LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 17 100 378 7 DESCKIPTJYE CATALOGUE v^ ^o^ijsr )IN VENTED" ^ MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY &EO.PAGIE & CO. SGEtZROlEIDElR STREET, BALTIMORE CITY MAEYLAND^^-^S^l^' BALTIMORE: PRINTED BY SHERWOOD & N. W. CO*. BALTIMORE AND GAY STREETS. r& TS 853 .P2 Copy 1 ¥T DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE Jv O H I 'INVEBTTED^. MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY / GMEORG-E P(A.G-E & CO %i t\zxx itatljiit£ Moxks, SG^i^OEnDES, S T ZR IB E BALTIMORE CITY rp - BALTIMORE: PRINTED BY SHERWOOD & CO N. W. COR. BALTIMORE AND GAT STREETS. 1858. 4&- We have received so many certificates and other demonstrations of approval from practical and scientific men, both in our immediate vicin- ity and in the more distant parts of our land, that we can no longer consider the machinery that we manufacture in any other light than as being well known and highly approved. Already have more than four- teen hundred and thirty of Page's Patent Portable Saw Mills been sold to gentlemen in the Southern, South- Western, Eastern and Middle States. They have every where received the marked approval of the practical and scientific men, who have tested their great labor-saving power. Our Stationary and Portable Engines, Improved Patent Port- able Saw Mills, and other machinery that we -manufacture, may be found throughout the land, doing good service, and earning for us a name as inventors and manufacturers which we cherish beyond price, as it assures us that we have labored successfully to lessen the toil, econo- mize the means, and enlarge the comforts of our fellow men. GEO. PAGE & CO. Address Geo. Page & Co., Machinists and Manufacturers, No. 5 Schroeder street, near Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. I CATALOGUE. 1 1-! CD P,»H a- P i-S CD O g" rt CD c~ above M o cut tin wn gate ■4 CD On — 5 g 5 P PS S.P' E'5 p 5-bo- o -, o^ ° -s ~ p-O ^ CO 5S P ^Jq S. a c?^ p a^ & % ° O H,P a 2 a 1^ CO B-* o CD rr o -r cd a- ro 5= £ n -q so l' S 3 a" . — -CTQ «t CD FT? O B p ?? p o CD 2 4 a o cf H 8 2 S" J& o c P-§ = CO p 5- >i CTQ IT . tr c* CD B* a ° ►3 a CD £ i-i a a O CD a ►* CD o O 0Q_ 33 <' !> P Ed o <3 U hJ St i— i fc" 1 f o DC Q i— i When the Boiler may be required to have two flues, there will be an extra charge, according to the diameter and length, of about $70. GEORGE PAGE COS PAGE'S, FIRST CLASS PORTABLE STEAM SAW MILL. Price of Twenty-Horse Steam Engine and Mill. This Mill, with all the necessary fixtures complete, .ready for manu- facturing lumber, with an engine and two steam boilers, equal to the power of 24 horses, included, [as represented in the cut on page 3,] will, as shown by the following bill of items, cost two thousand seven hundred and thirty -four dollars. SPECIFICATION OF ITEMS. One Steam Engine and two Boilers of 20 horse power... $1,750 00 One Improved Portable Patent Saw Mill, two forty-eight inch Saws, twelve feet carriage, twenty-four feet ways, and Saw- dust Elevator 700 00 One pair Long Rollers, with Revolving Wedge , 7 00 One pair Cant-Hooks, $5 — one dozen best Cast Steel Piles, $5 — Wrench and Punch, $3 13 00 Belting, sixty feet, double riveted, twelve feet wide 69 00 Packing, Boxing, Shipping, &c, of Engine, Boilers and Saw Mill. 30 00 Cost without Smoke-Stack ,. $2,609 00 Smoke-Stack for Engine, and bottom plates, if required 150 00 Total amount $2,759 00 For two Cars for conveying lumber from the mill, $100 per pair, or fifty dol- lars for each. For extra Screw Head Blocks, fifty dollars per pair. For Band, for propelling, $1 15 per square foot. For Patent Ratchett Head Blocks, $75 per pair. Twelve feet of Carriage and twenty-four feet of Ways go with the above, and are included in the price of the mill. For every foot of carriage over twelve, we charge $3 extra. Two feet of ways go with each foot of carriage. In the construction of Steam Powers, we adapt them to the peculiar uses for which they are intended — provide for the consumption of the slabs and sawdust, thereby saving the cost of other fuel, and otherwise consult such a just and enlightened economy, as can only be secured by those who, like inventors, have an intimate knowledge of the powers, purposes and requirements of the machinery invented by them. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. ECONOMY AS TO BUILDINGS. The Up and Down Saw Mill requires for its accommodation a com- paratively costly building, whereas a common shed, which can be put up with ease in two or three days, at but little expense, is all that is needed by one of our mills. Upon' this subject Thomas H. Morgan, Esq., in a business letter, dated Hamburg, Macon county, Ga., Octo- ber 23d, makes the following just and pertinent remarks. We give them with the more pleasure as they come from an acute and observing gentleman, who being wholly disinterested, his opinion is entitled to the more weight and consideration. And here we candidly confess that this advantage in favor of our Mills, in an economical point of view, had not struck us so forcibly until the matter was brought to our attention by the following remarks : Why do you not press upon the public the advantage your kind of mills have over the old Upright saw as regards buildings, and the liability of fire. This is certainly one great recommendation which your mills possess over the old plan. There have been four steam mills burnt in Georgia in the last two months. Yours, n THOMAS H. MORGAN. SECOND CLASS SAW MILL AND ENGINE. Price of a Steam Engine and Boiler of fifteen horse power, and large Saw Mill with Saw. [See cut on next page.] 1 Steam Engine and Boiler, 15 horse power $1,450 00 1 Improved Patent Portable Saw Mill, 48 inch Saw, 12 feet carriage, 24 feet ways, with saw dust Elevator 500 00 1 pair Long Pollers with Revolving Wedge 7 00 1 pair Canthooks, $5 ; 1 doz. best cast steel Piles, $5 ; wrench and punch, $3 13 00 Belting, 60 feet, 12 inches wide, at $1 15 per foot 69 00 Packing, boxing, shipping, &c, of Engine, Boiler and Saw Mill... 30 00 Cost without Smoke-stack $2,109 00 Smoke-stack for Engine, and bottom plates if required.. 125 00 Cost including smoke-stack, (which is not needed if chimney be built) $2,209 00 GEOKGE PAGE & CO's CO p h3 w O Pu GO - o a r3 t> a a a GQ !> 3 a !> !zi a GO H a a P i— i a When a Boiler may be required to have two flues, there will be an extra charge of $70. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 11 STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES. George Page & Co. exhibited three of their Engines at the late Fair op the Maryland Institute, op Baltimore, and were awarded a Gold Medal for their Horizontal, Portable and Stationary Steam Engines. Prices of Stationary Steam Engines. It is difficult to fix the exact price of Steam Engines, as almost every person ordering has some particular plan or object of his own to carry out, that causes more or less variation of cost. We annex the prices of some of the styles and sizes frequently ordered. Persons wishing to purchase can make inquiries per mail or otherwise, and we will promptly give them the desired information. We feel confident that we can offer as good if not superior inducements to purchasers than can be had else- where. The prices of the Engines and Boilers mentioned below are for the engines and boilers without the governor and valve, which are preferred where,, the object is to use them exclusively to drive saw mills, the en- gine being managed by the sawyer, by the aid of a long rod, without leaving his position. 12 horse power Steam Engine and Boiler $1,200 00 15 " " " " " 1,450 00 20 " " " " " 1,750 00 Prices of Steam Engines and Boilers with Governor and Valve attached. A Steam Engine having a governor and valve attached, when it is to be used to drive saw mills alone, can be disconnected by throwing off the governor belt. You having the great advantage that the governor and valve is at all times at hand when you wish to drive machinery re- quiring a more steady motion. 12 horse power Steam Engine, plain cylinder boiler, governor and valve attached $1,350 00 15 horse power 1,700 00 20 " " two cylinder boilers 1,900 00 20 " " with larger " 1,950 00 20 " " with one flue boiler 2,020 00 50 " " with two flue boilers 3,500 00 12 GEORGE PAGE & CO'S Prices of Page's Portable Steam Engines. Mounted on strong, substantial, durable wheels, ready to be moved any where on ordinary roads, with from four to six horses, and \ to work without delay: 6 horse power, complete in every particular $ 900 00 10 " " " " " 1,375 00 15 " " 2,000 00 20 " " boiler and smoke-stack only on wheels 2,500 00 They were awarded the following nattering Testimonial by the Mary- land Institute, for their highly appreciated Patent Portable Circular Saw Hills, a model of one of which was exhibited at tho Fair : Maryland Institute. This will certify that Geoege Pa&e & Co., of Baltimore, were awarded the G OLD MEDAL at the Seventh Annual Exhibition of the Institute, and that they are again entitled to the HIGHEST AWARD at this the Eighth Exhibi- tion, for the continued superiority of their Portable Saw Mill. (Signed,) JOSHUA VANSANT, President. G. H. HUNT, Secretary. Baltimore, October 2, 1855. Extract of a letter from J. B. Gilman, Esq., of Hot Springs, Ar- kansas : Dear Sirs, — From a long use of your Mills I have formed a high estimate of your mechanical and inventive skill in machinery. I purchased of you my first mill in 1844. It was started by a young man sent on for the purpose. He was only about one week in putting up and starting it. It is of immense value to me. I run it about twelve months, and sold it for several hundred dollars more than cost. I purchased my second mill through Gilmer & Spy- ker, of New Orleans. It has in point of profit exceeded any piece of property that I have ever owned or known. Your mill is valuable to any planter able to pay the price of it. No diffi- culty existed in the management of my mill and engine, being run and man- aged solely by servants that had, up to the date of the purchase of my first DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 15 KEPORT OF THE JUDGES Appointed by the Maryland State Agricultural Society, on George Page & Cds Portable Engine and Patent Saw Mill. The undersigned Committee, especially appointed to examine George F. Page's Portable Steam Engine and Circular Saw Mill, beg leave to report that the said Saw Mill is too well known for its surpassing excellence to require commendation from them. The engine is entirely novel in many very import- ant particulars. It stands upon four wheels, similar to those of a heavy wagon, has iron axles, and is drawn as easily by six horses attached, as an or- dinary wagon. It was transported from Mr. Page's shop to the Show Grounds, a distance of two miles, on Monday last, by '.six horses ; the Engine and Mill were set in proper position, a log was sawed into inch boards before sunset of that day. Four horses drew the Engine from the Show Grounds this after- noon, over spongy ground, without difficulty. The Smoke-stack has a joint near its base, allowing it to be laid back horizontally upon the Engine when it is being moved. When it is at work, there is a piece of scantling about 4 by 8 inches, and 10 or 12 feet long, laid longitudinally under the forward and hinder wheels on each side, and similar pieces are laid similarly upon the top of said wheels, to which pieces the rims of the wheels are clamped ; and by this simple fixture, the Engine is rendered perfectly steady when at work. The boiler is horizontal, and eight feet long, and the fire-box or furnace extends the whole length of the boiler, and therefore it is not necessary to cut the fuel shorter than eight feet. It will burn coal if necessary, as it has an extensive grate. The boiler is peculiar,, and is a flue boiler, having return flues. The engine is upon top of the boiler. The contrivances for oiling are peculiar and