Class __I_T?^jrB Book__ .t\5^Tc3G CopiglitE - n COPYRIGHT DEPOSIR H |(X W vwA--v^i^ w ^ ^KjJj^^A oJuif. A SELECTION FROM KRUMMACHEITS PARABLES, TRANSLATED BY L. LERMONT, PROFESSOR OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE, AUTHOR OE UPS AND DOWNS. PUBLISHED BY THE TRANLSATOR: 148 ARCH STREET. 1852. \T\' PTztW c o py Z> Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1852, by L. LERMONT, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Piloted by T. K. & P. G Collins. IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED IN NEW BEDFORD, MASS. In presenting this little volume to the pub- lic, the translator, by way of preface, cannot do better, than quote the words of a highly valued correspondent : " The charm of Krum- macher's parables is, that they address them- selves to the care-worn and tried heart of old age, as well as to the happy spirit of childhood." Contents. INTRODUCTORY PARABLE 7 FIRST PARABLE. The Affectionate Brother 11 SECOND PARABLE. The Favorite Flowers 17 THIRD PARABLE. Poor Lazarus 22 FOURTH PARABLE. The First Blush 25 FIFTH PARABLE. Adam and the Cherub of Paradise 27 SIXTH PARABLE. Fruits of Gratitude 29 SEVENTH PARABLE. The Barren Tree 31 EIGHTH PARABLE. Death and Sleep 33 NINTH PARABLE. The Forget-me-not 36 TENTH PARABLE. The Cuckoo , 41 ELEVENTH PARABLE. TnE Young Philosopher 44 TWELFTH PARABLE. The Virtue of Waiting Patiently 45 THIRTEENTH PARABLE. The Blind Man 47 FOURTEENTH PARABLE. Eve and the Rose Bush 48 i* (.<-,) 6 CONTENTS. FIFTEENTH PARABLE. The Rose 49 SIXTEENTH PARABLE. Nathan tee Prophet 51 SEVENTEENTH PARABLE. JEsop's Death 54 EIGHTEENTH PARABLE. The Name and the Reality, 58 NINETEENTH PARABLE. The Bitter Flower ..... c 60- TWENTIETH PARABLE. Satjl and Jonathan 62 TWENTY-FIRST PARABLE. The Nightingale in a Cage 64 TWENTY-SECOND PARABLE. Sea-Shells 66 TWENTY-THIRD PARABLE. The Richest King in India 68 TWENTY-FOURTH PARABLE. Unjust Punishment 72 TWENTY-FIFTH PARABLE. The Invisible 73 TWENTY-SIXTH PARABLE. The Temple at Memphis. 78 TWENTY-SEVENTH PARABLE. Adam and the Cherub 80 TWENTY-EIGHTH PARABLE. The Course of Sin 82 TWENTY-NINTH PARABLE. Retaliation 83 THIRTIETH PARABLE. The Bramin's Gift 85 THIRTY-FIRST PARABLE. The Jewel 88 THIRTY-SECOND PARABLE. The Grate 91 THIRTY-THIRD PARABLE. The Course of the River 94 Siitrnhtrtnrtj gambit. DEW-DROPS. Selia, the son of pious parents, dwelt on Mount Tabor in the Holy Land. He had often heard of guardian angels, who came down from heaven and hovered over little children to protect them from harm. There- fore, said he, in his heart : The flowers of the field also have a guardian angel who watches over them ; and he longed to see the angel's face ! Therefore, Selia went often to the moun- tain, to listen if he could hear, in the rustling of the leaves, the motion of the angel's wings. His large blue eyes were either turned towards the blue sky or rested thoughtfully on the blooming hill. Still the angel of the flowers did not appear. Then said the boy : The 8 DEW-DROPS. angel tends the flowers by night and sprinkles the dew-drops over them before the light of the morning comes, and then he leaves them, ere he is perceived. Oh, how I should like to offer my thanks to the kind angel ! So saying, the boy ran and gathered some of the prettiest flowers of the valley, wove them into a crown, and, when evening came, he laid the flowers gently on the hillside and thought of the angel. Having done this, he returned home to his mother, and his heart was calm. When he w r ent to his bed, his mother said to him : Hast thou been among the flowers again, my son ? The boy replied : Yes, dear mother ! I have sought the most beautiful I could find — I wove them into a crown and placed it where the angel of the flowers can see it. At these words, his older brother laughed and said : Thou simpleton ! the angel who forms the flowers surely has enough of them and needs none of thine. DEW-DROPS. 9 Then Selia was distressed and dejected and looked up in his mother's face. Do not grieve, my child, said the tender mother. The angel looks not only at the flowers^ but also at the heart, with which thou* hast formed them into a crown and placed it before him, and he will, no doubt, be pleased with it. Selia was comforted. He fell asleep and dreamed of the friendly angel and the flowers. Early the next morning, Selia went out to the field and returned home with a cheerful heart, exclaiming : Behold, mother, the angel was indeed pleased with my gift, for my crown was sparkling with pearly dew-drops ! THE AFFECTIONATE BROTHER. ? HE lovely and delicate Theresa had been confined to a bed of sickness during the finest part of the Spring. When she grew better and was gaining strength,- she thought of the flowers, and asked whether they now bloomed as beau- tifully as they did in the preceding year ? She dearly loved flowers, but she was not able to go out and gather them. Little Harry, brother of Theresa, took a basket and whis- pered to his mother, u I will go into the coun- try and bring her the most beautiful flowers of the field !" This was the first time that he had left the house since his sister's illness, for as long as his beloved sister was ill in bed, he had been unwilling to leave her. The coun- (11) 12 THE AFFECTIONATE BROTHER. try seemed to him now more beautiful than ever, and it awoke in him grateful and pious thoughts. With delight the boy ran -over the hills. Birds of various kinds were filling the air with their melodies ; the bees hummed, the butter- flies fluttered around him, and the loveliest flowers were blooming at his feet. He went on, singing and skipping from one little hill to another, and from one flower to another. His soul was serene as the blue sky above him, and his eyes sparkled like a pure fountain springing out of a rock. At length his basket was filled with the most beautiful flowers, and at the top lay a crown of field strawberries, strung like pearls on a wreath of grass. Smiling the happy boy looked on his full basket, and laid himself down on the soft moss beneath the shade of an oak. Here he silently gazed on the scen- ery, so beautiful in the glory of Spring, and on the thousand different flowers and listened to THE AFFECTIONATE BROTHER. 13 the various songs of little birds that were fly- ing from tree to tree. But he had rejoiced and sported until wea- ry, and he fell asleep. The gentle boy slum- bered peacefully. In the meantime a storm gathered in the air ; dark and silent, the clouds rolled up; the lightning flashed, and the voice of thunder came nearer and louder. This awoke the sleeper. Not a sunbeam il- luminated the plain ; threatening clouds hung darkly over his head. Presently a tremen- dous clap of thunder fell upon his ear. The poor boy stood awe stricken by this sudden change in the aspect of nature. Heavy drops of rain now began to fall through the leaves of the oak. The frightened boy seized his basket and ran toward home. But the storm grew stronger and stronger ; the thunder rolled frightfully; the rain increased and streamed down from his locks over his shoul- ders. It was with difficulty that he proceeded on his way. Suddenly a strong blast of wind 2 14 THE AFFECTIONATE BROTHER. caught the basket in his little hand and scat- tered all his carefully collected flowers over the field. Then his countenance fell, and with angry displeasure he threw clown the empty basket at his feet. Filled with disap- pointment; weeping aloud and thoroughly wet, he reached the abode of his parents. The storm soon passed away. The sultry atmosphere had become pure and cool, a clear sky and a sweet calm reigned over hill and dale ; everything seemed renewed, and wore the appearance of youth, as if nature had just come fresh from the hands of its benevolent Creator ; and the husbandman looked up with grateful joy to the distant clouds which had brought such blessing and prosperity to his fields. Son of earth ! go into the fields and see with thine own eyes, and be convinced how far thou wrongest thy benevolent Father in heaven, by saying, that he sends his thunder as a manifestation of his anger ! Storms pu- THE AFFECTIONATE BROTHER. 