• ,0o. r <±- GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA GENEALOGICAL MEMOIR BY GENERAL WILLIAM GILES HARDING CARTER UNITED STATES ARMY Author of "Horses, Saddles, and Bridles," "From Yorktoivn to Santiago," "Old Army Sketches," etc. THE LORD BALTIMORE PRESS BALTIMORE, MD., U. S. A. 1909 The object of this memoir is to trace the branch of the Carter family of Virginia from which the author is descended. In pursuit of this object, insistence has been had upon authentic records for all statements of facts ; traditions have served only as guides in the search for original records. The incompleteness of the work is fully recognized, but it is hoped that its publication at this time may be the means of more rapidly developing essential facts than has been ac- complished through correspondence. The obstacles and delays encountered by the author may be under- stood from the mere statement that since the re- searches were begun about six years ago, his orders have required him to visit England and Europe to make certain investigations for the Government, and later to command a Department in the Philippine I slands, involving an absence of more than two j^ears, and t li.it he is now under orders again to proceed to foreign service. *'? CONTENTS. PAGE Foreword 7 Identification of Families 17 Direct Line of Descent 32 Collateral Lineage 62 The Berkeley Hundred Colony 84 The Gloucestershire Colonists 98 Genealogy 108 The Author 124 FOREWORD. The great impetus given to genealogical and his- torical research in recent years, through the publica- tion of rare documents hitherto unavailable, encour- aged me to reopen communication with kinsmen, long neglected during my wanderings with a marching regiment. To my surprise I found these widely scat- tered nation builders quite as ignorant of family his- tory as myself, possessed only of traditions, many of which were wholly dissipated by the strong light of scientific research through the musty and scattered records of three centuries. After much futile corre- spondence it dawned upon me that unless I was pre- pared to accept a line of descent by a sort of wireless genealogy, I must take the back trail and adhere to it f aithfulty whither it might lead. The constant shifting of county and parish boun- dary lines in Virginia, and the talismanic beckoning which ever lured colonists on in the search for more and richer lands, have created most perplexing con- ditions for those who now enter upon the study of Virginia genealogy of the past three centuries. The frontier life bred a love of independence and adven- 8 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA ture that induced the virile men and women of Vir- ginia to cross over the mountains to the West and South, in ever increasing numbers, where, for lack of reliable means of communication, they gradually lost touch with their kinsmen who remained along the tide water and in the valleys of Virginia. As time passed and some of the colonists acquired fortime or became prominent through holding public office, their business transactions and official acts were carefully noted and their descendants may be generally identified, although, in many cases, all traces of contemporary kinsmen have been lost. The carefully devised English laws concerning the keep- ing of records of births, marriages, deaths and busi- ness transactions, were necessarily in abeyance amongst a people whose immediate call of duty was the clearing of forests, building of homes and per- petual preparedness to overmaster the cunning and stratagem of red men, become resentful at being de- spoiled of their hunting grounds. The existence, here and there, of a diary or other family record, serves only to accentuate the general deficiency of reliable data concerning the first half century of settlement. The destruction of many British records of that pe- riod, relating to the colonies, has caused many inves- tigators to indulge in speculations wholly unsatisfac- tory to trained genealogists. It is impossible at this FOREWOED 9 time to establish from the fragmentary records the date and place of embarkation or even of the landing in Virginia of many of the earlier colonists who sub- sequently attained prominence, and the relationship, if any, of those bearing the same names. When I look back at my initial efforts to unravel the tangled skein and recall the groping and floun- dering, I am amazed that I ever had the courage to go forward. I had entered the military service at an early age, at the close of the great Civil War in which the family, like many others in the border states of the Confederacy, had divided and cast its fortunes on opposing sides in the fratricidal conflict. The knowledge which comes in normal times as traditions from the passing generation was lost to me, and when I had fully awakened to the fact, nearly all those who could have aided in the research had passed away. It was certain only that my grandfather had, with his family, joined the migration of over-mountain men from Southern Virginia, in the early years of the Nineteenth Century and that, with other kinsmen devoted to horse breeding, he had taken up lands in the fertile blue grass section of Middle Tennessee. His will had been accidentally destroyed before be- ing probated, and the family Bible alone remained to furnish the solitary clew, the quaint name of my 10 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA grandmother, " Unity," which served as the beacon to light the genealogical pathway in Old Virginia, and to differentiate in a family where the same Christian names prevail in all the branches to the remotest de- gree of kinship. The marriage record, located after casting many nets in vain, served to reopen the family trail which led literally over mountains and through swamps, sometimes dim almost to oblitera- tion, but wdiich finally unfolded into a straight high- way through the gradual accumulation of well de- fined mile posts on the genealogical journey. It was a discouraging undertaking, but with each link of the chain forged anew, an enthusiasm and a charm was discovered such as had never borne me up and on in other tasks. Historical facts, hitherto passed over in a cursory way, took on new life when treated as of the period contemporary with a living, virile generation of nry own ancestors. At times the unearthing of things essential, by a process of ana- lytical reasoning, brought a deep and dignified sense of satisfaction, while at others, equally important ends came through blind stumbling along some hid- den pathway. And when worn and tired with the unrest of every day life, a peaceful enjoyment always awaited me when I could take up the thread and fit some newly arrived link into the slowly growing chain. FOKEWOED 11 The habit of wandering into the by-paths of colo- nial history steadily grew upon me and things hither- to but dimly outlined in the mind became as defi- nitely fixed as the contents of a certain ironbound chest, the ransacking of which had served so loyally to fill in the rainy days of long ago. And when the trail had reached back in the past to a point beyond which all was dust and ashes, and from which the imagery of the veriest castle builder could no longer fashion virile men and women of his own clan, there came a keen sense of personal loss that the delving which had long fascinated me had come to an end. But there will remain as the direct result of this pa- tient research a deeper sentiment of reverence and respect for the nation builders, whether cavalier or puritan, who dared the dangers of the sea in the frail vessels which for a century or more comprised the only fleet available for those who came to establish upon America's shores the initial plant which has grown to include the greatest agricultural, commer- cial and industrial develojnnent known in the ar- chives of the world's history. While delving in the old records there was constant temptation to stray from the strict object of research. For instance the record of the Henrico County court of August 1st, 1685, was observed to contain this or- der for the first ducking stool in the Colony of Vir- 12 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA ginia : " There being no ducking stool in this County as ye law enjoynes, Captain Thomas Cocke is re- quested and appointed, between this and October Court next, to erect one in some convenient place near ye court house and ye it be well and substantially done, for ye which he shall be satisfied in ye County levy ; to ye which ye said Cocke consents and obliges himself to the performance thereof." The immigrants to Virginia were not all cavaliers nor those of New England all puritans. It has gen- erally been supposed, however, that the use of duck- ing stools was confined to the stern men of the north- ern settlements. If this ducking stool was ever used in Henrico County the record of it escaped observa- tion. In these modern days authors are prone to write of the need of uplift and a return to the honest and simple life of the colonial forefathers. That this pre- sumed superior honesty is more imaginary than real is indicated by the oath of office required of one of the most powerful of the colonial functionaries, the commander or commissioner of a county : " Ye shall swear that as commissioner of ye County, ye shall doe equal right to ye poor as to ye rich, to ye best of ye cunning, wit and power and a Iter the precedents and customs of the Province and acts of assembly thereof made, and to hold ye sessions FOREWORD 13 or courts as ye are directed in ye commission or ac- cording to acts of assembly providing in ye behalf: and all fines and amercements as shall happen to be made and all forfeitures which shall fall before you, ye shall cause to be entered without any concealment and certify ye same to his Lordships Receiver of this province ; ye shall not barr or hinder ye prosecution of justice or take any gift, bribe or fee to ye intent of delaying of judgment: but shall behave yourself wisely and truly to ye best of your understanding and power so long as ye shall persist in this office and untill ye shall be by lawfull authority discharged therefrom soe help ye God. ' ' The search of court records of to-day for data con- cerning the eighty millions of Americans would be discouraging and unprofitable, but in the early colo- nial period they constitute the most reliable source of information. Their value in this respect has come to be generally recognized. Much has been done for the preservation of records but much remains to be done, not only of mere copying, but of intelligent analysis and connection of historically important entries in widely separated records. How quaint all the old fragments of colonial rec- ords, laboriously penned, seem in the light of the modern way ! Schoolmasters were rare in the early days, actual money all but unknown and tobacco the 2 14 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA only currency of the colony for a hundred and fifty years. The vestry of each parish were sworn to abide by the doctrines and discipline of the Church as en- joined by the statutes of William and Mary, to bear true faith and allegiance to his Majesty the King and to disavow belief in the transubstantiation in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, and in addition were burdened with many duties ordinarily pertain- ing to the secular administration of county affairs. Amongst the varied and important functions of government devolving on the church vestrymen and wardens was the appointment every fourth year of " processioners " to view all boundary lines of land grants and claims, to arbitrate differences and to see that the shooting and range laws were complied with. There were no eleemosynary institutions in the col- ony, and had there been, the lack of transportation facilities would have rendered them inutile to the widely scattered settlers. It, therefore, devolved upon the vestry of each parish to provide for the poor and unfortunate, and, to that end, they were empow- ered to levy taxes, to bind minors to service, and to apportion the destitute amongst the more fortunate who were willing to undertake their care for a small allowance, usually paid in tobacco. So that while there was ofttimes complaint of some counties that horse racing, cock fighting and card playing were FOREWORD 15 too prevalent, there is abundant evidence that the corner stones and foundations of a people of high and abiding moral fibre were not neglected. There is a dignity about the old marriage bonds, used for more than two centuries after the first settle- ment along the James, that appeals with peculiar force in these iconoclastic days. These documents have quite generally disappeared, but in one of the numerous counties where Carters lived and sought maids in marriage, the old bonds have all been pre- served and thus they run: " Know all men by these presents, that I John Carter of Brunswick County and James Jones of the County of Surrey, are held and firmly bound unto our Sovereign Lord George the Second, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, etc., in the sum of fifty pounds current money of Virginia, to be paid to our said Lord the King, his heirs and successors to the pae- ment whereof we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated this 3rd Jan'y, 1754. " The condition of this obligation is such, that whereas there is a marriage suddenly intended to be solemnized between the above bound John Carter and Rebecca Stuart of the Parish of St. Andrew in 16 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA Brunswick Co. Spinster — Now if there is no lawful cause to obstruct said marriage, then this obligation to be void, or else to remain in full force and virtue. John Carter (Seal). James Jones (Seal)." Upon the execution of such a bond, with approved security, the clerk issued a certificate authorizing any one licensed by the county court to perform the ceremony. If the marriage was to be celebrated ac- cording to the rites of the established Church, the words " solemnly intended " were inserted; if any other ceremony was to be used then the words ' ' sud- denly intended " were substituted. The licenses were not returned to the clerk of the court, and ex- cept for family Bibles and the private records kept by ministers, these bonds constituted the only mar- riage registers required by law, until the middle of the Nineteenth Century. Many of the clerks trans- ferred the essential facts from the bonds to books for their own convenience, but fire and the sword, vandal- ism and the corruption of time have caused most of these to disappear. ROBERT CARTER BORN HALIFAX COUNTY, VIRGINIA 22 DECEMBER. 1770 IDENTIFICATION OF FAMILIES. This memoir concerns Giles Carter of Henrico, Virginia, and his descendants, but makes no pretence to be a complete record. The research was begun for the purpose of tracing by the records the direct an- cestors of General William Giles Harding Carter. Information concerning collateral branches of the family has been noted, and while meager, is not suf- ficiently so to discourage one trained to genealogical research and with time available for its accomplish- ment. While the connection between Giles Carter, of Hen- rico, born in 1634, and Giles Carter of Gloucester- shire, England, who sailed from Bristol September 25th, 1620 (O. S.), on the Supply, for Berkeley Hun- dred, has not yet been established, the results of the author's study of the Berkeley Hundred Colony and the family connection of those interested in its estab- lishment are included in this volume. In tracing back the Carter families of Gloucestershire bearing, in each generation, the same Christian names as the Vir- ginia family which this memoir concerns, it was ob- served that they appear to have been of the landed or J-l 18 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA agricultural class from a remote period antedating the published histories of their county. With but rare exceptions the descendants of Giles Carter of Virginia have adhered through more than two and a half centuries to the life of planters and stock farmers. The branch of the Carter family descended from Giles and Hannah Carter, under consideration in this memoir, has not been prominently identified with high public office nor with great industrial or com- mercial undertakings. From their recorded wills and deeds, it is ascertained that they were land and slave holders, living the simple life of planters, en- during the hardships which, were ever the lot of pioneers and playing their modest part in laying the foundations of now prosperous commonwealths. Of the numerous daughters of this branch of Car- ters and their descendants, involved in three cen- turies of a shifting panorama of new states and terri- tories in their formative period, there is but little of record recognizable to the casual investigator. It is only through a long and patient search of family Bibles and scattered records, that the history of these kinswomen and their widely dispersed descendants may be developed. There are several families of Carters of Virginia, descended mainly from John Carter of Lancaster IDENTIFICATION OF FAMILIES 19 County, Giles Carter of Henrico County and Thomas Carter of Lancaster County, which may or may not have sprung from a common English ancestry. The scattered descendants of Virginia Carters assumed for a long time that all were descended from Colonel John Carter of Corotoman and that he was descended from William Carter of Carstown, Hertford, Eng- land. It is unfortunate that the published genea- logical records relating to the Carters of Virginia have heretofore been confined to the family of Robert Carter, commonly known as " King " Carter (1663- 1732), and who was a son of Colonel John Carter and Sarah Ludlow, one of his five wives. Robert Carter became probably the wealthiest man of all the colo- nies. His immediate descendants intermarried with many of the most prominent families of the Old Do- minion, and while those descendants bearing the name of Carter have not been prominent in public life during the past century, many of their kinsmen, in whose veins flowed the blood of Robert (King) Carter, have added laurels to the family escutcheon and imperishable pages to the nation's history. The relationship, if any, of Colonel John Carter with Edward and Thomas Carter, living at the same time in Lancaster County, Virginia, has never been definitely determined, although it has been surmised that John and Edward were brothers. 