ii II i ill |i! iPiiiftiii liir '11 ii iiiiii ! ill ill llliii fill. 11 II, ii! mi llUBbK CO.VN.Y 'fnUBER I^BIH JAN 18 1901 ■Ma ^Ki m ^Bi.^ flft^. iK .. ■&« Ml* mmmmatii ^mm THIS COPY IS NO. OF AN EDITION ISSUED BY THE HENRY HUBER COMPANY IN JANUARY, 190I PRESENTED TO ILLUSTRATED C A T A L () C; U E " D " 777^ HENRY HUBER COMPANY Established 1857 Manufacturers of SANITARY SPECIALTIES STJENRY ^HUBER COvN.Y Office and Showrooms : 244 Fifth Avenue, New York City Factory: 461-481 East i36rH Street, New York City Bostoyi Office and Showrooms : 166 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. V Library ot'Contirese Two Copies RECEivfo ! JAN 18 1901 n Copyright miry SECOND COPY .<^ A x~> y COPYRIGHT, ryoo, BY THE HENRY- HUBER COMPANY NEW YORK HE presentation of this book is made with the sincere wish that it may be found not only of interest to those who glance but casually through its pages, but also of great assistance to such as seek knowledge regarding the best sanitary appliances or who desire an understanding of such matters and are undecided because of un- familiarity either with trade terms or the appearance of the different articles when installed with proper surroundings. It is hoped that much interest will be engendered through the results of our efforts to make an artistic picture of each article shown, thus departing radically from what has heretofore been done in any catalogue work. In our " descriptions " we have endeavored to describe in detail and in plain terms each article quoted upon, while in the " specifications," which are for profes- sional use, we have been as tersely practical as possible. The several examples shown of the great number of appliances which we manu- facture have been selected with the especial object of giving to the intending pur- chaser a real choice between the several grades of fixtures, from the costly to the inexpensive, without attempting to bewilder with countless examples of more or less doubtful merit and often meaningless differences. Nothing has been put in this catalogue to fill in, and every article illustrated can be delivered as specified and described, as all illustrations are taken from actual photographs, and precisely as shown herein are on exhibition at our show rooms. The business of this company was established in 1857, and coincidental was the commencement of the manufacturing of plumbers' supplies as a separate and distinct business from that of pbiinbing. The Henry Huber Company {incorporated in 1892), being successors in a direct and unbroken line of the pioneer firm, has therefore been engaged in the manufacture and sale of Plnmbers Supplies or Sanitary Specialities longer than any other firm or corporation in existence. All who are satisfied with their choice of fixtures from this catalogue or from our show rooms, 244 Fifth Avenue, and who desire to insure the installation of the goods as selected, are requested to copy verbatim the specification which accompanies the illustration of the article and to insist upon receiving the exact pieces so specified, as the safety of the house owner rests upon the unequivocal guarantee which accompanies all goods of our manufacture. THE HENRY HUBER COMPANY 244 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y., U. S. A. FIN DE SIECLE BATH AND TOILET DESCRIPTION EREWITH we take pleasure in presenting oiw Jiu dc sieclc bath room and toilet, which by eminent critics has been pronounced to be the acme of luxury and sanitary perfection. Each appliance represents the careful blending of the best ideas of modern sanitation with the truly artistic, and is as nearly perfect as the science and skill of the present day can make it. All of the fixtures shown are glazed in and out and require no further decoration ; their snowy-white surfaces and exquisite brilliancy of glaze are as lasting as the pieces themselves. Our white metal, a composition consisting mainly of nickel, and rivaling the well- known "German silver," is used in the manufacture of the metal work shown in this bath room. The surface will not wear off, as that and the body are of the same sub- stance. Its lasting qualities are far superior to silver plate or nickel plate, and with a little care it will always retain its brightness and color. The tile shown on walls and ceiling is of the glazed variety, measuring 6 inches by 6 inches, and that of the floor is an unglazed, vitrified tile of the "star and cross" design, which, to be fully appreciated, must be seen in use. All corners have entirely been done away with by the employment of a special form of tile, called "cove tile," each one of which is moulded in the form of a curve, its two ends coming flush with the other tiles, the entire surface of the room being readily cleaned, as there are no dust-collecting crevices in the angle corners. As little woodwork as possible has been used in this room, the door having been prepared with several coats of enamel paint, the door joints themselves as well as the mirror frame being of tile, and the water closet seat, lid and cistern having been cellu- varnized, a secret process of great utility and merit. By means of this treatment the woodwork takes on a glaze equal in lustre to the porcelain itself, and is readily washed off with warm water without injury. This room having been designed and carried out with especial attention to sanitary fitness, as above described, it is impossible to damage or even to injure either it or its contents by voluntary or involuntary flooding. While it cannot be shown in the illus- tration, a medicine closet is set back of the mirror, the latter forming the door. In this closet the surface is entirely of tile, and the shelves are plate glass, and are removable for purposes of cleaning and deodorizing. Attention is especially directed to the towel bar of glass, the sanitary sponge, soap and paper holders, as well as to the soiled towel basket^ without which appliances a bath room can hardly be considered complete. HARMONIZED DECORATIVE EFFECTS DESCRIPTION iN THE modern house of many rooms, with the numerous styles of interior decoration, the problem of harmonizing the bath room in- teriors with the general color scheme and period has often proved a perplexing one. Frequently the owner's ideas, by way of variety, run in the direction of elaborate designs and ornate detail entailing the use of much color, to meet which we beg to present an illustration of a most beautiful interior. The connecting tile, between ceiling and walls, is of the cove pattern, embossed and highly decorated. A frieze of brilliant-lustre tile lends a rich, sparkling detail to the general color scheme, and a border of mosaic tile, about three feet from the floor, breaks the monotony of the walls. The floor is one of marble mosaic, with a rich border, harmonizing with the general design of decoration employed, while the diagonal setting of ceiling and wall tile between the lateral bands of mosaic, heightens the effect of the whole. In order to have the sanitary appliances in keeping with the general tone above described, we have, as far as their practical uses permitted, continued the design of the period in them. The lavatory of Rococo design is made of a rare piece of rose onyx mounted with heavily gold-plated fittings of entirely new patterns. All of the metal work throughout is of the same heavy gold plate. Much time and attention has been given by us to the design and construction of the mirror and frame, combining the highly beautiful with the thoroughly practical, as is evidenced by the detail of its ornamentation. The electric lights, supported in the form of sconces on either side of the mirror, add much brilliancy to the effect. The bath and sitz are both of the most substantial and beautiful material yet pro- duced, our Adainantine-porcelain. The closet of vitreous china, with woodwork of rich mahogany, is our "Imperial" combination. The only decoration used on the ware consists of three gold lines on each piece, including the basin interior. The accessories add much harmonious detail to the general effect of the room by giving a finished appearance to its interior. They are all of the same delicate outline that characterizes the other fixtures here shown, being constructed, at the same time, on the most durable and sanitary lines. The soap dishes, tooth brush vase and tumbler are of Belleek china, and the towel bar is of glass with knobs of the same material richly cut. The towel shelf and rod form a combination of exceeding utility and grace, and the sponge and toilet paper holders are of the same sanitary detail and artistic effect. I < MODERATE COST MODERN BATH ROOM DESCRIPTION |N THE accompanying illustration is shown a bath room of compara- tively simple design, yet the individual fixtures of which are high class and sanitary. Oftentimes the Adamantine-porcelain-lined (iron) baths are preferred to the more luxurious and lasting Adamantine-porcelain, and indeed at times it becomes necessary to use the former, because of their lighter weight. Especially is this the case in country homes, where the construction does not permit of the especially heavy weight of the Adaman- tine-porcelain baths. It has been claimed at times, and perhaps with justice, that the Adamantine-porcelain baths, owing to their thickness, require more hot water than do the Adamantine-porcelain- lined, and this is an important consideration, particularly in country homes. It may be noticed that the tile in this room is carried up as a wainscoting, above which the plaster is treated with several coats of enamel paint. The tiling of the floor is of a vitrified hexagonal pattern unglazed. The closet is of the siphon-jet variety, a sanitary and up-to-date fixture, while the lavatory is of Colo- nial design, with generously large bowl and fully exposed piping. Over the bath is shown an overhead douche and side needle spray, with protective curtain so arranged that the water will not splash upon the floor. The bath room as shown is particularly sanitary and attractive. Blue and white predominate in the decoration of the room, from which the photo- graph, used in the accompanying half-tone, was taken. A delicate blue border on a creamy white tile outlines the top of the wainscot, and the protective bath curtain is of the same soft shade of color. The material used in this curtain is not of rubber, which is ordinarily supplied, but of a sateen, which is odorless, soft to the touch, cjuickly dried, and when desired may be laundered. In addition to these advantages it combines the further ones of not causing the metal, with which it may come in contact, to tarnish, and of being obtainable in any color or shade. The curtain is easily and quickly removed on account of the patent rings used to attach it to the circular rod shown in the illustration. The mirror has been especially constructed to overcome a serious difficulty formerly encountered in bath rooms wainscoted in tile, consisting of the impossibility of properly placing it above the lavatory on account of the projecting ledge connecting the tile with the plaster wall. The space between the back of the mirror and the plaster wall above the wainscot has been filled in with a band of the same material as the mirror frame, thereby making an absolutely tight and flush joint. PLATE 4-D YACHT ,BATH ROOM WITH GEGENSTROM DESCRIPTION ^HE importance of the good, sanitary condition of the modern ship lias created a demand for plumbing fixtures particularly adapted for this purpose, of a superiority ecjual with the appliances for home use. The one thing that has made this new era in ship plumbing possible has been the invention of a heater that would supply water at any temperature uncontaminated by oil, grease or odor. The inven- tion referred to is the Gegenstrom system of heaters and rain baths, by means of which water is heated to any desired temperature by the aid of steam without the direct introduction of the latter into the water. This appliance is made in several styles to adapt itself best for any particular use, and a glance at the illustra- tion presented herewith will disclose the difference between the Gegenstrom shower and hand spray and the heater employed in connection with the lavatory. The bath here shown is our Adamantine-porcelain-lined (iron), light in weight, durable in quality and in appearance unsurpassed. The bath room from which this illustration has been made is a mere corner in our show rooms of such limited space and irregular outline that it serves admirably the purpose of illustrating what can be done on ship- board, where space is of necessity at a premium. The bath measures over all 4 feet in length and 24 inches in width, all that is required for its proper setting, as the rim, narrow as it is, overlaps the especially-designed supply pipes. The lavatory is made of Adamantine-porcelain, strong and durable and constructed with especial reference to marine usage. A lip projects around the bowl on the inside and prevents the water from splashing on the floor, while an especially large overflow in the earthenware takes care of the surplus water. With the Gegenstrom heater attached, as shown, this lavatory entirely does away with the old-fashioned and unsanitary cabinet, which has been so objectionable a feature in yacht plumbing, as well as with the unsightly basin and ewer, which were so awkward to handle while at sea. The closet shown is the No. 2 Alpha, with our new flushing valve, a simple device for operating a closet under direct pressure. The carafe holder is also a novel feature of^ this bath room, as it is constructed upon two distinct axes at right angles to each other, thereby causing the carafe to swing- in harmony with every movement of the ship without disturbing its contents. c a <;o PLATE 51-D 14 ADAMANTINE-PORCELAIN ROLL-RIM BATH SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Adamantine-porcelain Roll-rim Roman-shaped Bath (Plate 51-D), on round glazed porcelain feet, decorated outside in ivory or white enamel finish, embossed Empire design, No. 9 brass combination bell supply fixture and waste, with >4^-inch supplies and escutch- eons, china handles and name-plates on valves and china knob on waste. DESCRIPTION The H e n r y Huber Com- pany's Adamantine-porcelain Roll- rim Roman-shaped Bath, as shown, being unglazed outside and requir- ing a finished surface to be painted on, offers to those desiring the bath to correspond to some scheme of decoration, an opportunity to have such match in detail the room border or general embossing, per- haps, of the tile. The fixture shown in this illustration is the finest made; the valve handles are white porcelain and are of a generous size, with porcelain " hot " and "cold " name-plates and porcelain knob handle to the outlet fixture, which is called the standing waste, and replaces the old-fashioned chain and stopper. The sponge holder and soap holder are both made with especial reference to sanitary detail, bath room with the desired combi needed. Price as described, with brass work polislTed or nickel-plated, 4 feet 6 inches long ..... Same, 5 feet long .... Same, 6 feet 6 inches long . Same, 6 feet long .... !)24o 00 252 00 260 00 300 00 $21 225 00 23 1 00 250 00 Bath Fittings : Belleek china soap dish with nickel- plated cast- brass holder . . . . . . . $3 75 Nickel-plated brass sanitary sponge holder . . 5 00 Nickel-plated brass soiled towel basket . . 14 00 Glass towel bar with nickel-plated brass wall brackets, length 30 inches . . 5 00 Same, length 36 inches ..... 6 00 Same, length 48 inches ..... 8 00 If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this bath, including fixture, will not exceed 4 feet 6 inches x 3 feet 2 inches for the 4j,<-foot size 5 feet o inches x 3 feet 2 inches for the 5 -foot size 5 feet 6 inches x 3 feet 2 inches for the 5)^ -foot size 6 feet o inches x 3 feet 2 inches for the 6 -foot size 7 inches having been allowed for fixture shown. and are particularly designed to supply the modern nation of artistic and sanitary accessories so long Adamantine-porcelain ware, of which our porcelain baths, lavatories, etc., are made, is truly the triumph of the potter's art, combining, as it does, great durability with exceeding strength. This ware will stand much rough usage, and, indeed, is practically indestructible. The vitrified surface being non-absorbent makes Adamantine-porcelain ware the ideal material from a sanitary point of view, and the elegance of design and artistic correctness of detail make each piece pre-eminent as an example of a perfect combination of beauty and utility, where heretofore the one was ever sacrificed to the other. In the manufacture of this heavy ware some few pieces are taken from the kiln with slight cracks from the fire or other blemishes, which, while they do not detract from the perfect usefulness of the article, yet force the formation of a certain graded classification known as Class A, Class B and Class C, the latter of which in some cases are quoted at a decided discount from the more perfect examples priced under grade or Class A. IS PLATE 7I-D i5 ADAMANTINE-PORCELAIN ROLL-RIM BATH SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Adamantine-porcelain Roll- rim Roman-shaped Bath (Plate 71-D), glazed inside and outside, round porcelain feet, No. 9 brass combination bell supply fixture, ^-inch supplies and escutcheons, with sham- poo attachment, rubber tube, hand spray and wall hook, with china handles and name-plates on valves and china knob on waste. Class A Class B Price as described, with brass work polished and nickel- plated, 4 feet 5 inches long $197 50 $154 50 Same, 5 feet long . . . 212 50 169 50 Same, 5 feet 6 inches long . 227 50 184 50 Same, 6 feet long . . . 260 50 209 50 If square feet are wanted in place of round, add . Bath Fittings : )i2i 50 136 5° 151 50 166 50 DESCRIPTION The Henry Huber Com- pany's Adamantine-porcelain Ro- man-shaped Bath, glazed outside and inside, is the most sanitary bath that has ever been presented to the public. Of plain though graceful outline and, above all, hav- ing the most unusual distinction of being glazed not only inside and upon the rim but outside as well, it becomes with the especial fixture that is here shown the best example of modern sanitary ideas as applied to the bath. The glazed surface is non-absorbent and unstainable, and, every part being thoroughly accessi- ble, one may have always and for the first time a truly sweet and clean bath. In this bath is obviated the distressing condition of damage to the usually applied embossed deco- ration, which is often caused by the application of heated water to the outside of the bath for cleansing purposes. In fact, in a properly tiled bath room, with all the fixtures glazed as above described, no damage could accrue if the room were actually and intentionally flooded. The fixture here shown is the finest made. The valve handles are white porcelain and are of a generous size, with porcelain " hot " and " cold " name-plates and porcelain knob handle to the outlet fixture called the standing waste, doing away with the necessity for the old-fashioned chain and stopper. There is an attachment to this fixture which is called the hand spray and which can be used at any time without other adjustment than the simple turning of the metal nozzle towards the bath. The towel bar is of glass and therefore especially cleanly. The sponge holder and soap holder are both made with especial reference to sanitary detail and are particularly designed to supply the modern bath room with the desired combination of the artistically sanitary accessories long needed. Glass towel bar with polished or nickel-plated wall brackets, length 30 inches . . . 5 00 Same, length 36 inches . . . . 6 00 Same, length 48 inches . . . . . 8 00 Polished or nickel-plated sanitary sponge holder 5 00 Polished or nickel-plated cast-brass soap holder 2 50 If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this bath, including fixture, will not exceed 4 feet 6 inches x 3 feet 2 inches for the 4j4-foot size 5 feet o inches x 3 feet 2 inches for the 5 -foot size 5 feet 6 inches x 3 feet 2 inches for the 5^-foot size 6 feet o inches x 3 feet 2 inches for the 6 -foot size 7 inches having been allowed for fixture shown. 17 i 1 PLATE 91-D i8 ADAMANTINE-PORCELAIN BATH ON BASE SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Adamantine-porcelain Im- proved Roman-shaped Bath on base (Plate 91-D), decorated outside in ivory or white enamel finish, with beaded decoration and swan's-neck supply fixture on tripod with 34 -inch supplies and escutcheons. DESCRIPTION The Adaman- tine-porcelain Improved Roman-shaped Bath on base is the acme of luxuiy, present- ing, as it does, a receptacle much larger than ordinarily supposed possible, and offering to the bather great freedom of movement, always a most desirable feature. The generally accepted shape of the modern bath has here been de- parted from and much improved upon, the new design giving an ap- pearance of great solidity with a more graceful and artistic outline than ever before attempted. The necessity for the use of feet for the bath is obviated by making the bottom of the bath into a pedestal 3 75 Price as described, with fixture all pol- ished and nickel-plated, 6 feet long . $325 00 S276 50 If bath is wanted glazed outside, add . 65 00 45 00 If brass work is desired in silver or gold or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. PiATH Fittings : Nickel-plated brass sanitary sponge holder . . $5 00 Belleek china soap dish with nickel-plated cast- brass holder ....... Glass towel bar with nickel-plated brass wall brackets, and ornamental glass knobs, length 24 inches Same, length 30 inches Same, length 36 inches Same, length 42 inches Same, length 48 inches Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this bath, including fixture, is 6 feet x 3 feet 8 inches, 8 inches having been allowed for fixture shown. 6 00 8 5° 10 S° 12 GO 13 75 or base which allows the piece to be placed directly upon the floor, rendering it possible when cement is used to make a tight joint between the tiled or marble floor and the bath base. The fixture shown in the illustration is our swan's-neck pattern, and aside from the graceful and unique design it has the especially sanitary recommendation of absolutely minimizing the amount of metal used in the bath itself, as no part of this fixture comes in contact with the porcelain excepting the necessary connection at the outlet. It is very easy to get in and out of this bath, because it is much lower than a bath on feet and at the same time holds more water. It is particularly commended for the use of stout persons and invalids. Adamantine-porcelain ware, of which our porcelain baths, lavatories, etc., are made, is truly the triumph of the potter's art, combining, as it does, great durability with exceeding strength. This ware will stand much rough usage and, indeed, is practically indestructible. The vitrified surface being non-absorbent makes Adamantine-porcelain ware the ideal material from a sanitary point of view, as the elegance of design and artistic correctness of detail make each piece pre-eminent as an example of a perfect combination of beauty and utility, where heretofore the one was ever sacrificed to the other. In the manufacture of this heavy ware some few pieces are taken from the kiln with slight cracks from the fire or other blemishes which, while they do not detract from the perfect usefulness of the article, yet force the formation of a certain graded classification known as Class A, Class B and Class C, and the latter of which in some cases are quoted at a decided discount from the more perfect examples priced under grade or Class A. 19 PLATE 101-D ADAMANTINE-PORCELAIN ROLL-RIM BATH SPECIFICATION ^'HE Henry Huber Company's Adamantine-porcelain Roll- rim French-shaped Bath on base (Plate lOi-D), decorated outside in ivory or white enamel finish, with No. 9 brass combination bell supply and waste with ^-inch supplies and escutcheons, with china handles and name-plates on valves and china knob on waste. DESCRIPTION The Adaman- tine-porcelain French-shaped Bath on base pre- sents the novel feature of a bath without feet which is so formed as to permit it to rest directly upon the floor, gracefully and naturally. It may be cemented directly to the floor, where a close and tight joint can readily be made. The bath here shown is grlazed inside and upon the rim and at the base, the main body outside being painted and the surface finely finished. Any particular design of exterior decoration may be added to suit the individual taste. The fixture shown is our highest class bath supply fixture with the very latest improvements and addi- tions. Owing to its stability and the readiness with which it may be fastened to the floor, this bath is Price as described, with brass work polished or nickel-plated, 4 feet 6 inches long $207 50 $182 00 Same, 5 feet long .... 220 00 190 00 Same, 5 feet 6 inches long . . . 230 00 197 50 Same, 6 feet long . . . . 275 00 225 00 If bath is wanted glazed outside, add . 40 00 30 00 If bath is wanted decorated with gold lines, add 10 00 If bath is wanted undecorated, deduct . 2750 Bath Fittings : , Nickel-plated sanitary sponge holder . . . 5 00 Nickel-plated cast-brass soap holder . . 2 50 Nickel-plated brass soiled towel basket . . 14 00 Glass towel bar with nickel-plated brass wall brackets, length 30 inches . . . 5 00 Same, length 36 inches . . . . . 6 00 If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this bath, including fixture, will not exceed 5 feet I inch x 2 feet 7 inches for the 4 'A'-foot size 5 feet 7 inches x 2 feet 7 inches for the 5 -foot size 6 feet I inch x 2 feet 7 inches for the ^'/i-ioot size 6 feet 7 inches x 2 feet 7 inches for the 6 -foot size 7 inches having been allowed for fixture shown. particularly adapted for use on steamships and yachts. It is very easy to get in and out of because it is much lower than a bath on feet, thereby being particularly commendable for the use of stout persons and invalids. Adamantine-porcelain ware, of which our porcelain baths, lavatories, etc., are made, is truly the triumph of the potter's art, combining, as it does, great durability with exceeding strength. This ware will stand much rough usage and, indeed, is practically indestructible. The vitrified surface being non-absorbent makes Adamantine-porcelain ware the ideal material from a sanitary point of view, as the elegance of design and artistic correctness of detail make each piece pre-eminent as an example of a perfect combination of beauty and utility, where heretofore the one was ever sacrificed to the other. In the manufacture of this heavy ware some few pieces are taken from the kiln with slight cracks from the fire or other blemishes, which, while they do not detract from the perfect usefulness of the article, yet force the formation of a certain graded classification known as Class A, Class B and Class C, and the latter of which in some cases are quoted at a decided discount from the more perfect examples priced under grade or Class A. PLATE 131-D ADAMANTINE-PORCELAIN ROLL-RIM BATH SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Adamantine-porcelain Roll-rim French-shaped Bath (Plate 131-D), with glazed porcelain feet, decorated outside ivory or white in enamel finish, No. 1 1 brass anticjue bath waste with escutcheon and china name-plate, The Henry Huber Company's No. 6 brass improved double bath cocks with soap dish, porcelain handles and ^ -inch supplies with escutcheons. DESCRIPTION The Adaman- tine-porcelain here illustrated is of the 85 75 ^156 75 $110 25 97 75 '7° 75 142 00 °5 25 180 75 •49 5° 47 75 203 25 161 50 Price as described, with brass work polished and nickel- plated, 4 feet 6 inches long $185 75 Same, 5 feet long . Same, 5 feet 6 inches long Same, 6 feet long . If bath is wanted glazed al over, add . If bath is wanted decorated outside with gold lines, add ....... If bath is wanted undecorated, deduct . If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. 