w ^.r^^^ ■••^ ^'\ ^*i^. . T M^ # V Y.-^I, 'o9t orrica Box , SF . K Bnll Rapr oi" i.<«w Y- . ot r. ot theee faci.lH«f lor. c: U . rdalay. Ii^ hln reoorvls &r nunDer of ooisplo CongMfiatlo.. .. ^«,jh, Bplioopal, Pre .. .., . . Quaker and Trlende, etc., reoorde not y«t in print. 61 • 1 Oe«eteri0ii, in ui. 0- St of tolrth u. ttxe atjo In year oiiilttiikc Xu& »^4.;a «4.v. a.^y, ^ wdll as tlia itnd days. fr i ■ • .; •■. . .SHIS. - u ,■: i A' : - « i. pati« 3 v>(t oori>o ration cametary : I613-1912: 231 Btonee :«««.. .IciU-o-l 13 : 365 stonefc : ■ ow^ni. .^ ,, V caiBdt0ry:li*iH-i392:6i attui^e Hiatery : ld5X-1672;7 sto.. » .- -.:i.i>ui\v i*i**ietery : Id3QLj_ ToUJL 7^ , Uliwd OoYert BlLle : 1753 - 1^^* : . th Puray Bitle : 1752 ♦ l . ,^ and 37 «. . - - PHge 3tf Purdy liotas : .1 '^-i-ev; J3 per . 3^' Mttnoy Votes : « -. — — i ^^'^^^ 38 t*»ti ^-^ SoteH : pafiee 9,14,l$,23,25t2<>,2d,29,30,31, 37 , 60 Indoot of Pof sonB : paRes 6e par fil I"(lex of Plf '^'^" : r^ts 62 Brooklyn* Sew Ibrk, May 1913. ^ a s a h , G d j. ii.7JBRXi.8.viLi.A^- ^MITYVILLX. TOWN. OP. KAWYjuO^h. SUF- FOLK. OOUKTY.LOIdU . XBLAiiiS. h S V .YOKK. iwl3 191 ^>. KXPLAIIATIO^. tboh oemetary In these colleotloub 1b u;lv<;n a nuiiLer, which to H BTeiit ttld In mmy rrtgj eote^ae a referunoe. k-very toiu^-Btone una sopurute *iu.Me Is aiao ijlveii a nwutai , thus anabllng uny one, at once, to see how Kta.ny l^oales ure juried In each oemetary t us tho^n by the naptes therein. Ty • -~ ' ' t anu igobI recent «tont;8 are listed ;it the .una of ench 1 tery, so as to auterialne the dates between Which ' ■ ory was surely useu. An effort le aade to retain all plots Intact, ana to list all nonurnents, thereby yragervlng us far ae Is losslfcle, aver fact of rol'itlonshlT . nenct?. the need of cross-refer encus, which aro ueu liy jint iiUi.bejrea, An attoiupt Is m<»at3 to ^ivct as I«0XJi3, the roalden nataes of wlfes ana mothers. it mint be unaerstuod that the lui'.iuu >. datcg Xu ail such ii0.i!£3, ao not a-i^i^ear ou u.e stones, a l.^ >u:v irore BViOh notes could be added by ihe oojJiiller. runnlnis title, on t}ie toi; of each page, Is currieu all u:roUii>. this Toiume, thue obvlatln/i the necessity of con - tlnually referring to the table of contontM on pnge two, BU'lM recorUH are adciea where they inxvn boon obtained. Marriages frojt Church records are alBo audeu froK. the large ooj/teU collection in the possession of thu cotapller. }ienc«a this oenetory reooiil Is unite largely euited. XJte Index of j.eiboub Is now luu^xn bv the first names. An Index of placeh Is now always also added. A space la left, especially ,for fining In the middle naiuee where only th** Ijiltlal Is known : t^ •'* - ^ r gjTen the fuxl naj:;ee whoro i»e >tad theia : i»xx ^^ i<7iis,aB yoii can wfxlce, will Ki ciladly noted by t/. ^ ,. x a n^ti*-© edition, If hi Is notified of all such poHhibl'm li!29 : no JM>r« dates hpr« wiiiiaa 'Jr : died 3 Jsare2i lii^T : a«fc«a 60 years on (i uonuAont Tljnot>qr : Dom 20 /^rll 16Jjl i ale : • wife •: no store dates 'twi-a : u. nomment Clarissa Ii/2SyinL! wife of ^/illlHon Biii*x*i AMfiUst let* 7 : died 13 8«pter..l;ci' i^oo 9. Bottrdette Sdward w : died 7 y«truary 1903 years t 11 months, and 13 a<«^f) agoci 7»* 10. B!=XtO Ha/arah A : wife of v a Bi.rto; died 19 ^y 169i5 : aged 5i? J ear b, 7 wo»th«,*^ days 11. Bennett ii^-^ian : died 31 July 1896 : e^ei^a 77 yuit.r%f 9 i«onths, and 13 days 12. Claris : wife of Jbass Beniictt : died 14 October l^iiO a^ed 02 years, and one day 13. Jfervis K : born 13 octouer itJ^i i died 20 Au- tiust 1904 14. i^4eb« A : wife of Jarvls M Bemiett : bom 27 April 1^46 : died 2j August 1900 Birch 13. Birdie see laff 6a : dlea 20 Septonber lu'57 : &«iea i. yean, ^ mmthfl, and 7 cifiy* 1^. Bdward : alea 21 Auicuit 1054 : as«d 10 yeart* 11 ■onths, Hiui 21 duyB : 17 and 18 ar« the cMldren of ?lHtt unu Cicirlesu Brush 1<^. Saraji £ : died 31 August 1«90 : a«ea 50 y«arB 4 months, and 2^ days Brush see Murray 124 Carman 8«e Hawxiiurst 64 ___ Cats see Uraber 46 20. Chichester Daniel : Vorr^ 1619 : dio«l iwo? : no more dHtes yiere 21. i«try : wife of Daniel CWoheater : toon* lt^23 : died 1900 : dk^ more datefi her© 22. iiituiu : a daugXiter of Daniel anu ^^ary CMohester : l»orn 14 ;fanuHry ld44 : died 2V Kovej^ter 1696 : • KBSt In Peace • 23. Cookefulr P^iebe • 2tt ■: died Itt April 1^7o : ai;ed 47 years 24. co).t» ^ : an Infant son of H a „& At £ Cobto : loom V May ivo^ : died 1^ v»y 1903 25. Cornelius Klchaid J : died lo July i«J72 : a«ed 67 yenre, and 7 months : • lather ■ 26. 1 ^^ ! died 16 0ctol>*>r liiu7 : aged 71 , 4 montlis, and 11 days : • Mother • 27. ,_ -.I'.j H _^_^ : their dnugjiter : died t> Sep- tem&er i^5<; : aged 9 nonthe, and 13 duys 2t;. Carman Aiai'aon : born 27 July lei .33 : dlea .- 29. h^jrrltft 1 SjgSB^O^ i wife tiom ^ Jfuiuary ld3iJ : died 15 Nove....T* *o7... thcj'.o two are on a monument 30. Hnrrlet ieil/^abeth : their duugr.ter : died 11 Janu- ary lii62 : Hgea 3 years, 6 wonthfs,aiifi 17 days 31. Conway Pmirl W : died 12 Oetov,er I91i:a£ea 3^ yrs. f» 216. (:)HKwooa 0«iRWitery : Amltyvllle, Bauyiou, sew Tor):, 32. orat» 33. OhaiulX«r 3»^. 33ay 35. 36. Duryea 37. Sowd 3^. BaTls 39. 40. 41. SdwardQ 4t. Smast »^3. S^rQlo i^4. foster ^5. OraD«r Vj. H«nry T : died ztt i w97 : ag«ci tf2 yearn H_^_^_^__id ^: ijo di*t«8 here : riret ser- g«Snt,"'cwripaiiy C :2^ na. J«fti.8e.Xiirabtry tiio i^ore _ ; Infant ohUa of Tranx e L *««i yunjiy A ^ _ IDay : died 11 Octoter 166^ :atsod one inonth,'"and'*3 «laye iftiud : born 5 August ItfVV : died Zo ^ Sylreptar : died 6 May 19(Hi : agnd / nontM»,ami 20 dayu : PrJri-te : 1^7 "^ . ^^ yew YorK, Volunteer b : • 0. A. R. • of Be« Kawxhuret 66 i>ouom 20 Au^uot lo49 : dlea ii4 octoter 1^74 : aged z^ yom 31 July 1»3? : (lied ?o ixmer- ter lS9d T "front of the monwaer^ : " S.lhiTle yamlly ■ Oharlty R : wife of JOr l-. , _. . : ^rr. » DeceDi'car 1866 : died 29 rdrch i«vl : on tne left Biae of tr.le r^osmnent Louisa : an Infant daugj»tyr of Joel a and Clurlsaa Savls : died 29 AWf?»st 1^63 : aged 11 isonths and 27 days : on t/ie rlgrtt aide of this nonuneiit 3ui : bom 22 January ltf30 : died 4 Auguet 1900 : aged 70 years, 6 laonths, and 13 duys : • liiou nast been faithful • Hcuiy u : bom no r.ore dates «- 1^"53 ■lie'. Sidney Slgnund : i4.2>.: bom 2 Deoom^or 1S5S : died <5 yebruary 1912 " Oral>f?v ana Prldgeon and Ocito ■ In on this »onb - ment * 216. VUluge Of AniJtyTllle,Town of' Babyloa*, »/.mw»u^ of fiurfolK, Long l8lana,l«evv York : Oakwood Oonoratlou Gejcietery. 1^7. ttlauye ««> i«ior« hare :( foob*!^-^ Oalcley or 4t(. Keimatn no nor« h«re : ( Wloks 47 tna 4tf are on th« saao stone 49. Oraole no other iiara« : borr* 12 ,5t iK^t; : died 3» 9, 1906 : poBflltoly Purdy or Roberta 50. Qrlfflthe 4)iiiilol : toorn 20 oototoer 1526" : died « September 1909 51. ffl.izici)utn : wife of Daniel Crimtho : born lo Jvli* 1J>1 : died 23 July 1902 50 und 51 are In a^plot 52. ttUse Dgiert H : torn 6 Marcli lii43 ; ui ., -. .< - veiftljer IVOl"* 55, Mary* : torn 15> ^fey 1«43 : died 22 ^)rXl 191ii " 52 and 33 are on a monuiaeut 54. lelnley Ulllwi : torn 1^73 : flled 1900 : no /fiore dates 55. Homan Clarence s : Uox-n is Auguet 1891 : died 19 June ld95 56. Hurd sillBon W : died 17 March li596 : aged 36 years 57. Haff vrililaii? : died 4 jioTeraljer is? 7 : aged 76 years : » fa.tr.0r * __ Martt Bee ifurray 124 53. Haf f : ■ '^Vi*' * * ii^ ^oTr? here 59 . _ Z Z Z 5 • JfaBk'i • : ;no more here 60. BttTsJ T no J ore here 3d per 60 are on a monument ana In a plot 61. Howell- as rah T : died 23 Jrme 1903 : aged Ht* yeur taiu 7 wonths : wife of Oscar 1 wilbby 62. Iftiwclmrsti the gate hero has flawxhurst ana Pe^rsail : ;-iO date 63. ]-': : ..'rd ; Dom 30 January idll : dl«a 9 teiruury » 2l6.o»'T'i«"^r>()• 67. liuntottrsar 6S. Haff 69. Xreleuid 70. 71. Ireland 7-. 73. 7»^. 75. Ir«Xand 7b. Ireland 77. _ Jones 77a.ianz«r 78. Ketoliam AMttllii Q/^^fiJ wir« Of • vnOMrnt : l»ni 23 «ay liilo : aiod , iw-V!? Id;i M : wlf« of *..-,. * ^Q^ _ Over- lanugh : dldd 12 June I8orn 21 May 1329 : Uleu 11 1904 *.j... V. iii : wlfa of aeor::^'* 1 ^ Ketolxwa : 41 ed 29 June ld79 : aged 47 years, f montas, Jina 25 daye : >ui Infaat son : no aiitee : no ;ior Phobe JllZitToeth : diod 13 A>i6\i«t Irt^e : af, ■ yer,r, 10 i.