17S6 14578 Ezekiel Burr for rent of house 17S6 14561 John Carter on account of Providence Gazette 1775 14247 1776 14257 as entrance money for the Providence Ga- zette 1769 14079 Moses Child on account of Col. John estate in full of all accounts 1765 14032 Mary Chandler in full on his mothers account 1763 14029 Ebenezer Crowell for i-S part of schooner Ranger 17S7 4486 Nathan Donne for schooling 17S7 4109 William Earle for 9 bushels of oats on Joshua Bicknells account 1774 14235 William Engs Jr on board sloop Nightingale sundry goods 1769 14086 Sylvester Fuller for one silk handkerchief 17S7 4201 Shubek Grant for cordwood 1772 14173 John Greene for balance of account 1763 14026 Nathaniel Greene for money collected by him for Dr. Amos Throop 176S 14041a Levi Hall for balance due from Matthew Bowen 17S4 14469 Elijah Harding on account of note of John Foster 1765 14035 Davis Hoppin for rum bought at auction 17S4 14472 Hoppin and Smart through agent for two flutes delivered him to sell 1785 14494 Richard Jackson for use of horse and cart 1790 5618 William Ladd in full of all demands for trucking or any other account 17S4 14442 [119] Receipt from Henry Bowen Hooker Low in full for rent of house and land and all accounts 1769 14077 Jonathan Miles for money to be delivered to Benjamin Hubbard 1778 14286 Matthew Murry in full for his mothers and his own account 1763 14024 Benjamin Mumford for New York Mercury 1776 14353 Samuel Nightingale Jr for oats and onions 1773 14214 14219 1774 14337 Daniel Paine for pay in advance for soft soap 17S6 14573 Josiah Seamans for cash toward building vessel 1786 14588 Magg Shackelford 1787 4168 Abigail Smith for pay for hay 1784 14486 Thankful Stone on brother Archibald Stone's account 176S 14041 Henry Tabor in full for all the sauce raised in Bowen's garden, which Tabor " took to the halves" 17S5 14530 Elizabeth Thrasher for divers household fur- nishings for daughter Elizabeth Martin 17S9 5398 Bennett Wheeler for one j'ear for paper 1785 3355 for three months papers 17S4 14334 Josiah Viall in pay for salt hay had of Matthew Allen 1783 14325 from Henry Bowen executor of James Adams Matthew Watson 1776 14355 executor of Phanuel Bowen Eliakim Morse for all sums due James Morse 1761 14016 from Dexter Brown Esek Aldrich for liquors delivered to town council by his order 1782 14810 Sylvanus Martin for all claims against him 1782 14831 from John Brown Daniel Clarke for tax assessed in North Providence 1779 1663 from Malachi Brown Elisha Hopkins for price of house near Messketshawk plain west side of Seven Mile Line 1789 14670 from Moses Brown & Co. John Wiley 1772 461 from Richard Brown Thomas Harris for amount due from proprietors of Providence for a record book for entering etc. regarding lands on west side of Seven Mile Line lately purchased for them by Harris 1717 14640 from Richard Browne Sr and Jr J. Aplin for mortgage deeds and agreement as to discharge 1748 14711 from Brown and Francis Dexter Brown for bill of ex- change 1789 14871 from Elkanah Humphrey of Warren Joseph Smith by hand of Henry Bowen one piece of an iron bar 1764 14031 [ I2 °] Ret • ipt from estate of A.mos Kinnecul Abijah Fisher 1771 431 for money advanced for ship Friendship William Morris 1784 14.S57 from town John Gridlev for 38 plank 17S5 3693 and agreement to quil a farm William Williams 1730 14673 Records hill of Brown Rogers and Brown against town for one record book '7^4 3166 book for registering deeds etc. 17SS 4786 one account book for a record book 17SS 4787 Clarke and Nightengale against town for paper for town clerk 1784 3241 Walker Harding against town for making bookcase for town clerk 1784 3176 Philip Paine against town for binding one royal book in calf for use of town clerks office 1783 2987 order of town clerk on town treasurer in favor of John Waterman for books I77 1 15031 removal of to Johnston bill of Amos Chaffee against town for carting a load of records of Inferior Court and the records of the town to Col. John Watermans in Johnston on Dec. 9 1776 1777 1331 bill of John Waterman against town for removing keeping and returning the town records 1779 1620 certificate of vote of town to pay Amos Chaffee for removing the town records to Johnston by war- rant from the Governor upon the alarm in Decem- ber last 1777 1230 resolutions of town meeting as to 177S 4766 report of books of records and papers on file in office of town clerk 1755 «' 4 Remonstrance to General Assembly against divi- sion of town I7 6 5 389 390 Rent paid by Henry Bowen, see Receipts from H. Bowen for estate of Joseph Ingraham, see Estate for tenements for poor, see Poor on account of small pox, see Small Pox for house furniture etc. for family of William Heradon bill of Mary Seamans against town for 1790 5696 ground rent of shop formerly of Jonathan Clark now be- longing to town paid to Arthur Fenner 1774 668 warrant to warn town meeting to consider the hiring of rooms by town and the payment of rent therefor 1782 2670 Renunciation of Trust as executor under will of William Harris by Andrew Harris 1681 14 Report effect of blockade, see Blockade bread corn distribution, see Bread Corn Distribution bridges, see Bridge division of town, see Division of Torvn [ 121 ] Report Capt. John Updike's machines, see Fire Apparatus gaol lot and jail, see Gaol highways, see Highway iron and flour, see Iron and Flour market house, see Market House lotteries, see Lottery of overseers or keepers of workhouse, see Poor of overseer of poor, see Poor records etc. on file, see Records revolutionary matters, see Revolution schools and schoolhouses, see Schools and Schoolhouses small pox, see Small Pox collectors of taxes, see Tax receipts from licenses, see Tavern tide mill at Weybosset bridge, see Tide Mill town sergeant, see Town Sergeant town treasurer, see Town Treasurer vendue master, see Vendue Master regulation of town watch, see Watch condition of work house, see Work House Estate of committee appointed to ascertain the value of lands occupied by the public on the hill to the eastward of town 1777 1333 of Deputy Governor to town meeting as to committee at East Greenwich 1779 1813 to town council as to riot and rioters 17S3 3873 of Simeon Shepard as to expenses of apprehending Francis Antram 1777 1105 Request to call Town Meeting as to bridges, see Bridge constitution of United States, see Constitution of United States constitutional convention, see Constitutional Convention state of commerce etc., see Foreign Relations address to Gen. Greene, see Greene General highways paving etc., see Highway legal tender law, see Legal Tender Latv repealing act of assembly, see Paper Money Bank revolutionary matters, see Revolution abolition of slavery, see Slavery Abolition of tax and taxation, see Tax reception for Gen. Washington, seeWashinglou General to receive reports of committees etc. 1785 3485 to elect representative to Congress 1790 5745 to complete action of meeting of Oct. 18 !790 5761 Resignation of member of town council Benoni Pearce 1782 3739 of member of General Assembly Thomas Jenkins 17S3 3977 [_I22 ] Revolution, see also Revolutionary papers referring to Harrington alarm company list of men drafted to do military duty ami of those who stood their chance and were not drafted arms and accoutrements bill Paul Allen 1776 974 Zephaniah Andrews Christopher Barney Thomas Bicknell John Humphrey Daniel Jackson John Jenks Stephen Jenckes Prince Keen John King Edward Martin Elisha Peck Martin Seamans Charles Stevens Benjamin Thurber Martin Thurber Isaac Tuckerman list of men to be supplied with arms by town list of inhabitants able to bear arms from the lower end of town to the great bridge to the northward of house of Nathaniel Wheaton order of committee on town treasurer in payment for in favor of Thomas Bicknell Timothy Fuller Philip Pain William Potter of David Bacon on town treasurer in favor of Mr. Wheaton for drum for our company going to Newport of William Potter on town treasurer in favor of Nathaniel Atwood towards order accepted to pay for 20 guns receipt for by committee to James Wheaton and order on town treasurer report of committee to procure with rules and regu- lations regarding care and use of same request to call a town meeting in regard to military stores in Whipple Hall schoolhouse vote of town meeting to pay Benoni Pearce's bill for taking account of warrant to call a town meeting barracking of troops bill of William Compton for warn- ing town council to provide rooms for French officers 1778 1492 17S0 2200 1775 858 1776 900 1775 804 1776 895 1778 1445 I 176 880 1776 945 1776 880 1776 953 1776 910 1776 920 1776 918 1777 1210 1776 934 1776 878 1776 948 1776 905 1776 1000 1776 1059 1776 885 1776 889 1776 898 937 1776 949 1776 1004 1776 915 1776 908 1775 800 1780 2182 1776 907 1780 2181 17S1 2478 [ 123 ] Revolution barracking of troops minutes of preamble and resolution of town meeting 1779 1685 report as to Mons. De Jeunecourts quarters 1781 2413 on condition of work bouse 17S0 2002 request to call town meeting to provide rooms for officers of Duke de Lauzerne's legion 1780 2229 as to appropriation of market house to use of French troops 1781 2407 vote of town meeting as to occupants of rooms in market bouse 17S2 2740 as to present occupants of former hospital quar- ters of French troops 17S2 2608 repairs of work house used for barracking the troops 1779 1839 warrant to call town meeting as to appropriating market house to use of French troops 1781 2407 battery at Fox hill regulations concerning 1775 838 beacon bill of Joseph Brown against town for spar 1775 825 Nicholas Brown against town for materials 1785 3518 blockade report of committee to examine into 1777 1288 bread corn for army, see Supplies for Soldiers post Boston support of poor receipt by committee of cor- respondence from town treasurer for money granted by Providence 1775 706 bounty money account by town treasurer of notes paid sundry persons for money hired to pay soldiers 1780 2156 account in hard money of town of Providence 1780 2155 bill of town against State for bounties paid for sol- diers enlisted into the fifteen months service 1777 1296 of James Arnold against town for commissions on moneys received from the general treasury and paid for bounty of men enlisted into the continental service and for bounty of men enlisted into the fifteen months service 1777 1351 list of notes paid sundry persons hired hard money to pay soldiers bounty by town treasurer 1780 2156 receipt for bounty money from town by John An- thony 17S0 2135 Michael Field 1780 2128 James Hays 17S0 2138 Nathan Warner 1780 2126 from committee by Felix Holbrook 1780 2103 Benjamin Low 1780 2010 Thomas Pagon 1780 2075 Elijah Walker 1780 2009 from treasurer by John Andoni 17S0 2011 Mingo Bently 17S0 2109 Abel Chace by William Rhodes 177S 1448 [ 124] Revolution receipt for bounty from treasurer by Edward Davis James Duncan Nicolle Eberde Patten Fitz Gerald Prince Gooding Thomas Greenwood Thomas Hart Joseph Iloyle Edward Jones Sam (ones Sweet Luther (by Zephaniah Andrews) John Davis Parker William Phetteplace Edward Price Cyrus Proctor James Smith John Spohan John Thompson John Wellman from classes Nathan Angells class Primus Slo- cum from town treasurer for ioo silver and 6000 continental dollars class No. 2 (Welcome Arnolds) Job Tobias from Welcome Arnold one hundred hard dollars Col. Atwels class James Gordon from Amos Atwell 100 silver and 6000 continental dollars Joseph Browns class Solomon Traw from Joseph Brown for 100 silver and 6000 con- tinental dollars Nicholas Browns class Francois Pool from N. Brown for 100 silver and gold and 6000 continental dollars class William Rude from Richard Cooke for 100 silver dollars state bounty and 6000 continental dollars bounty of class Capt. John Demounts class No. 1 Caleb Weaver from Nathaniel Wheaton for 100 Spanish milled silver dollars Col. Joseph Nightingales class No. 10 Rufus Allen from Col. J. Nightingale for 100 silver dollars and 6000 continental Capt. Nicholas Powers class John Hill from William Whipple for 100 silver dollars Capt.Zachariah Aliens class No. 9 Consider [I2S] 1780 1780 1780 1780 177S 1781 1781 1778 1780 1780 1778 1780 1780 1780 1780 17S0 1780 17S0 1780 2088 2032 2058 2032 1449 8331 2419 1449 2067 2115 1450 2009 2101 2079 2143 2078 2011 2055 2054 I 78 I 2320 17S1 2327 1781 2318 1780 1872 1 78 1 2368 17S1 2324 17S1 2310 1781 2313 17S1 2309 Revolution receipt for bounty from Z. Allen's class Bushee from Capt. Zachariah Allen for ioo silver dollars Arthur Fenner Jr class No. 12 Prince Thompson from A. Fenner Jr for 100 Spanisli milled dollars John Watermans class one of the delinquent classes of the town Thomas Greenwood from town treasurer for 7000 continental dollars paper money part of bounty due from Welcome Arnold by Job Pike Jabez Bowen by Cornelius Drisdell by John Delesdernier John Brown by Nicholas Power by Caesar a negro Nicholas Cooke by Caleb Teel Jr Levi Hall by Samuel Fullerton by John Proud by Richard Tokley by Solomon Trow John Mathewson by Consider Miller by Abiathur Willson Joseph Nightingale by Amos Lawrence Benoni Pearce by Timothy Berry by John Dalson by James Gall by Thomas Greenwood by Pomp Reaves by John Stevens Edward Spaulding by John Teel Edward Thurber by Clark Brown Thomas Freeman by John Champbell by Benjamin Champney by John Scudder by William Willson report of distribution of bounty money to men enlisted by town of committee to examine abstracts of troops as to men entitled to town's bounty vote of town ordering William Rhodes to get money from the general treasury to be paid for enlisting men camp followers resolution of town council as to strangers women and others who have attended the army cartridges bill of Thomas Truman for making certificate that Elizabeth Freeman belongs to Lieut. Col. Smith's regiment stationed at Pawtuxet that Patrick Capron was killed at Monmouth 1 78 1 2308 17S1 2338 1781 2356 1780 2123 1781 2323 1781 2365 1780 2131 1780 2131 1780 2120 1780 2061 1780 2063 1780 2092 1780 2030 1780 2106 1780 2320 1780 2020 1780 2008 1780 2006 1780 2006 1780 2006 1780 2017 1780 2012 1780 3117 1781 2313 1780 2072 1780 2112 1780 2045 1780 2059 1777 1209 177s 1555 1777 1251 1780 10OO 1777 1294 177s 1553 1778 1551 [126] Revolution classification of town see Class Bounty Receipts, Bounty Money supra and Recruit Receipts post class i. Nathan Angell's class list of members and assessments 17S2 2681 memorandum of money received from members 17S2 2800 order of committee for classing town on town treas- urer for one quire paper and one dozen quills etc. 1782 2658 one quire of " better paper " 1782 2659 one pound of candles 1782 2660 in favor of John Peabody for attendance 1782 2661 receipt by N. Wheaton committee for one quire of writing paper for use of town for classing the in- habitants 1781 2301 by John Thompson from class No. 1 an order on State for one thousand dollars gratuity al- lowed by class for enlisting 17S0 2099 committee of correspondence. See Boston support of Poor supra bond of Benjamin Barney to town treasurer as to voyage to Nantucket 1775 866 of John Waterman 1775 863 committee of inspection and attendance bill of William Compton for warning 1776917 continental money town of Providence new emission to divers persons 17S1 15067a council of war order as to conduct of inhabitants of town 1777 1168 on general treasurer in favor of town for benefit of families of soldiers 1779 1789 resolutions as to providing corn and rye 17S1 2484 delinquents. See Hire Money post bill of Paul Allen for going to East Greenwich to obtain returns 1780 2341 certificate that James Hammon is hired by the town council to do military duty in room of Ebenezer Thompson Esq. 1777 1332 list of those who refuse to do military service and of those hired in their room 1777 1339 report of drafted men having "tender conscience" of drafted men "having none" and action of town council thereon 1777 1337 of Joshua Lindley commander of Providence Grenadier Company that Benjamin Marshall drafted into said company refuses to appear to do duty 1777 1308 resolution of town council as to delinquency of Levi Arnold for conscience sake 1779 1607 return of in Capt. Lindley's Company 1777 14280 [127] Revolution delinquents return of by Col. Mathewson by Col. Richmond in his Company by