'^MM ? Ssisiociation 1906 A k Xhe Merchants Association of New York Pocket Guide to Ne^v York PRICE TEN CENTS Marck 1906 Ne%v York Life Bldg., Broadway and Leonard St. After Nov. 1st. 1906 Merchants' Association Bldg., 66-72 Lafayette St. LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Cooles Received WAY 10 1906 Copyright Entry , COPY B. Copyrighted, 1906, BY THE Merchants' Association OF New York. ^ PREFATORY. AST year more than, nine thousand out-of- town buyers registered at the offices of The Merchants' Association of New York. A great many of these asked information as to hotels, theatres, restaurants, ferries, railroad offices, street-car routes, elevated railroads, libraries, public buildings, pleasure resorts, short excursions, etc. The eleven hundred resident members of the Asso- ciation ask many questions as to the location of public offices, hack-rates, distances, automobile sta- tions and similar subjects. It has been found that a hand-book containing in- formation of the kind indicated, in a form convenient for ready-reference, will not only be a great con- venience for visiting merchants, but also in many respects for residents. This pocket-guide is pub- lished in response to that demand. It will be supplied without charge to visiting mer- chants registering at the offices of the Association; and a few free copies are at the disposal of each resident member. Members who desire a large quantity for distribu- tion to their customers will be supplied at about the cost price. CONTENTS. PAGE Ferries, Manhattan: I. Points Reached by Perries 1 II. Ferries from Manhattan and Desti- nation 2 Ferries, Brooklyn, Jersey City and Staten Island '. 3 Street Railway Lines Leading from Ferries in Manhattan, with Principal Connections and Lines in Adjacent Streets 4-18 Subway Routes, Stations and Connections... 19-23 I. Trunk Line 19-21 II. West Side Branch 21-22 III. Lenox Ave. Branch 22 IV. Bronx Park and West P^arms Branch 22-23 Subway Train Arrangements, Train Lights and Running Time 24-26 Elevated Railway Lines and Routes, Manhat- tan and Bronx 27-37 I. Third Ave. Elevated Line ,. 27-31 II. Second Ave. Elevated Line 31-33 III. Sixth Ave. Elevated Line 3.3-36 IV. Ninth Ave. Elevated Line 36-37 Street Railway Lines and Routes, Manhattan. 38-44 I. Belt Lines 38 II. Crosstown Lines 38-41 III. North and South Surface Lines 41-44 Street Railway Lines and Routes, Bronx 45-46 I. Crosstown Lines 4.5 II. North and South Lines 45-46 Street Railway Lines Leading from Ferries in Brooklyn, with Principal Connections and Lines in Adjacent Streets 47-53 Elevated Railroads, Brooklyn, Routes, Sta- tions and Connections 54-60 I. Broadway Line 54-55 II. Brighton Beach Line 55-56 III. Fifth Ave. and Bay Ridge Line 56-57 IV. Fifth Ave., West End and Coney Island Line 57 V. Fulton St. Line 57-59 VI. Lexington Ave. Line 59 VII. Myrtle Ave. Line 60 Street Railway Lines and Routes. Brooklyn.. 61-68 Hotels, Prominent Restaurants, etc 69-77 I. Hotels, American and European Plans 69-72 II. Apartment or Family Hotels 72-75 III. Prominent Restaurants and Cafes.. 75-77 Contents — Continued. Theatres, Music and Concert Halls and Au- ditoriums 78-81 I. Manhattan and Bronx 78-80 II. Brooklyn 80-81 Public Offices and Buildings 82-100 I. City and County 82-95 II. State 95-97 III. United States 97-100 Office and Studio Buildings 101-105 Banks and Trust Companies, Manhattan and Bronx lOG-109 I. National Banks 106 II. State Banks 106-108 III. Savings Banks 108-109 IV. Trust Companies 109 Banks and Trust Companies, Brooklyn 110-111 I. National Banks 110 II. State Banks 110 III. Savings Banks 110-111 IV. Trust Companies Ill Foreign Consulates in New York 112 Passenger Steamship and Steamboat Lines. . . 113-llG Principal River and Coast Points Reached Di- rectly by Steamboat from New York 117-123 Monuments and Statues 124-129 I. Manhattan and Bronx 124-128 II. Brooklyn 128-129 Public Hacks: Legal Rates of Fare and Regulations 130-131 Distances, Manhattan 131 Electric Automobile Service 131 Art Galleries, Museums, etc 134-136 I. Fine Arts and Historical Collec- tions, Galleries, Museums and Exhibitions 134-135 II. Natural History Collections 136 Libraries, Public and Semi-Public 137-153 Colleges, Schools, etc 154-156 I. Colleges. Theological Seminaries.... 154-155 II. Collegiate, Preparatory and High Schools 155 III. Schools of Art and Technology 155-156 Parks, Parkways, etc 157-165 I. Manhattan Parks, etc 157-160 II. Bronx Parks, etc 160-162 III. Brooklyn Parks, etc 162-164 IV. Queens Parks, etc 165 V. Richmond Parks, etc 165 Coj^TESTS— Continued. Sight-Seeing Trips About New York 166-180 I. Automobile and Yacht Sight-Seeing Service ; 166-169 II. Fifth Ave., Central Park and River- side Drive Service 169-170 III. Prospect Park and Coney Island Service 170 IV. Short Water Excursions 170-174 Hudson River 170 Long Island Sound 171 Jersey Coast Resorts 172 Popular Shore Resorts 173 Fishing Boats 174 V. Suburban Trolley Trips 174-178 Bronx and Westchester Tours... 174-176 Staten Island Tours 176-177 New Jersey Tours 177-178 Long Island Tours 178 VI. Forts and Islands 179-180 Seaside Resorts 181-182 Athletic Fields 182-184 Race Tracks 185 Railroad Ticket Offices, Stations and Transfer Agents 186-191 Offices of Transfer and Express Companies. .. 192-196 Location of Piers 197-199 I. North River, Manhattan 197 II. East River, Manhattan 197-198 III. Brooklyn 198-199 IV. Recreation Piers 199 Hospitals 200-205 MANHATTAN FERRIES I. Points Reached by Ferry Ferry for From Manhattan. Astoria E. 92d St., E. K. I'.altimore & Ohio R. R. (Com- munipiuv, Jersey City) ..Liberty St., N. R. W. 23d St., N. R. Bedloe's (Liberty) Island. ... Barge Ofiice, Battery. niaekwell's Island E. 26th St., E. R. E. 52d St., E. R. E. 70th St., E. R. Brooklyn: Atlantic Ave. ... .South Ferry, ft. Whitehall. Broadway Grand St., E. R. 42d St., E. R. Roosevelt St., E. R. 23d St.. E. R. Fulton St Fulton St., E. R. Grand St Grand St., E. R. E. Houston St., B. R. Greenpoint Ave...Iv 10th St., E. R. E. 23d St., E. R. Hamilton Ave.... South Ferry, ft. Whitehall. Main St Catharine St.. 10. R. Montague St Wall St.. E. R. 3!)th St South Ferry, ft. Whitehall. Central R. R. of N. .7. (Com- munipaw, Jersey City )._.. Liberty St. N. R. W. 23d St., N. R. College Point (Queen's Ror.).E. onth St., E. R. E. 134th St. E. R. Comniunipaw (see Jersey City). Delaware, liackawanna & W. R. R. ( Hoboken) Barclay St., N. R. Christopher St., N. R. W. 23d St., N. R. Erie R. R. ( Favonia Ave., Jersey City) (^hnmbers St., N. R. W. 23d St., N. R. Ellis Island I'.argo Office. Battery. Fort Lee W. 130th St.. N. R. (Jovernor's Island Barge Office, Battery. Greenwood L.-ike R. R. (see Erie R. R. ) Ilarfs Island R. 26th St., E. R. Hoboken: D. L. & W. R. R.. Barclay St.. N. R. Christopher St., N. R. W. 23d St., N. R. Newark St. (see D. L. &. W.) Jersey City: Bait. & Ohio R. R. Liberty St., N. R. W. 23d St., N. R. C. R. R. of N. J. .Liberty St., N. R. W. 23d St., N. R. Communipaw (see Central R. R. of N. J.> Erie R. R. Chambers St.. X. R. W. 23d St.. N. R. Exchange PI. (see Penna. R. R.) Greenwood Lake R. R. (see Erie R. R.) Leh. Val. R. R. . . Cortlandt St.. N. R. nesbrosses St.. N. R. W. 2.3d St., N. R. 1 Ferries from and to Manhattan — Continued. Ferry for From Manhattan. Jersey City:N. J. & N. Y. R. R. (see Erie R. R.) New York, Susq. & West. R. R. .Cortlandt St., N. R. Desbrosses St., N. R. W. 23d St., N. R. Pavonia Ave. (see Erie R. R.) Penna. R. R Cortlandt St., N. R. Desbrosses St., N. R. W. 23d St., N. R. I.ehigh Valley R. R. (Jersey City) Cortlandt St., N. R. Desbrosses St., N. R. W. 23d St., N. R. Long Island City, Borden Ave. (see L. I. R. R.) Long Island R. R James' Slip. E. R. E. 34th St., E. R. Wall St., E. R. (in summer). New Jersey & New Y'ork R. R. (see Erie R. R.) New York, Ontario & Western R. R. ( Weehawken) Franklin St., N. R. W. 42d St., N. R. New York, Siisijuehanna & Western R. R Cortlandt St., N. R. Desbrosse!3 St., N. R. W. 2.3d St., N. R. North Beach E. 99th St., E. -R. E. 134th St., E. R. North Brother Island E. 132d St., E. R. Pennsylvania R. R Cortlandt St., N. R. Desbrossea St., N. R. W. 23d St., N. R. Randall's Island E. 26th St.. E. R. E. 120th St.. B. R. E. 125th St., E. R. Stateu Island. St. George .... South Ferry, ft. Whitehall. Ward's Island E. 116th St., E. R. Weehawken. N. J. (see West Sh. and N. Y., O. & W. R.Rs.) West Shore R.R., Weehawken. . Franklin St., N. R. W. 42d St., N. R. West New York (Old Slip), N. J AV. 42d St.. N. R. II. Ferries from Manhattan and Destinations /•'(■r//c.v. Destination. Itiucla.v St Hoboken, D. L. & W. R. R. Itarge Ofh'ce Governor's Island. Bedloe's Island. Ellis Island. Catharine St Main St., Brooklyn. Chambers St Pavonia Ave., Jersey City, Erie, Greenwood Lake, N. J. & N. Y. R. Rs. Christopher St : . . Hoboken, D. L. & W. R. R. ,^ ,, j^ „^ ("Montgomery St., Jersey City., Cor landt St \ j.^^^^ Lehigh Val., N. Y. Desbrosses St | g^^q ^ ^ ^ ^ 1^ \ J, f i/c 5 '^^^^ W\Ji IL :^ ^^ ';?<^/V %fj< ^ i^in'ffStek-^^ . ^;y.^j..-^ i\.Mi ...aw.u . ., .,., .^c dg§ii^lff/ikW^&ar , STREET AND DISTANCF fl Cor Des Ferries from and to Manhattan — Continued. Ferries. Destination. Franklin St Weehawken, West Shore, N. Y. Ont. & W. R. R. Fulton St Fulton St., Brooklyn. Grand St Broadway, Brooklyn. Grand St., Brooklyn. Houston St Grand St., Brooklyn. James Slip Long Island City, L. I. R. R. Liberty St Jersey City (Communipaw ), C. R. of N. J., B. & O. R. R. Roosevelt St Broadway, Brooklyn. South Ferry Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn. Hamilton Ave., Brooklyn. 39th St., Brooklyn. Wall St Montague St.. Brooklyn. Long Island City, L. I. R. R. E. 10th St. Greenpoint Ave., Brooklyn. E. 23d St. Greenpoint Ave., Brooklyn. Broadway, Brooklyn. W. 23d St Montgomery St.. Jersey City, Penua., Lehigh Val., N. Y. Susq. & W. R. Rs. Pavonia Ave., Jersey City, Erie, Greenwood Lake, N. J. & N. Y. R. Rs. Communipaw, Jersey City. C. R. of N. J., B. & O. R. R. Hoboken, D. L. & W. R. R. E. 26th St Blackwell's Island. Randall's Island. Hart's Island. E. 34th St Long Island City. L. I. R. R. E. 42d St Broadway, Brooklyn. W. 42d St Weehawken, West Shore, X. Y. Ont. & W. R. Rs. E. ySd St Astoria. E. 09th St College Point. W. 130th St Fort Lee. E. 134th St College I'oint. North Beach. FERRIES FROM BROOKLYN TO JERSEY CITY AND STATEN ISLAND Ferry for From Brooklyn. Barren Island Canarsie i'ier (every 2 hours). Bergen Beach Canarsie. Canarsie Bergen Beach. Rockaway Beach (hourly dur- ing summer). Jersey City : Penna. R. R Ft. Fulton St. Leh. Val. R. R. . . Ft. Fulton St. New Y'^ork, Susq. & W. R. R Ft. Fulton St. Rockaway Beach Canarsie (hourly during sum- mer I . Staten Island, Stapleton Bath Beach ( from May 2Sth to Sept. 15th). a.- -a > .a < & C3 H <: < o ~ •- CO tc o c 2 2 CO « H "S ^ w fti cH Ce^ a M b u •o 1^ < o _a f^ S fo a ^ o "B 2; nj H? Q C o < ■•5 w J c o tr\ u gl "" p ** g ■ « I ^ ". f^ 5 ^ g >> o « - gS S •c o ^ ^ 5 § >• <« .=: P £ 2 :i X oj .. £ <'j -i; c <-. +: ^ £ K oJ 2 w t< ^ I ? £ 5 = <^ 0) a^' ~ a; "^ & c o & " (SO o K ^ ^ K n ® >^ < ^ ^ 1 « hJ « « < '^ ^' Di (_ « k4 S ? Q Od i S W 02 2 » _ Ho .5 t, . _© C5 g CS o £ -Z M S ^ ,3*0 ^ > - •■ ^, _; s - »j . -ti I « ^ ^ ^ I . ,- ^ •--■ ^00 S "^ 2 j= r; X3 o a^ ~ z: ^ 5 n 00 s i 5.S 2 > ■a ■ oc .2 *5 ;« a §5 S a ~ 00 2 'o > 2-3 J» c cd C3 a ® 2 -^ "" M S 3i 2 c;-^ aJ oJ "" 5 ja > > m < « < *< ^ » aj ja Xi ^ » i^ » •< -J K CO O — • ^ .2 tl ^ a ^ -o s ^ to _■ a ~ 7 ^ •-! a H =* „ ^ a "tH ^ s jsl d S S M 5 =j i C, S3 a U H •S ^ . -^ r , ^ ^ s 2 S "S > (5 1 a ^ " n) ,^ § 73 1 mt ^ t4 a 3 itA ^^< ^ a 1 K a <1 o U 1^ a ^ - ~ a: ;i; — -O ^ij g ^ <5 -^ => 02 30 00 -5 to O I'D ii *- ^02 I •= -^ 1 1 a; I " S - « ^ .-^ fe w 3; CD - Ij i-J o '• Qi o -r n ^ M af _r -o - ■a a ^ « o .2 z "■' a '^ '2< ? J ^ ■< i 2 ^ 2=^ = ^335 M <3 M 72 fc S o a XJ +J ffi -s -M ^- ■ .S 03 fl ~ o . 5 r (S .s ^ -a r cs 5 M ^ 'S c^ .2 d M u « g .9 „ 4^ w > S b4 go V- -a > a x +^ 2 ja a s «^ > ■=> > -g pa s " = - -o . ^ g: c t- ee ^' ^ C -^ S •a 5 s^-r s ^ 'Sa't ^ — M B = ^ fc na an K) Si _ >■, ; c -o 'o 1^' 0. T3 I-, £ -3 < (2 O < o _ Q& « ? — — 6 H (S < < i2 fe m e: a> 1^ > 2 -a « ^ K U a> SS 5 o < 0, —^ tf I H c ai ? P M ►^ ^ ^^'i « I := *« c < 5 & ~. a, e a -M <-'' "^ ~ w ^ ~ '-' -o « K OJ > c: aj aJ -53 > M 2 £ ^ j»_ ■o Xi "O s ct -a S s ■c 1 o 1 fl « ^^ r- ^ "<■ L' ^ o ■- c K ^ ^. ^_ w C r a t: C -- ^ 5 ^ t-. t: S:? i; 2C «j: c^ K ^ K £ _• 'c ra ■« 00 , "s "O E IS . J5 B t- n< „! ■^ ■" cc ^ ^ c a; -^ -c n 'C ^- ^ ^ In u, <-i M 'OH 5« t^ £ m 5 £ < 0) p tin j3 r c: o 01 o 4" -S M ^2 < m o K '2 53 CO 03 •^ fa ^ g |m CQ t, to * ^ a "I" oT M o CO a; ii M « -a 0) 0) a 2 a 2 s fl s o o ci S .5 o iZ ^ ? C3 rt . ^ a o a o St., 1 nue Row N. & East 1 1 3;5£ < << ^ < 11^ c, tf ^ -^ '^3 5 1^* PS ±i «i- 0; to H a' 2q > % ^ '^ £ g S .2 .5 » o !f cs 5 < j_j ^ ti -s i: K = ? I S ^ ^. OS . r^ a T) flJ - >• = -O -C = £ < CI CO K Ci ! 2: x: I < -z ' ^ 1 s "= I p B '^ ?^ o a 11 0^' -o ox ai a' n o o 2 K & -g & Co -e ■=> -K - r: "^ G3 - -c < ^ w o a a o o 'O a fa 5 » 2 0; K D £ 5 ^ g . 5 "S -a -o .2 "5 « <5 ^ > a . ^ t/; -O •'" ^ - «;• § 2 s p — ■ .2 ? ^ ^ ^' S- C _ .St ^ - — -a s C c; <^ M M o ■< ~ •o5 E- 1 -o 6 a 2 o 2 a w OS CC _ -2 Vi > o 3 ^^ << M . 0) o ~ tfi O -a "O 5 fc. g a 1 J3 02 3 '5 02 5 o ■£ H ^ .- — — -S — ? i: < < £ < e K -^ «!5 e o C _ " " i: -r "3 13 *. 2^ t^ I ~i O , >• X! ^ 2 ? a^ a § 5 a K CQ a a; 2 2 H -a M £ ^1 1 1" fa !N it •< o 2 Is >> S fa a » II ■M c 5 § a _c! M * c i«5 » '2 •a 1) cd J3 !- O u o; 5 U :? O o Q ^ t> < U L. £ X 1 1 '^ O •< a, • a; '41 ^ I s g I . M 2 •S t^ CO 14 •^ S .5 ^ r T> I ^ ^^ « t< +i oj ^ c ^ ro o j-^ " S -I-; -a & "^ •&§*'= f^ "o i'' K S ?; 1=^ . o ^ £ p: (S 5 < w ?^ p: fa ^ c ij *5 o '^ '^ ^ S t^ £ c ;^ e: T^ t? _J -g M M 41 o _ u c) ^ (N -2; __ CO "5 2ai » Safe t, C3 ^ ^ go 5 >>; ~ g ^ ? ^ r" ^ M S CO ^-^ c t: t- -M M W S ^ £ ^ ^ rr- « 5 I ^ r.- - £ ^ a :£^'?2is g d ■^ O ^' +J EH S5 2 -^ ^2 St . §5 ^ ^ ~ S^ a: K ej o ^ CO -tJ "•5 § M CO J •< fci ^ S '<^ ■ M > ? S >! 1 1 = ^ J " § ?: p: ^ M K £ J £ g .? S " .S gi « ^" 2 0) .2 > cs "O O m 4- t: :: V- -z SUBWAY ROUTES, STATIONS AND CONNECTIONS /. TRUNK LINE. II. WEST SIDE BRANCH. III. LENOX AVENUE BRANCH. IV. BRONX PARK AND WEST FARMS BRANCH. I. Trunk Line From Battery Park (South Ferry) to 96th St. and Boule- vard (Broadway), via State St., Broadway, Park Row, Center St., Elm St., Lafayette PI.. 4th Ave., 42d St., Broad- way (Boulevard) to 9Cth St. All trains for every part of the system start either at South Ferry or Brooklyn Bridge, proceed thence over the Trunk Line to 96th St., and at that point diverge over a branch line to specific destination. Stations. South Ferry. Bowling Green. Wall St. and Broadway. Fulton St. and Broadway. City Hall (Loop), Broad- way and Murray St. Brooklyn Bridge, Park Row and Center St. Connections. For Brooklyn : Atlantic Ave. Ferry. Hamilton Ave. Ferry. 39th St. Ferry. Staten Island Ferry. East and West Belt Lines to all Ferries. Broadway, 6th and 8th Ave. Sur- face Lines. 2d, 3d, 6th & 9th Ave. El. Lines. Wall St. Ferry (6 blocks). Via Fulton St. Crosstown Line : Fulton Ferry. Barclay St. Ferry. D. L. & W. R. R. Cortlandt St. Ferry, Penna., L. v., N. Y. S. & W. R. Rs. Liberty St. Ferry, C. N. J., B. & O. R. Rs. Brooklyn Surface & El. Lines. 2d, 3d, 4th and 6th Ave. Surface Lines. Ave. B Line, through East Side to 34th St. Ferry. Via Chambers St. Crosst'n Line : Chambers St. Ferry, N. R., Erie R. R. Roosevelt St. Ferry, E. R. James' Slip Ferry, E. R.. L. L R. R. Catharine Ferry, E. R. i2 blocks). Via Chambers and Madison Sts. Line : Grand St. Ferry, E. R. Worth and Elm Sts. SuDWAY Stations, Etc. — Trunk Line Continued. Stations. Canal and Elm Sts. Spring and Elm Sts. Bleecker and Elm Sts. Astor D. and 4th Ave. 14th St. and 4th Ave. 18th St. and 4th Ave. 23d St. and 4th Ave. 28th St. and 4th Ave. Connections. Via Cortlandt St. Line : Grand St. Ferry, E. R. Franklin St. Ferry, E. R., West Shore R. R. Chambers St. Ferry, N. R., Erie R. R. Barclay St. Ferry, N. R., D., L. & W. R. R. Cortlandt St. Ferry, Penna., L. v., N. Y. S. & W. R. Rs. Via Grand St. Line, at Grand and Elm (2 blocks). Grand St. Ferry, E. R. Desbrosses St. Ferry, N. R., Penna., L. V., N. Y. S. & W. R. Rs. Via Metropolitan Crosstown Line (Spring St.) : Grand St. Ferry, E. R. Williamsburg Bridge. Desbrosses St. Ferry, N. R., Penna., L. V., N. Y. S. & W. R. Rs. Bleecker St. Line at Broadway. Via 8th St. Crosstown Line : Christopher St. Ferry. N. R., D. L. & W. R. R. B. 10th St. Ferry, E. R. Williamsburg Bridge. Via 14th St. Lines : Williamsburg Bridge (Brook- lyn Plaza). Via Christopher and 23d St. Line : Christopher St. Ferry, N. R., D., L. & W. R. R. E. 23d St. Ferry, E. R. Via 17th and 18th St. Crosstown Lines : E. 23d St. Ferry. Via 23d St. Crosstown Lines : E. 23d St. Ferry. W. 23d St. Ferries, Penna., L. v., N. Y. S. & W., D., L. & W. and Erie R. Rs. Via Chiistopher and 23d St. Line: Christopher St. Ferry, N. R., D., L. & W. R. R. Via 23d and 34th St. Crosstown Lines : E. 34th St. Ferry, E. R. Via 28th and 29th St. Crosstown Lines : W. 23d St. Ferries, Penna., L. v., N. Y. S. & W., D., L. & W. and Erie R. Rs. Foot E. 31st St. (Steamboat Landing). 20 Subway Stations, Etc. — Trunk Line Continued. Stations. 33d St. and 4th Ave. Grand Tentral Station, 4i:d St. and Vander- bilt Ave. Times Square, 42d St. and Broadway. ."0th St. and Broadway. Grand Circle, 59th St. and Broadway. 66th St. and Boulevard. 72d St. and Boulevard. 79th St. and Boulevard. 86th St. and Boulevard. 91st St. and Boulevard. 96th St. and Boulevard. Connections. Via 34th St. Crosstown Line : E. 34th St. Ferry, E. R., I. R. R. W. 42d St. Ferry, N. West Shore R. R. Via 42d St. Lines : E, 42d St. Ferry, E. R. E. 34th St. Ferry, E. R., I. R. R. W. 42d St. Ferry, N. West Shore R. R. 42d St. Lines, as above. Central Park. 59th St. Crosstown Line. Parkway and Riverside Drive. American Museum of Natural His- tory (2 blocks). Junction of West Side, Lenox Ave. and Bronx Divisions. II. West Side Branch. From 96th St. and Boulevard (Broadway) to 230th St. (Bailey Ave.) and Broadway, Kingsbridge. Under Broadway from 96th to 168th St., thence 11th Ave. to Dyckman, thence by viaduct through Naegle and Amsterdam Aves. to Broad- way at 215th St., thence through Broadway to 230th St. (Bailey Ave.). All trains start from South Ferry (except in rush hours, when Locals start from Brooklyn Bridge) and are run via Trunk Line, and West Side Branch, to Bailey Ave., without change. Stations. Connections. (For Stations between Brooklyn Bridge and 96th St. See Trunk Line. ) 96th St. and Boulevard. 103d St. and Boulevard. 110th St. and Boulevard. 116th St. and Boulevard. 125th St., Boulevard and Manhattan St. 137th St. and Boulevard. 145th St. and Boulevard. 157th St. and Boulevard. (Stations beyond 157th S 168th St. and Boulevard. 181st St. and 11th Ave. Dyckman St. and Naegle Ave. Junction Trunk of all Branches with liine. Via 125th St. Crosstown Line: Fort Lee Ferry. 145th St. Crosstown Line. t. not yet in operation.) Subway Stations, Etc. — West Side Continued. Stations. Connections. 207th St. and Amsterdam Ave. 215th St. and Broadway. Ship Canal and Broadway. 230th St. (Bailey Ave.) and Broadway. m. Lenox Avenue Branch. From 96th 'St. and Boulevard (Broadway) to 14.5th St. and 'Lenox Ave., via Broadway to 99th St., thence to and under Central Park, to 110th St. and Lenox Ave. to 14.5th St. Trains start from Brooklyn Bridge and are run via Trunk Line and Lenox Ave. Branch to 145th St. without change. Stations. Connections. ,(For Stations between Brooklyn Bridge and 96th St. See Trunk Line.) ■tieth St. and Boulevard. Junction of all Branches with Trunk Line. 110th St. and Lenox Ave. 110th St. and St. Nicholas Ave. Line. 116th St. and Lenox Ave. 116th St. Crosstown Line. J25th St. and Lenox Ave. Via 125th St. Crosstown Line : Fort Lee Ferry, foot W. 130th St. 135th St. and Lenox Ave. 138th St. Crosstown Line. 145th St. and Lenox Ave. Via 145th St. Crosstown Line : Kingsbridge. IV. Bronx Park and West Farms Branch. From 135th St. and Lenox Ave. to 180th St. and Boston Road, southeastern (or West Farms i entrance to Bronx Park, at the Zoological Garden, via Lenox Ave. to 141st St., thence under Harlem River, through 149th St. to 3d Ave., through Westchester Ave., Southern Boulevard and Bos- ton Road to Bronx Park. Express Trains start from South Ferry, Locals from Brook- lyn Bridge, and are run via Trunk Line and Lenox Ave; Branch to 135th St., thence over Bronx Park Branch. Stations. Connections. 135th St. and Lenox Ave. 138th St. Crosstown Line. 149th St. and Mott Ave. Franz Siegel Park (2 blocks North). 149th St., Third, Melrose and Willis Aves. 2d, and 3d Ave. El. Lines. Mt. Vernon Line. West Mt. Vernon Line. Fordham Line. West Farms Line. Westchester Ave. Line. Subway Stations, Etc. — Bronx Br. Continued. .stations. Connections. Jackson and Westchester Aves. Lebanon Hospital. Prospect and Westchester -Aves. Simpson St. and South- ern Boulevard. Freeman St. and South- ern Boulevard. 174th St. and Boston Road. ]T7th St. and Boston Koad. Via 177th St. (Tremont Ave.) Crosstown Line : East: Van Nest (Catholic Protectory ) . Westchester Village. Fort Schuyler. Unionport (Sacred Heart Academy. West : New York University (Hall of Fame) Williamsbridge Line. Bronx Park. Southeastern Entrance. SUBWAY TRAIN ARRANGEMENT, DIS- TINGUISHING TRAIN LIGHTS AND RUNNING TIME I. Train Arrangement TRUNK LINE. Express Tniiiis: Between South Ferry and 06th St. at 2 to 4 minute intervals, stopping at the following stations only : Bowling Green. Fourteenth St. Wall St. Grand Central Station. Fulton St. Seventy-second St. Brooklyn Bridge. Ninety-sixth St. Above 96th St. the express trains continue as local trains, stopping at all stations upon the three branch lines which diverge from 96th St. Local Trains: Leave Brooklyn Bridge for 96th St. at 2 to 3 minute intervals, stopping at all stations between these points. BRONX PARK BRANCH. Express Trains: Between South Ferry and 96th St. at 4 to 6 minute intervals, stopping at Bowling Green. Fourteenth St. Wall St. Grand Central Station. Fulton St. Seventy-second St. Brooklyn Bridge. Ninety-si.xth St. Above '.Miili Si. cxiness trains continue as local trains, stopping at all stations. Local Trains: Between 96th St. and Bronx I'ark at 4 to 6 minute intervals. No local trains run on this line south of 96th St. Below that point all Bronx Park trains run on express time and stop only at express stations. WEST SIDE BRANCH. Express Trains: Between South Ferry and 96th St. at 4 to 6 minute intervals, stopping at express stations south of 96th St.. and continuing as local trains, stop- ping at all stations north of 96th St. Local Trains: Between South Ferry and 157th St. during non-rush hours : and during rush hours between Brooklyn Bridge and 157th St. at 4 to 6 minute intervals, stopping at all stations. .ENOX AYENrE BRANCH. Express Trains: Between South Ferry and 96th St. at 4 to 6 minute intervals, stopping at express stations south of 96th St., and continuing as local trains, stop- ping at all stations north of 96th St. Local Trains: Between Brooklyn Bridge and 145th St. at 4 to 6 minute intervals, stopping at all stations. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. Express service from 11.30 A. M. to 11.30 P. M, Subway Train Arrangements, Etc. — Continued. II. Distinguishing Train Lights West Side : Express Two red head lights. Local Two white head lights. Lenox Ave. : Express Red and green head lights. Local Two green head lights. Bronx Park : Express Green and red head lights. Local Two green head lights. III. Approximate Running Time Exp. stations in hfacl;-fn(c ti/pc. South Ferry Bowling Green 1 Wall St 2 Fulton St 3 Brooklyn Bridge 4 Worth St 5 Canal St QV2 Spring St 8 Bleecker St 9Vo Astor Place 11 I4thSt I2V2 LSth St 131/2 23d St 15 28th St 16 33d St 17 Grand Central 18y2 Times Square 19% 50th St 21 59th St 23 66th St 241/. 72dSt 25 V2 79th St 27 86th St 28 01 St St 29 96th St 30 Minutes from South Ferry B'klyn Br. Local. Exp. Local. Exp. 1 2V2 4 5V2 81/2 91/2 11 12 13 141/2 15 V2 17 19 West Side Branch. 10.3d St 32 22 28 110th St 33 23 29 llGth St 34 24 30 12.5th St 36 26 32 137th St 37 27 33 145th St 39 29 35 157th St 41 31 37 Lenox Arcnue Branch. 110th St 34 24 30 116th St 35 25 31 125th St 37 27 33 135th St.- 39 29 35 145th St 41 31 37 25 Subway Train Arrangements, Etc. — Continued. Bronx Park Branch. Minutes from STAT I OX S. South Ferry B'klyn Br. Exp. stations in Mack-facc type. Local. Exp. Local. Exp. Mott Ave. and 149th St 42 32 38 28 8d Ave. and 149th St 431/2 331/2 391/2 29 1^ Jackson and AVestchester 4.51/0 35% 41 1/2 31% Prospect and Westchester 47 37 43 33 Simpson Ave. and S. Boulevard.. 49 39 45 S.'i Freeman and S. Boulevard .".0 40 46 36 174th St. and Boston Road .52 42 48 38 177th St. and Boston Road .531/2 431/2 491/2 391/2 Bronx Park (180th St.) 54 44 50 40 ELEVATED RAILWAY LINES AND ROUTES-MANHATTAN AND BRONX /. THIRD AVENUE LINE. II. SECOND AVENUE LINE. III. SIXTH AVENUE LINE. IV. NINTH AVENUE LINE. I. Third Avenue Elevated Line City Hall Division: From ("ity Hall (Brooklyn Bridge) to Bronx Park, at western entrance (Botanical Garden), abont 12 miles, via Park Row, Bowery, 3d Ave. to 129th St., to 2d Ave. Bridge, tlienee across tlie Harlem River, through private right-of-way bet. Alexander and Willis Ave., to 3d Ave. at 145th St.. thence through 3d Ave. to Tremont, Fordham and Bronx Park without change. 34th St. BR.4NCH : From 34th St. and 3d Ave. to Long Island R. R. Station, E. 34th St. Ferry. 42d St. Br.\xch : From 42d St. and 3d Ave. to Grand Cen- tral Station, at 42d St. and 4th Ave. SocTH Ferry Division: From the Battery (South Ferry) to 129th St. and 3d Ave. (Harlem Riverj, connecting with City Hall Division and 2d Ave. trains, for Bronx Park. Via Front St., Coenties Slip, Pearl St., Xew Bowery, Bowery and 3d Ave. Stations. Connections. South Ferry. For Brooklyn : Atlantic Ave. Ferry. Hamilton Ave. Ferry. 39th St. Ferry. Staten Island Ferry. East and West Belt Lines to all Ferries. Broadway. 6th and 8th Ave. Sur- face Lines. 2d, Gth and 9th Ave. El. Lines. Hanover Sq., Pearl and William. Fulton and Pearl. Fulton Ferry (2 blocks). Via Fulton St. Crosstown Line: Barclay St. Ferry, D. L. and W. R. R. Cortlandt St. Ferry. Penna., L. V. and N. Y., S. & W. R. Rs. Liberty St. Ferry, N. .1. Cent., B. & O. R. Rs. Franklin Sq., Pearl and Cherry. Chatham Sq., Bowery and I'ark Row. Ave. B Line, through East Side to 34th St. Ferry. El. R. R. Lines. Manhattan and Bronx- -TMrd Ave. Line Continued. Stations. Connections. City Hall, Brooklyn Bridge. Brooklyn El. and Surface Lines. Via Chambers St. Crosstown Lines : Chambers St. Ferry, N. R., Erie R. R. Roosevelt Ferry, E. R. James Slip Ferry, E. R., L. L R. E. Catharine Ferry, E. R. (two blocks). Canal and Bowery. Via Cortlandt St. Line : Grand St. Ferry. E. R. Franklin St. Ferry. West Shore and N. Y., O. & W. Chambers St. Ferry, Erie R. R. Barclay St. Ferry. D. L. & W. R. R. Cortlandt St. Ferry, Penna., L. v., N. Y., S. & W. R. Rs. Grand and Bowery. Via Grand St. Line : Grand St. Ferry, E. R. Desbrosses St. Ferry, N. R., Penna., L. V., X. Y., S. & W. R. Rs. Via Delancey St. Line (2 blocks) : Williamsburg Bridge. Houston and Bowery. Houston St. Ferry (via Ave. C Line at Stanton St. and Bowery 1 block*. 9th and 3d Ave. Via 8th St. Line : 10th St. Ferry, E. R. Williamsburg Bridge. Christopher St. Ferry, N. R., D., L. & W. R. R. 14th St. and 3d Ave. Via 14th St. Line : :j Williamsburg Bridge (Brook- ' lyn Plaza). H Via Christopher and '23d St. Line : I Christopher St. Ferry. N. R., i D., L. & W. R. R. ' E. 23d. St. Ferry, E. R. 18th St. and 3d Ave. Via 17th and ISth St. Crosstown Line : E. 23d St. Ferry. E. R. El. R. R. Lines. Manhattan and Bronx — Third Ave. Line Continued. t'^fafions. Connections. L'Sd St. and 3d Ave. Via 23d St. Cro.sstown Line : E. 23d St. Ferry. W. 23d St. Ferry, I'enna., L. v., N. Y., S. & W., Erie. D., L. & W. R. Rs. Via Christopher and 23d St. Line : Christopher St. Ferry, N. R., D., L. & W. R. R. Via 23d and 34th St. Crosstown Line : E. 34th St. Ferry, E. R., L. L R. R. 2Sth St. and 3d Ave. Via 28th and 29th St. Crosstown Lines : W. 2.3d St. Ferry, N. R., Penna., L. V., N. Y., S. & W., Erie. D., L. & W. R.Rs. Foot E. 31st St. (Steamboat Landing). Randall's Island Ferry, ft. E. 26th St. Blackwell's Island Ferry, ft. E. 26th St. 34th St. and 3d Ave. Via Branch El. R. R. : E. 34th St. Ferry, E. R., L. I. R. R. Via 34th St. Crosstown Line : E. 34th St. Ferry, E. R., L. I. R. R. W. 42d St. Ferry, N. R., West Shore and N. Y., O. & W. R. R. 4l'd St. and 3d Ave. Via Branch El. R. R. Grand Central Station. Via 42d St. Lines : Subway at Vanderbilt Ave. E. 42d St. Ferry, E. R. E. 34th St. Ferry, E. R., L. I. R. R. W. 42d St. B^erry. N. R., West Shore and N. Y., O. & W. R. R. 10th Ave. Line to Amsterdam Ave. and 71st St. 47th St. and 3d Ave. Nearest Crosstown Line at 42d St. 53d St. and 3d Ave. Nearest Crosstown Line at 59th St. 59th St. and 3d Ave. .'">9th St. Crosstown Line. 6th Ave. and E. 59th St. Line to (!th Ave. and 4th St. El. R. R. Lines, Manhattan and Bronx — Third Ave. Line Continued. Stations. St. and 3d Ave. Connections. Nearest Crosstown Lines, .59th St. and 86th St. 7Cth St. and 3d Ave. Nearest Crosstown Lines, 50th St. and SGth St. 84th St. and 3d Ave. 89th St. and 3d Ave. 98th St. and 3d Ave. lOOth St. and 3d Ave. fVia 86th St. Crosstown Line (2 •< bloclis) : L Astoria Ferry, ft. E. 9<>tli St. College roint Ferry, ft. E. 99th St. Nearest Crosstown Lines, .SOth St. and 110th St. Nearest Crosstown Lines, SOth St. and 110th St. 116th St. and 3d Ave. 116th St. Crosstown Line to 106th St. and Columbus Ave., and Ward's Island Ferry. 125th St. and 3d Ave. Via 125th St. Crosstown Line : Fort Lee Ferry, ft. W. 130th St. Randall's Island Ferry, ft. E. 125th St. 120th St. and 3d Ave. ( Harlem River). Junction with 2d Ave. Lir 133d St. and Southern Boulevard. Southern Boulevard Line . Willis Ave. Line at Willis Ave. and 134th St. (1 block). 1.38th St., bet. Alexaudcr and Willis Aves. Via 138th St. Crosstown Line : North Beach Ferry Boat for North Brother Island. 143d St., bet. Alexander and Willis Aves. 140th St., 3d and Willis Aves. 15Gth St. and 3d Ave. 161st St. and .3d Ave. 166th St. and 3d Ave. 169th St. and 3d Ave. Wendover and 3d Aves. 173d St. and 3d Ave. Via Subway : Bronx Park, (West Farms Entrance). Via 161st St. Crosstown Line : Macomb's Dam Viaduct. "laremont Park (4 blocks west). 30 El. R. R. Lines, Manhattan and Bronx — Third Ave. Line Continued. Stations. rth St. (Tremont Ave.) Connections. Crotona Park (Main Entrance). Via 177tii St. Crosstown Line : East : V a n Nest (Catholic Protectory). Westchester Village. Fort Schu.yler. Unionport. West : New York University. 183d St. and 3d Ave. Fordham. 187th St. (Pelham Ave.) and 3d Ave. Fordham University (St. John's College). Bronx Park. Western F^ntrance (Botanical Gar- dens). II. Second Avenue Elevated Line From the Battery (South Ferry) to Bronx Park, at western entrance (Botanical Garden), about 13 miles, via Front St., to Coenties Slip, Pearl St., New Bowery, Chatham Sq., Division St., Allen St., 1st Ave., 23d St. and 2d Ave., to Harlem River (129th St.), thence over same route as 3d Ave. Line to Bronx Park. Some trains run through from South Ferry to Bronx Park without change. Others require change at 129th St. Stations. South Ferry. Connections. For Brooklyn : Atlantic Ave. Ferry. Hamilton Ave. Ferry. 39th St. Ferry. Staten Island Ferry. East and West Belt Lines to all Ferries. Broadway, 6th and 8th Ave. Sur- face Lines. 3d, 6th and 9th Ave. El. Lines. Hanover Sq., PeacI and William. Fultoa and Pearl. Franklin Sq., Pearl and Cherry. Chatham Sq., Bowery and I'ark Row. Fulton Ferry (2 blocks). Via Fulton St. Crosstown Line : Barclay St. Ferry, D., L. & W. R. R. Cortlandt St. Ferry, Penna., L. v., and N. Y., S. & W. R. Rs. Liberty St. Ferry., N. J. Cent, and B. & O. R. Rs. 2d and 3d Ave. Surface Lines. Ave. B Line through East Side to 34th St. Ferry. 31 El. R. R. Lixes, Manhattan and Bronx — Second Ave. Line Continued. l^tations. Canal and Allen. Connections. Cortlandt St. Line : Grand St. Ferry, E. R. Cortlandt St. Ferry, N. R., Penna., L. V., and N. Y., S. & W. R. Rs. Franklin St. Ferry, West Shore and N. Y., O. & W. R. Rs. Chambers St. Ferry, Erie R. R. Barclay St. Ferry, D., L. & W. R. R. Grand and Allen. Rivington and Allen. Via Grand St. Line : Grand St. Ferry, E. R. Desbrosses St. Ferry, N. R., Penna., L. V., N. Y., S. & W. R. Rs. Via Delancey St. Line (2 blocks) : Williamsburg Bridge. Ave. C Line at Stanton and Allen (1 block) to West St. and all Ferries to Chambers. Houston St. Ferry (near). 1st St. and 1st Ave. Do. Do. !th St. and 1st Ave. 14tb St. and 1st Ave. 10th St. and 1st Ave. 2?.d St., bet. 1st and 2d Aves. Via Sth St. Line : loth St. Ferry, E. R. Williamsburg Bridge. Christopher St. Ferry, N. R., D., L. & W. R. R. Via 14th St. Line : Williamsburg Bridge. Via Christopher and 23d St. Line : Christopher St. Ferry, N. R., D., L. & W. R. R. E. 23d St. Ferry, E. R. Via 17th and 18th St. Crosstown Line (1 block) : E. 23d St. Ferry, E. R. Via 23d St. Crosstown Line : E. 23d St. Ferry. W. 23d St. Ferry, Penna., L. v., N. Y., S. & W., Erie, D., L. & W. R. Rs. Via Christopher and 23d St. Line : Christopher St. Ferry, N. R., D., L. & W. R. R. Via 23d and 34th St. Crosstown Line: E. 34th St. Ferry, L. I. R. R. Blackweirs Island Ferry, It. E. 26th St. Randall's Island Ferry, ft. E. 26th St. 32 El. R. R. Lines. Manhattan and Bronx — Second Ave. Line Continued. Stalions. Connections. 34th St. and 2d Ave. Via Branch El. R. R. : E. 34th St. Ferry, L. I. R. R. Via 34th St. Crosstown Line : E. 34th St. Ferry. L. I. R. R. W. 42d St. Ferry, N. R., West Shore and N. Y., O. & W. R. Rs. 42d St. and 2d Ave. Via 42d St. Line : E. 42d St. Ferry, E. R. E. 34th St. Ferry, L. I. R. R. W. 42d St. Ferry, West Shore and N. Y., O. & W. R. Rs. Subway at Vanderbilt Ave. Grand Central Station. 50th St. and 2d Ave. 10th Ave. Line to Amsterdam Ave. and 71st St. 57th St. and 2d Ave. 59th St. Crosstown Line (two bloclis). 6th Ave. and E. 59th St. Line to 6th Ave. and 4th St. 65th St. and 2d Ave. 59th St. Crosstown Line (six bloclis). 72d St. and 2d Ave. Blacljwell's Island Ferry, ft. E. 70th St. SOth St. and 2d Ave. 80th St. and 2d Ave. 86th St. Crosstown Line (through Central Park). 92d St. and 2d Ave. Astoria Ferry, ft. E. 92d St. 99th St. and 2d Ave. College VX. Ferry, ft. E. 99th St. 111th St. and 2d Ave. 117th St. and 2d Ave. 116th St. Crosstown Line to 106th St. and Columbus Ave., and Ward's Island Ferry. 121st St. and 2d Ave. 127th St. and 2d Ave. 125th St. Crosstown Line to Ft. I^ee Ferry, and Randall's Island Ferry. 129th St. and 3d Ave. (For Stations above Har- lem River see 3d Ave. Line.) in. Sixth Avenue Elevated Line Harlem Division: From the Battery (South Ferryl to 155th St. and 8th Ave. (Harlem River at Central Bridge), via Battery, Trinity PI., Church St., Murray, West Broadway, W. 3d, 6th Ave., 53d, 9th Ave., Colum- bus Ave., 110th St. 8th Ave., to 155th St. 33 El. R. R. Lines, Manhattan and Bronx — Sixth Ave. Line Continued. T'Oth Street Division: From the Battery (South Ferry) to 59th St. and 6th Ave. (Central Park), via same route as above to 50th St., thence through 6th Ave. to 58th St. Stations. South Ferry. Battery Place. Kector St. and Trinity PI. Cortlandt St. and Trinity PI. Connections. For Brooklyn : Atlantic Ave. Ferry. Hamilton Ave. Ferry. 39th St. Ferry. Staten Island Ferry. Subway. East and West Belt Lines to all Ferries. Broadway, 6th and 8th Ave. Sur- face Lines. 2d, 6tb and 9th Ave. El Lines. Cortlandt St. Ferry (3 blocks), Penna., L. V., N. Y., S. & W. R. Rs. Liberty St. Ferry (4 blocks), C. R. of N. J., and B. & O. R. Rs. Park PI. and Church St. Barclay St. Ferry (5 blocks). Chambers St. and ^Yest Broadway. Franklin St. Broadway. Grand St. and W, : way. Bleecker St. Broadway. Via Chambers St. Crosstown Line : Chambers St. Ferry, N. R., Erie R. R. Roosevelt St. Ferry, E. R. James SI. Ferry, E. R., L. L R. R. Catharine St. Ferry, E. R. (2 blocks). Via Chambers and Madison Sts. Crosstown Line : Grand St. Ferry, E. R. Franklin St. Ferry, N. R., West Shore and N. Y., O. & W. R. Rs. (5 blocks). Cortlandt St. Line at N. Moore and W. Broadway (1 block). Via Grand St. Line : Grand St. Ferry. E. R. Desbrosses St. Ferry. N. R., Penna., L. V.. N. Y., S. & W. R. Rs. Via Delancey St. Line at Broome and W. Broadway. Williamsburg Bridge. Bleecker St. Line. 34 i El. R. R. Lines, Maxi£attax and Broxx — Sixth Ave. Line Continued. Stations. Connections. 8th St. and 6th Ave. Via 8th St. Line : Christopher St. Ferry, N. R., D., L. & W. R. R. E. 10th St. Ferry, E. R. Williamsburg Bridge. 14th St. and 6th Ave. Via 14th St. Line : Williamsburg Bridge. Grand St. Ferry, E. R. Via Christopher and 23d St. Line : Christopher St. Ferry, N. R. E. 23d St. Ferry, E. R. 18th St. and 6th Ave. 23d St. and 6th Ave. Via 23d St. Lines : E. 23d St. Ferry, E. R. W. 23d St. Ferry, N. R.. Penna., L. V., N. Y., S. & W., Erie, D., L. & W. R. Rs. Via 23d and 34th St. Crosstown Line: E. 34th St. Ferry, E. R. 28th St. and 6th Ave. Via 28th and 29th St. Crosstown Line : W. 23d St. Ferry. Ft. E. 31st St. (Steamboat Landing). 33d St. and 6th Ave. Via 34th St. Crosstown Line : E. 34th St. Ferry, E. R., L. L R. R. W. 42d St. Ferry. N. R., West Shore and N. Y., O. & W. 42d St. and 6th Ave. Via 42d St. Lines : E. 42d St. Ferry. E. 34th St. Ferry, E. R., L. I. R. R. W. 42d St. Ferry, N. R., West Shore and N. Y., O. & W. R. Rs. Subway, at Broadway and 7th Ave. (1 block). .50th St. and 6th Ave. 53d St. Line to 9th Ave. and 54th St. 58th St. and 6th Ave. 59th St. Crosstown Lines. (Central Park.) 53d St. and 8th Ave. 53d St. Line. 59th St. and 9th Ave. 59th St. Crosstown Line. 66th St. and 9th Ave. 72d St. and 9th Ave. Parkway and Riverside Drive. 81st St. and 9th Ave. Am. Museum of Natural History. 35 El. R. R. Lines, Manhattan and Bronx — Sixth Ave. Line Continued. Stations. 93d St. and 9th Ave. 104th St. and 9th Ave. 110th St. and 8th Ave. 116th St. and 8th Ave. Connections. 116th St. Crosstown Line. 125th St. and 8th Ave. Via 125th St. Crosstown Line : Fort Lee Ferry. 135th St. and 8th Ave. 138th St. Crosstown Line. 140th St. and 8th Ave. 145th St. and 8th Ave. Kingsbridge Line. 145th St. Crosstown Line. 155th St. and 8th Ave. Putnam Branch N. Y. Cen. & H. R. R. R. Jerome Ave. Line. 161st St. Crosstown Line. rV, Ninth Avenue Elevated Line From the Battery (South Ferry) to 155th St. and 8th Ave. (Harlem River at Central Bridge), via Battery Park, Greenwich St. and 9th Ave., to junction with 6th Ave. Line at 53d St. and 9th Ave., thence via same route as 6th Ave. Line. Stations. South Ferry. Connections. For Brooklyn : Atlantic Ave. Ferry. Hamilton Ave. Ferry. 39th St. Ferry. Staten Island Ferry. Subway. East and West Belt Lines to all Ferries. Broadway, 6th and 8th Ave. Sur- face Lines. 2d, 3d and 6fa Ave. Elevated Lines. Battery PI. Rector and Greenwich Sts. Cortlandt and Greenwich Sts. Barclay and Greenwich Warren and Greenwich Cortlandt St. Ferry (2 blocks), Penna., L. V., N. Y., S. & W. R. Rs. Liberty St. Ferry (4 blocks), C. R. R. of N. J., and B. & O. R. Rs. Barclay St. Ferry (2 blocks). D., L. & W. R. R. Chambers St. Ferry (2 blocks), Erie R. R. Via Chambers St. Crosstown Line : Roosevelt St. Ferry. .Tames SI. Ferry (L. L R. R.). Catharine St. Ferry. Via Chambers and Madison St. Line : Grand St. Ferry, E. R. El. R. R. Lines. Manhattan and Bronx — Ninth Ave. Line Continued. Stations. Connections. Franklin and Greenwich Sts. P^ranklin St. Ferry (2 blocks), West Shore H. U. Via Cortlandt St. Line at N. Moore and Greenwich Sts. (1 block). Grand St. Ferry, E. R. Desbrosses and Greenwich Sts. Desbrosses St. Ferry (2 blocks), Penna.. L. V., N. Y., S. & W. R. Rs. Via Grand St Lines : Grand St. Ferries, E. R. Williamsburg Bridge. W. Houston and Green- wich Sts. Ave. C Crosstown Line, at Charl- ton and Greenwich (2 blocks). Christopher and Green- wich Sts. Christopher St. Ferry (2 blocks), D.. L. & W. R. R. Via 8th St. Lines : E. 10th St. Ferry. Williamsburg Bridge. Via Christopher and 23d St. Line : E. 23d St. Ferry. 