Class _ BooIl ) h I Copigtt'N?. COPYRIGHT DEPOSffi Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress The Switchboard of The Universe YOUR NAME IT'S ACTION ON YOUR LIFE. IS IT TOUCHING A FORTUNATE OR UNFORTUNATE BUTTON FOR YOU? IF--? YOU WERE BORN Between January 21st and February 19th PRICE 15c YOUR NAME -gfc ITS ACTION ON YOUR LIFE —IF— You Were Born -BETWEEN-- Jan. 21st and Feb. 19th BY VEOUA J. BOYILE and AELVA J. BOYILE Copyright U. S .and England, 1921. By Veolia J Boyile and Aelva J. Boyile. All rights reserved VEOLIA J. BOYILE, HO Steger Building CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A FEB -I 1922 C1A657850 nified and perhaps melancholy. May become rich through religious matters, foreign affairs, commercial enterprise?, death of relatives. Success in public matters and govern- ment affairs. Apt to become much involved in the trou- bles of friends. Successful, and popular. Possibility of great wealth. Fond of travel and likelihood of at least one long voyage. 15 or o — General success, vitality, forceful character. Rise in position. Tends to give long life. 16 or p — Success in clerical work, nursing and medicine. Possible genius in art or music. Danger of loss through treachery, dishonesty ancUdeceit of servants or employees. Unfortunate in employment ; but possible success through psychic matters. Liable to trouble with stomach and bowels. 17 or Q— Makes up the mind slowly ; but very determined when once it is made up. Money may come through broth- ers and sisters, writing, teaching, travelling. Patient and persevering in acquiring knowledge. Apt to gain money. Sociable, friendly, affectionate. Religious. Fond of art and poetry. Good memory. May be irritable at time? 12 18 or R — Trouble and misfortune, especially in early life, connected with relatives; journeys, clerical and literary work; profit from two sources; but these may be ques- tionable. Possibility of domestic troubles or treachery which may lead to false imprisonment; many troubles caused by deceitful relatives or inferiors tends to bring public dishonor. May marry abroad,. or marriage may be with foreigner. Suffering caused by self-deception. Pos- sible strange death through violence or jealousy. 1% or S — Imaginative, intuitive, but peculiar. Rivalry, i position, enemies. Manner is cold and distant. Probable hasty engagement and marriage, and later separation., divorce, or loss by death. Troubles with business pai tiers and acquaintances. 20 or T — Same as 2. 21 or U — Very determined in opinions. Marriage is some- times delayed. Zvloney probable through marriage ; popu- larity, the public. Possible trouble in connection with mar- riage because of money, death, or separation from loved one. Favorable for money and property. Money by legacy, partnership, marriage and business. Affectionate, faith ful. Gains and losses by speculation. 22 or V — Literary, quick-witted, mentally and physically active. Possibly deceitful. Fond of family and home and usually much attached to the mother. Imaginative, friendly, sociable. Inheritance from parents and usually gain whrough the mother. Many changes of residence. Fond of music, painting and poetry. Most fortunate when associated with others. Should live near water. Successful with houses, land and shipping or in dealing in liquids. Usually comfort at end of life. May have psychic experi- ences. Digestive troubles likely. i3 23 or W — Friendship of employes ; general prosperity and good health. Practical, philosophical, analytical. Benefits through servants or empldyees. Faithful to employers. Profit through investments, literature, travels by land, and dealing in second-hand things. May have secret love- affairs and marry an inferior. Likely to have foreign as- sociations and .ravels. Danger of suffering by treachery and deceit, indolence and various misfortunes. Likely to have trouble with liver, digestion and bowels. 24 or X^— Same as 15. 25 or ¥ — Generally good for money and business, though there may be periods in the life when the reverse of this is true. Good natured and patient. Fortunate for friend- ship and marriage, May suffer through dishonesty and fraud. Danger of a tragedy in the life. 26 or Z — Active mind and great readiness of speech,, Just, generous, sincere. Talent for medicine, science and literature. Changeable. Apt to jump from one subject to another. Inclines to write short articles or pamphlets on rather unpopular subjects; and the writing is apt to be somewhat involved. Much travel, riding and walking. May be taken ill while travelling, or have other troubles while on a journey ; also diffculties in educational matters, and in connection with brothers and sisters. Danger of con- tracting a drug habit. 27 — Success through companies, large firms, societies or associations. Self confident and assured; but apt to be austere, gloomy and fond of retirement. Successful or- ganizer; but may be disagreeable and reserved. Makes friends at a distance from home, also through letters, writings and journeys. Selfish. Usually makes his own fate, through his personal actions. Ambitious, love of px>wer and high position. Fond of exercising authority 14 over others. Diplomatic, but distrustful. Irritable, or even bad temper. Father may exert a strong influence, but it may be an unfortunate one. May obtain competence to- ward end of life; but this is uncertain. Danger of dis- honor in domestic life; jealous partner; losses through relatives, poverty. Travel is dangerous, not apt to make many journeys. Possible suicidal tendencies. 28 — Strongly emotional and sensitive. Troubles in the home life, domestic affairs, houses, lands ,the dwelling place and the occupation, particularly in early life. Probably much travel. Fondness for occult matters. May have trouble with a parent and annoyance in public life. 29 — Mediumistic; clairvoyance. Attracted by original, strange, eccentric, or novel subjects. Many female friends. Will probably join some mystical or secret organization. Friendships easily made and broken. Peculiar, indepen- dent, unexpected ; fond of secrets and mysteries. Ten- dency to nervous troubles, and may have to be very care- ful of the^ eyes. 30— Kind-hearted ; easily moved ; ardent and constant in love,. Pleasure-loving. Cannot bear to be alone. Ben- efits from those in higher position. Popular, fond of so- cial life, show, gaiety, pleasure, amusement. May have a strong talent for painting, poetry, music or art. Money through speculation or matters connected with the young. Fortunate for marriage, and the birth and prosperity of children. 31 — Excellent as a lawyer or detective. May desire promi- nence, but not likely to obtain it. Apt to have heavy mis- fortunes; may be easily depressed, and becomes gloomy and meloncholy. May bring about one's own troubles by acting dishonestly. Danger of secret enemies, treachery, loss, slander. Probable death in want, hospital or insti- tution. \ 15 32 — Courteous, truthful. Successful socially, in business, commerce, speculation. Kind, sympathetic; probable mar- riage with a relative or someone in close association; or may make two marriages. Trouble later in domestic life through letters, fickleness, travel or relatives. May bring trouble to or from the mother, brothers and sisters. Friends in high position play a large part in the life. Clairvoyant dreams. Possible danger from travel. Not for- tunate for land or houses. 33 — Success in quiet secluded occupation. Danger of secret enemies, loss, isolation, prosecution. 34 — Much travelling either for pleasure or necessity. Pecu- liar views; clairvoyant dreams or visions; psychic experi- ences. 35 — May marry a relative or employee, more because the minds are equal, than from an emotional standpoint. Love of social life, friends and children. Fond of intellectual pleasures and amusements. There may be many delays and obstacles in connection with marriage. JVTay meet the marriage or business partner when on a journey. Do- mestic quarrels likely at times. Success as a public speaker. 36— -Early death of -father, and loss through houses and lands likely. Many and heavy misfortunes^ Bad for honor, position, wealth and general success. Troubles in business, occupation and profession. Probable estrangement from parents; privation. Trouble through houses, and in the dwelling place. Difficulties in love affairs, with inferiors and with children. Death in a foreign land or at a dis- tance from home, probably by drowning. 37 — Difficulty through the father and troubles and obsta- cles in the family, especially in early life. Loss through speculation, troubles with offspring. Unconventional, re- belious, fickle: or may encounter fickleness in others. 16 Success may conie through a public or professional ca- reer; but likely to be accompanied by social annoyances and various obstacles. 38 — Determined, self-reliant, assured. Legacy through the mother or through females. May be abrupt, plain- spoken, positive, conservative, averse to change ; yet may themselves, bring about g:reat changes. May be irritable, easily angered and revengeful. Tendency to coarseness of speech and manner and may' develop immoral and in- temperate habits. A death may have occurred in the fam- ily or among the close friends, shortly before or i the birth; and may be frequently brought into contact with death and the affairs of the dead, Probably money through marriage or business partner. Loss of a child likely. Danger of losses and disputes connected with wills or legacies ; and of death at sea, through liquids, or mobs, 39 — Same as 3, 40 — Same as 4. 41— Favorable for partnerships and association with oth- ers. Socially popular. Fortunate for marriage, and for long and short journeys. May marry a foreigner or some one from a distance. Charitable, religious ; but sometimes incurs the enmity of clergymen. May receive legacies from outsiders and become connected with public insti- tutions, hospitals, etc. Danger from both open and secret enemies; loss of money through a woman, relatives or friends ; treachery and opposition from friends. 42 — Money through the father and probably the son. For- tunate for finances ; but the money is apt to be spent quickly. 43-—Trouble through the father and in the family, in early life. Success in artistic, musical and occult or mystical matters. Generally good for financial affairs especially in 17 large businesses such as stores. Danger of downfall and scandal. 44 — Quiet, sociable, good-humored. Successful in mining, geology, science. Talent for music and poetry. Natural dancer ; probably fond of athletics. Many changes of resi- dence. Money through matters connected with water, houses or land, the brothers, sisters and other relatives, and the mother, or her side of the family. May make considerable number of journeys especially by water. Succeeds better with partners or in association with oth- ers. May have some sort of psychic power and be a som- nambulist. Danger of nervous trouble > especiallv in later life. 45 — Likely to marry someone who is thoughtful, grave, re- served, cold but just. Will probably die first. One or both will gain by the marriage; one wealth and the other po- sition. The father of one or the other will greatly influ- ence the marriage, either to help or hinder it. Favorable for partnerships with the. father or persons older than self. Danger at some period, of the downfall and death of marriage partner, ill-health, separation, death of a secret friend or lover, and of tragic death of self. Especial troubles through women are likelv to occur at the aares of 21, 35 and 42. 46 — Scientific and literary ability, very original, may be rather eccentric. Fondness for travel and probably many friends among literary people. Tendency to take up un- popular causes. Talent for exploration. Danger of trou- bles with the education, disobedience, unconventionality, estrangements from the brothers and sisters, accidents while travelling. 47 — Brings a public life, many changes of occupation, much travelling ; executive ability ; some drawback or hindrance in the career is likely to be constantly present. Open and secret enemies are probable; the reputation may suffer 18 whether deserved or not, there is danger of downfall, loss, unfortunate changes. Selfish, fond of show, careful in money matters, cautious, calculating; able to influence others. May attain considerable fame, 48 — Favorable for travel. Sociable, good-natured, friendly, clear-headed, intuitive. Sympathetic family relations. Original, inventive. May be musician, writer, speaker, or artist. Good penmanship. Money from several differ- ent sources and occupations. Several love affairs or mar- riages, one may be with a relative; may be found of flirting and rather fickle. One marriage may be with someone from a distance. 49 — Same as 13. 50- — Gain through marriage, the mother, public work; will probably be closely associated with one of the parents, likely to be ':he mother. May be many journeys, generally by water, for pleasure and health. May travel with a par- ent, or because of the parents. Danger of trouble connec- ted with travel and water; but probably not serious. Death at a distance from home is likely. 51 — Same as 42. 52 — Sympathetic, charitable, emotional. Likely to have a strange life, full of surprising occurrences. Psychic ex- periences ; may have peculiar dreams. May be untruthful. 53 — Just, good-humored. Education likely to be neglected through lack of opportunity. Trouble through deceit, treachery and underhand acts from servants and em- ployees ; or may cause or be accused of causing these troubles to others. Talent for detective work and the un- ravelling of mysteries. Diplomatic. May succeed and per- haps gain fame through singing . . ; es- pecially good writer of detective stories. May carry on two lines of study or work, and be connected with nurs- ing, medicine ,pr:sons or hospitals. More successful in partnership. Danger in travelling by water, from libel, 19 scandal, forgery ,thef t of important papers, loss through brothers and sisters. 54 — Strength of will, love of power and authority and abil- ity to control others ; and apt to resent opposition or res- traint. Loss or disappointment in legacy, marriage or bus- iness partner. Danger to the honor and reputation, un- popularity, scandal, downfall. Subtle, masterful, schem- ing ; able to influence others in a manner they do not un- derstand. Father may die early, or may cause many trou- bles; or even possibly one's own death. Sometimes gives success in the affairs of the dead, or in connection with chemicals and hygiene. Danger of crime and notoriety and from accidents, poisons, surgical operations, infection and death in a public manner. 55 — Same as 37. 56 — Fortunate for nursing, domestic and charitable work. Apt to be quiet and retiring. Life brings many obstacles and misfortunes. Romantic, emotional, fond of music and poetry. Good speaker, writer or composer. Easily de- pressed and discouraged; and may lack humor. Danger of dissipation and drug taking ; from secret enemies ; and of spending some time in a hospital ,poor-houses or pris- on. Health not very good, 57 — Same as 48. 58 — Fortunate for legacy and money through marriage or business partnership. Firm, positive, determined. Practi- cal, executive ability, hard worker. Inclined to be selfish and disregard the feelings of others. Extravagance and loss is likely. Health is likely to be poor in childhood and youth. Fond of physical and financial risk. Trouble likely from accident, fever, surgical operation. Danger of a per- iod of seclusion or -confinement and possibility of udden end. 20 ■59 — Makes sincere friends from whom many benefits are derived. Superstitious. Profit through personal influence, profession, inheritance; probably a marriage for love. Fond of music and poetry. Good fortune through socie- ties and associations. Possible sudden death. fa® — The father may die before the mother. More fortunate for later life. Success with lands, farming, building, min- ing. Danger of poverty, weak constitution, losses at end of life. 61 — -Love of novelty, sensation and luxury. Generally good for money through marriage or business partner; but danger of losses at times through the same sources. 62 — Same as 53. 63— Same as 45. 64 — Same as 1. ' 21 "THE SWITCHBOARD OF THE UNIVERSE" Those who wish to study this science and be able to do a great deal more than is given here, should send for a copy of the book, "The Switchboard of the Universe" or "The Fundamental Principles of The Yi-King, Tao," by the same author. Bound in Red Cloth, with Symbolic Cover Design in Gold. Price $1.75 postpaid. Remittance must accompany order. There are eleven more booklets in The Switchboard of the Universe Series; one for each month. Give birth date when ordering. Price of each book 15 cents. Remit With Order. "Your Fortune in Verse for the Day and Month." Most unusual, original and interesting little gift booklet. Send it instead of the usual birthday card or with each pres- ent. Fortunes are brief but true. Flower and jewel of each month. Price 25 Cents Each. y — — =** The Switchboard of The Universe YOUR NAME IT'S ACTION ON YOUR LIFE. IS IT TOUCHING A FORTUNATE OR UNFORTUNATE BUTTON FOR YOU? IF-? YOU WERE BORN Between February 19th and March 21st PRICE 15c YOUR NAME ITS ACTION ON YOUR LIFE .-IF- You Were Born -BETWEEN- Feb. 19th and Mar. 21st BY VEOLIA J. BOYILE and AELVA J. BOYILE Copyright IL S .and England, 1921. By Veolia J. Boyile and Aelva J. Boyile* All rights reserved. i J 'i VEOLIA L BOYILE, 9 JO Stoger Building CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. .bis" FEB-1^22 C1A657850 -Vv« j PREFACE The special placing of the name vibration, in connecnon with the individual birth for each of the twelve month-, is absolutely original with the author and can be used by no one in any publication without express permission from Veolia J. and Aelva J. Boyile. "You are a musical instrument. Your body and the condi- tions of your life are the result of the harmonies or discords played by you or upon you from day to day. by your per-* sonal name." It is merely another more subtle, form of Wireless Telegraphy, and of the action of Sound upon The life. Business men will find these books invaluable in judg- ing employees, partners, general conditions, etc. As a health guide they are also of great assistance, as well as in showing the direction where physical, f inane mental danger lies. They have been written for the benefit of those. o having neither time nor inclination for the deeper e necessary to an understanding of the principles involw this science, nevertheless wish a method which will guide them by the very shortest cut possible, to its results benefits. That it is an absolute exact and accurate science, has long passed beyond the possibility of question. It is the one science which offers a method of at least ameliorating, and a cure, for many of the evils of life. To those merely seeking amusement they will be found to contain an endless fund of enjoyment. The definitions given here contain the type of events likely to occur during the life of the individual whose name is being read. Some of them may have already occurred, others will probably be yet to come. If one part of the name shows fortunate indications and another indicates misfor- ttien there will be periods when the good fortune will predominate, and other periods when it will seem as if all went wrong. DIRECTIONS To use this book follow directions carefully. The manner of adding the names from the table of let ters and numbers as given below is very simple. Any child of ten can learn it in a few moments. If it is done correctly the accuracy of the reading given for each number will be a never ending source of amusement and fascination to all. Each letter is to be counted as the number under which it is p] Use every name you possess, such as Mary Ann Smith;; also your mother's last name, before marriage; and day of month of birth as a number. Do not add the names together, use each separately. If one name has a fortunate definition and one unfortu- nate, the life will partake of each. The table for addition of names : 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k i m n £ p q r s t u v w x v x I Example : Mary A n n 4+1+9+7—21 1+5+5 Smith 1+4+9+2+8=24 (Mother's name before marriage) Jack son 1+1+3+2 +1+6+5=19. Day of month of birth 14. Look for 21 and read definition. Look for 11 and read definition. Look for 24 and read definition. Look for 19 and read definition. Look for 14 (birth) and read definition. Also read definition of initial letters. Look for M and read definition. Look for A and read definition. Look for S and read definition. Look for J and read definition. Example 2: Burton William 2+3+9+2 +6+5=27 5+9+3+3 +9 + 1+4=34 Clark 3+3+1+9+2=18. (Mother's name before marriage) No r t o n 5+6+9+2+6+5=33 (Birth, 20th.) Look for 27 and read definition. < Look for 34 and read definition. Look for 18 and read definition. Look for 33 and read definition. Look for 20 and read definition. Initial Letters Look for B and read definition. Look for W and read definition. Look for C and read definition. Look for N and read definition. If you are called by any nickname, as Mamie, Jim, Jack, Polly, etc., add this also and read definition exactly as if it T were an extra name. For instance, if called Mamie, read Mary and Mamie. If called Jim, read James and Jim ,etc« Don't forget that there are eleven more books in this set: One for each month. Give birth date when ordering. Price of each book 15 cents. Remit With Order. BIRTH Between Feb. 19th and March 21st. j or A — Success in law, religion, or some unusual undertak- ing. Inclines to travelling and long journeys. Changes of faith. Inventive; fond of mysteries and ritualism. Favors visions, presentiments, or dreams. Possible danger oi domestic troubles and through travels. 2 or B — Tends to place the owner in a position of respon- sibility and to give authority over others, or an authori- tative manner. Ambitious ; love of prominence. Fitted for a public life. Fond of pleasure; changeable affections. Generous with money ; falls in and out of love easily. Can- did, warm-hearted, high-minded. Intuitive. May develop genius in some line. Love of music, poetry, painting. Fond- ness for luxury, perfumes, jewels, fine clothes. Inclines to gain one the favor of those in high places. Tends to suc- cess in speculation ; though also danger of losses through tftis. 3 or C — An intense love of the beautiful. Apt to benefit through quiet obscure work which does not come before the public. May have secret love affairs or make a secret marriage. May marry an inferior. Cheerful, fond of social life. Easy-going; peaceful ; may be indolent. Likely to have two occupations at the same time or change from one to another. May be the recipient of charity or gift from friends and may gain through painting, music or some ob- scure occupation. Danger of heavy losses and of difficulty in making a living. May have secret enemies, connected with love affairs or marriage. Separation and scandal, Financial loss through women. May be many obstacles to the marriage. or I) — Ambitious. Fond of public life and generally wins prominence. Good soldier or sailor. Apt to be dictatorial sometimes quarrelsome. Inclined to have trouble with those in authority or higher position, and arouse enmity, rivalry, opposition and criticism. May quarrel with the father and be early separated from him through his death, or in some other way. There may be disagreements and separation between the parents themselves. Liability to same type of trouble with brothers, sisters: difficull through letters, writings, journeys, accidents. or E — Active, self-confident, fertile; unswerving from their object. Persevering, generous, enthusiastic. Fond of mysteries and occult matters. Analytical and both des- tructive and constructive. Positive and sometimes aggres- sive especially in religious matters^ May incline to some peculiar religious or philosophical belief. May lose a child. Danger or misfortune from water or travelling. Possibil- ity of death by water or while travelling. Love of pleas- ure, amusement and show. Very emotional and imagina- tive. Generally good for money through legacy, marriage or partnership, though possibility of the sum being a small one. 6 or F — Probable success in law, religion, philosophy, pub- lishing; also travel to a distance or in foreign countries,. Constant, persevering. 7 or G — Success in artistic, musical or psychical matters. May have trouble in the family especially in early life. Probably largely through the father. Generally fortunate in money matters and especially good for working in mu- sical or artistic lines; or in large distributing business- Danger of downfall and scandals. to 8 or H — Positive, strong-minded, sell- indulgent, but kind hearted, fond of pleasure, easy-going. Fortunate fo teachers, singers, artists,. writers. Generally successfu speculators. Good director or manager and generally rise; to responsible position make many journeys. Fon< of children. -Danger of treachery or slander through ser vants, employees or super i es of hear" or bowels. 9 or I — Force of character, strength of will, love of powei and authority, ability and desire to control others. Dislik* of opposition or restraint. Danger of many misfortunes :h as loss of legacy, marriage or business partner, rep utation. Possible downfall through crime or shame. Sub- tle character able to plot and scheme. Tends to break u\ or disintegrate. May be separated from the father or ht ay die early. May be th< oubles. Bes for occupation connected with death and the affairs oi the dead; and business dealing in chemicals or hygiene Health apt to be delicate in youth ; but may live a long life. Danger, accidents, poisons, surgical operations, con- tagions disease. Possibility of death in a public manner or in a public place. 10 or J — Trouble through impulsive marriage or partner- ship. Apt to bring enmity, opposition, broken friend- ships. Probable separation or divorce. Fortunate for artis- tic or literary matters ; and tends to bring these into the life. Strong imagination and intuition. 11 or K — Firm, determined, self reliant. Abrupt, plain-spo- ken, hard worker. Probable legacy through the mother or through females. Conservative and averse to change, es- pecially if forced into it; and may be obstinate, irritable, have considerable temper and be revengeful. May speak rsely and become dissipated. Danger of scandal. May quently act as executor; bine occupation con- cted with the dead. Strongly attracted to the opposite but if a woman danger in any nection with men. • L — Apt to bring delays and disappointments in love affairs, partnership or marriage. May marry an inferior. money through employees or as an employee, 'orable for occupations connected with medicines, g, doctoring, food, farming or gardening, good health, digestion and appetite. M — Probable trouble with the parents; possibility of agreement with or separation from, or early death of one of them. May inherit through the mother or of the family, or may in some way inherit houses and land; but there is danger of much forced expenditure ough these sources, accidents or I digestive troubles, fevers, accidents. Many change residence. Danger from water. Reb Is against authority; original, independent. Probability of disease of nerves and stomach. 14 or N — Especially fortunate for religious matters. Good humored, kind, broad-minded, love of justice. Fortunate for literature, travels, or connection with shipping or rses. Gooi advancement in religious, philosophical, Tends to general good fortune and cess. Natural peace-maker. May gain through legacy triage, and have two love affairs or marriages. One v. ith a relative. Generally successful in specula- . bat may develop a love for gambling. . — Tends tc a quiet, secluded life with obscure nary occupations. Danger of loss, prosecution, and secret enemies. 16 or P— Talent for art, music and the stage; very I emotional. Lavishly generous. Danger of falls, from high places; aisr ;an- I through children or love affairs. .2 17 or Q— Brilliant. Quick-witted. Business ability. Good writer and speaker, but with a tendency to exaggerate. Sarcastic, enthusiastic, excitable. May write and publish, ' have many friends among literary people. Tend short writings rather than long. Probably to much travel- ling. Danger of trouble to head or bowels, or of fevers and accidents. 18 or R — Economical, diplomatic, reserved. Profit through industry, careful investments, thrift. Strong-willed, deter- mined Kind-hearted and rather slow, but at times easily 'Used to passion. Not go\ money matte:.- : money comes but slowly and wastes away. Sorrow and treachery through relatives and offspring. Possibility of inheritance through father, or one of the parents; sickness through travel, probably in foreign lands. Generally dislikes travel. Peculiar domestic experiences. Death of marriage partner ikely. May be somewmat selfsh and miserly. 19 or S — Brings obstacles, thwarted ambition, restrictions insurmountable difficulties connected with occupation. May succeed best in partnership or when associated with others ; especially in science, chemistry or art. Success at times in a public or state occupation ; but danger of hos- tility and public enmity. Disputes with subordinates. Ma,y have trouble with digestion and bowels. 20 or T— Same as 2. 21 or U — Ardent in love matters. Finds it difficult to re- strain the affections. Love of beauty. Generally good health. Too easily influenced by opposite sex. Makes friends easily, apt to be popular. Inclined to make an early marriage. Talent for music, poetry, painting and enthusi- astic concerning them, though not much application. Fond of show, fine clothes and admiration. Usually fortunate in money matters, but loss of money through one's owe fault, or too free expenditure is likely. 13 22 or V — Intellectual and a lover of books, study, scientific and literary pursuits. Many changes of residence, or has more than one house. Many journeys ; short or long. Apt to walk and ride considerably or be much outside. Ver- satile. Skilled with hands and arms. Generally able to live by the wits. May earn a living as traveller, salesman* speaker, writer, artist, sculptor. May have more than One occupation, or change from one to another. May be irresolute and lack perseverance. Possibility of being un- derhanded or subtle, or even dishonest. 23 or W — Sincere, generous. Fond of power, pomp, dignity, display, courteous. Friends of good position influence the life. Fitted for the head of some undertaking directing" and controlling others. Love of dramatic grandeur and ceremony and great enterprises. May gain prominence in religion, philosophy, fine arts or intellectual matters,. Travelling is generally for a definte end. Good constitu- tion and vitality. Generally fortunate through offspring, social life, friends. May profit through pleasure, sporting matters, the stage, or educational work. 24 or X — Same as 15. 25 or Y — Very emotional. Strange life; crowded with un- usual experiences. Love of travel, charitable. May be un- truthful. Inclined to have weird dreams or presentiments,, 26 or Z — Positive, obstinate, difficult to convince. May profit through legacy. Enthusiastic in espousing any cause and made highly indignant by a real or imaginary wrong, Witty, sarcastic ; ready speaker with a great command of language. Ingenious, full of resource, may make some clever invention or discover}'. Fond of solving mysteries or problems. May be a chemist, detective, metal worker, writer of mystery stories. Can control by the will, also heal in the same manner. May lose brother, sister or cousin who is in close association. Danger while travel 14 .ling, especially in teys on water. Temper n be very uncerta. 27 — Unfortunate for occupation, position, reputation and popularity; though there m&y be soi ess in quiet ' obscure occupations. There is sometimes much trouble through the father or to the father; may bring separa- tion, financial troubles, hostility. Apt to have many un- accountable misfortunes with much undeserved enmity and persecution. Romantic attachments with unfortu- nate endings. May succeed best through work connected with hospitals, prisons, charitable institutions, etc. 28 — Original, fond of occultism or mysteries, ingenious, may be eccentric. Strong desire to travel and explore. Liking science. Generally many friends among literary peo- ple. Apt to take up with unpopular causes. Danger of trouble through education, letters, brothers and sisters, etc. 29 — Tends to give a public life; but there is usually some unpleasantness with it. Many changes of occupation. Fond of show, rather selfish, careful and calculating. Good mentality. Love of fame. May gain considerable fame or notoriety, but raise up enemies; or the reputation may suffer. 30 — Usually closely associated with one of the parents, gen- erally the mother. Love for family life. Man ; y be late in life as. there are likely to be obstacles to money and ' Carriage. May be considerable difference in age between oue'x self and the marriage partner. A parent on one side or :he other may do some special thing to hel nder marriage. May gain financially through •1, through the parents, marriage parti con- nection with shipping or water. impulsive and abrupt in manner and in speech. Quick- witted. May develop a tendency to gamble. Ap1 ud- 15 den and unexpected things. Forcible and determined, ready speaker. Opposition and hostility from former friends; possible trouble through false friends, and may lose many by death or estrangement. Trouble through :>*irms, societies, companies. May profit through public •k and parents and make a good marriage. Loves to ect others. May lose a child or be estranged from it. Death may be due directly or' indirectly to some action of a friend, and may be at a me or in a for- eign land. 32 — Fortunate for money and friends. Tends to bring money through church matters, philosophy, learning, shipping, travel, horses speculation, investments; affectionate. May also gain through land and food, but danger of losses at times through these sources. ^33 — Tends to connect one with administrative bodies; bring public honors, satisfied ambition, many friends, benefits from those in higher position. 34 — Very emotional, with love of sensation and luxury. Generally fortunate for money matters ; or gain through marriage and business partner, or legacy. Danger of losses at times through the same sources. 35— Learns easily, fond of science and philosophy. Success lies mainly in commercial lines. Good memory, excellent clerk or secretary. Tries to follow too many studies or occupations. Not especially good for public success in either speaking or writing. Tendency to bowel complaint and nerve troubles brought on usually by overwork. D'ari- • of forming a drug habit. 36 — Troubles and difficulties, especially in early life, ir gard to education, brothers and sisters, literary work. Talent for invention and discovery, strength of character. May gain through travel and at times through ma- mentioned above. Danger of false imprisonment through 16 treachery or domestic troubles. Deceitful relatives. May make a marriage abroad, at a distance from home, or to a foreigner. Loss through legal matters. Strange death through violence or jealousy. 37 — Apt to bring trouble in the home life, possible estrange- ment. May be losses through houses and land, and obsta- cles connected with the occupation. May have trouble with a parent, changes of residence : annoyance in public life 38 — General popularity, love of music, poetry, good-na- tured, makes friends easily. Fortunate for marriage and partnerships. Success with the masses. Women friends,, Very easily influenced by others and very dependent upon companionship. Danger at times of domestic troubles and losses through partners. 39 — Same as 3. 40 — Same as 4. 41 — Intelligent, analytical, fond of picking things to pieces to find out the why and wherefore. Practical, rather ma- terialistic. Faithful worker and usually fortunate in ob- taining faithful employes. May be absent-minded or lack- ing in application. Not very favorable for marriage. May travel, but generally by land. May gain through teach- ing, literature, investments, employees, or dealing in sec- ond hand things, May have secret love affairs, Tendency to trouble with liver, digestion and bowels, and of treach- ery from an employee. 