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Arthur Eustuct.*, iJc H' 4 A I)et 3 Dora '^ 'i Driven to the Wall 10 3 Driven from Home 7 4 Dutch Jake 4 3 East Lynue 8 i Emigrant's Daughter 8 3 Fielding Manor... 9 (5 (lertie'it Vindication 3 3 tiraudmotlier llildehrand's L'gaov. 2.H' -T 4 llaunted bv a .Shadow 8 2 Hal Hazard. 25o 10 3 henrv Grandcn 11 8 Mow He Did It 3 2 Hidden Treasures 4 2 Hunter of the Alps 9 4 Hidden Hand 15 7 Lights and Shadows of the Great Rebellion. 2.5c 10 » Lady of L.vons 12 5 Lady Audley's Secret. 6 4 Lost in London 6 4 .Man and Wife 12 7 Maud's Penl 5 3 Midnight MMtake 6 2 Millie, the Quadroon 5 6 Miriam's Crime 5 2 Michael Erie 8 3 Miller of D^arwent Water 5 2 Mistletoe Bmigh 7 3 Mountebanks (The) 6 2 New York Book Aiient .' * Old Honesty S '; Old Phil's Birthday .''. 3 Outcast's "NVlfo 12 3 Out on the Wo Id 5 4 Oath Bound : 6 2 Painter of Ghent 5 3 Penn HanBo .d 10 3 Poloc and PctT. 25c 4 2 Poaoner's Dootn 8 3 Phei^'im •J'Uookeg' Curse... . 8 8 Phylli!'. the'Beggar Girl 6 3 Rpversfs 12 6 Rock Allen 5 3 79 Spy of Atlanta, 2 t 27;"i .-iraple Si 'as u 24 •• 7 75 Adrift 5 1S7 .'\«nf Dinah's Pledge 6 2.'>4 I»or: the .Miner's Daughter... 9 202 Drunkard [The] 13 K'> Drunkar 's Warning 6 189 Dninkard's Doom 1.5 181 Fifteen Years of a Drnnk- ard'sLife .....13 18.3 Fruits of the Wine Cup 6 104 Lost 146 Our Awful Aunt 4 5.3 Out in the .Street? 6 51 Rescued >"• .'.9 Saved 2 102 Turn of the Ti7 I'nught in the .Act 7 24H CrtPture/i. Yes, demme, them's not exactly my words, bu I've got a job on hand to-night. Mv daughter haa plaane< 10 JOHANES BLATZS MISTAKE. to elope and you are to watch for them, aud if you catch them in the act just lock them up until I return. Do you understand the racket ? Hon. Yah, I forstay, unt I bet ven I make some rackets ; but vere I vos shut dose elopements ven I ketch her in dose act. Wrn. Well you may lock them both in that room off there, (d, f.) Now I must go so as to catch the down train. Oliver, you may go and visit your prospective mother-in- law if you wish, for demme, my daughter shall marry you. {exit, L. 01. Now, Mr. Blatz, don't be too rough on the young folks ; just shut them up gently like, and don't cause any one any pain, for pain is very disagreeable, yow know. IIo7i. Ish dot so? Enter, Tabitha, r. e. 01. {aside) Ah ! my dear Tabitha. I v/onder how she feels about my intended marriage. 1 had different aspira- tions once. Tab. {aside) Oh ! be still you poor little fluttering heart, don't make too much noise, for there is thy seducer, and if he should hear thy turbulent thumping, he would die with shame. Ahem ! 01. Ahem ! Jlon. Ahem ! 01. Ah ! there, my dear Miss Tabitha. Hon. Stay dere mine tear Mees, Mees, Tabacca. Tah. Sir ! You insolent dutchraan, how dare you speak to a lady in such a manner. Mr. Summ, will you allow that insult to go unpunished ? 01. Really, Miss Tabitha, I can not. Mr. Blatz, you did wrong ; now don't you ever do it again. {shakes cane in his face Hon. Vot ? Zay, better ven you don't make some foolish- ness rait me. [llo^^iKS pu/ls coat) By Himmel, I vos a zon-of-a-gun fun deitchland, unt you bet your life I don't ben afraid fun any yankee cowyard man. Ol. Well we won't 'scrap in the presence of ladies, so let it drop. Miss Tabitha, let us take a stroll in the garden. TaO. Oh ! very well. {t^iej/ lock arms and exit, r. JOHANES BLATZS MISTAKE. . 11 Hon. Ho ! ho ! dot looks pooty much hke some elope- ments, guess ven I better look a little out for dot business. {exit, K. Enter, Joyce, r. e. Joy. Oh ! papa was called away to the city and left that dutchman to watch us. It was lucky that I came home when I did so as to overhear Mr. Oliver's message. Oh ! how romantic. It is now nearly nine, and the time is set ior twelve, three whole hours, how can I wait. Tabitha has Oliver out in the garden and the dutchman is watching them. She will keep him out there all night if she can. Enter, Hones, r. e. Hon. Bv dunter, I lost track. Joy. Oh! lion. Don't got scared Mees, I don't hurt no female. 