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A Complete Concordance to the American Standard Version of the Holy Bible A herje specially deiigned to promote the study and to aid in the clear Understanding of the Word of God :^ -C' i^ By It C:Hazard, Ph.D. E(^itor Emerii^Sy Department of Educational Publications, ^mgregational Publishing Society I ( Contains about 30(,000 references, arranged under 16,000 headings and sub-headings ; includes the Alternative Marginal Readings ; gives the pronunciation and meaning of all proper names and places, with biogiiphical and geographical information which make it serve as'a Bible Dictionary as well as a Concordance NEW YORK MAS NELSON & SONS Copyright 1922 By THOMAS NELSON &. SONS SEP 28 1 ©CU.6 8:3«;t2 0, ^ H ( Introduction The American Standard Version of the Bible has come into such gen- eral use that a Complete Concordance has become an actual necessity. While *o it is true that a condensed concordance has been in use for some time, the ^ ' present work is the first Complete Concordance to the American Standard Bible that has been made. So great has been the magnitude of the task that more than five years have been occupied in its completion. This time will, however, have been well spei^t if the work but attains its object — to give the Bible reader a better understanding of the Holy Scriptures. A concordance is to all intents and purposes an index — a word-finder to enable the reader to find any word, so that he may locate any portion of Scripture, with the least amount of trouble and the greatest expedition. In the preparation of this work the editor has had the advantage of comparisons with other concordances and has, therefore, been enabled to introduce many improvements of great value. One of the greatest advantages is the omission of prepositions, auxiliaries, and other unimportant words, which would merely increase the size of the book without adding to its usefulness. A list of these words is found below. | Another special feature is the use of subdivisions. When a word appears a number of times in different connections, subheadings are introduced under the main heading, or key word. The word Israel, for example, occurs many times with all, camp, children, elders, God, etc., and the references are, therefore, grouped under Alt Israel, Camp of Israel Children of Israel etc. When one desires to locate a passage containing any one of these phrases he finds the reference under the specific subcaption and is not compelled, as in so many concordances, fo search through a multitude of unrelated items. Lists of the subdivisions are given immediately following the main key word. This use of subdivisions, aside from its general convenience furnishes a com- plete series of "Bible Readings'* on the various subtopics. How valuable this may be is suggested by some of the subcaptions under God, as Almighty Cod, Angel of Cod, Ark of Cod, Children of Cod, Church of Cod, Servant of Cod, etc. I Another feature of this concordance, which v/ill commend itself to its users, is the incorporation of the alternative Marginal Readings, which are frequently of great value in interpreting the text. These readings, as in the margin, are given in italics, and are designated by (m) placed immediately after the chapter and vepe. / In Most valuable, also, is the inclusiAi of a few introductory words dis- tinguishing various persons or places of tlpi same name. In many works indi- viduals of the same name are listed in tlie order of their mention, and the searcher becomes helplessly confused unless he looks up the text in each case to ascertain whether it concerns the one wkse history he is considering. Thus there are fortytwo references to the name Zechariah, though only six of these are to the prophet with whom the name is usually connected. Each one of the other twenty-nine to whom reference is made is identified by a brief explan- atory note. Place names are similarly dedned and located, and the salient facts concerning each are given. The Hebiew, Aramaic or Greek meanings, which are also included, add interest and throw additional light upon the person or place referred to, so that the worl serves the double duty of Con- cordance and Bible Dictionary. The space for each line is so limited tbat only a few words can be put into it. It is important, therefore, that thost words shall be significant and identify the passage sought for. So far as posible this desirable end is accom- plished by abbreviations and the omission oi trivial words, whose presence is easily inferred. While the abbreviations k most cases need no explana- tion, a list of those most frequently employed is given below. » With these advantages the Editor and piblishers believe that they here present a work so accurate, so full, and so con\5nient, that it will be an indis- pensable working tool for Bible students everywhere — Whelping them to handle aright the word of truth. M. C. Hazard Abbreviations Books of the Bible Ge. — Genesis Is. -Isaiah Ro. — Romans Ex. — Exodus Je.- -Jeremiah 1 Co. — 1 Corinthians Le. — Leviticus La.— -Lamentations 2 Co. — 2 Corinthians Nu.— Numbers Eze.- — Ezekiel Ga. — Galatians De. — Deuteronomy Da.- —Daniel Ep. — Ephesians Jos. — Joshua Ho.- — Hosea Ph. — Philippians Ju. — Judges Joe.- -Joel Col. — Colossians Ru. Ruth Am.- — ^Amos 1 Th. — 1 Thessalonians 1 S. — 1 Samuel Ob.- — Obadiah 2 1 h.— 2 Thessalonians 2 S. — 2 Samuel Jon.- — Jonah 1 Ti. — 1 Timothy 1 K. 1 Kings Mi.- -Micah 2 Ti. — 2 Timothy 2 K. 2 Kings Na.- — Nahum Tit. — Titus 1 Ch. — 1 Chronicles Hab. — -labbakuk Phm. — Philemon 2 Ch. — 2 Chronicles Zph.- — Zephaniah He. — Hebrews Ezr. — Ezra Hag. — i-Iaggai Ja. — James ^e. — Nehemiah Zec- — Zechariah 1 Pe. 1 Peter Er6. — Esther Mal. Malachi 2 Pe. 2 Peter Jb. Job Mt.- -Matthew 1 Jn. — 1 John Ps. — Psalms Mk.- Mark 2 Jn. — 2 John Pr. — Proverbs Lu.- -Luke 3 Jn. 3 John Ec. — Ecclesiastes Jn.- -John Jude S.S. — -Song of Solomon Ac- -Acts Re. — Revelation Other Abbreviations Ab. — about ho. — house soev. — soever abom. — abomination hun. — hundred thems. — themselves ag. — against inher. — inheritance th'fore. — therefore bee. — because its. — itself th'g. — thing bef. — before Is. — Israel th'in. — therein bet. — between JH. — Jehovah thith. — thither bl. blood k. — king tho. — though breth. — brethren k'dom. — kingdom tog. — together bro., broth. — brother in. — into thou. — thousand c'd. — could mi. — mine up. — upon chil. — children mult. — multitude w'd. — would cong. — congregation mys. — myself wh. — which dau. — daughter na's. — nations whatsoev. — whatsoever divina. — divination nei. — neither wh'in. — wherein estab. — establish nev'less. — nevertheless withersoev. — whithersoever ev. — even or ever ov. — over wh'with. — wherewith fa. — father off.^ — offering ^ wi. — with or will fam. — family peo. — people wick'ness. — wickedness genera. — generation pi. — place wild'n. — wilderness gr't. — great right'ness. — righteousness wom. — woman hims. — himself sh. — shall yr. — your or year hith. — hither sh'd. — should yours. — yourselves Omitted Words Ah, In. Ten (as adjective or All, Into, component part of Also, It, numbers) That, An, Its, And, VI ay (except with Be The, Any, A and Do) , Thee, Vlight (except < IS noun Their. Are, • and with B( I and Do) 1 hen. Art (verb). My. Them, Be, No, There, Because, Nor, These, been. Not, Before, Now, Those. Behold (as an exclamation) Off, Thou, But, Oh. Thy. Concerning, On, Too, Did, One, What, Do, Or, When, Down, Our, Where, Even (except as noun) Out, Which, For, Over, Who, From, Own, Whom, Him, Shall, Whose, His, Shalt. ■ Will (except as noun) If, Than, Your. COMPLETE CONCORDANCE TO THE AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE AARON AARON AARON (Ar'on, or A'ron)— Etymology doubt- ful. It is variously interpreted as moun- taineer, fluent, bright, illumined, etc. Son of Amram and Jochebed, descendants of Levi (Ex. 6:19, 20). Was younger than his sis- ter Miriam, and older by three years than his brother Moses. Jehovah appointed him to be spokesman for Moses (Ex. 4:10-17), and he be- came the first high priest of Israel (Ex. 28). (Aaxon with Moses, Children of Aaron Aaron with sons) Ex. 4:14. Is there not A. thy brother? 27, JH.saiduntoA. (Le.io:8;Nu.i8:i, 8, 20) 30. A. spake aU the words of JH. 6:23. A. took Elisheba to wife 7: I. A. thy brother sh. be thy prophet 2. A. thy brother sh. speak to Pharaoh 7. and A. fourscore & 3 years old 9. say unto A. Take thy rod (19) 10. A. cast down his rod bef. Pharaoh 8: 5. Say unto A. Stretch forth thy hand 6. A. stretched hand over waters 16. Say unto A. Stretch out thy rod 15:20. Miriam, prophetess, sister of A. 16:34. A. laid it up before Testimony 17:12. A. and Hur stayed up his hands 18:12. A. came to eat bread before God 19:24. shalt come up, thou & A. wi. thee 24:14. A. and Hur are with you 28: 2. holy garments for A. (3, 4; 29:29; 31:10; 35:19; 39:1, 41; 40:13) 12. A. shall bear names before JH. 29. A. shall bear names in breastplate 30. A. sh. hear the judgment of Israel 35. shall be upon A. to minister 38. A. sh. bear iniquity of holy th'gs 29: 5. put upon A. the coat and robe 20. put (blood) upon rightear of A. 30: 7. A. shall burn thereon incense 8. when A. lighteth the lamps 10. A. sh. make atonement upon horns 31:10. A. the priest (35:19; 38:21; 39:41; Le. 1:7; 13:2; 21:21; Nu. 3:32; 4:28, 33; 7:8; 10:8; 18:28; 33:38 32: I. people said un. (A.) make us gods 2. A. said. Break off golden rings 3. golden rings, bro't them unto A. 5. when A. saw this, built an altar and A. made proclamation 22. A. said. Let not anger wax hot 25. A. let them loose for derision 35. because the calf which A. made 38:21. by the hand of Ithamar, son of A. Le. 7:35. is the anointing-portion of A. 9: 8. A. slew calf of sin-offering 21. A. waved for a wave-offering 22. A. lifted up hands, blessed them 10: 3. And A. held his peace 8. JH. spake un. A. Drink no wine 13. 2. leprosy, shall be brought to A. 16: 2. Speak unto A. (21:17; Nu. 8:2) 3. herewith sh. A. come in. holy place 6. A. shall present bullock (11) 8. A. sh. cast lot upon two goats 9. and A. shall present the goat 21. A. sh. lay hands upon live goat 23. A. sh. come into tent of meeting 21:17. Speak un A. Whoso, hath blemish 21. no seed of A. that hath blemish 22: 4. what man of seed of A. is leper 24: 3. tent of meet. sh. A. keep in order Nu. i: 3. A. sh. number them by their hosts 3: 4. in presence of A. their father 6. bring tribe of I evi before A. 8: 2. Speak unto A. When thou lightest Nu. De. Ch, Ps. Lu. Ac. He. Ex. 3. 8:11. 21. 12: 5. 10. 16:11. 16. 17. 40. 17: 6. 8. 10. 18:20. 28. 20: 8. 24. 26. 28. 29. 26:60. 27:13. 33:38. 39. 9:20. 10: 6. 32:50. 12:27. 23:13. 24:19. 27:17. 115:10. 12. 118: 3. 135:19. i: 5. 7:40. S: 4. 7:11. Aaron 4:28. 29. S: I. 4- 20. 6:13. Le. 20. 26. 7: 6. 10. 8: 8. 12. 10: 8. 11:10. 16: 2. 6. 9. 17:10. 24: I. 9- 34:30. 31. 40:31. 8: 6. 31. 9: I. A. did so; he lighted the lamps A. sh. offer Levites before JH. A. off'd them for wave-offering A. made an atonement for them Jehovah called A. and Miriam A. looked, behold, she was leprous A. what is he that ye murmur? Be thou before Jehovah and A. take every man his censer, and A. no stranger, not of seed of A. rod of A. was among, their rods rod of A. for Levi was budded Put back rod of A. bef. testimony JH. said un. A. sh. have no inherit, ye sh. give JH's heave-off. to A. Take the rod, and A. thy brother A. be gath'd unto his people (26) strip A. of his garments A. died there (33:38; De. 32:50) when cong. saw that A. was dead they wept for A. thirty days unto A. were born Nadab, etc. as A. thy brother was gath'd A. died in 40th yr. out of Egypt A. was 123 yrs. old when he died JH. was very angry with A. I prayed for A. at the same time There A. died & there was buried A. thy brother died in mount Hor Jehoiada leader of house of A. A. was separated ordinance given them by A. (ruler) of A., Zadok, house of A., trust in Jehovah He will bless the house of A. Let the house of A. now say house of A., bless ye Jehovah had wife of daughters of A. saying unto A., Make us gods called of God, even as was A. not reckoned after order of A. with Moses M. told A. all the words of Jehovah M. and A. gathered all the elders M. and A. said unto Pharaoh Wherefore, M. & A. loose ye? they met M. and A., who stood JH. spake unto M. and A. (7:8:9:8 12:1, 43; Le. ii:i; 13:1; 14:33 . 15:1; Nu. 2:1; 4:1, 17; 14:26 16:20; 19:1; 20:12, 23) Jochebed bare him A. and M. (Nu. 26:59; I Ch. 6:3) These are that A. and M. (27) M. and A. did as JH. commanded (10, 20; 12:28, 50) [(10:3) M. and A. went in unto Pharaoh Pharaoh called for M. and A. (25; 9:27; 10:16; 12:31) M. and A. went out from Pharaoh M. and A. were bro't again unto M. and A. did all these wonders congregation murmured ag. M. & A. (Nu. 14:2; 16:41) M. and A. said unto children of Is. M. said unto A. (33; Le. 8:31; 9:2, 7; 10:12; Nu. 16; 46) M. & A. & Hur went to top of hill un. M., Comeupun. JH.,thou & A. went up M. & A., Nadab & Abihu when A. saw M., his face shone M. called unto them; and A. ret'd M. & A. washed their hands M. bro't A. & his sons & washed M. said unto A., Boil the flesh M. called A. & his sons, & elders Le. Nu. Jos. iS. Ps. Mi. Le. Jos. Ex. 7. M. said unto A. offer thy sin-off. 9:23. M. & A. went into tent of meeting 10: 3. M. said unto A., This JH. spake 4. M. called sons of Uzziel, uncle of A. 6. M. said un. A., Let not hair loose 19. A. spake unto M., Behold this day 17: 2. JH. spake unto M., Speak unto A. (Le._22:i; Nu. 8:1) [of A. 21: I. JH. said unto M., Speak un. sons 24. So M. spake un. A. and his sons 1:17. M. and A. took men mentioned 44. whom M. and A. numbered (3:39; 4:34, 37, 41, 45, 46; 26:64) 3: I. these are genera's of M. and A. 38. M. & A. and sons keeping charge 8:20. Thus did M. and A. unto Levites 9: 6. unclean came before M. and A. 12: I. Miriam and A. spake against M. 4. JH. spake suddenly unto M. and A. 11. A. said unto M., Oh, my Lord 13:26. And they went & came to M. & A. 14: 2. Israel murmured against M. & A. 5. M. and A. fell on their faces 15:33. they brought him to M. and A. 16: 3. they assembled against M. and A. 18. at door of tent with M. and A. 42. cong. assembled ag. M. & A. (20:2) 43. M. and A. came to front of tent 46. M. said unto A., Take thy censer 47. A. took as M. spake, and ran SO. A. returned unto M. unto tent 20: 6. M. and A. went from assembly 10. M. and A. gathered assembly 12. M. and A., Because ye believed not 28. M. stripped A. of his garments [ A. 26: I. JH.spakeun. M. &EleazarsonofA. 9. Abiram who strove ag. M. & A. 64. notaman,numberedby M.and A. 33: I. These are journeys imder M. & A. 24: 5. I sent M. and A., and plagued 12: 6. JH. appointed M. and A. 8. then Jehovah sent M. and A. 77:20. leddest people by M. and A. 99: 6. M. and A. among his priests 105:26. sent M. his servant, and A. 106:16. en\ied M., and A., the saint 6: 4. I sent bef. thee M., A., & Miriam Children of Aaron 6:18. Every male among c. 0. A. sh. eat 21: 4. lot came out for c. 0. A. 10. they came for the c. 0. A. 13. unto e. 0. A. they gave Hebron 19. All the cities of the c. 0. A. Aaron uith sons 27:21. A. and s. sh. keep it in order 28: I. bring thou near A. and his s. 41. shalt put them upon A. & his s. 43. they sh. be upon A. & his s. 29: 4. A. and s. thou sh. wash (40:12) 9. shalt gird A. and his s. shalt consecrate A. and his s. 10. A. and s. sh. lay hands upon (15, 19) 20. put blood upon right ear of A. and s. (Le. 8:23, 24) 21. take blood, anointing oil, sprinkle upon A. and s. (Le. 8:30) 24. put upon hands of A. & s. (Le. 8:27) 27. breast, wh. is for A. & s. (Le. 7:31) 29. holy garments of A. shall be for his s. (31:10: 3=^:19) 32. A. and s. shall eat flesh of ram 35. thus shalt thou do unto A. and s. 44. A. and his s. will I sanctify 30:19. A. and his s. shall wash thereat 30. shall anoint A. and his s. 39:27. made coats of linen for A. and s. AARON'S ABHORRENCE Aaron with sons Ex. 40:31. M. and A. & s. washed thereat Le. i: 7. s. of A. shall put fixe upon altar 3:13. s. of A. sh. sprinkle blood on alt. 6: 9. Command A. and s. law of bujnt-off. 14. law of meal-off. s. of A. sh. offer 16. wh. is left shall A. and s. eat 20. This is oblation of A. and s. 25. Speak unto A. and s. (17:2; 21:1; 22:2, 18; Nu. 6:23) 7:10. Every meal-off. sh. s. of A. have 33. s. of A. have right thigh (34) 35. the anoint-portion of A. and s. 8: 2. Take A. and s. and the garments 6. M. bro't A. and s., & washed them 14. A. and s. laid hands on -bullock 22. A. and s. laid hands upon ram 30. M. sprinlded (blood) up. A. and s. sanctified A., garments and s. 31. as I com'ded, A. and s. sh. eat it 36. A. and s. did all JH. commanded 9: I. Moses called A. and his s., and 9. 3. of A. presented the blood 10: I. s. of A., took each his censer 6. M. said unto A., his s., Let not 12. M. spake unto A., his s., Take 16. with Eleazar & Ithamar, s. of A. 13: 2. leprosy, brought unto A. or s. 16: I. after death of two s. of A. 21: I. Speak unto s. of A. none defile 24. So M. spake unto A. and s. 24: 9. (bread) shall be for A. and s. Nu. 3: 2. the names of the s. of A. (3) [19) 9. give Levites unto A, and s. (8:13, 10. thou shalt appoint A. and s. 32. Eleazar, s. of A. (Jos. 24:33; Ju. 20:28; Ezr. 7:5) 38. encamp eastward sh. be A. and s. 48. give money unto A. and s. SI. M. gave r-money unto A. and s. 4: 5. A. and s. shall take down veil 15. A. and s. made end of covering , 16. ch'gs of Eleaz., s. of A. sh. be oil ig. A. and s. shall appoint service 27. At com'dment of A. & s. be service 28. charge under Ithamar s. of A. (33) 6:23. Speak unto A. & s., ye sh. bless 7: 8. service under Ithamar, s. of A. 8:22. went Lev. to service bef. A. & s. 10: 8. s. of A. shall blow trumpets 16:37. Eleazar, s. of A., take censer 18: I. JH. said un. A., Thou & thy s. (8) 25: 7. Phinehas, s. of EL, s. of A. 11. s. of A. hath turned my wrath 1 Ch. 6: 3. s. of A., Nadab, Abihu, etc. (24:1) 49. A. and s. offered upon altar so. these are the s. of A. S4. dwelling-places of s. of A. 57. s. of A. gave cities of refuge IS : 4. David gath^-ed s. of A. 23:13. A. was separated, & s. for ever 28. their office to wait on s. of A. 32. should keep charge of s. of A. 24: I. courses of s. of A. were these 31. cast lots even as s. of A. 2 Ch. 13: 9. have ye not driven out s, of A. 10. we have priests, s. of A. 26:18. s. of A. that are consecrated 29:21. commanded s. of A. to offer 31:19. s. of A. that were in the fields 35:14. s. of A. were busied in offering Levites prepared for s. of A. Ne. 12:47. set apart wh. was for s. of A. AARON'S (Aar'on's, or Aa'ron's) Ex. 6:25. Eleazar, A' son took wife 7:12. A' rod swallowed up their. rods 28:30. they shall be upon A' heart 38. it shall be upon A' forehead 40. for A' sons thou shalt make coats 29:26. breast of A' ram of ccnsecra. Le. i: 5. A' sons sh. sprinkle blood (11; 3:2) 8. A' sons sh. lay pieces in order 2: 2. sh. bring (meal-off.) to A' sons 3. left of the meal-off. be A' sons 3: 5. A' sons sh. burn it on altar 8:12. he poured oil upon A' head 13. Mos. bro't A' sons & clothed them 9:12. A' sons deliv'd un. him blood 10:16. Moses was angry with A' sons Nu. 17: 3. write A' name upon rod of Levi Ps. 133: 2. like precious oil upon A' beard He. 9: 4. pot holding A' rod that budded ABADDON (A-bad'don) — destruction, ruin. A term synonymous with death and Sheol. Jb. 26: 6. And A. hath no covering Pr. 15:11. Sheol and A. are before JH. 27:20. Sheol and A. are nev. satisfied Re. 9:11. angel of the abyss Ls A. ABAGTHA (A-bag'tha) — A Persian name sig- nifying happy, prosperous. Es. 1:10. A. etc. seven chamberlains ABANAH (Ab'a-nah, or A-ba'nah) — probably, stony. Presumably the modern Barada, the more im- portant of the two rivers of Damascus. It rises in Anti-Lebanon, runs along the north wall of the city, and loses itself in the swampy Meadow Lakes. 2 K. 5:12. A. and Pharpar, rivers of D. ABARIM (Ab'a-rim, or A-ba'rim) — those be- yond, i.e. beyond the Jordan. _ The mountain range east of the Jordan, the highest peak of which is the Nebo, from which Moses viewed the promised land (De. 34:1-4). Nu. 27:12. Get thee in. mt. of A. (De. 32:49) 33:47. encampment in mountains of A. 48. Journeyed fr. mountains of A. Je. 22:20. cry from A. for all thy lovers ASASE Jb. 40:11. Look upon proud, and a. Is. 3n; 4. As lion will not a. himself Eze. 21:26. a. that which is high Da. 4:37. walk in pride able to a. ABASED Ph. 4:12. I know how to be a. ABASING 2 Co. 11: 7. did I sin in a. myself? ABATED Ge. 8: 8. dove to see if waters a. II. Noah knew waters were a. Nu," 11: 2. prayed unto JH., & the fire a. De. 34: 7. nor his natural force a. Ju. 8: 3. Then their anger was a. ABATEMENT Le. 27:18. an a. shall be made ABBA (Ab'ba) — Aramaic word for father. Mk. 14:36. A. Father, all things possible Ro. 8:15. whereby we cry A. Father. Ga. 4: 6. Spirit, crying A. Father ABDA (Ab'da) — Aramaic for servant. 1. Father of Adoniram, Solomon's tribute-officer. [task-work. I K. 4: 6. son of A. was over men subject to 2. The son of Shammua, called Obadiah in I Ch. 9:16. Ne. 11:17. A. son of Shammua, son of Galal ABDEEL (Ab'de-el) — servant of God. The father of Shelemiah, one of the men or- dered by King Jehoiakim to arrest Jeremiah. Je. 36:26. king commanded Shelemiah son of A. ABDI iAh'di)— servant of (God). 1. A Levite of the family of Merari. 1 Ch. 6:44. Ethan son of Kishi, son of A. 2 Ch. 29:12. sons of Merari, Kish son of A. 2. One of the family of Elam who divorced his foreign wife. Ezr. 10:26 and A., and Jeremoth, and Elijah. ABDIEL (Ah'di-el)— servant of God. A Gadite, head of a father's house. I Ch. 5:15. Ahi the son of A., son of Guni ABDON (Ab'don) — servile. 1. One of the judges of Israel. Ju. 12:13. A. son of Hillel judged Is. (15) 2. A Benjamite, head of father's house, family of Shashak. I Ch. 8:23. and A. and Zichri, and Hanan 3. A Benjamite, first-born of Jeiel of Gibeon. 1 Ch. 8:30. his first-born son A., & Zur (9:36) 4. One sent by king Josiah to inquire of Jehovah, called Achbor son of Micaiah in 2 K. 22:12. 2 Ch. 34:20. king commanded A. son of Micah ABDON (Ab'don) A town in the territory of Asher. Jos. 21:30. A. with its suburbs (i Ch. 6:74) ABEDNEGO {A-bed'ne-go)— servant of Nego. The name given by the prince of the eunuchs to Azariah, one of the four young princes of Judah, deported to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar, Da. 1:7. and to Azariah of A. [and A. 2:49. he appointed Shadrach, Meshach 3:12. hast appointed Shad., Mesh. & A. 13. commanded to bring S., M. and A. 14. Is it pf purpose, S., M. & A.? 16. Shadrach, Meshach & A. answered 19. visage was changed ag't S., M. & A. 20. to bind Shadrach, Meshach, & A. 22. fire slew men took up S., M. & A. Da. 3:23. Shadrach, M. & A. fell down bound 26. and said, S., M. & A., ye servants Then S., M. & A. came forth out of 28. Blessed be the God of S., M. & A. 30. king promoted S., M. & A. in the ABEL (A'bel)— formerly interpreted breath, but now thought to be son. Second son of Adam. Ge. 4: 2. again she bare A. A. was a keeper of sheep 4. A. brought firstlings of flock Jehovah had respect unto A. 8. Cain told A. his brother Cain rose up ag. A. & slew him 9. Jehovah said. Where is A.? 25, another seed instead of A. Mt. 23:35. from the blood of A. (Lu. 11:51) He. 11: 4. By faith A. off'd more ex. sac. i2:_24. blood speaketh better than A. ABEL (A'bel) — a grassy place, meadow. A fortress in the most northerly part of Naph- tali, identified with the modern village of Abel, a few miles above Lake Huleh. 2 S. 20:14. went unto A. 15. besieged him in A. 18. shall ask counsel at A. ABEL-BaTH-MAACAH(A'bel-beth-ma'a-cah) — meadow near Beth-maacah. A fortified town in Naphtali, captured by Benhadad at the instance of Asa, along with Ijon and Dan. 1 K. 15:20. Asa smote Ijon, etc. and A, 2 K. 15:29. Tiglath-pil. took Ijon and A. ABELCHERAMIM (A'bel-cher'a-mim) — mead- ow of vineyards. A locality east of the Jordan, a few miles from Rabbah. Ju. 11:33. even twentycities, and un. A. ABEL-MAIM (A'bel-ma'im) — meadow of the waters. Apparently another name for Abel-beth- maacah (i K. 15:20). 2 Ch. 16: 4. Ben-hadad sent against A. ABSL-MEHOLAH (A'bel-me-ho'lah) — meadow of dancing. A town in Issachar, in which the prophet ElLsha was born, ten or twelve miles south of Beth-shean. Ju. 7:22. fled as far as A. I K. 4:12. from Beth-shean to A. 19:16. Elisha son of Shaphat of A. ABEL-MIZRAIM (A'bel-mitz-ra'im, or A'bel- mitz'ra-im) — meadow of Egypt. Ge. 50:11. wherefore it was called A. ABEL-SHITTIM (A'bel-shit'tim)— meadow of acacias. A locality in the lowlands of Moab where the Israelites encamped. Nu. 33:49. encamped even unto A. ABHOR Le. 26:11. my soul shall not a. you 15. if your soul a. mine ord'ces. 30. my soul shall a. you 44. neither will I a. them De. 7:26. an abomination shalt a. 23: 7. not a. an Edomite: an Egyptian 1 S. 27:12. made Israel a. him Jb. 9:31. mine own clothes shall a. me 19:19. my familiar friends a. me 30:10. a byword, they a. me 42: 6. Wherefore I a. myself Ps. 119:163. I hate and a. falsehood Pr. 24:24. nations shall a. him Je. 14:21. Do not a. us for thy name's Am. 5:10. they a. him speaketh uprightly 6: 8. I a. the excellency of Jacob Mi. 3: 9. Hear this, that a. justice Rq. 12: 9. a. that which is evil ABHORRED Ex. 5:21. ye have made our savor a. Le. 20:23. therefore have I a. them 26:43. their soul a. my statutes De. 32:19. JH. saw it, and a. them 2 S. 16:21. thou art a. of thy father I K. 11:25. (Rezon) a. Israel Ps. 22:24. nor a. affliction of afflicted 78:59. When God heard a. Israel 89:39. hast a. covenant of thy serv't 106:40. JH. a. his inheritance Pr. 22:14. He that is a. of JH. La. 2: 7. JH. hath a. his sanctuary Eze. 16: 5. for thy person was a., in day ABHORRENCE Da. i2:2(m). to shame and everlasting a. Ro. 2:22. thou that a. idols, dost thou ABHORREST ABIHU ABHORREST Is. 7:16. land whose two kings thou a. ABHORRETH Jb. 33:20. so that his life a. bread Ps. 5: 6. JH. a. the blood-thirsty 36: 4. he a. not evil 107:18. their soul a. all food Is. 49: 7. to hiTTi whom the nation a. ABHORRING Is. 66:24. they shall be a. unto all ABI (A'bi) — Jehovah is father. Daughter of Zechariah, and wife of Ahaz. 2 K. 18: 2. (Hezekiah's) mother's name was A. ABI-ALBON (A'bi-al'bon)— /a 45) A. t. com. of JH. were numbered, every one a. t. his service and a. t. his burden a. t. his vow every man a. t. hia service (2 Ch. 31:2) sons of Gershon, a. t. service a. t. statute of the passover a. t. the ordinance thereof a. i. com. of JH. they remained a. t. com. of JH. they journeyed journey, a. t. com. of Jehovah set for'd a. t. their hosts (18, 22, 25) journeyings a. t. their hosts from Paran a. t. command, of JH. I have pardoned a. t. thy word a. t. your whole number A. t. the number ye sh. prepare every one a. t. their number drink-offering a. t. ordinance princes a. t. fathers' houses each prince, a. t. fa's houses redeem, a. t. thine estimation saw Is. dwelling a. t. their tribes sons of Gad a. t. those numbered families of Judah a. t. numbered famihes of Issachar a. t. numb'd families of Zebulunites a. t. sons of Ephraim a. t. those numb'd families of Shuhamites, a. t. sons of Ashur a. t. those numbered Naphtali a. t. their families land divided a. t. no. of names every one a. t. those numbered a. t. names of tribes sh. inherit A. t. lot shall inheritance be lambs, a. t. their number (21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 37) Moses wrote a. t. their journeys journeys a. t. their goings out inherit land by lot a. t. yr. fam's a. t. tribes of jt. fa's' sh. inherit sh. be your land a. t. borders chil. of Reuben a. t. fathers' ho's chil. of Gad a. t. fathers' houses every one a. t. his inheritance avenger of blood a. t. ordinances Moses com'ded a. t. word of JH. wise men, a. t. your tribes officers, a. t. your tribes can do a. t. thy works and a. t. thy mighty acts? he wrote a. t. the first writing a. t. blessing of JH. (16:17) a. t. tenor of the sentence a. t. all they sh. teach thee a. t. tenor of the law a. t. the judgment they sh. tell beaten, a. t. his wickedness A. t. number of chil. of Israel Moses died, a. t. word of Jehovah a. t. number of tribes of Is. a. t. word of JH. shall ye do for a possession a. t. divisions M. gave chil. of Reuben a. t. fam's inheritance of Reuben a. t. fa. M. gave chil. of Gad a. t. families inheritance of Gad a. t. families border of Judah a. t. their fam's unto Caleb gave portion a. t. inheritance of Judah a. t. fam's border of Ephraim a. t. families a. t. com. of JH. he gave inherit, describe it a. t. their inherit, divided land a. t. their div's lot of Benj. a. t. their fam's inheritance of Benj. a. t. fam's (28) cities of Benj. a. t. their fam'a ACCORDING 13 ACCORDING Ju. iS. aS. iK. Jos. 19: I. 8. 10. 16. 17- 23- 24. 31- 32. 39- 40. 48. 50. 21:33- 22: g. q:i6. 11:10. 39- 21:23. 6:4. 18. 13:8. 14: 7. 17:23. 3:39. 7:17. 21. 14:20. 22:21. 25- 24:19. 2: 6. 3:12. 4:28. 6:3. 7: 9- 36. 8:32. 12:24. 13: 5- 26. 14:18. 16:12. 34- 17: I. I.v 16. 18:31. 20: 4. 1:17. 2:22. 4:44. 5:14. 6:18. 7:16. 8: 2. 9:26. 10:17. 14:25. 16: 3- 23:16. 35- 24: 2. 6:32. 9: 9. 11: 3- lo. 12:23. 15:13- IS- 17:15- 17- 19. 23: 6. 31- 24: 3- 4- 19. 25: I. 26:13. 31- 28:15. 4: 7- 20. 6:23. 8:13. 14. 17:14. 2K. iCh. aCh. lot of Simeon a. t. families inheritance of Simeon a. t. fam'a lot of Zebulun a. t. families inheritance of Zeb. a. t. fam's lot of Issachar a. t. families inheritance of Issa. a. t. fam's lot of Ashur a. t. th. families inheritance of Ashur a. t. fam's lot of Naphtali a. t. families inheritance of Naphtali a. t. lot of Dan a. t. their families inheritance of Dan a. t. fam's a. t. com. of JH. gave him city cities of Gershonites a. t. f's were possessed, a. t. com. of JH. a. t. the deserving of his hands a. t. thy word so will we do did with her a. t. his vow took wives, a. t. their number mice, a. t. number of lords mice, a. t. number of cities a. t. time Samuel had appointed I am with thee a. t. thy heart Goliath spake a. t. same wds. JH. reward evil-doer a. t. wick. A. t. all these words and a. t. all this vision a. t. thine heart, hast wrought (i Ch. 17:19) a. t. wisdom of an angel JH. rewarded me a. t. my right. A. t. the cleanness of my hands JH. recompensed me a. t. right A. t. my cleanness in his eye-. Da. went up a. t. saying of Gad Do therefore a. t. thy wisdom behold, I have done a. t. thy wd. every man a. t. his charge a. t. breadth of house (2 Ch. 3:4, 8) hewn stone, a. t. measure (11) a. t. space of each give him a. t. his righteousness (2 Ch. 6:23) returned, a. t. word of JH. a. t. sign man of God had given slain him, a. t. word of Jehovah mourn for him a. t. word of JH. Thus did Zimri a. t. word of JH. with loss of son a. t. wd. of JH. nor rain but a. t. my word she did a. t. saying of Elijah meal wasted not a. t. wd. of JH. 12 stones a. t. number of tribes It is a. t. thy saying, king So he died a. t. word of JH. waters healed, a. t. wd. of Elisha left thereof, a. t. word of JH. dipped, a. t. saying of man of God smote them wi. blindness a. t. wd. sold for shekel, a. t. wd. of JH. did a. t. word of man of God cast him into plat, a. t. wd. JH. destroyed him a. t. word of JH. restored border, a. t. wd. of JH. thro, fire a. t. abom's (2 Ch. 28:3) defiled it a. t. word of Jehovah give money a. t. com. of Pharaoh every one a. t. his taxation destroy it a. t. word of Jehovah waited on office a. t. th. order their brethren, a. t. generations anointed Da. a. t. word of JH. made him king a. t. word of JH. kingdom to him a. t. wd. of JH. sought him not a. t. ordinance bare ark a. t. word of JH. a. t. all these words a. t. all this vision a. t. estate of high degree a. t. thine own heart hast wrought into courses a. t. sons of Levi set feasts a. t. ordinance divided them a. t. ordering sons of Ithamar, a. t. ordering to come into house of JH. a. t. did work a. t. their service cast lots a. t. fathers' houses Hebronites a. t. generations a. t. use of every candlestick candlesticks of gold a. t. ord. to burn a. t. ordinance give him a. t. his righteousness offering a. t. com'dment of M. a. t. ordinance of David was numbering a. t. fathers' h. Ezr. 2Ch. 23: 8. 25: S- 26: 4. 11. 27: 2. 2q: 2. 15- 25- 30: 6. 16. 19. 31:16. 32:25. 34:32- 35: 4- S- 6. 10. 12. 13- 15- 16. 3: 4- 7- 6:9- 14. 17- 7: 6. 9- 14. 9: I. 10: 3. S- 8. 2: 8. S:i2. 13- 6: 6. 7- 14. 9:27. 28. 10:34. 12:24. 13:22. 24- i: 7- 8. 15- 21. 22. 2:12. 18. 3:12. 4:16. 8: 9- Ne. Es. Jb. Pa. 9:27. i: 5- 20:18. 34:11. 7: 8. 17- 18:20. 24- 25: 7- 28: 4. 35:24- si: I- 62:12. 78:72. 79:11 90:11. 15- 106:4s- 109:26. 119: 9. 25- 41. 58- 76. 85- 91. 149. 154- 159- did a. t. all Jehoiada com'ded ordered them a. t. fathers' h. did right a. t. fa. Amaziah had a. t. number of the reckoning did right a. t. fa. Uzziah had did right a. t. all David had went in, a. t. com'dment of king harps a. t. com'dment of David a. t. commandment of k., saying order, a. t. law of Moses tho. not cleansed a. t. purifica. offices a. t. their courses rendered not a. t. the benefit did a. t. covenant of God a. t. the writing of David and a. t. writing of Solomon stand in holy place a. t. div's prepare for breth. to do a. t. service prepared a. t. king's com. give a. t. divis's of fa's houses roasted passover a. t. ordinance sons of Asaph, a. t. com. of David service prepared, a. t. com. Josiah offered a. t. ordinance cedar-trees, a. t. grant of Cyrus wine, oil, a. t. word of priests finished it a. t. com. of God a. t. decree of Cyrus he-goats, a. t. number of tribes a. t. hand of JH. his God up. him a. t. good hand of his God up. him a. t. law of thy God doing a. t. their abominations a. t. the counsel of my lord let it be done a. t. law would do a. t. this word a. t. the counsel of the princes a. t. good hand of my God up. me they would do a. t. this promise people did a. t. this promise wouldst be king, a. t. these words reported to king a. t. these wds. Remem. Tobiah and S. a. t. works a. t. thy manifold mercies didst deliver a. t. thy mercies wood-off. a. t. fathers' houses give thanks, a. t. com. of David spare me a. t. gr'tness of lov.- a. t. language of each people a. t. bounty of the king the drinking was a. t. law sh. drink a. t. ev. man's pleasure unto queen of Vashti a. t. law king did a. t. word of Memucan into ev. province a. t. writing speak a. t. language of his peo. done to her a. t. the law gave gifts, a. t. bounty of king to every province a. t. writing which is not a. t. the law unto every province a. t. writing Jews a. t. their writing and a. t. their language w'd keep the 2 days a. t. writing burnt-off. a. t. number of th. all A. t. substance he hath gotten to find a. t. his ways Judge me a. t. my righteousness will give thanks unto JH. a. t. JH. hath rewarded me a. t. right. A. t. cleanness of my hands (24) recompensed me a. t. my right. A. t. thy lovingkind. remember me Give them a. t. their work, and a. t. the wickedness Judge me, a. t. thy righteousness Have mercy, a. t. thy lovingkindn. a. t. mult, of tender mercies (69:16) rendereth to ev. man a. t. work a. t. integrity of his heart A. t. greatness of thy power thy wrath a. t. fear th. is due glad a. t. days hast afflicted me repented a. t. mult, of lovingk. save me a. t. thy lovingkind. By taking heed a. t. thy word. Quicken thou me a. t. thy word salvation, a. t. thy word Be merciful unto me a. t. word A. t. thy word unto thy servant Who are not a. t. thy law They abide a. t. thine ordin. Quicken me, JH., a. t. ordin.(is6) Quicken me a. t. thy word Quicken me JH. a. t. lovingk. Pr, Ec. Is. Je. La. Eze. Ps. 119:169. Give me understanding a. t. wd. 170. Give me understand, a. t. thy wd. 150: 2. Praise him a. t. excel, greatness 12: 8. A man sh. be commended a. t. wisd. render ev. man a. t. his work? I will rend, to man a. t. work Answer not a fool a. t. his folly Answer a fool a. t. his folly, lest happeneth a. t. work of wicked happeneth a. t. work of righteous if they speak not a. t. this word they joy a. t. joy in harvest a. t. years of a hireling a. t. the days of one king slain a. t. the slaughter figure, a. t. beauty of a man A. t. then* deeds, he will repay bestowed a. t. his mercies a. t. multitude of lovingkindn. a. t. cities are thy gods (11:13) give shepherds a. t. my heart a. t. no. of streets of Jeru. bought a girdle a. t. wd. of JH. give ev. man a. t. his ways (32:19) a. t. fruit of his doings (32:19) will punish you a. t. fruit recompense them a. t. their deeds a. t. work of their hands (La. 3:64) not a. t. the covenant I made came a. t. word of Jehovah sealed, a. t. law and custom will pray unto JH. a. t. your wds. recompense her a. t. her work compassion a. t. mult, of lov-k. a. t. no. of days thou sh. lie (g) will judge thee a. t. thy ways (8) will bring a. t. thy ways a. t. their deserts will I judge a. t. appearance that I saw answer a. t. mult, of idols judge every one a. t. his ways not a. t. your evil ways nor a. t. your corrupt doings judge thee a. t. their judgments a. t. thy ways, a. t. thy doings they shall do a. t. mine anger and a. t. my wrath I will do a. t. thine anger and a. t. thine envy a. t. their way and a. t. their doings I judge then A. t. their uncleanness and a. t. their transgressions arches a. t. these measures (29, 3 south-gate a. t. these measures measured gate a. t. these meas. north-gate: a. t. these measures a. t. length so was breadth: both a. t. their fashions, and a. t. their doors a. t. doors of the chambers was a. t. appearance of vision, even a. t. vision that I saw a. t. mine ord's sh. they judge give land a. t. their tribes a. t. the sin-offering, a. t. the burnt-offering, and a. t. the meal-offering, and a. t. the oil divide land a. t. 12 tribes (21) a. t. the name of !ny god a. t. his will in army of heav. a. t. law of Medes & Persians true, a. t. law of Medes & Per. but he did a. t. his will a mighty k. sh. do a. t. his will nor a. t. his dominion cometh sh. do a. t. his own will the king shall do a. t. his will a. t. abundance of his fruit a. t. goodness of their land Reap a. t. kindness punish Jacob a. t. his ways idols a. t. their own underst. A. t. their pasture, so filled went unto Nin. a. t. wd. of JH. a. t. all that I have appointed a. t. word I covenanted wi. you thought to do, a. t. our ways, and a. t. our doings cut off on the one side a. t. it cut off on other side a. t. it a. t. time he had learned A. t. your faith be it done ah. render un. ev. man a. t. deeds 24:12. 29. 26: 4. 5- 8:14. 8:20. 9: 3- 21:16. 23:15- 27: 7- 44:i3- 59:18. 63: 7- 2:28. 3:15- 11:13. 13: 2. 17:10. 21:14. 25:14. 31:32. 32: 8. II. 42: 4. 50:29. 3:32. 4: 4. 7: 3- 9- 27- 8:4. 14: 4. 18:30. 20:44. 23:24. 24:14. 25:14- 3S:ii- 36:19- 39:24- 40:24. 28. 32. 35- 42:11. 12, 43: 3. 44:24, 45: 8, 25- Da. 47:13. 4: 8. 35- 6: 8. 12. 8:4. 11: 3- 4- 16. 36. Ho. 10: I. 12. 12: 2. 13: 2. Jon. Zph. Hag. Zee. Mt. 6. 3: 3- 3: 7- 2: 5- i: 6. 5: 3- 2:16. 9:29. 16:27. ACCORDING 14 ACCOUNTED According: to Mt. 25:15. a. t. his several ability Mk. 7: 5. Why walk not dis. a. t. tradition? Lu. i: 9. a. t. custom of priest's office 38. be it unto me a. t. thy word 2:22. d's of puriiica. a. t. law fulfil'd 29. A. t. thy word, in peace 39. a. t. the law of the Lord 12:47. nor did a. t. his will 23:56. they rested a. t. commandment Jn. 7:24. Judge not a. t. appearance 18:31. judge him a. t. your law Ac. 7:44. sh'd make it a. t. the figure 11:29. every man a. t. his ability 13:23. a. t. promise bro't unto Israel 22: 3. instructed a. t. strict manner 12. devout men a. t. the law 23: 3. to judge me a. t. the law Ro. i: 3. seed of David a. t. the flesh 4. power, a. t. spirit of holiness 2: 2. judgment of God is a. t. truth 6. render to ev. man a. t. his works 16. shall judge a. t. my gospel 8:27. intercession a. t. will of God 28. called a. t. his purpose 9: 3. my kinsman a. t. the flesh Q. a. t. this season I will come II. purpose of God a. t. election 10: 2. zeal, but not a. t. knowledge 11: 5. remnant a. t. election of grace 12: 2. be not fashioned a. t. world 6. a. t. proportion of our faith 15: s. of same mind a. t. Christ Jesus 16:25. able to estab. a. t. my gospel a. t. revelation of mystery 26. a. t. com'dment of eternal God 1 Go. 3 :8. reward a. t. his own neighbor 10. A. t. grace of God wh. was given 15: 3. died for our sins a. t. script. 4. raised third day a. t. scriptures 2 Co. 1:17. do I purpose a. t. the flesh 5:10. receive a. t. what he hath done 10: 2. as if we walked a. t. the flesh 3. we do not war a. t. the flesh 13. but a. t. the measure 15. a. t. our province 11:15. end shall be a. t. their works 13:10. a. t. authority Lord gave me Ga. i: 4. a. t. the will of our God 2:14. walk not a. t. the truth 3:29. heirs a. t. promise Ep. i: 5. a. t. good pleasure of his will 7. a. t. the riches of his grace 9. a. t. his good pleasure 11. a. t. purpose of him who worketh 2: 2. a. t. course of this world a. t. prince of powers of air 3: 7.' a. t. gift of that grace of God a. t. working of his power II. a. t. the eternal purpose 16. a. t. the riches of his glory 20. a. t. power that worketh in us 4: 7. a. t. measure of gift of Christ 16. a. t. the working in due measure 6: 5. a. t. the flesh are your masters Ph. 1:20. a. t. my earnest expectation 3:21. a. t. working wh'by he is able 4:19. supply ev. need a t. his riches Col. i:ii. a. t. the might of his glory 25. a. t. the dispensation of God 29. striving a. t. his working 3:22. obey masters a. t. the flesh 2 Th. 1:12. a. t. the grace of our God 2: 9. a. t. the working of Satan 1 Ti. i:ii. a. t. gospel of blessed God 18. a. t. prophesies wh. led way 6: 3. doctrine wh. is a. t. godliness 2 Ti. i: I. a. t. promise of the life 8. gospel a. t. power of God 9. not a t. our works, but a. t. his own purpose 2: 8. Jesus Christ risen, a. t. my gospel 4:14. Lord will render a. t. his works Tit i: I. a. t. the faith of God's elect, which is a. t. godliness 3 intrusted a. t. command, of God 3: 5. a. t. his mercy he saved us 7. heirs a. t. hope of eternal life He. 2: 4. by gifts a. t. his own will 7: 5. to take tithes a. t. the law 8: 4. who offer gifts a. t. the law 5. make all things a. t. the pattern 9. Not a. t. covenant that I made 9:19. spoken by Moses a. t. law 11: 7. righteousness wh. is a. t. faith Ja. 2: 8. royal law a. t. scripture 1 Pe. i: 2. a. t. foreknowledge of God 3. a. t. his great mercy begat us 14. a. t. your former lusts 17. who judgeth a. t. each man's wk. 3: 7. dwell wi. yr. wives a. t. knowledge 4: 6. might be judged a. t. men, but live a. t. God 19. let them suffer a. t. will of God 2 Pe. 2:22. a. t. the true proverb 3:13. a. t. his promise we look 15. a. t. the wisdom given to him I Jn. 5:14. ask anything a. t. his will Re. 2:23. will give a. t. your works 18: 6. Render double a. t. her works 20:12. judged a. t. their works (13) 21:17. cubits, a. t. measure of a man According to all, or unto all Ge. 6:22. a. -. God commanded, so did he 7: 5. Noah did a. -. JH. commanded him Ex. 25: 9. A. -. I show thee, so make it 29:35. a. -. I have commanded (De. 30:2; 31:5; I K. 9:4; 2 K. 21:8 (2); 2 Ch. 7:17; Je. 50:21) 36: I. a. -. JH. hath commanded (39:32, 42; 40:16; Nu. 1:54; 2:34; 8:20; 9:5; 29:40) Nu. 4:31. the charge, a. -. their service 33. Merari a. -. their service 9: 3. a. -. the statutes of it a. -. the ordinances thereof 12. a. -. the statute of the passover 30: 2. do a. -. proceedeth out of mouth De. i: 3. a. -. JH. had given him com'dment 30. a. -. he did for you in Egy. (4:34) 41. a. -. JH. our God commanded us 9:10. was written a. -. the words 17:10. do a. -. they shall teach thee 18:16. a. -. thou desiredst of Jehovah 24: 8. do a. -. priests sh. teach thee 26:13. a. -. thy commandment 14. I have done a. -. thou com'ded 29:21. a. -, the curses of the cov't 30: 2. obey a. -. I command thee 31: 5. do a. -. the commandment Joa. i: 7. observe to do a. -. the law 8. observe to do a. -. is written 4:10. a. -. that Moses com'ded Joshua 8:34. the curse a. -. is written 10:32. smote a. -. done to Libnah 35. smote, a. -. done to Lacbish 37. left none, a. -. done to Eglon 11:23. took land, a. -. JH. spake 21:44. a. -. he sware un. their fa's Ju. 8:35. a. -. goodness he had showed 20:10. a. -. folly they have wrought Ru. 3: 6. did a. -. her mother-in-law bade 1 S. 8: 8. A. -. the works they have done 23:20. come down, a. -. desire of soul 25:30. a. -. the good he hath spoken 2 S. 7:17. A -. these words. and a. -. this vision 22. none like thee, a. -. we heard (i Ch. 17:20) 9:11. A. -. the king commandeth 1 K. 5: 6. give hire a. -. thou shalt say 10. Sol. gave fir a. -. hid desire 6:38. a. -. the fashion of it 8:39. do, unto ev. man a. -. his ways 43. do a. -. foreigner calleth to thee for (2 Ch. 6-33) 56. given rest a. -. he promised 9: 4. to do a. -. I have commanded 11. (with gold, a. -. his desire) 11:37. sh. reign a. -. soul desireth 14:24. did a. -. abomina's of nations 21:26. a. -. the Amorites did 22:53. provoked JH. a. -. fa's had done 2 K. 10:30. a. -. that was in my heart 11: 9. did a. -. Jehoiada com'ded (2 Ch. 23:8) 14: 3. did a. -. Joash his fa. had done 15: 3. did right, a. -. his fa. had done (34; 18:3; 2 Ch. 26:4; 27:2; 29:2) 16:10. altar, a. -. workmanship thereof II. built altar: a. -. Ahaz sent 16. did Urijah a. -. Ahaz com'ded 17:13. keep my statutes, a. -. the law 21: 8. a. -. I have commanded, a. -. law my serv. Moses com'ded 22:13. not hearkened, a. -. written 23:19. a. -. acts done in Beth-el 25. a. -. the law of Moses 32. did evil, a. -. his fathers had done (37; 24:9) 2 K. 24: 3. a. -. that (Manasseh) did 19. did evil a. -. Jehoiakim had (Je.. 52:2) 1 Ch. 6:49. make atonement a. -. M. com'djed 16:40. a. -. written in law of JH. 17:15. A. -. these words, and a. -. this vision 2 Ch. 6:30. render un. ev. man a. -. hlTways 7:17. do a. -. I have com'ded (Je. 50:21)1 Es. 3:12. written a. -. Haman commanded 4:17. did a. -. Esther had commanded 8: 9. written a. -. Mordecai com'ded Is. 63: 7. praises a. -. JH. hath bestowed Je. 11: 4. Obey a. -. which I command you 21: 2. deal a. -. his wondrous works 26:20. a. -. the words of Jeremiah 27:12. I spake to Zed. a. -. these wds. 35:10. a. -. Jonadab our father com'ded 18. done a. -. he commanded you 36: 8. did a. -. Jeremiah com'ded himi 38:27. told them a. -. these words 42: 5. witness, if we do not a. -. word 20. a. -. JH. our God shall say 50:29. a. -. she hath done do un. her Eze. 18:24. doeth a. -. wicked man doeth? 24:24. a sign; a. -. (Ezekiel) hath done Da. 9:16. Lord, a. -. thy righteousness According to that Ge. 27: 8. Now obey a-t. I command thee Jos. 24: 5. plagued Egypt, a-t. wh. I did Ju. 11:36. do unto me a-t. of thy mouth 1 S. 2:35. do a-t. which is in my heart 2 K. 14: 6. a-t. which is written in law 2 Ch. 35:26. good deeds, a-t. writ, in law Lu. 2:24. a sacrifice a-t. in law Ro. 4:18. father of nations, a-t. spoken According unto Ge. 41:40. a. u. thy wd. people be ruled 44:10. let it be a. u. your words Le. 25:15. a u. number of years of crops 50. sale shall be a. u. no. of years 51. a. u. them sh. give back price 52. a. u. his years give back price Nu. 7: 8. Merari, a. u. their service 8: 4. a. u. pattern JH. showed Moses 14:19. a. u. the greatness of thy lov-k. 29: 6. a. u. their ordinance De. 1:46. a. u. days that ye abode there Jos. 2:21. A. u. your words, so be it 4: 5. a. u. number of tribes of Is. 8:27. a. u. word of JH. wh. he com. Josh. I K. 17: 5. (Elijah) did a. u. word of JH. 22:38. a. u. word of JH. wh. he spake Ne. 8:18. solemn assembly, a. u. ordinance Ps. 119:65. JH., a. u. thy word 107. quicken me, JH. a. u. thy word" 116. Uphold me a. u. thy word 149. Hear my voice a. u. thy lov-k. ACCOUNT Ge. 21:11. Abraham's sight on a. of son Ju. 9:31 (m). they oppress city on thy a. I K. 9:i5(m). this is the 0. of the levy I Ch. 27:24. nei. was number put into a. Es. 10: 2. full a. of greatness of Mordecai Jb. 33:13. giveth not a. of his matters 40: 4. I am of small a.; what sh. I an- swer? Ps. 144: 3 man, that thou makest a. of him Pr. 6:26. For on a. of a harlot, a man is Ec. 7:27. to find out the a. Is. 16:14. remnant very small & of no a. Da. 6: 2. these satraps might give a. Mt. 12:36. every idle word sh. give a. Lu. 16; 2. render a. of thy stewardship Jn. 11:50. nor do ye take a. that it is Ac. 19:27. goddess Diana be made of no a. 40. not be able to a. of concourse 20:24. I hold not my life of any a. 24:i6(m). on this a. I also exercise Ro. 14:12. each one sh. give a. to God 1 Co. 4: I. Let a man so a. of us 6: 4. them to judge who are of no a.? 13: 5. taketh not a. of evil 2 Co. 3: 5. to a. anything as fr. ourselves 10:10. and his speech of no a. 12:6. lest any man sh'd a. of me Ph. 4:17. seek fruit to your a. 2 Ti. 4:16. not be laid to their a. Phm. 18. oweth thee, put to mine a. He. 13:17. watch as they that sh. a. 1 Pe. 4: 5. who sh. give a. to him that 5:12. faithful brother, as I a. him 2 Pe. 3:15. a. that longsuffering of L. ACCOUNTED Ge. 31:15. not a. by him as foreigners? ACCOUNTETH 15 ACTS De. iK. Jb. Fa. Is. Mk. Lu. Ro. Ga. 2:11. 20. 10:21. 2:22. 5:28. 40:15- 17- 10:42. 20:3s 22:24. these also are a. Rephaim That is a. a land of Rephaim (silver) was nothing a. of in days of Sol. (2 Ch. 9:20) 34: 6. my right I am a. a liar 44:22. are a. as sheep for slaughter wherein is he to be a. of horses' hoofs be a. as flint are a. as small dust a. by him as less than nothing a. to rule over Gentiles a. worthy to attain th. w'ld which was a. to be greatest 2:i4(m). doers of law sh. be a. righteous 3:2o(m). no flesh be o. righteous in 8:36. We were a. sheep for slaughter 2:16 (m). a man is not a. righteous by ACCOUNTETH Ro. 14:14. a. anything to be unclean, to him ACCOUNTING He. 11:19. a. that God able to raise 26. a. reproach of Christ greater ACCURATELY Lu. i: 3. traced course of all things a. Ac. 18:25. taught a. things con. Jesus 26. unto him way of God more a. ACCURSED De. 21:23. he that is hanged is a. of God Jos. 6:18. w'd ye make camp of Is. a. 7:12. Is. cannot stand, because a. Is. 65:20. sinner, 100 yrs. old sh. be a. Jn. 7:49. that knoweth not law are a. Re. 22: 3(m). sh. be no more anything a. ACCUSATION Ezr. 4: 6. wrote they an a. against Judah Chaldeans bro't a. ag. Jews over his head his a. written his a. was written over King What a. bring ye ag. this man? to make a., if they had aught Ag. an elder receive not an a. Da Mt. Mk. Jn. Ac. I Ti ACCUSE Mt. 12:10. 3: »• 27:37- 15:26. 18:29. 24:19. 5:19. that they might a. him (Mk. 3:2; Lu. 6:7; Jn. 8:6) how many things they a. thee of neither a. any man wrongfully And they began to a. him no fault touch's things ye a. Think not I will a. ye to Fa. let them a. one another Tertullus began to a. (Paul) take knowl. whereof we a. him nei. prove wherefore a. me anything amiss, let a. him if none is true, wh'f. a. me not wh'f. to a. my nation Mk. 15: 4. Lu. 3:14. 23: 2. 14. Jn, 5:45. Ac. 19:33- 24: 2. 8. 13- 25: 5- II. 28:19. ACCUSED Da. 6:24. bro't those men a. Daniel Mt. 27:12. when a. he ans'd nothing Mk. 15: 3. chief priests a. of many things Lu. 16: I. steward was a. was wasting Ac. 19:40. we are in danger to be a. (m). a. of riot concerning this day 22:30. to know whereof he was a. 23:28. to know wh'fore they a. him 29. a. ab't questions of their law 25:16. bef. a. have accusers face to 26: 2. touching things wh'f. I am a. 7. concer'g this hope I am a. Tit. i: 6. man, not a. of riot or unruly ACCUSER Ps. 109: 6(m). a. stand at his right hand Re. 12:10. a. of our brethren cast down ACCUSERS Ac. 23:30. charging his a. to speak 35. hear, when thine a. are come 25:16. accused have a. face to face 18. a. bro't no charge of such ev. ACCUSETH Jn. 5:45. one that a. you, even Moses Re. 12:10. who a. them, day and night ACCUSING Lu. 23:10. ch'f pr'sts vehemently a. him Ro. 2:15. thoughts a. or excusing them ACCUSTOMED Je. 13:23. do good that are a. to do evil ACHAIA (A-ka'ya, or A-ka'ya) Originally the northernmost part of the Pelo- ponnesus, but after Greece had been conquered by the Romans it included all Greece along with Thessaiy, Acarnania, ^tolia, Euboea, and the Cyciades. It is to this enlarged territory to which the N. T. refers. Ac. 18:12. Gallio was proconsul of A. 27. (ApoUos) minded to pass in A. Ac. 19:21. when he had passed thro. A. Ro. 15:26. good pleas, of A. to make con. 1 Co. 16:15. h. of Steph. first-f's of A. 2 Co. 1:1. Paul with saints in A. 9: 2. A. prepared for a year past 11:10. no man sh. stop me glorying in A. I Th. i: 7. an ensample to all in A. 8. sounded forth word in A. ACHAICUS (A-cha'i-ciis) — belonging to Achaia. A Christian who with two others came from Corinth to Paul. I Co. 16:17^ I rejoice at coming of A. ACHAN (A'ehan), called ACHAR (A'char) in I Ch. 2:7 — trouble. Jos. 7: I. A. took of devoted thing 18. A. son of Carmi, was taken 19. A. My son, give glory to JH. 20. A. ans'd Joshua, I have sinned 24. Joshua took A. son of Zerah 22:20. Did not A. commit trespass 1 Ch. 2:7. (Achar) A. troubler of Israel ACHAR (A'char) — See Achan. ACHBOR (Aeh'bor) — mouse. 1. Father of Baal-hanan. Ge. 36:38. Baal-h. s. of A. reigned (i Ch. 1:49) 39. Baal-hanan, son of A. died 2. An officer of Josiah and Jehoiakim. 2 K. 22:12. king com'ded A. s. of Micaiah 14. So Hilkiah, and A. went 3. A messenger sent by Jehoiakim to Egypt to bring Uriah. Je. 26:22. k. sent Elnathan, son of A. 36:12. princes were there. El. s. of A ACHIM (A'chim) — Jehovah will establish. An ancestor of Joseph, husband of Mary Mt. 1:14. Sadok begat A.; A. begat Eliud ACHISH (A'chish). A Philistine king who befriended David I S. 21:10. David fled to A. k. of Gath 11. serv'ts of A. said. Is not 12. David was sore afraid of A. 27: 2. David passed over unto A. 3. David dwelt with A. at Gath 5. David said unto A., If now I 6. A. gave Mm Ziklag that day 9. Da. smote land, ret'd to A. 10. A. said, A. -whom made a raid? 12 And A. believed David 28: I. A. said thou sh. go with me 2. Da. said to A. thou sh. know A. make th. keeper of my head 29: 2. Da. passed rearward with A. 3. A. said. Is not this David? 6. A. called David, and said as JH 8. Da. said unto A. What h. I done? , 9. A. said to Da. Thou art good I K. 2:39. serv'ts of Shimei ran unto A. 40. Shimei went to Gath to A. ACHMETHA (Ach'me-tha) . A royal city of Media where the roll was found containing the decree of Cjtus permitting the return of the Jews. Possibly it is the Ecbatana of the Greeks. Ezr. 6: 2. found at A. in palace, a roll ACHOR (A'ehor), Valley oi.— valley of trouble. The valley near Jericho where Achan was stoned. Jos. 7:24. Joshua bro't them unto A. 26. Wh'f. place was called A. 15: 7. border went up from A. Is. 65:10. A. a place for herds to lie Ho. 2:15. I will give A. for door of hope ACHSAH (Ach'sah.)— anklet. Jos. 15:16. will give A. to wife (Ju. 1:12) 17. Gave A. dau. to wife (Ju. 1:13) I Ch. 2:49. daughter of Caleb was A. ACHSHAPH (Aeh'shaph) — sorcery. A town on the border of Asher. Jos. 11: I. Jabin sent to king of A. 12:20. the king of A., one 19:25. their border was Hali and A. ACHZIB (Aeh'zib) — winter torrent. 1. One of the towns of Asher on the seacoast of Tyre. Jos. 19:29. goings out were by A. Ju. 1:31. drove not out inhabitants of A. 2. A town in the Shephelah of Judah. The same as Chezib (Ge. 38:5) and Cozeba (i Ch. 4:22). Jos. 15:44. (In the lowland) Keilah and A. Mi. 1:14. houses of A. sh. be deceitful ACKNOWLEDGE De. 21:17. sh. a. first-born, son of hated 33: 9. Neither did he a. his brother Pr, 3: 6. In all thy ways a. him Is. 33:13. ye that are near a. my might 61: 9. all that see them sh. a. them 63:16. though Israel doth not a. us Je. 3:13. Only a. thine iniquity 14:20. We a. JH. our wickedness Da. ii:39(ra). whom he shall a. & increase Ho. 5:15. will go till they a. th. offence 1 Co. 16:18. a. ye them that are such 2 Co. 1:13. what ye a. & I hope will a. 14. as ye did a. us in part ACKNOWLEDGED Ge. 38:26. And Judah a. them, and said Ps. 32: 5. I a. my sin unto thee ACKNOWLEDGETH Da. 11:39. whoso, a. him he will increase ACQUAINT Jb. 22:21. A. now thyself with him ACQUAINTANCE 2 K. 12: 5. let pr'sts take from every a. 7. take no more from your a. Jb. 19:13. mine a. are wholly estranged 42:11. came all that had been his a. Pa. 31:11. a reproach and fear to m. a. 88: 8. hast p'Jt mine a. far from me 18. hast put mine a. into darkness Lu. 2 :44. they sought him among their a. 23:49. all his a. stood afar off ACQUAINTED Ps. 139: 3. Thou art a. with all my ways Is. 53: 3. man of sorrows, a. with grief Ga. i:i8(m). Jeru. to become a. wi. Cephas ACQUIT Jb. 10:14. wilt not a. me from iniquity ACRE I S. 14:14. half furrow's length in a. (m). as it were half an a. of land ACRES Is. 5:10. ten a. of vineyard yield bath ACROSS I K. 6:21. he drew chains of gold a. ACT Nu. 5:13. and she be not taken in the a. Is. 28:21. br. to pass a. his strange a. 59: 6. a. of violence is in th. hands Jn. 8: 4. taken in adultery, in very a. ACTIONS I S. 2:3. JH. is God, by him a. are weighed ACTIVE Ge. 49:24(m). arms of his hands were made a. He. 4:12. For word of God is living & a. ACTIVITY Ge. 47: 6(m). knowest any men of a. ACTS (The rest of the acts) De. 3:24. and ac. to thy mighty a.? Ju. 5:11. sh. rehearse righteous a. of JH even the righteous a. of his rule I S. 12: 7. plead con. righteous a. of JH. 1 K. 10: 6. true report of th. a. (2 Ch. 9:5) 11:41. written in book of a. of Sol. 2 K. 23:19. ac. to all a. done in Beth-el 1 Ch. 23:27 (m). in the last a. of David 29:29. a. of Dav. wTitten in history 2 Ch. 9: 5. a true report, I heard of th. a. 12:15. a. of Rehob. writ, in histories 16:11. a. of Asa, writ, in book of kings 33:18. written amo. a. of kings of Is. 35:27. his a., first & last, are written Es. 10: 2. all a. of his power writ, in book Ps. 71:16. with mighty a. of Lord JH. 103: 6. JH. executeth righteous a. 106: 2. Who can utter mighty a. of JH.? 145 : 4. One genera, declare thy mighty a. 6. men sh. speak of thy terrible a. 12. To make known his mighty a. 150: 2. Praise him for his mighty a. Is. 63:15. where are thy zeal & mighty a. ? Mi. 6: 5. ye may know righteous a. of JH. Re. 15: 4. righteous a. been made manifest The rest of the acts 1 K. 11:41. r-a. of Solomon writ. (2 Ch. 9:29) 14:19. r-a. of Jeroboam K. (214:28) 29. r-a. of Rehoboam in bk. of chron. 15: 7. r-a. of Abijam in bk. of chron. 23. r-a. of Asa in book of chron. 31. r-a. of Nadab in book of chron. 16: 5. r-a. of Baasha in book of chron. 14. r-a. of Elah in book of chron. 20. r-a. of Zimri in book of chron. 27. r-a. of Omri in book of chron. 22:39. r-a. of Ahab in book of chron. 45. r-a. of Jehoshaphat (2 Ch. 20:34)^' 2 K. 1:18. r-a. of Ahaziah in bk. of chron. 8:23. r-a. of Joram in book of chron. 10:34. r-a. of Jehu in book of chron. ACTUALLY 16 ADONIJAH The rest of the acts 2K. 12:19. r-a. of Joash in chron. (13:12) 13: 8. r-a. of Jehoahaz in chron. 14:15. r-a. of Jehoash in chron. 18. r-a. of Amaziah (2 Ch. 25:26) 28. r-a. of Jeroboam in chron. 15: 6. r-a. of Azariah in chron. 11. r-a. of Zechariah in chron. 15. r-a. of Shallum in chron. 21. r-a. of Menahem in chron. 26. r-a. of Pekahiah in chron. 31. r-a. of Pekah in bk. of chron. 36. r-a. of Jothan (2 Ch. 27:7) 16:19. r-a. of Ahaz (2 Ch. 28:26) 20:20. r-a. of Hezekiah (2 Ch. 32:32) 21:17. r-a. of Manasseh (2 Ch. 33:18) 25. r-a. of Amon in bk. of chron. 23:28. r-a. of Josiah (2 Ch. 35:26) 24: 5. r-a. of Jehoiakim (2 Ch. 36:8) 2 Ch. 13:22. r-a. of Abijah in commentary 26:22. r-a. of Uzziah did Isaiah write ACTUALLY [fornication 1 Co. 5: I. it is a. reported that there is ADADAH (Ad'a-dah, or A-da'dah) A town on the south border of Judah. Jos. 15:22. cities of Judah were A. etc. ADAH (A'dah) — beauty. Ge. 4:19. Lamcch took two wives, one A. 20. A. bare Jubal, fa. of dwell in tents 23. A. & Zillah, hear my voice 36: 2. Esau took wives, A. dau. of Elon 4. And A. bare to Esau Eliphaz 10. Esau's sons: Eliphaz son of A. 12. these are the sons of A. (16) ADAIAH (Ad'a-i'ah, or A-da'yah) — Jehovah has adorned. 1. A man of Bozkath in the Shep- helah of Judah. 2 K. 22: I. Jedidah, dau. of A. of Bozkath 2. A Kohathite Levite connected with service of song. I Ch. 6:41. Zerah, the son of A. 3. A Eenjamite of the family of Shimei. I Ch. 8:21. A. Beraiah, Shimrath, s. of Shimei 4. A priest. 1 Ch. 9:12. A. son of Jeroham Ne. 11:12. (Of the priests) A. s. of Jeroham 5. Father of Maaseiah, captain under Jehoiada 2 Ch. 23: I. Maaseiah the son of A. 6. Two men of family of Bani, who put away their foreign wives. Ezr. 10:29. sons of Bani: A. etc. (39) 7. A son of Joiarib. Ne. 11: 5 Hazaiah, the son of A. ADALIA (Ad'a-li'a, or A-da'li-a) Es. 9: 8. (in palace Jews slew) A. etc. ADAM (Ad'am) — from the root to build, produce. Ge 2:2o(m). for A. was not found help meet 3:17. And unto A. he said, Because thou 21. God made for A. coats of skins 4:25. A. knew his wife; she bare a son 5: I. This is book of generations of A. 2. blessed, and called their name A. 3. A lived hundred & thirty years 4. days of A. aft. begat Seth 800 years 5. all the days A. lived were 930 yrs. I Ch. i: I. A , Seth, Enosh [gressions Jb. 31:33. If like A. I h. covered my trans- Lu. 3:38. Seth son of A., the son of God Ro. 5:14. death reigned fr. A. until Moses I Co. 15:22. For as in A. all die 45. first A. living soul, last A. life-giving spirit I Ti. 2:13. For A. was first formed, then Eve 14. A. was not beguiled, but woman Jude 14. Enoch, seventh fr. A. prophesied ADAM A city in the Jordan valley, near the mouth of the Jabbo'c, identified with ed-Damieh Jos. 3:16. waters rose, gr't way off at A. ADAMAH (Ad'a-mah, or A-da'mah) — ground, fortress. A fenced city of Naphtali. Jos. 19:36. fortified cities were A. etc. ADAMANT Eze. 3: 9. As an a. have I made my forehead Zee. 7:12. made their hearts as a. stone ADAMI-NEKEB (Ad'am-i, or A-da'mi-ne'keb) A town on the northwest border of Naphtali. Jos. 19:33. their border was from A. etc. ADAM'S (Ad'am's) Ro. 5:14. aft. likeness of A' transgres'n ADAR iA.'do,v)—Mordh. Ezr. 6:15. house finished on 3d day of A. Es. 3: 7. 12th month, month of A. (13; 8:12) 9: I. 13th A. when king's decree near 15. 14th day also of month A. 17. This was done on 13th day of A. 19. make 14th A. a day of gladness 21. keep 14th A. & 15th day yearly ADBEEL (Ad'be-el) Ge. 25:13. sons of Ishmael: A. etc. (iCh.i:29) ADD Ge. 30:24. Jehovah a. to me another son Le. 5:16. shall a fifth part (6:5; 27:13, 15, 19, 27, 31; Nu. 5:7) De. 4: 2. ye sh. not a. unto word I command 12:32. thou sh. not a. nor diminish fr. 19: 9. then thou shalt a. 3 more cities 2 S. 24: 3. Now JH. thy God a. unto th. peo. 1 K. 12:11. Rehoboam said, I will a. to your yoke (14; 2 Ch. 10:14) 2 K. 20: 6. will a. un. thy d's 15 yrs. (Is. 38:5) 1 Ch. 22:14. timber and stone; that thou a. 2 Ch. 10:11. yoke, I will a. to your yoke 28:13. ye purpose to a. un. our sins Ps. 69:27. A. iniquity unto their iniquity Pr. 3: 2. And peace will they a. unto thee 30: 6. A. thou not unto his words Is. 29: I. Ho Ariel, a. ye year to year 30: I. that they may a. sin to sin Je. 7:21. A. your burnt-off's unto your Mt. 6:27. wh. can a. one cubit? (Lu. 12:25) Re. 8: 3. sh'd a. it to prayers of saints 22:18. If any a. God sh. a. the plagues ADDAN (Ad'dan), or ADDON (Ad'dou) The Babylonian home of exiles who could not prove their Israelitish descent. Ezr. 2:59. these went up, A. etc. (Ne. 7:61) ADDAR (Ad'dar) [site unknown. A town on the southern border of Judah, Jos. 15: 3. (south border) went up to A. ADDAR Ancestor of a Benjamite clan. I Ch. 8: 3. Bela had sons, A. and Gera, etc. ADDED Nu. 36: 3. will be a. to inherit, of tribe 4. then will their inherit, be a. De. 5:22. And (Jehovah) a. no more 1 S. 12:19. we h. a. un. o;ir sins this evil 2 S. 12: 8. too little, I w'd have a. unto Je. 36:32. there were a. many like words 45: 3. JH. hath a. sorrow to my pain Da. 4:36. excellent greatness was a. un. me Mt. 6:33. these th'gs sh. be a. (Lu. 12:31) Lu. 3:20. (Herod) a. this, he shut up John 19:11. he a. and spake a parable Ac. 2:41. were a. about 3000 souls 47. Lord a. to them day by day 5:14. believers were a. to the Lord 11:24. much peo. was a. unto the Lord Ga. 3:19. It was a. bee. of transgressions ADDER Ge. 49:17. Dan. sh. be an a. in the path Ps. 58: 4. They are like the deaf a. 91:13. Thou shalt tread upon the lion & a. Pr. 29:32. At last it stingeth like an a. Is. 14:29. root shall come forth an a. ADDER'S Ps. 140: 3. A' poison is under their lips Is. 11: 8. child sh. put his hand on a' den ADDERS Je. 8:17. I will send serpents, a. amo. you ADDERS' Is. 59: 5- They hatch a' eggs, and we ADDEST Ha. 2:15. to thee that a. thy venom ADDETH Jb. 34:37. he a. rebellion unto his sin Pr. 10:22. he a. no sorrow therewith (m). And toil a. nothing thereto 16:23. heart of wise a. learning 19: 4. Wealth a. many friends; But poor Ga. 3:15. no one maketh void, or a. thereto ADDI (Ad'di) An ancestor of Christ. Lu. 3:28. Melchi, the son of A. ADDING 2 Pe. 1 : 5. A. on your part diligence ADDON —See Addan ADIEL (A'di-el) 1. A Simeonite chieftain. I Ch. 4:36. and Asaiah, and A., & Jesimiel 2. A priest. I Ch. 9:12. and Maasai the son of A. [urer 3. Father of Azmaveth, the king's treas- I Ch. 27:25. over k's treas. son of A. ADIN (A'din) Founder of a large post-exilic family. Ezr. 2:15. The children of A. 454 8: 6. of sons of A. Ebed son of Jonath. Ne. 7:20. The children of A. 655 10:16. (chiefs of people) A. etc. ADINA (Ad'i-na, or A-di'na) A Reubenite chieftain in David's army. . 1 Ch. 11:42. A. son of Shiza, the Reubenite ADINd (Ad'i-no, or A-di'no) One of David's valiant men. 2 S. 23: 8. the same was A. the Eznite ADITHAIM (Ad'i-tha'im) A town in the lowland of Judah. Jos. 15:36. A. and Gederah, etc. : 14 cities ADJURATI9N Le. 5: I. in that he heareth voice of a. Nu. 5:2i(m). to swear with the oath of a. Ju. i7:2(m). about wh. thou didst utter a. Pr. 29:24. heareth a. & uttereth nothing ADJUiiE I K. 2:42. Did I not a. thee by Jehovah? 22:16. shall I a. thee? (2 Ch. 18:15) S. S. 2: 7. I a. you, daughters of Jeru. (3:5; 5:8; 8:4) S: 9. That thou dost so a. ua? Mt. 26:63. I a. thee by the living God Mk. 5: 7. la. thee, by God torment me not Ac. 19:13. I a. you by Jesus wh. Paul preach. I Th. 5:27. I a. you this epistle be read ADJURED I S. 14:24. for Saul had a. the people ADLAI (Ad'la-i, or Ad'la-i) I Ch. 27:29.^ over herds was Shaphat, s. of A. ADMAH (Ad'mah) — perhaps, redness. One of the cities near the Dead Sea, destroyed along with Zeboim, Sodom and Gomorrah. Ge. 10:19. as thou goest toward A. etc. 14: 2. made war with Shinab k. of A. 8. and there went out k. of A. etc. De. 29:23. hke overthrow of Sodom and A. Ho. 11: 8. how shall I make thee as A.? ADMATHA (Ad'ma-tha, or Ad'ma-tha) Es. 1:14. A. etc. seven princes of Persia ADMIRED He. i2:i(m). the sin which is a. of many ADMONISH Ac. 20:31. three years I ceased not to a. Ro. 15:14. ye are able to a. one another I Co. 4:14. but to a. you as my beloved 1 Th. 5:12. know them over j^ou, and a. you 14. brethren, a. the disorderly 2 Th. 3:15. not enemy, but a. as brother ADMONISHED Ec. 12:12. And furthermore, my son be a. Ac. 27: 9. Fast was now gone by, Paul a. ADMONISHING Col. 1:28. A. every man & teaching every 3:16. a. one another with psalms ADMONITION Ec 4:13. fooHsh k. not to receive a. I Co. 10:11. were written for our a. Ep. 6: 4. nurture them in the a. of Lord Tit. 3:10. factious man, after a. refuse ADNA (Ad'na) — Aramaic, pleasure. 1. One of the sons of Pahath-moab, who divorced his foreign wife. Ezr. 10:30. sons of Pahath-moab: A. etc. 2. A priest after the exile. Ne. 12:15. A. etc. (priests, heads of h.) ADNAH (Ad'nah) — pleasure. 1. A captain of Manasseh, who deserted Saul for David. 1 Ch. 12:20. there fell to (David) A. etc. 2. A captain under Jehoshaphat. 2 Ch. 17:14. A. the captain, with 300,000 ADO Ac. 20:10. no a.; for his life is in him ADONIBEZEK (A-don'i-be'zek, or A-do'ni- be'zek) — lord of Bezek. Ju. 1:5. they found A. in Bezek 6. But A. fled; and they pursued 7. A. said, Threescore and ten kings ADONIJAH (Ad'o-ni'jah) 2 S. 3: 4. fourth (son of David) A. (i Ch. 3:2) I K. 1:5. Then A. exalted himself 7. they following A. helped hira 8. men to David were not with A. 9. A. slew sheep and oxen and II. Hast thou heard A. doth reign? 13. why then doth A. reign? 18. And now, behold, A. reigneth 24. hast thou said, A. shall reign? 25. they say, Long live king A. 41 . A. and all guests heard it ADONIKAM 17 ADVERSARY 1 K. 1:42. and A. said, Come in 43. Jonathan said to A., Verily 49. all the guests of A. were afraid 50. And A. feared because of Solomon 51. Behold, A. feareth king Solomon 2:13. A. came to Bath-sheba 19. went unto Solomon to speak for A, 21. Let Abishag, be given to A. 22. why dost ask Abishag for A.? 23. A. hath spoken this wd. a,i. life 24. A. shall be put to death this day 28. Joab had turned after A. 2 Ch. 17: 8. the Levites, A. etc Ne. 10:16. (those that sealed) A. etc. ADONIKAM (Ad'o-ni'kam, or A-do'ni-kam) — the lord is risen up. Ancestor of a large post-exilic family. Called Adonijah in Ne. 10:16. Ezr. 2:13. children of A. 666 8:13. sons of A. that were the last Ne. 7:18. The_children of A. 667 ADONIRAM (Ad'o-ni'ram) — the Lord is high. Called Adoram in 2 S. 20:24; i K. 12:18, and Hadoram in 2 Ch. 10:18. 1 K. 4: 6. A. over men subj. to task-w. (5:14) ADONI-ZEDEK (A-don'i-ze'dek, or A-do'ni- ze'dek) — lord of righteousness. Jos. 10: I. when A. king of Jerusalem 3. A. sent unto Hoham. k. of Hebron ADOPTION Ro. 8:15. but j'e received the spirit of a. 23. waiting for our a. the redemption 9: 4. Israelites; whose is the a. Ga. 4: 5. that we might receive a. of sons Ep. i: 5. foreordained us unto a. of sons ADORAIM (Ad'o-ra'im) A city of Judah, identified with Dura about five miles west of Hebron. 2Ch. 11: 9. (Rehoboam built for defence) A. ADORAM (A-do'ram) See Adoniram. 2 S. 20:24. -A- over task-work (i K. 12:18) ADORN I Ti. 2: 9. women a. thems. in modest apparel Tit. 2:10. may a. doctrine of grace of God ADORNED Je. 31: 4. ag. sh. thou be a. with tabrets LvL 21: 5. temple, a. with goodly stones I Pe. 3:5. holy women a. themselves Re. 21:19. foundations of wall of city a. ADORNETH Is. 61:10. as a bride a. with jewels ADORNING 1 Pe. 3:3. whose a. let it not be the outward a. of braiding [is king. ADRAMMELECH (A-dram'e-leoh)— ffod Adar 1. One of the gods of Sepharvaira. 2 K. 17:31. burnt their children to A. 2. One of the sons of Sennacherib. 