Capts. Russell and Keene by Capt. Snow's Company by Col. Tillinghast's Company of muster of John Delesdenier for one of delin- quent classes warrant of distraint against sundry delinquents in military duty against John Burroughs Stephen Kelton and Amasa Gray warrant to town sergeant to collect of delin- quents sums paid to hire others in their room 1778 1495 deputy warrant to elect to represent town in General Assembly in place of Stephen Hopkins who is serv- ing as delegate for colony in Continental Congress discharge of soldier, Coesar Powers enlistment certificate by Ebenezer Macomber as to Joseph Payne by Caleb Weaver motion of sundry persons to enlist this town's defi- ciency of the 15 months battalion order of Silas Talbot on town treasurer for amount allowed for enlisting men for town papers oaths etc. of John Andoni John Anthony Mingo Bently Timothy Berry Abel Chace Benjamin Champney John Chempbell Edward Davis John Dalson James Duncan Nicolle Eberde Patten Fitz Gerald Michael Field Samuel Fullerton James Gall Thomas Greenwood Prince Gooding Felix Holbrook James Hays Edward Jones Amos Lawrence Robert Leonard 177S 1494 1777 14280 1777 14380 1777 14380 1777 14380 I 78 I 3333 177S 1395 177S 1461 177S 154G 1777 1339 1776 913 17S0 3133 1786 15083b 1781 3310 1777 1389 1777 1350 17S0 2011 1780 3134 1780 3108 1780 3007 177S 1448 1780 3111 17S0 3071 17S0 3074 1780 3013 1780 3031 17S0 3057 1780 3031 17S0 3137 17S0 3060 17S0 3013 1780 3013 1778 1449 1780 3100 1780 3137 1780 2066 17S0 3018 1780 3018 [128] Revolution enlistment papers oaths etc. of Benjamin Low Sweet Luther Consider Miller Thomas Pagon John Davis Parker William Pettiplace Joh Pike John Pond I ar Power Edward Price Cyrus Proctor Pomp Reaves John Scudder James Smith John Steven Caleb Teel Jr John Teel John Thompson Richard Tokley Solomon Trow Elijah Walker John Wellman William Wilson receipt of Samuel Hamlin from town treasurer to re- cruit for town 17S0 report of names of men enlisted in -May with ad- vances to of six months men who enlisted for Providence of Col. William Peck as to recruits furnished by town of men enlisted into the continental service by Simeon Thayer Major request to call town meeting to provide troops 17S1 vote of town ordering William Rhodes to get money from the general treasury for enlisting men appointing committee to enlist men, etc. warrant to call town meeting to raise town's quota for continental army to call town meeting to raise troops 1781 17S2 2665 expedition against Rhode Island certificate by John Brown that John Angell served with him in Gen. Sullivan's boat by Capt. J. Snow as to drafting John Angell by Col. William West that Dr. Ebenezer Rich- mond did duty list of brigades on Rhode Island [ 129 ] 17S0 2013 1778 1450 1780 2105 1780 2074 17S0 2007 1780 2100 1780 2122 1 7 So 2060 1780 2130 1780 2077 17S0 2142 1780 2013 1780 2044 1780 2077 1780 2011 1780 2119 1780 2116 1780 2052 1780 2091 1780 2030 17S0 2066 1780 2052 1780 2071 2041 2086 1775 14763 1780 2165 1780 2145 1777 1200 2369 2537 1777 1251 1781 2519 17S0 2283 2367 2538 1779 1680 1779 1672 1779 1678 1778 14780 Revolution expedition against Rhode Island memorandum of receipt from Theodore Foster ot moneys he received from those delinquent in duty in 1778 1391 orders general issued from camp before Newport 177S 14793 order of William Bastow on " Mr. Officer " in favor of Reuben Potter for duty done in June and July 1781 2548 John Dexter on Joseph Allen or otherwise the officer in favor of R. Potter for services on Rhode Island 1781 3547 Peter Taylor in favor John Russell for certifi- cate " for doing months duty and any more that he can get " 1782 2731 William Tourtellot on town treasurer for ser- vice under Capt. Allen at Newport 1782 3717 petition of Dr. Ebenezer Richmond to town meeting as to service 1779 1684 receipt of John Angell from town treasurer for his wages as a drafted man 1779 1693 report of men in Col. Bailey's regiment who did duty in September 17S1 " and paid their wages by the town of Providence" 1782 2813 in Col. Christopher Greenes regiment who did duty in October 1781 1782 2813 wagon service in accounts of cash advances 1778 14798 14799 list of men drafted from ranks to drive teams 1778 14795 memorandum of expenses 1778 14783 return of horses and geers in Col. H. Jacksons corps 1778 14801 of men and teams impressed in the conti- nental service on Rhode Island and else- where 1778 14796 of men and teams employed in public service from July to September 1778 in Providence and on Rhode Island 177S 14797 of teams belonging to Attleborough pressed by Col. Bowen's orders 177S 14800 of teams brought on the island for use of the continent 1778 14793 of teams in Col. Greene's brigade before Newport 1778 14789 of teams on Rhode Island pressed or hired 1778 14790 of teams from Rehoboth 177S 14794 of teams 1778 14795 voucher for yoke of oxen taken into continental service 1778 14803 warrant to warn town meeting to discuss whether freemen will make an extra allowance to men drafted to do duty 1781 2499 [ 13° ] Revolution express bill for horse hire William Barker 1781 2431 Benjamin Fry 1779 1681 receipts for riding Amos llaile 1779 14303 James Mill 1779 14305 fortifications bill of James Angell for wood for fort 1776 1472 William Compton for warning townsmen to work 1775 8r»«> 1776 938 loss 1777 1141 1199 Barnard Eddy for labor report of committee appointed to ascertain the value of lands occupied by the public on the hill to the eastward of this town grog shops and tippling houses letter of Nicholas Cort- landt A. D. C. to president of town council as to sup- pression of of Adjt. Gen. Peck to town council hire money sums paid by town council for persons to do military duty in " room of delinquents " receipt by Isaac Barker Jonathan Brownell Ebenezer Hill Benjamin Keen 1st Benjamin Knower and Daniel Knower William Loring and Thomas Chaffee John Mathewson Nathan Merrill Ralph Merry Clement Peckham Benjamin Reynolds and John Robey hospital for troops bill of Theodore Foster against town petition of Dr. Jonathan Arnold to General Assem- bly report of hospital service for troops use of college as hospital memorandum soldiers account of B. Pearce muster return of John Chempbell Edward Jones Newport administration of estate of Jonathan Lewis late of minute of grant certificate that Joseph Clarke is voter in poor of order of overseer of poor on town treasurer for benefit of persons not specifically named in favor of bearer who is one of poor of Newport in favor of Joseph Bradford, carting goods for Gideon Comstock rent 1776 900 Joseph Hawkins for keeping 1776 927 1777 1232 1778 1501 1778 1453 1777 1319 1777 1312 1777 1310 1777 1309 1777 1307 1777 1306 1777 1317 1777 1315 1777 1311 1777 1313 1777 1305 1780 2338 1781 3610 17S1 2610 1780 2095 1 78 1 2307 1780 2073 1780 3068 1777 1349 1776 963 1776 1106 1776 960 1777 1134 1278 1778 1471 for benefit of Miriam Bagley Susanna Colvin 1776 954 961 1778 1431 1533 [131] 177 s 14 86 1779 1657 1776 906 923 954 961 1104 1776 909 910 939 1023 1063 Revolution Newport poor order for benefit ot Samuel Crandall Sarah Fish Sarah Gleason 1777 1301 1399 1778 1366 Ann Manchester 1777 1176 1377 1301 1336 1343 Samuel Marshall 1776 903 913 Catharine Nichols 1776 1095 1777 1136 Benjamin Read's child 1780 1905 1916 1935 1947 1958 1970 1977 1991 3048 3151 3333 3334 2337 2235 Simses family 1785 3654 Thankful Smith and child 1779 1856 17S0 1873 1888 1889 Marcy Stodard 1778 1496 Richard Whitehorne 1776 1073 1777 1186 1353 1373 1398 1320 1336 1354 177S 1386 1430 1434 1465 1505 1537 pay abstract Capt. John Whipple's company Lieut. Col. George Peck's regiment on Rhode Island 17S1 2526 petition in relation to escape of William Prentice 1782 2786 of Michael Stapleton to General Lee 1776 925 prisoner escaped offer of reward for William Prentice 1782 3783 poor aid to flag of truce passengers Mrs. How and son waiting passage to New York 1782 3811 to James Morris a prisoner from New York 1781 3304 to a prisoner from New York 1783 3867 to people that came in flag from Charlestown 1780 2260 Nathaniel Wells from New York 17S3 2835 2838 2843 to prison ship sufferers John Anderson 1783 2872 William Eccleston 1782 2792 2793 2795 3797 1783 2937 1784 3366 men from prison ship in New York 1783 2869 to soldiers Robert Anderson 17S3 2881 John Anthony 1784 3220 George Gare of Sutton 1783 2908 soldier with frozen feet 1782 2667 soldiers enlisted but not mustered 1781 2379 transient formerly in French service 1783 2875 to soldiers' families Mrs. Patrick Caten 1778 1454 Mrs. Fullerton 1779 1857 Mrs. Edward Burke and child 1778 1397 Mrs. William White 1778 1384 1385 rent of house for Marcy Squibb during time French troops occupied work house 1782 3697 privateer Modesty first cruise account of division of pro- ceeds of 1783 14842 account for shares of proceeds of Abraham Archer with Joseph Follett 1783 14845 [ i3 2 ] Revolution privateer Modesty Inst cruise account for shares with William Fuller I7 8 3 14844 with Elias Jones 17S3 14848 agreement of Ignatius Pitts as to purchase of two " deserving shares " 1783 1*837 bill of sale of parts of seaman's share Stephen Corps to James Walker % 17S3 14840 Benjamin Hill to Richard Ilinman % 1783 14847 John Hill to Jonathan Tillinghast % 17S3 14839 Uriah Westcott % 17S3 14834 of y z a share Uriah Westcott to Thurston & Jenkins 17S3 14 »35 of rum on board Collie Willie Fenner to Thomas Tate i7 8 3 148 ~? John Hill to Thurston and Jenkins 1783 14831 Jonathan Marsh to Thurston and Jen- kins 1783 14832 14833 Uriah Westcott to Thurston & Jenkins 17S3 14834 certificate of register of court of admiralty as to condemnation of 17S3 l 48 ^0 certified list of crew of 17S3 1 48! *6 letter concerning W. Morris to George Throop 1783 14836 power of attorney to Sylvanus Martin as agent of members of crew 178314825 receipt on account of shares in proceeds Esther Corp's son Stephen's share 1783 14843 Power and Rogers Colliwiller Fenner's share 1783 l 48 «> Uriah Hinman Benjamin Hill's share 1783 14846 settlement for master's share ($$£ seamans share) of James Brown i7$3 14838 second cruise bill of sale of one share in Uriah West- cott to West and Tillinghast 17S3 1 48 30 receipt by owners of schooner Speedwell from William Morris for payment of % part of schooner and cargo and X part of damages for her illegal detention as prize i7 s 4 l* 8 60 Quakers list of drawn to do duty in this state 1777 1220 quartermaster's service, commission as Deputy Quarter- master General to Dexter Brown 1780 14807 minutes of delivery of horses for use of the conti- nent 1781 14823-7 receipt for carting two 9-pounders to Providence 17S1 14823-6 for money to buy horses for use of continent 17S1 14823-8 request for payment for a pair of guns taken from the sloop Gen. Wayne at Warren 1780 14805 records removal of, see Records recruit return by officer for receipt of enlisted man from town for Thomas Pagon 1780 2076 [ 133 ] Revolution recruit return for receipt to town council for Ebenezer Hill Benjamin Keene Ralph Merry John Davis Parker from town committee for John Anthony Samuel Fullerton James Gawl (Gall) Thomas Greenwood Robert Leonard Benjamin Low John Pond Edward Price Pomp Reaves James Smith Richard Tokley Elijah Walker John Wellman William Wilson from classes to Capt. Z. Allen's to William Petti- place Nathan Angell's to John Thompson Welcome Arnold's to Job Pike Col. Atwell's to John Anthony Gov. Bowen's to James Hays James Brown's to Michael Field John Brown's to Caesar Power Gov. Cooke's to Caleb Teel Mr. Demount's to Mingo Bently Arthur Fenner's to Samuel Jones Capt. Mathewson's to Consider Miller Joseph Nightengale's to Amos Lawrence Capt. Power's to Felix Holbrook Nicholas Power's to Benjamin Champney Joseph Russell's to John Teel Col. Wall's to Nathen Warner Nathan Waterman's to Cyrus Proctor royalists status of request to call town meeting to dis- cuss Scituate order of town treasurer on town treasurer 01 Providence for certificates belonging to Scituate for payment of its quota of men to do duty on Rhode Island supplies for the army account of beef delivered to the State bill against United States for use of large eight-cord scow in public service upon the eastern shores Henry Bo wen 1777 14282 [134] 1777 1314 1777 1314 1777 1314 1780 2010 1780 2014 1780 2062 1780 2014 1780 2014 1780 2019 1780 2014 1780 2064 1780 2083 1780 2015 1780 2083 1780 2093 1780 2070 1780 2053 1780 2014 1780 2102 1780 2056 1780 2124 1780 2136 1780 2139 I7S0 2129 1780 2132 1780 2121 1780 2110 I7S0 2114 1780 2107 1780 2021 1780 2104 1780 2113 1780 2118 1780 2125 1780 2144 1783 2975 1782 2744 1781 2611 1778 14281 Revolution, supplies for the army, bill against town for beef mostly cattle delivered at Coventry John Demount 1782 2699 Job Smith 1781 2568 Obadiah Sprague 1781 3549 Adam Whiting 1781 2518 for expenses of beef cattle transactions John Demount 1781 2353 Joseph Hawkins 1781 2357 2534 for blankets Daniel Cooke 1781 2578 against James Arnold on account of town for beef cattle delivered at Coventry Clarke and Nightengale 1781 2488 John Demount 1781 2584 2585 1782 2700 Joseph and William Russell 1781 -i.-,.-,:; for Indian corn Moses Cooper 17S1 2461 rye John Demount 17S1 2556 corn and rye Josiah Greene 17S1 2467 against John Demount fat oxen for army by Ste- phen Hall 1781 2347 certificate of secretary of state as to John Demount's bill for provisions supplied the guards 1781 2507 list of men in Capt. Burrills company furnished with blankets by town council 1777 ins order of Deputy Governor on town treasurer in favor of Solomon Southwick D. C. G. issues for fresh beef 1 78 1 2557 receipt by Deputy Governor from town for beef 1782 2613 by Capt. James Burrill from town council for blankets 1777 1119 by Lieut. David Lawrence from town council for blankets 1777 1119 by Stephen Mumford from town for hard money and beef 1781 2350 by William Rhodes from town by John Demount for four beef cattle 17S1 2551 by town treasurer for two beef cattle 1781 2521 from State for town of Providence by Mr. John Demount for 7 fat cattle for the United States 17S1 2489 by Capt. James Snow from James Burrill 1 blanket to be returned to town council 1777 1129 by Solomon Southwick D. C. G. J. from town beef (cattle) 17S1 2475 2517 2554 corn 1 78 I 2594 money in lieu of corn 1781 2513 2514 corn and rye 1781 2466 2491 Indian meal 17S1 2386 ry e 1 78 1 2552 [135] Revolution, supplies for the army, receipt by general treasurer from town treasurer for town's proportion of beef 1781 2440 request to call town meeting as to purchase of beef 1781 2339 bread corn 1781 2369 2537 to make further provision for soldiers 1781 2345 vote of town meeting as to supplies of beef 1781 2335 beef and corn 17S1 2446 bread corn 1779 1604 to hire gold and silver money to supply beef 1781 2431 to pay John Demount for provisions supplied the guards 1781 2500 warrant to warn town meeting to raise beef 1781 2334 2432 beef and blankets 1781 2348 beef and corn 17S1 2458 bread corn and fresh beef 1781 2499 bread corn 1781 2367 2538 clothing 1782 2665 further provision 1781 2375 supplies 1781 2499 taxes continental account of Benjamin Hoppin settled 1784 3277 assessment of bill of Lewis Peck 1779 1776 Nathan Waterman 1779 1782 1780 2250 Nathaniel Wheaton 17S0 1878 1950 2148 17S2 2712 2803 William Wheaton 1779 1783 1780 2249 levied in silver and paper to repay money borrowed to buy beef for continental army 1781 2335 receipt by general treasurer from collector of rates in part of town's proportion of 1782 2680 2682 2687 2709 2718 2767 in full of town's proportion of 17S2 2704 test or declaration of the inhabitants of Providence 1776 15058-1 list of signers (copy) 1776 15058-1 list of men living in Providence who did not sign (copy) 1776 15058-2 test act subscribed 1782 2696 wages of soldiers bill of Simeon Thayer against town for wages paid to named enlisted men in regiments of Cols. Olney and Baley 1781 2559 memoranda concerning 1781 2429 order on James Arnold paymaster by Benjamin Champney 1780 1874 1781 2303 by Stephen Corps 1781 2527 by Esmerillon Fuller 1781 2530 by Thomas Greenwood 1780 2287 by Robert Lenerd 17S1 2531 by Cyrus Proctor 1780 2288 [ 136 ] Revolution, wages of soldiers, order on James Arnold by Pomp Reaves 1780 2254 by James Smith 1781 2330 by Job Trow 17S1 2315 on James