35 °° 25 00 15 00 10 00 16 00 Bath highest grade of ware, and when used can be depended upon for its sanitary and lasting qualities. The metal work is of simple design so as to permit of easy cleaning, while the construction is so simple that the chances of its requiring repair are reduced to a minimum. Any other fixture that may be preferred can be used with this bath. The soap dish and faucets are placed on the inside so as to be easy of access. Where it is required to minimize the necessity for cleaning and where bright metal is easily in- fluenced by climatic conditions, the supply pipes to the bath as shown, as well as the standing waste, can be furnished in rough metal which may be finished with several coats of enamel paint. This finish requires but an occasional wiping in order that it may always look well and be clean. Bath Fittings : Sanitary nickel-plated sponge holder . . . $5 00 Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this bath, including fixture, will not exceed 4 feet 1 1 inches x 5 feet 5 inches .x 5 feet 1 1 inches x : 6 feet 5 inches .x feet S inches for the 4J4-foot size feet S inches for the 5 -fool size feet S inches for the ^yi-ioot size feet 8 inches for the 6 -fool size 5 inches having been allowed for the fixture shown. Adamantine-porcelain ware, of which our porcelain baths, lavatories, etc., are made, is truly the triumph of the potter's art, combining, as it does, great durability with exceeding strength. This ware will stand much rough usage, and, indeed, is practically indestructible. The vitrified surface being non-absorbent makes Adamantine-porcelain ware the ideal material from a sanitary point of view, as the elegance of design and artistic correctness of detail make each piece pre-eminent as an example of a perfect combination of beauty and utility, where heretofore the one was ever sacrificed to the other. In the manufacture of this heavy ware some few pieces are taken from the kiln with slight cracks from the fire or other blemishes, which, while they do not detract from the perfect usefulness of the article, yet force the formation of a certain graded classification known as Class A, Class B and Class C, and the latter of which in some cases are quoted at a decided discount from the more perfect examples priced under grade or Class A. 23 PLATE 132-D 24 — -— — --■™»M— ADAMANTINE-PORCELAIN ROLL-RIM BATH SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Adamantine-porcelain Roll-rim French-shaped Bath (Plate 132-D), with glazed porcelain feet, decorated outside in ivory or white enamel finish, brass con- nected waste and overflow with chain, snap, rubber stopper and escutcheon, 3-inch brass compression double bath cocks with ^rj^-inch supplies and escutcheons. DESCRIPTION The Adaman- tine-porcelain Bath, as here shown, is especially arranged to be used where space is limited and where it is desired to have the benefit of such space, more particularly in the bath itself, than to permit the fixture to take up the five to seven inches usually allowed. The fixture in this in- stance is arranged so as to take up only that room at end of bath which is overhung by the wide roll rim. When it is required to minimize the necessity for cleaning and where bright metal is easily in- fluenced by climatic conditions, the supply pipes to the bath, as shown, as well as the connected waste and overflow, can be furnished in rough metal, which may be finished with several coats of enamel paint. This finish requires but an occasional wiping in order that it may always look well and be clean. Price as described, with brass work all polished and nickel- plated, 4 feet 6 inches long $173 25 $144 25 $97 75 Same, 5 feet long . . . 185 25 158 25 129 50 Same, 5 feet 6 inches long . 192 75 168 25 137 00 Same, 6 feet long . . . 235 25 190 75 149 00 If bath is wanted decorated outside with gold lines, add . . . . . . . . . 10 00 If bath is wanted undecorated, deduct . . . 16 00 If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. Bath Fittings : Nickel-plated brass sanitary sponge holder . . 5 00 Belleek china soap cup with nickel-plated brass sanitary holder . . . . . . . 3 75 Nickel-plated towel bar with wall brackets, length 24 inches . . . . . . . i 80 Same, length 30 inches . . . . . 2 00 Same, length 36 inches . . . . . 2 30 Same, length 42 inches . . . . . 3 25 Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this bath, including fixture, will not exceed 4 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 8 inches for the 4^ -foot size 5 feet 2 inches x 2 feet 8 inches for the 5 -foot size 5 feet 8 inches -x 2 feet 8 inches for the 5J^-foot size 6 feet 2 inches x 2 feet 8 inches for the 6 -foot size 2 inches having been allowed for the fixture shown. Adamantine-porcelain ware, of which our porcelain baths, lavatories, etc., are made, is truly the triumph of the potter's art, combining, as it does, great durability with exceeding strength. This ware will stand much rough usage, and, indeed, is practically indestructible. The vitrified surface being non-absorbent makes Adamantine-porcelain ware the ideal material from a sanitary point of view, as the elegance of design and artistic correctness of detail make each piece pre-eminent as an example of a perfect combination of beauty and utility, where heretofore the one was ever sacrificed to the other. In the manufacture of this heavy ware some few pieces are taken from the kiln with slight cracks from the fire or other blemishes, which, while they do not detract from the perfect usefulness of the article, yet force the formation of a certain graded classification known as Class A, Class B and Class C, and the latter of which in some cases are quoted at a decided discount from the more perfect examples priced under grade or Class A. 25 >J PLATE 151-D ADAMANTINE-PORCELAIN-LINED BATH SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Adamantine-porcelain-lined Under Roll-rim Roman-shaped Bath (Plate 151-D), decorated outside in ivory or white satin finish with three gold lines, No. 9 brass bell supply fixture with 34 -inch supplies and escutcheons, china name-plates on valves and waste. DESCRIPTION 106 00 1 10 00 '15 00 4 00 20 00 2 00 Price as described, with fixture polished and nickel-plated, 5 feet long .... Same, 5 feet 6 inches long ..... Same, 6 feet long ...... If bath is wanted decorated without gold lines, deduct ........ If bath is wanted undecorated, deduct For 30-inch nickel-plated towel bar, add For Belleek china soap dish with nickel-plated cast-brass sanitary holder, add For nickel-plated cast -brass sanitary sponge holder, add ....... If brass work is wanted in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted on application. Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this bath, including fixture, will not exceed 5 feet I inch x 3 feet 4 inches for the 5 -foot size 5 feet 7 inches x 3 feet 4 inches for the 5J-2-foot size 6 feet I inch x 3 feet 4 inches for the 6 -foot size 7 inches having been allowed for fixture shown. 3 75 5 00 The bath illus- trated herewith is especially recommended because of the " under roll " feature in the rim. The rim is here carried further than in most other baths and continues around and under the top so as to present a more finished appearance to the eye, and, as well, a firmer and more comforta- ble grip to the hand. The fixture shown with this bath is of modern construction, high class and sanitary, supplying the water through a disk of metal so that it runs down the side of the bath without noise and does not permit the drawing of water into a pail or other receptacle, thus positively avoiding the possibility of accidental marring of the piece. The water inlet or bell, here shown, is what is termed a top supply, owing to its location near the rim, but some prefer this inlet at the bottom, the advantage being that the sound of the water entering is entirely muffled the moment it has reached the level of the inlet. This does not imply that with the top inlet the sound is objectionable, as, in fact, it is scarcely perceptible. When ordering, it should be stated which is preferred, as the tub must be cut to suit the fixture. Attention is especially directed to the towel bar and the sanitary soap and sponge holders, as such appliances are necessary in use and when- chosen carefully very much improve the appearance of the room without adding greatly to the expense. Adamantine-porcelain-lined Baths are very much lighter in weight than the adamantine-porcelain and are also much less expensive. The goods of this description are all fully guaranteed by us and are very popular for all classes of work, where the differences of price and of weight are important factors necessary to be considered. The surface of the adamantine-porcelain-lined pieces is thoroughly vitreous and non-absorbent in the interior and upon the rim, and is therefore perfectly sanitary and easily cleaned. The exterior being metal requires painting, and in the highest finish the surface is nearly equal both in durability and appearance to the porcelain lining of the interior. 27 ■ ■■ ■ f PLATE 201-D 28 ADAMANTINE-PORCELAIN-LINED BATH SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Adamantine-porcelain-lined Roll-rim French-shaped Bath (Plate 201-D), decorated outside white or ivory satin finish, brass combination bell supply fixture with compression valves, ^4 -inch supplies and sliding' waste and escutcheon. DESCRIPTION The bath shown in this illustra- tion is one of a number of designs which we offer to suit the individual taste of the purchaser. The fix- ture, it will be noticed, is so arranged that the valve and waste or overflow handles rest upon the rim of the tub, where they are most accessible to the bather. By this arrangement that portion of the fixture below the rim is protected from splashing and the tub can therefore be quickly cleaned after use. It is an especially high-class article throughout and highly rec- ommended to any who require a fine bath and prefer the porce- lain-lined to the solid porcelain ware. Attention is especially directed to the towel bar and the sanitary soap and sponge holders, as such appliances are necessary in use and when chosen carefully very much improve the appearance of the room without adding greatly to the expense. »9i 75 95 50 107 75 129 00 16 00 4 00 50 Price as described, with fixture polished and nickel-plated, 4 feet long Same, 4}^ feet long .... Same, 5 feet long .... Same, c^}4 feet long .... If bath is wanted undecorated, deduct If bath is wanted decorated with gold lines, add If polished and nickel-plated sliding waste with nickel-plated Fuller double bath faucets and J^-inch supplies and escutcheons are wanted, deduct ........ If nickel-plated connected waste and overflow and nickel-plated No. 4.}-3 improved double faucets with I'o-inch nickel-plated supplies and escutch- eons are wanted, deduct . . . . . 22 00 If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. Bath Room Fittings : Belleek china soap dish with nickel-plated cast- brass sanitary holder . . . . . $3 75 Nickel-plated cast-brass sanitary sponge holder . Nickel-plated towel bar with wall brackets, length 24 inches ....... Same, length 30 inches ..... Same, length 36 inches . ' . Same, length 42 inches ..... 5 Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this bath, including fixture, will not exceed 4 feet Sj4 inches x 2 feet 7 inches for the 4 -foot size 5 feet 2yi inches x 2 feet 7 inches for the 4j^-foot size 5 feet 8)4 inches x 2 feet 7 inches for the 5 -foot size 6 feet 2yi inches x 2 feet 7 inches for the 5j4-foot size No allowance is necessary for fixture, as the same is overhung by the rim. Adamantine-porcelain-lined Baths are very much lighter in weight than the adamantine-porcelain and are also much less expensive. The goods of this description are all fully guaranteed by us and are very popular for all classes of work, where the differences of price and of weight are important factors necessary to be considered. The surface of the adamantine-porcelain-lined pieces is thoroughly vitreous and non-absorbent in the interior and upon the rim, and is therefore perfectly sanitary and easily cleaned. The exterior being metal requires painting, and in the highest finish the surface is nearly equal both in durability and appearance to the porcelain lining of the interior. 29 PLATE 211-D 3° ADAMANTINE-PORCELAIN-LINED BATH SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Adamantine-porcelain-lined Roll-rim French-shaped Bath (Plate 21 i-D), decorated outside white or ivory satin finish, with No. 9 brass bell supply fixture, ^-inch brass supplies and escutcheons, china name- plates on valves and waste. ?82 7S . 89 5° 95 75 ■ loS 00 116 00 16 00 4 00 5° 5° 3 75 DESCRIPTION The bath here illustrated is one of a number of designs which we offer to suit the taste of the individual purchaser. The com- fort and safety of the bather have been particularly considered in the construction of this bath, which is especially desirable for the use of stout persons and those who are fearful of slipping. Its bottom is nearly flat, thereby increasing its capacity for holding water, and allowing the bather the greatest possible freedom of movement. With these improvements for the sake of comfort, we have not sacri- ficed the general appearance, and the lines of this bath are still artistic and attractive. The fixture shown is of high class and is of the best material and construction. Attention is especially directed to the towel bar of glass and the sani- tary soap and sponge holders, as such appliances are necessary in use and_ when chosen carefully very much improve the appearance of the room without adding greatly to the expense. Adamantine-porcelain-lined Baths are very much lighter in weight than the adamantine-porcelain and are also much less expensive. The goods of this description are all fully guaranteed by us and are very popular for all classes of work, where the difference of price and of weight are important factors necessary to be considered. The surface of the adamantine-porcelain-lined pieces is thoroughly vitreous and non-absorbent in the interior and upon the rim, and is therefore perfectly sanitary and easily cleaned. The exterior being metal requires painting, and in the highest finish the surface is nearly equal both in durability and appearance to the porcelain lining of the interior. Price as described, with polished and nickel plated fixture, 4 feet long Same, 4 feet 6 inches long . Same, 5 feet long Same, 5 feet 6 inches long . Same, 5 feet long If bath is wanted undecorated, deduct If bath is wanted decorated with gold lines, add If No. 1 1 nickel-plated antique fixture with our No. ^]/3 improved double faucet, and J^-inch nickel-plated supplies and escutcheons are wanted, deduct ...... If nickel-plated connected waste and overflow, with chain and snap, rubber stopper and escutcheon and our '/^-inch nickel-plated improved double faucet and i<^-inch nickel-plated supplies and escutcheons are wanted, deduct If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. Bath Room Fittings : Nickel-plated cast-brass sanitary sponge holder . $5 00 Belleek china soap dish with nickel-plated cast- brass sanitary holder ..... Glass towel bar with nickel-plated brass wall brackets, length 24 inches Same, length 30 inches Same, length 36 inches Same, length 42 inches Same, length 48 inches 75 00 00 5° 00 Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this bath, including fixture, will not exceed 4 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 6 inches for the 4 -foot size 5 feet o inches x 2 feet 5 inches for the 4j4-foot size 5 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 5 inclies for the 5 -foot size 6 feet o inches x 2 feet 6 inches for tlie 5^ -foot size 6 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 6 inches for the 6 foot size c; inches having been allowed for fixture shown. 3^ PLATE 212-D 32 ADAMANTINE-PORCELAIN-LINED BATH SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Adamantine- porcelain -lined Roll-rim French-shaped Bath (Plate 212-D), painted one coat outside, No. 9 brass bell supply fixture with china name- plates on valves and waste, 54;-inch brass supplies to floor, and escutcheons. Price as described, with brass work polisiied and nickel-plated, 4 feet long .... Same, 4 feet 6 inches long .... Same, 5 feet long ..... Same, 5 feet 5 inches long .... Same, 6 feet long ..... For decoration outside with white or ivory satin finish, add ...... Same, with gold lines, add .... • $b3 25 . 66 5° 70 75 • 75 75 82 75 ]6 00 20 00 5 00 3 75 I 80 2 00 2 30 3 25 DESCRIPTION The bath here illustrated is one of a number of designs which we of¥er to suit the individual taste of the purchaser. Varying prices are accounted for by the kind of exterior finish presented in the illustration and the character of fixtures desired. Our Adamantine-porcelain-lined ware is a beautiful white in color and is particularly commendable for its durability and smoothness of surface and will stand very hard usage. The iron castings are made from special moulds and are per- fectly true. The feet of the bath are what is termed the claw and ball pattern, and are especially desirable for use on countersunk marble floor slabs, inasmuch as the point of contact of the iron with the marble is re- duced to the minimum, thereby avoiding to a 2:reat extent the stain- ing of the marble. Especial attention is directed to the towel bar and the sanitary soap and sponge holders shown, as such appliances are necessities, and, if carefully chosen, very much im- prove the appearance of the room without adding greatly to the expense. Adamantine-porcelain-lined Baths are very much lighter in weight than the adamantine-porcelain and are also much less expensive. The goods of this description which we illustrate are all fully guaranteed by us and are very popular for all classes of work where the difference of price and of weight are important factors necessary to be considered. The surface of the Adamantine-porcelain-lined pieces is thoroughly vitreous and non-absorbent in the interior and upon the rim, and is therefore perfectly sanitary and easily cleaned. The exterior being metal, requires painting, and in the highest finish the surface is nearly equal both in durability and appearance to the porcelain lining of the interior. Bath Fittings : Nickel-plated cast-brass sanitary sponge holder Belleek china soap dish with nickel-plated cast- brass sanitary holder .... Nickel-plated brass towel bar with wall brackets, length 24 inches ..... Same, length 30 inches .... Same, length 36 inches .... Same, length 42 inches ..... If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate or in while metal, price will be quoted upon application. Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this bath, including fixture, will not exceed 4 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 6 inches for the 4 -foot size 5 feet o inclies x 2 feet 5 inches for the 4)4-ioot size 5 feet 6 inches .x 2 feet 6 inches for the 5 -foot size 6 feet o inches .\ 2 feet 5 inches for the 5 !4'-foot size 6 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 6 inches for the 6 -foot size 5 inches having been allowed for fixture shown. PLATE 21 3-D 34 ADAMANTINE-PORCELAIN-LINED BATH SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Adamantine -porcelain -lined Roll-rim French-shaped Bath (Plate 21 3-D), decorated outside white or ivory satin finish, No. 1 1 brass antique waste fixture. No. 4>^ improved double faucets, with 14 - inch supplies and escutcheons. DESCRIPTION The bath shown in this illustra- tion is one of a number of designs which we offer to suit the individual taste of the purchaser, the fixture having the sanitary outside stand- ing waste and the faucets being- inside of the bath. The supply is so arranged as to enable the house- maid to draw water as required into pitcher or pail, the whole being easily kept clean and fully guaranteed. Attention is especially directed to the towel bar and the sanitary soap and sponge holders, as such appliances are necessary in use, and, if carefully chosen, very much improve the appearance of the room without adding greatly to the expense. Adamantine-porcelain-lined Baths are very much lighter in weight than the Ada- mantine-porcelain and are much less ex- pensive. The goods of this description which we illustrate are all fully guar- anteed by us and are very popular for all classes of work where the differences of price and of weight are important factors necessary to be considered. The surface of the Adamantine-porce- lain-lined pieces is thoroughly vitreous and non-absorbent in the interior and upon the rim and is therefore perfectly sanitary and easily cleaned. The exterior being metal requires painting and in the highest finish the the porcelain lining of the interior. . S67 25 • 72 75 80 25 . 89 5° lOI 50 16 00 4 00 supply and 50 50 Price as described, with fixture polished or nickel plated, 4 feet long Same, 4 feet 6 inches long . Same, 5 feet long Same, 5 feet 6 inches long . Same, 6 feet long If bath is wanted undecorated, deduct . If bath is wanted decorated with gold lines, add If polished or nickel-plated No. 9 combination bell supply fixture with 3^-inch escutcheon is wanted, add If polished or nickel-plated No. 10 combination spout supply fixture is wanted, add . If polished or nickel-plated connected waste and overflow, chain and snap, rubber stopper and escutcheon, and No. 4^ improved nickel- plated double bath faucets and j4-inch supplies and escutcheons are wanted, deduct . . . 10 00 If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. Bath tub can also be furnished with claw and porcelain ball feet at the same price. Bath Room Fittings : Belleek china soap dish with nickel-plated cast- brass sanitary holder . . . . -$375 Nickel-plated sanitary sponge holder . . . 5 00 Nickel-plated towel bar with wall brackets, length 24 inches ....... i 80 Same, length 30 inches . . . . . 2 00 Same, length 36 inches . . . . . 2 30 Same, length 42 inches . . . . . 3 25 Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this bath will not exceed 4 feet 5 inches x 2 feet 6 inches for the 4 -foot size 4 feet 1 1 inches x 2 feet 6 inches for the 4 54 -foot size 5 feet 5 inches x 2 feet 5 inches for the 5 -foot size 5 feet II inches x 2 feet 6 inches for the 5 '/-foot size 6 feet 5 inches x 2 feet 6 inches for the 6 -foot size 5 inches having been allowed for fixture shown. surface is nearly equal both in durability and appearance to 35 PLATE 214-D 36 ADAMANTINE-PORCELAIN-LINED BATH SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Adamantine -porcelain -lined Roll-rim French-shaped Bath (Plate 214-D), decorated outside white or ivory satin finish, No. 4^^ improved brass double bath faucets and '/^ - inch supplies, brass connected waste and overflow with escutcheon, chain and snap and rubber stopper. DESCRIPTION The bath shown in this illustra- tion is one of a number of designs which we offer to suit the individual taste of the purchaser. The fix- ture attached is designed for use where space is limited, as that which is occupied by this fixture outside of the bath is only such as is over- hung by the roll rim. When this bath is desired for use in places where bright metal is easily influenced by climatic con- ditions, that portion of the brass work outside of the bath can be furnished in rough metal, which can be finished with several coats of white enamel paint, when all that is necessary to keep it clean is an occasional rubbing with a damp cloth or chamois. Attention is especially directed to the towel bar and the sanitary soap and sponge holders, as such appliances are necessities, and, if carefully chosen, very much improve the appearance of the room with- out adding greatly to the expense. 57 5° 63 00 70 5° 11 75 91 75 16 00 4 00 5° 50 Price as described, with brass worlt polished and niclcel-plated, 4 feet long Same, 4 feet 6 inches long Same, 5 feet long Same, 5 feet 6 inches long Same, 6 feet long If bath is wanted undecorated, deduct If bath is wanted decorated with gold lines, add If No. 1 1 antique nickel-plated fixture is wanted, add If No. 9 combination bell supply fixture with J^- inch supplies and escutcheons is wanted, add . If No. 10 combination spout supply fixture with ^- inch supplies and escutcheons is wanted, add If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. Bath can be furnished with claw and porcelain ball feet at the same price. Bath Room Fittings : Nickel-plated cast-brass soap holder . . . $3 75 Nickel-plated sanitary sponge holder . . . 5 00 Nickel-plated towel bar with wall brackets, length 24 inches . . ..... i 80 Same, length 30 inches . . . . . 2 00 Same, length 36 inches . . . . . 2 30 Same, length 42 inches . . . . . 3 25 Measurements : The space necessary for the proper setting of this bath, including fixture, will not exceed 4 feet 2 inches -x 2 feet 5 inches for the 4 -foot size 4 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 6 inches for the 4^-foot size 5 feet 2 inches x 2 feet 6 inches for the 5 -foot size 5 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 6 inches for the 5 j-^ -foot size 6 feet 2 inches x 2 feet 6 inches for the 6 -foot size I inch havinsr been allowed for fixture shown. Adamantine-porcelain-lined Baths are very much lighter in weight than the Adamantine-porcelain and are also much less expensive. The goods of this description are all fully guaranteed by us and are very popular for all classes of work, where the differences of price and of weight are important factors necessary to be considered. The surface of the Adamantine-porcelain-lined pieces is thoroughly vitreous and non-absorbent in the interior and upon the rim, and is therefore perfectly sanitary and easily cleaned. The exterior being metal requires painting, and in the highest finish the surface is nearly equal both in durability and appearance to the porcelain lining of the interior. 37 iltfitlMJifeihjyil^ii^fati PLATE 231-D 38 ADAMANTINE-PORCELAIN-LINED BATH SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Adamantine-porcelain-lined Roll- rim French-shaped Bath (Plate 231-D), painted one coat out- side, No. 39 brass compression double bath faucets, with 34 - inch supplies and escutcheons, No. i brass connected waste and overflow with chain and snap, rubber stopper and escutcheon. DESCRIPTION The bath illus- trated here is one of a number of designs which we offer to suit the individual taste of the purchaser. The extreme narrowness of the rim will be easily noted. The demand for space in which to set the bath is here mini- mized to the very last degree, and the fixture arranged for this bath is, while sanitary and most useful, extremely simple and unostenta- tious. It is what is known as the connected waste and overflow with chain and stopper, and the supply pipes are overlapped by the rim, thus allowing the bath to be placed close against the wall. Attention is directed espe- cially to the towel bar and sanitary soap and sponge holders, as such appliances are necessities, and, if carefully chosen, very much improve greatly to the expense. Price as described, with brass work polished or nickel-plated, 4 feet long . Same, 4 feet 6 inches long . Same, 5 feet long Same, 5 feet 6 inches long . For outside decoration in white or ivory satin finish, add Same, with gold lines, add ..... Bath Fittings : Nickel-plated brass sanitary sponge holder . . . Belleek china soap dish with nickel-plated brass sanitary holder ....... Nickel-plated brass towel bar with wall brackets, length 30 inches ...... Same, length 36 inches ..... Same, length 42 inches ..... ^43 5° 49 00 50 75 65 75 16 00 20 00 3 75 2 30 3 25 Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this bath, including fixture, will not exceed 4 feet I inch x 2 feet for the 4 -foot size 4 feet 7 inches x 2 feet for the 4^ -foot size 5 feet I inch x 2 feet for the 5 -foot size 5 feet 7 inches x 2 feet for the 5^-foot size I inch having been allowed for the fixture shown. the appearance of the room without adding Adamantine-porcelain-lined Baths are very much lighter in weight than the Adamantine-porcelain and are also much less expensive. The goods of this description which we illustrate are all fully guaranteed by us and are very popular for all classes of work where the differences of price and of weight are important factors necessary to be considered. The surface of the Adamantine-porcelain-lined pieces is thoroughly vitreous and non-absorbent in the interior and upon the rim, and is therefore perfectly sanitary and easily cleaned. The exterior being metal requires painting, and in the highest finish the surface is nearly equal both in durability and appearance to the porcelain lining of the interior. 