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History of Northfield
1 780- 1 905
Tlie citizens of Northfield, at their annual meeting March,
1904, were considering- the matter of publishing a history of the
town. Mr. Obe G. jMorrison was present and, with a letter in
hand from Llr. E. G. IMorrison of Lowell, tendered to the town
an unconditional gift of $500 in which they equally shared. Fol-
lowing this, the town voted to loan a committee chosen for the
purpose the sum of $700, and thus the present volume was
A committee of 15, consisting of Major 0. C. Wj^att, Jeremiah
E. Smith, 0. G. Morrison, ]\lrs. E. G. Morrison, Gawn E. Gorrcll,
Mrs. Joseph Hill, Kate Forrest, A. B. Winslow, Anna E. Wyatt,
W. S. Hills, Frank Shaw, Byron Shaw, Lewis Haines and Kate
Hills was appointed. This committee organized, later, with
Major Wyatt as chairman, Kate Forrest, secretary, and W. S.
Ilills, treasurer. Mr. Smith, Mrs. Hills, G. E. Gorrell and Kate
Forrest, 0. G. and Mrs. E. G. IMorrison were chosen for the
executive conunittee. ]\Irs. Lucy R. H. Cross was unanimously
chosen to prepare the history and other sub-committees named.
Mr. Haines djdng, hio daughtor , ]\Iiss Ida Haines, was chosen to
fill his place. A. B. Winslow being unable to serve, his place
was filled by Mrs. Alice Corliss.
The work was at once entered upon with the expectation of
issuing the book on the 125th anniversary of the organization of
the town, June 17, 1905. This was later changed to Old Home
Week, at which time, though the work was unfinished, a good
exhibit of the advance sheets and illustrations was made.
The work received the hearty support of the whole town and
both historian and the several committees have met nothing but
generous interest and sympathy in the prosecution of their ardu-
ous task. The publication, after suitable investigation, was
awarded to the Rumford Printing Company of Concord, whose
reputation was ample guaranty of prompt and satisfactory ser-
vice. Miss Kate F. Hills, whose death was a great loss to the
enterprise, was charged with the sale of the books and had the
matter well in hand. It now appears fresh for the holidays,
having had a very generous advance sale.
The desire to perpetuate the noble deeds of one's forefathers
is well-nigh universal. It is not limited to any society, nor is it
peculiar to such peoples only as have a written language.
The Indians, knowing nothing of letters, recounted, in their
own peculiar ways, the exploits of their braves, and tradition
did for them what history does for enlightened people. It has
long been felt that those who love their homes and revere the
memory of those gone before should arrange memorials of them
in some way Avorthy of preservation. Hence the photographer's
task and the painter's skill; hence the gravestone, state, county
and national records; hence the well-worn leaves in the old
family Bible, and numberless other schemes to hand down to
posterity the story of well-used talents, opportunities, industry,
energy and enterprise.
It is the part of wisdom, too, that each generation should make
its own record, leave its own reputation and its example as its
own peculiar legacy to posteritj^ since it is no easy matter to
enter into the labors of others and display them in proper spirit
to men of other times and other modes of thought and conduct.
The writing of a single family history may seem a simple
affair. It was a happy thought of one, who knew whereof he
spoke, that ''The historian must needs launch his canoe on the
wide stream of the present and persistently urge it up the stream
to its primitive and distant sources." How tiresome a task at
the best only such can know as have tried to breast the current
and scale the fall. I will carrj^ the figure no further; if one
thinks the task an easy one he has but to make a single effort
to be disillusioned.
Prior to 1880, the year of our Centennial, the history of Nortt-
field lay scattered in the town record books, old deeds of property,
records of the courts, the memories of aged people and the
traditions handed down from the lips of the departed. To col-
lect and arrange these has been to me a pleasant task, in spite of
the delays of dilatory correspondents and mistakes that came
unavoidably from the uncertain memories of the old. It has
been my aim to record only reliable data and proven facts.
vi author's preface.
I have made little attempt at fine writing or rhetorical em-
bellishment, or to climb the heights on gradations of pompous
climaxes, or to please the ear with successions of sweet and
sonorous syllables. Doubtless important matters have been over-
looked, but such has not been our aim. Personal feelings and
prejudices have been laid aside and your historian and her faith-
ful reviewers, to whom credit is equally due if this work
possesses aught of value, have sought faithfully to discharge
their whole duty, the most embarrassing part of which has
been the suppression of facts that might wound the feelings of
readers or hurt the reputation of our dear old town. It has
been only in very general terms that opinions or facts, other
than favorable, have been expressed.
Recognition must be given, in behalf of the town and each of
the committee personally, for the generous and unconditional
gift of 0. G. and E. G. Morrison, which made this work possible.
Your historian desires personally to acknowledge her indebted-
ness of Prof. Lucian Hunt, our Centennial orator; to the val-
uable work of Rev. M. T. Runnells, the Sanbornton historian,
as well as the able histories of other and adjoining towns; also
to the numberless friends scattered far and near, who have so
promptly and sweetly given of their valuable time and knowl-
Our thanks are due especially to the several clergymen who
have contributed sketches of the churches of their denominations
and to Prof. Ned Dearborn, who has given us the exhaustive and
interesting paper on our birds.
To such as have contributed to the embellishment of the work
by placing their faces and their homes upon its pages, as well as
to those who have enriched it by the detailed story of their own
and the lives of others, our grateful thanks are hereby extended,
and we will close with the hope that often, when pressed upon
too heavily by the Present, this volume may take you in fancy to
the still waters of the Past, to the shady paths where you loved
to linger in other days with the dear ones here recorded.
To the loved ones gone before; the ''absent under all skies
and in every clime"; to our kinsmen and kindred everywhere;
in fact, to each and all, whether Northfield-born or reared, this
book is lovingly dedicated by its author,
Lucy R. H. Cross.
Pages 1-12.
Historical : Name — location — seven hills — rocks — clay —
springs — lumber — rivers — water power — latitude — longitude —
settlers — Indians — forts — Rumford Colony — jealousies — Captain
Clough — scouts — petition for town — granted — first meeting —
boundaries — law suit — wild beasts — land ceded to Franklin — •
same returned — other land ceded — Gospel lots — parsonage land — •
school lots — town contained 17,000 acres, or 27 square miles —
early meetings — where held — town clerks — roads — ranges — •
bridges — vehicles used — better roads — new roads — Tilton bridge
— Holmes bridge — "loer" bridge — Allard or Cross bridge — bar-
gain with Winnipiseogee Paper Co.
Pages 13-45.
EccLESiASTicAi^ : Efforts to build meeting-house — material —
location — delays — work begun — workmen — nails — ^ballusters —
raising — whole town — picnic dinner — cart load of bread — fish
and potatoes — baked beans — New England rum — good time —
running — leaping — wrestling — next day completed raising — in-
side finish — painting — pews owned by individuals — Sunday ser-
vices — ministers — sermons — choir — tything man — other churches
— house sold to the town — town meetings — sold to C. E. Tilton —
removal — Baptists at Oak Hill — ^Elder Young — his early life —
military man — preacher at Canterbury — Elder Ilarriman — Dr.
Harper — Jeremiah Clough — meetings held in groves — barns —
schoolhouses — Rev. John Chamberlain — ordained — threatened
shower — later services — Sunday School — biography of Rev. John
Chamberlain — Methodist Church — Rev. j\Iartin Reuter — Bates —
The following intermingling of business and biography is for the purpose of
affording greater variety and to scatter the illustrations more evenly throughout
the work.
Dustin — early members baptized in Chestnut Pond — parsonage
on Bay Hill — brick church built — Joseph Knowles — Josiah Am-
brose — 100th anniversary — 63 ministers — Revs. W. D. Cass,
George Storrs in 1835 mobbed in brick church — anti-slavsry
lecture — Rev. Silas Quimby — Congregational Church, 1823 —
original members — years of increase — removal to Sanbornton
Bridge — offer of free lot — conditions — new church built — three
friends — laying corner stone — name changed — later improve-
ments — bequests — deacons — sketch of Rev. Liba Conant — 14
years' service — Lucas — Corser — worship at academy — moved
to new church — new bell — Rev. Curtice — accused of preaching
politics — resignation — council refused to dismiss — seven more
years — Rev. Mr. Pratt — 50th anniversary — Rev. F. T. Perkins —
afternoon service discontinued — nine years' service — death oc-
curred at Burlington, Vt.- — Rev. C. B. Strong — one year's service
— Rev. C. C. Sampson— Bo wdoin, 1873 — became pastor 1885 —
sketch of Dr. Hoyt — present at 50th anniversary — delivered ad-
dress — made donation — 75th anniversary, July 17, 1897 — old
hymns — old members returned — Mrs. Cross gave address — Sun-
day School — Ladies' Circle — Episcopal Church — -Avhen founded
— why- — first members — records lost — bought jMethodist Church —
families included — church organized — Dr. Herrick, rector — Eas-
ter, 1873 — Consecration, 1875 — house sold to town — new one
erected in Tilton — prosperous year — -biography of Dr. Herrick —
Union Church — first movement — association formed — funds
transferred to Mr. C. E. Tilton — church begun by him — condi-
tions accepted by town — money raised — work pledged — many
names in trust deed — grove — dedication — given to town by Mr.
Tilton — taken in charge by selectmen — Sunday services at once
bfegun — Sunday School removed to it — preachers provided —
special meetings — Catholic ]\Iission in town hall — removed, later,
to new church.
Pages 46-62.
Educational : Northfield social library — circulating — limited
to members — kept in houses — some few books still left — North-
field Improving Society — incorporated — object — constitution and
by-laws — terms of membership — literary board — names of mem-
bers — lists of books — librarian's reports — celebration in 1825 — •
last meeting— Northfield Fraternal Library — Chase Free Library
— 180 volumes for Union Church — other gifts — Hall J\Iemorial
Library — Mrs. Cummings' gift — cost $10,000 — when built —
when dedicated — association formed — books given — Dr. Hall's
portrait — schools — first houses — teachers — girls in summer only
— male teachers — no fires or windows — log houses — better houses
— fireplaces — sometimes in private houses — names of teachers —
teachers boarded round — academy — superintendents of schools —
Liba Conant, first one — list of superintendents — women on board
— old customs — selling ashes — apparatus — dictionaries — New
Hampshire Conference Seminary — first plans — name of project-
ors — located at Plymouth — reconsidered — ^located at Northfield —
first building — school opened — cost of tuition — board — new
teachers^ — ^close quarters — new house needed — funds raised — new
charter — female college— degrees conferred — 360 students in 1857
— list of graduates of seminary — list of graduates from female
college— Union School District — formation — first officers — new
house — building committee — funds — cost, etc. — board of educa-
tion chosen — three schools — names of teachers — new building in
1900 — committees chosen — cost of house — male teachers — grad-
uates received at seminaiy.
Pages 63-67.
Transportation : Roads — vehicles — improvements — stages — ■
Peter Smart — post riders — relay horses — coming of railroad —
Mr. Smith, the railroad builder — sketch — large contracts — Bos-
ton, Concord & Montreal Railroad — chartered — surveyed —
commenced — route changed — stock taken — road opened — decline
of stock — losses — better times — financial — Tilton & Belmont Rail-
road — no stock issued — when opened — Tilton & Franklin — how
built — date of charter — three miles in Northfield.
Pages 68-95.
Military: First order — first militia law — Colonel Clough and
his scouts — troublous times — association list — 120 names — form
of pledge — roll of honor — names of officers — War of 1812 —
names of soldiers — minute men — home guard — officials chosen —
arms and uniforms — close of war — new militia laws — May train-
ings — Mexican War — two soldiers — War of the Rebellion — pub-
lic meetings — funds raised — bounties offered— substitutes secured
— enrollment — draft — names of volunteers — drafted men — sub-
stitutes — list two — list three — Maj. 0. C. Wyatt — sketch — Span-
ish War — three from Northfield.
Pages 96-105.
Industries : Farming— sawmills — Cross Mill — rafting — plank
— ^boards — laths — shingles — cooper's wares — 'Jeremiah Cross —
threshing machine — new buildings — Water Power Co. — Factory
Village — mill at Sondogardy Pond — other mills on outlet — Davis,
Piper & Plummer's shingle mill — Kendegeda Meadow Mill — ■
Glidden IMeadow — J. E. Smith's lumber business — sketch — rail-
road builder — Maplewood stables — farms — crops — brickmaking
• — near Granite Mill — near Chestnut Pond — Warren L. Hill —
Colonel Cofran — brick for first seminary — Cross' brick yard —
clay exhausted — charcoal — wood for engines — business at the
Depot — Uncle Tucker — coal on Bean Hill — David Hill burned
coal — Shuttle-maker Doav — Wedgewood made round tables —
spinning wheels — flax-raising — sheep for wool — out of date in-
dustries — Cross settlement on intervale — gristmills — fulling
mills — jewelry — tanneries— smithies — earthenware — crockery —
flour mill — oil — plaster — sold out in 1805 — 200 acres bought by
Abraham Plummer — other parts of town had cooper shops —
potasheries — Industrial Club of 35 members — teamsters.
Pages 106-147.
Centennial, June 19, 1880 : Plans to celebrate— money raised
— committees appointed — J. E. Smith, president; 0. L. Cross,
secretary; F. J. Eastman, treasurer — services arranged for — cir-
culars sent out — long list of sub-committees — dinner planned —
music — speeches — address by Lucian Hunt — poem by Mrs. Cross
— many visitors — fine decorations — tables loaded— troop of horse
■^all at Hannaford's Grove at Northfield Depot — Captain Wy-
att spoke for soldier boys — letters from former residents — Fannie
Rice — cornet solos — Mr. Hunt's address — Mrs. Cross' poem — per-
sonal sketch and portrait of Professor Hunt.
Pages 148-168.
Professional : Thirty-seven born in town — five Dr. Dearborns
and four Dr. Tebbetts — 18 lived in town, four women among the
list — sketches of Dr. B.oyt, Nancy Oilman, Drs. Woodbury, Whid-
den, A. B. Hall, Sam G. Dearborn, 0. J. Hall, Charles R. Gould,
Daniel Whittier and Thomas Burton Dearborn. La\\^ers : Seven
born in Northfield — sketches of Hon. Asa P. Cate, Judge Lucien
Clough, Oliver Lyford Cross, Col. W. A. Gile and Samuel War-
ren Forrest. IMinisters : Six born in town — sketch of Rev. B. A.
Rogers. Teachers: Sketches of Joseph A. Gile and Mary ]\Iar-
garet Gile. Dentists: C. L. True, Edwin D. Forrest (supple-
Pages 169-179.
Miscellaneous : Burying grounds — private — neighborhood-
public — oldest public one in town. Aqueduct : When chartered
— when completed — hearing held — terms made — dam built —
pipes laid — Hilly Brook — reservoir — capacity — length of pipe
laid — highest pressure — future plans. Sewers: Leave granted to
lay pipes, 1902 — sewer No. 1 — No. 2. Paupers and Criminals:
Old customs — poor bid off for support — farm bought — home
established — rules and regulations — names of overseers — contin-
ued for 43 3'ears — farm sold — poor supported at county farm —
Merrimack County organized courts and Legislature met at Hop-
kinton — extent of new county — resources. Post Office: Estab-
lished at Centre — Depot — Tilton — names of postmasters — sketch
of Daniel E. Hill — annexation to Tilton — petition to Legislature
of 1901 — strenuous opposition — committee appointed and hear-
ings held — counsel secured — hard fought battle decided February
27, 1902 — enthusiastic celebration.
Pages 180-184.
Casualties : Drownings — fires — railroad accidents — damage
by lightning — suicides — accidental deaths — death from hydro-,
phobia— carriage accidents — September gale — cold Friday — yel-
low day — honses wrecked by falling trees.
Pages 185-196.
Clubs and Societies : Cornet Band — Friendship Grange —
when organized — charter members — Northfield town hall, home of
the grange— first master — other officers — names of masters — one
woman held the office — -all other officers women — during this term
won the prize for excellent ritualistic work — degree staff of ladies
formed — exemplified third degree at special meeting during
Grange Fair — eight secretaries — 15 leeturerers — 10th anniver-
sary celebrated — appropriate services — many visitors present —
grange erected kitchen in 1893 — more than twenty years of satis-
factory existence — members died — New Hampshire State Grango
Fair — first held in 1885 — 14 later — farmers' festivals — -no objec-
tional features — great crowds— fine speakers — good music — •
Charles E. Tilton gave free use of grounds — assisted in many
other ways — last fair — when held — sketch of C. E. Tilton — union
picnics — held from 1875 to 1896 — great social events — public
table — good speaking — Governor Head present — Glines family
reunion on Mt. Polly for 11 years — Charles Glines' sketch —
Northfield Board of Health — when established — offices — regula-
tions — Woman's Club — Northfield and Tilton Club — when organ-
ized — first officers — object — business transacted — home talent
first year — social meetings — teas — gentlemen's nights — names of
Pages 197-217.
Attractions and Festvals : The island — early history and im-
provements — early owners — bought by ]\Ir. Tilton, 1865 — bridge
built — grounds beautified — summer house erected — Memorial
Arch — copy of one at Rome — dimensions — inscriptions — Old
Home Day, 1901 — circulars of invitation — festivities — many re-
turning sons and daughters — E. J. Young, president of the day —
speeches — ^music — collation — Old Home Day, 1905, and 125th an-
niversary — preliminary arrangements — Avatch fires — Sunday ser-
vices in old church — literary exercises — collation — historical ad-
dress by Hon. James 0. Lyford — other speakers — evening recep-
tion — many visitors — summer home of Freeman B. Shedd — beau-
tiful views — fine grounds — many attractions — ' ' a place of beauty
and a joy forever. "
Pages 218-223.
The Story Teller : Indian legend — trouble with the Lindseys
and IMillses — stolen slaves — altercation — story of Old Cohas —
]\Iother Blanchard Surprised — John Cilley and the bear — the bear
tree — bear dragged trap — story of Millerites — ]\Iother Wadleigh
and the wildcats — fish stories — haunted houses — witches— snakes
— Osgoodites — Sally Grover — last of sect.
Pages 224r-228.
Northfield Factory Village: Early settled — before 1800 —
first dam — Folsom's sawmill — carried away by freshet — Jere-
miah Sanborn rebuilt road by river — canal to Daniell's Bridge —
Sanborn Mill moved to Folsom site — Dam, No. 2 — Boston John
Clark built it — also dam for K. O. Peabody's paper mill — baker's
cart — bought rags — Crane came to make paper — Daniel Herrick's
ruse — ^business grew — moved, after some years, to other village —
old building became a gristmill — Smithville Factory — called,
"Yellow" ]\Iill — Yellow Row — old tavern — cotton mill — Smith's
store — sold to Peabody Brothers — batting mill — strawboard mill
— straw paper — sawmill on dam No. 3 — Dearborn Sanborn —
Thomas Elkins — woolen mill — tontine — old schoolhouse — one
house left — printing offices — one at Factory Village — made Bibles
and testaments — one at old Whittier store and on on Bav Street.
Pages 229-235.
Stores and Merchants: First store — moved to Bridge —
owned by Ebenezer Blauehard, who removed to Salisbury,
now Franklin — Glidden store at the old meeting-house — sold
to Oilman — later, to Gerrish & Moore — removed to village —
business all removed there — other stores — store at Depot — several
owners — burned — palm leaf hats — berries, etc. — Isaac Whittier's
store — post office — town clerk's office — drug store — hardware
store — "seven nations" — Butterfield 's store— sold to Sweatt — at
Factory Village — hardware store by freight depot — many busi-
ness men of Tilton residents of Northfield — sketches of business
Pages 236-248.
Mills and Manufacturers : First mill — fulling mill — carding
mill — Stephen Chase & Son — sold to Jeremiah Tilton — Benjamin
Chase removed to Lowell — sketch of Charles G. Chase — Jeremiah
Tilton — satinets — Copp's gristmill — shoddy mill above — James
Earnshaw— Bailey mills — later, Granite Mill — new firm — new
products — Kearsarge Woolen Co. — manufacturers not taxed —
Adam S. Ballantyne — Richard Firth — Fletcher Brothers — Arch
Mills— Charles Green— A. L. Hilton— sold to W. H. Carter &
Parsons— bought Tilton Mill— 0. & E. Morrison— sketch of 0.
G. Morrison — sketch of E. G. Morrison — Elm Mills Woolen Co. —
left Clark IMill- A. M. Dodge— steammill on cove— J. W. & C.
Pease — boxes and builders' supplies — Jason Foss — Ray Firth —
Tilton Hosiery Co.— G. E. Buell— Courtland Boynton— J. P.
Osborne — Buell Brothers — Carter's IMill — dress goods — amount
produced — G. H. Tilton Hosiery Co. — business in South — amount
produced — number of hands — sketch of Mr. Tilton — sketch of
Hon. Elmer S. Tilton — Britain IManufacturing Co. — Francis B.
Fay — new mill erected — leased in five years to 0. & E. IMorrison
— machinery sold — Tilton Optical Co. — L. W. Bugbee, superin-
tendent — spectacle lenses — goods produced.
Pages 249-293.
Birds of Xorthfield: Waier Birds — Divers — grebes — horned
grebes — pied-billed grebe— loons — red-throated loon — auk — brun-
nich murres — dovekie — swimmers — ^herring gull — Bonaparte gull
— ducks and geese — saw-bills — American merganser — hooded
merganser — ruddy duck — ring-necked duck — scaup duck —
greater scaup duck — white-winged scoter — buffle head — old
squaw — American golden eye — black duck — mallard- — -blue-
winged teal — -wood duck — Avild goose — brant goose. Herons — -
stake drivers — night heron — green heron — great blue heron.
Rails — Virginia rail — sora rail — American coot. Shore Birds —
Sandpipers — snipe — -Wilson snipe — lesser yellow-legs — greater
yellow-legs — solitary sandpiper — spotted — pectoral— least — -Bar-
tramian sandpipers. Plovers — semipalmated plover. Land
Birds — -Ruffed grouse or partridge — bob white — pigeon — passen-
ger pigeon — mourning dove — hawk — marsh hawk — osprey — bald
eagle — red-tailed, red-shouldered and broad-winged hawks — gos-
hawk — cooper and sharp-shinned hawks — sparrow, pigeon and
duck hawks. Owls — great horned, long-eared, short-eared and
screech owls — snowy owl — barred, Richardson, saw- whet and
hawk owls — belted kingfisher — cuckoo — black-billed and yellow-
billed cuckoo — woodpecker — arctic three-toed and American
thi-ee-toed woodpecker — pileated, four-toed, hairj^ downy, yel-
low-bellied and red-headed woodpeckers — ^liickers — yellow ham-
mer — wood-wall — goatsucker — swift — humming bird group —
night-hawk — whippoorwill — chinmey swift— ruby-throated hum-
mingbird — flycatcher — kingbird — great-crested flycatcher —
pewee, or phoebe — wood pewee — olive-sided flycatcher — alder fly-
catcher — 3'ellow-bellied and the least flycatcher — horned lark —
shore larks — jays — crows — blue and Canada jays — raven — bobo-
link — cowbird and bronzed grackle — purple and rusty grackles
— red-winged blackbird — Baltimore oriole or golden robin —
meadow lark — sparrows — pine grosbeak — purple finch — rose-
breasted grosbeak — indigo bird — crossbills — red, white-winged,
redpoll — siskin — American goldfinch. Terrestrial Species —
Sparrows — sno\vflake — vesper — Savanna and Ilenslow sparrows
— song, Lincoln, fox, tree, field, grasshopper, swamp, white-
throated, wliite-crowned sparrows — junco — towhee or chewiiik — -
scarlet tanager — swallows — purple Martin, cliff or eaves, barn,
white-bellied, tree and bank swallows — cherry bird, or cedar wax-
wing — shrikes — northern and migrant shrikes — vireos — red-eyed,
warbling, bine-headed and yellow-throated vireos — warblers —
parula, yellow-rumped and Tennessee warblers, also Nashville,
Wilson, pine, mourning, Maryland, Cape May, magnolia, Cana-
dian and Blackburnian w^arblers — redstart — black poll — oven
bird — various other species of pipits — mocking-birds — cat bird —
brown thrasher — wrens, house and winter — creepers — -nuthatch-
ers — white- and red-breasted chickadees — kinglets — thrush —
blue birds.
Title Page.
Genealogies. (Pages 5 to 333.) Alphabetically arranged.
Appendix. (Pages 335 to 349.) Charles Haines Ayers — Do-
rinda Brown— Smith W. Cofran — Eugene Batchelder — Capt.
Thomas Clough — Edward Caskin — Edmund Douglass — Alvah
Ilaggett — Mark Keasor- — Sylvester Lambert — Joseph Thorp —
Charles H. Crockett — Joseph Greenwood — Joseph Ayers —
Thomas Blanchard — Cyrus Brown — Chase Coat of Arms — Mar-
tin Courtney — Rev. Enoch Corser — John Davis — George H.
Davis — Timothy Gleason — Moses Miller — Joseph Muzzey — Joel
Phelps — Daniel Hills' will — John Hills — Laroy Mowe — Rand — ■
Joseph Sullivan Tilton — Joe R. Twombly.
Additions and Corrections (Pages 349 to 350.)
First Tax List. (Page 351.)
Old Home Day, 1905. (Page 351.)
Cry of the Human (Page 352.)
Index to Part I.
Index to Part II.
Lucy R. H. Cross ......
View from Winnepesaukee River, Looking Eas1
Proprietors' Map .....
]\Iap of Town . . .
View in 1864
. 10
•Rev. John Chamberlain ....
. 23
>/Northfield Town Hall ....
. 26
/Rev. Mareellus A. Herrick, D. D. .
. 38
v'Mrs. M. A. Herrick ....
. 38
wUnion Church . .
. 41
Hall Memorial Library ....
. 52
^Mary Hall Cummings ....
. 52
/ Pond Schoolhouse. .....
. 54
•''N. H. Conference Seminary and Female College
•^Graded School
i . . 57
. 61
' Tilton Seminary .....
. 62
Warren H. Smith .....
. 64
Major Otis C. Wyatt .
. 92
, Jeremiah Cross .....
. 97
V Jeremiah Eastman Smith
. 99
1,' Prof. Lucian Hunt ....
. 145
[ Dr. Enos Hoyt
. 150
^'Dr. Jeremiah Forrest Halls
. 151
I Dr. Nancy Smith Oilman
. 152
, Dr. Adino B. Hall ....
. 153
, Hall Coat of Arms
. 153
Dr. Sam 0. Dearborn
. 154
Dr. Obadiah J. Hall
. 155
Dr. Charles R. Oonld
. 157
Dr. Daniel B. Whittier
. 157
Dr. Thomas Benton Dea
. 158
Dearborn Brothers
. 159
Hon. Asa P. Cate .
. •
. 160
' Hon. Lucien B. Clough .
. 161
• Col. William A. Gile .
. 163
" Samuel Warren Forrest
. 164
"Kev. Benjamin A. Rogers
. 166
"Mary Margaret Gile
. 167
^Luther H. Morrill .
. 176
^Daniel Emery Hill
. 177
^Charles Elliot Tilton .
. 191
■^ Charles Glines
. 193
•The Island .
. 197
"•Souvenir Group
. 198
'Memorial Arch
. 198
"'James 0. Lyford .
. 204
^Residence of F. B. Shedd
. 214
Chase Coat of Arms
236, 341
•|^ Charles G. Chase .
Richard Firth
. 237
. 240
Obe G. INIorrison .
. 242
'Mrs. Obe G. aiorrison .
. 242
Residence of Obe G. Morrison
. 242
" E. G. INIorrison
. 243
Mrs. E. G. Morrison
. 243
~ Elm Mills .
. 244
'Carter's Mills
. 245
Plant of George H. Tilton & S
on Hosiery
. 245
George Henry Tilton
. 246
Hon. Elmer Stephen Tilton
. 246
Optical Works
RT 11.
. 247
Charles Haines Ayers .
Samuel Butler Brown .
- Stephen Chase Tavern .
Thomas Stevens Clough
William Henry Clough .
Residence of the late William
' Amos Moody Cogswell .
Benjamin F. Cofran
Hannah Tebbetts Curry
H. Clough
John S. Dearborn ....
- ]\Irs. John S. Dearborn .
V James Earnshaw ....
"^Cutting Follansby
/ Jason Foss .....
"Frank J. French ....
Benjamin F. Gale ....
Alfred A. Gile ....
^Mrs. Alfred A. Gile
^ Homestead of the late Alfred A. Gile
l/ James Glines ....
1^ Mrs. James Glines
i/ James Glines Homestead
^ Residence of Gawn E. Gorrell
t/Clough Gorrell ....
1/ Mrs. Clongh Gorrell
{/ Gawn E. Gorrell .
{, Obadiah Hall, Jr
*^Parker Hannaford
t/John Heath . ' .
t Capt. David Hills Homestead
[/Susannah Cole Hills
AVarren Smith Hills Family .
^Frank Hills
I/Mrs. Joseph Hills' Residence .
•Hon. Hiram Hodgdon .
-Deacon Joseph Hunkins
^Roy Thurston Kimball .
^Thomas W. Long ....
"Addie Gorrell Long
*'Morrill Moore . .
/]\rorrison Brothers
'Asa Osgood and Old Bill
' IMary French Phelps
Abraham Waldron Rand *
;Ianthe Blanchard Rice .
'Fannie Rice .....
^Enoch Rogers, Jr. ....
•Robertson Arms and Crest, with Homeste
James P. Robertson
' James L. Robertson and Mrs. Robertson
Hodgdon Family ....
^ Charles H. Robertson .
J Late Residence of Daniel Sanborn .
>^ Byron Shaw ....
\/Mrs. Byron Shaw ....
7 Frank W. Shaw . . . '
,/ Jeremiah Smith ....
i Jeremiah Eastman Smith's Residence
^ Jeremiah Tilton 's Residence .
i Col. Jeremiah C. Tilton
. Alfred Edwin Tilton
, Julia Batchelder Tilton
.. Joseph Sullivan Tilton
- John Clough Tebbetts
. Alfred Clifton Wyatt
' Smith W. Cofran .
Mark G. Keasor .
. 274
, 276
Ballantyne, Adam S 240
Gate, Asa P., Hon.
Chamberlain, John, Rev.
Chase, Charles G. .
Clough, Liicien B., Hon.
. 161
Cross, Jeremiah
Cross, Oliver L.
Dearborn, Sam G., M. D.
Dearborn, Thomas Benton, M.
Eastman, Franklin J.
Firth, Richard
Forrest, Samuel Warren
Gile, Joseph .
Gile, Mary ]\Targaret
Gile, William A., Hon. .
Gilman, Nancy Smith, M. D.
Glines, Charles C. .
Gould, Charles R., M. D.
Hall, Adino B., M. D. .
Hall, Jeremiah Forrest, M. D.
Hall, Obadiah J., M. D. .
Herrick, IMarcelhis A., D. D.
Hill, Joseph .
Hills, Daniel E. .
Hoyt, Enos, INI. D.
Hunt, Lucian. Prof.
]\Iorrison, E. G.
Morrison, 0. G. .
Rogers, Benjamin A., Rev.
Smith, Jeremiah Eastman
Smith, Warren H.
Tilton. Charles Elliott .
Tilton, Elmer S., Hon . .246
Tilton, George H. .
. 246
Tilton, Jeremiah .
. 238
AVliicldeu, Parsons
. 153
Whittier, Daniel B., M. D.
Woodbury, Mark R.
. 152
Ayers, Charles Haines ....... 14
Cofran, Benjamin Franklin
Cofran, Smith W.
. 336
Cross, Arthur B. .
. 70
Cross, Robert Lee .
Foss, Jason .
Follansby, Cutting
Gile, Alfred A. .
Hannaford, Parker
Herrick, Charles .
Herrick, Francis, Prof. .
Hazelton, William C.
Hills, Frank
Hodg'don, Hiram, Col. .
Morrill, Albro David, Prof.
Rand, Abraham W.
Rice, lanthe Blanchard .
Rice Family
Robertson Family .
Shaw, Frank W. .
Smith, Jeremiah .
Tilton, Alfred Edwin .
Tilton, Jeremiah C, Col.
Tilton, Joseph Sullivan .
There are many mimicipalities bearing the name of Xorthfiekl,
and, though each lays claim to some particular attractiveness of
location or embellishment, Xorthfiekl, Xew Hampshire, has many
claims to' consideration that no other can possess.
Although far inland, beyond the sound of the breakers' roar,
it hears on half its border the lap of sweet waters and the bustle
of industry from a hundred water wheels. Like Rome, she sits
on her "seven hills" and, if from her "throne of beauty" she
may not rule the world, she has pretty effectually ruled herself
for a century and a quarter. Bean Hill and Bay Hill greet the
morning sun and pass it along to Arch Hill and Windfall for
the noonday. Horse Hill and The Ledges uphold the dignity
of its western slope, while last, but not least, lonely, but lovely,
Oak Hill looks down on the shining Merrimack, a silver thread
in a web of green, and on a varying expanse of intervale smiling
with her wealth of noble elms. Worcester and the Connecticut
Valley alone are its rivals.
There are indications, not to be ignored, that these peaks
were once islands. Then our lovely Winuepesaukee, heedless
of the call of the Pemigewasset, flowed straight through our
borders. At what date, through barriers burst, she "followed
the setting sun Franklinward" to join the sister stream and
together lose themselves in our lovely Merrimack, we know not.
Only deep ravines, ditches, stranded boulders and our smiling
Sondogardy, with Wolf Swamp below, remain as incontestable
proof of her ancient track to the Merrimack on Canterbury inter-
Other indications, too, point to a time when volcanic force and
arctic glacier ground and crushed; when boulders tumbled from
mountain sides; when heat and frost, rain and atmosphere disin-
tegrated and pulverized, and level stretches of field and forest
became the fixed heritage of the coming tillers of its fruitful
acres. These things exist and mutely tell their story by their
Geologists might tell you of mica, schist, quartz and conglom-
erates, but the first unlettered native saw in the white, cap rock
of Bean Hill the suspicious gleam of gold. -Enough, also, that
the potter and brickmaker have never lacked the clay suited to
their callings or the most primitive farmer lacked the rocks, big
or little, for his mountain fence.
