I Class. Book. COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT J ^ .SEXUAL ILLS AND DISEASES. A POPULAR MANUAL, BASED ON THE BEST HOMOEOPATHIC PRACTICE AND THE LATEST TEXT BOOKS. 12 ~ ' PHILADELPHIA: BOERICKE & TAFEL, 1896. T<^ ^ IV copyrighted 1896, By Boertcke & Tafel. PRINTED BY T. B. & H. B. COCHRAN, LANCASTER, PA. PREFACE. Many " popular M books have been written on the subject of sexual ills and their treatment, but none seem to be exactly what the people want; one is too full of moral and too scant of practical advice; another is too technical, and another gives all sorts of advice save the kind the book-buyer is looking for. The moral advice may be excellent but people do not buy medical books for it; so is technical advice, but people who want to treat themselves cannot understand it; so is the advice " go to a physician," but it is not what buyers of such books are looking for. This manual is in- tended to supply the missing practical book for sufferers from the many sexual and kindred ills; to give them plain, honest advice and the best treat- ment. The description of the diseases is neces- sarily limited to elementary points to be found in text-books, as anything more elaborate would be out of place in a work of this nature. The treatment is culled from the whole field of homoeo- pathic literature. A number of clinical cases have been introduced to give readers a general idea of the way the remedy is arrived at by physicians. There are a good many false ideas inculcated by advertising doctors in regard to ' ' lost man- IV Preface. hood," etc., and if this book succeeds in putting any fearful young man, or boy, straight on that subject it will not have been written in vain. A proper understanding of this and other sexual ills by the public is necessary for their final eradica- tion. Finally, let us emphasize, if it is necessary to consult a physician do not go to those who ad- vertise, but to your family physician. PART I. TREATMENT. Sexual Ills and Diseases. MASTURBATION AND ITS BODILY AND MENTAL EFFECTS. Masturbation is not a disease, but an aet that if repeated too often leads to premature decay, imbecility or insanity. It is, as a rule, barring those inherited, the first sexual ill that afflicts humanity. The act, if we may judge by the books of Kraft-Ebling, Hammond and others, may be performed in a variety of ways, but the effect sought is the same — a pleasurable ejaculation of semen. It is always well for readers to understand terms used, and that can best be accom- plished by giving the roots of the word. " Masturbation " is derived from two Greek words, mantis ^ meaning, in English, u hand" and stupro, " I ravish." So, literally, it is ravishing or raping one's self with the hand or in some other un- natural manner. 14 Spermatorrhoea " is from the root of io Sexual Ills and Diseases. spernia, to "sow," and rheo to "flow" or "I flow." Meaning, as now used, an invol- untary emission of the seminal fluid. Boys may discover how to masturbate, or it may be taught them by other boys, or, worse, by men, or even women. The act gives them a few moments of what seems to be extatic delight, and some of them resort to it as often as possible at first. They do not know that it is a sin against God, the human race and their own physical welfare, and are to be pitied rather than blamed. There are very few adults indeed who have not passed, to a greater or less extent, through this unholy fire, and fortunate are they who, by means of a plain, sensible book, or through the words of some friend, have been warned of the dangers, the final disgust and ruin that attend the practice. In too many families the subject of the sexual organs is regarded as a topic that must never be mentioned, and children are left in entire ignorance only to be en- lightened, too often," by bitter experience. If parents or guardians cannot, or will not, instruct the young, and warn them Masturbation. n of the dangers that beset thein from this source, at least let them procure a book that plainly treats of such matters and place it in the hands of the young at the proper time, for forewarned is forearmed. Should any young person read this book, let him know that if he persists in the habit of masturbation the result will be that he will gradually become weak, nervous and sallow, with a face full of pimples, sunken eyes, with dark rings about them; he will become bashful, timid and, in extreme cases, the end will be impotence, imbecility and death. Not many go to that extreme, but the actual number is not small. It is said that about three per cent, of the inmates of insane asylums were sent there directly by masturbation; the number there in- directly from that cause must be very large. Girls equally with boys are victims of the " secret vice/' and its effect on them is perhaps as bad as on the other sex. It is shown by nervousness, headache, in- difference to the pleasures sought by the healthy minded, unwholesome blotched 12 Sexual Ills and Diseases. and pimply skin, dull eyes, melan- choly, and a look of decay. The habit in both sexes may bring on chorea, epilepsy, hysteria, palpitation of the heart, and convulsions. In fact, the train of ills that follow in the wake of this practice may well be called " Legion " — no one pen could name them all, but can only give a general outline of them, for each individual case will differ in some respect from others. After indulging in the pratice for a greater or lesser period of time the masturbator discovers, even without being told, that there is u something wrong" with him, and he instinctively knows the cause. It is at this point that the great majority break away and are saved, though not without much physical and mental tribulation. No man can overcome an evil in himself until he has seen it and acknowledged it to be an evil. But the secret, lustful, hot and sweaty imaginings with which he has filled his mind while practicing the habit will not away at his simple bidding, neither will the furious burning desire to commit the Masturbation. 1 3 deed again and again. Both must be bitterly fought. The state of one passing through this ordeal has been so vividly described by Tissot that it has been said that his book brought many to despair. That is wrong, for what is wanted is the truth; and the truth is that no sufferer need despair, for all may be rescued from this unclean condition into which they have plunged themselves if they will to be saved. This is not a u mind cure," or " chris- tian-science," or " prayer cure" book, but those practices, though laughed at by many, when properly understood, are very needful and helpful in the cases under consideration. In nothing are they so needed and necessary as in over- coming masturbation and its attendant lust. Medicine is almost powerless until the mind can be brought into play, and even after that both it and the mind may find the lust too strong for them. If this be the case, and it often is, then who shall dare to say that a prayer to God for help avail naught? There is really no "cure'' for this condition save the Divine 14 Sexual Ills and Diseases. one, " Cease to do evil." At this point it is proper to state that there are cases in which masturbation is the result of disease. In such cases surgery or a thor- ough course of constitutional homoeo- pathic treatment is required ; but such cases do not come within the scope of this book Very young children also develop this habit, and no amount of punishment will avail to break it. Such cases, according to Dr. Burnett, in his in- teresting book, Delicate, Backward, Puny and Stujited Children, must not be regarded as evidence of inherent depravity, but as a disease that can, and should, be cured by constitutional homoeopathic medica- tion. He cites a number of illustrative cases in the book referred to. When the victim, or sinner (take your choice of terms), has at last opened his eyes, if not to the spiritual, at least to the physical, evil into which he is plunged, he has not only to fight the lustful imaginings, dreams and burnings of his mind and body, but he is also, in his search for help, confronted by those harpies, the advertising doctors and ven- Masturbation. 15 ders of secret nostrums, who seek by every wile known to a wily tribe to get Him into their power. They even beg for only your "name," but do not send it. Their advertisements vividly picture the inferno that awaits the "young man or boy" who suffers from "lost manhood," and then glowingly depict the state of those " cured." And yet the least re- flection ought to convince any one, even a weak masturbator, that there is no "cure" for this condition save the one we have outlined, which to be sure may be aided by proper medical treatment, but it must first, and essentially, be a "mind cure," or mind-cleaning; a casting forth of lusts and imaginings, for so long as these are cherished no cure is possible. None of these advertising "doctors" can cure you, all they can do is to take your money. And if they get your name and not your money you will hear from them for years afterwards threatening, implor- ing or bullying you to submit to their " treatment." The attitude of the world towards the practice of masturbation is not a good i6 Sexual Ills and Diseases. one, for with, perhaps, a large majority it is simply one of jest, too often of added obscenity ; yet it should be one of stern negation to the masturbator, of relentless hostility to those who seek to teach it to the young and innocent, but kind and helpful to those who are struggling to free themselves and regain a wholesome life. As already indicated, the first and the chief treatment of this condition — it can hardly be called a disease, save in a few cases, though it is a breeder of disease such as never microbe equalled — must be a mental one. It will not do to will to avoid the physical ill and yet at heart cherish the lustful imaginings. The first is easily done, for no one wants to be physically harmed, but to cast out the lustful imaginings will require a great effort of the will power, weakened as it is by the act of masturbation. It can and must be done, however, if the sufferer would regain health. One great aid to a cure is cleanliness. Wash the affected parts frequently and keep the whole body clean. Wear clean Mastu rba tion . 1 7 clothes, keep the teeth and nails clean and the hair combed and neatly trimmed. This does not refer to the soiling of hands, or body, that results from honest work, or occupation, but the bodily filth and neglect that too often accompanies the filthy habit of masturbation. Sleep on a clean bed, with as light covering as is consistent with comfort, not too soft, and in a cool room. If pos- sible sleep alone. Live in the open air as much as possible. Take an interest in things, force your- self to do so if it does not come naturally, in social life, the church, politics, sports, the theatre, dancing, anything to take you away from the solitary habit into which most masturbators fall. Among medicines to repress the frantic sexual desire that ever and anon assails one who is trying to abandon the habit under consideration, the homoeopathic preparation of Cantharis is the best for males and Platina for females. When one feels the desire coming on, generally after going to bed, get up and take a dose of the remedy, walk about a bit and then go to bed again. x8 Sexual Ills and Diseases. After the habit of masturbation has been definitely abandoned, the next stage that affrights the struggling victim is " spermatorrhoea, " as it is commonly termed. Spermatorrhoea. 19 SPERMATORRHEA, SEMINAL EMIS- SIONS OR "WET DREAMS." " Spermatorrhoea," involuntary emis- sions, or u wet dreams" almost invariably follow the cessation of masturbating. The advertising doctors skillfully draw pictures of the " fearful condition " of one who is subject to these, and they frighten many a fat fee out of those who know no better — " ruined in mind and body," " lost manhood," and all the rest of the familiar rubbish. On this point read what one of the wisest physicians has to say (Raue's Special Pathology') : " Inasmuch as the seminal secretion of a healthy man may naturally be sup- posed to be a continuous one, it appears as a physiological necessity that there should occur from time to time an over- flow of semen involuntarily, when not irritated voluntarily by coition or mastur- bation. As long as such discharges hap- pen at night during sleep, with erotic dreams, accompanied by erections and 20 Sexual Ills and Diseases. voluptuous sensations, and followed by a sense of relief and buoyancy, those noc- turnal pollutions are certainly within the bounds of health. They do not occur regularly even in the same individual, but vary greatly in frequency from tem- porary causes or certain constitutional peculiarities. However, if they occur too often, say several times a week or oftener, and are followed next day by a general dullness and weakness, diminution of mental activity, etc., instead of buoyancy, they can scarcely be looked upon as healthy occurrences. This is still more so if they occur without erections and sensation in the night during sleep. But if they occur even in the daytime — " diurnal pollutions" — while the indi- vidual is awake, without the usual me- chanical causes (coition or masturbation), from any trifling external cause; for in- stance, from dallying with a female, rid- ing on horseback, during evacuation of the bowels or bladder, or from lascivious imaginations, then surely there exists an irritation and weakness in the sexual organs which is pathological, for a Spermatorrhoea. 21 healthy man never loses semen involun- tarily when awake. Such diurnal seminal losses have also been termed spermator- rhoea, a rather hyperbolic expression, as a continuous flow of semen scarcely ever exists. And it should further be stated that very often inexperienced young men, frightened by reading miserable and de- signing trash upon this subject, take for spermatorrhoea what is no flow of semen at all, but a secretion from the mucous membrane of the urethra, and perhaps also from Cowper's glands, or a prostatic secretion, neither of which contain any trace of spermatozoa, the only sign of true semen." Helmuth's Surgery, page 1014, says on this subject: "It is a question whether certain emissions of semen without copu- lation are not necessary to the preserva- tion of vitality." This, of course, applies to " involuntary emissions." Hyde in his recently published Syphilis and Venereal Diseases, even goes to the length of maintaining that seminal emis- sions in the unmarried male is a purely physiological function and not a disease at all. He says : 22 Sexual Ills and Diseases. " Involuntary discharges of semen oc- curring in a young man several times during one night, or even on successive nights, are ' unnatural,' simply because the human male animal is not living in the state of nature briefly sketched above [the married state]. These losses are of similar import, whether occurring with erections and accompanied by a lascivious dream, or in total unconsciousness of sleep. They are truly physiological and amount to the price paid by the youth who is attempting to lead a correct life and who refuses to lower his moral stand- ard. The frequency of these discharges has little bearing upon any question of disease, since in perfectly sound youths seminal losses may be even often repeated without detriment to the general health. A frequency at one time is usually com- pensated for by a relative absence at an- other. The emissions may be followed on the succeeding day by a feeling of las- situde, slight frontal headache and mental dullness, but the balance is always struck by nature, as there is usually afforded a a respite from this sexual fever (if such . Spermatorrhoea. 23 it may be called) , when the discharge or the series of successive discharges is at length for the time being made to cease. These losses wholly correspond in physio- logical function and meaning with the menstruation of the 3 r oung woman, whose monthly flux in a sense represents the price paid by her virginity, clean living and a delay of the performance of the sexual function until she is solicited in marriage by an acceptable suitor. It is true that after marriage menstruation may occur periodically, but, as a rule, it is suspended during pregnancy. Married men also, temperately indulging in sexual relations, occasionally have periodical in- voluntary seminal losses. " From the foregoing it will be seen that the emission of semen while asleep is simply nature's means for relief, and only hurtful when it occurs with ab- normal frequency and is accompanied by undoubted symptoms of physical ills, such as headache, weak back, unhealthy skin, etc. It naturally occurs more frequently in the case of young men than with those of more mature years, and should not 24 Sexual Ills and Diseases. be regarded as a disease. It may be stated here that excessive sexual intercourse will reduce a man to almost, or quite, the con- dition brought on by masturbation. For the "cure" of this condition some physicians have advised intercourse with harlots, and others, marriage. Unless one is very careful intercourse with har- lots is something like "out of the frying pan into the fire," for one is very apt to contract some disease from women, com- mon to all, that will but make matters worse. Marriage with a healthy woman is the one true relief, yet he who would marry a woman merely to use her as a cure for his ill must be a contemptible creature indeed. Marry by all means, but marry for love of the woman else you will find marriage a failure, a bad and dismal failure. Treatment of Seminal Emissions. For relief from the ill effects of ex- cessive seminal emissions Homoeopathy offers many excellent remedies. Among the marked symptoms of some of these are the following: Phosphoric acid is especially useful for Spermatorrhoea. 