39 PLATE :251-D 40 NEEDLE AND SHOWER MANTLE BATH SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Brass Combination Needle and Shower Mantle Bath (Plate 251-D), with rubber curtain and roll-rim round Adamantine-porcelain receptor, glazed all over, with brass strainer grate and coupling, four-arm valve handles with china name-plates. DESCRIPTION The mantle bath is the most Class A Price as described, with brass work polished or nickel-plated . . . . . . . $300 oc If the same is wanted with Class B receptor, deduct ...... If the same is wanted with Class C deduct ...... If wanted without receptor as quoted, deduct If with sateen curtain in place of rubber, add If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. receptor, 50 00 75 0° 150 00 15 00 Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this mantle bath with receptor will not exceed 4 feet by 3 feet 7 inches, 5 inches having been allowed for supply connections. convenient form of bathing; as all that is necessary is simply to step under the shower and into the radius of the needle-spray and thus with- out exertion receive the full benefits of this strictly hygienic and most truly healthful mode of bathing. The tingle, which is the physical response of the body to the needle- spray's contact, is sufficient evidence of the impetus which is given to the circulation by this delicate but insistent irritation of the cuticle; the exudation through the pores, which follows their opening (because of increased circulation), is quickly carried away by the downpour from the overhead shower, and the general effects of the needle- shower bathing, after a judicious tempering of the water, by means of the easily manipu- lated valves, is both restful and exhilarating in the extreme. For these reasons the "needle-shower" bath is especially recommended by the medical fraternity everywhere as a natural, pleasant and easily applied treatment, par- taking of the best features of both massaging and prescriptive electricity. The receptacle shown in this illustration is the justly popular receptor, made of our well-known Adamantine-porcelain. It may be let into the floor and tiled up to or placed upon the floor and cemented to it. The arrangements made for the outlet connections are such as to guarantee the fixture against leakage, and the ceiling and room beneath from all possibility of damage often resulting therefrom. The curtain can be furnished of rubber, or of our odorless material, which is easily dried and obtainable in any color desired. The apparatus may also be had without receptor for use in marble stalls. For a proper conception of "needle-shower" in full operation, see small illustration shown on page 43- Where the bathing facilities are so limited as to compel several persons to use the same bath, this form of bathing is particularly recommended, inasmuch as running water is used and the danger of infectious diseases is avoided. The side spray and overhead shower are made to work independently to accommodate those not desiring to wet their heads. 41 PLATE 276-D 42 NEEDLE AND SHOWER MANTLE BATH SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Brass Combination Needle and Shower Mantle Bath (Plate 276-D), with rubber cur- tain, soap dish and roll-rim Adamantine- porcelain - lined receptor painted one coat outside, with brass strainer, grate and coupling. DESCRIPTION Not alone is the Price as described, with brass work polislied or "needle - show- niclcel-plated $194 75 Same, with receptor decorated outside ivory or white satin finish ..... Same, with gold lines ..... If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. 2°3 75 2ir 25 Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this mantle bath, including supply connections, will not exceed 3 feet 7 inches x 3 feet 7 inches. . er " recommended as an hygienic necessity in modern living, but also as the least inconvenient and most natural application of the bath. In the accompanying illustration is shown, as in the preceding one, a modern combination which ena- bles one to simply step under the shower and into the radius of the needle-spray and thus, without ex- ertion, receive the full benefits of this strictly hygienic and most truly healthful mode of bathing. The tingle, which is the physical response of the body to the needle-spray's contact, is sufficient evidence of the impe- tus which is given to the circulation by this delicate but insistent irritation of the ..„„„. cuticle. The exudation through the pores which follows their opening (because of increased circulation), is quickly carried away by the downpour from the overhead shower and the general effects of needle- shower bathing, after a judicious temper- ing of the water by means of the easily manipulated valves, is both restful and exhilarating in the extreme. The small illustration shows the needle- shower apparatus in full operation and is made from an unretouched photograph. Particular attention is called to the results obtained in the needle-sprays from the manner in which the perforations are made in the piping, the double rows of perfora- tions at certain angles giving absolutely the best results obtainable from any fixture intended to compete with this. 43 PLATE 326-D 44 COMBINATION NEEDLE AND SHOWER SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Combination Brass Needle and Shower Bath (Plate 326-D), with brass curtain ring, rubber curtain with curtain chain, hook and wall plate, four-arm valve handles with china name-plates, brass supplies to floor with escutcheons. DESCRIPTION The needle and shower bath Price as described, with brass work polished or nickel-plated . . . . . . . $75 oo If with countersunk Italian marble floor slab, 36 X 36 inches, add ...... If with nickel-plated cast-brass bar strainer, add . If sateen curtain is wanted in place of rubber, add If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. 15 00 3 °o S 00 here shown is a modification of the mantle needle bath, and has been especially devised for use where a less expensive fixture is desired, or where a lack of space does not permit of the placing of the more bulky mantle bath. The modifica- tion consists in contracting the spray area of the mantle bath into the two perpendicular, perforated pipes shown. As will be seen, the entire fixture takes up very little space and can, indeed, be set directly behind a bath tub, in such a manner, that the two vertical spray pipes overhang the rim and drain into the bath. The overhead shower is provided with a special valve and chain, enabling the user to operate both spray and shower singly or together, in the former case obviating the necessity for wetting the hair, if such is not desired. When set for use, the curtain is so arranged as to encircle the spray pipes and valves, thus enabling the bather to manipulate the latter and keeping the room dry. The curtain can be furnished of our odorless material, instead of the rubber cloth, the advantage being that the same has not the cold, clammy feeling complained of in rubber and may be obtained in any color desirable. It furthermore avoids the unneces- sary corrosion of the metal, which follows frequent wetting. s » <^o «» 45 PLATE 327-D 46 OVERHEAD SHOWER AND HAND SPRAY SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Brass Combination Overhead Shower and Hand Spray ( Phite 327-D), with \^- inch brass supplies, escutcheons and hangers, /a -inch iron pipe size mixing column and hanger, S'-^-inch tubular shower, brass curtain ring with curtain hooks and special rubber curtain with curtain chain and wall hook plate. DESCRIPTION We here illus- trate our espe- Price as described, with brass work polished or nickel-plated ....... The same, with 5-inch polished or nickel-plated douche with ball joint and removable face The same, with brass ring shower $42 so cially arranged combination shower and hand spray, which presents at once a useful, healthful and hand- some fi.xture, and one which affords a most deliciously refreshing form of bathing", recommended by all physicians and indulged in as a necessity by those who have once enjoyed its delightful service and invigorating" effects. It can be very readily set up in any bath room no matter what other fixtures may already occupy spaces there and with no possible injury to the others, as the shower can be placed so as to overhang the bath and drain into it and the rubber curtain confines the shower and spray within its prescribed limits. The same effects, in a much milder and less general form, can be obtained by the use of the hand spray, as result from the use of the mantle needle bath and the side spray bath. The same, with ^-inch iron pipe size supplies and hangers, escutcheons and ^-inch iron pipe size mi,\ing column with 10 Jo -inch tubular shower If curtain ring and rubber curtain are not wanted, deduct ........ If hand spray attachment is not wanted, deduct If thermometer is wanted on either fixture, add If with countersunk Italian marble floor slab, 30x30 inches, and polished or nickel-plated 5-inch strainer grate and coupling, add 39 S° 41 00 49 5° 1 4 00 6 GO 5 0° 14 GO s a GPD 47 PLATE 351-D ADAMANTINE-PORCELAIN SITZ BATH SPECIFICATION HE Adamantine-porcelain Roll-rim Sitz Bath on base (Plate 351-D), decorated outside with white satin finish, with No. 9 brass bell supply fixture, -xj^-inch supplies and escutcheons, with back spray, china handles and name-plates on valves and waste. class A Class H Class C Price as described, witli fix- ture polished or nickel- plated .... J5142 50 $104 50 $97 50 If bath is wanted decorated with gold lines, add . lo oo If bath is wanted glazed outside, add . . . 20 oo If without back spray attachment, deduct . . 15 00 If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. Measurements ; The space required for the proper setting of this sitz bath will not exceed 2 feet 1 1 inches x 2 feet 3 inches, 6 inches having been allowed for fixture shown. DESCRIPTION The hip bath, sometimes re- ferred to as a sitz or seat bath, has grown within the past few years, from a luxury to what, in the minds of many, is now an absolute neces- sity to the well-arranged and thor- oughly up-to-date bath room. It can be used as a foot bath as well, and in both capacities is most use- ful and greatly appreciated. The back-spray attachment is designed to provide a more or less strong wave-like spray of water, of whatever tempera- ture required. When the person using this apparatus is sitting in the hip bath, and leaning slightly forward, the spray plays upon and across the back, and affords immedi- ate relief in many cases where indisposition comes from the liver. The spray is often prescribed as a part of an especial treatment in important cases. This hip bath is made with base to floor, doing away with the feet sometimes used. It may be cemented to the floor, and is made to conform in general outline to our Adamantine-porcelain floor base baths. The fixture is provided with an especial valve, technically termed a three-way valve, which enables the bather, by a slight pressure upon the push button or the raising of the same, to change the flow of water from the bell supply to the spray attachment or the reverse, thus assuring an even temperature of water without additional manipulation of the hot and cold water valves. Adamantine-porcelain ware, of which our porcelain baths, lavatories, etc., are made, is truly the triumph of the potter's art, combining, as it does, great durability with exceeding strength. This ware will stand much rough usage, and, indeed, is practically indestructible. The vitrified surface being non-absorbent makes Adamantine-porcelain ware the ideal material from a sanitary point of view, and the elegance of design and artistic correctness of detail make each piece pre-eminent as an example of a perfect combination of beauty and utility, where heretofore the one was ever sacrificed to the other. In the manufacture of this heavy ware some few pieces are taken from the kiln with slight cracks from the fire or other blemishes, which, while they do not detract from the perfect usefulness of the article, yet force the formation of a certain graded classification known as Class A, Class B and Class C, the latter of which are quoted at a decided discount from the more perfect examples priced under grade or Class A. 49 PLATE 361-D S° __ ADAMANTINE-PORCELAIN SITZ BATH SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Adamantine-porcelain Roll-rim Sitz Bath (Plate 361-D), on Adamantine-porcelain pedestal feet, decorated outside ivory or white satin finish with gold lines, No. 9 brass combination bell supply fixture with -^4 -inch supplies and escutcheons. DESCRIPTION The hip bath, sometimes re- ferred to as a sitz or seat bath, has Price as described, with fi.xture polished or nickel-plated . $112 25 $99 25 If wanted without gold line decoration, deduct If wanted without decoration, deduct 4 00 grown within the last few years from what was formerly considered a lu.xury, to what in the minds of many is now thought to be an abso- lute necessity to the well-arranged and thoroughly up-to-date bath room. It can also be used as a foot bath, and in both capacities is a most useful and much appre- ciated fi.xture. It is quickly filled on account of its limited capacity, and for that reason the temperature can speedily be raised or lowered at will, the valve handles being so arranged as to be most convenient to the user. The sitz bath as here illustrated is mounted upon pedestal feet, which provide a firm support. If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this sitz bath, including fixture, will not exceed 3 feet by 2 feet 2 inches, 6 inches having been allowed for fixture shown. Adamantine-porcelain ware, of which our porcelain baths, lavatories, etc., are made, is truly the triumph of the potter's art, combining, as it does, great durability with exceeding strength. This ware will stand much rough usage, and, indeed, is practically indestructible. The vitrified surface being non-absorbent makes Adamantine-porcelain ware the ideal material from a sanitary point of view, and the elegance of design and artistic correctness of detail make each piece pre-eminent as an example of a perfect combination of beauty and utility, where heretofore the one was ever sacrificed to the other. In the manufacture of this heavy ware, some few pieces are taken from the kiln with slight cracks from the fire or other blemishes, which, while they do not detract from the perfect usefulness of the article, yet force the formation of a certain graded classi- fication known as Class A, Class B and Class C, the latter of which are quoted at a decided discount fioni the more perfect examples priced under grade or Class A. s a «D 51 PLATE 376-D 52 ADAMANTINE- PORCELAIN- LIN ED SITZ SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Adamantine -porcelain- lined Roll-rim Sitz Bath (Plate 376-D), decorated outside in ivory or A\hite satin finish, No. 9 brass bell supply fixture, with china name-plates on valves and waste, 34 -inch supplies and escutcheons. DESCRIPTION The hip bath, sometimes re- Price as described, with brass work polished or nickel-plated ....... $82 50 If bath is wanted decorated with gold lines, add . 4 00 If bath is wanted undecorated, deduct . . 16 00 If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. ferred to as a sitz or seat bath, has grown within the last few years, from what was former])' considered a luxury, to what in the minds of many is now thought to be an absokite necessity to the well- arranged and thoroughly up-to- date bath room. It can also be used as a foot bath, and in both capacities is a most useful and much appreciated fixture. It is quickly filled on account of its limited capacity, and for that reason the temperature can speedily be raised or lowered at will, the valve handles beina: so arranged as to be most con- venient to the user. Measurements: The space required for the proper setting of this sitz bath, including fixture, will not exceed 2 feet 1 1 inches by 2 feet 4 inches, 6 inches having been allowed for fixture shown. Adamantine-porcelain-lined Baths are very much lighter in weight than the Adamantine-porcelain and are also much less expensive. The goods of this description which we illustrate are all fully guaranteed by us and are very popular for all classes of work, where the differences of price and of weight are important factors necessary to be considered. The surface of the Adamantine-porcelain-lined pieces is thoroughly vitreous and non-absorbent in the interior and upon the rim, and is therefore perfectly sanitary and easily cleaned. The exterior being metal requires painting, and in the highest finish the surface is nearly equal both in durability and appearance to the porcelain lining of the interior. a a «0 53 eLJENRY inUBER COvN.Y PLATE 4U1-D 54 PEDESTAL BIDET WITH FLUSHING RIM SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Pedestal Bidet (Plate 401-D), flushing rim and seat integral, with brass combination fixture on standard, 9/4^ -inch supply pipes and escutcheons, with hot and cold supplies to bidet and flushing rim. No. 1 1 brass sliding waste and overflow, with escutcheon, china name- plates and handles on valves, and knob on waste. DESCRIPTION Herewith is presented our bidet, modeled on approved lines, as a result of many years' experi- ence in the manufacture of this fix- ture. Leading physicians strongly recommend the installation of this appliance, and their advice and knowledge has not been overlooked in its manufacture. Firmly set upon a solid base it cannot topple over, and the earthenware being non-ab- sorbent is absolutely sanitary. The height of the seat is about the same as the average water closet, and the fixture is so arransred as to be most convenient in location for the user, get out of order, and it is, indeed, so water can immediately be switched fr pan is made to retain water if desired, or the room interior can be applied to vitreous Ware Price as described, with brass work polished or nickel-plated ....... If bidet is wanted with special offset trap with waste to floor or wall and with back vent to wall, with escutcheon polished or nickel-plated, add If the same is wanted without vent, but with outlet to wall, threaded for Durham system, add If bidet is wanted decorated with gold lines, add If bidet is wanted with embossing and gold lines, add If with countersunk Italian marble floor slab, 34 x 29 inches, add ..... If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. 6 10 25 75 50 13 S° 75 Measueements : The space required for the proper setting of this bidet, including fixture, will not exceed 28 by 23 inches. There is no intricate mechanism in the latter to simple that by a single turn of the handle the ■om the bidet to the flushing rim. The bowl or Any style of decoration to match other fixtures the exterior of the bowl. qZ) SP 55 PLATE 436-D 5 6 DECORATED ROLL-RIM FOOT BATH SPECIFICATION HE Henry Pluber Company's Adamantine- porcelain -lined Roll-rim Foot Bath (Plate 436-D), decorated outside ivory or white satin linish and gold lines, with claw-foot standards and No. 9 brass bell supply fixture, with -^4 -inch supplies and escutcheons, china name-plates on valves and waste. DESCRIPTION The foot bath here illustrated Price as described, with brass work polished or nickel-plated ....... If bath is decorated without the gold lines, deduct If bath is not decorated, deduct .... $68 00 3 5° 10 00 Measurements: The space required for the proper setting of this foot bath, including fixture, will not exceed 27 x 29 inches, 4 inches having been allowed for fixture shown. is primaril)' intended for cleansing purposes, and for the frequent and convenient bathing of feet which are tender, dry from lack of oil in the skin, or which perspire exces- sively, but is also particularly recom- mended by physicians where hot, mustard, or medicated baths are ordered for the feet. The receptacle is quickly filled, the water is easily kept at a prescribed temperature and the depth permits the leg below the knee to be immersed. The top is readily covered by blanket or bath towel, so that the heat may be retained and the feet and limbs thoroughly steamed. The supply fixture is arranged for the noiseless introduction of water into the bath, thus avoiding disturbing others when the bath is desired for use. Adamantine-porcelain-lined Baths are very much lighter in weight than the Adamantine-porcelain and are also much less expensive. The goods of this description which we illustrate are all fully guaranteed by us and are very popular for all classes of work where the differences of price and of weight are important factors necessary to be considered. The surface of the Adamantine-porcelain-lined pieces is thoroughly vitreous and non-absorbent in the interior and upon the rim, and is therefore perfectly sanitary and easily cleaned. The exterior being metal requires painting, and in the highest finish the surface is nearly equal both in durability and appearance to the porcelain lining of the interior. Ga <^7> «s 57 PLATE 451-D BATH ROOM SCALE AND MEASURING ROD SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Automatic Bath Room Scale (Plate 451-D), with nickel-plated brass trimmings and enameled platform with reversible cork mat, and nickel-plated brass adjustable Measuring Rod and Level Bar and dial indicator with patent regulating screw. Price as described ...... $65 00 If wliite enamel is wanted instead of nickel-plate, deduct . . . . . . . . 10 00 If measuring rod and bar are not wanted, deduct . 10 00 DESCRIPTION In this scale we present a fix- ture as ornate as it is useful. It is absolutely to be depended upon as to its accuracy, and, being auto- matic in its working, registers the weight and avoids the necessity for handling weights, which are apt to be lost, and which, if carelessly handled, are liable to fall and to crush and bruise the feet. Many leading physicians, realizing the important part that the human weight plays in illness and in health, strongly advise all persons daily to consult their scales, thereby making this an article of necessity rather than of luxury. No better opportunity is afforded for this than after the morning bath, which enables one to be assured of the actual weight. A set screw is provided for the possible necessity for adjustment. The mat shown is of cork felt, which is at once soft and warm to the feet and when wet dries quickly without damage or odor. It is fastened to the platform by means of four screws which are easily removed when it is desired to reverse the mat. The measuring attachment is an unique feature of this appliance, as it enables one to ascertain the correct height. Where there are children in the household the importance of recording the actual height and weight from time to time cannot be overestimated. The measuring rod is telescopic in action and when closed is out of the way. A child can operate the same. ca « z> a s 59 BATH FIXTURES 60 FIXTURES FOR THE BATH TUB DESCRIPTION ''N THE accompan for baths. Plate the water enters through a metal disc or bell, and then flows noise- lessly down the side of the bath. The bell may be placed near the top or the bottom of the bath, as desired. Plate 477 represents the same fixture as 476, with the exception that the water enters the bath through a spout, thereby affording the opportunity of drawing water into a receptacle. Plate 47S is probably the most ornate bath fixture manufactured, and requires no further connecting with the bath than at the waste outlet. Plate 479 is the same as 476, with the addition of a hand-spray attachment. This provides an in- dependent supply of water through the hand spray, and can be used for drawinor fresh water when the tub is already filled, by the simple turning of the goose-neck spout toward the front. Plate 480 illustrates a combi- nation hot and cold water supply fixture of the latest design. The soap dish is removable for pur- poses of cleaning. Plate 481 is one of the forms of waste used when the supply fix- ture is desired within the tub, and is completed by the addition of a bath cock similar to Plate 480. ying page we illustrate a number of supply fixtures 476 is what is called a bell supply fixture, because Specification : The Henry Huber Company's No. 9 Brass Bell Supply Bath Fixture (Plate 476-D), with standing waste, slide movement, and overflow, special improved valves, %- inch supplies and escutcheons, china handles and name- plates on valves and china knob on waste. Price, polished or nickel-plated .... $35 00 Deduct for china handles and name-plates on valves ........ Deduct for china knob on waste .... 3 5° I 50 Specification: The Henry Huber Company's No. 10 Brass Spout Supply Bath Fixture (Plate 477-D ), with stand- ing waste, slide movement, and overflow, special improved valves, 3^ -inch supplies and escutcheons, china handles and name-plates on valves and china knob on waste. Price, polished or nickel plated .... $;^;^ 50 Deduct for china handles and name-plates on valves . . . . . . . . 3 5° Deduct for china knob on waste . . . . i ^o Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Ornate Brass Swan's- neck Supply Bath Fixture on Tripod (Plate 478-D), with standing waste and overflow, brass valves, with ^-inch supplies and escutcheons. Price, polished or nickel-plated .... $90 00 Add for china handles and name-plates on valves . . . . . . . . 3 50 Add for china knob on waste . . . . 15° Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Brass Bell Supply Bath Fixture (Plate 479-D), with standing waste, slide movement, and overflow, special improved valves, s^'irich supplies and escutcheons, shampoo attachment, rubber tube, 4-inch shampoo with rosewood handle and wall hook plate, china handles and name-plates on valves and china knob on waste. Price, polished or nickel-plated .... $45 00 Deduct for china handles and name-plates on valves . . . . . . . . 3 50 Deduct for china knob on waste . . . . ^5° Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Special Improved Brass Fuller Combination Bath Faucet (Plate 4S0-D), with cast-brass square soap dish, china handles, brass couplings, bushed J^-inch female iron pipe. Price, polished or nickel- plated . . . . $14 25 If couplings are desired bushed for ^-inch iron pipe, add 75 Deduct for china handles . . . . . 150 Specification: The Henry Huber Company's No. 11 Brass Standing Waste, Slide Movement, and Overflow (Plate 48 1 -D), with escutcheon, and china knob on waste. Price, polished or nickel-plated . . . . $14 00 Deduct if china knob is not wanted . . . 