complete. The governor is novel in some respects, and works admirably. It is admirably fixed in respect to dampers to govern the heat ; and when the dampers are so adjusted as to make the heat return through the flues, it is impossible for a spark to escape from the Smoke-stack. Mr. Page offers a dol- lar for every spark that can be made to pass out of the top of the Smoke-stack when the dampers are adjusted as last stated, and therefore, with a water pan and fire screen fixed under the grate, this engine can be employed with great comparative safety, near barns and stack-yards. By closing the dampers, combustion of fuel is entirely stopped, and loss of heat is prevented during the night. The engine, without water, weighs 6,500 pounds. Its power is 10 horse. Cost of engine, $1,375. Cost of engine and saw mill, $1,800. This engine is warranted to saw 3,000 feet of lumber per day. 16 GEORGE PAGE & CO'S Your Committee believe this engine superior to any other Portable Engine that they have any knowledge of, or that has yet been invented ; and that it combines all the qualities that can reasonably be desired in a Portable Engine. It has contributed greatly to the interest of the Exhibition. Entertaining these views of this most important invention, we award to Mr. Page the Diploma of the Society. Eespectfully submitted by M. T. GOLDSBOROUGH, EDWARD STABLER, WM. G. THOMAS, November 2, 1855. Committee. t PAGES PATENT RATCHETT HEADBLOCK. The undersigned have invented a new and valuable Headbloch, which they call the Ratchett Headbloch, and for which they have obtained Letters Patent. It is so arranged that it can be adjusted to George Page & Co's Patent Portable Saw Mills, now in use, or to those which may be henceforth constructed by them. This invention is an improvement of intrinsic value, and will operate as a great saving of labor in the working of their well known and highly improved Saw Mills. The advantage of this Headblock over the one formerly used, consists in its being more convenient and easy for the sawyer to set the log, he being able to do so without crossing the carriage. Heretofore, in sawing boards with great speed, two hands have been required to turn up the screws of the headblocks to keep the saw constantly cutting, so that, while in ordinary sawing one hand will be saved, two will be when the saw is going at its full speed. The economy of this improved headblock is, therefore, too manifest to re- quire comment, as every owner of a Saw Mill will be able to see it at a glance, and appreciate its value — especially so, in view of the high price of labor. In recommending any invention of theirs, they have always felt it to be their duty to content themselves with giving a modest, candid, and fair statement of its advantages, and refrain from indulging in a spirit of exaggeration, leaving the utility of the invention, by its superior performance, to find its way to popular favor. Guided by these senti- ments, the undersigned confidently solicit for their present highly DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 11 improved headblock the patronage of their former friends and cus- tomers, as well as that of the public generally. Full directions as to the manner of applying the present headblock to those of their Mills now in use, together with full and particular instruc- tions how to use the same, will be sent to all purchasers. Price $75 per pair. Respectfully, GEORGE PAGE & Co. P. S. — In giving orders for Mills now in use, it will be necessary to state the number of the Mill, or width of the carriage. Extracts of a letter from James Jonk, Esq., dated Orangeburg, S. C, October 29, 1853 : Mr. Larey's 2d class Mill, with 30 horse engine, has cut 13,500 feet in one day : that is, 5,500 feet of thin boards, and 8,000 feet of three inch plank, with only four hands in the mill. Mr. Barrett Livingston's Mill, with 20 horse engine, has cut in nineteen months $19,000 worth of lumber, at the end of which time he sold it and the land to H. J. Bouse, Esq., for a little over $12,000. The land, previous to the mill going up, was not worth $5,000. Mr. John McMichaeVs Mill, (3d class,) run by a plain wooden tub wheel, will cut 7,000 feet in one day. Having to carry a friend to see his mill, not over two weeks since, I measured 20 days' cutting, and found exactly 100,000 feet of the handsomest split flooring I ever saw at any mill in this State ; but his stream is small, and does not afford water enough for more than six months' cutting per year. In a letter from Mr. John M. Lawrence, formerly of South Caro- lina, now of Texas, in alluding to a Saw Mill which we sold his father, and another to Col. Easley, driven by water 'power, Mr. Lawrence makes these remarks : " I am going to show the people of Texas what one of your mills will do. I expect to have you to put me up another shortly, as I like yours best of all. I have got the praise of cutting the smoothest lumber that they ever saw cut by any mill. My father's mill, which you sent him in South Carolina, propelled by water, gives great satisfaction to him, — Col. Easley 's mill does so also. Marshall, Harrison Co., Texas, Jan. \1, 1855. Price $160. We offer to the public this Mill, in confidence that it will fulfill every requirement of those who are experimenting with the Chinese Sugar Cane, and also as being well adapted to meet the wants of the grower of small quantities of the ordinary cane. It is made sufficiently strong to press out all the juice from the cane, and thus enable the operator to obtain a full yield of his crop. The rollers feed at about the rate of nine feet per minute, which is as fast as any machine of the kind, that does good work, can be run with the same amount of power. Any common farm hand can work it, and it is so simple in construction that the whole mechanism of the mill may be seen by a glance at the above cut. From one to two horses and two hands is sufficient force to manage it with advantage. Wye House, October 10, 1857. Messes. George Page & Co. Gentlemen, — The Portable Engine of ten horse power 3'ou sent me, fully equals my expectations. It works well. In driving a wheat thresher it is a great saving of the teams, and enables a smaller force of hands to accomplish more work. After using it in a stubble field where the wheat was in shocks, my apprehension of danger from fire was so far removed that I worked it in several stack yards, where the wheat had been stacked near the granary. The ash box adds greatly to its security against fire. It drives the Circular Saw beautifully, and will do more work than I thought the power able to effect. The Grist Mill taxes its power more fully than either of the other opera- tions. It grinds well, but not as fast as I had hoped it would do. The Engine is easily moved, and takes about the same time to get all fixed for threshing wheat that it would do to move and fix with a portable horse power — water of course not included. Yours respectfully, &c, EDWAKD LLOYD. ''ISiiPiil; hj t> P tel w T) t> •^ tel * t-H H3 O ►d &. o W O H3 ■5" t> el- W s' fc! Er« SO « 02 *tJ f w o so w ►d o tel fed DESCRIPTION O F PAGE'S PATENT PORTABLE SAW MILL. The character of Page's Sato Mill is so well established and favora- bly esteemed, that it is almost superfluous to say a word in its com- mendation ; but we may remark that we have greatly improved its effi- ciency within the last two or three months, and that it is now all that the public could desire, — the strength and durability of material, and superiority of workmanship, being such as to make the machine equally adapted to Jiorse, toater or steam 'power. This Saw Mill is what its name imports it to be, a portable machine in every sense of the term, as it can be moved in a common wagon, drawn by four or six horses, oxen or mules, from one part of the woods to the other, or wherever else its services may be required, and put in operation again without delay or difficulty, thereby saving the heavy, tedious and difficult operation of transporting large logs. It is, owing to the strength of its construction and simplicity of principles, not easy to get out of order ; while its great simplicity places its repairs within the ability of any country carpenter, or smith, of ordinary capacity. To say that such af machine would prove an invaluable acquisition to any gentleman owning timber lands convenient to market, is not to claim for it more than it deserves. With a view of giving to the reader an idea of its intrinsic value, we will state a few facts connected with its successful operations : and we may here observe that it has succeeded wherever it has been tried. As it is an invidious duty to speak of one's own inventions, we will, after stating a few facts, let the certificates we have received from those who have bought and tested our Saw Mills, speak for us. With a four horse power, it has cut from one thousand to fifteen hun- dred feet of plank a day ; with a six horse power it has cut, daily, from eighteen hundred to two thousand feet, in the same time. Six horses have sawed, of yellow pine boards, two thousand eight hundred feet in one day, and have sawed, by pushing, one thousand two hundred feet in one hour, as 'will be seen by the certificates of the men who have DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 21 tended the mill. John'S. Selby, Esq., of Anne Arundel county, Md-, where one has been set up propelled by steam, equal to the power of ten horses, connected with which there is one of our patent Grist Mills, with a consumption of only three-fourths of a cord of wood, cut in one day ten thousand feet of lumber, and ground seventy-five bushels of meal. We have sold upwards of twelve hundred saw mills for horse, steam and water power, directly from this establishment, and it gives us pleasure to know that their performances have more than justified every anticipation that we had formed of their intrinsic value. To show their durability, we will state a single fact connected with one of those we have sold — it speaks volumes in its favor. We learn from th^ purchaser that from May to October, a period of five months, he had cut with it two hundred thousand feet of lumber with four horses, and it had not got materially out of order. The following bill of particulars will show the cost of a Mill and Horse power, all complete, ready to be put up, in operation, (as repre- sented in the cut on the 19th page.) calculated to cut lumber twelve feet long. Where the lumber is longer, three dollars per foot for all extra carriage is charged : One Improved Patent Portable Saw Mill, forty-eight inch Saw, twelve feet carriage, twenty-four feet ways $300 00 One pair Cant-hooks, $5 — one dozen best cast steel Files, $5 — Wrench and Punch, $3 13 00 One pair Long Pollers, with revolving wedge 7 00 Band, forty feet 32 00 Packing, shipping, &c 10 00 Horse power, largest size — improved patent, with enlarged wheel, for from four to ten horses 215 00 $577 00 The above mentioned saw mill and horse power is just the combina- tion to suit the planter and farmer who has timber to saw into plank and fencing stuff, where they do not wish to incur the trouble and ex- pense of steam power. With this mill and horse power lumber can be sawed sufficient to supply the wants of the largest farm, and cut at odd times when hands and horses are unemployed; besides, if you have a local demand for lumber, much may be realized by supplying the wants of your neighborhood. You can cut from 1,000 to 1,500 feet 22 GEORGE PAGE & CO's per day of ten hours, and you moreover have the horse power at hand for other farm work when wanted. A moment's reflection will make man- ifest the great value of such machinery to planters and farmers to ena- ble them to saw the lumber requisite to build neat, substantial out- buildings to shelter stock, to house their grain and hay, and inclose their lands with light, strong fences. Be it borne in mind that whilst any