20 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA It is not known from just what county of England Colonel John Carter emigrated. From the will of Edward Carter it appears that he was from Middle- sex County, England, in the vicinity of London. There is a British record of the marriage of John Carter of Stepney, Middlesex, to Jane Cleaves, widow of All Hallows, Barking, London, 25th of October, 1611. As Cleave appeared as a Christian name of the Carters in Virginia it may yet be determined to have been derived from the marriage mentioned and that John, Edward and Cleave were of Middlesex County, England. It is certain that the Gloucestershire Car- ters had lived in that county for several centuries prior to the settlement of Virginia, and the Christian names of Giles, William and John have always pre- vailed. It is quite certain that Colonel John Carter of Co- ro torn an was of unvarying Royalist sentiments, and it is equally certain that Giles Carter of Henrico fraternized with the opposition to Sir William Berkeley during his later service as Governor of the Colony of Virginia, and which culminated in the so- called " Bacon's Rebellion.' 1 King Charles II be- came convinced that Governor Berkeley's course had been unwise if not absolutely unjust, but the families of those in sympathy with Bacon were historically without the pale of public office or political prefer- IDENTIFICATION OF FAMILIES 31 ment, for a long period, and were amongst the first to penetrate the unexplored regions of the Southwest. During the early colonial period large families were the rule, and, being dependent almost wholly upon agriculture, the division of land, with each new generation, reduced the probability of success of those descendants who remained upon the home plan- tations. The result was a constant migration of those not heirs to large estates, away from the tide water region to the back counties and later to new territo- ries and states. In this wav the descendants of Giles Carter, during two and a half centuries, have become dispersed, from Virginia to Texas. Traditions as to their ancestors are generally vague, and were it not for the perpetuation, from generation to genera- tion, of family names, it would be extremely diffi- cult to locate the records necessary to identify many families. The descendants of Giles Carter and their kins- men have continued generally in the South. A not- able exception to this occurred in the family of Rich- ard Everard Bennett, of " Poplar Mount," Halifax County, whose wife was Ann Carter, daughter of Theodrick (Third) and Judith Cunningham Carter. A son of this marriage, Richard E. Bennett, Jr., moved to Illinois, and the senior surviving member of this family now (1909) bears the name Theodrick 22 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA Carter Bennett, his mother Maria Carter having been a first cousin of his father. Although born in Illinois, Theodrick Carter Bennett, being on a visit to his Carter kinsmen in Texas at the outbreak of the Civil War, joined Terry's Texas Rangers and continued in the Confederate Army to the end, when he re- turned to Illinois. One of the Bennett descendants, Judge Walter Bennett Scates, succeeded Judge Lyman Trumbull as Justice of the Supreme Court of Illinois when Trumbull was elected to the United States Senate. He served in the Union Army as a lieutenant-colonel on the staff of General McClernand. Doctor Walter Bennett, the progenitor of this fam- ily in Virginia, left a journal of his travels, and for his son Richard Everard Bennett, a recipe book in which appears a strange commingling of medical pre- scriptions for the human kind and animals ; and rec- ords of births and deaths of children interspersed with entries such as these: " North American, a sorrel horse-colt, foaled on Tuesday the 17th day of April, 1810 out of Nancy Maid, a bay mare purchased of Mr. Baird, Esq., got by gray Diomed, his dam by North Britain who was imported by John Baird Esq. ' ' To accurately and definitely trace a line of family descent court records are the most valuable because IDENTIFICATION" OF FAMILIES 23 usually made under oath and presumably accurate. Family Bibles appear to be next in accuracy, as to births in Virginia families, because the entries in church parish records show indubitably that the data concerning their scattered parishioners was collected by the ministers from time to time and not as records of each individual birth. Frequently all the children of a family are found as successive entries in parish registers, although the series of births may have cov- ered many years. Marriage and death records are apt to be accurate, because usually entered at the time of the events. The perpetuation of Christian names serves to greatly facilitate the identification of families in all records and contemporary history. In the several families of Carters of Virginia, certain Christian names peculiar to each family occur in each genera- tion, while other names, such as John and Robert, are quite common in all the families even where no rela- tionship exists. Giles and Theodrick have not been found in any other branch of the Carter family, al- though one or both have appeared in each generation of the branch which this memoir concerns, from Giles, the immigrant, down to the present generation. During one generation, 1775 to 1800, there were no less than seven members of this family bearing the name of Theodrick Carter. Giles or Gyles Carter 24 GILES CARTES OE VTTJOTOTA has been found continuously, bark to the most ancient records of Gloucestershire, England, and has not been identified with any of the other Carter families in England. While perpetuation of Christian names serves to identify families, it also leads at times to serious em- barassment, from the viewpoint of the genealogist, unless contemporary records are available to unravel the multiplication of identical names. As an instance of this, Theodrick Carter (First), a son of Giles Car- ter, had two sons named Theodrick (Second) and John. Theodrick Carter (Second) named his first three sons John, Theodrick and William. His broth- er John named his first three sons Theodrick, John and William. Each of these two brothers honored the other by naming his first son after the brother, the second being given his own father's name and the third in each case being named William. The wills of Theodrick (Second) and John served to unravel this confusion of names. Certain parish, colonial and county records aid in identification of individuals. The date of death of Giles Carter (Second) is not known. The last record concerning him in the locality where he was born and lived is found in the following record of a vestry meeting held at Curl's Church, for Henrico Parish, the sixth day of December, Ano. 1735 : IDENTIFICATION OF FAMILIES 25 " Pursuant to an act of Assembly of this colony, and in obedience to the order of Henrico County Court, made at a court held for ye said county, this first day of December, Ano. 1735 : The vestry do or- der that John Cocke, Gerrard Ellyson and Giles Car- ter, with the assistance of the neighboring freehold- ers, do sometime before the last day of March next coming, goe in procession and renew the lines of all lands from Boar Swamp on Chickahominy Swamp, to the lower bounds of ye parish, thence southerly to the place where the Long Bridge road parts with Bot- tom Bridge road, and that the said John Cocke, Ger- rard Ellyson and Giles Carter (or any two of them), do take and return to their parish vestry, an account of every person's lands by them processioned, and the persons present at the same, and of all land in their precinct they shall fail to procession, and the particular reasons for such failure." An act of the general assembly of Virginia was passed in October, 1786, for clearing and extending the navigation of the Chickahominy River, and Wil- liam Carter, a descendant of Giles Carter (First), was one of a committee of trustees appointed to supervise the clearing of the channel as far up as Meadow Bridge. An act of the general assembly was passed Decem- ber 21, 1795, under which Everard Meade, Joseph 26 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA Eggleston, Ryland Randolph, Edmund Harrison, Richard Venable, John Epperson, Francis Eppes, Henry Skipwith, Buller Claibourne, Samuel Carter, James Wade and other gentlemen were appointed ' trustees for clearing, improving and extending the navigation of the Appomatox River from Banister's Mills as far up the same as they may judge it prac- ticable, so as to have a sufficient depth and width of water to navigate boats, batteaus or canoes capable of carrying eight hogsheads of tobacco." Samuel Carter who was named as one of the trustees was a son of Theodrick (Second) and Anne Carter. Sam- uel's brother Waddill married Mildred, a daughter of James Wade, who was also named as one of the trustees. At the Halifax County, Virginia, court, held in November, 1799, the following was ordered and made of record : " Theodrick Carter, Gentleman, is recommended to his Excellency, the Governor or Chief Magistrate, for the time being, as a fit person to execute the office of Sheriff of this County for the ensuing year." He filled the office for two successive terms. His identification aided materially in clearing up a tangled procession of Theodricks in that generation. The last but one in the branch of the family herein traced, to bear the name of Theodrick, and who was IDENTIFICATION OF FAMILIES 27 Theodrick (Sixth) in direct line, entered the Confed- erate service from Tennessee at twenty-one years of age and accompanied General Zollicofer to Ken- tucky. Subsequent to the death of his chief at the battle of Mill Springs, Kentucky, he served as cap- tain and A. D. C. upon the staff and accompanied Hood's army on its march north for Nashville in 1864. The battle of Franklin was peculiarly fatal to the Confederate Army in its loss of officers and none was more tragic than that of young Theodrick Car- ter, thus described by General J. D. Cox, U. S. Vol- unteers, in his history of the battles of Franklin and Nashville : ' ' But even civil war rarely furnishes so sad a story as that which the Carter family have to tell. The house was occupied by an elderly man and his two daughters The battle, when it came, broke upon them so suddenly that they did not dare to leave, and they took refuge in the cellar. The house was in the focus of the storm which raged about it for hours. .... The long night ended at last, and with the first light the young women found relief in ministering to the wounded who had crept into the house and out- buildings, and in carrying water to those on the field. But, as they climbed the parapet at the rear of the house, among the first they found was a young staff officer, their own brother, mortally wounded, lying, 28 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA as he had fallen at sunset, almost at the door of his home. ' ' * The name of Waddill appeared in the fourth gen- eration of the Carter family in Virginia, as a Chris- tian name. It is believed to have been introduced through the marriage of Theodrick Carter (Second) with Anne Waddill. A daughter of this marriage was named Anne Waddill and a son named Waddill. John Carter, a son of Theodrick (Second) and Anne, named his first daughter Anne Waddill. The Wad- dills lived in St. Peter's Parish for many years, as shown by the register and other parish records. Wil- liam Waddill, Sr., was a vestryman and also church warden of St. Peter's Parish. His name was spelled Waddell in all the records until the meeting of August 18th, 1704, after which it was always spelled Waddill until it disappears from the vestry proceed- ings, the last entry being at the meeting of October 8th, 1737. William Waddill, son of William Waddill, was baptized April 29th, 1694. William Waddill was a witness to the w T ill of John Carter's father, Theod- rick Carter (Second). One of the witnesses to the will of John Carter of Halifax was Noel Waddill. * The mortality amongst the Confederate generals at Franklin in- cluded General John C. Carter, and was unparalleled in any other battle of the war. It is said to have resulted from an impatient remark of General Hood, over the failure to crush the Federal Army before reach- ing Franklin, which caused the generals and other officers to recklessly expose themselves in the battle which followed. IDENTIFICATION OP FAMILIES 29 Other Christian names are traced less directly. The old Henrico records show " Mr. Robert Wood- son, Mr. Richard Ferris, Mr. Giles Carter, William Ferris and Roger Comins," as partners in a land grant. At the date of taking the census of 1625, John Woodson, who came over in " The George " in 1619, and his wife Sarah, lived at Flower de Hundred, on the south side of the James. A son Robert married Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Ferris, and had issue : John, Robert, Richard, Joseph, Benjamin and Eliza- beth, who married John Pleasants. A son of Rich- ard, also named Richard, married Anne Michaux. Anne Michaux Woodson had two daughters; one, Elizabeth, married Nathaniel Venable and the other, Agnes, married Francis Watkins, Clerk of Prince Edward County. Nathaniel Venable and Francis Watkins were ex- ecutors of and Agnes Watkins a witness to the will of Theodrick Carter (Second) which was probated Jan- uary 19th, 1777. The second Theodrick 's son, John Carter, named one son Francis Watkins, one Richard and one Robert. Robert Carter named one son Rob- ert Michaux and a daughter Sarah Venable. The second Theodrick Carter's son, Theodrick (Third), named a son Nathaniel. 