42 — Force of character. Energetic. Vitality. General success and long life. 43 — Generally brings considerable travel. May have pre- sentiments or be very psychic in some way. 17 44 — May have two occupations at the same time or change the occupation frequently and suddenly. Much travelling. Brilliant, but may be changeable. 45 — Serious, critical, analytical. Excellent manager or su- perintendent, because of a gift for controlling and hand- Q employees. May be reserved or somewhat gloomy and melancholy especially in later life. There is likelihood of thwarted ambition and some drawback in the occupation. Difficulties through the father are probable; also through servants and employees. Tendency to colds and trouble with liver, stomach and bowels; also headaches. May e a romantic love affair, but marry late in life. Do- stic difficulties are probable. Possibility of brain Trou- ble. ' — Not good for money matters. Causes sudden Josses, foolish ventures, trouble through dishonestyi Involved af- fairs, but much ingenuity and resourcefulness in getting out of difficulties. Possibility of money at times through partnership or in unexpected lines, through new under- takings. May gain financially through marriage, 47 — Much travelling. Probably psychic : may have presenti- ments. Restless and unsettled physically and mentally. Very active: quick walker. May be a somnambulist. Strong talent as teacher of religion or philosophy ; also music and poetry. Tendency to be secretive and rebellious. May also gain through shipping, horses or amusement enterprises, especially if these are near water or connected with water. Faithful to employer and a hard worker; may ben- efit through employees. May have two occupations or change from one to another. Likelihood of danger while travelling. 48 — Positive and fixed in opinions and very determined ; though also affectionate. Apt to be fortunate and gain financially by marriage, through friends, general popu- larity, the public. Marriage is liable to be delayed on ac- 18 count of money, death, or an unyielding disposition. For- tunate for receiving legacy, and for business. Speculation will generally be successful though there is also danger of loss through this. 49 — Same as 13. 50 — Truthful, trustworthy, good-tempered but restless and changeable, fond of novelty and travelling. Tends to so- cial and business success. May gain through literature, or educational matters. May make two marriages, one may be with a close friend or relative. Possible trouble through the family. Difficulties caused by fickleness, or through letters, travelling or relatives. Possible estrangement from the mother, brothers and sisters. Rather unfortunate in connection with lands or houses. 51 — Same as 42. 52 — Broad-mmded, sympathetic, charitable. Apt to join se- cret societies; but may have trouble through those con- nected with these associations. May benefit through the help or charity of others; though at some time might en- dow a charitable institution. Danger of bad health and heavy losses. 53 — Good memory, fine intellect. Strongly averse to change, fixed in opinion and difficult to influence. Travel generally for a definite object rather than pleasure L'ntific and literary. Usually many friends who may bring both benefits and misforturies. 54 — Generally good. Marriage with someone older who is grave, thoughtful, reserved, is likely. The marriage may be delayed; though money or position may be gained through it. The father of one side or the other will either greatly help or hinder the marriage. .Fortunate for part- nerships, especially with older people, or for connection with companies and associations ; though there is danger of loss, death of marriage partner, ill health. 19 55— Same as 37. 56 — Love of mystery. May have presentiments or clairvoy- ant dreams. Liking for unusual subjects. Many women friends, and among club members. May join any move- ment for political, scientific or educational work. Indepen- dent and unconventional, but desirous of the good opin-- ion of others. Weak constitution and sometimes trouble with the sight. 57 — Same as 48. 58 — May make a rash, hasty and early marriage. Passion- ate, falls in love easily and sometimes becomes entangled detrimentally with the opposite sex. Sometimes the mar- riage is delayed because of an early disappointment. Also liable to rush into rash partnerships. May meet with envy and opposition, open or secret and have troubles through other people; but these are usually caused by one's own fault. Danger of disagreements with friends, relat and associates, and death of marriage partner. 59 — Grave, serious, dignified, ambitious, melancholy. May- have strange beliefs and superstitions. Profit through, friends and personal influence. Fortunate for public life, money, legacies, favors and benefits from those in better or more authoritative position, for power and popularity Possibility of great wealth. Tends to bring travel and long journeys. Apt to become involved in the troubles of friends. 60 — Excellent intellect ; success through brothers and sui- ters and through writing, study, scientific work, teach- ing, literature ; though possibility of troubles through these sources at times. 61 — May marry an artist, or rather bohemian person; great love for the beautiful ; for music and painting ; much attracted to the opposite sex ; usually good fortune ; but 20 danger at some period of scandal, broken engagement, and an unfortunate marriage. 62 — Same as 53. ©3 — Same as 45. 64 — Same as 1. 21 "THE SWITCHBOARD OF THE UNIVERSE' Those who wish to study this science and be able to do a great deal more than is given here, should send for a copy of the book, "The Switchboard of the Universe" or "The Fundamental Principles of The Yi-King, Tao," by the same author. Bound in Red Cloth, with Symbolic Cover Design in Gold. Price $1.75 postpaid. Remittance must accompany order. There are eleven more booklets in The Switchboard of the Universe Series; one for each month. Give birth date when ordering. Price of each book 15 cents. Remit With Order. "Your Fortune in Verse for the Day and Month." Most unusual, original and interesting little gift booklet. Send it instead of the usual birthday card or with each pres- ent. Fortunes are brief but true. Flower and jewel of each month. Price 25 Cents Each. The Switchboard of The Universe YOUR NAME IT'S ACTION ON YOUR LIFE. IS IT TOUCHING A FORTUNATE OR UNFORTUNATE BUTTON FOR YOU? IF--? YOU WERE BORN Between March 21st a ■ Ml April 21st PRICK 15c ** YOUR NAME ITS ACTION ON YOUR LIFE ...IF— You Were Born -BETWEEN-- March 21st and April 21st BY VEOUA J. BOYILE and AEIVA J. BOYILE Copyright U. S .and England, 1921. By Veolia J. Boyile and Aelva J. Boyile. All rights reserved VEOLIA J. BOYILE, 910 Steger Building CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. FEB-'l 1922 C1A657850 Aa.0 PREFACE The special placing of the name vibration, in connection with the individual birth for each of the twelve months, is absolutely original with the author and can be used by bo one in any publication without express permission from Veolia J. and Aelva J. Boyile. "You are a musical instrument. Your body and the co tions of your life are the result of the harmonies or discords played by you or upon you from day to day, by your per- sonal name." It is merely another more subtle, form of Wireless Telegraphy, and of the action of Sound upon the life. Busini will find these books invaluable in judg- ing employees, partners, general conditions, etc. As a health guide they are also of great assistance, as is in showing the direction where physical, financial or mental danger lies. They have been written for the benefit of those, having neither time nor inclination for the deeper necessarv to an understanding of the principles involved in this science, nevertheless wish a method which will guide them by the very shortest cut possible, to its results and benefits. That it is an absolute exact and accurate science has passed beyond the possibility of question. It is the one science which offers a method of at least ameliorating, and a cure, for many of the evils of life. To those merely seeking amusement they will be found to contain an endless fund of enjoyment. The definitions given here contain the type of events likely to occur during the life of the individual whose name is bein i:- read. Some of them may have already occurred, others will probably be yet to come. If one part of the name shows fortunate indications and another indicates misfor- tune, then there will be periods when the good fortune will predominate, and other periods when it will seem asrif all went wrong. DIRECTIONS To use this book follow directions carefully-. The manner of adding the names from the table of let ters and numbers as given below is very simple. Any child of ten can learn it in a few moments. If it is done correctly the accuracy of the reading given for each number will be a never ending source of amusement and fascination to all. Each letter is to be counted as the number under which it is placed in the table. Use every name you possess, such as Mary Ann Smith ; also your mother's last name, before marriage; and day of month of birth as a number. Do not add the names together, use each separately. If one name has a fortunate definition and one unfortu- nate, the life will partake of each. The table for. addition of names: 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9- abcde fghi jklmndpqr stuvwxyx Example : Mary Ann 4+1+9+7=21 1+5+5—11 Smith 1+4+9+2 +8=24 (Mother's name before marriage) Jack son 1+1+3+2 -|-i+6+5=19. Day of month of birth 14. Look for 21 and read definition. Look for 11 and read definition. Look for 24 and read definition. Look for 19 and read definition. Look for 14 (birth) and read definition. Also read definition of initial letters. Look for M and read aenniuon. Look lor A and read definition. Look lor S ana read aetmiuon. Look lox J and read aetmiuon. Example 2: Burton William 2+i>+9+2+6+6=27 5+9+3+3 +9+1+4—34 Clark 34-3+1+9 4-2=18. (Mother's name before marriage) No r t o n 5+6+9+2+6+5=33 (Birth, 20th.) Look for 27 and read definition. Look for 34 and read definition. Look for 18 and read definition. Look for 33 and read Kief inition. Look for 20 and read definition. Initial Letters Look for B and read definition. Look for W and read definition. Look for C and read definition. Look for N and read definition. If you are called by any nickname, as Mamie, Jim, Jack, Polly, etc., add this also and read definition exactly as if it were an extra name. For instance, if called Mamie, read Mary and Mamie. If called Jim, read James and Jim ,etc. Don't forget that there are eleven more books in this set: One for each month, dive birth date when ordering. Price of each book 15 cents. Remit With Order BIRTH " Between March 21st and April Met, 31 or A — -Determined and sirong- willed. Great power of con- centration, quick-witted. May be inclined to be aggressive and rebel against authority. May receive an unexpected legacy. Danger of accidents, falls, gunshot wounds, and explosions. Possible sudden end. 2 or B — Fortunate for home life and close attachment to the mother, usually brings gain through her. Friendly r emotional, changeable. Easily influenced by the surround- ings and readily falls into the ways of those about one. Many removals and changes of home. Most successful when led by others ; though at times may act very inde- pendently. Talent for music, painting, poetry or acting. May be very intuitional or psychic. Will probably travel, by water, and should live near water. Generally success- ful in connection with houses, lands, shipping or dealing in liquids. May be jealous. Likely to have trouble with the digestion. 3 or C — Financial benefits and many favors through friends. Many friends among opposite sex. Romantic or strange love-affairs and probable trouble through these. May make a late marriage. Unexpected and remarkable oc- currences play a part in love matters. Love of pleasure and social life; may join pleasure clubs. Love of the' beau- tiful and talent for music, painting, poetry. Fortunate for gaining money through companies, societies, firms, banks; through friends and associates, and public enter- prises. Danger of scandal, loss and extravagance. 4 or D — Positive and very fixed. Apt to be aggressive in re- ligious matters, inclined to be skeptical and unorthodox. Usually opposes the influence of others. May change his opinions rather frequently. Brave, daring and fearless, Independent of other's opinions. Apt to travel considera- bly, but may meet with dangers while doing so. Apt to be fond of walking, riding and athletics. Liable to have many disputes with relatives. May make money in partnership or associated with someone else. Some of the brothers or sisters may die, and there may be a loss of money or leg- acy. Danger of secret scandals. Anxiety regarding -he health of one's family. 5 or E — Sincere, us, charitable. Love for music and poetry. Successful in partnerships, friendships, or when associated with others. Profit through friends, employes, long and short journeys. May receive legacies from strangers connected with public institutions, hospitals, etc. Generally a happy marriage. At some time in life danger from secret enemies ; loss of money through a wo- man, relatives or friends. Likely to incur the enmity of the clergy. 6 or F— Profit through employing others; but may suffer from headaches and ill health. 7 or G— Apt to have prophetic dreams and many occult ex- periences. Much travelling both for pleasure and neces- sity. Danger of family troubles and public scandals. 8 or H — Quiet, good-humored, easy-going, sociable. Suc- cessful in mining or geological pursuits. Good memory and mind, but not always quick. Many changes of residence. Fondness for dancing, athletics, music and poetry. More successful in employment or in association with others than when alone. May gain money through lands or houses; in connection with watei\ through brothers, sis- ters or close relatives and probably the mother or her side of the family. May be a somnambulist or have eharivoy- ant dreams. Success in dealing with companies or associa- 10 tions. Generally good digestion; though the stomach is easily upset through the nerves. 9 or I — Likely to be a difference in age, worldly position or money between the person and the marriage partner, who may be grave, thoughtful and reserved. One or both may gain money by the marriage. The father of one or the Ooher may strongly intluence the marriage either to help or hinder. Position and power is likely to be gained through partnerships, companies or associations. Danger at some period of discord, opposition, ill health, and downfall or death of marriage partner. 10 or J — Restrictions and difficulties connected with the occupation. Capacity for public undertakings, but trou- bles through servants and employees. Succeed best in partnership or in association with others, especially in chemistry, science and art. May do well in connection with state affairs, but must be careful cr will incur public criticism and blame. Danger of trouble with the liver, di- gestion and bowels. 11 or K — Fortunate for marriage, partnerships and friend- ships. Much popularity. Fond of music, poetry, art. Life will be strongly influenced by others, and many of its events will be due to this. May make a profitable marriage but be rather fickle iri love. Danger of domes lie troubles and losses through partnerships. 12 or L — Probably several love-affairs. Constant in the af- fections. Popular, fond of company, friends, show, amuse- ments. Does not like to be alone or live in a retired way. Likely to benefit through inferiors. Talent for music, painting, poetry or the stage. May gain through specula- tion or in matters connected with children. Offspring are generally prosperous. 13 or M — Apt to do much inventing, travelling or explor- ing. May be quick and sharp in speech and manner. For- 11 cible, plain spoken, not always agreeable. Inclined to be sarcastic, fault-finding, critical, jumps to conclusions. Ready speaker and writer. Danger of disputes with broth- ers, sisters, one of whom may die. Liable to all kinds of quarrels. Possibility of an impediment in the speech. Mind may be somewhat wandering and undecided. Death likely to occur while on a journey or at a distance from home. 14 or N — Highly strung and emotional. Active, self-confi- dent. Fortunate for fegacy or money through marriage or partnership. Analytical sometimes aggressive. Liable to lose a child. Danger from water. Death likely to occur through this element or while travelling. 15 or O — Apt to have many friends and benefits from those in higher position. Probable connection with administra- tive bod 16 or P— Generally a psychic gift of some kind. Benefits through and close association with the mother ; but tends to loss of property, lands or mines. Sympathetic, impres- sionable, fond of home, but liable to suffer from domes- tic inharmony and-scandal. Many changes of home, and may have psychic experiences in connection with houses. 31 7 or Q — May lack opportunity and be somewhat vague and inexact, but just, good-humored and magnanimous. The education is liable to be neglected and there may be much ' suffering through deceit, treachery and underhand acts. Fond of mysteries and secret societies. Talent for detec- tive work. 1 urtain circimistaiiees can plan and plot quietly and subtly ; and act with great diplomacy and caution. Talent for speaking, writing, singing, music. Make an excellent clerk or secretary. May be connected with nursing, medicine, prisons or hospitals; but almost sure to have much unpleasantness in regard to it. Danger of libel, scandal, forgery, theft of important papers ; los^ through brothers, sisters, servants ; also from travelling bv water. it 18 or R — Ambitious, fond of power and position, and apt co attain some prominence. Tends to give more s access in age than youth. Diplomatic and talent for organizing* Can plan and arrange, but is somewhat suspicious of oth er$. Self-confident, but at times may be somewhat gloomy and like retired places. Apt to be rather stubborn and sel- fish. Wide range of acquaintances, but few intimate ads. Tends to coarsen the nature and make the person irritable. Honor or dishonor through marriage; and gain or loss through relatives. Liable to have a jealous mar- riage partner and suffer from poverty through marriage. Apt to cause his own fate. May succeed through compan- ies, societies, associatons, firms. May be closely associa- ted with the father either for good or evil. There is some times a tendency to suicide; and journeys are apt to be few and dangero 19 or S — May be fickle or suffer from fickleness ; apt to have trouble in the family life, especially in youth. Trou- is liable to come through the father and offspring. May be successful in public or professional life but there are likely to be sudden loses, and much annoyances so- cially or through children. 20 or T — Fond of ease and comfort and likely to have a for- tunate home life. Apt to be much attached to the family, especially the mother. Many changes of residence. Excel- lent mimic; talent for acting, music, painting, poetry. Fond of water, will probably live near it. May deal in liquids; and is likely to be successful with houses, lands and shipping. Money through the parents and probable comfort at close of life. 21 or U — Benefits through quiet, obscure work. Very emo- tional with intense love of the beautiful; fond of music and painting. May marry below his station, or make a secret marriage. Cheerful, fond of society, peaceful, easy going and may be indolent. May benefit through charity, 13 friends and acquaintances, painting, music. At times may have } heavy financial losses, and find it difficult to earn. May also suffer through fraud, deceit and one's own ac- tions. Secret enemies may upset love affairs or marriage, bringing about separation and divorce. May not alwavs be over scrupulous in methods of obtaining money. 22 or V— Quiet, persistent, determined, not easily thwarted, May gain money through connection with liquids and traveling; also through the mother or wife. Hopeful, am- bitious, conservative, does not like change. Gains friends and is generally fortunate in acquiring money, houses lands, and through investments generally. More sue ful when under some one. Probably inherit money and perhaps a business from a parent; may become involved in secret affairs or a mystery, but will generally derive financial benefits through it. Should live near water or on the coast. Fond of singing, music, painting, and social life. May be obstinate and unforgiving if once injured; but good-natured as a general thing. 23 or W— Good-natured, charitable, religious. Fortunate. Gam through houses and lands; benefits through the home. Very emotional May be talented in musHCpoetry, and art. Very fond of mysteries and mysterious things Likely to have close association with the mother, and to travel considerably with one or both parents. Probable legacy from the parents or through the mother's side of the family. Some danger from travel and from water, but not likely to be serious. Death is likely to occur at a dis- tance from home. 24 or X— -Same as 15. 25 or Y— Sympathetic, broadrninded, charitable, Likely to connect with secret or occult societies. May at some time accept charity, and at another endow a charitable in- stitution. Danger of bad health and serious losses 14 26 or Z — Faborable for study, reading writing, educational matters. Apt to marry a clever person who may be a cousin or employee. Generally happy relations, with fam- ily and relatives. May meet one's fate on a journey. Talent for public speaking. Danger of obs 'acles to marriage and unhappiness through it later on. Fond of music, poetry, art, society and children. Marriage or business partner may be quarrelsome. 27— Success through societies, associations, companies, or groups of people. Makes friends with those who are old- er and wealthier than self. Apt to bring prominence and connect one with government or administrative bodies Danger at times of trouble and misfortune thruough these matters, and through friends and offspring. May be the victim of fraud and false charges. 28 — Sudden losses; reckless ventures. Many ups and downs bringing an involved state of affairs. Sometimes money unexpectedly. Many new undertakings and unu- sual occupations. Generally able to extricate one's from from difficulties by ingenuity and resourcesfulness. ;ain financially through marriage, partnership or associations. 29 — I avels. Quick, restless, unsettled manner. Fond of outdoors and exercise, though sometimes develops a fea ving the house. Many changes of residence. Does not like anyone to enter his private room while ab- sent. Natural teacher; may be clairvoyant or have pro- phetic dreams. Apt to be a somnambulist. Candid, honor- able, kind. May be talented in music, poetry and very much interested in religion or philosophy. Successful in connection with shipping, amusement enterprises or horses. Benefits through employing others. Likely to have two occupations Possible danger from traveling. 15 30 — Good-natured, sociable, friendly; clear-headed. Talent for music and poetry. Gain through journeys, brothers and sisters. Original, inventive, religious. Good speaker, writer, musician, artist or singer. Should have good pen- manship. Popular, refined. Gains through several sources. Fond of flirting. Probably several marriages or love-af- fairs; one mfty be with a relative. May marry some one from a distance. Apft to be inconstant. 31 — Ambitious and found of public life. Probably masterful and dictatorial. May be quarrelsome. Probably attain a position of some prominence, but may oppose those in higher position and be unfortunate through them. Liable to be unfortunate for the father, mother, father-in-law and mother-in-law. Probable estrangement through disa- greement or death of one of them ; or the parents may separate. Also likely to be troubles through brother^ sis- ters, letters, writing, journeys.* Money through the family. 32 — Generous, candid, good-natured, tactful, high-minded. Fond of science, literature, study. Ships, traveling, horses, horse racing and amusement enterprises may all play a large part in the life. Apt to be fortunate finan- cially, bui; this will be largely owing to personal effort. ambitious ; generally harmonious family relations. Fortu- nate through marriage, travel in foreign lands ; probably gain through relatives. Danger, however, of losing mon- ey and at some time finding it hard to make a living. May come to want though may be one's own fault. Possible heroic death. 33 — Will probably travel in foreign lands and meet with success in law, religion, philosophical matters, or publish- ing. 16 34— Strong imagination and great love of beauty and ele- gance. Likely to marry an artist, or someone with bo- hemian tendencies, A person of bohemian tastes is indi- cated here. Talent for music and painting. Popular; much attracted by opposite sex. Danger of broken engagement, unfortunate marriage, fickleness and scandal. 35 — Kind-hearted, easy-going, self-indulgent, but apt to be very positive. Fortunate for teachers, singers, writers, artists, actors, capable of managing and controlling oth- ers and generally attains a prominent position. Money through business enterprises, designing, interior decora- tion; will probably make many journeys on account of business and ohe profession. Fond of children. Danger of slander from employees or those in higher position; from weakness of heart or bowels and from drugs. 36 — Firm, persistent, strong willed. Probably money through the father, careful management, ecor- ugh there is much danger of falling into poverty. Apt to be sel- fish. Liklihood of trouble through treachery, relatives and children. Sickness from foreign travel. Strange domestic experiences. Death of husband or wife. 37 — Ingenious, original, eccentric ideas; fond of unusual subjects, science, travel and exploration. Apt to espouse unpopular causes. Danger of troubles with educational matters, through brothers, sisters, examinations, disobedi- ence, unconventionality, accidents while traveling. 38 — Intellectual ; learns easily, good memory. Favors work- ing in movements for the lower classes, and occupations where many people are employed or employing many peo- ple. Fitted for employer, manager, agent or businesses connected with food, farmer, miller, grocer, doctor, herb- alist. Probably make many long journeys. Retiring yet may be somewhat boastful, quiet, easy-going, unambiti- ous. Many friends, especially among women. Good teach- er, clerk, secretary, traveler in connection with a company or association. 89— Same as 3. 40 — Same as 4. 41 — Sincere* generous, ambitious; fond of power, display, dignity, grandeur. Successful and fortunate through off- spring. Many friends and much social popularity. Ex- cellent leader, with the ability to direct and control oth- ers. Gain through church work, educational pursuits, amusements, sporting matters, the stage. Not apt to travel frequently, but one long voyage is likely, more be- cause of necessity than pleasure. Strong love for cere- mony. Apt to have good vitality and strong constitution. 42— Success, in secluded occupations. Fond of mysteries. Danger of loss, prosecution, isolation, secret enemies. 43— -Highly emotional with a great love of luxury and new sensations. Generally fortunate for money through mar- riage or business partners, and a possible legacy. 44— -Slow in making up the mind ; but very determined when once a decision is arrived at. Success in writing., teaching, through brothers, sisters, traveling. Fond of study, pati- ent, persevering; fond of money and what it will buy, Sociable, friendly ; more successful financially when in as- sociation with others. Likely to be irritable at times. 45 — Strong, fine intellect. Likely to acquire power and au- thority. Favors and benefits from those above one; and probable legacies and gifts. Suffering through the en- mity of inferiors; treachery and hatred from servants and employees. Not especially strong. Partners sometimes turn into opponents. Danger from crowds, infection and overwork. 18 46 — Positive, forceful, impulsive, original, bohemian, hasty in speech and at times rather brusque manner; inventive* Very outspoken and sometimes rather lacking in tact, so may offend without intension. Estrangements, strange occurrences and fluctuating circumstances are likely. Fond of freedom ; energy, resource. Disputes and abrupt breaking of family ties or friendships often take place. 47 — Legacies through women and money through marriage or partnership, generally go with this and the nature is firm, self-reliant, determined; plain spoken, abrupt, ener- getic, capable of making one's own way without help. Do not Lke change though may themselves cause many changes, even violent ones. Sometimes these natures are easily angered and become revengeful. May be somewhat coarse in manner and there is possible danger from drink. Ap'; to be placed as executors or administrators or other- wise brought into connection with the dead, or take up some occupation connected with the dead. Loss and dis- putes concerning wills or legacies are likely. Danger of death by drowning, through liquids, or from crowds. 48— 1 ond of love and admiration, and very easily influenc- ed through the opposite sex. . Generally good health and popularity, makes friends easily. Inclined to an early, sometimes a hasty marriage. Talent for music, poetry or pr, ing though rather lacking in application. Fond of fine clothes and show. Generous and read^ to spend. Probable losses which are due to one's own fault. 49 — Same as 13. 50 — F ortunate for money, especially from matters connect- ed h religion, philosophy, learning of some kind, ships, voya es, horses. Good generally for the financial matters. May also profit through friends or family, land, farming or food; generous but very fond of money. Danger at 19 times of losses through land; and sorrow through rela- tives ; but generally a pleasant home-life. 51 — Same as 42. 52 — -Fortunate for friendship, love and marriage and general popularity; though the person is very emotional and is also liable to loss or scandal through these. Sociable, buoyant, sympathetic, psychic. 53 — Apt to bring success, prominence or even fame. Many changes of occupation; cautious, diplomatic, subtle and deep. Ambitious; strong infulence over others and can turn them to his own ends. Apt to gain prizes both in school and ou:side. Apt to make many short journeys; and may obtain a post with the government. 54— Able to control those under him. Critical, analytical, or- derly, serious, original. Excellently fitted for manager or official position. May be inclined to be somewhat mel- ancholy or gloomy, and reserved. There are likely to be disappointments and troubles connected with the occu- pation, loss through employees, and ill health, or b cause of the father. May suffer from Jiver, stomach ar^ )wels, and take cold easily. There may be a strange or romantic courtship; though the person is somewhat disinclined to marry, and is apt to have domestc difficulties \\ mar- riage occurs. Possible headaches and risk of nental troubles. 55 — Same as 37. 56— Public prominence which may be either popularity or noteriety. JV^any changes in occupations. May be at the head of some large undertaking, because of executive ability, and circumstances from which may come both pleasure and much difficulty. Av>': to be selfish, cautious and calculating. Apt to do considerable traveling and re- ceive help through women. 26 57 — -Same as 48. 58 — Energetic; apt to be most successful when in the em- ploy of others, or connected with others in some manner. Sometimes very ambitious but liable to have opposition, difficulties and reversals. Troubles with servants and em- ployees. May be underhanded. Likely to connect with businesses dealing in medicines, drugs or foods. Nervous and bowel troubles are' likely. Danger of accidents, wounds, surgical operations, bilious fevers, etc. 59 — Good natured., broad-minded. Fortunate for clergymen and religious matters generally. Good for travel, litera- ture and affairs connected with horses and shipping. Per- sson is dignfied, sympathetic, peaceful, sincere. Fond of speculation and games and might gamble. May gain through legacy or marriage and will probably have two love affairs ; or marry twice. 60 — Fortunate for money matters. Apt to gain financially through the father and the son ; but money is easily spent. 61 — Succeeds best in nursing, medicine or as a clerk Pos- sibly a strong talent for art or poetry. Liable to loss through treachery, dishonesty and deceit from employees; and trouble in the occupation. Weak stomach and bowels are likely. 62 — Sar c as 53. 63 — Same as 45. 64 — Same as 1. 21 "THE SWITCHBOARD OF THE UNIVERSE" Those who wish to study this science and be able to do a great deal more than is given here, should send for a copy of the book, "The Switchboard of the Universe" or "The Fundamental Principles of The Yi-King, Tao," by the same author. Bound in Red Cloth, with Symbolic Cover Design in Gold. Price $1.75 postpaid. Remittance must accompany order. There are eleven more booklets in The Switchboard of the Universe Series; one for each month. Give birth date when ordering. Price of each book 15 cents. Remit With Order. "Your Fortune in Verse for the Day and Month." Most unusual, original and interesting little gift booklet. Send it instead of the usual birthday card or with each pres- ent. Fortunes are brief but true. Flower and jewel of each month. r Price 25 Cents Each. The Switchboard of The Universe YOUR NAME IT'S ACTION ON YOUR LIFE. IS IT TOUCHING A FORTUNATE OR UNFORTUNATE BUTTON FOR YOU? IF--? YOU WERE BORN Between April 21st and May 21st PRICE 15c "-?c*H!n»Kra*'i YOUR NAME ITS ACTION ON YOUR LIFE —IF-. You Were Born -BETWEEN-- Apr. 21st and May 21st BY VEOLIA J. BOYILE and AEIVA J. BOYILE Copyright U. S .and England, 1921. By Veolia J. Boyile and Aelva J. Boyile. All rights reserved. VEOLIA J. BOYILE, 910 Steger Building CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. FEB -I ^22 ©CU 6 57 850 -*» f PKEFACi The special placing of the name vibration, in connection with the individual birth for each of the twelve months, is absolutely original with the author and can be used by no one in any publication without express permission from Voolia J. and Aelva J. Boyile. "You are a musical instrument. Your body arid the coudi- tions of your life are the result of the harmonies or discords played by you or upon you from day to day, by your per- sonal name.'