15 rify and sweeten the atmosphere ! Out of the dark cloud comes the blessing of heaven, and thus joy and grief alike are sent to ennoble man and improve him ! The beautiful and serene sky soon induced the frightened boy to return into the fields. Ashamed of his in- dignation, he went quietly back to look for his cast-away basket and fill it anew. The breath of the cool air, the fragrance of the fields, the leaves of the trees, the songs of the forest, all appeared now doubly beautiful after the re- freshing rain. The basket was still lying in the blackberry bush, where it had been caught and protected from injury. Gratefully did the boy look on the bush as he loosened the basket. Great was his joy and admiration, when he gazed around. The fields glittered like the starry heavens. The rain had brought out a thou- sand fresh flowers, a thousand new buds were opened, and the leaves were covered with pearly dew-drops. Harry lost no time in fill- 16 THE AFFECTIONATE BROTHER. ing his basket with choicest blossoms of the field, and like a busy bee, he roved from flower to flower. The sun was now near going down, and the happy boy hastened home with his flowery treasure. How the lovely crown of the freshly gathered strawberries delighted his soul ! But his eyes beamed still more joyfully when he perceived the pleasure and gratitude his flow- ers had awakened in the heart of his gentle sister. But who would attempt to describe the hap- piness of the tender mother, when she wit- nessed the affection of her children ! THE FAVORITE FLOWERS. 17 THE FAVORITE FLOWERS. Gustayus, Hermann, and Annie, the bloom- ing children of a man of large estate, walked out into the field on a fine spring day. The lark and a thousand other birds were singing, and the flowers unfolded themselves in the dew and in the mild beams of the morning sun. The children looked round, full of gladness, and sprang from one small hill to another and weaved crowns of flowers. They also cele- brated, in song, the beauty of the spring and the love of the heavenly Father, who clothes the earth with grass and flowers ; and they sang of flowers, from the rose which grows on the bush to the little violet which blooms in retirement. 2* 18 THE FAVORITE FLOWERS. So the spring of life and tlie spring of the year appeared in lovely union. Then said the children one to another, " Let us each select a little flower, which he loves most.' 9 This proposition delighted them, and they sprang into the field to select the favorite flower, promising to meet again in the arbor. So the three children went their different ways, in concord, to collect the beautiful. A lovely flower-gathering ! Soon all three appeared again on their way to the arbor. Each one bore in the hand a full bunch of the selected favorite flowers. When they came in sight of each other, they held up the flowers above their heads and shouted aloud for joy. When they had reached the bower, they agreed that each one should tell the reason of his choice. Gustavus, the elder, had chosen the violet- THE FAVORITE FLOWERS. 19 " See/' said he, " it blooms and sends forth its fragrance in modest stillness, amidst moss and grass, and its work is concealed like the soft approach and blessing of spring. Men honor and love it, and it is praised in beautiful songs ; and every one brings a bunch, when he returns from the field, and he calls the lovely violet the first-born of the spring, and the flower of modesty ; therefore I have selected it as my flower." So saying, he gave Hermann and An- nie some of his flowers, who received them with inward satisfaction; for these beautiful flowers were also a brother s gift. Now Hermann came forth with his bunch. It was the delicate lily, which grows under the cool shade of the grove, and lifts up its blooming bells like strings of pearls, white as the light of day. " I have selected this, as it is the emblem of innocence and of a pure heart, and speaks to me of Him who adorns the heaven with stars and the earth with flowers. Was not the lily of the field honored 20 THE FAVORITE FLOWERS. above all other flowers, in giving testimony of the love of our Heavenly Father, in whom all things live and move? This is the reason why the lily is my favorite flower !" Thus spake Hermann, and offered his flowers to Gustavus and Annie, who received them with joy and respect. And thus was the little flower consecrated. Then came Annie, the kindly, lovely little girl, with her gathered flowers. It was the blue, tender forget-me-not. These flowers, said the amiable girl, I found near the brook ! They glitter like the bright stars in heaven and sport in the clear water on whose border they grow, and the little stream flows along more beautifully, as if weaving a wreath. Therefore is it the flower of love and tender- ness ; and I have selected it as my favorite, and I transfer it to my two dear little brothers. Thus saying she gave to each a kiss, which they returned very affectionately. Then the THE FAVORITE FLOWERS. 21 guardian angel of the children smiled upon the amiable bond of innocence. When they had thus selected their favorite flowers, Annie said : Let us weave them into two wreaths and carry them to our parents. So they formed two beautiful crowns of flowers, and took them to their parents and told them the whole matter, how they came to choose these flowers. The parents rejoiced over the good children and said : A lovely crown ! love, innocence, and modesty combined ! see how one flower exalts and adorns another, and in their union they form the most beautiful crown of flowers ! But one thing is still wanting, answered the children, and with lively gratitude placed the crowns on the heads of their father and mother. The parents were deeply affected with joy. They embraced their children cordially and said : such a crown is more glorious than the crown of princes. 22 POOR LAZARUS. POOR LAZARUS. Oke day, when poor Lazarus was lying at the gate of the rich man and the dogs were licking his wounds, another poor man, a day- laborer, by name Zadoc, chanced to pass by and saw Lazarus in his misery. Zadoc pitied him from his heart, and went to him and said : Can I do any thing for you ? It is true, I am also a poor man, like yourself, and I have a flock of children to bring up ; but I am free from sores ; therefore let me share the care of you with the dogs, w T ho alone seem to have compassion on you, that they may no longer put me to shame. While he thus spake a tear glittered in the friendly face of the poor man. He then reached Lazarus his hand and said, come with POOR LAZARUS. 23 me to my hut ; there we will take care of you as well as we can, and when our table fails I will gather for you the crumbs from the rich man's table. Gladly will I accompany you to your house, said Lazarus, as he took hold of the proffered hand. God has chosen you to open heaven to me and sweeten the few last hours of my life. I need but little now, but I will not rob you of this blessing and God's reward. They went on together and entered a re- tired little hut with a straw roof. The wife of Zadoc bid him welcome and prepared a bed of leaves and moss in the little chamber ; they then led poor Lazarus in and laid him down on the bed. Hanna,the wife of Zadoc, brought a bowl of milk and gave it to the invalid to drink. But Lazarus said : Eeach me a drink of water, for I am thirsty and burning within. Then Hanna made haste and brought fresh water out of a well, and Zadoc fanned the 24 POOR LAZARUS. cheeks of Lazarus with a green olive branch, and Lazarus fell into a deep slumber. The day was warm and about noon. Hanna and Zadoc drove off the flies from his face and kept him cool. Lazarus smiled in his sleep, and Zadoc and Hanna looked on him and said softly to each other : Oh ; that he might recover under our care ! Lazarus slept for some hours, but when evening approached, he said : How can I thank you, dear people ! never have I enjoyed a sweeter slumber than with you in your hut. I dreamed that I was borne up on angels' wings. And is it not so ? The good man, full of simplicity and love, is he not an angel of God on earth ? You have afforded me the most precious, sweetest hours of my life. My heart is calm and full of bliss ; I feel that the hour of my going home has come ; I begin to feel the foretaste of the heavenly life. Lazarus then reached his hand to his host and his wife Hanna and expired with a pleas- THE FIRST BLUSH. 