' o 1 / '■^^ ^«^<^'^ J^--^\ /^.^^".-^% u^ ■ O p. * '^ V J, ' * °* Oj. *' ^^ ^^\ %/ ^^^^^%./ ^:^^^^ %/ ^^-^' %c^' ^ .^: Act -^£>^pm!m* iP^A. ^o ^o<. '^ W&:m P^ --V^ >*.<^^^, v<^. . •'' 3 A 0* ■■^ •iiv .^'' ^ THE WILLIAM SNOW FAMILY. r* I ■■<*■ ■ml I THE WILLIAM SNOW FAMILY. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SNOW, WHO LANDED AT PLYMOUTH, MASS., IN 1633. PUBLISHED BY Edwin H. Snow. PROVIDENCE: Snow & Farnham, Co., Printers, 1908. ^ o Wi \ <> Co ^ ^ // '-^^ gi^< ;_ -^iT^^-"**^* > :> ^^»- 4 ..^' v^A ' >. i3+ />- 1 ^ L^ .^> INTRODUCTION. This genealogy has been prepared from material collected from time to time by the publisher, and which has been furnished him by relatives, with the end in view of pre- serving in enduring form a concise record of the William Snow family, and that all interested may be in possession of a copy. It would not be at all surprising that in a work of this kind, involving as it does so many names and dates, that some errors and inaccuracies may have appeared, although due care has been exercised to make it as nearly correct as possible. The publisher desires to express his grateful acknowl- edgments to Dr. Louis F. Snow, Mrs. Louise B. Clarke, and to others related to him by kinship, who have so kindly assisted him by furnishing much available material and through whose efforts the publication of this work has been made possible. He is also greatly indebted to Mr. C. E. Leonard, Secre- tary-General of the " Mayflower Descendants," for valuable information concerning our family. £]. XX, S. Pbovidknoe, R. I., December, 1908. THE WILLIAM SNOW FAMILY. List of Abbreviations.— b., born; m., married; d.,died: mos., months; yrs., years. 1 William Snow was born in England in 1624, was brought to this country by Richard Derby in the year 1635, to whom he was apprenticed and assigned to Edward Doten, of Plymouth, Mass., in 1638, to serve him seven years. He was of age in 1645, and his name is found among those able to bear arms at Plymouth in 1648. He settled at an early date in Duxbury, Mass., but probably was not a householder or not married in 1645. He was among the first settlers of the town of West Bridgewater, Mass., and took the oath of fidelity among the first in 1657. He mar- ried Rebeckah Browne, daughter of Peter Browne, who came in the Mayflower, 1620.* He died in 1708, aged 84 years. He had been living with his son William. His will is dated 1699, and proved in 1708. In a large volume bound in vellum, now in the Roll Office, Chancery Lane, London, are records of a few of the early emi- grants to New England. On the cover of the volume containing the earliest records yet discovered is this inscription : " A Booke of Entrie for Passengers by ye Comission and Souldiers according to the statutie passing beyond the Seas, begun at Christmas, 1631, and endnig at Christmas, 1632." In it were originally about two quires of paper, all of which is filled with the records indicated oil the cover. The front of the book appears to have been in- tended for the entry of the names of soldiers. The other end for emigrants, travelers, traders, etc. The part containing these entries is entire. The volume is not paged, but the dates follow in order, which is ample for reference. The first entry of names of persons for New England is on page 6. The next volume, containing records of persons emigrating to New England, is also in the Roll Office. It was formerly among * Mayflower Descendant, vol. viii. P. 101. Mayflower Descendant, vol. v. Pp. 33-35. b THE SNOW FAMILY. he records and documents at Carlton Ride (on the northerly side of St. James Park, now 1859 being demolished). I should not say it was found there for I am not aware that it was ever lost, hut like thousands of other papers and books of records it was de- posited there for safe keeping. But during the two hundred and twenty-four years which have elapsed since the volume was made, it has during some part of that period not been very safely kept for near a third of it has been damaged by laying long in water or a damp place ; yet this damage does not extend but two or three inches from the foot of the first pages and nearly the whole of it can be read. The volume contains about three quires of foolscap paper and is bound in vellum. On the vellum wrapper or cover is this inscription: " The Register of the names of all ye Passenger (s) wliioli Passed from ye Port of London for an whole yeare ending at xmas IGoo "' XII Jo April in 1635 (following tlio entries of the passenger lists of the " Elizabeth and Ann" and fo the iiKrease) occurs the following:— In the Suzan and Ellin, Edward Payne Mr. for New England. These parties herein, under expressed have brough certificate from the Minister and Justices of their Conformitie and that they are no Subsedy men. Then follows the list of fifty-five i)ersons among whom appears William Snowe —Hist, and Geneal. Begister, Vol. I4. 1 William Snow^ was born in England in 1024, came to this country in 1635, landing at Plymouth, Mass., wliere he Mved for a few years. He settled at an early date in Duxbury, Mc.ss. He was among the first settlers of the town of West Bridgewatei, Mass. He married Rebeckah Browne, daughter of Peter Browne, who came in the Mayflower, 1620. He died in 1708, aged 84 years. Will of William Snow^ probated in 1708 and on file in the I'ho- BATE Office at Plymouth, Mass. I William Snow senr of Eridgewater in the County of New Plymouth sound in Judgment & memory Do ordain & make this my Last will & T ment in maner following my Iniortall soul 1 doe Humbly Resign in tc - THE SNOW FAMILY. i mercifull hands of almighty god my creator hopeing thro ye merits & media- tion of Jesus Christ to obtain pardon & salvation my body I coraitt to the earth whence it was taken to be Decently buried at the Discretion of my Ex- ecutor & other of my cristian friends — for my out ward estate that god hath lent me I have Disposed of a considerable part of my Lands to my sons Joseph Snow & my son Benjan snow as by deeds may appear I haveing other Lands not yet Disposed of & being very weak & lame and my wife being aged both of us not able of our selves to suply our wants without the help of some- body else my son william Snow having promised to provide for us Dureing our naturall lives I count it but reason to Gratifie him in some measure for his care & trouble I having some out Lands not yet Disposed of Doe give to my son William Snow all out Lands already Divided not yet Disposed of to him & his heirs for ever I haveing a purchase Righte in the Common of Bridgewater my will is that my son W.illiam snow shall injoy one third part of that my undivided Land to him & to his heirs forever my will is that my two sons Joseph & benjamin Snow shall Enjoy the Rest of my purchase Rite in the undivided Lands of Bridgwater to be Equally Divided to them & to their heirs forever my will is that my four Daughters namely Mary Lidia Hannah & Rebeckah shall Enjoy all my moveables after my decease & my wifes what is then Left to be Equally Divided amongst them four. I Doe appoint my son William Snow to be sole Executor of this my Last will & Testament Revoakiog all other testaments whatsoever formerly made by me in witness whereof I have here unto set my hand & seall this 9 Day of March 16 9 8/9. his f ) William x Snow sen r i seal ' r -l S mark ( ) Sign'd sealed in ye prsents of us Thomas Haywabd Nathaniel Ames Thomas AVade Children of William} and Rebeckah Snoiv. 2 I William,^ b. ; m. in 1686 Naomi, daughter of Thomas Whitman, residence Bridgewater. 3 II J AMES, 2 b. ; 4 Solomon Snow^ {Eleazar,^ Benjamin,'^ William^), was born 1744 ; married Elizabeth, daughter of Eleazar Gary, 1780. Children of Solomon* and Elizabeth Snoxo. 188 I Elizabeth.5 1S9 II Solomon. 5 190 III William. 5 9(> Zehedee Snow^ {Eh'cizar,^ Benjamin,'^ WiUUun^), was born 1743 ; married ; went to Scituate, R. I. Children of Zebedee* and Snoio. 191 I Zebedee.* 192 II Solomon. 5 19o III WlLLIAM.5 10'-^ Simeon Snow^ {Seth;^ Wmiam,^ WilUamr William^), was born 1750 ; married Priscilla,^ daughter of Kleazar'* Snow {Eli'uzitr^'i William,- William^). Moved to Wliitestown, N. Y. Children of Sitneon^ and I'riscilla Snow. Simeon,'' b. 1781. No issue. 15ktty,« b. 1783. ri{isciLLA,<^ b. 1785. Lavinia," b. 1787. IIkpzibau,** b. 1789. Shepakd,'' b. 1701. riiKBK/ b. 179o. ZiHKOX,^' b. 1795. Koxiliana,^ b. 1797. 10."> Jonathan Snow^ (Seth,'^ William,^ William,'^ WilUam^), was born 1757 ; probably married Zevina,^ daughter of Eleazar* Snow {JElenzar,'^ William,^ WilUanr). No record of children. 110 Simeon Snow'' (Beuhen,'^ Eleazar^^ William,'^ William^), was binii at Mansfield, Mass., Oct. 4, 1777 ; died at Savoy, Mass., Feb. 17, 1854: married at Mansfield, INIass., Nov. 9, 1800, Polly Phillips, born at Mansfield, Mass. July 28, 1778; died at Savoy, Mass., Aug. 5, 1840. Child of Simeon^ and Polly Snoio. 20o I SiMEON,« b. at Mansfield, Feb. 18, 1803. 191 I 195 II 196 III 197 IV 198 V 199 VI 200 VII 201 VUl 202 IX THE SNOW FAMILY. ,23 1 14 Jonathan Snow, Esq.^ {EUazar^^ Eleazar,'^ William^^ William})-, b. ^ ; married Iluldah Snow. Children of Jonathan'' ami lliddah Siioto. 204 I HuLDAH,6b. nSO; ra. Stillman Willis, 1809. 205 II JoNATHA.N,« b. 1788; m. Sally, dau. of Nathan Bryant, 1810. 200 III SaIvMON,*"' b. 1789; no issue. 207 IV Caleb, b. 1790; no issue. 208 V Susanna,*^ b. 1793; m. Jeremiah Hickson of H., 1809. 200 VI SpRAGUE,6b. 1795; m. Nancy Kingman of Mansfield, 1820. 210 VII Sklvina," b. 1797; m. Jolin Sealey of Easton, 181S. 211 VIII MARTiN,«b. 1799; m. Ann Wilbor, 1821. 212 IX Olive, 6 b. 1800. 213 X Thomas Jeffebson,^ b. 1802; grad. B. U. 1825.* 214 XI Relirf,6 b. 1805. 115 Silas Snow^ (Eleazar,'^ Eleazar, WilU(vm,^ William}),^ was born — ; married Hannah, daughter of Ephraim Cole, 1800. Children of Silati^ and Hannah Snom. 215 I Austin,* b. 1802. 216 II LiNUS,6 b. 1804; no issue. 217 III SiLENCE,6 b. 1808. 218 IV Mary,« b. 1811. 219 V LuRiN,^ b. 1814. 1^3 Daniel Snoav^ {Daniel^ (Esq.), Eleazar,* William,^ William^'), was born 1767 ; married Hannah Richmond of Middle- boro, 1790; moved to Union, Me. Children of Daniel* and Hannah Snow. 220 I Ansel,6 ; lived in Appleton. 221 II Axel ;^ m. dau. of Thomas Johnson of New Gloucester; lived in New York and Boston; was an apothecary. 222 III Phillip.*' 223 IV Oliver.* 224 V Silvia." 225 VI Hannah.* 226 VII Harriet.* 227 VIII Elizabeth.* 228 IX Sarah. « * Snow, Thomas Jefferson, A. B. Teacher, Nantucket, Mass ; principal Milton Academy 1829-35; mercliant, Michigan City, Ind.; principal, academy, Madisonville, Ky. ; n-sidont Peoria, 111. Born North Bridgewater, Mass., 180'2; died Peoria, 111., 1851.— A. U. Hist. Cat., p. J 45. 24 THE SNOW FAMILY. 137 Cyrus Smw^ (Daniel^ (Esq.), Eleazar,^ William,'^ Wil- liam}'), was born 1778; married Ruth Makepeace of Norton, 1801. Moved to Franklin. Children of Cyrus^ and Euth Snow. 229 I Ruth Makepeace/ b. 1802. 230 II Angelina,« b. 1803. 231 III Debob.ah,« b. 1805. 232 IV Hannah Dunbak," b. 1807. 131 John SNO^v° QJolin,'^ John,^ William,^ William^'), was born 1787; married Rebecca Lathrop, 1811. Child of John^ and Rebecca Snow. 233 I Edward James, « b. 1811. 