Hemlock, chestnut, oak and pine, close by the forest streams,
where the hum of the primitve saAvmill was heard, mingled with
the sound of the woodman's axe, furnished materia>l for the
settlers' homes and a score of useful trades. Hence came the
fuel to counteract the frost of a thousand biting winters.
The well-digger, too, has rarely ever failed to find the buried
spring or stream for use of man and beast, and, though not
naturally a farming town, the years, with their seedtime and
harvest, have always brought their bounty to storehouse and
barn; and the flocks and herds that graze on her many hills
have been a source of wealth.
And what shall we say of our lovely river, whose sparkling
waters, seemingly delighted at any hindrance, climb joyfully
the ponderous water-wheel and laugh aloud at the discovery of
their power.
The 43d parallel of north latitude approaches it on the South
and it lies midway between the sixth and seventh parallels of
longitude, east from Washington, and 69 and 70 "West from
Greenwich. The traveler going due East would find himself
half round the world in Bordeaux, Genoa and the Crimea.
Northfield was set off from Canterbury June 19, 1780, and
was incorporated by its present name because it comprised the
north part of the town. In fact, the territory had long been
called the north fields.
Canterbury was granted to Richard Waldron and others in
1727 and was incorporated in 1741. The Scotch-Irish from
Londonderry took possession of its intervale in 1721. It was for
a long time the extreme border town.
The depredations of the Indians made a fort necessary and
every man provided himself with suitable means of defense.
Not only did the garrison and the few scattered settlers have
to contend with wild beasts and the cruel Indian, but there was
bitter jealousy between them and the Rumford colony just
Canterbury was a New Hampshire settlement, incorporated
by the New Hampshire government, while Rumford (Concord)
was settled by ]\Iassachusetts people, and was incorporated by
the "Great and General Court," which gave them little help
and no protection.
They were angry because Canterbury was supplied with pro-
visions and a competent force of troops for protection, and the
feeling did not entirely die out until the brave soldiers of the
two settlements had fought side by side in the many, fast-follow-
ing wars.
Capt. Jeremiah Clough, who was later well known in Revolu-
tionary history, was furnished with scouts, who made their
headquarters at the fort, of which he was the commander, and
who, with him, roamed the wooded acres bordering the two rivers
and the north fields long before a settler dared choose a home
away from the shelter of the fort. ]\Iany of his muster-rolls are
still in existence. In the spring of 17-13 he had 20 men for 39
days and on ]\Iarch 8 the House voted to pay him £16 12s. lOd.
The next November he had six men, and in April and j\Iay seven
men. On June 2, 1741, the House voted to pay him £18 for ''ye
defense of the government. ' ' In anticipation of the Indian "War
in 1746, the garrison was strengthened and he had 11 scouts.
Captain Clough went along the \\"innepesaukee River as far
as the "Great Pond," with a force of 19 men. The garrison
furnished bread but their meat was supplied by the game in the
forests through which they passed. Tradition says that there
were often encounters with Indians and many proofs of their
fierce hatred. It was through and through the forests bordering
both rivers, on whose banks straggling bands of the St. Francis
Indians built their wigwams and on whose waters they paddled
their canoes, that the scouts passed, and from their ranks, tra-
dition says, came the first settlers of the north fields at the close
of the Indian War.
They were set off from Canterbury in response to a petition
from the inhabitants to the Legislature, in the following terms :
' ' State of N H, Rockingham ss
"Canterbury Mar. 30 1780
"The humble petition of ye Subscribers Inhabitants of ye
North part of sd Canterbury to ye Honorable ye President and
members of Council and house of Representatives of said State,
we your Humble Petitioners Living at a great Distance from ye
Center of the Towne Some of us nine or ten Miles and Conse-
quently at a very great disadvantage in joining with them all
Publick Town affairs, being encouraged Partly by our Living
in that Part of ye Town that was Laid out for what was called
ye upper Parish and Partly by ye Kind Reception our Request
met with which we made to ye Town for a dismission but more
particularly by our Confidence in your Honors desire to Pro-
mote ye Happiness of every Part of ye State Humbly Pray that
Honors would take our Case into your Serious Consideration
and grant that we together with all those Live in sd Upper
Part may be Erected and Incorporated into a body Politick and
Corporate to have Continuance in ye Name of Northfield with
all such Powers and Authorities Privileges Immunities and
Franchises which other Parishes or Towns in this state in General
hold Enjoy wiiich your Petitions as in duty bound Shall forever
"William Keniston, John Cross, James Blanchard, Jona Wad-
leigh, William Williams, Abner Miles, Jeremiah McDaniel, Ben-
jamin Blanchard, Thos. Clough, Jun., Joseph Carr, Richard
Blanchard, Simeon Sanborn, Thos. Oilman, Charles Glidden,
John Dearborn, Joseph Levitt, William Forrest, Shubal Dear-
born, Shubal Dearborn, Juu., Jacob Merrill, Aaron Stevens, Jun.,
Sam'l Miles, John Forrest, Nath'l Whitcher, Thos. Clough, Jacob
Heath, George Hancock, John Simons, Joseph Hancock, Benjm'n
Collins, Abram Dearborn, Will'm Hancock, NatliT Perkins,
James Sid Perkins, Archelus Miles, Edward Blanchard, Aaron
Stevens, Reuben Whitcher, Will'm Sanborn, John McDaniel,
Eben Kimball, Gideon Switt and Matliew Haines."
This petition was granted and the northwest part of Can-
terbury was set oft' and incorporated by the name of Northfield,
^'^vtnnwitl'^th^ ?^ ^^"^ original survey which ace
vault with the town reconls. transferred to the
the Proprietors' Map are to he found in the
lilch contains Mrs. Cross' Historical KiH'.unls.)
and, in accordance with a vote of the town of Canterbury, passed
March 18, 1779, which vote also pro^^ded that Capt. Josiah
Miles, David Foster, Capt. Edward Blanchard and Ensign
Archelns Miles be a committee to run a line of division.
In October, 1780, Abial Foster of Canterbury made the fol-
lowing return to the General Assembly :
"Agreeable to the order of the Hon. ye General Assembly I
notified a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Northfield
on the 17th day of July last past when they met and chose Town
Officers as the Law directs.
' ' Abial Foster.
''Portsmouth, Oct. 30, 1780."
The boundary line between Northfield and Canterbury lies
south of Bean Hill and is nine miles and 126 rods in length.
The ]\Ierrimack and "Winnepesaukee Rivers constituted its en-
tire western and northern boundaries. There was a dispute
about Gilmanton line and a vexatious lawsuit about the north
end of it is recalled, as the court records are still preserved.
While they do not give us the result of the litigation, they afford
us some idea of the game and wild beasts then to be found in
the forests, and the town in its early meetings offered annually
bounties on wolves, bears and wild cats. j\Ir. James Gibson,
Josiah ]\Iiles and John Simonds were professional hunters and
the latter paid for his farm at the Center, ]\Ir. Hunt says, with
the proceeds of a single season's hunting and trapping.
The former testified, in the suit spoken of, regarding the pres-
ence of moose in the vicinity of Coos and the Great Brook, and
surrounding meadows. Being asked as to other game, he testified
to the presence of beaver, sable, mink, muskrat and black cat.
Bears, too, were so common that Mother Blanchard was on the
constant watch, as her children played in the woods near her
door. They Avere sometimes seen on Bean Hill and the encounter
of John Cilley with an over-familiar one is told elsewhere.
The variety of hill and plain, meadow and woodland, seemed
wonderfulh' attractive and settlers came from far and near —
from Concord and Bow; from Hampton, Lee and Newbury,
]\Iass. ; from old Salislmry and Haverhill by families and neigh-
borhoods. Bean and Bay Hills seemed most attractive, while
the ea.sy navigation of the ^Merrimack, with its many locks.
brought busy families to that location, where the first business
houses of the town were established, as told elsewhere.
In 1828, when the new town of Franklin was organized, a
part of this territory was ceded to it. For some reason, not
recorded, the union was not agreeable and the same territory was
returned by an act of the Legislature of 1830, in the following
terms :
"Chapter 35, Page 319, A. D. 1830.
"An Act to sever the Town of Franklin and annex a part of
the same to Northfield.
"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Eepresentatives in
General Court convened, that that part of the town of Franklin
in the County of ]\Ierrimack which formerly belonged to and
constituted a part of the town of Northfield in the County of
]\Ierrimack be, and the same hereby is severed from the town of
Franklin and annexed to, and made a part of the town of North-
field and all matters and things appertaining to that section
of sd town of Franklin hereby annexed to sd town of Northfield,
be and remain in the same state and condition as if the same had
never been severed from sd town of Northfield.
"Samuel C. Webster,
"Joseph Harper,
President of the Senate.
" Approved, July 3, 1830,
jMathew Harvey,
^'Governor of New Hampshire."
This act contains certain provisions concerning taxes, use of
money and officers serving out their terms, paupers, town debt,
In 1858, Charles Garland, Stephen Gerrish, Edward Leighton,
Jonathan Elkins, Milton Gerrish, J. P. Sanborn and 46 others
petitioned to the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives,
in General Court convened, at their June session of that year,
to be annexed to Franklin, using these words :
"The subscribers inhabitants and legal voters in the town of
Northfield would respectfully represent that their convenience
and interest would be much promoted by having that part of
the town of Northfield which formerly belonged to the town
of Frauklin together with such other additional territory as
the Legislature in their wisdom direct be severed from said town
of Northfield and annexed to said Town of Franklin and con-
stitute a part thereof, and as in duty bound we will ever pray. ' '
The petition was dated April 2, 1858. Its prayer was granted
and the act of annexation passed. The latter bore the signatures
of N. B. Bryant, speaker of the House, Austin F. Pike, president
of the Senate, and William Haile, governor. It was approved
June 27, 1861.
Another act of the Legislature of 1861 disannexed a part
of the homestead farms of Samuel Heath and Edward Leighton
from the town of Northfield and annexed the same to Franklin.
It bears the signatures of Edward H. Rollins, speaker, Herman
Foster, president of the Senate, and Nathaniel Berry, governor.
It was approved June 27, 1861.
For the various boundaries, see map.
Northfield was surveyed and the lots granted long before
1780. There were two divisions of 100-acre lots and much of
the Avooded section was laid out into smaller ones, said to contain
40 acres, though, by actual measure, each size contained an
excess of that quantity. They are, with hardly an exception,
regularly laid out. (See Proprietors' map.)
Canterbury had, at the start, set aside 1,000 acres for the sup-
port of the gospel. These were early sold, so that, while this
land was all within the limits of Northfield, none of the benefits
came to the new town. There were, however, two school lots,
one of 100 acres and another of 40 acres, and a parsonage lot
of 100 acres.
The 1,000 acres began, according to the early records, *'at the
river called Merrimack at the N. W. corner of the hundred acre
lot No 9 and extending up said river as the common land lies
till the whole tract be completed." Only four of these lay on
the Merrimack and five on the Winnepesaukee. No. 9 included
the swamp at the mouth of the Kendegeda Brook and No. 10 the
field north of Oscar P. Sanborn's. There were unassigned tracts
called "Proprietors' Commons," or "Whome Lots," which the
town sold to pay the surveyor's bill or to exchange for private
land needed for highways. The parsonage lot was sold and the
money is, after all these years, available for the purpose origin-
ally designed. The school lots were sold and the avails used for
the first sehoolhouses. Xorthfield contains 17,000 acres or 27
square miles and was in Eockingham County until 1823.
The first meetings of the new town were held in private houses
and barns, as the weather allowed. James Simonds, at whose
house the first one was held on Tuesday, November 21, 1780,
was the first moderator, and Archelus Miles was the first clerk'
Of these early gatherings, Mr. Hunt has given so full an account
in his Centennial address, given in full in its appropriate piace,
I will not speak of it further.
It is not my purpose to give a full list of the recording- clerks
of the town. I wish to bear witness to the ease with which the
records of the early days can be studied. In 1784 the first tax
list was made and all accounts were set down in good form in
pounds, shillings and pence. The elegant penmanship of Master
Bowles is followed by that of Daniel Hills, and that veteran
school teacher, Master Josiah Ambrose. Later we see the elesant
hand of that fine teacher of the art, Charles M. Glines, and then
follow Bracket Ames, Henry T. and Charles F. Hills, Dr. Gould
Charles W. Tilton, Piper Dennis and E. R. Glines— a lono- list'
ending with L. H. Llorrill, Elmer Gale and Harry IMuzzey,'
making the records as legible as the printed page.
The early highways invariably followed the ranges. As no
vehicles were used, a hill or two, or a dozen, were no obstacle.
Rocks there were in abundance, as everywhere else, and a brook
of quite pretentious size, with a log felled across it for pedes-
trians, was quite in order. The first changes made in the line of
improvement was when some enterprising settler would ex-
change a more agreeable route for the range bordering on his
Sometimes the highways were made more passable by citizens,
who would remove the trees for the fuel they afi:'orded. Soon
came the call for wider roads to avoid the drifting of the winter
snow. This was sometimes provided for by a piece of the com-
mon lands being given in return.
It was not until the rush and hustle of busy life seized upon
our ancestors that the shortest, quickest and easiest routes to
church, to store and to mill began to be agitated. The daily
stage coach then began to wander anywhere between the third
and fifth ranges and the town fathers were kept busy in ex-
changing public ways for easier routes. Ofttimes it was for the
advantage of a settler to have the stage pass his door and his
land was freely given. When the saddle gave way to the vehicle
streams must be bridged and stones removed. Then came the
law making towns responsible for dangerous highwaj'S, and
vexatious suits added grave responsibilities. Every year brought
added demands, until we have the present almost perfect system,
with its road machinery and roller for the snow. The S^/o-i'Ocl
road from Kendegeda Brook to Sanbornton Bridge, across the
plains, was opened in 1857.
The petition for Bay Street from the *'Ben Hill house to an
elm tree on land of E. S. Wadleigh, " Avas dated September 3,
1849. There was much opposition to this route and both sides
secured eminent counsel. Hon. Franklin Pierce appeared for the
defendants and Judge Asa Fowler for the petitioners, and legal
proceedings were held.
The road from Zion's Hill to the Grange Fair grounds Avas
asked for in a petition, dated August 5, 1895. The petition was
granted and the road built the same year. The land damage was
only $266.
The Sanborn turnpike, across the Glidden meadow, was for
some years a private way. A company, consisting of Eufus
Boynton, Olwin Dow, George F. Weeks and A. B. Wyatt, had
the matter in charge.
The road from Bay Street to Jeremiah Tilton's mill was
ordered in 1830 and later took the name of Granite Street.
The first bridge over the Winnepesaukee was a little farther
to the east than the present structure by the Optical Works.
It was built in 1763. Three hundred pounds, old tender, were
voted towards its construction.
It must have been used for teams or horseback riders, as
Nathaniel Burley, on his way from Canterbury to his new home
in Sanbornton, took his family over it with horse and cows.
IMrs. Burley, says ]\Ir. Runnells, rode on horseback with her
two youngest children behind her. In front was a bag con-
taining one and a half bushels of meal. Slung over the horse's
back, saddle-fashion, was a strawbed tick, in which was the
barnyard poultry. Holes had been cut in it for breathing places,
out of which on either side their heads protruded.
The father, with two older boys, followed on foot, drivino-
two cows. °
This was in 1767. A better bridge was built in 1784 Canter-
bury assisting. This was carried away by an ice freshet on Feb-
ruary 12, 1824, together with dams and mills.
It must have been replaced at once, as it was the only public
means of crossing the river. The records say nothing of it It
was the scene of a frightful accident in 1839. Mr. Eunnells
says: "A six-horse stage had just left the tavern opposite. When
the horses were well on the bridge it fell without a moment's
warning. The horses became detached and went with it into the
water. Passengers riding on the top were thrown into the stream
and floated down to the dam. None of them lost their lives, but
only one of the horses was rescued."
It was at once rebuilt and, with occasional repairs, remained
until the present iron structure replaced it.
When the new road from Kendegeda Brook to Tilton across
land of Capt. Isaac Glines and Col. Asa P. Gate, was opened in
18o7, a suspension wooden bridge was put across the river, close
by the railroad bridge.
Not many years later it parted in the middle from the weio'ht
of accumulated snow and ice and went down the stream. An-
other wooden one, with a pier in the middle, took its place, and
this was taken away to make room for the present iron structure.
These fine iron bridges, which now span the river, were con-
tracted for in November, 1881, at a cost of nearly $6,000 They
were completed in April, 1882, the entire cost being $5,500, of
which Hon. C. E. Tilton contributed $500 and was the pro-
moter of the enterprise. The lower one cost $1,000 less than the
upper one.
The plate upon the elevated crosspiece over the entrance to
the Xorthfield end of the upper bridge bears this inscription :
Erected 1881 Pat Apr. 16 1878
Corrogated Metal Co. Builders
East Berlin Conu.
James N". Forrest,
Jasou Foss,
Gawii E. Gorrell,
Selectmen of Northjield.
There was also a wooden structure spanning the river farther
down stream by the old Holmes jNIill, now Tilton j\Iills.
Mr. Joseph Dearborn says that the bridge was built by sub-
scription. "My father," said he, "furnished lumber and labor.
Mr. Philip Clough's farm extended south as far as the Colony
road and east to Colonel Cate's, including all the old Seminary
land and other land bordering on the river. His house stood
near the old sawmill and was moved when the railroad ran di-
rectly underneath it. This farm was bought by Mr. Holmes and
he needed the dwelling for a boarding house. He laid out a
3-rod road across the land where Park Street now runs and
extended it to the Colony road, purchasing a narrow strip of
Col. Simeon Cate for $100 to complete it."
The road from his house, later owned by Hon. A. H. Tilton, on
the Franklin road, down to this bridge, over it and on down past
the present fair grounds, w^as on his own land and was never a
public highwa}^, although he made a strenuous effort to make it
the main traveled route to Canterbury by cutting straight to the
Hannaford crossing, where the railroad runs.
The court, on his petition, sent out a committee, there being
no county commissioners then. This committee refused to do it,
as the town had lately extensively repaired the other road past
the brick church.
The Holmes bridge was not a durable structure. It became
unsafe for want of repairs and was used only for pedestrians
for some time. One end became loose and fell into the river and
the other was pulled down.
There was a bridge by the upper dam, with the north entrance
east of the present box shop, and the south by Dea. Andrew
Gilman's brickyard. This must have been the one spoken of by
Mr. Runnells, but located lower down the river and which he
says was not a substantial one, according to the boy's story of
its teetering as he drove across it in 1822. It may have been a
private affair and was used by the tovra while rebuilding the one
destroyed by ice. It was damaged in some way and, perhaps,
destroyed, as the records show a lawsuit by ]Mr. Tilton for dam-
ages in 1825. It was voted a year or two later "that the select-
men pay him as much as they think best for use of his bridge."
THE "lOER" bridge.
The rang^e road passing the Leighton farm originally ran
straight to the river, over which was a bridge, which disappeared
long ago and was never rebuilt. One committee of the town
voted not to accept it and another one was chosen. I can give no
further history, although a good story concernino. it is told else-
where. The road then was changed and access^o Sanbornton
obtained at the Sanborn bridge.
The Allard bridge, later called the Cross bridge, was a short
one, with wooden piers, until the Winnepiseogee Paper Company
hroug 1 A^arren F. Daniell, agent, desired to flow their surround-'
mg flats by raising the dam near it and an agreement was made
with the town through their selectmen to allow them to raise it
four feet higher, to make the middle pier of stone and to erade
and raise the approaches. They were also to raise the Colonv
bridge and rebuild the abutments, maintaining both bridoes ib;
ever from damage by water caused by raising the Cross dam
From time to time the little structures spanning our moun-
tain brooks, so susceptible to spring freshets or a drenching storm
miff '' " '^''''' '' "^°^^ '^'^ brimming river" but
Northfield has been, with the exception of the flood of 1869, singu-
larly free from expense attendant on replacing bridges.
The early settlers of the town were not all godly men and
women, but they were descendants of the Puritans and soon set
themselves to erect churches and establish schools.
At a town meeting, held the 6th of March, 1783, among other
things, it was voted to "Build a house thurty By thirty-six for
the good of the Paarish to be Built Between william williams
and Sconduggody Brook Capt Blanchard Lieut Gliddon and
Reuben witcher a Committee to Par Cix A Place to Build sd
"Esq Gilman should have the Cear of Building sd House
"To Raise Seventy Dolows toward Building sd hous"
On the 2d of February, 1783, it had been voted, "To act
upon the warrent in finding Bords, Shingil, Plank & Nails to
finish of the meeting hous.
"To Bid of the Boords five hundred at a bid and to be deliv-
ered at the meeting-hous by the 5tli of March next"
Five citizens agreed to furnish five hundred boards at 9s. 6d.
Nine others were to furnish 520 foot boards at prices varying
from 9s. 6d. to 13s. 6d. Ten also agreed to furnish "1000
shingil" at 8s. Board nails were bid off at 6s. 6d. per thousand
and "Shingil Nails" at 2s. 6d. and "Window froimes" at 2s.
6d, "1 window fraim furnished by Lieut Liford of twenty
four Squaires."
John ]\IcDaniel was to receive said lumber.
The records show nothing further until April 7, 1786, when
Lieutenant Glidden was chosen a ' ' Committee to enclose ye meet-
ing hous and to fioor and underpin ye soim"
Then came delay. IMareli 5, 1891, it was voted to "take sum
Method to build a town house or meeting house." A committee
w^as chosen for that purpose and consisted of "the former three
to which W™ Forrieest Mr. Thomas Cross Lieut John Cochran
Esq Mathews and N. G. Sanborn" were added.
They reported March 29 as follows :
"istiy for to build a house of a midling size
"2°^iy That the timber, bords. Shingles & Nails be Yendued
off in small quantityes
"Shuch men as shall bid off the Same on the Spot where
there house is to be built, the timber is to be on the Spot by June
"3'y The house is to be fraimed and Eaised by the first of
September of the same year 1792
"4iy The house to be all boorded and floored and Shingled
in the said month of Sept."
June 7, 1791, the town voted to set the house at "the Cruch
of the Roads where it Crosses the main Road about Eighty Rods
below Esq Gilmans as the Road goes from Gilmanton to Salis-
bury ' '
In March, 1792, it was voted to raise no money to build a
March 7, 1793, it was voted to build a meeting-house and
Colonel Greeley, Esquire Harper and Captain McCrillis, all non-
residents, were chosen to pitch upon a "small place where it
should stand," and a new committee was appointed, only one
of the old board. Captain Blanchard, being retained.
March 28, 1793, the locating committee reported as follows:
"We have carefully examined the situation of sd Parish and
find the most convenient spot to be on Esq Charles Gliddens
land near his gate a Little North of Capt Stephens Haines
Dwelling House in sd ground we have set two stakes for the
front of sd house or as near as is convenient."
The report was signed by Samuel Greeley, David IMcCrillis and
William Harper.
The matter of location being settled, the work went steadily
on. All the first-class workmen were from out of town.
The nails were forged out by hand on the spot by a professional
who came with forge and material. Grandfather Knowles turned
the balusters and the corner stone was probably laid without
ceremony. But the raising was a great event. It had been an-
nounced for the second week in September and great prepara-
tions had been made for a grand picnic dinner. Elder Crockett
of Sanbornton was invited to make a prayer and to give a re-
ligious tone to the occasion. The large granite blocks for the
underpinning had been put in place and the sills were laid.
Thus the ceremonies began ! Master Builder "William Durgiu
stood on the southeast corner with a bottle of New England rum in
his hand. Filling a glass, he passed it to the good minister, after
spilling some on the ground, and then to the dignitaries present.
Tradition does not say at what stage of the proceedings the long
and fervent prayer was offered, but it does say all drank their
fill. It is safe to say that none of the workmen drank to excess,
as it required strong arms and clear heads to swing the massive
timbers to their place, and not the slightest accident marred
the day's festivities. "When the evening shadows fell the struc-
ture was ready for the roof. The dense forest, east of the house,
from whence the large beams and rafters had been taken, fur-
nished an ideal place for the bountiful repast. An ox cart,
filled with white and brown loaves, furnished by the good women
of Bay Hill, had appeared in due time and, being driven to its
place in the shade, required the strong arm of Qapt. David
Hills, supplemented by his limber ox-goad, to protect it from the
hungry, fun-loving boys, who, no sooner routed from a rear at-
tack, appeared in front, and so on in rapid alternation, while
his good wife on horseback, with babe in arms, brought the kettle
strapped behind, in which ^Mother Knowles was to prepare the
fish and potato, which was to be the main dish of the feast.
There were baked beans, of course, and various other dishes,
familiar to our ancestors, all ready at the stated time.
The morrow showed greater enthusiasm and larger numbers.
The roof timbers were easily lifted to their places amid cheers
and jokes from the lookers-on, and when the ridgepole was iu
place one nimble lad stood on his head upon it with his feet iu
the air. He had previously distinguished himself by being the
first child born in the new town. Another bountiful feast was
served in the grove and the barrel of New England rum, in the
store building opposite, was again generously patronized. The
afternoon was given up to sports of various kinds. Nimble-footed
boys ran races up the hill and men with sacks of potatoes on
their backs vied with each other in speed. They wrestled;
climbed trees; lifted weights; and carried each other on their
backs. Baseball, lawn tennis or golf had never been heard of^
3^et there was no lack of sport. Night came all too soon and all
departed to their homes; the master builder and his trained work-
men rejoicing in a mechanical success; the religious men and
w'omen happy in being able to assist in establishing the preaching
of the gospel in their newly-chosen home ; and the girls and
boys sure they had had the one great time of their lives.
A special meeting was called at the meeting-house on Decem-
ber 2, 1793, to provide for finishing it. It was voted that the
lime and finish material, except the glass, be struck off to the
lowest bidder and that the work should be completed by the first
day of October, 1791.
The vote to paint it is not recorded until March 9, 1800,
There was probably no dedication, as the raising had exhausted
all the sentiment, and, besides, the house was to serve a double
purpose. Several special, as well as the annual town meeting,
had been held in it before its completion.
It did not follow the lines of modern architecture, with tower,
gables, cornices and pillared entrances. It w^as plain, as you see
it now in its severe outline and almost repulsive angularity, but
it was after the then prevailing style and, if not a thing of
beauty, was a joy for a long series of years.
The selling of the pews began to be agitated in 1820 and
eventually they were all owned by individuals. One sold at
auction on April 8, 1807, was struck off to Enoch Kogers at
All denominations worshiped in it, as the town directed at the
annual meeting, and for several years a certain sum of money
was raised to hire preachers and a suitable person was chosen to
expend it. In fact, in 1797, it was voted that ''The selectmen
supply the pulpit the ensuing year" and £30 was raised.
Let us in imagination look in upon this little company of w^or-
shipers of the long ago.
Let US go back to 1820. It is a bright Sunday moruiug in
June. Breakfast and family worship are over. The cows are
milked and driven to pasture led by old Brindle with her noisy
bell. Cream-colored Jerseys and spotted Herefords were not
then known. The chores are all done and everything made
snug and safe, though the doors are guiltless of either bolts or
bars, for the ubiquitous tramp has not yet begun his travels.
We hastily don our home-woven garments and briskly take our
departure on foot, while father, mother and the younger ones of
our little flock are getting ready to follow on horseback. We
are barefooted, of course (at least at the start), and soon fall
in with others bound for the same shrine, until the highways and
byways, leading north, south, east and west, are alive with
coming worshipers. From out mysterious bundles come now
carefully-kept morocco shoes and calfskin boots, which are has-
tily put on by the wayside, and many a treasured silk dress is
hastily donned at some neighbor's house nearby. There is no
sweet-toned bell to ring out its call to worship or greet us as we
arrive, and the solemn-faced minister must set his own pace as
he passes slowly to his wonted place in the pulpit, beneath the
large sounding-board. This was the only glimpse we had of the
busy world and social life, and the greetings were cordial and
honest. Up to the horse block, close by the door, they come.
The sire, from his finely upholstered saddle, springs hastily down,
thus displaying a saddle cloth that has grown beautiful under the
skillful fingers of her, who now sits stately on the pillion with
babe in arms, perhaps, and a rosy-cheeked lad or lassie clinging
to her from behind. She slips proudly down, shakes out her
rumpled dress, puts the children in shape, while the horse is
led away to its hitching post. The older boys and girls have now
arrived and all prepare for a dignified entrance. Did they care
how they looked in these old times? Where else did the styles
have a chance to display themselves ? Who will criticize Mrs. So
and So if she whispers into her neighbor's ear what her last
web Avas colored with or how many yards of frocking she had
woven the past week ? Next comes the latest bride and groom on
their horses and elegant saddles, which formed a part of
their marriage dower. How gallantly he helps her to alight,
and, clad in their dainty bridal garments, they march pom-
pously in. She is greeted with smiles and nods as he leads
her to her first sitting in the family pew. And still they come —
old Revolutionary uniforms, cocked hats, long waistcoats, knee
breeches, silver shoe buckles and all. jMother's calash is rather
large, but she thus shows she is well to do and can afford it, and,
besides, there is every style of headgear that can be seen in
a modern crowd. The square pews, like so many sheep pens,
are filled and the doors shut and fastened, and only the heads
of the taller ones are visible above the heavy grills around the
top. There are no cushions on the narrow plank seats that turn
back on their hinges as the family rises, as they are bound to do
during the long, long prayers, and let fall with most unseemly
clatter when came the ever-welcome amen.
The heavy plank seats in front of the double doors were used
by the communicants when the Lord's Supper was spread. They
were quite like modern pews, save that they were longer, and in
front sat the deacon in charge of that day's service, overhung
by the swell front of the high pulpit above. But, listen, the
minister rises and announces the oj)ening hymn in this wise : ' ' Let
us sing to the praise of God from "Watts' and Select Hymns No.
120, long meter," which he does not read. Good Deacon Abbott
now rises from his hiding place, read}^ to perform his stated
duty. The chorister has already selected the tune and let us
hope the choir has rehearsed it faithfully. The tuning fork is
produced and the leader, biting it, rolls his eyes toward Heaven,
sounds out his do, mi, sol, do, then turning to his choir, who
lean towards him, he gives the keynote, which they sound out
clear and loud. Now the lines are read by the deacon and sung
by the choir until the usual number of verses are accomplished.
They were not all simple tunes, for many a choice anthem was
sung as a voluntary, in which the deacon had no part. The
singers were expected to do duty on other occasions, and many
a sad funeral was made doubly dolorous by the misguided taste
that could offer such comfort as came from the old hymn :
"Hark, from the tombs a doleful sound
My ears attend the cry,
Ye living men, come view the ground
Where you must shortly lie."
Then follows the long- appeal to Heaven for all ranks and
conditions of men, and especially for some stricken family, who
have sent in a written request for the prayers of the church
and congregation that their recent bereavement might be sancti-
fied to their spiritual good.
The elaborate sermon, in accordance with the prevailing cus-
tom, is doctrinal and elaborates the accepted creed of the church.
The minister spreads out his generous manuscript, announces
his text, and gives the almost numberless divisions and subdi-
visions that cluster in and around the theme. Each in turn is
elaborated and proved and our well-nigh exhausted spirits are
at last relieved by the trite announcement, **In view of this
subject I remark first." These were often carried to eighthly,
ninthly, lastly and finally. This was good old orthodox style,
when sermons must be long to be in good form. But we do not
go home even now. There is no Sunday School as yet and we
sit in the shade behind the house and eat apples and the ginger-
bread our mother so carefully provided, while the men gather
about the grounds in groups, talk over the coming elections or
discuss the weighty matters of national politics. The pastor is
again seen wending his way to the pulpit and so again we enter.
The service is an exact counterpart of the morning, save that
the sermon is a practical one. Just befoi"e the benediction a
clatter of hoofs is heard. The rider hastily dismounts and ap-
pears at the open door. It is the "crier," perhaps the town
clerk, who enters hastily and, with a loud voice, announces that
marriage is intended between and , giving the
full names. This "publishment" must be given in three differ-
ent public places and so the rider is off again ere we recover our
breath. Sometimes he prefaced the announcement with "Hear
ye!" and gave the added order, "If any one knows any reason
why this marriage should not take place, let him speak now or
ever after keep silence. ' '
But we must not forget the tithingman. He, of course, is
present with his "rod," not unlike a modern fish pole in size and
length, tapering to the end. His duty it is to preserve order,
expel offenders and, passing from place to place in the front
row of the gallery, reach down to the sleepers below and tap
them on the head. The giggling girls and whispering boys are
his especial charges, and those whose "eyes looked love to eyes
that spoke again," and other misdirected eyes that peeped
through Grandfather Knowles' balusters to some responsive ones
in the nearest inclosure instead of looking straight to the min-
ister, as they were in duty bound.
But we must not forget our colored friends for whom the
house had special privileges in shape of a narrow seat at the
top of the liight of stairs leading to the gallery. Sampson and
Pompey could occupy the allotted space in the east wing and
Phyllis and Dinah the west. Let us hope the doors were always
left open so the service could reach them, or that otherwise they
were allowed to go within the sacred enclosure.
But the end came at last, as the tired preacher closed his book
and said, with uplifted hand, "Peace be with you all. Amen."
The hungry and impatient horses, that have stamped and
neighed for the last hour, now receive their burdens and gallop
swiftly toward "pastures green."
Sunday night is Lovers' Night! The Isaacs and Rebeccas
linger a little behind. "Home tonight?" he wdiispers in a voice
he thinks no one hears. She answers with a nod and a blush,
and then they go their several ways, each and all satisfied that
the day has been kept, if not in accord with the third com-
mandment, at least according to customary usage.