2 K. 19:37. A. and Sharezer smote him (Is. 37:38)„ ADRAMYTTIUM j;Ad'ra-myt'ti-um) A city of Mysia, formerly a seaport, but now situated six miles inland. Ac. 27: 2. embarking in ship of A. ADRIA (A'dri-a) The name ordinarily applied to that part of the Mediterranean between Italy and Illyria, sometimes called the Adriatic, or Gulf of Venice, but in Paul's time was used to denote also that part of the sea as far south as Sicily and the southern point of Greece. Ac. 27 : 2 7. _ driven to & fro in sea of A. ADRIEL (A'dri-el) 1 S. 18:19. Merab was given unto A. 2 S. 21: 8. sons, whom she bare took A. ADULLAM (A-dul'lam) A town in the Shephelah of Judah. The "cave of Adullam" is sometimes mentioned as a stronghold (2 S. 5:17; 23:14). Jos. 12:15. the king of A., one 15:35. Jarmuth and A., Socoh, etc. 1 S. 22: I. escaped to the cave of A. 2 S. 23:13. came in harvest un. cave of A. I Ch. 11:15. went into cave of A. 2Ch. 11: 7. Beth-zur, and Soco, and A. Ne. 11:30. Zanoah, A., and their villages Mi. 1:15. glory of Is. sh. come even un. A. ADULLAMITE (A-diU'lam-ite) Ge. 38: I. Judah turned m to a certam A. 12. his friend Hirah the A. 20. sent kid by his friend the A. ADULTERER Le. 20:10. a. sh. surely be put to death Jb. 24:15. eye of a. waiteth for twilight Is, 57: 3. draw near, the seed of the a. ADULTERERS Ps. 50:18. hast been partakers with a. Je. 9: 2. for they are all a. (Ho. 7:4) 23:10. For the land is full of a. Mai. 3: 5. I will be a swift Vvatncss ag. a. Lu. 18:11. am not as the rest of men, a. I Co. 6: 9. neither a. sh. inlicrit kingdom He. 13: 4. and a. God will judge ADULTERESS Le. 20:10. a. sh. surely be put to death Pr. 6:26. a. hunteth for precious life Ho. 3: I. love a woman, and an a. Mt. 5:32. fornication, maketh her an a. Ro. 7: 3. she shall be called an a. so that she is no a. ADULTERESSES Eze. 23:45. judge them wi. judgment of a. because they are a. Ja. 4: 4. Ye a., know ye not? ADULTERIES Je. 13:27. I have seen even thine a. Eze. 23:43. of her that was old in a. Ho. 2:2. let her put away her a. Mt. 15:19. out of the heart come a., etc. Mk. 7:21 from within proceed a. etc. ADULTEROUS Pr. 30:20. So is the way of an a. woman Mt. 12:39. evil & a. generation (16:4) Mk. 8:38. my words in this a. generation ADULTERY (Commit adultery, Committed adul- tery, Committeth adultery) Jn. li: 3. bring a woman taken in a; and 4. taken in a., in the very act 2 Pe. 2:14. having eyes full of a., and Commit adultery Ex. 20:14. Thou shalt not c. a. (Mt. 19:18; Ro. 13:9) De. 5:18. Neither shalt thou c. a. Je. 7: 9 Will ye steal, and c. a., and 23:14. they c. a., and walk in lies Ho. 4: 2. and stealing, and committing a. 13. harlot, and your brides c. a. 14. nor your brides when they c. a. Mk. 10:19. Do not c. a. (Lu. 18:20) Ro. 2:22. say est a man should not c. a., dost thou c. a., thou that Ja. 2:11. he that said, Do not c. a. Now if thou dost not c. a., but Re. 2:22. and them that c. a. with her Committed adultery Je. 3: 8. backsliding Israel had c. a. 9. she c. a. with stones and stocks 5: 7. I fed them to the full, they c. a. 29:23. c. a. with their neighbors' wives Eze. 23:37. For they have c. a., and blood with their idols have they c. a. Mt. 5:28. woman to lust after her hath c. a. Committeth adultery Le 20:10 that c. a. with another man's c. a. with his neighbor's wife Pr. 6:32. that c. a. with woman is void of Eze. 16:32. A wife that c. a.I that taketh Mt. 5:32. when she is put away c. a. (19:9) 19: 9. and shall marry another, c. a. Mk. 10:11. his wife, and marry another, c. a. 1 2 . husband, & marry an'ther, she c. a. Lu. 16:18. is put away from husband, c. a. wife, and marrieth another, c. a. ADUMMIM (A-dum'min) — red colored. A pass leading up from the Jordan valley to the hill country — most traveled route from Jericho to Jerusalem. Jos. 15: 7. over ag. ascent of A. (18:17) ADVANCED Es. 3: I. king a. (Haman) 5:11. Haman recounted how king had a. 10: 2. whereunto the king a. him Lu. 2:52. Jesus a. in wisdom and statute Ga. 1:14. I a. in Jews' religion beyond ADVANTAGE Jb. 35: 3. What a. will it be unto thee? Ec. 10:11. there is no a. in the charmer Ro. 3: I. What a. then hath the Jew? 2 Co. 2:11. no a. may be gained by Satan 7: 2. we took a. of no man 12:17. Did I take a. of you by any one 18. Did Titus take any a. of you? Jude 16. respect of persons for sake of a. ADVENTURE De. 28:56. tender woman would not a. Ec. 5:14. those riches perish by evil a. Ac. 19:31. besought him not to a. himself ADVENTURED Ju. 9:17. (for my father a. his life) ADVENTURES Jb. i3:i4(m). At all a. I will take my ADVERSARIES (His adversaries, Mine adversaries. Our adversaries. Their adversaries. Thine adversaries) 2 S. 19:22. ye sh'd this day be a. unto me? Ezr. 4: I. when a. of Judah and Benjamin Ps. 38:20. a. unto me because I follow good 71:13. consumed that are a. to soul 109: 4. For my love they are my a. Is. 9:11. JH. will set up ... a. of Rezin La. i: 5. Her a. are become the head 7. a. . . . did mock at her desolations. Eze. 30:16. Memphis sh. have a. in day-time Lu. 21:15. yr- a- sh. not be able to withstand I Co. 16:9. and there are many a. Ph. 1:28. in nothing affrighted by the a. He. 10:27. fire which shall devour the a. His adversaries Nu. 24: 8. he shall eat up nations, h. a. De. 32:43. will render vengeance to h. a. 3S: 7. thou shalt be a help ag. h. a. Jb. 19:11. counteth me ... as one of h. a. Ps. 10: 5. As for all h. a., he puffetli at 78:66. And he smote h. a. backward 89:23. I will beat down h. a. before 42. hast exalted right hand of h. a. 97: 3. And burneth up h. a. round about 112: 8. Until he see desire upon h. a. Is. 59:18. he will repay, wrath to h. a. Je. 46:10. that he may avenge him of h. a. La. 1:17. round ab't him should be h. a. Na. i: 2. Jehovah taketh vengeance on h. a. Lu. 13:17. all h. a. were put to shame Mine adversaries De. 32:41. will render vengeance to m. a. 1 Ch. 12:17. ye become to betray me to m. a. Ps. 3: I. Jehovah, how are m. a. increased! 6: 7. It waxeth old because of all m. a. 7: 6. thyself against the rage of m. a. 13: 4. Lest m. a. rejoice when I am moved 27: 2. Even m. a. & my foes they stumbled 12. not over unto the will of m. a. 31:11. Because of all m. a. I am become 42:10. m. a. reproach me. While they say 69:19. M. a. are all before thee. 109:20. This is reward of m. a. from JH. 29. Let m. a. be clothed wi. dishonor 119:139. Because m. a. have forgotten 157. Many are persecutors and m. a. Is. 1:24. Ah. I will ease me of m. a., and Our adversaries Jos. 5:13. Art thou for us, or for 0. a.? Ne. 4:11. a. said. They shall not know Ps. 44: 5 Thro, thee will we push down 0. a. 7. But thou hast saved us from o. a. 60:12. he will tread down 0. a. (108:13) 136:24. hath delivered us from 0. a. Is. 63:18. 0. a. trodden down thy sanctuary. Their adversaries De. 32:27. Lest t. a. should judge amiss Ne. 9:27. deliveredst into hand of t. a. saved them out of hand of t. a. Ps. 81 :i4. And turn my hand against t. a. 105:24. made them stronger than t. a. 106:11. And the waters covered t. a. Is. 50: 7. t. a. said. We are not guilty Eze. 39:23. I gave them into hand of t. a. Thine adversaries Ex. 23:22. and an adversary unto t. a. Ps. 74: 4. T. a. have roared in the midst 23. Forget not the voice of t. a. Is 26:11. yea, fire shall devour t. a. 64: 2. to make thy name known to t. a. Je. 30:16. t. a. shall go into captivity Ls. 2:17. he hath exalted the horn of t. a. Da. 4:19. interpretation thereof to t. a. Mi. .5:9. thy hand be lifted up above t. a. ADVERSARY Ex. 23:22. will be an a. unto thine a-s. Nu. 10: 9. ag. a. that oppresseth you 22:22. angel placed himself for a. 32. behold, I am come forth for a. iS. 2:32(m). shalt behold a. in my habitation 28:16. and is become thine a. 29: 4. lest in battle he become a. I K. 5: 4. neither a., nor evil occurrence 11:14. JH. raised up an a. unto Solomon 23. God raised up ano. a. unto him 25. a. to Israel all days of Solomon I Ch. 21: I. an a. stood up ag. Israel, & moved Es 7:4. held ray peace, although the a. 6. An a. even this wicked Haman Jb. 16: 9. Mine a. sharpeneth his eyes ADVERSARY'S 18 AFFLICTION Tb. 31:35- tad indictment which mine a.I Ps. ' 7 •.4. without cause was mine a. 44: 10. makest us to turn back fr. a. 60:11. Give us help against a. (108:12) 74:10. How long, shall a. reproach! 78:42. he redeemed them from a. 107: 2. redeemed from hand of the a. 109: 6. let a. stand at his right hand Is. 50: 8. who is mine a.! let him come SQ\ig{m). a. sh. come in like a flood La. 1:5. gone into captivity before the a. 7. fell into the hand of the a. 10. a. hath spread out his hand 2: 4. stood with right hand as an a. 4:12. a. would enter into Jerusalem Am. 3:11. An a. there shall be Zee. 3: I. at his right hand to be his a. 8:10. nei. was peace to him bee. of a. Mt. 5:25. Agree with thine a. quickly lest a. deliver thee to judge Lu. 12:58. going with thine a. bef. magist. 18 : 3. Avenge me of mine a. I Ti. 5:14. give no occasion to the a. 1 Pe. 5: 8. your a. the devil, as a lion ADVERSARY'S Jb. 6:23. Deliver me from a' hand? Ps. 78:61. /nd his glory into a' hand ADVERSITIES Ps. 31: 7. Thou hast known my soul in a. ADVERSITY [(i K. 1:29) 2 S. 4: 9. redeemed my soul out of all a. 2 Ch. 15: 6. God did vex them with all a. Jb. 36:i5(m). openeth their ear by a. Ps. 10: 6. I shall not be in a. 35:15. in mine a. they rejoiced 94:13. may est give him rest fr. a. Pr. 17:17. a brother is born for a. 24:10. If thou faint in the day of a. Ec. 7:14. in the day of a. consider Is. 30:20. though Lord give you bread of a. ADVERTISE Nu. 24:14. come, and I will a. thee ADVICE Ju. 20: 7. give here your a. and counsel 2 S. 19:43. our a. sh'd not be first 2 Ch. 25:17. Amaziah k. of Judah took a. ADVISE 2 S. 24:13. a. thee, and consider what ans. ADVISEDJ Pr. 13:10. with the well-a. is wisdom Ac. 27:12. more part a. to put to sea ADVISEMENT I Ch. 12:19. Philis. upon a. sent him away ADVOCATE Jn. i4:i6(m). he shall give you another A. i5:26(m). when the A. is come, whom I I Jn. 2: I. we have an a. with the father .fflNEAS (/E'ne-as) Ac. - 9:33. found a certain man named M. 34. Peter said unto him, M. .fflNON (iE'non) — springs. A place near Salim of copious springs. Jn. 3:23. John was baptizing in M. AFAR (afar off) Ge. 22: 4. Abraham saw the place a. 0. 37:18. And they saw him a. 0. Ex. 2: 4. And his sisters stood a. 0. 20:18. people trembled, and stood a. 0. 21. And the people stood a. 0. 24: I. Come up; and worship ye a. 0. 33: 7. pitch (tent) a. o. from camp Nu. 4:25. when man of God saw her a. 0. 9:10. or be on a journey a. 0. De. 32:26. I said, I w'd scatter them a. 1 S. 26:13. David stood on mount a. 0. 2 K. 2:7. sons of prophets stood a. 0. Ezr. 3:13. the noise was heard a. 0. Ne. 12:43. joy of Jeru. was heard even a. 0. Jb. 2:12. when they lifted up eyes a. 0; 36: 3. will fetch my knowledge fr. a. 25. Man beholdeth it a. 0. 39:25. he smelleth the battle a. 0. 29. her eyes beholdeth a. 0. Ps. 10: I. Why standest a. 0., JH.? 38:11. my kinsmen stand a. 0. 65: 5. confidence of them that are a. 0. 138: 6. the haughty he knoweth fr. a. 139: 2. understandest my thought a. 0. Pr. 31:14. She bringeth her bread fr. a. Is. 23: 7. city, whose feet carried hei- a. 0. 33:17. behold a land that reacheth a. 50:14. righteousness standeth a. o. 66:19. send such as escape to isles a. 0. Je. 18:14. cold waters that flow down fr. a. 23:23. Am I a god at hand, not a. 0.? Je. 30:10. I will save thee from a. (46:27) 31:10. declare it in the isles a. o. 51:50. ye remember JH. from a. Mic. 4: 3. he will decide con. nations a. 0. Mt. 8:30. a. 0. from them a herd of swine .26:58. Peter followed him a. 0. (Mk. 14:54; Lu. 22:54) 27:55. women were beholding from a. Mk. 5: 6. when he saw Jesus from a. 11:13. And seeing a fig tree a. o. 15:40. were women beholding fr. a. Lu. 15:20. But while he was yet a. 0. 16:23. in torments, & seeth Abra. a. 0. 17:12. were lepers, who stood a. 0. 18:13. the publican, standing a. 0. 23:49. women fr. Galilee, stood a. 0. Ac. 2:39. is promise, to all a. 0. Ep. 2:17. preached peace to you a. 0. He. 11:13. having greeted (promises) fr. a. Re. 18:10. standing a. 0., saying. Woe, woe 15. merchants shall stand a. 0. 17. mariners stood a. 0. AFFAIRS 1 Ch. 26:32. pertaining to a.of king Da. 2:49. over a. of province of Bab. (3:12) Ep. 6:21. that ye also may know my a. Col. 4: 7. my a. sh. Tychicus make known 2 Ti. 2: 4. entangleth himself in a. AFFECTED Ac. 14: 2. made them evil a. ag. the brethren AFFECTETH La. 3:51. mine eye a. my soul AFFECTION (See also Affections) 1 Ch. 29: 3. I have set my a. on house God Ro. 1:31. without natural a., unmerciful 2 Co. 7:15. his a. is more abundantly 2 Ti. 3: 3. without natural a., implacable AFFECTIONATELY 1 Th. 2: 8. so, being a. desirous of you AFFEGTIONED Ro. 12:10. be tenderly a. one to another AFFECTIONS {See also Affection) 2 Co. 6:12. ye are straitened in yr. own a. AFFINITY 1 K. 3: I. Solomon made a. with Pharaoh 2 Ch. 18: I. (Jehosh.) joined a. with Ahab Ezr. 9:14. shall we join a. wi. peoples? AFFIRM Ro. 3: 8. (and as some a. that we say) 1 Ti. 1:7. nor whereof they confidently a. Tit. 3: 8. I desire that thou a. confidently AFFIRMED Lu. 22:59. another confidently a., saying Ac. 12:15. she confidently a. it was so 25:19. whom Paul a. to be alive AFFIRMING Ac. 24: 9. a. that these th'gs were so AFFLICT Ge. 15:13. they shall a. them 400 years 31:50. If thou shall a. my daughters Ex. i:ii. did set taskmasters to a. them 22:22. Ye shall not a. any widow 23. If thou a. them, I will hear Le. 16:29. ye shall a. your souls (31; 23:27, 32; Nu. 29:7) Nu. 24:24. And they shall a. Asshur and shall a. Eber 30:13. every binding oath to a. soul Ju. 16: 5. that we may bind to a. him 6. wherewith to be bound to a. him 19. and she began to a. him 2 S. 7:10. nei. sh. wickedness a. them more 1 K. 8:35. when thou dost a. them 11:39. I will for this a. seed of Dav. 2 Ch. 6:26. if they pray, when thou dost a. Jb. 37:23. in justice he will not a. Ps. 44: 2. Thou didst a. the peoples 55:i9(m). God will hear, and a. them 89:22. nor son of wickedness a. him 94: 5. And a. thy heritage 143:12. destroy all that a. my soul Is. 51:23. into hand of them that a. the« 58: 5. day for a man to a. his soul? 64:12. wilt thou a. us very sore? Je. 31:28. as I have watched to a. La. 3:33. For he doth not a. willingly Am. 5:12. ye that a. the just 6:14. they shall a. you from Hamath Na. 1:12. I will a. thee no more (m). So will I a. thee, that I shall Zph. 3:19. will deal wi. all that a. thee Ac. 12: I. king put forth his hand to a. 2 Th. 1:6. affliction to them that a. you AFFLICTED Ex. 1:12. But the more they a. them Le. 23:29. soul that shall not be a. De. 26: 6. the Egyptians a. us Ru. 1:21. Almighty hath a. me 2 S. 22:28. the a. people thou wilt save 1 K. 2:26. because thou wast a. in all wherein my father was a. 2 K. 17:20. JH. rejected Is., and a. Jb. 30:11. For he had a. me 34:28. he heard the cry of the a. 36: 6. But giveth to a. their right. 15. delivereth a. by affliction Ps. 18:27. thou wilt save the a. people 22:24. nor abhorred afflict'n of a. 25:16. For I am desolate and a. 35:13. I a. my soul with fasting 82: 3. Do justice to the a. 88: 7. hast a. me with all thy waves 15. I am a. and ready to die 90:15. glad wherein thou hast a. us 102 (title). A Prayer of the a. 107:17. fools bee. of iniquities are a. 116:10. I was greatly a. 119:67. Before I was a. I went astray 71. good that I have been a. 75. in faithfulness thou hast a. 107. I am a. very much 129: I. (2) Many a time they a. me 140:12. JH. will maintain cause of a. Pr. 15:15. all days cf the a. are evil 22:22. Neither oppress a. in gate 31: 5. justice due to any a. Is. 14:32. shall a. of his peo. take refuge. 49:13. will have compassion upon a. 51:21. hear thou this thou a. 53: 4. smitten of God, and a. 7. yet when he was a. 54:11. thou a. . . . tossed with tempest 58: 3. wherefore have we a. our soul 10. if thou satisfy a. soul 60:14. sons of them that a. thee 63: 9. In all their affliction he was a. La. i: 4. Her virgins are a. 5. For Jehovah hath a. her 12. Wherewith Jehovah hath a. me Mi. 4: 6. I will gather that I have a. Na. 1:12. Though I have a. thee Zph. 3:12. I will leave an a. people Zee. 10: 2. are a., bee. there is no shepherd 2 Co. i: 6. But whether we are a. 7:5. but we were a. on every side 2 Th. 1:7. you that are a. rest with us I Ti. 5:10. if she hath relieved the a. He. 11:37. being destitute, a., ill-treated Ja. 4: 9. Be a. and mourn AFFLICTION (Day or days of afHiction, Mine afiBiction, My affliction , Our affliction, Their affliction) Ge. 16:11. because JH. hath heard thy a. Ex. 3: 7. I have seen a. of my peo. (Ac. 7:34) 17. I will bring yftu up out of a. De. 16: 3. Thou shalt eat . . . bread of a. I S. i:ii. look on a. of thy handmaid 2:32. shalt behold a. of my habitation 1 K. 22: 7. him bread of a. (2 Ch. 18:26) with water of a. (2 Ch. 18:26) 2 K. 14:26. Jehovah saw a. of Israel Ne. 1: 3. The remnant . . . are in great a. 9: 9. thou sawest a. of our fathers Es. 7: 4(m). our a. is not to be compared Jb. 5: 6. For a. cometh not from the dust 36: 8. And be taken in the cords of a. 21. hast thou chosen rather than a. Ps. 22:24. nor abhorred a. of afflicted 88: 9. Mine eye wasteth by reason of a. 107:10. Being bound in a. and iron 41. setteth needy on high from a. 119:92. I should have perished in a. Is. 30:20. of adversity and water of a. 48:10. chosen thee in furnace of a. Je. 15:11. supplication in time of a. 48:16. and his a. hasteth fast. La. i: 3. into captivity because of a. 3: I. I am the man that hath seen a. Am. 6: 6. not grieved for a. of Joseph Na. 1: 9. a. shall not rise up 2nd time. Hab. 3: 7. I saw tents of Cushan in a. Zee. 1:15. they helped forward the a. 10:11. he will pass thro, sea of a. Ac. 7:11. came a famine . . . and great a. 2 Co. i: 4. to comfort them are in any a. 2:4. out of much a. ... I wrote unto 4:17. our light a., for the moment 8: 2. how that in much proof of a. Ph. i:i6. thinking to raise up a. for me AFFLICTIONS 19 AFTER Th. I Jb. Je. La. Ge. Jb. Ps. La. Jon. 10:15. 25:18. 119:153- 3:19- 2: 2. Ge. iCh Ps. La. Ph. 41:52. 22:14. 9:13- 31: 7- 119:50. i: 9. 4:14. a. 1:6. having received word in much a. 3:4. that we are to suffer a.; even Th. 1 : 6. with God to recompense a. Day or days of affliction 30:16. D-s 0. a. have taken hold upon me 27. D-s 0. a. are come upon me. i6:ig. and my refuge in the d. o. a. i: 7. Jerusalem remembereth in d-s 0. a. Mine affliction 31:42. God hath seen m. a., & the labor And looking upon m. a. Consider m. a. and my travail Consider m. a., and deliver me Remember m. a. and my misery I called by reason of m. a. (m). I called out of m. a. unto JH. My affliction 29:32. Jehovah hath looked upon m. a. made me fruitful in land of m. a. In m. a. I have prepared for Behold m. a. which I suffer of For thou hast seen m. a. This is my comfort in m. a. Behold, Jehovah, m. a.; for the ye had fellowship with m. a. Our affliction 26: 7. JH. heard our voice, and saw g. and cry unto thee in 0. a. for 0. a. is not to be compared forgettest 0. a. and oppression? who comforteth in all 0. a. 0. a. which befell us in Asia I ovei-flow with joy in all 0. a. comforted over you in all 0. a. Their affliction 4:31. and that he had seen t. a. 36:15. Delivereth afflicted by t. a. 63: 9. In t. a. he was afflicted, and 5:15. in t. a. they will seek me 13. yea. look not thou on t. a AFFLICTIONS Ps. 34:19. many are a. of the righteous rem'ber for David All his a. . delivered him out of all his a. bonds and a. abide me in a., in necessities, etc. lacking a. of Chr. in my flesh no man be moved by these a. and in the a. wh. ye endure He. 10:33. both by reproaches & a. AFFORDING Ps. 144:13. garners, a. all manner of store AFFRIGHT 2 Ch. 32:18. were on the wall, to a. them AFFRIGHTED De 2 Ch. 20 £s.7 Ps. 2 Co 4(m). 44:24. i: 4. iTh. Ex. Jb. Is. Ho. Ob. 7: 3: in the Ac. 132: I. 7:10. 20:23. 2 Co. 6: 4. Col. 1:24. 1 Th. 3: 3. 2 Th. i: 4. De. Jos. Jb. Is. Je. Da. Lu. Ac. Ph. Re. 7:21. 20: 3. 31: 6. i: 9. 18:20. 21: 4. 14: 9. 51:32. 8:17. Thou shalt not be a. at them tremble, neither be ye a. at them nor be a. at them be not a., neither dismayed they that went before were a. horror hath a. me Why sh'dest thou be as man a.? and the men of war are a. and when he came I was a. 24: 5. as they were a. and bowed down 37. they were terrified and a. 10: 4. being a., said, What is it 1:28. in nothing a. by adversaries 11:13. and the rest were a. AFORE Ro. i: 2. wh. he promised a. thro, prophets 9:23. wh. he a. prepared unto glory Ep. 2:10. which God a. prepared that we AFOREPROMISED 2 Co. 9: 5. make up bef'hand yr. a. bounty AFORETIME De. 2:10. (The Emim dwelt therein a. 12. Horites also dwelt in Seir a. 20. Rephaim dwelt therein a.; but the 4:40. dwelt there a. were of Ham 13: 5. where a. they laid meal-off 's 30:20. Their children shall be as a. 6:10. gave thanks as he did a. 9: 8. and they that saw him a. 13. him that a. was blind 3:25. passing over of sins done a. 15: 4. whatsoever things written a. 3: 5. after this manner a. holy women that a. were disobedient, when iCh. Ne. Je. Da. Jn. Ro. I Pe. 20. AFRAID (Are afraid, Be afraid, Be not, or not bo, afraid, I am afraid, Made afraid, Make afraid. Sore afraid, Was afraid, Were afraid) De. 7:19. people of whom tiuju art a. De. iS. 2S. Pr. S. S. Is. Je. Hab Lu. iPe. iS. Jb. Ps. Is. Je. Eze. De. Ne. Jb. Ps. Ec. Is. Je. Eze. Mi. Ro. De. Jos. iS. 2K. 2Ch Ne. Ps. 22:25. 39:17. 3: 2. 8:25. a. 5:21. 22. 19:29. 27: I. 12: 5. 19:17. 44: 8. 2:12. 2: 6. 32:10. 7:17. Pr. Is. Je. Lu. Ac. Jb. Ps. Je. Ga. 2S. Ne. Da. Na. Hab Le. 2S. Jb. 128:60. diseases which thou wast a. of 17:11. were dismayed, and greatly a. 1:14. How wast thou not a. to put? 31:21. She is not a. of the snow 6:5(m.) from me. For they make me a. 51:12. thou, that thou art a. of man? of them of whom thou art a. of men of whom thou art a. heard report of thee, & am a. And being a. they marvelled 3:5(m). doing well, and not being a. Are afraid 23: 3. Behold, we a. a. here in Judah 6:21. Ye see a terror, and a. a. 41:25. raiseth hims. up, mighty a. a. 65: 8. in uttermost parts a. a. of thy 33:14. The sinners in Zion a. a. 42:11. king of Babylon, of whom ye a, 16. and the famine, whereof ye a. a. 27:35. their kings a. horribly a. Be afraid 1:29. Dread not, neither b. a. of them 2: 4. and they will b. a. of you 28:10. and they shall b. a. of thee 6:13. he hired, that I should b. a. Nei. shalt thou b. a. of destruc'n Nei. shalt thou b. a. of beasts B. ye a. of the sword: For wrath my life; Of whom shall I b. a. shall b. a. of that wh. is high every one . . . shall b. a., because Fear not, neither b. a.: have I? at this, and b. horribly a. neither b. a. of their words their kings shall b. horribly a. and shall b. a. because of thee. 13:14. But if thou do evil, b. a. Be not, or not be, afraid 1:17. ye shall n. b. a. of face of man 5:17. thou shalt n. b. a. of them (20:1) 18:22. thou shalt n. b. a. of him B. n. a. because of them; for B. n. a.: for what seest thou? Go down v/ith him: b. n. a. of him. B. n. a. of words . . . heard (Is. 37:6) b. n. a. ... for king of Assyria B. n. ye a. of them: remember Lord I will n. b. a. of ten thousands B. n. a. when one is made rich 56: 4. I put my trust, I will n. b. a. (11) 91: 5. n. b. a. for the terror by night He shall n. b. a. of evil tidings is established, he shall n. b. a. liest down thou shalt n. b. a. B. n. a. of sudden fear. Neither b. n. a. of the Assyrian, though I will trust, and will n. b. a. lift up thy voice . . . b. n. a. B. n. a. because of them; for I B. n. a. of them; for they cannot B. n. a. of the king of Babylon b. n. a. of him, saith Jehovah son of man, b. n. a. of them, b. n. a. of their words, nor be 2:22. B. n. a., ye beasts of the field 3: 6. trumpet blown, and people n. b. a. 10:28. b. n. a. of them that kill (Lu. 12:4) 14:27. it is I; b. n. a. (Mk. 6:50; Jn. 6:20) 17: 7. and said, Arise, and b. n. a. 2:10. B. n. a.; for behold, I bring you 18: 9. B. n. a., but speak and hold not I am afraid 3:35. that wh. I a. a. of cometh unto 9:28. I a. a. of all my sorrows 23:15. When I consider, I a. a. of him 56: 3. What time I a. a., I will put my 119:39. away my reproach whereof I a. a. 120. And I a. a. of thy judgments. 38:19. I a. a. of the Jews that are 4:11. I a. a. of you, lest by any means Made afraid 14:15. because the people have m. me a. 22: 5. of ungodhness m. me a. (Ps. 18:4) 6: 9. For they all would have m. us a. 4: 5. I saw a dream which m. me a. 2:11. lion's whelp, and none m. them a. 2:17. of the beasts, which m. them a. Make afraid 26: 6. lie down, & none shall m. you a. and weak-handed, & will m. him a. And let not his terror m. me a. and none shall m. thee a. shall not his majesty m. thee a.? And let not thy terror m. me a. Distress and anguish m. him a. 11: 6. 28:13. i:i5- 19: 6. 32: 7- 4:14. 3: 6. 49:16. 112: 7. 8. 3:24. 25- 10:24. 12: 2. 40: i: 10: 42 9- 8. 5- II. Eze. 2: 6 Joe. Am. Mt. 2. 17: 9:34 11:19 13:11 21, 15:24 Jb. 18:11. Terrors shall m. him a. on every 33 : 7. Behold, my terror sh. not m. thee a. S.S.6:5(m). eyes fromme, Fortheym.Twea. Is. Je. Eze. 17: 2. Ne. Mt. Mk. Lu. Ge. Ex. De. Ru. iS. 2S. iCh Es. Je. Mt. Jn. Ac. Ge. Ex. Nu. De. iS. iK. 2K. Ps. Je. Jon. Hab Mt. Mk. Lu. Jn. Ac. He. 9:24. 17:24. 21:12. 28:20. 31: 4- 2: 2. 17: 9: 2: 18:15. 28:17. 3i:3i- 32: 7- 3: 6. 9:19. 3: " 28: 5. 6: 9. 13:12. 21:30. 7: 6. 26:21. 2:22. 14:30. 25:25- 19:8. and none shall m. them a. (Eze. 34:28; 39:26; Mi. 4:4; Zph. 3:13) 30:10. and none shall m. him a. (46:27) 30: 9. to m. the careless Ethiopians a. Sore afraid Ge. 20: 8. told all . . . and the men were s. a. Ex. 14:10. marching after; & they were s. a. Nu. 22: 3. Moab was s. a. of the people Jos. 9:24. we were s. a. for our lives S. 17:24. when they saw man . . . were s. a. And David . . . was s. a. of Achish Then Saul fell . . . and was s. a. w'dnot; for he was s. a. (i Ch.io:4) 2. Then I was very s. a. 6. disciples heard, and were s. a. -^ 6. to answer; for they becam^ s. a. 9. glory . . . shone . . . and they w^ere s. a. Was afraid 3:10. I heard thy voice . . . and I w. a. Then Sarah denied ... for shew. a. he w. a., and said. How dreadful Jacob . . . said to Laban, Bee. I w. a. Then Jacob w. greatly a. and was for he w. a. to look upon God For I w. a. of the anger and hot at midnight, that the man w. a. 18:12. Saul w. a. of David, because JH. 29. And Saul w. ye more a. of David Saul saw . . . PhiUstines, he w. a. David w. a. of Jehovah that day David w. a. of God that day he w. a. bee. of sword of angel Haman w. a. before king and queen when Uriah heard it, he w. a. Herod, he w. a. to go thither But when he saw the wind, he w. a. I w. a. . . . and hid thy talent -f- heard this saying, he w. more a. 22 :29. w. a. when he knew he was a Roman Were afraid 42:35. saw their . . . money, they w. a. 43:18. men w. a. bee. they were brought 34:30. they w. a. to come nigh him. 12: 8. wh'fore then w. ye not a. to speak? 5: 5. for ye w. a. because of the nre 4: 7. the Philistines w. a., for they 7: 7. heard it, they w. a. of Philistines. 1:40. all guests of Adonijah w. a. 10: 4. But they w. exceedingly a. 25:26. to Egypt; for they w. a. of Chal- deans? 77:16. waters saw thee, they w. a. _ 36:24. they w. not a., nor rent their 41:18. Chaldeans; for they w. a. of them 1: 5. Then the mariners w. a., & cried 10. Then w. the men exceedingly a. 3:10. The mountains saw thee, & w. a. 9: 8. they w. a., and glorified God 5:15. had the legion: and they w. a. 9:32. understood not ... & w. a. to ask 10:32. and they that followed w. a. 16: 8. said nothing to any; for they w. a. 8:35. at feet of Jesus: and they w. a. 9:45. they w. a. to ask him about this 6:19. Jesus walking on sea . . .& they w. a. 9:26. w. all a. of him. not believing 11:23. w. not a. of king's commandment AFRESH Jb. 7:5. skin closeth up, & breaketh out a. He. 6: 6. they crucify the Son of God a. AFTER (After he bega.t. After days, After death, After their families, After flesh. After the flood. Follow after, Followed after, FoUoweth after, After gods, After other gods;, After he. After her. After him. After its kind. After their kind, After manner, After me, After name, Pursue after, Pursued After Saul, Seek after. After After thee. After them, After things, After they. After this, after. Went after, After years. after, that, these Walk After Ge. you 1:26. in our image, a. our lilceness 4:17. called name of city a. Enoch and begat a son ... a. his image divided, every one a. his tongue a. their tongues, in their lands a. their tongues, a. their nations 32. sons of Noah, a. tlieir generations 5: 3- 10: 5- 20. 31- AFTER 20 AFTER Ge. Ex. Le. 13:14. 14:17. 16: 3- 18:12. 26:18. 31:30. 33: 2. 7- 36:40. 38:24. 50:14. 16: I. 18: 2. 23: 2. 24. 25:40. 30:13. 24. 25. 33: 8. 34:27. 13:35. 56. 14:43. 48. 17: 7. 18:3. 23:15. 16. 25:15. 2g. 27:18. i: I. 47. 6:21. 14:34- 15:39. 16:29. 26: I. 33: 3. 38. 3:11. 12: 8. IS- 18: 9. 20:18. 28:57(m). Jos. 3: 3- 6: 9. 8: 6. 10:14. 22:27. 4:16. 8: 5. 27. 33. 10: I. 14: 8. 15: I- 1:15. 2: 3. Nu. De. Ju Ru. 11; 2S. K. 12:21. 13:14. 14:36. 37- 17:53. 20:37. 22:20. 23:28. 24:14. 2:25. 3:26. 11: 3. 14:26. 13:13. 17: 6. 18:16. 22. 21: I. 23: 4. i: 6. 2:28. 3:12. a. Lot was separated from (Abram) a. his return from slaughter a. Abram dwelt ten yrs. in Canaan A. I am waxed old shall I have? a. names wh. his father had called thou longedst a. thy fa's house he put . . . Leah and her children a. a. came Joseph near and Rachel chiefs of Esau, a. their places came to pass about 3 mos. a. a. he had buried his father. 2nd mo. a. departing out of Egypt Moses' wife a. he had sent her to turn aside a. a multitude them, nor do a. their works thou make them a. their pattern half shekel, a. shekel of sanct. a. shekel of sanctuary (38:24, 25, 26; Le. 5:15; 27:3; Nu. 3:47, 50; 7:13, 19, 25, 31, 37, 43. 49, 55. 61, 67, 73. 79. 85, 86; 18:16) a. art of the performer (34; 37:29) every man . . . looked a. Moses, until for a. the tenor of these words _ if scall spread ... a. his cleansing plague be dim a. washing thereof house & a. it is plastered a. the house was plastered a. which they play the harlot A. doings of the land of Egypt and a. doings of land of Canaan from the morrow a. the sabbath unto morrow a. seventh sabbath Ac. to number of yrs. a jubilee may redeem it within yr. a. sold if he sanctify field a. jubilee in 2nd year a. out of Egypt (9:1) Levites a. tribe of their fathers must do a. law of his separation. A. number of days in which ye a. which ye use to play harlot a. the visitation of all men came to pass a. the plague, that on the morrow a. the passover 40th yr. a. chil. of Is. were out nine cubits ... a cubit of man Ye sh. not do a. all that we do a. all desire of thy soul (20, 21) a. abominations of (2 Ch. 33:2) not to do a. all their abom's and toward her a.-birth that from your place, and go a. it the rearward went a. the ark And they will come out a. us, till we no day like that before or a. it between our generations a. us a. the host, unto Harosheth of I am pursuing a. Zebah & Zalmunna all Israel played harlot a. it played the harlot a. the Baalim a. Abunelech there arose . . . Tola a. a while he ret'd to take her it came to pass a. a while, in return a. thy sister-in-law gleaned in the field a. reapers Let me glean & gather a. reapers gave to her ... a. she was sufficed, house of Israel lamented a. JH. his sons . . . turned aside a. lucre a. Samuel, so shall it be done then would ye go a. vain things JH. hath sought man a. own heart Let us go down a. Philistines Shall I go down a. Philistines ret'd fr. chasing a. Philistines Jonathan cried a. tfie lad (38) escaped, and fled a. David. ret'd from pursuing a. David A. whom is king of Is. come out? a. a dead dog, a. a flea gathered thems. together a. Abner Joab sent messengers a. Abner sent & inquired a. the woman. 200 shekels a. king's weight hearts of . . . Is. are a. Absalom shall we do a. his saying? returned from pursuing a. Is. let me also run a. the Cushite. famine ... 3 years, year a. year through clear shining a. rain (Adonijah) was born a. Absalom, for Jcab had turned a. Adonijah, though he turned not a. Absalom. third day a. I was delivered Ch. Ch. Ps. K. 6: I. 480th year a. chil. of Is. come out 7: 9(m). hewn stone 0. divers, measures 31. was round a. work of a pedestal 11: 5. a. Milcom, the abomination of 12:14. a. counsel of young men (2 Ch. 10:14) 17: 7. a. a while the brook dried up 19:11. and a. the wind an earthquake 12. and a. the earthquake a fire a. the fire a still small voice. 20. he left oxen, and ran a. Elijah K. 7:14. king sent a. host of S3T:ians 9:25. I & thou rode a. Ahab his father 17:34. nei. do they a. their statutes, or a. their ordinances, or a. the law, or a. the commandment a. abominations of the nations not to be reckoned a. birthright a. their fathers' houses, were genealogy, a. their generations Levi a. their fathers' (24:30) who prophesied a. order of king children of Is. a. their number and a. Ahithophel was Jehoiada a. numbering wherewith David a. first measure was 60 cubits and not a. the doings of Israel He walked also a. their counsel stood in place a. their order the Levites a. their courses prepare a. your fathers' houses trespassed ... a. all aljominations they gave a. their ability into to praise JH., a. order of David that do ye a. will of your God thou, Ezra, a. wisdom of thy God a. their fathers' houses, and We a. our ability have redeemed not be opened till a. sabbath people a. their language (3:12) every people a. their language inquirest a. mine iniquity, And searcheth a. my sin come a. shall be astonished a. my skin, even this body, is A. my words they spake not again my heart walked a. mine eyes A. it a voice roareth; He searcheth a. every green thing a. JH. had spoken these words I deal not with you a. your folly a. the operation of their hands As hart panteth a. water brooks call their lands a. own names, men sought a. my soul (86:14) not dealt with us a. our sins, nor rewarded a. our iniquities young lions roar a. their prey A. order of Melchizedek (He. 5:6; 10; 6:20; 7:11; 17:21) Ezr. Ne. Es. Jb. 21: 2. 5: I. 7: 4. 9. 23:24. 25: 2. 27: I. 34- 2:17. 3: 3. 17: 4- 22: 5. 30:16. 31: 2. 35: 4. 36:14. 2:69. 3:10. 7:18. 25. 10:16. 5: 8. 13: 9- I ■-?-> 10: 6. Pr. Ec. Is. 18:20. 19:26. 29:22. 51: 7. 37: 4- 39: 8. 42: 7. 8. 28: 4. 42: I. 49:11. 54: 3. 103:10. 104:21. no: 4. 119:40. 88. 144:12. 2: 3- 20:25. i:ii. 2:12. 4:16. 12: 2. 11: 3. 44:13 Je. 2: 5. 8. 23. 3: 7. 17- 5: 8. 8: 2, 9:14. 22, 28:12, 29: 2, 30:17. 6:9. 7:27. 11:12, 21. 16:23. 47. 20:24. 30. Eze. I have longed a. thy precepts Quicken me a. thy lovingkindn. hewn a. fashion of a palace Yea, if thou cry a. discernment And a. vows to make inquiry, among those that shall come a. can man do that cometh a. king? that come a. . . . shall not rejoice is vanity & a striving a. wind, and clouds return a. the rain not judge a. sight of his eyes nei. decide a. hearing of his ears shapeth it a. figure of a man and have walked a. vanity, and are walked a. things, do not profit I have not gone a. the Baalim? a. she had done all these things a. stubbornness of their evil heart (16:12; 18:12; 23:17) neighed a. his neighbor's wife. and a. which they have walked walked a. stubbornness of their own heart, and a. the Baalim ac the handful a. the harvestman a. Hananiah had broken the bar (a. Jeconiah departed from Jcru.) Zion. whom no man seeketh a. which play harlot a. their idols I will do unto them a. their way a. ordinances of the nations whose heart walketh a. heart of to pass a. all thy wickedness nor done a. their abominations eyes were a. their fathers' idols play ye harlot a. their abom's? Eze. 23:15. a. likeness of the Babylonians 30. played harlot a. the nations 48. not to do a. your lewdness. 33:20. I will judge ev. one his ways 31. but their heart goeth a. gain. 36:11. inhabited a. yr. former estate 39:14. a. 7 months shall they search. 40: I. 14th year a. city was smitten 21. arches th'of were a. measure (22) 45:11. measure shall be a. the homer. 46:12. a. going forth one sh. shut gate. 47:10. their fish sh. be a. their kinds 48:31. gates of city shall be a. names Da. 9:26. a. threescore and two weeks shall 11:23. a. league he sh. work deceitfully Ho. 2: 5. she said, I will go a. my lovers 5: 8(m). at Beth-aven; A. thee, Benjamin! Am. 2:4. a. which their fathers did walk 7. they that pant a. dust of earth 7: I. growth a. the king's mowings. Zee. 2: 8. A. glory hath he sent me unto Mt. 1:12. a. the carrying away to Babylon 5: 6. and thirst a. righteousness 6:32. a. all these do the Gentiles seek 12:39. evil gen. seeketh a. sign (16:4) 15:23. Send her away; she crieth a. us 23: 3. do not ye a.' their works; for 24:29. immediately a. the tribulation 25:19. a. a long time the lord cometh 26:32. But a. I am raised up (Mk. 14:28) 73. a. little while they that stood 27:53. out of tombs a. his resurrection 62. is the day a. the Preparation Mk. 1:14. Now a. John was delivered up 14:70. a. little while again they that Lu. 2:27. a. the custom of the law 22:20. cup in like manner a. supper 58. a. little while another saw him 59. a. the space of about one hour 23:26. the cross, to bear it a. Jesus 24:25 (m). a. all that prophets . . . spoken Jn. 6:23. a. the Lord had given thanks) 13:27. a. sop, entered Satan into him Ac. i: 3. a. his passion by many proofs 5: 4. a. it was sold not in thy power? 7. about space of three hours a. 10:37. a. baptism which John preached 12: 4. intending a. the Passover to 13:15. a. the reading of the law 22. found David ... a man a. my heart 15: I. circumcised a. custom of Moses 19:21. A. I have been there, I must 20: I. And a. the uproar ceased, Paul 15. the day a. we came to Miletus. 29. a. my departing grievous wolves 24:14. a. the Way wh. they call a sect 25:26. brought him, a. examination had 26: 5. a. straitest sect of our religion 27:14. But a. no long time beat down 28:11. a. three months we set sail in 13. a. one day south wind sprang up Ro. 2: 5. a. thy hardness and impenitent 3:11. is none that seeketh a. God 5:14. a. likeness of Adam's transgr. 7:22. I delight in law a. inward man 8: 5. but they that are a. the spirit 9:31. following a. law of righteousness 1 Co. 7:40. abide as she is, a. my judgment 10: 6. sh'd not lust a. evil things 11:25. also the cup, a. the supper 2 Co. 7: 9. .made sorry a. a godly sort (ii; 11:17. I speak not a. the Lord, but Ga. i:ii. gospel . . . that it is not a. man. 4:29. thai was born a. the Spirit Ep. i:ii. worketh a. counsel of his will 4:22. old man, that waxeth corrupt a. 24. new man, that a. God hath been (m). new man, thai is a. God created Col. 2: 8. deceit, a. the tradition of men, a. the rudiments of the world, and not a. Christ 22. a. precepts and doctrines of men? 3:10. a. image of hhn that created him 2 Th. 3: 6. not a. tradition received of us 1 Ti. 5:15. some are turned aside a. Satan 6:10. some reaching a. have been led 2 Ti. 4: 3. teachers a. their own lusts Tit. 1 : 4. true child a. a common faith 3:10. a. first & 2d admonition refuse He. 4:11. that no man fall a. same example 7:11. be reckoned a. order of Aaron? 15. if a. likeness of Melchizedek 16. not a. law of carnal commandment^ but a. power of an endless life 28. of oath, which was a. the law AFTER 21 AFTER , a. second veil, the tabernacle . in which, a. ye were enlightened , walls fell down, a. compassed . made a. the likeness of God , ye may be able a. my decease a. knowing it to turn back _ mockers . . . walking a. their lusts complainers, walking a. their lusts walking a. their own ungodly lusts a. the woman water as a river whole earth wondered a. beast fruits which they soul lusted a. he begat [800 yrs. days of Adam a. h. b. Seth were Seth lived a. h. b. Enosh 807 yrs. Enosh lived a. h. b. Kenan 815 yrs. Kenan lived a. h. b. Mahalel 840 Mahalel lived a. h. b. Jared 830 years Jared lived a. h. b. Enoch 800 yrs. Enoch walked with God a. h. b. Me. Methuselah lived a. h. b. Lamech Lamech lived a. h. b. Noah 595 yrs. Shem lived a. h. b. Arpachshad Arpachshad lived a. h. b. Shelah Shelah lived a. h. b. Eber 403 yrs. Eber lived a. h. b. Peleg 430 yrs. Peleg lived a. h. b. Reu 20Q yrs. Reu lived a. h. b. Serug 207 years Serug lived a. h. b. Nahor 200 yrs. Nahor lived a. h. b. Terah 119 yrs. days it came to pass a. the seven d. a. i-jo d. the waters decreased, it came to pass a. 3 d., that at end of three d. a. they had it came to pass a. many d., when it came to pass about ten d. a. came to pass a. many d., that Come again to me a. three d. a. certain d. asked I leave of for thou shalt find it a. many d. a. many d. shall they be visited a. many d., that JH. said unto me a. those d., saith JH.: I will a. ten d., that word of JH. came A. two d. will he revive us a. six d. Jesus taketh (Mk. 9:2) a. two d. the passover cometh A. three d. I rise again (Mk. 8:31) he entered Capernaum a. some d. a. three d. he shall rise again. a. two d. was feast of passover a. these d. Elisabeth conceived a. 3 d. they found him in temple about eight d. a. these sayings nor many d. a., younger son a. two d., he went into Galilee a. eight d. disciples were within a. some d. Paul said unto Barna. a. the d. of unleavened bread a. these d. we took up our bag. a. five d. Ananias . . . came down a. certain d. Felix came with a. three d. went up to Jervisalem a. three d. he called together A. those d., saith the Lord (10:16) A. many d. thou shalt be visited a. 3 d. and half, breath of life death Isaac was comf 'ted a. hismother's d. to pass a. d. of Abraham, that God stopped (wells) a. d. of Abraham a. d. of the two sons of Aaron but a. the d. of high priest and how much more a. my d.? I know that a. my d. ye will it came to pass a. d. of Moses it came to pass a. d. of Joshua it came to pass a. d. of Saul Moab rebelled a. the d. of Ahab Amaziah . . . lived a. d. of Jehoash his counsellors a. d. of father Now a. d. of Jehoiada came Amaziah . . . lived a. d. of Joash their families a. t. f., went forth out of ark. a. t. f., in their nations. These are sons of Ham, a. t. f. These are sons of Shem, a. t. f. The sons of Simeon, a. t. f. The sons of Gad, a. t. f. And the sons of Judah a. t. f. The sons of Issachar, a. t. f. The sons of Zebulun a. t. f. He. 9: 3. 10:32. 11:30. Ja. 3: 9- 2P€ . 1:15- 2:21. 3: 3- Jude 16. 18. Re. 12:15. 13: 3- 18:14. After Ge. S: 4. 7. 10. 13- 16. 19. 22. 26. 30. ii:ii. 13- 15- 17- 19. 21. 23- as- After Ge. 7:10. 8:3. Jos. 3: 2. 9:16. 23: I. iS. 25:38. iK. 18: I. 2Ch . 10: 5. Ne. 13:6. Ec. 11: I. Is. 24:22. Je. 13:6. 31:33- 42: 7- Ho. 6: 2. Mt. 17: I- 26: 2. 27:63. Mk. 2: I. 9:31- 14: I. fLu. 1:24. , 2:46. 9:28. 15:13- Jn. 4:43- 20:26. Ac. 15:36. ■ 20: 6. 21:15. ■ 24: I. 24. 25: I. 28:17. He. 8:10. Eze. 38: 8. Re. ii:ii. After < Ge. 24:67. 25:11. 26:18. Le. 16: I. Nu. 35:28. De. 31:27. 29. Jos. i: I. Bu. i: I. b S 1: I. bK. i: I. 14:17. ^Ch . 22: 4. 24:17. 25:25- After 3e. 8:19. 10: 5. 20. 31. 7u. 26:12. 15- 20. 23- 26. Nu. 26:28. The sons of Joseph a. t. f. 35. These are sons of Ephraim a. t. f. 37. These are sons of Joseph a. t. f. 38. The sons of Benjamin a. t. f. 41. These are sons of Benjamin a. t. f. 42. These are sons of Dan a. t. f. are families of Dan a. t. f. 44. The sons of Asher a. t. f. 48. The sons of Naphtali a. t. f. 57. were numbered of Levites a. t. f. 4:13. I set there the people a. t. f. After flesh 8:15. Ye j. a. the f.; I judge no man. 8: 4. who walk not a. f, but a. Spirit. 5. they that are a. f. mind the 12. we are debtors, not ... to live a. f. 13. if ye live a. f., ye must die 1:26. not many wise a. f., not many 10:18. Behold Israel a. f.: have not? 5:16. we henceforth know no man a. f. tho. we have known Christ a. f. 11:18. Seeing that many glory a. f. 4:23. son by handmaid is born a. f. 29. he that was born a. f. persecuted 2:10. but chiefly them that walk a. f. 7. fornication and gone a. strange f. After the flood 9:28. And Noah lived a. f. 350 years. 10: I. unto them were sons born a. f. 32. were nations divided in earth a. f. 11:10. begat Arpachshad two years a. f. Follow after 44: 4. Up, f. a. the men; and when thou 14: 4. Pharaoh's heart, & he shall f. a. 15:39. that ye f. not a. yr. own heart 3:28. F. a. me; for JH. hath delivered 119:150. nigh that f. a. wickedness 51: I. hearken, ye that f. a. righteousness 42:16. shall f. hard a. you in Egypt 2: 7. she shall f. a. her lovers, but she 10:38. not take his cross, & f. a. me 17:23. go not away, nor f. a. them 14:19. let us f. a. things which make Co. 14: I. F. a. love; yet desire earnestly Th. 5:15. always f. a. that wh. is good Ti. 5:24. and some men also they f. a. 6:11. f. a. righteousness, godliness 2 Ti. 2:22. and f. a. righteousness, faith He. 12:14. F. a. peace with all men, and Followed after Ju. 20:42. but the battle f. hard a. them 45. and f. hard a. them unto Gidon 1 S. 14:22. even they also f. hard a. them 2 S. 1:6. and the horsemen f. hard a. him. 2 K. 5:21. So Gehazi f. a. Naaman 0:27. Jehu f. a. him, and said. Smite I Ch. ic; 2. Philistines f. hard a. Saul Ps. 68:25. singers went bef. minstrels f. a. that were with him f. a. him f. a., and beheld the tomb Samuel and them that f. a. for multitude of people f. a. Gentiles, who f . not a. righteousness Ne. Jn. Ro. 1 Co. 2 Co. Ga. 2 Pe. Jude Ge. Ge. Ex. Nu. Ju. Ps. Is. ■le. Ho. Mt. Lu. Ro. I I I Mk Lu. Ac. Ro. 1:36. 23:5s- 3:24- 21:36. 9:30. Ps. Pr. FoUoweth after Is. Ho. Ex. K. Ch. 63: 8. My soul f. hard a. thee: Thy 12:11. he that f. a. vain persons (28:19) 15: 9. loveth him that f. a. right'nesa 21:21. f. a. righteousness and kindness 1:23. loveth bribes, and f. a. rewards 12: I. Ephraim . . . f. a. the east wind After gods 34:13. they play harlot a. their g. 16. dau's play harlot a. their g. thy sons play harlot a. their g. De. 12:30. that thou inquire not a. their g. 31:16. play the harlot a. the strange g. 11: 2. turn away your heart a. their g. 5:25. played harlot a. g. of peoples 2 Ch. 25:15. Why hast thou sought a. g. of? 20. they had sought a. g. of Edom. After other gods 6:14. Ye shall not go a. 0. g. (11:28) 8:19. if thou shalt . . . walk a. 0. g., and 13: 2. saying, Let us go a. 0. g., which 28:14. to go a. 0. g. to serve them. 2:17. they played the harlot a. 0. g. 11: 4. turned away his heart a. 0. g. 10. that he should not go a. 0. g. 7: 6. neither walk a. 0. g. to yr. hurt 9. walk a. 0. g. that ye have not known 11:10. and they are gone a. 0. g. (13:10) 16:11. saith JH., and have walked a. 0. g. 25: 6. go not a. 0. g. to serve (35:15) After he Le. 14:43- a. h. hath scraped the house De. Ju. I K. Je. Nu. 6:ig. De. i: 4. 2S. 5:13- iK. 13:23- 31- iCh . 8: 8. Ju. 16:22. Ps. ^ I (title) Je. ^ 41: 4. Eze. 44:26. Mt. 14:23. Mk. 16:14. 19. Lu. 12: 5- Ac. 10:41. 13:36. Heb. 10:15. After Ex. 15:20. Ju. 19: 3- 2S. 13:17- 18. 2Ch . 11:20. Pr. 6:25. 7:22. Ho. 2:13. Mt. 5:28. After Ge. 16:13. 17:19- 18:19. 19: 6. Ex. 28:43- 29:29. Le. 20: 5. Nu. 25:13- 32:15- Ju. 3-3^- 4:14. 6:34- 35- 10: 3. 12: 8. II. 13- Ru. 2: 2. iS. 14:13- 26: 3. 2S. 15:16. 17- 18. 23: 9. 10. II. iK. 1:20. 27. 35- 40. 15: 4- 2K. 5:20. 21. 14:19- 18: 5- 23:25- iCh 11:12. 27: 7- Ne. 3:16. 17- 18. 20. 21. 22. 24. 25- 27. 29. 30. 31- 11: 8. Jb. 21:21. 33. 41:32. Ps. 49:17. 78:34. Pr. 20. 7. Ec. 3:22. 6:12. 7:14. 10:14. Eze. 9: 5. a. h. hath shaven head of his a. h. had smitten Sihon the king wives a. h. was come to Hebron to pass, a. h. had eaten bread, and a. h. had drunk, that he to pass, a. h. had buried him a. h. had sent them away to grow again a. h. was shaven . a. h. had gone in to Bathsheba second day a. h. had slain Gedalian a. h. is cleansed, they shall a. h. had sent multitudes away had seen him a. h. had risen Jesus, a. h. had spoken unto them Fear him, who a. h. hath killed with him a. h. rose from dead, a. h. had in his own generation for a. h. hath said, This is the her and all the women went out a. h. her husband arose, and went a. h. from me, and bolt the door a. h. her out, and bolted the door a. h. And a. h. he took Maacah the Lust not a. h. beauty in thy He goeth a. h. straightway As an went a. h. lovers, & forgat me looketh on woman to lust a. h. looked a. h. that seeth h. ,h. him Have I me? ev'lasting cov't for seed a. h. may command his children . . . a. h. Lot went out . . . and shut door a. h. unto him and unto his seed a. holy garments ... for his sons a. all that play the harlot a. h. shall be unto him, & to seed a. h. if ye turn away from a. h., he a. h. was Shamgar son of Anath Barak went down, & 10,000 men a. h. Abiezer was gathered tog. a. h. also were gathered together a. h. a. h. arose Jair the Gileadite . a. h. Ibzan . . . judged Israel. And a. h. Elon . . . judged Israel a. h. Abdon . . . judged Israel. glean among ears of grain a. h. climbed ... & his armorbearer a. h. his armorbearer slew them a. h. he saw that Saul came a. h. into kmg went ... & his household a. h. king went . . . and all people a. h. 600 men that came a. h. fr. Gath a. h. was Eleazar son cf Dodai ret'd a. h. only to take spoil, a. h. was Shammah son of Agee who shall sit on throne a. h. who sh'd sit on throne ... a. h.? Then ye shall come up a. h., and And all the people came up a. h. a lamp ... to set up his son a. h. as JH. liveth I will run a. h. whenNaaman saw one running a. h. sent a. h. to Lachish (2 Ch. 25:27) so that a. h. was none like him neither a. h. arose any like him. a. h. was Eleazar son of Dodo and Zebadiah his son a. h. A. h. repaired Nehemiah son of A. h. repaired the Levites A. h. repaired their brethren A. h. Baruch . . . earnestly repaired A. h. repaired Meremoth son of And a. h. repaired the priests A. h. repaired Binnui son of A. h. Pedaiah the son of Parosh A. h. the Tekoites repaired And a. h. repaired Shemaiah A. h. repaired Hananiah son of A. h. repaired Meshullam son of A. h. repaired Malchijah one of And a. h. Gabbai, Sallai, 928 what careth he for his house a. h.? And all men shall draw a. h. He maketh a path to shine a. h. His glory shall not descend a. h. slew . . . then they inquired a. h. Blessed are his children a. h. back to see what shall be a. h.? who can tell . . . what shall be a. h.? any thing that shall be a. h. shall be a. h., who can tell? Go ye through the city a. h. AFTER 22 AFTER Zph, Lu. Jn. Ac. Ge. Le. De. Ge. After him i: 6. not sought JH., nor inquired a. h. 19:14. sent an ambassage a. h., saying 12:19. !o, the world is gone a. h. drew away some of the ppople a. h. promised, and to his seed a. h. if haply they might feel a. h. on hmi that should come a. h. After its kind i;2i. and every winged bird a. i. k. ev'thing that creepeth . . .a. i. k. ev. creeping thing . . . a. i. k. (7:14) the kite, and the falcon a. i. k. every raven a. i. k. (De. 14:14) 16. and the hav,'k a. i._ k. (De. 14:15) ig. stork, the heron a. i. k. 22. may eat: the locust a. and the bald locust a. and the cricket a. i_. k the grasshopper a. i. k 29. mouse, and great lizard a. i 14:13. the falcon, and the kite a. i After their kind i:ii. fruit-trees bearing fruit a. t. k. herbs yielding seed a. t. k. wherein is seed thereof, a. t. k. wherewith waters swarmed, a. t. k. living creatures a. t. k., cattle 5:37- 7: S- 17:27. 19: 4. 25- 6:20. 11:14. 15- (De. 14:18) i.k., i.k., ., and k. k. 12. 21. 24. 6:20. 7:14. and beasts of earth a. t. k. (25) Of the birds a. t. k., and of the cattle a. t. k., of every and all the cattle a. t. k., and Ge. Ex. After manner 18:11. 25- 19:31. 3Q:i9- 40:13- 45:23. 21: 9. to be with Sarah a. m. of women, be far from thee to do a. this m. unto us a. m. of all the earth A. this m. did thy servant to me cup into his hand, a. former m. to his father he sent a. this m. deal with her a. m. of daughters Le. 4:35(m). a.m. of JH. made by fire (5:12) Nu. Jos. Ju. iS. S. K. K. Ch. 15:13. home-born sh. do ... a. this m. 28:24. A. this m. ye shall offer daily^ 6:15. compassed city a. same m. 7 times 18: 7. in security, a. m. of Sidonians 17:27. people answered him a. this m. 30. and spake a. the same m. answered again a. former m. _ 17: 6. Ahithophel hath spoken a. this m. 7:37. A. this m. he made ten bases and cut themselves a. their m. own gods, a. m. of the nations this day they do a. former m. but thev did a. their former m. 18:28. 17:33. 34- 40. 13: 9 priests a. m. of the peoples 18:19. one spake saying a. this m., and another saying a. that m. Ezr. 5: 4. Then we told them a. this m. what Ne. 6: 4. I answered them a. the same m. Jb. 3i:33(m). If a. the m. of men Ih&ve Ps. no: 4(m). priest ... A. m. of Melchizedek Is. Je. Eze. Am. Mt. Jn. Ac. Ro. I Co, Ga. I Pe, iS. iK. Ec. Is. Je. Mt. Mk. Lu. Jn. Ac. 10:24. staff ag. thee, a. m. of Egypt. 26. will lift it up a. m. jof Egypt. 13: 9. A. this m. will I mar pride of 30:18. shall be inhabited a. its own m. 20:30. pollute yourselves a. m. of yr.? 4:10. sent pestilence a. m. of Egypt 6: 9. A. this m. therefore pray ye: Our a. the Jews' m. of purifying a. what m. I was with you all with wrath? (I speak a. m. of men.) I speak a. ra. of men because of and do ye not walk a. m. of men? one a. this m., & another a. that Do I speak these ... a. m. of men? If a. m. of men I fought with Brethren, I speak a. m. of men a. this m. aforetime holy women 2: 6. 20:18. 3: 6. 6:19. • 3: 3- 7: 7- 9: 8. 15:32. 3:15- 3: 5- After me 14:12. Come up a. m.; for JH. hath deliv. 24:21. wilt not cut off my seed a. m. 1:13. Solomon shall reign a. m. (17, 30) 24. said, Adonijah sh. reign a. m.? 2:18. I must leave it unto . . . man a. m. 43:10. no God . . . nei. shall there be a. m. 2: 2. wentest a. m. in the wilderness 3:11. cometh a. m. is mightier (Mk. 1:7) 4:19. he saith unto them, Come ye a. m. 1:17. Jesus said unto them. Come ye a.m. 8:34. If any would come a. m. (Lu. 9:23) 14:27. bear his own cross, & come a. m. 1:15. cometh a. m. is become before me 27. even he that cometh a. m., the 30. A. m. cometh a man who is become 13:25. cometh one a. m. the shoes of Ge. Nu. De. Jos. Ju. 2S. iK. Ezr. Es. Lu. Ge. Jos. iS. 2S. Je. Ge. Ex. De. Jos. Ju. After name 32:20. Wherefore . . . dost ask a. my n.? 48: 6. be called a. n. of their brethren 32:42. called it Nobah, a. his own n. 3:14. them even Bashan, a. his own n. 19:47. a. n. of Dan their father (18:29) 13:18. Wh'fore askest thou a. my n.? 12:28. city, and it be called a. my n. 18:18. he called pillar a. his own n. 16:24. called . . . city ... a. n. of Shemer 2:61. was called a. their n. (Ne. 7:63) _ 9:26. called days Purim, a. n. of Purim 1:59. Zacharias, a. the n. of his father. Pursue after 35: 5. they did not p. a. sons of Jacob p. a. them quickly; for ye will called together to p. a. them p. a. your enemies, and. smite if avenger of blood p. a. him a. whom dost thou p.? 36. 14: 8. 9- 11: 4. 2: 7. iS. 2S. 2K. 2Ch. Je. iS. 2: 5. 8:16. 10:19. 20: 5. 24:14. 26:18. Wh'fore doth my lord p. a. serv t? 30: 8. If I p. a. this troop, shall I? 17: I. I will arise and p. a. David 20: 6. thy lord's servants, & p. a. him 7. out of Jerusalem to p. a. Sheba 13. on a. Joab, to p. a. Sheba 29:18. I will p. a. them with sword Pursued after 31:23. p. a. him seven days journey that thou hast hotly p. a. me? and he p. a. children of Israel And the Egyptians p. a. them to overflow them as they p. a. men p. a. them the way to Jordan soon as they that p. a. them 8:16. and they p. a. Joshua, & were 17. left city open, & p. a. Israel. Egyptians p. a. your fathers they p. a. him, and caught him But Barak p. a. the chariots, and all Manasseh, and p. a. Midian Zalmunua fled; & he p. a. them Saul heard that, he p. a. David And Asahel p. a. Abner; and in Joab and Abishai p. a. Abner people ... p. a. Israel no more Joab and Abishai p. a. Sheba 25: 5. Chaldeans p. a. the king (Je. 52:8) 13:19. Abijah p. a. Jeroboam, and took 39: 5. army of Chaldeans p. a. them After Saul 7. Whosoever cometh not forth a. S. were gathered together a. S. So Samuel turned again a. S. eldest sons of Jesse had gone a. S. David arose . . . cried a. S. 24: 6. i: 6. 4:16. 7:23. 8:12. 23:25. 2:19. 24. 28. 20:10. II 13: 4 15:31 17:1^ 24: 8 De. 2Ch. Seek after 22: 34: 4: 27: 3 2. 3- 2. 4- 4- Eze. Lu. Ac. I Co. He. Ge. 12:30. 15:17- 1:22. 11: 6. Ex. Le. Nu. De. with thee until thy brother s. a. it he began to s. a. God of David love vanity, and s. a. falsehood? One thing . . . that will I s. a. to dishonor that s. a. my soul 38:12. They also that s. a. my hfe 40:14. That s. a. my soul to destroy it 70: 2. and confounded That s. a. my soul 34: 6. none that search or s. a. them do the nations of the world s. a. residue of men may s. a. Lord, for signs, & Greeks s. a. wisdom reward er of them that s. a. him. After that 6: 4. a. t., when the sons of God came in your heart; a. t. ye shall pass on Let damsel abide . . . a. t. she sh. go. And a. t. came forth his brother a. t. his brethren talked with him and a. t. he will let you go. a. t. Jehovah had smitten river, bow down: and a. t. I will go out a. t. he hath showed himself to a. t. he shall come into camp a. t. he hath taken out stones and a. t. she shall be clean a. t. he is sold may be redeemed a. t. sons of Kohath shall come 6:20. a. t. Nazirite may drink wine. 7:88. of altar a. t. it was anointed. 8:15. a. t. shall Levites go in to do a. t. Levites went in to do a. t. the children of Is. journeyed a. t. she sh. be bro't in again, null & void a. t. he hath heard a. t. JH. thy God hath thrust them a. t. they are destroyed from a. t. thou hast gathered in from 18: 5- 24:55- 25:26. 45:15- 3:20. 7:25- 11: 8. 13: 7- 14:18. 43- 15:28. 25:48. 4:15. 22. 9:17. 12:14, 30:15. 9: 4 12:30 16:13 Ezr. Es. Jb. Ec. Je. Da. Mk. Lu. Jn. Ac. I Co. He. I Pe. Ge. 31:19. 34: 8. 36:27. 40: I. 41: 4- 51:46. 4:26. 8: I. 12:34. 13:24. 12: 4. 15: 4- 21:14. i: 2. 7: 7- 28:25., 9:27 De. 21:13. a. t. thou shalt go in unto her 24: 4. his wife a. t. she is defiled Jos. 24:20. a. t. he hath done you good. Ju. 15: 7. avenged . . . and a. t. I will cease. 1 S. 10: 5. A. t. thou shalt come to hill of 2 S. 1:10. was sure he c'd not live a. t. 21:14. a. t. God was entreated for land. 24:10. smote him a. t. he had numbered 2 K. 14:22. a. t. king slept with (2 Ch. 26:2) 1 Ch. 2:24. And a. t. Hezron was dead in 6:31. house of JH., a. t. ark had rest. 29:31. unto JH. on morrow a. t. day 2 Ch. 25:14. a. t. Amaziah was come from 5:12. a. t. our fathers had provoked 9:13. a. all t. is come upon us for 2:12. a. t. it had been done to her 21: 3. a. t. I have spoken, mock on. 9: 3. and a. t. they go to the dead. 12:15. a. t. I have plucked them up 24: I. a. t. Nebuchadnezzar king of Bab. a. 1. 1 was turned, I repented; and a. t. I was instructed, I a. t. king Zedekiah made covenant a. t. king had burned the roll a. t. Nebuzaradan the captain of a. t. he had slain Gedaliah (16) a. t. in another year shall come a. t. thou shalt have known that a. t. wh. appeared unto me at first. no man a. t. durst ask (Lu. 12:40) a. t. tribulation, sun shall be a. t. have no more they can do. and go a. t. which is lost, until a. t. he was risen from the dead, a. t. he had given commandment and a. t. shall they come forth a. t. Paul had spoken one word a. t. I have preached to others 10:26. if we sin wilfully a. t. we have 5:10. a. t. ye have suffered a little After thee [seed a. t. 17: 7. my cov't bet. me & thee & thy God unto thee & thy seed a. t. 8. I will give unto thee & seed a. t. keep my cov't, and thy seed a. t. I will give it, & to thy seed a. t. will give land to thy seed a. t. that it may go well with thee, and with thy children a. t. (12:25, 28) thou shalt not glean it a. t. A. t., Benjamin, among thy peoples to return from following a. t. besides thee; and I am a. t. set up thy seed a. t. (i Ch. 17:11) I also will come in a. t., and neither a. t. shall arise like shall there any a. t. have like Jb. 39:10. will he harrow valleys a. t.? Ps. 42: I. So panteth my soul a. t., God. 143: 6. My soul thirstefh a. t., as a S. S. i: 4. Draw me; we will run a. t. Is. 45:14. they shall go a. t.; in chains Je. 12: 6. even they have cried aloud a. t. 17:16. from being a shepherd a. t. Da. 2:39. a. t. shall arise another kingdom Ho. 5:8(m). at Beth-aven; A. i., Benjamin! After them Ge. 41: 3. sevep other kine came up a. t. seven ears withered . , . sprung up a. t. kine that came up a. t. are 7 years shall arise a. t. 7 yrs. of famine issue, that thou begettest a. t. locusts . . . neither a. t. sh. be such Egyptians were marching a. t. 17. Egyptians, and they sh. go in a. t. 23. went in a. t. into midst of sea host . . . that went in a. t. into sea unto wizards, to play harlot a. t. unto them and to their seed a. t. he chose their seed a. t. (10:15) 2 :io. there arose another generation a. t. 2: 9. they do reap, and go thou a. t. chil. left a. t. in land (i Ch. 8:8) a. t. he mustered all the people Jehu departed not from a. t. God said, Thou shalt not go up a. t. a. t., out of all tribes 3:23. A. t. repaired Benjamin & Hasshub A. t. repaired Azariah the son of 29. A. t. repaired Zadok son of Immer 12:32. and a. t. went Hoshaiah, and half 38. went to meet them, and I a. t. 30: 5. They cry a. t. as after a thief 9- De. 35:12. 48: 4. 4:40. ,Ju. Ru. 24:21. 5:14- 1:16. 4: 4- 2S. 7:12. iK. 1:14. 2Ch 3:12. 1:12. Ex. Le. De. Ju. Ru. iK. 2K. 23- 27. 30. 48: 6. 10:14. 14:10. 28. 20: 6 i: 8 4:37 9:21. 20:15. 10:29. 1 Ch. 14:14. 2 Ch. 11:16. Ne. Jb. Je. 2:25. strangers, and a. t. will I go. AFTER 23 AGAIN Je. Eze. Da. Joe. Zee. Mt. Lu. Ac. Ge. Jos. iK. aCh Ezr. Es. Mk. Lu. Jn. Ac. Re. g:i6. 25:26. 32:18. 39- 50:21. 5: 2. 29:16. 7:24. 2: 2. 6: 6. 7:14- 22:27. 21: 8. 20:30. 20. 39: 7- 48: I. 24:29. 17:17. 21: I. 32: 7: 2: 3: 16:12 5:27 10: I 3:22 5: I 6: I 7: I 19:38 21: I. I will send sword a. t. (49:37) king of Sheshach sh. drink a. t. into bosom of their chil. a. t. for good of them & chil. a. t. slay and utterly destroy a. t. I will draw out sword a. t. (12:14) when they turn to look a. t. and another shall arise a. t. neither shall be any more a. t. and the white went forth a. t. Thus land was desolate a. t. And a. t. all, the woman died, time is at hand: go ye not a. t. to draw away the disciples a. t. After these things [Abram 15: I. a. t. t. word of JH. came unto 22: I. a. 1. 1. God did prove Abraham to pass. a. 1. 1., it was told to pass. a. 1. 1., that his master's to pass. a. t. t., that one said to pass. a. 1. 1., that Joshua to pass. a. t. t., that the son a. 1. 1. Naboth had a vineyard A. 1. 1. . . . Sennacherib . . . came Now a. 1. 1., in the reign of A. 1. 1., when wrath of the king A. 1. 1. did king . . . promote Haman a. 1. 1. he was manifested in a. 1. 1. he went forth, & beheld a. 1. 1. the Lord appointed 70 A. 1. 1. came Jesus & his disciples A. 1. 1. there was a feast of Jews A. 1. 1. Jesus went to other side a. 1. 1. Jesus walked in Galilee a. 1. 1. Joseph of Arimathea A. t. t. Jesus manifested himself 13:20. a. t. t. he gave them judges 15:16. A. 1. 1. 1 will return, And I 18: I. A. 1. 1. he departed from Athens 19:21. a. t. t. were ended, Paul purposed 4: I. A. 1. 1. 1 saw, and behold, a door (m). A.t.t. straightway I was in 7: 9. A. 1. 1. 1 saw, & behold, a. great 15: 5. a. t. t. I saw, and the temple 18: I. A. 1. 1. 1 saw another angel coming 19: I. A. 1. 1. 1 heard as it were a great After they 5: 4. a. t. came forth out of EgjT^t. a. t. had eaten of the produce rose up a. t. had eaten in Shilqh, and a. t. had drunk. [of JH. a. t. had carried it about, the hand a. t. were departed, that they a. t. had rest, they did evil a. t. had held their peace, James a. t. had spent some time there if, a. t. have escaped defilements After this 23:19. a. t. Abraham buried Sarah his 2: I. to pass a. t., David inquired of JH. 8: I. a. t. David smote the Philistines (i Oh. 18:1) 10: I. a. t., that king of Ammon died 13 : I . a. t., Absalom had a fair sister that 21:18. a. t. was again war with Philis. 1 K. 13:33. A. t. thing Jeroboam returned not 2 K. 6:24. a. t. that Benhadad king of Syria 1 Ch. 19: I. a. t., that Nahash the king died Walk after De. 13: 4. Ye shall w. a. Jehovah your God 2 K. 23: 3. made covenant to w. a. JH. (2Ch. 34:31) Is. 65: 2. that w. a. their own thoughts Ho. 5:11. was content to w. a. man's counsel 11:10. They shall w. a. Jehovah, who will Ac. 21:21. neither w. a. the customs 2 Jn. 6. that we sh'd w. a. his com'aments Went after Ge. 37:17. Joseph w. a. bis brethren, and Nu. 25: 8. he w. a. man of Israel into the Jos. 6: 9. and the rearward w. a. the ark 8:17. that w. not out a. Israel Ju. 3:22, the haft w. in also a. the blade 28. they w. down a. him, and took 13:11. Manoah arose, and w. a. his wife 1 S. 6:12. lords of Philistines w. a. them 17:35- I w. out a. him, and smote him 25:13. there w. up a. David ab't 4000 42. she w. a. messengers of David 2 S. 20: 7. there w. out a. him Joab's men 14. gath'd together, and w. a. him. I K. 11: 5. Solomon w. a. Ashtoreth goddess 6. w. not fully a. JH. as did David 13:14. he w. a. man of God, & found him Jos. iS. 2S. Ne. Ac. 2Pe. Ge. 2S. 12. 1: 9. 5: 9- 17:21. 9:28. 15:13- 33- 2:20. 1 K. 19:21. Then he arose, and w. a. Elijah 2 K. 7:15. And they w. a. them unto Jordan 2Ch Eze. Mk. Lu. 2S. 2Ch, Is. Je. Ac. Ga. Ge. Le. De. iS. iCh. 2 Co. Ph. 17:15. 26:17. 20:16. 44:10. 1:20. 2:42. After 13:23. 18: 2. 23:15. 17. 29:10. 24:17. 1:18. 2: I. 3:17- a. - y y- y- y- y- of all Ge. Ex. became vain, and w. a. nations Azariah priest w. in a. hun their heart w. a. their idols w. astray from me. a. their idols they w. up a. custom of the feast they w. up a. custom of feast years to pass a. 2 full y. that Absalom a. certain y. he went down to a. end of seventy y. it shall a. end of seventy y. that JH. A. seventy y. are accomplished a. some y. I came to bring alms Then a. three y. I went up to Je. a. fourteen y. I went up again law, which came 430 y. a. After you 9: 9. with you, and with your seed a 25:46. inheritance for yr. children a. 26:33. I will draw out my sword 29:22. children that sh. rise up a 25:19. before me; behold, I come a. 28: 8. inheritance to yr. chii. a. y. 9:14. they . . . long a. y. by reason i: 8. my witness, how I long a. y 2:26. since he longed a. y. all, and AFTERWARD (Afterward with he, Afterward I, After- ward with shall, Afterward ye) 10:18. a. were families of Canaanite 38:30. And a. came out his brother 5: I. a. Moses and Aaron came, & said 34:32. a. all chil. of Is. came nigh 14:36. a. priest shall go in to see a. people journeyed fr. Hazeroth and a. hand of all the people. a. Joshua smote them, and put a. chil. of Judah went to fight a. David's heart smote him David also arose a., & went a., when David heard it, he a. make for thee and thy son a. Hezron went in to daughter a. they prepared for thems. a. the continual burnt-offering a. forty shekels of silver And a. receive me to glory. a. thou shalt be called .The city a. I will send for many hunters a., saith JH. I will deliver Zed. to pass a., that I will pour did not even repent yours, a. a. come also the other virgins But a. came two, and said, This a. thou shalt eat and drink? A. the woman also died. A. Jesus findeth him in temple and a. they asked for a king things wh. were a. to be spoken not have spoken a. of another day, a. it yieldeth peaceable fruit a. destroyed them that believed not. Afterward with he 14:19. a. h. shall kill burnt-offering 16:26. a. h. shall come into~the camp (28; Nu. 19:7; 31:24) a. h. shall eat of the holy things a. h. read all the words of law a. h. loved a woman . . . Delilah A. h. brought me to the gate A. h. measiu-ed a thousand; and 4: 2. fasted forty days ... h. a. hungered. 21:29. but a. h. repented himself, and But a. h. sent unto them his son a. h. was manifested unto eleven a. h. said within himself, Though when h. a. desired to inherit Afterward I 32:20. and a. -I will see his face 24: 5. and a. I brought you out. 49: 6. a. I will bring back captivity Afterward with shall or shalo 15:14. -and a. s, they come out with 26. a. s. make woman drink the water, a. s. thou be gathered unto thy a. s. thy hands be strengthened rebuketh . . . s. a. find more favor a. s. children of Israel return guilt- less Afterwaid ye 32:22. then a. y. shall return, and be 2:16. and a. y. may go your way. 19; 5. bread, and a. y. shall go your way. Le. 14:36. Nu. 12:16. De. 17: 7. Jcs. 10:26. Ju. i: 9. iS. 24: 5. 8. 2S. 3:28. iK. 17:13. iCh 2:21. 2Ch 35:14. Ezr. 3: 5- Ne.5 :i5(m) Ps. 73:24. Is. 1:26. Je. 16:16. 21: 7. Joe. 2:28. Mt. 21:32. 25:11. 26:60. Lu. 17: 8. 20:32. Jn. 5:14. Ac. 13:21. He. 3: 5. 4: 8. 12:11. Jude 5. Le: Jos. Ju. Eze, Mt. Mk Lu. He. Ge. Jos. Je. Ge. Nu. Ju. ?r. Ho. Nu. Jos. Ju. 22: 7. 8:34. 16: 4. 43: I. 47: 5. 37. 16:14. 18: 4. 12:17. 0- 31: 2. 7:11. 28:23. 3: 5. De. 13: 9- iS. Jb. 9:13. 18: 2. Pr. 20:17. Je. 24:27. 34:11. Mt. Lu. 46:26. 21:37. 7:11. Jn. Ga. 13:36. 3:23- AFTSRV/ARDS Ge. 30:21. a. she bare a daughter, Dinah Ex. 11: I. a. he will let you go hence a. the hand of all the people a. they eat that are bidden Consider, and a. we will speak a. his mouth filled wi. gravel And a. build thy house 34:11. but a. they turned a. it shall be inhabited But a. he sent unto them his son came to pass soon a. (8:1) but thou shalt follow a. faith wh. sh'd a. be revealed AGABirs (Ag'a-bus) One of the Christian prophets who came down from Jerusalem to Antioch. Ac. 11:28. there stood up one named A. 21:10. a certain prophet, named A. AGAG (A'gag) 1. A king of Amalek whose greatness Balaam prophesied should be surpassed by the King of Israel. Nu. 24: 7. his king sh. be higher than A. 2. An Amalek king whom Samuel hewed to pieces. I S. 15: 8. took A. the king alive 9. But Saul and people spared A. 20. have brought A. the king 32. Bring ye hither to me A. A. came unto him cheerfully A. said, Surely bitterness of 33. Samuel hewed A. in pieces AGAGITE (A'gag-ite) IhS. 3: did king promote Haman the A. the mischief of Haman the A. letters devised by Haman the A. bee. Haman, the A. had plotted Ge. 25- 26:18. 29: 3- 33- 35: 9- Ex. I. »: 3- 5. 9:24. AGAIN (Bring again, Brought again, Build again. Came again, Come again, Cried again, Down again, Go again. Again with he, Not again, Return again, rS-t turned again. Rise again, Said again. Say again, See again, Sent again. Spake again. Take again. Turn again. Turned again, War again. Went again. Wept again. Will again, V/ord again. Yet again) 4: 2. And a. "she bare his brother Abel And Adam knew his wife a.; and Isaac digged a. wells of water put stone a. upon well's mouth And she conceived a., and bare (34, 35; 30:7, 19; 38:4) God appeared unto Jacob a., when 38:26. he knew her a. no more. 40:21. chief butler unto his butlcrship a. 43:12. the money . . . carry a. in your hand 4: 7. Put thy hand into thy bosom a. (he put his hand into his bosom a.) Moses put veil upon his face a. priest sh. look on him a. 7th day he shall show himself to priest a. deliver your bread a. by weight and he smote her a. [back a. if it displease thee, I will get me heap ... it shall not be built a. Let me not hear a. voice of JH. shalt help to hft them up a. circumcise a. children of Israel children of Israel a. did evil in sight of JH. (4:1; 10:6; 13:1) restore those lands a. peaceably hair of head began to grow a. urged him, and he lodged there a. 20:22. and set the battle a. in array 23. Shall I a. draw nigh to battle? 