146 Samuel Snow^ (^Joseph, ^ Joseph,''^ Joseph,^ William^), was born in Providence, R. I., Aug. 10, 1758; married May 18, 1781, Frances, daughter of Capt. Peter and Ehzabeth (Gardiner) Wanton and granddaughter of John Gardiner, wlio hekl the office of Chief Justice of Rliode Island for five years, and of Deputy Governor for nine years. At the outbreak of the Revolution Samuel Snow was a student at Brown University. On Dec. 10, 1776, he accepted an appointment as Third Lieutenant in Elliott's Regiment Artillery Rhode Island State Troops, and received sev- eral promotions before he obtained his commission as Captain in the 1st Rhode Island Regiment Continental Infantry in 1780. In September of that year he was discharged and returned to Brown Univeisit}^, from which he was graduated 1782. He was a merchant of Providence in the China trade, and in 1795 he made a voyage to China, where he remained a number of years, part of the time as United States Consul at Canton by appointment of President Adams. Eventually he returned to Providence, where he died May 17, 1838, having survived his wife. Capt. Snow was an original member of the Rhode Island Society of the Cincinnati, and held the office of Secretary as late as 1812.* *" Snow, Samuel, A. B., A. M. Third Lieutenant, Capt. Elliott's regiment of artillery, 1776-80; merchant, Providence, U. I.; China, several years; U. S. Consul, Canton, China; original member Society of Cincinnati ; Secretary, 181-2. Born Aug. 10, 1758; died Providence, May 13, 1838."— [B. U. Hist. Cat., p. 72. THE SNOW FAMILY. 25 Children of Capt. Samuel^ and Frances Snoio. 234 I Rebecca, « b, ; m. Nathaniel Greene Olney. 235 II Peteb Wanton," b. Dec. 28, 1788; m. . His only child died without issue. At the date of his father's death he was " only child and heir-at-law; a resident of Canton in the Empire of China." He was known in the family as "Uncle Wanton," the first name, Peter, being dropped. 148 Benjamin Snow^ QJoseph,^ Joseph,"^ Josephi^ WilUm-n}'), was born in Providence, Dec. 6, 1762 ; married Ist, 1783, Sally, daughter of Dr. Theopliilus Rogers of Norwich, Conn., born Jan, 26, 1761 ; died April 8, 1788, in her 28th year. He married 2d, 1789, Sarah, daughter of Joseph and Lucy (Hampton) Otis of Montville, Conn. She was the great-great-granddaughter of Rebecca Pabodie, granddaughter of John Alden of the Mayflower, and was born in Norwich, Feb. 12, 1766 ; died in Providence at the home of her daughter June 11, 1862, aged 96 years and 4 months. Capt. Benjamin Snow was a merchant of Norwich, Conn., of the firm " Woodbridge & Snow," extensively engaged in ship- ping and trade with China and the West Indies. He was a well educated man of courteous, friendly manner, and very hospitable. He was much respected and was often called upon to arbitrate between parties at variance, and for a time served as Justice of the Peace. His penmanship (a gift inherited from his father, Rev. Joseph Snow) was quite remarkable, and was very clear and steady when he had passed the fourscore limit. One letter now in pos- session of the family which covers two pages of a large sheet was so beautifully written when he was eighty-one years of age that it has been preserved and is exhibited with the family relics. Capt. Snow after resignmg from mercantile business was appointed Selectman, and was actively engaged in affairs until 1841. His Revolutionary service was as member of the Committee of Safety. In his old age he removed with his wife to Providence, where he died March 23, 1849, in his 88th year. Children of Capt. Benjamin^ and Sally Snov\ 236 I Hampton Rogers, '^ b. Norwich, Nov. 26, 1784; d. Providence, Dec. 10, 1839; unmarried. 237 II Charles Knox,« b. Norwich, Nov. 7, 1786; d. there April 7, 178§. 26 THE SNOW FAMILY. Children of Capt. Benjamin^ and Sarah (Otis) Snow. 238 HI Frances,* b. Norwich, May 20, 1790; m. Dec. 11, 1811, Felix A. Huntington, and removed to New York City in 1825. She died in Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan 23, 1859. Their children were: 1. Benjamin Snow,'' b. April 23, 1813; m. 1st, Frances Seal, in Paris, France; and 2d, C. Emilie , widow, of Bridgeport, Conn. ; had dau. Edith Snow. Rev. Benjamin Snow Hunt- ington was an Episcopal clergyman, greatly beloved and respected. 2. John F.,'' b. April 5, 1825; m., 1852, Frances Ackerman. Resided in Brooklyn. Had I Louise,** m. Wilkinson. II Charlotte, 8 m. McCabe; both live in Illinois, and two sons, William S. and James Wilson. Ill Anne, 8 b. Sept. 10, 1814; d. Oct. 16, 1848; unmarried. 239 IV Maria, « b. Norwich, Dec. 19, 1791; d. Feb. 8, 1795. 240 V Caroline Munro,« b. Norwich, Sept. 24, 1793; m. Oct. 2, 1816 (2d wife) Capt. Richard Montgomery^ Field for many years (1832-43) Town and City Clerk of Providence, where they resided. He was son of Capt. John and Abigail (Cary) Field and tlie great- great-grandson of Col. Benjamin Church of Indian war fame. He was b. in Providence July 8, 1775, and there died Dec. 1, 1843. His wife died May 4, 1871, in Providence. Their children were: 1. Caroline Snow Field; m. Asa C. Brownell of Boston and Brooklyn, N. Y. ; had seven children: I M. Louise; m. Prof. Charles M. Clarke. II Russell F. ; d. in infancy. II [ Willis Lord; ni. Anna L. Jenkins. IV Anna Huntington; m. Aubrey G. Ilutcheson. V Carolyn Russell; m. Apollos Smith. VI Asa Cooke, Jr. ; m. Fanny Brown. VII Edward Hampton; m. Annie Cornelia Schenck. 2. Richard M. Field, Jr.; m. Amy Padelford; no children. 3. Sarah A. Field; d. in infancy. 4. Jonathan Russell Field; m. Mary Burke; no children. 5. Maria L. Field; d. young. 6. Edward Hampton Field; d. unmarried. 7. Augustus Huntington Field; b. 1832; m. 1853, Harriet Cate, of Boston; d. Dec. 19, 1874; had three children: I Frank Otis Field, elected President Board of Trade, Providence, January, 1907; m. Carrie Dunbar; had three children: Charlotte Dunbar Field m. Russell Baker; Florence Russell Field d. in infancy; Russell Williams Field. II Frederick Huntington Field; d. in infancy. Ill Henry Huntington Field; m. Jennie Lurana An- drews; one child, Madeline Andrews Field. 8. John Allen Field; d. unmarried. 241 VI Charles Knox," b. May 5, 1796; d. young. THE SNOW FAMILY. 27 242 VII Samuel Edward, « b. Mar. 5, 1798; m. Abigail C. Field (widow of J. Edwin Brown); bed. June 26, 1849; bis widow d. Oct. 9, 1881, aged 71 years. 243 VIII Maria L.,^ b. July 9, 1800, d. Aug. 18, 1824. 244 IX Sarah A.," b. Aug., 1802; d. Mar. 29, 1830; m. Joseph S. Hubbard, of Norwich, Conn. ; no children. 245 X Rebecca Munro,« b. June 11, 1805; d. Sept. 3, 1838; m. July 2, 1834, Jedediah Huntington, 2d., of Norwich, and had three chil- dren, Sarah Lamnan, Mary Hampton, and Joseph Otis. 155 James Snow^ {James,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William^'), was born April 10, 1756; married Rachel^ S-palding (^Josiah,^ Josiah,'^ JEdtvard,^ John,^ *Udward^}, d. Sept. 18, 1825, aged 69 years. Rachel b. May 3, 1756, in Canterbury, Conn. ; d. Dec. 25, 1831, aged 75 years. On June 22, 1786, his father gave him a deed of one-half of house corner of Ship and Snow Streets (afterwards called Chestnut and Pine Streets), where he lived. Children of Jarnes^ and Bachel Snuw. Benjamin,^ b. Sept. 11, 1779; d. Feb. 19, 1835; m. Anstis Gladding. Stephen, 6 b. Jan. 11, 1782; d. June 10, 1783, aged 17 mos. WiLLiAM,6 b. Oct. 10, 1785; d. Oct. 31, 1785, aged 21 days. jAMES,s b. May 6, 1787; d. Mar. 18, 1873, aged 85 yrfe., 10 mo.s., 12 days. 250 V Thomas,6 b. April 1, 1789; d. Feb. 12, 1879, aged 89 yrs., 10 mos., 9 days. Abigaii.,6 b. 1790; d. Nov. 0, 18C8. Sophia,'^ b. Jan. 9, 1791; d. Nov. 13, 1791, aged 11 mos., 4 days. Priscilla,6 b. Sept. 29, 1792. Sarah,6 b. Feb. 26, 1795. George,6 b. May 21, 1797. Mary,'' b. Dec. 12. 156 Daniel Snow^ QJanies,'^ Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Willimu^), was born at Providence, R. I., May 16, 1758 ; m. Hannah Larkin, (who was born Aug. 10, 1765), in Providence, Sunday evening, April 6, 1783. He was a carpenter by trade as was his father ; he owned and lived in the house on the northeast corner of Chestnut and Pine Streets, it then being Ship and Snow Streets, Chestnut Street being Ship Street and Pine Street bemg Snow Street. He died Sept. 30, 1836, aged 78 years, 4 mos., 14 days. Hannah *" Soldier under Capt. Mauniug in the war linown as King Philip's War."— [Spalding Memorial, p. 60. 246 I 247 II 248 III 249 IV 251 VI 252 VII 253 VIII 254 IX 255 X 256 XI 28 THE SXOW FAJNULY. died July 19, 1828, aged 62 years, 11 mos., 9 days. They are both buried in the family lot at Swan Pomt Cemetery, Providence. The following is a copy of a deed for property transferred to Daniel by his father, June 22, 1786, and recorded on Book 21, page 407. At the same time this half of the house was deeded to Daniel, the other half was deeded to his brother James. The father deeded at the same time property in the same locality to Mary, wife of Deacon Stephen Wardwell, and Joseph. These four chil- dren were the only ones then of age, Joseph being less than one month over twenty-one. Zo all people to wbom these Presents sball come : I James Snow of Providence in the County of Providence and State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantation Gentlemen Send Greeting, — KNOW YE, that I the said James Snow for and in Con- sideration of the Sum of Five Shillings But more Espesially for the Love and Good Will that I bear to my Beloved Son Daniel Snow of Providence afore- said Housewright the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and myself therewith fully satisfied, contented and paid; and thereof, and of every Part and Parcel thereof, do exonerate acquit and discharge, him the said Daniel Snow his Heirs, Executors and Administrators, forever by these Presents: Have given, granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed, c(mveyed and con- lirmed; and by these Presents do freely, fully, and absolutely give, grant, bargain, sell, aliene, enfeoffe, convey and confirm, unto him the said Daniel Snow his Heirs and Assigns forever, A Certain lot of Land lying in Provi- dence aforesaid with one Half a Dwelling House tliereon standing Bounding Eighty one Feet on Snow street and about Twenty Feet Front on Ship Street to the Middle of the Door of said House then runs P^asterly through the Mid- dle of said House Thirty Four Feet; Then turns and runs Six Feet and an half Northerly on a Square Then turns and runs Easterly Forty Six Feet, Then turns a Square Corner and Runs Southerly about TJiirty Feet to Snow Street Reserving a Gangway of Ten Feet on the Easterly Side of said House for the Privilege of James Snow to the Well of Water Co have and to bold the said granted and bargained Premises, with all the Appurtenances, Privileges and Commodities, to the same belonging, or in any wise appertaining, to him the said Daniel Snow his Heirs and Assigns for- ever, to his and their only proper Use, Benefit and Behoof, forever. And I the said James Snow for myself my Heirs, Executors and Administrators, do Covenant, Promise and Grant, to and with the said Daniel Snow his Heirs and Assigns, that at and before the Ensealing hereof, 1 am the true, sole and lawful Owner of the above-bargained Premises, and am lawfully seized and possessed of the same, hi my own proper Right, as a good, perfect, and ab- THE SNOW FAMILY. 29 solute Estate of Inheritance, in Fee-simple: And have in myself good Right, full power, and lawful Authority, to grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm, the said bargained Premises, in Manner as aforesaid. And that the said Dan- iel Snow his Heirs and Assigns, shall and may from Time to Time, and at all Times forever hereafter, by Force and Virtue of these Presents, lawfully, peaceably and quietly Have, Hold, Use, Occupy, Possess and Enjoy, the said demised and bargained Premises, with the Appurtenances, free and clear; and freely and clearly acquitted, exonerated and discharged, of and from all and all Manner of former and other Gifts, Grants, Bargains, Sales, Leases, Mortgages, Wills, Entails, Jointures, Dowries, Judgments, Executions and Incumbrances, of what Name or Nature soever, that might in any Measure or Degree obstruct or make void this present Deed. ■purtbcrmorc, I the said James Snow for myself my Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, do Covenant and Engage the above demised Premises to him the said Daniel Snow his Heirs and Assigns, against the lawful Claims or Demands of any Person or Persons whatsoever, forever to Warrant, Secure and Defend, by these Presents. In Witness whereof I the said James Snow have hereunto Set My Hand and Seal this Twenty First Day of June in the Tenth Tear of Independence Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Six. — N B. Words {& an Half) were interlined before signing & seal- ing and also the Word (Seven Hundred) James Snow \ l. s. !