After the Congregationalists went to worship at the academy,
this house was abandoned, except for business purposes and an
occasional school exhibition.
The first anniversary exercises of the Seminary were held
here and were attended by a great concourse. "When the town
bought the brick church for its business meetings, it fell into
decay and was owned by several private individuals in turn,
until purchased of Joseph Hill by Hon. C. E. Tiltou and re-
moved to the fair grounds, at great expense and trouble, by
George L. Theobald of Concord. It was put in good repair and
used as an exhibition hall. It seems most fitting that North-
field's Old Home Day exercises should be held in it.
This sketch begins very properly with the biography of Elder
Winthrop Young, since Northfield and Canterbury were one
when this sect was first established and very soon spread to the
utmost western limits of the town on the ]\Ierrimack River
He Avas born in Barrington in 1753. "When about 22 years old
he married the sister of Mica j ah Otis. Mr. Young's name appears
with the latter 's among the nine petitioners from the Strafford
Church to New Durham for help, after the Shaker delusion in
1782, which wrecked whole churches.
In 1787 he removed to Canterbury, where he was chosen cap-
tain of the militia, and his tall, fine figure and courteous man-
ners won him esteem and renown.
In 1793 Eev. Benjamin Randall visited the town and baptized
a number, and Mr. Young became deeply interested and zealous.
In June, 1796, he was ordained pastor of the Free Baptist
Church and entered upon a useful pastorate of 35 years.
In 1798 he baptized 30 in Canterbury and in 1800 a remarkable
religious interest sprang up in New Hampton, chiefly through
his labors. Here he organized a church of 64 members and for
eight months the work continued until 114 had been baptized
and added to the church.
Besides his regular duties at home, he held meetings regularly
at the Oak Hill schoolhouse and Mr. Piper's barn. June, 1824,
was a revival season and many converts were baptized by him in
the river. He was often assisted by the Rev. John Harriman and,
still later, by the Rev. Joseph Harper, M. D., and Elders Jere-
miah and Joseph Clough, all of whom were ordained the same
day in Canterbury.
Elder Young established a church at the Oak Hill schoolhouse
and a Sabbath School, which was maintained for many years.
I\Iany of the new comers to that region were Methodists and
when the brick meeting-house was built, it proved more attractive
than the unpretentious schoolroom and many were attracted to
it and interest in the little society declined.
Soon after the Adventists and iMethodists held services in
groves and private houses during the summer months and the
Sunday School was very regularly maintained. In 1822, at the
age of 70, he was still in the work and baptized a number at
Northfield in 1832. After a long life, spent in loving service
for the ^Master, he passed suddenly into the higher life on Jan-
uary 6, 1832. Still the good cause did not languish. The Sun-
day School flourished and meetings were held in suitable weather
in Thomas Chase's grove, as the schoolhouse proved inadequate.
Rev. John Chamberlain reorganized this church in 1858 and,
under his care, it reached a membership of 40. (See por-
trait and sketch.) He was ordained July 4 in the woods by the
Rev. J. B. Davis. A wonderful story is told by many partici-
pants in that service, numbering some 1,500 people, of a won-
derful instance of immediate answer to prayer.
During the afternoon a shower developed in the west, increas-
ing to alarming proportions. The crowd grew restless, as there
was no shelter, and soon became greatly alarmed, as the storm
was accompanied with deafening thunder. It crossed the river
and the sound of the big drops rattled in the neighboring tree
Coming to the front of the platform, ]\Ir. Chamberlain knelt
with his face to the coming storm and never was a more fervent
appeal made to "Him who holds the winds and waters in his
hand," than was there uttered.
Suddenly, as the great drops came nearer, a sharp gust of
wind turned the edges of the cloud aside and the storm passed
to the North without a drop having fallen on the crowd. The
effect was instant and a season of thanksgiving followed. ]\Iany
of those present call it a miracle to this day.
After Mr. Chamberlain's departure to other fields of labor,
the Belknap Quarterly Meeting Association supplied preaching
for one year, thus making the supply constant for a dozen
From 1872 to 1883 Elders Higgins of Canterbury, Preseott
and Hadley of Franklin, Rev. John Fogg and others, students
from the New Hampshire Conference Seminary, furnished a con-
stant supply.
Mrs. James Thompson and "Willie Keniston were active in
reorganizing the Sunday School in 1875, and Moses Batehelder
served as its superintendent until his death. The old library
was enlarged, an organ secured, and, on the completion of Union
Church, moved to its present location and is still in a flourish-
ing condition.
The Baptist Church is now, as then, the only organization in
that part of the town and holds its services regularly and has
largely, with the Methodists, conducted the Sunday School.
Dea. Charles H. Ayers (see portrait and sketeli) was for
many years its most faithful member and generous supporter.
(See portrait.)
"To be well born is better than to be born rich." Then, in the town
of Loudon, state of New Hampshire, on the 27th of November, in the
year of our Lord 1S21, John Chamberlain entered into a goodly heri-
tage. His ancestry on both sides reach back through clearly mai'ked
lines to the colonial settlers of Massachusetts and Southern New
Hampshire. They bore an honorable record in the affairs of both
church and state.
They were mostly sturdy farmers, but among them were representa-
tives of all useful industries and professions. There were college men,
doctors, clergymen, lawyers and statesmen. They were very patriotic
and were active, both as soldiers and officers in all the historic wars
for the establishment and defence of the American nation.
John was the second of seven children born to Dea. John Abbott and
Polly Clough Chamberlain. Judge Sylvester Dana, law partner of
former president Franklin Pierce, in his memorial of Deacon Cham-
berlain, spoke of him as: "An honest man in whom there was no
guile; an intelligent man of sound judgment, who readily perceived
both truth and error; a fearless man who dared sustain the right,
however unpopular." These, with other sterling characteristics, were
transmitted to the subject of this sketch and to his children.
The education which John was able to glean from the district school
was supplemented by courses at Pembroke Academy and New Hamp-
ton Institution. He was an omnivorous reader, had a tenacious mem-
ory and was a close observer of current events. The Free Baptist
Church, the church of his parents, the church of his early religious
associations, was the church of which he became a member at con-
version. A long and severe struggle respecting his duty to preach
the Lord's gospel eventuated in his ordination on July 4, 1S5S. The
services were held in a beautiful grove near the Oak Hill school-
house in Northfield and were witnessed by more than 1,500 people.
The year following his ordination, Mr. Chamberlain traveled, as an
evangelist, about 5,000 miles and preached on an average one sermon
for each day. Near the close of 1859 he organized a church in Penacook,
over which he settled; but when the national war broke out nearly
all the male members followed him to the front and the church be-
came extinct. His war record was unique and brilliant. He acted
under a special commission from Governor Berry to care for the sick
and wounded soldiers of New Hampshire. In this capacity he was not
only a great help to disabled soldiers, but saved the state much treas-
Among the pastorates held by Mr. Chamberlain were those at Pena-
cook, Canterbury, Meredith Center, Meredith Oak Hill, Lisbon, Stark,
Lower Gilmanton, West Salisbury, Canterbury Center and Northfleld.
Fi'om 1881 to 1890 he was chaplain of Merrimack County Almshouse
where, in addition to general good work, he organized a Sunday
School and established a library.
Mr. Chamberlain had, to some extent, a poetic gift and composed
several hymns which were copied into popular collections. These he
sang with marked effect, notably "The Gospel Train." He was also
gifted in prayer and used these, with other endowments, to profit in his
evangelistic work. His sermons were well arranged, copiously illus-
trated and were generally delivered with much pathos.
His strong individuality made him seem to some a bit eccentric in
methods and manners. But he was abundant in good works along all
ordinary lines of ministerial effort and he did a work for humanity
that but few of his brethren were furnished by nature and grace to
accomplish. Exact statistics could not be found among his papei's, but
it is known that he officiated at a large number of weddings and
funerals; that he baptized hundreds of converts and that scores of
souls, converted under his evangelistic efforts, were gathered to church
membership by other pastors.
With the dawn of January 1, 1893, the liberated soul of John Cham-
berlain went out from its Northfleld home and up to that city "whose
builder and maker is God." After an impressive funeral service at
the Northfleld church, sustained by the Revs. J. Erskine, Lewis Mal-
vern, Irving W. Coombs and Frederick L. Wiley, and the Masonic
fraternity, the remains were borne to Bedford, N. H., for interment.
On the 9th of May, 1848, Mr. Chamberlain was married to
Amanda M. Johnson, who bequeathed him three children. Charles
Judson is a prosperous citizen of Ponkapog, Mass; Mary C, now Mrs.
Henry A. Aldrich, lives at Cambridge, Mass.; and Nellie B., now Mrs.
William W. Darrah, resides at Dedham, Mass. These are all sur-
rounded by happy families of their own. This wife and mother was
called to her celestial reward July 22, 18G7. Her successor, Irena
Bachelder, was inducted into the family by marriage September 29,
1868, and presided over the household till its disruption by death.
By a recent marriage she is now Mrs. Charles C. Noyes of Concord.
In the spring of 1804 two JMethodist preachers, Caleb Dustin
and Lewis Bates, were appointed to the Bridgewater circuit.
As they rode through the town of Northfleld, they were im-
pressed with the beauty of its hills and felt that "God ought to
have a work in this region for them."
They told the people they met who they were and that they
would gladly hold religious services if they were desired aud
if any one would open his house and circulate the information.
Deacon Jonathan Clough, a Baptist residing on Bay Hill,
responded to their request and invited them to preach in his
home. The house is still in existence, having been occupied
through the century just closed by the descendants of the family,
and being very recently sold by the widow of "Wm. H. Clough.
Rev. Lewis Bates, grandfather of ex-Governor Bates of ^lassa-
chusetts, accepted the invitation and preached a sermon from
the text, *'I was a stranger and ye took me in." The people
were deeply interested in the discourse of this faithful itinerant
and requested further services, and Joseph Knowles, residing
on Bay Hill nearby, offered his home for a second service, which
was held two weeks later, Caleb Dustin preaching the sermon.
A regular appointment was made for a meeting every two weeks.
At one of these services, shortly after their beginning, the
people were deeply moved by the earnest appeals of the preacher
and several were converted. A class, consisting of Joseph
Knowles and wife, Josiah Ambrose and wife, and four sisters,
Susanna, Sarah, Hannah and Eunice Morse, Avas formed. Others
were quickly added, among whom were Alice Glidden, Lottie
Ellison, the mother of Benjamin F. Butler, and Mrs. Polly Wad-
leigh Fullerton, later Mrs. Capt. Isaac Glines, mother of Mrs.
William Clough, and thus was formed the nucleus of the jMetho-
dist Episcopal Church of Xorthfield and Tilton.
In 1805 Martin Ruter visited Xorthfield and baptized nine
persons in the pond on Bay Hill, and in the spring of 1806 he
was appointed by Bishop Hedding at the conference held in Ca-
naan, the first regular pastor of the church, which had been or-
ganized with a membership of 31 persons.
A parsonage was built for him on Bay Hill, the foundations
of which are still visible. By vote of the town he was permitted
to cut wood from the parsonage lot for his own fire, "provided
he leaves the fences in good order. ' '
The ]\Iethodists were also permitted to occupy occasionally
the Union Church, now located on the Grange Fair ground, but
some, not relishing their teachings, a discussion arose and the
itinerants were coiitent to make use of schoolhouses, private
dwellings and barns for tlieir services, until in due time a brick
church was built for their exclusive use, which is now the town
hall of Northfield.
The church grew wath amazing rapidity from conversions and
the influx of new settlers. Among the latter W'as Chase Wyatt,
an ardent jMethodist from Sandown, whose descendants are still
prominent factors in the church and community. The ministers
were not embarrassed for lack of a church in which to preach,
as they were equally at home in barns or forests. Their message
of salvation was as large as space and they longed to have the
whole w^orld hear it. It is said that Lewis Bates once preached
in the grove of Chase Wyatt and that his stentorian voice could
be heard a mile away on Bay Hill.
In 1814 Joseph Knowles, the first member and class leader,
died in great triumph. At that time the membership had in-
creased to 158 and their unity, zeal and faith had impressed the
whole community. They exercised boundless hospitality toward
one another and many homes were headquarters for the itiner-
ants and the Methodists of surrounding charges. Quarterly meet-
ings were great events in their spiritual experiences and not in-
frequently they gathered from far and near to enjoy their "love
feasts" and to listen to their chief ministers. This unity and
brotherliness impressed the people and the remark was not un-
common, "See how these Christians love one another."
In 1828, the new church edifice, now the Northfield tow^n house,
was erected and dedicated as a place of worship.
In 1835 a parsonage w^as purchased and it is still used for that
In 18-11, Josiah Ambrose, one of the earliest and most influ-
ential members, died. He was universally respected and loved
for his solid worth, gentlemanly bearing and modest manliness.
He had been for many years a teacher in the community and
had w^on the love of his pupils.
In 1856 the present house of worship, located in Tilton, was
erected. The opposition to the transfer of the church home to
another town was not serious and the inhabitants of Northfield
soon accepted the change as for the best interests of the whole.
A long list of pastors served the church through the century.
At first they changed every year, and, later, every two or three
years, but at the present time they are privileged to remain
tliu'ing eflScieney or until called away by the exigencies of the
Of some of the 63 who so faithfully and ably filled the desk
in the brick church and later in the adjoining town, it will be
my duty to speak in this place.
This church celebrated its 100th anniversary in June, 1905,.
and from the able historical address of Rev. J. W. Adams I
take, in part, the following regarding some of its best known
preachers, who resided in Xorthfield:
Northfield was first recognized as one of the stations of the Metho-
dist Conference in 1S05 and Mr. Ruter was the first supply sent.
The town records say that there was dissent from his doctrine by
Gideon Sawyer and Jesse Cross and that soon after he and his fol-
lowers abandoned the meeting-house, which they used alternately
with other denominations, and held services at the Bay Hill school-
house and in William Knowles' barn. Their converts were baptized
in Chestnut Pond. He baptized the first nine members whose names
are given elsewhere. Dr. Adams, in his historical address at the Cen-
tennial anniversary, says he was born at Charlestown, Mass., April 3,
1785. He joined the New York Conference in 1801. He remained in
Northfield for several years. Three children were born here. Sybil,
the second daughter, was born July 15, 1810. He taught the Bay Hill
school and had the superintendency of the others in 1809. He was.
presiding elder with his home here and represented the town in the
Legislature of ISll. He became a learned man and was principal of
Newmarket Academy and Augusta, Ga., College until 1833. From
1834 to 1S37 he was president of Alleghany College. Mr. Adams says
"he was a man of a generous nature and of great natural abilities
and that he bore the title of D. D." He died in Texas. May 16, 1838,
having gone there to preach to the destitute.
Rev. Lewis Bates came to the New England Conference in 1806.
He was born in 1780 and was a preacher while Mr. Ruter was presiding
elder. Mr. Bates was a fine pulpit orator and often held services in the
open air. His voice, Mr. Adams says, was "like the blast of an arch-
angel's trumpet" and could be heard for long distances. He was a
holy man and many converts followed his ministry.
These were the two men of spiritual might whose voices first heralded
the new evangel in Northfield.
Mr. Cass is not enrolled as a regular supply but is entitled to a
place in Northfield history, as his wife was of the Knowles family, and
still more for his great interest and labors in securing the Seminary for
our town. He was a powerful man in whatever he undertook. He
was a resident of Northfield in 1827 when the erection of the brick
church was undertaken and mainly through his energy and push it
was carried to completion and dedicated September 1, 1S2G.
Mr. Storrs, who filled the charge in 1829, was a man of great ability
and Christian zeal. He had a great following and there were many
-converts. He was a powerful antislavery speaker and, attempting to
deliver a lecture in the brick church, December 14, 1835, was dragged
from his knees while in prayer, taken from the church and arrested as
an idler and vagrant, going, a disorderly person, from place to place,
•etc. A hearing was held next day and he was acquitted, only to receive
similar treatment at Pittsfield and elsewhere. A printed circular
concerning the trial is still preserved. Judge Atkinson was the jus-
tice and Dr. Hoyt one of the chief witnesses. (See Greeley's History
of the Great Rebellion.)
Mr. Quimby was preacher for the year 1855, which will be remem-
bered as the beginning of the enterprise which took from us the only
remaining church.
The feeling against its removal was, however, not of long duration,
as recorded elsewhere, and the church, although outside our borders,
has for more than a half century entered largely into the spiritual
life of the town.
These are but a few of the 62 devoted men who served the de-
nomination in Northfield, the pioneers in point of time or the
leaders in great emerg-eneies, and who were residents here.
Early in the spring of 1822 there was an organization formed,
■called "The First Religious Society of Northfield," and $150
was raised for preaching, but there are no records to show what
denominations were included or how long the organization ex-
isted in Northfield.
In July of the same year the Eev. Abraham Bodwell of San-
bornton, the Rev. Dr. Woods of Boscawen and the Rev. Asa
McFarland of Concord were invited to consult with those Avho
were desirous of forming a Congregational Church. After
much deliberation it seemed advisable and an orsanization was
effected ou July 18, 1822. There were 16 original members^
namely :
Elias Abbott and wife, Elizabeth;
Obadiah Hall and wife, Hannah;
Obadiah Hall, Jr., and wife, Hannah;
Susanna Hancock;
Jeremiah Hall;
Robert Forrest and wife, Sarah ;
Ebenezer Morrison and wife, Anna ;
Mrs. Betsey Brown ;
Sally Dearborn;
Dr. Enos Hoyt;
Abagail Abbott.
Dr. Wood preached the sermon and administered the sacrament
ou that occasion.
Elias Abbott was chosen deacon and, a little later, Jeremiah
Hall was similarly honored.
Within a year the membership was increased by six and a
weekly prayer-meeting established, which has continued regu-
larly to the present time. During the 1-1 years following, 90
were added to its membership.
They worshiped at the meeting-house when other denomina-
tions were not using it. Often they met at the Centre school-
house; sometimes at Bay Hill and, later, at the academy at
Sanbornton Bridge.
The farmers, it was claimed, could more easily go to the vil-
lage, which was fast increasing in population, than the village
people could go a mile on foot to the old meeting-house ; so that
when a new house of worship was anticipated its location was
easily decided, and public worship was held in the old academy
A prominent citizen of Sanbornton Bridge, who did not sym-
pathize with the antislavery movement, then coming to the
front, offered a site free of cost provided the subject of Ameri-
can slavery be forever excluded from its pulpit.
There was not, however, any trouble in securing a site.
Three small tracts were purchased, one given and the present
site unanimously agreed upon.
Four prominent men. Dr. Hoyt, William Follansby, Robert
Gray and Esq. Samuel Tilton, agreed to furnish one third of
the cost and take their pay in pews. Others pledged themselves
to purchase and the work was begun in May, 1838, by a force
of workmen from Hopkinton.
Pastor and people gathered among the timbers at the laying
of the corner stone. Rev. Enoch Corser offered prayer. A
choir, consisting of Deacon Hall, Hazen Cross, Dr. Hoyt, IMiss
Eliza Hall and Miss Sarah Tilton, rendered appropriate music.
Five months later the pews were sold, the building paid for
and dedicated free of debt. The whole cost, including fur-
nishings, bell, etc., was $3,500. The bell, the only one for miles
around, was furnished by the Ladies' Circle.
Does my duty as historian stop here? Far from it. This
church has been all through the subsequent years as much — nay
more — a factor in the spiritual and social life of Northfield
than when that handful of 16 original members gathered around
the Lord's table for their first communion.
It now took the name of "The Northfield and Sanbornton
Bridge Congregational Church."
In 1867 the building was raised and an under story put in.
This improvement furnished a vestry and pastor's room, with
stairs leading to the pulpit. A kitchen was also added. Mr.
Bradbury T. Brown gratuitously furnished the lumber and
Jeremiah C. Tilton had charge of the work.
The gallery was rebuilt in 1882 and the organ placed behind
the desk, new seats provided and the room frescoed. It was
further improved in 1887 and the seating capacity greatly en-
larged. The memorial room, fitted up by the late Selwin Pea-
body in memory of his devoted wife, was dedicated January 20,
The church is now provided with modern improvements, in
all of which the Northfield members have generously done their
share. Of the 13 who have filled the office of deacon, 10 have
been residents of Northfield, as were all the charter members
of the church and 12 of the 20 Sunday School superintendents.
Of the many bequests, those coming from Northfield friends
have been in excess of those from others. Of the seven godly,
earnest men, who have told the "old, old story" from this desk,
four have dwelt within our borders and will be noticed herewith.
Only when the books are opened in the clearer vision of Heaven
shall we be able to trace the dim lines and read how God's provi-
dence and grace have followed weak, human efforts and suppli-
Rev. John Turner was the first Congregational minister to preach
In the old meeting-house and was followed by the Revs. Jotham and
Samuel Sewall.
Rev. Mr. Page of Salisbury fills the record until the coming of Rev.
Liba Conant, when the church was organized in 1S22. He was or-
dained May 29 1823.
He is characterized by one, who long sat under his preaching, as "a
small man with soft voice and gentle manners, one of the few of
whom the world is not worthy." He was a graduate of Brown Uni-
versity and this was his first charge. His salary was meager and his
father, liking the arrangement, came to reside with him to assist in
his support.
He was especially happy in his marriage service and his house was
the scene of numberless weddings. The temperance reform began
during his pastorate and was, as elsewhere, the occasion of opposition
and bitterness of feeling. The church passed a resolve "that no one
be received as a member who trafl&cks in or manufactures ardent
spirits and any member who begins to sell shall be disciplined." Mr.
Conant and his family were greatly endeared to his people.
Only seven came to the Lord's table at his first communion. At
the last one there were 106. He retired in 1S3G, after 14 years of ser-
Hazel Lucas followed with one year's service and then came that
strong, blunt, eloquent and thoroughly devoted man,
He was a graduate of Middlebury College in 1811. He had preached
in Loudon 20 years and delighted especially to teach the fundamental
doctrines of his belief.
His sermons were models of method, running always to fifthly and
sixthly, and his deductions also ran through divisions and subdivisions
to lastly and finally. He had a powerful voice and tremendous muscle,
which he sometimes used on the desk and Bible in his passages of
Intense fervor. Sometimes he marshaled all his powers of invective
against the wrong and his attacks were nothing short of storm and
siege. It was during his pastorate that the church occupied its new
house at Sanbornton Bridge.
October 29, 1840, he informed his congregation that, whereas the
members of the society had property worth $42,000, he could not con-
tinue to preach longer for $350. He retired and died at Boscawen,
after several other pastorates, in ISGS. Dr. Bouton said at his funeral
that "he entered most heartilV into all the great missionary, charitable
and reformatory measures of the day, was a powerful advocate of
temperance and that his sympathies were with the colored race in
their bonds and with his country in her mighty conflict with re-
He was not a college graduate, but added to a good common school
education a four-years' academic course and three of theological train-
ing. His choice of the ministry as a profession was due to a painful
misfortune when 21 years old. He was obliged for the rest of his life
to go upon crutches. He gave his whole heart and life to his calling,
so much so that we never thought but he was one of us, though neither
his home nor church were within our borders.
His frank, open face, as he rode through our byways and highways,
smiling and bowing to all he met, was like a benediction, while the
ardent clasp of his hand was a thing to be remembered. He was a
temperance reformer and in full sympathy with the antislavery move-
ment and intensely loyal to the republic during the rebellion and, as
all advanced leaders of human thought, had to suffer for his loyalty to
truth, to humanity and to God.
He was accused of political preaching; many disaffected became
identified with a new church then being formed, while others with-
drew and withheld their support. His salary was in arrears and he
resigned his charge. A council called to dismiss him refused to do so,
alleging, as the report on the church records shows, that there had.
been no evidence presented that he had ever preached in the interest
of any political party or for the advancements of its objects; that the
imputation was really the result of an intolerant spirit entirely op-
posed to the free and charitable spirit of the gospel of our divine Lord.
He remained, many returned and confessed their error and seven more
years were added to his term of service, making 27 years in all.
He filled other pulpits for long or short intervals, but remained
among his people until his death, February 19, 1881, aged 81 years.
On Mr. Curtice's retirement. May 1, 1870, Rev. Mr. Pratt follov/pd
with a pastorate of five years. He was emphatically a man of peace
and by his preaching and work turned men's thoughts away from their
contentions to things of higher import.
The church was never in so good condition for special work as when
Rev. Mr. Potter, the evangelist, came to assist the churches in a series
of meetings which were productive of great good and brought many
workers into the church. The fiftieth anniversary of the founding of
the church occurred during his pastorate, to which in all its details he
gave the most loving care and, though a stranger to the returning
sons and daughters, they will ever remember the cordiality with which
he welcomed them back. He removed to Orfordville in 1S75. He, of
all the past pastors, was present at the seventy-fifth anniversary.
He was a graduate of Yale and had taken an extended theological
course. He was fully abreast of the times, simple and earnest in style,
and by his genuine courtesy won the love and confidence of everyone
he met. It was during the second year of his pastorate that the after-
noon service was discontinued after some debate and opposition.
He never quite enjoyed the practice of the congregation rising and
facing about during the singing of the first and last hymns, and made
several futile attempts at its discontinuance. One communion service,
in the absence of the choir, they all smiled to find themselves solemnly
regarding the organist's back. A little later, on a similar occasion,
both choir and organist being absent, he very facetiously told them
they could turn around and look at the organ if they wished. This
settled the matter, and soon both choir and organ came to the front.
After a service of nine years he removed to Burlington, Vt., in 1884,
where he died nine years later. Mr. Perkins resided in Northfield a
large part of the time.
Mr. Strong was a graduate of Amherst College and later of Hartford
Theological Seminary. He now resides in Harwinton, Conn. He re-
sided in the newly-purchased parsonage on Park Street. His pastorate
did not cover quite the year of 1885. He and his wife were fine singers
and their love of sacred song rendered the weekly prayer-meetings
greatly attractive. He also supplied the desk at Union Church often
during his stay.
Mr. Sampson came to the church from Pembroke. He was a grad-
uate of Bowdoin College in 1873 and of Andover Theological Seminary
in 1878. He, with the church, have just celebrated the twentieth anni-
versary of his settlement and the good feeling and outspoken expres-
sions of love and appreciation of his earnest efforts through so long a
term of years are his best eulogy. Members and pastors of other
churches united to do him honor. His influence over the young men
and boys has been very salutary.
In 1872 (liiriiii:: the pastorate of Kev. Theodore Pratt, the
church celebrated its fiftieth anniversary Avith appropriate ser-
vices and ceremonies lasting three days, the other churches join-
ing with it in the delightful festivities. Dr. Iloyt, then of
Framingham, Mass., to whom more than any one else is ascribed
the founding of the church, delivered an able address, full of
tender reminiscences. At its close he presented the church with
the sum of $300. He was then the only living charter member.
(See portrait and sketch in Physicians of Northfield.)
Again, on July 17 and 18, 1897, the seventy-fifth anniversary
was celebrated no less joyfully than the previous one. Arrange-
ments were carefully made by the pastor, Rev. C. C. Sampson,
and an able committee of the church, and the services Avill long
be remembered. Mrs. Lucy R. H. Cross, who united with the
church in 1853, gave the historical address, which, with the other
reports and papers, was issued in pamphlet form. Old-time
hymns were sung, old friendships renewed and tender memories
of those gone before recalled.
THE ladies' circle.
The Orthodox Female Charitable and Reading Society of
Northfield and Sanbornton Bridge, now the Ladies' Circle, was
organized in 1840 with ]\Irs. Abagail Hall, Mrs. Myra Tilton,
Mrs. Grace R. Hoyt, Mrs. Fanny Whittier, Mrs. Nancy Tilton,
Mrs. Persis Bodwell, Mrs. ]\Iehitable Atkinson, Llrs. Sally H.
Clisby, Mrs. Eliza Wingate, ]\Iiss Jane Corser, Mrs. Martha S.
Baker, Miss Sarah Tilton, Lliss S. Coleman and Miss E. A.
Holmes as charter members.
For many years it was the custom of the society to meet twice
each month at the homes of its members in turn and, after de-
votional exercises, while some younger members read aloud, the
others were engaged in sewing, knitting and braiding hats.
"Work was often taken into the circle to be done at a fair price,
and, with the money thus obtained, materials were purchased,
from which garments were made and given to the needy or sold,
the proceeds being used for improvements or repairs on the
church building, or in assisting in the payment of the minister's
salary, or for further missionary work.
AVhile its methods have changed with the years and a well-
organized missionary society carries on this feature of the earlier
work of the society, the policy of its founders is in the main
maintained, and it is still the especial delight of the circle to
make efficient and beautiful their church home.
The records of this society bear the names of scores of godly
women who have faithfully labored for this church of Clod and
for those "other sheep which are not of this fold."
As, one by one, in the years gone by, these mothers in Israel
have rested from their labors, they have bequeathed to the
daughters the priceless legacy of unselfish devotion to the cause
of Christ and humanity, and they, in turn, have zealously en-
tered into their inheritance.
(See picture.)
The coming of the Episcopal Church into this town requires
an introductory comment, and the comment may be illustrated
by a stor}'. In the year of grace, 1904, a certain judge in North
Carolina was lamenting his lack of religious opportunity. "I
can't go to the Episcopal Church," he said, "because it is full
of radicals, and I can't go to the Presbyterian Church
because it is full of rascals. The fact is, I have n 't any
religious privileges whatever." Of his honor's testimony as to
the Presbyterian Church, it is not for the present writer to
judge. Of the Episcopal Church it may certainly be said that
it has always been a refuge for the oppressed from what may be
fairly enough described as "pulpit persecution." Its preachers
have generally proclaimed the general principles of the gospel
as they understood them, and left the practical application of
those principles to burning questions of the day to the individual
conscience. In Protestant pulpits pretty generally there has
been a habit of making such burning questions a chief subject of
preaching, assuming (somewhat roundly and roughly) that the
people who did not take the preacher's side in those questions
were utterly and inexcusably wrong, and then denouncing all
those persons as either conscienceless Imaves or pitiful cowards.
The unfortunates so denounced don't like it and they get into a
habit of not going to church at all as the easiest refuge from the
storm, or (and this has happened many, many times) they take
shelter in going to the Episcopal Church, which thus, by its
absolute avoidance of party, comes to be unduly identilied in
the public eye with the party that is least in fashion. Thus in
North Carolina today, it is men who are trying forlornly to be
Republicans or who are at any rate critics of the dominant
policies of their state, who make the Episcopal Church conspic-
uous by their large resort to it. Thus, on the other hand, in many
a New England town, 45 or 50 years ago, it was Democrats, or
men who, whatever their personal views about the right and
wrong of slave-holding, really believed that it was not the duty
of Northern men to break up a Southern institution at the cost
of a great civil war, and also really believed (what their op-
ponents were then loud in denying) that from a triumph of the
more radical elements in the new Republican party, disruption or
war would come, — it was such who conspicuously gave in their
adhesion to the Episcopal Church, as "the church which did not
take sides," or even founded new societies of that body.
It was this last that happened in Northfield. There were no
communicant members of the Episcopal Church living in the
town, and only two, Mr. and Mrs. James Earnshaw, English
people, in the town of Sanbornton. Samuel B. Rogers had spent
some years in a ]\Iichigan town, where there was an Episcopal
church, and had come to like its services and ways. He was the
only man in the community that owned a prayer book when the
subject began to be discussed. Asa P. Cate had had some books
sent him, inviting his attention to the claims of the Episcopal
Church. From these two men the movement had its beginning.
The book containing the records of the parish for its first 25 j^ears
has, most unhapply, been lost. Of the wicked carelessness that
is responsible for such losses it is hard to speak in measured
terms. Tradition preserves two curious stories. (1) At a meet-
ing, held to consider the forming of a new ecclesiastical society,
one man asked whether it was going to be quite fair to ask their
wives and daughters — he seems to have assumed that the men
would not be church members — to join a body so much spoken
against. The one answer that really turned the scale was, "If
it's good enough for IMrs. and ]\Iiss in Concord,
it's good enough for any of our folks." The company present
knew but little of the Episcopal Church, but what they knew
of those two good Christian women was enough. Their church
would do. (2) There must be a place for services and the brick
building owned by the Methodists was to be sold at auction.
These bold dissenters chose out two of their number to go and
bid it in, carefully selecting two who would be least likely to
be suspected of wanting it for a church. The ruse was success-
ful, and the new society acquired a desirable property for its
start. But when the ]\Iethodist brethren found that their
church was to be a church again and not a blacksmith's shop or
such like, they were very wroth and one of their leading men
said that he wished that the old church had been burned down,
rather than to come to such a fate.
In Bishop Chase's official journal for 1860- '61, we find the
following entry: "December 6. I scarcely remember a more in-
teresting visit than one I made, in company wuth the Rev. ]\Ir.
Eames, to Sanbornton Bridge. We were hospitably entertained
at the mansion of the Hon. Samuel Tilton, to whom, and his ex-
cellent lady, I feel greatly indebted. In the evening Mr. Eames
read service and I preached to a large and attentive congregation.
Responses exceedingly good; music very admirable indeed, even
to chanting. Here is a most remarkable movement for the
Church. Fifty families belonging to that beautiful village,
which is partly in Sanbornton and partly in Xorthfield, had at
the time of my visit decided for the Church, and twenty of the
gentlemen had joined means and purchased of the Methodists a
good and substantial building of brick, which they proposed to
remodel on a liberal scale, and in all respects adapt to our ser-
vice. On the 5th of January, 1861, I received notice, through
the Clerk, of the organization of a Parish, under the name of the
Parish of Trinity Church, Sanbornton Bridge. Three days after
this I was informed that the Rev. ]\Iarcellus A. Herrick, of
Woodstock, Vt., had been chosen Rector, and in due time I had
the pleasure to learn that he had decided to accept the interesting
The Rev. Dr. Ilerrick was rector of the parish for nearly 15
years, to his death on October 31, 1875. He was a man eminent
in good learning and high character. In 1872 the parish bought
land on the Tilton side of the river and erected the present
church building of brick, which was first occupied on Easter
Day, April 13, 1873, and consecrated on Tuesday, May 25, 1875,
the annual convention of the diocese being held in the church on
the next dav.