Arnold for certificates for wages by Job Bear6 1781 2545 by Jeremiah Jencks 1782 2726 by Stephen Remington 1781 2529 by Charles Wheaton 1781 2528 by John Whipple 17S2 2624 on James Arnold town treasurer for Felix llol- brook 1781 2311 for Amos Lawrence 1781 2332 for Job Trow 1781 2315 on Joseph Allen or otherwise the treasurer John Dexter 1781 2547 on Mr. Officer by William Bastow 1781 2548 Viall Allen James Young 1781 2455 Capt. Reuben Sprague Seth Levall 1781 2520 power of attorney to collect John Hana to Joseph Martin 1783 2905 receipt from town by hands of Major Simeon Thayer by soldiers of Capt. Wheaton's company Col. Baley's regiment 1781 2544 by soldiers of Capt. Amos Whipple's company Col. Christopher Olney's and Col. Baley's regiments 1781 2574 by soldiers of Capt. John Whipple's company Col. Christopher Olney's regiment 17S1 2565 from James Arnold of certificates for by mem- bers of Capt. Joseph Allen's company in Col. Kimball's regiment 17S1 2508 from James Arnold of ten hard dollars by Ben- jamin Champney 1780 1868 from Jabez Bowen by James Hays 1780 2140 from John Mathewson president of the council by Richard Wanstanly 1777 1318 from Benoni Pearce by John Anthony 1780 2296 Silas Proctor 1781 2321 from Thomas Sabin by James Hays 17S0 2141 from Maj. John Whipple in goods by Thomas Evered 17S1 2459 Job Stone 1781 2471 request to call town meeting to insure payment of soldiers 17S1 2512 vote of town meeting as to payment of and assessing tax in gold and silver to raise funds therefor 1781 2305 2306 providing for payment of troops 1781 2539 IS [137 J Revolution, wages of soldiers warrant to warn town meeting to insure payment of soldiers 1781 3511 wagon service account of Ephraim Bowen D. Q^ M. G. with Dexter Brown D. W. M. G. 1778 14804 of state horses bought by General Spencer's orders and by Thomas Sabin 1777 14764 of horses purchased for continental service by Henry Bowen 1778 14292 pages of Dexter Brown's accounts 1778 14785 14788 instructions as to powers and duties of officers and men in wagon service 1777 14783 memoranda sundry as to 1778 14786 1782 14763 minutes of certificates issued 177S 14802 of horses supplied per orders 1777 14823-1 14823-2 14823-3 receipt from Henry Bowen for price of horses bought for continental service John Felshawjr 1778 14285 14291 John Merell Peter Post John Russ from Dexter Brown for horses Elisha Capron Daniel Clarke Andrew Comstock Daniel Daggett Jeremiah Ingraham Samuel Fox William Latham Thomas Lindsey James Martin Samuel Pratt Joshua Vaughan William Waterman Benjamin Williams Abner Wood divers receipts for prices of horses for payments for the requirements of public ser- vice return of teams collected by James Sabin by C. Brown of oxen watch list of names with the number of nights each person is to watch and vote of town as to same order of Jabez Bowen by order of council on town treasurer in favor of Beriah Curtis etc. for watching Revolutionary papers referring- to Barring-ton ammunition bullets for Cambridge receipt by John Short Jr from town treasurer on account of Capt. Samuel Bosworth 1778 14288 1778 14290 1778 14289 1777 14781 1777 14775 1777 14776 1777 14766 1777 14771 1777 14768 1777 14773 14774 1777 14770 1777 14779 1777 14780 1777 14778 1777 14777 1777 14769 1777 14767 1777 14765 1778 14784 1778 14763 1778 14787 1778 14791 1775 803 1776 977 1777 1427S [138] Revolutionary papers rejerring to Barrington cartridge making order <>t town clerk oil town treasurer in favor of Lieut. Vial! Allen 1776 14297 magazine chest receipt by Nathaniel Heath from town treasurer for price of 1777 14266 powder and magazine chest receipt bv town commit- tee from town treasurer for 1776 14264 powder receipt for bv James Brown from Henry Bowen 1777 14874 bv Joshua Bicknell from town treasurer out of town stock 1777 14267 arms receipt from Henry Bowen committee appointed to purchase guns for poor of town for gun and bayonet by William Andrews 1777 14269 gun, bayonet and belt by James Bushee 1777 14271 price of gun sold him by Jabez Barney 1777 14276 Nathaniel Paine 1777 14270 arms and ammunition account of purchased by Henry Bowen for poor of town 1777 14279 class tax of Henry Bowen receipt for with fees 1781 14311 delinquent receipt by Henry Bowen town treasurer from Henry Bowen for fine for non-attendance to military duty 1777 14272 receipt by Joshua Bicknell from treasury of said fine for delinquency 1777 14275 loan certificate by commissioner that Henry Bowen lodged in loan office five hundred dollars in part of Barrington's proportion of 20,000,000 1779 14304 supplies receipt by Nathan Martin from Henry Bowen for price of blanket sold him for use of poor 1777 14277 Return to Purchasers as to highway to lead to narrow passage 17 13-14 14638 Reward offer of by A. Belknap for thief 1787 4227 for Jacob Johnston horse thief 178S 4890 for William Prentis an escaped prisoner 17S2 278* Ride to Newport ou town's business bill of Josiah Gifford 1790 5732 Rhyming Effusion supposed of Rev. John Grice 1781 14823-5 * Rhythmical Memorandum of Capt. John Jenckes anent "Ye Major" and "Clark" 1720 14648 Riot and Rioters letter of Gov. Bowen to town council 1782 2746 report of Gov. Bowen to town council 17S3 2873 Salt Distribution of account of town with James Arnold for 1778 15064 of sales of town's salt 177S 15063 * It will be noticed that a typographical error occurs where this title is referred to at the top of the first column on pay:e 8. [ 139 ] Salt distribution bill of William Compton for services 1777 1141 of Daniel Branch for notifying inhabitants where to go to get their proportion 1777 1151 of Martin Seamans for making the apportionment and delivering tickets for the same 1777 1170 order of town council that Daniel Branch again notify the inhabitants to receive their salt 1777 1151 of town on town treasurer in favor of John Nicolls for measuring out their salt 1777 1202 of John Smith on James Arnold in favor of Martin Seamans for salt the town of Providence had 1778 1436 School exercise book of j'oung Henry Bowen 17S7 14590 subscription for 1773 598 1774 719 in Barrington kept by Henry Bowen 1778 14283 warrant to warn town meeting to consider report of com- mittee 1785 3497 School House Lot agreement of Joseph Whipple to sell to town 1767 402 grant of near Dexter's lane and Stampers hill 1695-6 31 resolution of town meeting 1788 47G6 School House bill against town of Nicholas Brown & Co. for expenses on old 1774 628 Jenckes Winsor & Co. for glass 1785 3488 Nathan Waterman for setting glass 1787 4132 contract and specifications for building 1767 401 lease of to George Taylor school master 1753 218 order of committee on town treasurer in favor of John Brown for glass for repairing 1785 3513 of Jenckes Winsor & Co. for glass to repair 1785 3487 petition for leave to erect on town's land on west side l l9° 5592 report of committee to build or buy 1768 405 request to call town meeting as to military stores in Whipple Hall school House 1780 2182 vote of town meeting as to building 1768 403 as to materials for finishing 17S6 4030 warrant to call town meeting as to military stores in Whipple Hall school house 1780 2181 School House (brick) account of John Smith with 176S 412 1772 454 bill against of Benjamin Allen for glazing I 79° 5413 of Nehemiah Arnold for work 1790 5404 of Nicholas Brown & Co. for supplies 1773 532 of Joseph Edwards for work on west room second story 1790 5411 of Walter Harding for repairing 17S7 4172 of Christopher Hill for whitewashing 1790 5409 for balance of James Snow's account paid him 1790 5407 [ 140] School House (brick J hill against of John Lasell for trucking lumber 1786 3742 of John Smith for sundries delivered 17S6 4001 of James Sno\y for materials and labor 1790 5403 of Ebenczer Thompson for sundries for repairing 17S6 4002 order of committee for repairing on town treasurer in favor of Walter Harding for repairing 1785 3534 17S6 37.-.0 3776 James Lovett for materials John Smith for materials petition of Christopher Hill as to repairs report of auditing committee subscription list to finish vote of town meeting to pay John Smith his account for building as to repairs of 1787 4495 School Master letter of recommendation for Mr. Christo- pher Hill Scitliate, see Town of Scituate Sealer of Weights and Measures, see also Market House bill of Nicholas Brown & Co. against town for sundries furnished of Ezekiel Burr against Arthur Fenner Jr for scales weights and measures for use of town of Eben Thompson against James Arnold for set of brass weights for town order of town treasurer on collector of rates in favor of Nicholas Brown & Co. for sundries furnished Search Warrant, see Legal Proceedings Secretary of State certificate of concerning John De- mont's bill for provisions supplied the guards Settlement Certificate of in Bristol as to John Ingra- ham Coventry as to Sarah Jones Cranston as to Sarah Moore as to Anne Yeates East Greenwich as to Daniel Case Little Compton as to Sarah Head Newport as to John Anthony Angell as to Sarah Brown as to Susanna Dagget as to Thomas Garnet as to Olive Goddard as to Ann Manchester North Providence as to Abigail Fletcher as to Joshua Smith Portsmouth as to William Remington as to Darius Weaver 17S5 3658 1785 3726 1788 4765 1771 421 176S 404 1772 459 1788 4706 17S2 15068a 1774 627 1777 1178 17S4 3179 1774 629 17S1 2507 1775 861 1748 149 1789 5268 1756 287 1767 406 1757 296 1748 150 1785 3541 1754 2 *8 1744 113 1 761 367 1776 882 1785 3461 178S 4907 1746 135 1760 335 [HI ] Settlement, Certificate <>/• in Providence as to John Ilawkings as to Gershom Ilolden as to Joseph Payne Rehoboth Mass. as to Mary Clay et al as to Jonathan Paine Scituate as to Susanna Beers as to John Edwards Smithfield as to Jonathan Arnold as to Henry Sanders Swansea Mass. as to Ephraim Smith Taunton Mass. as to Ruth Smith and Freelove Smith Warwick as to Alexander MacGregor • as to Philip Smith as to John Warner as to William Warner as to Peter Wells Wrentham Mass. as to Andrew Knox negative certificate by John Reed Settlement of accounts between Sylvester Martin and W. Morris Seven mile line town order fixing Silver Money account town treasurer's report of Silver Money Note, see Note Slave bond to town treasurer to indemnify town for sup- port Peter Burlingame on account of Patience a manu- mitted slave Isaac Payne on account of Francis Joseph Tillinghast on account of Dick and Rose deed of manumission by John Angell et ah. Cloe and her children by Benjamin Bowen servant Pompey enlistment of receipt of Nicholas Power for bounty of negro Ccesar enlisted by N. Power's consent manumitted for service in the war of the revolution bill of William Larned against State for nursing and bury- ing Henry Morris vote of town council emancipating Bess Morris Slavery Abolition of bill against town for expenses of birth and support of children of slave mothers William Larned John Updike Gideon Young request to call town meeting to consider to obtain repeal of part of act abolishing slavery vote of town council as to John Smith's bill for support of child born of his nesrro woman 1747 147 1749 101 1786 3875 1754 344 1772 465 1785 3649 1752 199 1744 120 1762 362 1774 661 1790 5669 1745 12* 1 75 1 I™ 1773 585 1757 298 1746 136 1745-6 129 1773 567 1783 14853 1660 24 1782 2719 1772 444 1777 1240 1772 471 1785 3454 1778 1396 17S0 2131 1790 5686 17S6 4033 warrant to warn town meeting to consider [ H 2 ] 1785 2730 1785 3723 1786 3765 17S4 3074 1785 3668 1785 3646 1784 3070 3075 Small POX generally account of bills allowed by town council 1752 219 adjustment of liability by town council and order on town treasurer for share of negro man Pomp 1776 loll bill against Nathan Arnold Fenner and White for soap to cleanse sloop Diamond 1776 1004 Lemuel Field pail and tobacco to sloop Enter- prise 1776 1005 Benjamin Talbot sundries on sloop Enterprise 1776 1000 stores for sloop Diamond 1776 1110 sundry articles for 1776 1014 Daniel Tefft milk on sloop Diamond 1776 979 on sloop Enterprise 1776 989 against Vespasian Miller John Chace for medicine care etc. of family 1778 1446 town expense of family's sickness 177S 145G against Prince Paine John Chace for medicines and attendance 1776 994 against Robert Sherry John Murfee for services to small pox patient 1751 191 against State of Rhode Island John Chace for medi- cal care of Miss Sukey Cary of Newport 177S 1447 Miss Coggeshall of Newport 1777 1348 Mrs. Esther King and daughter of Newport 177S 1483 against town of Paul Allen divers services 1780 2260 of Sarah Andrews nursing 177s 1549 of Nathan Angell divers services 175 1 203 supplies for sloop Diamond 1776 987 for sloop Enterprise 1776 986 of Samuel Black for attending sick 17S9 5089 of Henry Bowen for services 17SS 4929 1789 5184 of Dr. William Bowen for medical services 1778 1378 of Taber Bowen for services 1774 742 of Daniel Branch for services 1775 770 of John Brown for care of patients 1751 179 of Gershom Carpenter for coffin for Andrew Hacker 1779 1585 of John Carter for advertising 1777 1353 17905475 of Dr. John Chace for medical services 1776 993 1777 1180 1779 1572 1660 1786 3826 of Samuel Chace for services of his negro Caesar 1761 359 of William Compton for divers services 1773 520 1776 942 999 1088 1 777 1125 1199 of Daniel Cooke for blankets 1781 2578 of Joshua Doan for care of sick 1751 193 executrix of for care of sick 1751 241 of Theodore Foster care of Jonathan Brownell 1777 1292 [H3] Small Pox generally, bill against town of Robert Gibbs for medicines of Ebenezer Hill for goods lost or concealed in the time of the small pox of James Hunter for services of Thomas Kinnicut for damage to his house used as a pest house of George Law for provisions for sick of David Lawrence for bread for sloops Dia- mond and Enterprise of John MacNeal for care of sick of Benjamin Marshall for cleansing clothing 1752 196 of Joseph Martin for coffin 1778 1399 1466 of James Mitchel for services of John Murfrey for services of Jonathan Olney for care of sick of John Read for nursing of Samuel Rockwell moving patient and goods of Rosanna Simons for cleansing clothing of Dr. Henry Sterling medical care of Robert Sterry services of Daniel Tefft for milk for sick of Dr. Thomas Truman medical care of William Viall for attendance on sick of Bennet Wheeler for advertising of John Williams' negro for services against town council of Jabez Bowen for rice sup- plied of Dr. John Chace for medicines and attend- ance 1773 604 1777 1181 1779 1586 1782 2637 3831 I 783 2953 of William Holroyd for expense of Mrs. Shur- den's case of Abigail Piles for nursing and sundries of Dorothy Sanford for nursing against town of Rehoboth and Joshua Hacker of town of Providence for expense of certificate as to condition of a patient as to brig Providence etc. as to cleansing of sloop Diamond sloop Enterprise sloop Harmony as to Robert Sterry and Sally Whitehorn inoculation for see also Small Pox Hospital post bill of Henry Bowen against town for circulating petitions for and against 17S9 [ 144] 1751 205 1752 206 1752 208 1752 195 1758 308 1776 1001 1760 340 I 75 I 192 1774 731 1776 1017 1018 1775 769 1752 198 1751 177 I 76 I 354 1752 202 1776 988 1763 374 1752 197 1776 1028 1777 1293 1776 1033 17S9 5344 I 75 I 204 1776 1006 1780 2166 1778 1426 1777 1204 I 76 I 352 177S 1570 1760 338 1787 4421 1776 978 1776 990 1785 3509 1777 1162 5241 5244 Small Pox generally, inoculation for, bill of William Compton against town for warn ing town meeting by drum form of a vote allowing town council to introduce letter from town of Johnston as to joint measures measures as to establishment of hospitals petition for liberty of to delay liberty of against inoculation in the hospital proposal of Dr. Fisk to establish hospital further proposition of Dr. Fisk as to report of committee to locate site for hospital and to draw up rules and regulations for the same unlawful case of young Simmons bill of William Givens against town council for keeping guard proceedings of town council 17S8 4837 4828 warrant to warn town meeting to consider Dr. Fisk's proposition list of debts due town memorandum of town council orders as to certain cases note (unsigned) of Jonathan Brownell to town treasurer for expense of of Vespasian Miller to town treasurer for support of his family order of town council on