25. destroyed ... of Israel a. 18000 3: 8. JH. called Samuel a. third time. 21. And JH. appeared a. in Shiloh 4: 5. great shout, so that earth rang a. 5: 3. Dagon, and set him in his place a. g: 8. the servant answered Saul a., and 17:30. ans'd him a. after former manner 20:17. Jonathan caused Da. to swear a. 27: 4. he sought no more a. for him. 2 S. 6:1. David a. gathered chosen men 14:13. not fetched home a. banished 14. water . . . cannot be gath'd up a. 15:29. carried the ark a. to Jerusalem 16:19. And a., whom should I serve? 24: I. a. anger of Jehovah was kindled I K. 1:45. so that the city rang a. 13: 4. so he could not draw it back a. Le. 34:35. 13: 6. 7. 26:26. Nu. 22:25. De. 34. 13:16. 18:16. 22: 4. Jos. S: 2. Ju. 3:12. 11:13. 16:22. 19: 7. s. AGAIN 24 AGAIN I K. 13: 6. 33- 2 K. 13:25. 21: 3- 1 Ch. 14:14. 21:27. 2 Ch. 13:20. 24:11. Ezr. Ne. Jb. Fs. Pr. Ec. Is. Je. La. Eze. Da. Ho. Am. Jon. Zee. Mai. Mt. Mk. ii Lu. Jn. g:i4. 8:17. 9:28. 13:21. 10:16. 12:14. 14: 7. 14. 20:15. 27: I. 60: I. 71:20. 85: 6. 107:39. 19:17. 24:16. i: 6. 3:15. 4:11. 8:14. 10:20. ii:ii. 51:22. 18: 4. 19:11. 31: 4. 5. 33:13. 3: 3- 4: 6. 5: 4. 18:27. 33:14. 15. 9:25. 10:18. i: 6. 7:13. 2: 4. 8:15. 12: 6. 2:13. 4: 7. 8. 5:33. 13:45. 26:44. 52. 2: I. 3:20. 5:21. 8:13. 10: I. 10. 24. 32. ; 3(m). 14:61. 70. 15: 4. 12. 6:34. 38. 9:8. 14: 6. 12. 15:24. 32. 1:35. 4:. 3. 13. 54- 6:15. 9:15. 27. 10:19. 31. 39. 11: 8. 38. 12:28. 16:16. 28. 18:27. 33- pray . . . my hand may be re- stored a. king's hand was restored him a. made a. from amo. people priests Jehoash took a. cities which he Ijuilt a. high places (2 Ch. 33:3) And David inquired a. of God and he put up his sword a. Jeroboam recover strength a. and carried to its place a. shall we a. break thy com'dments? a. out of captivity made booths had rest, they did evil a. bef. thee if ye do so a., I will lay hands a. thou showest thyself marvellous and it cannot be built a. cut down, that it will sprout a. If a man die, shall he live a.? riches, & he sh. vomit them up a. Job a. took up his parable (29:1) hast been angry; oh restore us a. sore troubles. Wilt quicken us a. Wilt thou not quicken us a.? A. they are diminished & bowed good deed will he pay him a. righteous falleth . . .riseth up a. wind returneth a. to its circuits. God seeketh a. that wh. is passed A. if two lie down together, then a. there are wicked men to whom shall no more a. lean upon him Lord will set hand a. 2d time thou shalt no more drink it a. he made it a. another vessel, as that cannot be made whole a. a. shalt thou be adorned with thy A. shalt thou plant vineyards shall the flocks a. pass under against me he turneth his a. & a. a., when thou hast accom-plished And of these a. shalt thou take A., when the wicked man turneth A., when I say unto the wicked if wicked . . . give a. that taken it shall be built a. with street touched me a. one like a man conceived a., & bare a daughter, prophesy not a. any more at Beth- look a. toward thy holy temple, so a. have I thought ... to do they of Jerusalem shall dwell this a. ye do: ye cover altar of A., it is written. Thou shalt not A., devil taketh him un. mountain A., ye have heard it was said A., kingdom of heaven is like (47) he left them a., and . . . prayed Put up a. thy sword into its when he entered a. into Capernaum multitude cometh together a. when Jesus had crossed over a. a. entering into boat departed as he was wont, he taught them a. disciples asked him a. of this Jesus answereth a. . . . Children took a. twelve, & began to tell he will send him a. thither A. the high priest asked him after a little while a. they And Pilate a. asked him, saying Pilate a. answered & said unto sinners lend ... to receive a. shall be measured to you a. of old prophets was risen a. (19) And they could not answer a. lest they also bid thee a. son was dead, and is alive a. brother was dead, & is alive a. A. on morrow John was standing and departed a. into Galilee. of this water shall thirst a. This is a. the second sign that withdrew a. into the mountain A., the Pharisees also asked him wherefore would ye hear it a.? arose a division among Jews took up stones a. to stone him. They sought a. to take him and goest thou thither a.? Jesus ... a. groaning in himself glorified, & will glorify it a. a. a little while, and ye (17, 19) a., I leave the world, and go Peter therefore denied a.: and Pilate entered a. into Prstorium Jn. 19: 9. he entered into Prsetorium a. 37. a. another scripture saith. They 20:26. after 8 days a. his disciples 21: I. manifested himself a. to discip's 16. saith to him a., 2d time, Simon Ac. 7:26. would have set them at one a. 11:10. were drawn up a. into heaven Ro. 8:15. sphit of bondage a. unto fear 11:23. God is able to graft them in a. 35. shall be recompensed unto him a.? 14: 9. to this end Christ died & lived a. 15:11. Praise the Lord, all ye Gentiles 12. a., Isaiah saith. There shall be 15. as putting you a. in remembrance 1 Co. 3:20. and a., The Lord knoweth the 7: 5. may be together a., that Satan 12:21. or a. the head to the feet 2 Co. 3: 1. Are we beginning a. to commend? 5:15. for their sakes died and rose a. 10: 7. let him consider this a. with 12:21. lest a. when I come my God Ga. 4: 9. ye desire to be in bondage over a. 19. of whom I am a. in travail until 5 : 1 . be not entangled a. in yoke of 3. Yea. I testify a. to every man Ep. 6: 8. same sh. he receive a. from Lord Ph. 1:26. through my presence with you a. I Th. 3: 9. what can we render a. unto Gcd? 4:14. believe Jesus died and rose a. He. 1: 5. a., I will be to him a father 6. when he a. bringeth in firstborn 2:13. a., I will put my trust in him a.. Behold, I and the children 4: 5. m this place a.. They shall not 5:12. ye have need a. that some one Ja. iPe. 2Pe. I Jn. Re. Ge. 0: I. 6. 10:30. 5:18. i: 3. 23. 2:23. 2:20. 22. 2: 8. 10: 8. II. not laying a. a foundation of it is impossible to renew them a. a., The Lord shall judge his he prayed a.; heaven gave rain begat us a. nnto living hope having been begotten a., not of he was reviled, reviled not a. they are a. entangled therein dog turning to his own vomit a. A., a new commandment write I / heard it a. speaking with me Thou must prophesy a. over many Bring again 24: 5. must I needs b. thy son a. unto? 6. Beware thou b. my son thither a. 8. shalt not b. my son thither a. 42:37. and I will b. him to thee a. 46: 4. I will also surely b. thee up a. 48:21. God will be with you, & b. you a. De. 22: 1. surely b. them a. unto thy broth. 28:68. JH. will b. thee into Egypt a. Ju. 11: 9. If ye b. me home a. to fight with 19: 3. her husband arose ... to b. her a. 2 S. 12:23. I fast? Can I b. him back a.? 15: 8. If JH. shall b. me a. to Jerusalem 25. he will b. me a., and show me I K. 8:34. b. them a. unto land (2 Ch. 6:25) 12:21. to b. kingdom a. to R. (2 Ch. 11:1) 1 Ch. 13: 3. let us b. a. the ark of God 2 Ch. 24:19. to b. them a. unto Jehovah Ne. 9:29. mightest b. them a. unto thy law Jb. 10: 9. And wilt thou b. me into dust a.? Ps. 68:22. I will b. them a. from Bashan will b. them a. fr. depths of sea 71:20. wilt b. us up a. from depths of Pr. 19:24. will not . . . b. it to his mouth a. 26:15. It wearieth him to b. it a. to Is. i:25(m). I will b. my hand a. upon 46: 8. b.it a. tomind. ye transgressors 49: 5. servant, to b. Jacob a. to him, and Je. 12:15. I will b. thein r.., every man 15:19. thou return, then will b. thee a. 16:15. will b. them a. into their land 23: 3. will b. them a. to their folds 24: 6. will b. them a. to this land 28: 3. will I b. a. into this place all 4. will b. a. to this place Jeconiah 6. to b. a. vessels of JH's house 29:14. I will b. you a. unto the place 31:23. I shall b. a. thy captivity 32:37. will b. them a. unto this place 50:19. will b. Israel a. to his pasture Zee. 10:10. I will b. them a. out of Egypt Brought again Ge. 43:21. we have b. it a. in our hand [thee 44: 8. money we found . . . we b. a. unto Ex. 10: 8. Moses & Aaron were b. a. unto Pha. Nu. 12:14. after that she shall be b. in a. 15. not till Miriam was b. in a. Ru. 1:21. JH. hath b. me home a. empty 2 Ch. 33:13. and b. him a. to Jerusalem Ezr. 6: 5. restored, & b. a. unto temple Ne. 13: 9. thither b. I a. the vessels of Je. 27:16. shortly to be b. a. from Babylon He. 13:20. b. a. from dead great shepherd Build again Ac. 15:16. I will b. a. the tabernacle I will b. a. the ruins thereof Ga. 2:18. if I b. up a. those things which Came again Ju. 13: 9. and the angel of God c. a. 15:19. his spirit c. a., & he revived 1 S. 30:12. eaten, his spirit c. a. to him 1 K. 17:22. soul of child c. into him a. 19: 7. angel of JH. c. a. second time 20: 5. the messengers c. a., and said 4:38. And Elisha c. a. to Gilgal his flesfi c. a. like unto child the king of Egypt c. not a. Mordecai c. a. to king's gate a. it c. to pass on that day A. word of Jehovah c. to me (16:1) word of Jehovah c. unto me a. (23:1; 27:1; 28:1; 30:1; 37:15) A. in ninth year . . . word of JH. c. angel that talked with me c. a. he c. a. & found them sleeping a. he c. & found them sleeping He c. a. unto Cana of Galilee he c. a. into the temple, and all voice c. a. the second time Come again 15:16. 4th generation they shall c. hither a. we will worship, & c. a. to you that I c. a. to my fa's house bury my father, & I will c. a. waters may c. a. upon Egj^ptians Tarry, until we c. a. to you the priest shall c. a. 7th day if the plague c. a., & break may c. a. to dwell in the land describe it, and c. a. to me I will tarry till thou c. a. saying, When I c. a. in peace let the man of God . . . c. a. unto us Ru. 4: 3. Naomi, that is c. a. out of country I S. 23:23. c. ye a. to me of a certainty I K. 2:41. Shimei had gone . . . and was c. a. 12; 5. Depart for 3 days, then c. a. 12. C. to me a. 3d day (2 Ch. 10:12) 17:21. let this child's soul c. a. 4:22. run to man of God, and c. a. 5:10. thy flesh shall c. a. to thee 10; 5. c. a. unto me after three days 30: 9. and shall c. a. into this land 6:21. children of Israel that were c. a. 8:17. that were c. a. out of captivity 17:10. as for you all, c. on now a. 126: 6. Shall doubtless c. a. with joy 3:28. unto thy neighbor, go, and c. a. Is. 2i:i2(m). inquire, inquire ye, c. ye a. 2K. Es. Jb. Eze. Zee. Mt. Mk. Jn. Ac. Ge. Ex. Le. Nu. Jos. Ju. 5:14. 24: 7. 6:12. 2: 1. 12:26. 18: I. 24: 1. 4: 1. 26:43. 14:40. 4:46. 8: 2. 10:15. 22: 5. 28:21. 50: 5. 14:26. 24:14. 14:39. 43. 35:32. 18: 8. 6:18. 8: 9. 13: 8. 4: 3. 23:23. 2K. 2Ch Ear. Ne. Jb. Ps. Pr. Je. 31:16. they sh. c. a. from land of enemy 17. thy chil. sh. c. a. to own border 37: 8. Chaldeans shall c. a., and fight Mk. 10: 1. multitudes c. together unto him a. 11:27. And they c. a. to Jerusalem Lu. 10:35. I. when I c. back a. will repay 19:15. c. back a., having rec'd k'dom Jn. 14: 3. I c. a., and will receive you 2 Co. 1:16. a. from Macedonia to c. unto 2: I. w'd c. a. to you with sorrow. 13: 2. if I c. a.,_I will not spare I Th. 2:18. would fain have c. . . . once & a. Cried again Mt. 27:50. Jesus c. a. with a loud voice _ Mk. 15:13. And they c. out a., Crucify him. Jn. 18:40. They c. out a., Not this man, but Down again I S. 3: 5. he said, I called not; lie d. a. 6. I called not, my son, lie d. a. 1 K. 19: 6. did eat & drink, & laid him d. a. Ps. 107:26. up to heavens, they go d. a. to Jn. 13:12. washed their feet . . . and sat d. a. Go again Ge. 43: 2. G. a., buy us a little food (44:25) 13. and arise, g. a. unto the man De. 24:19. thou shalt not g. a. to fetch it 20. thou shalt not g. over boughs a. 20:28. Shall I yet a. g. out to battle? 5:11. let it g. a. to its own place 18:43. And he said, G. a. seven times 19:20. And he said unto him, G. back a. 2 Ch. 20:27. to g. a. to Jerusalem with joy 25,10. out of Ephraim, to g. home a. Ec. '■. 7. the rivers go, thither they g. a. Ju. iS. iK. AGAIN 25 AGAINST Ec. Je. Ho. Jn. Eze. Mt. Mk. Lu. Jn. Ro. He. Ge. De. 2S. 2K. 2Ch, Ps. Lu. Jb. Pr. Je. 47: 4. 20: 5. 21:36. 26:42. 72. 2:13. 3: I- 4: I. 8:25. 14:70. 13:20. 8: 8. 18: 7- 15:10- 4: 7. 33:11. 20:10. 4:29. 32:25. 37:21. 2:19. 3: I. Ac. 18:21 5:15. naked shall he g. a. as he came 46:16. let us g. a. to our own people 3: I. G. a., love a woman beloved of 11: 7. he saith . . . Let us g. into Judaa a. Again with he 37: 4. A. h. said unto me, Prophesy over A. h. measured a thousand, and A. h. went out ab't 6th & 9th hour A., h. sent other servants (22:4) A. a second time h. went away a. h. denied with an oath, I know h. went forth a. by the sea side h. entered a. into the synagogue a. h. began to teach by sea side, a. h. laid his hands upon his eyes But a. h. denied it. And after a a. h. said, Whereunto shall I? a. h. stooped down, and with his A. therefore h. asked them, Whom a. h. saith, Rejoice, ye Gentiles h. a. defineth a certain day, To-day Not again [more 8:21. I will n. a, curse the ground any hate him, that they rise n. a. he smote, and struck him n. a. if any salute, answer him n. a. Hezekiah rendered n. a. ac. to wicked borroweth, and payeth n. a. 78:39. A wind that passeth, & cometh n. a. 6:30. taketh thy goods ask them n. a. Return again 6:29. Yea, r. a., my cause is righteous 39: 4. They go forth, and r. not a. None that go unto her r. a. will he r. unto her a.? will not? lovers; yet r. a. to me, saith JH. I will r. a. unto you, iif God will Returned again Ge. 8:12. she r. not a. unto him any more. Ac. 21: 6. on board ship, but they r. home a. Ga. 1:17. and a. I r. unto Damascus. Rise again Ex. 21:19. if he r, a., and walk abroad Is. 24:20. and it shall fall, and not r. a. Am. 8:14. they shall fall, and never r. a. Mt. 27:63. deceiver said . . . After 3 days I r. a. Mk. 8:31. killed, & after 3 days r. a. 10:34. a. after three days he shall r. a. Lu. 18:33. and third day he shall r. a. 24: 7. be crucified, and third day r. a. 46. that Christ should suffer, & r. a. Jn. 11:23. Jesus saith, Thy brother sh. r. a. 24. I know that he shall r. a. in 20: 9. that he must r. a. from the dead Ac. 17: 3. the Christ to suffer, and to r. a. Said again [aside 2 S. 2:22. Abner s. a. to Asahel, Turn thee Es. 7:2. And the king s. a. to Esther Jn. 8:21. He s. a. unto them, I go away 10: 7. Jesus s. unto them a.. Verily 12:39. not believe, for that Isaiah s. a. 20:21. Jesus s. a., Peace be unto you Say again Mt. 18:19. A. I s. unto you, that if two agree 19:24. a. I s., It is easier for camel Mk. 14:69. and began a. to s. to them that Jn. 9:17. They s. unto the blind man a. 2 Co. 11:16. I s. a.. Let no man think me Ga. i: 9. As we have said, so s. I now a. Ph. 4: 4. Rejoice ... a. I will s., Rejoice. See again Ex. 10:29. I will s. thy face a. no more 14:13. ye shall s. them a. no more De. 28:68. I said, Thou shalt s. it no more a. Eze. 8: 6. thou shalt a. s. yet other great (13) 15. thou shalt a. s. yet greater Jn. 16:22. but I will s. you a., and your Ph. 2:28. when ye s. him a., ye may rejoice Sent again Ge. 8:10. a. he s. forth dove out of ark Nu. 22:15. Balak s. yet a. princes, more Ju. 11:14. Jephthah s. messengers a. unto 2 S. 14:29. he s. a. a second time, but he 2 K. i:ii. a. he s. unto him another captiiin 13. a. he s. captain of a 3d fifty 19: 9. he s. messengers a. unto Hezekiah Mk. 12: 4. And a. he s. another servant Ph. 4:16. ye s. once and a. unto my need Spake again Ge. 18:29. And he s. unto him yet a., and Ju. 9:37. Gaal s. a. and said, See, there Es. 8:3. Esther s. yet a. before the king Jb. 29:22. After my words they s. not a. Is. 7:10. Jehovah s. a. unto Ahaz, saying 8: 5. Jehovah s. unto me yet a., saying Mt. Lu. Jn. De. 2K. Je. Zee. Jn. Le. Ru. S. S. K. 22: I. Jesus ... s. a. in parables unto 22:20. Pilate s. unto them a., desiring 8:12. A. Jesus s. . . . I am the light of Take again 24: 4. may not t. her a. to be his wife 19:30. remnant sh. a. t. root (Is. 37:31) 36:28. T. thee a. another roll, & write 11:15. T. unto thee yet a. instruments 10:17. down my life, that I may t. it a. 18. and I have power to t. it a. Turn again 13:16. if the raw flesh t. a., and be i:ii. Naomi said, T. a., my daughters 12. T. a., my daughters, go your way 15:25. pardon my sin, and t. a. with me 30. t. a. with me, that I may worship 9:37. Let thy servant t. back a. 22:38. Neither did t. a. till they were 8:33. if they t. a. to thee, & confess 47. t. a., & make supplica. (2 Ch. 6:37) 12:27. people t. a. unto their Lord 13:17. nor t. a. to go by the way that 2 K. 1:6. Go, t. a. unto king that sent you 2 Ch. 6:24. shall t. a., & confess thy name 30: 6. Ye chil. of Is. t. a. imto Jehovah 9. if ye t. a. unto JH., yr. brethren Jb. 34:15. And man shall t. a. unto dust. Ps. 18:37. Neither will 1 1. a. till they 71:21. And t. a., and comfort me 80: 3. T. us a., God; And cause thy face 7. T. us a., God of hosts, And cause 19. T. us a., JH. of hosts; Cause thy 85: 8. But let not them t. a. to folly. 104: 9. they t. not a. to cover the earth. 126: 4. T. a. our captivity, Jehovah, as 3:20. of dust, and all t. to dust a. 6:10. heart,, and t. a., and be healed 6: 9. t. a. thy hand as a grape-gatherer 29:14. and I will t. a. your captivity 30: 3. I will t. a. captivity of my 18. I will t. a. captivity of Jacob's 31:21. t. a., virgin of Israel, t. a. to 3 :40. try our ways, and t. a. to JH. 3:20. A., when righteous man doth t. 16:53. And I will t. a. their captivity 13:15. And should t. a. (Ac. 28:27) 4:12. lest haply they should t. a., and 10: 6. if not, it shall t. to you a. 17: 4. and seven times t. a. to thee 3:19. Repent ye therefore, and t. a. 4: 9. how t. ye back a. to the weak? Turned again 4: 7. it was t. a. as his other flesh. 33:11. And he t. a. into the camp: but 8:21. they t. a., and slew men of Ai. 8:33. chil. of Israel t. a., & played 11: 8. Therefore are we t. a. to thee 20:48. men of Is. t. a. upon Benjamin 15:31. So Samuel t. a. after Saul; and 18:37. thou hast t. their heart back a. 78:41. And they t. a. and tempted God 8:17. t. a. to provoke me to anger 22:32. once thou hast t. a., establish War again 19: 8. there was w. a.: and David went 21:15. Philistines had w. a. with Is. 18. was w. a. with Phil. (19; i Ch. 20:5) 20: 6. And there was a. w. at Gath Went again 2 Ch. 19: 4. he w. out a. among the people 7:31. a. he w. out from borders of Tyre 14:39. a. he w. away, and prayed, saying 10:40. he w. away a. beyond the Jordan 18:38. he w. out a. unto the Jews, and 19: 4. Pilate w. out a., and saith 20:10. disciples w. away a. . . . home. 2: I. I w. up a. to Jerusalem with Bar. Wept again 11: 4. children of Israel also w. a. 1:14. lifted up their voice, and w. a. 3:34. all the people w. a. over him. Will again Ge. 8:21. neither w. I a. smite any more 30:31. I w. a. feed thy flock & keep it De. 30: 9. JH. w. a. rejoice over thee for Ps. 7:i2(m). Surely he w. a. whet his sword I w. a. do a marvellous work A. w. I build thee, and thou shalt I w. not a. pass by them (8:2) 7:19. He w. a. have compassion upon us Word again Ge. 37:14- well with flock, & bring me w. a. Nu. 22: 8. Lodge here, & I will bring you w. a. De. 1:22. and bring us w. a. of the way 25. and brought us w. a., and said Ec. Is. Je. La. Eze. Mt. Mk. Lu. Ac. Ga. Ex. Jos. Ju. iS. iK. Ps. Eze. Lu. iS. 2S. iCh. Mk. Jn. Ga. Nu. Ru. 2S. Is. 29:i4(ra) Je. Am. Mi. 31: 7: Jos. iK. 2K. 14: 7- 22:32. 2:30. 20: 9. 22: 9. 20. Ge. 18:5 Nu. Ju. iS. 2 S. iCh, Pr. Je. Eze. Zee. Ac. 38: 5- 22:15. 32:15- 20:28. 3: 6. 23: 4. 5:22. 18:22. 14:13- 19:19. 23:35- 31:23- I brought him w. a. as it was in to chil. of Is., & bro't them w. a. Benaiah brought the king w. a. messengers . . . brought him w. a. Shaphan brought the king w. a. they brought the king w. a. Yet again 18:29. he spake unto him y. a. & said And she y. a. bare a son, & called Balak sent y. a. princes, more he will y. a. leave them in wild. Shall y. a. go out to battle? And Jehovah called y. a., Samuel Then David inquired of JH. y. a. the PhiUstines came up y. a. said Ahimaaz ... y. a. to Joab Philistines y. a. made a raid deliver him, thou must do it y. a. I awake? I will seek it y. a. Y. a. shall they use this speech 32:15. vineyards shall y. a. be bought 33:10. Y. a. there shall be heard in 12. Y. a. sh. there be in this place 26:21. y. shalt thou never be found a. 1:17. Cry y. a., saying. Thus saith JH. 17:32. We will hear thee con. this y. a. AGAINST (Against all. Against altar, Array against, Against Babylon, Battle against, Came against, Against city. Come against. Conspired against, Di- vided against. Encamped against. Fight against, Fought against. Against God, Against her, Against him, Against Israel, Against it. Against Jehovah, Against Jerusalem, Kindled against, Aga,inst king, Against land. Against me. Against Moses, Murmur against, Murmured against. Against neighbor, Over against, Against Phil- istine or Philistines, Prevail against, Prevailed against, Prophesy against, Rebelled against. Rise against. Rose against. Sin against, Sinned against, Testified against, Testify against, Against thee, Against them. Against this, Transgressed against. Trespass against, Trespassed against, AgainsC us. Went against, Witness against, Against you) 14: 9. k. of Ellasar; four kings a. five. 16:12. his hand shall be a. every man Pharaoh was wroth a. his two of- ficers, a. the chief of the butlers, and |a. the chief of the bakers store ... a. seven years of famine 43:25. the present a. Joseph's coming 44:18. let not anger burn a. thy serv't 9:17. exaltest thou thyself a. my people a. any of chil. of Is. sh. not a dog move his tongue, a. man or beast? Jehovah fighteth ... a. Egyptians be ready a. the third day (15) 32:11. thy wrath wax hot a. thy people? 12. repent of this evil a. thy peo. yea, every man a. his son, and a. his brother; that he may bestow set my face a. that soul (20:6) stand a. blood of thy neighbor nor bear any grudge a. children will set my face a. that man (5) and a. his family, & will cut him 10: 9. when ye go to war a. the adversary set up tabernacle a. their coming Sanctify. . . a. to-morrow (ilos. 7:13) not afraid to speak a. my serv't? not able to go up a. the people sinners a. their own lives token a. children of rebellion crushed Balaam's foot a. wall is not enchantment a. Jacob war, that they go a. Midian they warred a. Midian as JH. com'd eye be evil a. thy poor brother forth in camp a. thine enemies jealousy will smoke, a. that man 1:18. that sh. rebel a. thy com'dment 3:16. passed over right a. Jericho 24:22. Ye are witnesses a. yourselves 3:12. JH. strengthened Eglon ... a. Israel 5:23. To the help of JH. a. the mighty 7:22. JH. set ev. man's sword a. fellow 9:18. ye are risen up a. my father's and they laid wait a. Shechem Ge. Ex Le Nu, 40: 2. 41:36. 11: 7- 14:25- 19:11. 29. 17:10. 19:16. 18. 20: 3. 5- De Jos. Ju. 21. 11:18. 12: 8. 13:31- 16:38. 17:10. 22:25. 23:23(m). 31: 3- 7- 15: Q- 23: 9. 29:20. 34- 20:36. liers-in-wait . . . had set a. Gibeah AGAINST 26 AGAINST iS. 2S. iK. 3:12. 12:14. 15- 14:20. 17:21. ig: 4. 23: I- 3- 24:10. 25:17. 27:10. 10:13. 17- 14: 7- 13- iS:i2. 13- 28. 20:15. 21. 23: 8. 18. 24: 4. 17- 2:23. 6: 5- K. 8:44 15:20 16: 7, 12, 21:13- 22: 6. 35. 3: 7. 8:28, 13:17(111) 15:30. 37. 16:11, iq: 8. 20. 22. 22:19. 24: 2. 1 Ch. 12:21. 26:16. 2 Ch. 11: 4. 13: 7- 17:10. 20:22. 23 37. 21:16. 24:27(111) 26: 7- 13- 32:16. 35:21. 36:13- 16. 4: 6. 19. 7:23- 8:22. 5: I- 3:14- 5: 9- 8:3- 13- 9:24. 15:25- 17:8. 24:13. 31:21. 32: 3- 36:32(111). 38:23- I will perform a. Eli all that not rebel a. com'dment of JH. but rebel a. com'dment of JH. as it was a. your fathers. ev. man's sword was a. his fellow battle in array, army a. army, a. David; because he hath not Philistines are fighting a. K. if we go to Keilah a. armies of not put forth hand a. my lord evil is determ'd a. our master A. whom have ye made a raid? David said, A. the South of Judah, and a. the South of Jerah- meelites, and a. the South of the Kenites. Jcab drew nigh a. the Syrians SjTians set themselves a. David family is risen a. thy handmaid devised such thing a. peo. of God? w'd not put hand a. king's son if I dealt falsely a. his life, liftest up their hand a. my lord and it stood a. the rampart his hand a. king, even a. David a. eight hun. slain at one time, his spear a. 300 (i Ch. ii:ii, 20) and a. the captains of the host. a. me, and a. my father's house, spoken this word a. his own life. a. wall of house he built stories a. walls of house round about If thy people go out a. enemy captains a. cities (2 Ch. 16:4) and a. his house, because of evil ac. to word spake a. Baasha witness a. him, even a. Naboth Shall I go a. Eamoth-gilead? in chariot a. Syi-ians (2 Ch. 18:34) wilt thou go with me a. Moab? with Joram to war a. Hazael arrow of victory a. SjTia Hoshea made conspiracy a. Fekah Jehovah began to send a. Judah a. coming of Ahaz from Damascus. k. 01 A. warring a. Libnah (Is. 37:8) prayed a. Sennacherib (Is. 37:21) even a. Hoiy One of Is. (Is. 37:23) a. inhabitants thereof (2 Ch. 34:27) sent them a. Judah to destroy it helped David a. band of rovers that goeth up, watch a. watch, returned from going a. Jeroboam, strengthened themselves a. Reho. made no war a. Jehoshaphat. JH. set liers-in-wait a. Ammon . a. inhabitants of mount Seir Ps. Ezr Ne, Es. Jb Pb. 42: 7. 2: 2. 10: 8. 15: S- 21:12. 31:18- 37:12. 43: I- 50:20. (m; 55:20. prophesied a. Jehoshaphat And JH. stirred up a. Jehoram uttered a. the rebuilding and a. Arabians that dwelt in to help the king a. the enemy, spake a. his servant Hezekiah but a. house wherewith I have hardened his a. turning unto JH. until wrath of JH. arose a. his accusation a. inhabitants of Judah city made insurrection a. kings why sh'd there be wrath a. realm? to help us a. enemy in the way a great cry ... a. their brethren they sh'd be ready a. that day filled v/ith wrath a. Mordecai he had devised a. the Jews (9:25) Jews sh'd be ready a. that day had plotted a. Jews to destroy behaveth proudly a. the Almighty stir up himseii a. the godless. ' These . . . that rebel a. the light lifted up hand a. fatherless Also a. his three friends was his that it strike a. assailant reserved a. time of trouble? A. the day of battle and war? a. thee, & a. thy two friends A. JK. and a. his anointed, saying eyes are privily set a helpless Nor taketh reward a. the innocent, thy bowstrings a. their face, speak a. righteous insolently wicked plotteth a. the just plead my cause a. ungodly nation Thou speakest a. thy brother givest a thrust a. thine own a. such as were at peace with hira 60:11. 74: I- 78:17. 80: 4. 81:14- 83: 3- 91:12. 94:16. 21. 109:20. 137: 9- 138: 7- 141: 5(m). Pr. 20: 2. 21:31. 22:i4(m). 24: 1. 15- 30:31- 8:11. 2: 4. 3: 5- 7:6. 9:21. 10: 6. 14: 4. 19: 2. 23: 8. 25: 4. 31: 2. 37:23- 42:13- 57: 4- 66:14. 1:15- 18. Ec. Is. Je. EZ€ Da. Give help a. adversary (108:12) thine anger smoke a. sheep of thy? "To rebel a. the Most High in angry a. prayer of thy people? my hand a. their adversaries, crafty counsel a. thy people consult togeth. a. thy hidd&n ones, dash thy foot a. stone (Mt. 4:6, 11) a. the workers of iiiiquity?_ They gather ... a. soul of righteous that speak evil a. my soul thy httle ones A. the rock, a. the wrath of mine enemies, is my prayer a. their wicked 'n provoketh him . . . sinneth a. life, horse prepared a. day of battle a. whom JH. hath indionation Be not thou envious a. evil men Lay not wait, wicked man, a. king a. whom there is no rising because sentence a. an evil work not lift up sword a. nation (Mi. 4:3) child behave proudly a. old man, and the base a. the honorable. Let us go up a. Judah, and vex it they together shall be a. Judah. I will send him a. profane nation, and a. people of my wrath will I this parable a. king of Babylon up the Egyptians a. the Egyptians Who hath purposed this a. Tyre? blast ... is as a storm a. the wall but will arise a. the evil-doers a. help of them work iniquity _ a. whom hast thou exalted voice? he will do mightily a. enemies A. whom do ye sport yourselves? a. whom make ye a wide mouth? have indignation a. his enemies. a. walls thereof round about, _ and a. the kings of Judah, a. princes thereof, a. priests thereof, and a. the people of the land. 4:16. their voice a. cities of Judah. 5: 6. leopard sh. watch a. their cities 8:18. could comfort myself a. sorrow! 13:14. I will dash them one a. another 15: 8. a. the mother of the young men 18:18. us devise devices a. Jeremiah 23: 2. a. shepherds that feed my people 30. behold, I am a. the prophets (31) 25: 9. and a. the inhabitants thereof 26:19. commit great evil a. own souls. 28: 8. prophesied a. many countries, a. great kingdoms, of war, & of evil 4. defense a. the mounds & a. sword 2. I have spoken unto thee a. Israel, and a. Judah, & a. all the nations 37:18. sinned a. thee, or a. thy serv'ts 44: 7. this great evil a. your souls 46:12. mighty stumbled a. the mighty 47: 7. A. Ashkelon, and a. sea-shore 49:19. like lion ... a. strong habitation 20. counsel of JH. . . . taken a. Edom purposed a. inhabitants of Teman 22. spread out his wings a. Bozrah 50:21. and a. the inhabitants of Pekod a. the Holy One of Israel. 51: 5. fuU of guilt a. Holy One of Is. 12. Set standard a. walls of Babylon 46. violence in land, ruler a. ruler. 3: 8. thy face hard a. their faces thy forehead hard a. their f'heads 13:17. set thy face a. daughters of 20. Behold, I am a. your pillows 14: 8. I will set my face a. that man 21:22. set battering rams a. the gates 22: 3. maketh idols a. herself to defile 25: 3. thou saidst. Aha, a. my sanctuary and a. the house of Judah, when 12. Edom dealt a. house of Judah 26: 9. set battering engines a. walls 28: 7. draw swords a. beauty of wisdom 29: 2. set thy face a. Pharaoh king of 10. and a. thy rivers, and I will 18. to serve great service a. Tyre 30:11. shall draw their swords a. Egypt 22. Behold, I am a. Pharaoh king of 34:10. Behold, I am a. the shepherds 35: 2. set thy face a. mount Seir, and 12. spoken^ a. mountains of Israel 36: 5. I spoken a. residue of nations 38:21. every man's sword shall be a. 42: 3. was rrallery a. gallery in third 3:19. visage was changed a. Shadrach 33: 36: Da. 3:29. S: 6. 23- 6: 4. 5- 7:25- 8:25. q:i2. 11: 2. 24. 28. 30. 32. Ho 8: I io:i4(m). 11: 6(m). Am, i: 8. 3: I- 7:16. Na.3:ii(m). Hab. 3: 8. Zph. 1:16. Zee. 2: 8. 10. 13- 1:12. 7:10. 9:13- 12: 13: 7- Mai. Mk. Lu. i: 4- 2:10. 14- 15. 3: 5. Mt. 10:35. 12:31. 32. 23:13. 24: 7. 26:55. 27: I. 3:26. 29. 11:25. 15:46. 2:34- 6:48. 49. 12:10. 52. 5S- 24:50. 12: 7. 19:12. 4:26. 27. 6: 1. 8: I. 9: I. 29- 13:50. 14: 2. 19:38. 21:28. 23:30. 24: I. 25: 2. 8. 26:14. 28:17. 22. 1:26. 4:18. 7:23- 4: 4. 6. 6:18. 8:12. 10: 2. 5- 13: 8. 3:21. 5:17- Jn. Ac. Ro. Co Co Ga. speak amiss a. God of Shadrach his knees smote one a. another up thyself a. the Lord of heaven sought to find occasion a. Daniel We sh. not find occasion a. Daniel shall speak words a. Most High shall stand a. prince of princes and a. our judges that judged us stir up all a. realm of Greece, his devices a. the strongholds his heart sh. be a. holy oov't have indignation a. holy cov't such as do wickedly a. covenant As eagle he cometh a. house of JH. sh. tumult arise a. thy people sv/ord sh. rage a. their cities and I will turn my hand a. Ekron a. whole family I brought up out drop not thy word a. house of shalt seek o defence a. enemy Was thine anger a. the rivers, or thy wrath a. the sea? and alarm a. the fortified cities, and a. the high battlements, magnified themselves a. border magnified thems. a. peo. of JH. will stretch out hand, a north a. which hast had indignation devise evil a. his brother in stir up thy sons, Zion, a. sons 2(m). a. Judah also shall it be Awake, sword, a. my shepherd, a. the man that is my fellow people a. whom JH. hath indigna. treacherously every man a. his a. whom hast dwelt treacherously treacherously a. wife of youth, and a. adulterers, and a. the false swearers, & a. those that oppress a man at variance a. his father blasphemy a. Spirit not forgiven a word a. Son of man (Lu. 12:10) a. Holy Spirit not be forgiven shut kingdom of heaven a. men kingdom a. kingdom (Mk. 13:8; Lu. 21:10) as a robber (Mk. 14:48; Lu. 22:52) elders . . . took counsel a. Jesus if Satan hath risen a. himself shall blaspheme a. Holy Spirit forgive, if ye have aught a. any he rolled a stone a. door of for a sign which is spoken a. the stream brake a. that house a. which the stream brake, and that blasphemeth a. Holy Spirit one house divided, three a. two, and two a. three, shall be divided, father a. son, son a. father; mother a. daughter led them out over a. Bethany to keep it a. day of my burjdng himself king speak a. Caesar A. the Lord, and a. his Anointed a. thy holy Servant Jesus, whom of the Grecian Jews a. Hebrews great persecution a. the church breathing slaughter a. disciples and disputed a. the Grecian Jews stirred up persecution a. Paul made them evil affected ar breth. have a matter a. any man, the teacheth all men. a. the people there w'd be a plot a. the man informed the governor a. Paul of Jews informed him a. Paul Neither a. the law of the Jews, nor a. the temple, nor a. Csesar hard for thee to prick a. goad I had done nothing a. the people that everywhere it is spoken a. into that which is a. nature Who in hope believed a. hope warring a. the law of my mind For I know nothing a. myself be puffed up for one a. other fornication sinneth a. own body, thus, sinning a. the brethren I coimt to be bold a. some is exalted a. knowledge of God we can do nothing a. the truth Is the law a. promises of God? the flesh lusteth a. the Spirit, and the Spirit a. the flesh; for 23. a. such there is no law. AGAINST 27 AGAINST Ep. Col. iTi. 2Ti. He. Ja. iPe. 2Pe. Re. Ex. Ju. iS. iK. Ezr. Je. Eze. Ro. 2Th I K. 2K. 3:13- s:ii. 19. 6:19. 1:12. 12: 3. 4- 2:13. 3:14- 4:11. 2:11. 3:16. 3:17- 19:19. 7:22. 25:17- 6:10. 13:32. 8:22. i:i5- 12:14. 25: 9. 13- 30- 36: 2. 21: 4. IS- 36: S- 1:18. 2: 4. Je. 6:11. to stand a. wiles of the devil 12. our wrestling is not a. flesh, but a. principalities, a. powers, a. the world-rulers of this darkness, a. spiritual hosts of if any have complaint a. any have waxed wanton a. Christ A. elder receive not accusation good foundation a. time to come committed unto him a. that day gainsaying of sinners a. himself unto bloodj striving a. sin mercy glorieth a. judgment, glory not & lie not a. trath. Speak not one a. another, breth. He that speaketh a. a brother, or judgetih, speaketh a. the law lusts, which war a. the soul that, wherein ye are spoken a. reserved a. the day of judgment sat upon horse, and a. his army. Against all 12:12. a. a. gods of EgjT)t I will execute a. his fellow, and a. a. the host our master, and a. a. his house he built stories a. a. the house and a. a. houses of high places his wrath is a. a. forsake him and a. a. the cities of Judah. a. a. mine evil neighbors that a. a. these nations round about hath prophesied a. a. nations, a. a. inhabitants of the earth, a. a. the nations from the day a. a. flesh from south to north sword a. a. their gates, that the nations, and a. a. Edom from heaven a. a. ungodliness exalteth himself a. a. that is Against altar 13: 2. he cried a. a. by the word of JH. 4. the saying . . . wh. he cried a. a. 32. For the saying ... a. a. in Beth-el 23:17. thou hast done a. a. of Beth-el. Array against battle in a. a. them at Gibeah in a. a. Syrians (i Ch. 19:10) in a. a. Ammon (i Ch. 19:11) set the battle in a. a. them, put battle in a. a. Syrians Jeroboam set battle in a. a. him set in a. ... a. thee dau. of Zion Set themselves in a. a. Babylon Against Babylon so: 9. cause to come up a. B. company 14. Set themselves in array a. B. 29. Call together the archers a. B. 45. hear ye counsel of JH. . . . a. B. 51: I. Behold, I will raise up a. B., and II. because his purpose is a. B. 29. purposes of JH. a. B. do stand Ba,ttle against to b. a. thme enemies (21:10) this day unto b. a. your enemies to the children of Israel b. a. to b. a. chil. of Benjamin (23,28) of Israel went to b. a. Benjamin b. went sore a. Saul (i Ch. 10; 3) if people go to b. a. enemies b. a. children of iniquity doth against Edom c. out a. him with much Amorites c. a. you, and chased Then Sihon c. out a. us, he and king of Bashan c. out a. us (29:7) others c. out of city a. them So Joshua c. . . a. them. . .suddenly Amalekites. . they c. up a. them departed, and c. over a. Jebus of Israel c. near a. Benjamin c. over a. Gibeah 10,000 men ye saw that Nahash c. a. you delivered troop that c. a. us word of JH. c a. Baasha (7) There c. a. land Pul king of A. him c. up Shalmaneser king Shalmaneser c. up a. Samaria he c. with Philistines a. Saul there c. out a. them Zerah Ammonites, c. a. Jslioshaphat they c. up a. Judah, & brake year. Syrians c. up a. him A. him c. up Nebuchadnezzar there c. a great king a. it, and Sennacherib c. a. all cities Ju. 20:20. 2S. 10: 9. 10. iCh 19:17. 2Ch. 13: 3- Je. 6:23. 50:14. De. 20: I. Ju. 3- 20:14. 18. 20. iS. 2Ch Ho. 31: 3- . 6:34- 10: 9. Came Nu. 20:20. De. 1:44. 2:32. Jos. 3: I. 8:22. Ju. 11: 7. 6:3. 19:10. 20:24. 34. I S. 12:12. iK. 30:23. 16: I. 2K. 15:19. iCh 2Ch 17: 3- 18: 9. 12:19. 14: 9- 20: I. 21:17. Ec. Is. 24:23- 36: 6. 9:14. 36: I. Ac. De. Jos. Ju. iS. 2S. I K. 2K. Je. Nu. Jos. Ju. iK. 2K. 2Ch, Ps. Is. Je. Eze. Da. I Na. Lu. Ac. Ge. iS. iK. 2K. 2 Ch Mk. Lu. Jos. Ju. i.S. I K. 2K. 2Ch, Ex. De. Jos. Ju. 20:15. c. following day over a. Chios Against city {war 20:20. build bulwarks a. c. that maketh 8: 4. ye shall lie in ambush a. the c. 20:11. men of Is. were gathered a. c. 5: 9. hand of Jehovah was a. the c. 11:25. make thy battle more strong a. c. 12:28. encamp a. the c, and take it 20:15. they cast up a mound a. the c. 20:12. set themselves in array a. c. 25: 4. (now the Chaldeans were a. c.) 26:11. he hath prophesied a. this c. 20. he prophesied a. this c. and Come against 20:18. lest I c. out with sword a. thee 8: 5. to pass, when they c. but a. us 11:20. to c. a. Israel in battle, that 7:24. saymg, C. down a. Midian, &, take 9:33. that are with him c. out a. thee 15:10. said. Why are ye c. up a. us? 20:22. kmg of Syria will c. up a. thee 18:13. c. up a. all fortified cities , 14:11. are we c. a. this multitude 20:22. mount Seir, that were c. a. Jud. 35:21. / c. not a. thee this day, but 36:11. Let not foot of pride c. a. me 14: 8. now hewer is c. up a. us. 21:13. that say, Who shall c. down a. us? 37:19. king of Babylon sh. not c. a. you 46:22. c. a. her with axes, as hewers 49:14. c. a. her, and rise up to battle 50: 9. and cause to c. up a. Babjdon 26. C. a. her from utmost border 23:24. shall c. up a. thee with weapons 26: 3. many nations to c. up a. thee 38:16. shalt c. up a. my people Israel i:7(m). who shall c. a. the army and ships of Kittim shall c. a. him shall c. a. him like whirlwind in pieces is c. up a. thee: to keep and elders, that were c. a. him 16: 7. when they were c. over a. Mysia Conspired against 37:18. they c. a. him to slay him. 22: 8. that all of you have c. a. me Saul said, Why have ye c. a. me? Baasha son of Ahijah c. a. him his servant Zimri c. a. him Jehu son of Nimshi c. a. Joram I c. a. my master, and slew him Shallum c. a. him, and smote him Pekah, his captain, c. a. him, and the servants of Amon c. a. him slew all c. a. Amon (2 Ch. 33:25) they c. a. him, and stoned him his own servants c. a. him for these are they that c. a. him his servants c. a. him, and put saying, Amos hath c. a. thee in the Divided against 14:15. he d. himself a. them by might Every kingdom d. a. itself (Lu. 11:17) every city or house d. a. itself out Satan, he is d. a. himself if a kingdom be d. a. itself, that if a house be d. a. itself, that a house d. a. a house falleth if Satan is d. a. himself, how Encamped against 10: 5. the five kings e. a. Gibeon, and unto Lachish, and e. a. it, and unto Eglon; and they e. a. it they e. a. them, and destroyed the and e. a. Thebez, and took it. chil. of Israel. . . . e. a. Gibeah Nahash. . . . e. a. Jabesh-gilead 16:15. the people were e. a. Gibbethon 25: I. Jerusalem, and e. a. it (Je. 52:4) 32: I. Sennacherib came & e. a. cities Fight against 1:10. lest they mult., and f. a. us to f . for you a. your enemies drawest nigh city to f. a. it all yr. enemies a. whom ye f. a. Canaanites to f . a. them that we may f. a. Canaanites 9. down to f. a. Canaanites 9. over Jordan to f. a. Judah 18. What man v.-ill begui to f. a. Am.? 11:12. art come to f. a. my land? 25. did he ever f. a. them. 32. children of Ammon to f. a. them 12: 1. to f. a. the children of Ammon 3. are ye come up to f. a. me? 30. 40. 2: I. 22:52. 13- 15:27. 16: 7. 9:14. 10: 9. 15:10. 25- 21:23. 24. . 24:21. 25- 26. 33:24- 7:10. Am. Ge. Mt. 12:25. 26. 3:24- 25- 11:17. 18. 31- 34- 6:4. 9:50. 20:19. 11: I. 20: 4. 10. 10:25. 1: I. 10 I S. 15:18. Amalekites, and f. a. them 29: 8. f. a. enemies of my lord I K. 12:21. warriors, to f. a. ho. of Is. 24. nor f. a. your breth. (2 Ch. 11:4) 20:23. Let us f. a. them in plain 25. we will f. a. them in plain 26. Ben-hadad went to f. a. Is. 22:32. they turned aside to f. a. him 3:21. kings were come up to f. a. th. 19: 9. he is come out to f. a. thee 11: 1. warriors to f. a. Israel 13:12. f. ye not a. Jehovah 32: 2. purposed to f. a. Jerusalem 35:20. Neco went up to f. a. Carchemish 2K. 2Ch Ne. Ps. Is. 4: 35: 56: 19: 29: conspired to f. a. Jerusalem 1. F. thou a. them that f. a. me 2. many that f. proudly a. me Je. 31: 4(m). 1:19. 21: 4. 5- 32:24. 29. sh. f. every one a. his brother nations that f. a. Ariel, even all that f. a. her nations be, that f. come down to f. And thev shall f, wherewith ye f . a. I myself will f. a. a. mount Zion a. mount Zion a. thee (15:20) king of Baby, you it Zee. Nu. Jos. Ju. S. K. K. into hand of Chaldeans f. a. Chaldeans, th. f. a. this city 34:22. and they shall f. a. it 37: 8. Chaldeans sh. come ag. & f. a. city 10. smitten Chaldeans th. f ._ a. you 14: 3. shall JH. f. a. those nations Fought against 21: 1. king of Arad f. a. Israel 23. Sihon f. a. Israel 26. Sihon, who had f. a. king of Moab 10:29. Joshua f. a. Libnah Joshua f. a. (Lachish) encamped a. Eglon and f . a. it Joshua f. a. (Hebron) Josh, ret'd to Debir, and f. a. it Balak arose and f. a. Israel men of Jericho f . a. you they f. a. (Adoni-bezek) chil. of Judah f . a. Jerusalem Fr. their courses th. f. a. Sisera Abimelech f. a. city all th. day Abimelech f. a. (the tower) and they f. a. them (Saal) f. a. all his enemies Now Philis. f. a. Israel (i Ch. 10:1) because he had f. a. Hadadezer Now Joab f. a. Rabbah Joab said, I have f. a. Rabbah David f. a. (Rabbah) and took it David f . a. the Philistines Ben-hadad f. a. (Samaria) Joram, when he f. a. Hazael Hazael f. a. Gath, and took it wherewith ye f . a. Amaziah bee. he had f . a. Hadarezer 20:29. heard JH. f. a. enemies of Is. 109: 3. f. a. me without a cause 20: I. Sargon f. a. Ashdod and took it Against God Ge. 39: 9. can I do this and sin a. G.? Nu. 21: 5. people spake a. G. & a. Moses (Ps. 78:19) trespassed a. G. of th. fa's. _ to tresp. a. our G. in marrying That a. G. thou turnest spirit hath stretched out hand a. G. multiplieth his words a. G. speak amiss a. G. of Shadrach speak a. the G. of gods Ephraim ivatcheth a. my G. 13:16. she hath rebelled a. her G. 5:39. found to be fighting a. G. 6:11. blasphemous words a. Mo. & a. G, 7. mind of flesh is enmity a. G. 9:20. who art thou that replieth a. G.? 13: 6. opened his mouth a. G. Against her vow of widow . . . shall stand a. h. had done, and what decreed a. h. . She is hardened a. h. young As keepers of field are they a. h. they shall pitch their tents a. h. Prepare ye war a. h.; arise, and are the birds of prey a. h.? they have devised evil a. h. there cometh up a nation a. h. sh. set themselves in array a. h. Shout a. h. round about: she hath encamp a. h. round about; let none 51: 2. they shall be a. h. round about. 31- 34- 36. 38. 24: 9- II. i: 5- 8. 5:20. 9:45- 52. 12: 9. 14:47. 31: I. 8:10. 12:26. 27. 29. 21:15- 20: I. 8:29. 12:17. 13:12. 18:10. iCh 2Ch, Ps. Is. iCh. 5:2 = Ne. Jb. 13:27. 15:13- 25- Da. Ho. 34:37- 3:29- 11:36. 9:8(m). Ac Ro. 8: Re. Nu 30: 9. Es. 2: I. Jb. 39:i6(m) Je. 4:17- 6: 3- 4- 12: 9. 48: 2. 50: 3- 9- 15- 29. AGAINST 28 AGAINST Je. Mi. Mt. Mk. Lu. Ge. Nu. Jos. Ju. iS. 2S. iK. 2K 2Ch Es. Jb. Pr. Is. Je. Eze. Da. Mi. Hab Mt. Mk. Lu. Ac. Jude Ee. Nu. De. Jos. Ju. iS. 2S. Against her 51:27. prepare the nations a. h., call together a. h. the kingdoms of appoint a marshal a. h.; cause 28. Prepare a. h. the nations, the 7: 6. daughter riseth up a. h. mother, d.- in-law a. h. m.-in-law (Mt. 10:35) 10:35. daughter a. h. mother (Lu. 12-53) 10:11. another, committeth adultery a. h. 12:53. mother-in-law a. h. daughter-in-l. Against him 16:12. and every man's hand a. h.; and 16:11. what is he that ye murmur a. h.? 22:22. in the way for an adversary a. h. 8:14. knew not . . . was an ambush a. h. 6:31. Joash said unto all stood a. h. 32. saying. Let Baal contend a. h. 14: 5. behold, a young lion roared a. h. 19: 2. concubine played harlot a. h. 20:23. And Jehovah said. Go up a. h. 15: 2. how he set himself a. h. in way 18:21. hand of Philistines may be a. h. 23: 9. Saul was devising mischief a. h. 24: 6. to put forth my hand a. h., seeing 10: 9. battle was set a. h. (i Ch. 19:10) 13: 4. hand, put forth a. h., dried up 9:25 (m). JH. uttered this oracle a. h. 14:19. made conspiracy a. h. (2 Ch. 25:27) 24: 2. JH. sent a. h. bands of Chaldeans . 32:17. God of Israel, and to speak a. h. 8(m). and that which was found a. h._ evil determined a. h. by the king although thou movedst me a. h. Who hath hardened himself a. h.? Thou prevailest for ever a. h. Why dost thou strive a. h.? sinned, what effectest thou a. h.? The quiver rattleth a. h.. The wrath a. h. that causeth shame. cruel messenger sh. be sent a. h. JH. will set up a. h. adversaries Shall axe boast itseK a. h. shall saw magnify a. h. wieldeth? if mult, of shepherds be called a. h. incensed a. h. sh. be put shame. as often as I speak a. h., I do A. h. that bendeth let archer bend and a. h. that lifteth himself up Then the nations set a. h. on 1 will call for a sword a. h. except we find it a. h. con. law of he was moved with anger a. h. Cometh a. h., shall do ac. to his they shall devise devices a. h. they even prepare war a. h. shall we raise a. h. 7 shepherds 9. because I have sinned a. h. 6. these take up a parable a. h., and a taunting proverb a. h.? 12:14. the Pharisees took counsel a. h. 3: 6. the Herodians took counsel a. h. 6:19. Herodias set herseK a. h., and 14:31. that Cometh a. h. with 20,000? 22:65. spake they a. h., reviling him. for what cause they shouted a. h. asking a favor a. h., that he w'd bringing a. h. many . . . charges Jews . . . asking for sentence a. h. concerning the matter laid a. h. questions a. h. of their religion to signify the charges a. h. 9. durst not bring a. h. a railing 15. ungodly sinners have spoken a. h. 19:19. gathered together to make war a. h. Against Israel king of Arad fought a. I. went out a. I. into wilderness; he fought a. I. 25: 3. anger of JH. was kindled a (32:13; Ju. 2:14, 20; 3:8; 10:7; 2 S. 24:1; 2 K. 13:3) song may witness a. chil. of I. men of city went out a. I. 10:21. none moved tongue a. chil. of I. to come a. I. in battle Balak arose and fought a. I. Midian prevailed a. I. [I. (5) children of Ammon made war a. Sihon encamped, & fought a. I. did he ever strive a. I.? Philis. put in array a. I. lords of Philis. went up a. I. Philis. drew near to bat. a. I. Now Philis. fought a. I. (i Ch.io:i) So the people went out a. I. 7: 7. 2: 3. 9: 4- 14:20. 33:13- 35: 6. 39:23. 14:35. 17:11. 9:11. 10:15. 31: 4- 45:24. 31:20. 51: 3- 19: 8. 38:21. 6: 5. 8: 7. 11:16. 25. 3: 5- 5: 7: 2: 22:24. 25: 3- 7. IS- 16. 19. 27. 21 23- I. 31:19. 8:14. 11:20. 24: o. 6: 2. 11: 4. 20. 25. 4: 2. 7: 7. ID. 18: 6. iK. 2K. iCh, 2Ch, Ps. Je. Eze. Am. Ro. Ex. 20:26. Ben-hadad went to fight a. I, i: I. Moab rebelled a. I. 3:27. there was great wrath a. I. 6: 8. king of Syria was warring a. I. I. And Satan stood up a. I. Ju. 20: 9. 2K. 19:32. 25: I. Ec. 9:14. is. 7: I. 19:17. Je. 19:15. 25:13. 50:21. Eze. 4: 2. 3. 29:18. Jon. i: 2. Zee. 12: 3. Jn. 11:38. Ac. 4:14. Ex. Le. Nu. De. 21 11: I. 180,000 men to fight a. I. 17: I. Jehosh. strengthened hims. a. I. 78:21. anger also went up a. I. 36: 2. words I have spoken a. I. 38:16. thou sh. come up a. my peo. I. 7:16. Prophesy not a. I._ 11: 2. how he pleadeth wi. God a. I. Against it 14:27. and the Egyptians fled a. i. we will go up a. i. by lot nor cast mound a. i. (Is. 37:33) they built forts a. i. (Je. 52:4) and built great bulwarks a. i. Pekah went to Jeru, to war a. i. JH., which he purposeth a. i. evil I have pronounced a. i. words I have pronounced a. i. land of Merathaim, even a. i. lay siege a. i., & build forts a. i., and cast up a mound a. i.; set camps also a. i., & plant batter- ing rams a. i. round about. and thou shalt lay siege a. i._ for service he had served a. i. Arise, go to Nineveh, & cry a. i. nations be gathered togeth. a. i. a cave, and a stone lay a. i. they could say nothing a. i. 28:19. when Jews spake a. i., I was Against Jehovah 10:16. I have sinned a. J. ye God 16: 7. your murmurings are a. J. 8. are not against us, but a. J. 6: 2. If any one commit tresp. a. J. 5: 6. so as to trespass a. J. 14: 9. Only rebel not a. J. 16:11. company gathered togoth. a. J. 21: 7. we have spoken a. J., & a. thee 26: 9. Korah, when they strove a. J. 27: 3. gathered themselves togeth. a. J. 31:16. plague was among congrega. a. J. 32:23. ye have sinned a. J. 1:41. We have sinned a. J. (i S. 7:6) 9: 7. ye have been rebellious a. J. (24:31:27) [(Je. 29:32) 13: 5. he hath spoken rebellion a. J. 16. ye had sinned a. J. your God 20:18. so would ye sin a. J. your God 7:20. Of a truth I have sinned a. J. 22:16. to rebel this day a. J.? 18. seeing ye rebel to-day a. J. 19. but rebel not a. J. 22. or if in trespass a. J. 29. that we should rebel a. J. 31. not committed this tresp. a. J. 2:25. but if a man sin a. J.? 7:6. We have sinned a. J. 12:23. that I should sin a. J. 14:33. Behold, the people sin a. J. 34. sin not a. J. in eating wi. blood 26: 9. put forth hand a. J's. anointed? 2 S. 12:13. David said, I have sinned a. J. 2 K. 17: 7. Israel had sinned a. J. th. God 9. things not right a. J. their God 1 Ch. 10:13. which he committed a. J. 2 Ch. 12: 2. because they had trespassed a. J. 28:13. being upon a trespass a. J. 22. did he trespass yet more a. J. Ps. 2:2. rulers take counsel a. J. Pr. 19: 3. his heart fretteth a. J. 21:30. no wisdom, nor counsel a. J. Is. 3: 8. because their doings are a. J. 32: 6. to utter error a. J. Je. 3:13. thou hast transg. a. J. thy God 8:14. because we have sinned a. J. 16:10. our sin committed a. J. our God 28:16. spoken rebellion a. J. (29:32) 40: 3. bee. ye have sinned a. J. (44:23) 48:26. he magnified himself a. J. (42) 50: 7. bee. they sinned a. J. (Zep. 1:17) 14. for she hath sinned a. J. 24. because thou hast striven a. J. 29. she hath been proud a. J. 5: 7. have dealt treacherously a. J. i: 9. What do ye devise a. J.? II. that deviseth evil a. J. Against Jerusalem 1 : 8. children of Judah fought a. J. 14:25. Shishak came a. J. (2 Ch. 12:2, 9) 25: I. Nebuchadnez. came a. J. (Je. 52:4) Jos. iS. Ho. Na. Ju. 1 K. 2 K. Eze. Zee. 39: 26: 12: 14; I. 2. 2. 9- 2. 12. Ge. Ex. Nu. De. Jos. Ju. iS. 7: 4- 11:17. 29:27. 31:17. 23:16. 2 Ch. 32: 2. he was purposed to fight a. J. Ezr. 4: 8. the scribe wrote a letter a. J. Ne. 4: 8. conspired to come & fight a. J. Je. 4:16. publish a. J. that watchers come 6: 6. trees, and cast up a mound a. J. 34: I. all peoples, were fightmg a. J. 7. Babylon's army was fighting a. J. came Nebuchadrezzar a. J., and bee. Tyre hath said a. J., Aha shall it be in the siege a. J. destroy nations that come a. J. I will gather all nations a. J. will smite peoples. . .warred a. J. 16. left of nations that came a. J. Kindled against 30: 2. Jacob's anger was k. a. Rachel 4:14. anger of Jehovah was k. a. Moses 11:33. anger of JH. was k. a. people 12: 9. anger of Jehovah was k. a. them 24:10. Balak's anger was k. a. Balaam 6:15. lest anger of JH. be k. a. thee so will anger of JH. be k. a. you and anger of JH. be k. a. you anger of JH. was k. a. this land my anger shall be k. a. them will anger of JH. be k. a. you 6:39. Let not thine anger be k. a. me 17:28. Eliab's anger was k. a. David 20:30. Saul's anger was k. a. Jonathan 6: 7. anger was k. a. Uzzah (i Ch. 13:10) for great is wrath of JH. k. a. us my wTath sh. be k. a. this place wh. with his anger was k. a. Judah anger was greatly k. a. Judah anger of JH. was k. a. Amaziah He hath also k. his wrath a. me a. Job was his wrath k., because to Eliphaz, My wrath is k. a. thee wroth; And a fire was k. a. Jacob was wrath of JH. k. a. his people When their wrath was k. a. us is anger of JH. k. a. his people mine anger is k. a. them: how long? Mine anger is k. a. the shepherds Against king 2 S. 20:21. Sheba hath lifted up hand a. k. 1 K. 11:26. he also lifted up his hand a. k. 27. why he lifted up his hand a. k. Ne. 2:19. ye do? will ye rebel a. the k.? Da. 11:14. shall many stand up a. k. of south 25. and his courage a. k. of south Against land [36:10) 2 K. 18:25. JH. said. Go up a. this 1. (Is. Ps. 8i:5(m). When he went a. 1. of Egypt Je. 1:18. and brazen walls, a. the whole I. and will bring them a. this 1. he prophesied a. this 1. and not come a. you, nor a. this 1.? Go up a. 1. of Merathaim, even hath purposed a. 1. of Chaldeans 1. of Israel, when it was made 2 K. 22:13. 17. 23:26. 2 Ch. 25:10. 15. 19:11. 32: 2. 42: 7. 78:21. 106:40. 124: 3. 5:25. 8: 5. 10: 3. Jb Ps Is. Ho. Zee. Eze. ue. Nu. Ju. Ru. 2K. Ne. Jb. 1:18. 25: 9. 26:20. 37:19. 50:21. 45. 25: 3. 6. and rejoiced ... a. 1. of Israel 38:16. that I will bring thee a. my 1. 18. when Gog shall come a. 1. of Is. Against me 20: 6. withheld thee from sinning a. m. 34:30. they will gather themselves a. m. 42:36. Joseph is not ... all these are a. m. 50:20. as for you, you meant evil a. m. 14:27. evil congrega. that murmur a. m. Israel which they murmur a. m. 29. and all that have murmured a. m. 35. that are gathered together a. m. 22:34. that thou stoodest in way a. m. 7: 2. lest Israel vaunt themselves a. m. 11:27. thou doest me wrong to war a. m. 1:13. hand of JH. is gone forth a. m. 21. JH. hath testified a. m. 17:35. when he arose a. m., I caught 22: 8. my son hath stirred serv't a. m. 26:19. JH. that hath stirred thee a. m. 28:15. for Philistines make war a. m. 18:13. then wouldest set thyself a. m. 22:40. subdued that rose up a. m. 49. above them that rise up a. m. 24:17. let thy hand, I pray, be a. m. 5:7. how he seeketh a quarrel a. m. 19:27. I know thy raging a.m. (Is. 37:28) 28. bee. of thy raging a. m. (Is. 37:28) 6:12. pronounced this prophecy a. m. 6: 4. terrors of God do set . . . a. m. 10:17. Thou renewest thy witnesses a. m. 11: 5. w'd speak, And open his lips a. m. 13:26. thou writest bitter things a. m. AGAINST 29 AGAINST Pr. Is. Je. La. Jb. i6:io. gather themselves^together a. m. ig: 5. If ye magnify yourselves a. m. And plead a. m. my reproach 12. His troops cast up their way a. m. 18. If I arise, they speak a. m. 19. whom I loved are turned a. m. 27: 7. let him that riseth up a. m. be as 30:12. they cast up a. m. their ways of 31:38. If my land crieth out a. m., And 32:14. hath not directed his words a. m. 33:10. Behold, he findeth occasions a. m. Ps. 3: 6. That have set themselves a. m. 27: 3. Tho' a host should encamp a. m. 12. false witnesses are risen up a. m. 31:13. they took counsel together a. m. 35:15. The abjects gathered ... a. m., and 21. opened their mouth wide a. m. 26. magnify themselves a. m. (38:16) 41: 7. All that hate me whisper . . . a. m A. m. do they devise my hurt. 9. Hath lifted up his heel a. m. 54: 3. For strangers are risen up a. m. 55:12. that did magnify himself a. m. 18. from the battle that was a. rn. 56: 5. their thoughts are a. m. for evil 59 : 3. The mighty gather themselves a. m 86:14. God, the proud are risen up a. m. 102: 8. They that are mad a. m. do curse 109: 2. mouth of deceit . . . they opened a. m. (m). spoken o. m. with lying tongue 119:23. Princes also sat & talked a. m. 69. The proud have forged a lie a. m. 8:36. sinneth a. m. wrongeth own soul 27: 4. and thorns were a. m. in battle! 4:17. bee. she hath been rebellious a. m. 5:11. dealt very treacherously a. m. 11:19. they had devised devices a. m. 12: 8. she hath uttered her voice a. m. 18:23. all their counsel a. m. to slay me 1:15. assembly a. m. to crush my y. men 3: 3. Surely a. m. he turneth his hand 5. He hath builded a. m. & compassed 60. hast seen . . . their devices a. m. 61. hast heard . . . their devices a. m. 62. and their device a. m. all the day. Eze. 2: 3. nations wh. have rebelled a. m. their fa's have transgressed a. m. 14:13. when a land sinneth a. m. by 20:38. and them that transgress a. m. 35:13. have magnified yourselves a. m. have multiplied your words a. m. Ho. 6: 7. they dealt treacherously a. m. 7:13. for they have trespassed a. m. yet they have spoken lies a. m. 14. and new wine; they rebel a. m. 15. yet do they devise mischief a. m. 13: 9. that thou art a. m., a. thy help. Mi. 6: 3. I wearied thee? testify a. m. 7: 8. Rejoice not a. m., mine enemy Mai. 3:13. Your words have been stout a. m. Mt. 12:30. is not with me is a. m. (Lu. 11:23) Lu 22:53. stretched not your hands a. m. Jn. 19:11. Thou wouldest have no power a.m. Ac. 24:19. accusation, if they had aught a. m. Against Moses Ex. 15:24. the people murmured a. M. (17:3) 16: 2. Israel murmured a. M. (Nu. 14:2; 16:41) Nu. 12: I. Miriam and Aaron spake a. M. 16: 3. assembled ... a. M. & a. Aaron (42; 20:2) 26: 9. Dathan & Abiram, strove a. M. Ac. 6:11. speak blasphemous words a. M. Murmur against Ex. 16: 7. and what are we, that ye m. a. us? 8. murmurings which ye m. a. him Nu. 14:27. evil congregation, that m. a. me? murmurings . . . they m. a. me. 36. made congregation to m. a. him 16:11. Aaron, what is he that ye m. a. hrni? 17: 5. murmurings, which they m. a. you Jo. 5: 9. M. not, brethren, one a. another Murmured against Ex. 15:24. And the people m. a. Moses (17:3) 16: 2. children of Israel m. a. Moses (Nu. 14:2; 16:41) [me Nu. 14:29. dead bodies . . . that have m. a. Jos. 9:18. all congregation ra. a. princes. Mt. 20:11. they m. a. the householder, saying Mk. 14: 5. to the poor. And they m. a. her. Lu. 5:30. their scribes m. a. his disciples Against neighbor Ex. 20:16. false witness a. thy n. (De. 5:20) De. 22:26. riseth a. his n., and slayeth him I K. 8:31. if a man sin a. his n. (2 Ch. 6:22) Ps. 15: 3. Nor taketh up a reproach a. his n. Pr. 3:29. Devise not evil a. thy n., seeing 24:28. Be not witness a. thy n. without 25:18. beareth false witness a. his n. Zee. 8:10. I set all men every one a. his n. 17. devise evil in yr hearts a. his n. 1 Co. 6: I. of you, having a matter a. his n.? Over against Ge. 15:10. laid each half 0. a. the other 16:12. he sh. dwell 0. a. all his breth. 18: 2. lo, three men stood 0. a. him 21:16. sat 0. a. him a good way off she sat 0. a. him, and wept Ex. 14: 2. 0. a. it ye shall encamp by sea 25:37. lamps to give Ught o. a. it 26:35. candlestick 0. a. the table 40:24. put candlestick o. a. the table Nu. 2: 2. 0. a. tent of meet. sh. they encamp 22: 5. they abide 0. a. me De. i: I. in Arabah 0. a. Suph 2:19. when thou comest 0. a. Ammon 3:29. in valley o. a. Beth-peor (4:46) 11:30. in Arabah 0. a. Gilgal 32:49. Moab, that is 0. a. Jericho 34: I. Pisgah, that is 0. a. Jericho 6. land of Moab 0. a. Beth-peor Jos. 5:13. a man 0. a. him wi. sword drawn 18:17. Geliloth, wh. is 0. a. Adummim 18. to the side 0. a. the Arabah Ju. 12: 3. passed 0. a. children of Ammon 19:10. and came 0. a. Jebus 20:43. as far as 0. a. Gibeah 2 S. 5:23. o. a. mulberry trees (i Ch. 14:14) 16:13. along on hillside 0. a. him 1 K.4:i2(m). as far as 0. a. Jokmeam 7: 4. window was 0. a. window (5) 20:29. encamped one 0. a. the other 2 K. 3:22. water 0. a. them as red as blood I Ch. 5:11. sons of Gad dwelt 0. a. them 8:32. dwelt in Jeru., 0. a. brethren (9:38) Ne. 3:10. repaired Jedaiah 0. a. his hou. 16. o. a. sepulchres of David 19. o. a. ascent to the armory 23. Benj. and Hasshub 0. a. th. house 25. Palal repaired 0. a. turning 26. place o. a. water gate 27. Tekoites rep'd o. a. tower 28. priests, every one 0. a. his ho. 29. repaired Zadok 0. a. his house 30. repaired Mesh. 0. a. his chamber 31. 0. a. gate of Hammiphkad 7: 3. ev. one to be 0. a. his house 12: 9. 0. a. them ac. to their offices 24. with their brethren o. a. them Es. 5: I. o. a. the king's house, 0. a. the entrance of the house Eze.i:2o(m). wheels were lifted up 0. a. [11:22) 3:i3(m). noise of wheels 0. a. them (10:19; 40:23. gate 0. a. other gate 41 :i6. galleries, 0. a. the threshold 42: I. chamber 0. a. separate place 3. 0. a. the twenty cubits, and 0. a. the pavement 47:20. 0. a. entrance of Hamath Da. 5:5. wrote 0.. a. the candlestick Mt. 21: 2. Go into village 0. a. you (Mk. 11:2; Lu. 19:30) 27:61. Mary, sitting 0. a. sepulchre Mk. 12:41. sat down 0. a. treasury 13: 3. mount of Olives o. a. temple 15:39. centurion, stood 0. a. him Lu. 8:26. Gerasenes, wh. is 0. a. Galilee Ac. 16: 7. when they were come 0. a. Mysia 20:15. came fol'g day 0. a. Chios 27: 7. with difficulty 0. a. Cnidus Against Philistine or Philistines Ju. 14: 4. for he sought an occasion a. P-s 1 S. 4: I. Now Israel went out a. the P-s 7:13. hand of JH. was a. P-s. all days of 14:47. a. the kings of Zobah, and a. P-s 52. was sore war a. P-s. all days of 17: 2. and set battle in array a. P-s. 33. Thou art not able to go a. this P. 55. when Saul saw David go forth a. P 23:28. Saul returned . . . and went a. P-s 2 S. 5:19. Shall I go up a. P-s? (i Ch. 14:10) 21:15. servants with him, & fought a. P-s 2 Ch. 26: 6. he went forth and warred a. P-s 7. And God helped him a. the P-s Prevail against Ju. 16: 5. by what means we may p. a. him 1 S. 17: 9. if I p. a. him, and kill him, then 2 Ch. 14:11. our God; let not man p. a. thee. Es. 6:13. thou shalt not p. a. him, but shalt Jb. 15:24. They p. a. him, as a king ready to Ps. 65: 3. Iniquities p. a. me: As for our Ec. 4:12. if man p. a. him that is alone Is. 7:1. war a. it; but could not p. a. it.' Je. i:ig. they shall not p. a. thee (15:20) 20:10. we shall p. a. him, & we sh. take Mt. i6;i8. gates of Hades shall not p. a. it. Prevailed against Ge. 32:25. when he saw that he p. not a. him Ju. 3:10. his hand p. a. Cushan-rishathaim 4:24. Israel p. more and more a. Jabin 6: 2. And the hand of Midian p. a. Israel 2 S. 11:23. men p. a. us, and came out unto 24: 4. king's word p. a. Joab (i Ch. 21:4) 1 K. 16:22. people that followed Omri p. a. 2 Ch. 8: 3. to Hamath-zobah, and p. a. it. 27: 5. children of Ammon, & p. a. them. 28:2o(m). distressed, but p. not a. him [him Ps. 13: 4. Lest mine enemy say, I have p. a. 129: 2. Yet they have not p. a. me. Da. 7:21. war with saints, and p. a. them Ob. 7. have deceived thee, and p. a. thee Ac. 19:16. evil spirit ... p. a. them, so that Prophesy against Je. 25:30. p. a. them ail these words, and 26:12. JH. sent me to p. a. this house Eze. 4: 7. Jerusalem; & thou shalt p. a. it. 6: 2(m). mountains. . . and p. a. them 11: 4. Therefore p. a. them, p., son of 13: 2. p. a. the prophets of Israel, that 17. own heart; and p. thou a. them ' 20:46. and p. a. forest of the field 21: 2. and p. a. the land of Israel 25: 2. children of Ammon, and p. a. them 28:21. face toward Sidon, and p. a. it 29: 2. against Pharaoh, and p. a. him 34: 2. p. a. the shepherds of Israel 35: 2. against mount Seir, and p. a. it 38: 2. and Tubal, and p. a. him, and say 39: I. And thou, son of man, p. a. Gog Rebelled against Nu. 20:24. because ye r. a. my word (27:14) De. 1:26. yer. a. com'dment of JH. (43;9:23) 1 K. 12:19. Is. r. a. house of Dav. (2 Ch. 10:19) i3:2i(m). as thou hast r. a. word of JH 2 K. 1:1. Moab r. a. Israel after death of 3:5. king of Moab r. a. king of Israel 7. The king of Moab hath r. a. me 18: 7. he r. a. the king of Assyria, and 20. that thou hast r. a. me? (Is. 36:5) 24: I. then he turned, and r. a. him. 20. Zedekiah r. a. king of B. (Je. 52:3) 2 Ch. 13: 6. rose up, and r. a. his lord. 36:13. he also r. a. Nebuchadnezzar Ne. 9:26. were disobedient, and r. a. thee Ps. 5:10. For they have r. a. thee. 78:56. they tempted & r. a. Most High 105:28. And they r. not a. his words 107:11. Because they r. a. words of God Is. i: 2. children, and they have r. a. me. La. 1:18. for I have r. a. his commandment Eze. 2: 3. to nations . . . which have r. a. me 5: 6. And she hath r. a. mine ordinances 17:15. But he r. a. him in sending his 20: 8. But they r. a. me. and would not 13. But house of Israel r. a. me in 21. But the children r. a. me; they Da. 9: 9. forgiveness? for we have r. a. him Ho. 13:16. guilt; for she hath r. a. her God Rise, or rise up, against Ex. 15: 7. overthroweth them that r. u. a. the De. 19:11. hate his neighbor . . . r. u. a. him. 15. One witness sh. not r. u. a. a man 16. If an unrighteous witness r. u. a. 28: 7. thine enemies that r. u. a. thee 33:11. Smite . . . them that r. u. a. him 1 S. 22:13. he sh'd r. a. me to lie in wait 24: 7. suffered them to r. a. Saul 2 S. 18:32. r. u. a. thee to do thee hurt 22:49. them that r. u. a. me (Ps. 18:48) 2 K. 16: 7. of king of Israel, to r. u. a. rne. Jb. 20:27. And the earth shall r. u. a. him. 22:20. that did r. u. a. us are cut off Ps. 3: I. Many are they that r. u. a. me. 17: 7. from those that r. u. a. them 27: 3. not fear: Though war sh'd r. a. me 44: 5. tread them under that r. u. a. us. 59: I. on high from them that r. u. a. me. 74:23. tumult of those that r. u. a. thee 92:11. of evil-doers that r. u. a. me. 94:16. will r. u. for me a. evil-doers? 139:21. grieved with those r. u. a. thee? Ec. 10: 4. If spirit of ruler r. u. a. thee Is. 14:22. I will r. u. a. them, saith Jehovah AGAINST 30 AGAINST Is. Am. Ob. Zee. Mt. Ge. Ju. Ps. La. Ac. Ge. Ex. De. iS. 7: 9. I. 14:13. 10:21. 24: 7. K. Ps. Mt. Lu. I Co Ex. Ju. Ne. Jb. Ps. Is. Je. Da. Ho. Mi. Hab. Lu. De. Ru. 2S. Rise, or rise up, against 54:17. every tongue that shall r. a. thee I will r. a. the house of Jeroboam and let us r. u. a. her in battle, shall r. u. a. hand of neighbor chil. shall r. a. parents (Mk. 13:12) nation shall r. a. nation (Mk. 13:8; Lu. 21:10) Rose against, or up against 4: 8. that Cain r. u. a. Abel his brother 9:43. and he r. u. a. them, & smote them 20: 5. the men of Gibeah r. a. me, and 18:31. avenged ... of all r. u. a. thee. 22:40. those that r. u. a. me. (Ps. 18:39) 124: 2. on our side. When men r. u. a. us 3:62. The lips of those that r. u. a. me 16:22. multitude that r. u. a. them 18:12. Jews with one accord r. u. a. Paul Sin against 39: 9. this great wickedness, & s. a. God? you, saying, Do not s. a. the child lest they make thee s. a. me so would ye s. a. JH. your God If one man s. a. another, God shall if man s. a. JH., who sh. entreat? that I sh'd s. a. JH. in ceasing people s. a. JH., in that they eat s. not a. JH. in eating wi. blood Let not king s. a. his servant wilt thou s. a. innocent blood? If man s. a. neighbor (2 Ch. 6:22) If they s. a. thee (2 Ch. 6:39) Yet went they on to s. a. him That I might not s. a. thee, if thy brother s. a. thee, show how oft shall my brother s. a. me? if he s. a. thee seven times in when it weak, ye s. a. Christ Sinned against 32:33. Whosoever hath s. a. me, him will I 10:10. We have s. a. thee, even because I therefore have not s. a. thee because he hath not s. a. thee have s. a. thee (35; 2 Ch. 6:24, 26). people have s. a. thee (2 Ch. t -.sg) the sins which we have s. a- thee but s. a. thine ordinances which If thy children have s. a. him Heal ... for I have s. a. thee. JH.? he a. whom we have s., and are many; we have s. a. thee, fathers; for we have s. a. thee, iniquity, wh'by they have s. a. me Wherein have I s. a. thee, or a.? because we have s. a. thee, curse ... for we have s. a. him. were multiplied, so they s. a. me of JH., because I have s. a. him 2:10. and hast s. a. thy soul. 15:18. Father, I have s. a. heaven (21) Testified against 19:18. have t. falsely a. his brother 1:21. seeing -Jehovah hath t. a. me, and 1:16. for thy mouth hath t. a. thee 42:22. 23:33- 20:18. 2:25. 12:23. 14:33- 34. 19: 4. 5- 8:31. 46. 78:17. 119:11. 18:15. 21. 17: 4. 8:12. 11:27. 19: 4. 8:33- 50. i: 6. 9:29. 8:4. 41: 4. 42:24. 14: 7. 20. 33 37 9 II. : 7- : 9. 2 Ch. 24:19. unto JH.; and they t. a. them Ne. 9:26. t. a. them to turn them again 13:15. It. a. them in the day wherein 21. Then 1 1. a. them, and said unto Testify against Nu. 35:30. one witness shall not t. a. any De. 8:19. 1 1. a. you this day that ye shall 19:16. unrighteous witness rise up to t. a. Ne. 9:34- wherewith thou didst t. a. them Jb. 15: 6. Yea, thine own lips t. a. thee Ps. 50:7 (m). Israel, and I will t. a. thee Is. 59:12. before thee, & our sins t. a. us Je. 14: 7. Though our iniquities t. a. us Am. 3:13. Hear ye, & t. a. the house of Jacob Mi. 6: 3. wh'in have wearied thee? t. a. me. Against thee Ex. 23:29. and beasts of field multiply a. t. De. 15: 9. and he cry unto Jehovah a. t. 20:12. but will make war a. t., then 23: 4. because they hired a. t. Balaam 24:15. lest he cry a. t. unto Jehovah 28: 7. thine enemies that rise up a. t. they shall come a. t. one way, and 48. enemies that JH. shall send a. t. 49. JH. v.'ill bring a nation a. t. Ju. 9:31- constrain city to take part a. t. 2 S. 12:11. I will raise up evil a. t. 2 Ch. 20: 2. Cometh a great multitude a. t. Ne. i: 7. have dealt very corruptly a. t. Ps. 21:11. For they intended evil a. t. 51: 4. A. t., thee only have I sinned Ps. 53: 5. bones of him that encampeth a. 83: 5. A. t. do they make a covenant 139:20. For they speak a. t. wickedly 7: 5- 10:24. 29: 3- 41:11. 12. 54:15- 17. 