The old building was sold to the town of Xorthfield for a
town hall.
Rectors of the parish, since Dr. Herrick's death, have been
the Eev. Henry H. Hayues, a Tilton boy, 1877- '78 and 1883- '84;
Lucins Waterman, 1878- '83; Isaac Peck, 1884- '85; W. B. T.
Smith, 1886- '88; John D. Gilliland, 1889-1900; and AV. Stanley
Emery, the present holder of the office.
The parish now owns a rectory, the gift of the late Mrs. Hamil-
ton Tilton, and though ' ' the little one ' ' has not exactly ' ' become
a thousand," yet it is a substantial advance that Trinity Church
has now (1904) 99 communicants, besides having given off a
branch, St. Jude's Mission, Franklin, which reckons 60 more,
and the energy and devotion of the present rector have created
"the Tilton circuit," in which he reaches the astonishing num-
ber of 25 towns with his pastoral ministrations.
The first wardens were James Earnshaw and Jonathan W.
Butterfield; the first clerk, C. C. Rogers; first treasurer, J. F.
Taylor. Later wardens have been Asa P. Gate, Bradbury T.
Brown, Arthur Smythe, Alfred A. Gile, William Fletcher, Amos
H. Jones, Moses Garland, F. W. Fletcher, Simeon W. Smythe,
Fred A. Clement, I. N. Boucher, John Fletcher and Frank A.
(See portrait.)
Marcellus Aurelius Herrick the fifth of seven children of Ebenezer
and Mary (Nye) Herriclt, and their first and only son who survived
infancy, was born August 27, 1822, at Reading, Vt., and died November
30, 1875, at Northfield. He was the sixth in descent from Joseph Her-
rick of Salem, Mass., the son of Henry Herrick, who emigrated from
Leicestershire, England, to Virginia early in the seventeenth century,
and later settled at Salem. His father, a farmer and captain of the
local militia, finally settled at Reading, where his children were born
and where he died after a long illness when his son was a boy of 10.
In his early home on a small isolated farm the boy grew up with a
love for the soil and for nature which lasted all his life. The family
physician, who had named him after two distinguished generals of the
Roman state, early put before him the idea of becoming a doctor. He
had a bright mind and great eagerness to learn, but necessity kept
him on the farm, where he worked with characteristic energy. In
fact, while trying to compete with one of the farm hands in the hay
field he overtaxed his strength in such a way as to handicap him for
life. His love of learning was unusual and seemed to be ingrained. In
^^ ^^P^_ ±1 /<^y/
those days, when there wei'e no village libraries and cheap editions
were scarce, it was a rare treat when a book found its way to his
hands, and he was ever too ready to sacrifice his dinner in order to
read a coveted volume. Later, some of these cherished books, like
Rollin's "Ancient History," formed his first literary purchases, and the
nucleus of his own library.
In course of time this library, his pride and never-failing resource,
became an unusual collection, consisting of the great classics of the
world, mostly in the original, and of many rare works in theology,
philosophy and history. It may be doubted if a larger or better selec-
tion of books for such a purpose was ever made on smaller resources.
From the farm, at the age of 15, he went to work in a broadcloth
factory, and while thus engaged the wife of the superintendent earned
his lifelong gratitude by her kindly interest and by giving him the
intellectual food he craved. It may have been at this factory that he
acquired a taste for mechanics which was shown later in his skill with
tools. He even learned the rudiments of the art of bookbinding and
never allowed his beloved folios to become a "ragged regiment." Some
of the bookcases in his study and some of the woodwork in the interior
of his church at Tilton were the work of his own hands.
In spite of discouragements, he still cherished the idea of becoming
a doctor of medicine and, with this in view, he followed the usual
course at that time of studying in the ofl&ce of a physician, and was
thus engaged for two years at Newburg, N. Y. Later, when a min-
ister at Woodstock, Vt., he attended lectures at its medical college, and
many outside of his own family had reason to be grateful for his prac-
tical knowledge of medicine, his fearlessness in contagious disease and
his skill and sympathy in nursing.
His strong religious temperament soon outweighed all other interests
and he resolved to devote himself to the Christian ministry, his early
associations naturally leading him to the Methodist communion. Upon
entering his first ministerial charge, he was married on June 4, 1S44,
to Hannah Andrews Putnam, daughter of Israel and Hannah (Andrews)
Putnam, of Newbury, Vt., and later of Claremont, N. H. She proved
a helpmeet, indeed, at a time when the life of a striving young minister
of the gospel was specially hard, when food and clothing were prepared
in the home, when comforts were few and the salaries of the country
clergy did not exceed the wages of the day laborer. If frail in body,
she was strong in spirit and equal to every task. Ever cheerful,
thoughtful of others and given to hospitality, she was a rare type of
the unselfish Christian, whose watchword, "Love is stronger than
death," never failed. Devoted to the last breath to her family, for
whom no sacrifice was too great, she outlived her husband 24 years,
dying at the advanced age of S2, November 12, 1S99.
After much study and reflection, the Rev. Mr. Herrick decided to
enter the ministry of the Episcopal Church, and on June 16, 1847, he
was ordained a deacon, and the following year a priest, by the Rt.
Rev. Carlton Chase, bishop of New Hampshire. He soon became rector
of St. James' parish, Woodstock, Vt., where his three surviving children
were born. The fourteen years spent in this place formed a period of
large acquisition. The boy who had longed for a higher training in
the schools became, through his own efforts in the school of life, a
scholar of unusual attainments. He was especially proficient in Latin,
acquiring what is rare even in these days of endowed universities,
libraries and fellowships, the ability to read the language with ease
and freedom. He was not a stranger in the literatures of six languages
and, besides an extensive acquaintance with the classics of the English
tongue, he had read most widely in the Latin and French authors;
at the time of the Franco-Prussian War he took up with his accustomed
persistence the study of German.
In 1S61 Mr. Herrick left Woodstock, Vt., with his family, in mid-
winter, a season long remembered for its deep snows and unusual
severity, and proceeded by stage and rail to Northfield, where he had
been Invited to undertake the foundation of the parish, since known
as Trinity Church. The present town hall of Northfield, formerly the
Methodist house of worship, but then unused, was purchased and
remodelled. In spite of the hard times, the parish attracted a number
of devoted men and women. After the close of the Civil War plans
were made to erect a new building in the village of Tilton. In this
larger undertaking money, time and skill were generously contributed.
The rector exercised a constant general supervision of the work, ob-
tained gifts from outside and gave the half of his salary upon which
he was dependent. The consecration of the new church on Easter Day,
1873, was a great event in the history of the parish. Dr. Herrick,
who had borne the brunt of the burden and who felt keenly the loss
of the late Judge Cate, who had ever been to this parish as a "tower
of strength," was near the close of his earthly labors. After a long
imprisonment in a darkened room, which a painful affection of the
eyes had compelled him to undergo, he was suddenly attacked by acute
peritonitis and on Sunday morning, November 30, 1875, just after his
own church bell had sounded its summons, he entered into rest.
Dr. Herrick served the diocese of New Hampshire as a member of
its standing committee, as delegate to the general convention and as
chaplain to the bishop. The degree of doctor of divinity was conferred
on him by Hobart College of Geneva, N. Y. His sermons were thought
out carefully and usually written at high speed, often at night. His
congregations were always sure to hear some well-considered problem
of religious life and thought treated in an original and convincing
manner. He was a thinker, — upon many subjects in advance of his
time, — to whom the intellectual life was bread and meat. He always
spoke well, but hardly a scrap of his writing has been published and
nothing in permanent form. This would have suited his own modest
opinion of his talents, for it is doubtful if he ever considered himself
a scholar at all. It may be said with truth that he lived a simple life
on the highest plane and that in the comparatively short period of 54
years he achieved his chief ambitions of acquiring learning and of
devoting himself to the good of his fellows.
(See picture.)
For many years the people in the lower part of the town
had no place but their schoolrooms for social and other meetings.
In 1882 a movement was started by 0. L. Cross, Esq., to erect
a building- for a hall and church purposes, and an association
was formed and solicitors for funds sent out.
Mr. C. E. Tilton, on being asked to assist, offered on certain
conditions to erect the house and asked that the sums pledged
be made payable to him.
His offer was at once accepted by the association, which voted
to adjourn sine die, and a new subscription list was started.
He asked that $700 in cash be placed to his credit and $200 in
labor be pledged, and then issued the following circular to the
town :
"Conditions on which it is proposed by Mr. C. E. Tilton to
convey to the Town of Northfield the grounds, and a proposed
Church at Northfield Depot :
"Said Tilton proposes to convey to said Town the Lot and
Church to be erected thereon with such other grounds in the im-
mediate vicinity as may be included in said conveyance in trust
and for the uses and purposes and upon the conditions as herein
set forth and specified.
' ' Said property shall be held by said Town forever in trust and
as church property exempt forever from taxation and not liable
in any event for any indebtedness of said town.
"The same shall be used by all Religicms Denominations on
equal terms and in equal proportion as to time of occupation
giving to each Denomination alternate Sundays if more than one
desires to occupy it.
"It may also be used at other times for any and all other pur-
poses for which such a building may with propriety be occupied.
"The persons, religious or other Societies occupying the same
shall pay for such use and occupation such sum or sums from
time to time as may be fixed upon by the Selectmen and which
shall be in their judgment only sufficient to keep in a good state
of repair said property, pay the insurance thereon and pay all
the expenses of the care and supervision of said property and
warming and lighting said buildings providing that the same
shall be free for Sunday services the occupants to pay for warm-
ing lighting and taking care of the church when so occupied.
"The buildings shall be kept safely insured for their full
value, and in the event of their destruction or damage by fire,
any sum obtained on account of such insurance shall be expended
under the direction of the Selectmen in replacing or repairing
said buildings and placing the same in a condition equally as
good as before such fire.
"The schoolroom connected with said church may be used first
for church purposes as a vestry, kitchen or ante-room, and when
not in use for church purposes may be used for school purposes
and upon the same terms as to pay therefor as are herein pro-
vided in regard to said church.
"The Selectmen shall appoint annually some suitable person
residing near the same who shall have the care of said property ;
see that it is not in any way misused or abused; shall have the
power to let the same according to the conditions of this convey-
ance and collect the rents therefor and under the direction of
the Selectmen make such incidental repairs thereon as may be
necessary to keep said ■ property in a neat and tasteful state
of repaii-.
' ' In case any person or Eeligious Society or Denomination shall
feel aggrieved at the decision of such agent in regard to the use
or occupation of said property, appeal may be had to the Select^
men whose decision made in accordance with the conditions of
this conveyance shall be final and conclusive.
"The names of all persons who shall contribute toward the
expense of said buildings shall appear in the said ' Trust Deed. ' ' '
The town promptly voted to accept the conditions.
The solicitors for funds met with generous responses and the
sums specified were easily obtained. The trust deed contained
nearly 90 names. The names, with amount and kind of aid
furnished, is to be found on pages 271- '73 of the historical
records of the town.
Mr. Tilton then bought the picnic grove, sharing eqnally with
its owner, William G. Hannaford, in this gift, and, having se-
cured plans, began the erection of a meeting-house on an adjoin-
ing lot, which was largely the gift of 0. L. Cross, Esq., as well
as the adjoining land containing a well and fruit trees, J\Iay,
1883, with Leonard Conant in charge. The corner stone was
laid on ]May 24 without ceremony. A sealed leaden casket was
placed beneath it by Mrs. W. C. French. In this casket were
inclosed the following:
Copies of the Laconia Democrat, Merrimack Journal and
Transcript, Independent Statesman and Manchester Union, each
containing important letters relative to the enterprise; photo-
graphs, with autographs, of Hon. Charles E. Tilton and His
Excellency Governor Bell; and a copy of the Granite Monthly,
with portrait of Hon. Samuel Tilton. There was also inclosed
a written sketch of the church enterprise, including the history
of Union Church and Hall Association : transfer of funds, etc.,
by 0. L. Cross, Esq. ; copy of the conditions accepted by the
town ; its check list for 1883 and its town report ; a copy of the
Xeic Hampshire Begister; a written sketch of Union Sunday
School, prepared by Mrs. James Thompson ; a copy of the New
Testament ; Granite Monthlies containing Prof. Lucian Hunt 's
Centennial Address and Mrs. L. R. H. Cross' poem; Centennial
card of invitation; program; napkin; spoon and other souvenirs
of the occasion; memorial of President Garfield; copy of the
Boston Globe; time-table of the B., C. & M. Railroad; photograph
of Judge Fowler; copy of the state ticket of both parties of the
election of the previous year ; official package by Postmaster Sum-
ner A. Dow; report of the Canterbury Fair for the previous
year; and some small coins contributed by the workmen, F. G.
Berr3% master builder ; A. L. Worthen, J. E. Dennis and Leavitt
and Ford Sanborn.
August found the little edifice finished and furnished. There
were suitable outbuildings, bell, chandelier and lamps, Avith an
adjoining room suitable for vestry, Sunday School, kitchen or
dining room.
August 21, at 2 p. m., the dedicatory service was held, a large
crowd filling every inch of available space. Osborne Colby and
C. J. Chamberlain acted as ushers.
Mr. Tilton, with guests, arrived promptly and, after an organ
voluntary, in the following direct and business-like manner,
presented the title deed and keys to James N. Forrest, Esq.,
chairman of the board of selectmen:
^^ Selectmen of North field:
' ' In accordance with the understanding of the town you repre-
sent, I am now prepared, in behalf of the contributors, to de-
liver to you the Trust Deed for this Union Church of Northfield.
Gentlemen : In accepting this trust I hope you fully realize the
responsibility and that your management of the same will be
successful and equal to our expectations."
Mr. Forrest happily responded, contrasting the old Northfield
with the new and appropriately and feelingly thanking the donor
in behalf of the town for the noble gift.
Hon. L. R. Marsh of New York, law partner of the late Dan-
iel Webster and friend and guest of Mr. Tilton, recited an
original poem, jn which he expressed his belief in the Christian
religion and paid a compliment to his lifelong friend.
The program was as follows:
Doxology ....
Invocation ....
Music .....
Scripture Lesson (Chron.)
Dedicatory Prayer
Sermon ....
Dedication Hymn (original) .
Remarks by visiting clergymen.
Benediction ....
Choir and congregation.
Rev. C. S. Nutter.
Trinity Church choir.
Rev. Henry H. Haynes.
Rev. A. D. Smith.
. Rev. Willis Hadley.
Rev. A. D. Smith.
The Sunday School, long held at Oak Hill schoolhouse, and
which will be reported elsewhere, moved at once to the new quar-
ters with library, organ, etc., and a committee was appointed to
arrange for regular services. The clergymen of Tilton, Franklin
and Canterbury were seciu'ed for alternate Sunday afternoons
and the following denominations were recognized : Freewill Bap-
tists, Congregationalists, INIethodists and Adventists. the Baptists
alone having an organization.
Sunday collections, personal gifts, the parsonage fund and
the proceeds of an occasional entertainment furnished the neces-
sary funds for pulpit supply.
]\Iessrs. Folger and Jackson of the State Young ]Men's Chris-
tian Association conducted revival services for a week early in
the winter of that year with good results 'and the little com-
munity assumed its new duties with renewed courage and nothing
lacking in zeal. It became also of great educational value and
from time to time private schools, singing classes and lyceums
were organized with a class of young people fully abreast with
those of the more favored parts of the town.
Losses by death and removal have often decreased the force
of workers, but the work has not only been constant but equal
in many lines to what its most earnest advocates hoped.
Nearly a quarter of a century has passed and the original
arrangements for support and supply are still in force. Preach-
ers of the various denominations in the adjoining villages con-
duct services alternately each Sunday afternoon and the Sun-
day School, under Osborne Colby as superintendent, is still well
This church did not originate in Northfield, but for two years
during the charge of Rev. Fr. Lambert worshiped in the town
hall. It passed from thence to its new edifice on Chestnut
Street, Tilton, under charge of Rev. Fr. Finan.
About the year 1801 an association was formed under the name
of "The Xorthfield Social Library.^'
The Abbotts, Smiths, Hills, Halls, Dolloffs, Gilmans and prob-
ably many other families were included. Sums of money were
furnished by the members to purchase books, which were kept in
the homes of the successive librarians in different parts of the
town. It contained a feAv books of travel, some histories, several
novels and various religious works.
Its existence covered a period when few books were to be
found in the homes and for many years it was generously patron-
ized, and proved of inestimable value to those entitled to its
privileges. There are still a few of these volumes to be found
in the old homes.
"northfield improving society for the promotion op useful
know^ledge. ' '
One of the most unique organizations I have ever seen bore
the above title. It was located in Northfield and was authorized
by an act of the Legislature in the year one thousand eight hun-
dred and eighteen.
It was enacted b}^ the Senate and House of Representatives in
General Court convened, "that Peter "Wadleigh, John Kezar,
John Rogers, Jonathan Clough, Jr., Jeremiah Smith, James "West
& their associates, and such as may hereafter associate with
them be, and they hereby are incorporated and made a body pol-
itic by the name and stile of the 'Northfield improving Society
for the promotion of useful knowledge,' with continuance and
succession forever, with all the powers and privileges incident
to corporations of a similar nature, and may enjoin penalties of
disfranchisement or fine not exceeding five dollars for each of-
fence, and may purchase personal estate or may make and receive
subscriptions grants and donations of the same for the benefit
of said society to the amount of one thousand dollars."
It was further enacted that the society meet at Northfield on
the first Tuesday of January to choose necessary officers and
that assessing and raising "monie" should be done at no other
time. At this time, also, the society could make rules and by-
laws for its government and regulations not repugnant to the
constitution of the state.
Peter "Wadleigh and John Kezar were empowered to call the
first meeting by giving personal notice to each member or posting
a notice 15 days prior to said meeting, at which time all officers
should be chosen and manner of subsequent meetings may be de-
In the House of Representatives, June 26, 1818, the above-
mentioned bill, having had three several readings, was passed to
be enacted and was sent to the Senate for concurrence, jMathew
Harvey signing the bill as speaker.
In the Senate, June 27, 1818, the bill was read a third time
and enacted, being signed by Jona Harvey, president.
The same day it was approved by the governor, "William
Plumer and Richard Bartlett, deputy secretary, attested to its
being a true copy.
The reception of members was also a matter of great form and
dignity, as will be seen from the following:
"Mr. Jonathan Clough jr recommends Wesley Knowles to
be 21 years of age and declares upon honor that he is desirous
of becoming a member of the society and if received will cheer-
fuly obey all its regulations.
"(Signed) Wesley Knowles.
"Northfield, Jan. 6, 1829."
He, however, was denied a membership in this august body,
as we find the following under date of June 5, 1826 :
"To the members of the Northfield Improving Society
' * Gentlemen
"Being desirous of availing myself of the advantages re-
sulting from membership in your Society I take this method of
making known my request to become a member
"Wesley Knowles.
"James B. Abbott
"William Gilman"
"This certifies that Mr Wesley Knowles is a suitable candi-
date for membership in the Xorthfield Improving Society
"W^iLLiAM Gilman
"James B. Abbott
"Xorthfield June 5 1826"
This probably settled the matter.
Enos Hoyt and Benjamin Haines also certified to the fitness
of j\Ir. Gardner Barker to become a member.
At the end of two years (1820), Nathan Wells, the president
(probably), makes report that in looking over the transactions
of the society "nothing presents itself worthy of high commenda-
"Xo of volumes in Library 24
" " " Acting members 8
"Amt in Treasury $1.50
"One volume has been added and it appears to have been
carefully preserved from injury."
He also suggests that the president and directory have power
to organize a literary board, consisting of themselves and such
others as may wish to associate with them in literary exercises.
Another paper speaks of fines and assessments and initiation
fees. The treasurer 's report in all shows the sum handled for the
year to be $5,871/^, with I3I/2 cents in the treasury. Another
annual report without date gives the volumes as 32, and member-
ship 16, with 14 honorary members.
January 6, 1826, the constitution and by-laws were amended
and Article 10 made to read as follows :
"It shall be the duty of every member of the Society before
taking a book from the Library to give an obligation in legal
form by which he is held in the sum of five dollars in case he
fails to return the book to the society or pay the damage. & the
Librarian shall not suffer a book to be taken from the Library
in any other way ' '
The following bond is a copy of several among the records
of the society :
"KnoAv all men by these presents that I Robert Gray of North-
field in County of Merrimack & State of New Hampshire am
held and firmly bound to the Improving Society for the promo-
tion of useful knowledge in Northfield aforesaid County & State
aforesaid in the sum of five dollars to be paid to the aforesaid
Improving Society its agent or agents, to which payment well
& truly to be made. I bind myself my heirs executors & ad-
ministrators firmly by these presents, sealed with my seal and
dated the Eleventh day of February in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and thirty six —
' ' The condition of this obligation is such that if the above named
Robert Grey shall pay or cause to be paid to the above named
Improving Society its agent or agents the full sum of five dol-
lars for each Book he shall refuse or neglect to return to the
Library of the above named Improving Society within three
months from the time of taking it then this obligation is void
otherwise to remain in full force and virtue
"Signed sealed &
"delivered in presence
"of us
"Samuel G. Hannaford
"Amos H. Morrison
"(Signed) Robert Gray"
From the various papers I collect the following list of mem-
bers :
J. B. Tibbitts;
Nathan Wells ;
David Evans;
Enos Hoyt ;
Liba Conant; ,
"Wesley Knowles; .
Robert Gray;
Jonathan Clough, Jr.;
Daniel Hills;
John W. Merrill;
Thomas Lyford, Jr.;
John Kezer.
From the same source I have also gathered the following list
of books :
Anecdotes, 8 vols.;
Butler's Analogy;
Whelpley 's Compendium ;
Wonders of Creation, 2 vols.;
Conversations on Chemistry ;
Foster's Essays;
IMiranda's Expedition;
History of England;
Powers of Genius;
History of Greece;
Monthly Literary Journal;
Logic, Duncan's;
Log:ic, Watts';
Quarterly IMagazine ;
History of North and South America ;
New Hampshire Gazeteer;
Stuart 's Philosopher ;
Blair's Grammar of Philosophy;
Conversations on Philosophy;
Mason's Self Knowledge;
History of the United States;
History of the Late War;
Life of Washington.
The librarian's report is a model as to exactness, as every
spot and rent in each book are given in detail. Thus, Mason's
Self Knowledge, it is recorded, has spots on pages 20, 24, 35,
etc., 26 in all, and a rent on page 7.
I think we must conclude that this was a school for parliamen-
tary drill as well as a library and debating club.
This society, May 2, 1826, voted Nathan Wells, secretary pro
tempore, and the members were questioned severally on the sub-
jects of logic, grammar, geography and history.
]\Iay 3, 1825, this society voted to celebrate the Fourth of Juh'
and committees were chosen to invite all singers who would per-
form gratuitously and also to invite the Franklin Society of San-
bornton by a letter missive to its secretary. It was also voted
to post a notice at the meeting-house and at David Hazeltine's
store 15 days previous, giving notice of an oration at 2 p. m.
The record of the last meeting is dated January 4, 1842.
November 28, 1840, an association was formed with the above
name. James M. Forrest, Ephraim S. Wadleigh and Warren
H. Smith were, with associates, charter members.
The organization, though not so formal or pretentious as the
Improving Society, in a lengthy preamble speaks of the posses-
sion of minds capable of improvement and the design of the Cre-
ator, who had so graciously bestowed them. It calls the time
emphatically an age of literature and credits it with affording
"literary blessings and privileges not enjoyed by any previous
age. ' '
It had a constitution of seven articles and eight by-laws. The
ancient record contains no list of books, officers or report of its
(See portrait.)
On the completion of Union Church, Charles 6. Chase of Bos-
ton gave a choice collection of 180 volumes for the free use of
the people of Northfield Depot and vicinity.
In a letter, accompanying the gift, he says: "These books
may become the property of the church," thus passing to the
town to be held in trust with the church on conditions elsewhere
Gardner Cook of Laconia generously donated material for a
bookcase, which Almon Slader and William G. Haunaford gra-
tuitously made and painted.
The volumes were neatly covered.
The library was opened without ceremony. Volumes now and
then have been donated by friends, among whom are Mrs. Chase,
^Irs. William Gilman, Arthur Cross, ]\[rs. L. R. Cross, and, more
recently, some 30 volumes by the patrons themselves.
The past winter (1903- '04), on the solicitation of Arthur B.
Cross of Concord, about 400 volumes from Senator Gallinger
were put on the shelves, many of them being of general interest
and some of them highly embellished.
The various librarians have served without compensation and
the volumes have been given out on Sundav.
(See portrait of donor.)
In 1885 Mrs. John Cummings of Woburn, Mass., offered the
town of Tilton and Northfield a library building, to cost $10,000
if they would furnish a suitable lot. Mrs. Cummings further
stated that the building would be a memorial to her husband, the
late Bracket Hall, M. D., of Boston, a native of Northfield.
The town promptly accepted the generous offer and elected
Charles E. Tilton of Tilton and Adam S. Ballantyne of North-
field as trustees to superintend the carrying out of the enterprise.
In canvassing for a building lot there was no rivalry between
the towns, the sole aim being to secure a suitable and accessible
The first thought of all concerned turned to Deer Park, which
was then the property of Mrs. Charles E. Tilton. She at once
generously offered, not only to give the land, but to raise the
grade and further adorn it.
Trees were set out on the three sides and the fine piece ot
bronze statuary, representing a buck after Landseer, with gran-
ite pedestal, inscribed "1885," was included in the gift. Perfect
drainage was put in and an ample supply of water was secured.
The following description of the structure is copied from the
Boston Journal of August 6, 1887 :
"The building is of fine brick, with ample trimmings of
Springfield, Mass., sandstone and artistic terra-cotta ornamenta-
"The architecture is Queen Anne and the edifice consists ot a
main part facing the West and a right angle extension, one story
and half in height, finished open and is surmounted with pitched
roofs, slated and copper-crested.
' ' The outside walls have numerous buttresses with windows of
stained glass. It has a front of forty-two feet and a depth of
sixty-three, with main and side entrances.
"Beside the main entrance on the right is a tablet of sandstone
sunk into the western wall, on which is cut an inscription setting
forth the memorial character of the building. Within the ap-
pointments are perfect in detail and artistic without a fault.
"The exterior as well as interior beauty combine to make the
edifice a credit to the donor as well as to the towns to which it
is given. The whole cost, exclusive of the lot, was about $10,500.
On its completion it was deeded in trust to Hon. C. E. Tilton,
A. S. Ballantyne and Mrs. Eliza Cofran as a free public library
for the two towns.
An association was formed, composed of young men, on the
12th of I\Iay, at which time by-laws were adopted and an agree-
ment between the trustees and the association, as to the use and
care of the building, entered into and the following officers
chosen :
Chairman, William P. Lang; clerk, Willie T. Ballantyne;
trustees, Arthur T. Cass, W. B. Fellows, Rev. C. C. Sampson,
Frank Hill and George S. Philbrick. Arthur T. Cass was chosen
treasurer and L. F. Batchelder, librarian.
Prominent citizens contributed $1,500 for books. This, with
a further gift of nearly 1,000 books from ]\Irs. Cummings, fur-
nished the library A\ath 2,300 volumes at the start. A catalogue
was prepared and the building was formally opened on Wednes-
day, October 26, 1887.
Dedicatory services were held at the IMethodist Church, Gould's
Orchestra furnishing music. Rev. Luther Townsend, D. D., of
Boston delivered a fine oration and Mrs. L. R. Cross an appro-
priate poem.
Rev. Dr. Knowles presented the thanks of the faculty and
students of the New Hampshire Conference Seminary, and Prof.
Lucian Hunt, the lifelong friend of Dr. Hall, gave interesting
reminiscences of their boyhood and school days.
W. B. Fellows, at the-close, in behalf of the trustees, invited all
to come and get all the benefits possible from its use.
Mrs. Cummings and Mr. and Mrs. Tilton were present and
were accorded a rising vote of thanks.
A fine portrait of Dr. Hall has since been placed on the walls.
The records show that our ancestors had advanced ideas in all
matters pertaining to education. In 1784, at a town meeting,
with Edward Blanchard, moderator, the "Town voted to Raise
Sixty Dolers in the Perduce of the country for Schooling for the
present year one half in somer and the other half in the Winter."
They also voted to "Keep a School the Present year and to Pay
the School tax in Corn, Gran, & Neat Stock." The same was
''voted" for several years, "the Perduce to be laid out in school-
ing keeping open doors. ' '
In 1797 they voted "to build six school-houses. The first to
stand near Crosses Mill brook (Oak Hill) the 2nd near Mr, Hodg-
don 's 3rd near the Meeting Hous. 4th on Bay Hill 5th on Bean
Hill : 6th near Coos Brook. ' ' They redivided and renamed these
in 1813. Again, in 1818, it was voted that "No. 2 should be
called No. 3." In 1827 No. 9, the Smithville Factory Village Dis-
trict, was formed from No. 5. The town voted in 1815 to give
Districts Nos. 6 and 7 some assistance in building their school-
houses. The entire school fund in 1800 was $300 ; in 1804, $400,
and in 1811 ' ' just what the Law points out. ' '
These schoolrooms were palaces compared with the first ones,
which were built of logs, sometimes without a single pane of
glass, as was the first one at Oak Hill; neither were there any
means of warming them. Then came a better style with small
windows, high up, on two sides, and a broad rock fireplace in
the further end, with sloping floors. The buildings were square,
with a little porch or entry in front. The schools were mostly
kept in winter and only male teachers were employed, with the
exception, perhaps, of Sally Thornton, who was both preacher and
teacher and used to hold meetings in the log sehoolhouse at the
Center before the old meeting-house was built.
There was no lack of teachers and IMasters Bowles, Parkinson,
Simons and Dudley Leavitt were residents of Northfield, while
Masters Gleason and Sutton from Canterbury were often called
to duty here, which consisted chiefly in teaching the big boys the
three Rs, "reading, riting and rithmatic," and in administering
a certain amount of "thrashing" per term. They were paid for
this service in 1790 in ' ' wheat rye or Indian Corn, with wheat at
6s. rye at 4s. & Corn at 3s. or in neat stock. ' '
The next change made provided advantages for the girls ; sum-
mer schools were established and more districts organized. While
houses were being erected, schools were often held in private
houses and female teachers employed. About 1800 the following
teachers were in service : Josiah Shirley, Polly Glidden, Nancy
Parkinson, Edmund Dearborn, Parmelia Ellison, Betsey Forrest,
Josiah Ambrose, Samuel Forrest and Rev. Martin Renter, the
latter in 1809.
Up to this period they very generally boarded around ; and the
men made shoes or ran pewter spoons during: the long evenings
to compensate for board or to earn a little extra cash. The wo-
men were expected to take along, as a part of their baggage, a
spinning wheel and bundle of "rolls" or a quantity of yarn to
weave into cloth in some friendly family, filling up the vacant
moments by assisting the children of the family seated around
the open fire with their evening tasks. These teachers were edu-
cated by Eev. Martin Renter, Rev. AVilliam Patrick of Canter-
bury and Rev. Liba Conant, the new minister.
Prof. Dyer H. Sanborn established a school at Sanbornton
Square, where some desiring privileges in advance of the district
schools were enrolled in 1841, and we find the names of Adino
B. Hall, James Henrj'-, Frank and Laroy Cofran, Jeremiah Hana-
ford, Benjamin A. Rogers, Henry B. Tibbetts and Sarah or Sally
Rogers. This was Professor Sanborn's last term there, as he es-
tablished a school at Sanbornton Bridge the same year, known
far and near as the "Old Academy." It was a celebrated school.
He was a model educator and the female departments, under
Miss Jewett, Emily and Julia Sargent, two lovely sisters from
New London, furnished many finely educated lady teachers for
Northfield. Since this time female teachers have been largely
The coming of the New Hampshire Conference Seminary,
which will be noted elsewhere, marks an epoch in the educational
history of the town.
In 1823 and '24 superintendents were first employed. Rev.
Liba Conant was chosen and voted the sum of one dollar for
each school. Rev. Martin Ruter also had charge one or more
years. In 1826 "]\Ir. Conant was allowed the amount of his taxes
for visiting the schools, the other two members of the Committee
being expressly directed not to visit except in cases of diffi-
In 1833- '35 the town voted to dispense with the inspection of
the schools, while in 1837 it was arranged that a "Committee be
allowed to visit schools so far as the individual districts should
vote to that effect, the pay to come from the school money of
the district visited."
This matter seems to have been settled finally and a long list
of educated superintendents are given, among whom are Dr.
Hoyt, Asa P. Gate, Alfred Gile, Eevs. Enoch Corser and Mar-
cellus Herrick, James N. Forrest, Solon F. Hill and many others.
Mrs. Lucy K. H. Cross was in charge from 1879 to 1888, when
the district system was abolished by act of the Legislature, and a
board of education, consisting of three, placed in charge. She
had filled the position eight years and was the first woman to
hold that office. Since the adoption of the new plan one or more
women have been continuously in the service and their presence
there has been beneficial and entirely satisfactory.
Before leaving the subject I wish to refer to some ancient cus-
toms long followed, even in well-conducted schoolrooms. It was
an unwritten law that the larger boys, in return for chopping
the term's wood for the huge fireplace, should be allowed to sell
the ashes at the close of the term and invest the proceeds in New
England rum to be divided among the children, and a half holi-
day or evening was given them. Some of the good Christian
mothers deplored this custom and Mrs. Benjamin Winslow, being-
present once when backlog, forestick and all the betwixt and be-
tween came rolling from the rocks in the big fireplace, said,
nearly suffocated with the smoke that filled the room, " I 'd think
they 'd better buy shovel and tongs than rum with the ashes."