^ontna, ana .19 a^y9 Itta n : aifid 12 June l«79 : agea ly yoari and 9 monthB : az & 73 : a^^.ed years, 7 uiOiiU^at and one day Leonara : died li fiejteiuTciQr li;6y : ajsed 39 years, 6 (i:on4hs, and 7 days John rt : lorn 2i ;4ay itioc : died 27 May 1501 ftfe Oladys 47 10, io. oalcwood Cemetery, A^^Uyri 94. Ketolian 95. Kartt 96. Kstohan 9 7. Ketchaitt 9S. Ketc7ian» 99. 100, Ketohare 101, Ketohaw Ilewelllng : torn 7 AU^^Bt l^^> : aieu 1906 Peter v : l>om _ ^ _ lo&c : -. y^uw. J;sryle R : died 1) xiiro: it'io : stp.ea ?i years, 3 siontliBa aund 'd.2 days 102, Ketoham Pi.lllT : died 18 JUne 14S30 : ageu jd y , 103, BuennnaJi : wife of ?Wlli> Ketcloajr: : dl..,. a^ ...^ l.'4^5 : aged 91 year» 10»t. mprnr.ah : a daugj'iter of Phlllr ana 8y«^rr">' Ketc>vAro : dl«d 24 Noveiutor 1.-^13 : i*^ea • 105. Piatt : )3orn 23 »0Te.".l(?r 1737 * ^lied ^ r 1S|J7 : afc;ed 70 y«arf, and 2« daye 106. Deborah : wife of Piatt KetcJ-xan : died 29 October 182 f) : aged 33 yeare 107. JUlia A : died 5 April r.^02 : a«ed 77 years, 4 iwnthB, arut 21 ai;yH IOj, Clarlsna : dl'?d 14 i'etruary IVOi : a«iea 69 years, 4 i;i»;th8, ajid ^9 days 109. .^oioidoj* : Or,: dlad 16 flupttwiber 1898 : - -^«ti '-i^ ^ears, ona iticmth, cuu o uaye 10. Ksther : died 24 J\ay lo97 : aged 7;^ i . 4 months 111. Jdiole : no dates Imh) 112. VI Hard J l^lMl^aJf-J tlltJu -- /H.** --^9 aged 10 iii02;thB, and ftor.the, a^ui <^7 do^'s 11. £ 2io. Village of AnityTlll«tVown of Ba^loniOounty of Suffolk, Lon^ iBlaiui, now Tork: Oakwood Oorporntlon Ooaotery. 114. Kotolian xortrlfitit 113. Llndrldge Jobn L l^J^lfk^ji ai«a ;it» Januttiy ivoi a«ed 36 your*, 5 months, and 2ii auyt 112 and 114 aro tno ohlldron of Johii und Martha KORTRIOm 112 par 114 aro on a nommoat : lSt2 in 114 aro all In Uitt eaeio i>lot 808 Kotohan 112 and 114 Jennlo 1906 feom 9 8«i>toi4bor 16^3 : died lu July Latnrop •00 RioluQond 166 ■oe Striker 1aTn I4i57 : ai«a 1^07 : no Boro Oatof Juilaimo : bom lii5l : died >-> : no more dates these two are on the sides or the ioor;v< 127 per 130 are in the saiM plot and Aent 131. UUer Charles t : l>orh 30 May 1er 1695 : a«#a 91 yovre, one laonth, and 2^^ days Purdy eee araole 49 KetohaM S6 IHO. Payne Bylreeter H : Itorn IT J^y 1^3« : died 6 A^iril 1^i '^3 Jan- uary lb' 7b 141. Pnyne Itonty T : died & April liinz : years, atul t> wontflm 142. 8uea/i : wife of Benry T _^ Payne : dleu v Ootoi>er ld73 : aged 5^ years, and 9 montiiii 143. Traaoes A _ „ ^ ^ : a daughter of SylTester H _ . ^ ^ ^ and 0__._._F Fayne : dl«d 11 ' MoMMr 1^62 : aged 21 years, 9 isontne, and 3 days 140 per 144 are all in the saioe plot Prldgeon see ara^r 46 Paarsall see Hawxhurst 62 Pesinger see Striker 1^1 14^. Powell SylTanufl : died 26 mroh lo^2 : aged In ^ds 76 th. year 146. iti&alah : wife of flylvanus Powell : ))orn 5 Jvay 1^12 : died 3 Pebruary 1^37 147. Petty Joseph : i>om 1<>26 raore dates dlea lyoi l**. ^ rxw. V u^wood Oei.etery, Aialtyvilie, Biibylor., X4eth : wire of Jesse iftuioy : i»orn 2 ]}eoe/fK ^r 17^0 : died 21 Sextemtier ld43 : Ijoto - ene was SLlzatoeth Purdy 132. Purdy J^LRBs : torn 4 teptei&ber 1^51 : died 13 June 1905 153, Hattle A - VaAJ(SlB!SPU^ J. ^^te ^^ Juiaee Purdy : torn 7 April 1S4^ : died ^2 October lc96 134. Powell Thamas : i&orn 3 i^ril l*i33 : died 5 ^"^^ch 1907 this la on a nomuBeat 133. Kesiner : no other nan»e : • Bother ■ : no aore dates' T on a monwieent 13b, Ror^toins John J : ^m 29 3ioT«»ter i«;;av : uJi-. Sovejfi^er 1903 137. Marlet : i)om 8epteKi)>er li»^ : dlea 9 Iby 1«99 139. Kototlns Richard Albert : born *^^ my xuuvv : months, and 13 cuys 164. Robinson Oatnerlna : dlad 3 July 190C 165. RloYuDOiui Dr. oaorge » : bom 20 JUne i«i2i : aloo 11 April 1«J75 ! ageti 53 yeara,v fionthe.^i 166. Abb© y^im^ i wife of ar. Oeorge r Rlohaond : died 1^ l>«O0mb9r l£S35 : agod ^^ ^... .., and 2 months 167. Everard H : born 164? : died 1905 : no more dates here I05 r«Jr 167 are In the 9tme plot l6e. Roberts A m : tor/i 1<>4> : aleu _ ^ „ 1S>10 : no laore dates heTe*" " " 169. fiow : ( or T Dor 173. ekldraora .re, :awl 11 juoiithe »rowator : aiad 23 NoTeiaber ltf67 : «M(«a 3^^ ^reart o aonths, ajid 13 days 174. SKldmora franx » _ ^ ^ « s orn 1902 : died 190y : no more dates here 177. «axton Alanson A ^. : bom lo3« : dlea 1911 : no more dates here 17«J. Mary J : Dorn 1«42 : died 1911 : no more dates hare I7Q. Kenneth : t»orn 4 Tel^ruary 1l>ald Ann : born 20 April 1^29 1903 : • Kest In Peaoe ■ died 23 feliruary Idl. Striker lorn 1 October 1795 : dle^i '''-^^ *iarch lii9H Kannah M!9 : dloa ^i 1911 : l«4 and 185 are on the ot> * u ; j= nonwoent ISl r^Jf i*'5 are all on the name . 17. 1-^ dXo, viiiii;,^ Of AJultyTlllo,Towi» of B»Ab^xui;,i,«uuty of Buffollc, Lojiji Ifllaixd, ]ief York : Oalcwooa Oori orutliDi Oa.cetdry. 166, atrik«r Sairuh 8 I%0k%]ffiPl i *^'if« of Juool> iLAfilA*!- lK>ni 1 >iove)>ber 1613 : ulea 10 August loVb 1,57. JKllzJiCuth rt 87tQ|^CBi : u- dauuhtor of Joh)i aiia " iiiuuier * BXv^9T : liorn ^1 8«pt«mb«r 1^37 : aieu 4 June l<^3 Itfl per Id? are ull In the 8Hj«e plot with a non\iinent las* StrulDo William : dlea 26 .'tarch 190V : aged in nis 73 th. year : a Veteran or the Olyll War 189. terry Ketclnaru : died 6 Ootoluer 1895 2 h,ge(l 67 yeare 190. Deboral* a : dlea 20 February l"6o9 : hsbCl 61 years these two are on a monui&ent 191. Van De Water nommant : no suunes : no dates Van Uostrand see Purdy 153 Varlan "«« strixer lvi6 192, Van Hess J h : Ptoi^a uxo. loie^et. yc^ 193. M J s Bt(i;u) Xxi5. 190. AttuwB K : wlf« of Rlc) .rd it wixiltuuB": died 9 u&TOh 1637 : liStfd 31 y*)ani, 2 Montha, tuid 29 dii^s : th«lr Inxant "" : ohlldren 197. Wiillamfl adisu/iU B : a eoa or Ollttert P . (Old Amelia William : died 23 ^rll 1^73 : 2 yeurst ^^<^ '^^ <^' 198. WlUltuaa Hathanlel : died 23 KoTerc^;«r 1orn 1535 : terjUir ic 30 January 1901 207. Sarah : wife of Stephen R ^ 27 Bepte/ul;tjr 1835 5 diid 2*1 Jebi these two are on a iaonm»ent and At, j, • 19. /S zlb.Vlllaee of ATiltyvlildiTown of Baty ion, County of Suffolk, Long Zslana, Mew York : Ookwooa Oorinratlon c«met«ry. 20d. Vrlsnt fill, a A : wlfo of Townnena Wright :toorn 20 June lrf36 : died ii3 July lyOo 209, Sftfttalla B : a dmi^thter of lowJisenU lavX aiza A _ ^T-T-T'^iS**^ ! ^^^ ^6 March l«64:alett 23 JUly 1906 "* 210, Daniel : an Infant eon of airuary liib? : aged 21 years, 10 aonthe, aJad 11 drtye 217. ibtklns George w : died 16 i^ idV7 : aged 6v years t ^n^ 7 'fjontha 2id, Waneer Loren7^o : a son of tillD<;rv; itnd Cora Waneer : died 4 KoTemtiQr 1692 : agod 20 yenre 219, Ocra : t>oni 21 April li;4ii : alea 12 Jjinuar>' 191^ • Mother • 120. Weed Ifeiry e : born 20 Deuenber 1636 : died 26 Jetiruary 1911 i^O, 2X>',, o^^ t^tery, Ar.iltyvllle, JJ-iljylon, Hem York< 222. BuBnh i torn 9 Ab£uet i»il6 : dlM iit> AWi.At8t 1«95 those tvro are on t7i« front of tiilfi moiiunent . 223. K&3ry : tooriv zz Saptoniber lti46 : dieu zz f«bru - axy itf6^ 22U., viiiJui T : Lorn i:£ saptanMr itfs? : aled 25 Oototer lt7t» 225, J\i8tlns : born 2ruary 1912 : a^jud «2 years, 9 laonthe, and ono any 231. talces the place of 77a The oldest etone Is # 104.8upannfih Ketchwu ii4 KoTeiuLer liil3 The latest stone Is # 53.lfejry H Hxase 22 A^ril lyi2 ^1. it 217. • 01(1 Towl Oei'ietory ■: villaRO of /joltyvUlo, Town of Batoylon, Oowity of fluffolk, lonii iRlriiul, Hs>w York : l641 to loV2 : 61 atonas : luixt to u Boliool hou«« : In a wxo* '--. ' ... ^j^^ tooai6» wer« bei -*iul xoany butHM u. .^ ... -.., .. were a nUMber of feuoea jxote, iJUt no liutauv on th« giUos to tha8« plots : oopiea Tnwrsday 8 May 1913 ty William A. itopdeley, m,a., Poet Office Box 91, Brooiayn, M«w YorK : aealBied toy itr. Fragile a. Rjin ©^ »«" "^^"^^ 1, Austin JUlla A/Ji : wife of ifidwani A Austin : JV 9 Jtme l.iVl : ajiea 41 yittrn, 3 Montho, :ui(l - 2, Vttlentlrui : died Id Deoflmlor lodO : u,:G>i :>(> and on« laonth .: a wQiabdr of Oo;g|->any 0, oii nu, ..c York, Volunteers 1 a.'.j /. ..i-: l>. -c 1 lot _ 'A. P.* ee. . . !!• 3. Brue^i BarfcJi £ : dJite 1S84 1« on the gut© 4. 5. 'Brxifili 6. 7. Bni«n b'. l^n'sh 9. Oirmun Flatt : died 6 J«ne 1.^70 : 1 ffcd In nle do th.yeur Eanoy : wife of ?l&.tt. Brueh : dleti Ai ril a:?