D 570 .P12 D65 Copy 1 :ii^ ^ \ 11 /J--'^ ^ // \- w '%SiS:!y?Ts>2:\ (Ai.2.£Li-£ ^ H .--.. 'O' -S^-- -,.^.l /— ^>. \ V^; >. "» jF;^V?3 CF B^^LI^.AU ^'COU, Volurr.e I . Decs/nber 191S dumber I Published mon':hl3' at ^'ashington, D.G. Official Publication of Belleau 'j^ood Post No.lj American Legion. Mai-y A. Bliss, ITAitor in Chief. The officers of Pelleau ^'ood Pc'3t Mo. 1 received numerous replies to the circular letter of Movember 4tn wnich bore on the subject of a regular news--letler of the activities of th3 Post end its members, and at a meeting of the Post on Noi;ember S5th, 1919, the bulletin *'Leaves of Belleau Iced'- came into existence as a monthly remnnder to the m.arine girls tha'c vre are still undivided.. Mary A. Bliss .¥as appointed Editor-in-Chief of the "Leaves" and four reporters were appointed at Headquarters Marine Corps, as follo-.vs: Saima Ellyson and Jane Van Edsinga, Adjutant 5- Inspector's Department, Blanche Cxark Slater, Quartermaster's Department, Ingrid Jonassen, Paymaster's Department. MOT^S OF TH^ NATIONAL CONVrFTTON. Belleau Wood Post No. 1 was represented at the National Con- vention by V.xs. Anna F. Thompson and Miss Mabelle Leland Musser, Com.mander of the Post. Mrs. Thom.pson was appointed secretary of the District' of Columbia delegation and was the only woman secre- tary of the Convention. The work of the Convention was widely published and it is unnecessary to consider 'the details in this limited space. During roll-call on the question of permanent headquarters, occurred one of the m.ost impressive moments of the Convention. It was Tuesday morning, the 11th, at 10t55. Chairman Lind^ley stopped the Secretary in the roll-call, quietly spoke of the significance of the hour, and asked that all members rise in a mom;ent of silent prayer. The enormous auditorium, w\xh its . twenty-five hundred delegates, was pervaded by a stillness almost superhum.an in its intensity. At eleven o'clock, the bell rang the hour, and as the last stroke died a\"ay, the gentle strains of the great organ of the Auditorium quietly .vove them;selves into the grand opening chord of The Stc^r Spangled Banner, Every hearer stiffened from an attitude of qviiet reverence to one of rigid "Attention". Vith the last note, there was a relaxation of the tenseness, the members were quietly seated, and the voting, was resumed^ but with a difference. No one who attended the Con-- vention will ever forget that m.om.ent . After ths evening session of the Convexitlon on Tuesday, many hundred delegates attended +he grand ball ai the Armory, given by the citizens of Minnsapolis in honor of The American Legion. The floor was ira;r.ense, and the jasziest kind of a jazz orchestra, alternating with the Million Dollar Band, furnished ffiusio until two o'clock 7'ednesday morning. Outside the audi- torium of the Armory the canteens were in full opere^tion, dis- pensing ice-cream, sandwiches and coffee. Joyce Lewis, of Long Prairie, Minnesota, a m.arine who fought at Belleau Wood, was elected one of the Nation Vice- Commanders of the Legion, Although he is paralyzed as a result of wounds received at Belleau Wood, and is confined to a wheel- chair, Mr. Lewie is an exceedingly cheerful man and takes great interest in the activities of The American Legion. Beginning January 1, 1930, the National dues will be lil.OO. This means the Post dues will be t3,00 annually, payable in semi- annual installments, as before. This is, however, not to be weighed in view of the benefits which com.e to us from the Legion and the unusual opportunity v;hich is ours in being part of the organization which, it is conceded by all leaders, .vill shape the destiny of this country for the next decade. UL, L. Musser. A dram.atic club was organized at the last weeting of the Post. Sixteen members were enrolled at that time and we hope that m.ore girls will evidence interest in the new club. Mary A. Bliss was elected Chairman and Carel Hasson Secre- tary and Treasurer. The club is co-operating with the