timber can be sawed into fencing, it is only that which will split easily that can be employed in the old styles of post and rail worm fences. This is a matter of moment where fencing timber is scarce. Where the Horse power is not wanted, no belt is sent unless specially ordered, then the cost of the Mill alone will only be $330. Where only the iron work of a carriage may be required, the price is two dollars and fifty cents per foot. Extra Head-blocks are fifty dollars per pair, for the screw kind — for the Patent Ratchett Head-block, $75 per pair. Ground frame, for horse-power to work on, to render the machinery more stable, but which can be made by the purchaser, according to the directions that accompany each Mill, ten dollars. Moorfield, Handy Co., Va., August 14, 1858. I do hereby certify that my brother and myself made a partial trial of the performance of the saw mill we bought of you, — that about the first of November, 1857, we sawed a little upwards of 1,500 feet, and did not com- mence until after sun-rise, (the sawyer says it was at least one hour high.) The hands and sawyer were all inexperienced, consequently much time was lost. With the experience we have now, I think we could saw 2,000 feet. We are well pleased with the mill. DANIEL E. McNEILL. The testimony which Mr. Ricards bears to our Horse Power is justly due it ; for, in all modesty, we may affirm that it is unequaled, for simplicity, strength, and effective service, by any other similar power in the country : p, ^ Baltimore, February 14th, 1850. Sir, — Having recently purchased one of your Circular Saw Mills, for the purpose of preparing the lumber for the large buildings we are now erecting DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 23 at Capon Springs, near Winchester, Virginia, I felt a desire to know what amount of lumber the mill could cut in a given number of consecutive hours, and requested my partners to make an experiment for this purpose. They did so, and the mill was attached to steam power, which I have on the premises for the purpose of sawing timber, driving lath-saws, and turning laths, and produced the following astonishing results, viz: 4,000 feet in three consecutive hours' actual running. Both my partners and myself are delighted with the performance of the saw, and are satisfied that, without its aid, we could not have finished, by next season, the very extensive buildings being erected there. All the saws which I have heretofore purchased for friends in Kentucky and Virginia, have given great satisfaction ; and one friend, on Licking River, Ken- tucky, has informed us that he will clear, by one mill alone, this year, up- wards of $10,000. Wishing you a great increase in the sale of this valuable invention, I am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, JOHN R. RICARDS. The horse power purchased of you also performed well, and to our entire satisfaction. It is looked upon by all who have seen it as the best article of .the kind that they have ever witnessed. Whilst the saw-mill was attached to it, which was for some six weeks, it performed admirably, and frequently pro- duced 4,000 feet boards during the day, with a power of eight and nine horses, and without pushing the horses. J. R. R. OF THE SAW MILL AND HORSE POWER. Facility of putting it up, its fine operation, &c. Last fall we sold a Saw Mill and Horse Power to Edward Drom- goole, Esq., a planter of Brunswick county, Va., and it is gratifying to us to publish an extract from a letter which we recently received from him, announcing his success in personally directing the putting up of the two machines, as well as of the fine operation of the saw mill. Mr. D. bought the horse power and saw mill for plantation purposes, an example worthy to be followed by all large landed proprietors. The remark is opportune here, that there are hundreds of our horse power mills doing the most effective service in Louisiana, and other Southern States, and giving universal satisfaction. 24 GEOEfiE PAGE & CO's Mr. Dkomooole, in his letter dated January 19, 1855, says : — I am gratified to be able to state that I have my saw mill, purchased of you in November, in operation, and it does fine work. I have been person- ally present during the whole time it has been sawing, and it was by my di- rections and under my supervision, aided by your pamphlet, that each and every part of it has been put together — being no machinist myself — for the success of the undertaking. Your Horse Power Mill, I think, must prove to be of great advantage to a farm of ordinary extent. Its cost, simplicity, and easy portability, place it in the power of many in whose hands steam would be but a destructive and terrible agent, and an extravagant and unwise investment. Several of my neighbors have seen my mill at work, and are pleased with the manner of its operation. I hope the demonstrated practicability, of what has been consid- ered doubtful by many who have never been eye-witnesses of its truth, will enure to an increased sale of your saw mills. It may be proper to state here that we have received premiums and diplomas for the above unrivaled Horse Power, at the National Insti-' tute, New York, the Maryland Mechanics' Institute, and at the Mary- land Agricultural State Fair. TO THE PUBLIC. In the year 1841 G-eorge Page, the senior partner of our firm, had a patent issued to him for an improvement in circular saw mills, and to this day no saw mill has been successfully used in sawing lumber from the log on a large scale that does not involve the principle of Page's invention. For the first seven years of our patent we had a severe struggle to convince the public of its utility. But relying wholly upon the merits of our mill, we persevered, until it finally sawed itself into notice, which it had no sooner done than up sprang hordes of persons to manufacture these mills in contravention of our patent. It is true that many parties attempted to run the circular saws without our im- provement, but were finally convinced by hundreds of ruined saws and thousands of feet of wasted timber, of the futility of the attempt to saw lumber successfully from the log without the use of Page's inven- tion. We then found many parties using it, some in open violation of DESCKIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 25 our patent, others using it, but by various contrivances striving to avoid the penalty. But thus far their cunning has been of little avail, as we have already successfully prosecuted several of these violators. We now appeal with every confidence to the public, believing that they will extend towards us that preference and patronage which we claim as our due for having been the first to invent and under many disadvantages introduce to the public an invention that, we speak within bounds when we say it, has added millions to the industrial wealth of our country. In making this appeal to the public for preference, we do so believing, from our experience in this particular branch of manufacture, and the great facilities afforded us by our extensive establishment, that we can furnish better, stronger and more complete saw mills than can be purchased elsewhere. For the proof of the utility of our invention we rely upon the many certificates which we have received from all parts of our country, some few of which will be found within this pamphlet. EXPLANATIONS. To save the trouble and loss of time in answering such questions as are frequently propounded to us, we make the following explanations : 1. Except where otherwise directed, our mills are prepared with a 48 inch Saw, 12 feet carriage, and 24 feet ways. These are included in the price charged. 2. With 12 feet carriage and 24 feet ways, our mill can cut 12 feet lumber ; where it is desirable to cut longer lumber than that, the length of the carriage must be increased in proportion, in which case an extra charge of $3 per foot is made. Where a Saw of larger diameter than 48 inches is ordered, the purchaser is charged the difference between the two Saws, extra ; where the saw is of less diameter than 48 inches, the difference in the price of the saw ordered is deducted from the price of the mill. 3. Where only the iron work of the carriage is ordered, and the wood not taken, 50 cents per foot is deducted. But we would here ob- serve that as the freight between one finished with the wood work, and one not, is trifling — the interest of the purchaser requires that he should have the wood worh, as well as iron, made by the inventor, as he who invents knows best how to adjust. 26 GEORGE PAGE & CO'S SIZE OF LOGS CUT. The inquiry having been made of us, — " What sized logs our Saws could cut?" we seize this occasion to state that a circular saw can, at one cut, saw through a log one-half its diameter, less 2J inches. By turning the log, however, a log of twice that dimension may be sawed through. For instance, a saw of 48 inches diameter can, by one oper- ation, saw a log of 21i inches in diameter, and in two, one of 43 inches in diameter. Our First Class Mill, adjusted with two saws, can, at one operation, saw a log of 60 inches in diameter. Our Second Class Mill can carry a saw of any dimensions up to one of 60 inches diameter, with appropriate power to drive it. Our Third Class Mill can carry any saw up to 50 inches diameter. QUANTITY OF FEET PEE DAY. A " First Class" Mill, driven by 20 horse steam engine, can cut from 8,000 to 10,000 feet. A ' ' Second Class " Mill, with the same steam power, can cut from 6,000 to 8,000 feet. A " Third Class" Mill, with a steampower of 12 horses, can cut from 5,000 to 6,000 feet. Our Third Class Saw Mill, driven by our Portable Steam Engine, mounted on wheels, will cut 2,000 feet of inch boards, or 3,000 feet of bill stuff per day. The Horse power Mill, with 4 horses, can cut from 1,000 to 1,500 feet — with 6 horses, it can cut from 1,800 to 2,000 feet. ADAPTATION OF OUR MILLS. Our Mills are equally well adapted to Steam, Water, or Horse power. The greater and steadier the motive power, the greater the number of feet of lumber they can cut in a day. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 27 AS TO FUEL. Steam Engines and Boilers built under contracts with us, are so constructed as to burn slabs and saw-dust, thereby saving the expense of other fuel, and relieving the mills of this annoyance. KINDS OF WOOD CUT. Our Saw Mills are equally well adapted to the cutting of hard and soft ivoods, as Pitch and white Pine, Oak, Poplar, Beach, Birch Cy- press, "Walnut, Locust, Chestnut, Cedar and Cypress, as well as all other kinds. NUMBER OF MILLS MANUFACTURED. ■ We have manufactured and sold upwards of 1443 Saw Mills, of the several classes — which fact is the strongest proof that could be adduced of the confidence the public repose in their utility, and of the universal popularity that they enjoy. CHARACTER OF MILLS. We manufacture three classes or sizes of Mills. The first class ad- justed with two 48 inch saws for sawing large lumber. The second class mill can carry any saw from 48 to 60. The third class mill can carry a saw from 48 to 50. The first class mill is larger and stronger than the second, and the second larger and stronger than the third class mill. Our long experience enables us to complete our mills to the en- tire satisfaction of our patrons. 28 GEORGE PAGE & CO S PRICE S OF SAWS. To make the prices of the different sized Saws more conspicuous, and therefore the more easily understood, we have arranged the following list of prices : A saw 12 inches in diameter is $2 67 A saw 44 inch es in diameter is $43 00 u 16 tt 4 00 a 46 50 00 te 20 « se 6 00 tt 48 60 00 " 24 " " 8 00 tt 50 70 00 " 28 " it 11 00 ft 52 84 00 " 32 a 14 67 tt 54 100 00 " 36 a 20 00 it 56 ' « 125 00 " 38 " " 25 00 n 58 150 00 « 40 " tt 30 00 ce 60 175 00 " 42 it 36 00 AGEMTS. SLAEK, STAUFFER & CO New Orleans, La. J. A. BRAUD & LANDRY E.B.NICHOLS Galveston, Texas. J. SHACKELFORD, Jr., & CO Houston, M. B. BATEHAM Columbus, Ohio. JOELLUPTON Winchester, Virginia. S. N. & H. N. HART & CO Charleston, South Carolina. JOHNW. ORADY .' Greenville, " DANIEL LARER Pottsville, Pa. R. HOE & CO New York City. S. H. BROWER & CO " " « THOMAS B.HALL , Cold Springs, Polk Co., Texas. HENRY SHELDEN, LAWSON & CO New York. DADE, HURXTHAL & CO Mobile, Ala. JOHN CLARK Jacksonville, Fla. GILMER & CO Montgomery, Ala. W. P. YONGE Savannah, Georgia. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 29 MACHINISTS' EXPENSES, &c. Thos. B. Hall, Cold Springs, Polk Co., Texas, who is an accom- plished machinist, and thoroughly acquainted with the manner of putting up, and working our mills, will readily obey any call of gentlemen having mills to put up, as well as to instruct their hands. He may he entirely relied upon. Machinists sent from our establishment in Baltimore, to set up mills and impart instructions, require $3 per day for the whole time they may be absent from home — their passage and fare, from and back to Baltimore, to be paid by the employer, and to be boarded at his ex- pense while engaged at work. The services of a good machinist cannot be too highly appreciated. We will here remark that we have no pecuniary interest in the wages and charges of the machinists who may be sent to put up machinery built by us, such jobs being their own perquisites. GUARANTEE. Where the machinery may be put up by our own machinists, we will guarantee our mills to perform every thing claimed for them, when properly managed. • CAUTION AGAINST PIRATES. The Government of the United States having granted them an ex- tension of their Patent for seven years, and said extension being the joint property of the firm, they notify the public generally that no alienation of right or interest of any part or portion of their said Patent, or the rights under it, will be valid or legal, unless the transfer of any such right be executed by two of the members of the firm. And as various manufacturers have infringed upon the rights granted the firm by the government of the United States, by Letters Patent, they hereby caution the public generally from purchasing from such piratical parties, 30 GEORGE PAGE &CO's as they are determined to prosecute all infringers upon their rights to the utmost extent of the law, whether they be manufacturers, venders, or purchasers. TERMS. For building a Steam Engine and Boiler, we require one-half to be advanced in cash at the commencement of the work, the other half to be paid in cash on delivery or shipment. For Saw Mill, cash on de- livery or shipment, in funds at par in Baltimore. PLACE OF DELIVERY Our place of delivery is on shipboard, Baltimore. WEIGHT OF STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, AND HORSE POWER. A 20 horse Steam Engine with 2 boilers, complete, as per class, weighs about, 28,280 lbs. A 15 " Steam Engine with boiler, weighs about 21,000 lbs. A 12 " " " " " " " 16,000 lbs. A 10 " " " " " " " 13,000 lbs. A 1st Class Saw Mill, complete, weighs about 7,000 lbs. A 2d Class " " " " " 5,000 lbs.. A 3d Class " " " " " 4,000 lbs. No. 1, or largest sized Horse Power, adapted to be driven by 4, 6, 8, or 10 horses, weighs about 3,500 lbs. — with enlarged, wheel, 4,000 lbs. DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLETS. A Pamphlet descriptive of their Engines, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Horse Powers, &c, will be sent to any gentleman applying for the same by letter. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 31 Orders and Communications. — All orders and communications to us, direct, should be addressed to George Page & Co., Machinists and Manufacturers, Schroeder near West Baltimore St., Baltimore Md. Baltimore, June 12 th, 1854. Messes. George Page & Co. Gentlemen : — BeiDg about to start for a distant post, I fell it a duty I owe you to bear testimony to your Improved Patent Portable Saw Mills, the inven- tion of your senior partner, manufactured by your house, at your establishment in Baltimore. In my official capacity I have bought from you at different times, for the Government of the United States, some twenty Saw Mills and as many horse powers, and it gives me unfeigned pleasure to state, that in every instance, these mills have given the most entire satisfaction, proving by their admirable and efficient operative powers, how well they deserve to rank among the great discoveries of the age as labor-saving machines. Some of these were built by you for service in California, some in Oregon, others for service in Mexico, Texas and other distant posts of the army of the United States, and wherever sent have done good service to the Government, by en- abling it to provide fur the comfort of various detachments of soldiers, by manufacturing lumber, and plank, and shingles for the erection of dwellings at remote points, where without the facilities affurde'd by your mills, the materials for the construction of such buildings could not have been obtained, thereby insuring to various detachments of our army the means of comfort, and protect- ing them from the sufferings usually incident to troops stationed in new coun- tries. It is almost impossible to calculate the benefit which your mills have been to the army of the United States in the way indicated in the previous part of this letter, and being cognizant of the facts named, I feel it both a pleasure and a duty to state the facts that have come officially under my notice. And it is equally a pleasure for me to state, that in all my business transactions with your house, I have found you obliging, punctual and correct, while your work has always been executed with skill — built out of the best materials, and in a style of workmanship, which at once won admiration and insured durability. Among the characteristics uf your mills, it may not be amiss to name, that they are calculated to reduce the trees of the forest into every description of lumber with great smoothness and truthfulness, and with a rapidity unequaled by any other mills that have come under my observation and knowledge, while they are equally well adapted to be driven by Horse, Steam or Water Power, advantages that cannot be too highly appreciated. Respectfully, yours, S. B. DUSENBERRY, Major and Quartermaster. 32 GEOKGE PAGE & CO'S The following letter is from a gentleman of Louisiana, who bought a mill of us some years since. He says, in a letter dated Choctaw Bayou, Tensas Parish, La., 1 August 29, 1851. J Messes. George Page & Co. I take pleasure in informing you that the Horse Power Saw Mill which I bought of you, has more than ansioerecl my most sanguine expectations, or your representations. I had it put up by my carpenter, and it has been worked by my slaves, superintended by a relative of mine. Propelled by six mules, I have cut with it in a day, 2,500 feet of boards with perfect ease to the hands and mules, and consider it one of those labor-saving machines which cannot fail to be appreciated by every good judge. THOMAS B. POINDEXTER. The following is a certificate of Mr. Joel Lupton, of Frederick county, Virginia, a member of the society of Friends, and withal a most conscientious gentleman, possessing a mind of rare mechanical discrimination. Mr. Lupton's mill is propelled by one of our Horse Powers. Winchester, Frederick county, Va. I hereby certify that I purchased one of George Page's Patent Portable Horse-Power Saw Mills, which I put in operation on my farm on the 10th day of the 12th month, 1845. Since that time I have sawed for the Winchester and Potomac Eail Road, two hundred and sixty-five thousand feet of railing, lineal measure, 4J X 8£ inch, inspected and delivered in four hundred and seventy days, mostly in the winter season, when I was not engaged in my farming business, which is equivalent to two thousand seven hundred and sev- enty-six feet for each and every day. Many days I sawed as much as four thousand feet, board measure. The mill that has done the above work is now in excel- lent order, and I sawed with it one day last month four hundred feet J inch plank in one hour. My mill has been no way troublesome, it is easily man- aged, and not liable to get out of order. And I can saw lumber of any size, even down as small as plastering laths, if required. This mill gives entire satisfaction in every respect. In addition to the above, I have at the same time done a great deal of sawing for my own use, and also for my neighbors. Given under my hand, the 20th day of the 12th month, 1848. JOEL LUPTON. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 33 The Hon. Thomas Hart Benton, the distinguished Senator from Mis- souri, who has one of these Saw Mills on his plantation, in Woodford county, Kentucky, after two years' experience, thus speaks of its per- formance in a letter,/ from which we make the following extract : December 24, 1844. Me. George Page: Dear Sir, — I comply with your request in stating the performance of the Circular Saw Mill I bought of you and placed on my farm. It is cutting bet- ter than you promised it should, and is now at work under the care of Mr. John W. Duncan. It is driven by six horses, and cuts ash, oak, walnut, and other hard wood, at from six to twelve feet to the minute, according to the thickness of the timber. Ten or twelve feet to the minute, in a thickness of one foot, is common work. She will cut her half depth, say twenty-one inches, at that rate giving a smoothness of surface and a truth of line which gives a beautiful appearance to the lumber, and great comfort and advantage to the workmen in working it up. In a word, the Saw exceeds your promise — a very unusual thing in a patentee ; and I hope you may be remunerated for this and other ingenious and useful mechanical inventions, which place you in the class of public benefactors, and entitle you to the thanks, encour- agement and good wishes of the community. Yours, respectfully, THOMAS H. BENTON. In giving the extract from the letter of Mr. Benton, it may not be inopportune to introduce the remark of another distinguished gentle- man, who visited the estate of Col. Benton, in November, 1844, and saw the Saw Mill in operation. We allude to the Hon. Gr. M. Bower. He says that he "saw the mill sawing white ash flooring plank, at the rate of twelve feet to the minute, throwing off two boards at a cut, each six inches wide, giving a smooth surface and true line, and work- ing to the admiration of all who saw it." The following is an extract of a letter, dated Fort Clark, Texas, March 24th, 1854, from Mr. B. Jones, who has put up three of our Mills for the U. S. Government. After speaking of the incidents of his journey, he goes on to say : — I then unpacked one of them, and found every thing safe, except the handle of the wheel of the headblock. I mended it without any trouble. Every thing went together like clock-work. I then had to wait one week for mules 34 GEORGE PAGE & CO's to saw with. The officers were very much pleased with the operation. I commenced with six mules, but found that was not enough. I now use twelve. They will walk through seasoned and live oak timber. I have sawed plank nineteen and a half inches wide, without any trouble. One hundred and fifty feet is about as much as I can saw in one hour, and follow it. The other mill lies here yet ; that is going about 300 miles above here, and the one at Corpus Ghristi has got to go 400 miles from there. Yours, with respect, BENJAMIN JONES. Prince George's County, Md. Mr. George Page : Sir, — Having had one of your Portable Saw Mills in operation on my es- tate, near Bladensburg, Prince George's county, for several months, and being fully convinced of its great and paramount merits as a superior labor-saving machine, I take especial pleasure in bearing testimony to its value. The Saw Mill I have now in use is propelled by a steam engine of ten horse power, and is attended by six hands. With this power of steam and number of