15° 61 BATH FIXTURES 62 ^ 'B FIXTURES FOR THE BATH TUB DESCRTPTION N THE accompanying page we illustrate a number of supply fixtures for baths. Plate 482 is what is called a bell supply fixture, because the water enters through a metal disc or bell and then flows noise- lessly down the side of the bath. The bell may be placed near the top or the bottom of the bath as desired. The valve handles are what is called the six-arm pattern, with china name-plates. Plate 483 shows the swan's- neck spout supply fixture of simple design, which requires no further connecting with the bath than at the waste outlet. Plate 484 is the same as Plate 4S2, excepting the valve handles, each having an extra ball at the top in place of name-plates. Plates 485 and 488 are what are termed connected waste and over- flow fixtures, the difference between them being that the latter is fur- nished with a metal cap threaded at the top, which is removable for purposes of cleaning. To complete these fixtures it is necessary to add a bath cock of a design similar to Plate 486 or 487. Plate 486 is a double com- pression bath cock, while Plate 487 is one of the Fuller pattern. In the former the valves are opened by turning the wheel handle, while in the latter the raising of the arms opens the valves. Specification : Tlie Henry Huber Company's No. g Brass Bell Supply Bath Fixture (Plate 482-D), with standing waste, slide movement, and overflow, special improved valves with ^-inch supplies and escutcheons, china name-plates on valves and waste. Price, polished or nickel-plated . . . . $31 50 Deduct, if without china name-plates on valves and waste . . . . . . . . I 50 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Brass Swan's-neck Spout Supply Bath Fixture on Tripod (Plate 483-D), with standing waste, slide movement, and over- flow, special improved valves with ^-inch supplies and escutcheons, china name-plates on valves and waste. Price, polished or nickel-plated .... ^65 00 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Brass Bell Supply Bath Fixture (Plate 484-D), with standing waste, slide movement, and overflow, special improved valves, ^-inch supplies and escutcheons, china name-plate on waste. Price, polished or nickel-plated .... $30 00 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Brass Con- nected Waste and Overflow (Plate 485-D), with escutcheon, chain, snap and rubber stopper. Price, polished or nickel-plated . . . . $5 00 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Brass Special Combination Compression Bath Faucet (Plate 486-D), with jewel cup, four-arm handles and china name- plates, supply couplings, bushed i^-inch female iron pipe. Price, polished or nickel-plated, with 4^ -inch centers . . . . . . . • ^7 75 Add, if bushed for ^-inch female iron pipe . 75 Add, if desired in size No. 3 centers, 6^5- inches, with square soap cup . . . . . 3 5° Deduct, if wanted without name-plates . . 75 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Brass Special Improved Fuller Combination Bath Faucet (Plate 487-D), with jewel cup and chain handles, supply couplings, bushed ^-inch female iron pipe. Price, polished or nickel-plated, with centers 3^ inches ........ Add, if desired in size No. 2 centers, 4^^ inches . Add, if desired in size No. 3 centers, 6j'>5^ inches . Deduct, if china handles are not wanted Add, if round soap dish in place of jewel cup is wanted . . . . . . . . i 25 Add, if square soap dish in place of jewel cup is wanted . . . . . . . . i 75 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Brass Con- nected Waste and Overflow with Clean-out Screw (Plate 488-D), chain, snap and rubber stopper and escutcheon. Price, polished or nickel-plated . . . . $8 00 $^ 75 I 50 4 75 I 5° 63 BATH ACCESSORIES 64 ACCESSORIES FOR THE BATH ROOM DESCRIPTION N THE accompanying page we illustrate some of our bath room accessories. These formerly were considered as luxuries, but modern progress has placed them in the line of necessities without which no bath room can be complete. Plate 576 represents a substantial and strong soap holder of ample size, which is at once adaptable for use in the bath room, laundry, pantry or the kitchen. Plates 577, 578, 579 and 5S0 show, respectively, our tooth brush vase and holder, soap dish and holder, tumbler and holder, and the combination of the three. Es- pecial attention is here directed to the design, which has been care- fully studied by experts with the view to creating fixtures which were at once strong, artistic and absolutely sanitary. The metal- work is cast brass and the pottery is of the finest French porcelain body, called Belleek china. It will be seen that the drip which may come from the individual pieces cannot follow the bracket back and thus foul the wall, because of the design of the bracket having a pro- tective flange at its lowest point, and this feature in itself, being ex- clusively ours, makes these appli- ances eminently superior to any- thing of this kind yet produced. Plate 581 represents our latest design in shavins: mirrors, which is free from the wall, and being provided with a ball joint and especial clamp enables it to be set at any angle desired. The ends of the bar, upon which the mirror may be slid from side to side to change the light, are made to project and can be used as towel hangers. Plate 582 represents a bath brush holder. Plate 583 shows our sanitary toilet paper holder (patent applied for); the paper is placed in position by simply unscrewing the metal top and dropping the roll within the metal jacket, then again screwing the top on. The edge of the jacket is so formed as to cut the paper when desired. The sponge holder, Plate 584, partakes of the same Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Brass San- itary Soap Holder (Plate 576-D). Price, polished or nickel-plated . . . . $2 50 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Belleek China Tooth Brush Vase (Plate 577-D), with nickel-plated cast-brass sanitary holder. Price $3 75 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Belleek China Soap Dish (Plate 578-D), with nickel-plated cast-brass sanitary holder. Price $3 75 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Belleek China Tumbler (Plate 579-D), with nickel-plated cast-brass sanitary holder. Price $3 75 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Triple Combination Nickel-plated Brass Sanitary Holder (Plate 580-D), with Belleek china tooth brush vase, Belleek china soap dish and Belleek china tumbler. Price $13 S° Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Plate-glass Shaving Mirror (Plate 581-D), with nickel-plated cast-brass adjustable holder, ball joint and bar clamp, cast-brass wall brackets and towel bar. Price $25 00 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Nickel- plated Brass Sanitary Bath Brush Holder (Plate 582-D). Price . . $4 °° Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Nickel- plated Cast-brass Sanitary Paper Holder (Plate S83-D). Price $10 00 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Nickel- plated Cast-brass Sanitary Sponge Holder (Plate 584-D). Price $5 00 If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. sanitary features described under Plates 577 to 580 inclusive. 65 n^S f:s\ i*,*Os BATH ACCESSORIES 66 ACCESSORIES FOR THE BATH ROOM DESCRIPTION each EREWITH are presented some of our bath room accessories of latest design. Plates 585 to 589 inclusive, show the various styles of glass towel rods, from the simple to the most ornate design. Plate 585 is also made entirely of metal when this is preferred. The carafe holder, shown under Plate 590, has been more espe- cially devised for use on board of yachts, steamships and in private railway cars. Within the outer circle will be seen two smaller ones, fastened to the next by two pivots in such a manner that any amount of pitching and tilting will leave the carafe perfectly hori- zontal. The glass shelf, Plate 591, is fast superseding the old-style appli- ance in wood or marble, as it is more readily cleaned, looks well at all times and is not affected by oils, medicines, etc. It is fastened to the substantially designed brackets by means of two bolts which pre- vent the annoying rattling and throwing down of articles placed thereon which is so disagreeable a feature of the glass shelves loosely laid upon pins or other brackets. represents a sim- a whisk holding Plate 592 pie device for broom. The sanitary combination towel bar and shelf (Plate 593), fills a long-felt want in supplying a means of separating the used from the fresh towels. The soiled towel basket, shown under Plate 594, is as ornate as it is useful. Soiled towels have here a proper receptacle, and suf- ficient space is left between the bottom of the basket and the floor to permit a proper circulation of air, preventing the musty odor aris- ing from damp towels enclosed in wicker or other receptacles. Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Sanitary Glass Towel Bars (Plates 585-!), sS6-D, 587-0, 588-D, or SSgT^ ), with polished or nickel-plated wall brackets. Prices as described Plate 5S3 5S6 387 5SS 589 Length 18 inches. $4 00 ^s 50 $8 25 $6 75 $7 00 Length 24 inches, 4 7,S 5 00 8 75 7 25 7 5° Length 30 inches. 5 00 8 50 10 75 8 75 9 00 Length 36 inches, 6 00 10 50 12 75 II 00 II 50 Length 42 inches. 6 5° 12 00 14 75 13 25 14 00 Length 48 inches. 8 00 13 75 16 75 15 5° 16 50 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Nickel- plated Cast-brass Marine Carafe Holder (Plate 590-D), with cut-glass carafe. Price S25 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Plate-glass Shelf (Plate 591-D), 5 inches wide, with polished or nickel- plated cast-brass brackets. Price Length 18 inches . . . . . . $10 Length 20 inches . . . . . .11 Length 2 4- inches Length 30 inches Length 36 inches Length 42 inches . . . . .14 Length 48 inches . . . . . • '5 5° 00 5° 00 00 00 00 Specification: The Henry Huber Company's Polished or Nickel-plated Brass Whisk-broom Holder (Plate 592-D). Price $1 00 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Polished or Nickel-plated Brass Combination Towel Shelf and Bar (Plate 593-D). Price $12 50 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Polished or Nickel-plated Brass Soiled Towel Basket (Plate 594-D). Price $14 5° 67 LAVATORY FIXTURES SANITARY LAVATORY FIXTURES DESCRIPTION N THE accompanying page we illustrate some of our lavatory fixtures, which, as they are more or less interchangeable, enable the intending purchaser to vary to suit individual taste, the lavatory combinations shown elsewhere. Plate 676 shows our Collegiate waste and single spout supply fixture, necessitating the use of a patent overflow basin to carry off the surplus water. The hot and cold water valves are of the Fuller variety, and for the sake Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Cast-brass Combination Spout Supply Fixture (Plate 676-D), with special improved Fuller valves, Collegiate waste, china handles on valves and name-plate on waste, supply coupling, bushed J/3 -inch female iron pipe. Price as described, polished or nickel-plated . $25 50 of safety are stamped " hot " and "cold." The Collegiate waste is constructed upon the simplest mechanical principles, and there is nothing in its construction liable to stoppage or to get out of order. By pushing back the waste knob, the fulcrum movement sends the horizontal rod forward, bringing its end in contact with the beveled base of the stopper, which is there- by forced up ; by reversing the operation the stopper is lowered. Plate 678 shows an independ- ent Collegiate waste to which may be added any style of cock or faucet." Plate 677 shows an independ- ent waste fixture which is used with a basin having no overflow, the same being provided in the perpendicular pipe called the stand- ing waste. Any style of cocks or faucets may be used with this Specification: The Henry Huber Company's Cast-brass Standing Waste and Overflow Basin Fixture (Plate 677-D), with slide movement and china knob. Price as described, polished or nickel-plated . $7 50 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Cast-brass Collegiate Waste (Plate 678-D), with china name-plate. Price as described, polished or nickel-plated $12 50 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Cast-brass Combination Spout Supply Fixture for New Departure Basin (Plate 679-D), with standing waste, slide movement, special improved Fuller valves, with china handles and china knob on waste, supply couplings, bushed ^-inch female iron pipe. Price as described, polished or nickel-plated $25 so If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. fixture. Plate 679 shows one of the most popular fixtures made, which is used exclusively in connection with our patented New Departure basins. The latter are so modeled as to drain toward the rear where the waste is located, thus minimizing the amount of metal used and also the fouling space, a great sanitary consideration. The waste, which operates by the slide movement, necessitating a simple turn to either raise or lower it, may be instantly removed, and as the barrel, within which the standing waste operates, is made in one piece with the earthenware and presents internally a perfectly smooth surface, the insertion of a cloth readily cleanses it. 69 08 o (\ 08(1 LAVATORY FIXTURES 70 SANITARY LAVATORY FIXTURES DESCRIPTION N THE accompanying page we illustrate some of our lavatory fixtures, which, as they are more or less interchangeable, enable the intending purchaser to vary, to suit individual taste, the lavatory combinations shown elsewhere. Plates 680 and 682 represent two styles of basin faucets of the Fuller pattern, which are operated by raising or lower- ing the arm handles; Plate 682 being what is termed a low-down faucet, because the spout rests upon the slab of the lavatory. Plates 681, 684 and 685 are compression basin faucets in which the valves are opened and closed by the turn- ing of the wheel handles. Plate 68 1 is a semiAow-down faucet standing sufficiently clear of the basin slab to permit the drawing of water into tumbler or other receptacle, and enabling the entire fixture readily to be cleaned. The handle is pro- vided with a china name-plate desig- natina: the hot and cold water fau- cets. Plates 684 and 685 differ only in the style of handles, the former having what is termed a four-arm, while the latter has a T handle. Plate 683 represents our improved self-closing basin faucet, which, ow- ing to its simplicity of construc- tion, is not liable to get out of order and will not pinch the fingers of the user. Plates 686 and 687 illustrate our butler's pantry fau- cets, and are so constructed as to permit the drawing of water into bottles, carafes, etc. Plate 686 is called a plain bibb, and 687 a hose bibb, because the latter is provided with a male thread upon which a hose nozzle or filter maybe screwed. Plate 688 is a combination basin supply and shampoo fixture which can be used with any basin having no overflow, as the latter is pro- vided in the standing waste. This shampoo attachment can be ad- justed to any other fixture desired. SPECiFrcATiON: The Henry Huber Company's Cast-brass Special Improved Fuller Basin Faucets with China Handles (Plate 680-D), supply coupling, bushed J^-inch female iron pipe. Price as described, polished or nickel-plated, per pair $5 50 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Cast-brass Special Semi-low-down Compression Basin Faucets (Plate 681-D), supply couplings, bushed yi-'mch female iron pipe. Price as described, polished or nickel-plated, per pair $4 50 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Cast-brass Special Low-down Fuller Basin Faucets (Plate 682-D), with china handles, supply couplings, bushed 14 -inch female iron pipe. Price as described, polished or nickel-plated, per pair $6 00 Specification : Tire Henry Huber Company's Cast-brass Special Improved Self-closing Basin Faucets (Plate 683-D), supply couplings, bushed 3>^-inch female iron pipe. Price as described, polished or nickel-plated, per pair $5 00 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Cast-brass Special Compression Basin Faucets (Plate 684-D), with four- arm handles, supply couplings, bushed ^^-inch female iron pipe. Price as described, polished ornickel-plated, per pair $4 50 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Cast-brass Special Compression Basin Faucets (Plate 685-D), with T handles, supply couplings, bushed }^-inch female iron pipe. Price as described, polished or nickel-plated, per pair $3 50 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Cast-brass Special Improved Fuller Goose-neck Pantry Faucet (Plate 686-D), with plain nozzle, china handle, supply coupling, bushed ri-inch female iron pipe. Price as described, polished or nickel-plated, each . $3 75 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Cast-brass Special Improved Fuller Goose-neck Pantry Faucet (Plate 687-D), with hose nozzle, china handle, supply coupling, bushed i^-inch female iron pipe. Price as described, polished or nickel-plated, each . $425 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Cast-brass Combination Spout Supply and Shampoo Fixture (Plate 688-D), with standing waste, slide movement, special improved Fuller valves, supply couplings, bushed ^-inch female iron pipe, china handles on valves and china knob on waste, and combination shampoo attachment with wall hanger. Price as described, polished or nickel-plated . . $32 50 71 ^ J 777 77' h I-MENRV irtllBFR CO.vN.Y 782 783 LAVATORY LEGS 72 SANITARY LAVATORY SUPPORTS DESCRIPTION N THE accompanying page we illustrate some of our lavatory supports. All these have been especially designed with reference to their artistic merit as well as their sanitary worth, and the important features of strength and durability have not been overlooked. We take a just pride in claiming for these pieces novelty of design, to attain which no expense or labor has been spared. Plate 776 shows a bracket for use where it is not deemed advisable to have the supports reach the floor. Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Cast-brass Angle Lavatory Brackets (Plate 776-D), size 16^ x 18 inches. Price as described, polished or nickel-plated, per ^9 5° Plates 477 and 478 are two styles of simple lavatory legs, the former beins: constructed for use where a lavatory apron is desired. These two styles have been especially designed for use where it is desired to reduce to the mini- mum the cost of installation with- out sacrificing the durability and sanitary features of a good lavatory support, and, further, where it is advisable to lessen the labor of cleaning. When climatic conditions are such as to affect bright metal the necessity for cleaning is minimized by having these supports made in the rough brass which may then be finished in enamel paint. Plates 779 and 780 are of Colonial design, and are also made for use with or without an apron, offset or straight, as shown. Plate 781 is a pleasing design of lavatory leg with apron pocket. Plates 782 and 783 are two styles of lavatory legs of pure Rococo design, the latter being the most beautiful and graceful lavatory leg yet produced. pair ........ Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Brass Lava- tory Legs with Apron Pockets (Plate 777-D). Price as described, polished or nickel-plated, per pair $6 50 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Brass Lava- tory Legs (Plate 77S-D), with top and bottom flanges. Price as described, polished or nickel-plated, per P^'"" ^5 5° Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Cast-brass Offset Colonial Lavatory Legs (Plate 779-D), with apron pockets. Price as described, polished or nickel-plated, per pair $22 50 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Cast-brass Straight Colonial Lavatory Legs (Plate 780-D), with top flanges. Price as described, polished or nickel-plated, per pair $20 00 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Cast-brass Gotham Lavatory Legs (Plate 781-D), with apron pockets. Price as described, polished or nickel-plated, per pair $12 50 Specification .- The Henry Huber Company's Cast-brass Rococo Lavatory Legs (Plate 782-D), with apron pockets. Price as described, polished or nickel-plated, per pair $35 00 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Cast-brass Ornate Rococo Lavatory Legs (Plate 783-D), with apron pockets. Price as described, polished or nickel-plated, per pair $50 00 If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. PLATE 826-D 74 THE ROCOCO ROSE ONYX LAVATORY SPECIFICATION ^HE Henry Huber Company's Rose Onyx Lavatory (Plate 826-D), Rococo design, size 36x24 inches, with back 17 inches high and 5-inch aprons, 15 x 19-inch oval ivory basin, decorated with three gold lines, onyx knob on waste, The Henry Huber Company's improved valves with Rococo handles, No. 6 brass basin supplies and escutcheons, i v. -inch brass offset basin trap and escutcheon, ornate cast-brass Rococo legs with wall pockets. DESCRIPTION Price as described, with fixtures gold-plated If brass work is wanted in silver plate instead of gold, deduct ....... If brass work is wanted in nickel plate instead of gold, deduct ....... Rococo mirror in composition, with sconces for electric lights ....... Same, in gold-plated brass .... 150 00 250 00 500 00 111 this illustra- tion will be seen a most perfect example of the Ro- coco design of the period of Louis XV., carried out with great fidelity and care as to detail, and with the most conspicuous success in the tout ensemble. The graceful curves in the strong solid brass legs create a design that has never before been attempted in a metal leg. The remarkable success of the new design in connection with the exquisite and rare rose onyx slab and back, and the valve handles, which are both new and perfectly in consonance with the period of the general design, all unite to form a beautiful fixture, wherein is found a perfect blending of the highest artistic merit with the most advanced sanitary ideas. The mirror frame shown is a truly ornate and faithful reproduction of the art of the above period, most exquisite in detail and most charming in its entirety. It is not often that those who are striving for thoroughly artistic surroundings can procure the same with the assurance of absolute sanitary perfection for the bath room furnishings. In the lavatory and accompanying fittings, and the mirror, here illustrated, can be had the full and perfect fruition of this idea: Artistic to the casual observer, it is to the critic in such matters positively up to date sanitarily and has our highest guaran- tee as to the same. Not every one can afford to purchase a work of art for the bath or toilet, the value of which is enhanced to a great degree by the addition of the most precious of metals, but when such is possible the advantages are correspondingly great and the results sure to be satisfactory. Gold will not tarnish as will silver or nickel and the consequent labor of cleaning is greatly lessened. 75 PLATE 827-D 76 THE ROCOCO ITALIAN MARBLE LAVATORY SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Italian Marble Lavatory (Plate 827-D), size 35 X 23>^ inches, with 17-inch back and 5 -inch aprons, 15 x 19-inch oval New Departure basin, with com- bination spout supply fixture and The Henry Huber Com- pany's improved valves with china handles and china knob on waste, i>^-inch brass offset trap to wall with escutcheon, plain cast-brass Rococo legs and wall pockets. DESCRIPTION To those de- sirino- a lava- Price as described, with fixtures polished and nickel-plated . . . . . . . $133 25 If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. tory of true artistic merit which, while it bears out a general design, does not aggressively present the broadest features of that inten- tion, the one here illustrated is offered with the utmost confidence as being of artistically pure char- acter in design and absolutely sani- tary in its utility. The legs, while graceful and delicate in appearance, are guaranteed strong and safe. Mirrors in great variety for the of design will be cheerfully submitted Lavatory Fittings ; French plate-glass mirror with special white enamel frame . . . . . ■ $37 5° 30 X 5-inch plate-glass shelf with nickel-plated cast- brass brackets . . . . . 12 00 toilet are manufactured by us, and any character in drawing and estimated upon. C £> <# «to 77 PLATE 828-D 78 COLONIAL ONYX LAVATORY WITH BACK SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Colonial Onyx Lavatory (Plate 828-D), size T)^ X 24 inches, with onyx back 13 inches high, and 5-inch onyx aprons, cast-brass offset Colonial pattern legs, with cast-brass wall pockets, ivory-tinted 16 x 21-inch oval vitreous basin, brass combination spout supply fixture Collegiate waste, onyx handles on valves and knob on waste, No. 6 supplies and escutcheons, cast-brass basin clamps and 13-2 -inch brass with brass offset basin trap extended to wall with escutcheon. DESCRIPTION The accom- panying illus- Price as described, with brass worlc polished and nickel-plated . . . . . . . $271; oo Same, silver-plated . . . . . . 325 00 Same, in white metal ...... 375 00 Belleek china basin can be substituted for vitreous, price upon application. tration shows one of our latest lavatories, which is designed in a style purely Colonial in character. It is substantially made and mounted upon strong legs which are rounded in such a manner as to be easily and quickly cleaned. The bowl is one of a o-enerous size and is provided with a patent overflow. The waste is what is called our " Collegiate," and is one of the few mechanical stopper wastes in existence that are so constructed that they are not liable to get out of order. Atten- tion is especially directed to the mirror, towel bar, soap, glass and tooth brush holders, which appliances are necessities, and if chosen with care much improve the appearance of the lavatory without adding greatly to the expense. Lavatory Fittings : Belleek china soap dish with polished or nickel- plated cast-brass sanitary holder Belleek china tooth brush vase with polished or nickel-plated cast-brass sanitary holder Belleek china cup with polished or nickel-plated cast-brass sanitary holder .... Mirror : 1 1^ -inch beveled French plate mirror, ^3 x 24 inches, with special design wood frame finished in white enamel ...... ^3 75 3 75 3 75 33 °o a a «» 79 -(.< /^_ PLATE 846-D 80 THE SHELL-FORM MARBLE LAVATORY PATENTED : SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Blanco P Marble Lavatory (Plate 846-D), 34 X 27 inches, with back, cast-brass Colonial legs and extension braces. Brass combination spout supply fixture with china handles on valves and knob on waste, i>^-inch brass adjustable off'set trap to wall with escutcheon, and No. 6 brass supplies and escutcheons. DESCRIPTION This e.xceed- ingly new and attractive design is a distinct de- parture from the former idea as to the Hmitations of the lavatory in design as well as the embodiment Price as described, with brass work polislied or nickel-plated . . . . . . . $250 oo Same, with brass work in white metal . . . 350 00 Same, with brass work silver-plated . . . 300 00 Mirror : ij^-inch beveled plate-glass oval mirror with white enameled wood frame, ^t, x 24 inches . . 