14th St. and 9th Ave. 23d St. and 9th Ave. .30th St. and 9th Ave. 34th St. and 9th Ave. 42d St. and 9th Ave. 50th St. and 9th Ave. (For Stations and connec- tions north of 53d St. see 6th Ave. Line.) Via 14th St. Lines : Williamsburg Bridge. Grand St. Ferry. Via Christopher and 23d St. Line : E. 23d St. Ferry. Via 23d St. Lines : E. 23d St. Ferry. W. 23d St. Ferry, Penna., L. v., N. Y., S. & W., Erie, D., L. & W. R. Rs. Via 23d and 34th St. Crosstown Line : B. 34th St. Ferry, L. I. R. R. 28th and 29th St. Lines (1 block). Via 34th St. Crosstown Line : E. 34th St. Ferry, L. I. R. R. W. 42d St. Ferry. West Shore and N. Y., O. & W. R. Rs. Via 42d St. Line : E. 42d St. Ferry. E. 34th St. Ferry. Subway, at Broadway and 7 th Ave. W. 42d St. Ferry, West Shore and N. Y., O. & W. R. Rs. STREET RAILWAY LINES AND ROUTES MANHATTAN 7. BELT LINES. II. CR08ST0WN LINES. III. NORTH AND SOUTH SURFACE LINES. I. Belt Lines East Belt and First Ave. Line. Passes all East River Ferries. From foot Whitehall St. (South Ferry). To foot East 125th St. Via Whitehall, to South, to Broad, to Water, to Old Slip, to South, to Montgomery, to South, to Corlears. to Grand, to Goerck, to Houston, to Ave. D, to 14th, to 1st Ave., to 125th. Ret. same route to Ave. D, to 8th, to Lewis, to Houston, to Mangin, to Grand, to Corlears, to Monroe, to Jackson, to Front, to South, to Front, to Whitehall. West Belt Line. Passes all North River Ferries. From foot Whitehall St. (South Ferry). To foot W. 53d St. Via Whitehall, to Bowling Green, to Battery PI., to West, to 10th Ave., to 53d St. Ret. same route to Battery Pi., to State, to Whitehall. II. Crosstown Lines. Avenue C Line. From foot Chambers St., N. R. To East 23d St. Ferry. Via West to Charlton, to Prince, to Bowery, to Stan- ton, to Pitt, to Ave. C, to 18th. to Ave. -A, to 24tli. Ret. Ave. A. to 17th. to Ave. C. to 3d. to 1st Ave., to E. Houston, to W. Houston, to West, to Chambers. Bleecker St. Line. From 14th St. and 9th Ave. To Broadway and Bleecker St. Via Hudson, to Bleecker, to Broadway. Ret. Bleecker to Macdougal, to W. 4th, to W. 12th, to Hudson, to 14th, to 9th Ave. Ch.ambees and Madison St. Crosstown Line. From Grand St. Ferry, E. R. To Chambers St. Ferry, N. R. Via Grand, to Madison, to New Chambers, t , Chambers, to foot of Chambers, N. R. Ret. West, to Duane, to New Chambers, to Madison, to Grand, to Grand St. Ferry. Chambers St. Crosstown Line. From Roosevelt and James Sts. Ferries. E. R. To Chambers St. Ferry, N. R. Via South, to James Slip, to New Chambers, to Chambers, to North River. Ret. West, to Diiane. to New Chambers, to James Slip, to South, to Roosevelt. 38 Street R. R. Lines, Etc., Manhattan — Continued. Christopher and 23d Sts. Line. From Christopher St. Ferry. N. R. To East 23d St. Ferry. Via Christopher, to Greenwich, to 9th Ave., to 14th, to Ave. A, to 23d, to foot E. 2.3d. Ret. E. 23d to Ave. A, to 14th, to 9th Ave., to Ganse- voort. to Washington, to Christopher, to Christopher St. Ferry. CORTLANDT St. LINE. From Grand St. Ferry. E. R. To Cortlandt St. Ferry, N. R. Via Grand to E. Broadway, to Canal, to Walker, to W. Broadway, to N. Moore, to Washington, to foot Cortlandt. Ret. Cortlandt to Greenwich, to Beach, to W. Broad- way, to Lispeuard. to Church, to Canal, to E. Broadway, to Grand, to foot Grand. Desbrosses St. and Sixth Ave. Line. From Degbrosses St. Ferry, N. R. To 6th Ave. and 7th Ave. connections at 6th Ave. and 4th. Via West to Watts, to Varick, to Carmine, to 6th Ave., to 4th. Fulton St. Crosstown Line. From Fulton St. Ferry, B. R. To Cortlandt St. Ferry, N. R. Barclay St. Ferry, N. R. Via Fulton to West, to foot of Cortlandt ; also to foot of Barclay St. Grand St. Line. From Grand St. Ferry, E. R. To Desbrosses St. Ferry, N. R. Via Grand, to Sullivan, to Canal, to Vestry, to Greenwich, to Desbrosses, to foot Desbrosses. Ret. by Desbrosses to Washington, to Vestry, thence ^ by same route. Grand and' Desbrosses Ferries (Metropolitan Crosstown Line). From Grand St. Ferry, E. R. To Desbrosses St. Ferry. E. R. Via East, to Delancey, to Bowery, to Spring, to W. Broadway, to Broome, to Sullivan, to Watts, to West, to Desbrosses St. Ferry. Madison St. Crosstown Line. See Chambers and Madison Sts. Spring St. Line. See Grand and Desbrosses Sts. Ferries (Metropolitan Crosstown Line) 8th St. Line (E. 10th St. Ferry). From Christopher St. Ferry. To E. 10th St. Ferry. Via Christopher, to Greenwich Ave., to 8th, to Ave. A, to E. 10th, to E. 10th St. Ferry. Ret. E. 10th, to Ave. A, to 9th. to Stuyvesant. to 8th, to Greenwich Ave., to W. 10th, to Washing- ton, to Christopher St. Ferry. 39 Street R. R. Lines, Etc., Manhattan — Continued. 8th St. Line (Williamsburg Bridge). From Christoplier St. Ferry, N. R. To Williamsburg Bridge. Via Christopher, to Greenwich Ave., to 8th. to Ave. A, to Essex, to Delancey, to Williamsburg Bridge, to Brooklyn Plaza. Ret. Williamsburg Bridge to Clinton, to Ave. B, to 2d. to Ave. A, to 9th. to Stuyvesant. to 8th. to Greenwich Ave., to W. 10th, to Washing- ton, to Christopher St. Ferry. 10th Ave. Branch Line (Crosstown). From 34 th St. Ferry. To W. 42d St., Ferry (near) and Amsterdam Ave. and 71st St. Via E. 34th. to 1st Ave., to 42d. to 10th Ave., to Amsterdam Ave., to 71st St. 14th St. Extension Line to Grand St. Ferry. From Grand St. Ferry, E. K. To Connect with 14th St. Line at Ave. A. Via Grand to Goerck, to E. Houston, to 2d, to Ave. A. to 1st. Ret. E. Houston, to Cannon, to Grand, to Grand St. Ferry. 14th St. and Williamsburg Bridge Line. From W. 14th St. and 10th Ave. To Williamsburg Bridge. Via 14th to Ave. A, to Essex, to Delancey, to Bridge. to Brooklyn Plaza. Ret. Clinton to 2d, to Ave. A, to 14th, to lOth Ave. 17th and 18th Sts. Ckosstown Line. From E. 23d St. Ferry. To University PI. and 8th St. Via E. 23d St., to Ave. A. to 18th. to Broadway, to 14th, to University PI., to 8th St. Ret. University PI., to 14th. to Broadway, to 17th, to Ave. A., to foot E. 23d. 23d St. Crosstown Line. From W. 23d St. Ferry. To E. 23d St. Ferry.. Via W. and E. 23d St., to E. 23d St. Ferry. 23d and 34th Sts. Crosstown Line. From W. 23d St. Ferry. To E. 34th St. Ferry. Via 23d St.. to 2d Ave., to E. 34th, to E. 34th St. Ferry. 28th and 29th Sts. Crosstown Line. From W. 23d St. Ferry. To foot E. 31st St. Via 13th Ave., to 24th, to llth Ave., to 28th. to Ist Ave., to foot E. 31st. Ret. 1st Ave., to 29th. to llth Ave., to 24th, to 13th Ave., to foot W. 23d. 34th St. Crosstown Line. From E. 34th St. Ferry. To W. 42d St. Ferry. Via 34th to 10th Ave., to 42d, to foot W. 42d. 40 Street R. R. Lines, Etc., Manhattan — Continued. 42d St. Lixe. From W. 42d St. Ferry. To E. 42d St. Ferry and E. 34th St. Ferry. Via W. and E. 42d St.. to foot E. 42d. Via ■ W. and E. 42d to 1st Ave., to foot E. 34th. 42d St. and 10th Ave. Li.\es. See 10th Ave. Branch Line. 53d St. Line. From 6th Ave. and 50th St. To 9th Ave. and 54th St. Via 6th Ave. to 53d, to 9th Ave. and 54th. 59th St. Crosstown Line. From 1st Ave. and 59th St. To 10th Ave. and 54th St. Via 50th, to 10th Ave., to 54th. 59th St. and 6th Ave. Line. See 6th Ave. and B. 59th (North and South Lines). 86th St. Crosstown Line. From foot E. 92d St. (Astoria Ferry). To Central Park West at 86th St. ■•'ia Ave. A, to E. 86th, to Madison Ave., to 85th, to Transverse Road, through Central Park to 86th and Central Park West. 110th St. and St. Nicholas Ave. Line. From 125th St. and Columbus Ave. To foot E. 110th St. Via Manhattan St., to St. Nicholas Ave., to 110th, to foot E. llOth. 116th St. Crosstown Line. From W. 106th St. and Columbus Ave. To E. 116th St. and Pleasant Ave. Via 106th to Columbus Ave., to 109th, to Manhat- tan, to 116th, to Pleasant Ave. 125th St. Crosstown Line. From foot E. 125th St. To foot W. 130th St. (Fort Lee Ferry). Via 125th to Manhattan, to foot W. 130th. 145th St. Crosstown Line. From 145th St. and Lenox Ave. To 145th St. and Broadway. Via 145th St. m. North and South Surface Lines. Amsterdam Ave. Lines. See 3d and Amsterdam Aves. 6th and Amsterdam Aves. 9th and Amsterdam Aves. 10th Ave. Branch Line (Crosstown). Avenue B Line. From 34th St. Ferry, E. R. To Post Office, Broadway and Park Row. Via E. 34th, to 1st Ave., to 14th, to Avenue B, to 2d, to 1st Ave., to Houston, to Ridge, to Mont- gomery, to E. Broadway, to Park Row, to Ann and Broadway. Ret. Park Row, to E. Broadway, to Gouverneur, to Pitt, to Avenue C, to 3d, to Avenue B, to 14th, to 1st Ave., to 34th St. Ferry. 41 Street R. R. Lines, Etc., Ma.xhattax — Continued. Bkoadway and Columbus Ave. Line. From foot Whitehall St. (South Ferry). To Lenox Ave. and 146th St. Via Whitehall, to Broadway, to 7th Ave., to W. 59th, to Columbus Ave., to 109th, to Manhat- tan Ave., to 116th, to Lenox Ave., to 146th. Ret. same route to State, to foot of Whitehall. Broadwai" and Fokt Lee Ferry Line. Froin Broadway at Houston -St. To Fort Lee Ferry, foot 130th St. Via Broadway, to Manhattan St., to foot W. 130th. Broadway and Lexington Ave. Line. From foot of Whitehall St. (South Ferry). To Lenox Ave. and 146th St. Also Lexington Ave. and 130th St. Via Whitehall, to Broadway, to 23d. to Lexington Ave., to 116th, to Lenox Ave., to 196th. Some cars continue on Lexington Ave. to 130th St. Ret. same routes to Broadway, to State, to foot Whitehall. Columbus Ave. Lines. See Broadway and Columbus Ave. See 9th and Columbus Aves. Fort Lee Ferry Line. See Broadway and Fort Lee Ferry. See 7th Ave. and Fort Lee Ferry. KiNGSBRIDGE LiNE. From 8th Ave. and 14.5th St. To Kingsbridge, 221st St. Via i45th St., to Amsterdam, to 162d St., to Kings- bridge Road, to Harlem Ship Canal, Kings- bridge (221st St). Lenox Ave. Lines. See Broadway and Columbus Ave. See Broadway and Lexington Ave. Lexington Ave. Line. See Broadway and Lexington Ave. Madison Ave. I;Ines. See Foui'th Ave. 2d Ave. Lines. From Post Office, Broadway and Park Row. To 2d Ave. and 129th St. Via Park Row to Bowery, to Grand, to Forsyth, to E. Houston, to 2d Ave., to 129th St. Ret. 2d Ave. to Chrystie, to Grand, to Bowery, to Park Row. to Post Office. From Broadway at Astor Place. To 2d Ave. and 129th St. Via Astor Place to 4th Ave., to Stuyvesant PI., to 2d Ave., to 129th St. 3d Ave. Line. From Post Office, Broadway and Park Row. To 3d Ave. and 130th St. Via Park Row to Bowery, to 3d Ave., to 130th St. 42 Street E. E. Lines, Etc., Manhattan — Continued. 3d and Amsterdam Aves. Line. From Post Office, Broadway and Park Row. To Amsterdam Ave., 195th St. (Fort George (. Tia Park Row to Bowery, to 3d Ave., to 125th, to Manhattan, to Amsterdam Ave., to 195th St. (Fort George). 4th Ave. Lines. From Brooklyn Bridge. To Madison Ave. and 135th St. Via Park Row to Centre, to Grand, to Bowery, to 4th Ave., to E. 42d, to Madison Ave., to 135th St. (free transfer to 138th St. R. R. Sta.). R€t. Madison Ave., to E. 42d, to 4th Ave., to Bowery, to Broome, to Centre, to Brooklyn Bridge, to Park Row, to Post Office. From Broadway and Astor Place. To Madison Ave., 135th St. Via Astor Place to 4th Ave., thence same as above. 6th and Amsterdam Aves. Lines. From foot of Whitehall St. (South Ferry). To Amsterdam Ave. and 195th St. (Fort George). Via Battery PI. to Greenwich, to Trinity PI., to Church, to Barclay, to W. Broadway, to 4th, to 6th Ave., to 59th, to Columbus Ave., to Broadway, to 71st, to Amsterdam Ave., to 195th (Fort George). Ret. same route to 3d, to W. Broadway, to Fulton, to Church, to Trinity PI., to Greenwich, to Battery PI., to foot Whitehall. 6th Ave. and E. 59th St. Line. From 6th Ave. and 4th St. To E. 59th St. and 1st Ave. Via 6th Ave. to E. 59th St., to 1st Ave. 7th Ave. and Fort Lee Ferry Line. From Brooklyn Bridge. To foot W. 130th St. (Fort Lee Ferry). Via Center, to Canal, to W. Broadway, to 4th, to 6th Ave., to 23d, to 7th Ave., to 44th. to Broadway, to Manhattan, to foot W. 130th. 7th Ave. and 59th St. Line. From 6th Ave. and Sth St. To 7th Ave. and 59th St. Via Greenwich Ave. to 7th Ave., to W. 59th St. 8th Ave. Lines. From South Ferry, ft. Whitehall St. To Central Bridge, Harlem River. Also 1.59th St. and Harlem River. Via Whitehall to Battery Place, to Greenwich, to Trinity PI., to Church, to Barclay, to W. Broadway, to Canal, to Hudson, to Sth Ave., to Macomb's Lane, to Harlem River at Cen- tral Bridge. Ret. same route to W. Broadway, to Fulton, to Church, to Trinity PI., to Greenwich, to Bat- tery PI., to ft. Whitehall. 43 Street R. R. Lines, Etc., Manhattan — Continued. 8th Ave. Lines. — Continued. From Cortlandt St. Ferry. To Central Bridge, Harlem River. Also 159th St. and Harlem River. Via Cortlandt to Greenwich, to W. Broadway, thence same route as above. 9th and Amsterdam Aves. Lines. From Christopher St. Ferry, E. R. To Amsterdam Ave. and 116th St. Via Christopher to Greenwich, to 9th Ave., to 65th, to Broadway, to 71st, to Amsterdam Ave., to 116th. Ret. same route to Gansevoort, to Washington, to ft. Christopher. 9th and Columbus Aves. Line. From Cortlandt St. Ferry. To Columbus Ave. and 109th St. Via Cortlandt, to Greenwich, to 9th Ave., to Colum- bus Ave., to 109th St. Ret. same route to Gansevoort, to Washington, to ft. Cortlandt. 44 STREET RAILWAY LINES AND ROUTES BRONX /. CROSSTOWN LINES. II. NORTH AND SOUTH LINES. I. Crosstown Lines 138th St. Line. From East River (Port Morris). To 185th St. and 8th Ave. El. Station. Via 138th St., Madison Ave. Bridge and 135th St. 161st St. Line. From lOlst St. and 3d Ave. To 155th St. and 8th Ave. El. Station (McComb's Dam Viaduct). Via 161st St., Jerome Ave. and Central Bridge. 177th St. Line — Eastern Division. From 177th St. and 3d Ave. (Tremont Ave.) To Unionport. Via 177th St. (Tremont Ave.) West Farms Road, and Westchester Turnpike, connecting in Westchester Village with Fort Schuyler Line to Throgg's Neck and Fort Schuyler. 177th St. Line — Western Division. From 177th St. and 3d Ave. (Tremont Ave.) To High Bridge. 161st St. and 3d Ave. Via 177th St. (Tremont Ave.), Burns! de Ave., Cedar Ave. and Sedgwick Ave., to High Bridge, thence via Sedgwick Ave. and 161st St. to 3d Ave. and 161st St. n. North and South Lines. FOBDHAM Line. From 128th St. and 3d Ave. To Bedford Park. Via 3d and Webster Aves. Jerome Ave. Line. From 155th St. and 8th Ave. El. Station (Viaduct). To Yonkers and Jerome Aves. Via Central Bridge, to Jerome Ave., to Yonkers Ave. McLean Ave. Line. From Bedford Park. To Hudson River R. R. Station in Yonkers. Via Webster Ave., to McLean Ave., to South Broad- way, to New Main St., to Main St., to Stafn. Morris Ave. Line. From 128th St. and 3d Ave. To Washington Bridge. Via 3d Ave. to 138th St., to Morris Ave., to 16l8t St., to Jerome Ave., to Boscobel Ave., to Washington Bridge. Mt. Vbbnon Line. From 128th St. and 3d Ave. To N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Station in Mt. Vernon. Via 3d Ave. to 149th St., up Melrose Ave., to Web- ster Ave., to Olin Ave. ( Williamsbrldge), to White Plains Road, to Mt. Vernon. 45 Street R. R. Lines, Etc., Bronx — Continued. Southern Boulevard Line. From 128th St. and 3d Ave. To West Farms Village. Via 3d Ave., to Lincoln Ave., to Southern Boulevard, to Boston Road, to West Farms. Westchester Ave. Line. From 128th St. and 3d Ave. To Bronx River. Via 3d Ave. to 150th St., thence down Westchester Ave. West Farms Line. From 128th St. and 3d Ave. To West Farms Village. Via 3d Ave. to 164th St., up Boston Ave. to West Farms. West Mt. Vernon Line. From 149th St. and 3d Ave. To Harlem R. R. Station. West Mt. Vernon. Via Melrose Ave., to Webster Ave., to Station. WiLLIAMSBRIDGE LINE. From 177th St. and 3d Ave. (Tremont Ave.) To Olin Ave. and White Plains Road, Williams- bridge. Via 177th St. (Tremont Ave.) to West Farms Road, to Morris Park Ave., to Bear Swamp Road and White Plains Road, to Williamsbridge. Willis Ave. Line. From 128th St. and 3d Ave. To 149th St. and 3d Ave. Via 3d Ave., to Lincoln Ave., to Southern Boule- vard, to Willis Ave., to 3d Ave. and 149th St. -a ~ ^ e g OS . isia c r?" .S o ~ o . w ^ L- *^ I- . '^ i: a -- cc ^ a; ja M I 't S ~ S o Em ' & . -M ™ M o ffl o m fa hj ci o 0) . I « c . ^ s ■i< a a f- ^ _ Z a; 5 ;< X S 47 3 ^ ^ a t I < % DC 2 s ^5 n w s . a o 03 .2 — -^ u i ^ s <= • ~ o 5 -^ a> t- « K 3 cc E c; M a o . o " ^^ -^ ~ •-' htS j= — ^ z 5 fa iM -a .5 < ■-S O ►J £5 — o o M m Cm J i-< U a O a " « " 5 J; •- H a o c -a P U S £ a (5 Ki 2 © .^ < ^ « 49 1 ;^ a 5 •a i ■^ s . e g w «.| 6 > < m ft> e a >! i> -S Oj j2 i 25 ».; aJ .a Sr a "£ o; M C aj i J 1 ;3 a .2| _^ •^~: > "^ a; a ^ ^ ^^5^ ^ ^ a i > <; > -^^aS O "Jj S § -^ M =s ^ -r 8 ti 0) a a ^* a; .9 aS| a o -2 •^ o "S 9 £ ■p ■~, ^ S "S §;^ § SJ §5 03 " -S .1 "2 a^ a si .u = - U "^ .5 <2 ss Oj f 1^ ^ S"-^ S a E ^ ai ■0 5 3 ga'". 2 in i! a> ,a 1 s a a a; §K.9 111 11 11 J. 1h >J^ tl Si: Pi ff.y> 03 o S. >»l>^ b£ o j oj o a •< > .- u .S J^ t- t, o n n 0.0 OC3 tf ts O fe O M n Oh &< I I •o J "^ -2 aJ jj z a a; .2 !« i" ►J B ■e. L Ave. Line id 9t a a: < a a o o r 2 ^ > M ^ O P « £ u . M (2 .2 >. n „ "^ " >= =s 0) > OS o 5 M 3 ;? ^ K K J OB o a °* ^ a 2 i2-< i a; S s .a a i D -Oh = o ^ 3 J ^ ;; ^ i -s a m ll.-l-^ pa^.l. a a ^^s«i"l Oj 0) S ^ a . ^ >> 5 •o a " o M « ■< a; Si a — o o fl -o eS i< 1- . o ~ iij o CQ fc « o as < a,- 5 ^ 01 ^ g^ §'|• S s 2 o 55 fc CL( O ^ ^ < x s-5 o a 55 ■e s . B . s S S "S CO 02 o >. •" .2 ® fa jSS O ■< g 60 "5 a ^ u fc' « ^ a H 03 •o ><■ o ~ 3 fa ^ C3 >-■ 2 ti :l 1 aJ 13 ■< •g •o 3 o » 3 K jj N 02 ■< J3 00 M j: S o ^ X3 « £ c 5 « O K M ca P M o a a -»- c K <1 BO = .a ELEVATED RAILROADS, BROOKLYN ROUTES, STATIONS AND CONNECTIONS /. BROADWAY LINE. II. BRIGHTON BEACH LINE. III. FIFTH AVENUE. IV. FIFTH AVENUE, M^EST END AND CONEY ISLAND. V. FULTON STREET. VI. LEXINGTON AVE- NUE. VII. MYRTLE AVENUE. I. Broadway Line From Broadway Ferries to Cypress Hills Cemetery, via Broad- way. Fulton St. and Crescent St. Stations. Connections. Broadway Ferry. For Manhattan : Grand St. Ferry. 23d St. Ferry. 42d St. Ferry. Roosevelt St. Ferry. All Williamsburg Surface Lines except Sumner and Ralph Aves. Crosstown Line. Greenpoint Line. Driggs Ave. and Broad- Williamsburg Bridge and Lines Crossing. Marcy Ave. and Broadway. Hamburg Ave. Line. Marcy Ave. Line. Ocean Ave. Line (in summer). Hewes St. and Broadway. Union Ave. Line at Union Ave. and Broadway (1 block). Lorimer St. and Broad- Lorimer St. Line, way. Wyckoflf Ave. Line. Flushing Ave. and Broad- way. Flushing Ave. Line. Graham Ave. Line. Sumner Ave. Line. Park Ave. and Broadway. Park Ave. Line. Myrtle Ave. and Broad- way. Bushwick Ave. Line (1 block). Myrtle Ave. El. Line. Myrtle Ave. Surface Line. Reid Ave. Line. Kosciusko St. and Broad- way. DeKalb Ave. Line (1 block). Gates Ave. and Broadway. Gates Ave. Line. Le.xington Ave. El. Line. Ralph Ave. Line (2 blocks). 54 Elevated R. R. Routes, Etc., Brooklyn — Broadway Line Continued. Stations. Connections. Halsey St. and Broadway. Putnam Ave. Line. Chauncey St. and Broad- way. Hamburg Ave. Line at Rockaway Ave. and Marion St. (1 block). Manhattan Junction. L. 1. R. R., Manhattan Beach Div. Fulton St. El. Line. Fulton St. Surface Line. Alabama and E. New York Aves. Van Sicklen Ave. and Ful- ton St. Cleveland Ave. and Ful- ton St. Norwood Ave. and Fulton St. Crescent and Fulton Sts. Cypress Hills. Jamaica Lines. n. Brighton Beach Line From Brooklyn Bridge to Brighton Beach and Coney Island, via Fulton St., to Franklin Ave., thence by private right- of-way parallel to Franklin Ave., Flatbush Ave., Prospect Park and E. 10th St. to Sheepshead Bay, Brighton Beach and Coney Island. (For Stations from Brooklyn Bridge to Franklin Ave. see Fulton St. Line.) Stations. Connections. Franklin Ave. and Fulton St. (Junction with Ful- ton St. Line). Fulton St. El. and Surface Lines. Franklin Ave. Line. Dean St. Bergen St. Line (1 block). Park Place. Douglass St. Line (1 block). Prospect Park at Lincoln Road. Flatbush Ave. Lines. Lorimer St. Line. Nostrand Ave. Line. Franklin Ave. Line. Gates Ave. Line, in summer. Tompkins Ave. Line, in summer. Woodruff Ave. Franklin Ave. Line. Church Ave. Church Ave. Line for 39th St. Ferry. Beverley Road (Prospect Park South). Avenue C (Cortelyou Rd. ). Transfer Car to Coney Island Ave. and Flatbush Ave. Newkirk Ave. (South Mid wood). 55 Elevated R. R. Routes, Etc.. Brooklyn — Brighton Beach Line Continued. Stations Connections. Fiske Terrace. Manhattan Terrace. So. Greenfield. Kings Highway. Avenue U (Homecrest). Neck Road. Sheepshead Bay. Manhattan Beach ( i n Summer). Brighton Beach. Coney Island. IIL Fifth Avenue and Bay Ridge Lines From Brooklyn Bridge to 3d Ave. and 65th St., Bay Ridge, via Adams, Myrtle Ave., Hudson Ave., Flatbush Ave., 5th Ave., 38th St., 3d Ave. to 65th St. Stations. Connections. Brooklyn Bridge, Park Row. Brooklyn Bridge, Sands St. All Surface Lines Crossing Bridge. City Hall (Myrtle Ave. and Adams St.). Myrtle Ave. Lines. Bridge St. and Myrtle Ave. Fulton and Hudson. Fulton St. Lines. DeKalb Ave. Line (1 block). Flatbush Ave. Line. Flatbush and Atlantic Aves. Douglass St. Line. Flatbush Ave. Lines. Long Island R. R. Station. Seventh Ave. Lines. 3d Ave. Line. St. Marks PI. and 5th Ave. Bergen St. Line (1 block). Union St. and 5th Ave. Union St. Line. 3d St. and 5th Ave. 9th St. and 5th Ave. Smith and 9th St. Line. Hamilton Ave. Line, Hamilton Ferry. 16th St. and 5th Ave. 15th St. Line, Hamilton Ferry. 20th St. and 5th Ave. 25th St. and 5th Ave. Greenwood Cethetery. 36th St. and 5th Ave. West End Branch for Coney Island. Bath Beach. Borough Park and Bensonhurst. Elevated R. R. Routes, Etc., Brooklyn — Fifth Avenue and Bay Eidge Line Continued. Stations. 40th St. and 3d Ave. 46th St. and 3d Ave. 52d St. and 3d Ave. 58th St. and 3d Ave. 65th St. and 3d Ave. Connections. 39th St. Ferry. Church Ave. Line. 39th St. and Coney Island Line. 39th St. and Manhattan Beach Line. 39th St. and Ulmer Park Line. Sea Beach Line for Coney Island. Bay Ridge Suburban Line for Ulmer Park. Bay Ridge Line for Manhattan Beach. 3d Ave. Line for Fort Hamilton and Bath Beach. 86th St. Suburban Line for Ulmer Park. IV. FiftE Avenue, West End and Coney Island Line From Brooklyn Bridge to Bath Beach, Bensonhurst and Coney Island (West End Station), via 5th Ave. Line to 36th St. and 5th Ave., thence via New Utrecht Ave, Bay 19th St.. Bath Ave. to Coney Island. Statiotis. Connections. (For Stations between Brooklyn Bridge and 36th St., cor. 5th Ave., see 5th Ave. Line.) West Brooklyn. Blythebourne. Lefferts Park. Bay Ridge and Manhattan Beach Line. Sea Beach Line to Coney Island. Van Pelt Manor. Bath Beach. Bensonhurst. 86th St. Suburban Line (3 blocks). 39th St. Ferry Lines. Unionville (Ulmer Park). 86th St. Suburban Line. Bridge. Coney Island (West End). Sea Gate, Brighton Beach and Manhattan Beach Line. V. Falton Street Line From Brooklyn Bridge to East New York and City Line, via Fulton St., Snedeker Ave., Pitkin Ave. and Liberty St. Stations. Connections. Brooklyn Bridge, Park Row. Brooklyn Bridge, Sands St. All Surface Lines Crossing Bridge. 57 Elevated R. R. Routes, Etc., Brooklyn — Fulton Stieet Line Continued. Stations. Connections. Court St., Myrtle Ave. and Fulton St. Myrtle Ave. Line. Montague St. Line. . Court St. Line. 7th Ave. Line. Boerum PI. and Fulton St. Bergen St. Line. 5th Ave. Line. , Douglass St. Line. Crossstown Line. Greenpoint Line. Smith and 9th St. Line (1 block). Elm PI., Duffleld and Ful- ton Sts. DeKalb Ave. Line. Flatbush Ave. and Fulton St. 5th Ave. El. Line (adjacent). Flatbush Ave. Lines. 7 th Ave. Lines. 3d Ave. Lines. Cumberland and Fulton Sts. Gates Ave. Line. Vanderbilt Ave. and Ful- ton St. Vanderbilt and 9th Ave. Line. Grand Ave. and Fulton St. Putnam Ave. Line. Franklin Ave. and Fulton St. (Junction). Brighton Beach El. Line. Franklin Ave. Line. Nostrand Ave. and Fulton St. Nostrand Ave. Line. Lorimer St. Line. Ocean Ave. Line. Marcy Ave. Line. Brooklyn and Tompkins Aves. and Fulton St. Tompkins Ave. Line. Albany and Sumner Aves. and Fulton St. Sumner Ave. Line. Utica and Reid Aves. and Fulton St. Reid Ave. Line. Ralph Ave. and Fulton St. Ralph Ave. Line. Saratoga Ave. and Fulton St. Rockaway Ave. and Fulton St. Hamburg Ave. Line. Elevated R. R. Routes, Etc., Brooklyn— Fw Won Street Line Continued. stations. Connections. Manhattan Junction. L. I. R. R., Manhattan Beach Div. Broadway El. Line. Broadway Surface Lines. Atlantic an d Snedeker Aves. L. L R. R. Station. Eastern Parkway and Snedeker Ave. Douglass St. Line (2 blocks). Pennsylvania and Pitkin Aves. Van Sicklen and Pitkin Aves. Linwood and Pitkin Aves. Montauk and Pitkin Aves. Chestnut St. and Pitkin Ave. Crescent and Liberty Aves. City Line. VI. Lexington Avenue Line From Brooklyn Bridge to Cypress Hills, via Adams, Myrtle Ave., Grand Ave., Lexington Ave., Broadway, Fulton St. and Crescent Ave. Stations. Connections. (For Stations from Brooklyn Bridge to Grand Ave., s^e Myrtle Ave. Line.) Grand and Myrtle Aves. (Junction). Myrtle Ave. El. and Surface Lines. DeKalb and Grand Aves. DeKalb Ave. Line. Greene and Grand Aves. Gates Ave. Line. Franklin and Lexington Aves. Gates Ave. Line. Franklin Ave. Line. Nostrand and Lexington Aves. Nostrand Av&. Line. liOrimer St. Line. Tompkins and Lexington Aves. Tompkins Ave. Line. Marcy Ave. Line (1 block). Ocean Ave. Line (1 block) in sum- mer. Sumner and Lexington Aves. Sumner Ave. Line. Reid and Lexington Aves. Reid Ave. Line. Gates Ave. and Broadway (Junction). Broadway El. and Surface Lines. Gates Ave. Line. Ralph Ave. Line (1 block). (For Stations from Gates Ave. to Cypress Hills see Broadway Line.) 59 Elevated R. R. Routes, Etc., Brooklyn — Continued. VII. Myrtle Avenue Line From Brooklyn Bridge to Wyckoff Ave., Ridgewood, via Adams St. and Myrtle Ave. Stations. Connections. Brooklyn Bridge, Park Row. Brooklyn Bridge, Sands St. All Surface Lines Crossing Bridge. Adams St. and Myrtle Ave. (City Hall). Myrtle Ave. Surface Lines. Fulton St. Lines (1 block). Court St. Lines (2 blocks). Boerum PI. Lines (1 block). Montague St. Line (1 block). Bridge St. and Myrtle Ave. t Navy St. and Myrtle Ave. Crosstown Line (1 block). ^• Greenpoint Line (1 block). Vanderbilt and Myrtle Aves. Vanderbilt Ave. Line. ^ Washington and Myrtle ^ Aves. Grand and Myrtle Aves. (Junction). Lexington Ave. El. Line. Franklin and Myrtle Aves. Franklin Ave. Line. » Nostrand and Myrtle Aves. Nostrand Ave. Line. * Lorimer St. Line. Tompkins and Myrtle Aves. Tompkins Ave. Line. Marcy Ave. Line (1 block). Ocean Ave. Line (1 block) in sum- mer. Sumner and Myrtle Aves. Sumner Ave. Line. Broadway and Myrtle Ave. Broadway El. and Surface Lines. Reid Ave. Line. Evergreen and Myrtle Aves. Central and Myrtle Aves. Park Ave. Line. DeKalb Ave. Line. Bushwick Ave. Line. > Knickerbocker and Myrtle ? Aves. Union Ave. Line. Hamburg Ave. Line (1 block). Wyckoff and Myrtle Aves. Gates Ave. Line. WyckoflE Ave. Line. || Ridgewood. S^ STREET RAILWAY LINES AND ROUTES BROOKLYN Bat Ridge Subcrban Line. From 65th St. El. Station. To Bath Beach. Via 3d Ave. El. Incline, to Bay Ridge Ave., to 13th Ave., to 86th St., to 14th Ave., to Bath Ave. Belt Line. From Williamsburg Bridge (Manhattan). To Broadway Ferries. Via Bridge, to Roebling, to S. 8th, to Kent Ave. Ret. Via Broadway. Bergen St. Line. From Brooklyn Bridge (I'ark Row). To Woodhaven. Via Sands, to Adams, to Boerum PL, to Bergen, to Buffalo Ave., to St. John's PI., to E. New York Ave., to Uberty Ave. From Atlantic Ave. (South) Ferry. To Albany Ave. and Bergen St. Via Atlantic Ave., to Boerum PI., to Bergen St., to Albany Ave. Broadway Line. From Williamsburg bridge (Manhattan). To Cypress Hills. Via Broadway, to Jamaica Ave., to Cypress Hills From Broadway Ferries. To East Xew York. Via Broadway. Bush WICK Ave. Line. From Grand St. Ferry : and From Broadway Ferries. To Ridgewood. Via Kent Ave., to Broadway, to Bedford Ave., to Meserole, to S. 4th, to Bushwick Ave., to Myrtle Ave., to Ridgewood. From Williamsburg Bridge (Manhattan). To Ridgewood. Via Above route. Calvary Cevetery Line. From Greenpoint Ferry. To Calvary Cemetery. Via Greenpoint Ave. Church Ave. Line. From 39th St. Ferry. To Rockaway Ave. and New Lots Road. Via 39th St. to 13th Ave., to 37th St., to Church Ave., to New Lots Rd., to Rockaway Ave. Court St. Lines. Frotn Brooklyn Bridge (Manhattan). To Hamilton Ave. and Bush St. (and in Summer to Coney Island). Via Fulton, to Court, to Hamilton Ave., to Bush St. Ret. via Bush, Hamilton Ave., Court. Atlantic Ave., Boerum PI., and Washington 61 Street Railway Links. Etc., Brooklyn — Continued. CoruT St. Lines. — Coniimird. From Fulton Ferry. To Hamilton Ave., to Bush St., and in summer to Coney Island. Via Fulton, to Court, to Hamilton Ave., to Bush St., thence via 15th St., 9th Ave., 20th St., and 1'. P. & C. I. R. R. Cros.stown Line. From Erie Basin. To Hunters Point (Newtown Creek). Via Richards, to Columbia (also through Hicks), to Atlantic Ave., to Court, to Joralemon, to Willoughby. to Raymond, to Park Ave., to Washington Ave., to Kent Ave., to Broadway, to Havemeyer, to S. 4th. to Driggs Ave., to Manhattan AVe., to Xewtown Creek, Hunters Point. Ret. via Bedford Ave. in place of Driggs Ave. Cypress Hills Li.n-e. From Ridgewood. To Cypress Hills. Via St. Nicholas, to Myrtle, to Cypress Ave. DeKalb Ave. Line. From Brooklyn Bridge (Manhattan). To Ridgewood. Via Washington, to F'ulton, to DeKalb Ave., to Covert Ave., to Ridgewood ; also From Fulton Ferry To Ridgewood. Via Water, to Washington, thence as above. Eighty-sixth St. SrBri{B.\N Lixk. From 65th St. El. Station. To t'nionville and Ulmer Park. Via 3d Ave. El. Incline, to Bay Ridge Ave., to 5th Ave., to 8<)th St., to 25th Ave., to Bath Ave., to Unionville. Fifth Ave. Lines. From Fulton Ferry. To 5th and Bay Ridge Aves., and Fort Hamilton. Via Front, to Adams, to Boerum PI., to Atlantic Ave., to Flatbush Ave., to 5th Ave., to Bay Ridge Ave., and Fort Hamilton. From Atlantic Ave. (South) Ferry. To 5th and Bay Ridge Aves. and Fort Hamilton. Via Atlantic Ave., to Flatbush Ave., to 5th Ave,, to Bay Ridge Ave. and Fort Hamilton. Fifteexth St. Line. From Hamilton Ferry. To 9th Ave. and 20th St. ; also To Coney Island (in summer). Via Hamilton Ave., 15th, 9th Ave., to 20th, and via P. P. & C. I. R. R. 62 Street Railway Lines, Etc., Brooklyn — Continued. FLATBrsH Ave. Line From Brooklyn Bridge (Manhattan) ; also From Fulton Ferry. To Bergen Beach. Via Fulton, to Flatbush Ave., to Ave. N, to Ave. U, to E. 7t3th St., to Bergen Beach. (Part of ser- vice stops at Flatbush and Xostrand Aves.) To Brighton Beach. Via Fulton, to Flatbush Ave., to Malbone, thence via Brighton Beach Line, Kings Co. El. R. R Flushing Ave. Line. From Brooklyn Bridge (Manhattan). To Maspeth. Via Sands, to Hudson Ave., to Nassau, to Flushing Ave., to Maspeth. Ret. Grand, to Flushing Ave., to Navy, to Sands, to Bridge. Flushing-Knickekbucker Line. From Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan. To Ridgewood. Via Sands, to Hudson Ave., to Flushing Ave., to Knickerbocker Ave., to Ridgewood. Flushing and Ridgewood Line (Fresh Pond). From Ridgewood. To Flushing. Via Bradford Ave. (through Elmhurst St., Newtown and Maspeth), to .laeger Ave., to Prospect, to Lawrence Ave., to Corona Ave., to Union Ave., to Grand St., to Flushing Ave., to Fresh Pond Rd., to Lutheran Cemetery Rd., to Flushing. Franklin Ave. Line. From Williamsburg Bridge. Manhattan, also From Grand and Broadway Ferries. To Park Circle, at Prospect Park and Ocean Park- way ; also To Coney Island direct in summer, and via Smith St. Line in winter. Via Kent Ave., to S. 8th, to Wythe Ave., to Franklin Ave., to Malbone, to Parkside Ave., to Park Circle; thence via Coney Island Ave. (Smith St. Line) to Coney Island. Fulton St. Line From Brooklyn Bridge (Manhattan) ; also From Fulton Ferry. To Cypress Hills ; also To East New York. Via. Fulton, to Crescent, to Cypress Hills. Gates Ave. Lines. From Brooklyn Bridge (Manhattan) ; also From Fulton Ferry. To Ridgewood. Via Fulton and Greene Ave., to Franklin Ave., to Gates Ave., to Myrtle Ave., to Ridgewood. From South Ferry. To Ridgewood. Via Atlantic Ave., to Court, to .Toralemon, to Wil- loughby. to Gold, to Fulton, thence by same route as above. Street Railway Lines. Etc.. Brookly^j — Continued. Gates Ave. Lines. — Continued. From Ridgewood. To Brighton Beach, in summer. Via Gates Ave., to Nostrand Ave., to Malbone, to Brighton Beach El. Line. Graham Ave. Lines. From Brooklyn Bridge (Manhattan). To Greenpoint F'erry. Via Sands, to Hudson Ave., to Nassau, to Flushing Ave., to Graham Ave., to Driggs Ave., to Man- hattan Ave., to Greenpoint Ave., to Ferry ; also Grand St. Line. From Williamsburg Bridge (Manhattan). To Corona ; also To North Beach in summer (via .Tackson Ave. and Bowery Bay Rd. ) Via S. 4th St., to Marcy Ave., to Grand, to Union Ave., to Junction Ave., to Old Rd., to Maple Ave. (Maspeth, Newtown and Elmhurst), to Corona. From Broadway Ferry and Grand St. Ferry. Via Kent Ave., to Grand, thence same route as above. Greenpoint Line. From Atlantic Ave. (South) Ferry. To Long Island City (Newtown Creek at Commer- cial St.). Via Atlantic Ave., to Court, to Joralemon, to Wil- loughby, to Raymond, to Myrtle Ave., to Clas- son Ave., to Kent Ave., to Franklin, to Com- mercial, to Newtown Creek. Hamburg Ave. Line. From Williamsburg Bridge (Manhattan) ; also From Broadway Ferry. To Canarsie. Via Broadway to Marcy Ave., to S. 5th, to .Tohnson Ave., to Morgan Ave., to Hamburg Ave., to Cooper, to Rockaway Ave. and Parkway, to Canarsie. Hamilton Ave. Line. From Hamilton Ferry. To 3d Ave. and (57th St. ; also To Ft. Hamilton. Via Hamilton, to 3d Ave., to 67th St., etc. Hamilton Ave. and Prospect Park Lixe. From Hamilton Ferry. To Park Circle. Via Hamilton Ave., to 9th, to Prospect Pk. W., to 15th St., to Park Circle. Holy Cross Line. From Nostrand and Vernon Ave. To Holy Cross Cemetery. Via Vernon Ave. Jam.uca Line. From Cypress Hills. To Jamaica. Via Jamaica Ave. 64 -I Street Railway Lines, Etc., Brooklyn — Continued. LORIMER St. Li.xe. From Greenpoint Ferry. To Prospect I'ark (Willink Entrance). Via Greenpoint Ave., to Manhattan Ave., to Bedford Ave., to Lorimer, to Gwinnett, to Nostrand Ave., to Malbone, to Prospect Park. Lutheran Cemetery Line. From Ridgewood. To Lutheran Cemetery. Marcy Ave. Line. From Broadway Ferries. To Hamilton Ave. Ferry. Via Broadway, to Marcy Ave., to Fulton, to Nostrand Ave., to Bergen, to Vanderbilt Ave., to Union St., to Hamilton Ferry. Metropolitan Ave. Line (North Second St.). From Broadway Ferries. To Lutheran and St. John's Cemeteries. Via Kent Ave, to Grand, to Metropolitan Ave., etc. MoNTAGiE St. Line. From Montague (Wall St.) Ferry. To City Hall Scj. Via Montague St. Myrtle Ave. Line. From Brooklyn Bridge (Manhattan). To Ridgewood. Via Washington, to Myrtle Ave., to Ridgewood. From Ridgewood. To Richmond Hill. Via Myrtle Ave. Myrtle-Cilver Line (Summer Only). From Ridgewood. To Coney Island. Via Myrtle Ave., to Vanderbilt Ave., to 20th St., thence via P. P. & C. I. R. R. Nassau Ave. Line. From Manhattan and Nassau Aves. To Penny Bridge, Newtown Creek. Via Nassau Ave., to Meeker Ave., to Penny Bridge. North Second St. Line (See Metropolitan Ave.). Nostrand Ave. Line. From Williamsburg Bridge (Manhattan) ; also From Broadway Ferries. To Vanderveer Park ; also To Bergen Beach, in summer. Via Broadway, to Driggs Ave., to Division, to Lee Ave., to Nostrand Ave., to Vanderveer I'ark, etc. To Brighton Beach, in summer. V(« Above route to Nostrand Ave., to Malbone. to Brighton Beach Line. Ocean Ave. Line. From Broadway Ferry (summer only). From Bergen St. and Rogers Ave. (winter only). To Sheepshead Bay. Via Broadway, to Marcy Ave., to Fulton, to Nostrand Ave., to Bergen, to Rogers Ave., to Ave. F, to Ocean Ave., to Emmons Ave. (Sheepshead Bay). 65 Street Railway Lines, Etc., Brooklyn — Continued. Park Ave. Li.ne. From Brooklyn Bridge (Manhattan). To Cooper St. and Central Ave. Via Washington, to Concord, to Navy, to Park Ave., to Beaver, to .Jefferson Ave., +o Central Ave., etc. PUTXA.M Ave. Line. From Brooklyn Bridge ( Manhattan ) ; also From Fulton Ferry. To Wyckoff Ave. and Willow St. Via Fulton, to Putnam Ave., to Nostrand Ave., to Halsey, to Wyckoff Ave. Ralph Ave. Line. From Williamsburg Bridge (Manhattan). To Canarsie. Via Broadway, to Ralph Ave., to Douglass St., to E. New York Ave., to Rockaway Ave., to Canarsie. Reid Ave. Line. From Brooklyn Bridge (Manhattan) ; also From Broadway Ferries. To Utica and Church Aves. ; also To Coney Island (in summer only). Via Broadway, to Reid Ave., to Fulton, to Utica Ave., to Church Ave. ; thence via Church Ave. and P. P. & C. L R. R. to Coney Island. Richmond Hill Line. From Ridgewood. To Richmond Hill. Via St. Nicholas Ave., to Myrtle Ave., to Richmond Hill. St John's Pl.\ce Line. From Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan. To Buffalo Ave. and St. John's Place. Via Fulton, to Flatbush Ave., to Bergen, to Wash- ington Ave., to Sterling PI., to Rogers Ave., to St. John's PI., to Buffalo Ave. Sea Beach Line (See Third Ave. Line). Sea G.\te and Manhattan Beach Line. From Sea Gate (Norton's Point, Coney Island). To Manhattan Beach and Sheepshead Bay. Via Surf Ave., W. 8th St., Neptune Ave., and Emmons Ave. 7th Ave. Lines. From Brooklyn Bridge ( Manhattan i : also From Fulton Ferry. To Greenwood Cemetery at 0th Ave. and 20th St. Via Fulton, to Flatbush Ave., to 7th Ave., to 20th St., to 9th Ave. From Atlantic Ave. (South) Ferry. To Greenwood Cemetery at 7th Ave. and 20th St. Via Atlantic Ave., to Flatbush Ave., to 7th Ave., to 20th St. Street Railway Lines, Etc., Brooklyx — Continued. Smith and 9th Sts. Line. From Brooklyn Bridge (Manhattan). To Coney Island. Via Washington, to High, to Jay, to Smith, to 0th, to Prospect Pk. W., to 15th, to Boulevard, to to Coney Island Ave., etc. ; also From Fulton Ferry. To Coney Island. Via Water, to Main, to Prospect, to Jay, thence as above. Slmner Aa'e. Lines. From Broadway Ferries ; also From Williamsburg Bridge (Manhattan). To Troy Ave. and Bergen St. Via Broadway, to Sumner Ave., to Fulton, to Troy Ave., to "Bergen. 3d Ave. Lines. From Brooklyn Bridge (Manhattan). To 3d Ave. and 65th St., and thence in summer _ To Coney Island. Via Fulton, to Flatbush Ave., to 3d Ave., to 65th St., thence via Sea Beach R. R. and 86th St. Line. 30th St. and Coney Island Line. From 39th St. Ferry. To Coney Island. Via 39th St., to 5th Ave., to 86th St., to 14th Ave., to Bath Ave., to Coney Island. 80th St. and Manhattan Beach Line. From 39th St. B^rry. To Manhattan Beach. Via 38th St. Cut, P. P. & C. I. R. R., and Xeptune Ave. 39th St. and Ulmer Park Line. From 39th St. Ferry. To Ulmer Park. Via 39th St., to 2d Ave., to 65th St., to Bay Ridge Pkway., to 13th Ave., to. 86th St., to 25th Ave., to Ulmer Park. Tompkins Ave. Line. From Broadway Ferries : also From Willinmsburg Bridge, Manhattan. To Kingston Ave. and Douglass St. ; also To Prospect I'ark (in summer only). Via Broadway, to Roebling, to Division, to Harrison, to Tompkins Ave., to Fulton, to Kingston Ave., to Douglass, to Nostrand Ave., to Malbone, to I'rospect Park. To.Mi'KiNS Ave and Culver Line (Summer Only). From Greenpoint Ferry. To Coney Island. Via Greenpoint Ave., to Manhattan Ave., to Lorimer St., to Gwinnett, to Harrison, to Tompkins, Ave., to Fulton, to Kingston Ave., to Bergen, to Rogers Ave., to Church Ave., to Gravesend Ave., and via P. P. & C. I. R. R. Street Railway Lines, Etc., Brooklyn — Continued. Union Ave. Line. From Gieenpoint Ferry. To Ridgewood. Via Greenpoint Ave., to Manhattan Ave., to Di-iggs Ave., to Union Ave., to Broadway, to Tliroop Ave., to Flushing Ave., to Kniclierbocker Ave., to Myrtle Ave., to Ridgewood. Union St. Line. From Brooklyn Bridge (Manhattan). To 9th Ave., and 20th St. ; also in summer To Coney Island. Via Fulton, to Court, to Union, to Prospect Park W., to 9th Ave., and 20th; thence via P. P. & C. I. R. R. to Coney Island. Ret. to FuMon St., via Boerum PI. Van Brtnt St. and Erie Basin Line. From Hamilton Ferry. To Erie Basin Dry Dock. Via Hamilton Ave., to Van Brunt, to Beard, to Dry Dock. Ret. Via Richards St. Vanderbilt Ave. Line. Froii Brooklyn Bridge (Manhattan). To 9th Ave. and 20th St. ; also To Coney Island (in summer only). V'a Washington, to Concord, to Navy, to Park Ave., to Vanderbilt Ave., to 9th Ave., thenre to Coney Island via P. P. & C. I. R. R. Wi'CKOFF Ave. Line. From Broadway Ferry. To Ridgewood. Via Broadway, to McKibbin, to Morgan Ave., to Flushing Ave., to Wyckoff Ave., to Ridgewood. HOTELS, PROMINENT RESTAU- RANTS, ETC. I. HOTELS, AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. II. APARTMENT OR FAMILY HOTELS. III. PROMINENT RESTAURANTS AND CAFES. I. Hotels, American and European Plans ( /;. I — Europeun. (.1.) — American. iF.T.) — Family Hotds Tnking Transients. {Ap.) — Apartment Hotels. Aberdeen (E. ) 19 W. 32d St., bet. 5th Ave. and Broadway. Abingdon (A. & E. ) 7 and 9 Abingdon Sq., cor. Bank St. Albemarle (E. i Broadway, cor. 24th St. Albert (E.) University PI., cor 11th St. Aldine (E.) 429-431 4th Ave., bet. 29th and 30th Sts. Algonquin (E. ) 59-61 W. 44th St., bet. 5th and Gth Aves. America (A. & E. i 102-104 E. 15th St., bet. Union Sq. and Irving PI. Ansonia (E., also Ap. i Broadway, 73d to 74th Sts. Ashland House (A. & E.) . . . .Fourth Ave., cor 24th St. Ash ton ( F. T. ) Madison Ave., cor. 93d St. Astor { Hotel ), ( E. I Broadway, 44th to 45th Sts. Astor House ( E. i Broadway, Vesey to Barclay St. Audubon (The I, ( E. i Broadway, cor. 39th St. Balmoral (F. T. ) : 68 Lenox Ave., bet. 113th and 114th Sts. Bartholdi f E.t Broadway, cor. 23d St. Belleclaire (E., also Ap. ).... Broadway, cor. 77th St. Belmont ( E. ) Park Ave., cor. 42d St. Belmont (E. ) 116-118 W. 45th St., bet. 6th Ave. and Broadway. Belvedere (A. & E. i 4th Ave., cor. 18th St. Beresford (E., also Ap.) Central Park W., 81st to 82d St. Bradford (E.) 65 E. 11th St., nr. Broadway. Breslin (The), (E.) Broadway, cor. 29th St. Brighton Beach ( E. ) summer. .Brighton Beach. Bristol (A. & E. I 122-124 W. 49th St., bet. r>th and 7th Aves. Broadway Central ( A. & E.) .. Broadway, opp. Bond St. Bronxland (E.) cor. Willis Ave. and 134th St. Broztell (E.) 3-7 E. 27th St., bet. 5th and Madison Aves. Brunswick (F. T. ) Madison Ave., cor. 89th St. Buckingham (E.) 5th Ave., cor. 50th St. Cadillac ( E. ) Broadway, cor. 43d St. Cambridge (A.) 5th Ave., cor. 33d St. Cambridge Court (E.) 142-146 W. 49th St., bet. 6th and 7th Aves. Chelsea (E.) 222 W. 23d St., bet. 7th and 8th Aves. Churchill (A. & E.) Broadway, cor. 14th St. Clarendon (E.) 4th Ave., cor. 18th St. 60 Hotels, Htc— Hotels, Am. and Eur. Continued Clarendon ( E. ) Washington and Johnson Sts., Brooklyn. Collingwood (E) 45 W. 35th St., bet. 5th and 6th Aves. Colonial (E.) 8th Ave., cor. 125th St. Continental (E.