3 30 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA Abraham Venable, who married Elizabeth Mi- chaux, daughter of Jacob Michaux, was a witness to the will of Waddill Carter, son of Theodrick Carter (Second). Martha Venable, a sister of Abraham, married John Holcomb of Prince Edward County, Virginia. Samuel Venable, son of Abraham and Elizabeth Michaux Venable, married Aim Anderson, daughter of Thomas Anderson of Mecklenburg County, Virginia. Francis Watkins Carter married Sarah Holcomb Anderson. Samuel was given as a Christian name by Theod- rick Carter (Second) to one of his sons and has been perpetuated to the present generation. It appears from the English and Virginia records that Giles, John and William have come as Christian names through, many generations of Carters in Glou- cestershire, England; that Theodrick has been a favorite name since about 1650, in Virginia, and that Richard, Robert, Waddill, Samuel, Nathaniel and Francis have come through association with the Michaux, Waddills, Venables and Watkins in Virginia. In examining the old records the writer was par- ticularly interested to find that in Gloucestershire, England, one of the daughters of Giles Carter had married William Harding in the Sixteenth Century; thai contemporaries bearing the names of Giles Car- IDENTIFICATION OF FAMILIES 31 ter and William Harding were in Henrico County, Virginia, with the Gloucestershire settlers in the early part of the Eighteenth Century, and that in the Twentieth Century the writer should bear the name of William Giles Harding Carter. DIRECT LINE OP DESCENT. The plan followed in developing the line of descent has been to trace back, generation by generation, to Giles Carter, who was born in 1634. Having followed out the immediate line to its source in America, the course was then reversed, and beginning with Giles Carter, the line of descent was proved and informa- tion of record concerning collateral branches was noted and analyzed. In the pursuit of the information necessary to work out the completed chain, and to accomplish the identification of individuals and families, it was sometimes necessary to draw deductions from scanty and widely dispersed details. By a process of elimi- nation and comparison the direct line was finally established and this has been followed by persistent examination of records and contemporary biograph- ical and historical writings. The first Giles Carter of whom there is any record in Virginia came from Gloucestershire, England, with William Tracy on the Supply, which sailed from Bristol September 24th, 1620 (O. S.), and arrived at Berkeley January 29th, 1621 (O. S.). After looking DIEECT LINE OF DESCENT 33 over the situation Giles Carter returned to England immediately before or just after the Indian massacre of Friday, April 1st, 1622. The Carter family of Gloucestershire, England, in which Gyles or Giles appears as a Christian name, was connected with the Tracy family by the marriage of Giles Carter and Elizabeth Tracy. This Giles was a son of John Car- ter of Lower Swell, who was High Sheriff of Glouces- tershire in 1612. The family and its connections are considered in a separate chapter, for the reason that in the fragmentary state of the published records of that early period, it has not yet been practicable to identify the parents of Giles Carter who was born in 1634, who lived at Turkey Island during Bacon's Re- bellion, and whose will is preserved in Henrico County, Virginia. From the incomplete records of the first half century of colonization in Virginia, it is difficult to find continuous and accurate data of even those who bore the most prominent part in colo- nial affairs. Beginning with Giles Carter of Henrico County, Virginia, whose descendants are traced in this memoir, the recorded wills have been preserved and the direct line of descent is traced by means of these wills and other county records and family Bibles. The records of Henrico County, Virginia, estab- lish, in a deposition, that Giles Carter was born in 34 GILES CAETEB OF VIEGINIA 1634. At the period of Bacon's Rebellion lie was the intimate friend of Colonel James Crewe of Turkey Island, Henrico County, one of Bacon's active and prominent adherents. For his participation in Ba- con's Rebellion Colonel James Crewe was tried by court-martial and sentenced to be hanged. The record of the proceedings of the court-martial which tried Colonel James Crewe has been preserved as follows : " At a Court-martial held at Green Spring the 24th day of January 1676-7. " Present Sir William Berkeley, Knt. Governor and Captain General of Virginia. Colonel Bacon Colonel Ludwell ( 'olonel Ramsey Colonel Ballard Colonel Claiborne Major Page. Colonel West Colonel Hill ' James Crewes being brought before the Court for treason and rebellion against his most sacred majestie, and pleading nothing in his defence, and the court being very sensible that the said Crewes was a most notorious actor, aydor and assistor in the re- bellion therefore the court are unanimously of opin- ion, and doc adjudge him guilty of the accusation: Sentence of death, therefore past upon him to re- turne to the prison from which he came, and from thence fmi KYiday next) to be carryed to the gal- lowes, there to be hanged until he be dead." DIRECT LINE OF DESCENT 35 It is not known in detail jnst what part Colonel Crewe took in Bacon's Rebellion, but when the Vir- ginia Assembly passed an act granting pardon to those who had participated in it, he and about fifty others were excluded. Subsequent to his execution a bill of attainder was passed, which contained this final proviso : " Provided always, and it is the true intent and meaning of the act, that the severall estates of the severall persons herein mentioned to be convicted and stand attainted of high treason, shall only be in- ventoried and security taken that the same shall not be embezzled, and upon such security, the said estates nor any parte thereof shall not be removed, but shall remaine and be in the hands of the person or persons now possessing the same untill the King's majesties further pleasure shall be signified therein." The act of attainder was repealed by proclamation July 8th, 1680. Sir William Berkeley, in his report of those exe- cuted, says: " Condemned at my house (Green Spring) and executed when Bacon lay before James- town: " 1. Colonel Crewe, Bacon's parasyte, that con- tinually went about ye country, extolling all Bacon's actions, and justifying his rebellion." The exclusion of Crewe from amnesty after he had 36 GILES CAETER OF VIRGINIA been executed was of little moment except to his heirs. The wise provisions of the bill of attainder are now believed to have been inserted to secure es- tates to rightful heirs and to prevent Governor Berkeley from personalty confiscating them. Viewed in the light of documents since made public, Colonel Crewe was a patriotic, self-respecting gentleman. He was officiallv slain bv the verdict of a court-martial assembled to do the bidding of an irascible and vin- dictive governor, who appeared willing to sacrifice the lives and property of the English planters that his own interests in the Indian trade might continue undisturbed. Many descendants of members of the court were to be found among the colonists who con- tended on the field of battle, one hundred years later, for the principles laid down by Bacon and Crewe in 1676.* The career of Colonel James Crewe is of particular interest because of the provisions of his will relating * Early in his investigations the author became imbued with the opinion that Bacon's adherents had been misrepresented from the very inception of trouble with the Indians, and had been treated with marked disfavor and injustice by Sir William Berkeley, producing a dissatis- faction which remained as an open wound in the body politic long after Berkeley had been deposed from the office of governor. After a study of all available documents relating to that period the author's opinion became a conviction, and he prepared a monograph on Bacon's Rebel- lion, and, upon its completion, learned that Eggleston had already pub- lished " Bacon the Patriot," based upon a similar study. DIEECT LINE OF DESCENT 37 to Giles Carter and his family. The will of James Crewe was executed the 23d of July, 1676, and proved before the Henrico County court the 10th of Decem- ber, 1677. The name is spelled Crews by the clerk of the court, except the record of the signature which is Crewes. The spelling used by Governor Berkeley — Crewe — conforms to that in the Gloucestershire rec- ords of this family. He appears to have been ' ' Cap- tain " Crewe from the recorded will, but was desig- nated as " Colonel " bv Governor Berkelev. Colonel James Crewe appointed his cousin Mathew Crewe of England sole executor. There is an entry in the Henrico County records stating that adminis- tration on the estate was granted to Mr. William Sherwood, attorney for Rowland Place Esquire, who was attorney for Mathew Crewe gent., son of Francis Crewe, deceased, brother of Colonel James Crewe; and to Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Grendon, attor- ney for Sarah Whittingham, sole daughter of Ed- ward Crewe, brother to Colonel James Crewe, the heirs living in England. The estate of James Crewe, known as Turkey Is- land, was on the James River between Shirley and Bremo, the latter the residence of the Cocke familv for two hundred years. Turkey Island received its name from the large number of wild turkeys found there by the first party sent up the river from the 38 GILES CAETEE OF VIRGINIA colony at Jamestown. The estate was sold bv James * Crewe's heirs in 1684 to William Randolph. By an indenture made the 25th of February, * 7 1684-5, Giles Carter, "planter," and his wife Hannah transferred their rights in a parcel of land pertain- ing to the Turkey Island plantation of Colonel James Crewe, to William Randolph. By his will Colonel Crewe had transferred the land to Giles Carter dur- ing his lifetime for " one grain of Indian corn/' The estate of Colonel James Crewe was settled by the court held June 1st, 1686, the various legacies to Giles Carter's family being then approved and paid. It is not known just when Colonel Crewe arrived in Virginia. The records show that he was a witness to a receipt given by Thomas Hallam April 14th, 1656, and recognized in court June 25th, 1656. It has not been determined just when Giles Carter, who was associated with Colonel James Crewe, ar- rived in Virginia. There is a deposition recorded in Henrico County, Virginia, which states, on behalf of Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Grendon, that he loaned a rapier to Colonel James Crewe " once when he was going to England/ ' The date of this visit can not be determined, but it seems probable from subsequent incidents and records that Giles Carter and his fam- ily returned with Crewe and were still at his planta- DIEECT LINE OP DESCENT 39 tion when the Indian troubles preceding Bacon's Re- bellion began. Giles Carter received grants of land for the ex- pense of bringing a number of immigrants to Vir- ginia, but their names, as shown in the court records and grants, are not found in any of the published lists of persons sailing from ports of England, the records of which are intact. This fact strengthens the evidence that Giles Carter and the group affili- ated with him at the time of Bacon's Rebellion and afterwards, were from Gloucestershire and sailed from Bristol as did the first Giles Carter who came on the Supply. The only records of sailings from Bristol preserved are those of the Margaret and the Supply, found with the private papers of John Smyth of Nibley. Both ships were chartered for the Berkeley Hundred Colony. The will of Colonel James Crewe contained, amongst other provisions, the following: " I give unto Hannah, wife of Giles Carter, my negro maid Kate forever and her increase," and in event of the death of Hannah Carter, the woman Kate was to be- come the property of Theodriek, son of Giles and Hannah Carter. Mary and Susan, daughters of Giles and Hannah Carter, each received under the will " ten thousand pounds of tobacco," and minor lega- cies. Many of the old wills make provision for 40 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA mourning rings and other small gifts for personal friends. Such generosity as Colonel Crewe bestowed upon (Hies and Hannah Carter and their children was generally reserved for kinsmen. There are many entries in the old records of Vir- ginia concerning Giles Carter and his descendants, extracts of which are included to show their early land holdings and family connections. In the records of Henrico County, Virginia, is a list of tythables, in 1679, residing in the old settle- ments of Bermuda Hundred, Curls and Turkey Is- land. At the last named place the list includes: Richard Cocke 5 William Randolph 5 Giles Carter 6 Thomas Cocke 8 William Cocke 2 The record recites : " An account of the several forty tythables, or- dered by this worshipful court to fitt out man and horse and arms, etc., according to act." The act referred to required that a man a nd horse should be provided for service in the militia by each forty tythables. The numbers opposite each name indicated the numbers of persons for whose poll tax each was responsible. Giles Carter was appointed by the court August 15th, 1681, as one of the persons to appraise an estate. DIRECT LINE OF DESCENT 41 William Cocke, of Henrico County, recorded a deed of a parcel of land sold February 28th, 1684, to Giles Carter, " said land lying upon Turkey Island Mill Run and beginning at the upper beaver dam on said River." Giles Carter was appointed by the court, February 1st, 1685, as an appraiser of the estate of John Cly- burn, deceased. The records of the court held at Varina for Hen- rico Comity, Virginia, June 1st, 1687, contain the fol- lowing : 11 Upon the petition of Giles Carter, certificate is granted unto him for eight hundred (800) acres of land due for ye importacion of these sixteen (16) persons under written, being legally proved in court ; viz: Jonathan Cocke Cornelius Orts William Wheeler Philip Marshall John Green Nicholas Lund Mary Allen Mary Richards John Bengany John Holmes Moses Martin Thomas Smeethers Elianor Bushell Jno. Cocks Rachel Lockerson. ' : Katherine Price An order of the same court appointed Giles Carter as an appraiser of and to divide the estate of Will Humphrey, deceased. Amongst the recorded land patents in Virginia is a grant, dated October 21st, 1687, for 1875 acres in 42 GILES CARTER OF VIEG IMA the Parish of Varina, at the White Oak Swamp, on the north side of the James, to " Mr. Robert Wood- son, Mr. Richard Ferris, Mr. Giles Carter, William Ferris and Roger Comins.'' This patent was issued in October, 1688, and signed by Francis Lord How- ard, Baron of Effingham. Roger Comins having died and William Ferris having failed to pay any part of the charges accruing, the land was divided among the three remaining, Giles Carter's share be- ing 552 acres lying along the main run of White Oak Swamp. This land was granted for having brought emigrants to the colony, among them being John Strong, Jno. Hickson, Geo. Swallow, Moses Reese, Jno. Worthy, Antho. Gant, Wm. Norris, Dan '11 Waller, Tho. Adcock, Tho. Clark, Ed Davehill and others, thirty-six in all. By his will, one hundred years after the granting of this patent, John Carter, a grandson of Giles, gave a piece of land described as at the White Oak Swamp to his son and namesake John Carter, Jr. The will of Giles Carter, father of Theodrick Car- ter (First) and of Giles Carter (Second), was exe- cuted the 14th day of December, 1699, and is recorded in Henrico County. The witnesses who proved the will were Thomas Smythes, William T. Sewell and J .lines I). Davis. The will name! his wife Hannah; sou Theodrick; daughter Susanna, wife of Thomas DIRECT LINE OF DESCENT 43 Williamson ; daughter Mary, wife of Thomas Davis ; daughter Ann, wife of James Davis; son Giles, Jr., who was under eighteen years of age when the will was executed. The will was probated Febru- ary 2d, 1701-2, Hannah Carter being, under its pro- visions, sole executrix. After devising a few minor legacies including a ' ' phillie ' ' or young mare to his namesake, Giles, Jr., he directed that upon the lad's arriving at eighteen years of age he should divide the estate with his mother, but that she should not be dis- turbed in her possession of the plantation during her lifetime.* A deed was recorded at the court held at Varina December 10th, 1701, for 550 acres of land sold by * John Rolfe, when in England with Pocahontas, wrote a letter to King James concerning the plantations in Virginia which contains the following: " At Henrico, on the north side of the river, ninety odd myles from the mouth thereof, and within fifteen or sixteen miles of the Falls or head of that river (being our furthest habitation within the land) are thirty-eight men and boyes, whereof twenty-two are farmers, the rest officers and others all whom maintayne themselves with food and apparell. Of this towne one Captain Smaley hath the command in the absence of Captain James Davis." The abstract of Virginia land patents shows: " Thomas Davis planter, son and heir of James Davis, late of Hen- rico in Virginia, gentleman, deceased, 300 acres in Warwicksqueake on Warwicksqueake Creek; due 100 acres in right of the said James Davis, his father, an ancient planter, for the transportation of two servants into the country, (viz) George Cooke and Alice Mulleins, who came in the George in 1617; 100 acres in right of Rachel Davis for her personal dividend, an ancient planter. Granted by Harvey 6 March, 1633." 44 GILES CAETEE OF VIRGINIA John Cocke, of Oldman's Creek, Charles City County, to Thomas Williamson, husband of Susanna, daughter of Giles and Hannah Carter. The land was described as a parcel sold by Giles Carter, Sr., to Cocke. The will of Giles Carter names two sons, Theodrick Carter (First) and Giles Carter, Junior. The rec- ords of Henrico County, Virginia, show that Theod- rick Carter (First) transferred March 2d, 1701, to John Pleasants certain land called the Low Grounds lying on the north side of James River " on Run of Turkey Island Creek," for ten thousand pounds of tobacco. This land was devised to Theodrick Carter (First) by the will of his father Giles Carter. Theod- rick Carter (First) bought from John Pleasants, at the same time, the property known as " Round Hills," on the south side of the Chicahominy Swamp. This Round Hills land serves later to identify John, the son of Theodrick Carter (First), to whom it was willed.