* is merely another more subtle, form o Wireless. Telegraphy, and of the action of Sound upon the life. :'md these books invaluable in judg- ing employees, partners, general conditions, etc. As a health guide they are also of great assistance, as well as in showing the^direction where physical, financial or mental danger lies. They have been written for the benefit of those, having neither time nor inclination for the deeper si tdy necessary to an understanding of the principles involved in this science, nevertheless wish a method which will guide them by the very shortest cut possible, to its results and benefits. That it is an absolute exact and accurate science, has passed beyond the possibility of question. It is the one science which offers a method of at least ameliorating, and a cure, for many of the evils of life. To those merely seeking amusement they will be found to contain an endless fund of enjoyment. The definitions given here contain the type of events likely to occur during the life of the individual whose name is being read. Some of them may have already occurred, others will probably be yet to come. If one part of the name shows fortunate indications and another indicates misfor- tune, then there will be periods when the good fortune will predominate, and other periods when it will seem as if al! went wrong. DIRECTIONS To use this book follow directions carefully. The manner of adding the names from the table of let ters and numbers as given below is very simple. Any child of ten can learn it in a few moments. If it is done correctly the accuracy of the reading given for each number will be a never ending source of amusement and fascination to all. Each letter is to be counted as the number under which it is placed in the table. Use every name you possess, such as Mary Ann Smith ; also your mother's last name, before marriage; and day of month of birth as a number. Do not acid the names together, use each separately. If one name has a fortunate definition and one unfortu- nate, the life will partake of each. The table for addition of names : 12 3 4 abed j k 1 m s t u V 5 e n w 6 f X 7 g P y 8 h q X 9 i r xample: Mary 4+1+9+7=21 A n n 1+5+5—11 Smith 1+4+9+2+8=24 (Mother's name before marriage.) Jack son 1 + 1+3+2 +1+6+5=19. Day of month of birth 14. Look for 21 and read definition. Look for 11 and read definition. Look for 24 and read definition. Look for 19 and read definition. Look for 14 (birth) and read definition. Also read definition of initial letters. Look for M and read ueiiniuon. Look lor A and read definition. Look tor tt and read definition. Look ioi J and read definition. Example 2> Burton William 2+o+9+2 +6+5=27 5+9+3+3 -}-9+l+4«-34 Clark 3+3+1+9+2=18. (Mother's name before marriage) No r t o n 5+6+9+2+6+5=33 (Birth, 20th.) Look for 27 and read definition. Look for 34 and read definition. Look for 18 and read definition Look for 33 and read definition. Look for 20 and read definition. Initial Letters Look for B and read definition. Look for W and read definition. Look for C and read definition. Look for N and read definition. If you are called by any nickname, as Mamie, Jim, Jack, Polly, etc., add this also and read definition exactly as if it were an extra name. For instance, if called Mamie, read Mary and Mamie. If called Jim, read James and Jim ,etc Don't forget that there are eleven more books in this set: One for each month. Give birth date when ordering. Price of each book 15 cents. Remit With Order. Between April 21st and May 21st. '1 or A — An impulsive, marriage is likely to bring trouble, with separation and divorce. Difficulties are also likely through partnerships and acquaintances. Apt to have broken friendships, and suffer from rivalry and criticism. Artistic and literary works likely to succeed, and will probably be brought into the life. 2 or B — Frequent jpurneys are likely and success through brothers and sisters, There is usually a great love of books, and scientific and literary occupations. Very ac- tive; probably many changes of residence; or may have more than one home. Apt to be out of doors a great deal and do much walking or riding, or calling on people. Quick witted. Skillful with hands and arms. Able to live by the wits, and sometimes obliged to. May be a salesman writer, speaker, clerk, artist, or sculptor. Will probably have more than one occupation or change from one to an- other. There is danger of being deceitful, subtle or under- handed, lacking in perserverence and changeable. S Or C — Apt to give general success in life; to render one popular and bring favors from friends or influential peo- ple. Tends to bring a position of responsibility and profit Usually a brilliant marriage. Love of poetry and art; but also success through busness, investments, stocks, bank- 9 trig; also through public enterprises and in control of oth- ers. Dealing in precious stones is also likely to be success- ful. May have the marriage delayed because of one cause or another. May benefit more through one parent ; prob- ably the father, 4 or D — Firm, positive, determined, practical, able to work hard. May receive a legacy dr money through marriage or business partner; but there is also apt to be loss through extravagance; and there is possible danger of death by accident. 5 or E— Apt to h ters; critical, analyt : cal, hesitati ay benefit through sub- ordinates, though there is danger of misfortune through a subordinate or when occupying a subordinate position. May be absent-minded and somewha if wanting in applica- tion, Possibility of liver, digestive or bowel troubles. 6 or F— Probably many friends in good positions, Success in public career, marriage and partnerships ; though there v is also danger of influential enemies. 7 or G — Very emotional, and fond of new. sensations and luxury. Apt to be fortunate for money through marriage, partnership or a legacy; but also danger of loss, 3 or H — Apt to be positive and obstinate and given to es- pousing causes of various kinds whether right or wrong. Generally a good speaker both witty, sarcastic and bril- liant; but rather unreliable, Clever with the hands, in- genious, fond of mysteries. Successful chemist, detec- tive, surgeon. Probably able to heal and control by the wilL May travel considerably; but danger may come through this. May lose brother, sister, or relative, which will strongly affect the life. The temper may be rather uncertain. 10 9 or I — Makes an excellent manager, with ability for con- trolling others. Serious, analytical, original with a pos- sible tendency to melancholy or reserve. Apt to meet with disappointments or difficulties in the occupation. Danger of ill health and of trouble through the father. Profit through foreigners is likely; also through investments. Not inclined to marry, but apt to have a romantic or un- usual courtship, with later marital troubles. Travels principally for health or business. May suffer from head- aches ; and there is a possibile danger of mental troubles. 10 or J — Favorable for a public or professional carreer; but apt to bring troubles in the domestic life, especially in youth difficulties through the father and through chil- dren are also likely, as well as social obstacles and losses through speculation. 11 or K — Learns easily and has a good memory and intellect whiGh fits the person for many occupations. Nearly al- ways successful in connection with food; farmer, grocer, confectioner ; or with drugs and medicines. Usually strong feelings either for the masses or against them. An ex- cellent manager of people; and tends to success through employees. Likely to make long journeys, critical, adapt- able. 12 or L — Love of family life and usually a special attach- ment to one of the parents. Affectionate, imaginative, kind ; rather unfortunate for love matters, as well as f in- - ancial affairs and for partnerships of any kind; though profit from a subordinate position or through employees is likely. The fa:her of the person, or of the marriage partner is likely to help or hinder the marriage in some special way. Money may be made in connection with the water, houses and land, or in some rather obscure posi- tion. 11 13 or M — Money through hard work, marriage or legacies. Nature determined and obstinate. Good manager, but may be irritable and have a bad temper. Subject as a general thing to heavy expenses and seldom able to accumulate. May lose money and be in straitened circumstances at various times. Danger of opposition from powerful peo- ple, tragic experiences through love and marriage and pe- culiar offspring. 14 or N — Religious, sincere, imaginative, and possible tal- ent for poetry and music. Fond of assocation with others and s may be popular with friends. Generally fortunate for marriage and partnerships. Benefits may occur through persons connected with law or religion. May marry a foreigner or someone from a distance. Profit may come through marriage, friends, servants, partners, journeys or^ through legacies from strangers. May be brought into connection with hospitals or public institu- tions. Danger of trouble through open or secret enemies and from the opposition or treachery of friends. May give or be obliged to take, charity, and may incur the enmity of the clergy. 15 or O — Likely to bring a public career, prominence, au- thority and ambition. Gives the good will of those in higher position. Success through the father or husband. 16 or P — Strong imagination and may have prophetic dreams ; probably considerable travel, especially by water.. Harmonious relations with family. 17 or Q — Good memory and intellect. Literary and scien- tific acquaintance. Apt to have fixed opinions which cannot be easily changed. Original and hard worker. Flu- ent speaker. 18 or R — Generally unfortunate in regard to the occupation, reputation, popularity or public position. May suffer through all of these; loss of money, false friends and possible prosecution. If in a high position likely to be at- tacked by inferiors and suffer a down fall. There may also be trouble through, or because of the father, hostility separation or financial difficulties. Succeeds best in some obscure quiet occupation, May be brought into contact with, or gain money through hospitals, charitable insti- tutions, secret employments. Apt to meet with much un- deserved and unaccountable misfortunes. 19 or S— Very sensitive and emotional. Love of the strange and mysterious, which grows stronger with advancing years. Liable to have trouble in domestic life and prob- able estrangement, private and public annoyances; many changes of residence; probable loss through houses, land and the dwelling place. Probably travel and prophetic dreams or other occult experiences. 20 or T— Same as 2. 21 or U — Many friends and acquaintances* and benefits through them. Social popularity and frequent love affairs which have strange or remarkable events connected with them. Talent for music, poetry or painting. May marry towards middle age or still later in life. Money likely to be gained through partnerships, companies and banking ; fond of pleasures. 22 or V— Impulsive ; sometimes aggressive or millitant, and may have a bad temper, or be subject to fits of anger. Tends to bring public life. Apt to insist on one's own way May be disobedient and self-willed, volatile and change- able. Unconventional. May be placed in a position of au- thority or become prominent in some line. The mother will probably play a prominent part in the life, which may be either good or bad. There may be differences with the par - 13 ents or an early separation from them. Some reason tor secrecy in the life or occupation may arise; and clanger of scandal. 23 or W— Courteous, thrustworthy, honest, generally social- ly successful; interested in business, commerce, specula- tion; fond of travel and novelty; and may be wanting in perseverance. Sympathetic, hopeful, cheerful. Tends to intellect, study and litrary talent. May be somewhat changeable in his views. May make two marriages, one with a relative or close friend; but likely to have trouble through fickleness, letters, travel or relatives. Sometimes trouble in connection with the parents, brothers or sis- ters; differences or estrangements. May have prophetic dreams. 24 or X— Same as 15. 25 or Y — Fortunate for love, marriage and friendships, through there is also danger of trouble or scandal through these at sometime. Highly emotional. Apt to have friends v among artists, musicians, mystics. Probably has present- iments. Sociable and sympathetic. 26 or Z — Talent for literature, but sometimes more success- ful in business lines. Scientific and fond of study, but also practical. Apt to try too many things at once. Diffi- culties in acquiring publicity in literary lines or speaking. May write on occult subjects, or choose some forgotten or unpopular matter. Danger of trouble with digestion, liver and bowels, through nerves and overwork. 27 — Gives ambition, power, strength of will, independence, authority; but often makes the person very selfish, or brings loneliness and isolation; success through hard work. Generally, however, brings much misfortune in financial affairs and in the occupation. Sometimes may make the person melancholy, despondent, gloomy. Dan- 14 ger of dishonor, loss, early death of one parent. May- be treacherous to friends, lose through speculation, be op- posed to marriage, or in'case of marriage, domestic diffi- culties. Might become seriously entangled with an in- ferior of opposite, sex. 28 — Fluctuating fortunes, much inventiveness, inclined to bohemlanism. Positive, forceful, impulsive, brusqi: speech and manner and sometimes lacking in tact. Ener- getic, resourceful. Strange occurrences ; sudden estrange- ments; quick changes. Disputes. 29— -Active, fond of- outdoor life and travel. Restless, un- settled, quick nervous manner* Many changes of resi- dence, good humored, kind, honorable, sincerely religious. Natural reformer and teacher. Talent for mus'c or poetry and deep in philosophy and religious matters. Many travels and voyages. May be clairvoyant or a somnambulist. May become connected with amusement, enterprises, shipping and horses. Nervous, outspoken, and may have a rather queer feeling abou': having anyone enter one's private room while absent. 30— Determined, decided, positive. Money may be .gained through marriage, friends, the public. The marriage is, however, likely to be delayed because of money, death or separation. One or the other may be unyielding. Gener- ally fortunate in financial matters, l^oney mav be gained through legacy, partnership or marriage. Pleasure, lux- ury and amusement are likely to be in the life. Generally a good voice. 31 — Obstinate, fixed and positive; generally disagreement with the parents ; or the early death of one. Militant, ag- gressive, sceptical, active. May change his opinions many times during life. Executive ability and generally suc- cess in law. Brave, fearless, daring, morally and mentally : but generally a quick temper and apt to get into disputes 15 with those in authority, and incur opposition, enmity and criticism. Loses many friends; some by his own actions, others through death and separation. Apt to be tyranni- cal and very anxious to lead and dictate. Possible danger while traveling. Death may occur directly or indirectly through a friend. Disputes with relatives. 32 — Most fortunate and successful in connection with char- itable or religious work, hospitals, institutions, secret ser- vice. Especially good for doctors and nurses. Quiet, un- assuming, sociable, easily influenced. May be restless at times ; and very easy-going and perhaps indolent at oth- ers. Found of mysteries ; good lawyer. Hospitable, fond of animals. May profit through hotel or boarding house, r relatives, mining, companies. May marry an inferior. Apt to make rather risky investments, 33 — Generally considerable travel. Success and honor in law, religion, philosophy and publishing. Journeys to for- eign countries. Persevering. 34— Success in nursing or medicine. May have a strong tal- ent for art or poetry. Probable losses through the treach- ery and deceit of employees ; and difficulties through the occupation. May succeed in psychic matters. Possible trouble with stomach and bowels. 35 — Changeable, good-natured, sociable. Successful in lines connected with geology, mining, land or water through relatives and the mother's side of the family in particular. Good memory. May be found of athletics, danc- ing, music and poetry. Probably considerable travel es- pecially by water. Does better work with a partner or associate. Many changes of residence. May have strange dreams or be a somnambulist. 36 — Diplomatic, distrustful, secretive, ambitious, love of power and high position. Can influence and manage oth- 16 ers, plan, organize and scheme. Domestic and marital troubles. Self-confident, assured, somewhat gloomy and found of retirement. Gain or loss through relatives. Jeal- ous marriage partner. Somewhat selfish and coarse ; lia- ble to be irri:able or even bad tempered. May succeed through companies, assoeiat : ons, societies; but may suf- fer through self made troubles. Not fortunate for par- ents ; may be much influenced by the father, fortunately or otherwise. Friends are usually at a distance from home; and are made more through letters and journeys, than through personal effort, or at home. Tendency to suicide. May be brought to poverty by marriage. Jour- neys may be dangerous, 37— Sudden losses and involved affairs, but generally able to overcome obstacles and extricate oneself by ingenuity and resource. Sometimes money through unexpected hap- penings, a new undertaking, partnerships, marriage or as- sociation. 38 — Generally successful in speculation. Tends to bring a position of responsibility and prominence, giving author- ity over others as manager or leader. Falls in love easily. Fond of pleasure and comfort, but ambitious. Honorable, generous with money, high-minded. Fond of music, poet- ry, painting, clothes and ornaments. Often brings favor from those of greater influence or higher position. Good organizer, plain spoken, nervous. 39 — Same as 3. 40 — Same as 4, 41 — Gains through houses, lands and home. Good-natured benevolent, charitable, religous. somewhat yielding and changeable. Intuitive, imaginative, fond of poetry, music or the fine arts and of mysteries and marvels. Beneficial in nearly every way. Fond of home and parents, especial- 17 iy the mother. Travels by water and some danger in this direction; though probably not serious. Money from the mother or her side of the family. Death will probably occur at a distance from home. 42— Many friends; satisfied ambition; benefits from those in higher position, Probable gain of public honors; and connection with administrative or governmental bodies. 43—= Very emotional Strong love of beauty and art coupled with imagination, and a v talent for music and painting. May marry an artist or bohemian. Much a opposite sex. Very popular and usually successful. Danger of broken engagement, unhappy marriage, scandal. 44— Apt writer and speaker, witty, brilliant, observant; sarcastic when angry, enthusiastic when interested. Busi- ness ability is good as is also literary talent. Will prob- ably, write short stories and have many literary friends. Apt to exaggerate; very original and inventive. Danger of trouble co the head or bowels; fevers and accidents. Probably many short journeys. 45 — Very apt to be unfortunate. Losses through land and houses; and of honor, wealth, possessions, Troubles in business, and occupation. Early death of father and es- trangement from parents. Poverty and financial troubles are likely. Marriage partner may rise through merit: but marriage may be unhappy. Dangpr of death by drowning or in a foreign land. 46 — Positive, forceful, impulsive, original bohemian, in- ventive; and sometimes hasty and brusque. Strange events, sudden estrangements. Often gives offense with- out intending it; because of being too outspoken and somewhat lacking in tact. Full of energy, mental vigor and resource Sometimes disputes and estrangements, 1.8 47 — A legacy through the mother or women is likely. The character is firm, self-reliant, well able to stand alone; abrupt, out spoken, energetic, capable of hard work. Mon- ey may also be gained through partnerships or marriage. Very averse to change ; but may bring about great chang- es. Sometimes bad temperd and revengeful. Danger from drugs or drinking. Sometimes rather coarse in speech. May act as executor or administrator or in some way be brought in';o contact with the dead or an occupa- tion connected with the dead. May have disputes con- cerning wills or property. Danger of dea':h through liq- uids or by drowning, or through mobs. .48— Intense love of the beautiful, and of music and paint- ing. Quiet and obscure occupations ; possible secret mar- riage. Cheerful, fond of company and of peace; charit- able and perhaps indolent. May acquire money by char- ity or gift from friends and acquaintances, by music, painting or secret work. May find it hard :o make a liv- ing; and losses may come through deception. Secret en- emies may interfere with love affairs or marriage and cause separation and scandal later. There may be more than one marriage, or a secret marriage or attachment. Financial loss may come through a woman, and there may be delays and obstacles to marriage. 49— -Same as 13. 50 — Good-natured, generous, candid, high-ideals, strong leaning to science, religion, study, literary work. May also gain through shipping, voyages, horses, horse-racing, amusement enterprises. Generally rrakes one's own fate ; a pioneer and natural leader ; usually fortunate. May follow two occupations. Danger of losing money and coming to want. Ap to have happy family connections, friendly relatives and foreign travel. Profit through enemies. Possible heroic death. 19 51 — Same as 42. 52 — Troubles through the father and family in early life are likely; but fortunate generally in regard to financial mat- ters. Talent for art, music and psychic matters and suc- cess through any of these lines, or in large businesses. 53 — Fluent speaker, just, sincere, active mind. Talent for medicine, scientific lines and literary work. May study several subjects at once and have more than one occupa- tion. May write on rather deep subjects in an involved way not easily understood. May make many journeys; but may suffer from illness while traveling. Possibility of trouble through educational matters, letters, writing, family or journeys. May gain through drugs, medicines, food. 54 — Gives good position in life with power and authority. Enterprising, determined, fine intellect. Favors from those in high position are likely ; but suffering treachery, and dislike, through and from employees. May be sel- fish and have trouble and scandal through love affairs. Partners may become opponents. Separation from the father may occur or his early dea;h. Father may strong- ly influence a love affair by either help or hindrance. Dan- ger from crowds, infection, overwork and heart disease. 55 — Same as 37. 56 — Many changes of abode; many travels. Queer psychic experiences; restless and unsettled. Walks quickly. Na- tural teacher and public speaker. Strong :alent for relig- ious work, music, poetry or philosophy. May gain through amusement enterprise, ships, horses and em- ployees. Likely to be a somnambulist or have clairvoy ant dreams. Possible danger while traveling. 57 — Same as 48. M R8— Sincere, and generous. Particularly adapted for school management, and research work. Very honorable will never stoop to meanness; active, hard worker; but may have a quick temper and aggressive manner and so make enemies. Excellent for directing and controlling others. Highly emotional and sometimes too enthusiastic May have social troubles and disputes; annoyances from chil- dren; possible loss of a child and of many friends by death. Strong love of pleasure. Foolish love affairs. May have a special disappointment in love. 59— Self-confident, active. Fortunate for inheritance, and money by marriage or -partnership. Sometimes this may be only a small sum. Persevering, generous, fond of mys- teries; very analytical; might succeed in any line where pulling down and reconstructing are some of the features, either in a mental or material way. Death of one child likely. There may be profit through law, public invest- ments, mining societies, May be entrusted with many odd secrets and involved in peculiar intrigues. Strange adventures and voyages are likely, notoriety through chil- dren and possible deach by drowning or in some tragic manner, caused by social or political connections. 60 — Financial success. Generally money through the fath- er or son. Apt to be extravagant or have large expendi- tures. 61 — Strong feelings, very affectionate.. Talent for art and music. Sociable, fond of amusements. Generous. Dan- ger of trouble through off-spring and love affairs 62 — Same as 53. 63 — Same as 45. 64 — Same as 1. 21 "THE SWITCHBOARD OF THE UNIVERSE" Those who wish to study this science and be able to d< a great deal more than is given here, should send for a copy >f the book, 'The Switchboard of the Universe" or "Thr Fundamental Principles of The Yi-King, Tao," by the sam*- author. Bound in Red Cloth, with Symbolic Cover Design ir ►Id. Price $1.75 postpaid. Remittance must accompany order. There are eleven more booklets in The Switchboard o: the Universe Series; one for each month. Give birth dat« when ordering. Price of each book 15 cents. Remit With Order. "Your Fortune in Verse for the Day and Month." Most unusual, original and interesting little gift bookie Send it instead of the usual birthdav card or with each pre> fit. Fortunes are brief but true. Flower and jewel of each month. v Price 25 Cents Each. afe* The Switchboard of The Universe YOUR NAME IT'S ACTION ON YOUR LIFE. IS IT TOUCHING A FORTUNATE OR UNFORTUNATE BUTTON FOR YOU? I F~? YOU WERE BORN If et ween May 21st and June 21st PRICE 15c £i YOUR NAME ITS ACTION ON YOUR LIFE ... if— You Were Born -BETWEEN- May 21st and June 21st BY VEOIIA J. BOYILE and AELVA J, BOYIIE Copyright U. S .and England, 1921 By Veolia J. Boyile and Aelva J. Boyile All rights reserved VEOLIA J. BOYILE, 910 Steger Building CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. FEB -| 1222 5>C1A657850 •*4 f PREFACE The special placing of the name vibration, in connection with the individual birth for each of the twelve months, is absolutely original with the author and can be used by no one in any publication without express permission from Veolia J. and Aelva J. Boyjle. "You are a musical instrument. Your body and the condi- tions of your life are the result of the harmonies or discords played by you or upon you from day to day, by your per- sonal name." It is merely another more subtle, form of Wireless Telegraphy, and of the action of Sound upon the life. Business men will find these books invaluable in judg- ing employees, partners, general conditions, etc. As a health guide they are also of great assistance, as well as in showing the direction where physical, financial or mental danger lies. ' They have been written for the benefit of those, having neither time nor inclination for the deeper st idy necessary to an understanding of the principles involved in this science, nevertheless wish a method which will guide them by the very shortest cut possible, to its results and benefits. That it is an absolute exact and accurate science, has long passed beyond the possibility of question. It is the one science which offers a method of at least ameliorating, and a cure, for many of the evils of life. To those merely seeking amusement they will be found to contain an endless fund of enjoyment. The definitions given here contain the type of events likely to occur during the life of the individual whose name is being read. Some of them may have already occurred, others will probably be yet to come. If one part of th^name shows fortunate indications and another indicates misfor- tune, then there will be periods when the good fortune will predominate, and other periods when it will seem as if all went wrong. DIRECTIONS To use this book follow directions carefully. The manner of adding the names from the table of let- ters and numbers as given below is very simple. Any child of ten can learn it in a few moments, if it is done correctly the accuracy of the reading given for each number will be a never ending source of amusement and fascination to all. Each letter is to be counted as the number under which it \h placed in the table. Use every name you possess, such as Mary Ann Smith; also your mother's last name ? before marriage; and day of month of birth as a number.. Do not add the names together, use each separately. If one name has a fortunate definition and one unfortu- nafce, the life will partake of each. The table for addition of names: 123456789 abcdefghi j k 1 m n o p q r s t u v . w x y x : SBxample : Mary Ann 4+1+9+7—21 1+5+5—11 Smith 1+4+9+2 +8=24 (Mother's name before marriage) Jack son l+l-j-3 +2 +1+6+5=19. Day of month of birth 14. Look for 21 and read definition. Look for 11 and read definition. Look for 24 and read definition. Look for 19 and read definition. Look for 14 (birth) and read definition. Also read definition of initial letters. Look for M and read aeiimuon. Look lor A and read definition. Look lor fci and read Oeimiuon. Look tor J and read definition, Example 2> Burton William 2+ii+£ +2 +6-4-6=27 5+9+3+3 +9+1+4=34 Clark 3+3+1+9 +2=18. (Mother's name before marriage) No r t o n 5+6+9+2+6+5=33 (Birth, 20th.) Look for 27 and read definition. Look for 34 and read definition. Look for 18 and read definition. Look for 33 and read definition. Look for 20 and read definition. Initial Letters Look for B and read definition. Look for W and read definition. Look for C and read definition. Look for N and read definition. If you are called by any nickname, as Mamie, Jim, Jack, Polly, etc., add this also and read definition exactly as if it were an extra name. For instance, if called Mamie, read Mary and Mamie. If called Jim, read James and Jim ,etc. Don't forget that there are eleven more books in this set: One for each month. Give birth date when ordering. Price of each book 15 cents. Remit With Order BIRTH Between Mav 21 to June 21. 1 or A— Probably brought into connection with public un- dertakings, but likely to have hindrances, drawbacks and disputes in regard to the occupation. Forceful, impulsive, brusque. Thwarted plans; much trouble through ser- vants and employees. Will succeed best in chemistry, science and art. Danger of public criticism and blame. Many estrangements. Probable trouble with digestion and bowels, attacks may come on suddenly. 2 or B — Gain through water, liquids and travel. Quiet and unimpulsive, but determined and persevering. May pro- fit through the mother or wife. Very conservative; re- sists change. Makes friends easily and may readily ac- quire money, houses and land. May become involved in a mystery or secret occupation. Success through large firms and companies, societies, etc. Talent for singing, music, painting. Sociable. 3 or C — Especially good for traveling and bestows a strong imagination and a love for beauty and romance. Talented in art, music or acting. Very intuitive, religious and af- fectionate. May marry a relative or someone from a dis- tance. May fall in and out of love easily. Probably fol- low several occupations at once. Success in intellectual work and in connection with horses, ships, voyages or Sporting matters. Money apt to come through legacy or / partnership; and likely to make more than one marriage". 4 or B—Hasty and rash in love affairs; may make an early marriages t though marriage is sometimes delayed because of early disappointment. Likely to become entangled detrimentally with the opposite sex. Much under the control of the marriage partner, who may have a bad temper; and there may be many quarrels. There may be separation or death of marriage or business partner; also from friends, associates and relatives. 5 or E~-Fortunate through offspring. Sincere, oenerous, ambitious, fond of power, dignity, pomp, display. Profit through pleasure, sporting matters, educational matters, acting, church matters. Love for grande >ony and great undertakings. May make a long jo lives a strong constitution and much vitality. 6 or F — May profit through employing others; but ill- health is likely, also heaaaches. 7 or G — Strong imagination and great love of beauty and luxury. Much attracted by opposite sex and may marry an artist or bohemian type. Talent for mvisic or painting. Danger of broken engagement. Unhappy marriage, scan- dal ; though the general tendency is to good fortune. 8 or H — Very determined, patient, persevering. Money through writing, teaching, educational matters; and through brother, sister, traveling. Fond of money and possessions. Sociable, friendly, affectionate. More suc- cessful financially when in association with others. Re- ligious. Love for music and poetry. Good memory ; may be irritable. 9 or I — Brings power, authority, responsibility. There may be delays or separation in love affairs. Tends to bring favor from those in influential places, and gifts or lega- 10 cies. Probable loss through investments, and death of a child. May be cold and somewhat selfish. May lose the father early in 1'fe or be separated from him. Partners many become opponents. Danger from crowds, infection, overwork and heart disease. 10 or J — May have trouble wi'h a parent and many ups and downs. Chances of loss through houses, lands, the dwell- ing place and the occupation. Many changes of residence and annoyances in the family and public life, especially in early life. Fond of mysteries and" travel. 11 or K — Tends to make one manager or head in some posi- tion of authority responsibility or prominence. Fond of pleasure, ease and comfort and rather changeable in mat- ters of the affections. Fond of coming before the pub- lic, high ideals, candid, honorable. Love of music, poetry, fine clothes and ornaments, perfumes, luxuries. Bring favors from those of influence. 12 or L — Intuitive, sociable, friendly. Love of music and poetry. May gain through writing, brothers, sisters, journeys. May be an excellent speaker, musician or art- ist. Probably several love affairs, happy marriage and social popularity. Likely to marry a relative or someone from a distance. Refined. Probably good handwriting. May follow several occupations. Strongly inclined to flirt. 18 or M — Courageous, energetic, proud, combative, positive, self-assured, original. Determined to be at the head of things. Fortunate with servants and those under him; but apt to cause his own troubles by being too hasty, rash or imprudent. Ha':es concealment of any kind, also re- strictions. Everything which occurs in the life is due to personal exertion or one's own actions. Generally gives magnetic healing, strong vitality and long life. Danger of accidents, wounds, fevers. Most of the illnesses and even the d^a'ch may be due to one's own action. 11 U or N — May profit through investment, literature, through servants, travel, dealing in second hand things. Philosophical, poetical, religious. Careful and cautious in speech and friendship. Likely to have secret love affairs and marry an inferior. Danger of deceit and treachery, through a servant or employee, and of misfortune through indolence. Very critical Foreign travel is likely. 15 or O — Likely to gain success and honor in law, religion, publishing. Persevering, constant. Probable travel in foreign lands. 16 or P — Good for money and business ; but danger of per- iods when money is hard to acquire and of dishonesty and fraud. Good-natured, patient, friendly. Possibility of tragedy in the life J 7 or Q — Generally leads to prominence or fame, causes several varying occupations at once, or many changes of pursuit. Very deep nature, subtle, secretive. Strong men- tal influence upon others. Serious and fond of mysteries. Talent for public speaking. May win many prizes and honors. Ambitious and self-centered. May occupy an important position, government or otherwise, which may bring many journeys. Danger of bad temper and being secretive. 18 or R — Success through societies, companies, associations. and through the father and inferiors. Probably many voy- ages, and residence abroad. Brings success, prominence and authority. Sometimes enters into popular movements and opposes those higher up. Refined, studious. Tends to acquire wealth, through stocks, companies, speculation, through the government, or official positions. Liking for mysterious things. Danger of being the victim of deceit, scandal, false charges. Generally a happy marriage. Fond of the study of food values and hygiene. 19 or S — Original, eccentric, scientific, literary fond of trav- 12 eling, many literary friends, Apt to take up unpopular causes. Danger of troubles through disobedience, educa- tion, unconventionality. May be estranged from relatives. Danger of accidents while traveling. 20 or T— Same as 2. 21 or U — Probably m . trriage, have social' success and pleasant home life. Favors from everyone. Tends to bring high position, many friends and gain through business, commerce, banking, investments and in matters connected with the earth. Farming, precious stones, ore. Likely to be especially attached to one par- ent, probably the father. Marriage is likely to be delayed because of money, difference in age, or the parents. Mar- riage partner is likely to be wealthier, older, and in higher position. 22 or V— Mos lestic life. Quiet, retiring; but restless and fond of novelty. Vacillating, changeable, easily discouraged. Emotional, roman'Jc. Fluent speaker, writer, or compos- er. May be rather lacking in humor ; and tend to dissipa- tion and drug taking. May be psychic and have clairvoy- ant dreams. Apt to grow stout; but is not particularly strong. Danger from secret enemies, of fraud, deception, prosecution. May be in a hospital at some time. 23 or W — Money through religious matters, philosophy, learning, ships, journeys, horses, friends, family, mar- riage, speculations, investments, caring for children. Fond of home ; and travel is usually for a definite end. Warm- hearted, affectionate. Gain also through land, farming, food. Fond of money, but generous. Danger of trouble through relatives. 