F 189 .03 S3 Copy 2 Twins of the Alleghanies. DEER PARK AND OAKLAND: Twins of the Alleghanies. By jr THOMAS SCHARF, LL.D. Author History of Maryland, Etc. BALTIMORE: THE L O R B O R N PUBLISHING COMPANY 1887. 1 Si cL >(/IP:^ ^^^ •*';.^ Copyright. 1SS7, By C. K. Lord. MAY 26 1919 THIRTY times has the chock of the New Year struck since an artist, poet, and scribe — "Porte Crayon," of gentle and pleasant fame — told in sketch and song and prose of "A June Jaunt" over the iron pathway that in the year 1857 only surmounted the crests of the royal Alleghanies, to link the commerce-bearing waves of the Atlantic to the fructiferous fields of the sun-kissed Ohio Valley. No such felicitous pen or deft pencil had pre- viously illustrated the romantic beauties or the stern - of men displayed. Many of the guests of The Glades houses bring with them their own fine equipages, and make a show upon the mountain avenue of blooded stock and the most elegant specimens of the art of the carriage- builder. Those not so fortunate as to possess their own teams find at the livery-stables good horses and vehicles of every description that may be desired. More than forty miles of excellent driving-roads are open to use, and are especially well constructed, being almost as smooth and even as race-tracks. As at Deer Park, so at Oakland, the original hotel buildings have been supplemented by wings at each extremity, connecting with the main structure by covered passages. The ball-room at Oakland is an extension of the east win