■ Signed & Sealed and Delivered ^ in Presence of Benoni Pearce Stephen Wakdwell Providence so At Providence June 22d A. D. 1786 — Then the within named Capt. James Snow personally appeared and acknowledged the within Instrument to be his free and Voluntary Act and Deed- Before Me Theodore Foster Jus. Peace. — Recorded this 22d Day of June, A. D. 1786 ^ Theodore Foster Town Clerk. ) Children of Daniel^ and Hannah Snow. 257 I Betsey,6 b. in Providence, Tuesday, Oct. 19, 1784; d. Feb. 10, 1881, aged 96 yrs., 3 mos., 21 days (not married). 258 II Amey,6 b. in Providence, Tuesday, Mar. 11, 1788; m. David Cole, April 25, 1813; d. April 24, 1871, aged 83 yrs., 1 mo., 13 days David died Jan. 24, 1842, in the 53d year of his age. No children. 259 III Joseph Garner, 6 b. in Providence, Friday morning. May 14, 1790; d. July 5, 1884, in the 94th year of his age. 30 THE SNOW FAMILY. 260 IV JoHN,*^ b. in Providence, Monday afternoon, May 14, 1792; d. Thurs- day, .Sept. 6, 1793; aged 15 mos.,23 days. 261 V Sally,** b. in Providence, Friday morning, Nov. 22, 1793; d. Monday, Aug. 11, 1794; aged 8 mos., 20 days. 262 VI John Larkin,^ b. Sunday evening, Feb. 14, 1796; d. Dec. 18, 1872; aged 76 yrs, 10 mos., 4 days (not married). 263 VII Daniel Coky,« b. Friday, April 26, 1799; d. Sept. 18, 1824; aged 25 yrs., 4 mos., 22 days (not married). 158 Joseph Snow^ {James,'^ Joseph,^ JosepJi,^ William}}, was born May 31, 1765 ; m. Rebecca Downing, July 17, 1785 ; he resided in Providence ; d. Jan. 1, 1811. Children of Joseph^ and Rebecca Snoio. 264 I William D.,6 b. m. Dec. 25, 1806, to Lydia Horswell; d. Feb. 24, aged 68 yrs. 265 II Stephen Wakdwell,^ b. Dec. 28, 1788; m. July 2, 1809, to Soi)liro- nia Bowers. lie went to Georgia and died April 15, 1818, leav- ing widow and several children. 266 III Hannah C.,^ b. ; m. July 21, 1828, to David M. G. Hamilton; d. Dec. 25, 1835; aged 39 yrs. 267 IV Nancy^ (Anne), b. Sept. 7, 1799; d. Feb. J3, 1854; m. Sept. 18, 1822, Henry Augustus Greene; b. Feb. 2, 1797; d. June 5, 1842. He was the great grandson of Lieut. Job Greene of Coventry, R. 1., who served in the Revolutionary War. Their children were: George Henry, m. Eliza E. Ilorton; Charles Warren, m. Anna Learned; and two others who died young. (See the "The Greenes" of Rhode Island, pp. 182-4; 621.) 268 V Abigail,^ b. ; m. Sept. 17, 1823, to Thomas J. Earl. 269 VI Joseph Valentine, ^ b. in Providence, Feb. 14, 1802; m. Eliza Jenckes, Oct. 30, 1826; d. Oct. 28, 1856. 270 VII Edward,*' b. in 1806; m. in 1827 to Mary A.Allen; had children; d. Nov. 26, 1860. 159 John Snow^ (James,'^ Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William^), was born June 26, 1769; m. Nov. 10, 1793, to Hannah Cory; d. Aug. 8, 1851. He was for more than forty years a devout member of the Beneficent Congregational Church, and at the time of his death the oldest male member. He held an office in that church for many years. He was an officer of the Roger Williams Bank in the City of Providence from its establishment in 1804. Asso- ciated with him was its first highly respected president the late THE SNOW FAMILY. 31 Col. Seth Wheaton, and its cashier the venerated Deacon Nathan Waterman, and was with thera transferred to the Branch of the National Bank at the commencement of its operations in 1817, and where he continued to hold a responsible office until its dissolution. He sustained the confidence and regard of the direc- tors and officers of each institution. " The steps of a good man are established by the Lord, and he delighteth in his way." His wife Hannah was born Aug. 16, 1772; d. Aug. 15, 1840. Children of Johrv' and Hmin^h Snow. 271 I William Coey,^ b. Nov. 18, 1794; d. Aug. 26, 1872; m. 1st, Nov 18, 1816, Narcissa Lippitt; she d. Feb. 9, 1853; m. 2d, Mary D. Nightingale; she d. Feb. 24, 1893. 272 II George Taylor,6 b. June 14, 1796; d. Oct. 8, 1850; m. Oct. 14, 1819, Alice B. Andrews; she d. June 24, 1882. Had three children. 273 III Isaac," b. Aug. 9, 1797; m. Sarah J. G. Harrison; d. May 4, 1842. Had five children. 274 IV Clarinda Richmonb," b. Nov. 13, 1798; m. June 6, 1819, Samuel J. Bower; he died Mar. 7, 1860. Clarinda died July 22, 1884. Had five children. 275 V Dorcas Cory," b. May 22, 1800; m. Feb. 19, 1823, John Wardwell; he died Mar. 31, 1886; Dorcas died Nov. 17, 1858. No children. 270 VI Maria Gladding," b. Oct. 23, 1801; m. Hiram Barker, May 27, 1823; d. Oct. 10, 1855. Had five children. 277 VII Hannah," b. Feb. 21, 1803, in Little Compton; m. Jan. 8, 1823, Jo- siah H. Martin; m. 2d., June 4, 1856, Hiram Barker; she died Feb. 11, 1889; Iliram died July 2, 1876. No children. 278 VIII John Cory," b. July 29, 1805; d. April 7, 1879; m. Aug. 1, 1827, Mary Ann Pearce; she d. Feb. 8, 1854. He m.2d, May 2, 1855, Elizabeth Green Hazard. Had four children. 279 IX Albert," b. July 13, 1807; m. Oct. 23, 1851, Catherine Amelia Thayer; he died July 17, 1855. No children. 280 X Eliza," b. May 11, 1809; m. July 1, 1829, Augustus Woods; he was born July 3, 1806, and died Dec. 15, 1889; she died Aug. 9, 1895. One child, Emily Eliza Woods; b. April 9, 1834; m. Leprelete M. Barker May 27, 1858; d. Oct. 1, 1907. Leprelete d. June 27, 1859. 281 XI Martha Cory," b. Dec. 11, 1810; m. Dec. 26, 1842, Oliver Kendall, Jr.; he was b. May 21, 1813; d. Sept. 16, 1858; Martha d. Mar. 28, 1902, in her 92d year. One child, Oliver Kendall, Jr. 282 XII Mary Wardwell," b. May 14, 1812; m. Sept. 2, 1835, Anthony Pearce; he died Jan. 22, 1888; she died April 14, 1897. Three children. 283 XIII Susan," b. Mar. 28, 1?14; m. April 10, 1833, William B. Dean; he died Oct. 1, 1892; she died Feb. 1, 1885. No children. 284 XIV Allen," b. Oct. 8, 1815; d. Mar. 1, 1818. 32 THE SNOW FAMILY. 161 Samuel Snow,^ {James,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,^ TFiYZmw^), was born Mar. 18, 1776; m. Nov. 17, 1798, to Achsah Barstow, daugh- ter of Caleb and Sylvina Barstow ; she was born in 1781 ; d. Dec. 5, 1858 ; Samuel d. Nov. 15, 1804. Children of Samuel^ and Achsah Snoio. 285 I Richard Montgomery,^ b. Aug. 5, 1799; m. 1st, Amelia Harrington. m. 2d, Eliza Andrews; d. April 6, 1880. 28G II Caleb Barstow, '^ b. Jan. 22, 1801; m. Maria Mason Field; she died Mar. 16, 1889, aged 83 yrs., 4 mos. He died Sept. 18, 1885, aged 84 yrs., 8 mos. Their children were Caroline, Maria, Cordelia Ann, and Sarah Achsah. 287 III Sylvina M.,^ b. Jan. 22, 1803; m. Henry Simmons. 163 Edwaed Snow,° (James,* Joseph,^ Joseph,'^ William^), was born June 27, 1777; was at one time Justice of Portsmouth ; m. Aug. 18, 1805, to Patience S. Field, daughter of Isaac and Patience Field, of Portsmouth, R. I. ; d. April 25, 1829; Patience, b. in Newport ; d. in Providence, May 7, 1875, aged 88 years. Children of Edward^ and Patience S. Snow. 288 I Emeline,« b. at Tiverton, Oct. 10, 1806 289 II Edwar]) Sidney. "^ 290 III Isaac.6 291 IV William G.o 292 V Franklix.** 293 VI Jane." 294 VII Henry P." 295 VIII Hannah.*' 165 Samuel Snow^ (Samud,'^ Jonathan,^ Joseph,- William^}, was born in Middleboro, Mass., May 21, 1752; m. Betty Perkins June 15, 1775 ; d. at Pomfret, Vt, Sept. 28, 1^20. Betty b. Feb. 3, 1756; d. April 3, 1820. He moved to Pomfret, Vt., in 1775; was a soldier in War of the Revolution and participated in Battle of Bennington. Children of Samuel^ and Betty Snow. 296 I Bela,6 1, xov. 20, ;i776; d. June 25, 1852; m. April 3, 1800, Sally Thomas. 297 II Samuel," b. June 23, 1779; d. May 10, 1834; ra. Oct. 23, 1797, Rhoda Shaw. THE SNOW FAMILY. 33 298 HI Betty/ b, July 27, 1781; d. Oct. 10, 1824; m. June 29, 1797, Nehe- miah Kemp. -^-J. f 299 IV Ebenezer,« b. Jaii. 6, 1784; d. Jan. 2, 1867; m. March 9, 1809, Polly Hayes. 300 V LucY,8 b. April 25, 1786; d. Feb. 8, 1848; m. Dec. 23, 1800, William King. 301 VI Martin, « b. July 1, 1788; d. Aug. 31, 1865; m. March 28, 1810, Lydia Hayes. 302 VII Cyrus,« b. March 25, 1790; d. June 24, 1846; m. Nov. 28, 1815, Celia Tinkham. 303 VIII Nathan, b. Sept. 26, 1792; d. Oct. 13, 1872; m. March 18, 1819, Rhoda Miller. 304 IX NoRMAN,« b. April 5, 1798; d. Feb. 28, 1881; m. 1st, July 4, 1819, Sally Houghton; 2d, . 167 David Snow^ QJoseph,'^ David,^ Joseph,'^ William}^, bom 1761 ; married Jemima, daughter of Jacob Hayward, 1787 ; moved to Brookfield. Children of David^ and Jemima Snow. 305 I Vashti,6 b. 1790. 306 II Experience," b. 1791. i 307 III David," b. 1793. 203 Simeon Snow^ (^Simeon,^ Reuben,'^ Eleazar,^. William,^ William'^), born at Mansfield, Feb. 18, 1803 ; died at Currytown, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1865; married at Currytown, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1836, Margaret Dievendorf, born at Currytown, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1811- died at Albany, N. Y., April 19, 1884. Child of Simeon^ and Margaret Snow. 308 I Margaret E., b. at Currytown, Sept. 20, 1845 ; m. at Albany, N. T. , Jan. 5, 1867, Albert Van der Veer, M. D., b. at Leathersville, N. Y., July 10, 1841. Children of Albert Van der Veer and Margaret E. Snow. 1. Edgar Albert Van der Veer, b. at Albany, Sept. 29, 1873. 2. Son, , Van der Veer. 246 Benjamin Snow,^ (James,^ James,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,'^ miliam^), was born Sept. 11, 1779; m. Mar. 24, 1803, Anstis,^ Gladding, (^Benjamm,^ Jonathan,^ Jolin^^ J ohn^ Johmy) ., daughter of Benjamin and Mary (Jacobs) Gladding. Anstis b. Feb. 24, 1783; d. Sept. 15, 1862; Benjamm died Feb.l9, 1835. 34 THE SNOW FAHULY. Children of Benjamin^ and Anstis Snoto. 309 I Infant daughter, b. and d. Jan. 5, 1804. .310 II Amos William,' b. Feb. 5, 1805; m. Almira Frances Dorr; d. Mar. 30, 1877. Almira d. Nov. 17, 1886, Children of Amos IF. and Almira Snow. 1. Helen Almira,^ b. May 14, 1832; ni. Charles P. Hartshorn, Junes, 1865; d, Mar. 11, 1897. Child: Stella Josephine; b. Jan, 3, 1869. 2. Sarah Josepuine;^ b. Dec. 2, 1836. 311 III Henrietta Pabodie,^ b. Aug. 9, 1807; m. John Laing Clark, Sept. 19, 1827; d. June 13, 1837, 312 IV Anstis Gladding, ^ b. June 18, 1809; d. April 15, 1886, 313 V Martha,' b. Dec. 28, 1811; d. Feb. 9, 1812. 314 VI Benjamin Gladding,' b. June 15, 1813; d. Jan. 29, 1892. 315 VII Emily,^ b. Mar. 17, 1815; d. Oct, 28, 1843 (unmarried), 316 VIII George Washington," b. Feb, 27, 1818; d, April 27, 1895, 317 IX John- Spaulding,' b. Aug. 14, 1820; d, Sept. 9, 1821. 318 X Mary GladdingJ b. Mar. 1, 1822; m. Thomas Gardner Andrews, Aug. 16, 1843. Children of Thomas G. and Mary GJ (Snow) Andrews. 1. Henrietta, 8 b. May 18, 1844; d. April 14, 1847. 2. (Jeorge Snow,8 b. Feb. 29, 1848; m. 1st, Ella F. White, Dec. 4, 1873; she died Dec. 28, 1874; m. 2d, Ella Harris, Oct. 24, 1877. One child, Lydia H., b. Oct. 9, 1888, 3. Mary Ella,^ b. Aug. 6, 1859; m. Walter E. Aldricli, Jan. 1, 1885, One child, Frederick Walton, b. Sept. 19, 1892; d. Feb, 12, 1893. 319 XI Emma Wheeler," b. Oct. 11, 1827; m. John Adams Bosworth, Oct. 20, 1845; John was b. Oct. 9, 1824; d, April 6, 1862, Children of John Adams and Emma Wheeler {Snow) Bosworth. 