24 or X — Same as 15. 25 or Y — Very psychic ; probably has presentiments and pos sibly visions. Probably trouble through the family es- 13 peciaiiy through the father. Artistic, musical. Success in large businesses. Danger of scandal and downfall. 26 or Z — Self-indulgent, positive, but kind-hearted, fond of pleasure, easy-going. Especially successful for educators, actors, artists, singers, writers. A good director and man- ager and particularly capable of controlling. Money through business and many short journeys. Fond of chil- i and music. May be too fond of mental work and tend to neglect other duties. Danger of treachery and slander from employees or superiors, from drugs and from weak- nesses of heart and bowels. 27 — Tends to make religion play a prominent part in the U Gives power, prominence and authority in either religious or legal matters rand financial gain and loss may come through these. There is the possibility of' becoming a noted cl an, explorer, philosopher or financier. Dan- ger of disputes, religious bigotry or strong change of views. May also have trouble while journeying in for- eign lands. 28 — -Deep religious feeling and much interest in psychic mat- ters. Apt to be involved in quarrels causing separations and estrangements. Secret enemies arise and unexpected losses occur. \ 29 — Fortunate for marriage, partnerships and friendship. Fond of social life. Very much influenced by friends and associates. May be fickle in love matters. Must work with others to be successful; but may also lose through partners and because he is too easily swayed by others. Marital troubles may also occur. 30 — Intensely strong love nature. Great love of beauty. Very much attracted by the opposite sex. Tends to bring many love affairs and an early or has :y marriage, though on the other hand, there is danger of many obstacles to marriage. Talent for music, poetry or painting, but some- times not much application in this direction. Extra va- 14 gant, or the expanses are heavy. Love of admiration. Danger of financial losses, 31— Generally money through marriage, and a romantic courtship. Executive ability and power. Firm, determin ed, positive. Rather lacking in regard for the feelings of others. Tends to selfishness. There may be trouble with the health in early life, fevers, surgical operations or accident; though the strength and vitality increase with age as a rule. Gain of money and legacies through association with others. Danger of long confining ill- ness, imprisonment or restraint in some form and of a sudden death. May have a bad temper. 32 — Especially fortunate for having good and faithful friends, pleasure and benefits through them. Broad-mind- ed and sympathetic; but supertitious, and given to rath- er odd beliefs, and fond of the study of strange or mi- ni subjects. Scientific, musical, poetic, etc. Fortunate for connection with societies and associations of varioiu sorts. —Particularly good for marriage and partnership. Leg- acy, honor and profit through these. Early death of fath- er is liable. Danger of one's own death about middle life; or of the husband. 34 — Very sensitive, probably too much so. Very affection- ate. Talent for music and art. Fond of social life, sports and amusements. Very generous and hospitable. Danger of scandal through love affairs or offspring. The brothers and sisters play a large part in the life, and there is probably much traveling. Love for reading and study of many subjects. May have two occupations at once or make quick changes. Brilliant, but changeable/ 36 — Very unfortunate. Bad for reputation, position, friends. Hostility, money troubles, downfall, secret enemies. False friends. Attacks from inferiors. Sometimes troubles through the father, separation, disputes. The father may 15 also experience misfortunes of many kinds. Money may sometimes be made through connection with asylums, charitable institutions, hospitals, prisons, or through some secret or low class occupation. Love affairs which may be romantic, bu: end badly. Marriage partner may have ill- health. Tendency to suicide. 37 — Inventive ability and bohemian tastes. Positive, force- ful, brusque and hasty in speech ; contrary, Fluctuating affairs. Life full of strange occurrences; abruptly sev- ered friendships and ties. Many estrangements. Great love of freedom and independence. Energetic, resource- ful, strong mentality. Dislike of conventionality. Some- times love of show, 88 r7 e 17 fond of home and famil y; and generally much attached to the mother. Friendly, sociable, emotional, changeable. Money through the parents is likely. Many changes of residence. Very sensitive to outside influ- ences ; and falls easily into the ways of others. May be an excellent mimic, and have a talent for music, painting and poetry. Love for water; and should live near it. Suc- cess in connection with liquids, houses, lands, shipping. May have queer psychic experiences ; and digestive troub- les probably brought on through nervousness. Good or- ganizer. May be very out spoken and make rather blunt remarks. 39— -Same as 3. 40 — Same as 4. 41 ^ ends to bring social success > business and speculation. Makes the person courteous, truthful, and honorable. Kestless, changeable. Love for travel and novelty. Good intellect and love of study. Hopeful, cheerful. Benefits trom friends in high position. Likely to marry a rela tive or close friend and will probably make two marriages Likely to be difficulties through letters, relatives or trav- 16 el, and disputes with family. Not apt to be fortunate for dealing in lands or houses. 42 — Tends to success through the father or, if a woman, the husband. Ambitious, independent, love of power. May- bring a public and prominent career. 43 — Most successful through lines connected with medicine, nursing or clerical work ; and probable talent for art and poetry. Danger from treachery and dishonesty of ser- vants and of troubles through the employment. 44 — Good-natured and just; bu£ likely to suffer through treachery and deceit, lack of opportunity and trouble in ird to education. Love of mysteries, talent for secret service work. Analytical, good at planning and writing mysteries. Might also win fame through singing, music, speaking or writing. Work as clerk or secretary may like- wise be successful. May become connected with nursing, medicine, hospitals or prisons; buf this will be more for- tunate if in association with someone else or a number of others. Trouble with brothers and sisters may occur. 45 — Thoughtful, serious. Apt to have many difficulties in early life, especially in regard to education, clerical and literary work, brothers, sisters, journeys. Strong intellect and character, and ability for invention and scientific work. Gain through traveling and educational matters. Danger of false imprisonment through treachery or dom- estic difficulties. Deceitful relatives and inferiors may play a large part in the life and bring public dishonor; may marry abroad, or a foreigner. Should never go into law. Suffering from self deception. Possibility of a vio- lent death. 46 — Love of mysteries; high ideals but discontented na- ture. May be very psychic and have a deep interest in such matters, but probable trouble through these lines; many estrangements from friends, reverses and other mis- fortunes, including probable danger to the reputation. 17 47 — May be connected with businesses where many people are employed; good memory and intellect, learns easily. Fond of studying hygenic matters. Makes a good em- ployee, manager, clerk, or succeeds as farmer, grocer, confectioner, druggist, herbalist, doctor. Quiet, easy-go- ing unambitious. Many friends especially among wo Good traveler or teacher; or may connect with companies, societies or associations, especially amusement enter- prises. 48 — Pleasure and benefits through friends, financially and otherwise. Many love affairs and possibly involved or strange intrigues which bring numerous troubles. Sudden and unexpected events. Talent for music, poetry, or paint- ing. Fond of pleasure and likely to join social societies. May marry more than once ; one marriage may be in mid- dle life or later. Generally favorable for money through partnerships, companies, firms, investments, banking. Danger of loss through extravagance, and scandal through friends. 49 — Same as 13. 50 — Sociable, unassuming, changeable, easily influenced. May be somewhat indolent and lacking in initiative, but restless unsettled and vacillating. Best success lies in re- ligious or charitable work in connection with hospitals, secret societies, asylums, etc. Fortunate as physician or nurse. Fond of mysteries, emotional, strong imagination and may be a good detective, lawyer or writer of mystery tales. 51 — Same as 42. 52 — May do a great deal of traveling for business or pleas- ure. Much stopping of one matter and beginning a new one. May be very psychic and have prophetic dreams or presentments. Possible leaning to art. science in general, or chemistry. mwm 18 53 — Quick to resent a real or imaginary wrong. Active physically and mentally, witty, sarcastic, positive, obstin- ate, hard to convince. Ingenious, resourceful, practical inventive. Likely to receive a legacy and to lose a broth- er, sister, relative or close friend by death ; to have troub- les through wills, financial masters, marriage or business partner, and consequent litigation. Fluent talker, fond of mysteries and investigation. May be a metal worker, detective, surgeon, chemist. Can control others by the will. There may be danger while traveling, especially by water. Temper may be uncertain, 54 — Likely to have many losses, including the death of the father early in life. Unfortunate for money, property, position, reputation. May be estranged from the par- ents. Bad for marriage. 55 — Same as 37. 56 — Self-reliant, firm, determined ; can make one's own way without help. Money through the mother or through fe- males. Positive, energetic, plain-spoken, hard worker. Gain is likely through marriage or partnership. Death of a child may occur. May advocate violent changes, but oppose change through others, May be irritable and per- haps bad-tempered. Likely to act as executor or adminis- trator several times, and have much disputing over wills and legacies. If a woman, the marriage may he unhap- py. Danger of death through liquids, by drowning or through mobs. 57 — Same as 48. 58 — May have an uncertain temper, brood over fancied in- sults and be revengeful. Changeable and not straightfor- ward. Likely to lose the mother early in life and have a grumbl'ng or unhappy marriage partner. May separate from the mother or have a disagreement with her. Likely to iriheri': houses and land; but may lose them. Probably many changes of residence and may have many accidents 19 to the dwelling places, fire, flood, earthquake, theft, etc. May suffer from fevers, accidents to the body, digestive troubles. Danger of death through water. 59 — Success through marriage and business partners, and general popularity. Religious, fond of mysteries, poeti- cal. May benefit through persons connected with law and religion. Many successful or pleasant journeys are likely. May marry a foreigner or someone from a distance. Dan- ger from enemies, known or unknown;- loss of money through a woman, relatives or friends. Legacies from strangers are not unlikely, HO — Success in secluded, quiet or hidden occupations. Dan- ger of prosecution, loss, isolation and secret enemies. 61 — May be closely associated with the mother and benefit considerably through her. Fond of home life and very impressionable; extremely psychic, and may have some strange experiences in regard to houses. Many changes of residence. Danger of domestic quarrels, scandal and loss of property. 62 — Same as 53. 63 — Same as 45. 64 — Same as 1. 20 "THE SWITCHBOARD OF THE I NI VERSE Those who wish to study this science and be able to do a great deal more than is given here, should send for a copy of the book, "The Switchboard of the Universe" or "The Fundamental Principles of The"Yi-King-, Tao," by the same author. Bound in Red Cloth, with Symbolic Cover Design in Gold. Price $1.75 postpaid. Remittance must accompany order. There are eleven more booklets in The Switchboard of the Universe Series; one for each month. Give birth date when ordering. Price of each book 15 cents. Remit With Order. "Your Fortune in Verse for the Day and Month. " Most unusual, original and interesting little gift booklet, Send it instead of the usual birthday card or with each pres- ent. Fortunes are brief but true. Flower and jewel of each month. Price 25 Cents Each. II LI II I U II ««< *ae 2C The Switchboard of The Universe YOUR NAME IT'S ACTION ON YOUR LIFE. IS IT TOUCHING A FORTUNATE OR UNFORTUNATE BUTTON FOR YOt IF--? YOU WERE BORN Between June 21st and July 21st PRICK 15c Your Name ITS ACTION ON YOUR LIFE -IF- You Were Born -BETWEEN- June 21st and July 21st BY VEOLIA J. BOYIL-E and AELVA J. BOYILE Copyright U. S. and England, 1921 By Veolia J. Boyile and Aelva J. Boyile. All rights reserved VEOLIA J. BOYILE, Steger Building CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A FEB -I 1922 ©CU657850 Avo PREFACE The special placing of the name vibration, in connection with the individual birth for each of the twelve months, is absolutely original with the author and can be used by no one in any publication without express permission from Veolia J. and Aelva J. Boyile. ''You are a musical instrument. Your body and the condi- tions of your life are the result of the harmonies or discords played by you or upon you from day to day, by your per- sonal name." It is merely another more subtle, form of Wireless Telegraphy, and of the action of Sound upon the life. n will find these books invaluable in judg- ing employees, partners, general conditions, etc. As a health guide they are also of great assistance, as well as in showing the direction where physical, financial or mental danger lies. They have been written for the benefit of those, \ o having neither time nor inclination for the deeper s1 necessary to an understanding of the principles involved in science, nevertheless wish a method which will guide them by the very shortest cut possible, to its results and benefits. That it is an absolute exact and accurate science, has long passed beyond the possibility of question. It is the one science which offers a method of at least orating, and a cure, for many of the evils of life. To those merely seeking amusement they will be found on tain an endless fund of enjoyment. The definitions given here contain the type of events likely to occur during the life of the individual whose name is being read. Some of them may have already occurred, others will probably be yet to come. If one part of the name shows fortunate indications and another indicates misfor- rhen there will be periods when the good fortune will predominate, and other periods when it will seem as if all DIRECTIONS To use this book follow directions carefully. The manner of adding the names from the table of let ters and numbers as given below is very simple. Any child of ten can learn it in a few moments. If it is done correctly the accuracy of the reading given for each number will be a never ending source of amusement and fascination to all. Each letter is to be counted as the number under which it is placed in the table. Use every name you possess, such as Mary Ann Smith ; also your mother's last name, before marriage; and day of month of birth as a number. Do not add the names together, use each separately. If one name has a fortunate definition and one unfortu- nate, the life will partake of each. The table for addition of names : 123456789 abcde fghi jklmnopqr stuvwxy. x Example : Mary Ann 4-l_i4.94.7_2i 14-54-5=11 Smith 14-44-9 +2 4-8=24 (Mother's name before marriage) Jack son 1+1+3+2 +1+6+5=19. Day of month of birth 14. Look for 21 and read definition. Look for 11 and read definition. Look for 24 and read definition. Look for 19 and read definition. Look for 14 (birth) and read definition. Also read definition of initial letters. Look for M and read aeiiniuon. Look lor A and read definiaon. Look lor S ana reaa aeiiniuon. Look for J and read aeiimuon. Example 2: Burton William 2+34-9+2 +6-1-6=27 D-fi>+3+3 +9+1+4—34 Clark 3+3+1+9+2=18. (Mother's name before marriage) No r t o n 5+6+9+2+6+5=33 (Birth, 20th.) Look for 27 and read definition. Look for 34 and read definition. Look for 18 and read definition, j Look for 33 and read definition. Look for 20 and read definition. Initial Letters Look for B and read definition. Look for W and read definition. Look for C and read definition. Look for N and read definition. If you are called by any nickname, as Mamie, Jim, Jack, Polly, etc., add this also and read definition exactly as if it were an extra name. For instance, if called Mamie, read Mary and Mamie. If called Jim, read James and Jim ,ete. Don't forget that there are eleven more books in this set: One for each month. Give birth date when ordering. Price of each book 15 cents. Remit With Order. BIRTH Between June 21st and July 21st. 1 or A— Likely to have many troubles and much family dis- cord, particularly in early life. May lose through specu- lation and have difficulties through the father and off- spring. Great love of freedom and independence. Like- ly to be rebellious,, unconventional and changeable and have trouble through the changeability of others. May be brought into public life and succeed in a general way; but will probably have many hindrances and annoyances of various kinds. 2 or B — Apt to be aggressive, obstinate, disobedient, and given to outbursts of anger. Very changeable, acting largely upon impulse. Will probably attain prominence and be placed at the head of some undertaking. There are apt to be disagreements with the parents and a possible separation by death or otherwise. The life, will be strong- ly influenced by the mother, either for good or evil. Will go his own way in spite of every obstacle; and may be- come involved in secret matters or mysteries. Danger of being very unpopular; and of scandal. 3 or C — Inclines to a passionate; emotional, and possibly rather sensual nature, very fond of luxury, novelty, pleas- ure and new sensations. Much attracted to the opposite to have many obstacles, delays and difficulties in love affairs and marriage, disagreements and jealousy. Sep- aration from the marriage partner, by death or otherwise may occur. Money may be gained through connection with water, the dead, by gift, inheritance partnership or marriage, but there will be many hindrances and delays etting possession of it. [ or D — Hard worker, but most successful when working uncL Generally likes power, and has a stn desire lo coi , but has not the abi< he be- ld causes opposition, disputes, and difficulties of all kinds. Apt to be secretive and work netimes quiet and re Trouble ployees, false frienu rless and may be irritable. Probably et love and a disappointment in love. : lie loss o- ation from a child. Physical d culties thr< erves. 5 or E — -Benefits through parents, houses, lands travel. Good natured, kind, religious, and rather too yielding. Fond of home and especially of the mother; generally gains money through her, or her side of the family ; through employing o':hers, public work and intellectual matters. May travel considerably and encounter some acuities or annoyances in this direction; but these are not likely to be serious. 6 or F — Dignified and generally holds a dignified position in the world. Good health and general success is likely. Honorable, proud, ambitious. 7 or G — Talent for art and music, and success in nursing* or as a clerk. Danger of loss through deceit, treachery, dishonesty, largely through servants or employees. Obsta- cles in the occupation. Stomach and bowels may be weak. 8 or H — Brilliant, clever, quick at repartee. Talent for writ- ing and speaking; wiUy, observant; rather given to ex- 1# aggeration, and to becoming enthusiastic. Apt to write and publish, probably short stories, or articles. Probably many journeys. Danger of fever, troubles with the head, bowels or stomach ; accidents. 9 or I — May lose the father early in life, and have troubles in regard to money, property, houses, lands, business, the occupation and the reputation. Estrangement or separa- tion from the parents may occur. Domestic discord and unhappy love affairs are likely. Marriage partner may rise in position. Possibility of death by drowning, or at a distance from home, 10 or J — Original; may be eccentric. Fond of travel and exploration and of delving into obscure or forgotten sub- jects. Deep thinker with scientific and literary ability. May have trouble with the education, be disobedient, un- conventional, rebellious. Difficulties through the family, letters and while traveling are likely. 11 or K — Fond of home life and particularly attached to the mother. Money through the parents is likely. Strong im- agination; emotional, changeable. Much influenced by the surroundings and falls quickly into the ways of those about him. Many changes of residences. Most success- ful when directed by others. Excellent mimic, Talent for music, painting or poetry. May be very psychic. Very fond of water and should always live near it. Success through water or dealing in liquids; also through ships, houses and lands. May have trouble with the digestion. Nervous, generous, outspoken. 3 2 or L — Very fixed opinions. Determined, decided, posi- tive. Generally many friends, private and public. Some obstacle or delay is likely to occur in connection with the marriage ; because of money, death or separation ; and the marriage may be for money on one side or the other. Tends to give success in money matters, through inherit- ance, legacy, partnership, marriage, business. Gain and loss through speculation. 11 13 or M — May benefit as a detective, or in connection with hospitals, charitable institutions, prisons; but is apt to bring on many troubles through indolence, indecision, va- cillation. Is easily influenced by others and sometimes lacking in truthfulness, honor and honesty. Many troubles through secret enemies, scandals, slander; false accusa- tions are likely. Lingering illnesses. Danger from liquids of all kinds, drowning, scalding, poisons ; may be quiet, re- tiring, perhaps gloomy, pessimistic. There is also the possibility of disappointed love, delay in marriage, death of offspring ; and of restraint through crime, enmity or poverty or bad health. 1 4 or N — Generous, sincere, ambitious, fond of power, cere- mony and display. Ability to undertake and carry out large undertakings, government positions or some promin- ent matter. Generally social success, many friends and much popularity. May succeed through matters connect- ed with pleasure, the stage, sport affairs, or educational work. Gives a good vitality and constitution. 15 or O — Apt to gain through legacy, marriage or partner- ship. Possibility of the early death of the father, and danger of one's own death or that of the husband, in mid- dle life. 1 6 or P — Likely to have an eventful life, full of strange hap- penings. Very emotional and highly strung. May have rather queer beliefs and psychic experiences. Probably much travel. Sympathetic, charitable. 17 or Q — Fluent speaker, active mind. Just, generous, sin- cere. Leaning to medicine, science and literature. Change- able; success in law. Apt to write in a rather involved manner. Likely to write or publish in partnership. Ten- dency to drug habits ; danger of illness while traveling or trouble in some other form; quarrels with relatives. 18 or R — Gives ambition, power, independence, position of authority, but this may be accompanied by selfishness, 12 loneliness and isolation. Success through hard work and abroad or away from home. May have selfish children and be treacherous to friends- Opposed to marriage as a general thing and may make an unhappy match. Tends to melancholy, gloom and despondency. Danger of a seri- ous entanglement with opposite sex. 19 or S — Unfortunate for money matters. Causes sudden and unexpected losses and involved affairs. Money may also come unexpectedly; and the person is ingenious and resourceful in overcoming obstacles ; but matters are lia- ble to be subject to great fluctuations. Danger from dis- honesty. 20 or T— Same as 2. 21 or U — Can be successful in art, music, or the stage. Strong imagination and love of the beautiful and roman- tic. Talent for poetry, painting, music. Intuitive, high- mined. May marry a relative, a foreigner or someone from a distance. May take up some religious work. Many love affairs. Gain through legacy, partnership, voyages,, horses, ships, sporting matters and through two or more occupations at the same time. 22 or V — Love of mysteries ; and may have prophetic dreams or visions. Many friendships made and broken. Fond of subjects which are original, unusual or novel. Benevolent, broad-minded, friendly. Inclines to educational, scientif- ic or political, work. Desires the good opinion of others, but is independent; and may be unorthodox and uncon- ventional. Not expecially good for the health or nerves and there may be danger to the sight. 23 or W — Good-natured, honorable, tactful, generous, high- minded. Strong love for study, science, religion, litera- m . % ture. May also gain through horses, races, ships, jour- neys or amusement enterprises. Probably a happy home life. Active, sincere. Travel in foreign lands is likely. May have -two occupations or change quickly from one L-3 to another. Danger of periods when losses of money oc- cur ; or it may be very difficult to obtain money in any way. Marriage partner may be very ambitious. Possible gain through enemies. May die a hero. 24 or X — Same as 15. 25 or Y— A great deal of travel is likely, both for business pleasure. May have prophetic dreams or presenti- ments, and hold peculiar religious views. Possible danger >m travel at times. 26 or Z — Good-natured, easy-going, sociable. Many changes residence. Excellent mind, good memory. Good dan- and talent for music or poetry. May gain money through mines, geological pursuits, affairs connected with water, brothers, sisters, relatives ; may do much traveling, especially by water; and is more successful, when work- ing in association with others. May be interested in oc- Itism and may be a somnambulist or have prophetic dreams. 27 — Strong- character and will power; love of authority. Ability to control others. Passionate, selfish, jealous, in- dependent, sometimes even violent. Great dislike to op- position and restraint. Can influence others in a subtle way. The early death of the father is likely or a separa- tion or estrangement from him. May obtain prominence and power in secret service work or hidden or mystical, undertakings. Sometimes may become a criminal. Profit through secret societies, intrigues, elderly friends, part- ners, life insurance or other matters connected with the dead. Difficulties through domestic life; secret love af- fairs. Danger of infection, and from poisons or surgical operations or accidents. Mysterious death is possible. 28 — Sudden friendship with peculiar people. Originality. independence, ingenuity, inventive, resoursef ul ; good memory, love of study, learns easily. Fitted for large undertaking, handling or starting factories, companies. 14 large businesses, public positions. Probably benefits through friends, partners, marriage; but also likely to have trouble through the same sources. 29 — Natural reformer and strong leaning to reformation work of some kind. Good memory and intellect. Success- ful as manager, agent or employe, or in connection with food in any form; or drugs and medicine. Trustworthy: fortunate in employing others. Not very ambitious ; easy- going, hesitating, nervous. Many friends. May become member of a company, firm or society. Nervous and plain-spoken. 30 — Great love of the beautiful, very emotional. Talent for painting or music; especially for composing. Tends to hold one back from public life and keep one more in se- cluded or private lines. May marry an inferior, or make a secret marriage. Cheerful, optimistic, sociable", peace- ful and perhaps indolent. Money may be gained through music or painting or through gifts from friends and ac- quaintances. Losses may occur through fraud, or through one's own fault. Money may also be acquired by ques- tionable means. There may be two marriages ; but delays and obstacles are probable and troubles through opposite sex. 31 — Rash and passionate in love matters and may make a hasty or very early marriage ; though there is also danger of a disappointment. Much influenced by opposite sex and likely to have unfortunate experiences in this direction. Troubles through disagreements with partner — marriage or otherwise — friends and relatives. May be clairvoyant or very intuitive. 32 — Fortunate for a public life or for being the head of a business or undertaking. Grave, serious, perhaps melan- choly, dignified. Probably money from the family or the father ;also from those in higher position. Foreign af- fairs play a part in the life. May travel and make at 15 least one long journey. Likely to become very much in- volved in the affairs of friends. 33 — May have both friends and enemies in influential posi- tions; but a public career is likely; and success through marriage and partnerships. 34 — Fond of home life; benefits through the mother are likely and close association with her. Many changes of residence and unusual psychic experiences in connection with them may occur. Danger of loss of property and land, domestic quarrels and scandals. 35 — More success in association with others than when alone. Makes up the mind slowly, but is fixed and deter- mined when once decision has been made. Patient, per- severing. Gain through teaching. Fond of money and usually acquires it. Sociable, friendly but may be irritable at times. Fond of art, music and poetry. 36— Prominence and power may be gained through com- panies, societies, associations. Good for state and county positions and benefits through the father. Apt to be re- served or secretive, and autocratic. May head some large movement; may make a number of voyages and reside abroad for a time. Generally a good marriage. Danger of deceit, scandal and false charges through friends. 37 — Great interest in religion, mysteries and occult matters and connection with persons or societies interested in such matters ; but danger of trouble through these, to the reputation; estrangements from friends, and other unex- pected misfortunes. 38 — Versatile mind, strong imagination, love for books, study and scientific and literary work. Many changes of residence, and short journeys. May do a great deal of walking, riding and calling on people. Can succeed as salesman, speaker, writer, clerk, journalist, designer, ar- tist, sculptor. May change the occupation several times, or have more than one. May be somewhat lacking in per- 16 severance or undecided, and there is a possibility of be- ing underhanded and rather deep. 39 — Same as 3. 40 — Same as 4. 41 — Money and gain is likely through religion, intellectual matters, ships, horses, travel; through family, friends, speculation, caring for children. Profit through land, farms and food is also possible. Very fond of. money, but generous. Generally a happy marriage. Some dang losses at times. 42 — May have much success in law, religion, writing, pub- lishing books. Likely to travel abroad. Very persever- ing. 43 — Very sensitive and affectionate. Talent for musk, poetry, painting or the stage is probable. Fond of social life. Extremely generous. Scandal through love-affairs or offspring is possible. 44 — Love of study, science, literature. Good memory and mind. Opinions are not easily changed. Likely to have many literary friends and join literary or scientific so- cieties. Travel is likely to be for a definite end. 45 — Strong willed and easily roused to anger under certain circumstances ; but otherwise kind, quiet and rather slow. May inherit money or gain it through investments, stocks, banks, companies, speculation. Careful in money mat- ters. May suffer from illness while traveling and from treachery through relatives and offspring. Strained or peculiar domestic relations or death of marriage partner. Danger of being selfish and becoming miserly. 46 — Ambitious, strong will, serious, thoughtful, reserved, steady, persevering. May bring one into a city or govern- ment position or into a place of authority. Good for ac- cupation connected with machinery or electricity. May have many changes of occupation and disagreements with i; relatives, employers, those in authority. Danger of op- position, criticism, reverses and difficulties in the occu- pation. 47 — Probably brings responsibility or prominence, and tends to make the person manager, or director. Ambitious, fond of publicity and not shy. Likely to be popular, generous, high-minded? warm-hearted, honorable; but changeable affections. Fond of pleasure and comfort; falls in loves easily. Love of music, poetry, perfumes, jewels, clothes. 48 — Apt to receive favors from those higher up; to have many friends and acquaintances, and to obtain a good position in life. Probably a successful marriage and a pie: home life. Likely to be brought into public life and may succeed particularly well as a dealer in ore, metals, precious stones or anything which comes from the earth. May be very strongly attached to one of the par- ents. Marriage may be delayed in some way; and the marriage partner may be older and in better position. * 49 — Same as 13. 50 — Usually brings many sincere friends. Love of social life; humane, sympathetic, superstitious. Original, inde- pendent, religious, philanthropic. Fond of science, music, poetry. Success and benefits through societies and as- sociations. May have strange, psychic experiences. Love- marriage is likely. Death may be sudden. May succeed as lawyer or speaker; and have very bright eyes. 51— Same as 42. 52 — Strong feelings; very emotional; fond of luxury and new sensations. Apt to be financially successful and gain money through marriage or business partnerships. Fond of art and music, and will do best in large rathe*' than small businesses. May make many new beginnings. ■53rr=May_J22arry a relative or employee. Fond of stndv^_ 18 Will always do best in connection with others, or in part- nerships. Generally sympathetic and harmonious with family and relatives. Danger of disappointments in love and obstacles to marriage. Talent for public speaking. Business or marriage partner may be quarrelsome. 54 — Apt to be serious and thoughtful ; and may Have many troubles and difficulties especially in early life. May both gain and lose through educational, literary and clerical work, which may bring many journeys. May do scien- tific research work and make new discoveries and inven- tions. Tendency to be rather irritable, cynical, and to lack candor. Trouble with brothers and sisters; and ac- cidents while traveling are possible. 55 — Same as 37. 56 — Fond of music, poetry and art. Good natured, kind, af- fectionate. Tends to success in marriage, friendships and partnerships of all kinds. Fond of social life and easily influenced by others. Never does as well alone. Danger of periods of domestic troubles and losses through part- ners. 57 — Same as 48. 58 — Strong talent for invention, travel and exploration. Quick-witted; sharp in mind and speech. Apt to be com- bative and positive. May have many disputes with broth- ers and sisters and one of these many die. Trouble may also occur through writings, educat onal matters, letters. Fond of reading, speaking and literary work; there is, however, some danger of an impediment in the speech. 59 — Religious, philosophical, intellectual. Benefits and suc- cess through servants and employees though there is also danger of trouble through treachery, deceit and indolence. Some trouble through marriage is likely, and physically with liver, digestion or bowels. May lack method and ap- plication or be somewhat absent-minded. 