> Broadway, cor. 20th St. Cosmopolitan (E.) W. Broadway, cor. Chambers St. Cumberland (E.) Broadway, cor. 54th St. Dunlop ( E. ) 149-151 W. 44th St., bet. 6th Ave. and Broadway. Earle (A. & E. ) 103 Vt^averly PI., bet. Macdou- gal St. and 6th Ave. Earlington (E.) 49-55 W. 27th St., bet. Broad- way and Gth Ave. Empire ( E. ) Broadway and Columbus Ave., cor. 63d St. Endicott (A. & E., also Ap. ) . .Columbus Ave., 81st to 82d St. Everett (E.) 4th Ave., cor. 17th St. Fifth Avenue (A. & E. i Broadway and 5th Ave., 2.';d to 24th Sts. Flanders (E.) 133-137 W. 47th St., bet. 6th and 7th Aves. Florence (F. T.) 4th Ave., cor. 18th St. Fort Lowry (E.K summer .... Bath Beach, foot 17th Ave. Gallatin (A. &E.) 70-72 W. 46th St., bet. 5th and 6th Aves. Gerard (A. & E.) 123 W. 44th St., bet. 6th Ave. and Broadway. Gibson (E.) 154-156 W. 35th St., bet. Broadway and 7th Ave. Gilsey (E. ) Broadway, cor. 29th St. Gotham ( E. i 5th Ave., cor. 55th St. Grand Union ( E. ) 4th Ave., cor. 42d St. Greek (The), (E.) 30 E. 42d St.. bet. 4th and Madison Aves. Gregorian (E.) 38-40 W. 35th St., bet. 5th and 6th Aves. Grenoble (E. ) 7th Ave.. 56'th to 57th Sts. Hamilton (E.) 132 W. 45th St., bet. 6th Ave. and Broadway. Hawthorn ( F. T.) 70-72 W. 49th St., bet. 5th and 6th Aves. Herald Square ( E. i 118 W. 34th St., bet. Broad- way and 7th Ave. Highlands (A. & E. ) 154-160 E. 91st St.. bet. Lex- ington and 3d Aves. Hoffman House (E. ) Broadway, cor. 25th St. Holland House (E.) 5th Ave., cor. 30th St. Holley (A.") 36 Washington Sq.. W.. bet. MrDougall St. and Wash- ington PI. Hungaria (A. & E.) 4 Union Sq., E. Imperial (E. ) Broadway, cor. 32d St. Judson (A. & E.) 53 Washington Square S., bet. Thompson and McDougall Sts. Knickerbocker (E.^ 3d Ave., cor. 25th St. Knickerbocker (E.) Broadway, cor. 42d St. 70 Hotels, Etc. — Hcttls, Am and Eur. Continued. Lafayette-Brevoort (A.&E.). .5th Ave., cor. 8th St. Lafayette n. Baths ( A. &E.). .18 Lafayette PI., bet. 4th St. and Astor V\. Lexington (E.) 145-155 W. 47th St., bet. 6th and 7th Aves. Lincoln (E.) Broadway, cor. 52d St. Majestic (A. & E.I Central Park W., 71st to 72d St. Manhattan (E.) Madison Av., 42d to 43d Sta. Manhattan Beach (E. ),sum'r. .Manhattan Beach. Margaret ( A. i 97 Columbia Hgts., Brooklyn. Marie Antoinette (E. i Broadway. 6Cth to 67th Sts. Marlborough ( E. ) Broadway, cor. 36th St. Martha Washington (A. & E.) exclusively for women.... 29 E. 29th St.. bet. 4th and Madison Aves. Martini(jue (E., also Ap.) 54-58 W. 33d St., bet. 5th Ave. and Broadway. Mills Hotel No. 1 (E.) 160 Bleecker St. Mills Hotel No. 2 (E.) Rivington and Chrystie Sts. Metropole (E. ) Cor. 42d St. and Broadway. Metropolitan. (E.) Broadway, cor. 27th St. Miller's (E.) 37-41 W. 26th St., bet. 5th Ave. and Broadway. Minot (E.) 8th Ave., cor. 126th St. Murray Hill (A. & E.) Park Ave., 40th to 41st St. Muro (A. & E.) 116-118 W. 14th St., bet. 6th and 7th Aves. Navarre (E. ) 7th Ave., cor. 38th St. Netherland ( E. > 5th Ave., cor. 59th St. New Amsterdam ( E. ) 4th Ave., cor. 21st St. New Grand ( E. ) Broadway, cor. 31st St. Normandie ( E. ) Broadway, cor. 38th St. Orleans ( I\ T.) Columbus Ave., cor. 80th St. Oxford ( F. T. t Cor. 58th St. and Park Ave. Oriental (A.), summer Manhattan Beach. Park Avenue ( E.) 4th Ave.. 32d-33d St. Park View ( E. i 55 W. 42d St.. bet. 5th and 6th Aves. Pickwick ( E. ) 206 W. 43d St., bet. 7th and 8th Aves. Pierrepont (Thei, (E.) 43-47 W. 32d St., near Broad- way. Prince George ( E. ) 12 E. 28th St.. bet. 5th and Madison Aves. Putnam House (E.) 371 4th Ave., cor. 26th St. Raleigh (E.I 663-665 Broadway, opp. Bond St. Ramon (F. T.) 340 W. 57th St.. bet. 8th and 9th Aves. Roland (A. & E.) 56 E. 59th St.. bet. Madison and Park Aves. Rossmore ( E. i 1463 Broadway, bet. 41st and 42d Sts. St. Andrew i E.^ Broadway, cor. 72d St. St. Denis , E.> Broadway, cor. llth St. St. George (A. & E.> Clark. Pineapple and Hicks Sts., Brooklyn. 71 Hotels, Btc.— Hotels, Atn. and Eur. Continued. St. George (A. & E.) 49 E. 12th St., bet. University I'l. and Hroadway. St. Murk's (A.) Bedford and St. Mark's Aves., Brooklyn. St. Paul (E.) Columbus Ave., cor. 60th St. St. Regis I E. ) 5th Ave., cor. 55th St. San Remo (E., also Ap.) Central Park W., 74th to 75th St. Savoy (A. & E. ) 5th Ave., cor. 59th St. Seville (E.) Madison Ave., cor. 29th St. Sinclair House (E. ) Broadway, cor. 8th St. Smith & McNeil's (E.) Washington, Vesey, Greenwich and Fulton Sts. Somerset (A. & E. i 150 W. 47th St., bet. 6th and 7th Aves. Spalding (E.) W. 43d St., bet. 6th Ave. and Broadway. Spingler (E.) 38 E. 14th St.. cor. University PI. Stevens House ( E.^ 27 Broadway, cor. Morris St. Stirling (E. ) 210 W. 56th St.. bet. Broad- way and 7th Ave. Sturtevant (A. & E.) 137-141 W. 35t-h St., bet. Broadway and 7th Ave. Union Square (E.) Union Sq. E., cor. 15th St. Vanderbilt (E.) Lexington Ave., cor. 42d St. Van Rensselaer (A. & E.) 17-19 E. 11th St., bet. 5th Ave. and University Pl. Vendome (E.) Broadway, cor. 41st St. Vctoria (E.) Broadway, cor. 27th St. Waldorf-Astoria (E.) 5th Ave., 33d to 34th St. Webster (F. T.) 38-42 W. 45th St., bet. 5th and 6th Aves. Wellington (E.) 863-867 7th Ave., 55th to 56th Sts. West Shore (E. ) Cor. 42d St. and 11th Ave. Westminster (E. ) Irving PI., cor. 16th St. Wolcott (E.) 10 W. 31st St., bet. 5th Ave. and Broadway. Woodward (E. ) Broadwny, cor. 55th St. York (E.) 7th Ave., cor. 36th St. II, Apartment of Family Hotels Alabama 15 E. 11th St.. bet. 5th Ave. and University PI. Avon Madison Ave., cor. 116th St. Iterkeley . 5th Ave., cor. 9th St. Brayton 62 Madison Ave., bet. 27th and 2Sth Sts. Bretton Hall Broadway, 85th to 86th St. Brockholst (The) Columbus Ave., cor. 85th St. Burlington 10 W. 30th* St., bet. 5th Ave. and Broadway. Calumet 340 W. 57th St., bet. 8th and 9th Aves. Carlton 203-207 W. 54th St.. bet. Broadway and 8th Ave. Cecil St. Nicholas Ave., cor. 118th St. Hotels, Etc. — Apartment Hotels Continued. Clarissa 7th Ave., cor. 140th St. Colonial Apartments Columbus Ave., cor. 81st St. Cornell Central Park W., cor. 97th St. Cross Chambera 210 5th Ave., bet. 25th and 26th Sts. l>elmonico"s 5th Ave., cor. 44th St. Devon 70 W. 55th St., bet. 5th and 0th Aves. Essex Madison Ave., cor. 56th St. Euclid Hall Broadway, 85th to 86th St. Uauoga 35 E. 27th St., bet. 4th and Madison Aves. Grampton 182 St. Nicholas Ave., near 119th St. Grosvenor 5th Ave., cor. 10th St. Ilargrave 112 W. 72d St., bet. Columbus and Amsterdam Aves. Hoffman Arms 640 Madison Ave., bet. 59th and 60th Sts. Hollywood 110 W. 39th St., bet. 6th Ave. and Broadway. Iroquois 49 W. 44th St., bet. 5th and 6th Aves. Irving 26 Gramercy Park, bet. 3d Ave. and Irving PI. Le Barton 308 W. 58th St., bet. 8th and 9th Aves. Le Marquis 12-16 E. 31st St.. bet. 5th and Madison Aves. Leonnri Madison Ave., cor. 63d St. Lougacre .• 157 W. 47th St., bet. 6th Ave. and Broadway. Ijorraine 5th Ave., cor. 45th St. Lucerne Amsterdam Ave., cor. 79th St. Madison Avenue Hotel Madison Ave., cor. 92d St. Manhanset (The) 63 E. 59th St.. bet. Madison and Park Aves. Manhattan Square 54 W. 77th St., bet. Central Pk. W. and Columbus Ave. Marbury Hall 164 W. 74th St., near Amster- dam Ave. Margaret 129-131 W. 47th St.. bet. 6th and 7th Aves. Markwell 220 W. 49th St., bet. Broad- and 8th Ave. Marlborough Arms 57 W. 10th St., bet. 5th and 6th Aves. ^L^^lton 5 W. 8th St., bet. 5th and 6th Aves. Marseille Broadway, cor. 103d St. Maryland 104 W. 49th St., bet. 6th and 7th Aves. Mohe^an Madison Ave., cor. 32d St. Monticello 35 W. 64th St., bet. Central Pk. W. and Columbus Ave. Narragansett Broadway, cor. 93d. Newport 101 W. 78th St., cor. Colum- bus Ave. Newton 2528 Broadway, near 94th St. 73 Hotels, Etc. — Apartment Hotels Continued. Patterson 56-60 W. 47th St.. bet. 5th and 6th Aves. Portland 132 W. 47th St., bet. 6th and 7th Aves. Premier 139 E. 72d St., cor. Lexington Ave. Regent Rroadway, cor. 70th St. Remington 129 W. 46th St., bet. 6th Ave. and Broadway. Renaissance 5th Ave., cor. 43d St. Richelieu 52 W. 24th St., bet. Broadway and 6th Ave. Royalton 52-54 W. 44th St., bet. 5th and 6th Aves. St. Albans 7 E. 31st St., bet. 5th and Madison Aves. St. Albans 349 W. 58th St., bet. 8th and 9th Aves. St. Hubert 120 W. 57th St., bet. 6th and 7th Aves. St. James 109-113 W. 45th St., bet. 6th and 7th Aves. St. Lorenz 127 E. 72d St., bet. 4th and Lexington Ave. St. Margaret 129 W. 47th St., bet. 6th Ave. and Broadway. San Jacinto 18 E. 60th St.. bet. 5th ar.d Madison Aves. San Rafael (The) 65 W. 45th St., bet. 5th and 6th Aves. Schuyler 57-61 W. 45th St., bet. 5th and 6th Aves. Schuyler Arms Riverside Drive, cor. 98th St. Severance Broadway, cor. 94th St. Sevillia (The) 117 W. 58th St., bet. 6th and 7th Aves. Seymour 48-52 W. 45th St., bet. 5th and 6th Aves. Sherry's 5th Ave., cor. 44th St. Standish Arms 167 Columbia Heights, B'klyn. Stanley 124-126 W. 47th St., bet. 6th and 7th Aves. Stratford House 11 E. 32d St., bet. 5th a::d Madison Aves. Touraine 9-11 E. 39th St., bet. 5th a. d Madison Aves. Touraine 21 Clinton St., Brooklyn. Twelve Fifth Avenue 12 5th Ave., near 8th St. Walton 104 W. 70th St., cor. Colum- bus Ave. Warrington 161-163 Madison Ave., bet. 32d and 33d Sts. Weldon 1970-1972 Broadway, bet. 66th and 67th Sts. Westerly 103 W. 54th St., bet. 6th and 7th Aves. Whittier Hall 12.30 Amsterdam Ave., bet. 120th and 121st St. 74 Hotels, Etc. — Apartment Hotels Continued. Willard 254 W. 76th St., bet. Broad- way and West End Ave. Winthrop 2090 7th Ave., bet. 124th and 125th Sts. Wroxeter 137 W. 45th St., bet. 6th and 7th Aves. III. Prominent Restaurants and Cafes Abbey ( The) , Ft. Washington Ave. and 198th St. Tel. 318-Audubon. Arena 39 W. 31st St. Tel. 4770- Madison Sq. Bank Chop House 516 Fulton St., Brooklyn. Tel. 3500-Main. Burns' 6th Ave., 44th to 45th St. Tel. 374-Bryant. Brighton Beach (summer )... Brighton Beach. Tel. 500- Coney Island. Cafe Des Beaux Arts 80 W. 40th St. Tel. 2300- Bryant. Cafe Boulevard 2d Ave. and 10th St. Tel. 940- Orchard. Cafe Des Ambassadeurs 108 W. 38th St. Tel. 5518- 38th. Cafe Francis 53-55 W. 35th St. Tel. 3833- S8th. Cafe Martin Broadway, cor. 25th St. Tel. 1260-Madison Sq. Cafe Moretti 51 W. 35th St. Tel. 1415-38th. Cafe Savarin 120 Broadway. Tel. 1681- Cortlandt. Carlos ( The I 25 W. 24th St. Tel. 2457- Madison Sq. Casino Central Park.' 345 79th St. Cavanaghs 258-260 W. 23d St. Tel. 2788- Chelsea. Claremont Riverside Drive and 126th St. Tel. 411-Morningside. Clarendon 284 Washington St., Brooklyn. Tel. 3690 Main. Delmonico's 531 5th Ave. Tel. 3022-38th. 56 Beaver St. Tel. 5393-Broad. Dorlon's 6 E. 23d St. Tel. 3200- Gramercy. Dowd's 321 Broadway. Tel. 1136- Franklin. 647 Broadway. Tel. 5171- Spring. Edgetfs 556 Fulton St., Brooklyn. Tel. 536-Main. Fleischmann's Broadway and 10th St. Tel. 1398-Gramercy ; 422-Gram- ercy. Fort Wendell Amsterdam Ave. and 194th St. Tel. 372-Audubon. Gazzo's 40th St. and Broadway. Tel 386-Bryant. 75 Hotels, Etc. — Eestaurants Continued. Grand View 161st St. and Ft. Washington Ave. Tel. 48-Audubou. Griffon 19-21 W. 9tli St. Tel. 1409 Gramercy. Haan's 13 Parle Row. Tel. 3736 Cortlandt. Harlem Casino 124th St. and 7th Ave. Tel 38.57-Morningside. Healy's Columbus Ave. and 66th St Tel. 2560-Columbus. Heumann's 290 Broadway. Tel. 1993 Franklin. Hofbrau Haus Broadway and 30th St. Tel 3207-Madison Sq. Holtz's 365 B'way. Tel. 838-Franklin 604 B'way. Tel. 1172-Spring. Hungaria 4 Union Square. Tel. 4896 Gramercy. Imperial 360 Fulton St.. Brooklyn. Tel 4034-Main; 4137 Main. Jack's 761 6th Ave. Tel. 780-Bryant 2141 8th Ave. Tel. 1556 Morningside. Kalil's 14-18 Park PI. Tel. 7912 Cortlandt. 61 Cortlandt St. Tel. 5757 Cortlandt. Kennelly's Columbus Ave. and 83d St Tel. 4852-Riverside. Lafayette 29-33 T'niversity PI. Tel. 6840 Gramercy. Little Hungary 257 E. Houston St. Tel. 2960 Orchard. Luchow's 108-114 E. 14th St. McGown's Pass Tavern Central Pk. Tel. 3108-Harlem. Manhattan Beach i summer ).. Manhattan Beach. Tel. 600- Coney Island. Marlboro' Rathskeller Broadway and 36th St. Mock's 145 W. 42d St. Tel. 1440- Bryant. 46th St. and 8th Ave. Tel. 1207-Bryant. Mouquin's 149 Fulton St. Tel. 437-Cort- landt. 6th Ave., near 2Sth St. Tel. 3634-Madison Sq. Murray's 2670 Broadway. Tel. 4307- Riverside. O'Xeiirs 6th Ave. and 22d St. Tel. 6453-Gramercy. Original Roversi 44 E. 21st St. Tel. 5023- Gramercy. Pabst's Harlem 256 W. 12.5th St. Tel. 1295 Morningside. Pabst's Grand Circle 8th Ave. and 58th St. Tel 2796-Columbus. Palm Garden 150 E. 58th St. Tel. 4373 Plaza. 76 Hotels, Etc. — Hesiaurants Continued. Pursell's Broadwa.v. near 20th St. Tel. 61(i-Gramercy. Rector's 1508 Broadway. Tel. 2848- Bryant. Beisenweber's 58th St. and Circle. Tel. 1050-Columbus. Roma 878 6th Ave. Tel. 2778-Plaza. Rovers! 31 W. 27th St. Tel. 1312- Madisou Sq. Shanley's Broadway, near 42d St. Tel. 2794-Bryant. Broadway, bet. 20th and ?,(nh Sts. Tel. 4097-Madison Sq. 6th Ave., bet. 23d and 24th Sts. Tel. 2267-Chelsea. Sherry's 522 5th Ave. Tel. 4000-Bryant. Sieberfs 359-363 Flatbush Ave.. Brook- lyn. Tel. 261-Prospect : 1048 Prospect. Silsbe & Son 203 6th Ave. Tel. 1797- Chelsea. 629 Fulton St.. Brooklyn. Tel. 2570-Main. Terrace Garden 145 E. 58th St. Tel. 75-Plaza. Troger's ., St. Nicholas PI. and 155th St. Tel. 3041 - Morningslde: 3046-Morningside. West End 226 W. 125th St. Tel. 3315- Morningside. Ye Olde Tavern Duane St. and W. Broadway. Wilheimina Cafe 1919 7th Ave., cor. 116th St. Tel. 3313-Morningside. Woodraansten Inn Williamsbridge Road. Bronx. Tel. 31-Westchester. 7T THEATRES, MUSIC AND CONCERT HALLS, AND AUDITORIUMS. 7. MANHATTAN AND BRONX. II. BROOKLYN. I. Manhattan and Bronx Academy of Music 14th St. and Irving PL Tel. 701- Gramercy. Matinees Wed. and Sat. American 8tli Ave. and 42d St. Tel. 3560- I'ryant. Matinees Wed. and Sat. Alhambra 12t!th St. and 7th Ave. Tel. .5000- Morningside. Matinee daily. Belasco 209 W. 42d St.. nr. Broadway. Tel. 81.3-Bryant. Matinees Wed. & Sat. Berkeley Lyceum 10-23 W. 44th St. Tel. 3590-Bryant. Bijou 1237 B'way, bet. 30th and 31st Sts. Tel. 1530-Madison Sq. Matinee Sat. Broadway B'way and 41st St. Tel, 101-Bryant. ^latinees Wed. and Sat. Carnegie Hall .".7th St. and 7th Ave. Tel. 3102- Columbiis. Carnegie Lyceum .... ."(7th St. and 7th Ave. Tel. 20:>0- Columbus. Casino B'way and 39th St. Tel. 1646-Bryant. Matinees Thurs. and Sat. Chinese Opera House.. 5 Doyers St. Circle Music Hall B'way and 60th St. Tel. 1477-Col- umbus. Matinee daily. Colonial Music Hall... B'way and 62d St. Tel. 4457-Col- umbus. Matinee daily. Comedy Broadway and 6.5th St. Criterion Broadway and 44th St. Tel. 2240- Bryant. Matinee Saturday. Daly's B'way, bet. 29th and 30th Sts. Tel. 999-Madison Sq. Mat. Wed. & Sat. Dewey 126 E. 14th St.. nr. 3d Ave. Tel. 6234-Gramercy. Matinee daily. Eden Musee 55 W. 23d St.. nr. 6th Ave. Tel. 2S09-Gramercy. Open from 10.15 A. M. to 10.30 P. M. Empire B'way and 40th St. Tel. 747-Bryant. Matinees Wed. and Sat. Field's W. 42d St., bet. 7th and 8th Aves. Tel. 44-Bryant. Matinee Sat. Fifth Ave. (Proctor's) . B'way and 28th Sts. Tel. 3390-Madi- son Sq. Matinee daily. Fourteenth Street 107 W. 14th St.. nr. 6th Ave. Tel. 1273-CheIsea. Matinees AVed.&Sat. Garden Madison Ave. and 27th St. Tel. 2110- Madlson Sq. Matinees Wed. & Sat. Garrick 63 W. 35th St., nr. B'way. Tel. 351- 38th. Matinee Sat. Gotham 169 E. 125th St.. nr. 3d Ave. Tel. 2940-Harlem. Matinee daily. Grand (Yiddish) Grand and Chrystie Sts. Tel. 758 Orchard. Matinees Sat. and Sun. Grand Cent'I Palace. .. Lexington Ave. and 43d St. Tel. 1554-38th. Grand Opera House... 8th Ave. and 23d St. Tel. 600- Chelsea. Matinees Wed. and Sat. Theatres, Etc. — Manhattan and Bronx Continued. Harlem Opera House. .W. 125th St., nr. 7th Ave. Tel. 3549- Morningside. Matinees Wed. &. Sat. Herald Square 35th St. and B'way. Tel. 3870-38th. Matinees Wed. and Sat. Hippodrome 6th Ave., 43d and 44th Sts. Tel. 3400-Bryant. Matinee daily. Huber's Museum 106 E. 14th St. Tel. 583-Gramercy. From 10.30 A. M. to 11 P. M. Hudson 139 W. 44th St., bet. 6th Ave. and B'way. Tel. 1121-Bryant. Mat- inees Wed. and Sat. U n r t i g & Seamon's Music Hall -'09 W. 125th St., nr. 7th Ave. Tel. 1029-Morniugside. Matinee daily. Irving n. (German) ..Irving PI. and 15th St. Tel. 6153- Gramercy. Matinee Wed. and Sat. Keith's Union Square. . 14th St., bet. Broadway and 4th Ave. Tel. 1926-Gramercy. From 1 P. M. to 10.45 P. M. Knickerbocker Broadway and 38th St. Tel. 2243- 38th. Matinees Wed. and Sat. liCxington Op. House.. 145 E. 58th St., bet. Lexington and 3d Aves. Tel. 75-Plaza. Liberty 234 W. 42d St., bet. B'way and 8th Ave. Tel. 1287-Bryant. Mat. Sat. London 235-237 Bowery. Tel. 1488-Orchard. Matinee daily. Lyceum 149 W. 45th St., bet. 6th Ave. and B'way. Tel. 546-Bryant.' Matinees Thurs. and Sat. Lyric 213 W. 42d St., bet. 7th and 8th Aves. 1G46-Bryant. Matinees Wed. & Sat. Madison Square 2 W. 24th St., W. of B'way. Tel. .59 10-Ora mercy. Mat. Wed. & Sat. Madison Sq. Garden ... Madison and 4th Aves., 20th and 27th Sts. Tel. 1981-Madison Sq. Madison Square Garden Concert Hall 2ath St., nr. Madison Ave. .Majestic Broadway and Circle. W. 59th St. Tel. 3.500-Columbus. Matinees Wed. and Sat. Manhattan 1285 B'way. bet. 32d and 33d Sts. Tel. 933-Madison Sq. Matinee Sat. Mendelssohn Hall 113-119 W. 40th St., bet. 6th Ave. and B'way. Tel. 685-Bryant. Metropolis 2644 3d Ave., cor. 142d St. Tel. 333 Melrose. Matinees Wed. and Sat. Metropolitan Op, Ho.. B'way, 39th and 40th Sts. Tel. 1146- Bryant. Matinee Sat. Miner's Bowery 165-169 Bowery, bet. Broome and Spring Sts. Tel. 3730-Orchard. Matinee Daily. Miner's Eighth Ave. ..312 8th Ave., bet. 25th and 26th Sts. Tel. 1268-Chelsea. Matinees Tues.. Thurs. and Sat. Murray Hill 385 Lexington Ave., bet 41st. and 42d Sts. Tel. 2942-38th. Matinees Mon., Wed. and Sat. 79 Theatres. Etc. — Manhattan and Bronx Continued. New Amsterdam 214 W. 42d St., bet. 7th and 8th Aves. Tel. 3093-Bryant. Matinees Wed. and Sat. New Orpheum 117 E. 125th St., bet. Park and Lex- ington Aves. New Star Lexington Ave. and 107th St. Tel. 1831-Harlem. Matinees Men., Wed. and Sat. New York B'way and 45th St. Tel. 464-Bryant. Matinees Wed. and Sat. Palace 2388 3d Ave., nr. 130th St. Pastor" .s 143 E. 14th St., nr. Irving PI. Tel. 708-Gramercy. From 12.30 P. M. to 10.30 P. M. People's (Yiddi-sb) ...199-201 Bowery/ Tel. 983-Orchard. Matinees Sat. and Sun. People's Music Hall (Yiddish ( 104-106 Bowery. Tel. 4614-Spring. Matinees Sat. and Sun. Princess B'way and 29th St. Tel. 2848-Mad. Square. Matinees Sat. Proctor's 23d Street . . 143 W. 23d St., bet. 6th and 7th Aves. Tel. 1026-Chelsea. From 1 P. M. to 10.45 P. M. Proctor's 125th St 112 E. 125th St., nr. Lexington Ave. Tel. 1240-Harlem. Matinee daily. Proctor's 58th St 154 E. 58th St., nr. 3d Ave. Tel. 2001-Plaza. Matinee daily. St. Nicholas Garden and Rink 53-69 W. 66th St.. nr. Columbus Ave. Tel. 601-Columbus. Savoy 112 W. 34th St., bet. B'way and 7th Ave. Tel. 5351-38th. Matinees Thurs and Sat. Sulzer's Harlem River Pk. & Music Halls. .127th St. and 2d Ave. Tel. 498-Harlem. Thalia 46-48 Bowery. Tel. 4518-Franklin. Matinees Mon., Wed. and Sat. Third Avenue 31st St. and 3d Ave. Tel. 2519- Mad. Sq. Mat. Mon., Thurs. & Sat Victoria 7th Ave. and 42d St. Tel. 1237- Bryant. Matinee daily. Wallack's B'way and 30th St. Tel. 2000-Mad. Sq. Matinees Wed. and Sat. Weber's. . B'way and 29th St. Tel. 2350-Mad. Sq. Matinee Sat. West End 368 W. 125th St., nr. St. Nicholas Ave. Tel. 2904-Mornlngside. Mat- inees Wed. and Sat. Windsor (Yiddish, also German) 45-57 Bowery. Tel. 3552-Orchard. Matinee Sat. Yorkville 86th St., nr. Lexington Ave. Tel. 3601-79th St. Matinee daily. II. Brooklyn Alcazar Washington and Tillary Sts. Matinee daily. 80 Theatres, Etc. — Brooklyn Continued. Amphion Bedford Ave., nr. S. 0th St. Tel. 044- Williamsburg. Matinee daily. Ass'n Hall, Y. M. C. A. .Bond and Fulton Sts. Tel. 183-Main. Bijou Smith and Livingston Sts. Tel. .Sn;;- Main. Matinees Tues., Thur. & Sat. Brighton Beach Music Hall Brighton Beach (summer only). Matinee daily. Broadway B'way and Myrtle Ave. Tel. 3.">0- Williamsburg. Mat. Wed. and Sat. B'klyn Art Ass'n Hall.. 172 Montague St. Tel. 1654-Main. E. N. Y. Music Hall. . .106-172 Stone Ave. Polly '. B'way, Graham and Flushing Aves. Tel. 458-Williamsburg. Matinees Men., Thurs. and Sat. Gayety B'way and Throop Ave. Tel. 524- Williamsburg. Matinee daily. Gotham B'way, Alabama Ave. and Fulton St. Tel. 158 E. X. Y. Matinee daily. Grand Opera House... Elm. PL, nr. Fulton St. Tel. 1233- Main. Matinees Wed. and Sat. Henry McCaddin Mem- orial Hall Berry St., nr. S. 3d St. Historical Hall Pierrepont and Clinton Sts. Hyde and Behman's. . .Adams St., bet. Fulton St. and Myrtle Ave. Tel. 2376-Main. Mat. daily. Imperial 587 Fulton St. Matinee daily. Keeney's Fulton St., nr. Grand Ave. Tel. 2(i0()- Prospect. Matinees daily. Majestic Fulton St., bet. Rockwell and Ash- land Pi. Tel. 234-Main. Matinees Wed. and Sat. Manhattan Beach Music Hall Manhattan Beach ( summer only i . Matinees daily. Mem. Hall, Y. W. C. A. . Schermerhorn St., nr. Flatbush Ave. Tel. 270-Main. Nassau Willoughby and I'earl Sts. New Montauk Livingston St. and Hanover PI. Tel. 4040-Main. Matinee Saturday. Novelty Driggs Ave. and S. 4th. Tel. 1212- Greenpoint. Orpheum Fulton St., nr. Flatbush Ave. Tel. 4114-Main. Matinee daily. Payton's Lee Ave Lee and Nostrand Aves. Tel. 1080- Williamsburg. Matinee daily. Phillip's Lyceum Montrose Ave. and Leonard St. Tel. 980-Williamsburg. Shubert Park 383 Fulton St. Tel. 2337-M:i:n. Matinees Wed. and Sat. Star 389 Jay St. Tel. 1893-Main. .Mat- inee daily. Unique 194-196 Grand St. Tel. 1447-Green- point. Matinee daily. Waverly Hall Waverly and Myrtle Aves. Tel. 4488-Main. PUBLIC OFFICES AND BUILDINGS 7. CITY AND COUNTY. II. STATE. III. UNITED STATES. I. City and County Accounts, Commissioners of, 115 Stewart Building, 280 Broadway. Administrator, Public (see Public Administrator ». Aldermen, Board of. City Hall, Room 11. Appellate Division Supreme Court (see Courts). Aqueduct Commission, 207 Stewart Bldg., 280 Broadway. Arbitration Court of Chamber of Commerce (see Courts). Armories (see under "Public Offices and Buildings: State"). Armory Commissioners, Board of, 280 Broadway. Arrears of Taxes, etc. (see Taxes). Art Commission, Municipal, 21 City Hall. Assessments (see Taxes). Assessors, Board of, 320 Broadway. Atlantic Ave. Improvement, Board for, 707 Temple Bar Bldg., 44 Court St., Brooklyn. Attorney, District (see District Attorney). Auditing Bureau, Dept. of Finance, 21 Stewart Bldg. Baths and Public Comfort. Bureau of, 21 Park Row. Public Floating : Brooklyn, Xo. 1, ft. of 52d St. No. 2, ft. of N. 1st St. No. 3, ft. of Noble St. No. 4, ft. of Conover St. No. 5, ft. of Dock St. Manhattan, Battery Park. Pier 30, E. R. Ft. Pike Slip. E. R. Ft. Corlears. E. R. Ft. E. 3d St. Ft. E. 9th St. Ft. E. 17th St. Ft. E. 24th St. Ft. E. 100th St. Ft. E. 112th St. Ft. W. 19th St. Ft. W. 44th St. „,--- Ft. W. 51st St. Ft. W. 82d St. Ft. W. 97th St. Public Interior : Brooklyn. Hicks St., near Degraw St. Pitkin Ave., nr. Watkins St. Montrose Ave., nr. Union Ave. Manhattan. Rivington St., nr. Goerck St. 243 E. 100th St. 347 W. 41st St..nr.9th Ave. Allen St., nr. Rivington St. Boards, City and County : Aldermen, Board of. City Hall, Room 11. Assessments, Board of Revision of, Stewart Bldg., 280 Broadway. Atlantic Ave. Improvement. Board for, 707 Temple Bar Bldg., 44 Court St., Brooklyn. Armory Commissioners, Board of, Stewart Bldg., 280 Broadway. 82 Public Offices and Buildings — City and County, Continued. Boards, City and County. — Continued. Assessors, Board of, 320 Broadway. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, Board of Trustees of ft. E. 26th St. City Record, Board of, Basement, City Hall. Coroners, Board of, Criminal Court Bldg., Franklin and Center Sts. Education, Board of, Park Ave., cor. E. 50tli St. Elections, Board of, 107 W. 41st St. Estimate and Apportionment, Board of. 280 Broadway. Examiners of the City of New York, Board of. Room 6028, 1 Madison Ave. Examining Board of Flumbers. 140 Church St. Health, Board of. Commissioners, 969 6th Ave., cor 55th St. Park Commissioners, Board of. Arsenal Bldg.. Central Pk. Revision of Assessments, Board of, 280 Broadway. Tax Commissioners, Board of, 280 Broadway. Water Supply, Board of, Barclay Bldg., 299 Broadway. Borough Hall, Bronx, Third Ave., cor. Tremont Ave. (177th St.) Brooklyn, Fulton, Court and Joralemon Sts. Queens, Jackson Ave. and 5th St., L. I. City. Borough President, Bronx, Borough Hall. 3d Ave., cor Tre- mont Ave. (177th St.) Brooklyn, 15 Borough Hall. Manhattan, 10 City Hall. Queens. Borough Hall, Jackson Ave. and 5th St., L. I. City. Richmond. First National Bank Bldg., New Brighton, S. I. Bridges, N. Y. and N. J., Commissioners of, 11 Broadway. Bridges, Dept. of. 1."? Park Row. Bureaus : Brooklyn. 179 Washington St. Bronx, 700 Southern Boulevard. Bartow Station, City Island. Buildings, Bureau of, Bron.x, Borough Hall, 3d Ave. and 177th St. (Tremont Ave.) Brooklyn, Borough Hall. Manhattan, 220 4th Ave. Queens, Hackett Bldg., Jackson Ave L. I. City. Richmond. Richmond Building. New Brighton, S. I. Buildings and OfBces. Bureau of Public (see Public Build- ings). Bureaus (see under Specific Titles). Chamberlain. City. Bureau of (see City Chamberlain). Charities. Department of r'ublic. Main OfBce : Ft. E. 26th St., Manhattan. Bureaus: Brooklyn and Queens, 126 liivingston St., Brooklyn. Richmond. Richmond Bldg., New Brighton, S. I. Wood Yard : 80 Pacific St., Brooklyn. Children. Dependent. Bureau of. 66 3d Ave. Children's Court (see Courts i. Public Offices and Buildings — City and County, Continued. City Chamberlain, Bureau of, 65 Stewart Bldg., Manhattan : 14 Kings Co. C"t Ho., B'klyn. Clerli, Rooms 11 and 12, City Hall, Manhattan. Deputy, Bronx, 177th St. and 3d Ave. Broolilyn, Room 12, Borough Hall. Deputy, Queens, Hackett Bldg., L. I. City. Richmond, West New Brighton, S. I. Court (see Courts). Departments (see under Specific Titles). Hall, City Hall Park, Broadway, bet. Ann and Chambers Sts. Improvement Commission of New York, 21 Park Row. Morgue, ft. E. 2Cth St. ; Harlem, ft. E. 120th St. Paymaster, 83 Chambers St. and 65 Reade St. Record, Board of, Basement, City Hall. Supervisor, 13 Park Row, Room 803. Supply and Salesroom, Basement, City Hall. Revenue and Markets, Bureau of, 141 Stewart Bldg., 280 Broadway. Surveyor to Board of Taxes and Assessments, 51 Cham- bers St. Civil Service Commission, Municipal, 61 Elm St. Collector of Assessments and Arrears. Main Office : 81 Stewart Bldg., 280 Broadway. Deputies: Bronx, 3d Ave., cor. Tremont Ave. (177th St.) Brooklyn, Municipal Bldg. Queens, Jackson Ave., cor. 5th, L. I. City. Richmond, Bay, cor. Sand, Stapleton, S. I. Collector of City Revenue and Superintendent of Markets. 141 Stewart Bldg. College City of New York, 17 Lexington Ave. and Amster- dam Ave. and 138th St. Colleges, see Separate List. Combustibles, Bureau of. Main Offa'ce : 157 E. 67th St. Branch : Brooklyn and Queens, 365 Jay St., Brooklyn. Commissions and Commissioners, City and County. Accounts. Commissioners of, 280 Broadway. Appraisal and Estimate, Commissioners of, 258 B'way. Aqueduct Commissioners. 280 Broadway. Armory Commissioners, 280 Broadway. Art Commission. Municipal, 21 City Hall. Atlantic Ave. Improvement, Commission for, 707 Temple Bar Bldg., 44 Court St., Brooklyn. Bridges. Commissioner of. 13 Park Row. Charities, Commissioner of, ft. E. 26th St. Deputy Commissioner : Brooklyn and Queens. 126 Livingston St., Brooklyn. Improvement Commission, New York. 21 Park Row. Civil Service Commission. Municipal. 61 Elm St. Correction, Commissioner of, 148 E. 20th St. Docks and Ferries, Commissioner of. Pier A.. N. R. Election Commissioners. Board of, 107 W. 41st St. Estimate and Appraisal. Condemnation Proceedings, Com- missioners of, 258 Broadway. Estimate and Assessment, Grand Boulevard and Con- course, Commissioners of, 90 W. Broadway. 84 Plblic Offices and Buildings — City and County, Continued. Commissions and Commissioners. — Continued. Explosives Commission, Municipal, 157 E. GTth St. Fire Commissioner, l.")7 E. 67th St. Deputy, Broolilyn and Queens, 365 Jay St., Broolflyn. Health Commissioners, Board of, 969 6th Ave., cor. 55th St. Jurors, Commissioners of, Kings Co., 5 Co. Court House, Brooklyn. New York Co., 127 Stewart Building. Queens Co.. Co. Court House. L. I. City. Richmond Co.. Village Hall,, Stapieton, S. I. Licenses, Commissioner of, 277 Broadway, Municipal Art Commission. 21 City Hall. Civil Service Commission, 61 Elm St., Br. Criminal Court Bldg. Explosives Commission, 157 E. 67th St. New York City Improvement Commission, 21 Park Row. New Y'ork and New Jersey Bridge, Commissioners of, 11 Broadway. Parks. Board of Commissioners, Arsenal Bldg., Central Pk. Commissioner of, Brooklyn and Queens, Litchfield Mansion, Prospect Park. Bronx, Zborowski Mansion, Claremont Park. Manhattan and Richmond, Ar- senal Bldg., Central Park. Police, Commissioner of, 300 Mulberry St. Deputy, Brooklyn, 269 State St. Public Charities (see Charities). Public Works, Commissioners of. Bronx, Borough Hall, 3d and Tremont Aves. (177th St. ) Brooklyn, Room 14. Borough Hall. Manhattan, 13 Park Row. Queens. Hackett Bldg.. L. I. City. Richmond. Richmond Bldg.. New Brighton, S. I. Rapid Transit Commissioners, 320 Broadway. Records, Commissioner of Kings Co., 11 Ilall of Records, Brooklyn. Sinking Fund. Commissioners, 280 Broadway. Street Cleaning, Commissioner of, 13 Park Row. Taxes and Assessments. Commissioners of. 280 Broadway. Deputy Commissioners. Brooklyn, 20 Municipal Bldg. Manhattan and Bronx, 280 Broadway. Queens, Jackson Ave., cor. 5th St., L. L City. Richmond, Masonic Temple, Stapieton, S. I. Uniformity of Legislation, Commission for Pi-omotion of, 5 Beekman St. PrBLic Offices and Buildixgs — City and County, Continued. Commissions and Commissioners. — Continued. Tenement House Commissioner, 44 E. 23d St. Deputy Com'r, Bronx, 2806 3d Ave. Brooklyn. 44 Court St. Water Supply, Gas and Electricity. Commissioner of, 13 Park Row. Deputy Com'r, Bronx, 3d Ave., cor. Tremont Ave. (177th St.) Brooklyn, Municipal Bldg. Queens, Jackson Ave., cor. 5th St., L. I. City. Richmond, Richmond Bldg., New New Brighton. Comptroller, 14 Stewart Bldg., 280 Broadway. Coroners: Bronx. 3d Ave., cor. 177th St. (Tremont Ave.) Brooklyn, 11 Borough Hall. Manhattan, Criminal Court Bldg., Center and Franklin Sts. Queens, Borough Hall, Jamaica. Richmond, 174 Bay St., Stapleton, S. I. Corporation Counsel. Staats-Zeitung Bldg., Tryon Row_ (for Branch Offices see Law Department). Correction. Department of, 148 E. 20th St. County Clerk, Kings Co., 4 Hall of Records, Brooklyn. New York Co., Room 8, County Court House. Queens Co., 360 Fulton St., Jamaica. Richmond Co., County Office Bldg., Richmond, S. I. ■County Court (see Courts). €ounty Jails (see Jails). County Treasurer, Kings Co. Court House, Brooklyn. Court House, County, Kings Co., Joralemon St., bet. Court • and Fulton Sts. New York, Chambers St., bet. Center St. and Broadway. Queens, Jackson Ave., L. I. City. Richmond, Richmond, S. I. Courts. Appellate Div. Supreme Court, 1st Dept.. Madison Ave., cor. 2.5th St. 2d Dept.. Borough Hall, Brooklyn. Arbitration, of Chamber of Commerce, 6.5 Liberty St. Children's, 1st Div.. Manhattan. 66 3d Ave. 2d Div., Brooklyn, 102-104 Court St. City. 32 Chambers St. County. Kiugs. County Court House, Brooklyn. Queens. County Court House. L. I. City. General Sessions, Criminal Court Bldg., Center and Franklin Sts. Magistrates. City. 1st Div. Manhattan, 1st Dist., Criminal Court Bldg. 2d Dist., Jefferson Market, 125 6th Ave. .3d Dist., 69 Essex St. 4th Dist., 157 E. 57th St. 5th Dist., 121st St., cor. Sylvan Place. Public Offices and Buildings — City and County, Continued. 2d Div. Lrooklyn, Queens, Municipal, Bronx, Brooklyn, 6th Dist. , 158th St. and 3d Ave. 7th Dist. , 314 W. 54th St. 8th Dist. , Main St.. Westchester. 1st Dist., 318 Adams St. 2(3 Dist., Court St., cor. Butler St. 3d Dist., Myrtle and Vanderbilt Aves. 4th Dist., , Lee Ave., cor. Clymer St. 5th Dist., , Manhattan Ave., cor. Powers St. 6th Dist., Gates & Marcy Aves. 7th Dist., Grant St., 29th Ward (Flatbush). 8th Dist., W. 8th St.. Coney Isl. 1st Dist., 115-117 5th St., L. I. City. 2d Dist., Flushing. Town Hall. 3d Dist., Far Rockaway. 1st Dist., Village Hall, New Brighton, S. I. 2d Dist., Village Hall, Staple- ton, S. I. 1st Dist., Main St., Westchester Village. 2d Dist.. .3d Ave. and loSth St. 1st Dist., Court St.. cor. State St. 2d Dist.. 495 Gates Ave., cor. Marcy Ave. 3d Dist., St. 4th Dist.. 5th Dist., 1st Dist.. Lee Ave., cor. Clymer Queens, 14 Howard .\ve. 53d St.. cor. 3d Ave. 128 Prince Street, cor. Wooster St. 2d Dist., 59 Madison St. 3d Dist., 6th Ave., cor. W. 10th St. 4th Dist., 30 1st St.. cor 2d. Ave. 5th Dist., 154 Clinton St. 6th Dist., 23d St., cor. 2d Ave. 7th Dist., 151 E. 57th St. 8th Dist.. 23d St.. cor. 8th Ave. 9th Dist.. 170 E. 121st St., cor. Sylvan PI. 10th Dist., 314 W. 54th St. 11th Dist., 70 Manhattan St. 12th Dist., 2630 Broadway. 13th Dist., 200 E. Broadway. 1st Dist., 46 Jackson Ave.. L. I. City. 2d Dist., Broadway and Court St., Elmhnrst. 3d Dist., Town Hall, Jamaica. 1st Dist.. Lafayette Ave., cor. 2d St.. New Brighton. S. I. 2d Dist., Village Hall, Stapleton 87 Public Offices and Buildings — City and County. Continued. Courts. — Continued. Naturalization Bureau, 38 County Court House, Cliam- bers St., Manliattan. Police (see Magistrates). Special Sessions, 1st Div. Manhattan and Bronx. Criia- inal Court Bldg. 2d Div. Brooklyn. 171 Atlantic Ave. Queens. Town Hall. Jamaica. Richmond. Town Hall. New Brighton. S. I. Supreme, 1st Judicial Dist.. New York Co., County Court House. Criminal Branch. Criminal Court Bldg., Center and Franklin Sts. Supreme, 2d Judicial Dist., Kings. County Court House. Brooklyn. Queens, County C't House, L. I. City. Richmond. County Court House. Richmond, S. I. Surrogate's, Kings Co., Hall of Records, Joralemon and Fulton Sts.. Brooklyn. Queens Co., County Clerk's Bldg., Jamaica. Richmond Co., County Office Bldg., Rich- mond, S. I. Criminal Court Building, Center. Elm, Franklin and White Sts. Croton Aqueduct Commissioners, 280 Broadway. Chief Engineer, 280 Broadway. Departments (see under Specific Titles). Dependent Adults. Bureau of, ft. E. 26th St. Children, Bureau of, 66 3d Ave. Detective Bureau (see Police). Detention of Witnesses, House for, 203 Mulberry St. District Attorney, Kings Co., Room 103. County Court House, Brooklyn. New York Co.. Criminal Court Bldg., Cen- ter and Franklin Sts. Queens Co., County Court House. L. I. City. Richmond Co.. 400 Richmond Terrace. New Brighton, S. I. Docks and Ferries. Department of, Pier A, North River. Education, Board of, Park Ave., cor. E. 59th St. Elections, Board of, 107 W. 41st St. Branch Offices, Bronx, E. 138th St., cor. Mott Ave. Brooklyn, 44 Court St.. Temple Bar Bklg. Manhattan, 112 W. 42d St. Queens. 51 Jackson Av.. L. I. City. Richmond. S. I. Savings Bk. Bldg.. Stapleton. Electricity. Department of Water Supply, Gas and (see Water Supply). Public Offices and Buildings — City and County, Continued. Estimate and Apportionment, Board of. Main Office, 2S0 Kroadway. Public Improvements Branch, 277 Broadway. Examiners of ttie City of New Yorli. Board of. Room 602S, 1 Madison Ave. Examining Board of Plumbers. 14!) Church St. Explosives Commission, Municipal, 157 E. 67th St. Ferries, Department of Docks and. Pier A, North River. Finance, Department of, 280 Broadway, Stewart Bldg. Fire Department, Bureau of Chief, 157 E. 67th St. Headquarters, Manhattan Bronx and Rich- mond, 157 E. 67th St. Brooklyn and Queens. 365 .Tay St., Brooklyn. Fire Marshall, Bureau of, Manhattan Bronx and Richmond. 157 E. 67th St. Brooklyn and Queens, 365 Jay St., Brooklyn. Gas, Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity (see Water Supply). General Sessions, Court of (see Courts). Grand Boulevard and Concourse, Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment. 00 W. Broadway. Health, Department of, 969 Sixth Ave., cor 55th St. Bureaus, Bronx, 1237 Franklin Ave. Brooklyn, 38 Clinton St. Manhattan, 969 6th Ave. Queens, 372 Fulton Street, Jamaica. Richmond, 54 Water St.. Stapleton. Highways, Bureau of, Bronx, Borough Hall, cor. 3d Ave. and 177th St. (Tremont Ave.) Brooklyn, Municipal Bldg. Manhattan, 13 Park Row. Queens, Hackett Bldg., Jackson Ave., L. I. City. Richmond. Richmond Bldg., New Brighton, S. I. Hospitals (see Separate List). House of Detention for Witnesses, 203 Mulberry St. Improvement Commission, New York City, 21 Park Row. Incumbrances, Bureau of, Brooklyn, Borough Hall. Manhattan, 13 Park Row. Jails, County: Kings Co.. Raymond St., nr. WlUoughby St., Brooklyn. New York Co., 70 Ludlow St. Queens Co., Jackson Ave.. L. I. City. Richmond Co., Richmond. S. I. Jurors. Commissioners of. Kings Co., 5 Court House. B'klyn. New York Co., 127 Stewart Bldg. Queens Co., County Court House, L. I. City. Richmond Co., Village Hall, Sta- pleton, S. I. Public Offices and Buildings — City and County, Continued. Law Department. Main Office : Staats-Zeitung Bldg., Tryon Row. Branch Offices : Bronx, 3d Ave. and 177th St. Brooklyn, Borough Hall. Queens, 21 Jackson Ave., L. I. City. Richmond, Bank Bldg., Stapleton. S. I. Bureaus : Arrears of Personal Taxes, for Collection of, 280 Broadway. Buildings, 44 E. 23d St. Penalties, for Recovery of, 119 Nassau. Street Openings, 90 West Broadway. Tenement House, 44 E. 23d St. Legislation in U. S., Commission for Promotion of Uni- formity in, 5 Beekman St. Libraries (see Separate I>ist). Licenses, Bureau of, 1 City Hall. Branch Offices : Brooklyn, Room 12, Borough Hall. Queens, Hackett Bldg., L. I. City. Richmond. Richmond Bldg.. Xew Brigh- ton, S. I. Commissioner of, 277 Broadway. Magistrates, City (see Courts). Markets, Bureau of City Revenue and, 14 Stewart Bldg. Farmers'. Gansevoort St., cor. West St. Fulton, Fulton St., cor. South St. Fulton Fish, Piers 22 and 23, E. R. (Fulton and South St.) Jefferson, 0th Ave., cor. Greenwich Ave. Tompkins. 3d Ave., cor. 6th St. Wallabout, Washington Ave., cor. Flushing Ave., Brooklyn. Washington. Fulton St., cor. West St. West Washington, West St., cor. Washington St. Marshal. Mayor's. Basement, City Hall. Mayor, 5 City Hall. Mayor's Marshal, Basement, City Hall. INIunicipal Art Commission, 21 City Hall. Building, Brooklyn, Joralemon St., bet. Court and Fulton Sts. Civil Service Commission, 61 Elm St. Courts (see Courts). Explosives Commission, 1.57 E. 67th St. Lodging House. 398 1st Ave. Naturalization Bureau (see under Courts). Nautical School Ship " St. Mary's," ft. E. 28th St. Xew York and New Jersey Bridge Commissioners. 11 B'way. Normal College, Park Ave., cor. E. 68th St. Office Buildings (see Separate List). Parks, Commissioner of, Bronx, Zbrowski Mansion. Claremont Park. Brooklyn and Queens. Litchfield Mansion, Prospect Pnrk. Manhattan and Richmond, Arsenal, Central Park. Public Offices and Buildings — City and Coujity, Continued. Parks, Commissioners, Board of, Arsenal. Central Park, opp. E. G4th St. President. Arsenal. Central Park, opp. E. G4th St. Secretary, Arsenal, Central I'ark, opp. E. 64th St. Locations of, etc. (see Separate Listi. Paymaster, City, 8.'i Chambers St. Penalties, Bureau for Itecovery of. 110 Nassau St. Personal Taxes, Bureau for Collection of Arrears (see Taxes ) . Plumbers, Examining Board of, 149 Church St. Police Courts (see Courts. Magistrates). Police Dept., Headquarters, General. 30(1 Mulberry St. Bronx, 177th St. and Bathgate Ave. Brooklyn. 