laborers, I have cut at the rate of fifteen thousand feet of lumber per day, and it has given me no little satisfaction to find the lumber cut with so much ease and exactness, and the Mill and its machinery so little liable to get out of re- pair. Such, indeed, is its simplicity, that I find no difficulty in having it tended by ordinary farm hands ; nor would I find more, should it get out of order, in having it repaired by an ordinary blacksmith or country millwright. Destitute of every thing like intricacy or complication in its arrangements, and having great strength of construction, there is but little fear to be apprehended of its getting out of repair; and these qualities, when viewed in connection with its truly portable size, render it of immense value to the gentleman own- ing forests of timber, as the facility with which it may be transported from one point to another, as the timber may be felled and sawed up, enhances its value in a degree that cannot be too highly appreciated. I believe that, if it were necessary, I could remove it twenty miles in a single day, with a team of four, six or eight horses, according to the nature of the road or ground over which it would have to be transported, and have it ready to operate within the course of the third day thereafter. When I look at it in full operation, see its wonderful powers, the ease with which it executes its work, I am struck with surprise, that a machine so sim- ple in all its parts, had not been invented a century ago. It is, indeed, a labor- saving, and time and money economizing invention — one which, in my opinion, every owner of a woodland estate, every railroad company and shipwright in the country, ought, without delay, to possess themselves of. As it can be pro- DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 35 pelled equally well by steam, water, or horse-power, it will suit every location, and prove in either a machine of intrinsic value, whether regard he had to the saving of money or time, which latter is of equal value with the former. In new settlements, too, where there is timber, it would prove a God-send to whole neighborhoods, as it might be removed to aDy point where buildings might be required to be erected. CHARLES B. CALVERT. October 20, 1842. The following is a copy of a letter received by us, dated Hickman, Fulton county, Kentucky, June 29th, 1854 : Messrs. George Page & Co. I have at last gotten the Mill of 12 horse power which I purchased of you, in successful operation. The mill comes up to my most sanguine expectations ; its performance is such as to excite astonishment to all who see it operate. It will cut through a log 16 feet long in 14 seconds; it cuts through a log 22 feet "long in 20 seconds. What it could cut in a day, if the timber could be kept to the saw, is enormous. The truth can no longer be disguised that George Page & Co. are the best Saw Mill Builders in the world, for no mills heretofore built have ever sawed as their mills do. Suffice it to say that my mill cuts a foot in a common size log, and more, in a second of time. This I state, because disinterested gentle- men have stood by and timed it in logs of 22 and 16 feet length. Then if any persons want to know what they have sawed with a similar mill, they can come near the amount by the number of hands they employ, and the activity and the industry they may use, for much depends on this ; the mill will do a great deal if you keep the timber to the saw, and keep the saw in order : the amount she would cut in a year would be a little fortune if well attended; it would exceed the original cost of the mill four or five times, in my opinion. But the enormous amount the mill is capable of, is apparent to all, and the thing is, if any one has Page's Mill and runs it, it will enrich him if he has it tolerably well attended, and a market for his lumber. This much I state in justice to your firm as Saw Mill builders. I am, with great respect, Tour obedient servant, P. N. MARR. In a letter from the same gentleman, dated Hickman, Fulton Co., Ky., January 21, 1855, after nearly eight months' longer experience, he thus speaks : " My mill is still doing well, and is looked at with great interest and much wonder by many. There are two mills here besides mine, and it is a common 36 GEORGE PAGE & CO'S remark that mine cuts more lumber than both of them. The simplicity and durability of the mill, and the rapidity with which it saws, is a matter of wonderment to the great number of persons who witness its operation." As to the durability of our machinery, we are flattered in being able to give the following extract from a letter, just received from a distin- guished gentleman of White Plains, Georgia. In a letter from Henry Gr. Ware, of White Plains, Georgia, dated January 17, 1855, he says: " Our mill still does its work admirably, and has not cost its five dollars for repairs since we started it." We sold the Steam Power and Saw Mill to him about three years ago, and we state this fact to show how substantially we do our work, and how trifling is the expense for repairs, when properly worked. ADDITIONAL COMMENDATIONS. The following letters and extracts from letters will show conclusively the high reputation which our Improved Patent Portable Saw Mills continue to hold in the estimation of gentlemen who have bought thern, and tested their truly wonderful operative powers. To prove the adaptation of the Saw Mills for cutting hard yellow pine of the Southern States, we subjoin the following letter from H. A. Kenrick, Esq., of Hamburg, South Carolina, President of the Ham- burg and Edgefield Plank Road Company. The mill alluded to by Mr. Kendrick is a second class one; and the opinion he expresses is the more valuable, as he speaks after an experience of eight months' use of his mill. Office Hamburg and Edgefield Plank Road Co. \ Hamburg, South Carolina, Sep. 10, 1852. / Messrs. George Page & Co. Gentlemen, — Having had one of your Mills in operation about eight months, I am now able to state it has performed all I expected. We have cut in the present year, say from 1st January to 1st inst., a little over 1,600,000 feet. We have cut in a day, from sunrise to sunset, 13,800 feet, and in a week, 69,- 587 feet. This, however, is above a fair average. I consider 10,000 feet per DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 37 day a fair average, running only by daylight. The mill is driven by a 25 horse power engine. With the same engine we run a Lathing Saw, Turning Lathe, and occasionally a small Grist Mill. Tours truly, H. A. KENRICK, President. Extract of a letter from Mr. Thomas B, Hall, dated Bethany, Texas, July 30th, 1852 : Messes. George Page & Co. I have put four of your mills in operation since the first of April, and they are performing well, and the owners well pleased with them. My mill is now as good or better than it was when I first started it ; and I can with safety say, after an experience of eight years constantly running your Mills, there is no plan whereby lumber can be made so fast, or with so much ease. I can put them in full operation in six days, from the stump. I can saw at my ease 6000 feet per day of any kind of timber that I have ever seen your Mills tried upon. ° ' s ° ° * " ° s I am sure there will have to be a great many more of your Mills here yet in this rich pine forest. This Mill has now been running just twelve months, and we have cleared, with six hands, over $8000. Will that do 1 I am pleased with that amount. Yours most truly, THOMAS B. HALL. Extract from a letter received from the Hon. Judge B. D. Wright, dated Pensacola, Florida, November 22d, 1855 : Messrs. George Page & Co. Gentlemen : — The Steam Saw Mill which you sent me last winter was put in operation in April, and has ever since been doing good work. I avail my- self of this occasion to say that every thing was sent with the mill which was at all necessary or important, and that I am entirely satisfied with the ma- chinery. Extract from a letter received from Messrs. Maples & Peed, who purchased a Second Class Saw Mill from us ; their letter is dated Min- den, La., May 22d, 1854 : Messrs. George Page & Co. Gentlemen: — We take great pleasure in stating to you that the mill we purchased of you in 1851, is the most perfect machinery for sawing plank ever offered to the public. 38 DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. Copy of a letter from J. P. Brock, Esq., dated Ashland, Pa., Sep- tember 19th, 1855 : Messrs. George Page & Co. Gentlemen : — I take pleasure in informing you that the Saw Mill purchased of you works admirably. It is very well made, and its labor-saving arrange- ments not only diminish the cost of sawing, but greatly increase the sawing capacity of the apparatus. The Ralchelt Head blocks are extremely convenient. I can only say further, that the mill, after a full trial, gives entire satisfaction. Very respectfully, J. P. BROCK. Extract of a letter from Randell Craft, Esq., dated Newberry Court House, South Carolina, March 25th, 1855 : Messrs. George Page & Co. I have used your Saw Mill nearly two years, and say with pleasure that it has more than exceeded my most sanguine expectations. I can say no more ; in justice to my own feelings I can say no less. Never in all that time has ever any thing gone the least wrong with her. She has cut every kind of lumber, White-Oak, Birch, Hickory, Walnut, Poplar, Post-Oak, Red-Oak — of course, Pine also. She has cut me out of many a tight place, and has cut you into my favor, and should you ever come my way or near me, I wish to see and know you, and recognize you as a friend. Should I pass through Balti- more, you will be sure to see me. The following is an extract of a letter received from James Duncan, Esq., of Marquette, Lake Superior, Michigan, who bought a First Class Saw Mill, and other machinery, of us some years since. His let- ter is dated Marquette, Lake Superior, Michigan, Oct. 14, 1855. Messrs. George Page & Co. Gentlemen: — We run it (the Saw Mill) 48 hours without stopping except to fill, and cut in that time 48,300 feet of three inch stuff for the plank road. Hoping that you are receiving all the benefits you deserve, which is not a little, for your services you have done for mankind, I remain Your friend and very ob't servant, JAMES DUNCAN. 