>63 aged 63 years Xdwurd : died 10 June 1U77 : aged In his 63 ra.ye^r Barch : rife of Bdwjirci Ei-.a; : dift; lo ..u v io64 : aged in her 54 th, year Retoecca : died 31 January 1677 : aged 43 yearn and Post on the gate : u> a te : In p rlf-t 10. f/ornellus the gate hae idtfd ; no moth dites • 0. A. ». ■ flags : no Btonos 11. Ohlchoflter Pelangey I? : died 24 Janwary laoi : aged 2 years, 10 nonthB, o- ' - 12. Zrnng B : dj< iuary ld64 : aged one year, and 2 sionths: 11 k 12 are c? i Henry and Amelia A Chichester 217. Old town Oem«tery,A»ltyTUl»,»at>ylon, 13. JJuryaft Pbete u : died 41 March 1662 : wL^^ea 26 yeam, 3~iBontlitt and 23 aayt 14. ■ 0.8. • ioia " A.P." : on Hi« gftt« : no cic'it«» IUh. Bth«l a toroxan stosM : no other ntuua : ponBil)l.y Aitnel 15. 16. IT. Id. 19. 20. 21. 2^t. Joehua li/c^ on the gule : liO laore datee Vloletta JPJi^&Atfc-: ^lf« *Jf Albert Henrtt : died 27 April i*i5V : ac;ea 20 yearn, 10 nontne.^i; days £dimrd : .-^ fion of Jophun (tnc) liart)^ Hourtt. :Alad 6 jrebrviHry lH'yf '* "^^f' '^1 ye&rs,5 irif>;it>i6,i-i days Joshua : died 31 July I6i»b : a««d 7V years, 6 ffionthe, fond 11 day« warthu : wU'e of Joehvf^ htjartt : uorri ii3 Ociober 1^01 : died '^k^ September 1C3^ : aged D2 yeurc, 11 rnonths, and one day Rosetta : second wife of Jophwa Heartt : l)om 22 Jiay 1613 : died 2 April l^bS : aged 54 yeir-, isionths, (ina 10 days William : died 15 Scpte.niber 1 » : agad ? Olias w : died it j>ft y 1891 : a^ed G9 years 5 montJic^ Ewnd 10 doys Jfary : wife of Silas w Payne : died 12 JUly muz : aged 03 yeure, 11 inonths, 10 days Seth : died 6 August id 77 ana 19 days i^ea 76 years, 10 nonths 23. # 217. Old Tonn OMMttry, Vllla&« of Ami ^tI lie. Ballon, Long Inlana, ««« York. 2<'.. purdy B3q>erl«no« : widow or seth Purdy : died 31 JXUy 2V. 30. 31. 32. latil : »£ad 77 y»art, one iaonth» ^na a d.«yB Iota - 8h« WU8 boni Kiqperlenoa MtJJI Ifeuryottb : died i$ Ame I8$tf : aged 22 yeurs, 11 ■onthty and 24 day* : no more here lathaalel A : died 1 iftiron 1^62 : ub, ■onths 30 per 32 are the children of b^cj; r-m^ jwvj[ c* * w.iwe Purd^ 33. Purdy Oeorge : a son of John and Caroline Purdy : died 21 August 1869 : agsd 9 nonths : Mote - his laother was toom Caroline SiAJSfSS^^ Pearsall see Heartt 15 — Po8t seft CariiiiJi 9 34. Rotiblns 33. 36. 37. 39. 41. Smith Stej-fidw : ttiea 19 October 1^77 J agea 71 years, 3 months* and 13 days Abigail : wife of Stephen Ho »->infl : airtu ,-! a.- t- lc5i : aged 43 yeare, : died 26 Septembsr x / : , ■oaths, and 12 days Stephen : died 16 August lii6l : u^ed 19 years, one month, and 12 days Mary A : died 22 VoTeaber lti5« : years, 4 months, and 19 j. 9 Robblns : died 17 May 1 : .hi one day 34 per 40 are all In t. iot Idlth f _ , and 2 days died 7 August ld70 : age4 24. ,' 217. Oia Town Oa^ietery, Aialtyvllla, Batylou, yo^ Torx, 42. 8irJt)i XJDntraYlli : iAii lnf>mt son of J r spilth : diea lo Ootoii^er lc;3v : , uiia ki days 43. Jane Au^UBtue : u (Uuipitar of Jo^ji salth : died 3 April ld^7 : ^&^ ^ months, and 2^ days : ^ m.< John Mid )&ry Sioith 44. 8ml t& ALMda : u dau^^tsr of Izsidel and PhoDo Snlth : died 2« HoTsmbor Ifi44 : agod 14 years, ll months, and 4 days 45^. AlAira : a dattfi^iter of Szeklel and Pheli^ <> \*- : died 16 yoTemher 1<}46 : aged one year, > , and^ days 46. Sraltri Fleet : died 2? July 1643 : - ra, 4 raontra'. &nd 10 days 47. Smith Thoaas : died 10 January 1^31 : aged 21 years, 6 ■onths, and 6 days tescton see sthel 146 : Purdy ^3 ^, Seanan see Wood 55 46. SoDnidt Alexander : born S August 1847 : died 1; ber 1666 taith sea ?urdy Z6 49. Saxton Alfred : died 27 April lo7> 30. Xllzabeth : wife of Alfred . roary 18 32 : aged 4rttary 1^62 : .. ^ ^ . 9 nonths, and 2 days 36 per 3s are the children of Jonathan and Hanaaki Wood Isaac : li^64 is on the gate : no more here 60. Vliinarth Fhei»e : wife of Sdnund Wiiiioarth : died 1 i^rll ldii5 : aged 74 years, 4 pxonths, and 23 days 61. taKee the rl&ce of 14a Xote to # 33. John Purdy narrled Caroline Saxton, daugh- ter 0/ Caleb Saxton The oldest stone le # 50. The latest stone Is ^ 54. Bfitoylon, County of sut'iox^., ifi;.^ I c i, li>31 to 1 day iS May 1V13 toy Wllliaiu A. iii.t^-- .., . ., Offlo« Box 91 » Brooklyn, Bow Xorx : a»0l»toa u. yraiix A. Hapr of Mew Torx u^i. K«toham 63. 6.4. Katoham 65. -r< : wlf« of waitar K^t^.v : , l8T^ : aged "jM- ^r . H : a Hv .u».er ana ttarl- Katcuu.! : dl«(l 4 Ootot)Qr l^jj : aged 3 years bom 2 June 17^): 5 nilllp lii Ilea i»{ DecAQtier toorn 2.0 Oot- . »r- b6, Braltn Bz«Kl9l : no date : . yearn, 6 nonthe, and 22 daye a^ • . sew Yorlt world : 9oteB : SaBtuel IreiitMU riaa a eon Jomi i^ ^ ^ Irov^inii *oni : died fhursday 20 MoYtrator 1V13 : a^ed 6o y«Sre T itKirrled 25 Decewtoer 1<566 Annl« a 7remVly of Rahwciy, Hew Jersey : they nad 1, Oharlee X>orn Ji . Rufue J ^ toom _ 3, a daughter toorn ^ _ _ „ Eiarrled Oeorge w aatcp ^. a daughter Dotri _ « « _ married C_««i - v B<»te > Towntend 7ro8t had BoTetfber 1913 : < he had two ohll eon O^rlee C >at ai-^d 14 -,,„ 12 daye : . /.• # 219. PAYi;^ Oerotery : hc.rileor. Avei.ue c;n. 'r or Albany Avenua, In txe comitry, Vlllaii** illrt. Town or T^-.ijylnn, Count- oC snfmiH, l , Nw York : on-^ ' ' ' "^ ' !»■' a ^ : 11 8l*.a., Post orrico iJox vi, urooi'.iyn, Nev; Yorx : apBUtod Xjv .ur. FrimK K. Ran of Now YorK 69. ?loyd 70. Howell BewQil 71. Palp 7ii. P?jln 73. Puyi\a 74. Payne 7n, Payne 7.>. i*0Bey Paynji 77. *iltn 7o. arilUi 79. anlth Martna : died 20 July Itfft: : no ~^t.o Abigail : uiea 5 January io5r> : ■i)5ft«i l" ^«r •*! "t. year : v'lfe of Oliver £aYK^ flee Payne 73 Lucy : alea 2o July 1^44 : agea 14 year8»20 auys Oaesar : dieti ?.7 July 1649 : agert 7o yeare jA;i.ry 3 : widow or Sdward ^iWiiLL.: and a dtiU- ghter of HannTbal and AniUe F , PuyTi) : cileu 31 July i<593 : aged o6 yeara Aden a F _ _ : died j*t.v xo-^r »*<■. jc$af8 H : died 31 March :(no yf>:vr;: tc^d 19 years, iJ won the, and 4 day JATB. Jfiuily : wife of RevertJ^ni Axoxuai-r ^siH^-.y : aic lb Octoter liJoo : ag»?d 41 yeur»,one wonth,15 day© see Howell 70 Marrha : dieu *> Octojjer io^t : ;-A(i .; ;^ vjurw Loreta : died 20 February lo5^ : !^6«d 34- youre Baer : aitjd d Sex'temiber 10=37 i :*.:;'Jd I5 yeare* o months, arid 5 days The oldest stone in *i 71. the latest stone is ^ 7'<'. UiO VI ^- r.to CO). Of BrooJciyn, acw YorK .. * ., .^ nort.j (jaist of Jiie, Yo'Ti. or JTHLylon, •'Joxuity of Mf'-' Yorh : It.'/ r-' i^*';^ : 3'i : Mi *.*.y ... .. .(.rtr. 60. Austin 61, Glitoert 8 I aiea 20 July ld*i4 : years, 2 won the, luia one duy lllza\>etn : i?lfe of uiljj^rt '^ Austiji : aievi 2y JaiiUciry lo?! wi(i 2 2 a^.yB : i\o». ;a. Austin Lucy : wife of TJiopian Austin : alftvi ^ T%ovHii.t«r ltJ6b : -o-iii^il 4-7 yenrsi ^Aiia o inontn» 13. Lorenzo : a son of Thoif)5 V. AUDtln Danlol : ul«a 29 l^acem^er 1^7V monthe, njia 2!> days :5, Pebcray, : wife of sanldl A " of Qllb«irt antt Haiinah S}9l~ eugeii ): jJiiiiiox t:.na ^iiJi-'. Austin : ai«a 26 January 1anlel a;ui £11 tin : dlea of rerar 9 Juno l<>o3 : Hgod 17 . antt 11 months : U,s.ounl>oat L^iii«vjii . Ketehajn : t>orn 23 May ic>lo : dluM c> juiy io71 90. Berry Ann : torii 26 January 1<$12 : dlea ^ Ji- single : Kote - she v"riB Miry Anr 'Rsrr' VI. B^rn niilu ii . : ( or y . Aevtfflia^er Itf^O : died 12 Hay ifio«f -. IQ p> 221. Purdy 0«i»«tery, ..*i.. . - .