30 00 If frame is wanted in silver or gold plate, price will be quoted upon application. Lavatory Fixtures : The Colonial nickel-plated brass combination towel bar with china soap dish, tumbler and tooth brush vase with cast-brass sanitary holders Nickel-plated soiled towel basket .... $25 GO 14 00 of the most advanced ideas as to sanitary requirements. This fixture has been modeled after much thought on the part of our expert with the view to over- coming the chief objection to the oval lavatory standing free from the wall, consisting in the falling of toilet articles over the back of the slab to the floor, and yet retaining the beauty and the practical features of an elliptical slab. We take pleasure, also, in calling attention to the dishing of the marble to afford drainage of the water that may fall upon the slab, and to the raised edges, preventing articles for the toilet from sliding into the bowl. This design has been suggested by the sea shell, and for beauty of outline is unsurpassed. The combination fixture supporting soap dish, tooth brush vase and tumbler, and at the same time providing ample facilities for towels, is a particularly unique and beautiful piece of work. While sufficiently clear from the back, readily to permit of cleaning, it is at the same time far enough to the rear not to disturb one while using this lavatory. Any dripping from the glass or soap dish must fall upon the slab and drain into the bowl instead of falling upon the floor as in the less modern lavatories that stand entirely free from the wall. The legs are purely Colonial in design and harmonize perfectly with the rest of this fixture. They are substantially made and can be readily kept clean. PLATE 847-D 82 THE SHELL-FORM MARBLE LAVATORY patented: SPECIFICATION ^HE Henry Huber Company's Blanco P Marble Lavatory (Plate 847-D), size 34 x 27 inches, with back 15 inches high, cast-brass Colonial legs with circular brass towel rail, com- bination spout supply fixture with china handles on valves and knob on waste, i ^''2 -inch adjustable offset brass basin trap to wall with escutcheon, J^ - inch straight brass supplies and escutcheons. DESCRIPTION This exceed- ingly new and Price as described, with all brass work polished or nickel-plated . . . . . . $250 oo Price in onyx or other marble upon application. Lavatory Fixtures : attractive piece is a distinct depart- ure from the former ideas as to the limitations of the lavatory in design as well as the embodiment of the most advanced ideas as to sanitary requirements. This fixture has been created after much thought on the part of our experts with the view to over- coming the chief objection to the oval lavatory standing free from the wall, consistinp; in the fallins; of the toilet articles over the back of the slab to the floor, and yet retaining the beauty and the practi- cal features of an elliptical slab. We take pleasure in calling attention to the dishing of the marble to afford drainage of the water that may fall upon the slab, and to the raised edges, preventing articles for the toilet from sliding into the bowl. This design has been suggested by the sea shell, and for beauty of outline is unsurpassed. To provide for a possible lack of space and personal preference a special towel rack has here been provided underneath the slab and out of the way. Belleek china soap cup with nickel-plated cast-brass sanitary holder ...... Belleek china tooth brush vase with nickel-plated cast-brass sanitary holder .... Belleek china tumbler with nickel-plated cast- brass sanitary holder ..... Mirror : 1 5^ -inch beveled plate-glass mirror with special design wood frame finished in white enamel, 33 .X 24 inches ...... Same, with nickel-plated brass channel frame If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. S3 75 3 75 3 75 25 00 a a <^» CSP 83 PLATE 876-D ITALIAN MARBLE LAVATORY WITH BACK SPECIFICATION ^'HE Henry Huber Company's Italian Marble Lavatory (Plate 876-D), size 30 x 22 inches, with 12-inch back, No. 105 plain pattern brass legs, 14 x 17-inch ivory or white patent overflow basin, brass chain stay, chain and rubber stopper, 1 1-2 -inch adjustable oft'set brass trap to wall with escutcheon, patent overflow plug, brass basin clamps, No. 7 tee handle compression brass basin faucets with straight supplies and escutcheons. DESCRIPTION The fixture ■ here illustrated presents an absolutely plain but thoroughly neat appearance and will appeal to all who, while desir- ing improved sanitar)^ conditions, do not care to enter into greater expense than will procure just the appliances necessary to that end. The lavatory may be ordered with perfect security as to material and workmanship, as all our products are equally guaranteed. Especial attention is directed to the mirror, towel bar, sanitarj^ soap, glass and where care is used in their selection adding greatly to the expense. Price as described, with brass work polished or nickel-plated ....... $30 00 Lavatory Fixtures : Tumbler with nickel-plated cast-brass sanitary holder 3 75 Tooth brush vase with nickel-plated cast-brass sanitary holder . . . . . 3 75 Belleek china soap dish with nickel-plated cast- brass sanitary holder . . . . . 3 75 Nickel-plated brass towel bar, length, 24 inches . i 80 Same, length 30 inches . . . . . 2 00 Mirror : iJ4^-inch beveled plate-glass oval mirror with wood frame finished in white enamel, 33 x 18 inches . . . . . . . . 30 00 cup holders, which are necessary appliances, and add much to the appearance of the lavatory without s a «a «53 8s PLATE S86-D 86 ITALIAN MARBLE LAVATORY WITH BACK SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Italian Marble Lavatory (Plate 886-D), size 33 x 22 inches, with 12-inch back, 14 x 17-inch oval basin, brass antique waste. No. 7 brass compression basin faucets with four-arm handles, brass 16 x 18-inch No. i angle basin slab brackets, brass basin clamps, i Vi -inch brass offset trap to wall with escutcheon, and No 6 brass supplies and escutcheons. DESCRIPTION Price as described, with brass work polished or nickel-plated . . . . . . $50 oo If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. Lavatory Fixtures : 12,1, 00 3 75 3 75 The lavatory shown in this illustration is a plain, substantial, and neat appearing fixture wherein the prevailing idea is to be sanitary, and embellishment is reduced to the minimum. While inexpensive, the marble and brass work are of the best class and the usefulness of the whole is as perfect as any. This fixture is recommended to those desiring a lavatory requiring as little metal work as possible, in order to facilitate its cleaning as well as that of the floor. Legs being done away with, it is espe- cially well adapted for use where room is very limited. Attention is especially directed to the mirror, towel bar, soap, glass and cup holders and soiled towel basket, which appliances are necessities and, if chosen with care, much improve the appearance of the lavatory without adding greatly to the expense. Oval beveled plate-glass mirror, with special design white enameled frame, 33 x 24 inches Belleek china soap dish with nickel-plated cast- brass sanitary holder ..... Tooth brush vase with nickel-plated cast-brass sanitary holder ...... Tumbler with nickel-plated cast-brass sanitary holder ....... Nickel-plated brass soiled towel basket Nickel-plated brass towel bar with wall brackets, length 24 inches . Same, length 30 inches Same, length 36 inches Same, length 42 inches Same, length 48 inches 3 75 14 00 I 80 2 00 2 30 3 25 4 5° KB ^-inch brass offset basin trap extended to wall with escutcheon. DESCRIPTION This illustra- tion presents a lavatory which, though unpreten- tious, is certainly deserving of especial attention, inasmuch as it is made of Adamantine-porcelain entire, the slab and basin in one piece, the back a perfect protection for the wall, and the legs economiz- ing the labor of cleaning. The lavatory itself is a slight modifi- cation of the severe lines of the one shown in Plate 972-D, and is an improvement upon it. The metal work is of first quality, and sanitarily correct in detail. Especial attention is directed to the mirror, the sanitary glass, soap and cup holders and the towel bar, which appliances are necessities in the modern bath room, and if used greatly without adding materially to the cost. Price as described, with fixture polished or nickel-plated . $64 25 $54 50 If with bronzed standards, deduct If with nickel-plated cast-brass standards, add For Belleek china soap dish with nickel-plated cast-brass sanitary holder, add .... For Belleek china tooth brush vase with nickel- plated cast-brass sanitary holder, add For tumbler with nickel-plated cast-brass sanitary holder, add ....... For elliptical beveled French plate mirror, 30 x 24 inches, with nickel-plated brass channel frame, add ........ Nickel-plated towel bar with wall brackets, length 24 inches .... Same, length 30 inches Same, length 36 inches Same, length 42 inches Same, length 48 inches class C ^45 75 I 75 4 00 3 75 3 75 3 75 25 00 1 80 2 00 2 30 3 25 4 75 If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. improve the general appearance of the lavatory Adamantine-porcelain ware, of which our porcelain bathSj lavatories, etc., are made, is truly the triumph of the potter's art, combining, as it does, great durability with exceeding strength. This ware will stand much rough usage, and, indeed, is practically indestructible. The vitrified surface being non-absorbent makes Adamantine-porcelain ware the ideal material from a sanitary point of view, and the elegance of design and artistic correctness of detail make each piece pre-eminent as an example of a perfect combination of beauty and utility, where heretofore the one was ever sacrificed to the other. In the manufacture of this heavy ware some few pieces are taken from the kiln with slight cracks from the fire or other blemishes, which, while they do not detract from the perfect usefulness of the article, yet force the formation of a certain graded classification known as Class A, Class B and Class C, the latter of which are quoted at a decided discount from the more perfect examples priced under grade or Class A. 97 PLATE 972-D 98 ADAMANTINE-PORCELAIN LAVATORY SPECIFICATION ,HE Adamantine -porcelain Plain Square Lavatory (Plate 972-D), size 25 X 20 inches, with Adamantine-porcelain back 15 inches high, legs, and brass antique waste, low com- pression faucets with china name-plates, I'X-inch brass adjustable offset trap to wall with escutcheon, No. 6 brass supplies and escutcheons. DESCRIPTION The Adaman- tine-porcelain Plain Square Lavatory is a great favorite and particularly so where space is limited. The great dura- bility of the ware and the simplic- ity of the design of this piece make it especially desirable for use in public buildings and institutions, schools, etc. The surface will not stain and the lavatory is readily kept clean. The metal work is of a high class, the detail being carefully looked after, and the working of each part guaranteed. Price as described, with brass work polished or nickel-plated . . . $6i oo If without porcelain back, deduct . . 4 50 If with nickel-plated cast-brass legs, add If brass work is desired in silver or gold plate, price quoted upon application. Lavatory Fixtures : Tumbler with nickel-plated cast-brass sanitary holder ........ Tooth brush vase with nickel-plated cast-brass sani- tary holder ....... Belleek china soap dish with nickel-plated cast- brass sanitary holder ..... Mirror : I j4^-inch beveled French plate mirror, size 30 x 24 inches, with wood frame finished in white enamel Same, with nickel-plated brass channel frame Class K $55 00 3 50 4 50 will be $3 75 3 75 3 75 3° 00 25 00 Adamantine-porcelain ware, of which our porcelain baths, lavatories, etc., are made, is truly the triumph of the potter's art, combining, as it does, great durability with exceeding strength. This ware will stand much rough usage, and, indeed, is practically indestructible. The vitrified surface being non-absorbent makes Adamantine-porcelain ware the ideal material from a sanitary point of view, and the elegance of design and artistic correctness of detail make each piece pre-eminent as an example of a perfect combination of beauty and utility, where heretofore the one was ever sacrificed to the other. In the manufacture of this heavy ware some few pieces are taken from the kiln with slight cracks from the fire or other blemishes, which, while they do not detract from the perfect usefulness of the article, yet force the formation of a certain graded classification known as Class A, Class B and Class C, the latter of which are quoted at a decided discount from the more perfect examples priced under grade or Class A. ca as LofC. 99 PLATE 981-D ADAMANTINE-PORCELAIN LAVATORY SPECIFICATION ^'HE Henry Huber Company's Adamantine-porcelain Corner Lavatory (Plate 98 iD), with brass overflow strainer, chain, snap and rubber stopper, The Henry Huber Company's improved self-closing basin faucets, with i^-inch brass sup- plies to floor with escutcheons, galvanized angle brackets, expansion bolts, and brass Beaumont trap to floor and back vent to wall with escutcheons. DESCRIPTION We here pre- sent our Ada- mantine-porcelain Corner Lavatory with back, all in one piece. A more symmetrical piece cannot easily be found. Where space must be economized this corner lavatory solves the problem. The bowl is of a generous size and the large overflow strainer can be easily re- moved for purposes of cleaning. Our patent Beaumont trap is shown with this piece, and for perfection of outline and simplicity of con- struction is unsurpassed. It can be readily taken apart and cleaned without disturbing the other fixtures. The New York plumbing regulations demand a trap with visible seal, and to comply with these regulations we supply such a trap for work within the city limits. The basin faucets automatically close the moment pressure upon the lever is removed. Especial attention is called to the towel bar, glass and soap holders, which, if care is used in selecting, add much to the appearance of the lavatory without material expense. Price as described, with brass work polished or nickel-plated $^;^ 75 ^46 00 If with polished or nickel-plated cast-brass leg, add If with polished or nickel-plated brass tubing leg, add If with cast-iron leg, painted in white enamel, deduct ........ Lavatory Trimmings : Belleek china soap dish with polished or nickel- plated cast-brass sanitary holder Glass with polished or nickel-plated cast-brass sanitary holder ...... Polished or nickel-plated towel bar with polished or nickel-plated wall brackets, length 24 inches Same, length 30 inches ..... Same, length 36 inches ..... 1' 25 4 5° 2 50 3 75 3 75 1 80 2 00 2 30 Adamantine-porcelain ware, of which our porcelain baths, lavatories, etc., are made, is truly the triumph of the potter's art, combining, as it does, great durability with e.xceeding strength. This ware will stand much rough usage, and, indeed, is practically indestructible. The vitrified surface being non-absorbent makes Adamantine-porcelain ware the ideal material from a sanitary point of view, and the elegance of design and artistic correctness of detail make each piece pre-eminent as an example of a perfect combination of beauty and utility, where heretofore the one was ever sacrificed to the other. In the manufacture of this heavy ware, some few pieces are taken from the kiln with slight cracks from the fire or other blemishes, which, while they do not detract from the perfect usefulness of the article, yet force the formation of a certain graded classi- fication known as Class A, Class B and Class C, the latter of which are quoted at a decided discount from the more perfect examples priced under grade or Class A. PLATE 1001-D ADAMANTINE- PORCELAIN LAVATORY SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Adamantine-porcelain Marine Lavatory (Plate lOOi-D), size 20 x 20 inches, with brass patent overflow waste, chain and rubber stopper, iron standard and extension piece linished in white enamel, brass compression faucets with china name-plates. DESCRIPTION The Adaman- tine-porcelain Marine Lavatory, from its com- pact size, is especially adapted for use on shipboard, either pleasure or commercial craft. Government vessels or railway cars. It has a projection or lip around the edge of the bowl which prevents the contents from spilling because of the swaying of boats or trains, and is particularly available for con- fined quarters. When desired, brackets can be used in place of the leg as shown. must be attached. class A Class B Class C Price as described, with brass work polished or nickel- plated .... $37 00 $32 00 $22 00 For nickel-plated straight supplies, j4-inch iron pipe size, with escutcheon, add . . . . 4 5° For same, with No. 6-B angle compression valve to wall, add ....... g oo Mirror ; ii^^-inch beveled plate-glass mirror, with special design wood frame finished in white enamel 25 00 Lavatory Trimmings : Tooth brush vase with nickel-plated cast-brass sanitary holder . . . . . . 3 75 Tumbler with nickel-plated cast-brass sanitary holder . . . . . . . . 3 75 When used in buildings, it is obvious that a trap Adamantine-porcelain ware, of which our porcelain baths, lavatories, etc., are made, is truly the triumph of the potter's art, combining, as it does, great durability with exceeding-Strength. This ware will stand much rough usage, and, indeed, is practically indestructible. The vitrified surface being non-absorbent makes Adamantine-porcelain ware the ideal material from a sanitary point of view, and the elegance of design and artistic correctness of detail make each piece pre-eminent as an example of a perfect combination of beauty and utility, where heretofore the one was ever sacrificed to the other. In the manufacture of this heavy ware some few pieces are taken from the kiln with slight cracks from the fire or other blemishes, which, while they do not detract from the perfect usefulness of the article, yet force the formation of a certain graded classification known as Class A, Class B and Class C, the latter of which are quoted at a decided discount from the more perfect examples priced under grade or Class A. c;» S» C5Z> 103 PLATE 1U02-D 104 MARINE LAVATORY WITH HEATER PATENTED SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Adamantine-porcelain Marine Lavatory (Plate 1002-D), size 20 x 20 inches, with brass patent overflow, chain and rubber stopper, iron standard finished in white enamel, and extension pieces, brass spout, brass soap dish, and Gegenstrom lavatory heater. DESCRIPTION In the accom- panying illus- tration is shown our Marine lavatory with Gegenstrom heater attached. This apparatus instantaneously heats the water, by means of steam, to any desired temperature, without bringing the steam into direct con- tact with the water. Steam and water travel in opposite directions, thereby causing the greatest Price as described, with heater aluminum bronzed with brass workpoUshedornickel-plated $71 50 $65 00 S58 00 If Gegenstrom heater is wanted in poUshed or nickel-plated brass with nickel-plated valve, add 3 50 Pipe to spout and heater and strainer unions extra. Mirror : J^-inch beveled French plate mirror with wood frame finished in white enamel, size ^^ x 18 inches ........ $25 00 Lavatory Trimmings : Tooth brush vase with nickel-plated cast-brass sanitary holder ...... Tumbler with nickel-plated cast-brass sanitary holder ........ 3 75 3 75 economy in their use. By means of this system, bulky hot water tanks and great coil heaters are entirely dispensed with, causing, also, a large saving of space, a most valuable economy, particularly in yachts, steamships, etc. The lavatory is the same as illustrated in Plate looi-D. Adamantine-porcelain ware, of which our porcelain baths, lavatories, etc., are made, is truly the triumph of the potter's art, combining, as it does, great durability with exceeding strength. This ware will stand much rough usage, and, indeed, is practically indestructible. The vitrified surface being non-absorbent makes Adamantine-porcelain ware the ideal material from a sanitary point of view, as the elegance of design and artistic correctness of detail make each piece pre-eminent as an example of a perfect combination of beauty and utility, where heretofore the one was ever sacrificed to the other. In the manufacture of this heavy ware some few pieces are taken from the kiln with slight cracks from the fire or other blemishes, which, while they do not detract from the perfect usefulness of the article, yet force the formation of a certain graded classification known as Class A, Class B and Class C, and the latter of which in some cases are quoted at a decided discount from the more perfect examples priced under grade or Class A. i°S PLATE lUiiG-D 106 ROLL-TOP GEYSER PNEUMATIC CLOSET 1==: PATENTED ^^^^=^=^=^==^ SPECIFICATION ,HE Henry Huber Company's Embossed Roll-top Geyser Pneumatic Water Closet (Plate 1026-D), floor plate, bolts and washers, \\'ith china buttons, hardwood Appendo seat and cover. Design M hardwood Reservoir cistern, size 24 x 12 x 17 inches deep. Design G bracket board, fancy brass knee brackets, brass adjustable pull and guide, brass flush and air pipes, slip joint bowl connections, brass combination pipe and seat stop plate, supply coupling, bushed J^-inch male iron pipe, brass bidet attachment on standard with supplies to floor, escutcheons and china name-plates on valves. Vitreous Ware DESCRIPTION This closet is one of the pneu- matic type, of which we are the sole manufacturers, and is the best closet made. Its operation is based upon natural laws and is perfectly simple. The flushing rim delivers the entire quantity of water of the flush quietly and evenly into every part of the bowl, which is emptied instantly and completely, the refill being noiseless. The closet here shown is em- bossed with the Dolphin design, which is perfectl}' new and a de- parture from the universal " all over " patterns heretofore in vogue. One of the most important features of this apparatus, and the same applies to all our pneumatic closets, is the utter impossibility of siphon- Price as described, with polished or nicl^-inch male iron pipe. DESCRIPTION Vitreous Ware Price as described, with nickel-plated or polished brass trimmings and oak or ash woodwork If quartered oak is wanted, add .... If cherry is wanted, add ..... If black walnut or mahogany is wanted, add If oiled whitewood cistern with 10 .x 12-inch japanned brackets is wanted, deduct If with Italian marble floor slab, 27 .x 27 inches, add If with i^-inch polished or nickel-plated supply pipe with compression wheel handle stop, add . Same, -without stop, add ..... If polished or nickel-plated i J/^-inch (lush pipe with buffer hanger is not wanted, deduct . If trimmings are wanted in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this closet will not e.xceed 25 x 16 inches. $64 5° 3 00 2 50 4 00 4 00 8 00 8 5° 6 00 4 5° The Omega closet, like the Alpha, is an exceedingly up-to-date fi.vture of the " siphon-jet " class, havino; all of the features of our Alpha No. 2, and differing only in size of bowl, which in the Omega is smaller and more grace- ful in outline. The especial fea- ture of our siphon-jet closets, which we desire to call attention to, is the fact that we avoid the noise of the down rush of water into the jet where the pipe is placed in a direct line with the flush pipe, by placing the pipe on the outside of the bowl, which, taken in connection with the interior construction of our closets and cisterns (which we control by patents), enables us to present a nearly noiseless closet, the efficient working of which we guarantee. The flush pipe connection in the closet is perpendicular ; entering the bowl from the top of the closet, it avoids any break in the direct fall of the water from the tank, thus ajivina: full force for ilushino-. The Silent Sure Supply (SSS) Flushing Cistern is of very simple construction, and flushes noiselessly with a single pull of the chain or rod, delivering a measured quantity of water, and the outflow can be regulated for from three to eight gallons as required. The seat is built with reference to the sanitary requirements regarding the necessity of keeping the woodwork, and as much of the metalwork as possible, from contact with the earthenware, and will be found, though inexpensive, exceedingly high-class and modern. 123 PLATE 1077-D 124 ALPHA SIPHON-JET WATER CLOSET SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Alpha No. 2-B Siphon-jet Water Closet (Plate 1077-D), floor plate, bolts and washers, hardwood Appendo seat and cover, hardwood Design M SSS flushing cistern, 24 x 12 x 12 inches deep, with hardwood Design G bracket board, brass fancy knee brackets, brass adjustable rod and guide with porcelain pull, i>^-inch straight brass flush pipe, slip joint, bowl nut and escutcheon, 1^/2 x 3>^-inch brass buff'er hanger supply coupling, bushed 34 - inch male iron pipe. Viteous Ware So 50 2 50 2 00 Price as described, with polished or nickel-plated trimmings and oak or ash woodwork If quartered oak is wanted, add .... If cherry is wanted, add ..... If black walnut or mahogany is wanted, add . 4 00 If with Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, add ........ 8 00 If with J^-inch polished or nickel-plated supply pipe, hanger, escutcheon and compression stop, add 8 50 Same, without stop, add . . . . . 6 00 If polished or nickel-plated flush pipe, with lyi x 3 ^4 -inch bufl^er hanger is not wanted, deduct . 4 5° If whitewood SSS flushing cistern, size 24 x 12x12 inches deep, with 10 x 12-inch japanned brack- ets is wanted, deduct . . . . . 3 5° If same, size 20 x 12 x 12 inches deep, is wanted, deduct . . . . . . . 4 00 Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this closet will not exceed 25 x 16 inches. DESCRIPTION The especial feature of our siphon-jet closets, which we desire to call attention to, is that we avoid the noise of the down rush of water into the jet where the pipe is placed in a direct line with the flush pipe, by placing the pipe on the outside of the bowl, which, taken in con- nection with the interior construc- tion of our closets and cisterns (which we control by patents), en- ables us to present a nearly noise- less closet, the efficient working of which we guarantee. Its action is simple and direct and the results obtained are abso- lutely satisfactory. The water seal is 4 inches and the water surface in the bowl is nearly 12 inches, thus safeguarding the room from the possibility of sewer gas and providing at all times an especially clean and sanitary fixture. The Appendo is a seat that is hinged directly to the bowl in such a manner that the wood does not touch the earthenware, and when raised leaves a clear space beneath, thus rendering it possible to have the earthenware' kept clean, a most important sanitary feature. The hinge of the Appendo seat and lid is provided with a tension nut which when set prevents the annoying banging against the bowl from accidental dropping or careless slamming. The Silent Sure Supply (SSS) Flushing Cistern is of very simple construction and flushes noiselessly with a single pull of the chain or rod, delivering a measured quantity of water, and the outflow can be regulated for from three to eight gallons as required. The flush pipe connection in this closet is perpendicular ; entering the bowl from the top of the closet, it avoids any break in the direct fall of the water from the tank, thus giving full force for flushing. 125 PLATE 1078-D 126 ALPHA SIPHON-JET WATER CLOSET PATENTED : SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Alpha No. i Siphon-jet Water Closet (Plate 107S-D), floor plate, bolts and washers, hard- wood Appendo seat and cover, Design M hardwood SSS flushing cistern, size 24 x 12 x 12 inches deep, 9 x i i-inch No. 41 brass brackets, No. 4 hardwood pull and brass chain, brass I % -inch flush pipe with slip joint, Boyle patent reversible connection, i Vz - inch buffer strap and supply coupling, bushed hi - inch male iron pipe. DESCRIPTION ^57 75 3 00 2 50 -^ so Viti-eous W Price as described, with polished or nickel-plated trimmings and oak or ash woodwork If quartered oak is wanted, add .... If cherry is wanted, add ..... If black walnut or mahogany is wanted, add If with Italian marble floor slab, 27 .x 27 inches, add If with }3-inch polished or nickel-plated brass sup- ply pipe, hanger and escutcheon and compres- sion stop, add ....... Same, without stop, add ..... If 24 X 12 X 12-inch whitewood SSS flushing cistern and 10 X 12-inch japanned brackets are wanted, deduct ........ If without polished or nickel-plated i^-inch flush pipe with slip joint, bowl connection and strap, deduct ........ S 5° Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this closet will not exceed 26 x 16 inches. The especial feature of our siphon-jet closets, which we desire to call attention to, is the fact that we avoid the noise of the down rush of water into the jet where the pipe is placed in a direct line with the flush pipe, by placing the pipe on the outside of the bowl, which, taken in connection with the interior construction of our closets and cisterns (which we control by patents), enables us to present a nearly noiseless closet, the efficient working of which we guarantee. The Appendo is a seat that is hinged directly to the bowl in such a manner that the wood does not touch the earthenware, and when raised leaves a clear space beneath, thus rendering it possible to have the earthenware kept clean — a most important sanitary feattire. The hinge of the Appendo seat and lid is provided with a tension nut which, when set, pre- vents the annoying banging against the bowl from accidental dropping or careless slamming. The Silent Sure Supply (SSS) flushing cistern is of very simple construction and flushes noiselessly with a single pull of the chain or rod, delivering a measured quantity of water, and the outflow can be regulated for from three to eight gallons as required. The Boyle connection, patented and controlled by us, is used on this closet, and in its mechanical construction and workino; is orenerallv conceded to be the ideal closet connection. It is non-rigid, barrel-shaped, and from its construction and application saves the earthenware from breakage after installing. The non-rigid feature is partic- ularly serviceable where settling of floors or vibration takes place, especially in railroad depots, ferry houses, elevated stations, factories, etc. 127 PLATE 1070-D 128 ALPHA SIPHON-JET WATER CLOSET PATENTED SPECIFICATION |HE Henry Huber Company's Alpha No. 2 Siphon-jet Water Closet (Plate 1079-D), with F. F. hardwood seat and cover attached to bowl, floor plate, bolts and Avashers, Design M hardwood SSS flushing cistern, 20 x 12 x 12 inches deep, hardwood tank board. No. 2 plain brass knee brackets, iron tank ofi^sets, celluloid pull and brass chain, i>^-inch straight brass flush pipe, slip joint bowl nut and escutcheon, 1% x 31^ -inch bufi"er hanger, supply coupling, bushed % - inch male iron pipe. DESCRIPTION -inch Vitreous Ware Price as described, with polished or nickel-plated trimmings and oak or ash woodwork If quartered oak is wanted, add . If cherry is wanted, add If black walnut or mahogany is wanted, add If oiled whitewood cistern with lo x i japanned brackets is wanted, deduct If embossed bowl is wanted, add . If with Italian marble floor slab, 27 x 27 inches, add If with i^-inch supply pipe with wheel handle com pression stop, escutcheon and hanger, add If with ^-inch supply pipe without compression stop, add . . . . . . . 6 00 If trimmings are wanted in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. 53 25 2 50 2 00 4 00 4 00 2 50 8 00 8 so The especial feature of our siphon-jet closets, which we desire to call attention to, is the fact that the noise of the down rush of water into the jet where the pipe is placed in a direct line with the flush pipe, is avoided by placing the pipe on the outside of the bowl, which, taken in connection with the interior con- struction of our closets and cisterns (which we control by patents), enables us to present a nearly noiseless closet, the efficient work- ing of which we guarantee. Its action is simple and direct and the results obtained are absolutely satisfactory. The water seal is 4 inches and the water surface in the bowl is nearly 12 inches, thus safeguarding the room from the possibility of sewer gas, and providing at all times a clean and sanitary fixture. The seat is built with reference to the sanitary requirements regarding the necessity of keeping the woodwork and as much of the metalwork as possible from contact with the earthenware and will be found, though inexpensive, exceedingly high-class and modern. The Silent Sure Supply (SSS) Flushing Cistern is of very simple construction and flushes noiselessly with a single pull of the chain or rod, delivering a measured quantity of water, and the outflow can be regulated for from three to eight gallons, as required. The flush pipe connection in the closet is perpendicular; entering the bowl from the top of the closet, it avoids any break in the direct fall of the water from the tank, thus giving full force for flushing. Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this closet will not exceed 25x15 inches. i2g PLATE 1080-D 130 ALPHA SIPHON-JET WATER CLOSET patented: SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Alpha No. 2 R. R. Siphon- jet Water Clost (Plate loSo-D), hardwood F. F. seat and cover attached to bowl, floor plate, bolts and washers. Design G hardwood SSS flushing cistern, 24 x 12 x 12 inches deep, 9 X lo-inch No. 41 brass brackets, china pull and brass chain, nickel-plated i>^-inch straight brass flush pipe with slip joint nut and escutcheon, ly^ x3>^-inch brass buffer hanger, supply coupling, bushed ^ - inch male iron pipe. vitreous Ware Price as described, with polished or nickel-plated trimmings and oak or ash woodwork . . $57 75 If quartered oak is wanted, add . . . . 250 If cherry is wanted, add . . . . . 2 00 If black walnut or mahogany is wanted, add . . 4 00 If oiled whitewood cistern with 10 x 12-inch japanned brackets is wanted, deduct . . 4 00 If with Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, add 8 00 If with j4-inch supply pipe with compression stop, strap and escutcheon, add . . . . 8 50 If with j4-mch supply pipe without stop, add . 6 00 For embossing, add . . . . . . 3 °° If polished or nickel-plated brass flush pipe with buffer hanger is not wanted, deduct . . . 4 00 If trimmings are wanted in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this closet will not exceed 25 x 15 inches. DESCRIPTION The especial feature of our siphon-jet closets, which we desire to call attention to, is the fact that we avoid the noise of the down rush of water into the jet where the pipe is placed in a direct line with the flush pipe, by placing the pipe on the outside of the bowl, which, taken in connection with the in- terior construction of our closets and cisterns (which we control by patents), enables us to present a nearly noiseless closet, the efficient working of which we guarantee. Its action is simple and direct, and the results obtained are abso- lutely satisfactory. The water seal is 4 inches, and the water surface in the bowl is nearly 12 inches, thus safeguarding the room from the possibility of sewer gas, and providing at all times an especially clean and sanitary fixture. The seat is built with reference to the sanitary requirements regarding the necessity of keeping the woodwork, and as much of the metalwork as possible, from contact with the earthenware, and will be found, though inexpensive, an exceedingly high-class and modern seat. The Silent Sure Supply (SSS) Flushing Cistern is of very simple construction and flushes noiselessly with a single pull of the chain or rod, delivering a measured quantity of water, and the outflow can be regulated for from three to eight gallons, as required. The flush pipe connection in the closet is perpendicular. Entering the bowl from the top of the closet, it avoids any break in the direct fall of the water from the tank, thus giving full force for flushing. 131 PLATE 1081-D 132 ALPHA SIPHON-JET WATER CLOSET patented: SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Alpha No. 2-B Siphon-jet Water Closet (Plate 1081-D), with hardwood Appendo seat and cover attached to bowl, floor plate, bolts and washers, Design M hardwood SSS flushing cistern, 24 x 12 x 12 inches deep, hardwood bracket board, fancy brass knee brackets, hardwood pull with adjustable guide, rod and brackets, 1/2 -inch straight brass flush pipe, slip joint bowl nut and escutcheon, 1)4. x 3>^-inch brass buff'er hanger, supply coupling, bushed 5^ -inch male iron pipe, local vent extended to wall with escutcheon. Vitreous Ware DESCRIPTION '2 75 2 so 2 00 4 00 4 00 8 00 8 50 6 00 4 5° 2 25 The especial feature of our siphon-jet closets, which we desire to call attention to, is the fact that we avoid the noise of the down rush of water into the jet where the pipe is placed in a direct line with the flush pipe, by placing the pipe on the outside of the bowl, which, taken in connection with the interior con- struction of our closets and cisterns (which we control by patents), en- ables us to present a practicall}^ noiseless closet, the efificient work- ing of which we guarantee. Its action is simple, direct and nearly noiseless, and the results obtained are absolutely satisfactory. The water seal is 4 inches and the water surface in the bowl is nearly 12 inches, thus safeguarding the room from the possibility of sewer gas, and providing at all times an especially clean and sanitary fixture. The especial feature of the Alpha No. 2-B, as here illustrated, is the local or bowl vent, which, in many instances, is demanded by architects and engineers, and is here provided under separate number so as to avoid confusion. The flush pipe connection in the closet is perpendicular; entering the bowl from the top of the closet, it avoids any break in the direct fall of the water from the tank, thus giving full force for flushing. The Appendo is a seat that is hinged directly to the bowl in such a manner that the wood does not touch the earthenware, and, when raised, leaves a clear space beneath, thus rendering it possible to have the earthenware kept clean, a most important sanitary feature. The hinge of the Appendo seat and lid is provided with a tension nut, which, when set, pre- vents the annoying banging against the bowl from accidental dropping or careless slamming. Price as described, with polished or nickel-plated trimmings and oak or ash woodwork If quartered oak is wanted, add .... If cherry is wanted, add ..... If black walnut or mahogany is wanted, add If oiled whitewood cistern with lo x 12-inch ja- panned brackets is wanted, deduct If with Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, add If with J'^-inch supply pipe with compression stop, escutcheon and hanger, add .... Same, without stop, add ..... If polished or nickel-plated brass flush pipe with buffer hanger is not wanted, deduct . If local vent is not desired extended to wall, deduct If trinnnings are wanted in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this closet will not exceed 25 x 16 inches. 133 PLATE 1082-D 134 ADMIRAL ROLL-TOP SIPHON-JET CLOSET PATENTED SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Admiral Roll-top Siphon-jet Water Closet (Plate 1082-D), floor plate, bolts and washers, hardwood F. F. seat and cover attached to bowl, 20-inch Design G hardwood SSS cistern, 9 x lo-inch Design M brass brackets. No. 4 pull and chain, i^-inch brass straight flush pipe, with slip joint bowl nut and escutcheon, lyi x 3^ -inch buffer hanger, supply coupling, bushed 14 - inch male iron pipe. DESCRIPTION We here show, as a result of place upon the Price as described, with brass work polished or nickel-plated ....... If quartered oak is wanted, add .... If cherry is wanted, add ..... If black walnut or mahogany is wanted, add If oiled whitewood cistern with lo x 12-inch japanned brackets is wanted, deduct If with Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, add Vitreous Ware ?37 5° 2 50 4 00 Measurements: The space required for the proper setting of this closet will not exceed 25 x 15 inches. our efforts to market a siphon-jet closet filling all the specific requirements of the sanitary engineers and affording to those who are unable or unwilling to purchase the more elaborate and expensive siphon-jet closets, an op- portunity of procuring a thoroughly reliable and sanitary fixture. While the salient features of our better closets of this type have not been overlooked in the manufacture of the Admiral, yet we have been able to attain this result by careful economies of manufacture such as the reduction in the size of bowl, seat, etc. The earthenware is of vitreous body, of which all our closets and basins are made; it is non-absorbent, will not craze and will not discolor. The design of the bowl has been particularly looked after, and the result has proven eminently satisfactory, as has been shown by the numerous testimonials received for this combination by the many who have chosen it for their work. The cistern is the same as is shown with our other siphon-jet closets and is called the SSS. It is of very simple construction, and flushes noiselessly with a single pull of the chain or rod, delivering a measured quantity of water, and the outflow can be regulated for from three to eight gallons, as required. The seat is built with reference to the sanitary requirements regarding" the necessity of keeping the woodwork, and as much of the metalwork as possible, from contact with the bowl, and will be found, though inexpensive, exceedingly high class and modern. The flush pipe connection in this closet is perpendicular; entering the bowl from the top, it avoids any break in the direct fall of the water from the tank, thus giving full force for flushing. Despite its low cost this closet combination is most popular for all classes of work ; from the highest grade of private residence plumbing to the more or less public character of work in club houses, hotels, etc. 13s PLATE 1086-D 136 MIDGET SIPHON-JET WATER CLOSET PATENTED SPECIFICATION [HE Henry Huber Company's Midget Siphon-jet Water Closet (Plate 1086-D), with hardwood Appendo seat and cover attached to boui, floor plate, bolts and washers, Design M hardwood SSS flushing cistern, 20 x 12 x 12 inches deep, No. 41 8 X lo-inch brass brackets, china pull, brass chain, iW-inch straight brass flush pipe, slip joint bowl nut and escutcheon, !]/> x y/2 - inch brass bufl^er hanger, supply coupling, bushed ^' - inch male iron pipe. Vitreous Ware Price as described, with polislied or nickel-plated trimmings and oak or ash woodwork If quartered oak is wanted, add . If cherry is wanted, add .... If black walnut or mahogany is wanted, add If with oiled whitewood cistern and lo x 12-inch brass brackets, deduct .... If with Design F cistern, deduct . If with Design G cistern, deduct . If with Italian marble floor slab, 27 x 27 inches, add If with J^ -inch polished or nickel-plated supply pipe with compression stop, hanger and escutcheon, add If with }^-inch supply pipe without stop, add If polished or nickel-plated flush pipe with buffer hanger is not wanted, deduct .... If trimmings are wanted in white metal, silver or gold plate, price will be quoted upon application. DO 50 2 50 2 00 4 00 4 SO I 00 8 00 » 50 6 00 4 5° DESCRIPTION The Midget Si- phon-jet Water Closet has been carefully designed for children, invalids and others requiring a very low fixture, es- pecial attention having been paid in its construction to the laws of hygiene. A special form, shown in Plate 10S8-D, is intended par- ticularly for schools. The Midget closets are much lower in height than the ordinary closet, though the care taken in the details of manu- facture assures no less perfect oper- ation because of diminution in size than in the pieces of standard size which we present elsewhere. The action of these closets is similar to that of the Alpha, and the con- struction being modeled upon the same lines, the water seal, the jet hole, the siphoning and the water surface in the bowl are the same in proportion. The painfully unsanitary feature of the closet seat, which necessitates a more or less certain contact between the woodwork and the earthenware, is familiar to all. It presents to the householder the unsatisfactory and unnatural condition of a fi.xture which it is an absolute sanitary necessity to keep clean and which caiuiot be got at to clean. The seat, with or without cover, is hinged directly to the bowl in such a manner that the wood cannot touch the earthenware, and when raised leaves a clear space beneath, thus rendering it possible to keep the top rim of the closet clean and dry, a most im- portant sanitary feature. The hinge of the Appendo seat is provided with a tension nut which, when set, prevents the annoying banging against the bowl from accidental dropping or careless slamming, thereby preventing all danger of breakage. The Silent Sure Supply (SSS) flushing cistern is of very simple construction and flushes noiselessly with a single pull of the chain or rod, delivering a measured quantity of water, and the outflow can be regulated for from three to eight gallons, as required. ME.A.SUREMENTS : The space required for the proper setting of this closet will not exceed 25 x 16 inches. 137 PLATE 1087-D 138 MIDGET SIPHON-JET WATER CLOSET PATENTED : SPECIFICATION ^HE Henry Huber Company's Midget Siphon-jet Water Closet with local vent (Plate 1087-D), floor plate, bolts and washers, hardwood Appendo seat and cover attached to bowi. Design G hardwood (SSS) flushing cistern, 24 x 12 x 12 inches deep, 8 X lo-inch brass rod brackets, chain and pull with adjustable guide and bracket, lyi- inch straight brass flush pipe, slip joint bowl nut and escutcheon, 15^ x 3^4 - inch bufi'er hanger, supply coupling, bushed i, - inch male iron pipe, local vent extended to wall and escutcheon. Vitreous Ware Price as described, with polished or nickel-plated trimmings and oak or ash woodwork . . $63 25 If quartered oak is wanted, add . . . . 2 50 If cherry is wanted, add . . . . . 2 00 If black walnut or mahogany is wanted, add . 4 00 If with oiled whitewood cistern and 12 x 14-inch japanned brackets, deduct . . . . 4 00 If with Italian marble floor slab, 27 X 27 inches, add 8 00 If local vent is not extended to wall, deduct . . 2 00 If without nickel-plated flush pipe and buffer hanger, deduct . . . . . . 4 50 If trimmings are desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. Local vents can either be right, left or horizontal ; in ordering state position. Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this closet will not exceed 25 x 16 inches. DESCRIPTION The Midget Si- phon-jet Water Closet has been carefully designed for children, invalids and others requiring a verj^ low fixture, especial attention having been paid in its construction to the laws of hygiene. A special form, shown in Plate 1088-D, is intended particularly for schools. Midget closets are much lower in height than the ordinary closets, though the care taken in details of manufacture assures no less perfect operation because of diminution in size than in the pieces of standard size which we present elsewhere. The action of these closets is similar to that of the Alpha, and the construction being modeled upon the same lines, the water seal, the jet hole, the siphoning and the water surface in the bowl are the same in proportion. The closet shown in the accompanying illustration has what is called a local or bowl vent, which is designed as an especial aid to the ventilation of the bowl and the room, by providing an outlet through the wall and into a regularly arranged ventilating pipe or heated flue. The painfully unsanitary feature of the closet seat, which necessitates a more or less certain contact between the woodwork and earthenware, is familiar to all. It presents to the householder the unsatisfactory and unnatural conditions of a fixture, which it is an absolute sanitary necessity to keep clean, and which cannot be got at to clean. This seat, with cover, is hinged directly to the bowl in such a manner that the wood cannot touch the earthenware, and when raised, leaves ample space beneath, thus rendering it possible to keep the top rim of the closet clean and dry, a most iDiportant sanitary feattire. The hinge of the Appendo seat is provided with a tension nut which when set prevents the annoying banging against the bowl from accidental dropping or careless slamming, thereby avoiding the danger of breakage. 139 PLATE 1088-D 140 MIDGET SIPHON-JET WATER CLOSET PATENTED SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Midget Siphon-jet Water Closet with local vent (Plate 1088-D), floor plate, bolts and washers, hardwood Appendo seat attached to bowl, brass Horseshoe automatic attachment, Design G hardwood automatic flush- ing cistern, 24 x 12 x 12 inches deep, 8 x lo-inch brass rod brackets, i>^-inch straight brass flush pipe, slip joint bowl nut and escutcheon, special guide and buffer hanger, brass rod attachment, local vent extended to wall with escutcheon, supply coupling, bushed 3/2 -inch male iron pipe. vitreous Ware Price as described, with polished or nickel-plated trimmings and oak or ash woodwork . 1 25 2 50 2 00 4 00 4 50 2 00 8 00 If quartered oak is wanted, add .... If cherry is wanted, add ..... If black walnut or mahogany is wanted, add . If oiled whitewood cistern with lo x 12-inch japanned brackets is wanted, deduct . If local vent is not extended to wall, deduct . If with Italian marble floor slab, 27 X27 inches, add If without nickel-plated flush pipe and special hanger, deduct . . . . . . 5 00 If trimmings are desired in silver or gold plate or in white metal, price will be quoted upon application. Local vents can either be right, left or horizontal ; in order- ing state position. Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this closet will not exceed 27x16 inches. DESCRIPTION The Midoet Si- phon-jet Water Closet has been carefully designed for children, invalids and others requiring a very low fixture, es- pecial attention having been paid in its construction to the laws of hygiene. This form of closet is particularly intended for schools. Midget closets are much lower in height than the ordinary closets, though the care taken in the details of manufacture assures no less per- fect operation because of diminution in size than in the pieces of stan- dard size which we present else- where. The action of these closets is similar to that of the Alpha, and the construction being modeled upon the same lines, the water seal, the jet hole, the siphoning and the water surface in the bowl are the same in proportion. The closet shown in the accompanying illustration has what is called a local or bowl vent, which is designed as an especial aid to the ventilation of the bowl and the room by providing an outlet through the wall and into a regularly arranged ventilating pipe or heated flue. The seat is hinged directly to the bowl in such a manner that the wood cannot touch the earthenware, and, when raised, leaves ample space beneath, thus rendering it possible to keep the top rim of the closet clean and dry, a most important sanitary feature. There is no attachment that is more simple in construction or more durable in quality than our Horseshoe Automatic Flushing System. Pressure upon the seat prepares it for action, which the instant the pressure is removed takes place. The flush is direct and the results are immediate and complete. 141 PLATE 1096-D 142 CALUMET SIPHON-JET WATER CLOSET SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Calumet Siphon-jet Water Closet (Plate 1096-D), with tloor plate, brass bolts and washers, hardwood F. F. seat and cover with special hin^e, hardwood low-down cistern, size 20 x i 6iO G JD 143 PLATE 1106-D 144 TRIUMPH JET WASH-DOWN CLOSET ^ PATENTED ===^^^^^^^^^^^^^= SPECIFICATION |HH Henry Huber Company's Triumph No. i Jet Wash-down Water Closet (Plate 1106-D), with hardwood Appendo seat and cover, floor plate, bolts and washers, Design G hardwood No. 1 1 siphon cistern, 19 x 10 x 11 inches deep. No. 41 brass brackets, 7x9 inches, china pull and brass chain, 15^ -inch brass straight flush pipe, Boyle patent vertical flush connection, i>^ x y/2 -inch buff'er hanger, supply coupling, bushed >^-inch male iron pipe. DESCRIPTION The Triumph is a wash-down closet with auxiliary jet, and is of e.xcellent desion and action which, though of a construction somewhat less desirable than that of the si- phon-jet type, is a fixture of great merit, and when used where the character of work demands a less expensive closet than the regular siphon-jet, will be found to give perfect satisfaction. The wash- down closet, as its name implies, washes down and out through the trap which is made in one piece with the bowl, and thence into the itreous Ware $41 25 I 5° I 25 2 so Price as described, with polished or nickel-plated trimmings, and oak or ash woodwork If quartered oak is wanted, add .... If cherry is wanted, add ..... If black walnut or mahogany is wanted, add If with oiled white wood cistern and 8 x lo-inch japanned brackets, deduct .... If with polished or nickel-plated 3'2-inch supply pipes with wheel handle compression stop, escutcheon and hanger, add .... Same, without stop, add ..... If with Italian marble floor slab, 27 x 27 inches, add If flush pipe and hanger are not wanted, deduct Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this closet will not exceed 25 x 16 inches. 2 50 8 50 6 00 8 00 3 75 soil pipe. The auxiliary jet is a powerful jet of water conveyed to the small hole in the bottom of the bowl by a pipe made in the closet and leading from the inlet down the back of the bowl, and when in operation greatly increases the efficiency of the closet by accelerating its operation. In making the connection between the metal flush pipe leading from the cistern and the bowl of the closet, the necessity for making a water-tight joint has in numerous instances eventually caused the cracking and breaking of the earthenware because of the non-elastic or super-rigid nature of the coupling used. In striving to overcome the great loss entailed by these fractures, many couplings have been offered to the public which, while overcoming the rigid feature mentioned, were neither lasting nor satis- factory in use, giving frequent cause for expensive repairs and readjustment. The Boyle connection, patented and controlled by us, is used on this closet, and in its mechanical construction and working is generally conceded to be the ideal closet connection : sanitary, safe and economical. It is absolutely non-rigid and, from its con- struction and application, saves the earthenware from breakage after installing, econo- mizes room and permits the closet to be placed very close to the wall. The non-rigid feature, when expansion or contraction takes place in a building, guards the ware from damage and is particularly serviceable when settling of floors or vibration takes place. 145 PLATE 1107-D 146 AUTOMATIC TRIUMPH WASH-DOWN CLOSET PATENTED SPECIFICATION )HE Henry Huber Company's Triumph No. i Jet Wash-down Water Closet (Plate 1107-D), hardwood Appendo seat attached to bowl, Horseshoe automatic action attachment, iloor plate, bolts and washers. Design G hardwood automatic flushing- cistern, 24 x 12 x 12 inches deep, 9 x lo-inch brass rod brackets, v. -inch straight brass flush pipe, Boyle patent vertical flush connection, 7-foot 6-inch brass rod attachment, special guide and buff'er hanger, supply coupling, bushed >^ - inch male iron pipe. DESCRIPTION The Triumph is a wash-down closet with auxiliary jet, and is of Price with polished or nickel-plated trimmings and oak or ash woodwork ..... If quartered oak is wanted, add .... If cherr)' is wanted, add ..... If black walnut or mahogany is wanted, add If oiled whitewood cistern with lo x 12-inch japanned brackets is wanted, deduct If with Italian marble floor slab, 27 x 27 inches, Vitreous Ware 2 25 2 5° 2 00 4 00 4 5° 8 50 6 00 add If with }4-inch polished or nickel-plated supply pipe with wheel handle compression stop, add . Same, without compression stop, add . If without polished or nickel-plated flush pipe and special buffer hanger, deduct . . . . 