1. Asa Franklin, b. June 24, 1846; m. Edith Sherwood Row- land, Sept. 29, 1886. Children of Asa Frankliti and Edith Sherwood Bosworth. i Rowland Sherwood Bosworth, b. Sept. 11, 1887. ii Walter Thorpe Bosworth, b. Mar. 20, 1890, 2. John Cleveland, b, Nov, 27, 1848; m, Lydia Sheldon Gale June 7, 1871; d. Aug. 27, 1901, Children of John Cleveland and Lydia Sheldon Bosworth. i John Adams Bosworth, Jr,, b, Aug. 6, 1872; d. May 18, 1888. ii Abby Gale Bosworth, b. Aug. 26, 1875; d. Oct. 2, 1876 iii William Gale Bosworth, b. June 15, 1879. iv Harold Snow Bosworth, b. Mar, 7, 1888, THE SNOW FAMILY. 35 3. William Amos, b. April 19, 1850; m. Laura Greene Proctor Oct. 26, 1898. 4. Frederick Snow, b. July 6, 1852; m. Susan Jane Robinson May 5, 1875 ; d. May 8, 1904. 349 James Snow,'^ (James,^ James,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,"^ Wil- liam^), was born May 6, 1787; m. 1st, Louisa Draper; m. 2cl, Martha Keep ; m. 3d, Phebe Andrews, widow of James Dean ; d. Mar. 18, 1873, in his 86th year. Children of James^ and Martha Snow. 320 I James,'' b. Jan. 1, 1826; m. Anna M. Read Nov. 2, 1848; d. June 25, 1906. 321 II Charles," b. Feb. 10, 1829; m. Mary Ann Howland. 250 Thomas Sxow,^ {James,^ James,'^ Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Wil- liam^), was born April 1, 1789 ; m. Hannah Barber (who was born Aug. 6, 1790), Oct. 13, 1811 ; Thomas died Feb. 12, 1879, in his 90th year; Hannah died July 1, 1872. Children of Thomas^ and Hannah Snow. 322 I Alpheus James,'' b. Oct. 7, 1813; d. Feb. 2.3, 1892. 323 II Thomas Barber,'' b. Dec. 27, 1817; d. May 8, 1894. 324 III Caroline Eddy," b. July 23, 1821; d, Oct. 23, 1902. Not married. 325 IV Horace Harrison,'' b. Feb. 20, 1827. 259 Joseph Garner Snow,^ (Daniel,^ James,'^ Joseph,^ Jo- seph,^ William^), was born in Providence, Friday morning, May 14, 1790; m. 1st, June 19, 1814, to Betsey Barber, of South Kingstown, R. I., who was born in South Kmgstown, Saturday, Mar. 17, 1793; she died Sunday morning June 10, 1838, in the 46th year of her age ; m. 2d, Phebe Wilbur Brownell, Dec. 19, 1839, who was born Jan. 5, 1808 ; Joseph died July 5, 1884, in the 94th year of his age. He was a carpenter by trade, as was his father and grandfather before him. About 1826 he built a house on the north side of Pine Street, the second house east of Clav- erick Street, where he lived for many years. He also built a shop on the lot west of his house where he carried on the carpentry business until advancing years compelled him to retire from active work. 36 THE SNOW FAMILY. Children of Joseph G.^ and Betsey (Barber) Snoio. 326 I Susan Larkust,' b. in Providence, Saturday, May 13, 1815; m. Abram Studley; d. Wednesday, Feb. 21, 1844, in lier 29th year, leaving one young cliild a boy that was adopted by her brother, Joseph Henry, and named Charles Henry Snovr. 327 II Elizabeth Barber,'' b. in Providence, Wednesday, Oct. 16, 181G; m. George Updike, Aug. 21, 1837; d. Sept. 24, 1891, in the 75th year of her age. George d. July 27, 1893. Children of George and Elizabeth BJ (Snoio) Updike. 1. John Crawford, b. June 11, 1838; d. March 19, 1890. 2. George Henry, b. Aug. 17, 1840; d. Aug. 2, 1844. 3. Edward Augustus, b. Dec. 6, 1842; d. April 5, 1870. 4. Mary Elizabeth, b. Nov. 10, 1847; m. Henry Clay Sayles, Nov. 29, 1866. Henry d. Jan. 19, 1896. Children of Henry C. and Mary E. Sayles. i Arthur Updike, b. Sept. 19, 1867. ii Lucy Crawford, b. Aug. 5, 1869; d. Feb. 5, 1870. iii Charles Edward, b. March 24, 1871. iv George Henry, b. May 4, 1875. V Eliza, b. Aug. 10, 1879. 328 III Julia Ann,' b. in Providence, Wednesday, June 17, 1818; ni. Isa- iah Horton Dec. 16, 1849. Isaiah d. Jan. 5, 1901. Children of If'-aiah and Julia Anyi (Snow) Horton. 1. William Andrew Horton, b. Jan. 9, 1851; m. Alniira B. Luther July 1, 1869; she died Aug. 31, 1902; 2d marriage to Sarah Guy Vaughan Oct. 20, 1904. No children. 2. Walter Eugene Horton, b. April 18, 1854; m. Alice M. Mason Sept. 11, 1901. Child of Walter Eurjene and Alice J\I. Ilorton. i Harold Mason Horton, b. July 22, 1903. 3 Twin brother to Walter Eugene Horton, not named, d. May 7, 1854, aged 17 days. 329 IV Joseph Henry," b. in Providence, Sunday, Aug. 22,1819; m. Abi- gail Horton, daughter of Lyman Horton, of South Scituate. R. I., Monday, Mar. 21, 1842; d. Wednesday, July 3, 1901, aged 81 yrs., 10 mos., 11 days. 330 V Amey Ann,'' b. in Providence, Monday, April 28, 1823; d. Tuesday, May 1, 1838, aged 15 years. 331 VI Charles LaFayette,' b. in Providence, Saturday, June 4, 1825; d. Sept. 25, 1826, aged 1 yr., 3 mos., 2 days. 332 VII Adeline Field,'' b. in Providence, Tuesday, Sept. 4, 1827; d. Thursday, Dec. 22, 1881, aged 54 yrs., 3 mos., 18 days. THE SNOW FAMILY. 37 333 VIII Charles Andrews, '' b. in Providence, May 12, 1829; m. Belinda L. Lincoln, of Taunton, Mass., Sept. 7, 1854; she was born in Taunton, Dec. 14, 1832; Charles d. iS'ov. 28, 1903, aged 74 years, Belinda d. Jan. G, 1907. 334 IX Daniel Cory,'' b. in Providence, Tuesday, May 12, 1832; m. Es- ther Booth; d. Feb. 1, 1870, aged 37 yrs., 8 mos., 19 days. No. children. 335 X Alvin KiCHMOND,'' b. in Providence, Tuesday, June 13, 1834; m. Katie A. Flynn, of Douglas, Mass., Feb. 12, 1866; she was born Nov. 13, 1841; d. July 1, 1878, in her 37th year. Children of Alvin R. and Katie Snow. 1. Thomas Francis, 8 b. Aug. 12, 1870; d. July 24, 1893, in his 23d year. 2. Alvin Garner,^ b. Aug. 20, 1875; d. Jan. 3, 1893, in his 18th year. Children of Joseph Gfi and Phebe Wilbur (Brownell) Snmo. 336 XI Mary Eliza, ^ b. in Providence, Friday, June 25, 1841; d. Tues- day, Dec. 1, 1846, aged 5 yrs., 5 mos., 5 days. 337 XII William Allen, ^ b. in Providence, Friday, July 28, 1843; d. Mon- day, Oct. 23, 1843, aged 2 mos., 26 days. 338 XIII Martha Allen, ^ b. in Providence, Monday, June 30, 1845; d. Wednesday, Jan. 1, 1879, in her 34th year. 269 Joseph Valentine Snow'' (Joseph,^ Jmnes,'^ Joseph,, Joseph,'^ William^), was born in Providence, Feb. 14, 1802; m. Eliza Jenckes,Oct. 30, 1826; d. Oct. 28, 1856. He was a baker. Children of Joseph F.* and Eliza Siiow. 339 I Sarah Mason,'' b. Dec. 28, 1827; m. Andrew P. C. Andrews, Aug. 6, 1850. 340 II Stephen Wardwell,^ b. Feb. 19, 1830; m. Harriet R. Fisher, Feb. 16, 1852. In the War of the Rebellion he enlisted as a private in Co. C, First Rhode Island Detached Militia, April 17, 1861; cap- tured at the battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861, and was paroled at Washington, N. C, June 18, 1862. 341 III John Jenckes,^ b. F'eb. 27, 1832; m. Patience Chace, Sept. 5, 1857; d. Aug. 18, 1863. 342 IV Joseph Tucker,^ b. in Providence, Sept. 26, 1837; m. Mary A. Andrews, Dec. 19, 1860; d. Dec. 16, 1883. 343 V Mary Ellen,'' b. Jan. 30, 1841; d. Aug., 1850. 371 William Cory Snow,^ {John,^ James,'^ Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William,^} was born Nov. 18, 1794; m. 1st, Nov. 18, 1816, to Narcissa Lippitt, daughter of John Lippitt, of Providence, who was born June 3, 1797 ; she died Feb. 9, 1853 ; m. 2d, Dec. 27, 1853, to Mary Dexter Niglitingale, daughter of George C. and 38 THE SNOW FAMILY, Eliza Dexter Nightingale, of Cumberland, R. I. ; she died Feb. 2'4, 1893; William died Aug. 26, 1872. WilUam Cory Snow's early days were spent at Little Compton, R. I. He moved with his parents to Providence in 1804, where he attended the school located on the hill west of Chestnut Street, over which the Rev. James Wilson presided. At the age of thirteen he entered the grocery store of John Young as clerk, remaining there until 1811, when he was appointed clerk in the Providence Post Office, Ben- jamin West being at that time postmaster. He remained at the post office several years, and then secured a situation as clerk with Messrs. Smith & Sessions, who were agents of the Providence Manufacturing Company. The factory was located at Warwick, and was the origin of what is now known as the Crompton Com- pany. He remained with this firm until 1820, when he became connected with the Providence Calendering Company, having charofe of their books until 1835, when he was made ao-ent and treasurer of the corporation. Upon the organization of the Arcade Bank in 1831, he was elected Cashier. He discharged the duties of Cashier, and devoted his time after bank hours to the books of the Calendering Company. He filled the position of treasurer of the last named corporation from 1831 until his death, having served the Company for fifty-two years. He was a member of the School Committee in Providence for twenty-eight years in succes- sion, about fifteen years treasurer of the Providence Charitable Fuel Society, six years a trustee of the Providence Reform School, and several years a member of the State Legislature. At the age of twenty-five he united with the Beneficent Congregational Church of Providence, and a year later was elected Deacon, which office he held until his death. Children of William C.^ and Narcissa L. Snow. Ann Bowler,' b. Aug. 26, 1817; d. Aug. 28, 1817. Fbances Harriet J b. Mar. 8, 1819; died Feb. 4, 1820. William Megee," b. Dec. .30, 1820; m. 1st, Susan A. Ilawes, daugh- ter of Gen. Joseph Hawes, of North Providence, Oct. 17, 184.3; she died May 22, 1859, without children; m. 2d, Helen Mar Hall, Aug. 23, I860; he d. July 15, 1891; their children, Cora Lippitt Snow, b. Aug. 29, 1861; m. Stephen Sawyer, and William Cory Snow, b. Feb. 26, 1868. 344 I 345 II 346 III THE SNOW FAMILY. 39 347 IV Christopher LippittJ b. Aug. 24, 1823; d. Sept. 18, 1824. 348 V Walter Bowler,'^ b. June 15, 1826; m. Sarah Coggeshall, daugh- ter of Thomas Coggeshall, of Taunton, Mass., Oct. 20, 1847; d. Feb. 23, 1863. No children. 349 VI Maria Bowler,'^ b. June 9, 1830; m. May 29, 1856, to John Golds- bury, of Boston; he died in Paris, Mar. 28, 1878; she died June 24, 1895 Their children were Edith, b. Sept. 12, 1857; d. June, 1899; Maria, b. Oct. 13, 1859; died Nov. 1, 1862; Edith, m. R. F. Straine, of Boston, and left a daughter, Dorothy, b. Feb. 9, 1889. 350 VII John Lippitt," b. Sept. 29, 1837; m. July 16, 1862, Sophronia, daughter of Benjamin Dexter and Amey Ann (Foster) Earle of Providence; he was a member of the firm of Snow & Earle, deal- ers in dye woods, their office being on Exchange place, Provi- dence; d. Aug. 8, 1891. Their children are: 1. Amey Narcissa,^ b. April 4, 1863; m. April 23, 1889, to Isaac GifEord Ladd; have one child, John Lippitt Ladd, b. Mar. 20, 1893. 2. Walter Bowler,^ b. Mar. 7, 1865; m. Oct. 18, 1891, to Grace Whiteman. 3. Lippitt Cory,^ b. May 5, 1872; d. Feb. 25, 1873. 4. Maria Foster,^ b. Sept. 25, 1875; m. June 18, 1903, to Walter Lyon Mulligan, of Springfield, Mass. 272 George Taylor Snow,^ {John,^ James,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William}') was born in Little Compton, R. I., June 14, 1796 ; ra. Oct. 14, 1819, Alice Beal Andrews; d. Oct. 8, 1850. Children of George T,^ and Alice B. Snow. 351 I Charles Andrews J b. June 30, 1820; d. Feb. 15, 1822. 352 II George Allen," b. Mar. 18, 1823; m. Anna Eliza Gladding; d. Nov. 14, 1891. 353 III Warren Wardwell," b. July 12, 1825; m. Sarah D. Osborn; d. June 24, 1876. 354 IV Luther Henry, b. Feb. 13, 1844. 373 Isaac S^ow,^ (John,^ James,'^ Joseph,^ Joseph^'^ William,^) was born in Providence Aug. 9, 1797 ; went south when a young man, was appointed postmaster at Darien, Ga., in 1821, which office he held until his death; m. in 1822 to Sarah J. G. Harrison, of Darien, Ga.; d. May 4, 1842. Children of Isaac^ and Sarah J. G. Snow. 355 I Charles Albert W.'' 356 II William Isaac, ^ b. in Darien, Ga., Jan. 15, 1828; m. Sept. 1, 1850, to Harriet Eliza Bowen of Providence, R. 1. ; d. Mar. 3, 1907. 40 THE SNOW FAMILY. 357 III Henry YJ 358 IV Mary Alice Hickman.'' 359 V Jane H. McMillan." 360 VI Horace Cory.'' 278 John Cory S-nov>%^ (John,^ James,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,"^ Wil- liam,^} b. July 29, 1805: m. Aug. 1, 1827, Mary Ann Pearce, of Pawtucket, R. I.; she d. Feb. 8, 1854. He m. 2d, May 2, 1855, Elizabeth Green Hazard. He died April 7, 1879. Children of John C.