>.ityviii«;, BuUylon, Oounty or Surroix, Mw Yorx. 92. Berry K^unllton ^ : fcorn i4 April lfJ5v. .: dlea 15 A1J^i«?t lo4b 93. B«rry Jorji : ai monthfl, ami li^ days : Jnote - tO; wafl Aim PURDY, a duugftter of p»«th and PJiebe PUhiJY Covert tin 4 : dXeu ai Jiinuar^' l*<>*« - ">'i« ^5*" aged 101 yeare, ?aaa borii Ml^.a eth ^CUl>i5% "?7. JervlR Arji £llzalj«th ary 1907 tiovn 11 JWiO lo2l : dirt'i ii 9iS. J^rrlB Bcudder n : born 4 septewUer le;23 : dlea 31 j^arch 1907 : son© - he was ncudder Oiirii Ji^rrls 99. *fery : wife of rtcudder C J^rrle : r^om 11 mjBch 1«25 : died 2y S&h&'.iuqt 1697 : Note - «hi^ was J>/!ary PliJjQY, a aaugiriter of Joahwa aiia Robecoa WRDY 100. J^rvlB Scuddor : a son of JoenuH p :tnd itary J JjirvJf: : born 20 septembei li/63 : died b Saitftiiibar lo4i7 : stone cailB him • Jr. • ! etcr^i see Puxdy IO5 ''^^M Smith : born 17 Marcj ^i-. . . - ag-id 6?. years, 9 wonths, bna 20 aay» ujUary icjft^ Xiil. _, tllage of ATJltyyllla, Town ot jjiiUyion, "lourtty of Buff oik, Sew Yorx. i02. Kote>^; jaizaleth : wlfo of amlti. Ketcr^. : torn 1 au- 10^. Po'voll ; Infant son or Irv: LouI'bu J Powoxi : vo» alart ii? oolotoer liid^- : J^ote - torn Lo\ilBa Jftnthe PUKDY Purrty 8e^> Berry 94 • J.s;rTlB 9V Powell 103 lO't-, P\iruy Beth : alec ;?o 3)eceiM)«r l^i*^! : ngoa dV ye < , moii^y* , » ' 17 days ; Mote - he was a son i i Jo^ * Parity Purdy ios, Ptv-' _! J. '71 fe of f*f>*>^ P»ir(ty : iwrn w^oiit 17^n : uI'HL "teforra i -•' : - i)urlea h«?r?t, rut th--^ Yiap V. (iviU^t ■'^->- '^' -/'■ 106, Piirdy Jesse : bom 9 yetoruarj' ns'^^ : dlea 17 Pt? 1901 : i "^ " ^ wfi8 a son of Joshua and h.,v,.v.. Purdy : ^ crlpt P^irdy ganealosy ty wu- llur, A. 107, i&irla : v»iita or Jessft Purdy : tooni 11 Jun died 14 Av.Hlupt 190'? : J'otp - zne wur, bon OOV.^T inc. Kills L : died lo October IddU- : .■■ yeurc, one'^month, ana 21 dtiya : Hota - he • son of Jespie and J&irla Purdy 109. W' ry All CO : a daug3T.^«''T- of Jense and Marl rom 25 AwstiBt 16' 70 ; -- ■ j^ne lii9^ Purdy no, Purdy Lottie V : wlf^^ or AlT)ert Puray ;u"»d a duur^toT of Jonathan ana Ruth J^rvln ;l>orn 6 lobmary li>63 : died 22 April liSV;5 111, P»irdy Joshui he wan died 16 Afe.rch i son of S'Jth ixnv # 221. Puray Oem^tery, Village of Amltyrllle, Towri or Babylon, Oowity of Suffolk, J»ew York. 112, Purdy ReTvcccH : wife of Joehuu Pi^ray : rtlea It* teiiru- ary 1^52 : ageu 49 yearu, unci one oay : i»ota - ohe raa bom Reto«cc-a gjatM, a daugjiter of Gil- bert ruid HuiiruU^i ftalth ii.*;, JoflhUH » _ _ _ ^ : H son of Jocihuu ruia n Piirdy : a lea 4 February 1852 : ugoa lo nontht, and 14 days : lioto - hlr full ; Jonmia anlth PUR35Y Bii.ith 863 Auetln 65 ; Purely 112 Wiltraaii fle«3 Purdy 105 The oldest stonu Ifl 105. The l;a.t«»t etone Is /^ 107. ^x + y + X4-x + x + > # 222. Chlohestor Ceii«tery, OmX $trfjwt, vJxiage or Aiuity- vllle, Town of Bitiylon, Cowity of SnrfolK, Lont, I»land, New Yorx : 163ty - id^o : only 4 etonaa standing '«/h;?n coy led Thurf^iay o l-^'.y 1^13 : nany 114. oyilci^.OBter i;uni2i : (ilea 13 J:xn\u,:c:^ lo^y : agea tfd years « ir.onthn, i>y\a .3 fiayn 11"5. "Blrtna^i": vrlfe of 2^uil'i»l Ohlchestar t '* -• '.6 AU^Pt 1S56 : aged <52 yocirp 116. f^nlchenter llr..th£inlel : died 30 Mrvroh 1375 : aged 42 year?? 117. milnrtu : wifi- of jfrithanlel Chlchef?t«r : died 20 ]• roh id62 : c; '.en -.7 years : HOte - she iTHB bom ^tillndH ptnTT T + T-«-X-»-X"»-X-4-r + T-»-X-»-X> >x TT*^ oldest stone la ^' *)fj. '^lr^-^ >tirl;i '^ood 15 A\i£Unt lo'vi Tr.** I'-tftflt atone In ^ 74. Adelia y Pnyne Itiy 16S^ 26.wtlll(if oorert Blblo : I7i?3 - IVll : or flvffoli. county, Loi.:' iBiuna, New Yor> : in loeBOSolon Jiinn 190V of Mr. Jo)j\ Josnua Puray,AiultyTllle,Towiri or B«il>ylon,HHw Yorx. wiiiiari ooTert I t/or/i 1 January 1753 : •Jl;ie*(Jane) etlmas born 1 Petoru- Hr>' 1764 : dlea 13 May 1eth l>orn 17 Movomior 1700: marrlivi 1? jiuy idio Jonhua 1V>wflll : h(i 4 c>!Hrtr«»i Tr»nrn In Arcltyrliie "-. ■ " ■ ^ " .'. '■ tobei l«li^ _ „ _ ^ -. - :. ^r ltJii2 4,jJ.) jttL_t(>ru ido ieuruury lc$25 3.Jantt iDo: ^«r 1790 rcarrlea o Ootober lt5ll Jawea Poirell 4.M».ry (nr Poii; j w>rn 11 July 1795 : marrleu 13 Petoruary l6lo Joh}\ Wfiittjr 3,Jo>ji l(om 1 July l/9ii : dlod 6 DocOBbflr 1o*j1 : marrlea 14 Peb- niury laao Lorottu liPrpaRTS ijorn 21 3)ecaiDtoer 1799 : dlea 24 February loV:' 6.3aruii AnJi born Ufj F-Jbr»iary l<:rv • r ie24 al- bert iMryca JohaiUieR Covert (fatnar of Wllllan)aled 14 February l795:no ago Mb wlf? " Jeiu. * died 12 myointjur Itil'j : no :.?;:- clren Moflet' Covert : died 24 ViltoYi IJSf : no acjo Kl'v^^ii John covert -jmI Lovatta ( Lefferti: ; Jma 3 chllai.;j. iw*;. *^i Aj^;UyyUle I.Jane bom 30 December lo^tci : dl3d 21 Tebruar: 1'■: u; m;«m' Xo+y 2.7)enjanln yobxiiary ( faded } 2..T;.il.>ay;eth born 7 * : died 2'/ January ld7l : - rrleu 15 April HS57 U-Ubert a AU»3tln bom V: died y-0 Jui. lo«:V : a non or 3)Hr,iv»i Austin aa. ( 3MIT:: ) : Uyvuitf i.K«l.e;ar r»li uary 1»59 2.Lorott;. Ai . ^ - 3. lino thy ^ rn 31 OotoHt^f j^^jd i.Johri Cove. _ boni 10 Airl. id'?'^ ." ilah* bom 11 Ju(m; uji : died 14 ^»i^ : iv^u 19 reoorabe( i.:.,3 Jnij.;' Purdj u:. : dt-Jd 17 lac^/Tbor I9ii : u b,-. . , . ..,, and RebeL.n:;i ( SJ^lXJi ) : ceii t;>' .n.rdy BlDle roixowirig for tholr 7 chlldrtJA J-i. 27. Seth P»aray Bll>le : 1752 - loon : 0^ rnrfTniv coi;..iy, Long Iftlana, V*ir YorK : In . ;: Piatt Purdy, Ai.ityvlxia Vli.i (forwrtr" ' ' ' * ' of 8UJ t-!.Ken Horr; nirny ixirji :' tOLri*ui-v " rri'.u; _ 17«1 • : no r,;H4.e or 10 chliarnr! ).orr. ■ r^^Uli; - l.Kt?7.1'-v>i XiOTix An_xirt n<>3 ^,,T'>P1•^^ born <* f(*r>r>,-rv 17ii«y 3 , • ,>-,.-. ^ ^i--^- - > ^ " 6.Jo8toUH toorn i jiu.rcr. i7v<- "SHt^. > o*oioc,«, tu lii • : ( turn over the t'i^e here ) 7. HoTemtjer 1793 ■ n i ■ ^ . : date iti>t only their V. , ■•—-. — -. — ""j. ^'''•^'* Jf^**^ " i'^'^ i»H lO.aetH Jjorn 17 30} tewDer iiiOO « Wau. Punly i:50TE8, yra/icls (1) Purdy j..arrle. (2) Piir-'i (3) ?^ir ^_ Olorlnan fltno^i "oou. VA>ntoj4 ^■eth (5) Piiray : .U^u .iy I5ec«iit>9r 1* : 01: tyi'^ f'ir-"i atnut one rtille nor' ceodfv- ' " '•■ ■■•'•■■'* York : after In th« lowii c :.j.*,i40w . anfl,8uffol)c YorX,v,ht l;orn : his wIj.!. { . . .- . ^ Yorv: (lute : sii 10 c?iiiaren - l.Tezlnn : . „ „ _ _ ^>Ut-?rt Piatt: ha aoViid i-iu ru.':li^ to lr<(\\:^r>\ : f-u>y :-.;.. I 5 cl..UJirua, l.JoFitr. PL^Tl i.. Peter Pl^tt . . . ^-^- •I . ^id ITtiii - irri 3i Jfc^y lorii li;23: diec loiil 4, Mary iunioe TTori. _ _^ l«i<:vi : dlou ^ loj"+ : v:o.v - rlea _ _**• ;)elevan ^./UHU.aa Dorn ._II •-^^' ' ' ' ' ■ Uhji. aralth 4..Aniia (li.?a 24 Julv i. .i.2 dfive: married ut rti. a«ort;a'r> - , 'ts^.e of auiitiiiu- ton) 16 June IcO:^ Jo>.i. )k5ii^ ;,uii. Ulea 24 Leoarr.fcer ii>«f4 H»^^a 59 vt^arH,6 iuOiit/is,27 Uiii/H : hau ci chllaren l.v ' i ^5 iiuy IcilO : vUrtU 6 J\a; ItiTl ^., iii 2o JajfiUii-ry 1612: dloa 2 Jiaio ldti7 3,._ ., __^ ^: ju^rrii^a *sr. _ ^ _ "^ Siiii&wiiTIfvu iu .itoTrlsiowi, ;*aw Jersey f.t^roliiie ^£^7 :hou of la^utc ^iWicy of /U(iltyville,.t.^. : r.-ii on*» oMlrt - l.?Jikrietta JUjJtJX ^**-^ 7 Q'^i ' r ;- rled 2 5 Ootouar lti44 ;.. At-rll loiy: uleu 12 Oc\...- *w,.. ,) ?uruy:Jo8,jV"('?):Jc)8hun('*>:i^uU0i(3):JoL n- olh(l) ?\..ru.y : 47inif;:it,(<>)i^uia,y a^irrieu ■ ».olo iel(:*):Jube( /.(2> :Frbjici!;(i.>.^uiay Henry :a uziu «iu,rietti I'uru.y j.ua S chilnr»- '"^' \- Ity- vlild, Wew YorK 2. Sarah saiZHbetn Pli^l »»rn *+ J*^^^ 1^47: .siaol- i>i 1^12 3.Ji-uRdB r.diir^ j^"ij»PX ^'^*>' '*^ S«ij>t«ii June 15/03 : j-i vxrltu huttlu A ^Vnn KoBtrtma ooxn 7 Airll Io-kj :""uTea *ii^ Aa-iU 1<»V6 35. 27. «ew» PurOy Bible 17^-Io00 of Suffoix County, Town of Babylon* Long Xiland»New Yorx, ioth Purdy ju, : " ' ' * '^ ' ^^ a&n '«aa 16 Xareh : lo Jiov«itbor ^ ) iittb«ooa siUv < : aiea lb Yabruary 1^92 :ai£ida ^^^ y«arft, ta^u on^i uij^^ 7. Charity bom : ttl«(l _ ^ i carried Davlrt KAtotwn ii.Miainda born 1795 : died 20 March ltJ62 agea 67 years : married ^ Bathanlel Ohlotoo8t«r bom ^ 1793 : died 30 Wroh 1673 : aged In hie d2 nd, ye^ir : u v Daniel and Dlan • PSQIAM ^i^ 12 June liS79 aged 19 - 6. John Horn 11 December lt(37: alive at Arait rri "' Caroline Saxton, daughter of i;.^ had one child - Oeorge bom _ 1. AUflttfit idbV : aged 9 son the 7.>rHthaniel a bom 1642 : roh K.62 aged 19 years, 10 oonthe, 17 dayt. d.Ruth bom died it> Ausust l4>47 : and 5 months - 27. Beth PiAr«iy Bible I7i)2-lM^ j. ru.a hua one son acuaaer Oaril lAiiVlH^ jr., torn iiO Sej ler.ber lot;3 : dleii 6 sejteni^er 1««7 ite.Jepfit) bom V Fabru ry li j20VsaT_: viae r'^^t;© 3?- : t^^ey ^i^u 7 children l.Pranlclln ar.itii : bom o ASiroh l<557 : miirriea 23 jurie I066 filla ROfifl^ >i. Albert OJirll : born 10 October liJ^o : luarrluu first 10 June lwi>5 iuottle V J^A^lIl : <* aawfijiter of Jonatliun ana Rut)» iAiiYJLfl. putrrlau second 1^ April ToV'^ uusan SoUiDDiR 3. Kills L : born iv Au^iUst lobi r^aj .u 10 October li>d4 : afc;«d 23 years, one aonth, una .ii aaye 4.Wfajren : corn lii63 : isurrlea flret _ _ Mlimle i^S}^^^- 8^e died 5 8ept«uber 16"90 : ageu iiT years, o r.ontns, ami I3 days : he Kiarrlea second Ai/by L Mii^ "" "^ he narrleu t/.lni Vloietta Pjr£T?i'iV£ 3.Jo^in Joshua : born 23 August lubo : iuairiea ly junua.ry lyoa iJoriira Mybere m^mj^ -^ awea© : ; n : he has the Covert Bible and res Idee on r, b.Jfary Alice*: bom 2^ August 1*^70 : aiea ^ jv^ 7.JevRr«tta : born 1^73 : ,^arrled jonn Oar(U/ier "" 3. Joshua Smith : born ^o t--r-- , : ,aed 4 Fecruury \ Jaj.i : uilv^j lyi;i .t A/iUyvilit- : ruarrled fc'uroh lool __; j^Sk^ uotm io 8e^;tei bta xc^'^?