5 00 Me.\surements ; The space required for the proper setting of this closet will not exceed 27 x 16 inches. excellent design and action, which though of a construction somewhat less desirable than that of the siphon-jet type, is a ii.xture of great merit, and when used where the character of work demands a less expensive closet than the regular siphon-jet, will be found to give perfect satisfaction. The wash- down closet, as its name implies, washes down and out through the trap, which is made in one piece with the bowl, and thence into the soil pipe. The auxiliary jet is a powerful jet of water conveyed to the small hole in the bottom of the bowl by a pipe made in the closet, and leading from the inlet down the back of the bowl, and when in operation greatly increases the efficiency of the closet by accelerating its operation. The painfully unsanitary feature of the closet seat, which necessitates a more or less certain contact between the woodwork and the earthenware, is familiar to all. It pre- sents to the householder the unsatisfactory and unnatural conditions of a fixture which it is an absolute sanitary necessity to keep clean and which cannot be got at to clean. This seat is hinged directly to the bowl in such a manner that the wood cannot touch the earthenware, and when raised leaves a clear space beneath, thus rendering it possible to keep the top rim of the closet clean and dry, a most important sanitary fcatiire. There is no attachment that is more simple in construction or more durable in quality than our Horseshoe Automatic Flushing System. Pressure upon the seat pre- pares it for action, which, the instant the pressure is removed, takes place. The flushing is direct, and the results are immediate and complete. For use in factories, schools and other public buildings, this combination is highly recommended. 147 PLATE niG-D 148 OVAL UNIQUE WASH-DOWN WATERCLOSET ^=^=^^^^^^==== PATENTED 1:==^====^^^^====^ SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Oval Unique Wash-down Water Closet (Plate 1116-D), hardwood Appendo seat and cover attached to bowl, floor plate, bolts and washers. Design G hardwood N. S. B. hush plate cistern, 8 x lo-inch No. 42 brackets. No. 4 oak pull, I'^-inch brass flush pipe with slip joint, Boyle patent vertical flush connection, i>^-inch buffer hanger, supply coupling, bushed 'i-inch male iron pipe. DESCRIPTION Very popular for public use is the Oval Unique, a wash-down water closet of new model. It was most carefully designed and carried out, and the results show a practical and high-class fixture. Price as described, with polished or nickel-plated trimmings, and oak or ash woodwork ..... ^30 00 $27 50 If oiled whitewood cistern with japanned brackets is wanted, deduct . . 4 00 If quartered oak is wanted, add . . 3 00 If cherry is wanted, add . . . 250 If black walnut or mahogany is wanted, add . . . . . . . 4 50 3 00 2 50 2 00 If with Italian marble floor slab, 27 x 27 inches, add If with '^-inch polished or nickel-plated supply pipe with compression wheel handle stop, add . Same, without compression stop, add . If polished or nickel-plated brass flush pipe with buffer hanger is not wanted, deduct . Measurements: 4 00 8 00 8 so 6 00 4 00 The space required for the proper setting of this closet not exceed 25 x 16 inches. The wash-down closet, as its name implies, washes the contents of the bowl down and out through the trap, which is made in one piece with the bowl, and thence into the soil pipe. While the water area in the bowl is not quite as large as that in the siphon-jet type of closet, the water seal is ample for all protection. The Appendo is a seat that is hinged directly to the bowl in such a manner that the wood does not touch the earthenware, and, when raised, leaves a clear space beneath, thus rendering it possible to have the earthenware kept clean, a most important sanitary feature. The hinge of the Appendo seat and lid is provided with a tension nut, which, when set, prevents the annoying banging against the bowl from accidental dropping or careless slamming. The cistern provides, through simple mechanical construction, a practically noise- less flushing tank for water closets, which, while it is not an expensive fixture, is built upon approved lines, and will be found a most satisfactory part of a good water closet combination. It is styled the N. S. B. The Boyle connection, patented and controlled by us, is used on this closet, and in its mechanical construction and working is generally conceded to be the ideal closet connection. It is non-rigid, barrel-shaped, and from its construction and application saves the earthenware from breakage after installing. The non-rigid feature, when ex- pansion or contraction takes place in a building, guards the ware from damage, and is particularly serviceable where settling of floors or vibration takes place, especially in railroad depots, ferry houses, elevated stations, factories, etc. 149 ■nnnnnnsBno PLATE ni7-D 15° AUTOMATIC UNIQUE WASH-DOWN CLOSET PATENTED SPECIFICATION ;HE Henry Huber Company's Oval Unique Wash-down Water Closet (Plate 1117-D), floor plate, bolts and washers, hardwood Appendo seat attached to bowl, with Horseshoe automatic action attachment, Design G hardwood after-wash automatic flushing cistern, 24 x 12 x 12 inches deep, 8 x lo-inch brass rod brackets, 1^2 -inch straight brass flush pipe with Boyle patent vertical flush connection with slip joint, automatic rod attachment with special guide and bufl^er hanger, supply coupling, bushed V2 - inch male iron pipe. Vitrenus Ware s S50 00 47 00 2 50 2 00 4 00 Price as described, witli nickel-plated trimmings Same, rough brass trimmings If quartered oak is wanted, add . If cherry is wanted, add .... If black walnut or mahogany is wanted, add If with oiled whitewood cistern, and 12 .x 14-inch japanned brackets, deduct .... If with Italian marble floor slab, size 27 .x 27 inches, add ....... If with J^-inch polished or nickel-plated supply pipe with compression wheel handle stop, add Same, without stop, add ..... If without polished or nickel-plated flush pipe with special buffer hanger, deduct . . . S °° Measurements : The space required for the the proper setting of this closet will not exceed 27 x 16 inches. 4 5° 8 00 8 so 6 00 DESCRIPTION Very popular for public use is the Oval Unique, a wash-down water closet of new model. It was most carefully designed and carried out, and the results show a practical and high-class fixture. The wash-down closet, as its name implies, washes the contents of the bowl down and out through the trap, which is made in one piece with the bowl, and thence into the soil pipe. There is no attachment that is more simple in construction or more durable in qualit}' than our Horseshoe Automatic Flushing System. Pressure upon the seat prepares it for action, which, the instant the pressure is removed, takes place. The flushing is direct and the results immediate and complete. For use in factories, schools and public buildings, this combination is highly recommended. The Appendo is a seat that is hinged directly to the bowl in such a manner that the wood does not touch the earthenware, and when raised leaves a clear space beneath, thus rendering it possible to have the earthenware kept clean, a most important sanitary fcatiire. The Boyle connection, patented and controlled by us, is used on this closet, and in its mechanical construction and working, it is generally conceded to be the ideal closet connection. It is non-rigid, barrel-shaped, and from its connection and application saves the earthenware from breakage after installing. The non-rigid feature, when expansion or contraction takes place in a building, guards the ware from damage, and is particularly serviceable where settling of floors or vibration takes place, especially in railroad depots, ferry houses, elevated stations, factories, etc. 151 PLATE 1118-D 152 AUTOMATIC BOSTONIA WATER CLOSET PATENTED : SPECIFICATION [HE Henry Huber Company's Bostonia No. 2 Wash-down Water Closet (Plate 11 18-D), with brass quarter bend vented, hardwood Appendo seat attached to bowl, Horseshoe auto- matic attachment, Design G hardwood automatic flushing cistern, 24 x 12 x 12 inches deep, S x lo-inch brass rod brackets, brass rod attachment, special guide and buffer hanger, i Vj-inch straight brass flush pipe, Boyle patent vertical flush connection, supply coupling, bushed i2-inch male iron pipe, local vent extended to wall with escutcheon. DESCRIPTION Price with polished or nickel-plated trimmings and oak or ash woodwork If brass bend is wanted in the rough, deduct If quartered oak is wanted, add . If cherry is wanted, add .... If black walnut or mahogany is wanted, add If oiled whitewood cistern with lo x 12 -inch japanned brackets is wanted, deduct If without nickel-plated flush pipe and specia hanger, deduct ..... If with Italian marble floor slab, 27 .\ 27 inches, add If with local vent not extended, deduct Measurements : . $61 25 2 5° 2 5° 2 00 4 1 00 4 1 5° 5 50 i 8 00 25 The space required for the proper setting of this closet not exceed 29 x 15 inches. The Bostonia ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ No. 2 Wash- down Water Closet is especially made for the use of children, being much lower than the ordinary closet, and is particularly arranged for fire-proof construction in schools where it is desirable to carry the outlet through the wall instead of through the floor. The local or bowl vent ventilates the inside of the bowl, carrying foul air through the wall into an especial pipe to be constructed with outlet to the open air. The operation of the wash-down is, as its name implies, a washing down, by force of the fall of the water, of the contents of the bowl, which are forced down into the trap and so out into the soil pipe. The painfully unsanitary feature of the closet seat which necessitates a more or less certain contact between the woodwork and the earthenware is familiar to all. It presents the unsatisfactory and unnatural conditions of a fi.xture which it is an absolute sanitary necessity to keep clean, and which cannot be got at to clean. This seat is hinged directl}^ to the bowl in such a manner that the wood cannot touch the earthenware, and when raised, leaves ample space beneath, thus rendering it possible to keep the top rim of the closet clean and dry, a most important sanitary feature. There is no attachment that is more simple in construction or more durable in quality than our Horseshoe Automatic Flushing System. Pressure upon the seat prepares it for action, which takes place the instant the pressure is removed. The flushing is direct and the results are immediate and complete. For use in factories, schools and other public buildings this combination is highly recommended. The Boyle connection, used on this closet, owing to its non-rigid feature, saves the earthenware from breakage after installing, and in its mechanical construction and working- is generally conceded to be the ideal closet connection, sanitary, safe and economical. '53 PLATE 1126-D 154 IMPROVED MOHAWK WASH-OUT CLOSET patented: SPECIFICATION ^HE Henry Huber Company's Improved Mohawk Wash-out Water Closet (Phite 1126-D), floor plate, bolts and washers, F. F. hardwood seat and cover attached to bowl. Design M hardwood N. S. B. cistern, 24 x 12 x 12 inches deep, 8 x 10- inch No. 41 brass brackets. No. 2 pull with adjustable rod and guide bracket, brass i^s-inch flush pipe, iM-inch slip joint bowl con- nection, buffer strap, supply coupling, bushed ^^^-inch male iron pipe. vitreous Ware Price with polished or nickel-plated trimmings and oak or ash woodwork , , . $30 25 If quartered oak is wanted, add . . . . 3 00 If cherry is wanted, add . . . . . 2 50 If black walnut or mahogany is wanted, add . 4 00 If plain oiled white wood cistern with 8 x lo-inch japanned brackets is wanted, deduct . . 250 If polished or nickel-plated flush pipe with buffer strap and slip joint is not wanted, deduct . . 4 00 If with ^8-inch polished or nickel-plated supply pipe with wheel handle compression stop, strap and escutcheon, add . . . . . 8 50 Same, without wheel handle, add . . . . 6 00 If with Italian marble floor slab, 27 x 27 inches, add 8 00 Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this closet will not exceed 24 x 17 inches. DESCRIPTION The Improved Mohawk is a tj^pe of what is known as a back- outlet wash-out closet, and is of modern design and swift and sure action. In public or private build- ings where a closet of this de- scription is desired, the Improved Mohawk will be found to be superior, safe and satisfactory. The water surface in the bowl is 9^ X 12 inches. The seat is built with reference to the sanitary requirements re- garding the necessity of keeping the woodwork, and as much of the metalwork as possible, from contact with the earthenware, and will be found, though inexpensive, exceedingly high-class and modern. The cistern provides, through its simple mechanical construction, a noiseless flush- ing tank for the water closet, which, while it is not an expensive fixture, is built upon approved lines, and will be found a most satisfactory part of a good closet combination. It is styled the N. S. B. The supply or flush connection shown in this combination is safe and good and may be used without fear of other than proper wearing and lasting cjualities. ca c?o PLATE 11-27-D 'S6 THE MOHAWK WASH-OUT WATER CLOSET SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Mohawk Wash-out Water Closet (Plate 1127-D), floor plate, bolts and washers, Design N No. I i-A hardwood cistern, 8 x 10 inches, No. 42-C brass brackets. No. 4 oak pull and brass chain, i>^-inch brass flush pipe, slip joint, buffer strap and screw, supply coupling, bushed ^/2-inch male iron pipe, and No. 4 hardwood seat and cover and Design F back with pipe escutcheon. DESCRIPTION Wash-out clos- ets, so named because the contents of the bowl are washed out into the trap and thence into the soil pipe, are gen- erally divided into two classes, front-outlet and back-outlet closets. The Mohawk is a wash-out of the back-outlet type and is of modern design, and swift and sure action. In public or private buildings where a closet of this description is desired, the Mohawk will be ^'itreous Ware $27 5° I 5° I 25 2 50 Price as described, with polislied or nickel-plated trimmings and oak or asli woodwork . If quartered oak is wanted, add . If cherry is wanted, add .... If black walnut or mahogany is wanted, add If with Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, add If with 54-inch nickel-plated brass supply pipe with escutcheon, hanger and compression stop, add Same, without stop, add Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this closet will not exceed 26 x 18 inches. 7 S° S 5° found to be superior, safe and sat- isfactory. The water surface in the bowl is gyi x 12 inches. The hardwood seat and cover with seat back is a plain but very substantial attach- ment, designed for use where a low-priced fixture is desired, and one that will not be injured by rather hard usage. The Design F No. ii-A hardwood cistern is one that may be used in connection with a combination where an inexpensive apparatus is called for, the buyer having per- fect assurance of being able to rely upon its action and durability. The supply or flush connection shown in this combination is safe and good, and may be used without fear of other than proper wearing and lasting qualities. G0 I2S5 I2S4 HENM UBr.R ICO.: NY 12!S(0 CISTERNS 174 HARDWOOD WATER CLOSET CISTERNS DESCRIPTION F EQUAL importance with the quality of the earthenware and the brass work in a water closet combination is the woodwork. Unless the best of raw material for the latter is procured and the most skilled mechanics are employed for the manufacture of tanks, seats and lids, no closet combination — be it never so good otherwise — will be durable. Un- seasoned wood will dry and split, and poor varnish will soon assume an ugly color, and it is most distressino; to see a closet with seat and lid stained and worn beyond repair, and a split and leaky cistern with its never- ceasing drip. It certainly is false economy to allow one's self to be influenced and inveigled into pur- chasing a cheap closet outfit of dubious make, because it looks (when new) almost as good as a combination of somewhat higher cost, and find that after a few short months, or even weeks, many times the amount of money supposedly saved in the original purchase has been lost by damage caused pri- marily by " cheap " woodwork. All woods employed in the construction of our cisterns, seats and lids, are thoroughly kiln-dried, having been selected for the especial use to which they are to be put. Our woodworking department has al- ways in stock a large quantity of oak, ash, mahogany, birch, cherry, and other woods, and is under the direct supervision of an expert woodworker, with a competent staff of assistants. Our woodwork is so treated as to prevent its warping, and finished with the best varnishes obtainable, and each piece has our Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Design F Hardwood Cistern (^Plate 1281-D), size 18 x 10 x g inches deep. Price as described, with woodwork in natural oak or ash . . . . . . . • S7 75 Same, in quartered oak . . . . . 8 75 Same, in cherry . . . . . . . 8 50 Same, in black walnut or mahogany . . . 9 25 Specification: The Henry Huber Company's Design N Hardwood SSS Cistern (Plate 1282-D), size 24 x 12 x 12 inclies deep. Price as described, in natural oak or ash woodwork $14 75 Same, in quartered oak . . . . . 16 25 Same, in cherry . . . . . . .1600 Same, in black walnut or mahogany . . . 17 50 If with polished or nickel-plated 9 x lo-inch rod brackets, add ....... 3 00 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Design D Hardwood No. 11 Siphon Cistern (Plate 1283-D), size 19 x 10 X II inches deep. Price as described, in natural oak or ash woodwork Same, in quartered oak ..... Same, in cherry ....... Same, in black walnut or mahogany S 9 75 1° 75 10 50 11 25 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Design D Hardwood Trombe Cistern (Plate 1284-D), size 24 x 12 x 17 inches deep. Price as described, in natural oak or ash woodwork Same, in quartered oak ..... Same, in cherry ....... Same, in black walnut or mahogany i?27 75 29 75 29 25 3° 25 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Design M Hardwood Low-down Cistern (Plate 128S-D), size 20 x 8 x ig inches deep. Price as described, in natural oak or ash woodwork $18 50 Same, in quartered oak . . . . . 20 25 Same, in cherry . . . . . . . 19 75 Same, in black walnut or mahogany . . . 21 25 Specification: The Henry Huber Company's Design M Hardwood Trombe Cistern (Plate 12S6-D), size 24X 12x17 inches deep. Price as described, in natural oak or ash woodwork $27 00 Same, in quartered oak . . ■ . . 29 00 Same, in cherry . . . . . . 28 50 Same, in black walnut or mahogany . . . 29 50 175 ■LIENRY irlllRER CO.vNY PLATE 1326-D 176 ADAMANTINE-PORCELAIN SLOP SINK SPECIFICATION |HE Henry Huber Company's Adamantine- porcelain Roll Flushing-rim Slop Sink (Plate 1326-D), with iron trap standard enameled inside, No. 1 1 Design M hardwood cis- tern, No. 3 plain brass knee brackets, brass adjustable guide and china pull, 1 14 -inch brass offset flush pipe, slip joint bowl connection and pipe strap, supply coupling, bushed >^ - inch male iron pipe, brass combination faucet with six-arm handles and china name-plates, brass pail support, 3^- inch iron pipe size supply pipes and escutcheons, and i-inch air chambers with brass acorn heads. DESCRIPTION The Flushing- rim Slop Sink illustrated herewith is the product of the most advanced thought upon the question of modern plumbing and the safety and convenience of the householder. The use of the water closet as a receptacle for the slops of a house is strongly con- demned as a most unhygienic and unsanitary practice, and the slop sink is therefore brought forward to provide a separate fixture for the reception and disposal upon scien- tific lines, of such liquid refuse as is generally described under the term "slops." The fixture is prop- erly and carefully trapped, and where the household is large, and particularly in boarding houses, ho- Price as described, size 22 x 22 X 12 inches, with brass work poHshed or nickel-plated and oak or ash woodwork . . $90 75 $80 75 ^75 25 If quartered oak cistern is wanted, add . , ' 150 If cherry cistern is wanted, add . . . . 125 If black walnut or mahogany cistern is wanted, add 2 50 If polished or nickel-plated combination faucet with pail support and 3^-inch iron pipe size supplies and escutcheons, and i-inch air chambers with acorn heads are not wanted, deduct . . . 22 50 If without No. 1 1 Design M ash or oak cistern with nickel-plated No. 3 plain knee brackets and nickel-plated adjvistable pull and guide and nickel-plated flusli pipe with slip joint bowl con- nection and pipe strap, deduct . . . . 15 50 If with nickel-plated combination faucet with pail support and with flushing supply, four-arm han- dles and china name-plates on valves, with ^4- inch iron pipe supplies and escutcheons, and I-inch air chambers with acorn heads in place of cistern and flush pipe, deduct . . . 8 00 Measurements : The space required for the proper setting of this slop sink will not exceed 28 x 22 inches, 6 inches having been allowed for fixture shown. tels, hospitals, and office buildings, the use of the flushing-rim slop sink is especially recommended. It is provided with a flushing tank which, operating as in a water closet combination, effectively and in- stantly cleanses the bowl through the flushing rim, and if desired, as shown herewith, is also provided with an especial nozzle and pail support to enable the housemaid to draw either hot or cold water, thus avoiding the necessity for the use of the bath tub or the lavatory faucets to supply water needed, and thereby escaping from the great liability of damage to the lavatory and the bath by the careless dropping or knocking of the housemaid's pail or other vessel, which latter economy will be greatly appreciated by many who have suffered material loss through such accidents. 177 PLATE 1827-D 178 ADAMANTINE-PORCELAIN SLOP SINK SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Adamantine-porcelain Roll-rim Slop Sink (Plate 1327-D), with iron strap standard, enameled inside, brass grate strainer. The Henry Huber Company's improved compression faucets, ^4 -inch iron pipe supplies, escutcheons and i-inch air chambers with acorn heads. DESCRIPTION The slop sink — or housemaid's sink shown in this illustration is a modification of the one having a flushina; rim, and while much more inexpensive than the one referred to, is nevertheless a perfectly sani- tary fixture and one which should be put into every home where the question of expense must be con- sidered as important. There can be no doubt but that the use of the water closet as a receptacle for the liquid refuse of a household, gen- eralized under the term "slops," is most ill-advised, being dangerous to the health and uncleanly in the extreme. The surface of the sink, the protective trap underneath, which is porcelain enameled in- side, and the convenience for draw- ing water as needed by the house- maid are considerations which add to the importance of the slop sink above its mere provision as a re- ceptacle. The one economy per- formed by providing a convenient water supply for housemaid's use, thus avoiding the damage which often occurs through the use of the bath or lavatory faucets, for such supply is in itself not unworthy of especial mention, since a bath tub or lavatory representing a cost in excess of the whole outlay for the slop sink mentioned may be irre- parably damaged by the sudden and forcible contact of a pail or other vessel. .42 00 S38 5° $35 00 46 00 41 50 37 00 so 00 44 00 39 GO 32 00 29 75 27 00 36 00 32 00 3° 5° 40 00 34 00 3° 00 Company's im- Price as described, with brass work polished or nickel-plated, size 20 X 16 X 12 inches . . j Same, size 22 x i8 x 12 inches . Same, size 24 x 20 x 12 inches . The same as above, with yellow ware in place of Adamantine- porcelain, size 20 inches Same, size 22 inches Same, size 24 inches If without The Henry Huber proved compression faucets with ^-inch iron pipe size supplies and escutcheons and i-inch air chambers with acorn caps, deduct If with nickel-plated combination spout sup- ply faucets, with four-arm handles and china name-plates with pail support and J^^-inch iron pipe size supplies with escutcheons and i-inch air chambers with acorn heads, add . The Henry Huber Company's class a class b Adamantine-porcelain ^ roll- rim sink with Adamantine- porcelain back, iron trap stand- ard enameled inside, brass grate strainer. The Henry Huber Company's improved Fuller faucets, with flange and lock- nut thimble, size 20 inches Same, size 22 inches Same, size 24 inches The same as above, with yellow ware in place of Adamantine- porcelain, size 20 inches Same, size 22 inches Same, size 24 inches The Henry Huber Company's brown glazed roll-rim slop sink wiili iron trap standard enameled inside and polished or nickel-plated brass grate strainer, size 20 inches . . . Same, size 22 inches .... Same, size 24 inches .... The Henry Huber Company's brown glazed ^ roll-rim slop sink, with brown glazed back, iron trap standard enameled inside, polished or nickel-plated brass grate strainer, size 20 inches Same, size 22 inches .... Same, size 24 inches .... 15 00 7 5° Class C ?37 5° $33 75 $28 75 41 50 35 5° 29 75 46 00 39 50 32 25 25 25 23 00 18 50 29 00 25 25 20 25 33 50 27 75 21 50 ; hr nwn Class A Class B 7 00 15 00 g 00 17 00 2 00 20 00 20 5° 18 00 22 00 20 00 25 00 23 GO 179 # PLATE 1376-D ADAMANTINE-PORCELAIN KITCHEN SINK SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Adamantine-porcelain Kitchen Sink (Plate 1376-D), with Adamantine-porcelain legs and extension braces, brass waste grate and coupling, brass 2-inch full " S " trap to wall and floor with escutcheons, The Henry Huber Company's special 34 -inch compression faucets with flange, lock nut, thimble and tee handles. DESCRIPTION In the manu- facture of sani- tary appliances for the household, the pantry, kitchen and laundry departments have gained even Price as described, with brass work polished or nickel- plated, size 30 inches Class c Ho 75 56 25 66 25 ^39 25 43 0° 49 00 greater advances than the bath If bronzed standards are wanted in white enamel finish, deduct ....... If nickel-plated cast-brass standards are wanted, add If with The Henry Huber Company's hardwood drain board, brass bound, with nickel-plated telescope leg and wall brackets, add Same, with side-wall brackets and without tele- scope leg, add ....... 38 25 40 25 46 00 Same, size 36 inches Same, size 42 inches If bronzed standards are wanted in place of porce- lain, deduct ....... room and lavatories. No domestic conditions appeal so to the man and woman of the period as do the conditions which obtain in their culinary departments, the pantry and laundry coming in for much interest naturally. The Adaman- tine-porcelain sink, here illustrated, shows the most perfect adaptation of modern sanitary ideas as applied to the kitchen, and assures the householder of the possibility of absolute cleanliness without labor, but with simple attention to appearance, because when it looks clean, it is clean. The drain boards are made with independent action, so that one or both may be hooked back against the wall when not in use, or when the space is needed. These are made of wood to guard against the breaking of china. 