1 vos looking for some elopements. Joy. Oh ! I'm not scared. Would you like me to fetch you some wine. If you are to watch, you ought to have something. lion. Veil, I don't vos padickular. Joy. Very well. {exit, r. lion. Mapy she looks like some elopement, I don't know. I bate you I have me some fun by dose business. Enter, Joyce, r. e., nutli wine. Joy. Here is some of father's best wine. You may have it if you will never tell. lion. I nefer zays von vort about it. So hellup me Schimminy Gristmas. Joy. Then drink. (Hones d^inJcs Hon. Dot vos pooty good. Joy. Now I will turn down the light and you may keep your watch. Good-night. {eQ'lt, r. Hon. Veil dot vos von pooty nice gal, I bate you, unt ma by she don't vos some elopements, {sltshy tahle) I vill vate me a vile for dose elopements now. {.soon falls asleep, snares, etc., after a sJiort pause 12 JOHANES BLATZS MISTAKE, Enter, Joyce, r. e. Joy. Ah! he sleeps; I knew the drug would give him a quietus. The time is nearly here — half past eleven — only half an hour more. Ah ! papa mine, we are too smart. 3-t-r-a-t-e-g-y, indeed. I guess it runs in the family. [crosses to l., and looks out) How is this to end. Oliver and Tabitha may come in any moment and all may be spoiled. Ah ! here he comes. Rex. (ofh.) Is all well? Jot/. All is well, just a moment. Crosses r. , and exits, relume with two large grips, leaves card on table, exit, l. Hon. {after a pause) Eh! vot's dere matter now. I guess maby I been shleepin', unt dose elopements vos gone. {noise offu) Vots dot? I bate my life dere comes some elopements. Enter, Oliver and Tabitha, r. e., arm in arm. Ah ! here she vos, now for dot act {they are talking ana do not observe Hones — he graps Oliver around waist) Now I bate you I got dose elopements. ill a^itvla. faints 01. Mr. Blatz, what does this mean? Hon. You vos dose elopements, unt I caught you by dose act. 01. Let me explain. Hon. Nix comerouse. {they scuffie and Hones puU Oliver in d. l.) Now I dank I t ike dot oder von. {carries Tabitha in d. l. Tah. {irlthln D. L., pounds on door) Help! help! mur- der! I'm shut up in this dark room all alone with a horrid man. 01. It's all that dutchman's fault, Tabitha. Hon. Dose vos a pooty live elopements. Tab. {within D. 1,.) Oh! you wretch! help! brother help ! help ! Enter, William, l. e. Wtn. What in the devil is a'l this racket about? Hon. I got dose elopements shut mit dose room in. /'William aoea to d. l. and lets them out JOHANES BLATZS MISTAKE. IS Wm. What ? Siss and Oliver ! How is this ? {exit, R. Tah. How can I ever look another mortal man in the face again? To think tnat I, Tabitha Thunderbolt, should be locked up in a dark room all alone with a man, and we not married either. 01. Tabitha, it was not my fault. Tah. Oh, you wretch! This disgrace must be removed, or I will have you arrested. Enter, William, r. e. Wm. Demme! you have shut up the wrong couple and my daughter has flown. Oh! what's this? The demmed ■■^couudrel ! the card I wrote myself. Strategy be demmed ! CURTAIN. END OF ACT I. ACT II. SCENE—Sam€asActI.—^ii.