11:17. have purposed evil a. t., saying and lift up his staff a. t. I will encamp a. t. round about, and will lay siege a. t. with and I will raise siege works a. t. incensed a. t. sh. be put to shame that v/ar a. t. shall be as nothing shall gather a. t. shall fall No weapon formed a. t. sh. prosper Je. 11:17. JH. hath pronounced evil a. t. 15: 6. I stretched out my hand a. t. 21:13. I am a. t., inhabitant of valley 22: 7. I will prepare destroyers a. t. 50:31. I am a. t., thou proud one 42. to battle a. t., daughter of Bab. 51:14. and they shall lift up shout a. t. 25. I am a. t., destroying mountain La. 2:16. have opened their mouth wide a. t. Eze. 5: 8. Behold, I, even I, am a. t.; and I 7: 6. the end is come; it awaketh a. t. 16:37. I will even gather them a. t. 40. They shall bring up company a. t. 44. shall use this proverb a. t. 21: 3. I am a. t., and will draw forth 23:22. I will raise up thy lovers a. t. I will bring them a. t. on every 24. they shall set themselves a. t. 25. I will set my jealousy a. t. 26: 3. Behold, I am a. t., Tyre, and 8. and he shall make forts a. t., and cast up a mound a. t., and raise up the buckler a. t. 28:22. Behold, I am a. t., Sidon 29: 3. Behold, I am a. t., Pharaoh king 10. I am a. t., and a. thy rivers 35: 3. I am a. t., mount Seir, and I I will stretch out my hand a. t. 36:i5(m). neither will I proclaim a. t. 38: 3. Behold, I am a. t., Gog (39:1) 4:11. many nations are assembled a. t. 2:13. I am a. t., saith Jehovah (3:5) 3:13. ye say. What have we spoken a. t-? 5:23. that thy brother hath aught a. t. 2: 4. But I have this a. t., that (20) 14. But I have a few things a. t. Against them 18:11. wherein they dealt proudly a. t. 32:10. that my wrath may wax hot a. t. 16:19. assembled all congregation a. t. 2:15. hand of Jehovah vvas a. t. (Ju. 2:15) 20:19. trees ... by wielding an axe a. t. 28:25. thou shalt go out one way a. t. 22:12. at Shiloh to go a. t. to war. 33. spake no more of going up a. t. 18: 9. Arise, and let us go up a. t. 24: I. he moved David a. t., saying. Go 5:20. And they were helped a. t. 2 Ch. 20:16. To-morrow go ye down a. t. 17. to-morrow go out a. t.; for JH. 28:12. stood a. t. that came from was 4: 5. hired counsellors a. t. to 4: 9. set a watch a. t. day and night 5: 7. I held a great assembly a. t. 9:10. that they dealt proudly a. t. 29. testifiedst a. t., that thou 30. testified a. t. by thy spirit 13* 2. hired Balaam a. t. to curse them 34:16. face of JH. is a. t. that do evil 35: 3- stop the way a. t. that pursue me they devise deceitful words a. t. neither be thou envious a. t. that stretched forth His hand a. t. they shall roar a. t. in that day I will stir up the Medes a. t. I will utter my judgments a. t. will I also utter judgments a- t- I am a. t. that prophesy lying repent of evil pronounced a. t.? 35:17. evil I have pronounced a. t. (36:31) 51: I. and a. t. that dwell in Leb-kamai La. 1:13. sent fire ... & it prevaileth a. t. Eze. 15: 7. And I will set my face a. t. am JH., when I set my face a. t. 20: 8. to accomplish my anger a. t. (21) 35:11. showed out of thy hatred a. t. 38:17. that I would bring thee a. t. 44:12. th'fore have I lifted hand a. t. Da. 11: 7. shall deal a. t., & shall prevail Ho. 10:10. peoples shall be gathered a. t. Joe. 2:i7(m), nations use a byword a. t. . Jon. 1:13. more and more tempestuous a. t. Mk. 12:12. that he spake a parable a. t. Mi. Na. Mai Mt. Re. Ex. Nu. De. Jos. Ju. 2S. iCh Ezr. Ne. Ps Is Je 20. 37: I. 5:25. 30. 13:17. i:i6. 4:12. 23:32. 26:13. Lu. Ac. Ro. Col. 2Pe, Re. 2K. 2Ch Je. Mi. Jn. Ac. I K. Je. Eze. Zph. Nu. 2Ch Ne. Eze. Lev. De. iCh, 2Ch, iUzr. Eze. Da. Ho, Ge. Ex. Jos. 2S. 2K. 2Ch, Ps. Je. La. Da. Mi. Mk. Ro. Col. 3 Jn- Nu. Jos. Ju. iS. 2S. I K. 2K. iCh, 2Ch. 9: 5. off dust ... for a testimony a. t. 20:19. that he spake this parable a. t. 13:51. shook off dust of their feet a. t. 26:10. to death, I gave my vote a. t. II. and being exceedingly mad a. t. 2: 2. a. t. that practise such things 3:19. your wives, & be not bitter a. t. 2:11. bring not railing judgment a. t. 2:16. I will make war a. t. with sword Against this 18:25. without JH. a. t. place (Is. 36:10) 22:19. I spake a. t. place (2 Ch. 34:27) 20:12. no might a. t. great company 26:12. and a. t. city all the words 36: 7. wrath pronounced a. t. people. 37:18. or a. t. people, that j-^e have 2: 3. a. t. family do I devise an evil 18:29. accusation bring ye a. t. man? 6:13. to speak words a. t. holy place Transgressed against 8:50. wherein they have t. a. thee 43:27. and thy teachers have t. a. me. 66:24. dead bodies of men that t. a. me 2: 8. the rulers also t. a. me, and the 29. ye all have t. a. me, saith JH. 33: 8. and whereby they have t. a. me. 2: 3. they and fathers have t. a. me 3:11. doings, wherein thou hast t. a. me Trespass against 5: 6. so as to t. a. Jehovah, and that wife go aside, & commit t. a. him have committed t. a. her husband did he t. yet more a. Jehovah to t. a. God in marrying foreign they have committed a t. a. me Trespassed against 26:40. trespass which they have t. a. me because ye t. a. me at Meribah they t. a. God of their fathers and he t. a. Jehovah his God and t. sore a. Jehovah, your brethren, who t. a. Jehovah We have t. a. our God, and have trespass that he hath t. a. me because they t. a. me, and I whereby they have t. a. me, when trespass that they have t. a. thee for they have t. a. me: though 8: I. my covenant, and t. a. my law. Against us 43:18. that he may seek occasion a. u. your murmurings are not a. u., but all the kings are gathered a. u. The man . . . that devised a. u., that hath hired a. u. kings of Hittites great company that cometh a. u. Remember not a. u. iniquities of pronounced this great evil a. u.? Nebuchadnezzar maketh war a. u. but Baruch setteth thee on a. u. opened their mouth wide a. u. Thou art very wroth a. u. his words, which he spake a. u he hath laid siege a. u.; they he that is not a. u. is for us. If God is for us, who is a. u.? blotted out bond that was a. u. 10. prating a. u. with wicked words Went against 21:23. Sihon w. out a. Israel Og k. of Bashan w. out a. them men of city w. out a. Israel Judah w. a. Canaanites he w. a. inhabitants of Debir they also w. up a. Beth-el men of Is. w. out to bat. a. Benj. 25. Benj. w. forth a. them out of G. 30. chil. of Is. w. up a. chil. of Benj. chil. of Benj. w. out a. people Israel w. out a. Philistines Philistines w. up a. Israel Saul w. a. Philistines battle w. sore a. Saul peo. w. out into field a. Israel Baasha w. up a. Judah (2 Ch. 16:1! Ben-hadad w. up to fight a. Is. children of Israel w. a. them king of Assyria w. a. Damascus Pharaoh-necoh w. up a. k. of A. king Josiah w. a. him 8. David heard and w. out a. them 5. w. with Jehoram to war a. Haz. 7. w. out with Jehoram a. Jehu 6. w. forth and warred a. Philis. 35:20. Neco w. up to fight a. Carchemisb 12. 27. 28:22. 13:27. 20:27. 32:51- 5:25- 26:16. 28:19. 30: 7. 10: 2. 17:20. 39:23- 26. 9: 7- 7:13 10: 8. 10: 6. 21: 5- 7: 6. 20:12. 79: 8. 16:10. 21: 2. 43: 3- 3:46. 5:22. 9:12. 5: I- 9:40. 8:31. 2:14. 33- 8:14- 1:10. II. 22- 20:20, 31- 4: I- 7: 7- 23:28. 31: 3. 18: 6. 15:17- 20:26. 27- 16: 9. 23:29- 14: 22: 26: AGATE 31 AHAB Witness against Nu. 5:13. be defiled, & there be no w. a. her De. 4:26. call heaven to w. a. you (30:19) 31:26. may be there for a w. a. thee. 28. heaven and earth to w. a. them. Jos. 24:27. this stone shall be a w. a. us it shall be th'fore a w. a. you I S. 12: 3. Here I am: w. a. me before JH. 5. he said, JH. is w. a. you, and his I K. 21:10. and let them bear w. a. him 13. the base fellows bare w. a. him Jb. 16: 8. hold one me, which is a w. a. me Is. 3: 9. their countenance doth w. a. them Je. 42:5(m). JH. be a true & faithful w. a. us Mi. i: 2. and let the Lord JH. be w. a. you Mai. 3:5.1 will be swift w. a. sorcerers Mt. 26:59. sought false w. a. Jesus 62. which these w. a. thee? (Mk. 14:60) 27:13. how many things they w. a. thee? Mk. 14:55. council sought w. a. Jesus to put ,56. For many bare false w. a. him 57. certain, and bare false w. a. him Against you Le. 26:17. And I will set my face a. y. De. 9:19. JH. was wroth a. y. to destroy you 1 S. 12:15. then shall hand of JH. be a.^. 2 S. 17:21. thus Ahithophel counselled a. y. 2 Ch. 13:12. trumpets to sound an alarm a. y. Jb. 16: 4. I c'd join words together a. y. Je. 18:11. Behold, I frame evil a. y., and devise a device a. y.; return ye 26:13. repent of evil pronounced a. y. 38: 5. not he can do any thing a. y. 44:11. will set my face a. y. for evil 29. my words shall surely stand a. y. 49:30. king of Bab. taken counsel a. y. hath conceived a purpose a. y. Eze. 13: 8. therefore, behold, I am a. y. 36: 2. Because enemy said a. y., Aha! Ho. 5:i(m). for a. y. is the judgment Am. -3:1. Hear word of JH. hath spoken a. y. 6:14. I will raise up a. y. a nation Mi. 2: 4. shall they take up parable a. y. Zph. 2: 5. The word of Jehovah is a. y. Mt. 5:11. say all manner of evil a. y. Lu. 9:50. that is not a. y. is for you 10:11. Even dust ... we wipe off a. y. Ja. 5:3. rust shall be for testimony a. y. I Pe. 2:12. they speak a. y. as evil-doers AGATE Ex. 28:19. third row a jacinth, an a. (39:12) AGE (See also Ages) (Old age, Present age, This age) Ge. 18:11. A. & S. were well stricken in a. 24: I. Abraham was well stricken in a. 48:10. eyes of Israel were dim for a. Nu. 8:25. from a. of fifty years they shall I S. 2:33. shall die in flower of their a. I K. 14: 4. eyes were set by reason of a. Jb. 5:26. come to thy grave in a full a. 8: 8. inquire, I pray, of the former a.^ 30: 2. Men in whom ripe a. is perished Da. 1:10. youths that are of your own a. Zee. 8: 4. staff in his hand for very a. Mt. I3:39(m). harvest is conswmmaiion 0/ a. 4o(m). be in comsummation of a. (49) 24: 3(m). coming, & consummation of a. 28:2o(m). even unto consummation of a. Mk. io:3o(m). in a. to come life (Lu. 18:30) Lu. 2:36. prophetess. . . (she was of great a. 52(m). Jesus advanced in wisdom & a. 3:23. Jesus was about 30 years of a. 8:42. only dau. about 12 years of a. Jn. 9:21. he is of a.; he shall speak for 23. said his parents, He is of a. 1 Co. 2:7(m). before a. unto our glory 7:36. if she be past flower of a. Ga. 1:14. beyond many of mine own a. He. ii:ii. conceive . . . when she was past a, Old age Ge. 15:15. thou shalt be buried in a good 0. a, 21: 2. bare Abraham a son in his 0. a. 7. I have borne him a son in his 0. a, 25: 8. Abraham . . . died in a good 0. a. 37: 3. because he was son of his 0. a. 44:20. child of his o. a., a little one Ju. 8:32. Gideon . . . died in a good 0. a. Ru. 4:15. and a nourisher of thine 0. a. I K. 15:23. in 0. a. was diseased in feet I Ch. 29:28. he died in a good 0. a., full Ps. 71: 9. Cast me not off in time of o. a. 92:14. shall bring forth fruit in 0. a. Is. 46: 4. and even to o. a. I am he, and Lu. 1 :36. hath conceived a son in her 0. a. Present age Ga. i: 4(m). deliver us out of this p. evil o. 1 Ti.6:i7(m). that are rich in this p. a. 2 Ti.4:io(m). having loved this p. a. Tit. 2:i2(m). righteously & godly in p. a. This age Lu. 16: 8(m). sons of t. a. are wiser than 2o:34(m). sons of t. a. marry, & are Ro. i2:2(m). be not fashioned ac. to t. a. 1 Co.i:2o(m). where is disputer of t. a.? 2: 8(m). none of rulers of t. a. hath 3:18. that is wise among you in t. 0. 2 Co. 4: 3(m). the god of t. a. hath blinded Ep. i:2i(m). not only in t. a., but also in AGED 2 S. 19:32. Barzillai was a very a. man Jb. 12:12. AVith a. men is wisdom 15:10. With us are very a. men 29: 8. the a. rose up and stood 32: 9. Nor a. understand justice Ps. 119:100. I understand more than a. Is. 47: 6. upon a. heavily laid thy yoke Je. 6:11. the a. that is full of days Tit. 2: 2. that a. men be temperate 3 . that a. women be reverent Phm. 9. such a one as Paul the a. He. 8:13. waxeth_a. & is nigh un. vanish 'g AGEE (Ag'e-e, or A'gee) — perhaps, a fugitive. A Hararite, one of David's valiant men. 2 S. 23:11. Shammuah son of A. AGES (See also Age) Is. 26:4(m). Jehovah is a rock of a. 1 Go. 10:11. up. whom ends of a. are come Ep. 2: 7. that in the a. to come 3:9. mystery wh. for a. hath been hid Col. 1:26. mystery hid for a. & genera's 2 Ti. i:9(m). in Christ Jesus long a. ago [ago Tit. i:2(m). which God . . . promised long a. He. 9:26. now once at end of the a. Re. 15: 3. are thy waj^s, thou King of a. AGO 1 S. 9:20. asses that were lost 3 days a. 30:13. bee. three days a. I fell sick 2 K. 19:25. how I h. done it long a.? (Is. 37:26) Ezr. 5:11. was builded these many yrs. a. Ec. 1:10. it hath been long a. 2:12. which hath been done long a. 3:15. That which is hath been long a. wh. is to be hath long a. been 6:10. name thereof was given long a. Is. 22:11. him that purposed it long a. Mt. 11:21. w'd ha. repented long a. (Lu. 10:13) Ac. 10:30. Four days a., until this hour 15: 7. ye know that a good while a. 2 Co. 8:10. to make begin'g a year a. 12: 2. man in Christ fourteen yrs. a. 2 Ti. I :g (m) . in Christ Jesus long ages a. [a. Tit. i:2(m). wh. God . . . promised long ages AGONY Lu. 22:44. being in an a. he prayed AGREE Mt. 5:25. A. wi. thine adversary quickly 18:19. if two of you sh. a. on earth 20:13. didst not a. wi. me for shilling? Mk. 14:59. not even so did th. witness a. Lu. 5:36. new will not a. with the old Ac. 15:15. to this a. words of prophet 1 Jn. 5: 8. and the three a. in one AGREED Am. 3: 3. walk togeth. except th. have a. Mt. 20: 2. a. wi. laborers for shilling Mk. 14:56. their witness a. not together Jn. 9:22. for the Jews had a. already Ac. 5: 9. How is it that ye h. a. togeth.? 40. And to him they a. 23:20. Jews have a. to ask thee 28:25. they a. not among themselves AGREEMENT Is. 28:15. with Sheol are we in a. 18. your a. with Sheol sh. not stand Da. 11: 6. dau. of k. sh. come to m.ake an a. 2 Co. 6:16. what a. hath temple of God? AGRIPPA (A-grip'pa) I. Son of Herod Agrippa I. and great grandson of Herod the Great, and brother of Bernice. At the time referred to in Acts he was king of a part of the tetrarchy of Philip and of portions of Galilee and Per^a. Ac. 25:13. A. the k. and Bernice arrived 22. A. said unto Festus, I also 23. on morrow, when A. was come 24. And Festus saith, K. A. 26. h. brought him before thee, k. A. 26: I. A. said unto Paul, Thou art«per. Ac, 26: 2. I think myself happy, k. A. 19. Wherefore, king A. 27. K. A. behevest thou prophets? 28. A. said unto Paul, With but 32. A. said unto Festus, This man AGROUND Ac. 27:41. they ran the vessel a. AGUR (A'gur) Pr. 30:1 (title), words of A. son of Jakeh AHA Jb. 39:25. oft as trumpet soundeth he saith A. Ps. 35:21. said. A., a., our eye hath seen 25. not say, . . . A.,so w'd wehaveit 40:15. That say unto me. A., a. 70: 3. turned back that say. A., a. Is. 44:16. saith. A., I am warm Eze. 25: 3. Bee. thou saidst, A. ag. sanet. 26: 2. Tyre hath said ag. Jeru., A. 36: 2. Bee. enemy hath said ag. you, A.! AHAB {A.'hsi,h)— father's brother. I. Second king of the Omri dynasty in Israel. (House of Ahab, Son of Ahab) 1 K. 16:28. A. his son reigned in his stead 29. began A. son of Omri to reign A. son of Omri reigned over Is. 30. A. did evil in sight of Jehovah 33. And A. made the Asherah; and A. did yet more to provoke JH. 17: 1. Elijah said unto A., As JH. 18: I. saying, Go show thyself unto A. 2. Elijah went to show 'self un. A. 3. And A. called Obadiah, who was 5. unto Obadiah, Go through land 6. A. went one way by himself, and 9. thy servants into hand of A. 12. and so when I come and tell A. 16. So Obadiah went to meet A., and and A. went to meet Elijah. 17. to pass, when A. saw Ehjah, that A. said unto him. Is it thou? 20. So A. sent unto all chil. of Is. 41. Elijah said unto A., Get thee up 42. So A. went up to eat and drink 44. say unto A., Make ready chariot 45. And A. rode, & went to Je?:reel 46. ran before A. to entrance of J. 19: I. A. told Jezebel all that Elijah 2c: 2. And he sent messengers to A. 13. a prophet came near unto A. 14. A. said. By whom? And he said 34. And I, said A., will let thee go 21: I. vineyard . . . hard by palace of A. , 2. A. spake unto Naboth, saying Give 3. Naboth said to A., JH. forbid it 4. A. came into his house heavy and 15. Jezebel said to A., Arise, take 16. when A. heard Naboth was dead that A. rose up to go down to 18. Arise, go down to meet A. king 20. A. said to Elijah, Hast found me? 21. from A. every man-child (2 K. 9:8) 24. that dieth of A. shall dogs eat 25. (But there was none like unto A. 27. when A. heard those words, that 29. Seest thou A. humbleth himself 22:20. Who sh. entice A.? (2 Ch. 18:19) 39. Now the rest of the acts of A. 41. Asa began to reign in 4th yr. of A. 48. So A. slept with his fathers 2 K. 1:1. Moab rebelled after death of A. 3: 5. when A. was dead, king of Moab 8:18. daughter of A. to wife (2 Ch. 21:6) 9:29. when I and thou rode after A. 10: I. A. had seventy sons in Samaria. 17. that remained unto A. in Samaria 18. A. served Baal a Httle; but Jehu 21: 3. Asherah, as did A. king of Israel 2 Ch. 18: I. he joined affinity with A. 2 he went down to A. to Samaria A. killed sheep & oxen for him 3. A. . . . said, Wilt thou go with me? House of Ahab 2 K. 8:18. And he walked ... as did h. 0. A. 27. in way of h. 0. A. (2 Ch. 22:3) for he was son-in-law of h. 0. A. 9: 7. shalt smite h. 0. A. thy master 8. For whole h. 0. A. shall perish 9. I will make h. 0. A. like house of 10:10. which JH. spake concerning h. o. A. II. smote all ... h. 0. A. in Jezreel 30. hast done unto h. 0. A. ac. to al] 21:13. and the plummet of the h. 0. A ARAB'S 32 AHIM£LECH House of Ahab 2 Ch. 21:13. harlot, like as the h. 0. A. did 22: 4. he did ... as did h. o. A. 7. had anointed to cut off h. 0. A. 8. executing judgment upon h. o. A. Mi. 6:16. and all the works of the h. 0. A. Son, or sons, of Ahab 1 K. 22:49. Then said Ahaziah s. 0. A. unto 51. Ahaziah s. 0. A. began to reign 2 K. 3: I. Jehoram s. 0. A. began to reign 8:16. in fifth j'ear of Joram s. 0. A. 25. in twelfth year of Joram s. 0. A. 28. went with Joram s. 0. A. to war 29. went down to see Joram s. 0. A. 9:29. in eleventh year of Joram s. 0. A. 10: I. them that brought up s-s 0. A. 2 Ch. 22: 5. went with Jehoram s. 0. A. to war 6. went to see Jehoram s. 0. A. 2. A prophet denounced by Jeremiah. Je. 29:21. concerning A. son of Kolaiah 22. Jehovah make thee like ... A. AHAB'S I K. 21: 8. she wrote letters in A', name AHARAH (A-har'ah, A'ha-rah) [Nu. 26:38. Called Ehi in Ge. 46:21 and Ahiram in I Ch. 8: I. and A. the third AHARHEL (A-har'hel) 1 Ch. 4: 8. and the families of A. AHASBAI (A-has'ba-i, or -bai) 2 S. 23:34. Eliphelet the son of A. AHASUERUS (A-has'u-e'rus) — Persian, Hng. 1. A Persian king, husband of Esther, known to the Greeks as Xerxes. Ezr. 4: 6. in the reign of A. Es. i: I. came to pass in days of A., (this is A. who reigned fr. Ind. 2. A. sat on throne of his kingdom 9. in royal ho. wh. belonged to k. A. 10. in presence of A. the king 15. not done bidding of king A. 16. in all provinces of king A. (8:12; 9:20) 17. A. commanded Vashti be bro't. 19. that Vashti come no more bef. A. 2: I. wrath of k. A. was pacified 12. turn of ev. maiden to go to A. 16. So Esther was taken to k. A. 21. to lay hands on king A. (6:2) 3: I. did king A. promote Haman 6. destr. Jews thr' out king, of A. 7. in twelfth year of king A. 8. Haman said unto king A. 12. in name of k. A. was it written 7: 5. spake king A. unto Esther « 8: I. did k. A. give Haman unto Esther 7. king A. said unto Esther 10. he wrote in name of k. A. 9: 2. thr' out all provinces of k. A. 30. to 127 provinces of king A. 10: I. k. A. laid a tribute upon land 3. Mordecai was next unto king A. 2. Father of Darius the Median, king over the Chaldeans. Da. 9; I, first year of Darius son of A. AHAVA (A-ha'va, or A'ha-va) A town or district in Babylonia, probably to the north of Babylon, and the name of a river or canal named from the town. Ezr. 8:15. river that runneth to A. 21. a fast there, at river A. 31. we departed from river A. AHAZ (A'haz) — He (Jehovah) has seized. I. Son of Jotham, king- of Judah, and father of Hezekiah. [Ch. 27:9) 2 K. 15:38. A. his son reigned in stead (2 16: I. A. began to reign [(2 Ch. 28:1) 2. 20 yrs. old was A. when began 5. besieged A., could not overcome 7. A. sent mes'grs to Tiglath-pil. 8. A. took silver found in ho. of JH.' 10. A.. went to Dam. to meet Tiglath-. A. sent to Urijah fashion of altar 11. built altar: A. had sent against coming of king A. 15. A. commanded Urijah the priest 16. did Urijah all A. commanded 17. A. cut off panels of bases 19. rest of acts of A. are not writ? 20. A. slept with his fathers (2 Ch. 28:27) 17: I. In twelfth year of A. k. of Judah 18: I. Hezekiah s. of A. began to reign 20:11. gone down on dial of A. (Is. 38:8) 23:12. altars on roof of chamber of A. I Ch. 3:13. A. his son, Hezekiah his son 2 Ch, 28:16. did A. send un. kgs. of Assy. 19. JH. bro't Judah low bee. of A. 21. A. took away portion of h. of JH. 22. against JH. this same king A. 24. A. gath'd vessels of ho. of God 29:19. vessels, wh. A. did cast away Is„ 1:1. vision of Isaiah in days of A. 7: I. in days of A. son of Jotham 3. Go forth now to meet A. 10. JH. spake again unto A., Ask 12 But A. said, I will not ask 14:28. in year that k. A. died [1:1) Ho. i: I. word of JH. in days of A. (Mi. Mt. i: 9. Jotham begat A.; & A. Hezekiah 2. A Benjamite of the family of Saul. I Ch. 8:35. sons of Micah: Tarea, and A., etc. 36. And A. begat Jehoaddah 9:41. sons of Micah: Tahrea, and A., etc. 42. And A. begat Jarah AHAZIAH (A'ha-zi'ah) 1. Son of Ahab and Jezebel, king of Israsl. 1 K. 22:40. A. his son reigned Ln stead 49. said A., Let my servants go with 51. A. s. of Ahab beg. to reign 2 K. i: 2. A. fell down through lattice 18. rest of acts of A. not written? 2. Son of Joram, or Jehoram, and Atha- liah, king of Judah. 2 K. 8:24. and A, his son reigned in his stead, did A. son of Jehoram begin to reign. 26. 22 yrs. old was A. beg. to reign 29. A. went to see Joram bee. sick 9:16. A. was come down to see Joram 21. Joram and A. went out 23. Joram fled and said to A., There is treachery, A. 27. when A. king of Judah saw this 29. began A. to reign over Judah 10:13. Jehu met with brethren of A. we are brethren of A. [(2 Ch. 22:10) 11: I. moth, of A. saw s. was dead 2. Jehosheba, sister of A. (2 Ch. 2:=:ii) [22:11) took Joash the son of A. (2 Ch. 12:18. Jehoram and A., his fathers 13: I. In 23d year of Joash son of A. 14:13. took son of Jehoash son of A. 1 Ch. 3:11. Joram his son, A. his son 2 Ch. 20:35. did Jehosh. join hims. wi. A. 37. Bee. thou hast joined with A. 22: I. inhab's. of Jeru. made A. king So A. s. of Jehoram reigned 2. 42 yrs. old was A. beg. to reign 7. the destruction of A. was of God 8. sons of the brethren of A., ministering to A., & slew them g. he sought A., & th. caught him house of A. had no power AHBAN (Ah'ban) I Ch. 2:29. and she bare him A. AHER (A'her) (A Benjamite. Identified in the margin with Ahiram in Nu. 26:38) I Ch. 7:12. Hushim, the, sons of A. AHI (A 'hi) — Jehovah is brother. 1. Chief of Gadites in Gilead of Bashan. I Ch. 5:15. A. the son of Abdiel 2. Son of Shemer an Asherite. 1 Ch. 7:34. A., and Rohgah, Jehubbah AHIAH {A-hV ah)— Jehovah is brother. One of the signers with Nehemiah of the covenant. Ne. 10:26. and A., Hanan, Anan. AHIAM (A-hi'am) — mother's brother. One of David's valiant men. 2 S. 23:33. A. the son of Sharar I Ch. 11:35. A. the son of Sacar AHIAN (A-hi'an) — cousin. I Ch. 7:19. sons of Shemida were A. AHIEZER (A'hi-ez'er)— iro^^er is help. 1. A prince of Dan appointed to assist Moses in numbering the people. Nu. 1:12. A. the son of Ajnmishaddai 2:25. shall be A. son of Ammishaddai 7:66. A prince of children of Dan 71. this was the oblation of A. 10:25. and over his host was A. 2. A Benjamite, chief of a body of archers who deserted Saul for David. I Ch. 12: 3. The chief was A.; then Joash AHIHUD (A-hi'hud) — the brother is praise. I. A prince of Asher, representing his tribe in the division of the laud. Nu. 34:27. of chil. of Asher a prince, A. 2. One of the family of Ehud in Geba of Benjamin. I Ch. 8: 7. he begat Uzza and A. AHIJAH (A-hi'jah) — Jehovah is brother. 1. A prophet of Shiloh. I K. 11:29. prophet A. the Shilonite 30. A. laid hold of new garment 12:15. word which Jehovah spake by A. 14: 2. behold, there is A. the prophet 4. came to the house of A. Now A. could not see 5. JH. said unto A., Behold, wife 6. when A. heard sound of her feet 18. wd. of JH. spake by servant A. 15:29. saying of JH. spake by servant A. • (2 Ch. 10:15) 2. Father of Baasha, king of Israel. I K. 15:27. Baasha the son of A. 3^. began Baasha s. of A. to reign 21:22. like h. of Baasha, s. of A (2 K. 9:9) 3. Son of Jerahmeel. I Ch. 2:25. sons of Jerahmeel, A. 4. One of David's valiant men. I Ch. 11:36. A. the Pelonite. 5. Caretaker of the sanctuary treasures. I Ch. 26:20. A. was over the treasures 6. One who helped Gera to carry away captives. I Ch. 8: 7. Naaman, and A. 7. A scribe of Solomon's reign. I K. 4: 3. Elihoreph and A., sons of Shioha. 8. A priest, son of Ahitub. 1 S. 14: 3. A., the son of Ahitub 18. Saul said unto A., Bring ark AHIKAM (A-hi'kam) — the brother riseth up. 2 K. 22:12. king com'ded A. son of Shaphan (2 Ch. 34:20) 14. So Hilkiah, A., went unto Huldah 25:22. made Ged. s. of A., gov. (Je. 40:7) Je. 26:24. hand of A. was with Jere. 39:14. conMnitted him unto G. s. of A. 40: 5. Go back to Gedahah s. of A. 6. went Jere. unto Geda. son of A. 7. Gedahah son of A. governor 9. Gedaliah son of A. sware II. set over them Geda. son of A. 14. but G. s. of A. believed th. not 16. But G. s. of A. said un. Johanan 41: I. came unto G. s. of A. to Mizpah 2. smote Gedaliah son of A. 6. Come to Gedaliah son of A. 10. had committed to G. s. of A. 16. he had slain G. s. of A. (18) 43: 6. guard had left with G. s. of A. AHILUD (A-hi'lud) — a brother is born. 1. The father of Jehoshaphat, David's recorder. 2 S. 8:16. s. of A. was recorder (20:24; i K. 4:3; I Ch. iS:i5) 2. Father of Baana, one of the victualers of Solomon's household. I K. 4:12. Baana the son of A. AHIMAAZ (A-him'a-az)— m?/ brother is wrath. 1 S. 14:50. Ahinoam the daughter of A. 2 S. 15:27. yr. two sons. A., & Jonathan 36. their two sons. A., & Jonathan 17:17. J. and A. were staying, by En-ro. 20. Where is A. and Jonathan? 18:19. said A., Let me now run 22. said A. yet again to Joab 23. A. ran by way of the Plain 27. is like the running of A. 28. A. called, and said unto king 29. A. answered, Vv'hen Joab sent I K. 4:15. A., in NaphtaU; (he took I Ch. 6: 8. Zadok begat A. 9. and A. begat Azariah 53. Zadok his son, A. his son AHIMAN (A-hi'man) — my brother is a gift. 1. A Levite porter "in the king's gate eastward." I Ch. 9:17. porters: Talmon, and A. 2. One of the sons of Anak at Hebron. Nu. 13:22. and A., Sheshai, and Tahnai Jos. 15:14. 3 sons of Anak, S., A., and T Ju. 1:10. smote S. and A., and T. AHIMELECH (A-him'e-lech) — the king is brother. 1. A Kittite in David's service. I S. 26: 6. David said to A. the Hittite 2. Head of the priesthood at Nob. I S. 21: I. came David to Nob to A., A. came to meet D. trembling 2. David said unto A. the priest AHIMOTH 33 ALARM 1 S. 2i: 8. David said unto A., And is? 22: Q. 1 saw s. of Jesse coming to A. II. king sent to call A. 14. Then A. answered the king 16. Thou shalt surely die, A. 20. one of sons of A. escaped 23: 6. when Abiathar son of A. fled. 30: 7. David said to Abia. son of A. 2 S. 8:17. A. the son of Abiathar (i Ch. 24:6) I Ch. 24: 3. A. of the sons of Ithamar 31. A., and the heads of fa's ho's. Ps. 52(title). David is come to ho. of A. AHIMOTH (A-hi'moth)— 6ro//ie?- of death. I Ch. 6:25. sons of Elkanan: Am. and A. AHINADAB (A-hin'a-dab) — brother is generous. One of Solomon's victualers. I K. 4:14. A. the son of Iddo AHIKOAM (A-hin'o-am, or A'hi-no'am)— brother is pleasantness. 1. Wife of Saul. I S. 14:50. A. the daughter of Ahimaaz 2. A woman of Jezreel, wife of David. 1 S. 25:43. David also took A. of Jezreel 27: 3. two wives, A., &Ab. (30:5; 2 S. 2:2) 2 S. 3: 2. first-born was Am. of A. (i Ch. 3:1) AHIO (A-hi'o) — his brother. 1. Son of Abinadab. [13:7) 2 S. 6: 3. Uzzah & A. drove new cart (i Ch. 4. A. went before the ark 2. Head of a Benjamite family. I Ch. 8:14. and A., Shashak, & Jeremoth 3. A Benjarnite, son of Jeiel. I Ch. 8:31. Gedor, and A., and Zeeher 9:37. Gedor, and A., and Zechariah AHIRA {A-hi'Ta,)^brother of evil. Nu. 1:15. Of Naphtali: A. son of Enan 2:29. prince of Naphtali sh. be A. 7:78. On twelfth day A. son of Enan 83. this was the oblation of A. 10:27. over host of Naphtali was A. AHIRAIvI (A-hi'ram) — the brother is high. Nu. 26:38. of A., the fam. of Ahiramites AHIRAMITES (A-hi'ram-ites) Nu. 26:38. of Ahiram, the family of the A. .AHISAMACH (A-his'a-maeh)— fcro^/ier sustains. A skilful craftsman of the tribe of Dan. Ex. 31: 6. withhimOho., thesonof A.(38:23'). 35:34. may teach, both he, & 0. s. of A. AHISHAHAR (A-hish'a-har) — brother is dawn. I Ch. 7:10. Zethan, and Tarshish, and A. AHISHAR (A-hi'shar) — brother of a singer. 1 K. 4: 6. A. was over the household. AHITHOFHEL (A-hith'o-phel)— &ro' me a. also s.?id, I will follow a. said, I have bought five yoke a. said, I have married a vi'ife goeth to encounter a. king said he to a., how much owest? a. came, saying, Lord, behold into a. country for long time And he sent yet a. servant a. little while a. saw him a. confidently affirmed, saying a. steppeth down before me a. that beareth witness of me if a. sh. come in his own name and spake one with a., as they shall give you a. Comforter fol'd Jesus, & so did a. dis. a. scripture saith, They shall and a. shall gird thee, & carry His office let a. take till there arose a. k. ov. Egypt he departed, & went to a. place Bee. he saith also in a. psalm that there is a king, one Jesus for wherein thou judgest a. teachest a., teachest not thys.? that ye should be joined to a. that judgest the serv't of a. a. esteemeth every day alike laid a foundation; a. buildeth liberty judged by a. conscience to a. the word of knov,'ledge to a. faith, in the same Spirit; to a. gifts of healings to a. workings of miracles; and to a. prophecy; to a. discernings of spirits: to a. clivers kinds of tongues; to a. interpretation of tongues if a revelation be made to a. a. flesh of beasts, and a. flesh of birds, and a. of fishes glory of the terrestrial is a. and a. glory of the moon, and a. glory of the stars; star differeth from. a. star th. Cometh preacheth a. Jesua which is not a. gospel spoken afterward of a. day he saith also in a. place. Thou that a. priest should arise bsiongeth to a. tribe there ariseth a. priest priesthood that doth not pass to a. and sent them out a. way? And a. horse came forth I saw a . angel ascend f r. sunr. a. angel stood over altar I saw a. strong angel coming was seen a. sign in heaven I saw a. beast coming up I saw a. angel flying in mid h. a., a second angel, followed a. angel came from temple (17) Re. 14:18. 15: I- 18: I. 4- 20:12. Anoti Ge. 29:19. Ex. 22: 5. Le. 27:20. De. 20: 5. Ju. iS. 2 S. I K Pr. Je. Ro. Ge. Ex. Le. Nu. De. Ju. Ru. iS. 28. I K, 2K, 7- 20:37. 27: 2. 3: I- 7: 3- 15:20. 31:49- 37:19- 42: I. 21. 28. 43:33- 10:23. 16:15. 25:20. 26: 3. 6. 36:13- 7:10. 19:11. 25:14- 46. 26:37. 14: 4. 36: 9- 25:11. iCh EZT. Ne. Es. Jb. E:; Is. 27 41 Je. Ez a. angel came out from altar I saw a. sign in heaven I saw a. angel coming down I heard a. voice from heaven and a. book was opened er man than I sh'd give her to a. m. and it feed in a. m.'s field if he have sold field to a. m. and a. m. dedicate (his house) a. m. use the fruit thereof die, and a. m. take her 24: 2. she may go and be a. m.'s wife 28:30. and a. m. shall lie with her 16: 7. become weak, and bee. as a. m. (11) 10: 6. shalt be turned into a. m. 18:26. watchman saw a. m. running; behold, a. m. running alone _ Then he found a. m., and said Let a. m. praise thee she go, and become a. m.'s if, she be joined to a. m. though she be joined to a. m. not build up. a. m.'s foundation Another with ona 11: 3. said o. to a.. Come, let us make when we are absent 0. from a. said 0. to a.. Behold, this Why do ye look 0. upon a.? said o. to a._, V/e are guilty turn trembling 0. to a., saying the men marvelled 0. with a. they saw not 0. a., nei. rose said to 0. a.. What is it? wings, with faces 0. to a. (37:9) 5 curtains sh. be coupled o. to a. curtains 0. to a. with clasps coupled curtains 0. to a. all have, 0. as well as a. not steal; nor lie 0. to a. ye shall not wrong 0. a. (17) ye shall not rule, 0. over a. they shall stumble 0. upon a. said 0. to a., Let us make capt. no irJieritance fr. o. tribe to a. 'When men strive togeth. 0. wi. a. 10:18. princes of Gilead, saido. to a. 3:14. rose up bei. o. could discern a. 2:25. If 0. man sin against a. 10:11. people said 0. to a., V/hat is? 18: 7. women sang 0. to a. as th. played (m). women answered 0. a. as they kis.^ed 0. a. v^ept 0. with a. did they not sing 0. to a.? they sang 0. to a. in dances devoureth 0. as well as a. their vi'ings touched 0. a. 0. said on this m.anner; and a. 7:3. said 0. to a., Yv^hy sit we here? 6. said o. to a., Lo, the king of Is. said 0. to a.. We do not well h. of B. filled fr. o. end to a. let us look o. a. in face (2 Ch. 25:17) looked 0. a. in face at Beth-she- mesh (2 Ch. 25:21) filled Jeru. from 0. end to a. fr. 0. kingdom to a. people (Ps. 105:13) divided by lot o. sort with a. sang 0. to a. in praising 4:19. upon wall, 0. far from a. i: 7. (vessels being diverse o. fr. a.) 9:19. cf sending portions 0. to a. (22) 41:17. They are joined 0. to a. 145: 4. 0. gen. sh. laud thy v/orks to a. 4. 0. gen. goe.th, and a. gen. conicth 5. oppressed, every 0. by a. 3. 0. cried unto a., and said, Holy 8. look in amazement 0. at a. ye shall be gathered 0. to a. that Vi^e may look 0. upon a. from 0. new moon to a., and from o. sabbath to a. I vail dash them 0. against a. far and near, o. with a. yea, they fell 0. upon a. 51:31. 0. post shall run to meet a., and 0. messenger to meet a. 0. year, and after that a. year wings were joined 0. to a. (n) noise of wings as touched o. a. and be dismayed o. with a. o. wheel beside cherub, a. wheel and moan 0. toward a. 20:41. 21:11. 29: 5. 11:25. 6:27. 22:20. 9- 10:21. 14: 8. II. 21:16. 16:20. 24: 5. 3:11- i: 3: 6:3 13: 8 :i2(m), :23(m) 66:23 13:14- 25:26. 46:16. 46. i: 9. 3:13- 4:17. 10: 9. 24:23- ANOTHER 48 ANSWER Eze. Da. Joe. Am. Zee. Mai. Mt. Another with one 33:30. and speak o. to a. 37:17. join them for thee 0. to a. palm trees, o. on this side, & a. pillars, 0. on this side, and a. side-chambers were 0. over a. ye sh. inherit it 0. as well as a. 2:43. they shall not cleave 0. to a. 5: 6. his knees smote 0. against a. 0. speaking; a. holy one said neither doth 0. thrust a. up. o. city, not to rain upon a. inhabs. of 0. city sh. go to a. left eat every 0. flesh of a. that feared JH. spake 0. wi. a. 40:26 49. 41: 6. 47:14 8:13. 2: 8. 4: 7. 8:21. II : 9. :i6. Mk. Lu. Jn. Ac. 8: 9. say to 0., Go; to a., Come (Lu. 7:8) 21:35. and beat 0., and killed a. 24: 2. not be left 0. stone upon a. (Mk. 13:2; Lu. 21:6) 10. and shall deliver up 0. a., and shall hate 0. a. 25:15. 0. he gave 5 talents, to a. two 32. shall separate them 0. from a. 4:41. said 0. to a., Who then is this? 8:16. reasoned 0. with a. (Lu. 20:14) 9:34. they had disputed 0. with a. 50. and be at peace 0. with a. 2:15. shepherds said 0. to a., Let us 4:36. they spake together 0. with a. 6:11. communed 0. with a. what they 7:32. marketplace, and call 0. to a. 8:25. saying 0. to a., Who then is? 12: I. insomuch that they trod 0. up. a. 19:44. not leave 0. stone upon a. 24:17. that ye have 0. with a. 32. said 0. to a., Was not our heart? 4:33. said 0. to a., Hath any man? 37. 0. soweth, and a. reapeth 5:44. who receive glory 0. of a. 6:52. Jews therefore strove 0. with a. 13:22. disciples looked 0. on a. 34. new com'dment that ye love o. a. loved you, ye also love 0. a. 35. my disciples, if ye h. love o. to a. 15:12. my com'dment, that ye love o. a. 17. I command, that ye may love o. a. 16:17. disciples therefore said 0. to a. 19:24. said therefore 0. to a., Let us 2:12. were perplexed, saying 0. to a. 7:26. why do ye wrong 0. to a.? 10:28. or come unto o. of a. nation 19:32. cried 0. thing, and some a. 21:34. some shouted 0. thing, some a. 26:31. they spake 0. to a., saying, This 28: 4. they said o. to a., No doubt this 1:27. in their lust 0. toward a. 2:15. thoughts 0. with a., accusing 12: 5. severally members 0. of a. 10. be tenderly affectioned 0. to a.; in honor preferring 0. a. 16. Be of same mind 0. toward a. 13: 8. save to love 0. a. 14:13. not judge 0. a. any more 19. whereby we may edify 0. a. 15: 5. be of same mind 0. with a. 7. Wherefore receive ye 0. a. 14. able also to admonish 0. a. 16:16. Salute 0. a. with a holy kiss (i Co. 16:20; 2 Co. 13:12) 6: 7. ye have lawsuits 0. with a. 7: 7. 0. after this man'r, & a. aft. that 11:33. together to eat, wait 0. for a. 12:25. should have same care 0. for a. 15:39- o. flesh of men, a. flesh of beasts 40. cclesLial is 0., terrestrial is a. 41. 0. glory of sun, & a. glory of m. Ga. 5:13. thro, love lie servant 0. to a. 15. if ye bite and devour 0. a., that ye be not consumed 0. of a. 26. provoking 0. a., envying 0. a. Ep. 4: 2. forbearing 0. a. in love 25. for we are members 0. of a. 32. be ye kind 0. to a. 5:19. speaking 0. to a. in psalms 21. subjecting yourselves 0. to a. Col. 3: 9. lie not 0. to a. 13. forbearing 0. a. and forgiving 16. admonishing 0. a. with psalms 1 Th. 3:12. abound in love 0. toward a. 4: 9. are taught of God to love 0. a. 18. comfort 0. a. with these words 5:11. Wherefore exhort 0. a. 15. good o. toward a., & toward all. 2 Th. i: 3. all toward 0. a. aboundeth Tit. 3: 3. living in maUce, hating 0. a. Ro. He. Ja. I Co. 10:24. let us consider 0. a. 25. but exhorting 0. a. 4:11. Speak not 0. against a., breth. 5: 9. Murmur not, brethren, 0. against a. 16. Confess your sins 0. to a., and pray for 0. a. I Pe. 1:22. love o. a. from the heart 4: 9. using hospitality 0. to a. 5:5. gird with humility, to serve 0. a. 14. Salute 0, a. with a kiss of love 1 Jn. i: 7. we have fellowship 0. with a. 3:11. that we should love 0. a. 23. love 0. a., as he gave com'dment 4: 7. Beloved, let us love 0. a. 11. we also ought to love 0. a. 12. if we love 0. a., God abideth 2 Jn. 5. new com'dment that ye love 0. a. Re. 6: 4. that they should slay 6. a. 11:10. shall send gifts 0. to a. ANOTHER'S Ge. 11: 7. not understand one a' speech Ex. 21:35. if one man's ox hurt a' Lu. 16:12. not faithful in that wh. is a' Jn. 13:14. ye ought to wash one a' feet 2 Co. 10:16. not to glory in a' province Ga. 6: 2. Bear ye one a' burdens ANSWER {See also Answers) (Can answer, Aixswer him. Answer me, No answer, Not answer, Return answer, Returned answer, Shall an- swer, Answer thee, Answer them, Will answer, Will not answer. Wilt answer. Would answer) Ge. 41:16. God shall give Pharaoh a. of peace De. 20:1 r. if it make thee a. of peace 26: 5. thou shalt a. and say before JH. I K. i8:26(m). until noon, saying, Baal a. 29. neither voice, nor any to a. Ezr. 4:17. sent king an a. unto Rehum Jb. 15: 2. make a. with vain knowledge 20: 2. th'fore do my thoughts give a. 32: I. these three men ceased to a. Job 15. they are amazed, they a. no more 16. they stand still, and a. no more? 20. I will open my lips and a. 33:32. If thou hast any thing to say, a. 35:12. they cry, but none giveth a. 40: 2. argueth with God, let him a. it. Ps. 20: 9. Let the King a. us when we call. 60: 5. Save us with right hand, & a. us. 108: 6. Save with thy right hand, and a. 119:42. So shall I have a. for him Pr. 15: I. A soft a. turneth away wrath 23. A man hath joy in a. of mouth 28. the righteous studieth to a. t6: I. but the a. of tongue if from JH. 18:13. giveth a. before he heareth 24:26. kisseth lips. Who giveth right a. 26: 4. A. not a fool ac. to his folly A. fool ac. to his folly. Lest he be Is. 50: 2. when I called, was none to a.? 66: 4. bee. when I called, none did a. Je. 44:20. that had given him that a. Ho. 2:15. and she shall make a. there, as Mk. 9: 6. For he knew not what to a. Lu. 10:30. Jesus made a., A certain man 14: 6. And they could not a. again 20:26. they marvelled at his a. 21:14. not to meditate how to a. Jn. 1:22. give a. to them that sent us Ac. 12:13. maid came to a., named Rhoda Ro. 11: 4. what saith a. of God unto him? Col. 4: 6. ye may know how ye ought to a. 1 Pe. 3:15. ready always to give a. to any Can answer Pr. 26:i6(m). than 7 men that c. a. discreetly Is. 41:28. when I ask of them, c. a. a word. 46: 7. may cry unto it, yet c. it not a. Answer him Ge. 45: 3. And his brethren could not a. h. 2 K. 4:29. if any salute thee, a. h. not 18:36. commandment was, A. h. not (Is. 36:21) Jb. 9: 3. He cannot a. h. one of a thousand 32. is not a man, that I should a. h. 32:14. Neither will I a. h. with your Pr. 27:11. may a. h. that reproacheth me Mt. 22:46. no one was able to a. h. a word 25:37. Then shall the righteous a. h. Mk. 14:40. they knew not what to a. h. Answer me Jb. 13:22. Or let me speak, and a. thou m. 30:20. I cry, and thou dost not a. m. 31:35. signature, let the Almighty a. m.) 33: 5. If thou canst, a. thou m; Set thy Ps. 4: I. A. m. when I call, God of my 13: 3. Consider and a. m., JH. my God . 27: 7. Have mercy upon me and a. m. 55: 2. Attend unto me, and a. m.: I am 69:13. A. m. in truth of thy salvation 16. A. m.,OJH.; for thy lovingkind'n. 17. I am in distress; a. m. speedily. 86: I. Bow down thine ear, JH. a. m. 102: 2. day when I call. a. m. speedily 119:145.1 have called . . .; a. m. Jehovah 143: X. In thy faithfulness a. m., and Mk. 11:29. a. m., and I will tell you by 30. from heaven, or from men, a. m. No answer Jb. 19:16. servant, and he giveth me n. a. 32: 3. because they had found n. a. 5. when Elihu saw there was n. a. S. S. 5: 6. I called him, but he gave n. a. Mi. 3: 7. their lips; for there is n. a. of God Mt. 27:14. And he gave him n. a. Jn. 19: 9. art thou? But Jesus gave him n. a. Not answer 1 S. 8:18. JH. will n. a. you in that day 2 S. 3:11. could n. a. Abner another word Pr. 1:28. will they call, but I will n. a. Is. 65:12. because I called, they did n. a. Mic. 3: 4. unto JH. but he will n. a. Return answer 2 S. 24:13. consider what a. I shall r. I K. 12: 6. to r. a. to this (2 Ch. 10:6) 9. may r. a. to this (2 Ch. 10:9) I Ch. 21:12. what a. shall I r. to him? Es. 4:13. bade them r. a. unto Esther, Think 15. Esther bade them r. a. unto Mord Returned answer Ju. 5:29. Yea, she r. a. to herself. Ezr. 5: 5. then a. should be r. by letter II. thus they r. us a., saying. We are Dan. 2:14. Then Daniel r. a. with counsel Shall answer Ge. 30:33. So s. my righteousness a. for me De. 21: 7. they s. a. and say. Our hands have 25: g. she s. a. and say, So shall it be 27:14. Levites s. a. and say unto all 15. all the people s. a. & say, Amen. I K. g: 9. they s. a.. Because they (2 Ch. 7:22) Jb. 9:14. How much less s. I a. him. And? 31:14. when he visiteth, what s. I a.? Is. i3:22(m). wolves s. a. in their castles 14:10. All they s. a. and say unto thee 32. What then s. one a. messengers? Je. 22: 9. s. a.. Bee. they forsook covenant 42: 4. whatsoev. Jehovah s. a. you, I will Ho, 2:15. and she s. make a. there, as 21. heavens, and they s. a. the earth 22. and the earth s. a. the grain, anJ the oil; and they s. a. Jezreel. Hab. 2: I. what s. I a. con. my complaint, ir. the beam out of timber s. a. it. Zee. 13; 6. Then he s. a., Those with which Mt. 25:40. the King s. a. and say unto them 44. Then s. they also a., saying, Lord 45. Then s. he a. them, saying. Verily Lu. 11: 7. within s. a. & say; Trouble me not 12:11. be not anxious or what ye s. a. 13:25. he s. a. and say, I know you not Answer thee I S. 20:10. if perchance thy father a. t. roughly? Jb. 5:1. Call; is there any that will a. t.? 33:12. Behold, I will a. t., in this 40: 4. small account; what shall I a. t.? Ps. 20: I. JH. a. t. in the day of trouble Da. 3:16. we have no need to a. t. in this Answer them 1 K. 12: 7. and wilt serve them, and a. t. Ps. 55:19. God will hear, and a. t.. Even he Is. 41:17. I Jehovah will a. t., I the God 2 Co. 5:12. may have wherewith to a. t. Will answer. Will not answer I S. 8:18. JH. w. not a. you in that day Jb. 5: I. Call; is there any thatnv. a. thee? 13:22. 'Then call thou, and I w. a.; Or 32:17. I also w. a. my part, I also will 33:12. I w. a. thee, in this thou art 35: 4. I w. a. thee, And thy companions 40: 5. Once have I spoken, & I w. not a. Ps. 20: 6. He w. a. him from his holy heaven 91:15. He shall call upon me, and I w. a Pr. 1:28. they call upon me, but Iw. not a. Is. 30:19. when he shall hear, he w. a. thee. 41:17. JH. w. a. them, I the God of Is. 58: 9. Then shalt thou call, & JH. w. a. 65:24. that, before they call, I w. a. Je. 7:27. shalt also call . . . but they w. not a. ANSWERABLE 49 ANSWERED Lu. Ps. Jb. Call unto me, and I w. a. thee, and I JH. w. a. him therein ac. to the I Jehovah w. a. him by myself and if I ask you, ye w. not a. 38:15. 65: S. 86: 7- 14:15. 23: 5- 21. Je. 33: 3- Eze. 14: 4. 7- 22:68. Wilt answer 17: 6. I have called ... for thou w. a. I hope: Thou w. a., Lord By terrible things thou w. a. us I will call .... For thou w. a. Would answer 9:15. tho. I were righteous, yet w. I not a. Thou wouldest call, & I w. a. thee I w'd know words wh. he w. a. me in that day, I w. a. saith Jehovah. I w. a. the heavens, and they ANSWERABLE Ex. 38:18. a. to hangings of the court Eze. 40:18. a. unto length of the gates 45: 7. length a. unto one of portions 48:18. (2). a. unto the holy oblation 21. a. unto the portions ANSWERED (He answered, Answered him, I answered, Jehovah answered, An- swered {with relation to Jesus), Answered me, People answered, Answered and said, Answered and said {with relation to Jesus), She answered. Answered them, They ansv/ered) Ge. Nu. Jos. Ju. S. 18: 2S. 23: 5- 10. 34:13- 41:16. 32:31- 22:21. K. K. 2Ch. Es. Jb. Ps. Je. Da. Ho. Mt. Lu. Jn. Ac. Re. children of Heth a. Abraham Ephron ... a. Abraham (14) sons of Jacob a. Shechem and Joseph a. Pharaoh; saying. It is children of Reuben a. . . . saying and half-tribe of Manasseh 'a. 5:29. Her wise ladies a. her, Yea, she 8: 8. as the men of Succoth had a. 11:13. king of children of Ammon a. 18:14. Then a. the five men that went 19:28. Up, let us be going; but none a. 17:58. David a., I am son of Jesse 7(m). the women a. one another 19:17. Michal a. Saul, He said unto me 20:28. Jonathan a. Saul, David asked 28:15. Saul a., I am sore distressed 30:22. Then a. all the wicked men and 4: 9. And David a. Rechab and Baanah 14:32. Absalom a. Joab, Behold, I sent 18:29. Ahimaaz a.. When Joab sent the 32. the Cushite a., The enemies of king a., Chimham shall go over all men of Judah a. men of Is. men of Israel a. men of Judah king a. the people (2 Ch. 10:13) 18:26. was no voice, nor any that a. 4:14. Gehazi a., she hath no son, and Then the captain a. man of God Elisha a., JH. hath showed me Jehu a., What hast thou to do? And Jehonadab a., It is. Hezekiah a.. It is light thing Hezekiah a.. All that (Is. 39:4) king of Tyre a. in writing 25: 9. man of God a., JH. is able to 1:16. Memucan a. before the king and Sh'd not mult, of words be a.? Or that a. his words among you In acceptable time have I a. thee and I called you, but ye a. not in Pathros, a. Jeremiah, saying Chaldeans a. before the king, and I have a. and will regard him. 25: 9. the wise a., saying, Peradventure 3:16. John a., saying unto them all 23:40. the other a., and rebuking him multitude a.. Thou hast a domon The officers a.. Never man spake Pilate a., Am I a Jew? Thine own chief priests a.. We have no king Peter a. her. Tell me whether 9:13. Ananias a., Lord, I have heard 10:46. Then a. Peter, Can any man forbid? But a voice a. the second time James a., saying. Brethren Paul a.. What do ye weeping? chief captain a., Wi. great sum Paul a., Forasmuch as I know Felix was terrified, and a.. Go Festus a., that Paul was kept 12. Festus a.. Thou hast appealed 7:13. one of elders a., saying am I. He answered 3: 6. h. a., I called not, my son, lie down 14:37. But h. a. him not that day. 22:12. And h. a.. Here I am, my lord. 19:38 42 43 12:13 7: 2. 8:13. 9:19. 10:15. 20:10. 15. 2:11. 11: 2. 32:12. 4Q: 8. 7:13. 44:15- 2:10. 14: " 7:20. 46. 18:35. 19:15. 5: " 11: 9. 15:13- 21:13. 22:28. 24:10. 25. 25: 4 iCh, 2Ch Jb. Ps. Is. Jon. Zee. Mk. Jn. Ac. Ex. Ju. iS. 2K. Mi. Mt. Mk. Lu. Jn. 2:20. 9: 6. 19:26. 20:17. 22:42. 11:22. 18: 8. 18. 20:14. 21: 6. 20. 22:15. 2: 5. 3: " 16. 22. 8:12. 14. 9:22. 21:26. 18: 3. 12: 4. 34: 4- 6:11. 2: 2. 4: 6. 12:34. 1:21. 9:11. 25. 3:12. 14:39. 18:36. 6: 5. 12:38. 4. 1 S. 30: 8. h. a. him? pursue; for thou shalt 2 S. 1 : 4. h. a., The people are fled from 13. h. a., I am son of a sojourner thou, Asahel? And h. a.. It is I. And h. a., Behold, thy servant! , And h. a.. My lord, king, my Art thou Joab? And h. a. I am. handmaid. And h. a. I do hear JH., but h. a. them not (Ps. 18:41) I K. 11:22. And h. a., Nothing: howbeit only h. a., It is I: go, tell thy lord h. a., I have not troubled Israel begin battle? And h. a.. Thou, h. a., I will not give vineyard. And h. a., I have found thee h. a. him. Go up and prosper K. 2: 5. h. a., Yea, I know it; hold ye h. a., The way of wilderness 6: 2. we may dwell. And h. a.. Go ye. 3. thy servants. And h. a., I will go. h. a., Fear not; for they that are h. a., Thou shalt not smite them h. a., Because I know the evil h. a., He told me thou wouldest h. s.. What peace, so long as the? h. a. him from heaven by fire h. a. him, I am as thou art, and I who called upon God, and h. a. I sought JH. and h. a. me And h. a.. Until cities be waste I called unto JH., and h. a. me 1:19. he a. m., These are the horns 3: 4. h. a. and spake unto those that Then h. a. and spake unto me Jesus saw that h. a. discreetly Art thou the prophet? h. a. No. H. a.. The man that is called Jesus H. a.. Whether he is a sinner when Peter saw it, h. a. people Answered him [voice 19:19. Moses spake, and God a. h. by a 8: 8. men of Penuel a. h. as men of there was not a man that a. h. and a. h. not a word (Is. 36:21) what Baalam son of Beor a. h. Pharisees a. h., saying. Teacher his disciples a. h.. Whence shall? 9:17. one of multitude a. h.. Teacher 8:50. Jesus a. h.. Fear not only believe 1:49. Nathanael a. h.. Rabbi, thou art 5: 7. sick man a. h.. Sir, I have no man 6:7. Philip a. h. 200 shillings' worth 68. Simon Peter a. h.. Lord, to whom? 10:33. Jews a. h., For a good work we 12:^4. multitude a. h., V/e have heard 19: 7. The Jews a. h.. We have a law I answered 1:7. called unto me. And I a., Here And I a. him, I am an Amalekitc. I a. them after the same manner I a. thee in the secret place I a., Lord JH., thou knowest I have a., and will regard him 4: 4. I a. and spake to angel that S: 2. And I a., I see a flying roll 22: 8. And I a., Who art thou. Lord? 25:16. To whom I a., that it not Jehovah answered [him 7: 9. Samuel cried unto JH; and J. a. J. a.. Behold he hath hid J. a. him not, neither by dreams J. a. him in threshing-floor J. a. Job out of whirlwind (40:6) J. a. me and set me in a large to his brother. What hath J. a.? say to prophet. What hath J. a.? J. a. the angel that talked with me Answered {with relation to Jesus) 27:12. was accused, he a. nothing 11:33. a. Jesus, and say. We know not 12:28. knowing that he had a. well 29. Jesus a.. The first is. Hear 14:61. held his peace, and a. nothing 15: 5. But Jesus no more a. anything Lu. 4: 4. Jesus a. unto him, It is written 8:50. Jesus hearing it, a.. Fear not 10:28. said unto him. Thou hast a. right 23: 9. but he a. him nothing Jn. 3: 5. Jesus a.. Verily, verily (8:34) 5:17. Jesus a. them, My Father worketh 6:70. Jesus a. them, Did I not choose? 8:19. Jesus a.. Ye know neither me 49. Jesus a., I have not a demon 54. Jesus a., If I glorify myself 9: 3. Jesus a., Neither did this man 2S. Ne. Ps. Eze. Ho. Zee. Ac. iS. 37 14: 8. 4. 7. 3- 8. iCh. Jb. Ps. I Je. Zee. Mt. Mk. 10:22. 28: 6. 21:28. 38: I. 18: 5. 23:35- 37- 1:13. Jn. Ge. iK. Jb. Ps. 10:25. Jesus a. them, I told you 32. Jesus a. them, Many good works 34. Jesus a. them. Is it not written 11: 9. Jesus a., Are there not 12 hrs.? 13: 8. Jesus a. him. If I wash thee not 36. Jesus a.. Whither I go 16:31. Jesus a. them. Do ye now believe? 18; 8. Jesus a., I told you I am he 20. Jesus a., I have spoken openly 23. Jesus a., If I have spoken evil 34. Jesus a., Say est thou this? 36. Jesus a.. My kingdom is not 37. Jesus a.. Thou sayest that I am 19:11. Jesus a. him, Thou wouldest have Answered me 35: 3. God, who a. m. in day of distress 2:30. Thus said Joab, & thus he a. m. 9:16. If I had called, & he had a. m. 22:21. from horns of . . . thou hast a. 34: 4. I sought Jehovah, and he a. m. 118:21. give thanks. . . for thou hast a. 120: I. I cried unto JH., And he a. m. People answered m. . m. Ex. Nu. De. Jos. Ju. Ru. iS. Ex. 19: 8. all p. a. together, and said. All 24: 3. all p. a. with one voice, & said T S. 17:27. p. a. him after this manner 30. p. a. again after former manner 1 K. 12:16. p. a. the king. What? (2 Ch. 10:16) 18:21. And the p. a. him not a word. Ne. 8: 6. And all the p. a. Amen, Amen, with Answered and said Ge. 18:27. Abraham a.-s.. Behold now 24:50. Then Laban and Bethuel a.-s. 27:37. Isaac a.-s. unto Esau, Behold 39. Isaac his father a.-s. unto him 31:14. Rachel and Leah a.-s. unto him 31. Jacob a.-s. unto Laban, bee. I was 36. Jacob a.-s. unto Laban, What is? 43. Laban a.-s. unto Jacob, The dau's 40:18. Joseph a.-s.. This is interpret'n 4: I. Moses a.-s.. But, behold they 11:28. Joshua a.-s.. My lord Moses 22:18. Balaam a.-s. un. serv'ts Balak he a.-s.. Must I not take heed? Balaam a.-s. unto Balak, Told not ye a. me, and s. The thing Then ye a.-s. unto me. We have Achan a. Joshua and s.. Of a they a. Joshua, and s.. Because 24:16. people a.-s., Far be it from us 7:14. his fellow a.-s.. This is nothing Levite a.-s., I came into Gibeah servant set over the reapers a.-s. Boaz a.-s. unto her. It hath Hannah a.-s., No my lord Eli a.-s., Go in peace that brought tidings a.-s. Israel servant a. Saul again and s. they a. them, and s.. He is Samuel a. Saul, and s., I am seer Saul a.-s.. Am I not a Benj'ite? 10:12. one of same place a.-s. 14:12. men of the garrison a. Jon., & s. 28. Then a. one of the people, and s. 16:18. Then a. one of the young men & s. 20:32. Jonathan a. Saul his father, & s. 21: 4. the priest a. David, and s., There 5. David a. the priest, and s. un. him 22: 9. Then a. Doeg the Edomite, and s. 14. Then Ahimelech a. king, and s. 25:10. Nabal a. David's serv'ts, and s. 26: 6. Then a. David and s. to Ahimelech 14. Then Abner a.-s.. Who art there? 22. David a.-s.. Behold spear 29: 9. Achish a.-s. to David, I know 30:22. then a. all wicked men, and s. 2 S. 13:32. Jonadab a.-s.. Let not my 14:18. then king a.-s. unto woman 19. the woman a.-s., As thy soul 15:21. Ittai a. the king, and s.. As JH. 19:21. Abishai a.-s., Shall not Shimei? 20:20. Joab a.-s.. Far be it 1 K. 1:28. king David a.-s.. Call to me 43. Jonathan a.-s. to Adonijah 2:22. king Solomon a.-s. un. mother 3:27. king a.-s.. Give her child 13: 6. king a.-s. unto man of God 18:24. peo. a.-s.. It is well spoken 20: 4. k. of Is. a.-s.. It is ac. to II. k. of Is. a.-s.. Tell him 2 K. 1:10. Elijah a.-s. to captain of 50 11. he a.-s., man of God, let 12. Elijah a.-s.. If I be man of God 3:11. one of servants a.-s. 7:13. one of his serv'ts a.-s., Let 23:12. 26. 1:14. 41. 7:20. 9:24. 20: 4. 2: 6 II. 1:15. 17. 4:17- 9: 8. 12. 19. 21. ANSWERED 50 ANTIMONY k 2K. iCh, sCh Ezr. Ne. Es. Jb. Is. Jc. Da. Joe. Am. Ha. Hag, Zee. Mt. Mk, Lu. Jn. Answered and said 7:19. captain a. man of God and s. 12:17. David a.-s., If ye be 29:31. Hezekiah a.-s., Now ye 31:10. Azariah the ch. pr. a. him and s. 34:15. Hilkiah a.-s. to Shaphan 10: 2. Shecaniah a.-s. unto Ezra 12. Then all the assembly a.-s. 2:20. then a. I them, and s. unto them 5: 7. Then a. Esther, and s., My petit'n 7: 3. Then Esther the queen a.-s. i: 7. Then Satan a. JH.,& s.,From(2:2) 9. Satan a. JH. and s., Doth Job? 2: 4. Satan a. JH., & s., Skin for skin 3: 2. Job a.-s.: Let the day perish 4: I. Then a. Eliphaz the Temanite, & s. 6: I. Then Job a.-s., Oh that my 8: I. Then a. Bildad the Shuhite, & s. (18:1; 25:1) 9: I. Then Job a.-s., Of a truth [(20:1) 11: I. a. Zophar the Naamathite, & s. 12: I. Then Job a.-s., No doubt [(22:1) 15: I. a. Eliphaz the Temr.nite, and s. 16: I. Then Job a.-s., I have heard 19: I. Then Job a.-s., How long? 21: I. Then Job a.-s., Hear dilig'ly 23: I. Then Job a.-s., Even to-day 26: I. Then Job a.-s.. How hast 32: 6. Elihu a.-s., I am young 34: I. Elihu a.-s.. Hear my words 35: I. Moreover Elihu a.-s., Thinkest? 40: 3. Job a. JH., and s.. Behold, I am 42: I. Job a. JH., and s., I know 21: 9. he a.-s., Fallen, fallen 11: 5. Then a. I, and s., Amen, JH. 2:5. king a.-s. to the Chaldeans 7. they a. the 2d time and s.. Let 8. king a.-s., I know of a cert. 10. Chaldeans a. bef. king and s. 15. he a.-s. to Arioch kings capt. 20. Daniel a.-s.. Blessed be 26. king a.-s. to Daniel, Art thou? 27. Daniel a. bef. k., and s., secret 47. king a. unto Daniel, & s. Of a 3: 9. They a.-s. to Nebuchadnezzar 14. Nebuchadnezzar a.-s. un. them 16. Sha., Mesh., & Abed. a.-s. 24. they a.-s. unto k.. True 25. He a.-s., Lo I see four men 4:k). king a.-s., Belteshazzar Belteshazzar a.-s., My lord 5:17. Daniel a.-s., let thy gifts 6:12. k. a.-s.. The thing is true 13. a. they a.-s., That Daniel 2:19. JH. a.-s. un. his people 7:14. a. Amos, a.-s. to Amaziah_ 2: 2. JH. a. me, a.-s., Write vision 2:12. And the priests a.-s.. Know 13. priests a.-s.. It shall be 14. a. Haggai, & s.. So is this peo. 1:10. man among myrtle-trees a.-s. 12. angel of JH. a.-s., JH. 4: 5. angel that talked with me a.-s. 12. I a. 2d time, and s. unto hun 13. he a. me and s., Knowest thou? 6: 4. I a.-s. unto angel that talked 5. angel a.-s. unto me, These are 8: 8. centurion a.-s., Lord 14:28. Peter a. him and s., Lord if it 15:15. Peter a.-s.. Declare unto us 16:16. Peter a.-s.. Thou art Christ 17: 4. Peter a.-s. unto Jesus, Lord 19:27. A. Peter a.-s., Lo, we have left 20:13. but he a.-s., Friend I do 21:27. they a. Jesus, and s., We know not 29. he a.-s., I will not 30. he a.-s., I go, sir: & went not 25:12. he a.-s.. Verily I say 26. his lord a.-s., Thou wicked 26:25. Judas a.-s.. Is it I 66. they a.-s.. He is worthy of death 27:21. governor a.-s., Which of the two? 25. people a.-s.. His blood be on us 28: 5. angel a.-s. unto women, Fear not ye 15:12. Pilate again a.-s., What then? 1:35. angel a.-s. unto her. The Holy S. 60. his mother a.-s.. Not so 3:11. he a.-s., He that hath two coats 5: 5. Simon a.-s., Master, we toil 7:43. Simon a.-s.. He, I suppose 9:49. John a.-s.. Master, we saw 13:14. ruler of synagogue, a.-s. 15:29. he a.-s. to his father, Lo 2:18. Jews a.-s.. What sign showest? 3: 9. Nicodemu3a.-3., How can these be? Jn. 3:27. John a.-s., A man can receive 4:17. woman a.-s., I have no husband 7:52. they a.-s., Art thou also? 8:39. they a.-s. Our father is Abra. . 48. Jews a.-s., Say we not well? 9:20. His parents a.-s.. We know 30. the man a.-s.. Why, herein 34.' they a.-s., Thou wast altogeth. 36. he a.-s., And who is he? 18:30. they a.-s.. If this were not 20:28. Thomas a.-s.. My Lord and my God Ac. 4:19. Peter and John a.-s.. Whether 5:29. apostles a.-s.. We must obey 8:24. Simon a.-s., Pray ye for me 34. eunuch a. Philip and s., I pray 37(m). he a.-s., I believe th. Jesus 19:15. evil spirit a.-s., Jesus I know 25: 9. Festus a. Paul and s.. Wilt? Answered and said {with relation to Jesus) Mt. 4: 4. he a.-s., It is written (Lu. 4:8) 11: 4. Jesus a.-s, Go and tell John (Lu. 7:22) 25. Jesus a.-s., I thank thee, Fa. 12:39. he a.-s.. An evil & adulterous 48. he a.-s.. Who is my mother? 13:11. he a.-s., Unto you it is given 37. he a.-s., He that soweth good 15: 3. he a.-s., Why do ye transgress? 13. he a.-s.. Every plant which my 24. he a.-s., I was not sent but un. 26. he a.-s.. It is not meet to take 28. Jesus a.-s., woman gr't is thy 16: 2. he a.-B., When it is evening 17. Jesus a.s.. Blessed art thou 17:11. he a.-s., Elijah indee4 cometh 17. Jesus a.-s., faithless (Lu. 9:41) 19: 4. he a.-s., Have ye not read? 20:22. Jesus a.-s.. Ye know not what 21:21. Jesus a.-s.. Verily I say un. you 24. Jesus a.-s., I also w. ask (Lu. 20:3) 22:29. but Jesus a.-s.. Ye do err 24: 4. Jesus a.-s., Take heed that no 26:23. he a.-s.. He that dipped hand Mk. 6:37. he a.-s., Give ye them to eat 10: 3. he a.-s.. What did Moses command? 51. Jesus a.-s., What wilt thou 11:14. he a.-s., un. it No man eat fruit 12:35. Jesus a.-s.. How say scribes 14:48. Jesus a.-s., Are ye come out? Lu. 4: 8. Jesus a.-s. un. him, It is written 5:22. Jesus a.-s.. Why reason ye? 8:21. he a.-s.. My mother & my breth. 10:41. Lord a.-s., Martha, Martha 13: 2. he a.-s., Think j'e that these? 15. Lord a. him, and s., Ye hyp'ts 17:20. he a.-s.. The kingdom of God 19:40. he a.-s., I tell you that 22:51. Jesus a.-s.. Suffer ye them 23: 3. he a. him and s.. Thou sayest Jn. 1:48. Jesus a.-s., Bef. Philip called 50. Jesus a.-s.. Because I said 2:19. Jesus a.-s., Destroy this temple 3: 3. Jesus a.-s.. Except one be born 10. Jesus a.-s.. Art thou teacher? 4:10. Jesus a.-s., If thou knewest 13. Jesus a.-s.. Every one that 5:19. Jesus a.-s.. The Son can do noth. 6:26. Jesus a. them and s.. Ye seek 29. Jesus a.-s.. This is the work 43. Jesus a.-s.. Murmur not 7:16. Jesus a. them, and s., My teach'g 21. Jesus a.-s., I did one work 8:14. Jesus a.-s.. Even if I bear wit. 12:30. Jesus a.-s.. This voice hath 13: 7. Jesus a.-s.. What I do thou 14:23. Jesus a.-s.. If a man love me She answered Ru. 3: 9. s. a., I am Ruth thy handmaid 1 S. 4:20. s. a., not, neither did she regard 2 S. 13:12. s. a. him. Nay, my brother, do not 14: 5. s. a., Of a truth I am a widow 2 K. 4:13. s. a., I dwell among my people. 26. and s. a.. It is well. 6:28. s. a.. This woman said unto me Answered them Ge. 42:22. Reuben a. t., saying, Spake I not? Ex. 15:21. Miriam a. t.. Sing ye to Jehovah Ps. 99: 6. They called upon JH., and he a. t. Je. 36:18. Baruch a. t.. He pronounced all Mk. 15: 9. Pilate a. ,t., saying, Will ye that? Jn.- 1:26. John a. t., saying, I baptize in 5:11. he a. t.. He that made me whole 7:47. Pharisees a. t., Are ye also led? 9:27. He a. t., I told vou even now They answered Jos. 1:16. t. a. Joshua, saying, All that thou Ju. 8:18. t. a.. As thou art, so were they 25. t. a., We will wilhngly give them Ru. 2: 4. And t. a. him, Jehovah bless thee. 1 S. 5: 8. t. a., Let ark of God of Israel 2 K. i: 8. t. a. him. He was a hairy man 10:13. t. a., We are breth. of Ahaziah Je. 35:17. called un. them, but t. have not a. Zee. i:ii. t. a. angel of JH. that stood Lu. 20: 7. t. a., that they knew not whence Jn. 8:33. T. a., We are Abraham's seed 18: 5. T. a. him. Jesus of Nazareth. 21: 5. ye aught to eat? T. a. him. No. ANSWEREDST Ps. 99: 8. Thou a. them, JH. our God 119:26. declared my ways and thou a me 138: 3. in day that I called thou a. me ANSWKREST 1 S. 26:14. saying, A. thou not, Abner? 2 Ch. 6:26(ra). fr. their sin, when thou a. I K. 8:35 (m). their sin, when thou a. them Jb. 16: 3. what provoketh, that thou a.? Ps. 22: 2. I cry in daytime but thou a. not Mt. 26:62. said, A. thou noth.? (Mk. 14:60) Mk. 15: 4. Pilate asked, A. thou nothing? Jn. 18:22. sajdng, A. thou h. priest so? ANSWEHSTH I S. 28:15. God a. me no more I K. 18:24. the god that a. by fire, let Jb. 20: 3. spirit of my understanding a. (m). out of my understand, spirit a. 35:i2(m). they cry. But he a. not Ps. 3: 4. he a. me out of his holy hill Pr. 18:23. But the rich a. roughly 27:19. As in water face a. to face Ec. 5:20. bee. God a. him in joy of heart 10:19. and money a. all things Mai. 2:12. him that waketh and him th. a. Mk. 3:33. he a. them, and saith, Who is? 8:29. Peter a. and saith, Thou art C. 9:19. he a. and saith, faithless 10:24. But Jesus a. again, and saith Jn. 12:33. Jesus a.. The hour is come 13:26. Jesus a., He it is, for whom 38. Jesus a.. Wilt thou lay down? Ga. 4:25. mount Sinai a. to Jerusalem ANSWERING Ge. 2:i8(m). will make him a help a. to him Jb. 34:36. Bee. of his a. like wicked men Mt. 3:15. Jesus a. said. Suffer it now Mk. 11:22. Jesus a. said, Have faith 15: 2. he a. saith. Thou sayest Lu. 1:19. the angel a. said, I am Gabriel 4:12. Jesus a. said, It is said 5:31. Jesus a. said. They that are 6: 3. Jesus a. said. Have ye not read? 7:40. Jesus a. said, Simon, I have 9:19. they a. said, John the Baptist 20. Peter a. said, The Christ 10:27. he a. said. Thou sh. love Lord 11:45. one of lawyers a. saith 13: 8. he a. saith. Lord, let it alone 14: 3. Jesus a. spake unto lawyers 17:17. Jesus a. said, Were not ten? 37. they a. say. Where, Lord? 20:39. certain of scribes a. said 24:18. Cleopas, a. said. Dost thou ANSWERS Jb. 21:34. in your a. remaineth falsehood? Lu. 2:47. amazed at his underst'g and a. ANT (See also Ants) a Pr. 6: 6. Go to the a. thou sluggard ANTE-CHAMBER Ju. 3:22(m). and he went out into the a- ANTELOPE De. 14: 4. the pygarg, and the a. Is. 51:20. they lie, as an a. in a net ANTHOTHIJAH (An'tho-thi'jah) A Benjamite, a son of Shishak. I Ch. 8:24. Hananiah, and Elam, and A. ANTICHRIST 1 Jn. 2:18. as ye heard that A. cometh 22. is the A., even he that denieth 4: 3. the A., whereof ye have heard 2 Jn. 7. This is the deceiver and the A. ANTICHRISTS I Jn. 2:18. now have there arisen many A. ANTICIPATED Ps. 119:147. I a. the dawning of morning 148. Mine eyes a. the night-watches ANTIMONY Is. 54:11 (m). I will set thy stone in a. ANTIOCH 51 APOSTLES ANTIOCH (An'ti-och) — pertaining to ArAiochus. 1. A Phrygian city founded by Seleucus, and named after his father Anticchus. Ac. 6: 5. and iNicolaus a proselyte of A. 11:19. They travelled as far as A. 20. who, when they were come to A. 22. sent forth Barnabas as far as A. 26. he brought him unto A. called Christians first in A. 27. came prophets fr. Jeru. unto A. 13: I. there were at A., prophets 14:26. and thence they sailed to A. 15:22. send them to A. wi. Paul & Barna. 23. who are of the Gentiles in A. 30. dismissed, came down to A. 35. Paul and Barnabas tarried in A. 18:22. landed at Caes., went down to A. Ga. 2:11. when Cephas came to A. 2. Antioch of Pisidia, a city near the fron- tier of Phryffia in Pisidia. Ac. 13:14. fr. Perga, came to A. of Pisidia * 14:19. came Jews thither fr. A. & Icon. 21. returned to Iconium, & to A. 2 Ti. 3:11. what things befell me at A. ANTIPAS (An'ti-pas) An early Christian martyr of Pergamum. Re. 2:13. in days of A. rny witness ANTIPATRIS (An-tip'a-tris) — belonging to An- lipater. A city on the main road from Csesarea to Lydda, built by Herod, and named after his father, Antipater ANTIQUITY Is. 23: 7. whose a. is of ancient days ANTITYPE I Pe. 3:21 (m). the a. of a good conscience ANTS {See also Ant) Pr. 30:25. The a. are a people not strong ANUB (A 'nub) 1 Ch. 4: 8. And Hakkos begat A. ANVIL Is. 41: 7. hammer him that smiteth the a. ANXIETY 2 Co. 11:28. daily, a. for all the churches I Pe. 5:7. casting all your a. up. him ANXIOUS I S. 9: 5. for the asses, & be a. for us. 10: 2. is a. for you, saying, What shall? Mt. 6:25. Be not a. for your life (Lu. 12:22) 27. by being a. can add? (Lu. 12:25) 34. Be not a. for the morrow morrow will be a. for itself 10:19. be not a. . . . what ye sh. speak Mk. 13:11. be not a. beforehand what ye Lu. 10:41. thou art a. and troubled 12:11. be not a. . . . what ye sh. answer 22. Be not a. for your life, what 26. why are ye a. concerning rest? Ph. 4: 6. in nothing be a.; but in everything ANXIOUSLY [come Mi. 1:12. waiteth a. for good, because evil is ANYTHING Ex. 20:17. nor a. that is thy neighbor's Mt. 18:19. as touching a. that they sh. ask Mk. 4:22. neither was a. made secret, but 9:22. but if thou canst do a., have 11:13. if te might find a. thereon 13:15. in, to take a. out of his house 15: 5. But Jesus no more answered a. Lu. 8:17. nor a. secret, that sh. not be 22:35. wallet, and shoes, lack ye a.? Jn. i: 3. without him was not a. made that 7: 4. For no man doeth a. in secret 14:14. If ye sh. ask a. in my name Ac. 10:14. never eaten a. that is common 17:25. as though he needed a., seeing 19:39. But if ye seek a. about other 20:20. un. you a. that was profitable 25: 5. if there is a. amiss in the man II. committed a. worthy of death Ko. 8:33. Who shall lay a. to the charge of? 13: 8. Owe no man a., save to love one 14:14. who accounted a. to be unclean 21. nor to do a. whereby thy brother 1 Co. 2: 2. not to know a. among you, save 3: 7. neither is he that planteth a. 8: 2. man thinketh that he knoweth a. 4. we know that no idol is a. 10:19. thing sacrificed to idol is a. or that an idol is a.? 14:35. if they would learn a., let 2 Co. 2:10. to whom ye forgive a., IjOrgim if I have forgiven a., for your 3: 5. to account a. as from oiirselves C: 3. no occasion of stumbling in a. 2 Co. 7:14. For if in a. I have gloried Ga. 5: 6. nei. circumcision availeth a., nor 6:15. For neither is circumcision a. Ph. 3:15. if in a. ye are otherwise minded I Th. i: 8. so that we need not to speak a. I Ti. 6:7. neither can we carry a. out Ja. i: 7. that he sh. receive a. of Ijord 1 Jn. 5:14. if we ask a. ac. to his will Re. 21:27. no wise enter into it a. unclean 22: 3(m). shall be no more a. accursed APACE 2 S. 18:25. tie came a., and drew near Ps. 58: 7. as water that runneth a. Je. 46: 5. mighty ones are fled a. APART Ge. 30:40. and he put his own droves a. Ex. 8:22. set a. in that day land of Goshen 13:12. thou shalt set a. unto Jehovah Le. 18:21. (m). to set them a. to Molech De. 4:41. Then Moses set a. three cities 10: 8. JH. set a. the tribe of Levi 19: 2. thou shalt set a. 3 cities (7) 29:21. JH. will set him a. unto evil Jos. 16: 9. with cities wh. were set a. 20: 7. they set a. Kedesh in Galilee I Ch. 25: I. set a. for service certain Ezr. 8:24. I set a. twelve of chiefs of 10:16. all by their names, were set a. Ne. 12:47. they set a. that for Levites Levites set a. for sons of Aaron Ps. 4: 3. JH. hath set a. for himself Eze. 16:21 (m). setting them a. thro, fire 2o:26(m). set a. all to pass through 39:14. shall set a. men of continual Ho. 4:14. themselves go a. with harlots Zee. 12:12. land sh. mourn, ev. family a.; family of house of David a.; and their wives a.; family of house of Nathan a., and their wives a.; 13. family of house of Levi a., and their wives a.; family of the Shimeites a., and their wives a.; 14. ev. family a. & their wives a. Mt. 14:13. withdrew to desert place a. 23. went up mountain a. to pray 17: I. bringeth them up high mount a. 19. Then came disciples to Jesus a. 20:17. he took the twelve disciples a. Mk. 6:31. Come ye yours, a. in. desert place 9: 2. high mountain a. by themselves Lu. 9:10 withdrew a. to a city called i8. as he was praying a. disciples Jn. 15: 5. a. from me ye can do nothing Ro. 3:21. a. from law a righteousness 28. justified by faith a. fr. works 7: 8. for a. from law sin is dead. 9. I was alive a. from law once He. 11:40. that a. from us they sh'd not Ja. 2:18. thy faith a. from thy works 20. faith a. from works is barren? 