19 60 — Many friends; benefits through those higher up. Con- nections with governing bodies and public honors are all likely. 61 — Strong imagination and intuition and many strange psychic experiences. May have clairvoyant dreams. Love of music. Sympathetic and harmonious relations with fam- ily. Highly sensitive. 62 — Same as 53. 63 — Same as 45. 64 — Same as 1. 20 "THE SWITCHBOARD OF THE UNIVERSE" Those who wish to study this science and be able to do a great deal more than is given here, should send for a copy of the book, "The Switchboard of the Universe" or "The Fundamental Principles of The Yi-King, Tao," by the same author. Bound in Red Cloth, with Symbolic Cover Design in I. Price $1.75 postpaid. Remittance must accompany order. There are eleven more booklets in The Switchboard oi~ the Universe Series; one for each month. Give birth date when ordering. Price of each book 15 cents. Remit With Order. "Your Fortune in Verse for the Day and Month." Most unusual, original and interesting little gift booklet. Send it instead of the usual birthday. card or with each pres- ent. Fortunes are brief but true. Flower and jewel of each month. Price 25 Cent? Each. The Switchboard of The Universe YOUR NAME IT'S ACTION ON YOUR LIFE. IS IT TOUCHING A FORTUNATE OK UNFORTUNATE BUTTON FOR YOU IF-? YOU WERE BORN Between July 21st and August 21st PRICK 15c I Your Name ITS ACTION ON YOUR LIFE -IF- You Were Born -BETWEEN- July 21st and Aug. 21st BY VEOLU J. BOYILE and AELVA J. BOYILE Copyright U. S. and England, 1921* By Veolia J. Boyile and Aelva J. Boyile; All rights reserved VEOLIA J. BOYILE; Steger Building CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. FEB -I 1922 C1A657850 -w» | PREFACE The special placing of the name vibration, in connection with the individual birth for each of the twelve months, is absolutely original with the author and can be used by no one in any publication without express permission from Veolia J. and Aelva J. Boyile. "You are a musical instrument. Your body and the condi- tions of your life are the result of the harmonies or discords played by you or upon you from day to day, by your per- sonal name." It is merely another more subtle, form of Wireless Telegraphy, and of the action of Sound upon the life. Business men will find these books invaluable in judg- ing employees, partners, general conditions, etc. As a health guide they are also of great assistance, as well as in showing the direction where physical, financial or mental danger lies. They have been written for the benefit of those, -\ c having neither time nor inclination for the deeper st id\ necessary to an understanding of the principles involved in this science, nevertheless wish a method which will guide them by the very shortest cut possible, to its results and benefits. That it is an absolute exact and accurate science, has long passed beyond the possibility of question. It is the one science which offers a method of at least ameliorating, and a cure, for many of the evils of life. To those merely seeking amusement they will be found to contain an endless fund of enjoyment. The definitions given here contain the type of events likely to occur during the life of the individual whose name is being read. Some of them may have already occurred, others will probably be yet to come. If one part of the name shows fortunate indications and another indicates misfor- tune, then there will be periods when the good fortune will predominate, and other periods when it will seem as if all went wrong. DIRECTIONS To use this book follow directions carefully. The manner of adding the names from the table of let ters and numbers as given below is very simple. Any child of ten can learn it in a few moments. If it is done correctly the accuracy of the reading given for each number will be a never ending source of amusement and fascination to all. Each letter is to be counted as the number under which it is placed in the table. Use every name you possess, such as Mary Ann Smith ; also your mother's last name, before marriage; and day of month of birth as a number. Do not add the names together, use each separately. If one name has a fortunate definition and one unfortu- nate, the life will partake of each. The table for addition of names : 123456789 abcde fghi jklmnopqr s. t u v w x y x Example : Mary Ann 4+1+9+7—21 1+5+5=11 Smith 1+4+9+2+8=24 (Mother's name before marriage) Tack son 1+1+3+2 +1+6+5=19. Day of month of birth 14 Look for 21 and read definition. Look for 11 and read definition. Look for 24 and read definition. Look for 19 and read definition. Look for 14 (birth) and read definition. Also read definition of initial letters. Look lor M and read uciiinuoa. Look lor A and read aetimaon. Look lor & ana reaa aeinnuon. Look tor J ana reaa aeiinuion. Example 2- barton William 2-Hi-i-y+^-i-b+D=.27 5-j-i>+3+3 4-9+1+4—34 Clark 3+3+1+i* +2=»18. (Mother's name before marriage) No r t o n 5+6+9+Z +6+5=33 (Birth, 20th.) Look for 27 and read definition. Look for 34 and read definition. Look for 18 and read definition. Look for 33 and read definition. Look for 20 and read definition. Initial Letters Look for B and read definition. Look for W and read definition. Look for C and read definition. Look for N and read definition. If you are called by any nickname, as Mamie, Jim, Jaek, Polly, etc., add this also and read definition exactly as if it were an extra name. For instance, if called Mamie, read Mary and Mamie. If called Jim, read James and Jim ,etc. Don't forget that there are eleven more books in this set : One for each month. Give birth date when ordering. Price of each book 15 cents. Remit With Order MRTH Between Julv 21 and Angus* 21 lor A — Very highly strung and emotional. Fond of mys- teries or anything strange or unusual. Many troubles in the home and domestic life generally ; possible estrange- ment. Frequent changes of residence and possible losses through houses and land. Difficulties in regard to the occupation, particularly while young. 2 or B — Quiet, retiring. Liable to meet with many obstacles and misfortunes. Love of romance, poetry and music. Excellent speaker and writer. May succeed in lines con* nected with nursing, domestic and charitable work. Seri- ous. Sometimes danger of a tendency to intemperance or drug-taking. May have chairvoyant dreams. Not es- pecially robust. Danger from secret enemies ; of sickness m a hospital or poor-house; or of imprisonment. 8 or C — Sympathetic and kind; love of music, poetry and art. Fortunate for marriage, friendship and love affairs. Money may be gained through marriage and partnership. 4 or D — Fitted for research and investigation and capable of directing and controlling others; particularly good as manager of a school. Affectionate, sociable, but may have a quick temper; and at times may be aggressive and in this way make enemies. May have sudden and hasty love affairs and be liable to disappointments in this direction. Possibility of death of child or trouble through, or be- cause of it. Enterprising, fearless, honest. May receive money through the father. Some danger of accidents and of a weak heart and back. 5 or E — Generally successful in business, speculation and social life. Changeable and restless mentally and physi- cally; but good natured, courteous, trustworthy. Fond of study and literature. Hopeful, cheerful, sympathetic May marry a relative or some close associate. Two mar- riages are possible. Benefits through those higher up. Danger of troubles through letters, travel and relatives, not particularly good for connection with land or houses. 6 or F — Especially fortunate, for gain through land, farm- ing, mines, houses, building. Harmonious relations with parents. Danger of poverty at some period and losses in later life. 7 or G — Talent for art and music. Love of social life and pleasures of all kinds. Very emotional. May be over- generous. Sympathetic and kind. 8 or H — May suffer from lack of opportunity and have dif- ficulty in obtaining an education ; there is also danger of trouble through deceit and treachery from servants or employees, or of being accused of these things oneself Excellent detective. Can unravel mysteries or plan and write them. May also gain through speaking, singing, clerical work, as a musician or in anything requiring in- genuity. May become connected with nursing, medical work, prisons or hospitals; but should always work in partnership or in association with some one else. Trouble with brothers and sisters is possible; also through travel by water. 9 or I — Obstacles and difficulties are probable especially in early life, in connection with the education, literary work, journeys, brothers and sisters. Thoughtful, serious ; abil- ity for scientific work, invention and discovery. May be rather hard and cynical and lacking in candor. Danger of public disgrace through relatives, false imprisonment, domestic troubles. Unfortunate in law matters. Death through violence or jealousy is possible, 10 or J — Danger of sudden losses through imprudent in- vestments. Involved affairs. Also unexpected good luck. Ingenious and resourceful in overcoming obstacles and generally able to extricate oneself from difficulties. Pos- sible gain through marriage, business partners or asso- ciations. 11 or K — Love for books and study, science and literature. Very active, many changes of residence, sometimes more than one house. The occupation is generally connected with travelling, or frequent outdoor journeys either walk- ing or riding. Skillful with the hands and sometimes obliged to live by the wits. Versatile, strong imagination. Good salesman, speaker, clerk, writer, artist. May have several occupations. Danger of becoming underhanded and lacking perseverance and honesty. 12 or L — Tends to an early marriage, perhaps a hasty one, and to many love affairs. Fond of admiration, beauty, luxury, art and music. Makes friends easily and is gen- erally popular. Likes fine clothes and show. Generous and spends freely. Losses which are sometimes one's own fault. Sometimes too unrestrained a nature. 13 or M — Apt to be impulsive and somewhat abrupt in man- ner and speech. May have many quarrels with friends. May do things quickly and unexpectedly without regard to consequences. Quick-witted, forcible, determined. May be difficult to change one moment, then change with startling suddenness the next. Ambitious, independent. Estrangement from offspring, or death of one is likely- strong tendency to gamble. Likely to profit through the parents and through public undertakings. Probably a good marriage. Death in a foreign land is likely and may be caused directly or indirectly by a friend. 11 34 or N — Generally fortunate in almost every way. Gain through houses, lands, inheritance. Strongly emotional ; love of art, music, poetry. Good-natured, charitable, re- ligious, kind. Fond of mystery and all strange things Fond of home and usually especially devoted to the moth- er. Many travels especially by water; though there is some danger also, connected with traveling and water, which, however^ is not likely to be serious. Death is like- ly to occur at a distance from home. 15 or — Tends to bring friends in influential position and to bring the owner into public life. It is also favorable for marriage and partnerships. There is danger, however, of influential enemies also. 16 or P — Charitable, sympathetic, broad-minded. May bene- fit through the help of others; and may possibly endow charitable institutions. There is danger of deceit, enmity and treachery through friends connected with societies and associations, and serious losses through them. 1 7 or Q — Probable gain through legacy and inheritance ; but liable to have trouble through wills and financial affairs, of partners. Apt to be obstinate, very positive, and dif- ficult to manage. Becomes very enthusiastic over any matter which arouses the interest. Witty, sarcastic, flu- ent speaker or writer. Very ingenious and resourceful. Skillful with the hands. Love for mysteries and for un- ravelling problems. Possible danger while travelling, es- pecially in short journeys by water. May lose a brother or sister by death. Must leave one's original home or home town, to meet with success. 18 or R — Brings the person into power or prominence in some form of religion or philosophy. Gives gravity and seriousness. Devout in all matters pertaining to religion ; but because of an enquiring mind may embrace new views, and gain money through working in some line of this kind. Profit may also be made through shipping, horses and travel. May follow two occupations at the same time. 12 May inherit money, through the father, probably, and be separated from him rather early in life, through travel, religious matters or politics. Danger of disputes, losses through religious differences, etc., and of trouble while travelling in foreign lands. May have a rather odd com- bination in life, of popularity at one period and seclusion the next. Generally a peaceful, old age. 19 or S — Strange events are likely ; sudden and unexpected occurrences; estrangements and hastily broken friend- ships. Very outspoken and may lack tact and restraint. Resourceful, inventive, energetic. Love of freedom. 20 or T— Same as 2. 21 or U — Makes the person very emotional passionate, fond of sensation, luxury, pleasure. May be too unrestrained. Much attracted to the opposite sex. Many troubles and misfortunes through love affairs. Disappointments, de layed marriage, separation. Money may be gained through inheritance, gift, legacy, marriage or partnership : through matters connected with water, or with the dead, such as insurance. There is likely, however, to be delay, trouble and many obstacles in obtaining payment of the money. 22 or V — Brings prominence in public life which may be either for good or evil. Apt to receive benefits and as- sistance from women and to become head of some public undertaking which will attract attention. Excutive abil- ity and a good leader or general. Some difficulty is apt to arise in this connection, through open or secret enemies, which may injure the reputation undeservedly. Somewhat selfish and calculating, cautious with money and rather regardless of other people's feelings and fond of show. Many changes of occupation and probably much travel 23 or W — Success may be gained in religious or charitable occupations connected with hospitals, secret societies. Fortunate for physicians or nurses. Quiet and unassum- ing, lacking in ambition; too easily influenced, sociable, / IS lacking in energy and initiative; though sometimes rest- less and unsettled. Fond of animals. May also profit through hospitality, relatives, associations, companies, mining. Inclined to make risky investments. 24 or X — Same as 15. 25 or Y — Highly emotional, with a love of sensation and lux- ury. Favorable for gain through marriage or business partner also for legacy. May have presentiments. 26 or Z — Brilliant, but rather unreliable. Fortunate through brothers and sisters. Fond of reading and study which covers a wide scope. May have two occupations or make sudden changes. Possibly rise to distinction. 27 — May marry a thoughtful, serious, rather reserved and undemonstrative person, with a difference in age, worldly position or wealth. There is likely to be gain on one side or the other. The father of one or the other is like- ly to help or hinder the marriage. This is also favorable for business partnerships; with the father, or older per- sons. There is also danger of death of a secret lover or friend ; and trouble through enemies — especially female — at the ages of 21, 35 or 42. Possibility of tragic death. 28— Tends to make the person reserved and thoughtful, am- bitious, steadfast and perservering, Generally success in public undertakings or in connection with the govern- ment. Cannot work well in a subordinate position. Fre- quent changes of occupation. Good memory. Succeeds best in large matters, companies, large businesses, public life. Love of independence. Sometimes benefits through partners, friends, marriage. Favorable for connection with electrical affairs. Danger of disputes with parents, teachers and employers. May be brought near fires. 29 — Popular ; falls in love easily ; fond of pleasure and com- fort. Generally brings a position of responsibility and prominence as manager or director. Ambitious and likes to be in the limelight. Tends to give success in specula 14 tion. Love for music, painting, perfume, jewelry, fine clothes; honorable, generous, candid, high-minded. Apt to have favors from those in higher position. 30 — Many friends and acquaintances and benefits through them. Fond of social life. Strange love affairs and intri- gues ; queer occurrences in connection with marriage and love matters. Talent for music, poetry or painting, love for the beautiful. Likely to join societies. May gain through partnerships, companies, banking, investments, public enterprises. 31 — Sometimes ambitious and desirous of power and fame ; but never successful when attempting to control or lead others. Should always occupy a subordinate position. In- clined to work in secret in a rather underhanded manner. Likely to have many troubles through servants, false friends and co-workers. Shrewd and rather subtle. May be a surgeon or physician or become connected with drug or food business. Quarrels and misunderstandings with friends are likely. Danger of accidents, wounds, surgi- cal operations ; bowel and nervous troubles. Possible un- ion with inferior. 32 — Success in religious or philosophical matters. Good natured, just, liberal, kind. Fortunate journeys. Sym- pathetic. Favorable for literature, horses, ships. Money through legacy or marriage is likely. May have two love affairs or marriages one of which may be with a relative. Love for games and speculation which may lead to gamb- ling. 33*— Profit through employing others. Good physician or surgeon. Health may be somewhat poor and cause head- aches. 34 — May have clairvoyant or symbolical dreams. Highly strung. Harmonious relations with one's family. Love of music. 35 — Good business ability and sharp wits. Fluent writer or 15 speaker. Witty, sarcastic, given to exaggeration. Easily excited. May make many journeys, either short or long. Original and inventive imagination ; and probably a writer of short stories. Possible trouble with the head or bowels. 36-— Apt to bring power, prominence, and independence ac- companied by loneliness and isolation. May take up any line, commercial, political, financial, legal. May be sel- fish and very self-centered. Possible tendency to gloom or dispondency. Danger of the early loss of a parent, loss and dishonor. More success away from home, es- pecially in foreign lands. May have an unpleasant en- tanglement with the opposite sex, or make an unhappy marriage. 37 — Original, inventive, ingenious, resourceful. Fitted for large undertakings in connection with companies, public- positions, large manufacturing businesses. Benefits through friends, marriage and partners are likely; bin- trouble through these may follow. 38 — More successful when following than when attempting to lead. Quiet, persistent, nervous, determined. Am- bitious, conservative; does not like change. May acquire money through houses, land, travelling, water or liquids ; also likely to gain through the mother or wife, and through investments. Should live near water. Sociable, good-natured; fond of singing, music, painting. 39 — Same as 3. 40 — Same as 4. 41 — Good-natured, tactful, candid, high-minded. Love for science, religion, study, travelling ; ships and horse racing, or amusement enterprises may prove a source of gain. Fortunate home life ; good marriage. Profit through rela- tive. Danger at some time of losing money and of find- ing it difficult to make a living. Heroic death is likely. 42 — Success through marriage or partnership and profit 16 through legacy is likely. Possible early death of lather, If a woman possible loss of husband about middle life. 43 — Likely to have close association with the mother. Im- pressionable and sympathetic. Danger of loss of property , lands and mines. Fond of home life; but may have con- siderable domestic inharmony. Many changes of resi- dence. Probably some queer psychic experiences. 44 — Cautious, diplomatic, subtle. Likely to become distin- guished. May win prizes and honors at school and other places. May make many changes of occupation. Talent for public speaking. Apt to obtain a government posi- tion, or receive an important post as manager. Danger of bad temper and secretiveness, 4& — A gift for managing and influencing others. Love of power and high position. Thoughtful ; conservative. Self- confident and assured, but inclined to be distrustful. Makes friends at a distance from home, through the fath- er, letters, writings, journeys. Gain and loss through relatives. Danger of a jealous marriage partner; poverty through marriage; accidents while travelling. Rather ir- ritable ;selfish and sometimes coarse. May succeed through companies, societies, large firms. Probably close connection with the father which may bring either good or bad results. 46 — Liable to changes in religious views, May become dis- tinguished in law, religion or philosophy. Likely to have prophetic dreams or presentiments, Probably much travel which at times may be dangerous. Trouble tlirough marriage will be likely. 47 — Fond of home and family and usually especially attach- ed to the mother; sociable, highly imaginative and emo^ tional. Should never attempt to lead, as most success i» met when working under others. Probably many changes of residence; money through the parents, through deal- ing in liquids, houses and lands or through shipping, Tai- 1; ejrt; for acting, music, painting, poetry. May have diges- tive troubles. 4L8-— Strong imagination and great love for the beautiful. High ideals. Falls in love easily. May succeed in art music, dramatic lines, literary pursuits, or religious work. Also through horses, shipping, sporting matters, travel- ling. Probably many journeys, both for pleasure and business. May have several love affairs and make (wo marriages. A legacy and money through partnership is also likely. 49 — Same as 13. 50 — Inclined to be serious and not always hopeful. General- ly successful in the occupation, and particularly good for public life or being at the head of some undertaking. Tends to give success, honor, favors and benefits from others. Gain through foreign matters, commerce, death of relatives, marriage. Likely to be careful with money May involve the life very much with affairs of friends, causing many difficulties.. Possibility of great wealth. 51 — Same as 42. 52 — Very strong feelings and affections. Fond of all pleas- ures and social life. Generous. Great love for music, painting, literature, the stage. Intense love of beauty. Many love affairs. May marry an artist, or someone with bohemian tastes. Danger of a broken engagement, un- happy marriage, scandal. 53 — Commercial life is most successful for this number; though there is great fondness for science and philosophy, and study of all kinds. Practical mind, good clerk or sec- retary. Inclined to try too many things at once, and so scatter the energies and material resources. Fond of liter- ary matters, but apt to write on obscure or unpopular subjects which appeal only to the few. Must avoid drugs as there is danger of contracting the drug habit. Danger 18 from overwork, which brings nervous and digestive troub- les. S4 — Very determined and persistent. Quiet, kind but "touchy." Prudent, economical, grave, diplomatic. Money through the parents is likely and through careful invest- ments; but the money has a tendency to slip away in some manner. Apt to be selfish. Danger of sickness while travelling at a distance, treachery from relatives and off- spring; death of marriage partner, strange experiences through family life. 55 — Same as 37. 56 — Good memory. Trustworthy. Fortunate in any sub- ordinate position or when employing others. Excellent in medical lines, as a druggist, farmer, matters connected with food, or as a clerk, teacher, secretary or traveller. May become member of a company, or society and engage in work for the people. Apt to have a rather quiet and uneventful life. 57 — Same as 48. 58 — Money through hard work, marriage, legacies; but the expenses are high and bring a steady drain and sometimes force a too free expenditure, causing danger of hard times. Obstinate and very determined in overcoming difficulties. Good practical, hardworking, capable manager, but may be bad-tempered. Love affairs and marriage are apt to bring tragic happenings. 59 — Profit through church work, pleasure, sporting mat- ters, dramatic or amusement enterprises, or in education- al lines. Fond of ceremonious display. Fitted for large undertakings, government pos tions, public life. Strongly attracted to religious, philosophical or scientific work; and may become distinguished in some of these direc- tions. Strong constitution and vitality. Strong love na- ture. 19 60 — Tends to bring prominence and a public career. Favors from those in influential position. Ambitious; love of power. Success is likely through father or, if a woman, the husband. 61 — In one way, this is good for business; but there may be periods when money is acquired only with great difficul- ty. Good-natured, friendly patient. Favorable for friend- ship and marriage; but danger of tragedy through dis- honesty and fraud. 62 — Same as 53. 63 — Same as 45. 64 — Same as 1. 20 THE SWITCHBOARD OF THE UNIVERSE" Those who wish to study this science and be able to do a great deal more than is given here, should send for a copy of the book, "The Switchboard of the Universe" or "The Fundamental Principles of The Yi-King, Tao," by the same author. Bound in Red Cloth, with Symbolic Cover Design in Gold. Price $1.75 postpaid. Remittance must accompany order. There are eleven more booklets in The Switchboard of the Universe Series; one for each month. Give birth date wfeen ordering. Price of each book 15 cents. Remit With Order. "Your Fortune in Verse for the Day and Month/' Most unusual, original and interesting little gift booklet. Send it instead of the usual birthday card or with each pres- ent. Fortunes are brief but true. Flower and jewel of each month. Price 25 Cent? Each. ¥ The Switchboard of The Universe YOUR NAME IT'S ACTION ON YOUR LIFE. IS IT TOUCHING A FORTUNATE OR UNFORTUNATE BUTTON FOR YOU? IF-? YOU WERE BORN Between August 21st and September 21st PRICE 15c 2£a YOUR NAME ITS ACTION ON YOUR LIFE ...IF— You Were Born -BETWEEN-- Aug. 21st and Sept. 21st BY VEOUA J. BOYILE and AELVA J. BOYILE Copyright U. S .and England, 1921. By Veolia J. Boyile and Aelva J. Boyile. All rights reserved. VEOLIA J. BOYILE, 910 Steger Building CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. FEB -I 1922 g)CH657850 MJ PREFACE The special plating ©f the name vibration, m connection wath the individual birth for each of the twelve months, is absolutely original with the author and can be used by n* *ne in any publication without express permission from Veolia J. and Aelva J. Boyile. "You are a musical instrument. Your body and the rondi tipns of your life are the result of the harmonies or discord* played by you or upon you from day to day, by your per- sonal name." It is merely another more subtle, form of Wireless Telegraphy, and of the action of Sound upon the me Business men wilj find these books invaluable in judg- ing employees, partners, general conditions, etc. As a health guide they are also of great assistance, as well as in showing the direction where physical, financial or mental danger lies. They have been written for the benefit of those, \ o having neither time nor inclination for the deeper st idy necessary to an understanding of the principles involved in this science, nevertheless wish a method which will guide them by the very shortest cut possible, to its results and benefits. That it is an absolute exact and accurate science, has long passed beyond the possibility of question. It is the one science which offers a method of at least ameliorating, and a cure, for many of the evils of life. To those merely seeking amusement they will be found to contain an endless fund of enjoyment. The definitions given here contain the type of events likely to occur during the life of the individual whose name is being read. Some of them may have already occurred, others will probably be yet to come. If one part of the name shows fortunate indications and another indicates misfor- tune, then there will be periods when the good fortune will predominate, and other periods when it will seem as if aM went wrong. DIRECTIONS To use this book follow directions carefully. The manner of adding the names from the table of let- ters and numbers as given below is very simple. Any child of ten can learn it in a few moments. If it is done correctly the accuracy of the reading given for each number will be a never ending source of amusement and fascination to all. Each letter is to be counted as the number under which it is placed in the table. Use every name you possess, such as Mary Ann Smith; also your mother's last name, before marriage; and day of month of birth as a number. Do not add the names together, use each separately. If one name has a fortunate definition and one unfortu- nate, the life will partake of each. The table for addition of names: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i J k 1 m n P q r s xar t nple: u V w X y z M 44 a i -1-f-S !■ y >+7= =21 Ann 1+5+5 n Smith l+4+9_l_2 +8=24 (Mother's name before marriage) Jack son 1 + 14.3_j_2 +1+6+5=19. Day of month of birth 14. Look for 21 and read definition. Look for 11 and read definition. Look for 24 and read definition. Look for 19 and read definition. Look for 14 (birth) and read definition. Also read definition of initial letter*. Look for M and read aeiiniuon. Look lor A and read definition. Look lor S and read aeiimuon. Look for J and read aeiiniuon. Example 2- Burton William 2+3+9+2 4-6+6— 27 '5+9+3+3 +9+1+4—34 Clark 3+3+1+9+2—18. (Mother's name before marriage) No r t o n 5+6+9+2+6+5—33 (Birth, 20th.) Look for 27 and read definition. Look for 34 and read definition. Look for 18 and read definition. Look for 33 and read definition. Look for 20 and read definition. Initial Letters Look for B and read definition. Look for W and read definition. Look for C and read definition. Look for N and read definition. If you are called by any nickname, as Mamie, Jim, Jack, Polly, etc., add this also and read definition exactly as if it were an extra name. For instance, if called Mamie, read Mary and Mamie. If called Jim, read James and Jim ,etc. Don't forget that there are eleven more books in this set One for each month. Give birth date when ordering. Price of each book 15 cents. Remit With Order BIRTH | Between August 21 and Sepfccwtar 21. 1 w A — Ingenious; original; inventive; may be somewhai eccentric. Love for exploration and travel and for scien- tific or philosophical work. Apt to take up unusual or out-of-the-way subjects. Makes friends among literary people. Danger of trouble through disobedience, uncon- ventionally or rebellion; also with the education, and family. Accidents while traveling are also probable. 2 or B — Love for the mysterious. May have clairvoyant dreams or visions. Persistent, determined. Ambitious but rather quiet and unimpulsive. Given to making sudden friendships and abandoning them with equal suddenness. Conservative, does not like change. Usually fortunate in acquiring money and property, especially houses and laaids. May have a secret occupation or become involved in a mystery. Success through connection with water and liquids is also probable. Should always live near water. Talent for music, singing and painting. Good-humored and sociable. 8 or C — Likely to have delays and disappointments in lovt affairs, marriage or business partnerships. Probably mar- ry an inferior or someone in a lower station of life. Gaim through nursing, as a physician or druggist or in connec- tion with food, farms or gardens. Also as an employee, or through employee*. Generally good health and digeetiom. 4 «r D — Likely to be irritable and have a bad temper, Many quarrels and disagreements with the parents ; from one of whom there is liable to be a separation, perhaps through an early death. May inherit property; but annoyances through legacies, especially houses and land is probable, Many changes of residence. Danger of accidents in the dwelling and to the person, through both fire and water, and of digestive troubles. I or E — Profit through churches, religious matters, philo- sophy, shipping, horses, friends marriage, speculation. Fond of home; and generally not much travel except for business purposes. Both gain and loss is likely through connection with farms, or foodstuffs. Fortunate in money •natters as a usual thing and in receiving gifts and leg- acies. Apt to make a happy marriage. Troubles through relatives are likely. 6 or F — Excellent intellect. Success through teaching, writ- ing, literature, science, brothers and sisters, journeys. 7 or G — Many changes of residences and may have some queer experiences in regard to them. Fond of home and may have a very close connection with the mother. Dan- ger of loss of lands, mines and other property ; domestic troubles and scandal. 8 or H — Good memory and mind. Strong, fixed opinions difficult to change. Hard worker; original; capable in- tellect. Likely to join societies and associations. 9 or I — Determined, strong-willed, reserved, diplomatic; thrifty. Probably an inheritance and money through stocks, lands, banks, public matters. Likely to have heavy expenditures ; deceit and treachery through relatives and offspring. Sickness through travel. Strange experiences. Death of husband or wife. 10 or J — Forceful, impulsive, somewhat brusque. Lacking in H tact and apt to give offense without intending it. Re- sourceful, inventive, energetic, independent. Disputes and estrangements. 11 or K — Nervous, but rather quiet and unimpulsive and very difficult to change. Conservative and most success- ful in a solidly established business, or dealing in lands or houses. May also engage in a mysterious occupation or become involved in a mystery. Profit through connec- tion with water or liquids ; gain through mother or mar- riage partner. Prudent, economical. More successful work- ing with others than when alone. Love for muse and painting. Makes many friends. Sociable, materialistic. 12 or L — Very emotional and h'ghly strung. Intense love of the beautiful. Cheerful, charitable, inclined to be indolent and somewhat changeable. May have several love-affairs and make more than one marriage ; possibly a secret one to an inferior. Many losses and troubles through the op- posite sex. Likely to pursue two occupations and gain through gift or charity, and at times earn money through teaching, painting or music. Sometimes not too careful in the methods of obtaining money. Loss of money through deceit and fraud or sometimes because of one's own fault. 13 or M — Fond of being in the public eye. Ambitious, ener- getic. Fond of authority and responsibility. Profit through travel and fore'gn affairs. Apt to have delicate offspring. Quick tempered and liable to disputes with those in authority. May be a separation from or dsagrerment with a parent, or between the parents themselves. There may also be trouble through relatives, letters, journeys. Probably an inheritance from the father or a legacy from brother or sister. 14 or N — Trustworthy, courteous, sometimes clairvoyant. Changeable, restless. Truthful. Fond of traveling and novelty, study and literature. Gains influential friends. May marry a relative or close friend and perhaps make two marriages ; though there is likely to be trouble in this 11 connection through relatives, letters or travel. Self-edu- cated. Difficulties through, or because of, the mother, brothers or s.'sters; possibility of estrangements. Sorrow through the family. 15 or O — Success through employing others. Danger of bad health and headaches. 16 or P — Popularity, many friends, love affairs and marri- age are likely. Marriage may be with an artist, musician or someone with bohemian tastes. Danger of scandal and treachery through friends. 