40 DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. The following is a copy of a letter received from a gentleman of Jacksonville, Florida, whose experience entitles his statement to great consideration. He is speaking of our last invented Grist Mill, adjusted with 30 inch French Burr Millstones, and calculated alike for Wheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, &c. Jacksonville, Fla., August 16, 1856. Messrs. George Page & Co. Gentlemen: — It is with pleasure that I proceed to inform you what the Grist Mill, (30 inch French Burr stones,) which I purchased of you last June, has, and can do. I can, with the assistance of a boy to fire, grind 150 bushels of Corn Meal per day. I have not ground Wheat extensively, but the lots I have ground have given entire satisfaction ; the mill grinding six bushels per hour of the most excellent wheat-flour. My Engine is of 8 horse power, and I find that I have considerably more power than is necessary to drive my Grist Mill. In fact, your Grist Mills are the best adjusted, least likely to get out of order, and can do more work than any others that I have ever seen or worked. Your obedient servant, JOHN CLARK. PAGE'S TIMBER WHEELS. Wherever these wheels have been introduced, they have been found of great value ; and are believed to be among the best of the inventions for saving labor. This machine may not only be called a labor-saving one, but a power-increasing one also. Its use is to remove logs of all sizes to any desirable point, and so happily contrived are its points and adaptations, that a boy can load it. Should any farmer desire to pur- chase the axle without the wheels, he can be accommodated by sending the size of the boxes and length of the hubs of his wheels. Price of the Timber Wheels complete, with wrought iron axles, $160. Price of the Axle according: to size. HORSE POWER FOR GINNING COTTON. We have sold many of No. 3 size with 42 inch driving pulley and ground frame. Price $102 50. They have given general satisfaction. We would, however, recommend the No. 2 power as being stronger and lasting longer, and likely to give more general satisfaction, it being made for four horses, whereas No. 3 is made for but two horses. The price for No. 3 Horse Power, ground frame and all complete, $135. o < u M o O 6d 42 GEORGE PAGE & CO'S IMPORTANT PATENT DECISION. George Page vs. Ames & Green, in the Circuit Court, V. S., Maryland District — before Judge Giles, D. J. — This was an action brought for infringement of a Patent, granted to the plaintiff, -in 1841, for improve- ments in the Portable Circular Saw Mill. The patentee claimed the means of affixing and guiding the circular Saw, by allowing end play to its shaft, in combination with the means of guiding it by friction rollers, embracing it near its periphery, so as to have its centre entirely unchecked laterally. There was a good deal of conflicting testimony as to construction of the machine that was the subject of the suit — the defendants having made but one before the action had been commenced. This fact, how- ever, the jury found for the plaintiff. — Conceding it, it was insisted that the shaft made by defendants had journals turned down upon it, the shoulders of which limited the end play, and so saved the machine from infringing a patent that required the end play to be unlimited, or with- out any check, and was contended that a machine such as described in the specification, without a check on the shaft to the end play, would not answer the purpose aimed at, but would be worthless. The plain- tiff here contended, however, that the proper reading of the specification showed an alternative construction, either to make the shaft with or without reduced journals and shoulders. Neither party sought instructions from the court, but with equal con- fidence in the specification went before the jury. It was admitted on all hands, that, up to the date of the plaintiff's invention, the circular saw for large logs was unknown. Since the date of the invention, near a thousand of them had been sold. No other change in the common construction of the circular saw previously in use was shown, than the giving of end play to the shaft. There was conflicting testimony relating to this value of the end play ; two wit- nesses, referring to the same mill, declared it did better without than with it ; but they were contradicted by a witness who said it did worse than another mill in the same neighborhood, which had the usual end play ; and as regarded the general value of the end play, they were contradicted by witnesses who had made experiments, especially in view of ascertaining the fact, on various mills ; on this point, too, the verdict of the jury sustained the plaintiff's testimony. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. In arguing the cause, the plaintiff's counsel insisted that the essence of Page's invention consisted in giving the end play to the shaft, which operated to take the stiffening out of the common machine, where the periphery of the saw was kept steady by rollers — that it was the rigidity of the periphery, together with the rigidity of the centre of the saw, that defeated the usual effect when the saw was from four to sis feet in diameter ; that in availing of Page's discovery of this fact, the defend- ants had invaded his rights; and that the extent of the infringement — wbether by an eighth of an inch or an inch, of end play, no limit being prescribed by the plaintiff, and the extent of end play, depending, in- deed on varying circumstances — was of no consequence, so long as the defendants constructed a machine having end play, more or less in combination with the guides in the periphery of the Saw. The defendants, on the other hand, insisted upon the necessity of an exact conformity between the machine specified, and that constructed by them, before they could be held liable for infringement, pressing the various matters already suggested. After an absence of a few minutes from the court room, the jury re- turned a verdict of $100, which was the amount claimed as damages for the construction of the single machine manufactured by the defend- ants before the commencement of the suit. A motion was at once filed for a new trial by the defendants, which came on to be heard before the District Judge, (Hon. Wm. F. Giles,) who stopped plaintiff's counsel, saying, that after hearing the evidence, and considering the questions of law involved in the finding of the jury, he had come to the same conclusion that they had, and that even had he thought differently on the facts, yet there was nothing in the case which would have permitted him to set aside their verdict in that respect. The plaintiff's Counsel moved that the damages be trebled, when the Court said that this was a matter in its discretion. That where the in- fringement, as might often be the case, was accidental, it was not a discretion they would be willing to exercise, but that from the facts in this case, if there had been an infringement, a matter that the jury had found, and so informed the conscience of the court, there could be no doubt that it was an intentional one, and as such, proper for the ex- ercise of the discretion given by the act of Congress. And the Court trebles the damages accordingly. GEORGE PAGE vs. AMES & GREEN, In the Circuit Court of the United States for the Maryland District— in Equity, before the Hon. 44 GEORGE PAGE & CO'S Whi. F. Giles. — On motion — Pitts and Latrobe for Plaintiff — the Court on the 5th May, 1854, ordered an injunction against the defendants to enjoin and prohibit them from making, using or vending Page's Im- proved Portable Saw Mill. For Plaintiff — J. H. B. Latrobe and C. H. Pitts. For Defendants — H. Stockbridge and S. M. Cochran. Since the before mentioned case was decided in our favor, we have obtained several other decisions in Detroit, Albany and elsewhere, all of which go to prove the validity of our patent. NEW AND IMPROVED GRIST MILLS. (See Cut on opposite page.) This Mill combines simplicity of construction with strength and du- rability, and may be said to be what a plantation or farm mill ought to be. It is calculated to do effective service — grind either wheaten flour, or corn meal, of the very first quality, of varied fineness, without be- ing put out of order. It has received the first premiums of two State Fairs, both agricultural and mechanical, and has, by its intrinsic excel- lence, won the favor of every purchaser. With the power of two horses it will grind four bushels of wheat, rye, or corn, with ease, in an hour, into flour or meal, of a character which will meet the appro- bation of the best judges. This is not saying aught in its praise, which will not be borne out by its performance ; in a word, for plantation and farm purposes, it is the mill of the country. The advantages of such a mill to a large landed estate, or even to the proprietor of a few hun- dred acres, in its power to save time in going to mill, and the assurance of good bread, is too obvious to be enlarged upon, and especially will its advantages be manifest to those who may live in a neighborhood re- mote from mills which do custom work, where so much time is consumed in sending grist to mill, and where disappointment and delay so often occur to mar the arrangements and withhold the comforts and necessa- ries of the homestead. Price, with French Burr Stones, 22 inch diameter, $125 ; with Screen, Sifters and Boxes, for wheat flour and corn meal, complete, $165. This mill has a self-feeder, the advantage of which is to feed the stones according to speed applied. Belting, if required, $32. GEORGE PAGE & CO. Inventors, Patentees, and Manufacturers, Baltimore, Md. 46 GEORGE PAGE & CO'S Directions. — There is nothing necessary for this article more than a common miller can direct ; it should run light, and about two hun- dred turns to the minute. When Grist Mills of larger diameter than 22 inches are wanted, we recommend for custom work a pair of 42 inch Cologne stones, and to be worked by a 12 horse engine. Price, all complete, ready to run, (except the wooden frame) $250.00 Pulley, on Engine Shaft..... 23.75 Forty feet of 9 inch Belting 32.00 Boxing, packing, and shipping 8.00 A drawing of the wooden frame will be sent with the mill, that will enable any millwright to put the work together as it is intended. The Maryland Mechanics'' Institute awarded us a Silver Medal for the superiority of our Grist Mills. LUMBER C A E , For Conveying Lumber Out of the Mill. This machine operates as a great saving of labor, as it can be loaded with a large quantity of lumber, hauled out on a truck a convenient distance to be unloaded, and piled for seasoning, or immediately con- veyed to a vessel. Where the mill is situated on level ground, and the saw-dust is not used as fuel, the lumber car is used to convey it off on a separate truck, the car being made to hold a large quantity of saw- dust. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 47 GEORGE PAGE & CO'S MACHINE FOR GUMMING SAWS. This Machine is simple, and not liable to get out of order, and, if carefully- used, is of great assistance in saving files. Price $25. We think it proper to say to the public that, unless skillful hands use the ma- chine, there is danger of buckling the saw. The best plan is to keep the saw filed into shape at all times— when it is so kept, it will always have proper depth of tooth, without the use of the Gumming Machine. Marquette, Lake Superior, Nov. 29, 1853. George Page & Co. Gentlemen .-—Mr. Doten has just fulfilled his contract with us, through you, for putting up one of your engines and a double circular saw mill, (No. 796,) on Lake Superior, Michigan, and running the same for several days. The engine and mill are specimens of finished machinery, and performed admirably, and much to our satisfaction from their first starting. JAMES DUNCAN, A. W. PARISH. GEORGE PAGE & CO S Extract of a letter, dated Ridgeway, Warren Co., N. C, May 25th, 1852: Messrs. George Page & Co. Gentlemen : — The Saw Mill you sold me some time since works well, and I would recommend to all who wish to improve a farm so as to make it com- fortable, by all means to purchase a mill from you. . Such a mill would soon pay for itself in cutting lumber for home use on a large farm, with all neces- sary buildings and fences., and would do so much sooner if the owner had tim- ber to sell. So great is the convenience of such a mill that I now regard it as an indispensable fixture to a well regulated farm. HENRY J. B. CLARK. AUGER FOR BORING POST HOLES This labor-saving machine will do three times as much work as per- formed in the old way. Price $5. This may be extended so as to excavate drains or dig wells. The post Auger needs no directions — any person can see how to use it. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. DIRECTIONS FOR PUTTING UP PAGE'S PATENT PORTABLE SAW MILL. First — The purchaser is to furnish two pieces of timber of the fol- lowing dimensions: — four inches by ten square, nineteen and a half feet long ; also, two other pieces twice the length of the carriage or timber to be sawed, for the carriage to run upon, four or eight inches square. This timber should always be got out and dressed up on the top sides, perfectly straight — this should be done always before the man arrives to put the mill in operation, (if a person is to be sent for that purpose.) By doing this, the machinist need not be detained more than two days. If the timber cannot be had as long as twice the length of the carriage .or timber to be sawed, four pieces will answer, each of the length of the carriage. When the Horse Power is to be put up, two sills, four by ten inches square, and nineteen and a half feet long, should be framed together the width of a common cart body, to be well strength- ened by cross pieces, the long pieces standing up edgewise — cross pieces put in low enough to correspond with the shape of the horse power. The horse power is then to be put upon one end, and the gear speed at the other, the coupling bar put to its place, and all to be bolted firmly to the long pieces. Two small ditches, in the shape of the frame, are to be dug in the ground, which the frame is set into, level with the top of the ground, the dirt to be filled in firmly, to save the necessity of staking. This body serves as a wagon body to transport the machine, by affixing a common axle-tree and wheels to it. Then place the saw mill so as to bring the pulley opposite to the pulley on the horse power, then dig a hole in the ground of sufficient depth to receive the saw and other gearing, and also to admit of a scraper to pass under to bring out the saw dust, — then frame the timber for the carriage to run upon to- gether, the width of the carriage from outside to outside — then lay this flat upon the ground, taking care to square the whole by the horse power. After this is done, and the saw ranged perfectly straight, or parallel with the carriage, then put on the guide roller, first dividing 50 GEORGE PAGE & CO's the end-play of the shaft, in the boxes ; then place the rollers so that each will nearly touch the saw — then bolt them on the frame firmly — then raise the frame, that the saw and gearing is in, about five inches from the ground, — then bolt the frame to the timbers that you have prepared for the carriage to run upon, putting two blocks between this and the timber, (and putting the bolts that are sent for that purpose in a position not to interfere with the saw,) of sufficient size to bring the head blocks in the right position to the saw ; the height of the frame should be nearly level with the top of the carriage, when the carriage is in its place ; you will find this by laying four pieces of the iron rail- ing on the frame for the carriage to run upon, and then put the carriage on them with the head blocks upon the carriage, one of them opposite the saw ; the iron on the top of the head-block should be about a quar- ter of an inch above the top of the collar that holds the saw on the shaft ; after this is done, feed accordingly ; if you wish to work four horses, put the pulley on the horse power, — this will give you the proper speed to cut one thousand to one thousand five hundred feet of plank per day. If you intend to work six horses, put on more feed on the horse power. If you wish to cut shingles, after preparing your block with a cross-cut saw, put on the saw suitable for cutting shingles, say a thirty-six inch saw, together with extra head block, and fasten your blocks to them, as you would a log to saw into plank, except if you wish to put three blocks, one on the top of the other, then drive some thin iron wedges in the joints to keep them from slipping, near the arm or elbow of the head blocks, and then turn the screw three turns at one end, and five at the other, which will give the right taper to the shingle. After the whole blocks have been straightened by running the saw through the first time, set the first blocks by turn- ing the screw three and five turns, then start the screw at work, and set the other blocks, three and five at first, while the saw is cutting it through ; then run back the carriage and reverse the setting, say five and three ; the speed should be for four horses, about three hundred turns to the minute, and for six horses about three hundred and fifty turns to the minute. The greatest care should be had to keep the saw in perfect order, which is done in about one or two minutes — it should be kept perfectly round, by holding a file square across it, and resting it on the log, (this is the best place to file it,) the set should always be done by the gauge, so as not to allow it to run one way more than the other. The ends DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 51 of the saw-teeth should be upset with a small steel made for that pur- pose, by filing a small crotch in the end of it, to suit the tooth ; it is important that the tooth should be the widest at the point. See gen- eral directions. DIRECTIONS TO KEEP THE SAW IN ORDER. 1st. True the saw on the side as near as possible, by putting writing paper between it and the collar. 2d. Round the saw by holding a file firmly on the frame of the guide roller, and turning the saw slowly around by the hand ; this will trim off the longest teeth. 3d. File off the top until it comes to an edge. 4th. After nearly all the teeth touch, commence upsetting the tooth by striking with a light hammer, on the steel for the purpose, until it is sufficiently wide to fill the gauge each side. 5th. Then file in front, observing always to give the tooth sufficient hook, which is about twelve inches from the centre of a four foot saw to the point of the tooth. 6th. In upsetting, some teeth are liable to be shorter than others, which is rounded off as before, and filed off to an edge on top — it is not material that all the teeth should touch, but all should have good edges on them. 7th. As the saw becomes dull, hold the file as before to merely touch, to cut down the longest teeth, then file to an edge on top. 8th. After the saw is round, file the most in front, when dull, as it diminishes the diameter less, and keeps proper depth of tooth. 9th. In filing when dull, file no more than to bring an edge. 10th. In upsetting the tooth, it is liable to spread wider on one side than the other ; this is altered by bending the tooth with a hammer, and a piece of cast iron (sent with the mill,) placed on the other side, by a succession of blows nearly opposite the spot where it touches the saw. 11th. After upsetting the tooth, (if the saw is not too hard,) it is a great advantage to draw out the tooth with a small hammer on the mandral to support the tooth ; the mandral should fit under the tooth while hammering, and have a perfect bearing under the hammer ; 52 GE0K6E PAGE & CO'S hammering the tooth refines the steel, and causes it to hold a better edge ; also saves diminishing the diameter of the saw, by drawing out some portion. We have given the above directions as we proceed to put a new saw in order, which is the same when the part upset is worn off so much that it will not clear sufficiently — in filing the saw, it will be observed, (on the one sent with the mill,) that it is filed with the file held on an angle with the saw. We hold the file in this position to give stiffness to the saw when filing — when filing the top of the tooth we stand beside the saw, and when filing the front, we sit on the frame, in both posi- tions. As we file a tooth', we turn it to the next and block it to keep it from turning. With those that are not accustomed to file in this way, it may appear difficult, but having tried all positions of holding the file, we have found this the best, as it will not wear the files to such an extent as to file square across. We deem it important here to mention that it is our opinion that no saw should be so far neglected as to need the use of a gumming machine. If the teeth be filed square across, and kept at the original depth, it is not so liable to heat by choking with dust. When the saw is true on the mandral, the teeth all of the same length and round, and the free lateral motion of the shaft at the centre preserved, all parts being level and true, there is no possibility of it failing to perform to satisfaction, according to the speed and power applied. We also deem it important to mention the use of the free lateral play of the shaft or mandral on which the saw is fastened, it is to allow the lumber to spring against the saw without heating it, this being a very important part of the dis- covery of our senior partner, Mr. George Page, in sawing round logs with a circular saw. We mention this, as many perhaps would over- look so small a motion as is required, and which led to the use of saw 7 ing round logs into lumber with a circular saw. DIRECTIONS FOE USING AND FITTING GEORGE PAGE & CO'S NEW PATENT RATCHETT HEADBLOCK. In fitting the Headblock to the carriage, care must be used to have the point of the Elbow the right distance from the Saw, to correspond with the figures on the top of the Headblock. This is done by placing DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 53 the Headblock on the carriage, and the Pointer on the Elbow at figure 2 ; then adjust the Headbloek so that it will measure 2 inches from the Saw to the front of the Elbow ; then scribe under the block to show how much to cut out to let the headblock clown to its proper place. The operation of the Headblock is so simple, that it only requires to be seen in its place, to be readily arid thoroughly understood. The Lever is made to move the log to the saw a certain distance by one motion, which is shown on the radius in figures. The lever, when in its place, should be allowed to fall back against the top; to set the log forward one inch, the stop must be placed at the mark, and the lever drawn forward until it strikes the movable stop or indicator. In sawing boards of any thickness, two cogs of the Ratchett are to be added to the thickness required, to allow for the saw curf: for instance, to saw 1 inch boards, the indicator must be set to 1J. The figures on the top of the block are not intended to work in union with the lever, but to show the distance from the Saw to the iron of the Elbow, and is found to be very convenient in squaring Timber. Extract of a letter dated Lexington, Miss., October 14th, 1853. Messrs. George Page & Co. Gentlemen: — We have sawed 1800 feet of boards in one hour and thirteen minutes with the mill you made us, and stopped twice during the time to sew the belts. RATHELL & WEST. Extract of a letter dated Minden, La., May 22d, 1854. Messes. George Page & Co. Gentlemen: — We take great pleasure in stating to you that the mill we purchased of you in 1851, is the most perfect machinery for sawing plank ever offered to the public. MAPLES & PEED. VERTICAL SAWS. These Saws are new and no less excellent articles, constructed upon just mathematical principles, so that their work is always executed with a precision and nicety that challenge comparison. They are calculated 54 DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. for scroll and all kinds of crooked work, and as they will perform the work of from fifteen to twenty hands, they would be found to be a valuable acquisition to those employed to execute such work. Many of these machines are now in successful operation at the Balti- more and Ohio Rail Road upper Depot, in this city, as also at the National Arsenal, Washington, D. C, and the great utility which has attended their operations there, together with the decided approbation they have met from the most eminent artists by whom they have been used, impart a conscious pleasure to us, while we refer those who may wish to purchase, to the intelligent superintendents of those places, for evidence of the truth of all said in favor of these machines. Price LARGE BORING AND MORTICING MACHINE. This machine is adapted to large boring and heavy morticing, and can be recommended for its immense power and usefulness Price $250. PORTABLE TOBACCO PRESS. This machine will press from 1,100 to 1,500 pounds of Tobacco into a hogshead — does its work rapidly and well, and those of them which have been used have given satisfaction to their purchasers, which, while it tested their value, imparted to the inventor a degree of pleasure which is of peerless price. This, complete, can be afforded at $100. Iron work, $23 50. We have greatly improved this machine ; having added to it a wrought iron screw of strength and elasticity, so that now the Tobacco is driven out of one tube by a single operation, and as there is no chang- ing of shores, much time is saved. The press is constructed with great strength, and intended to last. It is a great labor-saver, and so esteemed by the most intelligent tobacco planters. MACHINE FOR CUTTING OFF SLABS INTO RIGHT LENGTHS FOR LATHS OR PALINGS — Price $60. MACHINE FOR SAWING SLABS INTO LATHS AND PALINGS. Price $40. We have the two above Machines combined in one.