- • a daughter of Jeffry s.iii.% ana Junthe ( SA^as j: thev have 3 Children - j- ■«-■». - 1. Louisa • Janthe • : born 6 Deca-^itor I6i>;i : a^jirrlea t. woverftbur look irvlnii iT POWgLli : ana haa PiiW^iLi J. an infajit son : u>rn 2o October l«6'4 : aii»a ^l Octoier lc;d4 i^.'iary aua : born lo Au^j^ist le^-ii : married 20 liovei.uvr i6o9 sawuei .33ij,ig| 3.Georfso 8 : bom 7 ifarch lc.72 : married wi ber 1895 Mary a tqttk- See manuscript Purdy Oenealogy by"wiiiiaj a." -also raajMiscrlft Carll and a.ilth Oenealo&les k!2, Ohlohaster Oeicatery, Vliiri.,-« of ^:)^n Of Btib^lon, SUfl , I; roijLowlxxti Btonee jx -*i.y i/i^ iw^o 116*. Chiolieeter Elijah : aiea 16 Au^st I665 : ageu 6^ yearn • a. A. R. • ll"^, Jaizu-buwi : wiraijfih Ohlchoeter r aisi 2o it*y lt>90 : agea 73 yearo, V rnouthe, ain) 10 days llei and 119 tir« In a ilot 120, Mary 121. Porter ru> other luaae : no ' 122. Terry Atolgall : wi., a April ld6l : atieu (o yuttrtii cum o wonthe 123. Terry Ib^lon : died I3 8ei)t»i3ber l6t>o : ageu 20 124, Terry Johji : (Hau 4 Airil i-/:? : ii:.ea 73 monthe, anri 4 day 8 bote -- T^te records of the Onlchester Faially are l>eln££ collected Dy Wliiiai«i A, fiairdeley, In order to puDllsh a oo<;.]iate Genealogy of Dils family 3c. ■/2'^. viilii^tj ol' j^altyvlii^u, Xowji oi' BuLylon, County . : :).:riolx, Li)iii, Ifiiar.a, We'/v- Yor>- : Oen«tery i;, jv^vview Avonuo, north 0% tawl nu^r Main . :-.i.r..i?t : ^ >:to/i.t>e : l64o - IcidO : n«tiilectoa : ' ;>^i.oj.>..i o.in.iitlon : TtJlice i,roi:tjn aovra : covoroa wlx:. v.v-juK, .uhi bUBliee, anu treoe : very dei.sts : C07 l«(i ftiturduy 51 "fty 1913 l»y Willi w. A.isardoloy, Post onioe Box 91, Brooicl:;«, Xew Yorx : ueftlBitid by Jft". Fra/ix i. Run of New York 125. Berry Andrei' : alea 30 Moveieber is : r«3flt of the Btone lileij;lble 126. Raruh June : aleU 3 April lom : pinrrlert Mlee t float t . .Inaac : bom ~ : Knurled irinn cjomiln ^.Ajrm : bom ~ ~ : marrloa ^ Kr. Uc^l : they hav« a son Mwnra ^ff^^^L^i residing In Babylon, i^.Y. • ■«•.•»-.•»-- 4-- concluded from r»*C '^O* ,^ aio. Vlllat;e of AmUyvllle, Sown of Babylon, ^ Buffolk, Long Island, Hew York : OakwoOi ion cemetery : i«ay 1913 ty VlUlam A. fiardeley, Poet Office Box 91» Brooklyn, New York : assisted toy Mr. Frank S. Rapi of yew York. 129. Austin 130. Austin 131. 132. Austin 133. 134. 135. A..r;^;.. born 20 ifety 1831 : ciliM 30 J-an^ Rnr-i?: A : ^.ire ox jj^q] r.en aw?^ 16 May l*>6fl; : died 8 October 1903 TJieodorft : died 6 fff»r w=>ri : aged 37 yean Nancy : wife of TTioodo ; Add Z2 JUJk.? IGiSO : aged 55 years in, V.-.. lore : died 21 ^u.. -^> : : died 14 MiTember 1^44 .-ui'l u days miiiixiti Penn : died 27 August ld33 : r 135 ar*j ti AUfltin , .* 3 yfjars, assert 3 nont) and Anderson l(i0 2lD. Vlliiitsft Of Aoltyvllie, Town oi Bivr-ylou, iJoWity of SuffolK, hni^ Ibiuxui, J.ew loix : Cajrietery oaliea oti^.woott Cori'OJ''^tlou. ijio. Aiititi;. *. ' in, : born lo »«ceiat«r loi-iS : -^ 7 J^ly lrn 7 tJarol^i l67is : aieu 17 June^io^ 13V. AUBtln JohJi w : aieii 31 Jj«comljer*lo'oO : ag^ ^ Banta see Hlllyer 264 ■a, iilb* Vlllafte of AibltyTSiX«, Toyju or BiAl>yior, Ooujsty of Burrolk, Long iBlatul, Xew York : «: Oiikwooa Corporation. 149. »&rtholo»ew Saautfl : ulod 26 May 1910 : anea 73 y«ar» : Oorqaivy 0, :;^03 ru. Rtt&lPi«nt, PonnsylTanla Infantry : Volunteers 150. Buroh Joeei»h : born ,. : _ « 1*>«7 J «" I or© dates hdia 151. DaTld X : born 1691 : ai«a _ ^ I69t> : no laore d^vtes here 152. aarah ifi ^ : ixirn _ «. ^ liiVM- : aleu _ ^ _ _, l69d : no riore dates here 150 per 152 are the children of JJairld and Ada ie»!irch 153. »lroh wiiiiuru JiiHot : oorn 17 January l«>27 :dl«a iiy Noveraber l«iVii ]*ay : torn 'y JULy i^r -. t nimi no Ootober 153 and 154 are on t Bailey see Oazioan 196 i'j'5. Boenm 156. 157. Battau 15fi. Bad&lay 15V. Bums 1^0. 161. BurK sSfcieon : i^rn 7 UQy«uuQi X6^^ : di' » :^i0dbe * Ruth : iDorn zz June lo, 14 April 19CW5 £dwurd : no aat«^ . " ^ : iio a- VYineui : no dates hore Miir> J : uy Alfred : no dates he. these ttvo are on ti.t^ f2. ?16. Village of Aiultyrlllo, town of Butylon, Oouiity of surfolk, Loii^ Islaiui, Uem YorK : Oanstary ouXlea Oajtwooa Cor}ioratlon. Belmont net; Brow/i 1^2 lo?.. Beyer 163. BrlggB 164. 165. Blroh 166. 167. 16or l-aya Li^ovi 43 yuii-rp 169. Aim : aifHk Zb June IVI2 : aged ^9 yoare Tnoiaus : diea Z3 July id 59 : a^eu 70 yearB ibxiH : died 23 fiOYombar 1^79 : agod In her ao tn. year Kltert : diod 7 J&roh 1S46 : aged In hln 2tf th. year LydlH : died 29 9ej^teifil)rtr 1<576 : ai^eci in n«r 47 ty.. year Mary : died 7 wovejnber loo** : agod in h^r 59 th. year 166 rer 16<5 are the children of Thonua B,na Ifcirla Blrcn Roljert lOR'Pl^ J. dlod.2o August id^l : ^ 2 years, raui 3 iiontha loM- 1 er loV are fvli 1»; tho eji^-iC 1 lot 170. Brush Israel : dle«re /.X6, Village or AwltyrlUe, Town of Bubylon, Oounty or flurrolk. Long Itlaiid, HOT YorK : Oenatery otillad Ouxwood Oori'oratlon* 175. Brown wililaffi H : born _ _ „ ld3*4^ : aiea iyo7 : '- -r- ■'■"- : ♦ ■' - -■''— : 170, Aaron : tH ' 177. ^lz^*fc«t): :i_ „ ^ _ J. : ii5 Jime 1^1 c : iiti*su '-^ >t*ur8 I7u, (»s*.ri<38 '*llllaja HCE^s'^: ul-a _ _ »et>ruar^ no a(2e (^Iren : • i?ap'k • 179. BarDara : wire of Btholbert ll^xoqp^: aled no date here : •Ae.ea zo years l<50, Marion HilLJ teab.ir lii93 : iio i^/S« given : wire of J Wtirren A>©SJ8^Il^--. liil, Collin lli'O m : torn i«4i : died IVII : no liore uates nere lf^7« Conlon Crals^e AOne2 : no dates ^lere een FoBter 23V 166 » Gaman oornellvs : torn 7 Decei uer laz^ : died ll Jfciy 1705 : • Father • 169. ifartiiH : wife of Cr-- '■ Cunwin : horn 14 SepteRilaer ItiJS : u rch IdV* :"ifiother" these t?vo are on ' w. :;il6. Village of Amltyvlllo, Town of Batyion, Oourkty of 8uf folic, Lon^ Inltixid, Now YorK : Oe^aotory (»ai«a o<*kwooa Corporation, C>ilc)if>8tei' 8tfO KutchHr, i9o L91. Oarroan no a'iV«jH iioro IhOiK<»,t> J? : VilCnl an- JiOVOf'iiyOi loov. aiR;ca 50 year«7 T wontltie, aiid 3 oaye 19*1. Caman Blanche : born l^'-T 1-74 : ;. JerUBh;* : ■*>*,.:. ..* «,.,..- .,.-i.ian : aieti 12 January II (^ ; agea ti years, tuna 7 aontr.e Oarrle m _^_^ : ai;;cl i;7 Octotit*r 190;.i : iiti^u 3!> years : wli'e or w iii^miv* OoyneiiuB H ^ r^'*;!!^ j. uioa 16 jur^e lo9:e^ : uj^^-a ijl years, $ iwmtha, and 15 dayt-; : • huetand of *Wry A _ ^ POW&ll Mary Stta : a (lausht'■^ 1«7V : ' "'-■ 31 y«jar8 193 I'«r 203 are all In t>je Scuce j lot r iiib. Vliiuiio of , , of Suffolk, Lo }d '^OH; Otilchetter Charlee : Dorn o Jiily IdH'^ : clea lo ifoirw r 1902 : • 0. A. H. • 205. CM cheaper 01 Ivor : V/om 27 NoYomiwr lo'7 iin6. OMchetter Fletoher : torn l>>3^ * : u* n. ^ 1911 : no pior*i clatef^ here 209. wiiiiani i; ; torn xe^3 : al«*fttry 212. CM'ttwaen Kobert J : 5 October l7o9 ~ 213. Carlton OjarlRP : no luj.> \lilluc« ot Aif>Jtyvij.i . — jioji. Comity of surroix, Louk: Isliuia, : CH.etery called oakvtooa ion. 21o. DiiVlB a ^ Q ^: no QtTOan '^hj 217. Daisy no other mam : In a plot 21<>. Doud Joeejih H _^ : aina 4- 3)«oePit)er ld97 : aeea 75 yoare 21V. Clbble Jem;ett : wife of mrelvaii iJliitle : aiod I5 J-rjk- UEry lo^^V : Hgaa 3ii years ^fO, Do Ld Ree Jairiea ^ : nina 3^ .. i»u .^ . 4. > . . : ut^tia 75 venre ?2l, Catroiine 1 ^: wife of J"a,T;«f; w ^ ^ X>e Le wee : died 27 J^Jiy lt94 : • • ira theee two ar<^ on tJ.e fiuii?« piaa 01 222. JapieB w ^ : a eon of JC ^ ie De Ltj Kee : died 27 AUj^UBt loiSc : -the this^ iB c; the lt)ft silo of 223. MrR. M A i ,: l)om 17 9ei teialDer liS23 : fll^rf ?« thlc is 0)1 tyie front of ^ : t.;^ otyiQr Bid© of thlB r^niir 220 rer 223 •"'•*•■ -.ii. or • ......;.;t 2? 4. ,Pow Jar.ef* : no dutiM? heiii 225. L^aHna Jonn : r*o d-iten hil«r of joaerh L M Hnd Hnrrlct I Draxe 22«. ooeeart Arsellh : loon* _ ^ «. l«-^o : died lc9l : no raoro datefl here "" *^7. 