"» -SJ/ :I^'-1^^'^^^:^:-^'-1^-'^^^M i\ ^^d* ff n ^O bv 4 '^1 'bV ^■^^d*" = ^ J' o ^J>c,''' o X< ^P-^J-. >^^r.%°<'--S€:^^?>:'-°:^^r^^ civ- ^* > > 5«^c^^:^.vru?4^€ .0^ cO"«V^O. "'^J.c?^ vVA O In compliance with current copyright law, LBS Archival Products produced this replacement volume on paper that meets the ANSI Standard Z39.48-1984 to replace the irreparably deteriorated original. 1992 __ TM (00) O- 7 TABLK OK CONTENTS. 55-58 Page. { Accounts of John Gill, Esq., Sub-Lieutenant of Bucks ' county, 1777-1780, ^'^^ < Accounts of Andrew Kachline, Esq., Sub-Lieutenant I of Bucks county, 1780-1781, 21-34 ij Accounts of Joseph Hart, Esq., Lieutenant of Bucks |: countv, 1779-1781 i Accounts of Hon. George Wall, Sub-Lieutenant of Bucks county, 1780-1783, S^-^- '\ Accounts of Joshua Anderson, Esq., late Sub-Lieuten- ant of Bucks county, 1780-1783, 93-130 Accounts of William McHenry, Esq., Sub-Lieutenant of Bucks county, 1781-1783, 131-138 Accounts of Joseph Hart, Esq.. late Lieutenant of Bucks county, 1780, 139-149 Accounts of Andrew Boyd, Esq., Sub-Lieutenant of j Chester county, 1777-1780, 151-162 \ Accounts of Benjamin Brannen, Esq., late Sub-Lieu- ' ^ ^ tenant of Chester county, 1777 163-167 V * Accounts of Thomas Levis, a Sub-Lieutenant of Ches- ' ', ter county, 1777-1780 169-179 Accounts of the Lieutenants and Sub-Lieutenants of Chester county, 1780-1783, 181-268 : Accounts of Jacob Morgan, Sen., late Lieutenant of \\ Bucks county, 1777-1780, 269-322 Accounts of the Lieutenant and Sub-Lieutenants of Lancaster county, 1777-1780, 323-402 s Accounts of the Lieutenant and Sub-Lieutenants of j Lancaster county, 1780-1781, 403 448 r| Accounts of the Lieutenant and Sub-Lieutenants of-' f ' Lancaster county, 1781-1782 449-549 Accounts of the Lieutenant and Sub-Lieutenants of Lancaster county, 1782-1783, 551-598 Accounts of Adam Orth. Esq., late Sub-Lieutenant of Lancaster county, 1778-1783 599-621 (iii) iv TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Accounts of Joshua Elder, Esq., laie Sub-Lieutenant of Lancaster county, 1777-1783, 623-G34 Accounts of Adam Hubley, Esq.. late Lieutenant of Lancaster county. 1784, 635—637 Accounts of James Ross, Esq.. Lieutenant of Lancaster county, 1784-1785, 639-643 Accounts of Hon. William A. Atlee, late chairman and Treasurer of the Committee of Lancaster, 1776.-1783,. 645-650 Accounts of the Lieutenant and Sub-Li'eutenants of Cumberland county, 1777-1780, 651-717 Accounts of the Lieutenant and Sub-Lieutenants of Northampton county, 1777-1783 719-760 Accounts of Samuel Rhea, Esq., Lieutenant of North- ampton county, 1780-1781 761-769 Accounts of Peter Burkholder, Sub-Lieutenant of Northampton county, 1780-1783, 771-778 STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF John Gill, Esquire^ SUB-1.IEUTENA\T OF BUCKS COUNTY. 1777-1780. l-6--3d Ser. ^ H o '^ > -IT Z <-!-< a u < u > 'a; u o H D 'p. o -^ 9 5 r^"' CJ ^ ■ ^ ^■■-H C/-J • ^. r* ^_H • — ■ *— ' > J ^ r^ O CQ u o 5 "^ D '^ 4-1 t^ •X :j c/: r-* ..^ t) o :^ C ^' ^ CJ ^ • ^« u ^~i ■ % Ci — ' ■i_> r- c CJ IT. ^ .!-> c tf!=; 3 X J < 4-1 4-1 "tl t^— X ^^ -^ CJ — 3J ^ t ^. ^^ U ■ <— 1 O rt 4-1 4—} >» C 2 m! o > 2 ^—^ .^-) ^^ 4— t CJ 1—^ !/-, 2^ ^.^ CJ (--■ C ■ '-i CJ < 4-1 rt X a "o Uh ^ I^J * ~ V. O en 5 ^ o ^ ■s. X O H U _o o X ^ 2 > l— . ^ <^_ O U CO 4—' 4-1 rt < rt 5 O s^ w >. ri c "rt ■^ d: -i— ' C <-M ;2_i ^ H ^ _o rr X ^ ''— ' rt 4-1 _ '^. r-r u ^ ^ o c/^ n 5 X ^ C 1/3 o a; t; C 'wJ ~ CJ i; ':/. X ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. - o 5 z o -J — 3 O .n o O O tH 00 o O O t- CS 1-H C '-I t~" C' '"' r:; O ^ rt l- CO Lt Li O C/3 oc = s i c a. 8 M 5 ^ a; t; ^•' 'S S a: ^ S -r ooCO c S ji: a; - o i — 1 — O i< o'J .a oo o o ^ a; ~ t " o — - c; a w BUCK? COUNTY. 03 C; - Zi c^ •S. V c Z' 0) T CTs' •X U O a - « S-c^ r*' — 5 O IM — >i -> i^ -" -5^ = S2 ^-- "o— ^"^ ^ ? C — 5i ji'S t3 • •^ '"* -^ ■— cs t— j_^ ti^ — '^ ■ C ■' u; .- ■ CJ £ ^ "c ■X o 5 p : *-■ >. •? 'i? = ri • K "•5=8 : •^ 11^1 5 C — c > y © -. ■ C f" •■" • '^ a: ^ -u.- : (-. .^ |2.S5 ': *j " z = I'II "■ 5 .--'—; 0; ^ j; — ^ .ii ^ '. c:; ? ".'F'T : .— ai" S .3 • >>.:*: - o ^ = • £ o !> tfi £ i. a- . . C 'V G G ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. tHt-i ,-(,— i-li-iTH-i-l l-H O moOMTH.-IC>t,-i^r-ia5000THOOOOCONOOrH o ct ^^ ' OZ ^ = = c- a; •^ -t ^ K c/: c — c ~ — fcjn- . K K j- c; . . . ~ c OD -^ (^ 0) n ^ ^ ^ -^ o . -t; t- ~ ti rt ^ •« p c ^:i° a' — -^ "i a; s >^ "- *•' o 2 -•- " TS 'C — '^ ^ % .:- " M - ■ -ii " c3 O g,^ -i >:-H 2^ c£ £ o >— 5ci; ;_ a. c 5 o :^ c' o 0!5ooocz:t;-/=;c ^< c c BUCKS COUNTY. K o o so 1-1 ,H O O O C = V. > c _ -= - S: 12 c tf - C - -r — o "" -jf -^ ^ ~ c c c , ^ i^ c; £ •X — a: c. 7. "3 c '— :_ r ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. No. I. LIST OF SUBSTITUTE AND NON-AT- tendance Fines received by the Hands of John Roney, Collector, in Writes-Town Township, for the Year 177S; four Classes, No. i, 2, 3, 4- SUBSTITUTE FINES. Joseph Hampton £30 Isaac Beal, 40 John Watson, 40 George Jewel 5 Joseph Chapman 22 Thomas West 15 Samuel Kirk 22 George Chapman, 20 Joseph Tomlinson, junior 35 John Smith, 40 John Vance, 25 Thomas Tomlinson, ■/-'. Stephen Willson 25 William Lenton 25 Thomas Warner, 20 Abraham Clark 15 Thomas Allibone 25 Charles Chapman, 10 Benjamin Clark, 15 James Rose, 5 James Sweney 7 John Morton' 22 £485 NON-ATTENDANCE FINES. Joseph Hampton £3 5 Isaac Beal 3 5 John Morton 1 12 6 George Weisner 3 5 Benjamin Clark 3 5 John Watson 3 5 Thomas West 8 5 James Rose 3 5 Carried forwar :1 £24 7 6 BUCKS COUNTY. NON-ATTENDANCE FINES. Brought forward £24 Charles Chapman 3 George Chapman 3 Joseph Tomlinson 3 Isaac Willson, 3 Samuel Kirk 1 George Jewel, 3 John Smith 3 Thomas Allibone, 3 John Vance 3 Thomas Tomlinson 3 Stephen Willson, 3 William Linton 3 Thomas Warner, 3 Abraham Clark, 3 Benjamin Hampton 3 Robert Chapman, 3 Richard Parsons 3 Stephen Smith 3 Joseph Tomlinson 3 David Warner, 3 John Rose 3 Benjamin Chapman, junior 3 Isaac Smith 3 John Terry, 3 Thomas Ctmningham 3 Joseph Chapman 3 William Clawson 3 Issachar Morris 3 Thcmas Atkinson 3 Robert Weer 3 William Patton 3 John Heath 3 7 6 5 5 5 5 2 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 •5 O u 5 5 u 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 £126 15 SUBSTITUTE and Non-Attendance Fines received by John Rcney. in Newtown Township, for the Year 177S: 4 Classes, No. 1, 2, 3, 4. SUBSTITUTE FINES. Joseph Girley £22 William Patton 4 Carried forward £2G 10 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. SUBSTITUTE FINES. Brought forward, £26 John Thornton. 30 John Buckman 15 William Tomlinson 40 Andrew Hunter, 1.5 o Jeremiah Lambert 30 Samuel Hillburn 25 Joseph Martindale 30 John Postie, 7 o Moses Smith, 15 Henry Lewis 15 Benjamin Buckman 15 Miles Martindale 30 Thomas Story 30 John Martindale, 25 David Weir, 20 William Buckman, 40 Samuel Gary, 40 Peter Morgan, 7 John Keegs, 15 o Alexander Miller 3 James Watson, 14 o Henry Miller 15 William King 7 o Amount, .' £509 NON-ATTENDANCE FINES. Joseph Girly £1 12 6 John Buckman 1 12 6 Andrew Hunter 1 12 6 William Tomlinson 1 12 6 Jeremiah Lambert 3 5 Samuel Hilburn 3 5 Joseph Martindale, 3 5 John Pastie, 3 5 Moses Smith, 3 5 Henry Lewis, 3 5 James M. Morris 3 5 Benjamin Buckman 3 5 John Boyd 3 -5 Miles Martindale, 3 5 Thomas Story, 3 5 James Watson 3 5 o Henry Elss 3 5 Carried forward £48 lo BUCKS COUNTY. NON-ATTENDANCE FINES. Brought forward £48 15 Timothy Taylor 3 5 John Martindale, 3 5 David Weir 3 5 William Buckman, junior 3 5 Samuel Gary 3 5 Thomas Buckman, junior 8 5 •• John Kees 3 5 Robe-t Hilburn 3 5 Joseph Dunn 3 5 Alexander Gary 3 5 James Buckman 3 5 Joseph Buckman 3 5 Joseph Worster 3 5 Daniel Lee 3 5 John Story 3 5 Richard Tomlinson 3 5 Joseph Vernal, 3 5 Thomas Ulger 3 5 John Torbert 112 f> John Thornton 3 5 Sampson Gary 3 5 John Taylor 3 5 Samuel Torbert 3 5 Abraham Slack 3 5 Thomas Buckman 3 5 Joseph Stradler 3 5 Stacy Taylor 3 5 James Briggs 3 5 James Shirky 1 12 ti Robert Watson 112 C Henry Miller 3 5 John Tool 3 5 Samuel Yardly 3 5 Abraham Buckman 3 5 Thomas Drunning 112 C Amount, £156 Writes-Town f Substitute fines, £485 Township, \ Non-attendance 126 15 £611 15 Newtown f Substiuite fines £509 Township, \ Non-attendance 156 665 Amount No. 1 £1.276 13 12 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. No. 2. LIST OF SUBSTITUTE AND NON-AT- tendance Fines received by the Hands of Sam- uel Torbet, Collector, in Upper-Makefield Township, for the Year 177S; four Classes, No. I, 2, 3, 4. SUBSTITUTE FINES. David Heston £27 Joseph Johnson 20 James Stoaks 15 Daniel Hunt 30 Eonjamin Doan, 26 Jesse Comfort 7 Joseph Tomlinson 20 David Howel 40 Thomas Hill 3 Robert Longshore 7 Joseph Harvey. 40 William LowTance 43 Benjamin Harvey 10 Joshua Varzandt 41 Abraham Reader 25 John Hayhurst 40 Abraham Harvey 40 Abraham Hibbs, 14 Joseph Howel 26 Benjamin Harvey, 30 Jesse Heston 30 Joha Chapman 20 John Merrick, 25 William Trago, 20 William Lee Carpenter, 40 James Faxon, 15 William Smith 40 Whitson Canby, 25 Samuel Smith, 40 Joseph Heston 25 Thomas Smith, 40 Mahlon Doan, 25 Joseph Fell 30 Edmund Smith 40 Enos Merrick 10 Benjamin Wiggans, 40 Isaac Cooper 4 10 Carried forward £969 IJ BUCKS COUNTY. SUBSTITUTE FINES. Brougln forward ^^f^'l * Benjamin Canby " 20 Joseph Dean, 5lO Joseph Parker 90 q Isaiah Heston, " £1,039 10 NON-ATTENDANCE FINES. £1 12 David Heston 1 12 Joseph Johnson • " " " ' -j^ ^o James Stoaks ' j^ 12 Daniel Hunt ■■■ 3 5 Benjamin Doan, o 5 Jesse Comfort 3 5 Joseph Tomlinson 3 5 David Howel " " ' ' ' 3 5 Thomas Hill 3 5 Robert Longshore 3 5 Joseph Harvey 3 5 Zebulon Heston 3 5 William Lowrance ' " 3 - Benjamin Harvey 3 5 Isaiah Heston 3 5 Joshua Vanzandt 3 5 Enos Merrick, 3 5 Abraham Reader 3 5 John Hayhurst, 3 5 Abraham Hibbs, ' 3 5 Joseph Howel 3 5 Benjamin Harvey 3 5 William Musgrove 3 5 Zebulon Heston, junior o 5 Robert Beaty 3 5 Samuel Howel 3 5 Samuel Stringer, 3 5 John Clift 3 5 Abraham Harvey, junior 2 g David Johnson 3 5 Joseph Witecar 3 5 Robert Knowles 3 5 Joseph Shrigly, 3 5 John Taylor 3 5 William Cahone 3 5 Ephraim Smith 3 5 William Murdotk 3 5 John Harvey Carried forward ^^^' ^ ^ 6 6 6 6 14 ACCOUNTS OF LIEL'TE.N ANT- NON-ATTENDANCE FINES. Brought forward, £117 o John Scott 3 5 James Tomlinsou 3 5 Matthias Harvey, 3 5 John Strickland, 3 5 James Gertin 3 5 John Tomlinson 3 5 Benjamin Taylor 3 5 John Hadly, 3 5 Joseph Smith 3 5 Jesse Heston 1 12 6 John Chapman 1 12 6 John Merrick, 1 12 6 William Lee, 3 5 James Paxon 3 5 William Smith 3 5 Witson Canby, 3 5 Samuel Smith, 3 5 Joseph Heston, 3 5 Thomas Smith 3 5 Mahlon Doan, 1 5 Joseph Fell 3 5 Edmund Smith 3 5 Benjamin Wiggans 3 5 Isaac Cooper, 3 5 Joseph Dean 1 5 Joseph Parker, 1 5 John Atkinson 3 5 liamplvn Willson, 3 5 James M'Nair 1 Thomas Smith, 3 5 Noah Slack 3 5 Robert Weir, 3 5 Robert M'Masters 1 10 Timothy Bolderson, 3 5 Robert Merrick 3 5 John Knowles, junior 3 5 William Smith, 3 5 John Beaumont, 3 5 John Marks 3 5 William Vanhorn, 1 5 Jacob Trago 3 5 John Randle, 3 5 Robert Thatcher 3 5 James Thornton 3 5 Carried forward £245 2 6 BUCKS COUNTY. 15 XOX-ATTEXDANCE FINES. Brought forward £245 2 C< Jonathan Kinsey 3 5 John Brooks, 3 5 £251 12 6 Substitute fines 1.039 ]0 Amount No. 2 £1,291 2 6 No. 3. LIST OF SUBSTITUTE AND NON-AT- tendance Fines received by the Hands of Abraham Dubois. Collector, in Warminster Township, for the Year 177S; four Classes, No. I, 2, 3, 4. SUBSTITUTE FINES. Jonathan Jarret, £40 Robert Cornwall 40 Daniel Longstreth 40 John Daniel 7 Isaac Walton, 40 George George 19 10 John Longstreth 40 Jonathan Ratclif 40 Joseph Ratclif, 40 Thomas Davis, 7 Barnard Carrel, 20 William Craven, 30 NON-ATTENDANCE FINES. Jonathan Jarret,. . Daniel Longstreth, Isaac Walton, . . . John Longstreth, Jonathan Ratclif. . Joseph Ratclif, . . . Thomas Davis, . . . James Ratclif, .... Ezra Comlv £363 10 £1 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 tj 12 •5 12 6 12 6 12 G 12 Carried forward £14 12 16 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. NON- ATTENDANCE FINES. Brought forward, £14 12 6 John Rankin, 1 12 6 Jacob Cadwallader 1 12 C Jacob Perry, 1 12 6 Robert Miller 1 12 6 Elijah Walton, 1 12 6 Edward Yorkes, 1 12 6 £24 7 SUBSTITUTE and Non-Attendance Fines received by Abraham Dubois, in Northampton Township, fcr the Year 1778; 4 Classes, No. 1, 2, 3, 4. SUBSTITUTE FINES. John Plumly, £40 John Hayhurst, 40 Isaac Bennet, 30 ' ' John Hegeman, 10 Edward Dyer, 30 "William Plumly 40 Edmund Plumly 40 Isaac Vanhorn, 40 Rem Cornell 30 Benjamin Eastburn 30 Jesse Palmer, 40 Joseph Thornton 40 Henry Cooper. 40 Nathan Feutherby 20 John Roberts, 22 Paul Blaker 15 Calls Blaker 22 Daniel Corson 15 Abel Spencer 10 Joseph Roberts, 40 Samuel Richardson, 15 Jacob Kerrel 24 Benjamin Kerrel 24 £657 G NON-ATTENDANCE FINES. John Plumly £3 5 John Hayhurst, 3 5 Isaac Bennet 3 5 John Cornell, 3 5 Carried forward, £13 BUCKS COUNTY. 17 NON-ATTENDANCE FINES. Brought forward £13 Edward Dyer 3 5 William Plumly 3 5 Abel Stackhouse 3 5 Isaac Vanhorn, 3 5 Rem Cornell, 3 5 Benjamin Serjeant, 3 5 Benjamin Eastburn, 3 5 Jesse Palmer, 3 5 William Hayhurst 3 5 Henry Dyer 3 5 Joseph Linton 3 5 Charles Plumly 3 5 Jonathan Linton, 3 5 Jonathan Shaw, 3 5 Philip Dracord 3 5 Henry Wyncoop, 3 5 James Vanzandt, 3 5 Cuthbert Hayhurst, 3 5 Cornelius Corson, 3 5 Henry Cooper, 3 5 Paul Blaker, 3 5 Calls Blaker, 3 5 Richard Leedom, 3 5 Abel Spencer 3 5 William Chapman, 3 5 William Cooper, 3 5 Samuel Spencer, 3 5 Thomas Spencer, 3 5 John Cooper, 3 5 William Tomlinson, 3 5 Peter Blaker, 3 5 £113 15 SUBSTITUTE and Non-Attendance Fines received by Abra- ham Dubois, in Southampton Township, for the Year 1778; 4 Classes. No. 1. 2, 3, 4. SUBSTITUTE FINES. James Evans £40 Joseph Vanpelt 15 Andrew Wily, 4 Jacob Meyers, 7 Isaac Bolton, 40 Carried forward, £106 2-6-3d Ser. 18 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. SUBSTITUTE FINES. Brought forward £106 William Martindale 40 Thomas Folwell; 25 George Handle, 3 Nathan Praul, 40 Jacob Lewis 4 Daniel Vanpelt 24 Matthew Banes, 20 Samuel Mitchell 40 Henry Warmsly 40 Christopher Vanhorn 30 Thomas Beans, 25 John Terry 30 Jacob Handle, 7 John Knight, 7 Miles Strickland, 20 Benjamin Staats, 40 John Leedom, 20 £521 NON-ATTENDANCE FINES. Thomas Paxon, £1 12 6 Joseph Leedom 1 12 6 Ezra Crosdall, 1 12 6 Obadiah Wilier, 1 12 6 Jonathan Harding 1 12 6 Abraham Handle, 1 12 6 Abraham Harding 1 12 6 Joseph Longstreth 1 12 6 Samuel Lawrance, 1 12 6 Thomas Willson 1 12 6 James Evans, 1 12 6 Jacob Handle, 1 12 6 Isaac Bolton 1 12 6 William Martindale, 1 12 6 George Handle, 1 12 6 Nathan Praul 1 12 6 Samuel Mitchel, 1 12 G Henry Warmsly, 1 12 6 Thomas Beanes 1 12 6 Jacob Handle, jun 1 12 6 John Knight, 112 6 Miles Strickland 1 12 6 Benjamin Staats 112 6 John Beedom, jun 1 12 6 Joseph Stockdale, 1 12 6 Phineas Paxon, 112 6 Carried forward, £42 5 BUCKS COUNTY. 19 NON-ATTENDANCE FINES. Brought forward £42 5 William Carter, 1 12 ti John Leedom, 1 12 G £45 10 Ncrthampton > Substitute fines, £657 vcwnship, J Non-attendance, 113 15 £770 15 Warminster > Substitute fines, £363 10 township, y Non-attendance, 24 7 6 3S7 17 6 Southampton ) Substitute fines, £521 township, I Non-attendance, 45 10 566 10 Amount No. 3, £1725 2 6 Comptroller-General's Office, Philadelphia, February 18, 1783. JOHN NICHOLSON. STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS Andrew Kachline, Esquire, SUB-LIEUTENANT BUCKS COTJlSrTY. 1780-1781. < o o < H W W o ^ •- '^ = z • i lif T-^* b£ ."^ • ^ oo . ^ .t^ • s cc O '^ — .Or-— ^ c^ if"-' u: .;= J- C T-l t_^ . f^ 5 - -a o c S cfl ;:?; r* r^ S "^ . r" . ■.-5 ^(M ^ ^ •. 5 o ^ « : s '-J-. _■ ° c u . a Lo: -: o . — - bc S ^ a o ^ 2^^ .6 Q) Cm-* Oj c c c ftr (M o t; OS <^ ."^' 5" !- ^ c 2 > 5. " - . a-^ -r • 5- S o^- i ci S ^ > - - ' ^ 35 ^' ^ '^ u-r > .- -r • — <^ 00 i '■ ^ O a C. T- -^ ct J, V. ■ z ar< C 'j; 24 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. I t- o o — ' m .■Z O ii t-tj ^- C^ S CO t*! >■ T-H OO .- a > o5 c o >^ 3 o c -o "15 C ^ ^ -^ rt :r 75 ^ - >■- o > n - - 03" CO r* "^ '^ o ft o H W UJ o c XX •*-* a J>; m ^ 0) ^ X3 o oc ,^ " c OJ o a s L- tx (B j; It <: 0-1 C2 c o "'-* s 03 >. 'ZZ >i ^ ce ? Q -D 'w ^ c rt ct c a ;-^ c; ai i c^ c; ^^ lu o^ o ci ?■? tw c cu c , 0) c ^3 cr •*-> ■— c =- = c3 -^ ;:^ S 6£ ^ C — O CJ o s ?^ — 1- •- S S ^ ?^ ^- ^ zj ^ Co = e tx c t^ — X c ^ -= c c- 2 2 . ^ u: C2. z. <^ = ~ C ^- ^^ BUCKS COUNTY. 25 Brought forward 949 10 No. 1. ("apt. STEVER'S company Haycork township, exercise fines for April and May. ITSO. 72 Thomas Freats John Roar John Ludwlck, Michael Roar "2 John Stokes '2 Philip Streyer '2 Jacob Strawhen T2 Henry Mosteller '2 William Strawhen T2 ■^-illiam Dlsey 72 Jacob Stover '2 Elias Doan '2 Benjamin Kinsey '2 Benjamin Scott ''2 Levi Dennis '72 Joel Bryant "2 James Bryant Daniel Strawhen Joseph Fritz Jacob Roor Jesse Bryant Henry Keller IS George Iden "2 Peter Walter 40 10 Leonard Hinegar "!- Leonard Ekert ''2 Henry Road Jacob Grove Jacob Climer John Bean Jeremiah Haycock Christian Benner Henry Grove Isaac Morgan John Funk Jacob Benner John Freed, jun Philip Tosh John Stoll Jacob Edelman John Stump Emenuel Salade Jacob Henry Christian "Wikel, 27 £1422 Co. 2. Capt. K.ACHLIXE'? company Rockhill township, exercise fines for April and May, 1780. John Wampold 45 Samuel Detweiler Peter Road, Conrad Loister 72 Abraham Gerard, Abraham Holdeman Henry Freed Jacob Bean, John Hair John Heaney, Ludwick "Wikel John Smith 40 10 John Rice Abraham Hounsberry, ! Christian Hell, i Jeremiah Raudeboh, : Paul Hertzel Jacob Loister Nicholas Gees Abraham Walter, .. _ , Isaac Durstin ! John Benner I Paul Cover I George Prince, i William Wilhelm, . I Randal Iden, 1 Casper Flouck I Jacob Mayer, 1 Jacob Gees ; Henry Henrj . I Peter Cutsill ] John Landis ( Abraham Sliver ; Paul Bean, i Henry Hartshel. ... ; Jacob Hair 72 72 27 72 72 27 72 72 72 5S 10 72 72 72 40 10 72 72 Carried over, 949 10 Carried over 3S16 26 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought forward 3818 Peter Gerard 72 George Wittemyre 72 Henry Frisback, 72 Henry Leister 72 Henry Benner 72 David Sliber 72 Abraham Stout 72 Daniel Benner 72 Peter Edelman 72 Lawrence Cremer 72 John Fulmer 72 Christian Detterer 72 Ulry \\f.->\> :■ ■> (■ ,, Michael Heser, 72 Edward Thomas 58 10 John Grove 72 Christian Climer 72 William Savegole 72 John Detwiler 72 Peter Benner 72 Brought forward T2 Daniel Stover David Stover Jacob Bidleman George Leonard, ... Peter Miles , "William Shoemaker, William Williams, . 72 72 72 52 72 72 72 £5242 10 No. 2. Capt. CUDER'S company, Lower Milford township, exercise fines for April and May, 17S0. Christian Bidler 72 Abraham Climer 72 Jacob Climer 72 Joseph Shelley 72 Henry Shelley 72 Abraham Shelley, jun 72 Paul Freed 72 Jacob Erback 72 John Young 72 John Shelley 72 Abraham Souter 72 Jacob Shelley 72 Michael Eberhart 72 No. 5. Capt. WIKERT'S company. Lower Milford township, exercise fines for April and May, 1780. £936 Xo. 4. Capt. Sin-I>ES company, Nockamlxon township, exercise fines for April and May. ITSO. George Michael, Carried over. Israel Roberts 58 10 Abraham Roberts 58 10 John Toder 58 10 Abraham Yoder E8 10 David Frissel 58 10 John Trump 5S 10 Robert Blackledge, 58 10 Wendel Moyer 58 10 Henrj- Musselman 58 10 John Suck 58 10 Abraham Shelley 58 10 Elijah Lester 58 10 Abraham Yoder 58 10 David Bidleman, 13 10 Jacob Climer 58 10 John Jamison 13 9 David Roderick 13 9 Michael Bishop 58 10 Jacob Landls 13 9 George Landls 58 10 Samuel Hottle 58 10 John Huntsberger 13 9 Philip Slngmaster, 13 10 Christian Climer 58 10 Walter Clark 58 10 Enoch Roberts 18 Casper Yoder 18 Isaac Rinkar Levi Roberts Jacob Harwick Samuel Shaw Carried over 1462 6 58 10 58 10 58 10 .'.S 1» BUCKS COUNTY. 27 Brought forward 1462 6 u Jacob Climer 55 10 o John Climer 58 10 William Clark, .. 58 10 John Waldman IS Christian Huntsberger, ... IS Peter Setty 5S 10 Abraham Climer 58 10 Abraham Huntsberger, ... 58 10 Valentine Bidleman 13 9 Uilery Trlsel 68 10 P'eter Suck 58 in John Harwick, 13 9 George Eckerman 58 10 George Deel 58 10 John Wyneberger 58 10 Elias Bidleman, 13 10 Christian Climer 13 9 Balser Wyneberger 13 9 Edward Roberts 58 10 John Roberts CS 10 "William Edwards 58 10 William Jamison 58 10 Henry Freed 58 10 Jacob Husselman 58 10 Andrew Eckart 13 9 Abraham Geman 58 10 Samuel Musselman 5S 10 £2690 11 No. 6. Capt. WAGOXER'S company, Springfield township, exercise fines for April and May, 1780. Benj. Rosenberger, Jacob Verity, William Bryant, . . Henry Steifer, Samuel Hilbourn, . John Rodrick Benedick Storm, .. Ezra Redeot Peter Aston Abraham Rasor, .. Isaac Burson Carried over 792 Brought forward. John Black Jacob suffer Jacob German, John Smith Henry Funk David Burson, Henry Rosenberger, John Huver Ludwlck Nosblcle, . Samuel Talbert, ... Nicholas Horn Joseph Burson, Joseph Frey, Jacob Hartman Jacob Retcot John Acreman Peter Goodman William Legon Balser Lar Peter Mayer Michael Hottle Peter Retcot John Moyer Jacob Meyre, P 17 ;<.. 7. Cart. MELLENGER'S com- I>any, Richland township, exercise fines fL.r April and May. 17S0. Jonathan Griffith. Joshua Richards, Michael Martin, . Israel Foulk, Frederick Deal, . Marhs Overholt, . Elias Lewi? Benjamin Walker, l.ainai'ci Swnnz. Jacob Radeback, Joseph Johnson, . James Walton. .. Isaac Walton Isi-ael Foulk Carried over. 79 39 2 6 n -•, 72 n 7" -, n -o 72 72 72 72 72 28 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought forward S75 2 6 James Grinn Henrj- Boam Nessey Tolsey, .. Jesse Hicks, John Penrose, . . . John Boul, Morris Fell Robert Penrose, Jacob Smith Joneson Penrose, John Felman, ... Andrew Cohow, , Samuel Dennis, ... Abraham Walton, Abel Talbie John Griffith Henry Johnson, . . Samuel Frld Ezekiel Foulk, ... John Philips Samuel Nickson, ., Neason Baul Jesse Baul Ezekiel Dennis, .. Israel Lankaster, Yost Weaver Moses Pettie Jacob Freed James Gibman, ... Jacob Pettier, Benjamin Green, . Abraham Croy, .. Amos Roberts, ... Benjamin Walton, Casper Johnson, .. Henry Trumbour, Andrew Meniger, . John Trigler, John Blim Ezekiel Walton, .. William Borr Samuel Foreman, Moses Shaw Abraham Snyder, Brought forward 4110 2 6 Michael Baum Joseph Penrose, ... Samuel Penrose, .. William Penrose, . John Lester, William Shaw, jun. Henry Hartshel, .. No. 7 4614 2 6 6 2483 17 : 2090 11 4 556 3 936 2 5242 10 1 1422 Amount £17.945 6 No. S. Capt. STEVER'S company. Haycock township, exercise fines for Oct. and Nuv.. 17S0. Manasses Fritz 90 John Roor 90 Eleazer Doan y. exer- cise fines for Oct. and Nov.. 1T80. Benjamin Rosenfaerger, ... 90 William Bryant, Daniel Geman Samuel Hilbourn, • ... John Retcott Isaiah Retcott Christian Geman, ... John Carr Peter Eston Abraham Rasor Joshua Burson Jacob Slitfer Jacob Geman John Smith, Henry Funk, Henry Meyre, Jacob Meyer Ludwick Nosbickle, David Slever Jacob Artman Jacob Retcott John Acreman Peter Goodman, Balser Larr Peter Meyer Michael Hottle , John Meyre , David Burson £2025 0- <0 90 ■|1 90 9ii n 90 n 90 67 10 n 90 n iK) n 9) 90 90 90 90 50 12 8 50 12 6 56 5 56 5 56 5 56 5 56 5 33 15 56 5 56 5 56 5 56 3 56 5 BUCKS COUNTY. ?,1 N<:. 14. I apt. MELLENGER'S com riany. Richland township, exprcise tines for (jct. and Nov., ITSn. Joseph Burr 90 Michael Martin 90 Edward Foulk 90 Israel Foulk 90 Frederick Deel 90 Mark Overholt 33 15 Elias Lewis 90 Joseph Johnson 90 James Walton 90 Isaac Walton SO Henry Strunk 90 Henry Baum 90 Nathan Tholby 5C 5 Jesse Hicks 90 Michael Slider 90 John Penrose 90 Joneson Penrose 90 John Felman 90 Andrew Cohow 33 15 John Ball (tanner) 90 Morris Fell 90 Jacob Smith 90 Hugh Foulk 67 10 Abel Talby 90 John Shioder 90 Samuel Thomas 90 Henry Johnson 56 5 Samuel Freed 56 5 Israel Foulk 56 5 John PhilitJS 40 Samuel Nixon 56 5 Nathan Ball 22 10 Jesse Ball 56 10 Ezra Lankaster 56 5 Amos Roberta, 56 6 Moses Shaw 56 S John Shaw 56 5 Andrew Mellenger 66 5 Henry Trumbour ."i6 5 i John Bieam 56 5 Isaac W'alton 56 5 Jacob Freed, 56 5 Carried over 302110 Q Brought forward 302110 James Chapman, 56 5 Jacob Stover 56 5 Benjamin Green, 56 5 Amos Salcott 56 5 Jacob Bidler 56 5 Michael Baum 56 5 Samuel Penrose ;c 5 William Penrose 56 5 '.' Edward Foulk 56 5 o John Lester 22 10 William Shaw 36 5 o £3606 10 No. 15. Capt. HINELINE'S com- panj-. Durham tdwnshiii. extrc-i^'- fines frr Octo. and Nov.. ITSO. Henry Houpt 50 12 C John Man 22 10 ■• George Bell 22 10 Thomas Pursley 16 17 i] Tilman Culp, 16 17 C K.J.KiKl l:ackhru.-e :., , i. No. 1,-, 185 12 G 14 3606 10 13 2025 '• 12 3462 10 I", 11 4r(5 10 1012 10 9 4241 5 S 133S 15 Amount £16,367 2 6 No. 16. Capt. STEVER'S crm'nr.y class fines for August, 1780. Daniel Strahen 404 10 C James Bryant 290 5 Christian Nicholas 270 I George Fulmer, , 5.'0 10 I John Nicholas 206 3 ? John Morrison 2)7 17 6 John Pope 150 carried over 2079 6 Z 32 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought forward 2079 6 3 Michael Tost 500 John Oyer 440 Henry Person 440 John Hartshel 252 8 Henry Stoneback 253 8 9 Peter Kellar 3C7 10 Michael Stoneback 358 1 3 Daniel Appleback 252 5 Jacob Gk)0d 238 7 6 Jacob Roar 568 Nicholas Carty 300 John Hasler 440 Leonard Bldleman 440 Joseph Fritz 540 John Ludwick 150 Peter Heft 300 Jesse Bryant 540 0| Levi Dennis 152 10 Ol I £8573 16 9 j N'o. 17. Cant. KACHLIXE'S com- pany, class fines for August. 17*0. Philip Wagoner 270 John Low 300 Henry Doupe 544 10 Peter Snyder 540 George Snyder 200 Anthony Cresman 300 Jacob Nase, 300 Edward Thomas 250 Jacob Wenholt 440 William Williams 479 5 8 Henry Leh, 440 Peter Cutsil 300 Peter Stout 200 Abraham Johnson 300 Matthias Hartman 300 John Fostbener 300 Michael Blank 400 Andrew Headman 100 Jacob Easterly 200 Adam Degor 2iX) Peter Lewis 540 Carried over 6903 15 9 Brought forward 6903 15 9 Jacob Tegor, 540 Abraham Stout 603 12 6 George Wittemyre 547 13 Jacob Walter 54'J Henry Driseback 106 William Saventoll 540 Paul Bean 576 John Landis 54112 Henr>- Hartshel, jun 540 Peter Benner, jun 540 Daniel Benner 30i) 8 Jacob Gees, 525 Jacob Hair 540 John Grove 54i) John Detwiler 607 10 Philip Walter 540 Lawrence Crimer 58S 18 David Sliver 540 Martin Climer 540 Ubry Weaver 240 Randal Iden 570 John Fullemere 461 13 Yost Frederick 260 Henry Loister 40<) Casper Fluck 579 Peter Benner, jun 54i) £19.743 16 3 No. 1?. C'apt. CUDER'S company, class fines for August. 1780. George Schitz 200 Christian Sacks 270 John Grubb 200 13 George Hillegas 503 Ludwick Craver 300 3 9 Dewalt Sampsel 542 3 9 Philip Mumbour 401) 3 Abraham Huntsberry 200 Nicholas Sampsel, 100 3 9 Henry Mumbour ■14ii Isaac Rinker 177 5 John Young 543 11 3 Abraham Souter 542 8 9 Carried over, 4419 14 3 BUCKS COUNTY. 33 Brought forward 4419 14 3 Thomas Boyard, 540 4 Adam Rlcart, 240 Casper Yoder 542 12 Levi Roberts 436 Jacob Hardwlck 540 Jacob Cllmer 540 John Climer 540 John Walton 300 Christian Huntsberger 543 7 6 Valentine Bidleman, 64117 6 George Deel 541 2 6 Christian Climer 545 1 3 John "Wlneberj- 540 Balser "Wlneberry 540 Abraham Geman 540 Jacob "Wagoner 200 Martin Sacks 301 6 3 Henry Freed 200 John Bllner 540 Peter Matls 540 George Winterman 540 Jacob Harwick 540 Ulrick Trlssel 542 5 David Philips 540 Samuel Clark £00 6 John Stear 225 Enoch Roberts 542 5 Jacob Musselman 54ii John Roberts, 540 Nathan Roberts 545 William Edwards 543 William Jamison 543 7 6 John Shall 540 Peter Suck 543 15 Abraham Climer, 540 £21,436 3 9 No. 19. Capt. SHUPE'c class fines for August. Michael Cole 400 Thomas Lltle 200 Jacob Bldleman 200 Philip Jacoby 340 Carried over, 1140 3-6--3d Ser. Brought forward 1140 Peter Item, Jun 300 John Youngkin 440 Peter Siekfoot 300 Philip Cressler 440 Jacob Cole 441 Nicholas Carty 510 George Cole 400 Peter Loudingstine 300 John Royman, 300 Peter Mower 200 John Ramor 405 Philip Tragor 640 John Calf, 400 David Stover 540 Andrew Hamerstine 306 George Michael, 501 Rudolph Hibler 4O0 Frederick Funk 110 Stoffel Brail 116 Henry Zeagle 200 Jacob Cowel 440 Lawrence Messer 540 Henry Roof, 540 John Iliff 306 John Secafus 426 £10,573 9 No. 21. Capt. WAGONER'S com- pany, class fines for August, 17S0. Charles Roseberry ."j4P 1," Charles Egline 40<) Jacob Arman 409 In Peter Zigler 200 John Yetter 212 Thomas Lloyd 250 William Cooper 145 David Burson 409 7 Anthony Newhouse 150 Benjamin Crow 43 Henry Appleback 100 Joseph Burson 510 Philip Carrell 410 17 r, Philip Heft 300 Carried over 4119 15 34 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brou^rht forward 4119 ID John Young 200 Samuel Talbert, 200 John Fultz, 500 John Huver, 250 Isaac Wirehack 410 17 C John Mures, 400 Jacob FulmPi 51 2 Joseph Fry 549 Ludwick Luspicle 540 William Segar 540 Jacob Rotruck 540 John Eckerman 552 7 6 Peter Moyer 540 0' Henry Moyer 256 10 Jacob Moyer 500 £10.649 12 C Brought forward, 6497 6 Amos Kilkerk 300 Michael Baum, 547 10 John Bleam 555 Samuel Nixon 540 Israel Lankaster, 540 Samuel Freed 300 Samuel Foreman, 540 Jacob Bidler, 540 John Hinkle 540 Jacob Freed 200 Moses Shaw 540 Henry Climer 540 Jesse Ball 540 Amos Roberts 552 Benjamin 'WaHon 200 Nathan Ball 540 Barnard Kellar, 550 16 £14,562 12 No. 22. Capt. MELLENGER'S com- pany, class fines for August, 1780. Everhart Foulk, 200 Moses Pettet 270 Joseph Penrose 570 13 Henry Trumbour 555 Michael Blller 300 John Headrlck 440 Casper Johnson, 540 C Benjamin Green 400 Ezekiel Walton 200 James Chapman 345 12 6 Abraham Crow 200 John Lester 579 John Philips 100 Jacob Bidler 100 Yost Weaver 409 7 6 William Burr 407 13 William Shaw 440 Bashan Horn 440 Carried over 6497 6 No. 23. Capt. HINELINE'S com- pany, class fines for August. 17S0. Christian Pearson 113 2 6 John Cole 300 Peter Jacoby 303 Thomas Craig 350 Rudy Acreman 100 Daniel Stlllwell 150 Casper Fabion 400 John M'Cammon 150 No. 23 1863 2 6 22 14562 12 21 10649 12 6 19 10573 9 IS 21436 3 9 17, 19745 16 3 10 8573 16 9 Amount £87,404 4 6 Comptroller-General's Office, June 4th, 1783. JOHN NICHOLSON. STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF Joseph Hart, Esquire, LIEUTENANT OK BUCKS COUNTY. 1779-1781. JOSEPH HART, Esquire, Lieutenant of Bucks County, Dr. to Sundries. To Militia Fines. Received from sundry persons of the first battalion, for exer- cise fines incurred in the year 1779, per fine lists — No. 1. Capt. Huston's Company £706 15 2. Hart's do 306 3. Dubois's do 419 5 4. Edams's do 231 15 5. Lott's do 572 5 6. Williamson's do 579 7. Neelley's do 555 Continental 8. M'Conkev's do 72110 4,091 10 Received from sundry persons of said battalion, for exercise fines incurred in April and May, 1780. No. 9. Capt. Carter's Company, 1291 10 10. Edam's do 571 10 11. Hart's do 1134 12. Williamson's do 2574 13. Jameson's do 985 10 14. Neellev's do. 4464 9 15. Lefferts's do 1399 10 16. Walker's do 1197 13.608 9 Received from sundry persons of the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th classes of said battalion, their fines for non-performance of militia duty in 1780. No. 17. Capt. Cartor's Company 11339 11 3 18. Edam's & Lefferts's, 12424 12 6 19. Hart's Company, 3996 16 3 20. Williamson's do 5608 7 6 21. Jameson's do. 4469 17 6 22. Neellev's do 14918 11 23. Walker's do 7377 18 9 60,135 14 Received from sundry persons of said battalion, for exercise fines incurred in October and No- vember. 1780. No. 24. Capt. Carter's Company, 1810 5 25. Edam's do 1085 12 6 26. Hart's do 635 12 6 27. Williamson's do 2773 2 6.304 12 Carried over. £84,140 6 38 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. I: ■) a s o o o o t- o o O C5 o o ■^ 00 W I>- •^ •<»< . r. ^ to OJ I« a> a> ■"^ a> ,1^ s ►-5 0) 2 EH ^ a eS o 00 OS O tH M M f^ M i:< rt -^ %j 02 03 cc a> C rl OJ C tj.) — (D 2 (D .^ ^ J s e s ^ ^ iz; .3 ^ -r .^ ^ •a«^^ .- §(MM-*lO«Dt>^00C5 S;^ I, a; . • • • .Z, "T. m 1^ T-"^ <:^ OJ r-cocccoMcoeoMc^ fl; ^ -^ -^ ■^ -^ §^«d (D -^ •'- c tf 2 « ^: BUCKS COUNTY. 39 Oi m d) o c o 0) =*( a o 0) 00 j^ cc -4-) as a t+< o u r- o re o s 05 M :£ o -^ I— I C5 CO ■* Oi lit O -^ 1-1 lO o CO T-H (M r^ c .2 o _c O CO a,' fc- <-' ~ a^ a; C fa ^• S S^ t^ CO ^ X3 '1'' C5 o o — o ro o n lO CO -^ I-l 'O !M O -^ 1-1 ^ 1-1 ^^ i-^ iH CTj LTS -f ;D i-t ^5 CO ■ "coooooo O en O !/3 i2 'r- ''J c; tn o) j:; aj a E ^ -:; 2; m -» "^ — c -- OC ~ o a; 5 o -*■ "^ »-" u C3 ■< .ii ^ h-1 a,' ^ ^ r/5 r/5 QJ Q) F C r^ O OJ T^ ^ C & Ol fl: £ - o — 40 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS, — • >> C ^2^- •4-> O Si CD «> T-l G *J oo bib C 3 QJ o Q) u ^ o :; = -, o lo ^ ^ ■ fi^ ! a : * . Q : OJ . Cfi . • -tJ ^ ! • c a • ; , ■ m '3?3 C o 3 CO - 1-1 w 3 •-: o b« "^ - ■;:. & S ~ 2; .-. ' ^ '^ ^3 -5 £ ' !ll ^ a ~ "c o E-i ■ O) 3 <-< >> 0) 3 3 O =nQ 5 U "3 "^ 5 "^ •— o o c ■" y a bX) 3 4S rt : a -2 ^ a >.^ • - 3 3 . 3 » ; > o . ,^ • 3 O r • • ? a o ;r: c i-T -j-j >. - a — ^' M —' ^ to" -^ ^ -t-- p i o i-^ t- TJ a- re ~ - • £ .£ 3 a r a -^ .3 ^ o ttl ^ 3 ^^ M 3 re O o CC 0) c. ^ 3 l5-:i 3 re 3 X — ;S w O 3 re d 3 re' S 7i ~ c ~ P ~ cc o :-? ::^ V PL- BUCKS COUNTY. 41 G. CC "A re 0) f-i >5 O) -p^ ^ •- 3 ^ 2^^ rt C t! ^ ^ t^ ^ M „ _ "^ 'c £ o •'- Ci ^- ^ 1-' 'ij r- ft! £ ;! 2 I '^ £ E- 5 ■ -i ^ 5 ^ Z =- 5 ° g :r t- 1.-5 OO C> ' 00 C ^ rH >, s ^. S 5 § e ^ CO «3 5 bc =: t- ^ -^ O S - a; t_ ^, Ci i. 0. o t: ^ C C -' = ^ ^ >■. £ Z - '" >• — ^ Z^' -^ *- r^ . "^ •- S ~ -S 'S 5: 42 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. CkTO t- M p j ^^ « t- 1 i-H 1—1 ■V 35 CO 03 1— 1 1 C- 00 1 ^5 O lO 35 TO -f 1-^ « -^ = -o t. m u3 .„ o) fl a> O — < rt a — U C is *-i ■ o t^ to o o o o bc^ (B aj ■^ r a o c; p cc 1^. g c t- t- O 0/ nj C nj cs -- - t, a- -^ ' ^ rt t. tc o CO c c ^ 05 a Sc .2 c c; S 4-1 ^ u ••J S ■53 n ^ to tc o li C^ r «v g o ^ rt tr -r i: E cd to' U c c '^ rt rt •"^ (1, aj o c ^3 — 1 CO i?> .a i-H LO ^ a o3i B CO c+j •=; oTS •— CO cr c CO K 0; W^ X 11 c P C CO c « <^ _ — 5 "^^ ^ .5 ^ ^, CTi t4-l iS-^ CO »J-i C5 "3 — ; 10 !:: o =-j x: o .--^ .a o *- CO -1-J o 0) •— 5, a C co' Nathan Gomly 9 Daniel Lone-streth, 19 Isaac Walton 19 John Longstreth 19 Jonathan Ratclift 1'^ Able Wells 1'.' Joseph Ratclift, 5 Thomas Davis I'J Ezra Comley 19 Charles Dean 19 William Moland 19 John Rankins 19 Jacob Gadwallader, Jacob Perry James Stephens Elijah Walton 19 10 19 10 19 1.) 19 P.r ij 306 Gapt. DUBOIS'S company, exercise fines for the year 1779. John Plumley !'■' John Hayhursi, i;' Edward Dyer 19 William Plumley 19 Joseph Thornton 19 Edmund Plumley 19 Benjamin Eastbourn 19 Jesse Palmer 19 Henry Dyer 19 Daniel Stradler 19 John Blaker 19 Enos Dracord 19 Jonathan Linton 19 Joseph Linton 19 Jonathan Shaw 19 Griffith Lewis, 19 Cuthhert H^yhurst 19 Abel Stackhouse, 19 William Hayhurst 19 Ezekiel Shaw 9 Gaptain Willet 9 lu IJ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 in 10 10 10 n 10 Garried over 390 C 44 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought forward. Amos Subers, .. James VansanL 19 10 9 15 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Ifl 10 15 Capt. EDAM'S company, exercise fines for the year 1779. John Thompson 3 Henry Cooper, 19 Peter Blaker 19 Paul Blaker 19 Cales Blaker 19 Jacob Twining 19 Richard Leedom 19 Joseph Roberts, 6 William Chapman 19 William Cooper 19 Thomas Spencer, 19 John Cooper 19 Samuel Spencer 19 James Kempton, 4 Enoch Marpole z 2J1 15 Captain LOTT'S company, fines for the year 17 James Evan? Jacob Randal Edmund Stauts Isaac Bolton Isaac Worthington, . Jacob Harding Nathan Praul Abram Knight Samuel Mitchel Henry Walmsley, ... Joseph Bond Joseph Crosdal? John Groom, Abraham Randal, ... Mill's Strickland. ... A\'illiam Duncan Carried over 270 15 19 10 19 10 n 19 10 n 19 10 13 10 13 lO 3 19 10 19 10 19 10 16 10 9 15 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 1 Brought forward 270 15 ■« John Leedom 19 10 Isaac Bond i William Carter 19 10 Absalom Knight, 19 10 William Bayley ly 10 John Leedom, jun 19 10 Phineas Paxon 19 10 Joseph Leedom 19 10 William Biles 19 10 Obadiah Willet 19 10 Jonathan Harding 19 10 Abraham Harding 19 10 Joseph Longstreth 19 10 Amos Subers 9 15 Isaac Harding 19 10 Samuel Lawrence, 18 James Gary 12 15 Simon Vanartsdalfn 4 10 572 5 Captain WILLIAMSON'S company, exercise fines for the year 1779. Joseph Terry 19 10 C Joseph Hampton l" 10 C George Weasner, J9 10 . John Morton 19 10 Ben. Chapman, jun 19 10 Charles Chapman 19 !•) George Chapman 19 10 Joseph Tomlinson 19 TO Isaac Wilson 19 10 John Smith 19 10 Stephen Wilson 19 10 William Linton 19 10 John Huston 19 10 Joseph Ballance 19 10 John Scarboroufrli 19 10 Stephen Yv'ilkinson 19 10 Silas Marting 19 10 Stephen Smith 19 lo David Warner 19 10 John Rose 19 10 Ben. Hampton, jun 19 10 Carried over 409 10 BUCKS COUNT r. 45 Brought forward 409 10 Benjamin aark 19 10 John Terry 19 W Thomas Cunningham, 19 10 Joseph Chapman 19 10 Thomas Atkinson 19 10 Isachar Morris 19 10 John Stockdale 16 10 Thomas Warner 19 10 Isaac Beal, ... 16^0 No. 7. Capt. NEELLEY'S company, exer- cise fines for the year 1779. Jesse Heston John Merrick Thomas Cooper, jun., .. William Trago Wm. Lee (carpenter), ... James Paxon William Smith Whitson Canby Samuel Smith Thomas Smith Mahlon Doan Joseph Fell Edmund Smith Benjamin Wlggons Isaac Cooper Benjamin Canby John Atkinson Hampton Wilson Noah Slack Timothy Bolderson Robert Merrick John Knowles, jun., .. Jeremiah Cooper Wm. Smith (tanner), . Thomas Smith, jun John Beaumont, William Vanhorn Jacob Trago Robert Thatcher James Thornton No. 8. Captain M'CONKEY'S company, ercise fines for the year 1779. 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 6 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 I! c 19 10 19 10 19 10 David Heston James Stokes Daniel Hunt William Tomlinson, . Benjamin Doan, Robert Longshore, . . Joseph Harvey William Lawrence, .. Benjamin Harvey, ... Joshua Vansant Abraham Reader Enos Merrick, Isaiah Heston John Hayhurst Abraham Harvey, ser Abraham Hibb? Joseph Howell Zebulon Heston Robert Beatty John Clift David Johnson Abraham Harvey Joseph Whitten Robert Knowles John Taylor Benjamin Rcal'-r, ... Ephraim Smith John Harvey John Scot James Tomlinson. .. John Taylor, jun Matthias Harvty, ... James Gerton John Tomlinson, jun. Benjamin Tayl r. ... John Headley Joseph Smith 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 Captain C.AUTEK'S comp.iny, cise fines for .-Vpril and May. exer- 17K0. 46 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Joseph Liongstrctli -lo '^ Isaac Worthington 45 John Leedom 4.'. Joseph Leedom 4i o John Leedom, jun 43 Ab. Harding 4-> Jaacob Harding 45 Abraham Randal 45 Samuel Mitchel 45 Isaac Bolton 45 William Atkinson 45 Jacob Randal, jun 45 Jonathan Harding 45 Joseph Bond 45 Isaac Bond 45 Phineas Paxon 45 John Groom 45 Eber Crosdale 45 Absalom Knight 45 Abraham Knight, 45 William Bayley 45 C William Biles 45 C Edmund Stauts 45 Joseph Crosdale 45 Obadiah Willet 45 Rees Davis 45 Joshua Praul IS Jacob Randal, jun.. 13 10 Jonathan Hellings 27 Nathan Praul 18 C Joseph Twining IS Samuel Lawrence 27 tJroueht forward C% Peter Blaker ,58 10 Cales Blaker 5S I'J Thomas SiJencor 5S 10 ".71 10 1291 10 Captain HART'S fines for April Jonathan Jarret, company, and May, exerci 1780. 72 72 72 72 u 72 .-.4 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 (1 72 se Daniel Longstreth Joiin Longftreth. . Jonathan Ratcliff, Abel Wells William Moland, . Jacolj Cadwallader Jacob Perrv Elijah Walton, John Worthington, 134 Captain EDAM'S company, exercise fines for April and May, 1780. Henry Cooper iS 10 Paul Blaker 58 10 Richard Leedom 45 William Cooper 5S 10 John Cooper 5S 10 Samuel Spender 58 10 William Tomlinson 58 10 Carried over 396 No. 12. Captain WILLIAMSON'S company, exercise fines for April and May, 1780. Joseph Hampton 72 George Weasner, 72 John Morton 54 John Watson 72 Charles Chapman 72 John Stockdale 72 George Chapman 72 Isaac W^ilson 72 John Smith 72 Stephen Wilson 72 William Linton 72 Thomas Warnpr 72 John Hutson 72 Joseph Ballani 1- 72 John Scarboroii^li 72 Carried over 10 2 BUCKS COUNTY. Brought forward V^(^2 Benjamin Hampton 72 Richard ParsonF 72 Stephen Smith 72 David Warner 72 John Rose 72 Benjamin Chapman, jun... 72 Ben. Hampton, jun 72 John Terry, jun 72 Thomas Cunningham, 72 Joseph Chapman 72 Thomas Atkinson 72 Isachar Morris, 72 Abraham Smith, '. 72 Thomas Hillbourn 72 Mahlon Worthington 72 Asaph Warner 72 John White 72 Joseph Hest'pn 72 Joseph Roberts 72 John Scarborough 72 Joseph Terrj- 72 Brought lorwarci. Jacob Lapp, .. . William I^ee, . Cornelius Ri ol. :n 10 JS 10 U Capt. JAMESON'S company, fines for April and May, exercise 17S0. Adam Carr 13 10 Joseph Twining .^.S 10 William Carver 5S 10 William Heston 58 10 John Briggs iS 10 Jonathan Fell 58 10 John Corton 5S 10 Henry Kirkess 58 10 Jesse Bewley 58 10 Isaac Worthingtnn ,58 10 Francis Tumbleston 3110 John Warner 58 10 Joseph Briggs 58 10 John Fell 58 10 Jacob Clements 3110 Nehemiah Twining 58 10 Carried over, SGS 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Capt. NEELLEY'S company, exer- cise fines for April and May, 1780. Jesse Heston ,-,s John Merrick 5.s Thoma s Cooper 5!v David Heston .",s James Stokes ,-,s Daniel Hunt ZS William Tomlinson ;s Eber Heston 5S William Penguite 58 Timothy Howell .>s Jonathan Kinsey iS William Trago, 5s Wm. Lee (carpenter), 58 James Paxon 5S William Smith ,"S Whitson Canby 5^ Joseph Tomlinson, ;s Benjamin Doan 58 Joseph Harvey 58 James Boyd 4.-, Samuel Matthews 58 Robert Harvey 5S James Longshore 58 Mahlon Doan 58 Joseph Fell js Edmund Smith 58 William Finney 5S William Lawrence .'S Benjamin Harvey 58 Joshua A'ansant, 58 Abraham Reader, 58 Enos Merrick js Benjamin Wiggons 58 Isaiah Heston 58 Abraham ilibbs 5^ Carried over 20;4 10 10 48 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought forward 2034 James Gerton 58 10 Abraham Harvey, sen 58 10 Joseph Howell 58 10 Paul Judge 58 10 John Atkinson 58 10 Hampton Wilson oS 10 Zet)ulon Heston 58 10 Robert Beatty 58 10 Samuel Howell 58 10 John Clift 58 10 Abraham Harvey, jun 58 10 David Johnson 58 10 Timothy Bolderson r.8 10 Robert Merrick S8 10 John Knowles 58 10 John Taylor, 58 10 Jer. Cooper (wheelwr.) 58 10 Joseph Whitacre 58 10 Robert Knowles 58 10 Samuel Sterling 58 10 Joseph Warner 58 10 Isaac Smith, 58 10 Joseph Stackhouse 58 10 Wm. Smith (tanner) 58 10 John Beaumont 58 10 John Tomllnson, sen 58 10 Ephraim Smith 58 10 John Harvey 58 10 John Scot 58 10 John Taylor, jun 58 10 John Randal ES 10 Robert Thatcher, r.S 10 Matthias Harvey 58 10 John Strickland, ,'S 10 Oj John Tomllnson, jun 3119 Oi Benjamin Taylor 58 10 1 John Headley 58 10 Joseph Smith 58 10 David Reader 58 10 j Harry Whitson ,58 10 Henry Broades 5S 10 1 Isaac Beat ,")S 10 ol Capt. LEFFERT'S comoany. exer- cise fines for April and May, 1780. John Plumlev 58 William Plumley, 58 Charles Plumley, 58 Edmund Plumley 58 William Hayhurst, 58 John Hurst l& Joseph Hayhurst, 58 Joseph Linton 58 Jonathan Linton 58 Henry Puff 58 Heni-y Alherton 58 Henry Dyer 58 Griffith Lewis 58 Jonathan Shaw 58 Joseph Thornton, 58 Abraham Harding 58 Amos Subers 5S Daniel Doan 58 Edward Dyer 58 William Wiggons 58 John Blaker 58 Abel Stackhouse 5S Benjamin Eastbourn ,"8 Jesse Palmer 45 w 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 iO 10 in 10 Capt. WALKER'S company, exercise fines for April and May, 17S0. Jonathan Jones 72 John Jones (son of Jont.),. 72 n o Zachariah Lewi? 58 10 Isaac Jones 72 Abraham Shoemaker 72 Thomas Paul 72 Jacob Paul 72 John Jones, jun., 72 Simon Meredith 72 Thomas Meredith 72 John Hough 72 George Kerns 72 Joseph Hough, sen 72 Carried over 922 10 iirousht forward. BUCKS COUNTY, 49 9:;2 10 liroughc forward 2704 17 6 Richard Hough. ... Oilbert Rodman, ., Israel Coniley, Abraham Vandyke. John Shannon 58 10 72 r.8 10 72 12 10 Gapt. CARTER'S company, clas fines for the year 17S0. -lonathan Hellings 540 Gilliam Cornell, jun., 540 -Joseph Sidders 540 John Groom 466 James Gary 64(J Henry Corson 540 Joseph Twiney, 540 VS'illiam Bayley 540 Joshua Praul 558 Jacob Strickler 540 aamuel Lawrence 283 William Biles 571 Edward Duffleld 375 Absalom Knight 541 Phineas Paxon 606 William Coats 262 Joseph Iveedom 540 Obadiah Willet 543 Jonathan Harding 541 Abraham Randal 54'i Abraham Harding 576 Joseph Longstreth 611 15 5 3 6 6 7 6 ID 7 6 12 6 No. 18. Captains EDAM'S &- LEFFERT'S companies, class fines for 1780. Jonathan Linton .587 17 6 William Tomlinson 54<) o Henrj- Dyer 54110 Joseph Knowles 542 7 6 Peter Blaker 583 2 6 Carried over 2794 17 6 4--6-3d Ser. Jeremiah Dungan. jun 616 10 Joseph Tomlinson 3*j William Hayhursi 540 Amos Suber.< 622 10 Charles Plumley 565 10 Enos Dracord 540 Thomas Spencer 604 2 6 Thomas Taylor 540 i) Enoch Addis 541) Samuel Spencer, 577 10 James Kempton 540 John Blaker 572 5 Edward Daughert\- 54<) Joseph Linton, 5SS 7 C Jonathan Shaw 602 2 6 Henrj- 'Wyncoop 760 17 6 Barnet Bennet 541J 12,424 12 6 Capt. HART'S company, class fines for the year 1780. Joseph Millar 567 1- John Rankins 540 William Moland 572 10 Jacob Cadwallader 604 17 Jacob Perry 562 2 Robert Millar 581 8 Elijah Walton 568 2 3996 16 3 Capt. WILLIAMSON'S company, class fines for the year 1780. Benj. Chapman, jun 540 John Terry, jun 557 J Benj. Hampton, jun 540 Richard Parsons 543 7 c Stephen Smith 613 12 6 Da\ id 'Warner 54<) Abraham Smith 540 ii Asaph Warner 540 Carried over 4414 n 50 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought forward 4414 (j Thomas Alkinson, .. Benjamin Hampton, 603 15 590 12 Captain JAMESON'S company, class fines for the year 17S0. Serick Titus, 271 6 3 John Hunter 270 7 6 Jacob Clements 589 2 6 John Megrady 553 10 ■SVilliam Bready, 540 Francis Tumbleston 54115 Adam Carr 566 1 3 Mahlon Twining 540 Isaac Worthington 597 15 Captain NEELLEY'S companj', cla fines for the year 3780. John Beaumont 501 7 John Tomlinson, 554 12 James Gerton, : 540 Joseph Smith 667 17 David Johnson 5-fl 2 James Tomlinson 320 Robert Thatcher 540 William Vanhorn 5411 n Zebulon Heston 540 Hampton Wilson 540 John Atkinson 249 6 Samuel Howell 540 Abr. Harvey, jun., 540 Timothy Enlderson 559 10 Robert Merrick 540 John Knowles, jun 540 Joseph Whitacre 541 7 John Taylor 589 10 Joseph Verner 510 William Smith 540 John Harvey 541 7 Brought forward 11.021 1 John Scot 540 5 John Taylor, jun 545 5 Jacob Trago 540 « John Tomlinson, jun 540 Benjamin Taylor 652 Ab. Harvey, jun 540 Ephraim Smith 540 14,91S 11 Captain WALKER'S company, cla-ss fines for the year 17S0. Jacob Pricker, 27 Joseph Dungan 567 15 William Kindal 545 1 3 Elias Nelson 54110 Joseph Hough 540 Ezra Comley, 540 Henry Mekinstry 543 Zachariah Lewis 565 2 6 Jonathan Jones 603 George Carnes 54117 6 Simon Meredith, 558 15 Isaac Jones, 589 2 6 Jonathan Dungan, 5j8 2 6 Gilbert Rodman 617 12 6 377 IS 9 Capt. CARTER'S company, exercise fines for Oct. and Nov., 17s'j. Edmund Stauts S Isaac Bond 90 Absalom Knight 7" 2 Carrieil over 973 2 C BUCKS COUNTY. CI Brought forwaid 073 2 William Eayley To 2 John Leeiloni. sen 73 2 Phineas Paxon, 73 2 William Coats 73 2 Joseph Leedom 73 2 Obadiah Willet 73 2 Jonathan Harding 73 2 John Groom, 33 1", Abraham Randal 73 2 AVilliam Biles 73 2 Abraham Harding 73 2 Joseiih Longstreth 73 3 ISlij Capt. EDAM'S company, exercise fines for Oct. and Noy., 1780. Henry Cooper 90 Peter Blaker 90 Gales Blaker M Jacob Twining 90 Richard Leedom 90 Thomas South 90 William Chapman nG 5 William Cooper 90 Thomas Spencer 90 John Cooper, 90 Samuel Sy->encer 90 Paul Blaker 90 Josei'h Roberts 39 7 6 ins3 12 6 Captain HART'S company, exercise fines for Oct. and Nov., 17S0. Jonathan Jarret 90 n John Worthingtiin 90 h h Isaac AValton '■" •> 'i "\"\"i!liam Moland 73 2 C Jolm Rankins 73 2 C Eli.iah Walton ■ 73 2 f. Jacob Cadwallader 73 2 6 Jacob Perry 73 2 6 Capt. WILLIAMSON'S company, ex- ercise fines f',r Oct. and Xo\'.. 1780. Joseph Hampton 90 U John Watson 9" n Charles Chapman :"' 'i ') George Chapman 90 ij o Isaac Wilson 90 o o John Smith :«> m Stephen Wilson '•"' " William Llnf'n 9ii .; Thomas Warner 9'.i o ii John Hutson '■<''' '.' Joseph Ballance 9" ') Benjamin Hampton 9ii u Richard Parsons 9ii '' Stephen Smith 9'i '> >> David Warner 9'i o <> Isaac Warner 9" (> n John Rose '.*" '< " Benjamin Chapman 9i' o Benjamin Hampton 9" '' ■> John Terry, jun Ijhm Mahlon Worthington 9" « Asaph Warner 9ii <' o John White 90 >> Joseph Heston 90 o Joseph Terry, 90 Capt. JAMESON'S company, exeicis. fines for 'Jci. and Nov.. I'S'.'. Joseph Twining Vi ':• C William Carver 9" i William Heston 9o John Briggs 90 'i ■ Jonathan Fell 90 fi ■' Carried over 4-T.O ii t 52 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought forwai'U. 4 John Gorton, Henry Kirkess Isaac Worlhingrton. ., Francis Tumbleston, John Warner Joseph Briggs John Fell Jacob Clemonts Mahlon Twining William Lee Watson Fell 90 9iJ 90 WJ 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 1440 No. 29. Capt. NEELLEY'S company, exercise fines for Oct. and Nov., 17S0. Jesse Heston 90 John Merrick 90 David Heston 90 James Stokes 90 Daniel Hunt 90 William Tomlinson 90 Eber Heston 90 Timothy Howell 22 William Trago 90 Wm. Lee (carpenter), 90 James Paxon 90 William Smith 90 Whitson Canby 90 Joseph Tomlinson 90 Benjamin Doan 90 David Howell 22 Joseph Harvey 90 Samuel Matthews 9") Robert Harvey 90 James Longshore 90 Jonathan Kinsey, 90 Isaac Beal 90 Robert Longshore 90 Thomas Smith 90 Mahlon Doan 90 Joseph Fell 90 Edmund Smith 90 Carried over 2295 r Brcusht loiward 2295 William Finney ',«J William Lawrence 90 Joshua Vansant tO Abraham Reader 9<3 Enos Merrick 9 r.C) 5 Brought forwaiil JIJS 2 James Gerton, John Tomlinson, jun., . Benjamin Taylor John Headley, Joseph Smith 5439 Capt. LEFFERT'S company, exer- cise fines for Oct. and Nov., 1780. John Plumley Henry Athorton John Hayhurst Edward Dyer William Plumley, ..., Enos Dracord, , Abel Stackhouse Joseph Thornton Benjamin Eastbourn, John Blaker, William Hayhurst, . Jesse Palmer Henry Dyer Joseph Linton Charles Plumley, ... Jonathan Linton, ... Jonathan Shaw, Abraham Harding. . 90 HO ftO 10 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 Capt. WALKER' S company, fines for Oct. and Nov., exercise 1780. Zachariah Lewis 90 Jonathan Jones 90 John Jones (son of Jont.>. 90 Isaac Jones 90 Abraham Shoemaker 90 Thomas Paul 9(1 Jacob Paul 90 John Jones, jun !H) o Simon Meredith 90 Carried over Slo o Brought forward SIO 6 Thomas Meredith ^'0 o o John Hough 90 George Kerns 90 Gilbert Rodman ;< i n 1170 Capt. HOGELAXD'S company, exer- cise fines for April and May. 17S1. Edmund Stauts 19 ( Isaac Bolton 1 4 > David Knight 1 4 • Henry Walmsley 1 4 i Joseph Bond 1 4 ' Abraham Knight 1 4 ( Isaac Bond 1 4 ( Charles Biles 1 4 ■ Absalom Knight 1 4 ' William Bayley 1 4 ( Phineas Paxon 1 4 i John Kelley 1 4 ( Obadiah Willet 1 4 ■ Joseph Longstreth 1 4 • Samuel Lawrence n 9 ' Capt. EDAM'S company, exercise fines for April and May, 1781. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■William Tomlinson 1 John Addis, jun u 19 1 4 54 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Captain HART'S lines for April company, and May, exerci 17S1. 19 ]9 19 15 19 19 15 19 se John Worthington fi fi Henrv Millar fi fi Elijah Walton Jacob Cadwallader fi Capt. JAMESON'S company, exercise fines for April and Ma\-, 17S1. Captain WILLIAMSON'S exercise fines for Ai^r. 17&1. Jiiseph Hampton Charles Chapman John "White Thomas Hillbourn George Chapman Isaac Wilson John Smith John Terry Joseph Terry Joseph Heston Joseph Chapman Thomas Atkinson, .. Isaac Warner William Linton, ... Thomas Warner Joseph Ballance Stephen Smith Henry Pike David Warner John Rose Abraham Smith Ben. Chapman Ben. Hampton, jun., Asaph Warner Thomas Cunningham. Isachar Morris Benjamin Smitli Oliver Hampton John Hutson company, & May, fl (1 n n n (1 34 IC John Fitsimer 1 4 William Walton 1 4 Jnal. ^\'alton 1 4 i.i William Woodford 1 4 Chai-les Pennington 1 4 u James Anderson 1 4 u Andrew Millar 1 4 Joseph Twinins 1 4 •> William Carver 1 4 William Heston 1 4 O John Briggs l 4 u Jonathan Fell 1 4 Henry Kirkess 1 4 Isaac ^^'orthington 1 4 John Warner 1 4 u Joseph Briggs 1 4 John Fell 1 4 Jacob Clements ] 4 u Mahlon Twining 1 4 William Lee 1 4 \\"atPon Fell l 4 No. s;.. Captains NEELLET'S company, ex- ercise fines for April and May, 17S1. Jesse Heston 1? John Merrick 13 Thomas Cooper, lu David Heston 19 Daniel Hunt 19 Jame= Faxon 1? William Smith 19 Joseph Harvey 19 Jonathan Kinsey 19 Robert Longshore 19 Thomas Smith 19 Mahlon Doan 19 Jost-ph i-^i; u !;• Edmund Smith 19 William Lowndes 19 Carried over 14 3 BUCKS COUNTY. Brought forward 14 Joshua Vansant Abraham Reader Benjamin T\'iggons, Abraham Hibbs Robert Carr Paul Judge Moses Harvey, John Atkinson Noah Slack, Zebulon Heston Abraham Harvey David Johnson Joseph Hicks Timothy Eolderson John Knowles John Taylor Josepli Warner W'm. Smith (tanner) John Beaumont Ephraim Smith John Harvey John Randal Robert Thatcher Matthias Harvey Benjamin Taylor John Tomlinson, jun John Headley Joseph Smith William Trago Samuel Harris Joseph White, Robert Beatty - f. 19 6 V.> 6 1!) 6 19 6 19 (; 19 6 19 6 19 6 4 6 19 6 19 6 19 6 19 6 19 C 19 6 Bruoght forward, Henry Atherton. ... John Hayhursl Edward Dyer Joseph Thornton, .. Benjamin Eastbourn William Hayhurst, Joseph Linton, Jonathan Shaw Jonathan Linturi. .. Edmund PlumU'\ , .. Jesse Palmer u ■1 19 6 Capt. LEFFERT'S company, exer- cise fines for April and May, 17S1. George Parsons, Ensign.... 1 19 Cornelius Daily, 13 6 Amos Subers, 1 "* Philip Dracord 1 -1 John Carter 1 4 John Plumley 1 4 Carried over ~ S 6 Captain WALKER'S company, exer- cise fines for April and May, 17S1. Jonathan Jones Israel Comley Zachariah Lewis Abraham Shoemaker, John Jones, jun. Thomas Paul Jacob Paul, Thomas Meredith. ... John Hough George Kernes Gilbert Rodman Joseph Hough, sen., Andrew Shannon Simon Meredith William Kindal James Roney Capt. HOGELAXD'S company, class fines for the year ITSl. Isaac Bolton, 16 17 Abraham Knight l-"- 2 David Knight 10 10 Joseph Bond, jun 10 10 Thomas Beans Charles Bile? Isaac Bond 10 10 10 10 1" 10 56 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Captain EDAM'S comijany, class fines for the year 1781. Cales Blaker, 10 13 G 11 11 10 17 e 10 10 Captain HART'S company, cla?s fines for the year "."SI. Jonathan Jarret, 11 6 Isaac Benar 10 13 John Worthington, . Jacob Lewsley. Jonathan Ratcliff, ... Thomas Davis No. 43. Capt. "WILLIAMSON'S company, class fines for the year 1781. Benjamin Clark Joseph Heston John White Thomas Hillbourn George Chapman Isaac Wilson John Smith Abraham Clark, Stephen Wilson William Linton Joseph Ballance William Thompson, No. 4i. Captain JAMESON'S company fines for the year 17S1. John Briggs Joseph Twining John DunlH|i William Carver, William Heston Carried over 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 12 6 10 17 2 10 10 10 10 13 2 6 10 10 IS 13 •9 38 5 11 13 IC IC 2 6 10 12 6 12 15 13 10 Brought forward, ... 6t; IC 13 17 0- 14 10 12 19 John Fell 13 18 William ^\'oodford 10 12 10 10 6 n Captain NEELLEYS company, class fines for the year 17S1. John Jlerrick Thomas Cooper David Heston Eber Heston William Lee William Smith Joseph Tomlinson, jun John Phillips Jonathan Kinsey Thomas Smith, Mahlon Doan Whitson Canby Joseph Fell Edmund Smith William Lowndes Joshua Vansant, Enos Merrick David Reader Benjamin Wiggons Moses Harvev 11 1 3 6 12 17 6 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1.-. 6 it 12 1 «i l-j 13 14 JO 7 i:: 7 6 10 10 :. 14 10 10 10 214 G 3 Captain LEFFERT'S compan\-. class fines for the year 17S1. John Plumley William Plumley, ... Edmund Plumley, ... Joseph Thornton, ... Benjamin FJaftbourn, 10 10 (i 10 10 IS If, 13 ir, BUCKS COUNTY. Captain AVALKER'S company, class fines for the year 17S1. Abraham Shoemaker, 14 13 6 "William Pastores 10 10 John Hough 16 18 Thomas Paul 10 10 John Jones (son of Jont.;.. 10 10 Thomas Meredith 15 5 John Jones, jun 16 7 6 Jacob Paul 10 10 105 4 Capt. HOGELAND'S company, exer- cise fines for Oct. and Nov., 1781. Abraham Knifrht 1 8 "William Bayley, 1 8 Phineas Paxon 15 9 Obadiah "UMllet 1 S William Biles, 1 S Joseph Long-streth 1 8 Capt. EDAM'S company, exercise fines for Oct. and Nov., 1781. Paul Blaker "U^illiam Chapman. "William Cooper Thomas Spencer John Cooper Samuel Spencer William Blaker William Tomlinson, John Addi."-- Peter Blaker No. 50. Captain H.\RT'^^ company, exercise fines for Oct. and Nov., 17S1. Edward Eaton 1 S Henry Millar 1 S John Cotman 1 8 Carried orer 4 4 Brought forward 4 4 Nehemiah Addis, 1 8 Elijah "Walton 1 8 John Rankins 1 8 Jacob Cadwallader 1 8 Robert Millar 1 ^ S i> 8 '.- 8 S 1' S Capt. WILLI.\MSON'S company, ex- ercise fines for Oct. and No\., 1781. Mahlon Worthington Charles Chapman Benjamin Hampton Isaac Warner Oliver Hampton Stephen Smith David Warner. John Rose Abraham Smith Benjamin Chapman. Benjamin Hampton, jun. John Terry, jun Joseph Terry Asai^h "Warner Thomas Cunningham, ... Thomas Atkinson Isachar Morris Henrj- Pike Benjamin Smith, Capt. JAMESON'S company, exercise fines for Oct. and Nov., 1781. Mahlon Twining, .. Charles Pennington Jacob Clemonts, ... William Walton, .. Isaac Worthington, William Lee Watson Fell 8 S 8 s 8 8 s 58 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENAI TS. Capt. NEELLET'S company, exer- cise fines for Oct. and Nov., ITSi. John Atkinson Noah Slack, Zebulon Heston , Robert Beatty Abraham Harvey, jun Joseph Hicks, Timothy Bolderson, ... .John Knowles, John Taylor Benjamin Reader Joseph Verner, W'm. Smith (tanner), . John Beaumont, Ephraim Smith John Harvey John Taylor, jun Joseph Wi&gons, AVilliam Vanhorn John Randel Robert Thatcher Matthias Harvey Benjamin Taylor John Headly, Joseph Smith William Parker Robert M'Dowlen John Collins Thomas Furnis Carried over 1 s 5 R 1 S n 1 S 1 8 1 2 9 1 8 1 S 1 1 1 S 10 6 1 8 1 S 1 s 1 s 1 s 1 8 10 6 10 6 n 1 S 1 8 n 1 S 1 S 1 S 1 8 1 8 10 6 Brought forward C2 16 3 Andrew Collins 1 S Jeremiah Cooper 1 S Capt. LEFFERT'S company, exer- cise fines for Oct. and Nov., ITSl. John Blaker William Hayhurst. Cornelius Daily, ... Joseph Hayhurst, . Joseph Linton Jonathan Linton, .. Jonathan Shaw, .... John Crosdale Amos Subers William Penninston. Capt. WALKER'S company, exer- cise fines for Oct. and Nov.. ITSl. Zachariah Lewis 1 S Jonathan Jones 1 S George Kerns 1 8 Gilbert Rodman 1 8 Israel Comley 1 2 9 List of the Sub-Lieutenants of Bucks County, who have acted from March 1780. to April 1783. ANDREW KEICHLIXE. Esquire, WILLL\M M'HENRY. Esquire. GEORGE WALL, Esquire. JOSHUA ANDERSON. Esquire. Comptroller-General's Office, March 20th, 17S3. JOHN NICHOLSON. STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF Hon. George Wall, Esquire, SUB-LIEUTENANT OF BUCKS OOUlSrTY. I78O-I783. 02 o i St- •r o ^ c in c o '-J o Jo i rt 0) C ■^ C ^ £ o rfi c* o 03 U3 B i£ C 'r o ^ OC c « =^ o -; ^ C' 5 bt- o s - . : 02 0/ f^ c c tC Qj a; 0} ;m o; t. « - 53 tn C - ■ tt 02 (1) — - e« ; 5 — Q^ ^i c o H c ^ u: Hz ; X .2 6 3: -^ ; £ • "^ "rt Z <^ S : ::: ."SS - = == ■' o . - 5 OC' c c c - 62 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. 03 o o o o o c; o or-: c: - I 3c O (M IM -^ — L» 7-, 1-1 t-i 02 ^ jn c V. a; -C C c "Z "-r > o j3 i; -= a o -^ C q; ci ;= o IX S ==' !:, -' ^ '-^ S o ^ t- O i; — en -^ — O « -2 5 - = — ^ - O) ^ x o o ■" "5 "^ rt 2" c^j - o - "" r .:: ? o 2 a ^ tJ ^- \>>~ ^'o, P O 03 ii r t- o) -.-i '' Oi- -w OJ ~ c ir " "^ C ct ■J > o . = ■ r rt " rt cc a: _ c s — & - 2 ~ I 'i = I ^ P - ai^S £ ^'H" rrt-x — . ^ w* r^ ^ ,— ^ ^ BUCKS COUNTY. 62. n = :j m s o o o o — o o o o o o o o o o o w o O ,-1 o ,-1 T-1 CP K ;£ O C! Is r-'-C >> "re r. ;i '3 ^ Q ^ = J u a: "C U — ~ OC' •" ^ cS rt rt '^ •-=> C3 goo -^O o •: 6 .— -S ,-1 (M U 3 O o bc^ ■^ ■- t2 O ~4 ^ C^ ^ T^ r^ T -^ ^- ■= SJ. 5 - z: rt o - . o — • ^ > ''so i 1-5 g j= c s y^ ^ .^ ■7. 03 O 3 0.' ^ b£ c; u ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS, *r" eo O u a COO O Irt Irt lO t- O (TJ O LT O^DC;0C'^JC~00Ot~ T-IT-I1-IOC-5000KI O CO 00 Oi 1-1 1£ O « 35 ^^ O M M Tf O M O t- OiOO 1-1 T— 1—1 1—1 1—1 lO O 00 O Oi lO O 10 t~ U'^ T-l OC M< c- 1:0 o ^ -^ O 1— -^ LI O tr- CO 00 l-^ 1— I t>- CO i^ 10" -T « '^ ^ ^" "** 1-1 iH C^ (M , -3 -a o : -c . 00 -= • o t- O -r- a -S £ <^ ^ - 10 -^ -^ *3 ?i i^ j3 C'l o :r — .a 1 00 :^ "^ Qj 6 oc ^ "i— i^t:^ooj::_ if ■- i « o o ^ " C ^' CL ^ C " •- = r 0) ^ « S < ^ IT! 72 Z •-: COOOOCOOOOOOOOOO t- « 1 OS t-t rH «5 t- •>* 1-1 05 "C ~ , . rH s^J ^£ a a; c3 1-1 a 00 1-^ o -r _w^w^ --^ >, — jOOccoccoooooooo ooc 00 P.5Si5525S5c5ccc5S 25 5 55 BUCKS COUNTY. 65 C5 c 9 5: 1-1 o o o o o O O lO O iiS M 00 : o Si -i^ ^ j= 1-1 M Lo x: "^ <; rs 02 O 1-5 a j- o o o o _o §■3 -2255^ 5--6--3d Ser." "" " 00 ■«< o iH S ? '-^ e*< 00 MOO S 'S C^ -f t- CO •««• & lo o i' ; in in .S.5 00 -^ CO .00 00 t~ ti <-M •* t- t^ tn -^ -^ ^-a . 00 1-1 1-1 -»j be - U ^ .CO t- 1-1 T3 ' e-5 g ^5 « a; r; j3 00 1/ -co •— = 2?^^e - b5^S ,y Treas s, April : Sept.l line 11, 1784 U cc J2 '^ C3 CO . c- 5 a « i c "2 O 1-5 r- CO OJ o« m^ 3 tn X ^ a- ., TO ^^i Esq. itto Tho ; c C Q — -: - Q. rt 1! 1° i 0) 'O "3 5 SS 2-2 t^ ! tfc ^■''.S^ -^ O ' £ : ^ c t, T-l *- C'^ ^ ■^ ,-r "S "^ — o o ■ ^ ^ -—> c •5 .t; 5 ^ " '5 ~ •- 'ri ■"" - cxcQ tas M S " c 5: 66 ACCOUXIS or LIEUTENAN TS. o '^ O « 00 OO eg K O O O -2 S" ^' o ."J O Q V O " " S ~ '^ .'"''"* B5 M - n ^ S CV) ~ Oj _2 tc ^ CD h, c*^ t, . j^- ^ S ~ 5 « ^' ?= m : -r d^o*- '^'~' -■^ .„- '^ re = - S '^ * .■ ^ CD •-- ?5 .- U "^ O •- -a. „ c ~ 'I' 5 >> • '-I ||"i||if^'« •" « = S-Sm^^ »=-^ ic . r? ^' :::; ,„ - c >. a P'j-~"^~'03CDOC«a ;=- = o . B"^ Z '^ ^ -5 M . - ? i£ .r: - £ ~ p" re ~ 2 ~" **^ c c'"' '"' "-I -1 fe S .5 ~ M re — c /-, tn s; CO CD o «2 o a- -« . - ■ a; ►^ •- « _; . 03 t) Ot,TOa/C='-Wc ^^ S eg. a, a' o) c « _ _ CD ic '-' -. ^ L.-; = - c o = ..;:; 5 =^regSc„£ O CM n, :^G cS^. = X S re CT ^ .- ^ .~ O "^ '^ CM i ": ~ ~ , CM — -- C^J - C CO - ?g C? ^ T-l . 'i; re t- _ ^ ^ a: c - cs o 2 i '^ - ^ JUCCW f- -< »r BUCKS COUNTY. 67 O CO Ci 00 a to o B a- o f> a x: = 5 2 -^ -r x: OJ o CO t« CD a ^og o ?5 « OS 68 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Exercise Fines for Al>ril and May, 1780. Capt. PATTERSON'S company. Joseph Moore Mose.s Marshall. ... Matthias Smith Isaac Clymer Peter Cooper Matthias Wildonger. John Praul Jeremiah Williams, . Emanuel Pidcock, ... Ambrose Barcroft, .. Joseph While John White Peter Stover Christian Fratz John Fratz, Mark Fratz John Culp Shewalter Martin Overholt, ... Christian Fratz Tilman Culp George Keller, William Cooper Martin Overholi Henry Crout Amos Beans Joseph Nash, Staats Overhalt AVilliam Keller Capt. THOMAS'S company. John Kinsey 72 Thomas Bye 72 Thomas Kinsey 72 u William Belts 72 James Bradshaw. . . . George Kinsey Joseph Kirk Thomas Smith George Kelly Joseph Beal A\'illiam Curry Carried over 2C,c,i 27 U 72 27 u 5S 10 1!S u 40 10 4." u 72 72 72 72 72 72 71 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 (1 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 n fl 72 72 72 II 72 p 72 72 UroUKht for\varJ 2GG4 James Boner 72 Joshua Walton 72 Joseph Car\'er, 72 A\'illiam Chapman 72 Nathaniel EUicol 72 David Newburn 72 William Worthinglon 72 Joseph Carver, 72 Stephen Bells 72 John Ely 72 John Belts 72 John Melone. 72 Abner Ely 72 Robert Smith 72 Watson Welding 72 William Ely 72 John Thomas, 72 Joel Carver, 72 William Kimble 72 Nathan Hummer 72 William Carver, 72 Isaac Lacey 72 John Richardson, 72 John Beal 72 Thomas Kirk 72 John Kimble 72 Evan Thomas: 72 William Kirk 72 David Tucker 72 Benjamin Wood 72 Thomas Watson 72 John Bradfield 72 Nathan Scholfield 72 George Kinsey 72 Jacob Culp 72 John Fell 72 Joseph Pickering 72 Joseiih Large, jun 72 John Bradfield 72 Benjamin Cutler 72 John Preston, 72 Jolin Walton 72 Jona. Kinsey. taylor 72 John Perry, 72 •J IJ u y Carried over nSo BUCKS COUNTY. 69 Brought over 5832 David Wilson Joseph Gilbert George Mitchell, .... Stephen Wilson John Kinsey Christian Wyerman. John Robins Eleaaer Fenton, Patrick Fenton, .... Thomas Fell Jacob Walton, Philip Perry, jun., Seneca Fell, David Bradshaw, ... Oliver Wilson, Jesse Gilbert, John Large John Limeberger, .. Samuel Fell, John Burges, Cornelius Shaver, ... David Gilbert George Walter, Hugh Ely, jun , John Wireman Zenas Fell Amos Bradshaw Joseph Preston Enoch Shrigly, William Preston. ... Samuel Preston Jonathan Beans, — Amos White Thomas Wood Ephraim Evans, William Harrold, ... Thomas Carver, Randle Fenton, Capt. M'HEXRYS compa Henry Culp Jacob Landis Jacob Angony, Jacob Meyer Frederick Etherholt Carried over, S9 u 1) (J (1 u u u •) u II (F Brought forward 892S n Daniel Gross Henry Rickert David Culp John Godschalk John Hevener, Abraham Black Henry Repert Abraham Culp Jacob I.,andi? John Tidwiler .\braham Roderick. ... Jacob Angony, jun., . Jacob Culp Peter Shewalter, John Cooper, jun Isaac Overholt Jacob Crout (Christian Clymer, Jacob Hockman, Elick Kinnard Abraham Pevekyser, . Jacob Landis, William Syer Jacob Stover -■Miraham Letherman. John Tlnsman Ulrick Stover Anthony Salter Adam Tinsman Joseph Townsend Abraham Wismer, Jacob Yost Jacob Fratz Abraham Fratz, sen., Jacob Tinsman Peter Loucks, Abraham Fratz. jun., Abraham Culp Henry Fratz Daniel Fulmer Christian Hockman, ... John Kepert Jacob Loucks }'eter Tinsman '1 .1 <> Carried over, 70 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought oVL-r 12,090 John Loucks Jacob Overholt, . Jacob Letherman, Henry Overholt, . Rudolph Landis, 72 72 72 72 72 Capt. HESTER'S company. A\'illiam Roberts Joseph Skelton Anthony Hartley Benjamin Beans Joseph Hamilton Hugh Ely Een.iamin Whitson Joseph PaxEon Aaron Paxson James Dubree, Reuben Pownal , Jesse Pickering William M'Gill John BalOerston Joseph Beans Benjamin Hartley, sen., Samuel Hartley Jacob Paxson .Samuel Armiiage John Ely Joseph Ely, jun David Kitchin John Wilkinson Edward Blackfan Joseph Eastburn, Jonathan Balderston, ... Abraham Paxson Joseph White, Samuel Scholfield Isaac Scarborough Kbenezer Doan Christian Pearson John Wilson David Whiston Jonathan Pickering. ... Jacob Dean John Price John Skelton u II 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Carried over 15,192 Brought forward Ilj,iy2 John Hutchinson 72 Jonas Paxson 72 John Hamilton 72 William Townsend, 72 John Pickering 72 Yeamans Gillinghani 72 Simeon Pownal 72 John Blackfan 72 Mordecai Balderston 72 William Mitchener 72 James Armitage 72 Jonas Barcroft 72 William HartU-y 72 Thomas Rice 72 John Pownal 72 Joseph Wilkinson 72 George Pownal 72 I^evi Pownal 72 Thomas Rose 72 Andreew Collins 72 Jonathan Doan 72 Thomas Simonton 72 John Peters 72 Thomas Phillips 72 Robert Walker 72 Benjamin Roberts 72 Thomas Brown 72 Joseph Rice 72 Mahlon Paxson 72 Timothy Scott 72 John M'Gill 72 Wm. Kitchen, taylor 72 Oliver Paxson :. 72 Joseph Paxson, jun., 72 Thomas Carey 72 John Armitage 72 William Blackfan 72 George Ely 72 Enoch Betts 72 Matthias Hutchinson 72 Benjamin Paxson 72 James Davis 72 James Paxson 72 James Hamilton 72 IJ c I' IJ n 1) u '! c n 11 Carried over 1S.360 BUCKS COUNTY. Brought over, Brought forward, -Robert Eastburn ~- William Barcrofi "- Stephen TownsenJ, 72 Joseph Fisher "- 1 Isaiah Paxson ">- 0| Aaron Phillips. "'- o| John Kitchen, 72 i %\'illiam Waterhouse '2 O! T\'illiam Belts 72 Capi. GRIER'S company. -Abraham Duston '2 John Crotz 72 Jacob Hunsecker "2 Abraham Foulk 72 Philip Lacey 72 John Hoy 72 Daniel Rickart 72 Hooper Castle "2 John Vertz 72 Geor?e Hickler 72 Isaac Funk 72 Henry Lacey 72 Abraham Wismer 72 Abraham Huntsburj- 72 John Licey 72 Christopher Myers 72 Christian Huntsbury 72 Jacob Snyder '2 Michael Snyder 72 Matthias Johnson 72 Jacob High 72 Daniel High 72 Abraham Hendricks 72 Isaac Williams, 40 William Shaw 72 Capt. GIBSON'S company. Oi ol ^ ol o| 10 Abraham Brown, Thomas Polton, .. Abraham Black. Joseph Rich Elias Carey, John Smith John Bradshaw, . Daniel CarlisK-, . Uavid Kerr Samuel Carey Israel Doan, John Myers Jonathan Coombs. Joseph Doan Jonathan Carlisle, Abraham Overholt, Mahlon Mitche»er, . Josiah Brown Thomas Shaw, — William Bradshaw. Henry Myers William Mitchener, John Clawson Joseph Child Meshech Mitchener, John Carey John Cutler Alexander Shaw, .. John Carlisle Jacob Nunnemaker, George Shaw Christian Gayman, Ezekiel Hazel, Edward Good Andrew EUicot, ... Michael Black, ... Smith Price John Shaw Aaron Smith Samuel Shaw Nehemiah Smith, . James Shaw, Jonathan Hough, . Everard Conard, .. Jonathan Shaw. ... Cephas Child Francts Good Joseph Conard Joseph Mitchener, Joseph Straddler, Henrv Pike Alexander Rich, .. Peter Woods 71 , 21.352 10 'J ') fl 10 10 I.' 10 Carried over 21,352 10 Carried over 24,323 72 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over, ....24,32S (I Henry Myers George Mitchener, George Sheltinger, ':•'> 2 2 Ci Capt. EVANS'S company. John Sellers, Henry Sellers, ... Peter Sellers Micvhael Hartsley Abraham Cobe, ... George Delp Jacob Applezeller, Abraham Sellers, Adam Cobe, Jonah Thomas, ... Jacob Cobe Job Thomas Abel Miller Levi Thomas Amos Vastine, ... Adam Fowler Elias Thomas, .... a u 72 Capt. DARROCHS company. Henry Rosenberger, John Root Samuel Bergj- Abraham Clymer, . John Miller Jacob Sliver John Lapp, Owen Thomas Jacob Miller Thomas Jones Frederick Repanl, Mark Fratz Owen Swartz Christian Etherhali Isaac Lapp John Tidwiler Christian Rhor, ... Andrew Swartz, ... Christian Miller, .. Christian Clymer, . Evan Stevens John Fly Jonathan A'astine. 10 (I Brought forward 27,1GT 10 John Garner, 72 o John Lapp 7:; o David Root 72 U Enos Jones 72 o David Worthington, 72 U Gabriel Swartzlander 72 John Penington 72 i Carried over 27,1(;7 10 Carried over, I'G BUCKS COUNTY. Brought over in) Thomas Polton 90 Joseph Rich 90 Elias Carey 90 C John Smith, 90 John Bradshaw 90 Daniel Carlisle 90 David Kerr, 90 Samuel Carey, 9»5 Israel Doan 90 John Myers, 90 Jonathan Coombs 33 13 Jonathan Carlisle 90 Joseph Doan 67 10 Mahlon Mitchencr 90 Josiah Brown 90 William Bradshaw 90 AVilliam Mitchener 90 Joseph Child 56 5 Meshech Mitchener 56 5 John Carey 56 5 John Cutler 56 5 d Alexander Shaw 56 5 George Shaw 56 5 Henry Myers 56 5 Christian Gayman 56 5 Edward Good 56 5 Philip Croats 56 5 Andrew Ellicott 56 5 John Shaw 56 5 Aaron Smith 56 5 Samuel Shaw, 56 5 Jonathan Shaw 56 5 Cephas Child 56 5 Francis Good 56 5 Joseph Conard 56 5 Joseph Michener 56 5 Joseph Straddling 56 5 Nehemiah .Smith 56 5 James Shaw, 56 5 George Mitchener 56 5 Everard Conard 56 5 Smith Price 33 15 Henry Pike 56 5 Brought forward, Carried over. Capt. THOMAS'S compan\ James Tate Jacob Culp John Fell, weaver, ... Jona. Kinsey. tanner, Joseph Pickerinp: Benjamin Cutler John Preston John Walton John Perry, Joseph Church David Wilson John Gillinsham Joseph Gilbert. William Fell George Mitchell Stephen Wilson John Kinsey, saddler, . Christian Wyerman, . Eleazer Fenton Thomas Fell, smith Jacob Walton Jacob Andury , Nathan Fell David Bradshaw Oliver Wilson Jacob Landis John Large John I '1 90 11 90 (■ 90 'i 90 u 90 90 90 " 90 A 90 56 5 56 5 56 3 56 5 (, .'.« 5 55 r, 56 5 56 5 56 5 56 56 "> (1 56 5 56 z Carried over 599'J 12 74 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over 5990 12 C Philii) Perry, jun 90 David Smith W Thomas Watson, jun ,40 Miles Marthing-dale 90 John Kinsey 90 Thomas Bye 90 Joseph Lacey 90 Thomas Kinsey 90 "U'illiam Betts 90 George Kinsey 90 Thomas Smith, jun 90 George Kelly 90 OJ Joseph Smith 90 ol Joseph Worthington 90 1 Isaac "Wiggins 90 Joseph Beal 90 i James Boner, 90 ol Joseph Barbin 90 01 Joseph Carver 56 5 o| Kathaniel Elllcott, 56 5 David Newburn, 56 5 i Joseph Carver 90 o| John Ely, 56 5 ' John Betts 56 5 0! Joel Carver r.B 5 Nathan Hummer 56 5 o! "^MUiam Carver, 56 5 ■ Isaac Lacey 56 5 Oi John Beal 56 5 oi Rudolph Grower 56 5 0| Capt. II'HEXRY'S Company. Henry Culp, Jacob Landis, Jacob Crout Christian Clymer, ... Daniel Fratz Jacob Hockman, Alexander Kennard, Jacob Angony Jacob Myers Frederick Etherholt, Henry Rickart Jacob Stover Abraham Whistler, 90 90 90 90 90 90 Carried over ^z"" 90 90 90 90 90 c--^- „ Brought forward 9523 Abraham Letherman 90 John Tinsman 90 Ulrick Stover, 90 Anthony Slater 9<3 Adam Tinsman, 90 Joseph Townsend 90 Daniel Gross 90 Jacob Yost 9<3 Jacob Fratz 90 Abraham Fratz 90 Jacob Tinsman 90 Peter Loucks 90 David Culp 90 Jacob Godschalk 90 Henry Landis iX) John Hevener 90 Abraham Fratz, jun 90 Abraham Culp 9*) Henry Fratz 90 Christian Hockman 90 John Kepard 90 Isaac Overholt 9(i Jacob Loucks 90 Rudolph Stover 99 Henry Kepard 90 Peter Tinsman 9t) John Loucks 90 Joseph Lear; 90 Jacob Overholt. 90 Jacob Letherman 90 John Tidwiler 90 Jacob Angony 90 Jacob Culp 90 Abraham Overholt 90 -Abraham Wismer 90 Henry Rickart, jun., 90 Henry Overholt 90 Jacob Overholt 90 Rudolph Landis 90 Anthony Lewer 90 John Black 90 « c Capt. KESTER'S Company. Joseph Skelton 90 Benjamin Beans 9er Henry Rosenberger, . . . John Ruth Samuel Bergy, Alexander Forman Abraham Clymer George Buzzard John Redlion John Godschalk, John Miller Jacob Sliver John Lapi\ yeoman, .. John Whistler Jacob Holderman 90 90 73 2 r, 90 c 90 90 90 9il 90 90 n "0 G7 10 90 90 n 90 9'j 90 90 Carried over. 2ij,036 5 76 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over 20,036 Abraham Crotz OO Jacob Coil, 'jO Jacob Miller '0 Thomas Jones '.»i Mark Fratz £"' Christian Clymer W Al>raham Uverholt I'H John Pennington 90 Christian Miller 56 John Fly 56 John Garner r,6 Robert Kirkbride 56 Owen Swartz, 56 David Ruth 56 Thomas Beal 56 David Worthinglon 56 Christian Etherholt 56 Isaac Lapp 56 Evan Stevens 56 Henry Paxson 56 Ashbel John 50 John Tidwiler ,6 Christian Rhor 56 Andrew Swartz 5(j Christian Swartz 56 Henry Ruth 56 Jonathan Vastine 5G Jesse Fell, ,-6 Thomas Good 56 ■\Villiam Godschalk 56 Samuel Godschalk re Enos Jones ",6 Joseph Fell, 56 Thomas Fell 56 Elijah Russell 56 William Beal 56 James Worthington, 56 John Elankinghorn, 56 Emanuel Stiley 56 (J 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Capt. PATTERSON'S Company. Moses Marshall John Praul Jeremiah "Williams, Emanuel Pidcock, . Carried over, .. Brought forward 22,775 12 6 Ambrose Barcroft, Joseph White, .... Peter Stover Christian Fratz, . . Mark Fratz Jacob Showalter, . Christian Fratz, .. George Keeler William Cooper, ... Martin Overholt, . Henry Crout Amos Beans, Joseph Nash William Keeler, ... Peter Shuman Anthony Weger, . . Abraham Overholt, Capt. GRIER'S Company. Abraham Dustin I'" Felty Root '.*'} Jacob AVismer, PJ John Hoy, .Vi Henry Liey v') Abraham Wismer Abraham Huntsbury, ... John Lisey Christian Myers Christian Huntsbury Matthias Johnson Abraham Funk Christian Crotz Hooper Castle, John Vert Georgre Hickler Jacob Snyder Jacob Hoy Daniel Hoy Abraham Hendricks Felty Crotz, Capt. EVANS'S Company. Peter Sellers. ... Michael Hartsley Abraham Cobe. Georgre Delp Carried over. 56 5 56 5 56 5 r.6 5 56 5 56 5 56 5 ?') J*) M i^O 00 bG 5 56 5 56 5 5C 5 56 5 56 5 56 5 56 5 56 5 56 5 a 9) f'O r.,; BUCKS COUNTY. 77 Brought o\er 2j, iJb]. fc Jacob Crissman T-O Abraham Sellers 09 7 6 Jnhn Dunnehaver J6 5 Jacob Cobe r>G 5 Job Thomas 36 5 Levi Thomas ".6 5 Adam Fowler 56 5 Elias Thomas w: n £20.223 V. No. in. Class Fines for August, 17S0. Capt. THOM.\S"S Company. ■Charles Carter r.5S ]5 "William Chapman 3.5o 5 James Anderson r)40 David Newburn ITil 7 6 Joseph Carver, jun 270 Cornelius Ruth 542 o John Bradfield. jun 200 n James Stirk 200 John Robbins 270 15 Eleazer Fenton G25 10 Patrick Fenton 200 Thomas Fell, jun 578 5 Jacob Walton 59415 Ambrose Polton 270 Jacob Andury 270 Nathan Fell F40 Isaac Harding 272 5 Thomas Furniss 5-10 15 John Ely 594 15 John Freestone 150 John Betts 540 John Melone 100 Robert Smith 540 Dennis Austin 50 Robert M'Kinstry 540 John Flack 541 2 6 I.'a\id Bradshaw 570 'J i"i Oliver Wilson 54u o ■Charles Polton 50 Carried over 11,195 15 Brought forward, .. ....11,195 15 l.-,0 540 John M' Cloud ."0 540 C06 r Simon Trebut 100 Mahlon Fell 544 412 1.1 Henrv Stirk 295 17 f. 540 Zenas Fell 60S 504 641 Enoch Shrigley 270 15 600 15 ,540 n 61S 201 13 445 U Ephraim Evans 101) 2"0 15 Uriah Huehes .540 Capt. KESTER'S Company. William Mitchener. .. Moruecai Balderston, James Armitage, ... 540 510 Carried over 29,076 3 9 78 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over 29,076 3 9 Jonas Barcroft S40 William Hartley 599 o Thomas Rice 2(K) William Broadhurst 100 Joseph Wilkinson '■10 Levi Pownal o40 Thomas Rose iTl ]0 Andrew Collins oil 'J Jonathan Doan 540 o Thomas Phillips 540 Robert Walker 647 10 Thomas Paxson, 592 10 Moses Paxson 6U2 '6 :j IJenjamin Roberts 540 Hezekiah Hasel! 512 Edward Good 311 Philip Crotz y.Ct Thomas Dyer, esq., 307 Joseph Britton 317 Andrew EUicott .''19 John Carlisle 332 Michael Black 295 Smith Price 85 Peter Wood 350 John Shaw N74 Aaron Smith 360 Peter Kester 2'J'i Nathan Huddkston 492 Samuel Shaw, 27ii George Shittinger ^>"> CTiristian Perig, 2h John Seeas 100 Jonathan Shaw, jun 54it Cephas Child, jun ■411 Francis Good 3".(i Nathaniel Britton 522 Carried over 6:^.34s V, 10 '1 1^ 6 12 6 n^ 10 5 10 ■■) 10 7 6 10 II r e 'I 7 c BUCKS COUNTY. 7& Brought over 6i,?AS Michael Walter 424 Joseph Conard, 550 Thomas Hill r,40 Andrew Black 540 John Fitsingpr .".4ii Joseph Mitchener 'J4U Joseph Stradling, 540 Edward Updegrave 310 James Shaw, 2SH Joseph Duncai! 270 Jonathan Stough 2^'J Jesse Britton 540 John Brown 27u Everard Codard 2Co Henry Pike 540 Jacob Duncan 270 James M'Mullan, 270 Ezra Lowder, 270 7 G Capt. DARROCH'S Company. Jacob Creature 100 John Fri- 540 John Gardner, 292 John Lapp 294 Robert Kirkbride, 615 James Thomas 169 Joseph Fell 270 Enos Jones oW George Congle 10 • Owen Swarts 560 Joseph Robinson 100 Lewis Lunn 20'i Conard Swartslander lno Thomas Beal 2S2 Pavid "Worthington 5S6 Christian Overholt 540 Isaac Lapii 540 Edward Matthew 56o Evan Stevens 272 Henry Paxson, , 270 David Stevens UW Ashbell JohD 540 Richard Wilgus 273 Matthew Elder 27ii James Worthington 54i' Carried over 79,22! 10 5 3 ll ■) 15 10 5 Brought forward, 79,223 11 6 John Blankinghorn Ziij u u David Davis, 300 Benjamin Matthew 131 10 John Tidweilei 504:.. Christian Rhor 5 4 " ■' Zachariah Tedrow 300 Andrew Swarts, 543 Jacob Swarts 5Si5 Jonathan A'astine, 270 '' Jesse Fell 412 i o Edward Doyl luO .0 Jenkin Jones 112 u o William Godschalk 2oo u o Josiah James, luo u i' Elijah Russell 54u u u Capt. PATTERSON'S Company. George Keeler 150 John Skyoc 50 Jacob Hauswerth 54ii ( Michael Strouse I'Xi >' Ambrose Barcroft 2imi n John White IW <' Joseph White 32.1 ." Peter Stover 2S2 " Martin Overholt 562 10 Amos Beans 2oO (■ Joseph Nash 2SS 17 Staats Overholt Iw Peter Shuman 540 Christian Fratz 357 C Mark Fratz 600 (j John Fratz 270 Jacob Earling 327 13 William Erwin, jun 540 John Bailey 300 Tilman Kulp 75 Michael Walter 202 Emanuel Pidcock 27 i Jaoob Neece lOH .\aron Vanderbelt 311 Anthony "SA'ickard 54ii Peter Long, 150 Jacob Crow, li>) John Fare 27ii William Keeler 510 10 If n " n n Carried over. . . 92.975 19 80 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over, 92.975 19 Thomas Stewart 134 Peter Snyder 100 J John Nolton .100 C o Capt. GRIER'S Company. John Crotz 090 Jacob Hunt.saker o;i4 Abi'aham Funk, .'i40 Philip Lisceity lOi) Christian Crotz 3n Hooper Castle 570 John Vert 56'.i George Hickler Mi Isaac Funk 'A'' Jacob Snyder jdO John Matthews 54'j Michael Snyder 10 j Matthias Housekeeper 270 George Sciple 5S0 Jacob Hoy 270 Daniel Hoy 5G0 Abraham Hendricks 560 Isaac Williams L72 Nathaniel Jones, 5S0 Joseph Reeder, luo Capt. EVAXS"S Company. Morris Morris 10« John Dunnehaver JOJ Henry Price 750 Edward Jones 30110 Jonathan Heaton 10) Joseph Thomas, sen 540 Levi Thomas .570 Amos Vastine 27S 5 Adam Fowler l.jO Elias Thomas 575 Daniel Pugh IW o Ebenezer Owen 27'J Cadwalader Morris 2SS 15 Joseph Morris 1)2 Abel Owen, C lO William Thomas 270 Amos Thomas .-73 Jacob Cobe ,-,;i" Job Thomas :,7h n 'J 'J u 12 6 Carried over. Brought forward 108,^59 1 6 John Matthias 270 Capt. M' HENRY'S Company. David Kulp 362 John Godschalk 540 Michael Weisell 100 Joseph Maitland 100 Henry Landis, 270 John Hoovener 540 Henry Fratz 270 Christian Hockman 540 John Fluke 556 John Stingar 540 John Capari 150 Isaac Overholt 542 John Cooper 100 Jacob Loucks, 540 Rudolph Stover 54i'> Henry Kephard, 540 William Darroch n3 Abraham Kulp 270 John Pevekyser 100 Benjamin Ott .50 Peter Tinsman 540 John Loucks 540 Joseph Lear 270 Jacob Overholt .556 Jacob Letherman 540 John Tidweiler 540 Henry Reinard 702 Abraham Roderick lOiJ Henry Rickart 562 Peter Showalter 100 Jacob Angony 561 Henry Eagle .566 Jacob Kuli) 270 Henry Overholt 040 Peter Ott 100 Rudolph Landis l<40 Conard Martin 100 Peter Shipe 279 ■■) H u £122,403 1 6 BUCKS COUNTY. 81 No. IV. Exercise Fines for the Spring of 17S1. Capt. EVANS'S Company. Michael Hartzell 1 4 George Delp 1 i Jacob Crisman, 1 4 Jonah Thomas 1 4 Jacob Cope J 4 Job Thomas 1 4 Levi Thomas 1 4 Capt. GRIER'S Company. Abraham Dustin, 1 Felty Root, 1 Jacob Wismer, 1 Daniel Rickard 1 Henry Lisey 1 Abraham Wismer 1 John Lisey 1 Christian Myer.« 1 Christian Huntsbury ] Matthias Johnson 1 John Crotz 1 Jacob Hunslcker 1 Christian Crotz 1 John Wirt 1 George Hickler, 1 Jacob Snyder 1 Michael Snyder 1 Jacob Hoy i Daniel Hoy 1 Felty Crotz 1 Isaac Gulp 1 Jacob Houser 1 -John Hoy 1 Capt. THOMAS'S Company Georg-e Kinsey Jonathan Kin.=ey Joseph Pickering Benjamin Cutler John Preston John Kinsey David Wilson John Gillingham Joseph Gilbert Brought forward 4G 10 Stef'hen Wilson . 1 4 Richard Meredith 1 4 Eleazer Fenton 1 4 Thomas Fell 1 4 Jacob Walton l 4 Nathan Fell 1 4 David Bradshaw, 1 4 Oliver Wilson 1 4 Jesse Gilbert 1 4 John Large, ,l 4 j Francis Tomlinson, 1 4 Solomon Vickers 1 4 (J David Gilbert 1 4 George Walter 1 4 Hugh Ely, jun 14 Zenas Fell l l Amos Bradshaw 1 4 Josepli Preston 1 4 William Preston, 1 4 u Jonathan Beans l i o Thomas Wood 1 4 Thomas Carver 1 4 Philip Parry l 4 Thomas Watson l 4 John Bradfield \ 4 John Kinsey ] 4 o Thomas Bye l i o William Betts i 4 11 George Kelly 1 4 Joseph Smith 1 4 u Isaac Wiggins 1 4 Joseph Beal ] 4 u Joshua Walton 1 1 Joseph Carver 1 4 Joseph Worthington 1 1 William Chapman 1.4 Nathaniel ElUcot ] 4 David Newburn 1 4 John Ely, 1 4 John Preston 1 4 John Betts ] 4 Watson Welding ] 4 g Carried over 6--6-3d Ser. 46 16 Carried over 9912 82 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over 99 12 William Ely 1 4 Joseph Carver, 1 4 William Carver 1 4 Thomas Patten 1 4 Isaac Lacey, 1 4 Joseph Richardson 1 4 John Beal 1 4 Ci Thomas Kirk. 1 4 John Kimble 1 4 G William Kinsey 1 4 C Joseph Harvey 1 4 Brought forward ICO 18 Capt. GIBSON'S Company. Abraham Brown 1 4 Thomas Polton 1 4 George Mitchener 1 4 Elias Carey 1 4 John Smith 1 4 John Bradshaw 1 4 Daniel Carlisle 1 4 David Kerr 1 4 Samuel Carey, 1 4 Israel Doan 1 4 John Myers 1 4 Jonathan Carlisle, 1 4 Joseph Doan 1 4 Meshech Mitchener 1 4 Josiah Brown 1 4 William Bradshaw 1 4 Robert Thorne 1 4 Henry Myers 1 4 Joseph Child 1 4 Mahlon Mitchener 1 4 John Carey 1 4 John Cutler 1 4 Alexander Shaw, 1 4 George Shaw 1 4 Christian Gayman 1 4 Edward Good 1 4 Philip Crotz 1 4 Henry Myers 1 4 Smith Price IS John Shaw 1 4 Aaron Smith 1 4 Samuel Shaw 1 4 Carried over, 150 IS j Nathaniel Ellicott, i Jonathan Shaw, .. ! Cephas Child I Francis Good I Joseph Conard, I Joseph Mitchener, Joseph Stradling, . Nehemiah Smith, . James Shaw, John Dyer Everard Conrad, . . . William Barcroft, . Jacob Nunnemaker, 2 9 Capt. DARROCH'S Company. Jacob Yeathers John Duncan Gabriel Swartslander. Jonathan Worthington John Kemper Henry Rosenberger. Samuel Bergy Alexander Forman, ... Abraham Clymer George Buzzard John Godschalk Jacob Stiver John Lapp John Whistler Jacob Holdinian, Abraham Crotz Jacob Koil .Jacob Miller Christian Clymer Abraham Overholt John Pennington Christian Miller John Floy John Garner Robert Kirkbride, Owen Swarts David Ruth Thomas Beak I>aviil Worthington. ... Christian Etherhr.U. .. Carried over 202 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 BUCKS COUNTY. S3 Bruoght over 202 8 9 Isaac Lapp 1 4 Even Stevens 1 4 Henry Paxson, 1 4 Ashbell John 14 John Tidwiler 1 4 Christian Rhor 1 4 Andrew Swarts, 1 4 Henry Ruth, sen 14 Jonathan Vastine, 1 4 Jesse Fell 1 4 Thomas Good 1 4 Samuel Godschall^ 1 4 David Evans 1 4 Henry Ruth 1 4 Joseph Fell 1 4 Elijah Russell 1 4 Jonathan Worthingtoii, 14 Isaac Gill 4 6 Emanuel Stitley l 4 Abraham Ruth, 4 6 Philip Swartslander 9 Jacob Lapp 1 4 John Grove 9 Abraham Wismer 4 6 Jeremiah Vastine, 4 6 Nicholas Kline, 9 Bruoght forward 247 17 Capt. M'HENRT'S Company. Henry Culp, Jacob Landis, Jacob Crout, Christian Clymer, ... Daniel Fratz Abraham Pevek.yser, Christian Fratz, Jacob Angony Jacob Myers Frederick Elheilmlt. Henry Rickart Jacob Stover Abraham Wismer, .. Ahraham Lethermaii. John Tinsman Uiruk Stnver Amhi'iiN- Slater Cairied over II Adam Tinsman, ... Joseph Townsend, Abraham Wismer, Daniel Gross, Abraham Fratz, .. Abraham Black, .. Jacob Overholt, ... Rudolph Landis, .. John Godschalk, ... Jacob Tinsman, ... David Culp Peter Loucks Henry Landis, John Hevener Abraham Fratz, ... Abraham Culp, . . . Henry Fratz Christian Hockman, Isaac Overholt, ... Jacob Loucks Rudolph Stover, ... Henry Kepard Abraham Culp, Jacob Landis Peter Tinsman, ... John Loucks Jacob Overholt, ... Jacob Letherman, . John Tidwiler Henry Lott, Jacob Angony, Henry Eagle Peter Shewalter, ... Henry Overholt, . . . Anthony Lear, Jacob Jliller Capt. KESTER'S Cmopanjr. ! :inat:i;ni I'rttii. I lanii's Hmiilton, I :iu;jli Klv .\arnn Paxson, .. Keulppn Pownal, .ies>i> Pickering, Uilliaiu .M'liill, t'.irrii'd over. 1 4 1 4 1 i 1 4 1 4 (1 1 4 c 1 4 1 4 IJ u e 298 14 9 84 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over L'yS H John Balderston 1 -1 Joseph Beans 1 4 Samuel Hartley, 1 4 Jacob Paxson 1 4 Thomas Lewis 1 4 David Kitchen, 1 4 Edward Blacktan 1 4 Jonathan Balderston, 14 -Abraham Paxson 1 4 Joseph White 1 4 Samuel Scholfield 1 4 Isaac Scarborough, 1 4 Ebenezer Doan 1 4 Jonathan Pickering, 1 4 Jacob Dean, 9 John Barcroft, jun 1 4 John Hamilton, 1 4 William Townsend 1 4 John Pickering, 1 4 Yeamans GlUingham 1 4 John Blackson 1 4 William Mitchener 1 4 Mordecai Balderston 1 4 James Armilage 1 4 Jonas Barcroft 1 4 William Hartley 1 4 Thomas Rice 1 4 George Pownal, 1 4 Levi Pownal 1 4 Thomas J^imington 1 4 Thomas Phillips 1 4 Robert Walker, jun 1 4 Moses Paxson 1 4 Benjamin Roberts 1 4 Thomas Brown, 1 4 William Kitchen 1 4 Joseph Paxson 1 4 John Kugler 1 4 Thomas Carey, 1 4 John Armltage 1 4 William Blackston 1 4 George Ely 1 4 Henry Lear 1 4 Enoch Betts 9 Brought forward 350 Matthias Hutchinson 1 Benjamin Paxson 1 Joseph Hamilton 1 Joseph Paxson 1 Robert Eastburn 1 William Betts, 1 William Hill 1 Samuel Smith, 1 Thomas Paxson, jun 1 Samuel Eastburn, 1 Joseph Hutchinson 1 Carried over, Class Fines for September, 178i Capt. THOMAS'S Company. John Kinsey 10 In .lames Bradshaw, 5 5 George Kinsey. wheelr 5 5 Jacob Kulp 13 15 Jonathan Kinsey, turn., .. 4 2 6 Joseph Pickering 15 15 Philip Parry, jun 10 ID Benjamin Kinsey. tan 10 10 Solomon Vlckers 5 5 George Kinsey, joiner 13 Joseph Kirk 10 10 Thomas Smith, jun 10 10 Thomas Watson, jun 10 10 John Bradfield 10 13 9 Benjamin Cutler 12 15 John Preston, jun 14 9 John Walton 10 30 John Parry 12 7 6 Joseph Wilson 3 George Kelly 15 10 Isaac Wiggins 5 Joseph Beal 10 10 Joseph Church 10 10 David Wilson 13 10 Joseph Gilbert 2 10 William Corry 33 Carried over 259 12 9 BUCKS COUNTY. 85 Brought over 253 12 Joseph "U'orthington, 10 10 David Smith I'l in Stephen Wilson 10 10 John Kinsey, saddler 1117 David Fell IT Capt. KESTER'S Company. Joseph Skelton 15 1 Hugh Ely 10 1 James Dubree, - Jesse Pickering H William M-Gill 12 Joseph Kugler 10 John Balderston 13 Joseph Beans 13 Jacob Paxson 13 John Ely 9 Joseph Ely, jun 10 David Kitchen ' Edward Blackfan 5 Jonathan Balderston 11 Abraham Paxson -- Joseph White 10 Samuel Scholfield, 15 Ebenezer Doan 10 John Wilson G Jonathan Pickering 15 John Barcroft, jun 6 Jona. Kinsey, taylor 2 William Townsend 12 John Pickering, jun 10 Yeamans Gillingham 21 John Blackfan 10 Capt. GIBSON'S Company. Thomas Polton 5 George Mitchener, jun. Benjamin Day Amos Shaw John Smith, jun Alexander Rich Joseph Roberts Mahlon Doan John Bradshaw Daniel Carlisle David Carr, Carried over, 7 c 10 4 17 c 2 6 12 6 10 10 (I 19 6 5 10 9 13 II 12 (1 15 10 (1 10 Urought forward 685 17 9 Samuel Carey 5 13 9 George Rodgers " " •> William Childs 10 10 Abraham Doan 10 10 Israel Doan 10 10 John Myers !> 3 J Jonathan Coombs 110 u Joseph Doan, jun 5 5 f' Abraham 0\erholt 13 17 Mahlon Mitchener 5 Josiah Brown 1-1 5 Xathaniel Ferebec 110 John Brother 110 William Bradshaw H 5 Mord. Mitchener, jun. 10 10 Cornelius O'Daniel 1 10 Charles Stewart, jun 3 n Henry Myers, jun 6 S John Stiner 2 10 Benjamin Rich 7 10 Isaac Mitchener S 10 3 3 2 12 17 6 7 10 2 " 5 5 13 10 5 5 3 Capt. DARROCH'S Company. John Dungan, 13 5 Gabriel Swartslander 15 10 'i John Kemper 10 10 'i Henry Rosentaerger 14 Samuel Burgee 13 5 Abraham Clymer '■* ■' George Buzzard, 6 2 John Godschalk 9 10 John Redlion 3 Daniel Evans 5 12 Emanuel Stitley 11 5 Jacob Sliver, 14 5 ') John Jame5= 2 10 Jacob Keller 5 n John Whistler 12 5 Jacob Haldiman 12 15 Abraham Crotz 14 16 3 Jacob Coil H 5 William James 1 10 Thomas Jones 2110 Frederick Ripperd 5 Mark Fratz 12 16 6 Carried over, 1060 9 6 86 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTEN AJSITS. Brought over 1060 9 6 Christian Clymer, 7 5 Joseph Lunn 3 Abraham Overholt u John Pennington 10 14 Moses Aaron '.< Abraham Lapp 10 10 Brought forward 1384 12 Henry Lisey 10 Abraham Wismer, L 5 John Lisey 9 12 Christian Myer o 3 Christian Huntsbury, 3 Capt. M'HENRT'S Company. Henry Culi) 1 Jacob Croat 14 Christian Clymer, j Henry Croutmell, 3 Daniel Fratz j Abraham Pevekyser 5 Jacob Landis 3 Christian Fratz, 5 Jacob Ang-ony, sen 10 Jacob Myer 6 Frederick Overholt, 12 Jacob Stover, 10 Abraham Letherman 12 John Tinsman, 5 Ulrick Stover, lU Adam Tinsman, s Joseph Townsend 12 Abraham Wismer 5 Daniel Gross ;; Abraham Black 5 Abraham Fratz, sen 10 Jacob Tinsman, Capt. EVANS'S Company. 10 5 2 G 5 5 10 9 17 10 5 3 9 2 6 18 5 10 5 Conard Shell iberger, Michael Hartsley, .. Georg-e Doljj Benjamin Griffith, , Obediah Aaron Abraham Sellers, ... Jonathan Thomas, ., James Eaton 13 2 18 7 13 7 5 5 7 7 10 7 10 10 10 Capt. IRWIN'S Company. Matthias Johnson 12 17 Frederick George, a 7 6 Abraham Overholt 8 8 4 Jeremiah Williams 5 10 James Carrol, 3 John Praul 4 17 Peter Kulp 2 Christian Fratz 10 10 Moses Marshall, 3 16 Jacob Shewalter 1 15 Jacob George 4 17 6 George Snyder 3 £1483 12 Exercise Fines for the Fall of the Year 1781. Capt. DARROCH'S Company. Enos Jones Philip Swartslander, John Grove Abraham Wismer, ., Jacob Kreater, Christian Miller, John Garner, I Robert Kirkbride, Capt. QRIER'S Company. Isaac Morris Abraham Denton, Felty R.., : John Hny Daniel Riikani, . f. 13 5 3 2 10 10 15 Carried over 1384 12 9 Owen Swarts David Ruth Thomas Beal David Worthington, Christian Etherholt, Isaac Lapp Evan Stephens Henry Paxson Ashbel John John Tidwiler Christian Rhor, L7 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Carried over, BUCKS COUNTY. 87 Brought over 2<; 1 Andrew Swarts 1 S Jonathan Vastine, 1 S Jesse Fell 1 8 Thomas Good 1 8 Henry Ruth, 1 8 Joseph Fell 1 S Elijah Russel, ISO James Worthington 1 8 John Blankinghorn, 1 8 Capt. GIBSON'S Company. Joseph Child, 1 S Meshech Mitchener, 1 8 John Cutler 1 8 Alexander Shaw 14 Jacob Nunnemaker 1 2 S Henry Myers 1 8 Edward Good 1 8 Philip Croats 1 8 Amos Smith 1 8 U Samuel Shaw 1 8 Nathaniel EUicott, jun 1 & Jonathan Shaw 1 8 l Cephas Child 1 S Andrew Black 1 S Joseph Mitchener 1 S <■■ Joseph Stradling 1 S Nehemiah Smith 1 8 Joseph Duncan 1 8 Everard Conard 1 8 Capt. THOMAS S Conpany. William Chapman 1 S 01 David Newburn 1 8 Cornelius Ruth 1 8 [ Eleazer Fenton ] 8 Thomas Fell, 1 8 Oi Jacob Walton 1 8 Nathan Fell 1 S Oj W^Illiam Kinsey 1 8 O! John Ely 1 8 0, John Belts 1 S o' Robert Smith 1 8 David Bradshaw 1 S Oliver Wilson 1 S Jesse Gilbert 1 $ C Carried over S3 IS 3 Brought forward 83 IS 3 Jacob Landis 1 S Watson Welding 1 S William Ely 1 8 Jotl Carver 1 8 Uavid Gilbert j 8 George Walter, 1 .< Hugh Ely 1 S .John Beal, 1 s Thomas Kirk 1 8 John Wyermaii 1 S Zenas Fell 1 8 Amos Bradshaw 1 8 Joseph Preston 1 8 William Preston 1 8 Jonathan Beans 1 S Thomas Wood 1 8 Nathaniel EUicot 18 Capt. KESTER'S Company. Mordecai Balderston, James Armitage William Hartley, ... Thomas Rice John Pownal Joseph Wilkinson, .. L-^vi Pownal Jonathan Doan Thomas Phillips Moses Paxson, Robert Walker Benjamin Roberts, . Joseph Rice William Kitchin, ... Oliver Paxson Joseph Paxson Thomas Carey J.ohn Armitage William Blackfan, .. George Ely Benjamin Paxson, .. Joseph Wilkinson, .. Robert Eastburn Capt. ERWIX'S Company. Emanuel Pidcock 15 £1-10 13 3 s» ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. No. VII. Exercise Fines for the Siirins ar.il Fall of 17i2. Capt. THOMAS'S Company. Spring Joseph Picliering, .. John Preston, John Walton John Pery, Uavid Wil.'on J'5 5 William Townsend 1 8 Joseph White 1 8 Josiah Wilkinson, 1 8 Robert Walker 1 8 Benjamin White 1 8 Joseph Hutchinson 1 8 Joseph Kugler 1 8 James Armitage John Armitage Edward Blackfan, ... Joseph Beans Benjamin Beans William Blackfan, John Blackfan John Balderston, — Jonathan Balderston, Thomas Carey John Coogler Joseph Coogler, I Jonathan Doan Joshua Ely Jonathan Ely George Ely Joseph Ely, John Ely Robert Eastburn (1 William M'Gill Yeamans Gillingham, Thomas Hartley Samuel Hartley, David Kitchen I William Kitchen I Oliver Paxton Abraham Paxton Joseph Paxton Jacob Paxton Henry Paxton, Aaron Phillips j Thomas Phillips, .... I Levi Pounell, Jonathan Pickering, John Pickering Jesse Pickering, S 8 Carried over 233 9 90 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. "Brought over 233 9 Thomas Smith, jun 1 8 Joseph Fulton 1 8 William Townsend, 1 8 Joslah White 1 8 Joseph Wilkinson 1 8 Robert Walker 1 8 Benjamin White 1 8 Capt. M'lIENRY'S company. Spring. Henry Gulp Jacob Landis Christian Clymer, .. Abraham Pevekyser, Christian Fratz Jacob Angony, Frederick Overholt, ., Henrj- Rickert Jacob Stover, Abraham Letherman, John Tinsman Anthony Slater Adam Tinsman Jos. Townsend Daniel Tost Jacob Yost Henry Stover Jacob Fratz Peter Loucks, David Gulp Henry Landis John Havener, Henry Fratz, Jacob Loucks, Rudolph Stover Abraham Gulp Peter Tinsman John Loucks Jacob Overholt Jacob Letherman John Tidwiler Jacob Gulp Abraham Wismer, ... Henry Overholt Abraham Fratz Carried over, 8 S S S 15 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S S 8 8 8 Brought forward, Jacob Swarlle 291 12 1 3 Henry Gulp 1 S Jacob Grout 1 8 Christian Clymer 1 8 Abraham Pevekyser 1 S Christian Fratz 1 8 Jacob Angony 1 8 Jacob Myers 1 8 Frederick Overholt 1 8 Henry Rickert, jun 1 S Jacob Stover 1 8 Abraham Letherman ISO John Tinsman, 1 8 Ulrick Stover 1 8 Anthony Slater 1 8 Adam Tinsman 1 8 Jos. Townsend 1 S Abraham Wismer 1 S Daniel Gross 1 8 Abraham Black 1 S Jacob Youst 1 8 Peter Loucks 1 8 David Culr 1 S Jacob Godschalk 1 8 Henry Landis 1 8 John Hevener 1 S .\braham Fratz, jun ISO Abraham Gulp 1 8 Henry Fratz 1 8 Jacob Loucks, 1 8 Rudy Stover 1 8 Peter Tinsman 1 8 John Loucks 1 8 Jacob Letherman 1 3 John Tidwiler 1 S Jacob Angony, sen., 1 8 Jacob Gulp ISO Henry Overholt 1 S 1 Jacob Overholt 1 S Abraham Fratz 1 S Stophel Kepard 1 8 Jacob Swartsly • 1 S John Fratz 1 S Carried over 35116 BUCKS COUNTY. &1 Brouglu over 351 16 u John Myers 1 8 Henry Crout 1 S Capt. HYNES'S Company. Spring. Henry Ruth Abraham Myers Joseph Groves Jacob Lapp Abraham Lapp John Dungan Gabriel Swartslander Jonathan Worthlngton, ... Alexander Forman Abraham Clymer George Buzzard John Godschalk Jacob Sliver, John Lapp, jun John Whistler Jacob Holderman Abraham Grouts Jacob Miller Mark Fretts Abraham OverhoU John Pennington Jacob Kreater Christian Miller Robert Kirkbride Owen Swans Thomas Beal David Worthington Christian OverhoU Evan Stephens, Ashbell John Christian Rhor Andrew Swarts Jonathan Vastine Jesse Fell, Thomas Good Henry Ruth Joseph Fell James Wonhington s & s & s ] s s 8 S 8 b u S 8 s s s s b 8 S s s s s c s 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Abraham Myer? Carried over, l;rought over 40S 17 Joseph Groves 1 8 Jacob Lapp 1 8 Abraham Lapp 1 ^ *^ John Dungan 1 8 liabriel Swartslander ISO Jonathan Worthington 18 Alexander Forman 1 8 .\braham Clymer 1 8 George Buzzard 1 8 John Godschalk. 1 S Jacob Sliver 18 John Lapp, yeoman 1 8 John "Whistler ISO Jacob Holderman 1 8 Jacob Miller 1 8 Mark Fretts 1 8 Abraham OverhoU, ISO John Pennington 1 8 Jacob Kreater 1 8 Christian Miller 1 8 Robert Kirkbride 1 8 David Worthington 1 8 Owen Swarts 1 8 Thomas Beal, 1 8 Christian Etherholt 18 Ashbell John 1 8 Christian Rhor 1 8 Andrew Swarts 1 8 Jonathan Vastine 1 S Jesse Fell, 1 8 Thomas Good 1 8 Henry Ruth 1 8 Joseph Fell, 1 8 James Worthington 1 S Jacob Swarts 1 8 Abraham Crouts 1 S Capt. GIBSON'S Company. Spring. George Mitchener 1 8 Elias Carey 15 John Smith 1 8 Alexander Ruth 1 8 John Bradshaw 1 8 John Bradshaw 1 8 Carried over, 467 92 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over 467 David Kerr 1') Samuel Carey 1 8 John Myers 1 S Abraham Oveiholt 1 S Mahlon Mitchener 1 S Josiah Brown 1 8 William Bradshaw 1 8 Robert Thorn 1 S Joseph Childs 1 8 Moshech Mitchener 1 8 Alexander Shaw, i 8 Joseph Brown 10 Henry Myers, 15 Fall. George Mitchener o John Smith 1 Alexander Rich, i David Kerr 1 John Myers, 1 Abraham Overholt i Mahlon Mitchener o Josiah Brown 1 William Bradshaw i Robert Thorn 1 Henry Myerr 1 Joseph Childs 1 Meshech Mitchener John Cutler 1 Edward Good 1 Carried over E02 S S s c 8 15 3 9 Brought forward, 502 3 Smith Price 10 Samuel Shaw 15 Cephas Childs 1 S Jos. Stradling i S Peter Wood 10 Capt. GRIER'S company. Spring. John Hoy 1 8 William Godschalk ISO George Hickler 1 8 William Delp 1 S Fall. Abraham Dustln, 1 8 William Godschalk, 1 S Abraham Telp 1 S David Hoy, 1 S Felty Crotz 1 8 George Hickler 1 8 Capt. EVANS'S company. Spring. Jacob Cope 1 J. George Delp 1 S Henry Cone 1 8 William Server Cope ISO Elias Thomas 1 S Fall. Jacob Cope 1 8 Adam Fowler i s £530 15 STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF Joshua Anderson, Esquire, LATE SUB-LIEUTENANT OF BUCKS COXINTY. 1780-1783. State of the Accounts of Joshua Anderson, sq., late a Sub-Lieutenant of Bucks County. Joshua Anderson, esq. late a Sub-Lieutenant, Dr. To Militia Fines. Received by him from sun- dry persons of the late 5th Battalion, their fines for non attendance upon days of exercise, incurred in the year 1779. No. 1, £795 15, No. 2, £1706 10, No. 3, fl56 15, No. 4, £540. No. 5, £530 5, No. 6, £976 10, No. 7, £741 15, No. 8, £234 Received by him from sun- dry persons of the several companies of the 4th bat- talion, their fines, for non- attendance upon days of e;xercise. in the spring, 17S0, viz: No. 9, £4239, No 10, £5356 10, No. 11, £1363 10 Xo. 12. £4047, No. 13, £3613 in. No. 14, £3271 10, No. 1 £3019 10, No. 16, £2100,.... Received of ditto, do. their fines, for do. in the Fall 17S0, No. 17, £1917, No. 18 £3867 15, No. 19, £891 No. 20 £3375, No. 21, £2439, No. 22 £2421, No. 23, £2299 10, No 24, £1021 10 Received from ditto, addi- tional fines for do. from the several companies, per list, No. 25 Received from ditto, their fine?, for non-performance of their tour of duty, when called out in August, 1780. No. 26, £16285 2 6, No. 27, £20334. No. 2S, £:,ni 12 fi. .