* The will of Theodrick Carter (First), son of Giles Carter and his wife Hannah, was executed the 22d day of July, 1736, and probated at a court held at * John Pleasants was elected to the House of Burgesses 1692-3, and upon refusing to take the oath, Captain William Randolph was elected in his stead. When Colonel William Randolph's will was presented for probate November 16th, 1742, the witnesses proving the document were William Mayo, John Scruggs and Theodrick Carter. DIEECT LINE OF DESCENT 45 Varina, the first Monday in April, 1737, being re- corded in Henrico County. The witnesses to the will were Thomas Watkins, John Spear and Will W. Loatham. The will names his wife Elizabeth, who was made executrix of the estate and survived her husband about ten years; son Theodrick (Second), to whom was devised a small plantation of two hundred and eighteen acres ; son John, to whom was willed the land on Round Hill branch and Chicahominy Swamp bought from John Pleasants; daughter Mary. Un- der the will a few slaves and the usual feather beds, rugs and other articles considered necessary in colo- nial households were distributed. His son John re- ceived his gun and " great chest." The St. Peter's Parish register records the birth of another daughter a few weeks after the execution of the will, and before it was probated, as follows : " Elizabeth, daughter of Theodrick and Elizabeth Carter, born August 22d, baptized September 26th, 1736." The will of Elizabeth Carter, widow of Theodrick Carter (First), was executed July 8th, 1747, and pro- bated before the Henrico court held the first Monday in December, 1751. The witnesses to the will were Hannah H. Morgan, Theodrick Carter (Second) and Mark Clarke. By a comparison with that of her hus- band, Elizabeth 's will shows in addition the names of 46 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA the daughters, including Mary, who was probably not married when her father's will was prepared. To her oldest son Theodrick (Second) was willed the Great Bible and certain live stock. It is barely pos- sible this Bible is still in existence, but no trace of it has yet been discovered. A considerable amount of live stock was given to each of her children, including a horse in nearly every instance, and the remaining estate was then devised to her son John Carter, who was appointed sole executor. The daughters' names were Anne, Susannah, Martha, Mary, and Elizabeth. A legacy, a mare foal or filly, was left by Elizabeth Carter to her " grandson Cuthburd Webb," but whether Webb was part of his Christian name is not known. A family named Webb owned the plantation adjoining that of Theodrick Carter (First). As the two brothers, Theodrick (Second) and John, duplicated the names of their sons to such an extent as to cause confusion, John and his descend- ants will not be considered until after the direct line of descent has been carried through to the present generation represented by General William H. Car- ter, and this plan is followed with reference to all collateral branches concerning which any informa- tion has been secured. A constant procession of Theodrick Carters occurred in the generation now to be considered, there being no less than seven so far DIRECT LINE OF DESCENT 47 traced, with the records of several families yet undis- covered. Under these circumstances those bearing the name in the direct line to General William H. Carter have been designated Theodrick (First), Theodrick (Second), Theodrick (Third), and Theodrick (Fourth). The will of Theodrick Carter (Second), son of Theodrick (First) and Elizabeth Carter, was exe- cuted the 7th day of December, 1777, and was pro- bated before the court held for Prince Edward County January 19th, 1778. The witnesses to the will were Agnes Watkins, William Waddill and Elizabeth Clarke. The executors named were his son Waddill Carter and his friends Nathaniel Venable (a member of the Virginia Assembly 1766-68) and Francis Watkins, who was Clerk of Prince Edward County at that time. The will names his wife Anne ; daughter Susannah, wife of Stubblefield ; son John; son Theodrick (Third); son William; son Richard; daughter Anne Waddill, wife of Thompson ; son Waddill ; daughter Molley ; daughter Salley, and son Samuel. The will devised some of the lands to Waddill Carter and the balance, including the home planta- tion, to Samuel Carter. Susannah Stubblefield and three of the sons, John, Theodrick and William Car- ter, received each a nominal legacy, the slaves and 48 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA other property being distributed amongst the other sons and daughters. The legacies of the unmarried daughters are of special interest as, in addition to two slaves and the usual live stock, feather bed and furni- ture to each, they were given Horses, Saddles and Bridles, which, more than a century later, was unwit- tingly adopted as the title of a book of which the writer is the author and which is the standard text- book for instruction in those subjects at West Point and in the regular army. Although the marriage record has not been found, corroborative evidence exists to make it quite certain that the wife of Theodrick Carter (Second) was Anne Waddill, who, according to St. Peter's Parish register, was baptized January 24th, 1713. The St. Peter's Parish register also shows that John Carter, son of Theodrick (Second) and Anne Carter, was born August 26th and baptized October 30th, 1737. There is a record, at Houston, the county seat of Halifax Comity, of the sale of a tract of 183VL> acres of land on Dan River, by Theodrick Carter (Second) of Prince Edward County, to his son John Carter of Halifax County, Virginia. The will of John Carter, son of Theodrick Carter ( Second) and his wife Anne, was executed June 18th, 1781, and probated before the court held for Halifax County, Virginia, September 20th, 1781. The wit- DIRECT LINE OF DESCENT 49 nesses to his will were Benjamin Hobson, David Bates, Noel Waddill, Theodrick Carter (Third), and Charles Carter, a son of Theodrick (Third). The ex- ecutors named were his wife Mary Carter, Captain James Turner, William Boyd and John Carter's brothers Richard and Theodrick Carter (Third). The will named his wife Mary; daughters Anne Waddill, Elizabeth, Mary, Judith, Salley; sons Richard, Theodrick (Fourth), Robert, James and Francis. The appearance on the will of John Carter's broth- ers Richard and Theodrick (Third) as executors serves, with other evidence, to definitely fix the rela- tionship of father and son between Theodrick Carter (Second) and John Carter of Halifax County and to differentiate that John Carter from a considerable number in Virginia bearing the same name. The will devised to his eldest daughter Anne Wad- dill, who had married a Waddill, a nominal legacy. To the unmarried daughters were bequeathed slaves and the usual feather beds and furniture, only one daughter, Salley, receiving her share in gold. The three oldest sons, Richard, Theodrick (Fourth) and Robert, all minors when the will was executed, re- ceived jointly a plantation containing four hundred and fifty acres ; James received the home plantation, his mother to have it, with the slaves necessary to run 50 GILES CAETEE OF VIRGINIA it ' ' during her widowhood. ' : Francis, the youngest, received two hundred and ninety acres and provision was made that in case either James or Francis died before coming of age the deceased brother's share should go to the other, and upon the youngest becom- ing of age all the slaves then on the home plantation, except those given to the daughters, should be divided. As previously stated, the will of John Carter, of Halifax County, amongst other provisions, devised to his three sons, Richard, Robert and Theodrick, four hundred and fifty acres of land purchased from George Ridley. The records of Halifax County, Vir- ginia, show that Robert Carter sold his share of the land to George Marable. The court records of Halifax County show that Robert Carter was married to Unity Cook, by Wil- liam P. Martin, November 1st, 1792. The last business transaction recorded by Robert Carter, in Halifax County, Virginia, prior to his re- moval to Tennessee, was the sale of two negroes to William Ferrell on June 19th, 1801. This closes the record, in direct line, of the branch of the family herein traced, in Virginia, as Robert Carter moved with his family to Tennessee about 1805, there being, at that time, six children, Sarah Venable, Henry Cook, John Blackgrove, Robert Michaux, Polly and Samuel Jefferson Carter, all of whom, according to SAMUEL JEFFERSON CARTER BORN HALIFAX COUNTY, VIRGINIA 3 JANUARY, 1803 DIRECT LINE OF DESCENT 51 the family Bible, were born in Halifax County, Vir- ginia. Another son, Alexander Cunningham Carter, was born in Tennessee. Two other children, Mary and Nancy, did not survive infancy. There was a considerable migration of Virginians to the new lands to the west and south, and besides Robert Carter and his family, his brothers Richard, James and Francis Watkins Carter, their sister Anne Waddill and Robert's brother-in-law, Henry Cook, left Halifax County with their families and went to seek homes in Tennessee and to the south. Robert and Francis Carter and Henry Cook settled at Franklin, Williamson County, Tennessee. Richard and James Carter and their sister Anne Waddill went to Alabama, as did their kinsmen John and Michaux Cunningham. Robert Carter continued to reside at Franklin, Tennessee, until his death, September 9th, 1839, in his 69th year. His will was burned while in the pos- session of one of his grandchildren, at Nashville, Ten- nessee. A list of personal property, in his possession at his death, is recorded at Franklin, Williamson County, Tennessee. Samuel Jefferson Carter, son of Robert and Unity Cook Carter, was born in Halifax County, Virginia, January 3d, 1803, and died suddenly at Carter's Landing, West Tennessee, March 31st, 1873, leaving 52 GILES CAETEK OF VIRGINIA no will. He married, as shown by the family Bible, first Eliza Staggs, and had three children: Watson M., Jordan B., and Eliza S. Samuel Jefferson Car- ter married second Anne Vaulx, and had fourteen children: Warren, Hays, Watkins Leigh, Charles Vaulx, Samuel J., Laura O., Irene M., Samuel Jeffer- son, William Giles Harding, Anne Catharine, Frank Cook, Ella Watson, Vaulx, Mary Hays. Samuel Jefferson Carter resided with his family in Davidson County, near Nashville, Tennessee, prior to 1861, and in Nashville during the Civil War. At the time of his death he was residing on his farm in West Tennessee, near Carter's Landing, on the Mississippi River. William Giles Harding Carter, son of Samuel Jef- ferson and Anne Vaulx Carter, at present the oldest living representative, in the direct line, bearing the name of Carter, was born near Nashville, Tennessee, November 19th, 1851. William Giles Harding Carter was married, Octo- ber 27th, 1880, at San Francisco, California, to Ida Dawley. Two sons have been born of this marriage, William Vaulx Carter (who was graduated from West Point in 1904 and appointed a lieutenant in the Sixth United States Cavalry, his father's old regi- ment), and Leigh Hays Carter, who, while a student at the University of Illinois, was accidentally killed DIRECT LINE OF DESCENT 53 by an electric shock in one of the University build- ings, August 27th, 1907. Of the eleven sons of Samuel Jefferson Carter, the first eight are deceased without male issue. General William H. Carter has one son, William Vaulx Car- ter, and Frank Cook Carter has one son, William Dawley Carter. These two young men, William Vaulx Carter and William Dawley Carter, are all of their generation bearing the name of Carter, in the direct line traced in this memoir. By means of the records of Henrico County, Vir- ginia, the county seat of which is Richmond ; the rec- ords of Prince Edward County, Virginia, the county seat of which is Farmville; the records of Halifax County, Virginia, the county seat of which is Hous- ton ; parish registers and family records, the line of descent is traced from Giles and Hannah Carter ; to Theodrick (First) and Elizabeth Carter; to Theod- rick (Second) and Anne Carter; to John and Mary Carter ; to Robert and Unity Cook Carter ; to Samuel Jefferson and Anne Vaulx Carter; to General Wil- liam Giles Harding and Ida Dawley Carter. The following wills, together with various public records, have served to establish the direct line of family descent, from Giles Carter (First), born in 1634, to Robert Carter, born in Halifax County, Vir- 54 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA ginia, December 22d, 1770, who died at Franklin, Williamson Comity, Tennessee, September 9th, 1839: WILL OF JAMES CREWE. July ye 23d, 1676. In the name of God Amen I James Crews of Turky Island planter in Henrico County being of sound & perfect memory praysed be God doe make and ordaine this my last will testatament in manner & forme following first & principle I committ my soule into the hands of Al- mighty God my creater hoping & assured by beleiving through the merritts death & passion of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer to have & obtaine free and full remission & pardon for all my sins, as touchinge concerninge all my worldly estate, either here in Virginia in England or elsewhere dew either by bill bond or accoumpt. Imprimis. Item I give & bequeath unto Mary Carter daughter to Giles Carter tenn thousand pounds of tobo: & cask one feather bed two blanketts & one good rugge, this to be payd in three years after my decease, the interest hereof to be towards her clothinge. Item I give unto Susan Carter tenn thousand pounds of tobo: & casq: one feather bed two blanketts & one rugge to be payd as above said. Item. I give unto my man Tero his his freedome he servinge three years after my decease, and at the expiracon of the said tyme I give unto him one Cow, one sow if I have any left, and as much land as he shall tend for him & another during life. Item. I give unto Hannah Carter wife to Giles Carter my negroe maid Keate for ever and her increase. Item. I give unto Daniel Price my best suite & coate I have. Item. I give unto Giles Carter what he owes me by bill or booke and further the plantacon which I have formerly lett him that he & his wife Hannah Carter shall have it during both their lives rent free, only paying one Graine of Indian Corne when demanded and further it is my will that what I have given to the said Giles Carter's children, that if either of them should dye that it should come to the rest of hie children. It is further my will that when the said Hannah Carter wife to the said Giles Carter shall die, then the said negroe wench returne to Theodrick Carter her son and if shee hath any children them to be at her disposing who she will give them too. DIEECT LINE OF DESCENT 55 Item. I make my loving Cozen Mr. Mathew Crews my sole executor of all my lands here in Virginia, or else where & all the rest of my estate to him or his heirs forever, my just debts being payd. Item. It is my desire that my loving friend Giles Carter shall live here in my said house & comand my servants & make crops or any other thinge as shall be convenient & necessary for the said plantacon, and soe to give an account yearly as my said Executor shall order. Test. Ja: Crewes. thence A Tho: Forehand Devenot Enroughty. Proveed in Henrico County Court to be the last will & testament of Capt. James Crews (dece'd) by the witnesses to the same as by their deposicons taken the 10th of Xber 1677 (in case of mortality) will appeare & certifyed & entered amongst the records of the said Court this 2d day of August 1680. H. Davis, dep. cler. cur. WILL OF GILES CARTER. In the name of God Amen. I Giles Carter Senr: being of a weake and infirm body yet (Blessed be god) of a sound and perfect memory: And considering the frailty and incertainty of man's Life and not knowing the time of my departure hence; I doe make Constitute and appoint this my last Will and Testam't: hereby Revoaking all other wills by me heretofore made whatsoever Imprs: I comend my Soul into the hands of my Blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ Relying only upon his merits for Salvation. My Body I commit to the Earth to be decently therein Interred. And for what worldly Goods and possessions God hath bestowed upon me, It is my will and desire they may be disposed of in form & manner folowing. I Give and bequeath to my son Theodrick Carter five shillings Sterl'g to be paid by my Deare wife Hannah either in Silver or to the full value thereof as to her shall seeme most convenient. Item I Give to my Daughter Susanna now ye wife of Thos. Williamson live Shillings Sterling to be paid as above s'd. Item. I give & bequeath to my daughter Mary now ye wife of Thomas Davis five Shills. Sterl'g to be paid as aforesaid. Item. I give to my Daughter Ann now the wife of James Davis, one fether bed and Bolster, one Rugg, one blanket and 56 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA one Cow. Item. I give to my son Giles one mare called Nanny with her increase for ever, It being a mare formerly given to him by William Sewell she then being but a Philly. These Legacies being paid as also wt debts have or shall be lawfully by me contracted, being fully satisfied. It is my will and desire that what of my Estate shall Remaine (one f ether bed and furniture only excepted) for my wife Hannah (which I give unto her) may be equally divided into two parts, the one part whereof to belong to my wife Han- nah the other to my son Giles. It not being my intent or design'd in any wise hereby to disannull or make voide a deed of Gift formerly by me made to my son Giles and entred upon Record. But I doe by this my last will and testament Rattifie and confirm the same. Item. It is my will and desire that what Estate shall appertaine to my