E462 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 00005^7177'^ ff.\o' r.%- '^^<.*° o , » - ,6^ I ' ^^'\ '\ - -^ ^o..*^t:t*'a _ .^^ «v . « • • - <:, ^^^ ••^^'A «?► v-v '-- A^ -,.« **•- ♦^ ^* ^ ftV . • • ^ **>, T^FFICIAL ROSTER Department ^ Colorado and Wyoming j^ Grand c4rmy of the Republic Embracing a Digest of the History, Organization and Growth of the GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC LADIES OF THE GRAND ARMY WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS cAND LOYAL LEGION \ COPYRIGHTED, 1910. BY W. E. MOSES. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. C,CU278223 PREFACE 'N THE preparation of this Roster, much credit is due General W. W. Ferguson, Commander of the Depart- ment of Colorado and Wyoming, and also Col. T. J. Fcote, Assistant Adjutant General, who have devoted much time and work in collecting data for this Roster. To Col. J. Henry Holcolmb, Custodian of Records, Head- quarters Grand Army of the Republic, Philadelphia, we are in- debted for copies of General orders, establishing this Department. Co). James C. Veatch and Col. Ezra B. Gregg, formerly of Lincoln Post No. 4, both of whom now reside in Washington, D. C, have also rendered valuable service in searching the records in the Capital City, obtaining the most authentic history of the Grand Army of the Republic to be found in print. Much time and money has been spent in collecting reliable data, and it is be- lieved the best that has been written by recognized authorities in G. A. R. circles has been codified into this history in a manner that will meet with your approval. Mrs. Ruth E. Foote, Denver, Past National President of the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, has kindly furnished a brief synopsis of the organiza- tion and growth of that Order. Mrs. Lucy B. Capron for many years a resident of Denver, but now residing in Chicago, one of the brightest members of the Woman's Relief Corps of this De- partment, has supplied a valuable History of its origin and growth. This Roster is the outgrowth of my Corps Badge Calendar published in 1905 and 1907, and distributed to Comrades attend- ing the National Encampments at Denver and Minneapolis. The price of this Roster is the same as that asked for my calendar, viz: one copy free to every member of the Grand Army of the Republic who is identified with any Post in the Department of Colorado and Wyoming, whose name appears in this Roster. Extra copies will be furnished while they last, at $1.00 per copy, cash to accompany the order. It has been the aim in its preparation to present to you a Roster and history of sufllcient interest to cause you to retain and not destroy or cast it aside. Yours in F. C. & L., W. E. MOSES, Jacobson Building, Denver, Colorado. OBJECTS AND WORK of the GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC 1. To preserve and strengthen those kind and fraternal feelings which bind together the soldiers, sailors and marines who united to suppress the late Rebellion, and to perpetuate the memory and history of the dead. 2. To assist such former comrades in arms as need help and pro- tection, and to extend needful aid to the widows and orphans of those who have fallen. 3. To maintain true allegiance to the United States of America, based upon a permanent respect for, and fidelity to, its Constitution and Laws; to discountenance whatever tends to weaken loyalty, in- cites to insurrection, treason or rebellion, or in any manner impairs the efficiency and permanency of our free institutions; and to encour- age the spread of universal liberty, equal rights and justice to all men. Among human institutions, the Grand Army of the Republic is unique, in that it is an expression of the highest form of comradeship known among men. This was to be expected from men engaged in a war unparalleled in history, a struggle that called men from every walk of life alone through love of principle, and that developed all the better elements of character, manhood was tested as never before; unflinching courage, tenacity of purpose, tender solicitude for their stricken comrades, un- complaining obedience to orders, knit men's souls as never before, and that this bond of brotherhood should be carried into civil life, was in- evitable. As a matter of fact, societies were formed during service days; the Third Army Corps Union tracing its origin to a meeting held in March, 1862, and the Society of the Army of the Tennessee, which or- ganized at Raleigh, N. C, April 15, 1865. The latter association was the true forerunner cf the Grand Army of the Republic, as will be seen in a statement of its objects, viz: "The purpose of this Society is to keep and preserve that kindly and cordial feeling which has been one of the characteristics of this Army during its career in the service, and which has given it such harmony in ac- tion, and contributed in no small degree to its glorious achievements in our country's cause. The fame and glory of all officers belonging to this Army who have fallen, either upon the field of battle, or in the line of their duty, shall be a sacred trust to this Society, which shall cause memorials of their services to be collected and preserved, and thus transmit their names with honor to posterity. The families of all offi- cers who shall be in indigent circumstances will have a claim upon the generosity of the Societj^ and will be relieved by the voluntary contri- butions of its members, whenever brought to their attention. In like manner the suffering families of those officers who may hereafter be stricken by death, shall be a trust in the hands of the survivors." All of the essential principles of the G. A. R. are embraced in this notable declaration. Immediately succeeding the close of the war, hundreds of unions, leagues and alliances sprang into existence, with the one object of pre- serving Army memories. The earliest movement looking to a union of all veterans origi- nated at Indianapolis, Indiana. At a meeting held on November 14, 1865, a call was issued for a state convention of soldiers, to meet on December 1st following, to consider plans of an Order, looking to the welfare of the veterans of the war. This convention, however, failing to agree upon a basis of membership, adjourned for one year. The originators of the movement (known as the "Army Union"), determined to continue the good work, and sub-unions were soon estab- lished in various sections of the State. Governor Morton, hearing of the order, sent for General Foster, one of the leading spirits in the movement, and questioned him regarding its objects and prospects, and, realizing its importance as an order calculated to benefit veterans, promised hearty support. Some time during the spring or early summer. Governor Morton, hearing of a similar movement in Illinois, requested General Foster to visit Springfield and inquire as to its objects. He met Dr. B. F. Ste- phenson, late Surgeon 14th Regiment, Illinois Infantry, who outlined his plan which so favorably impressed General Foster, that he at once took the obligation, received a copy of a constitution and ritual, and upon returning to Indianapolis, obligated ten comrades. He at once proceeded with the printing of supplies, and the fol- lowing items will show his earnestness in pushing organization: 3,000 Constitutions, 500 Charters, 1,000 additional work, early copies of which were sent to Dr. Stephenson at his request, for use in Illinois. The activity of Indianians having been thus set forth, it will be proper to briefly review the progress of the order in Illinois. Beath, on page 33 of his history, tells us: "That Chaplain W. I Rutledge of the 14th Illinois Volunteers, while still in service, conceived the plan of a soldiers' union to follow the close of the war; that he often talked with Dr. Stephenson regarding the project, and after his return from the war, corresponded with, and at times talked with the Doctor as to the steps necessary to its con- summation; that some time during the winter of 1865, or early spring of 1866, Dr. Stephenson requested Chaplain Rutledge to prepare a draft of a constitution and ritual, and the same was presented to and ac- cepted by the Doctor." That it was the basis of the contemplated order (as yet without a title), is evidenced from the fact that it was used in obligating comrades in Illinois, in Indiana and Kentucky. Doctor Stephenson also enlisted the support of many veterans, one of whom, a Captain Phelps, obtained from the Soldiers' and Sailors' Alliance of St. Louis 8 a copy of a ritual, portions of which were incorporated into the orig- inal ritual of the order. Later in the spring of 1866, Dr. Stephenson submitted his plans to Governor Oglesby, of Illinois, and was advised to visit a certain firm of veterans in Decatur and arrange for the printing of supplies. While this printing was not immediately proceeded with, it led up to the re- quest of certain Decatur comrades for verbal authority to organize Post No. 1, the Post of Honor of the G. A. R. The date of this formation is given as April 6, 1866. That a form of constitution and ritual had not as yet been agreed upon is evident from the fact that on April 18th, and again on April 29th, 1866, requests were sent to this Post, for the appointment of a committee to submit plans of a constitution and ritual for the new Order. Their report was placed in the hands of Dr. Stephenson on May 9th, and on May 15th, 1866, was reported back to the Post as ac- cepted. Any conclusion regarding Grand Army history must of necessity hinge upon the Springfield, Illinois, Convention, as both Dr. Stephen- son and Gen. Beath trace the foundation of the Order to this meeting. A proper understanding of the cause of the call and nature of the pro- ceedings is therefore essential. It is to be remembered that up to this time the movement had received but little encouragement; that while more than 30 Posts had received provisional charters, no effort had been made to organize a Department. We must therefore assume that in the opinion of its friends, the only hope of ultimate success depended upon publicity of its plans, and hope of a general recognition of its objects. A state convention promised both. It would appear to us, looking back upon the movement from our day, that the call should have come from Grand Army Posts, and in accordance with the Constitution of the Order, but such was not the case. Death's history tells us: "The Constitution prescribed that the state organization should be composed of one delegate from each dis- trict in the department." (This would allow 38 authorized G. A. R. delegates.) It was not deemed judicious to organize a department on that basis, and therefore a call for a general convention was issued over the names of prominent veterans, to better secure the presence of a larger number, who could be informed as to the objects of the Order, instructed in its work, and thus become more directly interested in the formation of Posts. Judging from the wording of the call, Dr. Stephenson, at least, looked upon it as a Grand Army gathering. But his advisers thought it proper to have the call go out over the signatures of prominent sol- diers, none of whom, so far as we can learn, were members of the Order. The call was sent out on June 26th, 1866, and the first paragraph reads: "A convention of the G. A. R., and Illinois soldiers and sailors, will be held in the hall of the House of Representatives a.t Springfield, [11., on Thursday, July 12th, 1866." This call was signed by General J. 9 M. Palmer (still in the service), Dr. B. F. Stephenson, and about fifty prominent veterans of the state. Dr. Stephenson called the convention to order, appointed a com- mittee on organization, who reported as temporary chairman General W. B. Scates, of Chicago, and the convention proceeded to business. Our information of the proceedings is very brief; beyond the fact that General Hurlbut introduced several resolutions, recognizing and commending the Order, v^^e are in ignorance of its actions. Of this, however, we are assured that the convention did not act according to the Constitution, as it elected General J. M. Palmer as its permanent President (not Department Commander) ; elected a Secretary (not an Adjutant General) ; and there is no evidence that the new officers con- sidei'ed themselves as qualified to act as Department officials. Certain it is that Dr, Stephenson ignored them, assumed the title of Com- mander in Chief, and authority to issue charters, organize Posts, and transact all business pertaining to the Department. In Dr. Stephenson's report as Adjutant General, before the Second National Encampment, he makes the following reference to the Spring- field convention: "Early in the spring of 1866, a few patriots, deeply feeling the importance of some form of union of veterans, — met at Springfield on July 12th, and then and there formed the nucleus of a grand organization, the influence of which should extend through every state and territory." We have but little knowledge of the progress of the work in Illi- nois during the remaining months of 1866. They were not represented at Pittsburg; sent but 34 delegates to the First National Encampment, and made no official report to the Second National Encampment. True, Dr. Stephenson continued to act as Commander in Chief, but neither the Springfield convention nor the First National Encampment recog- nized or conferred such authority. By tacit consent his services were acknowledged, and his assumed command not disputed. It will now be proper to turn our attention to Indiana. Upon the return of General Foster from Springfield, probably early in July, 1866, he at once called a meeting of comrades, laid the plans of the Order before them, gave them the same obligation he had taken, and con- stituting them charter members of the Department, began active work in its organization. He was chosen as Department Commander and immediately appointed twenty comrades to visit various sections of the state and organize Posts. Enlistments followed rapidly, in many cases the obligation only was given, the muster following later. Upon the visit of Governor Oglesby to Indianapolis on August 22, 1866, 1,000 G. A. R. comrades turned out to welcome him. General Foster established Department Headquarters and issued Order No. 1. Having organized our state department, General Foster conferred with Dr. Stephenson regarding printing, and a badge, and as to whether it was advisable to push the Order beyond the limits of our own state. Letters had come from different parts of the country, inquiring about the Grand Army, how they could organize it, etc. 10 An unexpected event paved the way for a national organization. A growing suspicion that President Johnson favored a revolutionary movement of some kind, aroused veterans throughout the land. Con- certed actioj among the late defenders of the country was looked upon as a necessity, hence the call for a convention of the various soldiei unions to meet at Pittsburg on September 25th, 1866. ■ Governor Morton, with the sagacity of a true general, grasped the full import of the opportunity for a nation-wide extension of the Order, and vigorously urged the Indiana members to attend as an organized body of the G. A. R. Department Commander Foster sent out a general order on Sep- tember 12, 1866, to the various Posts, urging them to meet their late comrades in arms from other sections of the country, and responses came from 138 Posts. That the Pittsburg convention furnished the opportunity, and the Hoosier boys the enthusiasm necessary to nationalize the Order, cannot be questioned. The Indianians were everywhere in evidence. The Mayor of Pittsburg welcomed them as the Boys in Blue. They estab- lished headquarters, and soon succeeded in enlisting and obligating a great number of veterans, among whom were Gen. Hartranft, of Penn- sylvania; Gen. Devens, of Massachusetts; Gen. McKeon, of New York; Gen. Wolcott, of Ohio; Col. Lubey, of the District of Columbia, and also Gen. Beath, of Philadelphia. The various departments grew so rapidly that a National Encamp- ment was called for, and the Department of Indiana was urged to issue the call. After consideration, it was deemed proper to consult with Dr. Stephenson. He heartily favored the movement, and suggested Indian- apolis as the proper place for the meeting. This furnished the occasion for the issuance of his celebrated Order No. 13, which has so long puzzled Grand Army comrades. It reads: "Springfield, 111., October 31, 1866. "A National Convention of the G. A. R. is hereby ordered to con- vene at Indianapolis, Ind., at 10:00 a. m. on November 10th next, for the purpose of perfecting a national organization and the transaction of such other business as may come before the convention. The ratio of representatives shall be as follows: Each Post shall be entitled to one representative, and when the membership exceeds 100, to one additional representative, and in the same ratio for every 100 or fraction thereof. All department and district officers shall be ex-officio members of said convention. All honorably discharged soldiers and sailors, and those now serv- ing in the Army, desirous of becoming members of the G. A. R., are respectfully invited to attend the convention. All comrades are requested to wear the blue with corps badges, etc. B. F. STEPHENSON, Commander-in-Chief, G. A. R., U. S. Official: J. C. WEBBER, Adjutant General Department Illinois." 11 The Encampment met, proceeded to organize, adopted a constitu- tion and ritual, and elected as its Commander-in-Chief, Gen. S. A. Hurl- but, of Illinois. The following Departments were represented: Indiana, 210 dele- gates; Illinois, 34; Ohio, 16; Missouri, 9; Wisconsin, 5; Iowa, 4; Dis- trict of Columbia, 1; Pennsylvania, 3; Kansas, 5; New York, 2; Ken- tucky, 3; Arkansas, 1. The Order was placed upon a firm and sure foundation; now had a recognized head, and a legal existence. As confirming the view that this Encampment was the true birth of the Order, the concluding paragraph of Adj. Gen. Stephenson's report to the 2nd National Encampment will be of interest. It reads: "So the First National Encampment was called to convene at In- dianapolis on the 20th day of November, 1866 — and then and there the G. A. R. received its first official recognition." That the history of the origin of the Order, as set forth in this brief outline, will be found reliable, may be verified by reference to Death's and Wilson's histories of the G. A. R., to the proceedings of the first and second National Encampments; reports of the Departments of Massachusetts and New York, and to existing records of Departments and Posts. In the absence of definite information, it is difficult, if not impos- sible, to assign to Dr. Stephenson his proper place in Grand Army his- tory. He left no private records, therefore our knowledge of his part in the formation of the Order must rest upon two general orders, his short address before the Springfield convention, and his report as Ad- jutant General before the Second National Encampment in 1868. More has been claimed for him than he ever claimed for himself. His unselfish devotion to the Order, his sincere desire for its ultimate success was to him sufficient reward. That he refused honors is well known. His modesty was only equaled by his zeal. He never, so far as we know, claimed to be the originator of the Order, but was recognized as one of its foremost supporters. By tacit consent, all measures looking to the welfare of the Order were sub- mitted to him for approval, and his wishes always respected. In conclusion, we are warranted in the general statement, that Chaplain W. J. Rutledge of the 14th Regiment, Illinois Infantry, con- ceived and worked out the plan of the Order, that Dr. Stephenson gave it his hearty indorsement, and through his attracting the attention of veterans prepared the field for the final consummation of the work. But to Indiana must be granted the actual credit of organization, and that, principally, through the earnest support of Governor Morton, than whom the North had no more loyal supporter, the old soldier no more devoted friend. The official Grand Army badge consists of a miniature strap and ribbon showing the national flag, from which is hung the brass star of the membership badge. This star shows a medallion, on which in relief are a soldier and sailor clasping hands in front of a figure representing "Liberty," while in the foreground are two freemen; the entire design being supported on the sides by the national banner. To this organiza- 12 tion is due the establishment of Memorial Day on May 30th of every year. The Grand Army has been active in the care and education of the orphans of deceased comrades, and in the establishment of sol- dier's homes. The membership of the Grand Army of the Republic, as shown by the Atlantic City i-eports, approximates 222,720 Comrades. Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic. The Order of Nobility. The Grand Army of the Republic is a unique organization. No child can be born into it; no proclamation of President, King or Czar can command admission; no university of learning can issue a diploma be- stowing membership in the Order; no act of Congress or Parliament can ever secure its recognition. The wealth of a Gould, Vanderbilt or Carnegie cannot buy its privileges or purchase its honors. Its doors swing open only upon the presentation of a faded piece of paper, worn and begrimed with the passing years, which certifies to an honorable discharge from the armies or navies of the United States during the War of the Rebellion. Unlike any other association, no new blood can ever come in to rejuvenate it; there are no waiting ranks from which recruits can be drawn to supply its vacant places. Its lines are surely and swiftly growing thinner. The steady tramp of its once long and intrepid col- umns is sounding every year more faint. The gaps in the picket lines are becoming ever wider. Day by day details are made from the re- serve into the shadowy regions, to return and touch elbows no more, and amid the infinite years the time is but brief when a solitary sen- tinel shall stand guard, waiting for the bugle call to muster out the last comrade of the Grand Army of the Republic. History of the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic. The first organization of women affiliated with the Grand Army of the Republic had its birth in Portland, Maine, in 1869. Its member- ship was limited to the mothers, wives, daughters and sisters of hon- orably discharged Soldiers and Sailors who had served the Nation dur- ing the War of the Rebellion. During the next few years many similar Orders were formed in dif- ferent states of the Union, all of them auxiliary in spirit to the Grand Army, and each of them devoted to forwarding the work of that heroic band. These various societies were known by various names, but in all the fifteen or more states in which they existed only the mothers, wives, daughters, sisters and nieces in the direct line of Union Soldiers and Sailors were admitted to the privileges and duties of the organiza- tion. Then in July, 1883, at the Seventeenth National Encampment of the G. A. R., in Denver, an effort was made to unite these various patri- otic organizations. The Women's Relief Corps was the result of this movement. 