\"o, 20, £201:2 17 C. No. 30, Specie. 5CS6 10 27070 10 Carried, 96 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Joshua Anderson, esq. Dr. Brought over, llieSO,") 5, No. 31, £13C:;0 2 G. No. 22, £9769 2 G, No. 'iZ, £622J 7 6 Received from ditto, tlieir fines for non-attendance upon days of exercise, in the spring, 1781, viz: No. 34, £22 11 6, No. 3.-). £67 12, No. 36, No. 38, £9 4 6. No. 37, £50 14, £45 12, No. 39. £30 G. No. 40, £41 3 G, No. 41, t2G 8 !• KeceiVfd ditto, their fines for do. do. in the fall, 1781. viz: No. 42, £5 12, No. 43, £30 12 9. No. 44, £6 9 C, No. 45, £46 4, No. 46, £23 16. No. 47, £24 ^. No. 48, £21. No. 49, £10 1 3 Received from ditto, their tines for ditto, do. from the spring, 1782, per fine list. No. 50, Received from ditto, their fines, for do. do. in the fall. 1782, per fine list. No. 51 Received from sundry per- sons of said battalion, their fines, for non-per- formance of their tour of duty, September, 1781, viz: No. 52, £109 6, No. 53, £222 14 11, No. 54, £22 2 1, No. 55, £150 11 10, No. 56, £175 4, 8, No. 57, £169 10 10, No. 5b, £111 u 8, No. 59, £137 16 9 Cont. Mo. 55447 7 6 10S619 10 e Si>ecle. Sundries Dr. to Joshua Anderson, esq. late Sub-Lieutenant. Cont. Mo. State. Si>ecle. Joseph Hart, esq. Lleru- tenant of the county. Paid him August 23U, 1780, £4291 17 7, September 28, £7099 17 3, October 27, £604S BUCKS COUNTY. Sundries Dr. to Joshua Anderson, esq. Cunt. Mo. State. 17 6, December 13. £934 10. January 11, 1781. £19407 Ij, April 20, £13544 S 8, May 20. £•"929 14 10, June 19, £8707 3 9. do. 30, £7;7.'). December 11, in state, at 75, equal to i2Vj:,7 3 9, March 12, 17S2, d.). do. £4SS1 11 3, Decem- lier 2S, do. £3858 15, May 21. 1783, do. £4096 17 6, June 11'. £890 12 6, amounting to £112225 4 7, continental money. January 11, 1782, £56 3 6, do. 12, £26, March 12, £98 12 6, May 6, t:Jl, December 2S. £47 6 C, May 21. 1783, £15 15, amounting to £274 17 6, state mone.w December 12. 1781, £119 11 6, January 11, 1782, £10, do. 21, £99, do. 25, £68 2 0, March 14, £24 1 6, April 13. £2u 16 6, do. 23, £35 7 i, May 6, £62 2 2, do. 12, £4i. 10, do. 2M. £.y.i 12 10, Jun-' 12. £21, July 3u, £26 4 :, November 14, £7 10, May 21, 1783, £46, in all, £G3',i IS S, specie United States. Paid sundr.\- per- sons, .'■ubsist- ances of a part of the new lev- ies, expences of apprehending a deserter f r o ni them, and fer- riag'e of do. July 20, 1780 Captain Richard Stillwell, for military services. Carried &V 7-6-3d Ser. 98 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries Dr. to Joshua Anderson, esq. United States. Cont. Mo. State. PL>etip. Brought over, S46 11222u i 7 274 17 6 639 1^ 8 Septembtr 21. 17S0, lo Jacob Vanhornf. for one V)lanket. October 2 3U '» James Gregg, for subsisting new- levies, do. 5 -1^ Captain Hariismi tor miliiar.v s-ei- vices. do. U *'<" 'J Richard StiUwell. for hire of his team tran^-.■o^t- ing baggage and for a blanliet.. do. 17. K-'iO Robert Patterson, capt.ain. fi r n.iU- tary serviees, X'l- vember 11 *' i'yi' S 1 276 IS 9 the militia, March, 1780. to June 21, 17S1, eiaployc._; 187',2 days at £25 4-3S7 lo u For do. from 21 June, 17il. to 1st April, 17S3, employed 223 days, at lis. Ud. ptri- day Balance due to the state Siiecie. 742 4 133 7 6 S-'T41 IS ^ 16 12 9 47S 10 4 z>H'y>'> 11 2yj 11 6 13,0 2 3 List of fines leceived by Joshua Anderson, Esq. Col. M'lI.VAIX'S Dattalion First Compai Joseph Baldwin Thomas Wilson John Burton John Barwis Thomas Cabe, John Martin John Headley John Clark Anthony Burton Samuel Brown George Galaspy Isaac Parsons Joshua Headley Daniel Headly Joseph Bunting .lames Guy .loseph Lovet James Martin Carried 1 9 l.j 9 13 9 13 9 13 9 15 9 13 9 13 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 13 9 15 l;rouj;hi over 175 10 George AYelch 9 15 Aaron Wright 9 15 William Brodnex 9 15 Stephen Wright 9 15 Henry Mitchel 9 15 Abraham Swain 9 15 Richard Mitchel 9 13 William Walton, 9 15 John Wright 9 15 Joseph Barwis 9 15 John Sisom, 9 15 William Sisom 9 15 Joseph Headly 9 15 David Swain 9 15 William Brelsford 9 15 Daniel Headley, 9 15 John Booze, jun 9 15 Benjamin Morris, 9 15 Hirell Rickey 13 Peter Booze 9 15 BUCKS COCXTT. 101 Brought over, .. John Gale Isaac Buckley Cornelius Vancourt, David Guiant John Edgar Joseph Baldwin, . . . Thomas "U'ilson, ... John Burton, John Barwis John Martin John Headly Anthony Burton Samuel Brown Thomas Clifford George Gillaspy Joshua Heaiiley, Daniel Headly Joseph Bunting Joseph Lovet, James Martin George "U'elsh Aaron Wright Cornelius Vancourt. "William Broadnex, . Jacob Titus Stephen Wright David Guiant, Henry Mitchel Abraham Swain Isaac Parsons Richard Mitchel William Walton John Brown, jun., ... John Wright Joseph BarwiP Jonathan Ring John Sisum John Edgar William Sineni, Joseph Headley Joseph Cooper David Swain William Brelf^ford, . 70 lu 747 9 15 9 15 John Booze 1 in Beniamin Morris 9 15 1 10 Kirel Rickey 9 15 1 10 ;: 9 15 9 15 1 10 ,Iohn Gale n 9 15 9 15 795 1.5 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 lo 9 15 9 15 NO. 2. 9 15 9 15 Second Company. 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 1." 9 15 n 9 15 9 15 Joseph Gillingham 9 15 n 6 n 9 15 James Thackery 6 c Xathan Field .. 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 5 15 9 1.- n 9 1.- Matthias Wisnor n 9 15 n 9 15 Elv Xeald 9 15 n 9 15 Thomas Harvey 9 1.;. 9 15 . John Xeald 7 10 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 Benjamin Winder Jonathan Erelsford 9 la (< (1 Richard Plummer 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 1." 9 ].-. 9 15 9 15 9 1." 9 15 9 15 !' 15 9 15 9 15 n 9 13 9 15 7 10 n 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 t) 9 15 John White Thomas Rickev n Joseph Bayley ri 9 15 9 15 11 William Shatterthite Mt'ses AVinder 9 15 102 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over, ... Thomas Winder Caleb Palmer Mahlon Brown, Whelor Clark William Gold Richard Tardley John Larzaleer Benjamin Vanhorn. . Jonathan Palmer, ... Benjamin Palmer, .. Leonard Shaver Thomas Harvey Joseph Margrerum, .. Hastin Stackhouse. . James Moon Joseph Taylor Nathan Brown IJaniel Wharton William White Benjamin Margeruin. Samuf-i Johnson, ... Joseph Watson William Vanhorn. .. James Vanhorn Edmond Ridler David Watson Joseph Hutchinson, William Wharton. . John Jones John Sands Joseph Johnson Thomas Bailey Joshua Thackery, ... James Winder William Stackhouse, Daniel Richardson, . John Weatherel Henry Preston, William Margerum, . Isaac Brelsford John Winner ]>aniel Stackhouse. .. Kichard Nield 9 15 7 I'.i 'J i:. 9 15 V 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 lo 9 15 9 15 9 15 1 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 Brought over T4G Daniel Linton 9 William Richer !"■ John Duer, '■ John Hughes 9 Joseph Neald 9 David Brelsford 9 William Field 9 Peter Harwaggon 9 Joseph Winder 9 Samuel Linton 9 Josejih Gillingham. :> Joseph Vanhorn .' Mark Palmer , 1 James Winner, 9 James Thackery 9 Nathan Field, 9 Matthias Weasner 9 Mahlon Wharton !■ Ely Neald, 9 John Hough 9 John Winner 9 Abraham Slack -1 Alexander Rickey 9 Benjamin Winder 9 Jonathan Bradfield 9 John Shaver :; .Tohn Slack H Richard Plummer, 7 John Darbyshire, 9 Daniel Palmer 9 John Winder, 9 Peter Vansant, 3 Jonathan Lovett, 9 Cornelius A'ansant, 1 Edward BradfieM 9 Thomas Bailey, 9 William Margerum 9 Joshua Brelsford 9 -Abraham Warner 9 John White 9 Thomas Canby, 9 Thomas Rickey 9 Tliomas Da\is 9 .M. se.s Neald 9 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 1.1 15 15 15 15 15 15 J 10 15 15 C 15 10 15 15 15 15 15 1.1 15 Carried 1H2 Brought over, Joseph Bailey Abner Palmer, John Brown, William Shatterthitt Moses Winder Thomas Winder, ... Richard Sands.- Edward Wharton, . . Caleb Palmer, Mahlon Brown Wheeler Clark, .... William Gold Henry Shaver, Richard Yardly, John Larzelere, .•... Benjamin A'anhorn, Jonathan Palmer, .. Benjamin Palmer, . Matthew Welch, ... I.ieonard Shaver, . . . Joseph Margerum, . Joshua Thackery, .. James Moon Joseph Taylor Nathan Brown Daniel Wharton, .. William White Benjamin Margerum Joseph Watson James Slack William A'anhorn, . James Vanhorn Edmund Ridl-r John Clark, David Watson Joseph Hutchinson, William Wharton, . John Jones, John Sands, Isaac Brelsford John Winner, jun., Daniel Stackhouse, James Winder 1.5 BUCKS COUNTY. . 103 . ll-)2 .T Brouglit over ]:'.(iO Timothy Slack, o m William Stackhouse ;» l.j Thomas Slack :! ■» Thomas Chapman ii 1.' Daniel Richardson HI." .John Weatherel li ]."• h Philip Slack :l » o Henry Preston [> V, u Richard Neald ;< 1". Daniel Linton 9 1.', William Richey SI':, u John Dure 9 ir. Juhn Hughs ;< 1.' Josei)h Neald Hi.', David Brelsford i:, William Field 9 l.'j Petf-r Harwagon 9 1." ir. Joseph Winder, 9 1-3 9 IJ 9 1." 9 1." 9 15 9 i; 9 13 9 1- l."l f] 15 15 lo (1 1.'. 15 Third Company. Thomas Brelsford 9 15 Eleazer Lundy 9 15 Henry Shellenberg 7 10 u John Gosling 9 15 Thomas Scott 9 15 .\hraham Foster 9 15 Godfrey Pilgrim 3 Ebenezer Large 9 15 Lovet Streaker 9 15 Thomas Watson 9 15 William Allen 9 15 Timothy Merick 9 15 John Hutchinson 9 15 Phineas Buckley p ;5 u Edward Church, 9 15 ■^^'illiam Davis 9 15 Jchii Brelsford, 9 15 104 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Fourth Company. Benjamin Watson William Parsons, Samuel Danford Joshua Linton "n'illiam "Welch Joseph Burges Edward Wharton John Wharton, jun., Owen Lovett Joseph Helly George Merick Dimack AVindus Samuel Moon Thomas Fleming Daniel Burges, | Nehemiah AVhartdn Mahlon Milnor Joseph Nutt David Bunting, John iloon John Merrick Joseph Ashion. jun George Quear Daniel Trimble, James Winer Peter Williamson John Bayley Joseph Wharton, jun., Benjamin Fleming Benjamin AVatson William Parsons, Samuel Danford Joshua Linton William Welch Joseph Burges John Wharton Owen Lovett Joseph Kelly George Merrick Diamack Windus Samuel Mo. n Th.-'i^as F emin- Daniel Burges Xi-hi-iniali Wharton Carrircl 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 ITi (1 9 V, Ij 9 15 9 15 9 15 u 9 15 9 15 9 1.-. 9 15 ^J 9 15 9 15 9 15 (J 9 15 u 9 15 (, 9 1'. u 9 r. " 15 u Brought over 4:.''J Mahlon Milnor 9 15 Joseph Nutt, 9 15 John Moon 9 15 John Merrick 9 15 Joseph Ashton, jun., 9 15 Jacob Downing 9 15 Daniel Trimble 9 15 James Winner 9 15 Peter William.oon ft 15 John Ijailey, 9 15 Joseph Wharton 9 15 John Brown, jun 9 15 54G Fifth Company. John Logan Mahlon Hatly John Hutchinson Isaac Miller Samuel Weasly, William Biles, .. Jonathan Miller Gilbert Green Daniel Lovett Thomas Hutchison Joseph Crozier, John Crozier, , John Hulme Samuel Bunting, jun Samuel Brown Thomas Martin, Joseph Doble Thr-roos Ba-n^s Robert Crozier, Henry Hider Fi'ancis Weasly. jun John Belts Newberry iield Anthony Burton, David Miller Timothy Moon Jacob Shingleton Mahlc.n Hartly, Juhn Hutchinson, 9 15 9 15 9 15 n 15 9 15 9 15 n 15 9 15 e 9 15 9 15 9 l.-i 9 15 1' 15 l> 9 15 I) ft 15 11 9 15 9 15 9 15 u 9 15 11 9 15 IJ 9 15 Ij H 15 1) 9 15 BUCKS COUNTY. 105 Carried Isaac Milnor, Samuel Weasly William Biles Jonathan Miller, Gilbert Green Daniel Lovett, Thomas Hutchinson, Joseph Crc^ier Jacob Shaffer Timothy Moon - Francis Titus, jun., Newberry Field. ... John Crozier Francis Roberts. .. Thomas Brodnex, .. John Holmes Samuel Bunting, ... Samuel Brown, Thomas Martin Joseph Doble, Thomas Barnes, ... Robert Crozier Henry Hider Anthony Burton, .. Francis Weasly, jun John Betts. Adam Middleton. .. 9 \Z 9 15 9 15 9 15 '.1 '.'. 9 15 ■J 13 (1 9 15 fi 9 15 9 15 1 10 u 9 15 9 15 8 5 S 5 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 13 9 15 9 15 9 15 Sixth Company. Stephen Comford 9 15 Jacob Vanhorn 9 15 Samuel Kinsey 9 15 Jabe Walton 9 15 Isaac Watson 9 15 Joshua Richardson 9 15 Jacob Watson 9 15 Jonathan Stackhouse 9 15 Jacob Stig'er 9 15 Jeremiah Crosedale 9 15 William Moode 9 15 Andew Moode 9 15 Isaac Stackhouse, 9 1' Carrird lif. ].'. Brought over 12C 15 Mahlon Faxon 9 15 Joseph Huddieson 9 15 I'eter A'anhorn 9 15 Jonathan Klrkbride 9 15 John Prawl 9 1' Gabriel Coxe 9 15 Joshua Bunting: 9 15 Garret Vanhorn 9 15 William Paxton, 9 15 Benjamin Leedoni 9 15 Richard Tomlinson 9 15 Mark Watson 9 15 Samuel Mitchel 9 15 John Carpenter 9 15 John Bunting 9 15 Joseph Knight 9 15 John Styhouse 9 15 Richard Hartshorn 9 15 Isaac Hicks, 9 15 Jonathan Woolston 9 15 Henry Huddleson 9 15 George Huddleson 9 15 Simon Gillam 9 15 Pierson Rodman 9 15 William Winner, 9 15 Nicholas Creely 9 15 Anthony Wright 9 15 Isaac Winner 9 15 Amos Eelford 9 15 John Hellings 9 15 John Vanhorn 9 15 Richard Clark 9 15 Gideon Shaw 9 15 Samuel Winder 9 15 Joshua Paxton 9 15 Daniel Kelly 9 15 Nathan Brelsford 9 15 Gabriel Vanhorn 7 10 George Vansant 1 10 Nicholas Crcel>- 7 10 Amos Brelsford 4 10 Stephen Comford 9 15 Jacob Vanhorn 9 15 Job Walton 9 15 106 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over Isaac Watson Joshua Richanlson, . . Jacob Watson, Jonathan Stackhouse, Jacob Stiger Jtremiah Crosedale, AVilliam Moode Andrew Moode Isaac Stackhou?e Mahlon Paxton Joseph Huddleson, ... Peter Vanhorn Jonathan Kirkbride, John Prawl Gabriel Coxe Joshua Bunting Garret Vanhorn William Paxon Benjamin Leedoni, ... Richard Tomlinson, .. Mark Watson Samuel Mitchel John Carpenter John Bunting Joseph Hicks, Isaac Hick.s Joseph Kniglit John Stackhouse Richard Harlshorn^f. Jonathan Woolston, .. Henry Huddleson, Henry Tomlinson George Huddleson. .. Simon Gillam Pearson Rodman, . . . William Winner Isaac Winner Anthony Wright, John Hellings John Vanhorn Richard Clark Gideon Shaw Samuel Winder Joshua Paxton J- lo 15 ]." l.-i lo V, l.j Brought over. Ebenezer Large. Seventh Compan;. 9 13 9 15 :> V, ;> 15 ;i 15 H 15 n 15 I James Wildman 1 Moses Moon Jonathan Paxti.n I Thomas Jinks i Joseph HayherFl, Thomas Wiley John Watson William Richardson. . Thomas Huddleston. . Joseph Stackhouse, ... Hezekiah Linton, George Huddleston, .. William Elakely, sen., ' John Durk Jonathan Carli.^le, ... I Joshua Blakely Jeremiah Gillam Jonathan Wool.=ton, . . 1 .lames Denormandy, .. ' James Worstal i Joseph Hicks Joshua Wolston Robert Adair Richard Mitchel William Huddleston, . N'alentine Nelson, Thomas Paxton Ezer Thackery, Isaac Pearson, James Smith John Jinks George Suber loseph Jinks Joseph Wildman David Carlisle Solomon Wildman, Martin Robinet ,Iohn Smith ICnus Wildman Carried PGO 15 906 15 9 15 976 10 9 15 9 15 9 15 U 15 9 15 S 5 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 BUCKS COUNTY. 107 Brought over, .. James Kinnear William Morfits-, ... James Wildman, Moses Moon, Jonathan Paxton, ... Joseph Hayhurst, Thomas "Wiley John "Watson AVilliani Richardson, Thomas Huddleson, , George Huddleson, Hezekiah Linton, .. William Blakely, .. Jonathan Carlisle, . Joshua Blakely Jeremiah Gillam, .. Jonathan Woolston, James Denormandy, James Worstall Joseph R. Hicks, . . Joshua Woolston, ... James Kenear, William Paxton. ... David Carlisle William Huddl^Fon, Thomas Paxton John Smith Solomon Wildmaii, Ezer Thackery Isaac Pierson James Smith John Jinks Ebenezer Large Samuel Weatherel. . , George Suber Joseph Jinks Martin Roblnet "William liaizley. ... Lncis "WiMinan Heniy Tomliiison. .. 9 r. 3 1.' !t ].') 9 l.j 9 V, 9 15 K 15 ir. 9 l.'j 9 15 1.-. 9 15 9 15 9 15 9-15 9 15 9 15 9 15 15 9 15 9 15 15 9 15 9 15 ?. 15 No. S. Ki^hih Company. John «yil Carried llrouslit over, .. .Ailam Weaver Henry Simons William Rodman. . Thomas Stackhouse, Thomas Strickland, Charles Swift John Swift, .iun.. .. .loseph Allen Richard Sands Samuel Allen .Inhn Miller .lohn Syrl -Adam Weaver Henry Simons M'illiam Rodman, . 'I'hnmas Stackhouse. Thomas Strickland, I'li.irlP.'^ Swift John Swift .Inseph Allen Richard Sands Samuel Allen, jun., .Inhn Miller Amount Kourth Eattalior. No. 9. Joseph Baldwin. . I John Mitchel. ... \\'illiani Bidgood, i ."^iimuel Munrow. Thomas Wilson, I Martin Hileman, .\liraham Lett, .. liihn Burton .l.>hn Barwis Mifhat-l Allen, .. .Inlin Martin, .Fnhn Headly Samuel Brown. . S;iinuel Allen, ... Ceorge Gillaspy. Isaac Parsons. .. 9 15 9 15 9 15 <) 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 •) 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 n 9 15 1' 9 15 9 15 •■"1 9 15 9 15 1.. 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 rj 72 Brought over 1S43 10 John Erown 72 William Shatterthite 72 Moses Winder DS 10 Thomas Winder 72 John Vance, 13 10 William French 72 Caleb Palmer 40 lu Whelor Clark 12 William Gold 24 u Richard Yardley 43 John Larzaleer 45 Benjamin Vanhorn 27 Jonathan Palmer 72 Benjamin Palmer 43 Joseph Margerum, 72 Joshua Thackery 34 Peter Vanhorn, 43 James Moon 72 Joseph Taylor 72 Nathan Brown 72 Daniel Wharton 72 William AVhite 43 Benjamin Margerum 45 Joseph Watson 72 William Vanhorn IS John Clark 34 James Vanhorn 40 10 David Watson 72 John Blair, 72 Robert Huston 43 Miles Strickling 72 Merit Hodgins, 72 Joseph Hutchinson 34 10 William Wharton 72 John Jones 72 o John Sands, 13 10 George Jordey 72 o Jacob Dirk 13 10 Isaac Brelsford 40 10 John Winner 72 Daniel Stackhouse 72 Timothy Wright 72 James Winder 72 \^'illiam Stackhouse 72 o Brought over 4238 1') Daniel Richardson 72 John Weatherel 72 Thomas Hutchinson 72 David Winner 72 Jonathan Kirkbride, 72 Thomas Fleming, 27 Richard Xield 43 o Daniel Linton 72 \\'illiam Richey 27 John Duer 72 o David Brelsford 72 C Cornelius Slack, jun 411 10 William Field 72 John Neald 72 U Joseph Wind>-i 7.' ij Hugh M'Clannagaii 34 James Cimmins 4'j 10 James Huse 72 3330 10 No. 11. Joseph "\'ansci\er 43 Eleazer Lundy 43 Thomas Scott 45 Henry Shellenberg 43 John Gosling 43 Abraham Foster 45 Thomas Brelsford 43 Richard Go'sling 45 Anthony Whiteman is Thomas Wright IS Ebenezer Large 45 Joshua Wright 43 ■) Job Stackhouse 43 .) n Timothy Merick 45 William Kinsey 3110 William Davis 43 John Brelsford 43 Philip Streaker, jun 45 Klias Streaker, jun 43 Thomas Broom 43 Pearson Mitchel 43 William (ioslliig 4; .) Carri-^d -.122 M 110 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over, 922 10 u Benjamin Stackhouso 45 Charles liessonel 45 Jacob Shallu? 45 U John Hutchinson 45 John Poor 45 Phineas Buckley 45 v Edward Church, 45 Nicholas Stackhouse 45 Samuel Dasey, IS John Conner 45 Thomas Gardnt-r 18 Malilnn HarUi y, .. Evan Lovett Richard Thomas, , AVilliam 8wift David Larew Benjamin AVatson, John Titus John Hutcheson, .. Isaac Miller, Daniel Weasley, . . Samuel Danford, John Kutt AVilliam Biles, Jonathan Milnor, , Jonathan Bunting, Patrick Colvin, ... Joshua Linton William AVekh. .. Daniel Lovett, Joseph Crozier, .... John Wharton, David Riley Stephen Miller, .. Isaac Gale Moses Larew Owen Lovett Joseph Kelly John Brown, jun.. Peter Harwagon. 13G3 10 72 72 72 72 9 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 34 10 (1 72 72 72 72 72 27 (1 72 72 72 (' 72 BrouKlit over 1942 10 o Carrif John Crozier, George Merick Dyamose Wyndos Samuel Moon Charles Smith Isaac Pennington John Hulme, Samuel Bunting, sen., Samuel Brown Thomas Martin Daniel Burges Miah Whartun, Mahlon Milnor John Dorrough Abner Doble Thomas Barnes Robert Crozier, Henry Hyder Anthony Burton, jun., David Miller Joseph Nutt, John Moon John Merick Joseph Ashton Jacob Downing Daniel Tremble James Winner Peter Williamson, ... Joseph Wharton Israel Bunting, 2 u 2 ■2 "2 "2 •2 2 u 2 "2 'J 4 ](J 1) 2 2 U 2 4 2 2 No. 13. Jonathan Woolson, .. Amos Watson Peason Rodman Anthony Wright Ebenezer Large Amos Brelsford Simon GlUum John Strickland, Stephen Comford, .... Robert Crosedale, ... Jaiijli A'anhorn (/arried, 40 10 9 ."I BUCKS COUNTY. Ill Brought ovtT, Joseph Wright Isaac Hicks Job Walton, Isaac Watson Joshua Richardson, Jacob Watsun Jonathan Stackhouse, James Denormandy, Isaac Winner, Jeremiah Crosedah^. William Mood Isaac Stackhouse, .. Joseph Hicks Abraham Wat?on, Richard JUitchel, Andrew Moode, Mahlon Paxton Joseph Huddlescn, . Peter Vanhom, Jonathan Kirkbride, John Praw 1 Gabriel Coxe Richard Clark John Vanhorn Garret Vanhorn "William Paxton Joseph Paxton Samuel Winder, Patrick Dowel William Goforth, William Allen Mark Watson Samuel Mitchel, ..., John Carpenter Joseph Knight John Stackhouse, Joshua Bunting Richard Hartshorn, .. Jeremiah Gillum Jdlin Bunting u '1 u u .) " u 72 72 OS W 73 .' 7? ■2 rt 72 72 ■•'. 72 :2 '2 72 72 u 72 5S 10 72 n 72 73 73 72 72 Jonathan iarlis!>.-. David Carlisl. Josepli Jinks John Jinks Thomas Twining John Smitli ■William Parker James Wildman A'alentine Xelscn James Cooper Joseph AVildman Solomon Wildman. .. John Watson Benjamin Leedoni, .. John Kelly Joshua Wcolston, . .. Moses Moon Thomas Paxton. .iun.. Robert Drake John "U'iklman Enos AVildman ■\A"illiam Elak>-y. Juii. Thomas Hudllle^^on. .. William I'axt'Ui Hezekiah Linton William Bin key, jun., Joshua Paxton Thomas AVil-y Joshua Blakey William Richards, ii. Samuel Twining Jonathan Paxion Samuel Isbouin AViUiam Le\ ins Richard Tonilinscn, .. Samuel AA"eathere!. .. Ezer Thackery John Mitchel Jacob Depue Jasper AA'iniifr William AA'inner Jonathan AAVi.,i.cton. Joseiih Hayherst Henry Huddle.^-on u •J "2 "2 "2 ■2 -2 ■2 '2 •2 ■2 2 n ■2 "2 ■2 2 •2 '2 n 2 - :i( S 112 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. JJrought over nitiS William Huddleson 72 Stephen Leighie 3110 Joseph Gurley John Thornton John Buckman, jun., . William King Thomas Hill, Jeremiah Lambert. ... Samuel Hillbourn. ... John Paste Moses Smith Benjamin Backman, .. Joseph Martindale, ... William Martindale, . David Storey, David Buckman John Twining, Jonathan Buckman, .. John Martindale Wm. Buckman, jun., .. Samuel Gary, Tho. Buckman, jun., Isaac Buckman Robert Hilbourn, ...'.. Aseph Gary James Buckman, Joseph Buckman Joseph Worstal Benjamin Hunter, ... Daniel Lee John Story, jun Richard Tomlinson, ... Samuel Yardley Sampson Gary Stephen Woodford Strickland Martindale, William Briggs John Atkinson, Thomas Buckman Abner Buckman G2:i 10 Garried 2';S2 Brought over 26S2 James Briggs, jun 72 Isaac Smith 72 Timothy Taylor, 27 Joseph Dunn 31 10 Thomas Bulgar 13 10 Lamb Torbet, 13 10 Kman Scott 13 10 Gershom Johnson 3110 Fr;incis AVeasly 45 3019 10 John Syrel Adam Weaver Edward Stroud Israel Knight Henry Simons William Rodman, jun. Andrew Singler Thomas Stackhouse, Charles Swift Stephen Stapler William Mannington. John Swift, jun William Duncan James Statts Thomas Goheen Joseph Allen Richard Johnson Benjamin Terry, James Stroud Samuel Scott, sen., . Joseph Penrose Samuel Allen, jun., Joseph Vandegrift. . , William Stone David Terry John Miller Moses Comfort Israel Townsen Samuel Scott, jun., ... Thomas Strickland. .. BUCKS COUNTY. 113 No. 17. Joseph Baldwin, John • Mitchel Abras Bolton Thomas Wilson John Burton Thomas Adam^ Michael Allen John Martin John Headly, Samuel Brown Isaac Parsons Thomas Broadnex, .. Daniel Headley Joseph Barris Thomas Barris, Joseph Lovet James Martin Georgt Welsh William Broadnex, . . . Jacob Titus, Azariah Lundy, Henry Mitchel Samuel Wright Richard Mitchel William Watson, ... Henry Tomlinson, ... David Swain Joseph Merrick, John Booze, jun Kerel Rickey George Neidler, Peter Booze Joseph Headly 72 72 72 72 (1 72 72 u 72 72 u 72 u 72 72 72 72 u 72 72 u IS 4:. 31 10 io Zl 10 45 45 45 II (1 45 45 (1 45 45 45 45 No. IS. Samuel Linton S5 10 Joseph Gillingham S5 10 Joseph Vanhorn, S5 10 o Mark Palmer S5 10 James Thacker\- S5 lo n Ely Neald S5 10 n John Hough 85 10 Carried 8-6--3d Ser. 5'.'S H Brought over 5ys 10 Alexander Rickey 13 Benjamin Winder 13 Jonathan Bradfield 67 Richard Plumer 13 John Darbyshire 27 John Winder 72 Jonathan Lovet, S.5 Thomas Bailey 85 A\iUiam Marjerum 13 Joshua Brelsford S5 Abraham Warner, 85 .)ci Jonathan Woolson 85 lo Joseph Hayherst 85 10 Josejih Ashton 13 10 William Huddleson 58 10 Daniel Lusely, 72 No. 2:J. Joseph C.url.v S5 10 n John Thnrnt.'H 85 Pj o John I'.uckiiiaii, jun 8." pi William King 85 10 Carried 342 116 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over, 342 Thomas Hill SJ Jertmiah Lambert, SJ Samuel Hilbourn, So John Paste S5 Moses Smith So JJenjamin Buckman ho toavid Story S5 "William Martindale Si John Martindale, So \Vm. Buckman, jun So Samuel Carey, So Isaac Buckman So Robert Hilbourn 58 James Buckman ,"«S Joseph ] luckmaii 58 Joseph Wcirsta! 58 David Lee 58 John Storey, jun 58 Samuel Yardley 58 Sampson t'arey, 58 Lamb Torbet 27 Stephen Woodford 58 Strickland Martindale oS William Briggt 58 Abner Buckman 58 James Briggs, jun., 58 Isaac Smith 58 Jonathan Buckman 85 lu 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 u 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Brought over 994 10 Joseph Allen 13 10 Richard Sands 13 10 No. 24. John Syrl 85 10 Abraham Larew, sen 54 Adam Weaver 85 10 Henry Simons 85 10 Wm. Rodman, jun 85 10 Thomas Stackhouse 85 10 Charles Swift 85 10 John Swift, jun 85 10 William Luincan 85 10 Thomas Strickland 85 10 - . 3 7 James Syrl 3 . Samuel Scot, sen 3 ' Carried 412S ; 120 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over, 4428 5 Richard Sands George Hicks Joseph Vandegrift, . Isaiah Walton William Stone Thomas Ridge Henry Hasleton Jacob Scott AVilliam Allen, jun.. 3 7 6 3 7 6 3 7 6 Amount, 445S 12 6 Brought over 15736 2 6 George Neidler, 549 162S5 2 6 No. 26. Capt. PATTERSON'S Company. Azariah Lundy 549 Benjamin M'Danicl 55112 6' Henry Mitchcl 577 17 6' John Bodine 564 13 Abraham Britan 629 12 6 Samuel Wright, 549 Richard Mitchell, 564 7 6 Stephen Guyont 549 0' William Walton 669 15 Ol Solomon Stackhou^e 549 Charles Wiley 549 Thomas Mitchel 549 Thomas Race 549 John Wright, 549 John Sysom 55S 15 Henry Tomlinson 549 David Swain 550 2 6 Jonathan Wilcox 550 2 6 William Brelsford 5.'.2 Joseph Merrick 555 John Booze, junr 549 Benjamin Morris 541 Keren Rickey 570 "i 5 Peter Booze 549 James Mahone 549 John Edgar 605 12 C Joseph Headley 549 Timothy Brelsford 550 2 6 Carried 15736 2 6 No. 27. Capt. STILLWELVS Company. James Moon 666 7 6 Joseph Taylor 550 17 6 Daniel Wharton 567 William White 549 15 Benjamin Marjerum 550 17 6 Joseph Watson 57110 James Slack 592 17 6 William Vanhom, 549 James Vanhorn 549 John Clerk 649 John Blair 549 Robert Huston 649 7 6 John Sand? 549 Miles Strickland, 549 Joseph Hutchinson, 550 10 William Wharton 564 7 6 George Jordan 549 Isaac Brelsford, jun 549 John Winner, jun 649 Daniel Stackhouse, 549 Timothy Wright 549 James Winder 579 15 William Stackhouse 552 Daniel Richardson 579 7 6 George White 250 10 John Wetherel 553 2 6 David Winner 549 Thomas Fleming 532 15 Richard Neeld 565 10 Daniel Linton 540 William Rickey 550 10 John Duer . 552 15 Peter Vanhorn 549 David Breliford, 549 15 William Field 550 10 Joseph Winder 549 BUCKS COUNTY. 121 Brought over, 1637 Capt. NXJTT'S Company. Phineas Buckley 552 7 6 Charles Bessonet 595 2 6 Timothy Merlck 567 Eleazer Lundy 552 15 Jacob Shallus 616 17 6 Thomas Scott 549 John Gosling 574 10 >;icholas Stackhouse 535 Benjamin Stackhouse, — 549 I John Moon "''■* 1 John Merick 61S j Joseph Ashton 505 t Jacob Downing 693 I Daniel Tremble 553 I Peter Williamson 553 Israel Bunting 549 5111 12 So. 29. Capt. PITNER'S Company. Jacob Shafer 555 Moses Ijarew 550 17 6 Owen Lovet 553 10 Joseph Kelly 557 5 John Brown, jun 560 12 6 Peter Harwagon 609 15 Francis Roberts 553 2 6 George Merrick 556 17 6 Dyamoke Wyndus 540 Samuel Moon 55S 15 Charles Smith 556 10 Isaac Penington 549 Hezekiah Hughes 549 Joseph Burges 549 David Ryley 549 John Holme.=, 574 17 6 Samuel Bunting, jun 553 2 6 Samuel Brown, 696 Thomas Martin, 555 15 John Kierell 549 Daniel Burges 61S 7 6 Nehemiah Wharton 550 2 G Mahlon Milnor 549 9 John Durrough 558 Abner Dolby 549 Thomas Barns 611 5 Anthony Burton, jun 549 David Miller 549 Joseph Xutt 550 10 Carried 16370 5 No. 30. Jeremiah Crosedale 551 i: William Moode 559 Isaac Stackhouse, jun 549 Abraham Watson, 549 Andrew Moode 549 Richard Mltchel, 564 Joseph Huddleson 640 Peter Vanhorn 59S Jonathan Kirkbride 563 John Prawl 6S4 Gabriel Coxe 5C4 Richard Clarke 549 Alexander Moode 549 Daniel Larew 640 John Vanhorn 549 Garret Vanhorn 5S9 William Paxton 627 7 6 Joseph Paxton 54'J u Richard Tomlinson 557 5 j Samuel Winder 549 ■' <) Nicholas Creely 549 William Goforth 579 15 Mark Watson 502 2 Samuel Mitchel 670 17 6 John Carpenter 549 John Bunting 549 Joseph Knight 0"2 7 6 Richard Hartshorn, 589 10 Joshua Bunting 549 17 6 7 6 17 6 17 -j 15 .1 17 10 16805 5 122 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Capt. GREGG'S Company. Joseph Ashton 556 10 Joshua Woolson 604 2 6 Robert Adair 538 7 6 Benjamin Leedom 551 5 William Huddleson 556 10 Valentine Nelson 59115 Joseph Moode . 549 7 6 Thomas Paxton, jun 549 John Smith 549 Jacob Depew, 5-19 Ezer Thackery 549 Isaac Pearson, 550 2 John Jinks 658 2 Samuel Twining 549 John Kelly 549 Enos Wildman 549 Joseph Jinks 679 2 Joseph WJldman 609 15 Henry Tomlinson 549 William Worstall 549 Solomon Wildman 549 David Carlisle 549 William Bazely 549 Euclides Longshore 5S3 2 Capt. HUSTON'S Company. Robert Hllbourn, 606 Asa Cary 549 James Buckman, 549 Joseph Worstal 562 17 Joseph Buckman 549 Daniel Lee 351 5 John Storey, jun 549 William Taylor, 549 Samuel Yardley 651 Lamb Torbett 604 10 Stephen Woodford, 549 Strickl. Martindale, 549 William Briggs pC7 Thomas Buckman, 63S 5 Carried, 8023 17 Brought over 8023 17 6 James Briggs, jun 5S2 Peter Laffertson 574 10 Isaac Smith, 5SS 15 9769 2 6 No. 33. James Statts, 609 15 Benjamin Terrj- 549 7 6 Nicholas Larzalier, 614 5 Joseph Allen 563 5 R'.chard Johnson, 549 James Roberts 549 James Stroud, 549 Samuel Scot, jun., 549 Henry Whiteman 549 John Miller 594 13 Israel Townsend 54f< 6225 No. 34. Capt. PATTERSON" S Company. Joseph Baldwin 1 4 William Bidgood, jun 14 Benjamin Wilson 1 4 John Burton, 1 4 John Barris 1 4 John Headly 1 4 Samuel Allen 1 4 Daniel Headly, 1 4 Jesse Hough 1 4 Abraham Swain, 1 4 James Martin 1 4 George Welch 1 4 Azp.riah Lundy 1 4 Jacob Booze 19 6 Daid Swain 1 4 Joseph Merrick 1 4 John Booze, jun 1 4 Peter Booze 1 4 Carried 21 7 6 BUCKS COUNTY. 123 Brought over, Joseph Headly, Capt. STILLWELL'S Company. Samuel Linton 1 4 Joseph Gillingham 1 4 Joseph Vanhorn 1 4 Mark Palmer, Mahlon Wharton Ely Neald, John Hough Thomas Stradllng, .. Jonathan Bradfleld, .. John Darbyshire Daniel Palmer John Winder Jonathan Lovett Cornelius Vansant, ... Thomas Bailey William Marjerum, .. Joshua Brelsford, ... David Watson Israel Bunting Jona. Margerum Abraham Warner John White Thomas Canby, Thomas Davis Joseph Bayley William Shatterthite. Moses Winder Thomas Winder Benjamin Anderson, Wheeler Clark William Gold Richard Yardley, John Larzaleer Benjamin Vanlinrn, .. Jonathan Palmer Benjamin Palmer, ... Joseph Mar.iarum, .. Joshua Thackery Cornelius Slack Carried 3S 4 14 1 4 1 4 14 15 C 4 6 9 1 4 1 4 1 4 15 1 4 9 1 4 1 4 1 4 10 -6 14 14 14 1 4 14 1 4 15 14 4 ti 1 4 9 14 1 4 10 6 1 4 1 4 1 4 9 6 4 G 4 4 Brought over SS 4 Thomas Hutchinson 1 4 Thomas Melghen 6 James Moon, 1 4 Joseph Taylor 1 Daniel Wharton 1 4 Joseph Watson 1 4 James Slack 4 John Blare 1 i John Martindale, 1 4 John Smith 1 4 James Huse 10 William Wharton 1 4 Isaac Brelsford 15 Daniel Stackhouse 1 4 Timothy Wright 1 4 Benjamin Fleming 'J 4 6 Stephen Woodford 1 4 Samuel Johnson 10 6 James Winder 1 4 William Stackhouse 1 4 Daniel Richardson, 1 4 John Wetherel 1 4 Jonathan Kirkbride 1 4 Strickland Martlndale 14 Pachard Neald 1 4 Daniel Linton 1 4 John Duer 1 4 Cornelius Slack, jun. 9 William Field 1 4 67 12 Capt. THOMPSO.VS Company. William Allen. . Phineas Buckley, Charles Bessonet, John Gosling, ... Pierson Mitchel, Timothy Merick, Job Stackhouse, . William Blakely, John Whitehead, 1 4 1 4 10 1 4 L24 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Capt. PITXER'S Company. Mahlon Hartley -0 19 Benjamin "Watson, o 19 Evan Lovet 19 Richard Thomas 19 John Hutcheson, 19 Samuel DanforJ, 19 John Nutt 19 John Carlisle 19 Edward Wharton 19 Gilbert Green 19 Isaac Parsons 19 William Biles 19 Jonathan Milnor 19 Joshua Linton 19 William Welsh 19 Abraham Coleman 19 Daniel Lovett 19 John Wharton 19 Stephen llilnor 19 Joseph Crozier 19 Owen Lovet 19 Joseph Kelly 19 John Brown, Jun 19 Peter Harwafiron 19 Thomas Brown, jun 19 George Merick Samuel Moon Joseph Burg-es Dyamoke Wyndus, . Joseph Merick Joshua Bunting John Hulme Samuel Bunting Samuel Brown Thomas Martin Joseph Doble, Nehemiah Wharton. Jlahlon Milnor Thomas Noble, jun., Thomas Barnes Anthony Burton David Milnor Joseph Nutt, Carried 4113 Brought over, 41 IS 6 John Moon, 13 C John Merrick 19 6 Joseph Ashton 19 6 Joseph Downing 19 6 Daniel Tremble, ll' 6 Peter Williamson 1'.' C Joseph Wharton, jun ' I'j 6 John Rinear 19 G Joseph Harris 19 G 50 14 19 6 19 6 19 6 19 6 rg 6 19 6 19 6 19 6 19 6 19 6 19 6 19 r. 19 6 19 6 19 6 19 6 19 6 19 6 Cart. WHITE'S Company. Henry Huddleson 1 4 Jonathan Woolson 1 4 Amos Watson 1 4 Pearson Rodman 1 4 Ebenezer Large 1 4 Simon Gillam 14 Stephen Comford 1 4 Jacob Vanhorn 1 4 Joshua ^■anhorn 1 4 ) Joseph Wright 1 4 Isaac Watson 1 4 Joshua Richardson 1 4 Jacob Watson 1 4 Jonathan Stackhouse 1 4 James Denormandie 1 4 Jeremiah Gillam 1 1 Isaac Winner, 1 4 Mahlon Paxton 1 4 Jonathan Force 1 4 Jeremiah Crosedale 1 4 William Moode 1 4 Isaac Stackhouse 1 1 Abraham Watson 1 4 Andrew Moode 1 4 Richard Mitchell 1 4 Mark Watson 1 4 Joseph Huddleson 1 4 Peter Vanhorn 1 4 Jonathan KIrkbride 1 i Alexander Moode 1 4 Carried 36 BUCKS COUNTY. 125 Brought over, John ^'anhorn, . Garret Vanhorn, Joshua Paxton, . William Goforth, John Bunting, .. Joseph Knight, . John St'ackhouse, John Tomlinson, Capt. GREGG'S Company. John Bayley David Carlisle Joseph Jinks James Wildman Valentine Nelson Joseph Wildman Solomon Wildman, ... John Watson Benjamin Leedom, ... Joshua Woolston Moses Moon Thomas Paxton William Paxton, jun. Joshua Paxton Joshua Blakely William Richardson, . Jonathan Paxton Robert Adare, Richard Tomlinson, . . Henry Tomlinson Ezer Thackery William White Jonathan Blank Joseph Hayherst Henry Huddleson William Winner No. 40. Capt. ITT'STGX'S Company. Joseph Gurley 1 4 Carried . . 1 4 o 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 G 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Brought over John Thornton John Buckman, jun "William King Abner Longshore Samuel Hilbourn John Paste Benjamin Buckman, John Fluke David Story John Hart, Jeremiah Lambert, Timothy Taylor William Martindale David Buckman, Jonathan Philips Jonathan Buckman David White Joseph Tomlinson William Buckman, jun Isaac Buckman, James Buckman Joseph Buckman Samuel Carey Thomas Buckman, jun Joseph Worstal Daniel Lee John Storey Mahlon Taylor Samuel Doan George Jordy Joseph Thornton Samuel Yardley Sampson Carey Lamb Torbet Abner Buckman, James Briggs, jun Isaac Smith, John Shell Robert Hilbourn 10 6 6 G \() 6 15 10 6 fl 1 4 No. 41. Capt. HARRISON'S Company. Ailam Weaver i 4 Carried 1 4 126 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over, . Edward Stroud Israel Knight Thomas Syrl , Henry Simons Wm. Rodman, jun., David Perry Thomas Stackhouse, Stephen Stapler, ... Robert Sj-rl, AVilliam Manington, William Duncan, .. Barnard Vanklrk, . . Thomas Strickland, Richard Sands, George Hicks Samuel Allen, jun., Josiah "Walton John Miller .Tacob Rich, .Israel Townsend, .. Peter Andrane 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 No. 42. Capt. PITXER'S Company. Azariah Lundy 1 8 David Swain 1 8 Joseph Merrick 1 S Joseph Headly, 1 8 BrouKht over ii Stephen Woodford, ., .Samuel Margerum, . James Gerton Samuel Johnson James Winder William Stackhouse, . Daniel Richardson, .. John Weatherel Jonathan Kirkbride, . Jonathan Margeruni, Richard Nield Daniel Linton John Duer William Field Joseph Winder Strickland Martindale 1 s 3 5 3 1 S 10 8 1 S 1 s 1 8 1 8 % 1 8 15 9 1 1 1 S 1 s 1 8 I 8 1 S CO 12 9 (Xo. 44.) Capt. THOMPSOX'S Comiiany. Phineas Buckley Charles Bessonet Timothy Merick, Pierson Mitchel, John Gosling. ... i' 17 6 1 ^ 1 S 1 s Capt. L. PITXER'S Company. Capt. STILLWEEL'S Company. g 8 8 5 8 S 8 S 3 n n n Joseiih Vanhorn fl ■^ John Martindale, n Israel Bunting n "U'illiam Wharton Isaac Brelsford n Timothy Wright n Carried n 4 3 Owen I-ovett Joseph Kelly .Tohn Brown Peter Harwagon. Thomas Brown, jun.. Francis Weasly George Merick Samuel Moon Joseph Burges Dyamoke Wyndos. . . Joseph Merrick Joshua Bunting Timothy Moon Carried IS S S S S S S S S s c 8 S S 8 BUCKS COUNTY. 127 Brought over, Richard Baker Jonathan Parsley Samuel Bunting, sen., Samuel Brown, Thomas Martin Joseph Doble Miah ■'^^■harton Mahlon Milnor Thomas Storey Thomas Barnes, sen., Anthony Burton David Milnor, John Yandegrift Joseph Nutt John Moon John Merick Joseph Ashton Daniel Tremble Peter "Williamson, .. Joseph T\'harton, jun., Capt. WHITE'S Company. William Mood Isaac Stackhouse Abraham Watson Andrew Moode Richard Mitchel Mark Watson Joseph Huddleson Peter Vanhorn Jonathan Kirkbride Alexander Mood, John Vanhorn, Garret Vanhorn Samuel Mitchel John Bunting Joseph Knight, John Stackhouse Nicholas Stackhouse Capt. GREGG'S Company. Joshua Woolston Robert Adear William Paxton, jun., Benjamin Leedom, .. Jason Hibbs John Jones, William Hubleson, ... Valentine Nelson, ... Thomas Paxton, Jun. Ezer Thackery John Jinks Richard Tomlinson, .. Benjamin ■ Carlisle, .. Joseph Jinks William White Henry Tomlinson Solomon Wildman, ., David Carlisle 1 8 7 S 8 s 8 8 S S S 8 S 8 8 8 8 S 8 Capt. HUSTON'S Company. Robert Hilbourn James Buckman Joseph Buckman, jun., Joseph Worstal John Shell Danle! Lee Mahlon Taylor Samuel Doan, George Jordan Jo.<;eph Thornton Samuel Yardley Sampson Cary Abner Buckman James Briggs, jun., — Isaac Smith 8 S S 8 S 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 21 128 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS, Capt. HARRISON'S Company. James Statts 15 9 Barnard Vanklrk 1 8 George Hicks 1 8 Samuel Allen, jun., 1 S Peter Auderne, 1 8 Isaiah Walton IT 6 John Miller 1 S Ezra Townsend, 1 8 Brought over, 30 16 Jonathan Woolston 1 8 Robert Drake, 1 8 Joshua Woolston l 8 William Paxton 1 8 Jason Hibbs 1 8 John Jones, 1 8 Valentine Nelson 1 8 Thomas Paxon, jun., 1 8 Ezer Thackery 1 8 William White 1 S Solomon Wildman, 1 8 Isaac Watson 1 8 No. 50. Capt. PATTERSON'S Company. 47 12 William Headley, Joseph Headley, . ISO 1 8 Capt. STILLWELL'S Company. Capt. PITNER'S Company. William Headley, Joseph Headly, . Mark Palmer William Shatterthlte, Thomas Winder, Joseph Winder 1 S 4 Capt. PITNER'S Company. Capt. STILLWELL'S Company. ISO 1 8 j Mark Palmer , ISO' William Shatterthlte. I Thomas Winder Joseph Winder, 18 ISO ISO 1 S Richard Thomas 1 S Robert Merick 1 8 SamBel Brown 1 S Daniel Tremble ISO Capt. WHITE'S Company. Joshua Richardson, Joseph Knight Jeremiah Crosedale, Mark Watson, Robert Crosedale, ., Samuel Mitchell, . , Simon Glllam Capt. GREGG'S Company. James Wildman, Moses Moon, William Richardson, William Blakey Joshua Blakey Capt. L. PITNER'S Company. William Biles, . Samuel Brown, Daniel Tremble, 1 S ISO ISO Capt. WHITE'S Company. Joshua Richardson, Joseph Knight Jeremiah Crosedale, Mark Watson Simon Gillam, Samuel Mitchell, ... Robert Crosedale, ... Capt. GREGG'S Company. James Wildman, ... Moses Moon William Richardson, William Blakey Carried, Carried, BUCKS COUNTY. 12^ l-Iiuughl over. .. Joshua Blakeh-. Jonathan Woolslon, Rolieri Drake Joshua Woolston, .. William Faxon, .iun. Jason Hibbs John Jones \'alentine Xelson, Thomas Paxon, jun. Era Thackery William White Solomon Wildmau. Isaac Watson 1 h 1 i. 1 ^ (1 1 s 1 is u 1 s ] s Capt. PATTERSON-. S Company. Brought over 12- \'^ '■ Muses Nield 7 ') Joseph Bayley lu IJ i Wm. Shatterthite. jun.. .. Ki l:; ii Thomas Winder 19 o u John Vance 7 2 •> Jonathan Palmer, i:; s ii Benjamin Palmer, IS 4 6 Thomas Hutchinson in Ij •; ■1-1 U 11 rapt. THOMPSON'S Company. Job Stackhouse, William Allen, 11 5 in i:; Joseph Baldwin, William Bidgood, l'\erard Bolton. Benjamin Wilson, John Headley, ... Daniel Headly, . . James Martin, ... Oeorgre Welch, . . . lli 13 C 19 U 14 8 6 10 13 C V, o 9 10 IP. 6 10 1.-! 6 11 17 9 Capt. L. PITNER'S Company. Benjamin Watson, Evan I.,ovet William Swift John Hutcheson, . Edwar.i Wharton, Isaac Parsons Jonathan Milnor, .. I Jonathan Bunting, Joshua Linton William Welch, ... John Wharton Stephen Milnor, ... Jonathan Nutt. ... Capt. STII.LWELLS Company. Jospiih Vanhorn 11 9 S Mark I'almer 10 i:; 6 Mahlon Wharton 10 15 C l^enjamin Winder S 6 6 John Winder 1117 6 Jonathan Bnvett :; 9 4 Thomas Bayly HI' fi Joshua Brelsford 10 13 i; .Abraham Warner 16 12 o John White, Pi V. 6 Thomas Davis 7 16 10 Carried 122 It .'. 9--6--3(l Ser. 12 ]b 11 -S 6 11 S 6 10 13 6 10 1.; 6 iri4 9 10 19 6 11 9 12 2 10 11 2 6 14 2 10 13 6 10 13 fi 150 11 10 Capt. No. 5G. WHITE'S Compi Jonathan Woolston, .'Vmos Watson Pierson Rodman Simon Gillam Cabriel Vanhorn, jun. Stephen Comford Carried VI 13 10 13 130 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Srousht • ver 78 6 lU Joshua VanhoMi 10 13 6 Joseph AVright l'» 13 G Isaac Watson H 1^ '•> Joshua Richardscn 20 6 Jacob AVatson 10 13 6 Jonathan Stackhous-e H 2 James Denormandy 10 13 C JIahlon Paxton H 1 1 175 4 8 No. 57. Capt. GREGG'S Company James W'ildman, jun Moses Moon Jonathan Paxton, . John Mitchel Sylvester Bills Joseph Heyherst H William Richardson, Jeremiah Gillam, ... Hezekiah Linton, ... Jonathan Carlisle, .. Joshua Blakey Jonathan Woolson, ., TkObert Drake, 10 13 6 10 13 6 18 16 3 10 18 3 10 13 6 11 3 9 24 12 r, 10 ly 2 4 10 15 9 3 19 14 3 10 13 6 IG 13 6 169 10 10 rapt. HUSTON'S Company. John Buckman, jun., 10 13 fi Abner Longshore .. 10 13 6 Samuel Hilbourn 15 ti U David Storey 10 13 6 Henry Elves 10 13 6 William Martindale 11 1 U Jonathan Ruckman 13 5 William LJuokman. jun 11 1 Samuel Carey 17 17 6 111 u s Capt. HARRISON'S Company. Joseph Severns 10 10 C Israel Knight, 10 13 6 Jacob Rich 10 13 K Henry Symons li) 6 'J Ralph Walmsley 13 9 Andrew Shingler 13 3 David Perry 14 2 10 Thomas Stackhouse 10 IS 3 Stephen Stapler 10 13 6 William Manington 13 6 5 William Duncan 10 13 6 137 16 9 Examined and settled, JOHN NICHOLSON. Comptroller General's Office, Piiladelphia. Aug. 9, 1783. STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF William McHenry, Esquire, SUB-LIEUTENANT OF BUCKS COUiNrTY. I781-I783. [This account is not complete — and it is not known, if a full account is in existence.] '- -- X ^ p.- 02 -> ■<-) 02 3 ^' ^~~ _l • ~ 'Zj CO ^— c )-, ^ ^ "■ LT; CO c r^ CJ ^ 'u .i— ) n 1 ^ * i- [fi - c:3 r-> cr >~. 4—t c/i t/5 aj a; Vm s '■" o Ex« 4-> t/5 2 "X ^ a r-" z ' r— — klJ 4—* ->; H— . C i; — OJ — 3 •^ 1-^ 'u ^ 4-J 5 5 ^ X — 'o a; ti <->-< o 4-> o c QJ z^ •/: r-i o 4-1 • ^ a ^ *-> u ;:; rt O V cr u ,^ u ■>-l ,11; < r-1 ■i-i ^ a. i; ul ■>-> X ^ - dJ 1 .-^ .^ ■4—) ^ ^ r; rO , , — CO ^ o I^ .t U ^ <-w c ex: •O- S -=' ^ :2 a. 03 -; 53 o; •^ ;-. ^ a "2 c — i ^ K 3 ^ M c P ^ 5 S P 0: s I ~ ^ Q.' c rt <4^ '~, zr V . - i:, .z L .2 -c cc c - z 5-^ o tc 5f -" ^ ^ c - C C K - - - o - r ^— ~ tn Qj — i-i „ a; — X — — ~ C C — — x oj £ E' K :; - - -Z §z^ V. - >^ CD -S ^ - i- 4) Z ^' X .- c — re 9 ^ . — -* — -j: ^ — C-' «=&- - — >■ _ t/: T c: >. O' c -*^ "^ ■- = -^ .^ j5 j5 .£ ^ ^-!c ~ "- "- ^ t >• = F" E rS-f ~ ^ ? r: ^ 'y' • V v: 7: X — ~ z ~ ~ c - - x — _ C c 134 ACCOo jNTb OF LIEUTENANTS. .2 2 "^ '« _ 00 3C = = «= =^- "-^- =« 2 I llllllll ^ s s ?= =^ ^ ^ ^ ?3 S c • *— *^ -^ 03 'P • & '"" »^ . ^ • < B " .— ^. ^ *Z^ '^ 1^ £ .5 y= rt EC ^ (t "S "S.*"^ o =^ Compair John Mann Michael Searfoss Daniel Burden. James Pusley. . Jacob Walter. .. OeorRp Grisler. Henry Houii. ... 7 in 7 4 7 pi 7 in Cai.t. KACHLINE'S Comi an% John Wamphold Peter Rhoad. 1" 1" Conrad Lyester f' Abraham Gearhart 1'^ W Abraham Haldiman V.t V< John Kinsey 1'' I' Henry Freed 1" 1'-' Jacob Bean 1- '' John Hare '' •' John Rice " ^ Abraham Hunsberry 10 W Henry Rhoad 1^ I'l Jacob Climer V> V^ John Bean 13 16 Jeremiah Haycock 10 10 Christian I'enner lo 10 Henry Grove, ■* '' John Funk 12 1^ Jacob Penner 1" 1'^' John Frederick ■' •-• Philip Tush 1" 1" Jacob Edleman •' ' John Stump - " 'christian Wikle 1" 1" Christian Flell f' " Jeremiah Routabush 1" 19 Geo. Adam Coover 1" 1" Paul Hartzel 1" 1" Nicholas Geese ^ •< Ludwick Penner, lo 1" Jacob Lester lo 10 Leonard Heninsrer '"10 Stephen Horn 11 -H Joseph Burr 1" 1" Jonathan Grifiith. lo I'l Carried over 4i o ," Capt. SHOOP'S Company. Jacob Ruth. John Gordon. John Hoffman Jacob Lightcap Jacob Staly Elias ShuU Matthias Waggronor, Christian Roof David Stem Christian FrauKher. AVilliam Williams. Capt. WICKART'S Company. Israel Roberts John Strecker Robert Elackledge, Jacob Stover Samuel Hendricks. John Stover Jacob Climer Samuel Musselnian. Michael Bishop. ... Samuel Hoodie. ... John Hunsberry, .. Stephen Bidleman. 7 10 11 12 r. S (1 10 10 10 10 10 ]0 11 14 r( 1 t pi t 10 10 1' 111 10 " 10 13 11 pi in I Capt. KODEIVS C-ompany. Christian Bidler 1" !'■' Philip Singmaster 1" '" I'aul Freed. 1'"' 1- Carried over .•■■K 136 ACCOUNl'S OF LIEUTENANTS. tirought ovfr 755 13 Joshua Shelly 10 10 Geiiifie Mock 10 10 Henry Shelly 10 10 Abraham Shelly 1^ - John Trumii 3 u Capt. WEEGXEKS Company. An-rge Widemoyer 1 4 Heni-y Penner 1 4 Abraham Stout 1 4 John Fulmer 1 4 Christian iJeteror 1 4 Christian Clymer 1 4 >'eter Penner 1 4 Captains VS"ICK.\RT .*i KOODER' Con'iiany. \\"illit:m Clarke. 14 1 Caiit. MELRIXOER'S Comrai Joshua Burr Jonathan Griffith. Edward Foulke. . Israel Foulke George Landis. .. Frederick Deal, . Ellis I-ewis James Walton. .. Isaac "Walton. ... Henry Strunk. . . . Henry Baum John Stover John Penrose, ... Robert Penrose, . Andrew Cohoe, .. Samuel Thomas, . John Ball Morris Fell Hugh Foulke Aliel Tolhy John Griffith John Slutter Peter Landis Henry Johnson, . SamutI Tennice, . Peter Shook Samuel Nixon. Carried over. BUCKS COUNTY. U' BrouKlU fiirward. Nathan Ball Jesse Ball Ezekiel Dennis, Michael Trumhower, Israel Lancaster Amos Roberts Moses Shaw John Shaw Abraham Taylor Henry Trumbower. .. John Triechler Ezekiel AValton Jacob Freed James ("haiiman John Felman Benjamin Green, Abraham Ball Henry Burk William Burr William Baum William Penrose, ... .lohn Penrose 11 II ] Brought over, 4 111 Jacob Sheft'er i •' Jacoli (layman. .. 4 I Henry Funk 4 II ! Henry Moyrr 4 ! Buflwick Xus|3ickle. 4 David Sheffer 4 f) Joseph 1 Uirson 4 -lieut. Received of him rm ac- count of fines. March 22J, 17S3 (I 47 V :> Do. do. do. April 4. 17S3 20 Do. do. do. Apr. 5. 21 1'. Do. per A. Robi- son, two pay- ments 3'i "i n Do. do.. 2 2 Do. per Ja. Snnd- grass, collector. 14 ii f' Do. ;icr John Thomas, do 11 I'l Do. per Atar. Heed December. 17S1... 17 10 C Josh. Anderson. esq. sub-lieuten- ant. Reed, of him on account of fines. Deer. 28th. 1782,. 47 6 C Do. do. May 21st, 17S3 in 15 11 Do. £51 9 state money, do. Dec. 28. 1782 3859 12 7 Do. £.54 12 6 do. do. May 21. 17S3. 409G 17 fi Carried ir.r.ic IG 11 142 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Joseph Hart, esq., Dr., to Sundries. Brought over J. Anderson, con., £7956 10 1 Do. £11 1? 6 do. June 19, do S90 12 6 Dc,. do. May 21 1TS3 Do. per Benj Fleming, Collec tor Cont. Mo. tl5C4iJ 10 11 State. 110 10 31 Specie. 35 14 1 Wni. M'Henrj-, esq. sub- lieut. Reed, of him by two orders, Oct. 17S3 Militia Fines. Reed, from sundry persons of capt. Neely's Co. for exercise fines in- curred spring, ITSl, per list. No. 1 Do. of John Le- dom, jun. of Capt. Hogland's Co. tour fine, Fall, 17S1 10 10 Do. of sundry per- sons of captain Neely's Co. their fines for non-at- tendance on days of exercise, Fall, 17S1, per list. No. 2 S 11 6 Do. from sundry persons of capt. Neely's Co. their class fines of ITSl. per list. No. 3 42 6 Do. from the sev- eral companies of the 1st. batt. their exercise fines, spring 17S2, per list, No. 4... 127 4 6 ISS 12 Carried, 122 4 3 BUCKS COUNTY. 143 Joseph Hart, esq., Dr., to Sundries. Brought over, Cent. ilo. i2Uiio 19 Militia Fine s, cont ISS 12 Do. from do. Fall. 17S2, ijer list, No. 5 120 6 3 Received fines incurred in com. mcney, per list, £2«C45 14 3 State. 122 4 tapecie. 27S 5 "1 Sundries, Dr. to Joseph Hart, esq., Lieutenant. Balance due at settlement, State Mo. £6 T 9 Specie. United States. Paid captain Xeely for mili- tary services. May 24th, i:S3 Kichard Evans for do., April 7, do Capt. Walker for do. do. 2S, William Simpson for a blan- ket delivered Gen. Lacey in 1777, May 1, 1783 Captain Hart ' for military services, 17, do Capt. Bennet for do. 31, do.. Capt. Yost do. Oct. 27, do.. Captain Nathaniel Evans for do. Nov. 7, do Captain D. Homeland do. February 14, 17S4 (I 11 r. 1 10 15 1 10 1 2 6 1 2 6 Militia Expencee. Paid captain Lefferts per or- der of Council, for his own and the pay of his com- pany of militia stationed to guard the prison at Newton. Aug. and Sei).. 17S2. captains for servicas in their companies respec- Carried. 144 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTEXAXTj Sundries. Dr. to Joseph Hart. esq.. Lieutenant. llrouglil. Militia E-Kpences. lively, for drums, fifes, repairing drums, wages of adjutants, drum major's, fife major's, drumer's and fifer's; printing stationary and pay of judges at elec- tions of officers, and clerk'.^ wages For his own pay as lieuten- ant, from 1st March to Ist April, its:;, employed 'Jl days, at l.T.s Do. from 1st Ajiril. to >tli Xi:>v.. its::'., empl.'ved I'.o days, at 12s. 0.1 For 12 days employerl in set- tling with colleclors, stat- ing and rendering accounts for settlement, at 1-s. iJd.. Militia Fines. For the class fines ..if John Tomlinson, I'M 1" " an i John Philiiis. £10 m an.l the muster liiie .if Johr. ^^'hite, l"f. 0.1. state money, all of captain Neely's compan\ . whicl; were charged in last set- tlement, altho' not yet re- ceived John Hart. esu. Count. Treas. Paid him on ac- count of fines. May 21, 1TS3. t'4 12 6 state mo. at 75 con. mo., X... 40'.'t) IT G Do. £11 IT 6 at a-. ,lune IH. its; N^'M 1.:; {; Do. May 20. d':-. , 41 1:', 1>... .lo. 21. d... r 1' .1 Carried BUCKS COUNTT. 145 Sundries, Dr. to Joseph Hart, esq.. Lieutenant. Brought John Hart, esq. Paid him on account of fines, from 28 Jlay, 17S3, to February, 1784 Balance due to the state,.. Note. It appears that £14640 17 continental money, 11 s. state money and £135 11 8 specie, is due by collectors, viz: by cap- tain Williamson, £J09 17 9 con. lis. state, and £54 10 specie, by Samuel Pettlt continental £13352 17 6 John Doeland, ... 77S 2 3 Wm. M'Masters, John Keith Isaac Wyncoop,. Hugh Torrance,. Cont. Mo. £49S7 lu State. 64 4 :< specie. 1 s 50 13 2 20 9 6 2135S 4 3 £26345 14 3 Specie. 422 12 0' • List of Fines received by Joseph Hart, esq., since Settlement, March, 1783. Class Fines, SejU., 17S1. Capt. HOGEL.\ND'S Company. John Leedom, jun., 10 10 No. 1. Muster Fines, spring 1781. Capt. NEELY'S Company. Eber Heston Enos Merrick David Reader Isaiah Heston Hampton Wilson Robert Merrictc Isaac Smith John Taylor, jun Jacob Trago Carried 10-6--3d Ser, 19 G 19 6 1& 6 19 19 6 19 6 19 6 19 6 19 6 S 15 C Brought S 15 6 .\aron Philips 19 G Isaac Beal 19 G Jeremiah Cooper 19 G State money £11 14 Muster fines, fall 17S1. Capt. NEELY'S Company. Hampton Wilson 1 S Robert Merrick 13 9 Robert Knowles, 13 9 Isaac Smith ISO .lacob Trago 18 Carried 5 15 6 146 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought, Brought, John Tomlinson, Aaron Philips, . Capt. WILLIAMSON'S Company. Class fines, September. 1781. Capt. rCEELY'S Company. Thomas Cooper, Daniel Hunt, . Joseph Harvey, AVm. Lowanee, Da\ id Reader, . 4 18 10 10 1) 10 10 10 12 5 16 i George Chapman. ... I John Smith I Joseph Ballance i Stephen Smith, I David Warner 1 Benjamin Chapman. ! Thomas Atkinson, . . I Abraham Smith I Mahlon Worthington, ! John White I Isaac Warner I Henry I'ike I Amos Martindale, ' Jonathan Warner ' Joseiih Gurtz s s s 8 S s s 8 8 u 8 S 8 8 8 8 Muster fines, spring 17S2 ('aft. JAJIISOX'S Company. Capt. ADAMS' Company. Paul Blaker 1 8 u Kelies Blaker 1 8 ,i Wm. Spencer 1 8 Richard Leedom 1 1 {) Amos Hibs, 1 S Thomas Spencer l S John Cooper 1 8 Samuel Spencer 1 8 M'm. Tomlinson 1 1 Petf-r Blaker l 8 Capt. HART'S Company. Jonathan Tarret l 8 John I.,ongstreth l 8 o Henry Miller i 8 John Cotman 1 S o Xehemiah Addis l 2 9 John Ranking i 8 Elijah Walton i s Jacob Cadwalader l s Robert Miller i s Cyrus Cadwalader 1 S ii Robert Lukens i 8 u Edward Eaton. .../ i s n Carried 29 16 '.> Joseph Twining, ... I AVilliam Heston, .. I Isaac Worthington, I John Briggs ' John Fell William Beal Jacob Clements, . . . Joseph Briggs Mahlon Twining, . Watson Fell Joab Walton 8 s 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 8 Captain XEEL"i"' David Keston Jose]ih Harvey Jonathan Kinsey. ... Whitson Canby Thomas Smith Joseph Fell Edmond Smith William Lowanee. ... Joshua A'ansant .Abraham Reader. ... Benjamin "U'lggons, . Carried BL'CKS COUNTY. 147 Brought fSO 2 Moses Harvey i 8 John Atkinson i g Zebulon Heston i 2 Abraham Harvey l 8 Tim. Bolderson ] s Wm. Smith, tanner l S John Harvey i 8 Joseph Wigrgons 1 S Robert Thatcher 1 s Aaron Philips l 8 Robert M'Dolen 1 S Andrew Collins 1 8 Bar. Vanhorn, jun 17 Henry Harvey 17 Isaac Atkinson o 17 J. Atkinson, ■u-pa\-fr 17 Samuel Smith, 17 (■apt. LEFFERT.-^OX'S Company. John Plumley 1 8 Edward Dyer l 8 Edmond Plumley l 8 Joseph Thornton 1 8 Joseph Lenton 1 8 AVilliam Paxton 1 8 Capt. AVALKERS Company. Jonathan Jones i S Zachariah Lewis i 8 John Jones, jun ] 8 Isaac Jones. 1 S Thomas Meredith 1 8 John Hough 1 8 George Kerns 1 8 Gilbert Rodman ] 8 Jacob Paul 1 8 No. 5. Muster Fines, Fall, 1782. Capt. HOGELAND'S Company. I Josei^h Longstr:?tch l 8 I David Knight i g o I Isaac Bolton i g o I Daniel Eewsloy l s Capt. EDAM'S Company. Paul 1 Maker Kelles Blaker, Richard Leedom John Cooper^ Samuel Spencer Peter Blaker Thomas Spencer William Si)encer, William ('hapman William i v.oper Capt. HOGEL.AXD'S Company, Daniel Lewsley i s Isaac Bolton i s Joseph Longsiretch 1 s 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 K s Caiit. HART'S Company. Jonathan Jarret Robert Lukens Henry Miller John Cotman Nehemiah Addis John Rankins Elijah Walton Jacob Cadwalader Robert Aliller Edward Eaton 8 8 Caiit. LOTT'S Company. George Chaimian, 1 8 John Smith l 8 () Joseph Eallance l S Sterihen Smith 1 8 David Wainer I S Ben. Chajmian, jun 1 8 .\braham Smith l s Mahli n Worthington i s CV John White i s Isaac Warner i s n Henry Pike i g o Carried 41 148 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought £49 Amos Martindale 1 8 Joseph Gurty 1 8 Jonathan Warner 1 8 Capt. JAMISON'S Company. Joab Walton 1 8 Joseph Twining 1 8 William Heston 1 S Isaac Worthington, 1 S John Briggs 1 8 John Fell 1 8 Jacob Clements 1 8 Jos. Briggs 1 8 Mahlon Twining 1 8 Watson Fell 1 8 William Beal 1 8 Brought £84 5 a Zebulon Heston, 18 Abraham Harvey 1 8 Tim. Bolderson 18 Wm. Smith, tanner 18 John Harvey 1 8 David Heston, 18 Joseph Wiggons ISO Robert Thatcher, 18 Aaron Philips 1 & Andrew Collins 18 Henry Harvey, jun 1 8 Isaac Atkinson 1 8 J. Atkinson, weaver 18 Samuel Smith 110 Capt. LEFFERT'S Company. Capt. NEELY'S Company. Joseph Harvey 5 3 Jonathan Llnsey 1 S Whitson Canby 1 S Thomas Smith 18 Joseph Fell 1 8 Edmond Smith 1 S William Lowance 1 8 Joshua Vansant 1 S Abraham Reader 1 8 Benjamin Wiggons 1 8 Moses Harvey 1 8 John Atkinson 1 8 Carried 84 5 3 John Plumley 18 Edward Dyer 18 Edmond Plumley 1 8 Joseph Thornton 18 Joseph Linton, 18 Capt. "WALKER'S Company. John Jones Jacob Paul John Hough George Kerns, ... Gilbert Rodman, Jonathan Jones . Zachariah Lewis, 8 « 8 8 8 8 8 8 « 120 « 2 List of Continental Money Fines received by Joseph Hart, Esq. Exercise Fines Spring, 1780. I Brought £72 Capt. NEELY'S Company. John Boyd. . Robert Carr, Jeremiah Cooppr, James Tomlinson, 27 : Jacob Trago, 4:. 58 10 58 10 S8 10 « Carried, 72 Carried 247 10 • BUCKS COUNTY. 149 Bronght, £247 10 Brought £837 8 3 Class Fines Fall. 17S0. John Atkinson 352 14 J ere Cooper u40 James Torbet 369 18 3 Matthias Harvey 12112 6 James Tomlinson 220 £1851 14 9 Carried S37 s " Examined and settled, JOHN NICHOLSON. Comptroller-General's Office, Nov. 22, 1784. STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF Andrew Boyd, Esquire, A SUB-LIEUTENANT OF CHESTER COUISTTY. 1777-I780. STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF AN- drew Boyd, Esquire, Sub-Lieutenant of Ches- ter County, from March, 1777, to March, 1780. Andrew Boyd, Esq. Dr. to Sundries. Robert Smith, esq. lieutenant of said county. Received of liim at sundry times including £1307 10, received of him per David Rittenhouse, esq. treasurer, in 1777, Robert Wilson, esq. sub-lieutenant. Received of him fines received. 177 j Lewis Gronow, esq. sub-lieutenant. Received of him for hiring substitutes, 1777, £2582 13 9 85 10 375 Thomas Levis, esq. sub-lieutenant. Received of him out of the monies received of col. Wayne to purchase muskets, April 2. 1776,.. Monies arising from the sales of forfeited estates. Received for 1700 lb. of iron belonging to William Stroud, gone with fhe English Militia Fines. Received from sundry persons of the several companies of the 8th bat- talion, fines for not marching in 1777, and for non-attendance upon days of exercise, per list. No. 1 -1701 Do. do. class fines in 1778, per list. No. 2, Received of capt. Stephen Cochran,... from James M'Clellan, from Zephaniah Davis, col- lector, for exercise fines. 1778 Received from John Tellis his fine for non-attendance do., Received cash March 19, 1779, on Pat- terson Bell's execution for exercise fines. 1778 Received of Tristram Moore, Sept. 13. 1780. exercise fines. 1779 Gilbert Gibhs. Jan. 31. do. do., John Crow. March 16. do. do 2 1800 8 6 29 28 19 20 84 6 Carried, 7344 12 3147 9 9 154 ACCOUXTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Andrew Boyd. Esq. Dr. to Sundries. Brought over, 3147 9 9 Militia Fines, continued 7344 12 Received from Jos. Kyle. Nov. and Dec, 1779, being exercise fines of 1779 85 10 Do. of Benjamin M'Kewen, collector Oct. 14, 1780, do., 529 7959 2 11106 11 9 Sundries Dr. to Andrew Boyd, esq. United States. Paid James French for forage for the light dragoons, Sept. 25, 1777 2 13 Elizabeth Ring for 231% lb. beef de- livered the militia, do. 21, 11 11 9 Henry Moore for shoeing 2 continental horses, do 1 5 John Stow for six bushels salt deliv- ered for the militia, Oct. 1. do 66 William Marsh for pasturing 2 conti- nental horses 3 weeks, Nov. 3. do.,. 12 6 Joseph Gladney for 90 lb. mutton de- livered to the militia, do. 15 4 10 Joseph Parks for 1% cwt. 15 lb. flour, and 285 lb. beef, for do., do. 7 17 3 6 James M'Dowel for one bushel salt, do., 11 David Bailey in part pay for hauling militia baggage. Nov. 3. 1777 6 Joseph Spear for 7 blankets, do. 10 IS 10 Andrew Lowrey, expences procuring blankets, do. 11 1 12 6 David Hay for 67 lb. beef for his com- pany, do 3 7 James Herford expences taking a prisoner to Lancaster, do. 18 2 13 9 James Blelock for hire of his team hauling baggage, do. 24 64 Robert Young for hire of 2 teams, do. 25 16 4 6 James Hughes for 650 lb. beef for the militia, do. 2G 32 10 Carried 260 CHESTER COUNTY. lo5 Sundries Dr. to Andrew Boyd, esq. United States, Brought forward... 260 3 6 Paid Robert Wiles for hauling flour for the militia, &c.. Dec. 18, 1777 2 5 John Irwin, jun., for hire of his team in service, do 34 19 6 Joseph Gladney for beef and oats for the militia, Dec. 8, 1777 18 10 Do. for 5 1-5 cwt. of beef, and 1 cwt. hay, do 2G 9 6 William Willev for flour for the mi- litia, Jan. 1. 1778 1 11 G Jean Brown for a blanket lost in ser- vice, do. 7, 4 1 James Dunn for a gun lost in action, do. 20 10 Thomas Davis for 6 bushels of wheat ground, and the flour delivered to capt. Davies' companv of militia, do. 20 3 5 Henry M'Clellan for pay of an ammu- nition guard, do 8 17 6 Samuel Denny for 40 lb. mutton for the militia. 29 do 2 James Francis, forage fc a horse in service, do 1 2 6 Peter Burgandy for 32 gallons whiskey delivered for militia, Feb. 21, 33 David Bailey for waggon hire hauling baggage, do. 14 69 James Dunn for do. do. do. 16 175 Robert Wilson for do. Mar. 30, do., 112 Francis Ruth for a coverlid lost in ac- tion, do 4 10 Duncan Morris for a blanket, do. do... 3 James Francis 2 months pay as dra- goon April 2, do., 5 John Fleming, esq. for flour and bread for the militia, do. 3 4 10 6 Francis Ruth for retained forage as quarter master, 6. do 2 19 George M'Guire for 2 blankets lost in the service, do. 18 6 Archibald Guy for one blanket, do 3 David Clark for 2 bushels wheat, for Carried 792 1 9 7 6 156 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTKN AN'J S. Sundries Dr. to Andrew Boyd, esq. United States, Brought forward 792 1 forage for his team i.n service, Apr. 18. 1778 1 10 Samuel F'uthy for pay of himself and 4 men as pilots and guides under gen. Potter, hire of their horses, retained rations, and for one blanket lost in service, April 20, 1778 129 8 4 Ebenezer Henry, forage for a horse as horseman under gen. Potter and shoe- ing, do., 1 10 James Francis, do. do. 24 3 2 8 Thomas Heslip for 5 gallons of whiskey for militia. 27 do 6 5 John Sharp for 5 do. and waggon hire for do., 28 do., 20 1 4 ■Joseph Speer for S% do. do.. May 4 13 2 6 Patterson Bell for 300 lb. beef for the militia, do. 15 29 12 6 John Filson for 3 bushels salt for do. do. 18 48 George Craighead for 518 lb. beef and mutton for do. do. 30, 25 James Anderson for mutton and veal for do.. July 13, 4 5 Joseph Coxe for a months pay in 2d class. Aug. 25, 2 10 Wm. Bruce for retained rations in mi- litia. Sept, 3 31 Joseph Speer for one barrel whiskey for militia, do. 7 48 Robert Curry for pay as quarter master, 1st and 2d classes, 14 do 17 18 9 John Henry for a blanket and knap- sack lost in the service, Sept. 24, do., 3 10 John Mitelman for 5 months pay whilst a prisoner, Oct. 2, 12 10 "William Davis for waggon hire, by or- der of gen. Potter, do. 8, 9 William Stewart for pay and rations whilst a prisoner, do. 16, 8 8 Patrick Harvey for do. do. do. 22 29 William Bell for Oliver Dorner for do. do. 31 36 Carried 1244 5 1 CHESTER COUNTY. 157 Sundries Dr. to Andrew Boyd. esq. United States, Brought over, 1244 5 1 Paid John M'Glaughlin for pay and ra- tions whilst a prisoner, Oct. 31, 1778. 20 Andrew Haslet for one month's pay in militia, Nov. 12, 2 10 William Withrow for retained rations for his company, do 18 Hugh Campbell for pay and rations whilst a prisoner. Dec. 30, 22 10 John Fleming, for forage for his team. employed in hauling baggage, do 5 11 3 Capt. John Ramsey for 6 weeks pay of his companv. May to July, 1778. Jan. 9, 1779, 252 John Gallacher for his pay in the mili- tia, do. 11, 7 3 4 Samuel M'Clellan for Vn cwt. of flour, do. 14 1 16 Joseph Henderson for a blanket lost in the service, do., 3 15 Francis Ruth for one barrel of flour for 8th class, do 3 15 David Cowan for waggon hire, hauling baggage, 15 do 40 5 James Dun for a blanket lost in ser- vice, March 3 4 10 Andrew Mitche! for waggon hire haul- ing baggage, April 5 4 10 Charles Wallace for pay and rations whilst a prisoner, do 20 Robert Sharp for do. do. do 24 15 Daniel M'Hugh for do. do.. May 22 34 Robert Young for a blanket, June 19,.. 2 John Sharp for hauling baggage. Oct. 27. 1777 10 10 Archibald M'Kissack. do. June 4, 1778, 12 10 William Wilkins for a blanket lost in service. April 5, 1779 3 Joseph Park for a blanket, June 4, do., 2 5 James Brown for pay and rations whilst a prisoner, do. 29 33 8 4 Abigail Culbertson. for 1 cwt. of flour for the militia on march, do. 31 60 Carried 1832 19 15S ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries Dr. to Andrew Boyd, esq. United States, Brought over, 1832 19 Major John Culbertson for his own and capt. Lockharfs pay. May 27, 1778,.. 14 11 8 Paid a guard talking an English de- serter to Lancaster, Jan. 15, do 9 For 400 lb. beef and 100 lb. flour, de- livered Blackburne's and Bentley's companies. Sept. 1, 1777 22 Thomas Davis for bread of M'Kee's company of militia, do., 3 15 Mary Wason for one blanket, do 3 15 John Ivory for one do. do 3 For 6 cwt. flour for the 5th class, when stationed in Chester county, do., 12 For forage for the horses of 5th bat- talion at Doe run, 5 11 o Joseph Filson for taking a deserter to camp. June 2, 1778, 9 5 Thomas Boyd for 4 blankets, Occ. 22, 1777, 12 Gilbert Gibbs for 2 do. do 6 Robert Young for 1 do. do., 2 Joseph Adams for 2 do. do 4 Furnished 4 blankets, do 10 John Montgomery for provisions sup- plied the militia in June, 1778, April i. 1780, 6 Paid sundry persons for 29 blankets, Oct. 22,1777 75 5 2031 1 8 Deduct for cash received for the fol- lowing, viz: 92 1b. green hides, at ls.6d., 4 12 34 tallow, at 2s 3 80 68 green hides at Is., 3 8 For 2 blankets lost 5 16 8 2014 13 8 Military Stores. Paid sundry persons for 71 muskets. 22 bayonets. 39 cartouch boxes. 13 bayonet belts. 1 rifle, 1 pouch, 1 horn. 1 pair molds. & for collecting, hauling, and repairing arms 235 6 Carried 2249 19 8 CHESTER COUNTY. 159 Sundries Dr. to Andrew Boyd, esq. Brought over 2249 19 8 John Marshall, capt. 3d regiment. Paid him per lieut. Armstrong for recruiting ser- vice, Feb. 24. 1778 225 Capt. Joseph M'Clellan of 9th regiment. Paid him for the recruiting service, Oct. 31, 1778 225 Do. do. Dec. 31, do 45 270 Bounties paid for promoting the continental service. Paid Caleb Way in part of the bounty for John Hall his servant inlisted into the continental armv, June, 1778 ■. 37 10 For inlisting John Moore, a recruit for the army 6 43 10 Thomas Strawbridge, esq. sub-lieutenant Paid him on account, 1777 829 10 David Rittenhouse. esq. state treasurer. Paid him, being fines collected, April 2 J, 1781, 792 17 Militia Expences. Paid sundry expresses, substitutes hired to serve in the militia, almoners, cap- tains lor their services, adjutants, drummers and fifera, stationary, and ether contingent charges, 5950 14 8 For his par as sub-lieutenant from March. 1777, to Jan., 1780, employed 670 days 725 Balance due to the state, 6675 14 20 £11106 11 9 List of Fines received by Andrew Boyd, esq. No. 1. Eighth Hattalion. Capt. GIEB'S Company. .Tames .Adair 2S 3 li John Let- 2S 5 John Rnhin.=on 2.' Vincent CrumMe ;s ', .(anus Kelly 2i 123 i:. ■) Drought over 12D 13 John ArmFtrong 51 12 G Capt. 5I.\RSH'S Comp-in>-. William Mar.^h. Thomas Truman. Jame.s Smith. ... Jame.< P>aile>'. .. William Pini. ... 2S 3 2^; 3 23 * 2'v 3 'I Carried, 160 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over. John Moore George Robinson, ... Jonah Chamberlain. Thomas Scott Edward Webb Andrew Stewart, ... Joseph Powel James Miller, James Williams, ... James Moore, John Moore James Bulla Joseph Eccles Joseph Park Da\id Park 26 12 fi 28 5 33 5 30 33 5 30 3S 5 3S 5 3S 5 53 5 33 5 53 5 25 SO 35 Capt. BENTY'S Comp.-iny. William Moode 2S 5 Philip Dougherty 2S 5 John Worth 2S 5 George Chandler 12 12 6 John Powel 30 John Wiley 16 12 6 John Hannah, 15 William M'Pherson 16 5 Caleb Phips 50 Solomon Harlan 53 5 Capt. WITHROW'S Comiiany. .\rthur O'Neal 36 12 Edward Vernon SS 5 John Ash iS 3 James Ralston 35 William Neelly 33 Caleb Way 33 5 Joseph Ash 53 5 Michael Baldridge. 33 Capt. DUXX'S Company. John Irwin Andrew Moore Ellis Pusey, Arthur Park Carried, 1391 12 2' 2S. Tj 3S :, 35 Brought over 153112 6 Capt. M'NEAL'S Company. Josiah Bailey 27 2 6 James French 23 George Harlan 27 2 G Nathan Hays 27 2 6 Jesse Harlan 25 u Jeremiah Barnard 32 2 G Isaac Bailey 32 2 6 Jacob Chandler 32 2 6 George Taylor 32 2 C Geoige White 37 2 John Pasmore 37 2 6 Edward Horn 37 2 6 Silas Harlan 35 2 6 Andrew Mitchel, 35 Joshua Baily 37 2 6 Peter Burgandine 33 n Amos Bailey 32 2 6 Thomas Pasmore, 36 2 6 Henry Bailey 52 2 6 Elisha Bailey 32 2 6 Joseph Pasmore 30 Christin Rise 52 2 G Samuel Baker 52 2 6 James Richardson 23 o Aaron Baker 32 2 6 Capt. WITHEROW'S Company. James Pierce, .....' 2S " William Dawson 2S 3 William Sinclare 23 Joseijh Gladney 33 Janie.< M'Cleery 30 John Sheerer 26 Ebezer Pyle 30 George Ogleby 30 James Clemson 53 Capt. MOORE' S Company. John Steel 30 Isaac Pyle •''• Joseph Pennock .'ii ") Isaac Johnson 4'i l' Caleb Pylo '0 Carried 30U 2 5 2 G 5 CHESTER COUNTY. 161 Brought over 'iou 2 6 Samuel House, 20 Samuel Hays og o John Pyle TiU Samuel Moore in u o John Russel JO Jesse Pusey 50 Joshua Edwards, 50 Thomas Pyle 50 Caleb Swain 50 Caleb Pusey uO ^Villiam Bailey 2S 12 6 Caleb Hulford 50 Moses Pennock 50 8 William Wanless 50 Caleb Jackson 50 Capt. NEWMAN'S Company. Jacob Fagon Benjamin Way, .. Kli Bailey Tienjamin Jackson David Wlndle, ... Jesse Jackson Moses W^indle William "Windle, , Abel Wickersham, Isaac Wodrow, ... Mordecai Cloud. .. Joslah Cloud Joseph Pyle James Vernon John Parker, Caleb Pennock, ... Isaac Pierce Samuel Swain Thomas Woodard. JaTies Jefferies. .. Isaac Pierce, V.'illiam Bailey, .. 50 4ii W 41 ■J I) 50 .% .50 35 (.' 50 50 50 50 50 ro 50 50 A 5'1 fl fl 4701 o No. 2. 1st and 2d classes. James Pierce 4,^ q William Kennedy 4,) ^, Peter Whitecar j^j q James Adair 4,, ,, John Sherer 4,, (^ James Bennet 4,) f, Philip Dougherty j- q George Chandler 4, ,j James Corban 4,, ,, John AVorth 4(, „ Alexander Peoples 411 (, AVilliam Mode 4,, q James Bailey 4,j ,, Thomas Truman 4.) q George Boyd 25 William M'Nees 3., ,;, John Tellis 4,, ^, Caleb Pyle 40 q William Pennock 4.) John Parker 4.) q Henry Jeffries 41) j Joel Bailey 4,1 (, Isaiah Bailej- 4,) (, Samuel Moore 10 1) Joseph Pyle 40 John Pennock 40 Jacob Chaffant 40 Nathan Hays 40 Jesse Harlan 40 Abraham Hays 4.J n Caleb Peirce, 41) John Taggart 40 Daniel Perce 4.) Abner Cloud, 4.) Silas Harry 4.1 Abel Wickersham 40 Isaac Johnston 4'i John FuUerton 40 m George Robinson 4' '> John Brown 4m m James Brown 40 John Lee 4ij .1 Archibald M'CorkU- 4'' •' Carried ifn^ ■, ll--6-3d Ser. 162 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over. John Moore. . .. John Anderson, 40 40 C ijrought over 1720 William MClellan, David Powel Carried i'-O Examined ?.ncl settled, JOHN NICHOLSON. Comptroller-General's Office, Philadelphia. Mar. 1, 1784. 40 40 £1800 STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF Benjamin Brannon, Esquire, LATE SUB-LIEUTENANT OF CHESTER COUNTY. / / /• I— I u < a - c Ql'Z O o .N Z < bi) <; y5 .5 ^ "O -Q ^ ^ -2 Uh >^ o _ ^ '-^^ o i H cj bo Z *^ o u z: < ^ ^ w ^ a -^ — 'r; O -^ '5 <^ -^ CO 2 :^ o L.-. o o e o t^ t~ . t£ 2 ^ c > > :_ .Z .Z t- o 'r 5 > r^ _ >, — _ .r •£ .i ^ -; P M r- w' X 5 ~ c< :o j^ — ^ .^ • s ° — ■J-. — r J-' = c o Wj u o .^ a) •n 2 ■x. . ^ "' " >> * •■'^ X-* .^ ;3 ^— •' — ' ^— ^ o ,^ 2 .:= ;^ ~ •^ ^ ■~ £.•-• i: O o 'O 166 ACCOUXTS OF LIEUTENANTS. — Ct I c-t o o _ CJO be t. ^ - s a- ., P p •; en 5" ^ 0)" « «•= o > ~ 1^- ^ C~ — - I t- S t^ _2 c- ^ C "= t- oT >. « c s K = "^ :: O r- § °- p > C > O > f_ — C_ ._ r^ ._ W o e^ o in M o CO CO CO O 1-1 o CO r-l o Pi a. e- ;n V. s c cu "ti ^ ir! C _ C ,^ ) . % O '^ U c: rt o t eufc CHESTER COUNTY. 167 00 ■* O z z < oi 03 o — CO o «2 C 5 < 2 t- « 5; = S = < bc^ ^. .c CO a CO ^ JZ be "= K « ^ C ^- . u -~^ ?^ •2 2 5 o « Tr " fe ~ '5 ic C5 E =^ C ::: o '5 io >^tS ^ U !=• ;^ < - > C -»-' n CIh C - S .5 i- z '5 STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OK TlaoiTias Levis, A SUB-LIEUTENANT OF CHESTER COUNTY. I777-I780. THOMAS LEVIS. Esq. Sub-Lieutenant. Dr. to Sundries. To Committee of Chester county. Received from Anthony Wayne, Esq. foi' purchas- ing arms, March. 1776 £7(i To Col. Lewis Gronow, Esq. Sub-Lieutenant. Received from him for to pay to Ben- jamin Brannan GO Ditto, on account substitutes, &c 86G 15 U 92G 15 Militia Fines. Amount of fines received from the sev- e.al classes of the battalion com- manded by Col. Davis, for non-pei- formance of militia duty, incurred between March, 1777, and March, 1780, per List No. 1 4709 4 Ditto, received of ditto, for non-at- tendance upon days of exercise, in- curred as above, per List No. 2 4721 13 9430 17 £10.427 12 Sundries Dr. to Thomas Levis. Esq. Sub-Lieutenant. David Rittenhouse, Esq. Treasurer. Paid him, April 24th, 1779, £204 15: Mav 31. £15; do. 29th, £750: do. £1051 15; April 24th. £144 7 6: March 29th, £483 15; Feb. 15th, £688 lo: and Feb. 10th, 1780, £1443 15, 4781 17 6 Lewis Gronow, Esq. Sub-Lieutenant. Paid him on account of fines, 1778. 66G 2 C Benjamin Brannan, Esq. Sub-Lieutenant. Paid him for to purchase blankets, 1777 60 William Montgomery. Esq. Paid him out of the monies reed, from Col. Wayne to purchase musquets. April 2d. 1776, 20 Andrew Boyd. Esq. Paid him out of monies reed, from Col. Wayne for purchasing musquets. April 2d. 1776 20 Mr. John Fulton. Paid him for the purpose of purchasing musquets. April 2d. 1776 10 Nicholas Fairlamb, Esq. Paid him for the purpose of purchasing arms. Ap. 2, 1776, V> (.1 Carried over £55GS 172 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries Dr. to Thomas Levis, Esq. Sub-Lieutenant, continued. Brought over, £5568 United States. No. 1. Paid for 7 blankets delivered to Col. Evans. Aug. 25th. 1777,.. 20 2. To Andrew Turk, his pension, being disabled in the service of the United States, by or- der of Orphans Court, Dec. 25th, 1780, 126 13 6 3. To David Jackson, do. do. Dec. 6th, 1781, 94 10 4. To Captain William Price, do. do. March leth, 1778, 90 331 3 6 James M'Farlane, lieut. 1st Pennsyl. regt. Paid him for inlisting William Morris, a recruit for the army. May 30th. 1778 51 Robert Gregg, capt. 5th regt. Paid him for recruiting Joseph Fell, a soldier, do. 29th do 51 Frederick Vernon, Esq. major of 8th regt. Paid him for inlisting Joel Hays and Charles Emery, for said regt., May 29th, 1778, 102 Militia Expences. Paid to sundry persons, for expences of appeals, captains for their services in their companies, clerks' wages, collectors commissions. adjutants, drummers, fifers and drums, colours, repairs and other contingent charges, 1801 14 8 For his own services as Sub-Lieutenant, from 2d April, 17778, to the 20th March, 1780, employed 350 days, 1106 5 2907 19 8 Military Stores. Paid William Levis for one gun 3 Balance due to the state 1413 8 10 £10,427 12 CHESTER COUXTY. Brouglu forward, 173 No. 1. List of the substitute fines received by Tiiotiias Levis, incurred before the 20th of March, 17S0. Capt. MATTHEWS'S Company. First Class. Joshua Bonsall Benjamint Lobb James Steel William West Isaac Lobb, Jonathan Brown, Second Class William Davis John Bunting Thomas Marshall, jun. Samuel Lewis Nathan Garret, jun., . Meredith M'Call Job Evans Robert Williamson, ... Third Class. Robert Parkes Matthias Tyson John Hayes Israel Roberts Fourth Class. Hezekiah Hibberd James Moore Evan Evans Abraham Hughs Nathan Sellers Fifth Clas Abraham Lobb Richard Hayes Nathan Thomson Shadrick Hartso Oborn Garret Abraham Marshall, ... Jacob Lobb Sixth Cla^s. William Banderman, ... John Hibberd John Garret Joseph Ball James Marshall John Sellers Seventh Class. Benjamin Bartram Matthew Ash James Pyott, Isaac Hibbard, jun Samuel Leadam Thomas Garret jL'hn Jloore William West o4 1- 54 12 17 25 14 54 12 25 14 C 25 14 C 25 14 6 25 14 6 25 14 6 23 12 6 25 14 6 25 14 6 15 7 10 Capt. RUDOLPH'S Company 25 14 6 ! 25 14 (i i First Class. 25 14 6 I John Humphrey, 25 14 6 25 14 6 I Aaron Oakford 25 14 6 Eighth Class. A\'illiam Lewis Daniel Handy Aaron Marshall, Nathan Davis Samuel Levis, Thomas Kitchen Charles Lloyd 54 12 2 2 Second Class. Isaac Brooks Third Class. George Swayne, Samuel Bunting John Hunt, jun Nicholas Randle. John Likan John Brooks Josiah Bunting Benjamin Elliot 25 14 25 14 Fifth Class. George Davis, fuller. ... John Home 5 5 2 2 54 12 15 54 12 54 12 Sixth Clasf Nathaniel Smith Isaac Lloyd John Pearson Richard Humphreys, ... I Jonathan Heacock Carried over. (."arried over. I'i 174 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought forward ICCo IJ Martin Hildeburn. Seventh Class Thomas AVatts Joseph Pearson Andrew Boon (shoem.)... Charles Gary Thomas Swayne i;5 14 6 2 2 10 22 10 5 5 Capt. DIEHL'S Company. Brought forward 2427 9 Jacob Beary, 42 2 Jacob Prince i 17 6 Thomas Lewis 2 2 Joshua Ash 2 2 Samuel Worrall, 23 5 John Morris William Smith Israel Taylor Israel Longav're, .. Samuel Morris. ... Duncan M'Donald. Joseph Mericn, .... Andrew Lican Isaac Hendrickson. James Jackson. ... John Miller Capt. BROOKS'S Company. Jesse Davis Nicholas Pechien. .. Thomas Simon Joseph Worrall Jesse Ellis Christian Peterman, Jonathan Ellis Samuel M'Clure, ... Michael Bower, Richard Willing, ... Enoch Gorman George Haywnrth. . Abraham I>eaden, .. David Ellis Lewis Griffith John Hay worth Jam.es Gorman Samuel Briggs Samuel Greacy William Llewellin. Jacob Humphreys. Duncan Johnson. .. C'arried over, ... 3 23 12 e 23 12 6 3 15 2 10 2 10 lu 5 25 14 6 2 10 44 2 5 5 24 7 6 23 12 6 3 25 14 6 3 10 25 14 6 25 14 6 52 S 16 .54 12 6 e 2--. 14 6 25 14 6 .54 12 54 12 Cajit. VERNON'S Company. William Wilkinson 25 14 6 Samuel Erdsworth 11 5 Benjamin Worrall 25 14 6 Jesse Worrall 25 14 6 Ambrose Taylor 10 10 James Care 15 Thomas Essory 2 5 Thomas Briggs 23 12 6 Andrew Lynn 25 14 6 Owen Worral 25 14 6 Thomas Dell (Weaver) 2 2 David Price 3 10 Joshua Ely 15 14 6 Roger Dicks 25 14 6 Thomas Malin 25 Michael Brady 2 14 6 Job Green 25 14 6 David Dunn 2 2 Daniel Sharpless 54 12 Richard Swaffer 15 10 Ellas Vernon 2 10 William Robinson 11 5 Abraham Calvert 7 10 Moses Vernon 6 10 John Logmire, 3 Jacob Malin 44 Peter Worrall 2 2 Joseph Edwards 2 10 Samuel Malin 20 5 John Taylor 25 14 6 William Mullen 2 Philip Kirk 2 2 Adam Worral, 25 5 7 Thomas Worrall 2 2 Thomas Jacobs 54 12 Isaac Taylor 4 12 Carried over 3104 11 1 CHESTER COUNTY. 175 Brought forward, 31i.'4 11 1 Nathaniel (Calvert 3 10 U Thomas HinkEon 2 2 William Salkield 44 2 James Elliot, 2 2 Thomas Smedley 41 12 6 Thomas Bishop 44 2 Peter Dicks 44 2 Capt. PRICE'S Company. Ezekiel Wilson 2'. Isaac M'llvain 20 Hufih Lloyd 2:. Aaron Ogden 1" Charles Corbit 2.'> Jacob Worrall 12 >la tni ( N tsilli s 1 James Wood, jun fi William Long 2 John Holston 10 Thomas Town •^4 Isaac Eyre 54 Richard Crosby ?> Morris Mooris !'< Daid Trainer " Peter Worrall 24 Thomas Smith 20 Elisha Worrall 54 William Worrall 30 John Crosby "■ Jonathan Moore 2J Benjamin Thomas 24 John Worrall 24 John Wood 2T Alexander Carnes 2 Jacob Grant " Capt. LEVIS'S Company. James Heacock 23 14 (5 John Markward 3 12 (i David Hall 23 14 G Samuel Pancoast 23 14 6 Jehu Maris 23 14 6 Joseph Powell 23 14 6 John Ogflen 23 14 6 Carried over 3963 6 10 14 6 12 6 10 12 12 12 6 10 12 n 12 14 14 12 IS 3 9 Brought forward Z'J>Jo 6 I'j Curtis Lownes 3 12 6 Isaac Rhoads 23 14 t George Powell 2m 2 6 Edward Fell 20 l-l 6 Benjamin Taylor 7 lo j William Afflick S .Slater Lownes, . .„ 13 12 6 Josei)h Rhoads 23 14 6 Abraham Garret 23 14 6 William Esby 12 Nicholas Beard 12 o Elisha Worrall 23 14 6 Isaac Maris 25 14 6 William Marshall 3 11 David Loyan 12 Jesse Maris, 46 4 i' Joseiih Sermon 47 13 11 Thomas Esby 23 14 6 William Past 3 11 Mordecai Lawrence 25 r4 6 John Crozer 23 1 4 6 Benjamin Pyle 34 12 ■) John Maris 13 Josejjh Gibbons 17 2 Hugh M'Ferren 3 1m o James Esby 23 14 Jerman Dickey 4 12 William Lane 34 12 Henry Effinger l'» " John Hall 32 2 " James Osborne 7 10 Jesse Maris, jun 23 12 6 Josejih Lawrence 14 12 Joseph Tyley 2 12 Seth Pancoasl 6 10 Owen. Rhoads 54 12 ■ hn Evan ■'< ' '' Edward Hughs 2 2 John Lewis - - William Harris 2 2 Lewis Pennell 4 £4709 4 4 176 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought forward, No. 2. List of the exercise fines received by Thomas Levis, Esq. incurred before the ;oth March, ITSO. Caiit. VERXOX'S Company. William Wilkinson, Benjamin Worrall, Evan Taylor Joseph Garrison, . Peter Erenard, Israel Taylor , Isaac Weaver, jun. Thomas Briggs, ... Andrew Lynn Owen Worrall John Wilcocks Roger Dicks Edward Owen Enoch Taylor Job Green Daniel Sharpless, . Elias Vernon, William Robinson. . Abraham Calvert, James Malin Jacob Malin Samuel Malin Joseph Edwards. . John Hinkson Peter Worrall Philip Kirk Adam Worrall Samuel Vernon, ... Richard Briggs, ... Nathaniel Calvert, Thomas Hinkson. . William Salkield. . James Elliot Daniel Elomall. ... Thomas Bishop, jun Peter Dicks Joshua Weaver, ... James Wood. jun.. Carried over. .. 22 3 6 22 3 G 14 ly 3 20 12 IS 18 IS IS 22 3 6 7 1 9 11 IS 9 22 3 6 S 15 9 22 3 G 20 12 22 3 6 22 3 6 22 3 6 IS 18 20 12 22 3 6 20 12 22 3 6 22 3 C 18 18 20 9 6 17 9 22 3 6 22 3 6 S 13 3 7 17 6 22 3 6 22 3 6 22 3 6 IG 13 3 22 3 G :2 3 G o,, 12 8 13 3 11 IS 9 3 3 20 9 6 22 3 6 15 1 C( 22 3 c 22 3 G 11 IS 9 23 3 6 22 3 6 22 3 6 10 7 3 22 3 6 22 3 fi 2<) 9 G 20 9 6 10 4 9 10 4 9 10 4 9 2.1 9 6 20 9 e 20 9 6 10 4 9 2') 9 6 3 IS y Capt. PRICE'S Compatiy. Jacob ^\"orrall Abraham Dicks, Ezekiel Wilson Isaac M'llvain Thomas Town Isaac Eyre John Worrall ^^"illiam Worrall lienjamin Thnmas John AVood Benjamin Karns Jacob Grant Edward Lowe .^ William Curry (doctor),. James Hannum Aaron AA'ood William M'Cay Benjamin Williams, Joseph Newlin William Wood JIatthew Wood James Wood, jun., John Snowd James Forrest Capt. BROOKS'S Company. William Farr 1116 3 Richard Willing 16 13 3 Jacob Beary 22 3 6 Isaac Davis 22 3 6 Jesse Ellis 22 3 G Jesse Davis 22 3 6 Mahlon Hay worth 21 9 6 Abraham Leadon 22 3 G Samuel Briggs 22 3 6 Samuel Gracy 22 3 G Obadiah Wilday SIS 9 William Llewellin 22 3 9 Jacob Humphreys 22 3 G "\\illiam Briggs 2ii 9 6 Philip Sheaft" is 4 C John Thomas 22 3 G Joseph Davis 22 3 6 Carried over 14.">3 18 B CHESTER COUNTY. 177 Brought forward 1453 18 6 James Reynolds Christian Peterman, 22 3 6 6 15 6 Capt. RUDOLPH'S Company. Joshua Ash 22 Josiah Bunting 22 Charles Cary 22 Benjamin Elliot 22 John Humphreys 22 Isaac Serrell, IS Abraham Holms 11 Samuel Ash I'l Isaac Lloyd -2 John Pearson 22 Henry Paschall 22 Richard Humphreys 22 William Horn 14 Martin Hildebum 22 John Horn, 22 Jonathan Heacock — 22 Aaron Oakford 22 George Swayne 22 Joseph Wood ' ■V^illiam Morrow l*) Samuel Boon 4 John Likan 11 Samuel Preston Moore 1'.' John Riveley 2i Robert Thomas 1'j John Heacock W Capt. MATTHEWS'S Company. James Pyott 10 i 9 John Vernon Ill 6 Josejih Kirk 3 2 6 Samuel Leadam C 6 Alexander Carnes r, fi o Jonathan Smith 4 14 6 Robert M'Clellen 4 14 6 Benjamin Lobb 22 .■! 6 Nathan Thomson Til John Ash 4 14 C Richard Hays 22 3 G Abner Evans 2'1 !' Carried over 2': 69 15 n 12--6-3d Ser. 3 G 3 G 3 6 3 G 3 G IT Cf 3 4 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 fi 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 IT G 11 9 14 6 13 IG 3 ;i 6 10 p 4 9 Brought forward 2069 15 Nathan Hays 22 3 Job Evans 22 3 Thomas Marshall 22 3 James Marshall 22 3 Aaron Marshall, 22 3 William Moore 22 3 William Polling 2ii 9 Abraham Lewis 2ii 9 William West 22 3 ^^'illiam West, jun 22 3 Nathan Garret 22 3 Samuel Levis, jun 22 3 Thomas Garret . 22 3 Oborn Garret 22 3 John Garret. 22 3 Josei>h Ball 22 3 Jonathan Brown 22 3 James Moore 22 3 John Moore 22 3 Enoch Bonsall 22 3 William Bonsall 2) 9 Matthias Tyson 22 3 Richard Carnes S 13 Joshua Bonsall 22 3 Israel Rolierts 22 3 Isaac Lobli 22 3 Nathan Davis 22 3 John Hibberd 22 i Joseph Hibberd 22 3 Isaac Hibberd 22 3 Hezekiah Hibberd 22 3 Benjamin Bartram 12 3 John Sellers 22 3 Francis Shields 22 3 Jonathan Bonsall 4 IT Joseiih Bonsall S Samuel Lewis T 4 Robert Farrier 4 S .\braham Marshall 11 15 John Ball 11 15 Matthew Ash 6 S Capt. LEVIS'S Company. Nicholas Beard 2n 12 Carried over 2SS0 4 178 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought forward 2SSu 4 David Loyan lu 14 6 James Osburii 12 14 6 Abraham Garret 2:; 3 6 HuKh Lownes, 22 3 G Edward Fell 22 3 6 "William Marshall, 22 3 6 Elisha Woral 22 ' 6 Jehu Maris, 22 3 6 Asa Davis 22 3 C Jesse Maris, 22 3 George Maris 22 3 6 Edward Home 22 3 G Hugh Lloyd 22 3 G Aaron Ogden 15 John Crozer, 21 AVilliam Caldwell, jun., .. 22 John Lewis 22 Samuel Pancoast, 22 Joseph Gibbons 11 John Gibbons 22 Michael Head IG Andrew M'Clellen 20 9 Henry Effinger 22 3 William Harris, Esq 22 3 John Hall 22 3 AYilliam Lane 22 3 James Heacock, 22 3 David Hall 22 3 Joseph I'owell 22 3 Seth Pancoast 20 9 Isaac Rhoads 22 3 Benjamin Taylor 22 3 Slator Lownes 22 3 Joi-eph RhoadE 22 3 Isaac Maris 22 3 Benjamin Pyle 22 3 Owen Rhoads 22 3 John Evans 22 3 John Ogden 22 3 Mordecai Lawrence 10 4 Brought forward 3522 19 15 3 6 3 G 3 G 3 G IS H 3 6 10 9 Joseph Hood Levis Maris John Williamson, . Jeremiah Jermin, .. John Jermin, George Dunn Gideon Dunn Didemus Lewis Charles M'Claskey, Azariah Lewis John Free I Reese Garret, ( Peter Garret I Evan Lewis I William Lewis I William Reese John Hunter I Mordecai Taylor, .. William Hazlewood, Thomas Moore Azariah Thomas, ... Isaac Farr Jonathan Thomas, . Simon Meredith, ... Abraham Vernon. .. James Jones John Culin John Shilling Mordecai Morris, ... Isaac Reese David Pratt Jonathan Morris, ... Enos Worrall Isaac Burns James Espey Thomas Esp-y James Gorman Enoch Gorman Joshua Lawrence, ... Benjamin Worrall, . Malchia Effinger, ... John Lucum Daniel Ryan David Dunn Capt. BURXS'S Company. Philip Moore 22 3 6 Edward Hunter 22 3 6 Carried over 3752 19 d 11 3 6 16 10 9 22 3 G 22 3 6 22 3 6 22 3 6 22 3 6 22 3 6 21 4 22 3 6 22 3 6 22 3 6 22 3 6 22 3 6 22 3 6 22 3 6 21 13 9 IS IS IS IS 20 9 6 22 3 6 22 3 6 22 3 6 22 3 6 22 3 6 22 3 6 22 3 6 22 3 6 22 3 6 22 3 6 in 4 9 10 4 9 4 19 6 4 14 6 10 4 9 10 4 9 Carried over. CHESIER COUNTY. Erousht forward 461G 17 9 Brousrht forward, 179 4665 14 3 TVUliam Sheldron, Capl. DIEHL'S Company. 20 9 6 j Israel Taylor £0 9 6 I Samuel Morris n ^g 3 Isaac Hendrickson, 20 9 6 Eli Barnet 1 11 S I-ieut. Tremble. TVilUam Smith. Carried over. 7 17 6 I'O 9 6 ■1G65 14 3 John Morris, £4721 12 6 Ccmptroller-General's Office, June 11th, 17S3. JOHN NICHOLSON. STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF THE Lieutenant and Sub-Lieutenants OF CHESTER COUNTY. 1780-178^. STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF ROB- ert Smith, Esq., as Lieutenant trom March, 1780, to the ist of April, 1783. Robert Smith, esq. Dr. to Sundries. Militia Fines. For the amount of sundry tines re- ceived and omit- ted to be charged at a former set- tlement, per list, No. 1 1045 5 • _, For ditto of fines received from sundry persons of the fourth battalion for non attendance upon days of exercise in the year 1779, per list. No. 2. .. 647 5 (J Do. of the 7th battalion for do. per list. No. S. . . 1629 Do. of the 1st battalion, for do. in the year 1780, per list. No. 4,.. 9532 10 o Do. of the 2d battalion for do. do. No. 5 11035 19 Do. of the 1st, 2d, l;'dand 4th classes of the Jst bat- talion, for not marching at the call. Aug., 1780. >>'o. 6 3s:21 17 6 Do. of the said Carried over. . .i;024U 7 C 184 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Robert Smith, esq. Dr. to Sundries. Cont. Mo. State ilo. Specie. Militia Fines continued. Bro't over C2411 7 6 classes of the 2d battalion. do. No. 2-1009 IJ Received from sun- dry persons of the first battal- Uj\. on account or" fines incurred for non-attend- ance upon days of exercise, spring, 17S1, No. S Do. do. of 2d bat- talion, do. No. Do. for do. in the 1st battalion in the year 17S1. No. ]ij 193 17 S I'o. dr.. in the 2d do. do. No. 11, .. Vjo 16 Do. do. in the 1st do. in the year 1782, No. 13 136 1 3 Do. do. in the 2d do. do. No. 14... 101 3 6 Do. do. in the 4th do. do. No. 15,.. 332 1 C Received from sun- dry persons of the 8th battal- ion, their fines for non-attend- ance upon days rf exercise in 17S1. exclusive of what may ha\e been collected by capt. Bowen, who hath not ac- counted No. 16. . 52 1.5 3 I;-, du. for 17S2. No. 17 :s l.j n CHESTER COUNTY. 185 Robert Smith, esq. Dr. to Sundries. Cont. Mo. State Mo. Specie. Brought over 8C4S1 2 6 22 10 1028 10 S Andrew Boyd. esq. sub-lieu- tenant, Received of him, March 31. ITSl, on account of fines,.. TTS.'j 7 6 Robert Wilson, esq. sub- lieutenant. Received of him on account of fines. Feb. 2S, 17&1 2.'>T8 10 Do. do. July 23, do 2:;3S 7 c D... do. SeiH. .'., do 247 1,') 11 536-J 13 5 Do. in state money March 6. ITS J, 6 i:. Thomas Cheney, tsq. sub- lieutenant. Received of him on account of rines. Feb. 9. 17S1 1200.1 Do. do., March 2~). do 1.50UU II Do. do.. May 2.3. do 9.'4'5 :. II Do. r.o.. June 11, do 4.jiit; bi S Lewis Gronow, tsj. sub- lieutenant. Received of him un account of fines 146.J0 12 6 Balance carried to new accl. n Sr.ndries Dr. to Robert Smith, esq. John Beaton, esq. pay mas- ter of Chester County mi- litia. Paid him for the pay of the mililia. to Jan. ;!. 17^1... Andrew Boyd. es.|. late suli- lieutenant. Paid him at twi-j- the bal- 186 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries Dr. to Robert Smith, esq. Cont. Mu. State Mn. Specie. Andrew Boyd, Bro't over... 27l"i0 ') ance of his account. Airil and May. 1781 210C 5 : David Rittenhouse. e?q. treasurer, Paid liim on account of fines received, March 27. 17S1 17112 IS Dli. ilo. . April 12. do 446i; 12 6 1)0. do., June lu, do 24SOC o 5 Do. £34 12 0, slate, at 7.j for one, Oct. 20. do 3151 10 Id. in state, at 75. April 2, 17S3, 7177 19 6 96864 2 Do. do.. June 1, 17S1 22 15 Lo. do.. Aug. 25, 1^81 19 12 Do. do., April 27, 17S4 29 1 7 United States, Paid capt. Abra- ham Eeaty for Jacob Winnace for waggon hire . hauling baggage, Jan. 4, 1781 1620 Do. for warning out the militia, do 75 Col. Gardner for James Dun- woody, for haul- ing baggage, do. 27. do 1620 Lieut. Erwin for B. Marpole, do. Feb. 1, do 1620 Capt. Barber for warning classes, df 75 Carried 5010 000 67 87 000 United States CHESTER COUXTY. 187 Sundries Dr. to Robert Smith, esq. Cunt. Mo. State Mo. Specie. ^ro-t over :010 U 124970 78 GT S 7 Cap. Carrel for warning classes. Mar. 21 75 U Capt. Lochart for du. do. 2.J ;io l."i u Capt. Isaac Thomas for du 93 IJ Major Hartman for do. do. 27, . . . 7.j U a Capt. E.vrey for do., April 3 7j Capt. Hollman for warning out mi- litia, April 7 75 U Cap. Scot. do. do. » 112 10 Do. expences con- veying new levies to camp, do 15, gallons of whiskey; 3'^ cwt. flour, and for col. Boyd's , services i^rocur- .ing necessaries for the militia in actual ser- vice, £20 15, de- duct 17s. 6d., for the hide of the beef 19 17 6 Capt. Scot, for warning out the militia, and for 2 cwt. of flour. furnished them.. 7 u Capt. Cummings for military ser- vices fi .S, ,1 Military Stores, Paid Samuel M'Mahon for a gun delivered in 1776, and for 3 muskets Militia Expences. Paid sundry persons, viz: Carried 127 CHESTER COUNTY. 189 Sundries Dr. to Robert Smith, esq. Militia Exp^nces. Bro't ovei- captain.s for services in their companies, wages oi adjutants, drummers and fifers. magistralts at a|'- :iealf--. clerks wages. le- palring company drums, for drummers and fifeis. txpresses and stationars, . . For his own pay as lieuten- ant fifini the 2.d March. ITSO. to 21=t Ju'ie. ITil. m- clusi\-e. 212 days at LUl.... For do. from Z2d June. ITSl. to 1st April, 1783, emi loy- ed 3o0 days at 15s Balance du- at la^t settle- ment, £3333 9 6, continentil money, equal to Balance Cont. Mo. Slate Mo. 1321Si) 7 S 67 i 7 specie. 337 10 2X 17 liiS 2 11 Robert Smith, esq. Dr. To balance of the forcgroins account. £4M2 9 11. of which £2863 S 9, at 75 for one of state, and £2049 1 2. at 75 for one of specie To balance of said account in s pecie 3S 3 7 27 6 ." I'lJ. 2 11 ,s.s z - 13-'. 9 4 By balance of the foregoing account Balance due by R. Smith to the comm.onwealth Contra, Ci'. 3S 3 7 I. I) v:.:- 9 4 190 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. List of Fines received by RDbert Smith. Fines paid before last Eettleme:n, and not accounted for. -Martin Crane Ij Henr>- Grubb 15 I'eter Brewer 22 10 .M;ii.s R_i-h...(;s L'> II IJ Nicholas Miller 2.S Joseph Brookes ■'.5 Abraham Slyver. . . 30 .Stephen Sink. 22 10 .John Cole 2S David Rinehart 2S Valentine Miller 28 Henry Brower 2S John Sinke 15 John Grubb 28 Jacob Grubb 28 Samuel Rees 2S 'leorgeHart 11 5 Christian Brower 12 Xicholas Monshower 28 Justus Linderman 28 •Jiiseph Collins 11 5 John Grove 11 5 Adam Richards 50 I.^aac Lewis 50 lienjamin Benson 50 Philip Jones 25 l>avid Lloyd 28 William Millhouse 44 15 .Samuel Hayney 28 15 .Mordecei Persol 4i o Matthew Brown 40 James Anderson 40 James Hood 4j o James Pecker 40 J"hn Butler 40 o AVilliam Butler 4fi o No. 2. Fourth Batiailon. Capt. CYPHER'S Company. John Rhoads Jacob Millinger Peter Rhoads Joseph Bassler Henry Dasher Henry Rhoads 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 Capt. W'lLLSOX'S Company. William Johnson 9 15 Caupt. HEISTER'S Company Jonathan Pugh Samuel Ray John Pugh Benjamin Harris Jacob Hoklerman. Chris. Holderman, jun John Crosson in 10 Peter Mowra, John Acker, I'hilii . David Gill 19<) Isaac Webb 19'i Thomas D Reuben John 340 Isaac Evans 340 Hunt Downing 11*0 William Harvott lim William Clayton 340 William Galbraith 340 Carried 242nri 13-6--3d Ser. Brought over, 24200 Joli Packer 430 John Smith l&o Townsend Wheelen 1.10 Ed ward Owen 240 John Young liO Del. 2.;42o Equal to it>r.32 I" Second Battalion. Capt. BEATTY'S Comiiany. Elias Wampole 43ii Adam Wampole 15o Thomas Lloyd 43" James Ruth 24" Jacob High lit > Jacob High, jun 34" John Winance 1"" John Olloback 1"" C;>pt. GRIFFITH'S Company, George Price 1'."' John Lewis 430 Isaiah Kirk 340 James Pugh ■!:'•■' ('apt. CARREL'S Company. Jonathan Pugh 340 William Hillis l-'." David Hillis ?1" Samuel Rhea 1"0 John Pugh 430 Joel Meredith l-'O Isaac Thomas 24o Isaac Thoma;* 14S Jacob Thomas 11'" Benj. Harris 1: " Samuel Wells 4'" Edmund Wells 43" .■Abraham Rife 43" Daniel Peer.v 340 Philip Hoofacre 43 Carried ~^7:^ 194 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over 7S5S David Engles 190 Ulrick Switzer 190 Jacob Hoklerman 430 Christ. Holderman 150 William Gallagher 430 Thomas Gillams 340 Philip Shoe 340 Hugh Jones Si*) George Leonard 1?0 Daniel Rook 190 John Crosson 240 Jacob Acre 190 Capt. BKUMBACK'S Company. David Grubb 190 David Brooks 190 .\mos Richardson 340 Abraham Brower 340 John Baugh 340 John Bowman 310 Abraham Slyfor 190 John Brower 340 Jghn Cole 190 Frederick Rinehart 340 Daniel Brower, jun 430 Jac. Longenacre, jun 430 Tobias Miller 430 Henrj' Brower ^30 John Rinehart 430 Daniel Brown, sen 190 Samuel Rees 430 Yost Smith 430 Jacob Brower, 430 Justice Linderman 240 Jacob Voder 430 Rudolph Harley. 430 Joseph Brooks 190 Valentine Miller 430 Matthias Rinehart 150 Daniel Brown 240 Caj-'t. HijLMAN'S Compan\-. John Rhoads 340 Carried 19SjS Brought over 19S5S Peter Rhoads .340 Jonathan Rpdgers 430 Henry Dasher 190 James Rogers, 430 Henry Rhoads 190 Jacob Richard 240 Capt. BARBER'S Company. Jacob Smith l:'0 Benjamin Jenkins; ITO Philip Miller 190 Nicholas Holderman 430 John Shenholtz 190 Jacob Vogdas 430 David Jankin, jun 430 Nicholas Miller 150 Capt. SNYDER'S Company, Enoch Meredith 190 John Meredith 340 Henry Urmy 340 George Chrisman 190 Conrad Herlemen 340 Balsor Lodowick TO William Eaohes 430 James Fitzsimmons 430 John Rodger."; 4^(i' Capt. EYRY'S Company, Henry Rickenback 340 ■\Villiam Lightfoot 340 Griffith John 340 John Jones iW Jesse Jones 190 Joseph Jones 430 Thomas Hatton -130 Peter Ashefeller 190 Jacob Switzer -ICO Dol, 294 2.S Equal t.. £n03o 10 CHESTER COUNTY. 195 No. 5. First Battalion. Capt. GRAHAM'S Company. First Class. Jeremiah Peirsol Second Class. William Wilson John Vernon, John Anson, Yost Yoder Samuel Thomas Isaac Miles, Fourth Class. Benjamin Jones, Richard Piersol Samuel M'Cammont, Capt. ALLEN'S Company. First Class. Joseph M'llduff Leonard Freshorn, Second Class. Abraham Coffman John Dunwoody Third Class. Martin Bush Joseph Darlington Christ. Sook Moses Tregoe Fourth Class. Elisha Ellis Christian Tidwiller Joseph Weddle Capt. DENNY'S Company. First Class. John Whelen, Samuel Kissick Second Class. Robert Allison Jacob Moses James Coats, James Guest Carried CIO 010 s-:o 460 1620 1220 1220 1220 23C0 1220 1100 1220 18W 1220 :oo 1220 1220 990 1221 122 I Brought over o2^fi6 Third Class. Jonathan Pugh HOG James Quinn 1220 Benjamin Butler 1220 Fourth Class. James Starr iS20 Robert M'Minn 1220 John Evans goO Benj. Benson 1550 Capt. THOMAS'S Company. First Class. Caleb Baldwm 1220 Sames Webb 294S Valentine Keply 1220 William Temple .M'o Second Class. Richard Downing 122U James Belford 1220 Jesse Evans 1200 James Dixon 400 Third Class. Mordecai Cloud 1220 Robert M'Cormick 1220 John Downing ]220 John Edge 1610 George Valentine 1220 Jeremiah Failing 1220 Samuel Baldwin. 1220 Fourth Class. Joseph Evans, 4Sn David Gill 1220 Isaac Webb 1220 Thomas Downing 1220 John Hoops r,;24 Capt. ELTON'S Company. First Class. Isaac Coats I Second Class. ^--" ; Thomas Buchanan f,M j j.-,.,^^ I Third Class. 1220 ! Joseiih Gladney 196 A-CCOUNTS OF Brought over 72? Jo Fourth Class. Robert Valentine 1!>25 Capt. CRAIGS Coniparo . First Class. Philip Hersh 1220 Robert Craig 1- a' Second Class. John Byers l--'j Third Class. William Rhea 1--' Jesse Rhea l-')" Fourth Class. John Rhea 1200 Capt. SCOTT'S Company. First Class. Aaron Martin 1220 Jesse Jones 'S-!' Jacob Beaumont 12-' Second Class. John West 122' William Harvott 122u Townsend Wheelen 122'i Third Class. Mordecai Evans ir^t^" Isaac Evans 606 William Clayton 12^j Jacob Righter 1220 Wm. Galbreath 122'! Fourth Class. Jonathan Phipps 1220 Jonathan M'Veaugh 122ii Reuben John 'i'--" James Benson GOO Capt. LOCKHARTS Company. First Class. John Ligett 1220 Phineas Whitaker 1-2' Fourth Class. Thfophilus Irwin 322i Amount Dol. 102T2.' Equal to £3S:21 17 6 LIEUTENANTS. No. 7. Second Battalion. Capt. BEATTY'S Company. First Class. T)avid High Jacob High John Ollobach Second Class. Frederick Howke Joseph Philips Third Class. Jeronymus Sailor Hartman Pring Capt. GRIFFITH'S Company First Class. William Siarret. jun Second Class. Jacob Vance - John Guest Richard Templin. jun Third Class. George Price Isaac Jones Allen Jack Fourth Class. Samuel Evans Isaiah Kirk John Lloyd, Capt. CARROLL'S Company Jonathan Pugh Martin Wolf Henry Benner Second Class. John Acre Herman Benner '. Third Class. Alex. Diffindaffer Dan. Perry John Sowder. .iun Jacob Rowe Fourth Class. Daniel Root Carried ' 14"/' H21 !220 610 2S3 122y 171 61>.> U2'i 1220 1220 926 7S2 61C 572 52". 1220 204 CHESTER Brought over IlOll Capt. BKUMBACK'S Company. First Class. Liavid Griil>b Henry Grubb Second ClaF Nicholas Keifer Daniel Grubb Henry Keelar Third Class. Amos Richardson Abraham Brower John Baugh Stephen Sink Joseph Brooks Abraham Slyfor John Brower, Fourth Class John Cole Frederick Rinehart Martin Rinehart Capt. HOLMAN'S Company. First Class. John Rhoads Isaac Turner. Second Class. Jacob Hoofman Lodwick Bower Third Class. Peter Rhoads Fourth Class. Conrad Corle Capt. EARBFR'S Company. First Class. Joseph Davis Abraham Sharaden, Second Class. Nicholas Miller Third Cla Felix Chrisman James Falls 1552 251 1S5 837 920 241 l^G 1S5 •162 ISS 833 583 160S 1542 600 COUNTY. 