3 25 4 5° 14 5° 10 so Adamantine-porcelain ware, of which our porcelain baths, lavatories, kitchen, pantry and laundry goods, etc., are made, is truly the triumph of the potter's art, combining, as it does, great durability with exceeding strength. This ware will stand much rough usage, and, indeed, is practically indestructible. The vitrified surface being non-absorbent makes Adamantine-porcelain ware the ideal material from a sanitary point of view, and the elegance of design and artistic correctness of detail make each piece pre-eminent as an example of a perfect combination of beauty and utility, where heretofore the one was ever sacrificed to the other. In the manufacture of this heavy ware, some few pieces are taken from the kiln with slight cracks from the fire or other blemishes, which, while they do not detract from the perfect usefulness of the article, yet force the formation of a certain graded classification known as Class A, Class B and Class C, the latter of which in some cases are quoted at a decided discount from the more perfect examples priced under grade or Class A. PLATE 14'26-D ADAMANTINE-PORCELAIN PANTRY SINK SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Adamantine-porcelain Flat-rim Recess Pantry Sink (Plate 1426-D), with brass standing waste and overflow, Italian marble slab, size 63 x 24 inches x ij4 inches thick, countersunk, dished and grooved for drain, with 18-inch back and 7-inch aprons, No. 70 brass offset, plain pat- tern legs with brass wall pockets, brass standards, 2-inch brass S trap to floor, and back vent to wall with escutcheons. The Henry Huber Company's No. 3 brass improved Fuller faucets with yi - inch iron pipe size supplies to floor with escutcheons. DESCRIPTION The sink shown in this illustra- Price as described, with brass work polished or nickel- plated and Adamantine- porcelain recess sink, size 24 X 17 X 6 inches Same, size 28x17x6 inches Same, size 30 x 20x7 inches $106 25 no 25 5103 50 107 50 ^ 97 5° 105 00 115 5° 112 50 104 so tion is for use in the butler's pantry and is perfectly adapted for the purpose. Of Adamantine-porcelain, it is beyond criticism from a sani- tary point of view, and therefore must satisfy the most exacting and progressive mind. The absolute cleanliness of the whole, the ease with which it may be kept so, and the positive assurance of its being clean when it looks clean, recommends this fixture as the one to be desired in so important a room as the butler's pantry. The marble work as shown is of the very best class possible and so guaranteed. The faucets made especially for this sink, the trap extra large and heavy, the legs strong, plain and easily kept bright and clean, and the standing waste, which occupies a recess in the sink, so arranged to remove it from the body of the sink, are all the results of most successful efforts to produce a modern sanitary and substantial fixture for especially high-class work. Adamantine-porcelain ware, of which our porcelain baths, lavatories, kitchen, pantry and laundry goods, etc., are made, is truly the triumph of the potter's art, combining, as it does, great durability with exceeding strength. This ware will stand much rough usage, and, indeed, is practically indestructible. The vitrified surface being non-absorbent makes Adamantine-porcelain ware the ideal material from a sanitary point of view, and the elegance of design and artistic correctness of detail make each piece pre-eminent as an example of a perfect combination of beauty and utility, where heretofore the one was ever sacrificed to the other. In the manufacture of this heavy ware, some few pieces are taken from the kiln with slight cracks from the fire or other blemishes, which, while they do not detract from the perfect usefulness of the article, yet force the formation of a certain graded classification known as Class A, Class B and Class C, the latter of which in some cases are quoted at a decided discount from the more perfect examples priced under grade or Class A. 183 >^ PLATE 1476-D ADAMANTINE-PORCELAIN WASH TRAYS DESCRIPTION HE Adamantine-porcelain Wasli Tra3's shown in this illustration are certainly most inviting in appearance as they are sanitary in fact. They will not crack, disintegrate or craze, are absolutely non- absorbent, having no surface porosity, and are therefore easy to keep clean and continue free from odors of any kind. 24 inches $80 75 $66 50 ^55 20 24 inches 35 IS 28 00 22 35 29 inches 84 75 69 75 58 00 29 inches 37 IS 29 65 23 75 24 inches 7 00 5 °° 3 0° 29 inches 7 75 6 00 4 25 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Adamantine-porcelain Roll-rim or Three-quarter Roll-rim Wash Trays (Plate 1476-D), Adamantine-porcelain legs with extension braces, i^^-inch brass waste pipe and 2-inch brass " S '' trap, escutcheons, plugs and couplings, rubber stoppers and brass chains. The Henry Huber Company's special compression wash tray faucets with flanges and lock-nut thimbles. .Size Class A Class B Class C Price as described, with brass work polished or nickel-plated, per set of two trays, as specified .... Add for extra trays, as specified, each .... Price, per set of two trays, as specified .... Add for extra trays, as specified, each .... If Adamantine-porcelain backs to three-quarter roll-rim trays are wanted, add for each ...... Same, for each ........ If nickel-plated waste and trap, as specified, are wanted in rough brass, deduct for two trays quoted, S3. 00; for single tray quoted, 75 cents. If nickel-plated waste and trap, specified, are not wanted, deduct for two trays, $13.75 i ^o"^ O'^s tray, $2.75. If 2-inch nickel-plated waste and trap are wanted instead of 1V2 -inch waste and 2-inch trap, specified, add .............. If 2-inch waste and trap are wanted in rough brass, deduct . . . . . . If bronzed-iron legs are wanted in place of porcelain, deduct, per tray .... If polished or nickel-plated overflow couplings connected with waste are wanted, add, per tray If The Henry Huber Company's special compression wash tray faucets, as specified, are not wanted, deduct, each ...... If wringer base with brass clamps is wanted, add, each If polished or nickel-plated overflow grate (2^-inch flange), with rough coupling is wanted, add, each . . . . . . ' . Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Roll-rim or Three-quarter Roll-rim Yellow Ware Wash Trays, with bronzed-iron legs. size Price, as specified, per single wash tray . . . .24 inches Same, as specified, per single wash tray .... 29 inches If yellow ware back is wanted, add for each . . .24 inches If yellow ware back is wanted, add for each ... 29 inches If yellow ware legs are wanted instead of bronzed-iron, specified, add, per wash tray ... 2 00 Specification : The Henry Huber Company's Vitrified Brown-glazed Roll-rim or Three-quarter Roll-rim Wash Trays, with bronzed-iron legs. $2 00 I 75 I 75 5 00 I 75 5 GO I 00 Class A Class B Class c 15 75 $12 15 $9 25 17 25 13 25 10 25 4 75 4 00 2 75 5 25 4 5° 3 00 Price, as specified, per single wash tray . . . . . . 24 inches Same ............ 30 inches If vitrified brown-glazed ware back is wanted, add, per back, either size If ash cap is wanted, add, per wash tray, either size ...... If polished or nickel-plated overflow grate (2^ -inch flange), is wanted, add, for each If polished or nickel-plated waste plug (2^ -inch flange), is wanted, add, for each If polished or nickel-plated waste plug (33^-inch flange), is wanted, add, for each Class A $13 00 14 5° Class B $8 so 9 15 4 00 I 40 I 00 85 95 185 w 'LATE 1526-D i86 PUBLIC DRINKING FOUNTAIN SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Adamantine-porcelain Shell Pattern Drinking Fountain (Plate 1526-D), with brass self- closing faucet, with egg-oval handle, brass waste grate and coupling, I >^ - inch brass offset basin trap extended to wall with escutcheon, brass expansion bolts and washers. DESCRIPTION This drinking fountain of Ada- Price as described, with brass work pol- ished or nickel-plated S22 75 S20 00 mantine-porcelain is made with bowl of shell form and in one piece, the slight ornamentation of the exterior panels consider- ably relieving the ware from its otherwise rather plain appearance without detracting from its excellent sanitary features. The faucet shown is " self-closing," and automatic- ally shuts off the water as soon as the pressure of the hand is removed. The strength, durability and sanitary pre-eminence of Adamantine-porcelain ware makes our drinking fountains of this material splendidly suitable for all public places. Adamantine-porcelain ware, of which our porcelain baths, lavatories, drinking fountains, kitchen, pantry and laundry goods, etc., are made, is truly the triumph of the potter's art, combining, as it does, great durability with exceeding strength. This ware will stand much rough usage, and, indeed, is practically indestructible. The vitrified surface being non-absorbent makes Adamantine-porcelain ware the ideal material from a sanitary point of view, and the elegance of design and artistic correctness of detail make each piece pre-eminent as an example of a perfect combination of beauty and utility, where heretofore the one was ever sacrificed to the other. In the manufacture of this heavy ware some few pieces are taken from the kiln with slight cracks from the fire or other blemishes, which, while they do not detract from the perfect usefulness of the article, yet force the formation of a certain graded classification known as Class A, Class B and Class C, the latter of which are quoted at a decided discount from the more perfect examples priced under grade or Class A. Ga «» 187 PLATE 1527-D H« irfnnniTntnnFTTtnfiTmiTf T rnFTH i HI i m ih » PUBLIC DRINKING FOUNTAIN SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's Adamantine-porcelain Drinking Fountain (Plate 1527-D), with The Henry Huber Company's nickel-plated improved self-closing faucet, with flange and lock nut, thimble, nickel-plated screws and washers, i^-inch nickel-plated lA. S basin trap to wall with escutcheon. Price as described If witli bronzed-iron brackets, add Class A Class Ij $24 75 $22 00 I 25 DESCRIPTION The Adaman- tine-porcelain Drinking Fountain is made in one piece, to be put up without brackets. The faucet is made "self-closing;" that is, it shuts off the flow of water the instant the pressure exerted by the hand is removed, so that the water cannot be left running through carelessness or ignorance. The surface of Adamantine-porcelain is non-absorbent, white and smooth, and is therefore especially adapted for use as a drinking fountain, and the fact of its recognized strength and durability makes it popular for State institutions, depots, hotels and other public buildings and schools. Adamantine-porcelain ware, of which our porcelain baths, lavatories, drinking fountains, kitchen, pantry and laundry goods, etc., are made, is truly the triumph of the potter's art, combining, as it does, great durability with exceeding strength. This ware will stand much rough usage, and, indeed, is practically indestructible. The vitrified surface being non-absorbent makes Adamantine-porcelain ware the ideal material from a sanitary point of view, and the elegance of design and artistic correctness of detail make each piece pre-eminent as an example of a perfect combination of beauty and utility, where heretofore the one was ever sacrificed to the other. In the manufacture of this heavy ware, some few pieces are taken from the kiln with slight cracks from the fire or other blemishes, which, while they do not detract from the perfect usefulness of the article, yet force the formation of a certain graded classification known as Class A, Class B and Class C, the latter of which in some cases are quoted at a decided discount from the more perfect examples priced under grade or Class A. c;a c; a <*'*> ■nT i iwnm i mM i THE GEGENSTROM SYSTEM OF RAIN BATHS AND WATER HEATERS AND UNIVERSAL MIXING VALVES THE GEGENSTROM SYSTEM OF RAIN BATHS AND HEATERS PATENTED HE Gea.-enstrom, herein illustrated, is a novel and ingenious form of hot water apparatus, the object of which is the instant heating of water or other fluid to any desired degree of temperature by means of steam, without the direct introduction of the latter into the fluid. The aim of the invention was mainly to design an apparatus so con- structed that, where it is desired to heat water by steam for shower baths, the great danger of scalding so common to other methods of heating should be avoided, and furthermore, to prevent contaminating the fluid to be heated by the direct introduction of steam. The Gegenstrom apparatus solves the problem in a most simple manner. The Gegenstrom (counter current) derives its name from the principle adopted in making steam and water flow in opposite directions in separate pipes, so that they do not at all mix together. It is composed of an outer shell or jacket, enclosing a bundle of small tubes packed together and leading from the steam inlet pipe through the steam valve (marked "hot") to a waste at the bottom of the apparatus. The outside pipe or jacket is connected with the water supply pipe, from whence it leads to the water valve (marked "cold") which, when open, allows the water to enter the overhead douche pipe. The operation of the apparatus consists in turning the lever marked "cold" to the left, thereby opening the valve, whereupon the cold water entering below rises and emerws from the douche. Then, turning the lever marked "hot" to the left the steam valve is opened, admitting the steam into the tubes ; it then passes down and through them, transmitting its heat to the water surrounding them, and at the same time gradu- ally growing cooler and condensing, and when it reaches the waste at the bottom it flows out in the form of cold water. The fact that the steam condenses and flows out as water at the bottom demonstrates the economy of the apparatus, inasmuch as all heat units are taken from the steam and transmitted to the water. In the style of apparatus designed for bathing purposes the steam valve is only so large as to admit sufficient steam to heat the water, when both steam and water valves are turned on to their fullest capacity, to a temperature not exceeding iio° Fahr., and as the hot and cold levers are ingeniously arranged, the cold above the hot, so as to prevent the turning on of steam before first turning on the water, it is an utter impossi- bility to scald the bather. If it is desired to change the temperature of the v/ater instantaneously, the same can be done by simply opening or closing the steam valve, without reducing in the least the amount of water coming from the douche. 193 For other special purposes, such as obtaining hot water for washing or scrubbing, for boiling cof¥ee, etc., the apparatus is furnished so modified in construction that any desired degree of temperature up to the boiling point may be produced. In all apparatus used heretofore for warming water by means of steam mixing or injecting valves, the drawback exists that their operation is very imperfect as regards the regulation of the temperature of the heated water. In inexperienced hands their use is attended with considerable danger of scalding, either by reason of the water getting too hot or by steam jets. The short distance from the injecting valve to the douche does not always permit the high-pressure steam to become perfectly condensed, and some of it is, in consequence, discharged upon the bather. With steam-injecting valves perfect noiselessness is not obtainable, and the heating of the water is usually accompanied by a singing sound, which in a confined bath room may frighten timid bathers. The ratio of the steam pressure to the water pressure is frequently variable, and it is almost impos- sible with injecting cocks to secure a uniform and unvarying temperature of the heated water without the use of special pressure-reducing or regulating valves. Where clean warm water is desired for bathing or other purposes the fact should not be overlooked that by a direct introduction of steam into the water a disagree- able odor is often imparted to the latter, and finally the warming of fluids such as must not be diluted with water (for instance, mineral waters), cannot be accomplished by the direct injection of steam. Compared with other systems for generating warm or hot water the Gegenstrom offers many important advantages, some of which are as follows : /. It enables the instant heating of any quantity of ivater to any desired temperature ; hence, it causes a saving oj time. 2. It does away with warm water reservoirs or tanks ; hence, it effects a saving of expense and, incidentally, a saving of space. J. It dispenses ivith the heat stored in and radiated from hot water reservoirs ; hence, it causes a saving of fie I. 4. Since the tvater does not come in contact with the steam it does not receive any bad odor or taste from the latter, however oily the steam may be ; thei-efore, it furnishes water of great putnty. 5. Since the steam and water do not come in contact, the apparatus works with absolute noiselessness. 6. Since the apparatus used for bathing purposes is so constructed and the handles operating the valves are so placed as to render the discharge of steam or of overheated water impossible, absolute safety to the bather in using the apparatiis results. y. The desired temperature of the water can be obtained without difficulty for any steam or water pressure, and the apparatics is easily regulated. 194 ■wrai 8. Finally, since the apparatus does away with a hot water reservoir and its connect- ing steam and zuater pipes, and with the storage of warm water, and since one and the same fixture supplies cold as well as zvarm water, the Gegenstroni has the advantage of insuring greatest economy in construction. The Gegenstrom is especially adapted for baths in institutions, in public or people's baths, in factories, schools, in mining works, etc., where steam is available. It may be used to supply shower, rain baths or hand sprays ; for filling bath tubs or for supplying and constantly replenishing the water of plunge baths. Bathing establish- ments with mineral or other medicinal waters will find the use of this apparatus of the greatest advantage, since none of the valuable ingredients or medicinal properties of the water are lost. The apparatus is equally well adapted to be used at natural hot springs, in which case cold water may take the place of the steam in order to temper the water and render possible its immediate use for drinking or bathing. It may be used on board of steamships, for shower and tub baths, for the passen- gers, the officers and the crew. No other apparatus is so well adapted for this purpose, because on steamships the water pressure available is low, the steam pressure high, and the steam is always oily. It may also be used on board of steamships for the instanta- neous production of hot water for culinary purposes, for hot drinks, for washing purposes, etc. In infirmaries, hospitals, insane asylums, prisons, reformatories, military barracks, hotels, and other public buildings, where steam is provided, the apparatus can be used in one form for supplying baths, and in a modified form for making hot water for culinary, washing and scrubbing purposes. In laundries and in many industrial establishments it may be used for making hot water in any quantity. In ordering the apparatus always state for what purpose it is desired. If the apparatus for baths is wanted, be particular to state the available zvater and steam pressure, the quantity of warm zvater desired per minute, and the desired temperature of the warm or hot zvater. I9S ■o a z> 197 PLATE 1552-D 198 NUMBER 3-A GEGENSTROM RAIN BATH SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's No. 3-A Gegenstrom Rain-bath Apparatus (Plate 1552-D), with douche pipe, 4-inch douche with removable face and ball joint, pipe support, thermometer, three-way cock, rubber tube, hand-spray hanger with wall plate, and Vi - inch scale strainer unions. DESCRIPTION The Gegen- strom i 11 u s- trated herewith is the same as the No. I apparatus described on page 197, with the exception of the addi- tion of a hand spra)^ and extra valve for the same, permitting the instant change of flow of water from douche to hand spray, and the reverse. This is what is termed a three- way valve, and the water when turned on must flow through either douche or hand spray. On this account the superheating of water with its consequent scalding is absolutely impossible, which, how- ever, would be the case if the water Price as described, with body aluminum bronzed, douche, douche pipe and thermometer nickel- plated, and aluminum-bronzed scale strainer unions ........ S44 70 Same, with valve, douche and douche pipe nickel- plated . . . . . . . . 52 20 Same, all brass, polished and nickel-plated, with nickel-plated scale strainer unions . . . 61 50 Same, all brass, polished with polished scale strainer unions . . . . . . 60 50 Controlling valves, piping and fittings not included in above prices. Removable brass strainer, size 5 inches, with 2-inch iron pipe outlet, polished brass . . $2 50 Same, nickel-plated . . . . . . 3 00 Marble, slate or soapstone stalls, brass curtain rods, with special pattern curtain hooks and rubber curtain, chain and wall plates, furnished in all sizes, prices upon appli- cation. rway were not free after leaving the apparatus. C Z) c: s 199 I < 0- GEGENSTROM RAIN-BATH APPARATUS SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's No. 4 (6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11), Gegenstrom Rain-bath Apparatus (Plate 1553-D), with inter- locking valve handles marked " hot " and " cold," 4-inch douches and removable faces, ball joints, thermometer and scale strainer unions and tripod standard. All brass pol- , ished .ind ^11 brass pol- nickel-plated , ">"<^^ "■'','' , with nickel- brass-pohshed plated strainer =<:»'« strainer ilniniis unions Aluminum bronzed and nickel- plated Price as described, size No. 4, with }^ and ^-incli scale strainer unions, two douches and thermometer Same, size No. 6, with four douches and thermometer and ^ and i-inch scale strainer unions Same, size No. 7, with six douches and thermometer, or for needle bath with i and i J^-inch scale strainer unions ......... Same, size No. S, with eight douches and thermometer with ij^ and i)4-inch scale strainer unions Same, size No. 9, with ten douches and thermometer with ij^ and i^-inch scale strainer unions Same, size No. 10, with twelve douches and thermometer with i'^ and ij^-inch scale strainer unions Same, size No. 11, with twenty douches and thermometer and with i^ and 2-inch scale strainer unions Aluminum bronzed $59 25 $58 50 Ui 85 $42 8s So 25 79 75 64 25 59 25 107 25 106 5° 8s 75 80 75 174 25 173 25 127 25 117 25 179 25 178 25 132 25 122 25 189 25 1S8 25 137 25 127 25 3^3 5° 312 00 225 5° 210 so Controlling" valves, piping and fittings not included in above prices. Removable polished brass strainer, size 5 inches -with 2-inch iron pipe outlet, add, for each . .$25° Same, nickel-plated, add, for each ............ 3 00 Marble, slate or soapstone stalls, brass curtain rods with special pattern curtain hooks, rubber curtains, chains and wall plates furnished in all sizes, prices upon application. DESCRIPTION In the accompanying illustration we present the style of Gegenstrom that adapts itself particularly for use in gymnasiums, armories, hos- pitals, prisons, and public and private institutions, inasmuch as one heater can be used to supply from two to twenty douches. The valves in this case are manipulated by the bath attendant only, and on this account the bathing of a large number of people is greatly facilitated. cz c;» PLATE 16U1-D THE UNIVERSAL MIXING VALVE SPECIFICATION HE Henry Huber Company's >^-inch Universal Mixing Valve (Plate 1601-D), with brass douche pipe and douche with wall hanger, thermometer and >^-inch brass sup- plies, with ground in valves of steam metal with loose key handle. DESCRIPTION Our strom proved Gegen- H eaters such an Price as described, with valve nickel-plated on rough body ....... $39 00 Same, with valve polished or nickel-plated . 45 00 Nickel-plated Polished or on rough body nickel-plated The No. I Universal Mixing Valve, for one or two douches, ^-inch inlet, with thermometer, no douche, douche pipe or supplies . . . ■ . Same, No. 2, for three to five douches, 3^ ^% ^-y 200 00 Above prices do not include controlling, steam and water valves, piping or fittings, but same can be furnished at market rates if wanted. Plunge bath accessories, including supply inlets, strainer outlets, brass balcony and guard rails, furnished to order, prices upon application. DESCRIPTION The home plunge bath, one of the greatest lu.xuries that modern wealth can attain, is illustrated on the accompanying page. The Gegenstrom heater, by means of which the water is heated to any desired temperature by the aid of steam without the direct introduction of the latter into the water, shows how a large or small plunge bath can now be heated expeditiously, safely and surely, without having to depend upon the boiler supply, always more or less uncertain. Any arrangement for placing the Gegenstrom heater differing from the one shown in the accompanying illustration can be carried out to suit the purpose for which the heater is to be used. When the circulating system is desired, in addition to the supply of warm water alone, by making a connection with the bottom of the plunge and the water supply to the heater, and the addition of a check valve to the supply pipe from the street, the cold water is drawn from the bottom of the plunge to the heater, from which it is again sent into the plunge at the proper temperature, thus forming a perfect circulation of evenly-tempered water. For this arrangement it becomes necessary to set the heater in such a manner that the water inlet from the heater into the plunge be a trifle lower than the plunge water level. 207 INDEX Accessories for bath, lavatory, etc. B Baths Adamantine-porcelain . Adamantine-porcelain-lined Foot .... Rain baths, plunge baths Sitz or hip . Bath fi,\tures Bath rooms Balh room accessories Bath room scales Bidets .... C Cisterns ... Closets Pneumatic Cascade Clysmic Flume Roll-top Geyser Sylvan Siphon-jet Admiral Alpha Calumet Imperial Midget Omega Jet hopper Triumph W'asli-dowii Ajax . Bostonia Monument Unique Wash-out Armada Mohawk Portland Hopper Manhattan, or Si.x G combination New York Pages Pages 64 to 67 Fi.xtures for baths 60 to 63 Fixtures for lavatories 68 to 7 I Foot bath .... 56, 57 G 14 to 25 Gegenstrom specialties 26 to 39 Heaters .... 204 to 207 56, 57 L'uiversal mixing valves 202, 203 191 to 207 Rain baths 191 to 20 1 48 to S3 60 to 63 K Kitchen sinks .... 180, 181 6 to 13 64 to 67 L 58, 59 Laundry trays .... 184, 185 Lavatories 54, 55, 106, 107 Adamantine-porcelain 88 to 105 Marble . . . 76, 77 and 80 to 87 Onyx 74. 75' 78. 79 • 172 to 17s Lavatory fixtures 68 to 7 I Lavatory legs and brackets 72. 73 108 to 113 M Mixing valves .... 202, 203 114, 115 118, 119 P 106, 107 Pantry sinks .... 182, 183 116,117 R Rain baths .... 191 to 201 134, 13s Receptors • 124 to 133 Adamantine-porcelain . 40, 41 142, 143 Adamantine-porcelain-lined 42, 43 120, 121 136 to 141 S 122, 123 Scales 58, 59 Shower, mantle and needle baths 40-47, 191-203 Sinks ■ 144 to 147 Kitchen .... 180, 181 Pantry .... 182, 183 166, 167 Slop sinks .... 176 to 179 152, 153 Sitz or hip baths 168, 169 Adamantine-porcelain . 48 to 5 1 148 to 151 Adamantine-porcelain-lined 52, 53 t6o, 161 Trays, laundry .... 184, 185 • 154 to 157 158, 159 U Universal mixing valves 202, 203 ion 164, 165 Urinals ..... 170, 171 162, 16^ W u Drinking fountains 1 86 to 189 Wash trays Water closets (see closets) Water heaters . 184, 185 ;o4 to 207 208 '^T.r iEER -N.Y SHENRlf tniBER n 11 iUBER ICO^NY. ^^^. lc#