13 Most unfcrtunately, in the opinion of many thoughtful women of the original societies, the new Order, desiring to increase its membership and revenues, proceeded to throw open its doers to "all loyal women of good moral character." Many thousands of those who had been most active in creating the parent organizations, and who had been untiring in their efforts to establish a national Order, felt that this new departure was really a subversion of the principles for which they had so long labored. They therefore stood firm in their objection to this radical departure and formed the Order known as the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Re- public, an Order which is identical in everything except name with that first organization formed in Maine in 1S69. Their patent of nobility is written in the blood of heroes. Woman's Relief Corps — History and Growth — Its Organization. During the progress of the War of the Rebellion, from 1861 to 1C65, the patriotic and loyal women of the North were deeply impressed with the necessity for active measures in the way of relief for sick and wounded soldiers, in addition to what could be furnished by the Government through the regular channels, and also for the care of lamilies rendered destitute by the death or absence in the army of those upon whom they were dependent. It soon became apparent that in a work of such magnitude satisfactory results could not be obtained through individual effort and many societies were organized by loyal women under the names of Sanitary Commission, Loyal League Relief Societies and Corps, through which an immense amount of good was accomplished in alleviating the suffering of sick and wounded soldiers and in relieving the necessities of their families. The close of the war did not terminate the demand for these paLri otic and charitable services, and many of the organizations continued ihe work of relief for disabled soldiers and their families, and also ior the families of thoss who had given their lives to the service of their country. After the organization of the Grand Army of the Republic many of these relief organizations became auxiliary to the Grand Army Posts in their vicinities under the name of Relief Corps, but while it was generally recognized that the usefulness and influence of the Corps would be greatly increased by creating National and State organiza- tion similar to those of the Grand Army, no definite action was taken in that direction until 1S79, when at Fitchhurg, Mass., a meeting of delegates from the Corps of that State was held and a State organiza- tion was effected, under the name of The Women's Relief Corps, Aux- iliary to the Grand Army of the Republic. In 18S0 the Relief Corps of New Hampshire united with those of Massachusetts in the formation of a Union Board, composed of the State Officers of both States. In 18S3, Paul Van Der Voort, Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, in response to a resolution of the Relief Corps of Massachusetts, in convention assembled, issued invitations to all the Relief Corps in the United States to send delegates to a meeting or 14 convention to be held siraultaneouyly with the National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic at Denver, Colorado, on the 25th and 26th of July, 1883, for the purpose of organizing a National Order cf the Women's Relief Corps. To this invitation of the Commander, twenty-six organizations, representing sixteen States, responded, and on July 26, 1883, the National Organization of the Women's Relief Corps was effected, and on the same day, by resolution of the Grand Army in National Encampment, was duly approved and recognized as Auxiliary to the Grand Army. The first National Officers were: National President, Mrs. E. Florence Baker Walden, Mass. National Sen. Vice-President, Mrs. Kate B. Sherwood. .. .Toledo, Ohio National Jr. Vice-President, Mrs. E. K. Stimson Denver, Colo. National Secretary, Mrs. Sarah E. Fuller East Boston, Mass. National Treasurer, Mrs. Lisbeth A. Turner Boston, Mass. National Inspector, Mrs. Emily Gardner Denver, Colo. National Chaplain, Mrs. Mattie B. Moulton Laconia, N. H. National Conductor, Mrs. P. S. Runyon Warsaw, Ind. National Guard, Mrs. J. W. Beatson Rockford, 111. National Corresponding Secretaries — Mrs. M. J. Telford Denver, Colo. Mrs. Ellen Pay Topeka, Kan. One of the most important questions which came before the con- vention was that of eligibility to membership in the Order — whether membership should be limited to relatives of soldiers who had been mustered into U. S. Service or should be extended to include all loyal women. A majority of delegates present were in favor of admitting loyal women, but in the interest of harmony the matter was left until the meeting of the next convention to the discretion of Departments. At the Second National Convention held July 22, 1884, at Minneap- olis, Minn., the question of eligibility was again taken up and earnestly discussed, with the result that the resolution admitting loyal women to membership was adopted by a vote of 76 for and 7 against. The efficient and unselfish work of loyal women in the Order has demon- strated the wisdom of this decision. The plan of the organization of the Relief Corps conforms closely to that of the Grand Army, the National or Central body being com- posed of delegates elected by the Department Conventions, which are likewise composed of delegates elected by the several Corps — and has proven so satisfactory and efficient that the membership, influence and usefulness of the Order have rapidly increased, until it has become one of the largest and most efficient charity organizations in existence. In 1883 there were 76 Corps, with a membership of 3,756. The report of the National Secretary to the Convention held at Toledo, Ohio, September 2, 1908, shows the number of Corps to be 3,119, with a membership of 133,283. This report also shows that the total amount expended by the Order for relief of soldiers and their families, for aid to Posts of the G. A. R. for Memorial Day observance and other kindred charities was $3,429,215.71. 15 This immense sum of money represents only a part of tlie benefi- cent work of the Order, and it is impossible to estimate the amount of good accomplished by the members of the Order in distributing these charities and in otherwise aiding and encouraging their sick and des- titute beneficiaries. The Woman's Relief Corps has always maintained) a high stand- ard of excellence in the character of its membership and for discrimi- nating and judicious use of its charitable funds, and there is probably no charitable Order or Association which stands higher in the respect ind esteem of the people of the United States. To the Grand Army of the Republic it has been a constant and efficient friend and supporter, and to the sick and destitute soldiers md their families, a ministering angel. The Order is "quasi" secret, and only members are admitted to its meetings. All loyal women of good character are eligible to mem- bership through application in writing, approved by two members of the Order. National Military Homes. State. City. Branch. California Soldiers' Home, Los Angeles. Pacific Branch. Indiana National Military Home, Grant County Marion Branch. Illinois Danville Danville Branch. Kansas National Military Home, Leavenworth Western Branch. Maine Togus Eastern Branch. Ohio National Military Home, Montgomery Central Branch. South Dakota. .Hot Springs Battle Mountain Sanitarium. Tennessee. . . . National Military Home, Washington Mountain Branch. Virginia National Military Home, Elizabeth City Southern Branch. Wisconsin National Home, Milwaukee. .Northwestern Branch. Applicants should send in their Army Discharge or a Certificate of Service, Pension Certificate and Voucher showing service in the Fed- eral Army between 1861 and 186G. Applicants should state if ever a member of any National Home. All communications should be addressed to Governor of National Military Home applicant wishes to enter, and if eligible proper blanks will be sent him. The United States Soldiers* Home, Washington, D. C. Under the Laws and Regulations, the following persons may be admitted to the Soldiers' Home in the District of Columbia: 1st. Soldiers of twenty or more years' service. 16 2d. Soldiers who served in the Regular Army and who are dis- abled by wounds, injuries, or disease incurred in the line of duty. 3d. Soldiers of the Regular Army who served in the field in any war and are disabled from earning a livelihood. Transportation is not furnished, except in special cases of pen- sioners, when the cost thereof must be refunded from the pension of the beneficiary. Address all communications to BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOLDIERS' HOME, Room 219, War Department, Washington, D. C. State Soldiers* and Sailors* Homes. State. City. California Yountsville. Colorado Monte Vista. Idaho Boise City. Illinois Quincy. Indiana Lafayette. Iowa Marshalltown. Kansas Dodge City. Massachusetts Chelsea. Michigan Grand Rapids. Missouri St. James. Nebraska Grand Island and Milford. New Hampshire Tilton. New Jersey Newark. New York Oxford and Bath. North Dakota Lisbon. Ohio Sandusky. Oregon Roseberg. Rhode Island Bristol. South Dakota Hot Springs. Vermont Bennington. Wisconsin Waupaca. The following rules for admission to a State Soldiers' and Sailors' Home are announced for the information and guidance of Soldiers who desire to enter a Home: First — The applicant mi:st file in the Commander's office of the Home he wishes to enter a regular application, properly filled out, sworn to and duly attested. ■ Second — All applicants will be required to thoroughly understand and comply with the conditions as set forth in the application, and to his willingness to abide by and obey the rules of the Home. Third — -Where applicants have been discharged from other homes fcr cause, the name of the Home and date must be given and the cause fully explained. Fourth — Special attention is called to the fact that a personal ap plication at the Home before a written application has been filed cannot 17 be ordinarily entertained, and all such applicants will do so at their risk and expense for board and maintenance until a vacancy occurs. Transportation — When an applicant is accepted an order for a half- rate railroad fare will be sent to him and he will be expected to come at once, or if any delay is necessary he will immediately inform the Commander by letter; and any failure to do so for thirty days after the receipt of the order will vacate his right, and he will be required to make a new application if he desires to enter the Home. Application blanks may be had by addressing the Commander of the Home applicants desire to enter. War commenced April 15, 1861, and ended August 20, 1866. Enlistments. Recruiting for white regiments discontinued in the loyal States April 13, 1865. Recruiting in colored regiments discontinued August 20, 1866. Department of Colorado and Wyoming. This Department was established by General Orders No. 18, issued by Gen. John A. Logan, Commander in Chief, dated Nov. 14th, 1868, and was organized with Dr. F. J. Bancroft, Denver, Colo., Provisional Com- mander, embracing Colorado and Wyoming. Department Commander Bancroft struggled valiantly to maintain the organization, until the year 1875. On January 28th, 1875, the De- partment of Colorado and Wyoming was re-named by General Orders No. 9, issued by Charles Devens, Jr., Commander in Chief, as a new Provisional Department embracing Colorado, Wyoming and Utah, to be known as the "Mountain Department," with Comrade Andrew Tay- lor, Fort Sanders, Wyoming Ter., Department Commander. For five years Department Commander Taylor labored and struggled with 134 Comrades in his Department, to maintain the Provisional Department, and he "made good." On April 23rd, 1880, by General Orders No. 10, Commander in Chief William Earnshaw announced the organization of the "Depart- ment of the Mountains," with Comrade J. E. Donnelan, Laramie City, Wyo., Department Commander. At Omaha, July 31, 1882, Paul Van Der Voort, Commander in Chief, through General Orders No. 3, announced the change in name to the "DEPARTMENT OF COLORADO AND WYOMING." Very little progress was made until 1883. The convening of the National Encampment at Denver that year seemed to stimulate and kindle in the breasts of our Comrades a spirit of Fraternalism, and thereafter recruits reported at the Out Posts in a satisfactory manner. 18 The Department today enjoys the distinction of having maintained a position among the foremost Departments of the Grand Army of the Republic, and embraces 65 posts, with an enrolled membership of approximately three thousand Comrades. Headquarters Grand Army of the Republic, Washington, D. C, Nov. 14, 1868. General Orders No. 18. I. The Territories of Colorado and Wyoming are hereby consti- tuted a Department of the Grand Army of the Republic, and w^ill be known as the Department of Colorado. II. Comrade F. J. Bancroft is hereby appointed Provisional Com- mander of the Department of Colorado, with headquarters at Denver City. He will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By Order of JOHN A. LOGAN, Commander in Chief. N. P. CHIPMAN, Adjutant General. Headquarters Grand Army of the Republic, Boston, Jan. 28, 1875. General Orders No. 9. 1. The Provisional Department of Colorado and Wyoming is hereby discontinued, and all officers of said Department serving by ap- pointment from these Headquarters are hereby relieved of duty, and will transmit at once to the Adjutant General the records of the De- partment, as well as all rituals in their possession. A new Provisional Department, to embrace the Territories of Colorado, Wyoming and Utah, to be known as the Mountain Department, is hereby created, and Comrade Andrew Taylor of the Post at Fort Sanders, W. T., is hereby appointed Department Commander, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By Order of CHARLES DEVENS, JR., Commander in Chief. HENRY R. SIBLEY, Adjutant General. Headquarters Grand Army of the Republic, National Soldiers' Home, Dayton, Ohio, Nov. 12, 1879. General Orders No. 5. II. There being at this time eight Posts in the Provisional Depart- ment of the Mountains, the Assistant Adjutant General, Comrade J. H. Rust, will at once direct the Post Commanders to order an election of Delegates to meet at the most convenient place for all, for the purpose of the organization of a permanent Department by the election of of- ficers, etc. By Command of WILLIAM EARNSHAW, Commander in Chief. ISAAC B. STEVENS, Adjutant General. 19 Headquarters Grand Army of the Republic, National Soldiers' Home, Dayton, Ohio, April 23, 1880. General Orders No. 10. 1. The organization of the Department of the Mountains, Grand Army of the Republic, is hereby announced. Comrade J. W. Donnelan, Department Commander, and Charles W. Spalding, Adjutant General. Headquarters at Laramie City. By Command of WILLIAM EARNSHAW, Commander in Chief. ISAAC B. STEVENS, Adjutant General. Headquarters Grand Army of the Republic, Omaha, Neb., July 31, 1882. General Orders No. 3. III. The Department heretofore known as the Department of the Mountains is hereby changed to the Department of Colorado, with Headquarters at Denver. New Mexico and Wyoming Territories are added to this Department. By Order cf PAUL VAN DER VOORT, Commander in Chief. F. E. BROWN, Adjutant General. Note. — General Orders No. 3 is copied verbatim. It is evident that an error was made by the Adjutant General who transcribed it, as there is no doubt but the name was changed to the DEPARTMENT OF COLORADO AND WYOMING. ADDENDA. T^e report of the Adjutant General to the 44th National Encamp- ment at Atlantic City, N. J., dated September 19-24, 1910, contains the fcllowing: "Cclcrado and Wyoming, organized as the Department of the Mountains, December 11, 1879; name changed to Colorado, July 31, 1882; name changed to Colorado and Wyoming, August 28, 1889." Department Officers, 19 JO. No. 1. Department Commander — W. W. Ferguson, Denver, Colo. Senior Vice Commander — W. H. McDonald, Grand Junction, Colo. Junior Vice Commander — R. E. Fitch, Laramie, Wyo. Department Chaplain — S. P. Smith, Denver, Colo. Medical Director — Dr. F. O. Burdick, Boulder, Colo. •20 Council of Administration. \V. H. Rogers, Post No. 85, Denver, Colo. John R. Curley, Post No. 9, Leadville, Colo. J. Jewell, Post No. 8, Pueblo, Colo. George Young, Post No. 23, Evans, Colo. W. H. Comstock, Pest No. 14, Denver, Colo. Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General — T. J. Foote, Den- ver, Colo. No. 2. Judge Advocate — J. J. Jewell. Pueblo, Colo. Patriotic Instructor — John Grass, M. D., Trinidad, Colo. Department Inspector — W. H. Comstock, Denver, Colo. Chief Mustering Officer— J. G. Holl3nbeck, Salida, Colo. Chief of Staff — James H. Mcser, Denver. Senior Aide-de-Camp — J. S. Fritz, Denver. Color Bearer — E. B. Thomas, Littleton, Colo. Department Bugler — Louis GiUet, Denver. Aides-de-Camp — A. H. Butts, Post No. 7: Chas. H. Frye, Post No. 14; W. E. Moses, Pest No. 14; S. D. Karns, Pest No. 70; Price Johnscn, Pest No. 85. Inspector — J. D. Mandeville, Post No. 7. Lincoln's Speech at Getty sburgf November I9ih, J863. Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endrre. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have ccme to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But in a larger sense we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hsllow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who strug.^l^d here, have consecrated it far above our power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished wcrk which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining be- fore us, that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion; that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall net perish from the earth. 21 The following- are the Rosters of the Various Grand Army Posts in the Department of Colorado and Wyoming': Roster of Custer Post No. J, G. A. R,, Laramie, Wyo. JNIeetings Every Second Monday Evening. Amos, Isaac .Pri., B, 3rd Iowa Cav., Laramie, Wyo. Barnes, L. S Pri,, C, 4th Oliio Inf., Durango, Colo. Bartlett, Levi S Pri., A, 77tli III. Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Bath, Henry Pri., B, 5th N. Y. Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Bath, Theodore Pri., B, 45th N. Y. Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Bennett, John W Pri., E, 21st Mo. Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Betts, John C Seaman, U. S. Navy, Laramie, Wyo. Brandis, W. L Pri., B, 15th 111. Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Brown, Geo. R Pri., A, 12th Iowa Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Brownlee, S. S Pri., K, 40th Ky. Inf., Walden, Colo. Bruce, P. H Pri., 15th N. Y. Eng., Laramie, Wyo. Butler, John Pri., G, 11th Pa. Cav., Hanna, Wyo. Butler, Richard Pri., D, 29th Wis. Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Byers, Geo. P Pri., G, 31st Iowa Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Carey, T. F Pri., F, 12th U. S. Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Case, Wm. W Pri., B, 16th Conn. Inf , Texas Colby, Wm. W Pri., I, SSth Ind. Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Cook, B. F Pri., F, 13th Iowa Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Cook, Jabez Pri., K, 11th 111. Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Cook, Theodore L Pri., 19th Mass., Unattached, Walden, Colo. Corey, E. G Pri., G, 2nd Minn. Cav., Laramie, Wyo. Crawford, S. A Pri., K, 53rd Ky. Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Crumrine, Eli Mus., B, S5th Pa. Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Deflin, Felix Pri., U. S. Marines, Laramie, Wyo. Donnellan, John W Com. O, C, 83rd Ohio Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Fitch, Robt. E...Pri., G, 14th Iowa Inf., Pri., C, 132 111 Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Foster, Luther Pri., L, 3rd Iowa Cav N. M. Fox, George W Pri., H, 147th Ohio Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Gardner, W. R Pri., B, 4Sth Pa. Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Gaskill, E. F Pri., G, 34th N. J. Art., Laramie, Wyo. Haley, Ora Pri., A, Me. Home Guard, Laramie, Wyo. Hall, Robert _. .Pri., D, 21st N. Y. Cav., Laramie, Wyo. Heath, Wm. A Pri., G, Berdan's S. S., Laramie, Wyo. Hogbin, A. C Pri., E, 40th Wis. Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Holliday, E. C Pri., G, 135th 111. Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Houston, Chas. L Pri., G, 191st Ohio Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Howell, Wm Pri., I, 1st Tenn. Cav., Jelm, Wyo. Hughes, Wm Pri., A, 129th 111. Inf., Laramie. Wyo. Hunt, S. D Pri., A, 6th Mich. Inf.. Cheyenne, Wyo. Jones, Edgar (colored) ... .Pri., D, 106th U. S. Colored Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Kerns, Edward Pri., F, 76th Ohio Inf., Salt Lake, Utah Landis, David R Pri., F, 26th Pa. Militia, Laramie, Wyo. Lewis, John Pri., I, 36th Ohio Inf., Rock River, Wyo. Logan, Terrance Pri., H, 9th Conn. Inf , Texas Mann, W. M Pri., C, 22nd Iowa Inf., Salt Lake, Utah Mason, John Pri., C, 86th 111. Inf., Saratoga, "Wyo. Mast, John Pri., H, 65th 111. Inf., Laramie, Wyo. McFadden, F. D Pri., I, 104th 111. Inf., Morgan, Wyo. Miller, Andrew Pri., L, 1st Iowa Cav., Arvada, Colo. Moore, James R Pri., F, 128th Ind. Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Murphy, P. G Pri., D, 67th Ohio Inf Wash. A. Nungesser (Halliwix) Pri., B, 4th Ky. Cav., Laramie, Wyo. Parker, N. E Pri., D, 45th Ky. Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Phillips, Chas. F Pri., K, 13th 111. Cav., Calif. Pingree, Geo. W Pri., C, 1st Colo. Cav., Laramie, Wyo. Pollock, J. E Pri., K, 47th Wis. Inf., Jelm, Wyo. Pope, Alexander Pri., B, 22nd Wis. Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Pope, Chas. I Pri., C, 19th Mich. Inf., , Mich. Reals, Chas. A Pri., F, 3rd N. Y. L. Art., Laramie, Wyo. Richards, E. M Pri., B, 153rd Ind. Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Richardson, John Pri., B, 14th Kan. Cav., Laramie, Wyo. Richardson, Wm Pri., H, 13th Kan. Inf.. Laramie, Wyo. Robinson, Henry A Pri., E, 75th ID. Inf., Ft. Collins, Colo. Seneff, Albert Pri., I, 52nd Pa. Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Snow, E. S Pri., C, 60th Ohio Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Sodegreen, Chas. F Pri., D, 111th Pa. Inf., Laramie, Wj'o. Spafford, W. H...Pri., F, 7th Ohio Inf., Pri., A, 1st Ohio Art., Laramie, Wyo. Stearns, John J Pri., F, 12th Iowa Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Stewart, Wm. W Pri., I, 135th Pa. Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Stitzer, Frank A Pri., H, 25th Pa. Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Strous, John P Pri., K, 127th Pa. Inf., Morgan, Wyo. Trees, Daniel C Pri., H, 144th Ind. Inf., Tie Siding, Wyo. Ulen, M. T Pri., B, 143rd 111. Inf., Laramie, Wyo. Waechter, August Pri., D, 3rd N. J. Cav., Laramie, Wyo. Wagner, Henry. Pri., C, 4th U. S. Res., Pri., A, 1st Ohio Nat. Guard, Denver Weaver, Noah Pri., K. 25th Mich. Inf Calif. Webb, John Pri., L, 3rd Iowa Cav., Laramie, Wyo. Webber, J. W Pri., H, 39th Ohio Inf., Ogden, Utah Welton, Henry Pri., D, 7th Wis. Inf., Saratoga, Wyo. Wolcott, Frank.. 1st Lieut., B, 2nd Ohio Inf., Major, 20th Ky. Inf., Laramie Wright, Wm Pri., E, 18th 111. Inf., Laramie, Wyo. 22 Roster of T. H. Dodd Post No. 3, G, A. R„ Golden, Colo. Meetings Every Second and Fourth Thursday Evening, 8 P. M. Abbott, Samuel L Pri., Ind. Colo. Bat'y, Golden Albertson, J. H Sgt., M, 20th N. Y. Cav., Golden Anderson, Andrew P Pri., G, 47th 111. Inf., Golden Arnold, George R Pri., L, 16th Kan. Cav., Golden Babcock, J. D Pri., C, 2nd 111. Lgt. Art., Morrison Castor, W. S Pri., B, 126th 111. Inf., Golden Cilley, Geo. W Corp., I, 2nd N. H. Inf., Golden Cilley, James A Pri., F, ISth N. H. Inf., Soldiers' Home, Monte Cunningham, F. M Pri., E, 55th Ky. Inf., Golden Eldridge, Samuel Mate, N. Atlantic Squadron, Golden Erwin, S. V Pri., E, 65th 111. Inf., Golden Gorham, C. H Pri., E, 60th Mass. Inf., Golden Hall, Ira D Pri., G, 1S3 O. V. S., Golden Hemberger, Louis Sgt., D, 90th Ind. Cav., Eongmont Hess, A. L Pri., E, 10th Iowa Inf., Denver Hitchcock, D. M Sgt., G, 1st Colo. Cav., Golden Jameson, Alex. D Pri., H, 5th Iowa Cav., Golden Johnson, J. M., Jr Pri., I, 15th 111. Inf., Golden Kerr, Alex Corp., C, 12th Vet. Res. Corps, Golden Koenig, Christ Eieut., A, 1st W. Va. Art., Golden Goodwin, I. S Pri., K, 20th V. R. C, Golden I-artigore 1st Lieut., E, 53rd Ind. Inf., Dumont Lichtenheld, Richard Sgt., A, 106th Ohio Inf., Golden Mencimer, Philipp Blacksmith, E, 3rd Mo. Cav., Golden Monroe, Geo. W Sgt., C, 35th N. Y. Inf., Denver Randall, J. L Pri., E, 19th 111. Inf., Golden Raught, Andrew J Pri., E, 129th Ind. Inf., Golden Snyder, Benj. F Sgt., A, 2nd la. Vet. Vol. Cav., Golden Songer, P. \V Lieut., C, 111th 111. Inf., Edgewater Stanley, James R Asst. Sig. Oflicer, S. A. B. Squadron, Golden Treft'eisen, John 1st Lieut., G, Sth Pa. Inf., Golden Whitehead, W. H 2nd Lieut., 121th Pa. Inf., Denver Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Vista Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Roster A. Lincoln Post No. 4, G. A. R., June IS, \910. Room 223 Charles Building, Denver. Colo. Meetings, Tuesday Evening, 8 P. M. Abbott, Isaac A Ensign, U. S. N., State Capitol, Colo. Adams, Jas. B Pri., K, 6th Iowa Inf., Denver, Colo. Adams, Joseph B Pri., F, 6th Iowa Inf., Denver, Colo. Ady, George. .1st Lt, 2nd Iowa Cav., 4 U. S. C. H. Art., U. P. R. R., Denver Anderson, J. C Major, 1st Colo. Vet. Bat. Cav., Denver, Colo. Anderson, Thomas Pri., E, 11th Kan. Cav., Denver, Colo. Bailey, Geo. W 1st Lieut., U. S. Signal Corps, Denver, Colo. Bailey, R 1st Lieut., C, 6th N. Y. Inf., Denver, Colo. Baker, N. A Pri., A, 3rd Colo. Cav., Denver, Colo. Barnes, S. D Capt., H, 64th U. S. C. T., Denver, Colo. Bear, D. G Pri., D, Sth Pa. Cav., Denver, Colo. Bennett, Reuben 1st Sergt., I, 34th Ind. Vols., Denver, Colo. Berkshire, E Pri., K, 61st 111. Inf., Denver, Colo. Bertolette, J. C Pri., F, 2nd Colo. Cav., Littleton, Colo. Best, James Pri., B, 6th N. Y. H. Art., Denver, Colo. Bills, C. M Pri., E, 39th Iowa Inf., Denver, Colo. Bowler, Samuel Sergt., E, 2nd Minn., Denver, Colo. Brady, John Pri., I, 4th Pa. Reserves, Nat. Home, Leavenworth, Kan. Brink, Charles Pri., C, 30th Mich. Vol. Inf., Denver, Colo. Brooks, Ell Pri., A, 1st Mich. Art., Denver, Colo. Brooks, Frank Com. Sergt., 2nd O. V. Cav., Denver, Colo. Brown, Richard H Landsman, U. S. N., Denver, Colo. Bush, James Pri., C, 11th O. V. Cav., Denver, Colo. Butler, Henry Pri., K, 13th Vt. Vol. Inf., Denver, Colo. Blyth, Thomas Sergt., E, 19th 111. Inf., Denver, Colo. Came, V. M Pri., H, 2nd N. H. Vols., Denver, Colo. Campbell, W. E Pri., K, 1st O. V. Cav., Denver, Colo. Cantrell, Nelson Pri., M, 3rd Colo. Cav., Denver, Colo. Carmichael, Dan'l F Major, 28th N. G. S. N. Y., Denver, Colo. Clark, W. D Pri., D, SOth Ind. Inf., Denver, Colo. Cole, Z. T Pri., F, 43rd Mo., Nat. Home, Leavenworth, Kan. Conley, W. H. H 1st Lieut., B, 6th Mich. Art., Denver, Colo. Conover, Wm Pri., C, 66th 111. Vol. Inf., Denver, Colo. Cook, J., Jr Pri., A, lS7th N. Y., Denver, Colo. Cook, J. B Sergt., D, 95th Pa. Vol. Inf., Unknown Cowell, D. A Corp., C, 46th la. Vol. Inf., Denver, Critchfield, C. C Pri., A, 34th la. Vol. Inf., Denver, Dane, George Pri., E, 1st Colo. Cav., Denver, Darby, J. M Pri., C, 151st Ind. Inf., Denver, Davis, James C. .Pri., F, 11th Pa. Res., Pri., E, 104th Pa. Inf., Denver, Deane, Cecil A 1st Lieut, E, 52nd Pa. Inf., Hudson, Deane, Cecil A E. 1st Bat. Pa., Hudson, Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. 