^ and Mary A. Snow. 361 I Mary Elizabeth/ b. 1829; m. Dr. Lyman Aldrich; d. 1869. 362 II Florence Earl,' b. 1840; ni. Priscilla Evelyn Mathewson; he d. Feb. 10, 1869. 363 III Eugene Uogart," b. April 26, 1850; m. May 12, 1880, Emma A. Hathaway; one child, Florence Earl (daughter), b. fc>ept. 10, 1884; d. Jan. 9, 1886. Child of John C® and Elizabeth G. Snoiu. 364 IV Jessie Fremont,^ b. Sept. 25, 1856; m. Oct. 8, 1888, John L. Arm- strong. 303 Nathan Snow,^ (^SamueJ,^ Samuel,'^ Jonathan,^ Jvneph, Willlatn^), was born at Porafret, Vt., Sept. 26, 1792; m. March 18, 1819, Khoda Miller; b. Sept. 17, 1788, at Granville, Mass.; d. Pomfret, Vt, Dec. 13, 1859., dau. of Eliphas and Esther (Dowd) ^Miller. Nathan Snow was farmer, merchant, postmaster, and member of Vermont legislature ; d. at Pomfret, Vt., Oct. 13, 1872. Children of Nathan'^ and Rhoda Snoio. 365 I Edwin Miller," b. May 8, 1820, Pomfret, Vt. ; m. ]\Xay 2, 1850, Ann Eliza Warren Pike; b. Oct. 18, 1825; d. Feb. 1, 1897, dau. of Jon. athan and Cynthia (Hatliaway) Pike); Edwin d. Dec. 22, 1888, Providence, R.I. (Graduated Brown University, 1845; College of Physicians and Surgeons. PJiysician, Holyoke, Mass., Providence, R. I., City official, etc. 366 II GusTAVUS,Tb. Jan. 13, 1822, Pomfret, Vt. ; d. Jan. 4, 1881, at Hol- yoke, Mass.; m. 1st, Dec. 19,1853, Mary Louisa Cavis; d. June 1, 1864; 2d, Nov. 20, 1866, Sarah Elizabeth Haynes. Merchant, Hol- yoke, Mass. 367 ni AuGUSTiN,^ b. May 16, 1823, Pomfret, Vt. ; d. Dec. 8, 1890, Brook- lyn, X. Y. ; m. May 7, 1855, Harriet Louisa Butler; d. July 9, 1894. Student B. U., lawyer, journalist; New York, N. Y 368 IV Melvin Nathan,^ b. Jan. 9, 1829, Pomfret, Vt. ; d. Feb. 9, 1831, Pomfret, Vt. 369 I 370 II 371 III 372 IV 373 V THE SNOW FAMILY. 41 314 Benjamin Gladding Snow," (5ewyamm,'Jamgs,'^Jam««,4 Joseph,^ Joseph,'^ William^), was born June 15,1813; m. Adele Chevelier; cl. Jan. 29, 1892. Adele b. Feb. 28, 1819; d. April 29, 1890. Children of Benjamin GJ and Adele Snoio. Benjamik Chevelier,^ b. Nov. 29, 1844. Charles Somerville,^ b. Aug. 14, 1849; cl. Jan. 29, 1851. Clara Adele,^ b. Jan. 11, 1852. IsABEL,8 b. May 26, 1854; d. Oct. 5, 1855, Cecelia Louise, ^ b. Jan. 10, 1859; d. Aug. 1, 1880. 316 George Washington Snow,^ (Benjamin^^ James,^ James,'^ Joseph,^ Joseph.^ William}^, was born Feb. 27, 1818; m. Sept. 16, 1814, Lucinda Maria^ Le Valley ^Stephen J.,^ Stephen,^ Peter,^ Peter,'^ Peter^); d. April 27, 1895; Lucinda b. Mar. 10, 1828 ; d. Nov. 15, 1885. Mr. Snow's father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, were house carpenters, and the latter. Deacon James Snow, of the Beneficent Congregational Church in Provi- dence, assisted in the erection of the first church edifice on Broad Street, while the first pastor of the Society, Rev. Joseph Snow, was a brother of his grandfather. Mr. Snow was educated in the public schools of Providence, and at the age of fourteen was em- ployed for a short time by Newton Carpenter, a mercliant tailor. In 1833, he entered tlie wholesale and retail drug house of John H. Mason k, Co., in Providence, and was subsequently in the employ of Earl P. Mason and Earl P. Mason & Co., Benjamin M. Jackson being a member of the latter firm. In 1856 Mr. Jackson retired, and Mr. Snow and George L. Claflin, a fellow clerk, be- came associated with Earl P. Mason, and continued under the old firm name of Earl P. Mason & Co. Other changes occurred in 1859 and 1865, and in 1866 a new firm was organized, consisting of Messrs. Snow, Claflin and Mason, under the style of Snow, Claflin & Co., Mr. Mason being special partner. In 1872 the part- nership expired by limitation, and a new firm was formed, but Mr. Snow was obliged to retire on account of ill health. His expe- rience in the drug trade extended over a period of forty years, and 374 I 375 II 376 III 377 IV 378 V 42 THE SNOW FAMILY. the business of his firm became the largest of the kind in the State. The house is now known as Georffe L. Chiflin Co. Children of Georye WJ and Lucinda M. Snow. Infant daugiitkk,* b. Oct. 10, 1845; d. Oct. 14, 1845. Frederick AuGU^iTiTs,^ b. Jan. 30, 1849; d. Aug. 27, 1852. George Richmond,* b. Aug. 10, 1853; d. Dec. 31, 1858. Charles Herbert, » b. May 6, 1857; d. Sept. 19, 1858. Louis Franklin,* b. April 19, 1862; m. Oct. 24, 1894, Susan Conant, [d, of Thomas Oakes* Conant and Martha Wilson], b. Aug. 1, 1867. He is a graduate of Brown of the Class of 1887, and has been hon- ored by receiving degrees in the following educational institu- tions: Ph. B. in Brown in 1887; A. B. in Harvard in 1889; A. M. in Harvard in 1890; and Ph. D. in Columbia in 1903. Children of Louis Franklin^ and Susan (Conant) Snow. 1 Katherine,9 b. Feb. 23, 1896; d. Feb. 27, 1896. 2 Robert Conant,^ b. Nm-. 3, 1897. 3 Infant daughter,^ b. and d. April. 13, 1902. 320 James Snow," QJames,^ James,^ Ja7Jies,'^ Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William^), was born Jan. 1, 1826 ; m. Nov. 2, 1848, Anna M. Read, daughter of Deacon James H. Read. He was for many years in the wholesale woolen business in Providence; d. June 25, 1906; Annad. Nov. 12, 1897. Children of Jameif and Anna M. Snow. 379 1 William Taylor,* b. Oct. 7, 1851; m. Dec. 4, 1890, to Henrietta M. Morrow; she was b. in Providence, May 3, 1856, and d. Mar. 10, 1902. 380 n James Read,* b. Aug. 10, 1853; m. April 10, 1876, Helen Arzelia Vaughan. Children of James i?.* and Helen A. Snoto. 1. Howard Vaughn,'-* b. Mar. 11, 1877; in. 4nna Hamston; their children are Anna Read, b. in Providence, May 20, 1900; Howard Vaughn, 2d, b. in Seekonk, Mass., Mar. 22; 1902; William Unsworth, b. in Groton, Conn., Aug. 19, 1904. 2. Grace, 9 b. Aug. 28, 1879; m. Nov. 7, 1899, to Artliur S. Cumer- ford; their children are Arthur Stanley, b. Sept. 14, 1899; Reginald Read, b. Aug. 22, 1900; Dorothy Grace, b. Aug. 26, 1901 ; Frederick Tattersall, b. Jan. 22, 1903. 381 III Frank Keep,* b. Aug. 3, 1857; d. Sept. 11, 1884. 382 IV Annie Louise,* b. Oct. 8, 1865; d. Sept. 20, 1867. THE SNOW FAMILY. 43 331 Charles Snow,' {James,^ James,^ Jamen^ Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William^), was born Feb. 10, 1829; in. Oct. 1, 1851, Mary Ann Howland, daughter of Henry A. Howland. He had for many years a retail shoe store on Westminster Street ; d. Sept, 14, 1901 ; Mary died at Saratoga, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1907. Children of Charles^ and Mary A. Snow. 383 I Martha Keep,^ b. Oct. 2, 1853; m. Oct. 29, 1873, William G. Sin- clair; their children are Harold Augustus, b. Aug. 24, 1874; Fred- erick William, b. July 2, 1877; William Hughes, b. Oct. 31, 1881. 384 II Susie Balcom,^ b. Aug. 14, 1856. 385 III Henry Rowland,* b. Jan. 12, I860; m. June 1, 1889, EmmaH. May- heeof Evansville, Ind. ; d. July, 1907. ,386 IV Frederick Walker,* b. Aug. 18, 1862; d. Nov. 2, 1875. 387 V Carl Gardiner," b. May 20,1868; m. June 30, 1897, Gertrude Schuyler West, of Bristol, R. I. 388 VI Clarence Blake,* b. Dec. 26, 1871; d. Feb. 5, 1872. 333 Alpheus James Snow*" (Thomas,^ James,^ 'James,^ Jo- seph,^ Joseph^^ Wtlliam^}, WS.S born Oct. 7, 1813; m. March 17, 1839, Lydia James ; d. Feb. 23, 1892, ; Lydia d. Jan. 10, 1899. Children of Alpheus J.'' and Lydia J. Snow. 389 I Elizabeth Maria,* b. Sept. 26, 1843; m. Jan. 31, 1864, Richard Austin Bright. Children of Bichard A. and Elizabeth M. {Snoiu) Bright. 1. Wellington Irving, b. Jan. 8, 1865; m. Annie C. Sunder- land, who d. Jan. 23, 1908. 2. Beulah, b. Dec. 3, 1877; m. April 24, 1899, Courtland Nicholas Potter. Their children are: Royal Wesley, b. Nov. 6, 1901; Gladys Elizabeth, b. July 7, 1903; Miriam Jeanette, b. Aug. 24, 1904. 390 II Royal Frances,* b. Jan. 5, 1842; m. Feb. 15, 1874, Clara L. Preble; d. Dec. 11, 1884; Clara d. Dec. 26, 1889. Children of Uoyal F.* and Clara L. Snow. 1. Florence Preble,^ b. Sept. 13, 1875; m. June 14, 1898, Henry L. Wilcox; one child: Helen Snow, b. Nov. 2, 1902. 2. Helen Longfellow,^ b. Feb. 20, 1877; m. Sept. 26, 1901, Ernesto. Preble; one child: Ruth Longfellow, b. May 23, 1903. 3. Mary Lydia,^ b. Oct. 12, 1878. 4. Earle Preble,^ b. May 10, 1883; d. Oct. 29, 1884. 44 THE SNOW P'AMILY. 391 III At.piieus Earl,s b. June 22, 1846; d. April 2, 1856. 392 IV Preston,8 b. Oct., 1848; d. Au^. 22, 1849. 393 V Lydia Ktta,8 b. Nov. 21, 1851; m. Nov. 12, 1873, Edmund .TaTies Carpenter. Children of Edmnnd J. and Lijdia Etta {Snoiv) Carpenter. 1. Sakah Walcott, b. Sept. 2, 1874. 2. Paul Moulton, b. March 15, 1876. 3. Fletcher Hawthorne, b. June 27, 1878. 4. Grace Myrtle, b. June 9, 1880. 5. Ralph Snow, b. Nov. 4, 1884. 6. Ki;th Weeden, b. June 10, 1887. 394 VI Olivia Anna,^ b. Jan.lO, 1854; m. March 28, 1883, Charles F. Lewis. Children of Charles F. and Olivia Anna (Snoio) Lewis. 1. Royal Snow, b. Dec. 19, 1884. 2. Raymond, b. June 14, 1891; d. July 4, 1891. 323 Thomas Barber ^y^ow' \^T1iom'.is,^ Jamefi,^ James,^ Jo- seph,^ Joseph-, WlUiam'^), was born Dec. 27, 1817 ; m. Sept. 5, 1841, Maria A. James; d. May 8, 1894; Maria d. Sept. 8, 1892. Children of Thomas IV and Maria A Snoii\ 395 I RosELLA Caroline,** b. July 4, 1845; ni. Dwight I{. Baldwin, .Tune 22, 1874. Children: 1. Lyra Morton, b. April 12, 1878; d. April 12, 1878. 2. Wilton Ernest, b. Sept. 5, 1879; ni. May 18, 1903, TClmyra Adella Keller. 396 11 Imookne Letitia,*' b. May 30, 18.50; m. May 16, 1883, George Wil- liam Smith. One child: Willie Chester, b. June 5, 1885; d. Sept. 2, 1885. 397 III Earl Herbert,*^ b. July 26, 1859; d. Dec. 19, 1860. 325 Horace Harrison Snow" (Thomas,^ Javnes,^ James,^ Jo- seph,^ Joseph;^ William^), was born Feb. 20, 1827; m. Oct. 27, 1852, Abbie Stall Boss ; Abbie d. Nov. 22, 1894. Children of Horace II.' and Abhie S. Snow. 398 I loA Bentley,^ b. June 25, 1855; m. Sept. 3, 1877, Walter Wilkinson. Their children are: 1. Edward Holbrook, b. July 18, 1879. 2. Herbert Barton, b. July 30, 1881. 3. Hope Isabelle, b. Jan. 23, 1885. 4. Walter Porter, b. Feb. 19, 1888. 5. Ida Snow, b. Oct. 29, 1890. THE SNOW FAMILY. 46 399 II Mabel Ambrose, « b. May 21, 1863; m. April 28, 1886, lienjamin Wadsworth Putnam. Their children are: 1. Robert Endicott, b. Dec. 23, 1887. 2. KuTH, b. Dec. 2, 1889. 3. John Winthrop, b. March 25, 1892; d. Oct. 15, 1892. 4. Elizabeth, b. July 17, 1901. 400 III Laura Mason,^ b. Feb. 20, 1865. 401 IV Nellie Maud,^ b. May 13, 1866; m. Oct. 19, 1892, Clarence Eugene Belden. Their children are: 1. Edgar Mathewson, b. Nov. 2, 1894; d. Nov. 23, 1894. 2. Abbik Snow, b. Aug. 2, L896. 402 V Howard DorLE,^ b. Sept. 28, 1868; m. 1st, Aug. 19, 1896, Olive Winslow Chapin ; she d. May 2, 1897 ; m. 2d, June 15, 1903, Georgia Cynthia Young, 329 Joseph Henry Snow" {Joseph (r.,^ Daniel,^ James,'^ Joseph,^ Joseph^ William}'), was bom in Providence, Sunday, Aug. 22, 1819. Married, Monday, March 21, 1842, Abigail Horton, daughter of Lyman Horton, of South Scituate, R. I. ; d. Wednes- day, July 3, 1901, aged 81 years, 10 months, 11 days. Abigail, b. Saturday, Aug. 3, 1822; d. Thursday, Dec. 22, 1892, aged 70 years. Like his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather before him, he followed the occupation of a carpenter. When gas was first introduced into Providence for hghting purposes, he was engaged in preparing many of the business blocks and residences in that city for its successful introduction. At the time when A. & W. Sprague erected their capacious mill at Baltic, Conn., he had charge of all the steam piping arrangements, and many months intervened before the' work was finally accomplished. It was considered an extensive contract in those days, and re- ceived favorable comment. He afterwards returned to his former occupation as a carpenter, and later engaged in the coal busi- ness, in which pursuit he continued until his retirement from business in 1895 on account of ill-health. Immediately after his marriage he went to keeping house at the southeast comer of Elm and Hospital Streets. In 1849 he built the house at No. 144 Elm Street, which he moved into and where he continued to reside during the remainder of his life. 46 THE SNOW FAMILY. Children of Joseph HJ and Abigail Snow. 403 I Emily Alvina,^ b. Monday, Dec. 8, 1845; d. Sunday, Aug. 16, 1846, aged 8 months and 8 days. 404 11 Edwin Horton,^ b. Sunday, Sept. 5, 1852; m. Wednesday, June 23, 1875, Carrie Frances Sandford, of Providence; Carrie b. Aug. 10, 1853. He is of the firm of Snow & Farnham Co., printers and publishers, who now occupy one floor in the Hanley building, corner of Washington and Union Streets, Providence. Children of Edwin H.