197 Brought over 3:il49 Fourib '^lass. Jacob :Milier 107S Benj. Jenkins 1220 Philip Miller 1510 Carit. SNYDER'S Company. First Class. Stephen Holman 1220 Michael Esek 1220 John Emeiy 1220 Second Class. Enoch Meredith 1220 Third Class. John Meredith 1220 Henry L'rmy 1220 Christopher Miller 1655 Fourth Class. George Chrisman 2151 Conrad Harliman, 1220 Capt. EYRY'S Company. First Class. Henry Rickenback 1402 William Lightfoot 1911 John Hatton, filO Griffith John 1220 Christian Rice 'JIO Second Class. John Jones 1220 John Kim 300 Third Class. Thomas Allison, -.. 30O Fourth Class. John Harley 1220 Amount Dol. 641S6 Equal to £24563 lo No. S. First Battalion. State M.:'. Christian Tid wilier 1 4 Mordecai Owen 1 4 Carried 2 ^ 198 ACCOUNTS OF I.IEUTEXANTS. Brought over £2 James Starr 1 Reading Howel 1 John West 1 Mordecai Evans 1 Jona. Phipps 1 Reuben John 1 Isaac Wheelen 1 Dennis Wheelen 1 Edward Owen, 1 Evan Owen 1 William Han-ott 1 Brought over 37 10 U John Spencer 2 12 Benj. Butler 2 12 William Flinn 13 S Miles Davis i S Jnhn Ball 1' ? Capt. THOMAS'S Company. No. 9. Second Battalion. John Sowder, jun 1 4 Daniel Root IS Daniel Brower 1 4 John Baugh 1 4 John Cole 1 4 Justice Linderman 1 4 6 IS No. 10. First Battalion. Capt. GR.\HAM'S Company. Sjiecie. John Soock 2 12 Samuel Lawey 2 12 Reuben Trago 2 12 Capt. ALLEN'S Company. Samuel M'llduff 2 12 Joseph M'llduff 2 12 Mordecai Peirsol 212 Abraham Coffman 2 12 Christian Zook 2 12 o Daniel Zook 2 12 Elisha Ellis 2 12 A Capt. DENNY'S Company. Chris. Tidwiller i S James Coats 2 12 n William Butler 2 12 Wm. Millhouse 2 12 o Joseph Lloyd 2 12 Carried GT 16 C Carried. James Hood 2 12 Caleb Baldwin 2 12 James Webb 2 12 John M'Cormick 2 12 William Piles 2 12 Richard Downing 2 12 James Read 2 12 Mordecai Cloud, 2 12 John Downing 2 12 John Edge 2 12 George Valentine 2 12 Thomas Downing 2 12 John Valentine 2 12 Jona. Parks 2 '12 Absalom Valentine 2 12 William Hyde 2 12 Jona. Valentine 2 12 Abiah Parke 2 12 Jos. Downing 2 12 Thomas Gheen 1 14 Obed Lewis 2 n Sam. Hunt 2 12 James M'Cormick 1 S Samuel Baldwin 1 S John Hoops 2 12 Thomas Downing 1 4 Capt. ELTON'S Company. Samuel Coats Aaron Scogans, .. Solomon Scogans, Samuel Coster. .. I Joseph Gladney. .. ! John Jones i Robert Valentine. -Absalom Romans. Thomas Patterson, John Brown John Pim CHESTER COUNTY. 199 Krought over 136 IS Thomas Pimm, jun 2 12 u Thomas Vickers 2 12 o Isaac Coates 2 12 Tvioses Coates 2 12 James Clark 2 12 Thomas Windle 2 12 o Griffith Mendenhall 2 12 Oliver Spence 1 S (J Capt. SCOTT'S Company. Jacob Beaumont 1 S Isaac Evans 2 12 William Galbraith 2 12 Isaac Williams 2 12 John Kerrigan 1 4 Reuben John 1 J> William Owen, 2 12 Abijah John 2 12 Adam Guest 2 12 James Guest 2 12 David Aspin 1 4 C William Har^•ot 1 S John Young 15 9 Phineas Whitaker 2 12 u James JI'Laughlin 2 12 Jacob Haversett 2 12 William Fisher 212 Ellas Hughs 1 8 192 17 Second Ltattal.on. Capt. BEATTY'S Company. David High 2 12 James Ruth 2 1? John Stoneback 2 12 Phinehas Beerbrower, 2 12 John Allebaugh 2 12 Henry Shafer, 1 S Capt. GRIFFITH'S Company. James Pugh 2 12 John Lewis 2 12 Isaiah Kirk 2 12 ^^■illiam Templin 1 S Ctforge Price 2 12 Carried 2ti 4 Brought over. Capt. CARREL'S Company, Jonathan Pugh 2 12 Henry Benner, jun 2 12 Daniel Peery 2 12 Peter Mowrer 1 S .lohn Pugh 2 12 Edmund Wells 2 Ij Samuel Rhea 2 12 William Gallagher 2 12 William Batman 2 12 Isaac Thomas 1 2 Abraham Rife 2 12 George Leonard 2 12 John Souder, jun 1 S .lohn Roberts 2 12 Dan. Root 1 14 Joel Meredith 2 12 Capt. BRUMBACK'S Company. Daniel Brower, 1 S Frederick Rinehart 2 12 ■' Martin Rinehart 2 12 John Baugh 1 S Abraham Brower 2 12 •■ Abraham Slypher 2 12 M John Cole 1 S Henry Brower Tobias Miller Daniel Brower, sen Samuel Rees, 2 12 i John Bowman 2 12 Rudolph Harley 2 12 Justice Linderman 1 S Valentine Miller 2 12 David Brooks Amos Richardson David Grubb John Rinehart Jacob Brower Jacob Longenacro, jun Capt. HOLMAX'S Comr.an>-. .lohn Rhoads 2 12 Peter Rhoads -12 ' Jonathan Rodgers 2 12 Carried 120 12 ■"■ 2)0 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENAXTS. Bi-ous-ht (iver 120 12 5 Capt. S.NY:)En'S rnnipany. John Rodger;^ 1 8 Capt. I;ARP.KR';> Company. Jacob Miller 2 12 ilenjamin Jenkins 2 12 Phili|i Miller 2 12 Capt. EYRY'S Coni'jany. Henry Rickenback 2 12 William Lightfoot, 2 12 Griflith John 2 12 John Jones 2 12 John Kimes 2 12 John Harley 2 12 Jesse Jones 2 12 Joseph Jones 2 12 Thomas Hatton 2 12 Jacob Switzer, 2 12 Brought over 32 D John Downine: 2 IG John Edge, 2 16 Samuel Hunt 2 If. John Hoops 2 Itj John Kergan 2 liJ Abiah Parke 2 16 Jonathan. Valentine 2 16 Georee Valentine 2 16 Absalom Valentine 2 16 James Webb, 2 16 Isaac ^\'ebh 2 16 Josejih Webb 2 16 John \'alentine 2 16 Samuel BaliUvin 2 16 N.i. l:j. Fiist liattalion. Capt. GR.\HAM"S Comi)any. Christian Zoock, i s Daniel Zoock i S Capt. ALLEN'S Company. Joseph Mackelrluff 2 10 9 Samuel Mackleiluff 2 IG Capt. DENXYS Company. Miles Davis 2 16 Joshua Butler 2 16 John Spencer 2 16 Edward Owen 2 16 James Starr 2 16 C.Tpt. THOMAS'S Company. Caleb Baldwin 2 16 il James Read 1 IS 6 Thomas Downinjr, jun., .. 2 16 ii Joserih Downing 2 16 C>'rr:e 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Phineas Whitaker James M'Laughlin 2 16 2 16 2 16 William Fisher 2 TR CHESTER COUNTY. I Brought over, 201 SI Ti 6 No. 14. Second Battalion. Cam. BE.VTTY'S Company. Janif.<= Ruth 2 ir, n Cai.t. GRIFFITH'S Company. John Lewis. I?aiah Kirk, .laniffs Pugh, 2 IC (1 2 10 2 Ifi 2 IG 2 16 1 11 2 IC 2 16 I.' 2 16 2 16 2 16 n 2 i:i 2 16 1. 2 16 f 1 r. ( 2 16 Capt. BARBERS Company. Capt. CUMMING'S Company. Jnhn Pugh Christ. Holderman Samuel Rea Jacob Thoma.s Isaac Thomas Abraham Rife Jiihn Sowder r)avid Brooks Jacob Siddle Elihu Pugh Henry Stonemelz ■William Cooper William Ellis Capt. ERUMBACK'S Company. Rudolph Harley 2 16 Henry Brower 2 16 Felty Miller 2 16 Abraham Brower 2 16 Samuel Rees 2 16 Daniel Brower. sen 2 16 Abraham Slypher 2 16 Tobias Miller 2 16 Martin Rinehart 2 16 Jacob Brower 1 S Frederick Rinehart 2 16 John Rinehart 2 16 rianie! Hrower, jun 1 S Cai't. HOLMAN'S Company. John Rhoades 2 16 Philii> Miller Nicholas Miller Nicholas Holderman. John Shenholtz Mordecai Davis Capt. IREY'S Company. John Jones, Jnhn Harley, 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 Carried. SI 11 6 No. 15. Fourth Battalion. Capt. ANDERSON'S Company. Joseph Bund 2 16 Henry Hoops, 2 16 Jesse Hoops 2 16 George Holies -'16 George Smith 2 16 John Py!e 2 16 George Davis 2 IS George Thomas 2 16 ') Henry Zook 2 16 Aquilla Jones 2 16 Jonathan Hoops 2 16 Abner Jones 2 16- Joseph Jackson 2 16 Thomas Lloyd 2 16 Isaac Speakman 2 16 Jacob Zoock 2 16 William Smith 2 16 Carit. HARRIS'S Company. Caleb Maris 2 16 Samuel Hihbar.l 2 16 John Briggs 2 16 Jeffrey Smedley 2 16 Jacob Lewis 2 16 '.< .\miis Garret 2 16 John Sniedley 2 16 Carried GT 4 202 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTEXAXTF. Brought over 67 4 George Yarnel 2 16 i Ezekiel James 2 16 1 Daniel Smedley 2 16 oi Aaron Garret 2 IG ' .Ifphtha tJarrel li Hi 0: Isaac James 2 16 i Aaron Duncan 2 16 | Benjamin Hibbert 2 16 I Nathaniel Grubb 2 16 0' Jfsse Garret 2 16 Richard Cox 2 16 , Joseph Smedley 2 16 1 Thomas Smedley 2 16 Phinehas Hibbard 2 16 I William Garret 2 16 Thomas Hall 2 IC i.ewis William!=. 2 10 Joseph Pierce 2 16 0, Caleb Hibbard, 2 16 ol Isaac Garret 2 16 0| Samuel (^arri 2 li; i.i Thomas Garret 2 16 M'illiam Cox L' 16 Samuel Garret 2 16 Benjamin Cox 2 16 0, Capt. HAI:RTT<'< (ompiiii John Malin. Joseph Malin H'.n.ie Malin. ji-n Oeorare Lapp Aithu!- Kill.- Frederick Strew, 2 16 2 16 2 16 Brought o\.r V.i i t Ellis Williams :.. 2 16 Phinehas Lewis, . 2 16 ■:> Hugh Doll,- : . . . 1 ;. . Francis Ih. - : . :;;■". SamU'i II. L' : ■. Edward Hicks 2 16 George Entrekin 2 16 Benjamin M aiock 1 <^ • Nathan li i' '■ Thonsa- \\ ,.,, . i ^ John ]!:: :;i- :, ] i Israel Hoopes 2 16 Ezra Hoopes 2 16 James i;a! ■• : 2 1' • Geor-. '. „ 'J !•; ■ M.,~- ' ■ J. .he : • ■■ : . William Rattew 2 16 George Pierce 2 16 Henry "W ...Uvru 2 !■; El;.-: At; : Isa., . . Jonathan Matlock 2 16 Joseph Thomas 1 « John Ham:'! .i' 2 l'.: '• Is;..;. 1. .: ■ . .l..--i-.h >;;.::-;. . Ut-'iVAi ll.'JI.- .-. . ... -' William Eachus 2 16 Thomas Hoopes 2 11 El: s I-;:. !;..i:: 2 • J.v.n rii;iiiil>erl; T. . \'. ; ;ii;iK. aiiarpit - James Simrell 2 9 Francis Hoopes 2 16 Capt. WiL?ON'.< (Emilia ii> Adam lii' k.. ii.iu--;!:, Jacob Seighler John Shoewalter. jun Nathan M'Vausrh. ... .r.'cob T!OU:l!. .Aiiani OMi.i--: Christian W...:kozer, 2 16 ij Capt. JENKIN'S Companj . Car.i. BOG'-. .? CXnii.; Jesse Rattew Carried H-nrv Fcx W i!l'.;i;n Hii!U-. •; :■• M.:,? Th.Pi - -.iir.u-jl Thoi.ius. 2 16 ; David Ruth. ... 174 S 16 Carried. 2« ! : 6 CHESTER COUNTY. 203 Brought over 284 2 G Enoch Yamall, — Amos Yamall. ... Joseph Thomas, .., Isaac Yarnall Townsend Thomas. Isaac Richards, ... Philip Thomas. ... Joseph Massey. .., John Tucker , Frederick I^antes, , Lewis Morris , Jacob Vodges Robert Medenhall, . Thomas Smedley, Joshua Yarnall, .. Isaac Thomas Benjamin Yarnal. Joseph Hibbert, .. Capt. MORGAN' S Company. Joseph Matlock Owen Skelton Simon Matlock Nathan Richards. — 2 16 2 16 1 8 ■1 k; 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 S 1 8 npany. 2 3 12 3 1 18 6 1 8 Eighth Battalion. Capt. MORRELL'S Company. Thomas Shalfant 2 12 Jesse Ilarland 2 12 William Mode 1 11 William Truman Ill Capt. MOORE'S Company. George Harlan Joshua Barnard Nathan Hayes Joseph Pennock Jeremiah Barnard. .. Isaac Bailey Jacob Shalfant Carried 20 16 15 9 13 6 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 13 6 Brought over 20 10 9 Joshua Edwards 2 12 Caleb Hulford 2 12 Aaron Baker 2 12 '< John Passmore 2 1:; " Silas Harlan 2 12 Thomas Passmore 2 12 " Thomas Pyle 1 14 »i Abraham Romans 114 C Elisha Bailey 1 1^ 'J Joshua Passmore ^ William Wanlass 3 '< Aaron Clayton 114 6 James Hannum li. " John Bernard 1? 'i William Welch 1 14 G Capt. SMITH'S Company. John Moore 1 4 Capt. COCHRAN'S Company. Joshua Pussey 1 4 W Ellis Pusey 2 12 Eighth Battalion. Capt. HENRY'S C'^mpany. Caleb Way 2 James Way. George Harris, jun Samuel Bishoi' James Clinson William Davison Elias Linkenoser, Capt. MORREL'S Compan Jesse Harlan William Truman William Mode Capt. MARSH'S Compan> Thomas Truman John Truman Carried 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 204 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Broutrht over, Capt. MOORE'S Company. Nathan Hayes, .. Jeremiah Barnard, Joshua Edwards, Caleb Pyle John Pasmore Aaron Baker Carried. 1 IS 2 10 2 16 1 8 2 16 Hrought over. Josiah Bailey, Thomas PjMe. Elisha Bailey. ISO 1 13 3 1 13 3 Capt. COCHRAN'S Company. Ellis Pusey, . Joshua Pusey, 2 16 2 16 STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF LEWIS Gronow, Esq., late Sub-Lieutenant of Chester Count)-, from March, 1780, until the time of his Death, Nov. 1782. The Estate of Lewis Gronow, esq. late Sub-Lieutenant, Dr. Si'ecie. To Militia Fines, For an error in last settlement rectified 10 Received from sundry persons of tli:^ several companies of the 4th battalion, for non - attendance upon days of ex- ercise in the spring & fall of ITSO, per list. No. 1 24331 Do. do. from the 1st. 2d. 3d and 4th classes of the said battalion Carried 24S41 CHESTER COUNTY. 205 Estate of Lewis Gronow. esq. Dr. Specie. To Militia Fines. Bro't over 24541 i their fin&s for not marcliing in their tour, Aug., 1780, per list. No. 2 70171 17 Received of Wm. Dougherty in part of his fine for non- attendance on da\s of ex- ercise, in state nionex', 17S0 Received nf sundry persons of the battalion aforesaid, their fines for non-attend- ance on days of exercise, in the spring and fall of 17S1, per list, Xo. 3 Sundries Dr. to the Estate of Lewis Gronow. esq. Balance due at last settle- ment. David Rittenhouse. esq. trea.=urer. Paid him on ac- count of fines re- ceived, June 1, 17S1. 10791 6 Do. do. Oct. 2u. .. 1096 10 John Beaton, esq. pay mas- ter militia. Paid him for the pay of the militia at sundrj- times to Dec. 30, 1780, Robert Smith, esq. lieuten- ant of (^hester county. Paid him on account of fines received to April 10, 1781... United States. For provisions fur- nished capt. An- Carried. iOt> ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries Dr. to the Estate of Lewis Gronow, esq. United States, Brought over derson's com- pany of the mi- litia. Aug. 2S, 17bu 33S Robert Kennedy for transporting militia baggage, Aug. ;:i. 17S1.... l^Mu Jame.s Oliver for warning the mi- litia to turn out. Aug. :;. i78'.i. ... 7."j Samuel Davis for 2 blankets, du... 71 David Llewellin for military ser- vices, Dec. 2S, ... 56 Lieut. Tho. Cum- mings, for con- ducting new levies, Jan. IS. 17S1, 112 Ensign Joshua Da- vis, for military services, do., .. JO Capt. Evan An- derson for do. and for provi- sions for his company, do 136 Capt. Jos. Johns- ton for military services, April IS loO Mordecai Morgan for do. Nov. 5. . . I'.ii Jonathan Rowland for do 400 Sampson Thomas for do. do 1S7 Wi Ilia 111 Kyle for riding eJcpress, June 23 Capt. Ji's. .Tohns- ton for military Carried CHESTER COUNTY. 2H'. Sundries Dr. to Lewis Gronow, esq. continued. Cunt. Mo. State Mu. Specie. United States, Bio' I over 10 t;61-10 1 vices. Mar. 26, 17S1 3 2 6 For 6S'.i rations supplied the mi- litia. Oct. 4,17S1, 13 Capt. Evan An- derson for mili- tarj- services, April S, 1782 3 AVilliam Harris for do. do 2 5 Lieut. Jos. Boggs for do. do 3 Capt. Sampson Thomas for do. do 2 Capt. Jonathan Rowland for do. do 3 Capt. Mordecai Morgan for do. do 3 35 17 6 Military Stores, Paid sundry persons for one gun, and for cleaning, re- pairing and collecting arms Militia Expences, Paid Clerks wages, expences of appeals, militia officers for services in their com- panies, adjutants, drum- mers and flfers wages, ex- presses, stationary and other contingent charges, 1780 For his own pay as sub- lieutenant, from 18 March, 17."^0, to 22d June, 17S1, em- ployed 12S days at .25 1. per day For do. from 22d June, 1781, to 27 Nov., 1782, S5 days at 12s. 6d Balance due to the state... .'1 i1 l.".4.'l 11 i 53 2 6 198 IS 3 2U8 ACCOUXTS OF LIEUTENANTS. The Estate of Lewis Gronow. esq. Dr. Specie. To balance of the foregoing account of £15451 11 6, continental money, equal by reduction to £226 4 To balance of the foregoing account in specie, 19S 13 Contra, Cr.. By David Rittenhouse. esq. treasurer. Paid him by the executors in part of the above bal- ance. March 27. 1784 Balance due by the estate of L. Gronow 424 !■; 101 12 List of Fines received by Lewis Gronow, esq. 424 17 8 Fourth Baltalion. Cain. HARRIS'S Company. Dollar?. Henry Court IGO Joseph Collins 430 Benjamin Cox 2^0 Jacob Lewis 3411 Lewis Williams i:'j) John Griffith 2S0 James Arnold Ifjij Nathan Lewis 100 Thomas Garret 340 Josiah Garret 43'' Jesse Garret 4?.0 Isaac Malin 3411 Caleb Maris 34'i Jonathan Moore liui Phineas Hibbard 43" Samuel Hibbard 340; Nathan Grubb 31i j William Sheldon 36" I Joseph Smedly 43'i Daniel Smedley 34'i Caleb Hibbard 43' Benjamin Hiljbard 34" Carried 72;0 Brought over 7220 Amos Garret 340 William Garret 431 Isaac Butler 43!i John Smedley 340 Thomas Smedley i'n'} Malin Dunn iK' Ezekial Griffith 34) Thomas Hibbin 43" Aaron Garret 310 John Briggs 340 Thomas Hall 43" .■>amuel Garret 340 Samuel Bell U'O Thomas Jones, l<«) Jesse White i;< i Jeffrey Smedley 340 Samuel Garret, jun 24" Caleb Townsend t'O Evan Jones ir.) Jonathan Davis 24i Isaac Garret 240 Capt. ANDERSON'S (ompan\ Joseph Bond Henry Hoops Jesse Hoops Carried 1 CHESTER COUNTY. 209 BroHght over 13'j20 Joseph Tremble 2li Wm. Bayne, jun 150 Daniel Meredith 150 Joseph Rhea 24o Sam. Jeft'eries 240 Daniel Thomson 240 William Ingram 150 Isaac Speackman 240 John Newland 210 George Thomas, 340 Henry Zooke 150 Jao'.b Zooke, 240 Philip Will 200 Geortre Davis 150 Jonathan Hoops loM James Walker 280 John Hartley 24o Capt. JOHNSON'S Company. JesFe Rattue 34n George Ashbridge a40 Ellis Williams 340 Phineas Lewis 340 Jos. Hunt 310 George Mouser 1«0 Samuel Hoopes 340 Edward Hicks 340 George Enterkin 340 George Williamson 190 John Rattue 340 Benjamin Matlock 310 Ezekial James 340 Thomas Williamson, jun., 205 John Hutchinson HIO James Garret, 340 John Mechem 340 G-eorge Matlack 310 Richard Jones 340 James Clark IW Isa.TC Williams 340 William Rattue 240 George Pierce 340 John Millison 340 Caarried 2500.". 14--6--3d Ser. Brought o\er. . Henry Woodward, . Nathan Hoops, Sampson Barnet. . liichard Goodwin, Abraham Pratt, ... Jos. Brown Gideon AMUiamson. Jonathan Matlack, John Spikeman, ... Amos Matlack Jacob Matson Isaac Haines Jos. Garret Hans. F. Hiser, ... George Hoopes. ... Williaht Eachus. . Thomas Hoopes. .. Ralph Forrester, . George Bradly. ... Wm. Speakman. John Chamberlain. Jacob Tressel Jos. Hoopes Joshua Ashbridge. William Sharple>s. Francis Hoopes, .. Joshua Weaver, ... Moses Peirce John Wooley Isaac Goodwin, ... Enos Thomas Capt. H.^RRIS'S Company. John Adams John Kneagy Jacob Cauffman, . Peter Sailor Josiah Hibberd, ... Joseph Lewis Jesse Reese, John Malin Randal Malin, jun. Joseph Malin Peter Mathers Carried r.40 240 4,i-. 4:>' l.ji, I'ri 4;jo 4oO 4:>:' 4o" 43) 4M" 100 4i') r.o 43'> 4C0 15-. 4r. 24m 241 i 241 210 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTEXANTS. Hi-ousht over Samuel Richeson William Richeson. .. Peter Larr John Huffman Henry Fermanhauser, Frederick Tedrick. ... John Zooke Jacob Malin David Guntey Joseph Dilworth Jesse Davis Capt. MOORE'S Company. William Hunter Morris Morris Anthony Morris Lewis Morris Henry Fox Samuel Thomas Isaac Masscy Enoch Yarnall Caleb Yarnall Amos Yarnall Joseph Hibbert Isaac Y^arnall, jun Townsend Thoma.': Isaac Thomas Isaac Richards Caleb Smedly Frederick Landis, George Pierce Israel Jacobs Capt. ROWLAND'S Company. John Showalter. jun. Henry Showalter. ... Jacob Sowder Jeremiah M'Veagh. . Nathan M'Veaufch. . John Rickaback Adam RickaViack. .. Daniel Showalter. ... John Creamer Abel Thomas Carried I.i0 240 340 150 150 240 240 60 150 150 240 340 310 i:-o 150 430 £40 240 190 190 240 430 240 340 325 430 425 240 150 340 190 430 34er Capt. MORGAN'S Company. Brought over, 430 I Jacob Lewis, . 430 I John Smedly, 240 I Richard Davis. 190 Evan L,ewi.« VA i;o l.^O i4'l 190 240 Joshua Thomas 60 240 Henry Lewis 90 flO 10.") 2 10 Equal to Dols. 65416 £24531 Third Class. Daniel Smedl.\- Fourth Class. David AVilliams Isaac Malin Nathan. Grubb Michael Sill Thomas Garret Samuel Garret j Benj. Hibberd John Griffith 1451 1220 200 610 10."0 2720 400 2390 1S62 19o<) nso Capt. ANDERSON'S Company. Fourth Bittalion. Capt. HARRIS'S Company. First Class. Del. Ezekial Griffith 482 Jesse White 1220 Caleb Maris 1605 Thomas Lewis -SOO Samuel Hibberd 1277 John Briggs 183!) Godfrey Smed.y 3mm John Lloyd 610 Second Class. Thomas Dolby James Arnold Melin Dunn Enoch Malin Amos Garret ! Carried First Class. Joseph Bond George Garret John Bowen Jesse Hoopes John Cuthbert Daniel Fitzpa trick Henry Hoopes Williajii Atherton Second Class. Joseph Dowler Wm. Bean, jun Daniel Meredith John Thompson, George Smith Isaac Reese Third Class Ezekial Rigp Caleb Thomson Jonathan Garret George Davis 1220 610 2100 1220 1220 400 1220 100 1220 1220 610 400 SOO 1220 200 200 912 1220 1220 Fourth Class. George Thomas, 2050 1608 610 l^'O SO I Henry Sismanhauser. 61'j Third Cias 1220 4412 12S'i 2741 TIO 610 710 400 1220 lyyi 1200 610 GIO 122^) 122'i 1220 610 17'34 400 1220 567 610 2251 122i) 16<; Capt. MOORE'S Company. First Class. Griffith Williams Thomas Welsh Lewis Morris Anthony Morris Benjamin Gallagher John John John Bradly Martin Bottorff Second Class. Felix Laferty John Tucker Robert Shanno William Hanna Thomas Davis Joseph Hibberd Caleb Tarnall Third Class. ■U'illiam Steel William Hunter Samuel Moore Benj. Brown Israel Jacobs George Lee Fourth Class. Joshua Yarnall Nathan Scott Morris Morris Peter L'bill Jes.^e Harris Townsend Thomas Carried 610 277 610 1225 546 6SC 610 310 610 400 8>)0 CIO 121U 400 eiu 4o:i 1520 718 1220 1300 450 610 400 1220 600 CI'". 6S4 S0'1 610 CHESTER COUNTY. 213 Brought over, Capt. ROWLAND'S Company. First Class. Thomas Rowland 400 Thomas Davis 1100 Enoch Jones 1220 Adam Guyder 900 William Knowles 200 John Maxwell 610 Chris. Wirkiser ?00 Abel Thomas 610 Samuel Britton 1220 Thomas Bones 693 Second Class. Peter Stiteler 700 Jeremiah M'Veaugh 200 John Pownal 610 Benj. Jones ISCO Thomas Pennington 760 Third Class. Jacob Baugh 1710 John M'AfEee 400 John Showalter 1220 Job Pugh 610 Isaac Thomas 400 Edward Woodman 600 Fourth Class. Daniel Shoewalter 600 John Peck ^00 John Williams, 1220 John Gwinn 400 Capt. THOilAS'S Company. First Class. John Burkwalter 162S Jacob Pennybaker 2020 John King 400 Benj. Boyers 8S2 Peter Kimes 800 James Williams 1220 Jacob Tarner 1220 Second Class. Thomas Hill 400 Frederick Foose 800 Carried 143513 Brought over 143ol3 Roger Little 102S John Jones WX) George Vesler 1220 Chris. Good 6(0 Third Class. Alex. M'Calla ::,0 Chris. Whisler 140S Thomas Roberts 800 Joseph Starr, jun 1490 James Alexander SOO Martin Shinholiz 1140 John Longstreth 1220 Daniel Rositer 958 Aaron Duncan, 510 Cliris. Holderman S72 Fourth Class. Jonathan Wells 18.36 Frederick Place 610 Robert Allen 600 Martin Shenholtz 961 John Sturk, 1220 Conrad Fillman 1220 Thomas Robinson 1220 Phineas Jones 1220 Barnet Rapp 610 Capt. MORGAN'S Company. First Class. Isaac Davis 1980 Mark Evans 730 Griffith James 1220 Nathan Moore 610 Alexander Clay 1220 Second Class. George Adams SOO Evan Lewis 2064 James Hunter 1220 John Bewley 14'X) Abraham Free 610 Third Class. A.ialon AUoway yX* Joseph Matlock 1220 William Smith iiO Carried 181065 214 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over. James Cochran. Fourth Class. James Miles Peter Thomas Owen Skelton. Christopher White Paul Sharaddin Jonas Yi.kuni Manasseh Miles Nicholas Beard Dols. IS Equal to £701T1 1 No. S. Fourth Battalion. Capt. HARRIS'S Comp 610 CIO 122v) 40j SOO 6w 610 010 j Brou.?-ht over 62 1 ' ■William Garret 2 12 I Thomas Hall 2 12 I Lewis Williams 2 12 I Jacob Matson 1 10 , Caleb Hibberd 2 12 Josiah Garret 2 12 Isaac Garret 2 12 Samuel Garret 2 12 Caleb Maris Samuel Hibberd. . John Brjggs , Jacob Lewis Amos Garret John Smedley, George Tarnall. ... Eijekiel James. Daniel Smedley, .. Aaron Garret Jeptha Garret Samuel Jones Isaac Malin Nathan Grubb, ... Benjamin Hibberd. Thomas Garret, .. Siniu-1 Garret. ... William Cox Jesse Garret Richard Coxe Joseph Smedley, .. William Sheldron. Thomas Smedley. Phineas Hibberd. Carried 2 2 12 12 12 12 1) 12 10 y 12 ii 12 „ 12 12 Capt. ANDERSON'S Company. Ji>seph Bond 2 12 Henry Hoops 2 12 Jesse Hoops 2 12 Wm. Bean, jun 113 George Smith 2 12 Isaac Reese 2 12 John Pyle 1 4 Jonathan Garret John Chalfant, George Davis George Thomas, Henrv Zooke Aquila Jones Jonathan Hoops Joseph Tremble Joshua Smith Joseph Rhea William Patterson Isaac Speackman Jacob Zooke William Smith James Hoopes Capt. JOHNSON S Company. Jesse Rattue 2 12 George Ashbridge 2 12 Ellis Williams 2 12 Phineas Lewis 2 12 Joseph Hunt 2 12 o Samuel Hoops 2 12 Edward Hicks 2 12 George Entrekin 2 12 '1 John Rattue 2 12 o Ben.iamin Matlack 2 12 Carried 1G2 1 CHESTER COUNTY. 215 Brought over 1G2 John Hutchinson 2 Israel Hoops 2 James Garret 2 George Matlaek 2 ^\"m. Rattue, 2 George Pierce 2 John Millison 2 Henry "WoodwarU 2 Sampson Barnet 2 Richard Goodwin 2 Abraham Pratt 2 Gideon "Williamson 2 Isaac Goodwin 2 Jonathan Matiack 2 John Spikeman 2 Amos Matiack 2 Isaac Haines, jun 2 Joseph Garrett 2 George Hoopes 2 William Eachus, 2 Thomas Hoopes, 2 Enos Thomas, 2 William Spikeman 2 John Chamberlain, 2 Joseph Hoopes 2 Joshua Ashbridge, 2 Wm. Sharpless 2 Francis Hoopes 2 James Underwood, ....' 2 David Smedley, 2 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 u 12 12 12 {> 12 12 12 n 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Capt. HARRIS'S Company. Samuel Richeson 2 John Malin, 2 Peter Mather 2 Joseph Lewis 2 Abraham Sook 2 Philip Jones, o Peter Sailor, 2 Randal Malin 2 Hen. Sismanhouser 2 William AVilson John Kneagy 2 Joseph Dilworth 2 Carried, 2t)C 12 12 12 12 12 12 Brought over, 266 9 Peter Larr 2 IJ Abednego Jones l.'j Joseph Malin 2 1J John Huffman 1 4 Frederick Tedrick 2 PJ Josiah Hibbert 2 12 John Adams, 2 John Sook, 2 Jacob Cauffman 2 Jesse Reese 2 George Lapp 2 Jacob Blacksmith 2 Capt. MOORE'S Company. William Hunter 2 12 Thomas Thomas 1 S Anthony Morris 1 4 Henry Fox 2 12 Martin Bottorff 1 4 Joseph Massey 2 12 Samuel Thomas 2 12 Joseph Thomas 1 S John Baker 2 12 Enoch Yarnall 2 12 Caleb Yarnall 2 12 Amos Yarnall 2 12 Joseph Hihberd 2 12 Isaac Yarnall, jun., 2 12 Townsend Thomas 1 !^ Isaac Thomas, 2 12 Isaac Richards 1 S Caleb Smedley 1 S Lewis Morris 1 S John Tucker 1 ^ Frederick Landis 2 12 Cai)t. ROWLAND'S Company. John Showalter, .iun. Jacob Bough Adam Guyder Phalti Showalter, .. Daniel Showalter. ... Abe! Thom;>s Isaac AN'alker Carried 12 12 " 12 rt 12 '■ 12 12 A 12 216 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over SJb Jacob Walker 2 12 Samuel Richards 2 12 Charles Steinmetz 2 12 U Brought over, Capt. MOPiGAX'S Company. Evan Lewis 2 12 Jos. Matlack •. .. in o Owen Skelton, 17 3 James Miles i 4 I»aniel Mawl, 19 6 "William Lee o 10 6 Henry Lewis 10 6 Joseph Barger i S Jacob Mawl l S William Levy i S Carried 376 4 9 Capt. THOMAS'S Company. John Buckwalter 1 1 1 12 12 4 12 12 4 4 Jacob Penebacker Samuel Brooks Christian Whisler Martin Shenholtz John Longstreth Benjamin Longstreth, ... Christian Maris 2 12 12 Daniel Buckwalter Matthias Pennebaker, ... 2 12 David Buckwalter 2 12 Abraham Holderman 2 12 ij John Lyons ir STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF AN. drew Boyd, E.sq,, late Sub-Lieutenant of Ches- ter County, from March, 1780. to May, 1781. Andrew Boyd, esq. late Sub-Lieutenant, Dr. to Sundries. Cont. Mo. Balance due to the state 20 (3 Received from sundry persons of the several companies of the 8th bat- talion, for non-performance of their tour of duty. Aug., 1780, Per list. No. 1, 16397 Do. do. for non-attendance upon days of exercise in the year 1780, per list. No. 2 9111 10 25508 10 Robert Smith, esq. lieutenant. Received of him at 2 payments. April and Mav, 1"S1, 2106 5 3 27634 15 4 CHESTER COUNTY. 217 Sundries Dr. to Andrew Boyd, esq. United States. Paid Marj' Boyd for maldng knapsacks, Oct. 25. 1780 £54 William Boyd for 3iyo yards tow linen, do. 24 286 17 6 William Haslet for provisions for mili- tia, and hauling do. do. 25 65 3 George Graham for hauling baggage, do. 20 31 10 Cath. Boyd for making 30 knapsacks, Nov. 14, do 110 5 Caleb Way for victuals furnished the new levies. July 7. 1780 58 10 William Marsh for hauling baggage, Nov. 20, do 1440 For V2 a yard tow lineu for knapsacks',' do 5 5 Caleb Way for forage and rations for militia. Dec. 14 130 2 G Thomas Semple for victuals for volun- teers. Dec. 28 50 William Henry for do. and lodging, do.. 60 15 Felix Harvey for James Harvey's pay in the militia, Jan. 26, 1781 ". 22 17 6 William Marsh for forage for horses, do. 31 11 5 Do. for warning the militia to march, do., 56 5 Robert Morall for do. April 5, 150 10 Tristram Moore, for do. do 159 William Newman, for do. do. 6 176 15 Tristram Moore for one blanket, do. 9, 100 296S 17 9 Military Stores. Paid Robert Bell for a rifle 255 John Beaton, esq. pay master of militia. Paid him for the pay of the companies, Nov. S. 1780, 8137 10 Robert Smith, esq. lieutenant. Paid him. being monies received for fines collected. March 31, 1781 77S5 7 6 Carried, 1914^ 13 3 21S ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries Dr. to Andrew Boyd, esq. Brought over 19146 15 Militia Expences. Paid expresses, almoners, captains for making returns of their companies. and other duties, judges for their services at courts of appeal, wages of drummers and fifers. for 2 fifes, for stationary, clerking, also, for 40 1. repaid J. Brown, his fine charged in former account, but remitted 2717 For his own services as sub-lieutenant. from the 20th of March. 1780, to 20 May, 1781. employed 150 davs. at 25 1 3750 6467 Balance equal to £46 13 7, specie 2021 27624 15 3 List of Fines received by Andrew Boyd. esq. Brought over SSS9 No. 1. Eig-hth Battalion. First Company. Ebener Pyle 40 WiUiam Stephens 37 Jacob Miller 46."i Samuel Bishop, 37 Wm. Neely 500 George Og-leby 100 Edward Vernon 460 Second Company. Joseph Powel 250 John Wiley 200 Thomas Chaffant 300 John Hannah 200 Garret Govode 450 Richard Taylor, 100 Third Comiiany. Jonah Chaml'erlane, Hugh Woods SOO 450 II Andrew Stewart 50 Joseph Powel 450 Joseph Williams 450 Fourth Company. Jeremiah Bernat, 524 Isaac Bailey GiiO Jacob Chandler 112 Aarnn Baker 7'J I Wm. Lockard 4.50 Jonathan Truvella 4.50 William Bailey 2>i0 Jesse Jackson 60 Isaac Johnston 150 o John Marshall •">" *'' Joshua Cloud 150 Samson Wickersham 60 Isaac Bailey, jun 60 Moses Windle CO Thomas Jackson 150 o o George Jackson 6i Carried 7111 10 220 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over 711110 Joel Bailey 150 Jacob Butler 60 Jesse Swain 150 Samuel Swain 150 Jacob Swain 160 William Winless 60 Abner Pile 90 Joseph Pj-le 150 George Carson, 60 Daniel Messer 60 Sixth Company. Andrew lloore Brought over S341 10 Job Cooper 150 John Campbel 37 10 John Miller 50 Jamee Miller 60 John Moore, 150 Patterson Bell 22 10 Carried S341 10 Seventh Company. Ellis Pusey 150 Joshua Pusey 150 Amount 9111 10 STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF THO- ma.s Levis, Esq., late Sub-Lieutenant of Ches- ter County, from jNIarch, 1780, to April, 1783 To balance due at last set- tlement To Militia Fines. Received of sun- dry persons for fines incurred before March. 17S0 5.j 10 Received from the several com- panies of the 6th Thomas Levis, esq. Dr. to Sundries. Cont. Mo. State Mo. £1413 S 10 Specie. Carried, J5 10 CHESTER COUNTY. 221 Thomas Levis, esq. Dr. Brought over, . 55 10 battalion, their fines for non-at- tendance upon days of exercise In the spring and fall of the year 1780, per list, No. 1 25447 10 Do. do. from 4 companies of the 7th battalion, for do. do. per list, No. 2 10318 17 6 Do. from the sev- eral companies of the 6th bat- talion, their fines for non-perform- ance of their tour of duty, Aug., 1780, per list. No. 3 36610 10 Do. from 4 com- panies of the 7th battalion, do. do. per list, No. 4 14614 17 6 £1413 S 10 Do. from the sev- eral companies of the 6th bat- talion, their ex- ercise fines for the spring 1781, per list. No. 5. .. Do. from 4 com- panies of the 7th battalion. do. do. per list, No. 6 222 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Thomas Levis, esq. Dr. to Sundries, continued. Militia Fines, Brought over, Received from the several com- panies of the 6th battalion, their exercise fines for spring and fall 1751, per lift, No. 7 2G0 C It Do. from 4 com- panies of the Tth battalion, do. do. per list. No. S 57 7 Do. do. do. for 1752, No. 10 169 17 ;i Do. from the sev- eral companies of the 6th bat- talion, do. do. No. 9 199 18 3 Balance carried to new ac- count Cont. Mo. State Mo. S&460 13 10 110 3 specie. • 144.J on S991.i 14 9 110 687 9 9 13 17 ;{ 701 7 Sundries Dr. to Thomas Levis, esq. David Riltenhouse, esq. treasurer. Paid him c.n ac- count of fines collected, Sept.. 1781, 10^2 17 .1 Do. do. June 7... 138S2 12 6 Do. do. in £74 1.", state, Jan. 4. 1782 oGOe, 5 Do. do. in £152 8. state, April 3. do UiZ'\ Do. do. in £165 8 G. d.-i. Jan. I. 17S3. 124M6 17 G 4437S 12 2 Carried 44378 12 2 CHESTER COUNTY. Sundries Dr. to Thomas Levis, esq. Brought over David Rittenhou.'-e. esq. Faid him on account of t;ne.>; collected, in state money, Oct. 14, 1783 John Beaton, esq. pay ma.s- ter militia, P;iid him for the pay of the militia, viz: Nov. 6, 17S0. £3841 17 6, and March 1. 1781, £18592 10 I'nited States, Paid Henry Hays the expences of a deserter from the continental army, July 2.5. 1780 23 15 Job Dicks for hauling baggage. Aug. 16. do 120 The officers and privates of capt, Pitts company, for their pay on a tour of duty, Aug. 26. do 7630 Cai't. Edward Aer- non, for rations supplied the mi- litia in service, Aug. 29, do 337 10 Do. for warning nut the militia, do 93 15 Capt. Vernon for rations for the militia Oct. IS, 1780 3150 Capt. John Lind- .=ay for warning militia. Mar. 20, 1781 93 15 Cai>t. John Pitts fnr du. April 9. do 75 C0;it. John Flower. for do. June 1. do 75 Carried 11598 15 Mo 78 12 Specie. 224 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries Dr. to Thomas Levis, esq. ■United States, Kro't over 11395 15 For 2 days provi- sions furnished to 70 militia men, Au^. 22, 17S) .■:.3G 10 David Lindsay and Charles Thomas of capt. Pitts company, their pay, do. 26 4oU Capt. M'Clasivey for warning out classes, March 1, 1781 75 Capt, Jonathan Vernon, for do, do 75 Capt. Lowndes for do, do 75 Capt, Quin. for do. do 75 Lieut. Quandrill for do. Mar 1-1. 17S1 75 Specie Capt, Kirk for do. Sept. 30, do 1 10 Harvey Lewis for 283 lb. beef lor the militia of col. Davis's bat- talion. Mar. 1, 1782 4 14 Do. for 2V2 gal- lons whiskey. delivered to the militia, Dec, 7, 17S1 1 1 Do. for 1 cwt. flour, 1 sheep, four gallons of whiskey, Feb. 23, 1782 2 7 Cain. Smith for military services, Jun, 17, do 1 10 Capt, Pitt, for do. do 1 lA Carried 12 12 CHESTER COUNTY. 225 Srndries Dr. lo Thomas Levis, esq. Com. Mo. i^^tate JIo. Specie. Lnlted States. Bro't over 12 12 7 7:>T73 4 9 Paid capt. Price for military ser- viccj:. Aug. 2. 1782 1 10 David Jackson, a wounded soldier, his pension. Aug. 28, do 36 10 Capt. M'Claskey, for military ser- vices. Oct. 24. do 1 10 Ann Brice, ex- penccs of a trooi' of liglit dra- goons. Oct. o. 1781 - 9 G Lieut. Quandril fur military ser- vices. Aug. 23, l'S2. 1 10 n For rations fur- nished tlie mili- tia, Sept. 24. nsi IS 6 Capt. Denning for military services June 12, 1782 1 10 Dr. Jonathan Mor- ris for medicine, and attending four militia men wounded in ac- tion. Dec. 3. 1782, 2S Cap. M'Claskey for military services, Feb. 27, do 1 lii i Capt. Jona. "\'er- non, for do. do.. 1 10 n Capt. Lowndes for do. do 1 10 Lieut. Quandrille for do. Mar. 11. 1"S3 1 10 '.'apt. Lowndes for do. do 1 10 ,•) Lieut. Heston for do. do 1 10 Carrieil us 15-6--3d Ser. 226 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries Dr. to Thomas Levis, esq. United States. Bro't over Paid Cap. Jon. Vernon, for mill- tary services, Mar. 11, 1783... . 10 Capt. Price, for k\o. March 5, ITS:; 10 Capt. I'itts. for do. Feb. 20, do.. 10 Capt. Lindsay, for do. Mar. 22, do., Capt. Kirk for do. O.o. Mar. 22 10 Lieut. Smith, for do. do. 1-1 10 Capt. Denning for military services. Mar. 19, 10 Capt. Kemp, for do. do. 24, do.,.. 10 Cain. Jona. Ver- non fnr the pay of his company r.f militia in ac- tual service. Oct. 4. 17S1 ss 13 10 Capt. Smith's do. do. Dec. 7, 17S2, 74 13 e Capt. Levis, and his troop of light dragoons, Oct. 4, ITSl 21 13 4 _ Cont. Mo. State Mo. Specie. 79773 49 75 86 000 Military Stores, Paid sundry persons for three musquets, two bayo- nets, and for cleaning and repairing arms Militia Expences. Paid clerks wases. adju- tants, drummers and fifers pay. expresses, stationary, almoners, officers for mak- ing returns of their com- panies, pay of a guard set over Fitzpatrick thf rob- Cariied CHESTER COUNTY. 227 Sundries Dr. to Thomas Levis, esq. (.Viiu. M'i. .State :sio. Specie. Militia Expences. Bro't over S0J13 -ID 75 8 6 328 li J ber at Chester, and lor other con- tingent charges. 4S52 10 6 For his own pay as sub-lieutenant from 29th March. ITSv). to 21st June. 17S1, employed IW days at 2"j 1.. 4750 9602 10 Paid captains for services in their companies, adju- tants, drummers and fifers, for a life and drum, for repairing drums, clerks wages, station- ary, an'.l other c 'J n t i n s e n t charges 104 18 9 Paid cap. Ver- non's and Smith's company, the pay allowed by the state in ad- dition to their continental pay, and cap:. Levis's troop of light dragoons, do. Oct.. 1781 135 10 6 For his own ser- vices as sub-lieu- tenant, from 21 June. 17.S1, to 1 April, 17S3. em- ployed 213 days at 12s. OJ. per "day 132 2 6 372 11 9 Balance carried to new ac- count 228 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTEXAXTS. Thomas Levis, esq. Dr. State Mo. To balance of the foregoing account,. Balance due by the state, 34 15 34 15 Specie. (^ 13 17 3 13 17 3 Contra, Cr. By balance per the foregoing account, £1455 11. equal to £19 8. state mo. at 75 for one Balance due to the state 19 S 15 7 13 17 V 9 u 34 15 13 17 3 List of Fines received by Thomas Levis, esq. Krouglit over, James Reynolds. 014". 100 Sixth Battaliun. Capt. LINDSAY'S Company. Dollars. Jesse Davis 4f»0 Isaac Davs, 400 Jesse Ellis, 160 Jonathan Ellis 4W Richard Willing 32'. Abraham Leaden 400 David Ellis JOu Lewis Griffith 400 John Thomas 400 Obediah AVilday ICO Samuel Briggs 4ia) Samuel Gray 400 William Llewellin IGO ■William Briggs 160 Michael Fimple 220 Jacob Beary 400 .loseph Davis 400 Mahlon Hagworth 400 John Furlow 160 Carried C145 Capt. QUIX'S Company. John Hunter 400 Charles M'Claskey 400 Peter Garret 400 James Hawes 16u Ezra Thomas 40:i William Reese 4W Evan Lewis 3J"i Nathan Worrcl 1*10 Moses Matson 40'i Thomas Thomas hi i Azariah Lewis 4i'j Edward Hunter 40) Thomas Espey 40) Jonathan Thomas 400 James Gorman 400 William Lewis 160 Josejih Hood -".O-) Georsie Dunn 4*1 Isaac Reese lU i Gideon Dunn 4'ii Carried 1330) CHESTER COUNTY. 229 Brought over 13300 | John Free 400 David Pratt lO"! Jonathan Morris 400 Reese Garret 400 John Shilling 400 Jeremiah Jerman 490 John Cullin 4iX) Didemus Lewis 160 James Espy 400 Enoch Gorman, 'ifO John Williamson 400 George Batten 400 Xeal Murray 160 William Salkeld 400 Daniel Worrel, 180 Philip Thomas 240 John Baldwin 240 Thomas Moore 90 Benjamin Worrel 240 Capt. PRICE'S Company. John Crozer Ezekial Wilson John Wood, Isaac Eyre, "William Worral Benjamin Thomas Matthew Wood Aaron Wood Elias Vernon John Snode Charles Cary Isaac Allen Capt. LOAVNES'S Company. Hugh Lownes Edward Fell William Marshall. William Paste, ... Jehu Maris Asa Davis George Maris, Edward Home, .. Carried 270 M 90 430 400 430 430 430 430 160 430 430 Brought over, .., David Lyon Aaron Ogden John Lewis Samuel Pancoast. •■ Seth Pancoast Andrew M'Clellen. John Ogden Henry Effinger William Lain James Heacock David Hall Isaac Rhoads Benjamin Taylor. .. Slator Lownes Joseph Rhoads Isaac Maris Benjamin Pyle Owen Rhoads John Evans William Kennedy. . Jacob Lobb Mordecai Lawrence, Elisha Worrall Matthias Tyson. ... Edward Xewlin, ... ■John Hall Joseph Gibbons Jesse Worral Capt. SMITH'S Company. John Humphrey. .. I Aaron Oakford. ... I Jacob Serrel I Alexander Morrow, I George Swaync, ... •130 John Heacock 430 j .Tn.siah Bunting. ... I'iO I Benjamin Elliot. . 60 John Garret 430 John Home, 430 John Rively. 430 Isaac Serrel. 130 Isaac Lloyil. 26230 Carried. 30 430 430 330 130 430 4'30 430 430 4:'0 43) 430 li'.O 430 430 30 60 160 430 430 IMM T60 430 430 430 ICO 400 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 43n 230 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over. . Jotin Pearson Richard Humphrey, William Hill Jonathan Heacock, Martin Hlldeburn,.. Robert Thomas Henrj- Paschal Joseph Wood Hugh Lloyd Samuel Ash John Govett Jesse Bonsall Capt. KIRK'S Company. Joshua Bonsall Benjamin Lobb James Steel William Bonsai William West, jun., John Longdon, Lawrence Lower, ... Levi Tyson Thomas Marshall, ... Nathan Garret, jun.. William Moore Job Evans Abram Lewis William PoUin Robert Steel Nathan Hays Israel Roberts Robert M'CleUand, . James Glffln Hezeklah Hibbard, . James Moore Nathan Sellers Samuel Gibson Moses Wells Abraham Lobb Richard Hayes Oborn Garret Abram Marshall, ... Morris Truman John Ball Carried 430 43t 330 430 430 430 430 430 430 270 195 270 160 160 400 130 40i;i 22*1 ICO 400 340 400 310 400 4-30 400 400 400 400 30 240 400 400 40i1 4eo 160 160 400 400 400 iOO 40:i Brought over, .. John Hibbard Joseph Ball James Marshall, ... Isaac Lobb Jonathan Brown, .. William Taylor Benjamin Bartram, James Pyatt Isaac Hibbard, jun. Thomas Garret John Moore William West John Vernon Thomas Patton, ... Aaron Marshall Nathan Davis Samuel Levis William Clunston, . 400 40') 4- H. Graham 340 Zedekiah W. Graham 340 Martin Carter 34i' Raper Hoskins 340 Tristram Smith 340 Thomas Pilkington 130 George Piatt TO Joseph Pyle 340 Griffith Owen "0 Joseph Brinton 140 Jephtha Lightfoot 340 Charles Barret, 340 Joseph Marlow 100 Caleb Cobourn 2.50 Herr>- Kimes 100 Nicholas Falrlamb 340 Jacob Dingee 34) James Buskett 340 Thomas Pederick 160 Thomas Sharpless 340 Adam Taylor 160 Edward Minshall 160 Daniel Carter 340 Samuel Little 40 Edward Carter 30 James Baggs 70 Abner Coppock 2.t5 Peter Salkield 70 Joseph James 70 Martin Morton 160 Isaac Talley 295 Adam Barton 130 Richard Pool 160 James Smith 160 John Shotts ISO Samuel Bumes, ISO Carried 8109 231 8100 Capt. M'CLASKEY'S Company. Richard Dutton Robert Hall John Palmer Levi Matson I Aaron Matson N'orris Jones I William Peters, jun., Joseph Pennel ! Xehemiah Davis, [ Daniel Sharpless, j Jacob Hibberd i James Barnet j James Dutton I Elisha Evans I Samuel Evans I Edward Richards, .... ; George Taylor j William Pyke, I Duncan I Thomas Mease I James Pennel I Oliver Farrow From Collector Capt. PITT'S Company. William Pennel Dell Pennel John Hill George Smedley, ... Caleb Harrison, Isaac Edwards Joel Sharpless, William Sharpless, Moses Minshall , .John Mansfield Jacob Menshall , Thomas Sharpless, .. Thomas Walters .Abraham Pilkington, Nathan Heacock, ... -Vmbrose Smedley, .. Joseph Talbot William HIddons. ... John Heacock, Carried, 401 4'*) 4il'l I'.i) 4' 4'1't 100 400 160 4ii0 400 310 220 130 290 293 41 iO I'M 160 10) 130 ISO 12.1 430 430 4^0 430 430 160 430 430 430 430 340 430 3S0 43* 160 430 430 430 430 232 ACCOT'NTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over 21-165 John Ottey 430 Frederick Fairlanib 220 George Raisor 270 Abraham Pennel, 430 Caleb Harrison 430 John Worral, 430 Joseph Pilkington 270 Thomas Pilkington 90 Aaron Baker 9'.i Capt. FLOWER'S Company. James Hart John Shelly Andrew Torton, Daniel Brown, Zechariah Derrick William Cranson, John M'Cay Isaac Dutton Isaac Lawrence Tobias Hendricksrn William Goodwin Richard Reily, Matthias Kerlen Richard Newlin Jiihn Eyre Xathan Pennell John Smith, jun Jame.= Adair William Booth Joseph Askew, jun Joseph Martin Besor Lumplough Isaac Pennel John Talbot William Hoskins. William Willis Of Collector Dols. 27 Equal to £10318 17 Sixth Battalion. Capt. PRICE'S Company. First Class. Ezekiel Wilson 1217 Aaron Wood 1217 Third Class. Joseph Fyle 640 John Snode 1217 Robert Colvin 600 Fourth Class. Isaac Eyre li;54 Elias Vernon 1220 Capt. QUAXDRIL'S Company. Third Class. William Smith 2120 Capt. VERNON'S Company. First Class. Benjamin Worral 1221 Joseph Garretson lOO.'i Isaac M'llwain 27-5 Second Class. Thomas Briggs liM.j Owen Worral 1000 John Wilcocks 949 Joshua Eley 610 Roger Dicks iriO'< Third Class. Job Green 1220 Fourth Class. Daniel Sharpless. 1905 Richard Swaffer 557 William Robinson 600 Abraham Calvert. 650 Moses Vernon 618 James Malen 610 Capt. LIXDS.W'S Company. First Class. Jesse Davis 1270 Jonathan Heacock 610 Carried 25924 CHESTER COUNTY. 233 Brought over. Second Clas-.s. Jonathan Ellis ThirJ Class. Richard Willing John Furlow Fourth Class. Abram Leaden William Lloyd Jacob Bare David Ellis 3600 44S 1643 3S0 540 1244 Capt. SMITH'.S Company. First Class. John Humphreys 13S1 2900 John Fox Second Class. 400 1220 Samuel Ash Third Class. 1220 400 700 William Hill 12211 Fourth Class. 61S Josiah Bunting 1748 Capt. LOWXES'S Company. First Class. James Heacock David Hall Samuel Pancoast Jehu Maris James Dicks Matthias Tyson Jesse Worral Second Class. John Ogden Isaac Rhoads, Edward Fell Aaron Osden Third Class. Benjamin Taylor, Joseph Rhoads Carried 1220 1290 610 9:.3 1220 BOO 1220 1333 1290 1220 300 111", 1290 Brought over Lewis Hansel Fourth Class. David Lyon Mordecai Lawrence Capt. QUIXN'S Company. First Class. Nathan Field Charles M'Claskey Thomas Leech Peter Garret Second Class. Ezra Thomas William Reese Seth Worral Evan Lewis Third Class. Isaac Farr Fourth Class. Azariah Lewis Edward Hunter Thomas Espey Capt. KIRK'S Company. First Class. Jonathan Evans Benjamin Lobb James Steel William Bonsall William West, jun John Longdan Levi Tyson Second Class. Joseph Bonsall Nathan Garret, jun Job Evans John Ash William Pawlin Robert Steell Third Class. Nathan Hays Israel Roberts. Robert M'Clellan Fourth Class. Ilezekiah Hibbard Carried, .500 1000 240 1000 1220 200") 1520 iDlW 1220 1220 1000 920 1432 122-) 100 1220 1220 601 1S66 2026 340 12fO 740 1220 1220 1220 800 234 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over, James Moore, .., Nathan Sellers, Samuel Gibson, 93S6S 1220 1220 1220 Brought over, Dols. 9762S Equal to £36610 10 No. 4. Seventh Battalion. Capt. M'CLASKEY'S Company. First Class. Elisha Evans Fourth Class. David Johnston Samuel Egleson Isaac Button Richard Newlin John Eyre Second Class. John Smith Edward Richards Third Class. Samuel Evans James Thomson Fourth Class. Thomas Tavlor Third Class. Tristram Smith Capt. PITT'S Company. First Class. William Fennel Dell Fennel John Hill George Smedley 333 1260 I Second Class. [Joseph Save! Isaac Edwards, Thomas Black 1220 643 Third Class. Joel Sharpless William Sharpless Thomas M'Min Moses Minshall John M'Glochlan Capt. VERNON'S Company. First Class. John Hogan 602 James Boggs 160 Second Class. Raper Hoskins 1220 William Kirlin 2266 1466 Fourth Class. James Buskett 906 William Blair 1220 Capt. FLOWER'S Company. First Class. Samuel Carpenter 1260 Matthias Kerlin 1220 Second Class. John Highly 323 George Woods 2SS James Shelley 94S James Waggoner, 1''20 Carried, 17160 Fourth Class. Jacob Minshall Thomas Sharpless Thomas Walters Abraham Pilkington, ... 1220 122") 1754 122") 1206 S79 1220 2070 1220 .5S3 746 200 1220 633 200 10S2 1220 1220 1220 1220 210 Equal to 28973 14614 i7 6 No. 5. Sixth Battalion. Capt. SMITH'S Company. John Pearson. State Mo. 14 Cart. KIRK'S Company. Levi Tyson. .. Benjamin Lobb, James .Steel, ... 19 1 4 1 4 Carried, Brought over, . Thomas Marshal, . Nathan Garret, ... Job Evans Abraham Lewis, .. William Pawling, . Robert Steel Nathan Hays Israel Roberts Jonathan Brown, . Nathan Ball John Sellers, jun., James Webb Hezekiah Hibbard, James Moore Nathan Sellers, ... Samuel Gibson Richard Hayes, ... Osborn Garret Abraham Marshall, Morris Freeman, ., John I.iall John Hibbard Isaac Lobb Joseph Ball James Marshall, ... Benjamin Bartram, James Pyott Isaac Hibbard Thomas Garret John Moore, Aaron Marshal, Nathan Davis Samuel Levis, jun., Jacob Sowder, Asa Davis Johathan Pennel. . Nicholas M'Curdy, . CHESTER COUNTY. 4 11 t; 23c State nn. 4S 19 6 Seventh Battalion. Capt. M'CLASKEY'S Company. Jose[)h Grissel, .. Samuel Evans, .. William Peters, . Levi Matson Georg-e Taylor, .. Joseph Pennel, .. Richard Dutton, John Palmer, ... Joseph Palmer, . Daniel Sharpless, Norris Jones Jacob Hibbard, . State mo. 4 4 I) 4 4 4 4 u 4 4 4 4 4 4 ') Capt. VERNON'S Company. Raper Hoskins, ... Caleb Cobourn Abner Barton Joseph Pyle Tristram Smith, .. Thomas Pllkington, Zed. W. Graham, Henry H. Graham, Jacob Dingee John Fyke, Jeptha Lightfoot, . Richard Morris, ... William Edwards. Joseph Aston Capt. PITT'S Company. William Pennel 1 4 Dell Pennel John Hill George Smedley Isaac Edwards Joel Sharpless William Sharpless, . Moses Minshall John Mansfield Jacob Minshalls Carried over 43 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 C 4 236 ACCOUNIS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over 43 i Thomas Sharpless, i ? o Thomas Walters 1 4 Abraham Pilkington 1 4 Joseijh Pilkington 1 4 Henrj- Wilkins 1 4 Ambrose Smedley 1 4 John Heacock, 1 4 Peter Smedley 1 4 Joseph Talbot, jun i 4 AVilliam Hicidons 1 4 John Ottey 1 4 Frederick Fairlamb, 1 4 Abraham Pennel i 4 Caleb Harrison, i 4 John Woral 1 4 State mo. Gl 4 Sixth Battalion. Capt. PIERCES Company. Abraham Dicks i ii o Aaron Wood 2 12 John Snode 1 4 Isaac Eyre 2 12 Elias Vernon 2 12 John Crozer 1 4 William Worral 1 4 Ben. Thomas 1 4 n Matthew Wood 1 11 John Worral 1 4 Charles Cary 1 4 John M'llvaine 1 S Capt. QUrX'S Company. Brought over 32 1 6 Isaac Farr 2 12 Moses Matson, 2 12 David Dunn 2 12 Azariah Lewis 2 12 P-dward Hunter 2 12 Gideon Thomas 1 4 Thomas Espey 2 12 Simon Meredith Ill Edward Moore 111 Jonathan Thomas in James Gorman in William Lewis 1 11 George Dunn 111 Isaac Reese, 6 David Pratt Ill Jonathan Morris 1 11 John Hall 6 Mordecai Taylor 13 Reese Garret Ill Thomas Moore 1 11 Benjamin Worral 1 11 Jeremiah Jermaln 1 4 John CuUin Ill George Battain 1 11 James Espy 1 4 Enoch Gorman 1 11 John Williamson. ,iun 1 11 Aaron Worral, Ill Samuel Caley 7 Ezra Thomas 1 S Nathan AVorral 1 8 James Rigby IT 6 John Stemple 7 Joseph Hood 7 James Jones 1 8 Isaac Pennington 07 Edward Bailey 7 Jiihn Hunter, ... Peter Garret. Thomas Thomas. William Reese, . Seth Worral William Salkield, Evan Lewis Carried 1 4 2 12 2 12 1 4 6 2 12 2 1 6 Cap;. SMITH'S C. ;n;i,iny. John Humiihreys 2 12 Aaron Oakford 2 12 Jacob Serell 2 12 William M'Cord 2 5 6 George Swaine 2 12 Carried 96 16 6 CHESTER COUNTY. 237 Brought Alexander Murrow. William Hill Josiah Bunting. ... Benjamin Elliot. . John Home John Rively Isaac Oakford Isaac Lloyd John Pearson Richard Humphreys Jonathan Heacock. HuRh Lloyd Martin Hildeburn, . •Joseph Pearson Robert Thomas William Morris Henr>- Paschal James Osborn Aaron Ogden John Garret Isaac Thomson Le\y Tyson Benjamin Lobb, ... James Steel Nathan Garret Job Evans Abraham Lewis William Pawling. .. Robert Steel Nathan Hayes Israel Roberts Jonathan Brown. John Sellers, jun.. . . Hezekiah Hibbard. James Moore Samuel Gibson Richard Hayes Abraham Marshal. . Morris Truman. ... John Ball John Hibbard Isaac Lobb Joseph Ball James Marshall. ... Brought. Benjamin Bartram. . James Pigott Isaac Hibbaid. jun., Thomas Garret John Moore Aaron Marshall Nathan Davis Samuel Levis, jun.. Jacob Sowder Asa Davis Jonathan Pennel, ... John Dunlaji AVilliam Benderman. Wiliam Tvson Capt. LINDSAY'S Company. Jes.=e Davis :; Christian Peterman o Jonathan EUis 2 John Furlow 2 Abram Leadon 2. Isaac Butlar 1 Samuel Briggs 1 Samuel Gray 1 Jacob Hum]3hreys 0: Jacob Beary 1 Joseph Davis 1 Abraham Hughs 1 David Lyon 1 Capt. VERNON'S Companj Benjamin Worral Joseph Garretson 1 Israel Taylor Edward Woodward. . Roger Dicks Joseph Jobson Enoch Taylor Daniel Sharpless. ... Abraham Calvert. James Malen Jacob Kimes Jacob Malen Carried 20" ' 12 2 12 1 ■1 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 11 e; 1 11 23S ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought £2ij5 4 9 Frederick Dicks Ill John Hinkson, 1 4 Peter Worral. 6 Adam Worral 6 Jacob Dunn U 9 Thomas Worral 9 eadom 2 16 Isaac Butler 2 10 Samuel Briggs 2 16 Samuel Gracy, 2 16 Jacob Beary 1 8 Joseph Davis 2 16 Israel Bushy I s Carit. PRICE'S Company. Aaron Wood 2 16 e John M' II vain i S John Snode i s Isaac Eyre 2 16 William Worral i S o Benjamin Thomas 2 16 Mathew Wood 2 16 Xathaniel Xewlin 1 s G Peter Woral ISO Cain. S>fITH'S Company. John Humphreys ] ]8 .\aron Oakford 2 16 Jacob Serrel 2 16 William Home 7 Samuel Ash 2 16 George Swayne 2 16 6 Alexander Murrow 1 16 9 William Hill 2 16 Josiah Bunting 2 16 Benjamin Elliot 2 16 John Garret 2 16 Jesse Bonsall 2 16 John Home 2 16 Isaac Oakford 2 16 Isaac Serrel 2 16 Isaac Lloyd 2 16 .lohn Pearson 2 16 Jonathan Heacock 2 16 Carried 110 9 9 240 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought £110 9 & Hugh Lloyd 2 IC Martin Hildeburn i! 16 u Jonathan Pearson, 2 "j 6 Robert Thomas 1 ** Isaac Thomson, 2 16 George Matthews 2 16 William M'Graw 1 S Henry Paschall 2 IC Joseph Dingee 1 S Capt. KIRK'S Company. Benjamin Lobb 1 James Steel 1 Nathan Garret 1 Job Evens 1 Jacob Sowder 1 Abram Lewis 1 William Polling 1 Robert Steel 1 Nathan Hayes 1 Israel Roberts 1 Hezekiah Hibbard 1 James Moore 1 Sam. Gibson 2 Oborn Garret 2 Abram Marshall, 1 Morris Truman 1 John Ball 1 John Hibbard 1 Joseph Ball 1 James Marshal 1 Jonathan Brown, 1 Benjamin Bartram 1 James Pyot, 1 Isaac Hibbard. jun 1 Thomas Garret 1 .\sa Davis 1 John Moore 1 Jonathan Pennel 1 Aaron Marshal 1 Nathan Davis 1 John Sellers, jun 1 Carried, 177 S S S 8 U S S S & i S 8 S 16 16 8 S S S S 5 Brought £177 3 3 John Hibbard, jun 1 8 Peter Larr 1 8 Benjamin Andrews 1 S Hugh Lanstroth 1 S Benjamin West 1 S Thomas Hall 1 S Isaac Lobb 1 8 Capt. VERNON'S Company. James Malen Joseph Jobson Roger Dicks Peter Taylor, jun., Malin Parsons. Daniel Sliarpless, . Jacob Malen ■^'illiam Briggs. Enoch German, ... Isaac Malen 7 S 8 S 8 n 8 8 8 8 s Capt. M'CLASKEY'S Company. Aaron Matson, 2 16 Abram Sharpless 2 16 John Smith 2 16 Joseph Grissel 18 6 James Thomson 7 Wm. Peters, jun 2 16 Levy Matson 2 16 0- Joseph Pennel Richard Dutton James Pennel Norris Jones Jacob Hibbard Sam. Evans John Pyle Benjamin Martin, ... Carried 36 5 6 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 tt 1 S CHESTER COUNTY. 241 Brought fSr. 5 C Capt. DEXNING'S Company. Richard Morris 2 IG Abner Barton 2 ITi Joseph Pyle 2 If. Tristram Smith, 2 11; Wm. Edwards 2 16 Henry H. Graham, 2 10 Abner Coppoch 2 IC George Ashbridge 2 10 Joseph Aston 2 10 Kobert Reed 2 IG James Gibbons 2 10 Capt. PITT'S Company. W'm. Fennel, jun. , .. Dell Fennel John Hill Nathan Sharpless. . . Joel Sharpless William Sharpless, .. Moses Minshall John Mansfield Henry "U'ilkins Jacob Minshal Thomas Sharpless, . . . Thomas Walters Abram Pilkington, .. Carried l':'n 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 16 2 16 2 10 2 10 II 2 IC (1 2 16 2 10 2 16 n 2 10 II 2 10 f' Brought 106 3 Josejih Pilkington, 2 16 James Emlen, 2 15 Ambrose Smedly 2 16 John Heacock 2 16 y Joseph Talbot 2 16 William Hindon 2 1" ij Fred. Fairlamb 2 10 V Abram Pennel 2 10 Caleb Harrison, 2 10 o John Worral 2 10 Humphrey Hill 2 10 James Heacock 1 S Capt. HUSTON'S Company. Ezekiel Wilson Jacob Hewes John Smith, jun., ... Francis Townsend, . Samuel Carpenter, .. Richard Reiley Isaac Dutton \\m. Booth Joseph Townsend. .. John Talbot Joseph Aschew, jun. Isaac Pennel, Nathan Pennel, 16 16 8 16 5 6 16 S 16 S 16 16 f 16 10 16-6--3d Ser. 242 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF ROB- ert Wilson, Esq., late a Sub-Lieutenant of Chester County, from nth August, 1779 to 6th xAlarch, 1783. Robert Wilson, esq. Dr. to Sundries. John Jieatun, esq. pay mas- ter, Received of Jjavid Kitten- hou.se, esq. per order, 26th August, 17S0, which was charged to account of said Beaton Militia Fines, Received from sundry per- sons per list, No. 1, being class fines incurred in the 2d batialicin. before the settlement, Aug,, 1"^9 520 15 Do. do. N.J. J, be- ing exercise fines incurred in said battalion, spring and fall, ITTU. .. 1727 5 Do. do. No. ;;, do. incurred in saiil battalion, now the 5th, for non- performance of militia duty. -A.ug., 17S0 1399S 12 Do. do. No. 4, in- curred in do. for non - attendance upon days of ex- ercise, spring and fall. 17Su.... 72SS 15 For .luhn Kean's fines for 178u 600 Received of Tho. .lefferies his line for not marching »n 17S0 Received from sundry per- sons of said 5th battalion, tnxried State Mo. £5800 24125 7 6 15 CHESTER COUNTY. , 248 Cont. Mo. Stnio .Mo. Ppecie. Militia Expences, continued, Brought o^Sj- 7 t, for non-attend- ance upon days of e X e re i s e, spring & fall of ITSl, par list, No. 90 19 6 Do. do. for non- performance of militia duty when ordered out, Sept., 17.S1, No. C Balance carried to new ac- count Sundries Dr. to Robert Wilson, esq. Sub-Lieutenant. Balance due at last settle- ment, United States, Paid Alex. Christy for his pay while a prisoner, Aug. 13. 1779 22 S 4 Andrew Boyd for bread for the militia, Nov. 13, do 24 15 Samuel Evans for warning militia to march, April 20. 17S0 5 Capt. Kincaid, for do. Jan. 3, 17S1. 56 5 Capt. Corbie for '!"■ do 56 5 Cap>t. Rob. Currie, frr do. do. 11... 56 5 Capt. David Curry, f( r do. do. 12. .. 56 5 Capt. John Brians for dn. do. 13... 5C 5 Capt. Hays for do. do. 19 :y. :, o Capt. "Williamson Carriiiid r.yi ]:>, j 244 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Cont. Mo. State Mo. United States, Brought, .. for do. do. 2u, ... aC Do. and ensign Jos. Clarke, for their own, and pay of a part of 5th battalion, do. Jan. 20, 1781 296i John Huddens for hauling militia baggage, Jan. 25. 17S1 1"« Ca.i. Blaclvburne for warning classes, do. 33... 56 James Wharry for apprehending a deserter, do 150 James Pinkerton. for delivering one do. April o 1"'0 James WiUiamsou for do. do. 6 IJO Samuel Mackayfor do. do. 24 1^'J George Johnston for apprehending a deserter. Mar. s. iTsi s: •;S9 13 4 £0 8 5 Philip Scot. esq. for S cwt. of beef. delivered to the militia. March 27. 1782... 5 Mary Wilson for half a bushel salt, do. April G, 10 Capt. Kincaid for military services. do 1 10 Capt. Blackburne for military ser- vices, do. l'.< 1 10 Carried £S 10 CHESTER COUNTY. 245 Sundries Dr. to Robert "Wilson, esq. Sub-Lieutenani. United States, c Brought over, . Capt. Cosby for military services. May 24, 1TS2 John AVaugh for do. June 24 Cait. Williamson for do. Aug. It', Capt. David Curry for do. Xov. Hi. Andrew Lowrey for hire of his team hauling mi- litia baggage. Dec. 21 John Campbell for do. Jan. 2, 1783, Capt. Rob. Corry for military ser- vices, Feb. 5 Capt. John Bryan for do. do. Ij, .. For 4 cwt. of flour, and bak- ing it for the militia. Sept., ITSl Military Stores, Paid sundry persons for re- pairing arms, and for a bayonet John Beaton, esq. pay mas- ter. Paid him for the pay of the militia. Nov. 9, 17S0 Robert Smith, esq. Lieut. Paid, him being fines received, Feb. 20. 1781. ... 2578 10 ) Do. July 23. do 2:i3S 7 C Do. a balancf-. Sept. ."i. do 247 13 11 Do. March C, 17S3 Carried 246 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries Dr. to Robert Wilson, esq. Sub-Lieutenant. Brought over Militia Exi:)ences. Paid members of appeals for their services, captains for services in theircompanies. almoners, clerk hire, pay of drummers and fifers. stationary and for one standard pole For his own ser- vices as sub-lieu- tenant from 13th of Aug. to 10th Oct.. 1779, 34 days at 30s 51 Do. from 10th Oct. to 2nth Mar.,17S0, 65 days at 123. 6d 365 12 6 Do. from the 2iHh March, 1780, to 21 June. 1781, em- ployed 184 days at 25 1 4600 Cont. Mo. State Mo 19G77 17 S 6 15 Specie. 36 11 '^ Do. from the 21st June, 1781, to 6th March, 1783, em- ployed 192 days at 12s. 6d.. Balance carried to new acct. Robert Wilson, esq. Dr. To balance of the foregoing account, £3102 11 10 continental money at 75 for one. equal to Contra, Cr. 41 By balance of the foregoing account. Balance due by Robert Wilson 23 11 17 16 £41 CHESTER COUNTY. 247 List of Fines received by Robert Wilson, esq. Brought £130 10 r^ No. 1. Owen Biddle, Thomas Colston Timothy Kirk, Joseph Kirk Nathan Sidwell Isaac Sidwell. .John Cylvin Robert Montgomery. Elihu Brown Michael Harland John Dougherty, Jolm Kean John Commons James Lindley John Starr David Hewer, Sam. Milhouse Thomas Gubby Second Battalion. Capt. RAMSEY'S Company, .lam s JackFnn .Tohn Wickersham. Thomas Strawbridge Thomas Jeffries, ... John Walker, sen.. Richard Baylie Tliomas Mercer Andrew Dunlap. ... Robert Taylor James Jackson, James Wickersham. James Laperty .Tohn Walker, sen.. Thomas Baldwin. .. Richard Bavlie David Buchanan, .. William Burns Robert Nixon Andrew DBnlap, ... 'I'lm Thomson, Robert Taylor, John M'Crakin John Fenney Elijah M'Cl-^naghaii, William Powers, ... '.< 1' 15 1 10 1 Ifi 1 1' 1 10 Capt. ANDERSON'S Company Charles Allen William Cook, William Derickson, . lieorge Pasmore Joseph Gray Samuel 'W*oodward, .. Thomas Butler Francis Wilkinson. .. Samuel Jackson Josiah Lambourn, ... Thomas Morton Samuel Swain Thomas Ward Joseph Taylor Stephen Cook Thomas Milhouse Ephraim Wilson Charles Booths Thomas Wood David Moore William Pitzpatrick. Wiliam Allen John Jackson Joseph Greenfield, JereiTiiah Underwood. William Thompson, .. Henry Keas Allen Chandler Samuel Milhouse Joel Morton 9 1.7. i< 10 S 5 9 1.; 9 ir. S 1." 9 Vj 9 13 9 15 9 15 9 13 9 15 9 13 9 13 9 ir 9 13 9 15 9 13 9 13 9 13 9 13 9 13 9 13 9 13 9 13 9 13 9 13 9 13 9 13 :• 13 Carried. (^aried. 248 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Broiigrht HM Jacob WooJ 9 James Durnal Joshua Pu!-ey 9 John Pusey 9 J T mes Way 9 Lewis Pusey 9 David Hewer 9 Lewis Harland 9 Jacob Halady 9 William Chaltin 9 William Cook 9 Joseph Gray 9 Samuel Woodward 9 Thomas Butler S Josiah Lambourn 9 Thomas Morton 9 James Swain 5 Thomas Ward 9 Joseph Taylor 9 Stephen Cook 9 Thomas Millhouse 9 Ephraim Wilson 9 Charles Boothe, 9 Thomas Wood 9 rtavid Moore 9 AVilliam Fitzpatrick 9 William Allen 9 John Jackson 9 Joseph Johnston 9 James Greenfield 9 Jeremiah I'nderwood 9 Allen Chandler 9 Samuel Millhouse 9 Joel Morion 9 Jacob Wood 9 Joseph Richardson 9 John Pusey 9 Joshua Pusey 9 James Way 9 Lewis Pusey 9 William Thompson 9 Thomas Hower 7 Jacob Holliday 9 Lewis Harland 9 l.'l If) ID 15 13 15 T\ 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 1~ 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 n 15 15 15 15 f. 15 10 15 15 Capt. BLACKBURN'S Company. Carried S!2 Joseph Woods U Robert M'Pike 1 Timothy Kirk 9 Thomas Colson 9 Nathan Sidwell 9 Joseph Kirk 9 William Calston 9 William Purnel 9 Christopher Hinkle 9 Elihu Brown John Woods Levi Baylie Isaac Brown Barnabas Mulley Joseph Brown Joseph Warren James Muriihy Jacob Sergeant John Dickson, jun Timothy Kirk Nathan Sidwell Joseph Kirk William Purnal John Harry Elihu Brown John Woods, Levi Bailey John Dickson, jun I.saac Brown Capt. M'KEE'S Company. Robert Montgomery, James Todd Alex. Johnson, jun.. Robert Nethery Abel Hodprson John Blair John Pennock Jehu Keyer Robert Alexander, .. Arch. Woodside Robert Montgomery. Carried 124 lu o 10 15 •; 15 9 15 9 15 C 9 15 (; 9 n 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 13 9 15 sr. 9 15 9 15 9 15 4 I'l 0' 9 15 9 15 9 n 9 15 9 15 1 10 n 5 5 9 15 Thomas Ward 750 " James Lindley 525 n David Moore 720 '' Isaac Sharp 450 'i Fifth Company, James Hutchison 540 Robert Story 41 5 Moses Coxe 144 5 u Sixth Company. Curtis Midcuff 101 5 Eighth Company. John Churchman 450 Joshua Pugh 540 David Woodside 460 Fifth marching Company. First Company. James M'Martin 4S7 5 Elihu Brown 4.50 u John M'llheny 45 Second Company. George Ritchie 45 Fourth Company. WiMiam ..^llt-n 572 pj John Jackson 3S8 10 Jerem. Underwood 450 Sixth Company. Jehu Keas 450 Seventh Company. David Moore, 230 John Alexander, 21 Eighth Company. John Mills fiQn u '"■ 140 12 Deduct 20 £13998 12 CHESTER COUNTY. Brought. Fifth Battalion. Capt. BLACKBURN'S Company. Josepti Woods, .. Timothy Kirk, .. Nathan Sidwell, . Samuel Sidwell, . Jeremiah Brown, Elihu Brown John Dickson. ... Timothy Kirk, .. Joseph Kirk Nat. Sidwell, ... Elihu Brown. ... Samuel Sidwell. . 45 45 45 45 43 45 90 PO 90 II 90 90 Capt. ANDERSON'S Company. George Parnal 60 Joseph Gray 60 Samuel Woodward 60 Thomas Butler 61 Francis Wilkinson 60 Francis Lamburn. 60 Thomas Morton 60 James Swain 60 Joseph Taylor 60 Stephen Cook 60 Ephraim Wilson 60 Charles Boothe W Thomas Ward 6m James Lindley 60 Da^■id Moore 60 Isaac Tharp 6i William Allen 60 Jacob Holiday 60 John Jackson no Jerem. Underwood 60 Lewis Harland 60 Allen Chandler 60 Joseph Richardson 60 Amos Spikeman 60 Joshua Pusey 60 John Pusey 6<) Carried 2925 n (1 James Way, Lewis Pusay William Thompson. Thomas Flour 251 £2925 ( 6i) 60 ll II 60 " 60 •) Capt. WILLIAMSON'S Companv George Parnal Joseph Gray Samuel Woodward, Thomas Butler, ... Francis Wilkinson. Thomas Morton. .. James Swain, I-'rancis Lamburn, Tliomas Ward, Joseph Taylor, Stephen Cock Ephraim Wilson. . Charles Boothe, .. Thomas Wood James Lindley David Moore William Chandler, William Allen John Jackson , Jere. Underwood. .. William Thompson, Allen Chandler Samuel Millhouse, .. Joseph Chandler, ... Jacob Wood Joseph Richardson. Joshua Pusey John Pusey James Way, Lewis Pusey, James Millar Thomas Flour Lewis Harland Jacob Holladay 90 90 90 ll 90 l> 91) M 90 ..• 90 u 90 'J 90 90 1.. 90 90 90 90 90 S-J 90 9i) '> 90 ■A 90 ■ . 90 •1 90 90 90 90 ri 9') 90 '•. 90 ro 9i ll 90 90 90 90 Capt. M'KEE'S Company. Jehu Keys 6':' Carried. ■■^ir. 252 ACCOU^'TS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought £5805 Capt. CORRY'S Company. James Stroude, .Samuel Stroude, 16 17 in 17 Capt. RAMSEY'S Company. Rumt'ord Daws. .. John Wickersham, Capt. CROSBIE'S Company. John Wickersham, Rumford Dawes, . Capt. BRYAN'S Company. John Churchman William Churchman, David Brown Joshua Pugh Elisha Sidwell Thomas Warran, Joseph Gatchel Thomas Wilson , Wm. Shepherd, jun., David Gatchel Joseph Gatchel, David Gatchel Thomas Wilson , Elisha Sidwell William Shephard, ., John Churchman Wm. Churchman, David Brown Joshua Pugh Thomas Warran Moses Logan, Cai.t. BLACKDURXS Compan> Joseph Kirk. ., Samuel Sidwell, Elihu Brown, Carried 11 1 12 1 12 90 90 45 45 45 45 45 45 22 10 45 45 45 39 7 6 90 90 90 90 48 15 90 48 15 48 15 90 Iti 17 6 7288 15 Brought. Levi Bailev, Capt. WILLIAMSOX'S C Geort;e Pasmore Sie Lambourn, Lewis Pusey Joseph Richardson Joseph Pusey John Pusey, Ephraim Wilson John Jackson Joseph Gray Isaac Cook William Thomson Thomas Flower Thomas Ward Samuel Woodward Thomas Woods, James Lindley Samuel Milhouse Thomas Morton Francis Wilkinson, David Moore Jacob Holliday Lewis Harland Thomas Butler James Way Joseph Taylor Capt. CROSBIE'S Company. John Walker, sen 1 8 Peter Burgardine 7 Alexander Maxfield 3 9 Capt. BRYAN'S Company. David Brown Joseph Gatchel John Churchman William • Churciiman, I R\-\i\ i'p'ca •\ Elisha Sidwell Thomas Wilson Thomas Ramsay Joshua Pugh nipany. 2 10 2 IB 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 I'J * 2 5 6 5 3 1 15 2 5 6 1 8 1 8 1 5 1 15 2 5 6 90 19 6 CHESTER COUNTY. Brought. No. 6. Fifth Battalion. Sixth marching Comi'Mny. Fourth Company. Joseph Richardson 12 C Seventh marching- Company. Fourth Company. Hiclith marching Company. Fourth Company. Lewis Harland ?• 1"' First marchini: Companj-. Fourth Company. .Tames M'Clure. . Ceorge Passmore. .lohn Hill Joshua Pusey, John Pusey, James Way. . Lewis Pusey. Carried. 13 S 4 3 1 12 6 3 Eighth Compan\ Joseph Gatchel 1 G :; 5 14 r- 1 IJ STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF ROB- ert Wilson, Esq., late Sub-Lieutenant Chester County, from 6th INIarch, to ist April, 1783. Robert Wilson, esq. Dr. to Sundries. Balance due at last settlement, £17 16 4 Militia Fines. Received from sundry persons their fines for not marching in Sept., 17S1, viz: Thomas Wilson. £10 10, Jacob Holidav, £13 5 4, David Gatchel. £2 4 8, Patrick Alexander, £0 17 1 26 17 1 Received of John Pugh £0 14 0, of Jacob Brown. 2 16, and Thomas Chamberlain, £2 16 0, their fines for not attending muster in 1781 6 6 Received from sundry persons their fines for non-attendance upon exer- cise in 1782, per list S9 10 3 122 13 4 140 9 8 254 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Centra, Cr. By ^Militia Expences. For his own pay as sub-lieutenant from the 6th of INIarch to the 1st of April, 1783, and five clays al- lowed him to settle his accounts, 31 davs at 12s. 6d ■ Bv Robert Smith, esq. lieutenant. Paid him June 25, 17S4 Balance due to tne state ly i: 2U 12 4 99 19 10 140 9 8 List of Fines received by Robert Wilson, esq. Capt. WILLIAMSON'S Companj-. .Tdsiah I>amburn 2 16 ,]..shua Pusey 2 16 Lewis Pusey 2 16 James Lindley 2 16 Thomas Chamberlain 2 16 u Isaac Cook 2 16 i> John Cook 2 16 .Samuel Woodart 2 16 Oenrge Gauthrop 2 16 Joseph Taylor 2 16 Joseijh Johnstone 5 16 John Pusey 2 16 Kphraim Wilson 2 16 John Jackson 2 16 Thomas Flower, 2 16 Thomas Woods 2 16 Francis Wilkison 2 16 David 5[oor, 2 16 o Jacob Iloladay 2 16 Lewis Harland 2 16 Thomas Butler 2 16 Carried .'S 16 n Brought. 5S 16 Joshua Pusey, jun 2 16 Joseph Richardson 2 16 Capt. CORRY'S Company. David Jerret 1 8 F.iiward Stroud 1 8 .\bel Hodgson 12 3 Capt. CROSBY'S Company. Peter Burgantine ill 6 David Irvin Ti " Capt. BRYAN'S Company. John Churchman 2 16 William Grist 2 16 Elisha Sldwell 2 16 9 "William '"'hurchman 2 16 n Thomas Wilson 2 16 David Gatohel 2 16 Quinton Anderson -i 5 ^ David Brown 2 16 o s:t 10 2 CHESTER COUNTY. STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF THO- mas Chene)-, Esq.. Suh-Lieutcnant of Chester County, from 20th March. 1780. to ist April, I 78 o- Thomas Cheyney, esq. Dr. to Sundries. Militia Fines. Received from sundry persons of the 4th battalion, their fines incurred for non-performance of their tour 0' militia duty, and non-attendance upon days of exercise in 17S0. No. 1. Capt. 'Carpenter's.. 15288 15 2. Mendenhall's, 3967 5 3. Whiteside's,. 19958 12 4. Simonson's... 6884 15 5. Strode's, ... 15210 6. Craig's 4851 15 T. Luckey"s. ... .5842 10 Do. do. from 4 companies of the 7th battalion, 8. Capt. Black's, 8795 7 6 9. Lockard, 13813 15 3 10. Reed 4951 10 11. Ramage 6625 l; Received of Gideon Gilpin of Capt. Simonson"s Co. his exercise fine, in the spring, 1781, 90 'on:. Mo. Specie. -106279 '14 9 Received from sundry per- sons of col. Ha^num's batalion, their exercise fines incurred in 1781, No. 12, 130 14 7 Do. do. incurred in 1782, No. 14, 136 10 2 Do. of 4 companies of col. Pierce's battalion, in- curred in 1781, No. 13,... 143 3 •; — 410 8 3 £106279 14 9 410 8 3 256 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries Dr. to Thomas Cheney, esq. Sub-Lieutenant. €ont. Mo. Specie. Balance of account settled, £2764 12 7 United States. Paid the militia of the 4th and 7th Ijatalious. who marched in August. 1780, for their services per ac- count. Aug. 26, 1780 4166 13 4 Paid major John Richard- son for provisions for thie militia at Chester, do.... 166 13 9 Do. do. Sept. 2 450 Do. to Joseph Dihvorth for do. do 277 10 Do. to Joseph Brinton, do. March 3, 1781 27 Alexr. Vincent for hauling baggage, do. 24, 75 Capt. Alexand'^r Lockhart for military services, do. 187 10 Do. for taking Pennsylva- nia volunteers to Phila- delphia, 97 10 Tho. Wiley for subsistence of 2 Pennsylvania volun- teers, and for warning the militia to march, do. 646 13 6 Capt. Edward Simonson for military services, do 479 5 Samuel Painter for ex- pences of 6 volunteers, July 12, 1780 52 17 Henry Hays. do. do. 2 37 10 William Harvey for appre- hending two deserters of ■do. May 17. 1781 100 Capt. Thomas Carpenter for military services. Mar. 11, 1781 112 10 Capt. Joseph Luckie. do. do. 7, 1783 309 7 6 Capt. Joseph Mendenhall, Carried 718G 1 2764 12 7 CHESTER COUNTY. 257 Sundries Dr. to Thomas Cheyney. esq. Gout. Mo. Specie. United States. Brought, 7186 1 2764 12 7 for military services, Mar. 8, 1783, 112 10 Capt. Thomas Tavlor, do. . do.. 112 10 Capt. John Craig, do. do. nth, 8i 2 6 7495 2 7 Paid three dragoons of capt. Levis troop, 13 days pay in Sept., 1781, N'ov. 27, 1783, 4 1 3 Capt. (Hugh Reed for mili- tary services, April 14, 1783, 1 17 (J • Alex. Lockhart, do. May 3, do 4 10 ■ William Whiteside, do. August 5, do., 3 Edward Simonson, do. Nov. 26, do., 3 Thomas Carpenter, do. May 12, 1784, 3 7 6 Daniel Calvert, do. June 2, do 2 5 Joseph Luckie for military services, June 10, do.. 2 5 Thomas Taylor, do. May 10. do., 1 2 6 ■ James Hogan for his pay in the militia, in Sept., 1781, Nov. 26, 1783 1 2 6 Cornelius Gallacher, do. Sep. 2. 1784 1 2 6 Edward Vernon, major, for 12 cwt. beef, 12 cwt. flour, 10 bushels potatoes, 1 bushel salt, a baggage waggon hired, and for his own pay, 13 days in Sep.. 1781, and 4 days pay of a fifer 45 17 6 ri TH 11 Carried £10259 15 2 73 11 17--6--3d Ser. 258 ACCOUXTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries Dr. to Thomas Cheyney, esq. Brought £10259 15 2 73 11 Robert Smith, esq. Lieu- tenant. Paid him on account of fines, received Feb. 12, 17S1, 12000 Do. do. March 29, do 15000 Do. do. May 23. do., 9548 5 Do. do. do. 31. do 4506 16 S — 41055 1 8 David Rittenhouse. esq. treasurer. Paid him on account of fines, received, Nov. 10. 1781 692 12 6 Militia Expences. Paid captains for making returns of their com- panies annually, and for expences of drummers and fifers, for 6 new drums, for stationary, pay of judges at appeals, ex- pences of a party in quest of the Smiths that murdered Mr. Boyd, the collector, and for clerks wages, 1096 15 For his own pay as sub- lieutenant from the 20th Mar., 1780, to 21 June, 1781, 190 days at 25 1 4750 For the additional pay of the militia, Aug.. 1780. allowed besides conti- nental pav 5176 9 2 20123 4 2 Paid the additional pay al- lowed by the state to three dragoons of the light horse for their ser- vices in 1781 2 15 3 Paid the interest of a sum of money borrowed in 1777. to hire substitutes, clerk hire, captains for services in their com- panies 99 11 7 For his own services as sub-lieutenant from June, 1781. to April. 1783. eni- :arried 102 6 10 72130 13 6 73 11 3 CHESTER COUNTY. 259 Sundries Dr. to Thomas Cheyney, esq. Cont. Mo. Specie. Brought 72130 13 6 73 11 3 Militia Expences 102 6 10 ployed 85 days at 12s. 6d., 53 2 6 ■ 155 9 4 Balance due to the state, of which £18300 7 8, continental money, and £85 7 6 specie, is represented to be in the hands of delinquent collectors, 34149 13 181 7 8 106279 14 9 410 8 3 Thomas Cheyney, Dr. Cont. Mo. State Mo. Specie. To balance of the above ac- count, of which £1374 11 4 at 75 for one of specie.. .. 000 000 18 67 And in state money at 75 for one, 14474 1 3, 192 19 9 Outstanding in collectors hands as aforesaid 18303 78 000 000 Balance of the specie ac- count brought down 000 000 181 78 18300 7 8 192 19 9 199 14 3 Contra, Cr. By David Rittenhouse, esq. treasurer. Paid him in part, Nov. 4, 1784,... 117 19 Do. do. do. 13,... 75 192 19 9 Balance due to the com- monwealth 18300 7 8 199 14 3 £18300 7 8 192 19 9 199 14 3 260 ACCOUNTS OF l^IEUTENANTS. List of Fines received by Thomas Cheyney, esq. Brought £13638 15 No. 1. Sixth Battalion. Capt. CAFtPENTER'S Company. Class 1st. Isaac Buffington 457 10 Jerman Davis 457 10 James Chalfant 125 Jonathan Licwis 5S5 Joseph Leonard 570 Paul Kester, 375 Robert Woodward, 457 10 Class 2d. Mallaugh Effinger, 457 Abraham Marshall 585 Joel Bayley 885 WlUiann Cooper 585 Class 3d. John Kennedy William Man Joseph Martin, Andrew Parrel David Marshall Samuel Marshall, ... William Woodward, 200 100 300 506 4i7 849 741 Class 4th. John Johnson, 250 Caleb Martin 585 Jonathan Bufflngton 585 Calvin Cooper 585 James Woodward 585 Thomas Williams 127 10 Samuel Clayton 585 David Bale 585 Class 4th. Joseph Thornbury 161 Thomas Llgget 90 Garret Gruson 161 John Marshall 161 Jonathan Sellers 161 Richard Woodward 161 James Trimble 161 Carried 13638 Class 6th. John Shugars, 161 Curtis Buffington 90 Joseph Bale 161 Marshal Battin 161 I>avid Lewis, 161 Class 7th. Joshua Clayton 161 Jesse Buffington 161 Richard Strode, 161 Class Thomas Wiley, ... Joseph Woodward, John Woodward, . Robert Buffington, 8th. 90 90 161 90 152S8 15 No. 2. Capt. MENDENHALL'S Company. Class 1st. Joseph Temple , Class 2d. Philip Selfus, Titus Bennet, Class 'id. James Taylor Emmor Jefferics, jun.. 200 71 Class 4th. Joseph Brinton 427 10 James Bennet 1037 5 Peter Plankenhorn 71 5 Henry Collins 71 5 Class 5th. Thomas Finley Jacob Heald Absalom Harrj- Class 6th. William Temple Jacob Way Carried, CHESTER COUNTY. 261 Brought £2489 15 Class 7th. Thomas Harry 161 5 Amos Harvey SO Joshua Pierce, jun., 161 5 Isaac Pierce 90 Adam Seeds, 161 5 Class Sth. ■U'illiam Hague 71 3 William Brinton 90 C Moses Brinton 90 James Harlon 161 5 Amos Harry 90 Sundry persons 311 5 e 3967 5 No. 3. Capt. "WHITESIDE'S Company. Class 1st. Benjamin Allen 62115 Philip Ward 116 5 Terrence Lynch 160 John Hutton 573 15 Class 2d. Thomas Richards 663 15 Nathan. Richards, ..• 573 15 John Scarlet 7o3 15 William Dixon 843 15 Thomas Lambourn 753 15 James White 160 Class 3d. Le^-i Johnson 255 Alex. M'Entire. 457 10 Clas-s 4th. James Rowan 56 5 Class 5th. Joseph Hurford 60 Nicholas Hurford 60 Stephen Anderson 150 Jonathan Johnson 60 Patrick Roney 150 Class 6th. Jesse Hutton 150 Hyet Hutton 150 Thomas Hutton 150 Henry Keys 60 Class 7th. Moses Bowen 150 Carried 7129 5 Brought £712!l 5 Joshua Bowen 60 Class Sth. John Barret 6i) John Commons 150 Sundry persons 12559 7 No. 4. Capt. SIMONSON'S Company Class 1st. Robert Frame 100 Thomas Bullock 100 Joseph Davis, jun 585 Gideon Gilpin 116 William Mason 171 Class 2d. James Pjie 128 William Boyd 227 William Brinton 802 Nathan Nield 228 William Seal 553 Class 3d. John Chamberlain 150 Joshua Sharpless 127 George Brinton, jun 585 Class 4th. James Marshal 200 Joseph Dilworth 84 John Little ^6 William Smith 16" Joseph Logan 2O<0 Class Sth. James Thatcher 161 Eli Woodward 161 Thomas Jones 161 Samuel Jones 161 Amos Brinton 161 Class 6th. John Thatcher 161 Edward Darlington 161 James Smith 161 Frederick Wolf 161 Class 7th. Nathaniel Ring 161 John Bale 161 Samuel Painter 135 Jesse Graves 161 Carried 6652 2 6 10 10 10 7 6 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 .". M 5 262 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought £6652 Class Sth. Amos House 71 John Carter 90 Joseph Strode 71 6S84 ii; Capt. STRODE'S Company. Class 1st. Abel Othy 327 10 Joseph Cope 765 James Painter 705 Griffith Roberts 234 5 John Robinson 12" 10 Charles Woolerton 173 12 fi Class 2(i. James Few 256 5 George Seeds 220 2 6 Richard Jones 71 Francis Townsend 1263 15 D Francis Dutton 256 5 John Slack 97 10 Abel Beak, jun 200 David Gray 239 17 6 William Jefferies 239 7 6 Nath. Jefferies, jun 100 Class 3d. Abiah Taylor 1335 Peter Ingram lOO ■William Otley 256 5 Abram Sharpless 71 5 John Parsons 327 10 Samuel Cope 585 James Robinson 639 Thomas Hawley 306 5 John Carter 71 5 Nathan Gheen 222 10 Joseph Darlington 273 15 Class 4th. Simon Kerns 156 5 Abraham Taylor 825 John Parrj- 200 Samuel Osborne 256 5 William Townsend 585 (I Carried 1I4?7 10 llroughl £11487 10 George Carter 56 5 Abiah Hoops 585 Jesse Sharpless 585 Daniel Grimes 133 15 Joseph Woolerton 322 10 Class 5th. Vvilliam Mercer 161 5 John Taylor 161 5 Joseph Painter 161 5 Isaac Taylor 90 Jos. Underwood, jun., .... 50 12 6 Thomas Kerr 50 12 6 Class 6th. Thomas Carter 161 5 Gideon Malin 161 5 Samuel Hart 9) William Underwood 90 Jo.seph Townsend 161 5 Class 7th. Nathan Cope 90 Emmor Jefferies. sen 90 Thomas Gibbons 90 John Few 16 17 6 Nathan Sharpless 161 5 Class 8th. Enoch Grey 90 Samuel Parsons 73 2 6 Emmor Jefferies. jun 90 15210 No. 6. Capt. CRAIG'S Company. Class 1st. Joshua Pierson 225 Class 2d. David Watt 227 10 John Crossman 230 Robert Brown, jun 187 10 William Mansfield 262 10 Class 3d. Solomon Gregg 445 10 Samuel Harlon 256 Joseph Brown 187 10 Carried 2446 10 CHESTER COUNTY 26S brought £24-16 10 Class 4th. Andrew Shively, 2 lO Amos Dixon 22ri Abraham Taylor 300 treorge Mason 7.');i Class 5th. L)a\id Brown 161 5 John Dougherty 161 5 Class 6th. James Walters 150 Robert Cooper 150 Joseph Springer l.'iO Joseph Walters, jun 9i) Class 7th. Caleb Miller 161 5 Class 8th. Le\; Woodrow 161 5 F.zekiel Webb 161 5 4851 15 No. 7. Capt. LUCKEY'S Company. Class 1st. Caleb Pierce 71 5 Mordecai Hayes 528 15 John Bailey 865 Job Pyle, 73.-) Class 2d. James Connor 457 10 Caleb Harlon 327 10 Class 3d. James Millison 585 Joshua Harlon 585 Class 4th. Amos Nichols 4'.7 10 Peter Wickersham 585 Class 5th. Iraac Trimble 161 5 Isaac Taylor 161 5 Class 6th. Isaac Harvey 161 5 Class 7th. Josiiua Pierce 161 5 Seventh Battalion. Capt. BLACKS Company. Class 1st. Robert Green 528 15 Joseph Pratt 85S 15 Nehemiah Baker 565 10 C'adwallader Evans 585 Abraham Lewis 585 Nicholas Woolas 610 16 S Edward Russel loO Thomas Baker 227 10 Class 2d. Daniel Rigby 457 10 Joseph Griffith 711 15 John Meredith 585 Class 3d. Samuel Lewis 127 10 Abel Green 71 5 Isaac Worral 127 10 Class 4th. Joseph Baker, jun 552 5 10 Joseph Baker, cooper 457 10 Richard Baker 300 Aaron Baker 22S 13 Class 5th. James Howard 161 5 Joseph Robins 15 Joseph Thomas 141 13 James Yarnal 161 5 Class 6th. Joseph Meredith 103 Francis Wisely 161 5 Eli Tamall 155 15 Class 7tn. pamuel M'Niess 37 10 o Josiah Lewis, jun 161 5 Class 8th. Nathan. Mercer 15 8795 7 6 No. 9. Capt. LOCK.\RT'S Company. Class 1st. Joseph Morrison 4!*3 2 6 5842 10 Carried. 4ffi 2 6 264 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought £493 2 C Elisha Adkinson 146 5 William Trimble, 585 Jacob Talbot 327 10 Joseph Yarnall 585 Abner Rodgers 352 10 Class 2d. William Pierce 585 Thomas Hatton 352 10 John Walter 747 Joseph West 71 5 Isaac Larkin 610 10 John Steen 37 10 Isaac Arment 585 Class 3d. John Myers 5S5 John Sharpless 585 John Banks 71 5 o Elias Burnet 568 2 6 Class 4th. Joseph Palmer 44 1 3 Thomas Smith 585 Nathaniel Newlin 750 Benjamin Guest 5S5 ^"illiam Armont 200 Class 5th. Stephen Hall 144 7 6 The. Newlin, sen 161 5 Evan Evans 90 Andrew Hunter 70 10 John Redin 71 5 Parker Askew 161 5 Isaac Pyle 161 .". Joseph Lloyd 161 5 John James 134 16 6 Class 6th. Peter Hatton. jun 161 5 Thomas Speakman 161 5 John Bullock 161 5 William Baldwin 161 5 David Baldwin 71 5 Joseph Larkin 161 5 Henr>- Guest :61 '> Class 7th. John Pierce Ifii .'. Carried 11817 10 3 Brought £118»7 10 3 Joseph Hatton 161 5 o Thomas Marshall 161 5 Abraham Sharpless 161 5 John Faulk 161 5 Simon Pyle i6i 5 Samuel Guest i6l 5 o Owen Zebly 161 5 William Faulk 161 o <) John Booth 161 5 Abrahm Guest 161 5 J Class 8th. John Caldwell 161 5 Michael Huggins 71 5 Tho. Newlin, jun 161 5 No. 10. Class 1st. Capt. REED'S Company. John Edwards 161 5 Ezekiel Leonard 48 15 Class 2d. Charles M'Clain 200 William Hill 562 in Evan Jones 321 5 Robert Wager 251 .'> Thomas Hall 339 Isaac Taylor 327 10 Class 4th. James Regester 233 1.") Thomas Reed 256 5 Class 5th. William Levcnson £9 7 6 Edward Grissle 90 Class 6th. Thomas Hickman 161 5 Benjamin Jones 161 o Reddy Kimber 161 Z Caleb Pierce 161 5 Joshua Hoops 161 .'> William Johnson 161 5 Class 7th. Josei>h Pierce 161 ■"■ ii Carried 3959 12 6 Brought, CHESTER COUNTY. .... i3&09 12 6 26 r, Caleb Kimbler 161 William Yarnall. ... Benjamin Johnson, Edward Baker, . . John Townsend, .. James Townsend, Joseph Cheyney, Daniel Thomson, John Mendenhall, 161 5 56 5 76 17 6 161 5 161 161 5 71 5 71 5 71 5 4951 10 No. 11. Capt. RAMAGE'S Company. Class 1st. Benjamin Cock 375 e Joseph Eavenson 327 10 William Hawley 646 Levi Massey f^So George Brinton 1309 10 Class 3d. Joshua Hunt 5S5 Isaac Davis 585 Abraham Hoops 277 10 Class 5th. Thomas Mercer 161 5 James Gibbons 16I 5 Jacob Gibbons 161 5 Class 6th. George Hanthorn 161 5 James Gibbons, jun 161 5 Isaac Hoops 161 5 Class 7th. Peter Osborn 161 S Francis Hickman 161 5 Joseph Hoops 161 5 Jacob Hoops 161 5 Class Sth. Joseph Cock 161 5 Thomas Cooper 161 5 £6625 10 Third Battalion. Capt. 2 2 12 1 ') 2 12 2 32 2 12 U 2 12 2 12 MENPEXHALL'S Company. Class 1st. Joseph Temple, Class 3d. Samuel Temple , Class 4th. Henry Collins Moses Mendenhall Caleb Mendenhall, Thomas Harry, Class Sth. Jacob Heald Jesse Harry Class 6th. Benjamin Temple William Temple, William White, jun., Stephen Webb Benjamin Walker Class 7th. Amos Harvey Joshua Pierce, jun., .. Isaac Pierce Adam Seeds, Isaac Miller, jun., — Class Sth. William Brinton 2 12 Capt. WHITESIDE'S Company. 1 4 2 12 2 12 2 12 1 10 2 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 1 4 Class 1st. William M'Connel Class 2d. Nathaniel Richards, ., Isaac Richards Thompson Parker John Scarlet William Dixon Thomas Lamborn Class 3d. William Cherrj- William Pyle Class 4th. Joseph Hutton 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 VI 2 12 Carried, .266 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought £69 12 William Hutton 2 12 Benjamin Sharp 2 12 Class 5th. Joseph Hurford 2 12 Jonathan Johnson 2 12 Joseph Miller 2 12 John Hulford 2 12 Class 6th. Jesse Hutton 2 12 Hiet Hutton 2 12 Thomas Hutton 2 12 James Pyle 2 12 Class Tth. Joseph Hobson 2 12 David Hoops 2 12 Isaac Jackson J 12 James Miller, 2 12 Class 8th. John Dixon 2 12 John Commons 2 12 Isaac Jackson, jun 2 12 Capt. SIMONSON'S Company. Class 1st. Joseph Davis 2 12 Cla.^s 3fl. George Brinton 2 12 Cla.=s 4th. William Smith Class 5th. Amos Brinton Class 6th. Edward Darlington, ... Class Tth. Samuel Painter, Class 8th. Samuel Jones, 2 12 1 19 2 12 No. 13. Seventh Battalion. Capt. BL.\CK'S Company Class 1st. .1' nathan Howard Brought £2 12 Ji.seph Pratt 2 12 Second class. Joseph Griffith 2 12 John Meredith 2 12 Class 3d. Isaac Worral, .. 2 12 Class 4th. Joshua Yarnal, 2 12 '> Abraham Farr 3 12 Class 5th. Nathan Baker S 6 James Yarnall 2 12 Class 6th. Francis Wisely 2 12 Caleb Yarnall, 2 12 Thomas Yarnall 2 12 Joseph Meredith 2 12 Class Tth. Josiah I>twis, jun 2 12 Capt. LOCKHART'S Company. Class 1st. Josejih Morrison Peter Hatton Samuel Yarnall Steii. Mendenhall William Trimble Jacob Talbot Joseph Yarnal, -■Vbner Rogers Class 2d. Robert Burnet, William Peirce Thomas Hutton John Walter Isaac Larkin Isaac Arment , Class 3d. John Myer John Sharpless Elias Burnet Joseph Newlin I John Ford 1 16 3 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 Q 2 12 1 8 2 12 Class 4th. 2 12 Joseph Palmer Carried. Carried, CHESTER COUNTY. 267 12 12 12 4 1 c 6 12 4 12 12 12 12 3 3 12 12 12 Brought £84 James Hatton 2 Moses Palmer 2 Nathaniel Newlin 2 Jeremiah Weaver 1 Class 5th. Stephen Hall 2 Thomas Newlin, jun 1 Parker Askew 2 Class 6th. William Hannum 1 Thomas Speakman 2 Joseph Larkin 2 Class 7th. John Pierce 2 Joseph Hatton 2 Thomas Howell 1 Thomas Marshall 2 John Faulk 2 William Foulk 2 John Booth 2 Class 8th. Thomas Newlin, sen ?■ John Mendenhall 2 Capt. REED'S Company. Class 3d. Abraham Hoopes 5 Capt. TAYLOR'S Company. Class 3d. Jacob Gibbons 2 12 Class 5th. Caleb James 2 12 Joseph James 2 12 Moses James 2 12 Class 6th. Jacob Hoop 2 12 143 3 6 No. 14. Third Battalion. Capt. MENDENHALL' S Company. Class 4th. Joseph Brinton 2 IC Carried, 2 16 Brought £2 16 ':■ Moses Mendenhall 2 1'; Caleb Mendenhall 2 IS C Thomas Harry 1 ■? Class 5th. Jacob Heaia 2 IC o Class 6th. Ben. Temple 1 5 *^' William Temple 1 S Stephen Webb 1 S Benjamin Walker 1 S C Class 7th. Amos Harvey 1 S ') Joshua Pierce, jun 2 I'J Isaac Pierce, 2 1>; Adam Seeds 2 10 u Isaac Miller, jun 1 I'J Class Sth. William Brinton 1 2 S Capt. WHITESIDE'S Compan> Class 1st. Benjamin Allen Philip Ward William M'Connel. ... Class 2d. Nathaniel Richards. . Isaac Richards John Scarlet, William Dixon Thomas Lambourn. ... Cla?s 3d. Richard Lambourn, .. William Pyle Class 4th. Jos. Hutton Benjamin Sharp Class 5th. Joseph Hurford Nicholas Hurford Jonathan Johnson, ... Joseph Miller Class 6th. Jesse Hutton James Pyle Wm. :M'Nama Carried 2 16 2 10 2 IG 2 IG 2 !■; 2 10 2 10 ■) 2 10 u 2 10 c 2 10 2 10 1 S 2 10 2 10 It 2 16 2 10 2 10 l-l 2 10 n 2 10 268 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought, Moses Rowan 2 16 Arch. Agnew i S David Hoops 2 16 Isaac Jackson 2 16 Joseph Hobson 2 16 Class 8th. J< hn Dixon 2 16 John CommonB 2 16 George Whippo, 2 16 Samuel Dowlinan 2 16 Samuel Dobson, 2 16 Caleb "Wiley i S John Shortledge, 2 16 John Curl 2 16 "n'illiam Pusey i g o Carried 117 14 S Brought 117 14 8 Robert Commons 1 8 James Miller, 1 8 John Miller 2 16 Capt. SIMON SON'S Companr. Class 3d.. George Brinton 2 16 Class 5th. Amos Brinton 2 16 Class 6th. Edward Darlington 2 16 Class 7tb. Samuel Painter Ill 6 Class 8th. Samuel Jones 8 Abraham Dicks 2 16 Examined and settled, JOHN NICHOLSON. Comptroller-General's Office, Nov. 20, 1784. STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF Jacob Morgan, Senior, LATE LIEUTENANT OF BERKS COUNTY. 1777-1780- JACOB MORGAN, Sen., Esq., late Lieuten- ant Berks County, Dr. to Sundries. To David Rittenhouse. Esq. Treasurer. Received from him, per Col. Jacob Morgan, jun. for to purchase bla.i- kets. May 22d. 1777 £oOO Ditto, for ditto, June lOch. 1777 500 Ditto, per John Proctor. Esq. for the militia, July 31st 2000 Ditto, per Jacot) Morgan, jun. for de- fraying the expences of the Scancon prisoners, Sept. 10th, 1777 50 ) 3600 To Valentine Eckart, Esq. Sub-Lieutenant. Received from him on account of miltia fi.ies, Nov. 22d. 1780 70ol 12 C To Daniel Udree, Esq. Sub-Lieutenant. Received from him on account of militia fin?s, Nov. 23d. 1780, 12,220 7 H Militia Fines. Received from sundry delinquents in the several 'battalions of Berks county militia, their fines incurred for non-attendance upon days of exercise in the years 1777 and 1778, and of the 5th and 6th battalions for the year 1779; also,— Vid. list Xo. 1 3455 11 6 Received from ditto, ditto, their fines for non-performance of militia duty incurred from March, 1777, to March, 1780, Vide fine list No. 2,.. 57,747 1 3 61,202 12 9 84 084 12 9 Sundries Dr. to Jacob Morgan, sen. late L'.ru.enant Berks county. David 'Rittenhouse. Esq. Treasurer of the s.ate. Paid him on account of lines, Sept. 9th. 1778, 9281 14 9 Do. do. Oct. 8th, do 190O 4 8 Do. do. May 27th. 1779 4000 15.181 19 5 Henry Spycker, Esq. Paymaster of the militia. Berks county. Paid him by order of Council. May 30th, 1778 5000 Carried over, 5009 (t 15.181 19 272 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries Dr. to Jacob Morgan, sen. lace Lieucenant Berks county. Brought forward, £15,181 19 5 Henry Spycker, Esq. P. M. continued, £5000 Paid him by order of Council, April Both, 1778, 5000 Do. Sept. 11th, do 6000 Do. Jan. 20th. 1779 3000 Do. upon an order from the treasurer, •Dec. 2d, 1780, 14,561 12 6 33,561 12 6 ■ Daniel Levan, Esq. of Berks county. Paid him the money sent up by Council for de- fraying the expences of the prisoners sent to Virginia, Sept. 20th, 1777, 500 iCaptain Edward Scull. Paid him at sundry times in the year 1778, for the recruiting service,... 1409 Ditto, for his expences forwarding the Pennsylvania volunteers, June 26th, 1780, 200 1609 Lieut. Philip Gibbons, of 5th Pennsyl. regt. Paid him at sundry times in 1778, for the recruit- ing service, 1425 o o Captain Jacob Moser. Paid him at sundry times in 1778, for the recruit- ing service, 829 u Lieut. Jacob Vanderslice. Paid him for the recruiting service, Sept. 26th, 1778 225 Ditto, do. Nov. 6th, do 220 445 €apt. James fWilson, of 1st Pennsyl. regt. Paid him for the recruiting service, Sept. 26th, 1778, 225 Capt. John Dougherty. Paid him for the recruiting service, Sept. 26th, 1778, 225 Valentine Eckart, Esq. Lieutenant of Berks county. Paid him to discharge bills for repairing arms, Dec. 12th, 1780 3750 •Military Stores. Paid 'Sundry persons for arms and ac- coutrements, and for repairing and hauling arms, psr account settled by Assembly, Oct., 1778 ". 725 14 Paid Wolfgang Hacha his bill for re- pairing arms, Aug. 12th, 1779 649 3 7 1374 17 7 Carried over, 59,126 9 6 17 1 10 29 4 51 15 61 18 9 12 BERKS COUNTY. 27c; Sundries Dr. to Jacob Morgan, sen. late Lieutenant Berks county. Brought forward 59,126 9 6 United States. Paid sundry persons for 337 blankets for the use of the armv, viz: May 15th, 1777, £329 4 6; do. 30th, £288 3 9: June 7th, £89 3 6; do. 17th, £14 6; and Nov. 2d, £2 0— in all.... 722 17 9 Do. do. for 118 blankets. Aug. 1st, 1777 224 13 CapL. Henry Wax, for ordering out the militia, Dec. 23d, 1778, 3 10 Sundrv militia officers, for do. Mav 12th, 1779 Ditto, for do. do. 13th do.,. Ditto, for do. do. 14th do.,. Ditto, for do. do. 15th do.,. Col. Ad. Heister. for do. June 20th, 1780, 1123 4 'Militia Expences. Paid 316 substitutes hii'ed to serve in the several classes of militia, 1777 and 1778 12,158 Paid Christian Lower, Esq. Sub-Lieu- tenant for 125 days services, April, 1777, to August, 1778 125 John Old, Esq. Sub-Lieutenant, for ' 59 days, ditto, ditto 59 ^ Abraham Lincoln, Esq. Sub-Lieuten- ant, for 147 ditto, do. do 147 Col. Henry Shoemaker, Sub-Lieuten- ant, for 110 do. ditto, 110 Commissions for collecting £39,899 2 fines, at 5 per cent, allowed by Committee of Assembly. 1778 1994 19 Benjamin Morgan, for attending as clerk 336 days, to Oct. 8th. 1778,... 336 For Col. Morgan's own pay as Lieu- tenant, from the 24th April. 1777. to 4th Oct., 1778, employed 321 days. 361 2 6 Paid sundry Captains for services performed in their companies, ex- pences of appeals, wages of adju- tants, drummers and 'fifers. and other contingent charges, per ac- count settled. Oct.. 1778 1455 13 10 Carried over 16.746 15 4- 18-6-3d Ser. 60,249 9 10 274 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries Dr. :o Jacob Morgan, sen. late Lieiuenant Berks county. Brought forward £60.249 9 10 Militia Expences. continued 16,746 15 4 For his services as Lieutenant, from the 5th Oct., 1778, to the 23d Nov., 1780, and for his time while attend- ing a settlement. May. 1781, & Sept., 1782, 95 days 1792 17 6 Paid expresses, clerks' wages, ex- pences of appeals, wages of adju- tants, drummers and fifers, and for drums, fifes, stationary, militia offi- cers for their services in their re- spective battalions and companies, and other contingent charges 2432 1 6 ■ — 20,971 14 4 Balance due to the staie, equal to £47 14 5, specie, 2863 8 7 £84,084 12 9 Col. Jacob Morgan, sen. late Lieutenant Berks county, Dr. Specie. Continental. To balance, due as above £47 14 5 To fines incurred in the years 1777, 1778 and 1779, for non-performance of militia duty and exercise, said to be outstanding 27,243 15 £47 14 5- £27,243 15 No. 1. Exercise fines received by Jacob Morgan, sen. Esq. late Lieu- tenant Berks county, incurred in the years 1777 and 1778, by the 1st. 2d, 3d and 4th battalions; and in the years 1777, 1778 and 1779, by the 5th and 6th battalions militia. First Battalion. i Brought forward 4 I Capt. FOLCK'S Company. i Valentine BauerFax 12 6 John Anstat 1 10 Adam Block 12 6 John Bechel 1 12 C Jacob Drey 5 John Breni 12 6 i Abraham Daner 1 2 6 Henry Bayer 5 ; Matthias Drey 12 6 Carried 4 G Carried over, BERKS COUNTY. 275 Brought forward, ... John Dilbon George Falck Xicholas Clementz, Jacob Haag Christian Henrick, sen.. Peter Henrich Samuel Keim William Kroneraud. ... Jacob Kerchner John Keim George Kolb Philip Miller Conrad Reb Adam Rubert Jacob Sheffer Philip Henry Shaum. ... Herman Zimmerman, Peter Folck George Folck Samuel Gilpert Jacob Yoder John Albrecht Peter Keifer, Adam Spring Jacob Becker Adam Anstat Jacob Hesner Christian Heinrich, .lun. 1 5 1 2 12 5 12 111 10 10 12 1 2 12 1 12 1 5 12 17 10 1 7 5 5 5 5 1 7 12 10 Brought forward 42 2 6 Ptter AUenback 5 Peter Yerger 3 2 6 George Shaner 15 Lawrence Reider 112 6 Conrad Bear 2 5 Henry Stouter 112 6 T)a\id Kepler, l 5 Baltzer Trout 12 6 Peter Martin 112 6 i'hilip Reynard 10 Abraham Kast 1 Henry High 3 2 6 Abraham Stoufer, sen 5 John Allenbach 1 Michael Yerger 1 2 6 Solomon Rhoads, 4 2 6 Michael Hofman, sen., 15 Samuel Mechlin 1 5 John Ladshavv 1 12 6 Henry Gable 1 12 6 Jacob Wershler 10 Jacob Ladshaw, 1 12 6 Jacob Overholser 1 • Jacob Mechlin 112 S Jacob Buckwalter, 1 5 Martin Matthias 6 IfT Christian Engle 5 Adam Rhoads 15 Frederick Shanely 10 Capt. CRUMRIXE'S Company. Geo. Mich. Swinehart, 5 Matthias Rhoads 10 Nicholas Feageley 10 Matthias Ritter 15 Adam "Weller 17 6 Christian Berto 10 John Bush 5 Christian Acre 17 6 David Reynard 12 6 Abraham Bechiel. sen., .. 1 12 C Jacob Stoufer 1 5 Isaac Bechtel 5 Jonathan Rhoads 4 7 6 Abraham Eechtel, jun.. .. 15 Carried over 42 2 6 Cart. LEXTZ'S Company. Paul Sharate Philip Weller Gerhart Bechtel, .. Frederick Bates, . Adam Bates Jacob Ham. sen., Jacob Herb, sen., Adam Imbody. ... Nicholas Imbody, Peter Keffer Leonard Litzinger, John Lobach Nicholas Miller, .. Carried over, . 12 S 5 1 2 6 5 5 5 7 s 1 2 & 1 2 6 5 17 6 15 1 2 6 276 ACCOUNTS OF LIE JTEN ANTS. brought forward 88 13 George Meoch 10 Stephen Repert l5 Jacob Repert, 5 ■William Stork 17 6 Matthias Dottere 12 6 Abraham Witner, 17 6 Philip Slagenhaupt 10 Anthony Shreader 5 Jacob Schoh Brought forward 119 Christian Fucks 7 6 Daniel Price 1 7 6 Jeremiah Hess 5 Conrad Price 1 12 6 Christopher Wagonsr 4 2 6 Christian Hoofnagle 1 5 Michael Redinger 112 6 Christian Martin 112 6 Jacob Breyfogle 1 12 6 Thomas Wagoner 3 2 6 Capt. FOCHT'S Company. Isaac Berto 10 Matthias Hoffa 5 Jacob Hill 5 Philip Yoxhlmer 10 Peter Grasemor 5 Daniel Levan 15 Thomas Lee, jun 1 2 John Recter 1 2 George Rafesnider 12 Christian Weiser 4 2 Martin Witzel 15 Martin Voder " •"■ Daniel Yoder 5 • Capt. HILL'S Company. Daniel East John Houck George Burch , Philip Matthias Frederick Sowerbeer, John Derr John Houck Adam Swively John Steward Andrew Dlwff, Peter Deener , Michael Louks Capt. WANNER'S Company. Frederick Blngaman, Adam Treach Michael Slgfrld Wendle Bernard Carried over ]19 S 17 G 5 2 :. v. 5 7 6 7 6 7 6 15 5 5 I 12 6 5 1 9 <5 17 6 Capt. REIFF'S Company. John Bartolet Henry Bitting Abraham Deturk, ... Philip Deturk Michael Gibhart Daniel High Samuel High David Herbein Jacob Herbein, Caspar Hoof man, ... Peter Holenbush, ... Peter Moon Henry Kerster, Michael Ltjukrs r-hilip Miller Michael Recter, John Sheffer Jacob Snider Elias Snider Conrad Snider, George Swartz, John Truckmiller, .. Martin Wisner Jacob West Daniel Wentzel Jacob Kelchner Henrj" Relr , Frederick Meyerly, ., William Savage Nicholas Kab Daniel Manmiller, . Frederick Omacht, . Carried over IS: 1 12 fi 4 n 1 12 6 1 12 6 1 7 A 1 12 fi 1 12 R 3 n 4 10 15 10 2 5 n 10 u 5 1 12 6 1 17 a 3 2 6 10 1 7 6 10 17 6 1 5 12 6 1 5 1 12 6 5 10 15 1 2 6 S 2 6 7 6 1 2 6 BERKS COUNTY. 277 Brought forward 1S3 2 6 Capt. STROUSE'S Company. Henry Rauch Philip Christman, ... Henry Bortz Martin Isinhour Jacob Shell Peter Shell Daniel Kupfer Michael Shell, jun., . George Stineman, ... Philip Lahr John Baur Andrew Shultz David Shultz Francis Ladshar, ... John Kemmerling, . Christopher Mayer, Peter Fink John Kune Christopher Maister, George Moll, Thomas Mayburry. . Daniel Zimmerman. Frederick Muthart. France Hartman Samuel Leyer Philip Miller Daniel Bop Abraham Beitler. ... George Bayer Jacob Fisher , John Stoufer Isaac Bower, John Gayman, William Butz Michael Strom Conrad Fink John Betz Gabriel Klein Second Batalion. Cai't. CROL'SE'S Company. John Borger Samuel Ruth. ... Carried over. V 6 7 6 Brought forward 252 5 Lawrence Tresher 12 G Jacob Miller 7 6 Henry Miller 7 6 Henry Delong 6 ' 6 David Klein, 7 6 John Mertz 12 6 Jacob Mertz 7 6 Jacob Daner 3 5 Henry Borger 7 6 Frederick Brown 7 6 Nicholas Borger 7 6 Conrad Tresher 12 6 Josejih Fenstermaker 12 6 Joseph Snoble 12 G Frederick Borger 7 6 Christian Fenstermaker,... 