T'ar Camp Community Service and expect to produce plays in welfare centers in the near future Three plays are soon to be staged, 'Op o' m.y Thumb, The Suburb- anite, and the Maid of France. Thanksgiving afternoon a Navy football game was held at the Central High School Stadium. It was the 'cham-pionship game be- tween the Ham.pton Roads team and the U.S.S. PENNSYLVANIA. Fifty 3X-Marins girls offered their services as ushers and at wus gooo. to see winter-field in style again, The day ^as perfect, the team.s well m.atched and the game was enjoyed by all. Hampton Roads won with a score of 27 to 13. Eliminate a Peach Melba and one grapa juice from your refresr.- m.ents this month, and you'll have the extra fifty cents ready for the Finance Officer when ahe sends you notice, very soon. EFADOU/.RTFRS' GOSSI^^. The H.C.L. has effected us, but not the scarcity of sugar. The Marine Corps has taken the problem in hand and supplies the ex-Marine girls with two pounds per week. Better come back to Headquarters if your sweet tooth is aching. In spite of the H.C.L. , Brides are still aplenty. Listen close while I tell you. Mrs. Dick Romer (nee lUldrsd A. Miller) bade members of the post a regretted farewell* She left tht; District to m&,ke hsr home in Pennsylvania. Mrs. J, Boynton Dennis (nee Ethel Lewellen) married an over- seas Marine and the "couple of marines" have made their home in Lexington, Ky, Another bride of recent date is our Comrade Mary Clay who is now Mrs. Jackson of Kentucky. During a discussion as to whether or not ws girls should be called Marinettes, one girl said, "I always hated that name. It might just as well be Oysterettes" , and we quite agree with her. It seems to us that the name "Marinette" would be particularly applicable to the offspring of Marine parents. Miss Mary Alta Williams, our former Adjutant, is no*v with the truscon Steel Company, Youngstown, Ohio, She's a booster for the Legion, strong, and would like to hear from all of us. Wield your pens, girls. Her address is 112 Vest Woodland Ave., Youngs- town, Ohio. The supply of first lieutenants was sadly depleted vvh;:: Mr, Holland joined the Marine girls in their civili£.n rank. Miss Anna Ryan, formerly of the Paymaster's Depaxtmsnt is now i?ith the States Steamship Corporation of New York City. She says she would like to hear from some of the girls and gives her home address as 20 East 11th Street, Bayonne, N. J. Miss "J^^illie C. Rudder, is now a Deputy Collector, Internal Revenue, in the Medical Building, Jackson, Missi --^ippi . Better not try to dodge your ingkumtacks, i^irls, or she M get you surel Our very acti^'e and well liked sergeant, Walter Hardell, who was discharged in '.^tober, is now abroad. Before his return he contemplates visiting the shell-torn battle fields of Cnateau Thierry and Bois de Belleau. Miss Charlotte S. Rienkens of the Paymaster's Department has been granted three months' leave. We shall miss her smiling face very much, but will be comforted by the thouaht that she has not taken a final departure, but will be with'us in the Spring. A farewell party was given her on the evening of December 3rd by numerous friends at Headquarters, • I <-! Miss !n v.T>^n second ballot. The results were as follows: GOI'iIIAMDER - - - - -r-j;- MaxlG''"Govert SENIOR VI0^>C0H!1ANDER - Irene E. Tully JUWIOR ^aCE-OOM'iANDV.R - Ethel M. laer CHAPLAIH _______ -Elsie M. Beppler SERGEANT - AT - ARMS Blanche C Slater IIA.STER - AT ~ ARMS - - -Caroline 0. Aberle COLOR BEARERS - - - Carol M. Kasson Helen M. llull HISTORIAN ------- Anna E. Thompson The newly appointed comi-.aander has selected th-5 following to serve as officers in the post: ADJUTANT ------- -Mary A. Bliss ASSISTANT ADJUTAAT Violet VanWagner FINANCE OFFICER - - - - Leola A. Hopkins QUARTERl'lASTER ----- Elenor B\irgess. A postponement has been made of the dance which v;as to have been given December 31st, at the New "/illard Hotel by the Postc of the Amexioan Legion in the District of Coluvabia, The date of this dance will be publishf.d at a later date. \\^ljh lts> i% ZJ w -\\ \\ laii") ^ niJh&T W t--. J / 4. ■'■;<-v:;>7v>^i>.vJrc;vA^: v y ■'II f 'i^ ■ I ' \'-.v\ \\ '^^•'' huh 'f.N^\Vx\vX L7A7^S OF 15FLT.,?