town treasurer in favor of Na- than Arnold for expense due from estate of Prince Paine Joseph Burgis for services Ephraim Carpenter for services Dr. John Chace medicines etc. 1779 1584 1664 1783 2973 Mr. Grinnell a patient 1778 1432 William Holroyd on account Mrs. Shurdan's case Benjamin Marshall for care of patients James Mitchell for attending Anne Stone for nursing Tillinghast & Holroyd for bill for supplies William Vial for attendance on Julius Caesar Samuel Warner for bill for supplies report of Ephraim Carpenter as to monies received on small pox account 1777 1198 of expenses against sloop Enterprise 1776 991 of expense against Julius Caesar 1776 1034 of expense of people sick on sloop Diamond 1776 1109 of committee to examine sloop Mashapaug 1757 399 resolution of town council as to Paul Allen's account 1782 3656 as to account of Sally Andrews for nursing 1778 1567 as to Capt. Anthony's schooner 17SS 4744 as to account of James Arnold for supplies 1782 2619 1776 1031 17S5 15080a 1776 1031 1776 1019 1789 5170 5171 5173 1789 5173 5174 1789 5304 1782 3775 17S2 3787 1776 995 1788 4831 1782 3785 1778 1373 1778 1383 1777 1331 1778 1455 1776 1013 1773 517 1778 1400 1778 1435 1773 510 1773 511 1777 1316 1774 608 1776 1033 1774 610 [145] 10 Small Pox generally, resolution ot town council in re sloop Betsy in harbor with small pox on board 1788 4866 as to small pox on John Brown's schooner 178S 4775 as to account Ephraim Carpenter for services 1782 2639 Dr. John Chace medicines and attendance 1777 1260 as to case of Betsy Field 1778 4801 as to matter of James Field deceased 1783 2886 as to account of John Jenkins for attendance 1777 1344 of Sarah Palmer for nursing 1778 1547 as to brig Providence passengers and cargo 17S7 4409 as to Darius Sessions Jr a patient 17S2 2819 as to account of Christopher Sheldon for supplies 1782 2618 of Sarah Stebbins for nursing 1783 2854 of Daniel Sullivan attending 1782 2634 statement of account widow Bradford and Paul Allen 1782 2649 widow King and Paul Allen 1782 2647 vote of town in relation to 1751 176 to pay charges of small pox and hold owners of sloop Molly liable therefor 1753 223 warrant in Elizabeth Deleber's case of small pox as to care custody and isolation 175 1 180 to furnish nurse 1751 182 to direct an examination 175 1 183 to compel medical attendance 1751 187 to get another nurse 1751 186 to compel proper burial 1751 189 to cleanse nurses 1751 188 to call town meeting 1751 176 to call town council meeting as to a "snow" with small pox on board 1748 156 to call town council meeting 175 1 184 to summons Alexander McCreary to testify before council 1757 291 to isolate dwelling of patient 1751 288 to examine sloop Mashapaug 1757 299 for sheriff to publish by beat of drum laws in rela- tion to 1751 181 to sheriff to take measures for prevention of 1751 185 to summon parties to remove patients to pest house 1760 339 to remove cleanse prove and discharge patients 1751 190 to notify claimants on account of small pox to bring in bills to town council 1752 194 Small Pox Hospital generally abstract of deed from Martha Field of land where pest house stands 1777 15082 bill against hospital Henry Bacon for provisions 1777 1116 Joseph Burgess supplies 1773 14207 Esek Eddy supplies 1788 4850 S. Chace supplies 1777 1214 [146] Small Pox Hospital, bill against hospital Nathaniel Gillmore supplies 1776 1100 George Gordon supplies 1788 4958 John Jones milk 1781 2600 against hospital officials on account of small pox Paul Allen of James Robillard for services as nurse 17S9 5119 Hospital McNeal bread and biscuit 1782 2653 Nathan Arnold of Robert Taylor for horse and chaise to carry patient 1776 1003 Jabez Bowen of Timothy Brownell for meat sup- plied 1776 1003 Arthur Fenner of John Jenkins for tending Wil- liam Billings 1777 1343 of Sarah Stebbins for nursing Freelove Olney 17S0 1990 Nathan Waterman of Job Danforth for work on pest house 1780 2033 overseers of hospital of Mary Wainwood for nursing 1777 1338 against town on account of small pox of Ruth Ali- mon for attending Primus Tillinghast 1762 361 Paul Allen for a nurse 1790 5509 for supplies and labor 17SS 4876 4878 Daniel Anthony for surveying and platting a lot to build a pest house on 17S5 3550 James Arnold for supplies 1781 3592 1782 2753 Nathan Arnold for attendance 1776 1007 1015 1026 1027 Amos Atwell for account of pest house 1786 3748 Samuel Black for cleansing 1787 4166 Jabez Bowen for medical supplies 1773 507 for work 1774 720 James Brown for use of his house as and for whitening same 1775 771 Tabor Brown for supplies 1774 626 742 Ephraim Carpenter for carrying supplies 1781 2597 John Chace for medical attendance 17S9 5320 Esek Eddy for labor 17S8 4912 4931 Arthur Fenner Jr for supplies 17S6 3945 Daniel Fenner for services 1778 1457 George Jackson for supplies 1762 360 for load of wood 1763 373 John Jenckes for cash paid for carrying Betty Burr 1763 372 Thomas Kinnecut for damage to his house 1752 195 D. Lawrence for food supplied 1773 509 for bread supplied 1776 1035 1776 1008 1010 John Mathewson for horse and chaise [H7] Small Pox Hospital, bill against town James Mitchell for cleansing clothes 1773 561 Dennis O'Brian for care of blacks 1776 1012 101G Benoni Pearce for bench 1790 5820 Rufus Pitts for attendance at Providence and North Providence 1777 1183 Christopher Sheldon for supplies 1781 2566 Daniel Sullivan for service of self and wife 1782 2631 Job Sweeting for horse and chaise 1776 1O09 Gideon Tanner for sundries 1777 1193 Paris J. Tillinghast for biscuits 1781 2602 Tillinghast and Holroyd for supplies 1773 506 Warner and Tillinghast for supplies 1773 505 Nathan Waterman for labor and materials on pest house 1780 2176 against town council on account of small pox Seth Barton for supplies 1781 2391 Martha Black for tending Alexander Thompson 177S 1477 Dr. John Chace for medicines etc. 1777 1263 Rufus Pitts for attendance as nurse 1771 1128 bill of town against Caesar Hall and Morse for care of them in hospital 178S 4840 certificate of consent of stewards for entry for inocu- lation of Mrs. Lewis Thomas and her baby 1776 1079 that Levi Hall gives up his chance in the hospital in the third class to Charles Keen for his son 1776 1069 that Audrey Spaulding gives her right to inocula- tion in the third class to Charlotte Downer 1776 1074 list of sundries supplied by Ephraim Carpenter to Mr. Billings 1777 1329 memoranda as to patients 1778 1432 1443 minutes of town council as to rent of house and land 1777 1172 order on town treasurer on account in favor of Wil- liam Arnold for supplies 1788 4809 Gershom Carpenter for supplies 1773 513 Esek Eddy for use of hospital 1788 4824 4836 James Field for supplies 1773 537 on committee of hospital by Nathaniel Jacobs assign- ing right of any of his family to enter hospital the third class to James Angell for use of his daughter Mary Angell 1776 1077 on Theodore Foster by John Jenckes to let "Amey Ham enter the hospital in the room of one of my family that is not filled up " 1776 1070 by William Smith Jr to let Francis Simonds have Richard Phillips' chance in the hospital 1776 1076 of committee on building pest house on town treas- urer in favor of Joshua Lindley on account 1785 3722 17S6 3754 17S7 4169 [148] Small Pox hospital order of Joshua Lindley on treasurer to be charged to pest house account in favor of Brown & Benson petition of Samuel Chace to town in matter of small pox and removal of persons to hospital of Martha Field to town for a road by her house to the pest house receipt by officials of hospital directors for expense of inoculation by Theodore Foster from William Dagget on account of son William from Joseph Dennison on account of himself from Lydia Thomas on account of Joseph Stew- art from Lewis Thomas on account of wife and son from Nicholas Tillinghast on account of his children and Polly Cozzens from Nathaniel Wheaton on account of his son John by Samuel Nightengale Jr from Daniel Bucklin on account of his son from John Carlile on account of Thomas Carlile from Gershom Carpenter on account of Mary Carpenter from William Proud on account of Daniel Proud from James Russell on account of sundry per- sons release from hospital of Samuel Black report of Paul Allen as to supplies and expenses of hos- pital resolution of town council as to William Mors at pest house to pay Mary Muloney nurse at hospital as to Mary Muloney nurse at hospital as to Mrs. Susanna Wells nurse at hospital to supply hospital with necessaries statement in writing of Ruth Eddy as to conduct of hos- pital Small Pox Hospital at North Providence bill of town for expense of having small pox against Sam- uel Chace on account of Negro servant Rose Jonathan Brownell on account of self Gideon Tanner on account of Mrs. Tanner Ebenezer Thompson on account of Dinah Til- linghast Estate of Dinah Tillinghast on account of self Mrs. White on account of self and child Miss Abigail Williams on account of self Mrs. Williams widow on account of self and son [ H9 ] 1786 4074 1777 1317 1790 5647 1776 1049 1776 1044 1776 1050 1776 1079 1776 1040 1776 1045 1776 1054 1776 1056 1776 1058 1776 1061 1776 1055 178S 4857 1782 2655 1788 4744 1788 4863 1788 4865 178S 4915 1782 2633 1777 1185 1777 1269 1777 1303 1777 1270 1778 1389 1777 1267 1777 1265 1777 1266 1777 1268 Small Pox Hospital at North Providence bill against town of Nathan Arnold for attendance at hospital 1777 1163 1343 for disbursements for hospital 1777 1304 for expenses in Jonathan Brownell's case 1777 1286 John Brown for rent of farm used as hospital 1779 1608 1665 Ephraim Carpenter for attendance 1777 1242 1359 Gershom Carpenter for coffins 1778 1506 1526 John Jenckes Durfey for damages for moving from farm 1777 1195 Arthur Fenner for cash paid nurse 1777 1256 177S 1529 Theodore Foster for expense of Mrs. Amy Brenton's case 1778 1398 John Hoppin for removing smoke house 1785 3499 John Jenkins for attendance 177S 1558 Mary Patterson for nursing 1777 1262 John Pitts for nursing 1777 1179 Rufus Pitts for supplies 1777 1183 Darius Sessions for rent at Four Stack meadow 17S4 3186 Anne Stone for nursing 1778 1387 Abigail Williams for nursing 1777 1363 John Williams for nursing 1777 1364 against town council of John Chace for medicines and attendance 1778 1464 1489 Ephraim Carpenter for services 1778 1380 against Arthur Fenner of Susanna Black for nurs- ing 177S 1569 list of persons sick 1777 H67 of persons and time of each in hospital 1777 1245 memorandum by Ephraim Carpenter of supplies and expenses 1778 1478 1487 of services and disbursements 1778 1451 of services and expenses in Andrew Hacker's case 1778 1460 order of Martha Black on town treasurer in favor of John Mathewson for amount of her account for nursing 177S 1550 of town council on town treasurer in favor of Nathan Arnold for supplies and attendance 1777 1184 for services 1777 1130 1222 Mary Patterson for nursing 1777 1334 of town council to Nathan Arnold to remove Mrs. Tanner of Newport to hospital 1777 1191 widow Experience Williams of Newport and her daughter Abigail to hospital 1777 1190 receipt by John Jenckes Durfey from town council for damages for removal from house and lands 1777 1237 report of expenses 1777 ii64 [150] Small Pox Hospital at North Providence report l'v Nathan Arnold of disbursements for resolution of town council to pay Nathan Arnold for at- tendance and supplies Martha Black for attendance as nurse Susanna Blake nursing Andrew Hacker Ephraim Carpenter expenses of divers persons' sickness John Jenckes Durfee for having removed from land now improved for hospital Mary Patterson for nursing to supply necessaries at Small Po\ Hospital at Tockwotton bill of town of Providence for expense of having small pox against Sampson J. Barber on account of his apprentice Sulli- van Mrs. Everit school teacher on account of self Daniel Fenner on account of self Benjamin Hodges on account of self Nathan Mason on account of self Miss Sally Morse on account of self Joseph Morris on account of self Mrs. Ruth Smith on account of self and child Lewis Thomas on account of Mrs. Thomas and child Darius Thurber on account of self Rufus Thurber on account of self Widow Thurber on account of self bill against town on account by Paul Allen for services Zephaniah Andrews for building chimney Nathan Arnold for sundries supplied Samuel Black for nursing 1777 Henry Bow-en for supplies and expenses William Bowen for attendance and medicines Ephraim Carpenter for attending and nursing estate of John Cole for rent of premises Jonathan W. Coy for work William Grafton for making beds Joseph Hoyles for supplies Joseph Martin for bricks against town council by Caleb Fuller for damage to Fullers ferry being obstructed against hospital at Esq. Coles house by Nathan Mason for provisions etc. list of debts due town occasioned by small pox of persons treated in December 1776 and January ] order of town council as to bill of Paul Allen Zephaniah Andrews for building chimney 1777 11GG 1777 1257 177S 1550 1778 1476 1778 1521 1777 1341 1777 1259 1778 1175 [777 1149 [777 1145 1777 1146 1777 1215 1777 1147 [777 1144 777 1357 [777 1216 777 1361 777 1360 777 1211 777 1213 781 2571 7S1 3577 778 138S 1206 1363 777 143G» 77S 1474 777 1358 777 1148 781 2581 781 3576 777 1137 781 3579 1777 1305 [777 1115 '777 1371 77 14363 [781 3606 [781 3605 Small Pox Hospital at Tockwotton order as to bill of Daniel Cooks for blankets Woodbury Coye for work Joseph Martain for materials William Grafton for beds receipt by Theodore Foster from Tilly Rice for expense of her inoculation report of persons and time of each in hospital financial of Ephraim Carpenter to directors of whole expense resolution of town council to pay Ephraim Carpenter for balance for supplies Mrs. Mehitable Fuller for damage for obstruction of Fullers ferry Abagail Piles for nursing Solitary Hill town council meeting held near minutes of Statement of account Andrew Dexter State Securities list of to be returned to general treas- urer Statera letter of town council to Dr. Jonathan Arnold of Dr. Jonathan Arnold to town council tickets Arnold's for Oliver Ray's load of hay Metcalf's John Rhode's load of hay Sweet's Isaac Clark's load of hay Stephen Fuller's load of hay Valentine Martin's load of hay Jonathan Mowry's load of hay Summons, see Legal Proceedings and Tavern Street Paving Notes, see Note Suscoliannach Affair (Susquehannah Purchase) receipt by John Fitch from Phanuel Bowen for money to deliver to committee from David King through Phanuel Bowen to be de- livered to committee from Phanuel Bowen for self and others for advance money according to vote of company Tavern advertising as to licenses bill John Carter against town of Bennet Wheeler bill of town for license to keep against Mrs. Blandon Mrs. Elizabeth Brown Daniel Bucklin John Clifford Oliver Carpenter Field and Munro Jotham Ham Hawkins and Jackson Nathaniel Jenckes [152] 1782 2614 I 781 2580 1781 2573 1781 2572 1776 1051 1776 1092 1777 1137 1777 1249 1777 1219 1777 1207 1777 1208 1763 369 1785 3460 1788 5022 1784 3218 1784 3219 1785 14493 1790 5666 1786 3758 1785 14507 179O 5729 1790 5641 1754 14319 1754 : 14005 1754 14006 1790 5475 1789 5344 1780 2203 1780 2200 1780 2199 1780 2203 1780 2205 1780 2212 1780 2198 1780 2209 1780 2211 Tavern bill for license to keep Edward Jones Adam Kerr John Larcher Christopher Olney Richard Olney Peter Penno James Sabin Mrs. Thomas Sabin Nehemiah Sheldon Abnah Thayer John Westcott Uriah Westcot Andrew Williams bond to keep given by Daniel Abbott Nathan Angel Thomas Bennett Benjamin Belknap Richard Bowen Samuel Boyle Daniel Brayton Martha Brown Widow Daniel Bucklin William Burton Daniel Collier Robert Currie Knight Dexter Mary Duplesis Thomas Fenner Jr James Furlong John Gonsolve William Harding William Harris Isaiah Hawkins Benjamin Hodges Comfort Hopkins John Hoyle Jr Joseph Hoyle Benjamin Hunt Benjamin Jones Richard Knight Andrew Knox Matthew Manchester Edward Man ton James Mitchel Nathaniel Greene Moodey Frederick Nells James Olney C 153 ] 17S2 2693 1780 2195 1780 2201 1780 2213 1780 2204 1780 2196 1775 870 1780 2207 1780 2210 1780 2197 1780 2194 1780 2208 1780 2206 1712 50 1713 60 1753 232 1754 3 69 1788 4995 1754 263 1754 253 1750 233 1790 5766 1754 251 1788 4990 1753 227 1789 5322 1788 4991 1776 1112 17S8 4994 1753 331 17S8 