12 6 Jacob Herman 1 ^' Henry Sasseman 1 2 6 Jacob Lebensperger 17 6 Henry Bast 1 " 6 Anthony Heffner " 2 6 George Schmeil ■ 7 6 George Lessig 1 W Frederick Gross 2 10 Joseph Gross, jun 11" 6 Isaac Zimmerman 2 10 Jacob Mooce ~ C Abraham Hermany 2 u Juhn Lebensperger o 12 6 mnrad Metzger 17 6 Michael Long f '' Samuel Butz 1 li 6 Samuel Swartz 10 Philip Kline 1 '' 6 Jacob Wise 1 - ^ Jacob Snoble 2 2 6 Christian Dure 5 Philip Mertz -' ^ Samuel Thresher » John Kercher l" Carried over 29115 278 ACCOUNTS OF I.IEUTENANTS. Brought forward, Capt. SMITH'S Company. Henry Eckenrood Nicholas Shoemaker Adam Detrich Adam Reemer, O George Herring Nicholas Smehl 7 Jacob Lawdey 7 Godfrid Kreamer, 112 Conrad Bower, 7 Conrad Sheaffer 3 15 Peter Mouer 5 Philip Leonard 17 George Leifry 7 Capt. RODERMEL'S Company. Lieut. J. Triblebess 10 Ensign Daniel Eley 10 Adam Bower, 7 Abraham Rodermel 7 Abraham Bell 7 Abraham High 115 Conrad Earnst 1 2 Christian Becker 1 12 Christopher Slsher, 1 7 I'hMMophfT Wanner 17 Daniel High, sen., 1 David Price 2 7 Daniel Kline, 2 17 Felix M'Carty, 17 Jacob Stine 7 John Peter 7 John Bartow 1X5 Michael Kune 7 Nicholas Earnst 7 Nicholas Heafer 7 Thomas Dane, 1 7 George Fisher 7 George Breyfogle 2 17 Martin Rodermel 5 Casper Merkle 10 Daniel High, jun., 1 7 John High 2 10 Jacob High 1 2 Carrifd over ZM 12 Brought forward, 334 12 6 John Slegle 10 Michael Wilhelm 12 6 Philip Kline 5 Frederick Hill 5 Jacob Eley 5 Capt. KEMP'S Company. George Christman, .., Christian Derr Jacob Tisher Daniel Tisher Adam Deetrich Jacob Delhi Thomas Hand Adam Kutz, Jacob Kroh George Kisling Peter Levan John Levan, Philip Saul -rancis Stimmel Dewalt Wineh Michael Werlin Peter Wolf Nicholas Kutz Christian Beiber, .... Christopher Bower, ., Michael Roth Peter Sweyger , John Ginkinger Peter Sherer, jun., ., Michael Sherer i Frederick Stinebrook, I John Raush I Nicholas Baley Capt. SMECK'S Company. Ensign Jacob Sigfrld, Christian Betz Philip Fitter Joseph Gross, sen.. .. Philip Hoen Frederick Lorman, — Henry Lants Carri<'il o\er BERKS COUNTY. 279 Brought forward 359 Jacob "Weld Abr. Zimmerman, sen John lieib r i John Belong 2 Henry Krim Ludwlg Shertly John Sigfrid 1 Henry Sigfrld George Shubard Michael Weaver John With Nicholas Mouser, Conrad Trey Frederick Housman Anthony Moose, John Rug 1 Jacob Sharadin 3 George Reuber George Smith 2 Michael Glaser 2 Frederick Mohr 2 Christian Sivert 2 Jacob Sivert 1 Henrj' Belong 2 Frederick Belong 1 Matthias Bower 1 Frederick Bower 1 Michael Belong Jacob Gross 1 Urick Brunner, 1 Bewalt Beiber, Beeter Beiber, 1 Jacob Beiber 1 George A. Bouersax 1 Michael Bauall, Jacob Bell 1 George Seel Valentine Shelkop 1 John Slonecker 1 Jacob Witt George Witt 1 Sebasian Stromer Jacob Earnst, George Reaver 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 12 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 B 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 10 17 6 12 6 li 12 6 5 7 6 5 IT C 5 15 7 6 l.j 12 6 10 5 19 12 6 10 10 7 6 10 10 10 Brought forward 40S 17 George Holtzshoe, Capt. VOYGE'S Company. John Graff John Reaser Rudolph High Stendle Cerby Michael Moll Conrad Spoon John Heimbach Michael Bunkle Siimuel Jloypr George Shaffer, John Bunkle George M. Heilman, .... Herman Unger , Philip Miller Henry Reeser Melchor Spoon, Peter Bunkle Anthony Adams Michael Gellinger Valentine Hoofman Christian Cumber George Wiant , Felix Frownfelter Matthias Bechtel Cact. HUY'S Company. Capt. Abraham Huy 10 Lieut. John Wldenhamer. .. 1 5 Ensign Chris. Burhart 10 Penrose Weiley 115 William Koeh 7 John Snider 2 Philip Rhan 1 5 Jacob Tldweiler 7 Joseph Wright 2 7 Mordecai Lee 2 7 Frederick Maur 1 Francis Shalter 1 Owen Hughes ^ 7 Valentine Miller 15 Pearson Starr, 117 Carried over Aci 280 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought forward 456 Moses Starr, jun., 2 Leonard Messersmilh 1 Stephen Horse John Stout 1 Joseph Penrose, jun 1 John Hutton 1 Jacob Rauhn, jun 1 Moses Starr, sen 2 Jacob High 2 Isaac Huy Jacob Mourer Isaac Penrose 1 Matthias Gernant 1 Valentine Keim 1 Xicholas Mengle, 2 Christopher Gerhard, Christian Stehly, 3 Peter Hassinger 2 Thomas Bacon 3 John Haufman 3 Thomas Lightfoot, 3 Jesse Willets 1 Thomas Conner 2 He.iry Reigle 1 John Klein 2 Peter Roderrael, Jacob Keafer 3 Stephen Barnet 3 Isaac Wright 3 Daniel Rodermel John Kreat 2 Andrew Snyder 3 Jacob Huy 1 Abraham Clay 3 Christian Gernant 1 Nicholas Kendt, 3 James Hutton 1 Joseph Lightfoot 3 John Williams 1 Xicholas Sheafer, 2 Jeremiah Bacon 1 Daniel Barnet Ludwig Gable Xehemiah Hutton 1 17 6 17 6 7 6 17 6 5 15 7 6 2 G 15 7 6 17 6 10 10 2 6 7 6 17 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 15 10 10 7 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 7 6 5 2 6 10 2 « 2 6 10 2 6 10 12 6 2 6 12 6 12 6 12 e Brought forward 540 15 Jacob Sauerheffer, 7 6 John Flauer 7 6 Jacob Weiser 12 6 Leonard Stein 17 Nicholas Bacon 1 2 6 Cornelius Daely 112 6 Carried over 540 15 Capt. EAGNOR'S Company. Philip Bost Nicholas Kreamer, John Ech, jun., Henry Berrj- John Deal Christopher Pettebener, Michael Allendorfer, .. Frederick Tise Frederick Barnet Matthias Drase Joseph Folk Peter Repert Dewalt Trase George Knop, Henry Fagely Frederick Heigner Michael Croft John Ech. sen George Allendorfer, Conrad Cypherd George Corl Conrad Futtery Joseph Ech John Trase Christian Fagely Anthony Lightel Jacob Muck Andrew Allendorf Henr>- Mosteller Frederick Kercher, George Scherc h Isaac Hancock Philip Deul David Gammich Conrad Wolf Matthias Same Carried over 56115 7 6 7 G 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 15 7 C 15 15 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 15 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 15 15 15 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 C 9 5 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 y BERKS COUNTY. 281 Marks Ligtey 6 Martin Boger, 7 6 Philip Bearj-, 7 6 Jacob Richtflne 7 6 John Eagnor 7 6 Daniel Youse 7 C Henry Rose 7 G Third Battalion. Capt. WHETSTOXE'S Company. Robert Stephens 7 Richard WlUets 7 I "hiistniihT Sn- '.ill i- " T George Stephens 7 \ Capt. MINICH'S Company. Deeter Fahl Matthias Keim George Shole Nicholas Radebach Adam Mengle, George Dress John Sweiker Adam Hummel John Meyer Capt. SHR.\DLE'S Company. Ensign Philip A. Clauser. . 15 Christian Albrecht 7 John Marshal 7 Joseph Scofferd 7 George Tobias, 7 Peter Miller 3 12 Everhard Seman 7 Godleib Reman 7 John Domlinson 7 Joseph Gundy 7 Valentine Kaufman 7 Nicholas Holboch 7 John Kaufman 7 Jacob "Waggoner 7 Michael Shock 7 John Shardle 7 John Mayer, 7 Carried over 579 5 Brought forward 579 5 George M. Waggoner, 7 u Christian Feik 7 6 Joseph Borge 7 6 Jacob Richard T C Jost Jober 2 John Leman 2 u Anthony Foust 2 Adam Moser T 6 Cristian Shoemaker 7 6 Isaac Kaufman 2 Jacob Kaufman 2 Christian Hertzley 7 6 Christian Stutzman 7 G John Zechman 7 G Jacob Lang 2 7 6 Coniad Keifer " ' '> Jacob Feik 7 6 Jacob Miller 2 7 6 Christian Miller 2 7 6 John Hochstedlar, sen 2 7 6 Nicholas Moyer 7 6 Philip Kaufman 7 6 Peter Tobias 2 Matthias Naftzlger, 3 12 6 Anthony Zeigman 7 6 Jacob Borky 3 12 6 Jacob Shoemaker 3 12 6 Philip Foust, jun 7 6 John Reichart 7 6 John Kaufman 112 6 Jacob Hertzter 2 7 6 Nicholas Mattern 7 6 George Rod f^ 7 6 Conrad Alweln. ''< ' G Jacob Kaufman 7 6 Henry Jotter "12 G Benjamin "^'right 3 12 6 John Hochstedlar, jun 7 6 George Joh 3 12 John Shoemaker 3 5 John Yorger 2 Thomas Tomlinson, 2 Jacob Jutty 3 r, Jacob Kinkleberger 2 Carried over. 282 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought forward, 646 17 6 Jacob Tobias 3 5 Christian Tuce 3 5 Christian Hertzler 2 Jacob Yoder, 2 10 Jacob Miller, 1 12 G Capt. EMRICK'S Company. Jost Ruth 2 George Bender Jacob Foust Jacob Himelberger 2 Andrew Leymalster Christian Miller 2 Martin Mourer Casper Straus Ludwig Krlm John Alwein 2 Conrad Ejxlch, William Geedlng Nicholas Ketner 2 Jacob Klee 2 Valentine Krlm Henry Noecker Nicholas Stam Michael Spelger 2 Jacob Straus Jacob Fels Thomas Gesel, Matthias Klee 2 John Yoder 2 Fewe Lang Samuel Miller 2 Henry Phillips Jacob Runhle Jacob Wagoner i Abraham Bux 11 Andrew Bender ij Adam Eyler Adam Geedlng Christopher Hershberger, .. 2 John Heck 1 John Most 2 Conrad Loss ' Jacob Mellsen ;. 2 ' Carried over 7oi : Brought forward 701 George Belleman Christian Miller 2 Casper Freyman Christian Klee 2 John Conrad 2 Nicholas Kersener George M. Ming Jacob Phillips Henry Runkle William Wintermuth Christian Bens, Conrad Christ Michael Eyler Henry Geeding Jeremiah Klee 2 Peter Kerslnger 1 William Leymalster 2 Nicholas Phillips Joseph Reno 2 Anthony Shomo John Brecht .' 3 Martin Bender Christopher Gruber, John Noecker George Marstaller Peter Zug Samuel Straus Andrew Machemer Danl"! Brlon John Faust George A. Gels Nicholas Haus, Philip Heck Nicholas Kline 3 John Miller, 3 Jacob Loss 3 Cleorge Runkle John Shamo Baltzer Umbenhaur Jacob Zumbrod, Philip Straus Jacob Straus John Zug 2 Joseph Kaufman 2 Carried over. BERKS COUNTY. 28c Brought forward, 746 12 Daniel Althouse 2 7 G Christian Zug 2 7 6 Jacob Bolt 7 C Michael Warner 7 C Christian Kaufman 2 7 6 John Althouse 7 6 Christian Selber 7 6 Christian Winder 7 C Samuel Umbenhaur 7 6 George A. Wagner 7 C Joseph Zumbro 2 Hannes Klee 2 Adam Mengle 2 Valentine Lang 2 Joseph Conrad 2 17 6 Capt. SODER'S Company. Lieut. John Epler,... Jacob Epler Jacob Dundore Jacob Freyberger, ... John Klein Henry Machemer, ... Gabriel Heister David Herman Jacob Reiser John Kissling George Wagoner, ... John Hertzler Christopher Godshall, John Heister Michael Warner Geowm Stout Peter Weaver Daniel Albrecht, ... Ludwig Tobe, John From Peter Weiss , Peter Lower Paul Earnst Jost Stout John Kissinger Conrad Beehl Jacob Albrecht Carried over 15 7 c 17 e 7 6 10 1 5 1 ." i:. 1 5 1 5 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 C 7 6 7 6 15 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 7 6 7 r, 3 12 G 1 IT 6 7 6 7 6 Brought forward 787 7 Peter Epler 15 William Frantz 7 .lohn Leeperd 7 Weyerley Mooser '< 7 (jeorge Meyer 7 Lorentz Matz 7 Henry Reiser 2 2 Adam Stam 7 .lacob Stout 7 Philip Hen - ~ Henry Seidle 7 George Gansel 1 17 Frederick Heming 7 Simon Leib 7 Adam Stam 7 Jlichael Lower 112 Nicholas Machemar 7 Michael Stout 2 Michael Kissinger 1 ■■ William Arbegost 7 John Hertzler, jun 7 Frederick From 7 Leonard Godshall 11^' Christopher Sing 17 Christian Heister 17 William Bohn 7 Michael Rapp ' .\braham Kissinger 1 W Peter Zuber, 1 12 George Althouse 2 2 Elias Thomas, 2 2 Philip Henry 1 2 Xicholas Leib 7 Valentine Moser 1 George Ming ' Abraham Reeser 1 1~ Philip Smith 11'^ Martin Kissling, 1 1'1 Peter Miller f ' William Arbegost 7 Melchor Fegle 11'' Peter Harbind 11' .Vbraham Stout 17 Thomas Reber 7 Carried over, ''^J 17 284 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought forward S29 17 G Michael Gicker 7 C Jost Snider 7 C Philip Weiss 7 C Jacob Welmer 7 6 Christopher Ming 7 6 Henrj- Bott 1 5 John Epler 7 C George Miller 15 John Adam 110 John Leob 1 John Stout 12 Philip Bohn, 15 Sebastian Barlet 17 6 George Medler 110 George Matz 1 7 6 Ludwig Xonemacher 1 7 6 Capt. SHABLE'S Company. Thomas Reid 2 Andrew Thread 5 Adam Fenk 5 Henry Moll 7 6 Evan Hughes 2 Adam Albrecht 7 6 Martin Reger 12 6 John Fink 7 6 Wenson Weiley 2 Henry Fink 112 6 Peter Heney 12 6 Peter Weaver 10 Frederick Mayer 15 Christian Gruber 5 Jacob Hill 5 George Klein 5 Cai.t. WILL'S Company. George Stenger 7 6 Jacob Fager 7 6 Daniel Misey 7 6 Godfrey Seidle 7 6 Capt. RITTER'S Company. Brought forward 858 Anthony Bauser Frantz Beley, Jacob Federolf Frantz Frey Philip Brunner Samuel Strauser, John Reiglesdorfer, .. Moses Frey Xicholas Zimmerman, Daniel Beley Rubert Stepleton Matthias Wisner, Jacob Probs Peter Wageman Nicholas Lamberd, ... Paul Korrel William Kistler Simon Wertmau George Stein Michael Probst George Kunker David Hess Peter Knopper Christian Schisler, ... George Kistler Henry Kuntz Conrad Stomp Anthony Bousher, ... John Knciiii"!' Michael Reiglesdorfer, Michael Muller Jacob Shoemaker Michael Dress William Stirr i' IV;,:- K:i;v :-an Jacob Dr ss John Strasser Jacob Petre John Heinrich Peter Deim John Kuntz Nicholas Strasser Jacob Bacher Philip Maurer Lieut. Adam Kreamer. Christian Braucher, 10 7 6 Carried over. Carried over. BERKS COUNTY. 285 Brought forward S78 7 6 Henry Gluk 5 Peter Krotz 10 Michael Haagenbach 5 Sebastian Faust 5 George Kreutz l Michael Stein 10 Philip Kluck 5 Jacob Braucher 5 John Neff 17 6 Brought forward 9o4 12 G Thomas Dundas 4 7 G Frederick Rapp IJ Ludwig Bidding 2 li; 6 John Strohecher U 5 John Ritemyer 112 6 Michael Fichthorn 5 John Burkhart 10 Christopher Shrafler 15 Michael Bush 2 12 6 Andrew Fichthorn 1 Fourth Battalion. Capt. GEIST'S Company. Henry Hahn, jun., David Rowland, .. Amos "U'ickersham, Christian Ritemyer, William Machemar. John Deal 2 12 6 John Goodhart 117 6 Jacob Bright 2 12 James Deimer 2 12 G Samuel Jackson 4 7 G John Morris 2 12 c] James Lloyd 2 12 iM Peter Bright 4 7 G David Rine 15 Christian Merkle 2 5 Collinson Read 4 7 G Godleib Christine 1 7 C Deetrich Greese 15 n John Frey 1 15 Peter Grofe 2 5 Philip Fisher 2 u Henry Setley 1 Henry Brown T C Joseph Billings 17 G Abraham "Whiteman 1 2 C George Gardner 10 Jacob Stehley 5 Christian Doim 1 George Freeman 15 Peter Feather Capt. GROUSE'S Company. 12 17 2 12 2 17 10 Carried over 931 12 Capt. DETURK'S Company. CaiJtain Daniel Deturk, . Lieut. Jactili Kissinger, Christian Gosh, John Kloose Jacob Miller Henry Smeck Christian Burker, Dewalt Haveracher, ... Henry Limebach Michael Plyler Ludwig Ebeling Andrew Gantzert George Hechman, John Snider, Abraham Snider John Fisher John Haveracher Martin Kehlhofer L>a\id Ratenbush John Wise Charles Kroneraud aniel Zacharlas Michael Beck, Jacob Becker Isaac Levan A'alentine Smeck John Babb John Eblin John Gantzert David Kinsey Andrew Sheild Yost Felkley Carried over 97S 15 15 5 1 12 c 1 12 G 1 2 6 17 6 15 5 Z 17 6 7 6 1 5 5 7 6 1 1 12 6 1 7 G 1 2 6 ■ 1 1 7 6 10 1 12 6 17 C 1 7 6 7 6 1 5 5 1 12 G 1 2 286 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought forward 9iS 2 Adam Rechman 12 George Eabb It) Capt. NAGLE'S Company. George Flaisher, ... Michael Bright John Hartman Henry Singer Daniel Messersmith, John Keim William Moore Gabriel Crone Isaac Levan Godfrey Recher, ... Adam Holseid?r, ... John Collier John High Isaac High Martin Felix William Helster. ... John Earnst Henry Baity Nicholas Brosius. ... Michael Bright, jun. Godleib Stump George Yeagcr John Flaisher Nicholas Felix John Havener T\'illiam Graydon. .. Henry Yeager Baltzer Fornwalt. ... Paul EagA- Capt. RHEIM'S Company. John Gerber Jacob Kortz John Smooker Bernard Behlar Michael Frankhouser, John Bauman Paul Horney John Weidner George Fetterling 2 12 6 2 12 6 2 12 6 4 7 6 2 12 6 1 10 12 G 5 Brought forward 1039 14 Peter Switzei 112 Wendle Bauman 2 2 George Grumling 5 George Zeigler 112 Christian Bauman 2 12 Jacob Bauman 2 12 James Lewis 2 12 Emanuel Pifer 2 12 William Hottenstlne 2 12 Jacob Eicher 2 12 Andrew Burkart 1 5 David Eshelman 2 12 Jacob Gerber 2 12 Henry Bear 2 12 Abraham Rheim 2 12 Jacob Bauman 2 12 John Zerben 2 12 Jacob Morgan 1 7 Jacob Becht 5 Leonard Kochel 15 Charles Zent 10 Valentine Stroup 1 7 Frederick Kast 5 Henry Zimmer 2 12 Capt. ECKERD'S Company. William Leferty 5 Christian Michael 110 Philip Fisher, 1 2 6 John Shreck 15 Conrad Longsdorf 5 Capt. MILLER'S Company. John Ludwii Carried over 1039 14 0| Capt. KRICK'S Company. Benedick Gehman, ... Jacob Kumler Martin Kappus Ulrich Hoffert Christian Miller Isaac Reish Christian Stoltzfooze, Job Harvey Carried over 1103 6 1 2 6 2 12 6 12 6 2 12 6 2 12 6 12 6 2 12 6 10 BERKS COUNTY. 2S7 Brought I'.rward 1103 6 C Moses Emree 212 6 James Emree 2 12 G John Kening 1 T 6 William Graft" 10 Jacob Spoiz. 5 Fifth Battalion. Cart. OXX'S Company. Kruught t'.irward 1383 1 6 (Godfrey Richard, 7 6 Benjamin Scarlet ID 10 Henry Treat 13 7 Cornelius Tison 1 7 6 Gideon A'ore 1 13 Benjamin Worrow 21 5 George Wiekline IS Peter Weilter 17 6 Adam \Yickline 1 5 u John Radkey 10 Thomas Lewis 1 7 C Daniel Bain 7 Eleazor Culford 8 5 Levi Howe 5 ^ Abraham Brower 19 10 Sebastian Stublebinder, .. 9 15 Jacob Bair 19 10 Henry Rinehart, 9 15 Owen Rinehart 9 15 John Lmstead 18 Abraham Wisler 19 10 John Stoner 19 10 Jacob Wisecup 17 5 John Harrison 9 15 Joseph Harrison, 9 15 John Dehevon 19 10 Abraham "Wanger, .' 19 10 John Allen 4 10 George Pratt 6 6 Cac't. HARRIS'S Company. Jacob Bowman. ... John Bidler Conrad Bidler John Ducher Christian Earguie. Frederick Forman. "William Jones. ... Peter Likens John lloore Henry Moore Jacob Miller Conrad Moore Jacob Moore Henry Overhelser, . Henr>- Pennebecker David Phillips. ... Elias Radkpy Capt. BISHOP'S Company. 1 15 1 15 7 6 21 5 7 6 7 6 1 7 6 17 6 7 6 7 7 c 7 G 7 C 17 6 7 6 21 5 7 6 Joseph Anthony, Samuel Boone Henry Boyer Abraham Battle, ... Peter Battle Thomas Cherrington, William Collins George Hughes, Robert Henton Isaiah Hughes Frederick Lear James Millard John Nikerk John Patterson John Bidler Jacob Reigal James Thomson, ... Benjamin Thomson, . John Deturk Adam Young Israel Ritler Jesse Lee George Easterly, ... Thomas Boon Sebastian Weaver, . Damail Easterly, ... John Bechtel Benjamin Boone, ... Henry Heward Frederick Herner, .. 7 6 7 6 19 17 6 7 e 7 6 21 5 13 15 20 17 6 21 5 21 5 7 6 7 G 6 7 6 10 10 21 5 1 17 6 « 7 G 4 2 6 13 15 19 17 G 7 C 11 2 c 4 7 6 1 7 G 5 5 19 10 3 4 10 7 10 ^ Carried over. Carried over 1709 19 288 ACCOLXTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought forward, 1709 19 Ludwig Heward, . Jonathan Millard, . Xicholas Herner, . Michael Christ, Andrew Flager Henry Herner Edward Dougherty, ^^'illiam Lafferty, , T 10 3 3 3 1 10 1 10 ly 9 V, 7 10 Brought forward 1917 11 6 Henry Dirst, i 2 G Joshua Boon 19 15 John Mover 10 Jacob Drumheller, 2 S Michael Hartman 8 Z Henry Lees i 2 6 Paul Moura 3 10 Philip Maura 10 Michael Spong, , 5 Jacob Bechtel 5 Francis Ritter 3 o Charles Bingaman, 3 ". Jacob Hecksler 17 G John Hill 9 15 Baltzer Hibberd 2 5 Capt. GROWL'S Company. Capt. George Growl, William Bell Peter Bechtel John Bechtel, Joseph Boone Martin Boyer Moses Boone Henry Klein, Christopher Kobleberger. . . John Davis Craft Felgel Jacob Fux Frederick Goodhart Henry Heine Jacob Hindershlt, Jacob Levan Dani?! Levan Xicholas Lutz Leonard Lebo Henry Lebo Isaac Lebo Daniel Snider, Peter Snider Benjamin Snider Martin Shufner Jacob Weiler ■\\'illiam Wann Israel Ritter Samuel Webb John Snider, Christopher Boyer John Coch Philip Dirst John Young 7 6 2 6 19 5 7 1 2 7 7 7 7 4 15 7 1 13 7 9 17 7 17 7 17 7 17 S 7 7 12 7 IS 7 4 5 1 2 10 2 12 5 12 Carried over 1917 11 Capt. J. SANDS' S Company. Jacob Herner, 3d lleut 2S 15 Daniel Ludwig, ensign 10 ''• Joshua Fry, 12 G John Sinchler 7 15 Jacob Andrew 7 6 Hugh Boone 7 C Christian Bechtel 2 10 '> Solomon Brumfield 1 2 6 Cornelius Dewees 13 7 C George Douglass 3 10 Michael Fulp 5 10 Francis Garlin 7 G Samuel Hughes 3 10 Samuel High 3 Edward Hughes, jun., .... 7 6 Conrad Hunter 2 2 S Jonathan Jones 2 7 G Jonas Jones, 20 7 C Thomas Kutz 2 12 C Peter Kerling 1 12 G Baltzer Lesle 7 C Michael Ludwig, jun 7 C James May 115 Christian Seidle, 7 G Lorentz Strung 7 C Samuel Deturk IS 1' 0- Jacob Vanreert 7 Carried over, 2097 11 6 BERKS COL'XT i . 289 Ijrougrht forward. l.-rouylu forward. Daniel AVomblednrf. . Jacob Wombledorf. .. Andrew ^\'eiler John Yokiin Jacob Struhle Jacolj Cup John Teeter JIatthias Zimmerman, Christian Hunter Peter Jones Peter Mock John Dehart Peter Fisher John Lessel John Shador Leonard Rodermel. .. Martin Marperet Jonathan Bell Charles Focht Lawrence Ratekin, .. John Hughes, Abraham Jones George Lanciscus. Henry Bu-in John Shrach Manus Brumbach, ... David AVidner, ...... Daniel Rhoads Jacob Wombledorf . . . Christian Stineman, .. David Williams Adam Boyer 11 IT 2 : IT 1 r. 1 12 I. II, David Potts 21 IT Samuel Sands ,, 7 Henry Shligh ,, - Simon Shunk n 7 Yost Scese n 7 Moses Yokim 3 j- Philii) Le\-ergood 11 7 Henry Bunn {j - Herman Bunn n 7 Bryan O'Bryan 2].' Henry lieck (117 John Yokim 7 - James Smith -,1; John Bouchter 1; j, Martin Fritz - jn John Swinehart 1 17 John Moud>' j j- John Knoodler 1 y Samuel Avenshine 417 Henry Mauger (j y, Peter Si>otz 4 jo Henry Keely j,, Nicholas Godshal ,-,1,1 Christopher Kline 14 7 John Campbell 017 John Xagle n .-, AVilliam Taylor 1 .1 John Arehart v 7 John Keel>- ]v - John Hatfield ,", 2 Michael Godshal n .", George Penter 2 .". F'eter Yokim 1 pi Henry Easrle 21 1; Aalentine Fisher n 7 Daniel Pill n 7 John Bngle loin Andrew Spptz, 3 ir, Martin Fritz. ...'. 4111 John Romich 1 In Peter Rodermel 1 pi Capt. S. SANDS' S Company. Matt. Stoflet. 1st iieui Jacob Keely. 2d ditto George Arms William Brunner Henry Bone Henry Yorge. sen.. .. George Greesh Henry Hank John Hank Simon Keepler Carried over. .. 19--6-3d Ser 2 A (I 10 -■' 21 17 f. 7 f 7 f. 12 r, i ^ 2 r< ■ Cai't. DAVIS'.S Company. 7 2 C 2 7 0| Ca;>t. Joseph Davis 1' 2411 4 11' Carried over 2"^'.' 11 290 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought forward, 2599 11 6 Tho. Hamilton, 1st lieut., 7 6 David ErlWirnl^^ :;d lieut.... "1-' o Georg-e Glass, ensign 3 l-J Samuel How 6 10 Casper Strall 7 6 William Goff 7 6 Philip Fair 7 G George Hoof man 7 6 Henry Kerby 10 2 fi Adam Bechold 4 2 6 Philip Hile 10 2 6 Thomas Otty 7 6 David Stephens 10 2 6 Michael Thorington 10 2 6 James Brinly 10 2 6 Christian Bixler 10 2 6 Samuel Griffith 10 2 6 AVilliam How, jun 10 2 6 Edward Morris 10 2 6 Solomon ^^■elsey 7 6 Peter Beam, 7 6 John Clingaman 3 10 Gaius Dickinson 10 2 6 John George 1115 Ephraim Jackson 1115 Solomon Nadig 7 17 6 Abraham Sink 7 6 "William Humphrey 11 l.i Joseph Wells 1115 Abraham Boys 7 6 Henry Bixler 2 Daniel Dickinson 1 12 6 Jacob Sifrid, sen 2 John Scarlet, jun 1115 Michael Bridlinger 7 6 Peter Bowman 1115 Adam Hecker 7 5 David Jackson 1115 Richard Newsom 1115 Jacob Sifrid. jun., 11 15 Thomas Thomas 1115 Adam Witman 1115 Peter Bridlinger 7 C Andrew Glass 117 6 Brought forward 2S75 16 William Harvey, John Moyer, sen., Nicholas Morris, Samuel Stephens, George Wert Jacob Wolf John Beleman, Peter Heeker John Moyer, jun., Robert Penrose, .. William Scarlet, Abraham Bixler, John Griffith Peter Hart, John JIasoner, ... Jacob Sink Casper Wolf ii'hn Sink Richard Starlln. .. Nicholas Hecker, Adam Lear I John W'estley, .., i Peter Moyer I Joseph Davis, John Fritz, jun., I Jacob Heiger j John Frees George Wichline, i Borick Bechold, ., Peter Kime Nicholas Hecker, 11 15 2 5 7 6 2 11 7 6 1 12 6 1 12 B 11 7 6 1 12 6 11 7 6 1 12 6 7 10 5 5 S 5 9 15 2 5 9 15 n 3 15 Carried 2S75 16 G Capt. MORGAN'S Company. John Robinson, 1st lieut.. 2 5 Jacob Fenfrock, ensign 4 5 Henry Arnold, 22 5 George Cunningham 7 6 Herman Dehevon 6 7 fi Jacob Fow 7 6 Mark Fair 12 6 Patrick Gordon 7 6 Henry Hoof man 7 6 John Jones 22 10 Caleb Jones 7 fi Carried over 3155 19 BERKS COUNTY. 291 Brought lorward 31 J5 Enos Morris 4 Joseph M'Clean ilelchor Plank Jacob Regaboch, "R'illiam Stanfleld George Stanfield Melchor Switzer George Scott Christian Sparr 3 John Yoder Hannas Deil Christian Sheaf er Jonathan Scott 19 Jacob Mingos 2 Dewalt Finfrock 1 William M'Michael 6 Robert Smith 2 John Bartley John Amer, 8 David Edwards 2 John Strait 1 Frederick Toot 11 u Brought lorward C Christian P'rantz C I Jacob Xeff 6 Michael Read, sen tj I John fiead (Jacob's son). G I Nicholas Lechner 6 i Philip Read, 6 Peter Defenba<;h, C Nicholas Wigant ! Lorence Benich 6 i John Kademan 6 , Jacob Brown 6 i Christian Fisher 7 6 Jacob Levergood 5 Nicholas Seybert, 17 6 I John Anspach (smith), ... Andrew Zeller 5 ' George Zeller 12 6 ' "William DoUendorf 5 I Francis Zeller 5 ! Jacob Read (Fred. son),. 10 I John Anspach (Pet. son),. 5 I Adam Anspach 2 5 5 u 12 G 5 1 10 10 12 « : 1 u 12 ti 12 t) 17 6 3 12 6 lU u 5 17 6 5 17 G 7 6 7 6 Sixth Battalion. Capt. LESHER'S Company. Adam Shitz, Henry Keplinger Casper Read Peter Kreiger Francis Wenrich Solomon Read 1 Henry Mayer Jacob Artz, Martin Stup Matthias Hoofman George Mayer Michael W'oliover Jacob Weiser Peter Lebo John M'atman 2 Henry Hauser John Lour 2 Simon Senrt Peter Bouflag Henry Au Carried over 32^9 7 6 12 6 7 6 7 G 7 6 17 6 12 C 7 6 17 G 12 G 12 6 15 7 6 12 G 17 (; r. 3 12 6 7 G 7 Capt. EATTORF'S Company. Wendle Seybert Jacob Kneble George Bross, Peter Bross, Nicholas Deck u John Moyer Christian "Wallburn Christian France George Weil Jost Hoofman 9 Martin Shuy u Peter Neycomer Balser Lesh Jacob Lesh Pastian Reyer George Reyer 1 .\dam Smith \'alentine Smith Christian Battorf Stophel Battorf Carried over 3261 292 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought forward 3:;gi 1 Paul \Volf Jacob Kuns, Daniel Bicksler. . Christian Bicksler, Philip Kuns 1 aniel Hesshou. . . Jacob Besshou, ... George Stump Henry Stump ■Martin Cundruin. . John Strouphour. Nicholas Bressler, . Jacob Houtz Jacob Switze,- Peter Heekman. . . Andrew Eder Frederick Young. . George Neydich, Matthias Neydich. Martin Vaneta. ... Herman Kneble. .. Christian Houtz. Brought forward 3,^12 14 Philip Kl_irr l 7 George J. Souder 1 2 George Souder 1 7 John Hopp 1 7 Philip Kempf 17 Adam Pattiger 1 7 John Pattiger u 17 Matthias Miller 1 7 John Miller. 1 15 John W'enrich. jun 1 15 Philip Kimelberger 115 George Radenbach 1 7 Jacob Bretz 115 Matthias Smith 2 John Wenrich, sen 115 Adam Fengle 17 Nicholas Hewk. jun O 15 Nicholas Reegle 5 Jacob Reber 1 7 Adam Albert, sen 1 12 Capt. SHEPLER'.S Company. Capt. Henry Shepler 15 Jofin Reigle. 2d lieut 15 George Loss, ensign 15 George Christ 2 10 Adam Weber 1 7 George Reber 1 2 Rudolph Ditweiler 8 i,i Herber Berger 115 Anarew Gross 1 2 Jacob Loss 2 17 Christopher Winter 115 Daniel Giker 1 2 Thomas Long 11 17 John Foust 1 15 George Shepler 1 i; Henry Eley 3 7 Jacob Eley 2 Adam Gruber 7 John Albrecht 1 2 George Sneyder 2 12 Carried over o312 14 Capt. WOMBLEDORFS Company. Christian Lantz n Michael Rah 2 George Kapp 1 Francis Huber John Sherg (' John Wenrich 6 John Palm, .iun C A'alentine Wingert Peter Feag "John Newman 4 fi John Feag C Jacob Feag Conrad Weiser. jun 6 1 Nicholas Salendine 6 Adam Vegely 2 John Lorah u I Henry Walter 1 fi I Jabetz Weiser I Philip Valentine r. I Weyrich Seltzer 6 Jacob Stouch li Conrad Stouch 11 ! Carried over 33.5S 7 6 7 fi G 6 B 6 f. 15 r; 17 6 10 12 C 12 BERKS COUNTY. Brought forward 33.JS 9 M Brought fi.rwanl. lo M John Goodman John Weiser Christian Hecliendorn 293 3381 '.> , T Carried over 3403 IC 11 1.5 '1 7 C 2 5 7 6 7 7 6 7 7 G 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 17 6 7 6 17 7 6 3 13 11 3 3 3 (1 10 10 3 n 3 5 3 1 11 294 ACCOUXIS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought forward 3403 16 C Abraham Snider J 7 6 John N. Snider i» 7 C John Koble 1 5 George Paffenberger 7 C Nicholas Paffenberger 7 George Stedlar 7 6 Jacob Kohr 7 "6 Adam Kreekbaum 7 6 Peter Kreekbaum 7 6 William Kreekbaum 7 6 Henry Daniel 7 G John Emrich 7 6 Michael Emrich 7 6 Nicholas Pontius 7 C Peter Pontius, sen 7 6 Martin Pontius 7 6 George Berger, 2 12 6 Daniel Kreamer 7 C John Kreamer 7 6 John N. Kern 7 6 Joseph Geisler 7 6 Thomas Kohr 7 G George Snider 7 6 ■U'illiam Teisinger, 7 G Christopher Wolfart 7 6 Philip Zigler, 7 G John Zigler, 7 fi George J. Holtzman 7 C Henry Holtzman O 7 G Frederick Wolf o 7 C George Read • Carried over 214 5 BERKS COUNTY. 295 Brought forward, Adam Spring 10 Second Class. Urouglu forward 132' Georpe Kolp Peter Folck Christian Heinrich, Conrad Rep Jacob Belong ■lohn Haak Philip Miller Sebastian Herp, ... Daniel Heinrich, .. Frederick Potts, .. Herman Aberdorf, George Kercher, ... 4r. 10 i'l fij V) 22 ir. 10 so 20 20 40 10 10 1" Dewalt Lentz, .. Abraham Herb, Daniel Oyster, . John Shirer, ... Peter AUbright, Jacob Wisner, . IG c 2iJ 30 (■ J 10 :, Sixth Class. Matthias Drey George Falick Michael Sadler Herman Zimmerman. . George Folck, Jacob Yoder, Third Class. William Krumrath, John Shirer Christian Koch, ... Jacob Shaffer George Weaver, ... Frederick Hefner, Adam Kerwer, . . Daniel Sowarsh, .. Joseph Sweir, .... Andrew Zeigler, . Valentine Sterner, Henry Geiss Henry Belong, ... 16 11 3 23 11 3 33 11 3 40 17 15 20 20 30 10 10 20 10 10 Seventh Class. Adam Anstat \'alentine Bauersox, Abraham Daner George Brey John Keim Frederick Meinter Adam Reibert 20 u 6 2G G (■ 39 13 6 30 2G Eighth Class. I Jacob Kerchner Samuel Lobach 12 39 52 Cai ,t. ( Rl'MR'XE'S Company. Fourth Class. Jacob Haag Jacob Heinrich Peter Heinrich Samuel Kime Jacob Mertz Conrad Mengos William Folck Anthony Zweir Jacob Long Jacob Breyfogle First Class I David Reinard I Michael Hofman. jun.. '^' " " I Baltzer Trout I Jacob Beam I Philip High 4.3 11 3 11 11 3 35 11 ?■ 61 2 C 63 11 3 65 11 3 10 20 10 Fifth Class. Second Class. Isaac Bechold Peter Allenbacli .Abraham Stouffer, sen... John Bush Peter Allenbach Conrad Bear Peter Shaner, Frederick Richard 65 10 C 23 10 30 2ii 4M 63 V) 20 ■ ' 63 10 13 20 40 '"' 13 15 '< Henry Bayer, . . . Philip Berninger. John Dilpon Samuel Gilbert. . rr. 21 Third Class. Georse Weyman. GeorE;e Beam Carried over 1" Carried over. 296 ACCOUNIS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought forward 2293 2 6 Christian Wershler 5S 7 6 Conrad Moyer 45 11 3 Juhn AUenbach 91 2 6 Jacob Uverholser TS 7 6 Michael Carry 20 Solomon Rhoads, 40 George Landis 40 Fourth Class. Jacob Moyer, 45 11 3 Christian Bartow 60 Philip Reynard 91 2 6 Abraham East 91 2 6 Frederick Shentrly 17 13 (.i Jacob Weistler 61 2 6 Matthias Rhoads 20 George Yoxhimer 10 Fifth Class. Jacob Buckwalter 92 '•Jacob Stoufer 92 -Jonathan Rhoad.« 40 Peter Yerger 20 David Kepler 22 Samuel Mechlin 92 Jacob Bechtol 92 Martin Matthias 69 O iJastian Matthias 5 Si.xth Class. Christian Akre 12 John Buckwalter 52 n Peter Shane 20 Henry Houk 45 o Jacob Matthias 26 Seventh Class. Abiahanj Bechtel 39 o Nicholas Feagely 20 Paul Yerger 13 o Lawrence Reiter 26 Matthias Yerger 12 o Henry Gable .32 Michael Hofman. sen 12 f. Eighth Class. Aliraham Stoufer 32 o il Adam "Woodhart 15 o ii Henry Stoufer 32 u n ■ 'arried over 4037 3 o Brought forward, 4037 5 Jacob Ladshar 52 Jacob Mechlin 52 Adam Roode 12 Ca:jt. LEXTZ'S Company. First Class. John Keim 25 13 Philip Miller 25 10 Valentine Bush 20 Jacob Ham 13 Melchor Rupert 40 Christopher Kolp, S Matthias Dotter 13 0- John Wachter 20 Christopher White 10 Philip Weller 40 Anthony Haugen 10 Christopher Frey 12 Second Class. Abraham "Widner 43 lu Matthias Motz 43 10 Paul Wiant 12 13 o Henry .Aker 10 Henry Frey 3 Joseph Muthart 13 Lawrence Rohrbach lu n Jacob Siverd lu Michael Kline li o o Third Cass. John Klotz 27 13 George Moyer 30 William Sturk 30 Henry Delkum 11 7 6 Philip Slaugenhaupt 2i; 7 <\ George Held 23 u Fourth Class. Gerhard I'.-chtel SI 2 6 Jacob Hei]! 16 7 6 Frederick Herp 23 Peter Keplinger 71 2 li Deeter Martin 10 n Adam Bats 3 '^ Fifth Class. Y'ost Felman 27 u Carried over •;:-44 7 ■'. BERKS COUNTY. 297 Brought forward 4'J44 Nicholas Miller 40 Stephen Reppert 46 Charles Weiss 6 Henry Reimer I'i Jacob Ham, jun 4iJ Sixth Class. 'Nicholas Imbody 26 Peter Keffer :... 30 Leonard Litzinger 15 •■Matthias Richart ."2 Daniel Ritenhaur 't1 Henry Diner 2.6 Jacob Shirer 6 Seventh Class. Baltzer Beam 13 Burkard Coleman 6 Paul Hartman 6 Lorence Hardlein 6 Adam Imbody 26 Henry Kloch 6 Jacob Reppert 52 Jacob Shogh, 12 Eighth Class. Samuel Bensill 26 John Etzelman 6 John Herb 26 John Lobach 3') •George Oyster 26 AVilliam Roberts 26 Nicholas Reimer 15 Capt. FOCHT'S Company. First Class. Michael Brown 33 10 Jacob Gimble 6 7 Thomas Lee, jun 65 10 .Tohn Price 45 10 Dan. Yoder (Jac. son) 55 10 Samuel Martin 30 Second Cla.ss. Daniel Bartley 25 10 Abraham High 65 10 John Reiter 25 M Christian \Veiser 6." 10 1) Brought forward. Daniel Peter, n Third Class John Bartolet Baltzer Hilbert Abraham Lesher Jacob Minor David Weiser Jacob Kalebach Peter Miller John Hartman Fourth Class. Jacob Drehr Jacob Haufman Henry Minker John Thomas George Yoder Philip Yoxhimer 1 u 0^ 1 Fifth Class. Isaac Bartow Jacob Haufman, Daniel Levan Martin Shenkle Martin Wetzel Jacob Hill Daniel Farner Sixth Class Peter Gresemor Samuel Lee. jun Henry Shiffer Henry Tudro Daniel Yoder Seventh Class Jacob Bartow John Goodman ^»^ohn Gresemor Isaac Lee George P^afsnider, Eighth Class. Jacob Weidner Daniel Weidner 3!i 32 52 u 10 n 3H 2; 211 3'.i Capt. HILL'S Company. Carried over. John Hock. Carried o\-er. 298 ACCOUNTS OF L,IEUTEXANTS. Brought forward 75S3 16 3 Yost Meningrer 20 Godfrey Hegey SO Second Class. Abraham Cougert 12 15 Adam Swable 16 7 6 Valentine Wolf 12 15 George Kale 5 Third Class. John White 10 Fourth Class. George Clouser 26 7 6 Nicholas Drumheller 6 7 6 Fifth Class. John Steward 3 John Darr 10 John Schock 5 Arot White, jun 20 Sixth Class. John Miller, sen 6 John Derr 6 Seventh Class. George Burch 6 Eighth Class. George Clouser 26 Daniel East 26 D Capt. WAXXER'S Company. First Class. Peter Williams 12 7 Jacob Breiss 12 Philip Popi>fnm< vt'r C ii Ellas Waggoner 22 10 Second Class. Adam Leipert 3.". ■Wendle Bernard 4r. ]ii Adam Trist, 10 Christian Bachman 5 Third Class. Jacob Wesner 25 Daniel Price 50 Henry Redlinger 2."! Henry Hoofnagle C 7 Christian Fox 20 Carried over SOr.O 3 Brought forward S056 3 9 Fourth Class. John Flour 12 15 Jeremiah Hess, 21 7 6 Peter Fisher 51 2 C Daniel Keslar 10 " David Phul 5 William Kumpf 10 u Fifth Class. Conrad Price 20 Christopher Waggoner 26 Abr. Dunkleberger 10 Christian Hoofnagle 15 Peter Michael 20 Adam Jung 5 Sixth Class. Hans Key 20 Seventh Class. Thomas Waggoner 52 Peter Shitz 6 Eighth Class. Stephen Haveracher 26 George Fahl 40 Christian Martin 26 Capt. REIFF'S Company. First Class. .\ndrew Hertzinger 6 7 C John Bechtold 45 C Jacob Weest, jun 40 John Stitzel 25 10 Peter Knob 65 10 Michael Louse 10 Anthony Shrader 15 Philip Miller 15 C Second Class. Daniel Guldin 40 David Herbine 40 Jacob Snider (weaver) 32 15 Philip Deturk 65 10 Henr\- Gerst 32 15 " Henry Reir 20 J Third Class. Henry Bidding. 43 11 " John Bartolet ?1 - ? Carried over 9022 10 BERKS COUNTY. 299 Brought forward 9022 10 Michael Yerg Abraham Deturk, . Frederick Meyerly, 16 7 6 91 2 6 20 Fourth Class. Valentine Becker, 22 15 Daniel High SO Casper Hoffman 6 7 6 Peter Moon 40 George Swartz 32 15 Michael Relter 12 15 Treher Jacob 20 George Lorah 10 Fifth Class. Samuel Hoch 40 John Truckemiller 20 John Shiffer 30 Frederick Ohnmacht 15 Nicholas Boyer 10 Sixth Class. Daniel Snider 52 Martin Wisner 3 Seventh Class. William Shoemaker 20 Daniel Kyne 52 Jacob Kelchner 6 Eighth Class. "William Savage 6 Nicholas Nnab 39 George Waggoner 5 Capt. STROUSE'S Company. First Class. .Abraham Ladshaw 60 David Shultz 85 10 Christopher Maister 65 10 Daniel Zimmerman 25 10 Casper Yeakle 65 10 Abraham Bechtel 65 10 Abraham Beitler 65 10 John Tout 20 Frederick Muthard 20 Second Class. Jacob Cune 50 10 Anthony Trexel 15 C Carried over 10,191 2 C Brought forawrd 10.191 2 6 Christopher Moyer 65 10 Christopher Eshenbach 20 John Stouter 65 10 Doris Eek 25 10 William Botz, 3'.' Abraham Herp 25 Jacob Fisher 20 Christian Botz 40 Third Class. Peter Fink 60 Isaac Bower 65 11 S Baltzer Maister 6 7 t John Kimmerling 10 7 fc Samuel Leeser 33 Conrad Heill 45 11 C John Gehman, 46 7 6 George Moll 50 u Jacob Kupfer 25 D Andrew Shultz 3S 7 6 John Bower 65 11 3 Conrad Fink 22 15 Joseph Lyser 10 Abraham Zimmerman 20 Fourth Class. Henry Gibson 40 Andrew Nester 45 11 3 William Strong, 6 7 C George Boyer "0 Peter Wetzel 21 7 C Jacob Gayman 55 11 S Daniel Pop 45 11 3 Peter Marsteller 10 Fifth Class. Casper Smith 45 Francis Ladshaw 92 Daniel Kupfer '- Jacob Shell. 57 Peter Kunkle 52 Martin Bechtel 92 Thomas Maybury 40 Philip Christman 20 Jacob Arens 5 Oeor^r" Stinemaii 3" Michael Strohm 4" ij (l 3 Carried over. ..11.S29 300 ACCOUXTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought forward 11, 82^ Gabriel Kline 10 Leonard Meyer, 40 Sixth Clasp. Francis Hartman 26 Daniel Gerhart Sh Valentine Fink ;2 Peter Shell .'2 John Ganger Z9 Philip Lahr 52 Andrew Bisfrid ;n Bernard Moyer lij John Kreoder 26 Jo.«eiih Helt 26 Seventh Clas.=. Frederick Brand, 42 Thomas Mason 20 John Kuhn 52 Samuel Kreoder 52 Charles Dure 26 Michael Kline 26 Martin Eisenhour 39 Simon Adams 52 Eighth Class. Henry Bortz 52 Peter Dysher l^i Philip Raugh 13 George Lahr 15 I-eonard Greeseman 32 Heniy Raugh 26 I U Brought forward 14S 10 Third Class. Jacob Finstermaker 31 3 6 Peter Mertz 3y o Anthony Hefner 40 11 3 George Lessig 16 7 6 I Philip Klein 12 I Jacob Millar 41) Fourth Class. I Christian Carker 12 Henry Delong 6 7 6 I Michael Niterour, 12 15 Abraham Wertz 50 u Frederick Gross 10 Fifth Class. Adam Helvige, ... John Mertz Jacob Mertz Jacob Vice Anthony Fisher, .. Isaac Zimmerman. Philip Mertz Christian Derr, .. I Jacob Taner, j John Folck, sen., I Henry Borger ; Andrew Hermany, Daniel Hermany, £12,679 Second Battalion. Cai)t. CROrSE'S Company. First Clas.';. John Folck 10 Henry Sauseman 25 10 Michael Long 5 Second Class. I I Jacob Lebenberger 23 10 0| Henry Best 37 jO ij | Samuel Swartz 2^1 o^ Henry Miller 25 'i 1 Carried over 148 10 o| Seventh Class. 26 42 26 24 39 v,2 12 I'J John Carker Daniel Finstermaker, ... Frederick Brown Nicholas Borger Conrad Threshler Joseph Finstermaker. Eighth Cl^ss. George Beaver F'rederick Borger Casper Seiberd : Conrad Mickner Christian Finstermaker. .. Peter Finstermaker Carried over li; 39 26 52 U GOO 26 II. 6 6 :6 !6 :n i2 14 9 BERKS COUNTY. 301 Brought forward llC Capt. SMITH'S Company. Fir.?: Clas.s. Georgre Kooser 20 Adam Deetrich 1," Second Class. John Kerg- 10 Henry Onangst 'Si' o Godfrey Kreamer on o George Heyl 6 Frederick Leiby IS Third Class. George Ley 4^11 Christopher Kreamer 4:^ 11 Frederick Hammon 27 15 Ludwig Minich 7 Jacob Spring 20 Conrad Beaver 3u Jacob Lennert 2ii 0. Fourth Class. Jacob Resh 19 Andrew Resh 12 Frederick Kreamer 45 u John Kooser 40 David Dressier 25 George Herring 6 Nicholas Hollebach 6 Michael Aker 20 Andrew r.olich 2o Matthias Reamer 5 Fifth Class. Philip Sheibley 30 « Michael Bauer 26 Henry Shoemaker 72 u Michael Rissinger 2S o Henry Kampf 2ti George Humbert 30 Michael Ley 55 Jacob Krich 34 ii George Bower 12 Sixth Class. Adam Remer 2G Henry Ekenroth 10 Jacob Shellenberger 3!i o John Willtrout ">" " Carried over 2 .'ti4 7 7 c (J Brought forward 20!t4 Andrew Dressier 35 Se\enth Class. John Kreamei' 20 John Slenker 3;) y Jacob Fi-fv 12 ,i John Wisner p c Jacob Will ■2i; u Peter Mowra vfi Eighth Class. John Kreamer 21 Michael Hauer 2f. Peter Troutniaii 52 John Stein sm Nicholas Beiber 12 D Joseph Weibley 12 u Casper Snider 2*! Capt. RODERMEL'S Company. First Class. Second Class. (.'hristopher Fisher 25 10 Daniel High C5 In John Rissler 40 Henry Shettle f, Philip Kline j; John Stei' 15 Jacob High 4j Third Class. Daniel H-gh :;S 7 George Merklin 45 11 Jeremiah Kolj) 43 11 JIartin Roilermel 35 « Nicholas Keafer 25 11 Nichcilas Earnst 12 15 Frederick Godshal G Frederick Mengle C Dcwa't AVani e.- 2'. n Fourth Class. Aljraham High 7'> 7 Christian ■\\anner. . 45 Felix M'Carty 3 John Sleagl-- 25 n Michaf-1 Kuhn 15 (i Carried over "men 302 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought lorward 3046 11 Fifth Class. David Price 50 John Bartow 20 Samuel Younger 6 Jacob Wilhelm 10 Sixth Class. Daniel Kline 35 Matthias Bechtot, 20 C Seventh Class. Philip Meriz iO John Tallman 6 Eighth Class. Henry Sittler 26 Jacob Wanner 39 ^ Jacob Eley 39 | Brought forward 3S04 T 3 Sixth Class. Dewalt Beiber 39 David Huttenstine 52 Philip Singer 6 Seventh Class. George Christman 10 Adam Deetrich 6 Jacob Crow 15 Christian Klease 3 Eighth Class. Christopher Bower 20 Philip Gheer 40 Henry Keiser 39 Michael Werline 20 Capt. KEMP'S Company. First Class. Nicholas Kutz 20 Peter Greeseman, 40 Second Class. Daniel Tisher 40 Jacob Hill 20 Francis Stimmel 5 Henry Balser -'i (5 Third Class. Jacob Tisher 5S 7 6 George Kisley 25 11 3 Leonard Stine 6 7 6 Peter AVolf 17 10 Henry Shearer 25 Dewalt Beiber, 25 Fourth Class. Peter Bailey 3 F.ewalt Best 20 Martin Krone 24 n << George Mauch 3 Peter Sweyer 50 Fifth Class. Frederick Brown 11 Jacob Kutz 55 Frederick Stinebronk 16 Michael Zimmerman 11 Carried over 3S04 7 Z Ca;pt. SMECK'S Company. First Class. John Sigfrid 25 10 Second Class. Joseph Gross, 05 George Seal 25 10 Jost Lookenbill 30 Dewalt Beiber 25 Michael Stine 12 Third Class. Christian Betz 10 Detrick Beiber 38 7 G Nicholas Mouser 3 George Smith 68 7 6 Fourth Class. Valentine Shelcup 32 Abraham Zimmerman 63 7 6 Jacob Beaver 63 7 B Jacob Heal 26 15 Paul Hertzog 8 David Kline 5 Philip Wageman 30 Jacob Earnst 20 George Holtzshoe 40 Fifth Class. Philiii Feather 3 Frederick Moore 65 Michael Delong 41 John Reigle 3 Carried over 4727 12 3 BERKS COUNTY. S03 Brought forward 4727 1 Christian Sibert Cu Ulrich Urunner, 41 Jacob Seivert 10 Sixth Class. John Eshenbach 39 Michael Glosser 2o Henry Delony: -tj John Tritch lu Anthony Moose 2C Seventh Class. Jlichael Weaver 30 Adam Bowersax, IJ John Beaver 35 Henry Lontz 26 Eighth Class. Michael Borrel 3 Frederick Delong 10 Matthias Hinderlider 15 Jacob Whitt 26 Jacob Saratine, 39 Capt. VOYGE'S Company. u u Brought forward, 5673 4 9 Conrad Sphoon 92 John Kimebach 3 u John Himmel, 5 William Sheklknechl b u Peter Dunkle 2'j o u Sixth Class. John Dunkle 52 John Tiseglass 26 u o John Graeff 39 i) (ieorge M. Hileman 26 ^Villiam Baker 6 o Seventh Class. Michael Dunkle 39 ') Leonard Snider, 26 ') Adam Foust 39 ' Barret 25 10 Philip Miller 12 Third Class. John High ." 40 George Kendal 5 Jacob Weary 18 Fourth Class. Danisl High 91 2 Christian Gumper 16 Felix Fro-mifelter 10 David Sholl 6 Anthony Rites 5 Fifth Class. Henry Reeser, S7 Carried over 5S73 4 Capt. HUT'S Company. First Class. William Kuch John Snider Isaac Bacon John Bacon Second Class, Joseph Wright ilordecai Loe Frederick Moura Frantz Shaker Owen Hughes Valentine Miller Merrick Starr, John Spiglemyer Third Class. John William^ Pearson Starr Moses Starr, jun Leonard Messersmith, . JfJin Stout 20 65 10 46 7 6 65 10 55 10 65 10 20 16 7 6 40 20 S 65 11 3 2.5 11 3 40 91 2 6 304 accou>;ts of lieutenants. Brought forward 6S72 ICi 'j Brought forward 8479 IS C William Oreen. Joseph Penrose. Daniel Barnett. Fourth Class. John Hutton. ... Jacob High Isaac Huy Thomas Parvin. . Jacob Mauer Isaac Penrose Nehemiah Hutton, Jdhn Flower Budwig Gibble, .. Christian Stehl.v. Peter Hassinser. Thomas Bacon. . John Kaufman. ., Thomas Lightfoot, Seventh Class Thomas Conner. . Henry Reegrle, Peter Rothermel. Jacob Keafer. ... Stephen Barnet. . Isaac Wright. ... Eighth Class. John Kreat Andrew Snider. Abraham Clay, Nicholas Kindt, James Hutton. . Joseph Lightfoot. Moses Starr. M., Jacob Stin Cnnrad Kershner. ''1 2 C j Capt. EAGNORS Company. 40 U 40 First Class. Jtihn Xorliach lO 51 2 SI 2 2il 25 11 55 40 40 l] 5 j Fifth Moses Starr, sen.. Class. 92 52 79 10 92 411 n (t Sixth Class. Second Class. John Deihl Third Class. John Wetzel Frederick Tise Frederick Bernt George Feagely Michael Allendorfer Daniel You.« Matthias Frees (' Fourth Class. Josejih Folk Henry Mertz Peter Rei)ert F'rederick Frederick. Dewalt Trase George Swenk 52 2G 2G 52 ) 20 30 2G 39 52 52 39 Fifth Class. George Knop Henry Feagly Frederick Kerchner. ... Michael Croft George Sherch Sixth Class. Isaic Haic cK Conrad Seifer Martin Boyer 15 20 37 11 3 14 7 f. 15 7 G 6 (I 13 ir 10 G e 30 30 II 9 ij n 10 II G 30 2G 30 39 30 6 Seventh Class. Conrad Tudro 6 Joseph Eck 26 John Trase ;t II Eighth Class Christian Feagely Jacoli Coleman 35 12 Thirl Bittalion. Cai.t. WHETSTOXE-S Compan\ Firsr Class. Christian Caui> Carried over S479 IS C Carried over. BERKS COUNTY. 305 Brought forward. Godfrey Smeltzer, . Benjamin Webb, ... Brought forward 6CG 12 20 30 Second Class. Leonard Shenp Third Class. Richard Willis John Platner. ... George Boush, ... George Tobias, ., 10 i Peter Miller E\-erhart Seiman. Conrad Mertz, ... Godleib Reman, Fourth Class. John Miller Robert Stephenson Fifth Clas John Swartz George Steplelon 25 51 2 10 52 Sixth Class. Christopher Snider Seventh Class. Eighth Class. Michael Moser 12 12 12 40 i'j Second Class. Jacob Richards. Yost Yoder John Leman. ... Anthony Foust, Isaac Kaufman, John Tobias Capt. MIXICH'S Company. First Class. John Weaver Martin Driblebess Second Class. Deter Fahl Matthias Keim Philiij Sh.itz George Shell Third Class Jost Fall Michael Wagoner 40 4<) 45 10 5 2(1 5 45 20 Third Class Jacob Fiche Jacob Miller Christian Miller John Hochstedlar John Clouser Nicholas Moyer William Roth Jacob Yuce, Fourth Class. Fifth Class. 5imon Marburger Fourth Class William Weaver John Kaufman Jacob Hertzler Frederick Kline Nicholas Mattern, Henry Fisher Jacob Kinglingsberger, George Rood Sixth Class. Seventh Class. Philip Fey Leonard Reid 10 6 Fifth Class. I Valentine Kaufman. 1 Nicholas Bellerbach, Eighth Class. Christopher Saver, 20 Michael Shok. John Shartel. . Jacob Kaufman. John Geiswind. Capt. SHRADLE'P Company First Class. John Tomlinson Joseph Gund^• Carried over 20--6-3d Ser. Jacob Kaufman, . Christian Kertzler. 23 10 Conrad Heney. .. 5.i 10 Jacob Lang 665 12 12 ij 05 111 45 V) 25 10 05 10 2'i Carried over v.-yj 3 59 u o'.< 3 £0 11 26 40 30 306 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought forward 1999 2 C Matthias Roih c2 Conrad Ktiser 20 U Christian Albright 12 John Knevel 10 Jacob Lang 15 Seventh Class. Jost Althouse 26 Philip Kaufman ii2 9 Matthias Naftziger 52 Jacob Borl- JIachemer 10 Gabriel Heister 05 10 David HarmaH 10 Jacob Reeser 30 Jacob Dundore 10 George "U'agoner 10 Second Class. John Hertzler, sen 40 George "\V. Stout 25 10 Daniel Albright 25 10 Third Class. Ludwig Tobias 35 6 John From 40 D Peter Wise 26 Paul Earnst 13 Yost Stout 51 2 6 John Kissinger 30 Conrad Reel S Fourth Class. "U'eilry Mooser 30 George Meyer 91 2 G Henry Rissler 26 6 B Jacob Stout 30 John Adam • SI 2 6 Philip Hen 65 2 6 Peter Epler 30 John Lippert S Fifth Class. Philip Bohn 45 George Bost 4 Carried over 3SS1 5 Brought forward, 5881 5 George Gantzley 12 Michael Lower 12 Sixth Class. John Hertzler 40 Leonard Godshal 52 Abraham Kissinger ;i2 ^ *j Peter Zuber 52 Frederick From l.'. William Bohn 15 John Kline, jun 15 Seventh Class. George Althouse 39 Ellis Thomas 12 e Abraham Reeser 52 Eighth Class. Melchor Feagely 27 Tost Snider 26 Capt. SUABLE' S Company. First Class. John Barker 49 Thomas Ride 25 10 Henry Fink 40 U Andrew Grate 40 Second Class. George Bussler 25 10 Henry Mull 65 10 Adam Fink 40 Third Class. Evan Hughes 91 2 6 Henry Sterner 20 Fourth Class. John Dewalt 12 Christian Gruber S Fifth Class. Jacob Bossier "2 Jacob Dimner 37 o Peter Kershner, 4S Everhart Shable 41 George Dewalt 12 Sixth Class. JIartin Richard 41 Jacob Joh 20 Carried 7640 17 6 308 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought forward 7040 17 G Seventh Class. Henrj- Bossier 20 Andrew Swinehart 3 o Eighth Class. Henry Dewalt 20 George Klein 26 Capt. WILL'S Company. First Class. William Reigle 40 10 Godfrey Seidle 2j lu C Peter Focht 5 Second Class. Jacob Mayer 45 10 Third Class. Peter Ilatinger 15 George Stenger '^'' " '■ Peter Wax 10 Fourth Class. George A'spach T h " Jacob Alspach 15 Fifth Class. George Sheily 15 John Hesley 15 o John Huber, ...' 10 Daniel Reigle 10 Sixth Class. Michael Hollebush 9 Conrad Jacoby SO Daniel Meise 30 9 Christian Lukenblll 7 Seventh Class. Henry Bock C Emanuel Billing 6 Henry Hebner 6 Daniel Banseler, 2f; Henry Rausch 39 Adam Wagoner 20 Peter Body 3 Eighth Class. Henry Alspach 2fi n O Philip Alspach 2'J n ii Jacob Loss, 6 Kilian Dunkle 39 ii Carried over 7655 T 6 Brought forward, 7655 7 6 Adam Kline 6 o Jacob Swink 6 Capt. RITTER'S Company. First Class. George Kunkle 2o Henry Frey 25 10 Christopher Broucher 40 10 George Hoofman 35 10 Jacob Nester 10 U Second Class. John Probst 55 10 Anthony Broucher 10 Peter Himebach 30 10 Frederick Herbster 50 10 Jacob Launtz 25 10 George Reigel, 45 10 Henry Kuns 12 Martin Cely 40 Peter Deim 5 Third Class. George Stine 15 Jacob Shoemaker 12 John Neff 12 Fourth Class. Michael Probstt 47 11 3 Michael Stine 25 11 3 John Riclesdorfer 15 Michael Hagebach 2'J Fifth Class. Michael Riclesdorfer 15 Peter Kroh 18 Sixth Class. Peter Clingaman 4S Jacob Probst 20 Peter Will 6 Henry Gluck 8 Seventh Class. Peter Kreber 39 Xicholas Lomberd 39 Philip Moura 20 George Kissler 26 Eighth Class. Peter Spengler 20 Carried over 8497 10 Brought forward S497 10 Jacob Shmitt 3 Jacob Lilley 6 fS506 10 Fourth Battalion. Capt. GEIST'S Company. Fir.st Company. James Lloyd John Seyder Charles Shoemaker, Second Clas Matthias Koch Godleib Christine Third Clas Jacob Bright Christian Fisher Fourth Class. Frederick Xagle, Henry Miller Abraham T\'iteman (ie. rs;e Gardner Fifth C!, James Shoemaker, .. Peter Groff Philip Fisher Henrj' Setley .ss. Sixth Class. Solomon Coal James Deimer Peter Bright James Blddle Seventh Class. John Deil Samuel Jackson John Dissler, Colinson Read Michaiil Kline Eighth Class. 12 7 6 10 n 20 6 7 6 40 10 John Morris, Capt. CROrSE'S Company First Class. :OUNTY. 309 i:r. upht forwa rd. ... . . . 631 17 6 Michael Sphoon, 2o 10 John Fulviler, ... 6 Conrad Koch, ... Jacob Snider 5 Second Class. Henry Hahn, jun George Yeager John Retemeyer Third Class Amos Wickersham, Samuel Homan Chi-istopher Retemeyer, Fourth Class. Thomas Dundas John Boyer 3 10 52 10 10 n Fifth Class. Henry Klinger Daniel Consman John Brims Michael Fichthorn Henry Bickley ! Abraham Wickersham, ... Sixth Class. Seventh Class. Christian Prutsman Frederick Rap I.udwig Bidding Daniel Dupee Eighth Class. 12 26 26 3S 39 26 26 39 29 10 10 71 2 6 13 13 33 20 26 23 10 20 10 j 12 10 39 B 52 26 Capt. DETURK'S Company. First Class. Henry Teede;-. .. Peter Clementz, Secoad Class. John Klose Henry Smeck Adam Spengler Jacob Kissinger Lawrence Krone 20 5 55 10 55 10 20 40 10 John Dupee Carried over. Third Class. David Betz 6 I Gabriel Gantzert 6 43 10 j Dewalt Haveracher 10 631 17 Carried over 1358 1') 310 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brough forward 135S 10 Henry Limebach 10 George Stear 10 Philip Wentzel 8 Fourth Class. Ludwig Eberly 45 11 3 George Babb lo U « Andrew Gantzert 20 John Hellir 10 John Snider 10 Abraham Snider 10 Jacob Stall 29 Fifth Class. John Haveraoher 46 Andrew Lerch 62 David Ratenbush 36 Frederick Omacht 12 Charles Kroneraud 22 John Bost 26 John Fisher 30 John Gerhart 10 John Wise 13 Christian Gush 10 ti Sixth Class. Daniel Zacharias 26 Seventh Class. Michael Beck 12 'J Jacob Becker S2 Peter Fisher 52 Isaac Levan 52 Valentine Smith 52 John Eagly 26 Eighth Class. John Babb 12 John Ebllng 52 Nicholas Fisher 52 David Kinsey, 52 Ludwlg Nonemacher, 52 Baltzer Speis, 52 John Miller 52 Capt. NAGLE'S Company. Brought forward 2432 1 3 First Class. Second Class. Henry Singer John Kime, John High, Third Ciass Michael Bright John Earnst Samuel Madaira Fourth Class. William Moore Henry Baity Michael Bright, Jun Fifth Class. Godleib Stump Isaac Young Gabriel Krone Godfrid Becker John Brown 25 65 10 in 2 6 i; 10 40 10 40 32 23 13 13 10 Sixth Class. Casper Flaisher, Seventh Class. John M'Neal Nicholas Falix Isaac High Eighth Class. George Shultz Reynold Keen John Collier George Flager Ca::it. RHEIM'S Company. First Class. Chris. Bauman (wld. son). 63 10 Conrad Henrj-, 17 13 Jacob Kurtz 40 Henry Rautenbauce 24 13 John Smoker 50 10 Bernard Behlar 65 10 Michael Frankhouser 43 10 Henry Simmer 65 10 John Gerber 40 Samuel Gordon 6 Second Class. .Toliii }:auninii <'' 1" Paul Homey 40 Valentine Stroup 43 10 Carried over ^432 1 Carried over 3S9S 13 9 BERKS COUNTY. ;ii Brought forward 3698 13 & John Witner 23 10 Peter Swltzer 65 10 Third Class. Wendle Boivman 91 2 6 Christopher Snider 10 John Mosser ?0 Fourth Class. George Zeigler 61 2 6 Frederick East 13 Fifth Class. Christian Bauman 13 Jacob Bauman 92 Jacob Koch 26 James Lewis 59 Moses Johnson 5 Michael Stouch 15 John Miller 26 Emanuel Pifer 10 Sixth Class. Alexander Bacon 12 Martin Korrel 52 Jacob Kening 52 o Jacob Eicher 52 Andrew Burhart 52 Andrew Griner, 10 Seventh Class. Abraham Bauman, 52 David Deshelman 52 John Flnsher 12 Jacob Gerber 52 Abraham Kartz 52 Richard Lewis 39 Thomas Lewis 26 Henrj- Behr 52 Eighth Class. Jacob Bowman 52 Michael Flterling 12 Nicholas Yost 23 John Vanhorn 26 John Zerben 52 Jacob Morgan 39 Capt. ECKERT'3 Company. Fifth Class. .lohn Miller. Carried over .3024 s 9 Brought forv.-ard, 5024 S f John Hain (Casper) 40 William Laferty 5 George Strieker 5 n Peter Ermeld 5 Philip Kilbert 10 Henry Horn 12 u Second Class. John Eckert 23 10 John Hain 45 10 j John Gaul 40 lu Conrad Kershner, 43 in u Samuel Cox 1" i) Christopher Hertzler 10 Third Class. Peter Gerhart 66 2 G Charles Mell I'J •' John Brown 4" Christian Waldsmlth 40 u William Sealheim 1" Christian Sheafer 1" '-' '■' Frederick Bechtel 2o n Fourth Class. Henry Lour 1'' f' '"' Peter Deil 10 u William Michael 13 John Dundore 15 r-nry Snider 1" ^ Peter Lelninger 1" f' " John Hain (miller) 4" n ■' Peter Herbach 10 Fifth Class. Christian Michael 13 John Hain (Adam) '- Philip Heckert 62 C George Ermold, 20 Henry Fisher 5!' » John Shreek 2r, i> i> Adam Dexter, 2 K ^ O QJ (U r: t^ o > J- < ^- ^ - 's "-^ o ^ •;^ ^ ^ QJ C •^ -•-;:: O y O c/5 O ^ u u .=^ -^ 2 ^^ t/5 ^ .— "^ U^ C o 2 C ' rt ^ -^ rt ^ ^ 5 ^ G ._. . -^ 4_> C Q ^ O c/1 y 'p^ "1:^ P ^ s 4_) 4-1 l-* ' In o o » o o o o c S o o o 5 ■. i> : y < "5 ■ £ '• -r ^ o o • ■. H" : S2B- ': • •< '. ^ C O - . - 5: 1 - S ■• • ::, '. ■. '= ^ C^ c > • — .— ct '^ ■ .— -x -^ ^^ ■ • « ri -X 9 "n rt ; ■- .si o r^ i 6 T" Jl '^ t^ — s — •— .^ S • r o o — • -'Sg- H. "^ "?" 'S '. . ^ >;-^ ^1 o > 9 c =i£- _j '"" ci C '5 S o -^ ^ u^ S 2 ca.s il J Tin cou '=111 -^ V E'='5^ "- = S ° MS?. '^ s •= _^;2 s ^' - O o 7. r '^ o w O -^ . O :-H ,- - -• =5 5- la Sll^' 2 >> 5 S r, "1 ^ c < .ti •- "o -^ 5 ^ "^ -.J i tQ 326 ACCOUXTS OF LIEUTENANTS. c~ t^ L." ^ ir < < = — o . S M IS I<) CO 00 o o ^ 5: -2 ~, • c c -= • ;; p 5 . _i C^ '-'' c J? :|J§ — — cc :r c •— o ~ c 2 i^ ^ ~ p > p ^ K J3 = K r o:' ;; • -^ o- c - r- fi: ■ c - «: 5 = <= - c c_ — - r- r r- T ~ - -: c; CO P3 < -li .■ o n, • -" . CO <3J t- O JS l- -»-J t^ f— ^ M O _- -CX rt K C^) ^ <^ J: k ^: „ C ^ S -5S X O LANCASTER COUNTY. in lo o L.-; — u- s o ic o M — =; = = LS Lt i- -^ \ y- iS -Si -^ \S l— O ^ =^ J-l LO rH O S — 13 L.0 — t- ^^■J i "2 y: i: c 2 >-^ ii ' ►^1 rt • 5*^ ^" > • a^ 2 • to ^ >>2 : c^ c: aj (D • r/f W CD ■ u; "t^ a - • r^ ^ cO : Ij t= ^^ „_ 1 , ..^ •/. ■ ■ 0, " ■— sz x: •- a, ■^ = 3; o o - o" c '5 "o .5 o ^ 9 ° i o i ° 5 -^ — -= 5 i 'i 5 '^ b - . K - - O O c o * = 5 ;i iJ .S -»^ 5" ^ b£ ? d > o ^ -e rt o P ^ S i: — 2^^ 5 m' 5 iiii Lj !:; r/: ~ S J5 = e ^ - ^ "S, ■5 o < 0^ ■~ ^ :z — ;^ cc — . ^ u ^ d ^ 7. 7r< ■- Q — ' tj O l~ O ro "7; - .— -tJ -^ u c z: 5 ^ j: o — o O -.-> t_, ^ ^^ » o vf ^-' ^ a; S ^ ^ f- o :~. vf 5 c & - ^ 1-, r- o i o S •-^ - t^ o X u -,^ O c tc "-' S > ->J - s ^ K c ~ o ~ O =5 « ^ «^ _ ^-' i-' Oh ct' i< •— e=5 ?: t; ■" •5 !i 2 =• o S ?5 ~ c r '-^ "ri s — C •-; a^ - > ■ r- O^ C O G>' ^ t; <1J I-; - 5 ^ ~^ — o ~ Oj -^ . «: ."^ N r -^ iM n: •:; ^ — . -^ rt 5 "^ — ." "^1 a; o: *" ^ ^i •— " - ~ . j: 5 ^ _ cc - c CC •— 'i< ^ x: - r a: cj >> E > — i y ''' a: c « _ "T 03 '^ *^ 0, i - - « 00 >, g S = .5 M-;c, ••- ^ •^ oo o — 5 o = ■?1 ^ "" '-^ .^ ^ «T< ^^ o >„• ^ :c *-"■*- 2^-i'S. ozn ■~ LANCASTER COUNTY. 329 i, ^ t~ M < < £-1 n a l^ls ■^ "" "ZJ '^ '. q; 00 ™ C — ° "" "" ■ = ^ ^ ° • n c '" • Ti S i^'^-H : ^ •M . -r. ■ •- >-o s bc . c . o c . Hm -^ i2 'Ji; • •f i ^ '•§ "S lis «fl ^ ^ S tc S •S o 5 I s « O — — k-< o 2 T-i — C o i -= bJJ rt -^ — .? _ ^ -t^ ^ ._. t— s ,— ' — ' — c^ C ti -1 ^ T— S e "> ^ fctC(Ci ' ifi .5 3 J ~ >i o •-. — o o y. o ir. ^ ■— C M t: ~ "^ C j; CO cT P .? - « o , —' 9 "^ a? I ^;^ — r" — ^1 ^ :^ ^ - ^ ^■.5^5 >"-S «•= -^^ ,3;^- 330 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. ~ o = I n tr ^1 -^i — — 35 w •- IS < -S [c H : E •* _; ^ M : Tc — ■ - - — t~ .5 c/: f — ■ -J r^ .-■ ^ 1— ~ ji r-" _- T-H CJ M - ~ > _£ o: • ^ a; be o 5f=f t.* tlJl IM CD c M^ .™ Ct O) c ^S M ]5 ^^ ~ c — _^ T' 6 Z. Q, ~ •— !^ ~ c — c ~ C3 t. t? O — oc o 0/ O a; Jilt J the 187 1. p __. rt 5 — • J T" '*- C •" ~ E t^ ~ ;: - p — i: - K ^' "^ OJ OC > — ^H cc f Coc M ." =^ ^ 5^ i^-^ o •— C^r > js cu a, ^5 V- br^ "^ ^ " - °f g be o be be CO •— — .ti be t. „ ~ a; '^ z. c = C2 __ _ . ^ 1 = .M gE ^' I- i^ i» <^ c^ 'ct LANCASTER COUNTY. 331 ?3 C: ^ 5 = = £ io Oj q '^' n '"' •— T C, ^ 0,' ^-T^ 'T ^ CO o: c ^ y^ t- C 't: = ^ - ci . 0^ — . t. ^ jr' ° E o c o r n <^ - — o g-r ^ ,2; =-■ CO c cn o J S ~ c c p c h C ~ ~ r. c c i c "^ E ''^ •s ■— 'cc ■!:_•":; c 1 1— I *-; _ c .c -- - > - r p- :i. ;i: d: i d: 332 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. FIXE LIST of Colonel Michael Haverstick's BaUalion of Lancaster Coun:y Militia, for the Years 1777 and 1778. Exercise fines. Class fines. £. s. d. £. s. d. David Martin, 3 5 40 Philip Sawcer, 3 5 40 John Hair. 3 5 40 Joh.i Sawter, 3 5 40 Henry Sawter, 3 5 40 Christian Staiiffer, 3 5 40 John Muser 3 5 40 Jacob Muser 3 5 40 Joseph ,;^Iuser, 3 5 40 Christopher Hearshey, 3 5 Q 40 John Creemer 3 5 40 Christopher Hair, 3 3 40 Joseph Winger, 3 5 40 Peter Sterneman, 3 5 40 Jacob Goodman, 3 5 40 Jacob Carrel 3 5 40 Conrad Retsel, 3 5 40 John Eshleman, 3 5 40 Henry Miller 3 5 40 John Barr 3 5 40 Jacob Barr 3 5 40 Jacob Barr, junior 3 5 40 Peter Good, 3 5 40 John Long 3 5 40 Peter Musleman 3 5 40 Jacob Hottonstone, 3 5 40 John Son 3 5 40 John Mumma 3 5 40 Daniel Furry, 3 5 40 David Hess, 3 5 40 Martin Barr, 3 5 40 Philip Swartz, 3 5 40 Frederick Shoaf, 3 5 40 Melchonar Hockman 3 5 40 Henry Steman 3 5 40 Benedict Esheleman 3 5 40 John Good 3 5 40 Michael Myar, 3 5 u 40 Jacob Harnish, 3 5 40 John Stearman 3 5 40 John Muser, 3 5 40 Christian Shank, 3 5 40 Carried forward £136 10 1680 LANCASTER COUNTY. 333 Colonel MICH'AE'L HAVERSTICK'3 Battalion. Exercise fines. Class fines. £. s. d. £. s. d. Brought forward 136 10 1680 lu Adam Kendrick 3 5 40 u Adam Miller 3 5 40 Christian Keaggj- 40 David Brineman, 3 5 40 o Jacob Brineman, 3 5 40 Rhudy Miller, 3 5 40 Frederick Rathven 3 5 40 Daniel Welday, 3 5 40 Christian Stoner 3 5 40 Benedict Millenger 3 5 40 John Huber 3 5 40 Christian Swar 3 5 40 John Stoneman, 3 5 40 Abraham Funk, 3 5 40 Martin Funk, 3 5 40 John Funk 3 5 40 Henry Funk 3 5 40 Jonathan Wright 3 5 40 John Fry 3 a 40 Peter Snyder 3 5 40 :\Iichael Bender, 3 5 40 Amount £2:a 2520 10 201 £2721 10 No. 2. Fine Lis: of Colonel ALEXANDER LOW'REY'S Battalion. Exercise fines. Class fines. £, s. d. £. 3. d. Jacob Dondour Frederick Mumma, . . John Smith Peter Boman Jacob Holtzaple, Philip Wyant, David Hays John Shank John Bruniman Christian Bruniman. Adam Bruniman Henry Grove Martin Snyder Carried forAvard. 45 45 45 45 45 45 44 44 3 5 44 II 3 5 44 10 (1 3 5 44 10 3 5 44 3 5 (» 44 10 £16 5 579 10 334 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Colonel ALEXANDER LOWREY'S Battalion. Exercise fines. £. s, Brought forward 16 5 Christia:i Butcher, 3 5 John Angle 3 5 Nicholas Cram, 3 5 Henry Keep, [\] 3 5 Peter Rhoot, [[ 3 5 Abraham Neeshley, 3 5 Benjamin Weisler 2 7 Jonn Neesly, 2 7 John Coble, "'' 2 7 John Diller, 2 7 Jacob Neesly 3 5 Isaac Long 2 7 Herman Long, 2 7 Leonard Negal ." Adam Black Abraham Sherry, .' Peter Funk ,[[ Jacob Angle 2 7 John Horsht 2 7 John Longnecker 2 7 Jacob BoslTer 2 7 Samuel Betzoner 2 7 Ludwick Matz 3 5 Felty Stur, ' 3 5 Abraham Holdma : 3 5 .^L^rk Warsht 3 5 Hugh Moor, Daniel Rheam, 3 5 Daniel Plough 3 5 Daniel Stall, 3 5 Cnristian Delebough, 3 5 Stophel Bishop 3 5 Christian Snyder 3 5 Elias Conrod, 3 5 Christian Null 3 5 John Reasor 3 5 George Null 3 5 Michael Shank 3 5 Michael Bran 3 5 Peter Poorman 3 5 Peter Lindemont, George Lindemont 1 12 ALartin Lindemont I.5 nes. Class fines. , d. £. s. d. U 579 10 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 10 U 44 10 44 6 44 10 6 44 10 6 44 6 44 44 6 44 10 6 44 10 44 44 44 44 6 44 10 C 6 44 10 6 44 10 6 44 10 G 44 10 (J 44 44 10 44 10 44 U 44 10 44 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 10 45 44 10 44 10 45 6 44 10 44 10 Carried forward £122 12 24SS 10 LANCASTER COUNTY. : 335 Colonel ALEXANDER LOWREY'S Batralion. Exercise fine?. Class fines. £. s. d. f. s. d. Brought forward 122 12 24S8 10 U Philip Breener, 44 u Balser Shelhorn 2 7 C 44 10 Jonn Shelhorn 2 7 6 44 10 Henry Ocker, 3 5 44 10 Abraham Matz 3 5 44 10 Joseph Brand 3 5 44 10 Abraham Castle 3 5 44 10 Christian Long 3 5 44 10 Christian Huffman 3 5 44 10 n Christian Longnecker, 3 5 44 10 Michael Hoarsth 3 5 44 10 Peter Hasten 3 5 44 10 Samuel Brand 3 5 44 10 Jacob Matz 3 5 44 10 Henrv Strickler 3 5 44 Christian Hernly 3 5 44 10 John Hernly 3 5 44 10 Michael Longnecker, 3 5 44 10 Abraham Witmor, ..." 3 5 44 10 Abraham Hastin 3 5 44 10 Peter Hummer 3 5 44 10 Christian Hercleroad 3 5 44 10 Jacob Rife 3 5 44 10 Henry Longnecker 3 5 44 10 Daniel Longnecker 3 5 44 10 John Sherer 3 5 44 10 John Brand 3 5 44 10 Alartin Neesly, 3 5 44 10 Henry Neesly, 3 5 44 10 Christian Martin 3 5 44 10 Vendel Martzel 3 5 44 10 John Witmer 3 5 44 10 Henrv Hershev 3 5 44 10 John Ebv 3 5 44 10 John Rhorra 3 5 44 10 John Grayble 3 5 44 10 Martain Shick 3 5 44 10 Michael Shaffer 3 » 44 10 Frederick Stolar :•! 5 44 10 John Bartz 3 5 44 10 Isaac Eshleman 3 5 44 10 John Eshleman 3 5 44 10 Michael Notz 3 5 44 10 Carried forward £257 7 >' 4400 10 536 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Colonel ALEXANDER LOWREVS Battalion. Exercise fines. £. s. d. Brought forward 257 7 Laurence Sneoringer 3 5 Peter Blaizor 3 5 U ^Michael Hosslar 3 S Abraham Eshleman 3 5 Christian Sailor 1 12 6 Christian Heagy 2 7 6 ;Mic-haeI Blaizer 2 7 6 Jacob Hoffman 2 7 6 Adam Weants 2 7 6 •Class fine s. £. s. d. 4400 10 (. 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 lu 44 10 44 44 10 44 10 44 10 Amount £-Sl 12 6 4800 10 281 12 C £508:: No. 3. Fine Lis: of Colonel JOHN HUBER'3 Battalion. Exercise fines. Class fines. Stophel Miller Michael Bitzman Leonard Shar:zer Jacob Castler William Castler Ludwick Castler Peter Miller John Henry Rough Henry Seip George Weaver Jacob Blackendor:er Christian Blackendorfer Martin Third Christian Rexacker John Wineland Peter Rexacker Godfret Thomas Jacob Rexacker Abraham Bollinger George Gaidner John Shank John Thoma.^ Carried forward £71 5 515 U £. S. d. £. s. d. 3 t» 40 20 15 30 15 40 40 (1 40 40 40 (. 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 (j 40 (1 40 CI 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 4(! (1 1940 338 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS Colon-1 JOHN RUBER'S Battalion. Exercise fines. Class fines £. s. (1. £. s. i Brought forward 113 10 Jacob Zentmyer Criristian Siioewairer Jacob Siioe waiter Jacob Datwetler, Jacob Eberly Jacob Lesher Peter Briibacker George Saum Henry Hyple John Stockey Conrad Mencer Abraham Huber 3 5 Peter Zeller Michael Ballmer, Laurence Heselwood, Peter Beinhoiir Jacob Beringher Michael Beringher Stophel Streigle Jacob Witman John Hommer George Wechter Leonard Miller Adam Shub, Robert Coleman .• Martin Gross Joha Bby Samuel Weisler Christian Wayland Christian Eaby George Photztr Mathias Weymer John Brubacker. junior Joseph Fleekinger Samuel Horlacher 3 5 Peter Royer 3 5 Michael France 3 5 Frantz Brubacker 3 5 Michael Bear 3 5 Valentine Brubacher 20 John Holty 1 1 20 Sundries 9 15 HO 40 40 40 40 4 J 4iJ 40 40 4 1 Ij 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 4 t 40 4M 40 40 40 4;) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 (» Amount £143 16 3460 l^AN'CASTER COUNTY. 339 — tn -z ? > S '5 ^ -tJ o ^ ~ d — t~ ^ ci y: . «rt " ri - 7- t- ^ 5 ^ Qj C o II -^ t^ 3 O fi ^ c % t« C ^ s '^ i^c C C > <: % 0- ^ [A. •- rt o 1-5 1% 5 tt _ o -in c 2, o E; ^ o S- 5 . > — >i l^ 0) ^ if S CD i^ ■5 c, ti c H S ^ tc .-ti O E :): .H S C ^ £ rz^ rt ■;:: _ _s ~ ■" "5 P "" — o "^ ° |o 'i'o S "^ o <; _- ►^ ~ 5: •= O '-; QJ p ^ o o > o > ^o > O > r" '23 H ^o e~ t- -^ 340 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. C^ CO ^^ (^ o o rH n c; 3 =; o :^ >— 00 lO Oi S t^ 30 lO L-^ -^ — -M (M M '*' — M r^ — »2 r; ,C ir f ,-H l: -> Q =^ M « t~ S O t- 0^ .^ CO ._ t. > ^ > bo CO i; !/: 5 CO ~ bB "-I W) ^ M Q Q- ^ a> be 03 '•z W)o C -•-' c •^ ^ CM — t •« - CO ° ^ o" o'o'o- a ? ~ ~ " ~ '^ '- = - C 3 c ^ _ o o rt re — .- = s a — re — O , o o o o LANCASTER COUNTY. 341 S a p O O O O O Cj lO LO Oi Ki c. -^ b£) o o "o _c Ij _:^ '-' .ti "S -5 ^ _- o c ii,c::Ci 30 C5 — in c:' C ■^ O i« xn f o 1^' c £■ = § gJ a: z; o c Q.' o 02 ^ "^ t^ %B «^ 2 "c^C 'S P "q; o ^ *^ 2'^ 2 t ^ rf 11 = o — o c C- -^ S ~ o .« ■>~ c 72 — p — ri SZ O r^ _ 'r' — r^ T" 'TF' » H- o o o o o ^ OS l:~ t~- w 2: >. c 'o o ^ o o c c ,^ w o OJ o e ^ ^ o ,t_> >> u ■^ o z 5 u ."^ . OJ o tc s .ti -w -a s 0* >> -*-- 2. b£ P_ o o 342 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. a: c3 o C5 o e^ «> Ln lo lo th m c^ -f c: — O M ro D- ci — -3 a. c, r o r~ ^j ^ -.-J Ki - ^ ^ >>"^- S , "S. "^ rt ^ c '^ c — 5: s ^2 C ^- i:; •C ^5 — c ^- c: _— t ii — ^ £ £ ^ •"^ ^ <— ^ c > ri — - -^ c c — Cb.. • c r— "" >. il C v. c s a-. "^ I'b'^ ~ n -^ C _c C -- ^ '■*~ =^ •= .5 -S 2:= a~ 1- l^ ~ ^_^ -."^ '=2 — .i '72 a T- c 2 C " i: -C c S n •• 0' K ij .- 0- — ^ > J= ■- p ^ " ^^^. c c ;; .5 .:> ~ L. __ ■C — "*" fcf ||^ ^ = ^ •S-'S ^-s' ;- w ~ 5 C Mf;' C~ ~ ~ X cy ^ <.._ i:: K — "Z ^^ '" °.i-M ;_ en .C ~' X^ ^ "^ r~ "-^ > * |o°| C r/- cr ^ c c ?- r "c ? X ^ -^ ~ c ^ ? t^ ^ ~~-^ — c - i. •r — t!I * t. t- -2 C :_ L* >: t-t.:^ LANCASTER COUNTY. 34c ?Q S iT — C-) lt; — _ _ £ = £§£ TT. C ■T) 3 1;.— C > •— C S o; r a.' 1 is^^. ■J. 0- CL, a: £ c *^ T c s c a: c e "^ o X c. .. •" o >, .■E ::; T. .™ f— * X ■*— c ~ s j^ ZI •" "zr. a; c Zl. § _ n ESp bi o > "Z. S. t~ - <^ a *" o . — o3 ixr ci - >. .5 "^ — -^ 2 tr c -,- ^ ^^ c o o r o a- c c l%l o ■v^ c ir. ^- Z i c s — ^) 344 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Colonel MICHAEL HAVERSTICK'S Battalion. No. 1. Exercise fines. Class fines. £. s. d. £. s. d. Christian Newcomer 3 5 40 Christian Coffman 3 5 40 Joh.-i Hostater 3 5 40 Samuel Funk 3 5 40 Henry Funk 3 5 40 Andrew Coffman 3 5 40 Andrew Coffman, junior 3 5 40 Isaac Coffman 3 5 40 Christian Coffman 3 5 40 George Lutz 3 5 40 Henry Shellenberger 3 5 40 Leonard Rickard 3 5 40 Jacob Shellenberger 3 5 40 Jacob Sitz 3 5 40 Barnet Shoap 3 5 40 George Snyder 3 5 40 Jacob Stricklar 3 5 40 Jacob Sherrick 3 5 40 Peter Musser 3 5 40 John Furry 3 5 40 Jacob Shellenberger 3 5 40 John Shellenberger 3 5 40 Samuel Boyd 3 5 40 Christian Garber 3 -5 40 John Newcomer 3 5 40 John Charles 3 5 40 Emanuel Spoar 3 5 40 Joseph Hoover 35 40 George Mumma 3 5 40 Christian Furry 3 5 40 John Musser 3 5 40 Christian Hartzlar 3 5 40 Christian Mumma 3 5 40 John Hartzlar 3 5 40 Jacob Shellenberger 3 5 40 David Furry 3 5 40 Barnard Rusing 3 5 40 Benjamin Brubecker 3 5 40 David Miller 3 5 40 Christian Lhear 3 .5 40 David Miller 3 5 40 Michael Hoffman 3 5 40 Carried forward, £136 10 1680 LANCASTER COUNTY. 34 = Colonel MICHAEL HAVERSTICK'S Battalion. Exercise fines. Class fines. £. s. d. £. s. d. Brought forward 136 10 1680 Michael Reigal 3 5 40 John Secrist 3 5 40 Joseph Charles 3 5 40 John Landis 3 5 40 Michael Secris: 3 .5 40 Christian Brubecker 3 5 40 William Gern, 3 5 40 John Barr 3 5 40 Martin Barr 3 5 40 Christian Kaufman, junior 3 5 40 Christian Kaufman 3 5 40 Adam Shaller 3 5 40 Jacob Brubecker, 3 5 40 Peter Musleman, 3 5 40 Joseph Martin 3 5 40 Philip Lhear 3 5 40 John Leaman, 3 5 40 Jacob Minig 3 5 40 William Smith 3 5 40 John Newcomer 3 5 40 Joseph Sherrick 3 5 40 Joseph Sherrick, junior 3 5 40 John Newcomer 3 5 40 David Musleman 3 5 40 Henry Mumma 3 5 40 Christian Mumma 3 5 40 David Musleman 3 5 40 Henry Landis, junior 3 5 40 Henrv Barr. junior 3 5 40 Martin Barr 3 5 40 David Brubecker 3 5 40 Henry Musleman, 3 5 40 Col. A. LOWREVS Battalion. Frederick Yeight 2 7 6 Michael Hoffman 2 7 6 John Keaspy Christian Sowdsr, 2 7 6 Carried forward £247 12 6 44 10 44 10 22 .3 44 10 3115 15 346 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Colonel ALEXANDER LOWREY'S Battalion. Exercise fines. Class fines. £. s. d. f. s. d. Brought forward, 247 12 6 3115 15 Christian Blazor, 2 7 6 44 10 Jacob Trear, 2 7 6 44 10 William Pooreman, 3 5 44 10 Michael Pooreman :-! 5 o 44 10 Abraham Stricklar 3 44 Peter Eastin 3 5 44 10 Henry Panther 3 5 44 10 John Fistle 3 5 44 10 Peter Leaman, 3 » o 44 10 Abraham Haire, 3 5 44 10 Christian Martin, junior, 3 5 44 10 Jacob Coffman 3 5 44 10 Abraham Miller, 3 .5 44 10 John Neesley 3 5 44 10 Isaac Harnley, 3 5 44 10 Christian Capp, 3 5 44 10 Peter Bishop, 3 5 44 10 John Martin 3 5 44 10 Abraham Shelley, 3 5 -44 10 Gotleib Bishop 3 5 44 10 Henry Culp, 3 5 44 10 John Hegey, 3 5 44 10 Jacob Leighty, 3 5 44 10 Abraham Leaman, 3 5 44 10 John Fritz 3 5 44 10 Daniel Leaman 3 5 44 10 John Leaman, 3 5 44 10 Casper Lesher 3 5 44 10 Christly Winger 3 5 44 10 Jacob Aber, 3 5 44 10 Joseph Hummer 3 5 44 10 Peter Fooks, 3 5 44 10 Christian Unger 3 5 44 10 Christian Meshey 3 5 44 10 Henry Stricklar, 3 5 44 10 Jacob Hastater 3 5 44 10 John Brubecker 3 5 44 10 Peter Brubecker 3 5 44 10 Christian Earhart 3 5 44 10 John Haire 3 5 44 10 Abraham Florey 3 5 44 in Isaac Winger 3 5 44 K' John Springer 3 5 4 4 10 ( Carried forward £385 7 G 502S 15 LANCASTER COUNTY. 347 Colonel ALEXANDER LOWREY'S Battalion. Exercise fines. Class fines. d. £. s. d. c 5028 15 (t u 44 1(1 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 10 ( 44 10 44 10 {> f. 44 10 44 10 Brought forward 385 Jacob Snyder 3 Henry Over, 3 John Winger, 3 John Graff 3 Yost Eaversol, Francis Graff 3 Christian Eaversol 3 John Witmore, 3 Ulrigh Ingle - Richard Allison Col. JOHN RUBER'S Battalion. George Hoffoch, Michael Woolf Henry Snyder Christian Habacker Christian Erbb, Peter Weyland Christian Erbb, junior Christian Erbb Christian Becker John We:ther George Eckleberger Martin Shank Christian Musleman Henry Frank Jacob Erbb John Phoutz Jacob Habacker Leonard Clyne Christian Eaby Henry Wanner Abraham Hershberger Michael Sherrig Leonard Knnkle Christian Knopp John Musleman, .' Abraham Kline Joseph Graff Carried forward, £493 10 65Sc 3 5 40 25 3 5 40 3 5 40 3 5 40 3 5 40 3 5 40 3 5 40 c 3 5 40 3 5 40 3 5 40 3 5 40 t< 3 5 40 3 5 40 3 5 40 3 5 40 o 5 40 3 5 40 (1 3 5 40 3 5 40 1 5 40 i) :; 5 40 3 .- 40 o •5 40 9 5 40 3 .- 40 u "^ •' 40 348 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Colonel JOHN HUBER'S Battalion. Exercise fines. Class fines. £. s. (1. Brough: forward 499 10 John Miller 3 5 Andrew Rheam, Simeon Stetencor.: 1 5 Martin Moler 1 .\hraham Bear 3 5 Ulrigh Siierrig 3 5 David Sherrig 3 5 Jacob Grove Christian Luther 3 5 Peter Faughnehstock, 3 5 Peter Witmer 3 5 Rudolph Bolinger, 3 5 John Ulry, 3 5 Dedrick Faunstock, 3 5 Abraham Cerfas, 3 5 John Faunstock 3 5 John Ryer 3 5 Jacob Ebcrly, junior '3 5 John Witmore 3 5 John Luther 3 5 Benjamin Landis, 3 5 Christopher Westenberger 3 5 Durst Amea, 3 5 Abraham Brubecker, 3 5 Martin Bare, 3 5 George Houk, 3 5 Marcin Myer, 3 5 Jacob Sybert 3 5 John Bare, junior 3 5 Jacob Witmer 3 5 Daniel Reyer 3 5 Christian Bauman, 3 5 Pe:er Gryder, 3 5 Peter Schnider, 3 5 £. s. d. 6583 5 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 -10 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Col. M. HAVE'RSTICK'S Battalion. .\braham Miller Isaac Kuntz Henry Kaufman Carrif!d forward, £609 3 5 40 3 5 40 3 5 40 i63 LANCASTER COUNTY. 349 Colonel M. HAVERSTICK'S Battalion. Exercise fines. Class fines. £. s. d. £. s. d. Brought forward 609 8063 5 Baltzor Grow 3 5 40 Christian Hair 3 5 40 Peter GraybiH', 3 5 40 Jacob Shook 3 5 40 Chr;s:ian Wistlar 3 5 40 Joseph Hobecker 3 5 40 He:: ry Neff 3 5 40 Jacob Kryder 3 5 40 John Biirkholder 3 5 40 Frederick Hoffman 3 5 40 Jacob Menerk 3 5 40 Michael Shank 3 5 40 Michael Harnish 3 5 40 Jacob Hoffman, 40 Jacob Keaguey, 3 5 40 John Kaufman 3 5 40 Henry Shoap 3 5 40 Jacob Sichrist ■. 3 5 40 John Stayman 3 5 40 Thomas Walker 3 5 40 Jacob Bunn 3 5 40 Henry Lighty 3 5 40 Jacob Funk 3 5 40 Christian Kaufman 3 5 40 Christian Berg 3 5 40 Christian Smith 3 5 40 Jacob Kaufman 3 5 40 John Kaufman 3 5 40 John Neff 3 5 40 Herman Witmer, 3 5 40 Henry Neft 3 5 40 Christian Stayman 3 5 40 Christly Herr 3 5 40 Henry Heaston 3 5.0 40 John Heaston 3 5 40 Jacob Karrorl 3 5 40 Jacob Kindigh 3 5 40 Abraham Herr 3 5 40 John Kealheafer 3 5 40 John Witmer 3 5 40 Christian Fu.-.k 3 5 2j o Carried forward £739 683 350 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Colonel M. WAVERSTICK'S Battalion. Exercise fines. Class fines. £. s. d. £. s. d. Brought forward 729 9683 5 Benedict Eashtleman. junior 3 5 40 Robert Beard, 3 .5 u 40 Col. A. LOWREY'3 Battalion. John Schoop 3 5 Jacob Gass, junior 3 John Midleton 1 2 G Henry Booser Henry Wilhelm 3 5 Isaac Rheam 1 2 6 Jacob Hauntzberger, 3 5 Abraham Sheaver, 2 7 6 Michael Laver 2 7 6 Daniel Longnecker 2 7 6 Christian Weyland 3 5 John Early 3 3 John Shank 3 5 John Weyland 3 5 C John Eaversol, 3 5 John Eashtleman 3 5 John Shank, 3 5 Philip Stern 3 5 John Carnhaase 3 5 John Gryder 3 5 John Brubecker, 3 5 Michael N'iesly 3 5 John Frantz, 3 5 Jacob Eaversol 3 5 David Martin 3 5 Jacob Witmer, 3 5 David Thrum, 3 5 John ReeBor, 3 5 Samuel Clark, 7 6 Jacob Datwiler, 3 5 John Sharra 3 5 Peter Roadrock 3 5 Joseph Rife 3 5 Abraham Stricklar 3 5 John Ritzel 3 5 Jacob Metzicar 3 5 John Brensor 3 5 Carried forward fS52 10 22 10 44 44 10 2 2 6 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 44 iu 44 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 10 44 10 22 5 44 10 44 10 44 44 10 44 10 40 10 11320 LANCASTER COUNTY. 351 Colonel ALEXANDER LOWREY'S Battalion. Exercise fines. Class fines. £. s. d. £. s. d. Broiighi forward, £852 10 11320 2 G Jacob Rife 3 5 44 u Christl.v Bransor, 3 5 44 10 David Tatwiler, 3 5 44 u Jacob Bricker, 3 5 44 10 Henry Bricker, 3 5 44 lu Abraham Gingrej-, 3 5 44 Christly Newver, 3 5 44 10 Joan Witmer, 3 5 o 44 10 Frederick Shotz 3 5 44 10 Jacob Smith, 3 5 44 Peter Books 3 5 44 10 William Mills 3 5 44 10 John Myers 3 5 44 10 Christly Burkholder, 3 5 44 10 William Grapp 3 5 44 10 Henry Landis, 3 5 44 10 John Kinsley 3 5 44 10 William Bishop, 3 5 44 10 Abraham Walgemoote, jun., 3 5 45 Peter Stern 3 5 44 10 Christly Reesor, 3 5 44 10 Joh.i Nickey, 3 5 44 10 John Gish 3 5 44 10 John Stopher 3 5 44 10 John Leaman, 3 5 44 Peter Welker 3 5 44 10 John Holdiman, 3 5 44 10 Abraham Reesor 3 5 44 10 Christian Walgemoote 3 5 44 10 John Leaman 3 5 44 10 Henrv Kinter 3 5 44 Isaac Fittv 3 5 44 10 John Stern 3 5 44 Philip Frederick, 3 5 44 10 Christian Snyder, S 5 44 10 John Holdiman, 3 5 44 10 Jacob Shelley 3 5 4t 10 Michael Feltibfrger 50 Elias Conrad 100 (ieorge Blazor 50 John Sharp 3 5 40 Col. JOHN HUBER'S Bat-alion. Jacob Dornback 3 5 o 40 o Samuel Ebey 3 5 4 ; Carrie! forward £982 10 132j: 12 G 352 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Col. JOHN RUBER'S Battalion. Exercise fines. Class fines. £. s. d. £. s. d. Brought forward, 9S2 10 John Ghear 3 5 David Kakley, 3 5 Jacob Dishlar 3 5 John Plank 3 5 John Jacob 3 5 Peter Plank, 3 5 George Eaby 3 5 Peter Shoemaker 3 5 Christian Wish 3 5 George Gaiger 3 5 Martin Spicklar 3 5 John Spickler 3 5 Ludwick Fry Frantz Brumback Hugh Warkman, Jacob Alter John Landis Henry Brindle Casper Walter, Conrad Feather Peter Tzeller Jacob Aberlien George Hae Henry Feather John Fredrick John Hershberger Leonard Miller Valentine Brickman, Adam Eyebright Abraham Grove John Gipe 3 5 Joseph Bucher, 3 5 Joseph Gingry " 5 Jacob Burkholder 3 5 Christian Graybil 3 5 Henry Hoak 3 5 John Stopher ?• 5 Henry Kinsey 3 5 Jacob Hershey 3 5 John Erbb 3 5 Andrew Eaby 3 5 John Long.:ecker 5 Carried forward £106'J 10 13283 12 6 40 40 40 43 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 7 10 10 15 15 15 15 8 12 15 35 25 10 25 30 12 25 15 40 40 0- 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 14573 2 6 LANCASTER COUNTY. 353 Col. JOHN RUBER'S Battalion. Martin Bealer, Mathias Cammerer, Christian Risht, Nicholas Morret Jacob Eaberly John Risht, John Hershey Henry Gybil Nicholas Straw John Summey, John Eaby, John Gybill, Jacob Bamberger, Abraham Long Ulrigh Eashtleman John Lawman, Christian Staufer, Stophel Gybill, Jacob Haller, Christian Zuck Jacob Gybill, Hartman Morret, Michael Witmer, Christian Fry, John Frederick Frantz Brumback, John Nafzicar, Frederick Hocker Jasper Trobinger Christopher Trobinger, Christopher Mathew Christian Schandlter, Jacob Matzenbaugh, Jacob Roland, Christian Martin Arnold Becker, Jacob Staufer, Frederick Berk, Bartram Galbraith £1154 15 E.Kercise £. , . 1060 'fines. s. d. 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Class f £. 14573 40 4(1 40 40 40 40 40 4(J 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 41) 20 30 7 17 20 20 30 25 21 15 40 44 40 40 40 44 ines. s. d. ?. 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 , . 3 3 3 . . 3 3 3 o 3 3 10 10 3 3 10 3 3 3 10 Amount 23--6--3d Ser. 1594S 2 6 1154 15 £17102 17 6 354 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. H iz; < W H D. W t— H CQ D C/5 t-H D a CO w W Q > CO O CO Uh M o oT CO C" H 2 ^. D a O u z u M < z 2i c (U 0) x: "^ > t/1 ^ '5 Q 5 -c ■;;; CC ■^ >, rt -^ •^ _tn rt is o "-; U P .::; ci ^ S *i o •-s ;-i 0) S a ■^ c o S J2 L^ O 0/ C _o CO o t- o t^ tH o _J- C^ a: G tc = ■< 2 -1 H £ & ?, Ch LANCASTER COUNTY. 355 iJ-^ H 03 o ^S^ o tn CO -2 -= M S ^5 X3< >> •-T o" rt S tj — ' c •- •i *^i ■^ -^ o a C j= .:; ^ c a- -s .r: .— .^ f^ I— I CO in .2 3 is ■rr t- ro T-l O ■-. = ° ^ H i: =« c ■"" "^ -— ~ — 35G ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. List of Fines received by Simon Snyder, Esquire, to 5th of August, 1778. £. s. d. George Michael Weiss, 40 John Balsey, 40 Ludwick Widmayer, 40 Martin Light 40 Martin Uhler, 40 U Michael Uhler, 40 Jacob Xandor 40 Jacob Laubsher, 40 Peter Gender, 40 Melchor Beang, 40 Peter Grebrel, 40 Michael Ley, 40 Tobias Slever, 40 John Horst, 40 Col. RUBER'S Battalion. Christian Palmer, 40 . Joseph Wenger, 40 Nicholas 'Rupp 40 John Harnish 40 Ludwick Barry 40 Michael Kegeris, 40 Peter Binchly, 40 John Snyder 40 Valentine Sweigert, 40 Jacob Mishler, 40 John Bucher 40 Joseph Mishler 40 Joseph Younger 40 George Weiman, 40 Frederick Dusing, 40 Col. JACOB CLATZ'S Battalion. Abraham Reyer, 43 5 Andrew Billmayer 43 5 John Greiter 43 5 Carried forward £1289 15 LANCASTER COUNTY. 357 Col. JACOB GDATZ'S Battalion. Brought forward, Michael Shreiner, Jacob Conrad Martin Weybright, Baltzer Shelling, Jacob Kreider Martin Krleder Isaac Bartge Manuel Herr, Laurence Klepser, Frederick Man Charles Haynitz, Paul Sanzinger, Colonel DAVID JENXINS'S Battalion. Frederick Heiss, James Old Jonathan Rowland, . John Kinser, Isaac Jenkins Alexander Martin, . . Joseph Effington, . . . Peter Becker Christopher Darner, Abraham Farney, . . Peter Farney, John Sensenigh, Elisha Hutson Adam Stuck, Gabriel Davis James Thompson, . . Stophel Frederick, . . John Solleberger, . . Henry Kinser Michael Kinser, Alexander Martin, .. Peter Stephen, Henry White, Nathaniel Elmecker, John Brubacker, . . . Lndwick Wolfart, .. Adam Diller Leonard Diller, James Martin Amount £. s. d. .289 15 43 5 40 40 23 5 43 5 43 5 25 43 5 43 5 40 43 5 43 5 42 10 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 10 43 12 42 10 45 7 6 45 15 43 5 43 10 44 15 42 10 43 5 45 15 45 2 6 24 5 24 10 45 15 45 10 39 15 15 45 15 28 5 2 2 6 45 15 45 15 43 12 6 £2891 12 6 358 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. O ,-1 J £ " be < rr'' ^ .5 G >> > en 2 ci f^ t; ft CD > o£ o x: rt CO O Z ^ QJ OJ m O t- o Q H q; H "S J= s fl. giS 55 ti « c = ^ c c oi = ■ S ~ E a; 1. .— > .5 o rt _= rt _r: 5 C^ "-; 5* be 5i" S K < t- T-^ g~ 1 2<^ C flj o z 03 c o u .— 03 03 a, *> s o « ^ « ^rt :s ca 5 » a; o 03 ^ t- 2^ LANCASTER COUNTY. 359 oi B Q o I— I «S, C 00 = S cc o — o o tH lis (M ^ . rt C 00 '^^ 0) l>- ^^ ^ ■*-' ?'•='' r^ 0/ ^ CO -^ O l-H C' o ^ c "3 o w ~o r*. 360 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. List of Fines received by Simon Snyder, Esquire, from Aug. 5tli, 1778, to 1st January, 1780. Colonel JACOB CLATZ'S Battalion. £. s. d. Jacob Frey, 42 Jacob Brubacker, 43 John Form wait 43 Christian Herr, 43 Christian Shenck, 43 Casper Shaffner, 3 Henry Leghler 20 Jacob Weidler, 43 William Webb 43 Peter Lewig, 20 John Mayer 10 Mayer Solomon 40 Charles Hamilton 43 Jacob Bare, 43 Martin Pfeifer, 43 John Huber, 43 Christian Frick, 43 Jacob Metzler, 43 Samuel Mayer, 43 Alexander Hamilton, 43 Henry Landis 43 Jacob Mayer, 43 David Mayer, 3 John Mayer 3 John Frick 43 Abraham Leib, 43 John Leib, 43 John Shreiner, 43 John Miller, 43 George Huber 43 Jonathan Philip Shreiner, 43 John Meily, 43 John Christy, 43 Christian Binckly, 43 Daniel Errisman, 43 Charles Klug, jua., 43 William Rippon, 43 Isaac Barr 43 Christian Good 28 Christian Mayer 23 Christian Streit, 23 Christian Grub 3 Carried forward £1517 15 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 LANCASTER COUNTY. 361 Colonel JACOB CLATZ'S Battalion. £. s. d. Brought forward, Michael Grub, Jacob Grub , David Etty Peter Reitenback Conrad Sigrist Christian Huber, Peter Grebril, Peter Boghman, Philip Lawer, Jacob Kauffman Henry Brubacker Abraham Mayer Christian Brubacker, . Michael Bachman, ,11 15 23 5 23 5 18 34 15 18 5 28 43 5 43 5 43 5 43 5 43 5 43 5 43 43 5 Col. DAVID JENKINS'S Battalion. George Poroder 25 Michael Henly 24 10 Joseph Carpenter, 1^ " ^ Michael Stephan 15 Jacob Ellmecker ^5 lo George Hinckle 28 o Jacob Carpenter, 44 1 John Bendor 44 10 Abraham Grebiel 44 10 Christian Musselman 45 lo Christian Musselman, jun., 45 15 Jacob Fry 24 10 Peter Frankheiffer 45 lo Henry Fry, 40 10 Martin Mayer, -^^ ^' David Morgan 4o la Leonard German 45 15 Adam German, ^^ ^i George Sweigart, 45 lo Peter Sensinigh, 45 lo William Parry, 45 lo John Showalter, 4o 15 James Gauld 4o lo Benjamin Horlacher 28 5 Joha Evans, 45 15 Leonard Muma, 24 10 Peter Bentz 45 lo Christian Wenger, 45 lo Michael Wenger 45 lo Carried forward £3120 15 362 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Colonel DAVID JENKINS'S Battalion. £. s. d. Brought forward J120 15 Henry Gorber, 44 10 Henry Carpenter 45 15 Michael Barr, 45 15 David Graff 45 15 Abraham Graff, 45 15 Samuel Grebiel, 45 15 Anthony Elmecker 45 15 Abraham Hundsperger, 45 15 Joseph Rupp 45 15 John Fesler, 45 15 Peter Diller 45 15 Michael Grossman 45 15 Joseph Horst, 45 15 Michael Martin, 45 15 Henry Peters, 45 15 Jacob Sleigler, 21 5 Valentine Ranck, 24 10 John Bitzer, sen 45 15 Michael Bitzer, 45 15 Andrew Harter, 45 15 Conrad Breneiser, 45 15 Conrad Fassnacht, 45 15 Martin Werntz 45 15 John Gehr 45 15 Martin Sheffer 45 15 Peter Sumy 45 15 Elias Mayer, 45 15 John Mayer 45 15 Christian Mayer, 45 10 Michael Altz, 45 10 Solomon Sigrist 45 15 Peter Mayer, 45 15 David Martin, 45 15 Ludwick Ranck, 45 15 Christian Ruth, 45 15 Henry Wenger 45 15 Michael Sherick, 45 15 Martin Marty, 45 15 Abraham Graff 45 15 Jacob Graff, jun., 45 15 George Hildebrand 45 15 John Yond 45 15 Henry Weber, 45 15 John Rupp 45 15 John Mayer. 45 15 Christian Herman, 45 15 Carried forward, £517S 5 LANCASTER COUNTY. 363 Colonel DAVID JENKINS'S Battalion. ; ■ £. s. d. Brought forward 5178 5 Michael Grebiel 45 15 Conrad Fasnacht, 45 15 Samuel Barr, 45 15 u Henry Weiber 45 15 Peter Stouffer 45 15 Michael Ranck, 45 15 ') John Ranck, 45 15 John Weber 45 15 John Weber 45 15 Samuel Weber 45 15 Jacob Weber 45 15 Jacob Weber, 45 15 Henry Martin, 45 15 Christian Weber 45 15 Christian Sneder, 45 15 Nathan Evans, 45 15 Jacob Sumy 45 15 John Yoder, sen 45 15 Adara Diller, 45 15 John Shelleberger 45 15 John Amen, ^? ^? ^ Morris Hudson, 45 15 Jacob Bersher 45 15 Joseph Yoder 45 15 Christian Kuriz, 45 15 John Yoder, 45 15 George Weber, 45 15 Henry Weber, .' 45 1 5 Jacob Yoder, jun 45 15 Samuel Stouffer 45 15 Joshua Evan?, 45 15 Henry Sell, 45 15 Thomas Morgan, 45 15 John Morgan 24 10 William Evans 45 15 4dam Weber 45 15 John Mumer, 45 15 George Web?r 45 15 Peter Carprnter, 45 15 John IV p.ver 45 15 Christian Carpon'.er, jun 45 15 Christian Ca' penter 45 15 John Wiimer, 45 15 Evan Evan.^ 45 15 Ilonry Rohror, 45 15 Robert Thompson 33 5 Carried forward £7249 364 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Colonel DAVID JENKINS'S Battalion. £. s. d. Brought forward, 7249 Jacob Huber, Henry Cai-pecter, Casper Shereh Christian Sneder, John Shereh, Henry Ruth Abraham Eichert, Daniel Eichert George. Mentzer Cbristiaii Swartz Henry Roth Christian Breedenstein George Martin, Henry Weber, Jacob Weidler Christian Sraucker Henry Hildebrand Michael Hildebrand, jun., Michael Shereh, John Rein Valentine Ranck, Stophel Weicks Michael Rein, jun , John Huber Alexander Wilson Frederick Gless Philip Sprecher, ^ Martin Huber * Christian Huber Henry Good, Henry Good George Ranck Adam Beam Jacob Breidenstein Peter Kern, Christian Messner, jun Jacob Good, Chi?topher Kern John Oberholtzer Nicholas Haller Peter Good Jacob Weber Abraham Martin, , John Stein Samuel Martin , Philip Weber, , Carried forward £9277 5 45 35 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 24 10 45 15 45 15 45 10 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 23 5 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 13 5 LANCASTER COUNTY. 36c Colonel DAVID JENKINS'S Battalion. £. s. d. Brought forward, 9277 5 Bastian Hower 15 5 Adam Behni, 45 15 John Stouffer, 45 15 U Jacob Road 45 15 Daniel Road 45 15 David Apler 45 15 Philip Houck 24 10 Philip Ranck, 18 5 Henry Broneller IS 5 Henry Wolf, 10 Jacob Messner, 11 5 Adam German 2'J 5 Christian Swartz^'alter 13 5 Nicholas Shup, 23 5 Adam Shup 18 5 George Snedder , 13 5 Michael Funck 13 5 Michael Held, IS 5 Peter Funk, 8 5 George Stephau, 11 5 Peter Weller 8 5 William Sneider, 13 5 Peter Miller 15 5 Martin Antzel 18 5 Daniel Slifer 23 5 Richard Davis 33 5 Valentine Petry 11 5 Samuel Stouffer 24 10 Philip Trup 45 15 Henry Good 45 15 Peter Sheffer IS 5 Henry Sleinbrinck 6 17 6 George Leonard, sen 24 10 Jacob Bear 45 15 Peter Miller, 45 15 Michael Trup 24 10 Frederick Haupt 23 5 Christian Eggerc 11 5 Jacob Morter IS 5 George Shickle, 23 5 Stophel lUig 18 5 Baltzer Bitzer IS 5 Philip Sneder, IS 5 Andrew Glasser 13 5 Jacob Keiner IS 5 Daniel Burell 11 5 John Burell 11 5 Carried forward £10334 12 6 366 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Colonel DAVID JExNKINS'S Battalion. £. s. d. Brought forward 10334 12 6 Henry Silkneeder jg 5 q Andrew Offenbach '"'' 15 5 q Michael Sneder 23 5 Leonard Irich n 5 q Jacob Irich 13 5 q Jacob Silkneeder g 5 q John Wenger, jg 5 q Philip Fassenacht 24 10 William Gable, 13 5 q Yost Stroh, Ig 5 Q John Long, jun ' 43 5 John Johnston 28 5 John Seids 45 15 John Carpenter, 45 15 Joel Carpenter, 45 15 David Rowland 45 15 John Grebiel 45 15 Ulrich Wiseler, 45 15 Philip Sheffer 45 15 Maricks Groff 45 15 John Reine, sen 45 15 Philip Horst, 45 15 Abraham Carpenter 45 15 John Smith 42 10 Nicholas Drautwine 45 15 Matthias Miisselman 45 15 Henry Kerren 45 15 Peter Lantz, 45 15 Jacob Hole 45 15 George Klopper, 45 15 Samuel Good 45 15 Christian Stoffer, 45 15 Andrew Luther, 45 15 Jacob Sentzenigh, jun 45 15 Peter Good 45 15 Jacob Sentzenigh 45 15 Conrad Holsinger, 45 15 John Ressler 45 15 Adam Oberling 45 15 Jacob Good 45 15 Christian Good. 45 15 Martin Groff 45 15 Samuel Bowman, 45 15 George Dederich 21 5 George Hoffman 45 15 Jacob Krim Ig 5 Henry Finffrock 18 5 George Staver 23 5 Amount £12111 12 6 LANCASTER COUNTY. 367 o ro J IT 1 oT O ; XJ o Qj (^ > n c > rt a : C" o '^ a W H 5" 73 >. 0) - 2* s t^ 4) •S /-\ — ^ ^ '^ OJ 5c 0) <^ CL 'rt tc ■55 o 03 -^ S ^ £ S ST s o en S 5 EI 19 G^ :/: c if ^ (^ ^ ^ t^ ^ e = , ^. *" ^ iZ M '^ ^ ^ v; rt ■^ '^ ^O oj ^^ o ' ? ;> c^ > j^ ~: ^ c t^ CC •r s "^ ? > rt - o 010 cq _' cc Q^ -' 7: i-, '- ^ •1-1 ^ M -=^ m !- < QJ ^ M 0" 3 c 0) '-' -— ED 0) 1^ s oi ■— rt S U3 K — r/5 _C c .= .^i^ c •- = =«£ ■9 i_ s- ^ ■5 rt « 368 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. a o tH tH rH tH 1-1 t-H 00 t- J=j=j=x:*^x3j=x3.c KZ^Z 0) i. p "" *J — '^ "~ " I. t. "^ 2 , -a t- •_ r 2.S 5 5 s = ? o o ■^ c ' o5^; ,2 e P < 00 li^j:; '^ ""' ° ^ u ' 2° a o m ^ ^ c ,^ -^ „ ' ^a5^ - be bJO~ OJ c c ci W K 5 2 i X Is , ^ ? O 3^ U2 ° SJ LANCASTER COUNTY. 369 "*• -^ o tc C5 rt O INI 1 t:~ M CO CO &S o coCL a. rt-g S -5 M "^ =2 ~ "= :5 cr. 5 S tjc'2?^= !-~:5 o a, ^ Oh .— -^ I !^ 5d ^ 5 S £ rn "^ 't ■^ c3 S Ch O t: ' 24-6--3d Ser. =^ O — — =:~5 = -rc;c; ■o '-' DC -M ^ VT C: -^ -^ IS t~- LS t-j rg •-J :-J 2 1^'? _ i I ^ s ?, I , ~ 5. < "3: ~ _ :5 .. r. _ ^ K ^ " : 370 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. 00 OO M I- =5 rt T V3 T-H S -TOO :=: to — S _!-. >. — M z -^ :;i. — ^ X c ■^ -J •X - ^ " ^c o r* C X . t— . X = = w "^ 73" ij 5 ^ *< - 72 — J= X = 00 3 LANCASTER COUNTY. 371 List of Fines receivpd l)y Robert Thompson. Esquire, from Oct.. 1777, to Sept., 177S. Robert Gilgriesr 2.5 William Tares 25 U John Marchant 23 U .John White 25 o Hugh M'Conkey 25 Robert Markland 25 ii U John Moodey 25 u John Maxfield 25 Christopher William .- 25 Henry Cunkle 25 William Clark 25 (t Gregory Farmer 10 (i o Peter Side 25 o John Cunkle 25 Robert Snodgrass, 6 James Leech, 25 David Hare 25 Andrew Moore 25 Jeremiah Moore 25 U George IMooney 25 John Moore 25 t) George Cooper 25 o Jacob Nysly 25 John Brooks 25 Abraham Midcaff 25 Joseph Haslet 25 George Warden 25 Robert Ferguson 25 John Webster 25 Isaac Sedwell, 25 Isaiah Brown 25 Samuel Cappock 25 Jeremiah Brown 25 John Thomas 25 Peter Good 25 James M'Farland 20 Robert Ramsey 25 Samuel Mitchell 32 5 Simon Gost 32 5 Gilbert Anderson 22 10 John Stuart 25 Hugh Willson 20 John Swisher 16 5 Thomas Stubbs 23 10 10 Thomas Cappock 14 James Culley 25 Carried forward £1096 15 10 372 ^ ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. • £. s. d. Brought forward, 1096 15 10 Samuel Reynolds, 25 Henry Everly 25 U Henry Shap 25 Jonathan Cummins, 25 Robert Wallace 36 10 George M'Laughlin 25 Thomas Cappock 11 o Robert Steen, 2C 2 G John Clark 20 John M'Creary 25 James Wharry, 20 James Long 32 10 Robert Long : 32 10 Glo.nd Long 16 5 James M'Pherson 25 James Moore 32 10 James Duncan 32 10 John Darraugh 33 14 John Brannon H 5 (i William Brown Kj 5 Robert Moore 25 Robert Steen 6 7 6 John Caldwell 32 10 Thomas Caldwell 16 5 Benjamin Irwin, 40 Richard F"erree 20 John Campbell 2i» Isaac Irwin 2ii Humphrey Atchison 20 Michael Lingerfield 12 Peter Pickle 12 Henry Baughman 12 u Samuel M. Williams 25 John M'Kee, 25 Michael Shank 40 John Shank 40 George Baughman 25 Michael Genderon 14 5 William Hanhy 25 John Gribben 25 Henry Work 25 Joseph Miles 32 10 Samuel M'Cready 32 10 Peter Miller 4u Christley Horst 25 Valentine Gardner 25 Archibald Ankrem 25 Samuel Moore 32 10 James and Samuel Reed 32 10 Carried forward £2318 4 Id LANCASTER COUNTY. 373 £. s. d. Brought forward, 2318 4 10 Alexander Snodgrass 25 James Johnson, 16 5 John Jackson 32 10 Henrv Eakman 25 Thomas Leekey 32 10 John Long 25 Robert Campbell 25 Ezekiel Irwin 25 Stephen Heard 16 5 Samuel M'Dowell 25 Jacob Hover 40 Henrv Kendrick 40 Jacob Graft, 40 Henrv Sides 40 John Richey 32 10 John Stuart 7 10 John Bear 40 Thomas Downing 40 Samuel Downing 43 5 William Richey, 11 19 6 Joseph Gess, 40 John Cooper 40 James Cooper 40 o o Christian Coffman 43 5 Daniel Lintnor 43 5 Nathan Jenkins 25 Thomas Hill 40 Thomas Brobson 43 5 Thomas Plumer 43 5 Joseph Harlin 43 5 Martin Kreider 43 5 Isaac Webster 19 8 Thomas Stubbs 1 9 2 Roberc Hall 5 James Dick -10 William Leech 40 o James Greear 32 10 Joseph M'Creary 25 o Alexander Duncan 16 5 Samuel M'Kinsey 15 David Killough 20 John and Samuel Boyd 25 Abraham Whiteside 20 William Whiteside, 20 John Hill 32 10 Thomas Anderson, 2n n o James Hanna 25 Isaac Reynolds -io Andrew Johnston 16 5 John Warnock 20 o Carried forward £377S 16 6 374 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. £. s. d. Brought forward, 3778 16 6 Robert Alexander 20 John Graft 25 Henry Huber 25 William Anderson 25 Isaac Irwin, 12 10 Gainer Peirce, 16 5 q Robert Stuart 25 Martin Bear 32 10 James Turner 1 y 5 Martin Miller [[ 16 5 George Orrman, 16 5 Henry Warfield, 25 Andrew Franks, 32 10 William Cunkle 32 10 George Cunkle 32 10 Alexander M'Dowel 32 Jacob Reynolds 43 5 Samuel Reynolds, 35 15 Henry Reynolds 35 15 James King, 43 5 q Joseph Hanes 25 William Brown 20 John Griffith 28 5 Joseph Robinson 16 5 Samuel Willson, 20 Jacob Beyers, 20 John Caldwell 25 n William King 16 5 Jehu Howell 32 lu James Knox 32 ] David Crawford 25 Josepli Ball 20 William Penny, 32 10 Joseph 'Penny, 25 John Wharry, 32 10 Richard Pollock 20 Henry Kegey 25 Alexander Huston 25 Hugh M'Cready 8 Abraham Newswinger, 16 5 Daniel M'Connell, 21 5 Vincan Stubbs 32 10 Charles Harron, 9 George Reed 20 William Boon 25 Robert Vogan, 16 5 Philip Rockey 10 17 6 John Coventry 25 Major Wilson 7 I Carried forward £495:J 4 LANCASTER COUKTT. 375 £. s. d. Brought forward 4953 4 James M'Connell 20 (i o John Shavor 32 10 James Hanna, 20 o James Rea Ifi 5 o Henry Bear, l(j 5 n John Thompson 20 o (i Robert Hanna 20 o (i William Kerr 25 o Henry Hoock 16 5 Joshua Chamberling 40 o o Caleb Hartman 25 John Heard. 25 £5229 9 Add 24 Amount, £5253 9 376 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. I CO 2 H D s 3 CO D c- s _i O^ '7. c/: — W ■§ "^ ^ _ "-- >■ z: Q f"-^c 1^ 3 5 5 5 1 < ^ o ^/^ ^ O u ■^•^ ci —" ri 53 ^/^ '^ o^ S X c:^ •— "^ o 1= ^ a ^ N"H >. 5 In ^ f = _c t— ^ .« 5 £ ^ ."ti t£ S -' t- f o ^o o t— ^.5 s re o 5" S •-• c. ■ '^ - t^ 00 c- CO c^'lM C, ~ o o . , z: 5 «j 5 f tS ■ i.' 'Z — ~ o ri r; o 5 ti' X LANCASTER COUNTY. 377 •J=C- I ■■£ t^ L.-:- s c O ;; — _1 ^ f^' 3 C^ — 30 C: c; o o S c~"i ■? o c S r t. 2; C -. c/: _ 0- ~ o ^ ^ :i 5^ j^ t 5 .S ^, ;:• 378 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. List of Fines received by Christopher Crawford, Esquire, between April. 1777, and Feb., 177S. £. s. d. Jacob Hochstater, 40 John Brubacker, 40 Andrew Levy 38 15 John Roberts 35 C John Knisley 40 John Long, sen 40 John Shenck, 4u Henry Christie 40 John Bosler 4) Henry Hare, 40 Valentine Bosler, 4(t Caleb Cope 40 John Musser, 15 Matthias Groff 40 Jacob Metzgar 40 David Bechtley, 40 Christian Shenck, 40 Baltzer Stertzer, 40 Daniel Whitelock, 4o Henry Muser, 4'i o He.Try Deringer 40 Martin Sholleberger ■ 40 John Long, jun., 40 o John Dutt 42 John Balmer, 42 George Miller, 42 George Cafferoth, 42 Jacob Tretter 42 John Miller, 40 John Huber 40 John Motz, 42 John Shrontz, 42 Jacob Miller, 42 Christian Weyland 42 Jacob Conrad 42 David Meinzer 42 Jacob Maurer, 42 John Hirshberger 42 John ETrb, 42 u Jacob Kimmel 42 Philip Michael, 42 Adam Blitz 42 Christian Baumberger 42 Henry Mark, 42 Carried forward, £1S06 15 LANCASTER COUNTY. 379 Brought forward 180G Geoige Barr 42 Joh.i Kuntz 41 Peter Snyder 42 Isaac Hershberger 42 George Wohlford 42 John Funk 42 John Gagley 42 Joseph Gagley 42 Christian Kinlley 42 Henry Nitzley 42 John Drum, 42 Jacob Erb 42 Adam Greiner 42 Frederick Shitz 42 Marks Binckley 42 Jacob Keibert, 42 Frederick Kehler, 42 Casper Grub 42 William Baker, 42 Ludwick Fry 42 Henry Fetter 42 John Snerley 42 John Baumberger 42 Christian Baumberger 42 Henry Hershberger 42 Adam Ernst 42 Nartz Ernst 42 Alexander Zartman 42 Jonathan Kelp 42 Adam Kelp 42 2 6 (i (» (I (t (1 (1 (1 (1 (.) (1 II V (1 () (» n (I (1 1) n Amount £oOG5 i: 380 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Q H < w H D W CQ D C/5 a en W H < en c" c u :h -f ^ OS 3 ^ LANCASTER COUNTY. 3S1 List of Fines received by Christian Wir;z. November. 1777, to May, 1778. £. s. cl. Joseph Bamberger 42 Christian Brand 42 Adam Hoffman 42 Christopher Kapp 42 Christian Gingerich. 42 John Smith 42 Michael Gingerich 42 Jacob Ebersole 42 Michael Neaff 42 Peter Miller 42 George Holtz , 42 Valentine Ulrich 42 Ulrich Keifer 42 Andrew Launch 42 John Baumberger, ' 42 Michael Shneerer 42 Samuel Huber 42 John Furman 42 Andrew Wisler 42 Joseph Whitmore 42 John Hantz 42 John Speanhauer 42 Jacob Gorges 42 Matthias Mashall 42 Amount £UtOS o o (» ei (1 (» (_» (1 u (' (» u (1 (1 f> II {) 3S2 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. w I— H Q o H Q H < H D W t— I I D a W Q O < u O O 35 I C5 05 O — ^ C CO — . o ^ _- ^ :i p c _5 C - ^ < aJ _ a: s Q c< en 0; to o - o 1 « fact- ai O) t- c > i. ci >. cc — 5 fafi > — t- a^ EC. eg ci m ?J o ° ^ ^ — E 2 .= 2 ^ = "5 ~ . oj S . ;:: ^ ■. " 1— , ^ 0/ *-i i « O „ K t- c -S S ' ? o = i G 12; c: :t ct — LANCASTER COUNTY. - ,- q; -f^- - £ z = o >. ^ — « M ^ o tn c ■> 5 ut ^ :!| o .Ei rt « bJD . be = ~ C K c c-~ - i. ._ ^ — i; . - o ::^' ^ ° i ^ S^ W2 W O U3 0, "IJ -^ ^ _ _ b£ Ij i irs X ~ M ^ t: ■*^ T. c c i O .J I^q X ^ oT -tJ y; CJ tt t: ^1 c .— c a. — ^ ^ ^^ — .M S — X c 7 o S h— >^ K . " oc — rn ^ _,o ^ *^ ^ 'X — v: _ "P 38-1 ACCOUNTS OF LLEUTEN ANTS. o < o Tfl - t- L.-7 M = rt s oi _ . i^ "^ Ifi SJ t— — ;» o 1 1 • a-' S ■ 2 £ ' ■. i to c^- It - 3C — t- ~ rt t- r^ 3 >. . ce I -:'s E 5 t- t- a: ^ 1—1 1-1 en 0. "Z >i 5 L-t q o S L." -^ S — r^ s ^ Csl a: v} C ^ ,^ u ci z r/l 'cfi o t^ C O o 0/ c C _-" ^ :3i iJ t; c rt •s rt cS "* — 0. ^ .s M r/j i rt o < T-l bC tn C o * ^- — a; ^ •*-^ i ^ ~ — -; r- it P <* z i ? 9 2 S 5 i ^ LANX-ASTEH COUNTY. 3Sc List of Fines received from James Crawford. Esquire, beiween August. 1777, and August, 177S. £. s. d. Joiin Miller, 4ij 9 ,j S-imuel Eby, 40 o Daniel Beasor, 4n Philip Kessel 40 (, (, Abraham Myers 411 (i Jacob Shonce, 40 Jacob Swobb, 40 9 Thomas Irwin 40 d (, Jacob Kessel, 411 (1 Michael Wedler 4u u Abraham Myers, '..'' 4(1 q Adam Miller, 411 n (, John Penter 411 y (j John Shonce, 411 y Christian Sharp 411 q Joseph BrantOD 4,, (, (, Joel Ferree 41) ij y Jacob Garver 40 (^1 o George Richman, 4,1 (1 Jacob Sherrer, 411 (« fi Peter Eaby, jun., 41. d Thomas Evans 411 (, ^ Henry Landis 4u 1, d Christian Hartman 40 u u Abraham Carpenter 40 Matthias Slaymaker, 40 u Jacob Eashleman, 4n (1 Frederick White, 40 1, (, Baltzer Barkman, 4u (i Peter Taylor 40 George Smith, 40 John Ferree, 40 y Martin Bear, 40 John Hair 4,1 Abraham Sensinick 4m d o Abraham Gebbons, 41 u Adam Leghtner, 40 u U John Leghtner 411 Leonard Ellmaker, 40 n Andrew Barr 40 u 11 Jacob Maxwell, 40 Martin Maxwell. 4(i (1 John Deffenbagh, 40 c Jacob Musser, 40 ri John Herman, di\ ri William Richesen 4m Carried forward £lS4i> 25--6-3d Ser. 386 ACCOUXTS OF LIEUTENANTS. £. s. d. Brought forward, 1840 Jacob Pee 40 William Patton, 40 John Hopkins, 40 Jamep Gak, 40 John Armor, 40 Thomas Patten 40 John Walles 40 William Willson, 40 James M'Cammond, 40 James Clemson, 40 Hugh Hamelton 40 James Clemson, 40 John Maxwell, 40 Samuel Siemens, 40 Yeales Stump 40 Peter Bbby, 40 James Anderson 40 Isaac Lefever 40 Nicholas Mack 40 George Seldomwood 40 George Barnd, 40 Leonard Paenter, 40 Robert Maxwell 40 Jacob Fretz 40 Samuel Meller 40 Henry Bushman, 40 John Kenderick 40 John Stoukbarger 40 Jacob Kurtz 40 Joshua Hains, 40 Jacob Keizar 40 John Cope, 4:j John Carpenter, 40 Jacob Shurtz, 40 George Rutter 40 John Rush, 40 John Shourtz 40 James Stewart, 40 Robert Smith, 40 Christian Curtz 40 John Souder 40 John Plank, 40 James Douglass, 40 James Cullen 40 William Gak 40 Jacob Hains, 40 Christian Rora 40 Christian Hare, 40 John Hariiis, 40 () Carried forward £3800 LANCASTER COUNTY. 