/5^j ''-orD Volume 1. January 19 2C Nm;ber II. Published monthly at WasMn-2ton, D.C, )fficial Publication of Esllec.u ^ood Post 5o: 3, American Lsgion- Mary A. Bliss, Editor in. Chief. To the Members of Bel-eau 'A'ood Post No. 3; In relinquishing the corunandGrship, which i 'c v-as my privi- lege and pleasure tc'^ocoupy for sir. months. I aai deeply sensible of'the fact that the successes which the Post has achievedare due to the earnest loyalty and unceasing effort of the indivi- dual members, and to ^he cc--operation which has been ever pre- sent in any event of the Post., with no thoag-ht of personalities - only the -svelfare of the Post, A'iJiiost vrithov-t exception, every request roade to a rrember. whether it •.r;as to serve on a cor^iiTitteej or to do any forr; of Legion work., has met v;ith tne same response; "I'll be glad to do it if I oan'^ With that spirit pervading the PostJ its success is assured. For this steadfast loyalty, wMch has .vieant so much to t.e, I thank yovi core than mere words can convey., and T. ask for your new C0i';:;riander., Miss Covert, the sacie splendid support. Mabelle Leland Musser. Ex--Coffi.nandei? Musser officiated at the installation of officers at the last rceeting: In the absence of a ritual, the new officers repeated the preairible of the constitution of the Anferican Legion, The ceren-ony was to have been performed at the I'neeting previous, December 3Cth, but because of the fact that so many of our girls went to their hornee for the holidays, there were not sufficient members present to constituoe a quco.'um and the meeting was given over to social affairs. iviiss Alice B.Harvey, Cominander of the Jane A. Dellano Post No- 6, (Nurses) was present and gave an account of her experiences in the wax • Some very kind, uiiknovvTi lady passed a hugh box of candy arcund. t wice . It is doubuful if there was much left when this bunch of ex- marines got -chrough with it. The identity of our n;ysterious friend was later establishedc She is Doctor Ka.te Waller Barrett, and is the mother of Major Barrett of the Marine Corps who re- cently returned from overseas. Doctor Barrett suggested that 7;e might induce Major Barrett to come to one of our meetings and show us the relief ■■■a.p tha^t he has made of Bcllsau ^'^^ood.. This will be of great interest to ■'■he p.or.ibers of our Post be- cause Belleau ^ood vssr-iS so mvich to all .marines r. It is a riry that we do not h.j.ve a larger attevidanoe at our meetings, for we 30 often have distinguished personages among us and those who do not come, not only negDeot a duty on their part, but they al~o miss a gr^at many privileges. At the closs of the ouBiress meeting of January 13th, Miss Irene Tully recoun-ced her rriany erpexiences in Petxograd at the outbreak" of the Raseian revolution. Although Russia was (and still is, apparently) a horrible plane.. Miss Tully gave many humorous instances to offset its griiiiness- Again we offer our thanks for yo'iT J.-'y.ie^ posts of the Legion in New York helped to m.ake this affarr a success. Word has been receivsd frorc Martha Fvilohinski, who we all rsmember for her "'Derw B-ll'' stOirleBj and ^ho is at present stationed with the Marine Corps at San Francisco, that she is contero.plating a trxp to Honolulu where she will write feature stories. Comrrenting en the v-eathei "Martha-" says, ^^It's ideal, and one does not have to worry about not being able to buy a fur coat'*. An invitation was extended to the Semper Fidelis Post from the Wendell Philips Post to atteiicl a reoeiption and dance given at the Carry-On Tea Rooms on Fifth Avenue, Friday evening, Januarv 9th. The Wendell Philips Post is composed of disabled veteraris of the "f^oxld War and thru the courtesy of the Carry-On Club the tea rooms were given over to the Post for the evening. Semper