25 youths who grow too fast and where debility is very marked ; after each emis- sion there is great weakness and lassi- tude; black streaks before the eyes; feels dizzy at times; legs weak. This remedy is undoubtedly the best one known where the cause is due solely to excessive mas- trubation or seminal emissions and the case is uncomplicated. Calcarea carb., in cases where there is much sweat ; sweating of genital organs ; great difficulty in obtaining erections, and relaxation are marked symptoms; also great lassitude, feels tired, weakness of legs; constipation; milky-colored urine; cough and headache; great prostration after coitus ; pressing pain in head, neck or back after pollutions. Aurum met., for those nearly reduced to despair, who have black, suicidal thoughts. Rana bufo, for one who seeks solitude to practice masturbation; imbecility and loss of decency; masturbation results in con- vulsions. Cases requiring this remedy, however, are generally too far gone to re- sort to self-treatment. 26 Sexual Ills and Diseases. Caladium, where "wet dreams" occur without lasciviousness or sexual excite- ment. Sudden relaxation of penis dur- ing coition, with no orgasm. Cantharis, insatiable desire, bloody dis- charge; inability to retain urine. Satyri- asis. Gelsemium, relaxation and debility; in- voluntary emissions without erections, or emission during stool; dragging pain in testicles and great languor, blue rings about the eyes. A good remedy, es- teemed by many to equal Phosphoric acid. Conium, senility; atrophied testicles; painful instead of pleasurable, emissions ; excessive frequency of emissions. Lycopodiurn, mental and bodily weak- ness, impotence, weak memory. Cold genital organs. It has been called the "old man's balm." Nux vomica, bad effects of masturba- tion; headache and backache; in connec- tion with abuse of liquor or coffee ; indi- gestion or gastric irritability. Emissions towards morning. Sleeplessness in the fore part of the night. Staphisagria is especially useful in A; Spermatorrhoea. 27 cases of long standing; great taciturnity; deficiency of vital heat ; hair falls out or is split; eyes sunken and lustreless; emaciation and general uncleanliness ; lousiness. Graphites, flaccid penis, constipation and great debility of the generative organs. No ejaculation during coitus. Sulphur \s indicated by flushes of heat, headache on top of head with heat. Dis- agreeable odor from the body, aversion to bathing. No pleasure in anything, ir- ritable. Eruptions on the skin, dry scalp, hair dry and falls out. Eyelids red. Habitual constipation, ineffectual desire for stool, soreness or burning in rectum. Nocturnal enuresis. Fetid smegma. Tes- ticles relaxed, impotence. Pulsatilla has catarrhal inflammations and thick yellow or greenish discharges. A useful remedy in the ill effects of mas- turbation in females, especially when ac- companied by leucorrhoea; hysterical tendencies with sexual excitement. More especially indicated if patient be a blonde. Bellis perennis has been highly recom- mended for the general ills that attend the 28 Sexual Ills and Diseases. practice where the symptoms are not very clearly defined. The dose of this remedy is five drops of the mother tincture sev- eral times a day in a little water, or five one-drop mother tincture tablets. If any of the above-named remedies should be tried and fail, the patient should not be discouraged, but should select another and another, until he or she hits upon the right one, always remembering what has been said about leading a clean life and fighting off lascivious imaginings. Onanism or Conjugal Onanism. 29 ONANISM OR CONJUGAL ONANISM. The following case reported by Dr. W. M. Turner needs no comments : li Mr. , aged forty, gentleman of leisure, large frame; presented himself to me in an emaciated condition — face pale and haggard, pulse unsteady and tremulous, form bent as though with the infirmity of years; an anxious yearning look in his eyes. Historj^ of the case was eminently unsatisfactory. After a week or so of unsuccessful treatment I found a clue. He accidently let drop the remark that he l didn't wish any more children? From this I suspected conjugal onanism on his part. He soon made a reluctant but full confession, con- firming my suspicions, ending by pitifully declaring that he was entirely impotent. With this new light I recommended full diet, natural coitus after total abstinence for two months and Phosphorus. He pro- gressed to recovery in six or eight weeks." Onanism, or " Conjugal Onanism/' 30 Sexual Ills and Diseases. consists in having connection with a woman in snch a manner as to prevent conception, and may be practiced in a variety of ways, bnt always with detriment to the health of both man and woman. In fact, as shown by the case quoted above, the physical effects may be even worse than those following masturbation. A well-known physician maintains that all coition should be full and complete and not indulged in oftener than once a week. "How many men," he asks, "of sixty years of age are capable of natural and satisfactory intercourse? Not one in twenty, and yet the power ought to be retained, and is in the cases of those who have been temperate in its use up to, and even beyond, the age of three score and ten. Indeed, it is rare to find a man of fifty who has so husbanded his powers as to admit of his having sexual intercourse once a fortnight, and then the act is neither satisfactory to him nor the recipient. But at times a more serious evil than the comparatively early decay of sexual power is observed as the conse- quence of excess, and this is the super- Onanism or Conjugal Onanism. 31 vention of impotence either suddenly, after some extraordinary indulgence, or more gradually, in consequence of repeated ex- cesses," (Hammond.) In such cases the desire remains as strong as ever, but the man is impotent to gratify it. What was said of masturbation applies with equal force here. The practice can- not be continued and the parties to it re- main healthful. Many pages could be filled with cases where the man or the woman (like the one who consulted Dr. Turner) have suffered severely from a variety of ills and did not even suspect the cause. Some years ago a wise old doctor said that he cured many of his married patients by " prescribing concep- tion." That prescription will cure many, no doubt. For medical treatment, the same remedies that apply to the ills of sper- matorrhoea apply here. Cases, and there are such, where con- ception, for physical reasons in the wife, is impossible are beyond the province of this book. 32 Sexual Ills and Diseases. The term onanism is sometimes used as a synonym for masturbation, but this is a mistake, as it is properly employed to designate the act of coition so performed as to prevent conception. Nymphomania. 33 NYMPHOMANIA. Nymphomania is an insatiable, and a seemingly irresistible, impulse in females for gratification of sexual desire. "It occurs," says Dunglison, "in those par- ticularly who possess a nervous tempera- ment and vivid imagination, especially if excited by improper language, masturba- tion, etc. Its course is described as follows: In the commencement the sufferer is a prey to perpetual contests between feelings of modesty and im- petuous desires. At an after period she abandons herself to the latter, seeking no longer to restrain them. In the last stage the obscenity is disgusting, and the mental alienation, for such it is, becomes complete." Fortunately the trouble, if treated homoeopathically, need not go to the last stage as describe by Dunglison. Platina will control most of such cases, especially where accompanied by much voluptuous itching, palpitation of the heart and con- 34 Sexual Ills and Diseases. stipation. Should this fail try Moschus or Cantharis. Where the disease has reached the stage, or takes the form, of indecently exposing the person Hyoscyamus is called for. Dr. Richard Koch relates the following case in which Cimicifuga proved curative: " Lady, aged twenty-three, had suffered for several months with acute mania of an hysterical character, accompanied with excessive nymphomania. She complain- ed of constant chilliness, with trem- ors, yet without desire for heat in the room or warm clothing; cold hands and feet ; incoherent talking ; restless nights ; constipated ; suppressed leucorrhoea ; pulse quiet, weak and frequent. Cimici- fuga 2 cured in a week." Dr. Hoyne says that nymphomania in sterile women frequently yields to Canna- bis sat. Coffea has also been employed with success. Erythroxylon coca in one drop doses has been clinically employed in nympho- mania with pronounced success. Satyriasis. 35 SATYRIASIS. Abnormal sexual desire in men is termed " Satyriasis." In medical diction- aries it is defined as "an irresistible de- sire in men to have frequent connection with the female, accompanied with the power of doing so without exhaustion. The causes are commonly obscure. Some- times the abuse of aphrodisiacs has oc- casioned it. The principal symptoms are : Almost constant erection, irresisti- ble and almost insatiable desire for ven- ery, frequent nocturnal pollutions." Cantharis is, in general, the best rem- edy for the worst cases of this condition, though Moschas may also meet the trou- ble. ' J 36 Sexual Ills and Diseases. IMPOTENCE. Impotence is complete, or temporary, loss of sexual power generally brought on Dy masturbation or excessive venery. A clean life, an out-door life, with good food, aid in a cure, as they do in all sexual ills. The following medicines have been found useful in restoring the health and lost power. Phosphorus. (For a case cured by this remedy see Onanism, p. 29.) Dr. Love relates the following case, in which Sulphur cured. " W., aged forty, merchant ; tall and slender ; melancholic temperament ; guilty of onanism (mas- turbation ?) in his youth. Has been mar- ried eight years, but could never accom- plish his marital duties, although erection is complete; but ejaculation takes place as soon as he approached his wife. Sul- phur 12, two doses, and in six weeks he was cured." Phosphoric acid has also been used with success in cases of this sort . Impotence. 37 The following case by Dr. W. E. Rogers illustrates the use of Gelsemiiim. W., aged twenty-two. Billions tempera- ment. Has been masturbating for a number of years. Has been allopathic- ally treated. Symptoms : Genital organs relaxed ; entire absence of sexual feeling ; the organs seem paralyzed ; perfect im- potence ; during the evening a partial erection and slight discharge ; mind de- pressed ; engaged to be married ; has lost flesh ; appetite poor ; bowels costive ; looks sallow. Gelsemium tincture, two drops night and morning, caused an im- provement in a week, and cured in a few weeks." Impotence, resulting from excessive sexual intercourse, is best met with Lyco- podiiim 30 ; this is true of the impotence in men due to this cause, and to the dread of the sexual act in women from the same cause. When the medicine has brought back the lost power do not abuse it again, for a second attack of impotence might be lasting. It might be mentioned here that should Lycopodium after a few weeks fail to cure then try Nitric acid, but the ■ A 38 Sexual Ills and Diseases. former remedy is nearly always success- ful, and especially so when aided by a clean, temperate mode of living. The kind of impotence for which Cu- prum acet. is useful, is illustrated in the following case by Dr. Kissel: " Strong fresh-colored man, aged twenty-eight; two years married; has never been able to effect coition, because the member im- mediately became flaccid again, though sometimes semen escaped. During the transient erections, he felt some tension in the perineum, and often complained of rheumatism in the back and legs. Gen- itals normal. After Cuprum acet., all was well and the pains disappeared." Agnus castus is a remedy that has been used with some success. It seems to be especially indicated where there is^a de- ficiency in the sexual instinct. Dr. Hol- combe relates the case of a woman who applied to him for something to renew her sexual desires which had become ex- tinct from too much indulgence, and in- tercourse abhorrent to her. Agnus castus 1 three times a day wrought a wonder- ful change in her ; she regained her Al Impotence. 39 lealth and became a strong and robnst •voman again. Calcarea carb. is the remedy for partial .mpotence, where the emission dnring :oition is too quick, followed by great Drostration and weakness. Before closing this part it may be well ;o say a word against the use of "aphro- lisiacs;" z. e. } drugs employed to force the sexual desires , of which there are many in the market, generally secret prepara- :ions. The use of these is distinctly harmful, and even where they succeed in forcing the sexual desires the effect is but temporary, and the man or woman is left in a worse state than before, and will soon experience only the evil influences jf the drug and none of the pleasures desired. It should also be borne in mind that medicine is but an aid in such ills, and, as has been repeatedly reiterated, the patient must aid in the cure by right liv- ing ; and when cured must not expect to 3e able to give way again to unbridled ust with impunity. 40 Sexual Ills and Diseases. NERVOUS IMPOTENCE. In reality what is called "nervous im- potence" is not impotence but rather the temporary result of some mental emotion. It generally occurs with young men who have not, on the whole, carried masturba- tion to excess and have ceased the prac- tice ; who have then been a little fright- ened at the nightly emissions that fol- lowed and have sought the company of prostitutes, or willing women, in order that they might " restore lost manhood. " Excited by the novelty of the situation and by other emotions they find they are unable to perform the sexual act and then jump to the conclusion that "ruin in mind and body" is impending and become very gloomy and depressed. The mind plays a considerable, in fact, the chief part in this form of impotence. Men are oppressed by the fear of being laughed at; they recall what other men of their acquaintance have boasted of their powers, and compare those boasts ^ Nervous Impote?ice. 41 with their own untried, or little tried ability, forgetting the psalmist's assertion that all men are liars, and, it may be added, especially so concerning things sexual. They fear to marry, and in fact go through a very dreary time of it when, in most cases, the whole trouble is simply a lack of confidence in their own powers. Among medicines for this state the only one that might do any good is Anacar- diiim. There is another cause for impotence that is not generally recognized, but is a very prevalent one among married per- sons, and that is lack of love for the partner. At first this is not apparent, but as time goes by and one or the other of the married partners loses his or her love for the other, and this may be sup- plemented by dislike, the result is disgust and even impotence. There is, of course, no medical cure for this condition and it is only mentioned here as a warning for men not to marry unless they truly love the woman, 42 Sexual Ills and Diseases. PHIMOSIS AND PARAPHIMOSIS. Phimosis is from the Greek, signifying " I bind tight." Phimosis is a disease or condition in which there is an unnatural constriction of the edge of the prepuce, or foreskin, in front of the orifice of the urethra, so that it cannot be carried be- hind the corona glandis. Berjeau says of this disease, that it " is caused by the in- filtration of fluid into the cellular tissue of the prepuce, forming a large, long, dark, reddish-brown, bulbous swelling at the extremity of the penis, its borders being enlarged, cracked and so narrow that but a small portion of the secreted pus can make its escape and rendering the retraction of the prepuce behind the glaus impossible, the remainder collect- ing underneath, forming a fluctuating swelling. Persons with a long and narrow prepuce are the most subject to it, and balanorrhoea is always present." Balanor- rhoea is a purulent secretion under the glans penis. " Phimosis and Paraphimosis. 43 Phimosis may be the cause of many nervous disorders, from sleeplessness to nervous jactitations, and even locomotor ataxia. In severe cases surgery is neces- sary to complete relief. Surgical treat- ment is especially necessary when gan- grene sets in. The medicines most useful are Merc, cor., Rhus tox. and Cannabis sat. Merc, cor. where there are cracks and fissures on inner surface of foreskin; Rhus tox, when there is itching and inflammation, and Cannabis where swelling is dark-red and hot. Paraphimosis is the opposite of Phi- mosis. In it the prepuce, or foreskin, is retracted behind the glans and cannot be replaced. Where it binds tightly there is swelling of the head of the penis, purple colored and even gangrenous color. As it is not so much a disease as a dis- placement of parts the treatment must be mechanical or surgical. The only medicine that has ever seemed to have helped in such cases is Colocynth. / , 44 Sexual Ills and Diseases. BALANITIS. This disease, or condition, is an inflam- mation of the glans penis. There may be a slight inflammation behind the corona of the glans and an accumulation or slight flow of yellowish, nasty, mucus- like discharge. As a rule, this is the result of uncleanliness, and soap and warm water is the best cure, but some- times medicines are needed. Among these Nitric acid is useful when there is itching and burning of the foreskin and vesicles, which may scab. Pulsatilla is useful when, in spite of cleanliness, this yellowish secretion constantly forms under the skin of penis. When there are cauliflower growths, condylomata, warty excrescences or any growth of this nature present Thuja is the remedy. Gonorrhoea. 