23 Be Ford, Daniel P. M. S. S., U. S. S. Gen. Lyon, Denver, Colo. Desmond, D. D Fri., H. 32nd Mass. Inf., Denver, Colo. Dethloff, A. W Pri., D, 9th 111. Cav., Denver, Colo. Dill, R. G Capt., H, 4.Srd U. S. C. T.. Denver, Colo. Dodge, Wm. T 2nd Lieut., K, 10th Maine, Denver, Colo. Uorsey, Sam C Corp, C, 1st Colo., Denver, Colo. Dostal, Jo.seph O Pri., K, 22nd Iowa Inf., Denver, Colo. Driscol, F. A Sergt., I and E, 9th and 12th R. I Inf., Denver, Colo. Edbrooke, F. E Corp., E, 12th 111. Cav., Denver, Colo. Eldridge, J. S Pri., F, 104th Pa., Denver, Colo. Fahey, Ed Pri., B, 1st Mass. Cav., Denver, Colo. Ferguson, W. W Pri., H, 4th N. Y. H. Art., Denver, Colo. Flager, Morris Musician, F, 192nd Pa. Inf., Denver, Colo. Fletcher, Wm. H Pri., B, 1st Mass. Inf., Denver, Colo. Foote, T. J Pri., G, 20th Iowa Inf., Denver, Colo. Fraser, H. R Pri., F, 13th 111. Cav., Denver, Colo. Funk, Joseph A Pri., D, 137th 111. Inf., Denver, Colo. Gardner, Perr^' Pri., G, 21st N. Y. Inf., Denver, Colo. Garson, L. F Sergt., F, 7th U. S. Vet., California Gillman, W. L Pri., D, 15th Mass. Inf., Morrison, Colo. Given, Robt Pri., 3rd Bat. 1st Maine L. Art., Denver, Colo. Gove, Aaron Lieut, and Adjt., 33rd 111. Inf., Denver, Colo. Graham, David B Pri., I, 211 Pa. S. V., Denver, Colo. Griggs, Herbert Pri., A, 13 7th O. V. Inf., Unknown Groves, Pliillip Pri., D, 17th 111. Inf., Denver, Colo. Haggerty, S. R fcergt., H, 32nd Mo. Inf., Denver, Colo. Hall, C. L I orp., H, 1st Colo. Cav., Denver, Colo. Hannahr, H 1st Lieut., H, 11th Kan. Inf., Denver, Colo. Harvey, Frank O Pri., A, 67th 111. Inf., Denver, Colo. Heers, C. F Pri., I, 2 7th N. Y. Inf., Denver, Colo. Helm, Joseph C Pri., B, 13th U. S. Inf., Denver, Colo. Hess, Wm Sergt., A, 51st and IGfith Pa. Vol. Inf., Denver, Colo. Hill, J. D Pri., H, 25th Mass. Inf., Littleton, Colo. Hogbin, A. P Pri., H, 1st Colo. Cav., Denver, Colo. Holmes, James H Corp., I, 2nd W. Va. Vols., Denver, Colo. Hooper, S. K Ad.it., 23rd Ind. Vet. Vol. Inf., Denver, Colo. Hubljard, P. L 1st Lieut., C, 1st Mich. Inf., Denver, Colo. Hulton, John Pri., F, 40th Wis. Vol. Inf., Denver, Colo. Hyatt, W. H Pri., D, 143rd O. V. Inf., Denver, Colo. Ivory, Michael Pri., D, 1st Colo. Cav., Denver, Colo. Jackson, H. A Pri., H. 11th 111. Inf., Denver, Colo. Kavanaugh, R. F Pri., C, 47th 111. Inf., Denver, Colo. King Chas. R Pri., B, 54th O. I., Unknown Klock, John I.. .Sergt., A, 32nd Wis., Capt., D, 135th U. S. C. T., Denver, Colo Koogle, Adam Pri., A, Bat. Md. Art., Denver, Colo Kryder, John G Pri., B, 196th Pa. Inf., Denver Lane, J. J Pri., F, 15th Pa. Cav., Denver Lanning, E. S Pri., B, 4th N. J. Inf., Denver Larkins, L. F Capt., F, 10th N. H. Vols., Denver Le Fevre, O. E Pri., A, 154th O. V. Inf., Denver Leonard, James Pri., F, 101st Pa. Vol., Denver, Lewis, George F Lieut., A, 31st Wis. Inf., Denver, Liddell, O. B...Pri., E, 6Sth Ind., 2nd Lieut., 18th U. S. C. T., Denver Long, John J Pri., C, 139tli Pa. Vol. Inf., Denver Lloyd, Wm. E Pri., D, 4th Pa., Denver Lyons, A. E Landsman, U. S. N., Stmr. W. Guard, Denver Manning. James F Pri., E. D. K., 20, 31, 91, N. Y. Inf., Denver Marshall, Theo Pri., E, 11th Pa. Res. Corps, Denver Miles, John S Pri., E, 107th 111. Vol. Inf., Denver Mills, John H Pri., C, 2nd Bat. Mo. Cav.. Denver Miller, Walker Pri., E, 6th Mo. S. M., Denver Miller, W. J. H. ... Drummer, B, Sth Pa. Inf., 50th N. Y. Inf., Denver Monahan, Leane Capt., G, 1st Mtd. Rifles, U. S. A., Denver Montgomery, C. H Sergt., E, 2nd Wis. Inf., Denver Moran, John Pri., C, 14th N. Y. H. Art., Denver Morev, Chester S Pri., I, 3 6th Wis. Inf., Denver Morris, Robert Pri., E, 69th N. Y. Inf., Denver Moynahan, James Capt., G, 27th Mich. Inf., Alma McCoy, Alonzo A Pri., K, 2nd Calif. Cav., Denver, Naramore, Daniel H Pri., K, 74th N. Y., Denver, Nelson, O. A ' Pri., M, 3rd Pa. Art., Denver Nelson. V. S Pri., G, 142nd 111. Inf., Denver Newman, Ed Pri., H, 11th O. V. Inf., Denver Orahood, H. M 1st Lieut, and Capt., B, 3rd Colo. Cav., Denver Parks, James Pri., I, 13Sth Pa. Inf., Denver Patrick, S. G Pri., D, 140th 111., Denver Patterson, Thos. IVI Pri., I, 11th Ind. Vol. Inf., Denver Pearse, Julius -.Pri., D, 134th 111. Inf., Denver, Pennington. Lewis Pri., A, S3rd Ind. Vol. Inf., Denver Pliillips, John E Lrumner, P, 44th Wis.. Denver, Phillips, W. J Pri., D, 10th Mich., Denver Porner, Cliarles Pri., A, 1st N. Y. Cav., Denver Preston, B Pri., G, 4th Pa. Vols., Denver Quigley, Edw. D Pri., G, 3rd Minn. Vol., Denver Rankin, D. A Capt., A, 78th Pa., Denver Read, J. W Capt., B, 65th U. S. C. T., Denver Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. 24 Rhoads, Halsey M Pri., A, 1st, 23rd and 29th Iowa Inf., Denver, Colo. Richardson, F. A 1st Lieut., Dept. 3, Prove Marshall Dist., Ky., Denver Rittenhouse, A. P Pri., B, ISOth O. V. I., Los Angeles, Calif. Robb, J. Wesley Pri., H., 5th Iowa Cav., Denver Rogers, J. N Capt., B, 177th O. V. I., Denver Russell, Frank D Pri., H., 132nd Ind. Inf., Denver Russell, John W Pri., C, 61st N. Y. Inf., Denver Sammis, M. H Sergt., B, 178th O. V Inf., Denver, Sanders, Michael Pri., K, 125th O. V. Inf., Denver, Scobey, Orlando B Pri., C, 134th Ind. Vol. Inf., Denver Shepperson, Thomas Pri , F. 1st Pa. Light Art., Denver Skinner, James A. Q. M., Sergt., B, 1st N. Y. Lt. Art., Denver Sloan, Wm. S Pri., B and D, 20th and 47th O. V. Inf., Denver, Smails, J. D 1st Lieut., I, 9th Mich. Cav., Denver Smith, Don C Pri., 3rd Wis. Bat., Cripple Creek Smith, Henry Pri., C, 9th Ind. Vol. Inf., Arvada, Smith, James T Capt., H and I, 1st Conn., 1st La. Inf., Denver Smith, Geo. S Capt., F, 6th O. V. Inf., Denver, Smith, Solomon P Capt., H, 115th N. Y. Vol. Inf., Denver Sperry, W. F Pri., B, 117th N. Y. Int., Denver Stevenson. John G Pri., F, 23rd 111. Vol. Inf., Denver Stewart, Henry Sergt., I, 140th 111., Denver Thompson, Geo. W Corp., G, ISth N. Y. Inf., Denver Thompson, J. B Pri., C, 139th 111. Inf., Denver Todd, W. D Pri., U. S. Treas. Guard, Denver Tower, H. F 2nd Lieut., 2nd Vt. Lgt. Art., Denver Vaugh, Oscar O Pri., D, 46th 111 Vol., Denver, Weber, A. H Pri., B, 1st N. Y. Engrs., Denver Webster, R. C Col. and A. Q. M. of Vols., U. S. Mint, Denver West, James F Pri., B, 51st Wis. Vol., Denver, Wheeler, Frank Corp., I, 39th 111. Inf., Denver, Whitaker, A. S Pri., H, 10th N. Y. Cav., U. S. Mint, Denver, Williamson, J. A Pri., M, 9th O. V. Cav., Barr Wilson, James W Surgeon, U. S. N., Denver Wilson, John R Pri., D, 43rd O. V. Inf., Denver Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Roster of Nathaniel Lyon Post No. 5, G. A. R., Boulder, Colo. Meetings Every First and Tliird. Saturday. Andrus, Horace Pri., C, 44th Ind. Inf., Boulder, Baldwin, Frank D 1st Lieut., D, 19th Mich. Inf., Denver Bay, A. M Seigt., D, 33rd 111. Inf., Boulder Bergen, Peter C Pri., H, 3rd N. Y. Cav., Boulder Berkley, Granville Pri., D, 3rd Colo. Cav., Boulder Bolton, Frank L Sergt., B, 2nd Mich. Cav., Niwot Bradfleld, Z Pri., H, 21st Mo. Inf., Boulder Church, Jno. L 2nd Lieut., F, 1st Mich. Cav., Boulder Clark, A. J Bugler, F, 2nd O. Cav., Boulder, Clupliy, Wm Pri., B, 163rd N. Y. Inf., Boulder Cromwell, F. C. . .Corp., A, 12th Iowa Inf., S. & S. Home, Monte Vista Donifelser, W^m Corp., C, 10th 111. Cav., Boulder Farmer, John S Sergt., H, 69th Ind., Boulder Greenfield, John P«., L, 22nd N. Y. Cav., Boulder Hallett, Samuel Pri., F, Cth Iowa Cav., Boulder Hastings, Henry H Pri., H, 7th Vt., Boulder Holabaur, Jos Pri., K, 22nd Iowa, Boulder Hunter, Jas. W Pri., H, 196th Pa., Boulder, Jay, Manuel Pri., A, 130th Ind. Inf., Indianapolis Jones, John R Pri., B, 4th Wis. Inf., Boulder Lovey, Wm. J Pri., C, 102nd 111. Inf., Boulder, Matthews, Newton Pri., I, 118th 111. Inf., Boulder Mitchell, Bolus Pri., B, 3rd Colo. Cav., Sugar Loaf, Montgomery, Jos. P Pri., K, 2nd Minn. Inf., Boulder, Myring, Henry U. S. Navy, Salina Parks, Edw. F Corp., A, 3rd Colo. Cav., Soldiers' Home Potter, G. W Pri., E, 8th Conn. Inf., Sugar Loaf, Rinkle, Jno. W Pri., 2nd Kan. Lt. Art, Boulder Sanborn, C. W Sergt., B, 15th Vt. Inf., Boulder, Shumwey, Henry A Pri., C, 4th Mass. Cav., Boulder, Slocum, C. H Pri., A, 34th 111. Inf., Boulder Stevenson, Chas. M Sergt., A, 13Sth 111. Inf., Boulder Strong, Hayden Sergt., F, 34th N. Y. Inf., Boulder Talmage, Henry C Pri., C, 12th Ind. Cav., Boulder Taylor, John M Pri., C, 34th Iowa Inf., Boulder Urie, John Pri., I, 40th Iowa Inf., Boulder Van, Clay M Pri., C, 145th 111. Inf., Boulder Waite, F. P Corp., C, 130th O. Inf., Boulder Walton, Thomas Pri., H, 77th Pa. Inf., Boulder Weaver, D. E Pri., H, 15th Iowa Inf., Boulder West, Samuel Capt., I, 59th 111. Inf., Boulder Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. , Ind. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. 25 Roster of McPherson Post No. 6, G. A. R., Longmont, Colo. .Mcctiiij^s Kvcry Fiist ami 'i'liiid Thursday, s V. .M. Aiiaiiis. Jacob H I'ri.. V, 141.st Pa. Inf., l^ongmoiit, Colo. Atwood, IN. J I'ri., G, (J4tli Ohio Vol. Inf., Liongmont, Colo. Beekwith, Geo. I Pri., D, 3rd Colo. Cav., Longmont, Colo. P>elcher, Freeman Sergt., A, 2nd Colo. Cav., Longmont, Colo. Berry, F. E Pri., G, 16th 111. Inf., Longmont, Colo. P.eswick, Alonzo Sergt., B, 102nd 111. Inf., Erie, Colo. Honner, A. D Pri., I, 9th Mich. Cav., Longmont, Colo. Brenberger, Levi Pri., D, 123rd Pa. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Brown, Geo. W Capt., A, 15th Mass. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Buchannan. F. M Pri., B. 3Gth Iowa Inf., Longmont, Colo. Buckley, John A Pri., Co. I'nattached, 21st Mass., A, Longmont, Colo. Butler, Thomas Pri., G, 23rd Wis. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Butler, Wm Pri., M, 4th Wis., Longmont, Colo. Campbell, Geo. F Pri., C, 47th Wis. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Clapp, Albert S Pri., E, 1st Vt. Cav., Longmont, Colo. Cofhn, M. II Sergt., D, 3rd Colo. Cav., Longmont. Colo. Coffin, R. V Sergt., G, 19th 111. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Coffman, J. U Pri., K, 69th 111. Inf., Denver, Colo. Copcland, Geo. ii Pri., E, 32nd Iowa Inf., Longmont, Colo. Corwin, Horace T Sergt., G, 39th 111. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Cowen, W. I Pri., C, 5th Ohio Cav., Longmont, Colo. <"ronk, George Sergt., I, 2nd Colo. Cav., Berthoud, Colo. Daniels, J. W Pri., G, 1st Vt. H. Art., Longmont, Colo. Danneis, Wm Pri., K, 40th Iowa Inf., Longmont, Colo. Day, Wm. H Corp., I, 1.5th Iowa Inf., Longmont, Colo. I.'e Sellen, Wesley 1st Lieut., A, 143rd Ohio Inf., Longmont, Colo. Dickens, W. H Pri., D, 3rd Colo. Cav., Longmont, Colo. Dickson, L. H 2nd Lieut., D, 3rd Colo. Cav., Longmont, Colo. Douglas, C. W .Pri., G, 21st 111. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Douglass, J. H Pri., C, 1st Maine H. Art., Orange, Calif. Fuller, Alonzo W Pri., A, 18th Wis. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Hall, Geo. H Pri., H, 15th 111. Cav., Longmont, Colo. Hardenburg, W. H Pri., G, 114th N. Y. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Harter, Robert Pri., A, 69th Ind. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Hauger, Peter Pri., A, 20th Pa. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Henderson, W. S Pri., 3rd Iowa Bat., Longmont, Colo. Hilldreth, Isaac "....Pri., A, 99th 111. Inf., Caldwell, Idaho Hollister, H. A Pri., C, 13th Wis. Inf., Longmont. Colo. H cinder, Joseph Pri., A, 142nd Ind. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Housen, Herman. . .Pri., I, 14th Ohio Inf., Pri., B, 1st N. J. Art., Longmont Howard, C. P Sergt.. H. 96th 111. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Johnson, A. M Pri., F, 46th Pa. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Jourdan. I. L Pri., C, 12th Iowa Inf., Longmont, Colo. Knapp, Chas. L Q. M. Sergt., I, 15th 111. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Lane, Albert Pri., G, 35th Ohio Inf., Longmont, Colo. Large, Phillip Pri., D, Sth 111. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Leonard, Geo. II Pri., A, 22nd Ind. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Leonard, John I' ' Pri., A, 22nd Ind. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Longfellow, W. J Con. -Sergt., 86th 111. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Lovejoy, E. V Pri., D, 3rd Colo. Cav., Berthoud, Colo. Lowe, F. M Pri., I, 43rd Mo. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Lurvey, J. C Pri., I, 1st Mich. Cav., Longmont, Colo. Miller, W. D Corp., F, 183rd Ohio Inf., Longmont, Colo. Millico, Amos Pri., G, 11th Ind. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Morgan, John Asst. Surgeon, 32nd Ohio Inf., Longmont, Colo. Newkirk, A. W Pri., K, 55th 111. Inf., Loveland, Colo. Parke, VV^ J Pri., C, 3rd Mo. Cav., Longmont, Colo. I'arker, l';dvvard Pri., D, 50th Mass. Inf., Longmont, Colo. I'odigo, J. A Pri., G, 79th Ind. Inf., Longmont, Colo. I'ierson, Robert K Pri., K, 86th Ohio Inf., Longmont, Colo. Potter, Jas. II Pri., D, 24th Ohio Inf., Longmont, Colo. i'ruitt, W. D Pri., E, 57th 111. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Rice, liufus Corp., I, 2nd Colo. Cav., Longmont, Colo. Richardson, II. L Sergt., L and B, 75th 111. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Shaw, Ralph Pri., B, N. Y. H. Art., Longmont, Colo. Smith, Isaac .A Pri., A, 14th Iowa Inf., Longmont, Colo. Smith, J. P Pri., D, 146th 111. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Stanley, G. B Pri., B, 3rd Iowa Inf., Gresham, Colo. Taft, Geo. H Sergt., A, 110th N. Y. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Theobald, Jos. P Pri., E, 1st 111. Lt. Art., Berthoud, Colo. Thomiisoii, J. i: Q. M. Sergt., 2nd Wis. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Thornburg, Wm Corp., E, 69th Ind. Inf., Bennett, Colo. Thropp, J. S Sergt., A, 16th Iowa Inf., Longmont, Colo. True, R. S Sailor, Gunboat Sil. L., Highland Lake, Colo. White, Eben Corp., B, 36th Mass. Inf., Longmont, Colo. Whfte, Lyman A Pri.. B, 3rd Colo. Cav., Longmont, Colo. Wright, Wm. M Pri., I, 2 Sth Iowa Inf., Longmont, Colo. 26 Roster Geo, A, Thomas Post No. 7, G. A. R., Fort Collins, Colo. Fort Collins Fort Collins Fort Collins Fort Collins Fort Collins Fort Collins Fort Collins Fort Collins Fort Collins Fort Collins Fort Collins Fort Collins Fort Collins Meetings Every Second and i'oiirtli Saturday Evening. Abler, Lewis Pri., D, 3rd Bat. Cal. Inf., Fort Collins Abrams, B. F Pri., F, 70th Ohio Inf., Fort Collins Adams. Sewel Pri., A, 127th N. i'. Int., Fort Collins Akers, Wm. R Sergt., G, 7th Iowa Inf., Fort Collins Alden, Geo. C R. Q. M., A, 112th 111. Inf., Fort Collins Alkire, Simon C Pri., K, 5th Ind. Cav., Fort Collins Anderson, W. H Pri., K, 33rd Iowa Inf. Appleman, Samuel M Pri., G, 166th Ohio Bailey, I. L Q. M. S., 151st 111. Inf. Bair, Myron Pri., G, 10th Mich. Inf. Baird, Samuel A Pri., H, 8 1st Ohio Inf. Baker, F. R Pri., Troop O, 7th Ind. Cav. Ballard, E. A Pri., H, 74th Ohio Inf. Ballard, K. A Lieut., F, 74th Ohio Inf., Fort Collins Barkley, Frank 2nd Lieut., E, 1st Mo. Cav., Fort Collins Bassett, M. C Pri., L, 16th Conn. Inf., Fort Collins Bates, W. W Pri., B, 137th Pa. Inf., Fort Collins Baxter, Geo. W Pri., G, 4th Mo. Cav., Fort Collins Berg, F. C Pri., A, 2Sth Wis. Inf., Fort Collins Birdsall, S. H. . .Pri., A, 150th Pa. Inf., R. Q. M., 1st U. S. Col'd Troop Fort Collins Blount, A. E Capt., F, 1st Tenn. Cav., Blumb, John Pri., D, 132nd 111. Inf., Brainard, J. F Pri., E, 5th Iowa Cav., Brainard, SaniViel. . 1st Lieut, and Sergt., B, 2nd Vt. Inf., Brandis, Wm Pri., E, 1st Colo. Cav., Brewer, C. W Pri., T), 1st Wis. H. Art., Brooks, D. G Pri., F, 24th N. J. Inf., Fort Collins Brown, John C Pri., H, 73rd Ohio Inf., Fort Collins Brown, Miles A Pri., D, 1st Mich S. S., Fort Collins Brown, R. S 1st Lieut., F, 8th 111. Inf., Fort Collins Buffum, Geo. W Corp., D, 100th 111. Inf., Fort Collins Burnett, B. F. . .Lieut., C, 139th 111., Inf., Capt., C, 148th 111. Inf., Ft. ( Burright, Stuart Musician, G, 14th Iowa, Fort Collins Buss, Geo. E...Pri., F, 14th N. Y. Inf., 1st Lieut., M, 21st N. Y. Cav., Fort Collins Butts, A. H A, 153rd 111. Inf., Fort Collins Buttorft, J. H. ...Pri., I, 1st Ohio Inf., Pri., A, 64th Ohio Inf., Fort ( Cain, Wm. L Pri., G, 48th Mo. Inf., Fort Collins Callicott, F. M Pri., A, 4th Iowa Cav., Fort Collins Carrol, John Pri., K, 2nd Mass. Inf., Fort Collins Carter, J. W 1st Lieut., D, 123rd Ind. Inf., Fort Collins Caughey, T. L Pri., D, 3Sth Wis. Inf., Fort Collins Cayce, Albert Pri., C, 81st Ind. Inf., Fort Collins Christman, Fred Sergt., A, 3rd W. Va. Inf., Fort Collins Christler, Mathias Bugler, F, 2nd N. Y. Cav., Fort Collins Clark, N. G. . .Sergt., C, Phelps Mo. Vols., Capt., C, 32nd Mo. Inf., Ft. Cleland, James Pri., F, 100th Ind. Inf., Fort Collins Colvard, Chas. H Pri., L, 13th Tenn. Cav., Fort Collins Collins, T. J Lieut., A, 13th Kan. Inf., Fort Collins Cooper, Wm. N Sergt., B, 10th la. Inf., Fort Collins Courtney, Geo. L Pri., A, 40 Ind. Inf., Fort Collins Crane, Geo. A ..Pri., F, 21st Mich. Inf., Marine Brigade, Fort Collins Creed, John C Pri., D, 11th Ohio Cav., Fort Collins Crocker, A. E Pri., M, 8th 111. Cav., Fort Collins Crooks, Henry Pri., C, 4th Ohio Inf., Fort Collins Cummings, James A Pri., K, 6th Iowa Inf., Fort Collins Curtis, B. M Sergt., I, 5th N. Y. H. Art., Fort Collins Davidson, J. M Pri., F, 167th Ohio Inf., Fort Collins Davis, David Pri., E, 4th Va. Inf., Fort Collins Davis, John C Corp., G, 140th Pa. Inf., Fort Collins Dayton, W. C Pri., D, 100th 111. Inf., Fort Collins De Land, H. A.. .Pri., D, 1st Mich. Inf., Capt., F, 1st Mich. Inf., Ft. Dexter, Ben.i Corp., C, A, 17th Ky. Inf., Fort Collins Doolittle, T. H Sergt., L, 10th N. Y. Cav., Fort Collins Dowell, Wm. H Pri., I, 66th Ohio Inf., Fort Collins Du Boise. J. E Pri., D, 3rd Colo. Cav., Fort Collins Dufrain, Louis. ..Pri., F, 3rd Colo. Inf., Lieut., 2nd Colo. Cav., Fort ( Edwards, E. E Chap., 7th Minn. Inf., Fort Collins Edwards, R. C Pri., Tanner's Ind. Co., Fort Collins Elton, E. N Corp., B, 12 6th 111. Inf., Fort Collins Emigh, A. L Pri., K, 4 6th Pa. Inf., Fort Collins Evans, J. C Corp., D, 145th Ohio N. Gd., Fort Collins Fansler, Geo. W Pri., B, 4th Mo. Cav., Fort Collins Farrar, Martin Pri., D, 3rd Colo. Cav., Fort Collins Faulkner, Hugh W Pri., C, 67th Pa. Inf., Fort Collins Fisk, Russell. .Mus., E, 10th Vt. Inf., 2nd Lieut., K, 2nd Vt. Inf., Ft Forbes, Wm Sergt., L, 5th Kan. Cav., Fort Collins Fox, W. H Pri., K, 24th Ky. Inf., Port Collins Frampton, S. L Pri., A, 2nd Pa. Inf., Fort Collins Frederick, P. S Pri., 22nd Iowa Inf., Fort Collins Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. 3, Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. oUins Colo. Colo. Colo. 'oUins Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Collins Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Collins Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Collins Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Collins Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. 27 French, S. F Sergt, B, 1st Vt. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Foss, Phineas Pri., K, 96th 111. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Fuller, W. K Corp., A, 19th Mich. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Gabriel, Nehemiah Pri., A, 7th Kan. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Galloway, Geo. W Pri., H, 64th Ohio Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Gardner, Michael Corp., F, 8th Vt. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Garbutt, H. I Sergt., F, 13th N. Y. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Garland, Moral Corp., F, 193rd N. Y. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Gartin, Anderson Musician, E, 34th Iowa Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Gaynor, P. O Sergt., D, 1st Wis. H. Art., Fort Collins, Colo. Geary, Thos Corp., F, S2nd N. Y. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Gibbons, John Pri., I, 215th Pa. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Giddings, Leander Pri., C, 13Sth 111. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Goman, Thomas Pri., 10th Bat., Wis. Art., Fort Collins, Colo. Gray, James Pri., D, 16th Pa. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Grantham, J. K Sergt., A, 1st Mo. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Grout, V. S Fort Collins, Colo. Gunn, W. A Pri., K, 13th Ohio Inf., Pri., H, 66th Ohio Inf., Fort Collins Hall, H. B 2nd Lieut., 9th Kan. Vols., Fort Collins, Colo. Hall, H. F H. St., 17th U. S. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Hamilton, J. C Pri., U, 110th Pa. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Harden, David Pri., D, 3rd Colo. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Harned, David M Pri., G, 38th Wis. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Harpman, vVm Pri., C, 43rd 111. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Harris, Fd. W Pri., A, 147th Ind. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Harris, Joseph Cgt., H, 11th Maine Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Havens, C. A Pri., K, Smith's Bat., Fort Collins, Colo. Hawley, Chas. C. . .Pri., A, 1st Colo. Inf., Capt., G, 1st Colo. Inf., Ft. Collins Hawley, W. C. F..Pri., B, 112th N. Y. Inf., Pri., C, 3rd N. Y., Fort Collins Hawks, Wm. H Pri., A, 52nd Wis. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Haws, A. B Seaman, U. S. S. Saranac, Fort Collins, Colo. Hayden, James B Pri., D, 11th Mo. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Hetlebower, B Pri., I, 12th Kan. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Hey, Michael Pri., F, 47th Ind. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Hice, John L Pri., Capt., H, 37th Ind. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Hilton, L. J Pri., B, 7th Wis. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Hinman, P. M Corp., D, 3rd Colo. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Hites, J. O Pri., F, 125th 111. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Hodges, E. W Pri., G, 3rd Mo. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Hollenbeck, Ludlow A Pri., A, 2nd Mich. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Holmes, Eugene Pri., D, 189th N. Y. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Howard, H. C Sergt., B, 11th Reg. Pa. Res., Fort Collins, Colo. Hunter, C. O Pri., A, 1st N. H. H. Art., Fort Collins, Colo. Husted, Isaac Sergt., E, Kings' Bat'l, Fort Collins, Colo. Huyler, Fred M...Pri., A, 1st Pa. Rifles, Pri., E, 53rd Pa. Vets., Ft. Collins Ingersoll, C. L Sergt., A, 9th Mich. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Irons, David Pri., G, 11th Minn. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Jackson, Andrew Pri., G, 1st Pa. L. Art., Fort Collins, Colo. Jenkins, Milton Corp., G, 20th Iowa Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Jewett, Geo. W Pri., L, 1st Iowa Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Johnson, N. S 1st Lieut, Ohio, Fort Collins, Colo. Jordan, Patrick Art., C, U. S. Engrs., Fort Collins, Colo. Joyce, D. B Pri., D, 6th Ohio Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Kendall, J. W Pri., H, 14Sth 111. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Keown, Robt Pri., D, 7th Conn. Inf., Fort Comns, Colo. Kern, Lewis Pri., I, 44th N. Y. Inf., Port Collins, Colo. King, Geo. W Pri., G, 16th N. Y. Inf., U. S. Navy, Fort Collins, Colo. Kinghorn, James Pri., L, 2nd 111. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Kitchell, Aaron Corp., E, 23rd Iowa Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Kutcher, Theo. D Pri., G, 7th Pa. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Land, B. R Pri., D, 2nd Mo. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Landes, M. L Musician, F, 36th Iowa Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Lasley, B. M Corp., Ind. Bat. Col. Art, Fort Collins, Colo. Lawton, R. P Pri., A, 21st Iowa Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Lee, E. A Surgeon, 54th 111. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Learnard, Perry B. ..Mus., E, 23rd Wis. Inf., Mus., B, 35th Wis. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Leonard, P. D Mus., B, 23rd Wis., Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Lewis, John W Pri., C, 10th Kan. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Leybey, E. H Corp., E, 2nd Colo. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Lindenmeier, Wm Pri., G, 1st Colo. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Loomis, James Pri., M, 11th Mich. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Lowery, W. W Pri., F, 44th Ind. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Luke, Samuel Pri., D, 51st Mo. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Lundy, Thomas. .Sergt., B, iOth Mo. Inf., Lieut., 13th 111. Cav., Fort Collins Lynier, W. H Pri., G, 100th Pa. Inf., Pri., A, 139th Pa. Inf., Fort Collins Mahood, Edward Pri., F, 96th 111. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Mandeville, J. H...Corp., G, 50th N. Y. Eng., 2nd Lieut., M, 21st N. Y. Cav., Fort Collins, Coio. Mandeville, J. D. . .Sergt., G, 50th N. Y. Eng., 2nd Lieut., D, 198th Ohio Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Markle, D. G Pri., K, 20th Mich. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Marsh, Rodney Pri., K, 3rd N. Y. Art., Fort Collins, Colo. Mather, Cotton. .Pri., A, 60th Ohio Inf., Corp., 24th Ohio L. Art., Ft. Collins Maxon, Henry C. .Pri., G, 4th W. Va. Inf., Pri., L, 1st Ohio Cav., Ft. Collins 28 McCarroll, S. I. Pri., B, 7th Pa. Vet. R. C, Fort Collins, Colo. McCartv, Jo.seph Pri., A, 153rd 111. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. McClelland, J. S. ..Pri., G, S6th Ohio Inf., Lieut., 5th U. S. Colored Troops, Fort Collins, Colo. McClov, Richard .*. Fort Collins, Colo. McConnell, James Pri., B, 137th Ind. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. McDaniel, Henry .... Pri., C, 12th U. S. Colored Troops, Fort Collins, Colo. McDonough, Barth Pri., A, 2nd Colo. Car., Fort Collins, Colo. McDonough, James Pri., D, 1st Colo. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. McGinlev, J. W Pri., E, 11th Pa. Res., Fort Collins, Colo. Mclntyre, J. W. H...Pri., C, 16th Pa. Cav., Sergt., G, 11th Pa. Vet. Res., Fort Collins McLane. O. N Pri., E. 34th Iowa Inf., Fort Collins Merryfield, Harrison Pri., D, 8th N. Y., Fort Collins Metcalf, H. H Pri., E, 22nd 111. Inf., Fort Collins Metzg-ar. Isaac M Pri., G, 153rd Pa. Inf., Fort Collins Miller, John Pri., G, 133rd Ohio Inf., Fort Collins Miller, H. T. ..Pri., H, Sth Iowa Inf., Sergt., T, 33rd Iowa Inf., Fort Miller, W.. M Pri., U. S. Marines, Fort Collins Miles. Ransom P Q. M., IT. S. Navv, Fort Collins Mitchell, Jacob.. Pri., H, 6th Ind. Inf., Capt.. K, 39th Ind. Cav., Fort Montgomery, Jas. P Pri.. K. 2nd Minn. Inf., Fort Collins Moore, T. L, Pri., H. 126th Ohio Inf., Fort Collins Moore. Wilson Pri.. F, 13th W. Va. Inf., Fort Collins Moon, Wm. A Pri., I. Sth Iowa Cav., Fort Collins Myers, Joseph Pri., H, 3rd Iowa Cav., Fort Collins Nedrow, John JV Pri.. G. 101st Ind. Inf., Fort Collins Neece.. W'm. N. .Pri., E, 1st Mo. Cav., 2d Lieut., I. 6th Mo. Cav., Ft. Neff, C. D Capt., G, nth Iowa Inf., Fort Collins Nelson, Jas. H Pri., A, 36th Iowa Inf., Fort Collins Newton, Thos. H Pri.. E. 94th 111. Inf., Fort Collins Nichols, W. P Pri.. A, 11th Kan. Cav., Fort Collins Ogden, A. B Pri., A. 17th 111. Cav., Fort Collins Oldfield, S Pri., K, 2Sth Iowa Inf., Fort Collins Oliver, John S Pri., H, 6th Mo. Cav., Pri.. B. 13th Mo. Cav., Fort Paige. E. G Musician, G. 12th Ind. Inf.. Fort Collins Palmer, W. E Pri., H, 133rd 111. Inf., Fort Collins Parcell. Wm. T Sergt., C. Sth Iowa Cav.. Fort Collins Parker. T. C Sergt., F, 72nd Ind. Inf., Fort Collins Parsons. Benj. H Pri., K, 131st Ind. Inf., Fort Collins Patterson. Roger J Hospital Steward. U. S. A., Fort Collins Pennock, Chas. E Pri., D. 5Sth N. Y. Inf., Fort Collins Peterman. S. S Pri.. C, 12th IT. S. Inf.. Fort Collins Peterson, E. L ..Pri., B. SOth Ohio Inf., Fort Collins Peterson. Wm. H Pri., B, S9th Ohio Inf., Fort Collins Phelps. L. D Sergt.. K. 39th Iowa Inf.. Fort Collins Phye, I. F Pri.. A. 3rd Iowa Cav., Fort Collins Post. Wm. M Master. U. S. Navv, Fort Collins Powers, T). L Pri., B. 27th N. J. Inf., Fort Collins Preston, "U'm. M Pri., C. 13th Kan. Inf.. Fort Collins Pulliam, G. P Pri., H, 42nd Mo. Inf., Fort Collins Raigle, Geo. W Pri., I. 97th Ind. Inf., Fort Collins Ramer. C. W Sergt.. A, Mo. Cav., Fort Collins Ramey. T. C Pri., U. S. Signal Corps, Fort Collins Reed. E. W Pri.. A. Minn. Cav.. Fort Collins Reed. S. O. K Pri.. E, 3rd Ohio Inf., Fort Collins Rhodes. Fd. M Pri.. G. 2nd Colo. Cav.. Fort Collins Rhodes. Henry W Pri., M, 4th Wis. Cav.. Fort Collins Richardson. Russell Pri.. F, 2nd Tenn. Inf., Port Collins Richardson, "^'m Pri.. H, 13th Kan. Inf.. Fort Collins Rickard. David Pri., A. 10th Ohio Cav., Fort Collins Rilev, Fd Pri., F, 2nd Colo. Cav., Fort Collins Risin.g. Irving Pri.. M. 2nd Calif. Cav.. Fort Collins Rison. Bailev Pri.. C, 23rd Iowa Inf., Fort Collins Roberts, J. F Pri., K. 2nd N. Y. H. Art.. Fort Collins Rodgers. Daniel. .Pri.. G. IT. S. Sharp S's. Pri., E. 47th ^Hs. Inf.. Ft Rodgers. E. T Pri.. C, 1st Wis. H. Art.. Fort Collins Rodgers, I. S Pri.. M. 3rd Cherokee In's. Fort Collins Rodgers, Madison. .Pri., K. 44th Ind. Inf., 1st Lieut., K, 152nd Ind. I Fort Collins Rodgers, W. T Sergt., D, 45th 111. Inf., Fort Collins Rosenow, Chas. B. . .Corp., G, 3rd WiS; Inf.. I, 21st Wis., Fort Collins Rumley. Cyrus • Pri.. I, 34th Iowa Inf.. Fort Collins Ryan. Barton J. .Pri.. E, 1st Iowa Inf.. 1st Lieut.. 7th Iowa Cav., Ft. Sainsbury. Jos Pri., B, 12th Wis. Inf.. Fort Collins Sargent. .H. H Pri., 1st Bat., Vt. Art., Fort Collins Schelt, Peter Pri., A, 21st 111. Inf., Fort Collins Schooley, E. L Pri., C, 96th 111. Inf., Fort Collins Scott, H. H Corp., E, 52nd Ohio Inf., Fort Collins Scritaner, W. F Pri., D, 51st 111. Inf., Fort Collins Seckner, S. H Corp., K, 5th N. Y. H. Art., Fort Collins Secrist, Daniel Pri., I, 207th Pa. Inf., Fort Collins Sheraer, Wm. J Sergt., A, 14th Kan. Cav., Fort Collins Sherrill, John Corp., F, 43rd 111. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Collins Colo. Colo. Collins Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Collins Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Collins Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo.. Colo. Colo. Colo. Collins Colo. Colo, nf.. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Collins Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. 29 Shibley, Wm. N 2nd Lieut., K, 14th 111. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Shields, W. A Corp., B, 150th 111. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Shlpler, Jos. E Pri., G, 10th Pa. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Short, H. T Sergt., D, 7th 111. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Silcott, Wm. G ('orp., C, 31tff Iowa Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Simms, Jas. M Pri., L, 2nd Ohio H. Art., Fort Collins, Colo. Smart, B. B Pri., H, 6th Iowa Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Smith, F. M Pri., G, 7th Mo. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Smith, H. R Pri., F, 135th Pa. Inf., Corp., D, 4th Pa. Cav., Fort Collins Smith, John L, Pri., F, 59th Ohio Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Smith, Thos. G Sergt., K, 2 7th Ohio Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Snvder, Ed Pri., H, 116th N. Y. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Spires, Louis Pri., D, 206th Pa. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Spring-stead, H. S Corp., E, 9th Mich. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Stephenson, J. F Pri., B, 136th 111. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Stolbrandt, Carlos J Pri., G, 2nd 111. L. Art., Brig. Gen. Chief of Art. Fort Collins, Colo. Stotts, John Q Pri., K, 2nd 111. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Stotts, Samuel Sergt., I, 33rd 111. Vet. Vols., Fort Collins, Colo. Street, J. W Pri., G, 5th Ind. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Struthers, Luther Pri., C, 4th Wis. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Swan, H. S Sergt., H, 3rd Mo. Inf., F, 15th Mo. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Sweeten, Thos Pri., C, 13th Kan. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Syme, Thos. R Pri., K, 5th Mo. Inf., Pri., I, 29th 111. Inf., Fort Collins Tenney, M. A Q. M. Sergt., 3rd Bat., 1st R. I. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Tennev, R. Q Com. Sergt., 15th Vt. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Terrili, James E. .Pri., A, 15th Iowa Inf., Pri., F, 10th Iowa Inf., Ft. Collins Terry, Peter G Pri., B, 11th 111. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Thoman, Free. .Pri., A, 125th Ohio Inf., Capt., D, 125th Ohio Inf., Ft. Collins Thomas, I. N Pri., F, 44th Ind. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Thomas, John L Sergt, 1st Lieut., E, 77th Ohio Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Throckmorton, John L Pri., L, 2nd 111. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Ticknor, A. A Pri., I, 150th Pa. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Tilton, Silas E Sergt., D, 137th N. Y., Fort Collins. Colo. Tofte, Frederick. Pri., H. 2nd Kan. Inf., Sergt., L, 9th Kan. Cav., Ft. Collins Tompkins, L. W Corp., B, 63rd Ind. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Tonev, Jas. A Pri., H, 7th W. Va. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Town, Gideon A Pri., H, 40th Iowa Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Turk. W. W Pri.. B, 6th Pa. H. Art., Fort Collins, Colo. Vandewark, E. E Corp., A, 3rd Wis., Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Van Dvke, I. N Sergt.. A, 109th Ind. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Van Housen, A. D Pri., H, 12th 111. Inf., Port Collins, Colo. Wade, S. W Musician, G, 7th 111. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Walker, Jas. M Pri.. B., 3rd Iowa Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Walker, John J. ..Pri., F, 60th Ohio Inf.. Sergt., E, 36th U. S. Inf., Fort Collins. Colo. Walker, Thomas Pri., D, 13Sth 111. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Wallace, Jonathan Pri., H. 1st Tenn. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Walsh, Robt Pri., G. 25th 111. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Walter, Michael M Pri., D, 35th N. J. Inf.. Fort Collins, Colo. Warren, Chas. ..Pri., B. 5th N. Y. Inf., 2nd Lieut., 15th I^. S. Colored Fort Collins, Colo. Wav, "Walter A Pri., G, 25th Ohio Inf.. Fort Collins, Colo. Webb, Samuel G. .Pri., A, 10th Ind. Inf., Capt., A, 40th Ind. Inf., Ft. Collins Webber, Titus Pri., A, 1st Mich. Eng., Fort Collins, Colo. Welliver, A. C Corp.. A, 30th 111. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. W'estfall. W. W Pri., I, 1st Mo. Eng., Fort Collins, Colo. Wice, Henrv Pri.. C, 4th Ind. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Wiokman. Chas. G Pri., H. 42nd Ohio Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Wilcox, Philetus H Pri.. K. 50th Pa. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Welkins, G. T...Pri., K, 1st 'Wis. Inf.. 2nd Lieut., A, 2nd Wis. Cav.. Fort Collins, Colo. Wills, Jos. R Drummer, F. S9th Ohio Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Witham, L. P Pri.. U. S. Signal Corps, Fort Collins, Colo. W^oods, Jos ; Pri., F. 140th 111. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Woods, Thos. IT Pri., G, 42nd Mo. Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Yetter. Jerre Pri., A. 141st Pa. Inf., Port Collins, Colo. Young. Samuel A Pri., D, 29th Iowa Inf., Fort Collins, Colo. Zinn, Geo. W Sergt., B, 9th Kan. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Zinn, Jas. W Pri.. H and L, 2nd Kan. Cav., Fort Collins, Colo. Roster of Pueblo Post No. 8, G. A. R., Poeblo, Colo. ^rcetinijs Every Sat>ud:iy. Andrus, Jessie D Pri., B, 132nd 111. Inf.. E. 4th', Pueblo Austin. Charles Pri., K. 39th 111. Inf., Pueblo Barklev Henry Pri., K, 21st 111. Inf., Pueblo Brayton. E Pri.. IT. S. Signal, 201 W. 11th, Pueblo Boxmeyer, Chas. H Pri., C. 3rd 111. Cav., 1901 Court. Pueblo Brown," Dan W Sgt., E. 2nd la. Inf., 216 ^V. 2nd, Pueblo Barnard. Oliver J 1st Class, U. S. Navy, 831 Brandon Ave., Pueblo Biddle C W Pri., B, 7th W. Va. Inf., Pueblo Bornne, Henry H " Pri., A, 64th 111. Inf., Pueblo 30 Bradley, Uford Pri., E, 50th N. Y. Eng., W. 5th, Pueblo Burns, Isaac Pri., I, 1st Col. Art., Pueblo Bippus, John J Q. M. S.. 91st Ind. Inf., 309 Van Buren, Pueblo Corbin, Alpheus A Pri., I, 5th la. Inf., 217 W. 7th, Pueblo Crumedy, \Vesley Pri., 135th U. S. C. Inf., Pueblo Crane, L. A Capt., H, 14th la. Inf., Pueblo Clark, Wm. M 1st Sergt., M, 3rd W. Va. Cav., 1633 'W 19th, Pueblo Christie, Louis H Pri., A, 1st Md. Inf., Pueblo Cook, John Pri., H, 7th Vt. Inf., 202 W. D. St., Pueblo Carver. John C Pri., A, 30th Me. Inf.. 415 Cedar St., Pueblo Downen, Thomas J Pri., I, 7Sth 111. Inf., Opera Bldg., Pueblo Douglas, Joseph M 2 St., G, 5 la. Inf., Pueblo Davis, Henry C Pri., A, 13th Wis. Inf., 907 Court, Pueblo Edgar, Robert G Pri., G, 3rd N. Y. Light Art., Pueblo Engle, Charles L Pri., H, 1st Minn. H. Art., 1623 W. 17th, Pueblo Evans, Barney Sergt., C, 13th Kan. V. M., 507 E. 12th, Pueblo Fitch, M. H Lt. Col., 21st Wis. Inf., 401 W. 11th St., Pueblo Fitch, Albert C Pri., E, 13th 111. Inf., 417 Santa Fe, Pueblo Fuller, Jared S Pri., G, 10th Ohio Cav., Pueblo Fletcher, Andrew B Pri., G, 36 Mass. Inf., Pueblo Farnham, John R Pri., I, 91st 111. Inf., 517 Veta Ave., Pueblo Finch. Wm. O Corp., D, 127th 111. Inf., 59 Blk. O, Pueblo Fish, George P Pri., B, 1st Me. Cav., 603 N. Main, Pueblo Fisher, Frank L Pri., B, 42nd Mass. Inf., 82 Blk. L, Pueblo Gaines, Cyrus C Corp., E, 2nd la. Inf., P. O. Bldg., Pueblo Gordon, Henry C Mus., B, 19th Ind. Inf., 305 W. 7th, Pueblo Glass, Asabel S Pri., L, 7th la. Cav., 1006 W. 12th, Pueblo Grandy. Charles L Sergt., A, 1st Mich. Eng., Pueblo Gates, Wm Pri., E, 10th 111. Inf., 2622 W. St., Pueblo Griggs, Robert W Pri., 21st Ind. Inf., Pueblo Gilbert, Charles M Capt., A, 38th Ohio Inf., 617 W. 3rd. Pueblo Galloway, Samuel Pri., B, 86th 111. Inf., 1527 W. 17th, Pueblo Gamble, Wm. M Or.. F, 134th 111. Inf., 613 N. Man, Pueblo Griffin, James A Corp., D, 13th 111. Cav., Pueblo Hensel, Levi Lieut., G, 13th Kan. Inf., Pueblo Hyde, Wm. H Corp., E, 1st Calif. Inf.. 409 W. 10th, Pueblo Hugh, John H Pri., D, 29th Ohio Inf., Pueblo Holden. Delos L 2nd Lieut., E, 50th N. Y. Eng.. 205 E. 5th, Pueblo Howe, John E Sergt., D, 21st Mich. Inf., Pueblo Holmes, Jas. A Corp., I, 46th Ohio Inf., Pueblo Hurd, John R Col., 173rd Ohio Inf.. 1813 E. 17th Ave., Denver Hummel, Charles Pri., I, 17th Ohio Inf., Pueblo Harris, Thomas J Pri., D, 26th 111. Inf., Pueblo Hart, C. J Pri., E, 13th Mo. Inf., 410 W. 10th, Pueblo Henkle. Charles Pri., L, 1st Colo. Cav., 309 W. 9th, Pueblo Hill, Wm. F Corp., B, 95th 111. Inf., Pueblo Hartwick, Peter Pri.. D, 137 Pa. Inf., 307 Veta Ave.. Pueblo Hays, Cyrus Pri., L, 2nd Mo. Lt. Art., 400 Blk. I, Pueblo Hoffman, Robt. A 2 M. Sergt., F, 36th Ohio Inf., 237 W. Evans, Pueblo Jones. Alonzo Corp.. H. 9th Kan. Cav., Pueblo Jewell, J Sergt., F, 125th Ohio Inf., Pueblo Keller, John H Mus., F, 29th Mo. Inf.. Pueblo Kiniry, Edward Pri., D, 1st 111. Art., Pueblo Kaler, Andrew Pri., G, 1st W. Va. Lt. Art., 1607 W. 16th. Pueblo Kelly, Wm. H Pri., E, 7th 111. Inf., 1003 Berkeley, Pueblo Kuntz, Adam Sergt., F, 1 98th Pa. Inf.. Pueblo Ketchem, E. S Pri., K, 33rd Wis. Inf., 81 "W. 12th, Pueblo Kimmel, Oliver Pri., I, 1st Ind. Cav., 841 B. Abriendo, Pueblo Kessler, Charles Pri., F, 31st Mo. S. M. Inf., Pueblo Lambert, John J 1st Capt., 9th la. Cav. and 5th U. S. Inf., 403 W. 10th, Pueblo Lee, Wm. O Pri., D, 1st la. Cav., 2307 N. Greenwood, Pueblo Lawson. William 2nd Lieut., L, 1st Ohio Art., Pueblo Lake, Marion S Capt., G, 14th Wis. Inf., Pueblo McClung. J. S Pri., E, 4th 111. Cav., Pueblo McKallip. I. C Pri., K, 53rd Pa. Inf., Pueblo McDonald, W. H Pri., E, 21st Pa. Cav., Pueblo McKee. John Pri., F, 54th Ind. Inf., Pueblo McKlellin, J. P Pri., H, 5th Ky. Cav., Pueblo Miller, J F .Pri., F, 1st Colo. Cav., Pueblo Mosier, Samuel Pri., G, 15th Ind. Inf., Pueblo Morse, H. M Pri., F, 17th Mass. Inf., Pueblo Merritt, Geo. S Pri., A, 3 6th Mass. Inf., Pueblo Mitchell, J. C Pri., I, 194 Ohio Inf., Pueblo Marsh, E Pri., D, 7th Wis. Inf., Pueblo Moore. Geo. T Pri., G, 139 Ind. Inf., Pueblo Meeks, Isaac Pri., F, 8th Ky. Cav., Pueblo Nash. G. T Pri., C, 12th Va. Inf., Pueblo Nelson. Henry Pri., H, 1st Mich. Inf., Pueblo Palmer. Jacob Major, 104th Ind. Inf., Pueblo Page. J. E Capt.. D, 5th la. Inf., Pueblo Phillips, Henry Pri., H, 67th U. S. C. Inf., Pueblo Packard, P. L Pri., D, 154th 111. Inf., Pueblo Packard. S. M Corp., D, 154th 111. Inf., Pueblo Ricker, W. H Pri., D, 1st Colo. Cav., Pueblo Rood, Aaron Pri., B. 22nd 111. Inf., Pueblo 31 Raglan, G Capt., H, 129th 111. Inf., Pueblo Stanton, I. W 1st Lieut., L, 2nd Colo. Cav., Pueblo Sackett, Andrew Corp., D, 59th 111. Inf., Pueblo Stambaugh, E. H Pri., C, 99th Ohio Inf., Vineland Sheldon, H Sergt., G, 8th 111 Cav., Pueblo Sheets, Andrew J Pri., I, 6th Ky. Cav., Pueblo Smith, Franklin S Pri., C, 14th la. Inf., Pueblo Trujillo, Benito Pri., K, 1st N. M. Inf., Pueblo Tietsort, C. H Pri., E, 34th la. Inf., Pueblo Taylor, W. S Pri., K, 14th Ind. Inf., Pueblo Todd, J. G Pri., A, 3rd Minn. Inf., Pueblo Topping, W. H 1st Lieut., K, 40th Ohio Inf., Pueblo Upson, Isaiah Pri., K, 31st Me. Inf., Pueblo Winters, L. A Corp., M, 16th 111. Cav., Pueblo Webb, N E Pri., F, 6th U. S. Cav., Pueblo Welch, P. C Pri., 1st Kan. Art., Pueblo Wilson, Chris Pri., H, 5th Kan. Militia, Pueblo Walker, Elias Pri., A, 136th Ohio Inf., Pueblo Yackey, N. B Pri., A, 2nd Mo. Cav., Pueblo Roster of James A. Garfield Post No. 9, G. A, R., Leadville, Colo. Meetings Every Thursday Evening in the Elk's Lodge Room. Apple, Conrad Pri., E, 10th Vt. Inf., Leadville, Colo. Barker, Fen. G Band Master, 3rd Maine Inf., Leadville, Colo. Beall, W. T Pri., K, 154th Ohio Inf., Denver, Colo. Bohn, A. V Major, 15th 111. Inf., Leadville, Colo. Brown, S. M 2nd Lieut., M, 1st N. Y. Mtd. Rifles, Leadville, Colo. Brown, W. C Com. Sergt., 4th Vt. Inf., Leadville, Colo. Buffehr, Jacob Corp., H, 7th Kan. Inf., Leadville, Colo. Burkhardt, J. C Seaman, U. S. Navy, Leadville, Colo. Burks, Albert S Pri., C, 25th Wis. Inf., Leadville, Colo. Cain, John Sergt., I, 3rd Colo. Cav., Leadville, Colo. Callen, Levi L Sergt., K, 162nd N. Y. Inf., Leadville, Colo. Chapin, S. L Pri., H, 58th N. Y. Inf.. Leadville, Colo. Colahan, Francis Capt., H, 122nd N. Y. Inf., Leadville, Colo. Cook, Geo. W Drummer, D, 145th Md., Leadville, Colo. Cox, Henry Pri., K, Slst N. Y. Inf., Granite, Colo. Curley, John R Landsman, U. S. Navy, Leadville, Colo. Forman, A. M Pri., E, 1st Mo. Cav., Leadville, Colo. Frain, Wm Pri., G, 10th U. S. Inf., Leadville, Colo. Johnson, W. R Sergt., I, 46th Wis. Inf., Leadville, Colo. Kendrick, Jos Sergt., G, 33rd 111. Inf., Leadville, Colo. Klippel, Geo Saddler, 3rd Colo. Cav., Leadville, Colo. Lamping, J. A Pri., I, 92nd N. Y. Inf., Leadville, Colo. Lappin, James Sergt., G, 46th Wis. Inf., Leadville, Colo. McCarty, Edw. J Pri., C, 11th N. Y. Cav., Leadville, Colo. McCollum, David Pri., I, 2nd Mich. Inf., Leadville, Colo. McDowell. N. B Capt., M, 8th Mo. Cav., Leadville, Colo. McGee, Robert Corp., E, 56th N. Y. Inf., Leadville, Colo. Moore, Jas. W Corp., E, 7Sth Ohio Inf., Goldfield, Nev. Nestor, George Pri., G, 96th Pa. Inf., Leadville, Colo. Newman. Geo. S 1st Lieut., F, 17th Mich. Inf., Denver, Colo. Oakley, Solomon Capt., C, 109th N. Y. Inf., Leadville, Colo. O'Neill, Robert Pri., B, 7th Mass. Inf., Leadville, Colo. Otterback. W. L Landsman, U. S. Navy, Unknown Parker, W. G Capt., G, 4 4th Pa. Inf., Unknown Patterson. Wm Pri., P, 16th Iowa Inf., Unknown Qiiiglev. P. J Pri., C, 29th Pa. Inf., Denver, Colo. Quinn, Geo. P Corp., C, 10th Wis. Inf., S. & S. Home, Monte Vista. Colo. Rice. James E Corp., L, 1st Iowa Cav., Unknown Rich, Wm. H Pri., B, 75th N. Y. Inf., Unknown Rosse, Adolph Pri., B, 1st N. Y. Engrs, Leadville, Colo. Sanders. J. F Pri., B, 11th Ind. Inf., Denver, Colo. Swann, Abraham Pri., D, U. S. H. Art., Soldiers" Home, Tenn. Thomas, J. D Capt. Hold. U. S. Navy, Leadville, Colo. Thomas, L. R Corp., H, 7th Wis. Inf., Eagle, Colo. Walker, Geo. C Capt., K. 99th Ind. Inf., Leadville, Colo. Worcester, Leonard Band Master, U. S. Navy, Leadville, Colo. Roster of Greenwood Post No. JO, G. A. R., Canon City, Colo. Meetings Every First and Third Thursday Evening at Elk's Hall. Armstrong, E. S H, 121st Ohio Inf., Canon City, Colo. Ashby, Bladen Pri., I, 25th Mo. Inf., Canon City, Colo. Bailey, A. S 1st Sergt., G, 117th N. Y. Inf., Canan City, Colo. Barnhart, Z. D A, 153rd Ind. Inf., Canon City, Colo. Beltz, Henry C E, 34th Iowa Inf., Canon City, Colo. Bengley, F. H Pri., A, 2nd Colo. Cav., Canon City, Colo. Blanchard, P. W C, 177th Ohio Inf., Canon City, Colo. Bowlby, J. S Pri., C, 42nd Ohio Inf., Canon City, Colo. Chess, R. R C, 16th Ind. Inf., Canon City, Colo. 32 Coff man, L. U G, 2nd Colo. Cav., Canon City Cook, Joshua H I, 2nd Colo. Cav., Canon City Coopei-, J. W Pri., B, 4th Mo. Cav., Canon City Courtney, S. S A, 3rd W. Va. Cav., Canon City Crisman, Thos E, 2nd W. Va. Cav., Canon City Endsley, N. H F, 2nd N. Y. Inf., Canon City Farris, S. H D, 9th Ohio Cav., Canon City Felton, W. B Pri., B, 1st Colo., Canon City, Fisher, J. C H, 1st Colo., Canon City French, S. F B, 1st Vt. Cav., Canon City Geraghty, M. R U. S. Navy, Canon City Gibbs, G. T ' K, 4th Iowa, Canon City Gillett, G. M Pri., M, 2nd Calif. Cav., Canon City Gregory, Geo Pri., G, 16th Kan. Cav., Canon City, Harris, J. M C, S4th 111. Inf., Canon City, Hayes, Philip Pri., B, 2nd Colo. Cav., Canon City, Helm, C. T Pri., I, 10th Iowa, Canon City Hofflicker, Samuel I, 149th 111., Canon City, Humphrey, J. K M, 2nd Iowa Cav., Canon City, Jackson, S. M G, 13th 111., Canon City, Jenkins, W. Y H, 9th 111., Canon City Knowles, Jesse A, 50th Ind., Canon City, Lamb, Jos. L A, 22nd Mich., Canon City Logan, J. S Sergt., H, 12th Kan., Canon City, McClure, J. E P, 17th Iowa, Canon City McGowan, A. J I, 1st "Wis., Cav., Canon City Matton, M. D H, 5th Mich., Canon City, Mills, O. M I, 134th Ind., Canon City Mingay, H. M D, 69th N. Y., Canon City, Monce, G. M C, 175th Ohio, Canon City, Palm, H. M B, 6th Ohio, Canon City, Parks, D. V I, 5th Mo. Cav., Canon City, Payne, T. J F, 13th Kan., Canon City, Phelps, J. J B, 132nd 111., Canon City Ragsdale, J. M E, 122nd Ohio, Canon City, Raper, A. C B, 7th N. Carolina, Canon City Rector, W. H B, 148th 111., Canon City Redmond, H. W D, 7th Mo. Cav., Canon City, Rhodes, J. H 2nd Iowa Bat., Canon City, Rice, W. W G, 12th Mo., Canon City, Robison, Lyman 1st Lieut., 4th Mo. Cav., Canon City Rockafellow, B. F M, 6th Mich. Cav., Canon City, Sartor, Henry L, 9th Mo. Cav., Canon City, Schamp, L. A K, 32nd Iowa, Canon City Scott, D. G Pri., I, 15th N. Y., Canon City Shank, Albert B, 111. Engrs., Canon City Shaw, John H, 3rd Mo. Cav., Canon City Smith, Lorenzo W L, 2nd Neb. Cav., Canon City Steinmeyer, S. C A, 15th Pa. Cav., Canon City Steinwandel, P. P B, 5th N. Y., Canon City, Stonebrecker, J. W Pri., E, 2nd W. Va., Canon City Terry, J. W E, 6th Iowa Cav., Canon City, Thomas, J. H Pri., E, 41st Mo., Canon City, Thompson, W. H Pri., I, 36th Iowa, Canon City Towers, Geo U. S. Navy, Canon City, Tuncil, Simon E, 65th 111., Canon City Walter, Albert 2nd Lieut., I, 1st Colo. Cav., Canon City, Ward, Nathan D, 1st Colo. Cav., Canon City, Weed, John A, 91st Ohio, Canon City Weston, Eugene Pri., G, 3rd Colo. Cav., Canon City Wilkinson, J. V H, 96th 111., Canon City Yeaman, J. W F, 2nd 111. L. Art., Canon City Young, H. C B, 18th Mo., Canon City Roster of Sedgwick Post No. \2f G. A, R., Durango, Colo. Meetings Every Second and Fourth Thursday. Anadell, Wm. J Pri., A, 50th Ind. Inf., Durango, Colo. Anderson, Francis W Corp.. D, 22nd Iowa Inf., Bayfield, Colo. Andrus, C. E Pri., K, 106th Pa. Inf., Ignacio, Colo. Bagye, Thos. H Mus., B, 8th Calif. Inf., Durango, Colo. Baisden, John S Pri., F, 5th W. Va. Inf., Durango, Colo. Baldwin, Bruce Pri., D, 164th Ohio N. G., Hermosa, Colo. Barnes, Leroy S Pri., C, 4th Ohio Inf., Durango, Colo. Bartlett, Ephraim Pri., B, 144th 111. Inf., Porter, Colo. Black, Chas. A Pri., B, 12th Kan. Inf., Bayfield, Colo. Bleeker, John C Pri., B, 21st N. Y. Militia, Animas City, Colo. Bovee, L. D Pri., E, 100th 111. Inf., Trimble, Colo. Bowen, J. C Pri., B, 2nd Colo. Cav., Animas City, Colo. Bowlen, J. W Pri., A, 5th Iowa Cav., Durango, Colo. Bryan, George Pri., B, 2nd Colo. Cav., Ignacio, Colo. Burnham, A Pri., I, 2nd N. Y. H. Art., Durango, Colo. Carroll, Amos C Pri., I, 1st Colo. Cav., Durango, Colo. 33 Carver, John W Sergt., A, 88th N. Y. Inf., Silverton, Colo. Condit, E. C Mus., C, 19th Iowa Inf., Silverton, Colo. Connor, M Pri., H, 43rd Wis. Inf., Durango, Colo. Cox, George Pri., A, Sth Mo. Inf., Durango, Colo. Dobbs, E. W Pri., B, 11th Ky. Inf., Durango, Colo. Favor, Albert A. ..Pri., F, 23rd Maine Inf., Pri., K, 6th Iowa Cav., Durango Fearing, Franklin Pri., D, 16th Iowa Inf., Durango, Colo. Fearing, F. W Pri., I, 44th Iowa Inf., Durango, Colo. Flanders, B. F Pri., D, 7th Mo. Inf., Durango, Colo. Fowler, James A Pri., H, 2nd Iowa Inf., Grousmet, Colo. Fullager, Wm Corp., D, IGSth N. Y. Inf., Durango, Colo. Green, Edwin 1st Class B, Gunboat, Princess Royal, Bayfield, Colo. Hodges, E. W Pri., B, 2nd Ohio Inf., 1st Sergt., 9th Ohio Bat., Silverton Hollar, Henry T Pri., E, 54th Ind. Inf., Pri., A, 130th Ind. Inf., Bayfield Hoover, Daniel W. Sergt., L, 16th Kan. Cav., Durango, Colo. Hubbard, E. C Pri., E, Sth Iowa Cav., Durango Humphrey, Thos. K Pri., K, 13th Pa. Reserves, Durango Jackson, John W. Pri., H, 6th Mfch. H. Art., Durango Kendall, John Pri., H, 23rd Iowa Inf., Pri., H, 9th Iowa Cav., Durango Kendall, J. W Pri., D, 1st Minn. Inf., Rockwood Kight, J. W Pri., K, 91st Ohio Inf., Animas Valley Kilborn, Nathaniel Pri., C, 1st Colo. Cav., Mancos Kimball, A. F Pri., H, Sth Maine Inf., Durango Lemmon, C. A Pri., B, 72nd Ohio Inf., Durango Livengood, Jas. N. ..Corp., H, 12th Ky. Cav., Pri., D, 25th Ind. Inf., Durango McKinley, John Sergt., H, 5th 111. Cav., Durango, Colo. Marshall, Miles Pri., G, 9th Kan. Cav., Mancos, Colo. May, Samuel F. . .Pri., K, Sth Pa. Inf., Pri., C, 147th Pa. Inf., Durango, Colo. Miner, C. W Pri., D, 2nd Ohio Inf., Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. Moore, W. H Pri., G, 144th 111. Inf., Durango, Colo. Mullen, Louden Capt., Davidson's Cav., Durango, Colo. Murphy, Thos Coal Heaver, U. S. Gunboat Belle, Durango, Colo. Ogden, John Pri., K, 3rd Wis. Inf., Durango, Colo. Pawling, George Pri., D, 22nd Wis. Inf., Bayfield, Colo. Poor, A. C Pri., A, 25th N. Y. Inf., Durango, Colo. Prescott, John B Pri., G, 10th Maine Inf., Durango, Colo. Reed, Joseph Pri., F, 26th 111. Inf., Durango, Colo. Reichert, Peter Seaman, U. S. Navy, Animas City, Colo. Rule, John R...Pri., K, 15th 111. Inf., Pri., A, 146th 111. Inf., Durango, Colo. Sanvage, Lorenzo Pri.. 7th Ohio L. Art., Durango, Colo. Sleeth, John T Corp., D. 18th Mo. Inf., Animas Valley, Colo. Sloan, R. E Pri., H, 15th Pa. Cav., Durango, Colo. Smith, S. H Pri., K, 5th Ohio Inf., Durango, Colo. Spear, Elijah H Pri., F, 31st Mo. Inf., Durango, Colo. Spencer, Jacob Pri., A, 13th 111. Cav., Hesperus, Colo. Starr, John B Corp., B, 15th Kan. Cav., Durango, Colo. Tenmie, Henry Pri., I, 24th 111. Inf., Durango, Colo. Thompson, Dr. A Pri., F, 3rd Mo. Militia, Durango, Colo. Turner, John C Pri., C, 1st Colo. Cav., Durango, Colo. Tyner, George Pri., C, 68th Ind. Inf., Florida Mesa, Colo. Vaile, Wm. P Sergt. Major, 137th Ind. Inf.. Durango, Colo. Warner, John Pri., E, 2nd Ark. Cav., Animas City, Colo. Wilcox, Philetus Corp., K, 50th Pa. Inf., Durango, Colo. Williamson, T Bugler, L, 12th Ohio Cav., Durango, Colo. Wilmot, C. C Pri.. G, 9th Iowa Cav., La Plata, Colo. Wingate, John W Pri., E. 117th N. Y. Inf., Durango, Colo. Wilson, A. M Corp., E, 7th W. Va. Cav., Mancos, Colo. Wilson, W. D. H. .Pri., G, 7th Pa. Militia, Corp., Pa. Keystone Bat., Durango Woods, W. D Pri.. D, 12th Kan. Inf., Durango, Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Roster of U. S. Grant Post No. J 3, G. A. R., Greeley^ Colo. JNIcetiiigs Every Second and Fourth Saturday. Alcorn, J. A Pri., C, 35th Wis. Inf., Greeley, Colo. Aldrich, E. N K, 142nd Ind. Inf., Greeley, Colo. Archer, John Pri., H, 4th Iowa Inf., Greeley, Colo. Baker, E. E Pri., B, 3rd U. S. Cav., Greeley, Colo. Beeman, F. C Pri., K, 153rd N. Y. Inf., Greeley, Colo. Boomer, W. M. ..Pri., D, 117th N. Y. Inf., I, 4Sth N. Y. Inf., Greeley, Colo. Boye, August C Pri., C, 4th Ohio Inf.