Fidel :1s Post will have a theatre party on Lincoln'. s Birthday, when they will witness the play •* Irene":, one of Br o ad v;ay 'a mu s i c al sue c; e s s e s . Plans are under vay to give a leap year danne the early part of February in conjunction with the Wendell Philips Pest. . ^On February 27th Semper Fidelis Post will hold a recention and dance at ond Aoaderrjy in New York. Tickets will be $1.00 and may be procured by sending m.oney order to Lillian Canter, c/o U.S. Marine Corps, 353 Broadv/ay, New York, A good time is in store for all and those contemplating being in the city at that time wculd do well to get in touch wi-^rh the above member who is on the reception comviittee and who wi'.ll try to make it worth your while to attend. Semper Fi(3el;l3 Post would be pleased to receive suggestions from Belleau Food in the way of entertainment s^ for we feel quite sure that is the best way of keeping members from losing interest and pep which they m.ay have gained during their "so- journ" in the Marine Corps- Bliss Canter is always ^'at home-' for a chat with her friends via the trusty letter-carrier. Address 514 Arlington Street, Plainfield, N.J. The Adjutant received a letter from former Sergeant Bernard S. Barron, the writer of "Tell That To The Marines^-. Mr. Bar- ron is practising lav; under the firm of Stires and Barron, at 220 West 42nd Street, New York. He has ever displayed the wonderful spirit of a true Marine eind one of his latest deeds is the writiiig of a n&w song •.Sv^oet [southern Pines" and dedi- cating same to TheAraerican 'jez'-.^v., '.riie r-Jvalties from the sale of this song vfill ail be donated to The .-\-r;e;?ioan Legion, The co-operation of all LegionairciS >.•■ pron.ot;^ng the sale of this song is expected, for it is OUi-! SuWo, and vv'e want to make it a success. Here is a little hint which each member can follow and which will V.eer) the ball »voving . Go to any store where sheet music is sold and ask for the song., ORFAl'"' A DEMAND FOR HgWFET SOUTHVRN PjKi^'S'- a'oa nai-uvre will ^ake its coiirse. The sons will be so^.d to the Legion Posts for 32 cents a copy. The price to the individual is 30 cents^ so if youbuy the song thru your Post, --it 'viil mean putting something in oiir Treasury > ., Do not forset the name, ''SWE^r SOUTHFRN PINIt-S" and the writer '■Bernard^S. Barroa-', 230 West 42r.d Stc, New Yorx. Miss Willie 0, R\adder, of Jackson, Miss,, in letter of January 1st, wishes eac-h and every one of her Comrades hoalch, haopiness and oroaporii;^ throughout the New Year. Your letters. Miss Rudder, are greatly appreciated cy all at the meetings. We are mighty glad you like the "Leaves' and trust they 7/i.tl be woxthy cf yov.r praise. Dear Miss Marcus; . You have been perfectly grand in writing in and we W8,nt you to know that letters frotr a regular marine like yourself are enjoyed imrrensely. You said 'niOT fFT^'., but whisper real loud, Rose, is it to be soon? You must not forget to slip us the news the firs t thina because vou know we are all gossip lovers and sucir~a cTioroe bit as that must not gossfjrp.y. Miss Fannie 3.. Laycock, formerly of the P.M. Department', whose present address is 1830 North 15th Street, Philadelphia, says it makes her wild to think she can not attend the meetings of our Post. Imagine Fannie wildl There is this much about it, Fannie, dear, if you knew what splendid meetings we have been having of late., you would be wilder still- We en;joy your letters very r.