387 £. s. d. Brought forward 3800 John Ebby 40 d Abraham Ebby 4U William Branton 4U Jacob Ebby, 40 Jacob Sencenick, 4U Peter Ebby 40 Francis Buckwalter 40 John Ebby, 40 Isaac Rife 40 o u Henry Denlenger 40 Jacob Denlenger 40 Abraham Denlenger 40 Abraham Longneaker, 40 o Christian Myers 40 Abraham Toner, 40 Henrv Buckwalter 40 John Hare 40 Peter Miller, 40 Abraham Longneaker, jun 40 Abraham Buckwalter, 40 John Bowman 40 Benjamin Hare, 40 Abraham Hare, 40 Peter Horst, 40 David Hare 40 Francis Smith, 40 Andrew Sites 40 Joseph Bowman 40 u Christian Hare, 40 Jacob Stoner 40 Michael Shollebarger 4U John Curtz 40 Jacob Stoufer 40 Andrew Heller, 40 Abraham Stontz 40 Jonatha n Owens 40 Peter Garver, 40 Peter Musser 40 Michael Vankenel, 40 Peter Lefever 4(i David Ferree 40 Henry Eby 40 Andrew Ferree, 40 o John Stoffer 40 Martin Esselman, 40 John Snevely 40 Daniel Ferree 4(i John Hare, 40 Isaac Ferree ^' " Carried forward £57G0 388 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. £. s. d. Brought forward, 5760 Joha Lefever, 40 Isaac Ferree 40 Valentine Vondersmith, 40 Henry Bowman, 40 Henry Bowman 40 Martin Graff, 40 Martin Hare 40 Henry Stoner 40 Martin Kenderick 40 John Rush 40 Christian Shope 40 Henry Hare 40 John Howre 40 Jacob Kenderick, 40 John Vondersmith, 40 Abraham Hare, 40 Chrisilpy :Martin 40 Adam Rumberger, 20 Jacob Snevely 40 David Rorer, 40 John Clemson 40 Ealtzar Beasor 40 William Linwill, 40 George Wike, 40 Jonathan Hoar 40 Frederick Becker 40 William Chamherlin 40 Joseph Dickinson 40 John HoUey, 40 James Allison, 40 John Anderson, 40 Isaac Taylor 40 John Heastings, 40 Isaac Ferree 40 Benjamin Landis 40 Abraham Landis, 40 Jacob Creider, 40 Thomas Johnston 40 Matthew Henderson. 40 James Douglass, 40 One hundred and ten executions at 65s., 357 10 Amount, £7697 10 LANCASTER COUNTY. 389 ^ ^ rr^ x: o* K d rt n rK ^J j=i C > CC > 00 o Ci tf -J rt = p < T.'^i'f- > — .~ CJ 3 .^ c ^ - c ^ ^' '-- -— ^ '^ . ^ -*- -- '-'- ^ -^ rt i - = ^ .- = ?i . --—IK) 00 c; c i = 5 <="= C w _ Si Ci 390 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. List of Fines received by James Crawford. Esquire, between 22d Aug., 1778, and 26th Feb., 1780, for Exercise and Class Fines. £. s. d. Henry Hartman, Jacob Landis, Felix and John Benkly, Jacob Yorty, Martin Miley, John Jliley. John Forree, David Painter, Archibald Henderson Henry Rutter John Moore, John Creamer, Jacob Freligh, Edmund Lindner Robert Charleton Frederick Romayh Samuel Slemons, Christopher Martin Christopher Shoultz John Bare, Isaac Rorrer Michael Garver, Henry Swobe, Robert Caldwell, William Cowan John Walker, Daniel Peck Samuel Miller, Benjamin Bowman , Abraham Buckwalter Joseph Buckwalter, Martin Musser Thomas Patten, , Michael Garver, Andrew Caldwell, Amount, £129: 43 5 43 5 90 10 24 5 43 5 43 5 (1 43 .5 II 40 (1 43 5 fl 43 5 20 20 20 25 n 25 15 20 43 5 43 5 43 5 43 5 43 5 30 40 22 5 40 22 10 22 10 43 5 43 5 43 5 43 5 40 43 5 40 LANCASTER COUNTY. 391 0^ Q H Z < D I— H I D en < w 05 C:^ — 1— ( ^ D s Ov> p. in J N" W ^ 05 © 1 CS >— H C^ t^ Ln o ^5 rH -* ^ 3 Q 2 S ^ 2 t4j ^ 1 D : : m O H p^* Q H ;2: < _- 3; !-Kl w rt H oT D Oj" c w ~ i 1— H c- S' J c CQ OJ _~ c c D ; c LTi : 12 ^ ^ **-< J- -^ CD O TT P^ o c o •nontenant, der, and Ti been recei Anil RODGERS, p^ o vT — rvl '^ ;^ -*-* — 1-1 > ^ ■z c K « rt - o C o 1^ ^isl c ~ ^ • .- c <" "o 1 rt ;: - ^^fc's O ^ ." o o 5 '^Sd 3 0.2 = o 73 O C ved by Milit o ■| u ai c = f Tti Lt I S?- 5 ^ > 386 ACCOUNTS OP UEUTENANK M , i; 02 ffl § p in :_ o ^ "'^ • • • .fc : • • • o . TO o — z; •^ "^ c o oj C( r^ •;:; .5 r-. LANCASTER COUNTY ID w t— I Q a; D O H Q H < w H D W D CO D CO :n H < O < < — o .2S h^ ^ a O ._ > -1-1 — O Q> - 3 o .-''"'- -^ cQ -a - a rt S o) a ill] o o — ■ a s — s- S 5^ r^ t^ * O) 5 O rt o -^^ ^ — 13 r- ^ ^ t-. cu ^ £ '" QJ -^ i ^ 'i [:: I « !2i C 397 00 O ! M — a; •M — ! ~" ■= •|-j C-l X v; ^ c br •/ c/: 00 :: t^ be 5- '" c^ 0. .t:; X X bi y v. a. _ ^ > ^ ^■" < ij — a; >1 c X ■ ^ j^ ■H ~ ■X. ^ *- X « •— * r J & _ .« c o 3 ^ " — — O L-; ir. a .H — ' — 1-' ■~ -^ ~ •— ■_ t- [^ 398 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. H = C; = -: = "O O C5 ■ r W E O -„ - - O i- "" C C >> ^ <" o ^ ■" o "S = ^ ■" a: ,^ O > _, "^ .^ c -r; ^ c ^ == ~ •-I r ^ :: — ^ o .~ z ^ 'J'- '^- ^ 9 Z ~ "^ ■^ OOOCTSOOOOOOL-J CI ^1 rH Lf; rH 1-1 rc O jz ^ x: ^ x: ■ xi Si .5 OD 'Jo to O •- C S rt - ^5 ^•^ ^ 5:2'^ >..? ■ Oj 3 S _ 'i' __; .a . C ^ c ' 0^ ^ ^ -i o LANCASTER COUNTY. 39U C:' O t^ O O O ' c *~ ~ T^ -fcJ — = c c ri y. c ;- i: - « ; c._ ttJ __ — w s^ V-. ._- — 5 i- rt ti-t "S s ^ rp J'l *~ ^-^ ^ c5 >< < ~ '•• P ^ 00 C „ \— — C' — •— c^ — c~ ~ -^j — .^ ."Z. •— ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ 'ci -^ d. '^ 400 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. List of Fines received by Adam Oarth, Esquire, Sub-Lieu- tenant, for Non-performance of Militia Duty and Exercise, between Aug., 1777. and Aug., 1778. f. s. d. Jacob Oyer, 35 Christian Eshleman 24 8 Christian Kaufman 47 10 Henry Weiss, 47 10 Yost Knegy, 47 10 Daniel Beshore 13 John Steer, 60 2 6 Killlian Long 47 10 Christian Wolf 47 10 Joseph Kratzer, 47 10 John Winger, 47 10 Peter Yordey, 60 2 6 Christian Neff 35 Christian Hunsricker, 34 10 Philip Weller, 35 10 Henry Neff, 40 Henry Royer 32 Samuel Hunsricker 39 5 Jacob Peffly 41 6 Jacob Newcomer, 47 10 David Peffley, 60 2 6 Peter and Abraham Meyer 101 5 John Holderman 47 10 Joseph Bixler 47 10 George Cryder, sen., 60 2 6 Jacob Steer, 60 2 6 Jacob Cryder, 60 2 6 Matthias Smutz and Son 62 12 6 Jacob Wilhelm, 60 2 6 Michael Cryder 35 George Cryder, junior 60 2 6 Ulrich Burkholder, junior 37 8 6 ■Christian Gingrich, 47 10 John Elleberger 47 10 John Meyer 43 16 Daniel Heisy, 30 12 6 Herman Long, 55 5 Henry Cryder 43 16 10 Christian Bachman 40 Abraham Bowman, 60 2 6 Christian Burkholder. 60 2 6 Jacob Behm 60 2 6 Peter Reist, junior, 47 10 Carried forward, £2058 12 10 LANCASTER COUNTY. 401 £. s. d. Brought forward 2058 12 in Christian Weiss 47 10 George Kline 47 10 (i George Stoler 47 lu John Shenli 47 10 Joseph Kratzer 47 10 Frederick Buchmeyer 47 lo (i Jones (Rudy 47 in Jacob Fawber 47 10 Jacob Overholtzer 47 lo Christian Brechbiel, 42 lu u John Beshore, 47 10 Philip Fawber 47 10 John Spittler 47 10 u Adam Brand, 47 10 John Meyer, 60 2 6 Abraham Weidman, Constaiole 4G 2 C John Thome, Esquire. Fines, 21 15 Amount, £2846 12 10 The Accounts of Adam Oarth, Esquire, from the foregoing to the present date are unsettled. The Accounts of Joshua Elder, and Curtis Grubb, Esquires. Stib-Lieutenants. have not been rendered or settled. Comptroller-General's Office. Dec. 30, 17S2. JOHX NICHOLSON. List of the Sul)-Lieutenant5 who acted under Bartram Gal- braith. Esquire, late Lieutenant of Lancaster County, be- tween March. 1777, and March, 1780: SIMON SNYDER. ] ROBERT THOMPSON. CHRISTOPHER CRAWFORD. CHRISTIAN WERTZ. | JAMES CRAWFORD. JOHN- MARSHALL. \ Esquires. JOHX RODGERS. ada:\i oarth. I JOSHUA ELDER. CURTIS GRUBB. J 26-6--3d Ser. ERRATA. In the Isc page, at the second line, for "March. 1780." read Febrtiary 15th. 17S0. First page, at the end of the third line, dele "respectively." Twenty-fifth page, las:: line, for "£6S3 5, read £9683 5. Thirty-fourth page. 7th line, for "January 1st. 1778," read January 1st, 17S0. STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS Lieutenant and Sub-Lieutenants LANCASTER COUNTY. 1780-1781. STAT]: OF THE ACCOUNTS OF SAM- uel J. Atlee. Esq., Lieutenant, Lancaster County, from the time of his appointment to the date of his resig^nation. o Samuel J. Ailee, Esq. Dr. to Sundries. To John Hopkins. Esq. Sub-Lieutenant. Received of him on account. 1780 9G3 15 Ditto, per II. Cunningham, collect., do 2625 Ditto, paid Capt. John Sleter, in part pav of his company 23149 7 6 • 26,738 2 6 To John Huber. Esq. Sub-Lieutenant. Received of him. being paid to Capt. Sleter for paying his company, February 16th, 1781 6,9G2 5 To James Barber. Esq, Sub-Lieutenant. Received of him on account of fines, of which £63 10 state monev at 60 for one, Dec. 11th, 17S0 4401 16 3 Ditto, ditto, April 3d. 1781 337 10 Do. do. pr. Capt. Metzgar, Nov. 19, 1780, 850 Do. paid Thomas M'CIellan and John Smith, priv. of Capt. Baltzer Orth's company. Nov. 28th, 1780 1432 10 7.021 16 3 To Robert Good. Esq. Sub-Lieutenant. Received of him, beirg paid to Capt. Sleter, in part pay of his company. April 5th, 1781 10,552 7 6 To William Steel. Esq. Sub-Lieutenant. Received of him, per Jacob Bailey. October 19th, 1780 1500 Ditto, per William A. Atlee. Esq. De- cember 13th. 1780, 1941 5 Ditto, £10 state, equal to 600 — 4,041 5 To Abraham Dehuff. Esq. Sub-Lieutenant. Received of him on account of fines, July 21st, 1780 1300 Ditto, being paid to Capt. John Hublev. in part pay of his company, Sept. 17th 1500 Ditto, do. do. do. Jan. 23d. 1781 10000 7 6 Ditto, do. do. do. 27th, do 5120 5 Do. Capt. John Slater, do, Dec. 6, 1780 1350 Do. per Andrew Bowman. Jan. IG. 1781, 1443 7 6 Carried over 20714 55,315 16 406 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Samuel J. Atlee, Esq. to Sundries, coatinued £55,315 16 3 To Abraham Dehuff, Esq. brot. forward £20714 Received of him, Aug. 6l;h and 25th, 178U, and April 4th. 1781, 10182 15 Do. being paid to Dr. Newman, in part pay as surgeon, January, 1781, 375 31,271 15 To Robert Clarke, Esq. Sub-Lieutenant. Received of him. being paid to Cap. Wm. Allen for his companv, Oct. 11th, 1780, 375 Ditto, do. do. Nov. 25th, do 375 Ditto, do. do. Feb. 25th, 1781 12817 10 Ditto, do. do. ditto. 562 10 Ditto, do. do. in £6 state at 75, March 13th 450 Ditto, to William Atlee, Esq. on ac- count of Col. Atlee. Dec. 11th, 1780. 1153 5 Do. to himself, a balance, Apr. 2(1. 1781 2274 4 6 18.007 9 6 To Maxwell Chambers. Esq. Sub-Lieutenant. Received of him, being paid to Wil- liam Allen for his comoanv, Oct. 23d, 1780 995 Ditto, do. do. February 9:h, 1781 1125 Ditto, do. do. do. 13th, do 11G2 Ditto, do. do March 8th. do 4660 4 Ditto, do. do. do. 28th, do 1056 5 Paid himself on account, Dec. 20th, 1780, 112 10 9,110 19 To James Cunningham, Esq. Sub-Lieutenant. Received of him £80 state mon. in Feb., 1781, • equal £4.800 at 60 for one; £26 5 state money, equal to £1968 15 continental at 75 for one; also £1237 10 continental money, 8006 5 Balance due by the state 6550 8 £128,262 12 9 Sundries Dr. to Samuel J. Atlee, Esq. Philip Marsteller, Esq. Paymaster. Paid Capt. John Slater in part pay of his company, per John Hopkins, Sul)-Lieutenant. May 17th. 17S1 23149 7 6 Ditto, do. do. per John Huber. Sub- Lieutenant. Feb. 16th, 1781 6962 5 Carried over, £30111 12 6 LANCASTER COUNTY. 40'; Sundries Dr. to Samuel J. Atlee, Esq. continued. Philip Marsteller, Esq. bro. forward.. £30111 12 6 Paid to Thomas M'Clellan and John Smith of Capt. Orth's company, per James Barber, Sub-Lieut. Nov. 28th, • 1781, 1432 10 Ditto, to Capt. John Sleter in part for his company, per Robert Good, Sub-Lt. April oth. do 10552 7 G Ditto to ditto do. per Abraham De- huff, Dec. 6th. 1780, 1350 Do. to Capi. William Allen, in part, do. per Robert Clarke. Sub-Lt. Oct. 21, 1780 375 Do. do. do. do. Nov. 25th, do 375 Do. do. do. do. Feb. 17th. 1781 12817 10 Do. do. do. do. ditto. 562 10 Do. do. do. in £6 state, do. Mar. 13th, 450 Do. do. do. per Maxwell Chambers, October 23d, 1780 995 - Buckwalter, John Burkholder, . Christian Hartman, Andrew Hellar Martin Grove, . David Rore Christian Rore Henry Terlck S16 730 10 196 10 739 10 673 673 751 10 Capt. HASTINGS'S Company. William Chamberlain 712 Cart. M"HITE'S Company. Balser Barkman S42 5 Abraham Carpenter 6S3 2 6 Samuel Lefever, iun 675 Peter Taylor 716 S Capt. SKILE'S Company. Daniel Basor 673 John Eby 510 James Abraham I'O 't Kenry Hartman 373 Carried over, 6123 7 C Carried over 114SS 13 LANCASTER COUNTY. 411 Brought over 11488 13 Alexander Miller ISO Abraham Sensnick 675 Capt. SMITH'S Company. Henry Eckman 677 15 Ol John Hare, jun 908 5 Philip Keshler 477 George Richmond SOO Caut. HENRY'S Company. Jacob Dinlinger S31 15 Jacob Hoar 150 Henry Kendrick 793 17 6 Abraham Lemon 704 5 John Millar 556 10 •William Melony 675 John Parker 150 James Smyth 851 5 John Sneavely 937 10 Capt. HUEY'S Company. Henry Bear, 712 2 6 Samuel Eby 300 John Hillar 675 Jacob Johns 7S9 15 Adam Rumborger 150 Henry Shively, "33 2 6 Capt. BRIBE AX'S Company. Jacob Keifer, Jun 300 Joseph Wuike 675 £24.661 1.: Brought forward 4i0 Thomas Gonson 30 Charles Caldwell 50 Robert Caldwell 15 James Boyd 5i) Edward Rochfort 50 James Henderson 15 3 Jonathan Hore 50 Fall. William Leveston PO John Leveston 90 James Leveston, -0 ' William Linvil 90 y John Anderson 90 't John Clemson 90 <' William Chamberlain 16 17 6 Joseph Dickeson 16 1" 6 John Milline 90 Chrisly Houmly, 90 Joseph Whithill —10 ■■' Thomas Henderson 33 15 u No. II. Capt. HASTINGS'S Company. Spring. Isaac Taller TO William I-lnvil 50 John Clemson 50 John Anderson 50 ■William Chamberlain 50 Frederick Baker 50 James Clemson 5') Joseph Dickeson 50 Leonard Elmak^r 30 Joseph Moore 50 Carried forward 4S0 £15:0 No. III. Capt. WHITE'S Company. Spring. Peter Taylor =0 Conrad Gram =0 John Miller 50 Samuel Lefever 50 Christian Soutsaberger 50 Baltzer Barkman 50 Abraham Carpenter 50 George Carpenter 50 George Walllck 50 Frederick White 50 John Richardson 50 I)avid Feree »0 Jacob Esleman 50 Henry Bragooner 50 Jacob Stoutsberger 50 John Feree ="0 Jacob Stombach. 50 Carried over 8o0 p n 412 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over SJO Nicholas Neafor 50 John Taylor M Benjamin Bracbill 50 Daniel Feree 50 Martin Esleman 50 Jacob Barkman 50 Paul Trout 50 Peter Lefever 50 Hieronomus Miller 50 Jacob Shirts 50 John Shirts 50 Isaac Feree 50 Henry Stambach 50 John Lefever 50 Cornelius Feree 50 John Carpenter 50 John Feree 50 John Cashady 50 Andrew Feree 50 John Andrews 50 William Taylor, 50 John Tanellin^er 50 John Longonichor 50 John Myer 50 Joseph Ellison 50 David Whitmore 50 Abraham Lefever 50 Brought forward 3302 10 Jacob Stambuch, .. Nicholas Neafor, ... John Taylor Benjamin Brackbill, Daniel Feree Martin Esleman, ... Peter Steaman Jacob Barkman, Paul Trout Peter Lefever Hironomus Miller, .. Jacob Shirts, John Shirts Isaac Feree Henry Stambuch, ... Hironomus Blrely, ... John Graft John Lefever John Carpenter Michael Buch John Hare Andrew Feree John Bear, William Taylor John Tenlinger John Longnecker, ... John Myers Fall. Peter Taylor 33 15 Conrod Grant 33 15 John Miller 33 15 Samuel Lefever 33 15 Baltzer Barkman 33 15 Abraham Carpenter 33 15 George Carpenter 90 George Wallick SO Frederick White 90 John Richardson 90 David Feree 90 Ludwick Road 90 Jacob Esleman - Garver, .^;0 Michael Widler CO Henry Shively '.O Jacob Shively CO Jacob Johnston, 50 John Johnston, 50 Abraham Johnston 50 Abraham Curtz 50 John Curtz 50 Brought forward 2910 Peter Eaby, jun 30 Peter Eahert go a o George Eahert va 2 6 Jacob Shearer 73 o g John Garver, 90 g q John Johnston yQ g q Joseph Brinton, 90 q q Henry Eaby 90 ,1 Jacob Garver 73 3 6 Abraham Garver, 30 q q John Curts 90 q q John Stalter 73 2 c David Bare 55 5 q Isaac Garver fg 5 g John Buckwalter jig Abraham Eaby 90 q q Jacob Pecher 73 2 6 Joseph Eaby 90 g g John Eaby 90 Jacob Lyne 9g g g Michael Garver 90 j g Isaac Rife 90 Peter Kilhelfer 7J 2 Peter Eaby, shoemak 73 2 e David Lyne 22 10 Jacob Garver 73 2 6 Abraham Kurtz, 90 Moses Brinton 90 Daniel Smith 90 o Michael Shellaberger 90 William Brinton 90 Abraham Johnston, 90 Francis Buckwalter 90 Peter Eaby 90 Jonathan Owons, jun 90 David Rife 39 7 6 Christly Myers 90 David Painter 22 10 Daniel Eaby 90 10 George Wert 39 7 John Houser 3D 7 6 David Rife TjO 12 C John Painter 33 15 Andrew Bear 16 17 C Fall. Samuel Smith. Carried over 2940 Carried over, 6242 7 6 416 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over 6242 David Walker Henry Tage John Hiatvale Samuel Eaby Jacob Swope Daniel Swope Adam Swope, John Hiler Henry Garver Henry Shively Jacob Johnston Peter Smith Oly Shroch George Burker Moses Johnston Peter Hiltebran Adam Miller ^Villiam Wagoner, .. Henry Bear 16 IT 6 16 IT fi 16 IT fi 50 12 6 16 IT 6 16 IT 6 16 IT 6 iO 12 6 6T 10 50 12 6 50 12 6 16 IT 6 33 15 6T 10 16 IT 6 TO 12 6 16 IT 6 10 IT 6 16 IT 6 £6Mr<-lT 6 No. VII. Capt. BRISBEX'S Company. Spring. Jacob Kizer, jun James Douglas, sen., Michael M'Closkey, James Cullen George Wike Andrew Lytle Jacob Curtz George Stever, Christian Curtz John Coop Jacob Blazer John Plank George Rutter George Boyd Matthew Henderson, . James Lytle George Kizer John Crosbey Carried over 9T 30 50 ;1 15 50 50 n 50 50 30 n 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 50 50 50 Brought forward &T5 John Holey 50 Michael Kennedy 50 \A"illiam Jones 50 Fall. Joseph Wike y) o Dennis Harkens 10 IT 6 James Douglas t,Q q j Michael M'Closkey 16 IT 6 James Johnston 50 12 6 Jacob Curtz 90 Robert Potts 33 15 Christian Curtz hO John Coop 90 John M'Kinnly 16 IT 6 William Lee 33 15 John Plank 9J George Rutter 90 George Boyd Pi) o Matthew Henderson 9il James Lytle 16 IT 6 James Armor 33 15 Samuel Coop 90 Nathaniel Rutter 16 IT 6 Jacob Free 90 Jacob Hains 90 Michael Kennedy 16 IT 6 John Boyd 50 12 6 Joseph Hains 56 5 Thomas Henderson 90 James Hamilton 33 15 £253S 15 I No, VIII. Capt. HENRY'S Company. Fall. Peter Bresler 90 James Smith, .lun 90 James Smith 33 15 Joseph Smith 90 John Souder 90 Ilen.iamin Souder 90 c John Shonfstall 90 o Carried over 5T3 15 LANCASTER COUNTY. 41- Brought over 573 l'. Frederick Pouts &ij Jacob Tinglinger 33 13 Peter Miller 90 John Haman 73 2 6 William Alley 22 10 George Hart 90 Abraham I^onguker 90 John Hare 90 Thomas Beham 33 15 Henry Speleman 90 John Miller 9u U David Miller 9ij John Free 07 10 Henry Spiteer 90 Windle Bowman ^) Abraham Leaman 33 15 George Withers y Meshech Erb 90 John Longnaker 90 George Oyrlck 90 Joseph Leamons 90 George Bright tO Martin Myley 9'j John Snively 33 15 Oj John Harnish, 90 Cj John Myley 90 Christian Rora 90 Oj Benjamin Bowman 9) 0; Jeremiah Eaney 9') Oi Brought forward 416S Peter Lawrence Christian Eyman Abraham Tinglingen. Andrew Sides 90 9'j 90 fO £4:.i:.s 2 •; Carried over 41';s 27--6-3d Ser. Capt. SLETER'S Company. Fall. Mdrtin Grove, 90 Henry Landis, 91 Jacob Rorer 90 Andrew Heller 90 David Rorer 90 Christian Rorer 73 2 6 Henry Buckwalter C«j Christ. Hartman, jun 73 2 G Christ. Hartman, sen 90 John Burkholder 90 George Bard 5C 5 Isaac Rorer 90 Jacob Crider 90 Martin Moser 90 Abraham Buckwalter 90 Benjamin Landis 90 Peter Moser 90 Benjamin Whitmore 90 Jacob Stover 73 2 C Jacob Stover, sen 73 2 6 Daniel Whitmore 10 John Miller !'0 Abraham Downer 90 John Binkly 90 John Christy 90 Dewalt Spring ^) Abraham Whitmore 9) John Crider 90 John Kir'c 90 Joseph Bowman 9o Henry Hartman 90 John Landis. sen 90 John Landis 90 <'< Carried over 2508 15 418 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over 2S6S 15 Brought forward 4246 17 6 John Roadaker. . David Grove, John Buckwalier, Tobias Crider Jfiremiah Burk. .. Adam Alov.' Jacijb Shoemaker, Christopher Yorty, Henry Amen:;, ... John Stofer Jacob Landis George Shingle, .. Tobias Wanner, . . I'anitl Miller Htnry Whitmore, jaeub Kirk Martin Melinger, I'arried over, . (.1 U Henry Locker Jacob Bunp Aljrabani Bandis ririch Huver Philip Busiham John Johnston John Bonce John Hnrsh Jona.s Roup Daniel Keeprotts Jeremiah Kirk John Rore Jo.-i. Buckwaiter Abraham Buckwalter, Jacob Yorty 'J J 2 6 W ^00 90 W &0 56 5 33 15 ■Si 15 16 17 6 o3 15 23 15 33 15 16 -.7 ,\ State of the Accounts of CHRISTOPHER KUCHER, Esq. Sub-Lieutenant, from March. 17S0, to May, 1781. Christopher Kucher, Esq. Sub-Lieutenant, Dr. To Militia Fines. Received from sundry persons of the the first class of the 2d battalion, their fines incurred for not per- forming their tour of duty, per List No. 1 19710 Ditto from the several companies of said battalion, their fines for non- attendance upon days of exercise, soring and fall, 17S0, per List No. II 25969 15 45,*i79 15 Balance due to Col. Kucher, equal :o £17 state money and £3 19 10 specie 1973 14 3 £47,653 y 3 LANCASTER COUNTY. 419 Sundries Dr. to Christopher Kucher. Esq. Sub-Lieutenant. William Henry, Esq. Treasurer of Lancaster count}'. Paid him, February 22d, ITSl, 101.j5 10 Ditto, August Sdi. do 1471 1 :J 11,0:^6 11 3 Philip Marsiellor. E.^q. Paymas.er Lan. coun. Paid him for the »jv o; :he militia, May 20th. 1781 5028 5 Da. Jun? 15:h, 17S1. do. in £lJi IS (J st^te at 75 HU19 7 6 15,147 12 6 United Stat?s. Paid Francis Zerman for bc-ef deliv- ered the Pennsylvania volunteers, Aug. 24, 1780 222 15 Do. Alexander Benjamin, express, Dec. 27th, 1780 33 15 Do. Francis Zerman for beef for the volunteers, do 30th 2S! 12 6 Do. Jacob Soulier for flour and bak- ing bread for ditto, do. 30th 143 13 Do. Cape. John Gassert, for military services, J:in. 12;h. 17S1 75 Do. Alexander Benjamin for salt for the militia, January 13th, do 18 15 Do. Jacob Sheffer, Henry Kellar, Geo. Welsh and Daniel Harnig for guarding British prisoners, Jan. 19th. do 107 10 Thomas Edwards for equipping and conducting the Pennsylvania vol- unteers, and for taking a deserter, do. 30th 1279 5 Captains Michael Holderbaum. Balt- zer Orth, Wendle Weaver, Caspar Stopver and John Stone, for mili- tary services. Mar. 30th 980 Baltzer Orth for hauling militia bag- gage, do 37 10 Capt. David Krause for military ser- vices, April 2l3t G7 10 3,250 5 () Military Stores. Paid sundry persons for i bavonet belts and sheaths, and for repairing arms 1,573 2 t> Carried over £31,597 11 9 420 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries Dr. to Christopher Kucher, Esq. con- tinued, £31.597 11 9 ililitia Expences. Paid expences of appeals, officers for their services in the battalion, wages of drummers and fifers. for drums, fifes and repairs, expences of guards for quelling and sup- pressing disturbances, expresses, stationary, clerk hire, and other in- cidental charges 11055 17 6 For his own services as Sub-Lieuten- ant, employed 200 days at £25 per day, 5000 16,055 17 6 £47.G53 9 3 Col. Christopher Kucher, Dr. St. Moa. To balance of his account, from Adam Hubley, 3 10 10 To David Rittenhouse, Esq. Treas.:rer. Received by order of Council, the balance, 13 9 2 £17 Specie. 3 19 10 3 19 10 Contra, Cr. By balance of the account foregoing. £17 3 19 10 Pines received by Christopher Kucher, Esq. No. I. Capt. ORTH'S Company. Christian Smith 127.J Michael Breghbiel 6T."i Capt. HOLDERBAUM'S Company. Jacob Ettenberger 975 David Steel 675 Jacob Wilhelm 675 John Oyer 67.' Capt. STEOVER'S Company. John Kunkle 900 Jacob Fedderhauf 675 David Peffly 91." Martin Shuey 915 Michael Hoffman f.7.' Capt. STONE'S Company. John Kleber 67." BrouRht forward, Henry Rudy Peter Meyer George Strohm 96S: 875 975 713 j Abraham Meyer 955 ! John Strohm 713 I John Shott 675 I Jacob Becker 675 Capt. WEAVER'S Company, .lulm Lunt 675 Capt. G.\FFERT'S Company. Henry Fu.\ \\endel Fisher <'hri.suan Kaiiffman, I'eter Kenne\' I'lrey Kneagy, jun , 720 72'j 075 673 673 £19.710 Carried over 96S3 LANCASTER COUNTY. 421 Brought forward 4393 15 No. II. Cart. ORTH'S Comtoany. Christian Smith Christian Long Tobias Cryder •• Chris. 'Cryder. Tob. son,.. Michael Stouffer Ulrey Burkholder Jacob Behm Abraham Bowman, Henry Long Christian Burkholder Jacob Bagham Jacob Yorty, Tobias Stever Herman Long, Peter Heisey George Cryder, jun Jacob Cryder. sen Christian Heisey Henry Yorty Paul Sieg Peter Reish Peter Faurneh Peter Yorty Adam Stever John Bagham Christian Behm John Steohr Jacob Ebersold Jacob Sacunder Martin Cryder John Heisey, jun John Stever, John Dohner Christian Baghman Peter Reish, jun Michael Gingrich Christian Gingrich Christian Over Christian Cryder, jun John Burkholder, ch. son. John Reish, Henry Worst Peter Ebersold 110 110 110 110 11« 110 110 no no no no no no lie no no no 20 no 53 15 no no no no 110 no no no no no no no no no e 20 no no no 90 90 90 90 90 Peter Johnston John Seyler John Yorty Jacob Rohland Ubrey Burkholder, Mathias Righolt, .. Jacob Siegrist George Snevely Jacob Steohr John Tohner, jun., Christian Stouffer, . John Cryder Peter Miller Peter Snevely Michael Gingrich, Peter Wittmer, — Abraham Ebersold, John Ebersold 90 90 90 90 33 15 90 07 10 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 Caiit. HOLDERBAUM'S Company. 53 15 53 15 20 Jaoub Ellenberger Jacob Wilhelm Christian "Wilhelm John Wilhelm 20 John Eshelman -'-' Cliristian Neff, Michael Cryder I'O John Ellenberger HO John Shallenberger H'^ Abraham Kauffman. . Henry Gingrich -" Michael Breneisen "0 Peter Grehbiel "* Peter Ney '^'-' 20 20 no no 20 Christian Ellenberger. John Reyer John Eshelman John Dietrich Klein. Michael Ney, no no Franck 1^0 " Peter John Meyer, 20 i John Xafsker 1^'' 1 John Huber -1 ! Samuel Etter , 20 1 Jacob Oyer 21 Carried over 4393 15 Carried over. 7192 10 422 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over 74;i2 10 George Emmerling 20 John Fireabend 110 Jacob Sieghlej- 110 John Heilman HO Martin Funck 110 t) Christian Ellenberger 110 Peter Heilman 110 Abraham Blough 110 Christian Waller 110 o Martin Waggner 2:i ('■ Ansle Heilman 110 Michael Uller 110 David Klein 110 John Walter, jun 110 John Ulery Snevely 110 John Knoll 20 John Blough 110 John Gingrich 20 Daniel Raser 110 <"i John Raser 110 Daniel Biely 20 Peter Harsnick 110 Henry Heilman 110 H«nry Neff 90 Christian Meyer iiO Chri.»tian Huber 1''1 Brought forward 11240 John Groh no Christian Ereghbiel 110 Daniel Beshour no <> Martin Shuey 33 15 Henry Light 90 Michael Groh, jun 90 Christian Shuey 90 Jacob Keller 90 Abraham Strohm 90 Peter Smith 90 Henry Meiley 90 n Philip Gassert 90 n Samuel Hunsricker, 90 Jacob Fawber 9*) Philip Weller 90 Frederick Bughmeyer 90 Jacob Oberholtzer, 90 John Brubacher ;0 Martin Stehly S') Hieronymus Rudy 90 Abraham Sherick 90 Melchior Behny 90 Nicholas "U'olf 90 Nicholas Gorst 90 John Light .' 90 John Kohr 90 Michael Groh 33 15 Capt. STOOVER'S Company. John Kunckel 53 15 David Peffly 53 15 Jacob Newcomber 110 Christian Lentz 110 Christian Zehring 110 John Hunsricker 20 John Fawber 20 Christian Hunsricker 110 Christian Stettler 110 Jacob Heckman llo o n Martin Rudy lln o f. Adam Breght 20 Ludwick Shuey 20 n Joseph Bigsler IW 1 Christian Wolf 110 Jonas Rudy 11<| f> John Holdeman, 110 << Carried over 1124m : Cain. KRAUSE'S Company. Leonard Kehler 90 Henry Baylor 56 Nicholas Gebhard 67 10 George Folmer 16 17 6 John Bittner 90 Michael Ensminger 90 John Greff 90 David Dishing 56 5 Joseph Sturgies 90 James Reed in) Frederick Steover 33 15 George Leop 33 15 'i Jacob Stohler 56 5 George Folck 33 15 o Francis Baylor 22 10 Thomas Clark 22 10 Carried over. 144^6 12 6 LANCASTER COUNTY. 423 Brought over 14436 12 € Brought forward, Car.t. MOORE'S Company. Conrad Fasnaslu Jacoli Zartman Peter Shitz. Michael N'eff John ShoU Michael Grehbiel John Hemmigh Anthony Steegel John Shenck John Dickman Peter Spen.eler Henry Shram John Becker, son John Hain George Stohler, jun.. Leonard Strickler. ... George Kaap George Koghendorffer. George Shram Rudy Meyer, jun., . George Becker John Eberly, Ben.iamin Miller Adam Shell George Miller Christopher Klein. .. Christopher Seyler. . . George Hoffman David Levenstein Abraham Neff Michael Kaap - Henry Peffer Joseph Kratzer Peter Ream John Smith. Francis Seybert John Meyer George Strickler, ... John Becker John Beyer Francis T'llerich. ... Leonard Stump George Klein 9J 2-1 20 20 20 lin 110 P3 2 6 110 20 20 20 20 20 ij? 7 6 Jacob Kitzmiller Joseph Kratzer, tan., .. Christian Weise Henry Brunner Martin Keller John Keip Henry Krall Philip Shenckel Henry Broslus Conrad Spielman Henry Sheffer, esq., .. Adam Feehman John Emmert Peter Young Melchior Louttermllch. Anthony Wilson Jnhn Young Henry Weise 1674S 20 110 110 ij? 7 6 20 ll'l 20 2" u no u 20 ri no nu 1 Capt. STONE'S Company. seph Bamberger 11" 2i5 110 2m 93 2 6 20 20 20 TO 12 6 20 ST 12 6 no 110 20 20 ST 10 u no 20 2'i 20 2n 2ii no " 11" 11" no John Miller, Abraham Smutz Daniel Heisey Michael Heisey Henry Ebey Isaac Sheffer Henry Rudy Peter Meyer. George Strohm -* ^ Abraham Meyer ^o <> 9 "I Jaccb Baker ^ Michael Miller Jnhn Strohm Abraham Smutz Abraham Diel "'^ " George Baylor ^^"^ "^ Henry Strohm John Smith, jun George Ebey ^'" Jacob Strohm ^^" Michael Gingrich ^"^ rhristian Gingrich H'^ John Smith, sen J,.lin Miller 20 20 20 110 no ■■ A a\-i(l Frye Fourth Company, do. John Ober 257 10 409 6S5 10 410 10 49<3 6S7 690 6S4 I.I SOO 6S7 300 Carried over. 4451 17 Carried over lillT LANCASTER COUNTY. 42 Brought over 11117 7 6 Christie Brlcker 300 Daniel Sollebergers 100 Jacob Blank 300 Fifth Company, do. Georg-e Westhoeffer CSO 5 Sixth Company, do. Jonathan Helb C75 Elias Wolf 206 Henry Caffroth 303 Peter Fahnestock 2S4 Michael Snerely 300 Christ. Westeberger 200 d Michael Pitz 200 Peter Sailer Zeller ISO Carried over 14S13 12 Brought forward 14Si: 12 6 Seventh Company. John Hair 150 John Eley .^0 Jacob Kinsey loO Eighth Company, do. Herman Ernst 300 Christie Balmer 255 5 Abraham Wedder 2S0 5 Conrad Long 50 Daniel Habecker 47." Adam Bletz 2."0 n Philip Michael 7,". Peter Christ 140 Christopher Wedder 2G0 £172:1 2 C State of the Accounts of JAMES BARBER. Esq. Sub-Lieu- tenant of Lar; caster county, from March. 17S0. to March, 1781. James Barber. Esq. Dr. to Militia Fines. R'^ceived from the first cl.nss of the 4th battalion. clasF, fines incurred 0?t.. 1780. per List N3. I,.. Ditto, from Capt. R.adson's company, exercise fines of spring and fall. 1780, per List No. II,. . . Ditto, from Capt. Brand's do. do. No. Ill Ditto, Metzgar's do. do. No. IV Ditto. Doman's do. do. No V Ditto, Scott's do. do. No. VI Ditto, Wright's do. do No. VII Ditto, Patton's do. do. No. VIII Ditto, Beard's do. do. No. IX 8,314 17 6 3.600 3.300 2.250 3,950 5.150 2.534 7 6 2,710 4.030 £55,839 5 Sundries Dr. to James Barber, Esq. Abraham Dehuff. Esq. Sub-Lieutenant. Paid him on accouit of militia fines r?c?iv?d. September 23d, 1780 Samuel J. Atlee, Esq. Lieutenant. Paid him on account of fines received, per William Atlee. Esq. of which £63 10 state money at 60 for one, Dec. 11. 1780 44)1 16 3 Carried over, 4401 16 2.954 2.954 428 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries Dr. to James Barber. Esq. continued,... £2,954 Samuel Atlee, Esq. bro't forward. £4401 16 3 Paid him on account of fines received, April 3d, 1781 337 10 Ditto, ditto, per Captain Metzgar, November 19th, 1780, 850 Ditto, per Thomas M'Clellan and John Smith, privates of Capt. Orth's com- pany, Nov. 28th, 1781 1432 10 7,021 16 3 Adam Hubley, Esq. Lieutenant of Lancaster county. Paid him on account of fines col- lected, March 19th, 1781, 8457 15 Returned, being counterfeit, 70 15 8,387 William Hen-ry. Esq. County Treasurer. Paid him on account of fines col- lected, June 23d, 1781 6435 5 3 Ditto, do. in £38 5 state money, June 4th, 1782, 2868 15 Ditto, do. in £18 10 do. do. 23d, 1781.. 1387 10 Ditto, do. in £28 10 do. Nov. 7th, 1782, 2137 10 12,829 3 United States. Paid Capt. Ratfoug for military ser- vices, Nov. Sth, 1780 135 u o Do. Capt. Metzgar, for do. May 2d, 17^1 "..-... 135 ■ Do. Capt. Doman. for do. Aug. 25, 1782 135 Do. Capts. Scott, Wright, Patten and Beard do. April 20th, 1781, 540 945 :Militia Expences. Paid Captains for services in their companies, drummers, fifers & ad- jutants, clerk hire, expences of ap- peals. and other contingent charges, 4125 For his services acting as Sub-Lieu- tenaixt, from March, 1780, to March, 1781, employed 140 days at £25 3500 7,625 Balance due to the state 16,077 8 6 £55,839 5 No:e, It is represented that the sum of £1250 is due bv Myer, and £1342 10 by Cap:. Beard; also that £16.814 3 "6 is vet outstanding, a list whereof Colonel Barber is called upon" to furnish, that the same may be collected. LANCASTER COUNTY. 429 List of Fines received by James Barber. Esq. Brought forward 20742 9 No. I. First Company. Abraham Kindig Frederick liver Jacob Hinckle Jacob Line Jacob Fiet Christian Breneman Second Company. Jacob Frantz Thomas Krouter Jacob Kaufman Henry Neaf. jun Herman Whitmer Thomas Hilliard Jacob Segrist 735 675 30:. 675 150 G75 696 100 II 69S 2 675 675 675 6S2 2 6 Third Company. Isaac Burkholder COO Jolm Cromwell 678 7 G John Eshleman 450 Abraham Miller 675 Joseph Musser, .. Peter Snyder Michael Bachman. Seventh Company. John Newocmer Isaac Hougendabler David Shelenberger Henry Herford Eighth Company. John Kaufman Christian Miller John Stayman Jacob Heistand John Huber. jun 70S 1 e r.oo <' 676 16 22; 670 C75 7 C C75 692 3 C7S 15 694 10 690 CSl 15 Fourth Company. John Kaufman Jacob Widmon Henry Kaufman Martin Konder Peter Greybole, Isaac Kuntz John Kaufman Isaac Kaufman 67.-, 14 6 675 675 50 6S3 s 675 675 683 2 Fifth Company. Adam Shaller David Musselman Joseph Martin Jacob Hosteter ■\Villiam Smith Jacob Springer Joseph Charle."-: Jacob Hershy Sixth Comnany. John Binder Georgo Brener John Hinckle Cam. Rt'THVOX'.? Company. Spring. 6S7 675 676 10 675 7 6 681 7 6 675 687 15 677 12 225 400 75 Carried over 20742 9 John Hoober John Kindrick. Henry Hoober. Abraham Hoober. Henry Koughenour. Christian Hoober. . Jacob Koughenour. Peter Hoober Adam Koughenour. Jacob Smith Abraham Hess Jacob Behm Jacob Breneman. . Christian Lyne. ... Henry Lyne John Hess Samu-^l Hess John Bowman. ... Christian Hesp. ... Peter Good John Boughman. .. 50 50 u 30 30 50 :o 50 I) n 30 50 50 50 50 50 50 n 50 50 50 .■)|1 '. 50 1.1 20 20 Carried over. 430 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over. Christian Forry, Jacob Kricier, ... Christian Keagy, Henry Resh Daniel KeebOIts, Michael Krider, . John Stetler John Bern '. &U Jacob Bern ii'J Jacob Kochnauer SO Abraham Kochnauer 90 Adam Kochnauei- 9J Henry Kochnauer 'M Christian Koege 90 Daniel Kiborlz 90 Jacob Brennaman 90 John Bowman 90 John Miller, jun 90 Christian Forrer 90 Christian Newcommer 90 John Horst 90 Christian Lein 90 Samuel Lein 90 John Huber 90 t'hristian Huber 90 Peter Huber 90 Samuel Hess 90 Christian Hess 90 Jacob Smith 90 Abraham Hess 90 Jacob Kreider 9'i John Stetler 90 Michael Krider 90 :.o 50 oO :;o 50 oU 30 n (■ No. III. Cni/t. BRAND'S Company. Jacob France 50 '"■ Henry Xeaf. jun M Herman Widmore 50 Jacob Sesrist .".'~i Carried over 200 o o Broug h t forward 200 George Imnckle, 50 Christian Stayman 50 John Herr 50 John Neaf, jun 50 John Kaufman 50 Jacob Charles 50 John Neaf 50 John Newcomer, .. . •. 50 Henry Hostand 50 Jacob Kelhofner 50 John Hestant 50 Rudoli>h Herr 50 John Kelhofner 50 Jacob Caufman 50 Benjamin Herr, 50 John Grob 50 Christian Hershey 50 Fall. Christian Stehman. . John Kerr Daniel Lendner. ■Tohn Neave, jun., . John Kauffman Jacob (_^harles Christian Kerr John Grob Henry Neave Henry Shup John Neave Casjier Halbruner, Killian Boas .Tohn Newcomber. Henry Histand John 'U'ittmer Christian Kir=hy Jacob Killheffer. John Killheffer John Histand RiKlolph Herr Henry Miller Benjamin Herr John Keller Christian Kaufman. H c 90 90 n 90 90 90 90 09 n 90 90 n 90 90 n 90 90 90 n n 90 90 90 90 90 90 A 90 90 90 90 90 n £3.300 r„AJS'CASTER COUNTY. 431 No. IV. Capt. METZGAR'S Company. Spring. JIartin Hear .")0 o ( John Bear 50 i Jacob Bear 50 r Daniel Hreneman 50 <" P.enedict E^^helnlan 50 Ci I»avicl Eshleman 50 John E.=hleman 50 n John Good .50 'J Jacob Harness 50 n Melchior Hohman 50 David He?s 50 Adam Kindig: .50 Jlichael Myer 50 Jacol) Maynard 50 n Daniel Musser 50 n Henry Steman 50 Michael Shank 50 '1 John Shank 50 « Frederick Shoop 50 n Henry Hohman 50 'i '1 Henry Flecker 50 Mathias Miller 5i n n Richard Burk 30 Henry Shank :0 Michael Hess 30 Frederick Myer 50 George Minndorf 30 Martin Bear 90 John Bear 90 David Eshelman 90 Daniel Breneman 90 Melchior Hackman '^O Frederick Shafe 73 2 6 73 2 6 73 2 73 2 6 73 2 € 73 2 G 33 l.T 73 2 6 73 2 6 David Hare Martin Bear Samuel Downing. . Andrew Frank. ... Jacob Whistler, ... Caleb Hartman, ... Christian Frlevely, Thomas Downing, Henry Bottlemy, . Christian Black. .. Joseph Nole Martin Cockerspire, Patrick Brown, ... 35 35 3d 35 35 3- T) 3d 33 33 35 e 33 35 33 Capt. MILLER'S Company. William Anderson 90 William Kerr 16 17 6 Capt. CLARK'S Company. Henry Bowman 33 13 John Ferre 73 2 6 Capt. WALKER'S Company. Jacob Karns John Murray Thomas Fulton Michael Gander John Griffith Jacob Gander John Moore Jerry Moore Georsre Leech Andrew Moore Robert Moore 90 90 90 6 90 90 90 33 15 33 15 90 50 12 6 16 17 6 Carried over 24S6 5 440 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over 24S6 5 Samuel Symonds, 90 James Cooper 33 15 John Donald 90 Joseph Guest 90 Joshua Chamberlain 90 Stephen Herde 33 15 John Cooper 50 12 6 Capt. PATTOX'S Company. Henry Hoover 90 Christian Hoover 90 Jacob Hoover 90 Peter Fitl 33 John Hoover 90 John Thomas 50 Ulrick Teority 33 Mathias Hurraw 33 Henry Bleecker 33 Peter Stopher 90 Samuel Winter 33 Christian Good 90 John Good 90 John Smith 33 Jacob Prubacher 90 Henry Keagy 90 Abraham Geagy 90 Martin Byers 50 Stophel Winter 73 Capt. ROSS'S Company. David Hare 90 o Henry Bottlemy 16 17 G Martin Cockerspire 90 Samuel Downing 90 Caleb Hartman 90 John Clark 33 15 Henry Nole 16 17 6 Jacob Whistler 90 John Bear 33 15 Conrod Rice 50 12 G Martin Miller 33 15 Jacob Young IG 17 6 John Myers 16 17 6 Samuel il'Dowel 10 17 6 Daniel Carron 10 17 6 Carried over 4944 7 6 15 12 6 15 15 15 15 c 15 12 6 2 6 Brought forward 4944 7 6 Andrew Frank 33 15 John Dowling, 33 15 William Hood, 33 15 Class Fines. Capt. CALDWELL'S Company. George Outman lOO Capt. CAMPBELL'S Company. William Dunlap 275 John Cameron 100 Capt. DUNCAN'S Company. Thomas Mooney 4u0 William, King, 3'W Joseph M'Creery 500 Oliver Caldwell, 450 James M'Cullough 500 Abraham Midcap 675 Capt. CLARK'S Company. Henry Bowman 675 James M'Pherson 550 Capt. WALKER'S Company. Ezekiel Erwin 450 George Cooper 675 John Moore 675 Capt. PATTON'S Company. James M'Donald 37 10 Peter Fiti 37 10 Jacob Markly 37 10 Henry Byers 400 Ulrick Yeority 450 Philip May 37 10 Cam. ROSS'S Company. Archibald M'Creddy 275 James Hayney 275 o James Leech 275 Martin Miller 300 Jacob Varnor 275 Simon Kits 275 £9050 LANCASTER COUNTY. 441 The Accounts of James Cunningham. Esq. late Sub-Lieuten- ant of Lancaster county, for the seventh Battalion District, from March, 1780. to March. 1781. have not been rendered nor settled. State of the Accounts of ABRAHA:\I DEHUFF, Esq, Sub- Lieutenant, from March, 1780, to March. 1781. Abraham Dehuff, Esq. Dr. to Sundries. John Hopkins. Esq. Sub-Lieutenant. Received of him on account of fines. Dec. 6th, 1780, 1,350 Samuel John Atlee, Esq. Lieutenant. Received of William Henr.v, Esq. Treasurer, which was repaid saiil Henr.v b.v Col. Atlee, July, 1780, oOn John Huber. Esq. Sub-Lieutenant. . Received of him. Jan. 11. 1781. £59 10 state money at 60 3570 Ditto, on account of fines, do 715 Ditto, do. do. 23d,.. 10000 Ditto, do. Feb. 5th,. 5725 Ditto, do. do. 6th,.. 140 7 6 20,150 7 6 James Barber, Esq. Sub-Lieutenant. Received of him on account of fines. Sept. 23d, 1780 2,954 To Militia Fines. Received from sundry persons of the first class, their fines for non-per- formance of their tour of dutv, per List No. 1 11498 16 9 Ditto, of Capt. John Hubley's com- pany, spring and fall exercise fines, 1780, 2436 5 Ditto, of Capt. John Ewing's do. do., 3186 12 6 Ditto, of Capt. Joseph Hubley's do. do 3282 10 Ditto, of Capt. William Wertz's do. do., 1150 12 6 Ditto, of Capt. Boyd's do. do 710 Ditto, of Capt. Miller's do. do 1092 10 Ditto, of Capt. Weybright's do. do... 3533 14 6 Ditto, of Capt. Wilhelm's do 3398 15 For amount of muster fines said to be outstanding-, with which the account is charged until a list of the persons from whom they are due is rendered, that so they may be collected 3h94 7 6 33,384 3 9 £58,338 11 3 442 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries Dr. to Abraham Dehuff, Esq. Sub-Lieutenant. Samuel J. Atlee, Esq. Lieutenant. Paid him on account of monies re- ceived, July 21st, 1780, 1300 Do. Capt. John Hubley, in part pay of his company, Sept. 17th, do 1500 Do. do. Jan. 23d, 1781, 10000 7 6 Do. do. do. 27th 5120 5 Do. Capt. John Slater, do. Dec. 6,1780, 1350 Do. Andrew Bowman, on his account, January 16th, 17S1, 1443 7 6 Paid himself on account, Aug. 25, 1780 150 Do. do. do. Gth. do.,, 5229 o Do. do. April 4, 1781 4803 15 Do. Doctor Newman, in part pay as surgeon, January 31st, do " 375 31,271 15 William Henry, Esq. Treasurer. Paid him on account of fines re- ceived. May 31st, 1781, 285S 6 9 Do. do. June 16th. do 209 IS 3.06S 4 9 United States. Paid Capt. Joseph Hubley. expences of escorting the Pennsylvania vol- unteers, September 4th, 1780 425 Ditto, do. do. do. 21st, do.,. 525 Do. Capts. Jos. Hubley, Ewi.:g. Wirtz, Boyd, Miller, Wey bright and Wil- helm, for military services, 1780, £28 equal at 75 for one to 2100 3,050 Military Stores. Paid Jacob Kraft for repairing arms 1S7 10 Militia Expences. Paid Captains for services in their companies, wages of adjutants, drummers and fifers, express, mem- bers of appeals, clerk hire, sta- tionary, printing, and other inci- dental charges, 7201 17 6 For his services as Sub-Lieutenant, employed 220 days at £25 5500 n 12.701 17 6 Balance due to the state S.059 4 £58,338 11 3 LANCASTER COUNTY. 443 List of Fines received by Abraham Deliuff, Esq. j^o_ I_ Brought forward 5415 14 3 First Class. Rudy Herr *'^5 John Roberts 6'?5 Baltzer Machln 675 Benjamin Long 686 13 Peter Lean 675 Henry Stoner 6^3 Samuel Myer Abraham Royer 680 675 Nicholas Haun 67,') Peter Hess 6S0 12 John Myer 675 Conrad Shlsler David Stlner John Knlesly 6"5 John Mear ^75 15 [ichael Grub 675 675 675 Mi William Geiger, 675 13 Carried over 5416 14 £11499 IC 5 Sta:e of the Accounts of ROBERT CLARKE. Esq. J^^^ S^J^^- Lioutenaut of Lancaster county, from Marca. l.SO. to Maich, 1781. ■ Robert Clarke. Esq. Dr. to Militia Fines. Keof^ived from the several companies of the 9th battalion, their fines for non-attendance upon davs of exercise in spring. 1780, per List No. i. Ditto, do. in fall do. do. No. II _• • • • ■ • • • jj-^^ Ditto tour fines incurred by first class. No. Hi... IW^ 2 990 i) £28,096 Sundries Dr. to Robert Clarke, Esq. Sub-Lieutenant. Samuel J. Attlee. Esq. Lieutenant. Paid Capt. William Alle.i for the pay of his company, October 21st, 1780, 30 Ditto, per William Attlee, Esq. on ac- _^ _ count. Dec. nth. 1780 H-^- ^ ^' Ditto, at settlement paid balance. April 2d. 1780 ____1_.' is on: Carried over, 1^,007 444 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries Dr. to Robert Clarke, Esq. continued £18,007 9 6 United States. i'ald ror 37 lb. bacon and 45 lb. bread, delivered to the Pennsylvania volun- teers, Nov. 23t, 1780 188 15 Joseph Barret for hauling baggage, December 11th, do., 90 The Captains of the battalio.n for military services, April 2d, 1781,. . . 1620 1.898 15 Militia Expences. Paid almoners, stationary, wages of adjutants, drummers and fifers, officers for making recivrns and other duty in their companies, members of appeals, and other such charges 4021 7 For his pay as Sub-Lieutenant, em- ployed 88 days at £25 per day 2200 Balance due by Robert Clarke, equal to £3 14 6 specie, and £22 10 (5 state money, 6,221 1,968 15 6 £28,096 Lists of Fines received by Robert Clarke, Esq. No. I. Second Company. Francis Taylor 35 Christian Stoner S5 Joseph Carmeny, 35 Daniel Longnecker 35 Jacob Rice 35 o Vendel Henry 35 John Moyer 35 Michael Ealy 35 William Nay 35 Peter Singer 35 John Landice 35 Ludwick Bail 53 Jacob Nay 35 Andrew Byers 35 Philip Billeon 35 Daniel Harsberger, 35 Carried over oGO Brought forward 560 Jacob Bowman 35 Adam Dingingar. jun 35 John Harshberger 35 Jacob Plough 35 Philip Deeds 35 John Ballam 20 Christian Early 35 Martin Penogle 35 John Fleager 35 Felix Landis 35 Jacob Leman 35 Emanuel Gingrey 35 Benjamin Hershy 33 Joseph Forney, jun 35 Nicholas Nay 35 George Henry 35 Christian Beem 35 Carried over 1140 LANCASTER COUNTY. 44 = Brought forward 1140 0| John Forney Joseph Napssker, Henry Bowman, ... James M'Donald, . "WUlory Wiltnor, . Abraham Wiltnor, Michael Catrlne, .. Christian Carver, . Daniel Brough John White Jacob Kinsley Joseph Folgate, ... Felty Catrine Baltzer Kishler, ... Nicholas Musser, . Peter Rice Martin Hoover, .., Peter Hoover 35 3.j u S3 35 u So 35 35 35 35 (J 33 33 35 35 35 35 33 35 35 Fourth Company. Conrad Myer 20 Adam Wolfe 20 Henry Sharp 20 Jacob Seeker 20 Adam AUis, sen 20 John Shuey 20 n John Rough 20 George Spreaker 20 Jacob Scent 20 Andrew Klfer 20 George Sider, 20 Christian Sider 20 Sixth Company. Peter Spelshbaugh 20 Peter Ball 20 Felty Spelshbaugh 20 Abraham Host 20 Philip Bail 20 Eighth Company. Henry Miller 20 John Coffman 20 Philip Brand 20 Christian Eversole 20 John Landis 20 Peter Landis 20 Carried over 2230 Brought forward 2230 George Spelshbaugh, . Adam Hamaker Christian Hamaker, . Philip Fishbourn John Byers, Christian Landis Max Spldle John Moyers, Peter Fishbourn Jacob Landis Daniel Baum Peter Perst John Snider David Hamaker David Brand Christian Noover Jacob Rlckar John Perst George Minich Michael Baum Peter Eversole James Clunie Henry Eater Henry Hess Frederick Stall Philip 'Hamaker Peter Eversole, Jacob Spldle Christly Stopher George Wetherhold, Samuel Hamaker, ... Adam Coupaugh John Books Stophel Bower Jacob Singer Felty Kinsler Adam Spirtle David Rowland , 20 *' 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 a) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 c 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 £2990 No. H. Seconl Company. Francis Taylor Carried over 446 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over 23 15 Christopher Stoner 33 15 Daniel Longnecker 33 15 I>evalt Shank, 33 15 Vendel Henry 33 15 William Neigh, 90 Peter Singer 90 John Landis 90 Jacob Bowman, 90 Ludwick Bail 90 John Neigh 90 Philip Biten, 90 Daniel Harsberger 90 Henry Creiger 90 John Harsberger, 9^fj 5 Abraham Winger "20 i George Unger 708 15 1 AVilliam Carpenter 701 l-'i I John Bumgarner ^IS 5 Eighth Company. I John Coffman I Philip Brand I Henry Cooper I Adam Coubaugh. .... 1 Henry Miller Abraham Strlckler, .. 702 704 6«>fl 5 6S6 5 6SG 5 703 £14026 448 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Slate of the Accounts of MAXWELL CHAMBERS. Esq. Sub- Lieutenant, from March, 17S0, to March. 1781. Maxwell Chambers, Esq. Sub-Lieutenant, Dr. to Militia Fines. Received from sundry persons of the first class of the 10th battalion, their fines for non-per- formance of duty 5^395 is o Received from the several companies of said bat- talion their exercise fines, spring and fall. 1780. G,114 1.3 For the amount of exercise and class fines in- curred, which it is said have not been col- lected (exclusive of those remitted); and with which this account is to be charged, until a list of the persons from whom thev are due is furnished, 8,057 19 6 £19,568 12 6 Sundries Dr. to Maxwell Chambers, Esq. Sub-Lieutenant. Samuel J. Attlee, Esq. Lieutenant. Paid him on account of fines, Dec. 20th, 1780 112 10 Do. William Alien for paying his company, October 23d. do 995 Do. do. do. Feb. 9:h. 1781, .". 1125 Do. do. do. do. 13th. 1162 Do. do. do. March Sth, 4S60 4 Do. do. do. do. 2Sth. 1056 5 9.110 19 Militia Expences. Paid expences of appeals 77 10 For his services as Sub-Lieutenant, employed 90 days at £25 per day... 2250 2,327 10 Balance due to the state. 8,130 3 £19,568 12 6 Comptroller-General's Office June 8th, 1785. Examined and settled. JOHN NICHOLSOX. STATE OF THE ACCOUiNTS OF THE Lieutenant and Sub-Lieutenants OF LANCASTER COUNTY 1781-1782. 2e--6--3d Ser. STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS Col. ADAM HUBLEY, LIEUTENANT OF LANCASTER COUNTY. And the several Sub-Lieutenants, from IMarch, 17S1, to January, i 7S2 ; in which is exhibited for the Information and Satisfaction of the Public, the Amount of Fines incurred, within that Time, in their respective Districts, and accounted for : Also Lists showing the sev- eral Fines, of which they have acknowledo-ed the Receipt, and the Names of the Persons paying the same; likewise the Appropriation and Disbursement of the Monies collected. 452 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. ^ O >- .1-1 ^ jr D ^) !U ^.•^ IS CO .i;^ w c > a. Oh ^— H < 2:5 u: D r" < S -S.S^^B^Xi:i tt CD ?: z D uT 4-1 cr, u u < Lan viz : w «M_( _- c <'< CO "T" r*"" >. I^ <—< •*-l -^ ^ a; U^ , ,, ^ r *■-■ ^ c; ^— 4— » — ^ -'-' ~ < V*- 9^ i-H ceo — ^~ _a, _— .^ ,-^ — ./ ^ •/. 'X 'T T ^ ~ '-"* E: ^ — _ r - 3- - •-; ^ — e •-: c K -b = ^'^ P^ ^'^ ^'^ ^' F - = —=-;. E cr c y^ cfi K c« fvi tw [ij : — r: _■ r: c/i = > _= .^ £ > > .r: Ci ^; r Ci ^.^ cr r- . c ~ c:: rt-r^'T^'C y ^ Cfi oj rt = £ 2 (t OJ -^ . 1 . c; "^ rr. - v. Si u. I— 1 dj a^ oi 3 0/ i S 'JB S »3 E M C rh^ --"^ cr*^ >, :: >. X >. r.. 5^ t-K t- K t- ,^ "5 .X - X tf K 5 c = K n . Jfi r'^ 09 5 cT. H rt . rt c »i .is: c a IT. ^l||s| a. i £ fc. c -^ 2 — ' c "3 rt c — — > .0 > > ~ > ."tf 0, — ^ > "! 'c --^ 'l; ^ 'c s Oj -C ^ J= r_^^ _ i: Pi tf ei LANCASTER C OUNTr. 453 I ^ < O ■- C '. S C ^ Cl. '. - ■ ^ — . M . ^ ■. tc ':r:S 3 -t c- v-^ tr. U2 . S 5 '5 l^ rt bC o 5 5 S o 0^ ^ CO •^ ■— -C .— ~" -fi -r. ^ - _ X s. c« X ' — L-D — ^_ C '~' •X ?3 ;- rt o s. c 7. •X -" , j; •X "^^ c; CT) c ^ "^ " ■*rH t; ""■ ;; "Z. M _. o •-' Cl, ?i ^ 'co ft* . iM c^i •X : ^ i ■ i ■ ^ ^ ". 'o ■ tr. ^ ^ [^ -^ '• -r .5 c "■■ ' ". - c 'i ■ O O c 9 -^ • 7- 's I c -x • re -x ii tc o •_ -r. i; c £ •-" '. % r ^ St. • c x *" •- =: . X o o 2 c> o o 3j bt, ^ ^ 2 " V- l^ 5 S S 3; =^ -M -J =- X ^ - rt '5 ci t£ ^ ~ '^ -" 454 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. ^t i:^ c-i c- 33 5 ^5 30 W - :2; o aj ,_^ — X ._: o ■^ CC wj ' — > ■^ tn o c> r« ,- _c .2 ° ci^ — en ^ ' r-' ' ' en : £ 1 ^ U m *" i •' ; c5 o q; < ^ ■~ 3 ; - "^ « _ _^. t, 2 O o o 5 rt - C.G . a .2 ^ 5C Qj - O c S -5 w j: 2 -^ " : ~ v; ~ ^ c - St/:'" < isl !"• "^ c^ o; ^ ■1 = — =' i^ c: t^ S c/; ,=- r^ - ci o c 5 2. LANCASTER COUNTY. r- c; o o o ^ ^ rH ^ 1-1 — -H Tf lit C<1 i—i i-t tH IM o Qj — C . o o — a. tz" C — '-<"•' i- 5. „ ;^ _^' C s O 'S ^■^ d, ^ 1:1 •—I of 2-2 K^ -C' ^ ^5 ^1 5 ci £ "H ~ "^ S 5 .- :: p "> "3 "P Cm^-^ ^ 13^ 0;^ ci ci a en a 0) rt S cx^ (— o G tc ;^ (T 'C '=7' a != t, - ^ I :^ ^ I ?J , t- t- I rj *i t- • o , 3.% • > i!i c c "' •;: S, . rt ■" a; .,•■ 'S ^ .- > "Z X .- r- K a. t-, •.;::; <^ o rt ^ . C C '- r -r q; c^i CO ^ ^'^Ij'^ ^-^ <7i. a O ri ^ <= S ^ ^ ci -_ t- rt •i: E u • a^ S -^ u en 1^ S 5- (M j= c t- o — 11. U. • •• ^* — c: I w 1 — "-^ I ■-* M p_ C ^ rt 'o «■. bC c & u c c "S c ^ ^ -'^ = -r o ^ .*^ " __ E — ' i, — — ^ 'X O rt ^ ~ -~ ~ : ^r- 456 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. FINE LIST of the First Battalion, Lancaster County Militia No. i. Captain JOHX SLATI:R'S Company. Spiins: Fi. Philip Ree^=llaln 1 4 Christian Hanman. 14 George Shingle (ISO John Binkley 1 4 Daniel Keepntz 13 C John F.usham !) Andrew Heller 1 4 John Stoffer, 1 4 Jacob Stoffer 1 4 Isaac Rowe 1 4 John Landis 1 4 David Rorer 1 4 John Crider 1 4 Jacob Kirk (\ -[?. 6 Henry Hartman, ... 1 4 Joseph Bowman 1 4 Adam Lefeaver 1 4 (i Christ. Yortley 1 4 Abraham Landis. .. 14 Martin Melling^er. ..140 L'lrich Huber, 1 4 o David Grove 1 4 Martin Grove 1 4 Abra. Whitmore, ... 1 4 John Eurkholder, ..140 Martin Mosser 1 4 o Daniel "Whitmore. . . . 1 4 Jacob Crider in >; Jacob Shoemaker 1 4 fi John Kirk ] 4 n Jeremiah Kirk 1 4 m John Christy ] 4 d Christian Hartman. 1 4 '■ Daniel Mill'^r 1 4 " Jacob Rorer 1 -i u Specie. Fall Fi. S S 1 S 15 9 ISO 15 9 ISO r 1 s State Mo. Specie. Spring- Fi. Fall Fi. ■"arried over. Brousrht over £46 2 6 Henry Buch waiter, . 1 4 John Rorer 1 4 n John Euchwalter, ... 14 John Jliller 1 4 Abraham Downer... 14 Abrah. Buchwalter, . 1 4 Jacob Roop 1 4 Henry Whitmore 14 Charles Reinhart... 14 Dewalt Spring 14 Abrah. Buchwalter,. 14 Henry Amens 13 6 John Reahey 1 4 James Dolley 14 John Shiltz 1 4 Christian Dow 14 John Jlellinger 1 4 Richard Burke 18 Jacob Meek 13 6 George Switzer 1 4 Frederick Wendle 13 6 .A.dam Clemens a 9 U John Roodacre 14 Christian Rorer Peter Mosser, Benj. Whitmore Jacob Stoffel S2 lo 1 S 1 S 1 8 lo 9 15 9 15 1 S 15 ff 1 s Amount 1st Comp.,. 71 2 Captain HASTINGS' Company. Joseiih Whitehill 1 G David WhitehUl 13 C 1: John Hastings 10 6 John Boyd 13 6 James Douglass 9 John Whitehill .'1 9 Joseph Warner 19 i; John Middleton 6 n Carried over £4 7" 1; LANCASTER COrXTY. State Mo. Specie. Spring Fi. F Brought over £4 7 William Campbell,.. in C Joseph Moore 1 4 " William Livinsfston, 1 4 <1 John Livingston 1 4 James Livingston 14 John Conner 1j Chri.=tey Griffey Thomas Clemson 14 Josiah Bradley C Barney Lafferty 4 6 Isaac Taylor 1 4 Wm. Lenwill 1 4 John Anderson 14 John Clemson 1 4 James Medill 9 John Hanna « 9 '^ James Starrett f* 9 '^ Robert Caldwell 10 fi Jonathan Hore 1 4 Wm. Chamberlaine. . 1 4 Fred. Richer 9 Arch. Henderson o ft James Henderson,... 9 Wm. Goudy 6 o Isaac Linwell l" C Joseph Dickinson.... 1 4 '■> William Clark 1 4 John M'CJoyd 1 4 Rarney Dempsey, ... 1^> Christley Hummel... 19 6 William Johnston 6 James Allison 19 6 William Brown 1 15 Stewart Monteith Amount 2d co £^1 13 State Mo. Spring Fi. Brought over 6 G Jacob Eselman 1 4 o Henry Beagooner 1 Jacob Stotsaberger. . 1 John Ferree 1 Jacob Stombach, ... 1 Nicholas Reasor 1 John Taylor, ^ Jame5 Patton 1 ^ Ben. Brackbil! 1 •* Danirl Ferree 1 ^ Martin Esselman 1 4 Peter Steaman 1 ^ Jacob Barkman 1 4 Paul Trout 1 * Peter Lefevre 1 4 Hieronimus Miller... 1 4 Jacob Shirts 1 ^ John Shirts 1 •* Jacob Miller 1 * Henry Stombach 1 4 Hieronimus Bierly... 1 4 .lohn Graft 1 457 Specie. Fall Fi. :, 12 1 S 4 John Lefevre. 1 Capt. SL.\Y:\IAKER'S Company John Carpenter 1 Michael Bush 1 John Hare ^ Jacob Brewva 1 M. Cochenberger 1 Andrew Ferree 1 John Andrew, jun... 1 William Taylor 1 John Fenlinger 1 Conrad Conts 1 P.alzer Peterman 1 Nicholas Walter 1 4 John Longnecher 1 * Michael Myer 1 •* David Whitmore 1 4 Michael Frank 1 •* I Joseph Lefevre 1 ^ Philip Pucher 1 ^ Richard Moore, John Richardson Adam Bierly, •■• 4 n Peter Taylor 1 4 Conrad Gram 1 4 John Miliar 1 4 Sam. Lefevre 1 4 Abraham Carpenter. 1 4 ISO Amo unt 3d Co •'^'6 ISO Carried over. 45S ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. State Mo. Specie. Spring Fi. Fall Fl. CaiJt. WII,LIAM SKILE'S Company. Abraham Gibbons... 1 John Rush 1 Henry Musser, John Musser 1 Jacob Lensnick 1 Abrah. Lensnick 1 Christian Sharp 1 Ealtzer Bashore 1 Daniel Bashore 1 John Shaver 1 Stophel Kling: i Henry Hartman 1 John Ebhy, 1 "U'illiam Crow i Am. 4th Co £16 Capt. WILLIAM SMITH'S Company. Peter Rush l 4 John Hare, jun 1 4 John Rasor l 4 Jacob Miller, jun.... 1 4 Henry Bear l 4 Jacob Fritz i 4 John Rush 1 4 Jacob Rush 1 4 Christian Byar 1 4 Christian Shap 1 4 Henry Hare 1 4 Nicholas Sorerus 1 4 J. Foundersmith 1 4 Wm. Huggins 1 4 Samuel Huggins 1 4 Anrlrew Hycus 1 4 John Cremer 1 4 John Ferree 1.". Henry Huber 1 4 Peter Musser S Martin Hendrick, 1 4 Jos. Otterbough 1 4 Jacob Sides ] 4 Jacob Huber 1 4 Daniel Miller 1 4 Carried over i2> 10 State Mo. Specie. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. Brought over £2S IC Christian Martin 14 Abraham Hare 1 4 John Hendrick 14 Jacob Neff 1 4 Philip Bear 1 4 Lud. Reinhart 14 V. Foundersmith 14 Jacob Huber, sen.,.. 14 Henry Bowman 1 4 I) Peter Shovestall, 9 Martin Hare, 1 4 Henry Hendrick 14 John Stoutsberger, .. 14 Matthias Millar 14 Christian Shultz 14 Jacob Kendrlck 14 Henry Stoner, 1 4 Henry Rhoad 1 4 George Mirs 1 4 Am. 5th Co £,-.0 17 Capt. SAMUEL HENRY'S Company. James Smith, sen.... 1 4 n James Smith 14 I S c. Benjamin Souder, ... 1 4 ISC John Shofstall i> Frederich Pouts 1 4 ') Jacob Dinlinger 1 4 T Peter Miller 1 4 D Ab. Longacre I'l D John Hare 14 Henry Speelman 1 4 n John Miller 1 4 o David Miller i) John Whitmore 14 "Wendel Bowman. .. lit C Abraham Lemon 14 12 S John Snevely 14i) ISO Christian Miller 1 4 Francis Smith 14 10 6 Francis Hare 9 Jacob Weaver 1 4 n John Weaver 1 4 " Carried over, . .£22 LANCASTER COUNTY. 459 State Mo. Specie. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. Brought over, £22 5 6 Benjamin Hare 1 4 Conrad Spltzer 1 4 David Hare 1 4 Christian Hare 1 4 Abraham Hare, 1 4 Philip Barnet 1 4 u Mesoch Erb 1 4 Martin Milley 1 4 John Harnish 9 John Milley 1 4 Christian Rora 1 4 Ab. Dinlinger 14 Christ. Dinlinger 14 Geo. Diffenbauch 14 Christian Miller 1 4 Ben.i. Bowman 9 Joseph Smith, . John Furrey, .. Georsre Withers Amo. 6th Co £39 19 Capt. MARTIX HUEY'S Company. State Mo. Speci>- Spring Fi. Fall Fi. 1 8 17 6 17 6 Peter Eker 9 George Eker 9 Isaac Rife 1 4 David Rife 1 4 Jacob Pecher 1 4 Peter Eby 1 4 Joseph Erinton 14 Daniel Eby 1 4 William Brinton 14 Moses Brinton 1 4 Christly Myer 1 4 Abraham Eby 1 4 John Eby IS Peter Eby 1 4 Joseph Eby, 1 4 Samuel Eby 1 4 Henry Eby 1 4 Peter Eby 9 John Hiller 1 4 o John Euchwalter, . . 1 4 m Michael Garver 1 4 Jonathan Double, ... 1 4 Jacob Sherer o fi Carried over 24 3 4 4 4 1 9 1 4 4 4 ij 1 4 1 4 1 4 u 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 Brought over £24 Jacob Garver 1 Jonathan Owens 1 Benj. Owens 1 John Garver Henry Garver 1 Abraham Garver 1 Henry Shively 1 John Johnston 1 Jacob Johnston 1 Abrah. Johnston 1 Abraham Kurtz. ... 1 John Kurtz 1 Mic. Shelloberger 1 Peter Killheifer 1 John Killheifer 1 John Myar 1 Jacob Swoab Isaac Garver 1 Amo. of 7th CV- £U Capt. -WM. ERISBEX'S Compar.y Joseph Wike 1 4 1 i Jam. Douglas, sen... 9 o 1 ^ Mic. M'Closkey 4 Patrick Milholn 4 C Jacob Kurtz, IS 1 ? Peter Rapp 1 ■* Alexander Brown <'' 4 G Christian Kurtz. ... 1 4 John Coop 1 -» '^ John Plank, jun 1 ! " George Rutter 1 4 n Andrew Cullen 9 (' Mat. Henderson 14 James Lyttle 4 G Samuel Coop 1 4 •' Joseph Welsh l.i " James Watson 19 G Jacob Hains 1 4 u John Holey 14 George M'Intire 4 Joseph Hains '"'19 John Murphy 1 4 " Josejih Garver 1 4 i' Amo. Sth Cu £20 G 4 - 460 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTSS. Amoun: of ihe different Companies State Mo. Amount of the Firs: Company £71 Do. Second do. Do. Third do. Do. Four:h do. Do. Fifth do. Do. Sixth do. Do. Seventh do. Do. Eighth do. Specie. £71 2 37 2 31 13 5 13 9 56 8 19 12 16 1 50 17 u 39 19 6 9 17 y 44 5 14 15 9 20 « 4 4 £330 6 £91 5 3 Account of Fines received from Delinquents for non-perform- ance of Duty in the 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, Gch and 7th Classes of the 1st Battalion of Lancaster County Militia. Captain SLATER'S Company. 2a Class. State JIo. Specie. Christian Tybout 6 3 10 3d Class. Ab. Buckwalter 2112 3 Jacob Crider 2S 3 6 Isaac Rohrer IS 15 •Martin Musser 2115 Benj. Landis, jun.,.. lo lo 4th Class. Abraham Downer.... 23 18 5th Class. John Crider John Landis John Landis, jun.,.. Isaac Farlow Jonas Roupe Ab. Buckwalter. jun.. 6th Class. John Stopher Jacob Landis George Shainkl-r Tobias Wanner Henry Witmore Carried ov«rr £6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Brought over £6 2TT 8 6 Martin Mellinger, Henr>' Locker Jacob Roop, 7th ClasB. David Grove John Buchwalter, Tobias Crider Jeremiah Kirk 10 10 10 10 9 19 Ij 21 in 10 lu 10 Captain HASTINGS' Company. 2a Class. John Miller C :; 1 Joseph Hall 2 n Sam. Montieth 6 Stewart Montiiih.... 3 1' 5th Class 24 1 The. Johnson 30 13 10 10 10 10 6th Class. 10 10 James Allison S e Carried over £20 413 1 6 LANCASTER COUNTY. State Mo. Specie. ; I Drought over £20 413 1 6 | Captain SL.AYMAKER'S Company. 2d Class. 461 State Mo. Specie. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. Brought ove: £G1 10 56y C C C'3 Oqss. George Carpenter,... 6 J(jhn Richardson 6 Frederick White 7 S John Wagoner 6 I Jacob Sipsineck, ... I Joseph Rutter. sen. 10 9 I John Musser Jacob Esselman John Ferree Jacob Stombach, ... David Foster, Daniel Ferre, Jacob Ludwig. William Taylor, 3 10 3 10 8 10 3i 12 e SI 10 6 1 10 9 10 10 6th Class. Henry Stombach Tth Class. Jacob Brua. jun. John Bachman, . Conrad Cuntz. .. 10 10 9 4 Captnin SKII.ES'S Company. 2.1 Class. Henry Musser. J.ihn Skil^-s, 10 2 f. (! n (I Carried ovh-. ..'. .ffil ir John Rush Henry Rutter. sen Robert Knoi. .. Christian Sharp. 6th Class. George Siidr'nairge. . . Abraham Gii)bor.s, Balser Razor William Rutter. .. Daniel M'Callister. Henry Smith William Liehir.t-r. . Joseph Ash !•) 10 11 p; 10 lO 7 10 11 10 -J 10 10 10 10 1:; IS 9 10 10 G 11 12 4 10 10 n 10 ir* n 4 ') Captair. SMITH'S Compan;. 2a Class. Jacol* Bear. ... John Bruca. .. Jonas Kaufman Peter Mu>-::-. .. G S V 6 7 10 3 la ) G 3 1') 7 ■• 3 !■■' John Rusi'. Carried over. 462 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. state Mo. Specie. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. Brought over £S0 17 10 747 u Christian Shapp ]S 7 Jacob Fritz 17 -1th Class. Joseph Otterbough. .. Henry Bear Jacob Hickman. Andrew Spelt.=er Michael Foots, Samuel Miller. Charles Phillips VI 10 lu 10 17 9 f, 3 16 4 16 » 6 10 10 7th Class. Jacob Hoover IS Henry Bowman IS V, State Mo. Specie. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. Brought over £121 6 4 &68 12 6 4th Class. Alex. Lenimon John Hare, Daniel Melong Abraham Hare Mesech Erie. ... John Ferree Isaac Hains Philip Hortman. Joseph Leamon, Christian Miller, John Miller Conrad Spitser, .. I William AUey. .. John Ferrey, jun. Daniel Norton. .. Frederick Pouts, . Christian Rora, .. Martin Miely Captain HENRVS Company. 2.1 Class. John Hernish . ]0 ] 1" 111 1(1 10 10 II 1 c Brought over £120 10 4 124m lit George Acre 6 IS 3 li) Moses Johnston fi 3 10 John Garver 9 Joseiih Brinton, .. Frederick Doubler. Henry Kbey Adam Miller, Jacob Hammer. .. Abraham Garver. John Curtz Isaac Garver, ... Abraham Eby, .. John Eby. Daniel Swope, Andrew Bear. 10 10 12 10 10 11 12 6 11 12 (I 12 3 6th Class. Jacob Garver 11 14 Jacob Maxwell 11 19 Mich. Waneaunon, .. 10 10 Moses Brentor 10 111 463 state Mo. Specie. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. Brought over flol S 4 14iiO 7 C Tth Class. Carried ov»r. .£r,l 8 4 Hufi John Maxwi-ll Midi. Shalleberger, Abraham Johns,... John Garver Michael Hes'^ 12 12 II 12 lu II 12 11 10 (I 11 4 Captain BRESP.A.V S ComiiiUi\ . Jacob Kurtz. 4th Clas^. Christian Kurtz 10 10 John Cope 11 12 C George Krisor. James Borland, IM 10 6th Class. George Stever, j Total £lol S 4 l.Jls r 464 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. < z = = = 00-0 — M ?] X) rt M is ac Q) u O 3 c = 3 s c o 6 d 6 6 a: a, ^ •.~ •— o c o o d d o — a: S > en = = = .^ 'a; a. — .— i-r'-a.-jToj O to O CO O C: O' o -5 O lO M t^l -^ ■»»< 1-1 o LO ro •^ ^ .2 — " h n! be hi "T ca > .5 ^ x: o ^ St5 o -^ .=a o3 -^ro -row -n a; ~ r ^ a p rt . -•= -r; >^ ~ f^ cc ^ ja n- ^"2 OJ >. I- -< M 00 o 1-1 50 O IH 1-1 Si .2 »3 -G S ^ ^" ^ a; « o -» .r; !!, Mr;"© C '^ i; l:^ cm" § CO cs — c _ Q C j2 M i< y r" 1-1 466 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. LIST OF FINES RECEIVED OF THE Absentees of Captain Orth's Company on the exercising Days in April and May. 1781. No. I. Christian Smith 1 4 Nicholas Brechbiel 1 4 Michael Stoufl'er 1 4 Jacob Cryder, jun 1 4 Tlrey Buikholder 1 4 Jacob Eehm 1 4 iJeorge Snevely 1 4 Abraham Bowman 1 4 Henry Lony 1 4 Christian Burkholder, 1 4 George Gieseman 19 Jacob Steohr 1 4 Henry Yorty 1 4 Henry Worst 1 4 John Eshelman 1 4 Thomas M'Morra 1 4 Jacob Bachman 1 4 Tobias Cryder, jun 1 4 John Steover 1 4 Herman Long 1 4 George Cryder, sen 1 4 George Cryder, jun 1 4 Christian Heisy 1 4 Abraham Ebersold, Ab. son. 1 4 Peter Ebersold 1 4 Peter Johnston 1 4 John Seilor 1 4 Peter Reish, sen 1 4 Peter Fauny 1 4 Peter Yorty 1 4 Abraham Huber 1 Adam Steover 1 Rudy Behm 1 Ludwick Zehring 1 John Dehner, jun., 1 Christian Stouffer 1 John Stehr 1 Jacob Ebersold 1 David Short 1 4 Jacob Saunder 1 4 Tobias Steover 1 4 Thomas Williams 19 Abraham P^bersold 1 4 Carried over £51 3 Brought over £51 3 John Greittei- 1 4 Martin Miller 1 4 Peter Grulib l 4 John Hei.«y, jun 14 Christian Ober 1 4 Jacob Tohner l 4 Jacob RohUnd 1 4 Ulrey Burkholder, sen., 14 Martin Cryder 1 4 John Ebersold, jun 14 Peter Snevely 1 4 John Miller 1 4 Christian Gingrich 1 4 Christian Bachman 1 4 Peter Reish. jun. 14 Michael Gingrich, jun 14 Peter Wittmer, jun 14 John Burkholder 1 4 Henry Johnston 1 4 Amount State Mo £73 19 LIST of Fines received of Absentees of Capt. MICHAEL HOLDER- BALM'S Company, on the several Exercising Days in the Months of April and May, 1781, No. 2. Samuel Etter l 4 John Ellenberger, l 4 Jacob Wilhelm 19 6 Christian Wilhelm 19 6 Christian Neff 1 4 Michael Cryder 1 4 Henry Gingrich 1 4 Martin W'aggnor 1 4 Miciiael Breneisen 1 4 Peter Crehbiel 1 4 Ansten Heilman 1 4 Peter Ney 1 4 Carried over £13 19 LANCASTER COUNTY. Brought over, £13 19 Brought ovt^r, 467 £G George Wolff Henry Heilman John Fireabend John Walter, sen.. .. Jacob Sieghly John Heilman Jacob Eshelman Henry Knoll Michael Ney, Christian Eshelman... Peter Frank John Meyer, miller, .. Andrew Kremer Martin Funk Christian EUenberger. John Snoaj- Michael Uhler David Klein John Walter, jun John Nafsker John Ulrey Snevely, John Huber John EUenberger John Shallenberger. , John Blough Martin Uller John Gingrich John Raser, Peter Eshelman Peter Heilman Henry Neff Adam Helm Daniel Bekly u II John Groh, I'hiliii Weller Jacob Newcomer Frederick Buckmeyer, Christian Lentz Jacob Oberholtztr i'hristi;in Zehring .lo.seph Hicksler John Brubacker Martin Stehly Abraham Sheruk t.'hristian WoUT Henry Meily, Christian Breckbiel, .. Daniel Beshoar Samuel Hunsruker, ... Jacob Fawber Christian Hunksricker, Melchior Beckny Nicholas Wolff John Lentz Jonas Rudy John Light John Holdeman John Kohr William Redford Daniel Redford Amount State Mo. £39 12 Amount State Mo. LIST of Fines received from Absen- tees on the several exercising Days in the Months of Anril and May. irsi. of Captain STEOVER'S Com- pany. Jr.hn Kunkel Michael Groh David Peffly Martin Shuy Abraham Strohm Carried over LIST of Fines received of the Absen- tees of Capt. KRAUSE'S Company, on the several exercising days, in the months of April and May, 17S1, No. 4. Conrnil Fasnacht. .. Leonard Kehler Michael Knch Jacfib Folmer Peter Smith Henry Baylor John Bittner Michael Ensmingers, Dr. John Greff Jos. Strowgis 1 4 10 Carried over £11 6 6 468 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over £11 6 James Read Nicholas Gebhard, George Folk George Folmer, .. David Dishong, .. Frederick Steover, 1 4 15 9 9 9 Amount State Mo £15 18 ! LIST of Fines received from Absen- 1 tees of Captain MOORE'S Com- | pany. No. 5. George Emmert Benjamin Miller Peter Tung George Miller Anthony Wilson George Kapp Rudy Moyer, Frantz Seibert John Moyer, George Klein Joseph Geazer, tanner, Christian Weiss Christopher Weiser John Tung Michael Kapp Henry Weise David Lavenstein Henrj' PefEer Henry Krall Joseph Grazer Jacob Miller John Hemegh George Stoler Adam Flrkman 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 19 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 15 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 10 u 6 1 4 6 Brought over Michael Miller Christian Smutz Peter Borgner Abraham Groh Michael Heisy John Smith George Eby Christian Gish, sen., John Baylor Henry Kuntz Martin Getz Jacob Sigs George Glassbrenner John Miller Isaac Sheffer Henry Light, jun John Jacoby Abraham Diel George Baylor Henry Light, sen Christian Frankhouse Ab. Smutz, son of Mat.,.. Mathias Smutz, jun Joseph Bamberger Christian Gingrich, Michael Gingrich Christian Kantz Lorentz Orndorf John Horst Joseph Horst Christian Brand Daniel Heisy Jacob Light Henry Werner 7i"alentine Reifween Mathius Smutz Abram Krall Henry Eby Andrew Ley JIartin Thomas Amount State Mo. Amount State Mo £23 13 LIST of Fines received from Absen- tees of Captain STONE'S Cpmpany. on the several exercising Days, in the Months of April and May. 17S1. No. 6. I Henry Rudy 1 4 oj Paul Shoemaker 1 4 oj Peter Myer 1 4 George Strohm 1 4 Oj Jacob Becher 14 Christian Smith 1 4 Oi Baltzer Shally 1 4 Oi John Strohm, 1 4 | John Lantz Carried over £9 12 0. Carried over. LIST of Fine? received frrm Absen- tees on Days of Exercise, in Capt. WEAVER'S Company. No. 7. 1 4 LANCASTER COUNTY. 469 Brought over Ludwig Rehl Nicholas Haak, Christian Bocltler, ... Jacob Fakrin Peter Lindesmith, ... Samuel Lantz Amount State Mo. £14 Brought over £38 8 1 4 j Thomas Mees 15 I Philip Fawber 1 4 I John Wingen 15 I Leonard Wingelbleck, Henry Zehrlng 10 6 14 LIST of Fines received of the Absen- tees on the several Exercising Days in the >Ionths of April and May, 17S1. of Capt. GASSERT'S Com- pany, No. 8. Amount State Mo. £44 8 RETURN of the Absentee? of Cap- tain ORTH'S Company, In the Months of October and November, 1781, No. 9. TJlrey Kneagy 1 4 Henry Fu.x 1 4 TV'endel Fisher 1 4 Dewalt Gerst 1 4 Christian Kaufman 1 4 Philip Gaster 1 4 Martin Walburn 1 4 Tobias Lehman 1 4 George Beshour 1 4 Peter Hershberger 1 4 Daniel Waggner 1 4 Henry Meese 1 4 "U^illiam Rough 1 4 John Fawber 1 4 Adam Brand 14 Henry Zehring 1 4 Isaac Snevely, jun 1 4 Peter Roop 1 4 Abraham Winyer 1 4 Adam Shouer 1 4 Yost Neagy 1 4 John Beshoar. jun 14 Philip Zehring 1 4 John Beshoar, Holdeman's. 14 Jacob Stehly, 1 4 John Wingon 1 4 Jacob Snevely 1 4 Peter Sadelzaum 1 4 Henry Dups 1 4 Jacob Brand 1 4 Christian liOng 1 4 John Spittler, 1 4 C.nrrled over f3S 8 Christian Smith 1 8 Christian Long 1 8 Mich. Gingrich, Yost's Son. 1 8 Christian Cryder, .iun 1 ? Jacob Croy 1 8 Jacob Siegflet 1 8 J. Burckholder, C's Son ISO John Reish ISO Jacob Heisey 1 S Jacob Yorty 1 S Jacob Cryder. jun 1 S ribrey Burkholder, jun 1 8 George Snevely 1 8 Abraham Bowman 1 S Henry Long 1 8 Christian Burkholder ISO Jacob Steohr 1 8 Henry Yorty 1 8 Jacob Behm, jun 1 S Jacob Backman 17 6 John Steover 17 6 Herman Long 17 6 Peter Helspy 017 6 Jacob Crv'der. sen 17 6 Christian Heisey -.. 17 6 Peter Johnston 17 6 Martin Kreemer 17 6 Peter Snevelv 1 S Christian Gingrich 1 8 Ppter Reish. jun 1 ^ Mi. Gingrich, jun.. M's Son. 1 8 Peter W'ittmor 1 8 .Amount. Specie £40 12 470 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. RETURN of the Absentees of Cap- tain HOLDERBAUM'S Company in the Months of October and Novem- ber, 1781, No. 10. Samuel Etter Jacob Ellenberger. .. Mathias Strehr John Louttermllch, . Jacob Oyer Benjamin Geruth. ... Martin Ullerich Peter Walter Christian Neff Jlichael Cryder Martin Waggner Michael Breneisen, .. Peter Grehblel John Umberger, jun. Peter Ney Henry Heilman John Fireabend Jacob Sleghly Peter Heilman Henry Neff Adam Helm Daniel Bielly Amount Specie £23 6 RETURN of the Absentees of Capt. STOEVER'S Company. In the Months of October and November, 1781. No. 11. John Kunkle, Michael Groh, David Pestly Martin Shuey Henry Light. Jacob Hecltman. ... Martin Rudy Liidwick Shuey, . . . Michael Groh, jun. Christian Shuey, .. Jacob Keller Abraham Sheffer. . 8 8 S S lirought over, 8 8 10 6 2 9 I 17 G j 17 C 17 6 ! s : 8 j 17 6 : S John Groh Peter Newcomer, . Christian Groh, ... Jacob Newcomer, Christian Lentz, .. Jacob Oberholtzer, Christian Zehring. Martin Stehly Jacob Desler Jonas Rudy John Light John Holdeman, .. John Kohr Jacob Heckman, .. £16 IC n 1 8 1 8 1 S 17 6 17 6 17 6 17 6 u 17 6 17 6 1 S 1 8 1 8 1 S 1 8 Amount Specie £33 Carried over flG IG RETURN of the Absentees of Cap- tain KR.\USE'S Company, in the Months of October and November, 17S1. No. 12. James Reed 1 1 Christopher Leop 10 6 Michael Koch 1 2 9 George Folk 3 Joseph Sturgious 1 2 9 Amount Specie £4 2 3 RETURN of the Absentees of Capt. MOORE'S Company, in the Months of October and November, 17S1. No. 13. Michael Grebiel, 1 8 John Shenck 1 8 Adam Tielman 18 George Ernest 1 8 Peter Young 17 6 George Miller 1 8 Henry Peffer 1 8 Henry Grall 1 S Joseph Grazer 1 8 John Eberii 10 6 Amount Specie £12 12 LANCASTER COUNTY. 471 RETURN of the Absentees of Cap- tain STONE'S Company, in the Months of October and November. 17S1. No. 14. Henry Rudy Peter Meyer Paul Shoemaker Georgre Strohm Abraham Meyer, .'. Jacob Becker John Strohm, Michael Miller Abraham Smulz Abraham Groh Michael Hiesey John Smith * George Ebey Christian Gish. sen John Miller Isaac Sheffer Henry Ebey Jacob Shaffer Abraham Krall Lorentz Houtz Samuel Strohm John Beiker Amount Specie £2S 14 RETURN of the Absentees of Ca>..- tain WEAVER'S Company, in the Months of October and November, 17S1. No. 15. 1 8 18 1 S 18 1 8 18 1 8 1 8 18 18 18 18 1 8 1 8 1" c 17 C 1 S 17 1 8 1 8 18 17 6 1 John Lantz ^ Ijudwick Riel ^ Christian Beyler 1 Jacob Furnoh, jun P Amount Specie £4 RETURN of the Absentees of Cap- tain HENING'S Company In Octo- ber Nov., 1781, No. 16. I^lrey Kneagy ^ ^ " Henry Fox 1 ^ Dewalt Gerst 1 ^ Christian Kauftman 1 & Detrick Heckman, 1 S Jacob Fisher 1 ^ '^ Henry Brubagher 1 8 Tobias Lehman ^ ^ " Peter Hershberger 1 ^ Daniel Waggner 1 S ; John Fawber ^ '-•_ ^ Isaac Snevely " 1' •"' I Philip Fawber 1 S i John Spittler ^ ^ " Amount Specie £1S 11 \OCOUNT of Fines received from the 2d, 3d, 4tli. oth ' and 7th Classes of the second Battalion of Lancaster Cou Militia, by Christopher Kiicher. Sub-Lieut. No. 17. 6th nty Captain ORTH'S Company. 2d Class. State Mo. Hard M' Jacob Torty 2 3 3 17 Christian Long 7 4 3 1. Jacob Cry der 5 14 3 17 Mich. Gingrich 9 9" 317 Carried over £24 10 I' S State Mo. Hard Mo. Brought over £24 10 Chr. Cryder, jun. Jacob Siegrist. .. John Buckholder John Reish. jun. Henry Relnoel 3 Carried rvrv £.'0 5 14 3 17 5 14 3 17 5 14 3 17 5 14 3 17 3 472 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. State alo. Hard Mo. State Mo. Hard Mo. Brought over £50 6 30 16 ; Brought over £50 6 366 8 6 3d Class. Michael Stouffer 10 10 Jacob Behm 10 10 Ubrey Burckholder. 14 5 George Snevely 14 5 Abraham Bowan, . . . 12 15 14 5 15 5 n Christian Burtcholder, Peter Ensminger, . . . 7 10 10 10 10 n Henry Yorty Henry Worst 10 10 John Eshelnjan 10 10 Thomas M'D' Morrow, 3 Fourth Class. Jacob Baghman, 10 10 Herman Long 7 10 George Cryder, sen.. S George Cryder. jun., 10 10 Peter Ebersold 7 10 Peter Johnston 7 10 Adam Richard 7 10 Fifth Class. John Seyler 10 10 Paul Sieg 5 5 Peter Faurney 12 7 6 Peter Yorty 10 10 Abraham Huber 7 10 Adam Stever 7 10 i John Karmaney. jun.. 10 10 Christian Behm 10 10 ''I Ludwick Zehring. ... 6 10 o! John Dohner, jun.,.. 10 10 i Sixth Class. Peter Miller George Holtz John Steohr Jacob Ebersold Jacob Saunder Carried over £50 6 Tobias Steover, .. Jacob Holtz Thomas Williams, Ludwick Cassler,. Seventh Class. Philip Karmany, ... Mathias Righard. . . . Martin Cryder, .... Daniel Ensminger, . Jacob Dohner John Yorty Jacob Rohland Christian Ober 9 7 18 10 4 5 10 10 10 10 5 5 6 15 Total Am., £50 6 464 8 6 Second Clai=s of Captain HOLDER- BAUM'S Company. G. Kemmerling 6 9 3 17 A. Blough, jun 5 14 3 17 Christian Walter 5 14 3 17 Third Class. Christian Neff 13 2 6 Michael Cryder 15 7 6 Mathias Harder 10 10 6 j Martin Waggner. ... 11 5 Michael Breneisen, .. 11 5 Peter Grehbiel 15 Anastasius Heilman, 11 5 Fourth Class. Jacob Sieghly 10 10 I i Fifth Class. i I Henry KnoU, 10 10 I Michael Xey 7 10 ' Peter Frank 10 10 I John Myer. miller.. 7 I Martin Funck 10 10 i Martin Meyer 10 10 6: Carried over £17 17 166 6 LANCASTER COUNTY. 473 State Mo. Hard Mo. State Mo. Hard Mo. Brought over £1? 17 166 6 Sixth Class. David Klein 4 10 Jacob Laubsher 6 John Walter, jun.,.. 5 John Nafsker, 5 5 John Ebberhard Ben- der, 5 3 Sigmond Shouer 3 10 John Snevely 3 Seventh Class. John Ellenberger John Shalleberger, .. John Blough Henry Peter John Gingrich John Raser, Amount £17 17 Capt. STEOVER'S Company. 19 10 14 7 10 3 15 10 10 Brought over £45 10 6 106 4 Jacob Oberholtzer, ... 5 10 Christian Zehring, .. 11 Martin Stehly 9 Peter Shouer 1 10 Jacob Tester 10 10 Fifth Class. Joseph Bicksler, ... Abraham Sherick, . Andrew Walburn, . Christian Wolff,... Henry Meiley Sixth Class. Christian Breghblel, Albert Klelnfelder, .. Daniel Beshoar Peter Bugher George Houtz John Lentz 13 D 7 10 4 10 13 17 6 6 14 12 6 7 10 13 5 4 10 6 7 IC Second Class. Seventh Class. Jacob Heckman 6 16 3 17 Martin Rudy 6 9 3 17 Ludwick Shuey 10 4 3 17 Mic. Groh. jun 5 14 3 17 Jacob Keller 5 14 3 17 Ab. Sheffer 5 14 3 17 Henry Light 5 14 3 17 Third Class, Samuel Hunsricker, . 15 10 Jacob Fawber 15 Christian Hunsricker, 13 Melchlor Behny 5 5 Jacob Groff 900 John Kitzmiller 3 Amount £45 10 G 293 4 Abraham Strohm,.. John Emmerlck John Groh. jun Jacob Goldman Balthaser Foderhauf Christian Brecht Philip Eisenhover. ,. Fourth Clas Jacob Newcomer, Christian Lentz. . 12 15 3 10 10 3 10 10 10 10 10 10 Carried over £45 6 106 i Captain KRAUSE'S Company. Second Class. Leonard Keohler 6 16 3 17 John M'Elrath 3 Third Class. Jacob Folmer 10 10 Henry Baylor "no Carried over £9 16 19 7 474 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. State Mo. Hard Mo State Mo. Hard Mo Brought over, £9 1 Fourth Class. Peter Richard George Folk Conrad Fasnaght, ... 19 7 Jacob Weirich Daniel Hening, ... John Philip Beck,. Frederick Nagel,.. Seventh Class. Christopher Uller, ... Peter Miller Philip Depoey David Dishong John Hop Simon Lough Total t9 Brought over, £26 17 48 1 i3 Fifth Class. Fifth Class. John Bittner 5 3 n Jacob Merk, 5 5 4 10 n William Heidler... Sixth Class. 1 10 I George Knapp 10 10 I Christopher Seyler. .. 10 10 1 Rudy Meyer I Durst Thoma I Peter Kiem John Smith John Meyer John Null Frederick Stump John George Brown. Sixth Class. tan- 9 4 10 George Klein. . Joseph Katzer, 6 I ner 10 10 I Martin Keller John Neip Christian Weise, Henry Brunner Henry Saltzgeber, . . . Philip Wolffersper- ger Henry Hcebshman... Conrad Spielman Anthony Wilson Jacob Miller John Becker, jun.... 5 5 7 10 4 10 5 5 3 5 1 John Jacob Hoffman, 6 4 2 9 4 10 5 5 3 10 10 S 9 9 12 3 3 10 12 15 T 7 10 8 5 3 10 10 7 9 9 5 5 9 1 6 120 2 Seventh Class. Capt. JOHN MOORE'S Company. Second Class. Michael Grehbiel, John Shenk Adam Peehman, 9 9 9 9 7 19 Third Class. John Eberly George Emmert Peter Young Andrew Wey, Carried over £2G 17 3 17 3 17 3 17 John Balsley George Stohler, jun Abraham Neff Peter Newman, ... Michal Meyer Martin Weiser Total £26 1 2 10 9 5 5 4 10 5 5 4 10 Capt. 10 10 I 10 10 ' 10 10 5 .Vbraham J. STONE'S Company. Second Class. ^mutz 9 9 4S 1 Total Am £9 9 C LANCASTER COUNTY. 475 State Mo. Hard Mo. j State Mo. Hard Mo. Brougrht over £9 9 3 17 Brought over £32 5 244 IS P. Glassbrenner 5 14 3 17 John Smith, jun 3 10 John Light 5 14 3 17 Peter Ginter 5 & Lorentz OrndorfC 5 14 3 17 Peter Wentz 5 14 3 17 Total Am £32 j 2."3 13 Third Class. Michael Heisey, George Ebey, .. 12 15 12 15 Capt. W. AVE.WER'S Company. Fourth Class. Martin Getz 3 10 John Miller 10 10 Isaac Sheffer 19 10 Jacob Sheffer 6 Fifth Cliss. Adam Huber 7 10 Abraham Diel 10 10 George Baylor 10 10 Caspar EUinger 5 5 Henry Strohm 6 Christ. Frank Hoscr, 8 Henry Light, sen.,.. 9 Abraham Smutz 10 10 Thomas Miller 10 10 Henry Riddel 3 13 Abraham Huber, 7 Si.xth Class. Joseph Horst Daniel Heisey Charles Beener Jacob Light Herner Wernner, . . . John Shalley Henry Wild Michael Meyer Seventh Class. Joseph Bamberger, . . 8 Christian Gingrich. . . 7 10 John Mehs 4 10 Second Class. Nicholas Noll 2 10 Third Class. Christian Beyler Peter Xeidigh, Hermanns Walburn, . Balthasar Oberkirsh, Fourth Class. Fifth Class. Peter Shell Christian Shnell. ... Jacob Slough Michael Wolfard 10 Sixth CI 14 2 10 Valentine Urich 7 10 Nicholas Kreitzer 6 10 Nicholas Fehler 3 u John Heffly 3 11 Jacob Meyer 5 5 John Haak Carried ever. 5 244 IS Seventh Clas Frederick Noecker. Martin Weiser 12 15 3 3 4 10 6 3 4 10 4 10 S 3 10 4 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 7 10 4 10 £2 10 SI 5 476 Capt. J. GAFFERT'S Company No. 8. ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. State Mo. Hard Mo. Brought over £30 89 12 6 Second Class. State Mo. Hard Mo. Dleb. Heckman 6 9 3 17 John Mees 6 9 3 17 Jacob Fisher 5 14 3 17 Henry Brubacher, .. 5 14 3 17 Peter Long 5 14 3 17 Third Class. G. Beshoar 10 10 Peter Hershberger, . . 10 10 Daniel Waggner, ... lo 10 Fifth Class. Adam Shour Yost Neagy I John Beshoar, Jun.,. I Philip Zehring ' Fourth Class. William Rough 13 17 6 John Fawber 10 10 Adam Brand, jun.,.. 10 10 Abraham "Wenger, ... 4 Carried over £30 S9 12 C Sixth Class. Christopher Kapp,... Jacob Stehly Daniel Stroh John Wingert, jun.. 5 10 10 10 8 6 10 10 10 3 1 10 4 10 Seventh Class. Peter Saddelzaum, ... 7 10 Jacob Snevely 10 10 Jacob Brand 10 Michael Strehr 10 10 C Total Am £30 ISl 2 6 Amount of the foregoing Companies. 3:ate Mo. Captain Orth's, 50 6 Captain Holderbaum's 17 17 (» Captain Steover's 4.5 10 Captain Krause's, 9 i g Captain Moore's 2G 17 Captain Stone's 32 5 o Captain Weaver's 2 10 Captain Gaffert's 30 Amount of No. 17 £214 7 Hard- Mo. 434 8 G 238 6 29;J 4 12J 2 254 12 6 253 13 81 5 181 2 6 1916 13 6 LANCASTER COUNTY. 477 < H CO Sz o a t- "U3 ?- '^ ."2 •2 3 en -a -■"■ ci .- C « "7 5> 10 s- - D t; c ^' .c ■£■ s I ._ c- -3 £ ■" z || ^ r ~ :i: ■^ o =5 c J^ o .- .^ i -H o, 00 — U T-H — ■ c K C II , 1-5 ^ QJ cl "?i C c— ' m =" a yj 1 Z •_ c 101 3,10 a". D >, ^ "3 ^ - - ^ ° "H - w _c _^. U = = C 1^ =C cfi ^ ~ ^ c- < C 0. '~ ^ ■' £ i 3 ■^ rt 0^ -. ^ c - ^ c; ci tn T-i •2 s Q - .= 1^ 478 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. S ^ ^ ^ T-l O 1-1 I ?1 I I i tH 1 j LI O 00 I Tjl bfl n c c 03 ci =« s- 01 M o =f. -CI tH M ft O cfi (U Ol ^ 02 be S •^ oT .5 M — o O -H S O > Oj cn nj t" , c -^^ cc i^; o r^ E- H LANCASTER COUNTY. 479 LIST of Fines far Non-Attendance upon Days of Exercise, in tlie Year 1781, received from tliird Battalion. Capt. DUCK'S Company. State Mo. Hard Mo. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. State Mo. Sriec-ie. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. Brought over £21 C u 2^10 9 John Stuky 1 4 Christian Ryer 19 G Peter Staly 1 4 Adam Prua 1 4 Christian Jossel 14 Martin Barswamp... 14 Mathias Croll 14 Christian Croll 14 ririck Croll 1 4 Henry Shindaler u 6 Davi.l Marhill 1 4 Martin Bar 1 4 Am. 1st Co £13 .■. C ISO 1 1 17 6 17 C ISO 19 C 19 G 1.5 14 19 6 13 1 4 13 1 4 1 4 19 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 S r S 17 6 17 C Capt. PlHEAM'S Comran\ Nicholas Wolf 14 Nicholas Snider 14 Daniel Bowman 14 Jacob Lesher 1 4 Jacob Mohler 1 4 Jacob Datewiler 1 4 Henry Everly, 14 Adam Kingmaker. ..140 Michael Shaerk 14 Abraham Beckslcr, .. 14 Samuel Bowman 14 William Gram,..- — 14 Jacob Bucher 14 Henry Mohler 14 r-hri.=tian Wenger l". Abraham Kline 14 Christian Nop 1 4 John Mohler 1^. Jacob Londay 1 4 o Jacob Zentmyer 1 4 o Jacob Landes 1 4 Carried over £24 6 1 1 8 S 1 S s s s s s 1 s s s 2 9 1 f S Francis Brumbcch. . . Valen. Shawalter, . . . Michael Righter. ... Ulrick Sherreck Jacob Shawalter George Spaid Martin Klever George Kuns Abraham Landes,... Peter Brubacker Jacob Mishler John Haffer Joseph Mishler Henry Hershberger. . Jacob Whitmer ]Michael Bear Christian Conrad,... Isaac Hershberger, . . Henry Miller Christian Frons Henry Good j Peter Reyer ; J:iavid Shark I John Musselman C. Shovalter. jun — Abraham Bear Jacob Frons John Mohler, Jun.,., Adam Wigsell George Bogart. Henry Landes John Kline Jacob Kagey -Abraham Landes... Am. of 2d Co £56 15 C 40 6 19 6 19 6 1 4 1 8 1 4 1 8 15 1 4 1 8 1 4 1 4 1 8 1 4 1 S 1 4 iD 9 19 6 15 1 S 15 9 1 8 17 6 1 8 480 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. State JIo. Specie. State Mo. Hard Mo. Springr Fl. Fall Fl. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. Brought over, 53 9 6 13 IS 3 Captain KUSTER'S Company. John Richsecher, ... 14 12 ." John Geib 14 ISO George Heffert 14 18 Joseph Bucher 14 18 Joseph Gingerlch 14 18 Abraham Relt 14 ISO Jacob Hochstetter, .. 14 17 6 Henry Gippell 140 ISO Jacob Bruchholder, .. 14 John Bucher 1 4 Christian GreabeihI. 14 18 John StoufCer 14 Martin Gross 1 4 Henry Kinsy, 1 4 Valent. Grener, Ju.,. 1 4 Peter Erb 14 Sylvester Gruber, ..140 Bernhard Coutzman. 1 4 u John Erb 14 17 6 John Shoemaker 14 Christ. Hlrshle, jun., 14 17 6 Christ. Armstrong,.. 14 George Mayer, jun.,. 14 Jacob Hirshey 1 4 '> Christian Rale 1 4 John Longeneoher, .. 1 4 u 17 6 Martin Baylor 14 Christian Relst 14 Nicholas Monett 13 Peter Armstrong 1 4 Christian Weaver,... 14 Michael Beam, jun., 14 Jacob Oberholser, . . 14 Frederick Kissel 14 John Rust, Jun 14 Henry Leib 1 4 Jacob Armstrong,... 14 Godfried Goodyard,.. 14 Nicholas Straw 14 Fred. Armstrong,... l 4 George Rule 1 4 Matth. Armstrong,.. 14 Laurence Kuner, 1 4 Jacob Gingerlch, 14 John Noecher l 4 O Carried over,. ...£53 9 6 13 18 3 Henry Shembena, 14 Jacob Eberly, 14 Jacob Gippell 14 Christian Huber 14 John Eby 1 4 Christ. Bamberger,.. 14 John Summy 1 4 John Armstrong 14 John Gippell 14 David Zug 1 4 Jacob Bamberger,... 14 Jacob Longanecker, .14 Christian Stouffer, .. 14 Christian Gippell, ... 1 4 Michael Beom 1 4 George Mengel 19 6 John Louman 1 4 Christ. Shertzer 14 Peter Funck 1 4 o John Bamberger 14 Daniel Weller 1 4 Jaeol) Dussinger, .... 14 Daniel Erb 1 4 1 8 Henry Benter 1 4 Christian Zug 14 18 Jacob Gingerlch, .... 1 4 17 6 Hartman Monett,... 14 George Geiger, 14 George Kissel 1 4 Rudolph Beohm 14 18 Jonathan Gingrich... 14 Henry Painter ISO Jacob Holler 12 3 John Ebey 7 Am. of 2d Co.,. .£90 9 21 7 Captain GEHR'S Company. Jacob Frons 1 4 DaniPl Sollebarger. . . 14 Jacob Blank '. . 1 4 liastian Gackley, ... 1 4 Henry Hendshing. .. . 14 Samuel Eby 1 4 George Eby 1 4 Jacob Eberly 1 4 Carried over £9 12 1 s 1 s n 1 s 1 s 1 s 1 s 1 8 LANCASTER COUNTY. 4S1 State Mo. Hard Mo. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. State Mo. Hard Mo. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. Brought over, . £9 12 Jacob Bear 1 4 John Flechenger 1 -i John Blank 1 4 Christly Hornly 1 4 Peter Blank l 4 Danie Reek l 4 Joseiih Flechinger. . . 1 4 John Conrad 1 4 Joseiih Jacob l 4 David Bricher 1 4 John Gackley, jun... 1 4 John Bricher 1 4 Joseph Conrad 1 4 Peter Shoemaker. ... 1 4 David Gackley 1 4 Jacob Deshler 1 4 Jacob Dornbeck 1 4 Jacob Sharp (■ Martin Klever f> 1 S 17 Amo. 4th Co... Captain Lutz'? Cnn?iian\ Christian Honber 14 Jacob AVeber 1 4 Christian Weber 1 4 n John Eis'enberger. .. 1 4 Joseph Wenger 1 4 Peter Fry 1 4 n John Gerber 1 4 David Tidlo 1 4 (■ John Hoober 1 4 John Wengert, ... George Weosteffer George Cope? Amot. .'^th Co £1 .£30 13 16 1 4 f 1 8 i\ II 1 S 'I 1 1 n Brought over £4 10 Jjaniel Zerfass 1 4 u George Houck 1 4 (> Adam Kalb 1 4 o John Uhrich 1 4 (i Jacob Landes 1 4 n John \\'ittmer l 4 i' John Leyler l 4 o Juhn Bear l 4 r Heter Bollinger 1 4 c Rudolph Bollinger,.. 1 1 i. .■\brahani Zerfass,... 1 4 " Abraham Bollinger.. 1 4 h Christian Luter 1 4 n William Dushgong. . 1 4 n David Landis l 4 n Nicholas Lazor 14" Felix Boggart 1 4 u Benjamin Landes,. . 1 4 n John Tons i 4 n Durst Ammon 1 4 Benjamin Bear 1 4 u Samuel Fanastock. . . 14 Peter Martin l 4 m John Arndt 1 4 h Martin Meyer 1 4 Jacob Wolf 1 4 John Ludear 1 4 John Brubacher 14 Christian Bowman... 14 John Shodt 1 4 u Martin Labar. . John Unger. .. . Amot. 6th Co. Captain ASHTOX'S C"ompany. 1 .S 1 8 £4( 10 IJ 7 7 n Captain OBERLVS Company Peter Fanastick 1 4 '• Christ. Hfsterberger. 14' 1 Elias Wolf ■. 1 4 Jonathan Kalp 1 4 o Carrie. 1 over £4 IG 1 31--6--3d Ser. John Eby Jacob Kinzy. ... John Boyer John Brubacher. Adam Kiener. . . John Crotzer. .. .'^tophel Fabour. , Ororge Zaame. , Carried over £0 li! 4S: ACCOUNTS OP LIEUTENANTS. State Mo. Hara M j. State Mo. Hard Mo. i;ri_U8ht Spring Fi. Fall Fi. Scimuel Wispier VI ^ GeiTse Pfotzer '1 IJ Christian Siouffer 14 John Cromer 'J ID 6 Xicholus Ueal 1 -1 Ju.-ob :M.ver 1 -1 Henry Rudy <> 15 Martin Cromer 1 4 Abraham .Stouffer. . . 1 4 U Jacub Bordner 10 6 (ieorse Betz lo o Geo.-ge Miller 14 cnrad Plcsterer 14 Mic. Hoghlender, ... 14 Jar. li Hrubacher 1 4 -Anint. 7th Co £24 4 Caiit. SMULLERS Company. Daniel Habacker Philip Michel Peter Christ Henry Fronck John Sheffell Daniel Christ Jo.seph Witmer Henry Plough John Foutz Peter Cryder Greenljury Petticoat. .Abraham .Snyder Christian Leinbach.. Chr. Bluckenpdeefer. Christ. Mussellman. . Cnnrad AVestheaver, Cnnrad Myer Jacob CaRlcr J>=remiah \Volf Christian Eyer christian Erb .Miohafl Krider Henry Wenner J'-tt-r Snyder, jun.. . Spring Fi. Fall Fi. s s s n s s s s s s Lrought over £2S 10 Cliri;-::. Habacker.... 1 4 Nicholas Kline 1 4 John Erb 1 4 J.iseph Willis. ...... 1 4 John Stees 1 4 -Abraham Dierdorf, . 1 4 Codfried Thomas 1 4 n. M. Eichelberger, . 1 4 Simon Dantz 1 4 Samuel Tune 1 4 Christian Buckcr 1 4 Henry Dierdorf 1 4 Abraham Sensening, 1 4 John Shank 1 4 Peter Stetzecher 1 4 .Andreas AVisler, ... 1 4 .Michael Myer i 4 Christian Huber 1 4 John Sensenig 1 4 John Gier 1 4 Christian Eby. jun.. 1 4 Anthony Sloner 1 4 Josejih Gimbold 1 4 George Geydner, 1 4 Henry Foltz 1 4 Jacob Stees 1 4 Martin Shenck 1 4 Jacob Haykman 1 4 Jacob Smuck 1 4 Samuel Krous 1 4 Jacob Sneider 1 4 Peter Creid^r... William Casler, . John Bender Jacob Ehy Peter Buher John Michell, ... Henry Netzly, . . Michael Baimer -Am. ^ih C.I IT r, IT 6 IT 6 IT 6 r C Crirrifd over £2S Ifi 21 1 S 1 S 1 4 S 1 4 c S 1 4 S 8 S 1 £firi 12 3T 1> LAXCASTIil: CuUNTY. 483 Amouni of ihe foregoing Companies. State Mo. Hard Mo. 1st Company Ij 5 6 5 12 2cl ditto, f),; 1.5 G 40 (» 3d ditco, y;) 9 21 7 4tn ditto, ao U 13 it; 6 5:h ditto, 12 U 2 6 6tii ditto, 40 16 7 7 7tll ditto, 24 4 tj 2 It; 8tli ditto, 6y 12 37 12 G Amount. No. 1 337 2 f. 134 14 Said to be uncollected 9.5 11 tj Received 21111 ACCOUNT 01 Finss received from tlie Delinquents of tl>e third Battalion. Lancaster Coun;y, for non-performance of Militia Duty. First Company. G<-o!'iie Weyman. Jacob t;en-ing>^r. . ; Uiought over. i Jos>-iili Youuker. Yo.-^t Martin ' George Hammer. 10 Jacolj Weyman, George Platz Jacob Zandei-. .. . £08 2 6 1 L' 6 1 2 6 3 ] 10 1 10 1 2 6 Fourth Clas Martin Bear. Swaniji Jacob Skinner Peter Bowman Sixth CIns«. George Ef-ar Carried r.ver IC 10 j 1.". 4 l.'i Wendle Benninger George Koucher, . Adam Shener Seventh Class. Fil'tli Clas.-!. Ulrich ("ndl .-, - 12 10 Michael Berringer 4 10 Second Comiian\-. Second Class. .N"i<-h..las liucli... Michael Sherick. .\d.im Baxter 6 iJavid Menlzer. .. 2 5 9 1 10 15 1 in s .-; 12 !•. j 10 Carried over, 100 484 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over £100 Leonard Keller 3 u Samuel Bowman S 5 William Gram, 3 lu Jacob Bucher 10 10 u Henry Leader 1 - Third Class. Henry Moler Christian Weager, ... Abraham Cline Christian Knop John Mellinger, Abraham Wolfe Jacob Sontag William Mellinger Jacob Zentmeyer Jacob Landis Jacob Ream Frantz Brombaugh, . . Valentine Showalter, S 5 y 111 12 ir. u Ij u u 1 10 u ■2 u u 6 15 1 2 6 4 4 U 2 1.". 1 2 6 10 lU Brought over £246 10 Michael Beau lu 10 John Halrey 15 Isaac Hersberger 14 5 William Shoemaker 3 Third Company. Second Class. John Bucher Christian Grabill John Stouffer I Martin Gross I Daniel Gingrey Henry Kinsey A'alentine Griner. jun. Peter Erb Christian Musselman. .. Silvester Gruber I Barnard Koutzman 10 10 12 15 15 13 10 2 12 10 13 10 12 10 10 10 Fourth Class. Third Class. Ulrich Sheck George Shate Lazarus Hardman, Philip Kuch 1 10 1 2 John Erb Christian Hirshy. Jacob Hirshy, . . . Fourth Class. 15 10 10 12 15 Fifth Class George Kuntz Abraham Landis Adam Mosser Peter Brubacher John Landis. jun Jacob Meshler Sixth Class. Bernard Guiger Jacob Rowland Jacob Witmore Seventh Class John Martin 1 2 U 3 11 4 15 II 4 li, u 2 15 5 5 1 10 1 2 Christian Ruhl. ... John Longenecher. Matthias Kamerer. Christian Reist. .. Nicholas Merritt, ., Peter Armstrong. . Christian Weber. ., Jacob Oberholtzer. . Frederick Kessell.. Fifth Class. Carried over £246 In Henry Leip John Frederick Jacnb Armstrong. . . Godfried Goodyear,... Frederick Armstrong. Matthia.o Armstrong. Lawrence Kuner John Xocher 2 11 3 5 15 15 15 & 10 >l 2 10 M 15 15 5 1 in 11 6 I' 6 15 Carried over, — £543 LANCASTER COUNTY. 485 Brought over £543 2 6 Sixth Class. Adam HoUinger 4 10 John Eby 3 Christian Bomberger l.T 2 6 John Sumy !« 10 John Armstrong 2 ."> J.ihn Spickler 1 10 John Gipple T 10 Martin Spuhler S 5 David Zuch 4 10 Petf-r Young 11" C Seventh Class. Jacob Bamberger 1110 Ludwig Goodyear 4 Christian Stouffer 3 15 Chri.=tian Gipple 3 15 George Mungill 10 10 Christian Spiehler 3 o Christian Shertzer 2 5 Daniel "Waller 110 Jacob DufTinger 4 John Thomas 2 Brought over £' John Blank Christian Hornly George Mose Fifth Class. Gerhard Walter Christian TVelst Sixth Class. Josefih Jacob I>avid Brecher John Gackley. jun Seventh Class. Josei'h Conrad Fifth Company. Second Class. ri 4 10 1 2 6 1 5 6 15 9 F'-'Urth Comp-iny. Second Class. .Tost Miller Christian Flickinger Bastian Gackly Peter Beinhcuer Third Class. Henry Henshing. jun S.'^muel Eby Matthias Bedner George Eby Jaciib Kherly Henry Henshinger. sen Fourth Clafs. Jacob Bear J ihn Flickinger Carried over 1 2 6 .-, 4 5 2 10 12 3 15 12 12 '.I 1« in 3 Jacob Weaver Third Cla-^s. Christian Weber George Koppas George Keller Fourth Class. Henry Brindle Richard Adams Peter Wise John Egenberg Fifth Class. Joseph avenger Henry Snider Peter Frye Sixth Clasf. Nicholas Shour Frederick Gerner Rudy Bear Carried over £^<"' 11 12 6 10 10 2 2 .-, 1 2 6 10 10 S IT 6 15 5 10 2 5 1 10 5 5 486 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over £SG2 FJrought over £107" Casper Bossert, . Christian Slough. Seventh Class 1 10 j Henry Eberly 12 6 Abraham Bollinger. I P'ifth Class. COO 4 10 Henry Eicholtz. .. David Fittle, ... Jacob Voncarta, . John Huber Jost Spengler. .. Adam Kissinger, Micliael Kerrick, Nicholas Rup. ... Casper Shimp, .. Peter Binckley. . Sixth Company. Second Class. Christian Wheland. John Fannistock, .. George Houck Adam Kelb Henry Bear Christian Feig John Uriah Jacob Gorgas Third Class. 1 17 6 4 10 1 10 4 10 1 2 6 1 2 6 I 5 S 15 1 2 c 1 : G 1 2 6 h 13 Vi 10 10 10 11 r, 1 2 6 r. Irt 10 Jacob Landis Martin Laber John Witmer Jacob Hassroth Michael Long Peter Feather Daniel Neagley Peter Gerber Jacob Eberly John Syter Benjamin Bowman Fourth Class John Bear Peter Bollinger Deitrich Fanestock Rudolph Bollinger Carried over £10 7 V< 12 1.-. 3 14 2 7 1.5 5 10 10 10 10 ?. 11 10 12 r. 6 12 i.j G 13 Christian Luther, William Stour. .. John Miller Henry Feather. .. Christoph Sheigel. William Dushong, David Landis, ... Nicholas Leson. . Wendel Trout, ... 10 Sixth Class Jacob Kemele i;en.1amin Landis. Durst Ammon Tlen.iamin Bear. .. Samuel Fanestock. John Baker Christian Hacker. Peter Martin John Hershberger. , Seventh Class. William Wucken, Martin Moyer Jacob Wolf Christian Fraberger, Adam Dresh John Apple John Luther George Weber John Brubacket Henry Miller Jacob Beck John Arnt 1 10 7 10 6 7 13 m 4 3 V< 2 IJ 13 3 4 1" (1 1 2 fi 1 10 2 3 1 10 10 10 1 17 n 4 II 2 Seventh Company. Second Class. George Miller Frederick Welmyer. . . John Brubaker Jacob Musselman Carried nver £1239 13 6 13 3 12 12 15 LANCASTER COUXTY 45"; Broustlit over £1209 1' Third Class. Adam Kuner John Crolson Stophel Fauber Geoi'fre Saum Samuel WilFon George Ploutson Christian Sloufer Samuel Cromer 10 10 M 10 11 4 fi c ir. 'J r. 10 10 ir. 1' ri Broucrht over. Peter Miller Abram Huber Cor.raa \Vestheafer. .lar-nb Geyer. Fourth Class. Fourth Class. Nicholas Beal Jacob Myer Henry Rudy 1 C C 10 Fifth Class. Martin Cromer 10 '' Abraham Stoufer CI." Jacob Burdner. - ' Christian Keemerer Georgre Millar Sixth Class. Frederick Sheltz Conrad Plaster Michael Hoprhland Christian Sluckey. .leremias Wolf Christian Eyer. ... Christian Erb. Michael Kreider. .. Frederick Lehman. Christian Hess Fifth Clas 15 3 1' . John Erb f> ! Jacob Rode I Henry Wanner ... i Christian Habacke*-. Leonard Welter. .. Christian Lesher. . \ John Steess ; John Ensle Georire Mover Seventh Class. John Hoyl Leonard Wilmyer John Parry Henry Mark Sandy Sortman Sixth Clas 1 2 1 2 & 1' 4 10 Eighth Companx Second Class. Leonard Miller. . Henry Feather. .. Abram Dindorf. . Simon Dantz. ... Samuel Tune Christian Beaker. Andrew Kreider. . Leonard Tulpan Henry Frank. Jacob Eby Daniel Christ Henry Rough John Foutz Peter Kreider Greenherry Peticoast. .. Third Clas? Abram Snyder Christian Blackendafer. 14 5 10 10 .T !••' 10 14 r. Seventh Class. Jacob Rudy Laurence Hercklemde. .. John Busch Peter Ruksacre Andrew Wis.sler Christian Huber John Sensenesh Christian Eby. .iun Peter Eby <4eor.se Gudner Total. 3 Carried over Hl'^ 1" o , 488 ACCv)UXTS OF LIEUTENANTS. H Z < z J I CQ ^ < -5 CO O u u < -^ . o 2 • rt 00 Z 7t t~ a3 c 7^ C ^> r -vi LS 5^ j^ X o .j_ c; ;:; r ^ i 3 5 i: a - c; 23 O O .13 = ^ tl -r c. t£ ^ o ^ q; ^ < ^^ ^ . n ■;r o o ei— 1 -*-J •/5 c ^ a o -^^ -c aJ r- ^ sS c rt 05 — c -- LANCASTER COUNTY. 489 •£ I -^ .2 «> T 1— i t^ 0) o; x: X ^ a,' c ^ "— -^ 'Xl ^ o 33 S*-H 'X r^ ^ d: 0.' s c O r- o a S " O "^ [/J • • • ri ^1 = S £ O Ci rj; t- ~ ^ ,-^ ^ ;- OJ - — CS CO '"5 0; hM ^ ^ 3 tc > "^ = = °f ■;^ 1 .2 "^ m 490 ACCOUXTS OF LIEUTENANTS. LIST of Fines received of the fourth Battallion of Lancaster County Militia for non-attendance upon days of Exercise, in the year 1781. State Mo. Specie. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. Capt. RODFONS Cmpany. John Kindig 1 4 u Christian Wyman... 14 John Beam 1 4 C Jacob Beam 14 Jacob Kughnower, .. 14 Henry Kughnower... 14 Ah. Kughnower 14 Rudolph Miller 14 Christian Keage : 4 n ISO Mel. Brenneman 1 4 i.' ISO Daniel Kinbortz 1 4 n 18 Jacob Brenneman,.. 1 4 c John Bowman 1 4 u ISO John Steabel 14 Jacob Fite 1 4 John Miller 1 4 Abraham Steller, 14 ISO Tobias Kughnower, 14 John Weab 1 4 Henry Line l 4 o 1 S Christian Line 14 Samuel Line l 4 Andreas Mem 14 John Hoober 14 Henry Hoober 14 Abraham Hoober 14 Christian Hoober 14 ISO Peter Hoober 14 Samuel Hess 1 4 o ISO Christian Hess 14 ISO Abraham Hess 140 Jacob Smith 1 4 Jacob Kreider 1 4 m Isaac Brenneman... 1 4 i' John Steller 1 4 1 1 s Christian Fewrer. . . . 141 1^0 Carried over £4" 4 ■' 1' <; State Mo. Specie. Spring Fi. F^.. r i. llniusrht over £43 4 'j 15 S John Baghman 14 ISO Christ. Newcomer. . . 14 Philip Swartz 14 Cornelius Jacobs,.... 14 iuilj Megomsee 14 Jacob Berg, 1 4 1 8 Jehu Howell 1 4 Jacob Hire 1 4 Christian Good 14 ISO Christ. Kughnower, ISO Christ. Brenneman, . 18 Frederick Rodfon... ISO Henry Detrick. ensign 2 16 Amount 1st Ci .£54 25 12 1 Captain BRAXD'S Company. Christian Steman.... 1 John Kaufman 1 Jacob Correll 1 Christian Marr 1 Henry Schopf 1 Henry Hystand 1 Abraham Harr 1 Jacob Killheifer 1 Rudolph Harr 1 Abraham Peter 1 Henry Funck 1 Jacob Frantz Isaac Kaufman Henry Neaf, jun Jacob Sichrist Christ. Burkholder. . John Grobb Henr>- Neave. sen... Henry Shop Christian F'untlc 1 s 1 s 1 s 1) n 1 1 s s 1 1 s s 1 s 1 s Am. 2il coniii .£1" 4 P> 115 LANCASTER COUNTY State Mo. Specie. Spring Fi. Fall Fi 44^1 State Mo. Specie. Spi-ing Fi. Fall Fi. Brought over £22 10 ') 2 I'j Capt. METZGER'S Company. Martin Bear 1 < John Bear 1 -4 Daniel Brenneman. . 1 4 Melchior Hachman.. 1 4 Adam Kendig 1 4 Isaac Miller 1 4 Japob Mannert 1 4 Henry Steman 1 4 Michael Shenok, sen.. 1 4 John Shenck 1 4 Frederick Shuff 1 4 Mathias Miller, .. 1 Henry Schenck 1 Michael Hess 1 Jonas Newcomer,... 1 John Rummell 1 Daniel Singinsteat. .. 