45 GONORRHOEA. This disease begins to be apparent to the sufferer in about four or five days after he has contracted it, though in some cases it may manifest itself earlier, or consider- ably later; but about four days is the average. A slight tickling, itching or burning sensation is first noticed at the meatus urinarius; at that point there is also, a slight sticky discharge. Evidences of the disease now rapidly accumulate ; the rather transparent, sticky discharge becomes more profuse and thick, and turns to yellowish, or greenish-yellow color, and may contain blood and becomes of a purulent nature. The urethra is very sore and tender to the touch. The pass- ing of water is very painful and fre- quent — burning and smarting. Erections are exceedingly painful. With increas- ing inflammation the urethra becomes contracted and the stream of urine, when passing, may become divided. The disease runs its course in about six weeks or it may become chronic. 46 Sexual Ills and Diseases. The too prevalent idea among men that this disease is "no worse than a bad cold" is a very erroneons one; many physicians of experience contend that a man never thoroughly gets rid of this virulent poison. Those who have contracted it, got rid of the discharge and attending discomfort, think they are " cured," and the many ills they may suffer afterwards are not in a remote degree in their minds connected with the infection, while yet those ills may be due directly to that cause. If that be the case they can only be radically cured by proper homoeopathic treatment. The following from a medical journal will give the reader a true conception of the nature of gonorrhoea : "The time has arrived for the medical profession to speak in no uncertain tones upon the subject of gonorrhoea. For long the men of the world have been under the impression that specific ureth- ritis was a trivial disease; so much so that they were perfectly willing to trust themselves to the tender mercies of the bottle washing drug clerk, or any Tom, Dick or Harry whom they might meet Gonorrhoea. 47 who would give them advice. By this means one of the most serious of venereal diseases has been very sadly neglected upon the part of its victims. "The direct inflammatory result of the gonococcus is bad enough in itself, but when we keep in mind the septic possi- bilities to the individual it is indeed formidable. The numerous cases of fatal inflammations of the bladder, the result- ing strictures, the interstitial enlargement of the prostate gland, the septic inflam- mation of joints, and the many other dangerous but definite diseases depend- ing directly upon gonorrhoea, should be impressed upon the laity. But in addi- tion the gonorrhoeal sufferer should be given to know that for many months after an attack of gonorrhoea he is more deadly dangerous to the helpless woman who may submit herself to his desires than if he had a pronounced case of syphilis. Physicians and surgeons will all admit that a very large percentage of the pus tubes, the pelvic abscesses, and the patho- logical conditions in general which neces- sitate laparotomies in women are in the 48 Sexual Ills and Diseases. majority of instances dne to infection from overlooked cases of gonorrhoea, or chronic gleet, etc Many an innocent, healthy and pnre woman wonld be more humanely treated if her husband or lover would put a oullet through her brain rather than shoot into her vaginal tract the unsuspected germ which wrecks her health, runs the risk of unsexing her, and eventually destroys her life. "With the facts before the profession, it is flagrantly negligent of its duty if it fails to educate the men of the world in the direction of knowing their duty. Many a married man, having in an un- guarded moment exposed himself to venereal infection, treats the resulting gonorrhoea in the usual careless and reck- less way, and without a knowledge of the risks involved when a chronic urethral irritation may be present, the overlooked discharge from which may contain the gonococcus, often fatally infects his wife. He does it ignorantly, for the average man is not so brutally disposed as to ignore his sacred duty in the direction of the protection of his home at least. ^- Gonorrhoea. 49 li Given, a case of gonorrhoea, the victim should be put to bed and urged to drink enormous quantities of hot water and given remedies which reach the inflamed mucous membrane of the urethra, and act from within outward. Injections should be given very sparingly and only by those competent to give them, on ac- count of the danger of driving the poison deeper into the urethra and doing more harm than good. " There have been laws passed prohibit- ing the reckless sale of poisons on the part of druggists. Should there not be a law passed restraining them from rushing in as fools where angels fear to tread and as- suming the responsibility of the manage- ment of one of the most dangerous and serious diseases that may afflict those who devote their time to the shrine of Venus ?" If the patient wishes to make the best recovery he must abstain from all alcoholic drinks, tea, coffee and tobacco; also from all violent exercise if his vocation will permit it. In other words, while under treatment the simpler the diet and the 50 Sexual Ills and Diseases. quieter the life the sooner will the disease be conquered. He should also avoid all sexual intercourse, not only for the sake of others, but for his own sake, until com- pletely restored to health. Treatment of Gonorrhoea. When it is known that in the larger text-books there are nearly sixty remedies mentioned for gonorrhoea it will be seen how useless it would be in a small manual of this nature to mention all of them. The following homoeopathic remedies, however, may not be amiss, or too nu- merous to be confusing: Helmuth (Surgery, p. 210,) says of this disease : u When the inflammatory stage has begun, the most reliable medicine in the Materia Medica is Aconite, It must be given in the first and second dilutions, frequently. This medicine does not allay the discharge, which often increases dur- ing its exhibition, but it subdues the in- flammatory symptoms and gives the patient rest." One of the most frequently used reme- dies in the treatment of this disease is Cannabis sativa. It is, in general, called Gonorrhoea. 51 for when the prepuce is swollen and dark red;ehordee; priapism; urethra feels drawn up. Patient must walk with legs apart, urine seems to tear the urethra; burning before and after urinating. While this remedy is much used there are many physicians who do not hesitate to say that they have had no success with it. Apis meL is a remedy highly com- mended by Dr. J. G. Gilchrist, in his work on surgery, who, for many years, has given it in all cases "at the suitable stage," and has " rarely failed to secure the desired results." The symptoms call- ing for it are scanty urination, puffy swelling, a biting-stinging pain, with thin purulent discharge. Belladonnas indicated in females where there is a white discharge. Bryonia is adapted to females where the discharge, which had previously much decreased, again increases and grows worse. When the discharge in females is cor- roding, the remedy is Arsenicum. The disease in fat lymphatic women is best met with Calcarea curb. In both men and women when the dis- 52 Sexual Ills and Diseases. charge is unusually offensive Carbo veg. may be used with success, in addition to other remedies. In those of a scrofulous nature Hepa?' sulph. is useful for its constitutional effects in connection with other remedies. Nux vomica should be the first remedy taken by all who have been previously treated unsuccessfully Allopathically, to be followed by other remedies in a few days as they may be indicated. It is also useful after discharge has ceased, but there remains inflammation and discom- fort in the urethra and towards the bladder. Pulsatilla is the remedy for gonorrhoea in the female where discharge is thick, milky and rather painless. Sepia is recommended by Jahr to pre- vent the disease from gaining a foothold ; a dose morning and evening at the first sign of a slight redness at the orifice of the urethra with slight agglutinous secre- tion will, he contends, prevent the dis- ease from progressing any further. In which case it would be well to take the remedy even before these premonitory — ^ Gonorrhoea. 53 signs appear when there is reason to suspect infection. An occasional intercurrent dose of Sul- phur is useful in all fully developed cases of the disease, and especially so in cases where the men have a constant desire to urinate and women are tormented with a violent burning itching. Also when other remedies do no good. Cases in which Agaricus is useful are illustrated by the following by Dr. Hoyne : "S., aged forty-five, has had frequent at- tacks of gonorrhoea usually cured (?) by injections of sulphate of zinc. This time he says it has not proved effective. Has difficult emissions of urine, the stream passing very feebly or in drops ; frequent erections; cramp-like drawing in the groin.' 5 Agaricus 6, three times a day, cured in a week. Where the last few drops of urine are retained and there is cutting pain through to the anus Argentum nit. is indicated. Also in chordee, enlargement of testicles and cutting pain in testes and cord. In acute cases, where inflammation in- volves the bladder and there is great diffi- 54 Sexual Ills and Diseases. culty in urinating-, the passing of water causing intense pain, Cantharis is indi- cated. In females, where the discharge is bloody and has an intensely foul smell, Kreosotum is the remedy. The quickest way to suppress the dis- ease is by means of injections of various kinds, but anyone who has due regard for his future health will avoid this treatment. The suppression of discharges from the body, of any sort, those outward evi- dences of an internal disease, is always more or less dangerous. Homoeopathic literature contains many illustrations of this point — of physicians treating obscure cases of disease with no success until by close questioning the fact was disclosed that at some past period the patient had been " cured" of gonorrhoea or some other discharge, eruption or skin disease by means of injections or external appli- cations; in such instances the Homoeo- pathic physician by means of internal remedies brings back the suppressed flow or eruption and at once the other ills depart; then the disease is properly cured Gonorrhoea. 55 by internal medication and the patient discharged a well man once more. External applications designed to sup- press sores, skin diseases, gonorrhoea or any external manifestation are like plug- ging up a drainage tube and calling the operation a cure. It must be added here, however, that many experienced physicians strongly advocate the injection treatment, main- taining that there is no use in permitting the discharge to continue when a few in- jections easily stop it and the patient is no worse for the treatment. On this point it may be well to quote from a paper by Dr. T. S. Hoyne, read before the Inter- national Homoeopathic Association : " Mister X., a young man much given to dissipation, called me in the middle of the night. I found him suffering greatly from intestinal colic. He had used, dur- ing two or three hours, for its relief, brandy and ginger, a pain-killer of some sort, and hot water bags. Nux vom. re- lieved him in the course of thirty minutes. Three or four days later he had another attack, and the Nux again relieved him. 56 Sexual Ills and Diseases. A few days later there was still another attack, and again Nux relieved. I then asked him to come to my office the next day as I wished to find out, if possible, the cause of these attacks u He called, and I obtained the follow- ing history : Several times each month he went on a spree with the boys, and al- ways became intoxicated. During one of these sprees he contracted gonorrhoea, but he was ' all over it now.' His gonor- rhoea was treated solely by injections, which dried it up in a very few days. In fact, he greatly praised the doctor for the rapidity of his cure. Being satisfied that the colic had some connection with the suppressed gonorrhoea, I gave him Med- orrhinum im, and asked him to report in a week. He did so, and then complained greatly because the gonorrhoea had re. turned. A few doses of Medor. im cured the gonorrhoea, and the colic never re- turned. Two years have elapsed, and, although the young man has not greatly altered his habits, he is now satisfied that colic and gonnorrhoea are sometimes in- timately associated. Gonorrhoea. 57 u Mr. W., a gentleman just passed fifty, 'who had kept a mistress for a year during the absence of his family in Europe, com- plained of an itching spot upon the fore- skin a week after having had sexual in- tercourse with his wife. During the year he had had no trouble with his sexual rgans, but as soon as the wife returns trouble begins. The wife had been very sick during the voyage home, and had not eaten a good meal during the entire ten days. She was consequently anaemic and an acrid leucorrhoea had made its ap- pearance. 11 Supposing the affection of the hus- band to be simply a slight irritation of the skin, nothing much was done for it. But it grew worse, and remedies pre- scribed had little effect. He went on this ■ray for a month or more, the irritation — not ulceration — of the skin continuing. Meantime, upon my advice, he occupied a separate bed and left his wife severely alone. She soon recovered from the effects of the att ack of mal-de-mer and became well and strong. One day, after a report that he was no better, I said, in desperation : 5 58 Sexual Ills and Diseases. ( Are you sure you have not had an attack of gonorrhoea the past year?' He an- swered, ' I hardly know. I had a slight burning in the penis for a day or two with a slight discharge of mucus, and a physician of the regular school gave me an injection of olive oil with sulphate of zinc or nitrate of silver, I don't know which. This stopped the burning, and I never thought of it since.' Medor. im was given, and in a short time the worst case of gonorrhoea I ever had to deal with made its appearance. The discharge be- came bloody, almost amounting to a hemorrhage. It was very profuse all the time, sometimes thick and greenish, at others thick and yellowish. Nitric acid controlled the tendency to hemorrhage. Merc. sol. helped when the discharge was greenish, but did not stop it. Sepia aided when the discharge was yellowish, but did not stop it. Capsicum greatly relieved when the discharge was whitish and ac- companied by great pain. Agnus castus finally cured the patient after both he and the doctor had become completely discouraged. Never before nor since have Gonorrhoea. 59 I had such, a long and tedious case, ex- tending over a year, to treat." There are many physicians who place great reliance in the treatment of gonor- rhoea by the "tissue, or biochemic reme- dies." This treatment has the merit of simpli- city. As soon as infection is suspected take Kali mur. four or five times a day. If this does not arrest the disease and inflammation and swelling set in alternate the Kali mur, with Ferrum phos. , a remedy that undoubtedly possesses great power over all inflammatory conditions. Should the discharge become greenish or of a yellow color, then drop the Kali mur. and in its place take Natncm sulph. This simple treatment, it is claimed, will cure nearly all cases that are uncomplicated. Von Grauvogel, Director General of the Bavarian army, placed great reliance on Natrum sulph. in the treatment of gonor- rhoea, and he had a great many cases to treat. These remedies are best taken in the form of tablets or triturations — two tablets, or as much of the powder as I 60 Sexual Ills and Diseases. would lie on a silver ten cent piece, being a dose. The " tissue remedies" are prepared in the same manner as other homoeopathic remedies, and a number of them, such as Silicea, Natrum mur., etc., are Hahne- mannian remedies. It is most likely, that the only difference between the tissue and the homoeopathic remedies is simply in theory. Practically, the tissue remedy acts homceopathically when it is curative. Gleet. 