A neighbor, also a visitor, present, spoke up and said : ' ' Let 'um
have their rum; let 'um have it. It does 'um's much good as
salt does sheep once in a while," and the shovel and tongs were
not forthcoming that term.
In another case Mr. S., who sent an apprentice boy to school,
concluding it was not wise to have the boy present when the
"treat" went round, decided to go himself and claim the boy's
share. The youngster was more than willing since a promised
flogging must take place before he could stand in line for his
treat. How great was the man's surprise, however, when good
Master Gleason stood before him with stick in hand, with the re-
mark: "You must take Jake's whipping if you take his rum,"
w^hich he proceeded at once to administer. The old fellow always
declared it was all right and cheap enough.
It was quite the custom for the femals teachers to instruct
the girls in sewing or knitting, and one overworked mother
could see no reason why a man should not do the same. Accord-
ingly, a well-started stocking was sent along in the dinner pail
which, after the lessons were learned, was duly brought forth
much to the teacher's dismay, who invariably directed the little
girl, when applied to for orders as to what should be done next,
to "narrer. " The next answer was the same, as was the next
and the next. The work went home that night to "stay" nar-
rowed to a peak half way to the heel.
Until 1875 the schoolrooms of the town were entirely devoid
of any of the modern helps or any maps, etc. In 1880, our "Cen-
tennial Year," through the generosity of former pupils a copy
of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary was placed in every school.
The names of the donors accompanied each gift. The one at the
Centre enrolled 100 names and Oak Hill, 115. John C. Tebbetts
furnished one for No. 8 and the Curry family one for No. 4
(Rand District). Hon. John H. Goodale gave each room, in
memory of his talented wife, Celestia S. Mooney, a former pupil
and teacher, sets of writing tablets.
The next year, 1881, was a "red letter year" for the schools.
Mr. John Mooney and John E. Forrest had left each a bequest
for educational purposes and Dea. G. S. Abbott, with Messrs.
Cass and Goodale, their executors, presented to the schools outline
maps, dissected maps of New England, clocks, thermometers,
globes, sinks, pitchers and basins, etc., numeral frames and other
helps. Later, President Quimby offered prizes of tuition for ex-
cellence in certain branches, and Mr. Charles Chase of Boston
furnished valuable literature on temperance, morals, manners,
cruelty to animals, etc.
(See cut.)
The New Hampshire Methodist Conference originally included
that portion of Vermont lying east of the Green Mountains. In
1844 this portion was set off by itself. Their Conference Sem-
inary was at Newbury and the division left New Hampshire with-
out one. At the next session of the Conference, held at Winches-
ter, July, 1844, a committee of five was chosen to consider the pro-
priety of establishing an institution and to select the most suit-
able place.
William D. Cass, J. Spaulding, John W. Mowry, Samuel Kelley
and M. Newhall were chosen as that committee. Propositions
were at once received from Newmarket, Plymouth and Northfield,
and a committee of nine was chosen to consider these and other
offers that might be received.
This committee was also authorized in behalf of the Con-
ference to enter into any arrangement necessary for the estab-
lishment of a school to be under the patronage of the New Hamp-
shire Conference, provided, "they do not involve it in pecuniary
liabilities." Revs. Cass, Morey, Newhall, Kelley, Elisha Adams,
L. D. Burrows, 0. C. Baker, J. Stevens and Eleazar Smith were
The following year a report was made to the Conference that
Plymouth had been selected as the location on certain conditions,
with reference to the transfer of the "Old Academy" property
there. Plymouth people failed to meet the conditions and the
school was located at Northfield, the conditions being promptly
Among the prominent men of the town and the adjacent \'illage
of Sanbornton Bridge who were greatly interested were Hon.
Asa P. Gate, Col. James Cofran, Hon. Samuel Tilton and Rev. W.
D. Cass. The latter was chosen to solicit funds. Calls for money
were promptly met and the building was commenced in April
and the school opened for the fall term in 1845.
There were no plans, contract or specifications, save that the
house should be 70 feet long, 40 feet wide and two stories in
height. Warren L. Hill made, and Colonel Cofran burned, the
brick for it in the yard north of the Granite ]\Iill. Darius Dock-
ham was employed to do the woodwork and Isaac Bodwell to lay
the brick.
The institution was incorporated at its opening under the name
of the New Hampshire Conference Seminary. Rev. and Mrs. J.
A. Adams and Dyer H. Sanborn, with Charles P. Ticknor, as
teacher of penmanship, constituted the faculty for two terms.
Mr. Ghellis Sargent erected a commodious boarding house on
an adjoining lot where the students were charged for board, wash-
ing and lodging $1.25 per week and private families received them
for $1.33. Tuition was only .$3 for common English and $3.50
for other branches. -Rev. Richard S. Rust, with Miss Caroline
Lane as preceptress, succeeded J\Ir. Adams in 1846. Prof. Dyer
H. Sanborn, a popular educator and author of a work on English
grammar and a treatise on normal teaching, was then conducting
a prosperous school in the "Old Academy" across the river. He
was asked to become one of the faculty and promptly accepted the
offer. Other teachers were added as needed. Dr. Rust being
chosen state commissioner of schools, to succeed Prof. Charles B.
Haddock of Dartmouth College, gave prominence to the Sem-
inary and brought a large niimber of advanced students. He
held this office until his retirement from the school.
John C. Clark succeeded him as principal. James E. Latimer
became associated with him in 1851. President Clark retired in
1852, leaving him at the head, which position he retained until
1854, and was then succeeded by Rev. Calvin S. Harrington,
who had been his able assistant for two years.
In 1856 the large number of enrolled students made better ac-
commodations necessary and plans for a new building were form-
ulated. At the close of the summer term the old building was
torn down and another begun. The main edifice was constructed
after the style of the old one with an added story, which
furnished a large audience room or hall. East and west wings,
three stories in height, were added, and dormitories and boarding
facilities were thus furnished under the same roof.
A new charter with power to confer degrees was granted by
the Legislature December 2, 1852. It was reported by Rev. Os-
mon C. Baker and the trustees voted to accept it January 15,
1853, and new courses of study were prepared.
The College was united financially with the Seminary with the
same board of trustees. Separate records were kept for some-
time; but later the title became "The New Hampshire Con-
ference Seminary and Female College." Rev. Dr. Harrington be-
came president and Mrs. Eliza Chase Harrington, who had
been the talented and efficient preceptress previous to her mar-
riage, was placed at the head of the Female College. Professor
Dixon, a former graduate and teacher, was retained as profes.sor
of mathematics with other specialists at the head of the various
departments, and it was justly claimed that no university or col-
lege had a better faculty. In 1857, 360 students were enrolled.
I wish it were my duty to suitably eulogize those noble men
and women who left such potent impressions for good on the girls
and boys of Northfield, — that large army of teachers who, in our
public schools, passed on the grand ideas of life and conduct that
were so faithfully taught and lived within its walls. November
7, 1862, the building was destroyed by fire and the site abandoned.
The annual catalogues since then furnish all needed informa-
tion. The school was a prominent factor in the life of Northfield
for 17 years and its removal a great sorrow.
The Seminary and Female College has bestowed its honors on
the following young men and women, natives or residents of
Northfield :
Lucian Hunt, A. M., 1847; Luther C. Bean, M. D., 1847;
George H. Clark, 1848; La Fayette Cate, M. D., 1850; Joseph
Gile, A. M., 1853; Augustus B. Clark, 1854; Darius S. Dearborn,
1855; Rev. Charles H. Hanaford, 1856; Abram Brown, A. B.,
1862; Lucien Knowles, 1863; John C. Tibbetts, 1867; Edward W.
Cross, 1876; Frank W. Shaw, 1880; Alfred C. Wyatt, 1880;
Charles W. Adams, 1880 ; Samuel W. Forrest, 1884 ; Charles F.
Sanborn, M. D., 1889; Ernest Leavitt, 1889; Alvin B. Leavitt,
1892 ; Harry Muzzey, 1895 ; Ray W. Firth, 1895 ; Fred Gardiner,
1903 ; Roger Hill, 1904 ; Leon T. Powers, 1904.
]\Iartha D. Rand, 1847; Mary Y. Glidden, 1849; Cyminthia
Foss, 1852 ; Omnia 0. Howard, 1852 ; Julia M. Whitcher, 1853 ;
Electa A. Clark, 1855; Mary J. Smith, 1856; Nancy Simonds,
1856 ; Lizzie A. Chase, 1859 ; Annie M. Brown, 1860 ; Sophie T.
Curry, 1860 ; Josie B. Curry, 1860 ; Lucy R. Hill, 1860 ; Mattie
A. Smith, 1860; Augusta M. Peabody, 1861; Dora L. Haines,
1863 ; Hester A. R. Simonds, 1863 ; Augusta Simonds, 1865 ;
Hannah Curry, 1867; Viola R. Kimball, 1867; Kate Scribner,
1867; Anna Buzzell, 1869; Lizzie Herrick, 1869; Annie Chase,
1870; Laura Chase, 1871; Abbie M. Sargent, 1871; Lucie K.
Gile, 1872 ; Clara E. Smart, 1872 ; Myra A. Tilton, 1876 ; Helen
L. Gerrish, 1878; Mary E. Adams, 1879; Bessie H. Morrill, 1880;
Georgia A. Page, 1881 ; Kate Forrest, 1881 ; Josie Lang, 1883 ;
Lizzie Page, 1885; Eva G. Hill, 1889; Josephine Emery, 1890;
Mary Emery, 1890; Anna Gould, 1890; Ina M. Stevens, 1890;
Georgia Bullock, 1892; Florence Hill, 1892; Bernice M. Buell,
1893; Evelyn Hill, 1897; Laura M. Gardiner, 1898; Pearl M.
Hill, 1899 ; Mary A. Perthel, 1903 ; Ada L. Nelson, 1904 ; Flor-
ence Shaw, 1905; Grace Crockett, 1905.
Many others, not completing courses, have had their lives deep-
ened and broadened by longer or shorter terms of study and thus
fitted for success. It has ever enjoyed a liberal patronage from
Christian parents of every denomination and merited it, too, by
a large and experienced board of instructors. Its high standard
of scholarship, its excellent methods and its superior moral influ-
ence have borne abundant fruit in its long list of authors, bankers,
doctors, college professors, lawyers, judges and clergymen.
(See picture of Graded School.)
Union district was formed by the union of Nos. 2 and 28 in
Tilton and No. 10 in Northfield. The first officers were appointed
by the selectmen April 16, 1872. They were Messrs. Balcom and
Garmon, A. S. Ballantyne and Samuel Tilton. There being a
question as to the legality of the union a special act of the Legis-
lature was granted. Pending this act a meeting was held May
28, 1872, at the schoolhouse in District No. 28. Charles F. Hill
was chosen clerk and W. S. Clark, Charles C. Rogers and Frank-
lin J. Eastman, a committee to select a site, put in a foundation
and superintend the erection of a new schoolhouse.
A plan by Arthur Smith for a building costing $4,400 was ac-
cepted and a sum of money, not exceeding $5,000, was raised to
cover expense of building and site ; $3,000 of this was to be raised
by taxation and the balance to be borrowed at a low rate of in-
terest. A half acre of land on the Northfield side of the river
was donated by ]\Ir. Eastman and work began.
In March, 1873, the building committee, having completed
their duty, submitted the following report :
Cost of house, $4,947.35; cost of well and pump, $183.38;
total, $5,130.73.
After the act of incorporation was granted, the legal voters
met September 4, 1872, and chose a board of education as follows :
Rev. ]\Iarcellus A. Herrick, Rev. Theodore C. Pratt, Rev. John
B. Robinson.
Three schools were at once established and the first teachers
employed were Miss Sargent and Miss Lizzie A. Chase, the latter
remaining until 1880. From time to time new rooms were added
and new teachers supplied until the schools numbered six and the
possibilities of the house were exhausted. In 1900 it was de-
cided to erect a new building. A. J. Pillsbury, Sidney Taylor
and Arthur T. Cass were chosen a committee on finance; Lewis
Hoyt, Frank Hill, E. G. Morrison, on construction. William
Butterworth was architect and Daniel Page, builder.
The appearance of the building was highly satisfactory and the
committee reported a cost of $25,000. It was first occupied for
the winter term of 1901 and its capacity and arrangement have
proved eminently satisfactory.
Mr. George Clough of Warner, now of Boston, was the first
male principal, followed by D. W. C. Durgin, Messrs. Smith,
Rivard, Hulse and Seymour, the present principal, with six as-
sistants. The female teachers have been largely graduates and
trained in normal work. Mr. 0. G. Morrison, Dr. C. L. True
and Mrs. Charles Crockett constitute the present board.
By a law passed in 1898 graduates of this and the other town
schools may continue their studies free of tuition at Tilton Sem-
inary, the town paying $40 per capita. The Seminary thus be-
comes once more one of our institutions, taking the place of a
high school.
The first settlers of Northfield traveled on horseback for many-
years and hea\y loads were moved from place to place in ox carts
and on sleds in winter. Wheels came into use as soon as the
roads were made suitable for them, and thus was established one
of the most lucrative trades of our early settlers. Every black-
smith's shop had a wheelwright's contingent. At first, wagon
bodies were placed directly on the axles and M-ere not found to be
greatly conducive to comfort. This was followed by the thorough-
brace, and every ye^r added something to the comfort of the
traveler, either in vehicle or road. I need not pursue the subject
further. The post-rider early made his advent, and though he
only passed through the town to Gilmanton by a single route, he
was the important precursor of the present rural delivery man
with his pouches bursting-full of tidings, good or ill, for nearly
every inhabitant. It cost a dime, at least, and often more, to
send a greeting to one's friends or to receive theirs in return.
The year 1815 was long remembered, as it saw the first stage
line established in the town. Peter Smart of Concord, who later
married a Canterbury woman (see Smart genealogy), drove into
town with a gorgeously painted stagecoach, cracking his long
whip over the backs of two spirited horses. Mr. Ezekiel Moore,
the post-rider, ceased his trips and mail bags were safely tucked
away under the stage driver's seat. The stage was a move in
the right direction and was often patronized for pleasure trips.
Half a score could be crowded inside and the seats on the top
were still more desirable. Peter Smart's yarns as he rattled
along the main road and the consequent bursts of laughter made
his pa.ssage the one event of the day. The children of the two
schools on its route used to stop their play on its approach, line
up by the roadside and make their "curtchy" as though it were
the king's coach, and when the number of horses was increased to
four, it was almost as good as going to the circus. Other drivers
went along this line as Mr. Smart was needed for more difficult
routes. The Winslows boarded the relay horses, as did Mr.
Morrison at the Centre and the number of bundles passed
out to the inhabitants along the route showed the coach to be
something of a pedler's cart and a delivery wagon combined.
Verbal messages were delivered and startling events chronicled,
and what an old stage driver did not know was of little account.
It made its last trip when the Boston, Concord & Montreal Rail-
road was opened to Sanbornton Bridge, May 22, 1848, and was
sincerely mourned,
(See portrait.)
Warren H. Smith began life as a farmer boy on his mother's farm.
After his school days were over he began doing winter jobs on wood
and lumber lots and soon drifted into a considerable business in this
and other lines as a teamster. He married, November 8, 1844, Eliza-
beth G. Glines (see Smith gen.) and had two sons. Mrs. Smith was
one of Northfield's most estimable daughters, scholarly, refined and
a true home-maker. She had been a teacher, was a fine singer, a
social leader in the church and a queen in her home.
Mr. Smith farmed for one year at the foot of Bean Hill, where his
father and others of his family had started in life. He was energetic
and tireless. The routine, the hard labor and slow returns of a
farmer's life were not equal to his ambitions. The coming, a few
years later, of the Boston, Concord & Montreal Railroad and its con-
struction offered an opening which he at once took advantage of.
He was less than 30 years of age when his first contract was under-
taken. He began work three miles below Sanbornton Bridge, at the
Winslow crossing, and constructed in all, first and last, 64 miles of
the Boston, Concord & Montreal road. Some of these were only
gradings, some track laying, others both, and several included bridge
and trestle work, and others included all these and many things be-
sides. He, at the outset, removed his family to the Clough house,
near the Holmes bridge and mill, where a large force of men were
cared for, making strenuovis days for the busy wife and her force of
assistants. He purchased a home in the village and removed there
in 1847.
Larger contracts were now undertaken, for his reputation as an ex-
peditious and thorough builder was at its height. Jobs far and near
were offered and often two separate jobs were in progress at the same
time. He went in 1849 to a five-mile contract for the Manchester &
Lawrence Railroad and also carried the Passumpsic road to St. Johns-
bury from Wells River in 1850.
In 1853 he went to Connecticut for similar work on the Fishkill &
Providence road with Thomas Clough and Joseph Rand as his trusted
assistants. A contract in Tennessee was promptly despatched the
following year. Then came 11 miles on the Suncook Valley Railroad
and 15 on the Sugar River route; 25 miles from Cohasset to Duxbury,
Mass.; 38 on the Montpelier & Wells River Railroad and nine and a
half miles on the road through Franconia Notch. Nearly all these
contracts included grading, track laying, masonry, bridges and trestles,
and required large forces of men. This activity was in full force in
1877, when he undertook 10 miles of narrow-gauge road from Profile
House to Bethlehem, which he completed in one year, notwithstanding
there was a mile of heavy grading.
As one would suppose with so large a force of men and teams,
every day was a day of adventure and hairbreadth escapes, although
alcoholic liquoi-s were never furnished and the exacting labor was
accomplished on cold water and coffee.
Mr. Smith removed his family to the ancestral home on Bay Hill in
1874, and the farm became the rendezvous of his big teams of oxen
and horses. A string of a dozen or two, going and coming, was no
unusual sight.
The pay for these extreme labors was sometimes paid in part, some-
times entirely, in railroad stock, which did not always prove a bo-
nanza — a gold brick rather than a gold mine.
In 1867, while constructing the wooden bridge across the Pemige-
wasset River at Hill, he came near losing his life by falling with the
structure nearly 40 feet to the rocks below. A space between two
boulders, large enough to bear up the timbers, which formed an arch
above him, alone saved him from instant death.
He recalls with great pleasure a scrimmage with the State of Ver-
mont while building the bridge at Wells River, as the coming of his
line into the state was greatly deplored by a rival line. In some of
the encounters, stones, brickbats, spades and hoes were the missiles,
and injunctions were issued and courts convened. Mr. Smith was
victorious, however, after tiresome delays and expensive litigation,
and the result was the settlement forever of the boundary line be-
tween New Hampshire and Vermont, viz.: high-water mark on the
Vermont shore.
He was, until past middle life, too busy to attend much to local
affairs, town business or politics. He has been allied with the Re-
publican party since its formation and was a delegate to the Consti-
tutional Convention in 1880.
The death of his wife, October 10, 1898, the loss of the ancestral
home by fire in 1904, coupled with the almost entire loss of hearing,
are some of the misfortunes which attend the decline of his strenuous
The Boston, Concord & Montreal Railroad was chartered De-
cember 27, 1844, and the first contracts let in 1846. The first
survey through the town was not followed in the construction.
After crossing Kendegeda Brook on the plains, the proposed route
bore to the east, and depots were located in the vicinity of Bay
Street and the Granite Mills. This did not please the prominent
men who desired a station in the village.
Their wish was conceded to, and two deep cuts and two bridges
were thus added to the cost of the construction. Zenas Clement,
a lawyer, and one of the first directors, was then in business at
Holmes, now Tilton Mills. Thomas Chase built the roadbed from
Wolf Swamp to the main road crossing, Warren H. Smith the
remaining distance in town, and it was opened to Sanbornton
Bridge, May 22, 1848, with great rejoicing. All day the citizens
of the two towns were transported to Concord and back free of
charge. A platform was erected near the Elm Mills Woolen
Company's present site and speeches were delivered and cannon
fired. It was Northfield's proudest day.
John Mooney was local agent to secure funds and took a large
amount of stock, as did John E. Forrest, Thomas Lyford, Thomas
Chase, Capt. Isaac Glines, Col. Asa P. Cate, E. L. Wadleigh, Mr.
and Mrs. William Gilman, Warren H. Smith and Jonathan and
William H. Clough. Shares were $100 each and many invested
their last hard-earned dollar in the enterprise, the whole cost of
which was $2,850,000 to Woodsville. It is useless to enumerate
here the causes of the depreciation of stock or subsequent losses
and delays. The old common stock amounted to $459,600. The
preferred stock of $800,000 paid 6 per cent, dividends from 1867
until 1884, when it was leased June 1 to the Boston & Lowell road
for 6 per cent, on preferred for 99 years and was run as the
White Mountains Division of the Boston & Lowell until 1889.
Later, it was leased to the Boston & Maine. No interest was paid
the holders of the first stock for years and it became almost worth-
less, selling as low as $5 a share with few buyers.
It rallied somewhat, for various reasons, and in 1852 was
quoted at $40 a share. Many well-to-do Northfield citizens were
reduced almost to penury. This misfortune to the town is my
excuse for dwelling thus at length on this topic. In 1897 it had
reached par and commanded a large premium, being sold at
$160, and I am unacquainted with present quotations. It is now
a part of the great Boston & IMaine system, which controls and
operates 3,260 miles of road and represents a capital investment
of about $204,000,000, with $38,000,000 as the gross receipts. It
employs more than 25,000 men and the annual pay roll reaches
nearly $15,000,000. Northfield men, young and old, have had all
these years an added interest, not only in the line, but in the pay
car, that has been a welcome monthly visitor, though the sums
passed out in the little envelopes then would today cause a
strike all along the line. It has all these years furnished em-
plojonent for large numbers of our citizens and a large market
for wood and ties. Several of the most reliable conductors and
firemen are residents of the town.
But a small part of Northfield is crossed by this road, which
was chartered in 1883 and opened for business August 17, 1888,
at a cost of $48,964.79. No stock was issued, as the expense was
paid by the Concord & Montreal Eailroad.
It was first charted with the above name in April, 1887, and
provided that if built by the Northern Railroad and Concord &
Montreal it should be in operation by January 1, 1890, otherwise
Charles E. Tilton, Franklin J. Eastman, Alfred E. Tilton, George
S. Philbrick and others should be made a corporation empowered
to build said road. The charter was amended July 30, 1889, the
name changed to Franklin & Tilton Railroad and a new set of
incorporators were named. These consisted of the directors of
the Concord & Montreal road with the exception of A. W. Sullo-
way, who was made an incorporator representing the Northern
and Boston & Maine roads. These incorporators built the road
at a cost of $250,000, paid jointly by the Boston & Maine for the
Northern Railroad corporation. About three miles of the road
lies within the limits of Northfield.
As the history of Northfield and Canterbury is identical until
1780, I shall make use of the name Canterbury in the following
record :
New Hampshire was created by the king in council a separate
government in 1679, under jurisdiction of a president and coun-
cil. The first order issued to the province was to organize the
militia. This was in the only charter ever granted to this prov-
President John Cutt was commissioned January 1, 1680, and
the councillors January 22. In the president's commission was
the following clause as to the needs and the organizing of a
militia :
"order 1.
"And for ye better defence and security of all our loving sub-
jects within the said Province of New Hampshire our further
will and pleasure is, and we do hereby authorize, require and
command ye said President and Council for the time being, in our
name, and under the Seal appointed by us to be used, to give
and issue forth commissions from time to time to such person and
persons, whom they shall judge shall be best qualified for regu-
lating and disciplining the Militia of our said Province : and for
the arranging and mustering the inhabitants thereof and in-
structing them how to bear arms.
' ' And that care be taken that such good discipline be observed
as ye said Council shall prescribe :
"Yet if any invasion shall at any time be made, or other de-
struction or annoyance, made or done by Indians or others upon
or unto our good subjects inhabiting within ye said Province of
New Hampshire.
"We do by these presents, for us our heirs, and successors,
declare, ordain and grant, that it shall and may be, lawful to
and for our said subjects so commissioned by our said Council
from time to time, and at all times, for their special defense and
safety, to encounter, expel, repel and resist by force of arms and
all other fitting means whatever, all and every such person or
persons, as shall at any time hereafter attempt or enterprise the
destruction, invasion or annoyance of any of our said loving sub-
jects, their plantations or estates." — Potter's Military History of
New Hampshire.
The calling of an assembly within three months was provided
for in this commission at Portsmouth or Strawberry Bank.
Adopting the principle that in time of peace a government
should prepare for war, a military law was enacted by the As-
sembly in 1718 and this was the first attempt at anything like a
regular organization in the state. Heretofore it had all been left
to the governor and council.
It was under the new law that Colonel Clough and his scouts
were sent out by Gov. Penning Wentworth to protect the Can-
terbury settlers 1721- '-46, as given in the chapter on Early Set-
tlers, page 3.
After the close of the Indian "Wars the "north fields" were
being settled and farms cleared. There was little time for mili-
tary drill, only as the presence of game in the forests gave the
boys an opportunity to learn the use of firearms, and the stories
of bloody encounters had created in them a deep-settled purpose
to do likewise when opportunity offered.
Then, too, they were not ignorant of the increasing oppressive
acts of the mother country and their patriotism was at fever heat
long before the news of Lexington and Boston Harbor reached
them. Every man capable of doing military duty had long be-
fore been singled out and the "expected" was eagerly awaited.
It came in startling messages in 1775 "that Howe, Clinton and
Burgoyne had landed in Boston and that British troops were
arriving and that other parts of the country were actually en-
gaged in war."
Then came that wonderful paper called the "Association Test"
to the selectmen of Canterbury, as to all New Hampshire towns,
which I give in full. Also, another from the Continental Con-
gress dated March 14, 1776.
After the close of the Seven Years' "War, and 1775, the Pro-
vincial Legislature obliged every chartered town through its
officers to keep on hand a supply of powder and flints ; a specified
number of snowshoes and bullets and each town was directed to
have a 'Larm List and each able-bodied man was to have a flint-
lock musket, two spare flints, priming wire and brush.
Later the 'Larm List became the Training Band.
Prior to 1776 Captain Clough and Lieutenant Miles com-
manded the men in the ' ' north fields, ' ' and later, it is said, there
were two companies in Northfield.
* ' To the Selectmen of Canterbury
"Colony of New Hampshire
"In Committee of Safety
"Apr. 12 1776
"In order to carry the unwritten 'Resolve' of the Honorable
Continental Congress into execution you are requested to desire
all Males above twenty-one years of age (Lunaticks, Idiots, and
Negroes excepted) to sign to the Declaration on this paper, and
when so done to make return hereof together with the name or
names of all who shall refuse to sign the same to the General
Assembly or Committee of Safety of this Colony
"M. Weare. Chairman"
"In Congress Mar. 14 1776 Resolved, That it be recommended
to the several Assemblies, Conventions & Councils, or Committees
of Safety of the United States immediately to cause all Persons to
be disarmed within their respective Colonies, who are notoriously
disaffected to the cause of America or who have not associated,
and refuse to associate to defend by arms the United Colonies
against the hostile attempts of the British Fleets and Armies.
' ' Charles Thompson Secretary ' '
The response from Canterbury was prompt and conclusive.
One hundred and twenty names were at once placed below the
following pledge :
"In consequence of the above Resolution of the Hon. Conti-
nental Congress and to show our determination in joining our
American Bretheren and in defending the Lives, Liberties and
Properties of the Inhabitants of the United Colonies.
"We, the Suhscrihers do hereby solemnly engage and promise
that we will to the utmost of our Power, at the Risque of our
Lives and Fortunes with Arms oppose the Hostile Proceedings of
the British Fleets and Armies against the United American Col-
onies. " Of the 128 names the following 40 were from the "north
William Glines, Jr., Joshua Boienton, Richard Allison, Benja-
min Blanchard, 3d., "William ]\Ioore, Nathaniel Glines, John Mc-
Donald, Nehemiah McDonald, Jonathan Gile, David Blanchard,
Shubael Dearborn, Nathaniel Dearborn, Benjamin Blanchard,
Richard Blanchard, Edward Blanchard, Nathaniel "Whitcher,
Reuben "Whitcher, Ebenezer Kimball, "William Simonds, Josiah
Miles, John Hills, John Molony, Jesse Cross, John Cross, Stephen''
Cross, William Hancock, Reuben Kezar, Jacob Heath, John Roen,
Nathaniel Perkins, John Gibson, Thomas Gibson, James Lind,
Perkins, Peter Hanaford, Benjamin Collins, John Forrest, John
Forrest, Jr., Gideon Sawyer, John Simons, Thomas Foss, Timothy
Of the enrollment and equipment I cannot speak. It is known
that some, when the news of Lexington reached the "north
fields," left their ploughs in the furrows, mounted their horses
in citizens' clothes, and went to fight the battles of their country.
Many of them are enrolled in the following list, and all have a
place with their families in genealogical order.
Some of those whose names follow came to reside in town after
the close of the war and are accordingly eligible to a place on our
Elias Abbott was with Colonel Bedel in Capt. James Osgood's
Company of Rangers sent to Canada to fight the Indians in 1776.
Abner Flanders went September, 1776, to reinforce the Con-
tinental army under Capt. Benjamin Emery, to New York under
Colonel Baldwin. He was credited to Haverhill when enlisted.
Moses Dan forth served in the Revolutionary War.
Ezekiel Danforth also served in Canada and was killed at
Bemis Heights. His widow was a pensioner.
Henry Danforth served in the New Hampshire State Troops
in 1780 and had been in Whitcomb's Rangers before he was 17
years old.
William Forrest was with Stark at Bunker Hill.
Moses Cross was in Capt. James Shepard's company of Con-
tinental line, Northern army.
Samuel Goodwin was under Captain Calef, Colonel Wingate
and, later, with Captain Salter in the artillery at Fort Wash-
ington. He was with Capt. David Place November 5, 1775; at
Seavey's Island and still later with Colonel Wingate at Ticon-
Caleb Aldrich was with Colonel Reed and Captain Hinds at
New York.
Jesse Carr was in the Continental army,
Charles Glidden had seen much service before the Revolu-
tionary War. He was one of 20 who fought at Bunker Hill, then
enrolled as First Lieutenant.
Edward Dyer was under Capt. Ebenezer Webster in 1782 in
the Ranger service in the upper part of the state.
George Hancock's name appears on Train Band List. He en-
listed and expected to go but was not called for.
Joseph Hancock was a fifer in the Revolutionary army.
Jacob Hancock was from Hampstead and came with Captain
Blanchard to Salisbury Fort on his way to Canada in the French
and Indian War. He served under Captain IMooney, was taken
prisoner and sent to Louisburg; returned by way of Halifax in
1758. He was killed at Bunker Hill.
Abraham Brown was a drummer in the army three years and
adjutant four years.
Cornelius Ludlow was a Revolutionary soldier.
Levi Morrill was enlisted from Epping; he moved to North-
field later.
John and Parker Cross were both at Bunker Hill.
Thomas Cross was also in the service. Company or place not
Theodore Brown was under Capt. Henry Elkins in Piscataqua
William Glines (called Miller Glines) left his mill and entered
the service. (See Glines gen.)
William Keniston was, when 16 years old, under Stark at Ben-
Jonathan Gilman (see gen.) was at Bunker Hill.
Phineas Fletcher was at the surrender of Cornwallis at York-
town and died on his way home, as no transportation was fur-
Lieutenant Lyford was educated in the school of war. He was
appointed lieutenant in the year 1777 in Major Whitcomb's
^'Core" of Rangers, and served until January, 1781, at which
time General Washington ordered that the officers of said corps
should retire on half pay for life. But Whitcomb ordered him to
march to headquarters whereupon Lyford and his soldiers were
mutinous, marched at once to North River and reported to Gen-
eral Heald. He at once sent a memorial to the Legislature, June
21, 1780, setting forth that he had been in the service in 1775
and complaining of bad treatment.
He must have been a trusted officer as Gen. Enoch Poor sent to
headquarters the following from Tieonderoga (without date) :
' ' Last evening we sent Lieut Lyford to Split Rock on a recon-
aisance. Enemy there tM'o schooners, seven armed Gondolas and
a large no. of Batteaux. He heard guns some miles below and
supposes whole army on way here. Send help. We have only
2240 men."
Wednesday, February 9, 1780, the Legislature voted Lieut.
Thomas Lyford of Whitcomb Rangers should receive from the
treasury $560 in part for deprivation of his wages.
Richard Blanchard went with William Forrest to Bunker Hill,
unenlisted, in citizens' clothes.
Jonathan Wadleigh fought with his two brothers side by side
at Bunker Hill. *
Others in the service were Abner Miles, Shubael Dearborn,
Nathaniel Dearborn, Reuben Kezar, Nathaniel Perkins and Na-
thaniel Perkins, Jr. The former died at Bunker Hill. William
Rines and Joseph Glines and Lieut. Jonathan Heath also died
there. There were 20 in all from the "north fields" at Bunker
Samuel Rogers, William Rines, Joseph Clisby, John and
Samuel Dinsmore, William Danford, Robert Forrest and others
whose names are found in Part II of this work.
Edward Blanchard was commissioned, September 5, 1775, by
order of ]Mathew Thornton, governor, to be captain of the New
Hampshire company in the Thirteenth Rei-iment of ]\Iilitia of
the Colony of New Hampshire. He was ordered to take instruc-
tion from the Congress of said colony for the time being (in
recess of Congress), or the Committee of Safety or any superior
officer. Signed by Mathew Thornton, president; E. Thompson,
secretary. Dated, Exeter, September 5, 1775.
In 1790 these titles are attached to the following names on the
tax list:
Capt. Thomas Clough, Capt. Samuel Oilman, Col. Henry
Gerrish, Lieut. Jacob Heath (and captain in 1796), Capt.
Stephen Haines, Capt. Daniel Hills, Lieut. David Morrill, Lieut.