4988 1788 4993 17S8 4986 1712 53 1713-14 55 1754 169 249 1790 5916 1788 5037 1754 256 1785 3715 1754 339 268 I 7 88 4985 1749 107 1753 234 178S 4983 1754 364 1754 343 359 1754 361 1788 4987 1711 45 1712 51 Tavern bond to keep Jonathan Olney Joseph Olney Nehemiah Olney Josiah Owen William Paul Joseph Peck Henry Rice Sanford Ross Thomas Salisbury David Sayle John Sayles John Scott Jr Edward Sheldon Nehemiah Sheldon Jabez Slocum Abigail Smith William Smith 1712 52 Samuel Smith John Thomas 1753 229 Luke Thurston Anna Turpin William Turpin 1711 46 1712 49 Jabez Westcot Samuel Wescot 1753 230 Amey Whipple John Wiesman certificate of town clerk as to license money collected by Jabez Bowen license to.keep public house of Nathan Angel Elizabeth Brown Knight Dexter John Larcher Benjamin Hunt Andrew Knox list of cash receipts for licenses from licensed ale house keepers petition of John Dunwell to General Assembly in re- gard to license to keep public house granted to Robert Magill (referred to town council) report of cash receipts for licenses summons to call sundry persons if desirous of licenses as tavern keepers before town council vote of town council as to collection of license dues warrant to arrest Stephen Wright for selling strong liquors without license Tax abatement of 1772 464 1773 524 1774 696 account between tax collector and Clarke & Nightingale [154] 1754 301 1754 250 1784 3233 1714 63 1788 4984 1787 4383 1784 3234 1788 4989 1785 3644 1788 5021 1713 61 1754 237 262 1754 255 1710 42 1790 5611 1753 235 52 1713 59 1754 252 1754 258 1754 257 1710 43 1713 58 1754 35* 1754 iw 1788 4993 1789 5075 1775 871 1754 269 1778 1527 1776 1111 1780 2214 I 754 268 1754 267 1755 275 1753 236 1757 295 1755 275 1775 843 I 78 I 2389 1760 334 1777 1175 17S9 5319 1789 5140 5198 5325 Tax account of each day's collections in June advertising in regard to bill against town of John Car- ter 1779 1778 1783 2961 17S5 3322 3697 1790 5475 5779 of Bennet Wheeler 1785 3324 1788 4707 assessment of bill of William Compton for services to get assessors of rates established of assessors for services and expenses in Zepha- lliah Andrews Welcome Arnold Ezekiel Bun- Asa Franklin Thomas Jones D. Lawrence John Mathewson Joseph Martin Lewis Peck 17S5 3511 3706 Elihu Robinson Christopher Sheldon E. Thompson Benjamin Thurber Nathan Waterman 1779 1782 17S1 2360 2362 2479 17S2 2684 2685 17S4 3117 1786 4008 1787 4131 4133 4351 I 788 4640 5041 1789 5249 179O 5432 5780 Nathan Wheaton 17S2 2750 Nathaniel Wheaton 1773 605 x 779 !592 1780 1878 1942 1950 2148 2236 2237 1781 2395 2397 2503 2607 1782 2712 2803 1 784 3118 1 785 3734 1786 3757 4016 1787 4353 4356 4570 17SS 4639 5032 17S9 5178 William Wheaton 1776 929 1777 1133 1254 1345 177S 1411 1425 1514 1779 1709 1783 17S0 2248 2249 1 78 1 2349 2351 John Updike 1777 H53 order of assessor on town treasurer for his fees 1772 15047 bond of collector of taxes to town treasurer given by John Beverly 1788 5022a 17S7 4548 17S9 5344 1777 1199 1774 621 1776 892 1774 724 1768 412 1790 5771 1777 1188 1782 2635 2732 1784 3097 3269 1778 1409 1412 1512 1779 1776 17S6 4017 17S7 4316 1788 4829 1777 1347 177S 1410 1534 1774 642 1776 1108 1771 15033 17S0 2247 2250 Ezekiel Burr Dwight Foster Peregrine Foster Asa Franklin Benjamin Hoppin 1790 5797 John Lawrence James Lovett I 781 2302 2452 1775 751 176S 411 1787 4258 17S0 1996 1776 877 1779 1777 1785 3478 1769 416 17S8 5012 1766 394 1780 1882 [155] Tax bond of collector Ralph Merry 1780 1971 Martin Seamans 1777 1120 1348 1778 1381 1467 1532 of deputy collector to collector Henry Bowen to Ben- jamin Hoppin certificate of town clerk of North Providence as to taxes on estate of John Brown in that town (used as a hospi- tal, see Small Pox) collectors fees bill of Ezekiel Burr for collecting a colony rate town rate and engine rate commission to Henry Bowen as collector of rates letter from Henry Bowen to general treasurer list of "persons names that are not taxed which ought to be " memorandum of bad taxes in town tax assessed x 790 5783 5784 cash received of John Beverly part of silver money tax towards town tax of execution against town for details of payment of funds received of collector towards towns pro- portion of state tax of items of receipts from B. Hoppin miscellaneous of seizures for executions out by collector etc. of notes and orders received of J. Beverly of payments to Joseph Clarke general treasurer memorial of Martin Seamans as to unpaid taxes order of town treasurer on tax collector out of tax col- lecting in favor of Paul Allen Philip and Zachariah Allen Zachariah Allen 1787 4240 1779 1G23 1 77 1 15036 1770 14115 1790 5389 1787 14590 1782 2643 1782 2497 1788 4847 1786 3760 1784 3274 sued 1777 1246 1247 1781 2411 1787 15330C 1780 2046 David Angell Nathan Angell Caleb Alverson Joseph Arnold Welcome Arnold Abraham Belknap Benjamin Bourn Dr. Ephraim Bowen Daniel Branch Elizabeth Brown Ichabod Brown John Brown Moses Brown Nicholas Brown and Co. Brown and Benson Bucklin and Jackson Amos Chafee 178S 4693 4696 4698 1790 5606 1790 5690 1788 4680 1788 4894 1790 5392 1790 5655 5658 1789 5345 1790 5635 1789 5354 1790 5446 17S8 4650 1788 4629 1790 15089a 1790 5576 1775 832 1789 5118 1774 629 1790 5746 1785 3542 1790 5412 [156] Tax order on collector in favor of Mr. Cole Benjamin Convers Daniel Cooke Samuel Davenport Knight Dexter Dr. Solomon Drown Arthur Fenner John Field Martha Field Thomas Field Asa Franklin Jonathan French Jonathan Gladding Grinnell and Taylor Mrs. Sarah Hall Thomas L. Halsey John Ilammon Mr. Ilammon Walter Harding William Harding Stephen Harris Mrs. Hope Hawkins John Holdin Joseph Hoyle Robert Hudson Daniel Jackson William Larned John Lasell Mary Maloney Dr. James Manning Sylvanus Martin Aaron Mason Masury and Daullis Nathan Miller James Morril Jr John Mumford Jabez Olney James Peckham Philip Peckham James Pettis John Pettis Jr Nicholas Power Magg Shackleford Pardon Sheldon John Smith Joshua Smith James Snow Jr 1788 5037 1788 4889 4927 1785 14540 1788 4717 1785 3660 1790 5501 1790 5533 1790 5451 1773 540 1790 5531 17S5 3543 1790 5526 1788 4903 1788 4892 1790 5395 1790 5676 1790 5399 17S9 5351 1789 5337 1790 5596 5025 5634 5645 5650 5656 1789 5161 1790 5561 1785 3716 1785 3663 1788 4851 4976 1790 5730 1788 5017 1790 5430 1785 3537 1789 5158 5331 1790 5555 1790 5525 1786 3753 1788 4872 1790 5544 1790 5383 1790 5419 1788 4680a 1790 5434 179O 5450 17S9 5363 179O 5553 1785 3574 1789 5190 1786 3778 1790 5408 1790 5433 1790 5630 1790 5441 1790 5500 1789 5371 1787 4633 1790 5536 [ 157] 1790 I7S5 Tax order on collector in favor of William Snow Daniel Spencer Arthur Stevens Nehemiah Sweet Paul Tew Ebenezer Thompson Squire Thurber Daniel Tourtelot Jeffrey Turpin John Walker William Wheaton John Whipple Jacob Whitman Nathan Williams order of town treasurer on tax collector out of tax col- lecting for paving notes taken up to Zephaniah An- drews 1785 3588 Philip Allen Zachariah Allen Daniel Bray ton Elisha Brown John Brown Nicholas Brown Clarke and Nightengale Benjamin Comstock John Demount Levi Hall Holroyd and Tillinghast Michael and Joel Metcalf Samuel Nightengale John Smith Samuel Young order on town treasurer by assessors for expense of as- sessing by Joseph Brown Ambrose Page Nathaniel Wheaton by town meeting on town treasurer connected with taxes by town auditors in favor of Theodore Foster by Arthur Fenner in favor of Peregrine Foster in favor of Benjamin Hoppin by Joseph Brown in favor of Ezekiel Burr to be discounted in his account against town being amount of his tax this year on by Arthur Fenner in favor of Peregrine Foster on account of his father payment of without collectors fees vote of town as to [158] 5477 5557 1788 4975 1788 4788 1788 4945 1773 494 1790 5743 1790 5394 I7S5 3656 1788 4685 3717 3718 1790 5531 1782 2804 1788 4731 1790 5538 1786 3756 1735 3583 1785 4018 1785 3580 1785 3581 1785 3584 17S6 3793 1785 3586 1785 3579 1785 3578 1785 3592 I78S 3591 1787 4475 1785 3590 1785 3585 1785 3593 1776 ' 935 *773 , 501 1773 503 1777 1175 1781 2485 1785 3314 1784 3107 1776 936 1785 3500 1768 403 Tax petition of Nicholas Brown for relief and repayment of over taxation and proceedings thereon '779 1631 preamble and resolution in regard to 177S 1443 rate streak, see title Fire Apparatus receipt by collector from Comfort Barden for his state taxes for 17S5 and 17S6 with interest 17S7 4149 from Henry Bowen for state tax 17S5 on estate of William Smith 1787 4313 by collector for town of Barrington from Henry Bowen hard money state tax 1771 14311 by collector for town of North Providence from John Brown 1779 1663 from Sylvanus Martin 17S1 14806 by sheriff from collector on account of execution against town 17S9 5116 town treasurer in full of execution against town 17S1 3441 by general treasurer from town treasurer in part of the deficient taxes due from town 1778 1561 in full of towns proportion of state tax of December 1777 and February 1778 1779 1595 for towns proportion of general tax 1781 3363 in part for towns proportion of state gold and silver tax 1781 3387 3414 3438 3433 3483 3516 3536 3546 3550 in full for towns proportion of state tax for specie 1781 3560 of tax 1 78 1 3608 in part of towns proportion of state tax made for silver and gold 17S2 3767 in full of towns proportion of state tax made for silver and gold 1782 3794 in part of towns proportion of state tax 1783 3039 in full of towns proportion of state tax x 7§4 3073 in part of state taxes 17S5 4383 in full of towns proportion of state tax for 1787 17S7 4338 in part of towns proportion of state tax of June 17S8 1788 5034 5036 17S9 5073 5095 in part of state tax made in March 1789 5313 5317 5318 in full of state tax made in March 17S9 5468 by town treasurer from tax collector in part of taxes due town 1781 3533 of silver money tax 17S1 3504 of hard money tax 1781 3493 3493 of paper money tax 1781 3496 by taking up sundry accounts, etc. 17S1 3497 [159] Tax receipt by town treasurer from tax collector in part of town tax he is collecting 1782 2630 3650 2651 2690 2737 2751 2768 2802 by taking up sundry orders and ac- counts 1782 2715 in part of tax collecting 17S3 2909 2927 2941 2947 1784 3085 3121 3319 1787 4357 4537 for discharging Joseph Tillinghasts taxes 1787 4580 in part etc. 1788 4700 4760 4776 4799 4807 4810 4921 5000 5059 I 789 5197 5123 5219 in part of balance due on paper money tax 17S9 5353 in part of overplus of state taxes ordered paid to town 1789 5257 On account town tax 1790 5487 5508 5708 5709 5795 by sundry orders taken up 1790 5543 5638 for balance due town per settlement with town auditor I 79° 5713 for overplus of tax ordered in April 1789 1790 5898 request to call town meeting to choose collector in place of Anthony Westcot who refuses to serve 1781 2451 to order a rate ^1S° 168 to order a tax 1780 2170 to consider taxation 1784 3074 1787 4261 report of tax collector 1705 33 1772 15049a 1774 700 1778 1535 17S0 1909 2190 1781 2443 1784 3134 3125 3126 3127 3377 1786 3805 3806 3807 17S7 4300 4293 I 789 5201 valuation book 17S5 3588 value of old tenor in taxes 1768 403 vote of town meeting assessing tax 1789 5380 1790 5759 payable in gold and silver 1781 3305 3306 3431 authorizing issue of town notes and certificates receivable in payment of taxes 1790 5763 as to collecting interest on state tax 1787 4349 as to payment of taxes 1787 4256 to prosecute collector for deficiency in 1768 412 as to surplus taxes arising from rates 1772 458 warrant town treasurer to collector 1777 1346 1347 of tax collector Pomfret Conn. 1789 5380 to warn town meeting in relation to 1748 157 17S1 3451 2499 1784 3070 3075 1785 3466 1 787 4248 4255 1 789 5367 1790 5749 5763 vote of town meeting for town treasurer to prosecute col- lector 1768 413 Test Act subscribed 1782 3696 list of inhabitants of Providence who signed 1776 15058-1 who did not sign 1776 15058-3 Tide Mill at Weybossett bridge report of committee on 17S9 5203 Town Clerk bill of James Angell against town for services 1774 674 [160] 1780 1904 1744 ' '•> 1772 468 1757 200 178S 4954 1782 3744 ( 'lerk bill of Dwight Foster warrant to warn firemen to meet and elect new TOWH Council Blinutes mutilated and illegible for other minutes of town council see titles of matters to which they refer Town of Johnston accounts in settlement with Town Meetings and their action on different matters see the titles under which such action is classified Town Pump Broad street petition for Town of Scituate order of town treasurer on town treasurer of Providence for certificates for payment of Scituate's quota of men to do duty on Rhode Island Town Serjeant hill of against town for services Henry Bowen 1785 3G90 3710 14535 1453G 14541 14544 14551 17S6 3737 3743 14564 14566 14577 14584 14585 14586 14587 1 787 4146 4156 4185 4373 4375 4276 4377 4555 4556 4557 4558 178S 4796 4886 4913 4981 5038 17S9 5088 5128 5183 5184 5186 5187 5342 5244 5262 5271 5390 5294 5328 1790 5467 5605 5514 5593 5609 5639 5637 5651 5667 5707 5717 5722 5738 5767 5778 5949 Daniel Branch 1787 4127 William Compton 177 1 14993 1772 463 15040 15048 15051 1773 536 537 538 543 556 564 568 593 1 774 617 7<>9 710 1775 811 1776 917 928 940 943 943 976 1031 1067 1088 1099 1777 1125 1199 1213 1321 1339 1339 1361 1330 1350 177S 1374 1393 1407 1408 1433 1438 1453 1481 1491 1493 1519 1530 1548 1559 1560 1568 1 779 1587 1594 1605 1609 1653 1661 1668 1673 1676 1683 1703 1743 1773 1793 1796 1804 1813 1838 1780 1867 1885 1931 1946 1993 3005 3090 2172 2261 I 78 I 2370 2373 2392 2393 3394 2406 2436 2438 58457 2478 2501 2543 2569 1 782 2631 3664 3707 2720 2736 2772 2801 2814 1 783 2833 2869 2876 2893 2894 3918 3974 2990 3034 I 784 3049 3060 3076 3098 3131 3138 3204 3221 3238 1785 3447 3463 3645 17S7 4370 Peregrine Foster 17S4 3123 3258 William Givens Wheeler Martin Rufus Sprague 17S4 3217 15080 against town sergeant Henry Bowen Daniel Branch for use of horse 1787 4297 William Peckham for padlock 1789 5333 bond of to town treasurer by Henry Bowen 1785 3469 by William Compton 1766 393 1767 40O 1768 408 1769 353 1772 451 1773 535 1774 675 1 775 813 17S5 3639 1788 4770 1789 5336 1785 3381 1770 434 1776 983 3999 1771 435 1777 1279 1778 1499 1779 1734 1781 3409 1 783 C 161] Town Sergeant report of committee to settle accounts of H. Bovven vote of town meeting as to services of William Compton and his reward as to payment of account of II. Bowen Town Treasurer accounts of certificate of town clerk as to settlement of in town meeting vote of town meeting as to settlement of bills against town treasurer see titles under which such bills are respectively classified bond of town treasurer, see titles under which such bonds are respectively classified Clarke's shop, town treasurer directed to buy order on town treasurer in favor of Paul Tew for purchase money receipt by Giles Peckham from town treasurer on account due bills issued by town treasurer, see Due Bill minutes of deed of William Creed in trust notes of, see title Note order on where the nature of the account settled is not apparent by town auditor in favor of Dr. Joseph Hevves by town committee in favor of Sarah Stebbins by town council in favor of Ephraim Carpenter 4970 in favor of Daniel Lawrence in favor of William Compton for attending commit- tee in taking the estimate of Daniel Mowry for " money for them plank" memorandum of orders on for other orders on town treasurer see titles under which such orders are respectively classified according to the nature of the accounts receipt of from Nicholas Brown for money raised on N. Brown's gold and silver note to Anthony Kinnecut for endorsements on town treasurer's notes from Joseph Sheldon for balance due as town treas- urer for other receipts of town treasurer see titles under which such receipts are respectively classified according to the subject matter of the transactions report of 1748 151 153 1756 283 175S 314 1759 327 1768 409 1774 739 17S2 2719 3771 1 786 3814 Town Watch, see Watch Town Wharf petition for leave to extend Train Band, see Militia 1790 14593 I 7 86 3816 1789 5251 1782 2799 1786 3957 1773 489 1773 494 1772 455 1783 3931 17SS 4669 1780 3330 17S8 4943 1785 4997 1779 1844 i 77 i 15001 1786 4015 1780 3084 178S 4870 1772 460 1766 399 1749 163 [162] Treasure Trove action as to in case of an anchor 17S3 3976 Turf and Twig delivery of possession by Gideon Craw- ford to William Browne 1732 14678 United States, see Congress Constitution of the United States Foreign Relations United States Chronicle Extraordinary notice of legal payments of sundry debts in paper currency of paper money bank of 1786 1786 4011 Vendue Master bond to town treasurer James Angell 1750 167 John Angell Jr 1747 145 Benjamin Hoppin 1782 2723 17S7 4259 John Lawrence 1759 328 1773 529 Isaac Olney 175S 315 Benoni Pearce 17S0 1997 John Whipple x 744 114 report of sale by 1781 2502 Vendue Public bill of Daniel Branch against Henry Bowen for notifying sale of household furniture 178S 5070 Vagrancy Proceedings bill against town for services in of Henry Bowen 17S5 3690 14541 14551 1786 3737 3743 14566 14577 14584 14585 14586 17S7 4146 4156 4185 4274 4556 4557 4558 17SS 4666 4671 4727 4795 4909 4929 4981 5038 17S9 5184 5187 5243 5260 5271 5328 1790 5514 5609 5637 5667 5707 5722 5949 Jabez Bowen 1774 720 Taber Bowen 1774 626 742 William Compton 1772 462 15040 15048 15053 1775 772 1776 944 946 1067 1 777 1213 1 778 1453 1560 1792 1780 1867 1885 1946 I 78 I 2543 I 78. 