^ and Carrie F. Snow. 1. Ethel Sanford,^ b. March 12, 1879. 2. Fred Leavitt,^ b. Feb. 26, 1884. 405 III Emily Cordelia,^ b. Tuesday, July 31, 1855; d. Sept. 25, 1881. Charles Henry^ (adopted by Joseph H. and Abigail Snow in 1844; see page 36, No. 326), b. Thursday, Dec. 7, 1843; m. at Hartford, Conn., Feb. 26, 1865, Mary Maria Mannion; d. at Wor- cester, Mass., May 30, 1884, aged 40 years. Had two children: Emily Louise,^ b. at Hartford, Monday, April 16, 1866; m. June 25, 1902, George C. Barton. John Larkin," b. at Providence, Sunday, July 20, 1873. 333 CharlEvS Andrews Snow" (rJoseph G-.,^ Daniel,^ James^^ Joseph,^ Joseph^ William^), was born in Providence, May 12, 1829. He was prepared for college at the Providence High School, and entered Brown University in the class of 1854. In 1895 he received the degree of Master of Arts. On July 7, 1855, he was ordained and installed as pastor of the Temple Baptist Church, Fall River, Mass., in which relation he continued until November, 1864, in the meantime serving as Chaplain of the Third Massachusetts Volunteers during the nine months' service of that resriment in the Civil War in North Carolina, from Oct. 10, 1862, to June 26, 1863. He also served as pastor of the Stewart Street Baptist Church in Providence, R. I., Taunton, South Abington (now Whitman), New Bedford, and West Harwich. In 1898 he retired from full ministerial service on account of ill health He married Sept. 7, 1854, Belinda L. Lincoln, of Taunton Mass. She was born in Taunton, Mass., Dec. 14, 1882, and died Jan. 6, 1907. Chaplain Snow died Nov. 28, 1903. Children of Charles A.'' and Belinda L. Snow. 406 I Charles Theodore,** b. Nov. 8, 1855; m.Nov. 26, 1890, Clara Ade- laide Lincoln. THE SNOW FAMILY. 47 407 II IBVING Andrew,^ b. Sept. 28, 1857; d. Aug. 4, 1866. 408 III Mary Amanda,^ b. Nov. 15, 1859; m. 1st, Dec. 4, 1883, Adalbert Rheinaldo Bassett; m. 2d, Feb. 27, 1901, Henry Schafer. One child: Charles Andrew Bassett, b. Aug. 31, 1887. 409 IV Joseph Lincoln,^ b. Feb. 19, 1862; m. Aug. 12, 1896, AUie A. Bart- lett. 410 V Frederick Abbott Grush,^ b. Nov. 16, 1864; d. Aug. 8, 1866. 411 VI Bertrand Randall, 8 b. Sept. 14, 1867; m. June 16, 1892, Cordelia Handren. 412 VII Daniel Cory,^ b. May 1, 1870; m. June 25, 1904, Lois Jane Black- ford. 413 VIII Grace Mertelle,^ b. April 10, 1875. 343 Joseph Tucker Snow' (Joseph V.,^ Joseph,^ James, ^ Joseph,^ Joseph,'^ William^), was born in Providence, Sept. 26, 1837 ; m. Dec. 19, 1860, Mary A. Andrews ; d. Dec. 16, 1883. He was of the firm of Snow & Barker, Insurance Agents, having an office in the Industrial Trust Company Building, Providence, Children of Joseph T." and Mary A. Snow. 414 I Mary Elliott, » b. April 10, 1862; m. June 15, 1897, John Harvey Merrill. Children of John HJ and Mary E. (Snow) Merrill. 1. Charlotte Snow, b. Dec. 0, 1899. 2. Katharine, b. July 26, 190L 415 II Charlotte,^ b. Nov. 5, 1864; m. Nov. 23, 1886, Clarence M. Godding. Children of Clarence M. and Charlotte {Snow) Godding. 1. Louise,9 b. Sept. 26, 1887. 2. Anna A.,9 b. Jan. 29, 1891. 416 III Joseph Boyd,* b. Aug. 27, 1866; d. July 5, 1870. 417 IV Ellen,* b. Dec. 25, 1868; m. Jan. 15, 1902, William H. Thornley. 418 V Clinton Andrews,* b. Aug. 24, 1871; d. May 7, 1881. 419 VI Esther Potter,* b. June 30, 1873; d. May 7, 1881. 420 VII Robert De Witt,^ b. Oct. 24, 1875; d. Jan. 5, 1885. 421 VIII Frank Winthrop,* b. Feb. 17, 1878; m. March 15, 1906, Lillian M. Dove. Children of Frank W.^ and Lillian M. Snow. 1. Frank Winthrop,^ b. April 10, 1907. 2. Louise Andrews,^ b. Aug. 14, 1908. 422 IX Lawrence Jenckes,* b. Aug. 20, 1880; d. May 2, 1881. 48 THE SNOW FAMILY. 353 George Allen Snow^ {George T.^ John^ James,'^ Joseph,^ Joseph?' William^}, was born March 18, 1823 ; married Anna Eliza Gladding; d. Nov. 14, 1891. He was in business in Providence, firm of Snow & Green, booksellers, on lower West- minster Street. He was for a long time the Superintendent of the Infant Department of the Beneficent Congregational Church Sun- day School. Children of George A.'' and Anna E. Snow. 423 I Mary Anna,8 b. Oct. 21, 1847; d. Dec. 21, 1850. 424 II Charles Nicholas,* b. Sept. 5, 1849; m. Oct. 18, 1877, to S. Maria Hogan. Their children are: 1. Mabel Louise,^ b. Aug. 28, 1878; m. Oct. 17, 1902, Dr. Wil- liam H. Bowen, Jr. 2. Edith Maria,^ b. May 13, 1885. 425 III Alice Rebecca, * b. April 5, 1852; ra. June 12, 1879, to Charles M, White. Their children are: 1. Bertha A., b. April 29, 1882. 2. Irene S., b. May 24, 1891. 353 Warren Wardwell Snow' ((r^-or^e T.,^ John,^ JameSy^ Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William^}, was born July 12, 1825 ; m. Sarah D. Osborn; d. June 24, 1876. Children of Warren W? and Sarah D. Snoiv. 426 I Julia Warren,* b. Aug. 31, 1854; d. Feb. 9, 18G3. 427 II Newton Green,* b. Nov. 9, 1856; m. Alice May Billingham. One child: Bertha Warren, b. March 14, 1882. 356 William Isaac Snow" (Isaac,^ JoJm,^ James,'^ Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Williaifl}'), born in Darien, Ga., Jan. 15, 1828 ; married Sept. 1, 1850, to Harriet EHza Bowen, of Providence, R. I. ; died March 3, 1907. Children of William Isaac'' and Harriet E. Snow. 428 I William Harrison, « b. Dec. 4, 1851; m. Nov. 18, 1885, Susan B. Stanley. 429 II Mary Alice,* b. Oct. 15, 1855; d. Feb., 1858. 430 III Harriet Augusta,* b. Sept. 8, 1858; m. Jan. 10, 1881, Alexis M. Stanley. One child, Mildred E. THE SNOW FAMILY. 49 431 IV Edgab BowEN/b. Oct. 7, 1862; m. Esther Howath; two children: Esther May,^ b. Feb. 20, 1885; m. Russell P. Blackinton; Alfred Irvin, b. June 24, 1886. 432 V Charles Henby,« b. July 6, 1866; m. Harriet Appleby. One child, Marian Bowen.^ 433 VI George Lippitt,^ b. Feb. 10, 1872; m. Alberta Robinson. One child, Morris Harrison.^ 434 VII Grace May, 8 b. June 10, 1873; m. April— , 1896, Arthur Chapman. 435 VIII Frederick Irving, » b. Aug. 18, 1875; m. Ruby Harris. One child, Dorothy.9 365 Edwin Miller Snow/ M. D. (Nathan,'^ Samuel,^ Sam- uel,^ Jonathan,^ Joseph,^ WiUiarn}'), was born at Pomfret, Vt., May, 1820 ; m. May 2, 1850, Ann Eliza Warren Pike (b. Oct. 18, 1825 ; d. Feb. 1, 1897, dan. of Jonathan and Cynthia (Hathaway) Pike). Edwin d. at Providence, R. I., Dec. 22, 1888. Dr. Snow received his early education in the common schools in Pomfret, Vt., and different academies in neighboring towns, entering Brown Univer- sity in September, 1840. In 1848 the degree of A. M. was con- ferred upon him by his alma mater. After his graduation he spent two years in teaching and in pursuing a course of study with a view of entering the medical profession. In 1847 he continued his medical studies with Dr. W. D. Buck, in Manchester, N. H., and graduated in medicine at the College of Physicians and Sur- geons in New York City, March, 1849. In June of that year he began the practice of medicine at Holyoke, Mass. In November, 1850, he removed to Providence, R. I., where he continued the practice of medicine, and was soon afterwards appointed physician of the Eastern District of the Providence Dispensary. In May, 1855, he was elected a member of the Common Council of Provi- dence, and was appointed City Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths, July 1, 1855, and also Health Physician and Health Offi- cer at Quarantine. The office of Superintendent of Health was established in June, 1856, and he was chosen to fill that position, which he held until his death. He was appointed to superintend the census of Providence in July, 1855 ; was Superintendent of the State Census of Rhode Island in 1865 and in 1875; and was Supervisor of Census for the District of Rhode Island in the 50 THE SNOW FAMILY. National Census of 1880. In the spring of 1863, he was appointed Inspector of Hospitals by the United States Sanitary Commission, and spent several weeks in examining the military hospitals in Philadelphia and vicinity, and in visiting the Army of the Potomac opposite Fredericksburg. He was a delegate from Rhode Island to the International Prison Congress in London, July, 1872. From May, 1866, to May, 1869, he was an Inspector of the Rhode Island State Prison, and a member and Secretary of the Board of State Charities and Corrections from the time it came into opera- tion, June 1, 1869, until December 6, 1872, when he resigned. In 1850 he was elected a member of the Rhode Island Medical Society ; in 1853, of the American Medical Association ; was Sec- retary of the State Medical Society from June 30, 1852, to June 6, 1855 ; President of the same Society from 1876 to 1877, and for several years Secretary of the Providence Medical Society. In December, 1868, he was sent as a delegate from the State to a con- vention held at that time in Springfield, 111., in relation to the Texas cattle disease ; and was a member and chairman of the Rhode Island Cattle Commission from 1871 to 1872, and from May, 1875, to May, 1878. From 1874 to 1878 he was chairman of the State Commission which built the new State Prison in Cran- ston. He was sent as a delegate from the United States Govern- ment to the International Statistical Congress, which met in St. Petersburg, Russia, August, 1872. During the same season he made an extended tour on the continent and through the British Isles. Dr. Snow was one of the original founders of the American Public Health Association organized in 1872; Vice-President of the same, 1872-74, and President in 1875-76. In June, 1855, he was elected a Trustee of the Providence Reform School, and con- tinued in this office by an annual election for twenty-five years, declining a re-election in 1880. In 1876 he was elected a Trustee in Brown University. He was widely and favorably known at home and abroad for his extensive knowledge in his special depart- ments of study, and for his sterling qualities of character. On the 14th of June, 1840, he united with the Baptist Church in New Hampton, N. H., and on the 21st of November, 1850, \ THE SNOW FAMILY. 51 transferred his relations to the First Baptist Church of Providence, which was then under the pastoral charge of Rev. James N. Granger, D. D. Children of Edvnn MJ and Ann E. W. Snow. Elizabeth H.,8 b. May 10, 1859. Benjamin P.,* b. May 15, 1860; d. Aug. 8, 1860. Sylvester M.,^ b. Sept. 3, 1861. Mary L.,8 b. Dec. 27, 1864; d. Dec. 10, 1865. 