2C0 State St. Queens, 85 4th St., L. I. City. Richmond, 17-19 Beach St., Sta- pleton, S. I. Police Stations. Manhattan and the Bronx : Precinct No. 1 — Old Slip, cor. Front St. 2 — Church St., cor. Liberty St. 3— City Hall. 3— 1st Sub-Sta., Borough Hall, B'klyn. 3— 2d Sub-Sta., 1 E. 27th St. " 4 — Washington, cor. Nassau St., B'klyn. 5—9 Oak St. 6—19 Elizabeth St. 7—247 Madison St. 8—19 Leonard St. 9—135 Charles St. 10—24 Macdougal St. 11—205 Mulberry St. 12—105 Eldredge St. 13 — 113 Attorney St. 14 — E. Houston and Columbia Sts. 15 — 79 1st Ave. 16—253 Mercer St. 17—230 W. 20th St. IS — 327 E. 22d St. 19—137 W. 30th St. 20-434 W. 37th St. 21—160 E. 35th St. 22—347 W. 47th St. 2.3 — (5rand Central Station. 24—163 E. 51st St. 2.-J— 153 E. 67th St. 26—1.50 W. 68th St. " 27 — Arsenal, Central Park. 27— Sub-Sta., Sheepfold. Centra/ Park. 27— Sub-Sta.. McGowns Pass, Cent'l Pk. 2.S— 432 E. 88th St. 29—177 E. 104th St. 30—134 W. 100th St. 31—438 W. 125th St. 32—148 E. 126th St. 91 Public Offices and Buildings — City atid County, Continued. I'olire Stations. Manhattan and the Bronx. — Continued. I'lecinct No. 33 — 1854 Amsterdam Ave. 34 — Sedgwick Ave., cor. Wolf St. 35 — 257 Alexander Ave. 36— E. l(JOth St.. cor. 3d Ave. 37 — 1925 Bathgate Ave. 38 — Town Hall. Westchester. 38— Sub-Sta., City Island. 39— Wakefield. 40 — Bailey Ave., near Boston Ave. " 41 — Bronx I'ark. 42 — rier A, North River. 42— Sub-Sta., ft. E. 122d St. Brooklyn : Precinct No. 4.3 — 4th Ave., cor. 43d St. 44— 5th Ave., cor. 16th St. " 45 — Richards Ave., cor Rapelyea St. " 46 — 6th Ave., cor. Bergen St. 47 — 17 Butler St. " 48 — Emmett St.. cor. Amity St. 49—318 Adams St. 50—49 Fulton St. " 51 — Grand Ave., cor. Park PI. " 52 — Atlantic Ave., cor. Schenectady Ave " 53 — Miller Ave., cor. Liberty Ave. " 54 — Ralph Ave., cor. Quincy St. " 55 — Gates Ave., cor. Throop Ave. " 56 — DeKalb Ave., cor. Classen Ave. 57 — Clermont Ave., cor. Flushing Ave. 58 — Tompkins Ave., cor. Vernon Ave. " 59 — Lee Ave., cor. Clymer St. " 60 — Bedford Ave., cor. N. 1st St. 61 — Manhattan Av., cor. Greenpoiut . Av. 62— Humboldt St., cor. Herbert St. 63 — Stagg St.. cor. Bushwick Ave. 64 — DeKalb Ave., cor. Hamburg Ave. " 65 — Liberty Ave., cor. E. N. Y. Ave. 66 — Ave. G, near 95th St., Cauarsie. " 67 — 34 Snyder Ave. 68 — Voorhees Ave., cor. Shore Road. 69 — W. 8th St., near Surf Ave. " 70 — 19th Ave., near Bath Ave. 71 — 86th St., cor. Ft. Hamilton Ave. " 72 — Coney Island Ave., nr. Foster Ave. " 73 — Prospect Park. 82 — Borough Hall. 84 — 191 Broadway. Detective Bureau. 269 State St. Queens : Precinct No. 74 — 162 Grand Ave.. L. I. City. 75—83 4th St., L. I. City. 76 — 42 N. Prince St., Flushing. 76— 1st Sub-Sta., 2d Ave., opp. 6th St., College Point. 76— 2d Sub-Sta., 8th Ave., cor. ISth St., Whitestone. " 77— Grand St., cor. Court St., Newtown. 92 Public Offices and Buildings — City and County, Continued. I'olice Stations, Queen's — Continued. I'recinct No. 77 — Sub-Sta., Myrtle St., cor. Sherman St., Glendale. 78 — Flushing Ave., cor. Fulton, Jamaica. " 79 — Broadway, cor. Mott Ave., Far Rock- away. " 79 — Sub-Sta., Boulevard, near Holland Ave., Rockaway Beach. " S3 — Johnson Ave., cor. Jamaica Ave., Richmond Hill. Richmond : I'recinct Xo. 80 — 19 Beach St., Stapleton. 80 — 1st Sub-Sta., Tottenville. 80 — 2d Sub-Sta., New Dorp. " 81 — West New Brighton. rres,idents. Borough (see Borough Presidents). Public Administrator, Kings Co., 26 Court St., Brooklyn. New York Co., 119 Nassau St. Queens Co., 103 3d St., L. I. City. I'ublic Buildings and OfBces, Bureau of. Manhattan, 13 Park Row. Bronx. 3d Ave. and 177th St. Brooklyn, Municipal Bldg. (Jueens. Fulton St.. cor. Flushing Ave., Jamaica. Richmond, Richmond Bldg., New Brighton. I'ul)lic Charities, Department of (see Charities, Dept. of). I'ublic Comfort Stations. Brooklyn : Fulton St., at Borough Hall. E. New York and Liberty Aves. Hamilton Ave. and Richards St. Broadway and Lorimer St. Broadway and Pulaski St. Manhattan and Greenpoint Aves. Manhattan : Battery Park. Hanover Sq. Mail St., City Hall Park. Chatham Sq. Sheriff St., cor. Delancey St. Greeley Sq. Times Sq. Park Ave., cor. E. 12.5th St. Public Works, Departments and Bureaus of. Bronx, Borough Hall, 3d Ave. and 177th St. (Tremont Ave.) Brooklyn, Room 14. Borough Hall. Manhattan. 13 Park Row. Queens, Hackett Bldg.. L. I. City. Richmond. Richmond Bldg., New Brighton, S. I. Rapid Transit Commission, 320 Broadway. Receiver of Taxes (see under Taxes). Recorder, Criminal Court Bldg., Center St.. cor. Franklin St. Records, Bureau of, Dept. of Health, 969 6th Ave. Commissioner of. Kings Co., 11 Hall of Records, Brooklyn. Hall of. Kings Co., cor. Joralemon St. and Boerum Place. New York Co., cor. Chambers and Center Sts. 03 Public Offices and Buildings — City and County, Continued. Recovery of Penalties, Bureau for, 119 Nassau St. Uegister, Kings Co., 10 liall of Records, Kroolilyn. New York Co., 116 Nassau St. Registrar of Records, Dept. of Health, 969 6th Ave. Sanitary Bureau, Dept. of Health, 969 6th Ave., cor. 5.5th St. Schools, Buildings, Supt. of, I'ark Ave., cor. 59th St. City Superintendent of. Park Ave., cor. 59th St. Examiners, Board of. Park Ave., cor. 59th St. Libraries, Supt. of. Park Ave., cor. 59th St. Superintendent of. Park Ave., cor. 59th St. Supplies, Supt. of.. Park Ave., cor. 59th St. Bureau of, 418 E. 68th St. Sewers, Bureau of, Bronx, cor. 3d Ave. and Tremont Ave. Brooklyn, Municipal Bldg. Manhattan, 13 Park Row. Queens, Hackett Bldg., Jackson Ave., L. I. City. Richmond, Richmond Bldg., New Brigh- ton, S. I. Sheriff, Kings Co., 14 County Court House. Brooklyn. New York Co.. 299 Broadway. Queens Co., County Court House, L. I. City. Richmond Co., County Court House, Richmond. Sheriff's Jury, New York Co., 299 Broadway. Sinking Fund, Commissioners of. Room 12, 2S0 Broadway. Special Sessions, Court of (see Courts). Street Cleaning, Department of. Main Office : 19 Park Row. Branch Offices : Brooklyn, Municipal Bldg. Queens, 48 Jackson Ave.. L. I. City. Richmond, Tompkinsville, S. I. Street Openings, Bureau of (Law Dept.). Manhattan, 90 W. Broadway. Brooklyn. 166 Montague St. Queens. 252 Jackson Ave., L. I. City. Streets (see Highways, Bureau of). Supervisor of City Record, 21 Park Row. Supplies, liureau of School, 418 E. 68th St. Supreme Court (see Courts). Surrogate, Kings Co., 5 Hall of Records. Brooklyn. New York Co.. County Court House. Queens Co.. 360 Fulton St., Jamaica. Richmond Co., Center St., nr. Court St., Richm'd. Surveyor, City, to Board of Taxes and Assessments, 51 Chambers St. Tax Commissioners, Board of, 280 Broadway. Taxes and Assessments. Arrears of Personal Taxes, Bureau for Collection of, 280 Broadway. Taxes (see Assessments and Arrears, below). Assessments and Arrears, Bureau for Collection of. Bronx. 3d Ave., cor. 177th St. (Tremont Ave.) Brooklyn, 2 to 8 Municipal Bldg. Manhattan. 81 Stewart Bldg. Oueens, Jackson Ave., cor. 5th St., I>. T. City. Richmond. Bay St.. cor. Sand St.. Stnpleton, S. L -Assessments, Board of Revision of, 280 I'.roadway. . 94 Public Offices and Buildi.vgs — City and County, Continued. Taxes and Assessments— Conhnwed. Kepartment of, Brooklyn. 2 to 8 Municipal Bldg. Manhattan and Bronx, 280 Broadway. Queens, Jackson Ave., cor. 5th St., L. I. City. Richmond, Bay and Sand Sts., Staple- ton, S. I. Surveyor, City, to Board of Taxes and Assessments, 51 Chambers St. Taxes, Bureau for Collection of. Bronx, 3d Ave., cor. 177th St. (Tremont Ave.) Brooklyn, 2 to 8 Municipal Bldg. Manhattan, 57 Chambers St. Queens, Jackson Ave., cor. 5th St.. L. I. City. Richmond, Bay St.. cor. Sand St., Stapleton. Taxes, Receiver of, 57 Chambers St. Deputies : Bronx, 3d Ave., cor. 177th St. Brooklyn, Municipal Bldg. Queens. Jackson Ave., L. I. City. Richmond, Bay and Sands Sts., Stapleton. Tenement House Dept., Manhattan, 44 E. 23d St. Bronx, 3d Ave. and 177th St. Brooklyn, 44 Court St. Uniformity of Legislation in U. S., Commission, 5 Beekman St. Water Supply, Board of. Barclay Bldg., Broadway and Duane St. AVater Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of. Main Office : 13 Bark Row. Branch Offices : Bronx, 3d Ave., cor." 177th St. Brooklyn, Municipal Bldg. Queens, Jackson Ave., cor. 5th St., I-. I. City. Richmond, Richm'd Bldg., New Brighton. V.'eights and Measures. Bureau of, 7 City Hall. Witne.sses, House of Detention for, 203 Mulberry St. U. State. .Appraisers, Transfer Tax, Kings Co., 44 Court St., B'klyn. New York Co., 257 Broadway. Agriculture, Dept. of. 23 I'ark Row. Arbitration and Mediation, Bureau of, 120 E. 18th St. Armories, 1st Brigade (Manhattan). 1st Battery, 50 W. 66th St. 1st Signal Corps. 926 7th Ave. 2d Battery, 1897 Bathgate Ave. 7th Reg't, Park Ave. and E. 67th St. 8th Reg"t. Park Ave. and E. 94th St. 9th Reg't, W. 14th St.. nr. 6th Ave. 12th Reg't, Columbus Ave. and W. 61st St. 22d Reg't, Broadway and W. 68th St. 69th Reg't, 3d Ave. and 6th St. 71st Reg't, 52 E. 59th St. Squadron "A." Madison Ave. and E. 94th St. 05 Public Offices axd Buildings — State, Continued. Armories, 2d Brigade (Brooklyn and Queens). 2d Signal Corps, 801 Dean St. 3d Battery, 165 Clermont Ave. 13th Reg't. Sumner and Jefiferson Aves. 14th Reg't, 8th Ave. and 15th St. 17th Separate Co., 140 Amity St., Flushing. 23d Reg't, Bedford and Atlantic Aves. 47th Reg't, Marcy Ave., cor. Lynch St. Troop "C," N. I'ortland Ave. and Au- burn PI. Arsenal, State, 7th Ave. and 35th St. Attorney General, New York Office, 27 William St. Banking Dept., State of New York, Branch Office, 52 B'way. Boards, State. Charities, State Board of, 287 Fourth Ave., Room 5(!2. Pharmacy, Board of. Eastern Branch, State of N. Y., 117 W. 68th St. Pilot Commissioners, Board of, 17 State St. Sailors' Hotels and Boarding Houses, State Board of Commissioners for Licensing, 29 Broadway. Charities. Aid Association, State, 105 E. 22d St. State Board of, Eastern^Inspection District, 287 4th Ave. Commissions and Commissioners, State. Corporation Tax Commissioner. 257 Broadway. Excise, Deputy Comm'r, Kings Co., 303 Washington St., Brooklyn. New York Co., 1 Madison Ave.. Queens Co., 134 4th St., L. I. City. Richmond Co., ft. Arrietta St.. Tompkinsville. Forest, Fish and Game Commissioners, 1 Madison Ave., Room 4020. Labor, Commissioner of, 120 E. 18th St. Mediation and Arbitration, Asst. Comm'r, 120 E. 18th St. Palisades, Interstate Park Comm'rs of, 31 Nassau St. Pilots, Commissioners of, 17 State St. Quarantine, Commissioners of, 62 William St. Racing Commissioners, State. 23 Nassau St. Railroad Commission, 17 Battery PI. Sailors' Hotels and Boarding Houses, Comm'rs for Li- censing, 29 Broadway. Corporation Tax Dept., N. Y. City Branch, 257 Broadway. Elections, State Supt. of, for Met. Dist.. 27 William St. Employment Bureau, Free, State of N. Y., 120 E. 18th St. Excise, Dept. of, Kings Co., 303 Washington St., Brooklyn. New York Co., 1 Madison Ave., Room 4069. Queens Co., 1.34 4tb St., L. I. City. Richmond Co., ft. Arrietta St., Tompkins- ville. Factory Inspection Bureau, Dept. of Labor, 120 E. 18th St. Fori'St, Fish and Game Commissioners, 1 Madison Ave., Room 4020. Fre.^ Employment Bureau, Dept. of Labor, 120 E. 18th St. Gas Meters, State Inspectors of. 1 Hanover Sq. Health Officer, 62 William St. Inspection Bureau, Factory, Dept. of Labor, 120 E. 18th f^t. 96 Public Offices and Buildings — State, Continued. Insurance Dept., State, 11 Broadway. Labor, Dept. of, 120 E. 18th St. Labor Statistics, Bureau of, 120 K. 18th St. Mediation and Arbitration, Bureau of, 120 E. 18th St. Militia, Naval (see Naval Militia). State (see National Guard). National Guard, Headquarters, 280 Broadway, Room 161. 1st Brigade, 50 E. 59th St. 2d Brigade, Municipal Bldg., Brooklyn. Regimental Headquarters (see Armories). Naval Militia, Armory, U. S. S. "Granite State," ft. E. 24th St. Oyster Lands, Surveyor of, 1 Madison Ave., Room 4020. Palisades, Interstate Park Commission, 31 Nassau St. Pharmacy, State Board of. Eastern Branch, 117 W. 68th St. Pilots, Board of Commissioners of, 17 State St. Hellgate, 5 Quincy Slip. New Jersey, 17 State St. Quarantine, Commissioners of, 62 William St. Racing Commissioners, 23 Nassau St. Railroad Commission, 17 Battery PL, Room 404. Sailors' Hotel and Boarding House License Commissioners, 29 Broadway. Shell-Fisheries, Supt. of. 1 Madison Ave., Room 4020. State Arsenal, 7th Ave. and 35th St. Statistics of Labor. Bureau of, 120 E. 18th St. Superintendent of Elections, State (for Met. Disi.), 27 William St. Surveyor of Oyster Lands, 1 Madison Ave., Room 4020. Ta.'? Appraisers, Transfer, Kingfj Co., 44 Court St., B'klyn. New York Co., 257 Broadway. Commissioners, Corporation Tax, 257 Broadway. Transfer Tax Appraisers (see 'j-'ax Appraisers). in. United States. Anchorages. Supervisor of. Barge Office, ft. Whitehall St. Animal Industry, Bureaus of, Dept. of Agriculture. Inspection of Horses, Mules, etc., for Export and Import, 18 Broadway. Meat Inspection, 109 W. 42d St. Appraiser of the Port, 641 Washington St. Appraisers' Stores, 641 Washington St. Appraisers, U. S. Board of General, 641 Washington St. Army, United States. Building, 37 Whitehall St. Engineers, Corps of. Army Building, 37 Whitehall St. Headquarters : Atlantic Division, Governor's Island. Dept. of the East, Governor's Island. Eastern Artillery, Dist. of N. Y., Fort Schuyler, Throgg's Neck. Southern Artillery, Dist. of N. Y., Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn. Medical Dept., Army Building, 37 Whitehall St. Supply Depot, 391 Washington St. Pay Dept., Army Building, 37 Whitehall St. 97 Public Offices and Buildings — United States, Continued. . Army, United States— Continued. Posts about New York : P^ort Hamilton, ft. of Fort Hamilton Ave., Brooklyn. Fort Hancock, Sandy Hook, N. J. Fort Jay, Governor's Island. Fort Schuyler, Throgg's Neck. Fort Slocum, David's Island, L. I. Sound. Fort Totten, Willett's Point. L. I. Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island. Fort Wood, Bedloe's Island. Quartermasters' Depots, Army Building, .37 Whitehall St Recruiting Station, 2.5 3d Ave. Subsistence Depots, Army Building, 37 Whitehall St. Transfer Service, Army Building, 37 Whitehall St. Assay Office, 30 Wall St. Assistant Treasurer, U. S., Sub-Treasury Bldg., Wall St., cor. Nassau St. Bank Examiners, National. 35 Nassau St. Barge Office, Battery Park. . Boards. United States. Engineers, Board of. Army Building. 30 Whitehall St. General Appraisers, 641 Washington St. Harbor Line Board, Army Building. 39 Whitehall St. Pension Examining Surgeons, Union Board of, 315 Wash- ington St., Brooklyn. Chief Engineer and Supt. U. S. Public Bldgs., 156 P. O. Bldg. Chinese Bureau, Dept. Commerce and Labor, Room 505, 140 Nassau St. Circuit Courts. I'. S. (see Courts). Civil Service Examiners, 2d U. S. Dist., Custom House, Wall St. Collector of the Port of Nevsr York, Custom House, Wall St. Commissions and Commissioners, United States. Immigration. Commissioner of, Ellis Island. Pilots and Commissioner's Office. 17 State St. Shipping Commissioner, Barge Office, Battery Park. U. S. Loan Commissioners, 52 Broadway. Courts, United States. Circuit Court of Appeals, 2d Dist.. P. O. Bldg.. Manhat'n. Eastern Dist. N. Y., P. O. Bldg.. B'klyn. Southern Dist. N. Y., P. O. Bldg., Man- hattan. District Court, Eastern Dist. N. Y., P. O. Bldg., B'klyn. Southern Dist. N. Y., P. O. Bldg., Man- hattan. <"ommevce and Labor. Dept. of, Chinese Bureau, Room 505, 140 Nassau St. Custom House, Wall St.. cor. William St. Customs Bureau, Post Ofli'ce Bldg. Despatch Agency, U. S.. 277 Broadway. District Attorney, U. S., Post Office Bldg Engineers, Corps of. Army Bldg., 37 Whitehall St. Forts about New Y'ork (see Army Posts). General Appraisers, U. S. Board of, 641 Washington St. Government Despatch Agency, 277 Broadway. Harbor Line Board, Army Bidg., 37 Whitehall St. Supervisor of the. Army Bldg., 37 Whitehall St. 9S Public Offices and Buildings — United States, Continued. Hospital, Marine, Office, Battery, nr. Barge Office. Naval, Navy Yard, Brooklyn. Hydrographic Office (Branch), 80 Broadway. Immigration, Commissioner of, Ellis Island. Indian Warehouse, U. S., 119 Wooster St. Internal Revenue Officers. 1st Dist., comprising Counties of Kings, Queens. Nassau, Richmond and Suffolk, Post Office Bldg., Brooklyn. 2d Dist., comprising 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th. 5th, Gth. 8th, 9tb and 15th, and parts of 14th and 16th Wards, 150 Nassau St., Manhattan. 3d Dist., comprising 7th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 17th. 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22d. and parts of the 14th and 16th Wards : Blackwell's. Randall's and Ward's Islands, 201 E. 16th St.. Manhattan. 14th Dist., 7th Division, Borough of Bronx, 534 Willis Ave., Bronx. Life Saving Service, 17 State St. (379 Washington St.) Light House Establishment, 3d Insp. Dist., Tompkinsville, S. I. Loan Commissioners, U. S., 52 Broadway. Marine Hospital, Office, Battery, nr. Barge Offi'ce. Marshal, U. S., Manhattan, Post Office Bldg. Brooklyn, Post Office Bldg. Measurer, U. S., 40 Burling Slip. Medical Dept., U. S. A., 37 Whitehall St. Directors, U. S. N., 109 West St. Dispensary, U. S., 20 B. 22d St. Supply Depot, U. S. A., 391 Washington St. National Bank Examiners, 35 Nassau St. Naval Hospital, Navy Yard, Brooklyn. Laboratory, Navy Yard, Brooklyn. Officer, 22 Exchange PI. Navy, United States. Fort Sands Naval Station, Navy Yard, ft. Sands St., Brooklyn. Medical Director. 109 West St., Manhattan. Naval Hospital, Navy Y'ard. Brooklyn. Laboratory, Navy I'ard, Brooklyn. Station, Fort Sands, Navy Yard, Brooklyn. Navy Pay Office, 280 Broadway. Yard, foot of Sands St., Brooklyn. * Purchasing Paymaster, 280 Broadway, Manhattan. Recruiting Office, 87 South St., Manhattan. New York Harbor, Supervisor of, 37 Whitehall St. Pay Department, U. s. A., Army Bldg., 37 Whitehall St. Office, U. S. N., 280 Broadway. Pension Agency, 65 Bleecker St. Bureau, Special Examiners. 23 P. O. Bldg., B'klyn. Examining Surgeons, Union Board of, 315 Washing- ton St., Brooklyn. Pilots and Commissioners Office, 17 State St. Port Wardens, 1 Broadway. Special, Port Richmond, S. I. Post Offi'ce, General, Brooklyn, Washington St., cor. Johnson St. Manhattan and Bronx, Broadway, cor. Park Row. Public Offices and Buildings — United States, Continued. Public Buildings, U. S., Chief Eng. and Supt., 156 P. O. BIdg. Public Stores, U. S., 651 Washington St. Purchasing Paymaster, U. S. N., 280 Broadway. Quartermasters' Dept., U. S. A., Army Bldg., 37 Whitehall St. Recruiting Office, U. S. N., 87 South St. Revenue Cutter Service, Barge Office, Battery Park. Sample Office. U. S. Customs. 651 Washington St. Secret Service Div. U. S. Treasury Dept., 116 Nassau St. Shipping Commission, TT. S. Barge Office. Special Port Warden. Port Richmond. S. I. Steam Vessels, Inspectors of, 17 Battery PI. Subsistence Depot, U. S. A., Army Bldg.. 37 Whitehall St. Sub-Treasury of U. S.. cor. Wall and Nassau Sts. Supervisor of Anchorages, Barge Office. New York Harbor, 37 Whitehall St. Surveyor of the Port, Custom House. Wall St., cor. William St. Veterinary Inspection of Horses, Mules, etc., for Export and Import, 18 Broadway. Wardens, Poi-t, 1 Broadway. Warden, Special Port, Richmond, S. I. Weather Bureau, U, S., 100 Broadway, OFFICE AND STUDIO BUILDINGS Abel, 64 John. Adee, 45 Pine. Aeolian, 362-364 5th Ave. Ahrens, 76 Elm. Aldi-ich. 32 Warren and 149 Church. Aldrich Court, 41 to 45 Broadway. Alexander, 59 W. 19th. Alpine, 1286 Broadway. American Exchange Natlon'l Bank, 128 Broadway. American Surety, 100 Broad- way. American Tract Society, 150 Nassau. Amsinck, 6-9 Hanover. Appell, 400 W. 23d. Appellate, 134 E. 25th. Arlington, 26 E. 14th. Arnieuy, 90 Nassau. Armitage, 87 and 89 Pearl. Arthur. 74 Broadway. Aston, 31 Broadway. Astor, 10 Wall. Astor Court, 20 W. 34th and 25 W. 33d. Astor Estates, 23 Park Row. Atlantic, 49 Wall. Ayer, 349 Broadway. Bancroft. 3 W. 29th. Bank of America, 44 and 46 Wall. Bank of the Metropolis, 31 Union Sq.. W. Barclay, 303 Broadway. Battery Park, 24 State. Battery Place, 17 Battery Place. Baudouine, 1183 Broadway. Beach. 125 E. 23d. Beard. 122 Liberty and 123 Cedar. Beaver, Beaver, cor. Pearl. Beekman, 101 Beekman. Bennett. 93 to 99 Nassau. Bible House, 8th St., cor. 4th Ave. Bishop, 76 William. Bissell, 693-7 Broadway. Black, 93 to 97 William. Blair, 22 Broad. Bonheur, 132 W. 79th. Bowery Bank, 230 Grand. Bowling Green, 5 to 11 Broadway. Bradbury, 142 5th Ave. Bradley, 220 4th Ave. Brainerd, 23 W. 24th. Brandreth, 415 Broadway. Bristol, 500 5th Ave. Broad Exchange, 50 Ex- change PI. and 25 Broad. Broadway Arcade, 1947 Broadway. Broadway Chambers, 277 Broadway. Broadway Theatre, 1443 Broadway. Broadway-Leonard, 350 Broadway. Broadway-Maiden Lane, 170 Broadway. Bronx, 787 Tremont Ave. Brooklyn Life. 51 Liberty. Browning, 1265-9 Broadway. Bruce, George, 416 Broadway. Bryant, 55 Liberty. Bryant Park Studio,. 80 W. 40th. Butterick, 215 Spring. Cable, 621 Broadway. Caledonian, 50 Pine. Campbell, 50 Franklin. Carnegie. 883 7th Ave. Carr, 496 E. 13Sth. Cary, 105 Chambers. Centennial, 116 Broad. Central, 139 to 149 Liberty. Central National Bank, 320 Broadway. Centur.v, 1 W. 34th. Chesebrough. 17 State. Childs, 110 W. 34th. Church Missions. 281 4th Ave. Clark, 1 Ann. Clason, 23 Duane. Clinton Hall, 13 Astor PI. Coal and Iron Exchange, 21 Cortlandt. Coffee Exchange, 113 to 117 Pearl and 66 Beaver. Columbia, 29 Broadway. Commercial, 396 Broadway. Commercial Cable, 20 Broad. Commercial Exchange, 475 Broadway. Commercial Exchange, 699 Broadway. Commercial Union. 58 Wil- liam. Commonwealth, 2S4 Pearl. Condict, 65-69 Bleecker. Connick, 244 .5th Ave. 101 Office and Studio Buildings — Continued. Consolidated Stock and Pe- troleum Exchange, 60 Broadway. Constable, 111 5th Ave. Continental, 44-48 Cedar. Cooper Studio, 107 E. 27th. Corbin, 192 Broadway, 11 John. Corn Exchange Bank, 13 William. Cotton Exchange, Beaver and William. Criminal Court. 125 Center. Crockery Exchange, 25 W. Broadway. Crown Studios, 17 and 19 E. 59th. Curtis, 35 South William. Cushman, 1 Maiden Lane. Daniell, 757 Broadway. Davis, 70-76 Fulton. Decker, 33 Union Sq. W. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western, 26 Exchange PI. Delmonico, 56 Beaver. Depew. 489 5th Ave. Diamond Exchange, 14 Maiden Lane. Domestic, 853 Broadway. Downey, 138 Front. Downing, 108 Fulton. Drexel, 23 to 29 Wall and 3 Broad. Dun, 290 Broadway. Eagle, 71 Wall. Eagle, 51 to 57 Franklin. Economist. 192V2-200 Greene Edison, 44 Broad. Electrical Exchange, 136 Liberty and 143 Cedar. Empire, 71 Broadway. Empire State, 640 Broadway Empire Theatre, 1428 Broadway. Engineering, 114 Liberty. Equitable, 120 Broadway. Euclid, 568 5th Ave. Evening Post, 206 Broadway Everall, 258-260 5th Ave. Excelsior, 111 Nassau St. Exchange Court, 52 to 56 Broadway. Fahys, 54 INIaiden Lane, 29 Liberty. Falmouth, 331 Madison Ave. Farmers' Loan and Trust, 16-22 William. Fidelity and Casualty Co., 97-99 Cedar. Florence, 30 1st. Folsom, 835 Broadway. Forty-two Broadway. Forty-nine Maiden Lane. Fourteenth St. Studio, 4 W. 14th. Franklin, 11 Murray. Fruit Trade, 8 Jay. Fuller, 949 Broadway. Fulton, 138 Liberty. Fulton, 130 Fulton. Fulton Chambers, 102 Ful- ton. Gerken, 90 W. Broadway. German American, 35 Nassau. Germania, 62 William. Germania Bank, 190-194 Bowery. Gibbes, 64-66 W. Broadway. Gillender, 1-2 Nassau. Gilsey, 1193 Broadway. Girard, 198 Broadway. Glackner, 227 Fulton. Graham, 127 Duane. Grand, 467 Broadway. Guernsey, 160 to 164 Broad- way. Haffen, 2804 3d Ave. Haggin, 377 Broadway. Haight, 156 Broadway. Halter, 112-114 W. 42d. Hamilton, 22 Thames. Hamilton, 229 Broadway. Hamilton, 103 E. 125th. Hanover, 34 Pine. Hanover Bank, 11 Nassau. Hanover Sq., 130 Pearl. Hardman, 138 5th Ave. Harlem Opera House, 209 W. 125th. Hartford, 41 Union Sq. Harvard, 729 6th Ave. Haskin, 4778 3d Ave. Havemeyer, 25 Church, 25 Dey, or 26 Cortlandt. Hawthorne, 151 W. 125th. Hays, 21 Maiden Lane. Healy, 88 Gold. Heermance. 18-20 E. 42d. Flegeman, 200 Broadway. Herrick. 23 South. Hicks, 73 Warren. Office and Studio Buildings — Continued. Holbein Studio, 189 W. 55th. Holland. 1440 Broadway. Home Life, 250 Broadway. Horton, 108-110 E. 125th. Howard, 176 Broadway. Hoyt, 44 Pine. Hudson, 32 Broadway. Irving, 3 Hudson. Jackson, 31 B. 17th. Jacot, 39 Union Sq. W. Jauncey, 93 Wall. Jefferson, 119 W. 23d. Jennings, 10 E. 14th. Jewelers', 9 Maiden Lane. Jewelers' Court, 51 Maiden Lane. Jewelers' Exchange, 75 Nassau. J. Monroe Taylor, 39 Cort- landt. Johnston, 30 Broad. Johnston, 1170 Broadway. John Wolfe, 80 William. Jones, 52 Duane. Journeay, 45-51 Lispenard. Judge, 110 5th Ave. Kean-Van Cortlandt, 30 Pine. Kemble, 15 to 25 Whitehall. Kennedy, 289 4th Ave. Kennelly, 7 Pine. Kent, 713 Broadway. Knapp, 41 Maiden Lane. Knickerbocker, 2 W. 14th. Knickerbocker Theatre, 1402 Broadway. Korn, 736 Broadway. Kuhn-Loeb, 52 William. Law, 82 Nassau. Lawrence, 192 W. Broadway. Lawyers' Title Insurance & Trust Co.. 37 Liberty and 46 Maiden Lane. Le Boutillier. 37-45 W. 22d. Leonard. 89 Center. Lester Studio, 30 E. 57th and 53 E. 56th. Lexington, 141 E. 25th and 156 E. 26th. Liberty. 123 Liberty. Life. 19 W. 31st. Lincoln, 1 Union Sq. W. Lisbon, 81 New. Litho. 50 E. 19th. Liverpool and London and Globe, 45-49 William. Loft, 14 Church. London and Lancashire, 57 and 59 William. Lords Court, 27 William, 40 Exchange PI. Lorsch, 37 and 39 Maiden Lane. Loth. 1828 Amsterdam Ave. Maclntyre, 874 Broadway. Madison, 53 W. 24th. Madison Square, 1122 Broadway. Mail and Express, 203 Broadway or 168 Fulton. Mallinckrodt, 90 William. Manhattan, 1285 Broadway. Manhattan, 17 Duane and 34 Thomas. Manhattan, 96 5th Ave. Manhattan, 825 6th Ave. Manhattan Co. and Mer- chants' Bank, 40 Wall and 37 Pine. Manhattan Life, 64-68 Broadway. Manhattan Theatre, 1283 Broadway. Manice. 55 William. Maritime, 8 and 10 Bridge. Maritime Exchange, 78 and 80 Broad. Market and Fulton National Bank, 81 Fulton. Mattlage. 97 Warren. McCready, 141 5th Ave. McKinley, Boston Road, cor. E. 169th. Mechanics' National Bank, 33 Wall. Mechanics' and T r a d e r s' Bank. 567 Broadway. Mendelssohn Studio, 106 W. 55th. Mercantile. 44 E. 23d. Mercantile Exchange. 6 Har- rison. Merchants. 2 and 4 Stone. Methodist, 150 5th Ave. Metropolis, 31 Union Sq. W. Metropolitan, 568 Broad- way. Metropolitan, 30 to 36 Park PI. Metropolitan Life. 1 Madi- son Ave. Miller, 1931 Broadway. Mills. 11 Broad and 35 Wall. Office and Studio Buildings — Continued. Mofifat, 335 Broadway. Mohawk, 160 5th Ave. Monatiquot, 1255 Broadway. Monroe, 9 to 13 E. 59th. Montauk, 19 Liberty. Morris, 68 Broad. Morris, 634 E. 149th. Mortimer, 9 and 11 Wall Morton, 116 Nassau. Mt. Morris Bank, 81 E. 125th. Mutual Life, 32 Nassau. Mutual Reserve, 309 Broad- way. Myers, 33 Liberty and 48 Maiden Lane. Nassau-Beekman, 140 Nassau. National, 57 Broadway. National Bank of Com- merce, 27 Nassau. National Citizens' Bank, 407 Broadway. National Park Bank, 214 Broadway. National Shoe and Leather Bank, 271 Broadway. Nelson, 19 Park PI. N. Y. Commercial, 7 15 Broadway. N. Y. Fruit Exchange, 76 Park PI. N. Y. Life, 346 Broadway. N. Y. Maritime Exchange, 78 Broad. N. Y. Mercantile Exchange, 6 Harrison. N. Y. Telephone, 95 Broad. New Zealand. 125 W. 37th. Nineteenth Ward Bank, 953 3d Ave. North American Trust Co.. 135 Broadway. North River Insurance Co., 93 William. Office and Studio, 147 W. 23d. Old Dominion, 235 West. Oppenheim, 133 Front. Orient, 79 to 85 Wall. Para, 35 Warren. Parker. 225 4th Ave. Park Row, 13 to 21 Park Row, 13 Ann. Parmly. 165 Broadway. Pearsall. 26 Church. Pierce, 107 Hudson. Pierrepont, 103 5th Ave. Pinaud, 84 5th Ave. Plimpton, cor. E. 9th and Stuyvesant. Post, 16 and 18 Exchange PI. Postal Telegraph, 253 Broad- way. Potter, 38 Park Row. Presbyterian, 156 5th Ave. Prescott, 65 Nassau. Prescott, 529 to 533 Broad- way. Produce Exchange, 2 to 8 Broadway, 4 Beaver. Produce Exchange Annex, 9 Stone. Pulitzer, 61 Park Row. Randall, 721 Tremont Ave. Realty Trust, 62 Liberty. Reed and Barton, 320 5th Ave. Reliance, 32 Union Sq. E. Rembrandt Studio, 152 W. 57th. Rensselaer, 1271 Broadway. Revillon, 13-15 W. 28th. Rhinelander, 2 Duane. Robert, 99 Water. Rogers, 106 Wall. Rogers. Peet & Co., 258 Broadway. Roosevelt, 837 Broadway. Rothschild. 43 Leonard. Royal, 135 William. St. Ann's, 3-5 W. 18th. St. James, 1133 Broadway. St. Marc, 432 5th Ave. St. Paul, 220 Broadway. Sampson, 63 Wall. Santos, 129 Front. Schepp. 163 Duaue. Schermerhorn. 96 Broadway, 6 Wall and 5 Pine. Schieren, 34 Ferry. Scott and Bowne. 411 Pearl. Seabury, 59 Maiden Lane Senior, 1923 Broadway. Seymour, 503 5th Ave. Sheldon, 68 Nassau. Sheridan, 1358 Broadway. Sherwood Studio. 58 W. .57th. Siebrecht. 425 5th Ave. Silk Exchange, 487 Broad- way. Singer, 149 Broadway and 85 Liberty. Office and Studio Buildings — Continued. Sixty Wall St. Sixty-seventh St. Studios, 25 W. 67th. Smith, 13 to 17 Cortlandt. Smith. 148th St. and 3d Ave. Sohmer, 170 .5th Ave. Spalding, 29 W. 42d. Spingler, 5 Fnion Sq. W. Spinning Wheel, 3-7 W. 22d. Sprague, 817 Broadway. Staats Zeitung, Tryon Row. Standard Oil, 26 Broadway. Steeple, 40 W. 13th. Stevens, 18 Wall. Stevens, 3 Maiden Lane. Stewart, 28(» Broadway. Storm, 10 Old Slip. Sydenham, 616 Madison Ave. Taber, 78 Wall. Taylor, 39 Cortlandt. Telephone, 14 to 22 Cort- landt. Temple, 92 Liberty. Temple Court, 3 to 9 Beek- man. Tenth St. Studio, 51 W. 10th. Textile, 66 to 72 Leonard. Thames, 27 Thames. Thompson, 139 Broadway. Times, 42d St. and Broad- way. Tontine, 88 Wall. Tower, 50 Broadway. Tower's, 256 W. 116th. Townsend. 112 5 Broadway. Traders' Exchange, 80 Pine and 136 Water. Transit, 7 E. 42d. Tribune, 154 Nassau. Trinity, 111 Broadway. Trinity Court, 70 to 76 Trinity PI. Trio. 660 Hudson. Tuxedo, 637 Madison Ave. Twelfth Ward Bank, 145 B. 125th. Union Trust Co., 80 Broad- way. United Bank Building. 2 Wall. United Charities, 105 E. 22d and 287 4th Ave. U. S. Arcade, 32 Fulton. U. S. Trust, 45 Wall. Vanderbilt, 132 Ne Van Dyck Studios, 939 8th Ave. Van Nostrand, 23 William. Van Winkle, 2 W. 40th. Varick, 239 Broadway. Vernon, 65 Duane. Vincent, 302 Broadway. Vogel, 35 Perry. Wallace, 56 Pine. Wall St. Exchange, 43 Ex- change Pi. Walton, 509 5th Ave. Ward Line, 90 to 96 Wall. Washington, 1 Broadway. Washington Life, 141 Broadway. Waterman, 173 Broadway. Watson, 256 to 262 Church. Welles, 18 Broadway. Wemple, 83 Nassau. Wessells, 169-171 Broadway Western Union, 195 Broad- way. White, 95 Liberty. Whitehall. 17 Battery PI. Wilks. 15 Wall. Williamsburgh City Fire Ins. Co.. 150 Broadway. Wilson, 152 Broadway. Wilson's, 75 Fulton. Wilson, 2105 7th A e Windsor Arcade. 5th Ave., bet. 46th and 47th Sts. Wolfe. SO William. Wood, 115 Nassau. Woodbridge, 100 William. Wool Exchange, 260 W. Broadway. World, 61 Park Row. Wyllys. 92 William. Young, 605 to 609 Broadway. 105 BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES, MANHATTAN AND BRONX I. NATIONAL BANKS. II. STATE BANES. III. SAVINGS BANKS. IV. TRUST COMPANIES. I. National Banks Aetna Greenwich and Warren. American Exchange 128 Broadway. Astor 18 W. 34th St. Bank of Commerce 31 Nassau St. Bank of New York 48 Wall St. Bank of North America 41 Wall St. Battery Park 24 State St. Butchers' and Drovers' 083 Broadway. Chase 83 Cedar St. Chatham 192 Broadway. Chemical 303 Broadway. Citizens' Central 320 Broadway. City 52 Wall St. Coal and Iron 143 Liberty St. Consolidated .56 Broadway. East River (580 Broadway. Fifth National 3d Ave. and 23d St. First National 2 Wall St. Fourth National 14 Nassau St. Gallatin 36 Wall St. Garfield 73 W. 23d St. Hanover Nassau and Pine Sts. Importers' and Traders' 247 Broadway. Irving 1 Hudson St. Liberty 139 Broadway. Lincoln 32 E. 42d St. Market and Fulton 81 Fulton St. Mechanics' 33 Wall St. Mercantile Broadway and Dey St. Merchants' 42 Wall St. Merchants Exchange 257 Broadway. National Park 214 Broadway. New Amsterdam Broadway and 39th St. New York County 8th Ave. and 14th St. N. Y. National Exchange W. Broadway and Chambers. Northern 692 Broadway. Phenix 49 Wall St. Seaboard 18 Broadway. Second National 5th Ave. and 23d St. Shoe and Leather ( Branch Metropolitan Bank) 271 Broadway. Thirty-fourth St 41 W. 34th St. United 147 W. 42d St. II, State Banks Bank of America 44 Wall St. Bank of Discount 59th St. and 8th Ave. Bank of Metropolis 31 Union Square. Bank of M. & L. Jarmulowsky 165 E. Broadway. Bowery Bowery and Grand St. Bronx Borough Bank 7i»2 Treniont Ave. Century 135 Fifth Ave. Branch 104th St. and Broadway. lOfi Banks axd Trust Co.'s — Manhattan and Bronx — - State Banks Continued. Chelsea Exchange 34th St. and 8th Ave. Colonial Columbus Ave. and 81st St. Branches Broadway and 66th St. Broadway and 7Sth St. Broadway and 103d St. Columbus Ave. and 02d St. Columbus Ave. and 105th St. Seventh Ave. and 116th St. Columbia Fifth Ave. and 42d St. Branch 407 Broadway. Corn Exchange William and Beaver St. Branches Broadway and Spring St. 1.3 Astor PI. Columbus Ave. and 72d St. Fifth Ave. and 10th St. Eighth Ave. and 42d St. 7 E. 42d St. 2902 Broadway. Ave. D and 10th St. Broadway and 28th St. Grand and Norfolk Sts. 34 Union Square, East. 100 W. 125th St. 520 Willis Ave. Front St. & Borden Av.. Queens. 75 Fulton Ave., Queens. Franklin St. and Greenpoint Ave., Brooklyn. New Brighton, S. I. Fidelity Madison Ave. and 75th St. Fifth Ave. Bank of New York. 530 Fifth Ave. Fourteenth Street 1 E. 14th St. German-American 23 Broad St. German Exchange 330 Bowery. Germania 190 Bowery. Greenwich 402 Hudson St. Branches 260 W. Broadway. 1440 Broadway. 135 William St. Hamilton 215 W. 125th St. Branches 1707 Amsterdam Ave. Seventh Ave. and 135th St. 765 Tremont Ave. Interborough 110 Wall St. International 60 Wall St. Jefferson 105 Canal St. Manhattan Company 40 Wall St. Mechanics' and Traders" 5()5 Broadway. Branches 1550 Broadway. 641 Madison Ave. Metropolitan Fourth Ave. and 23d St. Branches loO William St. 271 Broadway. Monroe 97 Canal St. Mount Morris .S5 E. 125th St. Mutual Broadway and 33d St. Nassau 9 Beekman St. 107 Banks axd TRt^sT Co.'s — Maxhattax axd Bronx — State Banks Continued. N. Y. Produce Exchange Produce Exchange. Branches Madison Ave. near 60th St. Colimibus Ave. and 93d St. Seventh Ave. and 58th St. Third Ave. and 116th St. First Ave. and 103d St. Broadway and 86th St. Amsterdam Ave. and Manhat- tan St. Nineteenth Ward Third Ave. and 57th St. Branch i:42 E. 86th St. Oriental 182 Broadway. Branch Bowery and Grand St. Paciflc 470 Broadway. People's 395 Canal St. I'laza Fifth Ave. and W. 58th St. Riverside Eighth Ave. and 57th St. Royal 95 Nassau St. State 378 Grand St. Branches Fifth Ave. and 115th St. Stone and Pitkin Aves., Bkln. Twelfth Ward Lexington Ave. and lliSth St. Branches 173 E. 116th St. 1927 Third Ave.' Twenty-third Ward 135th St. and Third Ave. I'nion Exchange 135 Fifth Ave. Washington Heights Amsterdam Ave. and 155th St. Wells, Fargo & Co.'s 51 Broadway. West Side 487 Eighth Ave. Yorkville 85th St. and Third Ave. Ill, Savings Banks American Fifth Ave. and 42d St. Bark for Savings Fourth Ave. and 22d St. Bowery 130 Bowery. Broadway 23 Park IMace. Citizens' 58 Bowery. Dollar Third Ave., near 1 t8th St. Dry Dock 341 Bowery. East River 3 Chambers St. Emigrant Industrial 51 Chambers St. Empire City 231 W. 125th St. Excelsior 23d St. and Sixth Ave. Franklin Eighth Ave. and 42d St. German Fourth Ave. and 14th St. Greenwich 248 Sixth Ave. Harlem 2281 Third Ave. Irving 115 Chambers St. Italian 48 Spring St. Maiden Lane 170 Broadway. Manhattan 644 Broadway. Metropolitan 1 Third Ave. New York Eighth Ave. and 14th St. North River . 31 W. 34th St. North Side 3196 Third Ave. Seamen's 74 Wall St. TTnion Dime Broadway and 32d St. Union Square 20 I'nion Sq., East. 108 Banks and Trust Co.'s — Manhattan and Bronx — Savings Banks Continued. United States 606 Madison Ave. Wasliington 59th St. and Columbus Circle. West Side Sixth Ave. and 9th St. IV. Trust Companies Banliers' 7 Wall St. Bowling Green 26 Broadway. Broadway 756 Broadway. Central 54 Wall St. Colonial 222 Broadway. Columbia 26 Nassau St. Commercial 59 Cedar St. Commonwealth 27 Pine St. (Corporation Trust Company.. 135 Broadway. Empire 42 Broadway. Equitable 15 Nassau St. Farmers' Loan and Trust Co.. 20 and 22 William St. I'it'th Avenue 514 Fifth Ave. Franklin 140 Broadway. Guaranty 28 Nassau St. (Juardian 170 Broadway. Holland 19 Liberty St. Italian American 520 Broadway. Knickerbocker Fifth Ave. and 34th St. 06 Broadway. W. 125th St. and Lenox Ave. 148th St. and Third Ave. Lincoln 208 Fifth Ave. 1128 Broadway. Manhattan 20 Wall St. Mercantile 120 Broadway. Metropolitan 49 Wall St. Morton 38 Nassau St. Mutual Alliance 323 Grand St. New York Life Insurance and Trust Company 52 Wall St. N. Y. Realty and Trust Co 489 Fifth Ave. New York Trust Company. ... 26 Broad St. New l^ork Warehouse and Se- curity Company 11 William St. Heal Estate 30 Nassau St. Realty Trust 62 Liberty St. Southern 60 Wall St. Standard 25 Broad St. Title Guarantee and Trust Co. 146 Broadway. 547 Fifth Ave. 129 W. 125th St. 2208 Third Ave. I'rust Company of America... 135 Broadway. I'nion 80 Broadway. Inited States 45 Wall St. United States Mortgage and Trust Company 55 Cedar St. Broadway and W. 73d St. Universal 949 Broadway. Van Norden 786 Fifth Ave. Washington 280 Broadway. Windsor 571 Fifth Ave. Nassau and Cedar Sts. 109 BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES, BROOKLYN AND QUEENS I. NATIONAL BANKS. II. STATE BANKS. III. SAVINGS BANKS. IV. TRUST COMPANIES. I. National Banks First Kent Ave. and Broadway. Manufacturers' .S4 liroadway. National City 350 Fulton. Nassau 26 Court. II. State Banks Borough 20 Court St. Branch Third Ave and 51st St. Broadway 12 Graham Ave. Brooklyn Clinton and Fulton Sts. Branch 601 Fulton. Home Fifth Ave. and 58th St. Long Island, Bank of .Tamaica. Branches Flushing. Far Rockaway. Rockaway Beach. Richmond Hill. Elmhurst. College Point. Mechanics' Court and Montague Sts. Branches 317 9th St. Schermerhorn St., near Flat- bush Ave. Atlantic and Georgia Aves. Atlantic and Fourth Aves. North [side 33 and 35 Grand St. Branches 710 Grand St. Broadway and Lorimer St. People's Broadway and Greene Ave. Branch Broadway and Hancock St. Prospect Park Flatbush and Church Aves. Ridgewood 1432 Myrtle Ave. Terminal 81 Sands St. Union 44 Court St. Branches 41 and 43 Flatbush Ave. 2405 Atlantic Ave. 1572 Fulton St. 79 Hamilton Ave. 804 Broadway. 883 Manhattan Ave. Woodhaven Woodhaven. in. Savings Banks Brevoort 1 lOS Fulton St. Brooklyn Clinton and Pierrepont Sts. Bushwick Grand St. and Graham Ave. City Fourth and P^latbush Aves. College Point 5th St. and Second Ave. Dime Court and Remsen Sts. 6anks and Trust Co.'s^Brooklyn and Queens — • Savings Banks Continued. Dime of Williamsburg 52 Broadway. East Brooklyn G43 Myrtle Ave. Eastern District Broadway and Gates Ave. East New York Atlantic and Penna. Aves. German Broadway and Boerum St. Germania 375 Fulton St. Greater New York . 408 Fifth Ave. Greenpoint 845 Manhattan Ave. .Jamaica .Jamaica. Ivings County Broadway and Bedford Ave. Long Island City 24 Jackson Ave. Queens County J'lushing. S. Brooklyn Atlantic Ave. and Clinton St. Williamsburg Broadway and Driggs Ave. IV. Trust Companies Brooklyn 177 Montague St. Branch Fulton St. and Bedford Ave. Citizens' Broadway and Sumner Ave. Flatbush 847 Flatbush Ave. Franklin 1G4 Montague St. Branch 350 Fulton St. Hamilton 191 Montague St. Home 184 Montague St. Jenkins Gates and Nostrand Aves. Branches Surf Ave. and W. 12th St., Coney Island. Bay 20th and Bath Ave., Bath Beach. Kings County 344-346 Fulton St. Long Island L. and T. Co 40 Court St. Nassau Broadway and Bedford Ave. Branch 140 Broadway, Manhattan. People's 172 Montague St. Branches Bedford Ave. and Halsey St. 418 Myrtle Ave. 47 Washington Ave. Williamsburg Broadway and 'Kent Ave. Branches 391 Fulton St. Broadway and Myrtle Ave. FOREIGN CONSULATES IN NEW YORK Argentine Republic Produce Exchange, Room 124. Austria-Hungary 33 Broadway, Room 40. Belgium 85 Worth St. Bolivia 4 Stone St., Room 45. Brazil 17 State St., Room 514. Chili 135 W. 11th St. China 18 Broadway, Room 509. Colombia 78 Broad St.. Room 509. Costa Rica 66 Beaver St., Room 615. Cuba 96 Wall St. Denmark 130 Pearl St., Room 703. Dominican Republic 31 Broadway. Room 29. Ecuador 11 Broadway. Room 1402. Egypt 24 State St.. Room 108. France 35 S. William St.. Room 21. German Empire 11 Broadway, Room 968. Great Britain 17 State St., Room 107. (Shipping Seaman) ... 2 State St. Greece 35 S. William St. Guatemala 4 Stone St., Room 45. Ilayti 33 Broadway. Room 32. Honduras 4 Stone St.. Room 41. 