17 or Q — Love of study, writing and educational matters in general. Marriage may be rather of the head than of the heart, and may be with a relative. Should always be in partnership or in association with others to be success- ful. Happy relations with brothers and sisters. Danger of great obstacles to the marriage; and unhappiness in th.s direction is likely. Love of pleasure, society and chil- dren. 18 or R — Love of leading, managing and controling others. Sometimes rather violent and rebellious. Apt to be pas sionate, selfish, jealous. Fond of the hidden and myster- ious; strange influence over others. Early death of fath- er, or estrangement and separation from him. May profit from intr.gues, secret societies, elderly friends, partners, insurance, deaths of relatives. Unionunate love affairs. Able to plot and plan. Danger of shame, crime, infection, poison, surgical operations and mysterious death. • 19 or S — Strong interest in religious matters, philosophy and mysteries. Danger of trouble through people connect- ed with these matters; estrangement from friends or separation from them; sudden losses of money and repu- tation. 20 or T— Same as 2. 21 or U — Sympathetic, kindly; love of poetry, music, art. 12 Benefits through marriage and partnerships, or in asso- ciation with others ; never does as well alone. 22 or V — Physically and mentally active ; apt to have a rest- less, rather unsettled, manner. Walks, works and moves quickly. Probably many journeys and much travelling about. Good natured, truthful, honest, sincerely religious. May be a somnambulist, and perhaps clairvoyant. Gift for teaching and public speaking ; also talent for music, poe- try and religious or philosophical matters. May gain through horses, shipping and amusement enterprises. Fortunate with servants and employees. Possible danger while travelling. 23 or W — Fond of odd, unusual, out-of-the-way subjects, and of study. Fortunate for gaining sincere friends and benefitting through them. Original, independent views on religious matters. Profit through a profession, so- cieties, inheritance. Probable love marriage. Scientific, philosophical, musical. 24 or X — Same as 15. 25 or Y — Intense love of beauty, luxury, music and painting. Strongly attracted to the opposite sex. Generally brings many friends, love affairs, popularity and a good marri age. Safety on water. 26 or Z-— Patient, persevering. Slow in making up the mind ; but very determined when it is once made up. Favorable for acquiring money and property. Travel will generally • be for business purposes. Good natured, sociable, kind. Love for music, painting, poetry. Tendency to be irritable. 27 — Serious, possibly somewhat melancholy, timid. An ex- cellent manager with ability to control others; but may have many obstacles in the occupation. May be hindered in someway by the father or by bad health. Gain througk foreigners, employees, investments. Difficulties will be greatest in early life. Danger of trouble through subordin- ates. u 28 — Strong imagination and much inventive ability. FoimL of ceremony and mysteries. May have strange dreams Danger of losing friends and reputation ; and of making an unhappy marriage. 29 — Fond of home life, ease and comfort. Probably closely connected with the mother, family and relatives. May in- herit through the parents. Very sensitive to environ- ment, and falls easily into the ways of those around him Many changes of residence. Most successful, when acting under the direction of others. Talent for music, painting, poetry, acting. Should live near water. Successful with houses, land or in connection with liquids or ships. Ner- vous, and may have digestive troubles. Special dislike to having anyone enter one's private room when absent. 30 — Fortunate for success with those higher up. Popular with teachers, superiors, employers. Gain through public enterprises, matters connected with land, business, invest- ments, banking. Usually obtains a high and remunerative position. Marriage is likely to be delayed for various rea- sons ; and marriage partnei will probably be older, or hold a higher position. Fond of pleasure. 31 — Generous, truthful, high-minded, independent, active, hard worker. Excellent manager or superintendent, es- pecially of schools. Ability for research, investigation or exploration. Affectionate ; but may have a quick temper and is sometimes aggressive. Sometimes lacking in re- straint. Hasty and passionate in love matters. Danger of disappointment in love; accidents, annoyances through children and social life, death of friends, and too great love of pleasure. May lose a child through death or sep- aration. Possible trouble with heart and back. 32— Highly strung, active, self-confident, proud of birth. Generous, enthusiastic, persevering. Fond of mysteries and hidden things. Given to both pulling down and build- ing up; an excellent architect. Positive religious opinions though may hold advanced views. May profit through 14 litigation, marriage, societies, mining, investments. Apt to be entrutsed with the secrets of others and may become involved in intrigues. Strange friendships and adven- tures, risky speculations. Danger of tragic death through jealous enemies. 33 — Generally good health and vitality. Ambitious, proud, dignified. Successful speculation. Love for birds. 34 — At times very good for money and business, then other periods when money is very difficult to obtain. Good- natured, patient, sociable. Fortunate for friendship and marriage ; but danger of dishonesty and fraud sometimes ending in a tragedy. 35 — Good-natured, friendly, just. Successful in singing, speaking, writing ; but many difficulties through deceit and treachery. This sometimes comes through servants or employees or the person himself may be accused. An excellent detective who can unravel mysteries and also plan or write them. Diplomatic, cautious. May also do well in amusement enterprises or in singing, music ; pub- lic speaker. Good entertainer, clerk or secretary. May be connected with nursing, medicine, prison hospitals; this is usually unpleasant in some way and is more suc- cessful when it is in association with another. There may be difficulty in acquiring an education ; and danger of suf- furing through libel, forgery, theft of papers and scandal. Losses through brothers and sisters. 36 — Tends to give prominence, power, authority, religious or philosophical work. Might become distinguished as a clergyman, philosopher, financier or an explorer. May inherit through one or both parents; and be separated from them by travel, religion or politics. May lead a some- what dual life, one moment in the eyes of the public and the next living in retirement. Profit may come through travel, religious matters, shipping, horses. Danger of be- coming unpopular and of standing in one's own light. 87 — Ambitious, diplomatic, tactful, serious, thoughtful, re- 15 served, persevering. May have success in public life and attain a prominent and responsible position ; is also good for lines connected with electricity. Many changes of en- vironment are likely ; family troubles in early life and sep- aration from the father; obstacles :n the occupation, criti- cism and opposition are all probable. Sudden and unex- pected occurrences. 38 — Apt to be aggressive and irritable, independent, self- reliant. Determined to have his own way. Changeable, - impulsive. Makes or mars his own life. Usually atta ns to some prominence and :s placed in conirol over others. Sep- aration from the parents, or a parent, early in life is prob- able. The mother is apt to strongly influence the life eith- er for good or evil. May take up, or become involved in, some occupation surrounded by secrecy. Danger of scan- dal and of becoming unpopular. Good organizer. 39 — Some as 3. 40 — -Same as 4. 41 — Profit through relatives, hospitality, mining, compan- ies, as a physician, nurse, in connection with hospital?, religious societies. Apt to make hazardous investments. May be unassuming, unambitious, sociable, eas ly influ- enced, may be indolent, at one time, restless and unsettled at others. Fond of secrets and mysteries. Makes a good detective or writer of mystery stories. Success in politics and as a public speaker. 42 — Fortunate for a public life, influence through friends in high pos-tion, marriage and partnerships. Danger of in- fluential enemies. 43 — Strong imagination and intuition. Probably clairvoy- ant dreams. Highly strung. Love of music. Harmonious relations with family. Much travelling especially by wat- er. 44 — Fluent in speech, active mind. Just, sincere, generous, 14 religious. Talent for medicine, science, literature Changeable. Will probably study more than one subject or make rapid changes from one to another. May write im partnership or in association with others. Fond of travel, riding and walking. Success in dealing in drugs or foods. Danger of trouble with the education, brothers and sis- ters, short journeys. 45 — Brings many and great difficulties and misfortunes. Losses through friends. Secret enemies, persecution, trouble through servants; estrangement from the father or his early death. May be brought down from a high po- sition. Gain may come through hospitals, asylums, char- itable institutions, low class or unlawful occupations. May have romantic love attachments with unfortunate end- ings. Marriage partner may be sickly. 46 — Power of concentration, strong wili ? determination., Sometimes rebellious and aggressive. Sudden and une£ pected occurrences. Danger of falls, accidents, gunshot wouTids, explosions, sudden end. May be clairvoyant. 47 — Love of study, books, science, literature. Strong imag- ination, very versatile. Great love of color and light, and can succeed in any line of this kind ; or as a banker, hold- er of trust funds, or in amusement enterprises. Skillful with the hands. Much walking, riding and out door v/ork. Excellent traveller, salesman, clerk, writer, artist. Suc- cess through brothers and sisters. Danger of lack of per- severance, lack of candor. 48— Intense love of luxury, pleasure and new sensations. Strong love nature. May be lacking in restraint. Love af- fairs are many ; but are usually accompanied by misfor- tunes and troubles of various sorts. Money may be gain- ed through legacy, gift, partnership or marriage, through connection with water or ships, matters connected with #ie dead or through amusement enterprises. Heavy ex- penditures ; extravagance of marriage or business partner may cause losses. 49 — Same as 13. W — Good-natured, philosophical, peaceful, sympathetic, ver- satile. Fine lawyer and public speaker. May have very bright eyes. Kind, broad-minded, liberal, high-ideals. Gain through travel, literature, horses, shipping, religious matters, learned societies, legacy, marriage. Fond of games and speculation and perhaps of gambling. Several love affairs and probably more than one marriage. §1 — Same as 42. 52 — Success as physician, nurse or clerk. Talent for art or poetry. May make many new beginnings. Danger of loss through the treachery and deceit of servants and em- ployees. Trouble in the occupation. Stomach and bowels may be weak. 53 — Favorable for educational matters, acting, painting, singing, writing, speculation. Generally acquires a posi- tion of prominence and responsibility where he is directs ing and controlling others. May give too much time to books and study to the detriment of other occupations. Danger of treachery or slander through servants, employ- ees or superiors, also through drugs, weakness of heart and bowels. §4 — Ambitious ; love of high position, power and authority. Self-confident, assured. An organizer; can control and influence others; diplomatic, distrustful and sometimes not to be trusted himself. Rather selfish and somewhat coarse. Makes friends through the father or family, writ- ings, letters, journeys, at a distance from home. Gen- erally makes his own fate. Success with companies, so- cieties, large businesses. Danger of troubles in domes- tic life, loss through relatives, jealous marriage or busi- ness partner; poverty through marriage. Few journeys and dangerous. May be a tendency to suicide. 56 — Same as 87. 18 56 — Gives popularity, ambition, love of being in the lime- light. Usually attains a position of prominence as head over others. Honorable, generous, high-minded. Falls in love easily. Love oi music, poetry, pamting and for com- iort and luxury, i^enents come through those who can bestow favors. Successful in oil or anything to do with light. 57— Same as 48. 58— Self-assurance, energy, independence, candor, forceful, . positive, enterprising, original. Apt to be too impulsive and hasty. wan.ot bjar conceanna.-Lt or ueeeit in any form. Makes or mars his own life. Usually great power of en- am ance, and much vitality. Natural healer. Danger of ac- cidents, fevers, infection. 59 — intuitive, emotional, humane, good-humored, charitable, religious, fcond oi nome and parents. Gam through the mother, marriage, public work; may make many jour- neys, mainly by water, lor pleasure or business. Fond oi mysteries and tne marvellous. Possible troubles through journeys, but not likely to be serious. 60 — May win suceess and honors in lav/, rejigion or philoso- phy; publishing. 1 ravel in foreign lands is probable. 1-ersevering. 61 — -Snong ieelings and emotions. Sympathetic, charitable, intuitive; strange areams. May be clairvoyant. Apt to have a strange life lull of remarkable occurrences. May be untruthful. 62— Same as 53. 63 — Same as 4,. 64 — Same as 1. 1* "THE SWITCHBOARD OF THE UNIVERSE" Those who wish to study this science and be able to du a great deal more than is given here, should send tor a copy of the book, "The Switchboard of the Universe" or "TJte Fundamental Principles of The Yi-King, Tao," by the same author. Bound in Red Cloth, with Symbolic Cover Design i» Oold. Price $1.75 postpaid. Remittance must accompany order. There are eleven more booklets in The Switchboard of the Universe Series; one for each month. Give birth date when ordering. Price of each book 15 cents. Remit With Order. "Your Fortune in Verse for the Dav and Mo»m* Most unusual, original and interesting little gifi ooklet. J Send it instead of the usual birthday card or with ear* pres- ent. Fortunes are brief but true. Flower and jewel ^ each month Price 25 Cents Ea ■'■ The Switchboard of The Universe YOUR NAME IT'S ACTION ON YOUR LIFE. IS IT TOUCHING A FORTUNATE OR UNFORTUNATE BUTTON FOR YOU? IF--? YOU WERE BORN Between September 21st and October 21st PRICE 15c * YOUR NAME ITS ACTION ON YOUR LIFE ...IF— You Were Born -BETWEEN -- Sept. 21st and Oct. 21st BY VECIUA J. BOYILE aid AELVA J. BOYILE Copyright U. S .and England, 1921. By Veolia J. Boyile and Aelva J. Boyile. All rights reserved. VEOLIA J. BOYILE, 910 Sieger Building CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. m FEB -I 1922 C1A657850 "Vvi? PREFACE The special placing of the name vibration, in connection with the individual birth for each of the twelve months, i* absolutely original with the author and can be used by no one in any publication without express permission from Veoiia J. and Aeiva J. Boyile. "You are a musical instrument. Your body and the eondr I our life are the result of the harmonies or discord* played by you or upon you from day to day, by your per- sonal name." It is merely another more sub lie, form of Wireless Telegraphy, and of the action of Sound upon the Hfe. en will se books invaluable in judg- i artners, general conditions, etc. As a guide they are also of great assistance, a? he direction where physical, financial or mental danger lies. ave been written for the benefit of those, \ c er time nor inclination for the deeper st Id> ending of the principles involved in i rertheless wish a method which will guide very shortest cut possible, to its results and ''its. That it is an absolute exact and accurate science, has eyond the possibility of question. Tt is the one science which offers a method of at least amel and a cure, for many of the evils of life. To those merely seeking amusement they will be found bo ndless fund of enjoyment. The del given here contain the type of event* likely to occur during the life of the individual whose name is being read. Some of them may have already occurred, others will probably be yet to come. If one part of the name shows fortunate indications and another indicates misfor- tune, then there will be periods when the good fortune will predominate, and other periods when it will seem as if al! went wrong. DIRECTIONS To use this book follow directions carefully. The manner of adding the names from the table of let- ters and numbers as given below is very simple. Any child of ten can learn it in a few moments. If it is done correctly the accuracy of the reading given for each number will be a never ending source of amusement and fascination to all. Each letter is to be counted as the number under which it is placed in the table. Use every name you possess, such as Mary Ann Smith; also your mother's last name, before marriage; and day of month of birth as a number. Do not add the names together, use each separately. If one name has a fortunate definition and one unfortu- nate, the life will partake of each. The table for addition of names : 123456789 abcdefghi j k 1 m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Example : Mary Ann 4+l+9+7==21 ^ 14-5+5-.11 Smith l_|_4_j_9_j_2 4-8-=24 (Mother's name before marriage) J a c k s o n l-f-l-j~3-}-2 -f 1-f 6-f5=-19. Day of month of birth 14. Look for 21 and read definition. Look for 11 and read definition, Look for 24 and read definition. Look for 19 and read definition. Look for 14 (birth) and read definition. Also read definition of initial letters Look for M and read definition. Look tor A and read definition. Look for S and read definition. Look for J and read definition. Example 2'- Burton William 2+3+9+2 +6+5— 27 5+9+3+3 ^9+1+4=34 Clark 3+3+1+9 +2—18. (Mother's name before marriage) No r t o n 5+6+9+2+6+5—33 (Birth, 20th.) Look for 27 and read definition. Look for 34 and read definition. Look for 18 and read definition ; Look for 33 and read definition. Look for 20 and read definition. Initial Letters Lool»for B and read definition. Look for W and read definition. Look for C and read definition. Look for N and read definition. If you are called by any nickname, as Mamie, Jim, Jack, Polly, etc., add this also and read definition exactly as if it were an extra name. For instance, if called Mamie, read Mary and Mamie. If called Jim, read James and Jim .etc. Don't forget that there are eieren more books in this wt-: One for each month. Gire birth data when ordering. Price of each book IS cert*. Remit With Ordtar. ^ J BIRTH Between September 21 and October 21. 1 or A — Not very fortunate financially. Gain at times; but also many losses. Ingenious, resourceful, and generally able to extricate the affairs from the difficulties in which they are involved. Unexpected luck and unexpected mis- fortune. Many new undertakings. Danger from dishon- esty. 2 or B — Brings prominence or public life. Executive ability. Many changes in occupation. May be placed at the head of some business, undertaking, or movement, But usually something of an unpleasant nature is sure to arise. Fond of show, cautious, selfish, able, to influence others and rather indifferent to their feelings. Danger from open or secret enemies, and of loss of reputation. 3 or C — Many love affairs and likely to make a love match. Very susceptible to the attractions of the opposite sex. Popular, many friends, fond of social life and gaiety of all kinds. Kind, affectionate. Talent for music, painting, the stage, literature. Fortunate through offspring, or through young people. Good for connection with schools or the stage. May make more than one marriage. 4 or D — Likely to have many quarrels and disagreements with parents and family. Death of one parent, probably the mother, early in life or there may be a separation. May be lacking in candor and have an unpleasant temper. Probable inheritance of houses and land ; but apt to have many difficulties through houses, land or legacy, and his own dwelling place; fires, floods, earthquakes, robberies. Danger of drowning. May have trouble with nerves and digestion. or E — Ambitious, impulsive, courteous, trustworthy, but changeable and restless physically and mentally. Happy relations with family ; fond of travelling and novelty. May make two marriages, one of which may be with a relative ; bur there may be trouble through letters, travel or rela- tives. Profit through the mother's side is likely; travel in foreign lands and possible gain through enemies or op- ponents. 6 or F— Money and gain through father or son is probable ; but is apt to get away easily. 7 or G — Strong imagination and probably clairvoyant dreams. Highly strung. Love of music. Harmonious re lat'ons with family. Much travel. Should live among mountains. 8 or H — Diplomatic, ambitious. Likely to gain distinction and advancement. Subtle influence over others. Cautious and may be lacking in candor. Probably win prizes at schools, and generally through life. Many short journeys. May obtain a post in the government, or become head t§er. 9 or I— Fond of controlling others and can influence them in ubtle manner. Able to plan, arrange and organize. Diplomatic, but distrustful and may be distrusted. Fond of seclusion and may be somewhat gloomy. Tendency ti> selfishness.* Apt to be a great letter writer. Makes friends at a distance rather than near by. Gain or loss through relatives. Marriage partner will probably be jealous and and marriage may result in poverty. Success may be gained through hard work and perseverance. The father 1* may hold a strong influence over the life either for good or bad. 10 or J — Love of mysteries and the marvelous ; strange Dreams. Danger of reverses and sudden misfortunes. Loss of friends and possibly of reputation. 11 or K — Independent. Determined to have his own way. En- thusiast, impulsive, sometimes aggressive. Changeable, restless. The mother will probably strongly influence the life either for good or bad. May bring the person into some prominence and place him in control of others. Makes his own fate; and many follow some secret occupa- tion. Friends may turn against him, and there is dan- ger of scandal. 12 or L — Very emotional and highly strung with a great love for beauty. Strongly attracted to opposite sex. Many and strange love affairs with remarkable events connect- ed with them. Fortunate for gaining money through so- cieties, firms, companies, investments, or through pub- lic undertakings and amusement enterprises. Many friends who are always ready to confer benefits. Danger of lass through extravagance; and scandal involving friends. 13 or M — Positive and fixed in ideas apt to be a religious enthusiast, aggressive and combative. Strong belief in his own opinions, but nevertheless apt to change his views* Daring, fearless. Fond of traveling, walking, riding, sail- ing. Danger while traveling ; disputes with relatives and friends. 14 or N — Profit through religious work, shipping, horses, travel Fixed in religious opinions and seldom changes them. Fond of home. Gains through land, legacies and gifts. Probably a good marriage. Affectionate. 15 or O— Ambitious, proud, dignified. Good health and vital- ity. Success in speculation. 16 or P — Success in music, painting or any artistic line. Gen- 11 erally good for financial matters; but there ib apt to be trouble in the family, and through the father; especially in early life. 17 or Q — Active mind, found of science, study and writing. Good clerk and secretary, or manager of servants and em- ployees. Not apt to have much public success. May take up with unpopular subjects. Danger of poor health. 18 or R — Marriage partner may be older, more serious and wealthier. The father of one side or the other may help or hinder the marriage. Fortunate for business partner- ships, companies or associations. Danger of inharmony, opposition, jealousy. 19 or S — Independent, original, inventive, resourceful, good memory, learns easily. Fitted for large undertakings, public life, government positions. Sudden friendships. Fondness for unusual subjects. Benefits through friends, partners and marriage are likely; but there is also dan- ger of discord through all these things. 20 or T— -Same as 2. 21 or U — Brings delay and disappointment in love affairs and marriage and may marry beneath his own station. Profit through land, nursing, drugs, medicine. Generally good health. 22 or V — Self reliant, determined, plain-spoken, energetic, hard worker. Sometimes may bring about great changes ; yet strongly against change when advocated by others. May be rather coarse in speech and manner. Danger of becoming dissipated. May act as executor or in some way take charge of the affairs of the dead. Legacy through the mother or through women is likely ; but may involve quarrels. Financial gain through marriage. Dan ger from water, liquids, or crowds. 23 or W — May be very serious or somewhat melancholy ; am- bitious, dignified: money through religious matters, leg- '12 acy from father or friend, from relatives, or money from commercial matters, marriage. Careful with money as a rule. Apt to become much involved in the troubles of others. 24 or X — Same as 15. 25 or Y — Excellent physician, nurse, clerk, artist, musician Danger of loss through servants and employees, dishon esty, deceit and troubles in the occupation, 26 or Z — Observant, quick-witted, clever at repartee, sarcas- tic, enthusiastic, excitable. Excellent writer and speaker. Given to exaggeration. May write and publish short stor- ies or articles which are very original. Many short jour neys. Danger of accidents, fever and trouble with the head and bowels. 27 — Ambitious, enterprising, determined, strong intellect. Generally attains to power and responsibiity. Favors from those in authority ; generally the recipient of gifts and legacies. Self contained and self-centred. May have a weak heart. Possible death of the father in early life or separation from him. Trouble through love affairs. Likely to marry an old friend. Danger from crowds and over work. 28 — Strong power of concentration. Self-wiiled, rebellious, determined. Quick mind, sharp intellect. Danger of acci- dents, falls, gun shot wounds, explosions. Liable to sudden death. 29 — Love of books, study, scientific and literary work, very active. Many changes of residence and frequent journeys. Much riding and walking, good interviewer. Gain as a traveller, salesman, speaker, writer, artist, or may live by the wits. Very versatile. May be subtle and rather lacking in honesty. Success through brothers and sisters. 30 — Strong imagination, great love of beauty, poetry, paint- ing, music. Many love affairs. May marry a relative or 15 someone from a distance and may make more than one marriage. Gain through relgion, horses or other animals, traveling, sporting matters, the stage. Money from legac- ies and partnerships. Should have a good voice. 31 — Changeable, irritable, may have a bad temper and brood over real or imaginary injuries. May lose a parent, prob ably the mother, early in life, or be separated from her. May inherit houses or land, also money. Many changes of residence and accidents in the home, floods, fire, theft. Marriage not very happy. Danger of drowning. 32 — Charitable, religious, sincere. Fond of poetry, music, philosophy and intellectual work in general. Good for part- nerships and association with others. Many journeys. May have trouble through religious persons. Liable to be brought into connection with hospitals and public institu- tions. Happy marriage. May be left a legacy. Danger from enemies, loss through a woman, relatives and friends. 33 — Happy home relations. Success through lands, mines, farms. Danger of poverty and financial losses. 34 — Strongly emotional. Sympathetic, charitable. Strange eventful life. May be untruthful. Peculiar dreams. 35 — Good memory and intellect. Religious, fond of science and literature. Likes to join societies and associations. Travel is generally for business. 36 — Jealous, independent, selfish. Strong character, love of power and authority. Likely to become unpopular and may be involved in a scandal which injures the reputation. Strange influence over others. Subtle mind. Can write, create or unravel mysteries. Good detective. May lose the father early in life through death or separation. Gain through secret societies, intrigues, partners, friends, life insurance. Sometimes notoriety, or crime. Danger from surgical operations, poison, infection, mysterious death. 14 37 — Fond of mysteries and ceremony. Strong imagination ; ability for invention. May have clairvoyant dreams or visions. Danger of domestic troubles. 38— Successful as physician, nurse ; charitable and domestic work. Changeable, irritable, not dependable. Strongly emotional Fluent writer and speaker. Rather easily de- pressed. Danger from intemperance and of acquiring a drug habit, also from secret enemies, prosecution, treach- ery, deceit, 39 — Same as 8. 40— Same as 4. 41 — May be superstitious and have rather curious beliefs. Fond of unusual subjects and studies, Sociable, broad- minded, sympathetic. Original, independent. Love of mu- sic and poetry. Gain through friends, occupation, per- sonal influence, inheritance. Marriage a love match. 42— Danger of ill health and headaches. Profit through em- ploying others. 43— At most times favorable for earning money, but there are apt to be periods when it is very difficult to obtain. Good-natured, patient, fond of companions. Fortunate marriage; but danger of tragic occurrence. 44 — Obsinate, positive, difficult to change. Strong power of concentration. Lively, active, clever, fluent speaker and writer, ingenious, resourceful. Fond of unraveling mys- teries. Excellent surgeon, detective, chemist, writer of mysteries. Danger while traveling. Rather uncertain temper. 45— Success through companies, societies, associations of any kind. Tends to give a prominent position at the head of some body, governing or otherwise. Many journeys. Sincere in love, happy marriage. Danger of trouble through friends, deceit, false accusations. 46 — .May have a rather peculiar unattractive manner, which 15 tends to bring estrangement with friends and marriage or business partner. Hasty engagement and marriage is like- ly; but is likely to be followed by separation, through death or otherwise. Strong imagination and artistic taste. Very intuitive. 47 — Conservative and hard to change. Quiet, determined, persevering. Fortunate, for friends, money, land, houses, or in connection with liquids and traveling. Probably in- herit through a parent, and have two occupations ; one of which may be involved in mystery or secrecy. Love of music and painting, great gift for working in color, or in anything having to do with light. 48 — Kind, sympathetic, sociable, popular, Fortunate in friends, love and marriage. Most successful when asso- ciated with another. Generally financial gain through marriage. 49 — Same as 13. 50 — Persevering, enthusiastic, generous, self-confident, ac- tive. Proud of birth. Fond of mysteries and anything partaking of the marvelous. Decided religious opinions, may hold rather odd views. May lose a child, Profit through marriage, societies, investments, mines. Long journeys full of peculiar occurrences. Danger from jeal- ousy of others, scandal through children, tragic death caused by enemies. 51 — Same as 42. 52 — Talent for art, music, poetry, the stage. Very affection- ate. Highly emotional. Generous, fond of pleasure and social life. Danger of notoriety through offspring and love affairs. 53 — Sociable, good-natured, somewhat changeable. Excel- lent intellect. Very sensitive to rhythm; therefore good dancer; and may be gifted in music or as a poet. Money through land, water, relatives, and the mother. Many journeys especially by water. May be a somnambulist or 16 have strange dreams. Should never work alone. 54— Financial losses through friends and those in authority. Persecution from secret enemies without cause. False friends. Estrangement from and probable early death of father. May earn money through charitable institutions, asylums, secret societies or occupations. Marriage partner apt to be sickly. Love affairs with unfortunate endings. Suicidal tendencies. 55 — Same as 37. 56 — Probably very fond of the mother and closely attached to her and the home life. Sociable, friendly, emotional and easily influenced by his environment. Most successful , when acting under the direction of another. Love for mu- sic, painting, poetry, acting. Fortunate with houses, land and shipping. May develop trouble with the digestion. 57— Same as '48. 58 — Very impulsive and apt to do things suddenly and unex-~ pectedly. Jumps to conclusions. Quick-witted. Fluent and forcible speaker. May lose many friends through his own fault. Not good for joining or working with companies, societies or firms, Danger from liquids, water, scalding^ poison, long illnesses. Possible restraint in some form through enemies, crime, or lack of money. Marriage like- ly to be delayed; and early death of offspring is likely. 59 — Trustworthy, courteous, good-natured, may be clairvoy- ant Restless. Fond of novelty and Change. Influential friends have much to do with the life.May make two mar- riages, and trouble may arise in this connection through letters, travel relatives, or fickleness. Estrangement or separation from parents, brothers and sisters is possible. 60 — Success and honor through marriage and partnerships. Gain in this way also, by legacy. May lose father or hus- band in middle life. 61 — May benefit through the help or charity of others ; and at sometime may endow an institution. Sympathetic, broad. Many obstacles and losses may be encountered. 62— Same as 5a 63 — Same as 45. 