6 1 GLEET AND OTHER ILLS FOLLOWING GONORRHOEA. Gonorrhoea may become chronic, when it is known as gleet, or may involve many other parts of the body. The scope of this book does not take in all these ills. As many of them are constitutional maladies involved with the gonorrhoea, the following remedies will be found useful, as indicated, by those who at some time in their life have contracted that disease. In cases where there is pain in the testicles and back, constipation and de- bility of sexual organs, Lycopodium will be useful. Phosphoric acid, where the disease also involves seminal emissions. Where there is a chronic discharge un- attended with pain when urinating, Sepia may prove curative. Aching in testicles, Nat. mur.; also in cases of gleet and leucorrhcea where in- jections of nitrate of silver have been employed. l 62 Sexual Ills and Diseases. Where there is no sexual desire, no erection, yellow discharge, Agnus castus. After mercurial treatment, Nitric acid. Gleet with warts or fleshy excrescences, Thuja. Hydrastis is useful when, after all the painful symptoms have abated, the dis- charge continues profuse. Stringy discharge, Kali bichromicum. Chordee is the designation of that form of the disease (gonorrhoea), when from violent inflammation the penis assumes a curved form, nearly always downward. Some authorities advise the application of cold water, and others to gently bend the member in the direction of its con- cavity. Internally, Aconite may prove useful. Stricture means, the urethral canal is temporarily narrowed and urine cannot be passed. Aconite or Cantharis are probably the best remedies. A hot bath may relieve. It may even be necessary to use a catheter if the stricture lasts too long, in order to relieve the bladder. Gonorrhoeal rheumatism is often another attendant ilL Where the skin ^> \ Gleet, 63 is hot and dry Aconite is indicated; if following suppressed gonorrhoea — sup- pressed by injections — Pulsatilla; from exposure to cold and wet, Rhus tox. One of the most important remedies in true gonorrhoeal rheumatism is Tkuja^ the pain is worse in afternoon and evening, and better from w r armth. Gonorrhoeal opthalmia is a very serious complication, and if possible should be promptly intrusted to the treatment of a homoeopathic physician, as, to quote Berjeau: "This extremely severe disease requires the promptest attention, disor- ganization and bursting of the eye not unfrequently taking place within even twenty-four hours from its first invasion." The utmost care should be employed to prevent any of the gonorrhoeal discharge from coming in contact with the eye in any way; be especially careful about the towels, handkerchiefs and rags used, so that they will not come in contact with the eye or other parts of the body. The smallest quantity of the virus may set up a terrible train of ills in the eyes. The sooner one so affected applies to a phy- I 64 Sexual Ills and Diseases. sician the better, but if this be impossible Aconite, Nitric acid and Sulphur alter- nately are the best remedies to be taken internally. Should the discharge sud- denly cease yet the inflammation continue Jahr recommends Pulsatilla. Syphilis, 65 SYPHILIS— POX. Syphilis is an infections disease com- municable by coition, or by contact of the virus with the thin skin. It makes its appearance first as a chancre, or sore, on the penis ; this small, red spot is inflamed and the centre rises rapidly and a cor- rosive fluid is exuded. This sore, or chancre, may be superficial or it may be- come phagedenic by bad treatment, and the virus of the disease spread, unless arrested, to almost any part of the body, slowly eating away, or rotting away the parts which it attacks. Buboes, or "blue balls," is a frequent accompaniment of the disease, an abscess in the groin or under the arm pit. Syphilis is a fearful disease when it per- vades the whole system and may require years for its extirpation, if indeed it ever be cured. So many forms may it assume in various parts of the body that no at- tempt will be made to describe them here. In general the disease has three stages, j 66 Sexual Ills and Diseases. the primary, which includes incubation and development of the sore or chancre ; the secondary, which involves the glands and mucous membranes, and the tertiary, which does not develop for a year or two after infection and which, as said before, may assume many forms and involve any part of the body, even to the bones. But on this point we had better quote Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases, which is a truer guide than modern text-books : "The chancre," writes Hahnemann, " generally appears between the seventh and fourteenth day after the infection has taken place; it rarely appears either sooner or later, and generally affects the parts which have been first tainted with the virus. The chancre first appears in the form of a little vesicle, which is soon changed to a painfully stinging ulcer, with an elevated border. This ulcer may remain upon the same spot during the life time of the patient, and, although it may become enarged,yelt the secondary symp- toms of syphilis will not make their ap- pearance as long as the chancre remains." "The allopathic physician, not know- Syphilis. 67 ing that the entire organism has become infected with the syphilitic miasm, even before the appearance of the chancre and immediately after the impnre coition has been accomplished, looks npon the chancre as a simply local nicer which onght to be removed by the external application of desiccating and canterizing substances, and which will remain quite harmless, provided it is not left too long upon the skin; for, in this case, the absorbing vessels might carry the poison into the internal organism, and, in this way, pro- duce a general syphilitic affection, whereas these evil consequences might be avoided by a speedy removal of the chancre. This is both the doctrine and the practice." And it may be added here that the doctrine and practice is quite as much be- lieved in and practiced to-day as when Hahnemann wrote the above words; if anything, the practice is more prevalent since men call that fearful poison u bacil- lus." But let Hahnemann continue: " By this practice the physician de- prives the internal disease of its vicarious symptom, the chancre; and, by the re- 68 Sexual Ills and Diseases. moval of the chancre, he forces the dis- ease to embody itself externally in the more troublesome and speedily suppurat- ing bubo. And after this has been re- moved, as is foolishly done by external treatment, the disease is forced to mani- fest itself throughout the organism with all the secondary symptoms of a fully de- veloped syphilis." And thus so far from relieving the patient the physician has injured him by this mode of treatment. Thus we see that the real cause of the second and third stages of the disease is external treatment. Further on, in the same work, Hahne- mann says : u In my practice of fifty years' duration I have never seen syphilis breaking out in the system whenever the chancre was cured by internal remedies." Treatment of Syphilis. As regards the medical treatment, it may be said here that Hahnemann claimed Mercury to be the specific remedy, and experience seems to prove that he was right and that the several preparations of that drug are as near to being specifics Treatment of Syphilis. 69 in this disease as may be hoped for in medi- cine. When one has reason to suspect the disease, or the chancre has already developed, Mercurius is the remedy. Dr. Schneider says that in over eight hun- dred cases all were cured by Mercurius sol. The following case, by Dr. Walze, illus- trates the use of some of the homoeo- pathic mercurial preparations and also the danger of suppressing syphilis by external applications: " Patient, aged forty-six, contracted syphilis about eight months ago, a small ulcer on the glans bearing all the signs of a true chancre. Ulcer was touched with caustic, and lint soaked in a solution of corrosive subli- mate was applied to it. In seven or eight days a dirty brown cicatrix was formed and he was pronounced cured. Four weeks had elapsed when the throat began to be painful on swallowing. Patient thought he had taken cold; increased secretion of saliva, peculiar taste in the mouth ; small round ulcers appeared on the palate, tonsils and glans. The syphi- litic specialist ordered gargles and decoc- jo Sexual Ills and Diseases. tions of sarsaparilla ; still the throat grew rapidly worse in spite of the treatment. I found tonsils much swollen; arch of the fauces swollen; both were affected with roundish ulcers, the size of half a nail, whose lardaceous, cream-like surface was somewhat depressed; uvula thick- ened and elongated; gums spongy and bleeding easily; color of hard palate, soft palate and uvula is a dirty reddish brown ; swallowing painful; great collection of saliva; taste metallic. Patient took, for a few weeks, Merc, sol., 2d and 3d tritura- tions, morning and evening. The chan- cres, which returned at the glaus, towards the end of the third week, I left un- touched, they healed within from six to eight days, reappeared after a while in order to leave again equally fast. Most stubbornly, up to the tenth week, the puffiness of palatine arches and swelling of tonsils continued, likewise their red- dish-brown color, in consequence of which swallowing was difficult. Under Merc, prczcip. rub., 2d trit., there appeared, in eight or ten days, a normal color and formation of the different parts of the throat, and complete health. '* Treatment of Syphilis. 71 Mercurius cor. seems to be especially adapted to meet cases of a more maliguant nature, as when the head or neck swells, ears discharge pus, nose swollen, gums swollen and bleeding, and ulcers in the mouth or tonsils, etc. Arsenicum is called for in syphilis when the discharge from the ulcers is of a very corroding nature. Hepar sulphur may be useful when the skin is scurfy and the hair falls out. After Mercurius one of the most im- portant remedies for the disease is Nitric arid, which is generally called for in ad- vanced cases of an especially bad nature. The readers of this book may obtain a better idea of its uses from a few clinical cases than from its symtomatology. Dr. Guernsey had a case, discharged as in- curable by a large hospital. There was sloughing of the entire integument of the penis, and fistulous ulcer that had eaten its way into the urethra. He dressed the diseased parts externally with olive oil and gave Nitric acid, in a rather high potency, internally, and cured the case. Dr. Edmundson relates a case that had 72 Sexual Ills and Diseases. contracted the disease four years previ- ously. At time of treatment had ulcer- ated sore throat, ulcers near the root of the tongue, tonsils nearly sloughed off, foul odor from mouth and great pain on taking any food. Nitric acid 6. cured the case. Another case of six months' dura- tion, in which mercury (allopathic prepa- ration) and injection had been used un- successfully, and in which the end of the prepuce was in fissures, was cured with same remedy. Phosphorus is indicated when there is great debility, and the bones have become involved (caries, necrosis). Sour eructations, nausea, milky-looking urine, and falling of hair from genitals in this disease are indications for Phos- phoric acid. Sulphur may be useful when there are copper colored spots on face and body, eruptions on the scalp, mucus in the eyes, eruption around the chin or itching eruptions on the body. The remedy is especially useful in children who have inherited a syphilitic taint from their parents, and for the eruptions that come Treatment of Syphilis. 73 out on those who once had the disease. Should the remedy cause the eruptions to come out freer do not try to suppress them, for this is a favorable sign. In such cases cease taking the remedy for a time, and the eruptions will gradually pass away and the case in all probabilit} 7 be cured. Aurum is called for in this disease when at a late stage the patient is de- spondent, memory bad, sight and hearing seemingly affected and pains in the head; bony tumors on the head; ozaena; bones in nose decay ; nose eaten away ; warts on the tongue. Baryta carb. is useful when there is swelling of the testicles, tremor of feet, vertigo, irresolution, sensibility to cold, palpitation and debility. Kreosotum when scalp is very painful, hair comes out plentifully, burning dur- ing the passing of urine. Lachesis when gangrene is threatened in any part. Or when the whites of the eyes turn yellow, tip of nose red and scabs form in the nose; throat dry and parched. 74 Sexual Ills and Diseases. Thuja for fig-warts, or cauliflower-like excrescences, that may accompany this or other venereal diseases. Take the remedy internally in the 30th potency, and not too frequently, a dose every other day, and inside of a month a cure may be looked for. The tincture of Thuja may be used externally if desired, and was so recommended by Hahnemann. Aside from this Thuja is indicated in syphilis when there is a fetid discharge from the ear, or ears, eruption on the nose, blotches on the face and sore lips or corners of the mouth, all with general depression. Thuja is also a good remedy for syphilitic head- ache. A headache as though the bones would break. Sundry Hints. 75 SUNDRY HINTS. The following hints may be found use- ful by some of our readers. Some of the remedies are unproved, but have been found to be very efficient when clinically used. It may be thought that some of the ills covered bv these hints are not sexual; this is, in a measure, true, but many, or all, of them may be the result of the conditions caused by sexual dis- orders, which conditions often drive men and women to drink or cause the dis- orders covered by the following hints : Inveterate drinkers and smokers, sub- ject to fluttering pulse and heart, can scarcely breathe, puffiness of face, and about eyes, will find relief from Apocynum caitnabmtim, twenty drops in a little water. The remedy acts best in the de- coction, Nervous debility, palpitation of the heart due to masturbation, or profuse nocturnal emissions, are very successfully controlled by Avena satzva, five drops in a glass of water three times a day. 76 Sexual Ills and Diseases. To overcome morphine habit take five drops of Avena sativa in a wine glass full of hot water as often as the craving comes on. For bad syphilitic conditions, ulcers, etc^Jacaranda Gualandaz^vt drops of the tincture in water twice a day. A remedy much used in South America. Worst cases of delerium tremens and opium, morphine or chloral habit, ten drops of Passiflora inc. three times a day. For enlarged prostate, difficult urina- tion, inability to pass water without the use of catheter (especially in old men), take five drops of tincture of Sabal serru- lata twice a day, or five tincture tablets of same remedy twice a day. To increase the activity of sexual or- gans in men, debilitated by excess, or the result of inherent weakness, take Sabal serrulata tablets, five a dose, twice a day; or five drops of the mother tincture. For pain in the kidneys, that region painful on pressure, backache, dark col- ored urine, full of sediment, gravel and sand, catheter required often to pass it, Sundry Hints. 77 Solidago virga-atirea. #, five drops a dose, two or three times a day. All ills due directly to tobacco chewing find a remedy in Arsenicum. Carbuncles and malignant eruptions, or abscesses, Tarantula Cub. This remedy has also been used successfully in espe- cially malignant cases of syphilis ; malig- nant in its primary manifestations. Affections of liver, spleen and kidneys, varicose veins, due to excess of liquor, Carduus mar. 8 tablets. Five a dose. To prevent the formation of gall-stones, China 15, every day for a month. Gouty rheumatism, Viscum album. To lose the taste for smoking tobacco, Ignatia 6, every day. To u purify " the blood and clear away disfiguring, cutaneous eruptions, Lappa off I. For the " trembles " of drunkards, Lachesis 30. Intolerable itching of the anus, Rat- hania. Long-standing constipation of women, Tabacum 3. Fissured, bleeding, sore, finger tips, Petroleum 30. 78 Sexual Ills and Diseases. For bleeding piles, Hamamelis 30, in- ternally, and Hamamelis suppositories, or ointment, externally ; for non-bleeding piles, or that bleed but little and feel like a chestnut burr, ^Esculus 30, internally, and ^Esculus ointment, or suppositories, externally. To prevent piles, wash the anus every day or after every evacuation. To lessen the intense craving for alco- holic drinks, ten drops of Spiritus glan- dium quercus three times a day. Burnett found this remedy would enable men who drank to excess to easily control their appetite and u drink like other people." Asarum 1 is also a remedy for the craving for liquor. It is said to prevent delirium tremens and enable inveterate drinkers to control their appetite for liquor. For mental and physical " break down," men cry like women, Kali pkos. 6x. The following remedies will be found useful in that distressing symptom that accompanies sexual as well as other ills: z*. *?., Sleeplessness : Gelsemzum, in a three-drop dose of the tincture at night, when patient is much mm Sundry Hints. 