James Perkins, Ensign William Sanborn, Capt. James Shepherd,
Capt. Edward Blanchard, Lieut. Joseph Hancock, Adjt. and
Capt. Samuel Gilman, Lieut. John Cochran, Capt. Stephen
Haines, Lieut. Edmund Kezer, Col. Timothy Walker (non-resi-
dent), Ensigns Nathan Colby and William Smith, Lieut. Keuben
Blanchard, Lieut. David Hills, Capt. Mathew Sanborn.
WAR OF 1812.
After the return of the soldiers from the well-won victories
of Yorktown, Stillwater and Saratoga, there were many who
remained in the service and used to come out several times yearly
for drill unless holding a surgeon 's certificate of disability. Those
who had remained at home had not been idle and many joined
voluntary companies for home protection and these were soon
equipped and trained for future needs, though many deprecated
the reopening of hostilities. When the British had made, in
August, 1814, their attack on Washington and their fleets were
seen along the New England coast, the old spirit of '76 was re-
vived and the following from Northfield enlisted for the service,
in Capt. Ed Fuller's company, under Lieut.-Col. John Steele of
Peterboro for 60d. : Benjamin Rollins, Samuel Carr, Jr., John
Marden, Benjamin Morrill, Joseph Dalton, David Keniston, Jr.,
Ephraim Cross, Milton Gile, John Otis, Jonathan Oile, Oalusha
Glidden, Jerry Blanchard, Shubael Dearborn, Josiah Ambrose
Woodbury. The latter was drafted, but only went to Ports-
Asel Canfield, later a resident of Northfield, was in the British
army in Canada.
Ephraim Cross was not mustered in.
Jonathan Oile was in the Fourth United States Regiment,
Western Brigade, and was ordered to Vincennes. He was at the
battle of Tippecanoe. He was drowned.
Jerry Blanehard's record is unknown.
Shubael Dearborn, who had fought in the Eevolution, again
enlisted, but was too old to go. His brother also enlisted but died
before being mustered in.
Caleb Aldrieh went to New York under Colonel Keed and
Captain Hinds.
Benjamin Rollins was a musician under Col. John Steele of
Peterboro and Capt. Ed Fuller. He was a pensioner. He en-
listed for 60 days, September 28, 1814.
Samuel Carr was in the same company for the same time.
John Harden was mustered in September 28, 1814.
Benjamin Morrill enlisted for 60 days in Capt. Ed Fuller's
companj^ under Colonel Steele.
Joseph Dalton was mustered in September 28, 1814, for 60
David Keniston, Jr., enlisted, in the infantry and was always
called the "infant."
"ancient and honorable AMERICAN COMPANY," MINUTE MEN.
This organization was in response to an order from the gov-
ernor that each town should organize a company of soldiers.
"Some of the inhabitants of the town of Northfield who are
exempted by the laws of New Hampshire from bearing arms,
conceiving the times to be very alarming, hearing of horrid mur-
ders being committed by the Indians on our frontiers, and also
of the unjust treatment which we receive from the beligerants,
namely England and France with respect to our commercial
rights deem it a duty we owe to our revolutionary Heroes who
spilt their blood to gain our independence, a duty we owe to our
wives and children, and the warm attachment which we have for
our Country (viz) the United States, to volunteer ourselves to
be ready at short notice to repel the hostile foe and do also form
ourselves into a company to be in future known by the ancient
and honorable American company — and do pledge our honors to
be under good discipline and be in subjection to our superior
Officers which are to consist of one Coin, one Major, one Secre-
tary, one Surgeon, one captain one Lieut one ensign 4 Sergents
and 4 Corporals"
"Each commissioned officer to be chosen by ballot or by the
company marching along single file, and giving the name of the
person he wishes for his officer, to a person placed to receive said
names — and likewise to choose a committee to frame Laws and
regulations for sd Company
"It is the opinion of your committee that the present company
know by the name of the Ancient and honorable American Com-
pany should consist of one Captain one Lieutenant, one Ensign,
4 Sargents and 4 Corporals and do so far do away the former
bye Laws as to remove the field officers thinking them improper
and unnecessary
"Sept 30, 1804
The signatures are as follows:
"A. T. Clark, Jonathan Clough, B. Blanchard, J. Dearborn,
J. Cross, Capt. Heath, W. Forrest, J. Eollins, Stept Colby, Israel
Hodgdon, Moses Goodwin, Jona Sanborn, Stephen Chase, Thomas
Lj'ford, Saml Dalton, S. Jewell, Lt 0. Hall, J. Gile, Saml Beede,
J. Dearborn, And Gilman, F. Smith, Ab. Clough, Jno. Davis, J.
Cilley, Jonathan Ayers, J. Smith, B. Jones, T. Clough, Abraham
Brown, Isaac Glines, B. Whicher, Abraham Glines, Eobert Evans,
Simon Gilman, J. Ambrose, J. Glines; Sergts, Lieut. Hancock,
1st Sargent, M. Goodwin, 2nd Sargent, J. Cilley, 3rd Sargent, T.
Lyford, 4th Sargent; Corporals, J. Smith, B. Jones, T. Simonds,
S. Chase."
"Voted that the officers uniform themselves."
Northfield, October, 1814.
"This day by an entire Vote of the company they agreed to
equip themselves and be ready for Military duty against the com-
mon enemy at a minute's warning in defence of this State."
' ' We the subscribers do Volunteer our services to the Commder
in chief of the State of New Hampshire and do enge to equip our-
selves for Military duty for defending ourselves against the com-
mon enemy, and to be ready at a minute's warning."
This document is signed by Jona Gilman, David Keniston,
Timothy Hills, David Hills, Samuel Thompson, J. Molony, Cap-
tain Clough, John Hills, Charles Glidden, Lieut. William Han-
cock, F. Keniston, Jona Ayers, William Cross, Samuel Rogers.
I have no record of the battles in which all this valor displayed
itself but conclude that the "common enemy" was vanquished
and the "hostile foe" was repelled and expelled, and that their
duty to those Revolutionary heroes, who spilled their blood, was
fully discharged.
Timothj^ Hills was commissioned as ensign in the Tenth Com-
pany in the Eleventh Regiment of militia. State of New Hamp-
John Taylor Gilman, Governor
Sworn to before Daniel Hills, Justice of the Peace, September
23, 1802.
Another paper records the fact that he was asked to resign
June 14, 180-4, and his resignation was accepted by J. T. Gil-
man, Captain General.
Peter Wadleigh was chosen sergeant of this (Eleventh) regi-
ment, as shown by the following :
"To Peter Wadleigh Greeting
"Chosen Sergt of 10th Co. 11th Regt and officers & soldiers
are commanded to obey him as 1st Sergt.
"Oct 7. 1811
"Asa Robertson Commandant
11th Regt
"Rockingham ss
"He took oath of allegiance and oath of office before Chas.
M. Glidden Jr Justice Pease ' '
He received the following order the year previous :
"The field officers of the Eleventh Regiment have agreed to
meet at Aaron Austin's in Concord the first Monday in March
next at ten oclock a. m. for the purpose of establishing some
Rule for filling up the Light Infantry & Cavalry companies in
said Regiment at which time and place I wish you to attend with
your subaltern officers if it is convenient
"From Yours &c
"Asa Foster Jr"
Another paper shows that Timothy Hills, gentleman, was con-
stituted and appointed captain of Company 17 in the Voluntary
Corps of Infantry. Signed, John Taylor Gilman, Governor,
October 28, 1814. (Note. — This date may be incorrect.) He
received the following order September 25, 1811 :
"battalion orders.
*' To Capt Timothy Hills
"Pursuent to Regimental Orders to me transmitted, you are
hereby ordered to appear with the company under your Comand
Equipped with Arms & Accoutrements according to law for In-
spection and review on Thurs. the tenth day of October next at
eight oclock a. m. on the Parade ground near Austin's tavern
in Concord and there waite further orders: You are further di-
rected to make out two returns of your Company and hand one
to the Inspector, the other to me when your Company is In-
spected, j
''Signed Asa Foster
"Majr Second Battalion 11th Regi
''Canterbury Sept 25, 1811
"N. B. You are desired to see that your soldiers have their
Powder made into Cartridges before the day of Muster. ' '
The above papers show that Northfield citizens were not inac-
tive in the great struggles for liberty and self -protection, while
their neighbors were in active conflict with the enemy. They were
found among others belonging to Col. Timothy Hills.
After the close of the M^ar, the general government, as well as
the state Legislature organized or reorganized the militia laws
and the Thirty-eighth Regiment was reorganized. It included all
those eligible to military duty in Northfield, Canterbury and Lou-
don. Asa P. Cate was colonel, Joseph Cofran, adjutant, and
Hiram Cilley, second lieutenant. The latter had been a captain
and quartermaster in the Tenth Regiment.
The new law required a certain number of companies of in-
fantry, one troop of cavalry and one gun.
Northfield had two companies and the May trainings and
militia musters were grand holidays. The expenses for these
were paid by the towns and the state and the latter furnished
arms. The last militia muster was held in 1847 (?) and the offi-
eers' drills were continued for a few years after. "When in 1861
the War of the Rebellion was thrust upon us there was no citizen
soldiery in Northfield.
There were, however, three regular organized companies in
the state, viz. : Lyndeborough Artillery, McCutcheon Guards of
New London, Canaan Grenadiers. There was besides, the Amos-
keag Veterans of Manchester, partly a voluntary organization.
This war was fought with the regular army and no call for
volunteers was made. There were but two natives of Northfield
in service there: Joshua Smith, who died in Ohio on his way
home, and Whitten Ludlow, who died at Corpus Christi.
Northfield was not free from the universal unrest and excite-
ment that prevailed during the few years next preceding the out-
break of the Civil War. The issues of the day were ardently dis-
cussed in the highways and byways, the country stores and even
the horse sheds on Sunday, and whilom worshipers took their
accustomed places less intent on learning their duties to God
than suggestions of their duties to their fellow men or to country.
Nevertheless when the war had actually begun and the first call
of the president for assistance came, a special meeting was at
once called by the officers of the town to see what action should
be taken to fill its quota. The first action was to vote a bounty
of $300 to all volunteers and the same to such, now in the service
on short terms,, as might re-enlist. Provided a draft was neces-
sary, every drafted man should have a bounty of $300 and $30,-
000 was appropriated for that purpose.
Upon another call for troops another special meeting was called
and it was voted to pay every enrolled man, provided he was
drafted and furnished a substitute, the sum of $300. In case
the Legislature should increase the sum the selectmen were
ordered to do the same. Thirty thousand dollars was ordered
raised to carry out this or any other vote. In 1864, $15,000 was
voted and after several trials as to sum, $800 was voted to each
volunteer or drafted man, town notes to be given where they
would be accepted.
An enrollment was made of all between the ages of 18 and 36,
which included 75 names, and those between 36 and 45 included
38, a total of 113. The first list was furnished the government
when the first draft was ordered and the following were drawn :
Charles B. Osgood, Oliver L. Dearborn, Josiah H. Littlefield,
Thomas Keniston, Frederick Keniston, Jason Foss, Sylvester W.
Eaton, Aram Riley, Smith W. Glines, Jesse Moore, Richard
Batchelder, Charles Henry Ayers, Albert Keniston, Thomas Ben-
ton Clark, Enoch J. Dearborn, Benjamin S. Clay, Reuben S,
Whicher, Wesley M. Glines, John G. Heath, William Woodbury,
Daniel Sanborn, Jeremiah Lake, Hazen I. Batchelder — 23 in all.
Several of these were for physical and other reasons exempt.
At a special meeting, held April 16, 1864, the selectmen were
empowered and directed to furnish substitutes for the drafted
men. As the war progressed nearly every man capable of doing
military duty, and some who were not, volunteered for the service,
as shown by the following list.
The final action of the town provided for a bounty for one-
year volunteers, $500; for two years, $800; and for three years,
$1,200 each.
The towns advanced the government bounty and the state
gave $100. In 1864 the bounties aggregated $1,200.
"our boys who wore the blue."
The following lists include the names and record of service of
the men who were mustered into the army of the United States in
the War of the Rebellion under call of July 2, 1862, and subse-
quent calls, and assigned to the quota of Northfield, and those
who went prior to that date, as well as those who were natives
of the town and enlisted elsewhere,
Edmund Sanders ; Company F ; Second Regiment ; mustered in.
August 15, 1864, for three months; re-enlisted for three years;
died of disease, JNIarch 7, 1865, at Laconia.
Benjamin HxYNiVFORD ; Company D ; Fourth Regiment ; enlisted
in 1861 for three years ; re-enlisted from Sanbornton, 1863 ; died
of disease, March 18, 1864, at Beaufort, S. C.
Israel C. Hall; Company D; Fourth Regiment for three
years; mustered in, February 28, 1864; captured, August 16,
1864, at Deep Bottom, Va. ; wounded January 15, 1865, at Fort
Fisher, N. C. ; discharged June 12, 1865, at Beaufort, S. C.
Richard Dearborn ; Company D ; Fourth Regiment ; mustered
in, August 30, 1862; captured, May 16, 1864, at Drury's Bluff,
Va., with Hickman's Brigade; was at Andersonville 11 months
and 21 days ; paroled ; discharged June 26, 1865 ; died at North-
field, July 16, 1901.
James S. Tilton ; Company D ; Fourth Regiment ; mustered in,
August 30, 1862, for three years ; mustered out as first sergeant,
August 23, 1865.
WiNTHROP Presby ; Company D ; Fourth Regiment ; mustered
in, August 30, 1862, for three years; killed July 27, 1864, near
Petersburg, Va.
James M. Danforth ; Company I, Fourth Regiment ; mustered
in, August 30, 1862 ; killed August 16, 1864, at Deep Bottom, Va.
Charles Smith was taken prisoner at Petersburg and died at
George Davison served in the Thirteenth New Hampshire
Bradbury ]\Iorrill served in the Twelfth Regiment. He was
wounded in the wrist at Gettysburg.
Aaron Veasey ; Company D ; Fourth Regiment ; mustered in,
August 28, 1862; discharged, June 16, 1865, at Fort Schuyler,
N. Y. ; died at Amherst, June 21, 1904.
Curtice Whittier ; Company D ; Fourth Regiment ; mustered
in, September 3, 1862; discharged, June 15, 1865, at Raleigh,
N. C. ; now resides at Meredith ; is a wool sorter.
William Parsons (or Pearsons) ; Company D ; Fourth Regi-
ment; mustered in, August 30, 1862; discharged, disabled, July
15, 1863, at Folly Island, S. C. ; he died at Northfield, December
12, 1876.
James S. Martin ; Company A ; Sixth Regiment ; mustered in,
December 31, 1863 ; discharged, February 2, 1864, at Camp Nel-
son, Ky.
Thomas King; Company A; Sixth Regiment; mustered in,
January 2, 1864; discharged, :March 20, 1864, at Pittsburg, Pa.
John Johnson; Company F; Sixth Regiment; mustered in,
January 4, 1864; transferred to Camp Chase, Ohio, October 24,
1864, for Department of the Northwest, but not assigned to any
regiment there; discharged August 30, 1865.
Charles Marsh; Company F; Sixth Regiment; mustered in,
January 5, 1864; discharged, disabled, August 26, 1864, at
Philadelphia, Pa.
JosiAH RoBBiNS ; Company I ; Sixth Regiment ; mustered in,
January 1, 1864; captured, October 1, 1864, at Poplar Springs
Church, Va. ; released and mustered out, July 17, 1865.
Frank Elson; Company D; Seventh Regiment; mustered in,
October 15, 1863; captured at Olustee, Fla., February 20, 1864;
paroled December 24, 1864; reported on M. 0. roll, July 20,
1865, as absent sick at Annapolis, Md.
John McDaniel ; Company D ; Eighth Regiment ; mustered in,
December 20, 1861 ; died of disease, March 29, 1863, at New Or-
leans, La.
John Presby ; Company D ; Eighth Regiment ; mustered in,
December 20, 1861 ; appointed corporal ; re-enlisted, January 4,
1864; credited to Sanbornton; discharged, January 2, 1865, at
Natchez, Miss., as supernumerary non-commissioned officer.
Gideon Coty; Company C; Eighth Regiment; mustered in,
January 4, 1865; assigned to Company C, Veterans' Battalion,
April 30, 1865 ; mustered out, October 28, 1865.
Thomas G-ile, Jr. ; Company C ; Ninth Regiment ; mustered in,
July 17, 1862; was at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862; dis-
charged, disabled, February 1, 1863, at Annapolis, Md. He died
at Tilton, 1892.
James Van Peabody ; Company C ; Ninth Regiment ; mustered
in, August 5, 1862; discharged, disabled, January 26, 1864, at
"Walter F. Glines; Company C; Ninth Regiment; mustered
in, August 13, 1862; transferred to Company I, Fifteenth Vet-
erans' Relief Corps, April 1, 1865; discharged, July 8, 1865, at
Springfield, 111. ; he died at West Concord, April, 1887.
Alonzo F. HoYT; Company C; Ninth Regiment; mustered in,
August 13, 1862 ; died of disease, January 1, 1865, at Falmouth,
Amos Kendall Copp served in the Eighth Regiment and was
wounded at Port Hudson, May 10, 1862.
Hiram Bradley Evans served in the Ninth Regiment and died
in hospital, 1864, from a wound received in the Battle of the
Herbert Goss Chase enlisted in the Ninth Regiment as a
Smitpi D. Corliss ; Company F ; Fifth Regiment ; died at Fal-
mouth, Va., 1862; he retired on account of sickness and was
stationed as a cook; he enlisted from Franklin.
Charles F. Corliss served in the Second Regiment, Company
F ; he died at Washington, D. C, on his way to the front.
Joseph Corliss served three years in Company F, Second
Regiment. He died at Concord, on his way home.
William H. Roberts ; Company K ; Ninth Regiment ; mustered
in, August 15, 1862; transferred to invalid corps; assigned to
Company E, Eighteenth V. R. C. ; discharged, June 24, at Wash-
ington, D. C.
C.VLViN W. Beck; Company D; Twelfth Regiment; mustered
in, September 5, 1862; discharged, disabled, February 11, 1863,
at Falmouth, Va.
John Dalton; Company D; Twelfth Regiment; mustered in,
September 5, 1862; discharged, disabled, August 25, 1863, at
Alexandria, Va.
Ira T. Whitcher ; Company D ; Twelfth Regiment ; mustered
in, September 5, 1862; discharged at Falmouth, Va., April 15,
George W. Niles ; Company D ; Twelfth Regiment ; mustered
in, September 16, 1862; wounded, July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg,
Pa. ; died at New York City, August 2, 1864.
Joseph Bennett; Company — ; Ninth Regiment; died at
Washington, D. C, as the result of wounds, January, 1863.
Frank Braley; Company F; Twelfth Regiment; mustered
in, September 5, 1862 ; was at Falmouth, Va., December 12, 1862 ;
mustered out, June 21, 1865. "
Cornelius Br.vley ; Company F ; Twelfth Regiment ; mustered
in, September 5, 1862; wounded. May 3, 1863, at Chancellors-
ville, Va.
James C. Farley; Company F; Twelfth Regiment; mustered
in, September 5, 1862; mustered out, June 21, 1865.
John Keniston; Company F; Twelfth Regiment; mustered
in, September 5, 1862; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May
3, 1863 ; mustered out, December 13, 1863, at Falmouth, Ya. ; died
at Northfield, January 31, 1902.
George Koberts; Company F; Twelfth Kegiment; mustered
in, September 5, 1862; was at Chancellorsville ; mustered out,
January 21, 1865.
Charles Woodward; Company F; Twelfth Regiment; mus-
tered in, September 5, 1862 ; mustered out, June 21, 1865.
Byron K. Morrison; Company G; Twelfth Regiment; mus-
tered in, September 9, 1862; discharged, disabled, December 8,
1862, at Washington, D. C. ; died, October 12, 1863.
William Herrick or Bill Harriot ; Company D ; Eighth Regi-
ment; mustered in, December 20, 1861; wounded, June 14, 1863,
at Port Hudson, La. ; re-enlisted and was mustered in, January 4,
1864; was transferred to Company A, Veterans' Battalion,
Eighth New Hampshire Volunteers, January 1, 1865 ; mustered
out, October 28, 1865 ; he died at Belmont, May 25, 1900.
Charles W. Tilton enlisted May 1, 1861, and was elected
second lieutenant of Capt. Jonathan Bagiey's company, June 12,
1861; September 20, 1861, he was appointed second lieutenant;
mustered out to date, September 18, 1861; resigned commission,
January 16, 1862; re-enlisted in Company C, Ninth Regiment,
July 17, 1862; appointed first lieutenant, August 10, 1862;
wounded, September 17, 1862 ; resigned December 5, 1862.
Ward Gilman served in the Twelfth Regiment. He was
wounded at Chancellorsville by a bullet, one half of which was
taken from his side and is in the possession of his son; the other
half could not be found. He received a second wound at Drury 's
Bluffs from a bursting shell and was nearly blind for some years.
Wallace Chase ; Company A ; Ninth Regiment ; mustered in,
July 3, 1862; discharged, disabled, December 4, 1862, at Fal-
mouth, Va. ; re-enlisted and credited to Durham, January 19,
1864, and died of disease, January 5, 1865.
Ervin a. Hurd ; Company D ; Sixteenth Regiment ; mustered
in, October 11, 1862; mustered out, August 20, 1863.
John W. Downes ; Company C ; Eleventh Regiment ; mustered
in, February 23, 1863; transferred to Company C, Sixth New
Hampshfre Volunteers, June 1, 1865; mustered out, July 17,
Fred Keniston ; Company F ; Twelfth Regiment ; mustered in,
September 14, 1864; discharged, June 21, 1865, at Baltimore,
]Md.; died at Manchester, probably November 10, 1902; buried
the 12th.
Albert McDaniel; Company H; Fifteenth Regiment; mus-
tered in, October 11, 1862; mustered out and re-enlisted, Sep-
tember 2, 186-4, for one year in Company C, Hea\'y Artillery;
mustered out, June 15, 1865; is now in Soldiers' Home, Togus,
Thomas G. Ames; Company II; Fifteenth Regiment; mus-
tered in, October 11, 1862, as first sergeant ; died of disease, July
20, 1863, at Port Hudson, La.
RuFUS H. TiLTON ; Company D ; Sixteenth Regiment ; mustered
in, November 11, 1862; discharged, August 20, 1863.
John "W. Piper ; Company E ; Sixteenth Regiment ; mustered
in, October 22, 1862, as musician ; mustered out, August 2, 1863 ;
again mustered in, September 13, 1864, to Eighteenth Regiment,
and mustered out, June 10, 1865.
Albert Brown ; Company B ; Eighteenth Regiment ; mustered
in, September 15, 1864; mustered out, June 10, 1865.
Arthur F, ]\Ierrill; Company D; Seventeenth Regiment;
mustered in, September 21, 1864; mustered out, July 29, 1865;
died at Providence, La., 1868.
Samuel C. Fifield; Veteran Reserve Corps; mustered in, De-
cember 19, 1863 ; discharged, November 13, 1864.
DeWitt C. Merrill served in Nineteenth (>\Iass.) Regiment
and also in the navy for four years.
Peter La. Casey (sub.); Company D; First Cavalry; mus-
tered in, April 30, 1864; appointed saddler. May 1, 1865; mus-
tered out, July 15, 1865.
George W. Keyes; Company K; First Cavalry; mustered in,
October 10, 1862; wounded, November 12, 1864, at Back Roads,
Va. : appointed corporal, April 1, 1865 ; sergeant, July 1, 1865 ;
mustered out, July 15, 1865 ; re-enlisted elsewhere.
James B. Gold (sub.) ; Company L; First Cavalry; mustered
in, December 31, 1863 ; deserted at Concord, February 21, 1864.
John ]\Iorrow tsub.) ; Company L; First Cavalry; mustered
in, December 31, 1863 ; deserted, February 28, 1864, at Concord.
George Smith (sub.); Company L; First New Hampshire
Cavalry; mustered in, January 1, 1864; supposed to have deserted
en route to join regiment ; no report at Washington, D. C.
Charles Smart; Company A; First Cavalry; mustered in,
March 15, 186-1; appointed sergeant, May 1, 1864; second lieu-
tenant, July 10, 1865, but was mustered out as sergeant, July
15, 1865. He was also in the First and Fifth New Hampshire
Regiments, credited to other towns. Resides at Peabody, Mass.
William Craigue; Company D; First Cavalry; mustered in,
April 30, 1864; discharged, May 11, 1865, at Concord.
Asa Dart; Company D; First Cavalry; mustered in, April
29, 1864; appointed company quartermaster-sergeant, March 1,
1865; mustered out, July 15, 1865.
LuciEN W. Knowles; Company D; First Cavalry; mustered
in, April 29, 1864; contracted fever in camp at Concord; died
at Northfield, September 3, 1864.
George Stark (sub.) ; Company D; First Cavalry; mustered
in, April 29, 1864, and left for parts unknown, March 18, 1865,
at Muddy Branch, Md.
Charles H. Davis; Company C; Ninth Regiment; mustered
in, July 29, 1862 ; discharged, June 10, 1865 ; served in the Wil-
derness campaign; was at Falmouth, South Mountain, Freder-
icksburg and Vicksburg, Miss.
Hiram H. Cross; Company C; Heavy Artillery; mustered in
for one year, September 2, 1864 ; mustered out, June 15, 1865.
Albert Titcomb ; Company G ; Heavy Artillery ; mustered in,
September 6, 1864, for one year ; discharged, June 15, 1865.
Joseph Mills Simonds; Company H; Heavy Artillery; mus-
tered in, September 17, 1864, for one year; mustered out, June
15, 1865.
John Dinsmore ; Company L ; Heavy Artillery ; mustered in,
September 19, 1864; mustered out, June 15, 1865.
Stephen Kenney (sub.) ; enlisted for three years as seaman;
served on Yandalia and Desoto; deserted, February 15, 1865,
from receiving ship at Norfolk, Va.
Clarence H. Abbott (sub.) ; enlisted for three years as sea-
man; served on Yandalia and Tioga; deserted, July 13, 1866,
from the Tioga.
John Lyons (sub.) ; enlisted for four years as seaman; served
on U. S. ship Colorado; deserted, March 19, 1865, at Brooklyn,
N. Y. ; had served three previous terms as seaman and been hon-
orably discharged.
John Kelley (sub.) ; enlisted, September 13, 1864, for four
years; deserted, September 19, 1864, at Portsmouth.
Joseph Sweeney (sub.) ; enlisted, September 13, 1864, for
four years and deserted, September 19, 1864, at Portsmouth.
James McVey (sub.) ; enlisted, July 23, 1864, for four years;
served on U. S. ship Vandalia; deserted, February 22, 1865,
from the Vandalia.
Abe Libby ; Company F ; First Regiment ; mustered in. May
3, 1861, for three months; mustered out, August 9, 1861; then
enlisted in Company H, Fourth Regiment; mustered in, Septem-
ber 18, 1861; transferred to Company B, United States Ar-
tillery, November 3, 1862; re-enlisted, February 2, 1864; dis-
abled and discharged, November 12, 1864.
Charles Stevens (sub.), (alias Francis Bently) ; Company
F ; Fourth Regiment ; mustered in, August 20, 1863 ; discharged,
August 23, 1865.
Peter Hilton (sub.); Company A; Third Regiment; mus-
tered in, August 20, 1863 ; severely wounded. May 13, 1864, at
Drury's Bluff, Va.; died of his wounds, May 31, 1864, at Point
Lookout, Md.
James Lynch (sub.); Company H; Fourth Regiment; mus-
tered in, August 19, 1863; deserted, May 31, 1864, at Bermuda
Charles C. Cofran ; Company C ; Fourth Regiment ; mustered
in, September 18, 1861, as corporal ; was drowned, June 30, 1862,
at St. Augustine, Fla.
Charles W. York; Martin Guards, New Hampshire Volun-
teer Infantry; mustered in, July 25, 1864, for three months as
corporal; mustered out, September 16, 1864. He had served
previously in the First New Hampshire Artillery.
Abram L. Dearborn; Company B; Fourth Regiment; mus-
tered in, September 18, 1861; disabled and discharged, Septem-
ber 15, 1863, at Beaufort, S. C. ; credited to Exeter.
John Collins ; Company E ; Fourth Regiment ; mustered in,
July 26, 1864 ; wounded by explosion of magazine at Fort Fisher,
N. C; discharged, June 20, 1865, at Southville, N. C.
George W. Clark ; Company H ; Fourth Regiment ; mustered
in, September 18, 1861; re-enlisted, February 20, 1864, and
credited to Canterbury; mustered in, February 28, 1864; de-
serted, October 13, 1864; reported, May 10, 1865, under presi-
dent's proclamation and was discharged, May 11, 1865, at Con-
The following natives of Northfield enlisted elsewhere:
Dr. Jeremiah F. Hall, credited to Wolfeborough, was ap-
pointed surgeon of the Fifteenth Kegiment, November 1, 1862,
and went with it to Louisiana ; resigned, on account of ill health,
January 19, 1863 ; May 6, 1863, was chosen surgeon of the
First New Hampshire District, and served until the dissolution
of the board, August 1, 1865; resided at Portsmouth, where he
died, March 1, 1888.
Horace B. Evans served in the Twelfth Massachusetts Regi-
ment and died in hospital, May, 1864.
N. Martin Davis served in the Nineteenth United States Ar-
tillery ; was in the Army of the Potomac ; was discharged and re-
enlisted ; last discharge was dated June 6, 1877.
Walter Tibbetts enlisted in Chicago in 1863. He was at
Pittsburg Landing and has ever since been a helpless invalid.
Lucien Chase; Company A; Ninth Regiment; mustered in,
July 3, 1862 ; died of disease, August 12, 1863, on hospital boat
Tycoon on the Mississippi River.
Asa WiTHAM; Company D; Twelfth Regiment; mustered in,
September 5, 1862; discharged, disabled, August 25, 1863, at
Alexandria, Va. ; died, February 7, 1898, at Laconia.
Charles M. Dinsmore; Company I; Sixth Regiment; mus-
tered in, December 11, 1861; died of disease, October 7, 1863,
at Russellville, Ky.
Joseph Dinsmore ; Company I ; Sixth Regiment ; mustered in,
December 11, 1861; discharged, disabled, October 7, 1862, at
Washington, D. C. ; burned to death in his room at Tilton,
1889 (?).
Charles L. Arlin; Company D; Eighth Regiment; corporal;
mustered in, December 20, 1861, for three years; re-enlisted in
Company A, Veterans' Battalion, August 16, 1865.
Rev. John Chamberlain was sent by Governor Berry to look
after New Hampshire men anywhere and everywhere, who were
in the service. He was pensioned by special act of Congress.
He died at Northfield, January 1, 1893.
John Low Phelps ; Company C; Eleventh Regiment; was
taken prisoner and died in Libby Prison, November 11, 1864.
Erwin Girard Cate; sergeant; Company G; Twelfth Regi-
ment; was wounded in the head at Cold Harbor; was also at
John G. Brown enlisted in the Twelfth Regiment and died at
Fairmount, Va.
Jesse Kezar served three years in the Eighth Regiment, New
Hampshire Volunteers ; credited to Franklin.
William Kezar ; Sixteenth Regiment; enlisted for nine
months ; died at Concord on his return, August 29, 1863 ; credited
to Franklin.
Hiram Hodgdon ; sutler of the Twelfth Regiment ; credited to
Dr. Sam G. Dearborn; surgeon; Eighteenth Regiment; mus-
tered in, December 25, 1861; resigned, August 19, 1862; ap-
pointed surgeon of the Eighth Regiment, September 29, 1864,
but declined the appointment. He was credited to Milford.
"Willl\m a. Gile ; Company E ; Sixteenth Regiment ; mustered
in as sergeant, October 30, 1862, for one year; mustered out,
August 30, 1863 ; re-enlisted and appointed captain in Company
E, Eighteenth Regiment, October 1, 1864; re-enlisted in the
United States Colored troops. He was credited to Franklin.
Frank A. Gile; Company E; Sixteenth Regiment; mustered
in, November 10, 1862, for one year; mustered out, August 20,
1863 ; also credited to Franklin.
George Whitcher ; Company F ; Eighth Regiment ; mustered
in, December 20, 1861; deserted, January 20, 1862, at Man-
chester; credited to Sanbornton.
William C. Whittier enlisted, first, in the Fifth Massachu-
setts for three months; re-enlisted for three years in Company
D, First Massachusetts Cavalry; mustered in, September 17,
1861 ; re-enlisted for the third time from Newton, ^lass., on
Captain Mead's staff and was one of his bodyguard. He once
remained in his saddle for three weeks. He returned home worn
out and died nine days later.
Thomas Austin; Company K; Ninth Regiment; mustered in,
August 15, 1862: credited to Canterbury; wounded, September
24, 1862, at South ^Mountain, Md. ; transferred to Company 156,
Second Battalion, Veterans' Reserve Corps; discharged, July 15^
1865, at St. Louis, Mo.
Dick Rogers ; Company G ; Fifteenth Regiment ; mustered in,
October 11, 1862; mustered out, August 13, 1863; credited to
George R. Clough ; Company C ; Eighth Illinois Cavalry ;
credited to Evanston, 111. ; died at Columbia College Hospital^
Washington, D. C.
Charles W. Clough ; credited to New Boston ; joined the regu-
lar army under Gen. Joseph Hooker at Lookout IMountain ; was
retired on account of moon blindness.
Henry L. Cram enlisted from "Westfield, Mass., for three
Joseph Perry; mustered in, July 27, 1864, as a marine for
four years. (This name does not appear in the Adjutant-Gen-
eral's list.)
James Morrison; enlisted in the First United States Ar-
tillery for three years; mustered in, September 26, 1863. (This
name is not credited to any town on the records of the Adju-
Benjamin W. Clark ; Twelfth Regiment ; enlisted, September
5, 1862 ; has also no place on state records.