436 I 437 II 438 III 439 IV Index to Christian Names. Abbreviations : — Dau., daughter; s., son. Aaron, 13. Abigail,* 13. Abigail,^ d. of Joseph,* 18. Abigail,^ d. of Daniel,* 21. Abigail,'' d. of James,^ 27. Abigail,^ d. of Joseph,^ 30. Abijah, 13. Adeline F., 36. Albert, 31. Alfred I., 49. Alice R., 48. Allen, 31. Alpheus E., 44. Alpheus J., 35, 43. Alvin G., 37. Alvin R., 37. Amey, 29. Amey A., 36. Amey N., 39. Amos, 14. Amos W., .34. Angelina, 2i. Ann B., 38. Anna R., 42. Ansel, 23. Anstis G., 34. Augustin, 40. Austin, 23. Axel, 23. Azariah, 21. Barzilla, 21. Bela, 32. Benjamin,2 7, 8, 9, 14, 21, 22. Benjamin,' 9, 14, 21. Benjamin,* 14, Benjamin,^ s. of Joseph,* 19, 25, 26. Benjamin,^ s. of Elijah,* 21. Benjamin,^ 27, 33, 34, 41. Benjamin C, 41. Benjamin G., 34, 41. Benjamin P., 51. Bertha W., 48. Bertrand R., 47. Bethiah, 8. Betsey,^ 16. Betsey,6 29. Betty,* 9. Betty,5 d. of Seth,* 15. Betty,'' d. of Ebenezer,* 21. Betty,6 d. of Simeon, » 22. Betty,6 d. of Samuel,^ 83. Caleb,* 14. Caleb,6 23. Caleb B., 32. Calvin, 15. Carl G., 8 43. Caroline, 32. Caroline E., 35. Caroline M., 26. Cecelia L., 41. Charity, 14. Charles,^ 17. Charles,^ 35, 43. Charles A.,^ s. of Joseph G.,« 37, 46. Charles A.,^ s. of George T.,« 39. Charles A. W., 39. Charles G., 19. Charles H., adopted son, 36, 46. Charles Henry, 49. Charles Herbert, 42. Charles K.,6 25. Charles K.,^ brother of above ; d young, 26. Charles L., 36. Charles N., 48. Charles S., 41. 64 THE SNOW FAMILY. Charles T., 46. Charlotte, 47. Christopher L., 39. Clara A., 41. Clarence B., 43. Clarinda R., 31. Clinton A., 47. Cora L., 38. Cordelia A., 32. Cyrus, 5 16, 24. Cyrus,6 33. Daniel,* s. of Benjamin,^ 14, 21. Daniel,* s. of Eleazer.3 9, 16, 24. Daniel,* s. of Joseph,^ 12, 19. Daniel, s s. of Daniel,* and grandson of Eleazar,3 16, 23. Daniel,^ s. of Daniel,* and grandson of Joseph, 3 19. Daniel,^ s. of Daniel,* and grandson of Benjamin^, 21. Daniel,6s. of James,* 20, 27, 28, 29, 35, 4.5, 46. Daniel,^ s. of Joseph,* 21. Daniel C.,6 30. Daniel C.,^ 37. Daniel C.,^ 47. David, 8 8, 14,21, .33. David,* 14. David,s s. of John,* 16. David,5 s. of Joseph,* 21, 33. David, e 33. Deborah, 24. Dorcas C, 31. Dorothy, 49. Earl H., 44. Earl P., 43. Ebenezer,* 14, 21. Ebenezer,° 21. Ebenezer*, 33. Edgar B., 49. Edith M., 48. Edward,5 s. of Joseph,* 19. Edward,^ s. of James,* 20, 32. Edward,6 30. Edward J., 24. Edwards,, 32. Edwin H., 46. Edwin M., 40, 49, 50, 51. Eleazar,3 s. of Benjamin,2 9, 14,21, 22. Eleazar,3 s. of William,^ 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24, 33. Eleazar,* 9, 15, 16, 23. Eleazar,5 s. of Eleazar,* 16. Eli, 15. Eliab, 15. Elijah, 14, 21. Eliza, 31. Elizabeth,^ 9, Elizabeth,* dau. of Benjamin,^ 14. Elizabeth,* dau. of Joseph, ^ 12. Elizabeth,^ dau. of Daniel,* 19. Elizabeth,* dau. of Joseph,* 18. Elizabeth,* dau. of Solomon,* 22. Elizabeth,* 23. Elizabeth B., 36. Elizabeth H., 51. Elizabeth M., 43. Ellen, 47. Emeline, 32. Emily, 34. Emily A., 46. Emily C, 46. Emily L., 46. Emma W., 34. Esther M., 49. Esther P., 47. Ethel S., 46. Eugene B., 40. Eunice, 21. Experience, 33, Florence E., 40, Florence P., 43. Frances, 26. Frances H., 38. Frank K,, 42, Frank W,,8 47. Frank W.,^ 47. Franklin, 32. Fred L., 46, Frederick A,, 42. Frederick A. G,, 47, INDEX TO CHRISTIAN NAMES. 65 Frederick I., 49. Frederick W., 43. George/ 17. George,6 27. George A., 39, 48. George L., 49. George R., 42. George T., 31, 39, 48. George W., 34, 41, 42. Grace, 42. Grace May, 49. Grace Mertelle, 47. Gustavus, 40. Hampton R., 25. Hannah,' 7. Hannah,* 13. Hannah,^ dau. of Daniel,* 16. Hannah,^ dau. of James,* 20. Hannah,6 dau. of Daniel,* 23. Hannah,6 dau. of Edward,* 32. Hannah,^ dau. of John,* 31. Hannah C, 30. Hannah D., 24. Harriet, 23. Harriet A., 48. Helen A., 34. Helen L., 43. Henrietta P., 34. Henry H., 43. Henry P., 32. Henry Y., 40. Hepzibah, 22. Horace C, 40. Horace H., 35, 44. Hosea, 21, Howard D., 45. Howard V., 42. Huldah, wife of Jonathan,* 16, 23. Ida B., 44. Imogene L., 44. Irving A., 47. Isaac,8 8, 13, 20. Isaac,* 13, 20. Isaac,6 s. of Edward,* 32. lsaac,6 s. of John,* 31, 39, 48. Isabel, 41. James, 2 7. " James,3 s. of Joseph,^ 8, 13. James,3 s. of William,^ 8. James,* s. of James, ^ 13. James,* s. of Joseph,^ 12, 19, 20, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 40, 47, 48. James,* s. of William,^ 9, 15. James,* s. of James* and Mary, 15. James,* s. of James* and Hannah, 20, 27, 28, 33, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44. James,6 27, 35, 42, 43. James,^ 35, 42. James R., 42. Jane, 32. Jane H. M., 40. Jedediah, 13. Jemima, 14. Jesse, 13. Jessie F., 40. Joanna, 14. Jonathan,^ 8, 13, 20, 32, 40, 49. Jonathan,* 13, Jonathan,* s. of Seth,* 15, 22. Jonathan,* s. of Eleazer,* 16, 23. Jonathan, 6 23. John,3 8, 9, 16, 24. John,* s. of Eleazar,3 15. John,* s. of James,^ 13. John,* s. of John,3 9, 16, 24. John,* s. of Joseph,^ 12. John,* s. of Daniel,* 21, John,* s. of James,* 20, 30, 31, 37, 39, 40, 48. John,* s. of John,* 16, 24. John,* s. of Joseph,* 18. John,6 30. JohnC.,6 31, 40. John J.,T37. John Larkin,* 30. John Larkin,^ 46. John Lippitt, 39. John S.,^ 34. 56 THE SNOW FAMILY. Joseph,' 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 30, 32, 33, 35, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49. Joseph,3 8, 10, 11, 12, 17, 19, 24, 25, 27, 30, 32, 33, 35, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48. Joseph,* s. of Benjamin,^ 14. Joseph," s, of David,3 14, 21, 33. Joseph,* s. of Isaac,3 13. Joseph,* s. of Joseph,3 12, 17, 18, 24, 25, 41. Joseph, 5 s. of Daniel,* 21. Joseph, 5 s. of David,* 21. Joseph.s s. of James,* 20, 28, 30, 37,47. Joseph, 6 s. of Joseph,* died young, 18. Joseph,^ s. of Joseph,* brother to above, 18. Joseph,^ s. of Joseph,* 21. Joseph B,, 47. Joseph G., 29, 35, 36, 37, 45, 46. Joseph H., 36, 45, 46. Joseph L., 47. Joseph T., 37, 47. Joseph v., 30, 37, 47. Josiah, 18. Judith, 13. Julia A., 36. Julia W., 48. Katherine, 42. Laura M., 45. Lavinia, 22. Lawrence J., 47. Linus, 23. Lippitt C, 39. Louis F., 42. Louise A., 47. Lucy,* 14. Lucy,* dau. of Daniel,* 21. Lucy,^ dau. of John,* 17. Lucy,« 33. Lurin, 23. Luther H,, 39. Lydia,a 7. Lydia,* dau. of David,* 14. Lydia,* dau. of Joseph, ^ 12. Lydia,* dau. of Daniel,* 19. Lydia,^ dau. of Ebenezer,* 21. Lydia,* dau. of Joseph,* 18. Lydia,* dau. of Seth,* 15. Lydia E., 44. Mabel A., 45. Mabel L., 48. Margaret E., 33. Maria,6 dau. of Benjamin, ^ 26. Maria,'' dau. of Daniel,* 19. Maria,'' 32. Maria B., 39. Maria F., 39, Maria G., 31. Maria L., 27. Marian B., 49. Martha,* 13. Martha,^ 34. Martha A , 37. Martha C, 31. Martha K., 43. Martin,*' s. of Jonathan,* 23. Martin," s. of Samuel,* 33. Mary, 2 7. Mary,* 8. Mary,* dau. of Eleazer,' 15. Mary,* dau. of James* 13. Mary,* dau. of Joseph,* 12. Mary,* dau. of William,* 9. Mary,* dau. of Eleazer,* 10. Mary,* dau. of James,* 20, 28. Mary,* dau. of Isaac,* 20. Mary,® dau. of James,* 27. Mary,« dau. of Silas,* 23. Mary A. H., 40, Mary Alice, 48. Mary Amanda, 47. Mary Anna, 48. Mary E.,^ dau. of John C.,« 40. Mary E.," dau. of Joseph G.,® 37. Mary E.,'' dau. of Joseph V.,« 37. Mary E.,* dau. of Joseph T,,t 47, Mary G., 34. Mary L.,*51. Mary L,,9 48. INDEX TO CHRISTIAN NAMES. 57 Mary W., 31. Mehitabel,* dau. of David, » 14. Mehltabel,^ dau. of Daniel,* 16. Mehitabel,^ dau. of Joseph,'' 21. Melatiah, 16. Melvin K, 40. Mercy,* 9. Mercy,^ 16. Morris H., 49. Moses,* 13. Moses,"^ 21. Nancy, A., 30. Nathan,* 13. Nathan,5 16. Nathan,6 33, 40, 49. Nathaniel,* 14. Nellie M., 45. Newton G., 48. Norman, 33. Olive, 23. Oliver, 23. Olivia A., 44. Peter, 13. Peter W., 25. Phebe,'^ 16. Phebe,6 22. Phillip, 23. Preston, 44, Priscilla,5 dau. of Eleazar,* 16, 22. Priscilla,^ dau. of James,* 27. Priscilla,^ dau. of Simeon,* 22. Kebecca,2 7. Rebecca,^ dau. of Joseph,* 8. Rebecca,* dau. of Eleazer,^ 14. Rebecca,* dau. of Jonathan,* 13. Rebecca, 5 dau. of Daniel,* 19. Rebecca,^ dau. of Jogeph,* 18. Rebecca,^ 26. Rebecca M., 27. , Rebeckah,3 dau. of Benjamin,* 9. Reuben, 9, 15, 22, 33. Relief, 23. Rhoda,* 14. Rhoda,5 15. Richard M., 32. Robert C, 42, Robert D. W., 47. Robert T., 19. Rosella C, 44. Royal F., 43. Roxiliana, 22. Ruth,* 13. Ruth,6 21. Ruth M., 24. Sally, 30. Salmon, 23. Salome, 15. Samuel,* 13. Samuel,* s. of Jonathan,* 13, 20, 32, 40, 49. Samuel,^ s. of James,* 20, 32. Samuel,^ son of Joseph,* 19, 24, 25. Samuel,5 s. of Samuel,* 20, 32, 40, 49. Samuel,* s. of Samuel,^ 32. Samuel E.,^ 27. Sarah,3 9. Sarah,* dau. of Eleazer,^ 14. Sarah,* dau. of James,' 13. Sarah,* dau. of John,' 9. Sarah,* dau. of Jonathan,' 13. Sarah,* dau. of Joseph,' 12. Sarah, ^ dau. of Daniel,* 16. Sarah, 5 dau. of Daniel,* 19. Sarah,* dau. of Ebenezer,* 21. Sarah,^ dau. of Eleazer,* 10. Sarah, 5 dau. of Elijah,* 21. Sarah, ^ dau. of James,* 20. Sarah,* dau. of John,* 17. Sarah,* dau. of Joseph,* 18. Sarah,* dau. of Joseph,* 21. Sarah, « dau. of Daniel,* 19. Sarah, 8 dau. of Daniel,* 23. Sarah, 8 dau. of James, ^ 27. Sarah A., 8 27. Sarah A.,^ 32. Sarah J., 34. Selvina, 23. Seth,* s. of Benjamin,* 14. Seth,* s. of William,' 9, 16, 22. Seth,* 15. 58 THE SNOW FAMILY. Seth, 16. Shepard, 22. Silas, 16, 23. Silence, 23. Silvia,^ IG. Silvia,6 23. Simeon, 5 s. of Reuben,* 15, 22, 33. Simeon, 5 of Seth,* 15, 16, 22. Simeon, 6 s. of Simeon, •'' and grandson of Reuben,* 22, 33. Simeon,*' s. of Simeon,'' and grandson of Seth,* 22. Solomon, 3 9. Solomon,* 14, 22. Solomon,^ s. of Solomon,* 22. Solomon," s. of Zebedee,* 22. Sophia, 27. Sprague, 23. Stephen, 27. Stephen W.,« 30. Stephen W.," 37. Susan,6 16. Susan,6 31. Susan L., 35 Susanna,* dau. of James, ^ 13. Susanna,* d. of Joseph,^ 12. Susanna,* dau. of William,^ 9. Susanna,'' dau. of Daniel,* 19. Susanna,'' dau. of Ebenezer,* 21. Susanna,'' dau. of Joseph,* 18. Susanna,'' 23. Susannah, 3 8. Susie B., 43. Sylvester M., 51. SylvinaM., 32. Thomas, 27, 35, 43, 44. Thomas A., 19. Thomas B., 35, 44. Thomas F., 37. Thomas J., 23. Vashti, 33. Walter B.,^ 39. Walter B.,8 39. Warren W., 39, 48. William,! 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 30, 32, 33, 35, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49. William,2 7 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24, 33 William,3 8 , 9, 15, 22. William,* 9 ,15. William,^ s. of Solomon ,* 22. William,'^ s. of Zebedee, *22. William,o 2' 7. William A., 37. William C, « 31, 37, 38. William C, 8 38. William D., 30. William G., 32. William H. 48. William I., 39, 48. William M. 38. William T., 42. William U., 42. Zevina, 1€, 16, 22. Zebedee,* 15. Zebedee,!* 22. Zibeon, 22. Index to Other Names. Ackerman, Frances, 26, Adams, John, President, 24. Alden, Elizabeth, 7, 8. Alden, Hopestill, 7, 8. Alden, John, 8, 25. Alden, Joseph, 8. Alden, Rebecca, 15. Aldrich, Frederick W., 34. Aldrich, Lyman, Dr., 40. Aldrich, Walter E., 34. Alger, Benjamin, 16. Alger, Israel, 8. Allen, Mary A., 30. Allen, Sally, 21. Allen, Samuel, 8. Allin, Samuel, Jr., 8. Allen, Sarah, 8, 0. Ames, Elizabeth, 10. Ames, James, 16. Ames, Mary, 9, 16. Ames, Nathan, 9. Ames, Nathaniel, 7. Andrews, Alice B., 31, 39. Andrews, Andrew P. C, 37. Andrews, Eliza, 32. Andrews, George S., 34. Andrews, Henrietta, 34. Andrews, Mary A., 37, 47. Andrews, Mary E., 34. Andrews, Phebe, 35. Andrews, Jennie L., 26. Andrews, Lydia H., 34. Andrews, Thomas G., 34. Appleby, Harriet, 49. Armstrong, John L., 40. Badger, Sarah, 18. Baker, Russell, 26. Baldwin, Dwight R., 44. Baldwin, Lyra M., 44. Baldwin, Wilton E., 44. Bangs, Jonathan, 8. Barber, Betsey, 35, .36. Barber, Hannah, .35, Barker, Hiram, 31. Barker, Leprelete M., 31. Barrel!, John, 13. Barstow, Achsah, 20, 32. Barstow, Caleb, 20, 32. Barstow, Sylvina, 20, 32. Bartlett, Allie A., 47. Barton, George C, 46. Bassett, Adelbert R., 47. Bassett, Charles A., 47. Beal, Jonathan, 13. Belden, Abbie S., 45. Belden, Clarence E., 45. Belden, Edgar M., 45. Billingham, Alice M., 48. Blackford, Lois J., 47. Blackinton, Russell P., 49. Bonney, Perez, 13. Booth, Esther, 37. Boss, Abbie S., 44. Bosworth, Abby G., 34, Bosworth, Asa F., 34. Bosworth, Frederick S., .35. Bosworth, Harold S., 34. Bosworth, John A., 34. Bosworth, John A., Jr., 34. Bosworth, John C, 34. Bosworth Rowland S., 34. Bosworth, Walter T., 34. Bosworth, William A., 35. Bosworth, William G., 34. Bowditch, Elizabeth, 13, 20. Bowditch, William, 13, 20. Bowen, Bennanel, 20. Bowen, Harriet E., 39, 48. 