79 exhausted but cannot sleep; dull and stupid feeling. Ignatia, when one broods much over what are really imaginary troubles. Ambra, sleeplessness of nervous or- gans, u he cannot sleep, he knows not why." Cimicifuga (especially for women) , con- fused, miserable, dejected feeling; aching pains. Coffea, when senses are unusually acute, full of ideas. Platina, extreme nervous excitability. Sulphur, sleeps only in cat naps. Aconite, sleepless after midnight and very restless. # PART II. MATERIA MEDICA. PREFACE TO MATERIA MEDICA. Materia Medica is the knowledge of the action of drugs or medicines on the human body. It is the most important field in the study of medicine. There are two ways of ascertaining the action of drugs : one by experimenting on the sick and the other, of voluntarily taking the drug and noting its action. The latter is the homoeopathic method. Where the action of a drug has been thoroughly ascertained by this method the prac- titioner, when lie meets with a case pre- senting similar symptoms, administers the drug in small, potentized doses, and if his observations have been correct a cure will follow. The potentized drug, as the name indicates is powerful to cure; but if not indicated, u e. y if it is not the drug called for by the symptoms, it will do the patient no harm, which would not be the case were it taken in the crude material doses. The following Materia J 84 Sexual Ills and Diseases. Medica is a condensed statement of the action, and of clinical results, of the various drugs named, on the sexual organs, and incidentally on the other parts of the body. Should the reader be unable to find a drug in the foregoing pages that seems to fit his or her case, let him study the following pages, and if any drug presents a picture similar to his case — that is the drug for him to take. Materia Medica. ACONITE. Patient is restless, anxious, feverish. Fear; fear of death. Timid. Fullness and heaviness in forehead. Hard, swollen eyelids. Lips and mouth dry and parched. Prepuce swollen and inflamed. Fre- quent desire to urinate. Urine scanty and hot. Retention of urine, especially after exposure to dry cold air. (All ailments brought on by exposure to cold, especially to dry, cold winds, require this remedy.) Burning in bladder. Skin hot and dry. Inflamed testicles when caused by cold. Bruised pain in testicles. Menses sup- pressed from cold. Chill, followed by fever, (beginning of colds). Sudden and acute inflammation Fever, with painful urging to urinate. In gonorrhoea this remedy taken frequently will allay the fever and inflammation, though it will I 86 Sexual Ills and Diseases. not check the discharge. Restlessness and sleeplessness of old age. ^ESOULUS. The general action of ^Esculus is on the lower bowel, back, hips and liver, and is especially indicated in persons with tendency to haemorrhoids. Back and hips aching and painful; liver and portal system engorged; aching in pit of stom- ach to right lobe of liver. The remedy has won its chief renown in the treat- ment of piles, or haemorrhoids ; protrud- ing, purple piles, or " blind piles," that pain as though a chestnut burr, or small sticks, were in the rectum. For such cases it is best to take the remedy in- ternally in the form of medicated pellets, and externally apply it in the form of suppositories for " blind piles," or of oint- ment if the piles protrude. AGARICUS. Ill-humored, indifference, selfishness. Acts chiefly on the nerve centres ; twitch- ing; twitchings of eyelids. Brain feels as though under influence of alcohol. Trembling. (Delirium tremens.) Vertigo . Agnus Castus. 87 in tobacco users, and drinkers. Spasmodic jerking in various parts of the body. Gonorrhoea in old people ; difficult urina- tion. Burning itching of the skin, as if from frost bites; chilblains. Boils on nates. Weakness of sphincter vesicae; dribbling of urine. Bad effects of sexual debauches. Bearing down pains. Pro- lapsus uteri on cessation of menses. AGNUS CASTUS. Melancholy; absence of mind; low- spirited. Yellow discharge in gonorrhoea after pain and inflammation have sub- sided; gleety condition. No sexual desire. Impotence, organs relaxed. Loss of sexual desire in females. Aversion to coition. Transparent leucorrhoeal dis- charge. Suppression of the menses, and want of sexual desire. AMBRA GRISEA. A useful remedy for certain nervous states, embracing those of hysterical women; nymphomania, and nervous coughs. Debility of old age, or of over- work; anaemia; twitching of the muscles. Forgetfulness; patient does everything 88 Sexual Ills and Diseases. in a hurry, yet time passes slowly. Sleep- lessness of thin, spare nervous men, with spasms or twitchings of muscles; sleep- lessness due to worry. Asthma, with flut- tering of heart. Menorrhagia ; discharge of blood between periods at every little accident. Leucorrhcea, with thin, bluish or bluish-gray mucus. ANAOARDIUM. Loss, or great weakness, of memory; impaired intellectual power. Lacks con- fidence. (A remedy to prevent stage fright or "funk.") Inactivity of rectum, even soft stool passes with difficulty. Leucorrhoea, or gonorrhoea, in women, with much soreness. Nervous prostra- tion resulting from excessive emissions. Constant desire to lie or sit down. Tendency to curse and swear. APIS MELLIPIOA. Erysipelas, especially if due to injuries. Nettle rash, stinging and itching. Acute, swollen throat. Baggy puffiness under the eyes. Red, swollen ears. Legs and feet waxy and swollen; dropsy; urine scanty and no thirst. Hot, puffy swell- Apocynum Cannabinum. 89 ing in gonorrhoea. Erysipelatous inflam- mation of penis, with stinging pains. Dropsy of testicles; inflammation and swelling of testicles. Inflammation of kidneys, with pain in lumbar regions. White swelling of knee. APOCYNUM CANNABINUM. Chiefly useful in dropsy, swelling of the legs, weak heart, relaxed doughy skin. It has also been successfully pre- scribed in cases of hard drinkers and smokers, with fluttering heart, scarcely any pulse and almost unable to breathe. Thirst and irritability of the stomach are characteristics of the remedy; not even water can be retained on the stomach. It has also been employed with success in the treatment of sciatica. (It is said to act best in the decoction, about twenty drops in water being the dose) . ARGENTUM NITRICUM. Nervousness; fear of insanity; horrid dreams. Face old and ashen. Red papillae or spots on tip of tongue. Thick, tena- cious mucus. Excessive desire for sweets. 7 go Sexual Ills and Diseases. Belching. Syphilitic ophthalmia; pain deep in the eye. Violent itching of the external ears. Nasal catarrh, with dry throat. Diabetes. In gonorrhoea last few drops in urinating not emitted, cut- ting pains; chordee. Enlarged testicles ; following suppressed gonorrhoea. Pain in testicles. Stricture of urethra. Urine dark red. Urine passed unconsciously. Discharge of blood and mucus from urethra. Painful coition, followed by bleeding from the vagina. Menses ir- regular. Chancre. Pimples from syphilis. Periodic trembling. Pain near fifth rib, with blood spitting. Pain in calves of legs. Bmaciated legs. General sensa- tion of expansion in parts. Bluish-black eruptions on the skin. ARSENICUM. Restlessness, fear of being alone. Sudden and severe prostration. Sensa- tion as if brain moved. Periodical ills, such as headache, or chills and fever. Itching, dry, scaly skin, or eruptions. Intense thirst. Morning vomiting of drunkards. Furious cursing and raving Arsenicum. 91 in delerium tremens. Loss of hair in patches. Dry. rough scalp. Erysipe- latous swelling and burning of the head. Inside of eyelids feel dry and granular. Gonorrhoeal ophthalmia, exudation of pus from eye ; lid or lids glued together. Diminution or loss of sight in tobacco smokers. Thin, excoriating discharge from the ears. Nostrils scabby. Chronic catarrh with dry dirty skin. Cancer and cancerous ulceration. Fre- quent bleeding from the nose. Burning pains in the stomach; weight in the stomach. Ills of tobacco chewing. Labored breathing; short dry cough as from sulphur fumes. Asthma. Coughing blood, burning in chest or stomach. Winter colds, thin discharge. Dysentery or diarrhoea, with thirst or discharge of blood. Diarrhoea from chilling the stomach. Emissions during stool. Piles that burn like fire. Putrid flatus. Urine green, blue or black. Gonorrhoea in women when discharge is corroding. Corroding leucorrhoea. Syphilis w T hen ulcers become gangrenous. Psoriasis following syphilis. The characteristics 92 Sexual Ills and Diseases, of Arsenicum are burning pains, thirst , restlessness, sudden prostration and periodicity. ASARUM EUROPIUM. A remedy for certain forms of irritable nerves; patient cannot endure sounds, such as scratching on linen, on walls, etc. Thoughts and ideas gradually vanish. Said to control desire for alcoholic drinks or stimulants. Chilly temperament; without thirst. Has great reputation among the Russians for ill effects of ex- cessive drinking. AURUM METALLIOUM. The great mental symptom of Aurum is such hopelessness and despondency as leads to thoughts of suicide. Weakness of memory resulting from syphilis. Syphilitic affections of the bones. Im- paired vision from whiskey drinking. Tearing pains in the eyes from syphilis. To counteract effects of large doses of Mercury. Ozeana, especially syphilitic; affecting the bones of the nose ; disgusting odor. Caries of nasal bones. Red nobby Avena Sativa. 93 nose. Warts on the tongue from syphilis. Swollen vesicles when the complaint is of long standing. Jaundice, dyspepsia, rheumatism and general breakdown in syphilitics. Anrum is especially indicated when there is great despondency, and is to be distinguished from Mercurins largely by that symptom. The Aurum patient is over-sensitive to pain. AVENA SATIVA. An unproved remedy, that in practice has been successfully employed in the treatment of sexual debility and the mor- phine habit. Fifteen drops of the hom- oeopathic tincture, diluted with a little water, is said to wonderfully tone up sufferers from nervous exhaustion, palpi- tation of the heart and insomnia, result- ing from nocturnal emissions. The same dose is prescribed as a cure for the mor- phine habit. BARYTA CARBONICA. Especially useful in the ills of the aged of scrofulous constitution, and to those who have used much liquor. Apo- plexy of the old and after consequences 94 Sexual Ills and Diseases. of apoplexy. Vertigo of the old, and of drunkards. Cracking sounds in the ears when swallowing or chewing, difficult hearing. Chronic catarrh with much yellow mucus. Nose red. Upper lip swollen. Hungry, but cannot eat. Voice imperfect, in the aged. Trembling in the aged ; irresolution. Suffocative catarrh of the aged. Chronic stiff neck. Legs drag. Impotence, with numb feeling of genitals. Trembling, paralytic condi- tions. Face pimples. Fatty tumors of drinkers. Feels hidebound. Excessive nervous weakness, knees give way. Talk- ing in sleep of the aged. BELLADONNA. Furious anger. Throbbing headaches ; heat in the face ; pupils of eyes dilated ; headache better from compression, worse from stooping ; patient closes eyes from the pain, vanishing sight. Intolerance of noise. In gonorrhoea of females when there is a discharge of white mucus with dragging pains. Whitish leucorrhoea. A pressing downward. Rheumatism ex- cessively sensitive to the touch. Pain in Bellis Perennzs. 95 the small of the back as though it would break. Starts from fright when falling asleep ; vivid dreams. Redness and heat of whole body. (Scarlet fever and rash.) Sore throat — tonsilitis, quinsy. BELLIS PERENNIS. Said to develop symptoms analogous to those experienced by young mastubators. It is especially indicated in these when boils develop on them. Use the tincture pellets A remedy for ills resulting from being over-heated and getting drenched, while in that condition, with cold water. BRYONIA. Angry, morose, red faced, very irritable. Bad effects of anger. Bilious headaches ; headache worse from stooping. All com- plaints noticeably worse from motion. Violent vertigo. Toothache relieved by cold. Pain in the stomach from beer drinking. Hot, red face, and headache of drinkers. Swollen nose. Dry mouth and tongue ; tongue coated. Bitter taste. Constipation ; dry, hard stools almost as if burned. Burning in anus after stool. 9 6- Sexual Ills and Diseases. Pressure in stomach, after eating, as from a stone ; distension of stomach. Stitch- ing pain in ovaries. Gonorrhoea in females when discharge increases again after having decreased. Violent cough, must put hand to chest ; expectoration streaked with blood. Stitching or stick- ing pains in the chest, cannot draw a deep breath on account of them. Oppres- sion in region of heart. Swollen joints, (rheumatism) much oily or sour sweat. Any affected part painful on pressure and worse from motion. Yellow skin with nettle rash. OALADIUM. Aversion to medicine. Dizzy when lying down. Feeling as of a spider-web over the face. Dry burning throat. Flut- tering in the stomach. Emissions with- out erections. Erections suddenly cease during coition without orgasm. Itch- ing of vagina. Rash on chest. Rheu- matic pain between shoulders. Limbs very weak. Stitches as from needles in various parts of the body. Sudden burn- ing spots on various parts of the body. Calcarea Carbonica. 97 CALOAREA CARBONICA. Dread as evening draws near. Vertigo when ascending or looking np. Rush, of blood to the head. One-sided headaches. Head-sweats. Excessive accumulation of dandruff. Hair dry. Eyes become in- flamed at every exposure to cold. Takes cold easily. Catarrh in fat, light com- plexioned, sweaty, persons; in females who menstruate too soon and too profusely. Swelling at root of nose. Cough of tuberculosis, or scrofula. Asthma of fair fat people. Calcarea carb. 30 wonder- fully alleviates the pain of gall-stone colic. Gonorrhoea in women, burning milky discharge, and aching in vagina. Effects of masturbation, chalk-like stools, milky urine, palpitation of heart. Chlo- rosis, longing for sour things or slate pencils, etc.; cold feet. Skin eruptions when sensitive to cold ; scrofulous. Red nose or pimples, as a consequence of menstrual derangements. Boils in scrofu- lous persons Shortness of breath on ascending stairs. Frequent need to draw a long breath. Oppression of chest; much mucus in chest. Swelling of glands 9 8 Sexual Ills and Diseases, of the neck. Cold, damp feet; sweating feet, vSometimes burning soles. Gout; heaviness of body and sick feeling. CANNABIS SATIVA. Obstinate retention of urine. Frequent urging to urinate; cutting pains when urinating; pain and inflammation in kidneys. Penis swollen without erec- tion. Piercing pain in penis. Inflam- matory stage of gonorrhoea, prepuce swollen and urethra feels as in knots ; sensative to the touch. Gleet, gonorrhoea in females accompanied with strong sexual desire. Strong sexual desire in sterile women. Violent beating of the heart on moving. Said to be curative in opacity of the cornea and cataract. OANTHARIS. Insanity of mastubators. Burning stinging pain in the kidneys extending into the bladder, with desire to urinate but ability to pass only a few drops; re- tention of urine; blood passes with urine; fever. Constant involuntary dribbling of urine. Involuntary discharge of urine. Painful swelling of glans. Acute cases Carbo Vegetables. 99 of gonorrhoea with great difficulty in urinating, intense pain, blood passes with urine; cliordee; eyes inflamed. Strong and persistent erections. Satyriasis, in- tense, violent, uncontrolable sexual desire. Continuous erections. Spermatorrhoea with inability to retain urine. CAPSICUM. Inflammation of mucous membranes with discharges tinged with blood Clin- ically indicated for the ills that some- times follow the sudden breaking off of the alcohol habit. Burning pains accompanied by chilliness. Chronic suppuration of the ears. Sore throat of smokers and drinkers with burning. Chordee, excessive burning. Spermator- rhoea with sleeplessness. Stinging and itching in glans penis. Aversion to cold air, especially draughts; general coldness. CARBO VEGETABUJS Head feels muddled. Headache with chilliness. Vertigo or whirling head in morning after a debauch, also headache. Frequent nose-bleed, face pale, cold sweat IOO Sexual Ills and Diseases. on face, debility. Dyspepsia, flatulence, water-brash, heartburn; disgust for meat, brought on by too much liquor drinking. No appetite. Rumbling in the belly. Acid belching. Sour eructations. Abdo- men full of gas, distended. Cold breath, in collapse. Constipation, stool tough. Moisture from rectum, acrid or corrosive. Bright's disease from abuse of alcohol. Useful, with other remedies, in gonorrhoea when discharge is unusually offensive. Bubo, when discharge is especially of- fensive. Masturbation during sleep. Spermatorrhoea with great prostration, constipation and heartburn. Discharge too soon during coition. Itching of vulva. Dark carbuncles with offensive odor. Fetid ulcers, not very deep, with ichor- ous discharge. Varicose veins. The characteristics of this remedy are: of- fensive discharges, chilliness especially of feet, venous sluggishness and flatu- lence. Cold knees. Roughness in larynx; hoarseness and rawness. Difficult breath- ing, must have more air. Spasmodic hollow cough. Long continued palpita- tion of the heart. Stiffness of back. Carduus Marianus. 101 Hands burn or are very cold. Cold sweat, great debility. Awakens often with cold limbs. Shivering, weariness in the evening. CARDUUS MARIANUS Is especially useful in diseases of the liver and spleen, w^ith distension or tender- ness of the right hypochondrium ; pain in right side of abdomen below short ribs, or through chest to right shoulder. The remedy is all the more indicated if there be varicose veins or ulcers. Stitches in right side. Influenza, with dirty brown skin. The dose usually employed is five drops, or more, of the mother tincture. OAUSTICUM. Vertigo on looking upwards or fixedly at anything. Roaring in ears ; things re- echo. Stiff neck. Yellow face. Warts on the brow, nose or face; hard warts. Eruptions on lower half of the nose. Paralysis of one-half of face. Pain- ful looseness of teeth. Loss of voice. Distortion of mouth or tongue when talk- ing. Wetting the bed, both by young and old. Stringy mucus in the urine. 