26. body a. from spirit is dead, so faith a. from works is dead APELLES (A-pel'les) Ro. 16:10. Salute A. approved in Christ APES 1 K. 10:22. came navy bringing a., etc. 2 Ch. 9:21. came ships bringing a., etc. APHARSACHITES (A-phar'sa-ehites) Apparently a class of Persian oSicials. Ezr. 5: 6. and his companions the A. 6: 6. and your companions the A. APHARSATHCHITES (A-phar'sath-chites) The difference in spelling from Apharsachites is probably due to some scribal error. Ezr. 4: 9. their companions, the A. APHARSITES (A-phar'sites) Probably a class of subordinate Persian offi- cials or colonists in Syria. Ezr. 4: 9. Tarpelites, the A., Archevites APHEK (A'phek) 1. A city near Jezreel whose king was slain by Joshua. Jos. 12:18. the king of A., one I S. 29: I. Phihs. gath'd all hosts to A. 1 K. 20:26. Ben-hadad went up to A. 30. But the rest fled to A., in. city 2 K. 13:17. thou shalt smite Syrians in A. 2. A city in As her never taken from the Canaanites. Jos. 19:30. Ummah also, and A., and Rehob 3. A city identified with Afqa northeast of Beirut. Jos. 13: 4. belongeth to the Sidonians, un. A. 4. A city near Mizpah. Robertson Smith considers this identical with i. I S. 4: I. the Philistines encamped in A. ' APHEKAH (A-phe'kah) — strong place, fortifi- cation. A town in hill country of Judah apparently not far from Plebron. Jos. 15:53. Janim, & Beth-tappuah, and A. APHIAH (A-phi'ah) An ancestor of king Saul. I S. 9: I. Becorath, the son of A. APHIK (A'phik). Same as Aphek. Ju. 1:31. nor of Helbah, nor of A. APIECE Nu. 3:47. take five shekels a. by poll 7:86. spoons, weighing 10 shekels a. I K. 7:15. two pillars 18 cubits high a. Eze. 41:24. the doors had two leaves a. Jn. 2: 6. containing 2 or 3 firkins a. APOLLONIA (Ap'ol-lo'ni-a)— pertawfrtff to Apollo. A town of Macedonia on the Egnatian way. Ac. 17: I. passed thro. Amphipolia and A. APOLLOS (A'pol'los)— possibly contracted from Apollonios. A learned and eloquent Jew of Alexandria. Ac. 18:24. Now a certain Jew named A. 19: I. that, while A. was at Corinth I Co. 1:12. I am of Paul; and I of A. 3: 4. I am of Paul; & anoth., I am of A. 5. What then is A.? & what is Paul? 6. I planted, A. watered; but God 22. whether Paul, or A., or Cephas 4: 6. transferred to myself and A. 16:12. But as touching A. the brother Tit. 3:13. Set forward Zenas, and A. APOLLYON (A-pol'ly-on, or ApdH'yoa)— Greek for Abaddon. The king-angel of the abyss. Re. 9:11. in Greek he hath the name A. APOSTLE Ro. 1:1. called to be an a., separated 11:13. then as I am an a. of Gentiles 1 Co. i: I. Paul, called to be an a. of J. C. 9: I. Am I not free?, am I not an a.? 2. If to others I am not an a. 15: 9. am not meet to be called an a. (i Ti. i:i;2Ti. 1:1 [Col. 1:1) 2 Co. 1:1. Paul, an a. of Jesus Christ (Ep. 1:1; 12:12. the signs of an a. were wrought Ga. i: I. Paul, an a. (not from men [i:ii) I Ti. 2:7. Appointed a preacher & an a. (2 Ti.' Tit. i: I. Paul, a serv't of God and an a. He. 3:1. consider the A. and High Priest 1 Pe. 1:1. Peter, an a. of Jesus Christ 2 Pe. I : I . a servant & a. of Jesus Christ APOSTLES Mt. 10: 2. names of the twelve a. are Mk. 6:30. the a. gather thems. unto Jesus Lu. 6:13. twelve, whom also he named a. 9:10. a., when they were returned 11:49. will send un. them prophets & a. 17: 5. a. said unto the Lord, Increase 22:14. he sat down, and a. with him 24:10. told these things unto the a. Ac. i: 2. given commandment unto the a. 26. he was numb'd wi. the eleven a. 2:37. said un. Peter and rest of a. 43. signs were done through the a. 4:33. with great power gave a. wit. 36. who by a. was surnamed Barnabas 5:12. by hands of a. were many signs 18. and laid hands on the a. 29. But Peter and the a. answered 40. had called the a., they beat th. 6: 6. whom they set before the a. 8: I. were all scattered, except the a. 14. when the a. that were at Jeru. 9:27. Barnabas brought him to the a. 11: I. Now the a. and brethren heard 14: 4. part held with Jews, part with a. 14. when the a., Barna. & Paul, heard 15: 2. sh'd go up to Jeru. unto the a. 4. they were received of church & a. 6. the a. and the elders were gath'd 22. seemed good to the a. and elders 23. The a. and the elders, greeting 16: 4. decrees ordained of a. & eld's Ro. 16: 7. fel.-prisoners, of note amo. a. I Co. 4: 9. God hath set a. last of all 9: 5. even as the rest of the a. 12:28. first a., secondly prophets 29. Are all a.? are all prophets? 15: 7. appeared to James; then to all a. 9. I am the lea,st of the a,, APOSTLES' 52 APPLE 2 Co. ii: 5. not whit behind chiefest a. 13. For such men are false a. fashioning thems. into a. of Ch. 12:11. in noth. was I behind chiefest a. Ga. 1:17. to them that were a. before me 19. But other of a. saw I none Ep. 2:20. built upon foundation of a. 3:5. now revealed unto his holy a. 4:11. he gave some to be a. 1 Th. 2: 6. might h. claimed authority as a. 2 Pe. 3: 2. the commandment thro, your a. Ja. 17. remember words spoken by a. Re. 2:2. didst try that called thems. a. 18:20. Rejoice over her, ye a. 21:14. names of twelve a. of the Land APOSTLES' Ac. 2:42. continued stedf. in a' teaching 4:35. and laid them at the a' feet 37. laid it at a' feet (5:2) 8:18. through laying on of a' hands APOSTLE SHIP Ac. 1:25. take place in this ministry & a. Ro. 1:5. thro, whom we received grace & a. I Co. 9: 2. seal of mine a. are ye in Lord Ga. 2: 8. unto a. of circumcision APPAIM (Ap'pa-iim) — nostrils or face. I Ch. 2:30. sons of Nadab: Seled, and A. 31. sons of a.: Ishi APPAREL Ju. I4:i9(m). took their a., gave changes 17:10. I will give thee a suit of a. 1 S. 17:38. Saul clad David with his a. 39. girded his sword upon his a. 18: 4. gave it to David, and his a. 27: 9. took away the sheep etc., & a. 2 S. 1:24. ornaments of gold upon your a. 12:20. anointed hims., and changed his a. 14: 2. and put on mourning a. 20: 8. Joab was girded wi. his a. of war 1 K. 10: 5. ministers, their a. (2 Ch. 9:4) 2 Ch. 9: 4. cupbearers also, and their a. Ezr. 3:10. they set priests in their a. Es. 5: I. Esther put on her royal a. 6: 8. let royal a. be brought 9. let a. and horse be delivered 10. and take the a. and the horse 11. took Haman the a. & the horse 8:15. Mord. went forth in royal a. Is. 4: I. We will wear our own a. 63: I. this that is glorious in his a. 2. wh'fore art thou red iu thine a. ■Eze. 27:24. and in chests of rich a. Zph. i: 8. are clothed with foreign a. Zee. 3: 4. will clothe thee with rich a. 14:14. silver and a. in great abund. Lu. 23:11. arraying him in gorgeous a. 24: 4. stood by them in dazzling a. Ac. 1:10. two men stood by th. iu white a. 10:30. stood before me in bright a. 12:21. Herod arrayed hims. in royal a. 20:33. I coveted no man's gold, nor a. I Ti. 2: 9. adorned themselves in modest a. 1 Pe. 3: 3. of gold, or of putting on a. 4. a. of a meek and quiet spirit APPARELLED 2 S. 13:18. dau's that were virgins a. Lu. 7:25. that are gorgeously a. APPEAL Ac. 25:11. I a. unto Csesar 28:19. constrained to a. unto Cssar I Pe. 3:2i(m). a. of a good conscience APPEALED Ac. 25:12. Thou hast a. unto Cassar 21. But when Paul had a. to be kept 25. he hims. a. to the emperor 26:32. if he had not a. unto Caesar APPEAR Ge. i: 9. and let the dry land a. 30:37. made the white a. in the rods Ex. 23:15. none sh. a. bef. pie empty (34:20) 17. all thy males sh. a. before Lord (34:23; De. 16:16) 34:24. goest up to a. before Jehovah Le. 9: 6. glory of JH. shall a. unto you 13 ■57- if it a. still in the garment 16: 2. I will a. in cloud up. mercy-s. De. 16:16. they sh. not a. bef. JH. empty 31:11. wh. all Is. is come to a. bef. JH. Ju. 13:21. angel of JH. did no more a. 1 S. 1:22. that he may a. before JH. 2 Ch. i: 7. that night did God a. un. Sol. Ps. 42: 2. When sh. I come and a. bef. God? 90:16. Let thy work a. unto thy serv'ts S. S. 2:12. the flowers a. on the earth 4:i(m). that a. on mount Gilead la. 1:12. When ye come to a. before me Je. 13:26. and thy shame shall a. Eze. 21:24. in all yr. doings yr. sins a. Mt. 23:27. wh. outwardly a. beautiful 28. ye also outwardly a. righteous 24:30. then shall a. sign of Son of m. Lu. 11:44. are as tombs which a. not 19:11. k'dom of God was immed'ly to a. Ac. 26:16. things wh'in I will a. un. thee 2 Co. 13: 7. not that we may a. approved He. 9:24. now to a. bef. the face of God 28. shall a. a second time 11: 3. not made out of things which a. I Pe. 4:18. where sh. ungodly & sinner a. APPEARANCE Ex. 24:17. a. of glory of Jehovah was like Le. 13: 3. a. of the plague be deeper than 4. a. thereof be not deeper than 20. if a. thereof be lower than skin 25. a. thereof be deeper than skin 31. a. thereof be not deeper than (34) 32. a. of scall be not deeper than 14:37. a. thereof be lower than wall 43. as a. of leprosy in the skin Nu. 9:15. were the a. of fire until morn 16. and the a. of fire by night it: 7. a., thereof as a of bedellium 1 S. 16: 7. man looketh on outward a. Jb. 4:16. I could not discern a. th'of Eze. i: 5. And this was their a. 13. their a. was like burning coals like the a. of torches 14. as a. of a flash of lightning 16. a. of wheels like un. beryl (10:9) a. was as it were a wheel 26. as the a. of a sapphire stone as a. of a man upon it above 27. as a. of fire within it a. of his loins and upward a. of his loins and downward as it were the a. of fire 28. as the a. of bow in cloud so was a. of the brightness a. of lightness of glory of JH. 8: 2. likeness as a. of fire a. of his loins and downward, fire upward, as a. of brightness 4. ac. to a. that I saw in the plain. 10: I. as a. of lightness of a throne 10. a., they four had one likeness 40: 3. was a man, whose a. was like the a. of brass 41:21. face of sanctuary, the a. th'of was as the a. of the temple (m). was as the former a. 42:11. like a. of the way of chambers 43: 3. ac. to the a. of vision I saw Da. 8:15. stood as the a. of a man 10: 6. face as a. of hghtning 18. one like the a. of a man .Joe. 2: 4. a. of them is as a. of horses Na. 2: 4. the a. of them is like torches Zee. 5: 6. this is their a. in all land Mt. 28: 3. His a. was as lightning Jn. 7:24. Judge not according to a. 2 Co. 5:12. answer them that glory in a. He. 12:21. so fearful was a., that Moses APPEARANCES Eze. 10:22. which I saw, their a. & thems. APPEARED Ge. 12: 7. JH. a. unto Abram, and said. Unto altar unto JH., who a. un. him 17:1. Abram was 99 yrs. old when JH. a. 18: I. JH. a. unto him by oaks of Mamre 26: 2. JH. a., and said. Go not down 24. JH. a. unto him the same night 35: I. God, who a. when thou fleddest 9- And God a. unto Jacob again 48: 3. God Almighty a. unto me at Luz Ex. 3:2. angel of JH. a. in flame of fire 16. God of A., of L, and of J. h. a. 4: I. for they will say, JH. h. not a. 5. that may believe JH. hath a. 6: 3. I a. unto A., L, and J., as God A. 14:27. sea ret'd when morning a. 16:10. glory of JH. a. in the cloud Le. 9:23. glory of JH. a. un. all the peo. Nu. 14:10. glory of JH. a. in the tent 16:19. glory of JH. a. un. all the cong. 42. cloud cov'd it, & glory of JH. a. 20: 6. glory of JH. a. unto them De. 31:15. JH. a. in Tent in cloud Ju. 6:12. the angel of JH. a. unto him 13: 3. angel of JH. a. unto the woman 10. Behold, the man hath a. unto me 1 S. 3:21. And JH. a. again in Shiloh 2 S. 22:16. Then the channels of sea a. 1 K. 3: 5. In Gibeon JH. a. to Solomon 9: 2. JH. a. to Solomon the second time, as he had a. imto him at Gibeon 11: 9. JH., who had a. unto him twice 2 K. 2:11. there a. a chariot of fire 2 Ch. 3: I. Moriah, where JH. a. unto DaviJ 7:12. And JH. a. to Solomon by night Ne. 4:21. from morning till the stars a. Ps. 18:15. Then the channels of waters a. 102:16. He hath a. in his glory Je. 31: 3. JH. a. of old unto me Eze. 10: I. a. above as it were sapphire 8. a. in cherubim form of hand Da. 1:15. their countenances a. fairer 3d j^r. of Bel. a vision a. un. me 8: I. aft. that wh. a. unto me at first Mt. 1:20. an angel of the Lord a. un. him 2: 7. learned of th. what time star a. • 13:26. then a. the tares also 17: 3. a. unto them Moses and Elijah 27:53. into holy city & a. un. many Mk. 9: 4. a. unto them Elijah -Tcith Moses 16: 9. he a. first to Mary Magdalene Lu. i:ii. a. unto him an angel of Lord 9: 8. by some, that Elijah had a. 31. who a. in glory, and spake 22:43. a. unto him an angel fr. heaven 24:11. a. in their sight as i. talk 34. Lord is risen, hath a. to Simon Ac. 2: 3. a. tongues parting asundering 7: 2. God of glory a. un. our fa. Abra. 26. he a. unto them as they strove 30. angel a. to him in wilderness 35. angel that a. to him in bush 9:17. Jesus who a. unto thee in way 16: 9. a vision a. to Paul in night 26:16. for this have I a. unto thee I Co. 15: 5. he a. to Cephas; then to twelve 6. then he a. to about five hun. 7. then he a. to James: then to all 8. untimely born, he a. to me also. Tit. 2:11. For grace of God hath a. 3 : 4. and his love toward man, a. APPEARSTH Le. 9: 4. for to-day JH. a. unto you 13:12. as far as a. to the priest 14. whensoever raw flesh a. in him Ps. 84: 7. Every one of th. a. before God S. S. 7:i2(m). budded, & the tender grape a. Mai. 3: 2. who shall stand when he a.? Mat. 2:13. angel of Lord a. to Joseph 19. angel a. in a dream to Joseph Ja. 4:14. vapor that a. for little time APPEARING Ac. i: 3. a. unto them by space of 40 days 1 Ti. 6:14. until the a. of our Lord J. C. 2 Ti. 1:10. manifested by a. of our Sav. 4: I. and by his a. and his kingdom 8. them that have loved his a. Tit. 2:13. looking for blessed hope & a. APPEASE Ge. 32:20. I will a. him with present APPEASED Is. 57: 6. sh. I be a. for these things? APPEASETH Pr. 15:18. is slow to anger a. strife APPERTAIN Nu. 16:30. with all that a. unto them Je. 10: 7. for to thee doth it a. APPERTAINED Nu. 16:32. all men that a. unto Korah 33. So they, and all that a. to them Ne. 3: 7. that a. to throne of governor APPERTAINETH Le. 6: 5. to whom it a. shall he give it Ne. 2: 8. castle which a. to the house APPETITE Jb. 38:39. Or satisfy a. of young lions Pr. 6:3o(m). to satisfy his a. when hungry 23: 2. If thou be a man given to a. Ec. 6: 7. and yet the a. is not filled Is. 29: 8. and his soul hath a. Ho. 9: 4. their bread sh. be for their a. APPHIA (Ap-phi'a) A Christian woman, probably wife of Phil emon. Phm. 2. aud to A. our sister APPIUS (Ap'pi-us) Ac. 28:15. as far as The Market of A. APPLE De. 32:10. He kept him as a. of his eye Ps. 17: 8. Keep me as the a. of the eye Pr. 7: 2. Keep my law as a. of thine eve APPLES 53 APPROVED La. 2:18. let not a. of thine eye cease Zee. 2: 8. toucheth you tou. a. of his eye APPLES Ge. 3o:i4(m). and found love a. in field_ Pr. 25:11. a. of gold in net-work of sil. S. S. 2: 5. refresh me with a. 7:8. smell of thy breath like a. APPLE-TREE S. S. 2: 3. As the a.-t. among trees of wood 8: 5. Under the a.-t. I awakened thee Joe. 1:12. palm-tree also, and the a.-t. APPLIED Ec. 1:13. I a. my heart to seek *wisdom 17. la. my heart to know wisdom 8: 9. a. my heart unto every work APPLY Jb. 8: 8. a. thys. to that which their fa's Pr. 2: 2. a. thy heart to understanding 22:17. a. thy heart unto my knowledge 23:12. A. thy heart unto instruction Eze. 30:21. bound, to a. healing medicines APPOINT Ge. 30:28. A. thy wages, and I will give it 41:34. let him a. overseers over land Ex. 21:13. will a. place whith. he sh. fiee 30:16. a. it for service of the tent Le. 26:16. I will a. terror over you Nu. 1:50. a. Levites over the tabernacle 3:10. thou shalt a. Aaron and his sons 4:19. a. them every one to his service 27. a. un. th. in charge all their burd. 32. by name ye sh. a. the instruments 27:16. Let JH. a. a man over congrega. 35:11. shall a. you cities of refuge De. 20: 9. they sh. a. captains of hosts Jos. 18: 4. a. for you 3 men of each tribe 1 S. 8:11. a. (yr. sons) for his chariots 12. a. (yr. sons) un. him captains 2 S. 6:21. to a. me prince over peo. of JH. 7:10. I will a. a place for (i Ch. 17:9) I K. 5:9. unto place that thou sh. a. me I Ch. 15:16. to a. their breth. the singers Ezr. 7:25. a. magistrates & judges, who Ne. 7: 3. a. watches of inhabs. of Jeru. Es. 2: 3. let k. a. officers in all prov's Jb. 14:13. thou w'dest a. me a set time Is. 26: I. salvation will he a. for walls 61: 3. to a. unto them that mourn in Z. Je. 15: 3. I will a. over them four kinds 49:19. chosen, him will I a. over (50:44) 51:27. a. a marshall against it Eze. 21:19. son of man, a. thee two ways 20. a. a way for the sword to come 45: 6. a. possession of the city Da. 2:16. that he would a. him a time Ho. i:ii. they shall a. thems. one head Mat. 24:51. a. his portion wi. hyprocrites Lu. 12:46. a. his portion with unfaithful 22:29. I a. unto you a kingdom Ac. 6: 3. seven men, whom we may a. 26:16. un. thee, to a. thee a minister Tit. 1:15. and a. elders in every city APPOINTED (Are appointed. Appointed feasts, Had appointed, Ilast appointed, Hath appointed, Have appointed, He appointed, Is appointed. Ap- pointed place, Appointed seasons, Appointed time. Appointed times, Were appointed) Ge. 4:1^. JH. a. a sign for Cain, lest any Le. i6:2i(m). away by hand of a man a. Nu. 3:36. the a. charge of sons of Merari Ju. 20:38. a. sign between men of Israel I S. 12: 6. is JH. that a. Moses and Aaron 13:11. thou earnest not within days a. 1 K. 11:18. a house, and a. him victuals 2 K. 7:17. And the king a. the captain 8: 6. king a. unto her certain officer 11:18. a. officers over house of JU. 18:14. king of Assyria unto Hezekiah 21: 6(m). a. them that had familiar 1 Ch. 15:17. So the Levites a. Heman 2 Ch. 11:22. Rehoboam a. Abijah to be chief 23:18. a. officers of house of JH. 31: 2. Hezekiah a. courses of priests Ezr. 3: 8. a. Levites from 20 years old, & up 10:14. Let now our princes be a. for Ne. 5:14. from time I was a. to be their 9:17. in their rebellion a. a captain 12:31. a. two great companies that gave 44. portions a. by law for priests 13: 4. priest, who was a. over chambers 30. a. charges for the priests and Es. 2:15. Hegai . . . the keeper of women, a. Jb. 20:29. heritage a. unto him by God 30:23. the house a. for all the living Ps. 44:11. made us like sheep a. for food 78: 5. And a. a law in Israel, Which he 79:11. preserve those a. to death 102:20. To loose those ... a. to death Is. 30:32. every stroke of the a. staff. Je. i: 5- a. thee prophet unto the nations 5:24. the a. weeks of the harvest 33:25. a. ordinances of heaven & earth La. i:4.(m). none can come to the a. feast 2:6.(m). a. feast & sabbath forgotten Da. 1:5. king a. for them daily portion II. a. over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael Ho. 6:11. there is a harvest a. for thee Mt. 21: 6. and did even as Jesus a. them. 26:19. disciples did as Jesus a. them 27:10. for potter's held, as Lord a. me. Mk. 3:14. a. twelve, that they might be with Lu. 10: I. the Lord a. seventy others, and 22:29. even as my Father a. unto me Jn. 15:16. a. you, that ye should go and Ac. 3:20. Christ who hath been a. for you 14:23. a. them elders in every church 15: 2. brethren a. that Paul & Barnabas 2 Co. 8:19. a. by churches to travel with Ga. 4: 2. until the day a. of the father. I Th. 5: 9. For God a. us not unto wrath I Ti. 2: 7. I was a. a preacher (2 Ti. i:ii) He. 3: 2. was faithful to him that a. him Are appointed Jb. 7: 3. And wearisome nights a. a. to me. Ps. 49:14. They a. a. as a flock for Sheol Ac. 22:10. things which a. a. for thee to do. I Th. 3:3. know that hereunto we a. a. Appointed feasts Is. 1:14. and your a. f. my soul hateth Eze. 36:38. flock of Jerusalem in her a. f. 44:24.. and my statutes in all my a. f. 45:17. in all a. f. of house of Israel 46: 9. shall come before JH. in a. f. ii(m). And in the feasts, and a. f. Ho. 2:ii(m). her sabbaths, and all her a. f. Had appointed Ex. 8:12 (m). frogs as he h. a. unto Pharaoh 1 S. 13: 8. ac. to set time that Samuel h. a. 2 K. 10:24. Now Jehu h. a. him fourscore men 2 Ch. 3: I. in the place that David h. a. Es. i: 8. so the king h. a. to all officers 4: 5. whom he h. a. to attend upon her Da. 1:18. end of days which king h. a. for 2:24. Arioch, whom king h. a. to destroy Mt. 28:16. unto mountain where Jesus h. a. Ac. 20:13. so h. he a., intending himself 28:23. And when they h. a. him a day Hast appointed Ge. 24:14. let the same be she thou h. a. I S. 29: 4. back to his place thou h. a. Ne. 6: 7. thou h. a. prophets to preach of Jb. 14: 5. thou h. a. his bounds that he Da. 3:12. are certain Jews whom thou h. a. Hath appointed Ge. 4:25. God h. a. me another seed instead 24:44. let same be the woman JH. h. a. Ex. 9: 5. JH. h. a. set time, saying. To- morrow I S. 13:14. JH. h. a. him to be prince over Is. 23:i3(m). Assyrian h. a. it for beasts Je. 47: 7. the sea-shore, there h. he a. it. Da. 1:10. king, who h. a. your food & drink Mi. 6: g. hear ye the rod, and who h. a. it. Ac. i:7(m). or seasons which the Father h. a. 17:31. inasmuch as he h. a. day in which 22:14. God of our fathers h. a. thee to Have appointed Ex. 31: 6. I h. a. with him Oholiab, son of I S. 21: 2. I h. a. young men to such & such 25:30. shall h. a. thee prince over Is. 1 K. 1:35. I h. a. him prince over Israel 2 Ch. 33: 8. which 1 h. a. for your fathers Je. 8:i3(m). 7 h. a. them those that shall Eze. 4: 5. I h. a. years of their iniquity 6. each day for a year, h. I a. it 36: 5. h. a. my land unto themselves Zph. 3: 7. ac. to all I h. a. concerning her He appointed 1 Ch. 16: 4. h. a. certain Levites to minister 2 Ch. 8:14. h. a. the courses of priests 11:15. h. a. priests for high places 20:21. h. a. them that should sing 31: 3. H. o. also the king's portion Ps. 81: 5. H. a. it in Joseph for a testimony 104:19. H. a. the moon for the seasons Pr. 8:29(m). When h. a. foundations of earth Da. 2:49. h. a. Shadrach, Meshach, & Abed. Ac. 7:44. even ash. a. who spake unto Moses He. i: 2. his Son, whom h. a. heir to all Is appointed Jb. 23:14. performeth that wh. i. a. for me Eze. 32:2o(m). sword i. a.; draw her away Lu. 3:13. Extort no more than i. a. you He. s: I. i. a. for men in things pertaining 8: 3. every high priest i. a. to offer 9:27. it i. a. unto men once to die, and Appointed place 2 Ch. 2:14. there may be a p. a. unto him Eze. 43:21. and it shall be burnt in a. p. Is. 28:25. wheat in rows, & barley in a. p. Appointed season or seasons Le. 23:2(m). The a. s.-s. of JH., which ye Nu. 9: 2. keep the passover in its a. s. 3. ye shall keep it in its a. s. 7. offer oblation of JH. in its a. s. Ac. 17:26. having determined their a. s. Appointed time Ex. 23:15. at t. a. in month Abib (34:18) Jos. 8:14. he and all his people, at t. a. 1 S. 9:24. unto a. t. hath it been kept for 20:35. into field at t. a. with David 2 S. 20: 5. tarried longer than set t. a. 24:15. from the morning even to t. a. Es. 9:27. ac. to a. t. thereof, every year Je. 46:17. he hath let the a. t. pass by. Da. 8:19. it belongeth to a. t. of the end. 11:27. yet the end shall be at t. a. 29. At the a. t. he shall return 35. because it is yet for the t. a. Ha. 2: 3. For the vision is yet for the a. t. Appointed times Ne 10:34. at t. a., year by year, to burn 13:31. and for the wood-offering at t. a. Es. 9:31. to confirm days of Purim in a. t. Is. i4:3i(m). none standeth aloof at a. t. Je. 8: 7. stork in heaven knoweth her a. t. Were appointed Jos. 20: 9. These w. a. cities for all the I Ch. 6:48. Levites w. a. for all service of 9:29. Some also w. a. over furniture 15:19. So singers . . . w. a. with cymbals Ezr. io:i5(m). w. a. over this matter: and Ne. 7: I. and the singers and Levites w. a. 12:44. that day w. men a. over chambers APPOINTETH He. 7:28. For a law a. men high priests which was after the law, a. APPOINTING 1 Ti. 1:12. faithful, a. me to his service APPOINTMENT 2 S. 13:32. by a. of Ab. this h. been deter. 2 Ch. 31:13. by a. of Hezekiah the king Jb. 2:11. made an a. together to come Am. 3 :3(m). except as they have made an a. APPORTIONED 2 Co. 10:13. wh. God a. to us as measure APPREHEND Ep. 3:18. be strong to a. wi. all saints APPREHENDED Jn. 1:5. the darkness a. it not APPROACH Le. 18: 6. None sh. a. to any near of kin 14. thou shalt not a. to his wife 19. not a. to a woman to uncover 20:16. if a woman a. unto any beast 21:17. let him not a. to offer bread 18. hath a blemish, he shall not a. Nu. 4:19. when they a. un. most holy th'gs De. 20: 2. priest shall a. & speak un. peo. 31:14. days a. that thou must die _ Jos. 8: 5. I, and all peo., will a. un. city Ps. 65: 4. Blessed is man thou causest to a. Je. 30:21. and he shall a. unto me: that hath boldness to a. unto me Eze. 42:14. sh. a. to that pertaineth to peo. APPROACHETH Le. 22: 3. that a. unto the holy th'gs, which APPROVE Ps. 49:13. Yet after them men a. th. sayings I Co. 16: 3. whomso. ye sh. a., wi. I send Ph. 1:10. that ye may a. things excel'nt APPROVED Ac. 2:22. a man a. of God unto you Ro. 14:18. well-pleas, to God, & a. of men 16:10. Salute Apelles the a. in Christ 1 Co. 11:19. are a. may be made manifest 2 Co. 7:11. In everything ye a. yours. 10:18. not he that com'deth hims. is a. 13: 7. not that we may appear a. 1 Th. 2: 4. even as we have been a. of God 2 Ti. 2:15. present thyself a. unto God Ja. 1:12. when he hath been a., he shall APPROVEDNSSS 54 ARGOB APPROVEDNESS Ro. 5: 4. and stedfastness, a.; & a., hope APPROVEST Ro. 2:18. a. the things that are excellent APPROVETH La. 3 :36. To subvert a man, the Lord a. not Ro. 14:22. judgeth not hims. in that he a. APPURTENANCES 1 K. 6:38(m). with all the a. thereof APRONS Ge. 3: 7. sewed fig-leaves, made thems. a. Ac. 19:12. carried away handkerchiefs or a. APT 2 K. 24:16. all of them strong & a. for war 1 Ti. 3: 2. given to hospitality, a. to teach 2 Ti. 2:24. gentle towards all, a. to teach AQUILA iAk'wi-\a)— eagle. A Jew born in Pontus, resident for a while in Rome, but forced to leave that city because of the decree of the emperor Claudius banishing all its Jewish inhabitants, he came to Corinth. Ac. 18: 2. he found a certain Jew named A. 18. sailed thence wi. Priscilla & A. 26. But when Priscilla & A. heard him Ro. 16: 3. Salute Prisca & A. my fellow-wk. 1 Co. 16:19. A. and Prisca salute you 2 Ti. 4:19. Salute Prisca & A. & ho. of 0. AR (Ar)— c% (?) _ [the Arnon. A city of Moab in one of the upper valleys of Nu. 21:15. inclineth toward dwelling of A. 28. It hath devoured A. of Moab De. 2: 9. I have given A. imto chil. of Lot 18. Thou art this day to pass ov. A. 29. Moabites that dwell in A. did Is. 15: I. in a night A. of M. is laid waste ARA (A'ra) A descendant of Asher. I Ch. 7:38. JeDhunneh, and Pispa, and A. ARAB (A'rab) A town in the hill country of Judah. Jos. i5:52.^A., and Dumah, and Esham ARA3AH (Ar'a-bah) — arid region, desert. In its broadest sense, that depression extend- ing south of the Sea of Galilee to the Red sea, or more accurately to the Gulf of Akabah. De. i: I. in the A. over against Suph 7. in the A., in hill country 2: 8. from the way of the A. fr. Elath 3:17. the A. also and the Jordan and even unto the sea of the A. 4:49. all A. beyond Jordan eastward sea of A., under slopes of Pisgah 11:30. Canaanites that dwell in A. Jos. 3:16. went doAvn toward sea of the A. 8:14. at time appointed, before the A. 11: 2. in the A. south of Chinneroth 12: I. and ail the A. eastward 3. the A. unto sea of Chinneroth eastward, and unto sea of A. 8. in the lowland, and in the A. 18:18. it passed over ag. A. northward, and went down unto the A. 1 3. 23:24. in A. on south of desert 2 S. 2:29. all that night through the A. 4: 7. went by way of A. all night. 2 K. 14:25. of Hamath unto sea of the A. 25: 4. king went by way of the A. Is. 33:9(m). Sharon is like the A.; and Je. 39: 4. he went out toward the A. 52: 7. and they went toward the A. Eze. 47: 8. shall go down into the A. Am. 6:14. of Hamath unto brook of the A. Zee. 14:10. land shall be made like A. ARABIA (A-ra'bi-a). — arid region. In modern geography the great peninsula so named, bounded on the west by the Red sea and Syria, on the south by the Indian Ocean, and on the east by the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Omam. Northward it projects triangularly into the Syrian desert. 2 Ch. 9:14. all k's of A. brought gold Is. 21:13. The burden upon A. In forest in A. shall ye lodge Je. 25:24. and all the kings of A. Eze. 27:21. A., and all princes of Kedar Ga. 1:17. but I went away into A. 4:25. this Hagar is mount Sinai in A. ARABIAN (A-ra'bi-an) Ne. 2:19. and Geshem the A., heard it 6: I. was reported to Geshem the A. Is. 13:20. nei. sh. the A. pitch tent there Je. 3: 2. as an A. in the wilderness ARABIANS 2 Ch. 17:11. A. also brought him flocks 21:16. JH. stirred up spirit of A. . 2 Ch. 22: I. came with the A. to camp 26: 7. God helped him against the A. Ne. 4: 7. when Tobiah and A., etc., heard Ac. 2:11. Cretans & A. wc hear speaking ARAD (A'rad) A town in the Negeb or "South" region about seventeen miles south of Hebron. [(33:40) Nu. 21: I. king of A., who dwelt in South Jos. 12:14. k. of A. one; k. of Libnah one Ju. 1:16. wilderness of Judah, south of A. ARAD One of the descendants of Benjamin. I Ch. 8:15. Zebadiah, and A., and Eder ARAH (A'rah) — traveler. 1. An Asherite, son of Ulla. I Ch. 7:39. sons of Ulla: A., & Haimiel 2. Founder of a family. Ezr. 2: 5. The children of A., 775 Ne. 7:10. The children of A., 652 3. Father of Shechaniah. Ne. 6:18. was s-in-law of Shec, s. of A. ARAM (A'ram) A descendant of Shem, or collectively the name of a people. Ge. 10:22. sons of Shem: Lud, and A. (i Ch. 1:17) 23. sons of A.: Uz, and Hul, etc. 22:21. Kemuel the father of A. I Ch. 2:23. Geshur and A. took towns of J. 7:34. sons of Shemer: Ahi, and A., etc. Mat. 1:3 (m). and Hezron begat A. 4(m). and A. begat Amminadab ARAM (A'ram) The region occupied by the Aram^ans, extending from the Lebanon mountains to be- yond the Euphrates, and from the river Sagur on the north to and beyond Damascus on the south. Nu. 23: 7. From A. hath Balak brought me Ho. 12:12. Jacob fled into field of A. ARAMAIC (Ar'a-ma'ic) A branch of the Semitic languages, cognate with Hebrew, spoken in Aram. Ezr. 4:7 (m). written in the A. character Da. 2:4(m). spake to king in A. language ARAMITESS (A'ram-i'tess) 1 Ch. 7:14. his conc_ubine the A. bare ARAM-MAACAn (A'ram-ma'a-cah) A region east of the Jordan, near mount Hermon. I Ch. 19: 6. out of A-., and out of Zobah ARAB'I-NAHARAIM (A'ram-na'ha-ra'Lm)— Aram of the two rivers, the Euphrates and Tigris, or the Euphrates and Chabur. The region in which was the great city or district of Haran. Abram dwelt for a time in Haran, and in the same region dwelt his kindred. Ju. 3: 8. Cushan-rishathaim king of A. Ps. 6o(title). when_he strove with A. ARAM-ZOBAH (A'ram-zo'bah) Ps. 6o(tit2e). when he strove with A. ARAN (A'ran) — wild goat. A man of the Horite clan. Ge. 36:28. chil. of Dishan: Uz, and A, 1 Ch. 1:42. sons of Dishan: Uz, and A. ARARAT (Ar'a-rat) _ A district located in east Armenia between Lakes Van and Urumia and the River Araxes. Ge. 8: 4. ark rested upon mountains of A. 2 K. 19:37. escaped in. land of A. (Is. 37:38) Je. 51:27. call ag. her the kingdoms of A. ARARITE (A'ra-rite). Hararite in i Ch. 11:35. Inhabitant of a mountain hamlet called Harar. 2 S. 23:33. Ahiam son of Sharar the A. ARAUNAH (A-rau'nah). Oman in i Ch. 21:15. 2 S. 24:16. angel was by thr.-fioor of A. 18. rear altar in thr.-fioor of A. 20. A. looked forth and saw king 21. A. said, Wh'fore is king come? 22. A. said un. David, Let my lord 23. all this, king, doth A. give A. said unto king, JH. accept thee 24. king said un. A., Nay; but I AREA (Ar'ba) Legendary ancestor of the Anakim. Jos. 14:15. A. was gr'test man amo. Anakim 15:13. which A. was the father of Anak AREA, City of. Meaning of the name of Kiriath-arba. Jos. i4:T5(m). Thai is. The city of A, ARBATHITE (Ar'bath-ite) A rnan of Beth-arabah. 2 S. 23:31. Abi-albon the A. I Ch. 11:32. Abiel the A, ARBITE (Ar'bite) A man of Arab. 2 S. 23:35. Paarai the A. ARCHANGEL I Th. 4:16. wi. a shout, wi. voice of the a. Ju. 9. But Michael the a. ARCHELAUS (Ar'che-la'us) A son of Herod the Great, by whose will he was made ethnarch of Judaea, Samaria and Idumaea, and if he ruled well was to become king. Mt. 2:22. heard A. was reigning over Ju. ARCHER . Ge. 21:20. became, as he grew up, an a. Pr. 26:10. As an a. that wound eth all Je. 51: 3- let the a. bend his bow ARCHERS Ge. 49:23. The a. have sorely grieved him Ju. 5:11. Far from the noise of a. I S. 31: 3. the a. overtook him (i Ch. 10:3^ greatly distressed by the a. 1 Ch. 8:40. sons of Ulam were a. 2 Ch. 35:23. And the a. shot at k. Josiah Jb. 16:13. His a. compassed me round ab. Is. 21:17. residue of nmnber of a. 22: 3. they were bound by the a. Je. 50:29. Call togeth. the a. ag. Babylon ARCHES Eze. 40:16. and likewise to the a. 21. a. were aft. meas. of 1st gate 22. a. thereof were before them (26) 24. a. ac. to these measures (29, 33) 25. in the a. thereof round about (s^) 30. And there were a. round about 31. a. were toward outer court (34) 36. posts thereof, and the a. th'of ARCHEVITES (Ar'ehe-vltes) People from Erech in Babylonia, settled by Osnapper in Samaria. Ezr. 4: 9. the A., the Babylonians, etc. ARCHIPPffS (Ar'€hip-pu3) master of the horse. Member of the household of Philemon, probably his son. Col. 4:17. say to A., Take heed to minis. Phm. 2. and to A. our fellow-soldier ARCHITE (Ar'€hlte) A man from Erech. 2 S. 15:32. Hushai the A. came to meet him 16:16. Hushai the A., David's friend 17: 5. Call now Hushai the A. also 14. counsel of H. the A. is better I Ch. 27:33. Hushai the A. was k's friend ARCHITECT Heb. ii:io(m). whose a. and maker is God. ARCHITES (Ar'ehites) Jos. 16: 2. passed along border of the A. ARCHIVES Ezr. 6: i. search was made in house of a. ARD (Ard) Addar in i Ch. 8:3. A Benjamite, founder of the family or clan of Ardites. Ge. 46:21. and Hupplm, and A., etc. Nu. 26:40. sons of Bela were A., & Naaman of A. the family of the Ardites. ARDITES (Ard'ites) Nu. 26:40. 0/ Ard, the family of the A. ARDON (Ar'don) Son of Azubah, wife of Caleb. 1 Ch. 2:18. Jesher, and Shobab, and A. ARELI (A-re'li) A Gadite, founder of a family of Arelites. Ge. 46:16. sons of Gad, Arodi, and A., etc. Nu. 26:17. of A., the family of Arelites ARELITES (A-re'lites) Nu. 26:17. of Areli, the family of the A. AREOPAGITE (Ar'e-op'a-glte, or A're-op'a- gite) A judge of the court of Areopagus. Ac. 17:34. amo. whom was Dionysius the A. AREOPAGUS (Ar'e, or A're-op'a-gus)— hill of Ares. A bare rock northwest of the Acropolis of Ath- ens, consecrated to Ares the god of war, and upon which was his temple. The criminal court held its sessions there. Ac. 17:19. brought him unto the A. 22. Paul stood in midst of the A. ARETAS (Ar'e-tas) A Nabataean king whose original name was iEneas (Jos. Ant. xvi, 9:4). 2 Co. 11:32. the governor under A. ARGOB (Ar'gob) — heap of stones{?) A portion of the conquered territory of Og in Bashan, assigned to the half tribe of Manasseh. De. 3: 4. all the region of A. (13) ARGOB 55 ARK Jair took all the region of A. to him pertaineth region of A. De. 3:14- 1 K. 4:13- ARaOB A man assassinated by Pekah, along with Pekahiah, king of Israel. 2 K. 14:25. in castle with A. and Arieh ARGUETH Jb. 40: 2. a. with God, let him answer it ARGUMENTS Jb. 23: 4. And fill my mouth with a. Ps.38:i4(m). in whose mouth are no a. ARIDAI (A-rid'a-i, or A-ri'dai) A son of Haman. Es. 9: 9. Parmashta, and Arasai.and A. ARIDATHA (A-rid'a-tha, or Ar'i-da'tha) A son of Haman. Es. 9: 8. Poratha, and Adalia, and A. ARIEH (A-ri'eh, or A'ri-eh) One who was slain with Pekahiah, either a servant or one of the conspirators. 2 K. 15:25. in castle with Argob and A. ARIEL (A'ri-el)— h'on of God. 1. A Moabita whose sons wsre slain by Bsnaiah, one of David's valiant men. 2 S. 23:20. he slew two sons of A. (i Ch. 11:22) 2. Oneof the "chief men" at the encamp- ment on the river Ahava. Ezr. 8:16. Then I sent for A., etc. ARIEL A mystical name given by Isaiah to Jerusalem. Is. 29: I. Ho A., A., the city where David 2. then will I distress A. and she shall be unto me as A. 7. the nations that fight ag. A. ARIGHT Jb. 11:13. Ps. 50:23. 78: 8. Pr. 4:26(01). 15: 2. Mt. Mk. Lu. Jn. 27:57- 15:43- 23:51- 19:38. Da. 2:14. 15- 24. 25- If thou set thy heart a. to him that ordereth way a. A gen'n th. set not their heart a. let all thy ways be ord'd a. the wise uttereth knowledge a. 23:3i(m). When ii moveth itself a. Is. 26:7(m). the just thou directest a. 28:26. his God doth instruct him a. (m). he traineth each of them a. Je. 8: 6. I heard, but they spake not a. 2 Ti. 2:15. handling a. the word of truth ARxMATHEA (Ar'i-ma-thas'a, or A'ri-ma- the a) there came a rich man fr. A. came Joseph of A. a councillor of A., a city of the Jews Joseph of A., being a disciple ARIOCH (A'ri-och) — servant of ike moon-god. 1. Kiug of Ellasar in Assyria. Ge. 14: I. A. king of Ellasar (g) 2. Captain of the guard of Nebuchad- nezzar. ret'd ans. wi. prudence to A. said to A. k's captain, Wh'fore Then A. made th'g known to Dan. Th'fore Daniel went in unto A. Then A. bro"t in Da. bef. king ARISAI (A-ris'a-i, or A-ri'sai) One of the sons of Haman. Es. 9: 9. Parmashta, and A., etc. ARISE (Arise with get, Arise with go, Arise, O Jehovah, Arise with let. Shall arise. Arise viih take, Will arise) A., walk through the land in A., lift up the lad, and hold him a., I pray thee, sit and eat of a., flee thou to Laban my bro. If there a. of thee a prophet If matter a. too hard for thee then shalt thou a., and get thee A., Barak, & lead away captives A.; for JH. hath dehvered into 20:40. when cloud began to a. up out A., anoint him; for this is he if king's wrath a. & he say Ammon said unto her, A., be gone. A. ye, and pass quickly over smitten ... so they cannot a. A., I pray, and disguise thyself angel . . . said unto him, A. & eat A. & eat, bee. journey is too great a., & eat bread, & let thy heart make him a. from among brethren A. & be doing, & JH. be with thee a. therefore, & build sanctuary A.; matter belongeth unto thee and deliverance a. to the Jews If I a., they speak against me. upon whom doth not his light a.? Ge. 13:17- 2f:i8. 27:19. De. 43- 13: I. 17:8. Ju. 5:12. 7:15- iS. 20:40. 16:12. 2 a. 11:20. 13:15- 17:21. iK. 22:39. 14: 2. 19: 5- 7- 2K. iCh 21: 7. 9: 2. 22:16. Ezr. Es. Jb. 19. 10: 4. 4:14. 19:18. as: 3- Ps. 44:23- 59: 5- 74:22. 78: 6. 82: 8. 89: 9- 102:13. 109:28 Pr. 6: 9. S.S 2:13. Is. 23:12. 49: 7- .52: 2. 60: I. Je. 1:17. 2:27. La. 2:19. Da. 7: 5- Jon. i: 6. Mi. 2:10. 4:13- 6: I. Hab . 2:19. Mt. 9: 5- 17: 7- 26: 5. 46. Mk. 5:41- Lu. 5:23- 7:14. 8:54- 24:38. Jn. 6: 8. Ac. 9:34- 40. 22:16. 26:16. Ep. 5:14- He. 7:11. 2Pe . i:ig. Arise Ge. 31:13- De. 9:12. Ju. 7: 9. iK. 14:12. 17: 9. Je. 49:31. Ac. 10:20. Arise Ge. 28: 2. 35: I- 43:13- Jos. i: 2. 8: I. iS. 9: 3- 23: 4. 2S. 19: 7- iK. 21:18. 2K. i: 3- 8: I. Jer. 13: 4- 18: 2. 40:28. Eze. 3:22. Jon. i: 2. Lu. 17:19- Ac. 8:26. 9:11. 22:10. Arise, 2Ch 6:41. Ps. 3: 7- 7: 6. 8:19. 10:12. 17:13. 132: 8. Arise Ge. 27:31. 35: 3- Ju. 18: 9. 2S. 2:14. 15:14- Ps. 68: I. Je. 2:28. 6:4- S- 31: 6. 46:16. Ob. I. Mt. 26:46. Jn. 14:31. A., cast us not off for ever A. to visit all the nations A., God, plead thine own cause Who sh'd a. & tell . . . children. . A., God, judge the earth; For waves a., thou stillest them. Thou v/ilt a., and have mercy . a., they shall be put to shame V/hen wilt thoa a. out of sleep? A., my love, my fair one, and a., pass over to Kittim; even Kings shall see and a.; princes a., sit on thy throne, Jeru. A., shine; for thy light is come gird up thy loins, and a., and they will say. A., and save us A., cry out in the night, at the they said, A., devour much flesh sleeper? a., call upon thy God A. ye, and depart, for this is A. & thresh, daughter of Zion A., contend before the mountains to wood. Awake; to dumb stone, A.? forgiven; or to say. A., & walk Jesus . . . said. A., & be not afraid . lest a tumult a. among people. A., let us be going (Mk. 14:42) Damsel, I say unto thee, A. forgiven thee; or to say A., & walk Young man, I say unto thee, A. he called, saying. Maiden, A. wherefore do questionings a.? A., take up thy bed and walk healeth thoe: a. & make thy bed. turning to body, he said Tabitha, A. a., & be baptized, & wash away But a., and stand upon thy feet Awake, . . . and a. from the dead another priest sh'd a. after day-star a. in your hearts wiih get a., g. thee out from this land JE. said, A., g. thee down quickly A., g. thee down into the camp A. thou . . . g. thee to thy house A., g. thee to Zarephath, which A., g. you unto a nation at ease But a., and g. thee dov^n, and go with go A., g. to Paddan-aram, to house of A., g. up to Beth-el, & dwell there and a., g. again unto the man a., g. over this Jordan, thou and with thee, and a., g. up to Ai with thee, & a., g. seek the asses JH. said, A., g. down to Keilah a., g. forth, speak comfortably A., g. down to meet Ahab king A., g. up to meet messengers of A., g. thou and thy household a., g. to the Euphrates, and (6) A., g. down to the potter's house saith JH.: A., g. up to Kedar A., g. forth into the plain A., g. to Nineveh, that (3:2) he said unto him, A., g. thy way A., and g. toward the south unto A., g. to street called Straight Lord said, A. and g. into Damascus O Jehovah a. J. God, into thy resting-place A., J.; save m. my God: For thou A., J., in thine auger; Lift up A., J.; let not man prevail A., J.; God lift up thy hand A., J., Confront him, cast him A., J., into thy resting-place with let L. my father a., & eat of his 1. us a., and go up to Beth-e! A., and 1. us go up against them L. the young men a. and play And Joab said, L. them a. David said. A., and 1. us flee L. God a., let his enemies be 1. them a., if they can save thee a., and 1. us go up at noon. A., and 1. us go up by night, and A. ye, and 1. us go up to Zion A., & 1. us go again to our own A. ye, & 1. us rise up against her in A., 1. us be going (Mk. 12:42) so I do. A., i. us go hence. Shall arise Ge. 41:30. s. a. after them seven years of famine Jos. 18: 4. they s. a., & walk through land I K. 3:12. neither s. any a. like unto thee Jh.ii:iy{m). thy Ps. Is. Da. Ho. Mi. Mai. Mt. Ac. Ge. De. iK. Mt. Mk. Lu. Jn. Ge. 2S. Ne. Es. Ps. Is. Lu. life s. o. above noonday »»:io. S. . . . deceased a. & praise thee? 26:19. dead sh. live; my dead bodies s. a. 2:39. after thee s. a. another kingdom 7:17. are four kings, that s. a. out of 24. out of this kingdom s. ten kings a. and another s. a. after them 10:14. Therefore s. a. tumult a. among 7: 8. mine enemy: when I fall I s. a. 4: 2. s. the sun of righteousness a. 24:11. many false prophets s. a., and 24. there s. a. false Christs (Mk. 13:22) 20:30. s. men a. speaking perverse things Arise with take 19:15. A., t. thy wife & tv/o daughters 10:11. A., t. thy journey before people 21:15. A., t. possession of vineyard of 2:13. A. and t. young child and mother 9: 6. A. and t. up thy bed, and go unto 2: 9, or to say, A., and t. up thy bed II. I say unto thee, A. t. up thy bed 5:24. A., and t. up thy couch, and gj 5: 8. saith. A., t. up thy bed and walk V/ill arise 43: 8. Send lad with me, & we w. a. and go 3:21. Abner said unto David, I w. a. 17: I. I w. a., and pursue after David 2:20. we his servants w. a. & build 1:18. So w. there a. mush contempt and 12: 5. Now w. I a., saith Jehovah (33:10) 31: 2. w. a. against ... the evil-doers 33:10. Now will I a., saith Jehovah 60: 2. JH. w. a. upon thee, & his glory -"■ because of his importunity he w. a. 11: 15:18. I w. a. and go to my father, and ARISEN De. 34:10. Mt. ii:ii. Lu. 7:16. ARISETH I K. 18:44. not a. prophet since like not a. greater than John Baptist A great prophet is a. amo. us a cloud out of the sea Ps. 68: i(m). God a., let his enemies be scat'd 104:22. The sun a., they get th. away 112: 4. Unto upright there a. light Ec. i: 5. sun also a., and sun goeth down hasteth to its place where it a. Is. 2:19. he a. to shake mightily earth Na. 3:17. but when sun a. they flee away Mat. 13:21. tribula. or persecu. a. (Mk. 4:17) Mk. 4:37. there a. a great storm of wind Jn. 7:52. out of Galilee a. no prophet Ro. 15:12. that a. to rule over Gentiles He. 7:15. after Melchiz. a. anoth. priest Jas. i:ii. the sun a. with the scorching wind ARISING Mt. 27:24. rather that a tumult was a. ARIST-AaCHUS (Ar'is-tiir'ehus) One of Paul's traveling companions Ac. 19:29. Gains and A., men of Macedonia 20: 4. of Thessalonians, A. and Secundus 27: 2. A., a Macedonian of Thessalonica Col. 4:10. A. my fellow-prisoner saluteth Phm. 24. and so do Mark, A., etc. ARISTOBULUS (Ar'is-to-bu'lus) Probably grandson of Herod the Great Ro. 16:10. them of household of A. ARK (Ark of the covenant. Ark of God, Ark of Jshovah, Ark of the testimony) Ge. 6:14. Make thee an a. of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the a. 15. length of the a. 300 cubits 16. light shalt thou make to the a. 18. and thou shalt come into the a. 19. of every sort shalt bring in. a. 7: I. 7- 9- 13. IS. Come thou & all thy house in. Noah went in, into the a. two and two unto Noah into the a. selfsame day ent'd Noah into a. went in unto Noah into a. two & 17. waters increased, and bare up a. 18. a. went upon face of waters 23. that were with him in the a. (8:1) 4. a. rested in the seventh month 6. Noah opened window of the a. 9. (dove) returned unto him to a. brought her in un. him into a. again sent forth dove out of a. Noah removed covering of a. Go forth from a., thou & wife 10. 13- 16. ARK 56 ARMAGEDON Ge 8:19. ev. beast, etc. went forth out a. 9:10. of all that go out of the a. 18. sons of N., that went forth fr. a. Ex. 2: 3. she took for him a. of bulrushes S. she saw a. among flags, and sent 25:10. they sh. make an a. of acacia wood 14. into rings on sides of the a., wherewith to bear the a. 15. staves shall be in rings of a. 16. shalt put into a. the testimony shalt put mercy-seat abo. up. a. 21. in a. thou shalt put testimony 22. bet. two cherubim upon the a. 35:12. the a., staves th'of, mercy-seat 37: I. Bezalel made a. of acacia wood 5. staves into rings on sides of a., to bear the a. 40: 3. shalt screen the a. with the veil 20. put testimony into the a., and set the staves on the a., and put mercy-seat above up. a. 21. brought a. into the tabernacle Le. 16: 2. mercy-seat which is upon a. Nu. 3:31. And their charge sh. be the a. 10:35. when the a. set forward De. 10: I. and make thee an a. of wood 2. and thou shalt put them in a. 3. So I made an a. of acacia wood 5. put tables in a. wh. I had made Jos. 3:15. when they that bare the a. feet of priests that bare the a. 4:10. priests that bare the a. stood 6: 4. 7 trumpets of rams' horns bef. a. 9. the rearward went after the a. 8:33. on this side of a. & on that 1 S. 6:13. saw the a., and rejoiced 7: 2. the a. abode in Kiriath-jearim 2 S. 6: 4. and Ahio went before the a. ii:ii. The a., and Is., abide in booths I K. 8: 3. and the priests took up the a. 5. were with him before the a. 7. their wings over place of the a., the cherubim covered the a. 9. noth. in a. save 2 tables (2 Ch._s:io) 21. there have I set a place for a. 1 Ch. 6:31. after that the a. had rest 13: 9. Uzza put forth hand to hold a. 10. bee. he put forth his hand to a. 13. So David removed not the a. I5:22(m). was over carrying of a. 23. B. and E. were doorkeepers for a. 24. 0. and J. were doorkeepers for a. 27. all Levites that bare the a. 16:37. to minister bef. a. continually 2 Ch. 5: 4. and Levites took up the a. 5. and they brought up the a. 6. all cong'n, of Is. were bef. the a. 8. cherubim spread wings over a. 9. ends of staves were seen fr. a. 6:11. And there I have set the a. 41. and the a. of thy strength 35: 3. Put the holy a. in the house Ps. 132: 8. Thou, and the a. of thy strength Mat. 24:38. day Noah ent'd in. a. (Lu. 17:27) He. 11: 7. prep'd an a. to saving of h. ho. I Pe. 3:20. while the a. was a preparing Ark of the covenant Nu. 10:33. a. c. of JH. went bef. th. 3 days 14:44. a. c. of JH. departed not De. 10: 8. Levi, to bear a. c. of Jehovah 31: 9. Levi, that bare a. c. of Jehovah 25. Lev., bare a. c. of JH. (Jos. 8:33) 26. put it by side of a. c. of JH. Jos. 3: 3. When ye see a. c. of JH. yr. God 6. Take up the a. c, and pass over they took up a. c, & went before 8. command priests that bare a. c. 11. a. c. of the Lord passeth over 14. priests bare a. c. being before 17. priests bare a. c. of JH. stood 4: 7. waters were cut off bef. a. c. 9. feet of pr'sts bare a. c. stood 6: 6. Take up the a. c. 8. a. c. of Jehovah followed them Ju. 20:27. (a. c. of God was there 1 S. 4: 3- Let us fetch a, c. of Jehovah 4. bro't thence a. c. of Jehovah sons of Eli were with a. c. of G. 5. when a. c. of Jehovah came 2 S. 15:24. Levites, bearuvg a. c. of God I K. 3:15. he stood before a. c. of JH. 6:ig. set there a. c. of Jehovah 8: I. bring up a. c. of JH. (2 Ch. 5:2) 6. pr. bro't in a. c. of JH. (2 Ch. 5:7) I Ch. 15:25. went to bring up a. c. of JH. I Ch. 15:26. God helped Levites th. bare a. c. 28. Is. brought up a. c. of Jehovah 29. as a. c. of JH. came to city 16: 6. with trumpets, bef. a. c. of God 37. left, bef. a. c. of JH., Asaph 17: I. but a. c. of JH. dwelleth in curt. 22:19. to bring a. c. of Jehovah 28: 2. house of rest for a. c. of JH. 18. their wings, covered a. c. of JH. Je. 3:16. sh. say no more. The a. c. of JH. He. 9: 4. a. c. overlaid with gold Re. 11:19. in his temple a. of his c. Ark of God 1 S. 3: 3. in temple, where the a. G. was 4:11. And the a. G. was taken 13. for his heart trembled for a. G. 17. and the a. G. is taken 18. when he made mention of a. G. 19. tidings that the a. G. was taken 21. because the a. G. was taken 22. for the a. G. was taken 5: I. Philistines had taken the a. G. 2. Philistines took the a. G. 7. a. G. of Is. shall not abide wi. us 8. What sh. we do wi. a. G. of Is.? Let the a. G. be carried unto Gath carried the a. G. of Is. thither 10. So they sent the a. G. to Ekron as the a. G. came to Ekron bro't a. G. of Israel to slay us 11. Send away a. G. of Israel 6: 3. If ye send away the a. G. of Is. 14:18. Saul said. Bring hither the a. G. for the a. G. was there 2 S. 6: 2. to bring up from thence a. G. 3. they set the a. G. upon new cart 4. in the hill, with the a. G. 6. Uzzah put forth hand to the a. G. 7. there he died by the a. G. 12. blessed, because of the a. G. David went and bro't up the a. G. 7: 2. a. G. dwelleth within curtains 15:24. and they set down the a. G. 25. Carry back a. G. into the city 29. Z. and A. carried a. G. again to J. 1 Ch. 13: 3. let us bring again a. G. to us 5. to bring a. G. from Kiriath-jearim 6. to bring up from thence the a. G. 7. carried the a. G. upon a new cart 12. How shall I bring a. G. home? 14. a. G. remained with fam. of Obed. 15: I. (David) prepared place for a. G. 2. None ought to carry a. G. but Lev. hath JH. chosen to carry the a. G. 15. Levites bare a. G. upon shoulders 24. did blow trumpets before a. G. 16: I. bro't in a. G., & set it in midst 2 Ch. i: 4. a. G. had David bro't up fr. Kir. Ark of Jehovah Jos. 3:13. feet of priests th. bear a. J. 4: 5. Pass over before the a. J. II. that the a. J. passed over 6: 6. seven trumpets before a. J. 7. armed men pass on before a. J. 11. So he caused a. J. to compass 12. Josh, rose early, priests took a. J. 13. bearing 7 trumpets before a. J. rearward came after the a. J. 7: 6. fell upon his face before a. J. 1 S. 4: 6. understood a. J. come in. camp 5: 3. Dagon was fallen before a. J. (4) 6: I. a. J. was in country of Philis. 2. What shall we do with the a. J.? 8. take a. J., and lay it upon cart II. put a. J. upon the cart 15. the Levites took down the a. J. 18. stone, whereon they set a. J. 19. because they looked into a. J. 21. Phihs. have brought back a. J, 7:1. men of Kir. fetched up a. J. sanctified Eleazar to keep a. J. 2 S. 6: 9. How shall a. J. come unto me? 10. David would not remove a. J. 11. a. J. remained in house of Obed-. 13. bare a. J. had gone six paces 15. house of Is. brought up a. J. 16. as a. J. came into city 17. brought in a. J., set it in place I K. 2:26. bee. thou bearest a. of Lord J. 8: 4. bro't up a. J., & tent of meeting 1 Ch. 15: 3. to bring up a. J. un. its "^lace 12. that ye may bring up the a. J. 14. sanctified thems. to bring a. J. 16: 4. Levites to minister bef. a. J. 2 Ch. 8:11. holy, whereunto a. J. h. come Ark of the testimony- Ex. 25:22. two cherubim wh. are up. a. t. 26:33. bring Li within veil the a. t. 34. put mercy-seat upon the a. t. 30: 6. put it bef. veil th. is by a. t. 26. thou shalt anoint the a. t. 31 : 7. may make the a. t. 39:35. brought unto Tent a. t. 40: 3. shalt put therein the a. t. 5. set altar on incense before a. t. 21. and screened the a. t. Nu. 4: 5. and cover the a. t. with it 7:89. Voice above mercy-seat upon a. t. Jos. 4:16. Command priests that bear a. t. ARKITE (Ark'ite) Used as a plural to denote a tribe descended from Canaan. Ge. 10:17. the Hivite, and A., etc. I Ch. 1:15. Hivite, and A., and Sinite, etc. ARM (See also Arms) (His arm, Mine arm, Outstretched arm, Strong arm, Thine arm) Nu. 31: 3. A. ye men among you for wat 32:20. if ye will a. yours, to go bef. De. 33:20. teareth the a., yea, the crown 1 S. 2:31. and a. of thy father's house 2 Ch. 32: 8. with him is an a. of flesh, but Jb. 26: 2. saved a., that hath no strength! 35: 9. by reason of a. of the mighty 38:15. And the high a. is broken. 40: 9. Or hast thou an arm like God? Ps. 10:15. Break thou a. of the wicked 44: 3. nei. did their own a. save them 89:10. scattered thine enemies with a. 13. Thou hast a mighty a.; Strong Is. 9:11 (m). and will a. his enemies 20. sh. eat ev. man flesh of his own a. i9:2(m). I will a. Egyptians against 33: 2. be thou our a. every morning 51: 9. put on strength, a. of Jehovah 53: I. hath a. of JH. been revealed? 62: 8. and by the a. of his strength Eze. 30:21. I have broken a. of Pharaoh Da. 11: 6. not letain strength of her a. Mai. 2:3(m). I will rebuke your a. . . . and Jn. 12:38. hath a. of Lord been revealed? Ac. 13:17. with high a. led he them forth 1 Pe. 4: I. a. ye also with same mind His arm 2 S. 1:10. and bracelet that was on h. a. Ps. 98: I. h. holy a., hath wrought salvation Is. 17: 5. grain, and h. a. reapeth the ears 30:30. will show lighting down of h. a. 32. with brandishing of h. a. will he 40:10. and h. a. will rule for him II. he will gather the lambs in h. a- 48:14. and h. a. shall be on Chaldeans 52:10. JH. hath made bare h. holy a. in 59:16. h. own a. brought salvation unto 63:12. caused h. glorious a. to go at Je. 17:5. Cursed is man . . . maketh flesh h. a. 48:25. and h. a. is broken, saith Jehovah. Eze. 31:17. that were h. a., //io< dwelt Da. 11: 6. neither shall he stand, nor h. a. Zee. 11:17. the sword shall be upon h. a. h. a. shall be clean dried up Lu. 1:51. hath showed strength with h. a. Mine arm Jb. 31:22. m. a. be broken from the bone Ps. 89:21. M. a. also shall strengthen him Is. 51: 5. and on m. a. shall they trust. 63: 5. m. own a. brought salvation Outstretched arm Ex. 6: 6. I will redeem you with an 0. a. De. 4:34- by an 0. a. (5:15; 7:19; 11:2; 26:8) 9:29. power, and by thine o. a. (Je. 32:17) 1 K. 8:42. mighty hand, and of thine 0. a. 2 K. 17:36. with an 0. a. (Ps. 136:12; Je. 32:21; Eze. 20:33, 34) 2 Ch. 6:32. thy mighty hand, & thine 0. a. Je. 27: 5. "my great power, and by my 0. a. Strong arm Is. 44:12. and worketh it with his s. a. Je. 21: 5. will fight against you . . . with s. a. Eze. 17: 9. not by a s. a. or much people 30:22. will break his arms, the s. a. Thine arm Ex. 15:16. By greatness of t. a. they are I S. 2:31. days come, I will cut off t. a. Ps. 44: 3. But thy right hand, and t. a. 77:15. with t. a. redeemed thy people S. S. 8: 6. Set me . . . as a seal upon t. a. Eze. 4: 7. siege of Jeru., with t. a. uncovered ARMAGEDON (Ar'ma-ged'on) Re. i6:i6(m). place called in Hebrew A. ARMED 57 AROERITE ARMED (Armed man, Armed men, Armed for war) Ex. 13:18. children of Israel went up a. Nu. 32:17. we ourselves will be ready a. 30. will not pass over with you a. 32. We will pass over a. before JH. De. 3:18. ye shall pass over a. before yr. Jos. 1:14. ye shall pass over before ... a. 4:12. over a. before children of Is. 2 S. 23: 7. that toucheth them must be a. 1 Ch. 12: 2. They were a. with bows, and 2 Ch. 17:17. two hundred thousand a. Ps. 78: Q. being a. and carrying bows Armed man Nu. 32:21. every a. m. will pass over Jordan 29. every m. that is a. to battle Pr. 6:11. And thy want as an a. m. (24:34) Is. 9: 5. For all the armor of the a. m. Lu. 11:21. m. fully a. guardeth his court Armed men Jos. 6: 7. let the a. m. pass on before ark 9. a. m. went before the priests 13. and the a. m. went before them Ju. 7:11. of a. m. that were in the camp. 2 Ch. 28:14. So the a. m. left the captives Jb. 39:21. He goeth out to meet the a. m. la. 15: 4. the a. m. of Moab cry aloud Armed for war Nu. 31: 5. of every tribe, twelve thousand a. f. w. 32:37. pass over, every man a. f. w. Jos. 4:13. about forty thousand a. f. w. I Ch. 12:23. members of heads of them a. f. w. 24. six thou. & eight hundred a. f . w. ARMHOLES Je. 38:12. Put garments under thine a. ARMIES {See also Army) ' I S. 17: I. Philis. gathered a. to battle 8. and cried unto the a. of Is. 10. I defy the a. of Is. this day 26. he sh'd defy a. of living God? 36. he hath defied a. of living G. 45. God of a. of Is., thou h. defied 23: 3. if we go ag. a. of Philistines? I K. 15:20. sent captains of his a. against 1 Ch. 11:26. Also mighty men of the a. 2 Ch. 16: 4. sent capt's of a. ag. cities Jb. 25: 3. Is there any number of his a.? Ps. 68:12. Kings of a. flee, they flee Mat. 22: 7. sent his a., and destroyed Lu. 21:20. see Jeru. compassed with a. He. 11:34. turned to flight a. of aliens Re. 9:16. number of a. of horsemen was 19:14. a. which are in heaven fol'd 19. kings of earth, and their a. ARMLETS Nu. 31:50. signet-rings, ear-rings, & a. ARMONI (Ar-m5'm') One of Saul's sons by his concubine Rizpah. 2 S. 21: 8. she bare unto Saul, A., etc. ARMOR 1 S. 14: I. young man that bare his a. (6) 17:54. but he put his a. in hjs tent 31: 9. and stripped off his a. 10. put his a. in ho. of Ashtaroth 2 S. 2:21. and take thee his a. 18:15. young men that bare Joab's a. 2i:i6(m). he being girded with neiv a. 1 K. 10:25. raiment, and a., & spices 20:11. not him girdeth on his a. boast 22:34. bet. joints of a. (2 Ch. 18:33) (m). a. & breastplate (2 Ch. 18:33) 38(m). and they washed the a. 2 K. 3:21. that were able to put on a. 10: 2. a fortified city also, and a. 20:13. and the house of his a. 1 Ch. 10: 9. took his head, and his a. 10. put his a. in h. of their gods 22: 8. didst look that day to the a. 39: 2. and all the house of his a. 2 Ch. 9:24. and raiment, a., and spices Is. 9: 5. all the a. of the armed man Je. 5i:ii(m). hold firm the suits of a. Eze. 38: 4. all of them clothed in full a. Lu. 11:22. taketh from him his full a. Ro. 13:12. let us put on a. of light 2 Co. 6: 7. by the a. of righteousness Ep. 6:11. Put on the whole a. of God 13. take up the whole a. of God ARMORBEARER Ju. 9:54. called unto young man his a. I S. 14: 7. a. said, Do all in thy heart 12. answered Jonathan and his a. Jon. said un. a., Come up aft. me 1 S. 14:13. J. climbed up, and his a. aft. him his a. slew them after them 14. first slaughter, wh. J. & a. made 17. Jon. and his a. were not there 16:21. and he became his a. [Ch. 10:4) 31: 4. said Saul to his a.. Draw sword (i But his a. would not (i Ch. 10:4) 5. a. saw Saul was dead (i Ch. 10:5) 6. Saul died, his three sons & a. 2 S. 23:37(m). Naharai, a. to Joab (i Ch. 11:39) ARMORBEARERS 2 S. 23:37. Zelek, Naharai, a. to Joab ARMORY Ne. 3:19. over against the ascent to a. S. S. 4: 4. tower of Da. builded for an a. Je. 50:25. Jehovah hath opened his a. ARMS (Sec also Arm) Ge. '49:24. a. of hands were naade strong De. 33:27. underneath are everlasting a. Ju. 15:14. ropes upon a. became as flax 16:12. brake them off a. like thread 2 S. 22:35. a. bend bow of brass (Ps. 18:34) 1 K. io:i9(m). were a. on either side 2 K. 9:24. smote Joram between his a. 2 Ch. 9:i8(m). a. on either side by place Jb. 22: g. a. of fatherless h. been broken Ps. 37:17. a. of the wicked sh. be broken Pr. 31:17. And maketh strong her a. Is. 51: 5. mine a. shall judge the peoples 60: 4. daughters sh. be carried in a. Eze. 13:20. I will tear them fr. your a. 30:22. break his a., the strong arm 24. will strengthen a. of k. of Bab. but will break the a. of Phara. 25. will hold up a. of k. of Babylon the a. of Pharaoh sh. fall down Da. 2:32. its breast & its a. of silver 10: 6. a. & feet like burnished brass Ho. 7:15. I have strengthened their a. 11: 3. I took them on my a. Zee. 13: 6. are these wounds between thi. a.? Mk. 9:36. taking him in his a., he said 10:16. he took them in his a. blessed Lu. 2:28. he received him into his a. ARMY {See also Armies) (Army of Chaldeans, Great army, His army. Army of Syrians, Thine army) De. 11: 4. what he did unto a. of Egypt Ju. 4: 7. Sisera, captain of Jabin's a. I S. 4: 2. slew of a. in field about 4000 12. ran man of Benjamin out of a. 16. I am he that came out of the a. and I fled to-day out of the a. 17:21. put battle in array a. against a. 22. David left baggage, and ran to a. 48. ran to'wd a. to meet Philistine. I K. 20:19. and the a. which followed them. 25. number thee an a., like a. thou 1 Ch. 20: I. that Joab led forth the a. 2 Ch. 13: 3. battle with a. of valiant men 14: 8. Asa had a. that bare bucklers 9. with a. of a thousand thousand 20:21. as they went out before the a. 25: 7. let not a. of Israel go wi. thee 9. wh. I have given to a. of Israel? 10. separated them, to wit, the a. 13. men of a. whom Amaz. sent back 26:11. Uzziah had a. of fighting men 13. And under their hand was an a. 33:i4(m). he put captains of a. in Ne. 2: 9. sent with me captains of the a. 4: 2. he spake before . . . a. of Samaria Jb. 29:25. And dwelt as a king in the a. Ps. 110:3 (m). willingly in day of thy a. S. S. 6: 4. Terrible as an a. with banners. Is. 43:17. who bringeth forth . . . the a. Je. 32: 2. Babylon's a. was besieging Jeru. 34: 7. Babylon's a. was fighting ag. Jer. 21. hand of king of Babylon's a. 37: 5. Pharaoh's a. was come out of Eg. 7. Pharaoh's a. is come to help you 11. from Jeru. for fear of Pharaoh's a. 38: 3. hand of a. of king of Babylon 46: 2. concerning a. of Pharaoh-neco 22. for they shall march with an a. Eze. 38:15. a great company & a mighty a. Da. 4:35. ac. to his will in a. of heaven 11: 7. who shall come unto the a., and 25. exceeding great and mighty a. Joe. 2:20. will remove far off northern a. Zee. 4:6(m). Not by an a., nor by power 9: 8. I will encamp against the a. Army of Chaldeans 2 K. 25: 5. a. 0. C. pursued king (Je. 52:6) 10. a. 0. C. brakedown walls (Je. 52:14) Je. 35:11. to Jerusalem for fear of a. 0. C. 37:10. tho. ye had smitten whole a. 0. C. II. when the a. 0. C. was broken up 39: 5. But a. 0. C. pursued after them Great army 2 K. 18:17. to Hezekiah with g. a. unto Jeru. Is. 36: 2. sent Rabshakeh to Jeru. with g. a. Eze. 37:10. upon their feet, exceeding g. a. Da. 11:13. with a g. a. & much substance. 25. against king of south with a g. a. Joe. 2:25. and the palmer-worm, my g. a. His army Ex. 14: g. and his horsemen, and h. a., and 2 K. 25: I. king of Babylon came, he & h. a. 5. all h. a. was scattered (Je. 52:14) Pr. 3o:3i(m). king when h. a. is with him Je. 34: I. king of Babylon, & all h. a. (39:1) 52: 4. king of Bab. came, he & all h. a. Eze. 17:17. Nei. sh. Pharaoh with h. mighty a. 29:18. king of B. caused h. a. to serve yet had he no wages, nor h. a. 19. it shall be the wages for h. a. 32:31. even Pharaoh & all h. a., slain Da. 3:20. mighty men that were in h. a. 11:26. destroy him, & h. a. sh. overflow Joe. 2:11. JH. uttereth voice before h. a. Re. 19:19. make war against him and h. a. Army of Syrians 2 Ch. 24:23. a. 0. S. came up against him 24. a. 0. S. came with small company Je. 35:11. Chaldeans, and for fear of a. 0. S. Thine army Ju. 8: 6. that we sh'd give bread unto t. a.? 9:29. Increase t. a., and come out. Eze. 27:10. Persia & Lud & Put were in t. a. 11. men of Arvad with t. a. were 38: 4. will bring thee forth, & all t. a. ARNAN (Ar'nan) A descendant of David. I Ch. 3:21. sons of Rephaiah, sons of A. ARNON (Ar'non) A river of Moab flowing into the Dead Sea. Anciently it was the border line between the Amorites and the Moabites, and, after the con- quest of the land, between the Moabites and the tribe of Reuben. Nu. 21:13. encamped on other side of A. (Ju. 11:18) for A. is border of Moab (Ju. 11 :i8) 14. And the valleys of the A. 24. from A. un. Jabbok (Ju. 11:13, 22) 26. out of his hand, even unto A. 28. lords of high places of the A. 22:36. which is on the border of the A. De. 2:24. pass over valley of the A. 36. on edge of valley of the A. (4:48; Jos. 12:2; 13:9, 16) 3: 8. fr. valley of A. un. mt. Hermon (Jos. 12:1) 12. which is by valley of A. (2 K. 10:33) 16. even unto valley of A. Ju. 11:26. cities th. are by side of A. Is. 16: 2. be at the fords of the A. Je. 48:20. tell by A. Moab is laid waste AROD (A 'rod). Arodi in Ge. 46:16. A Gadite, ancestor of the family of Arodites. Nu. 26:17. d A. the fam. of the Arodites ARODI (Ar'o-di, or A-ro'di) Ge. 46:16. Ezbun, Eri, and A. etc. Nu. 26:i7(m). of A., the fam. of Arodites ARODITES (A'rod-ites) Nu. 26:17. of Arod, the family of A. AROER (Ar'o-er, or A-ro'er) 1. A town on the northern bank of the Arnon. De. 2:36. From A., on edge of valley (4:48; Jos. 12:2; 13:9) 3:12. fr. A., wh. is by valley (2 K. 10:33) Ju. 11:26. in A. and its to vms 33. A. until thou come to Minnith 2. A city of Judah, probably the same as the modern Ara'ra, southeast of Beer- sheba. I S. 30:28. and to them that were in A. 1 (ih. 5:8. Bela s. of Azaz, who dwelt in A. Je. 48:19. inhab. of A., stand by way 3. A city built by the Gadites, east of Rabbah in Ammon. Nu. 32:34. built Dibon and A., etc. Jos. 13:25. unto A. that is before Rabbah 2 S. 24: 5. passed ov. Jord., encamped in A. Is. 17: 2. The cities of A. are forsaken AROERITE (Ar'o-er-ite, or A-ro'er-Ite) A native or inhabitant of Aroer. I Ch. 11:44. the sons of Hotham the A. AROSE 58 ARROW AROSE (David arose, He arose, I arose, King arose. Men arose, She arose. There arose, They arose) Ge. 19:15. when morning a., then the angels 35. younger a., and lay with him 24:61. Rebekah a. and her damsels 37: 7. my sheaf &., & also stood upright Jos. 8: 3. Joshua a., and all people of war 10. Joshua a. up early in morning 19. ambush a. quickly out of place Ju. 2:10. a. another generation after them 4: 9. Deborah a., and went with Barak 8:21. Gideon a., and slew Zebah and 10: 3. after him a. Jair the Gileadite 13:11. Manoah a., & went after wife 16: 3. Samson a. at midnight, & laid hold 19: 3. her husband a., & went after her 20: 8. all the people a. as one man 18. chil. of Is. a., & went to Beth-el 1 S. 3: 6. Samuel a. and went to Eli, and 9:26. Saul a., and they went out both 13:15. Samuel a., & gat him up from 17:48. when Philistine a., andcame 20:34. Jonathan a. from table in anger 23:16. Jonathan a. and went to David 25:42. Abigail hasted & a. and rode 26: 2. Saul a., & went down to wildern. 2 S. 12:17. elders a., & stood beside him 13:29. all king's sons a., and fled 14:23. Joab a. and went to Geshur 31. Joab a., and came to Absalom 17:23. Ahithophel a. & gat him home r K. 2:40. Shimei a., & saddled his ass 11:40. Jeroboam a., & fled into Egypt 14: 4. Jeroboam's wife a. & went to 17. Jeroboam's wife a., & departed 2 K. 8: 2. woman a., and did ac. to word of 12:20. servants a., & made conspiracy 23:25. nei. aft. him a. any like him 25:26. all people ... a. & came to Egypt 2 Ch. 29:12. Then Levites a., Mahath, son of 30:27. Levites a. & blessed people 36:16. imtil wrath of JH. a. against Ezr. 10: 5. Then a. Ezra, & made the chiefs Es. 8: 4. Esther a. . . . and stood before king Jb. 1:20. Then Job a., and rent his robe Ps. 76: 9. WhenGod a. to judgment,_Tosave Je. 41: 2. a. Ishmael son of Nethaniah, and Jon. 3: 3. Jonah a., and went unto Nineveh 4: 8. came to pass, when the sun a. Mt. 1:24. Joseph a. from his sleep, and 9:19. Jesus a., and followed him 25. took her by hand; and damsel a. 25: 7. virgins a., and trimmed lamps Lu. 1:39. Mary a. in these days & went 6:48. when a flood a., stream brake 24:12. Peter a., and ran unto tomb Jn. 11:29. when she heard it, a. quickly Ac. 9: 8. Saul a. from the eanti; & when 39. Peter a. and went with them. 11:19. tribulation that a. ab. Stephen David arose 1 S. 18:27. D. a. and went, he & his men 20:41. as soon as lad was gone D. a. 21:10. D. a., & lied for fear of Saul 24: 4. D. a., & cut off skirt of Saul's 8. D. also a. afterward, and went 25: I. D. a., & went down to wilderness 26: 5. D. a., & came to place where Saul 27: 2. And D. a., and passed over, he and 2 S. 6: 2. D. a., and went with all people 11: 2. D. a. from off his bed, & walked 12:20. D. a. from earth, and washed 17:22. D. a., and all people with him He arose Ge. 24:10. h. a., and went to Mesopotamia Ju. 3:20. And h. a. out of his seat. 19: 8. h. a. early in morning on fifth day 1 S. 3: 8. h. a. and went to Eli, and said 17:35. when h. a. ag. me, I caught him 20:42. And h. a. and departed: and 28:23. h. a. from earth, & sat upon bed. 2 S. 15: 9. So h. a., and went to Hebron. 23:10. h. a., & smote the Philistines 1 K. 1:50. h. a., & went, and caught hold on 8:54. h. a. from, before altar of JH. 17:10. So h. a. and went to Zarephath 19: 3. h. a., and went for his life, and 8. And h. a., and did eat and drink 21. Then h. a., & went after Elijah 2 K. 1:15. h. a., and went down with him 4:30. And h. a., and followed her. 9: 6. h. a., and went into the house 10:12. And h. a. and , . . went to Samaria. Jon. 3: 6. and h. a. from his throne, and Mt. 2:14. h. a., and took young child (21) 8:26. Then h. a., & rebuked the winds 9: 7. h. a., and departed to his house. 9. h. a., and followed him (Mk. 2:14) Mk. 2:12. h. a., & straightway took up bed 7:24. h. a., & went away into borders 9:27. and raised him up; and h. a. 10: I. h. a. from thence, and cometh into Lu. 6: 8. And h. a. and stood forth. 