1 Jacnb Wen.l-^r 1 1 S Benj. Hostaler John Myer, John Witmore Henry Kaufman Peter Grebell Isaac Kaufman Jacob AVhitmore Martin Funk John Stopper Abraham Kaufman,. Christian Newcomer, Jacob Stock Jacob Bonn Leonard Reigart Henry Shank David Mellinger.... Christian Whisler. . Henry Funk Samuel Funk Abraham Funk 1 4 C 1 4 14 Am. ;a Com p.... £21 12 n 1 s f. Am. 4th Cnmp...£2r. Capt. SCOTT'S Compan\ Captain DOMINIC'S Company. John Neaff 14 IS Jacob Kaufman 14 j John Stopher 1 4 u Leonard Rechert 14 | Jacob Stamen 14 | Christian Hare 14 Jacob Kaufman 14 Henry Neaff 1 4 Abraham Miller 1 4 Joseph Hohbeger.... 1 4 Casper Jordan 14 Henry Lighty 1 4 John Funk 1 4 o Christian Kaufman.. 14 Richard Mellinger... 1 4 Jacob Sids 1 4 Jacob Shallenberger. 1 4 <' Abraham. Stopher 1 4 Christian Kaufman.. ! 4 <:> ISO Carried over £22 1''. ■'' - 16 f( Adam Shaller ! 4 David Musselmin... 1 4 Jacob Springer 1 4 Joseph Charles 1 4 Christian Newcomer. 1 4 Jacob Hershy 1 ^ John Layman 1 ■* John Rugat 1 < Jacob earn 1 4 Isaac Hershy 1 ■* Henry Bear 1 ^ John Neaff 1 ^ John Segrist 1 -^ Jacob Brubacher 1 4 ■William Carn 1 4 1 John Carn 1 ^ Christian Horst 1 4 Christian Kaufman . 1 4 : Dnvid Musselman... 1 4 David Miller 1 4 Carried over £24 " 1 S 1 S 1 S 1 s IJ 1 s 1 V 1 s 492 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. State Mo. Specie. Spiing Fi. Fall Fi. Brought over £24 17 4 P'eter Mus.~elman. . . , 14 Abraham Hershy 1 4 llichael Reigart 14 Tobias Miller 1 4 Jaoob Croncr 1 4 o Christian Kaufman. 14 Henj. Brubacher 1 4 John Newcomer 14 ISO Jaoob Keikman 14 Joseph Sherrick. sen., 14 Jo.«eph Holler 1 4 o John Haymaker 14 Andrew Hershy 1 4 John Newcomer 14 Barnet Russ i 4 •"hri.stian Brubacher. 14 Daniel "Welty 14 Jacob Switzer 14 Abraham Stuphy 14 Jacob Newcomer 14 Jacob Menigo 1 4 Fred. Bartrack 14 ISO Michael Kaufman... 14 ISO Michael Ritzel 14 ISO David Brubache; 14 ISO John Landes 14 ISO Joseph Martin ISO George Wolf 18 Matthias Hook ISO Am. .jth Co iM 4 30 16 State Mo. Specie. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. Brought over £11 17 12 12 John Funk 19 fi Daniel Kindig Ij John Stoner 15 Christian Correll.... 19 6 Henry Souder 14 Abraham Stoner 19 6 Jacob Correll 15 Peter Whitmore 13 6 Jacob Eshelman 15 Christian Hare 19 6 Isaac Martin, 15 Isaac Kaufman 14 Joseph Wenger 1 4 John Musse-r 9 ISO Henry Breneman 14 ISO Frederick Hoffman . 10 C Frederick Weiler. ... 10 6 Rulee Funk 1 S George Kindigh ISO Henry Ash^lman, .. . ISO David Kaufman ISO Am. 6th Co £25 S 6 22 1 Capt. WRIGHT'S Company. Joseiih Musser 15 Mich. Boughman 1 4 Benjamin Hershy... 1 4 Jacob Goodman 1.") Benjamin Musser... 19 Christian Martin 1 4 Christian Stoner 19 Christian Hershy, . 1 4 Rudv Whistler 1 4 Jnhn Souder 1 4 J'ihn Kindig 1 4 Carried over £11 17 8 8 8 S G S s n c s Captain PATTON'S John Newcomer 1 David Forry 1 Abraham Hertzler. . 1 Christian Newcomer. 1 John Kuntz 1 John Mumma 1 Jacob Shereick 1 George Awmant 1 Andrew Garber 1 John Charles 1 John Musser 1 Joseph Hoobcr 1 Christian Hertzler... 1 J. Shellenberger. sen. . 1 Daniel Ferry 1 John Hertzler 1 D. Shellenberger 1 .John Hooman Compa:i\ 4 1 S 4 1 s 4 4 1 8 4 1 s 4 1 S 4 1 S 4 1 s 4 4 4 4 4 Am. 7th Comp....£20 SO 12 12 LANCASTER COUNTY. State Mo. .Spectf. | Spring: Fi. Fall Fi. [ 493 Stale Mo. Speci'-. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. Capt. BKARD'S Company. Martin Nicely 1 4 John Nicely 1 4 Martin Schaffner 1 4 John Hoffman, 1 4 Jesse Hoffman, 1 4 Dav-ia Miller 1 4 P. Musselman, sen., 1 4 John LanK, 1 4 Jacob Heston 1 4 John Swar. sen.,.. 1 4 John Swar, jun 1 4 Samuel Hofman, 1 4 Frederick Hofman,.. 1 4 Bastian Hofman 1 4 Carried over £16 16 Brought over £16 p; u S S Andrew Hoffman Martin Piper Abraham Frick, . John Stamen, .. Jacob Swisher. .. John Houirir, jun Jacob Akerir. ... Michael Goodshall Peter Goodshall. Gotlieb Goodshall John Heney Christian Berwick David Berwick. Christian Akir, Henry Bowman Henry Miller,.. 1 S 4 4 4 4 (i 4 4 ij Am. 8th Comp £36 Amount of foregoing Companies. State Mo. Specie, Captain Radfon's 54 2S 12 Captain Brand's 13 4 16 16 Captain Metzger's 21 12 5 12 Captain Dominic's, 26 8 28 Captain Scott's 55 4 30 IG Captain Wright's 25 8 6 22 1 Captain Patton's, 2) 8 12 12 Capt9in Beard's 36 9 16 Amcunt of No. 1 £252 4 6 152 5 494 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. ACCOUNT of Fines receiver from Delinquents, for Xou-Per- formance of Du;y. in the 2d. 3d, 4th, 5th. 6!;h and 7ta Classes of the fourth Baaalion of Lancaster County Militia. Captain JACOB r.r.AXD'S Company. Second Class. (.'hristian Sleynian. jrihn Kaufman Thinl Class. Jacob Correll Chri.stian Burkholdei'. Christian Herr John Groble Henry Shop Fifth Class. 10 10 10 10 11 12 Ifl 10 11 10 Christian Kaufman, Abraham Haro 12 12 7 6 Sixth Cas^s. Jacob Kelherter. Jrihn Kelheffer, . Jrhn Hestand. . Ru.lf Iph Horr. 4 10 5 5 10 10 12 18 9 Seventh ("las?. Adam Martin. Henry Funk. 10 10 12 Capt.JAfOB METZGBKS Comi.any. Second Cla^.'. Jaciili Hcrnish 10 17 e. Martin Bear 11 12 6 John Werfell H u n Peter Kummell 7 10 ■) Carried over £187 3 9 Brought over £187 3 9 Third Class. Jacob Manard, .. Daniel Buneman, Fourth Class. John Shenk, Sixth Clasa. John Bear Ludwig Urban, Seventh Class. Tobias Stehman. Frederick Shofte, Jacob Bear rhristian Shink, . David Hess Jacob Peght 11 12 6 11 7 6 13 10 13 10 3 5 14 9 8 7 10 6 3 3 Capt. CHRIST. DOMINIC'S Company. Second Clas&. Paul Ackerman 5 Martin Funk 6 Jfhn Stouffer 10 10 Third Class. Jacob Shook, 10 10 Jacob Boon 5 Leonard Keigar 3 Abraham Funk 11 5 Henry Sherk 10 10 o Carried over £344 13 9 LANCASTER COUNTY. IJrought over £344 13 'j liroutht ..vei 10 10 Fourth Class. Jacob Steyman. James Forsythc. Christian Stoker, Da-.irt Mellinger. Fourth Class. Henry Xeaff Abraham Miller. Joseph Hopbaker, o IJ 10 10 David Miller 10 10 Christion Kaufman, ... David JIusselman Peter Musselman Abraham Hershey, ... Michael Reigel. 12 T tj Tobias Miller 12 10 Jacob Kroner 10 10 (. Fifth Clas 495 £581 1". 11 12 6 11 17 6 14 5 11 12 6 11 17 « 11 12 6 12 Ij ■) 10 10 Fifth Class. John Newcomer. Joseiih Sherreck, John Hi staler Andrew Kaufma.n, John Funk Sixth Class. Jacob Sider George Lutz Abraham Hartaten, Abraham Stouffer, . Jacob Shillinger Jacob Shillinger. .. Seventh Class Benedict Sheleberger, rhristian Kaufman, Isaac Nefl' John Whitmore Jacob Kaufman 3 10 10 11 17 t; 5 3 3 3 o 10 10 4 10 fi 7 10 10 10 3 10 10 10 3 Sixth Class. John Hamaker, John Woller. .. Se.-enth Class. Peter Henneberger, Daniel Welty Jacob Newcomer. . 4 10 3 10 10 10 10 10 Ti Capt. CONRAD KON'S Company. Second Class. I Benjamin Hershey, Jacob Goodman. ... Benjamin Musser, , Capt. ALEX. SCOTT'S Company. Second Class. Third Class. John Layman, .. Isaac Hershy. .. John Knive, ... Samuel Mockard, Third Class. Jacob Hrubiicher, rhristian Horst, Matthias Hook, .. 11 12 •; 10 10 10 10 u 10 10 11 1 •.; 10 17 C 10 10 Christian Hershey. Rudolph Wistler, . Fourth Class. John hunk. Daniel Kind\ 10 10 7 10 11 1 3 11 12 6 11 :> 11 10 6 Sixth Class. Cairied over £58113 I'lrich Rpver, Carried over £S09 18 9 496 ACCOUNTS OF Brought over £?>0j IS 9 Christian Bachman 12 Ij christian Stouff-^r 12 15 fi Henry Lichty 6 10 Seventh Class. Peter Whitman, jun 10 10 Philip Brenner .. 10 10 Jacob Eshelman 4 10 James Wright 10 10 Philip Sower 5 5 Caia. JAMES PATTOX'S Company. Second Class. David Ferrey 12 John Hoffman 10 lo Christian Newcomer 10 10 n Third Class. John Muma 11 12 6 Jaob Shenck 12 7 fi George Amen 10 10 Frantz Miller 10 10 Fourth Class. Andrew Garber 10 10 Conrad Routzer 6 Fifth Class. Emanuel Spere 3 Sixth Class. John Sonn 3 Carried over 11026 1" ? LIEUTENANTS. Brought over £1026 13 9 Christian Herstler 10 10 [ Christian Lavenweiler 3 Seventh Class. Daniel Forey 12 o John Hertzler 4 10 John Smith 3 Capt. J.\MES BEARD'S Company. Second Class. Martin Kniply 13 10 John Knesly 10 1) 'i'hird Class. Peter Musselman. sen 12 John Swarr. sen 12 T 6 Fourth Class.- Jost Miller .. 11 12 6 Henry Landes 10 10 Fifth Class. Martin Piper U 5 Si.xth Class. Jacob Aker 10 10 Se\enth Class Christian Barrach 3 Ludwig Deltz 3 George Kisley 10 10 Amount £112' S 9 LANCASTER COUNTY. 497 D ^a 30 I o D a c/2 >^ CO ^ H J Z O u u < n: H o w H < H C/5 32-6--3d Ser. : ci £2 - - j2 -^ o c ,-1 1: 0) '-' O 00 LO ^ _, — ■ t>- cz •-^ >H ~ O ~ O) .— o ifS .C TT a; -, _^ -^ iM OJ "^ 4) C r- c 5i 5^5 2 •- "^"^ S o' n - .^ ^ s ?": HI o 0- !- >> t. c; - S c cc C S — ^ O cd e a S li o " o rt £Z 0- = — c S Q- ^ K 5 jn "H C-5 ^ O n • c — ; t/i c C ., cc c ^o ° « M 5: O -^£--= c .c r/T ~ — •*» o r^ ^ ^ c H^ . -j: 498 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. ■^ I ts> •-^ CO « ^ a 1— * e ^ 0) ^ ^-t .- 00 J t- 2 H:) dj W2 Oi o 0) ■==3 5 =^^ -e tt! ~ 2 CO JO ■~ -tj •- T M " - w >. — C~- O g CD - ^7; '-I =" ~"> § v: il' c "-^ i-. .S s — — *" a- '-^ P. -7^ ', 'Z -i: '^ .^ "" S a r-i ?ro ^ s M H >. > s S s rt -5 CO ■XI t-; = CO *>. •5 ■^ >" $■ 'Zt t^ ~ - ^ = < i^ Oh Z- o o O c m Q LANCASTER COUNTY. 499 A LIST of Fines received of tlie Fifth Battalion of Lancaster County Militia for Non-Attendance on Days of Exercise, in tlie year 1781. State Mo. Specie. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. State Mo. Specie. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. Brought over £4'J 7 G 21 Captain CRAWFORD'S Company. Christian Grove, sen., Adam Oberley Nich. Troudwine Christ. Sowr Michael Kover Jacob Grove Peter Diller Michael Brubaker, . . Jac. Sencenick, .inn., Jacob Stoufer Philip Sprecher David Martin, jun... Christ. Grove, jun., Abraham Rife, .iun., Jacob Summy Richard Davis Abraham Grove Henry Bowman John Grove Alexander Wilson. . . . Martin Grove, sen.,. Peter Summey John Shaffer Jacob Hole Marks Grove Henry Grove Jacob Waver John Brenise Joseph Hale William Randle Casper Shirli, Peter Craps Jacob Senceneck Henry Rorer Jonathan Erwin, ... George Gaist Carried over £40 1 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 c 1 8 1 s 1 8 1 8 1 8 n 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 19 6 IS n 6 n 6 Peter P^edebaugh Henry Leopord, . John Boughnian, Samuel Bowman, George Kine. ... Jacob Showalter, Barnet Wolfe, .. Conrad Minson, Frederick Rodaker Michael Brubache: Christian Hole, .. Marks Martin, ... Jacob Herr Christ. Senceneck Adam Tiller Christian Martin, . Daniel Grove David Gro\e Am. l=t Comp., 1 4 1 4 1 4 9 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 9 1 4 9 1 4 1 4 1 4 £60 4 6 29 S Cam. ELLIOTT'S Company. Henry Lantz 14 1 Peter Weller 14 1 Peter Funk 19 6 Peter Sherk 1 4 1 Joseph Sherk 1 4 Peter Miller 15 1 Jacob Fultz 1 4 Joseph Toder 1 4 Jacob Burgert 1 4 1 Peter Peck 1 4 1 Martin Ansel 10 6 1 Philip Troop 15 Adam Steir 15 William Gygley 10 6 Matthias Stofer 10 6 Carried over £14 SO 9 1 500 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. State Mo. Specie. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 6 1 8 17 c 1 8 1 8 1 8 17 6 1 8 1 2 9 1 2 9 17 6 Brought over £14 8 Abraham Deall Matthias Musselman, Henry Thorn, Am. of 2d Co £14 & Capt. MILVAINE'S Company. Casper Shirk 1 4 Jacob Grim 13 Christian Root, Jun., 1 4 Daniel Borrell, 9 Ludwig Rank 1 4 Peter Stofer 9 George Martin 1 4 Daniel Stoter, 1 4 Martin Martin 1 4 Balzer Bitzer 1 4 John Weaver, jun.,. 9 Michael Rank 9 Henry Weaver, sen., 1 4 George Shikely 4 Joseph Carpenter,... 1 4 Peter Weaver 1 4 John Rank 1 4 J. Weaver, miller... 1 4 Jacob Weaver 9 Henry Weaver 1 4 John Lender 1 4 George Weaver 9 H. Cunningham 9 Henry Weaver 1 4 Henry Wagoner, 1 4 M. Shirk, miller 1 4 Matthias Stopher 9 Peter Springer 1 4 Peter Worst 1 4 Isaac Andrews 18 George Stopher 9 Jacob Rank, 1 4 John Shirk 1 4 Valentine Rank 1 4 Hen. Weaver, Hill,. 1 4 Christ. Carpenter, . . 1 4 Jacob Hoover 1 4 Carried over £35 17 State Mo. Specie. Spring Fi. Fall FI. Brought over £35 17 17 10 ] [Peter Carpenter 14 I Matthias Springer,.. 14 Adam Rank 9 Jacob Matter 9 I John Higart 1 4 I Mich. Shirk, P. S.,. 1 4 I Christian Weaver,... 14 Henry Martin 1 4 C. Carpenter, jun.,.. 14 I George Weaver 14 18 ; John Weaver 9 18 Adam Carpenter 18 { Michael Steaver 18 Sundries 3 9 Amo. 3d Co £50 Capt. JEXKIN'S Company. George Weaver 18 Jacob Yoder 9 17 G William Morgan 13 6 ISO John Peter 9 Henry Weaver 9 John Yoder 9 Em. Nyswanger 13 C Samuel Stofer 18 Joseph Norman IS Valentine Rank 9 18 Christian Curts 18 John Yoder. sen 4 6 Daniel Stofer 10 6 John Wilson 18 John Bolin 10 6 Christian Yoder 17 6 Am. 4th Com £7 S 6 Capt. LUTZ'S Company. Peter Kerm 1 4 Peter Good, jun 14 i Benedict Muchel 1 4 Andrew Osenbach. .14 Carried over £4 16 LANCASTER COUNTY. 501 State Mo. Specie. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. Brought over £4 16 Henry Beam 1 4 Henry Moser 1 4 Peter Good, 14 18 George Rank 1 4 Jacob Good 14 Jacob Good, jun 14 Adam Beam, jun.,.. 14 Christ. Mason, jun... 14 Frederick Hopt 1 4 Henry Good 1 4 Christ. Newswanger, 14 Ludwick Fry 1 4 Jacob Rode 1 4 Jacob Bradelston 14 Balder Smith,.* 14 Philip Masoner 14 Christian Swartz.... 1 4 John Stopher 14 John Tidwiler 14 Samuel Martin 14 18 Stophel Korn 140 110 John Sook 1 4 Samuel Good 1 4. Peter Good, farmer, 14 18 Peter Good, weaver, 14 Christian Good 14 Matthias Musselman. 14 Emanuel Pifer 18 Abraham Martin 18 Am. 5th Comp....£37 4 8 10 John Shuwalder 1 Conrad Holzinger, . . . 1 Andrew Yunt 1 Jacob Swygert 1 Martin Neve, jun.. .. 1 Abraham "Wolf 1 George German 1 Jlichael Haas 1 Adam German, jun., 1 David Campher 1 Carried ov^r £1- Capt. BOWM.A.N'S Compan. 8 8 State Mo. Specie Spring Fi. Fall FI. Brought over £12 5 12 John Solenberger,... 14 John Tunt 1 4 David Morgan 14 Peter Becker 14 Jonathan Rowland,.. 14 Abrah. Solenberger, .14 John Sids 14 Philip Ronk 1 4 George Clopper 1 4 Isaac Davis 14 John Campher 1 4 Nicholas Miller 14 John Roth 14 John Gunty 1 4 1 8 Valentine Bridge 14 William Shaw (i 6 Jacob Braker 6 Henry Sherk 18 Am. 6th Co £30 12 8 S Capt. STATLER'S Company. Joseph Rup 1 4 Peter Brown 1 4 Joel Carpenter 14 Jacob Carpenter 14 John Fesler 1 4 John Moyer, Creeck, 14 John Carpenter 14 Christian Gawer 14 Ah. Hunchberger 14 Christian Myer 14 Nicholas Gaser 14 Fred. Smith 14 Henry Carpenter, 1 4 George Diderick 14 John Benter 1 4 Christian Wegnor 1 4 Michael Wegner 14 Adam Alt^ W C .\dam Brown 1'' Henry Good 14 Christian Meyer, Vi., 14 Carried over £24 10 6 8 1 8 8 1 S S s s s 1 s 1 s 8 8 502 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. State Mo. Specie. Spring- Fi. Fall Fi. Brought over £24 10 6 21 Peter Myer 1 4 Christian Meyer 1 4 Christian Reyer, 1 4 Enoch Abraham 14 Abraham Carpenter, 14 Samuel Graybill, ... 1 4 John Meyer 1 4 Peter "Wiland, 1 4 John Graybill 1 4 Solomon Harman.... 19 6 Christian Haas 14 Christian Harman,.. 14 John Shollenberger, .14 Samuel Shenck 1 4 Michael Forner 1 4 u Henry Garver 1 4 Mich. Grosman 14 Solomon Sigcrlst 14 Valentine Gres 19 6 Jacob Ebeny 1 4 Michael .A.lts 140 180 Michael Capler 15 18 Abraham Graybill... 14 ISO John Myer, jun 14 18 Elias Myer 1 4 David Rowland 14 18 John Rule 1 4 1 8 Am. 7th Co £36 G 29 8 Capt. M'CONNELL'S Company. Ulrich "Wisler 1 4 John Davis 13 Michael Rine 1 4 Jacob Lure Peter Bacher 1 4 Martin Kltch 19 Martin Huber, jun., 1 4 Mlc. Hildebrand 1 4 John Rine 1 4 John Huber, Jun 1 4 David Herman 1 4 Isaac EUmacher 1 4 Carried over £12 10 8 8 8 2 9 1 6 1 8 8 8 n 8 1 8 State Mo. Specie. Spring Fi. Fall FI. Brought over £12 10 6 13 9 9 John Ketseller 18 Abraham Barr 14 ISO Geo. Hildebrand,... 14 Sebasian Bower 14 Nicholas Yount 1 4 Abraham Brubacher. 14 Henry Road 1 4 Michael Barr 1 4 Andrew Brand 9 John Linder 1 4 Michael Eigart 14 John Perlienhaus, ... 10 6 Samuel Graybill 1 4 Christian Huber 14 .Tohn Brubacher, 1-4 Philip Brubacher,... 14 Henry Skiles 1 4 George Rine 1 4 Christ. Musselman, .14 Nathaniel Sweeper,.. 13 John Deventapher, .. 9 Christian Wiker 14 Peter Kurtz 1 4 Frederick Siger 13 6 Peter Dilliar 14 Valent. Kindsor 14 Henry Peters 14 George Ealy 1 4 Nath. Ellmaker 14 Joseph Musselman,.. 14 Adam Diller 1 4 1 8 Michael Greabill,... 14 ISO Michael Martin 14 18 Samuel Barr 13 Christian Smoker,... 14 18 George Barr 14 18 Jacob Ellmaker 14 18 George Pifer 14 John Restlar 1 4 Daniel Morton 1 4 Michael Verley 14 18 Isaac Elr>' 1 4 Peter Smith 1 4 1 8 Cutlip Pauff 13 119 Isaac Diller 18 Am. Sth Co £G0 1 LANCASTER COUNTY. 503 Amount of the foregoing Companies. State Mo. Specie. Captain Crawford's G:> 4 6 Captain Elliott's 14 8 Captain Mcllvaine's 5iJ 5 Captain Jenkin's, 7 8 6 Captain Lutz's 37 4 Captain Bowman's 30 12 Captain Strattler's 5f; 6 Captain M'Connell's 60 1 6 Amount of No. 1 £31G 4 1.51 6 29 S 13 14 9 23 2 7 8 1 8 8 29 8 31 IS 9 ACCOUNT of Fines received from Delinquents for non-perfor- mance of Duty in the 2d. 3d. 4th. 5th. 6th and 7th Classes of the 5th Battalion of Lancaster Countv Militia. Captain CR.^WFORD'S Company. Second Class. John Wolff 10 10 Peter Diller 10 10 James Erwlne 3 10 Michael Brewbaker 9 2 Jacob Stofer 10 10 Thomas Williamson 10 1'1 Third Class. David Martin. Jun 10 10 Christian Grove, jun 2 Jacob Summey IS 1^ Abram Grove l.i 13 Henry Bowman 13 10 John Grove 21 Brousht over £1S6 2 John Erenise ." Fifth Class. Joseph Hale 16 o William Randies 1 Capper Sherk 6 o o Peter Miller 6 Jacob Sanceney 5 Sixth Class. Georg-e Gaest 6 Peter Redenbaugh T John Baughman 3 n Georg-e Stones 10 10 Conrad Menser 6 o o J.nc^'b Wagoner r. Fourth Class Jacob Hale 16 Peter Summey 1110 Marks Grove, jun 16 in n Henrj' Grove 3 Carried over £1S6 2 n Captain ELTJOTT'S Comiiany. Second Class. Philip Funk 1 Carried over £263 12 504 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over £263 12 Third Class. Peter Shirk William Creaner, Joseph Sherk, .... Abraham Dial, ... 16 10 1 10 10 10 3 Brought over £471 14 6 John Raconk, John Linder, jun. George Weaver. . Fifth Class. Fourth Class. Michael Keth Fifth Class. Michael Funk, Philip Troop, . Sixth Class. Adam Steer, ... William Gygley, 4 3 6 3 Henry Weaver. . Henry Wagoner. Michael Shirk, .. Matthias Stafer. Peter T\''orst George Stofer, . . Sixth Class. Seventh Class. Henry Sill. Jacob Raunk John Sherk Abram Echert Daniel Echert Henry Weaver Christian Carpenter. John Golden Seventh Class. Captain M'lLVAIXE'S Company. Second Class. George Martin 16 10 Peter Stofer 19 10 o John Weaver 10 10 Third Class. Peter Carpenter, Adam Raunk, .. Jacob Matter, ... John Hygart John Kilpatrick, 7 10 10 10 10 10 15 13 15 5 3 5 3 6 5 5 5 5 10 3 5 3 2 3 3 Martin Martin 16 lo Philip Snider Balser Petser John Weaver, jun lo lo Jacob Wideler IC 10 Michael Snider 2 10 Captain JEXKIN'S Company. Second Class. 4 1 John Jenkins. 10 10 Third Class. John Evans, jun. Henry Weaver, sen i; 15 I Lott Evans Joseph Carpenter 1010 Fourth Clas.---. Fourth Class. Peter Weaver. . Christian Snider, : Henry Weaver. 10 10 1 William Bell. ? James Morgan. 10 10 4 1-1 10 7 n n Carried over £471 14 c Carried over £647 19 6 LANCASTER COUNTY. Brought over £647 19 6 Brought over, Sixth Class. William Evans 10 10 Morris Hodson * Emanuel Newswanger 10 10 John Morgan 7 10 Thomas Jenkins 2 Seventh Class. 505 £764 4 6 Capt. BOWMAN'S Company. Second Class. Isaac Jenkins. .. William Hudson. 3 3 Jacob Werns. Jacob Swigart. Henry Shirk, Thin! Clas Adam Garman, jun. Philip Wise Captain LUTS'S Company. Second Class. Fourth Class. James Gait. . Andrew Wise, H.nrv Wolf 10 David Camphire, John Mumma, . Third Clajs. Peter FrankhauEer Fourth Class. I John Shalabarger. . I George Weaver, ... 11 5 I Henry Rode i Samuel Solodgesley, 5 3 3 3 3 10 10 2 13 10 5 6 1 10 3 2 Christ. Masoner. jun. Samuel Good 5 10 10 Fifth Class. John Yont W l" ^ Fifth Class. Adam Weaver. Ludwlck Fry. Ludwlck Smith, Sixth Class. 1 10 : 6 Oj 10 10 John Pitzer. jun Abraham Solenberger, John Leapart David Morgan 5 7 3 10 5 Sixth Class. John Stone Jacob Bradlestone. Leonard Mumma, . r> I Alexander Gault 10 ^ ^ Philip Raunk 3 10 2 5 6 6 4 0' Christopher Miller I Ealser Hovener, . Seventli Class. John Stofer John Ditwiller Christian Good. ... Philip Sensenaugh. Carried ovtr. . 15 Q i Seventh Class. 3 r, I George Clopper. jun 4 3 n ; John Wagoner, jun 10 10 £764 4 6 ! Carried over £S91 4 C 506 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS Brought over £891 4 Brought over £1109 19 6 Captain STATLER'S Company. Second Class. Seventh Class. John Carpenter 15 Abraham Forney, jun...... 10 10 Abraham Hausbarger 12 15 Frederick Smith 2 Third Class. Martin Mower 3 John Benter 15 Christian Wagoner 18 Michael Wagoner 22 10 Georg-e Detrlch 3 Fourth Class. Adam Brown 10 Peter Meyer 5 Christian Ryer 14 John Smith 5 Jacob Rowland 10 10 Fifth Class. Abraham Forney, sen. Samuel GrayblU John Meyer Captain MCONXELL'S Company. Second Class. Michael Ryne, jun 3 Martin Kltch 4 Peter Smith, 1 Third Class. Michael Hlldebrand 10 10 John Grove 10 10 John Huber, jun 16 10 Isaac Elmaker 10 10 Abraham Barr 5 Fourth Class. Hpnry Rode 12 Michael Bare 13 10 Fifth Class. I Michael Erckhart 5 ; Samuel Graybill 10 10 j 10 10 1 sixth Class. 5 10 10 Sixth Class. Detrlch Goshead, John Graybill, ... Christ. Hass Joseph Rowland, Christ. Hannon, . 3 10 10 4 9 14 Xathaniel Swigart. ... John Diffendaffer. jun. Christian Wyke Christian Musselman. . Seventh Class. J'iseph Musselman 9 n 16 10 Carried over £1109 19 6 Amount. I.AKCASTER COUNTY. r— I . I CI O o • t- Id q, x; ;§ 507 W r =^ .2 S . ^^-, r , ^ ry; — ti_,.'*'~~ • ^ ''— C 2 - CQ CO : ~ f ■- • = f f- -r O c^ =« ^ ; CI c o . >- [- .- 5 ; «; t, 5 ; ^ a: -^ L i r :l, - : - cs c C/) 'c 'i. .r T -^ = = ~ -= i 508 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. . to o H II 1.S ft I Qj a) O ™ S- V cq "E >^ .. M M rt t-' o — , ■3 tH o "^ i^ ~ S Too P — --':: o cj ci o '^ a; ii; — o _2 5 , s be ; m s ~ -Ji c o -^ — — - James Dennis 4 fi Robert Jones, .. .\ndrew Higgens. ,T. M. M'liwaine. James Neale. ... Mack. M'CuUnch Samuel M'Intire 4 Thomas Miles 9 William Penny, Robert Wallace Carried over £4 IG 510 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. State Mo. Specie. Erougln over £4 16 James Miller 9 Hugh Reed 4 G Thomas IS'eal, o 4 C William Nelson 4 fi George Carnahan.... IS u John Kelly 10 u Am. 5th Co £7 11 Capt. A\'.\LKEH'S Company. George Cooper 1 4 John Moore 1 4 Jacob Hill 19 Jeremiah Moore 1 4 George Leech IS Andrew Moore 1 4 Robert Moore 1 4 Samuel Simmons, 1 4 George Mooney 1 4 John Murrey 1 4 Michael Gander 1 4 Robert Wasson 1 4 James Cooper 1 4 John Donald 1 4 Hieronimus Miller,.. 1 4 Jacob Gander lo John Griffith 9 Josh. Chamberlain... 1 4 John Cooper 1 4 Job Cooper George Clarke Peter Pickle Am. 6th Co £21 1 Spring Fi. Fall Fi. State Mo. Specie. Capt. P'ATTOX'S Company. Henry Byers 1 Wm. Seabrooks 1 James M' Donald 1 Jacob Hoover 1 "U'illiam Yorty 1 George Hendrick 1 Hfnry Keagy 1 Carried over £S brought over £8 S John Smith 1 4 AVilliam Surner 1 4 n Henry Bear 14 John Graft 1 4 Martin Pieman 14 Jacob Beam 1 4 Jacob Brubacher 14 George Birdegg 14 Daniel Colledon 14 John Graft 1 4 Jacob Graft 1 4 James Harra, 1 4 John Segal 1 4 Jacob Hoover 1 4 Michael Shanck 14 Patt Kelly 1 4 Sebastian Nice 1 4 Samuel Lines 1 4 Jacob Kirgan 1 4 James Pegan, 14 John Hess 1 4 Samuel Winter 14 Elrey Everly 1 4 John Bond 1 4 n Thomas Mackey IS Abrah. Keagey 14 Peter Miller 14 John Camp 1 4 Henry Hoover 1 4 Christian Hoover 14 Ulrich Hoover 1 4 ii Andr. Pegan, jun.,.. IS n Michael Everly 1 4 n Peter Stopher 1 4 n Isaac Hare 1 4 ii Henry Blutcher 1 4 u Henry Kenrick 1 4 n John Shank 1 4 'i Jacob Graft i 4 " Christian Lines 1 4 Peter Good 1 4 ■' Christ. Good 1 4 George Hess 1 4 ■ William Bivin 1 4 " Frederick Hare 18 '> LurUvig Slutz 4 4 1 s 1 s 1 s 1 8 1 s 1 8 1 S 1 8 1 '8 1 S 1 S 1 8 1 S 1 8 1 8 1 S 1 8 1 8 1 S Carried over £61 10 43 S LANCASTER COUNTY. 511 State Mo. Specie. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. Brought over £01 ]0 Jolin Cooper Joseph Couginour Jacob Nizely John Barr, John Thomas. John Hoover George Counter John Herman Jacob Graft Peter Lemon 43 8 Am. of Tth Co.,.. £61 10 57 8 State Mo. Specie. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. Capt. RAMSEY'S Company. David Hare 10 G No Martin Hare ... U lu Return. Samuel Downing 15 George Rockey 6 Andrew Fronk. sen., 10 6 Jacob Whistler 10 6 Thomas Downing. .. 15 Chrisian Black 15 John Clark 15 Jacob Varner 6 Martin Coherspire, . . 4 6 John Dowlan 15 Stophel Frievly 4 6 John Morrison 15 John Hostoter 10 6 Am. of 8th Co.,.. £8 8 Amount of the Foregoing Companies. State Mo. Captain Caldwell's T 4 Captain Campbell's 10 16 Captain Duncan's 2 8 6 Captain Miller's, no return Captain Clarke's 7 1 6 Captain Walker's 21 1 6 Captain Patton's 61 10 Captain Ramsay's 8 8 Total £141 19 6 Specie. 7 2 16 10 6 6 18 6 11 4 57 8 90 2 6 512 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. ACCOUNT of Fines received from Delinquents for non-perform- ance of Duty in the 2d, 3d. 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Classes of Che 6th Battalion of Lancaster County Militia. First Company. Second Class. £1 10 12 6 Christley GreablU,. 2 10 Christly Horst 7 6 10 Third Class. Robert Williams, Aaron Moore, .. Samuel Reed, ... James M'Farlon, Fourth Class. James Cummlngs, Henry Wistlch, ., (Jenrge Multz Fifth Class. Henry Balr Robert M'Clellan, Patrick Brown, Robert HilUs. ... John Echman, .. Robert Maxfleld, Seventh Class. Alex. M'Cullougrh, . William Taylor, .. Second Company. Second Class. John Brooks, Carried over. 2 5 1 10 2 5 Brought over £67 16 10 Alexander Snodgrass 9 Third Class. Hugh Wear 4 John Brown 3 William Pennell 2 10 Joseph Halns 13 10 Samuel Reynolds 12 1 7 Fourth Class. Joshua Hains. I Robert Alexander. , I Francis Henrj-, .... Thomas Grist Thomas Patterson. 1 17 C 5 10 4 10 5 4 10 1 10 Seventh Clas Martin Echman Third Company. Second Class George Warden. Samuel M'Crary. I William Vent. . I Robert Hannah. i Christley Neasle I Casper Taggart. Benjamin Mall. John Webster. . Samuel Cobaoh. 2 5 2 10 4 10 6 n .J 10 7 10 2 10 4 10 10 10 2 9 10 10 10 17 1 11 11 Carried over £197 16 4 Brought over £197 16 4 Third Class. Robert Gilchrist 3 Andrew Sirarah 1 10 '■) John Reed 3 Robert Barns 3 Andrew Dunning 15 Jacob Krider 14 2 W Jeremiah Brown 12 15 Fourth Class George Mustard 3 5 John Glass 3 10 Casper Bowman 117 Christley Corpman 7 10 Hugh HoUiday 117 Isaiah Brown 11 5 LANCASTER COUNTY. 513 Brought £330 1? 2 Fourth Class. Matthew Scott 1 12 C John Berry o 15 o Alexander Morrison 2 i> o James Glenn 3 Samuel Robertson 1 2 6 Samuel Galbraith i 12 Fifth Class. Richard Ferree .-. Hu?rh Cummings 2 ij Sixth Class. John Andrew, sen .". 10 William Anderson 3 1" " Christley Hess 2 10 Fifth Class. Francis Young 4 10 David Kilough .5 10 u George Henry 4 10 Martin Krider 10 10 Sixth Class. William Arbuckle 9 Thomas Porter 4 10 James King 10 10 Fourth Company. Second Cla=s. Robert Graham Stephen Mahan William Crain Third Class. 2 10 3 1 2 Fifth Company. Second Class. Archibald Ankrom. William Sloan Samuel Boyd John Long Third Class. Thomas M'Connall. Hugh Reed Fourth Class Robert Wallace Fifth Class. James Bigham. Hugh Penney. James Reed. .. 7 10 2 10 3 10 3 10 2 5 1 10 6 5 10 4 10 'J John Gable 1 17 John Huss 110 Peter Hasting 115 Robert Paisley 5 n Carried over £330 19 33-6--3d Ser. Sixth Class. fi I John Dennis I William Kennerly, Carried nvi 1 10 1 10 £404 G s 514 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over liOi 6 S Seventh Class. Rooert M'Gee 110 Sixth Company. Second Class. Henry Pickle Thomas Fulton Thomas Wason Jacob Kerns Third Class. T 10 3 3 3 George llooney 12 13 John M'Calla 4 10 George Leech 7 10 Jeremiah Moore IS 18 9 Andrew Moore 21 Robert Moore 21 15 Fourth Class. Robert "U'illiams 7 10 James Craig 117 6 Fifth Class. Robert Evans 3 Michael Gender 4 10 Jacob Hill 3 10 Nathan Coah 4 10 James Cooper 20 5 John Lee 3 Robert Wasson, 5 10 Sixth Class. Thomas Hawthorn 3 John Richards 4 10 Peter Pickle," 5 Hieronimus Miller 110 James Wason 2 5 Seventh Class. James Ray, jun 5 Carried over 5S3 12 11 Brought over £583 12 11 John Griffith 6 15 Seventh Company. Second Class, Stophel Winter 5 10 Henry Alexander 1 10 James Glover, 2 10 Joseph Myre 2 William Steel 1 2 6 Hugh Caldwell 14 2 6 Henry Cunkel, 3 S 1 John Cunkel 4 10 Jacob Hart 2 5 John Cooper, 3 Daniel Coledon 2 5 Henry Keggey 7 19 2 John Groft 9 Martin Eshelman 10 10 Third Class Jacob Hoover, ,,. John Caldwell, ... John Maphitt. ,,. Thomas Dick. ... I James Wherrey, I Gregory Farmer, James Snodgrass, I Martin Buyers, .. Fourth Class. George Schreiber, . t Robert M'Cullough, I Bostley Nice John M'Creary I John Cunlngham. . ' Michael Shank Joseph Ard Jacob Hoover Peter Miller John Bovd Fifth Class James Pegan 3 10 1 10 4 10 3 9 4 10 3 6 10 4 10 3 Carried over £730 10 2 LANCASTER COUNTY. Brought over £730 10 Joseph Gardner 15 Thomas Robinson 4 lu Samuel Winter 4 u John Hess 'i '-' John Clark 11' Samuel Ramsey ^ 1'-' William Brown 2 5 John Duglass - ^ Brought over. I Third Class. I 8 I Samuel Keech u I Jacob Young 9 i Martin Cohenshire I John Glass 515 £867 3 U 1 10 5 3 U 2 5 Sixth Class. Robert Long ''' Christian Hoover 3 Henry Hoover 4 10 James Steel 1 6 3 Samuel Willson 6 John Reed 6 Henrj- Hoof man 3 o Abraham Keggey 10 10 Seventh Class. James Long John Winter Michael Ebberley John Smith John Hoover, Jun Matthias Hurra Peter Stopher, 2 5 3 9 3 4 10 4 10 1 10 Eighth Company. Second Class. John Caldwell 5 Stophel Trevelly 4 Andrew Kaghey 3 David Hair 9 9 Robert Marr, 15 Samuel M'Cartney 3 Joseph King 1'' John Ramsay 4 10 Carried over £S67 3 11 Fourth Class. James Clempson 4 10 John Ramsey 5 Archibald M'Dowl 2 15 Daniel M'Cready 2 5 John Dowlan 15 Simon Gost 3 10 Peter Garnon 5 Christley Black 4 10 Fifth Class. James Gilmore 2 10 Hieronimus Eckman, '1 5 William Forsythe 1 19 Martin Bird 3 5 James Gwin 2 5 William Brown 3 5 Henry Null 4 William Cunkell 10 10 Thomas Downing, . . 10 10 Sixth Class. Conrad Rice John Hannah Martin Hair Samuel Downing, Seventh Class. 2 10 15 6 8 13 » John Clark 6 P John Eair IW 6 Amotmt £972 19 3 516 ACCOUXTS OF LIEUTENANTS. D IT. 00 I oc m ^ '^ = cr ! 1 > cc" c oc ir 1 1 J r- ■ . 3^ s • J < cj rt ?- c j: ; I— H 2 j:: s :h ■^ ^ W a; s- 5S> c ■ f-r <— 1 o b 5; 1 c y, c ^ — o 5 S £ o • r: ■ a; ; zn c; ..-J .^ cr: CO J 7i -r ' — jj : cr ro r" ^ 2 D E3 o ■ o OJ ^■^£ c u isi "^ „ ;;^.H ? a '. u £ = a : o&- 5 (L • < .2 i' ol 5 ■ c a: 1 "^ r o - H >. £ • •-J c. •Sz • c ^-^ fc = t-'-' 1'=^ o c ^ O tr 5 . "*- c ^•.icf E C.2 r- — GC c rt t- (i, o- w 1 =i: o *- ^ < H c/} Z a <^ 'zi Z C w OJ F- E^ >> ti >-. •a _o c 3 s (/! £ -1-J cS s s 'w 5 < T3 LANCASTER COUNTY. 517 m as com o 'X a) xr — •— ~ o =a be co" C3 ^ LO G 1-5 <; 3 <« ^-Q ° S ^ M J; - ; £^ ^ o ; c X2 -r ' ~ _ ' o : oj o ^ . ■ .S — ■-" Qi 03 C s s o -= ~ ^ C CO -5£ o s S' ?2' s? - S •:5 c X ^ j3 O) i. ^ o n o 2 W ^^ S- M 3 5 t^ bO ;:; n rt tp-c OJ -*- '^ - - ;n c ^ :=: o — c > ^ — b£"' !H 5 « o ^'5 2 ^ Li, ;:j ^ .r: o a. _, ^ o i» ;;^ ^ CD '^ CQrTCjbC^I^'^ '■'^ — ~ -2; - (>• CO 1^1 o (M ;>o o 1—1 CI C) o o o ti "^ :>c T-H g > c- c ^, o to et- 1 I 518 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS, LIST of Fines received from sundry Persons of the several Companies of tlie Seventla Battalion, Lancaster County Mi- litia, incurred in the year 1781. Spring Fl. Fall Fl. State ilo. Specie. Captain BOGG'S Company. James Flinn. ... Joseph Galbralth John Eversole, . John Nicholas, . John Haldiman, John Bower, John Mumma, .., Joseph Shirp, ... Jacob Early John Grider, jun William Gray, .. Abraham Neesly, Henry Cip M. M'Caffarty, .. George Root Jacob Bosler, ... Jacob Neesly, . . . John Eversole, jun., Thomas Hasson, ... John France Frederick Batts. ... Christian Horst, ... John Breneman, ... John Cooble, John Wiland, jun.,. John Laver Philip Stam John Cornhas Jacob Clapper Abraham Sheaver, . Benjamin Whistler, Jacob Barrlck Jacob Holinger John Esleman John Neesly, Martin Hersey Carried over £3S 17 . 15 . 10 6 1 s . 1 4 1 s . 4 6 5 3 10 C 1 s 1 s 1 1 . 15 1 s 1 s n 1 5 1 s 1 s 1 s . 15 1 s 1 s 1 s n 1 (J 1 8 1 8 - p 7 15 7 1 4 Spring Fl. Fall Fl. State Mo. Specie. Brought over £3S 17 26 13 9 David Coopble 1 4 Randle M'Clure 14 7 Jacob Eversole 14 7 Peter Hlsey 1 4 7 Bartram Galbralth,.. 10 6 7 David Jameson, 9 Michael Neesley 14 7 John Elder 6 Abrah. Whitmore,... IJ 7 John Beech, 6 7 William Hacock 14 7 John Lonesecker 14 Peter Root 1 4 7 Christ. Breneman,... 14 7 John Shank 14 7 John Grider 1 4 7 Jacob Brubacher 14 Jacob Angle 14 10 6 John Horst 6 7 Jacob leaver 1 4 10 6 Daniel Kinsenger 14 10 6 David Martin 14 10 6 Joseph Rheam 15 Jacob Breneman 14 10 6 Hugh Donoly, 1 4 Isaac Rheam 1 4 John Brubacher 15 Henry Wilhelm 14 18 John Angle 14 18 John Neesly 14 18 Daniel Stramler 14 17 6 Peter Blazer 14 John Wiland. sen... 14 18 Joseph Hisey i 4 o Jacob Carpenter IS 18 Ab. Wllslegal 5 John Crill 10 6 Jo.=eiih Shank 12 3 Carried over £75 16 6 42 17 6 LANCASTER COUXTY. 519 Spring Fi. Fall Fi. State Mo. Specie. Brought over £75 16 6 42 17 C Robert Connell Martin Lendamore, .. Jacob Herine Hugh Cook Platz Christian Stoner, James Karr Henry Kentig Jacob Shimple Thoma s JIusser Henry Darr Am . 1st Co., 10 10 1 1 17 Capt. SCOTT'S Company. Abraham Black 1 Abrah. Sharrack 1 Abrah. Strickler, .. .. 1 John Black, jun Christian Wlland,... George Waddle, ... 1 Henry Hise 1 John Gray 1 Abrahm Herr 1 Jacob Kinsley, 1 Daniel Rheam 1 John Martin 1 Abraham Miller 1 George Hoke 1 Christian Neesly 1 Samuel Cochran 1 John Cobbe 1 Jacob Leman 1 Jacob Coffman 1 Christian Martin 1 John Neesly 1 Rudy Pessam 1 Jacob Frear 1 Jacob Stopher 1 Samuel Sims 1 TVilllam Poorman,... 1 Melchor Poorman,... 1 4 4 4 IS IS n 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i"i 4 4 i> 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 15 1 S 1 2 1 S 1 S 1 S 1 S 1 1 1 8 1 S 1 s 1 s 1 s 7 7 7 7 Spring Fi. Fall FI. State JIo. Specie. Brought over £31 IG 15 1 6 Francis Swope 14 7 John Kinsley 14 7 Jacob Shelly, jun.,.. 14 7 Christ. Whitmore 14 7 iJavid Coble 14 7 Jacob Eversole 14 7 John Martin, jun 14 C. Martin, jun 14 Frederick Batts 9 Peter Earstone 14 7 Jacob Pulmore, 14 David Swartz 14 James Connor IS Christ. Whitmore,... 14 Peter Lehman 14 10 6 William Painter 14 John Foreman 14 John Singer 18 10 6 Sampson Babb 14 10 6 Daniel Murphy 14 10 G Abraham Kish 14 10 6 Jacob Sharra 14 10 6 Isaac Harnley 14 10 6 Christian Martin 1 4 10 6 Alexander Barr, .... 14 6 10 C John Martin 14 ISO Abraham Shelly 14 ISO John Onger 14 ISO Martin Neesly 14 ISO Samuel Rheam 14 110 John Kinsinger 14 ISO John Haldeman 14 -Andrew Keriger 15 Peter Blazer 14 110 Henry Gulp 14 ISO Peter Stutz 1 1 John Black, sen 15 9 Peter Bishop ISO George Williams 110 Christian Cap 10 6 Samuel Batzler 7 Anthony Snider 10 6 Jacob Shelly 1 S Carried over £31 IG 19 1 G 520 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. Slate Mo. Specie. s & s b. s s s s s 8 S s Captain ROEIXSON'S Company. Ab. Wolgamuth 1 4 u John Staufer 1 •! Matthias Blantz 1 4 •_■ John Stern. 1 4 u Jacob Hummer 1 ■> u John Snyder, 1 4 u P. Sectnenstricher, .. U 13 C John Noll, 1 4 John Leman jun 1 4 u J. Leman, of Rapho, 14 Frederick Gantz, ..., \ 4 Laurence Kuns 1 4 (j Jacob Eshelman 14 Ch. AVolgamuth 14 Mic. Hummer 1 4 Anthony Bratz 1 4 u Philip Frederick I'J « William AVeyley, 14 Isaac Dettey 14 Ab. Reeser 14 ilelcher Fortney .... 1 4 John AVanger 14 Anth. Shoemaker,... 14 Isaac Eshelman 14 Jacob Conrad o l.i C Jacob Shelly 1 4 John Spriger 14 Christian Reeser 1 4 u Casper Lesher 1 4 o John' T\'hitmer 1 4 John Brubacher 1 4 Peter Frederick 1 4 o John Gish 1 4 n Fran. Grove, jun — 1 4 u Jacob Kuns 1 4 o Phil Shoemakjr 1 4 u Christ. Whitmer 1 4 i' John Hummer 1 4 " John Shelly 1 4 " Abraham Flory 14" Mich. Ebey 1 4 ■, Isaac T\'enRer 1 4 'i Conrad Springer 1 4 " Jacob Staufter 1 4 ' Carried over £.j1 10 C 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 '1 7 Spring Fi. Fall Fi. State Mo. Specie. Brought over, £5116 6 24 10 10 10 10 10 John Gro\-e 19 6 7 Frederick Stolar 14 Jacob Haldeman 14 Peter Welker ... » 4 10 6 Ab. Eshelman 14 Jacob Shelly 14 10 C Isaac Borraway 14 John Frederick 1 George Nickey 1 Henry Ober 1 John Herr 1 ilartin Greiner D. Meisenhelder 1 Abrah. Grove 1 Laur. Sneeringer, . Peter Brubacher 1 Jacob Torry, 1 Peter Brubacher John Holdiman Jacob Walter IS John Goepert 1 S John Florry John Kaemrer 7 Sebastian Dunckle, .. 10 Jacob Greybill 10 John Beard 15 Am. of 3d Co., ..£74 Capt. MQUEEX'S Company. M. Montgomery C 19 C James K^jUy '5 19 C Michael Shank 14 Michael Brand 1 4 Abraham Evil 14 Andrew Wallas 14 Alex. Kennedy IS Philip Shoop, 19 (i Abraham Stevlck 13 6 Christ. Buck 14 Henry Eselman 14 Samuel AVolf 1 4 'i John Consing'ir 1 4 o John Linch 14 Carried over £13 6 8 8 1 s s 8 8 1 s 8 S s s s LANCASTER COUNTY. 521 Spring Fi. Fall Fi State Mo. Specie. Brought over £15 6 16 2 John Reesor 14 ISO George Null, IS 1.5 9 Jacob Stopher 14 18 Michael Francis 14 ISO Michael Shirtz 13 C James Smith 9 IS John Belch 4 6 John Stuckley 14 7 n John Stevick 14 7 Abraham Reamer,... 14 7 John Duncan €■ Matthew Wolf 14 18 Patrick Lynch 14 Christian Brand 14 7 Wni. Simonton 14 Paul Sigg 14 7 Christian Null 19 6 Christian Snyder 14 7 Samuel Hess 14 Philip Reamer 14 7 John Leach 1 4 Peter Reesor 14 Philip Bughman 14 7 Peter Reasor. sen... 1 4 i.i 7 John Garret 1^ Joseph Stevick o 9 n 7 Christ. Dolobogh.... 14 10 G M. Phelleberger 14 10 6 Ab. Lonenecker 14 10 6 John Shoop 19 10 6 Adam Henry 9 10 6 Daniel Plough 14 James Hughey 19 G Frederick Buck 14 110 Barnet M'Glaughlin, ISO Henry Wolf Ti 3 Anthony Buck ISO Wm. Crosier ISO Christian Stevick 7 Philip Reamer, jun., 7 Patrick Coin ISO Am. 4th Co £00 3 6 37 12 C Spring Fi. Fall Fi. State Mo. Specie. Captain CASEY'S Company. Fr. Duckamellcr, .. . John Whitmore Daniel Leman Henry Hershy Abraham Kobe! Jacob Snider C. Longacer, jun Joseph Eversole Peter Fooks C. Wenger, sen Abraham Longatre, Henry Lesher Abraham Lemon.... Christian Erhart,... Dan. Leman, jun... John Fritz Christian Henley Jacob Rife I John Brand I John Sharer Christian Eversoll.. j Christian Snider,... I Joseph Hummer,... I Solomon Longacre, . I Jacob Hagey Jacob Lishey ! Henry Longacre Abraham Fook Peter Hummer 1 Christian Robel i John Hernley Michael Huber i Jacob Galladen i Jacob Srite : "Wm. Makniser Jacob Eversole Stephen Chambers, . Adam Reek Henry Shrite Joseph Shock Daniel Longacre Morgan Ginhens, — Andrew Betz John Eoraway 6 s ■:• s s s s s s s s In s 7 7 7 7 7 13 7 7 7 M 'I 7 r, 10 6 c 1 s 1 s 12 12 3 3 12 3 17 6 10 6 12 3 17 6 Carried over. 522 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Spring Fl. Fall Fi. State Mo. Specie. Brought over, ....£37 1 2S 5 3 Daniel Leman, jun., 7 Daniel Earhart 7 John Keller 7 Henn' Kling 12 3 Adam Rober 10 6 Tobias Holinger, 10 6 John Roopert 18 Adam Pander 18 Abraham Ramer ISO Am. 5th Co £37 10 35 3 6 Spring Fi. Fall Fl. State Mo. Specie. Captain WILLSON'S Company. Peter Bowman 1 Frederick Mumma,. 1 Philip Wiant 1 John Nlghtey 1 Jacob Lavenswiler, .. 1 Jacob Holdsaple 1 John Grove, sen 1 Wil. Gallagher Chrlstly Pestler Abraham Long 1 Henry Grove 1 Henry Grove, Jun.,. 1 John Grove, jun 1 Christley Heagey, ... 1 Peter Lendemore 1 Daniel Longnecker, . 1 Martin Miley 1 Frederick Yeach Martin Boohar 1 Thomas Thompson,. 1 Ulrich Angle 1 Christley Souder 1 Christley Boohar 1 Adam Wlant 1 John Hartman 1 William Rusko Michael Nicholas 1 Ludwig Reinhart,... George Capper Carried over £29 1 Brought over £23 17 James Gibbins 14 Abraham Albert 4 6 Michael Hoofman, .. 14 Jacob Wiant 13 6 Valentine Steer, 6 Jacob Harsha 1 4 ■■ John Gribill 1 4 John Horst 14 Robert Caven 9 Peden Cook 18 Moses Moorland 15 Fred. A. Stoffer 14 Joseph Sink 14 Abraham Stoffer 14 John Blazor 14 Matthias Ipe, sen. John Fisher Herman Long Frederick Bower,.. Adam Nees, James Clingan Frederick Hoofman, Christly Grove William Jennings,.. John Fleck Samuel Stopher Peter Lighty Robert Haslip James Anderson Christian Mosey Frederick Sepperlll, . John Defiance Christian Reinhart . Am. 6th Co £49 19 4 10 10 10 Captain M'KEE'S Company. 4 1 8 4 4 17 6 4 4 13 1 8 1 8 12 15 7 7 7 7 7 1 2 10 1.5 9 6 9 9 6 9 Henry Booser. . Jacob Coss, jun. Joseph Rife John Fry John Reitzel Carried over 6 C' LANCAFTER COUNTY. Spring Fl. Fall Fl. State Mo. Specie. Brought over. £6 Jacob Shelley 1 -4 Jacob Rife 1 4 George Box 0'9 Frederick Shoat 1 4 Jacob Hausbarger, 1 4 Barney Thrum 1 4 Jacob Nesley 1 4 ■Christian Plough 1 4 John Rasor 1 4 John Shar 1 4 Abraham Kingrey... 1 4 Jacob Mitzer, 1 4 Henry Bricher 1 4 Barney M'Ancbey,.. 1 4 Philip Shoat, 1 4 Henry Allowman, ... 1 4 Jacob Smith 1 4 John Branser, . 1 4 John Meyers, 1 4 Peter Books 1 4 ■Conrad Crabner 1 4 Jacob Books 1 4 George Crabner 1 4 Henry Booser 1 4 Joseph Prim 1 4 John Ginrey, 1 4 Abraham Sumey 1 4 John Simmerman 1 4 John Booser 1 4 •William Mills 1 4 Jacob Tatwlller 1 4 Christ. Burkholder, . 1 1 Daniel Bonlne 1 4 Peter Yeats 1 4 Jacob Bricker 1 4 Abraham Sherer 1 4 David Thrum. 1 4 Frederick Shaffner... 1 4 Daniel Shelley 1 4 Adam Thomas 1 4 John "UTiitmore 1 4 David Tatwelller, ... Simon Singer Dennis Stall 1 S 1 8 1 1 1 S 10 1 S 1 8 1 S 523 Spring Fl. Fall Fi. State Mo. Specie. Brought over £54 19 Henry Ridley John Whitmore, Peter Pruniman, ... . Peter Rodrock David Bruniman Jacob Shearer, 42 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 Am. of 7th Co.... 54 19 6 1 8 1 S 1 S 10 6 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 S 10 1 8 1 8 1 S 1 8 1 8 1 S 1 8 1 S 1 1 1 1 15 1 8 10 Carried over £54 19 6 42 17 Captain HAT'S Company. Christley Hoofman.. 14 Christly Eresman, .. 14 Philip Oilman 14 John Grlse 6 John Shelhorn 14 Adam. Castle 19 6 John Metz 14 Caust Weybell 14 Mich. Goodall 10 6 Peter Wilier 14 Ludwig Metz 14 Christly Long 14 Henry Strickler 14 F.altzer Walter 15 Wendel Martzell 14 Michael Hostler 14 Jacob Rendes 4 6 Baltzer Shelhorn 14 John Somy 1 4 Abraham Martin 14 Daniel Shitz 1 4 John Lesher 14 John \\"elgar 14 Michael Horst 1 4 n Peter Walter 19 6 j Jacob Hostater 14 Christ. Longnecker, . 1 4 ] Henry Akes 14 I Martin Xeisley 14 I Michael Goodadle 19 6 i George Gambler 14 i Christly Aldeman 15 Abraham Metz 1 4 Carried over £35 9 6 1 s 1 s 1 s 1 s 1 s 1 s 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 S 1 2 9 1 8 1 S 1 S 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 24 18 9 524 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. State Mo. Specie. Brought over iZT, y C 2-J IS Geo. Berg-abrough, .. 14 7 Michael Segrost ir. 7 Matthias Kisler,. 14 Isaac Oilman 14 William Porter 4 6 Henry Hoobley, ') & 10 6 Peter Hasten 1 4 o 10 G John Rora 14 10 6 Ully Strickler 1 4 lo 6 John Speckler 10 fi Christly Metz 14 10 6 Jacob Ershman 1 4 Carried over, £47 SO 2S 5 3 Spring Fi. Fall Fi. State Mo. Specie. Brought over £47 9 6 2S 5 3 Jacob Metz 14 Jacob Ershman 1 4 David Moore 9 Michael Lesher 14 ISO Abraham Ershman, .14 Peter Yontz 13 C 10 6 John Beard 10 6 Charles Welger 7 Philip Backar 7 John Sweany, 10 6 Baltzer Stake 18 Am. of Sth Co. ,..£33 S 33 6 9 Amount of the foregoing Companies. State Money. Captain Bogg's £75 16 6 Captain Scott's, 72 § Captain Robinson's 74 3 6 Captain M'Queen's 50 3 6 Captain Casey's, 37 1 Captain Willson's, 49 19 Capcain M'Kee's. 54 19 6 Captain Hay's, 53 8 Amount of No. 2 £467 11 Specie. 48 13 43 16 9 38 18 9 37 12 6 35 3 6 38 19 50 IS 6 33 6 9 327 8 9 LANCASTER COUNTY. 525 ACCOUNT of Fines received from Delinquents for non-perform- ance of Duty in the 2d. 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Classes of the 7th Battalion of Lancaster County Militia. Brought over £21" T 3 First Company. Second Class. Abraham Neesly. Henry Kipp George Ruite Jacob Nesley, . . . . John Ebersole, ... Robert Thompson. Third Class. John Breniman. John Earle Philip Stern, ... John Cornhors. . Fourth Class. Jacob Hollinger. John Nugley, . . . Fifth Class. Robert Craig. John Buck. .. Samuel Wood.= Christian Breniman. John Cook Christian Fisher. ... Seventh Class. 10 lii 13 12 10 10 10 10 11 12 r. Jacob Angle. ... David Martin. .. Jacob Breniman. Carried over £215 Second Company. Secrmd Class. G •. John Gray. . I Peter Bishop 10 10 11 8 9 11 6 Ifi 6 3 10 10 10 10 6 10 10 10 10 4 3 13 10 12 1" IS in A George Rambagh. John Lynch Abraham Hare. . Daniel Rhem. ... John Martin Third Class Abraham Miller, Christian Neesley. Fourth Class. Gotliep Bishop, Rudy Pesum, Jacob Kaufman. Frederick Bealu. John Nusley. . . . Fifth Class. Jacob Stopher William Poorman. Francis Swope. John Kinsley Jacob Shilley. .iun. Christian Wilmori., Adam. Spike David Coble i Jacob Eversnle. ... i John MartMi 10 10 10 1') 10 IM 11 13 12 15 12 16 I'j 10 10 Ifi 11 11 10 10 12 12 6 10 10 10 10 UflM 11 10 ].. .. 10 V 10 1..I ■:' Carried over £47," 14 C 526 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over £47j 14 C Sixth Class. Samuel Balzlee 4 George Blazer 10 10 Seventh Class. Peter Simon 15 Abraham Klsh 15 Isaac Harnley 15 15 Christian Martin 10 10 Brougiit over, £713 14 6 John Stevick 1« 10 Abraham Reamer, 10 10 Christian Brand 12 Fifth Class. Christian Null 10 10 Christian Snider, IS 17 6 David Forster, 5 Samuel Hess 10 10 Peter Reasor 1- 7 6 Sixth Class. Third Company. Fourth Class. Isaac Ditty Isaac Eshelman, Abraham Ruser, Fifth Class. 10 10 10 10 10 10 Christian Dolsbagh, Fifth Company. Second Class. "William Allison Valentine Hide, Jacob Shelly John Springer Peter Frederick John Gish Francis Grove, jun.,. Sixth Class Philip Shoemaker, Abraham Flory. . Conrad Springer, . John Grove jun. Seventh Class. George Nickey. Henry Limparte, Fourth Company. Fourth Class. John Strickley Carried over, 10 10 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 13 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Adam Minch Peter Fucks Christian Wenger, John Gerhart Third Class. Abraham Leman, John Gorman, ... Fourth Class. John Rudy George Segrist John Fritz Christian Hemley, . Daniel Longenecher, Jacob Rife John Brand John Sherer Christian Eversole, Christian Snyder, ... Joseph Hummer Fifth Class. Jacob Kellar, 11 a i Henry W'erley, £713 14 C 10 10 0- 11 32 6 12 7 10 10 12 7 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 7 16 7 16 7 13 13 10 10 16 13 10 10 le 10 6 10 10 10 10 Carried over £1038 5 LANCASTER COUNTY. Brought over £1038 « i Brought over, Jacob Kajey, .. John Eorroway, Sixth Class. Conrad Worst Jacob Lithey Henry Longenecker, , Adam JSletzebach, ... George Hounstone, .. John Gorman, jun.,.. Abraham Fooks William Turner Peter Plattenberger, . 10 10 0; Daniel Oilman 10 10 I Sixth Class. 527 £1309 S 2 Valentine Steer 6 j j^o I Seventh Class. 13 13 ;i g ' "J^'^o^ Hershy 7 Q (j j John Horst 10 10 j 10 10 I I I 10 10 I Seventh Company. IS 7 IG 10 Seventh Class. Second Class. Peter Rule John Hernly Christian Martin, Sixth Company. Seconil Class. Jacob Hoof man. Abraham Lor.g. Henry Grove, .. Third Class. Christian Heagey, Peter Lindymore, Martin Meily Frederick Yeatch. Fourth Class. I'lrich Angle. ... George Barr Christly Souder. Christly Baohar, Fifth Class. Martin Lindemore. John Scott 10 10 I Jacob Rife, .. 10 13 6 ' George Bucks 10 10 10 li'i 10 10 20 5 Jacob Hutzberg'er Third Class. Jacob Mitser, .. Barney Manley, Fourth Class. Jacob Smith, .. John Branser. . James Heinman, Thomas Ogle, . Fifth Class. 13 IS si 10 10 I Joseph Prim 10 10 I 10 10 ! Sixth Class. 14 12 6 2 5 IT 5 William Mills , Christian Burkholder, Jacob Bricker 12 S 11 2 9 11 18 9 10 10 10 10 24 7 10 10 5 5 5 13 IS 10 IS 14 3 6 10 10 Eighth Company. Second Class. 1 John Shelhorn, . .. 3 j Abraham Cassel. 3 I John Metz 10 10 17 2 10 10 Carried over 1309 S t\ Carried over, £1540 1 6 528 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over, . £1540 1 C Third Class. Windal Mortsal 10 10 Ludwig Metz 21 u Christian Long IJ Henry Strickler 10 10 Balzer Walters 10 10 Michael Hoslan, 12 3 Henry Teesinger 10 10 Fourth Class. Balzer Shelhorn, John Wilgar, ... 12 4 6 10 10 Brought over £166119 Mishael Horst 10 10 Peter Water 10 10 Jacob Hostater a Charles ■\\'elger 10 10 Sixth Class. Christian Holdeman, 2 ■Abraham Metz 10 10 George Bergalbrough 10 10 Matthias Kisler 6 Seventh Class. Fifth Class. Hugh Grimes Carried over £166119 Peter Heaston 13 10 John Rorer 19 10 Ulsey Strickler 13 17 6 Christly Metz 1ft 10 .\mount £1754 16 o l.ANCA?TER COUNTY. 529 a en w D = - X £ ,- -TO u .^ S 2 = Q '" f— ^2 o C ^ 5 ^ • o 3 5 « : << _i ^ J? O ci ^ §1 -3 5 ^ y: : y: o o ^ Cj C 5,' c ■^• CO -j^ •~. "rt — 5 .5 "^ "= < 25 =■ rt c . Dc/^ 73 ~ c . t: ^ > "^ — S O - a: V ; u S c n [ i K -^ bt ^ u e— £ • 2 J 2 ^ 2 < < o :^ • w< ■ c 4- ■ c o — ^ c; w go- ^'"5- . '^ =^ ^ ^ ^' I' I ro sfcT O =5 ~ f- L m ^ < -^ -r C3 > ~ six: -^ ^ z "H .o be ^ .= ^ h "^ i; > ~ ."2 O QJ i«) = en o <| -^ ^ oj o 2 O > ?> ^ :>, S c ^ i-' ^ o ^ ~ c 7i X o 5 <; .•Ph 2 £ rt - 0, y: C3 :f LANCASTER COUNTY. 531 ACCOUNT of Fines received from Delinquents, for non-at- lendance on Days of Exercise in the Eighth Battalion, Lan- caster County Militia. Fi. Fall Fi. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. State .M'j. Specie. Spring State Mo. Specie. llrought r, . ..£1S 9 21 :, 3 7 IJ 10 G 10 6 17 6 3 1 s 1 s Captain JOllX HUE'LEY'S Cumpany. Casper Eagle, 'i !:■ Martin Ehler 9 ii George Greisinger. . . 't 4 (i George Beard 1 4 n George Yontz 14 John Metzgar 1 4 John Lichey 1 4 Francis Heger 14 Charles Hinitz 19 G Caleb Johnson 1 4 John Beam 1 4 n James Crawfoid. .. . 1 1 Henry Musser 14 George Lotman 10 G Ulrich Lamparter, . . . 4 G J^ilin Walter fi Henry Pinkerton William Tanner 1 4 Conrad Ferree ') lO C John Eppele 'i 4 G Michael Souter 10 G John Quash P Peter Row 4 6 John Plattonherger, . :i o Andrew Try^r Philip I^enhere Pptor Shafiner Frederick Lazaru^; . Charles Drum Peter Prosman .John Pinkerton Christian Zehan .... John Touns .Tac.-.h C,lnt7. Pnvi.l T^onh lsa?.c RTrtr- I Ji.hn Mussel' Aiiam Storkslager, . Christian Kines.-^,... John Franciscus, .. . John Litner, John Miscencap Francis Fortiny,... L'aniel Ehler Adam Brilzius George Weiss Jacob Messersmith, . Jacob Fortiny Michael Lightner, .. Adam Misscncape,. Jacob Britias Conrad Swartz Jacob Y'entz Michael Weiss, i'hilip Gallacher, .. . Geoi-ge Slough •lijuhua Isaacs Michael Trepert... Am. 1st i_'omp.. 12 1" 17 10 1 <; Carried ovr. ... £1« 21 10 6 17 6 10 6 10 6 3 5 3 5 3 3 5 3 7 3 I 3 10 6 5 3 1 1 1 8 7 5 3 ^ 3 £18 9 32 11 Captain EWING'S Company. Paul Zantzingor 1 4 Frederick Fi ick 13 Charles Klug. jun... 1 4 Jacob Kruge 1 4 \'alentine Kruge 1 4 Henry Geiger 1 4 John Smith 9 Jasper Yeates 1 4 Carried over £S S 1 s '1 17 1 8 17 10 1 N 532 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. State Mo. Specie. Brought over fS S Christ. Deniuth 1 4 Daniel Fetrter, 1 4 John Shirz 4 John M'Guire, 4 Daniel Ehrisman 1 4 feter Stern 1 4 Rudy Herr 1 4 John Goez 19 Henry Kaufman 1 4 Emanuel Herr 1 4 John Sher^ 1 4 Christian Shenii 1 4 John Kreyder, 1 4 Martin Kryder 1 4 Jacob Kryder, 1 4 John Hofsater 1 4 Jacob Kryder 1 4 George Leonard 1 4 Henry Deringer Adam Damback Valentine Hoffman. . Peter Geedy Philip Heedv Joseph Huber, Christian Demuth, .. Gotlieb Fetter Henry Hain John Leibly ■George Edder John M'Guire Henry Hook Henry Kryder Valentine Bosler John Hoffstater George Leonard Frederick Fencer. . . . George Young Christian Herr, George Eicholtz Jacol" Reigard Michael App John Weitley Philip Brewssl Adam Hershberger, . C 9 C c 6 1 2 9 u 1 s fi ij 1 s 1 s 1 s P 17 c i: 6 17 c 17 c 10 6 Q 1 1 5 3 10 C 10 f. 19 6 5 3 17 6 10 6 10 6 5 3 12 3 1ft 6 in 6 1 S 1 s 1 1 9 10 6 Ifl G 1 1 1 8 Ifl 6 r, 3 r, 3 r, 3 r, 3 s 3 Spring Fi. Fall Fi. State Mo. Specie. Brought over £27 16 6 34 2 9 John Dardinger D 3 John Moore 5 3 Adam Wilhelm 10 G John Burke 10 C Casper Lawrence.... 10 6 George Murqu-irt. .. ."> 3 John Getz 0^7 6 Andrew Bowman,... 7. 3 Matthias Markhel... lu G Geo. Hecketsweller, . 17 G Adam Paul o 3 John Switzer fi 3 Jasper Ewing 12 3 Henry Maur'^r 5 3 Daniel Blottenberger, 5 3 Henry Bennett 5 3 John Shertz 5 3 Christian Oxer 5 3 Thomas Roberts 5 3 Henry Lutz 7 George Kessel, 7 Am. 2.1 Co £27 It; G 42 9 Carried over £27 10 6 34 2 9 Capt. JOSEPH HUBLEY'S Company. George Moore 1 4 Frederick Hess I 4 John Witner. jun.,.. 1 4 George Ross 1 4 Jacob Graeffe 1 4 Balzer Stetzer 1 4 William AVebb 1 4 John Brennimin 1 4 John Musser 1 4 Caleb Coope 1 4 Anthony Syferl 1 4 John Roberts 1 4 Francis Sanderson... 1 4 Frederick "Weaver. . . 14 George Ilger 17. Josiah Lockert 19 Peter Hooffnagel 1". Carried over £19 5 1 s 7 n n 7 n 7 1 S 1 8 1 S LANCASTER COUNTY. 533 Spring Fi. Fall Fi. State Mo. Specie. Brought over £19 5 6 9 9 John Jordan u 3 Stophel Hager 18* Matthias Young 18 Frederick Fainnott. . ISO John Graeff lo 9 Wm. Fontrout ISO Peter Broosman 7 \Vm. Bowsman, jun., 7 Adam Fontrout 7 Andrew Lutz, 7 Jacob Fetter 7 George Good 7 William Thompson.. 7 Am. 3d Co.. £19 14 6 18 5 9 Capt. WM. "WERTZ'S Companr. Peter Fetter 1 i George "Weidle 1 -4 Jacob Kagey 1 4 Gotlieb Zehner Am. 4th Co., £3 12 Captain BOYD'S Company. John Fisher 4 Andrew Keiss 10 George Yost 4 Henry Naglee j9 Nicholas Miller 4 Melchior Snyder,.... 4 Anthony "Weldy 4 Christian Feh ■> 4 Charles Branden 6 Matt. Hehl ^ Stej.hen Porter 6 George Mu.=?er Michael Musser Adam 'U'eber Jr.n?.."; Metzgar Carried over £3 15 10 .■. 10 7 1 S 5 10 5 Spring Fi. Fall Fi. State Mo. Si)ecie. Brought ovt-r £3 15 O 4 14 G Georg»e Graff Lowdon Alliburton, ID II .J 5 7 7 7 3 Jacob Sheffer Daniel Frank Ca?]ier Fortney Am. :.th Co £3 15 6 16 c Captain MILLER'S Comi)an>-. Jacolj Browbacher, .. 1 4 George Graff 1 4 Jacob Denlinger 18 Jacob Metzgar, 9 George Warner 1 4 Martin Capp 4 Conrad Lind 10 Jacob Dickart 15 Fredsrick Moyer, .... 4 James Ramsey 10 Alexander M'Coy,... Adam Musketnuss, .. Jacob Lindy .lohn Alspach Michael Cramer 7 1 8 1 8 - 6 6 (• 1 S 6 6 Am. of Oth Co.,.. £7 4 S 11 6 Captain WEYBRIGHT'S Company. Ben.iamin Long 1 4 Peter Len 1 4 Abraham Royer 1 4 Nicholas Huhn 1 4 Conrad Shisler, 1 4 Benj. Landis. jun.,.. 1 4 Ben.iamin Hershy,... 1 4 Henry Bugh 1 4 John Metzler 1 4 Jnst Stroo 1 4 Henry Landis 1 4 Jacob Jlet.-ler 1 4 Michael Geiber 1 4 John Kurtz 1 4 Carried over £1G 16 1 s 1 s 1 s 1 s 1 s r> 1 s 1 s 1 V 534 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. State Mo. Specie. Spr-ing Fi. Fall Fi. State Mo. Specie. Brouglit over £ie IG 11 4 Brouglit over £9 6 4 4 4 4 " Henry Landis, ... Henrv Len 4 4 1 s John Lony, jun., .. Isaac Lony 4 (, Philip Boyer. jun.. 4 George Huhn 4 IJ G. M. Schreiner, ... 4 1 & Nic. Rodebaugh 4 Samuel Mver 4 s s John Myer Ab. Hershy Jacob Eaer s s (1 Martin Myer Henry Metzler << (' G«orge Kline 1 M Jacob Kaufman... s '' Am. 7th Co ..£25 IC 2} '.' Captain WILHELM'S Company. John Brubacher 1 Henry Brubacher... J. Brubacher. jun.,.. 1 Christ. Brubacher... 1 Jacob Kaufman i Jacob Peifer 1 John Bower Christian Shent:,... 1 P. Bachman, sen.... Henry Hoff 1 Carried over. . . I^eter Bachman, jun. William Gliger H. Seitenstecher. . .. John Bosler, Peter Greybill Jacob Blocher Michael Gruble Jacob Grub Christian Huber Abraham Huoer George Huber Jacob Huber George Riohel Michael Richel. John Schreiner Jacob Kissell Conrad Ssechrist, . . . . Christian Streit Jacob Sener John Kaufman David Stoner John Kinisly Peter Seip John Lepe Ciiristian Frick Abraham Frick Abraham Lipe Joseph Brubacher.... 19 1 4 IJ 1 4 Am. Sth Co £29 U 1 8 1 S ISO 1 S 1 s 1 & 10 (i ; 3 10 c (I 10 G ISO 1 S 'J 1 S Amount of the foregoing Companies. Captain John Hubley's, Captain Ewing's, Captain Jo. Hubley's, . . Captain Wm. Wertz's. . . Captain Boyd's Captain Miller's Captain Weybright's, . . . Captain Wilhelm's Amount of No. 1, State Money. Specie. £18 9 32 11 27 16 6 42 9 19 14 6 IS 5 9 3 12 7 (• 3 15 6 16 6 7 4 S 11 6 28 16 23 9 29 14 20 16 6 £139 1 LANCASTER COUXTY. 535 ACCOUNTS of Fines received from Delinquents, for non-per- formance of Duty, in tlie 2d. 3d. 4tli. otli and Gth Classes of the 8th Battalion, Lancaster Countv Militia. State Mo. Specie. State Mo. Specie. Captain WEYDRIGHr'S Company. Second Class. Christ. Pinkley 6 c Ab. Hershy G ' John Kurtz G J Third Class. 4 10 3 10 3 10 C Ben. Landi.s. ,iun. . . 10 M Benj. Hershy 13 10 Henry Bugh 10 10 lu 10 13 Henry Landis John Maester 10 10 Jacob Mitzler 111 iO Michael Garner 10 lu .;. 10 1(1 111 10 ft David Bechtel Peter Pa.=s 111 10 10 111 ,-, Daniel Rudy 10 10 .. Philip Hess 10 10 11 Philip Schreiner 10 10 fl Michael Rudesell 13 5 Jacob W'eidler 12 Michael Schrf^iner. . . 10 1.1 '■' Capt. MILLER'S Co mpany. Second Class. Henrv Avster G 3 3 in Third Cla!s. Casper Erman 10 10 fl John Hatz 10 10 lA 10 Leonard Benedict,.. Georgre Messersmith. 10 10 Henry Staufer 3 Georire Bighler ."■ ■; r. George Eckleberger. 111 ifi •"■ Car. ©ver £21 12 2S0 10 Br. over £24 12 2v0 10 William Tanner 1>1 li " George Bard 10 1" n John Messencape. .. . lo 10 '> Francis Fortney l" 10 n Heni.v Musser 14 '• u Conrad Koeni^h 10 10 John Metzs-er 1" 10 John Lichty 10 10 John Getz 10 10 Georsre Yentz 5 f. C Cain. EWIXG'S Company. Emanuel Hair 12 C Adam Willhelm ' 1'3 John Cryder lo 10 Jaoob Cryder Ol. son) 1'^ 1" "^ Jacob Cryder 10 10 TMartin Cryder 6 John Getz. sen 10 1'' Christian Mathcat,.. 10 I'l Henry Bennett 10 10 Valentine Krueh 14 5 Capt. JOS. HUELET'S Company. ,Tohn Musser 10 10 Caleb Cope 10 10 G»orare Gundacker. .. 10 10 William "U'ebb 1'"' 1" Nicholas GroU 10 10 Georg-e Good 10 1'^ Adam Frontraret 10 10 William Bousman. jun 10 1'"' '• John Breniman. 3 Capt. BOYriS Company. Nicholas Miller 1''' 1> o Carried over. ...£24 12 5o6 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over il!4 li' .>S4 Frederick Man, Conrad Haas, . Jacob Young, .. . State Mo. Specie. iJrougln over £49 4 714 (.-•apt. WILkHELM'S Company. lU 10 u Cliristian Brubacher, 10 10 I Jacob Kaufman 10 W I Peter Graybill. I Jolin tirubacher, jun.. Christian Bamberger, Andrew Keller John Swarr 13 14 ; 12 i: Henry Brubacher ... ti Peter Bachman ti John Bosler 6 John Segrist 6 John Leip George Riggell Christian Myer Christian Shank John Shreiner Peter Bachman. jun.. Jacob Good Carried over i.'4'J 4 10 3 10 3 10 14 10 10 10 10 14 5 10 10 10 10 10 1* Capt. W. WIRTZ'S Company. Gottlieb Shuer, John Farmwall, . . . George W'eidle Peter Fetter Gerhai\l Bombach, John Gilliard Christian Weidle, . 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 4 714 Amount Xo. 2,... £49 4 864 5 LANCASTER COUNTY. 537 CO I— I ^/ < -^ o > c ^ rr. 72 30 tx •:: o .Sz r > -a E ^ ^ li .- — ij:. 538 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. § = .- s m r a? O iX K c ^i S £ i ^ t- X a: ''' f- '-' ^ >, < g .- ^ ~ ~ "!X a: rt •- c 5 < rj-. •— 'i HH ,_ 02 C J= r^ C •^ ^ V. K .— C3 Ei. E^E- LANCASTER COUNTY. 5o9 ACCOUNT of Fines received from Delinquents for non-attend- ance on Days of Exercise, in the ninth Battalion of Lan- caster County Militia. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. State Mo. Specie. SprinfT Fi. Fall I"i- State Mo. Specie. liiought ovfi- £ir. 4 27 G ■: Second Company. Vendel Henry Christian Stoner Francis Taylor Nicholas Musser Christian 'Wyland... Ludwlck Bail John Landis William Nay William Hoover Michael Kraeger Martin Miller Abraham 'U'iltmore.. Jacob Bowan D. Hershberger John Hoover, Dewalt Henry Jac. Lehman, jun.,.. Jacob Plough Dewalt Kraeger Valentine Rode John Nay Felix Landie Martin Penogle, John Balm George Henry. Benjamin Harsey.... Joseph Forney Nicholas Nay Emanuel Kengrik... J. Lehman, sen Jacob Hoover Michael Katrine Willery Weltmore John Forney Joseph Napsher Henry Bowman ISO Christian IJeani 1 4 Christian Turner 1 4 Martin Hoover 1 4 . John White X i I Joseph Falgate 1 4 I John Lehman 1 4 Val. Katrine 1 4 William Bail 1 4 Daniel Brough 1 4 Daniel Longaker.... 1 4 Jacob Longaker 1 4 Abraham Kelton 1 4 Henry Ray 1 4 ISO Henry Hoover. 1 8 8 8 8 7 n Jacob Ney Abraham Pitleon. John Brought .. . Tetrick Miller Jacob Early Peter Forney John White Am. 2d Co. S '■ 8 Third Company, no Fines. Fourth Compan.N Conrad Moyer Henrj- Sigler Conrad Suey Jacob Youngman. Jacob House George Sider Christley Sider. . . Peter Wirik William Rough... George Moura, 1 ^ 1 8 1 8 1 S Carried over, 540 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. State M''. Speci'--. Brought over £12 12 Chr.stley Huves IS Martin Sucy 1 4 u 1 John Sherkor 14 1 (lieorge Walmer 1 4 m 1 Simon Minock 14 1 John Shup 14 1 Jolin Simerman 19 6 Joh:i Huver, jun 14 1 Henry Glever 14 Jacob Seeker 14 1 John Rough 14 1 Jacob Sent 14 1 Bennet Rough 14 1 George Hoke, Stophel Richwin 1 Am. 4th Co £27 1 6 28 Fifth Conrpany, no Fines. Sixth Company. Abraham Host 14 Peter Balsbough 14 Val. Balsbough 1 4 Peter Bell 14 Philip BeiH 14 John Spence 6 John Anderson 6 .^m. 6th Co £6 12 Seventh Company. John Boragartner. .. . 14 110 Martin Miley 14 18 John Musser 14 Jacob Wolf 1 4 1 8 George Unger 14 ISO .Vbsalom XV'enger,... 14 Peter Beafon 14 ISO John Brighbill 14 18 John Simon 1 4 o ISO Christian Pcrkey 14 ISO Carried over £12 10 17 Spring n. Fall Fi. State Mo. Specie. Brought over £ Daniel Miller James Perkey Henry Moyer, Jacob Moyer Gabric-1 Shrpe Jacob Graff Balser Bomgartner. . Peter Kengrey John Royer Fred. Besom , .Jacob Besom P. Walmer, jun Henry Shue Henry Brune John Weaver Adam Weaver Peter Brighbill John Walmer Peter Riner George Hedrick Jacob Henry Nich. .Abertoll .Adam Goorman John Stelty Ltidwick Siring Christian Winger,... Christian Frank George Mese, Adam Carpenter John Boucher Joseph Perkey Peter Erighlbill 10 17 IS 4 4 4 18 4 4 4 n 4 4 4 4 4 Am. of 7th Co.,.. 47 Eighth Company. John Kaufman, . Philip Brand,... Henry Cooper. . . . Adam Copaugb, Henry Miller. . . . Ab. Strickler. ... Henry Landis, .. 8 8 S 8 8 8 1 8 7 29 1 Carried over £8 8 LANCASTER COUNTY. 541 Spring Fi. Fall Fi. State Mci. Specie. Brought over, £S !^ Peter Lamiis 1 4 George S; elsbaugh, .. 1 4 Adam Ilamaker 1 4 Christ. Haniaker 1 4 Chri.st. Stover 1 4 James (arnahan 1 4 Christ. Knver U 4 Christ. Landis 1 4 Max Spidls 1 4 John IJooks 1 4 Val. Kinsler 1 4 Jacob Catrine I 4 Jacob Landis 1 4 Daniel Baum 1 4 Peter Perst 4 Abraham Landis 1 4 Simon Singer 1 4 George Minich 1 4 P. Eversol, jun 1 4 George Peters 19 Philip Nigh 1 4 Carried over £:'.l aniel Hershberger Conrad Wisher John Hoover Dewalt Henry Jacob Lehman, sen.. Abraham Brittlion Fourth Cass. 10 17 10 17 10 17 12 7 14 10 17 10 17 10 17 10 17 10 17 12 12 Fflix Landvic 10 lO o John Dalin-. 10 10 o Car. over £272 13 Michael Keterin. , Tilery 'U'eltmore, John Forney Jcseph Xafsiker, ., Henry Bowman. Christian Beam, , rhri.stian Tanner, in 10 13 15 6 15 10 12 4 12 13 6 1" 5 3 14 12 6 Th;nl Company, no Delinquents. Caiuain HKRKRIDUS'S Company. Third and Fourth Classes. Christian Moura 10 William Rouph 10 Simnn Minich 11 John Shape 11 GeorKe Sider 11 Christley Sider 19 Peter "U'irich 10 Christley Hoover 10 Henry Sharp 10 John Sacker 10 Fifth Class. Danie! Hrofnasle Sixth Class. Pc't-r Keelintrer 17 17 C 4 3 3 3 3 17 17 17 T7 17 Carrieil over £.';47 LANCASTER COUNTY. Brought over £547 2 11 Seventh Class. J ihn Knuyh 11 10 3 Filtii I'nmi'aiiy. nn Delinqupiits. Brought over £T9'J Sixth Class. Peter Walmorw. jun. Henry Sheue;,' Henry };run>r 543 1(1 7 12 6 :i 6 iu iJ Cifl'tain WIL.SoN'S Company. Secund Class. Peter Bea! HI Thir.l Class. -eventh Class. Peter BriKhtliiU. John Walmorf-. . 10 1U Andrew Rodgers. Felty Balsbach, . 12 1 :0 17 .Seventh Class. .Abraham Horst 11 I'aptain i;RADY'S (.'ompany. Second Class. Captain LAIRD'S Company. Second Class. Peter Landis George Spelsbaugh, Adam Hamaker, .. Christly Hamacker, Christly Newport. . 2) 19 r> 13 10 •1 13 10 4 13 v: 4 11 2 6 I-udwick Sering. . Christian Wingert, John Brightbill. ... John Simon Christian Perkay, George Beason. ... Third Class. Daniel Miller, John Perk. ... George Wilt. . Henry Peason. JohTi Sti!e. ... Fourth Class. 11 17 11 1." 12 7 11 12 10 17 11 13 3 Fourth Class. Christly Stoufer. Marks Spider. . I'eter Fishburne. John Bux j Christly Landis 11 6 I 11 13 6 ' 11 13 C 11 12 10 11 3 Valentine Kinsley Fifth Class Jaeiili Landi" John Snydei- Daviil Hranil Sixth Class. I'.altzer F.^imgarden Geoipe H'gin. John Landi-^ n 3 10 17 Peter Ginger H 19 Martin Rouse Jacob Carpenter — " " J"^'"'' ^*-'^="- 'Hanover).. Martin Meily M 17 n i:; 1 venth Class. Fifth Class. Frederick lieasor George Mini.k. 10 10 ft J, hn Myers. .. 14 13 n 10 I'l 17 10 17 10 10 10 17 10 10 1 3 10 ir, .;, Carried over £799 7 'i Amount Xo. 544 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. 3 w CD' < U ^< /— N I— I CO ;ri D O U u < o < c •z. c o rt ^ rt ;^ i*_j rr. O — ^ i a; ■M* '^ OC >. <— < t- > ei-. ^^ c^ O o >; X ^. o t~- c ~ i-. CO ^ O) i^ ;^ Pi £ O c >" rt J- CO ~ o £ S ^- ~ cs >: O 03 2; — 'C L'^ __. (^ E^ ■^ '^ ^ = EC 0,^ >i J >-, .t: m c < c ^ g CJ M i ra i^ ■^ si ^ p c 2: c > 03 5 > C3 03 S '5 5 s --= I w 03 C3 he S; o 03 as 03* — rt ■- • CO K K a. fe ;^ c U LANCASTER COUNTY. 545 .- ^ n o I (M J € O C r- a. o; T-1 — c; - tr. c ■5:2: M "5 < o i 'J ;^ c -^ o 35--6--3d Ser. 22 r^ .— o o t^ F-r- CO 546 ACCOUNTS OF LIETTTEXANTS. ACCOUNT of Fines received from Delinquents for non-attend- ance on Days of Exercise in the Tenth Battalion, Lancaster County Militia. Spring Fi. Fall Fi. State Mc. Specie. Captain MURRAY'S Company. Ricliard Wade 14 William Foulks 15 John CoUegan IS John Thomas 14 Am. First Co.,.. i4 1 Capt. M'MILLAN'S Company. James Cavet 1 J John Kinsley 1 4 John Palmer 18 John Meder 1 4 Henry Ackey 1 4 A.lam BarulY C Hugh Stephen 4 Jacob Miller 1 4 Am. 2d Comp S 6 6 14 9 Capt. JOHNSTON'S Company. Isaiah Jones 1 4 Ludwick Shelman,.. U 19 6 Robert Boyd 4 6 Samuel Oram G Peter Swaigart 14 Cutlip Kline 14 Henry Leek 4 G Daniel Black 4 6 Daniel Kistler 6 George Scimor 6 -i Jacob Nee.i 6 o Adam Swaigart 19 6 Henry Dougherty.... 1 4 Spring Fi. Fall Fi. State Mo. Specie. Brought over £8 12 6 Nathan Landon 6 Paul Wilcut 6 Am. 3d Co £9 4 6 Capt. ROBINSON'S Company. Carried ov^-r. John Buch 1 4 Abraham Eagley,.. 1 4 John Page 1 4 John Millar 1 4 Peter Bancake, sen., 1 4 George Pile, 1 4 Henry Pile 1 4 Michael Page 1 4 Vindle Fochlar 1 4 Jacob Millar, jun.... 1 4 Michael Mark 19 Barney Duffey 19 John Loidar 19 Dane! Ccopc-r, 1 4 Jacob Houser 1 4 Jacob Beck 1 4 Stophel Scop 1 4 Jacob Soop i9 1 S 1 S 1 8 17 : T Am. 4th Co £20 14 1114 6 Capt. STEW.\RD'S Comnanv. James Coglt-y 9 Frederick Switzer. .. 1 4 Petfr Boble :S John Hushe 1 4 Francis Yontz 1 4 John Fochler 1 4 George Raniker 13 Cari-ieil over £6 Ifi LAXCASTICR COUNTY. 547 Spring Fi. Fall Fi. Brought over, . State Mc. Specie. iO 16 Thomas Moor 1 4 1 S John MiHer 1 4 Daniel Roberts 12 J-hn Cogley 7 Am. :.th Co £9 4 t; 5 10 Capt. COCHRAN'S Company. Henry Alleman, 14 18 Nicholas Alleman,.. 14 George Lerue 1 4 r, i S Stophel Alleman 1 4 Jacob Brand 14 John Roop 1 4 1 S Eliab Neagley 14 IS John Noop 1 4 Jacob Leder 1 4 Jacob Roop 1 4 1 8 Christly Roop 14 IS John JIumma 1 4 1 8 Stophel Earnest 14 10 John Brand 1 4 1 S Chrisly Fleahner 14 IS John Clendining 14 7 Jacob Kear, 1 4 7 Abraham Niding 14 7 Stophel Poorman 1 4 u Jacob Fisher 14 John Shoemaker 1 1 7 Jacob Roop, 1 4 7 Christly Page 1 4 John M'Gery 6 fi John Coneer 14 7 Carried over, £20 2 13 4 Brought over, Spring FI. Fall Fi. State Mo. Specie. 4 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 John Fleaher, 1 4 George Neavland,... 1 4 Henry Alleman 1 4 Christly Torner 1 4 Christian Alleman,.. 1 4 John Alleman 1 4 Nicholas Nigh 1 4 Francis Lerue 1 4 I'hilip Crlner 1 4 John Lider, 1 4 Philip Shoemaker,.. 1 4 llalshar I'oorman... 1 4 John Frits 1 4 Peter Roop, 1 4 Martin Fritz Am. 6th Co £45 12 Seventh Company, no Fines received. Cnpt. M'CLURE'S Company. 7 8 Fred. Aberland 1 4 Henry Stoner 14 Henry Moore 14 John Wolfly 14 George Fry 1 4 Thomas Moore 18 Jacob Stricklar 14 George Conson 18 Abnor Wickersham. 14 Jacob V.'olfiy 14 Am. Sth Co £11 8 1 S 10 Amount of the foregoing companies Captain Murray's, £4 1 Captain McMillan's 7 8 6 Captain Johnston's 9 4 6 Captain Robinson's 20 14 Captain Steward's 9 4 6 Captain Cochran's 45 12 Captain M'Clure's 11 8 6 14 9 11 14 6 5 10 3 20 9 6 5 1 6 Amount of No. 1. £107 12 6 49 10 fi 548 ACCOUXTS OF LIEUTENANTS. ACCOUNT of Fines received from Delinquents, for non-per- formance of Duty, in the 2d. 3d, 4th, 5th, and 6th Classss of the lOch Battalion Lancaster County Militia. Captain MURRAY'S Company. Second Class. Henry Hoone 3 Third Class. Philip Tendort 3 Fourth Cla?s. William Fulks, John Hatfield. .. 11 11 Fifth Class, no Delinquents John Thomas, William Clark. 7 11 Captain MILLAN'S Company. Second Class. Brought o^■er £116 IS 2 Isaiah Jones 811 6 Third and Fourth Classes, no Fines received. Fifth ditto, no Delinquents. Sixth ditto, no Fines received. Capt. ROBINSON'S Company. Second Class. Matthew Cahoon. Abraham Egley, Peter Smith William M'Clure, Philip Firebock. John Miller Samuel Dale George Soop John Kinsley John Partimore. .. Henry Achey, .iun. Michael Felty 12 8 12 IS 13 2 2 10 10 10 10 Third Class Third Class, no Delinquents. Fourth ditto ditto. Fifth ditto ditto. Sixth ditto ditto. George Shitz, Jacob Syders, George Smith. Fourth Cla.=s George Piles. Henry Piles. . >IichaeI Page. 13 3 G 12 2 10 lo 2 5 10 10 10 10 2 I) 13 10 10 10 10 10 13 7 6 10 10 Capt. JOHNSTON'S Compan\-. ;. Vendel Tochlcr. Second Class. i Jacob Miller... i John Lider, . . . Michael Hannan 11 lo .\dam Lampart. Carried over. £110 IS 12 !.■ 10 PI 10 10 ' Carried over £296 10 LANCASTER COUNTY. 549 Brought over £296 10 Sixth Class. Daniel Cooper. Jacob Houser. Martin Fritz. . 12 i:> 10 10 10 10 Brought over £510 110 Fourth Class. Capt. STEWARD'S Company. Seconal Class. Frederick Switzer 12 1j Third Class. Conrad Johntz 12 Fourth Class. Peter Boble 13 3 Fifth Class. Abraham Nidigh, Stophel Poorman, Jacob Fisher John Shoemaker, Christly Page, ... Fifth Class. John Bowman, . John Consor. ... John Flechoneer, George Newland, Henry AUeman. Christly Turner,. Sixth Class John Alleman. .. i Melcher Poorman, Philip Shoemaker, Jfihn Hersha, . Francis Yontz, Stophel Smith, Conrad Leek, .. 11 G 10 10 10 10 3 10 21 l.-j 10 10 10 1" 13 IM 10 V} 11 .J 10 10 10 10 11 5 10 10 10 10 12 3 10 10 10 10 Sixth Class, no Delin.^uents. Capt. COCHR.\N'S Company. Second Class. Jacob Rupp 10 10 Christly Rupp 10 10 Ludwick Dager 10 10 Frederick "Winegall 10 lu Third Class. Stophf-l Earnest 13 17 t! Jr^hn Bran.; 13 17 Conrad Alleman 12 10 Alatthias Weinigle 13 17 Christian Flechinger 10 10 Carried over, £510 ] 10 Seventh Company. Xo. Fines received. Cai'tain M'CLL'RE'S Company. Second Class. John Keesinper. . I Conrad Foot Jacob Bartley Valentine W'elker, Third Class. Adam Ritter. Joseph Graig, John Wolfley, 10 10 10 10 11 5 10 10 1 10 11 10 10 Fourth and Fifth Classes, no Delin- quents. Sixth Class. Jacob Strickler. George Consor, 13 2 6 10 10 STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF THE Lieutenant and Sub-Lieutenants OF LANCASTER COUNTY. 1782-1783. D Oj' — , s J CO CO w '-' Ui u c^ < J O o _ 5C -^ — O =5 o o I t- ■X, ^ CI ^ 2 Q X en o ^ z >^ •l-i _; c o o u U u :-i < -^ -<-> U) w X rt r"' J ti :::3 ■^ o c ~ — ~ a: C ^- Oi 73 f^ "^ n I *" CJ ^ C E 4J '^ rt S S C aj C ^ ~ o < CO § m ::■ 7: _^' cr 2 £ w 'jj — ^ rt K y; "" 7] C ,^ ;_' -tJ 03 ci Qi ci c M P p c g K rt rt 5 rt I I 5 I o I 5 .1 0) tfi QJ fi 2 ^' I — a; •— o .— o ^ ! ^ ^ X — rx _ 1 *^ t^ H t7. IS tc St: S S ^ S o S G O -I ^ "^ ." — .E •- ■- - .- ^ •- jn •-• *^ •- ~ o •- iS O !/2 n TS 5 d rt c s i £ I 5 = ^ ■ : '-s I -: w ^ c i o > > > > .s > .t 5 c t^ o 552 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. a, 33 -o •-: t- I =; -^ - -^ r: ^- OS o T-- O O rH t- '-' o o >*> t- '^^i t- i3 o ;o H c r — o 0" CO . ^- 2 S c r- a, ^ OJ O) " &HCIQO _0 J3 j= o d ^. c o ~ o o X rt --Z — — 3,2'=55 -5 = c;-2~ Z o - > - o: C- c C ^ c c c o c cc r; • 9 Z • m ' >i • rt . ic. ^ M ' "^ ^ dt— X, — I-H •? "^ g ?i 0) srT _c - »~^ .t: :^q "o -< ^,- ~ :; t-' ^t c 1^. s • f^ r- rt c : ■3 Tl t- -3 -^ >. 2 i : 1—1 a,' „ t-i q; t^ ^ rt -^ o- _ ; . 5 :_ C _o .§ 0' c : ■^ Vi — "%i 7i • *^ •^ rt G. H.-^ to C vT . - -^^ Qj X pj^ ^ -fc-* Oi tC >.^- '• :. tS X — ^ .^ — X — Cl. t^ V ^ K ^0 ? s K S — ^^ "" rr "3 r: (t: i: b ~ E JT a — ■ -^■■;=; 0. *~^ -~ ■- c J2 — ' -r '2 ~ '~.^<^^-. _i| 5 r< %p^'^'^' cI c h^ LANCASTER COUNTY. -4-3 ^ bfj C r: C c bC 5 O 'S. aJ co' ^r a; c3 a.' "5 .. j= 1— 1 Ui "" t^ 5 c; o o o X g &:-2 a! O 0) QJ Z^ tfi O Cfi ^ f= F ^ -^ -^ o 2 £ c o o = CO H Z :d • o u ^' u t/3 J=. .2 'C cs i c -:3 c p 5 ^ -i^ (D cfi 5, 35 ° !- b OJ C3 -/. -^ o IM — ^■ --, i= ST. o • ;:!' • S -^ — ' o < H CO ^. a 2 t >. '"' 5 ^ ^ "i . ^^ o; T . "- a - • >■. bC . •" • -= — oc ^ ■ — ai-i - o oc ^ ;: o - rt j: ^ •- - r: - — c f' > '— . - ^ ^ H- = z 556 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. o M lO t- CO tH o oo ^ lO D Ill :::; « a; S "^ JD ct-^ ■" c ■" O "C "2 S a; o 5 o i: o c CD . ^ o > ^ x --^ . v: .^ ^ =*< I a. T3 — 2 ^ ■ 0/ c — — ,-L u: ^ G 5 t" •- ■ - 5 a ^ CO c i^ w— O .-^K= << .— C— .r-i.. = -H ^ .2 i^ i « Em ~ c r " >^ tS O O o 00 00 00 5 _ ^ K K — -: t^ ti I LAN'CASTEI:: COUNTY. 1 s 1 s 1 s (1 1 s II 1 s 11 1 s II s u s II s 8 8 8 10 6 Brought over Christian Yorty Abraham Landis Martin Mellins;er David Grove Martin Grove Benjamin "U'hitmore Henry Landis Jaooli Landis Benjamin Landis John Landis, jun Jerry Kirk Christian Hartman. juii. Henry Buckwalter John Rorer Abraham Buckwalter. .. John Miller Abraham Downer Abrah. Buckwalter, jun. Jacob Roope Henry Whitmore Christian Johns Abraham Downer, juii.., John Neff Benjamin Buckwalter. . Capt. HASTINGS- S Company. George Burges l S n Capt. SLAYMAKER-S Company. Jacob Eshleman 1 8 John Ferree l S Peter Lefe^-er 1 S Heniy Stambach 1 8 John Tenlinger 1 8 Capt. SKILES'S Company. Jacob Sensnich 1 S il John Rush 1 S Abraham Gibbons 1 8 John Musser 1 1 Abraham Sensnich 1 8 Capt. LIXTXER'S Company. John Kendrick 1 8 D Henry Hoover ] 8 Henry Hare 1 8 Christian Sternousht .1 S Caried over 6T 7 G Biought forward. Capt. HENRY'S Comiiany. James Smith 1 8 James Smith, jun 1 S Joseph Smith 1 8 Jacob Dinlinger 1 8 John Hare 1 K Vendle Bowman u 7 Franci.s Hare 1 8 Jacob Weaver 1 ^ John Weaver 1 S Christian Haie 12 Martin Miley n 12 John Sneavely 1 8 Benjamin FJowman <> V Capt. Hl'EY'S Company. Jacob Johnston John Johnston Abraham Johnston .A.liraham Curtz John Curtz Michael Shelleberger John Kilheifer John Myer, Daniel Ehy Joseph Eby Abraham El.y Peter Acre Isaac Rife David Rife Jacob Peker ■ Joseph Brinton William Brinton Moses Brintcn 1 8 Christley Myers 1 8 John Buckwalter 1 8 Abraham Garver John Garver Jacob Garver Benjamin Owens 558 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Xo. II. Capt. SLETKR'S Company. Fall. John Slopher Jacob Stopher Isaac Rorer John LancliE. sen John Crider Henry Hartman Joseph Bowmaa Christian Yorty .Abraham Landis Martin Mellin^er David Grove ilartin Grove Henry Landis Jacob Landis, Benjamin Landis, John Landis, j*jn Tobias Crider John Christy Daniel Miller Henry Buckwalter John Rorer Abraham Buckwalter Abraham Downer Christian Johns Abraham Downer, jun.. Adam Allow S 8 u S S S 8 1.3 s 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 & 15 9 1.5 9 8 8 8 s fl 8 S S 8 Capt. HASTINGS'S Company. George Burges 13 9 Capt. SKYLESS Company. Abraham Gibbon.-^ 1 8 Capt. LINTXER'S Company. Henry Hair Christian Sternought, S 8 Capt. HEXRY'S Company. John Wenver. 1 James Smith, jun 1 Joseph Smith 1 Jacob Dinlinger 1 John Hare 1 .Jacob Weaver 1 John Smith 1 Brought forward 49 Capt. HUEY'S Company. Jacob Garvtr Abraham Garver. ... Isaac Garver Henry Shi\ely John Johnston Abraham J(jhnston, . Jacob Johnston 8 s s n 8 8 S 8 £39 3 Carried over. Xo. III. Capt. SLETER'S Conipanv. i;enjamin Overiioltzer, .... 3 10 Abraham Buckwalter 9 Jacob Crider oil 6 Abraham Downer 2 Joseph Bowman 17 14 Henry Hartman 10 10 John Rodeacre 10 10 Jacob Landi.s 3 7 Jacob Kirk 7 10 Henry Gall 3 Henry Smith 6 Capt. H.ASTIXGS'S Company. James Gibb 2 12 6 John Clemson 6 John Hopper 6 William Lenvill, 12 8 6 Isaac Lenvill 4 10 John Hastings 10 10 Christley Bower 3 Capt. SL.\YMAKER'S Company. Henry Bragener 110 Peter Lefever 29 1110 Jacob Miller 1111 George Swartzley 4 10 Capt. SKILES'S Company. George Lerew 11 12 6 Capt. SMITH'S Company. Jacob Drum 3 10 William Huggins 1115 Samuel Huggins 10 10 Carried o\-er 198 4 7 LANCASTER COUXTY. 559 Brought over 19S 4 7 John Rush 10 C Martin Kendrick 14 14 Samuel Miller 10 Valentine Foundersmith, . . . 9 George ilarckley 7 10 U Cap:. HENRY'S Comiiany. Peter Millor 10 10 Christian Miller 10 10 Henry Eyman 10 10 James Kelly 10 10 'i Vendle Bowman , 111:) 4 George Pefebaugh. 10 John Defebaugh 6 Christian Hare IS 7 Caiit. HL'EY'S Comtjany. Joseph Eby 10 10 Hugh Calhoon 6 Stophel Weaver 10 10 Peter Smith 10 10 Nicholas Clnzor 10 10 Isaac Rife 5 Peter Kilheit'er 3 'i Peter Ehy. jun 10 10 John Eliy, jun 10 10 William Branton 10 10 Henry Tauge 10 10 CaM. ERISBAXD'S Company. William Armstrong. Jolin r. lie No. IV. Capt. SLATER'S Company. Ben.lamin uverholtzer 6^0 Capt. ji^LA YJIAKER'S Company. John Richardson. y 4 <) 3 5 12 6 Cai't. H.\STING3'S Company. William Chamberlain ISO Joseph Diekeson 1 S Christian Omley 1 b Stewart Monteith 17 6 David Whitehlll 12 3 Capt. SLAY'MAKER'S Company. Benjamin BraAbill 1 S Adam Birley 1 S Jlichael Myers 1 > John Richardson, 1 ^ Paul Trout 1 '^ " I'.altzpr Peterman 18 Capt. BRISBAND'S Company. Joseph Waike 1 ^ James Douglass 1 S Jacob Curtz 1 S State of the Accounts of JOHN GLONINGER. Esq., Sub-Lini- tenant of Lancaster county, from June 1st, 1782, to April 1ft, 1783. John Gloninger, Esq., Dr. to Militia Fines. Receivei from sundry persons of the 2d battalion, their fines for non-attendance upon days of ex- crcis?, spring and fall, 1782, per list 440 12 9 Carried over. £440 12 9 560 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. John Gloninger, Esq., Dr. to Militia Fines, con- tinued, £440 12 9 Received from Long. £3 10, a fine for not obtaining a certificate from his Captain where he last resided. £3 10 from — ■ Long, for do. and from the following persons omitted in the fore- going list, for non-attendance upon days of exer- cise, viz: Christian Long. £1 8 0, Thomas Clarke, 12,3, Henry Baylor. £1 2 9, Jacob Folmer. 10|6,. Balance due by the state, 10 13 4 10 6 3 £455 16 6 Sundries Dr. to John Gloninger. Esq. Adam Hubley. Esq.. Lieutenant. Paid him on account of fines received, at sundry payments 233 14 9 United States. Paid Daniel Oldenbruck for cur- ing a wounded militia man. Aug. 26th. 1782. 6 10 6 John Rohrer, express. Oct. 2d. do.. 1 10 George Meiley for hauling the bag- gage of the second class. Nov. 30th, do 1 10 George Welsh, express, March 1st, 1783 15 Rudolph Kelcher. do. do. 25th. do. 1 12 6 Alexander Benjamin, do. do. 29th. do., 1 10 Paid Jacob Steger. a wounded Sol- dier, his pension. March 19th. 1783.. 22 10 Henry Slotterback. do. do. do. 13 15 Paid the several Capts. of the 2d battalion for services warning out the militia. Mar. 1st and 2d. do •. . . 32 Military stores 80 10 G Paid sundry persons for repairing arms and for mending cartouch boxes 45 2 9 Militia Expenses. Paid expresses, pay of adjutants, quartermaster sergeant, drummers and fifers. stationary, repairing drums and the several Capts. for ser- vices of the officers in the battalion. 57 1 For his own pay as Sub-Lieutenant from 1st of June, 1782. to 1st of April. 1783. 63 days, at 1216 39 7 6 96 8 6 £455 16 6 LANCASTER COUXTY. 561 List of fines Received by John Gloninger. Esq. Brought forward 104 IS 3 Capt. BALKER'S Company Christian Smith John Hoghsteller Christian Long, jun.,. Michael Gingrich Christian Cryder. jun. John Burckholder John Reish Jacob Heisey Jacob Yorty Jacob Cryder, jun Ulrey Burckholder, .. George Snevely Abraham Bowman, ... Henry Long Christian Burckholder, Jacob Steohr Henry Yorty Jacob Behm. jun Herman Long Peter Heisey George Cryder, sen., .. Jacob Cryder, sen Henry Heisey John Seyler Peter Farneh Peter Yorty Rudy Behm John Dohner Emanuel Saunder Abraham Landis John Steohr Jacob Ebersold Jacob Saunder John Cryder Jacob Dohner John Yorty Ulrey Burckholder Martin Cryder John Smith, jun Peter Snevely Christian Gingrich. ... Christian Baghman, ... Peter Reish, jun Carried over 36--6-3d ?er. 1 S 2 in 2 2 16 1 2 2 16 1 8 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 10 2 16 2 16 2 111 2 IC 2 16 1 js 1 S 2 10 2 10 2 10 1 13 2 10 2 10 2 16 2 10 2 10 2 16 2 10 2 16 2 16 2 i6 Michael Gingricli, jun. Peter Wittmer, jun John Burckholder Jacob Groy John Eshleman Christian Heisey Martin Heise\- Jacob Segrist 2 10 (1 2 16 2 16 17 G 1 S 1 S 1 S 1 s Capt. HOLDERBAUM'S Company 2 10 2 10 Jacob Ellenberger, .,. John Knoll Henry Knoll Martin Funk Christian Ellenberger. Michael Cryder Christian Neff Peter Walter Peter Grehbiel Peter Xey Michael I'Uer Christian Huher, jun.,. John Walter, jun John Nafskfr Christian Ever John Ellenberger John Shallenberger .. Abraham Kauffman. . John Gingrirh Michael Myer Peter Heilman Henry Neff John Albreght Peter Franck Jacob Eshelman Henry Fernster '. . John Ellenberger, jun., Jacob Franck Car.t. STEOVER'S Company. John Gunckle. . David Peffly. .. Martin Shui^>-. . Honry Light. .. Jacob Heckman. Carried over. 2 10 2 10 II 2 10 n 2 10 1 s 1!I2 1.- 3 56i; ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over 192 13 3 Martin Rudy 2 16 Ludwick Shuey 2 16 Christian Shuey 2 16 Jacob Keller 2 16 Abraham Strohm 2 16 John Groh 2 16 u Peter Newcomer 2 16 <> Christian Groh 2 16 u Jacob Newcommer 2 16 u Christian Lentz, 2 16 Jacob Overholtzer 2 16 Christian Zehring 2 16 Martin Stehly 1 8 Jacob Dester 1 S Joseph Bicksler 1 S Abraham Sherick 2 16 Christian Wolff 2 16 Henry Meily 2 16 Christian Kohr 2 16 Christian Kreghbi^l 2 16 Daniel Beshoar 2 16 Samuel Hunsricker 2 16 Jacob Fawber 1 S Christian Hunsricker 2 16 n Jonas Rudy 2 16 o John Light 2 16 John Holteman 2 16 Ludwick Lehman 1 1 ii David Peffly, jun 1 8 li Peter Kinney 1 8 Jacob Meyer, jun 1 8 o John Lentz 1 S Christian Stettler 1 S Martin Korrell ISO Capt. KRAUSE'S Company. Brought forward, 28S John Shenck. jun George Miller George" Kaap Rudy Meyer I John Meyer ' Christian Weise I Henr>- Weise i Joseph Kratzer. tanner. Henry Krall John Hemigh George Emmert Anthony Wilson Michael Kaap Henry Peffer 1 s 2 9 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 2 1 S IT 6 10 6 10 6 Leonard Kehler 2 10 Joseph Sturgias 1 8 James Reed 2 16 George Folck 10 Thomas Clarck 1 S Capt. MOORE' .•« Company. JTichael Grehbiel. John Shenck Adam Feehman Carried nv?r, ... 2 16 2 16 2 16 2SS o 6 Capt. STOXE'S Company. Henry Rudy 2 16 John Strohm 2 16 John Smith 2 16 George Eby 2 16 Abraham Diel 2 16 Henry Strohm 2 16 Christian Franckhouser. . . . 18 Abraham Beiker 2 16 Joseph Horst 2 16 Daniel Heisey 2 16 Joseph Bamberger 2 16 Christian Gingrich 2 16 Henry Eby 2 16 Jacob Sheffer 1 8 Isaac Sheffer 1 8 .\braham Smutz . 2 16 Mathias Smutz 2 16 Mathias Smutz 2 16 Abraham Krall 1 8 Peter Burgner 2 16 Lorentz Houta 2 16 Michael Miller 1 8 Henry Wornor 1 8 Henry Light 2 16 Jacob Light 1 S John Light 2 16 Jacob Light, jun 1 8 Jacob Light 1 8 Michael Heisey 2 16 Carried over 386 15 I^\^' CASTER COUNTY. 563 c _■ i ■= '■:■ r- >; Tt ^ Ul .- ^ 5. 72 '"' M © " I _- 2 i z p;:; a - 05 -^ = K i en y- ■-^•■^ be y2 ^ c^ — fc c ^ .- 5 _ — t» rt c ^ rt *" « "^ a c ;::: c ? o Qi = = .S5 -•- ^ zi z: ^ ^ IC .- o> Uj'+t rt -3 bf w 0- C — rt = z O U3 to ^ £ c ax: _5 t^ H^ wj Z I- a: t/j rH " — - o — ' 5 rt fc< 564 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. O cc & a Etc 5 O ti) 3 O — CC J i. . C w 4;" C ci S be ,. ^ - "i cr. ._ c/; .- " "'""<_-_ c -.'J r X - c c — _^ " rt cc 03 ^- -^ s- c 5 ■3; M = :;_; 3 C ri — 1^ ti cc C = O K! -3 r,-i 32 X ~ O K _"; rt r- QJ — o t- •- - -H w- ^ ^ ^ CO X '^ — ■— OC d K 2 t. f = I _ C r: >i >. c ^ cr ! 1- -^ » — .- O -< ^-11 ^ 000 C: O I O C L.-. L- 300 eg — o ^ C! 1- s ^ c s = LANCASTER COUNTT. 56c Brought forward 7S 2 •'. Joseph Flickinger i 2 John Gehr 315 ii John Gerhard 2 5 Fourth Company. John Kuntz 7 George Long 410 n Peter Geistwide 1 2 6 John Bricker 9 15 Henry Burkholder 1 2 G Philip Heft 3 Christian Kintzy 4 10 Philip Kissinger 1 2 C Ludwick Parry 2 5 Peter Shoemaker 15 Jeremias Miller 1 2 6 Fifth Company. Isaac Adams 13 10 Michael Young 5 J Sixth Company. Adam Bower, 2 Abraham Zerfass 6 John Beaker ;o n Seventh Company. Andrew Shober 117 r, Eighth Company. Peter Beaker 10 10 John Michael 10 10 Michael Ballmer, is > n Peter Snider 14 5 George Rode • 3 Godfreid Thomas 3 U Geo. M. Eichelberger 12 15 £222 12 G No. II. First Company. Spring. Martin Bear Second Company. .Spring. Daniel Bowman Jacob Lesher i"arried over Brought forward. Jacob Dedweiler, .. Abraham Bixler, ... Samuel Bowman. .., Henry Mohler France Brumbaugh. Jacob Hagy Benjamin Landis. .. George Kuntz Peter Brubaker Peter Eberly Jacob Wittmore Isaac Hershberger, .. Christian France. Joseph Flickinger, .. Peter Royer, David Sherck Abraham Bear Jacob France s 8 s s s 8 lu 6 s, 8 5 3 8 s 8 s 3 s s 8 Daniel Bowman. .. Jacob Lesher Jacob Dedweiler. . Adam Kingmaker, Abraham Bixler, .. Samuel Bowman. . Jacob Bucher Henry Mohler France Brumbaugh, Jacob Hagy Benjamin Landis, . George Kuntz Peter Brubaker Peter Eberly Jacob Wittmore. .. Michael Bear Isaac ITershberger. . Christian France, .. Joseph Flickinger, Peter Royer David Sherick Abraham Bear. ... Abraham Roland. . Jacob France John Mohler, jun.. Carried over, . . . 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 n n 8 a 1 s 8 8 1 S s 1 8 17 6 8 s s in 6 '■' 8 3 666 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over. Brought forward 110 Third Company. Spring. Joseph Gingery 1 S Christian Graybill 1 S Christian Reist 1 S Jacob Armstrong ISO Christian Stouffer 1 8 Fall. Christian Graybill 1 S Fourth Company. Spring. Daniel Solleberger 1 8 Jacob Blank 1 8 Henry Henshing, jun l S Samuel Eby 1 s David Gachly 1 g o Jacob Eberley, 1 s Jacob Bear ISO Martin Kleaver 1 S John Blank 1 s Christian Hornly i g o Henry Blnkly 1 8 "U'illiam "Walter 1 g Joseph Fllckinger i g o Joseph Jacob 1 g o David Brlcker 1 John Bricker 1 Peter Shoemaker i Christian Showalter 1 Jacob Dornbough i Jacob Dishler 1 Fall. Jacob Blank 1 g o Samuel Eby 1 g David Gachly 1 g o Jacob Eberly 1 g o Henry Henshing, Jun ISO Jacob Bear 1 s o John Blank 1 g o John Conrad. 1 S o Joseph Jacob 1 8 o David Bricker 1 g o John Bricker 1 g o Jacob Dornbough i g o Carried over 110 17 3 g 8 S g S ISO 1 S ISO 18 ISO Fifth Company. Spring. John Eichenbei T Peter Frey David Tlttlo John Huber John Wenger Fall. Christian Huber John Eichenberg Peter Frey, David Tittlo John Huber John Wenger Sixth Company. Spring. Christ. Westenberger Jacob Landis David LandiP John Brubaker Fall. Jacob Landis David Landis John Brubaker Eighth Company. Spring. Peter Christ 1 i Greenberry Petticoat 1 S Lenhard Shenlein 1 S Christian Blickensderfer, ... 1 S John Seyler 1 8 Jacob Castler 1 8 Michael Krider 1 S Simon Dantz 1 S Samuel Tune 1 S Peter Krider 1 ? William easier 1 S Henry Vanfleck 1 S Fall. Peter Christ 1 8 Greenbery Petticoat 1 S Lenhard Shenlein 1 S rhri.=tian Blickensderfer.... 1 S Carried over 13S 2 1 s 1 8 1 s 1 s 1 8 o 1 s 1 8 LANCASTER COUNTY. 561 Brought over 155 2 John Seyler 1 8 Jacob Castlor 1 8 Michael Krider 1 8 Henry Vanfleck, 1 S Simon Dantz l S Samuel Tune 1 S Peter Krider 1 S William Caslor 1 S £lGi' Brought forward 2S 2 Abraham Sensenick l 4 Joseph Gimbold 1 4 Jacob Hackman i 4 Jacob Smuck 1 4 John Bender 1 4 Spring. First Comiiany. Peter Stelly Christian Gessell Ulrj- Crall David Markey Martin Bear Second Company. Jacob Showalter Jacob Mishler Henry Good Adam "V\'eig?el Third Company. George Moyer, jun Michael Beam, jun Godfrid Goodyear Matthias Armstrong Jacob Longnecker Fourth Compaiy. Jacob France Jacob Blank Daniel Reich John Conrad Sixth Company. Daniel Zerfass Eighth Company. Joseph Whltmore, . . . Christian Mussel. ... Conrad Moyer. Joseph 'U'illis Henry Deardorf Carried over I1 19 19 4 4 4 (1 4 4 fl Fall. FirPt Company. Christian Royer 1 S Martin Bear 1 S Second Company. John Kline ISO Daniel Bowman 1 ? Jacob Lesher 1 S Abraham Bixler 1 ? Samuel Bowman 1 S William Gram 1 S Samuel Bucher ISO Abraham Landis 1 S '' Abraham Cline 1 S Jacob Zentmyer 1 S Francis Brumback 1 ? ^■alenline Showalter ISO Jacob Showalter 17 6 Jacob Hagey 17 G David Sherk 1 S Jacob France 1 S n George Burchard 1 S Fourth C'^mpany. Jacob France 1 S Jacob Sherp 1 S Eighth Company. Daniel Habecker 1 S Henry Frank 1 S Joseph Whitmore 1 S John Foutz 1 S Peter Beaker 1 S Henry Xetzly 1 S Christian Linobough 1 8 Christian Musselman 1 S Jacob Cosier 17 6 Carrlad over 40 S 6 568 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over 40 S G Brought forward 4-1 19 6 Christian Eyer 17 G ; Deduct for fines received, Christian Erb 17 G which were not accounied Jacob Hackman 1 S 0| for last settlement 3 4 Samuel Krous 1 S 0- ! £41 15 6 Carried over 44 19 Gt State of the Accounts of JAMES BARBER, Esq., Sub-Lieu- tenant of Lancaster county, from 27th June, 1782. to 1st April, 1783. James Barber, Esq., Dr. to Militia Fines. Received from sundry persons of the 4th bat- talion, their fines incurred for non-attendance upon days of exercise, spring 17S2, per List No. I, Do. do. fall do. No. II Do. of do. for class fines incurred before last settlement, per List No. Ill Specie. 48 9 11 4 6 485 £544 13 6 Sundries Dr. to James Barber, Esq., Sub-Lieutenant. Balance due at last settlement 226 6 3 Militia Fines. For sundry master fines incurred in fall 1781, with which he was then charged, but are now represented to be outstanding, per List No. 4 54 12 United States. Paid Capt. Patton for warning out militia, Dec. 6, 1782, 2 Militia Expences. Paid wages of drummers and fifers. clerk hire, printing, and to Capt. Patton for making returns of male whites 11 5 6 For his own pay as Sub-Lieutenant, from 27th June. 1782, to 1st April, 1783, 88 days, at 126 per day 55 66 5 6 Balance due to the state 195 9 9 £544 13 6 LANCASTER COUNT'S. 569 Lists of Fines received by JAMES BARBER. Esq. No. I. Spring. Capt. BRAND'S Company. John Helhefner 1 (_'apt. METZGAR'S Company. Henry Stayman, 1 S Capt. M.\NX'S Company. Jacob Bixler 17 Christian Bixler 17 Michael Funk 1 s Jlartin Funk 1 S Leonard Reigart 1 S Christian Stoner 1 S Christian Herr 1 S John Funk 1 8 Christian Kaufman 1 8 Christian Whisler 1 8 Henry Funk 1 S John Wldmore 1 S Capt. SCOT'S Company. Joseph Martin 1 8 Henry Bear 1 8 John Segrist 1 8 Herman Wldmore 1 S Martin Bear 1 S Tobias Miller 1 S Jacob Kroner 1 8 Joseph Sherrick 1 8 Christian Brubaker. 1 S John Landes 1 8 Michael Segrist, jun 1 8 Capt. HORR'S Company. Andrew Hershey 1 8 Christian Hershey, 1 8 Christian Stopher 1 8 Henry Eshleman 10 Capt. BEARD'S Company. Andrew Kaufman 1 S George Knisley 1 8 Ludwick Deetz 1 8 Peter Hibe 1 8 John Nisley 1 8 Henry Bowman 1 8 Michael Kaufman 1 8 No. II. Capt. MANN'S Comprny. I Christian Herr 1 Cai'l. SCOTT'S Company. Adam Shaller John Segrist.' Herman Widmore, David Miller Jacob Kroner David Brubaker, . 8 8 8 8 8 Capt. BEARD'S Company. Peter Hibe 1 8 No. III. Capt. RATHVON'S Company. Tobias Koughnour 10 10 John Boughman 10 10 Christian Lyne 1110 Henry Lyne 10 10 Christian Hess, 10 10 John Steatler 12 Daniel Keeborts 13 10 Jacob Barrack 3 '* Jacob Smith 13 10 Jacob Lyne 11 5 Henry Hoober 3 Jacob Crider ^> 1" '' Jacob Breneman 10 10 Rudolph Miller •> ^ Peter Good 6 f> ^ Jacob Koughnour t ■'> Christian Newcomer 4 I Abraham Huber 1112 6 .-Vdam Lyne 3 i John Kindig 10 10 i Jacob Beam 12 n Adam Kendig H ■"> " I Capt. METZGAR'S Company. John Stayman 11 1 3 Daniel Muser 10 10 o Andrew Fail 10 10 I Carried over 220 13 :» 570 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over 226 13 Melchior Hockman 10 10 Capt. DOMON'S Company. Conrad Seagler 10 10 Samuel Funk 12 Jacob Widmore 12 Andrew Kaufman 13 John Shank 1112 Capt. SCOTT'S Company. Henry Bear, jun ■ 10 10 John Seagrlst 10 10 Benedict Eshleman 12 13 Christian Kaufman 12 7 John Newcomer, 5 5 Christian Brubaker 12 15 Capt. KORR'S Company. Christian Martin 10 10 Christian Stoner, 11 5 John Sowder 11 1 Henry Paulus 3 2 Rudolph Funk, 10 10 Christian Correll 10 10 Henry Sowder 3 Jacob Correll 1112 Christian Herr 1112 Isaac Martin 11 12 Capt. PATTON'S Company. Christian New-comer, John Charles Peter Bruner Joseph Hoober Jacob Shellenberger, 3 11 12 6 10 10 12 T c 4 10 £4S5 No. 4. Capt. BAKER'S Company. Christian Furry, 1 S Christian Huber 1 S Abraham Stetler 1 8 John Bowman 1 S Christian Koukenour 1 S Christian P.reneman 1 S ■'< Samuel Hess 1 5. John Boughman 1 S ■:■ Carried over 11 4 o Brought forward 11 4 Jaob Barrack 1 8 Henry Line 1 S Christian Hess 1 8 John Stetler 1 S Daniel Kibortz 1 S u Melchior Breneman 1 8 Christian Heagy, 1 S Christian Good 1 S Frederick Rathvon 1 S Capt. MANX'S Company. John Stopher 1 8 Abraham Kaufman 1 S Christian Newcomer 1 S Henry Funk 1 S John Myers 1 8 Jacob Singer 1 S Capt. SCOT'S Company. John Newcomer, jun ISO Jacob Hershey 1 S Jacob earn 1 S u Samuel Rochurd 1 S John Neaff 1 S John Segrist 1 S George Wo\i 1 S u Christian Horst 1 S Matthias Hook, 1 8 Frederick Barrack 1 S Michael Ritzel 1 S Capt. KORR'S Company. Christian Stoner 1 8 David Kaufman ISO Capt. PATTEN'S Company. John Newcomer 1 S John Hoof man 1 8 Christian Newcomer 1 S Jacob Sherrick 1 S Capt. BEARD'S Company. Andrew Kaufman 1 S Peter Holston 1 8 5S 16 Deduct difference, bein? more received than was charged in last account... LAN'CASTER COUNTY. U o 00 .—I o o~ CO S O E ID iT ir 00 CO rt ^H z ^ -UJ o cc — "" M ._^ O CJ c p, c » CSI c 30 o t~ C3 ;^ t£ rt — .i c O ;^ "" c a: ir. = -sZ j: tJC ■~ b. C 5 -r ^ rt ° S 0) r r- ■y b ,. _ \r. c= C ^ ^ S^if — — S_^ 5- 572 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Lists Of Fines received by WILLIAM SMITH. Esq. No. I. I Brought forwarj 5-14 3 s s tl s 8 g s s •0 s (1 s s s s u s s 1) s 10 6 8 Ij s s 1-) 11 Capt. CRAWFORD'S Company. Spring. Christian Grove, jun David Grove Michael Kover Jacob Grove, jun Peter Diller Michael Brewbaker, Jacob Stoufer Philip Springer Christian Grovo, jun Jacob Summey John Grove Jacob Hole Peter Summey Marks Grove Henry Grove, Jacob Weaver Joseph Hole William Rannals Jacob Seaseney, jun., Henry Rorer Peter Ridebaugh Jacob Shewalter Christian Hole Marks Martin Christopher Martin Daniel Grove Abraham Mitts Capt. ELIOT'S Company. Henry Lame, 1 Peter Weller 1 Peter Sherk 1 Abraham Deal 1 Joseph Shirk 1 Samuel Good 1 Jacob Good 1 Mathias Stofer 1 Jacob Burgart, 1 Mathias Musleman 1 Peter Lance 1 Capt. M'lL'UAlXE'S Company Casper Shirk Lu^lwick Raunk. ...'. Carried over .")4 George Martin John Weaver Baltzer Pitzler Henry Weaver, sen John Weaver Peter Weaver John Rank Jacob Weaver William Harvey John Weaver George Weaver Henry Weaver Henry Waggoner Mathias Stofer Peter Worst George Stofer Jacob Rank John Shirk Valentine Rank Henry Weaver Christian Carpenter, ... Jacob Huber Peter Carpenter Mathias Springer John Hugart Michael Shirk John Fults Henry Martin Christian Carpenter, jun. George Weaver Cam. JENKINS'S Company. 1 8 1 S 15 9 1 S 17 G 1 g 17 6 1 8 15 9 17 6 17 G 1 8 1 8 17 6 1 8 17 6 1 2 9 1 8 1 2 9 1 8 1 8 1 2 9 1 8 1 8 1 2 9 1 8 12 3 1 S 1 8 1 8 8 Jacob Yoder S John Piler 8 \ John Yoder Emanuel Newswanger, Sam.uel Stofer Christian Yoder Michael Funk Jacob Lants s n 8 8 8 s n 8 s 8 8 8 S 8 8 Capt. LUTTS'S Company. ompany. Peter Good, jun 18 Peter P-eam 18 1 8 Peter Frankhouser n 15 9 1 2 9 Jacob Good, jun 18 Carried over. LANCASTER COUNTY. 573 1 s 1 1 1 s U 1 s 1 s 1 s 1 s 1 8 (.1 Brought over, . Chrisian Masoner. Jacob Road Peter Holler John Stone Jacob Bradlestone. Jacob Masoner. . . . Christian Swarts. John Stofer John Ditwiler. ... Abraham Martin. . Stophel Kern Capt. BOWMAX'S Company. George Garman 1 David Camphir John Sides 1 S George Clopper 1 & John Campher 1 8 John Waggoner. ,iun 1 S Capt. STATLERS Company. Joseph Roope John Carpenter Christian Garver. ... Abraham Hansberger. Henry Carpenter, ... John Benter Christian Waggoner. Michael Waggoner. .. Christian Myer Christian Myer. jun.. Stophel Ryer Samuel Graybill John Graybill rienry Garver, Jacob Roope John Myer. jun Abraham Graybill. .. John Roope Capt. MTONXEL'S Company. ririck Whistler 1 S Martin Huber. .iun 1 S Michael Hildebrand 1 S John Ruber, jun 1 S Abraham Ba?e I- ^ Jacob Huber 1 S Carried over Ifi2 IT Brought forward 162 17 George Hildebrand, .. John Linder Michael Eihert Samuel Graybill Christopher Wike Nathaniel Elmaker. .. Michael Martin 2 S 8 S s 8 S £172 s, 1 8 Capt. CRAWFORD-S Company. 8 8 S 8 s s s David Grove l 8 Michael Kover i s Peter Diller i s Michael Brewbaker l 8 Christian Grove, jun 1 8 John Grove i s Jacob Senseny, jun 1 8 Capt. ELLIOT'S Company. Peter Shirk i 8 Abraham Deal i 8 Mathias Stofer i s Jacob Burgart o 15 Mathias Musleman i 8 Capt. M'lLVAIXE'S Company. Casper Shirk o 12 Ludwick Raunk 10 George Martin .. 1." Daniel Stopher Ij John Weaver o 1.". Martin Martin lo John Weaver p i.-) Henry ^^■ea^•er, sen 15 Peter Weaver, l."> John Raunk 15 Jacob Weaver 15 William Harvey 15 Jacob Weaver 15 George Weaver o 15 Henry Wea\er. turner 15 Henr.v Weaver n 15 Henry Waggoner i 2 Carried over, 20 !> 574 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Biujsht over 29 Michael Shirk Matthias Siopher Peter Worst George Stopher Jacob Raunk John Shirk Vallentine Raunk 1 Henry Weaver Jacob Huber. Peter Carpenter Jacob Motter John Hy^art Michael Shirk Christ. Carpenter, juii. George "Weaver Capt. JKNKINS'S Company Jacob Toiler 1 John Pidler 1 John Yodcr 1 Emanuel Neswanjer 1 Samuel Stopher 1 Christopher Yoder 1 Capt. LUTTS'S Company. Peter Good, jun 1 Peter Holler 1 Christian Swartz 1 John Stone 1 10 e 15 9 13 '0 15 9 13 9 10 6 2 9 13 9 13 9 13 9 10 6 15 9 10 G 13 9 13 9 Capt. STATLER'S Company. Abraham Hounsberger 1 8 Henry Carpenter, 1 S Michael Waggoner 1 8 Stophel Ryer 1 8 Samuel Graybill. 1 S John Graybill 1 S Jacob Rooiie 1 8 John Roope 1 8 Capt. M'COXKAL'S Company. George Hildebrand's 1 8 Michael Echart 7 Doctor I^utes 1 8 Peter Kurts 1 8 Xathnniel Eln>aker 1 S s 8 S s 8 8 Capt. BOWMAN'S Company. J.ihn Wagsoncr, jun ISO £72 No. III. . Capt. CRAWFORD'S Company Second Class. Michael Cover 10 10 Jacob Grove, jun 10 10 Michael Brewbaker 2 3 Third Class. Philip Spracher 4 Abraham Rife, jun 10 10 Richard Davis 4 James Wallace 10 10 Fourth Class. Martin Grove, jun 10 10 John Shaffer 3 Jacob Weaver 10 10 Thomas Ervine 5 FifHi Class. Peter Crips 7 Michael Sour 7 00 Sixth Class. Henry Rorer pi 10 Jonathan Ervine 3 n Henry Leopard 3 Seventh Class. Jacob Shewalter 14 10 Conrad Minser 6 Jacob Waggoner 5 Capt. ELLIOT'S Company. Second Class. George Staffey 1 10 Henry Silknitter 11 3 Peter Funk 3 Fourth Class. Peter Miller 3 Nathan Evans, Ja. son 2 12 6 Jacob Fultp 3 Sixth Class. Josei jh Yoder 12 15 Seventh Class. Matthias Stover 5 Henry Zill 1 2 6 Capt. M'lLVAINE'S Company. Second Class. Ludwick Raunk 12 15 Daniel Stoufter 16 Carried over 197 19 LANCASTER COUXTY. 97 19 1 13 10 10 10 1 10 10 3 10 10 5 10 8 5 10 S Brought over Third Class. Michael Raunk Daniel Staver Fourth Clas.