son Giles that he may receive the same when he shall arrive to ye age of eighteen years; and also enjoy the benefit of his Labour, my wife Hannah not being any wise mollested or disturbed upon the plantacon wee now live upon during her life. And lastly I make Constitute and appoint my dear and loveing wife Hannah full and sole Execx: of this my last will & Testament, the which I own to be my Last; All others being hereby Disannulled and made voide. As Witness my hand and seals this 14th day of December, 1699. Giles Cartek (Seal of Red Wax.) Signed sealed and delivered in presence of us: Thomas Smythes. William T. Sewell James D. Davis Henrico County Febr's ye 2: 1701/2. Proved in open Court by the oaths of subscribed Witnesses as to be the Last will and testam't of the subscribed Giles Carter. Testl James Cocke, CI. Cur. WILL OF THEODRICK CARTER (FIRST). In the name of God Amen I, Theodrick Carter of the Parish & County of Henrico being sick but of perfect Memory do this Twenty Second day of July one thousand seven hundred thirty six make this my last Will and Testament, and first and principally I commit my Soul to Almighty God in whom and by whose Mercy and thro, the Merits of my Blessed Saviour and redeemer Jesus Christ I trust and Assuredly be- lieve to be saved, my Body to the earth to be decantly Buryed at the DIRECT LINE OF DESCENT 57 discretion of my Executx. hereafter named, and as for Disposing my estate I give and devise the same in manner and form following. I give and devise unto my Beloved wife Elizabeth so long as she shall live sole my plantation Land and Appurtenances and after her Death or Marriage, I give unto my Son Theodrick Carter and his heirs forever my said plantation with two hundred and eighteen Acres of Land thereto belonging I give and devise unto my son John Carter and his heirs forever one hundred and Twenty acres Land be the same more or less within the following Bounds, beginning at a corner Beach stand- ing on Round Hill Branch thence along a line of marked Trees to a corner Hickory on the Dividing Line between John Spears and this Land to a Corner Oak on the farther side of the Road thence along the line of John Webb to a corner Tree on Chickahominy Swamp thence up the same to ye place began at; my wife is not to be excluded the use of this Land so long as she shall remain sole, during which time, I give her my Negro named Will and after that time I give him to my son Theodrick with a Negro child named Dick. I give unto my son John and his heirs after the Death or Marriage of his Mother my Negro woman Judith and a Mullato Girl named Lucy with what children they may have when he has a right to the possession of them. I give unto my said Son John one fether Bed Rug and Blanket, one Gun, my great Chist, one pot and Hooks and two Cows, I give unto my Daughter Mary Carter one Cow and Calf one fether Bed, Rug and Blankets, two Ews, one pot and Hooks, two pewter Dishes and two plates and one poringer. I give unto my beloved wife Elizabeth all the rest of my Estate of what kind soever and do make her Executrix of this my last Will and Testa- ment, hereby directing that my Estate shall not be Inventoryed or ap- praised. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Affixed my seal the day and year aforewritten. Theodrick Carter (Seal). Signed Sealed published and declared as his last Will and Testament in presence of Thomas Watkins John Spear Will W. Loatham At a Court held at Varina for the County of Henrico, the first Monday in Ap'l 1737, this Will was presented by Elizabeth Carter the Executrix 58 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA upon Oath and proved by the Oath of Thomas Watkins & John Spear two of the Witness thereto and thereupon admitted to record, and on the Motion of the said Executrix, Certificate is granted her for obtain- ing a probate thereof in Due form. Test: Bowler Cocke, CI. Cur. WILL OF THEODRICK CARTER (SECOND). In the name of God, Amen: I Theodrick Carter of the Parish of Saint Patrick and County of Prince Edward being of perfect and sound mind and memory do make and ordain this to be my last will and testa- ment in manner following. First, I give unto my daughter Susannah Stubblefleld and sons John, Theodrick and William Carter each one shilling sterling. I give and bequeath unto my son Richard Carter one negro man named Dick, and one feather bed and furniture to him and his heirs forever. I give and bequeath my daughter Nanny Waddill Thompson one negro girl named Fibb now in her possession, also two cows and calves to her and her heirs forever. I give and bequeath unto my son Waddill Carter that part of my lands within the following bounds, to begin at the cross branch at the road, to run a straight line by the grave yard to his own line, all the land below this line on the North side of said road, also one negro man named Tom to him and his heirs forever. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Molley Carter one negro girl named Agg and one negro girl named Nanny, also the mare I purchased of Col. Robert Lawson, her own saddle and bridle, one feather bed and furniture, four head of sheep and two cows, to her and her heirs forever. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Salley Carter one negro boy named Will and one negro boy named Abraham, the sorrel mare I pur- chased of Charles Williamson, one feather bed and furniture, her own saddle and bridle, four head of sheep and two cows, to her and her heirs forever. I give and bequeath unto my son Samuel Carter the remainder of the lands and plantation whereon I now live and the following negros, Moll and her child Neptune, also all and residue of my estate not herein- before particularly mentioned of what kind or nature soever, except two-thirds of my pewter and the two negroes named Jack and Sarah, these two negroes Jack and Sarah I leave to my two daughters Molley DIEECT LINE OF DESCENT 59 and Salley for their support till they marry or die and then my son Samuel, and desire that my executors hereafter named may devide my pewter into three equal parts and allot to my son Samuel and daughters Molley and Salley each and equal part thereof, the estate herein willed to my son Samuel I give to him and his heirs forever, and it is my will that so long as my daughters Molley and Salley live single that they have the free use and liberty of their chamber in my dwelling house without the denial or interruption of my son Samuel. It is my further will that should my said son Samuel depart this life without leaving issue, in that case the lands herein willed to him and every part of my estate bequeathed him, I give and bequeath unto my said two daughters Molley and Sally to be equally devided between them by my executors hereafter named unless my said two daughters should agree on a division themselves, which estate I bequeath to them and their heirs forever, (should it so happen my son Samuel) It is my will that all the negroes I'm possessed of be continued on my plantation the next year to make a crop. Lastly I do constitute and appoint my son Waddill Carter and friends Nathaniel Venable and Francis Watkins Executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and declaring void all other wills by me heretofore made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventh day of December in the year of Christ one thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven. Theo'd Carter ( Seal ) . Signed, sealed, published ] and declared by the tes- I A gnes Watkins tator to be his last will f William Waddill and testament. Elizabeth Clarke. At a Court held for Prince Edward County January 19th, 1778. This last will and testament of Theodrick Carter deceased was pre- sented in Court by the Executors therein named and proved by the oaths of Agnes Watkins and William Waddill witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. On the motion of Waddill Carter, Nathaniel Venable and Francis Watkins, who gave bond and took the oath re- quired by law, certificate for obtaining a probate thereof in due form is granted them. Teste: F. Watkins, C. C. 60 GILES CAETEE OF VIRGINIA WILL OF JOHN CARTER. In the name of God Amen. I John Carter of Halifax County, Being indisposed in body but of perfect mind and memory, I praise God for the same, do make, constitute and ordain this, and none other but this, to be my last will and testament in form and manner following, that is, I order, will and desire for all my lawful debts to be paid by my Execu- tors. Item, I lend to my well beloved wife, Mary Carter, during her widowhood for her use and the bringing up and educating my children the land and plantation whereon I now live with the use benefit and labour of the following slaves, Jack, Charles, James, Baker, Tainor, with my stock of all kinds, whatever household furniture &c. Item. I give to my daughter Ann Waddill, twenty-five shillings. Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Carter, one negro boy named Sam, also one feather bed and furniture. To her my said daughter and to her heirs and assigns forever. I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Carter, one negro boy named Crafford, also one feather bed and furniture, to her my said daughter and to her heirs and assigns forever. Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Judith Carter one negro girl, named Hannah, also one feather bed and furniture. To her my said daughter and to her heirs and assigns forever. Item. I give and be- queath unto my daughter Salley Carter, seventy-five pounds specia in gold or silver also a feather bed and furniture. To her my said daugh- ter and to her heirs forever. Item. I give and bequeath to my three eldest sons Richard Theodrick and Robert Carter my creek land I pur- chased of George Ridley containing 450 acres which I desire may be equally divided between the three brothers, also a good feather bed and furniture apiece. And in case either of the said three boys should die before they come of age for the surviving said brothers to inherit the land of the deceased by equal division, to them my said three sons and their heirs and assigns forever. Item. I give and bequeath to my son James Carter the land whereon I now live with a good feather bed and furniture to him my said son and his heirs forever. Item. I give and bequeath to my son Francis Carter two hundred and ninety acres of land lying out on the road adjoining the land of Mr. Hobson also a good feather bed and furniture to be given to him my said son and to his heirs and assigns forever. Item, in case either of my two youngest sons Francis or James Carter should die before they come to the age of 21 years the surviving of the two is to heir the deceased brothers share of land. My will and desire is that in case either of my daughters that is Elizabeth, Mary, Judith or Salley Carter should die before they come DIRECT LINE OF DESCENT 61 of age or marry, that their legacy bequeathed to them shall be equally divided among the surviving sisters above mentioned. Item. My will and desire is that at the coming of age of my youngest son that the above mentioned slaves, Jack, Charles, James, Baker, Tamer with the future increase, likewise with all the rest residue and remainder of my personal estate be it of whatever nature kind or quality, should be equally divided among my beloved wife and children as before men- tioned and described, my daughter Ann Waddill excepted. And lastly I appoint, constitute and ordain my beloved wife Mary Carter, Executrx also Captain James Turner, Mr. William Boyd, with my brothers Rich- ard and Theo Carter Executors of this my last will and testament, hop- ing they will see the same duly performed, as my trust is in them re- posed. Confirming this and none other but this to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and affixed my seal this 18th day of June 1781. Signed sealed published and declared to be his last will and testament. John Caeteb L. S. Test. Benja. Hobson David Bates Chs. Carter Noel Waddill Theo Carter At a Court held for Halifax County the 20th day of September 1781 this last Will and Testament of John Carter deceased was exhibited in Court by Mary Carter and Richard Carter two of the Executors herein named and the same was proved by the oaths of two of the subscribing witnesses hereto and the same was ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of the said Executors who made oath hereto according to Law Certificate is granted them for obtaining Probate hereof in due form they giving securities, whereupon they together with Noell Waddill and William Watkins their securities entered into and acknowledged Bond for the same according to law. Test Geo. Carrington C. H. C. COLLATERAL LINEAGE. As has been previously stated, it is a matter of rec- ord that Giles Carter, the first of that name to come from Gloucestershire to America, sailed from Bristol, England, on the Supply and arrived at Berkeley Hundred, Virginia, January 29th, 1621 (O. S.), or February 8th of the current calendar, and that he re- turned to England. The next Giles Carter found in Virginia, whose descendants this memoir concerns, was born in 1634 and at the time of Bacon's Rebellion, 1676, was living with his wife and children at Turkey Island, Virginia, and later took up land near the White Oak Swamp in Henrico County. This county em- braced the second English settlement in America, Henricopolis, established by Sir Thomas Dale with 150 settlers in 1611. All that remains of the early records of the then extensive County of Henrico are preserved at Richmond, and amongst these were found the wills of Colonel James Crewe, that of Giles Carter and those of many of his descendants. The wills of Giles Carter of Henrico; of his son Theodrick (First) of Henrico; of his grandson The- odrick (Second) of Prince Edward, and of his great COLLATERAL LINEAGE 63 grandson John of Halifax are preserved in the rec- ords at the several county seats and serve to posi- tively establish the direct line of descent down to the fifth generation represented by Robert Carter, who with his wife, Unity Cook Carter, and their children, moved from Halifax County, Virginia, to William- son County, Tennessee, in 1805. Family Bibles and other records complete the identification of the direct descendants to the present generation. The records of collateral branches have not been completed, but in the search for records of the direct line numerous wills and documents have been exam- ined and noted for the use of other descendants who may wish to trace a particular branch of this family. The deposition and will of Giles Carter, previously cited, together with a deed recorded by Theodrick Carter (First), show that Giles was born in 1634 and died between December 14th, 1699, and March 2d, 1701. In 1687, Thomas Cocke conveyed to Stephen Cocke 200 acres of land, ' ' one part of which was part of ye tract or dividend of land at Malvern Hills," which included the mill property. In 1701, Stephen Cocke conveyed 56 acres, on which the mill stood, to John Pleasants. The witnesses to this deed were James Cocke, Theodrick Carter (First) and Benj. Hatcher. This, in connection with the will of Colonel James 04 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA Crewe, and certain land transactions with John Pleasants previously cited, shows that Theodrick was of age when his father's will was executed in 1699. lie lived until some time between July, 1736, and April, 1737, as shown by his own will.* The will of Giles Carter, Jr., only brother of Theodrick Carter (First), has not been discovered, but his father's will showed that he was under eigh- teen years of age in 1699. Giles Carter, son of Giles and Hannah Carter, re- corded a deed, July 27th, 1711, of a parcel of land which Giles Carter, Sr., purchased from William Cocke, April 5th, 1685, the land being located in Hen- rico County, Virginia. Among the patents to new land recorded in Hen- rico County, Virginia, in 1724, and 1725, is the fol- lowing grant to Giles Carter: " Beginning at a cor- ner black oak of Mr. James Powell Cockes, standing on the west side of a small path and in Machames line parting the said Cocke and John Cocke, thence to the said James Powell Cockes line south one hun- dred and sixteen poles to a corner pine, thence west eighty poles to a corner ash standing on the east side <>f Dee)) Run, etc." * " Malvern Hills " probably derived its name from the range of hills about thirty miles north of Bristol which separates Gloucestershire from Hereford and Worcestershire, England. COLLATEEAL LINEAGE 65 The following abstract from the records of Hen- rico Parish shows that Giles Carter was still living in 1735 in the same locality : " In obedience to an order of the Vestry of this parish, and according to the directions of an act of Assembly entitled an act for settling the titles and bounds of land and for preventing unlawful shooting and ranging thereupon; We the subscribers have gone in procession of the General Lands within our precinct as by order dated December ye 6, 1735, with the freeholders, f olloweth, viz : Theodrick Carter, his land processioned. Gerrard Ellyson, " " " Robert Ferris, " " " William Ferris, " " " ************* " Edward Mosby refuses to procession part of the land of Thomas Epps processioned in the precinct; the lines between John Cocke and Giles Carter that is in the county. " Given under our hands ye last day of March, 1736. Test: John Cocke, Giles Carter, Gerrard Ellyson." 