15:20. And h. a., & came to his father. Ac. 8:27. And h. a. and went: and behold 9:18. and h. a. and was baptized 34. thy bed. And straightway h. a. I arose Ju. 5: 7. they ceased, Until I Deborah a. That I a. a mother in Israel. Ezr. g: 5. I a. up from my himiiliation Ne. 2:12. I a. in the night, I and some Eze. 3:23. I a., & went forth into plain King arose Ex. i: 8. there a. a new k. over Egypt, who Jos. 24: 9. Balak k. of Moab, a. and fought 2 S. 13:31. Then k. a., & rent his garments 19: 8. Then k. a., and sat in the gate. 2 K. 7:12. k. a. in the night, and said unto Es. 7: 7. k. a. in his wrath from banquet Da. ■ 6:19. Then k. a. very early in morning Ac. 7:18. there a. another k. over Egypt Men arose Jos. 18: 8. And the m. a., and went: and Ju. 6:28. when the m. of the city a. early 1 S. 17:52. m. of Israel and of Judah a. 23:13. David and his m. ... a. & departed 31:12. vahant m. a., & went all night 2 K. 19:35. when m. a. early in (Is. 37:36) I Ch. 10:12. all valiant m. a., and took Ac. 5: 6. young m. a., & wrapped him round She arose Ge. 19:33. knew not . . . nor when s. a. (35) 38:19. And s. a., and went away, and Ru. i: 6. s. a. with her daughters-in-law I S. 25:41. s. a., and bowed herself with 1 K. 3:20. s. a. at midnight, & took my son 2 K. 11: I. s. a. & destroyed all (2 Ch. 22:10) Mt. 8:15. s. a., and ministered unto hun There arose Ju. 10: I. t. a. to save Israel Tola son of Puah 1 Ch. 20: 4. t. a. war at Ge^ar with Philis. Ne. 5: I. t. a. a great cry of the people Mt. 8:24. t. a. a great tempest in the sea Lu. 9:46. t. a. a reasoning among them 15:14. t. a. a mighty famine in country Jn. 3:25. T. a. therefore a questioning on Ac. 6: I. t. a. a murmuring of Grecian Jews 9. But t. a. certain of them that were 8: I. t. a. on that day great persecution 15:39. t. a. a sharp contention, so that 19:23. t. a. no small stir con. the Way. 23: 7. t. a. a dissension bet. Pharisees 9. t. a. a great clamor: and som.e of 10. when t. a. a great dissension 2 Pe. 2:1. But t. a. false prophets also They arose Ju. 19: 5. t. a. early in the morning, and I S. 5:3. when t. of Ashdod a. early on 4. when t. a. early on the morrow 9:26. And t. a. early: and it came 23:24. t. a., & went to Ziph bef. Saul 2S. 2:15. t. a., and went over by number 1 K. 11:18. t. a. out of Midian, and came 2 K. 7: 7. t. a. and fled in the twilight 2 Ch. 30:14. t. a. and took away the altars AROUND Ju. 11:18. and went a. the land of Edom Jb. 36:30. he spreadeth his light a. hun Is.4i:io(m). look not a. thee, for I am thy Joe. 2:8 (m). ivhen they fall a. the weapons ARPAD (Ar'pad) A city north of Aleppo, and once the capital of the Aramean kingdom. 2 K. 18:34. Where are gods of Hamath & A.? (Is. 36:19) [(Is. 37:13) 19:13. Where is k. of Hamath, and A.? Is. 10: 9. is not Hamath as A.? Je. 49:23- Hamath is coriounded, and A. ARPHAXAD (Ar-phax'ad) [etc. (i Ch. 1:17) Ge. 10:22. sons of Shem: Asshur, and A., 24. And A. begat Shelah (i Ch. 1:18) 11:10. Shem begat A. two yrs. aft. flood 11. Shem lived aft. begat A. 500 yrs. 12. A. lived 35 yrs., & begat Shelah 13. lived aft. begat S. 403 yrs. I Ch. 1:24. Shem, A., Shelah, etc. Lu. 3:36. son of Cainan, the son of A. ARRAY Ju. 20:20. men of Is. set battle in a. 22. set the battle again in a. where set thems. in a. first day 30. set thems. in a. against Gibeah 33. set thems. in a. at Baal-tamar 1 S. 4: 2. Philis. put thems. in a. ag. Is. 17: 2. set battle in a. against Philis. 8. Why come out to set battle in a.? 21. Is. & Phihs. put the battle in a. 2 S. 10: 8. chil. of Ammon put battle in a. 9. in a. ag. Syrians (i Ch. 19:10) 10. in a. ag. chil. of Am. (i Ch. 19:11) 17. Syrians set thems. in a. ag. Dav. I K. 20:12. said un. serv'ts Set yours in a. they set thems. in a. ag. the city 1 Ch. 12:33. could set battle in a. (35, 36) 16:29. Worship JH., in holy a. (Ps. 29:2; 96:9) 19: 9. put battle in a. at gate 17. Da. set battle in a. ag. them when Da. put bat. in a. ag. Syrians 2 Ch. 13: 3. Jeroboam set bat. in a. ag. him 14:10. set bat. in a. in valley of Zeph. 20:21. give praise in holy a. Es. 6: 9. that they may a. the man th'with Jb. 6: 4. terrors of God set thems. in a. 40:10. a. thys. wi. honor & majesty Ps. no: 3. offer thems. in holy a. Is. 22: 7. horsemen set thems. in a. at gate Je. 6:23. ride horses, ev. 0. set in a. (50:42) 43:12. he sh. a. hims. wi. land of Egypt 50: 9. sh. set thems. in a. ag. her 14. Set yours, in a. ag. Babylon Joe. 2: 5. as a strong peo. set in bat. a. Ac. 4:26. kings of earth set thems. in a. Re. 19: 8. she sh'd a. hers, in fine linen ARRAYED Ge. 41:42. a. him in vestures of fine linen 1 K. 22:10. on throne a. in their robes 2 Ch. 5:12. the singers, a. in fine linen 18: 9. his throne, a. in their robes 28:15. a. them, and shod them Es. 6:11. a. Mord., & caused him to ride Mt. 6:29. not a. like one of these (Lu. 12:27) Mk. 16: s. right side, a. in a white robe Jn. 19: 2. and a. him in a purple garment Ac. 12:21. Herod a. hims. in royal apparel Re. 3: 5. thus be a. in white garments 4: 4. sitting, a. in white garments 7: 9. bef. Lamb, a. in white robes 13. that are a. in white robes 10: I. out of heaven, a. with cloud 12: I. a woman a. with the sun 15: 6. a. with precious stone, pure 17: 4. the woman was a. in purple 18:16. she that was a. in fine linen 19:13. a. in a garment sprinkled ARRAYING Lu. 23:11. a. him in gorgeous apparel ARRIVE Ro. 9:31. foll'ing, did not a. at that law I Co. 16: 3. when la... whomsoev. ye shall ARRIVED Lu. 8:26. a. at country of Gerasenes Ac. 21: 7. from Tyre, we a. at Ptolemois 25:13. Agrippa & Bernice a. at Caes. 28:13. made circuit, & a. at Rhcgium ARROGANCE- Jb. 35:15. Nei. doth he greatly regard a. Pr. ir:23(m). expectation of wicked is a. 21:24. He worketh in a. of pride ARROGANCY 1 S. 2:3. Let not a. come out of your mouth 2 K. 19:28. a. is come up into (Is. 37:29) Jb. 9:i3(m). helpers of a. stoop under him Pr. 8:13. Pride, and a., & the evil way Is. 13:11. will cause a. of proud to cease 16: 6. Even of his a. and his pride 30:7 (m). they are but a.; be still. Je. 48:29. his a., & haughtiness of heart ARRO'GANT Ps. 5: 5. a. sh. not stand in my sight 73: 3. For I was envious at the a. > 75: 4. unto a.. Deal not an'ogantly Pr. i7:7(m). A. speech becometh not fool ARROGANTLY Ps. 75: 4. unto arrogant, Deal not a. 94: 4. They prate, they speak a. ARROW 1 S. 20:36. he shot an a. beyond him 37. when lad was come to place of a. said. Is not the a. beyond thee? 2 K. 9:24. the a. went out at his heart 13:17. he said, JH's a. of victory ARROWS 59 ASCENT 2 K. 13:17. even the a. of victory ov. Syria 19:32. nor shoot an a. there (Is. 37:33) Jb. 41:28. The a. cannot make him flee Ps. 11: 2. They make ready their a. 64: 7. With an a. suddenly be wounded gi: 5. Nor for the a. th. flieth by day Pr. 7:23. Till a. strike thro, his liver 25:18. and a sword, & a sharp a. Je. 9: 8. Their tongue is a deadly a. La. 3:12. set me as a mark for the a. Zee. 9:14. his a. sh. go forth as lightn. ARROWS Nu. 24: 8. And smite them thro. wi. his a. De. 32:23. I will spend mine a. up. them 42. make mine a. drunk with blood 1 S. 20:20. I will shoot 3 a. on side 21. saying, Go, find the a. a. are on this side of thee 22. Behold, the a. are beyond thee 36. Run, find a. which I shoot 38. J's lad gathered up the a. 2 S. 22:15. sent out a., & scat'd th. (Ps. 18:14) 2 K. 13:15. Elisha said, Take bow & a.; - and he took unto him bow & a. 18. Take the a.; and he took them 1 Ch. 12: 2. and in shooting a. fr. bow 2 Ch. 26:15. wh'wi. to shoot a. & stones Jb. 6: 4. For a. of Almighty are wi'in me i6:i3(m). His a. compass me round ab't Ps. 7:13. He maketh his a. fiery shafts 38: 2. For thine a. stick fast in me 45: 5. Thine a. are sharp 57: 4. whose teeth are spears and a. 58: 7. When he aimeth his a. 64: 3. aimed their a., ev. bitter words 76: 3. he brake the a. of the bow 77:17. Thine a. also went abroad 120: 4. Sharp a. of the mighty (m). It is as sharp a. of mighty 127: 4. As a. in hand of a rnighty man 144: 6. Send out thine a., discomfort Pr. 26:18. casteth firebrands, a., death Is. 5:28. whose a. are sharp 7:24. With a. and bows sh. one come Je. 50: 9. their a. sh. be as of an expert 14. shoot at her, spare no a. 51:11. Make sharp the a. Eze. 5:16. sh. send evil a. of famme 21:21. he shook the a. to and fro 39: 3. will cause thine a. to fall g. the bucklers, the bows and a. Ha. 3:11. At hght of thine a. th. went ART (See also Arts) Ex. 30:25. compounded aft. a. of perfumer 35. after the a. of the perfume (37:29) 2 Ch. 16:14. prepared by the perfumer's a. Ac. 17:29. graven by a. & device of man ARTAXERXES (Ar'tax-ers'es) — possessor of an exalted kingdom. Third son of Xerxes (Ahasuerus) and success- or to the throne of his father, known as Longi- raanus {longhanded). Ezr. 4: 7. in days of A. wrote Bishlam unto A. king of Persia 8. wrote to A. the k. in this sort II. copy of letter sent unto A. 6:14. ac. to decree of Cyrus, and A. 7: I. in the reign of A. (8:1) 7. in seventh year of A. the king 11. copy of letter A. gave un. Ezra 12. A., king of kings unto Ezra 21. I, even I A. the king, do make Ne. 2: I. in twentieth year of A. the k. 5:14. two & thirtieth yr. of A. (13:6). ARTAXERXES' (Ar'tax-erx'es') Ezr. 4:23. copy of k. A' letter was read ARTEMAS (Ar'te-mas)— (7i/< of Artemis. A companion of Paul. Tit. 3:12. ^Vhen I shall send A. un. thee ARTIFICER Ge. 4:22(m). an instructor of every a. Is. 3' 3- expert a., & skilful enchanter Je. 10: 0. work of a. and of goldsmith ARTIFICERS I Ch. 29: 5. to be made by hands of a. Je. S2:i5(m). and the residue of the a. ARTS (See also Art) Ex. 7:ii(m). like man'r wi. their secret a. Ac. 19:19. that practised magical a. ARUBBOTH (Ar'ub-both) One of Solomon's provision districts. T K. 4:10. Ben-hesed, in A. AR,UMAH (A-ru'inah) A town near Shechem. Ju. 9:41. Abimelech dwelt at A. ARVAD (Ar'vad) A Phoenician city on the Mediterranean coast a hundred miles or more north of Tyre. Eze. 27: 8. inhab's of Sidon & A., rowers II. men of A. with thine army ARVADITE (Ar'vad-ite) _ [1:16) Ge. 10:18. the A., and the Zemarite (i Ch. ARZA (Ar'za) Palace-overseer of Elah, king of Israel. I K. 16: 9. hims. drunk in the house of A. ASA (A'sa) — physician. 1. Third king of Judah, son of Maacah and brother of Abijah. [14:1) I K. 15: 8. A. his son reigned in stead (2 Ch. 9. began A. to reign over Judah II. A. did right in eyes of JH. (2 Ch. 14:2) 13. A. cut down her image (2 Ch. 15:16) 14. heart of A. was perfect (2 Ch. 15:17) 16. was war between A. & Baasha (32) 17. go out or come in to A. (2 Ch. 16:1) 18. A. took all silver & gold left and k. A. sent them to Ben-hadad 20. Ben-hadad hearkened unto A. (2 Ch. 16:4) 22. A. made proclamation un. all Jud. A. built therewith Geba of Benj. 23. rest of acts of A. are written 24. A. slept with his fa's (2 Ch. 16:13) 25. in second year of A. k. of Judah 28. in 3d year of A. k. of Judah (33) 16: 8. In 26th year of A. began Elah 10. Zimri in 27th year of A. 15. In 27th year of A. did Z. reign 23. In 31st year of A. began Omri 29. In 38th year of A. began Ahab 22:41. Jehosh. son of A. began to reign 43. walked in way of A. (2 Ch. 20:32) 46. remained in days of father, A. 1 Ch. 3:10. Abijah his son, A. his son 2 Ch. 14: 8. A. had army th. bare bucklers 10. Then A. went out to meet hun 11. A. cried unto Jehovah his God 12. JH. smote Ethiopians before A. 13. A. and people pursued them 15: 2. he went out to meet A., and said, Hear ye me. A., and all Judah 8. when A. heard these words 10. in 15th year of reign of A. 16. mother of A., he removed 19. no more war unto 3Sth year of A. 16: I. In 36th year of A., Baasha went 2. A. brought out silver & gold 6. Then A. the king took all Judah 7. the seer came to A. king of Judah 10. Then A. was wroth with the seer A. oppressed some of the people 11. acts of A. are written in book 12. in 39th year A. was diseased 17: 2. cities wh. A. his fa. had taken 21:12. nor in waj's of A. king of Judah Je. 41: 9. same which A. made for fear Mat. i: 7. and Abijah begat A.; 8. and A. begat Jehoshaphat 2. A Lavite, son of Elkanah. 1 Ch. 9:16. Berechiah the son of A. ASAHEL (A'sa-hel, or As' a-hsl)— God does. 1. A son of Zeruiah, David's sister [2:16) 2 S. 2:18. sons of Zer., Jo., Ab. & A. (i Ch. A. was as light of foot 19. And A. pursued after Abner 20. Ab. looked & said. Is it thou A.? 21. But A. would not turn aside 22. Ab. said again to A., Turn thee 23. where A. fell down and died 30. lacked of Da.'s serv'ts 19 & A. 32. took up A. and buried him 3:27. smote him there, for blood of A. 30. bee. he had killed their bro. A. 23:24. A. bro. of Joab was one of 30 1 Ch. 11:26. mighty men of armies: A. 27: 7. 4th captain for 4th mo. was A. 2. One of the Levites employed by Je- hoshaphat to teach the law. 2 Ch. 17: 8. Levites, even Semaiah, and A. 3. A Levite under Hezekiah. 2 Ch. 31:13. and Nahath, and A., & Jerimoth 4. Father of Jonathan. Ezr. 10:15. Only Jon. son of A. stood up ASAIAH (A-sa'iah, or As'a-i'ah)— JeAoro/i hath made. I. A trusted servant of king Josiah. 2 K. 22:12. and A. king's servant (2 Ch. 34:20) 2 K. 22:14. and A., went unto Huldah 2. A Levito of the clan of Merari. I Ch. 6:30. Haggiah his son, A. his son 15: 6. of sons of Merari, A. the chief ' II. David called for Uriel, A. 3. A Simeonite prince. I Ch. 4:36. and Jeshohaiah, and A. etc. 4. A Shilonite, called in Ne. 11:5 by the synonymous name Maaseiah. 1 Ch. 9: 5. A. the first-born, and his sons ASAPH (A'saph) — collector. 1. Father of Hezekiah's recorder. [32) 2 K. 18:18. son of A. the recorder (37; Is. 36:3, 2 Ch. 29:13. of the sons of A., Zee. & Matta. 2. Keeper of the king's park in Judah. Ne. 2: 8. a letter unto A. the keeper 3. One of the doorkeepers of the temple. In I Ch. 9:19 called Ebiasaph. I Ch. 26: I. son of Kore, of the sons of A. 4. A Levite leader of the temple psalmody and the founder of a family or gild of singers. 1 Ch. 6:39. A., who stood on right handj A. son of Berechiah (15:17) 9:15. son of Zichri, the son of A. 15:19. the singers, Heman, A. and Ethan 16: 5. A. the chief, and 2d to him Zee. and A. with cymbals, sounding 7. to give thanks unto JH., by A. 37. he left there, A. and his breth. 25: I. set apart certain of sons of A. 2. of sons of A.: Zaccur, & Joseph and Asharelah, the sons of A., unto the hand of A., wh. proph'd 6. for service of ho. of God; A., Je. 9. Now first lot came forth for A. 35:15. singers s. of A. were in place ac. to com'dment of Dav., and A. 2 Ch. 5:12. the singers, even A., Heman 20:14. the Levite, of the sons of A. Ezr. 2:41. The singers: chil. of A., 128 3:10. the sons of A. with cymbals 7:44. The singers: chil. of A., 148 11:17. son of A., who was chief 22. The overseer, of the sons of A. 12:35. Micaiah, s. of Zaccur, son of A. 46. in days of David and A. of old Ps. 5o(tit!e). A psalm of A.; Ps. 73 (title); 77 (title); 79 (title); 80 (title); 81 (title): 82 (title) 74 (title). Masehil of A. (78) 75 (title). A psalm of A., a Song; 76 (title) 83 (title). A Song, a^^Psalm of A. ASAREL (A'sa-rel, or As'a-rel) — God hath bound. One of the sons of Jehallelel. I Ch. 4:16. and Ziphah, Tiria, and A. ASCEND Ps. 24: 3. Who sh. a. into hill of JH.? 135: 7- Who causeth the vapours to a. 139: 8. If I a. in. heaven thou art there Is. 14:13. saidst, I will a. into heaven 14. I will a. above the heights Je. 10:13. causpth vapours to a. (51:16) Eze. 38: 9. thou shalt a., thou sh. come Jn. 20:17. I a. unto my Father & jt. Fa. Ro. 10: 6. Who shall a. into heaven Re. 7: 2. saw ano. angel a. fr. sunrising ASCENDED Ex. 19:18. and the smoke thereof a. Jos. 8:20. smoke of city a. up to heaven 21. Is. saw that smoke of city a. Ju. 13:20. angel of JH. a. in flame of alt. Ps. 68:18. Thou hast a. on high Pr. 30: 4. Who hath a. up into heaven Jn. 3:13. no one hath a. into heaven 20:17. for I am not j^et a. un. the Fa. Ac. 2:34. For Dav. a. not into heavens Ep. 4: 8. When he a. on high, he led captiv. 9. (Now this. He a., what is it? 10. He that descended is same th. a. ASCENDETH Ps. 74:23. tumult ag. thee a. continually ASCENDING [(Jn. 1:51) Ge. 28:12. angels of God a. and descending Jn. 6:62. sh'd behold Son of man a.? ASCENT Nu. 34: 4. southward of a. of Akrabbim Jos. 10:10. by way of a. of Beth-horan 15: 3. southward of a. of Akrabbim 7. ov. against a. of Adummim (18:17) Ju. 1:36. was from a. of Akrabbim 8:13. from battle from a. of Heres 1 S. 9:11. they went up a. to city 2 S. 15:30. Da. went up a. of mt. of Olives 32. David was como to top of a. ASCRIBE 60 ASHIMA 2 S. i6: I. a little past top of tte a. 1 K. lo: 5. a. unto house of JH. (2 Ch. 9:4) 2 K. 9:27. they smote him at the a. of Gur 2 Ch. 20:16. they come up by a. of Ziz 32:33. buried him in a. of sepulchres Eze. 40:31. a. to it had eight steps (34, 37) Ne. 3:19. over against a. to the armory 31. and to the a. of the corner 32. between a. of the corner and 12:37. at the a. of the wall, above Is. 15: 5. by a. of Luhith with weeping Je. 48: 5. For by the a. of Luhith with ASCRIBE De. 32: 3. A. ye greatness unto our God I Ch. 16:28. A. un. JH. ye kindreds (Ps. 96:7) A. un. JH. glory (Ps. 29:1; 96:7) 29. A. un. JH. glory due (Ps. 29:2; 96:8) Jb. 36: 3. will a. right'ness to my Maker Ps. 29: 1. A. un. JH., ye sons of mighty 68:34. A. ye strength unto God ASCRIBED 1 S. 18: 8. They have a. un. Da. ten thous's. to me they have a. but thousands ASENATH (As'e-nath, or A-se'nath) — belong- ing to Neith, goddess of Sais. Egyptian wife of Joseph, daughter of Poti- phera, priest of On. Ge. 41:45. and he gave him to wife A. SO. two sons, whom A. bare un. him 46:20. Man. & Eph., wh. A. bare un. him ASH Is. 44:i4(m). he planteth an a. ASHAMED Ge. 2:25. both naked, and were not a. Nu. 12:14. sh'd she not be a. seven days? Ju. 3:25. they tarried till th. were a. 2 S. 10: 5. men were greatly a. (i Ch. 19:5) 19: 3. as peo. that are a. steal away 2 K. 2:17. they urged him till he was a. 8:11. upon him, until he was a. 2 Ch. 30:15. priests and Levites were a. Ezr. 8:22. For I was a. to ask of king 9: 6. I said, my God, I am a. Jb. 11: 3. shall no man make thee a.? 19: 3. Ye are not a. th. ye deal hardly Ps. 74:21. let not oppressed return a. 119:116. let me not be a. of my hope Pr. 12: 4. she th. maketh a. is as rot'ness Is. 1:29. they shall be a. of the oaks 23: 4. Be thou a., Sidon 24:23. and the son a. 29:22. Jacob shall not now be a. 30: 5. they shall all be a. bee. of peo. 54: 4. for thou shalt not be a. Je. 2:26. As the thief is a. when found so is house of Israel a. 36. thou shalt be a. of Egypt also, as thou wast a. of Assyria 3:3. thou refusedst to be a. 6:15. Were they a. when they committed a. bom.? nay, were not at all a. (8:12) 54. mayest be a. because of all 12:13. ye shall be a. of your fruits (m). and be ye a. of your fruits (m). they shall be a. of your fruits 22:22. surely then shalt thou be a. 31:19. I was a., yea, even confounded 48:13. Moab shall be a. of Chemosh, as house of Is. was a. of Beth-el Eze. 16:27. that are a. of thy lewd way 61 . remember thy ways, and be a. 36:32. be a. & confounded for yr. ways 43:10. may be a. of their iniquities 11. if they be a. of all th. h. done Joe. i:io(m). the new wine is a. Mi. 7:16. nations shall see and be a. Zee. 13: 4. shall be a. ev. one of vision Mk. 8:38. whosoever shall be a. of me Son of man also shall be a. of him Lu. 9:26. of him shall Son of man be a. 16: 3. not strength to dig, to beg am a. Ro. 1:16. For I am not a. of the gospel 6:21. things whereof ye are now a.? 2 Th. 3:14. to the end he may be a. 2 Ti. i: 8. Be not a. of testimony of L. 12. yet I am not a. 16. and was not a. of my chain 2:15. workman th. needeth not to be a. Tit. 2: 8. of contrary part may be a. He. 2:11. he is not a. to call them breth. 11:16. wherefore God is not a. of them I Pe. 4:16. as Christian, let him not be a. I Jn. 2:28. not be a. at his coming ASHAN (A'shan) — smoke. A Levitical city in western Judah. Jos. 15:42. Libnah, and Ether, and A. 19: 7. Rimmon, and Ether, and A. I Ch. 4:32. Rimmon, and Tochen, and A. 6:59. and A. with its suburbs ASHArelAH (Ash'a-re'lah) — upright toward God. An 'Asaphite' musician, called Jesharelah in verse 14. I Ch. 25: 2. Nethaniah, and A^, s. of Asaph ASHBEA (Ash'be-a, or Ash-be'a) The place or name of a Judahite family, weavers of fine linen. I Ch. 4:21. fine linen, of house of A. ASHBEL (Ash'bel) Ancestral head of the Ashbelites. Ge. 46:21. sonsofBenj.: Bela, A., etc. Nu. 26:38. of A., the fam. of Ashbelites I Ch. 8: I. Bela. first-born, A. the second ASHBELITES (Ash'bel-ites) Nu. 26:38. of Ashbel the family of the A. ASHDOD (Ash'dod) One of the five chief Philistine cities. Jos. 11:22. and in A., did some remain 15:46. all that were by the side of A. 47. A., its towns and its villages 1 S. 5:1. brought (ark) fr. Eben-ezer un. A. 3. when they of A. arose early ' 5. on threshold of Dagon in A. 6. hand of JH. was heavy up. th. of A. smote with tumors, ev. A. & borders 7. when men of A. saw that it was so 6:17. a. tresp.-off. un. JH.: for A. one 2 Ch 26: 6. brake down wall of A.; built cities m country of A. Ne. 13:23. Jews that h. married wom. of A. 24. spake half in speech of A. Is. 20: I. year that Tartan came unto A. he fought against A., & took it Je. 25:20. and Ekron, and remnant of A. Am. i: 8. I will cut off inhab. from a. 3: 9. Publish ye in palaces of A. Zph. 2: 4. sh. drive out A. at noonday Zee. 9: 6. And a bastard sh. dwell in A. ASHDODITES (Ash'dod-ites) Jos. 13: 3. of Philistines; Gazites & A. Ne. 4: 7^ the Ammonites, and the A. ASHER (Ash'er) — happy, or possibly an old deity name. Son of Zilpah, Leah's handmaid, and ancestor of the tribe of Israel of that name. Ge. 30:13. and she called his name A. 35:26. sons of Zilpah: Gad and A. 46:17. sons of A.: Innah, and Ishvah (i Ch. 7:30) 49:20. Out of A. his bread sh. be fat Ex. i: 4. Dan and Naphtali, Gad and A. Nu. 1:13. Of A.: Pagiel the s. of Ochran 40. Of the chil. of A., their gens. 41. of tribe of A., were 41500 2:27. next unto him sh. be tribe of A.: and prince of children of A. 7:72. Pagiel s. of Ochran prince of A. 10:26. over host of A. was Pagiel 13:13. Of tribe of A., Sethur s. of Mic. 26:44. the sons of A. aft. their fam's 46. name of dau. of A. was Serah 47. these are fam's of sons of A. 34:27. of tribe of A. a prince, Ahihud De. 27:13. shall stand up. mt. Ebal: A. etc. 33:24. Blessed be A. with children Jos. 17: 7. border of Manasseh was fr. A. 10. they reached to A. on the north 11. in A. Beth-shean and its towns 19:24. 5th lot came out for tribe of A. 31. This is inherit, of tribe of A. 34. (border) reached to A. on west 21 : 6. c. of Gershon had by lot out of A. 30. out of A., Mishal & its suburbs Ju. 1:31. A. drove not out inhabs. of Acco 5:17. A. sat still at haven of sea 6:35. he sent messengers unto A. 7:23. men of Is. were gath'd out of A. I K. 4:16. Baana s. of Hushai, in A. 1 Ch. 2: 2. sons of Is.: Gad, and A., etc. 6:62. sons of Gershon, out of A. 74. out of A., Mashal with suburbs 7:40. All these were chil. of A. 12:36. of A., such as were able to go 2 Ch. 30:11. certain men of A. humbled Eze. 48: 2. unto west side. A., one portion 3. by border of A., Naphtali one 34. the gate of A., one Lu. 2:36. Anna, a prophetess, of tribe of A. Re. 7: 6. Of the tribe of A., 12000 ASHERAH (A-she'rah) A Phcenician goddess worshipped through wooden symbols, a pillar or image, or a tree whose branches were lopped off. De. 16:21. Thou shalt not plant thee an A. Ju. 6:25. cut down the A. that is by it 26. burnt-off. with wood of the A. 28. A. was cut down that was by it 30. hath cut down A. that was by it 1 K. 15:13. abom. image for A. (2 Ch. 15:16) 16:33. And Ahab made the A. 18:19. prophets of the A. four hundred 2 K. 13: 6. remained A. also in Samaria 17:16. made an A. & worshipped all 18: 4. brake the pillars, & cut down A. 21: 3. altars for Baal, and made an A. 7. he set the graven image of A. 23: 4. made for Baal, and for the A. 6. bro't out A. from house of JH. 7. the women wove hangings for A. 15. beat it to dust, and burned A. ASHERATHITE (Ash'er-ath-ite) Member of the tribe of Asher. . I Ch. 11:44. Uzzia the A., Shama and Jeiel ASHERIM Ex. 34:13. and ye sh. cut down their A. De. 7: 5. hew down their A., and burn 12: 3. and burn their A., with fire 1 K. 14:15. made their A., provoking JH. 23. pillars, and A. on ev. high hill 2 K. 17:10. they set them up pillars & A. 23:14. in pieces pillars, & cut down A. 2 Ch. 14: 3. pillars & hewed down A. (31:1) 17: 6. took away high places and A. 24:18. and served the A. & the idols 33:19. set up A. and graven images 34: 3. and A., & the graven images (4) 7. beat A. & graven images into Is. 27: 9. A. & sun-images sh. rise no paore Je. 17: 2. remember their altars & their A. Mi. 5:14. I will pluck up thine A. out of ASHERITES (Ash'er-ites) Ju. 1:32. but A. dwelt among Cananites ASHEROTH (Ash'e-roth) — feminine form for Asherah, which see. 2 Ch. 19: 3. hast put away A. out of land 33: 3. altars for Baalim, and made A. Ju. 3:7. served the Baalim and the A. ASHES Ge. 18:27. to speak, who am but dust and a. Ex. 9: 8. Take handfuls of a. of furnace 10. And they took a. of the furnace 27: 3. make its pots to take away its a. Le. 1:16. in the place of the a. 4:12. (2) where the a. are poured out 6:10. and he shall take up the a. 11. and carry forth a. without camp Nu. 4:13. sh. take away a. from altar 19: 9. shall gather up a. of the heifer 10. he that gathereth a. of heifer 17. shall take of a. of the burning 2 S. 13:19. And Tamar put a. on her head 1 K. 13: 3. a. upon it shall be poured out 5. altar was r^t, and a. poured out 2 K. 23: 4. carried a. of them un. Beth-el Es. 4: I. and put on sackcloth with a. 3. many lay in sackcloth and a. Jb. 2: 8. and he sat among the a. 13:12. Yr. sayings are proverbs of a. 30:19. I am become like dust and a. 42: 6. And repent in dust and a. Ps. 102: 9. For I have eaten a. like bread 147:16. scattereth hoar-frost like a. Is. 44:20. He feedeth on a. 58: 5. to spread sackcloth & a. under him? 61: 3. to give unto them a garland for a. Je. 6:26. and wallow thyself in a. 25:34. wallow in a., principal of flock 31:40. of a., and all the fields La. 3:16. he hath covered me with a. Eze. 27:30. they shall wallow thems. in a. 28:18. I have turned thee to a. Da. 9: 3. with fasting and sackcloth & a. Jon. 3: 6. with sackcloth, and sat in a. Mai. 4: 3. sh. be a. under soles of yr. feet Mat. 11:21. long ago in sackcloth and a. Lu. 10:13. sitting in sackcloth and a. He. 9:13. a. of a heifer sprinkling them 2 Pe. 2: 6. turning cities of S. & G. in a. ASHIMA (Ash'i-ma, or A-shl'ma) A deity of the people of Hamath on the Orontes. 2 K. 17:30. men of Hamath made A. ASHKELON 61 ASK ASHKELON (Ash'ke-lon) One of the five principal cities of the Philis- tines. Ju. i:i8. and A. with the border thereof 14:19. and he went down to A. 1 Si 6:17. for Gaza one, for A., one 2 S. 1:20. Publish it not in streets of A. Je. 25:20. A., and Gaza, and Ekron 47: 5. A. is brought to nought 7. Against A., and against sea-shore Am. i: 8. that holdeth sceptre from A. Zph. 2: 4. and A. a desolation 7. in houses of A. sh. they lie down Zee. g: 5. A. shall see it, and fear and A. shall not be inhabited ASHKELONITSS (Ash'ke-lon-ites) Jos. 13: 3. the Ashdodites, the A., Gittites ASHKENAZ (Ash'ke-naz) A people of the race of Gomer. Ge. 10: 3. sons of Gomer: A., and Riphath I Oh. i: 6. sons of Gomer: A., and Diphath Je. 51:27. k'doms of Ararat, Miimi, and A. ASHNAH (Ash'nah)— strong. The name of two unidentified cities of Judah. Jos. 15:33. In the lowland, Zorah, and A. 43. and Ithtah, and A., and Nezib ASHORE Ac. 27:29. lest haply we sh'd be cast a. ASHPENAZ (Ash'pe-naz) Chief of the eunuchs of Nebuchadnezzar. Da. 1:3. And the king spake unto A. ASHTAROTH (Ash'ta-roth) Name of city, taken by the Israelites from Og, king of Bashan. De. i: 4. Og king of Bashan, who was at A. (Jos. q:io) Jos. 12: 4. remnant of Reph. who dwelt at A. 13:12. Og in Bashan, who reigned in A. '- 31. and hath Gilead, an A. I Ch. 6:71. and A. with its suburbs ASHTAROTH (Ash'ta-roth)— plural form of Ashtoreth, a Semitic goddess. The plural form is used as a token of eminence. Ju. 2:13. and served Baal and the A. 10: 6. served the Baalim, and the A. I S. 7:3. put away foreign gods and the A. 4. Is. did put away Baalim and A. 12:10. have served Baalim and the A. 31:10. put his armor in house of A. ASHTEROTH-KARNAIM (Ash'te-roth-kar'- na-im, or kar-na'im) — two horned Ashtaroih. An abode of the Rephaim at the time of the invasion by Chedorlaomer, beyond Jordan in the kingdom of Og. Ge. 14: 5. and smote the Rephaim in A. ASHTORETH (Ash'to-reth, or Ash-to'reth) The name of the principal Semitic goddess, the Greek equivalent of which is Astarte. 1 K. 11: 5. For Solomon went after A. 33. A. goddess of the Sidonians 2 K. 23:13. A. abomination of Sidonians ASHUR (Ash'ur) — blackness. Founder of a family of Ashurites. 1 Ch. 2:24. Hezron's. wife bare him A. 4: 5. A. father of Tekoa had two wives ASHURITES (Ash'ur-ites) A people belonging to the kingdom of Ishbosheth. The Vulgate and Syriac have Geshurites. 2 S. 2: 9. he made him king over A. ASHVATH (Ash'vath) I Ch. 7:33. sons of Japhlet: Bimhal, and A. ASIA (A'si-a) o-' The Roman province comprising Mysia, Lydia (probably Caria also), and the islands of the sea- board, including Astypalsea and Amorgos. Ac. 2: g. Cappadocia, in Pontus and A. 6: 9. them of Cilicia and A., disputing 16: 6. forbidden to speak the word in A. ic"io. all that dwelt in A. heard word 22. he himself stayed in A. a while 26. but almost throughout all A. 27. whom all A. & world worshippeth 20: 4. accompanied him as far as A. of A., Tychicus and Trophimus 16. not have to spend time in A. 18. from first day I set foot in A. 21:27. Jews from A., when they saw him 24:18. there were certain Jews from A. 27: 2. about to sail on coast of A. 1 Co. 16:19. The churches of A. salute you 2 Co. 1 : 8. affliction wh. befell us in A. 2 Ti. 1:15. all that are in A. turned away I Pe. i: I. to the elect in A., & Bithynia Re. 1 : 4. John to seven churches in A. ASIARCHS (A'si-archs) — chiefs of Asia. Delegates for one year from individual cities to the provincial congress of Asia. Ac. 19:31. And certain also of tha A. ASIDE (Gone aside, Turn aside. Turned aside) Nu. 5:12. If any man's wife go a., and 29. when a wife . . . goeth a., and is (m). a wife. . . goeth a. with another 2 S. 3:27. Joab took him a. in midst gate 6:10. David carried it a. (i Ch. 13:13) 2 K. 4: 4. shalt set a. that which is full Jb. 30:12. They thrust a. my feet. And they Ps. 140: 4. purposed to thrust a. my steps. Pr. 11:22. woman that turneth thee a. from Je. 14: 8. turneth a. to tarry for night? La. 2:i4(m). and things to draw thee a. Eze. 26:16. thrones, and lay a. their robes Da. 9: 5. turning a. from thy precepts II. turning a., that they sh'd not Mt. 7:33. he took him a. from multitude Jn. 13: 4. and layeth a. his garments Ac. 4:15. they had commanded them to go a. 23:19. going a. asked him privately He. 12: I. let us . . . lay a. every weight, and Gone aside Nu. 5:19. have not g. a. to uncleanness 20. but if thou have g. a., being I K. 18:27. or he is g. a., or he is on Ps. 14: 3. 'They are all g. a.; they are Turn aside Ge. 19: 2. my lord. t. a., I pray you, into Ex. 3: 3. Moses said, I will t. a. now, & see 23: 2. to t. a. after multitude to wrest Nu. 20:17. we will not t. a. to right hand 21:22. we will not t. a. into field, or De. 5:32. ye shall not t. a. to right hand 11:16. and ye t. a., & serve other gods 28. of JH. your God, but t. a. out of 17:11. shalt not t. a. from the sentence 20. that he t. not a. from com'dment 28:14. shalt not t. a. from any words 31:29. and t. a. from the way which I Jos. 23 : 6. law . . . that ye t. not a. therefrom Ju. 19:12. We will not t. a. into city of Ru. 4: I. Ho, such a one! T. a., sit down 1 S. 12:20. t. not a. from following JH. 21. t. ye not a.; for then w'd ye 2 S. 2:21. T. thee a. to thy right hand or But Ashabel w'd not t. a. from 22. T. thee a. from following me 23. Howbeit he refused to t. a. 18:30. king said, T. a., & stand here. Jb. 6:18. that travel by way of them t. a. 36:18. Neither let . . . ransom t. thee a. Ps. 40: 4. proud, nor such as t. a. to lies, loi: 3. I hate work of them that t. a. 125: 5. as t. a. unto their crooked ways Pr. 18:5. iVor to t. a. righteous in judgment. (m). So as to t. a. the righteous. Is. 10: 2. to t. a. the needy from justice 29:21. t. a. just with thing of nought 30:11. t. a. out of path, cause Holy One Je. 15: 5. or who will t. a. to ask of thy? La. 3:35. To t. a. the right of man before Am. 2: 7. and t. a. the way of the meek 5:12. that t. a. the needy in the gate Mai. 3: 5. t. a. sojourner /rom his right Turned aside Ex. 3: 4. when JH. saw that he t. a. to see 32: 8. they have t. a. quickly out of Nu. 22:23. the ass t. a. out of the way 33. and the ass saw me, and t. a. unless she had t. a., surely now De. 9:12. they are quickly t. a. out of way 16. ye had t. a. quickly out of way Ju. 14: 8. he t. a. to see carcass of lion 18: 3. they t. a. thither, & said unto him 15. they t. a. thither, and came to 19:15. they t. a. thither, to go in to Ru. 4: I. he t. a., and sat down. [22:2) 1 S. 6:12. t. not a. to right hand or left (2 K. 8: 3. t. a. after lucre, and took bribes 2 S. 18:30. And he t. a., and stood still. 1 K. 15: 5. t. not a. from any thing that he 20:39. a man t. a., & brought a man 22:32. they t. a. to fight against him 43. he t. not a. from it, doing that 2 Ch. 20:10. but they t. a. from them, and 32. and t. not a. from it, doing 34: 2. David his father, and t. not a. Jb. 6:i8(m). -paths of their way are t. a. 23:11. His way have I kept, & t. not a. Ps. 78:57. were t. a. like a deceitful bow. 119:102. I have not t. a. from ord'ces Is. 44:20. a deceived heart hath t. him a. La. 3:11. He hath t. a. my ways, & pulled me Mai. 2: 8. But ye are t. a. out of the way 3: 7. ye have t. a. from mine ordinance? Ro. 3:12. They have all t. a., they are I Ti. 1 : 6. have t. a. unto vail talking 5:15. already some are t. a. after Satan ASIEL (A 'si-el) — God is (my) maker. A Simeonite prince. I Ch. 4:35. son of Seraiah, son of A. ASK (Ask him, I ask, Shall ask, Should ask. They ask, To ask, We ask, Will ask, Ye ask) Ge. 32:29. that thou dost a. after my name? 34:12. A. me never so much dowry and Ex. 11: 2. jet them a. every man of neighbor 22:14 (m). if a man a. aught of neighbor De. 4:32. a. now the days that are past 13:14. make search, and a. diligently 32: 7. a. thy father, and he will show Jos. 4: 6. that, when your children a. in Ju. 18: 5. A. counsel, we pray thee, of God I S. 25: 8. A. thy young men, & they will tell 28:16. Wh'fore then dost thou a. me? 1 K. 2:20. the king said, A. on, my mother 22. And why dost thou a. Abishag? a. for him the kingdom also 3: 5. A. what I sh. give thee (2 Ch. 1:7) 2 K. 2: g. A. what I shall do for thee Jb. 12: 7. a. now beasts, & they shall teach Ps. 2: 8. A. of me, and I will give thee the Is. 7:11. A. thee a sign of JH. thy God 45:11. A. me of things are to come Je. 6:16. and see, and a. for the old paths 18:13. A. ye now among the nations, who 30: 6. A. ye now, and see whether a man 48:19. a. him that fleeth, and her that La. 4: 4. young children a. bread, and no Ho. 4:12. My people a. counsel at stock Hag. 2:11. A. now priests concerning law Zee. 10: I. A. ye of JH. rain in the time of Mt. 7: 7. A., & it sh. be given y. (Mk. 11:9) Mk. 6:22. a. of me whatsoever thou wilt 23. Whatsoever thou shalt a. of me 11:24. whatsoever ye pray and a. for Lu. 6:30. taketh goods a. them not again 19:31. a. you. Why do ye loose him? Jn. 11:22. whatsoever thou shalt a. of God 15: 7. abide in you, a. whatsoever ye will 16:24. a., and ye shall receive, that Ac. 18:21. a. them that have heard me. I Co. 1:22. Seeing that Jews a. for signs 14:35. let them a. their own husbands Ja. i: 5- lacketh wisdom, let him a. of God 6. But let him a. in faith, nothing Ask him {See also to ask) Mt. 6: 8. ye have need of before ye a. h. 7:11. good things to them that a. h.? 22:46. neither durst any man a. h. more Mk. 7: 5. and scribes a. h.. Why walk not thy 12:34. no man after that durst a. h. Lu. 11:13. Holy Spirit to them that a. h. 20:40. they durst not any more a. h. Jn. 9:21. a. h.; he is of age; he sh. speak 23. said parents, He is of age; a. h. I ask 1 K. 2:16. now I a. one petition of thee 20. I a. one small petition of thee Is. 41:28. when I a. of them can answer Lu. 6: 9. I a. you. Is it lawful on sabbath? 22:68. if I a., ye will now answer Ac. 10:29. I a. with what intent ye sent Ep- ' 3:13- I a. that ye may not faint at Shall ask Ex. 3:22. every woman s. a. of her neighbor Jos. 4:21. When your children s. a. fathers 2 S. 14:18. Hide not . . . aught I s. a. thee. 20:18. They s. surely a. counsel at Abel Je. 23:33. prophet, or a priest, s. a. thee Da. 6: 7. s. a. a petition of any god or man Mt. 7: 9. who, if his son s. a. him for a loaf 10. or if he s. a. for a fish, will 18:19. as touching anything they s. a. 21:22. ye s. a. in prayer, believing Mk. 6:24. said unto her mother. What s. I a.? 10:35. do whatsoever we s. a. of thee. Lu. ii:ii. a father s. his son a. a loaf? 12. Or i/ he s. a. an egg, will he? Jn. 14:13. whatsoever ye s. a. in my name 14. If ye s. a. anything in my name 15:16. whatsoever ye s. a. of the Father 16:23. that day ye s. a. me no question (m). in that day ye s. a. me nothing If ye s. a. anything of the Father lSKANCE 62 ASRIELITES Jn. I Jn. Mt. Jn. Ps. Is. Lu. Jos. iS. Ezr. Je. Mk. Lu. Jn. Ac. Ep. Jn. •Is. Je. Mt. Lu. Shall ask 16:26. In that day ye s. a. in my name 5:16. he s. a., and God will give Should ask 14: 7. to give her whatsoever she s. a. 27:20. that they s. a. for Barabbas, and 16:30. need est not any man s. a. thee They ask 35:11. T. a. of me things I know not. 58: 2. t. a. of me righteous judgments 12:48. much, of him will t. a. the more. To ask 15:18. t. a. of her father, a field (Ju. 1:14) sins, this evil t. a. us a king, t. a. of king a band of soldiers turn aside t. a. of thy welfare? began t. a. him to do as he was 9:45. afraid t. a. him about this saying. 1:19. and Levites t. a.. Who art thou? 16:19. that they were desirous t. a. him 3: 2. t. a. alms of them that entered 23:20. The Jews have agreed t. a. thee We ask 3:20. above all that w. a. or think 3:22. whatsoever w. a., we receiye 5:14. if w. a. anything ac. to his will 15. he heareth us whatsoever w. a. Will ask 7:12. Ahaz said, I w. not a., neither king said, I w. a. thee a thing I w. also a. you (Mk. 11:29; Lu. 20:3) much, of him w. they a. the more 12:19. 8:22. is: 5- 15: 38:14. 21:24, 44:19. Jos. 9:14. Ju. 6:29. 20:18. iS. 14:37- 20: 6. iK. 3:10. 10:13. 2K. 8: 6. Ezr. 5: 9- 10. Is. 65: I. Da. 2:10. Mt. 27:58. 12:48 Ye ask Mt. 20:22. Ye know not what y. a. (Mk. 10:38) Ja. 4: 2. ye have not, because y. a. not. 3. y. a., and receive not because y. a. amiss, that ye may spend it ASKANCE Ps. 68:16. Why look yea., j^e high mountains? ASKED (Hast asked, Have asked. He asked, Asked him, I asked. Asked of Jehovah, Asked theJM, They asked) Ge. 43: 7. man a. straitly con. ourselves My lord a. his servants, saying a. not counsel at mouth of JH. and a., they said, Gideon son of to Beth-el, & a. counsel of God Saul a. counsel of God, Sh. I go? David earnestly a. leave of me (28) that Solomon had a. this thing whatsoever she a. (2 Ch. 9:12) 8: 6. when the king a. the woman, she Then a. we those elders, & said We a. them their names also by them that a. not for me a. such thing of any magician a. for body of Jesus (Mk. 15:43; Lu. 23:52) 6:25. she a., I vail that thou give 14:60. a. Jesus, Answerest thou nothing? 15:43. and a. for the body of Jesus. 17:20. being a. by the Pharisees, when 22:31. Satan a. to have you, that he 18:19. high priest a. Jesus of his a. of Pilate their legs might a. of Pilate that he might _ seeing Peter ... a. to receive alms a. for murderer to be granted a. to find habitation for God of a. whether Simon were lodging' 23:18. a. me to bring this young man. 25:20. a. whether he w'd go to Jeru. Ro. 10:20. manifest unto them that a. not Hast asked I S. 1:17. grant petition that thou h. a. I K. 3:11. Because thou h. a. this thing h. not a. for thyself long hfe, neither h. a. riches for thyself, nor h. a. hfe of thine enemies, but h. a. for thyself understand'g given thee that wh. thou h. not a. Thou h. a. hard thing: nevertheless thou h. not a. riches, wealth or neither yet h. a. long life; but h. a. wisdom and knowledge asked behold king . . . whom ye h. a. for Jb. 21:29. H. ye not a. wayfaring men? Is. 30: 2. Egypt, and h. not a. at my mouth Jn. 4:10. thou wouldest h. a. of him, and 16:24. Hitherto h. ye a. nothing in my Mk. Lu. Jn. Ac. 19:31. 38. 3: 3- 14. 7:46. 10:18. Cn 13- 2:10. i:ii. S. Have 12:13. 21:29. He asked Ge. 38:21. h. a. men of her place, Where is? 40: 7. h. a. Pharaoh's officers, wh'fore? 43:27. h. a. them of their welfare, and Jos. 19:50. they gave him city which h. a. Ju. 5:25. H. a. water, & she gave him milk I S. 19:22. h. a., Where are Samuel & David? I Ch. 10:13. h. a. counsel . . . familiar spirit Ps. 21: 4. H. a. life of thee, thou gavest it Mt. 16:13. h. a. disciples, Who do men? (Mk. 8:27) Mk. 5: 9. And h. a. him. What is thy name? 8: 5. And h. a., them. How many loaves have ye? 23. h. a. him, Seest thou aught? 29. h. a. them. But who say ye that I am? 9:11. h. a., What question ye with them? 21. h. a. his father. How long time is? 33. h. a. them, What were ye reasoning 15:44. h. a. him . . . been any while dead? 1:63. And h. a. for a writing tablet 9:18. h. a., Who do multitudes say that I am? 18:40. h. a. him. What wilt thou that I? 23: 6. h. a. whether roan werea GaUlsean. 18: 7. th'fore h. a. them. Whom seek ye? 23:34. h. a. of what province he was Asked him or of him 26: 7. men of place a. h. of his wife 32:29. Jacob a. h., Tell me thy name. 37:15. man a. h., What seekest thou? 18:15. Levite, & a. h. of his v;elfare. 8:10. unto people that a. 0. h. a king 11: 7. David a. 0. h., how Joab did, and 37:17. king a. h. secretly in house 38:27. princes unto Jeremiah, and a. h. 7:16. a. h. truth concerning all this. 16: I. a. h. to show them a sign from 17:10. his disciples a. h.. Why then? 22:35. lawyer a. h. a question, trying 27:21. governor a. h. Art thou King? 4:10. the twelve a. h. of parables 7:17. disciples a. h. of the parable 9:28. his disciples a. h. privately 10: 2. Pharisees, and a. h.. Is it lawful? 10. disciples a. h. again of this 17. a. h.. Good Teacher, what shall I? 12:28. a. h.. What commandment is first? 13: 3. John and Andrew a. h. privately 14:61. Again high priest a. h., & saith 15: 4. And Pilate again a. h., saying 3:10. mult's. a. h.. What then must we? 14. soldiers a. h., we, what must we? 5: 3. a. h. to put out little from land. 8: 9. disciples a. h. what this parable 30. Jesus a. h.. What is thy name? 37. a. h. to depart from them; for 18:18. ruler a. h.. Good Teacher, what 22:64. a. h., saying, Prophesy who is? 9: 2. disciples a. h., Rabbi, who sinned? 15. a. h. how he received his sight. 12:21. a. h., Sir, we would see Jesus. 9: 2. and a. of h. letters to Damascus 23:19. going aside a. h. privately. What 5:15. we have petitions we a. 0. h. I asked 24:47. I a. her. Whose daughter art thou? 13: 6. and I a. him not whence he was 1:27. given my petition which I a. x: 2. la. them con. Jews had escaped 13: 6. after ... a. I leave of the king 30: 7. Two things have I a. of thee Asked of Jehovah Lu. Jn. Ac. Ge. Ju. I S. 2S. Je. Da. Mt. Mk. Lu. Jn. Ac. I Jn. Ge. Ju. I S. Ne. Pr. Ju. iS. Ps. Ge. Mt. Jn. Ac. Ex. Ps. Je. 1:1. children of Is. a. 0. J., Who shall go 20:23. a. 0. J., Shall I again draw nigh? 27. children of Israel a. 0. J. (for 1:20. Because I have a. him 0. J. 2:20. for petition which was a. 0. J. 10:22. Therefore they a. 0. J. further 27: 4. One thing have I a. 0. J., that Asked them 43:27. And he a. t. of their welfare (i S. 30:21) (m). 22:41. Jesus a. t. a question. What? 9:19. a. t.. Is this your son, who? 5:27. higli priest a. t.. We strictly 16:39. a. t. to go away from the city. They asked 12:35. t. a. of Egyptians jewels of silver 36. they let thein have what t. a. 18: 7. t. a. each other of their welfare 105:40. T. a., and he brought quails 36:17. t. a. Baruch, saying, Tell us now Mt. Mk. Lu. Jn. Ac. 12:10. 22:23. 9:11. 12:18. 15: 6. 20:21. 21: 7. 23:24. 25- 1:21. 25- S:i2. i: 6. 12:20. 13:21. 28. 18:20. ASKE3T Ju. 13:18. Mt. 19:17. Jn. 4: 9. 18:21. ASKETH 32:17. 13:14. 14:26. 7: 3- 5:42. 7: 8. t. a. him. Is it lawful to heal? t. a. him. Teacher, Moses said. If t. a. hun. How is it that scribee? t. a. him, Teacher, Moses (Lu. 20:28) one prisoner whom t. a. of him. t. a. him. Teacher we know that t. a. him, Teacher, when sh. these? what t. a. for should be done, he released him . . . whom t. a. for t. a. him. What then? Art thou? t. a. him. Why then baptizest thou? T. a. him. Who is man that said? T. . . . a. him, Lord, dost thou at this time restore? t. a. for peace, bee. their country And afterward t. a. for a king t. a. of Pilate he should be slain t. a. him to abide a longer time Wh'fore a. thou aft. my name Why a. thou me con. that? being a Jew, a. drink of me? Why a. thou me? Ge. Ex. De. Mi. Mt. brother meeteth thee, & a. thee son a. thee in time (De. 6:20) whatso. thy soul a. of thee the prince a., & judge is ready Give to him that a. thee ev. one that a. receiveth (Lu. 11:10) Lu. 6:30. Give to every one that a. 11:37. a Pharisee a. him to dine 14:32. and a. conditions of peace Jn. 16: 5. none of you a. Whither goest? I Pe. 3:15. give ans. to ev. man that a. ASKING I S. 12:17. wickedness, in a. you a king Jb. 31:30. By a. his life with a curse); Ps. 78:18. tempted God By a. food Mt. 20:20. and a. a certain th'g of him Lu. 2:46. and a. them questions 7: 3. a. that he w'd come & save serv. 22:3i(m). Satan obtained you by a, 23:23. a. that he might be crucified when they continued a. him a. a fav* against him, that he a. for sentence against him a. no ques. for consc. sake (27) Jn. Ac. 25: 7. 3- IS- I Co. 10:25. ASLEEP I S. 26:12. S. S. 5: 2. J on. Mt. Mk. Lu. Jn. Ac. I Co. 1 = Th. for they were all a. I was a., but my heart waked 7: 9. Gliding thro, lips of those a. (m) . Causing lips of those a. to move i: 5. he lay, and was fast a. 8:24. but he was a. 27:52. of saints that had fallen a. 4:38. in the stern, a. on the cushion 8:23. But as they sailed he fell a. 11:11. friend Lazaras is fallen a. 12. is fallen a., he will recover. 7:60. when he said this, he fell a. 13:36. fell a. & was laid un. his fa's : 6. but som-e are fallen a. 18. fallen a. in Christ h. perished 20. first fruits of them that are a. 4:13. concerning them that fall a. 14. a. in Jesus will God bring with. 15. precede them th. are fallen a. 2 Pe. 3: 4. from day the fathers fell a. ASNAH (As'nah) — thornbush. Head of one of the families of the Nethinim. Ezr. 2:50. children of A. ASP {See also Asps) Is. 11: 8. child sh. play on hole of the a. ASPATHA (As'pa-tha, or As-pa'tha) One of the ten sons of Haman. Es. 9: 7. and Dalphon, and A. ASPECT S. S. 5:15. His a. is like Lebanon _ Da. 2:31. the a. thereof was terrible 3:25. of fourth is like son of ASPS {See also Asp) De. 32:33. And the cruel venom of a. Jb. 20:14. It is gall of a. within him 16. He shall suck the poison of a. Ro. 3:13. poison of a. is und. their lips ASRIEL (As'ri-el) Ancestor of the Manassite clan of Asrielites. Nu. 26:31. of A., the fam. of Asrielites Jos. 17: 2. and for the children of A. I Ch. 7:14. A., whom his concub'ne bare ASRIELITES (As'ri-el-ites) Nu. 26:31. of Asriel, the family of A. ASS 63 ASSEMBLY ASS Ge. 22: 5. Ex. 49:14. 4:20. 13:13. 22:10. Nu. 23: 5- 16:15. 22:23. Jos. 13:18. Ju. 15:15- 16. 19:28. iS. 12: 3- 16:20. 25:?^. iK. 13:2^. 28. 29. Jb. 24: 3. 39: 5- Pr. 26: 3. Is. i: 3- Je. 22:19. Zee. 9: 9- Mt. Jn. 2 Pe, Ge. Nu. De. Ex. De. Jog. Ju. iS. Is. Lu. Ju. iS. 2S. iK. Ge. Nu. 2S. iK. 2K. Ex. Nu. De. (See also Asses and Ass's) (His ass, Ox with ass, Rode on, or upon, ass. Saddle ass. Saddled ass. Thine ass. Wild ass) Abide ye here with the a. Issachar is a strong a. and set them upon an a. firstling of a. . . . redeem (34:20) deliver unto his neighbor an a. If thou see a. of him that hateth I have not taken one a. fr. them the a. saw angel of Jii. standing the a. turned aside out of way Balaam some the a., to turn her 25. the a. saw the angel of JH. (27) 27. and he smote a. with his staff. 28. And JH. opened the mouth of a. 29. Balaam said unto a., Because 30. the a. said unto Balaam, Am I? 33. the a. saw me, and turned aside alighted off her a. (Ju. 1:14) found a fresh jawbone of an a. With jawbone of an a. heaps upon With jawbone of an a. have I then he took her up upon the a. or Vi'hose a. have I taken? or Jesse took a. laden with bread alighted from her a., and fell in way, and the a. stood by it a. and lion standing by body lion had not eaten, nor torn a. body of man of God, & laid upon a. They drive away a. of fatherless who loosed bonds of the swift a.? whip for horse, bridle for a. 3. and the a. his master's crib; but buried with the burial of an a. lowly, and riding upon an a., even upon colt foal of an a. (Mt. 21:5) 14:15. so shall be plague ... of the a. 21: 2. ye shall find an a. tied, & colt 5. Meek, and riding upon an a., And 7. and brought the a. and the colt 12:14. Jesus having found a young a. 2:16. dumb a. spake with man's voice His ass 42:27. op'd sack to give h. a. provender. 44:13. and laded every man h. a., and 22:22. Now he was riding upon h. a. 22: 3. And so shalt thou do with h. a. Ox with ass 20:17. nor his 0., nor his a., nor anything a pit . . . & an 0. or a. fall therein alive, whether it be o., or a., or whether it be for 0., for a. for enemy's 0. or his a. going astray 5:14. nor thine 0., nor thine a. nor his o., or his a., or any thing thy brother's a. or his 0. fallen shalt not plow with an o. and a. and 0. & a. with edge of sword, left. . . neither sheep, nor 0., nor a. slay . . . o. and sheep, camel and a. send forth feet of 0. and a. loose his 0. or his a. from stall an a. or an 0. fallen into a well? Rode on, or upon, ass 10: 4. thirty sons that r. o. 30 a. colts 12:14. r. 0. threescore & ten a. colts 25:20. as she r. 0. her a., and came 42. Abigail . . . arose, and r. u. an a. Saddle ass 19:26. I will s. me an a., that I may ride 13:13. said unto his sons, S. me an a. 27. spake to his sons, S. me the a. Saddled ass 3. s. his a., & took two young men Balaam rose up . . . and s. his a. he s. his a., and arose, & gat Shimei arose, and s. his a., and So they s. him the a.; & he rode that he s. for him the a. Then she s. an a., and said to her Thine ass 23:12. and t. a. may have rest, and the 22:30. Am I not t. a., upon which thou? 32. Wherefore hast thou smitten t. a.? 5:14. nor thine ox. nor t. a., nor any of 28:31. t. a. shall be violently taken Wild ass he shall be as w. a. among men Doth w. a. bray when he hath Who hath sent out the w. a. free? a w. a. used to the wilderness, that like a w. a. alone by himself 21:33- 22: 4. 9- 23: 4. 21. 22: 4. 10. 6:21. 6:4- 15: 3- 32:20. 13:15. 14: 5- 22 22:21. 17:23- 2:40. 13:13- 23. 4:24 Ge. Jb. 16:12. 6: 5. Je. Ho. 39: 5. 2:24. 8:9. if one a. to commune with thee ASSAILANT Jb. 36:32 (m). that it strike against a. ASSASSINS Ac. 21:38. four thousand men of the A. ASSAULT Es. 8:11. province that would a. them ASSAULTING Ac. 17: 5. and a. the house of Jason ASSAY Jb. 4: 2. ASSAYED De. 4:34. Or hath God a. to go and take? I S. 17:39. David girded sword, a. to go Ac. 9:26. he a. to join hims. to discip's 16: 7. they a. to go into Bithynia 24: 6. Who moreov. a. to profane temple 26:21. in temple, and a. to kill me ASSAYING He. 11:29. Egypt's a. were swallowed up ASSEMBLE A. yours., & hear, ye sons of J. a. thou all the congregation thou shalt a. the whole cong. Take the rod, and a. congregation A. me the people, & I will make A. the people, the men & women A. unto me all the elders Why do na's tumuUuously a. will a. outcasts of Israel 45:20. A. yours, and come (Eze. 39:17) 48:14. A. yours., all ye, and hear 4: 5. A. yourselves, and let us go 8:14. a. yours., and let us enter 12: 9. a. all beasts of the field 11:17. a. you out of country 11:10. sh. a. mult, of great forces 7:14. they a. themselves for grain 2:16. a. the old men, gath. chil. 3:ii(m). A. yourselves, & come, all ye 3: 9. A. yours, up. mounts, of Samaria 2:12. I will surely a., Jacob 4: 6. will I a. that which is lame 3: 8. that I may a. the kingdoms 11:20. When ye a. yours, together ASSEMBLED Ex. 35: I. Moses a. all the congregation 38: 8(m). women that a. to minister Ge. 49: 2. Le. 8: 3. Nu. 8: 0. 20: 8. De. 4:10. 31:12. 28. Ps. 2:i(m). is. 11:12. Je, Eze. Da. Ho. Joe. Am. Mi. Zph. I Co Le. Nu. Jos. Ju. S. 19. 42. I. ■■33 ■ 6. 10:17. 20: I. 13: 5. 18: 6: 9: iK. 8 iCh. 2Ch. Ezr. Ne. Es. Ps. Is. Je. Eze. Da. Mi. Mt. Ac. iCo 8: 4. cong. was a. at door of tent 1:18. they a. all the congregation 16: 3. theya.thems. tog. ag. Moses (20:2) Korah a. all the congregation when the congregation was a. cong. of chil. of Israel a. chil. of east a. thems. together men of Shechem a. thems. togeth. chil. of Is. a. thems. together cong. was a. as one man Philis. a. together to fight Philis. a. together at Michmash Sol. a. elders of Is. (2 Ch. 5:2) all men of Is. a. thems. (2 Ch. 5:3) cong. of Is. that were a. (2 Ch. 5:6) he a. all the house of Judah 5. So David a. all Israel togeth. 3. David a. all Israel at Jerusalem Dav. a. all princes of Israel he a. house of Judah & Beuj. they a. thems. in the valley a. at Jerusalem much people were a. unto me every one chil. of Is. were a. wi. fasting Jews in Shushan were a. togeth. For, lo, the kings a. themselves let the peoples be a. a. themselves in troops 38: 7. all thy companies that are a. 13. hast thou a. thy company take? presidents and satraps a. Then these men a. together (15) many nations are a. ag. thee were a. with the elders being a. together with them If whole church be a. II. I. 2. 5. 12:21. 13 15 28: I. 11: 1. 20:26. 30:13. 9: 4. 9: I. 9:18. 48: 4- 43: 9- 5: 7- to 6: 6. II. 4:11. 28:12. i: 4. 14:23. ASSEMBLIES Ec.* 12:11. are words of masters of a. Is. 1:13. the calling of a. 4: 5. over her a., a cloud and smoke Ho. 2:11. sabbaths, & all her solemn a. Am. 5:21. no delight in your solemn a. ASSEMBLING He. 10:25. not forsaking our own a. ASSEMBLY (All assembly, Enter assembly. Great assembly. Assembly of Israel, Assem- Ge. Le. Nu. De. Ju. 20: 21: Ch. 1: 20: Ezr. Ne. Jb. Ps. 5- 5. 29:23. 31. 32. 30:17. 24. 10: 8. 8: 2. 30:28. Pr. Je. La. Joe. Lu. Ac. He. Ja. Le. Nu. De. Jos. iS. iK. Ch 89: 5. 107:32. 149: I. 21:16. 26:26. biy of Jehovah, Midst of assembly, §ipleinn assembly, Whole assembly) '49: 6. Unto their a. be not united 4:13. be hid *'rom the eyes of the a. 14. a. shall offer a young bullock 21. it is sin-offering for the a. 16:33. and for all people of the a. 10: 7. when the a. is to be gathered 15:15. For a., shall be one statute 16: 2. called to the a., men of renown 33. they perished from among the a. 20: 6. went from the presence of the a. 10. Moses & Aaron gathered the a. 12. sh. not bring this a. into land , 9:10. JH. spake ... in the day of the a. 10: 4. out of . . . fire in the day of the a. 18:16. In Horeb in the day of the a. 33: 4. An inheritance for a. of Jacob 2. presented themselves in the a. 5. came not up in a. imto Jehovah? 8. came none from Jabesh-g. to a. Solomon and a. sought unto it stood in a. of Judah and Jeru. sin-off. before king and a. a. brought in sacrifices and burnt-off's which a. brought many in a. not sanctified gave to a. a thou, bullocks did give to a. for offerings separated from a. of captivity priest bro't law before the a. I stand up in a., & cry for help. 26: 5. I hate the a. of evil-doers. And 74:8(m), burned up all places of a. Thy faithfulness also in a. of Let them exalt him also in a. his praise in the a. of saints shall rest in a. of the dead vvick'ness openly showed bef. a. 6:11. upon a. of young men together 9: 2. an a. of treacherous men. 15:17. I sat not in a. . . . make merry 2: 6. he hath destroyed place of a. 2:16. gather the people, sanctify a. a. of the elders . . . was gathered for the a. was in confusion it shall be settled in regular a. thus spoken, he dismissed the a. and the a. was divided, to general a. & church of first-born if there come into your a. a man All the assembly 16:17. and for a. the a. of Israel 14: 5. fell on faces before a. a. 5:22. Jehovah spake unto a. your a. 31:30. spake in ears of a. a. of Is. 8:35. which Joshua read not bef. a. a. that a. this a. may know face ab't & blessed a. a. of Tg and a. a. of Israel stood (2 Ch. 6:3) in presence of a. a. (2 Ch. 6:12) stood, and blessed a. a. of Is. Jeroboam and a. a. of Is. came David said un. a. a. of Is., If a. a. said they would do so David the king said unto a. a. David blessed JH. before a. a. Dav. said to a. a., Now bless JH. And a. a. blessed Jehovah the God So Solomon & a. a. wi. him, went his face, & blessed a. a. of Is. and a. a. of Israel stood, upon his knees bef. a. a. of Is. a. a. made a covenant wi. king spoil before princes and a. a. a. a. worshipped, & singers his princes, and a. a. in Jeru. right in eyes of king and a. a. a. a. of Judah, with the priests and a. a. that came out of Is. 10:12. Then a. a. answered and said princes be appointed for a. a. and a. a. said. Amen, praised JH. a. a. of them th. were come ag. certain elders spake to a. a. Enter assembly 23: 3. none belonging to them e. into a. 8. born unto them shall e. into a. 13: 1. Moabite should not e. into a. of 1:10. they sh'd not e. into thine a. Great assembly [7:8) 8:65. all Is. wi. him, a very g. a. (2 Ch. 2 Ch. 30:13. in the 2d month, a very g. a. Ezr. 10: I. out of Is. a very g. a. of men Ps. 22:25. thee Cometh my praise in g. a. 22:66. 19:32. 39. 41. 23: 7. 12:23. 2:2(m). 17:47. 8:14. 22. 55- 12: 3. 13: 2. 4. 29: I. 10. 20. 2Ch. 1: 6: Ezr. Ne. Je. De. Ne. La. iK. 13- 23: 3- 28:14. 29:28. 30: 2. 4- 25- 14. 5:13- 8:17. 26:17. ASSES 64 ASSYRIA Great assembly Ps. 35:18. I wi. give thee thanks in g. a. 40: 9. tidings of righteousness in g. a. 10. and thy truth from the g. a. Je. 44:15. a g. a., even all the peo. dwelt Assembly of Israel Le. 16:17. household, and for all a. 0. 1. I K. 8:14. face about, & blessed all a. 0. I. and all a. 0. I. stood (2 Ch. 6:3) 22. presence of all a. o. I. (2 Ch. 6:12) 55. he stood, and blessed all a. o. I. 12: 3. Jeroboam and all a. 0. I. came 1 Ch. 13: 2. David said unto all a. 0. I., If 2 Ch. 6: 3. turned face, & blessed all a. o. I. 13. upon his knees before all a. 0. 1. 24: 6. servant of JH. and of a. 0. I. Assembly of Jehovah Nu. 16: 3. lift ye up yourselves above a. 0. J.? 20: 4. why have ye brought a. 0. J. into? De. 23: I. cut off, sh. not enter into a. 0. J. 2. bastard sh. not enter into a. 0. J. sh. none of his enter into a. 0. J. 3. Moabite sh. not enter into a. 0. J. 28: 8. in sight of all Israel, a. 0. J. 2: 5. shall cast line by lot in a. 0. J. Midst of assembly 16:47. Moses spake, and ran into m. 0. a. 19:20. soul; shall be cut off from m. 0. a. 20:14. came the Spirit of JH. in m. 0. a. 22:22. In the m. 0. a. will I praise thee 74: 4. have roared in the m. 0. thine a. 5:14. In the m. 0. a., and congregation Solemn assembly 23:36. made by tire unto JH.: it is a s. a. 29:35. On 8th day ye shall have s. a. 16: 8. the seventh day shall be a s. a. 10:20. said, Sanctify s. a. for Baal 7: 9. on eighth day they held a s. a. 8:18. on eighth day was a s. a. ac. unto i: 4. because none came to the s. a. 15. He hath called a s. a. against me 2: 6. JH. caused s. a. & sabbath to be 7. in house of JH., as in day of s. a. 1:14. Sanctify fast, call a s. a. (2:15) Whole assembly 12: 6. the w. a. of Is. shall kill it 16: 3. to kill this w. a. with hunger 30:23. the w. a. took counsel 2:64. w. a. together was 42360 (Ne. 7:66) iCh. Mi. Nu. 2Ch. Ps. Le. Nu. De. iK. 2Ch. Ne. La. Joe. Ex. 2Ch. Ezr. ASSES (See also Ass) Ge. 12:16. he had sheep, & oxen, & he-a. maid-servants, & she-a. & camels 24:35. maid-servants, & camels, and a. 30:43. men-servants, and camels, & a. 32: 5. I have oxen, and a., and flocks 15. ten bulls, 20 she-a. & 10 foals 34:28. took their flocks & herds & a. 36:24. as he fed a. of Zibeon his fath. 42:26. laded their a. with their grain 43:18. take us for bondmen and our a. 24. he gave their a. provender 44: 3. men were sent away, and their a. 45:23. 10 a. laden with good things ten she-a. laden with grain 47:17. for the herds, and for the a. Ex. 9: 3. upon the horses, upon the a. Nu. 31:28. of the oxen, and of the a. (30) 34. three score and one thou. a. 39. a. were thirty thou. & five hun. (45) Jos. 7:24. and his oxen, and his a. 9: 4. took old sacks upon their a. Ju. 5:10. ye that ride on white a. 19: 3. and a couple of a. 10. with him a couple of a. saddled 19. straw and provender for our a. 21. and gave the a. fodder 1 S. 8:i6. he will take yr. young men & a. 9: 3. the a. of Kish were lost arise, go seek the a. 5. father leave off caring for a. 20. as for thine a. that were lost 10: 2. a. wh. thou wentest to seek fa. hath left off caring for a. 14. he said. To seek the a. 16. he told us plainly a. were found 22:19. smote oxen and a. and sheep 25:18. figs, and laid them on a. 27: 9. smote oxen and the a. 2 S. 16: I. with a couple of a. saddled 2. a. are for king's household 2 K. 4:22. Send me one of the a. 7:7. left their horses, and their a. 10. horses tied, and the a. tied I Ch. 5:21. and of a. two thousand 12:40. brought bread on a. Ezr. Ne. Jb. Ps. Is. Je. Eze. Da. Nu. Is. Eze. 1 Ch. 27:30. over the a. was Jehdeiah 2 Ch. 28:15. carried all feeble upon a. 2:67. a., six thou. 7 hun. & 20 (Ne. 7:69) 13:15. and lading a. therewith 1:3. and five hundred she-a. 14. the a. feeding beside them 24: 5. Behold, as wild a. in desert 42:12. and a thousand she-a. 104:11. The wild a. quench th. thirst 21: 7. a troop of a. 30: 6. upon shoulders of young a. 24. young a. that till the ground 32:14. a joy of wild a. 14: 6. wild a. stand on bare heights 23:20. whose flesh is as flesh of a. 5:21. his dwelling was with wild a. ASSHUR (As'shur, or Assh'ur) — Hebrew for Assyria. The name represents the people descended from Shem, and the country inhabited by them. Ge. 10:11 (m). Out of land went forth A. 22. sons of Shem: Elam, and A. (i Ch. 1:17) 24:22. Until A. carry thee captive 24. And they shall afflict A. io:5(m). Woe to A., the rod of mine 27:23. trafl5ckers of Sheba, A., etc. 32:22. A. is there & all her company ASSHURIM (As-shu'rim) Ge. 25: 3. sons of Dedan were A., etc. ASSIGN Jos. 20: 2. a. you the cities of refuge ASSIGNED Jos. 20: 8. they a. Bezer in wilderness 2 S. 11:16. he a. Uriah unto the place ASSIR (As'sir) — captive. 1. A son of Jeconiah. I Ch. 3:17 (m). sons of Jeconiah, A. 2. The name of two Levites. Ex. 6:24. sons of Korah: A., etc. 1 Ch. 6:22. sons of Kohath: Korah his s., A. 23. Ebiasaph his son, and A. his s. 37. son of Tahath, son of A. ASSIST Ro. 16: 2. ye a. her in whatsoev. matter ASSOS (As'sos) [Bekhrant. A town on the seacoast of Mysia, now called Ac. 20:13. But we set sail for A. 14. when he met us at A. ASS'S Ge. 49:11. 2 K. 6:25. Jb. 11:12. Jn. 12:15. ASSUAGE Jb. 16: 5. my lips would a. your grief ASSUAGED Ge. 8:1. and the waters a. Jb. 16: 6. Tho. I speak, my grief is not a. ASSUAGING Ne. 3:19. There is no a. of thy hurt ASSURANCE De. 28:66. shalt have no a. of thy life Jb. 24:22. riseth up hath no a. of life Ac. 17:31. wh'of he hath given a. un. all Col. 2: 2. riches of full a. of understa. I Th. i: 5. gospel came in much a. He. 6:ii(m). full a. of hope ov. to end io:22(m). with true heart in full a. faith is a. of th'gs hoped for his a' colt unto choice vine a' head sold for 80 pieces man is born as a wild a' colt King cometh, sitting on a' colt 11: I ASSURE I Jn. 3:19 ASSURED shall a. our heart bef. him Le. Je. Ro. Col. 2Ti. and it shall be a. to him I will give you a. peace being full a. what he promised 14: 5. Let each man be fully a. 4:12. fully a. in all will of God 3:14. learned and hast been a. of ASSUREDLY S. 28: I. Know a., thou shalt go out 1:13. A. Sol. thy son sh. reign (17, 30) 32:41. in land a. wi. my whole heart 49:12. of the cup shall a. drink 2:36. Let all h. of Is. know a. 9:10. saith he it a. for our sake? 27:19. 14:13. 4:21. I iK. Je. Ac. I Co. ASSYRIA (As-syr'i-a)— the Greek form of As- shur. A country through which ran the river Tigris. It may roughly be described as bounded on the east by Mesopotamia and Babylonia, on the north by Armenia, on the west by Media, on the southwest by Susiana. (Land of Assyria, King of Assyria, Kings of Assyria) Ge. 2:14. 10:11. 25:18. 2K. 15:29. 17: 6. 23- 18:11. Ps. 8v 8. Is. ' :ii. 16. 19:23- 24. 25- Je. 2:18. 36. Eze. 23: 7- Ho. 5:13- 7:11. 8: 9. Q: 3- 10: 6. 12: I. 14: 3- Mi. 7:12. Zph. 2:13. Zee. 10:10. II. Land Is. 7:18. 27:13. Ho. ii:ii. Mi. 5: 6. King 2K. 15:19. 20. 29.- 16: 7. 8. 9- 10. 18. 17: 3- 4- 5- 6. 24. 26. 27. 18: 7. 9- II. 13- 14. 16. 17- 19. 23- 28. 30. 31- 19: 4- (m). 6. 8. 20. 32. 36. 20: 6. 23:29. iCh 5: 6. 26. 2Ch 28:20. 32: I. 7- 9- 10. 21. 22. 33:11- Ezr. 4: 2. 6:22. Is. 7:17. it which goeth in front of A. into A., and builded Nineveh Egypt, as th/n goest toward A. he carried tllc'm captive to A. carried Israel away unto A. away out of their own land to A. unto A., and put them in Halah A. also is joined with.-them from A., and from Egypt, and people, that shall remain, from A. a highway out of Egypt to A. and the Egyptian into A. be third with Egyp,t. and with A. and A. the work 01 my hands hast thou to do in the way of A.? also, as thou wast ashamed of A. choicest men of A. all of them then went Ephraim to A., and call unto Egypt, they go to A. For they are gone up to A., like they sh. eat unclean food in A. It also sh. be carried unto A. they make a covenant with A. A. shall not save us; we will not shall they come unto thee from A. against the north, and destroy A. and gather them out of A. pride of A. sh. be bro't down of Assyria and for bee that is in 1. 0. A. were ready to perish in 1. 0. A. and as a dove out of the 1. 0. A. shall waste 1. 0. A. with the sword of Assyria came against land Pul k. o. A. fifty shekels ... to give k. 0. A. So the k. 0. A. turned back, and came Tiglath-pileser k. 0. A. messengers to Tiglath-p. k. 0. A. sent for a present to k. 0. A. And k. o. A. hearkened unto him; k. 0. A. went up against Damascus went to meet Tiglath-p. k. 0. A. house of JH. because of k. 0. A. came up Shalmaneser k. 0. A. k. 0. A. found conspiracy in Ho. offered no tribute to k. 0. A. therefore k. o. A. shut him up k. 0. A. came up throughout all the k. 0. A. took Samaria, and k. 0. A. brought men from Babylon they spake to k. 0. A., saying Then k. o. A. commanded, saying and he rebelled against k. 0. A. Shalmaneser k. o. A. came up ag. k. o. A. carried Israel away unto did Sennacherib k. o. A. come up Hezek. sent to k. 0. A. to Lachish k. o. A. appointed unto Hezekiah gave it to k. o. A. (2 Ch. 28:21) k. o. A. sent Tartan & Rab-saris saith great king, k. 0. A. (Is. 36:4) give pledges to . . . k. o. A. (Is. 36:8) . Hear ye word of great king, k. 0. A. shall not be given into hand of k. o. A. (19:10; Is. 36:15; 37:10) thus saith k. 0. A., Make your peace (Is. 36:16) [37:4) whom k. 0. A. . . . hath sent (Is. wherewith k. 0. A. sent (Is. 37:4) servants of k. 0. A. have (Is. 37:6) k. o. A. warring against Libnah (Is. 37:8) prayed ag. Sen. k. 0. A. (Is. 37:21) saith JH. con. k. 0. A. (Is. 37:33) So Sen. k. 0. A. departed (Is. 37:37) this city out of hand of k. 0. A. (2 Ch. 32:11; Is. 38:6) went up against k. 0. A. to river whom ... k. 0. A. carried away stirred up spirit of Pul k. 0. A., and spirit of Tilgath-p. k. 0. A. Tilgath-pilneser k. 0. A. came Sennacherib k. o. A. came, and not afraid nor dismayed for k. o. A. did Sennacherib k. 0. A. send his Thus saith Sennacherib k. 0. A. in the camp of the k. 0. A. from hand of Sennacherib k. 0. A. the captains of host of k. 0. A. since days of Esar-haddon k. 0. A. and had turned heart of k. o. A. departed from Judah — even k. o. A. ASSYRIAN 65 ATONEMENT la. 7:20. even with k. 0. A., the head and 8: 4. shall be carried away before k. 0. A. 7. even the k,o^. A. and all his glory 10:12. of the stouo heart of the k. 0. A. 20: I. when Sargon k. 0. A. sent him, and 4. so shall k. 0. A. lead captives 6. to be delivered from k. 0. A. 36: I. that Sennacherib k. o. A. cawa up 2. k. 0. A. sent Rabshak. from La u .ish 13. Hear words of great king, k. 0. A. 18. land out of the hand of k. 0. A. Je. 50:17. first, the k. 0. A. devoured him 18. as I ^ave punished the k. 0. A. Na. 3:18. Thy shepherds slumber, k. 0. A. Kings of Assyria 2 K. 19:11. what k. 0. A. have done (Is. 37:11) 17. k. 0. A. have laid waste (Is. 37:18) 2 Ch. 28:16. did Ahaz send unto k. 0. A. 30: 6. escaped out of hand of k. 0. A. 32: 4. Why should k. 0. A. come, & find? Ne. 9:32. since the time of the k. 0. A. ASSYRIAN (As-syr'i-an) Is. 10: 5. Ho A., the rod of mine anger 24. be not afraid of the A. 14:25. I will break A. in my land 19:23. the A. shall come into Egypt 23:13. the A. founded it for them 30:31. voice of JH. sh. A. be dismayed 31: 8. the A. sh. fall by the sword 52: 4. A. h. oppressed them wi'out cause Eze. 31: 3. the A. was a cedar in Lebanon Ho. 11: 5. but the A. shall be their king Mi. 5: 5. the A. shall come into our land 6. he shall deliver us fr. the A. ASSYRIANS (As-syr'i-ans) [37:36) 2 K. 19:35. smote in camp of A. 185,000 (Is. Is. 19:23. Egyptians sh. worship with A. La. 5: 6. We have given hand to the A. Eze. 16:28. hast played harlot with A. 23: 5. doted on A. her neighbois 9. I delivered her into hand of A. 12. She doted upon the A. 23. and all the A. with them ASTONISHED Le. 26:32. your enemies sh. be a. at it 1 K. 9: 8. ev. one passeth be a. (2 Ch. 7:21) Jb. 17: 8. Upright men sh. be a. at this 18:20. They that come aft. sh. be a. 21: 5. Mark me, and be a. 26:11. And are a. at his rebuke Ps. 40:15 (m). 0. by reason of their shame Is. 52:14. Like as many were a. at thee Je. 2:12. Be a., ye heavens 4: 9. and the priests shall be a. [49:17) 18:16. every one passeth shall be a. (19:8; 49:2o(m). make habit. 0. at them 50:13. that goeth by Bab. sh. be a. Eze. 26:16. shall tremble, & be a. at thee 27:35. inhabs. of isles are a. at thee 28:19. peoples shall be a. at thee Da. 3:24. Then Nebuch. the king was a. Mt. 7:28. mult's were a. at his teaching 13:54. insomuch that they were a. 19:25. were a. exceedingly (Mk. 10:26) 22:33. a. at his teaching (Mk. 1:22; Lu. 4:32) Mk. 6: 2. many hearing him were a. 7:37. they were beyond measure a. 11:18. mult, was a. at his teaching Lu. 2:48. saw him, they were a. 9:43. all a. at the majesty of God Ac. 13:12. a. at the teaching of Lord ASTONISHMENT De. 28:28. smite thee with. a. of he.art ■ 37. thou shalt become an a. 2 K. 22:io(m). they should become an a. 2 Ch. 29: 8. to be an a., and a hissing 3o:7(m). he gave them up to be an a. Je. 5:3o(m). A. and horror are come 18:16. to make their land an a. 19: 8. I will make this city an a. 25: 9. I will make them an a. II. whole land shall be an a. 18. make them a desolation & a. 38. for their land is become an a. 29:18. execration, and a. (42:18; 44:12) 44:22. become a desolation and an a. 49:13. Bozrah shall become an a. 17. Edom shall become an a. 51:37. dwelling-place for jackals, an a. 41 (m). Babylon is become on a. Eze. 5:15. be an instruction and an a. 23:33. with the cup of a. 35: 7. will I make mount Seir an a. Mi. 6:i6(m). that I may make thee an a. Mk. 16: 8. for trembling and a. h. come ASTRAY (Go astray, Going astray, Gone astray, Lead astray. Led astray, Went astray) Mt. 18:12. and seek that which goeth a. Jn. 7:12. he leadeth the multitude a. Go astray De. 22: I. brother's ox or his sheep g. a. Ps. 58: 3. They g. a. soon as they are born Pr. 5:23. greatness of his folly he sh. g. a. 7:25. her ways; G. not a. in her paths 14:22 (m). Shall they not g.a. . . . devise? 