21o. VlXXu«0 Of ilPiltyYili*, T*' j-yKm, . SuTfolk, Utas, iBlana, i^uw YorK : o«it;ot<*ry oujasu Oiiicwooa Oorr.orHtlon. 22V. 2>Uglir(l L : born _ _ _ itfiv : 190»f : nn more dates n«re 23C>» BafillB) ■ JU8, 'A iio oatM hort) 231. ft-'lly no other nw«e : no i* t*fl ^«rft 232. Hurry : no 233. Mana no other j. these thre:, „. „, other Muaee on the^ tf;)"*. ' 235. fowler ii36. fix 237. T-, ,. 23«. foster 239. ry : no dates n%r9 hovf^ixa : no (iates here ■ V. , « . ,,0 feDruary iVOf : lK>rn 20 £>ecet^ l>er liS3(> anot^ier stone has ' Orai;i>e •> foster • pa It and no »ore : no dates ) ere these two are In h riot 2»V0. 2>fl, ?leet Good Qosllne Oeorge Wesley : \>0Tn in loTSttber 1901 : • A. ?. ?t»8 on I'Ufie iv In a ilot : no jiore haro : one grare 1 « J n« aatas here ; tMe 0tttn« 18 iwbct To b" DaTli 2i6 241*. QrsiiiMei Fat© v : boni 1*^65 : dl«t^ -n 1904 : no rftore oatas here : wife of Charlee 24^, l^nBfleld : her twin no more here 246. oerraain : ijables no oatee 247. Haff William W : died 24 March l«ci6 : Hg«a 7b yeare, 3 montha, and Z2 daye 24orn l'il5 : died l^'}^ : no more dates here 263. DeDorOi : toom _, Kilo : died i^Vo : no more dates here these two are on a nonunent 264. Hlllyer Mary £ : torn 1 «ay 1«43 : dlea 25 February IVOtf : wife of Henry B bajsxa tills Is a aonuaent In a plot 265. HendrioJcson Slizal;eth : wlie of Asa iteudrlokson : bom 21 February l*J»^^ : 'il»'a i^^ j.r.u.r^' ivoh- 2b6. %ff Marietta iJpJiiQSLi ^ wif .i or Aivah v bom 2er Il : dl«»:? :""iio iJiore dates Here 2fi5. johnjBon Susan : dlea 19 August iiJ93 ; afced 5'^ yeiire 2 dates nere 267. Ketonaai Stephen : t>om 11 August 1^3^ : '^ ber i<;"?9 : • father * Ziii'i, Jennie A ^^ : l»orn 10 April Itft*'. : 23 January rt>93 these two are on a oonunent 2^59. Kortright Henry : alea 19 Ajiril 1650 : agou 2v 3 fionths : a raojaanent : • o, A. H. • ti. ^» , ov two more grares here, ^ut no stones 290. Kennedy ite-ry A : torn ldd<- : 169 <^- : no more dates here Kieman see ma^*r ^35 l7ii. * 216. Village of APiltyrllle, Town of Butjylon, County or auffolk, Long iRlana, »cm TorJc : Cwfietery calloa Ouicwooa Corporation, 2 VI, ICetcham 292. 293. 29»l. X>orr, 30 AugUFt l^^i (tied 14 Junuury : aiea 2^ Bep « Buelo 1909 Mairle : torn 16 Valirttftry ltf63 tonter 1900 tti«ee tvm are the enrne eicte or this moniaient James : i>orn 13 Mar en ltf20 : aled 23 January 1694 suHun A : torn 25 January I82f> : aif^a 10 July 1901 theeiS two are on another eldo of t>it monument 293. K*'* -;" "irl.i : 'li-.^i y ,^j,j 1^73 : ^i^a 77 years, ana 29b. , :,i7 : Nvife or Wesley CHlOHBBtBR : torn 1-. Ruth IsjaRXJL died 13 July 1^94 : agou ^i years 299. Freddie SiSfQL a. ^orn ii9 Jujie lcJo9 : dltM ^, AUigUSt Ii5*.^ 1392 : no iioore datej? horu "* ai. 301. Ketohan Miles ; dlod 19 Ifeiroh 1909 : aj^eu 90 y<*ur8, and 6 uionths 302. Sfitrlna : wife of Miles K3KWHAJ« : died 5 Sep - temter l69<> : aged 79 years, 10 montJis, ajid d days 303. toyew 304. Ko^ Leon : no dates hero Daniel : ijom • Father • : nF - I095 *>^. 210. Vliiuii*? ^ :^vlllo, If auffolX, Loji6 i«ltilMl, Me' _,vJ : wife ; . : Lcz^ : dfa lovo : " mother • : ^Oi ana 305 are (i, • : no datee here Percy £ : toom iy04 1905 : '« ^ '^*'» diit©« hero RomcHent 30ti. 309. :v>le8 : dlea 20 July i ' »^p, aiid 14 days : died lei March ns^x one, ajid o cl.yr- tu-iiin two are )vl a3 y«;: 310, Xetohaio 31i. Axusei : joD oatee here Mariette JEik&lli X ^^^^ ^^ Ansel Ketchrua : no dates here 31^. KAtohaift 13. J14. 313. 316. zeliulon : died lo February ld5«> J aged 73 years I arid 4 raonths n-djiniah : dltJd 13 Aus^ist lf;7i : i^ij-^o. yo ; o.ir ^ jovtn • i>orn 12 J\me 1603 : dlau 2o i«iy i;>7v : • « ' orn 19 JVlj' liSoa : vt Rest • J ^ : borr. 1 .^id7 • alwu .~lo9b XhiJtK) J are ail In the ecu. 317. Keto&an 31*5. 319. John : vorn ^ ^ ^ 17^1 • dlou _ ^ ^ I047 : ivo noro ilateR here Haiuuth : Xiom 17VI : dlrt*♦. X16, Village of Aittltyrlllt, Tov ^ion, oou/ity or Buffolk, Lojvi lelund, »ew Yoix : OtJi««tery otaiea Oakwooa ooriorutioru 320, 321. K«to)uua Sarah A : torn loio : aiea ^ ivoo : . • «.'joWier • : no Mor»* viuttjc "" ~ Z — 5 * taty • ; no UatOH hero JlT per 321 are ail on t t 322. Ketchaia 323. Ketohaw Perclrul : toorn 13 Jaiiuary lu» : ul^a 14 January 1901 Rfiyniond : an Irtfant eon of SratXwa ana Kuiuuit- ette nA^tonuR : dieti 9 March lii73 : f^C'^d yearfl, 2 montha, anA 22 dHye 324, Lynon TTtomaB H : toorn 3<> January l«40 raiea ii3 July 1901 325. Grace P : a daughter of Tnojna« H ami Heater A Lynch : died 25 fatoruary 16ii3 : afted 3 yoara, on« month, and 23 daya thesa two are In a rioi 32b. Leonard Ai&ella : wife of Thoaaa a Leoini ru died 2 8ei)teni1)er ldy4 : aged 3^ yearn, 7 months, and 10 days 327. Louden Sarah : wlf i alsa __ lo l no iQor« Catat hare John JE _ ^ „ _ : l>or»i June 1901 "" )3 : uioa !')• Afciry : born Hi63 : aieu _ lo'yo : rio more oatee h«re "" "" • 0om ii>60 : aiea 1902 : no jwro dates here "" JtUM<}8 : jTio iriore u^ t^- Btttj WoodruTf 46i: ana 4<»9 342. ouaerklrk Serlilon : no aat«B her. 216. Vlllafio of AaltyYlile, Tov BuffoUc, Lonz Zslanat He* ^ ^ of ill Tfrmto Plaoe> Sllen : no uore dates h«re Rvth ii : i^orn 24 August Id5j> : aiea 30 Sei)temt)«r 1906 _^ __ ^ ^ ^ ^ : M- laore t^raTas her* : no 9 tones Theee^ are all In a ilot ^itft. Powers ifaxy s : uorn io24 : rtitjo. 1V09 : ITo"more Uat^B here 3»^7. P^itten DtiTia J : loom l*ii5 i <*'^«tf) wore duteR hers 3^. JPiemenger a t* : i>orn x -. — -.«. 1**^JL ! ^ VMT9 aatei) hero 549. Merc© LlitleUm J : u son of Rer. A w ajid » A Piero« : torn 31 Deoemter l " vy 1699 : 7 y>^cirs, and f loouths 354. Margaret : ai. iu;. 190- : 06 years, and i? btOi^UxK these two are on the t 57. Au. village of APiltyvlilw, SurrolK, Loxit; luliijri.d, Bai^yion, Oounly of : Coia«tery oallaa .or.. 8«pt«tfb9r idiil 356. Phete _H4^i]l i. torn 16 Ootol»«r 1614 : ai*u 7 April 1877 331 per 33o are all In the eame plot 3S7. Purdy Homy : a eon of fletn • Purdy ! aiad 7 Morauloer 1<>9V : ii>i^ dayu J4iry ij _^ : wife of .Toaei^h R _ Pf^yna : died 20 J5aro)i l*'' ' : ^ *=" ' •' ■-'^•■'■^ 3 i^iiUiB, aiid 11 days 361, Pcmoll sae OaDifin 197 and 19-J Peterson Peter : died 17 October XV 3^2. Powell nuBo.n : widow of 3^.j.v ..., ...v/«j.a : ua^u 3 8ep- tf«.il»er lu'oo : aged ^ 74 years, ii iaonllui, aiid 26 day a 363. ?all»ter Jtiry : rm a:iti^b i.sn.^ 36"4. Pelser • Ciibs. • : no dat^B horo 36:3. Peter no othor juuio : no datfls here 366. Pleser • w , • : rto dates ber*^ 367. PoRt flte] he;. : ju) dutas hero bu. 210. Village of Aiultyvlile, Tovm or iiutylon, rjoimty of Suffolk, Lout. l8ia)»a, New ^atK : Odinetury cuiluu Oa)^wooa Oori'0ia,tlors, 366, 369, ihVGiyit : Dom 25 fctmary i«60 : aiod ^'j AU^Bt 1903 juilet : r^oni h.> January 1632 : dlea Ha March 1^76 these two are on the same fiitono Rowland Btn« Tr«ial>ly 42b 370. Rhodes Carrie A : wife of Ja/aos M Riioiies : aled ii() Octolii>r lfciV7 : no u^e here • ki Itesl • :^/a.. Hotlnson 37;d. Rosdiie 373. i\avel8 37»^. Roth 375. Rathau 37^. Ra>Tr.ond 3 77. Hobtolns » .vuthllda • : torn _. lc>f^ : ai^^a 1907 : no/ more dates here loulB : died 23 VeiiHAary iyi3 : no a^e here Joiiu : no tiiitofl lifixe Olara : i\a dates here Cnu.rl38 Boerton i dlea 27 ftepteatoer 1907 aged 9 years, 6 r-.orrvc., >,>-,(^ 21 (jays «. « : Infant ava/;if 3; of oeorge a and Anna M Roii^lnB : died 27 doiolet lv;74 : no age glren Rlohellne ?fert:aret : born is?.? : died _ ^ ^ 1V04 no more datas here "* *" 37t. Rush ■*ja, no d .tes here ^>9, io. VlllagA of AJT.iti'r yion. County of fjwffolk, Lonti Ik. (mjatery oalloa :»-w. nuor • A':i . • : »io fluteo h«re 3i>l. Snltrj Aiexaridwr : al«(i 7 May ln^^ : t^e*** «5ii y«arf, months, and 2 days 3.;^'. - - * H ffijgpjl jL wlfd of Al«3(&n4ier t? ^' iirilxar 1910 : ag«d d3 yearn, i> •: . • _ y 363. ■ Jbi. 8. • on tn« SAt« po«t : • A. F. & A, ii, • : iio here : no other name : • I. 0. 0. F. • jwH, Syicaa «ary £ : bom itJ^ki : u, 1903 : no (oore dates here 3«5. Bannlt Oeorge T ^ : bolm 1633 : dl«a _ ^_ 1V0<2 : no rjore d&tas here ^ . 15 : died 29 these tifo are oix ^ 390. Pears&ll wiiiiaa : died i Oc ' • , 4 Months, and lyf~, I* r-i. v;t : no other nsne t>0. r ^16, Village of K SuffolK, Lo or BHDyion, Ooujrity of : Oenetery ouiiaa tion. 393. »axton yoare ; alea r.x ^^i.