-, Greeley, Colo. Brockway, C. S Corp., B, 41st Wis, Inf.. Greeley, Colo. Brownell, J. E D, 46th N. Y., Bat. D, 2nd U. S. Art., Greeley, Colo. Burns, Thomas E, 63 N. Y. Inf., Greeley, Colo. Butler, A. D Pri., E, 14th N. Y. Inf., Greeley, Colo. Camp, D. F M, 16th Kan. Cav., Greeley, Colo. Cheenev, Urial P, 14th Ohio Inf., Greeley, Colo. Clark, J. Max Sergt., I, 21st Wis. Cav., Pri., F, 1st Wis. Cav., Greeley Cook, Alonzo Pri., C. 16th Wis. Inf., Greeley, Colo. Croft. A C D, 7th Wis. Inf., Greeley, Colo. Derit, S Pri., 36th Ohio Inf., Greeley, Colo. De Votie, H. M Pri.. K, 3rd Colo. Cav., Greeley, Colo. Dinsmore, T. H Sergt., H, 24th Maine Inf., Greeley, Colo. 34 Dresser, F. S H, 47th Wis. Inf., Greeley Ecker, Henry I^ri., F, 19 7th Pa. Inf., Greeley iiiVans, J. B A and B, 1st Mo. Kngr., Greelev Ferguson, J. M Bugler, E, 1st N. Y. L,. Art., Greeley Fisk, G. \V Mus., 2nd Vt. Inf., Greelev Flint, Russell Pri., K, 51st Wis. Inf., Greeley Frazier, S. J Corp., B, 59th Ohio Inf., Greelev Gordon, Geo. H Pri., G, 15th N. J. Inf., Greeley Grove, F. H Corp., D, 72nd Ohio Inf., Greeley Guggray, Jos Pri., D, 39th Iowa Inf., Greeley Hastings, LaF. E Pri., K, 17th N. Y. Inf., Greeley Hogarty, M. J 1st Lieut., U. S. A., Greeley Howard, Oliver .Pri., F, 6th Mass. Inf., Greeley Hull, I. D Pri., F, 24th Iowa Inf., Greeley Irons, J. F Pri., G, 36th 111. Inf., Greeley Jackson, D. J D, 1st Del. Cav., Greeley Jones, A. W 1st Lieut., B, 17th 111. Vols., Greeley Kimball, C. B Pri., D, 2Sth Iowa Inf., Greeley Law, Gamaliel Capt., K, 6th W. Va., Cav., Greeley Lohr, A. J. R B, 2Sth Pa. Inf., Greeley Lowe, Wm. H 1st Sergt., E, 10th Minn. Inf., Greeley Lucas, E. C B, Sth Kv. Inf., Greeley Lucas, Theo Pri., A, 45th Pa. Inf., Greeley Mattox, Tobias F, 79th Ind. Inf., Greeley McCain, James K, 39th Ohio Inf., Greeley McCarter, A. J I, 23rd Iowa Inf., Greeley McNair, W F, 1st Md. Cav., Greeley Mead, S. H Pri., L, 2nd N. Y. H. Art., Greeley Miles, Silas Com. Sergt., B, Sth N. Y. Cav., 1108 22nd St., Denver, Miller, Henry Pri., M, Sth Mich. Cav., Greeley Moore, O. G E, 44th N. Y., Greeley Moore, Samuel Pri., B, 20th Conn. Inf., 932 Jason St., Denver, Moore, Samuel. .Pri., G, 9th Ind. Inf., Capt., E, 99th Ind. Inf., Greeley Morgan, G. W E, 66th Ohio Inf., Greelev Moss, D. D A, 26th Mo. Inf., C, 6th Iowa Cav., Greelev Nixon, A. M Corp., B, Sth Ind. Inf., Greelev Norder, Fred Corp., K, 9th Wis. Inf., Greeley Paine, I. H Corp., B, 4th Vt. Inf., Greeley Pifer, T. J A, 47th Iowa Inf., Greeley Pressly, Thomas C A, 9th Iowa Cav., Greelev Price, E. J Pri., H, 5th Ky. Cav., Greelev Randolph, Calvin K, 32nd Iowa Inf., Greelev Reno, W. M C, 54th Ind. Inf., Greeley Robinson, Jasper 1st Co. Denver H. Gds., Greelev Rogers, John W Druni Major, 70th 111. Inf., Greeley Rogers, W. H F, 29th 111. Inf., Greeley Sanborn, E. B F, 7th Iowa Cav., Greeley Sanborn, J. W Corp., D, 4th N. H. Inf., Greeley Sanford. Stewart Pri., I, 3rd Mich. Cav., Greeley Settle, O. F A, 105th III. Inf., Greeley Shule, Alonzo B Corp., D, 6th Kan. Cav., Greeley Smith, J. F I, 6th Ohio Cav., Greeley Southard. S. H I. 1st Ohio H. Art.. E, 7Sth Ohio Inf., Greeley Stevens, Geo. O K, 4th Mich. Cav., Greelev Stewart. LaF D, Sth 111. Inf., Greeley Stimson, T. J Corp., F, Sth N. Y. H. Art., Greeley, Stockton, Chalmers Pri., L, 4th Iowa Cav., Greeley Stone, Geo. T F, 47th Iowa Inf., Greeley! Taylor, J. F I, 46th Iowa Inf., Greeley Tisdell, P. A B, 7th Kan. Cav., Greeley Teas, J. C Pri., I, 124th 111. Inf., Greeley Thomas, C. H Q. M. S., C, 6th Ohio Cav., Greeley Thomas, W. C Sergt., D, 51st Ohio Inf., Greeley, Thompson, E. A Pri., A, 99th 111. Inf., Greeley Van Dyne, C. B D, 5th Mich. Cav., Greeley Wadlia, A. J Capt., E, 3rd N. H., Greeley Wads worth, M. L H, 27 th Maine Inf., Greeley Wallace, D. D I, 161st Ohio Inf., Greeley Watson, H. C . .Corp., B. 19th Pa. Inf., B, 6th Pa. Cav., Greeley White, C. A A, 3rd Mass. Inf., Capt., B, 6th Pa, Cav., Greeley Whitman, I. A ; B, S6th 111. Inf., Greeley Wilkinson, Geo Pri., H, 53rd 111. Inf., Greeley Willard, L. B H, 6th Mass. Inf., 1st Sergt., K, 26th Mass. Inf., Greek Williams, H. M Sergt., A, 13th 111. Inf., Greeley Wing, I. Y Seaman, U. S. Navy, Greeley Wolaver, J. M Pri., I, 52nd 111. Inf., Greeley Wood, C. A M, 4th Mass. H. Art., Greeley Wood, N. D H, 49th Wis. Inf., Greeley Woodbury, J. A 1st Sergt., F, 6th Minn. Inf., Greeley Woodruff, W. B F, 88th 111. Inf., Greeley, Wright, W. O H, 103rd 111. Inf., Greeley Zinde, R. M A, 56th N. Y. Inf., Greeley 35 Roster of Byron L. Carr Post No. 14, G. A. R. Room 1715 California Street, Denver. Colo. Meetings Every ilonday Evening Abele, Xavier Pri., K, 4th Ohio Cav., 2948 Walnut St., Denver Adams, O. E Pri., 111. Chi. Mer. Bat., 2147 Champa St., Denver . Allen, Henry J Capt., F, 156th 111. Inf., 2479 S. Bannock St., Denver Alley, Frederick Sergt., B, 40th Wis. Inf., Erie, Colo. Anderson, A. H. W Pri., C, 14th 111. Inf., Denver, Colo. Andrews, Frank Pri., F, 15th Mich. Inf., Monte Vista, Colo. Andrews, R. P Corp., F, 128th Pa. Inf., 3036 Newton St., Denver Andrews, W. B M. M., U. S. Navy, 2233 W. 28th Ave., Denver Ames, E. L Pri., 2nd Bat. Ohio D. Art., Cooper Bldg., Denver Armstrong, H. F Sergt., C, Sth Mich. Cav., 1132 15th St., Denver Arnold, H. F Pri., A, Sth N. Y. Inf., 1428 12th St., Denver Babbitt, Wm. P Pri., A, Gth Ohio Inf., 372 Broadway, Denver Bain, Geo H, 135th Ind. Inf., 148 Hooker St., Denver Baker, Henry Teamster, L, 9th Iowa Cav., 4619 W. 35th Ave., Denver Barker, Jas. H Pri., C, 12th Ohio Cav., Edith, Colo. Barnes, R. M Chaplain, 6th Ind. Inf., 1447 Corona St., Denver Bavliss, Charles. .. .Pri., 1st Bat. Minn. L. Art., 3331 Humboldt St., Denver Bennett, Geo. E Pri., I, 56th Pa. Inf., 2309 Champa St., Denver Betz, John Pri., F, 3 5th Iowa Inf., National Soldiers' Home, Kansas Bingner, H. G Sergt., G, 3rd Pa. Inf., 1059 Washington St., Denver Bird, S. W Adjt., 22nd 111. Inf., Compton, Calif. Bishop, E. F Adjt., 89th 111. Inf., 1608 Broadway, Denver Blake, Henry Pri., C, 3rd Colo. Cav., 1209 Lipan St., Denver Blanchard, E. M Corp., B, 36th Mass. Inf., 2715 Clay St., Denver Blonger, L. H Mus., B, 142nd 111. Inf., 2231 Curtis St., Denver Body, Enoch Pri., F, 69th 111. Inf., 29th St. & Platte River, Denver Body, John Pri., G, Sth Minn. Inf., 29th St., near Platte River, Denver Bonnifield, W. A Pri., M, 15th Kan. Cav., Shawnee, Colo. Bowen, Benj. F Pri., B, 18th Ind. Inf., 1751 Lawrence St., Denver Boyd, Frances E Major, 4th U. S. H. Art., Salina, Colo. Briggs, E Pri., I, 33rd Ohio Inf., Arvada, Colo. Brinkerhuff, Geo Pri., A, 29th Iowa Inf., Argo, Colo. Brown, Wm. H Pri., C, 141st N. Y. Inf., Unknown Bruce, Geo. A Corp., I, 16th Vt. Inf., 1313 15th St., Denver Buck, R. H Capt., K, 6th Mo. Inf., U. S. Mint, Denver Buntz, C. S. W Pri., A, 2nd Md. Inf., Nat. Soldiers' Home, Kansas Burchinell, W. K Q. M. S., Signal Corps, State Capitol, Denver Burnes, M. J Pri., G, 3rd Iowa Cav., P. O. Box 1710, Denver Burns, T. J Sergt., F, 4th N. H. Inf., 1557 Larimer St., Denver Burnett, B. F Lieut., C, 139th 111. Inf., 2735 Gilpin St., Denver Cain, Napoleon B Corp., 4th Mo. Cav., 1851 W. 35th Ave., Denver Caldwell, M. A Pri., K, 21st Mich. Inf., 2052 Champa St., Denver Capron, A. B. . .Lieut., K, 111th N. Y. Inf., 3824 Alta Vista Terrace, Chicago Carpenter, M. B Sergt., I. 13th Vt. Inf., E. & C. Bldg., Denver Chamberlin, Sid Pri., I, 30th Wis. Inf., Capitol Hill Station, Denver Chapin, Cvrus Pri., D, 7th Mo. Cav., 506 Quincy Bldg., Denver Chapin, H. C Capt., C, 4th Vt. Inf., Metropole Hotel, Denver Christie, J. W Pri., K, Sth Pa. Inf., Portland, Ore. Christy, Chas Pri., K, 3rd 111. Cav., 519i 24th St., Denver Churchill, J. A 1st Lieut., B, 3rd Minn. Inf., 2106 E. 17th St., Denver Coaklev, Patrick H Sergt., A, 22nd Ky. Inf., 622 Inca St., Denver Cole, Uriah R Pri., H, 24th N. Y. Inf., 1033 Broadway, Denver Combs, Stephen A Pri., D, 25th Mass. Inf., 3952 S. Broadway, Denver Comstock, W. H 1st C. Boy, U. S. Navy, 315 Pox St., Denver Cook, Geo. W Pri., H. 144th N. Y. Inf., Littleton, Colo. Cooper, J. I Pri., D, 1 1 th Iowa Inf., Unknown Copeland. P. W Mus., 45th 111. Inf., 51 S. Ogden St., Denver Cornari. S. C. S Mus., F. 21st N. Y. Inf., 2549 S. Broadway, Denver Cornwall, W. T Corp.. B, ISth Iowa Inf., 917 E. 13th Ave., Denver Craven, James Pri., G, 7Sth Pa. Inf., 2520 Welton St., Denver Crawford, M. S Lieut., F, 3rd Iowa Cav., 1060 Bannock St., Denver Currier, James F Pri., G, 4th N. Y. Cav., 2604 Larimer St.. Denver Dague, J. W Pri., D, 76th Ohio Inf., 3317 Walnut St., Denver Daniels, H. H Capt., C, 2nd Mich. Inf.. Pomona, Calif. Darrow, Homer Mus., H, 3rd Iowa Inf., 620 20th St., Denver Dean, Chas. E Pri.. I, 75th N. Y. Inf., 1195 S. High St., Denver Demansa, N. S Pri., H, 32nd Iowa Inf., 2917 S. Cherokee, Denver Dickenson, C. W Corp., B, 16th Mich. Inf., 827 16th St., Denver Dillon, J. S Lieut., C, 118th 111. Inf., 2638 Williams St., Denver Doliver, Albert Pri., B. 111th Pa. Inf., 2541 California St., Denver Draper, D. M Lieut. Col., 9th Mo. Cav., 701 Sherman St., Denver Dresser, J. C Pri., A, 4th Calif. Inf., Los Angeles. Calif. Dunten. E. F Pri., C, 129th Ind. Inf., 1410 Jason St., Denver Dyer, Chas Drummer, I, 12th Vt. Inf., Chicago, 111. Edmunds, C. W Pri., A, 4th 111. Cav., 805 Julian St., Denver E.ggs. Severin Pri., H, 1st Mo. L. Art, Englewood, Colo. Elderkin, J. K Pri.. B, 51st Ohio Inf.. 2331 Ogden St., Denver Emily, A. W Mus., A. 11th Wis. Inf., 2969 Denver Place, Denver Eppler, J. H Pri., B, 11th Ind. Inf., 2120 High St., Denver Essington, John M Capt., B, 7th Pa. Cav., 217 Kittredge Bldg., Denver Evans, E. C Corp., G, 44th 111. Inf., 143 Alaska St., Denver 36 G. VIANCOCKSV CORPS POTOMAC CAV. CORPS. FIFTH COHPS SIGNAL CORPS. ^^^Vi9>-^W CO/?p^ 4"^^^ 1^^^^^ S^^^ ^^tENTHC^^ CS^r^/J, ^N^^*^A^°^ £Stt^ '^ NINETEENTH CORPS ^^^''""l '°*-^ C0RP5 ^N^S^COfip^ fcom^o/?^. TENTH CORPS =?A>c 1^^^^^ ^r ^^t v^ ^Qft A>^. ^;;5^^--^ !*5^^^S^^ TWENTY THiRD CORPS '/o. SECOND >u Farnsworth, C. P Pri., B, 1st Colo. Cav., 3415 Meade St., Denver Farris, John B Lieut., F, 26th Ind. Inf., 3916 Stewart St., Denver Farris, Wm. P Pri., G, 1st Colo. Cav., 1530 Pearl St., Denver Fetterman, S. F» Sergt., G, 2nd W. Va. Inf., 2717 Welton St., Denver Field, Bohan Pri., E, 1st Mo. Cav., Passhall, Colo. Filmore, J. H Lieut., D, 1st 111. Cav., 619 W. 4th Ave., Denver Finch, Marcus Pri., F, 133rd 111. Cav., 526 Fxchange Bldg., Denver Flanders, D. H Corp., G, 35th Mass. Inf., 1060 Gaylord St., Denver Flatery, John N Pri., A, 3rd N. Y. L. Art., 1233 E. 34th Ave., Denver Fleming, John G Sergt., B, 16th Wis. Inf., 72o E. IStli Ave., Denver Ford, W. H Pri., K, 1st Ohio H. Art., 4755 Gaylord St., Denver Fowler, J. P Sergt, E, 105th 111. Inf., 3411 W. 39th Ave., Denver French, Selden M Mus., 12th Iowa Inf., Chicago, 111. Frisbie, Samuel H Pri., B, 10th Mo. Inf., 347 Columbine St., Denver Fritz, J. S Pri., I, 40th Iowa Inf., 631 Charles Bldg., Denvei- Frye, C. H Pri., B, 2nd Mass. H. Art., 2330 Glenarm Place, Denver Gabriel, H. P Sergt., G, 20th Ohio Inf., Monte Vista, Colo. Gillet, Louis. .. .Bugler, K, 2nd Mo. Res. Art., 2330 Glenarm Place, Denver Gleason, P Pri., D, 9th N. Y. Inf., 1524 Arapahoe St., Denver Grove, S. W Pri., E, 15th Iowa Inf., 4561 Thompson Court, Denver Grozier, W. U Act. Mas., U. S. Navy, 1534 Cleveland Place, Denver Hamer, James Pri., E, 2nd Wis. Inf., 1255 Tremont Place, Denver Hammond, J. H Pri., B, 46th Iowa Inf., 168 S. Lincoln St., Denver Hare, James Pri., B, 112th 111. Inf., Unknown Harrington, I. B Pri., B, 4th Me. C. Gd., Venice, Calif. Hays, Wm. R Major, 11th 111. Cav., 234 Grant St., Denver Hazen, Norman F Pri., 50th 111. Inf., 2725 W. 43rd Ave., Denver Head, Merrick A Pri., E, 145th Ohio Inf., 465 Galapago St., Denver Hegwer, Henry Pri., B, 9th Kan. Cav., 4250 Filmore St., Denver Henderson, Joel Pri., A, 3rd 111. Cav., 2643 Douglas Place, Colo. Henry, C. J Engr., U. S. Navy, 2318 Emerson St., Denver Hicks, James R Pri., B, 71st 111. Inf., 1638 Ogden St., Denver Hight, J. W Sergt., C, 11th 111. Cav., 1960 Broadway, Denver Hoenshell, D. M Pri., E, 1st 111. L. Art., Unknown Hoffsess, A. E Pri., E, 20th Maine Inf., Unknown Hogle, Austin W Lieut., A, 76th 111. Inf., 417 Kittredge Bldg., Denver HoUister, U. S Capt., K, 13th Wis. Inf., McPhee Bldg., Denver Holmes, W. H Corp., 6th Bat. L. Art., 140 W. Cedar Ave., Denver Holtschneider, Jas Pri., G, 10th Mo. Cav., 4912 King St., Denver Hopkins, W. V Sergt., K, 76th N. Y. Inf., 449 Corona St., Denver Home, Joseph N Mus., 15th U. S. Inf., 3323 W". 31st Ave., Denvei Howard, Amos B Pri., D, 42nd Mass. Inf., Nat. Soldiers' Home, Kansas Howe, Samuel Corp., C, 5th U. S. Cav., Police Headquarters, Denver Humphrey, A. C....Com. Sergt., F, 23rd Ohio Inf., 433 S. Pearl St., Denver Hunt, A. E Pri., D, 10th Conn. Inf., 2434 Franklin St., Denver Hunt, Brazier Pri., H, 136th Ohio Inf., Monte Vista, Colo. Hutchinson, W. C Pri., H, 102nd Ohio Inf., 2321 Downing St., Denver Irwin, A. E Pri., I, 79th Ind. Inf., Elks' Hotel, Denver Jackson, Geo. F Pri., B, 27th Mass. Inf., 1509 E. Colfax Ave., Denver Jackson, Geo. W Pri., I, 22nd Ohio Inf., 4456 Clay St., Denver Johnson, P. C Pri., M, 17th Pa. Cav., 1415 Acoma St., Denver Jones, John F Pri., F, 3rd Iowa Cav., Unknown Ketcham, R. A Pri., K, 6th 111. Art., County Hospital, Denver Keys, J. R Lieut., G, 180th Ohio Inf., 506 Quincy Bldg., Denver King, Dr. E. H Corp., B, 107th 111. Inf., 2537 Stout St., Denver Kingsbury, L Pri., A, 15th Mich. Inf., 1544 Welton St., Denver Kingsbury, U. R Pri., 4th Iowa Bat., Salt Lake City, Utah Kirk, Jas. E Pri., D, 13th Kan. Inf., Harris, Colo. Knowles, John Q. M. Sergt., 1st Mich. Cav., Tremont Hotel, Denver Kraybiel, B. F Bugler, D, 7th Mo. Cav., 3563 Larimer St., Denver Larkin, John T Lieut., B, 57th 111. Inf., 2427 Vine St., Denver Lauman, C. A Pri., C, 52nd Ind. Inf., 47 Meade St., Denver Lawrence, John M.. Com. Sgt., E, 17th Mich. Inf., 320 E. Dakota Ave., Denver Laws, Thomas J r Pri., H, 70th 111. Inf., 2330 Blake St., Denver Lawyer, A. D Sergt., B, 60th N. Y. Inf., Unknown Lee, David K Pri., I, 166th Ohio Inf., 1763 TVilliams St., Denver Lightburn, C. L Lieut., G, 4th Regt. U. S. A., Inf., 925 Pearl St., Denver Lithgow. Wm. H Pri., B, 1st Colo. Cav., 4249 Clayton St., Denver Lloyd, Henry Pri., E, 88th Pa. Inf., 534 E. 31st Ave., Denver Long, David Pri., A, 2n'd Bat. U. S. L. Art., 2542 Larimer St., Denver Lowe, James Pri., B, 9th N. Y. Inf., 31 W. Maple Ave., Denver McAdams, Geo. M Pri., D, 88th Ohio Inf., 2349 Cleveland Place, Denver McClanathan, Sid Pri., B, 44th N. Y. Inf., 38 W. Alameda Ave., Denver McCoy, Jefferson Corp., A, 6th N. Y. Inf., 2438 W^alnut St., Denver McCracken, Henry. .Pri., H, 60th U. S. Colored Inf., 2335 Lawrence, Denver McCrimmon, M Corp., D, 6th Kan. S. M., 3253 Williams St., Denver McDonald, John L Pri., A, 7th Mich. Cav., 826 14th Ave., Denver McGahey, J. T Pri., F, 1st Colo. Cav., Monte Vista, Colo Macauley, O. H Capt., H, 13th Ky. Inf., 1500 S. Pearl St., Denver Mack, N. M Pri., C, 7th U. S. V. V. Inf., 4336 Stuart St., Denver Mack, Patrick Sergt., C, 61st 111. Inf., 2640 Larimer St., Denver Macloon, Henry P Lieut., K, 25th Mo. Inf., 2350 Welton St., Denver Majors, Alex A Pri., M, 4th Iowa Cav., 931 Corona St., Denver Manning, Andrew Pri., E, 1st N. Y. Ind. Bat., 2321 Downing St, Denver 37 Marsh, Geo. H Sergt., A, 46th Iowa Inf., 4525 Tennyson St., Denver Merrifield, Harrison Pri., D, 8th N. Y. H. Art., San Francisco, Calif. Metcalf, F. A Lieut., E, 2nd Me. Cav., 1210 Humboldt St., Denver Meyers, Julius A Pri., E, 11th Ohio Cav., 1205 Ogden St., Denver Meyers, J. M Corp., F, 16th Pa. Cav., 1518 Sherman Blvd., Denver Milhoan, Thos. E Capt., A, 10th Kan. Inf., Abbott Hotel, Denver Moore, F. N Pri., D, 12th 111. Inf., 1445 Court Place, Denver Morgan, Edwin Capt., G, 77th Pa. Inf.. 1126 Lipan St., Denver Morgan, T. L Pri.. H, 96th Pa. Inf., Littleton, Colo. Morse, Amos Lieut., C, 168th N. Y. Inf., Unl^nowii Moses, Wm. E Corp:, E, 119th 111. Inf., 31 Jacobson Bldg., Denver Mowrey, J. K. P D, 19th Iowa Inf., 34.31 Blake St., Denver Muchmore, Thos. H Pri., K, 1st Ohio Inf., 3441 W. 34th St., Denver Munk, Bernard Pri., I, 2nd N. J. Inf., Unknown Murphy, J. C Pri., G, 20th Iowa Inf., 3037 Humboldt St., Denver Nichols, Geo. A Pri., F, 9th R. I. Inf., 1346 S. Logan St., Denver Noonan, T. C Pri., C, 6th N. Y. Inf., 3917 Inca St., Denver Nortliington, H. C Lieut., I, 13th Tenn. Cav., 329 Acoma St., Denver Odenlieime*-, Wm Pri., D, 6th Pa. Cav., 800 13th St., Denver Olney, Frank A Pri., K, 40th Wis. Inf., Nat. Soldiers' Home, Kansa.s O'Reily, Joseph Pri., B, 13 7th 111. Inf., Monte Vista, Colo. Orr, Jackson Capt., H, 10th Iowa Inf., 3001 York St., Denver Palmer, Samuel E Pri., C, 5th Ohio Inf., 1812 Curtis St., Denver Paradis, J. S Pri., F, 156th 111. Inf., 1814 Arapahoe St., Denver Parkhurst, Wm. G Su. St., U. S. Navy, 1833 Emerson St., Denver Patterson, John Corp., F, 3rd Mo. Cav., 4676 Bryant St., Denver Pattison, A. E Corp., D, 142nd Ind. Inf., 744 S. WMUiams St., Denver Payne, Thomas J Capt., B, 79th U. S. C. T., 1440 St. Paul St.. Denver Penn, J. F Pri., F, 133rd 111. Inf., Anders' Retreat Park Pettee, J. W Pri.. H, 57th 111. Inf., 540 W. Colfax Ave., Denver Pitkin, Ed. P Lieut., H, 20th Mich. Inf., 1650 California St., Denver Porter, Wm. J Pri., G, 148th 111. Inf., 3305 High St., Denver Powers, Lewis D Pri., I, 3rd Iowa Inf., Nat. Soldiers' Home, Kansas Powers, C. H Brighton. Colo. Pratt, R. H Capt., A, 2nd Ind. Inf., Media, Pa. Price, Thos. H Pri., D, 3rd Pa. Cav., 1936 S. Bannock St., Denver Pridmore, Chas. H...Pri., B, 151st N. Y. Inf., 4569 Moncrieff Place, Denver Quinn, E. W Brighton. Colo. Ramsey, Chas. J Pri.. H. 127th Pa. Inf., 574 S. Lincoln St., Denver Rawson, G. N Pri., C, 36th Mass. Inf.. 2010 Welton St., Denver Record, E. T 3505 Lawrence St., Denver Reeside, John Landsman, U. S. Navy, 2321 Franklin St., Denver Reischerzen, Benet Pri., B, SSth Pa. Inf., 4654 High St., Denver Rexroad, A. F Pri., A, 34th 111. Inf., 1037 S. Washington St., Denver Rigney, Patrick Pri., G, 1st N. Y. L. Art., 2525 E. 4th Ave., Denver Roe, Robert S i^ieut., G, 2nd Colo. Cav., 1624 Grant St., Denver Roeschlaub, Robt. S Capt., E, S4th 111. Inf., 439 Lafayette St., Denver Ross, James W Sergt., C, 93rd N. Y. Inf., 1612 Pennsylvania St., Denver Russell, Wm. W. .Q. M. S., A, 8th Iowa Cav., 891 S. Pennsylvania St., Denver Schaffer, Christian Corp., I, 15th 111. Inf., 1545 Blake St.. Denver Schlessinger, S. V Sergt., A, 1st Neb. Cav., Monte Vista, Colo. Schmidt, Emanuel Pri., F, 39th Ohio Inf., 1453 S. Acoma St., Denver Schroeder, J. H Pri., B, 13th Mo. Inf., 2546 Glenarm Place. Denver Schrock, J. H Pri., H, 171st Pa. Inf.. Unknown Seavey, M. M Corp., E, 3rd Colo. Cav., 2 728 Larimer St., Denver Sergent. T. D Pri.. D, 15th Me. Inf.. P. O. Box 1020, Denver Shafer, Henry A Pri., H, 54th Pa. Inf.. 2303 9th St., Denver Shaw, Jas. S Capt., D. 18th Mass. Inf., 2331 Marion St., Denver Shipler, J. A Pri., K, 5th Pa. Cav., 3420 Blake St., Denver Shipler, J. E Pri., D, 10th Pa. Inf., 3224 Curtis St., Denver Shoemaker, J. R Pri., E. 10th Mich. Cav., Arvada, Colo. Sick, Vim Sergt., A, 54th Ohio Inf., 2361 Logan St., Denver Sigle, Ferdinand Sergt., M, 2nd Colo. Cav., 320 Josephine St., Denver Silvev, John O Corp., E, 6th N. Y. Inf.. 541 Washington St., Denver Simmons. P. A Capt., K, 52nd U. S. C. T., Olathe, Colo. Skinner. C. O Pri., D, 31st Ohio Inf., 2340 S. Broadway, Denver Smith, Irwin S Corp.. H, 11th Mich. Cav., 3228 S. Broadway, Denver Smith, Wm. A Sergt., D, 1st Colo. Cav., 1131 17th Ave., Denver Smythe, S. S Capt., A. 1st 111. L. Art., 230 Majestic Bldg., Denver Stevenson, A Corp., F, 155th Pa. Inf., 3200 Lawrence St., Denver Storrs, O. S Sergt., D. 12th N. Y. Inf., 1209 E. Colfax Ave., Denver Striker. D. B Pri., B, 7th Pa. Cav., 3728 Askins Court, Denver Suvlandt, J. B Corp., 1st Bat., U. S. Engrs., 1510 Galena St., Denver Sweenev, Jas Pri., A, 4th A^t. Cav.. 958 Lincoln St., Denver Swift. C. O Pri., H, 83rd Pa. Inf.. 2842 Larimer St., Denver Taggert, Samuel Pri.. A, 28th Iowa Inf., 862 S. Grant St., Denver Tanner, Chas. K Pri.. H, 1st Mo. Inf., 1331 Champa St., Denver Thomas, J. M Sergt., G, 1st 111. Cav., 2658 Stout St., Denver Thompson, Thos. J Pri., C, 7th Iowa Inf.. 1545 Steele St.. Denver Thrum. H. A Pri., I, 4th Minn. Inf.. Unknown Thuers'backer, C Pri.. K. 51st Mo. Inf., 246 Pennsylvania St., Denver Tomson, Theo Lieut., C, 17th Iowa Inf., 1442 Market St., Denver Towner. Homer Pri.. I. 83rd Pa. Inf.. Nat. Soldiers' Home, Kansas Tracy, D. L Pri., E. 19th Iowa Inf., 2247 Larimer St., Denver Treadwell, C. E Pri.. I, 7th Mich. Cav.. 1857 California St., Denver Tyrrell, Henry A Pri., F, 42nd Mass. Inf., 1960 Sherman St., Denver 3S Upton, Wm. B Capt, B, 1st U. S. V., Mass., 1114 Logan St., Denvei Vanarsdel, D Pri., C, 3rd 111. Cav., 1457 Adams St., Denver Van Daniger, John Pri., F, 10th Md. Inf., 2S45 Tremont Place, Denver Vaughn, H. S Pri., A, Sth N. Y. H. Art., 619 Kittredge Bldg., Denver Vaughn, J. F Pri., D, 179th Ohio Inf., 4426 Tennyson St., Denver Wakerman, B. T Sergt., C, 95th 111. Inf., 2011 Ogden St., Denver Walker, \V. H. H Capt., A, 13th Maine Inf., 1412 Delaware St., Denver Wallace, Chas Mus., I, 120th Ohio Inf., Los Angeles, Calif. Walters, Geo. W Pri., M, 2nd Wis. Cav., Unknown Walters, Henry Corp., M, 14th 111. Cav., S022 Downing St., Denver Ward, W. S Seaman, U. S. Navy, No. 2 Tuxedo Place, Denver Watson, P. D Pri., D, 15th N. H. Inf., 2356 Williams St., Denver Weaver, John Pri., G, 77th Pa. Inf., Argo, Colo. Weber, G. H Pri., K, 53rd 111. Inf., 625 E. 20th Ave., Denver Weber, Louis Pri., D, 145th Pa. Inf., 3632 Marion St., Denver Wells, Wm Pri., I, 14th Ind. Inf., 1415 Broadway, Denver Whelan, Chas. A Pri., H, 2nd Wis. Inf., Buena- Vista, Colo. Will, J. P Pri., K, 193rd Ohio Inf., Monte Vista, Colo. Williams, F. H Sergt., E, 31st Wis. Inf., 1745 Central St., Denver Wilsey, Chas. H Sergt., K, S4th Ohio Inf., 1460 Fairfax St., Denver Wilson, E. C Lieut., E, 9th HI. Cav., 2829 Vallejo St., Denver Wilson, H. W Landsman, U. S. Navy, 1020 Champa St., Denver Wilson, W. E Surg., 10th 111. Cav., 414 19th Ave., Denver Woodside, A. J.. Pri., I, 44th Iowa Inf., Monte Vista, Colo. Worcester, E. P Pri., A, 1st Maine Cav., 724 24th St., Denver Wright, Geo. E Sergt., E, 3rd R. I. Cav., 2524 Curtis St., Denver Young, Peter B Surg., 2nd> Bat. Pa. Inf., 3856 Tejon St., Denver Zerr, Alois Pri., C, Krekelo Bat. Mo. Inf., 813 Inca St., Denver Zurwell, Louis Pri., I, 45tii N. Y. Inf., 4301 Bryant St., Denver Roster of A. E. Burnside Post No. J 5, G. A. R., Loveland, Colo. Meetings Every Second and Fourth Friday, 2 P. M. Abrams, B. F Pri., F, 70tli Ohio Inf., Loveland, Colo. Anderson, J. K Pri., A, 115th Ohio Inf., Loveland, Colo. Apgar, Conrad Pri., E, 7th N. J. Inf., Loveland, Colo. Bardswell, J. H Pri., I, 1st 111. L. Art., Loveland, Colo. Barr, Ivan Pri., M, 11th Ind. Cav., Loveland, Colo. Bental, Jacob Pri., D, 1st Ohio L. Art., Loveland, Colo. Brandt, Lucas Pri., C, 1st Ind. H. Art., Loveland, Colo. Denison, Henry A Pri., B, 49th Wis. Inf., Loveland, Colo. Foote, H. D • Pri., 1st Kan. L. Art., Loveland, Colo. Grewell, H. C Pri., G, 22nd Iowa Inf., Loveland, Colo. Hare, Daniel Pri., I, 95th Ohio Inf., Loveland, Colo. Hawkins, Wm. A Pri., E, 25th Mo. Inf., Loveland, Colo. Howard, Joseph Pri., C, 1st Colo. Cav., Loveland, Colo. Kronskop, S. J Pri., B, 132nd Ohio Inf., Loveland, Colo. Kuler, B. L. Pri., C, 4th N. Y. H. Art., Loveland, Colo. Mason, Wm. C Pri., C, 25th Iowa Inf., Loveland, Colo. Miller, Robt. D 19th Ind. Bat., Loveland, Colo. Naylor, Wm Pri., C, 3rd Mo. Cav., Loveland, Colo. Nero, Wm , Pri., A, 26th Wis. Inf., Loveland, Colo. Osborn, Daniel O Pri., D, 3rd Colo. Cav., Loveland, Colo. Phippany, W. S C, 3rd N. Y. Cav., Loveland, Colo. Seilye, Chas. E Pri., D, 141st Pa. Inf., Loveland, Colo. Shay, Darius Pri., D, 7th 111. Cav., Loveland, Colo. Smith, Chas. C Pri., F, 37th 111. Inf., Loveland, Colo. Spatts, Henry Pri., C, 23rd Iowa Inf., Loveland, Colo. Talbot, N. H Lieut., B, 58th Mass. Inf., Loveland, Colo. Taylor, Samuel S Pri., K, 166th Ohio Inf., Loveland, Colo. Thompson, John E Pri., D. 29th Iowa Inf., Loveland, Colo. Stevens, Jas. A Pri., G, 7th Iowa Cav., Loveland, Colo. Van Slyke, Chas. W Pri., D, Sth N. Y. H. Art., Loveland, Colo. Wimmer, Henry Pri., H, 123i-d Ind. Inf., Loveland, Colo. Wolaver, Jacob M Pri., I, 52nd 111. Inf., Loveland, Colo. Woodmansee, Jos Pri., E, Sth Iowa Cav., Loveland, Colo. Wright, S. A Fri., D, 78th 111. Inf., Loveland, Colo. Wright, Wm. M Pri., C, 7 7th 111. Inf., Loveland, Colo. Roster of Joe Hooker Post No. 16, G. A. R.^ Monte Vista, Colo. Meetings Every Second Tuesday. Adams, Edward C Pri., C, 7th Vt. Inf., S. &. S. Home Brice, Amizy J Pri., E, 16th N. Y. Inf., S. & S. Home Brownlee, Geo. H Pri., K, 71st N. Y. Inf., S. & S. Home Cheney, Lewis H Sergt., D, 4th N. H. Inf., Monte Vista, Colo. Christian, Brandel Pri.. B, 48th WMs. Inf., S. & S. Home Cooper, Ephriam. .Pri., C, 2d Neb. Cav., Pri., A, 2d Colo., Inf., S. & S. Home Cox, Wm. P.. .Pri., Sth U. S. Vet. Inf., Pri., A. 17th Ohio Inf., S. & S. Home Crampton, David F 1st Lieut., A, 193rd Ohio Inf., Hot Springs, S. Dak. Curtis, David Pri., E, 1st Colo. Cav., Soldiers' Home Dawson, A. J Pri., B, 30th 111. Inf., Soldiers' Home 39 Fingado, Carl W Prl., 30th N. Y. L. Art, Soldiers' Home Fornwald, Peter Pri., B, 152nd Pa. Art., Monte Vista, Colo. Francisco, Gerolimo Pri., 1st Colo. Bat., Yountville, Calif. Hall, Willis E Pri., F, 2nd Iowa Inf., Soldiers' Home Heaton, A. J Corp., K, 15th Ind. Inf., Soldiers' Home Henderson, J. W Pri.. H, 8th Ind. Inf., Monte Vista, Colo. Hunt, Brasier Pri., 3rd Ind. L. Art., Pri., G, 76th Ind. Inf., Pri., H, 136th Ohio Inf., Soldiers' Home Irvin, Ben. F Pri., E, 1st Tenn. Art., Soldiers' Home Johnston, James Pri., E, 9th N. J. Inf., Soldiers' Home Jordan, Flavins J Pri., K, 2nd "Wis. Cav., Soldiers' Home Keiry, William Pri., E, 10th Mo. Cav., Monte Vista, Colo. Kennedy, Geo. C Pri., C, 1st Colo. Cav., Monte Vista, Colo. Kramer, Henry Pri., F, 44th 111. Inf., Soldiers' Home Kunz, Louis Pri., A, 2Sth Wis. Inf., Soldiers' Home Koch, John G Bugler, 2nd Iowa Cav., Soldiers' Home Loop, U. J..