64 — Same as j. 18 "THE SWITCHBOARD OF THE UNIVEBSfi" Those who wish to study this science and be able to do a great deal more than is given here, should send for a copy of the book, "The Switchboard of the Universe" or "The Fundamental Principles of The Yi-King* Tao," by the same author. Bound in Red Cloth, with Symbolic Cover Design in Gold. Price $1.75 postpaid. Remittance must accompany order. There are eleven more booklets in The Switchboard of the Universe Series; one for each month. Give birth date when ordering. Price of each book 15 cents. Remit With Order. "Your Fortune in Verse for the Day and Month." Most unusual, original and interesting little gift booklet Send it instead of the usual birthday card or with each pres- ent, Fortunes are brief but true. Flower and jewel of each month. Price 25 Cents Each. I 1 ttJSHMflt r The Switchboard of The Universe YOUR NAME IT'S ACTION ON YOUR LIFE. IS IT TOUCHING A FORTUNATE OR UNFORTUNATE BUTTON FOR YOU? IF-? YOU WERE BORN Between October 21st and November 21st PRICE 15c & '#£ Your Name ITS ACTION ON YOUR LIFE -IF- You Were Born -BETWEEN- Oct. 21st and Nov. 21st BY VEOLIA J. B0Y1LE and AELVA J. BOYILE Copyright U. S. and England, 1921 By Veolia J. Boyile and Aelva J. Boyile. Ail rights reserved VEOLIA J. BOYILE, LO Steger Building CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. FEB -| (922 DC1A657850 PREFACE The special placing of the name vibration, in connection with the individual birth for each of the twelve months, i? absolutely original with the author and can be used by nc one in any publication without express permission from Veolia J. and Aelva J. Boyile. "You are a musical instrument. Your body and the condi tions of your life are the result of the harmonies or discord* played by you or upon you from day to day, by your per- sonal name." It is merely another more subtle, form of Wireless Telegraphy, and of the action of Sound upon tbe life. Business men will find these books invaluable in judg- ing employees, partners, general conditions, etc. As a health guide they are also of great assistance, as well as in showing the direction where physical, financial or mental danger lies. They have been written for the benefit of those, \ o having neither time nor inclination for the deeper st id> accessary to an understanding of the principles involved in this science, nevertheless wish a method which will guide them by the very shortest cut possible, to its results aBd benefits. That it is an absolute exact and accurate science, ha* long passed beyond the possibility of question. It is the one scienee which offers a method of at least ameliorating, and a cure, for many of the evils of life To those merely seeking amusement they will be found to contain an endless fund of enjoyment. The definitions given here contain the type of event* likely to occur during the life of the individual whose name is being read. Some of them may have already occurred others will probably be yet to come. If one part of the name shows fortunate indications and another indicates misfoi- tune, then there will be periods when the good fortune wfl) predominate, and other periods when it will seem as if a)3 went wrong. DIKECTIONS To use this book follow directions carefully. The manner of adding the names from the table of tet- ters and numbers as given below is very simple. Any child of ten can learn it in a few moments. If it is done correctly the accuracy of the reading given for each number will be a never ending source of amusement -and fascination to all. Each letter is to be counted as the number under whieb it is placed in the table. Use every name you possess, such as Mary Ann Smith : also your mother's last name, before marriage: and day of month of birth as a number. Do not add the names together, use each separately If one name has a fortunate definition and one unfortu- nate, the life will partake of each. The table for addition of names : 1 a J 8 2 b k t 3 4 c d 1 m u V 5 e n w 6 f X 7 g P ■ F 8 a Q z 9 i r xan M 44 aple a -1+ r y 9+7—21 A a n 1+5+5—11 Smith l_j_4_j_9_|_2 -f-8-=24 (Mother's name before marriage) Jf a c k 8 o n 1+1+3+2' +1+6+5—19. Day of month of birtli 14. Look for 21 and read definition. Look for 11 and read definition. Look for 24 and read definition. Look for 19 and read definition Look for 14 (birth) and read definition. A±*o read definition oi initial letter*. Look for M and read definition. Look ior A and road definition. Look ior S and read definition. Look for J and read definition. Example 2> Burton William 2+3+9+2+6+5— 27 5+9+3+3 4-9+14-4=34 Clark 3+3+1+9 +2=»18. (Mother'8 name before marnage) No r t o n 5+6+9+2+6+5—33 (Birth, 20th.) Look for 27 and read definition. Look for 34 and read definition. Look for 18 and read definition r Look for 33 and read definition. Look for 20 and read definition. j Initial Letters Look for B and read definition. Look for W and read definition. Look for C and read definition. Look for N and read definition. If you are called by any nickname, as Mamie, Jim, Jack, Polly, etc., add this also and read definition exactly as it it were an extra name. For instance, if called Mamie, read Mary and Mamie. If called Jim, read James and Jim etc. Don't forget that there are eleven more books in thie set: One for each month. Give birth date when ordering J Price of each book 16 eents. Remit With Order BIRTH Between October 21 to November Z\. 1 or A — Original, positive, forceful, impulsive, inventive. May be brusque, in manner and speech, lacking in tact, and consequently often give offense. Broken friendships and many estrangements are likely to occur. 2 or B — May have prophetic dreams or presentiments. Hon- orable, truthful, candid, quick in manner, restless in mind and body. Many changes of home. Excellent teacher with a gift for public speaking. Talent for religion, phil- osophy, music, writing verse. Gain through shipping, horses, amusement enterprises. Benefits through em- ployees. Possible danger through travel. 3 or C — Brings obstacles to marriage and money. The mar- riage is likely to be delayed and difference in age or posi- tion is also probable. Money may be gained through some unpopular or humble occupation, houses and other prop- erty also through matters connected with water. An in- heritance may also come through the parents or marriage partner. 4 or D — Good worker, with executive ability. Determined in overcoming obstacles. May be obstinate and have a bad temper. Has a good earning capacity ; but usually heavy expenditures which prevent the acquiring of a compet- ence, and at sometime result in financial difficulties. Mar- riage also brings trouble; danger of loss of honor and poa sibility tragic happenings. i or E — May be impulsive, but is rather unambitious, chang- able, easily influenced. May be indolent and inclined to drift at one time, and very restless at others. Sociable, hos- pitable, generous. May gain through hotels, inns or tSb- taurant keeping; through relatives, associations, mines, religious or charitable work, hospitals, societies. Fortunate for doctors or nurses. Fond of mysteries and secrets and may write excellent mystery stories or make a good de- tective. i $ or F — General success; apt to advance steadily. Forceful, energetic ; good vitality and usually long life. 7 or G — Tends to bring fortunate financial conditions, but periods nevertheless, when money is hard to acquire. Good natured, patient, sociable. Danger of a tragedy through friends or marriage. 8 or H — Sincere in religious matters though the religion may not be orthodox. May become a physician, scientist or writer, and study several subjects at once. Good writer, but not especially clear. Will probably work in partner- ship. Much given to propaganda along any lines which arouse the interest. Much travel. Danger of illness while traveling and of contracting a drug habit. May gain as a druggist or by dealing in foods. Troubles caused by or be- cause of brothers and sisters, writings or educational mat ters, may arise. 9 or I — Unfortunate in nearly every way. Brings trouble to the occupation and reputation; enmity of those in high position ; attacks from inferiors ; trouble financial or oth- erwise, through the father. Losses through friends. Sad endings to love affairs ; sickness of marriage partner. Gain through obscure occupations. 10 or J — Good memory, broad mind ; inventive, resourceful, II independent. More successful in association with others than when alone. Fitted for large businesses, govern- ment; positions, public life. Liking for the study of un- usual subjects and make sfriends with those interested in the same matters. Benefits through friends, partners and marriage; but also adnger of trouble through the same sources. 11 or K — Successful as a physician or nurse, or in charitable or domestic work. Quiet, easy-going but nervous and restless ; somewhat fickle in mind, not dependable ; high- ly emotional and romantic, but easily discouraged. Fluent speaker and writer. Danger of intemperance and drug taking, from enemies, sickness, poverty and imprison- ment. 12 or L — Brings favors from teachers, employers, elders and gives a position of responsibility and prominence. Many friends and general popularity. Profit through pub- lic undertakings ; happy marriage ; though there may be delays and obstacles. May benefit more through one par- ent than the other. 13 or M — Strong, decided character. Executive ability, prac- tical, somewhat materialistic, and without much regard for the feelings of others. Romantic courtship and gain through marriage. May be delicate in early life. Danger of restraining circumstances which may be the result of an accident, surgical operation or illness. Possible gain through legacies. Should not speculate. 14 or N— Good-natured, honorable, tactful, generous, candid. Fond of study, literature, science; may gain in any of these lines or in connection with horses, ships, travel or amusement enterprises. Generally harmonious family relations, a good marriage, foreign travel. Danger of los- ing money or of having periods when money is very hard to get. 15 or O — Happy relations with family especially the parents. 11 Success through land, farms, mines, houses. Danger of Josses, weak health and financial difficulties. 16 or P — Success in painting, music or occultism. Much travel. Danger of troubles in the home and public scandal. 17 or Q — Kind, easy-oing, self-indulgent, positive, fond of pleasure. Success as a writer, artist, singer, actor, teach- er, or in almost any educational line. Fond of children; more fortunate when away from the home town. Many journeys. Danger of slander, drug taking, and weakness of heart or bowels. 18 or R — Critical, analytical-, serious. Tends to keep the pathetic side of life uppermost in the mind and produce menancholy. Repsonsibilities and troubles caused by the father or through his affairs are likely. Good for man- agerships and official positions ; but danger of losses through servants and employees; liver and stomach troubles. 19 or § — Ambitious, steady, thoughtful, serious. Success in electrical, matters, or in public positions. Danger of fam- ily discord and disagreements, trouble with employers or those in authority, especially while young. Many changes of occupation. 20 or T— Same as 2. 21 or U — Affectionate, kind, sincere. Many love affairs. Fond of social life, amusements, friends, show. Cannot live a retired life. Favor from influential persons. Bene- fits through schools and young people. Apt to retain the youth a long time. Talent for acting, music, painting. 22 or V — Fortunate for partnerships, marriage, popularity with the public ; affectionate, kind ; fond of social life. Strongly, and too easily, influenced by others ; never does as well alone. May be fickle in love affairs but gain finan- cially through marriage. Danger of losses through part- ners. At 23 or W — Philosophical, good-humored, kind, broad- minded, just, humane. Money through legacy or marriage, litera- ture, horses, shipping, religious or philosophical work. May have a tendency to gamble and speculate. Several love- affairs and probably more than one marriage, 24 or X — Same as 15. 25 or Y — Talent for art and music. Very sensitive and high- ly strung. Love of social life, amusements, pleasure of all kinds. Good actor. 26 or Z — Good-natured, just. Repressing circumstances. Successful in speaking, writing, singing. Excellent detec- tive or as a secret service agent. Analytical, subtle mind which can plan secret moves, therefore can write mystery stories or may himself become involved in plots or hid- den matters. May be drawn into connection with hos- pitals, nursing, medical work, prisons; and will be most successful in association with someone else. 27 — Unfortunate in nearly every way. Business and pro- fessional troubles; discord in the home; loss of reputa- tion; financial troubles. Difficulties through love affairs and marriage. Probable estrangement from a parent, or loss of one by death in early life. Death may occur at a distance from home. Danger from water. 28-— Rather cold peculiar disposition w r ith a strong imagina- tion and much intuition. May make a sudden or hasty marriage; but it will probably be followed by separation, divorce, or death of marriage partner. Fortunate for art or literary work. Not usually good for any kind of part- nership. 29-~Determined, persevering, ambitious, hopeful, conserva- tive; does not like change. Generally gains many friends, and is usually fortunate in acquiring land, money and property. Success, through traveling, and liquids of any kind. May have two occupations, one of which may be kept rather hidden. May also gain through music, paint- ing, wholesale dealing, societies. Very sociable; but apt to erect mental barriers which tend to hold others from becoming intimate. SO — Love of pleasure, luxury and new sensations. Emotional and passionate. Many love affairs, which nearly always bring trouble. Delays, obstacles, disagreements, jealousy. Gain through gifts, legacies, partnerships. Heavy ex- penses or extravagance prevent the accumulating of money. 31 — Tends to bring an impediment in the speech, but a quick mind and tongue, which gives wit, cleverness in repartee, and sarcasm when angry, May jump to conclusions and be critical and faultfinding. Estrangement from family and troubles in the home are likely. 32 — May gain through employees, literary work, travel, philosophy, religion, study, dealing in second-hand goods. Fond of home and parents. Many travels, probably abroad. Secret love affairs and perhaps a secret marriage. Money through the family, usually the mother's side. Death likely to occur at a distance from home, S3 — Strong imagination, good intellect, fortunate journeys. Success through writing, educational matters, science, brothers and sisters. 34 — Charitable, broad-minded, sympathetic. May be helped by others or may himself endow a charitable institution. Danger of losses, obstacles to the ambition, trouble through friends, enmity, deceit. 35 — Apt to win honors and prizes. Ambitious. Has a strong influence over others. Serious, rather deep. May obtain an important post, perhaps under government, which will bring many journeys. 36 — Gain through marriage on one side or the other, or through business partnerships. Power and position is 14 gained through companies, or association with others. Help or hindrance comes through the father. Danger from opposition, enmity and jealousy. 37 — Power of concentration, strength of will, wit, quick- ness. May be aggressive, and combative. Danger of acci- dents, falls, bullet wounds, explosions. 38 — May have clairvoyant dreams or visions, fond of mys- teries and unusual subjects. Probably joins secret socie- ties and associations. Sociable, fond of companionship. , Independent, unconventional. Possible danger to nerves and sight. 39— Same as 8. 40— Same as 4. 41— Ambitious, grave, orthodox, dignified. Usually placed in a public position or in control of others. May gain money through religious matters, foreign affairs, com- merce, marriage, deaths of relatives. Success in politics, public or government work. Good public speaker. The parents may arrange the marriage. May become very much involved in the affairs of friends so that it is dif ficult to separate his life from theirs. 42— Dignity, pride, ambition, honor, good health, success in speculation, and in most matters. 43 — Highly emotional. Sympathetic, charitable. Unusual life with strange events. May have peculiar, or perhaps clair- voyant dreams. Inclined to be untruthful. Love for travel. 44— Love of books, study, writing and educational matters in general, and these are usually carried on in partner- ship or association with another. Marriage is one of in- tellect and partner is likely to be fond of the same mat- ters. May marry a relative or employee. Harmonious family relations. Some danger of trouble through love af- fairs and of obstacles to the marriage. Fond of social life, 15 amusements, children. 45— Generally places the person in a rather high position of authority independence and power. Ambitious, selfish, and perhaps lonely and isolated. May be somewhat melan- choly. More success away from home or in foreign coun- tries. Diplomatic. May be somewhat opposed to marriage and marriage may be unfortunate. Tendency to be treach- erous to friends. 46 — Original, inventive, subtle. Many obstacles and diffi- culties in the occupation. Trouble through servants or employees. Restrictions, enmity, criticism. May succeed in chemistry, scientific work, or art and will do best in association with another. 47 — Enthusiastic, impulsive, aggressive, combative. May be- come prominent in life, and perhaps be placed at the head of some movement or public enterprise. The affairs may be strongly influenced by the mother whether for good or bad, and there may be trouble with the parents or an early separation from them. Will usually make his own fate. Possibility of scandal. 48 — Tends to delays and disappointments in love affairs, partnerships and marriage. May marry beneath his own station. Money may be made in connection with drugs, medicine, food, nursing, flowers. 49 — Same as 13. 50 — Strong imagination and religious feeling. Love of mu- sic and rhythm. Generally a fortunate marriage and many friends. Gain through employees, partners, journeys. More success when working with others. Should be a good public speaker ; and may have very bright eyes. May be left legacies by friends. 51 — Same as 42. 52 — Benefits through the mother are likely. Fond of home ; 16 many changed of residence and liable to nave unusual ex- periences in regard to some of them. Danger of loss of property, quarrels in the family, 53 — Good intellect, but may be rather slow. Fond of study, reading and travel. May win distinction in some line. Ex- cellent superintendent, especially where attention to de- tail is required. Success as physician, chemist or drug- gist. 54 — Success through the father, employees or societies. May be reserved and inclined to be autocratic. Apt to en- gage in public movements and sometimes make enemies of those in authority. Practical, faithful in love, for- tunate marriage. Many journeys are likely, and may at some period reside abroad. 55 — Same as 37. 56 — Versatile mind and strong imagination. Love of book* and study. Many changes of residence or may have twt> homes. Much traveling and walking or riding about, anl many interviews with people. Able to make quick plan* to meet an emergency. Good speaker or writer, artist or clerk. Tendency to deceive. 57 — Same as 48. 58 — Independent, forcible, determined May be impulsive and somewhat abrupt in speech and manner. Many broken friendships; and sometimes turns friends into enemies. Trouble through societies, companies, large firms. Love of power. May gain through public undertakings and inherit through strange people. Death among strangers is probable. Love of gambling. 59— .Gain through religious matters, journeys, ships, educa- tional affairs. Many friends, good marriage. Affection- ate. Success in land or agriculture. Fond of speculation and perhaps of gambling. Generally receives many gifts of money and other things Tends to give long life. 60 — Fortunate marriage, partnerships, public life. Influen- tial friends. Danger of powerful enemies. 61 — Very emotional Friendships made and broken. Popular. Fortunate for Iotc and marriage. Sociable, sympathetic, Intuitive, hopeful. 6a— Same as 53. 63 — Same as 45. 64— Seme as 1. 1* THE SWITCHpOAlfcD OF..THB UNIVfiffiSB", Those who wish to study this science and be able to do a great deal more than is given here, should send for a copy of the book, "the Switchboard of the Universe" or 'The Fundamental Principles of The Yi-King, Tao," by the same author. Bound in Red Cloth, with Symbolic Cover Design m Gold. Price $1.75 postpaid. Remittance must accompany order. There are eleven more booklets in The Switchboard of the Universe Series; one for each month. Give birth date when ordering. Price of each book 15 cents Remit With Order. "Your Fortune in Verse for the Day and Month/' Most unusual, original and interesting little gift booklet. Send it instead of the usual birthday eard or with each pres- ent. Fortunes are brief but true. Flower and jewel of each montfe. Price 25 Gents Baeh. r The Switchboard of The Universe YOUR NAME IT'S ACTION ON YOUR LIFE. IS IT TOUCHING A FORTUNATE OR UNFORTl BUTTON FOR YOU? IF--? YOU WERE BORN Between November 21st and December 21st PRICE 15c Your Name ITS ACTION ON YOUR LIFE -IF- You Were Born -BETWEEN- Nov. 21st and Dec. 22st BY VEOLIA J. B0Y1LE and AELVA J. BOYILE Copyright U. S. and England, 1921. By Veolia J. Boyile and Aelva J. Boyile. All rights reserved VEOLIA J. BOYILE, Steger Building CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A, FEB -I 1922 C1A657850 *w t PREFACE The special placing of the name vibration, in connection wjtn the individual birth for each of the twelve months, is absolutely original with the author and can be used by no one in any publication without express permission from Veolia J. and Aelva J. Boyile. "You are a musical instrument. Your body and the condi tions of your life are the result of the harmonies or discords played by you or upon you from day to day, by your per- sonal name." It is merely another more subtle, form of Wireless Telegraphy, and of the action of Sound upon the life. Business men will find these books invaluable in judg- ing employees, partners, general conditions, etc. As a health guide they are also of great assistance, as well as in showing the direction where physical, financial or mental danger lies. They have been written for the benefit of those, \ o having neither time nor inclination for the deeper st idy necessary to an understanding of the principles involved in this science, nevertheless wish a method which will guide them by the very shortest cut possible, to its results and benefits. That it is an absolute exact and accurate science, has long passed beyond the possibility of question. It is the one science which offers a method of at least ameliorating, and a cure, for many of the evils of life. To those merely seeking amusement they will be found to contain an endless fund of enjoyment. The definitions given here contain the type of events likei} to occur during the life of the individual whose name is being read. Some of them may have already occurred, others will probably be yet to come. If one part of the name shows fortunate indications and another indicates misfor- tune, then there will be periods when the good fortune will predominate, and other periods when it will seem as if all went wrong. DIRECTIONS To use this book follow directions carefully. The manner of adding the names from the table of let- ters and numbers as given below is very simple. Any child of ten can learn it in a few moments. If it is done correctly the accuracy of the reading given for each number will be a never ending source of/ amusement and fascination to all. Each letter is to be counted as the number under which •it is placed in the table. Use every name you possess, such as Mary Ann Smith; also your mother's last name, before marriage; and day of month of birth as a number. Do not add the names together, use each separately. If one name has a fortunate definition and one unfortu- nate, the lite will partake of each. The table tor addition of names: .12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 abed e f g h i j k 1 m n o p q r s t U V w x y z Example: M a r y Ann 4+ 1^9 + 7=21 1+54-5 S m i t h 1+44-9+2 -f-8= =24 (Mother's name before marrii Jacks n 11 1+1+34-2 +1+6+5=19. Day of month of birth 14 Look for 21 and read definition. Look for 11 and read definition. Look for 24 and read definition. Look for 19 and read definition. Look for 14 (birth) and read definition. Also read definition of initial letters. Look for M ao4 read ueiiniuon. .Look lor A and read definition. Look lor 8 and read delinition Look for J and read definition. Example 2: Burton William 2+3+9+2+6+5=27 5+9+3+3 +9+1+4—84 Clark 3+3+1+9+2=18. (Mother's name before marriage) No r t o n 5+6+9+2+6+5=33 (Birth, 20th.) Look for 27 and read definition. Look for 34 and read definition. Look for 18 and read definition. Look for 33 and read definition. Look for 20 and read definition. Initial Letters Look for B and read definition. Look for W and read definition. Look for C and read definition. Look for N and read definition. If you are called by any nickname, as Mamie, Jim, Jack, Polly, etc., add this also and read definition exactly as if it were an extra name. For instance, if called Mamie, read Mary and Mamie. If called Jim, read James and Jrm ,etc. Don't forget that there are eleven more books in this set: One for each month. Give birth date when ordering. Price of each book 15 cents. Remit With Order. BIRTH Between Nov. 21, to Dec. 22. 1 ©r A — Many occult experiences. Probably quarrels, sep- aration, secret enemies, deep interest in occultism, es- trangement from friends, unexpected misfortunes. 2 or B — Firm determined, self-reliant, able to fight one's own battles. Abrupt, plain-spoken, positive, conservative, obstinate, difficult to influence. May start revolutions or try to force great changes. May have a bad temper and be revengeful. Danger of taking to drinking or drug habit. May receive legacy from the mother or through females. Gain through marriage or partner. Probably have several children and lose one. Critical, tends to coarseness of speech and lack of refinement. A death in the family or of someone closely associated with it, may have occurred shortly before or after one's own birth. May act as exe- cutor or be frequently brought into contact with the dead or follow some occupation having to do with the dead. Favors marriage; but if a woman, there is almost cer- tain to be trouble in any contact with the opposite sex. 3 ©r C— Same as 39. 4 © r D — Same as 40. 5 or E — Sincere friends from whom one will derive pleasure and profit. May be superstitious and have curious beliefs, love of out-of-the way subjects. Success and pleasure from 9 societies, associations, etc. Make a bve-marriag*. Pro- fessional success. Sudden end. 6 or F — Success in secluded occupations. Danger of loaa, prosecution, secret enemies. 1 or G — Love for travel. Intuitive, sympathetic, benevolent, usually a life full of strange experiences and remarkable occurrances. Maybe untruthful. Apt to have weird dreams. 8 or H — Positive, obstinate, difficult to convince. Power of concentration, manual dexterity. Gets very enthusias- tic over any cause which appeals to the ideas and rouses to great indignation over real or imaginary wrongs. Live- ly, active, wii:ty, sarcastic; probably has a great flow of words and command of language most of the time; re- sourceful and talent for practical invention. Fond of un- ravelling mysteries and solving problems. Success as a chemist, surgeon, detective, soldier, metal worker. May be able to heal or control through the will. A brother, sister or cousin may die, strongly affecting the life. Danger while traveling, especially by water. Success in law. 9 or I — Success through societies, the father and subordin- • ates, associations, companies. Tends to bring promin- ence, position, authority. Usually domineering. Goes into popular movements against established authority. Often gives success in acquiring wealth through stocks, com- panies, speculation. May be widely known. Faithful in love, probably a happy marriage. Danger of loss, fraud and trouble through offspring. 10 or J — Apt to be thoughtful, serious and reserved, am- bitious, persevering. Finds it difficult to work for others. Tends to success in public occupations connected wit.h gov- ernmental bodies, but is better for electrical and manu- facturing businesses. Danger of family discord in youth and loss of or separation from the father, and later of op- position and public criticism. Difficulties in the occupa- tion and many changes of residence. 11 or K — Many acquaintances among women, clubs. Inclines to mysticism, fondness for the occult ; love of music, may join secret or mystical societies. Sociable, sympathetic. Many friendships, made and broken .Peculiar, independ- ent, fond of secrets. May be very nervous and have trouble with the eyes. 12 or L — Love of beauty, painting and music. May marry among one's relatives or someone from a long distance, probably a foreigner. Fortunate travels, and likely to be successful in artistic, musical or dramatic lines; also in connection with horses, shipping, voyaering, athletics, lit- erary work. Marriage may lead to change of religion, starting some new religious work and traveling. Money through legacy or partnership. Many love-affairs ; may be fickle. Must guard against falls. 13 or M — Same as 49. 14 or N — Kind, charitable, unassuming. Success in connec- tion with hospitals, secret societies, churches. Sociable, changeable, not ambitious, inclined to be indolent, ease- loving and easily influenced. Fond of animals. Profit through companies. May marry an inferior. Inclined to make hazardous investments. Good physician, nurse, law- yer, detective, policeman, writer of mystery stories. 15 or O — Good for educational matters. Excellent intellect. Success through brothers and sisters, writing, teaching, science, literature. 16 or P — Very emotional and fond of luxury, and new sensations, but danger of falls, financial and mental. 1 7 or Q — Wide comprehensive view of things. Quiet, easy- going, good natured. Success in intellectual lines, mining, geology. Many changes of residence. May be an excel- lent dancer or have talent for music or poetry. May gain money through connection with lands and property, through close relations, and the mother or her side of the family. Works better with associates than alone. Fond 11 of water and may do much traveling on it; especially short journeys. Probably be somewhat clairvoyant or have presentiments. Makes friends among all classes, joins societies, associations, companies. Good fer-the. digestion ; but troubles or shocks upset the stomach. 18 or R — Tends to bring power, authority and responsibil- ity. Separation or difficulties in love-affairs. Probably death of one child and separation from others; benefits and favors through the father or those in higher position ; but losses through investments; possible separation from the father, or his early death. Enterprising, ambitious, determined. Not specially fond of pleasure, but able to enjoy very small things. Many troubles through the dis- like and treachery of servants and employees. Profit through foreign affairs, marriage, intellectual pursuits. Partners who turn into opponents. Danger from crowds and possible death from overwork or heart-disease. 19 jar S — Apt to have domestic discord. Inventive, imagin- a tive. Fond of mystery and ceremony or ritualism. May change the religion and possibly become famous in law or religious matters. May make many successful journeys, but there is also danger from travels. ^ 20 or T— Same as 2. 21 or U — Apt to be closely associated with one of the par- ents, and fond of family life. Profit through parents, marriage, some occupation connected with water; also from some rather unpopular employment. Unfortunate for marriage or money and brings obstacles to both. May be much difference in age or position between the person and the marriage partner. Mother may help or hinder the marriage, and it may be delayed, from one cause or another. Money or property may come from the parents of one side or the other. Probable competence at end of life. 22 or V — Favors work with the people, for the people. Good memory ; successful as manager or agent, farmer, miller, grocer ,confectioner or any line connected with food or grain, or with drugs and medicine, as chemist, druggist. 12 herbalist, physician. May make many journeys. Trustwor- thy and faithful. May be retiring, but somewhat boast- ful. May work as secretary, clerk, messenger, traveler, school teacher, and join some company, firm or society. Fond of the study of hygiene and anxious to appear well to strangers. 28 or W — Active, self-confident, emotional, determined. Ar- dent, persevering, generous. Fond of mysteries, secret and occult things. Proud of birth. Analytical. Positive and sometimes aggressive in religions. Likely to have jealous enemies and peculiar intrigues, and profit through litigation, marriage, societies, death of partner, public in- vestments, mining, etc. Apt to be entrusted with secrets involving the honor of others. Peculiar friendships, many travels, strange adventures, questionable speculations. Notoriety, through children. Danger and misfortune from the water and voyages. Liable to death by water or while traveling, or possible tragic death through social or polit- ical connections. 24 or X — Same as 15. 25 or Y — Many changes of residence, and probably strange psychic experiences. May have close association with the mother; fond of home, very impressionable. Danger of loss of property, lands, mines, domestic inharmony, scan- dals. 26 or Z — Good memory, strong, intellect, inclined to literary, scientific or religious work. Fixed opinions, does not, like change. Many friends among learned people. Travel for a definite' object. Joins literary, scientific or religious societies. 27 — Troubles and difficulties, especially in early life. Thoughtful, serious, better for later life. Dual experien- ces in affairs connected with relatives. Profit from two sources by questionable means. Strength of character, subtlety of purpose, depth ©f thought; ability for re- search work or for invention and discovery. May tend to 13 be unfortunate for the father. May die early in the per- son's life or meet with troubles. Danger of trouble with brothers and sisters, accidents while traveling; false im- prisonment through treachery or domestic troubles. De- ceitful relatives or employees may bring public dishonor May marry abroad, or marriage partner may be a foreign- er. Unfortunate in legal matters and may suffer through self-deception. Liable to meet with a strange death through violence or jealousy. 28— May gain through public occupation or in connection with the state, but apt to have many hindrances and ob- stacles, insurmountable difficulties and troubles through servants. Subtle, original. Succeeds best in connection with others, especially in chemistry, science or art. Dan- ger of public hostility and official enemies. 29 — Self-reliant; shrewd; impulsive; favorable to public life. Independent. Sometimes irritable. Somewhat vol- atile and changeable. May achieve popularity and reach a position where he may be in charge over others, or be at the head of some undertaking ; and probably attain prom- inence in one's own sphere. The mother will play a prom- inent part in the life, sometimes an unfortunate one. Gen- erally strikes out a path for oneself whether right or wrong. May sometimes become involved in matters de- manding secrecy or surrounded by mystery, or in occupa- tion of rather low class, and quite contrary to the nature. Favors original and independent ventures; but danger of unpopularity or scandal. 30 — Sympathetic, kindly, sociable, popular. Love for music and poetry. Favorable for love, marriage, friends, money by marriage and through partners. Gain through matters connected with clothes, ornaments, flowers, perfumes, toilet preparations. 31 — Money through occupations connected with war; arms, ammunition, etc. Generally determined to have one* own way and to overcome all obstacles. May possibly have sud- den and violent outbursts of temper. May earn consider- 14 able money or receive money through marriage or leg- acy; but apt to have high expenses and spend money quickly. Danger of extravagances and loss, and of being in very poor circumstances at sometime in life. May have powerful opponents, and tragic happenings through love affairs and marriage. 32 — Fond of power, display, grandeur, dignity. Generally be- comes engaged in some public work at the head of some matter, where others are under the person's control. May also become prominent in science, art, religion or philoso- phy. May make one long journey but not apt to travel frequently. Fortunate and happy through children, soc- ial life, friends. Strong constitution, great vitality. Com- passionate, high-minded, benevolent. Deep love nature. Honorable death. 33—- Usually fortunate for financial matters, generally money from the father or the son. 34 — Favorable for love, marriage, friendship, popularity. Sympathetic, social, intuitive. Emotional, many changing friendships, among artists, musicians, mystics. Danger of treachery, scandal and loss through friends. 35 — Active mind, Fluent speech, just, generous, sincere. Taste for medicine, science, law, literature. Changeable, apt to start at one thing and drop it for another. Likes to write on religion, philosophy, or science and to get up books or pamphlets for propaganda work, but apt to lack clearness of express. Fond of walking, riding, and traveling ; may become ill while on a journey or travel be- cause of ill-health. Likes to handle or deal in drugs, medi- cines or foods. Danger of acquiring drug habit, and of quarrels with relatives. 36 — Serious, discreet, critical, analytical, original, capable, but timid. May be considered dull as a child. May be- come more diffident with age, and perhaps, gloomy and melancholy. Apt to have the ambition frustrated and disappointments or reversals in the occupation. May be 15 held back by ill-health, an unpopular vocation, or by the father's actions or affairs ; though at times may also bene fit through him, also as a manager. Profit through for- eigners and religious employees. Disinclined to marry; but may have a romantic courtship; may have headaches, colds, congestion of the liver, stomach and bowels. Danger of mental troubles. $7 — May have trouble through impulsive partnerships, and marriage, with later separation and divorce. Enmity, riv- alry, opposition, criticism, broken friendships. Peculiar disposition and manner. Favorable for artistic or literary occupations, and where marriage partner has these tastes also, the danger of marital troubles is lessened. S8 — Will be in public life in some manner, and have several changes in occupation, much traveling, help through wom- en. Can influence others, but may be cautious, calculat- ing and rather selfish. Danger of notoriety, downfall, loss and changes for the worse . 