102 Sexual Ills and Diseases. Bladder feels as though never entirely emptied. Especially for the ill effects of retaining the urine, as when in company, travelling or in any circumstances pre- venting one from emptying the bladder. Involuntary discharge of urine when coughing, or from excitement. Pressure and sticking in rectum. Aversion to coitus by women; soreness of vulva; smarting in pudendum after urinating. Cannot speak a loud word. Violent cough with pain in the right chest. Tightness of chest. Uneasiness of limbs ; right hand feels as if paralyzed; aching hip joint. Cannot lie still or get an easy position. Paralysis of single parts. Rheumatism that draws affected part out of shape. CHINA. Great debility ; body sore all over ; pros- tration with neither thirst nor hunger. Yellow skin. Profuse sweat during sleep. Fever; no thirst during chill or heat. Ill effects of loss of fluids — blood, semen, leucorrhoea, night sweats, or nursing. In- termittent, bilious, gastric and fevers of a Cirnicijuga. 103 malarial origin ; there is thirst before chill and an intermission between chill and fever; give the remedy after the fever and while patient is comparatively com- fortable. Painless diarrhoea. Restless sleep, with starting and anxious dreams ; when awakening one finds it difficult to come to one's senses. CIMICIFUGA. A remedy especially useful for women, controlling inflammation and neuralgia of the uterus or ovaries, and reflex neuralgias and pains in various parts, due to dis- orders of those organs; also headaches from same cause. Mental depression, as if a pall or deep gloom were hanging over her. Menstruation painful and ir- regular, or suppressed. Pains in the side. Muscular rheumatism. COPFEA ORUDA. A remedy for sleeplessness accom- panied by extreme sensitiveness to ex- ternal impressions and mental activity; or sleeplessness due to bad effects of alco- hol and stimulants, with trembling hands. io4 Sexual Ills and Diseases. Neuralgia, with pain as though a nail were driven in the head. OOLOCYNTHIS. Vertigo on suddenly turning the head, bending forward or sideways. Headache that is worse when lying down. Roots of hair painful. Colic, or bellyache, causing patient to bend double. Cutting pains in bowels. Diarrhoea with cutting pains. Copious diarrhoea after the least food or drink. Empty feeling in stomach. Recent sciatica. Tearing and drawing in limbs. Phimosis and paraphimosis. Tendency of muscles to become cramped. OONIUM. Dread of being alone yet avoids society. Melancholy of celibacy. Inability to sustain mental effort. Vertigo, worse lying down. Acne (pimples) on face. Toothache when the teeth are sound. Weak vision, debility, can scarcely raise the eyelids. Constipation, when there is frequent desire for stool though but little passes. Tremulous weakness after every stool. Flow of urine suddenly stops. Leucorrhcea of milk-white color, with Cuprum. 105 labor-like pains. Enfeebled sexual organs from self-abuse, emission on the slighest provocation. Hard tumors. Stinking perspiration. iVsthmatic paroxysms, com- ing on in wet weather. Sharp thrusts through the chest. Clothes a weight on chest. Palpitation of heart, beats inter- mit. Sudden loss of strength, as if para- lyzed. Desire for sun-warmth. Dead feel- ing in the extremities — hands, fingers or feet. CUPRUM. Vertigo, with tendency to fall forward. Cramps of fingers, toes, feet and muscles general^. Cold sweats. Very slow pulse, " falling fits." Prevents cholera. Colic, cold skin and vomiting; collapse; cholera. Impotence in apparent^ strong men. Skin diseases when accompanied with convulsions. Paralysis of hands. FERRUM PHOS. Especially indicated in all inflammatory states and abnormal condition of blood corpuscles. Rushes of blood to the head. Head sore to the touch; headache, with red face. Eyes inflamed. Colds in the io6 Sexual Ills and Diseases, head. Hot, inflamed gums. Urine spurts out when coughing. Inability to retain urine, especially in women. Pain in testicles, with inflammation. Rheuma- tism. Stiff neck. Rheumatic pains in back and kidneys. Much inflammation in gonorrhoea. GELSEMIUM. Weakness and trembling of whole sys- tem ; vertigo in morning. Confused per- ception. Low forms of disease and fever. Blurred vision, heaviness of the eyes. Face heavy and besotted. Insomnia of drunkards. Sleeplessness from exhaus- tion. " Tobacco heart." Effects of ex- treme heat. Hot weather " colds." Dull drowsy headache Painless diarrhoea, sometimes involuntary. Involuntary uri- nation in elderly persons. Spermator- rhoea, pale face, blue rings about the eyes ; emissions without erections. Loss of muscular control of various parts ; stupor; lethargy. " Writer's cramp." GRAPHITES. Roaring in the ears in the unhealthy young. Deafness in scabby persons. Hamamelis. 107 Unhealthy obesity in the old. Oozy, sticky scnrf behind the ears or on scalp. Numb headache, much dandruff and itching ; hair falls out. Wens. Black pores on the nose. Erysipelas with tet- tery eruptions. Very dry cracked lips. Seminal emissions in the extremely emaciated and unhealthy looking. Ejacu- lations will not follow coition. Menstrual irregularities of fat women. Oozing, sticky eruptions on the skin. Eczema on genitals and in bend of knees, between fingers, etc. Angry, or inflamed old scars. Stinking sweat of the feet, and fetid perspiration generally, Aversion to sweet things. Constipation, stools large. HAMAMELIS. Hamamelis, or " witch hazel," has been a favorite popular remedy since the days when the red men revealed the virtue of the plant to the white men. Internally, and externally, it is useful in varicose veins ; phlebitis or inflamed veins ; I black eyes," from blows ; nose bleed (snuff a little of the extract and bleeding will at once cease) ; spongy, bleeding 108 Sexual Ills and Diseases. glims ; vomiting of blood ; bleeding piles ; pain in spermatic cord ; orchitis ; neural- gia of testicles ; uterine hemorrhage. The key note to the drug is " bleeding." HEPAR SULPHUR. Fretful and passionate, or desponding and sad. Craving for sour things. Fall- ing of hair from chronic headache Large pimples about the eyes, on face. Styes. Syphilitic iritis. Sensitive to open air; takes cold easily. Otorrhoea, offensive discharge from the ear. Beneficial in some cases of hardness of hearing follow- ing illness. Loose, rattling cough, choky or suffocating, chilly and sensitive to cold air. Debility from bleeding piles. Easily bleeding chancres. Abscesses. Whitlows. Sour sweats. Small hurts fester and heal slowly. Unhealthy skin. Hepar sulph* is especially the remedy for lymphatic people, with light hair and rather slow in disposition. HYDRASTIS. Relaxed mucous membranes; thick yellowish secretion. Sore mouth. Catarrh, yellow discharge, dropping from posterior Hyoscyanms. 109 nares into the throat. Catarrhal deafness. Superficial ulcerations. Gastric catarrh. Atonic dyspepsia, yellow slimy tongue. Iveucorrhoea with thick yellow secretions, accompanied by weakness and constipa- tion. Chronic gonorrhoea. General ten- dency to profuse perspiration. HYOSOYAMUS. Obscene mania; inclination to lewdly expose the person ; muscular twitchings, j mutterings. Hallucinations; sees persons who are not present, fears to be alone or in the dark. Enraged, wild, cursing; effects of drink ; flushed face ; restlessness and wakefulness of drinkers. Convul- sions with squinting of the eyes. Hard hearing, buzzing in the ears; stupefied. Hiccough, with red flushed face. Wetting the bed, or must rise frequently during : the night to urinate. Nymphomania, with desire to expose her person. Hysterical jerkings and twitchings. For coughs that come on while lying down but cease when sitting up. Head falls to one side or the other, with loquacity or silliness. Fits," staggering, sudden falling or s ■ no Sexual Ills and Diseases. cry, distortion or convulsion ; frothing* Paralysis agitans. IGNATIA. Tendency to start. Changeable disposi- tion, at one moment sad at another gay. Silent grief and effects of great sorrow. Distortion of facial muscles when speak- ing. Headache, sharp and confined to one point. Sinking at pit of stomach. Frequent emissions of watery urine. Incontinence of urine in women. Labor- like pains. Sexual desire with impotence. Contraction of penis. Complete absence of sexual desire. Sore throat when swallowing, feeling of lump in the throat when there is no lump there. KALI MURIATIOUM. Stuffy cold in the head. Deafness ; snapping noises in the ear. Diseases of the ear generally. " The principal remedy in gonorrhoea." (B. & D.) " In bubo for the soft swelling and in soft chancres it is also the chief remedy." {Mem.) Chronic syphilis. Mucous patches. Ulcerated gums. " Periods too frequent." {Idem.) Kali Bichromtcum. in " Leucorrhcea, discharge milky white." {Idem.) Morning sickness of pregnancy. Restless sleep; starts at noises. Glandular swellings generally and skin diseases, such as eczema, herpes, boils and ulcera- tions. KALI BI0HROMI0UM. Rheumatism, chronic and of the cold variety. Dyspepsia of beer-drinkers ; weight in stomach after food. Thick, tough and stringy mucus. Catarrh, with yellow, tough and stringy mucus. Very fat men troubled with an accumulation of phlegm. Blotched, pimply face, asso- ciated with dyspepsia. Venereal chancre with chees}^ exudation. Yellow, tena- cious leucorrhoea. KALI PHOSPHORIOUM. Threatened softening of the brain. Brain fag, mental break down, men cry like children; are unable to attend to business. Horribly offensive catarrh and breath. Carion-like diarrhoea. Stinking discharges from the ears. Haemorrhages of blackish blood. Greasy, offensive skin. Neurasthenia from sexual excess, or J 112 Sexual Ills and Diseases. masturbation. General physical and mental break down and decay. Bad state of the blood. KREOSOTUM. Loss of flesh. General tendency to decomposition of fluids. Fetid discharges. Eyes hot and smarting. Chronic inflam- mation of the eyelids. Syphilitic deaf- ness. Rapid and premature decay of the teeth. Dyspepsia, with cold feeling in epigastric region. Chronic vomiting. Chronic irritability of the stomach. Ex- ceedingly foul diarrhoea. Gonorrhoea, es- pecially in females, wheu discharge may be bloody and especially if very foul smell- ing. Syphilis, low-spirited, hair falls out, scalp painful, livid complexion. Urine flows involuntarily during deep sleep. Corrosive itching of vulva. LAOHESIS. Jealousy. Haughtinesss. Weak talka- tiveness. Incessant talk. Delirium tre- mens, when patient is very talkative. Trembling hands and lost appetite of drinkers. Red nose of drunkards. One- sided headache, especially if chronic. Lappa Officinalis. 113 Very dry ears, and deafness of such. Gums dark purple and bleeding. Left- sided throat affections. Affections where throat is very tender to the touch. Lachesis in general is indicated where u worse after sleeping 7 ' is noted; also u intolerance of clothing." Nervous palpi- tation of the heart, can bear nothing tight about throat or abdomen. Gastritis of drunkards. Syphilitics, with red nose and yellow whites of eyes. Syphilitic ulcers, especially on the legs, that tend to be- come gangrenous. Menstrual colic. Blood poisoning. Gangrene of wounds. Nervous sleeplessness. Dark-colored, or black, blood ; dark haemorrhages. LAPPA OFFICINALIS. An old favorite " people's remedy," who believed it to be the best of " blood puri- fiers ;" (clinically it has cured 3^ellow, scabby eruptions); also that it would cure sterilit} r in women, which latter belief was concurred in by some of the older physicians. It has been known to cause and consequently will cure excessive white discharges in the urine. It has also ii4 Sexual Ills and Diseases. cured prolapsus of the uterus that re- sisted all mechanical treatment by pes- saries, etc. LYCOPODIUM. Confusion of thoughts and in use of words ; slow of comprehension. Mental torpor of the aged. Dyspepsia ; hungry, but soon satisfied; distended stomach; everything in it seems to be fermenting and acid. Flatulence. Constriction of anus. Pain in the back before urinating ; urine contains " brick dust" sediment. Impotence, loss of sexual desire, " used up " from too much indulgence in coition. Dread of sexual intercourse after too much indulgence. Chronic dryness of vagina. Redness of prepuce with much itching. Yellow exudation behind glans penis. Gravel. Inflammation of prostate. Pains and stitches in the bladder. Urging to urinate, but must wait for stream to flow. Pain in kidney and bladder. Urinary troubles of old men. Rheumatic gout in joints. Chronic rheumatism. Lumbago in the old. Varicose veins and ulcers. Merairius. 115 MEROURIUS. (Under this heading are gathered indi- cations for Merc. so/. } Men. viv., Merc. cor. and Merc, dul.) . Feeling of great fullness and pressure in the brain : Merc. v. Coryza, acrid corroding discharge, drop- ping of water from nose : Merc. s. Coryza, with greenish discharge, swollen nose : Merc. v. Inflammation of gums ; gums bleed easily ; teeth loose : Merc. s. Toothache with inflammation : Merc s. Ulcers of lips: Merc. v. Sore mouth, stinking breath : Merc. v. Dry cough, exhausting cough : Merc. s. Night sweats about thighs : Merc. d. Bloody stools ; "flux :" Merc. c. Greenish stools : Merc. v. Fall dysentery : Merc. s Anus sore and corroded : Merc. s. Syphilis, red raised spots, pustules, little red ulcers, sores on legs, bone pains, erup- tions on head, inflamed eyes : Merc. s. Syphilis, swelling of head or neck, dis- charge from ear, red nose, ozaena, swollen gums, ulcers in mouth or tonsils, foul breath, swollen glands : Merc. c. Red ulcer on prepuce with inflammation and n6 Sexual Ills and Diseases. itching : Merc. v. Bubo : Merc. c. Small itching spots bleeding easily : Merc. c. Greenish gonorrhoea, worse at night : Merc. v. Swollen testicles : Merc. v. Nasty secretions with itching of glans penis : Merc. v. Spermator- rhoea, burning anus, cold sweat, sensitive to cold : Merc. v. Swelling of genital organs, susceptible to cold, chilly ; itch- ing of genital organs: Merc. v. Leu- corrhoea, with discharge of large flocks, vagina inflamed : Merc. v. Intense itch- ing of vulva, especially after urinating : Merc. v. Syphilitic rheumatism and rheumatism with much sweat, joints af- fected, bone pains : Merc. v. Very foul breath : Merc. v. Dry eczema, bleeding when scratched : Merc. v. Scabies in elbows : Merc. v. Bluish ulcers : Merc. v. Offensive smelling sweat : Merc. v. MOSCHUS. Hysterical headache, fainting fits. Hysterical fits. Nosebleed with pale face. Acute asthma in hysterical persons. Painful emissions. Palpitation of the heart in the hysterical. Intense sexual Natrum Miiriaticum. 117 desire, but nausea or vomiting after em- brace. Nymphomania, urine scanty. Hysterical scolding; fear of death. Hys- terical spasms and convulsions. Sup- pressed menses, with hysterical spasms. Pimples on hysterical persons. Moschus is, in general, indicated in nervousness in connection with sexual derangements. NATRUM MURIATIOUM Beating, chronic headache, beginning in the morning. Headache, like a weight on the head. Better in open air and from gentle motion. Watery discharges charac- terize the remedy. Eyes water. Cracked lower lip. Syphilitic pimples on lower lids, with waterj T discharge. Coryza, or ki sneezing cold," with watery running. Greasy skin. Chancre where caustics have been employed. Gouorrhoea, or gleet, where Nitrate of silver has been injected ; also where discharges are clear and color- less. Chills and fever with great thirst, and violent headache with heat; much perspiration. Intermittent fever. Affec- tions and persons worse at seaside. (Use the 30th potency.) Thirst is a general u8 Sexual Ills and Diseases. accompaniment of this remedy. Back- ache and general weariness. Hang nails. NATRUM SULPHURIOUM. For bilious conditions; yellow secre- tions, or discharges, bile, liver affections. Tongue dirty brown or greenish brown. Complaints brought on by living in damp houses or cellars. Complaints worse in wet weather. Yellow " whites" of eyes. Sallow, jaundiced face. Biliousness, bit- ter fluid arises or is vomited. Diabetes. Gonorrhoea; von Grauvogl, medical di- rector of the Bavarian army, claimed that for simple gonorrhoea no other remedy was needed, and he treated many thou- sands. Chronic gonorrhoea, especially if discharge is yellow or greenish yellow. Fig warts. Warts around eyes, scalp or anus. Yellow leucorrhcea. NITRIC ACID. Falling of hair after fevers. Affections resulting from large doses of mercury or calomel. Dim sight and sore eyes from syphilis or gonorrhoea. Gums bleed easily and teeth are loose. Ulcerated sore throat Nux Vomica. 