2801 2814 17S3 2869 2894 2918 2974 3034 3073 3098 3138 3204 3238 17S5 3439 3489 Isaac Corry Peregrine Foster John Gorham Nathaniel Jenks 1782 2654 Rufus Sprague 1784 3217 17S5 3281 3443 3452 Gideon Young Jr 1774 721 1775 757 1776 896 970 of Crapon and Hall against town sergeant for pass- ages to and from Newport bond of Daniel Brown and Benjamin Hearnton on ac- count of Mary Clarke and child John Owens on account of Sarah Hammett Samuel Tift on account of Mary Bellow and child certificate of Dr. Truman as to condition of Abigail Fletcher alias Smith 1784 3260 deposition of Eleazer Harding as to Anne Carrel 1758 317 Sobriety Dwier as to Abigail O'Brian 1779 1685 examination of Stephen Addams 1780 1934 [163] 1779 1587 2621 2707 1784 3049 175S 320 17S4 3123 1774 6°* 1786 3736 1788 5025 1692 28 1758 306 16S3 26 Vagrancy Proceedings examination of Benjamin Addison Nathaniel Allen Hannah Baley John Beasly Margaret Benson Eunice Barber Ruony Barker Polly Bartlett James Cadell Mary Carder Anne Carrel John Carter Jude Casco Daniel Case John Clemence Benjamin Coates Sarah Cockings Vashti Colson William Cooke Mary Crosing Elizabeth Crow Henry Field Polly Fitch Amos Fitz Simons Gideon Franklin Sarah Gardner Josiah Giffbrd Glasscow a manumitted slave Titus Guinea William Henderson Elizabeth Hodges Isabell Hope Tower Humphrey Benjamin Jones Lawrence Kelley Rebecca Killey Thankful King Francisco Kinsley Phebe Lawrence Vesty Layland Peter Norton Jacob Noumus Olive Pero Penelope Price Grace Record William Rogers Benjamin Sampson [16+] 1775 872 1770 427 1770 427 1787 4280 1770 427 1780 1929 17S0 1929 1780 1929 1785 3442 1775 754 1758 318 1785 3648 1770 427 1766 391 1758 281 1770 427 1780 1930 1789 5302 1787 4253 1764 384 1780 1930 1770 427 17S8 4857 1770 427 1775 848 1780 1930 1770 427 1763 379 1770 427 17S0 1930 1763 378 1756 279 1784 15330a 17S7 4280 1770 427 1764 385 17S0 1930 1770 427 178S 4762 1770 427 1763 379 1785 3440 1767 396 1785 3689 1764 385 1763 379 1788 4857 Vagrancy Proceedings examination of Elizabeth Shaw 1768 410 Lvdia Shepard 1769 415 Ephraim Smith 1769 420 Elizabeth Stonehouse 1785 3538 Ann Stringer 1770 427 Susanna Tripp 1780 1900 James Wamslej 1770 42c Coley Wells a freed slave 1787 4280 Nathaniel Wells 1787 4280 John Wheirs 1770 427 John Wicker 1770 427 Wait Whiting 1780 1930 examination and judgment of Hopestill Mowry 17S0 1923 Phebe Newcomb 1780 1923 Abigail O'Brien 1779 1688 Thomas Phelps 1787 15084a Nicholas Parker 17S0 1923 Polly Poor 1785 3427 Martha Simons 1780 1923 Judah Wanton 1780 1929 information as to Elizabeth Freeman by overseer of poor to town council 1778 1556 letter as to Cato Freeman from town of Cumberland to town of Cranston 1787 4560 Esther Heradon from select men of Windham to town of Providence 1790 5646 5659 Eli Luther insane vagrant from governor to town council , 1784 3167 Mrs. Stonehouse from city council of Newport to town council 1785 3727 memorandum as to summoning vagrants before council 1756 285 notice from town of Abington to town of Providence to take care of a Providence vagrant there 1774 734 order of overseer of poor on town treasurer in favor of John Field for carrying vagrant to Newport 17S9 5107 of town council on town clerk to bring before them copy of laws as to settlements in towns 17S0 1900 of town council that Nathaniel Bowdich be prose- cuted unless he departs the town in 24 hours 1775 872 petition of Christopher Stocken twice ordered out of town for leave to return and live in Providence 1787 4386 printing laws respecting bill for of John Carter against town 17S5 3322 1790 5475 Bennet Wheeler 1785 3324 punishment of for returning to town without leave after being ordered removed case of Jonathan Benjamin 178S 4875 Zolph Carpenter, a free "muster" woman 1787 4280 [165] Vagrancy Proceedings receipt from town sergeant for vagrants and warrants en route of removal by constable of Cranston 1788 4941 1789 5150 of Johnston 1788 4916 1790 5674 of North Providence 1787 4195 4383 4308 4488 4494 4597 178S 4733 4773 4845 1789 5333 1790 5615 5634 5768 by town treasurer of fine paid by vagrant for return- ing to town without leave of town council after having been sent out of town by warrant return of officer on warrant to remove Joanna McDonald to Newport resolution of town council case of Zolph Carpenter John Cooper Thomas Field Cynthia Holden a negro Joseph Leonard vote of town meeting to pay William Compton for ser- vices warrant to bring before town council Eliezer Albro et al John Anthony et als Miriam Birch Anne Borden Margaret Bowler et als Marcy Bragg et al William Carpenter Thomas Eldridge Sampson Freeman Richard Fuller et al Wait Godfrey et als Elizabeth Griftes Mrs. Sarah Johnston et al Betsy Kiah Jeremiah Lawton Joana McDonal Widow O'Brian et al Samuel Thayer et als John Treby Duke Waterman cl als Amey Whipple et al Molly Whitaker warrant to remove vagrant to Providence John Bjrrns from East Chester Westchester Co. N. Y. 1785 3494 Esther Haraden et als from Windham Conn. 1790 5648 from Voluntown Conn. 1790 5687 Susanna Mathewson from Rehoboth Mass. 177S 1437 from Providence to Bellingham John Pitts el als 1771 439 to Boston Mary Billings and child 1781 15067 [166] 1785 4873 1775 745 1787 4489 1787 4391 1789 5355 1786 4078 1763 369 1 77 1 15034 1754 347 1747 146 1783 3916 1784 3199 1782 3745 1775 833 1754 370 1748 155 1784 3134 1783 3915 1784 3305 1757 300 i 7 S3 3955 1779 1699 1783 3891 1774 698 1779 1686 1774 616 1775 8^4 1774 639 1755 316 1777 1161 Vagrancy Proceedings warrant to remove from Provide James Burke et al Felix Ilolbrook Phyllis Merrill Sarah Wood to Brainham Ruth Smith to Braintree Betsy Fowler ct al to Bristol Elizabeth Phillips Lvdia Shepard to Cambridge Cato Freeman ct ah to Cranston Rosabella Bradshaw Sarah Mores Susanna Potter Jedediah Stone et al Israel Tyler et als to Cumberland Obadiah Blanding el ux Jane Whipple to Dracut Zebulon Bateman et als to East Greenwich Wait Godfrey to Grafton Esther Short to Hartford John Conley to Ipswich Titus Guinea to Johnston Mary Anthony Sarah Frank and child Katharine an orphan to Litchfield Thomas Osborne et als to Little Com p ton Samuel Grinnell et als Sarah Johnson to Mendon Samuel Thayer et als to Middleborough Martha Simons to Newport Abigail Chadwick Betty Chadwick Deborah Ellwood Olive Goddard ct als William Goddard Sarah Hogan Mary Kennedy Clarke Pike Penelope Price et als Benjamin Read's son William Townsend's children John Treby Margaret Wanton Richard Whitehorn to North Kingstown Judith Hazard to North Providence Huldah Abbey and ch Susanna Guinea Prudence Hawkins and son nee to Boston 1785 15079 1790 5583 1790 5662 1790 5730 1790 5685 179O 5442 177a 467 1769 417 1790 5671 17S8 4968 4971 1788 4612 4613 1787 4235 1790 5485 1774 669 1788 4716 17S7 4384 4385 1790 5741 1784 3208 1783 15073 1790 5584 17S9 5296 1786 3791 1779 15065 1789 5109 1790 5488 8 4820 4821 1787 4355 1774 713 1780 15084 1787 4490 1788 5023 1790 5582 1762 368 1768 413 1786 3781 1789 5292 1790 5688 1785 3712 1780 15066a 1775 835 1775 827 1789 5156 1786 4028 1780 15066 1787 4498 1788 4772 1788 4736 r ild [ 167 J Vagrancy Proceedings warrant to remove from Providence to North Providence Joshua Smith et als to Oxford Mrs. Rhoda Hill to Philadelphia William Davenport et als to Portsmouth N. H. James Furlong to Rehoboth Susanna Allen Miriam Burch Susanna Mathewson Jonathan Paine et als Olive Pero to Salem Elizabeth Howard Mary Ratford to Sherburne Sally Fitch to Smithfield Sarah Arnold to South Kingstown Freelove Franklin Isabell Hope to Swansea Abigail O'Brian et als Ephraim Smith et als to Taunton James Andrews Elijah Cobb Benjamin Fales to Warwick Ruth Finch et al Sarah Gardner et als to Westerly Sarah Palmoter and child to Weymouth Vashti Colson and child" writ of arrest to compel John Hoyle to give bond to sup- port his family before leaving town Vagrancy Proceeding's in Newport examination of Gamaliel Richmond Venture fishing in schooner Ranger account between Henry Bowen and Ambrose Page certificate of right of Henry Bowen in in West India voyage receipt for Vote of General Assembly on petition of town for Assembly to call convention to consider Constitution of the United States Vote of Town Meeting appointing committee to assist town treasurer to hire money to discharge execution against town directing town treasurer to buy a shop extract from as to payment of " abstracts " to prevent ingrossing of prices see also for other votes the titles under which the subject matter of such votes is classified e. g. as to paving streets see High-ways as to taxation see Taxes Voters Lists of, see Freemen Ward-Hopkins Controversj r proposals 1761 343 [168] 1788 4651 1789 5397 1789 5301 17S9 5336 1790 5474 1784 3150 1778 1438 1772 469 1767 397 1774 711 1790 5586 17S8 4934 i 77 i 434 1786 15083b 1756 380 1782 2698 1772 452 1774 688 1774 641 1775 844 1787 4157 1787 4438 1745 133 17S8 4636 172S 14666 1 77 1 430 179O 15330f 1790 15330d 1778 14393 17SS 4785 1781 3437 1772 484 1778 1553 1777 1397 Warrant, see the titles to which the warrants respectively relate e. g. for warrants in vagrancy see Vagrancy Proceeding* for warrants for town meetings to impose taxes see Taxes for warrants for town meetings to raise feed or clothe troops see Revolution Warrant Search for stolen goods Watkins lots resolution of town council as to sale of Washington General address of Town of Providence to answer of General Washington to address of town of Providence bill of James Arnold against town for candles supplied the poor for illuminating town of Henry Bowen for repairing court house of Daniel Branch for notifying the inhabitants to clear the streets of John Carter for printing order of procession and tickets for the entertainment at reception of Caleb Ormsbee for preparations for illumination at reception request to call a town meeting to arrange reception warrant to call a town meeting to arrange a greeting Watch bill of Elijah Bacon against town for moving a watch house from Mumford's to Bridge of Nathan Brown for making and fixing six watch poles of Jonathan Hammon for making three watch boxes of John Nichols for taking charge of town watch for sixteen weeks for taking care of town watch and a watch house bought for use of town of Daniel Tefft for six pole hooks for watches of William Wheaton materials and building chim- ney for watch house list of names with the number of nights each person is to watch for six months and vote of town as to same order of Jabez Bowen on town treasurer per order of council in favor of Beriah Curtis and Co. for watching report of committee to draw up regulations for the town watch Water lots on flats a little north of Weybosset hill receipt from Richard Brown for payment (these receipts are unsigned) Wharfage bill for against Esek Anthony Will for acquittance from charge of, see Acquittance of Israel Arnold of Warwick of Martha Brown and probate of of William Brown 1783 3044 1788 4766 1790 5703 1790 5704 178 1 2443 1790 5717 1790 5713 1790 5707 1790 5725 1790 5700 1790 5701 1776 1264 1776 1047 1776 047 1776 1066 1777 1138 1776 1048 1777 1133 1775 803 1776 077 1764 386 1746 14705 14706 1787 4123 1743 «» 1765 14076a 14077 1773 14760 [169 J Will of Joseph Olney motion against probate of of John Smith the miller deposition of John Whipple of Samuel Winsor nuncupative of Mrs. Martha Brown citation as to pro- bate of Work House Estate bill against town of Zephaniah Andrews for labor James Angell for locks Nathan Arnold et al for stone for wall Elisha Bowen for work and materials Jabez Bowen for kettle to boil the junk in William Braylon for hardware John Brown for materials for repairs Nicholas Brown and Co. for building supplies for lumber David Burr for repairs Joshua Burr for labor in repairing Samuel Davenport for work John Demount for labor and materials Thomas Field for work Joseph Hawkins for building wall Thomas Jenkins for boards for repairing Charles Keen for building wharf David Martin for making sash and setting glass James Martin for shingles and glazing Joseph Martin for repairs Josiah Miller for repairing Samuel Newell for repairing Elihu Peck for labor and material Lewis Peck for nails John Smith for work Nathan Waterman for making list of repairs Nathaniel Wheaton for repairs and construction for supplies to repair William Wheaton for wooden bunk Nathan Williams for work Gideon Young Jr for making cage order of committee on the town treasurer in favor of bearer on account of repairs 1783 for advances for repairs boards for repairing 1783 material used in repairs John Bolton for boards for floor Daniel Brayton rum for drink of men repairing John Demount for hair for mortar Tilley Merrick Olney for sand Abner Thayer for rum for carpenters to drink 1777 1356 1682 17 1681 16 1779 1663 1774 021 1778 1472 I73.S 3655 1785 3711 1774 626 1783 3032 1784 3145 1773 533 1774 628 1783 3024 I7S3 3005 1785 3821 1779 1588 1785 3321 1786 3819 1783 3020 1 77 1 15027 1777 1132 1783 3021 17S4 3079 I7S3 3001 1783 3004 1785 3708 1785 3706 1789 5366 1780 2250 i77< ; 790 17S9 5330 1780 2249 1785 3698 I77<: > 970 3022 3023 I7S3 3002 2958 2959 1783 3014 1783 2956 I7S3 3037 17S7 4313 1783 2994 1783 3025 [ 170] Work house order of committee on town treasurer in favor of Nathan Williams for work Samuel Young for lime for repairing of David Brins on Joseph Martin in favor of Abner Thayer for work of Joseph Martin on work house in favor of Nathan Williams for work on receipt of Joseph Martin from Benjamin Iloppin for pur- pose of repairing report on condition after use for barracking troops rules and orders of 1773 572 vote of town meeting to settle accounts to shingle to repairs after barracking of troops warrant to warn town meeting to consider repairs of Writ, see Legal Proceedings Bastardy Proceedings 1783 2993 1783 2984 1783 3015 1784 3048 17S3 2991 1780 2002 1774 573 1764 382 1768 412 1779 1839 1782 2785 [171] INDEX TO Papp:r-Money Bank Mortgages INDEX TO Paper-Money Bank Mortgages The paper-money banks of Rhode Island wore devices whereby bills of credit were issued by the treasury and were loaned out at interest to the people on mortgage security for a term of years. They were issued to enlarge the circulating medium and on various pretexts ; for example, to supply the loss occasioned by the expenses of the wars, to repair fortifica- tions, to promote the fisheries and the raising of flax and wool, to repair the colony house, to build a light-house and finally to supply the place of former issues which had been brought in and cancelled. The outstanding bills rapidly depreciated in exchangeable value and finally became worthless. There were ten banks issued, as follows : the first in 1715, £40,000, the second in 1721, £40,000, the third in 172S, £40,000, the fourth in 173 1 , £60,000, the fifth in 1733, £104,000, the sixth in 1738, £100,000, the seventh in 1740, £20,000, the eighth in 1743-4, £40,000, the ninth in 1750, £25,000, the tenth in 17S6, £100,000; amounting in the whole to £569,000. The mortgages remained nominally in force, but all attempts to fore- close them were abandoned by general consent, and they are not re- garded in the examination of land titles. They were recorded in the office of the town clerk, and