66 GILES CAETEPi OF VIRGINIA Among the detailed reports of the processioning appears : ' ' The lines between John Cocke and William Pas- sons both agreed in the presence of Giles Carter and Thos. Jolley. The line between John Cocke and Jo- seph Woodson processioned. The line between Cols. Harrison and William Lewis, and Thomas Watkins and Thomas Binford and Edward Mosely, proces- sioned and agreed in presence of James Powel Cocke, John Cocke, Giles Carter, John Owin." It was the lawful custom to have the boundaries of all land patents examined every fourth year by a commission appointed to " procession " the land in each precinct. At the next processioning of land, four years later, pursuant to an order of the vestry, dated July 21st, 1739, John Carter, a son of Theodrick Carter (First), and nephew of Giles Carter (Second), served as a member of the board for the precinct and the report appears in the parish vestry records. At the processioning of August 4th, 1747, one of John Carter's sons served with Samuel Bugg and Gerrard Ellyson, but in 1755, 1759, 1767 and 1771 John Carter resumed service as one of the proces- sioners for the precinct which is generally described as : " From the mouth of Boar Swamp to the County line on Chickahominy Swamp, thence southward to COLLATEKAL LINEAGE 67 the Long Bridge road or to the forks of Long Bridge and Bottom Bridge roads." The land of Theodrick Carter, processioned by John Cocke, Giles Carter (Second), and Gerrard Ellyson, shown in their report of " ye last day of March, 1736," appears to be the land on the south side of Chickahominy Swamp, known as the " Round Hills " place, obtained by Theodrick Carter (First) from John Pleasants through an exchange for land received by Theodrick (First) from his father, Giles Carter, Sr. The Round Hills property was left by Theodrick Carter (First), in his will, to his son John Carter, brother of Theodrick (Second). In the Virginia State Archives there is a petition in regard to the boundary line of Henrico and Han- over Counties under date of May 23d, 1774, as follows : " To the Honorable the Speaker and Gentlemen of the House of Burgesses : " Your petitioners humbly show that they are deeply interested in the bounds of their lands on the Chickahominy Swamp. Therefore, we pray that if it shall be the opinion of this Honorable House, that it is reasonable that the said boundaries shall be ascer- tained by commissioners, that such commissioners may be chosen from Chesterfield, King William or some distant county, who are in no way in affinity or 68 GILES CAETEE OF VIEGINIA connected with any of the Proprietors of Lands on the said swamp, and your petitioners in duty bound shall pray, etc. James Cocke. Jacob Ferris. William Carter. John Pleasants. John Ferris. John Binford. Thomas Watkins. John Carter. James Eppes. r One of the Carter daughters had married an Eppes, and the petitioners generally had lived as neighbors through several generations. Of the same date as the foregoing petition another was sent in with practically the same signers as be- fore, including the Carters, and set forth, that fearing trouble if any attempt should be made to introduce new methods of laying off boundaries: " That your petitioners apprehend that good and salutary law now subsists in this colony for ascertaining the bounds of every person's land by going round the same by way of procession once in four years." The will of John Carter, son of Theodrick (First) and brother of Theodrick (Second), executed Decem- ber 1st, 1785, and probated before Henrico court in Richmond January 2d, 1786, names his son Theod- rick, to whom a nominal legacy is made; son John, Jr., to whom is willed the land on White Oak Swamp, on which John, Jr., was then living, containing two hundred acres ; daughter Frances Walton, to whom a nominal legacy is provided. A deed, dated April 5th, COLLATEEAL LINEAGE 69 1773, by John Carter, is recorded in Henrico County in which one negro slave is given to each of his grand- children John Carter Walton, Marv Walton and Elizabeth Walton, children of his daughter Frances Walton of Charlotte County. To his son William were given all the remaining lands joining that al- ready owned by William and bounded by other land deeded to William's brother Jacob; son Sherwood; son Jacob, to whom was given " one negro fellow named Giles," which indicated that the old Carter name of " Giles " was perpetuated amongst the slaves; granddaughter Betsy Gannaway Carter (daughter of Jacob and Mary Carter) to whom three negroes were willed; granddaughter Betsy Carter (daughter of John and Anne Carter), to whom was given one negro boy. Four of the sons, John, Wil- liam, Sherwood and Jacob Carter, were appointed executors, and were directed to sell two negroes to pay any debts, the balance of the slaves being distrib- uted under the will. The wills of John Carter's sons, John, Jr., and Sherwood, are recorded in Henrico Coimty. Those of Theodrick, William and Jacob have not been found. These five brothers were grandsons of Theod- rick Carter (First) and his wife Elizabeth. The will of John Carter, of Henrico County, son of John and Elizabeth Carter and grandson of Theod- \S 70 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA rick Carter (First), was executed the 6th of Decem- ber, 1799, and probated the 1st of September, 1800. The witnesses were Theodrick Carter, Wm. Garth- right and James Binford. The executors were his brother Jacob Carter and Jacob's son John. The will mentions his wife Anne, whose will is also of record ; his daughter Betsy, who married Mr. Eppes; his daughter Polly P. Carter; his wife's sister Sarah Carter, the widow of one of his kinsmen. The will of Anne Carter appoints John Carter of New Kent County sole executor. To her grandson, Temple Eppes, she gave a ' ' grey horse ; and also fifty dollars to be expended on him in schooling." To her daugh- ter Polly P. Carter, she gave " my sorrel mare and colt, one cow and calf, one pair of the largest red steers, which are unbroak to the yoak, three first choice pair sheets, one first choice pair white counter- pins, one pair diamonded yard counterpins, one pair new flannel blankets, my rideing chair and harness, all my window curtains, and fifty dollars in cash to repair the chair. ,: The will of Anne Carter was ex- ecuted the 7th of April, 1807, the witnesses being Jacob Carter, Moses Carter, Policy Austin and Jacob Ferris. There is no mention of Moses Carter in any of the recorded wills. He was probably a son of Jacob Carter whose will has not been found. The will of Sherwood Carter of Henrico County, COLLATERAL LINEAGE 71 son of John and Elizabeth Carter and grandson of Theodrick Carter (First), was executed the 22d of June, 1797, and probated the 4th of September, 1797. The witnesses were John Carter, William Fussel and Thomas Epperson. The executors were his brother Jacob Carter and his (Sherwood's) son William. The will mentions his wife Frances, whose will is also of record ; son Joseph ; son William ; daughter Bet- sey, who married Mr. Brackett ; son Theodrick ; son Samuel; son John. The will of Frances, widow of Sherwood Carter, executed the 20th of October, 1808, mentions a grandson Robert, son of William Carter, and a granddaughter Frances Brackett, daughter of Betsey Brackett. There is of record a will by Theodrick Carter of Henrico County, executed the 9th of December, 1809, which mentions his wife Ann; son Theodrick B.; daughter Kitty; daughter Nancy. The testator is believed to have been the son of Sherwood Carter. This is the only will in the family so far discovered which makes a special legacy of books; to his son Theodrick B. Carter he gave, " all my books and all the silver and plate about my house of all descrip- tions." There is a will of record in Henrico Countv, ex- ecuted October 31st, 1796, by Benjamin Carter, and witnessed by John Carter, Robert Binford and Na- 72 GILES CAETER OF VIRGINIA thaniel Maynard, in which it is provided that: ' ' whereas my son Theodrick Carter has had his part of my horses, I desire he may not share in them ;" he participated in the residue of the estate which was divided between the four children Theodrick Carter, Betsy Carter, Nancy Carter and Frankey Carter. The sons of Giles Carter were Theodrick (First) and Giles, Jr. ; Theodrick (First) had only two sons, Theodrick (Second) and John, and of all their sons, named in their wills, there is no mention of a Benja- min. But Benjamin named his only son Theod- rick and lived in the same locality from whence have sprung all the family of Carters perpetuating that name, and his will was witnessed by a Carter and a Binford. His generation would correspond to that following Giles Carter (Second), and it is believed that Benjamin Carter was one of the sons of Giles Carter (Second), of whose will no record has yet been found, and that Giles Carter (Third) was another son. The Henrico County, Virginia, records contain many references to the Carters, particularly the de- scendants of John Carter, son of Theodrick Carter (First) and grandson of Giles Carter (First). From these entries the following extracts were made : September 28th, 1772, there is a record, subse- quently acknowledged in court at the April term, COLLATEKAL LINEAGE 73 1773, in which Giles Carter of Henrico County sold to Drury Wood one negro slave named Aaron and two horses, ' ' The one a large gray horse with a hang- ing mane and switch tail, branded on the near buttock with two dots and on the near shoulder with one dot," etc. April 8th, 1784, there is an entry that: " Giles Car- ter this day produced in open court a commission under the hand and seal of his Excellency Benjamin Harrison, Esq., Governor or Chief Magistrate of the commonwealth, appointing him an Inspector of to- bacco at Rocketts warehouse in this County, and thereupon the oath of office was administered unto him, who also with Martin Hawkins and John Smith, his security, entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of one thousand pounds payable and conditioned as the law directs." The two foregoing records relate to Giles Carter (Third), of Henrico County. January 3d, 1785, Jacob Carter appeared in court as security for Joshua Morris as guardian of the or- phans of Thomas Watkins, deceased. The same day James Carter entered a petition against Bernard Webb. February 7th, 1785, Jacob Carter was appointed by the court as appraiser of the estate of Benjamin Garthright. 74 GILES CAKTER OF VIEGINIA December 1st, 1785, John Carter sold to his son Ja- cob a parcel of land ; refers to a parcel intended for liis son John, Jr. ; also refers to William Carter's Mill Pond, and to main run of Chickahominy Swamp. January 2d, 1786, the will of John Carter was proved by Matthew Hobson and Anselum Garth- right; William Carter executor. September 4th, 1786, indenture between John Car- ter, Sr., and Jacob Carter recorded. May 11th, 1787, Sewell Carter brought suit against Giles Carter ; suit later dismissed. August 6th, 1788, ordered that Thomas Williamson pay Giles Carter as witness for attendance in admin- istrator's settlement of estate. December 2d, 1788, W T illiam Carter entered a peti- tion at the monthly court. May 5th, 1789, a suit in chancery before the quar- terly court between Giles Carter and John Smith against Nathaniel Miller. April 4th, 1792, ordered by the court that William A. Smith pay Giles Carter twenty-five pounds of to- bacco for one day's attendance at court. Armistead Carter mentioned several times in rec- ords of this period. January 5th, 1795, Jacob Carter appointed Com- missioner of the Revenue. February 2d, 1795, Thomas Binford petitioned to COLLATEKAL LINEAGE 75 turn the road leading from Bottoms Bridge to Wood- son's Ferry. Jacob Carter one of three ordered to view the proposed route " and make report of the conveniences and inconveniences of the said intended road." August 5th, 1796, Susannah Carter administratrix of Robert Carter. October 2d, 1798, Theodrick Carter, petition against Benjamin Lewis. Same court Elizabeth Carter, widow of Benjamin Carter, recognized as administratrix. December 3d, 1798, James Binford executor of Benjamin Carter's will. Orphans of Benjamin Car- ter: Frances, Tilitha and Louisa; guardian of last two, Frederick Carter. January 5th, 1801, Theodrick Carter, orphan of Sherwood Carter, made choice of Jonathan Brackett as guardian. September 4th, 1809, Theodrick Carter and his wife Nancy sold a parcel of land to John B. Pember- ton; mentions land of Charles Carter's orphans and corner of Tilletha Carter's land. September 10th, 1810, Martha Carter recorded deed of land in favor of her son Samuel S. Carter. January 2d, 1811, Samuel Carter sold to Byrd George 192 acres of land, given to him by his mother, lying on the south side of White Oak Swamp. 76 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA June 21st, 1811, Joseph G. Carter sold to John Car- tel' ID2 acres lying with that of Byrd George, Wil- liam Carter (deceased) and others. June 22d, 1811, John Carter and his wife Rebecca sold to Joseph Carter a parcel of land lying near Garthright's and Pleasants'. April 14th, 1812, John Carter and his wife Re- becca sold a tract of land on the stage road between Richmond and Bottoms Bridge, " near the land of William Carter (deceased), the land being a part left by Sherwood Carter." Witnessed by Dandridge Carter. July 30th, 1812, Joseph G. Carter sold 107 acres of land in Henrico. October 19th, 1818, Frances Carter sold to Theod- rick Carter, Jr., 109 acres of land for a nominal sum; witnesses to the deed John Carter, Sr., and Joseph Carter. The same day she recorded a similar deed for 107 acres to John Carter, Jr.; witnesses to the deed, Theodrick Carter and Joseph Carter. Under the same date she recorded a deed for 192 acres, bounded by the land of Lindsay, Garthright, Goode, Childres and Holison, in favor of Samuel < arter; witnesses John Carter and Joseph Carter. November 5th, 1821, letters of administration on estate of Martha Carter granted to Samuel S. Carter. The foregoing facts concerning the descendants of COLLATERAL LINEAGE 77 John, the son of Theodrick Carter (First), and of Giles Carter (Second), the brother of Theodrick Car- ter (First), were examined into partly for the pur- pose of determining when the migration of Carters from Henrico began and to what portion of the fam- ily it was confined. As a result of this investigation it appears certain that the Carters of this family re- maining in Henrico were the descendants of Giles Carter (Second) and John Carter, the former a younger brother of Theodrick (First) and the latter a son of Theodrick (First) . It is necessary to bear in mind that Giles Carter, who was born in 1634, had only two sons, Theodrick (First) and Giles, Jr. Theodrick (First) had only two sons, Theodrick (Second) and John. Theodrick Carter (Second) left Henrico and lived, at the date of the execution of his will, in Prince Edward County. The will of Elizabeth, widow of Theodrick Carter (First), which was dated July 8th, 1747, and pro- bated in December, 1751, appointed her second son, John, as executor and principal legatee. It is proba- ble that her elder son, Theodrick (Second), to whom was devised the family Bible, was no longer residing in Henrico when the will was executed. The efforts to definitely determine the date of movement of Theodrick Carter (Second), and other members of the familv, from Henrico have been un- 78 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA successful. The Henrico Parish records show that Rev. David Mossom was engaged to hold services there at regular intervals until about 1735. He was regularly in charge of St. Peter's Parish and re- corded some of the births of Henrico County Carters in that parish. St. Peter's Parish, in which the birth of John Car- ter, son of Theodrick (Second) and Anne Carter, August 26th, 1737, is recorded, was in New Kent County, south of the York and Panmnkey rivers. New Kent County was cut off from the upper part of York Comity in 1654. St. Peter's Parish church was only a few miles from the " White House," and the minister, Rev. David Mossom, performed the ceremony when George Washington was married to Martha Custis. Rev. David Mossom was followed in St. Peter's Parish by Rev. James Semple, and he was followed by Rev. Benjamin Blackgrove. A son of Robert and grandson of John Carter was named John Blackgrove Carter. The name of Blackgrove has not been found elsewhere, and John is believed to have been named after this minister, whose name was sometimes spelled Blagrove. The record of the birth of John Carter, eldest son of Theodrick Carter (Second) and his wife Anne, in the St. Peter's Parish register, together with the absence of the records of the births of numerous COLLATERAL LINEAGE 79 younger children, indicates that Theodrick moved to St. Patrick's Parish, Prince Edward Comity, where his will was