119 due to syphilis, or mercury. Fissure in anus. Chancres and syphilitic affections that have been treated with mercury. Leucorrhoea in women who have had syph- ilis. Boils on the head. Bleeding ulcers. The remedy is especially indicated in dark-complexioned people, with offensive discharges and splinter-like pains. Chronic enlargement of the liver. Dysen- tery, very painful, yet requires straining to pass stool. NUX VOMICA. Hypochondriacs with an insane desire to kill some particular person. Wants to be alone. Fears of poverty and anxiety thereat. Bad effects of abuse of liquor, tobacco and coffee. Bad effects of a sedentary life. Especially indicated in spare, easily angered persons. Headache of sedentary persons. Headache as if head were bigger than the body, "swelled head" of drinkers. Sick headache, with vomiting or constipation. Furious de- lirium tremens when much force is needed to control patient. Congestion of blood to head. Stuffy colds. A remedy for 120 Sexual Ills and Diseases. any invalid wlio has taken much allo- pathic, or patent, medicine, to be followed by indicated remedy as effects of drugging pass off, should any trace of disease re- main. Lumbago in drinkers. Constipa- tion, especially of sedentary persons; frequent but ineffectual urgings; large stool. Constipation following diarrhoea checked by large doses of astringents. Gonorrhoea after failure of allopathic drugs (to begin treatment) . Spermator- rhoea in heavy drinkers. Masturbation, pollutions chiefly in morning ; desire to De alone; very irritable. Chorea after drugging or abuse of liquor. Red, blotchy skin. PASSIPLORA INOARNATA. An old but unproved remedy that has been used with success in cases of in- somnia, neuralgia, lockjaw, convulsions, delirium tremens, nervousness and the morphine habit. It is said to act well in all nervous ills only when the tongue is clean. The dose is from five to twenty drops of the tincture, or that many " drop-tablets, " each representing a drop of the tincture. Petroleum. 121 PETROLEUM. Headache in back part of the head, with nausea. Seasickness, especially if accompanied by occipital pains. Inflam- mation of margins of eyelids. Deafness, with frequent occipital headache. Ca- tarrh, or ozsena, with cracked nostrils. Nocturnal enuresis; dribbling of urine after micturition ; constant pain in back with frequent call to urinate ; swollen feet. Bright's disease. Secondary syphi- litic eruptions ; herpes of scrotum, erup- tion ; red, raw and bleeding, or oozing. Cracked finger tips ; deep cracks on the hands. Fetid sweating of the feet, and arm-pits. PHOSPHORIC ACID. Weak indifference to the affairs of life. Quiet apathy. Pain on the top of the head following great loss of animal fluids. Vertigo, falling forward. Brain-fag, nerv- ous debility, confused head, weak mem- ory and dejection. Nausea in the throat. Painless, thin or watery diarrhoea. Chronic diarrhoea. Voiding large quan- tities of pale urine. Spermatorrhoea, loss 9 j 122 Sexual Ills and Diseases, of semen on least provocation, debility and apathy. Sleep full of lascivious dreams. Impotence. Seminal discharge shortly after erection. Night sweats. Leucorrhoea with chlorosis, debility and indifference. Weakness in the small of the back from sexual excesses, debility or masturbation. Pale face, sunken eyes, blue rings or margins. Inveterate bleed- ing ulcers. Boils on thighs, hips or nates. " Growing pains" in the young. Homesickness. Hair turns gray early in life. Falling out of eye-lashes. Yel- low teeth and degeneration of gums. Milky like urine. Nervous palpitation in masturbators. Weak small of the back and heavy limbs. Blood boils. PHOSPHORUS. The leading traits of this remedy are fatty degeneration, inability for mental exertion, absence of thirst, oppressed chest, low fever, exhaustion, and painless diarrhoea. Melancholia. Softening of the brain. Brain fag. Brain feels tired. Headache over left eye. Head- ache, with pain if forehead is touched. Platinum. 12.3 Headache every other day. Hair falls out in tufts. Extreme sensibility to light ; colored rings around the light. Cataract. Blue before the eyes or flashes of light. Hard hearing of the human voice. Catarrh in ivory skinned, tall, slim persons. Nasal catarrh with greenish, bloody mucus. Necrosis of lower jaw. Chronic nervous coughs. Constipation when passed faeces is long and slender. Gastric ulcers. As soon as drink gets warm in stomach it is vomited. Gonorrhoea of female when discharge is milky. Syphilitic affections of the bones when accompanied with great debility and emaciation. Effects of masturbation, weak memory and painless diarrhoea, fre- quent headache and cough, hectic night sweats, jaundice, urine milky, fatty heart. PLATINUM. Especially for dark-haired women. De- pression of mind ; melancholy ; weeping ; fear of death ; religious melancholy. Copious and early menstruation. Flushes of heat. Fretful and irritable. Vertigo, 124 Sexual Ills and Diseases. dare not move the eyes. Noises in the ears due to nervous causes. Constipa- tion of travelers. Constipation with feel- ing of load in rectum. Leucorrhcea, glairy, egg-white. Nymphomania. In- tense desire for sexual gratification by women, especially the unmarried. Peri- odic headache that increases and decreases gradually. The persistent use of Platina 30, ac- cording to von Grauvogl, will cure the mental imbecility or weakness resulting from self-abuse or masturbation. PULSATILLA. Especially for the light-complexioned and blue-eyed. Women predisposed to leucorrhcea, catarrh ; weep easily. Head- aches that are better in the open air or from pressure; increased by warmth. Headache from indigestion or from fatty food. Bad taste in the mouth. Styes on the eye. Neuralgia worse from warmth. Earache. Frequent chilliness, absence of thirst, feels better out of doors. Yellow or greenish discharges, profuse ; predisposed to nasal catarrh. Cold in Ratanhia. 125 the nose. Dyspepsia, feels bloated, wants clothes loose about abdomen, empty feel- ing in stomach, can taste food a long time after it is eaten ; rotten eructations. Rumbling watery diarrhoea, with chilli- ness. Enuresis in girls. Gonorrhoea in females with rather painless discharge. Masturbation in females, followed by leucorrhoea or hysteria. Leucorrhoea in fair, light-complexioned women. Weak back ; backache extending into hips. Chlorosis, with chilliness, bad digestion and oppressed chest. Hysteria in mild, light-complexioned women. Retarded menstruation generally is amenable to Pulsatilla, profuse menstruation to Sepia. Wandering pains. Thirstlessness. Swoll- en testicles ; inflammation of testicles. Neuralgia of the testicles. Gout when pains shift from place to place. RATANHIA. Clinically this remedy has been found to exert considerable influence on the anus. It has cured intense itching of the anus ; fissures ; great constriction and pain ; diarrhoea, bloody or thin, ac- 126 Sexual Ills and Diseases. companied by intense burning ; dry heat in anus. The action of this remedy is greatly facilitated by the use of Ratanhia rectal suppositories. RHUS TOX. Complaints originating in getting wet. Eczema. Strains and sprains. Cannot re- main quiet, must move. Rheumatism, es- pecially if caused by getting wet or from dampness ; cannot remain long in one position, must move to get relief. Rheu- matism of the jaws. Swollen, red, glans penis. Erysipelatous inflammation of penis. Moist eruptions on genitals, not the result of syphilis, or gonorrhoea ; soreness and smarting of the genitals. Spinal irritation from sexual excesses. Lameness and stiffness of joints. Re- tention of urine from getting wet. SEPIA. General relaxation, fatigue, and ex- haustion. Increasing dizziness. Stag- gering and forgetfulness of hard drinkers or from sexual excesses. Many chronic headaches. Neuralgic headache. Men- Sepia. 127 ses too profuse. Sick headaches with blurred vision. Sour sweat about head. Profuse perspiration of hands or feet. Eruptions, pimples and pustules on the face, especially in sallow-complexioned persons; scaly eruption on the legs. Yellow streak across the nose ; chronic catarrh when this streak is present. Brown spots on the skin. Ringworm. Tobacco dyspepsia. Wants to eructate but cannot ; dyspep- sia, acid dyspepsia. Fetid, putrid urine; turbid urine. Wetting the bed by mas- turbators. Epilepsy of onanists. Boils on neck, jaw or in arm pits of dark-com- plexioned persons. Gleet. Leucorrhcea. Red spots on the glans, coming and go- ing; sexual intercourse very painful. Un- ceasing and exhausting leucorrhoea. Even a soft stool voided with difficulty owing to inactivity of rectum. Weight in rectum not relieved by evacuation. Urging to urinate with bearing down sen- sation. Chronic urethral discharges. Coitus followed by restlessness and anx- iety. In general Sepia is indicated by a dark-complexion, brown or yellow 128 Sexual Ills and Diseases. spots, " liver spots," and especially the yellow, or brown, "saddle" across the bridge of the nose. It has also a "bear- ing down" sensation. SABAL SERRULATA. This remedy has but recently been in- troduced and partially proved. It has a most marked action on the prostate gland of men and the mammary glands of women. Men who are unable to void urine without resort to a catheter on ac- count of enlarged prostate have been either entirely cured or very much bene- fited by taking five or ten drops, of the tincture twice a day. Is also said to en- large the breasts of women. It is also much commended by some physicians to restore lost, or lessened, ability in men to perform the sexual act; this applying to those who are otherwise normal and whose lost power is not the result of vene- real disease. SOLIDAGO VIRGO-AUREA. This old, but unproved remedy is men- tioned by many writers, among whom we Staph isrgria . 129 may name Dr. Gallavardin {Homoeopathic Treatment of Alcoholism, p. 131), who records the fact that the first dilution of the remedy was administered three times a day, to seven cases, ranging from forty- two to seventy-four years of age, who " had been obliged to catheterize them- selves for weeks, months and years, and cured them so thoroughly that they had no relapses." The indications especially calling for the remedy are, pain in the kidneys ; difficult and scanty urination ; urine dark with dark brown sediment. Ancient writers highly commend this remedy "to provoke urine in abundance, whereby the gravel or stone " may be dispelled. STAPHISAGRIA. Very sensitive, easily gets indignant, anxious about the future. Scald head, yellow eruptions. Lousy persons. Styes especially on the upper lid. Prevents styes. Weak eyes, easily tired. Chronic gout. Warts, especially dry fig warts, when Thuja fails to cure. Masturbation of long standing, sunken eyes, giddiness, 130 Sexual Ills and Diseases. confusion, taciturn ; anxiety about the health ; hair dry, lustreless and inclined to fall out. Queer notions and actions, lunacy of the act of masturbating. Sem- inal emissions, very sensitive, subject to imaginary fears, headache. Mind persists on dwelling on sexual subjects. Shrunk- en testicles ; aching pain in testicles. Teeth inclined to turn black, and cannot be kept clean ; prematurely decay. Spon- gy, bleeding gums, toothache. Offensive perspiration in women afflicted with leu- corrhoea. Weak and very nervous. Night- mare. SULPHUR. Forgetful. Profound melancholy. Ver- tigo on arising or ascending. Headache, constant pain, or heat, on top of the head. Ills following the itch, especially in cases where external applications have been used to suppress it. Eyes grow dim, water, margins of lids inflamed. Flushes of heat. Dirty, greasy skin; perspires easily ; copper colored spots. Sulphur patients perspire easily. Impotence ; erections, but premature discharge. Re- Tabatnm. 131 laxed testicles. Desire to urinate im- perative and must be complied with. Chronic leucorrhoea. Sulphur is a rem- edy that can be used occasionally in con- nection with other remedies as an inter- current in many diseases. The Sulphur patient is apt to be dirty, averse to wash- ing ; has burning of the soles or palms; coarse, rough skin; drinks more than he eats; stoops; has flushes of heat; sleeps in cat-naps, and is generally worse at night, and irritable. TABAOUM. Clinically Tabacum 3 has cured long- standing constipation in women, even cases of twenty years' duration. TARANTULA CUBENSIS. Chipfly useful in the more malignant cases of carbuncle, anthrax and abscesses. Has been used successfully in the treat- ment of malignant syphilitic buboes. Also for malignant diphtheria. THUJA. Very scrupulous; fancies some one is along side; thinks one's self double; or j 132 Sexual Ills and Diseases. that an animal is in the abdomen ; sensa- tion that the body is thin and delicate. Worse in rainy weather. Vertigo on closing the eyes. Useful for all fungus, warty growths, fig- warts, polypi and cauli- flower excrescences and pear-shaped warts. Incontinence of urine in warty persons. Gonorrhoea when complicated with con- dylomata, i. e., fleshy or warty growths. Gonorrhoeal rheumatism. Gleet when complicated with excrescences. Elevated syphilitic excrescences. Leucorrhcea of warty women. Skin diseases, especially on the covered parts. Teeth decay next to the gums. Illness dating from and fol- lowing vaccination. VISOUM ALBUM. A remedy dating back to the Druids. While not in general use it was proved by Dr. Huber and found by him to be peculiarly useful in gouty rheumatic complaints, where the pain is of a tear- ing nature, and in all pains of a rheumatic nature. Rheumatic deafness. Ills of women at climacteric period, when men- struation ceases; chronic or periodical hemorrhages. PART III. CLINICAL INDEX. J; NOTE. This Indkx is designed to assist the reader in his search through the foregoing Materia Medica for any particular symptom or condition. The reader however should always turn to the Ma- teria Medica and note the general characteristic of the remedy before making final selection. CLINICAL INDEX. ABDOMEN. Full of gas, distended, Carbo veg. APOPLEXY. Baryta card. ASTHMA. Amb. gris., Ars., Calc. card., Mosch. AVERSIONS AND DESIRES. Aversion to coitus by women, Caust. Aversion to sweet things, Graph. 11 " medicine, Calad. kt draughts, Caps. 11 washing, Sid. Desire for sweets, Argent, nit. " " sour, Hepar sulph., Calc. carb. 11 " sun warmth, Sul. BACK. Backache and weariness, Nat. tnur. Lumbago in drinkers, Nux zvm. Pain in small of, as though it would break, Bell. Pain in, before urinating, Lye. Pain in, with frequent desire to urinate, Petr. Rheumatic pains in, Ferr. phos. Spinal irritation, Rhus tox. Weakness in, from debility, Phos. acid. Weak, Puis. BETTER. From gentle motion, Nat. mur. From pressure, Puis. In open air, Natr. mur., Puis. BLADDER. Burning in, Aco. Effects of voluntary retention of urine, Caust. Feeling as though it were empty, Caust. Gravel, Lye. Pain and stitches in, Lye. BLOOD. Abnormal, Ferr. phos. 136 Clinical Index. Blackish, Kali phos., Lack. Blood poisoning from gangrene or putrid flesh, Lack. " Purifier," Lappa off. BOILS. Agar., Bellis per., Calc. card., Hepar sulph., Kali mur. , Nil. acid, Phos. acid, Sepia. BONKS. Necrosis, Phos. Pains, Merc. Syhilitic affections of, Aur. fuel. BRAIN. As though under the influence of alcohol, As if brain moved, Ars. Brain fag, neurasthenia, Kali phos., Phos. acid. Fullness and pressure in, Merc. Softening, Kali phos., Phos. CANCER. Ars. CARBUNCLE. Tarant. Cub. CATARRH. Chronic, with dry, dirty, scaly skin, Ars. " " yellow mucus, Baryla card. Hyd. " with yellow streak across nose, Sepia. Horribly offensive, Kali phos. In fat, easily sweating patients, Calc. carb. In tall, thin persons, Phos . Ozeana, disgusting odor, Aur. met. Profuse greenish discharge, Puis. With cracked nostrils, Petr. With dry throat, Argent, nit. With greenish discharge, Merc. With yellow, tough, stringy mucus, Kali bichrom. CHEST. Breath short, Calc. carb. Difficult breathing, Carbo veg. Oppression, Calc. carb., Puis. Rash on, Calad. Tightness of, Caust. Tough phlegm, Kali bichrom. Clinical Index. 137 COITION. Agnus cast., Argent, nit.. Cay bo veg., Canst., Calad., Graph., Mosch., Septa. CONSTIPATION. Bry. , Carbo veg. , Con., Graph. , Nux vom., Plat., Tab. CONVULSIONS. Con., Cup., Hyos., Nux vom., Passi- flora inc., Sepia. COUGHS. Ars., Bry., Ca/c. carb., Carbo veg., Hepar sulph., Hyos., Merc, Phos. DIARRHCEA OR DYSENTERY. Anac, Ars., China, Coloc, Gels., Kali phos., Kreo., Merc, Nit. acid, Phos., Phos. acid, Puis. EARS. Catarrhal deafness, Hyd. Chronic suppuration, Caps. Deafness, snapping noises, Baryta carb., Kali mur. Deafness with frequent headache, Petr. Dry with deafness, Lach. Earache, Puis. Hard hearing, buzzing, Hyos. 11 s< of human voice, Phos. Noises due to nervous causes, Plat. Otorrhcea, offensive discharge, Hepar sulph. Red and swollen, Apis met. Rheumatic deafness, Vis. alb. Roaring in, Caust<, Graph. Stinking discharge, Kali phos. Syphilitic deafness, Kreo. Thin excoriating discharge, Ars. ENURESIS. Caust., Hyos., Petr., Puis., Sepia. EYES. Baggy puffiness under the, Apis met. Blue rings around the, Phos. acid. Dim and sore from syphilis or gonorrhoea, Nit. acid. Hot and smarting, Kreo. Impaired vision, Ars., Aur. met., Con. Inflamed, Ars., Calc carb., Fer rum phos. Margins of lids inflamed, Petr. , Sul. Opacity of cornea, cataract, Can. sat., Phos. IO I.3.8 Clinical Index. Ophthalmia, Argent, nit., Ars. Pain deep in the, Argent, nit. Pimples on lids, Nat. mur. Sensibility to light, Phos. Squinting, with convulsions, Hyos. Styes, Hepar sulph., Puis., Staph. Twitching of lids, Agar. Water, Nat. mur. , Sul. Weak, easily tired, Staph. Yellow, whites of, Lach., Nat. sulph. FACE. Blotched and pimply, Kali bichrom. Distortion of facial muscles, Ign. Eruptions, pimples, sallow face, Sepia. Old and ashen, Argent, nit. Pale, eyes sunken, Phos. acid. Pimples on hysterical, Mosch. Sallow, jaundiced, Nat. sulph. FAINTING FITS. Mosch. FEVER, CHILL AND SWEATS. Chills and fever, Ars. , Nat. mur., China. Chilly temperament, Puis. Cold sweat, Carbo veg. , Cup. " Colds,' * A co., Ars., Calc. carb., Ferrum phos., Gels., Kali mur., Nat. mur., Nux vom. Feverish, Aco. Foot-sweat, Calc. carb., Graph., Petr., Sepia. Head-sweats, Calc. carb. Intermittent fever, Ars. , Nat. mur. Low fevers, Gels., Phos. Night sweats, China, Merc. , Phos. acid. Oily sweat, Bry. Profuse sweat, Hyd., China. Sour sweat, Bry., Hepar sulph., Sepia. Stinking sweat., Con., Graph., Merc. GONORRHCEA, GLEET. Aco., Agar., Agnus castus, Apis mel. , Ars. , Bry. , Calc. carb. , Can. sat. , Canth. , Clinical Index. 