among the books of the city of Providence are now remaining records of the first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth banks. The following is an index of the mortgagors, showing the dates on which said mortgages were issued and the book and page where the record of such mortgage may be found : Abbott Daniel and Jahleel Brenton et al George Goulding et al Jonathan Nichols et al John Wanton el al BOOK . p. July 6 1741 5 47 June 17 i74' 5 3S Dec. 15 1741 5 52 Nov. 20 1744 6 49 July H 1740 i 59 Oct. 29 1726 2 92 Jan. 3 1 t725 1 33 Aug. 27 173° 2 104 Jan. 21 1720 1 1 1 Dec. 15 1722 1 H July 3° 1732 1 55 [ 175 ] BOOK I'. Allbe Eleazar and Gideon Wanton et al Allgell James and John Wanton ct al John and John Wanton ct al Jahleel Brenton ct al John Wanton ct al John Jr and Jonathan Nichols et al Anthony John and Gideon Wanton et al Joseph and John Wanton ct al Stephen and John Wanton et al Thomas and Benjamin Nichols et al Jonathan Nichols et al Gideon Wanton et al Aplill John and Jonathan Nichols et al Arnold Edward and Jahleel Brenton et al Benjamin Nichols et al John Wanton et al Stephen and John Wanton et al Aslltoil Joshua and Jahleel Brenton et al William and Jahleel Brenton et al John Wanton et al Atwood Charles and Benjamin Nichols et al Baker Elisha and Jahleel Brenton et al Jonathan Nichols ct al Gideon Wanton ct al Ballaeil Maturin and John Wanton ct al Ballard Isaac and John Wanton et al Balleil Peter and John Wanton et al BavilCS John and Jonathan Nichols et al John Wanton ct al Bateman Peter and Gideon Wanton ct al Bellkliap Benjamin and Jahleel Brenton et al Beverly George and Gideon Wanton ct al Borden Joseph and Jahleel Brenton et al Joseph Jr and Jahleel Brenton ct al Bowdish Moses and John Wanton et al Oct. 24 Nov. 2S Dec. 1 Nov. Dec. Apr Dec. 13 Ma j 14 Sept. 27 Feb. 8 Jul J 12 Feb. 8 Apr. 21 Dec. 30 Apr. n Jan. 2S Dec. 4 Jan- 3 1 Sept. 17 May 20 Nov. 17 Oct. 13 Oct. 13 Oct. 30 Sept. 2 July 21 Sept. 2 Apr. 13 Apr. 13 June Oct. Mar, Jan. Oct. 17 Aug. 12 Apr. 21 Feb. 9 Sept. 2^ Aug. 15 Oct. 3 Nov. 13 Mar. 2 June 6 Nov. 19 June 29 Nov. 20 1751 1721 !733 J 744 1733 1721 1727 i75i 1722 i73i !753 1727 1753 1748 1744 1747 1748 J733 1738 1731 173 1 !733 x 744 J 744 1733 i73i 1721 i73i 1748 174S 1741 1745 1725 175^ 1721 1721 1720 1726 I73 1 i7S3 1741 !744 1752 1741 J 744 1741 J733 6 63 54 45 57 4 9 S 26 74 18 S3 83 5 1 58 51 59 63 60 87 H 45 38 3S 40 9 1 29 107 99 55 9 56 9 1 37 37 46 23 36 5 1 52 96 47 43 11 55 42 43 [176] BOWOII Ephraim and Jahleel Brenton et al Joseph Jr and Jahleel Brenton et al Richard and Gideon Wanton et al Bradway William and Jonathan Nichols ct al Brig'gs John and Jahleel Brenton et al Gideon Wanton et al William and Gideon Wanton et al Brook William and John Wanton et al Brown George and Jahleel Brenton ct al John and Gideon Wanton et al Joseph and Benjamin Nichols et al Gideon Wanton ct al Jahleel Brenton et al Benjamin Nichols et al Browne Hosannah and John Wanton et al Jabez and John Wanton et al James and Jonathan Nichols et al James Jr and John Wanton et al Jeremiah and John Wanton et al John and John Wanton et al Joseph and Jonathan Nichols et al Richard and John Wanton et al William and John Wanton et al Blicklen Jonathan and Benjamin Nichols et al Burlinggame Benj. and John Wanton et al John and Gideon Wanton et al Joshua and Jahleel Brenton et al Moses and Jahleel Brenton et al John Wanton et al Gideon Wanton et al Moses Jr and Benj. Nichols et al G. Wanton et al Roger and John Wanton et al Jahleel Brenton et al John Wanton et al Samuel and John Wanton et al Thomas and John Wanton et al Thos. Jr and John Wanton et al William and John Wanton et al Blirroilgh William and John Wanton et al Burton William and John Wanton et al Carpenter Silas and John Wanton et al Timothy and John Wanton et al [ '77] 23 June 15 Oct. 13 Feh. 6 May 28 Oct. 12 Dec. 31 Jan. 28 July 20 Nov. 5 Nov. 12 Jan. 15 Feb. 6 July 3 J^n- 15 Nov. 13 Aug. 13 Apr. 30 Sept. 16 Dec. 15 Nov. 24 Dec. 17 Sept. 19 Dec. 8 Dec. 17 Apr. 4 Sept. 18 Nov. 7 Oct. 25 Sept. 26 Sept. 26 June 9 Nov. 12 Apr. 13 Mar. 24 Mar. 24 Dec. 7 Oct. 20 Sept. 21 Nov. 8 Nov. 7 Nov. 1 July 25 Nov. 21 Dec. 1 Nov. 7 Nov. 26 Sept. 25 1741 !744 1752 1726 '744 1 75 1 I7S2 1721 J 744 i75i 1755 1752 1741 *755 1721 1721 1726 i73i x 733 i73i J 733 1726 J 733 J 733 1752 i73i !733 i75i 1744 '744 1741 J 733 1752 1753 1753 J 75i 1731 J 744 1733 '733 J 733 1721 J 733 1733 J 733 !733 i73i BOOK. 5 6 7 34 39 39 42 35 29 36 25 44 '3 93 40 46 69 26 62 39 12 6S 43 69 40 67 70 78 15 27 7 23 24 21 118 47 85 65 16 34 20 30 2S 13 24 44 56 26 50 17 Carpenter William 3d and Benj. Nichols ct al Cary Benjamin and Benjamin Nichols et al Clieckley John and Gideon Wanton ef al Church John and John Wanton ct al Clarke John and John Wanton et al Clemance Richard and John Wanton ct al Richard Jr and John Wanton et al Thomas and John Wanton et al Colvill John and John Wanton et al Jolm Jr and John Wanton ct al Colwell John and Jahleel Brenton et al Comail Benjamin and John Wanton et al William and Jonathan Nichols et al ComptOll William and Gideon Wanton et al Comstock Hazadiah and John Wanton et al John and John Wanton ct al Thomas and John Wanton et al Congdon Benjamin and John Wanton et al Ephraim and Benjamin Nichols et al James and John Wanton et al Samuel and Gideon Wanton et al Cook Daniel and John Wanton et al Peter and Gideon Wanton et al Corpe Hope and Jahleel Brenton et al Joseph and Jahleel Brenton et al Crawford John and Jahleel Brenton et al Joseph and John Wanton et al Currie Robert and John Wanton et al Jonathan Nichols et al Davis John and John Wanton et al Day Nathaniel and John Wanton et al Dean Elijah and Jahleel Brenton et al William and Gideon Wanton et al Dexter John and John Wanton et al Gideon Wanton et al Pelegand Gideon Wanton et al Stephen and John Wanton et al BOOK . p. Oct. 25 1751 7 1 Nov. 18 '747 6 60 Mar. 6 '752 7 45 Aug. 4 [721 2 10 Dec. '7 1733 4 7i Nov. 1 [ 733 4 12 Aug '4 1721 2 75 Oct. 1 1 '73i 3 29 Sept 27 1721 2 66 Oct. 12 '73' 3 50 Oct. 12 '73i 2 1 10 Sept 15 1721 2 67 June 10 1741 5 3° Oct. 30 '733 4 S Jan. 23 [726 2 93 Dec. 12 '75i 7 24 Sept. 2 1721 2 J 3 Oct. 2 '731 1 47 May 12 '739 4 92 Oct. 3 1 '733 4 1 1 Nov. 26 1733 4 49 Mar. 27 1753 5 66 Mar. 27 '753 6 S6 Nov. 3° r 733 4 53 Sept. 1 1721 2 18 Nov. 1 1 '75i 7 11 Jan. 1 '733 4 1 Oct. 1 '754 7 55 June 6 [741 5 8 June 6 i74i 5 3 Oct. 15 '744 6 41 Nov. 7 '733 4 25 Sept. J 3 [721 2 33 Jan. 10 '733 4 2 Dec. 29 [ 733 4 82 Dec. 19 '733 4 74 July 27 1726 1 35 Nov. 7 ' 733 4 24 Jan. 6 737 4 89 Feb. 13 1 73S 4 SS Aug. 30 i 744 6 2 Jan. 3 1 ] 752 7 34 Jan. 10 ] 759 7 59 Oct. 24 ] 721 2 56 Jan. 24 ' 752 7 33 Dec. 9 > 75i 7 20 Oct. 18 1 721 2 3S [17s] BOOK. P. Dexter Stephen and John Wanton ct al Dec. iS 1733 4 7- Stephen Jr. and John Wanton r/ al Sept. 10 1731 3 3 Dyer Charles and John Wanton et al Nov. 2 1733 4 14 Daniel and Jonathan Nichols et al Sept. 61746 6 57 John and Jahleel Brenton et al Sept. 10 1744 6 11 Samuel and Jahleel Brenton et al June S 1741 5 19 William and Jahleel Brenton et al Feb. 15 174 2 5 53 Eddy Zachariah and Benjamin Nichols et al Nov. 20 1749 5 60 Nov. 20 1749 4 100 John Wanton r/ ( f/ Apr. 28 1721 1 20 Sept. 14 1721 1 25 Zachariah Jr. and John Wanton et al Sept. 111721 2 27 E vens Richard Jr. and John Wanton et al Sept. 2S 1721 2 21 Feillier Arthur and John Wanton ct al Sept. 27 1721 2 65 Arthur Jr. and John Wanton et al June 41722 2 76 Daniel and Jahleel Brenton et al Nov. 15 1744 6 4S Edward and John Wanton et al Feb. 17 1729 1 43 Richard and John Wanton ct al Sept. 8 1721 2 77 Thomas Jr. and Benj. Nichols et al Feb. 20 1754 6 90 William and Jahleel Brenton et al June 71744 5 l S Field John Jr. and Jahleel Brenton et al June 10 1741 5 31 Nathaniel and Benjamin Nichols et al Aug. 31752 5 63 Oct. 9 1752 6 81 Jahleel Brenton ct al June 16 1741 5 37 Gideon Wanton et al Nov. 11 1751 7 12 Thomas Jr. and Jahleel Brenton et al June 5 1741 5 33 Gideon Wanton ct at Feb. u 1754 7 54 William and Jahleel Brenton ct al June 10 1741 5 28 Frazier Alexander and Jahleel Brenton el al Aug. 30 1744 6 3 Benj. Nichols el al Feb. 81753 6 8 4 Garrat Thomas and Gideon Wanton et al Oct. 231751 7 3 GibbS Israel and Gideon Wanton et al Dec. 2 1751 7 15 Robert and Jahleel Brenton el al July 2 1744 5 43 John Wanton et al Dec. 18 1733 4 73 Gorton Samuel and John Wanton ct al July 29 1721 2 79 Greene Elisha and John Wanton ct al Feb. 3 173S 3 52 Feb. 3 173S 4 9 1 Oct. 1 173 1 3 25 Nov. 12 1733 4 35 James and Benjamin Nichols et al May 28 1743 6 79 Gideon Wanton ct al Nov. 22 1754 7 60 Galley William and John Wanton et al Aug. 17 1721 2 49 Nov. 15 1727 2 84 July 13 1730 2 105 Hanion William and Benjamin Nichols et al June 2 1750 6 71 June 2 1750 4 101 Harding Stephen and John Wanton et al May 1 1722 1 19 [i79] Harding' Stephen and Jonathan Nichols et al John Wanton et al Thomas and John Wanton ct al Harris Andrew and John Wanton et al Job and John Wanton ct al William and John Wanton ct al Hartshorn Jacob and John Wanton ct al Haiise John and John Wanton et al HawkingS Edward and John Wanton et al Edward Jr. and John Wanton et al Elijah and John Wanton et al Jeremiah and Gideon Wanton et al John and Jahleel Brenton et al Joseph and John Wanton et al Josiah and Jahleel Brenton et al Rufus and John Wanton et al Jahleel Brenton ct al Hawkins William Jr. and John Wanton et al Henry John and Gideon Wanton et al Jahleel Brenton et al Herndeil John and John Wanton et al William and John Wanton et al Herrilldeil Benjamin and John Wanton ct al Hide Joseph and John Wanton et al Hopkins Amos and Gideon Wanton et al Benjamin Nichols et al William and Jahleel Brenton ct al John Wanton et al Hudson Mary and John Wanton et al Thomas and Jahleel Brenton et al Huston William and Jahleel Brenton et al Inmail Edward Jr. and John Wanton ct al Irweeil James and Jahleel Brenton et al Jenckes Nathaniel Jr. and John Wanton et al Obadiah and Jonathan Nichols et al John Wanton et al William and Jahleel Brenton et al Jones William and John Wanton et al William Jr. and John Wanton et al BOOK. i'. Jan. 23 1 724 I 3i Nov. 1 1 726 I 37 Nov. 10 1 733 I 60 Nov. 6 1 733 4 23 Dec. 19 1 720 1 27 Nov. 3 1 729 2 103 June 16 i 722 2 81 Sept. 13 721 2 26 Nov. IS 733 4 37 Nov. 6 1 721 2 22 Oct. 21 721 2 52 Sept. 15 73i 3 9 July 21 1721 2 54 Nov. 20 [ 733 4 45 Oct. 24 '75i 7 5 Sept. 19 [ 744 6 iS Nov. 20 [733 4 42 Oct. 5 [ 744 6 3° Nov. 5 733 4 19 Sept. 6 '744 6 7 Sept. 26 1721 1 3 Oct. 26 '75i 7 8 Sept. 4 1744 6 5 Sept. 30 1721 2 42 Aug. 15 1721 2 50 Nov. 6 1721 2 16 Dec. 1 1 1721 2 32 June 7 1753 6 88 July 6 1753 5 67 June 27 1754 6 92 June 27 1754 5 68 Mar. 23 1721 2 73 Aug. 18 1721 2 72 Oct. 18 i73i 3 3i Oct. 7 i73i 3 28 June S 1741 5 17 J"iy 3 1741 5 45 July 21 1741 5 51 Aug. 7 1741 5 J 3 Dec. 1 1 1721 2 57 Oct. 1 !744 6 26 Oct. 4 i73i 3 26 Mar. 22 1725 1 34 Sept. 5 1721 2 28 Sept. 18 '744 6 17 May 26 173° 1 16 Dec. 20 '733 4 75 [180] Jones Zacliariah and John Wanton et al Joy Peter ami Jahleel Brenton ct al John Wanton et al Kees Shadrack and Jonathan Nichols ct al Kent John and Gideon Wanton ct al lviltoil Samuel and John Wanton ct al King Elizabeth and John Wanton et al James and John Wanton et al James Jr. and John Wanton ct al John and Jahleel Brenton ct al John Wanton ct al Jonathan and Jahleel Brenton et al John Wanton ct al Josiah and Jahleel Brenton ct al Knigllt Ebenezerand John Wanton ct al John and John Wanton ct al Jonathan and John Wanton et al Richard and Jahleel Brenton et al John Wanton et al Gideon Wanton et al Richard 4th and Gideon Wanton et al Robert and Jahleel Brenton et al KnOWleS Daniel and John Wanton et al Jonathan Nichols et al Knowltoil Elisha and John Wanton et al Larance Sarah and John Wanton ct al Luther Consider and Benjamin Nichols ct al Man Thomas and John Wanton et al Manchester Martha and Gideon Wanton et al Matthew and Jahleel Brenton ct al MailtOll Edward and John Wanton el al Mathewsoil Daniel and Jahleel Brenton et al Israel and Jahleel Brenton ct al Zacliariah and John Wanton ct al Mawrey Henry and John Wanton et al John and John Wanton et al Mitchel Edward and Jonathan Nichols et al [181] BOOK . p. Aug. 17 1721 2 -S3 Sept. 4 1744 6 6 Dec. 26 J 733 4 So Dec. 2 1726 2 89 Mar. 2 1752 7 4 1 Mar. 2 1743 6 75 Nov. 7 1733 4 29 Oct. 20 I73 1 3 35 Mar. 21 1720 1 8 Aug. 27 I73 1 2 106 Sept. 22 1721 2 20 June 9 174' 5 23 Jan. 1 1721 2 1 1 June 9 1741 5 26 Oct. 12 1744 6 36 Jan. 22 J73 1 2 114 Oct. 5 x 744 6 29 Nov. 2 J 733 4 15 Nov. 5 1733 4 20 Sept. r 4 i73 l 3 7 Nov. 3 1721 2 3i June 8 1741 5 16 Sept. 5 !743 4 98 Sept. 11 1721 2 58 Oct. 26 '73i 3 3S Dec. 2 4 J 733 4 77 Oct. 25 i73 [ 2 112 Dec. H i75i 5 62 Dec. H 1751 7 27 Jan. 7 1752 7 3i Oct. 18 1745 6 55 Oct. 11 1731 3 30 Dec. 7 1726 2 97 Feb. 6 1720 1 5 June 22 1724 2 44 Sept. 27 1 72 1 2 '9 Jan. ! 3 1747 5 56 Dec. 26 1721 2 35 Feb. 4 1752 7 38 Sept. 10 !744 6 12 Nov. 3 J 733 4 18 Sept. 27 *744 6 25 Oct. 1 J 744 6 27 Aug. 25 1721 2 59 July 2.5 1721 2 60 Nov. 11 1721 2 30 June 10 1726 2 82 Mitchel Edward and John Wanton et al James and John Wanton et al Mowry Henry and Jonathan Nichols el al Olncy Abraham and Benjamin Nichols et al James and John Wanton et al John and Jahleel Brenton et al John Wanton et al John Jr and Jonathan Nichols et 3 42 June 29 74i 5 4 1 Sept. 16 '73 1 3 11 June 13 [726 2 96 Aug. 22 1721 2 5i Oct. 1 i73i 3 23 Nov. 22 i 733 4 48 Sept. 29 73i 1 49 Sept. 30 73' 3 22 Dec. 10 733 1 58 Dec. 25 733 4 79 Dec. 10 733 3 47 June S 74i 4 95 June 4 739 4 93 Oct. 30 733 4 7 Sept. 28 73 1 3 20 Nov. 22 733 4 47 Nov. 27 1 725 2 90 Apr. 28 752 7 48 Juij H 74i 5 49 Jan. 18 733 4 4 Dec. 18 1724 1 18 May 27 1745 6 53 Sept. '3 '73 1 3 5 July 26 [721 2 80 Feb. 25 720 1 6 Jan. 23 724 1 46 Oct. 30 [721 2 36 Mar. 8 '725 2 101 Nov. 9 [ 733 4 33 Nov. 12 [ 733 4 36 July 18 [821 2 48 Mar. 2 i 752 7 42 June 6 74i 5 12 Oct. 28 75i 7 10 Sept. 10 73i 3 4 Oct. 26 73' 3 39 Apr. J 3 > 752 7 46 Oct. 9 721 2 9 June 8 1 74i 5 iS Jan. 23 i 733 4 5 [182] Potter Fisher and John Wanton et al Job and John Wanton et al Jahleel Brenton et al John and John Wanton et al Jahleel Brenton et al Jolin Jr and Jahleel Brenton et al Joseph and Gideon Wanton ct al Power Nicholas and John Wanton ct al Randall Henry and Jahleel Brenton et al Benjamin Nichols el al Jonathan and Jahleel Brenton et al John Wanton et al Joseph and John Wanton ct al Peter and Benjamin Nichols et al William and Gideon Wanton et al William Jr and Jahleel Brenton ct al Relpb Hugh and John Wanton ct al Samuel and John Wanton et al Jahleel Brenton et al Thomas and John Wanton et al Remington Joseph Jr and Benj. Nichols ct al Joshua and Gideon Wanton ct al William and John Wanton et al Rhoades John and Gideon Wanton et al John Wanton et al Jahleel Brenton ct al Rhoads Peleg and Bejamin Nichols et al Roberts David and Jahleel Brenton et al William and Jahleel Brenton et al Gideon Wanton ct al Salisbury Cornelius and John Wanton ct al Cornelius Jr and Jon. Nichols et al Jonathan and John Wanton et al Sarle Richard Jr and Benjamin Nichols et al Sayles Richard and Jonathan Nichols et al Sbeldon Edward and Jahleel Brenton et al Gideon Wanton ct al John and John Wanton et al Joseph and John Wanton et al Jahleel Brenton et al Nicholas and John Wanton et al BOOK . p. Ja n . 