made, after the birth of his son John. The rapidity with which new counties were formed south of the James indicates a widespread migration during the period under consideration. St. Patrick's Parish, Prince Edward County, where Theodrick Carter (Second), father of John of Halifax, lived when his will was made, was not es- tablished until June, 1755. In 1755 the parish was made to conform to the boundaries of Prince Edward Comity, which was taken from Amelia County in 1754. Lunenburg County was formed in 1746 from Brunswick County and is not far distant from Prince Edward County. Halifax County was formed from Lunenburg County in 1752. The sons of Theodrick Carter (Second) of Prince Edward County, were John, Theodrick (Third), William, Richard, Waddill and Samuel. The wills of John and Theodrick (Third) are recorded in Hali- fax County. Certain details concerning Richard's orphan children, recorded in Halifax County, indi- cate that he left no will. It appears from the records of Prince Edward County wills that Waddill, son of Theodrick Carter (Second), married Mildred Wade and remained in the county until his death, as did Samuel, who re- 80 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA ceived the home plantation by the will of his father, Theodrick Carter (Second). There is no record of the will of William in Prince Edward County. There is a record, in the adjoining County of Lunenburg, of the marriage of one William Carter and Mary Scott which would correspond to that generation. The will of Waddill Carter is recorded in Prince Edward County. It was executed April 6th, 1782, and probated at the following July session of the county court. The witnesses were Ro. Lawson, John Morton, Tho. Charlton and Abraham Venable. The executors were his brother Samuel Carter, his father-in-law James Wade and " my good friend Francis Watkins. ' : The will mentioned his wife Mil- dred (Wade) Carter, his sons James, Theodrick and John, all three under age when the will was executed. There were two or more young daughters, but their names were not given. There are several acts of the general assembly of Virginia which establish the presence of Samuel Car- ter in Prince Edward County and vicinity in 1795 and in 1806. The first is an act to establish a town on the land of Alexander Le Grand, in the County of Prince Edward, which was passed December 14, 1795: " Be it enacted by the general assembly; That twenty-five acres of land, the property of Alexander COLLATERAL LINEAGE 81 Le Grand, in the comity of Prince Edward, shall, and they are hereby vested in John Purnell, James Mor- ton, James Allen, Josiah Le Grand, Baker Le Grand, Samuel Carter, Charles Allen, sen., and Ryland Ran- dolph, gentlemen, trustees, to be by them, or a ma- jority of them, laid off into town lots of half an acre each, with convenient streets, and establish a town, by the name of Germantown. ' ' Another act of the Virginia assembly, passed Feb- ruary 1, 1806, appointed commissioners to view the way for a navigable canal from Roanoke to Appo- matox : " Whereas it is represented to be practicable to cut a navigable canal from the waters of Roanoke to the head of Buffalo creek, and to connect the same by the said creek with the river Appomatox: Be it therefore enacted, that Creed Taylor, Isaac H. Coles, Joseph Wyatt, Richard K. Randolph, Samuel Carter, Charles Scott and William B. Banks, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners, the duty of whom, or any three of them, it shall be, to examine the route most convenient for such a communication, and re- port thereupon their opinion, to the next assembly.'' Samuel Carter was a veteran of the Revolution, having served in the Virginia Line of the Continen- tals, and lived to a ripe old age. His will was executed December 17th, 1829, and probated May 18th, 1830. 82 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA The witnesses were J. Miehaux, J. W. Franklin, R. Booker and James Madison. The executors were his sons William M. and Edward A. Carter, and his son-in-law Doctor John P. Mittauer, whose wife was Margaret E. Carter. The will of Theodrick Carter (Third) of Halifax County, Virginia, son of Theodrick Carter (Second) of Prince Edward County, was executed Julv 13th, 1805. The executors appointed were his son Alexan- der Carter, and sons-in-law Richard E. Bennett and Mathew Cabaniss. The will mentions his sons Charles, Samuel, William, Alexander, Nathaniel, Thomas and Jessee; his daughters Elizabeth, wife of Richardson ; Ann, wife of Richard Bennett ; Susannah, wife of Mathew Cabaniss.* The family Bible shows two other sons of Theod- rick Carter (Third) : one, Townes, born April 28th, 1767, by his first wife, and John, born July 26th, 1783, by his second wife. Amongst the old records of Lunenburg County, * Henri Cabaniss, a Huguenot refugee who had spent some time in England, came to Virginia in 1700 and died in 1725. He was married when he arrived. He had three sons, Mathew, Henri and George. Mathew married Hannah Clay, daughter of Thomas Clay, and had issue: Mathew, William, John, George and Charles. Mathew moved to Halifax County and married Susannah Carter, daughter of Theodrick and Judith Cunningham Carter. Mathew's brother George married a daugh- ter of Henry Harrison of Sussex, who was a son of Benjamin Harrison of Berkeley. COLLATERAL LINEAGE 83 which have escaped destruction, are a few marriage records, one of which is the marriage bond of Theod- rick Carter and Molly Eelbank, dated November 10th, 1763. It is probable that he was the son of John and Elizabeth Carter of Henrico, but he might have been their grandson. It is certain that he was not the son of Theodrick Carter (Second) of Prince Edward County of the same generation, for his son Theodrick (Third) married, first, Miss Townes, and, second, Ju- dith Cunningham, and lived in Halifax County, where his will is recorded, and where numerous de- scendants have continued to the present generation. While quite incomplete the foregoing data may be useful in identifying some of the families descended from Giles and Hannah Carter which became gradu- ally dispersed to numerous Virginia counties and thence, at an early period, to the new states from Vir- ginia to the Gulf and westward to the Rio Grande. THE BERKELEY HUNDRED COLONY. During the month of September, 1620, two ships were fitted out in English ports, under charters to convey colonists to the extensive domain then con- trolled by the Virginia Company. The first to gel under way was the Mayflower, which hoisted anchor in Plymouth harbor and went to sea in a fair-sized gale on September 6th, 1620. It was designed by the council of the Virginia Company to have the Puritan colonists land in the vicinity of the Delaware Capes, but through intrigue or miscalculation of the master, the Mayflower, after a tempestuous voyage, first sighted land at Cape Cod and eventually dropped anchor in a bay previously visited and named by John Smith — " Plymouth." Whether it was by accident or design that the little band of Puritans disembarked on the bleak coast of New England, none can now view the incident as other than the work of Providence. The fierce gales of the Atlantic had told heavily upon the strength and vitality of all on board the ship, and before shel- ter could be prepared and the needful stores brought ashore, the grim harvester had sadly depleted the THE BERKELEY HUNDRED COLONY 85 ranks of the iron-hearted men and women engaged in establishing the initial plant of a civilization pos- sessed of an intense individuality which will charac- terize it through all history. Twelve days after the sailing of the Mayflower, Thomas Parker, Mayor of Bristol, England, cleared the ship Supply, destined for Berkeley Hundred on the James Eiver. The gale which had carried the Mayflower well to sea before its first tack had now died away and the Supply was destined to linger in the Avon and Severn from the 18th of September until the 25th awaiting a favorable breeze. The voy- age of the Mayflower across the Atlantic will go down the ages to typify the flight of a band of men and women who dared all for conscience' sake and won. The Supply sailed under different auspices, more akin to those which have since characterized the pas- sage of untold fleets, conveying millions upon millions to America, the land of hope and opportunity. Captain Newport's historic fleet had dropped an- chor off Jamestown Island a dozen years before the sailing of the Supply, yet all the efforts of the Vir- ginia Company had resulted in locating only a few hundred colonists in the immense area then passing under the title of Virginia. But the seed had been planted and, cost what it might, there was determina- tion that not a foot should be receded to the grasping 86 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA Spanish gold seekers hovering about the coasts, and whose daring explorers had already penetrated from the land of the Aztec to New Mexico, Colorado and the Great Plains, and had learned that the western ocean lay several thousand miles from the Virginia coast. In 1618 a partnership, having for its object the establishment of a plantation in Virginia, had been entered into by Sir William Throckmorton, Richard Berkeley, George Thorpe and John Smyth, all of Gloucestershire, and John Woodleefe. Upon the ad- vice of Sir Edwin Sands an interest was reserved for Sir John Yeardley, then serving in Virginia as gov- ernor of the colony, but this was subsequently sur- rendered by Yeardley. During the following year, 1619, a ship, the Mar- garet of Bristol (forty-seven tons), was sent out with thirty-two colonists under John Woodleefe, with in- structions to establish the town of Berkeley and the plantation of Berkeley Hundred on the James River. John Woodleefe sailed on the Margaret September 4th, 1619, in charge of the expedition, and arrived in the James December 10th of the same year. George Thorpe followed on the Merchant of London during March, 1620. Ferdinando Yate, Gent., who came over in the Mar- garet, was commissioned to keep a record of the voy- THE BEEKELEY HUNDEED COLONY 87 age, which he prepared under date of November 30th, 1619, and which closes with this glowing trib- ute : " If I had the eloquence of Cesero or the skillful art of Apellese I could not pen neither paint out a better praise of the cuntrie than the cuntrie it selfe deserveth." At the session of the court of the Virginia Com- pany, of January 26th, 1619, an indenture was granted to William Tracy, Esq., of Hayles, Glouces- tershire, a brother of Sir Thomas Tracy, baronet, for the establishment of a colony of five hundred persons in Virginia, and on May 7th, 1620, Sir William Throckmorton transferred his interest in the planta- tion of Berkeley Hundred to Tracy. At a subsequent session of the court of the Vir- ginia Company, on June 28th, 1620, and upon the recommendation of Governor George Yeardley as to the need of a council, George Thorpe and William Tracy were, with four others, constituted the Council of State of Virginia. William Tracy was a cousin of Richard Berkeley. John Smyth was an Oxford graduate and the legal adviser of his friend Lord Berkeley, and both he and Sir William Throckmorton were connected with Tracy by family ties. There are but few details known of the voyages of the many ships which sailed across the Atlantic dur- 88 GILES CAETEE OF VIRGINIA ing the first half century of settlement — if all the frail boats of thirty tons and upwards may be prop- erly characterized as ships. Owing to the partner- ship agreements and the correspondence attending the assembling of the colonists from Gloucestershire who comprised the small company on the Supply, and who constituted the advance guard of the five hun- dred persons whom William Tracy undertook to em- bark in his scheme of colonization, certain records were preserved which enable a fairly correct under- standing to be had of this expedition. The Mayor of Bristol, in clearing the Supply, re- tained a list of those embarking, and, upon arrival of the ship in the James, Sir George Yeardley furnished a certificate with the names of those who arrived safely at Berkeley Hundred. An examination of correspondence and available county records makes it very evident that William Tracy organized the first detachment of his five hundred colonists mainly from his kinsmen and neighbors in Gloucestershire. Wil- liam Tracy was descended from Sir William de Tracy, one of the four knights, who, in 1170, at the instigation of King Henry II, assassinated Thomas a Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury. The family connection, especially in Gloucestershire, was very large. THE BERKELEY HUNDRED COLONY 89 Under date of July 5th, 1620, Tracy wrote to Smyth : " My household will be wife, dauter & Suue, 4 1 Mayd servants & 6 men : so then for ye rest as mani or as few as yo will. Mr. Palet & Mr Gilf ort must be two more of my compani, so I shall be 16 persons at lest. My meaning is all these shall be imployed in ye common bisness." A postscript was added : " I would cari 10 or 12 dogs yt would be of great youse to us — let me know if they will let us cari them. ' ' Delay in the date of sailing caused Tracy to grow impatient and in his next letter to Smyth he wrote : " You have Nibli, he (Richard Berkeley) has Stoke, I have nothing but Virginia and it am I held from to live in shame and disgrace in England." The out- look for younger sons was never more gloomy in England than during the period covered by the early emigration to the Colony of Virginia. The list of Berkeley colonists comprised many men whose social station was attested by the addition of ' ' Gentleman ' to their names and who engaged to remain for periods of from two to seven years in the colony. The word servant of the Virginia Company, so often used, did not imply that the person referred to was a menial. 90 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA The (Supply (eighty tons), Captain Tobias Fel- gate, was chartered from William Ewins of Bristol, England, and was litted out at that city for the voy- age to Virginia. Owing to its restricted accommoda- tions, and the well-known results of overcrowding such ships on long voyages at that time, a number who had prepared to sail were left behind to follow on the next ship. The fitting out of the Supply em- barrassed Tracy financially, but his kinsmen came promptly to his relief. The remarkable health rec- ord on the voyage was almost wholly due to his wise forethought and able preparation. With the colonists went books on English hus- bandry and the care of silk worms ; a great quantity of garden seeds and kt a reasonable quantity of the seeds of cotton wool. ' ' Mr. Smvth sent from his own nurseries " a great number of yonge stocks and of apple trees grafted with pippens, pearmaynes and other the best apples, which he hopeth for his own humor and aft'eceon sake therein you will have some- what the more care of, as also of the bagg of abricots, damosell and other plum stones he now sendeth." It should be remarked that thus early in the colony was recognized the necessity for diversified farming, for in the indenture granted to William Tracy and his associates is a covenant: " That they and all per- sons by them transported for their particular plan- THE BERKELEY HUNDRED COLONY 91 tacon, shall apply themselves and their labor in a large and competent manner to the plantinge, sow- inge, setting, making, working and procuringe of good and staple commodities, in and upon the lands granted unto them, as namely, corne, wine, oyle, silk gras, hempe, flax, pitch and tarre, sope ashes and potashes, iron, clapboards and other materials, and the like, and not wholly or chiefly upon tobacco. ' ' It does not require a vivid imagination to trace much of Virginia history from these apparently simple preparations and the bit of warning contained in the covenant forbidding the exclusive cultivation of tobacco. The introduction of the pippen has been a source of health and profit to Virginians for three centuries and has elevated " Albemarle ' from a merely local county to a section famous the world over for its apples. The cotton seed needed the long summer for maturity and was carried to the south by the gradual overflow of settlers from Virginia. To- bacco, being at an early date established as a cash crop and in fact as the only currency of the colony available for exchange with England, proved the lure which slowly sapped the life of a naturally rich soil, and in the course of years turned promising planta- tions into ' ' old pine fields, ' ' many of which have not yet regained the fertility so ruthlessly drained in the mad rush for immediate profit from the colonies. 