Walter L. Bailey ; drafted July 12, 1863 ; Company K ; Six-
teenth Massachusetts Regiment; transferred to the Eleventh
Regiment, July 13, 1863 ; credited to Natick, Mass.
Prof. Ralzo M. Manley; president of New Hampshire Con-
ference Seminary; was commissioned chaplain of the Sixteenth
Regiment and left, October 30, 1862.
Obadiah Jackson Hall; surgeon; Thirty-third Regiment^
Ohio Volunteer Infantry; credited to Portsmouth, 0.
Augustus Blodgett Clark ; enlisted in the Second New York
as lieutenant and was later promoted to captain.
Trueworthy Lougee ; enlisted at Laconia in the Twelfth New
Hampshire Regiment.
Thomas Benton Clark; enlisted from Chelsea, Mass., in
Company L, Second Massachusetts Cavalry; mustered in, April
15, 1864; transferred to Veterans' Relief Corps, January 1, 1865;
drowned at Tilton, August 11, 1872.
Charles C. Tibbetts; enlisted in the Northern army from
Missouri and died of fever.
Orville F. Rogers, M. D. ; assistant surgeon; One Hundred
and Seventeenth United States Infantry, for three years.
Selwin B. Peabody ; entered the service in the Fortieth Massa-
chusetts Eegiment; was at the siege of Fort Wagner, Ten-Mile
Run, Drury's Bluff, Petersburg Heights, Bermuda Hundred,
Fair Oaks and the capture of Richmond. He was wounded at
William C. Hazelton; enlisted as a private in the Eighth
Illinois Cavalry and was soon after appointed orderly sergeant;
three months later was chosen lieutenant and soon after com-
missioned as captain; served in the Army of the Potomac and
took part in 30 engagements ; was mustered out in 1865.
Charles H. Carlton was in the regular army three years at
Memphis, Tenn., as officers' clerk.
Wells Follansby served in the First Massachusetts Cavalry.
Jonathan Pearson Sanborn; captain of Company E, Six-
teenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers ; credited to Frank-
lin; was in Louisiana under General Banks and was also in the
siege of Port Hudson. He marched his men into the place at
its surrender, July 8, 1863.
De Witt Clinton Sanborn; Second Regiment; credited to
Franklin; was killed at the second battle of Bull Run, August
29, 1862; was buried on the battlefield, as the enemy held the
David K. Nudd; Company 6; Fifteenth Regiment.
William Kezar; Sixteenth Regiment; died, August 29, 1863;
credited to Franklin.
Charles Rogers enlisted in the Third Vermont Regiment.
Frank ]\Iarshall Adams ; enlisted for four years as a marine
on the Dixie; later was on the cruisers, Helena and San Fran-
cisco; re-enlisted, December 30, 1904 ; has been in eastern waters
and visited the ports of China.
Joseph Adams was in the regular army cavalry service in the
Eleventh Regiment, United States Cavalry, at Des Moines; en-
listed for three years; returned home and re-enlisted for a sec-
ond term.
Dixi Crosby Hoyt; enlisted as private from Framingham,
Mass., at the beginning of the war; was made assistant surgeon
of the ]\Iassachusetts Heavy Artillery; later was post surgeon at
Fort Warren, Fort ]\Iacon and Newborn, N, C, where he died.
Lyman Barker Evans; served in the Eighth Vermont Regi-
ment and died in the hospital at Baton Rouge, La., September
13, 1864.
Hannan Piper; served in Company D, Fifteenth Regiment;
was mustered out, January 18, 1865.
Ends Alpheus Hoyt; assistant surgeon in the Thirty-fifth
]\Iassachusetts Regiment; was in North Carolina before Rich-
mond and Petersburg, to the end of the war ; was wounded and
permanently disabled, but was, later, surgeon in Freedman's
Bureau a year or two.
Jefferson Rogers; credited to Loudon; Seventeenth Regi-
ment, Heavy Artillery.
Sylvanus Heath; surgeon; Illinois Regiment.
Caleb Heath, a minor, enlisted without the leave of his
parents, had charge of ambulances.
Smith W. Cofran (see portrait) ; enlisted in Company H,
Twentieth Massachusetts Regiment, at the beginning of the war.
He was in the Army of the Potomac and saw many hard-fought
battles. He was with his regiment at Ball's Bluff and of his
nine tent mates three were killed, three taken prisoners and two,
with himself, escaped by swimming the Potomac River. He was
under McClellan at Yorktown, Fair Oaks, Savage Station, White
Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, during the seven daj^s' battle, South
Mountain and Antietam, where he was wounded by having his
right thigh bone fractured. He was discharged eight months
later. May, 1863.
list hi.
The following men have become citizens of Northfield since the
war :
(See portrait.)
Otis Chase Wyatt ; born in Sanbornton, April 1, 1837 ; son of
Nathan F. and Sally Clark Wyatt. INIarried in IManchester,
June 12, 1859, Susan Maria, daughter of Vinicent and Susan
Spinney Torr, who was born in Newmarket. He was in the meat
business in Manchester and Hanover. He enlisted in the First
Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, April 25, 1861,
in Company G. Discharged with the regiment, August 9. Re-
enlisted into the New Hampshire Battalion of the First Rhode
' m:i
^■S' '"^^^MT^^^
\ if
Island Cavalry, September 11, 1861, Promoted to first sergeant,
December 17; to second lieutenant, August 4, 1862, by Governor
Sprague of Rhode Island, for meritorious and gallant conduct
in the battle of Front Royal; and to first lieutenant, January
1, 1863. With his regiment he took part in the battles of Front
Royal, May 30; Cedar Mountain, August 9; Groveton, August
29 ; second battle of Bull Run, August 30 ; Chantilly, September
1; Hartwood Church, February 26, 1863; Kelly's Ford, March
17 ; Brandy Station, June 9 ; Thorough Fare Gap, June 17, 1863 ;
Middleburg Rapidan Station, Culpepper or White Sulphur
Springs, October 12; Auburn and Bristol Station, October 14.
Commissioned as captain of Troop B, First New Hampshire
Cavalry, March 3, 1864. With this regiment he took part in
these engagements: White Oak Swamp, June 13, 1864; Wilson's
Raid to the south of Petersburg, Va., June 22-July 1 ; Nottoway
Court House, Va., June 23; Roanoke Station and High Bridge,
June 25-26; Ream's Station, June 29; Back Roads, November
11-12; Lacey's Springs, December 20-21; Waynesborough,
March 2, 1865; Rude's Hill, Nort Fork Shenandoah or Mount
Jackson, March 6-7. In the engagement at Back Roads, Va.,
November 12, 1864, while in command of the. regiment, he was
wounded in the face by a charge of buckshot. He was also
wounded while in command of his regiment at Rude's Hill or
Mount Jackson, March 6, 1865, and still carries the bullet. He
is an active member of the New Hampshire Veterans' organiza-
tion, in which he has held various offices. He was president of
the association in 1890. In the Grand Army of the Republic he
has held almost every office within the gift of his comrades, being
commander of the Department of New Hampshire in 1887.
He took up his residence on Zion's Hill, in this town, January
1, 1866, where he has since resided as a farmer. In 1875 he and
the late Jason Foss were elected special assessors who, with the
selectmen, reappraised all the real estate in the town and
equalized the valuation of the same for the purpose of a more
equable taxation. November, 1878, he was elected first super-
visor, which office he continued to hold until 1890. He was
elected moderator in November, 1883, and has held that office to
the present time. In November 6, 1894, he was elected represen-
tative to the general court for 1895- '96. In March, 1897, he
was elected selectman, which office he held four years and as a
member of the board of selectmen was a most aggressive fightei
to maintain the integrity of the town. November 4, 1902, he was
elected a delegate to the convention to revise the constitution.
He has served ten years as a member of the town school board.
He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, having been made a
Mason in Franklin Lodge, No. 6, Lebanon, in 1860. He is a
charter member of Doric Lodge, No. 78, in Tilton and is a mem-
ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church and of Friendship
Grange, Patrons of Husbandry.
Charles F. Buell; Company D; First Regiment; enlisted,
April 27, 1861, for three months ; mustered out, August 9, 1861 ;
died at Northfield, February 3, 1904.
Oscar P. Sanborn; Company D; Twelfth Regiment; mus-
tered in, September 27, 1862; was in the Army of the Potomac
at Fredericksburg and was wounded at Charlottesville; was
taken prisoner and left on the field; was at field hospital one
month and at Mansion House Hospital five months; was dis-
charged November 18, 1863.
DavId Elmer Buell ; enlisted from the Eighth Regiment as
lieutenant for three years and was wounded at Port Hudson;
died at Franklin, July 25, 1888.
Jonas H. Dolley; enlisted in Biddeford, Me., 1862, in the
Maine Hea\y Artillery ; spent a year in Fort i\Ic Clary at Kittery
as a member of the garrison; was discharged there after one
year's service.
Luther Cadue; served in Company E, Fifteenth Vermont
Regiment; was at the battle of The Wilderness. He was dis-
charged September 19, 1865.
William Canfield ; Ninth New Hampshire Regiment.
Theodore Brown.
Charles H. Payson; enlisted, December 29, 1863, in Com-
pany E, Sixth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers; was mus-
tered out, August 25, 1865. He was in 15 hard-fought battles,
among which were The Wilderness, Cold Harbor and Welden
Railroad. (See gen.)
Oliver Prescott IMorrison; enlisted in the Ninth Regiment;
Company C ; was taken prisoner at Antietam, taken to Richmond
and exchanged; was promoted to sergeant; was ciaptured again
at The Wilderness, May 10, 1864, and died at Andersonville,
August 30, 186:1.
Benjamin Gale; enlisted from Salisbury, September 2, 1862,
in Company E, Sixteenth Regiment; mustered in, October 23,
1862, as sergeant ; served until August 20, 1863.
RoscoE DoLLEY; enlisted in 1861 at Charlestown Navy Yard
in the marine corps ; was put on board the Kearsarge as a gunner
and helped sink the Alabama in Cherbourg Harbor. Returning
to Boston, he was put on board another man-of-war, where he
served until the expiration of his term.
Samuel T. Holmes; served in Company H, Twenty-fifth
Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, under Gen. B. F. Butler and,
later, under General Banks.
Robert Martin ; enlisted when 40 years of age from Hill as a
musician and was discharged, June 21, 1865, as a private. It was
also his duty to care for the colonel's horses.
George W. Balcom; enlisted in the Fourteenth Regiment,
Connecticut Volunteers; served 27 months and saw many of the
hardships and horrors of war. The date of his discharge, he says,
was the happiest day of his life.
The hardships of these struggles were not all borne by those
who dwelt in the "tented field" or the many who met death,
swift and sudden, on the bloody battlefield. Wives and children,
aged fathers and mothers took up and bore so patiently the life
work of their soldier braves and, 'mid tears and prayers, per-
formed the most exhausting labors that their sons might preserve
their birthright unimpaired. The dear old mother town, too, has
never ceased to cherish those who returned burdened with
"wounds and the lifelong scars, which are more honorable than
epaulet or badge. She proudly repeats their names and now
hands them down on the pages of her history to other generations
as her proudest legacy.
Three young men of Northfield parentage were in the Spanish
Levi S. Dow enlisted from Concord in Company C and went
to Chattanooga. He was absent six months.
Elmer C. Lambert enlisted from Tilton in the regular army
and was sent to the Philippines.
Harry Upton Lougee enlisted from Lebanon, where he now
Farming, which is both the base and keystone which supports
home and society, w^as, of course, the first employment of the
early settlers. There were few farming tools and the work was
done by oxen. Every one raised his own wheat, rye, flax and
corn. To prepare these for use a large number of trades sprang
First of all, the blacksmith must be located, for nothing could
be done without axe and saw. Then, as said elsewhere, the wheel-
wright 's shop appeared in close proximity to the former. This
was a trade, however, that required mechanical skill. Thus were
sawmills established and mill wheels planted. This industry
became more important as the years passed by.
There was no brook in town of any size that did not furnish
power for one, two or three sawmills and five were driven by the
water of the Winnepesaukee River.
No trace exists of the one located on the land bought by the
Hills, David and Timothy, in 1785, and now owned by Frank
W. Shaw. The deed to them reserves a mill and mill yard and
a drift road to it. They purchased the property of a Mr. Love-
joy of Gilmanton, "vjdio was the second owner of Lot No. 15. (See
Proprietors' Map.)
No. 2. — Daniel Sanborn had a sawmill on the site of the present
Tilton Hosiery Mill. He bought it of "Satchwel" Clark, as the
records say. The power could be more profitably used and the
mill was sold about 1772.
No. 3.— Still further down, on the site of the Elm Mills Woolen
Company, was a very ancient one, dating back to colonial times.
Mr. Joseph Dearborn, who manufactured lumber there many
years, says of it : "My father, born in 1783, used to go there with
his father when a little boy." It was here that IMiller Glines and
wife Avere hard at work at the breaking out of the Revolutionary
"War. (See p. 152.) This was sold to the railroad and torn
down. Mr. Samuel Martin was the last occupant. This grist
mill underneath disappeared long, long ago.
No. 4. — The fourth mill in town was always called the Cross
Mill. The story of this enterprise is best told in the following
sketch of Mr. Cross ' life :
(See portrait.)
Jeremiah Cross was born at Salisbury, August 28, 1802. He was
apprenticed at 18 years of age to John Clark, familiarly known as
"Boston John," a builder of meeting-houses and other diflBcult jobs,
especially water wheels and dams. Mr. Cross was to receive at 21
years of age, as was the custom, a set of tools, and his father, $200.
He could work nights for his clothes and spending money. He passed
through this period and began business for himself in December,
1824. He bought two acres of land on the Northleld end of the Clark
dam and raised a sawmill in March, 1825. This, 10 years later,
was burned and he found himself no better off financially than at the
start, except that he had gained valuable experience and credit. He
at once erected a new mill and entered upon a prosperous business,
running night and day in the busy season for many years. He se-
cured a landing at the mouth of the Winnepesaukee and constructed
a wharf, where he built large rafts, on which the products of his mill
were piled high and taken down the Merrimack through several locks
to Lowell and thence through Middlesex Canal to Charlestown market.
These loads consisted of boards, plank, laths, shingles, clapboards
and staves, with large numbers of barrels and coopers' ware. This
business he followed until the coming of the railroad or until the
locks in the river were destroyed.
He, later, enlarged his estate and added a threshing machine to his
mill and had a large business with the farmers of all the surrounding
towns. Often 30 loads of grain would stand awaiting their turn. He
sold to the Lowell Land and Water Power Company in 1841, taking a
lease back, thus continuing the business as before. He then erected fine
buildings on a nearby eminence and became an extensive farmer until
his death.
He held various offices in the town and was a lifelong Democrat,
as well as a member of Meridian Lodge, A. F. and A. M. He married,
November 12, 1828, Sarah Lyford of Pittsfield and had five children.
He died at Northfleld, August 11, 1872. She died at Rockport, Mass.,
November 19, 1882. (See Cross gen.)
No. 5. — There was a very large mill at Factorj^ Village, near
where the hall now stands, and a large yard piled high with logs
and finished products, extended to the canal and up to Smith
Street. Samuel Haines was employed here many years.
No. 6. — Thomas Clough, who bought two lots south and east of
Sondogardy Pond, built a dam at its outlet and raised the pond
sufficiently to furnish power for a mill which was in operation
many years, as the hillsides were covered with valuable timber. I
have no dates, but have often seen the wreckage of the dam. He
had his pick of the undivided lands in payment for some service to
the town and chose these lots, one of which was always called the
' ' Clough Purchase. ' ' Further down the stream, where it crosses
the first range or Oak Hill road, a mill had been early erected,
which had either been destroyed by fire or had fallen to decay.
This brook was known in turn as Cohas, Cross and Phillips, and
here, in 1840, Capt. Moses Davis erected a mill, reported to have
been unusually fine in all its appointments (see p. 81), which
was run for many years by Thomas Piper, Sr., and Samuel
Haines. Further down the stream was one operated by the
Crosses. A shingle mill of the Plummer Brothers occupies
nearly the same site.
The Dolloff Brook, coming from Bean Hill, where John and
Benjamin Rogers, sons of Dea. Samuel Rogers, located, furnished
annually, power for a few months. The meadow, being needed
for other purposes, was not flowed, and so furnished large crops
of hay for the cheese dairy, for which this farm was noted. After
uniting with the two other brooks in Scondoggady meadow it
furnished power for the Glidden & Smith mill, and the one whose
ruins are a part of the seal of Northfield today, called the Old
Hills Mill.
There were other mills in the eastern part of the town, one
on what was called Tulliver Brook, and another and a chair
manufactory on what was called the Great Brook, where Joseph
Fellows was located, but these will suffice. Among the older
mill men we must place Jeremiah Cross, as the largest mill man
of his times and a leader in the business of rafting, although
his cousins on the intervale had used the river for that purpose
many years pre\aous.
Modern methods and portable steam mills have supplanted the
old up-and-down saw and the dams have gone to ruin and the
mills to decay. It would be far from the truth were I to say-
that the manufacture of lumber had ceased in the town. One
has only to look at the immense piles that line our railroad or
to visit the Smith meadow, on which is spread out such immense
quantities of plank, boards and woodpiles at the present time.
Jeremiah E. Smith, who carries on this great traffic, has large
forests as yet untouched, awaiting the woodman's axe. For other
facts in connection with this business see subjoined portrait and
It has been no easy task to assign Mr. Smith his legitimate place in
this "woi'k, since he has been a leader in so many great enterprises.
But the fact of his present engagement in the manufacture of lumber
products entitles him to this place.
The subject of this sketch was Sanbornton-born, but Northfield-bred.
Both his parents were natives of the town, who were dwelling tem-
porarily over the river in a dwelling occupying the site of the present
Jordan Hotel. They soon moved to the ancestral home on Bay Hill,
where they remained until its destruction by fire in 1904. Mr. Smith
received his education in the little red schoolhouse of the Bay Hill
district, and the Seminary.
He was early taught to love his country and was a lad of ten when
the Civil War commenced. The very flagstaff that now stands on the
island was standing on the square in front of his home and was wont
to bear aloft the Stars and Stripes, so dear to every Yankee boy's
heart. What was his surprise to behold one morning the Confederate
stars and bars floating aloft from its dizzy height. With disgust it
was wrenched from its halyards, seized and, quick as a flash, borne
to a place of hiding with a posse of rebel sympathizers close at his
heels. His father received it through an open window and when the
door was burst open it was nowhere to be seen. In fact, it never met
the public gaze again until his noble, patriotic mother had, with skill-
ful fingers, woven the cherished rag into a charming rug, one of the
now cherished heirlooms of the family, and it now lies where it ever
should have lain — trampled under foot. The story shows that for
which he has ever been noted — a readiness in emergencies.
Quite early in life he became associated with his father and brother
in the construction of railroads. Among the lines, of which they were
the contractors and builders, were the Suncook Valley, Old Colony,
Montpelier & Wells River, Bradford & Claremont, Hillsboro & Peterboro
and the Profile & Franconia Notch.
He was for 25 years proprietor of the Maplewood Stables and stage
line at Bethlehem, going there each summer with a large number of
horses. His accommodating spirit and jovial manner made him very
popular with the guests at this mountain resort.
Previous to his Maplewood days, he was owner of the hotel and
livery stable at Tilton, renting the former to J. F. Bryant and the
latter to J. L. Loverin. In 18S6 he sold both to Mr. Loverin. Mr.
Smith has been nearly all his life a lumberman, but of late, more
especially, have his operations been on a large scale. He is also a
farmer and owns 1,200 acres of Northfield soil, cutting large quan-
tities of hay and planting many fruitful acres. He is the largest tax-
payer in town.
Mr. Smith is, politically, a Republican and has been three times
chosen by his party to represent Northfield in the Legislature. He
went to the centennial celebration of the battle of Bennington with
that body in 1877 and was again a member in 1880, our centennial year.
He has been for 20 years a member of the Republican State Committee,
is also an enthusiastic Odd Fellow and has been a member of Friend-
ship Grange since its organization and, also, a Mason.
In the midst of his many occupations and interests he has found
time to cultivate the gentle art of music and plays with expression
and skill almost every instrument from a "bottle organ" to the
violin, on which he is especially proficient.
Mr. Smith is a lover of good horses, particularly if they show speed,
and has been the owner of many fine animals.
I find four places in Northfield where brick was formerly
made. The first was located not far from the outlet of Chestnut
Pond and was carried on by Jonathan Wadleigh. There are,
along the brook leading to the reservoir, many indications of its
locality, and family tradition says he moved from Bean Hill to
the Morse place to be near his Idlns.
No. 2. — ^Dea. Andrew Gilman for many years manufactured
brick in a small way near where the upper railroad bridge now is.
But few cared to erect brick houses, so the demand for years was
for chimneys alone.
Warren L. Hill bought out the business about 1840, and here,
with the assistance of Col. James Cofran, the brick for the first
seminary was made. The business rapidly increased and some-
times 200,000 a year were made. Samuel Rogers leased the
yard later and made the brick for the second seminary. Some
years later the railroad bought the entire locality and the busi-
ness was abandoned.
No. 3. — Charles and Hiram Cross also made brick near their
home by the Hodgdon schoolhouse. Their trade was largely with
Franklin and sometimes, when ''striking," employed a dozen
men. This business declined only when the clay for them was
No. 4. — Brick was also made by the Sawyers on the Gile farm
at Bean Hill, but I have no facts or figures concerning it.
There were extensive forests in the southern part of Northfield
and the coming of the railroad to that section made a market for
large quantities of wood, lumber and ties, which were shipped to
other markets, and immense quantities stored constantly in a
300-foot shed for use on the engines. IMr. Cogswell says he often
surveyed 2,000 cords a day.
Besides this. Deacon Ayers bought and burned into charcoal
thousands of cords of pine and hardwood, which was shipped to
Charlestown and Boston. (See Aj^ers gen.)
Benjamin F. Brown continued this business several years,
using a kiln made of brick close by the station. He found a
market in Concord. A queer old fellow, named ' ' Uncle ' ' Tucker,
had charge of this industry and not only owned the entire neigh-
borhood but the railroad as well, and he and his car, old No. 26,
alwaj's had the right of way. Did he want the pinch bar or any
other tool in the shed, he would enter and politely ask "]\Ir.
"Waterhouse" (?) for the loan of them and was very angry to be
accused of stealing. He filled an important place, however, as
when the kilns were filled and fired they needed his constant care
until drawn. David Hill and other farmers who had wood lots in
places difficult of access occasionally burned a sod kiln. Erastus
Nudd, living on the south slope of Bean Hill, close by the Forrest
Pond, continued the business for long years and many remember
his large coal van as it made its weekly trips to the Concord
foundries and blacksmiths' shops.
The home manufacture of cloth led to an extensive business
in spinning wheels and looms and "Shuttle" Dow and "Father"
Wedgewood were busy early and late, for every girl, as a part
of her marriage outfit, must possess one of each. To provide for
these the farmers must have large fields of flax and a certair*
number of sheep, not only for food but to furnish material for
cloth. These two industries declined many years since, especially
the former, and the latter in a large measure, until there is
hardly a flock of sheep to be found in the limits of the to^vn.
The coming of the factories, too, with their better products,
brought a market for the wool and flax and a chance for the boys
and girls to find lucrative employment, and no one mourned
for the departure of the spinning wheel and loom from the homes
of the overworked farmers' wives. As if the butter and cheese
making, the drying of apples, storing away of quantities of
food for the winter, the mending and making for the numerous
household were not enough, a score of little trades came in to fill
their every leisure moment, among which we find many that long
since disappeared.
Stephen Cross lived at Boscawen but several of his sons went
across the river and established various kinds of business near
the brook draining Sondogardy Pond. They carried on their
business by rafts and boats, passing down the river. Here were
established many kinds of business. There were a grist and
fulling mill ; jeweler 's shop, where they manufactured gold
beads ; a tannery ; a blacksmith shop, where scythes were made ;
and a shop or kiln where they manufactured lampblack. There
was also a pottery where earthen-ware and crockery were made,
fine clay being obtained across the river. The river soon washed
out the supply and this trade had to be abandoned. Here was
also a store and shoe shop.
There was also a ferry across the river, in charge of Jesse,
while Thomas was merchant and overseer of much of the busi-
ness. They built the house owned many years by Thomas Piper
and it was in good repair a century later. The shingles for it
were home-made and were fastened to the roof with wooden pins.
Thomas owned and ran the flour, plaster and oil mills and the
wooden ware shop. All these mills were running in 1811. He
was one of the selectmen in 1790 and paid the largest tax in town
in 1796.
Mr. Goodwin says the store and shops were the gathering
places for the settlers for miles around, as the women came on
horseback with their bundles of wool to be carded and their
freshly-woven webs for the fulling mill. Thomas failed in 1806
and was obliged to sell out his thriving little village to Thomas
Thompson, Esq., and removed to IMontreal, where he again con-
tinued the same lines of business. Parker Noyes, brother of
Paul, came into possession of this property in 1815 and sold 200
acres of the land to Abraham Plummer in 1835.
The early settlers found it difficult to dispose of their wood and
timber in clearing land for their farms and before the establish-
ment of sawmills near at hand used to burn the immense trees
on the land. Later, some enterprising settler started the manu-
facture of potash and soon a half dozen were in full blast in
different parts of the town. This industry flourished but a few
years, as the big fireplaces of the increasing settlers furnished an
ample market for surplus wood and the many sawmills disposed
of the larger growth. This industry called for another and
coopers were not wanting to furnish barrels for its storage.
David Timothy and John Hills were coopers in Haverhill,
Mass., before coming to Northfield. In fact, an abundance of
oak was the secret of their coming. A little shop was attached
to each of the early homes where the tap, tap of this industry
was heard early and late. There were many in other and all
parts of the town and this business continued until a later date,
though it is entirely absent at the present time.
Xo. 1. — Very early in the settlement of the town Ebenezer Mor-
rison came from Sanbornton and established a tannery near the
meeting-house at Northfield Centre, occupying the house just then
erected by his brother-in-law, Eobert Gray, a carpenter from
Salem, Mass. A tavern was kept here and the good-sized barn
afforded stabling for the relay horses used by Peter Smart, the
veteran stage driver from Plymouth to Boston, of whom more is
given elsewhere.
The tannery sheds bordered the brook running through the
field south of the house, and a thriving business was conducted
until 1819 when he moved to the home of his father-in-law,
Lieut. Thomas Lyford, on the West Hill, as it was called, where
he conducted the business for many years. He then removed to
Sanbornton Bridge, where, with his two sons, Liba C. and
Ebenezer, he built a steam mill for the business on the south end
of A. H. Tilton's upper dam, where Carter's Mill now stands.
It was destroyed by fire after the business declined.
No. 2. — Dea. Jeremiali Hall, a tanner, came from Canterbury to
West Northfield, now Franklin, in 1801, and established a tan-
nery on the place long owned by Jonathan Scribner and at pres-
ent by John L. Kelley. Nine years later he removed to the bank
of the Winnepesaukee, opposite Sanbornton Bridge. Here he
continued for many years. The old "tenter-bars" along the
river bank for years displayed hides in all stages of the process
of leather making and Avere also used by his son-in-law, Benjamin
Chase, who was a clothier nearby. The old bark house became
unfit for use and, his home having been burned, he removed his
business to the Morrison tannery.
No. 3. — There was also a tannery at what has long been called
Kezar Corner, near the residence of Gawn E. Gorrell. It was
conducted for long years by the Keysers, father and son. There
was still another further to the east, carried on by IMr. Goodwin.
No. 4. — ^New methods and patented devices were later adopted
for the making of leather and the ease with which families came
to be supplied with satisfactory foot wear caused the trade to fall
into disuse and the half dozen tanneries of old Northfield have
been for a score of years only a matter of memory.
Many of the above not only tanned hides for the farmers for
hire but purchased them and sold the dressed leather in ]\Iassa-
chusetts markets. Northfield furnished an abundance of oak
and hemlock bark.
The young people of Northfield had a decided penchant for
organization. Among others, one with the above name seems
not unworthy of mention. Annually, after the labors of the
harvest were over, the following class of young men used to go by
twos, threes or dozens with tools on their shoulders to the quarries
of Quincy to seek employment. Sometimes a sickly one would
make the trip by stage and take along the baggage for the rest.
This half-organized club contained these names, mostly f;:om the
eastern section of the town :
Mathew Whicher, Roby Sanborn, Joshua Smith, Joseph Smith,
Mathew Sanborn, John Smith, Asa K. Osgood, Jeremiah Cofran,
Andrew French, Henry Osgood, Jeremiah Rogers, William
Evans, Albertus Atkins, Hiram Glines, Samuel Brown, John
Rogers, John Brown, Chase Wyatt, Jeremiah Smith, Jr., Hiram
Tibbetts, John Colby, James Sanborn, Joseph Rand, Nathan
Bean, Joseph M. G. Smith, Jeremiah Colby, Daniel Sanborn,
"William Gilman, Franklin Hannaford, John Hannaford,
Ephraim Smith Wadleigh, M. Garvin.
Of this number were several who served as teamsters in the
There was also a large business in transporting goods for the
merchants from Portsmouth and Boston, or, as they were gen-
erally called, "down country," and there were many profes-
sional teamsters. Among the latter were Chase Wyatt, Hiram
Glines and Samuel Forrest. Of this club several were unfor-
tunate enough to lose an eye and most of them laid up for them-
selves, not only a good round sum with which to begin life as
farmers, but by their strenuous labors, an old age of decrepitude
as well.
Northfield completed one hundred years of corporate existence
on June 19, 1880. The citizens of the town, having the event
in mind, caused the following article to be inserted in the war-
rant for the annual town meeting:
"Art. VII. To see what action the town will take with refer-
ence to celebrating the hundreth anniversary of its incorporation
and appropriate money therefor."
A committee was chosen, consisting of Jeremiah E. Smith, F.
J. Eastman, W. C. French, B. F. Cofran and 0. L. Cross and
one hundred dollars was voted to defray expenses. At the first
meeting of this committee, March '27, 1880, Jeremiah E. Smith
was chosen chairman, 0. L. Cross, secretary, and B. F. Cofran,
treasurer. Mr. Cofran declining, F. J. Eastman was chosen to
fill his place. It was voted to hold the celebration at Union picnic
grove at Northfield Depot. Others were added to the committee
as deemed necessary. Lucian Hunt, A. M., was secured as his-
torian and Mrs. Lucy R. H. Cross as poet. Circulars of invita-
tion were sent to former citizens, good music was secured and a
bountiful dinner was assured.
"The town of Northfield completes One Hundred Years of
Corporate Existence on the 19th of June, 1880.
"Conforming to a custom that has obtained favorable recog-
nition; to the general desire of its Citizens; and in accordance
with a Resolution adopted at its last Annual March Meeting its
Centennial Anniversary will be Celebrated with proper ob-
servances and appropriate ceremonies on the day above men-
"Present and Former Residents are cordially invited to par-
''J. E. Smith
'O. L. Cross
'F. J. Eastman
"Wm. C. French
"James N. Forrest
"Mrs. John S. Winslow
"Mrs. William H. Clough
"Mrs. Lowell M. French
"Mrs. John S. Dearborn."
THE decorating COMMITTEE.
Hiram Streeter, Esq., and ]\Irs. David Tebbetts, with a force
of volunteers, met at the grove on June 18, erected booths and
put in place numberless flags, streamers, mottoes, evergreen
wreaths and flowers. Tables were set up and all made ready for
the morrow.
Visitors began to assemble before eight o'clock and before the
first train deposited its crowd more than a thousand were on
the grounds. The day was warm and beautiful, one of those
Lowell had in mind when he asked, "What is so rare as a
day in June?" Not a cloud was to be seen the livelong day.
At noon the trains had brought large crowds and some 600 teams
brought large numbers from the adjoining towns. At three
o'clock good judges estimated the crowd as high as 4,000.
Adam S. Ballantj'ne was president of the day and Jeremiah
E. Smith, chief marshal. The Belknap Cornet Band was in at-
tendance and by their music added greatly to the day's enjoy-
Daniel Barnard, Esq., at the risk of open censure, referred
to his part in the wresting of a good-sized slice of the town
and securing its annexation to Franklin.
Mrs. Cross, superintendent of schools, had, by soliciting a
small sum from the present and former pupils, secured suffi-
cient to purchase a copy of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary
for each schoolroom, eight in number. This presentation was
one of the pleasant exercises of the day. They were received by
James N. Forrest and delivered to the various schools.
It is safe to say that nearly every one of the old families
was represented on the occasion. Blanchard, Gerrish, Rogers,
Gate, Hill, Glidden, Glough, Haines, Dearborn, Hancock, Foss,
Brown, Winslow, Eastman, Smith, Hall, Ha-nnaford, Gross, Ken-
iston, Forrest, Ghase, Gilman, Sawyer, Sanborn, Gofran, Go-
nant, Hodgdon, Simonds, Glines, Gile, French and Wadleigh.
The fullest delegations were from the Hall and Dearborn fam-
ilies. Old friends met after years of separation and families
were again reunited. The greetings were long spoken and
heartfelt, as gray-haired men and women met as children and
mingled once more in the dear old scenes of long ago.
Eev. Liba Gonant, who was to open the exercises, was too
feeble to be present, and that duty was happily performed by
the Rev. J. W. Adams of Tilton.
Miss Fannie Rice of Lowell, a descendant of the first settler,
Blanchard, filled the woods with song and very graciously re-
sponded to several recalls. Her masterly handling of the cornet
called forth much enthusiasm and all will readily recall her
pleasant rendering of "Yankee Doodle," with variations, with
the band and audience joining in the chorus.
The fine historical address of Prof. Lucian Hunt of Falmouth,
Mass., an old teacher and resident of the town, as well as the
poem by Mrs. L. R. H. Gross, will be given herewith in full.