39 — Social, good-humored, friendly, clear-headed ,intuitive. Fond of music and poetry. Gain through marriage , friends, the public .Inventive ,original. Talent for writing, public speaking, should have neat handwriting. Gets on well wKh close relations. May have two occupations and receive money from more than one source. Gains and losses through speculation. May make several marriages or have a number of love affairs. Pleasure and profit from travel. Favorable for social popularity and marriage. May marry someone from a distance. Inconstant; fond of flirting, 40 — Energy, courage, pride, activity, self assurance, popu- lar, impulsive, rebellous, dislike of secrecy, desire to lead. May have the power to heal ; danger of accidents, fevers, wounds, infection, physical illness and dangers brought by one's own action. Good comes through personal effort. 41 — Good-natured, kind, liberal, just, compassionate, favor- able for religious matters, travels, shipping, connection 16 with horses, literature. Fond of speculation an<| game*. Two love affairs or marriages, one may be with a relative. Possible tendency to gamble, 42 — Best for later life. Good heredity, Happy relations with parents; father may die before mother. Success with lands, farming, mining, building, but danger of poverty at times, weak constitution, loses at end of lifa 4S-— Broad-mined, sympathetic, charitable. May help— or be helped by — charitable institutions. Not particularly good for heaUh or money. Apt to have many obstacles and ill luck of various kinds. 44 — Good memory, practical, can turn the intellect to daily business use. Excellent secretary, clerk, or in almost any practical line. Inclined to try too many things at once, and to contract a drug taking habit. Not apt to be suc- cessful in public matters, writing, or as a speaker. May do everything in a quiet, obscure way. Likely to write upon unpopular or forgotten subjects. Danger of bowel trouble. 45 — Intuitive, philosophy, tends to bring promience, power and authority. Might become an eminent, philosopher, explorer, or financies. May follow two occupations at once or change from one employment to another. May receive money from the father but be separated from him early in life through religion, traveling or politics. Double life of seclusion, and popularity. Serious. Danger of disputes, losses through religion or bigotry, unpleasant notoriety and difficulties while traveling at a distance from home or in foreign lands. 46 — Troubles and misfortunes in the home, especially in early life. May be fickle or suffer from fickleness in others; dislike for conventionalities, strong desire for freedom and independence; troubles or loss thiough the father; difficulties through children. Rebellious, change- able in love affairs. Usually successful in a public career ; but annoyances through children and social life wifl be likely. 17 47 — Fortunate for nursing, domestic or charitable work. Quiet, retiring and easy-going, restless, fond of change. Irresolute and unreliable. Mediumistic, romantic ^hos- pitable, rather despondent. Fluent speaker, writer or composer. May incline to dissipation or drug taking. Not ▼ery strong physically. May be untruthful. Danger of secret enemies and of detention in hospital, poor-house or prison, enmity of the public. 48— Likely to make a love-match which has been a case of "love at first sight." Kind-hearted, constant, pleasure- loving, favors and financial benefits from those in higher position, many friends ; cannot live alone or a retired life. Money through young people and speculation. Talent or possible genius for painting, music, the stage, or poetry. Prosperous children. Success in connection with schools, Probably several love affairs. 49 — Inclines to rash love affairs and early or hasty mar- riage. Marriage on the other hand, may be much delayed because of an early disappointment. May suffer through passionate impulses, and become involved with opposite sex. May marry someone with a bad temper and separate, or partner may die. Most of the troubles are caused by self ; criticism, enmity, opposition, quarrels and separation from friends rassociates and relatives. 50 — Intellectual but matter-of-fact, analytical, doubting, hesitating. Faithful employee and will benefit through employing others. Profit through investments, literature, travel by land or dealing in second hand things. Prudent, may have a secret love affairs and marry an inferior. For- eign travels and associations. May be wanting in appli- cation and method and be absent-minded. Danger at some t^me in life of treachery, and deceit and a tendency to Indolence. May have weak liver action, poor digestion and bowel troubles. 51 — Same as 42. 5S— -Musical talent. Harmonious relations with family. Mav " Jl 18 have clairvoyant dreams. Usually fortunate, may travel considerably, especially by water. 53— Same as 62. 54 — Ambition, power, strength of will, self-control. Gener- ally places the person at the head of affairs but of tea brings isolation and loneliness. May be melancholy or gloomy at the least, very serious. Success through hard work, and away from home. Danger of losses through speculation, friends and selfish children. May be unfaith- ful to friends and opposed to marriage, May become very much involved with opposite sex. 55 — Same as 37. 56 — Quiet and unimpulsive but very persistent and deter- mined. Money through travel and occupations connected with liquids, water, oil. Conservative, does not like change. Apt to have a considerable number of friends, and o ac- quire money, land and houses. Should live near water. Also .good for connection with companies, trading, associa- tions, etc. May be obstinate and unforgiving, b it is m general good hearted. Fond of singing, music and paint- ing. 57 — Same as 48. 58 — Probably a quick temper and inclined to be dictatorial and quarrelsome. Early death of father or estrange- ment from him. May profit through travel, foreign af- fairs, public life, but apt to arouse ennity, opposition, criticism. Possible separation between the parents. Off- spring may be delicate and sickly, apt to have difficulties with brothers and sisters, troubles through letters and journeys. 59 — Good natured ,benevolen:, tactful, honorable. May havt considerable self esteem. Profit through religious mat- ters, family, friends, marr age, speculation, investments, horses, caring for children ,affectionate ,fond of money, but generous. Troubles through relatives. Generally ft 19 faithful marriage partner and pleasant home life. 60 — May profit through employing others but tendency to headaches and general ill-health. 61 — Troubles connected with the father and in the early home life. Favorable for financial matters and money making, art, music and large business of the type of cat- ering. Fond of mystical matters. Danger of downfall, pub- lic scandal, family troubles. 62 — Slow to make up the mind but very determined when it is once made up. Patient and persevering in acquiring knowledge. Travel is usually for a definite end, and there is not much of it. Friendly, sociable. Money through teach- ing, writing, brothers, sisters, better success when con- nected with others than when alone. May be irritable and have fits of anger at times. 63 — Same as 45. 64 — Same as 1. 2* __,./ "THE SWITCHBOARD OF THE UNIVERSE" Those who wish to study this science and be able to do a great deal more than is given here, should send for a copy of the book, "The Switchboard of the Universe" or 'The Fundamental Principles of The Yi-King, Tao," by the same author. Bound in Red Cloth, with Symbolic Cover Design in Gold. Price $1.75 postpaid. Remittance must accompany order. There are eleven more booklets in The Switchboard of fche Universe Series; one for each month. Give birth date when ordering. Price of each book 15 cents. Remit With Order. "Your Fortune in Verse for the Day and Month." Most unusual, original and interesting little gift booklet, Send it instead of the usual birthday card or with each pres- ent. Fortunes are brief but true. Flower and jewel of each month. Price 25 Cents Each. m ■^""" ■■■ The Switchboard of The Universe Serie s YOUR NAME IT'S ACTION ON YOUR LIFE IS IT TOUCHING A FORTUNATE OR UNFORTUNATE BUTTON FOR YOU? IF-? YOU WERE BORN Between December 22d and January 21st PRICE 15c & — if ' YOUR NAME ITS ACTION ON YOUR LIFE — IF— You Were Born --BETWEEN-- Dec. 22nd and Jan. 21st BY VEOLIA J. BOYILE and AELVA J. BOYILE * i Copyright U. S .and England, 1921. By Veolia J. Boyile and Aelva J. Boyile. All rights reserved. VEOLIA J. BOYILE, 910 Steger Building CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. FEB -I 1922 C1A657850 -wo I PREFACE The special placing of the name vibration, in connection with the individual birth for each of the twelve months, is absolutely original with the author and can be used by no one in any publication without express permission from Veolia J. and Aelva J. Boyile. "You are a musical instrument. Your body and the condi- tions of your life are the result of the harmonies or discords played by you or upon you from day to day, by your per- sonal name." It is merely another more subtle, form of Wireless Telegraphv, and of the action of Sound upon the Business men will find these books invaluable in judg- ing employees, partners, general conditions, etc. As a health guide they are also of great assistance, a? well as in showing the direction where physical, financial or mental danger lies. They have been written for the benefit of those, .\ u having neither time nor inclination for the deeper si u.y necessary to an understanding of the principles involved in this science, nevertheless wish a method which will guide them by the very shortest cut possible, to its results and benefits. That it is an absolute exact and accurate science, has long passed beyond the possibility of question. It is the one science which offers a method of at least ameliorating, and a cure, for many of the evils of life. To those merely seeking amusement they will be found to contain an endless fund of enjoyment. The definitions given here contain the type Of events likely to occur during the life of the individual whose name is being read. Some of them may have already occurred, others will probably be yet to come. If one part of the name shows fortunate indications and another indicates misfor- tune, then there will be periods when the good fortune will predominate, and other periods when it will seem as if all went wrong. DIRECTIONS To use this book follow directions carefully. The manner of adding the names from the table of let- ters and numbers as given below is very simple. Any child of ten can learn it in a few moments. If it is done correctly the accuracy of the reading given for each number will be a never ending source of amusement and fascination to all. Each letter is to be counted as the number under which it is placed in the table. Use every name you possess, such as Mary Ann Smith : also your mother's last name, before marriage; and day of month of birth as a number. Do not add the names together, use each separately. If one name has a fortunate definition and one unfortu- nate, the life will partake of each. The table for addition of names : 123456789 abcde fghi jklmndpqr stuvwxyx Example : Mary Ann 4+1+9+7=21 . 1+5+5=11 Smith 1+4+9+2 +8=24 (Mother's name before marriage^ Jack son 1_)_1_|_3_|_2 +1+6+5=19. Day of month of birth 14, Look for 21 and read definition. Look for 11 and read definition. Look for 24 and read definition. Look for 19 and read definition. Look for 14 (birth) and read definition. Also read definition of initial letters. Look for M and reaa aetinition. Luok ior A and read definition. 1.00K ior S and read definition. Look tor J and read definition. Example 2- Burton William 2+3+tf+2 +6+5=27 5+9+3+3 -|-y+l+4=34 Clark 3+3+1+9+2=18. (Mother's name before marriage) No r t o n 5+6+9+2+6+5=33 (Birth, 20th.) Look for 27 and read definition. Look for 34 and read definition. Look for 18 and read definition. Look for 33 and read definition. Look for 20 and read definition. Initial Letters Look for B and read definition. Look for W and read definition. Look for C and read definition. Look for N and read definition. If you are called by any nickname, as Mamie, Jim, Jack, Polly, etc., add this also and read definition exactly as if it were an extra name. For instance, if called Mamie, read Mary and Mamie. If called Jim, read James and Jim ,etc. Don't forget that there are eleven more books in this set : One for each month. Give birth date when ordering. Price of each book 15 cents. Remit With Order. BIRTH Between Dee. 22 and Jan, 21. or A — Originality, ingenuity, inventive, resourceful, sud- den friendships with people who follow curious profes- sions, unexpected good or ill through them. Great apti- tude for learning. Independence; may take up several lines of study; good memory; success through large un- dertakings, factories, companies, public life, partners, friends or marriage. 2 or B — Love of music, poetry, art. Popular, affectionate, good natured, kind. Fortunate for marriage, partnerships and friends. Popular with the masses. Manners may be rather studied. Much influenced by others, especially by some one person. Very dependent on companions. Danger * : losses through partners, and of domestic troubles. b - j C— Money through marriage, friends, popularity, the public. Fixed, determined, positive, affectionate, faithful. Sometimes gain through speculation. Marriage likely to be delayed through money affairs, death or separation. Marriage will probably be for money on one side. May receive legacy; partnership, business. 4 or D- — Apt to be vacillating, indolent, irresolute, easily in- fluenced by others. May be untruthful and lacking in honesty. Usually tangles up his own affairs until the 9 snarl is almost impossible to unravel. May suffer from slander, theft, false reports and may act as a secret enemy to others and, suffer from secre': enemies in return. Gen- erally good intellect. Danger of lingering illness ; also from liquids; drowning; scalding, foods, poison. Detention or restraint through enmity, crime or poverty ; disappointed love, delayed marriage; two attachments; early death of offspring; help from friends. Love for the mysterious. May benefit through hospitals. Tendency to do something dishonest. 5 or E — Rather grave and serious. Often brings a public ca- reer or places the person in control over others. Success, honor, popularity, sometimes wealth; ambitious, ortho- dox, dignified. Money through orthodox religion, foreign affairs, death of relatives, commercial enterprises; /do- mestic life or marriage. Inclines to travel and will proba- bly make a long journey at some time in life. 6 or F — Many friends, benefits, satisfied ambitions. Public honors. 7 or G — May endow charitable institutions and at another time be dependent on charity. Connection with ships or water likely. Sometimes affiliation with secret or occult movements; friends also connected with such matters. Danger of deceit, enmity, unpopularity, thwarted plans, heavy losses. 8 or H — Favorable for all educational and literary matters. Always prefers working with others than alone. Head governs the heart in love affairs. Marriage partner prob- ably clever. May marry a cousin or employee, and meet one's fate on a journey. Good for public speaking. Danger 10 of fickle and quarrelsome wife or husband. Intellectual work in partnership with others. 9 or I— Persistent. Affectionate. Fond of social life. Strong desire for fame. Ambitious ; selfish ; lonely. Tact ; diplo- macy ; financial success abroad; but not much at home ; loss through speculation, acquaintances, selfish children, Treacherous to friends. Opposed to marriage. Unfortu- nate for marriage partner; may become seriously entan- gled with inferiors of opposite sex. Possibility of brain trouble. Death through chronic ailment. Power, ability, self-control, strength of will, success through hard work. Danger of dishonor, downfall, loss, early death of parent. 10 or J — Artistic talent. Occult tendencies, new views, changes of faith., Chance of becoming famous in law, re- ligion or occult matters; learned, original, successful jour neys; though also possibility of trouble through travel. Strong imagination, fond of ritualism, mysticism; and sometimes very advanced, religious views. Inventiveness. Dreams and visions. Sometimes trouble through mar- riage. 11 or K — Prudent, economical, high mentality. Loves to come before the public; works for fame. Changes of oc- cupation. Travelling, fortunate for money; help from women. Danger of notoriety, public hostility, downfall, loss, unprofitable changes. 12 or L~— Profit in business connected with art, clothing, ornaments, perfumes, etc. ; ;also through partnerships or legacy. Danger of death, loss or extravagance of marriage or business partner; disappointment or separation in love. Passionate, luxurious, wasteful. Tendency to lack 11 of modesty and restraint. Attracted by opposite sex. Troubles through love affairs. Money through inheri- tance, gift or legacy, partnership, or marriage; but dif ficulty in getting possession of it. Gain through things connected wi';h water, or matters having to do with the dead. 13 or M — Usually successful in dealing with the public. Good worker under superiors ; peculiar ties ; may make secret union with inferior; death of friends and helpers. Diffi- culties in the way of the ambition. Able to resist disease. Energetic worker. Danger of trouble with employees, and of getting in ;o subordinate position and having difficulty in regaining independence. Liability to accidents, wounds, surgical, operations, fevers affecting liver and alimentary canal. Probably quiei; end surrounded by relatives. Tends to conceal, suffers through servants, employees, false friends. 4 or N — Many true and fortunate friends who bestow con- siderable benefits. Will do much that will bring friends. Fond of out-of-the way matters, original. Love of social life. Humane, superstitious, broad, spmpathetic. Profit through personal, influence, profession, associations, in heritance. Love affairs, marriage. Good fortune through societies and associations. Sudden end of life. 15 or — Practical. Business ability. Tendency to selfish- ness. Fortunate for financial matters. Sometimes money through the father or occupations of the son. Money apt to slip away easily. 1 6 or P — Usually fortunate ; great love for beauty and ar fc ; talent for music and painting; possible marriage to 12 artist, bohemian or psychic. Danger of broken engage- ment, unfortunate marriage, irregular attachments, scan dal, fickleness. 17 or Q — Apt to carry on two occupations at the same time, and to study two subjects at once. Favors travel and is apt to be fortunate for close relatives, reading and study. Inclined to scatter the energies. Brilliant, but rather un- reliable. 18 or R — Tries to do too much. May be peevish and have domestic discord. Worry through love affairs, inferiors and children; honor or dishonor through marriage; mar- riage partner may rise through merit. Danger of death by drowning or in a foreign land. May have difficulty at end of life. Early death of father; loss through land, houses ,e';c. ; estrangement from parents; privation; trou- ble in later life. 19 or S — May receive an unexpected legacy. Self willed; power of concentration, rebellious ; fond of mysterious things .Danger of disappointment, accidents, falls, gun- shot wounds, explosions; liability to sudden end. 20 or T — Refined, courteous, obliging, but manners a trifle studied. Fortunate for marriage, partnerships, and friendships. Popular with the masses ; acquaintance with inferiors; many women friends. May make a profitable marriage ; but may be fickle. Danger of domestic troubles and losses through partners. 21 or U — Generally a rise in life. Love of music and poetry ; gain through short journeys, brothers, sisters, writings, intellectual pursuits. Popular, refined, neat penmanship; money from various sources ; harmony with relatives. May — N 13 have several marriages, or love affairs ; possibly one with a relative. May marry some one from a distance. Fond of ilirting; inconstant. 22 or V — Fate much influenced by early environment but usually can become master of one's own life. Fond of res- ponsibility ; faithful, affectionate ; proud ; popular ; fond of pleasure, ease and comfort. Generally successful in specu- lation. 23 or W — Generally profit and good fortune through r riage, partners and popularity. Persons connected ^n law or religion bestow benefits. May marry some one at a distance, or a foreigner. Travelling in connection with marriage or business matters. Clear-headed, charitable compassionate ; religious, sincere ; fond of poetry ; profit through marriage; friends, servants, partners, journeys; sometimes disliked by clergymen; legacies from strang- ers ; connection with public institutions or hospitals. Usu- ally a happy marriage and peaceful end. 24 or X — Business ability. Tendency to selfishness. Fortu- nate for finances ; money from the father and sometimes from the son ; but lets it slip away. 25 or Y — Generally fortunate in most things. Strange psy- chic experiences, and dreams. May have much travel, es- pecially by water. Talent for music. Affectionate relations with ! family. 26 or Z — Success, promotion and probably fame through writings or similar work. Changes in occupation or may enrage in several lines of business. Talent for public speaking. Mystical, diplomatic, profound, ambitious. Hon- ors at school. Possibly a diplomatic post. 14 27 — Reserved, diplomatic; profit through industry, frugal- ity, judicious investments. Treachery and sorrow through relatives and offspring; sickness from foreign travel and dislike of travel ; love of occultism ; peculiar domestic ex- periences ; possible death of marriage partner. A few faithful friends; money through the father and from careful management. 28 — Personal magnetism. Loss through speculation. Unex- pected breaks with offspring. Rebellious, unconventional, fickle, or may suffer from fickleness in others ; domestic troubles and obstacles especially in youth; loss or diffic- ulty through the father. May have success in public ca- reer; though hindrances and social annoyances may be expected. 29 — Quiet, retiring, easy-going, fond of novelty, restless, rather irresolute and easily discouraged. Obstacles, mis- fortune, and opposition apt to occur all through life. Self- indulgent, romantic ; hospitable ; fond of expressing sym- pathy. Popular, changeable affections; fond of pleasure, ease and comfort. Tends to success in speculation. Danger of dissipation, and of acquiring a drug habit ; from secret enemies ; of detention in hospital, poor-house or prison. May be rather untruthful. 30 — Foresight, tendency to clairvoyance; but lacks contin- uity; and may be inclined to be indolent and wavering. Favors employment under others; good will of inferiors; faithful servants. Delays and disappointments in love, partnership or marriage ; may make a messalliance ; money through employees. Profit through subordinate position; good digestion and appetite. 15 [ — Energetic; active; self-assured; popular; impulsive; rebellious; dislikes secrecy; desire to lead; magnetic and healing power; possible illness or even death which will be due to person's own action. Good fortune through per- sonal effort. Courageous. Usually strong constitution. 32 — Tends to bring happiness, benefits, gain through houses, lands, etc.; legacy from parent; usually the moth- er is especially devoted. Gain through the mother, mar- riage, inferiors the public. Intellectual; emotional, hu- mane; intuitive; fond of mystery and marvels. Travels for health and pleasure. Danger of annoyances from travel though generally not very serious ones. Prosperous old age; peaceful death away from home. "33 — Vitality; energy and force of character; general cess ; loner life. 34 — Good for financial matters and general money-making but probably trouble in the family in early life and through the father especially. Talent for music. Particu- larly fortunate for business like catering, confectionery. Success in artistic, musical, and mystical matters. Da of downfall, public scandal, family troubles. deceitful, jeal- ous and treacherous, or prudent, self-controlled and digni- fied ; and on this will depend the worst or the best. Usually an eventful life with downfall through too hasty actions. Profit through legacy, literary work, writing and travel- ling. May lose brother, sister, relative, or close friend. Trouble through wills and money affairs of marriage or business partner Disappointment in love. 16 36 — Enterprising; ambitious; determined ; powerful intel- lect; good judgment; indfferent to pleasure; sorrow through, and secret enmity of inferiors; treachery and hatred of servants. Honor and profit through deaths, for- eign affairs, philosophy, domestic affairs, intellect, mar- riage. May marry an old friend and finally realize one's hopes. A few sincere friends among equals and superiors. Trouble through partners who turn into opponents. Dan- ger from crowds, psychic ailments and infection; delay, irregularities or separation in love affairs; death of one child, separation from others; loss through investments. Good for public work or official appointments. Death through heari; disease or from overwork. 37— Disputes with subordinates; troubles with digestion and bowels ; subtle ; penetrating ; original ; obstacles ; re- strictions; thwarted ambitions; insurmountable difficul- ties in occupation; public enmity and criticism. 38 — Musical, artistic. May make a mark in politics or society and gain wealth. Independent, practical. Dual na- ture and experience ; secretive ,rebel.lious ; demonstra- tive; prophetic. Travels, voyages, dreams, psychic ex- periences. Danger while travelling and possible trouble through religion or law. ) 39— -Fortunate ; money through marriage; friends, popular- ity. Pleasure, luxury, amusement. Affectionate, faithful, positive, tenacious; fond of money, but generous. Mar- riage may be delayed by financial troubles, separation or death. Marriage for money upon one side or the other. Probable incompatibility. 40 — Strange psycnic experiences. Much influenced by sur- roundings. Danger of secret enemies, lingering illnesses, 17 m liquids; drowning, scalding, floods, poisons, or food in liquid form ; detention or restrant through enmity, crime or poverty ; disappointed love ; delayed marriage ; two attachments ; early death of offspring ; liking for oc- cultism ; help from friends ; may benefit through hospital- i :y, detective work, etc. May behave dishonestly. Probable death in retirement, want, hospital, or institution. 41 — Fortunate for legacy and money by marriage, or part- nership. Possibly only a small sum, however. Emotional, determined, proud of birth ; peculiar intrigues with super- iors; jealous enemies; profit through litigation, marriage, societies, arbitraton, death of partner, public investments, mining, etc. Apt to be entrusted with secrets involving honor of others ; critical ; strange friendships ; long voy- ages ; strange adventures ; notoriety through children ; questionable speculations. Danger of tragic death through social or political connections. 42 — Talent for invention. Favorable for journeys, educa- tion, intellect, imagination ; success through brothers and sisters, also writing, study, leaching, science, literature. Affectionate relatives. 43 — Friendships with mystics, artists, musicians. Popular. Fortunate for love and marriage. Danger of treachery, scandal or loss through friends. 4 4 — Strong, positive mentality; self indulgent but kind- hearted. Fond of children, music and poetry. Apt to be- come so immersed in mental occupations as to neglect ma- terial matters. Fortuna.e for educators, actors, artists, singers, writers; and generally for speculation. Intellec- 18 tual offspring. Danger of trouble or slander through em- ployees or superiors, from drugs* or weakness of heart or bowels. 45 — Probably downfalls through hasty impulses. Loss or disappointment in legacy, marriage, or business partner; waste of money. Acquisitive, passionate, selfish, indepen- dent, shrewd, tenacity; love of life. Subtle influence over others. Early death of father, possible separation or es- trangement from him. Profit from secret societies, in- trigues, elderly and ambitious friends, partners, oppo- nents, life insurance and death of others. Careful, invest- ments; inferior and jealous relatives. Sad love-affairs; secret domestic 'ties; prominence in secret or unpopular things. Danger of notoriety, crime or shame, also from infection, poison, surgical operation ; and of a mysterious death which attracts public attention. 46 — Sensitive, psychic, fond of occultism and travelling; trouble in the home life, in the dwelling place, through houses, and occupation, especially in early life* Trouble wi th a parent ; fluctuating affairs ; annoyances in the fam- ily and in public life; changes of residence* 47 — Jealous. Love of mystery. Peculiar, independent, un- expected ; student of human nature, fond of secrets. Many acquaintances among women, inferiors, at clubs, among the general public, etc. Friendships easily made and given up ; periods of gain then of loss. 48 — Probable competence at end of life. Late marriage. For- tunate family relations. Probable inheritance from par- ents. Profit through marriage or occupations connected with ships, water or liquids, also from unpopular or hum- 19 ble occupations. Devoted to the mother who, will, either help or hinder the marriage materially; hindrances to marriage, generally because of age or position. 49 — Affairs of the early home often influence the entire life. Usually successful in connection with the public. Good worker under superior; peculiar ties; may make secret union with inferior; death of friends and helpers. Obsta- cle to ambition. Power to resist disease. Energetic worker May have trouble with servants and employees. Subordi- nate position and difficulty in rising to independence Danger of accidents, wounds, surgical operations and fever affecting liver and alimentary canal. 50 — Ambition. Fortunate and happy through offspring; social success, friends. Profit through pleasure, sports, drama, higher education, church work. Proud, loyal, magnanimous: ambitious, intuitive, religious; fond of pomp and power. Dramatic taste for ceremony, Journeys are nearly always for a spec ; al purpose. Honorable death 51 — Good for journeys and education. Imagination. Success through brother and sisters. Good intellect. Gain through writing, study, teaching, science, literature. 52 — Periods when money gaining is easy and others when it is very difficult. Good-humored, patient. Favorable for friendship and marriage ; but danger of a tragedy in the life. 53 — Quick-witted ; observant ; sharp ; tendency to exagger- ate. Many short journeys. May be a writer of short stor ies. 54 — Musical, artistic. May become noted in politics or so- ciety and gain wealth. Independent, practical. Success in 20 religious or university life ; serious views ; constancy ; ability for work. Danger of disputes ; misfortunes ; reli- gious bigotry or indfference. Trouble while travelling or on voyages in foreign lands. Intuitive, philosophic; occult; humanitarian; popular. Money through judicious invest- ments; unassuming; prophetic insight. Inheritance through father; separation from parent, through travel, religion, politics. Dual life of popularity and seclusion. Peaceful age and end of life. 55 — Subtle ; penetrating ; original ; obstacles ; restrictions ; thwarted ambitions; insurmountable difficulties in occu- pation; public enmity and criticism. Loss through specu lation. Unexpected ruptures with offspring. 56 — Impulsive, aggressive, irritable, independent, self-will- ed, disobedient. May achieve distinction, be placed in au- thority over others and at some time become notorious, The mother will probably play a large part in the life and it is likely to be an unfortunate one. May have disputes with the parents, or may be separated from one, or one may die young. May act unexpectedly and independently. May possiibly become involved in a mystery or act in a mysterious way. Danger of scandal and unpopularity. 57 — Profit through parents, marriage, occupation connec- ted with water; also from unpopular or humble occupa- tions, but not especially good for either money or mar- riage. Devoted to the mother who materially either helps or hinders the marriage. Danger of obstacles to marriage through age or position. 58 — Artistic. Ardor; religious enthusiast; independence; love of freedom; success in law; executive ability. Dan- 21 ger of being contentious and despotic ; skeptical ; change- able beliefs; possible danger while travelling; suffering * on account of opinions; disputes with relatives and con- nections; impulsive in speech and action; secret scandal, and ill repute which is often undeserved. Profit by more than one marriage and through legacy. Anxiety regard- ing health ; travel ; adventure ; dual experiences at end of life. 59 — May rise in life. Hospitable; philanthropic; fond of animals. Profit through hospitality, kindred, mining com- panies; possible marriage to inferior. Danger of hazard- ous investments. Quiet, religious end. Success in charita- ble occupations or in connection with hospitals, secret so- cieties, etc. Excellent for physicians or nurses, and for giving and receiving sympathy. Fond of occult matters. Protects against attacks from enemies. 60 — Health; vitality; success; merited honor; dignity; pride, ambition, profitable speculations ; generally one child. 61 — Mystical; psychical; peculiar views; dreams; visions: occult experiences. Travelling but sometimes danger through this. 62 — Quick-witted; observant; sharp; tends to exaggerate. Many short journeys. May write short stories. Nervous ; business ability ; brilliancy ; repartee. 63 — Loss or disappointment in legacy, marriage or business partner ; waste of money ; acquisitive ; selfish ; passionate ; jealous; independent; shrewd; tenacity and love of life; subtle influence over others ; early death of father, possi- ble estrangement or separation. Profit from secret so- 22 cieties, intrigues, elderly and ambitious friends, partners, opponents, life insurance and death of others, careful in- vestments. Inferior jealous kindred. Sad love affairs. Secret domestic ties. Prominence in secret or unpopular things. Danger of notoriety, crime, shame. Risk of in- fection, also from poisons and surgical operations. Some^ times mysterious death which attracts public attention. 64 — Independence; good brain; originality; good memory. Quickness in acquiring knowledge; may take up several lines of study. Success through large undertakings, fac- tories, companies, public life, friends or marriage. Sudden friendships with people of curious pursuits, unexpected good or evil through these. 23 "THE SWITCHBOARD OF THE UNIVERSE" Those who wish to study this science and be able to do a great deal more than is given here, should send for a copy of the book, 'The Switchboard of the Universe" or "The Fundamental Principles of The Yi-King, Tao," by the same author. Bound in Red Cloth, with Symbolic Cover Design in Gold. Price $1.75 postpaid. Remittance must accompany order. There are eleven more booklets in The Switchboard of the Universe Series; one for each month. Give birth date when ordering. Price of each book 15 cents. Remit With Order. "Your Fortune in Verse for the Day and Month." Most unusual, original and interesting little gift booklet. Send it instead of the usual birthday card or with each pres- ent. Fortunes are brief but true. Flower and jewel of each month. Price 25 Cents Each. HBHHnHHIH H i^*^*mmmm S ■■■ *s \ L Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: Dec. 2004 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724)779-2111 ■ — ■ ^ v ,- H^BOHBOifBBBHHDMHDOHBPHflflHflHB