^-.ch and trust that you will be one of our regular contributors for the "Leaves" = We are sorry that you are going to transfer to another Post, but we appreciate the fact that you want to be doing something active, '^'e hope you will al- ways keep a warm spot in your heart for us and will never be sorry you tied up with us first, A very interesting letter was received from Miss Emily J. Carey, of 301 Maplewood Ave., Rochester, N,Y., in which she en- closes a newspaper clipping describing the decoration of a former marine, Theadore H. Smith. He was presented with a Croix de Guerre awarded by the French Government. Miss Oarey marched with the Marines who excorted Private Smith to the City Hall, the American Legion Band furnished the music. lirs. Mable Ihitesidos is now at home in Albuquerqtie, New Mexico, 377 N. High Stre-et, and sends her best wishes for a prosperous naw year for all of her or.d friends and members of Belleau Wood, Letters and cards from Mir5S Ghurlotte Rienkins state that she is enjoying her trip to the T'esc- The Macias sisters, Sara and Edith are living at 119 Lembeck Ave., Jersey City, N.J. and send their best wisnea to all members of the Post. '"'AH CAM° COM "'UNITY DRIVJ. The War Car.ip Coarr.uni. -;y Sarvice which hss done and is doing such wonderful work in crsating good fello«'ahip and in providing entertainment for those who would otherwise be j^onely^ is launch- ing forth upon a ca-T^paign to obtain funds to keep up the good work. Through the courtesy of this Corrir;:unity Seri^ice, Belleau Tood Post, as well as other posts of the ^mericsin Legion, has- been afforded a place to hold their meetings and it would seem that we owe the CoM7!unifcv Service a debt of gratitude which we could partially wipe oufby devoting a little energy to tnis campaign. The individual members of the Post are invited to contribute and to extend this invitation to your friends. Our Dra.T.atic Club han achieved marked success. Three plttys^ The Suburbanite,, Maid of France, and 'Op o' my Thiamb have been produced under the direction of " the V.'ar G:mp Oorjmunity Service. The plays have been staged at Walte?: Reed Hospital, Fort Myer, St, Elizabeth's Kospitai Carroll Hall, and nwrerous churches and community centers in F'ashington, It is planned to give the three pluys at Quantico sometime in the near future. In these days of the H.C.L. one method after another hc^s been tried in order to help us to spend our money carefully and thereby help to brjng the H.C.L bird down ''ic earth. Gapt . Jones, of the Marine Corps Reserve, v^ho was at one time sta- tioned at Headauarters is very m.uch interested in trying to tie this flighty bird down too. Captoi.n Jones has promised to be ^ with us at our nexb meeting, on February i'.Oth and tell us abouc the opportunities obtained'as a member of the Army and^Navy Stores Association. If you would like to have some extru dol- lars on the credit side of your bank book, it will be worth your while to be present on the tenth of February. Come on, Skinny, CIRCUS IN TO^TJi Let's sneak under the tentl But it's not in a tent. It will be held at Liberty Hut, near Union Station, Buy your tickets through the fol- lowing girls, who have charge of tickets in their departments: B M np-n+ _ _ (Miss Davidson, 3nd floor, 8th Fing . (Caot . f illard) ..M.uept. ^^^^^^^ Frantz, 3rd floor, 4th wing. (3443) . , T ^ . (Miss Tully, 1st floor, 5th wing. (1605) A a I Dept - (^j^gg ^^^ ^'agne:?, 3rd floor, 4th winp; (3423) p, u Ho-nf (MisB Hasson, 3rd floor, 3rd wing (Maj. Pratt) Q.M. U.px. - - ^.^^^ pi:,^ey, 3rd floor, ard wing (3207) All the tickets you buy th /c igL. the Post, ISfo of the price is given to the Post. Here-s t. rh ui.';e to replenish our ex- chequer. At last w3 will accept the tics of ths '.vork Marinette. But, nevertheless., ar.cl notv/;i.tr:atar.d5.ag oux '.ci-d spoken objections to the term as appLicl to Ic-i '^li'iA who irers ourolled in the Marine Corps, we acv-.ovco it ^lnoXy iTi rh9 l'?.L-'-vTivir-2 •lr:3tur:':e3.' A girl was hoxn to M.^ . ©.ftd I^rs. u H, jc30hkG, at Mariut Bo-rracks; Parri.s islandi S.C. . Mrs. JeGC^like was formerly Miss Magaret Devcreau:-:, Alec a toy was bor^ to Mrs. and Mrs. Michael J. Doyle, at Lynbrooi-:, Lrl, One of oc-.r recex).': brides is >.!rs. Karry Fleming, who before her rnarriaee on -."ar.aarv 16th to Private Ha>rry Fleming of the A ^ 1 Department, was ^iiss ITthel Lovely. They spent their honey- moon at th3 hci'oe cA y.Vr Fleminj^. ' s par.