25 ant smile ; and the holy angels carried his soul to the abodes of the blest. Zadoc and Hanna wept over him and buried him in silence. And the spirit of the departed Lazarus be- came the guardian angel of Zadoc and Hanna ; and when the day came which called them from this earth, it floated about their death- bed, and a soft breeze cooled their faces and they heard a lovely voice : He that sheweth mercy will find mercy. "**A*/> -^ /#AW« DEATH AND SLEEP. In brotherly embrace the angel of sleep and the angel of death walked through the earth. It was evening. They laid themselves down on a hill not far from the abodes of men. A melancholy stillness reigned all around, and the evening bell in the distant village had ceased to toll. Peacefully and silently, as their manner is, the two beneficent genii of mankind sat in confiding endearment, and night was already drawing near. Then the angel of sleep arose from his 34 DEATH AND SLEEP. mossy couch and, with a gentle hand scattered the invisible seeds of slumber. The evening wind carried them away to the habitation of the weary peasant. And now sweet sleep came over the inhabitants of the rural cotta- ges, from the gray head, who goes on his staff, down to the infant in the cradle. The sick forgot his pain, the mourner his grief, and pov- erty its wants. All eyes were closed. After finishing his labor, the benevolent an- gel of sleep lay down again beside his brother. When the dawn of morning will appear, ex- claimed he in happy delight, men will praise me as their friend and benefactor ! 0, what joy, to do good unseen and in se- cret ! How happy are we, the invisible ser- vants of the Great Spirit ! How delightful our peaceful quiet calling! Thus spake the friendly angel of sleep in joyful innocence. — The angel of death looked upon him in silent sorrowfulness, and a tear, such as the immor- tals weep, stood in his large dark eye. Alas ! DEATH AND SLEEP. 35 said he, that I cannot, like you, congratulate myself on the joyful thanks of men. The whole earth calls me its enemy, and the dis- turber of their joys ! 0, my brother, replied the angel of sleep, will not the good, when, at the end of time, they shall be called from their graves into life, also recognize in thee a friend and benefactor, and gratefully bless thee? are we not brethren and servants of one Father ? Whilst he thus spake, the eye of the other angel brightened up, and the fraternal genii embraced each other still more tenderly. 36 THE FORGET-ME-NOT. THE FORGET-ME-NOT. A mother sat with her first-born daughter, beautiful, lovely, and blooming Elizabeth, on a hill that bounded the quiet vale in which they dwelt. At the foot of the hill flowed a clear brook, whose banks were covered with fresh verdure, flowers and waving reeds. Here the affectionate mother sat, absorbed in sweet thoughts of the past. Meanwhile, the little girl hopped down to the border of the brook, and plucked a bunch of forget-me-nots, and brought it to her mother with an affectionate smile. She then asked her mother, in her innocence : " Why is this flower called forget-me-not ?" " You know, my child," said the tender mother, " what the prayer forget-me-not means, and what it is intended to express. When you THE FORGET-ME-NOT. 37 say it, then the language of your heart floats in the breath of your mouth, and the words are the sign of your feelings; and when you offer this flower to any one, with the same wish, then the language of your heart blooms in the sky blue flower. Do you not think its simple form is well adapted to this purpose ? Nor did it need fragrance, any more than pure feelings demand loud and many words." " When probably did this tender flower re- ceive its lovely name ?" asked Elizabeth. The mother replied : " My dear child, na- ture is as a mother to mankind. She holds out the beautiful everywhere to him who loves her, and in the beautiful she reaches him the good and true, when he seeks it and wishes to know it ; for man must first possess it in his heart before he can comprehend the image which nature presents to him. She only gives him the resemblance, the reality he must cul- tivate in himself." Then the mother drew out a miniature 4 38 THE FORGET-ME-NOT. painting, and asked Elizabeth whether she knew the likeness ? " Why should I not," re- plied the child ; u it is father ! ; how beau- tiful ! I see him smile ; I hear him speak." " I also/' said the mother, " see his smile, and hear his voice when I look at this, though he is now thousands of miles from us. But would this be the case, if he did not dwell in our hearts ? even if the picture were much more beautiful, would you then gaze on it with so much delight, and say : c It is my father V ' " When I was a girl, Elizabeth, and your father lived across the brook, he came over to my father's house, and we loved each other. When he left, I accompanied him to this rivu- let. Before we parted, he plucked a little flower, gave it to me, and said, with a soft low tone : c Beloved, Forget-me-not !' Ever since the simple flower always recalls to me the friendly word." Then Elizabeth looked at the flower and asked whether it had received its pretty name THE FORGET-ME-NOT. 39 from that time. " No I" answered the moth- er ; " but in the same way it has received it, and the good and true remain everlastingly new and young. At that time I first felt the sense and signification of the name ; for that which is not apprehended with the heart is not understood. a I loved your father/' added the mother, " he was a noble young man ! So the flower became to me an emblem of my love, and of every love, and this it will always be to me !" " But how," inquired Elizabeth, " is the flower an emblem of love, my dear mother V " Because it grows and blooms in quiet modesty and friendly innocence. And therein does love also make itself manifest. In it there is no stormy nature nor passion. Alas ! my child, there is a false love, which is not worthy of the name. And see," continued the mother, " the flower grows and blooms near the clear rivulet, which flows through our vale. Thus, only in a pure, innocent heart does 40 THE FORGET-ME-NOT. love dwell ; then, however, it embellishes and ennobles life, just as the flower does the pure mirror of the brook. Thus love exalts life ; and therefore it is so quiet and harmonious in our home, because love dwells there. " And now, my dear child, look at the beau- tiful color of this simple flower ! It is the color of heaven above. So is pure love a heavenly plant, springing from celestial seed and bearing celestial blossoms." Thus spake the mother ; and then, with a blissful smile, reached to her daughter one of the flowers, and said : " And you, too, Eliza- beth, my beloved child, forget me not !" Elizabeth leaned on her mother ; a tear of joy glittered in her large blue eye, and she said : " I have no need of the flower, my dear mother, nor of the symbol — I have yourself!" The mother answered, and said : " Then, remember thereby the teaching of the flower out of the mouth of your mother !" THE CUCKOO. 41 €\t toil) fare hi*- THE CUCKOO. Old Conrad and his neighbor James, two industrious farmers, were standing together on a May morning, surveying their fields, and were conversing on various topics. Old Conrad had, in his younger days, visited many coun- tries and was a man of much experience. His neighbor James was very eager for knowledge, and asked him many questions about matters he wished to understand. While they were thus conversing, the cuckoo cried in his usual way, and Conrad and his neighbor listened with delight. Then said James : It is strange that this everlasting repetition, always the same song and nothing agreeable in the tone, should awake so much delight in the heart of man ! When he first 42 THE CUCKOO. begins the villagers ask one another : Have you not heard the cuckoo yet ? and the boys in the streets imitate his notes. Yes, even the house clock imitates him, and children's toys are made to repeat his screams ! So said James, and looked at his neighbor to see what he would reply to it. Old Conrad answered : His song is cer- tainly not very pleasing, but it can be easily accounted for, why his screams are listened to with so much pleasure. You see he sings only when the sun shines, and on warm and pleas- ant days, when the trees are green and in blossom, and the fields promise the blessing of a rich harvest. So is piping welcome to the merry, and the sayings of the rich, at full table are always praised. Old James smiled and said : But he is and remains still but a screamer, and has nothing lovely in himself. He never builds his own nest but lives by burdening other birds, on which he imposes his eggs and his young, whilst THE CUCKOO. 