- Pri., H, 75th Ind. Inf., Soldiers' Home Magee, W. H. H Pri., D, 8th Wis. Inf., Yountville, Calif. Mapes, John Pri., B, 23rd Ohio Inf., Soldiers' Home Masters, Samuel Pri., G, 132nd 111. Inf., Soldiers' Home McCabe, John Pri., G, 1st Mass. Inf., Soldiers' Home McDonald, A. T Pri., Monte Vista, Colo. McGuire, John Pri., F, 3rd Colo. Cav., Soldiers' Home Nagel, Henry Pri., L, 2nd Mo. L. Art., Soldiers' Home Osgood, Franli M Pri., L, 2nd Mich. Cav., Soldiers' Home Predmore, Byron A Mus., 3rd N. Y. Cav., Soldiers' Home Reese, Herbert Pri., D, 64th N. Y''. Inf., Soldiers' Home Robillard, Stephen P Pri., K, 10th N. Y. H. Art., Soldiers' Home Sands, Robt. V Pri., A, 27th Ky. Inf., Soldiers' Home Schultz, Carl Pri., B, 1st Mo. Cav., Soldiers' Home Sidener, John T Pri., D, 40th Olaio Inf., Soldiers' Home Sidener, Willis W Pri., D, 40th Ohio Inf., Soldiers' Home Smith, Martin Mus., G, 3rd Mass. Inf., Soldiers' Home Strawn, Jas. C .Pri., B, 3rd Kan. Cav., Farmington, N. M. Volke, Chas Pri., I, 1st Md. Inf., Soldiers' Home Roster Wm. J. Palmer Post No. 19, G. A. R., Colorado City, Colo. Meetings Every Second and Fourth Saturday, 2 P. M. Abby, Hiram K, 11th Me. Inf., Colbrado City, Colo. Blalvewell, Henry I, 3rd U. S. V. Inf., Colorado City, Colo. Bramer, J. E Pri., M, 1st N. Y. L. Art., Colorado City, Colo. Bright, K. E D, 5th Mo. Inf., Colorado City, Colo. Brilson, J. B Pri., K, 5th Tenn. Cav., Colorado City, Colo. Burson, David K, 5th Ohio Cav., Colorado City, Colo. Coby, Henry G, 3rd Colo. Cav., Colorado City, Colo. Cruts, John V I, 31st N. Y. Inf., Colorado City, Colo. Davis, Napoleon B D, 107th 111. Inf., Colorado City, Colo. Faulkner, J. D D, 60th Mass. Inf., Colorado City, Colo. Pinly, Robert G, 3rd Colo. Cav., Colorado City, Colo. Gardner, Jno. W Pri., H, 2nd R. I. Inf., Colorado City, Colo. Glenn, J. W L, 1st Ohio H. Art., Colorado City, Colo. Greenfield, John ., K, 4Sth Ind. Inf., Colorado City, Colo. Grier, J. P H, 145th 111. Inf., Colorado City, Colo. Hendoham, Jacob B, 39th Ohio Inf., Colorado City, Colo. High, Soloman M E, 3rd Colo. Cav., Colorado City, Colo. Hill, Geo. W C, 7th W. Va. Inf., Colorado City, Colo. Ingersoll, John G, 4th Iowa Cav., Colorado City, Colo. Ingraham, O. F B, 2nd Kan. Inf., Colorado City, Colo. Irvin, Benj. F G, 50th N. Y. Eng., Colorado City, Colo. Keiser, David S F, 63rd Pa. Inf., Colorado City, Colo. King, Samuel P F, 47th 111. Inf., Colorado City, Colo. Jones, Robt. H G, 61st 111. Inf., Colorado City, Colo. Judd, J. W F, 17th 111. Cav., Colorado City, Colo. Maxwell, E. K G, 2nd Ohio Inf., Colorado City, Colo. Mulnix, S I, Sth Kan. Inf., Colorado City, Colo. Parker, John C C, 4th Ark. Cav., Colorado City, Colo. Pettis, H. N D and C, N. Y. H. Art., Colorado City, Colo. Reynolds, John M G, 20th 111. Inf., Colorado City, Colo. Robinson, Chas A, 1st Kan. Inf., Colorado City, Colo. Roper, J. E D, 7th Iowa Inf., Colorado City, Colo. Standish, Miles 6th Me. L. Art., Colorado City, Colo. Star, James K, 2nd Mo. L. Art., Colorado City, Colo. Steffa, Daniel G, 74th 111. Inf., Colorado City, Colo. Stephenson, J. W Pri., F, 26th Mich. Inf., Colorado City, Colo. Taws, Alexander H, 13th Wis. Inf., Colorado City, Colo. Whitinger, Jacob E, 45th Iowa Inf., Colorado City, Colo. 40 Roster of Colorado Springs Post No. 22, G. A. R., Colorado Springs, Colorado. Meetings Every First and Third Tuesday. Anderson, James I Pri., H, 14th Mass. Inf., Corp., H. 1st Mass, H. Art., 738 E. High St., City Armstrong, Stephen Pri., A. 1st N. Y. Eng., 441 E. Kiowa St., City- Allen, Lewis Pri., D, 7th W. Va., 423 E. Boulder St., City Andrews, Lewis Pri., A, 96th Miss. U. S. Ct., 1131-2 E. Costilla, City Bradley, Robert Fireman, U. S. Navy, 317 E. Vermijo, City Brown, W. W Corp., Chicago Bd. Trade Bat., 335 E. Las Vegas, City Brown, Edward A Pri., B, 11th Iowa Inf., Fairlev, Neb. Beals, Jesse W 1st Sergt.. C, 59th Iowa Inf., 530 Hugo St., City Bott, Anthony G. 3rd Colo. Cav., Colorado Citv, Colo. Berry, Riley Pri., G, 149th 111. Inf., 409 S. Nevada Ave., City Bntzin. Fred Pri., B. Sth Iowa Vol. Inf., Falcon, Colo. Bickerton, John Pri., C, 105th Pa. Vol. Inf., 321 Nichols Court Blue, John Pri., H, 41st 111. Vol. Inf., Peyton, Colo. Barker, E. G Capt., D. 1st Iowa Cav., Pacific Grove. Calif. Birmingham. O. W Bugler, I, 10th Mich. Cav., 845 E. "Willamette Ave. Benson, David T. Pri.. D, 4th N. Y. H. Art., 1107 S. Weber St.. City Burt, Irving H Pri., B, 177th Ohio Vol. Inf., 112 E. Pike's Peak Couch, W. H Pri., F. 1st Conn. H. Art., San Diego, Calif. Crump, John Pri., M. M. S. B., 924 N. Pine St., City Cooper. H. T B, 31st Iowa Inf., 1215 N. Weber, City Cressy. Giles Sergt., H. S'Srd Iowa Vol., Unknown Cree, Alfred Pri., C. 9th Pa. Cav.. Manitou. Colo. Cone, Sidney R Pri., I, 7th Kan. Cav.. 922 S. Royer, City Cooper, F. M Sergt.. K, 4th Mo. Cav., 1761 Pearl St., Denver Curl, Asa Pri., C. 17th Ohio Vol. Inf.. 529 N. Nevada, City Conway, A. B Pri., D, 40fh Iowa Vol. Inf., 218 N. 7th St., City Carson, Gideon K Pri., I, 22nd 111. Inf., 1638 Grant ave. Colton, E. V. R Corp.. G, 40th Ohio Vol. G., 331 E. Las Vegas Custer. Geo. W Pri.. D, 26th Ohio Vol. Inf., 923 N. Spruce St. Clay, Henry Pri.. A, 29th U. S. C. T., Eastonville, Colo. Cooper, James E, Sth Iowa Cav., Roswell, Colo. Dickey, Geo. B Pri., I, 69th Ohio Vol. Inf.. 215 E. Jefferson. City Danks, Thomas R 1st Lieut., C, 6th Ky. Cav.. Monte Vista, Colo. Dow, F. E Corp., F, 147th Iowa Vol. Inf., 332 N. Teion St.. City Dunnington. O. B Pri., G. 33rd Iowa Vol. Inf., 126 S. 16th St., City Dickenson, W. "W Pri., K. 27th Iowa Vol. Inf., Ramah, Colo. Davis, Henry C ' I, 57th Pa. Inf., Green Mt. Falls, Colo. Dana, Lo. C H, 145th 111., San Diego, Calif. Emery, W. W Pri., G and F, 20th Ind. Inf., 222 S. Institute, City Esch, Hugo Sergt., I, 1st N. Y. Art, Monte Vista, Colo. Ensign, Fdgar T. . .Maj., 0th Iowa Cav., Bvt. Col., U. S. V., 1409 N. Nevada Ellison. Franklin Pri., M, 1st Ind. H. Art., Colorado City, Colo. Fritz, George H Pri., B, 32nd Ohio Vol. Inf.. Colorado City, Colo. Fleishman, "Wm. F Pri., A. 1st Colo. Cav., 101 W. Cimmaron, City Finkbiner, John W. .Corp., D. 26th Pa. Inf.. 194th Pa. Inf.. 311 E. Platte Av. Fehleison. A. E Pri.. K. 22nd Ind. Inf.. 317 E. Del Norte, Citv Fical, J. K Pri., F, 153rd N. Y. Inf, Redondo Beach, Calif. George, William W Corp., 80th Ohio Vol. Inf., 211 N. Nevada, City Gallagher, Peter Pri., E. 3rd N. Y. Inf., Monte Vista, Colo. Goodspeed, John W Pri., D. 136th N. Y. Inf., 216 E. Costilla, City Gee, Smith Pri., 79th U. S. C. T.. 15 B. Maple St., City Gatewood. W Pri.. 11 5th U. S. C. T., Los Angeles, Calif. Gandy, Wm. H Pri.. F, 30th Iowa Inf.. 715 N. Nevada, City Ginger, Lewis Pri., F, 75th Ind. Vol. Inf., 535 E. Platte, City Handley, C Pri., F, 9th 111. Cav., Unknown Holt, James Pri., I. 91st Ohio Vol. Inf., Grand Jimction, Colo. Hannenkratt, F. D Pri., F, 29th Iowa Inf., 406 S. 10th St., City. Heizer, D. N Pri., M, 2nd Iowa Cav., 1430 Wood Ave., Cfty Herbert, Cyrus D Pri., B. 119th 111. Inf., 420 N. Pine St., City Hall, Lewis A Sergt., C and B, 1st Mo. Eng., 810 E. Moreno, City Holmes, Spencer Pri., C, 65th U. S. C. T., 129 Q. Corona St., City Hayden, B. M Corp., G, 38th 111. Inf., Elbert, Colo. Humphrey, J. F Asst. Eng., U. S. Navy, 122 E. Platte, City Howbert, Irving Corp., G, 3rd Colo. Cav., First Nat. Bank, City Hunter, Albert L 2nd Lieut., B, 63rd 111. Inf., 811 E. Monument, City Hesser, C. W Pri., A, 35th Iowa Inf., 711 E. Platte, City Himebaugh. John Pri., H, 7th Ohio Cav., Spaulding House, City Huntley, Harrison Pri., A. 27th Ohio Vol. Inf., 516 N. Pine St., City Harpster, Richard Pri., A, Sth Ind. Inf., 612 N. Nevada, City Holbrook, A. S Pri., K, 16th Vt., Santa Ana. Calif. Hess, H. H Pri., E, 1st Iowa Cav., 110 N. Pine St. Hervey, S. J B, 6th Kan. Inf.. Unknown Hiner, Lafayette Pri.. D, 173rd Ohio Vol. Inf., 1103 S. Tejon St. Irwin, J. M Pri.. F. 43rd Mo. Inf.. 402 N. 15th St., City Imes, W. L Pri.. D. 1st Iowa Cav., 1721 Grant Ave., City Joles. H.H.. .Pri., H, 47th 111. Inf., Corp.. K, 112th 111. Inf., 1607 Wash. Ave. Johnson, Sylvester . .Pri., C, 60th Ind. Inf.. 1632 Ingraham St.. Los Angeles Jaques, Alma Pri., C, 27th 111. Inf., 1026 E. Platte, City Johnson, Eli Pri., K, 46th Mass. Inf., 209 Cheyenne Rd., City 41 Kerr, Robert Pri., E. 14th Conn. Inf., 1815 N. Tejon, City Kelley, Robert R Pri., M, 4th Iowa Cav., 1101 Wash. Ave., City Keyes, C. W Pri., I, 142nd Ohio Vol. Inf.. Fountain, Colo. Knox, T. G Capt.. G, 15th 111. Cav., 431 W. Uintah, City LaPever, Frank Pri., F, 6th Ohio Vol. Inf., Monument, Colo. T^avendcr, John H Pri., M, 3rd N. Y. Art., Ramah, Colo. Linney, J. H Corp., A, 4th Ky. Inf., 320 N. Cascade, City Lloyd, Charles S Pri., H, 35th Mass. Inf., 13* E. Costilla, City Love, Edwin Y Pri., A, 35th Iowa Inf., Colorado City, Colo. Laycock. J. E Pri., H, 28th Iowa Inf.. Manitou, Colo. Lockhart, James A Pri., H, 19th U. S. Inf., 1105 N. Nevada, City Lewis, O. K Pri., K, 14th Iowa Inf., 1228 Grant Ave., City Long. John R Sergt., I, 135th 111. Inf., 3816 Quitman St., Denver Loesch. Conrad Pri., E. 25th Ohio Vol. Inf., 4051 S. Nevada, City Mow, Wiley Pri., C, 4Sth Ind. Inf., 1801 Haves St., City Martin, H. H Sergt.. I. lOth Iowa Inf., 517 N. Oak St., City Morse, J. H Pri., I, 107th N. Y. Inf., 121 Monroe St., Colorado City Mitchell, W. F Pri., G, 156th 111. Inf.. 712 S. Sahwatch. Citv Moss. S. H Pri., L, 8th 111. Cav., 719 E. Cache la Poudre Moon, E. P Pri., A, 3rd Mich. Inf., 222 N. Cedar St., City Mason, A. P Serert., K, 2nd Kan. Cav., 1717 Grant Ave., City Murphy, John Pri., F, 125th N. Y. Inf., 728 E. Garfield, City Martin, Calvin Pri., M. 5th Minn., Unknown Macke, Frederick Pri., A, 16th N. Y. Inf., 202 Colo. Ave., Colorado City McEvers, Charles Corp., F, 106th 111. Inf.. Unknown McKinnie, James R Pri., A, 26th Iowa Inf., 1102 N. Weber, City McAllister, Henry Maior. 15th Pa. Cav., 423 N. Cascade, City McRay, J. E Pri., B, 13th Mich. Inf., Box 383, Colorado Springs McMahan, F. M Pri., C, 7Sth 111. Inf., 119 E. Cimmaron, City McCash, W. F Pri., K, 1st Mo. Eng., Delta, Colo. Newell, S. A Pri., K, 21st Wis. Inf., 1724 Grant Ave., City Olmstead, Royal Major, D, 47th 111. Inf., 1506 S. Cascade, City Presdee, J. B Capt., H, 41st Ind. Inf., 514 W. Yampa, City Pearcy, Samuel Pri., E, 46th Mo. Inf., Ivywild, City Potter, John Q Pri., A, 2nd Iowa Cav., 3 6 Bldr. Crescent, City Perlev, Thomas Pri., A, 50th Mass. Inf., Nob Hill. Colorado Springs Potter, John Pri., B, 41st Ohio Inf., 18 E. Dale St., City Porter, Horace P Surg., 10th Conn. Inf., 1028 W. 41st, Kansas City, Mo. Quick, J. O Pri., H, 1st Colo. Inf., Fountain, Colo. Reed, John I Pri., A, 7th Iowa Inf.. 420 W. Pikes Peak, City Rogers, W. H Capt., D, 29th Mo. Inf., Manitou, Colo. Rouark, Nathan L Pri.. D, 1st Md. Inf.. 415 N. Tejon, City Ramsdell, Lyman B Pri., A, 53rd 111. Inf., 121 E. Huerfano, City Snoderly, H. H M, 9th Mo. Cav., Unknown Senti, C Pri., E, 1st Mo. Vol. Inf., St. Francis, Kan. Stone, George H Corp., M, 2nd Pa. Art., 616 E. Columbia, City Sherman. L. E Capt.. A, 9th Vt., 315 N. Weber St. Saxton, William Pri., L, 20th Pa. Cav., 536 W. Dale St., City Stutsman, John M Pri., B, 49th Ind. Inf., Manitou, Colo. Stout, S. C Sergt., G. 15th Pa. Cav., 324 S. Teion St., City. Smilie, Herschel -.Pri., F. 37th 111. Inf., 432 E. Huerfano, City Smith, Martin V. B Sergt., B, 68th 111. Inf., Pri., H. 193rd Ohio Inf., 320 W. Platte, Citv Simmons, Wallace A Pri.. B, 127th 111. Inf., 1031 E. Boulder, City Speilman, David Pri.. B. 2nd Colo. Cav., 133 N. 15th St., City Thompson, Robert Pri., F, 8th U. S. C. T., 1171 "W. Costilla, City Tavlor, Frank E Pri., G. 147th 111. Inf.. Pevton, Colo. Terry, J. C Capt., H. 28th N. Y. Inf., 317 W^. Platte, City Thompson, J. N. ; Pri., B, 37th Ind. Inf., Roswell, Colo. Todd, Levi Pri., D. 67th U. S. C. T.. 214 S. Wahsatch, City Thomas, L. W Pri., B, 33rd 111. Inf.. Monte Vista, Colo. Triplett, B. F Mus., K, 21st Mo. Inf., 410 E. Columbia, City Vosburgh, Jacob D, 1st N. Y. Cav.. Yoder, Colo. Wolbach, J. A C, 169th Ohio, 1211 E. Boulder, City Wright, David A, 40th Kv. Inf., Dawkins. Colo. Wilson, Wm. L Pri., D, 42nd Ohio Vol. Inf.. 25 Ramona St.. Ivywild Wells, F. B Pri., F, 15th N. H., Phillipsburg, P. Q. Work, D. C A, 60th Ohio A^ol. Inf., 514 S. Institute St. Woodruff, John F Pri., F, 27th Ohio Vol. Inf.. Divide, Colo. "Wheeler, Friend P Pri., B, 10th N. Y. H. Art., 211 N. Wahsatch, City TA^attson. Henrv A U. S. Navy, 516 W. Bijou, City Winne, Peter Pri., H, 1st 111. Cav., 104 N. Park Place, City Wagor, S. D Pri., K, 1st Iowa Inf.. 424 Cooper Ave., City Woodward, A. F Pri., C, 192nd Pa. Inf., Denver, Colo. Waugh. Robert Corp., B, 1st W. Va. Inf., 6 Boulder Crescent, City Wells, F. B Unknown Zeiger. J. ^y Pri.. A. 12th Iowa Inf., 1904 Colorado Ave, City Roster of W. T. Sherman Post No. 23, G. A. R., Evans, Colo. Meetings Every First Wednesday, 8 P. M. Beardslev, H. L. .. .Pri., I, 18th Iowa Inf.. Denver University, Denver, Colo. Carbaugh, Simon Pri., E, 5th U. S. Art., Evans, Colo. Hammer, Jackson Pri., H, 95th and 47th 111. Inf.,- Evans, Colo. Hayt, Wm. N Pri., H, 67th 111. Inf., Evans, Colo. 42 Herriott, P. N Sergt., H, 115th 111. Inf., Evans, Colo. Hubbard, D. P Pri., A, 116th Ohio Inf., Evans, Colo. Huffsmith, S. R Pri., G, 1st Colo. Cav., 3135 Vine St., Denver, Colo. Johnson, Wm. F Pri., I, 85th N. Y. Inf., Evans, Colo. Kinsev, John A Pri., C, 81st 111. Inf., Evans, Colo. Markle, Thomas Sergt., P, 7th Pa. Inf., La Salle, Colo. Mason. Abraham T Pri., G. 28th 111. Inf., Evans, Colo. McKinlev. James Pri., G, 80th 111. Inf., Sterling, Colo. Reed, C. H Pri., 20th Co. Mass. Vol. Inf., Evans, Colo. Rickard, A. W Pri., A. 132nd 111. Inf., Evans, Colo. Smith, A. W Pri., D, 10th W. Va. Inf., Evans, Colo. Todd, John Pri., G, 47th 111. Inf., La Salle, Colo. Young, Geo. H Pri., A, 95th Ohio Inf., Evans, CqIo. Roster of Trinidad Post No. 25, G. A. R., Trinidad, Colo. Meetings Every Second yaturday. Abbott, Oscar B Pri., E, 4th Mich. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Abbott, Webster H Pri., E, 4th Mich. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Albertson, H. D Pri., D, 6th Mo. S. M., Trinidad, Colo. Allen, Bradford Pri., F, 155th Pa. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Anderson, Henry Pri., E, 33rd Iowa, Trinidad, Colo. Baldwin, John C Pri., K, 17th Ind. Mtd. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Ballard, Elijah Pri., L, 9th 111. Cav., Cokedale, Colo. Barnhouse, J. A Pri., F, 9th Iowa Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Bartlow, James H Corp., B, 37th Ind. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Baxter, A. H. H..Pri., B, 12th Ind. Inf.; Pri., A, 54th Ind. Inf.; Pri., B, 1st Ind. H. A., Trinidad, Colo. Bell, L. D Pri., H, 23rd Ohio Inf., Watervale, Colo. Bickett, T. S. S Pri., H, 13th Mo. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Bowers, Cyrus A Pri., C, 11th Mich. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Brigham, Elijah Pri., G, 134th 111. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Brown, B. F...Pri., A, 12th Pa. Inf.; Corp., B, 1st Pa. Res., Trinidad, Colo. Burkhard, Fred'k Pri., G, 140th 111. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Campbell, E. L Col., Brev. Brig. Gen., 4th N. J. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Chacon, Rafael Major. 1st N. Mex. Cav., Trinidad, Colo. Clark, H. P Pri., D, 47th 111. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Coe, John P Pri., E, 10th la. Cav., Trinidad. Colo. Conkie, John Sergt., I, 70th N. Y. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Cornwall, Johnson ' 1st Lieut., D, 50th Pa. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Curtis, Edwin A Pri., 1st Conn. L. Bat., Trinidad, Colo. Duling, Anderson Pri., K, 101st 111. Inf., Stonewall, Colo. East, Milton Pri., L, 7th W. Va. Cav., Thatcher, Colo. Finch, Duane D Lieut., F, 3rd Iowa Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Fritz, Charles Pri., 152nd Pa, H. A., Trinidad, Colo. Garnur, H. C Pri., A, 38th Ohio Inf., El Mora, Colo. Garner, William A Capt, I, 2nd Tenn. Inf., El Mora, Colo. Gibson, L. B Pri., K, 1st Maine H. Art., El Mora, Colo. Gilbert, H. W...Pri., I, 141st 111. Inf., Pri., B, 156th 111 Inf.. Dahlonega, Ga. Giller, Chas. H Pri., I, 12th Kan. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Grass, John Pri., I, 5th 111. Cav., Denver, Colo. Guilfoil, John H Mus., F, 23rd 111. Inf., Mus., E, 55th 111. Inf.. Denver Haddox, Thos. J Pri., I, 13th Mo. Cav., Denver, Colo. Hague, Ithamer. . .Pri.. G. 19th Ind. Inf., Sergt., B, 9th Vet. Corps., Denver Hamblin, A. E Pri,, I, 7th M. S. M., Cav,, Trinidad, Colo. Hamlin, Lerov Pri., B, 18th N. Y. Cav., Denver Hartsock, I. J Pri., D, 8th Mo. Inf., Hicks, Colo. Haskell, A. M 1st Sergt., C, 53rd Mass. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Hicks, Asbury E Pri., P, 49th Mo. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Hilton, Enos F Pri., M, 4th Mo. S. M. Cav., Trinidad. Colo. Hohn, Lewis Trinidad, Colo. Holton, John J Pri., F. 40th Kv. Mtd. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Hower, James H Pri., F, 135th Pa. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Hukill, Alex Pri., K, 147th Ind, Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Jones, Lewis L Pri., B, 6th Pa. Cav., Trinidad, Colo. Jones, W. W Pri.. F, 133rd Pa. Inf., Corp., M, 12th Pa. Cav., Trinidad Kadie, Alexander .. .Pri., F, 9th U. S, Inf., Pri., H. 23rd U. S. Inf., Trinidad Kent, John W Pri., A, 25th Ohio Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Knickerbocker, C, H Sergt., C, 33rd Wis. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Lappin, Mahlon Pri., I, 9th Iowa Cav., Trinidad, Colo. Littlefleld, Wm Pri., A, 14Sth 111. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Loomis, Henrv Pri., G, 14th la. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Machel, Manuel V Corp., K, 1st Calif. Cav., Engle, Colo. Martinez. Jose M Sergt., K. 1st N. Mex. Inf., Sopris, Colo. Mason, John F. . . . . . ; Capt., G. 3rd Mo. Cav., Trinidad, Colo. McEminev, P Pri., F, 3rd U. S. Cav., Trinidad, Colo. McGlothlin, Thos. J Pri., D, 40th la. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. McHendrie. Andrew G Pri., H. 5th Iowa Cav., Trinidad, Colo. McMahan, David J Pri,, M, 1st Ind. H. Art., Trinidad, Colo. Milliken, Wm 1st Lieut., C, 27th Maine Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Murphy, .1. H Pri,, C. 3rd Colo. Cav.. Trinidad, Colo. Murphy, Wm Pri., D, 2nd Md. Inf., Engle, Colo, Miller, J. R Pri., A, 86th 111. Inf., Trinidad. Colo. Nesbit, James P Pri., F, 1st Neb. Cav., El Moro, Colo. 43 Newman, S. T Pri., K, 6th Kan. Cav., Corp., I, 15th Kan. Cav., Trinidad Newsham, James. .Pri., Barker's 111. Dragoons, 1st Sergt., D, 10th 111. Cav., Trinidad, Colo. Packer, Edwin A 2nd Lieut.. L, 1st Mich. L. Art., Trinidad, Colo. Reeves, Riley A Pri., B, 48th Ind. Inf., Trinidad. Colo. Reinoehl, J. R Pri., G, 2nd Pa. Cav., Sopris, Colo. Roosa, John Sergt., G, 102nd N. Y. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Scantling, John T Corp., B, 6th Mo. Cav., Trinidad, Colo. Singleton, Samuel Trinidad, Colo. Smith, Arthur Pri., H, 140th N. Y. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Stone, Albert L Sergt., E, 4th Wis. Cav., Trinidad, Colo. St. Vrain, Charles Pri., E, 39th Mo. Inf., Sopris, Colo. Taylor, Alex H...Pri.. C, 3rd Pa. Inf.. 1st Lieut., E, 84th Pa. Inf., Trinidad Thoroughman, John H Pri., I, 12Sth Ind. Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Ward, Wm. A Pri.. L, 16th Kan. Cav., Trinidad, Colo. "Watson, Wm. M Pri., H, 100th Pa. Inf.. Trinidad, Colo. Wilder, Wm. H Pri., H, 9th Vt. Inf., Grand Junction, Colo. Wilson, Shannon. Pri., G, 4th W. Va. Cav., Pri., C, 6th W. Va. Cav., Gr'n Canon Yockey, Frank B Corp., G, 107th Ohio Inf., Trinidad, Colo. Roster Akron Post No. 26, G. A. R., Akron, Colorado. ]\roctinps Everj^ Second Friday, 2 P. M. Abbott, W Pri.. F, 15th Mo. Inf., Akron, Colo. Arondell, A Pri.. A, 102nd N. Y., Akron, Colo. Barnhouse, I. N Pri.. B, 66th Ohio Inf., Akron, Colo. Caldwell, S. M Pri., K, 28th Iowa Inf., Akron, Colo. Feeny, R. C Pri., Akron, Colo. Hatch, N. R Pri., F, 40th Wis., Akron, Colo. Jewett, Henry Pri., A and B, 47th 111. Inf., Akron, Colo. Miller, E Pri., 35th Iowa, Akron, Colo. Mitchell, T. B Lieut., E, 7th Mo. Cav., Akron, Colo. Mowery, C. C Pri.. B, 195th Ohio Inf., Akron, Colo. Rodaharve. T. H Akron, Colo. Stephens, J. R H, 23rd Iowa Inf., Akron, Colo. Williams, J. R Pri., A. 100th 111. Inf., Akron, Colo. Willson, A. W Pri., K, 39th 111. Inf., Akron, Colo. Roster Wilmar W. Blackmar Post No. 29, G. A. R., Ordway, Colo. Meetings Every Second and Fourth Saturday. Bonham, Melvin J Pri., G, 1st Bat. Iowa Cav., Ordway, Colo. Burk, James M Pri., I, 30th Ohio Inf., Ordway. Colo. Chess, Robert R Pri., A, 3rd Bat. 18th U. S. Art., Pri., D, 16th Ind. Inf., Ordway, Colo. Cook, Aaron Corp., C, 89th N. Y. Inf., Ordway, Colo. Estep, Thos. C Pri., B, 11th Iowa Inf., Ordway, Colo. Gayety, William Corp., H, 4th Pa. Cav., Ordway, Colo. Griffen, James G Capt., E, 28th 111. Inf., Ordway, Colo. Hale, Bradford Pri., E, S5th Ind. Inf., Ordway, Colo. Handy, Vernon Pri.. C, 37th 111. Inf., Ordway, Colo. Harrison, Reuben H Pri., F. 114th 111. Inf., Ordway, Colo. Henderson, John C Pri., H, 28th 111. Inf., Ordway, Colo. Mock. James E Pri., G, 3rd Colo. Cav., Ordway, Colo. Olmsted, Homer T Mus., F. 93rd 111. Inf., Ordway, Colo. Stewart, Chas. B Pri., F, 12th 111. Inf., Ordway, Colo. Roster E. D. Baker Post No. 30, G. A. R., Idaho Springs, Colo. Meetings, Sunday, on Call, 2 P. M. Barron, Geo. A Pri.. E. 17th Ohio Inf., Idaho Springs, Colo. Boles, James W Farrier, 1st Colo. Cav., Idaho Springs, Colo. Burke. Joseph Pri., C, 6th Kan. Cav., Idaho Springs, Colo. Craig, Edwin Pri., E, 11th Mich. Inf., Idaho Springs, Colo. Devlan. Chas. F Pri., K, 6th Pa. Cav., Idaho Springs, Colo. Doherty, "W. F K, 1st R. I. Cav., Idaho Springs, Colo. Dunton, Wm. B Seaman, U. S. S. "Sherman." San Diego, Calif. Graeff, Michael B Pri., D. 2nd Colo. Cav., Idaho Springs, Colo. Kielen, Kennedy M Pri., B, 3rd Colo. Cav., Idaho Springs, Colo. Osborne, John M Pri.. F, 26th N. J. Inf., Idaho Springs, Colo. Payne, James A Pri., 1st Colo. Home Guard, Idaho Springs, Colo. Scott, Edwin Pri., B, 2nd Colo. Cav., Idaho Springs, Colo. Shaffer, S. D Pri., H, 159th Ohio Inf.. Denver, Colo. Stevens, George W Pri., D. 9th Kan. Cav., Humboldt, Kan. Wahlman. Geo. T Pri., H. 7th 111. Inf.. Denver, Colo. Weldon, John W Sergt., C, 75th 111. Inf. Idaho Springs, Colo. Roster La Veta Post No. 32, G. A. R., La Veta, Colo. Meetings Every First Saturday Each Month. Archuleta. Miguel Pri., D, 1st N. Mex. Cav., W^alsenburg, Colo. Babbitt, A. B Bugler, I, 9th Mo. Cav., Walsenburg. Colo. Capps, S. J Bot'sn Mate, U. S. S. "Forest Rose," La Veta, Colo. 44 Danford, W. B Pri., K, 102nd 111. Inf., Walsenburg-, Colo. Dominquiz, Pedro Corp., D, 1st N. Mex. Inf., Walsenburg, Colo. Dye, Loren Pri., C, 1st Mo. Cav., La Veta, Colo. Bscobeda, Thomas Pri., E, 1st N. Mex. Cav., Walsenburg, Colo. Evans, K. E Pri., H, 42nd Ohio Inf., Walsenburg, Colo. Guerrero, Elario Pri., H, 1st N. Mex. Cav., Walsenburg, Colo. Hill, W. J Pri., G, 101st N. Y. Inf., Parmington, N. Mex. Jenkins, Wm Pri., I, 193rd Ohio Inf., Rouse, Colo. Kine, John Pri., P, 126th Pa. Vol. Inf., Walsenburg, Colo. Klein, Henry Pri., I, 1st N. Y. Cav., Walsenburg, Colo. Markham, George Pri., E, 1st Colo. Cav., Walsenburg, Colo. Martine, Juan Jose Pri., C, 1st N. Mex. Cav., Walsenburg, Colo. Miranda, Quilimano Pri., H, 1st N. Mex. Cav., Walsenburg, Colo. Montoya, Juan Pri., H, 1st N. Mex. Cav., W^alsenburg, Colo. Morales, Bonifacio Coip., E, 1st N. Mex. Vol. Inf., Walsenburg, Colo. Powell, John L Pri., A, 8th Kan. Inf., La Veta, Colo. Provance, J. B Sergt., L, 2nd W. Va. Cav., Soldiers' Home, Calif. Read, H. W Pri., Hanck's Co. Mo. State Gd., Rouse, Colo. Rhodes, G. W Pri., K, 76th Pa. Vol. Inf., La Veta, Colo. Ritchey, C. T Pri., K, 31st Ohio Inf., La Veta, Colo. Ritter, John Pri., B, 1st Pa. Res. Cav., La Veta, Colo. Roseberry, Arrington Pri., E, 1st Colo. Cav., Walsenburg, Colo. Tartar, Andrew Sergt., D, 15th Mo. Cav., Rouse, Colo. Underwood, Daniel Pri., H, 1st Ind. H. Art., La Veta, Colo. Wade, John Pri., L, 15th Kan. Cav., La Veta, Colo. Wycoff, H. G 1st Sergt., G, 63rd 111. Inf., Walsenburg, Colo. Roster of J. F. Reynolds Post No. 33, G. A. R., Cheyenne, Wyo. Meetings Every First and Third Friday. Bard, I. N Pri., C, 26th N. Y., Cheyenne, Wyo. Bartlett, I. S Pri., H, 10th N. H. Inf., Cheyenne. Wyo. Brainard, S. J Pri., B, 24th Vt. Inf., Cheyenne, Wyo. Bristol, S. A Pri., C, 27th Conn., Cheyenne, Wyo. Broolihart, John W Pri., P, 35th Iowa Inf., Cheyenne, Wyo. Bruner, J. W Pri., F, 2nd Pa., Cheyenne, Wyo. Burrage, Geo. F Pri., U. S. Signal Corps, Cheyenne, Wyo. Castle, T. A Pri., B, 132nd Pa. Vol., Cheyenne, Wyo. Chase, Edward 2nd Lieut., F, 3rd Colo. Cav., Cheyenne, Wyo. Chipman, H. L Lt. Col., 7th U. S. Inf., Cheyenne, Wyo. Conway, Henry Mus., 60th N. Y. V., Cheyenne, Wyo. Crowley, J. F Mus., 60th N. Y., Cheyenne, Wyo. Downey, Henry Pri., D, 3rd Wis. Cav., Cheyenne, Wyo. Durbin, Geo. L Pri., I, 134tli Ind., Chevenne, Wyo. Duval, L. F Pri., A, 165th N. Y. V., Cheyenne, Wyo. Edwards, Geo. W Pri., A, 65th 111. Int., Cheyenne, Wyo. Gatchell, Prince A Pri., A, 1st Maine H. Art., Cheyenne, Wyo. Glafcke, Herman Maj., 22nd Conn. Vol., Cheyenne, Wyo. Gross, J. F Pri., F, 3rd N. Y. L. Art., Cheyenne, Wyo. Heenan, A Pri., H, 127th N. Y. Inf., Cheyenne, Wyo. Lacey, J. W Pri., D, 137th Ind., Cheyenne, Wyo. Lewis, Wm Pri., C, 119th 111., Cheyenne, Wyo. Mahar, A. A Pri., C, 15Sth N. Y., Cheyenne, Wyo. Meldrum, J. W Pri., G, 14th N. Y. H. Art., Cheyenne, Wyo. O'Brien, N. J Capt., 5th Wis. L. Art., Cheyenne, Wyo. O'Connor, M. A Pri., G, 4th Pa. Cav., Cheyenne, Wyo. Reed, Amaziah Pri., B, 63rd Ohio Inf., Cheyenne, Wyo. Ricliardson, O. A Cheyenne, Wyo. Rockafleld, G. W Pri., H. Sth Ohio Cav., Cheyenne, Wyo. Smith, D. G Pri., K, 66th 111., Cheyenne, Wyo. Smyth, Francis Pri., A, 5tlT. U. S. Art., Cheyenne, Wyo. Swan, D. S Cheyenne, Wyo. Talbot, John Major, 2nd Dragoons, Cheyenne, Wyo. Taylor, Wm Pri., D, 1st Wis., Cheyenne, Wyo. Vincent, R. M Pri., H, 134th