-.mts in Chicago, and have returns'! to '^^a8h:'.ngtori. Miss Has,3l Lc Gf-.tcson ar:.d. Herbert E. F:.t7;gerald, both for- merly CI Headquarters^ wsro niaxricd December 6, 1919 at .Octrcit, Mioh.igan. The iriarriase c.C Miss Helen Priess to Robert T. Dieges will take place aL New York,, January 31. 1920- A ..-^cctption will be held at the Hotel Ansonia at 8 o'clock. And now comes 3erp;feant O'ven Mulligan, the greatest Irishman at Headquarters^ -with t'he nowe, through Ruth Spi^o, that May O'Keefe is to be rr^arr^cd on Lincoln- s~birt'-oay to Tin^othy Hurley, v?hc has juso. retuvncid from overseas . Miss Gladys 11 Th'jrras., formerly of the Q.M, Department is ar..othf.r bride to b^j. Tnc date is nc". yet certain^ but the place will px <5b ab 1 y be h e w Y Many changes have bean made ;it Headquarters recently. Our very able ex -Ccrr'cander , Miss Kabelle Leland Llusser haB aocepied a posicion as i\fesistant Adjutant, District of Colurr.hxa Depp.rt.Tent of the American Legion^ and is at the Department's Headquarters, 833 15th Street, N.7f. Washington. Mrs. ?7illiam V. Millington has returned to her home in Florida, Her present address is Box 89, Key West, Florida. Miss Alma Oman has also resignedc She now resides at 5 Pigeon Hill St«, Pigeon Cove, ^lass. Miss Irene B. Hutchins is now living in Chicago, l'Xil», at 145? Peusacola -Ave, MisG Saima Ellyson has been transferred from the A & I UepartiUent to the Contract section of the Q. M. Department. Miss Caroline 0. Aberle has been appointed from Belleau '"ocd Pose Ko. 3 to serve on the Cocmittee on Employment of the Diibtrint of (Jolu'-:ibJa Department of the American Legion. All ir^CiUiries relative to employment m.ay be a,ddressed to Miss Aborle at i\larine ■Jorps Iifcalquarters., A & I Dept. Do not be bashful, gir'.'.a. if you v:ani; to cone back to Washington, or if any Watbing'con-lar.s amcng you are out of a job, consult Miss Aberle. That-s what she ii for<- At the a)r-et\Ap_ of the Post on December Sth, the following ne'ii m.embers v^ere ar'.mittea: Marie '.' ■ Schlight Bessie Smith PJlsie II- Beppler kana, A. N. Ryan Anna Ruv.ntrwe Eunicis Watson Gertrude 'f« Lowen Blanch P. Irvine December lo-ih the following applicants were admitted into membership of th3 Poet: Kdith D.Barton Mary Douglas Hay tiessie '£"■ Kc;a.Tney, The last two named, are girls from the Charleston, S,C. of- fice. Thev had rood of ?ome of the activities of our Post and refused to' j-iiii any c chore We only wish that they were here in ''■'asldngton so they rould know at first hand what a fine bu.nch of girls we have in the Post. Mi.ss i?^.;^i;--r.b 3 1'h Mary Shoemaker was admitted into m.embership at the meeo-ag Janv.ary I37th. The influ.x of new merribers in the Post during the last few months shows that we eire growing steadily and that our aims are •worth wh'.loc The big thought is that the more members we have, the more we can accomplish. Mrs. Anna E, Thompson, resigned the office of historian and Mrso Elsie M= Pinney was elected to act in that capacity. -« «il It Oooh! An ^wfully, terribly nice thing happened to Miss Anna Ryan, who also forsook Fashington for gay old New York. One ir.orning in the middle of December, 191?, our heroine anxiously powdering a pert little nose thought she heard dis- turbing noises rather foreign to the usual oeanut-stand shriek. She even attributed the haze th-.t dimmed the reflection of her most perfect feature to some careless, cigarette-smoking office boy, when - CL/iNGl B;NG! FTR^ i I FIBFIll Voluiries of dense smoke filled the room and hissing flames played a dreadful dee^th-chant for the scurrying, frightened roaches, darling little mice and other office pets. Our brave ex-marine, recklessly discarding her heretofore precious puff and powder, faced the puffs of blinding, choking smoke and joined in the orderly stampede for the roof, where all thankfully inhaled and exhaled puffs - of air. (Some even got drunk on drinking draughts; went to their heads right away.) And our ex-Marine? Except for a face rival- ling that of Topsy' s for blackness, a