43 he hops about the whole Summer from one tree to another without intermission. He is a lazy bird, and on that account I dislike him. But the bitter cold in winter and the want of provisions will teach him another lesson. Do not be concerned ! replied his neighbor. Do you not know what people say, that he is transformed during the Winter into a rapa- cious hawk ? Ah ! said old James, then he resembles the wicked Till. His parents let him grow up in idleness, and when the father died, he joined a band of robbers, and he ended his days in the same manner as the hawk which I nailed upon my barn door. 44 THE YOUNG PHILOSOPHER. THE YOUNG PHILOSOPHER. One mornings when the wise Diogenes came forth from his tub, to behold the rising sun spreading its rays over the sea, he was surpri- sed to find another tub near his own. This tub was brought there during the night by a young man of great wealth, with the intention of becoming a disciple of the wonderful yet despised Diogenes. Well my son, said Diogenes, does thy soul hunger and thirst after wisdom ? With a smile of self-satisfaction the youth nodded assent. There is one thing more which thou must do, my son, said Diogenes ; go home, sell thy property and distribute the money amongst the poor ; thus shalt thou complete the victo- THE VIRTUE OF WAITING PATIENTLY. 45 ry over thyself, so necessary to the attain- ment of thy wishes. Then the young man went his way, but he returned no more. Diogenes smiled and said : Simple men ! they think the tub is all that is required to make them wise. If men thus deceive them- selves, how can they be tru*e to each other ! THE VIRTUE OF WAITING PATIENTLY. Dear mother, said Fritz, give each of us a bed of flowers, which we may call our own ; one to me, one to Charles and one to Lizzie, and let each tend their own ! The affectionate mother gladly granted his request and gave to each of them a flower bed full of pinks. The children rejoiced 46 THE VIRTUE OF WAITING PATIENTLY. beyond measure,, and said : When the flowers are in full bloom then shall we rejoice still more. For it was not yet the season for pinks. Little Fritz was very anxious that his pinks should be in blossom before the others, and was so impatient that he could scarcely wait for the blooming time. One morning he was delighted to see some yellow leaves peep- ing out of the green enclosure. But the flow- ers came too slowly for Fritz. So he thought to hasten them by separating the leaves. He then called out loudly : See, my pinks are in bloom ! Soon the heat of the sun caused them to droop, and by noon they were all faded. The impatient Fritz now sat down near his flower-bed and wept over his flowers. Silly child! said his mother; may you never again, by unwise haste, be the destroyer of your own joys, and may this disappoint- ment teach you the difficult and important virtue of waiting patiently for blessings, how- ever much desired. THE BLIND MAN. 47 THE BLIND MAN. A blind man stood in the beams of the mild sun in a Spring morning. Its warmth anima- ted his frame and its splendor lighted up the old man's face. 0, thou incomprehensible foun- tain of light ! thou wonder of the Almighty hand which formed thee and leads thee on in thy glorious path ! Out of thee streams forth everlasting fulness; life, light and warmth. Thy power is never exhausted. How great must He be who has created thee ! thus spake the blind man. A farmer, who stood near him and had lis- tened to his words, was surprised and said : How canst thou admire and praise the light which thou canst not see ? The blind man answered : For that very 48 EYE AND THE ROSE-BUSH. reason, friend, I appreciate it still more high- ly ! Ever since my eyes have become dark- ened and the splendor of the sun has been excluded from rue, light has taken its abode in my soul. I feel its presence and it shines in my heart. You, however, look on the King of day as on every other object which you see daily ; not with the eyes of your soul, but with the eyes of your body. vw^/^-«//^w< €\i /nurtnutji ^uritbU, EVE AND THE ROSE-BUSH. Eve, the mother of mortals, wandered one day in melancholy silence outside of the gar- den of Eden. Suddenly a rose-bush, full of blooming roses, caught her eye. Oh ! cried she with delight : Do I not behold even here flowers of paradise ? How your fragrance in- THE ROSE. 49 vigorates my fainting heart ! I joyfully greet you, lovely emblems of innocence and joy. Thus spake Eve, and her eyes rested with pleasure on the beautiful roses. But soon a gentle wind moved the branches of the little rose-bush, and behold the leaves of the full- blown roses fell to the ground and soon with- ered. Then Eve sighed deeply and said : Alas, I understand you ! Ye also are chil- dren of death — meet emblems of earthly joys ! THE ROSE. What a pity, said a little boy to his father as they walked through the garden, that the rose, after blooming, does not produce fruit, and thus return a thank-offering in Summer, for the lovely season of its Spring life. Now 50 THE ROSE. it is called the flower of innocence and joy, then it would be also the emblem of gratitude. The father answered : Does it not offer all its loveliness to beautify the Spring, and for the dew and light, which it receives from above, does it not fill the air with its delicate fragrance ? Thus like gratitude, bestowing a charm unseen, which enhances every other good. Created for the Spring, it dies with the Spring ; but its withered leaves retain a por- tion of its sweet fragrance ; so in the heart of innocence does gratitude abide, after the kind deed, which called it forth, is forgotten in other breasts. NATHAN THE PROPHET. 51 €\i liitntttji $«**il£ NATHAN THE PROPHET. Nathan, a prophet and teacher at Salem, sat one day among his disciples, and the words of wisdom flowed like honey from his lips. Then said Gamaliel, one of his followers, Master, whence comes it, that we so gladly hearken to thy words and receive thy doctrines in our hearts ? The wise teacher answered : Does not my name, Nathan,* imply to give ? men are al- ways willing to receive, if the giver knows how to bestow. Then asked another of his disciples who sat at his feet : Wherefore doest thou teach in parables ? The Prophet replied : My son, when I be- * Nathan, in the Hebrew Language, signifies to give. 52 NATHAN THE PROPHET. came a man, I longed to be a teacher and bear testimony to the truth. Then the spirit of the Lord came upon me ; I clothed myself in a rough hairy garment and went abroad among the people, denouncing the ways of sin in severe and harsh language. But men ei- ther fled before me, laid not my words to heart, or misinterpreted the meaning of my preaching. Then my spirit was grieved with- in me and I fled away by night to Mount Hermon, saying : since they will not receive the light, they may grope in darkness and be lost forever! Thus I wandered during the gloom of the night and my spirit was sad within me. But behold, the dawn came, aurora crim- soned the morning sky, and the early dew fell upon Mount Hermon, while the sweet fragrance of a thousand flowers filled the air. The morning air was soft and lovely, the mist floated over the top of the mountain and mois- tened the earth. Men walked abroad joyfully. NATHAN THE PROPHET. 