Pa. Inf., Cheyenne, Wyo. Volker, Schultz Pri., G, 46th N. Y., Cheyenne, Wyo. Warren, F. E Corp., C, 49th Mass., Cheyenne, Wyo. Yount, Harry S Pri., H, Sth Mo. Cav., Cheyenne, Wyo. Roster of Thos. A. McCoy Post No. 34, G. A. R., Lander, Wyo. Meetings Every Second Thursday, 8 P. M. Allen, Chas Capt., K, 38th Iowa Vol. Inf., Lander, Wyo. Battrum, Alexander Pri., I, 16th 111. Inf., Lander, Wyo. Edsall, Wm. F Pri., K, 50th N. Y. Engrs., Lander, Wyo. liams, Samuel Pri., K, Slst Ohio Inf., Lander, Wyo. Koch, Hugo 1st Lieut., I, 9th Wis. Inf., Lander, Wyo. Laird, Jas. G Ord. Seaman, Tin-Clad Springfield, Lander, Wyo. Montague, C. H Pri., G, 110th N. Y. Inf., Lander, Wyo. Nickerson, H. G Capt., I, 186th Ohio Inf., Lander, Wyo. Riniker, Wm Pri., M, 1st Ohio L. Art., South Pass, Wyo. St. John, Edw. T Pri., I, 10th 111. Cav., Lander, Wyo. 45 Roster of Grand Junction Post No. 35, G. A. R., Grand Junction, Colorado. Meetings Every Second and Fourth Saturday. Allen, E. A U. S. S. -Gen. Thomas," Soloman, Kan. IJrink, J. F JJ, 210th Pa., Grand Junction, Colo. Uillinss, Kd O, 3rd Mo. Cav., Grand Junction, Colo. Borschell, John V. S. Navy, Grand Junction, Colo. Bacon, G. W , H, 116th 111., Seattle, Wash. Boster, H. C D, 17th Iowa, Oregon Brown, H. A A, 5th Ind. Cav., Fruita, Colo. Beemer, H K. 23rd Mo., Grand Junction, Colo. Barnes, J. R I, 3rd Ark. Cav., Mesa, Colo. Baker, F. M C, 12th Ohio, Fruita, Colo. Bolen, Henry D, 5th V. S. Inf., Grand Junction, Colo. Brooke. David D, 4th Mo. Cav., Mesa, Colo. Calkins, E. S L, 3rd Colo. Cav., Mesa, Colo. Coulter, S. 1^ F, 5«3th Pa., Fruita, Colo. Caldwell, J. S H, 10-tth Ohio, Grand Junction, Colo. Colburn, L. A A. 10th N. Y. Cav., Grand Junction, Colo. Chalmers, Jas B, 7th Ohio Cav., Grand Junction, Colo. Caughrxian, W. H. H D, 1st Ark. Cav., De Beque, Colo. Ditman, Wm C, 19th U. S., Me.sa, Colo. Dewey, Joseph I, 12Sth Ind., Spokane, Wash. Duquette, H H, 17th Vt., Grand Junction, Colo. Divine, J. H A, 143rd N. Y., Palisade, Colo. Dutton, M I, 87th Ohio, Grand Junction, Colo. Evans, Geo C, 53rd Wis., Grand Junction, Colo. Eaton, W. A E, 5th N. Y., .Grand Junction, Colo. Earl, John I, 1st Neb. Cav., Grand Junction, Colo. Fallis, J. R E, 29th Ind., Grand Junction, Colo. Forry, M A, Cfith Ohio, Grand Junction, Colo. Fiene, Henry B, 7th Mo. Cav., Grand Junction, Colo. Goldsby, John H, 1st Colo. Cav., Whitewater, Colo. Grout, A. C A, 2nd Mass. Cav., Exeter, Mass. Gleason, Taylor K, 11th Ind., Soldiers' Home, Calif. Gallaher, Wm. S H. 14Sth 111.. Grand Junction, Colo. Groves, H. S H, 105th Pa., Fruita, Colo. Gibler, H K, 46th 111., De Beque, Colo. Henry, Ed I, 37th 111., Northwest Hoyt, A. B H, 39th Iowa, Grand Junction, Colo. Higgins, T. G K, 76th 111., Grand Junction, Colo. Harkleroad, Wm D, 6th Iowa, Grand Junction, Colo. Hewitt, G. W I, 22nd Mo., Fruita, Colo. Henderson, W. J. S D, 24th N. Y. Cav., Grand Junction, Colo. Harrison, Frank H, 201st Pa., Grand Junction, Colo. Hefiin, E. R A, 93rd 111., De Beque, Colo Jay, B. F A, 45th Iowa, Grand Junction, Colo. Jaynes, E. E F, Sth Vt., Grand Junction, Colo. Jackson, J. F H, 33rd 111., Grand Junction, Colo. Johnson, Brafford C, 5th Iowa Cav., Glenwood Springs, Colo. Johnson, R. A F, 88th Ohio, Mesa, Colo. Jones, Mellville K, 11th 111., Fruita, Colo. Johnson, A. J I, 1st Iowa Cav., Grand Junction, Colo. Keene. A. H -D, 109th U. S. Cav., Grand Junction, Colo. Kiggins, S. J D, 3rd Colo. Cav., Grand Junction, Colo. Knight, H. F G, 39th Wis., New Castle, Colo. Kelley, J. A C, 71st 111., Cripple Creek, Colo. Lasley, B. M.. 1st Colo. Bat., Grand Junction, Colo. LeClere, G. F B, 34th Iowa, Grand Junction, Colo. Laramore, J. H C, 93rd 111., Whitewater, Colo. Logan, J. W G, 93rd 111., Grand Junction, Colo. Mast, H. S A, 52nd Pa., Grand Junction, Colo. Meister, Geo C, 153rd 111., Fruita, Colo. Markle, G. p C, 142nd 111., Montrose, Colo. Mahannah, Eli U. S. S. "Fearnot," Whitewater, Colo. Miller, S. M A, 7Sth Pa., Woodside, Utah Moffit, A I. 104th 111., Grand Junction, Colo. Miller, James F, 84th Ind., Grand Junction, Colo. Miller, G. H G, 1st Del., Colbran, Colo. Moore, John C, 14th Maine, Grand Junction, Colo. Martin, Wm L, 1st Vt. H. Art., Grand Junction, Colo. Menafee, Jas D, 81st Mo., Grand Junction, Colo. Morley, John H, 3rd N. Y. L. Art., Grand Junction, Colo. McDonald, W. H C, 45th Wis., Grand Junction, Colo. Nelson, A L,' 2nd N. Y. Cav., Grand Junction, Colo. Oakes, Esq F, 3rd Tenn., Grand Junction, Colo. Plumb, H. S F, 11th Mich., Palisade, Colo. Primrose, J. P. B H, 176th Pa., Salt Lake, Utah Plank, J. C H, 1st Minn H. Art., Grand Junction, Colo. Pelton, C. N E, 7th Mich., Grand Junction, Colo. Purdv, S. L D, 110th Pa.. Palisade, Colo. Parish, J. H G, 67th N. Y., Grand Junction, Colo. Parish, S. L D, Slst N. Y., Los Angeles, Calif. 4(5 Reither, Joseph P, 1st Pa. L. Art., Vernal, Utah Ross, J. P ". E, 79th 111., Grand Junction, Colo. Robb, E. C I, Sth Iowa, Fruita, Colo. Rose, W. H B, llGth N. Y., Craig, Colo. Roberts, W. V B, 34th Iowa, Grand Junction, Colo. Rlcker, E. S I, 102nd 111., Grand Junction, Colo. Russey, McA I, 130th Ind., De Beque, Colo. Shields, John C, 55th 111., Grand Junction, Colo. Strain, D. F I, 9th Ind., Palisade, Colo. Smith, N. N B, 25th Mich., Grand Junction, Colo. Smith, Bethuel D, 153rd Ind., Fruita, Colo. Smith, D. H C, 30th Maine, Grand Junction, Colo. Steele, J. L C, 2nd Iowa Cav., Grand Junction, Colo. Scharf, S. R B, 12th Mo. Cav., Cisco, Utah Spear, John G, 124th 111., Unknown Thompson, Jas H, 123rd Pa., Grand Junction, Colo. Telson, C. T M, 11th Mo., Plateau City, Colo. Thompson, F. M D, 7th 111. Cav., Grand Junction, Colo. Vosburg. F. J A, 40th Wis., Grand Junction, Colo. Virden, Thos K, 3rd Colo. Cav., Whitewater, Colo. A'oorhies, G. W K, 3rd Kan., Grand Junction, Colo. Wortl^ 'ngton, I. C I, 22nd N. Y., Fruita, Colo. Worthington, C. B Gth Wis. Bat., Grand Junction, Colo. Whitney, J. A. C F, 15th Iowa, Grand Junction, Colo. Whitnah, M. P A, 54th 111., Grand Junction, Colo. Wilson, J. M G, Sth Tenn., Grand Junction, Colo. Walling. S. N E, 12th Wis., Grand Junction, Colo. White. J. A D, 40th Ohio, Paradox, Colo. Warmill. C. W 7th Maine Bat., Grand Junction, Colo. Williams, H. T B. 146th N. Y., Whitewater, Colo. Wolf, John G, 9th Ind., Colbran, Colo. Wells, E. P F. 37th 111., Palisade, Colo. Woolsey, A. A F, 125th 111., Gi'and Junction, Colo. Young, R. ti '. B, 1st Ohio H. Art., Grand Junction, Colo. Roster of Pfeiffer Post No. 36, G. A. R., Alamosa, Colo. Meetings Every Last Tliursdny. Cretchlan, B. D U. S. Engrs., 13th and 22nd U. S. Inf., Alamosa, Colo. Eskridge, L. D Pri., F, 215 Pa. Inf., La Jara, Colo. Foster, C. R Pri., F. 1st Wis. Cav., Hooper, Colo. Gretrisen, John Pri., C, 100th Ohio Inf., Alamosa, Colo. Hiner, Hardin Pri., C, 19th Ky. Inf., Alamosa, Colo. Jones, Henry Pri., H, 58th 111. Inf., Alamosa, Colo. Judd, Alexander Pri., G, Merrell's Mo. Vol., Alamosa, Colo. Kinch, Jno. A Pri., F, 93rd Pa. Inf., Alamosa, Colo. Labern, Hanald Sergt., I, 100th Ohio Inf., Alamosa, Colo. McCuneff, Thos Pri., C, 9th Iowa Inf., La Jara, Colo. Mather, Theo. D 2nd Lieut., H, 35th Ohio Inf., Alamosa, Colo. Newcomb, Daniel E Pri., D, 95th 111. Inf., La Jara, Colo. Payne, Wm. L Pri., 1st N. Y. Vet. Cav., San Luis, Colo. Sampson, C. M Pri., D, 1st Mass., Antonito, Colo. Van Fleet, Grant B. . . . Sergt., C, 13 6th Ohio Inf., Alamosa, Colo. Wilson, Lero>' Alamosa, Colo. Roster of E. M. Stanton Post No. 37, G. A. R., Salida, Colo. ^Meetings Every Eirst and Third Saturday, 8 P. M. Asher, ^^ M Pri., F, 29th Iowa Inf. Beck, J. V Pri., I. 1 1th Pa. Inf., Poncha Boon, G. H Pri., Colo. L. Art. Boon, H. C Pri., G, 16th Ohio Vol. Inf. Buell, M. D. L Sergt. Maj., 38th Ohio Inf. Copeland, Allen Pri., E, Miss. State Mil. Davidson, W. H Pri., D, 9th Mo. Cav. Davis, J. A Pri., 9th Ind. I. A., Eaton, W B, 186th N. Y. Inf. Ellis, W Pri., C, 12th Ky. Cav. Goff, S Pri., 14th Mich. L. Art. Graham, Tim 1st Colo. Vol. Granger, G. T Pri., A, 149th Pa. Inf. Grier, A. J A, 97th Pa. Inf. Hampson, T. J Pri., D, 4th U. S. Cav. Hatch, E. A Pri., H, 12th 111. Cav. Hinton, D Pri., H, 3rd Ind. Cav. Hogue. Alex Pri., G. 16th Ohio Vol. Inf. Hollentaeck, J. G Pri., F, 47th Pa. Inf. Huston. J. H Pri., C, 20th 111. Inf. McDonald, Robert Pri., I, 6th Pa. Inf. McGee, Theodore C, 28th Pa. Inf. Marshall, Wm H, 186th Ohio Vol. Inf. Mitchell, I G, 10th Kan. Paine. E. M Pri., F, 1 6th 111. Inf. Rhoades, G. F G, 3rd 111. Cav. , Salida, Colo Springs, Colo , Salida, Colo , Salida, Colo , Salida, Colo , Salida, Colo . Salida, Colo Howard, Colo , Salida, Colo , Salida, Colo , Salida, Colo , Salida, Colo , Salida, Colo , Salida, Colo , Salida, Colo , Salida, Colo , Salida, Colo , Salida, Colo , Salida, Colo , Salida, Colo , Salida, Colo , Salida, Colo , Salida, Colo , Salida, Colo , Salida, Colo , Salida, Colo 47 Roller, W. "W Capt, A, 64th N. Y. Inf., Salida, Colo. Royer, Thomas Pri., D, 77th Ind. Cav., Salida, Colo. Samuels, N. R Pri., C, 35th Ohio Inf., Salida, Colo. Sanderson, J Pri., Colo. L. G., Poncha Springs, Colo. Smith, H. D G, 1st Mass. Cav., Salida, Colo. Smith, J. D Pri., D, 15th Ind. Inf., Salida, Colo. Swallows, N Pri., L, 3rd 111. Cav., Salida, Colo. Ten Broeck, E. W Sergt., B, 32nd N. Y. Inf., Salida, Colo. Thurston, Isaac Pri., B, 16th Ind. Cav. Salida, Colo. Underwood, Chas Pri., D, 15th 111. Inf., Poncha Springs, Colo. Warwick, W. H Pri., H, 146th Ohio Inf., Salida, Colo. Wood, Geo Pri., A, 133rd Ohio Inf., Salida, Colo. Roster of Montrose Post No. 38, G. A. R,, Montrose, Colo. Meetings Every First and Third Thursday. Bailey, O. M Montrose, Colo. Barron, J. M Capt., E, 54th 111. Inf., Montrose, Colo. Brown, S. R Montrose, Colo. Cline, Milton W Montrose, Colo. Collins, Walter Montrose, Colo. Dalrymple, J. W 2nd Lieut, C, 96th Ohio Inf., Montrose, Colo. Daring, J. A Montrose, Colo. Davis, N. S Pri., 10th Wis. Bat., Montrose, Colo. Dawson, S. E Montrose, Colo. Elliott, J. B Montrose, Colo. Johnson, J. B Pri., A, 32nd Ohio Inf., Montrose, Colo. Lupher, Parker Montrose, Colo. Marshall, J. L Montrose, Colo. Morgan, J. P Montrose, Colo. Osborn, E. L Pri., K, 20th Iowa Inf., Montrose, Colo. Peters, Phil Montrose, Colo. Ross, Jacob Montrose, Colo. Smith, E. H Capt., B, 16th Mich., Inf., Montrose, Colo. Smith, Gene Montrose, Colo. Truesdale, Eli Pri., C, 16th Ohio Inf., Montrose, Colo. Walters, Aaron Montrose, Colo. Roster of Farragut Post No. 46, G. A. R. Goody Hall, West lltK Ave. and Jason Street, Denver. Colo. Meetings Every Saturday Evening. Abbott, Samuel D E, 9th N. Y. Cav., Denver Able, Joseph H, 5th U. S. Cav., Denver Able, George U. S. N., Denver Adams, William B, 46th Pa. Inf., Denver Agustine, Frank B, 8th Kan. Inf., Denver Allan, Gains M C, 39th U. S. Cav., Denver Arnold, A. N I, 46 Inf., Denver Ash, George U. S. N., Denver Atkinson, Geo Corp., F, 40th Mo. Inf., Denver Backenstow, W. L H, 2nd la. Cav., Denver Bailey, F. D 177th Ohio Inf., Denver Baker, Geo. W Pri., B, 14th 111. Inf., Denver Baker, F. H C, 8th 111. Cav., Denver Ball, Marion F, 21th Mo. Inf., Denver Barr, Robert G E, 21st Ky. Inf., Denver Barrows, P. W C, 18th Mass. Inf., Denver Bassett, Leslie K, 13th la. Inf., Denver Beaghen, John C, 2nd N. Y. H. A., Denver Beardsley, I. H G, ISSth O. Inf., Denver Beal, W. C Pri., E, 9th Mich. Inf., Denver Beesons, Richards C, 2nd la. Inf., Denver Belden, G. C D, 64th 111. Inf., Denver Benton, James ' E, 12th O. Cav., Denver Bemisconi, J 1st la. Bat., Denver Berry, William A K, 102nd U. S. Cav., Denver Billow, H. A 4th U. S. Cav., Denver Biyas, Frank S Capt., K, 13th Maryland Inf., Denver Blinn, Daniel C A, 4th Mich. Cav., Denver Blood M. V. B P, 6th Kan. Cav., Denver Bohle'man, J. H Band, 4th A. C, Denver Bonnick, Henry J G, 2nd U. S. Cav., Denver Bowland, James B, 15th 111. Inf., Denver Brady, Zephaniah F, 44th Mo. S. M., Denver Branston, Robert W I. 134th 111. Inf., Denver Bratlett, E. . . G, lOSth 111. Inf., Denver Brinkley R V H, 155th Ind. Inf., Denver Brisaek, Justis S A, 101 O. Inf., Denver Brigham, B F C, 24th Wis. Inf., Denver Bridge, J. W 5th Bat. Wis. Lt. Art., Denver Brock, John W D, 27th 111. Inf., Denver Brooks, W. O A, 7th Iowa Cav., Denver Brown, Jacob Pri., E, 129th Pa. Inf., Denver 48 Brownlow, J. T U. S. N. Bruster, T. C Colo. Cav. Burt, Thos Pri., A. 13th 111. Cav. Burton, H. S H, 33rd 111. Inf. Burroughs, A. S B, 5th Mich. Cav. Buell, S. P E, 136th N. Y. Inf Buttolph, Hiram M G, 2nd Conn. H. A. Bush, Amos C, 2nd la. Inf. Campbell, M. N Band, 23rd Ohio Inf. Campbell, Joseph D I, 98th 111. Inf. Carter, Nelson A, 1st Neb. Inf. Carl, Goliah C, 51th 111. Inf. Camp, George W G, ISth la. Inf. Castle, Charles H A, 5th Mo. S. M. Cavenaugh, John H, 20th Wis. Inf. Chase, Leander A, 11th Penn. Cav. Childers, P. R K, 2nd Iowa Inf. Chenney worth, Isaac F, 33rd Mo. S. M. Chamberlain, M. A C, 13th Ind. Inf. Chance, Ben E, ISth Mo. Inf. Chivington, John M 1st Colo. Cav. Clark, John Crum E, 3Sth la. Inf. Clark. Sandy B, 76th U. S. Cav. Clark, J. K H, 3rd Mo. S. M. Clark, John A D, 15th Ohio Inf. Cline. R. W B, 102nd Pa. Inf. Cowell, Charles W Band, 10th Mich. Inf. Cotrell, William H G, 112th 111. Inf. Coverston, W. A H, 3rd Iowa Inf. Coplen, J. D G, 3rd Colo. Cav. Condit, E. C C, 19th la. Inf. Cooper, H. B E, 8th la. Inf. Cooper, Charles H G, 42nd Mass. Inf. Cooper, E. H D, 1st 111. Art. Cole, Uriah H H, 24th N. Y. Inf. Conboy, T. J A, 100th Pa. Inf. Cotten, H. W : B, 76th N. Y. Inf. Cotten, Allen D, 31st la. Inf. Cowell. J. R C, 5th Mich. Inf. Cox, Nathan T A, 1st 111. Lt. Art. Crittendon, P. M K, 1st Mich. Eng. Cramer. H. B I, 161st N. Y. Inf. Cronkhite, Levi Pri., E, S6th Ind. Inf Cummings, Nick 5th Ind. Bat. Cuture, Theodore D, 6th Minn. Inf. Cypher, J. P E, 76th Pa. Inf. Pack, C. G A, 9th 111. Cav. Daniels, Webster C, 19th 111. Inf. Baugherty. Isaac Ind. Bat. Colo. Davis, A. W E, 79th N. Y. Inf. Davis, John D E, 97th N. Y. Inf. Davison, John K, 50th N. Y. Eng. Davisson, Isaac I, 4th Ohio Cav. De Russy, R. E D, 4th N. Y. Art. Demorest, G. V U. S. N. Dillenback, J. D H, 4th Mich. Cav. Dickey, John F, 62nd Pa. Inf. Divilbist, H. F G, 47th 111. Inf. Dickerson, Thomas L, 12th Ky. Art. Donnely, Hugh D, 5th Cal. Inf. Douglas, Tracy W I, 17th 111. Cav. Douglas, William B C, 83rd Ind. Inf, Dorsey, George G, 12th U. S. H. A. Drew, D. P. M G, 35th N. H. Inf. Eldridge, Roswell 92nd 111. Inf. Evans, John K, 1 2th N. J. Inf. Evans, Wesley Watson... 1st Sergt., H, 74th 111. Inf. ;lst Lieut., H U. S. Cav. Ewing, Jas Pri., C, 5th la. Inf. Farmer. A. E I, 48th 111. Inf. Farnsworth, Edward 55th O. Inf. Findley, A. A C, 83rd O. Inf. Pitch, Henry B, 2nd Minn. Cav. Flanders, A H, 2nd Kan. Cav. Foster. J. W A, 15th Kan. Cav. Foster, George W E, 22nd Mo. Inf. Frazier, Caleb E E, 150th 111. Inf. Freeman, John Jay C, 6th Iowa Cav. Frye, G. M F, 17th Mass. Inf. Fritz, J. S I, 40th Iowa Inf. Frisby, R. R B, 46th Pa. Inf. French, O. C G, 104th Ohio Inf. Francis. Robert S B, 10th Mo. Inf. Pullerton. W. J I, 102nd Pa. Inf. Gandy, Otho W L, 13th Mo. Cav. Gandy, Felix T E, 4th la. Inf. Gates, Samuel B, 1st Ore. Cav. Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver 49 Geeling, John G C, 137th Ind. Inf., Denver Gerry, Owen L, 8th N. Y. Cav., Denver Glaze, Roland B A, 63th 111. Inf., Denver Gon\ S. J 14th Mich. Lt. Art., Denver Graves, Phineas D, 12th Mich. Inf., Denver Grant, G. Ji, A, 30th Wis. Inf., Denver Guy, Albert B lOyth N. Y. Inf., Denver Hargrave, ihomas J G, 23rd Ohio Inf., Denver Hariow, J. F F, 42nd Mass. Inf., Denver Harrington, D. M U. S. N., Denver Hagle, Frederick B, 8th Kan. Inf., Denver Haynes, D. J F, 26th Ky. Inf., Denver Hall, John H, 117th U. S., Cav., Denver Hail, Hendricks E, 81st Ind. Inf., Denver Halleck, Benj. B Pri., E, 165th N. Y. Inf., Denver Hamlin, D A, 2nd Minn. Inf., Denver Hamilton, John D U. S. N., Denver Haswell, William S F, 4th Wis. Cav., Denver •Hayes, tiamuel D , . . . Q. M., 110th Pa. Inf., Denver Head, B. M F, 2nd Cal. Cav., Denver Head, L. H A, 57th 111. Inf., Denver Herbert, P. P B, 3rd Colo. Cav., Denver Hensel, William S D, 66th Ind. Inf., Denver Helm, William H, 114th U. S. Cav., Denver Hendrick, A F, 50th N. Y. Inf., Denver Hedden, Abram G G, 148th 111. Inf„ Denver Henson, Amos G, 83rd U. S. Cav., Denver Hermans, Edward Q. M. Sergt., 14th Mich. Cav., Denver Hiestand, W. H E, 1st La. Cav., Denver Hill, George S D, 125th Ohio Inf., Denver Hill, H. H Pri., C, 1st Mo. Eng., Denver Hinsdale, A. M K. 28th Iowa Inf., Denver Hinman, C. A I. 18th Iowa Inf., Denver Holland' Peter.. Pri., 13th N. H. Inf.; Seaman, U. S. Rec. Ship, Minn. Denver Hollister, Isaac Pri., B, 29th la. Inf., Denver Holly, F. M Band, 14th Mien. Cav., Denver Horner, David .■ Pri., E, 3rd 111. Inf., Denver Horner, D. H E, 53rd 111. Inf., Denver Hussey, George G D, 1st Wis. Cav., Denver Huston, J. E K, 102nd 111. Inf., Denver Hubbard, Robert G G, 12th Mo. Cav., Denver Hubbard, P. L C, 1st Mich. Inf., Denver Inglles, W. R E, 108th 111. Inf., Denver Isenburg, S. W D. 1st Pa. Lt. Art., Denver Jackson, 'o. D K, 45th la. Inf., Denver James, J. F E, 24th N. Y. Inf., Denver Jansen, A H, 21st U. S. Cav., Denver Jeffries H. B B, 77th U. S. Cav., Denver Jenner,'Thomas F G, 13th Ind. Inf., Denver Jinks E A P. 100th 111. Inf., Denver Johnson, J. H A, 31st Pa. Inf., Denver Johnson, James W H, 30th Ind. Inf., Denver Johnson, Robert A C, 156th Ind. Inf., Denver Jones H O Pri., E, 31st Mass. Inf., Denver Jones! Robt Pri., G, 61st 111. Inf., Denver Justice, James G 52na 111. Inf., Denver Juneman, C. H U. S. N., Denver Kay J R Surgeon, 124th 111. Inf., Denver Kennedy, John C G, 13th 111. Cav., Denver Kelleher, James H 1st Mass. Cav., Denver Kellog E E H, 8th Mo. Inf., Denver Kessle'r, M. S H, 3rd Ky. Inf., Denver Keiser, Jacob F, 35th 111. Inf., Denver Kelson, Benjamin B, 9th U. S. Cav., Denver Keenan, Charles E, 35th la. Inf., Denver Kelsey, James S L. 2nd Colo. Cav., Denver Kenni^on, Bradley K, 6th Kan. Cav., Denver Kibby, Lorenso D, 20th U. Y. nf., Denver King H. W H, 12th 111. Inf., Denver Kirkland W P F, 1st Wis. Cac, Denver Kiefer D. . G. 2nd N. Y. Cav., Denver Knapp', Samuel G, 10th Kan. Inf., Denver Knight, George J B, 83rd Pa. Inf., Denver Kohler G W Pri., I, 49th Mich, Dencer Krotter J P D, 1st 111. Cav., Denver Kritchfi'eld, W. D C, 13th la. Inf., Denver Kridler J C A, 1st Tenn. Lt. Art., Denver Kubitst'ek, Henry Lieut., G, 48th Ind. Inf., Denver Kuykendal, Jas. W' Pri., E, 6th Indiana Inf., Denver Lahrozen, Andrea Pri., 1st N. J. Lt. Art, Denver Lane, John L 12th 111. Cav., Denver Lane, John H F, 2nd U. S. Art., Denver Lange, Louis B. 43rd 111. Inf., Denver Lash D W F- 8th la. Inf., Denver Le Claire, F."h.'' B, Sth la. Inf., Denver Lee, Jessie B E, 3rd N. Y. Art., Denver Lehman, A. S K. 28th Mass. Inf., Denver &0 Leslie, James 1st Minn. Cav., Denver Lewis, P. B D, 3rd Oliio Cav., Denver Leisure, G. N A, 100 Pa. Inf., Denver Libby, C. M D, 127 111. Inf., Denver Lockliard, Wm. E 1st Sergt., G, 30th Mich. Inf., Denver Luckenbach, H. H B, 66th Pa. Inf., Denver Lyon, J. M B, 40th la. Inf., Denver Major, J. S B, 36th la. Inf., Denver Mann, J. H B, 16th Wis. Inf., Denver Mardis, LA H, 85th 111. Inf., Denver Markel, J. H Pri., I, 50th N. Y. Inf., Denver May, W. T. S G, 1st Ohio Inf., Denver May, Robert L . . U. S. N., Denver McGreuder, J. R D, 36th la. Inf., Denver McKinsey, Jessie D, 72nd Ind. Inf., Denver McCubbin, Ira E I, 45th Mo. Inf., Denver McCormick, James A E, 48th 111. Inf., Denver McLean, S. C D, 13th la. Inf., Denver McCain, John B 2 6th Penn. Inf., Denver McGruder, James R D, 36th la. Inf., Denver McGrew, Ambrose R B, 4th Ohio Cav., Denver Merritt, H H, 5th Vt. Inf., Denver Merkle, Charles Band, 6th U. S. Inf., Denver Meister, George H, 144th 111. Inf., Denver Merrick, J. D I, 1st Wis. Cav., Denver Merideth, John R I, 27th Ky. Inf., Denver Moses, Elmer A, 41st Ohio Inf., Denver Miller, Jacob K, 6Sth N. Y. Inf., Denver Miller, John M G, ISth la. Inf., Denver Miller, H. A C, 9th 111. Cav., Denver Mills, J. Harrison D, 21st N. Y. Inf., Denver Milleson, E A, 3rd Colo. Cav., Denver Mogle, William B, 9th Minn. Inf., Denver Morrison, E. A A, 1st Minn. Inf., Denver Moore, S. M E, 15th Ohio Inf., Denver Moses, W. E E, 119th 111. Inf., Denver Morrow, Edward A, 187th Ohio Inf., Denver Morgan, Lycrugus C, 43rd Ind. Inf., Denver Mowery, George E, 153rd N. Y. Inf., Denver Moffitt, O. J G, 15th N. Y. Cav., Denver Mullen, H. L G, 54th 111. Inf., Denver Myers, F. M E, 1st 111. Lt. Art., Denver Newman, S. P I, 15th Kan. Cav., Denver Neff, Walter S B, 94th Ohio Inf., Denver Nelson, James E, 3rd Mass. Inf., Denver Obenhause, E. J L, 34th Mo. Inf., Denver O'Brien, WiLiam J A, 42nd Mass. Inf., Denver O'Connor, John U. S. N., Denver Oliver, George Pri., K, 2nd D. C. Inf., Denver Onderdonk, C. C L, 7th Mich. Cav., Denver Patterson, George A C, 123rd Ind. Inf., Denver Patterson, C. L I, 155th Ohio Inf., Denver Pagett, J. M G, 40th Wis. Inf., Denver Paddock, E. A E, 40th Wi^. Inf., Denver Palmer, H. N G, 13th la. Inf., Denver Petrea. Theodore F F, 176th N. Y. Inf., Denver Peak, G. W I, 71st N. Y. Eng., Denver Peckham. W. G D, 112th N. Y. Inf., Denver Pettis, Hiram D, 96th N. Y. Inf., Denver Pearce, Samuel A B, 193rd Pa. Inf., Denver Phillips, F. M K, 1st Cal. Inf., Denver Phillips, Sidney F, 137th Ohio Inf., Denver Pickett, George B A. 37th 111. Inf., Denver Plummer, L C, 2nd Kan. Cav., Denvei Plank, A. W B, 122nd Pa. Inf., Denver Pollock. V/illiam J E, ISSth Ohio Inf., Denver Powell, J. F K, 24th Ohio Inf., Denver Putnam. S. P C. 17th 111. Cav., Denver Purdy, Daniel W F, 164th Ohio Inf., Denver Redding, William F U. S. N., Denver Rose, W. W K, 23rd Wis. Inf., Denver Rose. W. H B, 23rd Wis. Inf., Denver Robitzer, J. P. H, Pa, Cav., Denver Roundtree, J. H G. 35th la. Inf., Denver Robertson, William M H, 3rd la. Cav., Denver Ralph. George H 14th Tenn. Inf., Denver Rauch, Levi C, 3rd Pa. Cav., Denver Raglin, George W H, 129th 111. Inf., Denver Rhoads, J. M A, 47th Iowa Inf., Denver Rice, M. W E, 13th la. Inf., Denver Richards, Matthew Sergt., I. 52nd Pa. Inf., Denver Richardson. James H, 79th U. S. Cav., Denver Richmond, Geo. Q Pri., B, 61st Mass. Inf., Denver Robb. S. C B, 5th Minn. Cav., Denver Rogers, Gilbert A B, 72nd 111. Inf., Denver Roberts, James J G, 13th LT. S. Inf., Denver Roberts, Joseph N E, 103rd 111. Inf., Denver 51 Roberts, James J G, 13th U. S. Inf., Denver Rogers, Joseph T K, 45th la. Inf., Denver Rolt'e, Chester P C, 50th N. Y. Inf., Denver Rothe, William A, 17th Mo. Inf., Denver Ruffieux, Louis E Pri., A, Kan. Cav., Denver Ruh, John B, Ind. Pa. A,, Denver Sanpier, Henry B, 50th Ind. Inf., Denver Sammis, M. H A, 4th Ohio Cav., Denver Saviers, Albert E K, 79th U. S. Cav., Denver Scott, Morton B, 3rd Ky. Inf., Denver Schelling-, Henry F, 64th 111. Inf., Denver Schrock, E. W C, 9th Ind., Inf., Denver Schneider, E D, 1st III. Lt. Art., Denver Schuyler. CM M, 22nd N. Y. Cav., Denver Schultz, Chist C, 3rd Mo. S. M., Denver Schmoeger, Charles I, th la. Cav., Denver Seibert, Mathias I, 6th Ohio Inf., Denver Selleck, George W C, 23rd Mich Inf., Denver Shepherd, P. B G, N. H. Inf., Denver Shell, A. A G, 85th Ind. Inf., Denver Sisson, Hiram A F, 23rd Mo. Inf., Denver Slothower, Louis P I, 209th Pa. Inf., Denver Smith, Charles E A, 54th Pa. Inf., Denver Smith, Alonzo G, 8th 111. Inf.. Denver Sneed, Jas. M Pri., K, 29th Mo. Inf., Denver Snyder, Charles T A, 1st Pa. Lt. Art., Denver Sohn, Frank Band, 2nd Brig. 111. Vol., Denver Spicer, H. C C, 6th Mich. Inf., Denver Spencer, Frank A C, 85th N. Y. Inf., Denver Stoutenburg, I. J G, 6th N. Y. Cav., Denver Streight, Van B A, 18th Ind. Inf., Denver Storms, H. D D, 113th 111. Inf., Denver Stone, Willis, C 5th U. S. Cav., Denver St. Clair, David H B, 78th 111. Inf., Denver St. John, Myron B, 22nd Mich. Inf., Denver Stewart, Charles U. S. N., Denver Starks, L. P G, 1st Ohio Art., Denver Starks, W. R G, 1st Ohio Art., Denver Sullivan, Perry L 10th Ohio Cav., Denver Swan, A. H A. 13th Va. Inf., Denver Swisher, U. H C, 46th Ohio Inf., Denver Swayzee, David E G, 150th Ind. Inf., Denver Sylvester, D. R K, 12th 'Wis. Inf., Denver Talledge, Thomas K, 10th Wis. Inf., Denver Tamm. Henry D, 47th Mo. Inf., Denver Tennison, Albert C, 1st U. S. S. C. T., Denver Tennant, C. E H, 1st Wis. Cav., Denver Thompson, J. B F, 73rd 111. Inf., Denver Thorp, C. S G, 2nd Colo. Cav., Denver Thomas. James M B, 23rd U. S. Inf., Denver Thomas, James G 36th la. Inf., Denver Thompson, Ira B, 112th N. Y. Inf., Denver Tilton, B. R. .