-uiutoor 1693 • Mother • 39'*. '• O^iarlOB : tvo dHtee here A. ri. SK Inner see Spencer )*ll 395. «nlth 396. 397. 399. 400. JoJin K : dlea 30 May I091 : agoa 7^ yetirs, 9 loonthe, and 27 daye OiiTlssfi : wlfo of John K »mIWi :dlea 7 October 1649 : a^ed 30 years, ana 9 niontrm Catherine : wlfo or John K _ ^ _ ^ Bi/ilthruiaa 30 June X662 : aged ^4 years, and 4 ti4't : jsnr, d i<}onths, and 8 days 390 and 399 are the children of Jofm and Ola- rlsea Smith John VranKlin : died 15 Jfiay li>5^ : u^ea c ■ and to days : an Infant son of Joyr. ana Catji Smith : 395 per 400 are alj. -^ ^me iiot which has no fenee 401. suitor 402. *ilth 403. 404. 405. 4O0. Katie : died » Jiinuziry 190 3 Israel : died 1 July i.^i^i : -..^^i,^ j ^ - jid ^ months Ihebe : wlft) of Israel Smith : axa u;iry 1640 : aged 59 years Jesse H : died 20 June lu44 : aged e>9 years, 5 months, and 14 days Phete : wife of Jeesw Smith : died 13 i61 aged 61 yt^ire, 3 months, and 16 days Jemima : wife of Isa^o £!Dp)I0A*U5— died ?."*■ July 1<>79 : aged 47 years 402 per 40tj are all in t).e s-w.o j lot til. - 216. Vlilaga of , Xown of Stioyion, Ooxuitj of suffolx, Lt-. , htjw Yorx : Ou^^utary 01^x1^.1 Snlth Mo tog on raham 2»f4 407. Smith OJiarlty : died 2 May 1S6^ : Hg«d om 22 starch ltf30 : dlea"6 Jaytuary '^■'•A* Clarence ii SjJIiiiyisi.: Vom ly Jk.^ lUoi : dlea 23 aepteiiber ldt>4 40d per 411 are In the e - -» ^^t 'u,:!. aojer • ituU. • : i^) dates iiaic U3. 8ijoga^ . • *^. • : died 5 i^rll io97 : u 414. • R.9.* ib9u : m fiore her© 4^15. SohroedeT: Albro : no (j^tes here c 4io. aoper Rlohard : ik' dates here 417. fltyles wt^ra : no dates here 416. Smith Roy : no dates here 419. Smith Susie : iio dates here >'i.<>. Viila^a of A-.^Lvvi-XA^ . ..yioii. County of BuffoiX, hor , x%tfn 'iotK I Oflnatery oaixea Oorpomtlon. 420, 421. 422. 423. Tata Tiit« Tate 424. Tate 04.rrl« M _ no dat Theodore : di«d d Jwly XHoo : i^^ea a ii»onthi, ana o (luye Llllla : dldU XV July IdTl : a&na 20 days ■ mile • : died 7 AUijuet 1^59 : aged one year I 2 aonth«, and 7 dr>.y» Will Ian K : died 22 Noreiriber 1673 : aged 49 years, 7 monthe, and 27 duyn : this fltone was face down 425. Tremtoltfiy Carrie a ^^ : died 26 June IV07 ; no ^^k filren : wife of Rufue H J£lJtt.8ii^_:— • yell ABleop • 426. Trenbljt Susie A : died 14 January 1^9: age given here : wife of a R0J3^^ " 427. Terry Bltoert K 16 itajrch I6'y7 i>orn 26 i^rli l50. «;t>>i ui-a ^31. Terry eeo R0tO}»UQ 2V7 i4i4 2V«> uuii 29V Purdy 35K mncy Notes on page 39 433. Velsoi oonielius : ar Infant son of Arthur a»ui . £ VelBor : died 12 September lo: '■ : aged 3 days ^V^. Oraoe Burtls : a dau^ter of Arthur uiui „i. Velsor : died t> July 16^) u : aged 3 years, « obnths, and 13 days those two are In a plot ^35. Vogeiey Thereea : no dates here ^^, Van Soetrand Alonjso : no dates here : or* a monument 437. Annie L : wife of Alonzo Van uostrand : born 23 AU^^ust l<^ol : ulea o June 1905 these two are on the Bair;>' 436. Vlnten Letltla jk ^ : died lii April 1907 : aged 70 yoars : • Mother ■ 439. 440. Van fiostrand Bldney : no datf>r Sralena : no dat ■'-■■• ther ' *ther • ^1.1 . viiLiiftt *• ;.ylon,Coujity o* '.Ion. ♦J., van .\08triu.a n-^ir^s : a »<'Ji oi :»lun*7v tu.a AVujLwjti*, vun Xofltrand : tortx 6 Airll 1666 : dlea X3 439 per 4^1 are fall on a aojiuiaent 442. Vafi Noatrann Weelt^y : a »on of fizra anU Anuuidu Vaii il : aged 17 yearn, one month I and 2 daye 4^3. Van ]fe0» ifevry Je&selln : IfOrn 13 Deoeml/er iti^^l : died 10 itay id 74 444. Joseivh Hamilton : tern 6 XoTamlder 16^^ : died 23 February luoV ti;e«o two are ou a i«ionuiaient 445. Van HoBtrand Sieran : ioru 1 yebniary ie7*> : dleU 20 October 1<3^V 44^. Van Kostran^i villi an H : Xiorti 23 Au^st l^r. : died 17 Fetoruary IVIO 447. ^«ai^er Ketchais : l»orn 11 March ld04 : dlea 20 D*^ cember 13 : no more uatee here ' 432. Hazel : born i<;d9 : died l Oalcwood Ooriioratlon. ^34. W$u\i!»T Aiuia : wife. of Wllilajoi liai\^er : aiea 4 Moem- l>er 1673 : &S0<1 76 y(»ar8, ana 9 nonDis ^33. JamM JSl^MiAK JL ^ni 30 JWie itf^o : died 7 my 1911 449 per 4^5 &re all In the name jlot 456. Wood 457. Hannah J _^_^ : wlfo 01 : bom 12 Arrli 1640 : rtlsd . .vio Otiarlle P «. ». J ^^ "on oj ju«i/\ii^T ;.x?ia Hannah Wbod : dlod 4 AU£?wt I67z : a^ea ii years, ana 4 nonthe these two are on a nonuitient Weely^ see uuney Botes ot. weeka t -:/ fiotes on ;•»;;« j)o 456. Wood : u dauijhter of wmias: » u - V _ ^ _ ^ Wood : teom 3 Deoepilier" leyo : died 10 January 1*J92 459. wiEtsser Mlcfiael : bom I631 : dieu _,_ no Hiore dates >^*»r.^ "" 460, v-:.)j^«r Or>nKlii» : v?orn ij \Uy itsgo : died 20 Decentoer 461. H ^ *. r; : bom 4 /^rU 1623 : tiled '07 : no noro iiateT here 463, ^ : \;>auy ; rin more here wortnan see Blroh 169 wilt see Brown 1£0 and liJl and 1S2 # 216. Village of AultyvUia, Town of Ribylon, Oounly of Buffolk, Lonii iBluiwi, }*evf York : oeii«tery oaii»»d OHkwooU Conoration. iV64, wuimartft J)anlel fl : wrn 2) l^*f2 : ai«a 17 A] rii mo if^5, Mary J : torn 2^ octtuei io*k» : e h uo «tojio 466. Wwr\fter Je»He : l>orn 16 FSKiuaiy lo*:/ : aiea i,y. wc^ tamtoer 1«93 : • father • : "At Rest • 467. ***»y » _ : i>om 2 Fetrunry 1629 : aii 1 Hfciy 1?0^ T • Mother " 46tf. fToodruff ciarn a : oom 26 yeiiniio-v 1..5 - 2o JJ«ii«riJer lciV7 : wii'e of Frank 8 469. ,oian;. L OkliVjUL: bom 7 April lw7l? ai«u 14 July lo95 tne&e two are In a plot Wai\a.er see Haff 24<$ 470. viiiitiarth SoiBvaid : aled 6 Octobvii x^^w •-;,.*'»* /« »^7l. 472. »f73. 474. »^75. 11 montyjg, anci a Unye J&iry : wlf«} oi' ]wl«una wiiiinarth : cilert 2t Ajrll 1664 : a£^«a 43 yanre, 6 montlM, 9 auys theHe two are on a monw>«)nt Charlotte : vdfe of fitUaund Wllimarth : (llt>a iV iw-roh I'fOO : agea 77 yearn, 3 month*, a-rul 13 liays : • ABleej^ In Jeuvn • CiK*rl«j«j jiLLand : died 22 Kfiroh 167;? : at?ea 17 years, 3 worjthJi, ajid 24 rtayg : a »on of i' _ _ _ a jind *i i; viiijr^rtn wiiHaj« Forrest : a son of w 3 and I H wii.\'^ rf. : ai^a 1 Oo- tc^ber loVl : aged 6 yearfi, ,^0 days R D : Jio 470 ler 475 are all In the t..wur 1622 ralmi jrun9?-: Kannal'i P _ « ^ « : a daixghter of CluAt*.,. Hannfih Wood : horn 29 Juno 1^55: died 2C Ocio- her icy) Oharlee J : \tom 31 Ja»iuary Ki^z: dleu 25 .''^brch 1906 Harriot K : ton. 5 Octotier I656 : died 30 JSoveraUer 1905 : " Wife • Ann lowps. i.l»om 17 October Irfltf : aled 20 July 1V04- : • tbothei ■ : 4^5 i^er 490 .ire in u plot with a SDonucient Hunacle : no dates here Wiiiougyity i :(M.D,):hom 1. Itf69 : no death date ra^ed 26:iiot c LoulB : loiiL I05; niore dates here"" died icjj KO The Oldest stone Is ^ 403 The latest stone is i* 372 6.;, 0«Ten 0«ii«t«rlo8, A.'attyrlUe.To. Znd«x of Fertons i>ui*j 1 WTdle . >^ AttBtln : -Oatd 5t 6 Dal«y 46 mily 47 Sm««t 6,12 Ethel 22, 24 Olfulye 7tl2,i7 Oracle 7,13,14 Harry 47 Kejvn«tri 7 Louisa ^35* Mana ¥7 Mary 37 Pdtor 57 A P 21,22 fc_^_a 59 8 21,22 R 8 61 OonXim 39 I "" fleet 39 _ ^ anlth 3e Itta 3^^ Sarah 3^ fJarah June 3« Tljootny 38 Walter 28 WllllaiR H Bayer : Heman 42 Birch : ^ see Buroh IlY)ert m. SlKlra 8 QUlserJ S Marifi 42 utry 41.42 Thoinae 42 William 2111ot 41 Blake : 1? Clarissa 4 Wllllan 4 William w Boerun : P^^ebe Ruth 41 SlBflcn 41 Bourdette : Bdward w Braun : ifery E 4 wiillaa 4 Brown : 39,42,4^, 51»62,65 Aaron 43 Barbara 43 Charity Wilson 34 KLlzafeeth 43 Mfiry 34 Brown : osoar » 4 SaAiiel 34 Wllllaffl fi Brush : 5f40 Aixolt^a 5 . 29 Clarissa 5 3diK&rd 3f^X £llzuk>eth 42 Oeor&e w ^11 Israel 42 ;ia-;v-vtret Aim j^ ^o ve 53 .1 -3,21 21 M i>,2l 28 Bullara : iii.ju:ier 42 Burch : 4ii 6«)0 Blroh Ada 41 JJavia I ,41 Tranlc H 43 Joseph ^i Royal 43 Barah i; 41 Burx : Alfreio ! tl . ia. -1^ fl P M4 CHt<- : '3,6'" ;UCjJ.v,. ,4 Oharidler :M >f_^_o Oomou J — - ^ OheRflv : Mattit ^^5 J&^rl«ttK''4V Ohlcii««ter : 43,H4 OoT«rt : 2' Caaetery 3l»37 ?i^l« T^ O«ii«alogy 37 2iJ,32 Abel 35 Agnfi« L ^5 .Tlr« Antalla 21 Cbarles 4^ Daniel 3,31, 3i? X)«iiir»g^ B - i^i Siaiu^ 3^ 2>laAah 31 B U 45 ,^-H zex 45 -etJi 37 »J)*iy>*it 37 --^^-f; /Wlif. J- Sraaa ;? viflUt'aw 32 fletcher 45 tJrat>to9 : 'O,*^- ii«Ary 21 Crate : ' r 6 imng B . 2i »al«y : 40 Ifgainda 31»35 Jfary 3t37»b2 BaUMuUel 31,33 Sarle OUTer 45 PhdDe 33 Vttsley 32 Wllllan S »f5 Ofctttenden : IU>1»ert J 45 CiariL : Joto 43 ' coM> : 5 Bon 5 , B»y ! H A 5 M E 5 Ooo£«fUr T I^eL« ixt p Oondon : Oeorge L _ . 