22 733 3 1* Sept. 5 73i 3 2 Feb. 14 738 3 53 June 5 74i 5 6 Sept. 25 721 2 64 Nov. 10 733 4 34 Dec. -1 733 4 78 Dec. 29 733 3 48 Dec. 8 743 5 54 Dec. 24 744 6 22 Dec. 9 75i 7 21 Mar. iS 73' 3 44 June 9 74i 5 25 Mar. 21 753 5 64 Aug. 7 74i 5 14 Oct. 23 73i 3 3» Dec. 7 733 4 66 Dec. 4 733 4 62 July 26 721 2 40 Feb. 1 747 6 64 Oct. 26 75i 7 9 June 5 74 « 5 5 Nov. 3° ' 721 2 34 Aug. 3i 721 2 14 June 9 74i 5 20 Oct. 6 i 721 2 78 Aug. 11 752 6 80 Jan. 16 1 752 7 32 Oct. 1 i 73i 3 24 Dec. 10 75i 7 22 Oct. 26 ] 73i 3 37 Nov. '3 1 744 6 46 Dec. 10 i 75i 6 74 June 4 74 1 5 2 June 4 74i 5 1 Jan. 2S 752 7 35 Feb. 13 720 1 22 Jan. 3 726 2 94 July 27 721 2 47 Dec. -3 752 6 82 Mar. 29 727 2 95 Sept. 10 i 744 6 10 Dec. 23 75i 7 30 Oct. 7 721 2 68 Mar. 4 733 4 85 Dec. 29 [ 744 6 5° Dec. 29 '733 4 Si C 183] Sheldon Nicholas Jr and Jahleel Brenton ct al John Wanton et al Philip and Jahleel Brenton et al Timothy and John Wanton et al Timothy Jr and John Wanton et al Smith Daniel and Jahleel Brenton et al Hezekiah and John Wanton et al Jeremiah and Jahleel Brenton et al John and John Wanton et al Joseph and John Wanton et al Jonathan Nichols et al Philip and John Wanton et al Samuel and Benjamin Nichols et al Simon and John Wanton et al William and John Wanton et al SllOW Joseph and Jahleel Brenton et al John Wanton et al Gideon Wanton et al Joseph Jr and Jahleel Brenton et al SpragTie Benjamin and John Wanton et al Daniel and Gideon Wanton et al Benjamin Nichols et al Ebenezer and John Wanton et al Richard and John Wanton et al Steere Samuel and Jonathan Nichols et al Stone John and Jonathan Nichols et al John Wanton et al Jahleel Brenton et al John Jr and Jahleel Brenton et al Jonathan and Benjamin Nichols et al Jahleel Brenton et al Joseph and Gideon Wanton et al Story Robert and Jahleel Brenton et al Stuart John and John Wanton et al Sweeting' Henry and John Wanton et al Henry Jr and Gideon Wanton et al Swett Stephen and Jahleel Brenton et al Taylor George and Jahleel Brenton et al BOOK p. July H 1741 5 50 Nov. »3 1 73 1 2 in Sept 8 [721 2 7i June 18 [741 5 39 Dec. 7 '733 4 65 Dec. 3 [ 733 4 58 Oct. 10 744 6 33 July 2 3 [739 4 94 Sept. 22 [ 744 6 21 Jan. 29 '735 3 49 Jan. 29 t735 4 86 Feb. 24 [720 1 10 Jan. 28 1726 2 85 Sept. 3° 73 * 3 21 Dec. 6 1 733 4 63 Mar. 28 j 752 6 76 Mar. 28 752 6 77 Nov. 9 " 733 4 32 Mar. 2 5 721 1 24 Dec. 1 '733 4 55 Dec. 4 '733 4 61 June 19 '74i 5 40 Mar. 17 '745 6 52 Nov. 26 733 4 5 l Oct. 24 i75i 7 4 Aug. 29 '744 6 1 Sept. 30 1721 2 12 Dec. 10 i 75' 7 23 Nov. 12 1748 5 59 Jan. 20 *749 6 70 Oct. 20 73 * 3 33 Oct. 16 721 2 17 Sept. 3 L 7 26 2 86 Feb. 15 725 1 41 Sept 27 '73 1 3 19 Oct. 29 i 733 4 10 Sept 12 '744 6 14 June 9 1741 5 24 Mar. 12 '747 5 57 June 6 '74i 5 10 Dec. 6 '751 7 18 July 2 74i 5 44 Sept 23 73i 3 16 Nov. 2 733 4 16 Dec 9 75' 7 19 Sept. 17 744 6 15 Oct. 11 744 6 34 [184] BOOK. P. Thayer David and Benjamin Nichols et al May 13 1755 6 94 David and Benjamin Nichols ct al May 13 1755 6 95 Gideon Wanton ct al May '- 1755 7 56 May 12 1755 7 57 Aug. 6 1755 7 58 Thomas John and Gideon Wanton et al Oct.- 23 1751 7 2 Thornton Elihu and John Wanton et al Feb. 12 1729 1 44 John and John Wanton et al June 15 1722 2 8 Feb. 23 1733 4 6 Joseph and Benjamin Nichols et al Nov. 19 1747 6 61 Nov. 19 1747 6 62 Richard and John Wanton ct al Oct. 5 1731 3 27 Stephen and John Wanton ct al Jan. 15 1733 4 3 Thomas and John Wanton ct al Nov. 8 1731 3 40 William and John Wanton et al Oct. 25 1733 2 116 Tefft David and Benjamin Nichols et al Jan. 3 174S 6 68 Tillilighast Benjamin and John Wanton ct al Nov. 2 1733 4 17 James and John Wanton et al Nov. 22 1733 4 4^ William and Jahleel Brenton ct al Oct. 6 1744 6 31 ToiU'tellot Abraham and John Wanton et al Mar. 23 1721 2 15 Tracy John and John Wanton ct al Oct. 18 1731 3 32 Mar. 26 1739 3 54 Tradwen John and Benjamin Nichols et al Nov. 7 175 1 6 73 Gideon Wanton et al Dec. 2 1751 7 14 Tredwill John and John Wanton et al Dec. 20 1733 4 7° Tripp Edward and Jahleel Brenton et al June 10 1741 5 27 Gideon Wanton et al Dec. iS 1751 7 28 Tucker Thomas and John Wanton ct al Dec. 9 1728 2 108 Walling James Jr. and John Wanton et al Aug. 4 1721 2 41 Wanton John and Jahleel Brenton et al Oct. 29 1741 6 43 Warner Ezekiel and John Wanton et al July 31 172 1 2 69 Jan 10 1733 4 s 3 Waterman Job and Jahleel Brenton et al Sept. 3 1744 6 4 John Jr. and Jahleel Brenton et al Sept. S 1744 6 8 Nathaniel and John Wanton et al Dec. 3 1733 4 59 Resolved and Benj. Nichols et al Nov. 20 1749 3 57 Rich. 4th and Jah. Brenton et al June 16 1741 5 35 Weare Archibald and Gideon Wanton ct al Dec. 13 1751 7 25 Weaver Elisha and Benjamin Nichols et al Aug. 17 1750 4 102 Aug. 17 1750 5 61 Aug. 17 1750 4 103 West Jonathan and John Wanton et al Aug. 26 172 1 2 55 Westcott Benjamin and John Wanton et al Aug. 22 1721 2 70 Sept. 16 1731 3 13 Sept. 16 1731 2 113 Benj. Jr. and Jahleel Brenton et al June 4 1741 5 4 Sept. 17 1744 6 16 L 1S5 ] Westcott Benj. 3d and Jahleel Brenton et al Ezekiel and John Wanton et al Jabez and Gideon Wanton ct al John Wanton et al Josiah and Gideon Wanton et al John Wanton et al Nicholas and John Wanton et al Samuel and Benjamin Nichols et al Samuel Jr. and Benj. Nichols et al Stukley Jr. and Gid. Wanton et al Thomas and Benjamin Nichols et al John Wanton et al William and John Wanton et al Wheten John and Jahleel Brenton et al Whipple Benjamin and Jahleel Brenton et al Job Jr. and Jonathan Nichols et al John and John Wanton et al Jahleel Brenton et al Wicke.S Joseph and Jahleel Brenton et al Wight Benjamin and Jonathan Nichols et al John Wanton et al Benj. Jr. and Jonathan Nichols et al Wilkinson Samuel Jr. and John Wanton et al Willhore Daniel and Jonathan Nichols et al Williams Daniel and Benjamin Nichols et al Jahleel Brenton et al Gideon Wanton ct al James Jr. and John Wanton et al James Jr. and Jahleel Brenton et al Jeremiah and Gideon Wanton et al John and John Wanton et al Joseph Jr. and Benjamin Nichols et al Jahleel Brenton et al Peleg and Jahleel Brenton ct al John Wanton et al Peleg Jr. and Jahleel Brenton et al Robert and Jahleel Brenton et al Stephen and John Wanton et al Jahleel Brenton et al BOOK . p. Sept. 19 744 6 19 Nov. 6 ] 733 4 22 Mar. 2 ] 752 7 44 Aug. 28 753 7 53 Nov. 10 i 73i 3 4 1 Feb. 14 <73S 3 51 Oct. 14 i 743 6 72 Sept. 14 73i 3 8 Nov. 17 ] 733 4 39 Feb. 29 752 4 104 May 17 '753 6 87 Apr. 2 i 748 6 65 Dec. 7 752 7 49 May 3 [74 8 3 56 Nov. i7 733 4 40 Nov. i7 733 4 4 1 J«iy 29 721 2 43 June 10 1 74i 5 29 Sept. 8 744 6 9 Jan. 2 3 '724 1 28 Nov. 8 [ 733 4 3 r Mar. 13 737 4 90 May 2 743 4 97 July 7 74 1 5 4§ Apr. 17 727 2 99 Aug. 2S 1721 2 23 Apr. 17 1727 2 100 Feb. 20 1720 1 7 Jan. 11 j 726 2 88 Nov. 22 753 6 89 Oct. 10 [ 744 6 32 Dec. 21 [752 7 50 Nov. 29 *733 4 52 June 5 [741 5 7 Dec. 6 '75i 7 17 Sept. J 3 73 1 3 6 Nov. 20 i 743 6 69 Sept. 11 1744 6 l 3 Oct. 15 744 6 42 Sept. 1 721 2 61 June 16 74i 5 36 Oct. 4 '744 6 28 June 15 741 5 32 Oct. 8 745 6 54 Sept. !5 73i 3 10 Nov. 5 733 4 21 June 9 1 74i 5 22 [186] BOOK Williams Thomas Jr. and Benj. Nichols ct al Feb. 7 1747 Timothy and Jonathan Nichols et al Sept. 19 1748 Timothy and Benjamin Nichols et al Nov. 12 174S Wright Benjamin and John Wanton el al Mar. 25 1721 Nov. 23 173 1 V(MIM>| Archibald and Jahleel Brenton et al Oct. 13 1744 James and John Wanton <•/ al Aug. 18 172 1 6 58 6 66 6 67 1 9 1 53 6 37 2 39 Note : The records of the tenth or " last bank " mortgages came to the hands or the commissioners too late to be included in the aforegoing index. It has been necessary therefore to prepare a separate index for this volume of the paper money bank mortgages, which follows. Instead of making these mortgages to Trustees, as was the case with the others, they were made to "Thomas Rumreill Keeper of the Grand Commit- tee's Office for the State." Allen Benjamin and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Joseph and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Paul and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Angell Thomas and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Arnold Elizabeth and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Jonathan and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Nehemiah and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Owen and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Thomas and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Averell Ebenezer and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. liourilC Benjamin and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Bowen Ephraim Jr and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. William and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Brown Pelegand Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Richard and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Stephen and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. KrOWliell William and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Carpenter John and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Clarke John Innes and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Cole Hugh and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Convers Benjamin and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Cozzens Benjamin and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Benjamin Jr and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Eddy Joseph and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Field James and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Foster Theodore and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Franklin Asa and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. [ 1S7 ] >OK . p. 8 2 8 46 8 69 8 7i 8 !3 8 63 8 72 8 29 8 74 8 35 8 7^ 8 12 S 45 8 75 8 44 S 73 8 26 8 2S 8 7S 8 7 8 54 8 33 S 70 8 21 8 22 8 34 S ^3 s 3 s 18 8 68 8 5 Hartshorn Stephen and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Hawkins Edward and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Holden Charles and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Horsewell Philip and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Hoyle Joseph and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Richard and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Jacobs Nathaniel and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Keene John and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Lindley Joshua and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Merry Ralph and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Millen Josiah and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Nightingale Joseph and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Olney Christopher and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. George and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Ornishee John and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Packard Nathaniel and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Pernio Peter and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Perry Thomas and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Pettey James and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Petty John and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Potter Jeremiah and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Reuben and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Randall Benjamin and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Reynolds Grindal and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Rhodes William and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Sabill James and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Thomas and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. SeamailS James and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Sheldon Christopher and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Smith John and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Turpin and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Snow Joseph and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Joseph Jr and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Sterry Robert and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Talbot Benjamin and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Tallmail Benjamin and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Taylor Benjamin and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Peter and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Thayer Simeon and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Thurber Edward and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. William and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Tifft David and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Tyler William Jr etux and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Waterman John O. and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Wheaton William and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Whipple John and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Williams Andrew and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Young Mary and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. Samuel and Thomas Rumreill Keeper &c. [188] <>K. p. s 1 1 8 6 8 3 2 8 2 4 8 i 8 15 8 52 8 16 8 58 8 53 8 i? 8 70 8 39 8 77 8 9 8 10 8 19 8 4i 8 59 8 5° 8 20 8 62 8 40 8 25 8 49 8 3 1 8 36 8 27 S 61 8 60 8 56 8 43 8 66 8 38 8 8 8 67 8 30 8 57 8 64 8 37 8 65 8 20 8 48 8 H 8 47 8 42 8 51 8 4 8 55 INDEX TO Plats of Streets Highways &c INDEX TO Plats of Streets Highways &c The following is an index to copies of plats of streets, highways and lands in and around Providence, which have been selected from the files in the office of the City Clerk. With a few exceptions they bear date previous to 1800. During the years which they have been constantly referred to many of them have become worn and mutilated ; they have therefore been repaired, arranged in chronological order and mounted in a volume entitled " Original Plats of Streets, Highways and Lands in the Town of Providence." Carefully made copies of them have been pre- pared under the direction of the City Engineer, and these copies have been bound in two volumes entitled " Plats of Streets and Highways in the Town of Providence." These two volumes together with the volume of the originals have been deposited in the office of the City Clerk in the City Hall. The references in this index are made to these volumes of copies. The titles of the index show the various names by which the streets, highways or lands have at different times been designated, all of which appear in their alphabetical order. o en < »— ( oo £-< w w cc H 00 Cu o OQ E- <3 •-J O-i o X! « N m i-i ro rt- lo t~ O VO "*- O N N l^Nn M _ _, _, mm cn m ri n m m MNtNMMfiNCNr»rjNCNNNc~»M mm m ri m m m n CU «o _ T3 co d re C s<: -a 3 ■ c o CO 4-1 i .2 cu be c o ££ 0) P* c C D 3 C +j CU aj ■ j > 4) a) « £ , £ c » : £ o -m . CO -m CJ i „ Ml) ufi ft" be 3 re C o a. a < Vj -m CO O A) r- re *J t 4_i cu co CU <^ 2 c/) o CO " cu CU j. J> j. cc m u -jr? f> 7 u* 1 j_> cu u O 4) cu -t-> cu t: ~ ~£~ £ 3 * co O -*-» -i-» co •'^ CO CO CO ^ CO M _ i- roO t-» ►" '1 f^M u-.\C O^O t^ C\ •**• M fi ■*)- O ^O t~-00 00 NNNNNNNN u in > % a o <0 CO -a "o c c o 2 j-> 9* r 2 o 4) -w U CO CU -*-» 1->-> CU L. •a *o eve a a o o C u u a> P3M > £ E o PQ o o to o rt i2 O £ -w O 4-. tu *j a> c l-i X u ._- — - - - *» 3*3 o co £«m -M = 6 - B [193] MNCJMCJNMNC^NNf^*HiMMh-iC*C*Ni-ii"Ht--(^ W IT) C/5 . ** "tf •*-* W W 05 (C 5: G <: w s3 H a a! 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U in 2 2 " 2~~ a (U m ~ „ , oj oj « » IS Id 03 U I* >Tr 1) _, OJ OJ "^ ■ £ oj «> <2 o G -n P P oj ^ ." .5 c s S 2 ii •" e y « » u r .;= oj oj y ^ P P P >- '^ o o o J •".in v. u « rt ^ ^H **H t« 3 ID « e oj oj 04 OJ U 5 4) f .a 2 2 EMM CS u u •P cS « 3 3 05 03 .5 Cd rt M ess* p3 OJ ■" OJ OJ - OO .-. _ 05 OJ rt rt rt cs rt cs rt OJ OJ OJ OJ u u. +j •*-» OO 05 OJ OJ c pq '^ s PPM - « > e3 - = an Q SO oc aj — — [195] h ioOmo -^-vO *•£> •-i n n m r4r-ir4Mp)>HMi-ir4>-iHiMri(SMr4>H a u O X X! COCO u u 4> 5 a> - to H 4> to 4> Q. « J> « e "> ° *? i- 4> a) "S is D O -w (O » ■"■* o« X! £co ii *-> 4-- >_ !- 4> , a) *j i (11 (11 ft CO """^ 5 £ e.S , X 73 s "t! 5 4) to O c 4) £s£ 4) _,_, to 4> *j 4) 4> gt2i to K>- § S fi' etfcoco S £ « ri rt rt ■+- '+h c E E E £ O O O o K^ P-l C '♦H'WtHVl CUHt+H 03 t«-i *j 41 3 £ <_. to 4) c -a *j 5) c 4> 4-> u 4" oj O C Epq ££ P « P ^ at *j j, 4> 4> £ - 41 to, 1- "O _ CL c o £< o O 4> >- ^ Oh O __ 4> +j d fl cS 41 +■• *? *-i co 4> .*_> 4) cl) E E £ E S o o o o o u u i. ,!-, >- i+H tH tn twt+n H W W u H O < Ph O H X w Q ■A 41 4) a; 11 to to CO ace XXX CO C/3 CO 4> <- 4> 4> 4) 4) > agar rosp olle o o c c coP-,U XX XXX % S V d P-H -m - m 08 jj T3 4) H fl d © © h WW ©z: -(- CO 2 ■ - VI 03 © - - 3 O [196] a u > < x o M < 2 w Q M •". _ HI HI HI H( HI « N HI HI M HIHlNMP«HIH.r c « w c 2 1 00 00 X 4l I! C/3 rt 4> to 2 " c Do* oo — • ° £ V 4> £ E o o E ° S 2 2 a > 09 «S 4) £2 c3 3 ^ Co X) 41 > T3 *j T3 u ■HI — C 4> S3 P c 4> u *-> _ 2 3^ fe > ^ ? ? 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O O OS M .£ c« — 5 O UD >> o £ 5 co - CO co *J3 •0 = CJJri< ^ ■^ - "3 £ © c c ^^ * (I TV DOCUMJ [No. FOURTH REPORT OF THE RECORD COMMISSIONERS Early Town Records. [PR3 • LPBIL 22, 1895.J ffbe providence press : Snow & Farnham, City Printkrs, i n Custom I louse St r< LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ii i ii 1 1 0014 110215 1 ©