• D, 9th Maine Inf., Denver Townsend, Thomas Band, 15th U. S. Cav., Denver Townsand, F. H A, 9th Mich. Inf., Denver Toohey, Francis G, 2nd LT. S. Inf., Denver Tupper, J. E I. 10th Mich Inf., Denver Turpening, Solomon Pri., I, 6th Minn. Inf., Denver Vineyard, Thomas J G, 33rd la. Inf., Denver Van Meter, Stroud Pri., H, 102nd 111. Inf., Denver Watson, Samuel C E, 4th Wis. Cav., Denver Watson, G. D A, 137th 111. Inf., Denver Walterman, George F H, 7th 111. Inf., Denver Walker, John E A, 51st Ind. Inf., Denver Wade, Thomas J B, 68th 111. Inf., Denver Webb, Robert L Colo. V. Ind. Co., Denver W^eeks, John W D, 4th Vt. Inf., Denver Welch, Johnson I, 4th Ohio Inf., Denver Welch, C. F A, 18th N. H. Inf., Denver White, Francis Pri., B, 111th 111. Inf., Denver Whitlock, William C. C H, 1st 111. Cav., Denver Whitlock, Ogden F, 105th 111. Inf., Denver Wilkison, M. H G, 50th Wis. Inf., Denver Williamson, I. D F, 6th Pa. Cav., Denver Wilson, Jeremiah M C, 2nd W. Va. Cav., Denver Wilson, Walter Chaplain, 117th U. S. Cav., Denver Willis, George W H, 102nd Mich. Inf., Denver Winslow, Lester B H. 7th Minn. Inf., Denver Wood, T. H. B A, 119th Penn. Inf., Denver W'right, George E E, 3rd R. I. Cav., Denver Yocum, L. S I, 179th Ohio Inf., Denver 52 Roster of Steadman Post No. 54, G. A. R., Telluride, Colo. Meetings Every Satmday, 8 P. ^l. Adams, John Capt:, B, 5th N. H. Inf., Telluride, Colo. Blair, S. H .Sergt., C. 7th Iowa Inf., Telluride, Co'lo. Bless. Chas Pri., G, 10th Ind. Inf., Telluride. Colo. Cooper, A. B Sergt.. L. 50th N. Y. Engrs., Telluride, Colo. Goshorn, H. T Pri.. G, 1st Colo. Cav., Sawpit. Colo. Leonard. W. H Sergt., E, 9th Ohio L. Art.. Leonard, Colo. Miller, Elp Pri., F, 3rd N. L. Mtd. Inf., Ames, Colo. Miller, J. C Pri., I, 139th Ohio Inf., Telluride, Colo. Poplin, J. W Corp., B, 5th Ind. Inf.. Placerville, Colo. Remine, L. M Pri., G. 13th Tenn. Cav., Sawpit, Colo. Weller, J. C Pri., I. 139th Ohio Inf., Telluride, Colo. Wood. M. A Pri., A, 20th Mass. Inf., Telluride, Colo. Roster of C. W. Collins Post No. 58, G. A. R., Rawlins, "Wyo. Meetin<:s livery Secimd Saturday Evening. Cox, Wesley S Pri., C, 21st Ohio Inf., Rawlins, Wyo. Donnell, John A Pri., A, 75th N. Y. Inf., Rawlins, Wyo. Donnelly. Jas. H Pri.. G, 29th Pa. Inf., Buffalo, Wyo. lUirant, Geo. W Pri., C, 23rd 111. Inf.. Green River, ITtah I'Mghinger, Chris Pri., K, 178th Ohio Inf., Rawlins, Wyo. Krrett, Henry F Pri., K, 5Sth 111. Inf., Anaconda, Mont. Flood, Albert Pri.. A, 3rd 111. Art., Louisburg, Mo. Friend. John C Corp., G, 11th Ohio Cav., Rawlins. Wyo. Hamilton, O. A Pri., C, 4th Ind. Bat.. 4th Ohio Cav., Pinedale, Wyo. HavP. T. C Pri., H, 13th 111. Inf., W' hiskev Gap, Wyo. Heagny, Peter Pri., H. 140th 111. Inf., Casper, Wyo. Heath, Wm. A Pri., G, 1st U. S. Sharpshooter.s, Cheyenne, Wyo. Hildreth, Alfred B Sergt., C, 41st 111. Inf., Rawlins, Colo. Hittle, John F Mus.. K. 151st 111. Inf., Rawlins, Wyo. Jennings, Jas. B Pri., M, 5th Pa. Cav., Encampment, Wyo. Maghee, J. B Pri.. K. 13th Ind. Inf., Saratoga, Wyo. Maghee, Thos. G Pri., F, 24th Ind. Inf., Lander, AVyo. Mason, Wm. S Pri., B, 30th Maine Inf.. Rongis, W^yo. McCartv, Wm Pri., C, 120th 111. Inf., Rawlins, Wyo. Merrill, Homer Pri., A, 13th N. Y. Inf., Rawlins, Wyo. Miller, Samuel M Pri., K, 93rd Ohio Inf., Rawlins, Wyo. Morgan, Samuel Pri., K, 1st Kan. Inf., Riverside, Wyo. Rankin, Jos. P Pri., G, 63rd Pa. Inf., Ogden, Utah Riddell, Edw Pri., D, 16th Ind. Inf., Split Rock, Wyo. Timme. Henr.v Pri.. I. 24th 111. Inf., Soldiers' Home, Kan. Roster of Kit Carson Post No. 59, G. A. R., Lamar, Colo. greetings Every Last Saturday. Bishop, George A Pri., B. 11th 111. Cav.. Lamar. Colo. Cooper. Daniel E Pri., F, 4th Iowa Inf., Lamar, Colo. Cummings, Wm Capt., A, 11th W. Va. Inf., S. & S. Home, Danville, 111. Davis. Wm. W Pri., L. 12th Ind. Cav., Lamar, Colo. Defter, Abraham Corp., D, 5th Iowa Inf., Lamar, Colo. DeWitt. Isaac Pri., M, 1st Mich. Cav. Lamar, Colo. Mlis, Roswell I, 14th Mo. Inf., Lamar, Colo. Fay, Frank Pri., K. 13 6th 111. Inf.. Lamar, Colo. Goodale. Chas. C Pri., C, 3rd Iowa Inf., Lamar, Colo. Kelsey, Frank Pri., E, 6th Ohio Inf., Lamar, Colo. Kerr, Adam B, 46th Iowa Inf., Lamar, Colo. Lynch, Peter S Pri., H, 23rd Iowa Inf., Lamar, Colo. Miller, Chas. F Pri., E, Ind., Lamar, Colo. Rhodes, Abraham Pri., I, 6th Ky. Cav., Lamar, Colo. Robinson, David W A, 74th Ind. Inf., I^amar. Colo. Robinson. Geo. W 2nd Lieut., K, 3rd Mo. Cav., Lamar, Colo. Sheets. '^Vm. H 129th 111. Inf., Lamar, Colo. Young, Winfield S Pri., G, ISth Iowa Inf., Lamar, Colo. Roster of J. G. Blunt Post No. 65, G. A. R., Castle Rock, Colo. ^Nrcetings Every First Saturday. Anderson, Chas Corp., F, 30th Iowa Inf., Castle Rock, Colo. Cramer, D. I Pri., F. 5th 111. Cav., Sedalia, Colo. Farrell. J. W Sergt. Mai., 52nd Wis. Inf., Castle Rock, Colo. Gott, Frank Pri., G, Sth Mass. Inf., Castle Rock, Colo. Martin, E. M Pri., A, 5th Kan. Cav., Castle Rock, Colo. Misner, Andrew Pri., E, 55th 111. Inf., Castle Rock, Colo. Parker, J. S Smith, U. T Pri., H. fith Me. Inf., Castle Rock, Colo. Webster, A. G Sergt., K, 73rd Ind. Inf., Castle Rock, Colo. Whittin, W. I 53 Roster of John Scholcr Post No. 67^ G. A. R., Sheridan, Wyo. iMectings Every Saturday, 3 P. M. Anderson, Peter C, 17th Wis. Inf., Sheridan, Wyo. Baker, H. D F, 4th N. Y. H. Art., Sheridan, Wfo. Bal?:er, James E. 16th Iowa Inf., Sheridan, Wyo. Buclcley, James H, 3rd Wis. Inf., Sheridan, Wyo. Calvert, Pulaslii C, 30th Ohio Inf., Sheridan, Wyo. Carver, Nelson D, 25th Wis. Inf., Sheridan, Wyo. Cooper. Frederick Q. M., U. S. S. Curlew, Sheridan, Wvo. Dech, Wm. E G, 10th III. Inf., Sheridan, Wyo. Eggart, W. M A, 22nd Iowa Inf., G, 7th Iowa Cav., Sheridan, Wyo. Jackson, W. E Sergt., A. 4th Iowa Cav., Sheridan, Wyo. Kutcher, Theodore G, 7th Iowa Inf., Sheridan, Wyo. McDonough, Fred Pri., C, 3rd U. S. Cav., Sheridan, Wyo. Mumper, B. S G, 205th Pa. Inf., Sheridan, Wyo. Newcomer, Fred I, 11th Md. Inf., Sheridan. Wyo. Piatt. Joseph N I, 9th Ohio Inf., Sheridan, Wyo. Quinn, John D, 11th Wis. Inf., Sheridan, Wyo. Ray, W. P A, 45th 111. Inf., Sheridan, Wyo. Shaffer, John F, Sth lov.-a Cav., Sheridan, Wyo. Snively, Scott K M, 13th N. Y. Cav., K. 126th Pa. Inf., Sheridan, Wyo. Snoddy, B. J G, 37th Ind. Inf., Sheridan, Wyo. Verley, C A, 3rd Wis. Inf., Sheridan, Wyo. Waisner, G. W E, 17Sth Ohio Inf., Sheridan, Wyo. Wymer, John G, 51st Ohio Inf., Sheridan, Wvo. Roster of Fred H. Beecher Post No. 70, G. A. R., Wray, Colo. Meetings Every First and Third Monday. Barber, Chas Corp., H, 17th Mich., Armel Bogg, A. S L, 23rd Ohio, Wrav Brown, Joseph Pri.. K, 2nd 111. Cav., Wray Bullard, E. D Pri., H, 102nd 111., Wray Byers, John F, 55th Ohio Inf., Wray Campbell. Peter Capt.. Clay Guards, TVrav Coston, H. H Pri.. I, 48th Mo., Wrav Cox, Jacob Pri., C, 30th Iowa, ^Vrav Cunningham, W. W Pri., E, 147th Ind., Wrav Dorman, Wm. J 2nd Lieut., E, 10th 111. Cav., Wray Drummond. James Pri., H. 47th 111., Wrav Ellis, J. W Pri., E. 16th Kv., Wrav Evans, D. A C. 47th Pa., Wrav Fetters, C. S Pri., D, 21st Mo., Ecklev Henry, J. J Pri., C, 140th 111., "Wrav Hitchcock, Henry Pri., C, 2Sth Wis., Wray Hover, H Pri., K, 11th Kan., "«"rav Johnson, J. A Pri., C. 1st O. G. of West, Wray Karns, S. D Corp., E, 99th Ind., Wray Kline, John F Corp., C, 101st 111., Vernon Kline, Robt. K Pri., B, 33rd Iowa. TV'ray Lay, James L Corp., D, 18th Ohio, Laird Lyman, Robt Pri., M, 1st Ind. H. Art., Wray Plumber, P G, 18th Mich., Wrav Ranly, W. E B, 1st M. M. B., Wrav Remington, E. B Pri., G, Sth Mo., W^ay Rightsell, James Pri., D. 62nd 111., Wrav Roberts, Rufus F Pri.. H. 12th Kan., Laird Shumaker, John H Pri., D, 7th 111. Cav., ^^rav Tippin, Robt Pri., G, 1st Neb. Cav., Wray Toner, John Pri., C, 5th Iowa Cav., Wray Turman, Wm. H Pri., I, 72nd Ind., Wray Weaver, Geo. H Pri., E, 103rd 111., Wray, Weaver, Lyman Pri., A, 9th Vt., Vernon Young:, Ed Pri., A, 11 5th 111., Wray Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Colo. Roster of Geo. B. McCIellan Post No. 76, G. A. R,, Delta, Colo. ^leetings E\ei'y S'oernd Saturday. Barker, J. J Pri.. E, 2nd E. Tenn. Inf., Delta, Colo. Barton, J. C Pri., F, 1st N. Y. Cav., Delta, Colo. Bossee, Christian Pri., D, 118th Pa., Delta, Colo. Coffey, R. J Pri., G, 20th Pa., Delta, Colo. Crowley, John Pri., A. 1st Maine, Delta, Colo. Davis, P. D Pri., G, 60th Ohio, Read, Colo. Duncan, S. L Pri., L, 2nd Minn. Cav., Delta, Colo. Gable, Jacob Corp., D, 93rd 111., Delta, Colo. Hoover, James M Pri., A, 4th Ohio, Delta, Colo. Kelly, N. A Pri., B, 13th Ohio Cav., Delta, Colo. 54 Manon, Samuel V Pri., C, 59th Ohio, Delta, Colo. McAllister, J. W Pri., F, 6th Ind. Cav., Delta, Colo. McCoy. Latain Vetn., E, 8th Iowa, Delta, Colo. Pag-e, Charle.s Delta, Colo. Poundstone, H. W Pri., E, 14th Pa. Cav., Delta, Colo. Reed, J. F Pri., D, 8th Iowa Cav., Delta, Colo. Tubb.s. Henrv Pri., G, 1st Kan. Inf., Delta, Colo. Wheeler, S. L Pri., D, 5th Pa. Res., Delta, Colo. Wheer, Jesse Pri., D, 84th Pa., Delta, Colo. Winnery, J. E Pri., A, 14th Ind., Read, Colo. Roster of M. M. Crocker Post No. 81, G. A. R. Liberty Hall 1539 Platte Street, Denver, Colo. Meetings Every Saturday. Adams, Luther M Pri., L, 2nd Colo. Cav., Denver, Colo. Barker, Franklin W Pri., K, 2nd Mich. Cav., 1st Ave. and Decatur Bens, George P Pri., D, 2nd N. T. Cav., 3833 Umatilla St. Boyd, John L Pri., 16th and 135th Ind. Inf., 1860 Gaylord St. Bruce, David R Pri., G, 45th Iowa Inf., 125 W. 12th St. Buckingrham, John Pri., A, 64th 111. Inf., 4453 Perry St. Campbell, Milton N Mus., 23rd Ohio Inf., 2352 Clarkson St. Collins, Jesse Pri., K, in3rd Ohio Inf., 23rd Ave. and Blvd. P Cort, Richard C Pri., I, 3rd Colo. Cav., Rocky Mt. Lake Curfman, George W Pri., F, 3rd Iowa Cav., 2711 Gaylord Cutter, Chas. A Pri., C, 16th Pa. Cav., 2760 W. ■32nd Ave. Dade, George W Mus., F. 19th Mass. Inf., Winona Court, Berkeley , Forster, George Pri., H, lOSth Ohio Inf., 2740 W. 37th Ave. : Fox, Thomas Pri., A, 175th Ohio Inf., 1438 Platte St. Gerard, Alexander Pri., A, 11th N. Y. Cav., 2757 Bryant St. Gilespie, J. H Pri., I, 3rd Mich. Cav., 2930 W. 32nd Ave. Goss, R. C Corp., G, 110th 111. Inf., 2438 Blvd. P Graham, Gilbert Pri., E, ISth U. S. Inf., 3502 Quitman St. Hannawald. Leonard Pri., D, 10th N. Y. Cav., Berkeley Hardy, Benl. F Sergt., I, 7th Mich. Cav., 3226 Alcott St. Harlow, S. E Pri., D, 52nd 111. Inf., 2717 Decatur St, Hill, Richard Pri., C, 47th Pa. Inf., 3109 Quitman St. Hinkley, W. W Pri., A. 13th Iowa Inf.. 3083 W. 26th Ave. Hobart, E. L 1st Lieut., A. 5Sth IT. S. C. Inf., 2223 W. 31st Ave. Jewett, Francis D ■. .-. . . .Pri., G, 3rd Iowa Inf., .2951 Wyandotte St. Keys, H. C Pri., D. 8th N. Y. Inf., Denver, Colo. Kram, W. J Capt, H, 9th Ky. Vol. Inf., 3820 Blvd. P Langhead, Geo. G Sailor, Gunboat "Orchid" Le Fever, J. S ; .Pri., I, 4th Ind. Cav., 3 645 Zuni St. Lewis, Edwin M Pri., G, 15th N. Y. Engrs., 4427 W. 27th Ave. Lindza, Wm. G Sergt., A, 15th 111. Cav., 2810 Plrth Court Long, John R '. Sergt., I, 135th 111. Inf., 3816 Quitman St, Lumbeclv, J. R Hosp. Strd., B, 26th Pa. Inf., Highland P. O. Macomber, W. H Pri., A, McClellan's Dragoons, 3424 Shoshone St. Malony, Wm Pri., B. 1st Colo. Inf., 3823 W. 27th, Ave. Martin, Medosin .Pri., D, 76th 111. Inf., 2408 15th St. Miller,. John M Pri., G, 18th Iowa Inf., 3338 Moncrieff Place Moore, Alex Sergt., E, 144th N. Y. Inf., 3031 Umatilla St. Mullen, James Landsman, U. S. Navy, Highlands P. O. Newcomb, J. E ; . .Pri., H, 14th N. Y. Inf., 4578 Lowell Blvd. Noll, Benj. F Corp., C and B, 20th 111. Inf., 1215 Marion St. Ogden, Wm. P Pri., E, 2nd Colo. Inf., 1140 Detroit St. Peterson, John Corp., C, 43rd 111. Inf., 2426 Dunkeld Place Robinson, A. R Pri., C, 114th Ohio Inf., 3345 Alcott St. Rogers, Chas. S Pri., C, 24th Ind. Inf., 2623 Eliott Rollins, J. W Pri., P, 2nd 111. Cav., 2905 Ross Court Scoggins, Samuel W 2nd Lieut., B, 120th 111. Inf., 4469 Perry St. Clair, Joel P Sergt., A. 151st N. Y. Inf., 4904 Meade Stevenson, James Pri., B, 154th Ind. Inf., McDowell Block Stiles, Clark J Pri., A, 8th Minn Inf., 2745 W. 36th Ave. Tanner, Albert Pri., F, 13th Ohio Cav., 2627 W. 25th Ave. Tweed, W. S Pri., H, 170th Ohio Inf., 2125 W. 34th Ave. Tyson, J. H Pri., B, 11th Ind. Inf., Arvada, Colo. T^'adsworth, E. H Capt., D, 16th U. S. C. Inf., 2737 W. 28th Ave. Warntz, Jonathan Pri., A, 12th U. S. Inf., Monte Vista, Colo. Wahl, Wm Pri., G, 1st Del. Inf., Denver, Colo. Wilcox, Chas. M Pri., I, 3rd Ohio Cav., 2425 Clarkson St. Wilder, W. W Pri., G, lG6th N. Y. Inf., 2824 Wyandot St. Williams, J. H Pri., Harris, Colo. TN^inons, Lewis E Pri., C, 4th N. Y. H. Art., 3435 Decatur St. Wolf, Josiah Pri., E, 18th Mich. Inf., Denver, Colo. Woodmansee, D. M Pri., P, 14th Ohio Inf., 4240 Shoshone 55 Roster of John C Fremont Post No. 83, G. A. R., Littleton, Colo. Meetings Every First and Third Thursday. Abbott. CD 107th 111. Inf., Littleton, Colo. Bean. E. W 12th 111. Cav., Petersburg, Colo. Bean, R. P 23rd Me., Littleton, Colo. Betterton, G. R 7th 111. Cav., Littleton, Colo. Browning, A. W Corp., F, 25th Ind., Littleton, Colo. Casort. F. A Pri.. F, 1st N. Y. L. Art., Littleton, Colo. Chandler, S 11 th Pa. Vol., Littleton, Colo. Chatfield, E. L Pri., B, 11.3th 111. Inf., Littleton, Colo. Doniire, Hy 4th Mo. Inf., Littleton, Colo. I'dgarton. W. 1 3rd N. Y. L. Art., Littleton, Colo. Kppley, Tho.s 3rd Iowa Cav., Littleton, Colo. Freeman. D. H 13th Mich. Inf., Englewood, Colo. Fritz. John M 101st Pa. Vol., Fort Logan. Colo. Gilbert, Hiram S 58th Pa. Vol.. Englewood, Colo. Goddard. J. H 1st Mass. Art.. Littleton, Colo. Green. J. B Vet. Rs. Corps., Littleton, Colo. Hagerman, John 18th N. Y. Inf., Littleton, Colo. Haight, R. D Corp., E, 21st N. Y. Cav., Littleton, Colo. Ileald, T. W 6th Mass. Vol., 15th Mass., Littleton, Colo I iitchcock, E. A. . . . 2nd Minn. Inf., Petersburg, Colo. Moflerbuth, Jno 7th N. Y., Littleton, Colo. Huck, John J 26th N. Y. Vol., Littleton, Colo. Lewis, A. G 19th Iowa Inf., Littleton, Colo. Markle, J. B Pri., C, 13th Wis. Inf., Littleton, Colo. Marshall, A. D 2nd Bat. U. S. Inf., Sheridan, Colo. Mitchell, John C Littleton, Colo. Montgomery, J. W 11th 111. Cav., Englewood, Colo. Peck, \V. B 7th Mich. Cav., Englewood, Colo. Perry, O. H 1st Mo. Horse. Littleton, Colo. Pierce, M. H 203rd Pa., Englewood, Colo. Powers, W. A Pri., 44th Wis. Inf.. Littleton, Colo. Robertson, J. B 51st Inf., Littleton. Colo. Ross, Thos 9th Ind. Inf., Englewood, Colo. Stocks, Wm Pri.. H, 1st Colo. Cav., Littleton, Colo. Stuart, J. J Mus., B, 11th 111. Inf.. I>ittleton, Colo. Thomas, E. B 10th Pa. Inf.. Littleton, Colo. Tuttle, Geo. S 21 1th Pa. Vol., Englewood, Colo. White, Geo ' 96th Ohio, Englewood, Colo. Roster of George Washington Post No. 85, G. A. R. 220 Broadway. Denver. Colo. Meetings Every Saturday Evening. Barker. William B....Pri., H, 4th and 23d Iowa Inf.. 55 Clarkson, Denver Bates, William W Capt.. K. 19th Wis. Inf., 38 W 2d Ave., Denver Beale, William C Pri.. E, 9th Mich. Inf., 30 W. Irvington, Denver Beatty, William R Pri., P, 1st Colo. Inf., 324 Lincoln, Denver Betts. Robert Sergt.. C, 9th N. Y. Heavy Art., 214 Galapago, Denver Blood, Alfred O Pri., I, 24th Mass. Inf., 49 S. Washington, Denver Breshwood, John H. ..Pri., K, 68th U. S. Colored Inf.. Idaho Springs. Colo. Brewster, Tliomas C....Corp., lnd"p't Colo. Batter.v. 1200 Lipan St., Denver Butler, Lewis Pri., D, 16th Ohio Inf., 2833 Vallejo St., Denver Clark, David A Pri., E, 14Sth 111. Inf., 947 Broadway, Denver Clark, John G Pri., D, lS5th Ohio Inf., 1224 S. Clarkson, Denver Clark. John S Lieut., B, 70th 111. Inf.. 44 Lincoln, Denver Cox. George W Capt, K, 8th U. S. Colored H. A.. 18 Sherman, Denver Daugherty, Thomas Pri., F, 1st Ohio Inf., 137 W. 1st Ave., Denver Domm, Freeman S Pri., E, 13th Ohio Cav., 131 W. 2nd Ave., Denver Eakin. David Pri.. G. 67th 111. Inf.. Unknown Ellsworth, David J Pri., G, 16th Mich. Inf., 382 S. Broadway, Denver Fallon, David O Corp., D, 17th Kv. Inf., 3047 W. 26th Ave., Denver Frary, Charles H Pri., B, 53rd 111. Inf., 1316 S. Washington, Denver Goodwin, George W...Pri., C, Unat. Me. Inf., 1328 W. Bvers Place, Denver Graves. George A Pri.. D. 113th Ohio Inf., 503 E. Dakota, Denver Handley. Samuel Pri., H, 6th Mo. State Militia. Englewood. Colo. Harlan, Hosea Bugler, H, 1st Colo. Cav.. 612 E. 1st Ave., Denver Hatch, Charles O Corp., L, 1st N. Y. Mtd. Rifles, 475 S. Navaio, Denver Henry, Edgar Mus., C, 11th Minn. Inf.. 1140 S. Cherokee, Denver Hickey, John Pri., E, 177th N. Y. Inf., 115 Pearl St., Denver Hume. William W.. .. Bl'ks'th, D, 2nd Iowa Cav., 118 W. Ellsworth, Denver Johnson. Andrew Pri., B, 137th Pa. Inf., 264 S. Sherman, Denver Johnson, Price Pri., D, 24th N. Y. Inf., 1307 Broadway, Denver Johnson. William Pri., ISth Ohio Bat. Denver Jones. Davis F Pri., G, 55th Ind. Inf., 230 Bannock. Denver Jones. Wm. W. W Corp., C, 139th 111. Inf., 49 S. Lincoln, Denver Kauffman, George Pri.. D, 4th Mo. Cav., 623 S. Lincoln, Denver Kitiiic, Orlando W Pri., G, 14th N. Y. Inf., 668 S. Lincoln, Denver Kirby, William S Sergt., B, 50th Mo. Inf., 1977 S. Huron, Denver Kitt, Joseph Pri., D, 1st Neb. Cav., 801 Cedar Ave., Denver 50 Lancaster, George W Corp., B, 46 Iowa Inf., 25S Broadway, Denver Leslie, George W Pri., I, 4th Pa. Cav., 1521 Clarkson, Denver Lord, Horace M Pri., B, 1st Me. Bat'l'n, University Park, Denver Loucks, John W. . .Pri., J'_, 24th N. Y. Cav., S. & S. Home, Monte Vista, Colo. McClean, Sylvanus C Pri., D, 13th Iowa Inf., 1221 S. Jason, Denver McClintock, Tho.aas H Pri., E. 7th Iowa Cav., Sheridan, Colo. McLlhose, Roben Sergt., D, 100th 111. Inf., 644 S. Sherman, Denver McKernan, James Pri., P, 40th N. Y. Inf., National Home, Kansas McMahill, William Pri., C, 13Sth 111. Inf., Logan, Utah McMillen, James C Pri., D, 11th 111. Cav., 205 Broadway, Denver Manley, Foster W Corp., B, 157th Ohio Inf., 1401 S. Lincoln, Denver Marvelius, Jacob Pri., D, 7th Calif. Inf., 1534 Williams St, Denver Masters, J. G. B Pri., I, 1st Ky. Cav., 3320 E. 2nd Ave., Denver Miles, Alfred H Pri., G, 5th Md. Inf., 1927 S. Penn., Denver Miliar, Charles H Capt., G, 34th Iowa Inf., 2660 Stout St., Denver Miller, John Pri., G, 1st Ohio L. Art., Englewood, Colo. Miller, Lyman W Pri., M, 1st Minn. H. Art., Norfolk, Neb. Miner, Henry J Pri., D, 34th N. Y. Inf., 110 S. Penn. St., Denver Moon, Harmon D Pri., H, 144th N. Y. Inf., 2045 S. Clarkson, Denver Morse, Edward W Pri., B, 19th Ind. Inf., 448 Bannock, Denver Moseley, John C Sergt. Maj., 8th Ky. Inf., 459 S. Penn. St., Denver Moser, James H Pri., P, 23rd Ohio Inf., Englewood, Colo. Oaks, George B Sergt., E, 31st Mass. Inf., 1045 S. Emerson, Denver Pierce, Arthur E Pri., I, 68th Ohio Inf., 737 16th Ave., Denver Porter, Styles W Sergt., G, 52nd Ohio Inf., 1762 S. Clarkson, Denver Pruitt, Willis Pri., A, 125th 111. Inf., 436 Delaware, Denver Reed, David L Pri., I, 12th Mo. Cav., 1432 S. Acoma, Denver Reese, Samuel W Pri., D, 35th N. Y. Inf., 329 Jason, Denver Rhinehart, John B Pri., B, 134th 111. Inf., 947 Broadway, Denver Richardson, Justin K... Brevet Maj., 30th Me. Inf., 711 S. Clarkson, Denver Richardson, Richard ... .Pri., E, 1st Ohio H. Art., 1814 S. Univ. St., Denver Rogers, William H Pri., A, 14th Iowa Inf., 423 Downing, Denver Ross, Walter M Pri., B, 49th Mo. Militia, 34 S. Washington, Denver Seeiey, Napoleon B Corp., I, 78th N. Y. Inf., 957 S. Washington, Denver Sessal, Antoine Pri., P, 3rd U. S. Art., 1322 S. Acoma, Denver Shannon, George P Sergt., A, 37th N. Y. N. G., 118 Acoma, Denver Shay, Joseph H Pri., E, 1st Colo. Cav., 134 Lincoln, Denver Smith, Arthur Pri., H, 140th N. Y. Inf., 167 W. Nevada, Denver Smith, Rankin Pri., C, 30th Iowa Inf., 232 W. 1st Ave., Denver Spangler, Louis P Pri., K, 6th W. Va. Inf., 57 S. Bannock, Denver Stannah, Wm. H Pri., B, 94th Ohio Inf., 3345 W. 33rd Ave., Denver Stone, Moses Pri., G, 28th N. Y. Inf., 340 S. Washington, Denver Sullivan, James O Mus., K, ISth Mo. Inf., Ill Pearl, Denver laylor, Cyrus F Pri., D, 13th Me. Inf., 512 E. Ellsworth, Denver Taylor, Gardner B Pri., A, 151st Pa. Inf., 1350 S. York, Denver Thayer, Leo Pri., K, 5th Mich. Cav., 203 S. Kalamath, Denver Thoman, Preeman Capt., D, 125th Ohio Inf., 1621 Madison, Denver Thompson, Wm. P Corp., G, 12th 111. Inf., 1455 S. Logan, Denver Thorp, Caleb G Pri., G, 2nd Colo. Cav., 1450 W. Alameda, Denver Underwood, Robt. L Pri., L, 6th Ohio Cav., 285 S. Penn., Denver Walker, James A Pri., A, 87th Ind. Inf.. 169 Madison, Denver Wallace, John I Pri., C, 3rd Mo. Cav., 1722 Washington, Denver Welser, Edwin H Pri., C, 3rd Pa. Cav., 5100 Washington, Denver Williamson, John H Pri., K, 3rd Oliio Inf., 107 Pearl, Denver Woods, James Pri., K, 3rd W. Va. Inf., 909 Broadway, Denver Wright, Amasa A Mus., G, 114th N. Y. Inf., 1238 S. Pearl, Denver Wright, George L Lieut. Col., 3rd Iowa Inf., 1017 S. Race, Denver Young, Francis R Corp., E, 12th W. Va. Inf., 1772 S. Penn., Denver Youngs, Henry Pri., B, 9th 111. Cav., 107 Acoma, Denver Roster of Maj. Anderson Post No. 88, G. A. R , Arvada, Colo. Meetings Every First Saturday, 2 P. M. Beebe, David Pri., G, 75th N. Y. Inf., Arvada, Colo. Berkeshire, Ezra Pri., K, 61st 111. Inf., Arvada, Colo. Brewster, T. C Pri., Ind'p't Colo. Bat., Denver, Colo. Brown, H. R Sergt., G, 3rd Colo. Cav., Arvada, Colo. Burton, H. S Pri., B, 72nd 111. Inf., Arvada, Colo. Pishback, J. H Pri., A, 2nd Ohio H. Art., Lafayette, Colo. Garrison, A. J Pri., H, 153rd O. V. I., Arvada, Colo. Graham, G. H Pri., E, 18th U. S. Inf., Denver, Colo. Howard, T. A Pri., K, S6th Ind. Inf., Westminster, Colo. Hunt, A. C t Pri., I, 45th 111. Inf., Arvada, Colo. Hurlburt, R. H Corp., E, 29th O. V. V. I., Westminster, Colo. Hutchinson, T. A Sergt., B, 25th Mich. Inf., Broomfield, Colo. Johnson, B. C Pri., 10th O. L. Art., Pottis, Kan. Jones, H. O Pri., E, 31st Mass. Inf., Arvada, Colo. Mcl''adden, Chas Pri., C, 3rd Colo. Cav., Arvada, Colo. Mellette, R. H Seaman, "Great Western," Redlands, Calif. Randall, J. L Pri., F, 40th Wis. Inf., Arvada, Colo. Rowan, T. S Pri., I, 25th Iowa Inf., Arvada, Colo. Shay, Joseph Pri., E, 1st Colo. Cav., Denver, Colo. Shoop, S. J Corp., I, 149th Pa. Inf., Arvada, Colo. 57 Smith, E. Porter Prl., M. 11th Kan. Cav., Arvada, Colo.- Weaver, Thos. A Pri., D, 2ncl Colo. Cav., Arvada, Colo. Whipple, W. W Pri., B, 3rd Colo., Westminster, Colo. Williams. J. H Pri., G. 10th Ind. Inf., Westminster, Colo. Wilson, H. D 1st Lieut.. K. 12th and 120th Ind. Inf., Westminster, Colo. Woll', Josiah Pri.. E, 2nd Pa. Inf., Westminster, Colo. Roster R. B. Hayes Post No. 90, G. A. R., New Windsor, Colo. Meotiiijis Evpry Third Satindny. Barry, J. D F, 4th Mo., New Wind.sor, Co'.o. Chipman, C. P P, 7th Wis., New Windsor, Colo. Fuller, S. G I, 111th N. Y., New Windsor, Colo. Hanna, George I, TStli Ohio, New Windsor, Colo. Jones, Wm D, 51st Ohio, New Windsor, Colo. Kern. Louis I, 4 4th N. Y.. New Windsor, Colo. Murphv, C I'. S. Navy, New Windsor, Colo. Peterson, Wm. H B, 89th Ohio, New Windsor, -Colo. Roster Wadsworth Post No. 93, G. A. R., Rocky Ford, Colo. Meetinos Every First and Tliird Friday. Badger, Milton C, 59th Ind., Rocky Ford, Colo. Burr, J. H A, S9th Ind., Rocky Ford, Colo. Burris, J. H B, 64th 111., Rocky Ford, Colo. Blinn, Warren 9th N. Y. S. S., Rocky Ford, Colo. Casebeer, V/m H, 27th Iowa, Rocky Ford, Colo. Chritton, J. M A. 129th 111., Rocky Ford, Colo. Clark, Wm H, 156th 111., Rocky Ford. Colo. Cothrem, C. P D. 116th 111., Rocky Ford, Colo. Fenlason, C. W G, 4th Wis. Cav., Rocky Ford, Colo. Ford, Benlamin A. 23rd Mo., Rocky Ford, Colo. Green, William D, 140th N. Y., Rocky Ford, Colo. Guthrie, J. J B. 92nd 111., Rocky Ford, Colo. Hall, M. W D, 30th Ohio, Rockv Ford. Colo. Hines, F. M D. 76th Mo., Rocky Ford, Colo. Johnsonbemgh, H. W B. 42nd Ind., Rocky Ford, Colo. Knock, W. A F, S4th 111., Rocky Ford, Colo. Lawrence, Peter E. 9th Kan. Cav., Rocky Ford. Colo. Love, W. J F, 10th Mo. Inf., Rocky Ford, Colo. McPhilmcr, D. L B. 56th Pa., Fowler. Colo. Minor, H. M B, 41st 111., Rocky Ford, Colo. Nelson, L. D H, 20th Iowa, Rocky Ford, Colo. Nichols, Andrew E, 51st 111., Rocky Ford, Colo. McD Osborn, George F, 4th Ohio Cav., Rocky Ford, Colo. Robins. CM A, 4th Ct. Inf., Rocky Ford, Colo. Robinson, Samuel C, 51st Mo., Rocky Ford. Colo. Sharp, W. S G, 42nd Mo., Rocky Ford, Colo. Sherman, S. M Ohio, Rocky Ford, Colo. Sloan. A. C K, 5th 111. Cav., Rocky Ford. Colo. St. John, T. S G. 11th Kan. Cav., Rocky Ford, Colo. Todd, George B, 6th Kan. Inf., Rocky Ford, Colo. Vendenburg. P. E F, 189th N. Y., Rocky Ford, Colo. Warson, John T A, 5th Kan. Cav., Rocky Ford, Colo. Watson, Thomas B, 2 6th Ind.. Rocky Ford, Colo. Weist, P. J B, 44th Ohio, Rocky Ford. Colo. Winchester, G. W H, 2Sth Iowa, Rocky Ford, Colo. Winter, A. J K, 41st Ohio, Rocky Ford. Colo. Roster R. A. Cameron Post No. 95, G. A. R., Fort Morgan, Colo. Meeting.s Every Third Tuesday. Barnes. M. E Mus., D, 34th 111.. Fort Morgan, Colo. Brooks. G. S Pri., F, 1st Minn., Ellicott, Colo. Fosingre, F. S Pri., B, 13 8th 111., Fort Morgan, Colo. Henderson, Eli Pri.. K. 15th Iowa, Fort Morgan, Colo. Hotchkiss, A Lieut., Capt., C, 154th N. Y., Fort Morgan, Colo. House, M. M Pri., F. nth Iowa, Fort Morgan, Colo. Jewell. J. E Pri., C, 27th' and 12th Iowa, Fort Morgan, Colo. Johnson, J. D Sergt., G. 110th 111., Mount Vernon, 111. Kimball. H. M Pri., L, 2nd 111. Cav., Fort Morgan, Colo. Moore, M. L Pri., C, 215th Pa., Fort Morgan, Colo. Moore, Samuel - Major. E. 99th Ind., Fort Morgan, Colo. Otis, N. D Pri., Corp.. F, 111th Ohio, Fort Morgan, Colo. Pinneo, J. E Mus., Pri., A. 14th Iowa, Fort Morgan, Colo. Reed. Donald Capt., 123rd N. Y., Fort Morgan, Colo. Rickle, W. W Pri., H, 1st Colo. Cav., Fort Morgan, Colo. Sanner, C Pri., I, 19th Ohio. W'eldona, Colo. Van Horn. Martin Pri., A, 111th Ohio, Brush, Colo. 58 Roster J. W. Anderson Post No. 96t G. A. R., Cripple Cr<:ek, Colo. ^Meetings E\eiy Second and Fourth Friday. Adams, Chas. \V Pri., 2nd N. H. Inf.. Goldrteld. Colo. Ashley, Albert Pri., F, 64th 111., Cripple Creek, Colo. Berbower. Benton ».apt., I, 102nd O. Vols., Denver, Colo. Brandt, Reinhold Pri., I, 1st Kan. Inf., Cripple Creek. Colo. Bull, H. L Lieut., K, 8th Wis. Inf., Cripple Creek, Colo. Chew. Robert Lorp., AlcLain's Bat.. 2nd Colo., Cripple Creek, Colo. Christianson. Ole. 4.V. S. Navy, Cripple Creek, Colo. Cope, W'm. H Pri., D, 43rd Ohio, Cripple Creek, Colo. Denny, J. C Pri., K, 9th Iowa Cav., Cripple Creek, Colo. Frink, Lucius E Pri.. F, 10th Mich. Inf.. Cripple Creek, Colo. Gladden. Geo. W Pri., G, 1st Colo. Inf., Cripple Creek, Colo. Harding, Charles L Pri., H. 11th Ky.. Cripple Creek. Colo. Husted, Chas. D Corp., B, 3rd Ohio Cav.. Cripple Creek, Colo. Jones, Claiborne Pri., A, 5th jNIo., Cripple Creek. Colo. Kavanaugh. Pat Ind'p't Md. Potopaco Guards, Cripple Creek, Colo. Killam, John Pri.. L. 15th N. Y. Engrs., Cripple Creek, Colo. Leland, 'f heo. ... Lieut.. C, 3rd 111. Cav., Adjt., 1st Bat, Cripple Creek, Colo. Mathews, O. P Pri., A, 1st Ore. Cav., Cripple Creek, Colo. McGee, Jos. E Sergt.. E, 10th Wis. Inf.. Cripple Creek, Colo. McHenrv, S. M Pri., F, 184th Ohio, Cripple Creek, Colo. IMiller, 6. V .Pri., L, 3rd N. Y. Cav., Cripple Creek. Colo. Morris. W. H. H Pri.. I, 154th N. Y.. Idaho Morrison. Jno. C fc'ergt., C. Hatch's Cav., Cripple Creek, Colo. Parker, Edw Pri., K, 3rd Ohio Inf., Cripple Creek, Colo. Parker, Theo Pri., E, 1st Ohio Inf., Cripple Creek, Colo. Redpath, Wm. H Pri., G. 19th Ind., Cripple Creek, Colo. Renner, Andrew Pri., I, 133rd Ohio, Cripple Creek, Colo, Shell, A. A Bugler. G, S5th Ind., Cripple Creek. Colo. Simiel, Silas W Pri., B. 21st Mo., Grand Junction, Colo. Smith. Eugene Pri.. B, 1st N. Y. Cav., Cripple Creek. Colo. Spellers. B. F Pri., G. 2nd Colo. Cav.. Cripple Creek, Colo. Vanmeter, J. W..Pri.. D, SGth Ohio, Pri.. I. 102nd Ohio. Colorado City, Colo. Williams, Erastus Pri.. D. 1st Wis. H. Art., Cripple Creek, Colo. Roster ot Victor Post No. 100, G. A. R., Victor, Colo. ,Mc!lin' %Wy vlS\