42 Broadway, Room 1627. Hungary (see Austria-Hungary). Italy 35 Broadway. Japan 99 Nassau St., Room 610. Korea 25 Broad St.. Room 1916. Liberia 32 Nassau St. 18 Broadway. Mexico 32 Broadway, Room 50. Monaco 35 S. William St., Room 21. Netherlands 116 Broad St.. Room 32. Nicaragua 18 Broadway, Room 306. Norway (Acting) 17 State St., Room 105. Panama 18 Broadway. Room 724. Paraguay 309 Broadway, Room 604. Persia 252 5th Ave. Peru 19 Whitehall St.. Room 46. Portugal 17 State St.. Room 113. Russia 68 Broad St., Room 53. Salvador 42 Broadway, Room 1630. Siam 14 E. 60th St. Spain 18 Broadway. Room 513. Sweden 17 State St., Room 105. Switzerland 18 Exchange PI. 3 Maiden Lane. Turkey 24 State St.. Room 108. Pruguay 25 Broad St.. Room 1901. Venezuela 88 Wall St., Room 604, 112 PASSENGER STEAMSHIP AND STEAM- BOAT LINES Offices, Piers and Destination Albany Day Line : See Hudson River Day Line. Night Line : See People's Line. Allan State Line, Londonderry and Glasgow. Office, 50 Broadway ; Pier 50, ft. Bethune, N. R. American and Asiatic S. S. Co., Japan, China and Manila. Office, Shewan Tomes & Co., General Agents, 10 P."way. American-African Line, South Africa. Office, Produce Exchange ; Pier East Central, Atlantic Docks, Brooklyn. American-Australian S. S. Co., Australia, and New Zealand. Office, Produce Exchange ; Pier East Central, Atlantic Docks, Brooklyn. American-Hawaiian S. S. Co., Pacific Ports of U. S. and Hawaiian Islands. Office, 8 Bridge St. ; Pier foot 41st St., Brooklyn. American-Indian S. S. Line, East Indies and Red Sea. Office, Produce Ex. : Pier E. Cent. Atlantic Docks, B'klyn. American Line, Plymouth, Cherbourg, Southampton. Office, 9 Broadway : Piers 14 and 15, foot Fulton, Vesey and Barclay Sts.. N. R. Anchor Line, Glasgow. Office, 17-19 Broadway ; Piers foot W. 24th St. N. R. Atlantic Transport Line, London. Office, 1 Broadway : Pier 39, N. R., foot Houston St. Atlas Line, Jamaica, Hayti, Colombia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua. Office, 37 Broadway : Pier foot W. 25th St., N. R. Bahamas S. S. Co., Bahama Islands. Office, 63 Wall St. Barber Lines, China, Japan, etc. ; Red Sea : Havre and Dunkirk. Office, Produce Ex. : Pier W. Cent. Atlantic Docks, B'klyn. Ben Franklin Trans. Co., Yonkers. Office and Pier, foot Franklin St. Booth S. S. Co., Ltd., Brazil, Peru. Office, 88 Gold St. : Pier 4, Martin's Stores, Brooklyn. Bordeaux S. N. Co., Bordeaux. • Office. Maritime Bldg. ; Pier Atlantic Dock. Brooklyn. Bridgeport Line. Bridgeport, Conn. Office and Pier, New Pier 31, E. R., foot Pike St. Bristol City Line, Bristol, England. Office, 25 Whitehall St. : Pier, foot W. 29th St., N. R. Campania Transatlantica, Cuba, Mexico, Spain, Mediter- ranean Ports. Offi'ce and Pier, Pier 10, E. R., foot Coenties Slip. Catskill Evening Line. Office and Pier, foot Christopher St., N. R. Central Hudson S. B. Co. Office, Newburgh ; Pier, foot Franklin St., N. R. Central R. R. of New Jersey Boats. Atlantic Highlands. Office, 143 Liberty St. : Pier, foot Cedar St. Citizens' S. B. Co. (Night), Troy, and on Sundays, Albany. Office and Pier, foot W. 10th St.. N. R. Clyde Line (see N. Y., Charleston and Florida Line). Office, 19 State St. : Pier 36, N. R., foot Spring St. 113 Passenger Steamship and Steamboat Lines — Continued. Clyde's West India Line. Office, 8 Pearl St. : Pier 34, E. R., foot Catharine St. Compagnie Generale Transatlantique (see French Line). Cunard Line, Queenstown, Liverpool, Mediterranean and Adriatic. Office, 29 Broadway ; Pier 51, N. R., foot Jane St. Demerara S. S. Line, Demerara and Windward Islands. Office, 106 Wall St. Enterprise Trans. Co. (New Line), Fall River. Office and Pier, foot Marlcet St., E. R. Fabre Line. Marseilles and Naples. Office, 24 State St. ; Pier, foot Warren St., Brooklyn. Fall River Line, Newport, Fall River and Boston. Office and Pier, Pier 19, N. R., foot Warren St. French Line (Compagnie Generale Transatlantique), Havre. Office, 32 Broadway : Pier 42, N. R., foot Morton St. Hamburg-.American Line, Cherbourg, Plymouth, Hamburg. Office, 37 Broadway : Pier, Hoboken, foot 1st St. Hansa Line, to African Ports. Office. 8 Bridge St., Pier S. Cent. Atlantic Docks, B'klyn. Hartford Line, Hartford and Connecticut River Landings. Office and I'ier, New Pier 19, E. R., foot Peck Slip. Holland American Line, Rotterdam. Office, 39 Broadway : Pier, foot 5th St., Hoboken. Houston Line, Montevideo. Buenos Ayres, Rosario. Office, Produce Exchange, Pier, Atlantic Dock, Brooklyn. Hudson River Day Line (Albany Day Line), Albany, Rhine- cliff, Kingston, Poughkeepsie, West Point. Office and Pier, foot Desbrosses St., N. R. Insular Nav. Co., Portugese and West African Ports. Office, 6 Hanover St. ; Pier, Atlantic Dock, Brooklyn. Iron S. B. Co. of N. J., Coney Island. Office, 17 Battery Place ; Pier 1, N. R., foot Battery PI. Italian Royal Mail S. S. Co., Naples, Genoa, Alexandria. Office, 11 Broadway ; Pier, foot W. 34th St., N. R. J. E. Kerr & Co. Line, Jamaica. Office, 41 Beaver St. ; Pier B, Erie Basin, Brooklyn. Joy S. S. Co.. Boston and Providence. Office and Pier, Pier 35, E. R., foot Catharine St. Lamport and Holt Line, Bra-zil ; River Plate ; Manchester. Office, 19 Whitehall St. ; Pier, Watson's Stores, B'klyn. Levant Line (Hamburg-Am.), Levant and Black Sea Ports. Office, 37 Broadway : Pier, 1st St., Hoboken. Maine S. S. Co., Portland. Office and Pier, Pier 32, E. R., foot Pike St. Mallory Line, Brunswick, Mobile and Galveston. Office, 129 Front St. ; Piers 16, 19, 20, E. R.. ft. Burling Slip. Mary Powell S. B. Co., Kingston and Intermediate Landings. Offi'ce, Rondout ; Pier, foot Desbrosses and W. 22d Sts. Mediterranean and New York S. S. Co., Italian and Adriatic Ports. Office, 17 Battery Place ; Pier 5, foot 43d St., Brooklyn. Merchants S. B. Co., Red Bank, N. J., and Intermediate Landings. Office, Red Bank, N. J. ; Pier, foot Franklin St., N. R. Metropolitan S. S. Co, (Outside Line), Boston. Office and Pier, Pier 11, N. R., foot Carlisle St. 114 Passenger Steamship and Steamboat Lines — Continued. Montauk S. B. Co., Orient, Shelter Island, Greenport, Sag Harbor, Block Island. Office and Pier, I'ier 13, E. R., foot Old Slip. Morgan Line (see Southern Pacific Co.). Morton Line, Croton, Verplauck, Peekskill. Office and Pier, foot Canal St., N. R. Munson S. S. Line, Cuba, Mexico. Office, 82 Beaver St. ; Pier 14, E. R., foot Jones Lane. New Line (see Enterprise Trans. Co.), Fall River. Newburgh Line (.see Central-Hudson S. B. Co.). New Haven Line, New Haven. Office and Pier, Pier 20, E. B., foot Peck Slip. New York and Cuba Mail S. S. Co., Cuba, Mexico. Office, 90-96 Wall St. ; Piers 16 and 18, E. R., foot Maiden Lane. New York and Long Branch S. B. Co. (see Patten Line). New York and Monmouth Park S. B. Co., Long Branch. Pier, foot Bloomfleld St., N. R., and Battery. New I'ork and New England S. S. Co., Portland, Bangor. St. John, Halifax. Office, 11 Broadway. New York and New Jersey S. B. Co., Points on S. I. Sound and Kill von Kull. Office and Pier, New Pier 19, E. R., foot Peck Slip. New York and Pacific S. S. Co., West Coast South American Ports. Office, 1-3 Hanover Square. New York and Porto Rico S. S. Co., Porto Rican Ports. Office, 1 Broadway ; Pier 22, Brooklyn, foot Atlantic Ave. New York, Charleston and Florida Line (Clyde Line), Charleston, Jacksonville. Office, 19 State St. ; Pier 36, N. R., foot Spring St. North and East River S. B. Co., Stamford, Conn. Pier 19. E. R.. foot Peck Slip. North German Lloyd. Plymouth, Cherboiirg. Bremen. jGibral- tar, Naples. Genoa. Office, 5 B'way ; Piers, foot 2d, 3d and 4th Sts., Hoboken. Northport S. B. Co., Northport, L. I. Office and Pier, Pier 3. E. R., foot Moore St. North River S. B. Co., Peekskill and Intermediate Landings. Office and Pier, foot Desbrosses and W. 22d Sts.. N. R. Norwalk S. B. Co., South Norwalk and Norwalk, Conn. Office and Pier, Pier 23, N. R., foot Beekman St. Norwich Line, New London, Conn. Office and Pier. Pier 40. N. R., foot Clarkson St. Ocean S. S. Co. (Savannah Line). Office. 317 Broadway ; Pier 35, foot Spring St.. N. R. Old Dominion S. S. Co., Old Point Comfort, Norfolk and Richmond. Office and Pier, Pier 26, N. R., foot Beach St. Ossining Line, Ossining, N. Y. Office and Pier, foot Franklin St. Panama R. R. S. S. Line, Colon. Office. 24 State St. : Pier 57. N. R.. foot W. 27th St. Patten Line. Long Branch. N. J., and Intermediate Landings. Pier, foot Bloomfleld St., N. R.. and Battery. People's Line (Night), Albany. Office and Pier, Pier 32, N. R., foot Canal St. 115 Passenger Steamship and Steamboat Lines — Continued. Portugese Line, Portugal, Azores. Office, 9 Stone St. ; Pier, Atlantic Dock, Brooklyn. Prince Line, Azores and Italian Ports : South America ; South Africa ; China ; Japan and Philippines. Office, Produce Exchange and 31 Broadway ; Pier, foot 45th St., Brooklyn. Providence Line, Providence, R. I. Office and Pier. Pier 18, N. R., foot Murray St. Quebec S. S. Co., Ltd., Bermuda and West Indies. Office, 39 Broadway ; Pier 47. N. R., foot Charles St. Red Cross Line, Halifax, St. John's, N. F. Office. 17 State St. : Pier, foot Richards St., Brooklyn. Red "D" Line, Caribbean Ports. Office, 82 Wall St. : Pier 13, Brooklyn. Red Star Line, Dover and Antwerp. Office, 9 Broadway : Pier 14-15. N. R.. foot Vesey St. Royal Dutch W. I. Mail Service, West India and South American Ports. Offices, 10 Bridge St. and 39 Broadway : Pier, Robinson Stores, Brooklyn. Sandy Hook Route (see Central R. R. of N. J.). Savannah Line (see Ocean S. S. Co.k Saugerties and New York S. B. Co., Saugerties and Inter- mediate Landings. Office, Saugerties ; Pier, foot Christopher St.. N. R. Scandia Line (Hamburg- American), Christiania, Copen- hagen, Stettin. Office, 37 Broadway ; Pier, foot 1st St., Hoboken. Scandinavian - American Line, Copenhagen, Christiania, Christiansand. Office, 1 Broadway : Pier, foot 17th St., Hoboken. Sloman-Brazil Line, Brazilian Ports. Office, 8 Bridge St. ; Pier, S. Central, Atlantic Dock, Brooklyn. Sloman-Union Line, Hamburg. Office, 8 Bridge St. ; Pier, S. Central, Atlantic Dock, Brooklyn. Southern Pacific Co., New Orleans, Galveston. Office, 349 Broadway ; Pier 25, N. R., foot N. Moore St. Starin Lines, Glen Island, New Haven. Office and Pier, foot Cortlandt St., N. R. Trinidad Line, Grenada, Trinidad. Office, 29 Broadway : Pier, Union Stores, Brooklyn. Troy Line (see Citizens' Line). Tyser Line, Ltd., Australia and New Zealand. Office, 8 Bridge St. ; Pier, S. Central Atlantic Docks, Brooklyn. U. S. and Australasia S. S. Co., Australia and New Zealand. Office, 11 Broadway ; Pier, foot Richards St., Brooklyn. Vogemann Line, Hamburg, Rotterdam. Office, 21 State St. : Pier, foot Richards St., Brooklyn. Ward Line (see N. Y. and Cuba Mail S. S. Co.). White Star Line, Liverpool. Office, 9 Broadway : Piers 48-49, N. R., foot Bank St. Wilson Line, Hull, Newcastle. Office, 22 State St. ; Piers 50, N. R., foot Bethune St., and foot 7th St., Hoboken. PRINCIPAL RIVER AND COAST POINTS Reached Directly by Steamboat from New York Albany. Hudson River Day Line. People's Line f night). Citizens' Line (Sunday only). Asbury Park (boat & rail), I'atten Line. Athens, X. Y., Catskill Line. Atlantic Highlands. Central R. R. o boats. J.. Sauger- Bridgeport, Conn., port Line. Bridge- St., N. R., 8.40 R., 9 A. M. N. R., 9.20 P. M. Barrytown, N. ties Line. Bloek Island, R. I., Mon tauk S. B. Co. Boston, Joy Line (direct) (Sat. only for pas- sengers). Fall River Line (rail and ft boat). Norwich Line, via New London (rail & boat). Providence Line (rail & boat). New Line (rail & boat). ft. Desbr A. M. ft. W. 42d St., N ft. W. 129th St. A. M. ft. Canal. N. R.. ft. W. 129th St., 6.30 P. M. ft. W. 10th St., 6 P. M. (see Highlands of Navesink). ft. Christopher St., N. R., 6 I'. M. ft. W. 42d St.. 9, 9.30, 10.30 A. M. : 12.30. 1.30, 3, 4.15, 5.40, 7.45 P. M. : Sunday, 9.25 A. M., 12.35, 3.35, 7.45 P. M. ft. Cedar St.. 9.20, 10, 11 A. M., 1, 2. 3.45. 4.45. 6, 8.10 P. M. : Sunday, 10 A. M., 1, 4, 8.10 P. M. ft. Christopher St.. N. R., 6 P. M. ; Saturday 1 P. M. ft. Old Slip, E. R., 5.30 P. M. ft. Catharine St., E. R. Warren St.. N. R., 5.30 1'. M. ft. Clarkson St., N. R., 6 P. M. P. M. ; Catskill, N. Y., Catskill Line, ft. Cold Spring, N. Y.. Central Hudson S. B. Co. Coney Island, Iron S. B. Co. ft. Murray St.. N. R. Sunday 5 P. M. ft. Market St., N. R., 4.30 P. M., except Sunday, ft. Peck Slip, E. R.. 11 A. M., 3 P. M. : Saturday 2 P. M. ft. E. 31st St.. E. R., after- noon trips, 30 min. later. Christopher St., N. R., 6 P. M. ; extra boat Saturday 1.30 P. M. ft. W. 129th St.. 7 P. M. : extra boat Saturday 2 P. M. ft. Franklin St.. N. R.. 4 P.M., Sat. 1 P. M., Sun. 9 A. AI. ft. W. 129th St.. Sat. 1.30 P. M., Sun. 9.30 A. M. ft. -W. 22d St., N. R., Pier 1, N. R. ft. Battery PI., hourly. Central Hud. S. B. Co. Coxsackie, N. Line. Catski Principal Rivek axd Coast Points — Continued. Cornwall, N.Y., Mary rowell. ft. Desbrosses St., N. R., 3.10 r. M.. Sat. 1.45 P. M. ft. W. 42(1 St., 3.25 P. M., Sat. 2 I». M. ft. W. 129th St.. 3.45 P. M.. Sat. 2..'^0 P. M. ft. Franklin St., N. R., 4 P. M., Sat. 1 P. M., Sun. 9 A. M. ft. W. 129th St.. Sat. 1.30 P. M.. Sun. 9.30 P. M. ft. Christopher St.. N. R., 6 P. M. ; extra boat Sat. 1.30 P. M. ft. W. 129th St., 7 P. M. : ex- tra boat Sat. 2 P. M. ft. Franklin St.. N. R., 4 P. M. : Sat. 1 P. M. ft. W. 129th St., Sat. 1.30 P. M. ft. Franklin St., N. R., 9 A. M., 3 P. M. ; Sun., 9 A. M. Fall River, Mass., Fall River ft. Warren St., N. R.. summer. Line. 5.30 P. M. ; winter, 5 P. M. daily. Ne-v Line. ft. Market St., E. R., 4.30 P. M., ex. Sunday. Fishkill, N. Y. (by Ferry from Newburgh). Garrison^, N. Y. (by Ferry from West Point). Esopus, N. Y., Central Hud- son S. B. Co. Fairhaven, N. J. or Sea Bird. Albertina Germantown, N. kill Line. Y., Cats- Glen Cove, L. tasket. I., Str. Nan- Glenwood, L. I., Str. Nan- tasket. Great Neck, L. I., Str. Nan- tasket. Greenport, L. I., Montauk S. B. Co. Hartford, Conn., Hartford Line. Haverstraw, N. Y., Str. Chrystenah. Highland, N. Y., Mary Powell. Central Hud. S. B. Co. ft. Christopher St., N. R., 6 P. M. ft. W. 129th St.. 7 P. M. ft. Old Slip, E. R., 4 P. M., Sat. 1.30 P. M. ft. E. 31st St.. 30 min. later, ft. Old Slip. E. R., 4 P. M., Sat. 1.30 P. M. ft. E. 31st St.. .30 min. later, ft. Old Slip, E. R., 4 P. M., Sat. 1.30 P. M. ft. E. 31st St., 30 min. later, ft. Old Slip. E. R., 6 P. M., Sat. 1 P. M. ft. Peck Slip, E. R., 5 P. M. ft. Desbrosses St.. N. R., 3.30 P. M., Sat. 2.30 P. M. ft. W. 42d St., 3.45 P. M., Sat. 2.45 P. M. ft. Desbrosses St.. N. R., 3.10 P. M., Sat. 1.45 P. M. ft. W. 42d St., 3.25 P. M.. Sat. 2 P. M. ft. W. 129th St.. 3.45 P. M.. Sat. 2.20 P. M. ft. Franklin St.. N. R., 4 P.M.. Sat. 1 P. M. ft. 129th St.. Sat. 1.30 P. M. Principal River and Coast Points — Continued. Y.. Mary ft Highland Fall Powell. Central Hud. S. B. Co. Highlands of the Xavesink, N. J.. Albertina or Sea Bird. Patten Line. Hudson, N. T., Hudson Riv. Day Line. Catskill Line. Huntington, L. I., Str. Hun- tington. Hyde Park, N. Y.. Rar.ger- ties Line. Kingston, N. Y^.. Hudson River Day Line. Mary Powell. Desbrosses St.. N. R., 3.10 r. M., Sat. 1.45 P. M. ft. W. 42d St., 3.25 P. M., Sat. 2 P. M. ft. W. 129th St.. 3.45 P. M., Sat. 2.20 P. M. ft. Franklin St., N. R., 4 P. M., Sat. 1 P. M., Sun. 9 A. M. ft. W. 129th St.. Sat. 1.30 P. M., Sun. 9.30 A. M. ft. Franklin St., N.R., 9 A.M., ."? P. M., Sun. 9 A. M. ft. Bloomfield. N. R., 8, 8.55, 11 A. M.. 2.40 P. M.. Sat. 8. 8.55, 12.45 A. M.. 2.40 P. M.. Sun. 8.55, 9.45, 10.40 A. M. ; Battery, 30 minutes later. ft. Desbrosses St., N. R.. 8.40 A. M. ft. W. 42d St., 9 A. M. ft. W. 129th St., 9.20 A. M. ft. Christopher St., 6 P. M., extra boat Sat. 1.30 P. M. ft. W. 129th St., 7 P. M., ex- tra boat Sat. 2 P. M. ft. Market St., E. R., Tues., Thins.. Sat.. 2 P. M.. sum- mer ; 1 P. M. winter. R., 6 ft. Christopher St., N. P. M., Sat. 1 P. M. ft. Desbrosses St., 8.40 A. M. ft. W. 42d St.. 9 A. M. ft. W. 129th St., 9.20 A. M. ft. Desbrosses St., 3.10 P. M., Sat. 1.45 P. M. ft. W. 42d St., 3.25 P. M., Sat. 2 P. M. ft. W. 129th St., 3.45 P. M.. Sat. 2.20 P. M. Central Hud. S. B. Co. ft. Franklin St.. N. R., 4 P. M., S.it. 1 P. M. ft. W. 129th St., Sat.. 1.30 P. M. Linlithgo, N. Y., Catskill ft. Christopher St., N. R., 6 Line. P. M. ft. W. 129th St., 7 P. M. Locust Grove, L. L. Str. ft. Moore St., E. R.. Tues., Xurthport. Thurs., Sat., 12 noon. Locust Point. X. .T.. Alber- ft. Franklin St., N. R., 9 A.M., tina or Sea ISird. ?. V. M., Sun. 9 A. M. Principal River axd Coast Poixts — Continued. Long Branch. X. J., Central li. R. of N. J. boats (boat and rail). ft. W. 42d St., 9, 9.35, 10.30 A. M.. 12.30, 1.30, 3, 4.15, 5.40, 7.45 P. M., Sunday, 9.25 A. M., 12.35, 3.35, 7.45 P. M. ft. Cedar St., N. R., 9.20, 10, 11 A. M., 1. 2, 3.4.5. 4.45, 6, 8.10 P. M., Sunday 10 A. M., 1, 4, 8.10 P. M. Patten Line (direct to ft. Bloomfield, N. R., 8. 8.55, W. Long Brancli). 11 A. M., 2.40 P. M., Sat. 8, 8.55 A. M., 12.45, 2.40 P. M., Sun. 8.55, 9.45, 10.40 A. M. Battery, 30 minutes later. Maiden, N. Y., Cat.skill Line. ft. Christopher St., N. R., 6 P. M. ; extra boat Sat. 1.30 P. M. ft. W. 129th St., 7 P. M. ; ex- tra boat Sat. 1.50 P. M. Marlborough, N. Y., Central ft. Franklin St., N. R., 4 Hudcon S. B. Co. P. M.. Sat. 1 P. M. ft. W. 129th St., Sat. 1.30 P. M. Middletown, Conn., Hartford ft. Peek Slip, E. R., 5 P. M. Line. Midland lieach, S. L, Str. from Battery. Wi.liam Storie. Milton, N. Y., Mary Powell. ft. Desbrosses St., N. R., 3.10 P. M., Sat. 1.45 P. M. ft. W. 42d St., 3.25 P. M., Sat. 2 P. M. ft. W. 129th St., 3.50 P. M., Sat. 2.20 P. M. ft. Franklin St., 4 P. M., Sat. 1 P. M. ft. W. 129th St.. Sat. 1.30 P. M. ft. Clarkson St., N. R., 6 P. M. (no passengers in winter). Newburgh, N. Y.. Hudson ft. Desbrosses St., N. R., 8.40 Central Hud. S. B. Co. New Bedford, Mass., New Bedford Line. River Day Line. Mary Powell Central Hud. S. B. Co. Homer Ramsdell A M. ft. W. 42d St.. 9 A. M. ft. \V. 129th St., 9.20 A. M. ft. Desbrosses St., N. R., 3.10 P. M., Sat. 1.45 P. M. ft. W. 42d St., 3.25 P. M., Sat. 2 P. M. ft. W. 129th St.. 3.50 P. M., Sat. 2.20 P. M. ft. Franklin St., N. R., 4 P. M., Sat. 1 P. M. ft. W. 129th St., Sat. 1.30 P. M. ft. Franklin St., N. R., 9 A. M. Sunday, ft. W. ]29th St., 9.30 A. M. Sunday. Principal River and Coast Points — Continued. New Hamburg, Mary Powell ft. Desbrosses St.. N. R., 3.10 P. M., Sat. 1.43 P. M. ft. W. 42d St., .3.25 P. M., Sat. 2 P. M. ft. W. 129th St., 3.50 P. M., Sat. 2.20 P. M. Central Hud. S. B. Co. ft. Franklin St., N. R., 4 P.M., Sat. 1 P. M. ft. W. 12'.)th St., Sat. 1.30 P. M. New Haven, Conn., New ft. Peck Slip, E. R., 2.45 P.M.. Haven Line. 12 night : Sun. 9.30 A. M. ft. E. 31st St., 3 P. M. : Sun. 10 A. M. Starin Line. ft. Dey St., N. R., 9 P. M., ex. Sat. New Loudon, Conn.. Nor- ft. Clarkson St., N. R., 6 P. M. wich Line. Chelsea or Yuma. ft. Roosevelt St., E. R., for passengers, Men., Wed., Pri., 4.30 P. M. Newport, R. L, Fall River ft Warren St., N. R., 5.30 Line. P. M. Northport. L. I., Str. North- ft. Moore St., E. R., Tues., port. Thurs.. Sat., 12 noon. Norwalk, Conn., Norwalk ft. Dover St.. E. R.. 5 P. M. Line. Norwich, Conn., Chelsea or ft. Roosevelt St., E. R., Mon., Yuma. Wed. and Fri., for passen- gers, 4.30 P. M. (in sum- mer, daily*. Nyack, N. Y., Chrystenah. ft. Desbrosses St., 3.30 P. M., Sat. 2.30 P. M. ft. W. 42d St., about 15 min. later. Oceanic, N. J.. Albertina or ft. Franklin St.. N. R.. 9 A.M., Seabird. 3 P. M., Sun., 9 A. M. Orient. L. I., Montauk S. B. ft. Old Slip, E. R., 6 P. M., Co. Sat. 1 P. M. Peekskill. X. Y.. Chrystenah. ft. Desbrosses St., N. R., 3.30 P. M., Sat. 2.30 P. M. Pleasure Bay, N. J., Patten ft. Bloomfield St., N. R., 8, Line. 8.55. 11 A. M., Sat. 12.45, 2.40 P. M.. Sun. 8.55, 9.45, 10.40 A. M. Battery, 30 minutes later. Portchester, N. Y., Str. ft. Market St., E. R., Mon., Glenville. Wed. and Fri., 2 P. M. Poughkeepsie, N. \'.. Hud. ft. Desbrosses St.. N. R., 8.40 Riv. Day Line. A. M. ft. W. 42d St.. 9 A. M. ft. W. 129th St., 9.20 A. M. Mary Powell. ft. Desbrosses St., N. R., 3.10 P. M., Sat. 1.45 P. M. ft. W. 42d St., 3.25 P. M.. Sat. 2 P. M. ft. W. 120th St.. 3.50 P. M., Sat. 2.20 P. M. 121 Principal River axd Coast Points — Continued. 3ie, Continued. Central Hud. S. B. Co. ft. Finuklin St.. N. R.. 4 P. M., Sat. 1 P. M. ft. W. 129th St.. Sat. 1.30 P. M. Providence, R. I., Joy Line. ft. .Catliarine St.. E. R., 5 P. M. Providence Line. ft. Murray St., N. R.. 6 P. M. New Line. ft. Marltet St.. E. R., 4. .30 P. M., ex. Sunday. Red Bank, N. J., Albertina ft. Franlslin St.. \. R.. or Sea Bird. A. M.. 3 P. M., Sun., 9 A. M. Rtiinecliff. N. Y.. Saugerties ft. Cliristoptier St.. X. R., 6 Line. P. M., Sat. 1 P. M. Rockland Lake, N. Y.. Str. ft. Desbrosses St., N. R., 3.30 Clirystenali. P. M., Sat. 2.30 P. M. ft. W. 42d St.. 3.45 P. M., Sat. 2.4.5 P. M. Rondout. N. Y. (see Kingston). Sag Harbor, L. I., Montauk ft. Old Slip.. E. R.. 6 P. M., S. B. Co. Sat. 1 P. M. Saugerties, N. Y., Saugerties ft. Christopher St.. N. R., 6 Line. P. M.. Sat. 1 P. M. Sayb"iok. Conn., Hartford ft. Peck Slip, E. R.. 5 P. M. Line. Seabright, N. J., Patten Line. ft. Bloomfleld. N. R.. 8, 8.55. 11 A. M., 2.40 P. M., Sat. 8. 8.55 A. M., 12.45, 2.40 P. M., Sun. 8.55, 9.45. 10.40 A. M. Battery. 30 minutes later. Sea Cliff, L. I., Str. Nan- ft. Old Slip, E. R. 4.10 P. M., tasket. Sat. 1.30 P. M., Sun. 9.30 A. M. ft. E. 31st St. about 20 min. later. Shelter Island. Montauk ft. Old Slip, E. R., 6 P. M., S. B. Co. Sat. 1 P. M. South Norwalk, Conn.. Nor- ft. Dover St., E. R., 5 P. M. walk Line. Stamford, Conn., Str. Shady- ft Peck Slip, E. R., May — side. I tec. 2.55 P. M., Sat. 2..30 P. M., Jan.— April. 2.30 P. M. ft. E. 31st St.. E. R., about 30 minutes later, May — Dec. only. Stockport, N. Y.. Catskill ft. Christopher St., N. R., 6 Line. P. M. ft. W. 129th St.. 7 P. M. Tarrytown. N. Y., Str. ft. Desbrosses St.. N. R.. 3.30 Chrystenah. P. M., Sat. 2.30 P. M. ft. W. 42d St.. about 3.45 P. M.. Sat. 2.45 P. M. Tivoli. N. Y.. Saugerities ft. Christopher St.. N. R., 6 Line. P. M.. Sat. 1 P. M. Troy, N. Y., Troy Line. ft. W. 10th St., 6 P. M., ex- cept Sat. 122 Principal River and Coast Points — Continued. Ulster Landing, N. Y., Sau- gerties Line. Valley Grove, L. L, Str. Northport. West Point. N. Y.. Hudson River Day Line. Mary Powell. Central Hud. S. B. Co. ronkers. N. Y., Hudson Riv. Day Line. ft. Christopher St.. X. R., 6 P. M., Sat. 1 P. M. ft. Moore St., E. R., Tues., Thurs., Sat., 12 noon. ft. Desbrosses St.. N. R., 8.40 A. M. ft. W. 42d St.. N. R., 9 A. M. ft. W. 129th St., N. R., 9.20 A. M. ft. Desbrosses St.. 3.10 P. M., Sat. 1.4.5 P. M. ft. W. 42d St., 3.25 P. M., Sat. 2 P. M. ft. W. 129th St., 3.50 P. M., Sat. 2.20 P. M. ft. Franklin St., N. R., 4 P.M., Sat. 1 P. M.. Sun. 9 A. M. W. 129th St., Sat. 1.30 P. M., Sun.. 9.30 A. M. ft. Desbrosses St., N. R., 8.40 A. M. ft. W. 42d St., 9 A. M. ft. W. 129th St., 9.20 A. M. ft. Desbrosses St., N. R., 3.30 P. M., Sat. 2.30 P. M. ft. W. 42d St.. 3.45 P. M., Sat. 2.45 P. M. MONUMENTS AND STATUES 1. MANHATTAN AND BRONX. II. BROOKLYN. I. Manhattan and Bronx Africa, allegorical marble group, by Daniel Chester French. Facade of New Custom House, Bowling Green. America, allegorical marble group, b.v Daniel Chester French. Fagade of New Custom House, Bowling Green. ARTHt'R, Chester A., President United States, bronze statue, b.v G. E. Bissell. North side Madison Square. Asia, allegorical marble group, by Daniel Chester French. Facade of New Custom House, Bowling Green. Bartholdi Statue, (See Liberty, etc., below). Beethoven, Lddwig von, German Composer, bronze bust on monumental pedestal. Mall, Central Park. Bolivar, Simon, Gen'l, South American Liberator, bronze equestrian statue by R. De la Cora. Gift from the people and Government of Venezuela. Central Park, near West 81st St. entrance. Brownsox, Orestes A., bronze bust. Sherman Sq. Park. Burns, Robert, Scottish Poet, bronze statue, by John Steele; presented to city by resident Scotchmen. Mall, Central I'ark. Cervantes, Miguel de. Author "Don Quixote," bronze bust. Central Park. Colden, Cadwalader D., Mayor. 1818-1821, granite statue, by Philip Martiny. Fagade Hall of Records. Clinton, De Witt, Mayor, 1808-1810, granite statue, by Philip Martiny. Fagade Hall of Records. Clinton, De Witt, bronze statue, by J. Massey Rhind. Fagade of Exchange Court Building, 52 Broadway. Clinton, De Witt, marble statue in group commemorative of Erie Canal, by Daniel Chester French. Fagade of Chamber of Commerce. CoLU.MBUS, Christopher, Discoverer of America, marble statue, by Emma Stebbins. Presented by Marshall O. Roberts. McGown's Pass, Central Park. CoLU.MBUS, Christopher, bronze replica of statue by Sunol, in the Prado, Madrid. Erected by N. Y. Genealogical and Biographical Society. Mall, Central Park. COLU.MBUS Monument, in commemoration of 400th Anni- versary of discovery of America. Columbus Circle, S. W. Entrance Central Park. Commerce, bronze emblematic figure, presented by Stephen B. Guion. Central I'ark, near S. W. entrance. CoNKLiNG, RoscoE, Senator, bronze statue, by J. Q. A. Ward. South side Madison Square. Cooper, Peter, Philanthropist, bronze statue, by Augustus St. Gaudens. Cooper Sq., 4th Ave. and Bowery. Cox, S. S., Congressman, bronze statute, by Louise Lawson. Memorial erected by letter carriers. Astor PI. and Fourth Ave. Dex.mauk, emblematic marble figure, by .Johannes Gelert. Fagade of New Custom House, Bowling Green. De Peyster, Abrahaji, Colonial Mayor and Soldier, bronze statue ; presented by Gen. John Watts De Peyster. Bowl- ing Green. De Vries, Pietersen. Patroon of Staten Island, 1640-1644, granite statue, by Philip Martiny. Fagade Hall of Records. 124 Monuments axd Statues — Manhattan and Bronx Continued. Dodge, William E.. Philanthropist, bronze statue ; presented by merchants. Broadway, Sixth Ave. and 3Gth St. DuANE, James, Mayor, 17S4-1781t, granite statue, by Philip Martiny Facade Hall of Records. Eagles axd Goat, ideal bronze group, by Fratin ; presented by Gordon W. Burnham. Central Park, east of Mall. E.XGLAND, emblematic marble figure, by Charles Grafly. Facade of New Custom House, Bowling Green. Ericssox, Johx, Engineer, bronze statue. Battery Park. EiROPE, allegorical marble group, by Daniel Chester French. Facade on New Custom House, Bowling Green. Falconer, The, ideal bronze figure, by George Simonds ; pre- sented by George Kemp. Central Park, West Drive and 72d St. Fakragut, David Glasgow, Admiral, U. S. N., bronze statue, by Augustus St. Gaudens. Madison Sq., Fifth Ave. and 26th St. Fort Washington Memorial, Ft. Washington Ave. and 183d St. France, emblematic marble figure, by Charles Grafly. Facade of New Custom House, Bowling Green. Fr.vnklix, Bexjamix, Statesman, bronze statue, by Plass- man : presented by Capt. De Groot. Printing House Sq., Nassau St. and Park Row. Garibaldi, Guiseppe. Italian Patriot, bronze statue, by Gio- vanni Turini ; presented to city by Italian residents. Washington Sq. Gexoa, emblematic marble figure, by Augustus Lukeman. Facade of New Custom House, Bowling Green. Gkr.maxy, emblematic marble figure, by Albert .Jaegers. Facade of New Custom House, Bowling Green. Graxt's To.mb, Memorial to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant ; built by popular subscription. Riverside Drive and 124th St. Greece, emblematic marble figure, by F. Edwin Elwell. Facade of New Custom House, Bowling Green. Greeley, Horace, Editor, bronze statue, by .7. Q. A. Ward. At entrance of Tribune Building. I'rinting House Sq. Greeley, Horace, bronze statue, by Alexander Doyle ; erect- ed by Grand Army and Typographical Union. Greeley Sq., Broadway and Sixth Ave. H.\le, Nathan, Patriot, bronze statue, by Frederick Mac- Monnies ; erected by Societj' of Sons of the Revolution. City Hall Park. Halleck, Fitz-Greexe, Poet, bronze statue, by Wilson Mc- Donald. The Mall, Central I'ark. Hall of Records Emblematic Figires. In addition to the eight portrait statues of ^layors and Governors (separ- ately mentioned in this list) which adorn the Chambers St. facade of this notable structure, there are eight ideal granite figures upon the Reade St. facade emblematic of Justice, Electricity. Printing. Force. Tradition, the Iron Age. Painting and Sculpture. They are all by Philip Martiny. IlAMiLTOX, Alexander, Statesman, granite statue, by Ch. Conradts ; presented by John C. Hamilton. Central Park, East Drive, near Met. Museum of Art. II.\milton, Alexander, marble statue in group typical of Finance, by Philip Martiny. Facade of Chamber of Commerce. 125 Monuments and Statues — Manlialtan and Bronx Continued. Hancock, Winfield Scott, General, U. S. A., bronze statue, b.v Wilson McDonald : presented to city by Grand Army of the Republic. Hancock Sq., St. Nicholas Ave. and 123d St. Heathcotb, Caleb, Mayor, 1711-1714, granite statue, by Philip Martiny. Facade Hall of Records Heine Fountain, Commemorative of Heifcrich Heine, German Poet ; erected by German Singing Societies. 161st St. and Mott Ave. Hewitt, Abkam S., Mayor, 1S87-1SSS, granite statue, by Philip Martiny. Fagade Hall of Records. Hewitt, Abeam S., marble statue by Couper. Interior Chamber of Commerce. Holland, emblematic marble figure, portrait statue of Ad- miral Van Tromp, by Augustus St. Gaudens. Fngade of New Custom House, Bowling Green. HOLLEY, Alexander L., Engineer, colossal bronze bust, by J. Q. A. Ward ; erected by Engineering Societies. Wash- ington Sq. Hone, Philip, Mayor, 1826-1827, granite statue, by Philip Martiny. Fagade Hall of Records. Hudson Henry, Discoverer, bronze statue by J. Massey Rhind. Fagade of Exchange Court Bldg., 52 Broadway. Humboldt, Alexander von. Scientist, bronze bust, by Gus- tave Blaeser ; presented to city by German residents. Central Park, near S. E. entrance, Fifth Ave. and 50th St. Hunt, Richard Morris, Memorial, sedile, surmounted by bronze bust, by Daniel Chester French ; the gift of several art societies. Recessed in wall of Central Park, Fifth Ave., above 70th St. Hyde, Henry B., Founder Equitable Life Assurance Ass'n., bronze statue. Vestibule, Equitable Life Building. Indian Hunter, ideal bronze figure, by .T. Q. A. Ward. Cen- tral Park, near lower entrance to Mall. Irving, Washington, Author, colossal bronze bust, by Beer ; presented by Joseph Wiener. Bryant Park, facing 40th St. James Fountain, designed by Donndorf ; presented by D. Willis James. West side Union Sq. Jay, John, Governor of New York, Chief Justice of F. S., marble statue in group typifying Law, by Philip Martiny. Fagade of Chamber of Commerce. La Fayette, Marqui.s de, French Soldier and Statesman, bronze statue, by Auguste Bartholdi ; erected by French residents. Union Sq., opp. Broadway. Liberty Enlightening the World, colossal copper statue, 151 feet high, by Auguste Bartholdi. Stands upon a granite base 155 feet high, the uplifted torch held by the figure thus reaching about 306 feet above the sea. The statue, which cost more than 1,000,000 francs, was paid for by popular subscription, in France : the pedestal by popular subscription in America. It stands upon Bedloe's Island, the site of old Fort Wood, whose walls still sur- round the base. Lincoln, Abraham, President United States, bronze statue, by l-I. K. Browne : erected by popular subscription. S. W. corner Union Sq. 126 Moxx'MEXTS AND STATVKS—Manliattan and Bronx Continued. Martyrs' Mo.xumext, in memory of Revolutionary Soldiers and Sailors who died in the British prison ships. Trinity Church yard. Mazzixi, Guiseppe, Italian Patriot, heroic bronze bust, by Turin! ; presented to city by Italian residents. West Drive, Central Park. Mercury and Ceres, ideal marble group typifying Com- merce and Agriculture, by Karl Bitter. Fagade Chamber of Commerce. Moore, Thomas, Irish Poet, bronze bust, by Dennis B. Shee- han. Near Pond, Fifth Ave. entrance. Central Park. Morse. Samuel F. B., Inventor of Telegraph, bronze statue, by Byron M. IMckett. Near Fifth Ave. and 72d St. en- trance Central Park. Obelisk, Egyptian, a granite monolith, 70 feet high, erected at Heliopolis about 1500 B. C. ; brought to New York in 1880 at the expense of the late W. H. Vanderbilt. Presented to the city by Ismail Pasha, Khedive of Egypt. East Drive, near Met. Museum of Art, Central Park. Phoenicia, emblematic marble figure, by F. Wellington Ruck- stuhl. Facade of New Custom House, Bowling Green. PiLGRi.M, The, heroic ideal bronze figure, by J. Q. A. Ward, commemorative of landing of the Pilgrims, 1620 ; a gift from the New England Society. Near 72d St. entrance. Central Park. Porter, .Tosiah, Major-General, bronze statue ; presented to city by National Guard Association of State of New York. Southern End Parade Ground, Van Cortlandt Park. Portugal, emblematic marble figure, by Augustus St. Gaudens. Fagade of New Custom House, Bowling Green. Rome, emblematic marble figure, by F. Edwin Elwell. Fagade of New Custom House, Bowling Green. ScHiFF Fountain, presented by Jacob H. Schiff. Rutgers Sq. Schiller, Johann Christoph Frieduich, German Poet, bronze bust, by C. L. Richter ; presented by German resi- dents. The Ramble. Central Park. Scott, Sir Walter, Scottish Author, bronze statue (replica), by John Steele ; presented to city by Scottish residents. The Mall, Central Park. Seventh Regiment Memorial, commemorating regiment's dead in the Civil War, bronze ideal figure of soldier, by J. Q. A. Ward. West Drive, near 72d St., Central Park. Seward, William H., Statesman, bronze statue, by Randolph Rogers. Southwest corner Madison Sq. Shakespeare, Willia.m, I'oet. bronze statue, by J. Q. A. Ward. The Mall, Central Park. Shepard Fountain, designed by Olin T. Warner; presented by Miss Mary Shepard. Central Park, near E. 78th St. Sherman, Willia.m Tecumseh, General U. S. A., heroic bronze equestrian statue, by Augustus St. Gaudens. Cen- tral Park Plaza. Fifth Ave. and .50th St. Sims, J. Marion, Physician, bronze statue, by Mueller. Bry- ant Park. Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, "To the memory of the brave soldiers and sailors who saved the Union." River- side Park, near OOth St. Spain, emblematic marble figure, by F. M. L. Toretti. Fagade of New Custom House, Bowling Green. Monuments and Statues —Manhattan and Bronx Continued. Still Hint, (The), bronze animal figure, by Edward Kemeys. East Drive, near Met. Museum of Art, Central Park. Stokes Fountain, designed by W. W. Smith ; presented by Mrs. O. E. P. Stokes. Madison Ave. and 23d St. Stuyvesant, Peter, Colonial Governor, marble efligy in outer wall of St. Mark's Church, Second Ave. and 10th St. Stuyvesant, Petkus, Governor, 1647-1664, granite statue, by Philip Martiny. Fagade Hall of Records. Stuyvesant, Petrus, bronze statue, by J. Massey Rhind. Facade of Exchange Court Building, 52 Broadway. ThorwaldseNj Bertel, Danish Sculptor, bronze portrait statue, cast from mold made by the subject ; presented to city by Danish residents. 59th St., facing Sixth Ave. Tigress and Young, bronze animal group, by Augustus Caine. Near Terrace, Central Park. United States, allegorical marble group, by Karl Bitter. Surmounting center of facade, New Custom House, Bowl- ing Green. Venice, emblematic marble figure, by F. M. L. Toretti. Facade of New Custom House, Bowling Green.- Washington, George, First President United States, heroic bronze equestrian statue, by H. K. Browne. Union Square, S. E. side. Washington, George, heroic bronze statue, by .T. Q. A. Ward. On site of Federal Hall where Washington took oath of oflice as President. Entrance of U. S. Sub-Treasury, Wall and Nassau Sts. Washington, George, copy of Houdon statue; gift of the children of the public schools. Riverside Park, between 88th and Snth Sts. Washington Arch, memorial of the centennial anniversary of Washington's inauguration. Fifth Ave. at Washington Sq. Washington and LaFayette, bronze group, by Auguste Bartholdi ; presented by Charles Broadway Rouss. Morn- ingside and Manhattan Aves. Webster, Daniel, Statesman, heroic bronze statue, by Thomas Ball ; presented by Gordon W. Burnham. West Drive, at 72d St., Central Park. Worth Monument, granite shaft, memorial of Major-General Worth, U. S. A. Broadway, Fifth Ave., and 25th St. II, Brooklyn Army, The, heroic bronze ideal group, by Frederick Mac- Monnies. It rests upon one of the piers of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial Arch, Prospect Park Plaza. Beecher, Henry Ward, Preacher and Orator, bronze statue. Facing Borough Hall. Beethovex, Ludwig von, German Composer, bronze bust ; presented by United Singers of Brooklyn. Italian Flower J Garden, Prospect I'ark. Fowler, General, Commander of old Fourteenth Regiment, bronze statue. Fort Greene or Washington Park. Grant, Ulysses S., General and President, U. S., heroic bronze equestrian statue, by William Ordway Partridge ; presented by Union League Club, opposite whose club- house it stands. Bedford Ave. and Dean St. 128 Monuments and Statues — Brooklyn Continued. Hamilton, Alexander, Statesman, bronze statue. At en- trance of Hamilton Club, Clinton and Remsen Sts. HOBSB Tamers, The, two heroic bronze groups of horses and riders, by Frederick MacMonnies. Park Circle, Ocean Parkway Entrance, Prospect Park. Irving, Washington, American Author, bronze bust ; pre- sented by Demas Barnes. Italian Flower Garden. Pros- pect Park. Lincoln, Abraham, President U. S., bronze statue ; erected by popular subscription. Italian Flower Garden, Prospect Park. Lincoln, Abraham, bronze equestrian bas-relief. Upon inner face of pier, Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial Arch, Pros- pect Park Plaza. Maryland Soldiers' Monument, marble shaft commem- orative of the 400 Maryland soldiers who fell in the battle of Long Island, while protecting, at this spot, the retreat of Washington's Army. Erected 1895, by the Sons of the American Revolution and the Brooklyn Department of Parks. Lookout Hill, Prospect Park. Moore, Thomas, Irish Poet, bronze bust ; presented by St. Patrick's Society. Italian Flower Garden, Prospect Park. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, German Composer, bronze bust ; presented by United Singers of Brooklyn. Italian Flower Garden, Prospect Park. Navy, The, heroic bronze ideal group, by Frederick Mac- Monnies. It rests upon one of the piers of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial Arch. Prospect Park Plaza. Panthers, bronze figures, by A. Phinister Proctor. Flanking 3d St. entrance to Prospect Park. Payne, John Howard, Composer "Home, Sweet Home," bronze bust ; presented by Faust Club. Near Farmhouse, Prospect Park. Slocum, Henry W., Major-General, U. S. A., heroic bronze equestrian statue. Eastern Parkway and Bedford Ave. Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial Arch. In commemora- tion of the soldiers and sailors who gave their lives for the Nation in the Civil War. The arch Is surmounted by a noble bronze Quadriga — -Victory, In her chariot, drawn by four classic horses, by Frederick MacMonnies. The piers are flanked by ideal bronze groups by the same sculptor, typifying, respectively, "The Army," and the "The Navy." The interior faces of the arch are occupied by large bronze equestrian bas-reliefs of Lincoln • and Grant. The arch stands in the Plaza, crowning the ascent of Flatbush Ave., and facing the principal en- trance to Prospect Park. Stranahan, J. S. T., Father of Prospect Park, principal projector of that great pleasure ground, and for 21 years President of the Prospect Park Commission. Bronze por- trait statue, by Frederick MacMonnies. Plaza entrance. Prospect Park. Warren, Gouverneur Kemblb, Major-General, U. S. A., heroic bronze equestrian statue, by Henry Baerer. Pros- pect Park Plaza. PUBLIC HACKS: LEGAL RATES OF FARE AND REGULATIONS A Cab is a Carriage intended to Seat Two Persons Inside. A Single Fare Pays for Botli. A Coach is a Carriage Intended to Seat More than Two Persons Inside. A Single Pare Pays for All. Mileage Rates, Charged for General Driving Cabs — For One Mile or Any Part Thereof $0.50 For Each Additional Half Mile or Part Thereof liS For Any Stop Over Five Minutes in a Trip, for Every Fifteen Minutes or Fraction Thereof 25 Coaches — For One Mile or Any Part Thereof $1 .00 For Each Additional Half Mile or Any Part Thereof .50 For Every Stop Over Five Minutes in a Trip, for Every Fifteen Minutes or Fraction Thereof 40 No Charge For One Stop, Not Over Five Minutes in a Single Trip. In all cases where the hiring of a hack is not specified in advance to be by time, it shall be deemed to be by distance, and for any detention exceeding fifteen minutes the hackman may demand additional compensation at the rate of $1 per hour. Hourly Rates Hourly Rates, except by special agreement, apply only to Shopping or Calling, and do not include Park or Road Driving, nor driving more than three miles from the starting point. No hack shall be driven by the Time Rate at a pace less than Five Miles an Hour. Cabs— For One Hour or Any Part Thereof $1 .00 For Each Additional Half Hour or Part Thereof. . . .50 Coaches — For One Hour or Any Part Thereof $1 .50 For Each Additional Half Hour or Part Thereof. . . .75 Charges for Park Driving For driving around Central Park the charge shall be $."