53 When day came down from heaven, and the sun went forth from the arms of aurora, and threw his beams upon the plants already man- tled with pearly dew-drops, I stood gazing on the sight before me, with feelings of deep emo- tion ; then the morning breeze sprang up, and in its rustling sound I heard the voice of the Lord speaking to me, saying : See Nathan, in this gentle manner heaven sends its most precious gift, the light of day, to mortals. As I came down from the mountain, the spirit of the Lord carried me under a pome- granate tree. It was beautiful and shady, and bore at the same time both blossoms and fruit. I stood under its shade, looked upon its blos- soms, and said : 0, how lovely and how beau- tiful ! It is like the soft breath of innocence on the blooming cheeks of the daughters of Israel ! I sought the fruit of the pomegranate tree, and I found it hidden beneath the shade of the leaves, and I heard the voice of the Lord out of the thick foliage, saying : Behold, 5* 54 ^SOP 9 S DEATH, Nathan, how nature, in simple blossoms* promises the precious fruit, and how when she has put it forth she conceals her hand under the shadow of the leaves. When I returned to Salem, continued the prophet, I put off my rough garb, washed my face, anointed my head, and preached truth in a cheerful man- ner and in parables. For truth is serious and has few friends, and therefore she likes to ap- pear in a pleasing and 'simple garb suited to human understanding, and thus she wins dis- ciples. i imttbnrtl; tfataklt. iESOP'S DEATH. iEsoP, the incomparable writer of the beau- tiful fables of animals and plants, was beaten by his cruel master and driven out of the city uESOP's DEATH. 55 Into the wilderness. Unhappy man ! ex- claimed one of his fellow slaves, who was em- ployed in driving him away. Am I then more so than thou art ? asked iEsop. What joy can await thee in the desert ? said his astonished companion. The happy feeling of liberty ! replied iEsop. A few days after he was driven away, some of his acquaintances went out to seek for his body, in order to bury it ; doubting not that in despair, he would have put an end to his own life. They were, therefore, much surpri- sed to find him seated contentedly under a tree. They told him why they had come. But iEsop smiled, and related to them the fa- ble of the wood-chopper. Then said another : Nature has denied thee all that could make man happy — thy body is deformed — thy appearance hateful — thou art scoffed by every one — no one will have thee, even for a slave. Toll mo what recompense 56 JESOP'S DEATH. do the gods give thee in the desert for these privations ? iEsop answered: They have given me a portion of their divine nature ! They have taught me the language of animals and plants, and they have granted me the power to make them speak. You probably refer to your wisdom, began another of the slaves. You seem to assert, that nature makes up on the one hand, what she fails to bestow on the other. If so, the fool must either flee from himself, or blame nature whenever he looks within ! A fool only looks from without ! w r as iEsop' s reply. From within, he receives as a recom- pense the delusive bloom of folly — self-conceit. Before departing they asked, if he desired to bury his wisdom in the wilderness ? By no means, answered iEsop ; I shall arise, and go where the preaching of truth is most needed ! .^ESOP'S DEATH. 57 Where may that be ? they asked most ea- gerly. Where the greatest number of temples and priests are to be found. Thus said iEsop and went to Delphi. Before he had been many days there, he was, by the instigation of the priests, cast into a dark dungeon, as a blasphemer of the gods. But iEsop, to the great amazement of his jailor, remained cheerful even in his prison. When the keeper of the dungeon asked him, what made him so resigned, he replied : The goodness of my cause and my innocence. Soon after he was condemned to death as a dangerous and malignant blasphemer, and his enemies cast him down from a high rock. 58 THE NAME AND THE REALITY. €\t ^igjjtnttiji $«t«kU. THE NAME AND THE REALITY. When Alexander had returned to Babylon, after his victorious career, he ordered that a priest from each nation and country he had subdued, should be sent to his court, in order to explain their mode of worship. When the deputies of the various churches had assembled, the king seated himself on his throne and said : By what name do you call that invisible Being, whom you serve ? The priest from India stepped forth and said : My nation revere Brama, which means Omnipotent ! The priest from Persia, said : We worship Ormus, which meaneth the foun- tain of all light ! The priest from Judea, said : Jehovah is our God, which meaneth he is, was, and will be ! Thus each priest gave a differ- THE NAME AND THE REALITY. 59 ent name and attribute to his Father in heaven, according to the language of his country. At this the king became very angry and said : You have now but one King, Alexander, who rules over you ! Henceforth you shall have but one god- — Jupiter be his name ! When the priests heard these words they were all very sad and troubled at heart. How, said they, can our people change the name of Him they have worshipped from their childhood up ! This made the conqueror still more angry. Then stepped forth an old and venerable Bramin, who had accompanied Alexander to Babylon, bowed his head and said : will my lord, the King, permit me to speak to the as- sembly; then turning, he said, What name do you give to that orb which shines by day and illuminates your land ? Each priest gave to the star of day a different name according to the language of his country. 60 THE BITTER FLOWER. Then said the old Bramin to the king : Should not the King of Day henceforth have but one name? These words convinced Alexander of his folly, and full of shame he said : I see it is not the name, nor symbol, nor yet the attribute that changes the reality. He then exhorted each one to be faithful to his charge, and sent them to their homes in peace *+++/++■$>++*+*+>+ THE BITTER FLOWER. One spring morning, a mother went with her little daughter to see the beautiful country. As they walked, the little girl was much delighted with the many flowers and plants which grew and bloomed along the way. But THE BITTER FLOWER. 61 one flower pleased her most ; it was a small delicate blossom and of a beautiful color. Minna, that was the child's name, plucked this little flower, surveyed it with joy, kissed it, and smelled it. She could not praise it enough. After having done so for some time, she put the little flower in her mouth, in the hope that to eat it, would increase her pleasure. Minna ran immediately to her mother, crying, and exclaiming : Oh, dear mother, the flower was so beautiful and sweet-smelling, and I put it into my mouth ; but it is bitter, and it burns my tongue. Thus complained the little maiden and despised the pretty blossom. Ah, my dear child ! said the mother, why do you blame the flower ? Is it not enough that flowers bloom so beautifully and send forth such sweet fragrance ? They were not intended to be eaten. 62 SAUL AND JONATHAN. SAUL AND JONATHAN. One day, it was the festival of Pentecost, Saul, the king of Israel, conversed familiarly with his son Jonathan. My son, said he, tell me why thou wilt not renounce David, the son of Jesse ? Jonathan replied : I cannot renounce my- self and my own soul, neither can I cease to love the son of Jesse. Then asked the king : What can fetter thee to this shepherd-boy of Bethlehem ? Is it his dark face, or his skill in music, or his great strength? There are many in Israel, with whom he is not to be compared, either in valour or wisdom ! Then answered Jonathan : Let not the king, my father, be angry. It is not his face JONATHAN AND SAUL. 63 that I value, or his valor, or wisdom ; I know not wherefore I love him; but one thing I know, that he is to me as my own soul. But the king was angry and said : Dost thou not know that he turneth the kingdom from thee, and that he will be king of Israel? Then said Jonathan with a cheerful coun- tenance : Be it so. Is it not the same which of us two rule in Israel ? We have made a covenant before the Lord, and we shall never part. At hearing these words, Saul became en- raged in his spirit; and he seized a spear to slay his own son. For he knew not the power of love. But Jonathan turned and went out, and neither eat nor drank during the whole of the festival, for he thought on David's danger, and his father's wrath. 