— Price $85. 56 GEORGE PAGE & CO'S Near Summitville, Alleghany Co., Md., Dec. 1, 1854. Messes. George Page & Co. Gentlemen : — On the 27th of March last we procured from you a 20 horse steam power, second class Saw Mill, and all the necessary appendages, which machinery we have had in operation for some six or seven months, and as we have had ample time to test its power and capacity, we deem it a duty which we owe your establishment, as well as the public, to -give our opinion of the utility of your Saw Mill ; and speaking as we do from practical experience, uninfluenced by interest, what we may say will be received by the public — for whose benefit we give this statement — in a just spirit of appreciation. In the working of your Saw Mill we have found not the least difficulty. By keeping the saw properly filed and set at proper intervals, it has operated without heating or other impediments — cutting a true line, with nicety and precision, and doing it with a speed and rapidity astonishing to every one who has wit- nessed the working of our mill, that was not previously acquainted with the vast operative powers of your Improved Patent Portable Circular Saw Mill. With the driving power mentioned above, our customary day's work is from 6,000 to 8,000 feet of lumber, and upon occasions of exigency, we have sawed for several successive days at the rate of 10,000 feet of bill-stuff per day, which, indeed, is the strongest proof that could be adduced of the superior excellence and vast powers of your Saw Mill. We may assume as an incon- trovertible fact, that it can saw as fast as any number of hands, who can con- veniently be occupied, can handle the lumber sawed by it. The arrangement of the Saw-clust Elevator — which is somewhat different from those usually constructed by you, and which you contrived to suit our peculiar locality — we look upon as one of the most economic arrangements that have ever fallen under our observation. We risk nothing in saying that it has saved us $1 per day in the removal of the saw- dust — dispensing as it does with the services of at least one hand. Your Improved Patent Eatchett Headblocks, with which our Saw Mill is adjusted, we look upon as a great improvement over the old Screw-Headblocks heretofore used, as the sawyer, by its means, is enabled to set the log without crossing the carriage. In fact, it enables one to work the mill with one hand less than with the Screw-Blocks — an item of saving this, in the present high tariff of wages, in the course of a year, of considerable moment, independent of the superior ease and convenience with which the mill, through its agency, is worked. In a word, gentlemen, we are not only pleased, but highly gratified with the mill, and all other of the machinery which you built for us; and we but ex- press the honest convictions of our mind, when we say that the landed pro- prietors of our country owe your senior partner, Mr. George Page, a deep debt of gratitude for his invention of the Circular Saw Mill, as it has enabled thou- sands of them to convert their forests into merchantable lumber, thereby DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 57 making them immense sources of profit, which, before his invention, were so many burthens — yielding nothing, and subjecting the owners to annual taxa- tion. Wishing you that success so justly due to your industry, enterprise, skill and usefulness, we remain, gentlemen, Your ob't serv'ts, SNIVELY & WOODWARD. The following letter from a gentleman of Somerset county, of this State, tells its tale so plainly and so truthfully, as to need no comment: Princess Anne, Somerset Co., Md., May 8, 1852. Messrs. George Page & Co. Gentlemen : — It occurs to me that as an act of sheer justice, I should let you know how the Third Class Portable Patent Saw Mill, which I bought of you last winter, operates. My power is an engine of 15 horse capacity ; the diameter of the saw 52 inches ; and with that power I have cut from 8 o'clock A. M., leaving off before sun-down, 7,074 feet inch-plank, cut with as true line as I ever saw. The foundation of my mill is a strong brick wall, through which rods are sunk some five feet, giving to the mill a solid and immovable position, which, in my opinion, contributes greatly to its effective and opera- tive power, entirely preventing, as it does, all oscillation. Yours, respectfully, JOHN L. LANCKFORD. Extract from a letter from Mr. Zebedee Doten, a machinist, dated Washington, St. Lanclry Parish, La., Nov. 28th, 1851 : " I received a letter from Slark, Day & Stauffer, stating that Messrs. Offutt & Bro. wanted me to take charge of their mill. I went to New Orleans, and made a bargain with Mr. Offutt, and came right up here. I found the mill partly up ; I finished putting it up, and started it about the last of June, and have been running it ever since. It gives entire satisfaction, as that you well know by their purchasing a second mill of you. I have heard one of the Messrs. Offutt say that it will saw more than you stated it would. I sawed 840 feet f inch plank in 20 minutes by the watch, on one occasion ; and on another, 900 feet of 1£ inch flooring in 20 minutes. This I can prove by several respectable witnesses." 58 GEORGE PAGE & CO'S OUR SAW MILL AS DRIVEN BY WATER POWER. We sold a Third Class Saw Mill to B. R. Hudson, of Culpepper county, Va., in the fall of 1854. Of its performance, in a letter to us, dated Culpepper C. H., Nov. 15th, 1853, he thus speaks: " The performance of your mill astonishes every one that has seen it work. I am certain my water poiver is sufficient to cut 5,000 feet of boards per day. I have the pleasure to inform you that I am entirely satisfied with its per- formance. The plank is smooth and perfectly straight. I had a large number of gentlemen to see my mill start; they were all well pleased with its per- formance — the best they had ever witnessed. This is to certify that I pur- chased of Messrs. George Page & Co., of Baltimore, a Patent Portable Circular Saw Mill, (third class,) 40 inch saw, which I attached to my water-wheel, 14 feet in diameter, 4 feet breast, 8 feet head of water. The above power is sufficient to saw 5,000 feet of boards per day. The performance of my mill is satisfactory in every respect. I can assure all who wish to purchase mills to be propelled by water, that there is no risk to run whatever, and it requires less power to drive a Circular Saw than it does an Up and Down one, and will do three times as much cutting. But in view of the interest of the purchaser, as well as justice to Mr. Page, I would advise all who wish to purchase, to buy of Messrs, George Page & Co., as their mills are undoubtedly superior to any in the United States. There is a circular Saw Mill in my neighborhood (made by another party) propelled by steam, and all who have seen it, and mine, say there is no comparison between the two, my mill being so much better." Yours, &c. B. E. HUDSON. On the 27th March, 1856, we received a business letter from Mr. Benj. R. Hudson, who, after nearly three years' use of our Mill, writes this. Mr. Hudson had been running an Up and Down Mill, and sub- stituted for it one of our Circular Saw Mills. Mr. Hudson's letter is dated — Culpepper Court House, Va., March 23, 1856. I have now been working my Mill nearly three years, and it has never sawed one crooked line ; it certainly is the best mill you ever made, or ever will make again. I have sawed all kinds of timber, and in two lines in one cog, locust, it cut in two ten-penny nails, and. two large spikes, without any injury, except dulling the saw a little; and then it never heats the saw, and saws per- fectly smooth. And I ought to state further, that my mill was put up and has been entirely managed by myself, without any instructions whatever, and also that I am not mechanic enough to make a respectable axe-helve. Yours, in haste, BENJ'N R. HUDSON. SUBSTITUTION OF OUR CIRCULAR SAW MILL FOR AN UP AND DOWN MILL: Mr. Benjamin Rush Roberts, of Sandy_§jpring, Montgomery county, Md., a respected member of the Society of Friends, who had been using an Up and Down Saw Mill for a considerable time, becoming dis- satisfied with its performance, bought one of our Circular Saw Mills and substituted it in the place of it. After eleven months' experience in working our Circular Saw Mill, he thus speaks of its great superiority over the Up and Down Saw Mill : Sandy Spring, 3d Mo., 24th, 1856. George Page & Co.: Gentlemen : — The Circular Saw which you put up for me about eleven months since, has operated very much to my satisfaction. I have had no trouble in sawing with it any logs that were not too large for the size of the saw (originally 50 inches.) The whole secret of doing good work, and doing it fast, is to keep the saw in good order, — and this may be learned by a man of ordi- nary capacity in one day's time, under a suitable instructor. All the time which I have been running the saw, I have had an insufficient supply of water to test its capability, — rarely being able to run more than 5 or 6 hours at one time. With one man, besides the sawyer, I think the saw will cut four times as much stuff as the Up and Down Saw, which I had been run- ning in the same time. I believe with two hands besides the sawyer, one to get the logs up, and one to take away the plank, an average of some 4,000 feet per day might be cut. Up to this time, I do not believe that all expenses of repairs have amounted to more than $1. Eespectfully, your friend, BEN'JN RUSH ROBERTS. INDEX Introductory 2 Page's Improved Patent Saw Mill and Steam Engine, (with Engraving)... 3 Price of Twenty-Horse Steam Engine and Mill...;..,*., 4 Second Class Saw Mill and Engine 5 Price of a Steam Engine and Boiler of fifteen lvV-se power, and large Saw Mill with Saw 5 Engraving of Page's Improved" Patent Port ylasa Saw Mill and Steam Engine .... 6 Letters from John Watchman, Baltimore, Maj. H. B. Rice, of South Caro- lina, and John Blackwell, of North Carolina 7 Third Class Saw Mill and Engine 8 Price of Steam Engine and Boiler of 12 Horse Power,, Third Class Saw Mill, 8 Page's Third Class Saw Mill and Engine 9 Engraving of Page's Steam Saw Engine ...... 10 Certificates awarded by the Maryland Institute, for their Steam Engines.... 11 Prices of Stationary Steam Engines.... 11 Prices of Steam Engines and Boilers with Governor and Valve attached.... 11 Prices of Page's Portable Steam Engines.... 12 Testimonial of the Maryland Institute 12 Extract of a letter from J. B. Gilman, Esq 12 from James Kent, Esq 18 from James Jones, Esq 13 Portable Engine and Saw Mill, Boiler and Smoke Stack on Wheels 13 Price of Portable Engine and Saw Mill, with Boiler and Smoke Stack on Wheels 13 Communication from the Baltimore American 14 Engraving of Page's Patent Portable Saw Mill and Steam Engine 14 Report of the Judges of the Maryland State Agricultural Society, on Page's Portable Engine and Patent Saw Mill -. 15 Page's Patent Ratchett Head-'block, description and price 16 Letters from J. Jones, of South Carolina, and J. M. Lawrence, Texas 17 Chinese Sugar Mill 18 Letter from Edward Floyd 18 Page's Patent Portable Saw Mill and Horse Power 19 Description and Price of Saw Mill and Horse Power 20 Letter from Daniel R. McNeill ; .. 22 v from John R. Ricards 23 \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II II.IIIIIIWI1IIIIIIOIII 017 100 378 7