1 39 Carbo veg., Caps., Ferrum phos., Hyd., Kali mur., Kreo., Merc, Nat. mur., Nat. sulph., Nux vom., Puis., Rhus to, v., Sepia, Thuja. HEMORRHOIDS. Aching in back and hips, ^£s. Aching in pit of stomach, ALs. Bleeding, Ham. " Blind," JEs. Burn like lire, Ars. Debility from, Hepar sulph. Feeling as of chestnut burr in rectum, Ars. Liver engorged, AEs. HAIR. Dry, Calc. carb. Falling out after fevers, Nit. acid. Falling out in tufts, Phos. Loss of, in patches, Ars. Lustreless, in masturbators, Staph. Turns gray early, Phos. acid. HEAD. Boils on, Nit. acid. Congestion of blood to, Aco., Calc. carb., Per rum phos., Nux vom'.. Dry, rough scalp, dandruff, Ars. Erysipelatous swelling and burning, Ars. Lousy, Staph. Pains on top, Phos. acid, Sul. Sore to touch, Ferrum phos. Stuff y cold in, Ferrum phos. Sweats, Calc. carb. HEADACHE. Back of head, Petr. Beating, chronic, weight on top, Nat mur. Bilious, worse from motion, Fry. Chronic, neuralgic, Sepia. Dull and drowsy, Gels. Every other day, Phos. Heat on top of head and flushes of heat, Sul. Hysterical, Mosch. One-sided, Calc. carb., Lach. Periodic, gradual increase and decrease, Plat. 140 Clinical Index. Throbbing, hot face, closes eyes, Bell. Sharp and at one point, Ign* " Swelled " head of drinkers, or headache of sedentary men, Nux vom. With chilliness, Carbo veg. With red face, cold in head, head sore, Ferrum phos. Women menstrual derangements, Cimic. Worse lying down, Coloc. HEART. Fatty, Phos. Fluttering, Amb. gris., Apoc. can. Oppression of, Bry. Palpitation of, Carbo veg., Con., Lack., Mosch. 1 ' Tobacco ' ' heart, Gels. Violent beating, Can. sat., Canth. HYSTERIA. Mosch. IMPOTENCE, Agnus cast., Baryta carb., Cup., Ign., Phos. acid, Lye. KIDNEYS. Bright's disease, Carbo veg., Petr. Diabetes, Nat. sulph. Inflammation of, Apis met., Can. sat., Canth. Rheumatic pains in back and kidneys, Ferrum phos. Pain in, and to provoke urine, Sol. vir.-aur. Pain in, and bladder, Lye. Rheumatic pains in, and back, Ferrum phos. LEUCORRHCEA. Chronic, Sepia. Discharge, corroding, Ars. Discharge, glairy, Plat. Discharge, milky white, Kali mur. Discharge, thick, yellow, Hyd. Discharge, thin bluish or gray, Amb. gris. Discharge, transparent, Agnus cast. Discharge, unceasing and exhausting, Sepia. Discharge, white, labor-like pain, Con. Discharge, yellow, Kali bichrom., Nat. sulph. With chlorosis, Phos. acid. With inflammation, Merc. Clinical Index. 141 With offensive sweat, Staph. With syphilis, Nit. acid. With warts , Th uja . LIMBS. Burning soles and palms, Sul . Chilblains, Agar. Cold, Carbo veg. Cramps, Coloc, Cup., Gels. Dead feeling of extremities, Con. Emaciated legs, Argent, nit. Feet and hands sweat, Sepia. Feet cold and sweaty, Calf. card. Feet heavy, Phos. acid. Feet swollen, Petr. Fetid arm pit sw T eat, Petr. Finger tips fissured, Petr. Legs and feet waxy, dropsy, Apis met. Legs swollen, dropsy, Apoc. can. Paralysis, Canst., Cup. Scaly eruption on legs, Sepia. Swollen joints, rheumatism, Bry., Rhus tox. White swelling of the knee, Apis met. LIPS. Cracked, lower one, Nat. mur. LIQUOR, EFFECTS OF. Abuse of, also coffee, Nux vom. Ill effects of sudden breaking off, Caps. Impaired vision, Aur. met. Morning vomiting, Ars. Red nose, Lack. Scrofulous drunkards, Baryta card. To control desire. Asa. Europ. Trembling, Lach. Vertigo and nausea, Carbo veg. LIVER. Bilious, Bry., Nux vom., Nat. sulph. Distension, varicose veins. Card. mar. Engorged, s£s. Enlargement, chronic, Nit. acid. Jaundice, Aur. met., Phos. Ji 142 Clinical Index* LOCKJAW. Passif. inc. LUNGS. Breath stinking, Merc. Labored breathing, Ars. Much phlegm in fat persons, Kali bichrom. MENSTRUATION. Aco., Agnus cast., Amb. gris., Agar., Argent, nit., Calc. carb., Cimic, Kali mur., Lack., Mosch., Puis., Sepia. MENTAL. Absence of mind, Agar. Anger, Bell., Bry. Apathy, weak indifference, Phos. acid. Confused perception, Gels. Curse and swear, tendency to, Anac. Depressed, melancholy, Plat. Dread as evening draws near, Calc. carb. X>read of being alone, Con. Easily indignant, anxious, Staph. Fancy one's self double, Thuja. Fear of death when ill, Aco. Fear of insanity, Argent, nit. Fretful, melancholy, Sul. Forgetfulness, Amb. gris. Forgetful or desponding, Hepar sulph. Grief, silent, Ign. Hallucinations, Hyos. Hypochondria, fear of poverty, Nux vom. Ill humor, Agar. Inability to sustain mental effort, Con. Irritability, Bry. Jealous, haughty, Lach. Loss of memory, Anac, Aur. met. Low-spirited, Agnus cast. Melancholia, Agnus cast. , Phos. Melancholy of celibacy, Con. Memory weak from abuse, Phos. Mental break down, Kali phos. Obscene mania, Hyos. Pall of gloom, (7imic. Clinical Index. 143 Restlessness, Aco., Ars. Selfishness, Agar. Suicidal state, Aar. met. Tearful, Puis. Time passes slowly, Amb. gris. Timid, fear, Aco. Thoughts and ideas vanish, Asa. Europ. MORPHINE, HABIT. Ave. sat., Passif. inc. MOUTH. Distortion of, Caust. Dry and parched, Aco. Gums bleed easily, Nit. acid, Merc, Staph. Gums inflamed, Ferr. phos. Gums ulcerated, Kali mur. Sore, Hyd., Merc. Tongue, papilae on tip of, Argent, nit. NAILS Hang nails, Nat. mur. NECK. Glands of, swollen, Calc. card. Stiff, Caust., Ferr. phos. Chronic, stiff, Baryta card. NERVES. Hysteria, Amb. gris., Puis. Irritable, Asa. Europ. Neuralgia, Coffea cruda, Passif. inc. Neurasthenia, Kali phos. Nervous debility, Phos. acid. Spasmodic jerkings, Agar. Trembling, Agar., Argent, nit., Baryta carb. Twitching, Agar., Hyos. Twitching of eyelids, Agar. Weak, Staph. NOSE. Acrid, corroding discharge, Merc. Black pores on, G~aph. Caries of nasal bones, Aur. met. Cold in, Puis. Greenish discharge, Merc. Nose bleed, Carbo veg., Ham., Mosch. Nostrils scabby, Ars. Ozcena, Aur, met., Petr. 144 Clinical Index. Red, Calc. card., Lack. Red and nobby, Aur. met. Swelling at root of, Calc. card. Swollen, Bry. Yellow streak across, Sepia OLD AGE. Debility, Amb. gris., Baryta card. Involuntary urination, Ferrum phos. Lumbago, Lye. Mental torpor, Lye. Restlessness and sleeplessness, Aco. Talking in sleep, Baryta card. Unhealthy obesity, Graph. Urinary troubles of old men, Lye. Voice imperfect, Baryta card. PAIN. Burning, Ars. Driving one to move, Rhus tox . Splinter like, Nit. acid. Wandering, Puis. Worse on motion, Bry. PARALYSIS. Baryta card., Canst., Cup., Hyos. PENIS. Aco., Calc. card., Can. sat., Canth., Apis met., Ign., Rhus tox , Lye. PROSTATE GLAND. Enlarged, Sadal ser. Inflammation of, Lye. RECTUM AND ANUS. Acrid moisture from, Cardo veg. Burning in, after stool, Bry. Constriction of, Lye. Dry heat in, Rat. Fissured, Nit. acid. Inactivity of, Sepia. Pressure and sticking in, ^s., Canst. vSore and corroded, Merc. Warts around, Nat. sulph. RHEUMATISM. Affected parts drawn out of shape, Caust f Clinical Index. 145 Back and kidneys, Ferrum phos. Between shoulders, Calad. Chronic and cold. Kali bichrom., Lye. From cold and wet, Rhus tox. Gonorrhceal, Thuja. Joints swollen, worse on motion, Bry. Muscular, Cintic. Of jaws, Rhus tox. Rheumatic, gouty pains, Vis. alb. Sensitive to touch, Bell. Syphilitic, Aur. met. With sweat and bone pains, Merc. RINGWORM. Sepia. SCIATICA. Apoc. can., Coloc. SEMINAL EMISSIONS AND EFFECTS OF. Anac, Ars., Ave. sat., Be I lis per., Calad., Calc. carb.\ Canth., Carbo veg., Caps., Con., Gels., Graph., Merc, Mosch., Nux vom., Phos. acid, Plat., Staph. SEA SICKNESS. Petr. SEXUAL. Absence of desire, Ign. Bad effects of sexual debauches, Agar. No sexual desire, Agnus cast. Debility, Ave. sat. Dread of intercourse, Lye. Neurasthenia from excess, Kali phos. Nymphomania, Amb. gris., Hyos., Mosch., Plat. Satyriasis, Canth. To restore ability, Sabal ser. SKIN. Boils on nates, Agar. Brown spots on, Sepia. Burning, itching of skin, Agar. Cauliflower excrescences, Thuja. Carbuncle, Carbo veg. Cold, Cup. Dirty brown, influenza, Card. mar. Doughy, Apoc. can. 146 Clinical Index. Dry eczema, Merc. Eruptions, Argent, nit., Ars., Baryta carb., Calc.carb. Greasy and offensive, bad blood, Kali phos., Sul. Greasy, Nat. mur. Inflamed scars, Graph. Nettle rash, stinging and itching, Apis mel. Oozing, sticky eruptions, Graph. Pimples from syphilis, Argent, nit. Pimples, Argent, nit. Baryta card., Con. Red and blotchy in drinkers, Nux votn. Scaly, Ars Small hurts, heal slowly, Hepar sulph. Ulcers, Ars., Carbo veg. Unhealthy skin, abscesses, Hepar sulph., Kali mur. Varicose veins, Carbo veg., Card, mar., Lye., Ham. Yellow, Bry., China. SLEEP. Full of lascivious dreams, Phos. acid. Horrid dreams, Argent, nit. In cat-naps, Sul. Insomnia of drunkards, Gels. Insomnia, nocturnal emissions, Ave. sat. Nervous, Lach. Nightmare, Staph. Restless and starting, Kali mur. Restless and awakening, difficulty of coming to senses, China. Sleeplessness from worry, Amb. gris. Sleeplessness with spermatorrhoea, Caps. Sleeplessness from mental activity, Coffea Starts with fright, Bell. Talking in sleep, Baryta carb. STERILITY. Lappa off. STOMACH. Acid and fermenting, Carbo veg., Lye. Belching, Argent, nit., Carbo veg. Burning pains and weight, Ars. Colic, cutting pains causing one to bend double, Coloc. , Cup. Clinical Index. 1 47 Dyspepsia, Kali bichrom., Kreo., Puis., Sepia, Lye. Eructations, bitter, Nat. sulph. Eructations, sour, Carbo veg. Flatulence, dyspepsia, heartburn, waterbrash, Carbo veg. Gastric catarrh, Hyd. Gastric ulcers, Phos. Irritability, Apoc. can. Jaundice, dyspepsia, Aur. met. Pressure as a stone, Bry. Sinking at pit of stomach, Ign., Aurum met., Carbo veg. Vomiting blood, Ham. Vomiting, chronic, Kreo. Vomits as soon as food or drink gets warm in, Phos. SYPHILIS- Arge7it. nit., Ars., Carbo veg.,Hepar sulph., Kali mur., Kali bichrom., Kreo., Lach., Merc., Nat. mur., Nit. acid, Tar ant. Cub., Thuja. THROAT. Acute, swollen, Apis. met. Dry and burning, Calad. Left-sided affections, Lach. Nausea in, Phos. acid. Roughness in larynx, hoarseness and rawness, Carbo veg., Canst. Sore as from a lump, Ign. Sore, of drinkers, Caps. Sore, tonsilitis, quinsy, Bell. Sore, from syphilis or mercury, Nit. acid. Tender, intolerance of clothing, Lach. TEETH. Decay next the gums, Thuja. Inclined to turn black, Staph. Loose, Nit. acid, Merc. Premature decay, Kreo., Staph. Toothache, Bry., Con., Merc. TESTICLES. Dropsy of, Apis mel. Enlarged, Argent, nit. 148 Clinical Index. Inflamed and swollen, Ars., Apis mel., Ham. y Ferrum phos., Merc, Phos., Puis. Neuralgia of, Ham., Puis. Orchitis, Ham., Puis. Shrunken, Staph. TISSUES. Fatty degeneration, Phos. TOBACCO ILLS. Chewing tobacco, ills, Ars. Dyspepsia, Sepia. Sight affected, Ars. Sore throat, Caps. TUMORS AND CORNS. Abscesses, whitlows, Hepar sulph. Hard, Con. Wens, Graph. ULCERATIONS. Ars., Nit. acid. Bleeding ulcers, Phos. acid. Bluish, Merc. Of lips, Merc. URINE. Brick-dust sediment. Lye. Catheter, to obviate use of, Sol. vir.-aur. Desire to urinate frequent, Aco., Can. sat. Desire to urinate imperative, Sul. Difficult, Agar. Dribbling, Agar., Canth., Petr. Enuresis, Caust., Hyos., Petr., Puis., Sepia. Flow suddenly stops, Con. Involuntary, Caust., Ferrum phos., Kreo., Thuja. Last drops retained, Argent, nit. Milky color, Phos., Phos. acid. Pale, large quantities, Phos. acid. Putrid, Sepia. Retention of, Aco., Can. sat., Canth., Rhus tox. Scanty, hot, Aco. With blood, Argent, nit., Canth. With mucus, Caust. Watery, Ign. White discharges in, excessive, Lappa oft. Clinical Index. 149 VERTIGO. After debauch, Carbo veg. Ascending or looking up, Calc. carb., Canst., Sul. Bilious, Bry. Dare not move eyes, Thuja. From tobacco, or drinking, Agar. In morning, Gels. On closing eyes, Thuja. On suddenly turning, Coloc. When lying down, Calad., Con. With tendency to fall forward, Cup., Phos. acid. VACCINATION. Ill following, Thuja. VOICE. Imperfect in the aged, Baryta card. Loss of, Canst. WARTS. Aur. met., Caust., Xat. sulph., Staph., Thuja. WOMEN. Bearing down pains, Agar. Chlorosis, Calc. carb., Puis. Climacteric, Vis. alb. Dryness, chronic, of vagina, Lye. Incontinence of urine, Ferrum phos., Ign. Itching of vagina, Calad. Itching of vulva, Carbo veg. Nymphomania, Amb. gris., Hyos., Mosch., Plat. Ovaries neuralgia of, Cimic. Ovaries, stitching in, Bry. Prolapsus uteri, Agar., Lappa off. Uterine, haemorrhage, Ham. Vulva, soreness of, Caust. Vulva, corrosive itching, Kreo. WORSE. At seaside, Nat. mur. At night, Sul. From warmth, Puis. From getting wet, Rhus. In rainy weather, Thuja. In wet weather, Nat. sulph. LIST OF REMEDIES. Aconite. ^Esculus. Agaricus. Agnus castus. Ambra. Apis mellifica. Apocynuin cannabinum. Anacardium. Argentum nitricum. Arsenicum. Asarum Europaeum. Aurum metallicum. A vena sativa. Baryta carbonica. Belladonna. Bellis perennis. Bryonia. Caladium. Calcarea carbonica. Cannabis sativa. Cantharis. Carbo vegetabilis. Carduus niarianus. Causticum. 152 List of Remedies, China. Cimicifuga. Coffea cruda. Colocynthis. Conium. Cuprum. Gelsemium. Graphites. Hamamelis. Hepar sulphur. Hydrastis. Hyoscyamus. Ignatia. Kali bichromicum. Kali muriaticum. Kali phosphoricum. Kreosotum. L,achesis. Lappa officinalis. Iyycopodium. Mercurius corrosivus. Mercurius dulcis. Mercurius solubilis. Mercurius vivus. Moschus. List of Remedies. 153 Natrum muriaticum. Natrum sulphuricum. Nitric acid. Nux vomica. Passiflora incarnata. Petroleum. Phosphorus. Phosphoric acid. Platinum. Pulsatilla. Ratanhia. Rhus toxicodendron. Sepia. Sabal serrulata. Solidago virgo-aurea. Staphisagria. Sulphur. Tabacum. Tarantula Cubensis. Thuja. Viscum album. 11 INDEX. Aconite, 50, 62, 63, 64, 79, 85. Advertising doctors, 14, 19. jjEsculus, 7S, 86. Agaricus, 53, 86. Agnus cast us, 38, 58, 62, 87. Alcohol, craving for, 78. Am bra ' grisea, 79, 87. A?iacardium, 41, 88. Anus, itching of, 77. Aphrodisiacs, 39. Apis nullified, 51, 88. Apocynum cannabinum i 75, 89. Argenlum nitricum, 53, 89. Arsenicum, 51, 71, 77, 90. Asarum Europceum, 78, 92. Aurum meiallicum, 25, 73, 92. Avena sativa, 75, 76, 93. Balanitis, 44. Balanorrhcea, 42. Baryta carbonica, 73, 93. Beds, 17. Belladomia, 51, 94. Belli s pere?i7iis, 27, 95. Biochemic remedies in gonorrhoea, 59. Blood, to purify, 77. Bryonia, 51, 95. Caladium, 26, 96. Calcarea carbonica, 24, 34, 51, 97. Cannabis sativa, 34, 43, 50, 98. 156 Index. Cantharis, 17, 26, 34, 35, 54, 62, 98. Capsicum , 58, 99. Carbo vegetabilis, 52, 99. Carbuncle, 77. Carduus rnarianus, 77, 101. Case of secondary syphilis, 69. Causticum, 10 1. Child-bearing, effects of preventing, 29. China, 77, 102. Chloral habit, 76. Chord ee, 62. Cimicifuga, 34, 79, 103. Circumcision, 43. Cleanliness, 16. Coffea cruda, 34, 79, 103. Colocyntkis, 43, 104. Conium, 26, 104. Constipation, 77. Conjugal onanism, 29. Cuprum aceticum, 38. Danger of gonorrhoea, 46. Delirium tremens, 76. Diurnal pollutions, 20. Drinkers' ills, 75. Erythroxylon coca, 34. Excessive sexual intercourse, effects of, 24. Evils of partial coition, 30. Ferrum phosphoricum, 59. Finger tips fissured, 77. Fig warts, 74. Gall-stones, to prevent, 77. Gelsemium, 26, 37, 78. Gleet, 61. Index, 157 Gonorrhoea, 45. 11 suppressed by injections, 54. 11 treatment of, 50. Gouty rheumatism, 77. Graphites, 27. Gravel, 76. Haemorrhoids, 78. Hahnemann on syphilis, 66. Hamamelis, 78. Helmuth, on emissions of semen, 21. Hepar sulphuris, 52, 71. Homoeopathy offers many excellent remedies, 24. Hyde, on seminal emissions in the unmarried, 21. Hydrastis, 62. Hyoscy amies, 34. Igjiatia, 77, 79. Impotence, 36. 11 nervous, 40. "Incurable" case of syphilis cured, 71. Injections of zinc in gonorrhoea, 53. Intestinal colic, 55. Involuntary emissions, 19. Jacaranda Gualandai, 76. Kali bichromicum, 62. Kali muriaticnm, 59. Kreosotum, 54, 73. Lachesis, 73, 77. Lappa officinalis, 77. 11 Lost manhood," 19, 40. Love, lack of, cause of impotence, 41. Lycopodium, 26, 37 61. Marriage, 24. 158 Index. Masturbation, 9, 75. Materia Medica, 85. Medorrhinum, 56, 58. Mental breakdown, 78. Mercury a specific for syphilis, 68. Mercurius, 69. Mercurius prcecipitatus ruber , 70. Mercurius solubilis, 58, 69. Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus y 43, 71. Morphine habit, 76. Moschus, 34, 35. Natrum muriaticum, 60, 6t. . Natrum sulphuricum, 59. Nervous impotence, 40. Nitric acid, 37, 44, 58, 62, 64, 71, 72. Nux vomica, 26, 52, 55. Nymphomania, 33. " in sterile women, 34. Onanism, 29. Ophthalmia, 63. Paraphimosis, 42. Passiflora incarnata, 76. Petroleum, 77. Phosphoric acid, 24. Phimosis, 42. Phosphorus, 29, 72. Phosphoric acid, 61, 72. Platina, 17, 33, 79. Pox, 65. Preface to Materia Medica, 83. Prescribing conception, 30. Prostate gland, enlarged, 76. Pulsatilla, 27, 44, 52, 63, 64. i?a«a £#/b, 25. Index. 159 Rathania, 77. Raue, on seminal emissions, 19. Rheumatism, gonorrhceal, 62. Rhus toxicodendron, 43. "Ruined in mind and body," 19, 40 Saba I serrulata, 76. Sand in urine, 76. Satyriasis, 35. Seminal emissions, 19. * * * ' " a purely physiological func- tion," 21. " " correspond to menstruation, 23. Sepia, 52, 58, 61. Sexual fever, 22. Sexual power, to increase, 76. Silicea, 60. Sleeplessness, 78. Smokers' ills, 75. Soli dago virga-aurea, 77. Spermatorrhoea, 19. Spirit us glandium quercus, 78. Staphisagria, 26. Stricture, 62. Sulphur, 27, 36, 53, 64, 72, 79. Sundry hints, 75. Syphilis, 65. 14 cause of secondary and tertiary, 66. treatment of, 68, 76, 77. Tabacum, 77. Tarantula Cub en sis, 77. Thuja, 44, 62, 63, 74. Tissue remedies, in gonorrhoea, 59. Tobacco chewing, ills of, 77. " to lose taste for, 77. Treatment of gonorrhoea, 50.