64 THE NIGHTINGALE IN A CAGE. #|b $mtotij-fUat ^tw-klt THE NIGHTINGALE IN A CAGE. A countryman came, one day, to the splendid mansion of a rich man in the city. A bird was singing in a golden cage ; and when he went nearer, he saw that it was a nightingale. With a sad heart, he listened to the story of the little prisoner. One of the servants about the house asked him : Why he thus stood so sorrowfully be- fore the little singer ? Then said the countryman : I wonder how your master can listen to the mournful lay of this captive bird ! You silly old man, said one of the ser- vants, does the song of the nightingale appear sad in the woods and fields ? Quite the reverse, answered the country- THE NIGHTINGALE IN A CAGE. 65 man. In the fields their notes gladden my heart with silent joy and admiration. Then said a servant, with a scornful smile : Does the nightingale in the field and forest sing differently from this in a cage ? Certainly, replied the countryman; the nightingales, among the green and blooming branches, proclaim the praises of renewed nature ; they sing under the blue open heaven the song of freedom, and the joyous carol of their love ! At these words, the servants began to laugh and treated the old man with contempt. The countryman returned to his farm and the healthful labor of the fields ; but he often thought on the melancholy song of the poor imprisoned bird. G* 66 SEA-SHELLS. SEA-SHELLS. A father, when returning from the sea- coast, brought to his little boy some beautiful shells which he had gathered on the shore. The child's joy was indescribably great. He was delighted with the beautiful treasures of the deep. He placed the shells carefully in a little box and invited all his playmates to come and see what his father had brought him. All the boys in the village admired the shells and talked much of their beauty. Every morning, as soon as the child arose, he went to his shells to see what new beauty he could discover. He gave a name to each of them. For the love and joy of childish sim- plicity are rich in sweet and touching inven- tions, SEA-SHELLS. 67 Some time after, the father thought to in- crease the pleasure of his child, by taking him to the sea-side, that he might select such shells as his fancy might lead him to admire most. When they reached the shore, it was just low tide. The boy stood amazed, and gazed with surprise at the many fine shells which were lying about him in all directions. He began to gather some with great delight ; but soon he saw others which he admired still more; so he threw away those he had col- lected and picked up others. Thus he went on changing, till at last growing tired he threw all away and went home empty ; soon he parted with those which his father had given him, as objects of no value, for they gave him no more pleasure. Then said his father : I have done unwisely. My folly has robbed the child of his innocent enjoyment. 68 THE RICHEST KING IN INDIA. THE RICHEST KING IN INDIA. Dushmante was the richest king in India. He possessed many castles, horses, chariots and slaves. But he became proud and haughty in his riches. He closed his heart to the labouring ' classes in his dominions. None but princes and nobles were admitted to his presence. When the teacher of his youth, an old Bramin priest, heard this, he left his solitude, sprinkled ashes on his head and placed him- self at the entrance of the royal palace. When the king saw him, he commanded the old man to approach. Why, said he, dost thou come dressed in the emblems of the deepest sorrow, and why hast thou put ashes on thy gray hairs ? The Bramin an- THE RICHEST KING IN INDIA. 69 swered: When I left thee, thou wast the richest king in India — richer than any who ever sat on this throne before thee ! For Brama in his love had blessed thee abun- dantly, and my heart rejoiced. But now I , hear that the deepest poverty has overtaken thee, and thy former greatness has departed. The king listened to the words of his old teacher with surprise. What fool, said he at last, has put such a falsehood into thy head ? Behold my palace, the gardens and pleasure-grounds which surround it, the num- ber of slaves who attend to my wishes ! — Dost thou see the least indication of poverty ? The old Bramin replied : All this is only delusion, which would gladly blind the eyes of the wise. Th^ ruler of India has sunk from abundance into poverty ! Tell me, old man, said the king, who is be, whose words arc more to be trusted than thine own eyes ? Then the old priest lifted up his voice and 70 THE RICHEST KING IN INDIA. said : The gun, the emblem of truth under the throne of Brarna, the clouds over my head, the fruit-tree before my dwelling-place, proclaim and testify to me thy poverty. The king was silent, but the old sage pro- ceeded : The beams of the sun fall on every blade of grass, on my hut as well as on thy palace — they are reflected in the small dew- drop, as well as in the vast ocean. The cloud, when it is full, rolls over hill and valley, re- freshing with its showers the thirsty field and the barren mountain. The laden fruit-tree bends its branches toward the beholder. Thus all things in nature testify that Brama has blest them with fulness and riches. But thou art like a rock, whose fountain has become dry. If this be not enough to convince thee of thy poverty, ask the tears of thy people, and then boast of thy riches in the presence of the Great Spirit and his creation : Thus spoke the old Bramin, and returned to his dwelling- THE RICHEST KING IN INDIA. 71 place, far away from man. But the king took the words of the wise man to heart, and again became the benefactor of his people. Some time after, the king presented himself before the dwelling-place of the old Bramin, and said : I may now look again upon the rays of the sun and the heavy-laden branches of the fruit-trees, but one thing I lack yet. And what is that? interrupted the old man. I long to bring the gratitude of my heart before the man, who has taught me, that the joyful face of the people is the true riches of princes and rulers. I had indeed become poor, but thou hast once more made me rich. Thus spake the prince. With tears of joy, the old man embraced and blessed him. 72 UNJUST PUNISHMENT. t €mnlq-hMl§ $ ax Kbit. UNJUST PUNISHMENT. A boy had charge of a cow, which was grazing in a meadow, adjoining a beautiful garden. As the boy looked around him, he perceived in the garden a cherry tree, full of fine ripe cherries glittering in the sun. The temptation could not be resisted. He left the cow to take care of herself and climbed the tree. The cow, losing sight of her keeper, and at- tracted by the charms of the garden, broke into it, and there demolished fruit and flowers to her heart's content. When the boy saw the mischief, he was angry and, springing from the tree, ran to the cow and beat her without mercy. His father, who had seen all from afar, ap- THE INVISIBLE. 73 proached the boy and in a severe tone, said : Which of you two deserves the beating — the cow, which does not know right from wrong, or thou, the image of thy Creator, who art gifted with reason and understanding ? Hast thou not followed the desires of thy heart, and shalt thou chastise the cow for following hers also ? It is thou who hast failed in thy duty, and who then deserves the punishment ? The boy felt the truth of his father's words. He was ashamed and blushed deeply. f+*+S++<&<++**+~* THE INVISIBLE. About the time when Salmanasar had taken the land of Judea and dispersed the Israelites all over the world, as Abia wan- dered far away from the holy land, he came 7 74 THE INVISIBLE. into a fertile valley inhabited by a nation much given to superstition and idolatry. They were quarrelling among themselves about the governorship ; but when they saw Abia, they agreed to take him for their king. When Abia saw their idolatrous worship, he was sad and grieved at heart, for he loved the Lord Jehovah, and was jealous for his honor. Then came the voice of the Lord to Abia and said : Do I not permit the sun to shine on them by day and the stars by night ? and thinkest thou, that I could not destroy their idols ? yet I suffer them to exist — Do thou likewise ! So Abia was contented and reigned wisely. For he thought, perhaps, his son after him might succeed in bringing them to the know- ledge of the living and true God. When the hour of his death arrived, he said to his peo- ple, as they stood around him : Behold, I am THE INVISIBLE. 