92 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA Under the Virginia Company it was the custom for the governor of the colony to give a certificate to each ship on arrival, setting forth the list of passengers and such other mention as circumstances seemed to merit. Nearly all of these certificates have disap- peared, but the one concerning the arrival of the Sup- ply on this voyage, signed by Governor George Yeardley, is still preserved. The following is a copy of the certificate which contains also the signature of John Pory, the secretary of the colony: " These are to certifie the Right hononorable, Right Worshipfull and others of the Counsell and company for this First Southern Colony of Virginia, that there arrived at Barklay in the same country, for the account of the Society and the plantation of the said Hundred, upon the 29th of January, 1620/1 (O. S.), these fifty persons, under written visit: — ' ' William Tracy, Esq. ; Mary Tracy his wife ; Thomas Tracy their sonne ; Joyce Tracy their daugh- ter; Frances Grevell; Elizabeth Webbe; Alice Hes- kins ; Isabell Gilford ; Arnold Oldsworth, Esq. ; Rob- ert Pawlett, divine; Thomas Kemys, gent; John Hohnden, gent; Richard Fcrriby; George Keene, gent; Nicholas Combe, gent; William Finche, Mar- garet his wife and Frances their daughter; John Gil >bes ; Robert Baker ; John Howlett the elder ; John and William Howlett, his sonnes; Walter Prosser; THE BEEKELEY HUNDKED COLONY 93 Giles Carter; George Hall; John Bailey; Thomas Baugh; Gabriel Holland; Richard Holland; Giles Wilkins ; Giles Broadway ; Richard Dalton ; Richard Milton; Joane Coopy; Antony Coopy and Elizabeth Coopy ; Philip Strange ; John Page and Francys, his wife; John Linzey; Roger Linzey; James Jelfe; Richard Rolles, Jane his wife and Benedict Rolles their sonne; Alexander Broadway; Arthur Kemys, gent. (Signed) George Yeardley, Jo: Pory, Sect." The certificate of Thomas Parker, Mayor of Bris- tol, gives the names of fifty-eight passengers on the Supply when cleared. There is extant some corre- spondence between William Tracy and John Smyth of Nibley concerning certain persons left behind on account of the crowded condition of the ship. Whether any of these were put ashore during the week the Supply lay in the Severn awaiting favor- able weather is not known. If none were put ashore after the ship was cleared the loss on the voyage amounted to eight souls, a not uncommon percentage in the vessels of that period. The Town and Hundred of Berkeley on James River — the present landing for this ancient planta- tion is known as Harrison's Landing — had been pre- viously under the management of Captain Woodleffe, 7 94 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA but the Supply brought the revocation of his appoint- ment and the new commissions of William Tracy and George Thorpe to be governors of Berkeley Town and Hundred. Tracy also brought a letter of instruc- tion and advice concerning Virginia affairs from Richard Berkeley and John Smyth. An agreement was entered into by Berkeley, Thorpe, Tracy, and Smyth, dated August 27th, 1620, to the end that whenever Richard Berkeley and John Smyth in England should disagree as to matters touching the colony in Virginia, questions at issue should be submitted to Sir William Throckmorton, knight and baronet ; Sir Thomas Roe, knight, and Sir Thomas Tracy, knight, brother of William Tracy, whose decision should prevail, without further argu- ment, in order that the colonists should not suffer from the delay incident to slow and uncertain com- munication. Soon after the arrival of the Supply a census was taken of all the colonists living in Virginia, and the report of March, 1621, showed that only 843 survived. The preceding twelve months had been specially dis- astrous to the newly arrived colonists located beside the fever infested swamps of the James. From such evidence as now exists it appears that Tracy employed his adherents in selecting suitable locations for those to follow from Gloucestershire THE BERKELEY HUNDRED COLONY 95 and that during the year many of them took up loca- tions in the neighboring country under his control. Tracy gave every evidence to his followers that he had come to cast his fortunes with the new country for his wife, a son Thomas and daughter Joyce, and one of her young kinswomen accompanied him. Not many months after their arrival, his daughter mar- ried Captain Nathaniel Powel, a member of the coun- cil in 1621 and for a time governor of the colony, and her young kinswoman, Frances Grevell, married De la Warr. The plantations of Lady De la Warr ad- joined the lands selected for the establishment of Berkeley Hundred. The colonists had encountered hardships of exceptional character, but had main- tained a determination to establish themselves per- manently. The fever infested sites were being grad- ually recognized; clearings were made, a variety of crops planted, and in fact everything was being un- dertaken which previous experience had suggested as necessary to make the colony self-supporting, if not profitable. The death of Tracy proved the first blow, soon fol- lowed by the appearance of a small cloud destined, as " The Indian Question,'' not only to terminate Tracy's dreams of a large Gloucestershire colony, but to come down through two and a half centuries to test the courage, ability and fair-mindedness of the 96 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA American people. All unknown to the colonists along the James and the estuaries of the Chesapeake, a conspiracy was being formed, having for its object the wresting of their country from the English in- vaders and its restoration to its aboriginal owners. On April 1st, 1622, the Indians throughout the tide water region fell upon the scattered settlers, and those who had come with Tracy, as the advance guard of his colonizing scheme, suffered grievously. Of the fifty who arrived on the Supply more than half fell by the hand of treachery. The massacre fell without discrimination on all the scattered groups, but upon none more heavily than those from Gloucestershire, and included George Thorpe, Tracy's daughter Joyce and her husband, Captain Nathaniel Powel. There was mourning in Gloucestershire, from Stow-on-the- wold to Bristol, for with the directing energy de- parted, the survivors of the ill-fated expedition were left to battle unaided in the wilderness of Virginia. Several gentlemen of the party, including Tracy's son Thomas, made their way back to England, Thomas Kemys remaining in charge of Berkeley Hundred. It was not long before the stream of im- migration again flowed towards the weakened settle- 1 1 Lents and started them on the upward turn. From a struggling infant, Virginia gradually became self- supporting and then imperceptibly but surely passed THE BERKELEY HUNDRED COLONY 97 into the column of colonies whose trade had become profitable to the mother country. Others came to take the places of Tracy and his kinsmen and to reap the profits of their well-planned schemes. The Indian had cast the die and lost, for though the general massacre throughout the colony had been admirably planned, it had failed of its pur- pose and resulted only in planting in the hearts of those colonists who escaped, a desire for revenge and for an assurance of future peace. This was only to be obtained by the extinction of the aboriginal Vir- ginian and the gradual substitution by emigration of a race become distinguished for its chivalrous gal- lantry, generous hospitality and inestimable services in carrying the torch of civilization far to the west and south, and in maintaining through three cen- turies the high ideals of government upon which other commonwealths have builded with a sense of absolute confidence and security. THE GLOUCESTERSHIRE COLONISTS. The thirty-five colonists who sailed from Bristol, England, in 1619, on the Margaret, Captain Tobias Felgate, and the fifty-eight who sailed from Bristol in 1620, on the Supply, Captain Tobias Felgate, were sent as the advance gnard to establish the town of Berkeley and lay out the plantations of Berkeley Hundred, for the colony of five hundred to be for- warded from time to time as vessels could be pro- cured. The original partners in the venture were Richard Berkeley, Sir William Throckmorton, John Smyth, M. P. for Midhurst, George Thorpe and a London tradesman named John Woodleefe. Throckmorton transferred his share to William Tracy, to whom the Virginia Company had given authority to colonize five hundred persons in Virginia. From records now available, the family connec- tions of the partners and of some of those sailing on the Supply is disclosed. Berkeley was a cousin and Throckmorton a kinsman of Tracy, whose mother was Anne Throckmorton. Samuel Trac}^, a cousin of William Tracy, had married Catherine, daughter of THE GLOUCESTERSHIRE COLONISTS 99 Thomas Smyth, and Barbara Tracy, a daughter of Sir Paul aud niece of Samuel Tracv, married Rich- ard Smyth. At the date of early Virginia colonization the Tracy family was prominent in Gloucestershire. The Visitation of 1623 shows, in the generation under con- sideration, a Thomas and a William in each of the branches of the family, the Tracys of Stanwaye and the Tracys of Tudington. Sir Paul Tracy was at the head of the Stanwaye branch. John Smyth recorded an agreement of the partners in which reference is made to William Tracy as the brother of Sir Thomas Tracy. Histories of the colo- nial period refer to William Tracy as the son of Sir John Tracy. Sir John Tracy of the Tudington branch had three sons, Thomas, John and William. William Tracy, who organized the expedition which sailed on the Supply, was the son of Sir John Tracy and his wife Anne Throckmorton. On the eve of sailing, William Tracy was embar- rassed with the unusual expense arising from delay and among those who hastened to his relief were his cousins, Timothy Yate and John Bridges. One of the Yate family was the husband of Margaret Berke- ley, granddaughter of Sir Robert Berkeley, knight, a brother of Thomas Lord Berkeley. Henry Tracy, grandfather of William Tracy, married Elizabeth 100 GILES CARTER OF VIRGINIA Bridges. A daughter of Edmund Crewe married John Bridges, and another descendant, Richard Crewe, married later, in 1658, Eleanor, daughter of William Laurance of Sherdington, Gloucestershire, which will be referred to in another connection later. The court records show that on the 7th October, 1()20, Richard Yate married Bridget Carter. The wife of William Carter, son of John of Lower Swell, was named Bridget, and it was probably her daugh- ter. Yate was a kinsman of both Tracy and Berkeley. Much evidence exists to show that the party which sailed on the Supply was made up from Gloucester- shire families, many of which were akin, or connected by marriage. Amongst the items entered in the ac- counts incident to outfitting the ship Supply is one for transporting twenty persons who went with Tracy from Hayles to Bristol. Among the post mortem inquisitions of Gloucester- shire is one relating to the property of John Carter who, at his death, " was seized as of fee of the manor of Lower Swell, late parcel of the possessions of the Bishop of London, and sometime belonging to the dissolved monastery of Hayles; * * * all the tithes of the premises which lately belonged to the dissolved Monastery of J Iayles.' : A n examination of the docu- ment in its relation to family connections shows that Giles (artci 1 , the son and heir of John Carter, mar- THE GLOUCESTEESHIKE COLONISTS 101 ried Elizabeth, daughter of Paul Tracy, Esq., who appears later as Sir Paul Tracy of Stanwaye, having been created a baronet in 1611. Paul was a first cousin of Thomas, John and William Tracy of Tudington. John Carter was High Sheriff of Gloucestershire, 10 January, 1612. At the time of the organization of the expedition by William Tracy, John Carter re- sided at the manor of Low T er Swell, being also in pos- session of Cold Aston, Shipton, Charleton Abbotts and other estates in Overhampen, Compton and Badgworth. The will of Gyles Carter of Badgworth, Glouces- tershire, dated in 1585, appears amongst those in the Prerogative Court Canterbury wills (47 Brudenell). As John Carter died possessed of property in Badg- worth and named his eldest son Gyles, it is believed that Gyles of Badgworth was his father, but the will of Gyles has not yet been examined to determine this. Some of the Badgworth estates, together with Cold Aston and the demesne lands pertaining thereto, were deeded by John Carter to Elizabeth Tracy, wife of his son Giles Carter, as part of her dower during her life. John Carter married Mary, daughter of Robert Laurance of Shipton, and had issue : Giles m. Eliza- beth Tracy; John, Jr., m. Anna Partridge; William 102 GILES CAKTEK OF VIRGINIA in. Bridget -; Anne m. Giles Broadway; Eleanor m. Humphrey Colles; Mary m. John More. The county records show that Giles Carter, Esq., son and heir of John, was the head of the family, after the death of his father in 1627. During the k ' Great Rebellion " Giles Carter was sequestered and compounded for £968 17s. A handsome monu- ment was erected to the memory of Giles Carter in the parish church of Cold Aston. In the parish church of Longney on the banks of the Severn, there is also a tablet containing an inscription in memory of the family of Giles and Elizabeth Carter. In the old parish church of Seavenhampton, which was built prior to 1147: " There are divers inscrip- tions in the bodv of the church, for the family of Car- ters of Charleton Abbotts." Among those who accompanied Tracy to Virginia on the Supply appear the names of Giles Carter and Giles Broadwav. The Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1623, shows the marriage of Giles Carter and Eliza- beth Tracy, daughter of Paul Tracy; that of Giles Broadway and Anne Carter, a sister of Giles Carter; and the existence of Alexander Broadway, who was also named among those with Tracy. Giles and Anne < aricr Broadway had a son named Giles Broadway. As Giles Broadway, Si*., died in England 14th March, 1(>~>7, it was probably his son Giles who went THE GLOUCESTEESHIIJE COLONISTS 103 to Virginia on the Supply, and was killed by the Indians. Among the names of Tracy's party are Arthur and Thomas Kemys, Gent. The Visitation of Gloucester- shire, 1623, shows both of these names. One of Wil- liam Tracy's ancestors married Margery Paunce- forte and Arthur Kemys married Anne Paunceforte, a niece of Margery. In the inquisition taken at Cirencester, in relation to property left by William Crewe, Gent., who died at Aldersleighe 3d October 12 Charles (1635), the names of Thomas Gibbs and Edmund Ferribie are found among the jurors ; two members of Tracy's ex- pedition bore these family names. Among other neighboring families were Oldsworth and Strange, both of which were represented in the list of colonists with Tracy on the Supply. John Smyth of Mbley preserved a list of colonists on the Supply who escaped the massacre and of those who returned to England, among the latter being Giles Carter and William Tracy's young son Thomas. It has been shown that John Bridges, William Tracy's cousin, married a daughter of Edmund Crewe, and that a descendant of this marriage, Rich- ard Bridges, married, in 1658, Eleanor Laurance, daughter of William Laurance of Sherdington, Gloucestershire. William Laurance was the son of 1"! GILES CARTEE OF \ IK, 106 Lawson, 58, 80 Le Grand, 80, 81 Lewis, 66, 75 Lindsay, 76 Linzey, 93 Loatham, 45, 57 Lockerson, 41 Ludlow, 19 Ludwell, 34 Lund, 41 Macey, 122 Machames, 64 Madison, 82 Marable, 50 Marshall, 41 Martin, 41, 50 Maynard, 72 Mayo, 44 McClernard, 22 McCrory, 111 McPhail, 121 Meade, 25 Measles, 111 Mennaly, 117 Michaux, 29, 30, 82 Milam, 123 Miller, 74 Milton, 93 Miot, 121 Mittauer, 82, 117 Moore, 112 More, 102 Morgan, 45 Morris, 73 Morton, 80, 81, 118 Mosby, 65 Mosely, 66 Mossom, 78 Motley, 109, 118. 119 Mulleins, 43 Neal, 118 IXDEX 133 Newport, 85 Norris, 42 - Oldsworth, 92, 103 Orts, 41 Owin, 66 Page, 34, 93 Palet, 89 Parker, 85, 93 Partridge, 101 Passons, 66 Paunceforte, 103 Pawlett, 92 Pemberton, 75 Place, 37 Pleasants, 29, 44, 45, 63, 64, 67, 68 Pocahontas, 43 Pory, 92, 93 Powel, 95, 96 Price, 41, 54 Prosser, 92 Purnell, 81 Ramsey, 34 Randolph, 26, 38, 40, 44, 81 Reese, 42 Reynolds, 110 Richards, 41 Richardson, 82, 116 Ridley, 50, 60 Rocketts, 73 Roe, 94 Rogers, 120 Rolfe, 43 Rolles, 93 Root, 126 Sands, 86 Saunders, 118 Scates, 22 Scott, 80, 81 Scruggs, 44 Semple, 78 Sewell, 42, 56 Sherwood, 37 Skipwith, 26 Smaley, 43 Smeethers, 41 Smith, 73, 74, 84 Smyth, 86, 87, 89, 90, 93, 94, 98. 99, 103 Smythes, 42, 56 Spear, Spears, 45, 57, 58 Staggs, 52, 110, 111, 122 Stamps, 116 Stephens, 122 Stevens, 116, 118, 119 Strange, 93, 103 Stratford, 104 Strong, 42 Stuart, 15 Stubblefield, 47, 58, 109 Swallow, 42 Talieferro, 118 Taylor, 81 Terry, 22, 112 Thompson, 47, 58, 109 Thorpe, 86, 87, 94, 96, 98 Throckmorton, 86, 87, 94, 98, 99 Townes, 83, 109, 116 Tracy, 32, 33, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107 Trotman, 104 Trumbull, 22 Turner, 49, 61 Vaulx, 52, 110, 111 Venable, 26, 29, 30, 47, 59, 80 Waddell, Waddill, 28, 47, 48, 49, 59, 61, 108, 109 Wade, 26, 79, 80, 109, 117 Waller, 42 Walters, 118 134 INDEX Walton, 68, 69, 113 Washington, 78 Watkins, 29, 45, 47, 57, 58, 59, 61, 66, 68, 73, 80 Webb, Webbe, 46, 57, 73, 92, 119 West, 34 Wheeler, 41 Whittingham, 37 Wilkins, 29, 45, 93 Williamson, 43, 44, 55, 58, 74, 108 Wood, 73 Woodleefe, 86, 93, 98 Woodson, 29, 42, 66 Worthy, 42 Wyatt, 81 Yate, 86, 99, 100 Yeardley, 86, 87, 88, 92, 93 Zollicofer, 27 ' ^s r LIBRARY OF CONGRESS I III I in 021 549 410 A