spine thr^t thrilled with . all the chills of the North Pole and knees that shook with, well — ab, let us say excitement, she was none the worse for her adventure. . . , Things are always red-hot in New York, aren't they sisters f Miss Gl?.dys Mills is at 123 18th Street, Toledo, Ohio, attending Toledo University, studying Social Service, and xs very enthusiastic about it. Also working for the Armyl '. '. I For the benefit of those who have wondered why Corporal James V^ Pollock, P.M. Dept . , wears that proud smile and and haughty look, it is because he is the papa of a little James, Jr , Congratulations, Jim.-rie. Mary T. (Empty) Hoye and Margaret Powers have joined the ranks of the working girls. Both are working in or near Boston, we do not know for sure 'cause we got the dope from a Round RobiEi:'that passed through some weeks ago. Why not send us some direct news, girls, we always look for it. Mrs* Owen, formerly Miss Patsy Kirkham, and Mrs. Patchen, formerly Mrs. Bessie Schroeder, of Headquarters, are both making their home at Marine Barracks, Parr is Island, S.C. Girls, be sure to put your department reporter wise to any news and ?Ieadquarters gossip that you may hear. Help make our monthly Leaves a "blooming" success. It is especially requested that any member making a change in address report such change to the Adjutant of the Posti This is very imiportant, as without your correct address on file, you will not receive notices, The Veteran, The American Legion Weekly, nor the Leaves. Mrs. Thad T. Taylor (LaVon Folks) who left our ranks early in September, and has her "Captain working for her now", is making her home at Marine Barracks, Navy Yard, New York, N.Y. Fe wajnt to hear from you often, LaVon. *i f) -i €/ '<' Contributions have been xacei ved fioro the following girls: Lillian Cantsr Elizabeth Coxe Al'ba ^iiiiarrs Blanche Clarke Slater Ethel Llev;ellen Dennis Eva Davidson Rose Mardcus Carolyn C. Elsesser 1^'illie C. Pudder (3 donations) All contributions should be aent by registered rr.ail to the Editor. It has oorr.e to our attention that a non-resident mem- ber sent a letter containing money for a pin and for the "Leavos" and said letter has never been received. This is m.uch to be regretted, and it would be a much safer procedure to regieter the letter and request a return rveceipt. This vi?ould insiire knowledge as to whether or not the letter reached its proper^ destination. DO IT NOW Dues for the year 1920 are payable any tiae after January 1st, 1930, They amount to 1^3.00 a year, payable semi-annually in^adyance ■ Make checks or mon^y orders payable to Leola A. Hopkins, Finance Officer. If money is sent ^^in q.. ^.letter be sure and reg,iste r it . It will be of interest to all of the girli^ to know that at the Department Rally, held at Liberty Hut on Dec, 17, 1919, the ushers were Marine and Navy girls. They wore large bows and streamers of satin ribbon, blue and gold, the Legion colors. Below ic5 quoted an extract from a letter dated December 15th from the Ist V,P. and manager of 'Aoodward & Lothrop's Depart- ment Store: "We enclose herewith our check for Five Dollar s, toward the expense of bui*ing Ribbon for the Ushers to be used at the Wed- nesday night meeting. Very truly yours, '''iocdward ^ Lothrop." Can you beat that! Any person or business concern who shows their interest in the Legion in such a material wa y, surely is worthy of our cuii;ivaticn. The U.S?!. Jacob o^'ones Post #3 has n Clab House at 1319 K St, N.W, Tr Is served e^^ery Sunday from four to six.- A cordial invitatiOii ia extended to all members of Belleau Vi'ood Post to attend these Sioiiday afternoon Teas. LEGION PINS Legion pins are /not included in the cost of the initiation fee and dues. The price of the pin is 50 cents each and can be obtained from the Finance Officer. They will be sent by registered mail upon receipt of the money or stamps.'-, .. -' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ,, \M lll!lHI'B1l''ll«ir']tll'l'l ill 020 915 321 A