60 THE SNOW FAMILY. Bowen, William H., Jr., Dr., 48. Bower, Samuel J., 31. Bowers, Sophronia, 30. Bright, Beulah, 43. Bright, Richard A., 43. Bright, Wellington I., 43. Brown, Fanny, 26. Brown, J. Edwin, 18, 27. Browne, Peter, 5, 6. Browne, Rebeckah, 5, 6. Brownell, Anna H., 26. Brownell, Asa C, 26. Brownell, Asa C. Jr., 26. Brownell, Carolyn R., 26. Brownell, Edward H., 26. Brownell, M. Louise, 26. Brownell, Phebe W., 35. Brownell, Russell F., 26. Brownell, Willis L., 26. Bryant, Nathan, 23. Bryant, Sally, 23. Buck, W. D.,Dr., 49. Burke, Mary, 26. Butler, Harriet L., 40. ,9. Campbell, — Carew, Samuel, Dr., 18. Carpenter, Edmund J., 44. Carpenter, Fletcher II., 44. Carpenter, Grace M., 44. Carpenter, Newton, 41. Carpenter, Paul M., 44. Carpenter, Ralph S., 44. Carpenter, Ruth W., 44. Carpenter, Sarah W., 44. Carr, Vincent, 18. Carver, Joseph, 9. Cary, Abigail, 12. Cary, Benjamin, 10. Cary, Eleazar, 14, 22. Cary, Elizabeth, 14, 22. Cary, Jonathan, 8. Cary, Sarah (Allen), 7. Cate, Harriet, 26. Cavis, Mary Louisa, 40. Chace, Patience, 37. Chapin, Olive W., 45. Chapman, Arthur, 49. Chevelier, Adele, 41. Church, Benjamin, Col., 12, 26. Churchill, Dorcas, 15. Churchill, Ephraim, 15. Churchill, Hannah, 15. Claflin, George L., 41, 42. Clark, John L., 34. Clarke, Charles M., Prof., 26. Coggeshall, Sarah, 39. Coggeshall, Thomas, 39. Cole, David, 29. Cole, Ephraim, 16, 23. Cole, Hannah, 16, 23. Compton, William, 12. Conant, Martha W., 42. Conant, Susan, 42. Conant, Thomas O., 42. Cory, Hannah, 20, 30, 31. Cory, Isaac, 12. Cotton, Josiah, Rev., 10, 11. Crafts, Moses, 16. Crapon, Jonathan, 20. Cumerford, Arthur S., 42. Cumerford, Arthur S., Jr., 42. Cumerford, Dorothy G., 42. Cumerford, Frederick T., 42. Cumerford, Reginald R., 42. Dean, Elizabeth, 11, 12. Dean, Ezra, 12. Dean, James, 35. Dean, Sybil, 11. Dean, William B., 31. Derby, Richard, 5. Dievendorf, Margaret, 33. Dorr, Almira F., 34. Doten, Edward, 5. Dove, Lillian M., 47. Downing, Rebecca, 20, .30. Draper, Louisa, 35. Dunbar, Carrie, 26. Dunbar, Hannah, dau. of Samuel, 9, 16. Dunbar, Hannah, dau. of Jacob, 16. Dunbar, Jacob, 16. INDEX TO OTHER NAMES. 61 Dunbar, Samuel, 9, 14, 16, 21. Dunbar, Sarah, 14, 21. Dunbar, William, 17. Dunnell, John, 20. Earl, Thomas J., 30. Earle, Amey A., 39. Earle, Benjamin D., 39. Earle, Sophronia, 39. Edson, Abijah, 13. Edson, Mary, 9, 15. Edson, Nathaniel, 14. Edson, Timothy, 15. Egerton, John, 13. Field, 17. Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Field, Abigail, wife of Zachariah, 12, Abigail C, 18, 27. Abigail, (Gary), 12, 26. Adeline J., 18. Augustus H., 26. Barnum, 18. Caroline S., 26. Charlotte D., 26. Edward H., 26. Elizabeth, 10, 12. Elizabeth S., 18. Florence R., 26. Frances E., 18. Frank O., 26. Frederick H., 26. Henry H., 26. Isaac, 20, 32. Jonathan R., 26. John,2 Capt., 10, 11. John,* Capt., 12. John, 5 Capt., 12, 26. John A., 26. Madeline A., 26. Maria L., 26. Maria M., 32. Patience, 20, 32. Patience S., 20, 32. Richard M., 18. Richard M., Capt, 26. Richard M., Jr., 26. Russell W., 26. Field, Sarah, 12, 17. Field, Sarah A., 26. Field, Zachariah, 12, 17. Fisher, Harriet R., 37. Flynn, Katie, 37. Fobes, Abigail, 14, 21. Fobes, Joshua, 14, 21. Foster, Theodore, 29. Gale, LydiaS., 34. Gano, Stephen, Dr., 18. Gardiner, Elizabeth, 24, Gardiner, John, 24. Gladding, Anna E., 39, 48. Gladding, Anstis, 27, 33, 34. Gladding, Benjamin, 33. Gladding, John, 33. Gladding, Jonathan, 33. Gladding, Mary J., 33. Godding, Anna A., 47. Godding, Clarence M., 47. Godding, Louise, 47. Goldsbury, Edith, 39. Goldsbury, John, 39. Goldsbury, Maria, 39. Granger, James N., Rev., 51. Grant, Rebecca, 12, 17, 18. Greene, Benjamin M., 19. Greene, Charles W., 30. Greene, EUery W., 19. Greene, George H., 30. Greene, George T., 19. Greene, Henry A., 30. Greene, Jeremiah I., 19. Greene, Jeremiah I., Jr., 19. Greene, Job, Lieut., 30. Greene, Joseph W., 19. Greene, Mary A., 19. Greene, William H., 19. Hall, Helen M., 38. Hamilton, David M. G., 30. Hamston, Anna, 42. Handren, Cordelia, 47. Harlow, Hannah, 8, 9. Harrington, Amelia, 32. Harris, Benjamin, 13. 62 THE SNOW FAMILY. Harris, Ella, 34. Harris, Ruby, 49. Harrison, Sarah J. G., 31, 39. Hartshorn, Charles P., 34. Hartshorn, Stella J., 34. Hathaway, Cynthia, 40. Hathaway, Erama A., 40, Hathaway, Jonathan, 40. Hawes, Joseph, Gen., 38. Hawes, Susan A., 38. Hayes, Polly, 33. Hayes, Lydia, 33. Haynes, Sarah E., 40. Hayward, Edmund, 16. Hay ward, Hannah.wife of John Snow,' 8, 9. Hayward, Hannah.wife of John Snow,* 9, 16. Hayward, Jacob, 21, 33. Hayward, Jemima, 21, 33. Hayward, Joanna, 8, 14. Hayward, Silvanus, 21. Hayward, Thomas, 7. Hayward, Joseph, 8, 14. Hazard, Elizabeth G., 31, 40. Hickson, Jeremiah, 23. Hill, David, 15. Hill, Hannah, 9, 15. Hill, Jerusha, 15. Hill, Martha, 18. Hill, Nathan, 15. Hogan, S. Maria, 48. Hooper, Betty, 14, 21. Hooper, John, 9, 14. Hooper, Sarah, 9, 14. Horswell, Lydia, 30. Horton, Abigail, 36, 45, 46. Horton, Eliza E., 30. Horton, Harold M., 36. Horton, Isaiah, 36. Horton, Lyman, 36, 45. Horton, Walter E., 36. Horton, William A., 36. Houghton, Sally, 33. Hovey, Hannah, 8, 13. Howard, Elisha, 8. Howath, Esther, 49. Howland, Henry A., 43. Howland, Mary A., 35, 43. Hubbard, Joseph S., 27. Huntington, Anne, 26. Huntington, Benjamin, S., 26. Huntington, Charlotte, 26. Huntington Edith S., 26. Huntington, Felix A., 26. Huntington, Jedediah, 2d, 27. Huntington, John F., 26. Huntington, Joseph O., 27. Huntington, Louise, 26. Huntington, Mary H., 27. Huntington, Sarah L., 27. Hutcheson, Aubrey, G., 26. Jackson, Benjamin M., 41. James, Lydia, 43. James, Maria A., 44. Jenckes, Eliza, 30, 37. Jenckes, John C, Dea., 19. Jenkins, Anna L., 26. Johnson, Jacob, 9. Johnson, Thomas, 23. Keep, Martha, 35. Keller, Elmyra A., 44. Kemp, Nehemiah, 33. Kendall, Oliver, 31. Kendall, Oliver Jr., 31. King, Mary, 8. King, Mercy, 9. King, William, 33. Kingman, Nancy, 23. Knight, Ebenezer, 10. Knowlton, Thomas, 10. Ladd, Isaac G., 39. Ladd, John L., 39. Larkin, Hannah, 20, 27, 29. Lamed, John E., 18. Lathrop, Jacob, 21. Lathrop, Joseph, 8. Lathrop, Rebecca, 16, 24. Leach, Elijah, 14. Leach, Stephen, 9, 14. INDEX TO OTHER NAMES. 63 Learned, Anna, 30. Leonard, John, 8. Le Valley, Lucinda M., 41, 42, Le Valley, Peter, 41. Le Valley, Stephen, 41. Lewis, Charles F., 44. Lewis, Raymond, 44. Lewis, Royal S., 44. Lincoln, Belinda L., 37, 46. Lincoln, Clara A., 46. Lippitt, Francis J., Gen., 19. Lippitt, John, 37. Lippitt, Joseph F. , 19. Lippitt, Moses, 19. Lippitt, Narcissa, 31, 37, 38. Luther, Almira B., 36. Makepeace, Ruth, 16, 24. Mannion, Mary M., 46. Mansfield, Mary, 13. Martin, Josiah H., 31. Mason, Alice M., 36. Mason, Earl P., 41. Mason, John H., 41. Mathewson, John, Col., 19. Mathewson, Priscilla E., 40. Mayhee, Emma H., 43. McCabe, James W., 26. McCabe, William S., 26. McCabe, , 26. M'Crary, Alexander, 10. Mehurin, Bathsheba, 9. Merrill, Charlotte S., 47. Merrill, John H., 47. Merrill, Katharine, 47. Merritt, , 16. Miller, Eliphas, 40. Miller, Esther D., 40. Miller, Rhoda, 33, 40. Morrow, Henrietta M., 42. Mulligan, Walter L., 39. Munro, Benjamin, 18. Munro, Caroline, 19. Munro, James, Capt., 18, 19. Munro, Martha H., 18. Munroe, Rebecca, 19. Nightingale, Eliza D., 38. Nightingale, George C, 37. Nightingale, Mary D., 31, 37. Olney, Nathaniel G., 25. Osborn, Sarah D., 39, 48. Otis, Joseph, 25. Otis, Lucy H., 25. Otis, Sarah, 19, 25. Pabodie, Rebecca, 25. Packard, Betty, 13. Packard, Nathaniel, 13. Padelford, Amy, 26. Paine, John, 10. Paine, Walter, Dea., 19. Payne, Edward, 6. Pearce, Anthony, 31. Pearce, Benoni, 29. Pearce, Mary A., 31, 40. Perkins, Betty, 20, 32. Perkins, Nathaniel, 9, 16. Phillips, Polly, 22. Pike, Ann E. W., 40, 49. Pike, Cynthia Hathaway, 40, 49. Pike, Jonathan, 40, 49. Place, Hannah, 17. Pool, Joseph, 21. Pool, Sarah, 21. Porter, Sarah, 13. Potter, Courtland N., 43. Potter, Gladys E., 43. Potter, Miriam J., 43. Potter, Royal W., 43. Pratt, Joseph, 9, 14. Pratt, Nathaniel, 9. Pratt, Sarah, 9, 14. Pratt, Seth, 9. Preble, Clara L., 43. Preble, Ernest O., 43. Preble, Ruth L., 43. Proctor, Laura G., 35- Proctor, Margaret, 12, 17. Putnam, Benjamin W., 45. Putnam, Elizabeth, 45. Putnam, John W., 46. 64 THE SNOW FAMILY. Putnam, Robert E., 45. Putnam, Ruth, 45. Randall, Benjamin, 17. Read, Anna M., 35, 42. Read, James H., Dea., 42. Richards, John, 21. Richards, Tamzin, 21. Richards, Seth, 21. Richmond, Barzillai, 10. Richmond, Hannah, 16, 23. Robinson, Alberta, 49. Robinson, Joseph, 13. Robinson, Susan J., 35. Rogers, Sally, 19, 25. Rogers, Theophilus, Dr., 25. Rogers, Zabdiel, Col., 18. Rowland, Edith S., 34. Sampson, Samuel, 19. Sandford, Carrie F.,46. Sawyer, Stephen, 38. Sayles, Arthur U., 36. Sayles, Charles E., 36. Sayles, Eliza, 36. Sayles, George H., 36. Sayles, Henry C, 36. Sayles, Lucy C, 36. Schaefer, Henry, 47. Schenck, Anne C, 26. Seal, Frances, 26. Sealey, John, 23. Searle, Elizabeth G., 19. Searle, Hannah, 12, 19. Searle, Sarah, 12, 19. Searle, Solomon, 10, 12, 19. Shaw, Hannah, 8, 13. Shaw, Joseph, 8, 13. Shaw, Rhoda, 32. Shaw, Ruth, dau. of Joseph Shaw, 8, 13. Shaw, Ruth, dau. of Zechariah, 14, 21. Shaw, Zechariah, 14, 21. Short, Matthew, 12. Simmons, Henry, 32. Sinclair, Frederick W., 43. Sinclair, Harold A., 43. Sinclair, William G., 43. Sinclair, William H., 43. Smith, Apollos, 26. Smith, George W., 44. Smith, Willie C, 44. Snell, Amos, 9, 14. Snell, Jemima, 9, 14. Snow & Barker, 47. Soule, Ruth, 8, 13. Sparrow, Jonathan, Capt., 8. Sprague, A. & W., 45. Sprague, Betty, 9, 15. Sprague, Jonathan, 15, Spalding, Edward, 27. Spalding, John, 27. Spalding, Josiah, 27. Spalding, Rachel, 20, 27. Stanley, Alexis M., 48. Stanley, Mildred E., 48. Stanley, Susan B., 48. Straine, Dorothy, 39. Straine, R. F., 39. Studley, Abraham, 36. Sunderland, Annie C, 43. Taylor, Betsey, 19. Taylor, Robert, Col., 19. Tefft, Peter, 10. Thayer, Catherine A., 31. Thomas, Sally, 32. Thornley, William H., 47. Tinkham, Celia, 33. Tinkham, Deborah, 13, 20. Tolman, William, 9. Tucker, Mark, Dr., 17. Updike, Edward A., 36. Updike, George, 36. Updike, George H., 36. Updike, John C, 36. Updike, Mary E., 36. Van der Veer, Albert, 33. Van der Veer, Edgar A., 33. Van der Veer, , 33. Vaughan, Helen A., 42. Vaughan, Sarah G., 36. Vose, James, G., Dr., 18. INDEX TO OTHER NAMES. 65 Wade, Thomas, 7, 8. Wanton, Elizabeth G., 24. Wanton, Frances, 19, 24. Wanton, Peter, Capt., 24. Wardwell, Abigail, 20. Wardwell, Elizabeth, 20. Wardwell, John, 31. Wardwell, Mary, 20. Wardwell, Stephen, Dea., 20, 28, 29. Wardwell, Stephen S., 20. Warren, Elizabeth, 12. Warren, Kichard, 12. Washburn, Josiah, 15. Washburn, Mary, 8, 9. Waterman, Nathan, Dea., 31. West, Gertrude S., 43. Wethrell, Abiatha, 16. Wheaton, Seth, Col., 31. White, Bertha A., 48. White, Charles M., 48. White, Ella F., 34. White, Irene S., 48. White, Micah, 9. Whiteman, Grace, 39. Whitman, Ezra, 14. Whitman, John, husband of Hannah (Shaw) Snow, 13. Whitman, John, husband of Lydia Snow,* 14. Whitman, Naomi, 7, 8. Whitman, Simeon, Capt., 13. Whitman, Thomas, 7, 8. Wilbor, Ann, 23. Wilbur, , 9. Wilcox, Helen S., 43. Wilcox, Henry L., 43. Wilkinson, Edward H., 44. Wilkinson, Herbert B., 44. Wilkinson, Hope I., 44. Wilkinson, Ida S., 44. Wilkinson, Walter, 44. Wilkinson, Walter P., 44. Wilkinson, , 26. Willis, Hannah, 15. Willis, Stillman, 23. Willis, Stoughton, 8, 9, 15. Wilmouth, Nathaniel, 16. Wilson, James, Rev., 38. Wood, John, 10. Wood, Mary, 9, IG. Woods, Augustus, 31. Woods, Emily E., 31. Young, Georgia C. Young, John, 38. 45. 'Ki. '^i-, a'* 0°" " f "^ l' * • i: > ^""^^ o " o /•W'" /\ '#W.** ■"- •-®-" /% "w:- 0^ .*, ♦ V.' » f i > « * * > /- ' O »: - ..... <^' '^^ ^ .-b^^^^ ^ '^^. * O « ' ^0 ^■ K >& - 1^'^ , « o ^ ^. ■0^ .^' -^: .0 ■ ' O j, S-, --^^