75 going the way of all flesh, and my son will be your king! Then said the people : We do not know thy son, for we have never yet seen him ! Abia replied : You will know him by his justice, goodness and wisdom. Follow his counsels and it will be well with you. The people promised ; and when Abia was dead, they obeyed the orders which proceeded daily from the gates of the palace, but the face of their new king remained unknown to them. Nevertheless, his wisdom and the equity of his government were diffused like the beams of the sun over all the inhabitants of his dominion ; and wherever there was need the aid of the king was at hand. The people wondered and said : Our king lives in the retirement of his court, no one knows his face, yet he sees us and our wants, and cares for us as a father for his children. In time the people became restless and longinor to see the face of their kind ruler, 76 THE INVISIBLE. said : We have our gods ever before our eyes, and we can touch them with our hands ; why should we not see the face of our king and ruler ? Some made images according to their own imaginations, and each said of the image that he made : This is he ! He must resemble this ! At length their desire became very great, so the people assembled at the gates of the court, and with one accord, demanded to see the face of the king ! The lofty portals opened, the king stepped forth, in a simple garb, and said to the people : Behold your king ! Then the people lifted up their voice and shouted : Long live our king ! But soon they recognized his face and said : Have we not seen him in the midst of us and looked upon him as a servant of the court ? and there was a great murmur among the people. Then the king beckoned, and as soon as silence prevailed he opened his mouth and THE INVISIBLE. 77 spake : Now you see me, a man like your- selves. You see these hands and feet, these eyes and lips, mortal and corruptible ! But that which has blessed you and made you happy — wisdom, justice and goodness — is im- mortal. That which is within me, is not mine, but belongs to Him who is invisible, without form or body. Judge yourselves, what my earthly nature is. The visible cannot see the invisible ! Thus spake the son of Abia. The people returned to their homes, and destroyed the images of him, whose face they knew. The king's words took deep root in their hearts, and soon they destroyed their idols and believed in the Invisible God. 7* 78 THE TEMPLE AT MEMPHIS. THE TEMPLE AT MEMPHIS. When Pythagoras, the sage of Samos, visited Egypt, for the purpose of acquiring wisdom from the sacred source of antiquity, he was conducted by the priests into the temple at Memphis. In solemn grandeur, like a lofty mountain, the wonderful structure rose heavenward. How was it possible for man ever to rear such a structure? exclaimed the amazed Greek. United power, replied the priest, can ac- complish much, if guided by one controlling spirit. The strong doors of the temple unfolded like the gates of the kingdom of darkness. They entered and stood in silence be- THE TEMPLE AT MEMPHIS. 79 tween the lofty pillars — the wind rushed through the immense halls and sounded like the voices of many spirits. A shudder came over the young philoso- pher. He trembled and leaned against a pillar and wept. A priest approached him. and asked : Why dost thou weep ? Pythagoras replied : Do I not feel myself here in the solemn presence of a Being, whose name I dare not utter ! Then said the priest : Thy humility be- comes thee well. It will lead thee on to the Invisible Spirit, to whom this edifice was consecrated. But leave this awful mass of stones now, and return to mankind, in whose hearts this temple existed before it was placed on this rock. 80 ADAM AND THE CHERUB. ADAM AND THE CHERUB. Adam tilled the ground, and a garden full of trees and plants rewarded his care. The ears of corn waved in the splendor of the evening sun; the trees in his garden were filled with blossoms and fruit. The father of the human race, with his wife and children, rested on a hill and viewed the glory of the setting sun and the beauty of the earth. The cherub, the watcher of Eden, ap- proached them with a friendly aspect. The flaming sword was not in his hand. He greeted them and said : Behold, no longer does the earth bring forth her increase without your labor ; with the sweat of your brow you must gain your bread. But after the toil is over, you enjoy the fruits of your ADAM AND THE CHERUB. 81 labor, and the sight of your fields gives you delight and pleasure. Jehovah is merciful ! He has given you the means to make for yourselves an Eden. Truly, said Adam, His goodness is great, even when he chastises. Gladly will we work, and eat the bread of our own labor. But formerly, Jehovah, the Lord, was nearer to us and blessed us and suffered the light of his countenance to shine upon us. Is there anything to supply that loss ? Prayer ! answered the cherub. Through labor he gives you earthly joys — through prayer he will bestow heavenly blessings. Then Adam and his wife and children lifted up their eyes toward heaven and breathed a prayer of thanksgiving unto the Lord Jehovah. Then their eyes grew brighter and their faces shone and they said : The Lord is good and his mercy endureth for ever. 82 THE COURSE OF SIN. THE COURSE OF SIN. A father had a son of a mischievous dis- position, whom he indulged in every whim and desire of his heart. His wrong acts he permitted to go unpunished, and even laughed when he saw him throw pebbles and other missiles on those who passed his window. Once he aimed at an old man. The vene- rable man, looking up at the window, saw the father and the boy laughing. Correct your child, he said, while young or you may yet have reason to weep over his folly. But the father, heeding not his counsel, suffered his son to act as he pleased. As the lad grew up his insulting sports increased. RETALIATION. 83 Then the father tried to check him, but he mocked the old man and laughed at him. The bones of the lad are now bleaching on the gallows, before the face of the father ; but tears have extinguished the light of his eyes and he sees them not. v\A*/>-^- >/*s/vsr~ RETALIATION. A queen in the East, having been deceived by her jeweller, came in great wrath to her husband and said : Show thyself worthy to be a judge ; punish the wretch who dared to de- ceive the wife of his king. But the king replied : How can right flow from anger? Is not a judge the representa- tive of the Most High ? Does not God, also, show his anger in the voice of thunder? asked the enraged queen. 84 RETALIATION. Not in the thunder, replied the king. He is kind even in the storm. Alas! man loves to clothe the Eternal with human infirmities. But the queen was not satisfied and said : God hates and punishes the wicked and gives not the sword to kings in vain. I only wish that the criminal should receive his desert ; let him be cast into the lion's den and do battle with the lion. Then said the king : Let it be so, to-morrow at the tenth hour. The next day, at the tenth hour, the drums and timbrels proclaimed the cruel sight ; the queen went forth with many ladies of her court, to be present at the criminal's death. The herald opened the lists — the poor man stood trembling, and the drums and timbrels sounded even louder than before. But behold, there came out, instead of the lion, a white, gentle lamb, and laid itself at the feet of tKe trembling man, and looked up at his face with confidence. The drums became silent the bramin's gift. 85 and the sweet sounds of harps and flutes were heard. Then the queen looked at her husband and blushed. But the king said : I can see by the blush on thy face, that I have exercised the right of retaliation. He who has deceived thee has again been deceived, while on thee will be bestowed a noble pleasure instead of an ignoble revenge ! The drums and timbrels announced the end of the game, and the people shouted : Long live our king and queen. "j****^* €Ijb ^jjirttBtjj %MMi, THE BRAMIN'S GIFT.* Sakontala, the most lovely and most be- loved queen, that ever adorned the throne * This parable was dedicated to Louisa, queen of Prussia, in 1807. 