?, where the startins- point is between Twenty-third Street and One Hundred and Tbirty-tifth Street ; if the starting point is below Twentv-third Street, i)r north of One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Street, an additional charge of 50 cents for each mile or fraction tlior(>of shall be paid. For driving around Central Park and Riverside Drive, where the startinii point is between Twenty-third Street and One Hundi-ed and Tbirty-tifth Street, the charge shall be $4; if the starting point is below Twenty-third Street, or north of One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Street, an additional charge of 50 cents for each mile or fraction thereof shall be paid. On all park drives one-half hour shall be allowed for slgTit-seeing, without extra compensation. Rates for Baggage One Piece of Baggage, Not More than 50 Pounds Free Each Additional Piece 25 Ferriage and Bridge Tolls These are in all cases to be paid by the parties using tlie . vehicles. 4 Hacfcmen Cannot Refuse Employment Hackmen have the right to demand payment of the legal fare in advance, and may refuse employment unless so pre- paid, but- may not otherwise refuse or neglect to convey any orderly person or persons, upon request, anywhere in the city, unless previously engaged or unable so to do. No hackman may carry any other person than the person first employing a hack without the consent of said passenger. 130 Public Hacks: Legal Rates— Con h'n wed. What to Do in Case of Overcharge Every Public Hack MUST DISPLAY ITS NUMBER upoH its lamps, and upon a metal plate inside. Do not make a bargain with driver before entering the vehicle. Simply give instructions as to where you wish to be carried, and on reaching destination pay amount demanded. If you are charged more than the rates stated by this schedule, either order the driver to drive to the nearest police station (whose commanding officer is legally authorized to determine the proper charge), or make complaint through The Merchants* Association of N. Y., 346 Broadway giving these particulars : Number Starting Point Cab or Coach Destination Whether Engaged by Time or Price Asked and Paid Distance Date Whether Rate Card Displaj-ed Inside This Association will enter a complaint against the hack- man, and appear for you to procure a refund of the over- charge, without your personally acting in the matter. DISTANCES, MANHATTAN North and South. 20 Standard city blocks eaual one mile. East and West. West from Fifth Avenue, 6 blocks equal one mile. East from Fifth Avenue. 8 blocks equal one mile. Note : The city ordinance regulating hack charges pro- vides that "seven blocks between the numbered and lettered avenues will be deemed a mile, as from Avenue B to Sixth Aveni.e, or from Second Avenue to Ninth Avenue." Broadway, Nohth from Battery (Approx.). Miles Miles Wall St 1/2 Thirtieth St 31/2 Chambers St 1 Fortieth St 4 Howard St 1 1/2 Forty-ninth St 4V2 Bleecker St 2 Fifty-ninth St 5 Eleventh St 21/2 Sixty-eighth St 514 Twenty-first St 3 Seventy-seventh St. ...G North of Seventy-seventh St., 20 blocks per mile. Ferries to Broadway (Approx.). Miles Miles Liberty St Vt Fulton St % Cortlandt St % Roosevelt St % Barclay St % .Tames Slip % Chambers St % Catharine St % Franklin St % Grand St 1 % Desbrosses St % Houston St 1 lA Christopher St 1 10th St 1 % W. 23d St 1 Vs E. 23d St % W. 42d St % E. 34th St 1 South Ferry % E. 42d St 1 % Wall St. Distances between any points in the Borough of Man- hattan and in parts of the Borough of the Bronx may be accurately measured by the "Street and Distance Map" opposite the title page. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILE SERVICE Electric automobiles are supplied by the New York Trans- portation Co.. which maintains about '600 vehicles for livery service. They are not public hacks and can be had only at the stations maintained by the company, except that vacant passing vehicles may be bailed and engaged by telephoning to the Company. 131 10 Electric Automobile Service — Continued. Automobile Stations New York Transport. Co. . . 8th Ave. and 49th St. Tel. 2380 Columbus. Hotel Astor Broadway and 45th St. Cafe Martin 5th Ave. and 26th St. Sherry's 5th Ave. and 44th St. Long Island R. 11. Station. E. 34th St. Ferry. 23d St. Terminal Station.. W. 23d St. Ferry. All telephone calls for vehicles must be made to The Nev.' York Transportation Co., 2380 Columbus. Vehicles will be sent from any of the above stations, if specified. General Rates of Charge Mileage Rates. Per Mile. Hansom or Single Brougham (one or two persons) .$0.50 Exten. Brougham, Surrey, etc. (two or three persons) .75 Waiting, One Stop, 10 minutes Free Each half hour or fraction thereafter 75 Per Hour Time Rates. First Hour. Thereafter. Hansom or Single Brougham $1.50 $1.00 Extension Brougham, Victoria, etc... 2.00 1.50 Time Rates apply only to Shopping or Calling in the district bounded by 59th St. and Washington Sq., includ- ing Christopher Ferry, and are charged from the time vehicle leaves station until its return. To points outside Time District Mileage Charge is substituted for Time Charge, as to those ponts only. Ferriage or Bridge Tolls are extra, in addition to above charges. Baggage. Valises or Suit Cases outside, each $0. 10 Small Trunk 20 Hand Baggage, inside Free But One Trunk, not more than 100 lbs., carried. Drivers not permitted to leave vehicle to carry baggage. Special Rates of Charge The following charges are from any point between 30th and 59th Sts. to the points named. From points below 30th St. some of the charges are slightly modified. Cards of rates will be supplied by drivers of all vehicles, which show the proper charges from the station from which the vehicle is engaged. Christopher St. Ferry $2.00 Desbrosses St. Ferry Ferries below Desbrosses St Wall and Broad Sts Theater and Return, bet. 75th St. and Washington Square Central Park, through and return . . Riverside Drive, Grant's Tomb, and return Central Bridge and return Suburban Club and return Abbey and return 132 or Two Three or Four ■sons. Persons. ;2.oo $3.00 2.50 3.50 3.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 2.50 3.50 4.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 8.00 7.00 9.00 8.00 10.00 Electric Automobile Service — Continued. Bronx Park and return $10.00 $12.00 Woodmansten Inn and return 12.00 15.00 Country Club and return 12.00 15.00 Brooklyn : Via Brooklyn Br. (City Hall Limit) 5.00 6.00 Via Williamsburg Bridge (Myrtle Ave. Limit). 4.50 5.50 Via 42d or 23d St. Fer- ries (Myrtle Ave. Limit) 4.00 5.00 Coney Island and return 12.00 15.00 Race Tracks : Morris Park, Slieeps- bead, Gravesend or Brighton, returning by 7 P. M 12.00 15.00 After 7 P. M., 75 cts. extra for each half hour or fraction. Long Island R. R. Depot, L. I. City 2.50 3.50 Weehawken Depot 3 . 00 4 . 00 Jersey City Depot, via 23d St. Ferry 4 . 00 5 . 00 Hoboken Depots, via Christopher St. Ferry 4 .00 5 . 00 Ferriage Extra in all cases. To protect patrons against overcharge drivers are required to hand the passenger a duplex receipt, showing amount of fare paid. In case of dispute patrons should pay the amount com- puted by the driver, retain the receipt, and claim refund from the New York Transportation Company. 133 ART GALLERIES, MUSEUMS ETC I. FINE ARTS AND HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS: GALLERIES, MUSEUMS AND EXHIBITIONS. IL NATURAL HISTORY COLLECTIONS. I. Fine Arts and Historical Collections, Galleries, Museums and Exhibitions. American Art Association Galleries (and Salesrooms), 6 E. 23d St. Special exhibitions of pictures in winter, spring and fall, also many sale exhibitions of paintings, porcelains and works of art. Admission 50 cents. American Fine Arts Society Building and Ga-lli;ries, 215 W. 57th St. The permanent home of the Society of American Artists, the Architectural League, the Art Students' League, and the National Sculpture Society, whose annual and stated exhibitions are held in the galleries. Numerous other special art exhibitions are also held here. American Water Color Society, Fine Arts Building, 215 W. 57th St. Annual exhibitions, 3 weeks in May. Ad- mission 25 cents : Sundays free. Architectural League of New York, Fine Arts Building, 21a W. 57th St. An annual exhibition is held 3 weeks in February. Admission, Tuesday and Thursday, 25 cents : other days free. Open, Sunday. 1 to 6 I'. M. ; other days, 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. Art Students' League, Fine Arts Building, 215 W. 57th St, Saturday and Sunday of each month exhibitions of school work are held. Loan collections are exhibited at occa- sional art receptions. Admission may be had by ad- dressing the Secretary or by invitation of a member. Blakeslee's Galleries, 358 5th Ave. Free. Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Eastern Park- way and Washington Ave. Important loan exhibitions of paintings are usually on view in the Art Gallery. There are also considerable archseological, historical and minor arts collections. (^hamber of Commerce, 65 Liberty St. The handsome rooms of this organization contain a notable and very valuable collection of portraits of eminent citizens. Ad- mission by pass from a member or on application to the Secretary. City Hall. The Governor's Room, Mayor's Room and Coun- cil Chamber contain many important portraits of men prominent in State history. Free from 10 to 4. Clausen's Galleries, 381 5th Ave. Free. Cottier & Co.'s Art Rooms, 3 E. 40th St. Free. Delmonico's Galleries, 166 5th Ave. Free. Durand-Riel Galleries, 5 W. 36th St. Free. FiSCHEL, ADLEE and SCHWARTZ GALLERIES, 313 5th Ave. Free. Glaenzer Galleries, 303 5th Ave. Free. Historical Society of Long Island, Clinton and Pierre- pont Sts., Brooklyn. Historical museum. Open from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Keppel Galleries, 20 B. 16th St. Free. Kl.^ckner Gallery. 7 W. 28th St. Free. Knoedler Galleries, 355 5th Ave. Free. 134 Akt Galleries, Museums, Etc. — Continued. Kraushaak Galleries, 260 5th Ave. Free. Lenox Lidrary (see New York Public Library). Metropolitan Museum of Art, 5th Ave. and 82d St. (Central Park). Among the largest and most important collections in America of paintings, sculpture, architec- tural models and archseology. Mondays and Fridays 25 cents ; other days free. National Ac^dejiy of Design, Amsterdam Ave. and 110th St. Annual exhibitions of new paintings are held at the Fine Art Galleries. 215 W. 57th St. They usually open with the fourth week in December and continue 4 weeks. These hold tirst place among artistic events. They con- tinue during several weeks. For " Varnishing Day " and " Private ^'ipw,■' admission can be obtained only by card of invitation from the Secretary. Thereafter ad- mission is free on Sundays, 50 cents on week days. 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. N.vtional Sct-lfture Society, Fine Arts Building, 215 W. 57th St. This society holds annual exhibitions of sculp- ture and sculptural design, in the Fine Arts Galleries, upon variable dates. New York Historical Society, 2d Ave. and E. 11th St. ; new. building. Central Park W., 76th to 77th St. This society owns one of the largest and most valuable col- lections of paintings and sculptures in America. It has also extensive collections of historical relics, antiquities, and archiPological objects. Admission by introduction of members. New York Public Library, Lenox Branch, 895 5th Ave. Contains about 450 paintings, chiefly modern, many of them by artists of note, and some of them of great Im- portance. Also valuable collections of sculpture, cer- amics, etc. Free from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. New York Water Color Club. Annual exhibition in No- vember at Fine Arts Society Galleries, 215 W. 57th St. Noe Galleries, 368 5th Ave. Free. Oehme Galleries, 384 5th Av«. Free. Salmagundi Club, 14 W. 12th St. Annual exhibitions, water color, 2 weeks in December ; oil and sculpture, 2 weeks in February : black and white, i weeks in March. Open 2 to 10 1'. M. ScHAUs Galleries, 204 5th Ave. Free. School of Applied Design for Women, 7th Ave. and 23d St. Annual exhibitions at close of school year. Scott and Fowles Galleries, 295 5th Ave. Free. Society of American Artists, Fine Arts Building. 215 W. 57th St. Annual exhibition from middle of March to third week in April. Admission 50 cents. 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. Sunday 1 to 6 P. M. Si)ciETY OF Decorative Art, S E. 34th St. Continuous ex- hibition of minor art works, displayed for sale. Occa- sional special exhibitions. Tooth Galleries, 299 5th Ave. Free. Vanderbilt Gallery, attached to Fine Arts Building. 215 W. 57th St. Many special exhibitions are held here. V.vx Cortlandt Mansion, Van Cort'andt Park. A museum of historical relics, principally Revolutionary. 1?? Art Galleries, Museums, Etc. — Continued. II. Natural History Collections. American Museum of Natural History, W. 77th St.. Central Park W. to Columbus Ave. Very extensive and important collection in all divisions of animal life, arch- feolog.v, anthropology, geology, botany, paleontology, etc. Open on week days 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. ; Tuesday and Saturday evenings, 7 to 10 o'clock ; Sundays, 1 to 5 P. M. Admission, Monday and Tuesday, 25 cents ; all other times, including Tuesday evening, free. Aquarium, Battery Park, foot of Broadway. Open daily, summer, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M., except Monday, 12 to 5 P. M. : winter, 10 A. M. to 4 P. M., except Mondays, 12 to 4 P. M. Free. Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Eastern Park- way and Washington Ave. Small natural history col- lections. Central Park Menagerie, opposite .5th Ave. and 64th St. entrance. A considerable collection of birds and animals. Fulton Market Museum. Fulton and Front Sts. A fish- eries museum and collection of animal curiosities. Prospect Park Menagerie, in central portion of Prospect Park, Brooklyn. Large and attractive accessions have recently been made to this collection. It is a worthy and well-balanced zoological exhibition. Zoological Park, Bronx I'ark, near West Farms entrance. The largest and most representative collection of animals on exhibition in America. Admission, Monday and Thursday. 25 cents for adults, 15 cents for children ; other days, free. 00 to '^ 0) o ,; < C 5 o 'is a D.'O 3 o i O -g 0) "^.9 s m £ . b ^S EH ^ s S 1: 2 Eh 3 --1 o 02 S C O o CO ct S " -^- O <) 4) >■ Tj- rt CO rH •2^ 1^ 55 ID .2 ^ I I p O) » a it a o 3 jJ Hi a 5^-^ o -Q .5 5. «: . S . a 1) _ 4- '*' "Si Jo 01 o r5 .-: i g S « _ « u s bil bh ■a ■o w s Oj a « a - o a Q •< g 3 a 1 1 oj 0) 4 -a a >> §1 ^ S « .. ^ t; oT fc 5 ^ 2 "o ►-^ H a 'S ^ 3 ^' § ^ i >,TS 3 •^ _ M 03 aj — 05 <5 Z c'-f- m^ 1 ^ a ^ ^ .2 : - := j^i>^: K ^ 3 ^ ,, S -^ K = •= > = 5 < -a o •S « 1 g ^ 3 ^ ^ i . X - - •5 = = 3 * 4j "< -2 ^1 c t^ P ^ -^ 3 H >. ■^ .■ ^ 5 : ^. ^ ^ -• £ > - - § g « < -M ti-J w_--^g'a„'^« 5 5 oj p o a s5 . ^ :j o -o = « = .3 o fe ^. OO b -s 1 •o -o s N O • a 3 a C| >> ^ « C s < 1 •• 6 •v a 00 so a m »*5 ■c s a a -O c K .2 ^ to m 11 a ■a a ^ d i a -■ a a m S J2 a; c Ch' cu o3 S o a _o o 3 0. s "•; -r o e . c 1 o o o _o c <5 ■w Q 8 li o S &; i s" £ s 1 © ;g ^ s s^ § 5 S ^ Eb < fc< -^ i < < © < -: i -o Ji — O) — O) fa 3; OJ 6 » "^ tH +J :S 'X £? >^ 03 S ^ _ & . "S £ 72 C^ ^ 0. 5 "2 ■=« i S S I- "S 00 2 O; C) 2 j3 CJ S 140 o - S -- ■ ^- "* -S J -a Ch' o ^ ^ s • s ^- ^ •c c t; •e 3 "m +^ C ^1 5 ■" ■S "5 o O -i- (U 'S "^ i £ ^ Pb s "^ o hl< -H a 01 O r-( bb d 3 O ** ii •- <^ '-■ £ ^ ^ £ ^ » 3 ■■= _• * M fl •= -5 S « S S •B ^ 'S S -5 5 15 g a; E a> -S ,2 -2 <£ P "' a ^ fl CO fl Kl d > ed t» o ct o c W I- =: I- cc I-' L-' o r) « X ■* ^ ju --' _a; . o . o M 00 — -f H ^ ^ ffi — 5 © "c X, Si '^ IS. . ^J ^^ "S -H S . < a ts « ^ a « r? ^ 02 -^ '^ 1 M o .i 1 = ^ 3;a - - ^ g O t. — di 8 fe; § g ^ o w 0\ o' i t- M 1 "O J ^ ^ u bT 5 a5 tt a J I 0) ■— +j o '"^ ^ a3 O -" J « S O 02 > -ja ~ 1 I >> o "^ ■l^ "5 5 "^ ■z gj ,1; a 0) is '=« s ll C V a^ W; Oi Oj CI 'C 11 c o ^ _C - fi; A t; of® o « ° CI '^ *^' f^S 1" ^^ ^' I o ^ -■ - 01 ^T^ Oi ~ a o "H o o o a S '^. s § s s 'fi o *«■ ft t» a o o o o o o o o o q q q o o t-' « LO O O LO •«t> M IN 5, > > > M CM ■+3 o •r £ n q ^ £ 3 S " p s o .^ ^ g I 2 I = '^ a 15 i ^ ^ ^ S - "^ = o g a 5; ~ -g § -a I ^ Si = 2 O ts J3 <; X K M o '-) oc m T/l m c a ^ * Ch' Ch' " &; CU f^' CM o '^' ■"»h' OOCoO'^OoOO ^ . S ^ ^- ^- ^- ^- Cli ^ ^ ^ ^ dl CLi HH T-1 o; C5 03 p O o o <5 f« 1^ S S cu i,' Oh' e; ^ 05 a S: 05 S3 O O O O 3 C5O5O5O5O5C0O5O5 «ij . Z m K . • ^ P ti 2 t» ■ - 53 § ^ S ,§ c-i ;h^ 2 -o > S tJ a 1-; w s s ^ o ^ a 2 a ^51^===!?;^ ^ «' -J ^- 5 ^ ,yj -,._.— « « " a 5 - o ■ a 11 o o o o o o o < < < < ^ < < C d c. c c-a c. C-- 2 O O O O o o c > > > t> |> !> i» ■* OC O O 01 I- i-l CO CO I- O ■* LO -f c o © o c: CO ce ■2 £ I ^ ^ ^ i & M < S „- 5 5 ;s o Ci a 00 a < >, c sj a 02 *^ «9 !K a • o S -o S '^ ^l f^ cJ ® © fc- ^l r^ £ l-O . _ 0) c ^ a < Ch Ch (1, &H o OS s: C5 o o o o 3 S S s ''- f) '^ S s ;s < < X .^ •g technic ingsto uce Excl ns Boroi Compi Re 5f r £ r- 'S S fc a f 1 S K « M ti -Wo M £ 3 .5 o ij K t. t, S 0) q C. a; o S « Ch c a fc, CO &H S a * ■o J . a; 2 "^ ca s -^ o $ g .^ ^ a) J J • u a - c o i« * — g 6 ■2 S 150 o =- -r +; E- 1, 2 S < s 1 -S .ii t5 _ o n -M 72 M GC 02 ^- J2 a S3 ■I ^ i^ § . O '^ 2 "" C5 a5 2 a t 5 '^. :§ . ii o o u a u ,-O'S "•' "O JS s t» K c o i 5 a -^ a -^ 05 2 A ^ O CO S-9 g 0) S = O "S '" ~ _ -o — a =^ o C3 w C3 c CS _a ea H 2 53 C3 .2 ;d ^ b OP s cj ca a a a a Oi Sh 3 s 01 3 K 0) o o j^ O ? O ;_ K C j; w o m a m -O w ■o « -a M > <» ^1 • 02 c a o o B c o ti 3 > ca > > rt o > •- > 03 > o CI 00 c — -i< o O CO l;: 5 t- O o oo c> t-. o •■■l M co- r-< i-J •o r-<' «■ 5 "^ ci o 5 =^^ < '-P * ^ tH. ^ btS a _ 153 COLLEGES, SCHOOLS, ETC I. .COLLEGES, THEOLOGICAL SEMINARIES, ETC. II. PROMINENT COLLEGIATE AND PREPARA- TORY SCHOOLS AND HIGH SCHOOLS. III. SCHOOLS OF ART AND TECHNOLOGY. I. Colleges, Theological Seminaries, Etc. Barnard Collese. Columbia University, Broadway and W. 119th St. Broolilyn Colleii;e of I'liarmacy. 205-271 Nostrand Ave. College of City of New York, 17 Lexington Av. (After Oct., 1906, 138th St. and Amsterdam Ave.) Pharmacy, Brooklyn, 265-271 Nostrand Ave. Columbia Univ., 115-119 W. 6Sth St. Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia Univ., 437 W. 59th St. Columbia University, W. 110th St., near Amsterdam Ave. Commerce and Finance, School of, N. Y. Univ., Washington Square, East. Cornell University Medical College, 1st Ave., cor. E. 2Sth St. Dentistry, New York College of, 205 E. 23d St. Eclectic Medical College, 239 E. 14th St. General Theological Seminary of the P. E. Church, Chelsea Square (bet. 9th and 10th Aves. and 20th and 21st Sts.) Homeopathic Medical College, New York, 63d St. and Ave. A. Jewish Theological Seminary of Am., 533 W. 123d St. Law School, Columbia Univ., 116th St., near Amsterdam Ave. New York, 35 Nassau St. New York University, Washington Sq., E. Manhattan College, Broadway, cor. W. 131st St. Medical College and Hosp,ital for Women, New York, 19 W. 101st St. New York, College of City of. 17 Lexington Ave. (After Oct., 1906, 13Sth St. and Amsterdam Ave.) Dentistry, 205 E. 23d St. Homeopathic Medical College, 63d St. and Ave. A. Law School, 35 Nassau St. Medical College and Hospital for Women, 19 W. 101st St. Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital, 214-220 E. 34th St. Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital, 303 E. 20th St. University, University Heights (Sedgwick and Aqueduct Aves. and 181st St., Bronx). Administration Office. Washington Sq. East. Normal College. Park Ave., cor. E. 68th St. Pharmacy, College of, Brooklyn, 265-271 Nostrand Ave. Columbia. 115-119 W. 6Sth St. Physicians and Surgeons, College of. 437 W. 59th St. Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital, N. Y., 214-220 E. 34th St. Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, N. Y., 303 B. 20th St. St. Francis Xavier's College, 30 W. 16th St. St. John's College (Fordham University), 3d and Pelham Aves., Fordham. 154 Colleges. Schools, Etc. — Continued. Teachers' College. W. 120th St.. near Broadway. Union Theological Seminary, 700 Park Ave. University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College, 26th St. and 1st Ave. n. PromincDt Collegiate and Preparatory Schools and High Schools Adelphi College, Lafayette Ave. and St. .Tames PL, Brooklyn. Alcuin Preparatory School, 41 E. SOth St. Barnard School, 721 St. Nicholas Ave. Berkeley School. 270 W. 72d St. Berkeley Institute for Girls, 183-185 Lincoln PL, Brooklyn. Boys' High School, Putnam and Marcy Aves.. Brooklyn. Brooklyn Latin School, 40 Monroe PL, Brooklyn. Collegiate Institute, 241 W. 77th St. Columbia Grammar School, 34 E. 51st St. Commerce, High School of. Broadway, 65th and 66th Sts. Commercial High School, Bedford Ave., cor. Jefferson Ave., Brooklyn. Cutler School, 20 E. 50th St. De La Salle Institute, 106 W. 59th St. De Witt Clinton High School, 140 W. 102d St. Eastern District High School, S. 3d St., and Driggs Ave., Brooklyn. Erasmus Hall High School, Flatbush Ave., near Church Ave., Brooklyn. Ethical Culture School, Central Park W., cor. 63d St. Girls' High School. Nostrand Ave., cor. Halsey St., Brooklyn. Girls' Technical High School, 341/2 E. 12th St. Hamilton Institute, 45 W. 81st St. Horace Mann Schools. Broadway and 120th St. Irving School. 35 W. 84th St. Manual Training High School, 7th Ave. and 4th St., Brooklyn. Morris High School. 166th St. and Boston Road. Packer Collegiate Institute, 160-180 .Toralemon St., Brooklya. Rayson's (Miss Amy) School, 164-168 W. 75th St. Sach's School, W. 59th St., near 6th Ave. Stuyvesant High School. 225 E. 23d St. Trinity School. 147 W. 9th St. Wadleigh High School, H4th and 115th Sts., W. of 7th Ave. UI. Schools, Aft and Technology Abt Musical School, 122 W. 124th St. Academy of Design, National, 109th St. and Amsterdam Ave. Dramatic Arts, Carnegie Hall. Alberti School of Expression, Carnegie Hall. American Academy of Dramatic Arts, Carnegie Hall. Institute of Applied Music, 222 W. 59th St. Art, New York School of, 57 W. 57th St. Students' League of New York. 215 W. 57th St. Baron de Hirsch Trade School, 222 E. 64th St. Bartholdi Trade School, 12 E. 15th St. Berlin Conservatory of Music, 1715 Lexington Ave. Burritt (William Nelson) School of Expression, Carnegie Hall. College of Music, New York, 128 E. 58th St. Commerce, High School of, 65th St., near Broadway. 155 Colleges. Schools. Etc. — Continued. Commercial High School, Brooklyn, Bedford and Jefferson Aves. Conservatory of Music, National, 128 E. 17th St. New York, 181 Lenox Ave. National Dramatic, 23 W. 44th St. Cooke Studio of Music. 136 5th Ave. Cooper Union, 4th Ave. and 8th St. Design, National Academy of. lOOth St. and Amsterdam Ave. N. Y. School of Applied, for Women, 2U0 W. 23d St. Dramatic Arts. Am. Academy of, Carnegie Hall. Conservatory, National, 23 W. 44th St. Girls' Technical High School, 34 E. 12th St. Grand Conservatory of Music, 68 W. 83d St. Guilmant Organ School, 34 W. 12th St. Hann School of Elocution, Carnegie Hall. Hebrew Technical Institute, 36 Stuyvesant St. Commerce, High School of, 65th St., near Broadway. Commercial High School, Brooklyn, Bedford and Jeffer- son Aves. Girls' Technical High School, 34 E. 12th St. Manual Training High School, Brooklyn, Court and Liv- ingston Sts. Stuyvesant Manual Training High School, 225 E. 23d St. Hirsch. Baron de. Trade School, 222 E. 64th St. Kleiser School of Elocution, 24 W. 22d St. Manhattan Trade Schools for Girls, 233 W. 14th St. Manual Training High School, Brooklyn, Court and Livings- ton Sts. Stuyvesant. 225 E. 23d St. Marlboro Musical Institute, 64 W. 68th St. Metropolitan School of Opera, Metropolitan Opera House. Music, College of. New York, 128 E. 58th St. Conservatory of, National, 128 E. 17th St. New York, 181 Lenox Ave. German, 128 E. 58th St. National Academy of Design, 109th St. and Amsterdam Ave. Conservatory of Music, 128 E. 17th St. Dramatic Conservatory. 23 W. 44th St. New York College of Music, 128 E. 58th St. Conservatory of Music, 181 Lenox Ave. German, 128 E. 58th St. School of Applied Design for Women, 200 W. 23d St. Art, 57 W. 57th St. Trade School, 1st Ave., 67th and 68th Sts. Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 99 Livingston St. Pratt Institute. 215 Ryerson St., Brooklyn. Stanhope-Wheatcroft Dramatic School, 31 W. 31st St. Stuyvesant Manual Training High School, 225 E. 23d St. Technical High School, Girls', 34 E. 12th St. Institute. Hebrew, 36 Stuyvesant St. Torciani School of Singing, 489 5th Ave. Trade School, Baron de Hirsch, 222 E. 64th St. Bartholdi, 12 E. 15th St. Manhattan, for Girls, 233 W. 14th St. New York, 1st Ave., 67th and 68th Sts. PARKS, PARKWAYS ETC. /. MANHATTAN II. BRONX III BROOKLYN IV. QUEENS V. RICHMOND. I. Manhattan Parks, Parkways Etc. Abixgdon Square, 1-5 acre, 8th Ave. and Hudson St. Audubon Park. A beautiful private euclosure occupied by magnificent mansions, on the steep slope between' Broad- way and the Hudson River, 155th and 158th Sts. Sub- way to 157th St., 6th and Amsterdam Ave. Line. Batteky Park, 21 1-5 acres, foot of Broadway, overlooking Harbor. Contains Aquarium and statue of John Erics- son. Beach St. Park, small triangle, corner Beach St. and W. Broadway. Bowling Green, ^4 acre oval, foot of Broadway. First park space in Manhattan. Statue of Abraham de Peyster. Bryant Park. 4% acres. 5th and 6th Aves., 40th and 42d Sts. Contains New York Public Library, busts of Wash- ington Irving and Dr. J. Marion Sims. Canal St. Park, small triangle. Canal and West Sts. Cathedral Parkway. llOth St.. from 5th Ave. to Riverside Drive. Central Park, 5th to 8th Ave., 5!)th to 110th St.. an area of 21/2 miles long by 1,2 mile wide, 884 acres. A highly developed landscape garden, the chief public pleasure ground in the central part of the city. It has about 15 miles of drives and roads, and 31 miles of walks. It contains the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Arsenal, a Zoological Garden or Menagerie, the Egyptian Obelisk, and numerous statues. (A list and description of the latter may be found in the section entitled " Monuments and Statues.") An adeijuate carriage service affords the most convenient means of viewing the principal features of the park. For details of this service, see section " Sight-Seeing Trips In and About New York." Entrances: Central Park E. — Plaza at 5th Ave. and 59th St., 67th. 60th, 72d, 70th. 82d (Metropolitan Museum of Art), 85th, 00th, 96th, 99th, 102d. 106th Sts., Plaza at 5th Ave. and 110th St. Central Park N. — 110th St., at 6th and 7th Aves. Central Park W. — Plaza at 110th St. and 8th Ave., 106th, 100th. 96th. 90th, 81st, 77th (American Museum of Natural History). 72d. 66th, 64th Sts., Columbus Circle at Broadway, 8th Ave. and 59th Sts. Central Park S. — 59th St., at 7th and 6th Aves. Eastern entrances may be reached most easily by the 4th and Madison Ave. Lines (1 block distant), Broadway and Lexington Ave. Line (.3 blocks distant), and the 3d Ave. F'l. and Surface Lines (4 blocks distant). All western entrances may be reached directly by 8th Ave. Line. The Subway and Broadway Lines pass the entrance at Columbus Circle. The 6th and 9th Ave. El. Lines and the Broadway and Columbus Ave. Lines pass within one block of all western entrances. Southern entrances are reached by the 6th Ave. El. and Surface Lines, the 7th Ave. Line, and the 59th St. Crosstown Line. 157 Parks, Parkways, Etc. — Manhattan Continued. Chelsea Square, 28th and 29th Sts., 9th and 10th Aves. Christopher St. Park, small triangle, Christopher and W. 4th Sts. City Hall Park, 814 acres. Broadway, Park Row and Chambers St. Contains City Hall. County Court House, City Courts, Post Office and Nathan Hale statue. Columbus Circle, plaza at Broadway, 8th Ave. and .50th St., southwestern entrance Central Park. Contains Columbus monument, commemorative of the 4th centenary of discovery of America. Cooper Square, small triangle at junction of 3d and 4th Aves. and Bowery, adjoining Cooper Union. Statue of Peter Cooper. Corlears Hook Park, 8 1-3 acres, Cherry, Corlears and Jackson Sts. and East River. Contains public play- ground. Colonial Park, about 13 acres, not yet improved, 145th to 155th Sts., Bradhurst to Edgecombe Sts. De Witt Clinton Park, 7 2-5 acres. 52d to 54th Sts.. 11th Ave. to Hudson River. Contains public playground. Duane St. Park, small triangle, Duane and Hudson Sts. East River Park, 121/0 acres. 84th to 89th Sts., facing East River. EioHTY-sixTii St. Parkway, 80th St., from Central I'ark W.- to Riverside Drive. Empire Park South, small triangle at junction of Broad- way and 63d St. Empire Park North, small triangle at junction of Broad- way and G6th St. Fifth Ave. Parkway, 5th Ave.. 59th to 110th St. I^ifth Ave. Plaza, 5th Ave. and 59th St., southeastern en- trance to Central Park. Contains statue of General Sherman. Fort Washington Park, about 41 acres, unimproved wood- land, lying between Riverside Drive and the Hudson River, occupying Washington Point, beneath Washington Heights. GH.iMERCY Park, private, 20th to 21st St., foot of Lexing- ton Ave. Grand St. Square, segment at junction of Grand and Scan- nell Sts. and B. Broadway. Greeley Square, triangle at junction of Broadway, 6th Ave. and W. 32d St. Statue of Horace Greeley. Hamilton Fish Park. 3 2-3 acres, Houston to Stanton, Pitt to Sheriff Sts. Contains public playgrounds. Hancock Squ.are. segment at St. Nicholas Ave. and 123d St. Contains statue of General W. S. Hancock. Harlem Lane Park, IH acres, junction of 7vh Ave., Harlem Lane and Harlem River. Harlem River Driveway, west bank of Harlem River, from 155th St. and Edgecombe Road to Dyckman St.. about 2 1-5 miles. The so-called " Speedway," a superb road 100 to 150 feet wide, where no restriction is placed on the speed at which horses may be driven. Most con- veniently reached by 6th or 9th Ave. El. Lines to 155th St. 158 Parks, Parkways, Etc. — Manhattan Continued. High Bridge Park, about 67 acres, on slope of ridge bor- dering Harlem River on the west, from 155th St. to Washington Bridge, and overlooking the " Speedway." The first Croton Aqxieduct crosses the Harlem River at High Bridge, and the park contains a water tower and pumping station in connection therewith. An unim- proved addition to this park extends about a mile beyond Washington Bridge. 6th or 9fh Ave. EI. Lines to 155th St., or 6th and Amsterdam Ave. Surface Line for more northern parts. Hudson Park, 1% acres. Hudson, Leroy, Clarkson and Varick Sts. Jackson Square, small triangle, Sth Ave., 13th and Horatio Sts. Jeannette Park, small oval, Coenties Slip and South St. John Jay Park, 3 acres, 76th to 78th St., Avenue A and East River. Madison Square. 6 4-5 acres, Broadway, Sth and Madison Aves., 23d to 26th St. Contains statues of Admiral Farragut, ^^'m. H. Seward, Koscoe Conkling, Chester A. Arthur, and Stokes Fountain. MAXH.VTTAN SQUARE, 171/;. acres. Central Park W., Columbus Ave., 77th to 81st St. Contains American Museum of Natural History. 6th and 9th Ave. El. Lines to 81st St., Broadway and Columbus Ave. or 6th and Amsterdam Ave. Line to 77th St. MoRNixG.siDE Park, 31 H acres, between Columbus and Morn- ingside Aves., 110th to 123d St. Occupies the rocky eastern face- of Morningside Heights. MoRNiNGsiDE PARKWAY, extension of Columbus Ave., border- ing Morningside Park on the west. Mt. Morris Park, 20 1-5 acres, Madison and Mt. Morris Aves.. 120th to 124th St. Mulberry Bend Park, 2% acres. Mulberry to Baxter St., Bayard to Park St. Ninetieth St. I'arkway, 90th St., West End Ave. to River- side Drive. One Hundred Tenth St. Parkway, 110th St., 5th to 7th Ave. One Hundred Twenty-second St. Parkway, from 10th Ave. to Riverside Drive. One Hundred Twenty-third St., from Morningside Park to Broadway. Paradise Park, small segment at Worth St. and Mission PI. Park .4ve. Parks, small enclosures occupying the center of Park Ave., from 34th to 40th St., and 56th to 96th St. Riverside Park, 140 acres, occupying the rugged bank be- tween the Hudson River and Riverside Drive, from 72d to 129th St. Contains Grant's Tomb and the Soldiers and Sailors' Monument. Riverside Drive, from 72d St. to Bolton Road, Tnwood, about 7 miles, overlooking the Hudson River. Riverside Park, Audubon Park and Fort Washington Park. A special carriage service gives a convenient means for viewing the lower part of this beautiful drive. Details as to this service may be found in section " Sight-Seeing Trips, etc." Rutgers Park, small square. Rutgers Slip and South St. Contains Schifif Fountain. 159 Parks, Parkways, Etc. — Manhattan Continued. Ryan Park, E. 42d St., bet. 1st and 2d Aves. Seventy-second St. Parkway, from Central Park to River- side Paik. Sherman Square, small segment, Broadway and 70th St. Speedway (see Harlem River Driveway). St. Gabrriel's Park, about 3 acres, 35th to 36th St., 1st to 2d Ave. St. Nicholas Park, unimproved, 130th to 141st St., St. Nicholas Ave. to St. Nicholas Terrace and 10th Ave.- Stuyvesant Park, 414 acres, 2d Ave., E. 15th to E. 17th St. Thomas Jefferson Park, 15 1/2 acres, 111th to 114th St.. 1st Ave. to Harlem River. Tompkins Square, IQV-i acres, .\ venue A to Avenue P., E. 7th to E. 10th St. Contains public playground. Union Square, 31/2 acres, Broadway to 4th Ave., 14th to 17th St. Contains statues of Washington, Lincoln and Lafayette, and the James Fountain. Washington Sqiiare, S acres, foot of 5th Ave., Waverley Pi., Washington PI. Contains Washington Arch, statues of Garibaldi and Alex. L. Holley. West End Ave. Parkway, from 70th to 109th St. William H. Seward Park, 2 3-5 acres, Hester to Division and Norfolk to Essex St. n. Bronx Parks, Parkways, etc. Across the northern boundaries of the city, from near the Hudson, to I.,ong Island Sound, a distance of about sLi miles, extends irregularly a chain of great woodland parks connected by very wide parkways, and reached by boule- vards of several miles in length, which give access from th > central part of the city. The three principal parts of th ■ system aggregate about 3,550 acres area, the parkways con- necting them about 200 acres. These parks are provided with a great extent of fine roadways bordered by walks and in some parts by flower gardens, but for the most part they are maintained in a nearly natural state. The scenery is extremely diversified and charming. The most convenient means of access to each park is stated below. There are numerous other parks in the Bronx. Of these only the most important are included in the following list. Bronx Park, an irregular area of about 661 acres, extend- ing for 2 miles on both sides the Bronx River, from 180th to 205th St. It is intersected north and south by the Boston Post Road : east and west by Pelham Ave. (190th St.). On the east the Bronx and Pelham Park- way connects it with Pelham Bay Park, about 2 miles distant. On the northwest Mosholu Parkway leads to Van Cortlandt Park, somewhat more than a mile dis- tant. The Zoological Garden, containing the most ex- tensive collection of wild animals in America, occupies the southwestern part, adjoining the 180th St. entrance. The Botanical Garden, with its extensive greenhouses, occupies the northwestern portion, adjoining the Bed- ford Park Station of the 2d and 3d Ave. El. Lines. The most convenient routes are : 160 Parks, Parkways, Etc. — Bronx Continued IJRONX Park — Continued. Southern entrance, Bronx Park Div. of Subway, to Bronx Park Station, 180th St. and Boston lioad : South- ern Boulevard Line to West Farms ; West Farms Line : 177th St. Crosstown Line (connecting with all north and south lines), to 184th St. entrance. Western entrance. 2d and 3d Ave. El. Lines, to Bed- ford Park Station, opp. Botanical Garden ; Mt. Vernon Line, via Webster Ave. Claremoxt Park, 38 acres. Teller Ave., Belmont St., Clay Ave. and 170th St. Melrose Ave. Line; 2d and 3d Ave. Lines, Wendover Ave. Station. Crotona Park, 154'/, acres, Fulton Road, 177th St. (Tre- mont Ave.), Crotona Park, S. E. and N. An irregular and beautifully diversified area in the central part of the Bronx, containing the Borough Hall. Reached by 2d and 3d Ave. El., Wendover Ave.. 174th and 177th St. Stations: by Subway, 174th St. Station; and by West Farms and Southern Boulevard Lines. De Voe Park. 10 acres. 180th St. and Sedgwick Ave. Echo Park, 3 acres, Webster and Burnside Aves. FoRDHAM Park, 6 acres, Fordham Road, Sedgwick and Aqueduct Aves. Franz Sigel Park (formerly Cedar Park), 17% acres, Mott Ave., Walton Ave.. 152d and 158th Sts. Macomb's Dam Park, 27 acres, Harlem River, at Macomb's Dam Bridge. Melrose P.^rk, small area, 161st St. and Courtlnndt Ave. Pelham Bay Park, 1,756 acres, the largest and one of the most attractive parks of the city. It is located at the extreme northeastern portion of the city. 18 to 20 miles from the City Hall, on Long Island Sound. The coast is here deeply indented by Eastchester and Pelham Bays, and the Hutchinson River, a tidal inlet. The land sur- face comprises a series of rocky and well-wooded points, promontories and islands, making a diversified and beauti- ful landscape. Bronx and Pelham Parkway leads to Bronx Park. Pelham Bay Park is most conveniently reached by the Harlem Division, N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R., starting at station 131st St. and Harlem River (connecting by shuttle train with 2d and 3d Ave. EI. Lines at 12r)th St. and 3d Ave.), thence to B.aychester or Bartow stations. The former is within 5 minutes walk of the athletic ground, boat houses and music pavilion. Carriages may be obtained at the latter. Another route Is : 2d or 3d Ave. El. to 177th St. ; 177th St. Crosstown Line through Westchester Village, to terminus. Thence 20 minutes walk to Baychester, via Eastern Boulevard. PoE Park, 2 1-3 acres, E. 102d St., Kingsbridge Road. Grand Boulevard and Concourse. Rose Hili, Park, a small segment at junction of Pelham, Webster and Park Aves. St, James Park, 11 4-5 acres, Jerome Ave., Creston Ave. and E. 191st St. St. Mary's Park, 28% acres, St. Ann's Ave., St. Mary's St., 149th St. and Robbins Ave. 161 Pabks, Parkways, Etc. — Bronx Continued University Park, 2% acres, Cedar and Sedgwick Aves., 181st St. Van Cortlandt Park, 1132% acres, northern section of city, in Van Cortlandt Valley, between Broadway. Van Cortlandt Ave. and Mt. Vernon Ave., and the northern city limit. Th's park contains Van Cortlandt Lake, and is intersected by Tibbetts Brook. The old Van Cortlandt Manor House is used as a museum, and contains a con- siderable collection of revolutionary relics. The central portion of the park may be reached by the Putnam Division of the N. Y. C. & H. R. R. (Van Cortlandt Station), connecting with the 6th and 9th Ave. El. Lines at their terminus, 8th Ave. and 155th St. The Jerome Ave. Line (starting at Macomb's Dam Bridge. 8th Ave. and 155th St.), passes along the park's eastern border. Washington Bridge Park, 81/2 acres. Sedgwick Ave. and Harlem River, at Washington Bridge. III. Brooklyn Parks, Parkways, etc. Bav Parkway, 21/2 miles. Ocean Parkway to Bensonhurst Beach. Bay Ridgk Parkway, 1 1-10 miles, Fort Hamilton Parkway to Shore Road. Bedford Park, 4 acres. Brooklyn and Kingston Aves., Park PI. and Prospect' PI. Bensonhurst Beach Park, 8 acres. Gravesend Bay, Bay Parkway, 21st and Cropsey Aves. Brooklyn Heights Park, 5 acres, Columbia Heights, front- ing Furman St. Buffalo Ave. Parkway, % mile. Eastern Parkway to East New York Ave. BusHWiCK Ave. Parkway, \i mile. Eastern Parkway ex- tension to Jamaica Ave. Bushwick Park, 6 acres, Knickerbocker and Irving Aves., Starr and Suydam Sts. Canarsie Beach Park, 40 acres, Jamaica Bay at Canarsie Landing. Carroll Park, 2 acres. President, Court, Carroll and Smith Sts. City Hall Park, 1/2 acres. Court and Fulton Sts. Contains statue of Henry Ward Beecher. City Park, TVj acres. Park and Flushing Aves., St. Edwards and Navy Sts Cooper Park, 7 acres, Maspeth and Morgan Aves., Sharon and Guilford Sts. Cooper Gore, Orient and Metropolitan Aves. Cuyler Park, i/l acre, E'ulton and Greene Ave. DuMONT Ave. Parkway, Vi mile. New Lots Ave. to Fountain Ave. Dyker Beach Park, 144 acres, Gravesend Bay, Bay 8th Sts., Cropsey and 14th Aves. Eastern Parkway, a spacious and beautiful boulevard ex- tending from Prospect Park, 21/2 miles eastward to Ralph Ave., thence connecting by other driveways with Highland and Forest Parks. Fort Grpjene Park. 30 acres. DeKalb Ave., Washington Park, Ashland PI., Willoughby St., St. Edwards St., Myrtle Ave. 1(52 Parks, Parkways, Etc. — Brooklyn Continued Fort Hamilton Park, 7 acres, New York Bay, foot Hamil- ton Ave., 4th Ave., De Nyse St. Fort Hamilton Parkway, 4V4 miles, from Flatbush Ave., along southern border of Prospect Park, to Fort Hamil- ton. Fourth Ave. Parkway, 6 miles, from Flatbush Ave. to Shore Road. Fulton Park, 3 acres, Fulton St., Stuyvesant Ave. and Chauncey St. Gle.nmore Ave. Parkway, 2 .3-10 miles, Stone Ave. to El- dert Lane. Gravel Pit Park, o acres. Ocean Parkway. Gravel Pit Park, 1-3 acre, Windsor Terrace. Highland Park, 5.5 acres, Eastern Parkway Extension, Sunnyside and Forcetube Aves. Institute Park. 50 acres, Eastern Parkway, Flatbush Ave. and Washington Ave. An arboretum (new) containing the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. Irving Square, 314 acres, Hamburg and Knickerbocker Aves., Halsey and Weirfleld Sts. Lincoln Terrace Park, 12 acres. Eastern Parkway, Buffalo Ave., President St., Rochester Ave. Linton Park, 3 acres, Bradford St., Blake, Dumont and Miller Aves. McKiNLEY Park, 8V> acres, 7th Ave., Fort Hamilton Ave., 73d St. McLaughlin Park, 4 acres. Jay, Bridge, Tillary and Chapel Sts. Miller Ave. Parkway. 