28:10. Whoso causeth upright to g. a. Is. 19:14. they have caused Egypt to g. a. Je. 50: 6. shepherds caused them to g. a. Eze. 14:11. of Israel may g. no more a. Going astray Ge. 6:3(m). in their g. a. they are flesh Ex. 23: 4. thine enemy's ox or his ass g. a. I Pe. 2:25. For ye were g. a. like sheep Gone astray Ps. 119:110. not g. a. from thy precepts 176. I have g. a. like a lost sheep Is. 53: 6. All we like sheep have g. a. Mt. 18:12. sheep, and one of them be g. a. 13. over 99 which have not g. a. Lead astray Mt. 24: 4. Take heed that no man 1. you a. (Mk. 13:5) 5. am the Christ; & shall 1. many a. II. shall arise, and sh. 1. many a. 24. so as to 1. a., if possible, even Mk. 13: 6. I am he; and shall 1. many a. 22. may 1. a., if possible, the elect. 1 Jn. 2:26. them that would 1. you a. 3:7. little children, let no man 1. you a. Led astray 2 Ch. 21:11. play harlot, and 1. Judah a. Lu. 21: 8. Take heed that ye be not 1. a. Jn. 7:47. answered them, Are ye also 1. a.? 1 Ti. 6:10. have been 1. a. from the faith Went astray Ps. 119:67. Before I was afflicted I w. a. Eze. 44:10. far from me, when Israel w. a. w. a. from me after their idols 15. when children of Israel w. a. 48:11. priests . . . that w. not a. when the children of Israel w. a., as the Levites w. a. 2 Pe. 2:15. forsaking right way, they w. a. ASTROLOGERS Is. 47:13. let now the a. stand up ASUNDER Le. 1:17. but sh. not divide it a. (5:8) Nu. 16:31. that the ground clave a. 2 K. 2:11. which parted them both a. Jb. x6:i2. I was at ease, & he brake me a 13. He cleaveth my reins a. Ps. 2: 3. let us break their bonds a. 129: 4. hath cut a. cords of wicked Ec. i2:6(m). bef. silver cord is snapped a. Is. 24:19. broken, the earth is rent a. Je. 50:23. hammer of whole earth cut a. Na. i: 6. the rocks are broken a. by him. Ha. 3: 6. beheld, and drove a. the nations Zee. 11:10. my staff Beauty, & cut it a. 14. I cut a. mine other staff Mt. 19: 6. let not man put a. (Mk. 10:9) 24:51. and shall cut him a. Mk. 1:10. he saw the heavens rent a. 5: 4. the chains had been rent a. Lu. 12:46. knoweth not, and sh. cut him a. Ac. 1:18. he burst a. in the midst 2: 3. tongues parting a., like fire 15:39. parted a. one from the other He. 11:37. they were sawn a. ASYNCRITUS (A-s^n'eri-tiis) — incomvarable. Ro. 16:14. Salute A., Phlegon, Hermes ATAD (A'tad) Ge. 50:10. came to threshing-floor of A. ii.^saw mourning in floor of A. ATARAH (At'a-rah) — a crown, a diadem. I Ch. 2:26. wife, whose name was A. ATAROTH (At'a-roth) 1. City of Moab occupied by Gad. Nu. 32: 3. A., Dibon, Jazer & Nimrah. 34. chil. of Gad built Dibon, & A. 2. A town on the northeast border of Ephraim. Jos. 16: 2. unto border of Archites to A. 7. went down from Janoah to A. ATAROTH-ADDAR (At'a-roth-ad'dar) A town on the south border of Ephraim. Jos. 16: 5. border of inherit, eastw. was A. 18:13. the border went down to A. ATE Ps. 106:28. a. sacrifices of the dead Da. 10: 3. I a. no pleasant bread Mt. 12: 4. ho. of God, & a. show bread 14:20. they all a., and were filled (15:37; Mk. 6:42:8:8) Mk. 2:26. entered, and a. show bread 6:44. a. loaves were 5000 men 7 : 2 . a. bread with defiled hands Lu. 6: 4. and took and a. the show bread 9:17. they a., & were afl filled 17:27. they a., they drank, married 28. they a., they dranlc, bought ^4:43. he took it, and a. before them Jn. 6:23. unto place where they a. bread 26. but bee. ye a. of the loaves 31. Our fathers a. manna in wild'n. 49. Your fathers a. manna in wild'n. 58. not as the fathers a., & died Ac. 10:41. who a. and drank with him Ga. 2:12. (Cephas) a. with the Gentiles Re. 10:10. took little book, & a. it up ATER (A'ter) 1. Ancestral head of the "sons" of Ater of Hezekiah, one of the large families of returned exiles. Ezr. 2:16. The children of A. (Ne. 7:21) Ne. 10:17. A., Hezekiah, Azzur, Hodiah 2. Ancestor of a family of gate-keepers. Ezr. 2:42. porters: chil. of A. (Ne. 7:45) ATHACH (A'thaeh) — a lodging place. A place in the south of Judah. 1 S. 30:30. to them that were in A. ATHAIAH (A-tha'iah, or Ath'a-i'ah) Ne. 11: 4. of Judah: A. the son of Uzziah ATHALIAH (Ath'a-li'ah)— JfAoi'aA is great. 1. Daughter of Ahab and Jezebel, and wife of Jehoram king of Judah. 2 K. 8:26. mother's name was A. (2 Ch. 22:2) 11: I. A. saw son was dead (2 Ch. 22:10) 2. they hid him from A. (2 Ch. 22:11) 3. A. reigned ov. land (2 Ch. 22:12) 13. when A. heard noise of guard 14. A. rent her clothes (2 Ch. 23:13) 20. A. they had slain (2 Ch. 23:21) 2 Ch. 23:12. when A. heard noise of peo. 24: 7. son of A., that wicked woman 2. A Benjamite who dwelt in Jerusalem. I Ch. 8:26. and Shehariah, and A. 3. Father of Jeshaiah. Ezr. 8: 7. Jeshaiah the son of A. ATHARIM (Ath'a-rim) Name of a place, but the meaning of the word and the site are uncertain. Nu. 21: I. that Israel came by way of A. ATHENIANS (A-the'ni-ans) Ac. 17:21. (now all A. and strangers ATHENS (Ath'ens) The capital of Attica, one of the Greek states. Ac. 17:15. conducted Paul as far as A. 16. while Paul waited for th. at A. 22. Ye men of A., in all things 18: I. he departed from A. I Th. 3: I. left behind at A. alone ATHIRST Ju. 15:18. And he was sore a. & called Ru. 2: 9. art a., go unto the vessels Mt. 25:37. or a., and gave thee drink 44. when saw we thee hungry or a. Re. 21: 6. I will give un. him that is a. 22:17. he that is a., let him come ATHLAI (Ath'lai) An Israelite who had taken a foreign wife. Ezr. 10:28. sons of Bebai: A., etc. ATONE Pr. 2i:27(m). it to a. for wickedness ATONED Pr. 16: 6. By mercy & truth iniquity is a. ATONEMENT Ex. 29:33. things wherewith a. was made bullock of sin-offering for a. 36. when thou makest a. for it 37. shalt make a. for altar 30:10. make a. upon horns of it wi. blood of sin offering of a. once in year shall he make a. 15. to make a. for your souls (16; Le 17:11) 16. take a. money from chil. of Is. 32:30. peradventure I shall make a. Le. i: 4. tomakea.forhim (16:10; Nu. 15:28) 4:20. priest shall make a. for them 26. priest shall make a. for him (31 35:5:6, 10,13, 16,18:6:7; 14:18 19, 20, 21, 29, 31; 15:15; 19:22) ATONING 66 AVAILETH Le. 6:30. to make a. in a holy place 7: 7. priest that maketh a. th'with 8:15. sanctified it, to make a. for it. 34. to make a. for you (Nij. 28:22, 30; 29:5) and make a. for thyself 9: 7. and make a. for them (Nu. 16:46) 10:17. to make a. for them bef. JH. 12: 7. and make a. for her (15:30) 8. priest shall make a. for her 14:53. make a. for the house i6: 6. and make a. for himself (24) II. shall make a. for himself i6. shall make a. for holy place 17. to make a. in holy place (27) and have made a. for himself 18. and make a. for it. 30. this day sh. a. be made for you 32. priest, shall make the a. 33. sh. make a. for holy sanctuary sh. make a. for tent of meeting shall make a. for priests 34. make a. for chil. of Is. (Nu. 8:19) 17:11. maketh a. by reason of the life 23:27. loth of 7th month is day of a. 28. for it is a day of a., to make a. for you before Jehovah 25: 9. hx day of a. shall j'e send Nu. 5: 8. besides the ram of a., whereby a. shall be made for him 6:11. and make an a. for him 8:12. to make a. for the Levites 21. Aaron made a. to cleanse them 15:25. priest shall make a. for all 28. pr. sh. make a. for soul erreth 16:47. and made a. for the people 25:13. made a. for children of Is. 29:11. besides the sin-offering of a. 31:50. to make a. for our souls 2 S. 21: 3. wherewith shall I make a. 1 Ch. 6:49. to make a. for Israel (Ne. 10:33) 2 Ch. 29:24. to make a. for all Israel Eze. 43:20. cleanse it, and make a. for it. 26. Seven days shall they make a. 45:15. make a. for them, saith Lord 17. to make a., for house of Is. 20. so sh. ye make a. for house ATONING Le. 16:20. he hath made an end of a. ATROTH-EETH-JOAB (At'roth-beth-jo'ab) — crowns of house of Joab. A locality belonging to the Calebites, appar- ently in the south of Judah. I Ch. 2:54. A., and half of Manahathites ATROTH-SHOPHAN (At'roth-sho'phan)— crowns of Shophan. A town, site unknown, built by the Gadites. Nu. 32:35. A., and Jazer, etc. ATTAI (At'tai) 1. A descendant of Jerahmeel. I Ch. 2:35. and she bare him A. 36. And A. begat Nathan 2. A Gadite who came to David at Ziklag. 1 Ch. 12:11. A. the sixth, Eliel the seventh 3. A son of Rehoboam. 2 Ch. II :2o. she bare him Abijah, & A. ATTAIN Ps. 139: 6. it is high, I cannot a. un. it Pr. i: 5. that man of understand'g may a. 2:19. Nei. do they a. unto paths of 11:19. righteousness sh. a. unto life Eze. 46: 7(m). ac. as his hand shall a. un. Ho. 8: 5. ere they a. to innocency? Lu. 20:35. worthy to a. to that world Ac. 26: 7. God night & day, hoped to a. 1 Co. 9:24. Even so run; that ye may a. Ep. 4:13. till we all a. unto the unity Ph. 3:11. I may a. unto the resurrection ATTAINED Ge. 47: 9. they have not a. unto days 2 S. 23:19. he a. not unto first three (23; I Ch. 11:21, 25) Ro. 9:30. Gentiles a. to righteousness Ph. 3:16. whereunto we have a. ATTAINEDST Eze. 16: 7. thou a. to excellent ornament ATTAINETH Ec. 9:io(m). thy a. to do, do it by thy ATTALIA (At'ta-h'a) [Attalua. A city on the coast of Pamphylia founded by Ac. 14:25. they went down to A. ATTEND Es. 4: 5. he had appointed to a. on her Pa. 17: I. JH., a. unto my cry 55: 2. A. unto me, and answer me Ps. Pr. 61: I. God; A. unto my prayer 142: 6. A. unto my cry; For I am brought 4: I. a. to know understanding 20. My son, a. to my words 5: I. My son, a. unto my wisdom 7:24. a. to the words of my mouth Is. 51: 4. A. unto me, my people, I Co. 7:35. that ye may a. upon the Lord ATTENDANCE 1 K. 10: 5. the a. of his ministers (2 Ch. 9:4) He. 7:13. given a. at the altar ATTENDANT Lu. 4:20. and gave it back to the a. Ac. 13: 5. they had also John as their a. ATTENDED Jb. 32:12. Yea, I a. unto you Ps. 66:19. He hath a. to my prayer ATTENDING Ro. 13: 6. a. continually upon this thing ATTENT 2 Ch. 6:40. and let thy ears be a. 7:15. eyes sh. be open, & mine ears a. ATTENTION 1 K. i8:29(m). nor any to ans., nor any 0. 2 K. 4:31 (m). there was nei. voice nor a. Ne. 8:13. to give a. to words of the law ATTENTIVE Ne. i: 6. let thine ear now be a. (11) 8:3. ears of all people were a. Ps. 130: 2. Let thine ears be a. ATTESTATION Ru. 4: 7. was manner of a. in Israel ATTIRE Pr. 7:10. With the a. of a harlot Je. 2:32. or a bride (forget) her a.? Eze. i6:io(m). I bound thee with a. of ATTIRED Le. 16: 4. with linen mitre sh. he be a. 2 K. 9:30. painted her eyes and a. her head ATTRIBUTED Jb. i:22(m). not, nor a. folly to God. AUDIENCE Ge. 23:10. answered Abraham in the a. 13. spake unto Ephron in the a. 16. which he had named in the a. Ex. 24: 7. read in the a. of the people I Ch. 28: 8. and in the a. of our God Ne. 13: I. read book of Moses in the a. Ac. 22:22. gave him a. unto this word AUGHT Ge. 14:23. nor a. that is thine, lest thou 30:31. said, Thou shalt not give me a. 39: 6. knew not a. that was wi. him Ex. 5: 8. ye sh. not diminish a. thereof 12:46. not carry forth a. of flesh 22:14. borrow a. of his neighbor 29:34. if a. of the flesh remain Le. 11:25. whoso, beareth a. of carcass 37. a. of their carcass fall upon 38. a. of their carcass fall th'on 19: 6. if a. remain until third day 25:14. if thou sell a. un. neighbor 27:31. if man will redeem a. of tithe Nu. 15:29. him that doeth a. unwittingly 30. doeth a. with a high hand Jos. 21:45. There faileth not a. of any Ru. 1:17. if a. but death part thee & me 1 S. 12: 4. nei. hast thou taken a. of any 5. ye h. not found a. in my hand 19: 3. if I see a., I will tell thee 25: 7. neither was there a. missing 30:22. not give them a. of the spoil 2 S. 3:35. if I taste bread, or a. else 14:10. Whosoever saith a. unto thee 18. Hide not from me a. that I 19. from a. my lord hath spoken Ne. 4:2 (m). will they leave to thems. a.? Jb. 20:20. sh. not save a. of that wh'in 3i:i6(m). 0. that the poor desired Eze. 18:16. hath not taken a. to pledge Joe. 3:4(m). will ye do a. unto mel Mt. 5:23. rememberest thy bro. hath a. 21: 3. if any one say a. unto you Mk. 7:12. to do a. for his fa. or mother 8:23. he asked him, Seest thou a.? 11:25. forgive, if ye have a. ag. any Lu. 19: 8. if I ha. wrongfully exacted a. Jn. 4:33. Hath any bro't him a. to eat Ac. 4-32. not one said that a. was own 24:19. if they had a. against me 28:19. not that I had a. to accuse I Th. 5: I. Ye have no need a. be written Phm. 18. oweth thee a., put to mine ac'ct AUGMENT Nu. 32:14. to a. fierce anger of Jehovah AUGMENTETH Pr. 28: 8. He that a. his substance by AUGURY Le. 19:26. enchantnk'hts, nor practice a. De. 18:10. one that practiseth a. 14. unto them that practise a. 2 K. 21: 6. and practised a. (2 Ch. 33:6) AUGUSTAN (Au-gus'tan) BAND A cohort of Roman soldiers, apparently named after Augustus the emperor. Ac. 27: I. named Julius of the A. b. AUGUSTUS (Au-giis'tus) — venerable, august. Roman emperor, called in Luke 2:1 Caesar Augustus. Lu. 2:1. went out decree fr. Csesar A. AUNT Le. 18:14. to his wife: she is thine a. AUSTERE Lu. 19:21. because thou art an a. man 22. knew est that I am an a. man AUTHOR Ac. 3:15. (m). and killed the A. of life He. 2:10. make a. of their salva. perfect 5: 9. the a. of eternal salvation 12: 2. a. and perfecter of our faith AUTHORITIES Lu. 12:11. and the a., be not anxious Tit. 3: I. to rulers, to a., to be obedient I Pe. 3:22. and powers made subjects AUTHORITY I S. 9:17. same sh. have a. over my people Es. 9:29. wrote wi. all a. to confirm Pr. 29:2 (m). When righteous are in a. Mt. 7:29. taught as one having a. 8: 9. I also am a man under a. 9: 6. Son of man hath a. (Mk. 2:10; Lu. 5:24) 8. who had given such a. unto men. 10: I. a. over unclean spirits (Mk. 6:7) 20:25. great ones exercise a. (Mk. 10:42) 21:23. By what a. doest thou? (Mk. 11:28) who gave thee this a. (Mk. 11:28) 24. tell you by what a. I do (Mk. 11:29) 27. Neither tell I you by what a. I do (Mk. 11:33; Lu. 20:8) 28:18. All a. hath been given unto me Mk. 1:22. for he taught them as having a. 27. wi. a. he commandeth unc. spirits 3:15. to have a. to cast out demons 13 ■34- given a. to his servants Lu. 4: 6. To thee will I give all this a. 32. for his word was with a. 36. with a. & power he commandeth 7: 8. I also am a man set under a. 9: I. gave them power & a. ov. demons 10:19. you a. to tread upon serpents i2:5(m). hath a. to cast into hell 19:17. have thou a. over ten cities 20: 2. Tell us: By what a. doest thou? who is he that gave thee this a.? 20. and to the a. of the governor 22:25. have a. are called Benefactors Jn. 5:27. gave him a. to execute judgment 17: 2. gavest him a. over all flesh. Ac. i: 7. Father hath set wi'in his own a. 8:27. eunuch of great a. under Candace 9:14. a. from chief priests to bind 26:10. received a. from chief priests 12. with a. of the chief priests 1 Co. 11:10. to have sign of a. on her 15:24. rule and all a. and power 2 Co. 10: 8. a. which the Lord gave 13:10. according to a. wh. Lord gave Ep. 1:21. far above all rule, and a. Tit. 2:15. repro^'e with all a. Re. 2:26. to him will I give a. ov. na's 6: 8. a. over fourth part of earth 13: 2. his throne, and great a. 4. he gave his a. unto the beast 5. was given to him a. to continue 7. was given to him a. over every 12. all the a. of the first beast 17:12. but they receive a. as king 13. they give their power a. 20: 6(m). the second death hath no 0. 22:i4(m). 0. over the tree of life AUTUMN Is. 35: i(m). and blossom as the a. crocus Jude 12. a. trees wi'out fruit twice dead AVAIL Jb. 36:19. Will thy cry a., that thou be? 41:26. at him with sword, it cannot a. He. 9:17. it doth never a. while he doth AVAILETH Es. 5:13. Yet all this a. me nothing AVEN 67 AWAY Ga. 5: 6. nei. circumcis. a. anything Ja. 5:16. supplication of right, man a. AVEN (A'ven) — trouble, wickedness. 1. An Egyptian city, On, called by the Greeks Heliopolis. Eze. 30:17. young men of A. shall fall 2. The "high places of Aven" many take as referring to Bethel, which had become a place of idolatry. Ho. 10: 8. The high places also of A. 3. "Valley of Aven" in Am. 1:5 apparent- ly refers to some place in Syria not identi- fied. inhabitants from valley of A. a. chil. of Is. of Midianites he will a. blood of servants Jehovah a. me of thee may a. blood of my servants to a. thems. on their enemies a. me of mine enemies and a. me of my persecutors may a. him of his adversaries I will a. the blood of Jesreel A. me of mine adversary troubleth me, I will a. her shall not God a. his elect? he will a. them speedily A. not yourselves, beloved readiness to a. all disobedi. not judge and a. our blood? If Cain sh. be a. sevenfold Until nation had a thems. surely I will be a. of you a. of Philis. for my two eyes and I be a. on mine enemies 18:25. to be a. of king's enemies that my lord hath a. himself Jehovah hath a. my lord the k. JH. hath a. him of his enemies JH. hath a. thee this day shall not my soul be a.? (29; 9:9) a. him that was oppressed hath a. blood of his serv'ts cities for refuge fr. the a. a. of blood sh. himself put (21) bet. smiter and a. of blood out of hand of a. of blood and a. of blood find him wi'out a. of blood slay the manslayer De. 19: 6. lest the a. of blood pursue 12. deliver him in. hand of a. 20: 3. a refuge from the a. of blood 5. if a. of blood pursue aft. him 9. not die by hand of a. of blood 14:11. that a. of blood destroy not 8: 2. still the enemy and the a. 44:16. By reason of enemy and the a. Ro. 13: 4. a. for wrath to him doeth evil I Th. 4: 6. Lord is a. ia all these th'gs AVENGETH Na. i: 2. JH. is a jealous God, and a.; JH. a. and is full of wrath AVENGING 1 S. 25:26. fr. a. thys. wi. thine own hand 33. fr. a. myself wi. mine own hand Ps. 79:10. Let a. of blood of thy servants 2 Co. 7:11. yea what zeal, yea what a.! AVERSE Mi. 2: 8. securely as men a. from war AVITH (A'vith) An ancient capital of Edom. [1:46) Ge. 36:35. the name of his city was A. (i Ch. AVOID Pr. 4:15. A. it, pass not by it Tit.3:io(m). after 1st & 2nd admonition a. AVOIDED 1 S. 18:11. David a. out of his presence AVOIDING 2 Co. 8:20. a. this, that any sh'd blame AVOUCHED De. 26:17. Thou hast a. JH. this day 18. Jehovah hath a. thee this day AVVA (Av'va) An Assyrian city from which colonists were imported to Samaria. 2 K. 17:24. from A., and from Hamath AWIM (Av'vim) 1. Ani ancient people driven out of their territory by Caphtorim. De. 2:23. A., that dwelt in villages Jos. 13: 3. also the A., on the south 2. A place in Benjamin, site unknown. Am. i: 5. AVENGE Nu. 31: 2. De. 32:43- I S. 24:12. 2K. 9: 7. Es. 8:13. Is. 1:24. Je. 15:15. 46:10. Ho. i: 4. Lu. 18:3. 5- 7- 8. Ro. 12:19. 2 Co . 10: 6. Re. 6:10. AVENGED Ge. 4:24. Jos. 10:13. Ju. 15: 7- 16:28. iS. 14:24. 18:25. 25:31. 2S. 4: 8. 18:19. 31. Je. S: 9. Ac. 7:24. Re. 19: 2. AVENGER Nu. 35.12. 19. 24. 25. 27. Jos. 2S Ps. Jos. 18:28. A. and Parah & Ophrah AWITES (Av'vites) 2 K. 17:31. A. made Nibbaz and Tartak AWAKE Ju. 5:12. A., a., Deborah; A., a., utter a song r S. 26:12. neither did any a. Jb. 8: 6. Surely now he would a. for thee 14:12. shall not a.. Nor be roused Ps. 7: 6. And a. for me be satisfied, when I a. a. to justice due unto me A., why sleenest thou, Lord? A. up, my glory; a., psaltery (108:2) I myself will a. right early (108:2) I mys. will a. the dawn (108:2) A. thou to help me, and behold When I a., I am still with thee When shall I a.? I will seek stir not up, nor a. my love (3:5; 8:4) A., north wind A. & sing, that dwell in dust A., a., put on strength, arm a., as in the days of old A., a., stand up, Jerusalem 52: I. A., a., put on thy strength, Z. 12: 2. many that sleep in dust sh. a. i: 5. A., ye drunkards, and weep 2: 7. and a. that shall vex thee 19. Woe un. him th. saith to wood, A. 13: 7. A., sword, ag. my shepherd 4:38. they a. him, and say, Teacher 9:32. but when they were fully a. ii:ii. I go, that I may a. him 13:11. time to a. out of sleep 15:34. A. to soberness righteously 5:14. A., thou that sleepest, & arise Pr. S. S Is. 17:15. 35:23. 44:23. 57:8. (m). 59: 4- 139:18. 23:35. 2: 7. 4:16. 26:19. 51: 9. 17- Da. Joe. Ha. Zee. Mk. I;U. Jn. Ro. I Co. Ep. AWAKED Ge. 28:16. And Jacob a. out of his sleep Ju. 16:14. And he a. out of his sleep 1 K. 18:27. he sleepeth and must be a. 2 K. 4:31. saying. The child is not a. Ps. 3: 5. I a.; for JH. sustaineth me 78:65. the Lord a. as one out of sleep Je. 31:26. Upon this I a., and beheld AWAKENED S. S. 8: 5. Under the apple-tree I a. thee AWAKEST Ps. 73:20. so, Lord, when thou a. Pr. 6:22. thou a., it sh. talk with thee AWAKETH Ps. 73:20. As a dream when one a. Is. 29: 8. a., and his soul is empty a., and, behold, he is faint end is come; it a. against thee before I was a., my soul set Babylon, & thou wast not a. they became a. of it, and fled Eze. 7: 6. AWARE S. S. 6:12. Je. 50:24. Ac. 14: 6. AWAY (Brought away. Carried away, Carry- ing away. Consume away, Done away, Draw away, Drawn away, Driven away. Drove away, Fadeth away. Fall away. Par away. Fell away. Get away. Go away, Lead away, Led away. Look away, Melted away. Pass away. Passed away. Pine away. Putting away, Stolen away, Sweep away. Take away. Thrust away. Took away. Turn away. Turned away, Wasteth away. Went away. Wipe away, Withered away) Ge. 31: 2. didst thou flee secretly, & steal a. Ex. 18:18. Thou wilt surely wear a., both Le. 4:31. as the fat is taken a. from off Nu. 11: 6. but now our soul is dried a. De. 28:26. sh. be none to frighten them a. Jos. 2: 9. all inhab's of land melt a. (24) 5: 9. I rolled a. the reproach of Egypt 24:28. So Joshua sent the people a. Ju. 5:21. the river Kishon swept them a 9:21. Jotham ran a., and fled, & went 16:14. plucked a. the pin of the beam 1 S. 19:10. he slipped a. out of Saul's 25:10. break a. ev. man fr. his master 26:12. they gat a.: no man saw it 2 S. 2:27. in morning people had gone a. 19: 3. as people are ashamed steal a. 22:46. foreigners sh. fade a. (Ps. 18:45) I K. 2:39. two servants of Shimei ran a. 5: 9(m). and thou shalt carry them a. 11:13. I will not rend a. all kingdom S. S. Ec. Is. 1 Ki. 14: 8. 10. 2 Ch. 35:23. Jb. i: 8. 7: 9- 61 (m). 12:17. 19. 14:19. is: 4. 20: 8. 28. 22:16. 27:20. 28: 4- 30:17. (m), 33:i7(m). Ps. 31:10. 36:11. 39:10. 48: 5- 55: 6. 58: 7. 64: 8(m), 68: 2. 88: 5(m), 90: 5- 10. 104: 7. 29. 107:26. 112:10. 119:119. Pr.3:35(m). 6:33. 10: 3. 14:29 (m). 19:26. 20: 8. 30. 2:10. 5: 8. 1:13. 25. 4: 4- io:i8(m). 17:11. 19: 6. 22:17. 27: 8. 34: 4- 4(m). 47:xi(m). 51: 6. 59:13. 6:29. 7:33. 8:6(m). 23:39. 34:21. 37:13- 14. 46:15. 48:46. 49:19. 20. Eze. 16: 9. Da.8:ii(m), 9:24(m). Ho. 2: 9. Na. 3:16. Hag.i:9(m), Zee. 7:11. Mt. 5:32. 13:19. 21:20. 28: 2. 9:18. 16: 3. 9:12. 16:18. 23:18. 24: 2. 5:13- 19:15. 3:26. 5:37- 8:39- I3:4i(m). 20: 6. 30. 21:36. 22:16. 22. Je. Mk. Lu. Jn. Ac. rent kingdom fr. house of David as a man sweepeth a. dung, till said to servants. Have me a. and turneth a. from evil (2:3) As the cloud . . . vanisheth a. I loathe my life; I waste a. leadeth counsellors a. stripped He leadeth priests a. stripped overflowing th'of wash a. dust Yea, thou doest a. with fear He shall fly a. as a dream, and he shall be chased a. as vision His goods shall flow a. in day of Who were snatched a. bef. time A tempest stealeth him a. in He breaketh open a shaft a. from bones are corroded & drop a. man may pvt a. his purpose And my bones are wasted a. not hand of wicked drive me a. Remove thy stroke a. from me were dismayed, they hasted a. Then w'd I fly a., & be at rest. Let them melt a. as water that And all men shall flee a. As smoke ... so drive them a. Cast a. among the dead, Like carriest them a. as with flood it is soon gone, and we fly a. At thy thunder they hasted a. takest a. their breath, they die Their soul melteth a. because shall gnash his teeth & melt a. Thou puttest a. all the wicked But fools carry a. shame his reproach sh. not be wiped a. trusteth a. desire of wicked is hasty carrieth a. folly father, & chaseth a. his mother Scattereth a. all evil with eyes Stripes that wound cleanse a. my love, my fair one, & come a. the violent taking a. of justice I cannot a. with iniquity and thoroughly purge a. thy dross Lord shall have washed a. filth as when a sick man pineth a. harvest fleeth a. day of grief reeds & flags shall wither a. JH. will hurl thee a. violently when thou sendest them a., thou all their host sh. fade a. host of heaven sh. moulder a. not know how to charm it a. heavens sh. vanish a. like smoke turning a. fr. following our God for wicked are not plucked a. and none sh. frighten them a. turneth a. in his course, as a. yr. fathers a. from my presence army, that are gone a. from you Thou art falling a. to Chaldeans. I am not falling a. to Chaldeans. Why are thy strong ones swept a.? thy sons are taken a. captive suddenly make them r. a. (50:44) they shall drag them a. (50:45) I thor'ly washed a. thy blood burnt-o. was taken a. from him and to purge a. iniquity, and and will pluck a. my wool, and canker-worm ravageth, & fleeth a. it home, I did blow it a. and pulled a. the shoulder sh. marry her when she is put a snatched a. wh. hath been sown How did the fig-tree wither a.? came and rolled a. the stone grindeth his teeth, & pineth a. Who shall roll us a. the stone? And the day began to wear a. Every one that putteth a. wife A. with this man, and release they found the stone rolled a. Jesus had conveyed himself a. cried out A. with him, a. with turning a. from your iniquities drew a. some of the people Spirit of Lord caught a. Philip and wonder, and vanish a. we sailed a. from Philippi after to draw a. disciples after them after, crying out, A. with him. wash a. thy sins, calling on A. with such a fellow from AWAY 68 AZARIAH Ac. 27:32. Ko. 11:15. 2 Co. 3:13- Col. 1:23. 2Th. 2: 3- iTi. 6:20. He. 2: I. Ja. soldiers lut a. ropes of boat casting a. of them is reconciling of that which was passing a. not moved a. fr. hope of gospel except falling a. come first a. from the profane babbhngs lest haplj' we drift a. from them. 3:12. in faUing a. from living God 8:13. aged is nigh unto vanishing a. 1:1 1, so shall the rich man fade a. 24. a., and straightway forgetteth Jude ir(m). cast themselves a. through error Brought away I S. 23: 5. b. a. their cattle, and slew them 1 K.6:7(m). made readj' ichen it icas b. a. 2 K. 5:2. had b. a. captive out of Israel Carried away 24:11. Deliver them that are c. a. unto death Is. 38:12. is c. a. fr. me as shepherd's tent Da. Ii:i2(m). And multitude shall he c. a. Pr Na. He. Je. Mt. Ps. Zee. 3g:ii. 14:12. 2: 7. she is uncovered, she is c. a. 13: 9. Be not c. a. by . . . strange teachings Carrying away i: 3. unto c. a. of Jerusalem captive i:ii. at the time of c. a. to Babylon 17. from David unto c. a. to Babylon from c. a. to Babylon unto Christ Consume away 37:20. in smoke shall they c. a. Thou makest his beauty to c. a. their flesh shall c. a. while eyes sh. c. a. in their sockets tongue shall c. a. in mouth Done away Ro. 6: 6. that body of sin might be d. a. 1 Co. 13: 8. prophesies, they shall be d. a. be knowledge, it shall be d. a. 10. which is in part shall be d. a. 2 Co. 3:14. not revealed ... is done a. in Chr. Draw away De. 13:10. he sought to d. thee a. from JH. Ju. 20:32. and d. them a. from the city Ps. 28: 3. D. me not a. with the wicked, And Drawn away De. 13:13- have d. a. inhabitants of city 30:17. be d. a., and worship other gods Jos. 8: 6. have d. them a. from city (Ju. 20:6) 16. and were d. a. from the city. Ja. 1:16. when he is d. a. by his own lust Driven away Ex. 22:10. and it die, or be hurt, or d. a. Ps. 68: 2. As smoke is d. a., so drive them a. Is. 19: 7. Nile, shall become dry, be d. a. Je. 23: 2. scattered my flock, & d. them a. 50:17. Israel . . . lions have d. him a. Eze. 34: 4. neither brought back that d. a. 16. will bring back that was d. a. Drove away Ge. 15:11. birds of prey . . . Abram d. them a Ex. 2:17. the shepherds came, and d. them a. Ps.34.ftitle). before Abimelech, who d. him a. Fadeth away Is. 24: 4. The earth mourneth and f. a., the world languisheth and f. a. I Pe. i: 4. inheritance . . . that f. not a. 5: 4. the crown of glory that f. not a. Fall away Nu. 5:21. JH. doth make my thigh to f. a. I Ch. 12:19. He will f. a. to his ma,ster Pb. 4o:4(m). nor such as/, a. treacherously Is. ■;4:i5(m). whosoever shall f. a. to thee Lu. 8:13. and in time of temptation f. a. 1 Ti. 4: I. some shall f. a. from the faith Far away Ex. 8:28. only ye shall not go very f. a. Jb. 11:14. iniquity in thy hand, put it f. a. Is. 6:12. and JH. have removed men f. a. 49:19. swallowed thee up shall be f. a. Am. 6: 3. ye that put f. a. the evil day Fell away 2 K. 25:11. left in city, & those that f. a. I Ch. 12:19. also there f. a. some to David Je. 39: 9. deserters also that f. a. to him He. 6: 6. f. a., it is impossible to renew Get away I S. 20:29. let me g. a., & see m.y brethren. 23:26. David made haste to g. a. for Ps. 104:22. The sun ariseth, they g. them a. Da. 4:14. let beasts g. a. from under it Go away Mt. 14:16. They have no need to g. a.; give Jn. 16: 7. is expedient for you that I g. a.: for if I g. not a. the Comforter Ac. 16:39. asked them to g. a. from city. Lead away De. 4:27. nations, whither JH. shall 1. you a. Ju. 5:12. Arise, Barak, & 1. a. thy captives 1 S. 30:22. that he may 1. them a. & depart Is. 20: 4. king of Assyria 1. a. captives Mk. 14:44. take him, and 1. him a. safely Lu. 13:15. from stall, & 1. him a. to watering? Led away Jb. 2i:3o(m). are I. a. in the day of wrath? 36:i8(m). beware lest thou be I. a. by Am. 7:11. Israel shall be 1. a. captive (17) Mt. 26:57. 1. him a. to house of Caiaphas 27: 2. and they bound him, and 1. him a. 31. and 1. him a. to crucify him. Mk. 14:53. they 1. Jesus a. to high priest 15:16. soldiers 1. him a. within court Lu. 23:26. when they 1. him a., they laid 2 Ti. 3: 6. ^-ith sins, 1. a. by divers lusts Look away Jb. 7:19. How long wilt thou not 1. a. from me? 14: 6. L. a. from him, that he may rest Ps. 39:i3(m). Oh I. a. from me, that I may Is. 22: 4. L. a. from me, I will weep bitterly Melted away Ex. 15:15. inhabitants of Canaan are m. a. I S. 14:16. behold, the multitude m. a., and Is. 14:31. gate; cry, city; thou art m. a. Je. 49:23. heard evil tidings, they are m. a. Pass away Pr.3i:8(m). all such as ready to p. a. Is. 2:18. And the idols shall utterly p. a. Hab.i:ii(m"). su-eep by, and he shall p. a. Passed away Jb. 9:26. They are p. a. as the swift ships 11:16. remember it as waters that p. a. P8.37:36(m). Yet he p. a., & lo, he was not 48:4(m). the kings assembled . . . they p. a. Pine away Le. 26:16. and make the soul to p. a.; and 39. shall p. a. in their iniquity in La. 4: 9. For these p. a., stricken through Eze. 4:17. and p. a. in their iniquity. 24:23. ye sh. p. a. in your iniquities 33:10. upon us, and we p. a. in them Putting away Mai. 2:16. For I hate p. a., saith JH. the God Ep. 4:25. Wherefore p. a. falsehood, speak Ja. 1:21. ^Yherefore p. a. all filthiness and 1 Pe. 2: I. p. a. therefore all wickedness 3:21. not p. a. of filth of the flesh. Stolen away Ge. 31:26. that thou hast s. a. unawares to me 40:15. I was s. a. out of the land of 2 S. 19:41. the men of Judah s. thee a., and Sweep away 1 K. 14:10. will utterly s. w. house of Jeroboam 16: 3. I will utterly s. a. Baasha and 21:21. and will utterly s. thee a. Pr. 21: 7. violence of wicked sh. s. them a. Is. 28:17. hail shall s. a. remge of hes Da. 11:44. destroy, and utterly to s. a. many. Take away Le. 3:4(m). which he shall t. a. by kidneys 4:31. all the fat thereof shall he t. a. 10:17 (m). to t. a. iniquity of congrega. De. 7:15. JH. will t. a. from thee sickness Ps. 26:9(m). T. not a. my soul with sinners Mt. 25:28. T. j^e a. therefore the talent Thrust away 2 S. 23: 6. all of them as thorns to be t. a. 2 K. 4:27. And Gehazi came near to t. her a. Ac. 7:27. did his neighbor wrong t. him a. Took away Ex. 13:22 (m). he t. not a. pillar of cloud 2 S. 5:21. David and his men t. them a. Is. 22: 8. he t. a. the covering of Judah Zph.'3:i8(m). solemn assembly which I t. a. Jn. 12: 6. having bag t. a. what was put Turn away 1 K. 9: 6. if ye shall t. a. from following me 2 S. 5:6(m). blind ST 1 K. 2:26. bee. thou b. ark of Lord JH. Is. 63:19. over whom thou never b. rule. BARGAIN Le. 6: 2. or of b., or of robbery, or have BARHUMITE (Bar-hu'mlte). Baharumite in I Ch. 11:33- 2 S. 23:31. Azmaveth the B. BARIAH (Bs.-n' ah)— fugitive. One of the descendants of David through Shecaniah. I Ch. 3:22. Igal, and B., and Neariah BAR-JESUS (Biir-Je'sus)— son of Jesus. A Jewish magician and false prophet. Ac. 13: 6. a Jew, whose name was B. BAR-JONAH (Bar-Jo-nah) A surname of the apostle Peter. Mt. 16:17. Blessed art thou, Simon B. BARK Is. 56:10. all dumb dogs, they cannot b. BARKED Joe. i: 7. vine waste, and b. my fig-tree BARKOS (Biir'kos) Ezr. 2:53. the children of B. (Ne. 7:55) BARLEY Ne. Is. Eze. Mt. Jn. iPe. iK. 2Ch. Eze. Mk. Lu. Jn. Ac. 3 Jn- Re. Le. Nu. De. Ju. Ru. 2S. iK. 2K. 2Ch. Jb. Is. Je. Eze 9:31- 27:16. 5:15- 8: 8. 7:13- 1:22. 2:17. 23. 3: 2. IS- 17- 14:30. Ex. 9:31. the flax and b. were smitten; for the b. was in the ear homer of b. shall be valued tenth part of ephah of b.-meal a land of wheat and b. a cake of b. bread tumbled in beginning of b. harvest it was about an ephah of b. to glean unto end of b. harvest he winnoweth b. to-night he measured six measures of b. six measures of b. gave he me and he hath b. there 17:28. brought wheat and b. and meal 21: 9. at beginning of b. harvest 4:28. B. also and straw for horses 4:42. brought twenty loaves of b. 7: I. two meas. of b. for shekel (16, 18) I Ch. 11:13. a plot of ground full of b. 2:10. twenty thou, measures of b. 15. wheat and b., the oil & wine 27: 5. and ten thousand of b. 31:40. And cockle instead of b. 28:25. b. in the appointed place 41: 8. we have stores hidden of b. etc. 4: 9. Take thou also wheat, & b., etc. 12. thou shalt eat it as b. cakes 13:19. profaned me for handfuls of b. 45:13. an ephah from a homer of b. Joe. Jn. i:ii. 6: 9. Re. 13- 6: 6. Ho. 3: 2. 15 pieces of sil. & a homer of b. and a half-homer of b. wail, for wheat and for the b. a lad, who hath five b. loaves broken pieces fr. 5 b. loaves 3 measures of b. for shilling BARN (See also Barns) Hag. 2:19. Is the seed yet in the b.? Mt. 13:30. gather the wheat in. my b. Lu. 12:24. have no store-chamber nor b. BARNABAS (Bar'na-bas) — son of exhortation, or consolation. The surname given by the apostles to Joseph, a Levite of Cyprus. Ac. 4:36. 9:27. 11:22. 30. 12:25. 13: I. by apostles was surnamed B. B. brought him to the apostles sent forth B. as far as Antioch to elders by hand of B. & Saul B. and Saul ret'd fr. Jerusalem prophets and teachers, B., etc. Separate me B. and Saul for work same called un. him B. and Saul proselytes followed Paul & B. Paul and B. spake out boldly 50. persecution against Paul & B. 14:12. called B., Jupiter; Paul, Mercu. when B. and Paul heard of it went forth with B. to Derbe Paul & B. h. no small dissension Paul and B. sh'd go up to Jeru. they hearkened unto B. & Paul to Antioch with Paul and B. with our beloved B._ and Paul Paul and B. tarried in Antioch Paul said un. B., Let us return was minded to take John B. took Iilark with him 9: 6. I only & B. have we not right? 2: I. I went up ag. to Jeru. with B. 9. gave to me and B. the right hands 13. that even B. was carried away 4:10. and Mark, the cousin of B. BARNS {See also Barn) De. 28: 8. the blessing upon thee in thy b. So sh. b. be filled with plenty the b. are broken down nei. do they reap, nor gath. in. b. I will pull down my b. & build I Co Ga. Col. Pr Joe. Mat. Lu. 7- 43- 46. 14. 20. is: 2. 12. 22. 25- 3S- 36. 37- 39- 3:10. 1:17. 6:26. 12:18. BARREN Ge. 11:30. 25:21. 29:31:. Ex. De. Ju. iS. Jb. 23:26. 7:14. 13: 2. 3- 2: 5- 3: 7. 15:34- 24:21. 113: 9. 30:16. Is. 49:21 (m) 54: I- 2:20. i: 7- 36. 23:29. 4:27. Ps. Pr. Joe Lu. Ga Ja. and Sarai was b.; had no child entreated JH., because she was b. opened her womb: but Rachel was b. nor be b. in thy land not be male or female b. amo. you his wife was b. and bare not Behold now, thou art b. Yea, the b. hath borne seven Lo, let that night be b. company of godless sh. be b. devoureth b. that beareth not he maketh b. worn, to keep house Sheol; and the b. womb and am 6., an exile Sing, b., that djdst not bear will drive (army) into land b. because Elisabeth was b. with her that was called b. Blessed are the b. Rejoice, thou b. th. bearest not faith apart fr. works is b.? 2:20 BARRICADE 1 S. i7:2o(m). he came to b. of wagons 26: 5(m). Saul lay within 6. of wagons BARRIER 2 K. 11: 6. keep watch, and be a b. BARS {See also Bar) Ex. 26:26. 27: S- 29. 35:11. Le. Nu. De. iS. iK. 2Ch. shalt make b. of acacia wood b. for boards for oth. side five b. for hinder part (36:32) rings of gold fr. places fr. b (36:34) shalt overlay the b. with gold its b., its pillars (39:33) 36:31. he made b. of acacia v/ood 34. and overlaid the b. with gold and put in the b. thereof I have broken b. of yr. yoke tabernacle, & b. thereof (4:31) with high walls, gates, and b. thy b. shall be iron and brass a town that hath gates and b. cities with walls & brazen b.;) cities wi. walls, gates, and b. walls, and towers, gates, & b 40:18. 26:13. 3:36. 3: 5- 33:25- 23: 7. 4:13- 8: 5- 14: 7. BARSABBAS 76 BATH Ne. 3: 3. bolts, & b. thereof (6, 13, 14, 15) Jb. 17:16. It sh. go down to b. of Sheol 38:10. my bound, And set b. and doors 40:18. His limbs are like b. of iron Ps. 107:16. cut the b. of iron in sunder 147:13. strengthen the b. of thy gates Pr. 18:19. such contentions are like b. Is. 45: 2. cut in sunder the b. of iron Je. 27: 2. Make thee bonds & b., & put 28:13. Thou hast broken the b. of wood made in their stead b. of iron 49:31. that have neither gates nor b. 51:30. her b. are broken La. 2: 9. destroyed and broken her b. Eze. 34:27. I have broken b. of their yoke 38:11. having neither b. nor gates Ho. 11: 6. and shall consume their b. Jon. 2: 6. its b. closed upon me forever Na. 3:13. fire hath devoured thy b. BARSABBAS (Bar'sab-bus) — son of Sabail) 1. The surname of Joseph also called Justus, "put forward" as a candidate for the place of Judas. Ac. 1:23. Joseph called B., and Matthias 2. The surname of Judas who was sent with Silas to Antioch with the decree of the Council. Ac. 15:22. Judas called B., and Silas BARTHOLOMEW (Bar-th6ro-mew)^son of Talmai, probably the surname of Nathanael. One of the twelve apostles. Mt. 10: 3. Philip, and B. (Mk. 3:18; Lu. 6:14) Ac. 1:13. B. and Matthew BARTIM^TJS (Bar'ti-mae'us) — son of Timceus. Mk. 10:46. B., a blind beggar sitting BARUCH (Ba'Tneh)— blessed. 1. Son of Zabbai, who repaired a portion of the wall of Jerusalem. Ne. 3:20. After him B. earnestly repaired 10: 6. Daniel, Ginnethon, B. 2. Ono of those who sealed the covenant. Perhaps the same as i. Ne. 11: 5. Maaseiah the son of B. 3. Son of Neriah, and trusted friend of Jeremiah. Je. 32:12. I delivered deed unto B. 13. And I charged B. before them 16. after I had deliv'd deed un. B. 36: 4. Then Jeremiah called B. B. wrote from mouth of Jeremiah 5. Jeremiah commanded B., saying 8. did ac. to all Jer. com'ded 10. Then read B. the words of Jer. 13. B. read book in ears of people 14. princes sent unto B., saying 15. So B. read it in their ears 16. said unto B., we will surely 17. asked B., saying, Tell us now 18. B. answered, He pronounced all 19. said princes unto B., Go, hide 26. to take B. the scribe & Jere. 27. and words which B. wrote 32. another roll, and gave it to B. 43: 3. B. setteth thee on against us 6. Jeremiah the prophet, and B. 45: I. Jer. the prophet, and B. 2. saith JH., unto thee, B. BARZILLAI (Bar-zil'la-I, or -lai) — made of iron. 2 S. 17:27. B. the Gileadite of Rogelim 19:31. B. came down from Rogelim 32. Now B. was a very aged man 33. king said unto B., Come thou 34. B. said un. king, how many are? 39. king kissed B., and blessed him ■21: 8. whom she bare to Adriel s. of B. I K. 2: 7. show kindness unto sons of B. Ezr. 2:61. the chil. of B., who took a wife of daughters of B. (Ne. 7:63) BASS (iSee also Bases) Ex. 29:12. pour out blood at b. of altar (Le. 4:7, 18, 25, 30, 34) 30:13. laver of brass, and b. thereof 28. and laver and the b. thereof 31: 9. and the laver and its b. 35:16. the laver & its b. (39:39; Le. 8:11) 38: 8. and the b. thereof of brass 40:11. thou shalt anoint laver (fc its b. Le. 5: 9. drained out at b. of altar 8:15. poured out blood at b. of alt. (9:9) Nu. 8: 4. of gold; unto the b. thereof De. 13:13. Certain b. fellows are gone 15: 9. Beware there be not a b. thought Ju. 19:22. certain b. fellows beset house 20:13. b. fellows, that are in Gibeah I S. 2:12. Now sons of Eli were b. men 1 S. 30:22. ans'd wicked men & b. fellows 2 S. 6:22. will be b. in mine own sight 16: 7. thou man of blood, & b. fellow 20: I. happened to be there b. fellow I K. 7:27. 4 cubits was length of one b. 30. every b. had four brazen wheels 32. axletrees of vi'heels were in b. 34. at four corners of each b. undersetters were of b. itself 35. in top of b. was round compass on top of b. the stays thereof 21:10. set two men, b. fellows, bef. him 13. two men, b. fellows, came in b. fellows bear witness ag. him Jb. 30: 8. yea, children of b. men Is. 3: 5. the b. against the honorable Eze. 17:14. that the kingdom might be b. 29:14. shall be there a b. kingdom 43:13. this shall be b. of altar Zee. 5:ii(m). be set there upon her own b. Mai. 2: 9. made you contemptible and b. I Co. 1:28. and b. things of the world BASEMATH (Bas'e-math)^mgrance. 1. One of the wives of Esau, daughter of Elon. Ge. 26:34. took to wife B. dau. of Elon 2. One of the wives of Esau, daughter Ishmael, called Mahalath in Ge. 28:9. Ge. 36: 3. and B. Ishmael's daughter 4. and B. bare Reuel 10. Reuel s. of B. wife of Esau 13. the sons of B., Esau's wife (17) 3. A daughter of Solomon. I K. 4:15. took B. dau. of Sol. to wife BASEMENT Eze. 41: 8. I saw the house had a b. BASES {See also Base) 1 K. 7:27. he made the ten b. of brass 28. work of b. was on this manner 37. after this manner he made 10 b. 38. upon ev. one of ten b. one laver 39. set the b., five on right side 43. the pillars; and the ten b., and the ten lavers on the b. 2 K. 16:17. Aliaz cut off panels of the b. 25:13. b. did Chald. break (Je. 52:17) 16. the b., which Solomon had made 2 Ch. 4:14. he made also the b., and the lavers made he upon the b. Je. 27:19. the sea, and concerning the b. 52:20. 12 brazen bulls under the b. BASEST Eze. 29:15. it shall be b. of the k'doms EASHAN (Ba'shan) The broad, fertile region east of Lake Genessa- ret, extending, roughly, from Gilead on the south to Hermon on the north. Nu. 21:33. went up by the way of B. king of B. went out against them 32:33. the kingdom of Og king of B. De. i: 4. after he had smitten Og k. of B. 3: I. and went up the way to B. Og k. of B. came out ag. us (29:7) 3. God deliv'd in. our hand k. of B. 4. took kingdom of Og in B. 10. and all Gilead, and all B. cities of kingdom of Og in B. 11. (For only Og k. of B. remained 13. the rest of Gilead, and all B. region of Argob, even all B. 14. called them B. aft. his own name (m). (All that B. is called 4:43. Golan in B., for Manassites 47. and the land of Og king of B. 32:14. rams of the breed of B. 33:22. That leapeth forth from B. Jos. 9:10. to Og k. of B., who was at Ash. 12: 4. the border of Og king of B. 5. in Salecah, and in all B. 13:11. and all B. unto Salecah 12. all the kingdom of Og in B. 30. all kingdom of Og king of B. towns of Jair, which are in B. 31. cities of kingdom of Og in B. 17: I. th'fore he had Gilead and B. 5. besides land of Gilead and B. 20: 8. Golan in B. out of tribe of M. 21: 6. out of half-tribe of Mana. & B. 27. B. with its suburbs (i Ch. 6:71) 22: 7. Moses had given inherit, in B. 1 K. 4:13. region of Argob which is in B. 19. Amorites and of Og king of B. 2 K. 10:33. even Gilead and B. I Ch. 5:11. over against them, in land of B. 12. Janai, and Shaphat in B. 1 Ch. 5:16. they dwelt in Gilead in B. 23. they increased from B. 6:62. in B., thirteen cities Ne. 9:22. possessed land of Og. k. of B. Ps. 22:12. Strong bulls of B. h. beset me 68:15. mountain of God is mount, of B. high mountain is mount, of B. 22. Lord said, I will bring ag. fr. B. 135:11. king of Amorites, & Og k. of B. 136:20. And Og king of B. Is. 2:13. upon all the oaks of B. 33: 9. B. and Carmel shake off th. leaves Je. 22:20. lift up thy voice in B. 50:19. he shall feed on Carmel and B. Eze. 27: 6. Of oaks of B. made thine oars 39:18. bullocks, all of th. failings of B. Am. 4: I. Hear this word, ye kine of B. Mi. 7:14. let them feed in B. and Gilead Na. i: 4. B. languish eth and Carmel Zee. 11: 2. wail, ye oaks of B. BASIN Ex. 12:22. dip it in blood that is in b. strike posts wi. blood th. is in b. Jn. 13: 5. Then he poureth water into b. BASINS Ex. 24: 6. half of blood, and put it in b. 27: 3. shalt make its shovels, & its b. 38: 3. he made the shovels, and the b. Nu. 4:14. shall put upon its shovels, & b. 2 S. 17:28. brought beds, and b., & wheat 1 K. 7:40. Hiram made the shovels, and b. 45. the b.: even all these vessels 50. the b., and spoons, & firepans 2 K. 12:13. there were not made b. etc. 25:15. firepans, & b., wh. was of gold 1 Ch. 28:17. b., & the cups, of pure gold 2 Ch. 4: 8. he made a hundred b. of gold II. Huram made shovels and b. 22. b., and spoons of pure gold Ne. 7:70. fifty b., 530 priests' garments Je. 52:18. b., and spoons, took they away 19. b., and pots captain took away BASKET (See also Baskets) Ge. 40:17. in uppermost b. was baked food birds did eat them out of the b. Ex. 29: 3. thou shalt put them into one b., and bring them in the b. 23. out of b. of unleav. bread (Le. 8:26) 32. shall eat bread that is in b. Le. 8: 2. and b. of unleavened bread 31. bread in b. of consecration Nu. 6:15. and a b. of unleavened bread 17. with b. of unleavened bread 19. one unleavened cake out of b. De. 26: 2. thou shalt put it in a b. 4. pr. sh. take b. out of thy hand 28: 5. Blessed shall be thy b. 17. Cursed shall be thy b. Ju. 6:19. the flesh he put in a b. Ps. 81: 6. His hands were freed fr. b. Je. 24: 2. One b. had very good figs the other b. had very bad figs Am. 8: i. behold, a b. of summer fruit 2. I said, A b. of summer fruit Ac. 9:25. lowering him in a b. 2 Co. 11:33. was I let down in a b. BASKETFULS Mk. 6:43. took up broken pieces, twelve b. 8:20. how many b. took ye up? BASKETS (See also Basket) Ge. 40:16. 3 b. of white bread on my head 18. the three b. are three days 2 K. 10: 7. put their heads in b. Je. 6: 9. as a grape-gatherer into b. 24: I. and, behold, two b. of figs Mt. 14:20. broken pieces, twelve b. full 15:37. broken pieces, seven b. full 16: 9. how many b. ye took up? (10) Mk. 8: 8. remained over, seven b. 19. how many b. took ye up? Lu. 9:17. of broken pieces, twelve b._ Jn. 6:13. filled 12 b. with broken pieces BASTARD De. 23: 2. A b. sh. not enter assembly Zee. 9: 6. a b. shall dwell in Ashdod (m). a b. race shall dwell in Ashdod BASTARDS He. 12: 8. then are ye b., and not sons BAT (See also Bats) Le. 11:19. the hoopoe and the b. (De. 14:18) BATH (See also Baths) Is. 5:10. acres of vin. sh. yield one b. Eze. 45:10. a just ephah, and a just b. II. ephah and b. sh. be of one meas. b. may contain loth part of homer BATHE 77 BEALOTH Eze. 45:14. set portion of oil, of b. of oil, loth part of b. out of the cor BATHE Ex. 2: 5. came down to b. at the river Le. 14: 8. shave . . . and b. himself in water 9. sh. b. flesh in water (16:4, 24) 15: 5. and b. himself in water (6, 7, 8, 10, II, 22, 27; 17:15: Ku. 19:19) 13. sh. b. his flesh in run'g water 16. he sh. b. all his flesh in water 18. shall both b. thems. in water 16:26. b. his flesh in water (28; Nu. 19:8) 17:16. wash them not, not b. his flesh 22: 6. unless he b. his flesh in water Nu. 19: 7. he shall b. his flesh in water De. 23:11. when evening cometh, he sh. b. Mk. 7: 4. they b. themselves, they eat not BATHED Lu. 11:38. not first b. hims. bef. dinner Jn. 13:10. He that is b. needeth not save BATHING 2 S. 11: 2. from roof he saw a woman b. BATH-RABBIM (Bath'-rab'bim) — daughter of multitudes. S. S. 7: 4. in Heshbon, by the gate of B. BATHS (See also Bath) 1 K. 7:26. it held two thousand b. 38. one laver contained 40 b. 2 Ch. 2:10. 20,000 b. of wine, and twenty thousand b. of oil 4: 5. and held three thousand b. Ezr. 7:22. and to a hundred b. of wine, and to a hundred b. of oil Eze. 45:14. cor, wh. is ten b., a homer (for ten b. are a homer;) BATH-SHEBA (Bath'she'ba, or Bath'she-ba)— daughter of Sheba. At first wife of Uriah the Hittite, and after- wards wife of David, and mother of Solomon. Bath-shua in i Ch. 3:5. 2 S. 11: 3. one said, Is not this B.? 12:24. David comforted B. his wife 1 K. i:ii. Then Nathan spake unto B. 15. And B. went in unto the king 16. B. bowed, and did obeisance 28. David said. Call to me B. 31. B. bowed wi. her face to earth 2:13. Adonijah s. of Haggith came to B. 18. B. said. Well; I will speak un. k. Ps. 51 (title), after he had gone in to B. BATH-SHUA (Bath'-shii'a) — daughter of riches. Probably an error for Bath-sheba. Ammiel (her father) is a variant form of Eliam. 1 Ch. 3: 5. B. the daughter of Ammiel BATS (See also Bat) Is. 2:20. to the moles and to the b. BATTERED 2 S. 20:15. b. the wall, to throw it down BATTERING Eze. 4: 2. and plant b. rams against it 21:22. for Jeru., to set b. rams to set b. rams against the gate 26: 9. he shall set his b. engines BATTLE (See also Battles) (Battle in array, Day of battle, For the battle, From the battle. In battle. Into battle, Unto battle) Nu. 21:33. all his people to b. at Edrei 31:21. men of war that went to the b. 27. skilled in war, that went to b. 28. men of war that went out to b. 32:29. every man that is armed to b. De. 20: I. When thou goest forth to b. (21 :io) Jos. 8:14. men of city went out ag. Is. to b. Ju. 20:14. to b. against children of Is. 18. Who sh. go up for us first to b.? 20. men of Israel went out to b. 23. Shall I again draw nigh to b.? 28. Shall I yet again go out to b.? 34. and the b. was sore; but they 42. b. followed hard after them I S. 4: I. Is. went out ag. Philistines to b. 2. joined b., Israel was smitten (m). when the b. was spread, Israel 7:10. Philistines drew near to b. ag. 14:20. gathered togeth., & came to b. 23. b. passed over by Beth-aven 17: I. Philistines gath'd armies to b. 13. sons of Jesse had gone to the b. three sons that went to the b. 2o(m). was going forth to b. ground 28. that thou mightest see the b. 29: 4. let him not go with us to b. 9. He shall not" go with us to b. 30:24. share is that goeth to the b. 1 S. 31: 3. b. went sore ag. Saul (i Ch. 10:3) 2 S. 2:17. the b. was very sore that day 10: 9. b. was set ag. him (i Ch. 19:10) 11; I. when kings go to b. (i Ch. 20:1) 15. Set ye Uriah in forefront of b. 25. make thy b. moje strong ag. city 17:11. go to b. in thine own person. 18: 6. b. was in forest of Ephraim 8. b. spread over face of country 21:17. go no more out with us to b. 23: 9. defied Philistines gath'd to b. 1 K. 8:44. people go out to b. (2 Ch. 6:34) 20:14. Who shall begin the b.? _ ■ 29. in seventh day b. was joined 22: 4. Wilt thou go with me to b.? 6. Sh. I go ag. Ramoth-gilead to b.? 15. toRamoth-g. tob. (2 Ch. 18:5, 14) 35. the b. increased (2 Ch. 18:34) 2 K. 3: 7. go with me against Moab to b. 26. k. of Moab saw b. was too sore 1 Ch. 11:13. Philistines were gath'd to b. 12:19. Philistines against Saul to b. 14:15. then thou shalt go out to b. 19: 7. children of Ammon came to b. 2 Ch. 6:34. If thy people go out to b. . 13: 3. Abijah joined b. with an army 14. b. was before and behind them 20: I. came against Jehoshaphat to b. 25:13. should not go with him to b. Jb. 15:24. as a king ready to the b. 39:25. he smelleth the b. afar off 41: 8. Remember b., and do so no more. Ps. 3S:3(m). Draw out the spear, and- b. axe 76: 5. The shield, and sword, and the b. Ec. 9:11. nor the b. to the strong Is. i6:9(m). Upon thy harvest b. shout is 28: 6. that turned back b. at the gate. 42:25. his anger, and strength of b. Je. 6:23. as a man to the b. against thee 46: 3. and shield, and draw near to b. 49:14. against her, & rise up to the b. 50:22. a sound of b. is in the land 42. set in array, as a man to the b. 51:50. Thou art my b. axe & weapons Eze. 7:14. but none goeth to the b. 9:2(m). with his b. axe in his hand Ho. i: 7. by bow, nor by sword, nor by b. 2:18. the sword and b. out of the land 10: 9. b. against children of iniquity (m). shall not the b. overtake them? Zee. 4:12. all nations ag. Jerusalem to b. 9:10. the b. bow shall be cut off 10: 4. from him the nail, from him b. bow Battle in array Ge. 14: 8. they set b. i. a. against them in Ju. 20:20. men of Israel set b. i. a. ag. them 22. set b. i. a. in the place where 1 S. 17: 2. set b. i. a. against Philistines 8. Why come out to set your b. i. a.? 21. the Philistines put the b. i. a. 2 S. 10: 8. put b. i. a. at entrance of gate 1 Ch. 12:33. host, that could set b. i. a. (35) that could order b. i. a. (38) 36. Danites that could set b. i. a. 19: 9. children of Ammon . . . put b. i. a. 17. and set the b. i. a. against them. So when David had put b. i. a. 2 Ch. 13: 3. Jeroboam set b. i. a. against him 14:10. they set b. i. a. in valley of Joe. 2: 5. as a strong people set i. b. a. Day of battle I S. 13:22. in d. 0. b. . . . was neither sword Jb. 38:23. trouble, Against d. o. b. and war? Ps. 78: 9. carrying bows,Turned back in d.o.b. 140: 7. hast covered my head in d. 0. b. Pr. 21:31. horse is prepared against d. 0. b. Ho. 10:14. destroyed Beth-arbel in d. 0. b. Am. 1:14. thereof, with shouting in d. 0. b. Zee. 14: 3. nations, as when he fought in d.o.b. For the battle I S. 17:20. forth to the fight shouted f. b. 47. f. b. is JH's, and he will give 1 Ch. 12:37. of instruments of war f. b. 2 Ch. 20:15. f. b. is not yours, but God's. 25: 8. do valiantly, be strong f. b. Is. 13: 4. JH. is mustering the host f. b. From the battle Ju. 8:13. And Gideon returned f. b. from 2 S. 1:4. The people are fled f. b., and Ps. 55:18. redeemed my soul in peace f. b. In battle De. 2: 9. neither contend with them i. b. 24. and contend with him i. b. 20: 5. lest he die i. the b. (6, 7) Jos. 11:19. of Gibeon: they took all i. b. Jos. 11:20. to come against Israel i. b. Ju. 20:39. ™en of Israel turned i. the b. are smitten down ... as i. first b. 21:22. each man of them his wife i. b. 1 S. 14:22. followed hard after them i. b. 29: 4. lest i. b. he become an adversary 2 S. 1:25. How are the mighty fallen i. b.! 3:30. killed their brother Asahel i. b. 19: 3. steal away when they flee i. b. 10. Absalom . . . anointed ... is dead i.b. 1 Ch. 5:20. for they cried to God i. b. 2 Ch. 20:17. sh. not need to fight i. this b. Ps. 24: 8. strong & mighty, JH. mighty i. b. 89:43. hast not made him to stand i. b. Ec. 8:8(m). and there is no discharge i. b. Is. 22: 2. sword, neither are they dead i. b. 27: 4. briers & thorns were ag. me i. b. Je. 8: 6. as horse that rusheth headlong i. b. 18:21. young men smitten of sv/ord i. b. Eze. 13: 5. to stand i. b. in day of Jehovah Da. 11:20. destroyed, nei. in anger, nor i. b. 25. king of the south shall war i. b. Ob. I. let us rise up against her i. b. Zee. 10: 3. them as his goodly horse i. b. 5. in mire of the streets i. the b. Into battle I S. 26:10. or he sh. go down i. b. & perish 1 K. 20:39. servant went out i. midst of b. 22:30. disguise ... & go i. b. (2 Ch. 18:29) disguised himself, & went i. b. 2 Ch. 18:29. disguised . . . and they went i. b. Unto battle De. 2:32. and all his people, u. b. at Jahaz 3: I. and all his people, u. b. at Edrei 20: 2. be, when ye draw nigh u. the b. 3. Israel, ye draw nigh this day u. b. 29: 7. Og . . . came out against us u. b. Jos. 4:13. passed over before Jehovah u. b. 2 S. 10:13. drew nigh u. b. against Syrians 22:40. me with strength u. b. (Ps. 18:39) 1 Ch. 19:14. drew nigh before Syrians u. b. BATTLEMENT De. 22: 8. shalt make a b. for thy roof BATTLEMENTS 2 Ch. 26:15. men, to be on towers and b. S. S. 8:9(m). build upon her b. of silver Zp"h. 1:16. and against the high b. BATTLES (See also Battle) I S. 8:20. go out bef. us, & fight our b. 18:17. be valiant and fight JH's b. 25:28. my lord fighteth b. of JH. 1 Ch. 26:27. Out of spoils won in b. 2 Ch. 32: 8. to help us, & to fight our b. Is. 30:32. in b. wi. brandishing of arm BAVVAI (Bav'va-i). Binnui in Ne. 3:24; 10:0. One who superintended repair of part of wall of Jerusalem. Ne. 3:18. B. the son of Henadad, ruler BAY Jos. 15: 2. from b. that looketh southward 5. fr. b. of sea at end of Jordan 18:19. at north b. of the Salt Sea Ac. 27:39. but they perceived certain b BAYITH (Ba'yith) Is. 15: 2. They are gone up to B. (m). B. and Dibon are gone up BAZLITH (Baz'lith) — nakedness. Bazluth in Ezr. 2:52. Ne. 7:54. the children of B. BAZLUTH (Baz'luth). Same as Bazlith. Ezr. 2:52. the children of B. BDELLIUM (del'yum) Ge. 2:12. there is b. and onyx stone Nu. 11: 7. as appearance of b. BEACH Mt. 13: 2. all multitude stood on the b. 48. was filled, they drew up on b. Jn. 21: 4. now breaking, Jesus stood on b. Ac. 21: 5. kneeling on the b., he prayed 27:39. perceived a certain bay with b. 40. to the wind, they made for b. BEACON Is. 30:17. as a b. upon top of mountain BEALIAH (Be'a-li'ah) — Jehovah is Lord. A Benjamite who came to David's help at Ziklag. I Ch. 12: 5. Eluzai, and Jerimoth, and B, BEALOTH (Be'a-loth) 1. A town in the south of Judah. Jos. 15:24. Ziph, and Telem, and B. 2. A locality not far from Asher. The margin has in Aloth, which would indicate a district from which Solomon drew pro- visions. I K. 4:16. Baana, in Asher and B. BEAM 78 BEARD i,S. 2K. Ezr. Ha. Mt. BEAM Ju. 16:14. plucked away the pin of the b. 17: 7. spear was like a weaver's b. (2 S. 21:19; I Ch. 11:23; 20:5) 6: 2. take thence every man a b. 5. felling a b., axe-head fell 6:11. let b. be pulled out fr. house 2:11. b. out of timber sh. answer it 7:3. considerest not b. in thme own eye? (Lu. 6:41") 4. lo, b. is in thine own eye 5. cast out first b. of thine own eye (Lu. 6:42) Lu. 6:42. beholdest not b. in own eye? BEAMS Ex. 34:29 (m). of his face sent forth b. 1 K. 6: 6. b. sh'd not have hold in walls 9. he covered the house with b. 36. and a course of cedar b. (7:12) 7: 2. with cedar b. upon the pillars 3. over the forty and five b. 4. there were b. in three rows 2 Ch. 3: 7. he overlaid also house, the b. 34:11. and to make b. for the houses Ne. 2: 8. give me timber to make b. 3: 3. they laid the b. thereof (6) Who layeth b. of his chambers The b. of our house are cedars arise with healing in its b. Ps. 104: 3- S. S. 1:17. Mai. 4:2 (m) BEAMS 2 S. 17:28. Eze. 4: 9 iS. 2S. Jb. Pr. Is. La. Da. Ho. Am. Re. Ge. brought parched grain, and b. Take thou also barley, and b. BEAR (See also Bears) (Bear meaning To bring forth, Bear meaning To carry or endure, Bear ark, Bear burden or burdens, Bear iniqui- ty or iniquities, Shall bear, Shalt bear, Bear shame. Bear sin or sins. To bear. Will bear, Bear witness) 17:34. when there came a lion, or b. Thy serv. smote both lion & b. deliv'd me out of paw of the b. chafed as a b. robbed of whelps the B. Orion, and the Pleiades canst thou guide B. wi. her train 17:12. Let a b. robbed of her whelps 28:15. As a roaring lion, & ranging b.- 11: 7. the cow and the b. shall feed unto me as a b. lying in wait a second, like to a b. as a b. bereaved of her whelps did flee fr. lion, and b. met him his feet were as feet of a b. Bear meaning To bring forth 16:11. with child, and shalt b. a son sh. Sarah, th. is 90 yrs. old, b.? Nay, but Sarah shall b. thee son Isaac, wh. Sarah shall b. un. thee Sh. I of a surety b. a child? these eight did Milcah b. to N. that she may b. upon my knees and she b. him sons or dau's conceived, & b. a man-child But if she b. a maid-child toward her chil. wh. she sh. b. shalt conceive, & b. a son (5, 7) 1:12. and should also b. sons 3:21. was not my son, whom I did b. a virgin sh. conceive, & b. son out of his roots shall b. fruit Sing, barren, that didst not b. and that it might b. fruit sh. bring forth boughs, & b. fruit 9:16. they shall b. no fruit 29: 6. that they may b. sons & dau's. 1:13. Elisabeth shall b. thee a son 15: 2. that it may b. more fruit 4. branch cannot b. fruit of its 8. Fa. glorified, ye b. much fruit (m). ye b. much fruit, & be my dis. 16. that ye shall go and b. fruit 5:14. younger widows marry b. chil. Bear meaning To carry or endure 4:13. punishment is greater than I can b. 36: 7. land . . . could not bear them 43: 9. then let me b. blame for ever 44:32. b. blame to my father for ever. 19:18. vengeance, nor b. any grudge 11:17. thou b. it not thyself alone. 1:12. How can I alone b. yr. cumbrance? 31. as a man doth b. his son, in all Jos. 6: 6. let seven priests b. 7 trumpets 2 S. 18:19. run, and b. the king tidings Ne. 9:30. many years didst thou b. with Es. 1:22. ev. man sh'd b. rule in house. Ex. Le. De. Ju. Ru. I K. Is. Eze. Ho. Je. Lu. Jn. iTi. Ge. Le. Nu. De. 36. 37. 17:8. 9: 9. 38:32. 3:10. 7: S- 13: 8. 5:19- 13: 2. 17:17. 19. 21. 18:13. 22:23. 30: 3- 21: 4. 12: 2. 5- 28:57. 13: 3. 7:14- 11: I. 54: I- 17: 8. 23- Ps. Pr. Is. Je. La. Eze. Hag Zee. Mt. Lu. Jn. Ac. 1 Co, 2 Co. Ga. He. Re. Ex. De. Jos. Ex. Nu. 2Ch, Je. Ga. Ex. Le. 30:21. 46: 7. 52:11. 5:31- 10:19. 31:19. 44:22. 3:27. 6:6(m). 23:35. , 2:12. S:io. 27:32. 9:41. 14:27. 2: 8. 16:12. 18:14. 9:12. 89:50. I do b. in my bosom reproach 18:14. But a broken spirit who can b.? for four, which it cannot b. They b. it upon the shoulder cleanse yourselves, ye that b. priests b. rule by their means this is my grief, & I must b. it. I did b. reproach of my youth so that JH. could no longer b. that he b. yoke in his youth. yr. altars may 6. their guilt b. thou also thy lewdness and if one b. holy flesh in skirt Whither do these b. the ephah? that he might b. cross (Mk. 15:21) I be with you, and b. with you Whoso, doth not b. his own cross and b. unto ruler of the feast but ye cannot b. them now. that I should b. with you we b. all thmgs that we may 10:13. but such as man can be 11: I. b. with me in little foolishness: but indeed ye do b. with me. ye b. with the foolish gladly ye b. with a man, if he bringeth I b. branded on my body marks who can b. gently with ignorant b. with the word of exhortation that thou canst not b. evil men and didst b. for my name's sake Bear ark 25:14. rings wherewith to b. the a. 37: 5. rings on sides of ark, to b. a. 10: 8. set apart tribe of Levi to b. a. 3: 8. command priests that b. a. (4:16) Bear burden or burdens 18:22. and they shall b. b. with thee, shall b. b. of people with thee ten thousand men to b. b-s ten thousand of them to b. b-s and b. no b. on the sabbath day 27. sabbath day, and not to b. a b. 6: 2. B. ye one another's b-s., and so 5. For each man shall b. his own b. Bear iniquity or iniquities 28:38. Aaron shall b. i. of holy things that they b. not i., and die then he shall b. his i. (17:16) is he guilty, and shall b. his i. 7:18. that eateth of it shall b. his i. 10:17. you to b. i. of the congregation the goat shall b. all their i-s. one that eateth it shall b. his i. sister's nakedness; sh. b. his i. they shall b. their i. (Nu. 18:23; Eze. 14:10; 44:10, 12) so cause them to b. the i. that 19. 20. 6:17. S: 2. 13:22. 2: 2. 3 11:17. 2: 2. 18. 17:21. 43. 5: I. 17- 16:22. 19: 8. 20:17. 19. 22:16. Nu. 5:31. and that woman shall b. her i. 14:34. shall ye b. yr. i-s, even 40 jts. 18: I. with thee shall b. i. of sanctuary shall b. i. of your priesthood. 30:15. null & void . . . thenhesh. b.heri. Is. 53:11. justify many; & he sh. b. their i-s. Eze. 4: 4. lie upon it, thou shalt b. their i. 5. so shalt thou b. i. of house of Is. -- 6. shalt b. i. of house of Judah 18:19. doth not son b. i. of father? 20. son shall not b. i. of father, neither sh. father b. i. of son Shall bear Ex. 28:12. Aaron s. b. their names before JH. 29. Aaron s. b. names in breastplate 30. Aaron s. b. judgment of chil. of Is. Nu. 1:50. they s. b. the tabernacle, and all 4:25. they s. b. curtains of tabernacle 14:27. How long s. I b. with this cong.? 33. and s. b. your whoredoms until Jos. 6: 4. seven priests s. b. 7 trumpets Ps. 91:12. 8. b. thee up in their hands Pr. 9:12. scoffest, thou alone s. b. it 12:24. hand of diligent s. b. rule 19:19. man of great wrath s. b. penalty Eze. 12:12. prince s. b. upon his shoulder 39:26. And they s. b. their shame Da. 2:39. which s. b. rule over all earth. Ho. 13:16. Samaria s. b. her guilt; for she Mi. 6:16. ye s. b. reproach of my people Zee. 6:13. he s. b. the glory, & shall sit Mt. 4: 6. On hands s. b. thee upon (Lu. 4:11) 17:17. how long s. I b. with you? (Mk. 9:19) I Co. 15:49. 8. also b. image of heavenly Ga. 5:10. troubleth you s. b. his judgment 2 3 Eze Eze 54- 32:30. 34:29. 36: 7. Le 20:20. Nu. 22: 9. 9:13. 18:22. Eze. He. I Jn. 32. 24:15. 23:49. 9:28. 3:5(m) Ge. Ex. Nu. De. iCh, Am. Mt. Lu. Ac. Ro. 1 Co, 2 Co 2K. Is. Mi. Ex. De. iK. Mk. Jn. Ac, Ro. 2 Co Ga. Col. I Jn. Shalt bear 18:20. thou s. b. tidings another day this day thou s. b. no tidings 12: 6. s. thou b. it upon thy shoulder 36:15. neither s. thou b. reproach of Bear shame 16:52. Thou also, b. thou thine own s. • also confounded, and b. thy s. that thou mayest b. thine own s. b. their s. with them that go nei. b. s. of nations any more about you, they shall b. their s. 39:26. they shall b. their s., and all 44:13. but they shall b. their s., and Bear sin or sins 19:17. and not b. s. because of him. nakedness: they shall b. their s. lest they b. their s. for it, & die offered not oblation . . . that man sh. b. his s. lest they b. their s., and die. shall b. no s. by reason of it curseth his God shall b. his s. ye shall b. s-s of your idols offered to b. the s-s of many was manifested to b. s-s To bear 13: 6. the land was not able t. b. them 49:15. he bowed his shoulders t. b. 25:27. for the staves t. b. table (37:14) 30: 4. staves wh'with t. b. it (37:27; 38:7) 37:14. places for staves t. b. table. 15. he made staves . . . t. b. the table. 4:15. sons of Kohath shall come t. b. it am not able t. b. all this people am not able t. b. you myself alone men able t. b. buckler & sword land not able t. b. all his words 3:11. whose shoes I am not worth t. b. 23:26. the cross, t. b. it after Jesus, t. b. my name before Gentiles, our fathers nor we were able t. b. ought t. b. infirmities of weak 3: 2. for ye were not yet able t. b. it 11: 4. not accept, ye do well t. b. with V/ill bear 18:14. which thou puttest on me w. I b. 46: 4. I have made, and I w. b.; yea 7: 9. I w. b indignation of Jehovah Bear witness 20:16. shalt not b. false w. (Mt. 19:18) 23:2(m). neither shalt thou b. w. in Neither shalt thou b. false w. let them b. w. against him do not b. false w. (Lu. 18:20) he might b. w. of the hght (8) should b. w. concerning man b. w. of that wh. we have seen Ye yourselves b. me w., that I 5:31. If I b. w. of myself, my witness 36. very works that I do b. w. of me 39. these are they which b. w. of me 8:14. Even if I b. w. of myself, my 10:25. works that I do ... b. w. of me 15:26. Spirit of truth ... he s'nall b. w. 27. ye also b. w., because ye have 18:23. spoken evil, b. w. of the e%il 37. that I sh'd b. w. unto the truth. To him b. all the prophets w. the high priest doth b. me w. so must thou b. w. also at Rome. I b. them w. that they have zeal according to their power, I b. w. I b. you w., that, if possible, ye I b. him w. that he hath much we have seen, & b. w., & declare b. w. that the Father hath sent For there are three who b. w. of truth itself: yea, we also b. w. 11:14. i: 9. 5:18. 7:10. 9:1s. 15:10. 15: I. 5:20. 21:10. 10:19. i: 7- 2:25. 3:11. 28. 10:43. 22: 5. 23:11. 10: 2. 8:3. 4:15- 4:13- i: 2. 4:14. 5: 8. 12. 3 Jn. BEARD Le. 13:29 30, 14: 9 19:27 iS. 2S. Ezr. Ps. Is. Je. a plague upon head or the b. it is leprosy of head or b. sh. shave all hair of head & b. nei. shalt thou mar corners of b. 21: 5. nei. sh. they shave corner of b. 17:35. I caught him by his b. 21:13. let his spittle fall down on b. 19:24. nor trimmed his b., nor washed 20: 9. Joab took Amasa by the b. 9: 3. plucked off hair of my b. 133: 2. oil That rah down upon the b., even Aaron's b. 7:20. it shall also consume the b. 15: 2. baldness, every b. is cut off 48:37. ev. head is bald, ev. b. clipped BEARDS 79 BEASTS ■u^d^^aasfcA Eze. 5: I. razor upon thy head & thy b. BEARDS 2 S. 10: 4. shaved off one half of th. b. until yr. b. be grown (i Ch. 19:5) b. shaven and clothes rent Je. 41: 5 BEARER I S. 17: 7 2S De. Jb. Ps. Pr. Mt. Mk. Jn. Ro. his shield-b. went bef. him 17:20. thou. sh. not be b. of tidings 18:20. not be b. of tidings this day BEARERS 2 Ch. 34:13. they were ov. b. of burdens Ne. 4:10. strength of b. is decayed Lu. 7:14. and the b. stood still BEAREST Ju. 13: 3. thou art barren, and b. not ■ Ps. 106: 4. wi. favor thou b. un. thy peo. Jn. 8:13. Thou b. witness of thj^seK Ro. 2:17. if thou b. name of a Jew 11:18. not thou that b. the root Ga. 4:27. Rejoice, thou barren that b. not BEARETH Le. 11:25. whosoev. b. aught of carcass 28. b. carcass sh. wash clothes (40) 12: 7. This is law for her that b. 15:10. b. those things sh. wash clothes 25: 6. first-born she b. sh. succeed 29:18. among you a root that b. gall 23. that is not sown, nor b. 24:21. devour eth barren that b. not 68:19. Lord, who daily b. our burden 25:18. A man that b. false witness 29: 2. when wicked b. rule, peo. sigh Is. 7:i4(m). a virgin is with child, & b. Joe. 2:22. for the tree b. its fruit 13:23. who verily b. fruit 4:28. The earth b. fruit of herself 1:15. John b. witness of him 29 (m), that b. sin of the world! 