8 86 the bramin's gift. of India, the affectionate wife of the noble Wikrama, was celebrating the joyful anniver- sary of her birth. Joy echoed in huts and palaces throughout the land and met with a response in every heart. For the counte- nance of the queen was beautiful and serene, and the glance of her eye was mild as the set- ting rays of the evening sun sending re- freshing and cooling dew over hills and val- leys. Such was the countenance of Sakon- tala. Therefore the inhabitants of India looked up to their incomparable queen with love and gratitude. As tokens of their reverence, many brought her costly gifts of gold, of silver, of precious jewels, of flowers ; but some asked for her a blessing from Brama. Amongst the number who thronged around the palace to present gifts to her, there came a Bramin, bringing in his hands a small basket made of rushes and covered over with moss. Then said some of the servants about the the bramin's gift. 87 court : Will the Bramin approach the splen- dor of the throne, with his little basket, with its mossy cover, woven of rushes ? But the old man approached affectionately the throne and placed the little basket at the feet of Sa- kontala, and said : Behold, thou friendly queen and mother of thy people, this small basket of rushes and the tender moss. These simple flowers came from the farthest border of thy kingdom, where thy foot wandered when thou wast still in the spring of life. Thus spake the Bramin and placed the little basket at the feet of Sakontala. Then the queen bent her face and looked on the basket and on the flowers which filled it, and she smiled graciously on the blossoms of the valley of her youth. The Bramin re- turned to his lonely valley, and all around appeared more beautiful to him, for he had seen the smiling face of Sakontala. 88 THE JEWEL. THE JEWEL.* Sakontala, the most lovely and most be- loved of all the queens of India, celebrated the day of her birth with tears and silent prayer to Brama. For a fearful war had laid waste the whole land, and the ruler of India, her beloved husband, was far away in the whir of battle. But her sorrow was rendered still greater by the thought that many of the most faithful of the land had fallen in war, whilst many whom the king had, in time of prosperity, crowned with honor and riches, had become rebellious, and their ungrateful and cowardly hearts had been revealed in time of danger. Therefore wept Sakontala in silence, and her birth-day was to her a day of sorrow. * Dedicated to Louisa, queen of Prussia, in 1807. THE JEWEL. 89 Then came one of the waiting ladies into the room where the queen was, and said : Be- hold, the Bramin who once brought thee the flowers of the valley of thy youth, is at the door. But Sakontala sighed, and said : How can flowers rejoice my torn heart, or be an orna- ment to my pale cheeks ? Nevertheless, bring him hither^ I will see him. The old Bramin approached and said: Behold, noble queen, mother of thy people, thy sorrow has not estranged from thee the hearts of the inhabitants of the valley, where thy feet wandered when yet the spring time of thy life smiled on thee. The changes of fickle minded fortune do not loosen the bands of true love; they bind them closer. But I do not bring thee flowers at this time ; they have been trodden down in our valley, but more beautiful will they bloom, when Brama, after the storm of war, sends sun- shine and peace. I bring thee the most 8* 90 THE JEWEL. costly gift which our valley produces, a jewel, bright as India can produce. The sorrowful queen looked at him and sighed. But he continued : Flowers I brought thee, when the youthful lustre of unclouded joy still rested on thy face. But Brama has sent thee sorrow ; I see that silent grief has bleached thy cheeks ; I knew that thou wouldst greet thy birth-day in tears and sorrow. They are to beautiful souls like the dew of heaven, which perfect the blossom. Thus Brama sanctifies his children. So spake the old Bramin, and, with friendly respect, placed the little casket at the feet of Sakontala, Then the queen looked on the precious jewel which filled the casket with its bright- ness, and tears rolled down her pale cheeks. Silently and sadly the Bramin returned to his lonely valley ; for he had seen the tears of Sakontala, THE GRAVE. 91 THE GRAVE.* Full of sadness the Bramin wandered in his lonely valley and thought on the much tried queen. For a fearful war had again commenced. The destroyer with his wild hordes broke loose from the West and ravaged the land lying toward the east. Many sighed deeply on account of the oppressor. Then prayed the old man, day and night to Brania, for Wikrama the Just and for Sakontala his affectionate queen. But his prater remained unanswered, and the noise of battle moved on like a furious stream, even unto the quiet vale of the old Bramin until the land became a waste. Then fled the old man into the mountains^ and dwelt amongst the rocks, ana * Dedicated to Louisa, queen of Prussia, in 1814. 92 THE GRAVE. shunned the sight of mankind. His soul was full of sorrow and he longed to die. But his wish was not granted and he lived on in his solitude for many years. Suddenly there arose the joyful sound of songs of peace, with cymbals and drums. The old man bent his face to the ground and worshipped. When he arose, he said : Let me not delay. I must go and see the victory of the righteous, and the face of Sakontala before I die. He then filled his little basket with the most beantiful flowers of the valley, and covered it with the young twigs of the olive and palm, and with fragrant branches of the tender myrtle. He turned hastily toward the royal residence and moved silently among the rejoicing multitude. Arrived at the gate of the palace, the countenance of the old man became cheerful and he said to one of the king's servants : Lead me to the queen, that I may bring her my offering. THE GRAVE. 93 As he said these words, the servants looked at him in silence and wept. But the Bramin said : Why weep you, and wherefore do you look so sad ? Then the servants answered : Art thou a stranger on earth, that thou alone dost not know what has happened? — And they led him to the grave of Sakontala, and said : Her heart is broken ! — but they could say no more for weeping. Then the face of the old man was trans- formed and his eye glittered like that of a youth; and he lifted his head towards heaven and said : Do I not see the throne of Br am a, and the lustre of the everlasting fountain of light ; with Sakontala resting at his feet, and looking down from the clouds, as the pure sa- crifice and priestess of her beloved father- land ? Glorified one — even now I consecrate to thee, these flowers of earth. So saying, he placed the flowers on the grave and bent his head over it. 94 THE COURSE OF THE RIVER. Then was heard a gentle rustling; and the soul of the old man fled to the abode of peace. ~+**++++>^4 THE COURSE OF THE RIVER. Follow the course of the river, said a teacher to his disciples. See how powerfully and silently it flows through the valley. It nourishes the roots of the trees and of every green herb in its course and refreshes the flowers and plants with its cooling breath. Yonder it flows through a barren and fruit- less soil ; there the beneficent river can do no good. Nevertheless, the water retains its clearness, and the blue sky is reflected in the mirror of its waves. Behold that wild boar ! he comes to cool his burning skin. Very muddy he makes the THE COURSE OF THE RIVER. 95 water, but it will soon settle and run on as pure as ever. Now comes a thirsty traveler. How grate- fully he drinks of the cool water and with it refreshes his heated brow. Where has this friendly river its beginning? Look up ! Do you see those lofty mountains and that rocky cavern ? There, in the deep breast of the earth, is the hidden fountain of the river's source. But whence comes that exhaustless fountain ? Behold the mountain tops tower heaven- ward and are surrounded by the dewy clouds. Where does the beneficent river end ? Larger and larger it rolls onward, till it reaches the arms of the ocean, and from thence returns to the clouds. Thus spake the teacher ; and his disciples understood the emblems of God's love on earth ! IBA P ?9