4i> Oonlon : Aj£n«8 43 CojrOclin : 45 Uarlsy : n%iroilne 30 WUllsui. a 3«' n 6 0. i: ^ J 4o,4«i»dVrtii : -r. _^ .^"^ Qatee : tt Oosline : -' -^ ■ .-^^ . ^ i2ir«|>all 46 . , _. Dolflf?n : Wtti. 46 arahair. : -.«.<>•*• »oua : aoiiy a 6 Kate v ^ Jofopli H „ 6,46(ii;.ae8e : C/xaB. 4o Dov : |bl#i|4i Sa]i0& 46 Qreon : i i^ ^t», ,. px .: .1 : Amelia L ^ orlffltJiB : i».n; ^ ; Harriet I **6 S. Joeev-n L _ M H6 Kaff : ,. 3)ui)Dln« : JotoTM , . : Diisard : Martna L 4? Puryea : ^%lt^3 +'< Bll>«rt 32 ?^<»i?»> M 2Z -^ > 3i ^ Sarneley : ^ . '.-. v. a a,3»4-f«^li 26,27f30, 36,37,3 Itoily : »^7, M.9 ingllsti : Jbb. a '♦^7 flseei : fix : . fleet : ^ f 31188 39 Martha 27 ^3 lloyd »f7 Henry 6 Hcmard 47 Adelaide 26 Oharlea O 26 Heartt Snaanuel 26 towneand 26 Hall : H'^Uii./ -v' aEual&urs©r : I _ T Iloya YoBter fowler fT08t Hurry 7 ^.'f^ Hart : 8«« Beaxtt Theodore 8 ^ ^ Hftrtt : 1?:i - BaKKe^ : HswBoy : .- Hawxliurflt : 5»6,7iAii, 13, 1^' Ainelli^ J Ida M RlcMird 7, • 23,49 * Hart . t i^^ 1 22 T^. 8«vi». io;i, »«*f Torit, }ioartt : Jason JOShU: PhlUl' 22 Rosetta z^ Vloletta 2ii wiliian 22, 4V : Lillian 7 : A9& ^9 : Xda 49 Mary A ^ Catharlnt^ 49 : _ 40 ltofy"jr ^v : isivld 4o o 20,50 :?yton 50 ■i 50 ,9len Augueta iS ]wiwura jo •f" _ 2.:: ji HI I 50 i.-v.diice 8 R J ^ so IMfUB J _ Z Z Z ^<» -.-■■■ ■' .51 J,2o • - ^0 inrlng : iE«3i.iirt jO jaoXflon : » 51 Sllr^toetJi 43 Stta 51 Jams : f-'' BiT;i~ ' a#ior?: 36 J ^0, 36 J- .... .dy 3t> Lottie ¥ 30,36 Mcyv XA ' ' " _- 36 >6 ;r,v : 29 t^,' ' V „...„.. ^ 29 rjjiry'2y Ktiry ,T 2v SCU Israel 9 ^ •• 52 ^-^ - 74. ••▼•n CamotorlAe, Town of Babylon, AKltyvtlle, H«ir Ibrk, xato)^ Keto^Q^' oter y ji^f\»--/< 30 Mann : ^ _ t>'> jTata^s 37 PheVe 57 iionneo J 30 t. B ^2 •rt Brown ztT 12 J"«»i -i* il MnrriB . ; J _ _ 10 L?u:»«^rt : ... - . .^ L-itr.ror : _ «. 11 2. : 11 Morrison : 53 MUnoy : _ , ,„ ., u,45,i*7»5ii. L.-'e, : j^. -,(>. L.ii'^ntfi : A Leonard : ii- .4,34,3w 'j'r Is. / »jo,39 L.'tbon : ■■'^■^ 1S3%3« LoUd^i. : Jit I Hi j^ Uarv fi jH- t1 . Linariage : j***v.i : >,^4;i-a«W ix S'Ai • _ . 27 11 Aoren Oeneterlea, Ajiltyvliii ln ^J'-lt'K. ._ '32" J 32 12.3-,p5 Btib^lo, Mr, 1?. :i 7 .66 66 ^eelhaav P«ttltt : Petty : J' Pierce .14 '^ — — _ *—.—-« 56 B ,. _. _ A 36 virion 55 12 n C 6" A P Z-^l»22"" Piener Pain : Oaosar 27 Lucy 27 Place : PalJgter : M-.ry 57 Patten : DaTla J 56 Piatt ! Payne i ^ . 3,27 eem«t«ry 2,27 AT' 1 gall 27 *(i*^.\lH F 27,31 T 27 H A 15 „ 27 h C _13 Pleaenger : a v haimlbai 27 Porter : Jir-r n _ 37 Henry T 13 / - - - JoBeph R 57 Posey : >. J Oliver 27 Ji*.**.- -. Bacbel 13 Post : ^l^^i fl _ ^ ?-?- "tt^i^iw 57 Silas V k^ : 30,57 Susan 13 .iiTiOit 30 flylrofJtP'r H 4..- PearsHii : ___« 7,13,23 '^ •- dft trios A 56 i-i 50 RUtr* E _. 56 Oiltert 33 Jo si an 3; Ke7.1uji 33 Rlanarrt ;3 set?. V; toii >'. A.,.iti 76. rMOUH 3it J 30 " iithw 50,36 - -^^ A 13 i y^ Ann 3i.> f _ 7 57 t.U8 x3f 57 • *.1W„U 3 14 wiillMi Oovart 3'*^ POWSfP : Mary * _ - 50 Praao : ; Bilen 5<> vrli.^cion : 6,13 r^ . , ., , "" 1 T . ' I -V ,: . o«nete Ab^)y i ^ ^ J*^ Ai ^s Ai' - ' " 30 h-' -I 3b h. Aj.^ ;^.' A/ , f, ,35 C ■ ^ -, -J*? 0} 3^ r> _ 35 Cx l^x 35c,*- .... . ;• ■ U erg 5e it. Oeoro3 ^3- ar -.ole 7 .^,3^ JBdwln I 35 J;: J. JohVjV!; /^.^f 3**-» ''^S, '^6 • ' -» 3x .3'.. M^ir*' ^ _ __ __ 3^ A. '50,36 k >6 77. IX J r-n , ru- A v^> In4eic of tm^oiui l^uiioy -iO- ? • '♦ 30, »3:^ 1 )^-; ^ 35 , 30. 31, ■• 35, 3o V I'i- h .= -. vl I'i- 8 .; '.',.>; 8 ;L3 8 .;• rlrtt 14, i.^ &' ••■•■rv A ft- - 3^ -■■;: .-' -d^ V, . .. 29. B , 3 i^f 35 1^ •—'::<• K9 8 B- cile 35 FVi. - Roberta : ^ r>:o. H.- A i£ V ■; ■ ■ ■ ' ■' D^^.Tl 15 n Uo'V 13 v.. fjTsev- '' Ran. : ■ -- 21,26, 3w^3^ 27 RotelMoii : Rosellt) : Brit:-^-.-.u • ■ Rose : RilV- iH : .' ROtti : Hu Ruv::.!;.»rt : ^.yrtor; 50 Rowland : .- _ 5© RoRi/iti : Ruck : «• . Rush : * . , •i :?o 5I..S :>-> RAoi-ifiiOBd : ^ ii ^ a zi,^x R__8 ^-.-15 Banal 8 : Getir^e T - 15 •T: -"t)-.® 3(; ii: S&xtOi ; ^f yi Ida iO : rg&ret 5o Ai rson H 16 ^ » • 0, -•• Mt:-..r. -c.-; Td, Swfn O«iMt«rla0, Aitltyrllle, Toim of £. Indtx of Persona Saxton : OalaD 25,35 Smith : Catherine oO Caroline 23,2^,35 Charity ol Xlisatoath 24 ciurl»SH oo Xth«l 22 Seborah 3^. X«im«th 16 Bdlth V ^:> Mfcrtlui 60 Xaer 27 Mary J 16 Mxperlence 23,2^ 8oh«lblt : tturtln 39 Xzei^ei 24,20 SoiiMldt : Alexander 24 fleet 24 Schroedar : Altoro oi Gilbert 2<>,3i Soldiaore : Brewster lo Hannah 20,31 TranK B lb Israel >j Martha JB 16 Jatie . a 4 Milton Irrlns 16 Jant^ l6odliull 16 Jeffry j>o sonader : Xllzal>eth 29, 3o Jenlaa 60 Susan 36 Jesse 60 Seanan : « « 24 /esse H oO Hannah M 25 John 24,60 Seeor : Helen M 16 John Vranklln 60 Jarrls C 16 John K «. « 60 Susan S ^16 'UiViittn ^7 "* ~ fleefiir : Ite, 61 -. ' Seegfir : Sorttra lyberg 36 selDert : Carrie M 61 SltlMild : Ann 16 00 Skinner : &0 Clarence £ 61 Sllngerland : Mr. 3^ V V Althea 34 &G^ ol Smalllngs : 61 Sarah 36 Charles iw iS».^4 -. .1 Oamaln 4^ Kate V ^ Mansfield 4o wiiiii^ ^ >jj Smith : 24, 31, 40, Snedeqsr : .15 -^-- 61, 62 Harriet 1 5 Miss 3S anecULcjar : 62 Genealogy 36 l^x.^o -.n Alathea 3^ All>ert 60 Soper : i . Alexander 59 Siac:*-.--- Alaeda 24 Spencer : AU&lra 24 Am. _ „ ^ 79. flflren C«Qet«rl«s, ABltyrllle, Babylon, Heir tkurk, Index or PerBona pufie 12. flpeiioer sprang. 8pra£U« Stlinue : Strang : StrXKer stron^^ : struDe : stryker Btyloji SiKlBan 8«ltor : Cli^ranoe B « _. ol Ton Oeorge w 61 fiftrah £ 61 rtUtii ^yi ' qnarles oo Bi,rfai 57 I^izfe 59 ThomaB : Oot(l«t> 63 Zebiilon 59 T lames ; _ t>z : ?aonua«nt 59 BerbarlT >^3 JaB« 32 Sthtlbert ^3 Jin* 32 Totten : _ 62 jSA&rlAO^ 33 Anaaanttia 44 : li»i3fl5tlT Canaan R _ Anelia Ann lo Sarnest 44 ~* KannaJi 16 Kdw^ira 44 Joym 16 FTF>*fV 44 Maria Xarsarat 16 i Mary K 16 ) Sills 33 " willlaiB 17 Tornie : 62 : - - 15 Ajji ^7 Sllzal>eth H 17 Trappe : Annla L Kanner 17 Irenrt)!^ : 51 Jofcn 17 n .^r^u> i Ibrd. 61 16 Trtmtly : ;^ Anna 9 Katie 60 Uc^l : Alfred 15 ~ ra M 15 44 - 36 r> ^44#MEiiy S 59 lute : Llille 62 Theodore 62 willlan 62 Wllllan H 62 Taylor ; Clifford 63 Wta. 33 62 Terry : 63 MlM 35 A2>i£all 37 3>el>oraJi A 17 lltoert K 62 Treddle ^2 Joto 37 Jonatlaan J 52 Kotohao 17i 37 03 M1B8 3':;»39 Ut\£il : 63 V humllton 64 _ J 17 . ^63 60, S«T«n Cen«%ttrle«, AAltyrllXa, Tot Vfoi Soatrand Index of Partoiui 8l0Tan 64 «arui«r ^^*3^ ^3 63,64 ■ >'♦ ii ^ 64 US 04 Vaua Blpar : ^^ . 3^ - -n,65 Caroline 3** ^ _ ^ - '»!? Varlan : 17 . - i .> Jaooto 17 Sarah S . 17 z Velsor : Arthur 63 warreii : >r 67 Coniellue t>3 ao Oraca Burtlf 63 Vbsser : .j " llary 63 W&ters : Ki^ie^ar*?^ 34 JfeiTy B 63 9teT>nen 34 Vlritj^ : Letltia M . „ 63 watkii. : - i^e W - 19 vogoley : Thor*** 63 Veel : 19 lW.»li : 17 '-•-^v^^; ; 05 Bara^ 20 Mlse :.^ Walter : JoJui 32 : 65 Mary 32 MieB 3ecoa C .^ ^ . 19 . OilDert 19 Wllllwns : mr - ^ Hazel 6U- Agj, ici ol. orles, Anltyrllie, Tr ln Ruth 18 Baran 1^ Sarah f la Stephen R 1** wiillan H Id Wllliaarth : Oherle« iBOwond 66 Charlotte 66 Dhnlel o7 Wood Daniel 8 ## o6 S(ifiauid a 3, 66 Bliaa A 67 Henry 20 I M toe julletTo 67 M K 66 Mary"(>6 nary 2 67 Mary J 66 Phe^e 25 B _ D 66 Sarah M J^O Selah 67 Sophia 67 T « o6 T~~i" ^ 66 T forrest 6o 67 «»lx^wj : ^ «. _ _ 17 Oeoar f 7 Sarah 9 7 Mhtv 3*^ ; 65 , J _ 65 : .- ^-. 67 hn: '1M2: A 67 Harriet iC 67 «i5,31 Wood : ^ >^ '¥iAXwUaJ'**.> i « 67 woodrurt : 55 01ara £ 66 65 Rotert 42 : Oaniel 19 miza A 1^ leetalla B IV Sidney T i'^ Xomieend 19 tuzlppe : liQulB o7 WbrtMan Wright 62. itynila. Town or BaUyloi., Itm«x of Plaoas. Anltyrlllo, Lon^ l< ''t2*i,32,33, Batoylon, Long I«la*iu, ,,. *„*; i ., :, ^, , (, -,32,33, 3S 35 , 3^ Boston, Jiise.: 35 BrooKlyn, lew Tforlt 1,2, 4,21, 26,2?, 2d, 31^,38, 39 iTtJ^^^Gda, irelioul, I2 Saflt Brew York 35 H8»i: stead, Lojie Islam., iv : 33 , 34- H\tfitli»iitoii, Jtoiii^ lelcij ""X : 33 , 3-1- o Jersey 3^ aew York 4,6,19,21,26,27,33,33. 39,^^5 : ormsylvijala 41 , 49 BaJimy, Hew Jersey 26 Rlvernead, Lon^S Island, lew Yorx 33 Rye, JT0W York 33 , 34 Buffolk County, Long Island, lew York, 32 , 33 West BlooaTield, Kew Jersey 34 '^Wf ^&h^^^y^, ?*s'-^'^?<^%''-'^' ^'<^^2 4 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1111:1 I 014 222 049