-^. Chrisian SnyiU-r Jacob Weaver, miller William Hervey Jacob Weaver, Jno. son Fifth Class. Michael Shirk Peter Springer George Davis Sixth Class. Valentine Raunk Seventh Clas=. Jacob Huber 10 10 (■apt. JENKINS'S Companj Second Glass. John Jenkins, sen ' Thomas Ratew Third Class. John Wilson Fourth Class. John Filer Fifth Class. Thomas Morgan Si.xth Class. John Yoder Brought forward 413 16 6 Peter Tharn, Peter Holler, 5 6 Sixth Class. Jacob Zeller Jacob Fry. jun Christian News\vanf»er, . Jacob Good, weaver Baltzer Smith Seventh Class. George Stiegler Christian Swarts 10 10 10 10 :. ■> ij Capt. BOWMAN'S Company. Second Class. Andre'.v Yont Abraham Wolf 7 10 3 3 Third Class. Michael Hass John Evans William Parry Philip Rimmood Fourth Class. John Garman 10 10 10 10 1 :. r. 2 n 10 10 Fifth Class. Earnest Miller John Leopard Sixth Class. I John Fensenaugh 12 1 John Sides ; William M'Claine i Zacheus Davis, jun 3 3 10 4 4 4 3 Capt. IX'TS'S Company. Second Class. Jacob Weaver 10 10 'i Peter Beam 10 10 o John Zuber W 10 Third Class. Henry Muser Peter Good Daniel Roth Jacob Strickler Fourth Class Jacob Good, jun Matthias Fry 12 1' 11 1.". 'J 10 10 1) 4 .1 II 10 10 ii n 12 i> Se^•enth Class. John Camphire 13 r-apt. SHATTER'S Company. Second Class. Christian Gerver Christian Myer. jun Fifth Clas Adam Weaver Jacob Rode Third Class. Tlcnry Carpenter Fourth Class. Christian Myer Christian Myer, jun 17 5 15 15 S 10 10 3 n 1 Fifth Class. 3 nl .Abraham Feage Carried over 413 10 » Carried over, 636 6 6 576 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over 633 6 6 Sixth Class. Solomon Harman Brought forward, Jacob Acer. Adam Dillar, 9 9 Capt. ELIOT'S Comr Capt. M'COXNAL'S Company. Second Class. Martin Huber, jun 14 5 Fourth Class. Sebastian Bower 5 Fifth Class. John Perkinhouser 3 Michael Ryne 6 Christian Huber 10 in Philip Brubacher 9 Sixth Class. George Ryne. jun G Nathaniel Swygart 2 John Diftendafer 1 Peter Kurts 10 10 Seventh Class. Adam Eicholts 2 10 £712 1 fi Peter Weller. Peter Funk, Peter Peck. , Martin Ansel. 14 19 6 1 4 111 6 Capt. M'lLVAIXE'S Company. Jacob Grim Daniel Burrel Henry Weaver Hugh Cunningham Isaac Andrews Adam Raunk Christian Weaver 10 6 15 1 4 n 1.- IS 15 1 4 Capt. JEXKIXS'S Company. George ■V^■eaver William Morgan Henry Weaver, miller, John Yoder Joseph Norman A'alentine Raunk Christian Curts John Yoder. sen IS n 13 (i 9 9 18 n 9 18 n 4 6 Capt. LUTTS'S Oomrany. Capt. CRAWFORD'S Company. Spring. Nicholas Troudwine 1 4 Christopher Sour 1 4 Jacob Senseney. iun 1 4 Philip Springer 1 4 Alexander Wilson 1 4 Martin Grove, jun 1 4 John Shaffer 19 Marks Grove 1 4 Joseph Hole 18 Peter Crips 1 4 Jacob Senseney. sen 1 4 Jonathan Erwine 6 George Gaist C Peter Ridebaugh 1 4 Samuel Bowman 9 Conrad Minser 1 4 Frederick Rodacker 1 4 Michael Brubaker 1 4 Carried over IS 10 Andrew Offenbach, George Raunk John Sook Adam Soope 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 Capt. BOWMAN'S Company. Martin Near, jun Abraham Wolf Michael Hass John Solenberger Peter Becker Valentine Bridge Jacob Brazer n 1) 6 Capt. PTATTLER'S Company. Peter Brown. Christian Myer. Nicholas Glaser. Frederick Smith. George Detrick. . .Adam Alts 1 4 10 Carried over. LAN'CASTER COUXTY. 13 4 i 4 4 4 19 4 l.j 1 4 Brought over, Adam Brown, . Henry Good. ... Peter Why land. Samuel Shank, Michael Forner, Solomon Segrlst, A'alentine Grife. Jacob Ebony. ... Michael Copier, , Ellis Myer Capt. M'CONNELL'S Company. Michael Ryne John Ryner David Harman Nicholas Tost Abraham Brubacher. Henry Road John Perkenhouser, . Samuel Graybill Christian Huber John Brubacher Philip Brubacher. ... George Ryne Nathaniel Swigart. . John Difendaffor. Christopher Wike. .. Valentine Kinser, ... George Ealy Adam Diller Samuel Bear, Jacob Elmaker, George Fifer Daniel Morton Michael Verley Isaac Eby Peter Smith Godlieb Paff Deduct difference received between this and last ac- count Capt. CRAWFORD'S Compan\ Christian Grove, sen. Adam Overley Jacob Senseney. jun. Jacob Stoffer Philip Sprigher Christian Grove, jun. Abraham Rife, jun., Henry Bowman I Christian Hule I Marks Martin Christian Senseney, . Daniel Grove Christopher Martin. (. u ') u 111 1 4 15 '- n (1 Capt. ELLIOT'S Conypan\-. Henry Lance. Peter Weller. Martin Ansel. Peter Peck. .. . Henry Kern. . 1 S 1 2 1 >■ 1 S Capt. M'lLVAINE'S Company. Christian Root, jun 1 ^ Daniel Stouffer 17 Adam Carjienter u li Michael Raunk 17 Michael Stover 1 S Cam. JENKINS'S Company. Jacob Yoder 17 Daniel Stouffer I'l William Morgan 1 S John Wilson, 1 S John Bolan M A'alentine Raunk 1 S Christian Yoder 17 Capt. Ll'TT'S Company. Emanuel Fifer 1 S Capt. BOWMAN'S Company. Hetnry Shirk 1 S Capt. STATLER'S t'ompany. Nicholas Glaseri 1 S Frederick Smith 1 1 George Detrick 1 1 Michael Coi>ler 1 S Carried over 44 I'j 37"6--3d Ser. 57S ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. t^ X ;» esi -^ »-i 2 Z e'^ — V3 03 o - - x: X c c '-^ rt o 5 o c o -g a; .j;; a2 CC ^" < ~ :? T" H P ^ •— . 0) -; jC c; a; o XT. ^ 2£ = « c o — CJ cr S si S CO 5 E c c ^ ^ S I; 2 ■■z r-i^:=-q ~2 LANCASTER COUNTY. 579 o ^ o Ci I ^^ o ?i o n -^ ■■S> CO ~ 00 a '3 «^ ' — .~ & ^ >. zz ■f ,^ J= ^- ^_ c; ^ .^ t£ ■j: V: ifj -_ ■■ u; rt c ;:; M — o - 9 S o 1^ < o ^ •- = = = 00 - i o •- ^ >- 5 ^ . o t;£ - £. >> iH i: c 1-^ h 'y li\ h t ~ * t E b ^ t; ^ c c 2 I E II I I = s i K »= -^ -^ < C o n rt o = o o o o o O S o o CJ O O u-t o ^ z ^ E. ^ ~ r^ ^ ~ - '^'^ ■ O O O [ c o ^ .:; c c o I cr: ■^ ■ -f^ '1 — i^' ''■ < s _ ? c " E :s I 5S0 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over, ... Samuel Ellet Alexander Morrison, Joseph Peigh Robert M'CuUough, Sebastian Neece. ... Simon Ghost James Glen Christian Black, Henry Weister Joseph Stubles Peter Lutts John M'Criery John Cunningham,.. Joshua Haines, Thomas Law Michael Shank George Mull Samuel Robinson. .. Samuel Steele Alexander Brannan, Joseph Ard Jacob Hoover James Pegan Robert Evans Michael Gander. ... Samuel Hindman, .. Robert Patterson, John Crosby Adam Anderson John Lee Leonard Ghost David Mahan James Calahan John Patterson John Hess John Ramsey Robert Long George Baughman. . Christian Hoover, .. James Steel Conrad Urie Jacob Bear Robert Maxfield Hugh Rippy 3 lU 6 2 a C 10 2 2 1 1 10 1 1 4 10 3 5 3 10 1 2 10 4 m 2 1.-. 4 10 2 10 1 10 2 10 13 1 1 10 3 in 1 2 G 1." 10 1 12 G 4 10 10 2 .' 1 10 2 12 6 9 10 1 4 1 3 9 1 2 :, 10 n 4 3 c. Brought forward 191 John Dennis 1 James Gray James Wasson 1 Robert Clark 4 Macky M'CuUough 1 Thomas Boyd 1 Martin Bear S James Ray 1 Martin Eckman William Davis 1 George Taylor John Griffith 2 John Gibson 3 Francis M'Night 4 John Bear 2 Bc-n.iamin Erwln, 9 Joseph Ball 5 A'inccnt Stubbs 4 William Taylor 2 Randal Lee William Porter 15 Jacob Beam 10 Henry Keagy 4 John Graft 4 -Alexander Snodgrass 10 Christly Hurst 6 Isaiah Brown Samuel Downing 1 John Donnal 4 John Reybnrn 4 James Moore, Smith 13 Absalom Cameron 6 10 n 15 5 fl 10 12 « 10 13 7 G 10 15 10 1 9 10 IS 2 6 17 5 No. II. Capt. CALDWELL'S Company. Spring. Carried over. John Long. ... Henry Hoover. 1 4 1 4 Capt. CAMPBELL'S Company. John Brobson. .. Jacob Reynolds. Carried over. 1 4 1 4 LANCASTER COUNTY. 581 Broug-ht over 4 16 Samuel Gilchrist 1 4 Thomas Grist 6 John Grist 1 4 Capt. DUNCAX'S Company-. Abraham Midcap 1 4 Michael Niecely 1 4 Nathaniel Jenkins 1 4 Samuel Capock 19 Jacob Maul lu Jehu Kays 15 John M'Knite 13 Capt. CLARK'S Company. Joseph Hartley 9 James Henry 4 James Denniss 4 Andrew Hifrgins 4 James M'Elwine, 4 James Neel 4 Samuel M'Teere 4 Thomas Miles 9 William Penny 13 James Reade 4 Thoma.= Xeel 4 William Nelson 4 George Carnahan IS Capt. WALKER'S Company. Jacob Hill 19 John Murray 1 ■* Capt. PATTOX'S Company. William Seabrooks 1 4 George Hendricks 1 4 Carried over 23 6 Brought forward, John Smith, jun.. . William Sneeper, ... Henry Bear, George Birdegg, ... James Harra John Segal Patrick Kelly Samuel Lines Jacob Kerrigan James Pagan, Ullery Evely John Bond John Camp Ubrick Hoover Jacob Graft, Peter Good, George Hess William Beaven. .. Frederick Hare, ... Capt. ROSS'S Company. Jacob Verner Martin Cokenspire, Melchior Mellinger, John Hosteter John Morrison Deduct. being so much more in the last accounts than the foregoing set- tled IS State of the Accounts of WILLIAM KELLY, Esq.. Sub-Lieu- tenant of Lancaster county, from 14th August, 1782, to 1st April, 1783. William Kelly, Esq., Dr.. to Sundries. State Mon. Balance due by him at last settlement,.. 195 18 6 Militia Fines. Received from sundry persons of the Tth battalion, their exercise fines incurred spring and fall. 17S2, per List No. 1 251 9 6 ■ Specie. 103 2 1 Carried over 251 9 6 195 18 6 103 582 ACCOUXTS OF LIEUTENANTS. « M ^ « CO •^ fi V CO »-i c cr. Cl r- M t- C" c o 01 0^ Pi a a O 3 . O M O - S P to O OJ t; be a. ^ cr iJ X a; o o CD o c s ^ -7? fi^ .5 & -= ^ 2 9 02 C hi: t. oo « > 00 o S — 5 '^ - O C en o ;:; 0, > ^ . C/2 l^s O 'j ■i si ^ £S "^ - ^ ^ >.^ o _ H "^ ■> =• -= ,~ ■J-' 5; a: !— ~ — r^ . -3 ~ =- - ~ a; c: ^ £ ^ I' .E5 ^ ^ >. LANCASTER COUNTY. 5S3 List of Fines received by William Kelly, Esq. Brought forward Third Company. First Company. John Grider, jun John Neesly Abraham Neesly Georg-e Root Jacob Neesly John France John Bruniman, sen Philip Starn Abraham Shaver Benjamin Whisler Jacob Berwick Jacob Holinger John Nickey Martin Hisey Michael Neesly Christian France Chrlsly Bruniman. sen John Shank Stophel Holinger, Jacob Angle David Martin John Angle Henry Bruniman Andrew Hicks Second Company. John Holdeman 2 IC Abraham Shearer 2 1". John Leaman. jun., 1 2 John Martin 2 16 Christian Neesly 2 16 Jacob Stoufer 2 in John Klnsly 2 16 Chrisly Whitmore 2 16 Jacob Shelly, jun., 2 16 John Martin, jun 2 1'; Abraham Guish 2 16 Isaac Harnly 2 16 Abraham Shelly 2 16 John Martin 2 16 Martin Neesly 2 P'. Henry Culp 2 1''. Carried over 10"- Z 2 16 1 s 2 16 1 16 2 15 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 11 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 17 2 16 1 5 2 16 2 16 2 16 1'. 2 16 John Stoufer John Leaman Jacob Eshleman. .-\hraham Snyder, John Leaman. ... Abraham Reesor. Jacob Shelly Fourth Company. Caspar Leasher John Guish i John Shelly Jacob Stoufer Frederick Stoler, jun. Jacob Greeable John Frederick George Nickey Abraham Stoler Michael Shank Michael Franci:-, Christian Brand Fifth Compan> Peter Bruliaker. jun. John Whitmor Jacob Snyder John Sharer Chrisly Snyder Daniel Lon^nacor. . Chrisly Taner Jacob Heagy Aliraham Fooks Sixth Company. Chrisly Grove Henry Grove Chrisly Heagy. . . Daniel Longnacor. Woley Angle Chrisly Souder. ... Peter Rutter Adam Nees J..hn Ho.-:t Seventh Conipa.iy. Henry Booser 2 16 2 16 I) 2 16 'I 2 16 I,' 1 I-- 6 2 16 II 2 16 J 2 16 1 IX 2 16 2 16 1 S 2 IG 1 5 1 s 2 p; 2 16 2 1'; 2 16 2 V. 1 S 2 16 1 S 1 S 1 S 2 3 2 16 I' ISO 2 16 A 1 S ■:■ 2 5 6 ISO 1 1 2 16 Carried over. 5S4 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over 187 IS 3 Jacob Coss, jun 10 6 John Fry, 12 3 Jacob Rife 2 16 Jacob Neesly 2 16 Jacob Metzker 2 16 Peter Books 2 16 Jacob Books 2 16 Conrad Books 2 16 Eighth Company. Christian Erisman 2 16 1 Philip Oilman 2 16 0) John Shelhorn 2 16 1 Abraham Casle 2 16 Chrisly Long 10 6 Henry Strickler 1 S 0, Baltzer Shelhorn 2 16 I Michael Horst 2 16 b\ Jacob Hostator 2 16 Chrisly Longnacor 2 16 o| Henrj- Accord 14 ol Martin Neesly 2 16 Oi Peter Heston 2 16 oi John Rora 2 16 ! Woley Strickler 2 16 1 Christy Metz 1 8 Ol Jacob Erisman 2 16 Ol .\braham Erisman 2 16 0, Jacob Metz 1 S Oi £2:.l 9 6 Brought forward 103 S John Leaman 10 10 Frederick Guntz 11 7 6 Laurence Kuns 10 10 Philip Frederick 10 10 Valentine Hide, 2 John Flory 5 5 Casper Leasher 10 10 John Brubaker 10 10 John Shelly 10 10 Isaac Wenger 10 10 Jacob Stofer 10 10 Jacob Holderman 10 10 Peter Welker 10 10 Patrick Kelly 10 6 3 Christian Buck 10 10 John Kunsingen, ., 10 10 James Morrison 11 5 David Gorim 10 17 Michael Francis, 11 14 Andrew Betz 10 10 Daniel Longacre 7 6 Adam Wiant 10 10 Michael Hoffman 10 10 Richard Allison 3 Stephen Phelix 11 10 Barney Thrum 10 10 Jacob Niesly 10 10 Christian Plough 10 10 John Miller 10 10 David Tatwiler 13 11 9 Abraham Gingry 14 5 Joseph Porim 7 Christian Burkholder 7 Cast Wible 4 Jacob Painter 10 10 Baltzer Shelhorn 10 6 Martin Xeesly 10 10 £436 12 No. II. John France 10 10 .\braham Sheaver 15 9 Jacob Berrek 13 3 3 Martin Hisey 12 7 Jacob Eversole 3 Michael Neesly 3 John Longnecker. 11 5 John Crider 5 Jacob Brubaker 13 2 John Kinsley 1 John Cov^ple 10 10 Michael Rover 3 10 , James Flinn. .. Carried over 103 S Carried over. Capt. BOGG'S Company. LANCASTER COUNTY. r)8o 15 1 4 1 4 15 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 Brought over 15 Joseph Galbraith 10 John Nicholas, 4 John Bower 1 4 Jacob Early 1 4 William Gray Michael M'Cafferty Jacob Bosler John Eversole, Jun Thomas Hasson Frederick Batts Christian Horst John Cooble John Wiland. jun John Laver Jacob Clapper David Cooble Bartram Galbraith David Jameson John Elder 6 William Hacock 1 4 Christian Breneman 1 4 John Horst 6 Jacob Laver 1 4 Joseph Rheam 13 Hugh Donoly 1 4 Daniel Stramler 1 4 Peter Blazer 1 4 Joseph Hisey 1 4 Jacob Carpenter IS Ah. Wilslesal 15 0] Brought forward 44 6 6 ! 6 j Alexander Barr 1 4 6 I John Onger 1 4 I John Kinsinger 1 4 I John Haldeman, 14 1 Andrew Keriger Ki 1 4 1 4 10 9 Capt. SCOTT'S Company. Henry Hise Jacob Kinsley, ... George Hoke Samuel Cochran. . Jacob Leman Jacob Frear Samuel Sims Melchior Poornian, Frederick Batt.= , .. David Swarts William Painter. . John Singer Jacob Sharra Carried ov^r. .. f) n n IS ii 1 4 Capt. ROBIXSOX'S Company. Az. Wolgamuth John Staufer Matthias Blantz John Snyder P. Sectnenstricher John Noll John Leman. jun Jacob Eshleman Ch. Wolgamuth Mic. Hummer Anthony Bratz William Weyley John Wanger Jacob Conrad Jacob Shelly John Whitmer Christ. Whitmer .Abraham Flory Michael Ebey John Grove Jacob Haldeman Jacob Shelly Isaac Borraway Capt. M'QrEEN'S Company. M. Montgomery James Kelly Abraham Evil Andrew Wallace, ... -Alexander Kennedy. Abraham Stevick, .. Henry Eshleman, ... Samuel Wolf John Linch John Reesnr George Null Jaf'oh Stopher Michael Shitz James Smith Carried over 13 6 n 19 6 n 19 c n 6 19 6 19 6 1 4 1 4 IS 13 6 1 4 . 1 4 1 4 1 4 18 1 4 13 6 9 586 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over 89 9 John Belch, 4 John Stevlck 1 4 John Duncan 6 Matthew Wolf 1 4 Patrick Lynch 1 4 William Simonton 1 4 Paul Sigg 1 4 Samuel Hess 1 4 John Leech 1 4 Peter Reesor, 1 4 Philip Boughman 1 4 John Garret 18 Joseph Stevick M. Phelleberger Adam Henry James Hughey U 9 1 4 9 19 Brought forward 128 14 Jacob Wiant 13 A'alentine Steer G Robert Caven 9 Peden Cook 18 Frederick A. Stouffer 14 John Fisher 1 4 I Capt. M'KEE'S Company. 6 b Capt. CASEY'S Company. Frederick Duckameller. .. . Abraham Kobel C. LoHgacre, jun Abraham Longacre Christian Erhart Daniel Leman, jun Solomon Longacre Peter Hummer Christian Robel Capt. WILSON'S Company. Jacob Lavenswiler 1 4 John Grove, sen 1 4 William Gallagher 9 Christly Pestler 9 Henry Grove, jun 1 4 John Grove, jun., 1 4 Daniel Longnecker 1 4 Martin Boohar 1 4 Thomas Thompson 1 4 Christly Souder 1 4 John Hartman 1 4 William Rusko 9 Ludwig Reinhart 4 6 George Capper 4 C James Gibbins 1 4 Abraham Albert 4 6 Carried over 12S 14 George Box 19 Frederick Shoat 1 4 John Rasor 1 John Shar 1 Henry Bricher, 1 Philip Shoat 1 Henry AUowman 1 Jacob Smith 1 Peter Books 1 Conrad Crabner 1 Jacob Books 1 George Crabner 1 Peter Yeats 1 Abraham Shearer 1 Frederick Shaffner 1 Capt. HAY'S Company. John Grise Caust Weybill Michael Goodall Peter Wilier Jacob Rendes Daniel Shitz John Lesher John Welgar Martin Neisley Michael Goodadle George Gambler, Michael Segrost William Porter John Speckler 6 14 10 14 4 6 4 4 4 4 " 19 r, 1 4 M l.T 4 6 19 fi Deduct fines received per last account not before acco«nied for LANCASTER COUNTY. 587 I Brought forward 35 10 G Christian Stoner 7 James Karr 7 Henry Kentig "10 C Jacob Shimple 10 6 Thomas Musser 1 1 Henry Darr 17 C Capt. BOGG'S Compan\ Fall. Joseph Galbraith 1 John Eversole 1 John Nicholas, Joseph Sherp 1 Jacob Earl J- 1 John Grider, jun 1 Abraham Neesly 1 Jacob Neesly . 1 John Eversole, Jun., 1 Thomas Hasson 1 John France 1 Christian Horst 1 John Wiland, jun 1 John Laver 1 Philip Starn 1 John Cornhas 1 Abraham Sheaver Jacob Barrick John Eshelman Peter Hoisey Bartram Galbraith Abraham Witmore William H.^cock Peter Root Christian Breneman John Shank John Horst Jacob Laver Daniel Kensinger Henry "Wilhelm 1 John Neesly 1 Daniel Stramler John Wiland. sen Jacob Carpenter, John Crill Joseph Shank Robert Connell Martin Lendamore Jacob Herine Hugh Moore John Cook Adam Platz Carried over s s 1 s s 8 s 8 8 8 8 S Capt. SCOTT'S Company. .Abraham Black l^. Christian AViland 1 2 Henry Hise 1 S John Gray 1 S Abraham Herr 1 S .\braham Miller 1 S George Hoke 1 8 Jacob Leman 1 " Christian Martin 7 Jaob Frear 7 Peter Earstone .. " John Singer l" Sampson Babb, 10 Daniel Murphy •■ 10 Jacob Sharra 10 .\lexander Barr 10 John Martin 1 S John Onger 1 8 Samuel Rheam 1 1 John Kinsinger 1 ^ Peter Stutz 1 1 John Black, sen 15 Peter Bishop 1 8 George Williams 1 1 Christian Cap 10 Anthony Snider 10 Jacob Shelly 1 S Capt. ROBINSON'S Company. John Stern John Snider John Leman. .iun.. . J. Leman, of Rapho. Laurence Kuns Michael Hummer, ... Melchinr Fortney. ... Jnhn Wanger .\nthnny Shoemaker. Carried over 588 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over, .. Jacob Conrad Christian Reeser, . John Whitmer Christian Whitmer, John Hummer Michael Ebey Peter Well Peter Rodrock 1 S 'i David Bruniman 1 8 n Jacob Shearer, 1 S (■ Capt. HAY'S Company. John Grise Michael Goodall Peter Wilier Ludwick Metz ' Wendel Marzel Michael Hostler John Somy Daniel Shirtz John Lesher Christian Lnngnccker George Gambler Michael Segrost Chrisly Mez Michael L,e?her Peter Youtz John Beard Philip Backar. John Sweany Deduct fines received rer last, not in the formor account 590 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. 02 ;q ^ xn 2S.2 C CI S ;° i-h" O a o — •5.2 c ^ c « ^ -j^ .s a a ^ 2 = rt «" o « <-j S ^2'S« o o ^ CJ — > . •" 0) ^.< '^ *?^ .1-. ^ < r '=' S = ° rt — ? ° - ^ 3 :^ 5 H ctf TJ CO aj bC d 5 Z ^ .^ o tn U3 J 03 & u <» m a .G M JS c o ■5 s Cl & OS ai ^ 3 •^H O ^ (D s £0 ■ John Lightner I f'rancis Fortiny, . Capt. MILLER'S Conipany. | Adam Britzius Jacob Brubacher 2 IG o I Jacob Messersmith, I Jacob Foitiny Capt. WEYBRIGHT'S Company. I Samuel Myer 1 S h Christian Binkly 1 S Daniel Rudy 1 8 o' Michael Lightner, Michael Weiss, .. George Slough, .. 14 10 b 10 6 17 G 10 6 5 3 u 3 5 3 7 1 1 u 7 u Capt. WILHELM'S Compan% Philip Loyer Christian Bomberger Peter Bachman, sen Henry Hoff John Shreiner John Leip Abraham Leip Peter Bachman, jun John Shriner 7 1 S 1 s 17 6 1 8 1 8 1 S George Greisinger Georse Beard George Yontz Francis Heger Caleb Johnson John Beam Conrad Ferree, John Quash Peter Row Andrew Tryer Philip Lenhere Peter Shaffner Frederick Lazarus, ... Charles Drum Peter Prosman John Pinkerton Christian Zehan John Young Jacob Glatz John Musser Adam Stockslager 5 3 7 10 6 5 3 1 S 1 1 1 2 5 10 G 11 o 3 r. 3 10 C 5 3 10 G 1 1 7 15 9 17 6 ( I'l 6 1 S 1 R • 1.-. ft Paul Zantzinger, .. Frederick Frick. . Valentine Krudge, John Smith , Daniel Fetter Daniel Ehrisman, , Rudy Herr Henry Koufman, . Emanuel Herr John Shenk Christian Shenk, .. John Cryder Martin Cryder. Jacob Cryder Henry Dcringer. . . Valentine Hoffman, Philip Heedy Joseph Huber Christian Demuth. Godleib Fetter Henry Hain John Leibly George Edder John M'Guire Henry Hook John Hoffstater. ... George Leonard. .. Frederick Fencer. . George Young Christian Herr George Eirholtz. .. Jacob Reigard Michael ApiJ 1 s 17 6 17 G in 6 C 3 1 2 !) 1 S 1 8 A 1 S 1 S 17 G 17 G 17 (i 10 C 10 G 19 G r. 3 17 G 10 G 10 G 5 3 12 10 G 10 6 1 1 Carried over. Carried over. LANCASTER COUNTY. 593 Brought over 45 19 0; John Weltley 5 3 Philip Brewsel 5 3 Adam Hershberger 5 C John Dardinger 5 3 John Moore 5 ?, Adam Wilhelm 10 C John Burke 10 C Casper Lawrence, 10 C George Murquart n 3 John Getz 17 6 Andrew Bowman, 5 3 Matthias Markhel 10 C George Hecketsweller 17 C Adam Paul 5 3 John Swltzer, 5 5 Jasper Ewing 12 3 Daniel Blottenberger 5 3 Henry Bennet 5 3; John Shertz 5 3 Christian Oxer 5 3 Thomas Roberts 5 3 Henry Lutz 7 o' Brought forward, William Bowsman. Adam Fontrout. .. Andrew Lutz Jacob Fetter George Good jun. 62 9 U Capt. WERTZ'S Company. Godleib Zehner o Capt. BOYD'S Company John Fisher Andrew Kelss 7 Anthony Weldy t'hristian Jeh 10 Stephen Porter, George Musser 1 s Michael Musser •kmas Metzgar .". .". I-owdon Ashburton Jacob Sheffer 5 7 1 laniel Frank 7 Capt. MILLER'S Company. Jacob Brubacher o I Jacob Metzgar o Michael Cramer o Capt. JOSEPH HUBLEY'S Company. George Moore 1 l r John Wltner, jun 1 s C George Ross William Webb John Brenniman Anthony Syfert Francis Sanderson, ., Frederick Falnnott, . William Fontrout. ... Carried over 6: 7 7 7 1 8 7 1 S 1 s Capt. W"EYBRIGHT'? lienjamin Hershey .lost Stroo George Kline Jacob Kaufman Compan 1 1 Capt. WILHELM'S Company. Henry Seitenstecher 1 Add. fee account 7 £S3 38--6-3d Ser. 594 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. 'J:^ 1-1 tH 00 CO — OC' o t^ T-4 c; _r "1 c^ h < Z/2 72 » ^^ a; c a i5 '"' O s S ii = >. >>iS.2 T3 a^^^ltf .^ OS ;^ C o ^ — rt O Q^' '" sj: r- r ^ '"' rt d — 1; flj 2; Cj W K t: CIJ "i" • - C rt g - s - < r. « « = c a; i o >. Z c 73 c C/' '^ M cE.2 n — ' m _ X (U "S "■ « .s S QJ — o: ^ i «fc cc > o v; .t_» *-» s ^ >> ti o ?i ...J 00 -*-J I — c \:z c •" 5 OJ M 3j > o O — - P o ^ ~ "S re --roc *-' res~cc'ru re ~ !C ^ c ^ fj . t-.- • c be — — _ aMrecq^s;^-- i; "S -z ~ < > re = .2 3 LANCASTER COUNTY. 595 Sundries Dr. to Robert Clark. Esq., Brought forword, £306 11 9 Militia expences, continued, £47 17 For his own pay as Sub-Lieu- tenant, from June. 1782, to April. 1783, employed 50 days at 12s. 6d 31 5 Balance due by Robert Clarke, Esq., , 17 11 3 £17 11 3 79 2 ?5 13 9 List of Fines received >:o. I. Seventh Company Second Class. Christian Wingart 4 Second Company. Third Class. Martin Miller 10 17 Fourth Company. Third Clas.s. George Mowra 10 17 Seventh Company. Third Class. Daniel Miller 3 6 Eighth Company. Third Class. Philip Fishbourne 10 17 .Second Company. Fourth Class. Felty Road 10 17 Second Company. Fifth Class. Felix Landis 70 John Oneal 7 Eighth Company. Fifth Class, .lacoh Kiteron 10 17 Sixth Class. Ahrahnm Landis 10 10 by Robert Clarke, Esq. I liiought forward £60 11 2 16 2 16 n 2 lU 2 16 2 16 William Bail 2 16 n Abraham AVeltmore, 2 16 2 16 n IS n George Henry 2 16 2 16 Jac.ib Plousrh IS Fourth Companj . Henry Siegler. . George Sider, ... I'hristian Sider. Peter Wirick. . .John Suerker. . George Halmer. John Shupe .Tnhn Rough, ... P.arnard Rough, William Rough, George Mowra, Henry Glever. .. Xo. II. Second Company'. Vendel Henry 2 16 Christian Stoner 2 If: John Landie 2 16 " T.u.lwii'k Bail 2 16 Df^wa'it Henrv 2 16 n Felix Landice 2 16 f L'lery Weltmore 2 16 Carried over 19 12 n Sixth Company. Seventh Company. iltJiuy Shucy. ,1nhn Walmer. 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 7 2 16 .\hraham Host 2 16 N'alentine Spalsbaugh 2 16 .I'lhn Shearer 2 16 t.arried over. 2 16 2 16 95 11 .596 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over, 9o 11 Peter Walmer 2 10 Peter Kingery, 2 16 Abraham Wingar 2 16 Christopher "Wingar 2 16 Ludwick Searing 2 16 Martin Myley 115 Frederick Besore, ' 2 16 John Royer 2 5 6 John Simon 2 16 John Brightblll 2 16 George Hedrick 2 5 6 Joseph Blrkey 115 Adam Goodman 115 Baltzer Bomgardner 1 & Peter River 1 1 Eighth Company. Philip Brand 2 16 Abraham Strlckler 2 16 Peter Landie 2 16 George Spelsbaugh 2 16 Carried over 141 8 Brought forawrd 141 S Christian Hamaker 1 1 John Stoufer 2 16 Jacob Hess 116 !> Christian Stoufer 2 16 Christian Landlce 2 16 Jacob Katrine 2 16 Jacob Landice 2 16 David Brand 2 16 John Landis 2 16 John Pearst 2 1'; '> Jacob Richart 2 Ifi Michael Baum 1 S George Mirrich 2 16 Peter Eversole. sen 2 16 Frederick Still 2 16 Philip Hamaker 1 8 Samuel Hamaker 2 16 Jacob Strlckler 2 16 Abraham Brand 2 16 £1S9 1 9 State of the Accounts of MAXWELL CHAMBERS. Esq., Sub- Lieutenant of Lancaster countv, from 10th Dec, 17S1, to 1st April, 1783. Maxwell Chambers, Esq., Sub-Lieutenant, Dr. to Sundries. Balance clue at last settlement, .... Militia Fines. Received from sundry persons, of the 10th battalion, their tour fines, No. I, 41 7 Ditto from ditto, ditto for exercise fines, incurred in the spring and fall, 1782, per List No. II. . . 50 C Balance due to Maxwell Chambers, Esq.. in specie. £81 19 10 St.a.te Mon. 33 12 6 Specie. 91 13 81 19 10 £32 12 6 173 12 10 LAN'CASTER COUNTY. 697 ^- • - Ci O O o ^ L-: CO W O ,-i __ be '^ ^ ^ C © tH cr f-H c- o t/; ,— CO o - o CO -.-^ ^ i' rt — -^ > be i S CO < t- ft s g Cti • "^ ■;:;-= z: 1^ - c r" ® ci C * ■^ CC - ■- >-.■"* c — CO ja: - OJ c g S-r ^. i. O CO ^ CO c rt- -^ tZ^ CO E i - 2-5 s := S a; CO o •^ c 53 o =J P 5 __^ = bJC 13 5 S :-. Qi CO 5^.2 m '^ c - '^ '^ M ^ a bjj . ? CO ?^ t- tn - a, > 3 £ " CI - "S * -^ «-' 53 o CO c i^ CO 0^ ^ Cti 03 b> ^ G o 5.5 ■a .c c il .tj -a .c ~ c'5 J5 -^ cd _j- w — ■ n a 598 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Fines received by Maxwell Chamber 10 10 10 IT 10 10 1 7 4 10 2 10 1 10 2 10 No. I. Philip Dindorff, Michael Smith, "William Fulks Robert Armstrong. . Adam Lampart Conrad Leek, John Fleckner George Neveland Jacob Peck Hugh Cunningham. . John Lining, No. II. Spring. Jacob Miller 1 S John Meader 1 S John Kinsley 1 S James Cavett 1 8 John Buck 1 S John Miller 1 S 'Michael Page 1 S Vendle Fockler 1 8 Jacob Miller 1 S John Lider 1 S Jacob Houser 1.' Carried over 14 15 Brought forward 14 13 Stophel Shoop 1 & Daniel Cooper l 8 Frederick Switzer 1 8 Peter Bobb l 8 Jacob Barstead, u 10 Daniel Roberts, 1 8 Eliab Neagley 1 8 Christly Fleckner 1 8 Abraham Nidigh 1 8 Christly Page 1 S John Cansar 1 8 Henry Alleman 1 8 John Fleckner 1 S I'hilip Griner 1 8 Fall. Jacob Jliller 1 8 John Meader 1 S James Cavett 1 8 John Buck 1 8 Michael Page 1 8 \'endle Fockler 1 8 Frederick Switzer 1 8 Peter Bobb 1 8 Christly Fleckner 1 8 Abraham Nidigh 1 S Michael Bumberger 18 Jnlin Fleckner 1 S State of the Accounts of ADAM ORTH, Esq., Sub-Lieutenant of Lancaster county. Adam Orth, Esq., Sub-Lieutenant, Dr. to Sundries. Balance at last settlement, lOS 5 6 Militia Fines. Received fines in Col. Stewart's battalion beyond the sum charged in last account 10 Balance due to the state, of which £108 5 6 said to be in the hands of delinquent collectors, . . 118 5 6 The Accounts of Philip Weiser, collector of fines in Colonel Greenawalt's battalion, and Alexander Noble, collector in Colo- nel Haverstick's battalion, are yet unsettled. Examined and settled, JOHN NICHOLSON. Comptroller-General's Office. June 22d. 1785. STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF Adam Orth, Esquire LATE SUB-LIEUTENANT OF LANCASTER COUNTY. 1778-1783. STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS, &c. ADAM ORTH, ESQ., late Sub-Lieutenant. Dr. to Sundries. Cout. Mo. Specie. Militia Fines. Received from sundry persons from the time of his last settlement, Aug., 1778, to March, 1780, for non- performance of their tour of duty. Per list, No. 1, L.G8<0 17 Received of sundry persons of the several battalions of militia in Lancaster county, except for colo- nel Stewart's, Porter's, JenkiQ's and Clatz's, between March, 1780, and June, 1781. for fines incurred be- fore the 20th March, 1780. Per list ]sfQ_ 2 76914 IZ U Received from sundry persons of the several battalions from 21st June, 1781. to the 1st of April, 1783, viz: col. Lowrey's, 171 11 2, col. Elder's, L. 4 8 4. col. Clatz's, L. 21, col. Rodger's. L. 165 6 9, col. Stewart's, L. 1004, col. Huber's, L. 556 3 9, and col. Jenkin's, L. 192 15, Received of Philip Weifer. collector, whose account is unsettled 2115 5 754 5 84539 14 2115 5 Sundries, Dr. to Adam Orth, esq., Sub-Lieutenant. Balance due to him at settlement, August. 1778, 209 3 10 Philip Marsteller, esq., pay master, Paid him at sundry times from July. 1778. to Nov. 1779 3437 10 Bartram Galbreath. esq., lieutenant. Paid him on account of tines. May 5, 1779 101^ ' ^ Carried 4658 1 4 602 ACCOU-CTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries. Dr. to Adam Orth, esq. Cont. Mo. Specie. Brought over, £4658 1 4 Curtis Grubb, esq. late sub-lieutenant. Paid him per Philip Weiser, collec- tor, April 15, 1778, 450 William Henry, esq. treasurer Lan- caster county, Paid him out of militia flnes, Feb 22 1781, 3452 5 Do. June 13, do 46831 14 6 Do. Aug. 8, do., 654 17 6 Do. Nov. 23, do., 2576 5 53515 2 Do. April 20, 1782, 142 6 6 Do. March 26, 1783 435 12 2 Do. May 9, do 27 Do. do. 13, do 311 6 10 Do. do. 15, do., 135 6 Do. do 37 10 Do. Sept. 5, do., 387 7 5 1476 3 5 United States. Paid John Stone for warning out the classes, Jan. 4, 1779 7 10 Capt. Casper Steover, for do. April 29, do., 5 Capt. Holderbaum. for do. July 10, 1779 7 10 u Capt. Valentine Stoufler. do. Aug. 15, 17su 16 U Francis Baylor for the hire of his team trans- porting baggage, Aug 1, 1778, 21 Jacob Steger, a wounded soldier,his pension, Jan. 29, 1779 IS 15 Do. do. April 29, 1780,... 18 15 Col. Greenawalt, for 10 months service as town major, 1777, 177i, and 1779, July 3, 1779 300 Abraham Eversold, for a blanket, March 2. do 2 10 Christ Long for do. Mar. 20, 15 Henry Slotterbach. a wounded militia man, Jan. 17, 1780 21 5 George Reinolt for mak- ing 3 handcuffs for de- Carried, £419 58623 3 4 1476 3 5 LANCASTER COUNTY. 603 Sundries, Dr. to Adam Orth. Esq. Cont. Mo. Specie. Brought over. . . . L. 419 58623 3 4 1475 3 5 serters from the army. May 11, 1779 3 15 422 15 Military Stores. Paid sundry persons for 26 gun flints, one lock, and for repairing arras... 198 17 3 Militia Expences. Paid sundry persons for their ser- vices at courts of appeals, ex- pences of appeals, warning the bat- talions, returning the companies, almoners, expresses, substitutes, drummers and fifers, clerks wages, and other contingent charges, from the 1st Aug. 1778, to April 1783. . . 1511 10 For his pay as sub-Lieutenant, from the 1st August, 1778, to the 1st of April, 1783, employed 110 days to the 5th April, 1779, at 203. per day, 30 days, to the 10 Oct.. at SOs. 30 days to the 20th March. 1780, at 12s. 6d., 169 days, to the 21st June, 1781, at 25s. continental money, and 450 days to the 1st April, 1783, at 12s. 6d. specie per day, amount- ing to 4548 15 Balance due to the state, equal to L. 130 6 7 state mo. allowing for the depreciation of sundry dis- bursements made by col Orth, be- fore the fines came into his hands, per account stated 19234 13 5 Balance due to the state in specie. Note, It is represented by col. Orth that the sum of 108 5 6, re- ceived for fines which he charged himself with is in the collectors hands, ^ L. 84539 14 247 4 281 5 110 11 11 2115 Adam Orth. esq.. Dr. State. Specie. For the balances of the foregoing ac- count reduced l-''-'^ 6 7 110 1111 604 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Contra Cr, David Rittenhouse, esq., treasurer. Paid him on account of fines, Oct. 1783, Balance said to be in hands of col- lectors, *. State. Specie. 130 6 7 2 6 5 108 5 6 L. 130 6 7 110 11 11 The amount of the fines incurred before the 20th March, 1780, which are yet due in the several battalions of Lancaster county is L. 4623 9 1 specie, exclusive of the fines due by 6 companies in col. Greenawalt's battalion, and in col. Haver- sticks, do the amount of which is not ascertained. Note, There have been collectors employed in the above battalions! who have paid L. 754 5. continental, as charged above to said Orth, since settlements of their accounts, and it is presumed have received further sums, which remain in their hands. LIST OF FINES received by ADAM ORTH. esq. I Broue-ht over £856 10 No. 1. Capt. STEVENS' Company. Michael Hoffman. . John Gushwah, ... George Houtz Michael Herner, ... Henry Houtz John Hunckel Martin Shuy Ludwick Shuy Jacob Pederhawff. .. Martin Shuy Baltzer Federhauff. Christian Wolf Samuel Hundsruker. Chri.=tian Ditto, . .. Henry Houtz John Shulz Adam Breght Christian Shnell. ... Martin Stehly Christian Breghbicl. Michael Groh 30 37 10 20 2; 40 40 40 m 40 40 40 31 19 22 40 12 40 12 80 40 40 John Witmer I Tobias Cryder ' Michael Gingrich ' John Tohner Christian Crydor, jun.. Abraham Bowman i George Snevely Jacob Stehr Ulrich Burckholder Georg^e Gieseman Henry Long . Michael YnunK ' Robert Hunder Abraham Huber Georg'e Cryder. jun...... I George Crj'der, ! Jacob Cryder. .. . < Herman Long. ... Paul Sieg i Adam Steover. .. I Au-'U -iti -. Gherst. I Ludwick Zehring. I Caspar Geiger. .. ! Jacob Holtz John Bachman, .. Jacob Sandfr, ... sen. 7 10 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 4n n 40 2iJ 7 10 20 40 40 27 n 40 40 40 40 7 10 30 7 10 40 .1 Cai.t. ORTH'S Company. L'ewalt Gherst. ... Christian Long, jun. Oi1 40 Carried 856 10 Carried £167^ lu LANCASTER COUNTY. 605 Brought over. Brought over £3042 George Holtz John Steohr Michael Neff John Meyer Frederick Williams, Henry Bell Peter Reish. jun., . Abraham Kversolcl, Christian Seybert. . George Hoffman. .. John Sholl Charles Kemberling Frantz UUerich, ... 7 10 George Hirtstein, . 21 I Andrew Graaff. ... 30 U i John Null ' Leonard Stump, . . . 40 4tJ 10 12 U 40 40 20 40 40 40 40 u 40 40 40 ■J Caj.t. WEISER'S Comjiany. Abraham Meyer 30 M Peter Meyer 40 Henry Rudy 40 Peter Spyker 30 Jacob Becker IS 15 John Strohm 40 Peter Glassbrenner 40 John Light, jun 40 o Abraham Smutz 40 Philip Matthias 10 Adam Menges, 40 Abraham Groh 40 John Rup 40 u Jacob Strohm 47 10 <) Michael Heisy 36 John Deel 40 o George Evey 40 Jacob Sig 2.J Yost Bleeher 25 o Martin Getz 7 10 Matthias Brownewell 10 Peter Swop 20 Christian Funkhouser 25 George Zlnn 40 0; Henrj- Light 40 o Henry Wernner 18 o I Joseph Horst 25 jDhn Horst 40 o' Robert Lowrey in Ol Peter Baker s o Michael Keller 47 10 Capt. NULL'S Company. Benjamin Miller. 40 Peter Stein 40 Carried f3042 .5 Caia. HoLDERB-.^ Company. Henry Humborger 40 John Seyler, Jun 40 Jacob Wilhelm 40 Frederick Fernsler 15 John Wilhelm 40 Jacob Breneisen 40 Michael Breneisen 40 Michael Boltz 13 Michael Cryder 40 Peter Grehbiel 40 Martin Waggner 18 15 Valentine Keller 40 John Knop 40 'J A'alentine Boger 40 .A.nnastatus Heilman 40 u John Strehr 41) Henry Heilman 40 Jacob Kitzmiller 10 Peter Rupp 40 u George Wolf 40 Peter Ney 40 Eshelman 47 10 Jacob Myer 22 17 G Jacob Eshelman 30 Andrew Kemmer 47 10 Conrad Steinman 30 George Heilman 40 Henry Knoll 40 John Snogg 40 John Miller 12 John Heilman 11 5 Yost Kneagy 40 Martin Funk 40 David Klein 11 5 John Gingrich 147 10 n Jacol! Bn;t7 40 ■) IVtf'i' Heilman 25 .\ntlinny Long 47 10 Carried 4793 7 605 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. u 10 I.I <> liroughl over £4T!i3 Cajit. IMIIEL'S Company. Xiehulas Mo?ser ii) ,Iuhn Sharff 40 John Roalh 37 George Sheffer 10 Martin Walburn 40 llenry Koijpenheftei- lO Matthias Fogt 15 l''^ter Battorff 1') Peter Shell 40 Peter Spengler, 30 Michael Keller 3J Christian Lehman 40 Capt. SHOUFLER'S Company. John Beshiiar 40 (• Jacob Neff 40 Christian Kauffman 40 'i Ulry Kneagy 40 Matthias Strehr 40 Diebrick Heikman 40 John Mees 40 Henry Erubagher 3S Peter Long 40 Henry Long 40 Peter Hershherger 40 Henry Zehring 40 John Breght 40 Adam Brand, jun 47 10 Jacob Gass 10 Christian Long 40 Capt. SHEFER'S Company. George Shouk 7 10 John Shenck 40 Jacob Kemberling l.j John Hemmigh 40 Michael GrehbitI 40 u George Becker 40 ii o George Weber 1.", ii o John Cook 4.-, o o Peter Keim 22 o John Eberly 40 o n Andrew ATey 2S ii Michael Xeff 4ii o Henry Meyer 4ii o o Henry Hfrchebrf ad 2.' Jaciib Philipy, 4n n Carried £6290 17 o Brought uver £6290 17 John Moore 40 Q Michael '\\'inter 15 George Kaapp 40 George Hoffman, .. 40 Francis Seybert 40 George Klein 40 Martin Keller 11 5 Christian Weik 7 10 Ludwick Wittmeyer 7 10 Michael Kaap 2.j George Albright 12 John Baltzly 15 David Levenstein 40 Abraham Neff 35 David Rudy ;:, Jacob Mehs 27 Henry Berky lo Frederick Dobler 10 Adam Shwarm 17 10 Thomas Clark 40 Leonard Kehler 40 Christopher Beistel 4 15 Benjamin Spyker 27 10 Amount £CS70 17 Col. HAVERSTICK'S Battalion. Capt. METZGERS Company. David Eshelman Jacob Harnish Martin Barr Peter Rummel Michael Meyer. Jacob Mennert Adam Kindig Daniel Brenyman Henry Blisher John Stehman Benedict Eshelman. .. Daniel Mea.ser John Eshelman John Barr Jacob Barr Christian Shenk David Hess 12 John Good Melchior Hackman Henry Hackman Carried £202'; 113 10 62 13 62 l.T 113 10 62 15 62 15 62 15 113 10 113 10 62 1; 62 15 100 122 15 122 15 122 1", 122 15 122 15 122 1.-. 122 15 173 10 LANCASTER COUNTY. 607 Brought over _.. £2026 Jacob Baur 122 15 Michael Shenk 122 15 Capt. MYER'S Company. jun. Jacob Hershey 113 10 Jacob Springer 113 10 Dav. Musselman Joseph Martin David Miller, jun., Jac. Loubensvoyler 62 15 02 15 62 l.". 113 10 62 15 62 15 113 10 62 15 62 15 62 15 William Smith Joseph Charles Isaac Hershey, Henry Barr John Segrrist Jacnli Brubagher Jacob Tentler 113 10 Nicholas Bower 113 10 Christ. Kauffmaii 62 15 AVilliam Batterson 113 10 Jacob Gatz 113 10 Michael Regie 62 15 Henry Mumma 02 15 Tobias Miller 113 10 Peter Musselman 62 15 Benjamin Brubagher 122 15 John Newcomer 122 15 Michael Siegrist 122 15 Andrew Hershey 173 10 Jacob Mink 122 15 John Newcomer, jun 122 15 Bernard Reesing 122 15 Christian Bi-ubagher 122 15 Jacob Getz. jun 173 10 Joseph Shirk, jun. Nicholas Seigrist. 122 15 173 10 Philip Lehr 122 15 Daniel Welly 122 15 Joseph Shirk, sen 122 15 Jacob Mink 146 Christian Lehr 122 15 Caiit. KT:STER'S Company. Peter Musselman 62 15 John Swarr 113 10 Christian Miller, jun 113 10 Christian Swarr 62 15 Peter Acker 113 in Ludwick Fattes 113 10 Carried £670'i r.riiusht over 6765 I'eter Musselman 113 10 Peter Aker. jun 113 10 Adam Moore 113 I'J Andrew Kauffman 173 10 Samuel Kauffman, 173 10 u Henry Bowman 173 10 John Huber 122 15 John Stehman 122 15 John Swarr, jun 173 10 John Long 122 15 Abraham Stephan, 173 PJ Caijt. KORRER'S Company. John Neff 62 15 John Kauffman 62 15 Martin Gamper 62 15 Henry Kauffman 62 15 h Isaac Kunks 62 15 Micab Jimmer 113 10 Christian Newcomer 62 15 Paul Akerman 45 Martin Funk 62 15 Jacob Shock 62 15 Jacob Been 02 15 Baltzer Grow 62 15 f I^ennard Richard, 62 15 Abraham Funck. 02 15 Jacob Kauffman 62 15 Henry Shank 62 15 Jacob Kauffman. sen 113 10 Samuel Funk 62 15 Joseph Habecker 62 15 And. Kauffman. Jun 02 15 John Hoghstetter 122 15 Henry Lighty 122 15 John Funk 122 15 Jacob Sights 122 15 John Shalleberger 131 Henry Shori 122 15 Jacob Shalleberger 122 15 George Lutz 122 15 Christian Stoner 122 15 n Jacob Funk 122 15 Benedict Jlilliner. 122 15 Christian Hair 122 15 Christian Whisler 122 15 Jiihn Alter HI " 'i Henry Funk 122 15 Carried. £11547 15 608 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over £11.".47 15 Capt. ZEIGLER'S Company. Thomas Krautter 113 10 Henry Neff, Jui 113 10 Jacob Siegrist t;2 lo Jacob Miller 71 Peter Kuntz 113 10 Christian Stehman 62 15 John Kerr 113 10 Christ. Burkholder 113 10 John Shertz 113 10 Henry Neff 62 I.- Abraham Herr G2 l- Rudolph Waller 76 David Decker 113 10 Jacob Barr 113 10 John Newcomer 151 Henry Hlstand. 122 15 Christian Hershy 173 10 George Brenner 173 10 John Highstand 122 15 Rudy Herr 173 10 John Killheifer 122 15 Jacob Kilheffer 173 10 Abraham Peter 173 10 Christian Funk 122 15 Capt. BARBER'S Company. Philip Fox 113 10 David Forey, 62 15 John Hoffman 113 10 John Mumma 113 10 Henry Mumma 62 15 Jacob Shirk 113 10 Conrad Ratzel 62 15 George Mumma 122 15 Emanuel Spear 122 15 John Charles 122 15 Joseph Ruber 122 15 Christian Hartler 122 15 Daniel Furry 122 15 Bernard Shoap 122 15 Capt. WRIGHT'S Company. Adam Steeh 113 10 Adam Lizaberger 113 10 Peter Rumble SS lo William Pratt 113 1" George Brenner 62 15 Peter Dunkle 113 10 Carried over 1(^471 Brought over £16471 Peter Synder Benjamin Hershy, Henry Paulu.= John Eshelman. .. Joseph Hinkle John Marting, jun. Michael Semmer, . Philip Brenner, ... Jacob Eshelman, . Christian Herr. ... John Musser, Henry Eshelman. . John Kremmer, .. 62 15 62 15 62 15 SI 113 18 122 15 173 10 122 15 122 15 122 15 122 15 173 10 122 15 Capt. RADFAXG'S Company. Abraham Goghenouer 113 10 John Hess 113 10 Christian Furry 113 10 Christian Huber 113 10 John Burkholder C2 15 Christian Goghenour 113 10 Samuel Hess 113 10 Tobias Goghenour 113 10 Michael Greetter 113 10 Henry Line 113 10 Christian Host, jun 113 10 John Stetler 113 10 Henry Reash 113 10 Melchior Brenyman ll.i 10 Abraham Hess 113 10 Frederick Radfang 62 15 Henry Goghenour 113 10 Jacob Byer, 113-10 Henry Huber 173 10 Jacob Cryder 122 15 Philip Swartz 122 15 Isaac Brenyman 173 10 Rudolph Miller 122 15 Peter Good 122 15 John Huber 173 10 Jacob Goghenour 173 10 Christian Newcomer 173 10 Abraham Huber 17' 10 John Bam 17:; 10 Jacob Bam 173 10 Samuel Line 173 10 Jacob Hinney 173 10 Christian Haughy 122 15 r Carried £2222'". 10 LANCASTER COUNTY. C09 Brought over £22226 10 Col. ELDER'S Battalion. Capt. MURRAY'S Company. John Ayers, . John Thomas, 50 1.' 122 15 Capt. M'KINNEY'S Company. Christopher Alliman. 62 John Roop 62 Christopher Roop 62 Jacob Roop 62 John Mumma 62 ■William Smith 4S Gustavus Graham 40 Ludwick Dagon 62 Barfoot Broonson, 9 John Noop 22 Christopher Eamist 62 Matthias Wlnagle 62 Arthur Brisbon 61 John Shoemaker 62 Andrew M'Clure 49 William M'Clure 100 John Postlewaite 4S Ansted Wunderly 9 John Bowman 62 John Flickinger 62 Samuel Wiley 44 James Finney 108 John Sherrer 100 Adam Means ■ 100 Richard M'Lure 104 William Kerr 100 Joseph Smith 104 Hugh Cunningham 100 Joseph Hutchinson, John Fritz Felty Pancake Robert Chambers, , John Means Rowan M'Clure, .. James M' Kinney, ., John Maxwell, James Ruderforth. 100 100 100 100 106 151 100 100 100 Capt. RT'THERFORD'S Company. Leonard Sheets 40 Daniel Cooper 122 15 Joseph Wilson 100 George Page 118 15 o Carried 39— 6— 3d Ser. 25568 V' Brought over ..£25568 15 » Conrad Bobb Hw David Rickey 10' Christopher Shup 116 Jacob Smith, sen 110 o Joseph Shaw 100 David Shaw 100 Alexander Wilson 100 Jacob Smith 10" Capt. M'CLL'RE'S Company. Henry Stoner 22 13 John Kissinger 5 5 Jacob Bargley 21 Conrad Wolfy 62 15 Christian King 5 5 George Shenegance 19 10 ') Samuel Park 44 I'l George Miller 40 Samuel Serazey 49 1' James Currey, 40 Nicholas Castle 100 George Gross 5 5 Henry M'Cann Id) 9 John Backestoe 105 5 n Philip Shocking 105 5 Philip Atlee 100 Henry Miller 100 Peter Sheaster 100 Philip Grass 8110 Thomas Crabb 100 Peter Miller 105 5 Christian Kepach 106 5 Ludwick Kemberly 105 5 Frederick Zeberneck 42 15 Christian Gross 100 John Snyder 100 David Foot 109 15 Emanuel Bollinger l'>" Alexander Jamison 100 William Crabb 106 15 Capt. CLARK'S Company. Joseph MElraith 4n Isaac Jones 4ii Jacob Strlckler 40 Archibald Murray 40 Alexander George 4'^ John Gilson 40 Robert Walker 40 Carried £28864 15 610 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over £28864 15 Capt. STEWART'S Company. Jacob Noss 59 10 Alexander Jl'Cumsey 40 Frederick Sweitzer 22 15 Alexander Porter 9 15 Nathaniel Simpson 5 5 6 Christopher Smith 62 15 John Coghly 22 15 Robert Elder 100 John Elder, sen 100 Sam. Simpson, sen 122 15 Samuel Simpson 100 Cornelius Cox 100 John Cline 100 James Johnston 100 Robert Clark 100 Adam Eckhert 122 15 David Montpomary 80 9 Patrick Heany 100 Charles Stewart 100 James M'Kee 100 Thomas Moore 100 Barney Freedly 100 Thomas Brynor 100 William Carson .•■ 122 15 Capt. GILCHRIST'S Company. Jacob Miller 4u John Medder 22 15 David Patton 40 George Shup 2119 John Kinsley 2110 "William Bnyd 40 James M'MllIen 40 Peter Sherer 22 15 William Calhoon 40 HuRh Wray 100 John Wilson 100 1 Abraham Wilson IPO Samuel Martin 100 Samuel Thompson 109 15 o! William Coghran 100 o\ Robert Gilchrist 100 O' Andrew Stephen 100 James Byers 100 Thomas Bell 100 Robert Nell 100 John Miller 100 Carried £32514 Brought over £32514 John Murray, 100 Hugh Stephan 75 ) Samuel Berryhill 100 Alexander Johnston 100 Col. LOWRIE'S Battalion. Capt. M'KEE'S Company. Henry Booser 62 15 Jacob Gass, 62 15 Nicholas Lighty 62 15 Joseph Rife 62 15 Abraham Strickler 62 15 John Reiza! 62 15 James Clunney 54 George Buks 113 10 Jacob Rife 62 15 Frederick Shouts 66 John Fifer 62 15 John Singer 113 10 Stephen Felix 113 10 John Sherra 62 15 John Riesser 113 10 Jacob Nesslly 113 10 David Tatwiller 62 15 Abraham Gingrich 62 15 Jacob Mitzger 62 15 Jacob Smith 62 15 John Bransor 62 15 John Meyer 62 15 Matthias Singer 113 10 Thomas Ogle 40 Christian Newer 62 15 Henry Landis 62 15 Peter Yeates 147 10 William Mills 122 15 Jacob Goss 22 15 John Schoop 122 15 Henry Riddle 122 15 Jacob Bricker 122 15 Frederick Shaffner 122 15 Jacob Strickler 122 15 Capt. M'QUEEN'S Company. Michael Shank 62 15 Michael Brand 62 15 Abraham Stewick 62 15 John Reeser 62 15 George Null 62 15 John Bornheeter 113 10 Carried £36130 15 LANCASTER COUNTY. 611 Brought over £36i:0 15 John Steekly 113 10 Michael Ebey 113 10 John Stevick 113 10 Abraham Reamer 113 10 Christian Xull 62 15 Christian Bishop 62 15 Christian Snyder 62 15 Conrad Wolf 02 15 Christopher Shank 100 Peter Reeser 173 10 John Thompson 122 15 Peter Poorman 122 15 Christian Tollabagh 122 15 Charles Johnston 122 15 John Bucks 122 15 Jacob Wagler 72 15 Jacob Hunsberger 122 15 Daniel Bleugh 122 15 Capt. ROBINSON'S Company. Abram Woolgemoot 62 15 John Stouffer, 62 15 Matthias Plantz 44 15 John Ferry 62 15 John Stern 62 15 Christian Snyder 62 15 Hugh Black 62 15 John Lehmer 62 15 John Gibford 62 15 George Gibford 40 Jacob Fogelgesong 62 15 Isaac Titty 62 15 John H. Steller 62 15 Ahrp.ham Reeser 62 15 Christian Reeser 62 15 John Nickey 62 15 John Gish 62 15 C Jacob Shelley 62 15 Peter Frederick 62 15 Jacob Stohler 113 10 Henry Limper 80 Peter Walker 122 15 Jacob Holdiman 122 15 Jacob Forry 100 Daniel Conrad 100 John Holdiman 122 15 Capt. WORK'S Company. Adam Klym 113 10 Carried £40068 Brought over £40068 James Karr 40 John Mays 40 Nicholas Beck 40 W'm. Montgomery 51 Philip Kelmer 40 James Mackey. 40 Christian Heagy 40 Simon Commeron 40 Philip Brennor 43 Peter Lindemoot 62 Samuel Cook 4n Daniel Longnecker 62 TJlrey Ingle 62 Samuel M'Clean 40 Martin Lindemoot 22 Christ. Lawensweller 113 Michael Nicholas 113 Christian Winegar 156 Jacob Weyand 122 Felty Sherrer 122 David Cook 109 Robert Ballance 110 George Lindemoot 122 William Clingan 196 Laughlin Ferry 20 John Commeron 47 Martin Snyder 122 William Beck, 121 Capt. CRAIG'S Company. Frederick Yeigh 62 15 Jacob Ilolsable C2 15 John Krill 62 15 Frederick Bower 110 5 Henry Grove 62 15 Abraham Long, 97 15 John Bruniman 62 15 Jacob Clapper 110 5 Peter Croy, 110 5 George Bower 40 George Barr 87 15 Peter Frederick 62 15 Randle M'Clure 22 15 Christian Frantz 110 5 Daniel Gllmar 52 15 Jacob Ebersold 113 10 John Barber 10 Peter Rhoot 122 15 Adam Weyand 122 15 Carried £43610 9 6 l.T 7 15 15 15 12 6 10 10 e 15 15 12 6 10 10 10 15 12 6 612 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over £43610 9 6 Adam Bruniman 122 15 Adam Nice 157 15 Peter Blasser S2 15 Frederick Killbough 122 15 George Rhoot 161 5 Jolin Hallinger, 103 5 Herman Long, 100 Isaac Long 122 15 Peter Blasser 92 15 Capt. BOGG'S Company. Jolin Smitli 62 15 Cliristian Blasser 62 15 Henry Kipp 62 15 Nicholas Rickseeker 3 5 John Shantz 110 5 John Ebersold, 62 15 Jacob Neesly 62 15 Abraham Neesly 62 15 John Kornhaas, 62 15 Philip Stern 62 15 John Diss 110 5 John Early 62 15 0| Benjamin Whlsler, 62 15 0| John Eshelman 62 15 Philip Hollinger 113 10 n| Abraham ShefCer 62 15 Jacob Hollinger 113 10 0| Jacob Smith 62 15 0| Jacob Ebersold 62 15 Michael Neesly, 62 15 Jacob Oldweiller 169 15 John Greitter 22 15 Samuel Woods 147 10 Peter Hailson 42 15 David Martin 122 15 John Horst 122 15 Peter Kaugh 119 10 Robert "Wilson 147 10 Henry Kindigh 122 15 John Brubagher 122 15 Isaac Bream 122 15 i John Weyland 122 15 Henrj- Wilhelm 122 15 Capt. SCOT'S company. Abraham Sherrer 62 15 Abraham Strickler 62 15 Carried 47712 19 C Brought over 47712 19 6 Abraham Black 62 15 William Turner 62 15 Peter Bishop 40 George Rambagh 62 li Abraham Herr 62 15 Anthony Snyder 110 5 Abraham Miller 62 15 Jacob Peters 2110 Christian Reeser 62 15 William Bishop 46 5 Godliep Bishop, 43 5 Jacob Kauffman 62 15 Philip Bishop 22 15 William Poorman 62 15 Francis Swoope 62 15 John Kauffman 3 5 Jacob Stouffer 62 15 Philip Smith 40 I'j Christian Wltmer 62 15 John Kintzley 62 15 Christian Ekinroad 170 5 Henry Roland 170 5 Henry Singer 7-3 12 Christian Black 122 15 Leonard Peters 115 10 Peter Lehman 122 15 Andrew Krose 40 Christian Swartz 122 15 Jacob Marra 122 15 Abraham Kish, 122 15 Henry Culp 122 15 John Martin 122 15 Jacob Sheffer 100 ■ i Jacob Shelly 122 15 Abraham Shelly 122 15 Capt. PEDDEN'S Company. Christian Hoffman, 62 15 Edward Watterson 91 5 Christian Erisman 62 15 John M'Cally 40 John Shilhorn 62 15 Abraham Castle 62 15 o John Matz 02 1' Baltzer Walter 110 r Ludwlck Matz 52 15 Christian Long 62 1'. David Moore 4" Carried 512SS 17 LANCASTER COUNTY. 613 Brought over 512S8 IT Brought over £55494 12 John Beard 40 James M'Lonny, 40 John Isbaugh 62 Jacob Panter 113 Ealtzer Shelhorn C2 Hugh Grimes 87 Henry Ocker 62 Michael Hourst 62 Peter Walter 62 Jacob Hoghstetter 62 Christian Longnecker 62 Christian Holdeman 1T3 Samuel Hess, 122 Neil Welch 60 Thomas Mente 99 James Hutchison 100 Abraham Meltz 12- John Vance 100 Samuel Patterson 100 John Rorra 122 Henry Hubley 122 John Miller 126 Abraham Holdiman 122 Ulrey Strickler 12t! Jacob Erisman "2 James Beard 100 John Sweeny 14" 15 I 10 15 10 ir, 15 15 15 Sol. Longnecker 113 10 John Ebey 113 10 Henry Lesher 113 10 Peter Fisher 8i 10 Henry Kling 40 Charles Welker 62 15 Henry Worly HO 5 Wendel Mortzel 62 lo Conrad Wert, 10 Capi. FORRY'S Company. John Wittmer 62 15 Daniel Lehman 62 13 Henry Hershy 62 15 Edward Hilton 113 10 Caspar Lesher, 113 10 Jacob Rossel 113 10 John Lesher 113 10 Abram Longnecker 113 10 Christian Wenyer 62 15 Peter Fooks 62 15 John Baumgardner 22 5 62 15 4'i C2 15 8S 5 John Brand - Jacob Jteyer Frederick Kercher Philip Becker John Fritz 113 10 Christian Kernly 113 10 Daniel Longnecker 113 10 John Sherrer 113 10 John Mitchel 55 10 Martin Neesly 122 15 Christian Martin 22 lo Christian Brand 122 Id Adam Mitzabaugh 22 5 Joseph Hummer 122 lo Jacob Lighty ^22 15 Henry Longnecker 173 10 Daniel Weller l'^ 10 Matthias Long Peter Hummer Martin Yetter Frederick Noveran George Werner Andrew Holtre Abraham Hummer 1 John Hornly Martin Betz ^'^ ^ John Lehman John Becker 1_ Joseph Karrel ^^^ ^'^ Peter Briblinger Benjamin Newman 1,3 10 Jacob Meyer Michael Goodaple 173 10 Andrew Betz l"*" ^'^ Nicholas Lebry Jacob Rife 125 15 147 10 100 50 I'l 173 T 173 10 100 173 10 Cap. EHRHKD-S Company. 113 10 113 10 Carried £55494 12 Adam Cover Henry Eshelman Christopher Ebersold 62 15 George Gantz Michael Shelly, sen., •• Jacob Conrad John Frederick l''^ 10 40 10 87 10 62 15 40 Jacob Eshelman Frederick Sauser John Buraway bj ^.. Jacob Snydei 62 lo Carried 6'i472 12 614 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over £60-172 12 Philip Kyser 22 Martin Becker 113 10 Isaac Eshelman, 40 Isaac Wenger 62 15 Anthony Shoemaker 113 10 John Brubagher, 62 15 John Eshelman, 62 15 John Lehman 113 10 Peter Brubagher 62 15 Philip Biel 113 10 Michael Hasler 62 15 Martin Fehr 40 John Welker, 113 10 John German 62 15 John Keller 59 le Yost Ebersold 62 15 George Slegrist 87 10 John Springer 59 Peter Guekerly 62 15 Francis Groff 62 15 Henry Ober 62 15 Tobias Hollinger 113 10 Abraham Florj' 22 15 Jacob Grehbiel 122 15 Conrad Springer lOO John Wenger 122 15 George Nlckey 73 10 O Lorentz Shniringer 122 15 John Hummer 123 15 Christian Brand . 173 10 Peter Beil 173 lu Peter Brubagher, 173 10 Frederick Gantz 173 10 Abraham Fux 173 10 John Hare 100 John Ruber 100 George Shank 47 I'j Christian Earhard 122 15 Nicholas Heyd loO Isaac Buraway 126 Col. GREENAWALT'S Battalion. Capt. STEVER'S Company. John Gunckle 26 Christian Wallburn 113 10 Martin Shuey, 26 Jacob Heckman 66 Martin Rudy 26 Carried £64498 12 Brought over £64495 12 Christian Groh 113 10 Jacob Oberholtzer, 62 10 Peter Smith 26 Jacob Newcomer 66 Fred. Breghmeyer 113 10 Christian Lentz 26 Christian Zehrlng 66 Joseph Bixler 66 Abraham Sherrick 66 Christian Wolf 26 Henry Melly 113 10 Christian Kohr 66 Daniel Beshoar 113 19 Samuel Hunsricker, 107 Christian Hunsricker lOi Jacob Fawber 126 Nicholas Wolf 173 10 Jonas Rudy 173 10 John Light 126 John Holdiman 173 Ij John Brubaghar 173 10 Christian Stettler 119 10 Martin Stehley 26 Capt. SHOUFFLER-S Company. Henry Fux 22 15 Ulrey Kneay 26 Dowalt Gherst W 1" John Beshoar 26 Dietrik Heckman 26 John Mease 26 Jacob Fisher 66 Henry Brubagher 28 George Beshoar 66 Peter Hershberger 73 10 John Eshelman 66 8 Adam Bender 66 Henry Mease 66 William Rough 66 John Fawber 66 G Henry Zehring, sen., 26 Isaac Snevely, jun., 66 Adam Sherrer 66 Yost Kneay 26 Bernard Rough 113 10 John Beshoar, jun 66 John Beshoarat Holdiman's. 66 Jacob Stehly 40 Carried £67950 12 LANCASTER COUNTY. 615 Brought over £67930 12 Henrj' Dups 26 Jacob Snevely 26 Abraham Depoey 20 John Spitler 126 Philip Fawber 126 Isaac Keale 100 Leonard "Wingleblegh 26 Henry Zehring 119 10 Capt. NULL'S Company. Leonard Strlckler 2'> Samuel Hardman 20 George Neff 100 Philip Null 100 Philip Brown, 100 George Newman 100 Capt. IMMEL'S Company. Rudy Kinsly 100 Henrj- Bawsler 126 Jacob Wolf 10 Henry Brill 100 George Gebhard 100 Robert Sturgeon 40 Samuel Sturgeon 40 John Snodgrass 15 Thomas Finney 35 Bernard M'Nutt 35 Capt. CHAIN" S Company. ■William Donaldson 15 Capt. KOPPENHEFFER'S Company. Martin Miller 40 Jacob Beshoar 40 Adam Merk 30 Adam Wlndllng 30 Michael Philipy 30 Peter Tidier 40 Peter River 100 Peter Brighblel 100 Philip Frank 25 Nicholas Poor ino Conrad Helm 30 Peter Stone 25 Nicholas Aberthal 35 Capt. M'CREIGHT'S Company. Robert Geerly 40 Carried, 70251 2 | Brought over 70251 2 Duncan Campbel 40 James Caldwel i) Hugh Morris 30 Edward Isarlow, 15 John Campbel 40 Capt. HAT'S Company. Adam Dinelnger 40 Jacob Rice 19 10 Joseph Karmany 19 10 Philip Brand 19 10 Michael Elly 9 Andrew Byers 4) I Jacob Lehman 59 10 j John Erly 15 I Benjamin Hershy 40 Martin Beyers 40 Arhibald M'Calllster 40 Thomas Walker SO ! John Wilson 35 , John Nafsker 100 Benjamin Sayer, 30 Robert Messer, 10 I Jacob Kinsser 25 Peter Limbgerivever 35 ' Thomas M'Collar 40 Robert Hays 40 6 John Sierret 40 Andrew Rodgers 40 William Rodgers 40 William Snody, 40 Hugh Wilson, 40 David Colhoon 40 Andrew Armstrong 20 William Higerly 10 George Peters, 40 Philip Brand 40 Adam Hamaker 59 10 Christian Hamaker 59 10 Maxmilian Spyriel 59 10 Philip Noy ICO Philip Brand 40 Henrj- Hess 112 Philip Hamaker 112 David Hamaker 12 Capt. MTER'S Company. Daniel Longneker 40 Carried £72017 12 616 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over, 72047 12 Adam Wiess 15 Martin Long 40 Philip Baumgartner AO Baltzer Baumgartner 40 Andrew Brown 33 Henry Sharp 40 Adam Weaver 40 John Weaver, 40 James Duncan 30 Daniel Miller 15 Martin Miller 40 John Cloony, 100 George Spregher 3o John Wolf 30 Jacob Miller 40 John Horkinrlder 20 Christopher Brown 36 Col. LOWRIE'S Battalion. Capt. M'KEE'S Company. Christian Branser 122 15 Peter Rodrock 122 15 Daniel Shelly 122 15 John Whitmore 62 15 Joseph Bream 62 15 E>ennis Sthal 62 15 Daniel Brenneln 173 10 Christ. Burckholder 122 15 Jacob Detwelller 122 15 Matthias Bricker 62 15 Capt. M'QUEEN'S Company. Dewalt Grem 62 15 Capt. ROBINSON'S Company. Abraham Shelly 173 10 Capt. WORK'S Company. Christian Vinegar 173 10 Capt. CR.AIG'S Company. Daniel Rheam 62 15 Christian Bugher 62 15 Nicholas Blazer 62 15 Christ. Bruniman 122 15 Capt. BOGG'S Company. John Frantz 162 15 Carried £74605 7 Brought over £74605 7 Capt. SCOTT'S Company. John Neesly 62 15 John Tissal 62 15 Jacob Balmer, 62 15 Isaac Harnly 122 15 Martin Neesly 122 15 Samuel Ream 122 15 Col. RODGER'S Battalion. Capt. HAY'S Company. Felix Landis 59 10 Emm. Gingrich 100 Wm. Saver 40 Vallentine Kattrin 100 Capt. M'CLURE'S Company. Valentine Balsbagh 59 10 Capt. DAVID'S Company. Peter Landis 59 10 Peter Fishburn 40 Jacob Landis 59 10 Capt. GINGRICH'S Company. John Rlcksacker 62 15 Adam Holilnger 30 Capt. FETHER'S Company. Peter Christ 37 15 Greenb. Petticoats 42 Daniel Chreest 62 15 David Tannberger, 47 15 Henry Hough 47 15 Peter Kryder 62 15 Christian Linebaugh 52 15 Christ. Blickensterffer 32 15 Jacob easier 62 15 Michael Kreyer, 62 15 Ludwick easier, 47 10 Godfried Thomas 42 15 Andrew Cryder 52 15 Simon Dantz 37 10 John Shank 62 15 Peter Ruksecker 62 15 Joseph Gambolt, 62 15 Peter Kryder 62 15 Capt. HOLLINGER'S Company. Jacob Meyer 62 15 Ubrey Keyser 126 Amount 76914 12 LANCASTER COUNTY. G17 LIST of FINES Received by ADAM ORTH, from 21st June, 17S1, to 1st April, 1783. Col. LOWRIE'S Battalion. Capt. WORK'S Company. Col. CLATZ'S Battalion. Capt. KUGG'S Company. Peter Bowman, Philip Weyand, John Grehbiel, , John Horst, ... 9 10 10 9 10 10 6 10 21 2 Henry Kerr Nicholas Bowman, Capt. DAVIS'S Company. Capt. CRAIG'S Company. John Ebersold, .. Jacob Bostler. ... Jacob Coopel, ... David Coople Peter Helsey Daniel Kinsinger, John Neesly 9 10 I'l 9 10 10 9 11 10 22 17 10 7 10 10 10 6 10 10 Jacob Metzler, Isaac Long, ... Capt. WILHELM'S Company. Christian Brubagher 5 Capt. BOGG'S Company. Martin Helsey 9 10 10 Capt. SCOT'S Company. Francis Whimore, Bernard Speck, .. Christian Kaap, . Christian Martin. 6 6 1 10 10 9 10 10 Col. RODGER'S Battalion. Capt. M'CULLOUGH'S Company. Henry Umberger 110 Capt. KOPENHEFER'S Company. John Breghbiel S 6 9 Henry Shuey 5 S 3 Capt. HAT'S Company. Capt. PEDDEN'S Company. Philip Glliner 110 10 Capt. ERHARD'S Company. Felix Garver 15 2 Amount 17111 2 Col. ELDER'S Battalion. Capt. M'KINNEY'S Company. Jacob Brand Conrad Alleman. 1 10 10 1 7 6 Capt. RUTHERFORD'S Company. Joseph Mark 1 10 I'l Amount, 4 S 4 Francis Taylor, .. Vendel Henry William Ney Jacob Bowman, ... Philip Bellellon, .. John Hershberger, Jacob Blough George Henry Christ. Beam John Faurneh Henry Bowman, .. Wollery Weltmore, Michael Kattrln, . Christian Garver, 5 9 10 10 9 le 10 8 9 10 9 10 10 8 9 10 9 10 10 6 10 10 6 10 10 6 10 10 6 10 10 6 111 6 10 10 6 10 10 Capt. M'CLURE'S Company. Peter Balsbaugh, . Abraham Horst. ... Georire Spelsbaugh. Henry Eater William Rough, ... Carried, 9 10 10 5 5 3 9 10 10 5 12 8 12 159 14 9 618 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over, £139 14 b John Rough 5 12 Amount 165 6 9 Col. STEWART'S Battalion. Capt. BROWN'S Company. John Heckman, .. Jacob Miller John Howrey John Rush Jacob Rush Martin Barr Christian Sharp, ... Henry Hare Nicholas Serrerous, William Hoggins, . Martin Kindrick, , Jacob Huber Christian Martin, ., Conrad Hoke Henry Huber Abraham Harr Henry Rush, Philip Barr Henry Bowman, ... John Barr Martin Hare Christian Shultz, ., Jacob Kendrlck, ... Henry Stoner, 2 15 10 12 15 7 10 3 15 2 15 4 5 5 5 2 15 2 15 15 12 15 2 15 10 15 8 2 15 5 2 15 2 13 7 10 7 15 7 15 2 15 Capt. WHITEHILL'S Company. William Chamberlain, Frederick Becker John Climpson John Allison Josiah Erwlne, Jonathan Hoar Archibald Henderson, Leonard Ellmaker, ... Capt. ROWLAND'S Company. Jacob Shons Henry Barr Abraham Meyer, Michael Weidler, Jacob Sherer. ... Christian Hess. John Shons 7 7 10 7 10 6 3 3 7 Carried £22110 Brought over £201 10 Abraham Garver 3 Isaac Garver 3 Martin Maxwell 5 John Curtz 6 Abraham Ebey 7 10 Peter Ebey 3 Jacob Garver 6 Jacob Maxwell, 3 John Maxwell 2 10 George Baurd 5 Abraham Shons 7 Michael Hess, 4 Capt. BRISBEN'S Company. Jacob Keyser 3 Jacob Keyser, 3 James Cault, 6 George Wike 5 Andrew Little 5 Jacob Curtz 6 Michael Jack 5 Christian Kurtz 6 William Armstrong 4 William Gault 10 John Cope 12 15 John Blanck 6 George Rutter 4 Edward Punchy 3 Jacob Heans 6 John Holly 6 Capt. KENDRICK'S Company. Abraham Longnecker 12 13 John Duifebaugh 6 7 6 Abraham Harr 7 10 Christian Miller 7 10 Benjamin Bowman 12 15 John Harr 12 15 John Soutter 12 15 Benjamin Harr 5 Peter Horst 6 7 G John Miller, 5 Christian Harr 7 10 Jacob Hartman 7 10 Abraham Longnecker 5 John Whitmore 7 10 Francis Harr 22 7 Peter Miller 5 Jacob Stoner 7 10 John Weaver 21 2 Christian Tantlinger 7 10 Carried £546 19 LANCASTER COUNTY. 619 Brought over £546 19 Jacob Tantlinger 7 10 David Harr 7 10 Jacob Weaver 17 15 John Ferree, Jun 7 10 Jacob Hains 5 Capt. SLAYMAKER'S Company. Conrad Crumm 3 15 John Miller 3 13 Samuel Leffever 5 George Carpenter 3 15 George M'Cullough 3 John Richardson 3 1" Ludwick Road 3 i:. Jacob Eshelman 12 15 Jacob Stambagh 3 Nicholas Nesor 5 John Taylor 5 Daniel Forree, 5 Martin Eshelman 3 15 Paul Trout 13 1 d Peter Leffever 12 15 John Shirtz 10 15 Robert M'Clelland 3 Henry Stambagh 5 George Swartzler 3 15 John Leffever 10 15 John Carpenter 7 15 John Hair 7 15 C Jacob Bruer 3 15 Martin Coghenberger 3 15 James Quigley 1 Capt. M'CURDY'S Company. John Rush 3 15 Baltzer Beshoar 7 15 Capt. HAIN'S Company. Martin Grove 13 15 Henry Landis 7 10 Jacob Rorah 7 10 Andrew Hiller 7 10 David Rorah, 7 10 Henry BucUwalter, 7 10 Christ. Hartman, jun 3 John Melly 12 15 Peter Musser 10 Martin Musser 10 Isaac Leffever 12 15 Carried, £846 15 Brought over £846 15 Abraham Buckwalter 7 10 John Hornest 7 10 Abraham Dohner 10 John Miller 7 10 Martin Meily 'i' 10 John Blngly 7 10 Henry Hartman 5 Jacob Stoffer 7 10 John Cryder 10 Joseph Bowman 6 John Stoffer 7 10 Jacob Landis 7 10 David Grove 12 15 John Snevely 7 15 John Buckwalter 7 10 Jeremiah Kirk 3 John Foree 7 15 John Shons 7 10 Abraham Landis 7 10 Christian Yorty 10 Martin Melllnger 7 10 rirey Huber 5 Amount 1014 Deduct 10 Col. HUBER'S Battalion. Capt. GINGRICH'S Company. John Geip 6 Joseph Bugher 7 10 Jacob Burckholder 5 Jacob Rickseeker 7 10 Christian Graybiel 5 John Erbb 7 10 Christian Reish 10 « Christian Bamberger 5 John Summy 6 John Glppel 3 Adam Krinner 6 Christian Stoufter, 4 Rudy Beam 4 Capt. GARDNER'S Company. Adam Drelsh 5 Elias Wolf 10 10 Christ. Westenberger 6 7 6 Henry Barr 3 Jacob Landis 6 Jacob Gorgas 6 7 6 John Whltmer 4 10 Carried £11S 5 620 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over £11S J George Long 2 5 John Barr 10 Dlebrigh Fanistock 6 7 6 Rudy Bollinger 5 10 Christopher Strlegal 2 15 Christian Lutter, sen 4 10 Jacob Wittmer 2 15 David Landis 5 Durst Omey 4 o Benjamin Bare 10 John Reyer 6 Martin Meyer 6 IC 1 Jacob Wolf 9 Samuel Harlagher 3 Daniel Keyer 6 Capt. FETHER'S Company. Christian Ballmer 4 Daniel Harbagher 6 Adam Bletz 2 15 Philip Michael 2 15 Christopher Widder 5 Christian Bbey 12 15 Henry Franck 2 15 Peter Becker 4 Michael Ballmer 5 n Peter Miller 4 o Christian Hess fi Conrad Westheffer 4 Frederick Lehman 2 15 Arnold Becker 4 Christian Stuckey 2 15 Jacob Roda 2 15 Jacob Erbb 6 15 Christian Ebey 5 Henry Warner 5 Christian Erbb, jun 6 Peter Snyder 4 o Henry Hackman 9 Leonard Widder G Christian Lesher G John Unger 2 15 Jacob Harllagher 2 15 Abraham Deardorf 10 Michael Eighelberger COO Christian Becker 4 o John Bugh. 2 15 Andrew Wisler 7 o Henry Snyder 2 15 Carried £360 3 7 Brought over £360 3 7 Christian Erbb 6 Henry Foltz 5 Martin Shanck 6 George Geyer 2 15 Capt. ADAM'S Company. Jacob Huber 2 15 David Fetlock 4 Peter Bingley 1 2 6 John Huber 2 15 Peter Zimmerman 2 15 Charles Trissh 2 15 Capt. GEHR'S Company. Henry Henshy 5 Henry Henshy, Jun 4 10 Jacob Eberly 6 John Conrad 2 15 Christian Wist 110 10 Joseph Jacob 6 Max. Bingly 1 9 4 John Gackly, jun 3 10 Christian Kinsey. 6 Joseph Conrad 3 Jacob Detweiller 3 10 Jacob Dissler 3 Jacob Dornbagh 4 10 David Gackly 5 Capt. HOLLINGER'S Company. Jacob Kinsey 6 Peter Ebey 10 George Zame 2 15 Samuel Wisler 2 15 Christian Stouffer 2 15 Henry Rudy 7 10 John Brubagher 9 Frederick Shltz 4 Michael Hoghlander 7 10 George Miller 2 15 John Brubagher, jun 6 John Trump 4 Capt. SMULLER'S Company. Abraham Bigsler G 7 6 Peter Brubagher 4 10 Henry Hershberger 10 Henry Miller 3 Michael Wolf 2 5 Carried £542 18 9 LANCASTER COUNTY. C21 Brought over 542 18 9 Christ. Showalter, jun 2 5 Bernard Getz 2 5 Abraham Barr 6 Capt. VOULK'S Company. Christian Swally 2 15 5.-fi Col. JENKIX'S Battalion. Capt. LUTZE'S Company. Frederick Houp 1 Peter Kern 5 Christian Swartz, 2 Capt. DAVIS'S Company. Peter Good Peter Sherlck Samuel Good, John Heiger Jacob Good Joseph Yotter Christian Good Matthias Musselman, Henry Kern Jacob Burgard John Clelland, Brought over, Morris Hudson, , Christian Oberholtzer, Samuel Stoffer Elijah Hudson , Em. Newswanger, . . Christian Curtz John Yotter, sen Nathan Evans 77 6 3 2 15 5 U 2 5 1 10 10 2 15 2 15 2 15 SOU Capt. BOWMAN'S Company. James Gault 5 George Weaver 2 Christopher Elly 1 Capt. REESE'S Company. Henry Sherick 2 Martin Kitch 2 Michael Eigher 2 Capt. JENKIN'S Company. Jacob Yotter 2 John Evans, jun 5 Lot Evans, jun., 2 William Bell 2 John Yotter 2 Capt. WATSON'S Company. John Weaver 3 John Weaver 2 1 3 Christian Root 2 5 Christian Snyder 5 Henry Weaver, 3 Henry Wagner 117 6 Jacob Ronck 4 10 Abraham Aycard, 2 15 ^■alentine Ronck 2 15 Peter Carpenter 2 Capt. CARPENTER'S Company. Christian Farnch, Peter Brown Christian Garver Christian Weggner Adam Brown Peter Garver Christian Herman, Henry Gar\'er Abraham Graybiel David Rohland Elias Meyer 1 I'j 2 15 5 7 10 2 15 3 2 15 2 5 5 14 2 l.T 15 15 15 15 n 15 15 Capt. CRAWFORD'S Company. Jacob Groff. jun Christian Groff, jun., Jacob Summy Christian Horst, Jun., John Houser Abraham Groff 2 15 2 15 5 3 3 15 3 l" Carried £77 e H\ Examined and settled. JOHN NICHOLSON. Comptroller General's Office. Aug. 29. 17S3. STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF Joshua Elder, Esquire, LATE SUB-LIEUTENANT OF LANCASTER COUNTY. 1777-1783- LANCASTER COUNTY. 625 JOSHUA ELDER. Esq. Sub-Lieiuenani;. Dr. to Sundries. Militia Fines. Received from sundry persons of the fourth battalion, 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th classes in 1777, their fines for not performing their tour of duty, per List No. I,. . £3156 10 Received from sundry persons of said battalion, their fines for non- attendance on muster in 1777, per List No. II 157 10 Received from sundry persons of sev- eral classes in said battalion in 1778, their fines for not marching on their tour, per List No. Ill 1506 10 Ditto, ditto of said battalion in 177S. their fines for non-attendance upon days of exercise, per List No. IV.. 21 5 Ditto, ditto of the delinquents of Colonel Rodgers's battalion, for their fines in 1777 and 1778, per List No. v., 3828 17 6 8670 12 6 Bartram Galbraith. Esq.. late Lieutenant. Received of him to pay almoners. 1777, 80 £8750 12 Sundries Dr. to Joshua Elder. Esq.. late Sub-Lieutenant. Bartram Galbraith. Esq.. Lieutenant. Paid him. May 4th. 1778 £1041 7 6 Ditto, February 3d, 1779 379 9 Ditto, May 5, ditto 382 7 6 Ditto, do. do 132 7 6 Ditto, do. do., 526 5 6 2461 8 9 Col. John Rodgers. Sub-Lieutenant. Paid him by order of B. Galbraith. Esq.. Aug. 1778. 1345 9 Philip Marsteller. Esq.. Paymaster Militia, Lancaster County. Paid him January 31. 1778, 538 12 6 Ditto, Capt. John Gilchrist, by his order, March 9, do 292 4 11 Ditto, Captain William Swan, by ditto, do. 18th, ditto 357 7 Carried forward. £1188 4 5 3806 17 9 40-6"3d Ser. 626 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries Dr. to Joshua Elder, Esq. continued, £3806 17 9 Philip Marsteller, Esq. brought forward,. 1188 4 5 Paid Capt. William Swan, by his order, April 16th, 1778 19 10 4 Ditto, Capt. James Collier, do. Oct. 2d, do., 454 19 6 Ditto, Captain William M'Cullough, ditto, Aug. 11th, do., 538 14 1 Ditto, Capt. James Murray, for the use of his company, accounted for, Aug. 10th, 1777, 93 15 Ditto, Capt. James Collier, do. do. do 93 15 Ditto, Capt. John Rutherford, do. do. do., 129 7 6 Paid himself, vide receipt and his own account, April 28th, 1778, 117 11 2G35 16 10 Col. Robert Elder. Paid him on account of purchasing arms, Sept. 5, 1777 150 United States. Paid for 26 blankets sent with the 6th and 7th classes of Militia.Nov. 23d, 1777. 97 5 — the hire of a boat to carry baggage. 24th, 17 6 — for 6 blankets sent with the militia, 26th 23 10 — an express to warn the militia to march to camp, Jan. 20th, 1778 1 10 —John Gray for 2 blankets, Feb. 17th, do.. 8 10 —•Adam Means, for 1 ditto, Jan. 24, do.,.. 4 — Capt. Gilchrist, for 1 ditto, April 1. do., 3 10 — an express to warn out the militia, 11th, do., 15 — ditto to ditto, 16th,.. 10 — -Capt. Murray, for 2 days ditto his comp., 10 — Richard Dearmon, for inlisting an able bodied recruit to serve during the war, May 15, do 6 • — Andrew Cochran, for a blanket deliv- ered at camp, May 13, 1778 3 For his expenses to Philadelphia, wait- ing upon Congress and the Council, on an alarm of the Indians coming to Wyoming, July 16, do 29 10 Militia Expences. Paid substitutes hired to serve in the militia, almoners for the support of the families of the poor militia men in actual service, expences of appeals, and other contingent charges, per ac- counts 846 15 11 180 7 6 Carried forward 846 15 11 £6773 2 1 LANCASTER COUNTY. G27 Sundries Dr. to Joshua Elder. Esq., continued. £6773 2 1 Militia Expences. brought forward, £S4G 15 11 His own pay as Sub-Lieutenant, from the 18th of April. 1777. to the 18th September, 1778. employed 487 days, 487 Ditto, from the 18th of September, 1778, to the 20th of Nov., 1779, ISO days, of which 100 at 20s. and 80 ditto at 30s., 220 1553 15 11 David Rittenhouse. Esq., Treasurer. Paid him in old continental money, remaining of the identical money received for fines, Aug. 1783, Balance. £31 specie, equal to £310 9, being the balance due. August 1st, 1783, 113 13 9 310 9 8750 12 6 Examined and Settled, JOHN NICHOLSON. Comptroller General's Office, August 13th. 1783. JOSHUA ELDER, Esq., Dr. Balance of the foregoing account, as settled August 13th, 1783, £31 To Robert Elder. Esq., For a sum of money charged to him in the fore- going account, which ought not to have been done, as the same was received of Bartram Galbraith. Esq., per his hands, Sept. 1777, £150 at 3 for one, 50 £81 Examined and Settled, JOHN NICHOLSON. Comptroller General's Office, April 8th, 1785. 628 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Fines received by Joshua Elder, Esq.. from Delinquents of the Fourth Battalion of Lancaster County Militia, 1777. No. I. First Class. Stophel Alleman 40 Eliup Nagle 40 Jacob Brand 40 Henry Stoner 40 John Header 40 Jacob Miller 40 William Duncan 40 u John Buck 40 Ludwick Shelman 40 John Page 40 John Knoop 40 John Aghey 40 Nicholas Alleman, 40 Second Class. William Smith 30 John Bottimore SO John Kinsley 30 Frederick Swetzer 30 Christopher Roop 30 Jacob Roop. jun 30 John Mumma 30 Abraham Eagley 30 Christian Crawl 30 James Cogley 30 o John Miller 30 Conrod Wolsley 30 Third Class. Stophel Earnest 30 John Hatfield 30 Martin Houser 30 John Brand "0 George Conser 31 George Smith 30 Fourth Class. ! Michael Leims 42 George Pile 42 John Shoemaker 42 William Foulke 42 David Tute. sen 42 oi Christian Page 42 Carried over 1312 n o I Brought over 1312 Jacob Kerr 42 Joseph Flora, jun 42 I John Cogley 42 I Barney Swoop 30 I Peter Shearer 33 5 ! Peter Bob 33 5 I Fifth Class. i Valentine Baker 42 Abraham Brightbill 42 Christley Alleman 42 Henry Alleman, jun 42 John Conser 42 John Hersa 30 Cornelius Cox 42 Sixth Class. Daniel Cooper 42 Vendle Fockler 42 Joseph Simpson 42 John CoUigan 42 Henry Hains 20 Seventh Class. George Page 42 Jacob Smith 42 Philip Craft 42 James Byers 42 Thomas Sturgeon 42 Samuel Simpson, jun 42 George Niveling •. .. 42 Robert Clark 42 David Caldwell, taylor, ... 42 Eighth Class. David Shaw 42 Hugh Stephen 42 o Andrew Stephen 42 John Garber 42 Adam Ekert 42 Joseph Shaw 42 Thomas Crab 42 o First Class. 177S. William M'llheany 40 Jacob Brand 40 o Carried over 27.')6 10 LANCASTER COUNTY. 629 Brought over 2756 10 Robert Smith 40 Martin Hemberly 40 John Miller, sadler 40 George Lerue, 40 Nicholas Alleman 40 Jacob Poorman ... 40 Robert M'Cord 20 John Cassel 40 Conrod Alleman 40 William Forster 2il Henry Stoner 40 Brought over. No. II. Christly Page Valentine Baker Vendle Fockler, Adam Lampart Daniel Cooper Peter Brener George Page John Page John Garber ■U'illlam Calhoon, John Hatfield John Kinsley Jacob Miller Andrew Stephen Joseph Simpson, ensign. Matt. Gilchrist, 2d lieut. Charles Stuart Jacob Awl ■William Cochran Lieut. William Swan. ... Abraham Eagley James Binney Peter Duffey Robert M'Cord John Simpson John Fisher James Veech Thomas Sturgeon Carried over £3156 10 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 15 1 10 1 15 1 10 2 5 15 5 5 1 15 1 10 10 5 1 5 5 1 10 10 10 2 5 10 2 12 5 10 William P^orster John Thomas Abraham Mooney John Harris John Toy Jacob Poorman John Buck Jacob Miller, jun George Sheets Frederick Castle Barney Shoop George Pile Jacob Miller Leonard Sheets Jacob Peck Stophel Shoop Jacob Smith John Donald John Miller Peter Pancake, George Pancake John Fritz John Larkey Received from Capt. Clark, collected in his company, Peter Smith Jacob Leims George Sheets George Dixon WMlliam Ingram Leonard Sheets John Davis James Duncan, jun Barney Shoop John Elder Anthony Hone Christley Eyeman John M'Faddin John Clendlnin i Thomas Forster William Foulke Elijah Buck Philip Tinturf John Fritz 5 10 15 1 1 5 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 IJ IJ 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 in 10 5 15 15 2 12 6 15 5 15 5 5 10 5 10 1 12 6 10 12 6 12 6 5 15 10 2 12 6 1 15 2 12 6 12 6 Carried over. 630 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought forward 64 John Matthew o John Harris, sen 12 Conrod Pope 12 George Pancake 5 John Flackinger. — 12 Peter Smith 5 Philip Fisher, jun., 12 George Page 12 John Page 12 Valentine Baker 12 Barney Swoop 12 Conrod AUeman 12 John AUeman 12 Stophel Shoop 12 Adam Lampart 12 Michael Castle 12 Frederick Castle 12 James Finney 7 Adam Ketchmiller 12 Jacob Poorman 12 Martin Houser 12 John Meader 12 John Bottomer 12 John Roop 12 Stophel Poorman 12 Jacob Peck 12 6 John Miller, saddler 12 i; Jacob Kerr, 12 6 Albright Skeer 12 G Matthias Skeer 12 6 George Sheets 12 C Valentine Welcher 12 C Thomas King, jun 7 6 John Castle 12 6 Matthew Calhoon 12 6 Jacob Leims 7 C George Pile 12 C Jacob Brand 12 6 Jacob King 7 6 George Metzker 7 6 Ludwlck Hemberly 12 6 Philip Wirlch 12 61 Jacob Etter 12 6,' Brought over, 8S Carried over, 8S Henry M'Cann Frederick Zebernick, . John Barnet , Thomas Crab Adam Miller , Peter Miller, Christopher Seabough, , Peter Rickard Jacob Miller John Park Samuel Park Henry Petner Joseph Wilson, jun., .. Michael Grocc- John Knop John Ann John Kersha Christian Sharts. Jacob Miller Jacob Miller, jun John Miller Jacob Cider, Joseph Shaw David Shaw Henry Lerue George Lerue William Smith John Wonderly John Wonderly, jun., ... Leonard Sheets George Shoop Jaob Haldiman Robert Boyd George Adam Gardiner,. William Carson Jacob Weiser John Garber John Kinsley Joseph Brown Jacob Barclay Christopher Keppech. ... Robert Herron Alexander Porter Jeremiah Sturgeon, jun.. 7 12 7 12 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 5 12 ,T 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 7 7 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 ■ 12 12 U 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 7 12 Carried over. LANCASTER COUNTY. Brought over, 113 10 o Peter Pancake ,' y Henry Stoner 12 6 John Backestnw 7 6 William Ashcraft, .', Martin Houser 1 12 G Abraham Eagley 12 6 Vendle Fockler 12 C Daniel Cooper 12 6 Stophel Alleman 12 C John Brand 12 6 Georse Frey 12 (5 Joseph Flora 12 6 John Hatfield 12 G Thomas Miller 5 David Patton, jun 12 G Stophel Earnest 12 6 Hush Stephen 5 Samuel Barr 7 6 Jacob Roop 12 6 Christley Roop 12 6 Frederick Overlander 12 6 Conrad Wolfley 12 G Abner Wickersham, 12 G John Barnet 12 6 Alex. M'Kumpsey 7 6 Frederick Switzer 12 6 Peter Bob 12 G George Fridley 5 Stophel Smith 12 n Alex. Berryhill 12 fi Thomas Scot 12 C Christley Alleman 12 8 Henry Alleman, jun 12 G Nicholas Alleman 12 G Barney Melone 5 John Mumma 12 G Peter Bob 1 10 John Flaklnger 1 10 George Niveling 12 C Robert Neel 7 6 James Cogley 12 G John Cogley 12 G George Reynecker 12 C John Shoemaker 12 G Carried over. Brought forward 13^10 Andrew Stephen 7 G Zach. Stephen 5 Robert M'Whorter 12 C William M'Whorter 12 G Michael Bowl 12 G David Tute 12 6 Abraham Nidigh 12 G James Caldwell ii 12 6 Patrick Martin 12 G Thomas Huling.s t.i ; o Joseph Litle 5 John Kinter 12 G John Gilson .'■ <• Ludwick Shelman 12 C George Waggoner 12 G Daniel Kistler 12 G Peter Swaigert 12 G Jacob Neese 5 Richard Allison. 7 C William Gamble 12 C Robert Johnson 12 G Henry Harris n 12 Peter Shearer 117 G George Snagance 12 G Simeon Snider 12 G John Metzker 12 G ^■alentine Spangler 12 C Jose]>h Shaw 1". £1" 10 Capt. MURRAY'S Company. John Clendenen 3' James \'eech IT John Richmond 22 10 John Fisher 2J Henry M'Clorkey 4'i John Simpson 40 James Burne\ 4' Christley Eyeman 40 Capt. COLLIER'S Company. Jacob Fisher, 40 Carried over 23:< 10 632 ACCOUXTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over, John AUeman, John M'Klnney, ■lVi< 10 42 (, 40 Capt. COLLIER'S Company. Jacob Fisher 3 5 Capt. RUTHERFORD'S Company. Jacob Cider Jacob Cider, jun., William Duncan, Barney Shup A"endle Fockler, .. George Sheets, .. Abraham Eagley, Peter Smith Thomas Askins, . William Ingram, John Seibert Michael Shaver, John Cibert Capt. RUTHERFORD'S Company. 10 40 30 40 40 (1 40 M 40 40 n 10 II 20 20 Capt. CLARK'S Company. Archibald Morrow, Jan:es Buchanan, Barney Shup George Dixon Jacob Miller, sen., Vendle Fookler, .. George Sheets, ... John Davis Gabriel Davis Jacob Poorman, .. 15 10 1 12 6 3 5 5 5 17 6 Capt. GILCHRIST'S Company. James Caldwell, j James Cavet. . n 1 Peter Shearer, , ,, : John Kinsley, . John Bottimore, Henry Achy, . .. , John Hatfield. . 10 40 1 5 17 6 1 12 6 1 12 6 1 12 G 1 12 6 1 12 6 £21 5 Capt. STUART S Company. James Cogley, John Cogley, Peter Bob, ... 40 40 40 Substitute Fines for 1777. Capt. COPENH.WER'S Company. Frederick Switzer 40 n ' Henry Shue 40 Christley Crawl 40 Anthony Crumb, Philip Fisher, jun. Capt. GILCHRIST'S Company. Peter Shearer John Kinsley Jacob Miller John Bottimore Henry Achy John Hatfield James Cochran James Wiggins John Cochran Jrhn Philip Burrows Joseph Huffman, ... Thomas Gilchrist. .. Capt. M'CLURE'S ompany. I Joseph Hutchinson 20 I M'illiam Snoddy 20 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 40 ^0 40 Capt. LAIRD'S Company. Jacob Riker 40 Adam Firebaugh 20 Capt. COPENHAVER'S Company. £1506 10 John Walmore Adam Goodman, Peter Walmore, Philip Bumgardner. Peter Kingrey Jacob Graff Martin Miley John Eaumgardner, Baltzor Bumgardner, 29 1 36 12 40 37 8 40 e ■29 5 40 411 40 Carried over 512 8 LANCASTER COUNTY. G3:; Brought forward 512 8 Brought forward 20TS 16 Frederick Bezore, Adam Titler Jacob Hubler, ... Peter Brightbill, Michael Selser, .. George Hedrick. . Jacob Bezore. ... Jacob Musser, ... Joseph Pirkey, .. 40 40 40 40 20 40 40 Capt. MYER'S Company. George Walmore, George Cuntz, .. Jacob Musser. .., Jacob Zercher, .. George Maura, .. George Cyder, . . . .Christ. Cyder, ju; Conrod Myer Henry Sharp Jacob Pruner Henry Seigler, ... 22 16 40 IS 11 40 40 40 40 40 40 Capt. HAYES'S Company. Francis Taylor. . Christley Stoner, Vendle Henry, . Sundry Companies. John Hashberger Jacob Plough Benjamin Hcr.<;ha Joseph Forney, jun.,.. Joseph Forney, sen.,.., Christley Beam John Forney Joseph Naffsker Henry Bowman Ulery W'iltmore Michael Catharine. ... Christley Tanner Abraham Longnecker, Michael Tanner Everhart Catharine, ... Jacob Bowman Ludwick Beal 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 40 40 40 40 40 William Nie 40 I Daniel Hashberger, 40 C Capt. M'CLURE'S Company. Peter Speltsbaugh 40 Abraham Hart 40 Capt. LAIRD'S Company. John Cauffman 40 Philip Brown 40 Philip Brand 40 Sundry Companies. Peter Landies Frederick Hesse George Speltsbaugh Adam Hamaker Christopher Hamaker David Hamaker, John Hamaker Peter Eversol, Jun Peter Eversol, sen John Taylor Peter Perst George Minigh, Henry Etter Max. Spidel Frederick Stall John Brand Jacob Spidel Christley Pirkey, Capt. COPENHAVER'S Company Jacob Wolf Abraham Wingart Andrew Carvery John Tibbins George Minigh I William Carpenter 1 John Winter 40 40 40 40 40 4" 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 pal 32 8 3 40 40 40 40 21 9 40 Capt. HAYES'S Company. Philip Betlion 40 Capt. M'CULLOUGH'S Company. Michael Vanlier 40 Received from Tim. Green, Esq. being substitute money and fines 132 7 6 Substitute Fines for 177S. George Bezore 40 Samuel Stuart 40 Joseph Grain 20 Carried over 2073 16 Carried over 3599 i; 634 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over Zo'M 12 Thomas Wallace, ... Robert Dalton, William Brown Thomas Kennedy, ... John Young Thomas Mitchell, ... Christley Bumbarger, John Sawyers Martin Plntnagle John Roorage John Morrow Alexander Young John Smiley 35y9 12 6 15 10 20 30 25 35 15 40 20 15 20 30 15 Carried over 38S9 12 Brought forward, Peter Kelinger George Wolf James Johnson Andrew Wallace, .. Robert M'Callon, ... Alexander Sloan, Henry Laughlin Tiiomas M'Clure, ... Michael Ely I Samuel M'CuUough, George Grain. .. John Pettigrue, Robert Hill John Starin. ... 38S9 12 6 15 22 10 10 10 35 22 10 10 2". M 15 Vo S5 10 11 5 10 4135 17 6 Deduct, collected b^ Tim- othy Green of the fore- going and paid to Bartram Galbraith STATI- OF THE ACCOUNTS Adam Hubley, Esquire, LATE LIEUTENANT LANCASTER COUNTY. 1784. STATE OF THE ACCOUNr OF ADAM Hubley, Esquire, late Sub-Lieutenant of Lan- caster County. ADAM HUBLEY, Esq., late Lieutenant of Lau. Co. Dr. To William Steel, Esq., Sub-Lieutenant. Received of him on account of militia fines, ... £25 Balance due upon this account to A. Hubley, ... ST 11 6 £112 11 6 Contra Cr. Bv balance of last account £30 Bv balance of his recruiting account as Colonel of the 11th regiment, directed by resolution of Assembly, Aug. 18th, 17S4. to be thus entered. £57 4 By William Henry, Esq.. County Treasurer. Paid him on account of militia fines, Nov. 20th, .17S3, 24 10 By Militia Expences. Paid Matt. Hehl for clerking at sundry times, -1^00 17 6 £112 11 6 Examined and Settled. JOHN NICHOLSON. Comptroller-General's Office, August 19th, 1785. STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS James Ross, Esquire, LIEUTENANT COUNTY OF LANXASTER. 1784-178;;. LANCASTER COUNTY. G41 State of the Accounts of JAMES ROSS. Esq.. Lieutenant of Lancaster county. James Ross. Esq. Lieutenant, Dr. to Militia Fines. Received from sundry persons, being fines in- curred in the several battalions before 20th March. 1780, per List £510 11 7 Contra Cr. By William Henry, Esq., County Treasurer. Paid Capt. Collier, the treasurer's or- der on his account, April 13th, 1785 Paid Col. John Rogers do. do. May 29th, 9 8 1 99 14 6 15 By United States. Paid Jacob Sterger. a wounded sol- dier, his pension, from 1st April, 1783. to 1st April. 1784, per Col. Gloninger's hands, Ap., 1784 15 Henrv Slotterback, do do. to 29th March, 1784, per ditto, Dec. 14th, 1784, The officers of Capt. Patton's com- pany, for warning out the militia at sundrv times. 1781 and 1782, per account, July 25th. 1785 23 Militia Expences. Paid for paper. May 27th, 1784 3 9 For printing and stationary. Mar. 2d, 1785, A fifer of Capt. Miller's company, do. 12th Repaid Col. John Gloninger sundry advances for a standard, making and repairing drums, and for wages of drummers and fifers 30 15 Paid Capt. Ream for wages of drum- mers and fifers. & his services re- turning male whites in 1783 and 1784, June 13th, 1785 10 T 6 Paid the officers of Capt. Patton's company, of 6th battalion of mili- tia, their services in 1780. 1781 and 1782. and wages of drummers and fifers for that time 38 12 6 7 15 3 1 17 109 S9 11 Carried over 251 13 41-6-3d Ser. 642 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries Dr. to James Ross, Esq., brought for- ward, £25113 7 Balance due to the state, in which is included Col. Ross's pay for his own service as Lieu- tenant, not yet rendered, likewise sundry payments to officers in part of accounts for their services, not yet settled: also a part thereof is represented to be due from col- lectors 258 18 £510 11 7 Examined and Settled. JOHN NICHOLSON. Comptroller-General's Office, July 30th, 1785. Note, Col. Ross represents that he hath had no monies col- lected for fines incurred after March. 1780, in any of the bat- talions, except that in Col. Gloninger's battalion he returned the fines incurred to the fall, 1784, to the said Gloninger, to be by him collected. The outstanding fines incurred in Lancaster county, before the 1st of April, 1783, per list delivered to the lieutenant to be forthwith collected, amount to £15,383 2 10 specie, exclusive of sundry fines which cannot yet be ascertained, owing to the state of the accounts of the sub-lieutenants in whose districts they were incurred. The oustanding fines for non-attendance on muster days in- curred in said county, in the spring and fall of the years 1783 and 1784, so far as returns have been made thereof, amount to £5952 5. and for those companies where no returns have been made, the fines of the officers incurred for neglect amount to £2280 specie; all which the Lieutenant is directed to have re- covered. List nf Fines received ty Col. Ross. Col. LOWRT'S Battalion. j Broug:ht forward 74 7 10 Samuel Brand 7 9 9 Capt. M'KEE-S Company. I eain. FORRY'S Company. Frederick Shaffner 6 10 10 Micliael Bambergrer 10 15 Capt. WORK'-S Company. ^'apt. ERHARD'S Company. ., ^ ^ „ - ,- „ Christian .Sny.ier 6 10 10 Abraham Stnffer i lo Capt. CRAIG'S Company. , John Nicholas 14 17 10 Co]on, I KLOT//? Hatalion. „^ „ Capt. HtJGG'S Company. Capt. BOGG'S Company. .v, .. ,, Abraham Herr Frederick Strouse 110 10 christian Shinck John Mumma 9 10 10 John Crvder Joseph CriK 110 10 Emanuel Uerr Samuel Wilson 7 10 Capt. DAVIS'S Company Jacob Smith C Benjamin Long Capt. PEDDIX'S Comiiany. Samuel M^yer Henry Stricklor 9 10 10 Abraham Rayer Henry Strickler 9 10 10 ' Nicholas Hoon , Carried over 74 7 10 Carried over 5 5 5 lany. 5 5 r. 3 '1 (1 2 (} LANCASTER COUNTY. 643 Brought over 134 3 Abraham Hershey 5 Christian Singly 5 u Benjamin Landis .'i o Bfn.iamin Hershey ." o n Eenjamin Landis. sen ."; n n Daniel Reidy, jun ."> o Henry Landis r, Abraham Kurtz .', Jnhn Kurtz ". Jacob W'eidler .t Car't. TVILHELM'S Company. John Brubacher. ., David Stelner. .. John Kneisly. Henry Brubacher, Peter Easrhman. ., J''hn Leip Christian Good. ., John Shreiner Peter Grebeil Christian Sineer, . Abraham Leip. ... Michael Bashman, <^hrisian Firck. ... Henrv Lane Cf^l. RODGERS'S Batalion. Capt. COPPENHEVER'P romi-nn'. Peter P.eshoar. John Simon Joseph Berky Daniel Miller Petpr Ginsrrich. .. John Reyor Frederick Be!>hoar. John 'U'almer Henry Brunner. .. Ludwick Zehring. n Cl a n -, r, n n 5 n 5 n - n t ?. n fl : n 2 n S n r, fl n - n n n n 6 in n e. Capt. HAY'S Company. Francis Taylor 4 10 10 Christian Stoner fl 10 10 John LonsT s o n -Abraham T^one'necker ". 4 ' Capt. :\rCLT'RE'S Company, Philip Beil fl fi Brought forward 232 15 4 Capt. LAIRD'S Company. Henry Miller 9 lu lo Peter Ebersold, sen 5 9 9 Peter Per.st p ,0 o Capt. MYERS'S Company. Jacob Gros.-; 12 Col. STEWART'S Battalion. Capt. WHITEHILL'S Company. Joseph Dickinson r q q Capt. ROWLAND'S Company. Jo.seph Printon j,-, n n Andrew Harr o j- ^ William Printon 5 Capt. M'CURDY'S Company Abraham Gibbons 755 g Capt. HAIX'S Company. Nicholas Mack 2 l?i Col. HUBER'S Battalion. Cai-t. GINGRICH'S Company. George Hoffer g q q Joseph Gingrich r, q Jacob Hochstetter 7 ]o Henry Gipple r n n John Bugher 750 q Slartin Gross 7 jq q Peter Armstrong 4 John Reish 6 15 John Armstrong- 10 John Bamberger c 10 Christian Zoo.c 4 iq q Jacob Grippel 4 n n Colonel JENKINS'S Battalion. Capt. JINKINS'S Company. Emanuel Newswanger 7 10 Capt. WATSON'S Company. Michael Ronck 4 10 Capt. CARPENTER'S Company. John Pissler 2 5 John Penther 5 Solomnn Horman 2 15 Capt. cit.SWFORD'S Company. Da\id Groff, jun 11 10 10 I'hristian Horst. .iun TOO J'lhn Groff 11 10 lo Carried over. 15 4 f."10 11 7 STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF THK Hon.\VilliamA.Attlee,Esq. LATE CHAIRMAN AND TREASURER OF THE COMMITTEE OF INSPECTION AND OBSERVATION OF LANCASTER COUNTY. 1 I776-1783. State of the Accounts of the Honorable WILLIAM AUGUSTUS ATTLEE, Esq., late Chairman and Treasurer of the Com- mittee of Inspection and Observation, of Lancaster County, &c. William A. Attlee, Esq., Dr. to Sundries. United States. Received of L. Lowman for march- ing companies to camp, their ad- vance pay 8000 dollars. August 10th. 1776 £3000 Received of Mease and Caldwell, four thousand dollars, do, 28th, do 1500 Received for barracks, guards, &c., 5000 dollars, do. 10th, do 1875 Do. for William Bausman, 1333V3 dol. September 9th, do., 500 Do. of Michael Hillegas, in Phila- delphia. 8000 do. October 10th, do., 3000 Do. of Mease and Caldwell. 2666% do. ditto, 1000 Do. of do. per the council of safety 15000 do. December 16th, 5625 16500 The Council of Safety. Sent by them for the advance pay of the militia, on their march to camp, per Capts. M'Clellan and Erwin. Decembe:- 16th. 1776, 2612 10 Ludwick Lowman, of Lancaster. Paid him by John Maxwell Nesbitt. Esq., on order of the council of safety, for the fami- lies of poor associators, in service and by him delivered to Mr. Attlee. August 5th, 1776, Committee of Lancaster County. Received of John Hubley, which had been paid by John M. Nesbitt. Esq., for the support of the families of associators, in service. Dec. 7th, 1776 David Rittenhouse, Esq., Treasurer of Pennsylvania. Received of him to pay for billet- ing the militia. April 23rd. 1777. . . £1000 Do. to pav for blankets, do., 650 1650 200 200 £21162 10 648 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries Dr. to the Hon. William A. Attlee, Esq United States. Paid between the 10th of August, 1776. and 4th of August, 177S. for advance pay of militia of Lancaster county when on their way to the Jersey's, pay of guards over the prisoners at Lane, barracks for ma- terials. & wages of workmen and superintendents employed in build- ing an addition to the barracks, & a stocade for the convenience & se- curity of the British & o:her pris- oners, hire of sundry exp-esses, tinning kettles for the milit:a. con- veying sick militiamen home, mak- ing coffins for prisoners, making centry boxes, expence of removing prisoners for exchange and to dif- ferent places waggon hire convey- ing their baggage guards. &c., £590 advanced Will. Bausman barrack- master a number of accounts for dieting the militia on their march to camp, for bringing in prisoners taken up, expences of two Indians, camp kettles, for subsistence of sundry soldiers of the 3d Virginia regiment, for sinking two wells at the barracks, walling and fixing pumps in them for the prisoners, 20s. advanced for the relief of 2 soldiers of Col. Attlee's regiment escaped form captivity, waggon hire, hauling continental stores, for conducting the above Indians to Carlisle, 8 guns, 6 bayonets and 3 scabbards taken into service, fu- neral expences of a soldier of the Virginia line who died on his march, for printing done, sundry prisoners of the flying camp, &c., on their way home. Thomas Nich- olas, £3 15, a messenger and Indian interpreter, on his way to the com- missioners at Pittsburgh, the ex- pence of a doorkeeper and mes- senger employed by the committee of Lancaster county at sundry times, & for station try. per acct.,". £18407 11 Note, £120 13 9 in addition was paid as appears by receipt rendered, for the services of guards over pris- on_ers in thp night in the winter 1775 & 6, which sum hath been re- ceived from the United States. ■ Carried over, £18407 11 LANCASTER COUNTY. 649 Sundries Dr. to the Hon. William A. Atlee, Esq. United States, brought forward,. £18407 11 Paid sun. persons Aug. and Sept.. 1777. for 2S8 blankets for the arm.v & the expence of collecting & transporting them, per acct 6S9 1 6 For his own services, per acct 1174 12 4 20271 4 lU Militia Expences. 189 1 10 3 23 Paid sundry families of poor as303iators for their support, 177G and 1777, William M'Intire, Drummore Township. Paid him to be applied to the relief of families of poor associators in service George Mackrel, Leacock Township. ^ _ Paid him to be applied as aforesaid - o o Michael Diffenderfer. Lancaster. Paid him at twice to be applied as aforesaid i- u u Michael Hubley. Esq. Lancaster. Paid him to be applied as aforesaid, ' ^^ Everhart Gruber, Strasburgh. Paid him at twice to be applied as aforesaid Philip Bridenbach. Heidelburg. coo Paid him to be applied as aforesaid » ^ William Bosch. Lancaster. iq m o Paid him at thrice to be applied as aforesaid,. ... ly lu u John Scott. Leacock. Paid him to be applied as aforesaid ^ ^' William Snodgrass and John Clark. Martick Township. q n o Paid him at twice to be applied as aforesaid y u u James Clemson, Salsbury. o 7 « Paid him to be applied as aforesaid - ' John Musser. Conostogoe. « n Paid him to be applied as aforesaid, u u Christian Buch, Lancaster. c n n Paid him to be applied as aforesaid b u u John Logan, Londonderry. „ Paid him to be applied as aforesaid ' ^^ Frederick Boyer. Donegal. ^ Paid him to be applied as aforesaid ' ^^ Robert Bailey and William Noble. con Paid them to be applied as aforesaid o ^' David Rittenhouse, Esq. Treasurer. ^ Paid him January 30th, 1787, old cont. money -^ 8 Balance equal in specie £100 3 11 ^'^^' ^^ ^^' £21162 10 650 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. The Hon. William A. Attlee, Esq. Dr. Specie. To Balance of the foregoing account, £100 3 11 To David Rittenhouse, Esq. Treasurer. Received of him on acct. per order of council, 17S2, 100 £200 3 11 Contra, Cr. By Certificates of New-Loan. Received from the Hon. Mr. Attlee, in certificates of the new-loan funded, per act of March, 1786, the same having been originally granted to the said Attlee, at the treasury of the United States, upon his accounts as commissary of prisoners, and as the accounts foregoing consist partly of monies received from the United States. & partly from this state and the same could not well be separated, it was agreed with the comp- troller of the treasury of the United States that the whole should be settled with this state; and the balance is discharged out of the balance of said account, settled at the treasury afore- said agreeable to act of congress, of Juae 3d, 1784, £200 3 11 Examined and settled, JOHN NICHOLSON. Comptroller-General's Office, January 30th, 1787. STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF THE Lieutenant and Sub-Lieutenants OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 1777-1780. THE ACCOUNTS OF JOHN CAROTHERS. ESQ. LATE LIEU- TENANTT OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY. FROM THE TIME OP HIS APPOINTMENT. MARCH, 1777, to MARCH, 17S0. John Carothers, Esq. late Lieutenant of Cumberland county, Dr. To Sundries, David Rittenhouse, esq. treasurer, Paid Benjamin Blvthe. sub-lieu- tenant, Oct. 20, 1777 £1000 Paid him per William Clark for recruiting service. Mar. 21, 1778,.. 1125 £2125 James Galbraith, esq. appointed lieu- tenant of said countj', Received of William Lyon. esq. being part of the 1000 1. paid by David Rittenhouse to Jonathan Hoge, and bv him to said Lvon, June, 1777 James Gregory, esq. sub-lieutenant, Received of him, being part of the 3000 1. sent per Timothy Matlack. August 1, 1777 1134 Received of him on account of militia fines received 2130 8 3 Do. do., 405 10 Benjamin Blythe. esq. sub-lieu:enant. Received of him on account of 3669 IS George Sharp, esq. sub-lieutenant. Received of him on 'account of militia fines, received 889 George Stewart, esq. sub-lieutenant. Received of him on account of fines received 724 9 6 Do. do 113 12 838 Brought over 7899 654 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. John Carothers, esq. Dr. to Sundries, continued. Brought forward £7899 5 3 fines received, 282 7 6 Militia Fines. Received from sundry delinquents of the militia, -'-"-*•■"■-— during the time he acted as lieutenant, for their fines, 44t)tj 16 ti Balance due by the state, equal to £111 17 8 specie, 96S 7 1 13616 16 4 Sundries, Dr. to John Carothers, Esq. late Lieutenant Cumber- land County. Alexander Russel, lieutenant 7th regiment. Paid him for the recruiting ser- vice, Sept. 13, 1778 £112 10 Do. do. Oct. 28, 1778, 75 Do. do. Nov. 26, do 37 10 Do. do. Dec. 16, do 22 10 £247 10 John Hughes, lieutenant 1st regiment Paid him for the recruiting ser- vice, Sept. 30, 1778 112 10 Do. do. Oct. 10, 1778 75 Do. do. do. 28, do 112 10 Do. do. Jan. 12, 1779 99 399 Thomas M'Cay, lieutenant 7th regiment. Paid him for the recruiting service April 27 1778, ' 121 2 6 Thomas Buchanan, captain 1st regi- ment. 'Paid him for the recruiting ser- vice, April 25, 1778 112 10 Do. do. July 13, 1778 142 10 225 John M'Clellan, lieutenant 1st regi- ment. Paid him for the recruiting ser- Carried over 1022 12 6 CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 655 Sundries, Dr. to John Carothers, esq. conanued. Brought over 1022 12 U vice, Mav 6. 177S 112 10 Do. do. April 17, 177S,... 112 10 225 Gabriel Peterson, lieutenant Sth regi- niem. Paid him for the recruiting ser- vice, April 16, 177S 50 Do. do. March 5, 177S,... 225 275 James Williamson, lieutenant 7th regiment. Paid him for the recruitine ser- vice, March 6, 177S 112 10 Do. do. March 20, 1778,.. 112 10 225 John Crawford, adjutant Sth regi- ment. Paid him for the recruiting ser- vice, March 5, 1778, 225 Do. do. April 25, 1778,... 23 12 6 Do. do. do. IG, do. ... 50 298 12 6 William Miller, captain 7th regi- ment. Paid him for the recruiting ser- vice, April 2S, 1778 116 7 6 Do. do. June 4. 1778 107 12 6 224 William Va:i Leer, lieutenant 9th regiment. Paid him for the recruiting ser- vice, June 14, 1778, 91 2 6 do. do. July 24. 1778,.... 79 17 6 . 171 William Alexander, captain 7th regi- ment. Paid him for the recruiting ser- vice, April S, 1778 100 Do. do. April 28.1778,... 237 15 Do. do. June 3. do. ... 243 15 Do. do. June 25. do. ... 131 712 10 Brought over 3153 15 656 ACCOUXTS OF LIEUTEXAXTS. Sundries, Dr. to John Carothers, esq. continued. Brought over. 315^ 15 Benjamin Blythe, esq. sub-lieutenant, Paid him by David Rittenhouse. esq. treasurer. lOOn Samuel Brady, captain lieutenant Sth regiment, Paid him for the recruiting service, Sept. 24. 1"7S, 112 10 David Rittenhouse, esq. treasurer. Paid him out of the militia fines. May 17, 1779 949 2 6 Do. per Stephen Duncan, esq. Mav 28, 1779, ". 