3:32. and heard, of that he b. witness (m). comdh fr. heaven b. untness of 5:32. another that b. witness of me 8:18. am he that b. witness of mys. Father that sent me b. witness of 12:24. if it die, it b. much fruit 15: 2. Ev. branch in me that b. not branch that b. fruit he cleanseth 5. the same b. much fruit 21:24. This is disciple that b. witness 8:16. Spirit b. witness wi. our spirit 13: 4. b. not the sword in vain I Co. 13: 7. b. all things, believeth all He. 6: 8. but if it b. thorns and thistles Ja. 1:15. when it hath conceived, b. sin 1 Jn. 5: 7. it is the Spirit that b. witn. BEARING Ge. i:ii. fruit-trees b. fruit after their 12. trees b. fruit, wherein is seed 16: 2. JH. hath restrained me from b. 29:35. and she left off b. 30: 9. saw that she had left off b. 37:25. camels b. spicery and balm 27: 7. two sides of altar in b. it 4:47. work of b. burdens in tent of 10:21. set forward, b. the sanctuary 3: 3. the priests the Levites b. it 6: 8. seven priests b. seven trmnpets (13) 15:24. b. ark of covenant of God 126: 6. goeth forth, b. seed for sowing (m). b. the measure of seed 1:14. I am weary of b. them Mk. 14:13. man b. pitcher of water (Lu. 22:10) Jn. 19:17. went out. b. cross for hims. Ro. 2:15. their conscience b. witness 9: I. my conscience b. witness wi. me 2 Co. 4:10. always b. about in the body Ga. 4:24. Sinai, b. children un. bonaage 1:10. b. fruit in ev. good work (m). b. fruit & increasing in the in world b. fruit & increasing God also b. witness with them God b. witness of his gifts 13:13. wi'out camp, b. his reproach 22: 2. b. twelve manner of fruits BEARS (See also Bear) 2 K. 2:24. came two she-b. out of wood Is. 59:11. We roar all like b. BEAST (Any beast, Clean beast. Every beast, Beast of field, Image with beast, Man with beast, Unclean beast, Wild beast) Ge. 37:20. An evil b. hath devoured him (33) Ex. 13:12. ev., firstling that . . . cometh of b. 21:34. and the dead b. shall be his 22: 5. let his b. loose, and it feed in Ex. Nu. Jos. 2S. Ps. Is. Col. He. Re. 6. 2: 4. 11: 4. Ex. 22:19. lieth with b ... be put to death Le. 7:25. whosoever eateth the fat of b. 26. whether it be of bird or of b. 11:46. This is the law of the b., and 18:23. nei. sh. any woman stand before b. 20:15. if a man lie with a b., he shall death: and ye shall slay the b. 16. shalt kill the woman, and the b. 25. not make yr. souls abominable by b. 24:18. b. mortally shall make it good 21. killeth a b. shall make it good 27: 9. if it be a b., whereof men offer 10. if he sh. at all change b. for b. 11. shall set b. before the priest Ne. 2:12. with me, save b. I rope upon. 14. no place for b. under me to pass. Ps. 73:22. I was as a b. before thee. 147: 9. He giveth to the b. his food Pr. 12:10. right, man regardeth life of b. Ec. 3:21. spirit of b., whether it goeth Is. 46: I. a burden to the weary b. Je. 7 :2o. my wrath sh. be poured out upon b. 33:10. without inhabitant, & without b. Eze. 29:11. nor foot of b. sh. pass through 44:31. torn whether it be bird or b. Da. 7: 5. another b . . . like to a bear 6. the b. had also four heads 7. a fourth b . . . terrible & powerful II. I beheld even till b. was slain 19. to know truth con. fourth b. 23. 4th b. sh. be a fourth kingdom Zee. 8:10. for man, nor any Hire for b. Lu. 10:34. he set him on his own b. He. 12:20. If even a b. touch mountain Re. 11: 7. b. that cometh up out of abyss 13: I. I saw b. coming up out of sea 2. b. I saw was like a leopard 3. whole earth wondered after the b. 4. dragon . . . gave authority unto b. worshipped the b. saying. Who is like unto the b.? & who is able? 11. I saw another b. coming up out 12. all authority of the first b. maketh earth worship first b. 14. to do in the sight of the b. 17. mark, even the name of the b. 18. let him count number of the b. 14: 9. If any man worshippeth the b. 15: 2. come off victorious from the b. 16: 2. men that had the mark of the b. 10. bowl upon the throne of the b. 13. dragon, and out of mouth of b. 17: 3. sitting upon a scarlet-colored b. 7. woma;n, & of b. that carrieth her 8. b. thou sawest was, and is not when they behold the b., how 11. And the b. that was, and is not 12. authority as kings, with the b. 13. their power & authority unto b. 16. ten horns thou sawest, & the b. 17. to give their kingdom unto b. 19:19. I saw the b., and the kings 20. b. was taken, and with him the had received mark of the b. 20: 4. such as worshipped not the b. 10. where are also b. & false prophet Any beast Ge. 3: I. serpent was more subtle than a. b. Ex. 22:10. ox. or a sheep, or a. b., to keep Le. 11:39. if a. b. of which ye may eat, die 17:13- taketh in hunting a. b. or bird 18:23. lie with a. b. to defile thyself 20:16. if a woman approacheth unto a. b. De. 4:17. likeness of a. b. that is on earth 27:21. Cursed . . . lieth wi. a. manner of b. Ne. 2:12. neither was there a. b. with me Is. 35: 9. nor shall a. ravenous b. go up Clean beast Ge. 7: 2. Of every c. b. thou shalt take 8:20. and took of every c. b., and of Le. 20:25. distinction between c. b. and Every beast Ge. 1:30. to e. b. of earth, & to every bird 2:19. God formed e. b. of the field 7:14- they, and e. b. after its kind 8:19. e. b., every creeping thing, and 9: 2. dread of you shall be upon e. b. 5. at hand of e. b. will I require it 10. and e. b. of the earth with you that go out of ark, even e. b. Le. II :26. E. b. which parteth hoof (De. 14:6) Ps. 50:10. For e. b. of the forest is mine Beast of field Ge. 2:19. JH. God formed every b. o. f., and 20. man gave names ... to every b. o. f. Ge. 3:14. cursed art . . . above every b. 0. f. Ex. 23:11. what they leave b. 0. f. shall eat Le. 26:22. I will send b. 0. f. among you Ps. 104:11. They give drink to every b. 0. f. Eze. 39:17. Speak ... to ev'y b. o.f., Assemble Image with beast Re. 13:14. that they sh'd make i. to the b. 15. breath to it, even to i. of the b., that i. of b. should both speak as should not worship i. 0. b. 14:11. that worship the b. and his i. Man with beast Ge. 6: 7. I will destroy . . . both m. and b. Ex. 8:17. were lice upon m., and upon b. (18) 9: 9. with blains upon m. & upon b. (10) 19. every m. and b. . . . found in field 22. hail . . . upon m., and upon b. 25. the hail smote . . . both m. and b. II : 7. not dog move his tongue, a. m. or b. 12:12. will smite first-born, both m. & b. 13: 2. Sanctify . . . first-born ... of m. & b. 15. first-born of m. & first-b. of b. 19:13. whether b. or m., he sh. not live Le. 27:28. unto JH. of all . . . wheth.ofm. orb. Nu. 3:13. all first-born in Is. both m. & b. 8:17. of Israel are mine, both m. & b. 18:15. offer unto JH. both of m. & b. 31:11. all the prey, both of m. & of b. 26. prey that was taken, both of m. & b. 47. out of every fifty, both of m. & b. Ps. 36: 6. JH., thou preservest m. and b. 135: 8. first-born of Egypt, Both m. & b. Je. 21: 6. will smite . . . city, both m. & b. 31:27. will sow . . . with seed of m. & b. 32:43. It is desolate, without m. or b. 33:10. It is waste, without m. and b. 12. which is waste, without m. and b. 36:29. to cease from thence m. and b.? 50: 3. fled, they are gone, both m. & b. 51:62. dwell therein, neither m. nor b. Eze. 14:13. and cut off from it m. and b. 17. so I cut off from it m. and b. 19. to cut off from it m. & b. (21) 25:13. and will cut off m. & b. from it 29: 8. will cut off from thee m. and b. 36:11. I will multiply upon you m. & b. Jon. 3: 7. Let neither m. nor b. . . . taste any 8. with sackcloth, both m. and b. Zph. i: 3. I will consume m. and b. Unclean beast Le. 5: 2. whether it be carcass of u. b., or 7:21. uncleanness of man, or an u. b. 27:11. it it be of any u. b., of which 27. if it be of an u. b., then he Wild beast 2 K. 14: 9. passed by a w. b. (2 Ch. 25:18) Jb. 39:15. Or that w. b. may trample them. Ps. 68:30. Rebuke the w. b. of the reeds 74:19. soul of thy turtle-dove unto w. b. Ho. 13: 8. the w. b. shall tear them. BEAST'S Da. 4:16. let b' heart be given unto him BEASTS (All beasts. Among beasts. Beasts of earth, Evil beasts. Beasts of field, Their beasts, Torn of beasts. Wild beasts. With beasts) Ge. 7: 2. of the b. that are not clean two 8. Of clean b., & of b. not clean 21. both birds, and cattle, and b. 45:17. This do ye: lade your b., & go Le. 25: 7. for b. that are in thy land Nu. 18: I. firstling of unclean b. redeem 20: 4. sh'd die there, we and our b. De. 14: 4. These are b. which ye may eat 28:26. thy dead body sh. be food unto b 32:24. teeth of b. will I send up. thee 1 K. 4:33. he spake also of b., & of birds 2 K. 3: 9. nor for b. that followed them 17. both ye & your cattle, and b. 2 Ch. 32:28. stalls for all manner of b. Jb. 5:22. Nei. shalt thou be afraid of b. 12: 7. ask now b., & they shall teach 18: 3. Wh'fore are we counted as b.? 28: 8. The proud b. have not trodden it 35:11. Who teacheth us more than b.? 37: 8. Then the b. go into coverts Ps. 49:12. he is like the b. that perish. 20. Is Hke the b. that perish. 104.25. Both small and great b. 148:10. B. and all cattle Pr. 9: 2. She hath killed her b. Ec. 3:18. they themselves are but as b. 19 the sons of men befalleth b. no preeminence above the b. BEASTS 80 BEAUTY Je. Eze. Da. Joe. Am. Hab Zph. Ac. Ro. I Co He. Ja. Le. iK. Ps. Is. Da. Zph. Zee. Le. Pr. Mi. Ge. Ps. Is. Je. 7:33- g:io. 12: 27: 50:39- 8:10. 14:15. 32: 4. 13- 33:27. 1:18. 5:22. 2:17. 2:15. 7:42. 10:12. 23:24. 1:23. 15:39- 13:11. 3: 7- Is. i:ii. fat of fed b.; I delight not in 23:13(111). hath appointed it for the b. 30: 6. The burden of b. of the South 40:16. nor b. sufficient for burnt-off. 46: I. their idols are upon the b. this people sh. be food for b. the b. are fled, thej' are gone. 4. the b. are consumed, & the birds 5. I have made earth, men, and b. b. of desert shall dwell there creeping things, & abom'ble b. no man pass thro. bee. of b. I will satisfy b. with thee I will destroy also the b. nor hoofs of b. trouble them. I give to b. to be devoured 4:14. let b. get away from under it 7: 3. four great b. came up from sea 12. as for rest of the b. their 17. These great b. ... are four kings 8: 4. no b. could stand before him How do the b. groan! the herds peace-offerings of your fat b. and the destruction of the _b. a place for b. to lie down in! Did ye offer unto me slain b.? all manner of fourfooted b. he bade them provide b., that of birds, and fourfooted b., and and another flesh of b. bodies of those b. . . . are burned every kind of b. ... is tamed All beasts Ge. 8: i. GodrememberedNoah.anda.theb. 36: 6. Esau took ... his cattle and a. his b. 11: 2. which j^e maj' eat among a. b. that 27. among a. b. that go on all fours 18: 5. alive, that we lose not a. the b. 104:20. a. b. of the forest creep forth 56: 9. devour, yea, a. ye b. in forest 7: 7. was diverse from a. b. before it 2:14. a. the b. of the nations: both (m). a. b. of every kind 14:15. a. b. that shall be in camps Among beasts 11: 3. cheweth cud a. the b. (De. 14:6) 27:26. Only the firstling a. b., which 30:30. The lion, which is mightiest a. b. 5: 8. as a lion a. b. of the forest Beasts of earth 1:24. and b. 0. e. after their kind God made b. 0. e. after their kind flesh of thy saints unto b. 0. e. They shall be left ... to b. 0. e. b. 0. e. shall winter upon them. b. 0. e., to devour & to destroy, shall be food for b. 0. e. (34:20) I give to be food ... for b. 0. e. given thee for food to b. 0. e. neither shall b. 0. e. devour and saw the fourfooted b. 0. e. Evil beasts 26: 6. I will cause e. b. to cease out of land 5:17. will send upon you famine & e. b. 14:15. If I cause e. b. to pass thro. 21. the sword, and famine, and e. b. 1:12. Cretans are always liars, e. b. Beasts of field [thee. 23:29. and the b. 0. f. multiply against 7:22. lest b. 0. f. increase upon thee. 17:44. will give thy flesh to b. 0. f. 21:10. by day nor b. 0. f. by night. 5:23. b. 0. f. sh. be at peace with thee. 40:20. food, Where all b. 0. f. do play. 25- : 2. : 6. Eze. Ac. Le. Eze. Tit. Ex. De. iS. 2S. Jb. Ps. Is. Je. Eze. Da. Ho. Joe. 79 18 15: 16: 19: 29: 34:28. 11: 6. b: 7 and oxen, Yea, and all b. 0. f. 50:11. And the wild b. 0. i. are mine. 80:13. ravage it, & wild b. 0. f. feed on it. 43:20. The b. 0. f. shall honor me 56: 9. All, ye b. o. f., come to devour 12: 9. go ye, assemble all b. 0. f.. bring 27: 6. b. 0. 1. also have I given him 28:14. I have given him b. 0. f. also. 31: 6. under its branches did all b. 0. f. 13. all b. 0. f. sh. upon his branches 34: 5. became food to all b. 0. f. (8) 38:20. birds of heavens, and the b. 0. f. 39: 4. and to b. 0. f. to be devoured. 2:38. the b. 0. f., and birds of heavens 4:12. the b. 0. f. had shadow under it 21. under which the b. o. f. dwelt 2:12. and the b. 0. f. shall eat them. 18. a covenant for them with b. 0. f. 4: 3. shall languish, with the b. 0. f. 1:20. Yea, the b. 0. f. pant unto thee 2:22. Be not afraid, ye b. o. f.; for the Ge. 34:23- Nu. 35: 3- Ps. 78:5o(m) Torn Ge. 31:39- Ex. 22:31. Le. 7:24. 17:15- 22: 8. Eze. 4:14. Wild iS. 17:46. Ps. 50:11. 80:13. Is. 13:21. 34:14- Mk. 1:13. With Ezr. i: 4. 6. Da. 4:15- 25- I Co -15:32. BEASTS' Da. 5:21. BEAT Ex. 30:36. 39: 3- Nu. 11: 8. 14:45- 16:39- De. 1:44- 25: 3- Ju. 9:4s. Ru. 2:17. 2S. 22:43. 2K. 3:25- 23:12. 15- 2Ch •34: 7- Ps. 89:23- Pr. 23:13- 14- Is. 2: 4. 27:12. (m). 41:15- Je. 5:17. Joe. 3:10. Jon. 4: 8. Mi. 4:13- Mt. 7:25- 21:35- 24:49. Mk. 4:37- 12: 3. Lu. 10:30. 12:45- 20:10. II. 22:63. Ac. 5:40. 16:22. 18:17. 22:19. 27:14- BEATEN Ex. 5:14- 16. 25:18. 31. 36. 27:20. 29:40. 37: 7- 17- Le. 16:12. Nu. g:4- 10: 2. 16:38. De. 25: 2. Jos. 8:15. 2S. 2:17. iK. 5:ii(m 10:16. 17- 2Ch . 2:10. 9:15- Pr. 23:35- Is. 27: 9- 28:27. Je. 10: 9. beasts substance and all t. b. be ours? suburbs shall be for all t. b. ). gave t. b. to the murrain of beasts That wh. was t. o. b. I brought not not eat any flesh that is t. 0. b. fat of that t. 0. b., may be used dieth of itself, or is t. 0. b. or is t. 0. b., he shall not eat have I not eaten that is t. 0. b. beasts dead bodies . . . to w. b. of earth And the w. b. of field are mine. And the w. b. of field feed on it. w. b. of desert shall lie there w. b. of desert sh. meet wolves and he was with the w. b. beasts help him with goods, and w. b. strengthen their hands w. b. let his portion be w. b. (23) thy dwelling shall be w. b. (32) I fought w. b. at Ephesus his heart was made like the b' shalt b. some of it very small did b. gold into thin plates ground it, or b. it in mortars smote them & b. them down they b. them out for covering b. you down in Seir ev. un. Hormah sh'd exceed, and b. ,him above and he b. down the city she b. out wh. she had gleaned b. them small as dust (Ps. 18:42) And they b. down the cities and b. them down from thence burned h. place, & b. it to dust b. graven images into powder. I will b. down his adversaries if thou b. him, he will not die Thou shalt b. him wi. the rod b. swords in. plowshares (Mi. 4:3) will b. off his fruit fr. flood will b. out his grain from flood mountains, and b. them small sh. b. down thy fortified cities B. your plowshares in. swords sun b. upon the head of Jonah shalt b. in pieces many peoples winds blew, & h. up. that house took his serv'ts, and b. one begin to b. his fellow-servants the waves b. into the boat they took him, and b. him who both stripped him, & b. him begin to b. the mensen'ants but the husbandmen b. him ano. serv't: him also they b. held Jesus mocked him, & b. him b. them & charged not to speak com'ded to b. them with rods b. him before judgment-seat b. in ev. synag. them th. believed b. down from it tempestu. wind officers of c. of Is. were b. behold, thy servants are b. of b. work shalt thou make them of b. work candlestick be made one b. work of pure gold (37:22) olive oil b. for light (Le. 24:2) 4th part of hin b. oil (Nu. 28:5) of b. work he made them- of b. work made he candlestick full of sweet incense b. small the candlestick, b. work of gold flowers thereof, it was b. work of b. work shalt thou make them let them be made b. plates wicked man be worthy to be b. to be b. before his face as if they were b. before them and Abner was b. ). twenty measures of b. oil 200 bucklers of b. g. (2 Ch. 9:15) 300 shields of b. gold (2 Ch. 9:16) 20,000 measures of b. wheat 600 shekels of b. gold b. me, and I felt it not as chalkstones b. in sunder fitches are b. out wi. staff There is silver b. into plates Je. 46: 5. their mighty ones are b. down Mi. i: 7. images shall be b. to pieces Mai. i: 4. Edom saith. We are b. down Mk. 13: 9. in synagogues shall ye be b. Lu. 12:47. sh. be b. with many stripes 48. shall be b. with few stripes Ac. 16:37. b. us pubhcly, uncondemned 2 Co. 11:25. Thrice was I b. with rods He. 11:35 (m). and others were b. to death BEATEST De. 24:20. When thou b. thine olive-tree BEATING Ju. Na. Mk. Ac. I Co. De. I S. 2S. Es. Ps. Ec. S. S. Is. 2: 7. 12: 5. 21:32. 9:26. 16:12. 25: 3- 11: 2. Eze. Mt. Ac. Ro. 6:ir. son Gideon was b. out wheat 19:22. beset house, b. at door of doves, b. upon theu* breastfl. b. some, and killing some soldiers left off b. Paul so fight I, as not b. air BEAUTIFUL Ge. 29:17. but Rachel was b. 21:11. seest amo. captives b. woman withal of a b. countenance of a b. countenance woman was very b. 2: 7. maiden was fan: and b. 48: 2. B. in elevation, joy of earth 3:11. every thing b. m its time 7: I. How b. are thy feet in sandals 4: 2. shall branch of JH. be b. 52: I. put on thy b. garments, Jem. 7. How b. upon the mountains 6o:7(m). I will glorify my b. house 64:11. Our holy and our b. house Je. I3:i8(m). even your b. crown. , 20. where is thy b. flock? 48:17. strong, staff broken, the b. rod! 16:12. a b. crown upon thy head 13. thou wast exceeding b. 17 (m). didst also take my b. vessels 23:42. b. crowns upon their heads 23:27. which outwardly appear b. 3: 2. door of temple wh. is called B. 10. sat for alms at the B. Gate 10:15. How b. are the feet of them BEAUTIFY Ezr. 7:27. to b. the house of Jehovah Ps. 149: 4. He will b. meek wi. salvation Is. 60:7 (m). I will b. house of my glory 13. to b. place of my sanctuary BEAUTY Ex. 28: 2. garments, for glory and for b. 40. make for them, for glory & b. 2 S. 14:25. none praised as Ab. for b. 1 Ch. i6:29(m). JH. in b. of holiness (Ps. 29:2 (m); 96:9 (m)) 2 Ch. 3: 6. h. wi. precious stones for b. 20:21 (m). give praise in b. of holiness Es. i:ii. to show princes her b. Ps. 27: 4. To behold the b. of Jehovah makest his b. to consume away So will king desire thy b. b. shall be for Sheol to consume Out of Zion, the perfection of b. 90:17 (m). let the b. of God be up. us 96: 6. Strength and b. are in his sanct. iio:3(m). in the b. of holiness Pr. 4: 9. A crown of b. will she deliver Lust not aft. her b. in heart hoary head is crown of b. b. of old men is hoary head Grace is deceitful & b. vain Is. 3:18. will take away b. of th. anklets branding instead of b. the b. of the Chaldeans' pride I. flower of his glorious b. (4) 5. and a diadem of b. 33:17- eyes sh. see the king in his b. 44:13. according to the b. of a man 53: 2. no b. that we should desire him 6o:i9(m). hght, and thy God thy 6. 62: 3. Thou shalt be a crown of b. La. i:6(m). all her b. is departed 2: I. hath cast down b. of Israel 15. city called The perfection of b. 7:20. As for b. of his ornament 39:11. 45:11. 49:14. 50: 2. 6:25. i6:3i(m). 20:29. 31:30. 3:18- 24. 13:19. 28: Eze. 16:14. renown went forth for thy b. IS. thou didst trust in thy b. 25. hast made thy b. an abomination 24:25 (m). strength, the joy of their b. 27: 3. hast said, I am perfect in b. 4. builders have perfected thy b. 11. they have perfected thy b. 28: 7. against the b. of thy wisdom 12. full of wisdom, & perfect in b. 17. heart lifted up bee. of thy b. BEBAI 81 BECOME Eze. 31: 8. nor any tree like un. it in b. 32:19. Whom dost thou pass in b.7 Ho. 14: 6. his b. sh. be as olive-tree Zee. 9:17. and how great is his b.! 11: 7. two staves; one I called B. 10. I took my staff B., and cut it BEBAI (Beb'a-I, or Be'bai) 1. Founder of a large post-exilic family. Ezr. 2:11. the children of B., 623 8:11. And of the sons of B., Zechariah the son of B. 10:28. And of sons of B.: Jehohanan Ne. 7:16. the children of B., 628 2. One of that family who signed the covenant. Ne. 10:15. Bunni, Azgad, B. BECAME (Became blood, He became, It became. Became known, Became servant, Became servants, She became, They became) Ge. 2: 7. and man b. a living soul. 10. was parted, and b. four heads. 21:20. b., as he grew up, an archer. 44:20. thy servant b. surety for lad 47:20. and the land b. Pharaoh's. 26. land of priests b. not Pharaoh's. Ex. 7:21. river b. i'oul, & Egyptians c'd not 8:17. the dust of the earth b. lice 16:20. and it bred worms, and b. foul Jos. 7: 5. hearts melted, and b. as water. 14:14. Hebron b. inheritance of Caleb 24:32. b. inherit, of chil. of Joseph Ju. 1:30. b. subject to taskwork (33, 35) 15:14. ropes upon his arms b. as flax 17: 5. one of sons, who b. his priest. 12. the young man b. his priest Ru. 4:16. took child . . . b. nurse unto it. 1 S. 10:12. b. a proverb, I Saul also? 25:42. she went after . . . and b. his wife. 2 S. 2:25. after Abner, and b. one band 4: I. his hands b. feeble, and all the 4. to flee, that he fell, & b. lame. 1 K. 11:24. and b. captain over a troop 12:30. And this thing b. a sin; for 13: 6. restored . . . and b. as it was 34. b. sin unto house of Jeroboam 2 K. 17:15. they followed vanity, & b. vain 2 Ch. 27: 6. So Jothan b. mighty, because 33:23(m). Amon b. guilty more & more Ne. 9:25. and were filled, and b. fat, and Es. 8:17. many ... of the land b. Jews Ps. 69:11. I b. a byword unto them. 83:10. who b. as dung for the earth. 106:36. their idols. Which b. a snare Pr. 8:28. When fountains of deep b. strong Eze. 17: 6. b. spread'g vine of low stature 31: 5. its branches b. long by reason 34: 8. forasmuch as my sheep b. a prey, and my sheep b. food to beasts 44:12. b. stumblingblock of iniquity Da. 2:35. and b. like chaff of the summer the stone . . . b. a great mountain Mt. 17: 2. his garments b. white as light 28: 4. watchers did quake & b. as dead Mk. g: 3. and his garments b. glistering Lu. 6:16. Judas Iscariot, who b. a traitor 11:30. Jonah b. sign unto Ninevites 13:19. and it grew, and b. a tree 23:12. Herod and" Pilate b. friends Jn. 1:14. And the Word b. flesh, & dwelt Ac. 7:13. Joseph's race b. manifest unto 29. Moses fled . . . and b. a sojourner Ro. 1:21. but b. vain in their reasonings 22. Professing to be wise b. fools 10:20. I b. manifest unto them that I Co. 9:20. to the Jews I b. as a Jew 22. To the weak I b. weak, that I 15:45. first man Adam b. living soul last Adam b. life-giving spirit Ph. 1:13. my bonds b. manifest in Christ I Th. i: 6. ye b. imitators of us, and of 7. ye b. an ensample to all that 2:14. ye b. imitators of the churches He. 2:10. b. him, for whom are all things 7:26. such a high priest b. us, holy 11: 7. b. heir of the righteousness Re. 6:12. the sun b. black as sackcloth 8:11. 3d part of waters b. wormwood Became blood Re. 6:12. and the whole moon b. as b. 8: 8. and third part of the sea b. b. 16: 3. and it b. b. as of dead man , 4. fountains of waters; and it b. b. He became Ge. 26:13. and grew . . . imtil h. b. very great Ex. 2:10. child grew . . . and h. b. her son. De. 26: 5. and h. b. there a nation, great I S. 16:21. and h. b. his armorbearer. 22: 2. and h. b. captain over them 25:37. heart died ... & h. b. as a stone. 1 K. i3:34(m). And by this thing h. b. sin Eze. 19: 3. h. b. a young lion, & he learned (6) Ho. i3:i(m). when h. b. guilty in Baal, he died. Lu. 18:23. h. b. exceeding sorrowful Ac. 10:10. h. b. hungry, and desired to eat 2 Co. 8: 9. yet for your sakes h. b. poor He. 5: 9. h. b. unto all them that obey him 11: 9. By faith h. b. a sojourner in land It became Ex. 4: 3. and i. b. a serpent (7:10) 4. and i. b. a rod in his hand 9:10. and i. b. a boil breaking forth 24 of Egypt since i. b. a nation Ju. 8:27. and i. b. a snare unto Gideon, and Eze. 17: 6. so i. b. a vine, and brought forth Re. 16: 2. i. b. a noisome & grievous sore Became known Es. 2:22. And the thing b. k. to Mordecai Ac. 1:19. it b. k. to all dwellers at Jeru. 9:24. but their plot b. k. to Saul. 42. And it b. k. throughout all Joppa 19:17. this b. k. to ail both Jews and Became servant Ge. 49:15. And b. a s. under taskwork. 2 K. 17: 3. Hoshea b. his s., and brought 24: I. Jehoiakim b. his s. three years Became servants 2 S. 8: 2. Moabitesb.s. to David (iCh. 18:2) 6. Syrians b. s. to David (i Ch. 18:6) 14. Edmonitesb. s. toDav.fi Ch. 18:13) Ro. 6:18. from sm, ye b. s. of righteousness She became Ge. 19:26. and s. b. a pillar of salt. 20:12. and s. b. my wife. 24:67. took Rebekah, & s. b. his wife 2 S. 11:27. to his house, & s. b. his wife Ru. 4:13. Boaz took Ruth, and s. b. his wife Eze. 23:10. s. b. a byword among women They became Ex. 7:12. man his rod, and t. b. serpents Nu. 26:10. 250 men, and t. b. a sign. Jos. 9:21. t. b. hewers of wood & drawers I S. 25:43. and t. b. both of them his wives. I Ch. 23:11. th'fore t. b. a fathers' house Eze. 23: 4. t. b. mine, and they bare sons and 34: 5. t. b. food to beasts of the field Mk. 9: 6. to answer; for t. b. sore afraid. 1 Co. io:6(m). in these things t. b. figures BECAMEST 2 S. 7:24. thou, JH., b. their God (i Ch. 17:22) Eze. 16: 8. and thou b. mine. BECHER (Be'eher) 1. Ancestral head of one of the clans of Benjamin. [(i Ch. 7:6) Ge. 46:21. sons of Benj.: Bela, and B., etc. 2. Founder of a family of Becherites. Nu. 26:35. of B., the fam. of Becherites I Ch. 7:8. sons of B.: Zemirah, & Joash All these were the sons of B. BECHERITES (Be'eher-ites) Nu. 26:35. of Becher, the family of B. BECHORATH (Be-eo'rath) An ancestor of Saul. I S. 9: I. son of Zeror, the son of B. BECKONED Lu. 5: 7. b. unto partners in other boat Ac. 19:33. Alexander b. with the hand 21:40. Paul b. with the hand 24:10. governor had b. unto him BECKONETH Jn. 13:24. Peter therefore b. to him BECKONING Ac. 12:17. he, b. unto them with hand 13:16. Paul, b. with the hand BECOME (Are become. Art become. Become desolate. Become a desolation, I, or 1 am, become. Is become, May become, Might become, Shall become, Become strong. Will become) Ex. 7: 9. thy rod . . . that it b. a serpent. 16:24. it did b. foul, neither was Le. 13: 2. b. in skin plague of leprosy 19:24. quick flesh . . . b. bright spot 29. and land b. full of wickedness. Nu. 5:24. curse enter her & b. bitter (27) De. 7:26. b. devoted thing lilce unto it 28:37. thou shalt b. an astonishment Jos. 9: 5. provision was dry & b. inouldy. 1 S. 29: 4. lest in battle he b. adversary 2 S. 10: 6. they were b. odious to David Es. 2:11. did, and what would b. of her. Jb. 7:5(m). skin is broken & b. loathsome 15:28. houses . . . were ready to b. heaps 21: 7. Wh'fore do wicked live, B. old? 38:30. waters hide . . . and b. like stone Ps. 62:10. And b. not vain in robbery 69:22. Let their table . . . b. a snare are in peace, let it b. a trap. I09:7(m). And let his prayer b. sin. Is. 6:11. and the land b. utterly waste 19: 5. river shall be wasted & b. dry 32:15. wilderness b. a fruitful field 64: 6. all b. as one that is unclean Je. 3: I. from him, and b. another man's 7:11. this house, b. a den of robbers? 18:21. let their wives b. childless 23:14. all of them b. unto me as Sodom Ho. 4:i5(m). yet let not Judah b. guilty Jon. 4: 5. see what would b. of the city. Zee. 4: 7. bef. Zerub. thou shalt b. a plain Mt. 4: 3. command these stones b. bread 18: 3. turn, & b. as Uttle children Mk. 1:17. make you to b. fishers of men. 6:14. for his name had b. known Lu. 4: 3. command this stone it b. bread. 22:26. greater ... let him b. as younger Jn. 1:12. right to b. children of God 2: 9. tasted the water now b. wine, and Ac. 1:22. of these must one b. a witness 7:52. of whom ye now have b. betrayers 8:23(m). I see that thou wilt b. gall 12:18. soldiers, what was b. of Peter. Ro. 6:22. from sin & b. servants to God 9:29. left us a seed, We had b. as Sodom I Co. 3:18. he is wise ... let him b. a fool 7:18. let him not b. uncircumcised. 21. if thou canst b. free, use it 8: 9. this liberty b. stumblingblock Ga. i:i8(m). to b. acquainted with Cephas 3:13. having b. a curse for us; for it 5:26. Let us not b. vainglorious. He. i: 4. b. by so much better than angels 6:20. having b. high priest for ever 7:22. Jesus b. surety of better cov't. Ja. 2: 4. b. judges with evil thoughts? Re. 3:18. buy . . . that thou mayest b. rich i2:ic(m). power & kingdom b. our God's Are become Jos. 9:13. our shoes a. b. old by reason of 16:10. a. b. servants to do taskwork. Jb. 18: 3. And a. b. unclean in your sight? 27:12. Why then a. ye b. altogether vain? Ps. 14: 3. they a. together b. filthy (53:3) 79: 4. a. b. reproach to our neighbors 139:22. They a. b. mine enemies. Is. 19:13. The princes of Zoan a. b. fools 63:19. We a. b. as they over whom thou 64: 6. we a. all b. as one ... is unclean 10. holy cities a. b. a wilderness Je. 2: 5. walked after vanity, & a. b. vain 5:27. therefore they a. b. great, and 10:21. For the shepherds a. b. brutish 23:14. a. all . . . b. unto me as Sodom, and 51:30. they a. b. as women; her dwelling- La. 1:2. friends . . . they a. b. her enemies. 6. Her princes a. b. like harts that Eze. 22:19. Because ye a. all b. dross 36: 4. cities . . . a. b. prey and derision Da. 9:16. thy people a. b. a reproach to all Ro. 3:12. they a. together b. unprofitable 1 Co. 4: 8. filled, already ye a. b. rich 2 Co. 5:17. away; behold, they a. b. new. He. 3:14. for we a. b. partakers of Christ 5:11. seeing ye a. b. dull of hearing. 12. a. b. such as have need of milk I Pe. 3:6 (m). {as Sarah ye a. b.), doing Art become De. 27: 9. This day thou a. b. people of JH. 32:15. grown thick, thou a. b. sleek Ps. 118:21. answered me, & a. b. my salvation. Pr. 6: I. if thou a. b. surety for thy neigb. Is. 14:10. unto thee, A. thou also b. weak as we? a. thou b. like unto us? Eze. 22: 4. Thou a. b. guilty in thy blood 27:36. thou a. b. a terror (28:19) Ja. 2:11. thou a. b. a transgressor of law. Become desolate Ex. 23:29. lest the land b. d., and beasta Le. 26:22. and your ways shall b. d. Je. 48:34. waters of Nimrim shall b. d. 49: 2. and it shall b. a d. heap, and Eze. 6: 4. And your altars shall b. d., and BECOME 82 BEELZEBUB 2K. Ps. Je. Ho. Zph, Ge. Ju. Jb. Ps. La. Ho. I Co 2 Co Ga. Ge. Ex. Jos. iS. iK. Ps. Is. Je. La. Eze. Mt. Jn. Ro. Ga. Ja. 2 Pe Re. 12 Ex. Eze. Mt. Jn. 1 Co 2 Co Ph. Phm Ac. Ro. 2 Co He. Ge. Ex. Bscoms a desolation 22:19. tiiat they should b. a d. 73:19. How are they b. a d. in moment! 22: 5. that this house shall b. a d. 27:17. wherefore should this city b. a d.? 44:22. therefore is your land b. a d. 46:19. for Memphis shall b. a d., and 48: 9. her cities shall b. a d., without 50:23. how is Babylon b. a d. (51:43) 51:43. Her cities are b. a d., a dry 5: 9. Ephraim shall b. a d. in the day of 2:15. how is she b. a d., a place for I, or I am, become 32:10. and now I a. b. two companies. 18: 4. hath hired me, & I a. b. his priest. 30: 9. And now I a. b. their song, Yea 28: I. lb. like them go mto pit (143:7) ■19. I a. b. like dust and ashes. 69: 8. I a. b. a stranger unto my brethren 102: 6. I a. b. as an cwl of the waste 109:25. I a. b. a reproach unto them 119:83. I a. b. like wine-skin in smoke 143: 7. Lest I b. Uke them that go down i:ii. OJH. and behold: for I a. b. abject. 3:14. I a. b. a derision to all my people 12: 8. Ephraim said, Surely I a. b. rich . 9:22. I a. b. all things to all men 13: I. not love, I a. b. sounding brass II. now that I a. b. a man, I have 12:11. I a. b. foolish: ye compelled 4:16. A. I b. your enemy, by telling you? Is become 3:22. the man i. b. as one of us, to know 24:35. and he i. b. great: and he hath 15: 2. i.b. my salva. (Ps. 118:14; Is. 12:2) 32: I. we know not what i. b. of him (Ac. 7:40) 9:12. behold, it is dry, & i. b. mouldy 28:16. and i. b. thine adversary? 2:15. the kingdom . . . i. b. my brother's 89:41. He i. b. a reproach to neighbors. 118:22. I. b. the head of the comer. 1:21. how i. faithful city b. a harlot! 22. Thy silver i. b. dross, thy wine 19:11. counsel of Pharaoh i. b. brutish 29:11. all vision i. b. . . . book . . . sealed. 49: 5. and my God i. b. my strength;) 64:10. Zion i. b. a wilderness, Jerusalem 2:14. slaxe? why i. he b. a prey 6:10. the word of JH. i. b. a reproach 12: 8. heritage i. b. unto me as a lion 1:1. She i. b. a widow, that was great was a princess . . . i. b. tributary! 8. she i. b. as an unclean thing 2: 5. Ihe Lord i. b. arS an enemy 4: I. How i. the gold b. dim! how is the 3. daughter of my people i. b. cruel 8. Their skin . . . it i. b. like a stick. 22:18. the house of Israel i. b. dross 36:35. desolate i. b. like garden of 23:15. when be i. b. so, ye mike him 24:32. branch i. now b. tender (Mk. 13:28) 1 :30. Cometh a man who i. b. before me 2:25. thy circumcision i. b. uncircura. 7:13. Did then that i. good b. death? 3:24. the law i. b. our tutor to bring 2:10. one 'point, he i. b. g^ailty of all. , 2:20. last state i. b. worse than first 11:15. i. b. the kingdom of oiu* Lord :io(m). the authority i. b. Christ's 18: 2. and i. b. a habitation of demons May become [blood 7:19. ponds of water, that they m. b. 8:16. dust of earth, that it m. b. lice 37:17. that_ they m. b. one in thy hand 23:26. outside thereof m. b. clean also. 9:39. that they that see m. b. blind. 12:36. hght, that ye m. b. sons of light. . 3:18. b. a fool, that he m. b. wise. . 8:14. their abundance m. b. supply 2:15. ye m. b. blameless and harmless 6. of thy faith m. b. effectual, in Might become [bonds 26:29. m. b. such as I am except these 4:18. m. b. a father of many nations . 5:21. we m. b. righteousness of God 8: 9. ye through his poverty m. b. rich 2:17. m. b. merciful & faithful h. priest Shall become [destroy 9:15. waters no more s. b. a flood to 18:18. Abra. s. b. great & mighty nation 48:19. he also s. b. a people, and he his seed s. b. multitude of nations 4: 9. water . . . out of river s. b. blood 7:18. shall die, and water of s. b. foul Je Ex. 9: 9. it s. b. small dust over all land Le. 11:24. And by these ye s. b. unclean Ju. 16:17. s. b. weak like any other man, 1 K. 14: 3. tell thee what s. b. of child. 2 K. 21:14. they s. b. a prey and a spoil Pr. 29:31. S. have b. a son at the last. Is. 19: 6. And the rivers s. b. foul sown fields of Nile s. b. dry y. men s. be subject to taskwork, land thereof s. b. burning pitch. 35: 7. the glowing sand 8. b. a pool 59: 6. Their webs s. not b. garments Uttle ones s. b. a thousand and the prophets s. b. wind, and bride; for the land s. b. a waste. Jerusalem s. b. heaps (Mi. 3:12) and s. b. an overflowing stream that Bozrah s. b. an astonishment And Edom s. b. an astonishment boasters, and they s. b. fools and they s. b. aa women And Babylon s. b. heaps she 8. b. a spoil to the nations, and his spring s. b. dry, and Am. 5:5(m). and Beth-el s. b. vanity. And their wealth s. b. a spoil And the crooked s. b. straight s. b. in him a well of water and they s. b. one flock Become strong 39: 4. Their young ones b. s., they grow 4:22. king, thou art grown and b. s. 11:23. for he shall come up, and b. s. Will become 34:16. and we w. b. one people. 37:20. we shall see what w. b. of his dreams 28: 5. w. JH. of hosts b. a crown of glory BECOMETH Ps. 93: 5. Holiness b. thy house, JH. b. poor worketh wi. slack hand Excellent speech b. not a fool striketh hands, & b. surety the flower b. ripening gi'ape 3:15. for thus it b. us to fulfil 12:45. state man b. worse (Lu. 11:26) 13:22. and he b. unfruitful 32. greater than herbs and b. tree 4:19. and it b. unfruitful 32. b. greater than all the herbs named among you, as b. saints (b. women professing godhness) Eze, Ho. Zph. Lu. Jn. Jb. Da. Ge. 21:14. 29:31- 19: 6. 7- 31:8. 34: 9- 60:22. 5:13- 7-34- 26:18. 47: 2. 49:13- 17- 50:36- 37- 51:37- 26: 5. 13:15- i:i3- 3: 5- 4.14. 10:16. Is, Pr. Is. Mt. Mk. Ep. iTi. 10: 4. 17: 7- 18. 18: 5- 5: 3- 2:10. BECOMING Ph. 2: 8. b. 3:10. b. obedient even unto death conformed unto his death He. 8:13. b. old and waseth aged '^°'33- b. partakers with them BECOMI?TGLY Ro. 13:13. walk b. as in the day 1 Th. 4:12. that ye may walk b. tow'd them BED OSee also Bed's, Beds) (His bed, In, or into, bed, My bed, On bed, Thy bed. Upon bed) 49: 4. wentest up to thy father's b. 15: 4. Every b. whereon he . . . lieth 21. toucheth b. shall wash clothes 24. whereon he lieih be unclean. 26. Every b. whereon she lieth all as the b. of her impurity i7:4o(m). stones out of torrent b. i: 4. not come down from b. (6, 16) 4:10. let us set for him there a b. 5:13. His cheeks are as b. of spices 28:20. b. is shorter than man stretch 57: 8. lovedst their b. where sawest it 23:17. Babylonians came to her in. b. 32:25. set her a b. in midst of slain 3:12. on silken cushions of a b. 2: 4. they let down b. whereon the sick 12. and straightway took up the b. 4:21. under bushel, or under the b.? 8:16. or putteth it under a b. 13: 4. and ki the b. be undefiled His bed 21:18. and he die not, but keep h. b. 15: 5. toucheth h. b. shall wash clothes 4: 7. lay on h. b. in his bedchamber II. in his own house, upon h. b. 11: 2. that David arose from off h. b. 13. at even he went out to lie on h. b. 17:19. laid him upon h. own b. 21: 4. And he laid him down upon h. b. 4:32. child was dead, & laid upon h. b. 2 Ch. 24:25. slew him on h. b. and he died Jb. 33:19- chastened with pain upon h. b. 36: 4. deviseth iniquity upon h. b. Ge. Le. iS. 2K. S. S. Is. Eze. Am. Mk. Lu. He. Ex. Le. 2S. iK. 2K. Ps Ps. 41: 3. makest all h. b. in his sickness Pr. 26:14. So doth the sluggard upon h. b. Da. 7:1. and visions of his head upon h. b. Jn. 5: 9. and took up h. b. and walked. Ac. 9:33. who had kept h. b. eight years In, or into, bed 49:33. he gathered up his feet i. b. 19:13. took teraphim, and laid i. b. 15. Bring him up to me i. b., that 16. behold, the teraphim was i. b. 2 Ch. 16:14. laid him i. b. filled with odors Lu. jj.: 7. my children are with me i. b. 2:22. Behold, I cast her i. a b., and My bed 7:13. When I say, M. b. shall comfort me 6: 6. Every night make I m. b. to swim 63: 6. When I remember thee upon m. b. 132: 3. My house, Nor go up into m. b. 139: 8. If I make m. b. in Sheol, behold 7:17. I have perfumed m. b. with myrrh 3: I. By night on m. b. I sought him 4: 5. thoughts upon m.b.... troubled me. 10. visions of my head upon m. b. (13) On bed 15:23. if it be o. b., or any thing 4:21. and laid him 0. b. of man of God 9: 2. man sick of palsy, lying 0. a b. 5:18. men bring o. a b. a man palsied 17:34. there shall be two men o. one b. Thy bed 8: 3. into thy bedchamber, and upon t. b. 13: 5. Lay thee down upon t. b. & feign 22:27. Why should he take t. b. from? 57: 7. mountain hast thou set t. b. 8. thou hast enlarged t. b., & made 2:26. visions of thy head upon t. b. 29. came into thy mind upon t. b. 9: 6. take up t. b. (Mk. 2:9, 11; Jn. 5:8) 5:10. it is not lawful to take up t. b. 11. Take up t. b., and walk (12) 9:34. healeth thee: arise, & make t. b. Upon bed 48: 2. strengthened himself, & sat u. b. 28:23. he arose from earth, & sat u. b. 1:47. the king bowed himself u. b. 4:32. child was dead, and laid u. b. 33:15. upon men. In slumberings u. b. 4: 4. Commune with heart u. your b. 23:41. and sit u. a stately b., with 7:30. and found the child laid u. b. BED AD (Be'dad) Ge. 36:35. Hadad son of B. (i Ch. 1:46) BEDAN (Be'dan) 1. One of the early deliverers of Israel. Possibly the name should be Barak (See margin i S. 12:11.) I S. 12:11. JH. sent Jerubbaal, and B. 2. Head of a Manassite family. I Ch. 7:17. sons of Ulam: B. BEDCHAMBER Ge. iS. Re. Jb. Ps. Pr. S. S. Da. Le. 2K. Mt. Lu. Ex. 2S. Pr. Is. Da. Mt. Jn. Ac. Ge. iS. iK. Jb. Ps. Eze. Mk. Ex. 2S. 2K. 8: 3. come into house, & into thy b. 4: 7. as he lay on his bed in his b. 6:12. words thou speakest in thy b. 11: 2. and put them in the b. 2 Ch. 22:11. put him & his nurse in b. Ec. 10:20. revile not the rich in th. b. BEDEIAH (Be-dei'ah) A Jew who had-taken a foreign wife. Ezr. 10:35. Benaiah, B., Cheluhi BED'S Ge. 47:31. Is bowed 'hims. upon b' head BEDS {See also Bed) 2 S. 17:28. brought b., and basing, etc. 2 K.ii:2(m). in c^amfter /or 6. (2 Ch. 22:11) Ps. 149: 5. Let them sing for joy up. b. his garden, to b. of spicea they rest in their b. from the b. of its plantation sh. wither in b. where it grew 7:14. but they howl upon then" b. 2: I. and work evil upon their b.! 6:55. carry about on b. those sick 5:15. laid them on b. and couches BEDSTEAD De. 3:11. behold, his b. was b. of iron BEE (See also Bees) Is. 7:18. for b. that is in land of Asyr. BEELIADA (Be'e-U'a-da)— tte Lord knows. A son of David. Called EHada in 2 S. 5:16; I Ch. 3:8. I Ch. 14: 7. Elishama, and B., & Eliphelet BEELZEBUB (Be-el'ze-bub)— i/ie god of fiiei. See Baalzebub. Mt. 10:25. called master of house B. 12:24. cast out demons, but by B. B. S. Is. Eze. Ho. Mi. Mk. Ac. 6: 2. 57: 2. 17: 7. 10. BSaEiK 83 BEGAT Mt. 12:27. if I by B. cast out demons, by whom do yr. sons? (Lu. 11:19) Mk. 3:22. from Jem. said, He hath B. Lu. 11:15. By B. casteth he out demons 18. ye say I cast out demons by B. BEER (Be'er) — well. 1. A station of the Israelites on their wilderness journey, near the border of Moab. Called Beer-elim in Je. 15:8. Nu. 21:16. thence they journeyed to B. 2. A place to which Jothan fled from his brother Abimelech. Ju. 9:21. Jothan fled, and went to B. BEERA (Be-e'ra, or Be'er-a) — well. A son of Zophar of the tribe of Asher. I Ch. 7:37. Shilshah, and Ithran, & B. BEERAH (Be-e'rah, or Be'er-ah) — well. A Ileubenite prince. 1 Ch. s: 6. B. whom k. of A. carried away BEER-ELIM (Be'er-e'lim) — well of (sacred) trees. An unidentified place. Is. 15: 8. the wailing thereof unto B. BEERI (Be-e'ri, or Be'er-i) 1. One of Esau's wives. Ge. 26:34. Judith dau. of B. the Hittite 2. Father of Rosea the prophet. Ho. i: I. unto Hosea the son of B. BEER-LAHAI-ROI (Be'er-la-hai'roi)— i/ie weZ/ of the living one who seeth me. See margin. Ge. 16:14. Wherefore well was called B. 24:62. Isaac came from the way of B. 25:11. and Isaac dwelt by B. BEEROTH (Be-e'roth, or Be'er-oth) — wells. One of the Canaanite cities with which Israel made covenant. Jos. 9:17. cities were Chephirah, and B. 18:25. twelve cities Ramah, and B. 2 S. 4: 2. (B. is reckoned to Benjamin Ezr. 2:25. Chephirah, & B. (Ne 7:29) BEEROTH BENE-JAAKAN (Be-e'roth, or Be'er-oth Be'ne-ja'a-kan) — the wells of the children of Jaakan. [Moserah. De. 10: 6. Israel journeyed from B. to BEEROTHITE (Be-er'oth-ite, or Be'er-) 2 S. 4: 2. sons of Rimmon the B. (5, 9) 23:37. Naharai the B., armorbearers BEEROTHITES (Be-e'roth-ites, or Be'er-) 2 S. 4: 3. the B. fled to Gittaim BEER-SHEBA (Be'er-she'ba, or Be-er'she-ba) — well of seven. Name of a well dug by Abraham, and so called because of the seven ewe lambs with which he made a covenant with Abimelech. Ge. 21:14. wandered in wilderness of B. 31. Wh'fore he called that place B. 32. So they made a covenant at B, 33. Abra. planted tamarisk-tree in B. 22:19. and went together to B. and Abraham dwelt at B. 26:23. be went from thence to B. 33. th'fore the name of city is B. 28:10. And Jacob went out from B. 46: I. with all he had, & came to B. 5. And Jacob rose up from B. Jos. 15:28. and Hazar-shual, and B. 19: 2. they had for their inheritance B. Ju. 20: I. as one man from Dan even to B. 1 S. 3:20. Is. from Dan even to B. knew 8: 2. Joel; Abijah: were judges in B. 2 S. 3:10. over Israel, from Dan ev. to B. 17:11. unto thee, from Dan even to B. 24: 2. Go now, from Dan even to B. 7. went out to south of Judah at B. 15. died from Dan even to B. 70,000 1 K. 4:25. und. fig-tree, from Dan ev. to B. 19: 3. went for his life, & came to B. 2 K. 12: I. mo.'snameZibiahof B. (2Ch. 24:1) 23: 8. had burned incense fr. Geba to B. 1 Ch. 4:28. they dwelt at B., and Moladah 21: 2. number Is. from B. even to Dan 2 Ch. 19: 4. went out among people fr. B. 30: 5. proclamation, from B. ev. to Dan Ne. 11:27. in B. and the towns thereof 30. encamped fr. B. un. valley of Hin. Am. 5: 5. and passed not to B. 8:14. As the way of B. hveth BEES {See also Bee) De. 1:44. and chased you, as b. do Ju. 14: 8. was a swarm of b. in the body Ps. 118:12. They compassed me ab. like b. BE-ESHTERAH (Be-esh'te-rah)— /lousc or temple of Ashiaroth. [6:71. A city in Bashan. Called Ashtaroth in i Ch. J03. 21:27. B. wi. its suburbs; two cities BEFALL Ge. 42: 4. Lest peradventure harm b. him 38. if harm b. him by the way 44:29. harm b. him, ye will bring down 49: I. tell you that which shall b. you De. 31:29. evil will b. you in latter days Ps. 91:10. There shall no evil b. thee Da. 10:14. understand what sh. b. thy peo. Jn. 5:14. lest a worse thing b. thee Ac. 20:22. not knovdng things sh. b. me BEFALLEN Ge. 42:29. all that had b. them (Jos. 2:23) Le. 10:19. have b. me such th'gs as these Nu. 20:14. all travail that hath b. us Jos. 2:23. told him all that had b. them. Ju. 6:13. why then is all this b. us? 1 S. 20:26. Something hath b. him 2 S. 19: 7. all the evil that hath b. thee Es. 6:13. recounted ev. thing had b. him Is. 51:19. These 2 things are b. thee Mt. 8:33. b. to them possessed wi. demons Ro. 11:25. a hardening in part ha. b. Is. BEFALLETH Ec. 3:19. For that which b. the sons of men b. beasts; even one thing b. BEFELL Mk. 5:16. b. him possessed with demons Ac. 20:19. wh. b. me by plots of Jews 2 Co. 1:8. affliction wh. b. us in Asia BEFIT Tit. 2: I. speak which b. sound doctrine BEFITTING Ep. 5: 4. or jesting, which are not b. Phm. 8. to enjoin thee that which is b. BEFOREHAND Jon. 4:2(m). u'as h. in fleeing un. Tarshish Mt. 24:25. Behold, I have told you b. Mk. 13:11. be not anxious b. wh. sh. speak 23. I have told you all th'gs b. 14: 8. anointed my body b. for burjdng 2 Co. 9: 5. make up b. your bounty 13: 2. I have said b., & I do say b. Ga. 3: 8. preached gospel b. unto Abraham I Th. 3: 4. told b. that we are to suffer 1 Pe. i:ii. testified b. sufferings of Ch. 2 Pe. 3:17. knowing these things b. BEFORETIME Ge. 31: 2. it was not toward him as b. 5. that it is not toward me as b. Jos. 11:10. Hazor b. was head of all k'doms 14:15. name of Hebron b. was K. (Ju.,i :io) 15:15. name of Debu* b. was Kir. (Ju. i:ii) 20: s. and hatedihim not b. Ju. 1:23. (Now name of city b. was Luz.) 3: 2. as b. knew nothmg thereof 1 S. 9: 9. (B. in Israel, when a man went a Prophet was b. called a Seer) 10:11. when all that knew him b. saw 14:21. were with Phihstmes ,as b. 19: 7. he was in his presence, as b. 2 K. 13: 5. Is. dwelt in their tents as b. Ne. 2: I. not been b. sad in his presence Is. 41:26. b., we may say. He is right? Ac. 8: 9. who b. in city used sorcery BEG Ps. 109:10. let chil. be vagabonds, & h. ■ Pr. 20: 4. Th'fore he sh. b. in harvest Lu. 16: 3. to b. I am ashamed BEGAN {See also Began with Reign and with Say) (Began to be, Began to build, Began with he. Began to speak. Began to teach. They began) Ge. 4:26. b. men to call upon name of JH. 6: I. when men b. to multiply on 41:54. 7 years of famine b. to come 44:12. he searched, & b. at the eldest Nu. 25: I. people b. to play the harlot De. i: 5. Moses b. to declare this law Ju. 13:25. Spirit of JH. b. to move him 16:19. and she b. to afflict him 22. the hair of his head b. to grow 19:25. and when the day b. to spring 20:39. b. to smite & kill men of Israel 40. when the cloud b. to arise up 1 K. 15: I. b. Ahijam to reign over Judah. 9. b. Asa to reign over Judah. 2 K. 1:17. Jehoram b. to reign in his 10:32. JH. b. to cut off from Israel 15:37. JH. b. to send ag. Judah Rezin 1 Ch. 27:24. b. to number, but finished not 2 Ch. 29:27. when burnt-off. b. song of JH. b. also, and the trumpets 31:10. people b. to bring oblations Ezr. 3: 8. b. Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel Jon. 3: 4. Jonah b. to enter into the city Mt. 4:17. b. Jesus to preach, & say, Repeut 12: I. and b. to pluck ears and to eat. 16:21. b. Jesus to show unto disciples 22. Peter b. to rebuke him (Mk. 8:32) 28: I. it b. to dawn toward first day Mk. 1:45. and b. to publish it much, and 2:23. b., as they went, to pluck ears. 5:20. and b. to publish in Decapolis 6: 7. b. to send them forth two by two 55. b. to carry about on their beds 8:11. and b. to question with him 10:32. b. to tell things ... to happen 11:15. b. to cast out them (Lu. 19:45) 14:65. And some b. to spit on him, and 15: 8. b. to ask him to do as was wont Lu. 5:21. scribes & Pharisees b. to reason 7:38. she b. to wet his feet with tears 9:12. And the day b. to wear away 11:53. Pharisees b. to press upon him 14:18. one consent b. to make excuse. 19:37. disciples b. to rejoice & praise Jn. 9:32. Since world b. was never heard 13: 5. and b. to wash disciples' feet Ac. i: I. all that Jesus b. both to do and 3: 8. leaping up, he stood, & b. to walk 11: 4. Peter b., & expounded the matter 24: 2. TertuUus b. to accuse him, saying 27:18. b. to throw freight overboard 35. and he brake it, and b. to eat. Ph. i: 6. he who b. a good work in you will Began to be Ge. 9:20. And Noah b. t. b. a husbandman Ne. 4: 7. that the breaches b. t. b. stopped 13:19. when gates of Jem. b. t. b. dark Mt. 26:37. b. t. b. sorrowful & sore troubled. Mk. 10:41. b. t. b. moved with indignation 14:19. They b. t. b. sorrowful, & to say 33. b. t. b. greatly amazed, and sore Began to build 1 K. 6: I. he b. t. b. the house of Jehovah 2 Ch. 3: I. Solomon b. t. b. the house of JH. 2. he b. t. b. in second day of 2d mo. Ezr. 5: 2. and b. t. b. the house of God Lu. 14:30. b. t. b., and was not able to finish. Began with he Ge. 10: 8. h. b. to be mighty one (i Ch. 1:10) 2 Ch. 31:21. And in every work that h. b. 34: 3. h. b. to seek after God of David h. b. to purge Judah & Jemsalem Ezr. 7: 9. b. h. to go up from Babylon Mt. 11:20. Then b. h. to upbraid the cities 26:74. b. h. to curse & swear (Mk. 14:71) Mk. 10:47. h. b. to cry out, and say, Jesus 14:72 (m). And h. b. to weep. Lu. 15:14. and h. b. to be in want. Jn. 4:52. inquired hour when h. b. to amend. Began to speak Mk. 12: I. he b. t. s. unto them in parables. Lu. 7:15. that was dead sat up, and b. t. s. 20: 9. b. t. s. unto people this parable Ac. 2: 4. b. t. s. with other tongues, as Spirit 11:15. as I b. t. s., Holy Spirit fell 18:26. he b. t. 8. boldly in synagogue. Began to teach Mk. 4: I. again he b. t. t. by the sea side. 6: 2. sabbath . . . he b. 1. 1. in synagogue 34. and he b. t. t. them many things. 8:31. he b. t. t. them, that Son of man Lu. 3:23. he b. t. t., was about thirty yrs. They began Ju. 20:31. t. b. to smite and kill of people 2 Ch. 20:22. when t. b. to sing and praise 29:17. t. b. first day to sanctify 31: 7. t. b. to lay foundation of heaps Ezr. 3: 6. b. t. to offer burnt-offerings Eze. 9: 6. Then t. b. at the old men that Mk. 5:17. t. b. to beseech him to depart 15:18. t. b. to salute him. Hail, King Lu. 5:7. filled both boats, so t. b. to sink 15:24. is found. And t. b. to be merry. 22:23. t. b. to question amo. themselves 23: 2. t. b. to accuse him, saying. We 27:18. t. b. to throw freight overboard BEGAT Ge. 4:18. and Irad b. Mehujael; and Mehujael b. Methushael; and Methushael b. Lamech 5: 3. b. a son in his own likeness 4. days of Adam aft. b. Seth 800 yrs. b. sons and daughters (7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 26, 30; ii:ii, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25; 2 Ch. 24:3) 6. Seth lived 105 yra. & b. Enosh BEGAT 84 BEGINNING Ge. Nu. De. Ju. Ru. iCh. S: 7. 9. 10. 12. 13- 15. 16. 18. 19. 21. 22. 25- 26. 28. 30. 32. 6:10. 10: 8. i3- 15. 24. 26. 11:10. II. 12. 13- 14. IS- 16. 17- 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23- 24. 25. 26. 27. 22:23. 25: 3- 19- 26:29. 58. 32:18. 11: I. 4:18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 2:11. 13- 18. 20. 22. 36. 37- 38. 39- 40. 41. 44. 46. 4: 2. 8. II. 12. 14. 6:4. 5. 6. 8. 9- 10. II. 12. 13- Seth lived aft. he b. E. 807 yrs. Enosh lived 90 yrs. & b. Kenan Enosh lived aft. he b. K. 815 yrs. Kenan lived 70 yrs., & b. Mahalalel Kenan lived aft. b. Ma. 840 yrs. Mahal, lived 65 yrs., & b. Jared Mahal, lived aft. b. J. 830 yrs. Jared lived 162 yrs., & b. Enoch Jared lived aft. b. Enoch 800 yrs. Enoch lived 65 yrs., & b. Methu. Enoch walked aft. b. M. 300 yrs. Methu. lived 187 yrs., & b. Lamech Methu. lived aft. b. Lamech 782 yrs. Lamech lived 182 yrs., & b. a son Lamech lived aft. b. Noah 595 yrs. Noah b. Shem, Ham, & Japheth Noah b. 3 sons, S., H., and J. And Gush b. Nunrod (i Ch. 1:10) Mizraim b. Ludim. (i Ch. i:ii) Canaan b. Sidon first-b. (i Ch. i :i3) Arpachshad b. Shelah; and Shelah b. Eber (i Ch. 1:18) Joktan b. Almodad (i Ch. 1:20) Shem was 102 yrs., b. Arpachshad Shem lived aft. b. Arpach. 500 y. Arpach. lived 530 yrs., b. Shelah Arpach. lived aft. b. Shelah 403 y. She lived 30 yrs., & b. Eber Shelah lived aft. b. Eber 403 y. Eber lived 34 yrs., & b. Peleg Eber lived aft. b. Peleg 430 y. Peleg lived 30 yrs., & b. Reu Peleg lived aft. b. Reu 209 yrs. Reu lived 32 yrs., & b. Serug Reu lived aft. b. Serug 2(■^7 yrs. Serug lived 30 yrs., & b. Nahor Serug lived aft. Nahor 200 y. Nahor lived 29 yrs., & b. Terah Nahor lived aft. b. Terah 119 y. Terah lived 70 yrs., & b. Abram Terah b. Abram, Nahor, & Haran; and Haran b. Lot And Bethuel b. Rebekah Jokshan b. Sheba, and Dedan Abraham b. Isaac (i Ch. 1:34; Mt. 1:2; Ac. 7:8) and Machir b. Gilead And Kohath b. Amram Of Rock that b. thee thou art and Gilead b. Jephthah Perec b. Hezron Hezron b. Ram, & Ram b. Ammin. (i Ch. 2:10; Mt. 1:3, 4) Amminadab b. Nashon, & N. b. Salmon (Mt. 1:4) [(Mt. 1:5) Salmon b. Boaz, & Boaz b. Obed Obed b. Jesse, & J. b. Dav. (i Ch. 2:12; Mt. i:s, 6) Nashon b. Salma, & Sal. b. Boaz Jesse b. his first-born Eliab Caleb son of Hezron b. children Hur b. Uri, and Uri b. Bezalel Segub b. Jair, who had 23 cities Attai b. Nathan, & Nat. b. Zabad Zabad b. Ephlal, & Eph. b. Obed Obed b. Jehu, & J. b. Azariah Azariah b. Helez, & Helez b. Eleasah Eleasah b. Sisraai, & S. b. Shallum Shallum b. Jekamiah, & J. b. Elish. Shema b. Raham fa. of Jorkeam and Rekera b. Shammai and Haran b. Gazez Reaiah son of Shobal b. Jahath; Jahath b. Ahumai and Lahad Hakoz b. Anub, and Zobebah Chelub bro. of Shuhah b. Nehir Eshton b. Beth-rapha, & Paseah Meonofhai b. Ophrah: and Seraiah b. Joab fa. of Ge-harash. Eleazar b. Phinehas, Phin. b. Abish. Abishua b. Bukki, & Bukki b. Uzzi Uzzi b. Zerahiah, & Zerahiah b. Meraioth Meraioth b. Amariah, & A. b. Ahitub Ahitub b. Zadok, & Z. b. Ahimaaz Ahimaaz b. Azariah, & A. b. Johanan Azariah, (he it is Amariah, & A. b. Johanan b. Azariah b. Ahitub Ahitub b. Zadok, & Z. b. Shallum Shallum b. Hilkiah, & H. b. Azariah Ne, Pr. Je. Da. Zee. Mt. 1 Ch. 6:14. Azariah b. Seraiah, & S. b. Jehos. 7:32. Heber b. Japhlet, and Shomer 8: I. Benjamin b. Bela his first-born 7. he b. Uzza and Ahihud 8. Shaharaim b. children in Moab 9. he b. of Hodesh his wife, Jobab II. of Hushim he b. Abitub 32. Mikloth b. Shuneah 33. Ner b. Kish; & Kish b. Saul; and Saul b. Jonathan & Mai. (9:39) 34. Merib-baal b. Micah (9:40) 36. Ahaz b. Jehoaddah, & Jehoaddah b. Alemeth, & Azmaveth, and Zimri; & Zimri b. Moza (9:42) 37. Moza b. Binea (9:43) 9:38. And Mikloth b. Shimeam 42. Ahaz b. Jarah; & Jarah b. Alemeth 14: 3. David b. more sons and daughters 2 Ch. 11:21. b. 28 sons & three score dau's. 13:21. b. twenty-two sons & 16 dau's. 12:10. Jeshua b. Joiakim, & Joiakira b. Eliashib, & Eliashib b. Joiada II. Joiada b. Jonathan, & J. b. Jaddua 23:22. Hearken unto thy fa. th. b. thee 16: 3. fa's th. b. them in this land 11: 6. brought her & he that b. her 13: 3. fa. & moth. th. b. him sh. say fa. & moth. th. b. him sh. thrust i: 2. Isaac b. Jacob; & Jacob (Ac. 7:8) b. Judah and his brethren 3. Judah b. Perez and Zerah 6. And David b. Solomon; and 7. Solomon b. Rehoboam; and Rehoboam b. Abijah; and Abijah b. Asa 8. Asa b. Jehoshaphat; and Jehoshaphat b. Joram; and Joram b. Uzziah 9. Uzziah b. Jotham; & J. b. Ahaz; and Ahaz b. Hezekiah 10. Hezekiah b. Manasseh; and Man. b. Amon; & A. b. Josiah 11. Josiah b. Jechoniah & his breth. 12. Jechoniah b. Shealtiel; and Shealtiel b. Zerubbabel; 13. Zerubbabel b. Abiud; and Abiud b. Eliakim; and Eliakim b. Azor 14. Azor b. Sadoc; and S. b. Achim; and Achim b. Eliud 15. Eliud b. Eleasar; & E. b. Matthan; and Matthan b. Jacob 16. Jacob b. Jc*eph husband of Mary 7:29. Moses in Midian, b. two sons I Co. 4:15. I b. you through the gospel I Pe. i: 3. b. us again unto a living hope 1 Jn. 5: I. whosoev. loveth him that b. BEGET Ge. 17:20. twelve princes shall he b. De. 4:25. When thou shalt b. children 28:41. Thou shalt b. sons and dau's 2 K. 20:18. sons, whom thou sh. b. (Is. 39:7) Ec. 6: 3. If a man b. a hundred children 29: 6. Take ye wives, & b. sons & dau's 18:10. If ye b. a son th. is a robber 14. if b. a son. that seeth all 47:22. strangers, who shalt b. children BEGETTEST Ge. 48: 6. thy issue, that thou b. aft. them Is. 4.=;:io. saith un. a fa.. What b. thou? BEGETTETH Pr. 17:21. b. a fool doeth it to sorrow 23:24. b. a wise child will h. jo"- BEGGAR Mk. 10:46. Bartimaeus, a blind b. Lu. 16:20. a certain b. named Lazarus 22. came to pass, that the b. died Jn. 9: 8. saw him aforetime, was a b. BEGGARLY Ga. a: 9. to the weak and b. rudiments BEGGED Jn. 9: 8. Is. not this he that sat and b.? BEGGING Ps. 37:25. Nor his seed b. bread Lu. 18:35. blind man sat by way side b. BEGIN Ge. 11: 6. this is what they b. to do 2:24. b. to possess it and contend 25. will I b. to put dread of thee 31. b. to possess, th. mayest inherit 16: 9. shalt thou b. to number 7 weeks 3: 7. will I b. to magnify thee 10:18. man is he that will b. to fight 13: 5. he shall b. to save Israel 2 S. 7:29(m). b. and bless house of thy Ac. Je. Eze, De. Jos, Ju. Ne. Je. Eze. Ho. Mt. Lu. Ge. Ex. De. Jb. Ec. Mi. Mt. Mk. Lu. Jn. Ac. 1 K. 20:14. he said. Who shall b. battle? 2 K. 8:25. did Jehoram k. of Ju. b. to reign 11:17. to b. thanksgiving in prayer 25:29. I b. to work evil at the city 9: 6. and b. at my sanctuary 8:10. they b. to be diminished 24:49. shall b. to beat fellow-serv'ts 3: 8. and b. not to say wi'in yourselves 12:45. shall b. to beat men-serv'ts 13:25. ye b. to stand wi'out, & to knock 26. ye b. to say, We did eat & drink 14: 9. b. with shame to take lowest place 29. all that behold b. to mock him 21:28. these th'gs b. to come to pass 23:30. b. to say to mountains. Fall on 1 Pe. 4:17. judgment to b. at ho. of God and if it b. first at us BEGINNEST De. 16: 9. from time thou b. to put sickle BEGINNING (At the beginning, From the begin- ning, In the beginning) 10:10. b. of his kingdom was Babel 49: 3. the b. of my strength 12: 2. sh. be unto you b. of months 21:17. he is the b. of his strength 8: 7. And though thy b. was small 42:12. latter end of Job more than b. Ps. 111:10. fear of JH. is b. of wisdom (Pr.9:io) Pr. 1:7. fear of JH. is b. of knowledge 4:7(m). The b. of wisdom is Get wisdom 8:26. nor b. of dust of the world 17:14. b. of strife is as when 7: 8. better is end of thing than b. 10:13. b. of words of his mouth 1:13. she was b. of sin to dau. of Z. 14:30. b. to sink, he cried out 20: 8. b. from the last unto the first 24: 8. are b. of travail (Mk. 13:8) 1:1. The b. of gospel of Jesus Christ 23: 5. b. fr. Gahlee ev. un. this place 24:27. b. fr. Moses & fr. all prophets 47. unto all na's, b. fr. Jerusalem 2:11. This b. of his signs did Jesus 8: 9. b. from eldest, even unto last 1:22. b. from the baptism of John 8:35. b. from this scripture preached 10:37. thro, out Judaea, b. from Galilee 2 Co. 3: I. b. again to commend ourselves 8: 6. as he had, made a b. before 10. first to make a b. a yr. ago Col. 1:18. who is the b., the firstborn He. 3:14. hold fast b. of our confidence 6:1 (m). leaving wotd of b. of Christ 7: 3. nei. b. of days nor end of life 3:14. the b. of creation of God 21: 6. Alpha & Omega, b. and end 22:13. first and last, b. and end At the beginning 13: 3. where his tent had been - b. 41:21. still ill-favored, as - b. 3:10. more kindness in end than - b. 21: 9. - b. of barley harvest 17:25. so it was, - b. of their dwel'g 20:21. inherit, gotten hastily - b. 2:19. in night, - b. of the watches 1:26. will restore counsellors as - b. 9:21. had seen in the vision - b. 23. - b. of thy supphcations 11:15. Holy Spirit fell, ev. on us - b. From the beginning 11:12. f. b. of year even un. end of yr. 32:42(m). /. b. of revenges upon enemy I S. 3:12. f. b. even unto the end 21:10. f. b. of harvest until water 8:23. I was set up, fr. ev'lasting f. b. 3:11. God hath done f. b. ev. to the end 18: 2. a people terrible f. b. onward (7) 40:21. hath it not been told you f. b.? 41: 4. calling the generations f. b.? 26. Who hath declared it f. b.? 46:10. declaring the end f. b. 48:16. f. b. I have not spoken in secret 17:12. throne set on high f. b. 19: 4. f. b. made them male and female 8. but f. b. it hath not been so 24:21. tribulation, not been f. b. 10: 6. f. b. of creation, Male & female 13:19. f. b. of creation wh. God created i: 2. who f. b. were eyewitnesses 6:64. Jesus knew f. b. who they were 8:25. wh. I have also spoken un. you f. b. 44. He was a murderer f. b. 15:27. bee. ye have been with me f. b. 16: 4. things I said not un. you f. b. Re. Ge. Ru. 2S. 2K. Pr. La. Is. Da. Ac. De 2S. Pr. Ec. Is. Je. Mt Mk. Lu. Jn. BEGINNINGS 85 BEHIND Ac. 26: 4. f. b. among mine own nation a Th. 2:13. God chose you f. b. of salvation 2 Pe. 3: 4. all things continue as f. b. 1 Jn. i: I. That which was f. b. 2: 7. old com'dment which he had f. b. 13. ye know him who is f. b. (14) 24. which ye heard f. b. If that which ye heard f. b. 3: 8. for the devil sinneth f. b. II. message which ye heard f. b. 2 Jn. 5. that which ye had f. b. 6. even as ye heard f. b. In the beginning Ge. i: I. - b. God created the heavens Ju. 7:19. unto camp - b. of middle watch Ru. 1:22. came - b. of barley harvest Ezr. 4: 6. Ahasuerus, - b. of his reign Pr. 8:22. JH. possessed me - b. of his way Je. 26: I. - b. of reign of Jehoiakim (27:1) 28: I. - b. of reign of Zedekiah (49:34) Eze. 40: I. In 25th year of captivity, - b. Am. 7: I. he formed locusts - b. Jn. i: I. - b. was the Word 2. The same was - b. with God Ph. 4:15. - b. of gospel, when I departed He. 1:10. - b. didst lay foundation BEGINNINGS Nu. 10:10. and in b. of your months 28:11. in b. of yr. months ye sh. offer 36:11. better un. you than actual b. BEGONE 2 S. 16: 7. B., b., thou man of blood BEGOTTEN Ge. 48:6 (m). issue, th. thou hast 6., aft. th. Le. 18:11. b. of thy father, she is sister 25:45. which they have b. in yr. land Ju. 8:30. Gideon had 70 sons of body b. Jb. 38:28. who hath b. the drops of dew? Ps. 2: 7. This day have I b. thee Ec. 5:14. if he hath b. a son, there is Is. 49:21. Who hath b. me these? Je. 2:27(m). to stone. Thou hast b. me Ho. 5:7(m). for they have b. strange chil. Mt. i:2o(m). b. in her is of Holy Spirit Lu. 1:35. the holy thing which is b. Jn. i:i3(m). who were b., not of blood 14. the only b. from the Father (m). and only b. from a father 18. the only b. Son, who is in bosom (m). God only b. 3:16. he gave his only b. Son 18. on name of only b. Son of God Ac. 13:33. my Son, this day have I b. thee (He. 1:5; 5:5) Phm. 10. whom I have b. in my bonds He. 11:17. offering up his only b. son I Pe. 1:23. b. ag. not of corruptible seed 1 Jn. 2:29. doeth right'ness is b. of him 3: 9. is b. of God doeth no sin because he is b. of God 4: 7. that loveth is b. of God 9. sent his only b. Son in. world 5: I. Jesus the Christ is b. of God loveth him also that is b. 4. b. of God overcometh world 18. whosoev. is b. of God sinneth not he that was b. of God keepeth BEGUILE Ro. 16:18. they b. hearts of innocent 2 Th. 2: 3. let no man b. you in any wise BEGUILED Ge. 3:13. The serpent b. me, & I did eat 29:25. wh'fore then hast thou b. me? Nu. 25:18. have b. you in matter of Peor Jos. 9:22. Wherefore have ye b. us? Ro. 7:11. thro, commandment b. me 2 Co. 11: 3. as the serpent b. Eve I Ti. 2:14. Adam was not b., but woman being b. hath fallen in. transgr. BEGUN Nu. 16:46. the plague is b. 47. plague was b. among the people De. 2:31. Behold, I b. to deliver up Sihon 3:24. hast b. to show thy servant 1 S. 22:15. Have I b. to inquire of God? Es. 6:13. bef. whom thou hast b. to fall 9:23. undertook to do as they had b. Mt. 18:24. And when he had b. to reckon Ga. 3: 3. having b. in the Spirit BEHALF Ex. 27:21. on b. of the children of Is. Le. 24: 8. it is on b. of chil. of Israel Nu. 3: 9. un. him on b. of chil. of Is. 8:11. wave-off., on b. of chil. of Is. 2 S. 3:12. sent mes'gers to Dav. on his b. 2 Ch. 16: 9. to show himself strong in b. Jb. 36: 2. yet somewhat to say on God's b. Ps. 45:4(m). In b. of truth and meekness 2 Co. i:ii. helping together on our b. 5:12. occasion of glorying on our b. 20. ambassadors on b. of Christ, as We beseech you on b. of Christ 8:24. of our glorying on your b. 9: 3. that our glorying on your b. 12: 5. on mine own b. I will not glory Ep. 3: I. prisoner in b. of you Gentiles Ph. i: 7. to be thus minded on b. of you 29. hath been granted in b. of Christ Phm. 13. in thy b. he might minister unto He. 13:17. they watch in b. of your souls BEHAVE Ps. loi: 2. I will b. myself wisely Is. 3: 5. the child shall b. hims. proudly I Co. 13: 5. doth not b. itself unseemly I Ti. 3:15. b. themselves in house of God BEHAVED 1 S. 18: 5. and b. himself wisely 14. And David b. himself wisely 15. Saul saw he b. hims. very wisely 30. that David b. hims. more wisely Jb. 36: 9. they have b. thems. proudly Ps. 35:14. I b. mys. as tho. been my friend Ho. 4:16. For Is. hath b. hims. stubbornly 2 Co. 1:12. we have b. ours, in the world 1 Th. 2:10. unblameably we b. ourselves 2 Th. 3: 7. we b. not ourselves disorderly BEHAVETH Jb. 15:25. b. himself proudly ag. Almighty I Co. 7:36. that he b. himself unseemly BEHAVIOR I S. 21:13. he changed his b. before them Ps. 34 (title), when he changed his b. 1 Pe. 2:12. having your b. seemly 3: I. gained by b. of their wives 2. beholding your chaste b. BEHEADED 2 S. 4: 7. and slew him, and b. him ^^t. 14:10. sent and b. John in the prison Mk. 6:16. John, whom I b., he is risen 27. went and b. him in prison Lu. 9: 9. Herod said, John I b. Re. 20: 4. b. for the testimony of Jesus BEHELD (He beheld, I beheld, They beheld) Ge. 12:14. b. woman that she was very fair. 13:10. b. all Plain of the Jordan 19:28. and b., and lo, smoke of land 31: 2. Jacob b. countenance of Laban 48: 8. Israel b. Joseph's sons, & said Ju. 16:27. b. while Samson made sport I S. 26: 5. David b. place where Saul lay I Ch. 21:15. JH. b., and he repented him Je. 31:26. Upon this I awaked, and Jp. Mk. 12:41. b. how multitude cast money 15:47. Mary b. where he was laid Lu. 5:27. and b. a publican named Levi 23:55. followed after, & b. the tomb Jn. 1:14. (we b. his glory, glory as of 38. turned, and b. them following 11:45. b. that which he did, beUeved Ac. i:ii. as ye b. him going into heaven 28: 6. b. nothing amiss come to him I Jn. i: I. that which we b., & our hands 4:12. No man hath b. God at any time 14'. we have b. and bear witness Re. ix:ii. great fear fell upon them that b. 12. and then: enemies b. them. He beheld Nu. 23:21. H. hath not b. iniquity in Jacob Hab. 3: 6. H. b., & drove asunder the nations Ac. 17:16. as h. b. the city full of idols. I beheld Jb. 31:26. If I have b. sun, when it shined Ps. 119:158. I b. the treacherous, and was Pr. 7:7. And I b. among the simple ones 24:32. Then I b., and considered well Ec. 8:17. then I b. all the work of God Je. 4:23. I b. the earth, it was waste and 24. I b. mountains, & they trembled 25. I b., and lo, there was no man 26. I b., & io. the fruitful field Eze. 1:15. as I b. the living creatures 8: 2. I b., a likeness as of fixe 37: 8. I b., & lo, there were sinews Da. 7: 4. I b. till wings th'of were plucked 6. I b., and another, like a leopard 9. I b. till thrones were placed, and II. I b. at that time because of the I b. even till beast was slain Da. 7:21. I b., and same horn made war Lu. 10:16. I b. Satan fallen as hghtning Jn. 1:32. I have b. Spirit descending as Ac. 2:25. I b. Lord always before my face They beheld Ex. 24:11. t. b. God, and did and drink Mk. 3:11. whensoever t. b. him, fell down Lu. 23:48. t. b. things that were done 24:37. and supposed that t. b. a spirit. Jn. 6: 2. because t. b. the signs which he Ac. 4:13. when t. b. boldness of Peter and 22: 9. t. with me b. indeed the light BEHEMOTH (Be'he-moth, or Be-he'moth) Jb. 40:15. Behold now, b. which I made BEHIND (Behind back, Behind him, Behind me, Behind thee. Behind them) Ge. 32:18. and, behold, he also is b. us. 20. thy servant Jacob is b. us. Ex. 10:26. shall not a hoof be left b. 11: 5. maid-servant that is left b. mill Nu. 3:23. Gershonites shall encamp b. tab. Jos. 8: 2. an ambush for the city b. it. 4. shall lie in ambush . . . b. the city 14. he knew not . . . ambush against him b. the city. Ju. 18:12. behold, it is b. Kiriath-jearim. 1 S. 21: 9. wrapped in cloth b. the ephod 30: 9. those that were left b. stayed. 10. for two hundred men stayed b. 2 S. 10: 9. battle . . . before & b. (i Ch. 19:10) 1 K. 10:19. top of throne was round b. 2 K. 2:24. he looked b., and saw them 11: 6. a third part at gate b. guard Ne. 4:13. lowest parts of space b. wall 16. rulers were b. house of Judah. Ps. 139: 5. Thou hast beset me b. & before S. S. 2: 9. Behold, he standeth b. our wall 4: I. eyes are as doves b. thy veil 3. of pomegranate B. thy veil (6:7) Is. 9:12. Syrians before & Philistines b. 57: 8. b. doors and posts hast thou set 66:17. b. one in midst, eating swine's Mk. 5:27. crowd b., touched his garment. Lu. 2:43. boy Jesus tarried b. in Jerusalem 7:38. b. at his feet, weeping, she began 1 Co. i: 7. so that ye come b. in no gift 2 Co. 4:9 (m). pursued, yet not left b. 11: 5. not a whit b. very chiefest 12:11. in nothing was I b. chiefest Ph. 3:13. forgetting things which are b. I Th. 3: I. we thought good to be left b. Re. 4: 6. creatures full of eyes before & b. Behind back I K. 14: 9. and hast cast me b. thy b. Ne. 9:26. and cast thy law b. their b. Is. 38:17. hast cast all my sins b. thy b. Eze. 23:35. forgotten me, & cast me b. thy b. Behind him Ge. 18:10. in tent door, which was b. h. 19:26. his wife looked back from b. h. 22:13. b. h. a ram caught in a thicket 1 S. 24: 8. Saul looked b. h., David bowed 2 S. 1:7. when he looked b. h., he saw me 2:20. Then Abner looked b. h., & said 23. so that the spear came out b. h. 13:34. by the way of the hill-side b. h. 2 K. 6:32. sound of his master's feet b. h.? Joe. 2:14. repent, and leave a blessing b. h. Zee. i: 8. b. h. there were horses, red, sorrel Mt. 9:20. came b. h., & touched (Lu. 8:44) Mk. 12:19. brother die, & leave a wife b. h. Behind me 2 K. 9:18. with peace? turn thee b. m. (19) Eze. 3:12. I heard b. m. voice of a great Mt. 16:23. Get thee b. m., Satan (Mk. 8:33) Re. 1:10. I heard b. m. a great voice as of Behind thee Ge. 19:17. look not b. t., neither stay thou De. 25:18. all that were feeble b. t., when Ps. 50:17. And castest my words b. t. Is. 30:21. thine ears shall hear a word b. t. Behind them Ex. 14:19. angel of God . . . removed & went b. t. of cloud removed . . . and stood b. t. Jos. 8:20. when the men of Ai looked b. t. Ju. 20:40. Benjamites looked b. t.; and 2 S. 5:23. make a circuit b. t., and come 2 Ch. 13:13. caused ambushment to come b. t. and the ambushment was b. t. 14. the battle was before & b. t. Joe. 2: 3. and b. t. a flame burneth: the land and b. t. a desolate wilderness I BEHOLD 86 BEING Ex. Nu. De. 31:51- 24: 8. 27:12. 3:27- 32:49- I S. 2:32. Jb. 12:13. 3: 9- 22:12. 34:29- 35: 5- 39:29- Ps. 11: 4- BEHOLD (I behold, May behold, Shall behold, They behold. To behold, Ye behold) Ge. 12:19. b. thy wL*'e, take her, and go B. this heap,