1-10 mile, Jamaica Ave. to Eastern I'arkway Extension. New Lots. Ave. Parkway, 5-8 mile, Riverdale Ave. to Dumont Ave. New Lots Playground, 3 acres, Sackman St., Newport. Christopher and Riverdale Aves. Ocean Parkway, 51/2 miles. Prospect Park to Coney Island. Ocean Ave. Parkway, 1/2 mile. Flatbush Ave. to Fort Hamil- ton Ave. PAR.4DE Ground, 40 acres. Fort Hamilton, Coney Island and Caton .4.ves. and I'arade PI., adjoining Prospect Park on the south. Pennsylvania Ave. Parkway, 2\'-i miles. Jamaica Ave. to Jamaica Bay. Pitkin Ave. P.4.rkway, % mile. East New York Ave. to Stone Ave. Prospect Park, 51G1-.5 acres. Prospect Park W. fOth Ave. i, 15th St., Coney Island Ave., Fort Hamilton Ave., Ocean Ave., Flatbush Ave. This is one of the most beautiful and highly developed parks in the Greater City. It is irregular shape, about IV2 miles in its greatest length, and about 1 mile in its greatest width. Its diversified surface is clothed with a natural growth of large forest trees, supplemented by a groat variety of ornamental shrubs, disposed with a view to naturalness, the absence of artificiality being the distinctive attraction of this park. It has an excellent menagerie, extensive botanical gardens and plant houses, an Italian garden ornamented with busts and statues, an old-fashioned garden, boat houses, cafes and other suitable accessories. 103 Parks, Parkways, Etc. — Brooklyn Continued Prospect Park — Coutin ucd. Its main entrance is the Plaza, at Flatbush and 9th Aves. Here is the Soldiers and Sailors' Memorial Arch, ornamented with MacMonnies' impressive bronze groups — decidedly the most notable civic monument which the metropolis possesses. The entrance at 9th Ave. and 7th St. is flanked by bronze panthers on pedestals. At the Park Circle (southwest) entrance are two collosal bronze groups by MacMonnies, known as the Horse Tamers. A complete list of the statues in this park may be found elsewhere, in the section " Monuments and Statues." The most direct route to the Plaza entrance is via the Flatbush Ave. Lines. Slightly less direct routes to that entrance are via the Vanderbilt Ave. and the Union St. Lines, which reach all entrances on the west side. The Smith and 9th St. and the Hamilton Ave. Lines give access to the west side at 9th and at 15th Sts., and at Park Circle, the southwest entrance. The Willink entrance, at Flatbush Ave. and Malbone St., is the main entrance on the east. It is reached by the Flatbush Ave. Line from Brooklyn Bridge, the Nostrand Ave. and the Lorimer St. Lines from Williams- burg Bridge, and in summer by the Putnam Ave. and Gates Ave. Lines : also via Brighton Beach El. Lines, Prospect Park Station. Red Hook Park, 6 acres, Richard, Dwight, Verona and William Sts. RivERDALE Ave. Parkway, % mile. Stone Ave. to New Lots Ave. RocKAWAY Parkway, 3 miles, Buffalo Ave. to Canarsie Park. Saratoga Square, 4 acres, Saratoga and Howard Aves., Halsey and Macon Sts. Seaside Park, 15 acres, Seabreeze Ave., E. 5th St., Atlantic Ocean, W. 5th St. Seventy-fifth St. Parkway, 314 miles. Bay Parkway to Shore Road. Shaw .\ve. Parkway, V4 mile, Jamaica Ave. to Forest Park. Shore Road, 3 miles, skirting Narrows, from 1st Ave. to Fort Hamilton. Stone Ave. Parkway, 1 mile, Eastern Parkway Extension to Riverdale Ave. Stuyvesant Park, small segment, Broadway and Stuyvesant Ave. Sunset Park, 141/4 acres, 41st to 44th Sts., 5th to 7th Aves. Tompkins Park, 7% acres, Tompkins, Greene, Marcy and Lafayette Aves. Underhili, Park, small segment. LTnderhill and Washington Aves. Union St. Parkway, % mile, Prospect Park to 4th Ave. Williamsburg Bridge Park, 4 3-5 acres, S. 5th to S. 6th St., Bedford Ave. to Kent Ave. Williamsburg Park, 42% acres. N. 12th. Berry, Nassau, Lorimer Sts., Driggs and Manhattan Aves., Leonard and Bayard Sts., Union Ave., Newton St. Winthrop Park, 8% acres, Nassau and Driggs Aves., Mon- itor and Russell Sts. Woodpoint Park, % acre. Metropolitan Ave. and Woodpoint Road. 164 •Parks, Parkways, Etc. — Continued. rV. Queens Parks, etc. College Point Park, 1 1-10 acres, 14th. l."th and Louisa Sts. and 5th Ave. Forest Park, 586 acres, between .Jamaica and Myrtle Aves., Utica Turnpike, Cypress Hills Cemetery and Metropoli- tan Ave. A natural woodland park of great beauty, crowning a steep and high ridge which overlooks the Atlantic Ocean, Jamaica Bay and Long Island Sound. It has macadamized roads, but is otherwise in a state of nature. Reached by the Myrtle Ave. Line on the north, the Broadway, Fulton St. and Jamaica Ave. Lines on the south. Flushing Park, 1 1-5 acres. Main St. and Broadway, Flush- ing, 7 3-5 acres, Congress Av^, Myrtle Ave., and Leavitt Sts. Kings Park, Jamaica, 11 acres, Fulton, Alsop. Sheldon and Ray Sts. Linden Park. Corona. 8 acres, Lake. Park and Linden Sts. and Sycamore Ave. Monitor Square, Long Island City, Jackson Ave. and .3d St. POPPENHUSEN Square, College Point, College Ave. and 13th St. V. Richmond Parks. Port Richmond. 1 li acres. P.roadway. Bennett and Heber- ton Aves. and Vreeland St. Silver Lake, 65 acres, Richmond Turnpike, Eddy St.. Brighton Ave. and Silver Lake. Washington Square, 11/2 acres. Water and Canal Sts., Stapleton. SIGHT-SEEING TRIPS ABOUT NEW YORK I. AUTOMOBILE AND YACHT SIGHT-SEEING SERVICE. II. FIFTH AVENUE, CENTRAL PARK AND RIVERSIDE DRIVE SERVICE. III. PROSPECT PARK AND CONEY ISLAND SERVICE. IV. SHORT WATER EXCURSIONS. V. SUBURBAN TROLLEY TRIPS. VI. FORTS AND GOVERNMENT ISLANDS. I. Automobiles and Yacht-Sight-Seeing Service To the visitor who desires to see the metropolis, but whose time is limited, the tours of the sight-seeinj? auto- mobiles offer a pleasant, quick and inexpensive manner of viewing the city. The trips are made under the direction of competent guides, who indicate the prominent public and private buildings, residences, landmarks and points of in- terest. Some of the guides are able to speak, in addition to English, the principal foreign languages. The tours cover the most distinctive sections of the city — uptown and down- town — and lead through the main streets and thoroughfares in those districts. The trips are made dail.v in winter and summer alike, the coaches of the different companies leaving certain starting points at specified hours. The automobiles are of the latest type, well-equipped, and carry a restricted number of passengers, each seat being reserved. Passengers ai-e not permitted to board the coaches en route. Reserva- tions can be made in advance by telephone. Special coaches, small and large in size, can be hired for parties, with or without lecturer, as may be desired. Rates furnished on application by letter or telephone. The names and addresses of the three operating com- panies, starting points, winter and summer schedules, route, description, length (in miles and time), of the different tours, round trip fare, etc., are as follows : THE AMERICAN SIGHT-SEEIxNG CAR AND COACH CO. THE AMERICAN SIGHT-SEEING COACH CO. THE AMERICAN SIGHTSEEING BOAT AND TRANS- PORTATION CO. (Operating "Seeing New York Automobiles and Yacht.") Booking OfBce, Waiting Rooms, Starting Point : Flat Iron Bldg. (5th Ave. side), 23d St. Telephone 4944- 4945-Gramercy. Tour No, 1, Uptown : Fare, $1 ; 12 miles ; 2 hours. Starts, November 1 to March 31, 10 A. M., 2 P. M. April 1 to October 31, 10 A. M., 2 P. M., 4 P. M. Route: From 23d St., 5th Ave., up Madison Ave. to 20th St., west to 5th Ave., north to Central Park at 90th St., through Park to 110th St. and 7th Ave., west to Cathe- dral Heights, north to 114th St., west to Riverside Drive, north to Grant's Tomb, encircling Claremont, south on Drive to 72d St., east to Broadway, south on Broadway to starting point. Route varied occasionally by going east on 72d St. to Central Park, through Park to 59th St. and Broadway, thence south on Broadway. Sight-Seeing Trips About New Yoek — Continued. Tor R \o. 1 — Continued. Places of interest passed en route : Little Chuicli Around the Corner, Millionaire's Row, McGown's Pass Tavern. Block House No. 1. Reservoir, Metropolitan Museum of Art. St. Luke's Hospital. Soldiers and Sailors* Monument, P.ishop Potter's residence, etc. TorR No. 2. Downtown: Fare, $1 : 8 miles; IV2 hours. Starts, November 1 to March 31, 10 A. M.. 2 P. M. April 1 to October 31, 10 A. M., 2 P. M., 4 P. M. Route: From 23d St., 5th Ave., down 5th Ave. to Wav- erley Place, east to Broadway, south to Wall St., east to Broad St., south to Stock Exchange (10 minute stop at Exchange), north to Wall St., east to South St.. north (along river front) to Peck Slip, west to Pearl St.. north to New Bowery, north to Chatham Square, west on Worth St.. to Mulberry St., north to Bayard St., east on Bayard St. to Bowery, north to 4th Ave., to Junction of 3d and 4th Aves.. north on 4th Ave. to 17th St., west to Broad- way, north to starting point. Points of interest en route: Washington Memorial Arch, home of Mayor McClellan, New York Life BIdg.. Post Office Bldg., Trinity Church, Custom House, Brook- lyn Bridge, Italian Section, etc. Tour No. 3, Chinatown and Bowery : Fare, $2 ; 3 hours. Starts, summer and winter, 8.30 P. M. Route: From 23d St. and 5th Ave., to Broadway, south to Canal St., east to Elm St., south to Franklin St., east to Baxter St., south to Worth St., east to Chatham Sq. and Mott St., then on foot through the Chinese Quarter, visiting the Joss House, Opera House, Oriental Restaur- ant, etc., and after dinner resuming automobile trip at Bowery and Pell St., thence north on Bowery, following Route No. 2 to starting point. Round-trip rate covers all expenses, including admis- sion to the Opera House, cost of Oriental dinner, etc. Points of interest en route : Grace Church, Tombs, Mulberry Bend Park, Five Points Mission, Ghetto, etc. ToiR No. 4, VIA Yacht, Hudson, Harlem and East Rivers, Harbor, etc.: Fare, $1; 40 miles; 3 hours (from May 15 to November 1). Starts, ft. 22d St., N. R., 10 A. M., 2.30 P. M. Route: Starting 22d St., North River, south to Battery, around the Harbor, up the East River to Harlem River, through the Harlem River to Spuyten Duyvil, through the Harlem Ship Canal to Hudson River, south to start- ing point, encircling the island of Manhattan and passing Castle Garden, Brooklyn and Williamsburg Bridges, Navy Yard, Hell Gate, Blackwell's Island, High Bridge, Wash- ington Bridge, Palisades, etc. NEW YORK AUTO TRANSFER CO. (Operating the "Observation Automobiles.") Starting Points and Ticket Offices : Post Card Store, 946 Broadway, near 22d St. Telephone 2399-Gramercy. Childs' Bldg.. Broadway and 34th St. Tel. 151-38th. Tickets also on sale at hotels. 107 Sight-Seeing Trips About New York — Continued. Tour No. 1, Tptowx : Fare, $1 ; 13 miles : 2 hours. Starts, Nov. 1 to April 30, 10 A. M., 2 T. M..' 4 P. M. May 1 to October 31, 10, 11 A. M., 2, 3, 4 P. M. Route: Througli ttie residential section of the city, Cen- tral Park to 110th St., west to Columbia University Grounds, thence to Riverside Drive, northward, past Grant's Tomb, to the Claremont Inn : returning, south on Riverside Drive to 72d St., east to Broadway, south to starting point. En i-oute are passed the homes of the Goulds, Astors, Vanderbilts. Andrew Carnegie, Phipps Mansion, Senator Clark's new residence, the Waldorf- Astoria, St. Regis, Gotham, Holland House. Savoy and Netherlands Hotels, the Union League, Calumet, Knicker- bocker, Union and University Clubs, St. Patrick's Cathe- dral, St. Thomas' and Brick Presbyterian Churches, and Temples Emanu-El and Beth-El, etc. Tour No. 2, Downtown : Fare, $1 ; 9 miles ; 2 hours. Starts, November 1 to April 30, 10 A. M., 2 P. M. May 1 to October 31, 10, 11 A. M., 2 P. M. Route: Past the chief historical points of Old New York, passing all large commercial and financial institutions, through the Washington Arch, then into Broadway, go- ing as far south as the Battery, with a view of the historic Castle Garden (Aquarium) and the Harbor, then into Broad St., with a 20-minute stop at the Stock Ex- change, then to the East River, with a view of the river front, north as far as Peck Slip, thence eastward through the Bowery, Italian Quarters, Bohemian Village, Little Hungary, the streets comprising the so-called Ghetto, north on the Bowery to Cooper Square, thence westward to Broadway, northward to starting point. This route passes hundreds of points of special interest, all of which are pointed out by the lecturer. Tour No. 3, Chinatown : Fare, $2 ; 8 miles ; 3 hours. Starts, April 1 to December 1, 9 P. M. Route: Through Chinatown and the Bowery, visiting the famous Joss House (the Chinese House of Worship i, the Chinese Theatre, a typical Chinese restaurant, and a Bowery dance hall, showing "slum" life in New York. The $2 fare covers all expenses of the trip, including food in the restaurant. Tour No. 4, Brooklyn : Fare, $1 ; 10 miles : 2 hours. Route: From 22d St. and Broadway, west to 5th Ave., south to 20th St., east to Gramercy Park, to 18th St., east to 2d Ave., south to Delancey St.. across Williams- burg Bridge, south on Bedford Ave. to Flushing Ave., east on Flushing Ave. to Navy St., through Navy St.. passing Brooklyn Navy Yard, to Fulton St., west on Ful- ton St., passing Brooklyn City Hall, to Brooklyn Heights, thence to Old Brooklyn Bridge, across bridge to World Building, with visit to dome, thence north on the Bow- ery to Astor Place, west to Broadway, north to starting point. Points passed en route : Navy Yard, sugar refin- eries, Brooklyn public buildings, Brooklyn residential section, Plymouth Church, Newspaper Row, Bowery, etc. 108 Sight-Seeing Trips About New York — Continued. PARK CARRIAGE CO. (Operating "Touring New Yorls" Green Cars). Booliing Office and Starting Point : Hotel Bartholdi, Broadway and 23d St. Tel. 3351 and 4874-Gramercy. Tour No. 1, Uptown: Fare, $1; 13% miles; 2 hours. Tour No. 2, Downtown : Fare, $1 ; 13 miles ; 2 hours. Starts, November 1 to March 31, 10 A. M., 2 P. M. April 1 to April 30, 10 A. M., 2, 4 P. M. May 1 to October 31, hourly, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Tour No. 3, Chinatown : Fare, $2 ; 3 hours. Starts, April 1 to December 1, 9 P. M. The above tours cover the same ground as those arranged by the other companies. An additional feature, however, is that the uptown trip includes a 10-minute stop at. and visit to, Grant's Tomb, which latter privilege is only permitted to the Park Carriage Co. On leaving the starting point each automobile party is photographed, a copy of which can be obtained for 25 cents at the end of the trip. This company makes a specialty of arranging tours for small parties desiring exclusive service, having a large num- ber of coaches seating only fourteen passengers. n. Fifth Avenue, Central Park and Riverside Drive Service FiFTH Ave. Stages. These vehicles afford a convenient, satisfactory and cheap means of seeing one of the most distinctive and interesting sections of the city. Their route lies for 4iA miles through the great fashionable thoroughfare, passing the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Central Park, the Roman Catholic Cathedral. many famous churches, hotels and clubs, the new Public Library, Madison Square, Washington Arch, Washington Square, etc. The English busses have cross seats on top. which are excellent points from which to view the animated and interesting scenes. Vehicles pass at intervals of 3 to 5 minutes, and may be boarded at any point. Fare, 5 cents. Route: From corner Madison Ave. and 88th St., west to 5th Ave., south on 5th Ave. to Washington Square, to Bleecker St. and West Broadway. Central Park Service. From April 1st to November 30th park coaches and electric wagonettes make the circuit of Central Park, a dis- tance of about 6 miles. The vehicles are very comfortable aud commodious, and afford a most convenient means of viewing the principal points of interest within the park. The fare is 25 cents for each person. Stop-over tickets are issued at Terrace Bridge (72d St. Driveway), Metropolitan Museum of Art (82d St., East Side), and American Museum of Natural History (82d St., West Side), good for the re- mainder of the trip at any time during the same day. Route: From 59th St. and 5th Ave., north on East Driveway to 110th St., to West Driveway, south to 59th St. and 8th Ave. From .59th St. and 8th Ave. north on West Driveway, to 110th St., to East Driveway, south to 59th St. and 5th Ave. 169 Sight-Seeing Trips About New York — Continued. Riverside Drive and Grant's Tomb Service. From April 1st to November 30th, electric wagonettes and surreys ply through Central Park and Riverside Drive to Grant's Tomb, a distance of about 4 miles. The fare is 25 cents each way. Route: From 59th St. and 5th Ave. entrance of Central Park, north on East Driveway, west on 72d St. Driveway and West 72d St. to Riverside Drive, thence north to Grant's Tomb. in. Prospect Park and Coney Island Service. In summer automobiles start from the Plaza entrance of Prospect Park, about every half-hour after 9.30 A. M., and make a complete circuit of the park, also stopping for pas- sengers at Willink entrance. On Sunday carriages also are run. Fare, round trip. 25 cents. In the evening, from 7.45 P. M. onward, the automobile route Is through the park to Park Circle, thence via Ocean Parkway to Coney Island. Start from Plaza entrance, with stop at Willink entrance for passengers. Fare, round trip, 50 cents. IV. Short Water Excursions, HUDSON RIVER A day on the Hudson River is a most delightful diver- sion, which should not be omitted by any visitor to New York. For those with sufficient time at their disposal, the entire trip from New York to Albany, by the Hudson River Day Line, is recommended. Other shorter trips are out- lined below. Albany. Via Hudson River Day Line. 142 miles. Time, 9% hours. Leave New York, daily, except Sunday, foot of Desbrosses St., 8.40 A. M. : foot W. 42d St., 9 A. M. ; foot W. 129th St., 9.20 A. M. Arrive Albany 6.1G P. M. Fare. .?2. Return by night boat or by train. Railroad tickets between New York and Albany are good for pas- sengers on the Hudson River Day Line steamboats. PouGHKEEPSiE. Via Hudson River Day Line. 74 miles. Time. -iVi hours. Leaves New York as above, daily, ex- cept Sundaj'. Arrive Poughkeepsie 1.15 P. M. Connect at Poughkeepsie with return boat, which leaves at 1.20, and arrives New York, foot W. 129th St., 5.10 P. M. ; foot W. 42d St., 5.30 P. M. : foot Desbrosses St., 6 P. M. Dinner on boat a la carte ; also table d'hote, $1. Fare, one way. ?1 : round trip, $1.50. West Point. 50 miles. Time, 3 hours. 10 minutes. This beautiful resort may be reached, week days, fi-om New York by the morning boat of the Hudson River Day Line, and the afternoon boat. Mary Powell, returning either by the afternoon boat of the Hudson River Day Line, the evening boat of the Central Hudson Steamboat Co.. or by rail. Round trip tickets issued by the Hudson River Day Line are accepted for return passage by the Central Hudson Steamboat Co. Round trip tickets by steamboat going and by rail returning are also sold. Passengers returning by the evening boat have oppor- tunity to see the dress-parade of the cadets — the most interesting incident in the West Point routine. 170 Sight-Seeing Trips About New York — Continued. Hudson River — Continued. Via Hudson River Day Line: Daily, except Sunday. Leave Desbrosses St., 8.40 A. M. : W. 42d St., 9 A. M. : W. 129th St., 9.20 A. M. Arrive West Point 11.50 A. M. Return, leave West Point 2.50 P. M. Arrive 129th St. 5.10 P. M. : W. 42d St., 5.30 P. M. ; Desbrosses St.. 6 P. M. Fare, one way, 75 cents ; round trip by boat, $1 : by boat and rail, $1.10. Via Steoinboat Mary Powell: Except Saturday and Sunday. Leave Desbrosses St., 3.10 P. M. : W. 42d St.. 3.30 P. M. ; W. 129th St., 3.50 P. M. Arrive West Point 6.10 P. M. Saturday boat leaves Desbrosses St. 1.45 P. M. ; W. 42d St., 2 P. M. ; W. 129th St., 2.20 P. M. Arrives West Point 4.50 P. M., in time for dress-parade. Return, via Central Hudson S. B. Co., leave West Point 7 P. M., arrive Franklin St., 10.30 P. M. ; or via West Shore R. R. Fare, one way, 75 cents ; round trip by boat, $1 : by boat and rail, .$1.10. Via Central Hudson Stcnmhoat Co.: Week days, leave Franklin St. 5 P. M. Arrive West Point 8 P. M. Sundays, leave Franklin St. at 9 A. M. ; W. 129th St.. 9.30 A. M. South-bound boats leave West Point daily, includiuc; Sunday, at 7 P. M., and arrive at Franklin St. at 10 P. M. Fare, one way, 50 cents : round trip, by boat, 90 cents : by boat and rail, $1.10. Return via West Shore R. R.: Boat and rail round trip tickets are sold by all the steamboat lines for $1.10. The return trip via rail occupies 1 hour, 45 minutes. LONG ISLAND SOUND. The western end of Long Island Sound is bordered by an extremely irregular and picturesque shore line, deeply in- dented with bays alternating with wooded points and prom- ontories, and with many abrupt curves. For several miles the shores are but one to three miles apart, so that beautiful scenery can be readily viewed from passing steamboats. Beyond Throgg's Neck the Sound widens to several miles, and the shore details are in general too distant to be effec- tively seen. The East River and the western part of the Sound may be seen to great advantage in the early evening, from the Sound Steamboats bound for Fall River, Provi- dence, Stonington, New London and Hartford, all of which leave between 5 and 6 o'clock and pass the most picturesque scenery before nightfall. Details as to these boats may be found elsewhere under the general title, " Principal River and Coast Points." New H.wex. 85 miles. Time, 5 hours. This trip is almost entirely by daylight, and affords a fine view of the pic- turesque north coast, not seen from the Sound steamers named above, whose course is further south. Leave Peck Slip, E. R., at 4 P. M., except Sunday. Arrive New Haven, Belle Dock, at 9 P. M. Return may be made by same boat, arriving in New York at 7.15 A. M. : or by N. Y., N. H. & H. R., arriving in New York in 2 hours. 171 Sight-Seeing Trips About New York — Continued. LoxG IsLAN'D Sound — Continued. Stamford. 33 miles. 3 hours. Steamboat Shadyside leaves reck Slip (except Sunday) at 2.55 P. M., Saturday at 2.30 P. M., stopping for passengers at foot of E. 31st St. 30 minutes later. Arrives Stamford 6 P. M., Saturdays i>.30 P. M. Return by train, N. Y., N. H. & H. R., in 1 hour. This trip is one of the most convenient for a daylight view of the Sound. Sea Cliff. L. I. 25 miles. 1% to 2 hours. A charming short trip along the south coast of the Sound. Steam- boat Nantasket leaves Old Slip, E. R., at 4.10 P. M. ; Saturday at 1.30 P. M. : Sunday, 9.30 A. M. Stopping for passengers at foot of E. 31st St. about 40 minutes later. Arrive at Sea Cliff 6.20 P. M. : Saturday 3.40 P. M. : Sunday, 11.40 A. M. Return by trolley and train, L. I. R. R., in 1 hour, 37 minutes. ^'EWPORT BY Daylight. In summer the Long Island R. R. runs special excursions to Newport, on Sunday only, by rail to Greenport, L. I., thence by boat to Newport and return. Fast trains are run, provided with parlor cars. This is a very pleasant and convenient trip. It allows 2 hours in Newport, and a daylight view of the pictur- esque scenery of Eastern Long Island. Block Island, and Narragansett Bay. Leave 34th St. Ferry, New York, at 8.20 A. M. (Sun- day only). Arrive Greenport 11 A. M. : Newport 3 P. M. Returning, leave Newport 5 P. M. Arrive Greenport 9 P. M. ; New York, 11.40 P. M. Fare, round trip. |1.50, Parlor car fare, 50 cents each way. Meals a la carte on boat. JERSEY COAST RESORTS. For 50 miles or more the New Jersey Coast is fringed with summer resorts, readily accessible from New York by water and rail. A visit to any of these places affords a delightful day's outing, comprising a water-trip of 20 miles over the Upper Bay, the Narrows, and the Lower Bay — the main approach to New York from the ocean. At Atlantic Highlands connection is made with the Central R. R. of N. J., whose route is almost upon the ocean beach for some miles, and which closely borders it as far as Barnegat Bay. This line passes through Seabright, Long Branch, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove and Spring Lake, all summer resorts of great attractiveness and wide popularity, with numerous and ■excellent hotels. Sandy Hook Linf, Steaxiboats, C. R. of N. J. From New York to Atlantic Highlands, opposite Sandy Hook, 20 miles. Time, 1% hours. Leave foot W. 42d St., week days, 9, 9.35, 10.30 A. M., 12.30, 1.30, 3, 4.15, 5.40, 7.45 P. M. ; Sunday, 9.25 A. M., 12.35, 3.35, 7.45 P. M. Leave foot Cedar St., week days, 9.20, 10, 11 A. M., 1, 2, 3.45, 4.45, 6, 8.10 P. M. ; Sunday 10 A. M., 1, 4, 8.10 P. M. Arrive Atlantic Highlands 1 hour 15 minutes later, Fare, 60 cents one way ; round trip, $1. 172 Sight-Seeing Trips About New York — Continued. Jersey Coast Rekouts — Continued. All boats connect with trains for Time from Xew York. Ilighlands-of-Navesink 1 tir. 20 min. Seabright 1 br. 30 min. Long Branch 1 hr. 45 min. Ocean Grove 2 brs. 5 min. Asbury Park 2 hrs. 5 min. Spring Lake 2 hrs. 20 min. Point Pleasant 2 hrs. 35 min. and intermediate points. Return boats leave Atlantic Highlands at the same intervals and approximately the same hours as stated above for outgoing boats, l-'ast trains connect with all returning boats. Pattex Line Steamboats. From New York, via Upper Bay, Narrows, Lower Bay, to Sandy Hook, thence up the Shrewsbury River, and Pleasure Bay. to West Long Branch. From this point Long Branch, Asbury Park and Ocean Grove may be reached by trolley, the trip by this conveyance being a very pleasant one. Leave foot Bloomfield St., N. R.. week days, 8, 8.55, 11 A. M., 2.40 P. M. ; Sunday. 8.55, 9.45, 10.40 A. M. Extra boat on Saturday at 12.45 P. M. Leave Battery about 30 minutes later. Time to West Long Branch, about 3 hours. Fare, one way, 35 cents ; round trip, 50 cents. POPULAR SHORE RESORTS. Several of the popular shore resorts near the city are reached directly by small excursion steamboats. These are apt to be much crowded on holidays and Saturday after- noons. At other times they afford an enjoyable means of transit. CoNEV Lsi.AXD. The Iron Steaml)oats leave, week-days, at intervals of about 1 hour ; Sunday and holidays at in- tervals of about i/o hour, from W. 129th St., W. 22d St.. and foot of Battery 1*1. (Battery Park). The schedule time of departure is advertised in the daily papers dur- ing the season. Fare from W. 129th St., one way. 20 cents ; round trip, 35 cents ; from W. 22d St. and from Battery Place, one way, 15 cents ; round trip, 25 cents. RocKAWAY Beach. Iron Steamboats leave W. 129th St. about 9 A. M. ; W. 22d St., about 9.30 A. M. : Battery Place, about 10 A. M. Arrive at Rockaway about 12 M Returning, leave Rockaway about 5.30 P. M. : arrive Battery Place about 7.30 P. M. Fare, one way. 35 cents : round trip, 50 cents. Rockaway Line Steamboats leave W. 129th St., W. 22d St., and Battery Park, making 4 trips week days, 6 trips Sundays and holidays. Time schedule advertised in daily papers. Fare, one way, 30 cents ; round trip, 50 cents. Midland Beach. Steamboat " Wm. Storie " leaves Battery about every 2 hours. 173 Sight-Seeing Trips About New York — Continued. FISHING BOATS. A day on the ocean, combined with sea-fishing, can be had upon the several steamboats which ply to the fishing banks. Fishing tackle and bait may be obtained on the boats. Meals a la carte. Fare, 75 cents ; ladies. 50 cents. This trip is not recommended for ladies. On Saturday and Sunday the boats are somewhat too crowded for ccfmfortable fishing. .<^7r. Taiinis leaves foot E. 31st St., 7.30 A. M. : Pier 1, N. R., foot Battery PI., 8.20 A. M. Returns about 5 P. ;m. Str. Angler leaves foot E. 22d St., 7.15 A. M. ; Bat- tery Park, 8.05 A. M. Returns about 5 P. M. Str. Mount Desert leaves foot W. 21st St., 7.15 A. M. ; Battery Park, 8.10 A. M. Returns about 5 P. M. V. Suburban Trolley Trips, Trolley trips are one of the best methods of sight- seeing, and to the visitor to New York afford a very cheap and quick way of viewing the metropolis and the surround- ing country. The different lines, with connections, give access to points within a radius of at least fifty miles. Below are listed pleasant trips in the Bronx and Westchester County, on Long Island and Staten Island, and across the Hudson River in Jersey. If information is desired as to the distance between the points referred to in these trips, time tables of the different trolley companies, connections, etc., it is sug- gested that " Bullinger's Monitor Guide " be consulted. In another section of this guide will be found a list of all the electric linos operated in Manhattan and Brooklyn Boroughs, the routes being given in detail. A ride on the principal lines in those boroughs will be found specially in- teresting to the visitor who can spare the necessary time. "Trolley Exploring" (10 cents), published by The Brook- lyn Daily Eagle ; " Five Hundred Tours. Trips and Ex- cursions by Trolley" (10 cents), issued by The Evening Mail, and "Trolley Tours in Jersey" (1 cent stamp), dis- tributed by the Public Service Corporation, Newark, N. J., describe extensive trolley tours starting from New York City and the immediate vicinity. BRONX AND WESTCHESTER TOURS. Washington Bridge : Morris Ave. Line at 128th St. and 3d Ave., via 3d and Morris Aves.. 161st St.. Jerome and Boscobel Aves., to Washington Bridge. Returning : Walk across Bridge to Amsterdam Ave., where south-bound cars for Amsterdam, Cth and 3d Aves. pass. Round trip fare, 10 cents. Bronx Park : West Farms Line at 128th St. and 3d Ave., via 3d and Boston Aves. and West Farms Road, to south- ern entrance. Walk through park, viewing " Rocking Stone " and Zoological and Botanical Gardens, to west- ern entrance on Webster Ave., where south-bound Mt. Vernon and Fordham cars to 128th St. and 3d Ave. pass. Round trip fare, 10 cents. 174 Sight-Seeing Trips About New York — Continued. Bronx and Westchester Tours — Continued. Unioxi'Ort, Theogg's Neck, Fort Schuyler : Fordham Line at 128th St. and 3d Ave., north to 3d and Tremont Aves. ; transfer east to Tremont Ave. Line to Unionport. For Throgg's Neck and Fort Schuyler, fi-om which an excel- lent view of Long Island Sound can be obtained, transfer again in Westchester Village. Returning : Tremont Ave. Line to West Farms Village ; transfer to West Farms Line, south-bound, or Tremont Ave. Line to Webster Ave. : transfer to Mt. Vernon Line, to 128th St. and 3d Ave. Tremont Ave. Line passes, in Van Nest, the famous Catholic Protectory. Uound trip fare, 10 cents. High Bridge, Univbbsitt Heights (Hail of Fame) : Ford- ham or Mt. Vernon Line at 128th' St. and 3d Ave., to Tremont Ave., transfer to western division of Tremont Ave. Line, on Burnside, Cedar and Sedgwick Aves., to High Bridge. Returning : Via Sedgwick Ave. to Jerome Ave. and 161st St., transfer to south-bound Jerome Ave. Line to El. Station at 155th St. and 8th Ave., or con- tinuing east to 161st St. and 3d Ave., then transfer south on 3d Ave., to starting point. By walking across High Bridge to Amsterdam Ave., south-bound Amsterdam, 6th or 3d Ave. car can be taken to Manhattan. Round trip fare, 10 cents. Burnside and Aqueduct Aves., passed by the Tremont Ave. Line, are the approaches to New York University Campus, on which is located the Hall of Fame to com- memorate the names of pre-eminent Americans. On High Bridge, which is 1,460 feet long and 116 feet above the river surface, the first Croton Aqueduct is carried across the Harlem River at 175th St. Mt. Verxon, Pelham, Pelham Manor, New Rochelle, Glen Island : Mt. Vernon Line at 128th St., north to N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Station in Mt. Vernon ; transfer to New Rochelle, passing through Pelham Heights, Pel- ham Manor (walking distance from summer home of New Y'ork Athletic Club), and Woodside. From New Rochelle transfer is given to ferry for Glen Island, which is open only during the summer. Returning : Glen Island Line to New Rochelle : transfer to Mt. Vernou ; transfer west to McLean and Jerome Aves., passing Em- pire City Trotting and Automobile Track at Dunwoodie ; transfer to Jerome Ave. Line, south-bound, to El. Station at 155th St. and 8th Ave. Round trip fare, 10 cents. Y'OXKEES, GlENWOOD, HASTINGS, BEDFORD PaRK, BRONX Park: Starting McComb's Dam Viaduct (top of El. Station at 155th St. and 8th Ave.), Jerome Ave. Line to Jerome and McLean Aves. ; transfer west on Fordham and I'onkers Line to Yonkers ; transfer on Warburton Ave. Line to Hastings, passing through Glenwood and Glenwood Heights. Returning : Warburton Ave. Line to Yonkers : transfer on Fordham & Y'onkers Line to Ford- ham, passing Bedford Park, Botanical Gardens of Bronx Park, and St. John's College ; transfer on Fordham or Mt. Vernon Line south to 138th St. and 3d Ave. : trans- fer on 138th St. Crosstown Line to El. Station at 135th St. and 8th Ave. Round trip fare, 10 cents. 175 Sight-Seeing Trips About New York — Continued. Bronx and Westchester Tours — Continued. Van Cortlandt Park, Yonkers, Tuckahoe, Scarsdale, Hartsdale, White Plains, Tarrytown, Mamaroneck, Larchmont, New Rochelle, Mt. Vernon, Williams- bridge, West Farms : Starting at McComb's Dam Via- duct (top of El. Station at 155th St. and 8th Ave. », Jerome Ave. Line to Mosholu Parkway, passing Jerome Park Reservoir ; walk west on Mosholu Parkway through Van Cortlandt Park to South Broadway : Yonkers and Kingsbridge Line north to Yonkers ; Yonkers and Tuck- ahoe Line to Tuckahoe : Mt. Vernon and White Plains Line to White Plains, passing through Scarsdale and Harts- dale ; Tarrytown and White Plains Line to Tarrytown. Returning : Tarrytown and White I'lains Line to White Plains ; White Plains and Mamaroneck Line to Larch- mont ; Larchmont Line to New Rochelle ; Mount Vernon and North Pelham Line to Mt. Vernon : Mt. Vernon Line to 128th St. and 3d Ave., or, by transferring at 138th St. and 3d Ave., west to 135th St. and 8th Ave. EL Station. Round trip fare, 40 cents. STATEN ISLAND TOURS. North Shore : St. George to Rowland Hook. South Shore : St. George to South Beach. Municipal Ferry from Ft. Whitehall St.. Manhattan, to St. George : Shore Line of Richmond Light and R. R. Co., along the Shore, to Rowland Hook Ferry, passing through New Brighton, Snug Rarbor, Livingston. W. New Brighton, Port Richmond, Tower Hill, Elm Park, and Mariner's Harbor. Returning: Shore Line (same route) to South Beach, passing en route, south of St. George, Tompkinsville, Stapleton, Clifton, Rosebank, Fort Wadsworth, and Arrochar. From South Beach Rapid Transit Railway or Shore Line to Municipal Ferry at St. George. Round trip fare, 25 cents. In Snug Harbor is the Sailor's Home, the buildings and grounds of which are well worth seeing. Visitors allowed any day, holidays included, except Sunday. At Rowland Rook ferry connection is made with .Elizabethport, N. J. In Tompkinsville are located the Light House and Quarantine Stations. Passing, a good view of Fort Wadsworth, command- ing the entrance to the Harbor at the Narrows, is afforded. Visitors are admitted only by pass. South Beach is a small summer watering place for the masses. Interior Route : St. George to Midland Beach, to Castleton Corners, to St. George. Municipal Ferry from foot Whitehall St., Manhattan, to St. George : Midland Beach Line of Staten Island Mid- land R. R. to Midland Beach, passing through Tompkins- ville, Stapleton, Concord. Garretsons and Grant City. Returning : Midland Reach Line to Concord : free trans- fer Port Richmond Line ■ to Bergen Point Ferry, Port Richmond, via Clove Road, Castleton Corners, Pro- hibition Park, and Westerleigh ; or free transfer to Port Richmond Line from Concord to Castleton Corners : free transfer Castleton Ave. Line to Columbia St. and Castle- ton Ave., West New Brighton ; Brighton Heights and Sight-Seeing Trips About New York — Continued. Staten Island TorRS — Contintieil. Castleton Ave. Line to St. George, passing Smith's In- firmary- From Bergen I'oint Ferry, Port Richmond. Shore Line of Richmond Light & R. R. Co. can be taken to St. George, passing through W. New Brighton, Liv- ingston. Snug Harbor and New Brighton. This trip leads through the center of Staten Island. Midland Beach is a pleasant shore resort on the southern beach of Staten Island. In summer, Midland and South Beaches, about a mile and a half apart, are connected by trolley. NEW JERSEY TOURS. Edgewater to Hackensack, to Paterson, to Newark, TO Jersey City : Fort Lee Ferry, 130th St. and North ■River, to Edgewater, N. J. ; New Jersey & Hudson River R. R. to Main St., Hackensack : Paterson & Hackensack Joint Line to Main St. and Broadway, Paterson, passing through Palisades. Grantwood. Morsemere, Palisade Park, Leonia, Teaneck, Bogota, Hackensack, Maywood, Areola, Warren Point, and Passaic River. Returning: From City Hall, Parerson, Newark, Passaic and Pater- son Joint Line to Broad and Bank Sts., Newark, passing through Ijakeview, Clifton, Passaic, West Nutley, Nutley, Avondale, Essex, Belleville, North Newark, Woodside, and Riverside : from Broad and Bank Sts., Newark, Jersey City and Newark Line to Pennsylvania Ferry, Jersey City : ferry to Cortlandt, Desbrosses or 23d Sts., New York. Round trip fare, 60 cents. Weehawken to Exglewood, to Carlstadt, to Hoboken : Franklin or W. 42d St. Ferry to Weehawken. N. J. Weehawken and Fort Lee Line of the Jersey City. Ho- boken and Paterson St. Ry. to Fort Lee, passing through Highwood Park, W. New York, Woodcliffe, Hudson Heights. Cliffside Park, Edgewater Heights, Grantwood, and Palisades Park ; Fort Lee Division of New Jersey & Hudson River Ry. to Leonia ; then Englewood Division of same line to Englewood, passing through Nordhoff. Returning : Englewood Division to Leonia : Edgewater & Newark Joint Line to Carlstadt, with change of cars in Hackensack. passing through Teaneck, Bogota, Hack- ensack. Hackensack Heights, Ilasbrouck Heights, and Woodbridge ; Hoboken & Paterson Line (White Line Division) to Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R. Station in Hoboken, passing through Mechnachie, Hack- ensack River, Secaucus, Homestead. Schuetzen Park, West Hoboken, and Jersey City Heights ; ferry from Hoboken to Christopher or Barclay Sts., New York. Round trip fare, 60 cents. Jersey City to Newark, to Elizabeth, to Rowland Hook, Staten Island, to Port Richmond. S. I., to Bergen Point, N. J., to Jersey City : Twenty-third, Desbrosses or Cortlandt St. Ferry to Jersey City : Jersey City & Newark Line (via Plank Road), to Market and Broad Sts.. Newark ; Newark and Elizabethport Line to Staten Island Ferry at Elizabethport, passing through Waverly, N. Elizabeth and Elizabeth ; ferry to Howland Hook, Staten Island ; Shore Line of Richmond Light & 177 Sight-Seeing Trips About New York — Continued. New Jersey Touns — Continued. R. R. Co. to Bergeu Point Ferry, Port Richmond ; ferry to Bergen I'oint. N. J. ; Jersey City and Bayonne Line to Jersey City, passing through Bayonne and Greenville ; ferry to Cortlandt, Desbrosses or 2.3d Sts., New York City. Round trip fare, 40 cents. LONG ISLAND TOURS. Williamsburg Bridge, New York, to Jamaica, to Far ROCKAWAY, to ROCKAWAY PARK, RETURNING TO BROOK- LYN Bridge, New York : From Williamsburg Bridge, Manhattan, New York and Jamaica Line to Canal St., Jamaica, passing through East New Y'ork, Cypress Hills, Woodhaven, Clarenceville, and Richmond Hill (this line reaches Evergreen, Cypress Hills, National, Salem Fields, Maimonides and Mount Hope Cemeteries) ; Jamaica and Far Rockaway Line from Jamaica to Far Rockaway. passing through Locust Manor, Metropolitan Race Track, Springfield, Jamaica Meadows, Lawrence and Inwood ; from Far Rockaway, Far Rockaway & Rockaway Park Electric Line to Rockaway Park, passing through Edge- mere, Arverne, Hammels, Hollands and Seaside. Re- turning : Same route to Cypress Hills, where take Lex- ington Ave. El. Line of Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co. to Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan. Round trip fare, 4.5 cents. Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan, to Woodhaven, to Queens Park, to Hempstead, to Mineola, returning via Free- fort, RocKviLLE Center, Valley Stream. Springfield, ETC., TO Brooklyn Bridge, Manh.attan : From Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan, Douglass St. Line of Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co. to City Line, Woodhaven, passing through Brooklyn and East New Y'ork : from Woodhaven. Brook- lyn & Queens Line to Queens Park (Belmont Race Track i, passing through Ozone Park, Clarenceville. Morris Park, Dunton, Jamaica. Rockaway Junction, Hollis and Inter- state Park ; from Queens Park, Queens & Hempstead Line to Hempstead, passing through Elmont, Franklin Square, Munson and West Hempstead ; from Hempstead. Brooklyn & Mineola Line to Mineola. passing through Garden City. Returning : Brooklyn & Mineola Line from Mineola, without change, to Woodhaven, passing through Garden City, Hempstead, Roosevelt. Greenwich Point, Freeport, Baldwin, Oceanside. Rockville Center. Lynbrook, Valley Stream, Rosedale. Springfield and Ozone Park ; from Woodhaven, Douglass St. Trolley Line, or Brooklyn Rapid Transit El. Line, to Brooklyn Bridge. Manhattan. Round trip fare, 65 cents. Long Island City to Flushing, to Maspeth : Thirty- fourth St., or James Slip Ferry, to Long Island City : Flushing Line of New York & Queens Co. Ry. to Flush- ing, passing through Woodside, Winfleld. Newton and Corona. Returning : Flushing Line of Brookl.yn Rapid Transit Co. to Maspeth, passing through Corona Park. Corona and Elmhurst : free transfer in Maspeth to Calvary Line of New York & Queens Co. Ry., to Long Island City, passing Mt. Zion, New Calvary, Laurel Hill, and Old Calvary Cemeteries : from Long Island City ferry to 34th St. or James Slip, Manhattan. Round trip fare, 20 cents. 178 Sight-Seeing Trips About New York — Continued. VI. Forts and Islands. Bedloe's Island, Statue of Liberty : Boats from Battery (Barge OflBce), between 9 A. M. and 4 P. M., hourly, on the hour. Free. No pass required. Ellis Island, U. S. Immigrant Station : Before being per- mitted to enter the country all immigrants arriving at this port (nearly 800,000 in 1905) are landed on Ellis Island, where they are carefully examined as to physical, financial and moral condition. Many thousands are fre- quently handled in a single day. The process is most interesting and instructive. Visitors are permitted to visit all parts of the extensive buildings, and can with facility inspect the operaton of the system for excluding undesirable aliens, and caring for and forwarding those who are admitted. Boats from Battery (Barge OflSce), hourly, on the hour, from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. Free. No pass required. Governor's Island. Part of the old fortifications of New York Harbor, now headquarters of the Atlantic Division U. S. A. It contains Fort Jay, Castle Williams (now used as a military prison), and various army buildings. It has an interesting collection of obsolete ordnance, showing former fashions and experiments in guns. Boats from Battery (Barge Office) every half hour, on the quarter. Entrance by pass, for which address, Capt. J. H. Miller, 8th U. S. Infantry, Ft. Jay, N. Y. United States Forts : These are open to visitors, and a pass permitting inspection may be obtained on applica- tion at the entrance. Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn : On eastern side of narrows, at entrance to the Upper Bay. Has many heavy modern guns, commanding harbor approaches. 5th Ave. and Bay Ridge El. Line, 3d and 5th Ave. Surface Lines, from Park Row, Brooklyn Bridge. Fort Hancock, Sandy Hook : Southern entrance to Lower New York Bay, commanding main ship channel. One of the most extensive and formidable defences upon the Atlantic Coast. Fort Jay, Governor's Island (see above). Fort Schuyler, Throgg's Neck. On northern side of en- trance to Long Island Sound. Protects eastern approach to City. 3d Ave. El. Line or Subway to 177th St., thence by 177th St. Crosstown Line to entrance. Fort Slocum, David's Island. Commanding the entrance to Long Island Sound. N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. to New Rochelle, thence by ferry to David's Island. Fort Totten, L. I. On Willetfs Point entrance to Long Island Sound, 2 14 miles from Whitestone, L. I. Long Island R. R. from E. 34th St. to Whitestone, thence by trolley. Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island. On western side of Narrows, commanding all channels In Lower Bay. South Ferry to St. George, S. I., thence by trolley to Fort Wadsworth. 179 13 Sight-Seeing Trips About New York — Continued. Forts and Islands — Continued. FOBT Wood. An obsolete fortification on Bedloe's Island (see above), now surrounding base of Statue of Liberty. Brooklyn Navy Yard, Fort Sands. Open daily to visitors, except holidnys and Sundays, from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. No pass necessary to visit yards, but permission to visit ships must be obtained from commanding officers. Visit- ors must have pass to obtain admission to Yard on Sun- days and holidays. By trolley from Brooklyn Bridge. 180 SEASIDE RESORTS Bergen Beach, Jamaica Bay. From Brooklyn Bridge (Man- hattan), via B'latbush Ave. Line. From Williamsburg Bridge (Manhattan), via Nostrand Ave. Line. Brighton Beach. The central part of Coney Island, facing the Atlantic Ocean. A high-class popular resort. The site of the Brighton Beach Hotel, with an excellent piazza restaurant : the Brighton Music Hall : the Brigh- ton Beach Race Track : and large bathing-houses of the first class. A fine orchestra gives free concerts on the hotel promenade afternoon and evening. From Brooklyn Bridge, via Brighton Beach EI. Line, Flatbush Ave. Line and Smith St. Line. From Williamsburg Bridge and Broadway Ferries, via Nostrand Ave. Lines. Canarsie, Jamaica Bay. A boating and fishing resort. From Williamsburg Bridge (Manhattan), or Broadway Ferries, via Hamburg Ave. Line. From Brooklyn Bridge, via Fulton St. El. Line, connecting with Hamburg Ave. Line at Rockaway Ave. Coney _ Island, facing Atlantic Ocean. A famous pleasure resort for people of all classes. About 3 miles of bathing beach, bordered with bathing-pavilions, sea-shore restaur- ants, music and dancing halls, vaudeville theatres, games, and every kind of " show." " Luna Park " and " Dreamland " are world-famed spectacles, where diverse entertainments of much merit are provided. From Brooklyn Bridge, via Brighton Beach El. Line, 5th Ave. El. Lines, Court St., Union St., 3d Ave., Van- derbilt Ave., Smith St. Lines. From Williamsburg Bridge (Manhattan), and Broad- way Ferries ( 42d St., 23d St., Grand St. and Roosevelt St. Ferries), via Franklin Ave. and Reid Ave. Lines, Broadway El. Line Express (on Sundays and holidays only, in summer). From Greenpoint (E. 10th St.) Ferry, via Tompkins- Culver Line. From Hamilton (South) Ferry, via 15th St. Line and Smith St Line. From 39th St. (South) Ferry. 86th St. Line. For steamboat service, see " Short Water Excursions." Long Beach, on the Atlantic Ocean. Splendid bathing beach and excellent hotel. Via Long Island R. R. from E. 34th St., James Slip and Wall St. Ferries : and from Flatbush and Atlantic Aves., Brooklyn. Manhattan Beach, eastern end of Coney Island, on Atlantic Ocean. Manhattan Beach Hotel, with famous piazza restaurant : Manhattan Beach Music Hall, with concerts, light opera, vaudeville and dramatic performances: bathing pavilion : bicycle and athletic track : Pain's fire- works ; and Oriental Hotel. From Brooklyn Bridge, via Brighton Beach El. Line. From 3-lth St. Ferry. E R.. via Long Island R. R. From South Ferry, via .39th St. Ferry and Manhattan Beach Line. May also be reached by all surface lines going to Brighton Beach, with which it connects by shuttle train. Also connects with all Coney Island Lines via Sea Beach Line. 181 Sea Side Resorts — Continued. North Beach, a bathing resort for the masses, on Flushing Bay, near the western entrance of Long Island Sound. From Williamsburg Bridge (Manhattan) and Broadway Ferries, Grand St. Line, E. 99th St. and E. 134th St. Ferries. RocKAWAY Beach, a fine ocean beach, between the ocean and Jamaica Bay. From Williamsburg Bridge and Broad- way Ferries (42d St.. 2.3d St., Grand St., Roosevelt St.), via Broadway El. Line to Manhattan Junction, thence via L. I. R. R. From Brooklyn Bridge, via Fulton St. El. to Man- hattan Junction, thence via L. I. R. R. Long Island R. R., from E. 34th St. Ferry, James Slip and Wall St., also from Atlantic and Flatbush Aves., Brooklyn. Ulmer Park, on Gravesend Bay. Summer concert garden, vaudeville, shore restaurant, etc. From Brooklyn Bridge, via 5th Ave. and West End El. Line ; 3d Ave. Surface Line. From 39th St. (South) Ferry, via 86th St. Line. ATHLETIC FIELDS Adelphi Field, Classon Ave. and Park PI., Brooklyn. From Brooklyn Bridge, via Brighton Beach El. Line to Park PI. ; via St. John's Place Line. From Broadway Ferries, via Franklin Ave. Line to Park PI. American League Park, 167th St. and Broadway. Subway, Broadway Division, to 168th St. : 3d, 6th or 9th Ave. EI. to 12.5th St., thence Fort George trolley to 167th St. and Amsterdam Ave. ; buy 8-cent transfer ticket : 3d or 6th and Amsterdam Ave. Lines to 167th St. and Am- sterdam Ave. ; 6th or 9th Ave. El. to 145th St. and 8th Ave., thence via Kingsbridge Line to 167th St. and Broadway. Brighton Oval, 133 New Jersey Ave., Brooklyn. From Brooklyn Bridge, via Fulton St. El. (City Line) to Penn. and Pitkin Aves. ; Fulton St. Surface Line. From Broadway Ferry, via Broadway El. Line to Alabama Ave., Broadway Surface Lines. Catholic Protectory Ball Grounds, Van Nest, Bronx. West Farms Line to West Farms, free transfer to Tre- mont Ave. Line eastward to grounds ; Mt. Vernon or Fordham Lines to 177th St., free transfer to Tremont Ave. Line eastward to grounds : 3d or 2d Ave. El. to Tremont Ave. (177th St.), transfer to Tremont Ave. Line eastward to grounds : buy 8-cent transfer ticket ; Har- lem River Division of N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. from 131st St. and Willis Ave. to Van Nest Station. Celtic Park, Laurel Hill. L. I. City. Claremont Park Ball and Tennis Grounds, Webster and Wendover Aves., Bronx. 3d or 2d Ave. El. to Wendover Ave. Station, walk four blocks west : Fordham Line from 128th St. and 3d Ave. to Wendover Ave., walk four blocks west ; Mt. Vernon Line from 128th St. and 3d Ave. to \^'endover and Webster Aves. Clermont Ave. Rink, Clermont Ave., near Myrtle Ave. From Brooklyn Bridge, via Myrtle Ave. or Lexington Ave. El. Lines ; Myrtle Ave. or Vanderbilt Ave. Lines. 182 Athletic Fields — Continued. Columbia Oval, Williamsbiidge. Harlem Division of N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. to Williamsbridge. 10-minute walk west ; Mt. Vernon Line, 128th St. and 3d Ave. to Gunhill Road, 5-minute walk west. Crescent Athletic Club, Shore Road, 83d to 85th Sts., Brooklyn. From Brooklyn Bridge, 3d Ave. Line to 83d St., or 5th Ave. El. Line, connecting at 65th St. with 3d Ave. Line. Crotoxa Park Ball Grounds, east of 177th St. and 3d Ave., Bronx. 3d or 2d Ave. El. to 177th St.. walk east half a block ; Fordham Line from 128th St. and 3d Ave. to 177th St. and 3d Ave. Grand St. Park, Grand St., Maspeth. From Brooklyn Bridge, Flushing Ave. Line. From Williamsburg Bridge, Grand and Broadway Ferries, via Grand St. Line. McCoMB's Dam Park Athletic Field, northern end of McComb's r>am Park, Bronx. 6th or 9th Ave. El. to 155th St., across Viaduct to Park at 161st St.: 8th Ave. Line to Central Bridge at 15.5th St., across Viaduct to Park at 161st St. : 2d or 3d Ave. El. to 161st St. and 3d A\e. : 161st St. Crosstown Line to Jerome Ave. ; buy 8-cent transfer ticket. Marquette Athletic Field. 11th St., near 3d Ave., Brook- lyn. From Brooklyn Bridge, 3d Ave. Line, Smith and 0th St. Line. New West Side Athletic Club, 54th St., near 8th Ave. 6th and 9th Ave. El. to 53d St. and 8th Ave. : 8th Ave., Columbus Ave. and Broadway Lines. New York Athletic Club. Grounds at Travers Island, Pelham Manor, N. Y. : Clubhouse, 59th St. and 6th Ave. Grounds— Harlem Division of N. Y.. N. H. & H. R. R. from 131st St. and Willis Ave. (shuttle train from El. station at 129th St. and 3d or 2d Aves. ), to Pelham Manor, 10-minute walk or 'bus to grounds at Travers Island : Mt. Vernon Line from 128th St. and 3d Ave. to Mt. Vernon : free transfer to Pelham Manor trolley to N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. station in Pelham Manor; 10- minute walk or 'bus to grounds. Ohio Field, N. Y. University, University He'ghts. Hudson River Division of N. Y, C. & H. R, R. R. from Grand Central Depot to Morris Heights : Putnam Division of N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. from 155th St. and 8th Ave. to Morris Heights, 10-minute walk east to Burnside and Aqueduct Aves. : Harlem Division of N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. from Grand Central Station to Tremont Station, Tremont Ave. trolley west to Burnside and Aqueduct Aves. : Fordham or Mt. Vernon Line from 128th St. and 3d Ave. to 177th St., free transfer to Tremont Ave. Line west to Burnside and Aqueduct Aves. : 3d or 2d Ave. El. to Tremont Ave. (177th St. and 3d Ave.) ; transfer to Tremont Ave. Line to Burnside and Aqueduct Aves. ; buy 8-cent transfer ticket. Olympic Field, 1.36th St. and Madison Ave. 4th Ave. Line to entrance : 6th or 9th Ave. El. to 135th St. and 8th Ave., crosstown trolley to 136th St. and Madison Ave. ; buy 8-cent transfer ticket : Lenox or Columbus Ave. trolley to 136th St. and Lenox Ave., walk two blocks eastward. 183 Athletic Fields — Continued. Parade Ground, Brooklyn, adjoining Prospect Park on south. Brighton Beach El. to Woodruff Ave. ; Smith and 9th St. Line to Park Circle: Franklin Ave. Line (from Broadway Ferry). Parade Grounds, Van Cortlandt Park. Putnam Division of N. Y. C. & II. R. R. R. from 1.55th St. and 8th Ave. to Van Cortlandt Station ; Jerome Ave. Line from 155th St. and 8th Ave. to Mosholu Parkway, 10-minute walk westward. Pastijie Athletic Club, 78th St. and East End Ave. 2d Ave. El. to 80th St. ; 3d Ave. El. to 76th St. Pelham Bay Park Athletic Field. For route see " Pel- ham Bay Park," under " Parks." Polo Grounds, 157th St. and 8th Ave. 6th or ftth Ave. El. to 155th St. and 8th Ave. : 2d or 3d Ave. El. to 125th St., crosstown trolley to 125th St. and 8th Ave., free transfer to 8th Ave. trolley to 157th St. and 8th Ave. ; buy 8-cent transfer ticket ; 8th Ave. Line to 157th St. ; 2d, 3d, Lexington, Madison or Lenox Ave. Lines to 125th St., free transfer to crosstown trolley to 8th Ave., free transfer to 8th Ave. Line north to 157th St. and 8th Ave. Pratt Institute, Grand Ave., near DeKalb. DeKalb or Myrtle Ave. Lines ; Myrtle Ave. El. Line to Grand Ave. RiDGEWOOD Park, Irving Ave. and Halsey St., Brooklyn. Myrtle Ave. El. Line and Surface Lines : Gates and Bushwick Ave. Lines. South Field (Columbia Field), opposite Columbia Univers- ity, Morningside Heights. Broadway Division of Subway to 116th St. and Broadway, walk eastward about a block : 6th and Amsterdam Ave. trolley to 116th St. and Amsterdam Ave., walk westward about a block ; 6th or 9th Ave. El. to 116th St. and 8th Ave., 5-minute walk westward through Morningside Park. St. Nicholas Skating Rink. 66th St., between Columbus Ave. and Central Park West ; 6th or 9th Ave. El. to 66th St. and Columbus Ave. ; Columbus Ave., 8th Ave. and 6th and Amsterdam Ave. Lines. Star Athletic Club, Vernon Ave. and 14th St.. L. I. City. Ulmer Park, Gravesend Bay. Via 5th Ave. El. Line ; 39th St. and Ulmer I'ark Line, via South Ferry. Washington Park, 3d Ave. and 3d St., Brooklyn. Grounds of National League. 3d Ave. Line. ; 5th Ave. El. Line to 3d St. Washington Park, Grand St., Maspeth. West Side Y. M. C. A., 57th St. and 8th Ave. 6th and 9th Ave. El. to 59th St. and Columbus Ave. ; Columbus Ave. Line to 57th St. and Columbus Ave. ; Broadway Line to 57th St. and Broadway : 8th Ave. Line ; 2d, 3d, Lexing- ton or Madison Ave. Line, or 3d Ave. El., to 59th St., crosstown trolley to 8th Ave., walk two blocks south. Westchester Oval Athletic Field, Southern Boulevard and 160th St., Bronx. Southern Boulevard Line from 128th St. and 3d Ave. ;. 6th or 9th Ave. El. to 135th St. and Sth Ave., crosstown trolley to 138th St. and Southern Boulevard, free transfer to Southern Boulevard trolley north to grounds ; buy S-cent transfer ticket. 184 RACE TRACKS Brighton Beach Racing Association, Brighton Beach, Coney Island. From Brooklyn Bridge, via Brighton Beach El. Line : Flatbush Ave., Smith and 9th St. Lines. From Williamsburg Bridge and Broadway Ferries, No- strand Ave. and Franklin Ave. Lines. Brooklyn Jockey Club, Gravesend Ave., King's Highway, Ocean Parkway. From Brooklyn Bridge, via Vanderbilt Ave. and Union St. Lines. From Sitth St. (South) Ferry, 39th St. and Manhattan Beach Line. From Williamsburg Bridge, Reid Ave. Line. From Gi-eenpoint Ferry, Tomp- kins Ave. Line. Coney Island' Jockey Club, Sheepshead Bay. From 34th St. Ferry, L. I. R. R. From Brooklyn Bridge, Brighton Beach El. Line : Flatbush Ave. Line to Brighton Beach. From Williamsburg Bridge and Broadway Ferries, No- strand Ave. and Ocean Ave. Lines. Metropolitan Jockey Club, Jamaica. Long Island R. R. Queens County Jockey Club, Aqueduct. L. I. Long Island R. R. Westchester Racing .'Vssociation, Belmont Park, Queens, L. I. Long Island R. R. Empirr City Trotting and Automobile Track, Dunwoodie, Westchester Co. Jerome Ave. Line from 155th St. and 8th Ave. to McLean Ave, ; thence by transfer to entrance. 18S "'is < — '^ 2 2 a K 63 j£ « H H 2:i tr ^ •s •7 .9 > s < z t> (4 (5 J3 5 Z z ^ 1 S 2 2^ e [Li fl ^°^ o r W 8 b HO) o ^ § ^ < i 2^ 8l o <1 tH M P CS CS S O O O Q K CQ K S o ^ o H » " M ij •< I-l ca d S ^ ^ K o § g ►J 03 D3 MO'*'© p +-> CO o Eh M T*( CO 2; > 0/ 0) 02 m CO -o 3 a s 3 t^ a ca fl o ~ '3 a a o 5 cS U S •i ■5 fl § fl U g CO =J3 o lO ;|2 i cS I e-i a ci 00 < i § "5! g§ :?■ ^ < H H ^t H ^ H gg Is 7^ S m S £ ^ u- t^ c >> >> >> >J d >-. >> •S -i; aj CS o CS CS o * K ^ c & *j i t fe fe ii fe is ii 14 % K'g =^ -a •a ■o T! •a "C "O y. •§ H "C o K o o § o fa o o fl ^ hJ ^ •< M <« o 03 u u -^ -^ C3 « K CC d: k CO < ^ Ci C5 CO O « t- Q g fj 10 -!3 IM oc M o LO c; u s ^ cc 2 >J CS K < a 9 a 5 c: a Q Q K o 187 t- O ij o ^ o Ill u Q 'If ill sis a< n fa a, S .= a: Q 5 oi S t* Q _ - 1/2 02 t^ as s ;:^ o 2 o c "^ rn C3 S3 — (M K .!£ CO ^H 01 10 'f o O ■* lo CO P W a* c g a* M OJ g -n a c-= W o o a ^ .2 .2 a: ai o: ^ H O) Oj -u I i ti ^; g OS ^, -o -a - Oj ^_, ^ t- — .§ ^- 3 coo GOO t. t. i, E^ ? c -j K ~ .2 <^ ^ r. ?^ w 5 ?< 00 f) C >> a ^ ^ ^ > > < i S «sf e J ^ o ^ ® -^ m •^ l^; w l^'l » H £ ^ y — ' Q M ^Sfc d a S .^i' a o o H u D e; >? 2« S £ S o o o o o o fa fc fe- 1^ |o I O M (M '* ^ ,' f lO CI IM tr '"" ^ CO M ®- -2 2 . e ^ _: -; C O ^ " « B3 S S ^ . dl Q 2 P3 K ^22 « M M 3^ J CO K rH H r-H GO ^ in K is Men 'in -5 -w -1-^ m z o >» -M a a o) N o , new W. Houston. 40, new Clarkson. 41, new Leroy. 42, old Canal. 42, new Morton. 43, new Barrow. 44, new Christopher. 4.'., new W. 10th. 4(). 47, new . .Charles. 48, new W. 11th. 49, new Bank. .50, new Bethune and W. 12th. 51. new Jane. 52, new Gansevoort. New Pier. . . .ft. W. 19th. New Pier. . . .ft. W. 20th. New Pier ft. W. 21st. New Pier ft. W. 22d. 54, new W. 24th. 55, new W. 25th. 56, new W. 26th. 561/0, old. . . .Gansevoort and Bloomfield. 57, new W. 27th. 58, new W. 28th. 58, old Bloomfield. 58 V2 , old Bloomfield and Lit. W. 59, new W. 29th. .59. old Little W. 60, new W. 30th. 61, new W. 31st. 62, new W. 32d. 63, new W. 33d. 64, new W. 34th. 65, new W. 3.5th. 67, new W. 37th. 12th. n. East River, Manhattan 3 .Moore. 4, new Broad. 5, new Coenties Slip. 6. new Coenties Slip. 7. old Coenties Slip. 7, new Coenties Slip. 8 Coenties Slip. 9, 10 Coenties and Old Slip. 11 Old Slip. 12. old Old Slip. 12. new Wall. 13 Old Slip and Gouvern'r La. Location of Piees — East River, Manhattan, Continued. 14 . . .Jones La. 33. new . . . . . Pike and Rut- 15 . . .Wall. gers. 16, old. . . . . .Wall. 34, old. . . . . .Catharine. 16. new . . . . . Burling Slip. 34, new . . . . . Rutgers. 17 . . . Pine. 35 . . . Catharine. 18 . . .Maiden La. 36 old. . . 19. old. . . . . . BMetcher. Market. 19. new . . . . .Peck Slip. 36, new . . . . .Jefiferson. 20, new . . . . .Peck Slip. 45 . . . Rutgers and 20, 21 . . . . . .Burling Slip. Jefferson, 22 . . . Fulton. 46 . . .Jefferson. 23 . . . Beekmau. 47 . . . Jefferson and 24. new . . . . .Roosevelt. Clinton. 27. old. . . . . . Dover. 48 . . .Clinton. 27. new . . . . .Catharine. 49 ...Clinton and 28 ...Dover and Montgomery. Roosevelt. 50 . . . Montgomery. 29. old.. . . . . Roosevelt. 51, 52 . . . . . . Gouverneur. 29, new . . . . . Market. 53 . . .Jackson. 30, old.. . . . .Roosevelt and 54 . . . Corlears. James Slip. 55 . . .Cherry. 30, new . . . . . Pike & Market. 56, 57 . . . . . . Broome. 31, old... . . .James Slip. 58. 59 . . . . . . Delancey. 31 new Pike 60 Rivington. 32. old.. . . . .James Slip. 61 . . .Rivington and 32. new . . . . . Pike. Stanton. 33 . . .Oliver. 62 63 . . .Stanton. . . . Houston. III. Brooklyn 1, 2 Empire Stores, Water & Dock. 3 Empire Stores. ft. Main. 4 Martin Stores, 34 Furman. 5. Martin Stores, 66 Furman. 7, 8 Robert Stores, 116 Furman. Lamport & Holt. Piers 8 & 9. 9, 10 Robert Stores. 164 Furman. Jll, 12 Mediterranean Stores, F u r- inan, nr. Mod tague. 14 Pierrepont Stores, F u r- man. nr. Mon- tague. 15 to 17 Prentice Stores. ft. Joralemon. 18, 19 Woodruff Sto's, ft. Joralemon. 21, 22 Columbia Sto's, ft. Atlantic. 2a ..Dow's Stores, ft. Pacific. 24 . .Robinson's St's, ft. Amity. 26 . .Robinson's Sfs, ft. Congress. 27 . .Robinson's St's, ft. Warren. 28 . .ft. Baltic. 29 ..Union Stores, ft. Harrison. 30 ..Union Stores, ft. Irving. 31 . . Union Stores, ft. Sedgwick. 32 . . ft. Degraw. 3.3. 34. 35 . . .India Wharf. Hamilton Av. 36, 37. 38 . . .Clinton Wharf. Hamilton Av. Commercial Wh.. Atl. Basin. ft. Imlay St. 39 German Amer. Stores, ft. Coffey. Location of Piers — Brooklyn, Continued. 40, 41 Merchants" Sto., 51, 53. 54 . . .Piers 1. 2 & 4, ft. Coffey. Erie Basin, 45. 4G Red Hook Sto., Stores, ft. ft. Van Brunt. Beard. 47. 48 Piers A and B. Independent Stores and Busti Erie Basin DocliS, ft. 42d & 43d Sts. Stores, ft. Edison Co.'s Dock, ft. 58th Richards. St. IV. Recreation Piers, Manhattan and Brooklyn Manhattan : Manhattan : Ft. E. 8d. Ft. W. 50th. Ft. E. 24th. Ft. W. 129th. Ft. E. 112th. Brooklyn : Ft. Pike. Ft. X. 2d. Ft. Barrow. HOSPITALS American Veterinary (X. Y. I'uiversity ), 141 W. 54th. Aural Institute, New York Ophthalmic and, 46 E. 12th. Babies', 135 E. 55th, cor. Lexington Ave. St. Christophers Hospital for, 281 Hicks St.. B'klyn. Bay Ridge Hospital, Dispensary and Training School for Nurses, 4th Ave. and 59th St., Bay Ridge. Bedford Dispensary and Hospital, 343 Ralph Ave., Brooklyn. Bellevue, ft. E. 2(>th. Bethany Deaconesses' Home and Hospital, 237 St. Nicholas Ave., Brooklyn. Beth Israel, Jefferson, cor. Cherry. Blackwell's Island, Hospital for Consumptives, Blackwell's Island. Bradford St. Hospital, 113 Bradford St., Brooklyn. Brooklyn, E. D., Dispensary and Hospital, 106-112 So. 3d St., Brooklyn. Eye and Ear Hospital, 94 Livingston St., Brooklyn. Home for Consumptives, Kingston Ave., Sterling and St. .Tohn's PL, Brooklyn. Hospital, The. DeKalb and Raymond St., Brooklyn. Nursery and Infants' Hospital, 396 Herkimer St., Brooklyn. Bushwick, Howard Ave., cor. Monroe St, Brooklyn. Cancer, Free Home for Incurable, 426 Cherry St. New York (General Memorial), 2 W. 106th St. New York Skin and. 301 E. 19th St. Children, Nazareth Hospital for Consumptive. Spuyten Duy- vil. Hebrew, Sanitarium for, 356 2d Ave. Laura Franklin Free Hospital for, 17 E. 111th St. Memorial Hospital for Women and, Classon and St. Mark's Aves., Brooklyn. New York Infirmary for Women and, 5 Livingston Place. St. Andrew's Convalescent Hospital for Women and, 233 E. 17th St. St. .Tohn's Guild Floating Hospital for. Office 501 5th Ave. St. Mary's Free Hospital for, 407 W. 34th St. Children's Hospital (Dept. of Charities), Randall's Island. Child's Hospital, Nursery and, 571 Lexington Ave. City (Dept. Public Charities), Blackwell's Island. Columbus, 226 E. 20th St. Coney Island Reception, Coney Island. Consumptives, Blackwell's Island Hospital for. Blackwell's B.rooklyn Home for, Kingston Ave., cor. Ster- ling PL, Brooklyn. House of Rest for, Bolton Rd., Inwood (Office, 59 E. 5th St.). Seton Hospital for, Spuyten Duyvil. Consumptive Children, Nazareth Hospital for, Spuyten Duy- vil. Convalescent Hospital for Women and Children, St. Andrew's, 213 E. 17th St. Convalescents, Hospital for, Blackwell's Island (Br. Metropol. riosp. ). Coivalescents, New York Home for, 433 E. 188th St. Crippled. New York Society for Relief of Ruptured and, 135 E. 42d St. 200 Hospitals — Continued. Cumberland St. Hospital and Training Scliool for Nurses, 105-111 Cumberland St., Brooklyn. Diphtheria, Mintiirn Hospital for Scarlet Fever and, foot of East IGth St. Ear (See Eye and Ear). Emergency Hospital for Women. 223 E. 2Gth St. Eye and Ear, Brooklyn. 94 Livingston St., Brooklyn. Contagious Eye Diseases, Hospital for, .'^41 Pleasant Ave. Harlem Eye, Ear and Throat Infirmary, 144 E. 127th St. Long Island Throat Hospital and Eye and Ear Infirmary, .55 AVilloughby St., Brooklyn. Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat, 103 Park Ave. New Amsterdam, 230 \\. 38th St. New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, 218 2d Ave. New York Ophthalmic, 210 E. 23d St. New Y'ork Ophthalmic and Aural Institute. 46 E. 12th St. Faith Home for Incurables, Park PI. and Classon Ave., B'klyn. Female and Maternity, St. Mary's, 155 Dean St., Brooklyn. Floating Hospitals for Children, St. John's Guild, 501 5th Avenue. Flower, Avenue A. cor. East 63d St. Fordham Reception, Aqueduct Ave. cor. West 100th St. Foundling, New York, 68th St. and 3d Ave. Franklin (Laura) Free Hospital for Children, 17 E. 111th St. Free Home for Incurable Cancer, 426 Cherry St. trench Benevolent Society, 450 W. 34th St. General Memorial, 2 W. 106th St. German, St. Nicholas Ave., Stanhope and Stockholm Sts., Brooklyn. German Hospital and Dispensary, E. 77th St., cor. Park Ave. German Poliklinik, of the City of New York, 78 B. 80th St. Gouverneur, Gouverneur Slip. cor. Front St. Hahnemann. Park Ave., cor. E. 67th St. Harlem, 533 E. 120th St. Eye, Ear and Throat Infirmary, 144 E. 127th St. Italian Sanitarium, 283 Pleasant Ave. Hebrew Children. Sanitarium for. Office 356 2d Ave. Home for Incurables, 3d Ave. and 183d St. Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, N*w York, Ave- nue A, near E. 63d St. Hospital for Consumptive Children, Spuyten Duyvil. for Consumptives. Blackwell's Island, for Contagious Eye Diseases, 341 Pleasant Ave. for Incurables (Dept. Pub. Charities), Blackwell's Island, of the N. Y'. Am. Veterinary College. 337 E. 57th St. House of Relief (Br. N. Y. Hospital), 67 Hudson St. House of Uest for Consumptives. 50 E. 50th St. Hudson St. (See House of Relief). Incurables. Cancer, Free Home for. 426 Cherry St. Faith Home foi-. Park Ave. and Classon Ave., Brooklyn. Home for. 3d Ave. and lS3d St. Hospital for (Dept. Pul). Charities), Blackwell's Island. 201 Hospitals — Continued. Infants', Brooklyn Nursery and, 396 Herkimer St.. F.'klyn. (Dept. Public Charities), RandalTs Island. Isabella Heimath. 190th St. and Amsterdam Ave. Italian Sanitarium, Harlem, 283 Pleasant Ave. Insane, L. I. State Hospital for. Kings Park, L. I. Jamaica, Jamaica, L. I. Jewish Hospital (The), Classon and St. Marks Ave., B'klyn. J. Hood Wright Memorial, W. 131st St., cor, Amsterdam Ave. Kings County, Clarkson St., near Albany Ave.. Brooklyn. Kingston Ave., Kingston Ave. and Fenimore St., Brooklyn. Ladies' Hebrew Lying-in Society, 2d Ave. and 21st St. Laura Franklin Free Hospital for Children, 17 E. 111th St. Lebanon, Westchester Ave., cor. E. 150th St. Lincoln Hospital and Home, E. 141st St., cor. Concord Ave. Long Island City. St. John's, 12th St. and Jackson Ave., L. I. City. College, Henry, Pacific and Amity Sts., B'klyn. State (Insane), Kings Park, L. I. Throat Hospital and Eye and Ear Infirmary, 55 Willoughby St., Brooklyn. Veterinary, 285-287 Jay St., Brooklyn. Lung, New York Throat, Nose and. 244 E. 59th St. Lutheran Deaconesses' Home and Hospital. Norwegian, 4tith St. and 4th Ave., Brooklyn. Hospital Ass'n, E. New York Ave., cor. Junius, Brooklyn. Lying-in Hospital of City of New York, Society of, E. 17th St., cor. 2d Ave. Infant Asylum, Reception House and, Amsterdam Ave. and 61st St. Ladies' Hebrew Lying-in Society, 2d Ave. and 21st St. Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat, 103 Park Ave. Maternity Hospital and Dispensary, 327 E. 60th Street. State Hospital, Ward's Island. Marine, V. S., Office, Battery. Maternity, Brooklyn, I'rospect Heights Hospital and, Wash- ington Ave., cor, St. John's PI., Brooklyn. (Dept. IMiblic Charities), Blackwell's Island. Manhattan, Hospital and Dispensary, 327 B. 60th Street. Old Marion St., 139 2d Ave. St. Ann's, 1,30 E. 69th St. St. Mary's Female Hospital and Maternity, 155 Dean St., Brooklyn. Sloane, 447 W. 59th St. Woman's Infirmary and Maternity Home, 124 W. 65th St. Memorial, General, 2 W. 106th St., cor, Central Park, West. Hospital for Women and Children, cor. Classon and St. Marks Ave., Brooklyn. J. Hood Wright, W. 131st St., cor. Amsterdam Avenue. Methodist Episcopal (Seney), 6th St. and 7th Ave., B'klyn. Metropolitan, Blackwell's Island. Hospital and Dispensary, 248 B. 82d St. Throat, 351 W. 34th St. Minturn Hospital for Scarlet Fever and Diphtheria, foot of E. 16th St. 202 Hospitals — Continued. Misericordia, 531 E. 86th St. Montetiore Home, 13Sth St. and Broadway. Mt. Sinai, .jtli Ave., cor. lOOth St. Nazareth Hospital, for Consumptive Children, Spuyten Duy- vil. New Amsterdam Eye and Ear, 230 ^Y. 3.sth St. New York, 7 W. 15th St. Babies' Hospital of the City of. 55th St. and Lex- ington Ave. Cancer (General Memorial), 2 W. 106th St. Eye and Ear Intirmary, 218 2a Ave. Foundling, 68th St. and 3d Ave. German rolyklinik of the City of, 78 E. 80th St. Home for Convalescents, 433 E. 118th St. Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Ave- nue A, near E. 63d St. Infant Asylum, Reception House, and Lying-in Hospital, Amsterdam Ave. and 61st St. Infirmary for Women and Children, 5 Livingston Place. Lying-in Hospital of City of. Society of, E. 17th. cor. 2d Ave. Medical College anc} Hospital for Women, 19 W. 101st St. Ophthalmic, 201 E. 23d. cor. 3d Ave. Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, 46 E. 12th. OrthopjT^dic, 126 E. 5!>th. Pasteur Institute (see New York Bacteriological Institute). Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital, 214 E. 34tb. Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital, 301 E. 20th. Red Cross, 110 W. 82d. Skin and Cancer, 301 E. 19th, cor. 2d Ave. Society for Relief of Ruptured and Crippled, 135 E. 42d. State Institute, 118 W. 82d. Throat, Nose and Lung, 244 E. 59th. Veterinary, 117 W. 25th. Nose and Lung, New York Throat, 244 E. 59th. Norwegian Lutheran Deaconesses' Home and Hospital, 46th St. and Fourth Ave., Brooklyn. Nursery and Childs' Hospital. 571 Lexington Ave., cor 51st. and Infants' Hospital, Brooklyn, 396 Herkimer St., Brooklyn. Old Marion Street Maternity, 130 2d Ave. Ophthalmic. New York. 201 E. 23d, cor. 3d Ave. and Aural Institute. New York, 46 E. 12th. Orthopaedic, New York, 126 E. 59th. Paralytic (Department Public Charities), Blackwell's Island. Parker. Willard, foot E. 16th. Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital, New York, 214 E. 34 th. Post-(5raduate Medical School and Hospital, New York, 301 E. 2(»th. Presbyterian, E. 70th, near Park Ave. Prospect Heights Hospital and Brooklyn Maternity, Wash- ington Ave., cor. St. John's I'l., Brooklyn. 203 Hospitals — Continued. Reception (Department of Health), foot E. 16th St. Red Cross, New York, 110 W. 82d. Reception (Department of Health), foot E. IGth St. Riverside (Health Dept.), N. Brother Island. Roosevelt, W. 59th, near 0th Ave. Ruptured and Crippled, New York Society for Relief of, 135 E. 42d. St. Andrew's Convalescent Hospital for ^Yomen and Chil- dren, 233 E. 17th. St. Ann's Maternity, 130 E. 60th. St. Catharine's Hospital and Dispensary, Bushwick Ave., near Ten Eyck, Brooklyn. St. Christopher's, for Babies, 281 Hicks St., Brooklyn. St. Elizabeth's, 415 ^Y. 51st. St. Francis, 600 Fifth St. St. John's, Atlantic and Albany Aves., Brooklyn. Guild Floating Hospitals for Children, 501 5tb Ave. Seaside Hospital of. Office, 501 5th Ave. Long Island City, 12th St. and Jackson Ave., Long Island City. St. Joseph's, E. 143d, cor. St. Ann's Ave. Infirmary, E. 82d, near Madison Ave. St. Luke's Amsterdam Ave., cor. W. 113th. St. Mark's, 177 2d Ave. St. Mary's Female Hospital and Maternity, 155 Dean, Brook- lyn. Free Hospital for Children, 407 W. 34th. Hospital, Ray St. and Shelton Ave., Jamaica. Hospital and Dispensary, St. Marks and Buffalo Aves., Brooklyn. St. Peter's, Henry, bet. Congres and ^Yarren, Brooklyn. St. Vincent's, 157 \V. 11th, Manhattan. W. New Brighton, S. I. Sanitarium for Hebrew Children, Office, 356 2d Ave. Scarlet Fever and Diphtheria, Minturn Hospital for, foot E. 16th. Seaside Hospital of St. John's Guild, Office, 501 5th Ave. Seney i see Methodist Episcopal). Seton Hospital for Consumptives, Spuyten Duyvil. Skin and Cancer, New York, 301 E. 10th. Sloane Maternity, 447 W. 50th. Society of Lying-in Hospital of City of New York, B. 17th, cor. 2d Ave. State Hospital, Manhattan, Ward's Island. for Insane, Long Island, King's Park, L. I. Institute, New York, 118 W. 82d. Swedish, Sterling I'l., cor. Rogers Ave., Brooklyn. Sydenham, 330 E. 116th. Throat, Infirmary. Harlem Eye. Ear and, 144 E. 27th. Hospital and Eye and Ear Infirmary, Long Island, 55 Willoughby St., Brooklyn. Manhattan Eye, Ear and, 103 Park Ave. Metropolitan, 351 W. 34th. Nose and Lung, New York Throat, 244 E. 50th. Trinity, 50 Varick. United States Marine (Office, Battery). Nayal, Flushing Ave., opposite Ryerson, Brooklyn. 204 Hospitals — Continued. Veterinary, American, 141 W. 54th. Long Island, 285-287 Jay St., Brooklyn. New York-American Veterinary College, 337 E. 57th. New York, 117 E. 25th. Ward's Island State Hospital, Manhattan. Willard, Parker, foot E. 16th. Williamsburg Hospital and Dispensary, Bedford Ave. and S. 3d, Brooklyn. Woman's, 141 W. 109th. Infirmary and Maternity Home, 124 W. 65th. Women, Emergency Hospital for, 223 B. 26th. Convalescent Hospital for Women and Children, St. Andrew's, 233 E. 17th. Memorial Hospital for Women and Children, cor. Classon and St. Marks Aves., Brooklyn. New York Infirmary for, 5 Livingston Pi. New York Medical College and Hospital for, li) W. 101st. Wright U. Hood) Memorial, W. 131st, cor. Amsterdam Ave. 209 INDEX. PAGE Adams Express Co., Offices 192 Albany, Boats for 117 Excursions to 170 American Express Co., Offices 192 Aquarium l'M\ Armories 95 Army, U. S 97 Art, Exhibitions 1.34 Galleries i:U Schools of 15.5 Athletic Fields 182 Auditoriums, Brooklyn 80 Manhattan and Bronx 78 Automobiles, Rates of Charge 132 Sight-Seeing Trips 1G6-170 Where to Procure 131 Baggage, Rates for (see "Hacks"). lianks. National, Brooklyn 110 Manhattan and Bronx lOG Banks, Saving, Brooklyn 110 Manhattan and Bronx 108 Banks, State. Brooklyn 110 Manhattan and Bronx 106 Baseball Grounds 182 Baths, Public 82 Bergen Beach 181 Boards. Offices of. City and County 82 State 96 United States 98 Borough Express Co., Offices .• 193 Botanical Garden 160 Brighton Beach, Routes to 181 Bronx Park (see also "Parks"), Automobile Charges to 133 Routes to, etc 160-161 Cafes. Prominent 75 Cabs (see "Hacks, Public"). Canarsie, Route to 181 Central Park (see also "Parks"), Automobile Charges for 132 Automobile Sight-Seeing Service 166-170 Carriage Service 169 Entrances 157 ("hinatown, Automobile Sight-Seeing, Service to 166-170 Coaches (see "Hacks, Public"). Colleges 154 Commissions, Offices of. City and County 84 State 96 United States 98 Concert Halls, Brooklyn 80 Manhattan and Bronx 78 Coney Island, Automobile Charges to 133 Automobile Service to 170 Boats for 117, 173 Routes to 181 Consulates, Foreign, in New York 112 Courts, City and County 86 United States ". 98 Departments, ("ity. Offices of (see Specific Titles, under "Public Offices and Buildings"). Distances, Manhattan 131 1 >ramatic Art. Schools of 155 Dreamland (see "Coney Island"). 207 Index— Continued. Elevated R. R. Lines and Routes, Brooklyn, Broadway " 54 Brighton Beach 55 Fifth Ave. and Bay Ridge 56 Fifth Ave., West End and Coney Island 57 Fulton St 57 Lexington Ave ^ 59 Myrtle Ave 60 Elevated R. R. Lines and Routes, Manhattan and Bronx, Second Ave 31 Third Ave 27 Sixth Ave 33 Ninth Ave 36 Elevated R. R.'s, Ferry Connections, Brooklyn 47 Manhattan 4 Ellis Island 179 Excursions, Fishing 174 Trolley 174-178 Water . . ! 170-173 Express Offices 192 Ferries, Alphabetical Lists 1-3 Automobile Charges to 132 Brooklyn to Jersey City and Staten Island 3 Distances to Broadway 131 Street Rallwav Connections, Brooklyn 47 ]Manhattan 4 Fifth Ave. Stages 169 Fishing Boats 170 Forest Park, Routes to 165 Forts, U. S 179 Governor's Island 179 Grant's Tomb, Automobile Charges .to 132 Automobile Sight-Seeing Service 166-170 Location 125 Hacks, Public (see also "Automobiles'"), Baggage, Rates for 130 Fares and Regulations 130 Overcharges, What to do 130 High Schools 155 Historical Collections 134 Hospitals 200 Hotels, American and European 69 Apartment and Family 72 Hudson River, Excursions 170 Steamboats for Points on 117 Islands in Harbor 179 Knickerbocker Express Co 193 Liberty (Bedloe's) Island 179 Libraries, Public and Semi-Public 137 Long Beach. Routes to 181 Long Island Express Co., Offices 193 Long Island Sound, Excursions 171 Steamboats for Points on 117 Luna Park (see "Coney Island"). Manhattan Beach, Routes to 181 Manhattan Delivery Co., Offices . ., 194 Menageries 136 Midland Beach, Boats for 173 Trolley Route 176 Monuments, Brooklyn 128 Manhattan and Bronx 124 Museums, Fine Arts 134 Historical Collections 134 Natural History 136 Music, Schools of 155 208 Index— Continued. PAGH Music Halls, Brooklyn 80 Manhattan 78 Navy Yard 180 New Haven, Excursions to 171 New Jersey Coast, Steamboats for 117 Newport, Excursions to 172 New York and Boston Despatch Express Co., OflSces. . . . 104 New York Transfer Co., Offices 104 North Beach : 182 Office Buildings 101 (See also "Public Offices and Buildings.") Parks, etc., Bronx 160 Brooklyn 162 Manhattan 157 Queens 165 Richmond 165 Pelham Bay Park, Routes to 161 I'iers, Location of 197 Police Stations 01 I'oughkeepsie, Excursions to 170 1 rospect Park, Routes to 164 Automobile and Carriage Service 170 Public Buildings (see "Public Offices and Buildings"). I'nl)lic J'omfort Stations 93 Public Hacks (see "Hacks"). Public Offices, City and Countv 82 State 05 I'nited States 97 Race Tracks. Automobile Charges to 133 Routes to 185 Railroad Ticket Offices, Stations and Transfer Agents. . . 186 Recreation I'iers 199 Restaurants 75 Riverside Drive 159 Antomol)ile Charges for 132 Automobile Sight-Seeing Service to 166-170 Rockaway Beach, Boats for 173 Routes to : 182 Sandy Hook Line Steamboats 172 Schools, Art and Technology 155 Collegiate and Preparatory 155 High 155 Sea Cliff. Excursions to 172 Seminaries, Theological 154 Shore Resorts, Boats for 173 Routes to 181 Sight-Seeing Trips, Automobile 166 Trolley 174 Water Excursions 170 Yacht 166 Stages, Fifth Ave 169 Stamford, Excursions to 172 Statues, Brooklyn 128 Manhattan 124 Steamboat Lines, Offices, Piers and Destinations 113 Principal River and Coast Points Reached by 117 Steamship Lines. Offices, Piers and Destinations ll.'{ Street Railroads, Ferry Connections, Brooklyn 47 Manhattan 4 Street Railroads. I>ines and Routes, Bronx, Crosstown Lines 45 North and South Lines 45 Brooklyn 61 Manhattan. Belt Lines 3S Crosstown Lines 38 North and South Lines 41 Studio Buildings 101 209 HAYlO^fcJo Index -Continued. PAGE Subwaj's, Lines, Routes and Stations. Bronx 22 Lenox Ave 22 Trunin Line 19 West Side 21 Running Time 25 Train Arrangement '. . 24 Train Liglits 25 Technology, Schools of 155 Theatres. Brooklyn 80 Manhattan 78 Ticket Offices, Railroad 186 Transfer Agents, Offices 192 Trolley Trips. Bronx and Westchester 174 Long Island 178 New .Tersey 177 Staten Island 17fi Trust Companies. Brooklyn Ill Manhattan and Bronx 1<>9 Ulmer Park, Routes to 2 United States Express Co., Offices 194 Universities 154 Van Cortlandt Park. Roxites to 102 Water Excursions 170 Wells, Fargo & Co. Express Offices 195 Westcott Express Co.. Offices 195 West Point, Excursions to 170 Zoological Parks 136