263 5 Do. per Joseph Hart, esq. March 28, 1778, 308 1 4 1520 S 10 William Clarke, esq. pay master 0^' Cumberland county militia. Paid him, July 25, 1778. on order of Council, 600 Do. Feb. 4, 1779, in part of an order for 5000 1. Sept. 14. 1778 2158 3 5 Paid sundry officers, per list, and receipts, in part of the pay of their battalions and companies, to be accounted for to him at settlement. 1777 & 1778 1347 15 4105 13 5 Military Stores. Paid sundry persons for 97 muskets. 22 rifles, 16 bayonets. So car touch boxes. 38 belts, 20 scabbards, and 1 blanket, some of which were lost in the service, and others were purchased for the use of 'the mi- litia: also for repairing, cleaning and transporting arms, per account, 1354 15 7 United States. Paid Samuel M'Call for hauling bag- gage. Sept. 22. 1777 ^. 14 7 6 Captain .John Trindle for warning ou: the militia, March 10. 1778 1 in Brought over 15 17 »,; £11247 7 10 CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 057 Sundries, Dr. to John Carothers. esq. coiuinued. Brought forward 11247 United States, continued 15 17 G Paid lieutenant William Duncan, for warning out the militia. April 11, 1778, 1' 10 Col. William Chambers, for ditto, August 31, do 2 George Sharp, for apprehending 3 de- serters. Feb. 1. 1779, 3 7 G Moses Kirkpatrick, a wounded sol- dier, his pension, Nov. 28, 1778 25 14 7 Mary, the widow of John Poorman, do. Dec. 22, do., 3u 4 2 Aaron Pennel, do. April 26. 1779 32 10 U Moses Kilpatrick, do. June 24, do.,... 18 19 2 John Taylor, do. August 23, do., 46 S James Adams, for 3 blankets, Aug. 18, 1779, 9 186 10 Militia Expences. Paid officers for services in their companies, adjutants, drummers, and fifers, expences of courts of ap- peal, clerks wages, stationary, ex- presses, and substitutes. almoner.~, &c., For his own services, employed 619 days as lieutenant, 1217 15 965 9 11 1217 15 2183 4 11 13616 16 4 [Col. Carothers informs, that he cannot, at this late period, render any list of the names of the delinquents from whom he received fines.] 42-6-3d Ser. 658 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF JAMES GREGORY, LATE SUB-LIEUTENANT OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY. James Gregory, Esq. late Sub-Lieutenant, Dr. To Sundries. To David Ritienhouse, esq, treasurer. Received of him, per T. :Matlaclv, August 1, ITTT, £3000 U To James Galbraitn, esq. lieutenant. Received of William Lyon, part of the 1000 1. received of D. Rittenhouse, June, 1777 75 To Militia Fines. Received from sundry deli.:quents in cjI. Thomas Gibson's battalion, during the time he acted as sub-lieutenant under the late militia law 7958 12 G 110C3 12 6 Su.i dries. Dr. to Jame.s Gregory. Esq. late Sub-Lieutenant. David Rittenhouse. esq. treasurer, Paid him per Stephen Duncan, esq. 1779 753 John Carothers, esq, lieutenant. Paid him at twice, on account of fines, 2535 18 3 Paid him in part of the 3000 1. re- ceived August, 1777 1134 3t;t>9 18 3 Benjamin Blythe, esq. sub-lieutenant, Paid him by William Lyon, part of the 3000 1. received August 1, 1777 562 10 George Sharp, sub-lieutenaat. Paid him out of the monies, received August 1. 1777 405 Brough t over £5390 CUMBERLAND COUNTY, 659 Sundries, Dr. to James Gregory, esq. continued. Brought over £5390 8 'd John Harris, esq. sub-lieutenant, Paid him our of the monies received August 1, 1777, 225 William Clarke, esq. pay-master Cumberland county, Paid him on account 5G 5 Paid sundry officers, on account of -the pay of the militia to be ac- co'-:nted for to William Clarke, 1777 & 177S 1434 12 G 1490 17 6 Military Stores. Paid sundry persons for 40 muskets. 21 bayonets, 1 belt. 2 canteens, and 31 rifle guns, also for repairing, cleaning, and transporting arms,.... 1088 United States. Paid Thomas Gibson for warning the militia to march, Jan. 28. 1778. 10 Samuel Donald, for do. Jan. 27, 1778, 2 Thomas Kennedy, for do. Mav 12, 1778 1 John Lamb, for do. March 2, 1779 1 John Vanleer, for do. August 4. 1778 G James Douglas, for do. do 3. do., 3 10 John Trindle, for do. July 31. do ,.. 1 James Weaklv. for do. May 30, do 1 Samuel Agnew. for do. April 14. do., 2 Timothv Lee. for do. April 29. do 1 5 Charles Leeper. for do. do. 13, do 1 10 Daniel ;M"Xeal. for do. March 27. do 1 n John Trindle. for do. Ap. 14, do., 1 10 Carried over £23 5 o £8194 660 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries Dr. to James Gregory, esq. continued,... £8194 5 9 United States, Brought forward,... £23 5 Paid Tiiomas Gibson, for warning militia to marcli, April 21, 1778, 1 10 Henry Brooks for do. May 11, 177S 10 10 James Davidson, for do. Aug. 3, do., 1 10 Thomas Gibson, colonel, for do. Aug. 14, do 3 William M'Lure, for do. Aug. 17, 1779 3 William Brooks and Samuel Wallace, for two blankets, June 21, 1777, 4 John Rule, for 1 do. Jan. 28, 1778, 4 10 John Guthrie, for 1 do. do. 27, do 3 10 Samuel Barclay for 1 do. do.,... 4 15 John Martin, for 2 do. Oct. 31, 1777 9 John Anderson, for 2 do. Sept. 27, do., 4 Samuel Henderson, for 2 do. do., 9 John Stewart, for 1 do. Nov. 5, do., 3 John M'Ginnes, for 1 do. Mar. 5, 1778, 6 Charles Leeper for 3 guns de- livered to the commissary of military stores, April 13, do.,. 8 15 Col. Arthur Buchanan, the pay and expence of a party after tories. Sept, 5, 1777,. 50 16 7 William Holmes, do do. August 25, 1778, 3 10 Militia Expences. For his own pay 761 days employed as sub-lieutenant from the time of his appointment to March. 1780,... 1211 12 6 153 1 5 Carried over £1211 12 6 £8347 7 2 CUMBERLANl] COUNTY. 661 Sundries, Dr. to James Gregory, esq con,;inued,. . £8347 7 2 Militia Expences, Brought over £1211 12 6 Paid ofiBcers for services in their com- panies adjutants, drummers and fifers, expences of courts of appeal, clerks wages, stationary, expresses. substitutes, almoners, &c., 1474 12 10 2686 11033 12 6 [Col. Gregory hath not rendered any list of the names of the delinquents from whom he received fines.] 662 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF JOHN HARRIS. ESQ. LATE SUB-LrEUTENANT OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY. John Harris. Esy. late Sub-Lieutenanc. Dr. To Sundries. James Gregory, esq. sub-lieutenant, Received of him. being part of the 3000 1. sent up August 1. 1777 £225 George Stewart, esq. sub-lieutenant received the balance due by the state, April 17. 177S 17 £242 Sundries, Dr. to John Harris. Esq. late Sub-Lieutenant. William Clarke, esq. pay-master of Cumberland county, Paid captain John Williams for the pay of his company, to be discounted at settlement. Aug. 9, 1777, 11 5 Militia Expences. Paid sundry substitutes, hired to serve in the militia, 1777 164 10 For his services as sub-lieutenant, to the time of his resignation, 55 days 55 219 10 United States. Paid colonel Arthur Buchanan, in part of his ex- pences after tories. per account settled, and balance paid by J. Gregory. Sept. 5. 1777 11 £242 [No Fines received by said Harris.] CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 66c STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF JAMES M'DOWELL, ESQ. SUB-LIEUTENANT, FROM MARJOH, 1777. TO MA'RCH. 1780. James M'Dowel, Esq. Sub-Lieutenant, Dr. To Sundries. Benjamin Blytiie. esq. sub-lieutenant. Received from him. being part of the money he received of William Lyon, esq. sent from coun- cil, August 1, 1777, £236 5 Militia Fines. Received from sundry persons their fines for non- performance of militia duty to Mar.. 1780 1074 5 Balance due by the state, 396 5 £1706 15 Sundries, Dr. to James M'Dowel, Esq. Sub-Lieutenant. Thomas M'Cay, lieutenant, 7th regiment, Paid him for the recruiting service, Mav 14, 1778, 103 17 6 John M'Clellan, lieut. 1st regiment. Paid him for the recruiting service. July 14, 1778 67 in Joseph Irvine, captain 9th regiment. Paid him for the recruiting ser- vice, April 28. 1778 225 Do. do. Sept. 30, do...... 112 10 337 10 United States. Paid sundry officers for military services, and for victualling the militia, also for 6 blankets, per account and vouchers. 1777, 1778 and 1779 76 1 6 Military Stores. Paid sundry persons for 6 rifle.s and 10 muskets... 127 17 6 Carried over, 712 16 6 664 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries, Dr. to James M'Dowel, esq. Brought over, 712 16 6 William Clarke, esq. pay master of the militia. Paid lieutenant Thomas M'Dowel, in part pay of his company, Nov. 7, 1777, 3 Capt. Samuel Patton, do. do. Nov. 9, do., 11 5 Militia Expences. Paid substitutes, almoners, expresses, drummers, flfers, adjutants. ofTicers for services in their companies, expences of courts of appeal, clerks wages, stationary, almoners, &c.,. . . 117 1 For his own pay as sub-lieutenant, employed 445 days, between 1st April, 1777, and April 1. 1780, 862 12 6 14 979 13 6 £1706 15 (No list of Fines received can be obtained.) CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 665 STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF GEORGE SHARP, ESQ. LATE SUB-LIEUTENANT OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY, FROM MARCH. 1777, to MARCH, 1780. George Sharpe. Esq. Dr. To Sundries. James Galbreath, esq. lieutenant. Received from Mr. Lyon of the money sent up from Council, June. 1777 ''5 ^ Benjamin Blythe. esq. sub-lieutenant, Received of him, July. 1777, ^6 o James Gregory, esq. sub-lieutenant, Received of him on account, per William Lyons, August, 1777 405 George Stewart, esq. sub-lieutenant. Received of him on account of fines, 738 13 Militia Fines. Received of sundry persons of col. Watt's bat- talion, their fines for non-performance of mili- tary duty, to Feb., 1780, ^936 o £6211 3 Sundries. Dr. to George Sharp, Esq. late Sub-Lieutenant. William Clarke, esq. paymaster, Paid sundry officers on account of the pay of the militia, per account and receipts, to be ac- counted for to said Clarke 688 . 6 David Rittenhouse, esq. treasurer. Paid him per Stephen Duncan, esq. 1779 33S 12 6 John Carothers, esq. lieuteian:. Paid him on account of fines SS9 Brought over 1916 666 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries, Dr. lo George Sliarpe. esq. continued. Brought over 1916 Military Stores. Paid to sundry persons for 23 rifles, and 2-3 shoe moulds, 7 shot pouches, 9 muskets, and 1 bay- onet, and for repairing and transporting arms, 548 1 6 Ucited States. Paid sundry persons for blankets, ferriages. &c., &c., per accounts and receipts. 1777. 1778, and 1779, 165 18 3 Militia Expences. Paid substitutes, hired to serve in the militia, almoners, officers for services in their companies, and battalions, drummers, and fifers, clerks wages, stationary, expences of appeals, and other co-ntingent ex- pences, 1266 17 2 For his own services as sub-lieuten- ant, from April 1, 1777, to April employed 761 days, and for 35 days afterwards 2086 12 G 3353 9 Balance due to the state, equal to £18 9 S specie,. . 227 13 £6211 3 (No list of the Fines received, and the persons paying them, can be obtained.) CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 667 ST\TE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF GEORGE STEWART^ ESa LATE SUB-LIEUTENANT. FROM JANUARY. 1..., TO APRIL, 1780. George Stewart. Dr. To Militia Fines. Received by liim from 131 delinquents in the bat- ^ talions of cols. Baclianan and Lyon, their fines. £o41o l-^ u Balance due by the State, equal to £14 11 4 specie. i^j ^ » £3850 IT Sundries, Dr. to George Scewart, esq. late Sub-Lieutenant. David Rittenhouse. esq. treasurer. Paid him per Stephen Duncan, esq. treasurer. ^ 1779 ^^' - ^ John Carothers. esq. late lieutenant. Paid him on account ^"^'=' - George Sharp, esq. sub lieutenant, Paid him on account of fines loS lo ■William Clarke, esq. paymaster, Paid capt. David Boal, Aug. 7. 1778. 33 15 John Williams. May 25, do. 22 10 Col. Arthur Buchanan, Jan 15. do. 30 Lieut. Robert Means, a balance of pay, Feb. 12. 1779, -i ^8 -^ Lieut. Jesse Brown, do. Feb. 11. do o 11 8 ^^ ^_ ^ United States. Paid Charles Pollock for one blanket, 4 10 Military stores. Paid sundrv persons for 4 rifles. 2 pair bullet moulds and wipers, also for repairing and ^^ transportation or arms '^' ^' Brought over, 2254 19 6 668 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries, Dr. to George Stewart, esq. continued. Brought over, 2254 19 6 John Harris, esq. sub lieutenant. Paid him the balance of his account, 1-7 Militia Expences, Paid substitutes, almoners, officers for their services in their com- panies, expresses, drummers and fifers, adjutants, fugal men, clerk hire, stationary, expences of ap- peals, and other contingent charges, 555 5 For his own services as sub-lieuten- ant, from Jan. 1778, to April 1, 1780, employed 573 days 1023 12 6 1578 17 6 3850 17 (A List of the persons from whom Fines were received, and the sum paid by each, cannot be obtained.) CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 669 ACCOUNTS OF BENJAMIN BLYTHE, ESQ. SUB-LIEUTEN- ANT, CUxMBERLAND COUNTY, FROM MARCH 1777, TO MARCH 1780. Benjamin Blythe, Esq. late Sub Lieutenant, Dr. To sundries, James Gregory, esq. late sub-lieutenant, Cumber- land county. Received from William Lyon, esq. being money he had received, which was charged to said Gregory, June 11, 1777 562 10 John Carothers, esq. late lieutenant of Cumber- land county. Received from David Rittenhouse. which was directed to be charged to said Carothers, Oct. 20, 1777, lOOU James Galbraith. esq. late lieutenant, Received of William Lyon, esq. being part of the 1000 1. received June, 1777, 250 Militia Fines, Received from sundry delinquents of the several classes of the 1st battalion of Cumberland county militia, their fines for non per- formance of duty in their first tour, per lift, No. 1 4416 17 Received from sundry delinquents of the several classes of the 8th battalion of Cumberland county militia, their fines for non per- formance of militia duty, in 1st tour, per list, No. 2 4741 19 1 Ditto do. of the first four clas- ses of the 1st battalion aforesaid for do. 2d tour, per list. No. 3 5626 3 4 Ditto, do. 8th do. for do. do. per list, No. 4, 6285 16 8 For apprehending 2 deserters from the Pennsylvania line, at 5 dol- Carried over. £21070 16 1 £1812 10 670 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Benjamin Blythe, esq. Dr. to Sundries, continued, £1812 10 Militia Fines, Brought over £21070 16 1 lars each, 3 15 Received from Hugh Brady collec- tor who died, 516 Received from sundry persons of the 1st battalion, their exercise fines for the year 1779. per list. No. 5, 61 10 21652 1 1 Amount 23,464 11 1 Sundries. Dr. to Benjamin Plythe, Esq. late Sub-Lieutenant. David Rittenhouse, esq. treasurer, Paid him by Stephen Duncan, esq. county treas- surer. May 29, 1779, " 1596 7 6 Stephen Duncan, esq., county treasurer. Paid him on account of fines, do 2 5 John Scott, quarter master the brigade of militia. Paid him for providing provisions for the mili:;a, July 14. 1777 33 15 Paid him on acount of do. Aug. 5, do. 33 15 07 10 William Clarke, esq. paymaster. Paid col. James Dunlap. for the marching battalion. Aug. 14. 1777, 50 Do. capt. Alexander Peopbles of Ist battalion, for the use of his march- ing companv, Nov. 7. 1777 50 12 6 100 12 6 Capt. Matthew Scott, of the 13th Pennsylvania regiment, Paid him for the recruiting service, March 24. 1778 75 Do. do. April 17. 1778. 75 Do. do. June 5. do. 112 10 Do. do. July 7. do. 144 Do. do. Mav 11. do. 75 481 10 Carried over, 2248 5 CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 671 Sundries. Dr. to Benjamin Blythe, esq. continued. Brought over 2248 5 William Brown, lieut. of 9th Pennsylvania regt. Paid him for the recruiting service, April 14. 1778 45 8 6 Do. do. March 24. 177S. 112 10 Do do. Mav 12. do. G7 2 6 225 1 Alexander Parker, capt. 7th regiment. Paid him for the recruiting service, May 26, 1778 225 Joseph Erwin, capt. 9th Pennsylvania regiment, Paid him for the recruiting service, Mav 22, 1778 37 10 Do. do. June 30, do. 375 412 10 Thomas Buchanan, capt. of the first regiment. Paid him for the recruiting service. June 5, 1778, 112 10 James McDowell, esq. sub lieutenant. Paid him of the money received of Mr. Lyons, August 1777 236 5 George Sharp, esq. sub-lieutenant, Paid' him of the money received of council. August 1777, 56 5 John Caro:hers, esq. lieutenant. Paid him out of militia fines. 1778 282 7 6 United States. Paid sundry persons for arms lost at fort Wash- ington, tor services warning the militia to march, pensions to disabled soldiers, sundry officers of the militia for their pay, hauling baggage, blankets, ' 40 Eighth Class. John Johnson 10 George Steel 3 John Thomson 10 William Hunter 7 10 Capt. CAMPBELL'S Company. First Class. Barn. Doyle 40 Samuel Coulter 20 Second Class. George Buck 15 Andrew Denniston, 20 Joseph Thomson 40 Third Class. Allen Brown 40 Andrew Vernor 5 Andrew Douglass 40 Fourth Cass. John M'Collum 40 Christo. Artinger 5 Robert Collins 7 10 Daniel Duncan 40 James Caldwell 30 Carried over, 2397 7 Brought over 2397 T Fifth Class. Samuel Piper 25 John Carson 10 Sixth Class. William Johnson 7 10 George Gordon 3 Seventh Class. James Brady 10 James Young 20 Andrew Dodds 5 James Kinney 7 10 William Miller 25 Eighth Class. Cornelius Murphy 30 John Stewart 12 Thomas Boyd 5 James Mitchell 7 10 Seventh Company. Ensign. Jacob Miller, 40 Serjeants. Andrew Thomson 20 James Witherow 40 Andrew Alworth 40 First Class. Daniel Elder, sen CO David Elder, jun 15 Second Class. William M'Farlin 40 John Purdy 40 Alex. M'Nlchol 40 Nathanl. Gillespie 40 James Altman 40 Daniel M'Donnel 40 Third Class. John Bell 5 Henderson Hervey 40 Fourth Class. John Tate 40 Thomas Johnston, 15 William Bell 40 William Martin 5 Carried over 3134 17 CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 675 Brought over 3134 17 Fifth Class. James lI'Kee, David Williamson, William M'Dowell, 10 40 Brought over, James Starret, .. William Morrow, William Starret, Joseph Walker, . John Ireland, ... William Beaty. . 40 40 7 10 5 5 5 James M'Cune, James Peel, .. John M'Comb, 40 7 10 25 Sixth Class. Seventh Class. James Henderson. John Johnston. ... Ales. M'Camant, Matthew Peebles, James Aikman, .. 11 5 10 5 7 10 40 Eighth Class. John M'Clay, .. George Davison, John Renshaw, 30 40 10 Capt. MACLAY'S Company. First Class. John Shields. . John Gideons, James Brian, Second Class. James Donald, ... John M'Cullough, Andrew Thomson, William Maxwell, Third Class. Robert Maguire, George Garvin, 40 35 25 40 40 40 Fourth Class. John Magee Jacob Trush Jacob Hilman, Jun. Josiah Grlffln Hector M'Neal, .. Benjamin Coney, Christian Kish, .. 11 5 40 40 30 7 10 25 40 David Porter, ... William Irvine, Henry Mahan, . John Heron, Casper Lay James Kennedy, James Reynolds, Seventh Class. Thomas M'Kenzie, Thomas Trowsdale, Benj. Desart Robert Mitchel, ... Hugh Bready Eighth Class, Adam Turner, . George Wright, Amount 441C 17 Second Call. Capt. ASKET'S Company. First Class. William Campbel 30 Second Class. James M'Loaln, , Adam Johnson, . Robert M'llvalne, John Bell Third Class. Patrick Davidson, 20 5 40 30 40 Fourth Class. Fifth Class. David M'Curdy, . James M'Geehan, John Quigley. .. John Hunter. .. Andrew M'Lane, 11 5 Henn.- Reikart. 15 n John M'Lain, .. 10 15 40 40 40 • Carried over 3949 7 Carried over. 676 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over. 310 Fifth Class. Robert Sharp, James Hamilton James Mickey Andrew Walker Sixth Class. Alex. Donnel Laurence Brlndal %Villiam Young, 12 5 40 12 10 25 40 20 Saventh Class. Samuel Hannah Eighth Class. Peter Dickey Joseph M'Klbbon Capt. FINTON'S Company. First Class. George Speakman Samuel M'Math John Hamilton William Ward Second Class. Samuel M'Cormick, James Nicholson Samuel Porterfleld John M'Cashlin Third Class. Abraham Elder Fourth Class. Chrisopher Green Jacob MiUerons Fifth Class. Joseph MagofEogue James Gold Samuel Weir, Sixth Class. William Campbell John Reynolds Humph. M'Gomery Conrad Fishbum, James Shoff Robert Johnson l:> 40 15 40 40 Brought over 1257 40 40 20 40 7 10 40 40 40 Archibald Johnson Eighth Class. Aaron Weir Robert Donavon, . Thomas Pummery, William Perrv Second Class. Matthew Crunkle David Sterret, Charles Martin Third Class Francis Elliot Samuel M'Calla James M'Clelland Fourth Class. Stephen Winslie Fifth Class. James Walker Alexander Mitchel John M'Gafflck James M'Owen Sixth Class. William Machen, William Rlpperj' Samuel Brlndal Seventh Class. James Rea Samuel Wherey " I WilWam Turner Eighth Class. John M'Clay Seventh Class John Duncan, 100 100 100 100 100 100 Capt. PEEBLE'S Company. Capt. ABRAHAM'S Company. Sergeant. John Campbell, 100 First Class. Nathan. Paul, James Wallace Robert Little, jun 100 100 100 10 75 100 30 15 100 First Class. 40 Joseph Campbell 100 Carried over, 1257 Carried over 3122 CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 677 Brought over 3122 Oi Spcond Class. j Thomas Donald 100 John Patton 37 10 Joseph Boggle 50 Samuel Reed ' 100 o' Third Class. James How 100 0, James Alexander 100 0| Fourth Class. James Colhoun 100 0| Samuel Reppey 100 0! Michael Traxler 100 Fifth Class. Matthew Thomson 100 Mat. Thomson, jun 100 James Scrogs 100 James Sharpe 100 William M'Cracken 100 William Herron 100 Robert Mickey 100 Six'h Class. Thomas Cummins 100 Michael Minke 100 Seventh Class. Francis Nisbet 100 William Trimble 100 Samuel Hannah 50 John Mitchel, 100 John Lacey 100 Adam Cunningham 100 Robert Clarke 66 13 4 Eighth Class. Charles Maclay, jun 100 John Wright 100 Amount, 5626 3 4 Eighth Battalion. Capt. ROTER'S Company. Serjeant. Robert Stoops 25 5 7 Carried, Brought over 25 5 7 First Class. Stophel Dull 25 5 7 Jacob Wenterberger 15 5 Adam Cook 25 5 9 Second Class. John Allen 25 5 7 George Eaker 23 5 7 Third Class. James Smith 25 5 7 James Roddy 13 Jacob Seller 12 Henry Snively 2r. 5 9 Fourth Class. Wm. Kirkpatrlck 23 5 7 Fifth Class. Nicholas Schneider 23 Sixth Class. Jacob Lowman 25 5 7 John Marshal 23 5 7 William Adams 12 13 Seventh Class. John Price 25 5 Charles Norman 23 5 7 David Stoner IS Capt. JACK'S Company. First Class. Michael Stover 3S 10 Samuel Hershberger 38 10 Peter Dull 3S Caspar Cease 10 Second Class. Matthew M'Dowel 38 10 Michael Willing 38 10 John Grier 38 10 William Elwood 38 10 Frederick Symes 38 10 James Boreland 15 Hugh Graham 38 10 Third Class. William Means, 40 9 Henry Grindal 38 10 John Gibson 38 10 Carried, S86 14 9 678 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over 886 14 9 Fourth Class. Philip Harmony 38 10 David Seller 38 10 John Miller 10 Fifth Class. Michael Whltmer 38 10 Sixth Class. Michael Lowman, 38 John Allison, 38 10 John Youce, 38 10 Seventh Class. James M'Cune lO Henry Floadt 38 Edward Wishart 38 10 Samuel Sail 5 Capt. POE'S Company. First Class. Peter Benedict 40 Patrick Saserson 9 Daniel Stover 20 Conrad Wertz 40 Andrew Frldley 40 Christley Hershberger 40 Second Claps. John Cole, 7 10 Third Class. Philip Schwartz 14 Peter Whltmore 40 James Finley 10 Fourth Class. Henry Ludzerkeiser 5 Hugh Farren 40 Fifth Class. Thomas M'Kean 30 Patrick Cowan 7 10 John Campbell lo Alex. Cuthbertson 10 Sixth Class. Ellas Davis 40 Peter Musher 40 John Knight 40 John Gay 40 Carried over 1741 14 9 Brought over 1741 14 9 Seventh Class. William Hardy 7 10 » Eighth Class. John Roblson, 10 9 John Immel 40 Capt. LONG'S Company. Serjeant. John Laurence 40 Corporal. David Lynch 40 First Class. George Cook 20 John Freayley, 40 Mathew M'Ferran, 40 John Wishart 5 Second Class. William Clugston, 10 George Brotherton 10 Christly Snlvely 40 Stophel Byers, 5 Third Class. John Kirrick 10 Mich. M'Donald 40 John Brown 40 Fourth Class. John Vance 30 Ezekiel Chambers 40 Frederick Smith 5 Fifth Class. Samuel Boggs 20 William Thomson 40 George Greasing 5 Sixth Class. Robert Robertson 10 Hugh Gaff 40 William Hannah 25 Daniel Schneider 5 James Paxton 10 Henry Steen 40 Seventh Class. John Parks, 10 William Bleakley 5 John Baker 40 Carried over 2464 4 9 CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 679 Brought over 2464 4 Eighth Class. Hugh Torrens, 30 Capt. YOUNG'S Company. First Class. Melchlor Cease 40 Second Class. James M' Caleb 7 10 John Stonking 40 Frederick Byers 40 Third Class. James Smith, 5 Fourth Class. Andrew Kelser 5 Stophel George 40 John Baird .40 Fifth Class. George Cook 10 John Shitz 10 Henry Coyle 10 Philip Stump. 5 George Cunningham 5 Sixth Class. William Crawford 5 James Fearis 12 10 Jacob Widner 40 Samuel Rodgers 10 Christley Piper 15 Seventh Class. John Arnold 40 Jacob Helms 7 10 Alexander Mack, 40 Capt. SMITH'S Company. Serjeant. John Crookes 10 First Class. George Sagar, 7 10 James Wlshart 5 Second Slass. William Cummins 10 Andrew Snively 40 John Kain 10 Mdses Cummins 7 10 Carried over 301114 9 Brought over 3011 14 S .7ohn Marshal 15 Third Class. Thomas Dowler 10 Conrad Fisher S8 11 Andrew Reed ;.. 40 Andrew Gibson 40 Fourth Class. Pierce Wallacher 5 Fifth Class. Juhn Alexander 20 George Smith 25 Jchn Colhoon 40 Sixth Class. James M'Anulty 7 Joseph Snively 40 Seventh Class. Abel Menser 40 Joseph Menser 40 Abraham Stoner, 40 Eighth Class. William M'Clintock 40 Capt. FINLET'S Company. First Class. John Wertz 40 Jacob Stover i'> Second Class. Frederic Byers, jun 40 William Patty 10 John Davis 20 Nicholas Stuff 5 Fourth Class. William Vanlear 25 James Lindsay 40 Edward Crawford 40 Fifth Class- Albright Hickman 7 Joseph Chambers 40 Sixth Class. Robert Davison 40 George Lowman 40 Seventh Class. James Crooks 10 John M'Clennachan 40 Carried over 3-89 5 £• 680 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over, Broufrht over. 40 00 James Scot. Capt. RHEA'S Company. Serjeant John Crook? 10 First Class. John Baker Jacob Hess Second Class. James Moore Adam Shaver Henry Gordon "U'illiam Johnston Third Class. Peter Kuhn James Evans John Statler Fourth Class. Fulton Lindsay Peter Frey Fifth Class. Jacob Cook William Thorn Peter Schneider "William Kirby Nicholas Swope Sixth Class William Allison Cutlip Ever "William Martin William Rul! Henry Pauling? Seventh Class George Wallace Eighth Class. Daniel M'Clintock Joseph Whitmore James Torrence .\mount, Second Call. 40 ■JO 40 40 f) 26 13 4 41 40 40 40 38 10 2) 10 7 10 C. SO h 30 40 40 40 40 40 3 20 40 Capt. ROYER'S Company. First Class. Stoftel Dull 40 Carried over, 40 George Stover 20 1 Jacob Winterberger 40 I I Second Class. Robert Clugston 40 Third Class. I John M'Adoe 40 , .Tohn Anderson 40 i James Roddey 40 William Cook 40 n Henry Snlve'.y 40 Fourth Class. Bernard Reighart 40 Henry Smith 40 George Hartshock 10 Fifth Class. James Welch 4n Owen Aston 40 Patrick Campbell 40 n n Nicholas Snider 25 Robert Biggam 40 Sixth Class. John Marshal In James Akens 4" o Robert Cross 40 Samuel Cross 40 o William Adams 40 Seventh Class. John Price 40 Peter Longaneur 40 David Stoner 40 Eighth Class. Josiah Ramage 4o Capt. JACK'S Company. Corporal. Samuel Moore 40 First Class. Michael Stover 40 Peter Dull 40 Second Class. Michael Willing 40 William Elwood 40 Frederick Simon 40 Hugh Graham 40 Carried over 1230 CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 6S1 Brought over 1230 Third Class. Robert M'Clellan 40 Henry Grindal 40 Archibald Kaskey 40 James Carlow 4) Fourth Class. David Sellers 40 Adam Glff 40 d' Jacob Sellers 40 Robert Filson 40 Joseph Alexander 40 Fifth Class. George Shannon 40 John Moshouldor 40 Michael Fry 40 Sixth Class. Michael Lowman 40 James M'Clenahan. .... — 40 Robert Cruncleton 40 John Allison 40 Evan Lewis 40 Seventh Class. Henry Flood 40 Edward Wishart 40 Samuel Sail '> Eighth Class. Valentine Henderson 40 Capt. POE'S Company. First Class. Peter Benedict 100 Abraham Flora 100 Daniel Stover 100 Conrad Wartes 100 Andrew Frigley lOO Second Class. Richard Wright 100 John Call 20 James M'Cormick 100 James M'Canliss 100 Gilbert Young 100 James Ramsey 100 Third Class. Philip Swartz 100 Carried 3155 Brought over. Peter Whitemore Wi Richard Hopkins 100 John Thomson 100 Patrick CavU K'O Fourth Class. Samuel Ranicks "0 Samuel Snodgrass 100 Fifth Class. John Jack 20 fi John Campbel ICO "U'llliam r.rr.therton 100 Six:h Class. Ellas Device 100 Joseph Cruncleton "3 6 8 Eighth Class. John Robison 37 10 Capt. LANG'S Company. John Frigley 10''' Matthew M'Faran 100 Second Class. Joseph Cruncleton 1' '0 C Hugh Barclay W'^ Christopher Snively 100 William Eaker 10'-' Richard Kain 100 Third Class. Andrew Smith lO'-* '^ ^ Fourth Class. John Vane '0 ^ ^ Joseph Crawford 10" " Frederic Bonbrake 100 David Martin 100 Fifth Class. Isaac Davis 100 George Smith WO John Plumath 100 Sixth Cass. William Hannah WO Henry Steen WO Richard Huffer 1"0 Seventh Class. John Parkes W) Samuel Price WO Carried 6005 IC S 682 ACCOUNTS OF I^IEUTENANTS. Brought over 6005 16 8 Brought over, Eighth Class. Joseph Shlrke Paul Emble John Colhoon Reed, per G. Greasing,... 100 100 40 40 Amount 6285 16 EXERCISE FINES, First Battalion, 1779. Capt. PEEBLE'S Company. John Qulgley, . Henry Richards, Peter Trush, ... 3 3 15 John Adamston, John Wilson John M'Collom, . James Burns, ... John Keeney, ... Jacob Trush Abraham Fry, .. Christopher Kish, 1 10 3 4 10 1 10 4 10 6 15 6 8 5 Capt. CAMPBELL'S Company. Carried, Walter Welch, . i Michal Kerr ( David Paster, .. William Rlppey, i Samuel Brlndle, -i ; Amount 1 10 1 10 1 10 3 3 61 10 CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 6S3 STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF ABRAHAM SMITH ESQ. LIEUTENANT OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY. FROM MARCH 1780, TO APRIL 1783. Abraham Smith. Esq. Lieutenant, Dr. To Sundries, Cont. Mo. State Mo. specie. David Rittenhouse, esq. treasurer. Received per order of coun- cil by Benjamin Blythe, esq. March 29. 17S2 £0 iS 10 John Trindle, esq. sub-lieut. Received of liim Dec. 26. 1781 9041 9 S f.4 9 5 Thomas Buchanan, esq. sub- Ueut. Received of him 4010 15 ■. James M'Dowell, esq. sub- lleut. Received of him 6609 10 d Frederick Watt, esq. sub- Lieut. Received of him 1493 5 2 S m Militia Fines. Received from sundry per- sons of the first battalion, their fines for non-perform- ance of their tour of duty Incurred between March, 1780. and Apiil. 1783, per list. No. 1 43^92 4 7 133 4 f. 103 10 6 Balance due by the state,.. 4i:. 13 10 314 5 11' 64517 4 3 6C' \u 4 4 6 11 5» Sundries, Dr. to Abraham Smith. Esq. United States. Paid Aaron Pennel a wound- ed soldier his len^ion.June 28. 1780 38 :> ■Wm.M' Donald ex- press. Aug. IS. 1780 8S 2 6 Carried 126 2 11 684 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries, Dr. to Abraham Smith, esq. continued. Cont. Mo. l.'nitcd States. Brought over, . 126 Paid James Rey- n Ids for hauling militia baggage, Feb. 23. 17S1 600 Aaron Pennal a disabled soldier his iienfion.Mar. 1. 17S1 96S Col. F. Watt, for J. Taylor, ditto, :^Iareh :.0. do lis? Cap. James Young idr w a r n i n g class' s to march Ap. IT, 17S1 150 William Eaker.for hauling militia baggage, April 25, do '.. 11 William Huston, expences of the Penns y 1 v a n i a volunteers May 20, 17S1 24 George Clarke for salt for provi- sions for the marching class, Jan. 21, 1782, ... 2 Cap. James Young for warning the militia to march, Ap. 10, do 15 Samuel Finley, quarter master. for transporting provisions to Bedford county, for militia May 10, do 10 10 Owen Austin for supporting six P.riti>h prisoners that fell sick on their march, and fnr coffins and funeral expences 'if two who died. May 21. do 23 14 6 9 Carried, 71 19 6 CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 685 Sundries, Dr. to Abraham Smith continued. t:v:il. ilu. Stale .'^iii .Specie. United States. Brought over,. 71 19 C :; ;;i iT u u Paid Owen Austin for liis services as quarter mas- ter and commis- sary lor the mi- litia. May 21, i:S2 S IC S Elias Davluson for 1 sheep for tlie marching mili- tia, Sept. 2').17S2, 3 12 Dr. Ezelciel Dow- ney, in part of his pay as sur- ijeon of militin, . 5 Samuel Finley for ;irovisionsfor tlie militia, do 15 1 B Capt. l)aniPl Claps- dale for whislcey for do. Sejit. 24, 1781 William Ncale for bacon for do. do. 3 6 Aaron Fennel, a disabled suldier for his pension. Mar. 2'J, 17S2 3S 5 Wm. Neal, for 150 lb, bacon deliv- ered the militia, May 8, do 7 10 Capt. Thomas John- ston for whiskey for the militia, June 12. do l lo James M'Clellan. for carriage of provision.s and baggage, June 2^. do C 11 3 Robert Cooper for flour for the mi- litia, Aug. 20, do 2 2 Do. for waggon and horses car- rying provisions and baggage for do. do 2 D Carried 67 3 S 1j4 9 6S6 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries, Dr. to Abraham Smith, continued. Cont. Mo. State Mo. Specie. United States. Bro't forward. 67 3 S 2021 17 11 104 9 7 • Paid Jolin Allison for G bushels of wheat for do.. Feb. 23, 17S3 1 T William Neal for 110 lb. baccn, for do. March 4, do., 4 11 8 Timothy Lening- luii, a disabled .s;oldier, his pen- Kion. do. 6, do., 15 John Taylor, do. d,.. April 1. d.i.. OS 5 Samuel Finiey for beef for the mi- litia, do. 1^. do., 3 10 Aichiball Krwin, for flour for do. do 3 2 8 Samuel Finiey for . 1 ovisionsfor do. and carriage, June 2, do 36 2 9-i Jame.>i Rhea for hauling baggage, 17 5 Jrhn licggs, esq. paymaster of the militia, Paid him on ac- count, June 3, 17S2 453 9 6 Paid capt. Asa Hill on account of pay due to his company to be settled with said Boggs 10 C C C 186 3 ri4 Thomas Turban, esq. sub- lieutenant. Paid him on account of ex- pencfs. March. 17SI 75 00 000 00ft Thomas Buchanan, e q. suli- liemenant. Paid him on account of ex- pence.'', Aug.. 17S3 000 7 10 00* Carri-d ovr 2106 17 11 57.J 9 1 CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 087 Sundries, Dr. to Abraham Saiith. esq. coniinued. Brought o^■eI•, ■ nt. :\Im St.ite Mo. i^VO> •10. I'lUU 17 n .-.:.-. 9 1 )8«; ■i Military Stores. Paid sundry persons lor 27 lb. lead, 2 lb. powdtr. »J flints, 1 lille gun, hire of seven guns, an arm chest, and for hauling ammuni- tian iJilitia Expellees. Paid sundry persons for sta- tionary, blanlibooks, print- ing, expences of appeals, captains tor services in their companies, adjutants, drummers and fifers, and other contingent expences, I-or his I'ay as sub-lieuten- ant from the 1st of April, 17Su, to 21st June, 17&1, em- ployed 1!SJ days, at 30 1. per day For do. a.s do. from the 21st June. ITSl, to the 1st of April, 17S3. employed 306 days, at 15s. per day Balance uue to the state,.. I) 1' 223 10 605 16 4 436 11 51/; Abraham Smith. Esq. Lieutenant, Dr. To balance above, L. 54997 17 9 continental money of which L. 45212 2 C, at 1 of state mo- ney for 175 of continental, be- ing received after the exchange was raised from 75 for one, and before the 1st of June 1781, the remainder L 9785 17 1, at 1 of specie for 75 con:inental, a- State. Specie, mounts to, -258 7 1 130 9 6 Balance due to Abraham Smith. ... 157 6 9 183 16 5V2 £415 13 10 314 5 lli/o 688 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. The amount of the fines which have been incurred in the 1st battalion from April 1780, to April 1783. which have not been paid, but are yet outstanding, amount to L 30544 13 6 continental money, and L. 907 17 5 specie, exclusive of ex- ercise fines of which few returns have been made, but which so far as may be done, col. Smith is to have stated immediately. List, of Fines received by Abraham Smith, esq. Second Call. Brought over 12238 17 6 First Battalion. Capt. CLAPSDALE'S Company. Fifth Class. Henry Ladey Henry Capehart, . John Manor Jacob Helms Joseph Nlckles. .. John Nickles David Ditch Alex. Mack Jacob Gaunce Frederic Howart, . George Holslnger, John Hart Sixth Class. James Parks Abel Menser, Joseph Menser Cornelius Hanline Abraham Stoner Charles Long David Hesnor John Homer, jun Joseph Wlshard Jacob Hesner Phelty Pechly 150 458 12 457 16 458 15 467 18 4ri0 15 286 455 12 452 14 450 450 Seventh Class. David Parks J. M'Clenachan, sen Joseph Gaunce David Easehore James Bleckley 450 450 450 450 454 10 461 5 450 458 12 452 5 453 10 450 6 450 452 12 6 466 IS 6 450 450 4.")0 Capt. RHEA'S Company. Sixth Class. Vv'illiam Thomson William M'Clintock Alex. Thompson Seventh Class. John Purviance, ... William Torrence, . Hugh Ferguson, .. Archibald Thomson, 450 462 3 450 476 17 475 2 450 450 Third Company. Fifth Class. Joseph Nogle, . Jacob Gallady, Henry Husaw, Sixth Class. Joseph Snirely, Michael Stuff, Seventh Class. Robert Davidson George Lowman Chrlsto. Creamer 450 450 450 546 450 532 13 450 450 Carried 12238 17 6 Fourth Company Fifth Cass. Thomas Hindman Stophel George Seventh Class. "William Long Matthew Hopkins , 450 450 450 450 21031 12 6 CUMBERLAND COUNTT, 689 Brought over 2103112 6 Fifth Company. Fifth Class. Dowalt Bonbrlck 430 James Stitt 450 Henry Bonbrick 4.")I 10 Michael Helman 4.'n Sixth Class. Georpo Warts 453 15 Peter Nipper, Jun 450 Alex. Moorehead 45115 Jacob Snowbager 455 5 Jacob Wagerman 45110 James M'Cay 450 Henry Copman 450 Seventh Class. John Warts 453 15 Fred Foreman, jun 457 9 4 Nicholas Bever 45110 Abraham Nipper, 459 15 Henry Cordal 450 Jacob Stover 43110 John Secrist 46114 Daniel Horner 450 Frederick Cofman 450 Sixth Company. Fifth Class. Frederick Fisher 49S 10 6 Abraham Hogrman 473 19 6 Fred. Byers. sen 573 15 Sixth Class. Andrew Snively G73 10 John Marshal 455 John Kane 490 19 C Seventh Class. Fred. Byers, Jun 430 William Patty, 463 7 Gabriel Carpenter, 450 George Clark 468 6 Seventh Company. Fifth Class. Thomas Gibson 450 Sixth Class. Jacob Grlndle 450 Carried 35978 17 4 44--6-3d Ser. Brought over 35978 17 4 George Dixon 452 2 Conrad Bush, 430 Seventh Class. Peter Dougherty, 430 Robert Thompson 47r< 5 Eighth Company. Fifth Cla.^s. Thomas Shannon 4,"9 s Sixth Class. John Alexander 4S9 3 9 Benjamin Swane 450 1781. First Battalion. Eighth Class. First Company. John Nave 1S7 li) William Hart 675 James Downey 300 Third Company. Cullip Evert 736 13 William Rule 300 Henry Pawling 978 13 6 Sixth Class. Robert M'Candless 703 12 Henry Gordon 300 Amount, con. mo 43392 4 7 First Battalion. Eighth Class. First Company. State Money. John Wilson 9 Henry Menner 9 Joseph Heinsinger 9 Jacob Price 9 Third Company. William Allison 11 li 11 Samuel Downey 9 Fourth Company. Fulton Lindsay 2 10 John Harrin 9 i 2 Carried 68 4 1 690 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over, Solomon Herner. 6S 4 1 Brought over, Fifth Company. John Baker, Jacob Hess Adam Flack Gasper Welch William Stitt, jun Sixth Company. Emanuel Stover 9 I John Price j Peter Langingokre, David Stoner , 9 5, 2 1 9 j S I 9 Third Company. John Miller Fourth Company. Eighth Company. John Renfrew Ludwlck Barkhammer, . Fifth Company. Phelly Goosehead, James Fleming. .. 7 10 7 10 I Stophel Dull I Jacob Winterberger, I Joseph Dull Amount 133 4 6 Third Class. First Battalion. First Class. First Company. Serjeant. 5 10 6 12 10 12 2 10 14 4 10 4 2 6 16 Seventh Company. Henry Snlvely Eighth Company. Robert Biggam, 2 12 Amount 103 10 6 John Cochran, Carried, .. Specie. 10 10 Col. Smith represents, that he hath received few fines for non attendance upon exercise; what he hath received are to be charged and settled in his next account. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 691 STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF THOMAS BUCHANAN, ESQ. 3UB LIEUTENANT OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY, FROM JUNE 1780, TO APRIL 1783. Thomas Buchanan, Esq. Sub Lieutenant, Dr. To Sundries, Abraham Smith, esq. lieu- tenant. Received from him to de- fray expences, Aug., 1TS3, Militia Fines. Received from sundry per- son."; of the 2d battalion, their fines for non-perform- ance of their tour of duty incurred between March. 1780, and Ariril, 1783, per list Balance in favour of Thomas Buchanan State Mo. 7 10 Specie. 19682 8 S ' '"■ 10-1 11 6 164 12 (J 196S2 8 8 112 1 6 164 i: 6 Sundries, Dr. to Thomas Buchanan, Esq. Abraham Smith, esq. lieu- tenant. Paid him out of the fines received 40iy 15 Military Stores. Paid sundry persons for re- pairing arms, for 22 lb. lead and 8 haversacks 737 10 77 4 United States. Paid John Clarice for haul- ing baggage, Aug. 21, 1780. 34 17 6 James Irvine, for do. July 13. 1782 00 00 Carried 4748 5 112 1 G II A (• 10 1' .-, 692 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries, Dr. to Thomas Buchanan, esq. continued. Militia Expenccs. Brought over Paid for paper, ink and wa- fers, flfers, drummers, ser- vices or jusiices at ap- peals, expresses, and other contingent charges For his own ser\-lces as sub- lieutenant trom 5th June, 17S0, lu -li=t June. 1781, employed 100 days, at 25 1., Do. do. from the 21st June, 1781, to the 1st of April, 1783, employed 2;7 days, at 12s. Gd. specie Balance due to the state Cont. Mo. State Mo. 474S 5 112 1 6 Specie. 10 2 t 6 7 7 :2123 1 2 148 2 S 19682 8 8 112 1 6 164 12 ( Thomas Buchanan, Esq. Sub Lieutenant, Dr. To balance, as per the foregoing account, L. 12123 1 2, conti- nental money of which L 6061 10 7, at 1 of specie for 75 conti- nental, and L. 60G1 10 7, at 1 of state, for 75 continental, makes Balance due by the state, State. 80 16 4 23 15 2 £104 11 6 Specie. 80 16 S3 16 164 12 6 The amount of the fines which have been incurred in the 2d battalion and are not yet paid, but are outstanding, with- in the time aforesaid, is L. 38320 19 11 continental money, and L. 848 1 10 specie, exclusive of exercise fines of which no returns have been made, nor monies paid on account thereof. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 693 LIST OF FINES RECEIVED Second Battalion. Capt. MOOR'S Company. Fifth Class. John Carr, sen., 225 Sixth Class. William Patterson 4J0 William Parker 450 David Vance 450 Tho. Hutchinson 112 10 Seventh Class. Jacob Masoner, . 113 6 Jacob Burkholder 473 14 John Armltage 450 Capt. DOUGLASS'S Company. Sixth Class. William Douglass 165 9 Jacob Wolf 462 12 Jacob Waggoner 157 10 Seventh Class. John Rogers 450 3 Jacob Sayraan 300 Capt. CAROTHER'S Company. Fifth Class. Samuel Davidson 450 Andrew Carothers 450 Joseph Pierce 450 Capt. IRVINE'S Company. Fifth Class. Samuel Donaldson 112 10 David Brown 450 James Piper 452 1 James M'Keghan 450 19 Sixth Class. Benj. M'Keghan 450 John Ewing 451 16 Carried 7977 12 BY THOMAS BUCHANAN, ESQ. I Brought over 7977 12 8 i Capt. DONALDSON'S Company. ! sixth Class. Arch. Sweaney 22". 15 Joseph Thornberry 4til 9 11 Tho. Thornberry 450 4 11 " Seventh Class. Robert Donaldson 450 ^ David King 339 15 Capt. HILL'S Company. Fifth Cla-!S. William Holmes 546 18 7 ° , John Davis 523 16 10 Martin Raisener 452 8 Sixth Class, i Willtam Glen 464 11 Capt. JORDAN'S Company. Q Fifth Class. William Eaklns 465 18 Alex. Blane 51117 6 ^ Seventh Class. Thomas Reed 453 , Second Battalion. Eighth Class. I First Company. I John Dickson 675 j Second Company. John Todd 112 10 , Fourth Company. ° i Joseph Crawford 675 ^ i Robert M'Ferson 337 10 " . Roger Mulhollen 675 I'lfth Company. I Walter Daney, 475 13 9 I John M'Cullough 562 10 sl Carried 16836 11 2 694 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over 1683G 11 2 Brought over 18332 8 S Sixth Company. Eighth Company. Wm. Simmons 450 , John Henry 675 Robert Gibson 370 17 6 , Jacob Graver 675 • Moses Folk 675 Oj Carried over 1S3 CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 695 STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF JOHN TRINDLE, ESQ. LATE SUB LIEUTENANT. FROM THE TIME OF HIS AP- POINTMENT, JUNE 1780, UNTIL APRIL 1783. John Trindle, esq. Sub-Lieutenant, Dr. To Mintla FlDCT. Cont. Mo. State Mo. Specie. Received from sundry per- sons of the 2d battalion, their fines for non-per- formance of militia duty incurred between April, 1780. and April, 1783 £12420 13 3 20-3 IT 5 Balance in favour of col. Trlndle u 43 15 12426 13 3 to 17 5 43 15 >) Sundries, Dr. to John Trindle, esq. Sub Lieutenant. Abraham Smith, esq. lieu- tenant, Paid him out of the monies received for fines 9041 9s 5496 00 Military Stores. Paid sundry persons for re- pairing and carriage of arms and for ammunition, 112 10 10 15 u Militia Expences. Paid magistrates at appeal?, clerk hire, stationary, al- moners, and other con- tingent expences 4S3 17 10 GOD For his own services as sub- lieutenant, from June, 1780, Carried over £9636 19 8 82 13 &636 19 8 S2 15 u 1100 696 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundires, Dr. to John Trindle, coniinued. Cont. Mo. State Mo. Militia Expences. Brought over, to 21st June, 17S1, em- ployed 44 days at 25 1 For do. do. from June 21, to April 1. 17S2, employed 70 days, at 12s. 6d United States. Paid Mr. Alexander for 91 lb. beef for the use of the militia, Aug. 8, ITSl Balance in favour of the state Specie. 2 5 6 lo&g 13 7 115 IG 11 1212G 13 3 2uO 17 5 43 15 V John Trindle, esq. Dr. To balance per the foregoing ac- count in continental account in continental money L. 1689 13 7 of which L. 844 16 9V2 at 1 of specie for 75, and L. 844 16 91^, State, at 1 of state for 75, 11 5 3 To balance in state money per the foregoing account, 115 16 11 Due by the state to J. Trindle in specie, 127 2 2 Specie. 11 5 3 32 9 9 43 15 Contra, Cr. By balance of the foregoing account,. Due to the state by J. Trindle in state money 127 2 2 12 ( .: z 43 15 43 15 The amount of the fines which have been incurred in the 3d battalion and are not yet paid, but outstanding within the time aforesaid, is 36161 9 3, continental money, and L 531 6 7 specie, exclusive of exercise fines, of which no returns have been made, nor monies paid on account thereof. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 697 LIST OF FINES RECEIVED BY JOHN TRINDLE, Third Battalion. I Brought over First Company. Seventh Company. Fifth Class. I Fifth Class. 1 Continental Mo. Daniel Franks Jacob Crous 450 Abraham Adams Sixth Class. Eighth Company. Henry Humburgher 452 S nj Fifth Class. i John Rltchey : Sixth Class. ESQ. 6679 3 450 450 Second Company. Fifth Class. John Waddle 8 5 Third Company. Fifth Class. John Clandening 450 7 1 Sixth Class. Alex. Morthland 450 William Irwin 450 Joseph Stayman 457 1 3 Fourth Company. Fifth Class. Henry Tom 450 3 Fifth Company. Fifth Class. Thomas Anderson 450 Sixth Class. Alexander Boyd 450 18 6 Seventh Class. Hugh M'Kee 450 Sixth Company. Fifth Class. George Hendricks 450 | Michael Huck. . Howard Moor 450 j peter Smith. ... Sixth Cass. I Ja<=°^ ^^'^^^'' ■ I Conrad Emlnger, Joseph Welsh 360 Samuel Welsh 450 Daniel Martin Seventh Class. William Webster James Webster Jacob Wise, 450 450 458 6 Eighth Class. Second Company. Archibald Wilson Third Company. John Gilklson Fourth Company. John Cockley Fifth Company. Abraham PoUinger Sixth Company. Matthew M'Dole Jacob Hashberger 112 10 675 17 6 Amount 1242G 13 First Company. Fifth Class. Sixth Class. I Peter Miller Seventh Class. Soffel Mares Jacob Nop 450 1 Gasper Rltter Carried 6679 3 3 Carried. State Mo. 6 6 fi 6 6 6 6 42 698 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over. Seventh Class. Jacob Miller Third Company. Seventh Class. Stefte Reed Fourth Company. Fifth Class. John Bran Sixth Class. John Brlndle Chrlstly Fortney Seventh Class. Adam Bran George Atklson Fifth Company. Fifth Class. Philip Weaver Seventh Class. Stoffel Crummellgh Frederlcli Switzer Sixth Company. Fifth Class. Patrick liTGrue, 42 Brought over Sixth Class. 6 John Neff, i Seventh Class. ! Jacob Weaver John Carver ^ " Jedian Cover Third Battalion. Eighth Class. First Company. Philip Longstaff Second Company. g I J°*^n Templeton i Third Company. John Martin, 6 6 6 0! 6 ! Fourth Company. Samuel Kinsley 6 6 4 5 Fifth Company. Frederick Crumllgh Sixth Company. Henry Lendis Samuel Brookes 1 Seventh Company. I Michael Dill Eighth Company. 6 ' Peter Bricker 6 6 6 9 9 9 7 3 4 Carried, 108 4 Amount, 200 17 5 CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 699 STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF JAMES M'DOWELL. ESQ. SUB-LIEUTENANT. James M'Dowell. esq. Sub-Lieutenant, Dr. To Mllltla Fines. Received from sundry per- sons of the 4th battalion, their fines for non-per- formance of militia duty incurred between April, ITSO. and Arril. 1783, per list Balance due by the state,.. Cont. Mo. State Mo. Specie. 17450 18 6 2-. 15 5 5 5 144 16 4 £17450 18 6 25 15 5 150 1 6 No account hath been obtained of the fines received after April 1780, which had been incurred before that time, although re- peatedly applied for. Sundries, Dr. to James M'Dowell, Esq. Sub-Lieutenant, Balance due at settlement, April, 1780 396 50 000 000 Abraham Smith, esq. lieu- tenant. Paid him out of the monies received for fines 6609 10 000 000 United States. Paid William Lowrey for horse hire carrying militia bareage, Nov., 1782 3 15 Military Stores. Paid sundry persons for re- pairing: arms 441 5 IS 3 5 4 e 5 Carried over £7447 21 18 5 4 ■> i 700 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Sundries, Dr. to James M'Dowell, continued. Broug^ht over, Jlilitia Expences. Paid sundries for Ecrvices at appeals, captain Patton lor his services, and for stationary For his own services as sub- lieutenant, from the 1st April, 1780. to 21st June, 17S1, employed 149 days at 20 1 For ditto, do. from June 21, 1781. to April 1, 17S3, em- ployed 233 days, at 12s. 6d. specie, per day Balance due to the state,... Cont. Mo. 7447 26 12 6 3675 6202 6 State Mo. 21 IS Specie. 4 6 James M'Dowell, Dr. To balance of above, L. 6302 6 0, con- tinental money, of which L. 3151 3, at 1 of specie for 75. and L. 3151 3 0, at 1 of state for 75 Balance due to col. M'Dowell, State. 42 3 42 3 Specie, 42 3 102 15 11 144 16 2 Contra, Cr. By balance of the foregoing account, Balance due by col. M'Dowell 42 3 16 4 10 42 3 144 16 2 144 16 2 The amount of fines which have been incurred in the 4th battalion from April 1780. to April 1783, is L. 50712 17 0, con- tinental, money, and L. 531 13 7 specie, yet unpaid and out- standing, exclusive of exercise fines, of which no return have been made, nor money paid on account thereof. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 701 LIST OF FINES RECEIVED BY JAMES M'DOWELL. ESQ. Fourth Battalion. , Brought over 6424 18 First Company. Seventh roiiipany. Sixth Class. ' Fiftli Class. Continental Mo. Samuel Ireland \\m. Kirkpatrick 502 10 I William Pirn 55.5 10 4:,0 John Stevenson. Seventh Class. Robert Shields William Peebles Second Company. Fifth Class. Joseph M' Murray. 97 15 66 15 72 15 54 15 John Tate 450 " Sixth Class. Thomas Shirley 1 10 Seventh Class. James Ferguson 491 5 John Moor 42 5 Third Company. Fifth Class. Philip Fisher 4SS 5 Seventh Class. Paul Reed 48 15 Andrew Taylor 450 10 Fourth Company. Fifth Class. Sixtli Class. Robert Head 4G:) 7 G James Walker 4.'0 Seventh Class. John M'Dowell 4r.O William Gettys 450 Martin Doyle 'ir.O Eighth Company. Fifth Class. James Gordon 4r.O Sixth Class. Alex. Clandining 450 Isaac Barde 450 Seventh Class. Jacob Barncord. 450 James Murray 450 Eighth Class. First Company. John Kirkpatrick 675 Alex. Robinson. "?"" <^ James Barde 6S0 16 S Thomas Clark 675 n Rob. Caldwell. Jun 49 13 Second Company. Daniel Owlery 450 Benj. Ramsey 6"5 Matthias Crow 527 5 Josiah Allen 4S Sixth Class. Third Company. John Owlery Jun 720 18 Peter Hover 675 Frederick Weaver 505 17 6 Fourth Company. John Shanefleld 62 3 9 Seventh Class. Philip Davis 17 Sixth Company. John Davis 450 John Trimble 512 10 Eighth Company. Fifth Company. Seventh Class. James Cross 77 5 Sixth Company. Fifth Class. William Earsbald 454 10 Seventh Class. William Moorhead 450 William Templeton 1 2 6 William Blair 675 17438 IS 6 First Class. Third Company. Robert Stockden William Real Sixth Company. Stuart 13 2 6 1 John Kelly. Specie. 6 1 6 4 13 3 Carried 6424 18 70:; ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF FREDERICK WATT, ESQ. SUB-LIEUTENANT. Frederick Watt, Esq. Sub Lieutenant, Dr. To Militia Fines. Cont. Mo. State Mo. Specie. Received from sundry per- sons of the 5th battaUon, their fines for non-per- formance of their tour of militia duty incurred be- tween April, ITSO, and April, 1783, per list. Also, 4 1. state money received of "U". Watson d697 50 400 OS 50 Received of fines incurred before March, 1780 2i0 Balance 16 15 6 84 19 9947 5 20 15 6 Sundries, Dr. to Frederick Watt, Esq. .Abraham Smith, esq. lieu- tenant, Paid him on account of flncB received United States. Paid David Chambers for carriage of camp kettles for the Pennsylvania vol- unteers. July 11, 1780 James Fisher hire of a pack horse to carry ammunition for a marching party, £S 15, and to Samuel Postle- thwaite, for do. £3 Paid Nathaniel Steel car- Carried over 1493 5 e 1S23 6 CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 703 Sundries, Dr. to Frederick Watt, esq. continued. Cont. Mo. Slate Mo. Specie. United States. y 3 Brought over riage of do. £2 10 0. do. and biisgage, £3 3 S, Thomas Miles, do. £1 10 0, do. for do. 10s. and John Taylor, a wounded militia man, IZ 1 U. his pension, 'J V- Military Stores. Paid John Wilkins tor 20 lb. lead, and 45 flints, and James Hatton for repair- ing arms 127 10 S 2 ' Militia Expences. Paid for services at appeals, expresses, stationary, and almoners For his own service as sub- lieutenant from April, 1780, to 21st June. ITSl, em- ployed 130 days, at 25 1.,.. 32-.0 '< >) Do. do. from the 21st June. ITSl, to the 1st of April, 17S3. employed 216 days, at IQs. 6d. specie Balance 10 13". 4932 15 000 000 i:.4 4 Frederick Watt, Esq. Dr. To the balance of the foregoing acount, L. 4932 15 0, continental monev of which L. 2466 7 C. at 1 of specie for 75. and L. 2466 7 6, State. Speae. at 1 of state, for 75 makes 32 17 S 32 17 S Yet due to general Watt by the state, 51 11 4 £32 17 8 84 19 704 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Contra, Cr. For the balance of the foregoing ac- count in state money and specie... Yet due b.v general Watt to the state, State. IC 15 6 IG 2 2 8 Specie. 84 19 84 19 The outstanding fines which are due by delinquents of the 5th battalion, incurred from April 1780, to April 1783, amount to L. 300 continental, and L. 108 specie, exclusive of exercise fines of which no returns have been made, nor monies paid on account thereof. List of Fines received by Frederick Watt, Esq. Fifth Battalion. First Company. Sixth Class. William M'Clellan Seventh Class. John Shatts Daniel Stuart, ... Thomas Reynolds. Second Company. Fifth Class. William Thomson Sixth Class. John Culbertson, Patrick Blane, .. John Guinn Seventh Class. James Hamilton, 100 VjO 112 10 130 100 so Brought over 1272 10 Roger Brown, William Bull, Fourth Company. Fifth Class. Nathaniel Steel Sixth Clas?. William M'Kee Fifth Company. Fifth Class. Robert Hughey, Samuel Gass, ... Daniel Graham, David Llndsey, Sixth Clas.=. 30 I John Mitten. 30 250 262 10 30 375 150 200 150 Daniel Mickey 150 I John Burley 311 I Sixth Company. I Fifth Class. Third Company Fifth Class. Edward Adonald 130 T I Thomas Sedswoek 200 'J I Hugh Wallace 225 i Arch. M'Fall 30 i Robert Wallace 40 Carried over 1272 10 Carried, 3336 CUMBERLAXD COUNTY. Brought over 333G Fifth Battalion. 705 Sixth Classs. Robert Dawson 2u0 Samuel Whitger 450 0^ William Ogal 412 lu o ' James Dixon, ... Conrad Fry 1S7 10 o' William Foster. _ ; Malthtrw Mitchel Seventh Company. First Company. First Class. Sixth Class. Second Class. ' Francis Euan Richard Ellice 30 josiah Roddy Wm. Holliday :o o ! Third Class. Seventh Class. ', , , c..,„j„,^„„ i.iiilin Sanderson George Davis 22.' O' George Allen 237 10 0' Second Company. Specie. 1 15 u 2 III 2 u U 4 ID u 3 Iv Eighth Comiiany. Fifth Class. First Clas= i .Tames AValkor. . ' George Brown. .. William Neeper 412 10 0, Robert Punly, .. Robert M'Clintocl; 2'.0 .John Shaver. ' ^\'i!liam Gordon, Seventh Clas.-. Joseph Nelson 100 Third Class. I "William Cowan Eighth Class. First Companv Georire Duglass AVm. Fitzpatrick. I Third Company. 4:2 I1I First Cldfs. l"'"* ^ '^ , .J(.l:n Jones Second Co:iiiian\ . Robert Mui-ay David Delong Second Cl^.^- Third Company. David English Wm. MTall ■■' ^ , Joseph Smith, '^ '^ James Jones. I Roliert Heatly, Fourth Com pan. James Dawson Fifth Company. Robert Welsh John Mahon Alex. Ewinc; 52.5 325 202 10 1.50 202 10 2.'.2 10 Third Class. William Wallace Fourth Company. First Class. James Welsh Seventh Compan.w ."Michael Walter.-* Rotiert Holliday John Hutton Eighth Company. James Millegan Third Class. Alex. White Fifth Company. :;o. n ^''"^ '^■'^*°- 1S7 10 Samuel Dean 150 ' Second Class. ■ i-"rederick Donally 2';2 10 Henry M..on 2 2 10 'I 1 (] :i 2 2 3 11 3 3 >J Carried, 45—6—3(1 Ser. 706 ACCOUNTS OF I.IEUTEXAXTS. Jiriiiight over G2 IJ Brought o\ei- 37 10 Sixth ("oinpany. 'John Shaltu 7 10 Thomas Kinsl^.c ^n Arch. Stuart 20 Michael I.cwi-^ 3 10 | J^Q^,gJ.^ ^,^,.g ^^ ^ ,, First Class. Eighth Company. Capt. SAXT'EUSOX'S Company. Third Class. Patrick DuffieM 20 Jolm Neeper 3 0| ] Cnpf. ELAIX'.S Company. Amount CLt 5 o Tli''ni<'^s Hkiin 40 L' FIXES received b\- Freih vie ^\"alt. Capt. lUX'H.VX.XX'S Comiian\-. hoingr due belure April. 1780. j,^^,,.,^ ^veUh 10 Seventh liattalijn, 'Richard Claw=on 10 .Tames Edmision ]0 Caj.;. FlSIll'Il S C'.miiany. | i.-,.e,iericl< Dnnaly :5 Anthony Shatto 37 10 Amount 250 Carried ;'.7 10 'i cI-'Mbi:ri>axd coi-xty. 70? ACCOUNTS OF BENJAMIN BLYTHE. ESQ. SUB-LIEUTEN- ANT, OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY, TO APRIL 1883. Benjamin Blythe, esq. Sub-Lieutenant, Dr. To Militia Fines. Cont. Mo. State Mo. Specie. Balance due at settlement to April. 1780 ]:S58 13 r, Received from sundry per- sons of the 6th battalion, their fines for non-per- formanre of militia duty- incurred - between April. ITSO, nnd April, 17S3, per list Balance due by the state. 2.-41T 10 n S-. 19 7 12) 10 n 153 14 ?. £39276 r .' St T^ 7 274 11 fl Sundries, Dr. to Benjamin Blythe. E.sq. late Sub-Lieutenanl. Milit.iry Stores. Paid sundry persons for one pun. ?T lb. 10 cz. lead, 2 rowder horns, 2 powder kegs, 1 calf skin, and 14 lb. leather, for* shot pouches, and for making 12 ditto, also for hauling >k 17S1 11; 111 n Walter Wel^h, ex- press to march the militia 147 12 6 Joseph Brady for i>rovisions fortlie militia SC 12 ti Robert Quigley for do. do 12s 15 No ih Abraham for hor.se hire trans- portinj? baggasre. 609 7 6 Joseph Brady for provisions for mi- litia S 7 1 1203 97 000 goo Do. for do 1 m Do. and M'Kune for do 3 5 3 Joseph Brady for do 1 10 II .lolm Vrny.fr for warning militia to duty 1 10 Xath. Brian for a bug for the mi- litia. Aug. 10. nsi 7 6 8 2 9 ;) Joseph Woods for horse hire carr>'- ing militia ba^:- gape. Feb. 3.17S3. 12 1.' I'atriok Connor ex- ;'rcss to march the militia. Mar. rt, do n 12 John Henry for fora.ge for tho militia. Aug 22. 1782 1.- I) Joseph Brady for provisions and a bag for do. Feb. :'.. 1783 2 I II Carried over... ir, n n 27!l 12 3 42 18 i 19 D CUMBERLAND COUNTY . 70!* Sundries, Dr. to Benjamin Blythe, esq. continued. Cont. Mo. State Mo. Specie. United States. Brought over, . IG C U Xm. US 42 18 5 i lH ii Andrew Miller lor horse hire, . per day. Balance due to tlie state,... :J2747 ; C Benjamin Blythe, Dr. Tu £22747 .' G, cciitinental money, balance of the fore- going account, of which he re:;iresents £1631 2 4, continental money, and £5 10 state money, is yet in the hands of the collectors, amount equal to cumbi:rlaxd county. Contra, Cr. Cont. M... Sliite JIo. By balance of the foregoing acct n (I n S". 10 7 Balance due by- col. Blythe, li;31 2 4 1 12 1C3I 2 4 ST 11 rii Specif 153 14 r; 39;. s 4 The outstanding fines which are due bv delinquents of the 6th battalion, incurred from April 1780, to April 1783, amount to L. 30566 5 continental, and L. 370 2 specie, exclusive of exercise fines of which no returns have been made, nor any monies paid on account thereof. List of Fines received by Sixth Battalion. 1 Second Company. Sixth Class. James Young. . James Kenny, .. Samuel M'Cune. 4.";0 IT G 455 li 4CS 2 C Seventh Cl.-iss. James Gibson, 45it t< Third Company. Fifth Class. James Glenn 450 Henry Royar 450 9 4ij Henry Miller 450 Sixth Class. Daniel Altig 450 Seventh Class. Thomas Johnston 113 5 7:f. Fourth Company. Sixth Class. James Mitchel 15 Fifth Company. Fifth Class. William M'Cnrtl Ill T 6 Benjamin Blythe, Esq. Brought over 3S73 2 G David Arrel 22T 3 9 James Ross 225 18 '..' Thomas Paxton 450 Sixth Class. ■\Vm. Johnston 150 IS 'J Jacob Stumback 450 Conrad Coiner 472 16 3 Christi."n Maise 31S 15 ': Fred. Dilinger 450 John Thompson 450 Seventh Class. Samuel Cox 4T2 IG 3 Enos Grahams 2".0 O Sixth Company. Fifth Cliss. Adam Carnahan 461 IT R Joseph M'Elwano 455 G ". Alex. Thompson 450 n il Sixth Class. V^'illiam Barren 30 A Seventh Class. Joseph Graham 459 7 G John Schooler 126 11 3 James Akeman 4.'0 Carried over 10224 13 7 712 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over 10224 15 9 Seventh Company. Fifth Class. John Noble 450 Sixth Class. David Armstrong 4J0 Eighth Company. Fifth Clars. Andrew Miller 450 1 James Gidiens 450 j Andrew Campbel 450 Seventh Class. Joseph Ward Eighth Class. Second Company. lien. Disart, Robert Mitchel Thomas M'Kinsey Thomas M'Clellan Wm. Duncan, jun John Calhoon 675 337 10 95 IS 450 G75 93 15 Third Company. John M'Gee Jacob Helms, Jun Abraham Fry Benjamin Ceney Caleb M'Bride Christopher Kish James Cummings William Bar Fourth Company. John White George Wright Fifth Company. David Porter Wm. Montgomery Carried 218C4 675 337 10 c 675 441 5 864 7 6 Brought over 21864 7 6 Casper Saltsgiver, Robert Campbel , Caspar Saltsgiver for F. Bidinger Sixth Company. John Ireland Amount. Finst Class. Second Company. George Clark, Hugh Bready. John Bell, .. Third Company. Henry Richards James Roseborough Fourth Company. William M'Call Second Class. Second Company. William Woods John Duncan John Brumfield Laurence Clancey Third Company. George Kish Joseph Barnet Fifth Company. James Shoff 675 675 Eighth Company. John Pasko Edward Ward 675 675 Seventh Company. Barnet Shutler Specie. 10 19 10 10 9 11 6 10 10 6 10 10 12 11 2 7 5 8 3 10 10 2 10 Amount, CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 713 ST\TE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF THOMAS TURBETT, ESQ. SUB LIEUTENANT. Thomas Turbett, Esq. Sub Lieutenant, Dr. Cont. mo. Specie. Abraham Smith, esq. received of him on account, £75 Militia Fines. Received from sundry persons of the 7th battalion, their fines for non performance of their tour of militia duty incurred between April 1780, and April 1783. Per list 2892 10 For the value of 387 10 continental money in his hands at 75 for 1,. . . . Balance due by the state to colonel Turbett 2967 10 55 5 3 4 84 3 2 144 6 6 Sundries, Dr. to Thomas Turbett, Esq. Military Stores, Paid sundry persons for the carriage of ammunition, 3 18 Militia Expences. Paid sundry persons for stationery, warning classes, and sitting at ap- peals, and for clerking, 80 For his own services as sub-lieuten- ant from April 1780 to 21st June 1781, employed 100 days, at 251 2500 Do. do. from the 21st June 1781, to the 10th of April 1783, employed Carried 2580 13 2 4 16 4 714 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Com. mo. Militia Expenses. Brought over... 258i> u o 205 days, at 12s 6 specie, • For the balance above charged in specie, 387 10 2967 10 Specie. 16 4 12S 2 G 144 G G The outstanding fines which are due by the delinquents of the 7th battalion, incurred from April 1780. to April 1783. amount to L. 25744 18 6, continental money, and L. 578 7 10 specie, exclusive of exercise fines, of which no returns have been made, nor money paid on account thereof. List of Fines received by Thomas Tui'betl, esq. Seventh Battalion. Second Company. Fifth Class. .Inhn Long I50 Sixth Cla^s Frederick Harter SuO James Gilfillen 4.'i0 .Tames Trotter ^^o Seventh Class. Conrad Stelgers Fourth Company. Sixth Class. M'illiam Stuart a:, Urought over 2692 10 .lului Anderson 200 .\ mount 2S92 10 Seventh IJattulion. First Class. Fifth Company. Thomas irConnel, James Ringland, . John Harvey Specie. 6 S 10 10 no 07 If) John Smiley Sixth Company. Seventh Class. Hush M'Culley Seventh Company. Seventh Class. Robert Eakln 150 .John MConnal, i;oston Shade m .lames M'Connal. Seventli Company. Isaac Ogden Second Class. Second Company. Frederick Rhodes Fourth Company. Xathaniel Innes Fifth Company. 5 4 4 Sixth Class. John Ross 12,^ Eighth Class. Fourth Company. Joseph Stuart 200 Sixth Company. Matthew Dorland Amount, Carried 2692 10 CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 715 STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF ARTHUR BUCHANAN. ESQ. SUB LIEUTENANT, FROM MARCH 1780, TO APRIL 1783. Arthur Buchanan. Esq. Sub Lieutenant, Dr. Cont. mo. Specie. ]\Iilitia Fines. Received from sundry persons of the Sth battalion, their fines for non performance of their tour of mili- tia duty incurred between April 1780, and April 1783. Per list 3140 13 10 For the balance of 100 1 continental money in his hands charged at 75, 16 8 Balance due to colonel Arthur Bu- chanan, 136 8 4 151 5 Sundries, Dr. to Arthur Buchanan. Esq. Military Stores, Paid sundry persons for repairing of arms, and carriage of ammunition, and for powder, 9 7 Militia Expences. Paid sundry persons for sitting at appeals, capt. Lamb for services in his company, and clerks wages,... 240 15 For his own services as sub lieuten- ant from the IGth June 1780, to to 21st June 1781, emploved 112 days, at 25 1 2800 Do. do. from ditto, to the 20th March 1783. employed 203 days, at 126 s specie, 126 17 6 For the balance of continental mo. charged above in specie 100 3140 151 5 716 ACCOUNTS (.)F' LIEUTENANTS. The outstanding fines wtiicli are due by the delinquents of the 8th battalion, amount to L. 288 2 4, continental money, and L. 318 2 1 specie, exclusive of exercise fines, of which no returns have been made, nor money paid on account tnereof. List of Fines received by Arthur Bui^hanan, esq. Eighth BattaUon. First Company. Fifth Class. .lames Ga!lov,-ay, .Ijimes Stuart, .. 200 150 Second Conipan.N . Fifth Class. William Scholars Third Company. Sixth Class. Alexander Jacobs P'rought over, 1140 Seventh Class. John Martin 200 v) Seventh Company. Fifth Class. Jacob Steely 450-0 Obadiah Pierce, 450 Se^-enth Cla.^ J-— ~ -■ _ CJ c r^ t; c; =• i) .- = \\ o ■" ;:: Cu > ^ ^ -1 7^ < CO 8 c CO 46-G-,3d Ser. o i-q I M i/T — z c S;^o ^ J ' i. r; t: ^ t: ^ 2 c: a ■::; ti H ^ =- O o - ^'^ ^ ^ c 3 •- £ < O > - C ^ 1 ^ ? A o o c i-s K c 722 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. == => I rH rH ° 73 c t: "^ c — n "^ ►* _ ^ • i ^ *-' t^ • — O cs t~ '. .' oj *^ C '"' I . ~ CD ^ -" 0.' • - ■ J = O r- « ' a ■ w ^ en ^ ~ 1-1 0) a w >j ii p ? - OJ <5 > , o -— C O "" CO tc 4; ^ X ^ ^ z!. NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. 723 o o — so 1 - t - CI re t^ ~ t£ cr. '"^ c/: yf < c ir -:; tc S ?■' ~ ° -^ ^i - J r ._ c — - ^ -x — t^ b£ tn .~ . rt — ■ " ' pu::; OS ..«- r - o-o . = c Cat:: a: ._ o — o tr, c c '.i: _ <_ <_ -^ _ o _- f^^ c 724 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. O _-■- ,= ~ o ^' c if^ t^ St Oj b£ C Qj S ^ tH ^' T, t, p — -*-J c a? -.^' -<-^ S '> £ i ..— t t- Qj CJ W) o , r a ^ ZZ " ■C ^ a> M r;^ ^ ^ ■*-^ i-. •■'' ^ i' Z 5f O 3j « 5| ~ ^ 'So '5i 0) O : < ~ i^ S a o -— CO - c .5 = £ 5 5 S p" *^ o s _5 i C _ „ - ii t; E T <1) M C "S 0^ 42 2 .-s -cS (i;$ a.;; -S 5 .^ o c 2 £ CI — C2 ^ <_ =^ 0^ 2h a: NORTHAMPTON' COUNTY. 725 vCOOCO'^O^Ci'OOO I>. CO N CI fO o 1-1 1-1 l-H o irt 1-1 05 00 1-1 O tC O C5 ctio 1-1 1-1 --^1^ O Irt O 00 c- ■ O CO o o oscs^o^-i— I oil— II— ' 't' ;Zdoooocooooo r- r- -C O O ^ 'Z e S 5 ? > > ^•„aiS-5;XcSrt c « o -c j- St £ " s CO -- ^ se S 1-^ O' « " C CO C i; 5 -c -5 — 3 s £ I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I M ." — .... 00 . — 2 _,;Lnt^ccc-. <=>■^(^5_:c^lcJO<^3l>-^^!1-• -^^ i-^i-IC> >~. ^ W c s 1 i- § rt re I|e^< ^ 3 K ;^ ~ X -^ K C ^ w; -p ~ r^ "^ re f^ NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. 727 A LIST OF THE SEVERAL FINES RECEIVED BY JOHN WEITZEL. ESQ: LATE LIEUTENANT OF NORTHAMP- TON COUNTY. AND ACCOUNTED FOR BY HIM TO SEP- TEMBER 4TH. 1779. Henry Knause ^^^ ^ ^ Jacob Knause, "•' ° ^ Jacob Feink °3 6 Maran Sibert, ro r n Frederick Wench, 5o 6 Andrew Gairy, ^ " *^ John Knause, ■^•' ^' ^ Peter Fink n ^ Jolin Histand 2o Jacob Weiss, co 2 n Abraham Histand, ^■^ ^ ^ Conrad Witmyer 53 6 Frederick Fennel, -^3 6 Daniel Creader, 53 6 Jacob Stall 40 Martin Turnonyer, Nicholas Deets, Henry Knapenberger 25 Michael Meckley 53 6 Valentine Shaffer 53 6 John Hinely 53 6 Ludowick Meckley, »3 6 U George Shaffer 50 Conrad Meitzer -^0 f' ^ Nicholas Clautz, 53 6 Daniel Smyer 40 Godfred Diffenderfer •lO Jacob Moore, -1" ^' ^ Philip Smyer, -^'^ Leonard Kuhn, ^^ Henrv Moultern, "^0 Peter Miller -^'^ ^ |^ Michael Eberhart 50 Daniel Stanfer 50 33 6 Adam Rodenberger ='0 John Hillegas 50 George Greeble 50 Christopher Ott, 53 G Philip Eberhart, 50 Jacob :\Iille:-. Bellmaker -^ ' George Walber: -■' ^ ^! Michael Snyder \^ ^ *' George Worman 5') Carried over £193;"; 13 728 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over, £1935 13 Conrad Worman Jacob Houbert, Simon Greets Jacob Weaver, John Weaver Yost Reepble, Henry Weaver, Philip Grouse, George Lypert, George Christ Josiah Thomas, Detrick Anselman Philip Shieck John Antony, Peter Miller Michael Sholler Adam Boger, John Peter Dewalt Peter Henry Weaver Leonard Miller, George Snarr, George Foght Michael Mosser Jacob Segler Philip Upp John Bryner Jacob Grime Conrad Palmer Henry Crim, Michael Mosser Henry Finck, Philip Mosser, Henry Witherston Jacob Wyand, John Worner, Samuel Worner Nathan Edmunds, Peter Frees Bernard Frees Charles Straub Laurence Bachman John Detrick, Jacob Reinsmith Nathaniel Edmunds George Older Amount £3470 10 50 50 53 6 53 6 53 6 53 6 53 6 10 26 53 6 40 40 40 20 20 5 7 10 40 40 40 15 2 10 40 40 15 15 20 5 20 11 5 40 40 40 3 5 40 40 40 15 20 53 6 53 6 53 6 53 6 53 6 53 6 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. 729 a; I m cr IT. w W en 00 e;5 c^ .2 ^^ -^ -^ c •"5 " § -a ^ ^, — QJ N g; ^ C CL' 03 J^ U rt «« vh c :::: -c oT O O o (D 03 CO '■ - rt -3 0) J i ft ^ S-= ^; rt QJ V2 O o ex: cr. > c > fe o e o u u < if « 5 I^' ti £* " 5: a' c3 L a; '^ = " o t; ■S a. "^ C o ^^^ o ^ — o c o C 1^ ^ ^ o S "i: o o t. " O ttJ 'M «i-i C cc E- -S^ ^ -S 730 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. m 5 E" m C Lf^ A 3 tc i3 t^ CS o S =0 9 S >D I? -^ M -fcj ~ 4) -a T3 > rt 41 Uc >> c3 9 ■^ . • -i ?? s ^'5f a; ■^ >,[^5 r .^ h. 9 ~ ^ .^ 3 >< , :/: I^ X 1) 3 ^ rt'rt ° o C.1. — CO o -^ OS -^ t- t^- ;_• t- t~ 1— 1 K _^ 0) a Si QJ -*-* M L^ O 6 M 33 ii O M 03 to -O T* 2 O a rz- bJD a .^ to M s i: ;:Z o 03 a oT o . c . 03 . in '• m . ^ ■ m ■ j_ tu . si • -uJ . ■ i^ . • - o • ; 00 t^ . • t- - ! • -H oi ■ L.-^ — ''"'"' • _• OJ • . C ^ • • -^ : rt o : ■ _ •-^ ■ ' -^H -^ : S a ; . 01 «^ . .^ ^ . • o "~ : • i^ 03 • : o 5 : •-=q ; o ^ ■ :2 3 ; -•-^ s: : ^H r^ u o s2^ to a be 25 -- ■<-' .H th <1^ i- "S i- § - ^ „ O ^ 03 X ^<=--- \'-'^ NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, if. s ^ K ^' Owl cr Q, r o 7= -2 M s ^ C5 O O) c: .2 •- > i 1— I _ ^^ tr. ^ ^ en r— — . ^^ -^ ,-^ en r- - C tH '^ ^ O - 'l t~ K X:- r/: -: ■? ?1 '^ - o o N — — - .t: ::: a; t- tix) !- — c K ^ .° ,2 en y: C 1 ss-g ^1 . 1-5 "" — O tn 1 ..- « 1 C^TS P 2K 5 sz I c [- i: o ^ ~ CO o O 0; r— b "^ CI . ■ 1 * ^ - O jz -P w C I L.-^ oi £ ?^ ;=^ d ■- ^* c*;: 1-1 c in a, - ^ W '"= <= 1; _: I . eo jr "x; I c ;:; " ',:: ^- E 00* = _- ?i 1 2 = i -,- — ;C 5 -^ ;^ L: i^s^ S hr t: .c^-'-';:- — S c 5 ?^ 5 d, I 732 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENAxNTS. - t— o 173 K ^ i- ^ o ^ aJ ^ a i) i^ y:' ■_> 3 c CO o s ^ C .. > 1 c ■~ QJ O o a — ~ O O QJ ;_ C ,, tn be 5 E o a; 2 ^ o (Si < s T" ^^ ^ CC K r*-* -^ 53 o c — So W 5 -^" o < t^ f-i ~ _^ ::; G o c ►r = ^ — — ^ .-; c .- • — ° -^ o (:: ^ ^ il NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. 733 A LIST OF THE SEVERAL FINES RECEIVED BY DAVID DESHLER. ESQ; LATE SUB-LIEUTENANT OF NORTH- AMPTON COl'^^TY, FROM MARCH 1777. TO SEPTEMBER 1779. Abraham Yeader. £53 6 Adam Romick 53 6 Casper Yeader, 53 6 John Geissinger 53 6 Abraham Geissinger 2il n o Michael Weaver 25 Abraham Bidleman 25 John Eple 25 Martin Eple 25 Peter Swinker 5 10 David Snyder 42 Jacob Moullough 8 Michael Hettle, 10 Adam Cryper 10 Henry Wind, 7 10 George Ardman 30 Andrew Ardman, jiin 30 O Augusty Streets IC. 17 6 Jacob Backman 53 5 9 Ludowick Kouch 3 (> Henry Weaver, jun 25 Carried over £1295 4 11 734 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over £1295 4 11 Frederick Hoff 4(i o John Ernhard 12 Nicholas Kiirts 2n o Aquilla Tool 2;" G Isaac Stout 53 6 Nicholas Everhart 12 Henry Shaffer, 5?. 6 Andrew Reap, 10 Peter Moyer 5."^ fi .Tacob Coppes 53 6 Henry Bitts 53 6 John Leislough 4n Michael Sigler 30 Leonard Richer 30 6 4 Matthias Brick 12 Martin Shaffer 53 6 Isaac Fre?raan 20 Christian Wickley 25 George Richards 53 6 Francis Cooper 15 Q John Boyl 25 John Heller, 25 Richard Lee 53 Samuel Koupman 20 o Frederick Houck 20 Conrad Hartzel 25 Philip ■\ViIlmoro 53 6 Thomas Cevil 25 Casper Weaver 25 John Stout, 25 Peter Loudenstone, 25 Jacob Barr ^o o Frederick Neighard 50 John Snyder, 50 Peter Bighill, ' . . 50 John Luckingbach 50 Lawrence Neighard 40 Hannicle Fox 40 William Freeman, ]_ 40 Adam Deshler ' . . 40 John Hunzeker 40 George Swird .......].... 40 Jacob Housman 40 Car led over £283" 5 3 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. Too Brouglu over £28:r.5 5 3 Conrad Leisinger 40 George Neighard, 4U Harman Streiber, (rei)aid him again) 4(i Jacob Kenn 4o Peter Howman 40 Martin Gross 30 Joseph Grubb 3l» Adam Swander 40 Andrew Hower 40 Daniel Yoimt 40 Peter Neighard, 35 Henry Statler 40 Daniel Norhong, 25 Doctor Pulsius 25 George Leibert 25 William Boyle 40 Michael Snvder 11 5 Abraham Syder, '. 35 Michal Knouse 4o Matthias Gangeware, 25 5 Colonel George Huber, 8 5 Adam Snyder 40 Conrad Ruch 25 William Croachouse, 25 George Blank, 50 Matthias Albert, 40 Frederick Handwerk 40 Ulrich Brinker 25 Daniel Rymer, 26 Henrv Unanghst, 25 Henry Shuller, 13 John Boger, 3 10 Velentine Yeager, 20 Melchoir Knepple, 15 John Moll 40 Jacob Cram 53 6 William Roberts 25 Conrad Row 5 Matthias Gongware 14 15 Andrew Keek, 20 John Kuntz, 7 10 Peter Young, 20 Conrad Earnest, 40 Carried over, £4098 1 3 736 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over, £4098 1 3 John Ritter, 30 Christopher Ashback, lu u Henry Kuntz 7 10 Henry Feather, 4u Henry Morrits 3(i o o Abraham Bachman 37 10 Jacob Deal, 7 10 James Kruikshank, 53 6 Philip Bergstreser 53 G Ludowick On, 5 Conrad Richley 5 David Ashenback 5 William Cooper, 5 Adam Stephen 5 Thomas Cally 5 o George Deamer 18 William Rifemeyer 7 10 o John Kunsman 7 10 Peter Cauff 7 10 Q Jacob Kouch 5 o George Reisner 7 10 Adam Everhard, 5 o David Heller, 5 o Simon Heller, 5 o Peter Kouch, 15 o George Miller, 53 1 q Matthias Brick 12 Melchoir Edinger 10 Peter Showalter 53 g Jacob Geissinger 53 g Peter Sholl, 5 Nicholas Cook 5 q Joseph Richards 7 10 Jacob Lansinger 8 5 John Seller. 3 Peter Lance, lo q Henry Coken, 40 James Allen, 53 6 Peter Linn '_][ 25 Amount £4Sis 17 9 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. 737 3 d) +-> < o X m O u < 4-1 C o o < H a; o 3 S C2 J- m p. o S^, ^ n o S ^ X c r' — "^ Z. m tfi c *^ a> rn «-■ . r_- r, ,.x! •Z5 P '-' g ^ s -= "a -^ •(DO O > O > U7 ^ — 47-6--3d Ser. Pi A rss ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. -a s a ■— (—< 5 o o ^ 03 t^ a> 0) 1— t o s o "^ £ r^ ■3 -a c rt .— >> 73 '2 o a t-i 0! 03 S O ill t, t- o •" 03 »3 — i, ._ ^ S ^_ 5-«oo •5 -^S •- "^ o ^ tC O Oi — o o o >H lO O '^ UO O O CO O rH O 00 t+i o o o o oc t- -a t- TS -c ':=':: ^*^ lO C^^ O -r Lffl Tf r ■ ^ ^ Q> — bE^ ^ t-' >> r-. be of tT 03 to a; cs a; ", a >, \:z o M S "^ O O c^ .- - 03 , Oi iJ ■" 5 S 03 d 3 0^ C o 3 -S 3 -j-f o -C cS 3 O -3 u M O — 3 — T ^ -H NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. 739 o o o o o o lO O w o o o l-( 1— I O (M Cs) 05 O 00 O <» o ir: oi c CO ^ ,H > o J3 be 3 O cq J" o~ t- o o o o c 2 o t- d T-l -s ■- -c '3 '3 -c tH TS 4=" J= ^ J-" _^" 6 ^ x:' js' ^ ^ C-l d W3 Ut' 00 CC CO o ■..M t- ^^ ^^ M 1—1 C<1 1—1 (M CJ ^_, ^ , M X! tn si -;:; > >i 5) ^ 6 S7 o 6 6 d d « rt -< Q a: ^ C Q c C s S ■< -c -K c o ;- rt aj ca_, S o M) ez ° o •—' u-,'*-' ^ «- o o d s- .— , (V S P c o c '^ •- ^ Q 0) . IS* .-2 M) rt' (_ C 6 03 . f: M Oi Si t— I ^ o »a in

OS rt ^ ■« .C J= ^ O 740 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. o cr> O iH lO o CO r-l o o cq O lO (M 00 M oc C^ Tfl Ltl lO iH -"f , 3 ^ ■= O (4 a a" pq o jg E.^- 02 OJ o ." (Sp^ PL, t- o a> 03 ?r; " S S 2i o a ^^ O) C (B t^ O O S = =« e 3 S "2 0) •= m < Ph .^ •r 3 oT 3 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. 741 LIST OF FINES RECEIVED BY JACOB SHOEMAKER, ESQ; SUB-LIEUTENANT. Michael Messinger £53 Daniel Blessinger, George Messinger, Peter Arndt, Jacob Messinger, Andrew Uhler, Casper Rippel, Peter Kocker, Michael Fress, Philip Deal, Philip Messinger, John Messinger, Martin Gross, Christian Staut, Frederick Deal, Tobias Shurtz, John Dewald, John Kemmer, Adam Essig Henry Roahn, Daniel Ritter, Joseph Horsfield Christian Benzein, Abraham Rinekin Stephen Beutelman, Jacob Smick, George Shindler, Timothy Horsfield, John Wygand, Charles Colvert, Frederick Sleegel, Christian Fuhrer, Joseph ShO'ber David Gold Renatus Lamky Abraham Steiner, Melchoir Christ, Henry Crunner, Christian Blattenberger Christian Edwine, '. Peter Lenert, John Edwine, Carried over, £1576 15 £53 1 6 50 53 1 6 20 40 40 26 26 26 50 50 50 26 5 40 26 20 40 40 20 26 26 26 26 53 1 6 53 1 6 26 10 9 53 1 6 53 1 6 26 10 9 50 50 5 50 26 26 53 1 6 53 1 6 53 1 6 50 50 40 742 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over, £1576 15 Daniel Cunkler 15 Stephen Keler, 40 Abraham Young, 30 Joseph Jones 40 Joseph Nethen 40 Martin Kind, 40 Philip Yeant 40 George Merket, 40 Casper Houser, 40 Adam Horn 40 Andrew Kline, 26 Adam Ebert 26 John Sober 26 Manuel Dorshimer, 26 Daniel Clewel 53 1 6 Francis Clewel, 53 i 6 Martin Mayer, 53 i 6 George Clewel, 53 i 6 Michael Roadrock 5 o Adolphe Yorde, 11 o Philip Hahn, 40 Adam Brown 26 Jacob Deek, 26 Michael Mering 26 Christian Mucksh, 26 Godfried Sam 26 Joseph Otto, 26 Daniel Easterly 26 John Fry 26 10 George Grouse, 53 i 6 Charles Oppits, 53 1 g Joseph Demuth, 53 1 g Baltzer Staller, 53 1 g John Bydle, 53 1 6 Christian Demuth, 53 1 g Andrew Kintig, 50 John Hanky, 50 Jacob Christ 50 John Youngbergh 50 Michael Ruch 50 Frederick Bener 40 Q John Ochenbergh, 40 David Bydle, 40 Q Thomas Hartman, 10 Carried over, £3221 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. 743 Brought over £3221 Lewis Reder, 30 Frederick Bydle, 40 Leonard Kneight, 30 Mathias Krauss, 40 Tobias Beckel 40 Joseph Levering 40 Philip Slouch, 13 John Wise, 50 Andrew Borheck, 53 1 6 Adam Stocker 40 John Brown 40 Lewis Wilhelm 40 Jacob Rath, 8 Henry Costabater, 52 1 6 John Deafenderfer, 30 John Romich, 53 6 Peter Eberhart, 40 Edward Gerred 7 10 Jacob Cline, 20 Andrew Reaser, 30 George Featherman, 26 Abraham Shantz, 40 George Wetzel, 3 Abraham Staufer 26 10 Peter Weaver, 7 10 Abraham Mayer, 53 6 Deobald Shud, 5 Philip Knows, 7 10 Jacob Keler, 40 Nicholas Lace, 2P> John Hinely, 30 Conrad Vine 40 Jacob Wannernaker, 26 Andrew Hanzelman, 40 Andrew Snyder, 40 Jacob Mantz, 40 Lorentz Wassem, 40 George Ruppert, 40 James Collins, 40 Frederick Kleppinger, 40 Jacob Rhoad, 40 Jonathan Hill, 40 John Kleckner, 40 Anthony Cleppinger, 40 Carried over, £4688 15 744 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over, £4688 15 John Allison, '. 40 George Bruch, 39 18 9 John Weaver, 30 Frederick Kratzer, 32 William Kritz, 40 Jacob Musselman, 32 Joseph Daniel, 40 o Peter Glass, 26 Jacob Sholl, 40 Peter Horbach, 35 14 Nicholas Sholl, 40 Henry Kritz, 53 John Hukus 40 John Heffelfinger, 40 John Musselman, 40 Henrj' Cleppinger 40 Christian Spangler, 40 Joseph Van Buskirk 26 Samuel Beudelman, 53 James Hemphill 26 Francis Cromly, 40 John Hangoe 26 William Smith, 26 Samuel Geen, 26 Valentine Mekes, 26 Abraham Gross, 26 John M'Cartney, 40 Conrad Gees, 7 John Sterling 5 Henry Steiner 5 Henry Snyder, 40 Jacob Hardman, 5 Diedrick Hardman, 5 Conrad Bry, 40 Bork Miener, 10 Abraham Klotz 25 John Ohlewine, 27 10 George Helfert, 25 Henry Bower, 35 George Riffel, 10 Daniel Groniger, 5 Peter Moritz, 40 Peter Butz, 40 George Flickinger, 10 Carried over, £5986 17 9 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. 745 Brought: over, £5986 17 9 Christian Bearch 5 John Holman, 30 Peter Traxel 35 Philip Roth 27 10 Jacob Krechman, 21 Peter Meyer, 22 10 Lewis Rishel 15 George Dormeyer 5 Bastian Miller, 5 Christian Jacob 5 George Wilman, 5 Deobald Candle 15 Jacob Borger 20 John Berr, 25 Joseph Nelich, 10 Peter Siegfriedt, 20 Peter Candle 15 Jacob Arner, 8 Peter Feller, 20 John Swartz 21 10 Frederick Metzker 20 John Neas, 20 Adam Staler 18 John Rerich, 10 John Flecksv, 5 10 John Clewel, 40 John Clewel 40 Henry Heffelfinger 40 Abraham Mertfis, 20 Adam Henrv 7 10 Jacob Shriber 30 Stophel Kern 25 Andrew Heck 7 10 Peter Vighart, 37 Casper Peter, 27 10 Jacob Keler, 30 Deobald Coons 10 Peter Smith 32 Philip Fogel, ;.. 30 John Botts, 40 Henry Moor, 25 John Fetter 20 Peter Beck 12 10 Matthias Weaver, 10 Carried over, £6874 17 9 746 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over, £6S74 17 9 Jeremias Smith, 30 Philip Scagler 20 Frederick Warmlcessel, 15 Stophel Martin 25 Adam Smith 18 Philip Jacob Barr, 25 Adam Braus, 20 John Haas, 12 Henry Romich, 40 Jacob Yound, 20 Daniel Nighard 25 George Hoffman 20 Casper Sheneberger, 25 Jacob Swander , 20 Jacob Greader, 25 Bernard Smith, 7 10 Lewis Rishel 15 Daniel Traxel 20 Michal Gulp, 30 Abraham Sterner, 25 Matthias Kern, 20 Casper Hippel, 20 Stephen Dalman 20 Lewis Taylor 30 GftO"ge Christman, 23 10 Nicholas Hittle 22 Jacob Shantzweiler 5 Isaac Gerred 20 Martin Dornbeyer, 5 Henry Knappenbergher, 23 George Sydle, 20 Michael Keinert 20 Michael Mechly, 40 Jacob Smyer, 30 George Graver, 40 Henry Gresmer, 25 Frederick Romich, 40 Joseph Eisenhart, 10 Michael Sheffer, 30 Nicholas Larash, 10 John Hinely 22 Matthias "Wesgo, 30 Peter Kennet, 5 o Daniel Mowrer, 10 Carried over, £7832 17 9 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. 747 Brouglit over, £7832 17 9 Casper Reeser, 25 Adam Gearey 24 George Ruch 7 10 George Herner 20 Nicholas Beats 30 John Reeser, '. 20 John Hillegas, 30 George Greeble, 37 Stophel Ott, 30 Peter Brown 15 George Wooman 27 10 Rudolph Punk 15 Abraham Shullert, 15 Adam Engleman, 15 Nicholas Derr, 12 John Shullert, 18 John Jacobe, 20 John Derr, 20 John Hestant, 40 Jacob Wise, 40 Conrad Witmyer, 25 Abraham Maver 40 Valentine Sheffer, 40 Philip Rhoad 35 Jeremias Yeakel, 35 Balzer Grause, 35 Joseph Shuntz 35 John Shuntz 40 George Walwer: 35 George Yeakel 35 Conrad Worman, 35 Joseph Hestand 40 Daniel Stanfer, 40 Isaac Hestant 40 Frederick Fennel 40 John Greesimer, 40 Michael Andrew, 40 John Yound, 35 Abraham Hestant, 40 Abraham Greble, 35 Amount, £9033 17 9 748 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS V I D 4-1 :^ X U o a "; m 3 3 C 3 O a oT CJ .n; H >. < o< > — ^ o re 2 5 S c^ :^ o = .poo 1^ C5 c/D ' ^ S ° o S O 03 to , o o C lO 1-1 M ^~ 'd" c ;=: c > ° o - to o t! aj a - u^ i3 a t? - " 'C ^ re aa-S^ = "S 'P "5 a o o NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. 749 O Oi o o o o LTs 00 o c m »*< M CO CO i-H Ol _j re > K t>o CQ ^ 2 . o >. ■^ : < : c '^ i ii i.O — — > cc ^ ! c . ti cw ^- tJD .CO s-.^^- c- p ^ i: . ;:i 3 " ^ ?:■ n O 03 "o C5 3; CO •*- O CS —' ft to C ■„ 1-^ o - s 05 <5 c -4-J ^ OJ S =. ' t3 ►-ihq O Hi 2K^ ■>* o c o i= to 0) ; J ^ O CO • X "^ > CO . s d r; O;! ■ s -c • Ui :.- Q, m C 1^ CO t- <- 0; rt C5 .5~-2 <^'"S o ?^ ~ "5 ~ c > c — c s-^ to ^ Wk 2 a .t; S co' c «- — to CJ ^ (U .jq ;^ p. 3 o ^ x: s I; ;i.;f i Oh fl, ■ ^ >-' o a. 6£ r t- « o i c ,„ c- .2; ^' c to r ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. LIST OF FINES RECEIVED BY JOHN CHAMBERS, ESQ; SUB-LIEUTENANT OF NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. John Vanaker, jun., £18 2 6 Jacob Lemons, 19 5 10 Joseph Mar, 19 5 10 James Durham, 19 5 10 Charles Scott, 19 5 10 George Smith 19 5 10 Jacob Detrich 19 5 10 Elias Detrich, 19 5 10 James Scott 19 5 10 Alexander Yangarden, 9 1 6 John Price, 7 2 6 Henry Labar, . . . .' 19 5 10 Benjamin Bunnel 9 1 6 Philip Bellesfelt, 19 5 10 Anthony Keentz, 19 5 10 George Philips, 22 3 6 Elias Dalley, 5 Solomon Hogue 5 Abner Overfield, 11 1 9 Jacob Vanaker, sen 15 Henry Boyls, 11 1 9' David Jean 11 1 9 Benjamin Brink, 22 3 6 Frederick Miller, 11 1 9 John Adamson, 22 3 6 Christian Painter 21 2 11 Ephraim Simonson 22 3 6 Joseph Stackhouse 22 3 6 James Cawley, 22 3 6 John Long, sen 22 3 6 Pe !;er Ink, 22 3 6 "7" Christopher Bowman 22 3 6 '' Ralph Merden, 22 3 6 John Pelman, 22 3 6 Jacob Whitman, 22 3 6 Elias Shnyder 22 3 6 Jacob Wood 22 3 6 Charles Labar 22 3 6 Joseph Colvert, 22 3 6 Henry Pifer, 22 3 6 Philip Whitman, 22 3 6 John Scott 22 3 6 Carried over, £767 8 7 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. 751 Brought over, ^'^^'^ ^ ''' Leonard Caris 22 3 6 Samuel Rea, Esq \t " r John Ratley • j^ " )! Ezekiel Decker ^^ " " Elias Decker ^^ J J Thomas Asherton, ^^ [ " Benjamin Tomkins, "^^ ^ ]! Joseph Adamson, ' t^^ [ Abraham Ball, ' ^^ " Thomas Hillbourn, ^^ ^ ^ Isaac Burson ^^ " ^ Joseph Kenard, f^ ^ ^ William Hillbourn, 1^ ^ ^ George Labar 26 o John Detrich ^^ " ^ Elias Long f ^ " William Labar, j^ " " Frederick Garis, ^^ u u Joseph Long, • ^$ " " David Mar, " " ^ John Covert 9 ^ " Manuel Gonzales j^ ^ " Daniel Shoemaker, Lieut., on a n Joseph Pennel 20 Adam Utt, ^0 George Lerne f^^ ^ Garret Broadhead, fl ^ " Jacob Larvitz 40 U U Christian Mineger, ^^ ^' ^ Christopher Keller, f ^ " Henry Larvitz. ^" ^ ]! John Van Buskirk 40 U Henry Smith, 40 Abraham Labar 1^ ^ ^ Edward Durham ^" " X John Smith 40 Casper Engler 40 o u George Labar 40 facob Beesacker 40 u .u Jacob Peck, 40 George Beard, 40 Joseph Oar, -. 1° ^ " James Ross ]^ ^ " Andrew Rumfield 40 t\ Carried over £1987 7 1 752 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought over, £1987 7 1 Elisha Barton, 40 Charles Labar, 39 19 9 Joseph Marr, 39 19 9 Henry Jacoby ■. . . 40 Frederick Miller, 40 James Beard, 40 John Nelson 15 Jacob Detrich 40 William Plumer, 40 George Miller, 40 Jacob Emerich, 40 Jacob Leman 40 Philip Castor 40 Charles Scott 40 George Smith, 40 John Long 40 Jacob Whitman 40 Elias Long, jun., 40 Philip Whitman , 40 John Scott, 40 He-man Deldine, 40 Ralph Morden, 40 Leonard Garice, 40 Richard Applegate, 22 Amount, £2904 6 7 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. 753 & W o o < c cj < > S — S rt •^ S S p "" 2 E o ^ g c '►J 48-6--3d Ser. 754 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. c O P ^ ^ a a, i. ^ Q a (D a 03 '-' c - ^ = < .S NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. 755 LIST OF FINES RECEIVED BY JACOB SHOEMAKER, FROM THE FIFTH BATTALION. Leonard Welsh, ^^^ Conrad Eadelman -5 Michael Walter 40 Christian Butz, 40 George Walter 40 George Messiuger, 40 Michael Messinger, 40 Christian Stout, 20 Nicholas Sheuerman, 20 Ulrich Knight 40 Conrad Hess 40 Michael Lawald, 40 Michael Lawald, 40 Philip Frankenfield, 25 Frederick Shurtz, 40 Jacob Essig, 40 Conrad Reeser, 20 William Smith 40 Michael Smith, 40 George Essig 40 Peter Shoemaker ^0 Conrad Snyder 25 John Beidel, 40 Christian Benzein 40 Abraham Rinekin, 40 Leonard Beidleman, 40 Michael Ritter 30 Stephen Beudelman 40 John Wijson, 40 Timothy Horsfield, 40 Matthias Hummel, 30 Jacob Balliet, 20 Nathaniel Brown 20 Peter Snyder 40 Adam Butz 20 Peter Bender 20 Andrew Kline 40 John Sober, 40 Daniel Clewel, 40 George Sober 40 Francis Clewel, 4n Henrv Cortabader 40 1! I) u II 1! II II II u Carried over £1465 756 ACCOUXTS OF I IE U TEN A NTS. Brought over £1465 David Miller 40 Martin Meyer 40 Christopher Demuth, 40 George Clewel, 40 Joseph Otto 40 Daniel Easterly 40 Renadus Lamky 40 Fi-ederick Shaffer 40 vMatthias Muikc 40 Nathaniel Muike 40 IMelchoir Christ 40 Charles Opitz 40 Joseph Demuth. .. 40 John Beydel 40 Christian Demuth 40 Samuel Staup 40 Henry Brunner : 40 Henry l-Yess 40 Peter Scip 40 Amount £2225 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. 757 >% o J ■""> 4-) o u < O in Z ^- c> o o o ,-10 A • Ml tf OP M) • 6 ^ s ^ m -«-* M^ j_i C T-H 5 , s ~5, 0; ^ E •5 ^ .. ^H W Oj "o F ^ s 0) '"5 a ^ „- Ivj en; c ~ »2 "H ^ ci j=%: _■ S I*' S .2 "^ .2 cc — I— 1 o ?o S •"= <» tH o CO (3; O rt 00 O) CO « S rt ad 02 G 0) o 0/ O) ■- s^ a; t- a; m C T3 ^ -a o C oj &; — ^*-' E-. — := 1- > c < fci 0) -" a:2 o ^ S O tH -3 -3 o 2 03 c ^ o Ji O < 758 ACCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. O 05 o la fo a-. c^ o o O U5 © rt og . 2; S-=S5S.- D M •-; ~ -^ a oi 02 m oj 0^ t; j:^ — . 5 £ ^ fc ^ fe 03 O a 0) o. lllfl-" ■:.,^ — ^ ►^ =E C a. o , _rt .t; - add) S =^' tfOK o „- a c O -t;' •- — >> 5 /3 ~ c • -a a; . 3 si; ^ c -" : 2 "•"Si: 03 W (-• - .•- -Q •" - a c 03 a "^ ^=2^ a _o j=! 5-- "o «- 6 S o o o -- e^ c^ o: c: ■'__ ^ r-- ^ ^ t- a cr C i-H re — TO H o o:-g ,_■" a^ .i _§ 5 o o >>"" iuc -^ re — 3 i^— % $= rt _ ^ o 4-) o ^ Z b/D c;^ ,-v c; ^ 4-) T ri ■ ' C , 1 i; , J o C/J 1-^ N-/ ^ ^ rt w ^ -U ^ ■y; U" in 7^ 'Xi s- < ^ 5 in <*- < 5 o O 00 ^'3 - o o o o o in •^ o t- lo •^ ^ o -* cc CD LTS O 1— t >^ O CO » •^ «i C-3 (N M -^^J !^' H 5c : : : ; O _ tH . . . . *^ C* . '• • ■ ■ ^ a 5 • ■ -. • — ~ . . oc ^ . _^" ="' o o t^ - ?. rt ^J " ~ • • t^ -2 5 — ^'' 5 - I -^ .H ""• " = '"' 11 7^ oT S ;j ^ - a; Z'a "^ c o • . • • a; c o o c 5i c; a Qi^ 5:C o to : 5 c c * *^ ^ • oc ■ C O "2 • t- • o c : " t2 --S ; bi ^- ^- 2 - • c ti o o . Cm L, r; .X -2 ■^ a.' 1th, ceiv rom heir r-t '^ -^ • t*= r- 4> C • dJ ~ ,- Cfi O • a. •-s CI' i- •-: ■ O' r- rt uT o 0) :t^ - " c ^ == a, ct^ t- -^ &.ii i-H ^ O O ZJ 00 -t^ t/2 ,— i Oj •^ x: "t; T-l ^ p^ c^j ^ aj ~ .X "2 ? 1 S"^ ^^2 - o :« ;.; r;- j2 c, bTj p: ^ = ^ c "-^ rp: _:2 _. ;i; o ci-^ X ? -t - o 3. ,~ £ a, '— ' ._j ^ c_ ^ 5 T T- -ti c/-- ^ r 0- ~ t^ - C r, !-, ►- T^ <^ — C a, c - E £ Si:^ Ci ;<>■! ACCOUNTS OF LI I'^UTIiN ANTS. c. c^J O o o --r: o "^ o c^ o OO <>J 00 t^ O OO ID CO Oi c^ re irt w s Pi ^ r^ 00 (i d oc Q^ t-- -3 -C t- ■^ tH 3 . i w ^"^S ►-5 j^ S 5 1~ ^ T-l (M ^ 3 tn 175 3 . ^- ^Ko"^ d< -; QJ o ■;:: Pi c 5 &j= :S a: S"-- er^ QJ IS _-r: c NORTHAMPTON COUN'I Y. 765 c o 01 o o o o o O O O' — O lO o o cq o tr; I-] ltj oo i^ c: M Ci u": ^H oo r-? -^ Ci (M > rt -S*© rt :--2^ OJ U3 . ja rt "^ 35 C rt . "-^ rt > tn o a -= 2- ^ ? d) 3 4) 0) ^ P -"S o -^ g -* g "* i '-13 ^ ^"S 5 ^ rt " C -c -^ -- G - a> rt 0; S >< S rt ^ . "' ^^ •^ ■— a; - O r- -: 5* '^'^ c « U3 .-T", "^ -a C S 5" •„ 2 — •j: o o cs o "-J *- o o ■^ 1-1 t— CO -Pi i « t« t! S o O o "" =« £ 5 i^ 03 o z z c b£ c c u o cd b£ !_, cu J2 s o U ^ 03' Oo 2^ CO NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. 767 No. I. List of fines received by SAMUEL RHEA, Tour Fines. Frederick Slegel 136 5 ■ John Shoop 135 10 John Weise 227 5 Christian Fewer 50 John Hutchinson 49 5 John Miller 135 John Myers, 350 i J Jacob Bender 80 Jacob Christ 200 John Rhone ICO Godfrey Shultz 10 Frederick Beekle 30 James Moore 4D "•John Bowman "■' Conrad Best 200 John Wlndt, 200 Elijah Crawford 190 , George Marks 195 Oj Adolph Flora 100 ^ Frederick Beiner 300 George Ingel 150 Philip Deal 384 15 John Messenger 397 10 Daniel Mesenger 384 Philip Messenger 300 William Johnston 193 Lawrence Bidder, 195 Michael Kothrock GO Conrad Gennante 194 5 Henrj- Peck 50 Second Battalion. Brought forward. • '638 10 Jacob Messinger, Abraham Miller, Adam Home, ... Thomas Marks, tisy 1 6S9 1 699 13 300 ohn Crafford 22i) Gotlieb Demutli, John Clevill, .. 100 100 No. 2. ■Exercise Fines received by SAMUEL RHEA. Second Batallon. David Cutz 130 George Hankey .. 100 J. Alias George Horn 150 Peter Lichtner 300 Abraham Hastier 300 Charles Wennigh 300 Tobias Bickle 300 Matthias Hankey 200 Joseph Horsfield, Christian Everts, Christian Benzem Samuel Smick John Wollson 90 John Dealing ^^ Charles Kunkle 90 Godfreld Belling ^ Abraham Andrerws Jacob Smith Timothy Horsfield 90 90 90 90 90 90 Anthony Smith, ... David Bishop John Wigand Charles Colva John Smith Christo. Byerleaves. Jacob Opp 337 10 , Frederick Slegel 300 i John Wise John Ciouse. . Caspar Hauser. 90 100 ■ John Shroop ^ " Frederick Beckl". .- 90 Godfrey Shultz Christian Etteni Charles Weinich 90 Carried forward • 7638 10 Carried over. 2160 768 A.CCOUNTS OF LIEUTENANTS. Brought forward 2160 Tobias Biechel 90 Peter LiCghnart, 90 Christian Righter, 90 Godfrey Crows 90 Daniel Klelst 90 Abraham Remmy 90 John Steele 90 Joseph Deel 90 Godlieb Bailing 90 -Abraham Hassler, 90 John Eyrich, 16 17 6 Jacob Messenger, 90 George Messenger, 90 Michael Messenger 90 John Messenger 90 Daniel Messenger 90 Frederick Deel, 73 2 6 Peter Kohr 56 B Major Shouse 90 Joseph Jones 90 Abraham Young 90 Godlieb Demuth 67 10 John Claywell, 90 George Emleln 90 Daniel Claywell 90 Henry Ceutenbader 90 Christian Blatenber 90 Christopher Demuth 90 John ClayTvell, jun 90 Andrew Klein 90 Michael Clouse 16 17 6 John Hartee 90 Michael Morlng 90 Christian Meeks 90 Joseph Otto 90 Daniel Esterlln 90 Renadus Llmskoy 90 Jacob Clajrwell 90 Frederick Shafter 90 Melchlor Christ 90 Henry Bunner 90 George Clause 90 John Beldle 90 Samuel Stoup 90 Carried forward. Brought forward, 5900 12 C Christian Henry Beck 90 Jacob Steimer 90 John Hanicey 90 9 Jacob Christ 90 John Youngberge 90 Frederick Dinkey 90 David Brlcker 90 Matthias Crouse 90 Jacob Emly 90 William Henry 90 William Laun 90 £6890 12 6 State Mon^y. Joseph Hasfleld. ... Christian Eberts, ... Samuel Smuk, John Wolson John Deling Charles Kunkle Godfrey Belling , Abraham Andreas, ., Jacob Smuk , Timothy Hasfleld, .. Anthony Smith David Bishop John Wig-ant Charles Colvert John Smith Christ. Byerleaves, . Frederick Slegel, ... John Weise John Shroop Frederick Beekle, Charles Wlnnlgh. ... Tobias Beekle Christopher Rightner. Daniel Klelst .\braham Remmigh, John Steep, Joseph Deel Abraham Hasler. ... Carried forward n (1 n NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. 769 Brought forwaiil 3 Frantz Geitner deorge Huber John Eirich, Michael Hart Peter Schnyder Philip Haleck Barnet Levy John Messenger Jacob Messenger Michael Messenger George Messenger, Jacob Tyock Leonard Engle George Engle Adolph Yortley Isaac Hubler, John Sober Abraham Hubler Carried forward, ; 1 4 1 4 4 6 10 6 19 6 19 6 19 6 1 4 1 4 1 4 n 1 4 15 Brought forward Francis Clay well Martin Mayer Manuel Dorshamer George Enslein Joseph Caskey, Daniel Claywell Henr>' Custenbader Jacob Hain Michael Hetler Christian Baltenber Christopher Deniuth Henry Timer George Shook David Keam Michael Clouse Two men of capt. Balliett's company, 2 8 2 8 15 15 ( ( 1 ■ 1 • ( I o' I li 49--6--3d Ser. (770) STATE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF Peter Burkholder, Esquire, SUB-LIEUTENANT OP NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. 1780-1783. (771) (772) rt o r^ 0) a; a; . •— f^ J CO ■ r^ o S " S 2 LDtzz 0) u « (V Oh m J< o O o o o o o o s '""' j-> 6 , V5 te— o O O o ^ O O O ' . 1— ( ^ l-H 1-1 tH r CT *J o C<1 o o cfs c^ e^ o : t/) m^ c 00 00 oo ^ 1-H oo oo -^ c Wx: o 1—1 CO CO CO c o^& m ■ . CO . ! ! . . .S '-I . - S CO w m •g^s -O OO in o S H cS rt COS 5 ,H a, Ceo - CCJ cn Pi 'm fa "S QJ O PiG 05 00 5D O OS tH Oi Irt 1-1 tH O N tH •»f I ja -o 0^ - . -fi IM •rH . "' ■^ CQ 6 6 6 6 T3 'a 'O -3 PQQO NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. 775 oooooooo T-i iH tH tH ^ r-t T-l r-l '-I ^ t-i rH rH ■^ CO 1— I T-t T— I rH (MPqc^ie^iMiM'M'J^ ■11 « cu n OJ • ;_ C3 • >> tr. u QJ M • ^ li o o o o o o o ro '73 la '3 "O "O "O 6006060 n3 'O 'O "^ '^ '^ "^ • =^ S l: o n-l "^ ""^ - t^ o .t; „- m I— 1 '^ >> — o o o o o o o 666066600^ 600000*000 o o o •:r: n m 5^ ■< c 5 ^td « ,<;og E? Ol *'^ 03 ^ - a X3 ;:^ m 0^ rt W M c 0/ cS 3 c3 o u _^ a rt S "O C<5 iJ ;< 00 -•-» rt t— ? l-( J CIS 1 «*H % s -U o 6 o o X! CO -a "O "O "O o o o O o rQ -O t3 -o Qj 0} • jj in be 'S o a^K S cS oj "O ^ "O , . . . "3 d oi cJ S . d <» to ^ to c ^ §• bo n , O _, t, -tJ ^ l£5 rt C -r-. 43 t- Oj > 03 fc bJD «t-i g-a a' P. • 0) "O O ■SPO NORTHAMPTOls' COUNTY. 777 [a a =« O B2 a QJ O K =5 (M CO O - H C 5f CQ c =:a en a> . ® 00 to ro 1-1 cS -C ^ 'S >-, z o o X -a O OJ I— I ^Z K G in it O Ty, Capt. George, company fines, 194, 197, 201 Ferree, Capt. , company fines 613 Feather, Capt. George, company fines 616, 620 Fenton, Capt. Samuel, company fines 676 Filbert, Capt. Philip, company fines 294, 322 Findley, Capt. William, company fines 679 Flem.ng, Capt. Alexander, company fines 192 Flower, Capt. John, company fines 232, 234 Focht, Capt. George, company fines 276. 297 Folck. Capt. Christopher, company fines 274, 294 Folmer, Capt. John, company fines 293 Foulke, Capt, George, company fines 621 Galbraith, Bartrem. accounts of 325 '(S2 INDEX. Page. Galbraith, James, accounts of, 717 Gardner, Capt. Bernard, company fines 619 Gassert, Capt. John, company fines, 420, 424, 468, 476 Gehr, Capt. Joseph, company fines, 480, 620 Geist, Capt. Conrad, company fines 285, 309 Gibbs, Capt. Gilbert, company fines 159 Gibson, Capt. Robert, exercise fines, 71, 72, 82, 87, 91 class fines, 78, 85 Gilchrist, Capt. John, company fines, 610, 632 Gill, John, of Bucks county, accounts of, 1 Gingrich, Capt. John, company fines, 616, 619 Gloninger, John, accounts of, 559 Good, Robert, accounts of, 435 Gourley, Capt. Thomas, company fines, 439 Graham, Capt. John, company fines 191, 192, 195, 198, 200 Graul, Capt. Jacob, company fines 288 Gregg, Capt. John, company fines 118,122,125,127, 128,130 Gregory, James, accounts of, 658 Grier, Capt. Matthew, exercise fines 71, 76, 81, 92 class fines, 80, 86 Griffith, Capt. Daniel, company fines 193, 196. 199 Harris, John, (Cumberland) accounts of 662 Hains, Capt. Samuel, accounts of, 619 Harris, Capt. John, company fines, 201,208, 211,214 Harris, Capt. William, company fines, 202, 209, 212, 215 Harris, Capt. (of Berks), company fines, 287, 312 Harrison, Oapt. John, company fines, 119, 125, 128, 130 Hart, Capt. Joseph, exercise fines, 46, 51, 54, 57. 146, 147 class fines, 49, 56 Hart, Joseph, Lieutenant of Bucks, acounts of, 135, 139 Hastings, Capt. Enoch, company fines, 410, 411, 456, 460, 557, 558 Haverstick, Col. Michael, fine list of 332, 344, 348 Hays, Capt. Patrick, company fines, . . .523, 586, 588, 615, 616, 633 Henry, Capt. Samuel, company fines 411,416,458, 461,557, 558, 559 Henry, Capt. William, company fines, 203 Hiester, Capt. John, company fines, 190 Hill, Capt. Jacob, company fines, 276, 297 Hineline, Capt. George, exercise fines, 31, 135, 137 class fines 34 Holderbaum. Capt. Michael, company fines, 42^:^^£•s•■■•>5=^^^«i£•-^ "oV '•^=s^5?-^.:s:^%-.-^F^«^.K: .^'^^^ • i?-'"'-*^ >. O S'^. % ''^''\f.^^:^^x^^'%^^:^S:°^''>\\ s^^^. ^. #\ °o .*^% * -^^'^rv?^ \6 A^ .* % "o^oo ^ * .iMDfi^ I* >so- HECKMAN BINDERY INC. JUL 92 N. MANCHESTER. INDIANA 4696