\AKM seated r. of table, Theresa, l. ]rw. And to think of it, Theresa, the demmed scoundrel ! Ther. Oh! William. Will. I repeat it, madam! The demmed scoundrel ac- tually left this note, which I wrote myself. Ther. It was terrible, William. Will. And now the impudent rascal writes that, to say, that he and Joy are very happy, but would like to be happier ; and — and dash him, he begins to remind me that the four day's limit of acceptance are up. Ther. And Mr. Summ ? Wm. Mr. Summ be busted ! We've lost a cool million. Ther. What, can we do about it? Will. Theresa! Ther. Yes, William. Wm. We're facing a crisis. Ther. Yes, dear. Wm. A little stratesrv is needed. U JORANES BLATZS MISTAKE. Titer. Cannot we get along without strategy, William \ Wm. I'm afraid not. The standing of the bank is im- perilled. T/ter. Goodness sakes ! W771. The bank must be saved ! TAer. By all means. Wm. I'm dissatisfied with my cashier, Theressa ; he was late two times last year- I must discharge him. T/ier. Of course, William. Win. A strategic move would be to put this demmed scoundrel in his place. T/ier. 1 suppose it is necessary, my dear. Wfn. And I don't suppose it is too late to hire the society papers to publish an account of the nuptials, private- ly celebrated, of — dem 'em both ! Ther. That would be wise, my dear. Wm. I have every reason to suppose, madam, that by this strategy, I will be able to preserve the integrity of the bank, which is, of course, my sole object. T/ier. How fortunate. Wm. Yes, how fortunate, and again how demmed un- fortunate. We've lost a half million. Enter, Joyce and Rex, l. e., andTABiTRA and Olivee, r. E., Hones, l. e,, comes to front. Joy. Dear papa ! Rex. Mr. Thunderbolt! 01. Dear William! Tab. Brother ! Hon. Meester Dunderblix ! Wm. [springs vp k.) Demme ! has bedlam turned loose ? Oh h-h ! you demmed scoundrel ! {grabs Rex by hand) Accept my blessing and congfatulations. 01. Well AVilliam, I have decided, that the only way to fix up this trouble between Tabitha and myself, would be marriage, so we went to the Squire and had it done in a hurry. Tab. Yes, and by strategy, we are united. Hon. I dank I got sometings coming on dot elopement business. Wm. Ha ! ha ! demme, it is all a good joke, and you all have mv blessinj:, (Hones corner c* fvol at Me Look* 6 3 Our Daughters 8 6 Pug and the Bnby ^ 3 Ptiss*iun3 8 4 Prof. Jiiincs' Exiierience Tta<'hiti'.' Country Scuool i 3 HaKS itnd Bottles 4 1 Scale with Sharps and Flats.. 3 2 Solon Shirigrle 14 2 Tw. Bnd Boys 7 3 The Biter Bit -i 2 The Cicarette 4 2 $2,0tKJ R..-wiird i TRAGEDIES. The Serf H 3 FARCES & COMEDIETTA S . I2y A;ir-u-af-oi>» 2 132 Actor uud Servant 1 2S1I A Coloiio!'* .M'sliap 12 A Capita Match 3 ;».< A Kis< in thi- Diirk 2 166 ATexan .Mother-in-Law 4 M A Day Well Spent ; 7 m A Regular Fix „...; 2 L't'ti A I'rofi's-^ional Oardener 4 •^ Alarmingly Suspicions . .... 4 7S An Awfi I Criminal „ 3 M A Pet oi the Public 4 21 A llomaiit'U .\ttacbiueot 3 lit A Thrilling Item 3 20 A Ticket of Leave 3 175 Bttsey Baker. 2 8 Better Half . 5 »6 Black vs. White .. 4 '.2 Cnptaln Smith « 3 M Cheek Will Win 3 ."^7 Cou. 3 13 Give Me My Wife ,3 307 HaMabah(.ola, the Me Wedding Cake. ........ 1 Lick Skillet Wedding 2 . Liiuderbach's Little Surprise 3 Locked in a Dress-maker's Hoom 3 Lodgings for Two _ 3 Love in all Cor"en> 5 Matrimonial Bliss 1 .Match for a other-Min-Law.. 2 .More Blunders than one 4 Mother'-" Fool 6 .My Heart's in Highlands 4 -My Precious Betsey 4 -My Turn Ne.xt 4 .M WifeV Relation!" 4 -My Day and Now-a-Days .My Neighbor's Wife 3 Naiikn's Leap Year Venture.. 5 Nobody's Moke ~... 5 Obedience «_ 1 On the Sly .„ 3 Pacm!lkor 4 iiK Bliick Statue v 4 ('(limed Sena'tws i Chops., V V... ^ Cuff's Luck 2 (^riiii|>s Trip ■•> FettLT Lane to (jnivesend 2 I'lfiinlet the Dainty....- 6 I1;ini]ted Hiinse 2 How Sister Piixey i[ot her Child Hinlvi d 2 Handy Andy 2 fFvi li<-.n.lrla<> 'ITie 2 1/ .;, Dox .■... 3 .1 2 .^l Nigiter 4 .Mi.inii'hi C'.lic 2 Mfi.-^ioiil Darkey. 2 Nil Cure Xo T»iiy..... ;-i .\ot (US Deaf as lie Seems 3 Old Clothes........ 3 Old Dad's Cfthiii 2 150 OldPouipey. : 24ti Othello ays— ■222 214 14.". 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