The Gongregational Ghurch of Northfield, later removed to
Sanbornton Bridge, was represented by its pastor, Rev. Gorban
Gurtice, as was the Methodist Ghurch by Rev. Mr. Adams.
There were addresses from Hon. Jeremiah Forrest Hall, M. D.,
of Portsmouth, and Marshall P. Hall of Manchester. The
former spoke feelingly of the good old times, particularly his
school days, while the latter, from his long connection with the
public schools, gave a fine talk to the school children,
Mrs. Nancy Smith Gilman caused much merriment with her
old-time stories.
There were letters of regret and congratulation, read by 0.
L. Gross, Esq., and speeches by distinguished visitors.
Too much cannot be said of the collation. The large crowds
were abundantly supplied and a table loaded with every deli-
cacy was furnished for the special guests. After dinner exer-
cises were again resumed, and a very able paper, by Maj. 0. C.
Wyatt, paid a worthy tribute to those "brave old Continentals,"
as they stood
"In their ragged regimentals swerving not
And in their frenzy fired the shot
That echoed round the world."
He also recalled the names of the boys who "wore the blue" at
Gettysburg, Antietam and Richmond.
The day came to a close all too soon. Trains took their loads
to their homes. The voice of song, of martial music, laughter,
cheers and chat died out in the evening air. Thanks had been
extended to trooper and troops; to speaker and singer; to the
lenders of colors and givers of flowers, and especially to the dear
old mother town of Canterbury, w'ho sent her sons and daugh-
ters in large number to honor us by their presence at our birth-
day feast.
The following report of the committee by Oliver L. Cross, Esq.,
was spread upon the records of the town, with treasurer's report
annexed :
"Ample contributions of food were obtained by the solicita-
tion of the ladies who rendered timely and efficient aid from the
beginning to the close of the undertaking. Every call was re-
sponded to on the part of our citizens to make the occasion a
"That it was so is due to the hearty co-operation of our en-
tire population after the time and place were definitely deter-
"Everything passed off pleasantly. There was neither dis-
turbance nor accident throughout the day and with the excep-
tion of dust which was everywhere universal nothing could have
added to the enjoyment of the proceedings.
"The literary part of services were of a high order especially
the Address of Prof. Lucian Hunt and the Poem of Mrs. O. L.
"Hoping our successors will in 1980 celebrate the 2nd Centen-
nial of our grand old town with the prosperity that now rests
upon lis transmitted with continuous increase we leave for them
this record of the first."
Delivered June 19, 1880.
After an absence of many j^ears, it is a pleasure not to be
expressed in words that I am permitted to meet once more this
great company of familiar faces, and on this bright June morn-
ing to assist in some slight degree to celebrate Northfield's one
hundreth birthday.
And it is fitting that we should celebrate this. Ever since the
peopling of the earth, has the custom prevailed of commemora-
ting the eventful days of a country's, town's, or family's his-
To keep in remembrance past events, all modern nations have
their festival days; the Greeks and Romans had their games;
and the Jews, their Passover, their Feast of Tabernacles, and
their Year of Jubilee.
But America's great festival day is destined to be the Cen-
tennial ; both for our republic as a whole, and for its towns
individually; for the Centennial commemorates the event most
important in the history of each — its birth. This is not possible
in the Old World, as the origin of every nation there is veiled
in the dim and distant past. Not so with us. The exact day of
every town's birth is known. Our great republic, the United
States of America, was proclaimed a nation one hundred and
four years ago, on the 4th of July. Our little republic, which
we call Northfield, was proclaimed a town just one hundred
years ago today — that is, on the 19th of June, 1780.
This event you resolved should not pass unobserved. And
with you, to resolve was to perform. And the result is this
grand, rousing, social reunion of the present and former inhabi-
tants of the town, this great outpouring and commingling of
good feeling and town patriotism, and this meeting of old
friends and revival of past associations; and, in short, this com-
ing together of your whole population — to bid farewell to the
old century and to greet the new.
We welcome you, sons and daughters of Northfield, to this
gathering of good will and old remembrances! "We welcome
you in the name of the living present, and in memory of the
deceased fathers! We welcome you, one and all, male and fe-
male, young and old, from far and near, to this wedding of the
past with the present ! And may this reunion result in great
good to our town and in a blessing to us all.
Northfield is a century old today. And since we have reached
this first centennial mile-stone of our town's historj^ let us
pause a few hours this morning from that eager looking ahead,
so characteristic of the Americans, and look hack — let us, I say,
lis of the fourth generation, look hack — over the heads of our
fathers, our grandfathers, our great-grandfathers — not only to
the event we are celebrating today — the act of incorporation —
but twenty years beyond — to the first settlement in 1760, and
render deserved honor to that hardy band of pioneers, who left
friends and planted their families in the deep solitude of what
was then a vast forest — not like the pleasant grove in which we
are celebrating on this 19tli of June, but tall, dark, pathless,
forbidding, and dangerous.
Benjamin Blanchard is generally credited as being the founder
of Northfield, though two years earlier Jonathan Heath is said
to have built a log hut on the Gerrish intervale, which was once
included within the limits of old Northfield, but now belongs
to Franklin. However that may be, by common consent,
Blanchard was among the first settlers within the present limits
of the town.
In 1760, he cut his way through an unbroken wilderness from
an old fort in Canterbury, and settled on what is now known
as Bay Hill. Blanchard was then forty-one years of age. His
father, Edward Blanchard, was killed twenty-two years before
by the Indians at the old Canterbury garrison. At this time,
Benjamin is supposed to have had nine children. "For several
years," says Mr. M. B. Goodwin of Franklin, "as far as I can
learn, Benjamin Blanchard and family were the only settlers
in Northfield. It is an interesting fact to state in this place,
that the first I\Iethodist church that existed on this continent
was erected the same year in which Benjamin Blanchard erected
his log house on Bay Hill — in 1760." He opened a clearing for
himself on what is now the farm of Ephraim S. Wadleigh —
his dwelling standing back of the orchard.
Blanchard's residence was a log hftuse — then, and for many
years after, the fashionable style of architecture among the
pioneers of Bay Hill, and of the town generally'. It was a con-
venient style — not showy, but having a severe Doric simplicity^
quite in keeping with the character of the early inhabitants.
They were not capacious — containing but one, or at most, two
rooms, and with the big families of those days, they must at
times have furnished rather close quarters. But they were warm
and cosy — easily constructed, for the timber was close at hand
and a few days' labor only was required to transform it into the
settler's modest mansion. "When the logs were squared by the
axe, they formed a solid, massive structure, bidding defiance
to wdnds, and proof against cold and the bullets of the savages,
thus making at the same time comfortable homes and strong
fortresses. There are worse homes, let me tell you, in the world
even now, than the log hut. Compared with the mud hovels of
many parts of Europe, and the board shanties of this country,
it was a palace.
Here, then, Blanchard lived for several years, cut off from
mankind by many miles of intervening forest. We don't know,
but we imagine, that a feeling of loneliness would creep over
him sometimes', when he thought of his isolation from his fellow-
man. Perhaps he thought occasionally, when the perils around
him from beast and savage were greatest, and his struggle with
primeval nature the fiercest, that he was leading rather a tough
life. It would not be strange, if he had now and then his blue
days, when discouraged and heart-sick, he was ready to give up,
and retrace his steps back to the old Canterbury garrison. But
of his feelings no record tells. He must have suffered privations
we know — all settlers did in those times. Many a weary mile
may he have trudged — a bag of corn on his back — perhaps even
to Concord, or farther, in order to obtain a scanty supply of
meal for the manufacture of an occasional bannock for his house-
hold, or to thicken their porridge. Such groceries as sugar, tea,
coffee, butter, cheese, and the like, we may believe, were rare
visitors at his table, and wheaten bread an unknown luxury to
him and the little Blanchards.
But after all, this picture has its bright side. If he hadn't
beefsteak, he could get bear-steak, merely by burning a little
powder. If biscuit was wanting, potatoes, snch as new ground
only can produce, supplied its place; while rabbits, deer, squir-
rels, and partridges furnished many a delicious titbit. Besides,
the "Winnipiseogee — only a mile distant — teemed with millions
of shad, and Skendugady, no doubt, was fairly alive with the
delicious brook trout.
After all, Blanchard was probably a happy man. His mode
of life, we may suppose, gave him perfect health — he had the
satisfaction of seeing his clearing growing broader every year,
giving him more sunshine and blue sky overhead, and a greater
extent of tillage land beneath; while as for loveliness, his little
cabin was fairly running over with children, so that he might
be as much puzzled where to bestow his imported young Can-
terburyites, as was the famous old woman "who lived in a
shoe." His home was all the dearer to him from its seclusion.
He was decidedly a home body. He could n 't well be otherwise.
You did n 't see him lounging about the stores, or taverns, or
depots, or grog shops, after it was time for honest folks to be
abed. Institutions for loafing were not yet invented. His nest,
crowded with those nine Canterbury birds and their mother,
required and received his presence and protection each night.
And he kept good hours — retiring early, first taking care to rake
up the coals, so as to find a bed of glowing embers in the morn-
ing, for this was before the day of Lucifer matches, and the
loss of fire would have been quite a serious misfortune.
Well, in this way, the years came and went, and in process of
time he began to have neighbors. The first to follow him was
William Williams, whose daughter, widow of George Hancock,
died at the residence of her son, William Hancock, in Canter-
bury, January 14, 1860, aged one hundred years, eleven months,
and four days. Let her be remembered as the oldest person that
Xortlifield has as yet produced. We '11 see what the next century
can do in that respect.
Afterwards came Nathaniel and Reuben Whicher, Capt.
Samuel and Jonathan Oilman, and Linsey Perkins, and settled
on the farm where Warren H. Smith, Esq., now resides. On the
Perkins place, opposite Mr. Wadleigh's, was a hut used for
school purposes.
The first two children born in town were Aaron Collins and
Ezenezer Blanchard, grandson of old Benjamin and Bridget
Blanehard, whose birth took place in 1768. Ebenezer kept a
hotel on the Wadleigh farm. His father, Edward, was a prom-
inent man in town — twenty-five years a selectman, often moder-
ator at town meetings, and served as a soldier throughout the
Revolutionary War. The old people, Benjamin and Bridget,
were buried on their farm. Years after, the old lady's grave-
stone was found among some stones hauled to repair the well.
The settlement had now so far inci-eased that the mail route
from Concord to Gilmanton Corner passed over Bay Hill. The
first postrider was Ezekiel ]\Ioore, a native of Canterbury,
Avhere his son, Col. ]\Iatthias ]\I. Moore, still resides. He carried
the mail from 1798 to 1812, and possibly a little later. This
was the only regular means of communication the little settle-
ment had with the great outside world, and old people used to
tell his son, years after, with what intense anxietj^ they awaited
the coming of the postman, his father. After I\Ir. Lloore retired
from the business, his neighbor, Mr. Tallent, a young man,
whose death occurred but a few years ago, succeeded him. A
post and box stood at the end of the lane on the Blanchard place
for the reception of the papers deposited there by the mail car-
A little farther south, down by the Smith meadow, was a log
hut, in which lived a ]\Ir. Colby. His wife was a weaver, and for
want of bars was accustomed to warp her webbs on the apple
trees. It would be difficult to find such fruit on our modern
apple trees, I reckon.
Esquire Charles Glidden was a leading man in his day, who
died in 1811, at the age of sixty-seven. ]\Irs. Jeremiah Smith,
known to you so long, was his daughter. She died at the ripe age
of ninety-one; and her husband, whose prosperous and useful
life, three additional years would have rounded out to a century,
after a union with her of seventy-three years, all which were
passed on the old homestead, and having voted for every presi-
dent from Washington to Lincoln, at last sunk to rest like a
patriarch of old, crowned with length of days, and like a shock
of corn, fully ripe. He left three children, viz. — Warren H.
Smith, Esq., now leading the life of a prosperous farmer, and
who maintains the honor of the patrimonial estate with becom-
ing dignity in the old family mansion, which has been renovated.
modernized, improved, and beautified; Mrs. William Gilman of
Lexington, Mass.; and Mrs. Miles Glidden, for many years a
resident of Ohio.
Mr. William Gilman, a hale and vigorous gentleman of about
eighty, the most of his life a resident of Bay Hill, and his
brother Charles, now in Illinois, are sons of Jonathan Gilman,
who himself, or his father, was, I suppose, one of the original
settlers. His great-grandfather on the mother's side, came from
Lee, bought five hundred acres of wild land on and around Bay
Hill, on which he settled his sons — Reuben, Nathaniel, William
and Jonathan Whicher — many of whose descendants are now
in town. The grandfather of Mr. Westley Knowles bought his
farm of Nathaniel Whicher — paying for it, so the story goes,
with a two-year-old heifer.
Capt. Samuel Gilman, Joseph Knowles and Dr. Kezar were
also among the first settlers on Bay Hill.
The excellent and very pleasant farms at present owned and
occupied by Messrs. Monroe and William Clough, were pur-
chased from Capt. Samuel Gilman about the year 1802, by their
grandfather, Mr. Jonathan Clough, who emigrated thither from
Salisbury, ]\Iass., and died in 1836, aged eighty-six, leaving the
farms to his two sons, Jonathan and Samuel ; the former, the
father of William; the latter, of Monroe. Could ambition exist
at that early day and in such a small community? Yes. The
desire to excel is the same in all ages and places. Captain Gil-
man built a barn — the first in town, the wonder of the neighbor-
hood — which barn still stands on the old place. The owner of
W. H. Smith's farm determined to surpass it, and the next year
built a barn twenty-five feet longer. Whereupon Esquire Glid-
den built another with a still further addition of twenty-five
feet, and the contest ended.
Another of the pioneers of Northfield was Jonathan Wad-
leigh, who was a native of Kingston, N. H., served in the Revo-
lutionary army, lived for a while at Bean Hill, settled on the
south side of Bay Hill, on what was afterwards called the Am-
brose Woodbury farm, and finally died in Gilmanton. He was
the father of Judge Wadleigh, whose son, Ephraim S., still lives
on the first opened farm in town ; and of Mrs. Capt. Isaac Glines,
who, after having lived half a century or more at the Centre,
returned to her father's homestead on Bay Hill (now in the
possession of her son, Smith W. Glines), and died at the age of
eighty-two, in the same room in which she was born. This much
for Bay Hill.
As to Bean Hill, I suppose it must have been twenty years
later, or more, when Lieut. Charles Glidden moved thither from
Nottingham, built a log hut, left his wife and two children and
went into the Revolutionary army. In his absence she tilled
the soil, felled the trees and hauled her wood with the help of
oxen. After his return, he bought Nehemiah McDonald's farm
near the old meeting-house. Mr. Glidden, his wife, and some
of the children were buried on said farm. His wife was a
Mills, and her mother, Alice Cilly. John Cilly, Robert Evans,
a Mr. Cofran (father of Col. James Cofran), Gideon Sawyer
and brother, Solomon French and brother, were early settlers
of this region; and William Smith, the grandfather of Warren
Smith, who was moved from Old Hampton by Mr. Glidden.
Perhaps his son, Jeremiah, came with him, as he left Old Hamp-
ton, where he was born, when a boy, and went to live in Canter-
In those early times, there was no house between Glidden 's
and what is now called the Rand schoolhouse — some two miles
or more. Ensign Sanborn, whose wife was a Harvey, lived not
far from there. He probably served in the army for a while.
Mrs, William Oilman, to whom I am indebted for many of
the above facts, relates that woods, wolves and bears were plenty
in those times, and carriages very scarce; so that when Esquire
Samuel Forrest's mother died, her corpse was carried on a bier
laid on poles between two horses to the graveyard by the brick
meeting-house, some three or four miles distant.
She further says that old General Dearborn drove the first
double sleigh into NoTthfield on a visit to her grandfather.
I have been able to learn but little of the pioneers and settle-
ment of the Centre and Eastern parts of the town, with the
exception of the Forrest family — a short account of which was
furnished me by Mr. John Sanborn, which I give in nearly his
own words.
"William John Forrest came from Ireland when eighteen
years of age, and died in Boston. Of his four sons, Robert
settled in Canterbury, and the others in Xorthfield — John on
the Leighton place, William in the Centre district, and James
on the farm now owned by James N. Forrest, his grandson.
Two of his daughters married Gibsons, and the other one, Mr.
Clongh; and all settled in Northfield. "William Forrest settled
in the Centre district, or rather commenced clearing the timber
in 1774, just before the War of the Revolution broke out. One
day, while felling trees, he providentially escaped death by
lightning, which completely demolished an a.sh tree, under which
he had designed to take shelter. He enlisted in the war, and
served his country with credit. He was the father of fourteen
children, of whom thirteen lived to grow up, and all except one
attended school liear the ^Id meeting-house." To this sketch
Mr. James N. Forrest adds: "My grandfather James came here —
on the farm where I now live — in 1784, and subdued the forest,
erected buildings, built roads, and left a worthy son to inherit
his property, and do honor to his name. My father, who was an
only son, named me for his father, and I have named one of my
sons — Samuel — for him. How long the names Avill rotate, only
the destiny of the family will reveal." I understand that this
family has furnished more teachers and held more official posi-
tions than any other in town. '
Oak Hill proper, I am informed, was for the most part orig-
inally in the possession of Obed Clough, who was succeeded by
the French and Batchelder families. The latter are still repre-
sented in that part of the town — among whom the best known
face is that of "Uncle Moses," as he is familiarly called, still
hale, vigorous, and whole-souled — one of the i>atriarclis of the
town, showing to the younger generation what a life of tem-
perance, industry, with a good conscience, can accomplish towards
the attainment of old age.
I quote from ]\Ir. Goodwin again, who says, "Ensign San-
born, Gideon Sawyer, the brothers Arehelaus. Samuel and Abner
Miles, John and Jeremiah McDaniel, Nathaniel and William
Whicher, Capt. Thomas Clough, George and Joseph Hancock,
and the four brothers by the name of Cross, were in town
very early." These, I suppose, mostly settled in the western
part. "On the Crosses they had some verses running in this
wise ;
Cooper Jess and Merchant Tom,
Honest Parker and Farmer John.
These Crosses had a sort of village down at their place on the
intervale, opposite the Webster farm. They had a coopering es-
tablishment, a store and a tavern there, and it was, in fact, a
business emporium for all that region."
The first manufacturing in town was done on what was called
the Cross Brook. Here, and near the Intervale and Oak Hill,
were made earthen and wooden ware, lumber, jewelry, and es-
pecially the old-fashioned gold beads. They had there a grist
mill, a fulling mill, and carding machine — the first in use — a
grocery, jeweler's shop and tailor's shop. The father of Mr.
William G. Hanaford had a shoe shop, and some one had a
blacksmith — or w^hat was then called a shoeing shop. In fact,
almost every branch of industry was carried on there in the very
first decade of the town's history.
Steven Cross, the great-grandfather of O. L. Cross, Esq., mar-
ried Peggy Bowen and settled near Indian Bridge, and raised a
family of thirteen children, who were all living when the youngest
was forty years old. The oldest, Abraham, married Ruth Saw-
yer, daughter of old Deacon Sawyer of Canterbury, who was a
soldier in both the French and Revolutionary w^ars, and who
had two sons killed at the surrender of Burgoyne, w^here the
father was also a soldier. Deacon Sawyer owned the ferry two
miles below the Cross ferry, and always attended to it himself
to the last year of his life, he being within two months and
three days of one hundred years at his death. He was the
father of twenty-two children, twenty of whom grew up. Abra-
ham Cross settled near his father Sawyer, and there Jeremiah
was born in 1805 ; but the year before the family had settled on
the Winnipiseogee and built a sawmill, ever after known as the
Cross Mill. Jeremiah married Miss Sarah Lyford of Pittsfield,
settled near the Cross Mill, and about thirty years ago built, on
a beautiful elevation overlooking the mill, a fine mansion in
which a few years since he died, leaving behind an enviable
character for honor, integrity and business enterprise. He was
buried with Masonic honors.
Among the early settlers were also the names of William
Kenniston and a Mr. Danforth. The latter was a soldier of the
Revolution, and, having been wounded, always persisted in say-
ing that he carried the ball still imbedded in his shoulder. The
statement was not credited, however, till, years after his death,
upon the removal of his remains, it was found that the old
soldier -was right, for there, firmly fixed, so that a hammer
was required for its extrication, was found the bullet, embedded
in the solid bone.
The three Miles brothers came into town in 1769 or 1770, and
settled on one farm ; lived -on it six or seven years, then sold it
to Reuben Kimball of Concord in 1776. This farm has been
kept in the Kimball name to the present time, Reuben giving
it to his son, Benjamin, who sold it to his brother, David, whose
descendants are still there. Reuben Kimball was a soldier of
the Revolution and in the battle of Bunker Hill was hit by
musket balls three times — once in the crown of his hat, once on
the powder horn which hung' at his side (which horn is now in
the possession of the present occupant of the farm) and once in
the leg, which wound never healed to the day of his death, June
12, 1815.
Well, Time whirls his wheel a little queerly sometimes. Now
here is Mr. J. A. Kimball, the last possessor of that farm, whose
wife is a direct descendant of Abner Miles, the first possessor of
said farm. Said Abner sold his right and title to the farm and
cut off his descendants, heirs, assigns, etc., from all right, title,
fee simple, forever and forever, when lo! a descendant of his
steps in and claims equal rights with the purchaser. And, what
is still more strange, it is said to be the result of a suit — not a
law suit — which terminated in her favor; and so the descend-
ants of the seller and the descendants of the purchaser both
share equally in the blessings of said farm.
Another excellent farm in western Northfield, which* is as
well cultivated as any upland farm in towTi, or perhaps in the
county, is the one owned and occupied by Mr. John S. Dearborn,
which was deeded to his grandfather, Shubael Dearborn, in 1779,
just one hundred and one years ago, by his great-grandfather,
who then lived on the Edmund Dearborn place. The deed is
still preserved in the old family chest. Shubael was married
in homespun, at twenty-six years of age, and commenced house-
keeping without l>ed or crockery and in a house containing only
one pane of glass. The story goes that he was taxed extra for
the glass and for every smoke in the chimney. But frugality
and industry overcame all obstacles in time, and Mr. Dearborn
lived to see himself in comfortable circumstances, with a good
house to shelter him, and well furnished for the time. He was
obliged to haul his building material from Portsmouth with an
ox team. He died at the age of fifty-eight. The farm has been
in the family name ever since, passing from Shubael to his son
of the same name, and thence to his son, the present possessor,
John S. Dearborn.
"The Intervale upon which the Crosses and Joseph Hancock
settled (once a part of old Northfield, but now included within
the limits of Franklin) is one of the largest and richest on the
Merrimack. ' ' It here spreads out into a broad field of more than
one hundred acres, level as a prairie, a sort of delta, or minia-
ture Egypt, which is flowed in spring and fall, but never washed,
as the water sets back upon the land through a channel con-
necting with the Merrimack on the lower side. Portions of this
have been mowed for nearly a century, and still produce from
one to three tons per acre. Here Joseph Gerrish, Esq., settled
in the year 1804. He was a native of Boscawen, born in 1784 —
almost one hundred years ago — and was the son of Colonel
Henry, and grandson of Capt. Steven Gerrish, one of the first
settlers of Boscawen, and a native of Newbury, Mass. The great-
grandfather of Steven (Capt. William) came from Bristol, Eng.,
to Newbury, where he settled in 1639 — removing thence to Bos-
ton in 1687.
Joseph Gerrish was a man of great shrewdness, business tact
and enterprise, hospitable and genial. During the War of 1812
he started a distillery here for the manufacture of potato whiskey,
which he gave up on the return of peace, and turned his atten-
tion more exclusively to farming, bought the George Hancocic
farm on an adjacent ridge, and thus enlarged his domains to
ample size, with due proportions of upland for grazing, and in-
tervale for tillage. Soon after, he removed his residence to the
upland farm, where with convenient buildings, good horses,
ample means, generous living, and a family of thirteen children,
he lived till his death in 1851, looked up to and respected as one
of the most substantial farmers Northfield has produced. His
wife was Susan Hancock of Northfield. After his death, his
broad acres were divided among his three sons — Milton, Leonard
and Stephen ; the two former taking the intervale, the latter, the
upland farm. IMilton and Leonard still abide by their inheri-
tance, and with full garners and contented spirits we presume
they enjoy that peculiar happiness and health a farmer's life
only can bring. Steven, however, after a few years of very
successful farming, his house being destitute of children, grew
lonely, we suppose, and migrated across the Merrimack, to try the
charms of a village life in West Franklin, where he still re-
sides. His place was bought by John Kelley, Esq., the present
possessor, in whose experienced hands the farm bids fair to keep
up its ancient reputation.
This is the amount of our researches respecting Oak Hill and
the west part.
And now, having given this imperfect sketch of the first set-
tlers and their acts during the first twenty years, and traced
their families down as fully as our information would allow,
it remains to exhibit them in their corporate capacity, beginning
with their town meetings, and following with the great raising
of the old meeting-house — a momentous event in its day, hardly
to be equalled by a centennial in our time — ^but of these matters
a few items must suffice for the present, as an extended account
will be given of them in the History of Xorthfield, which it is
proposed to prepare during the coming year. The following is
a copy from their earliest
"reighcord of meetings, &c. :
"At a meeting held in Xorthfield tuesday ye 21 — Xove'r 17S0
1 Voted Mr John Simons jModerator
2 Voted to a Low Mr X'athanil witchers acompt in Gifting
ye in Corpration.
3 Voted to Rais Monny to Buy a parrish Book
4 V to Rais Xineteen hundred Dollars to Defray Parrish
" At a I\Ieeting held in Xorthfield on Tuesday ye first of JMarch
1781, at the hous of Mr John Simons
1 Voted Capt Ednor Blanchard ]\Ioderator
2nd Voted Arche :\Iiles Clerk
3rd Voted Reuben Witcher John McDaniel Thomas Clough
Select Men
4 Voted Ebenesor Kimbol Constobel
5 Voted Joseph Car David Blanchard Charles Glidden Mat-
thew hains & Peter hunniford Servavers of liv wais
6 Voted Edward Blanchard David Morrison hog Refs.
7 voted Aaron Stevens Sealer of Measur
8 Voted the Select ]\Ien be a Committy to git the Monny and
Beef Cauld for By the Cort.
9 voted to Raise Six thousand Dollars to Repir high ways in
labour at forty dollars per day.
Said Meeting adjurned to the firs of Apr at two of the Clock
in the After Noon at the Saim plais"
The foregoing is a full record of the first two meetings after
the town was incorporated.
As to how the old meeting-house was raised by the whole
town in convention assembled, how Master Bill Durgin framed
it, and Elder Crocket blessed the enterprise, how libations
were poured out and in, how the women cooked the dinner, how
the Hill women of Bay Hill furnished the bread, and Mrs,
Knowles and others prepared the fish, potatoes, etc., by the edge
of the woods, and how races were run up the east hill by men
with bags of grain on their shoulders, and other games; all this
and much more we hope to place before our hearers in the not
distant future, as the work is in the hands of one whose ancestor
kept a complete diary of the proceedings of that eventful day.
In this place, it will be appropriate, perhaps, to introduce a
brief account of the churches of Northfield.
The old meeting-house was originally free to all sects, but in
later years was occupied exclusively by the Congregationalists,
who abandoned it in 1841, since which it has been used only
for town-meetings.
In regard to common schools, the one remarkable fact is the
strange diminution in the number of children attending them
since earlier times. Why is it? The population of the town is
now larger. This may be accounted for in various w^ays. First,
the young people leave at an earlier age to obtain a more ad-
vanced education in the higher schools; second, families are
smaller; and third, the young grown-up people and young fam-
ilies leave town. But of this last reason I will speak further
The first schoolhouses, of course, were made of logs, of which
an example has been given on Bay Hill, and were generally
private dwelling houses. Female teachers began to be employed
about 1806, and w^ere considered competent if they had mastered
the first four rules in arithmetic. In illustration of the great
advance made in female education since that time it is only
necessary to point to the many young ladies graduating each
year from our female colleges and other higher institutions, as has
witnessed this week in the Seminary near by.
The Bay Hill school, which formerly contained upwards of
fifty pupils, has, during the past twenty years, often been re-
duced to less than half a dozen.
The Centre school in former days numbered sixty, sometimes
reaching eighty. Here Mr. John E. Forrest, one of our oldest
citizens, was accustomed to attend when a boy, one of whose
duties was to carry for Master Gleason, who boarded at his
father's, a bottle of cider each day. By mistake one morning
he filled the bottle from the vinegar barrel. At the proper time,
after the wear and tear of the morning hour. Master Gleason
repaired to the closet where the cider was wont to be kept, and
disposed of a stout dram before he discovered the mistake.
Speechless with rage and vinegar, he could only shake his fist
in the face of the innocent cause of all this turmoil, at the same
time giving such power of expression to his face as would have
been highly applauded on the stage. Finally recovering his
speech, he roared out the threat of a flogging to the rascal.
Doubtless he wore a sour look the rest of the day.
Other early teachers of the Centre were Master Morrill of
Concord, ^Masters Bowles, Solomon Sutton of Canterbury, Josiah
Ambrose of Xorthfield, Phinehas Thorn and Edmund Dearborn.
Miss Morrill and Nancy Glidden were among the female teachers.
The school now numbers from fifteen to twenty.
In early times, the school in the Hodgdon district numbered
from seventy to one hundred, and John Cate, an old teacher,
took oath in a certain suit that he had one hundred and ten
scholars. Now there are no scholars large enough to attend, and
no school — one of the greatest changes in a school district that I
have ever known.
Among the oldest teachers Avere Ma.st^s Knapp, Parkinson,
Meshech Cate, John Blanchard and Edmund Dearborn. It is
related that ^Master Dearborn's mother used to follow her children
to the schoolhouse, stick in hand, whenever they were unwilling
to go, and as the result they all became excellent scholars. Think
of that, ye who rely entirely on moral suasion ! Among the fe-
male teachers were Nabby Abbott, Sally Hazelton and Esther
Parkinson. Dudley Leavitt, the famous astronomer and almanac-
maker, was the first to teach in that district after the building
of a schoolhouse. At that time he lived at Bean Hill and boarded
at home, walking- to and from school each day. He wore slippers
and once, when passing old Squire Lyford's, one of them slipped
off, but he was so agile, he threw his foot into it again and passed
on without stopping. He was tall and commanding in person,
as were many of the Leavitts of those days.
Now, ha\dng tarried so long among the early fathers, and
gathered into one bundle the few items we could pick up here and
there of their settlement, families, modes of life and manners of
governing, let us in company glide downward two or three scores
of years and saunter somewhere along the middle of the century,
and strive to catch a glimpse of the financial situation and social
life of our people at that period and then by a few short steps
transfer ourselves to the present time.
And first I would say, that from twenty-five to seventy-five
years after the incorporation, the rural portion of the town
appears to me to have been in its most prosperous state. Village
life had not grown to such proportions then, the majority of
farmers were in middle life, with iron frames, strong arms and
stronger hearts, with stout boys ready to assist and plenty of
them, with buxom girls in equal numbers, to card, spin, weave,
help mother generally, and even to rake hay, when occasion
called, so that those freshly-opened farms fairly laughed with
harvests — filling the barns with hay to bursting and the garners
with grain. The schoolhouses were crammed with great boys,
little boys, middling boys and girls ditto. Those were the golden
days of the Northfield farmers.
"Oft did the harvest to their sickle yield,
Their furrow oft the stubborn glebe has broke,
How jocund did they drive their teams afield,
How bowed the woods beneath their sturdy stroke."
Since then village life has gained and, as a consequence in con-
nection with other causes, rural life has lost.
In the second place, our fathers — and mothers, as well — seemed
inclined to combine amusement and sociality with their daily
labor more than their descendants of the present day. Instead
of formal calls — now the fashion — the good housewife would
often take her wheel and spend the long summer afternoon with
a chatty neighbor in spinning — the whir of the wheel keeping
time to the wagging of the tongue, and which went faster would
be hard to tell.
There were the raisings, when a new house w^as to be erected,
whether of logs or framed, when the men came from far and
near, with the purpose of having a high time generally, and they
generally had it. Then there were the shooting matches, and
wrestling matches, and apple parings, and quilting bees, sleigh-
ride parties, and coasting parties. There were the spelling-
schools, which were occasions J3f much interest, when the young
people met, chose sides and strove to surpass each other in navi-
gating the intricate mazes of English orthography. And there
were social parties, when the young men and women — often from
fifty to a hundred in number — would gather at the house of some
substantial farmer, where, before roaring fires, in spacious, old-
fashioned rooms, warm and comfortable, though the Weather
might be zero without, they would spend the all too swiftly pass-
ing hours in lively chat, or in playing games, such as button,
rolling the plate, Copenhagen, bean porridge, hot and cold, etc.,
and in singing and marching to the songs of "Oats, peas, beans,
and barley grow," and "When the snow blows in the field," and
"Arise, my true love," etc.
0, those merry, jolly days — or rather evenings — of forty or
fifty years ago, when girls and boys were as thick as grasshoppers
in summer time!
A word about husking parties, once an important institution
in these regions. "When the days had begun to shorten and the
nights to grow frosty, and the corn had been gathered and piled
in huge heaps in the barns, instead of sitting solitary and alone
for weeks, stripping the husks from the ears, the thrift}' farmer
would invite his neighbors, young and old, male and female, to a
husking party and have his corn husked in a single night. And
it was an invitation in most cases gladly accepted. The .I'oke, and
the laugh, and the song went round — and sometimes the cider.
And the fortunate finder of the red ear had his rew-ard ; while all
were rewarded at the conclusion of the work with a bountiful
meal, such as the farmers' wives of those days, and their daugh-
ters, knew how to provide. At those supper tables the pumpkin
pie usually held the place of honor. "With its surface of a rich.
golden color, deep, luscious, melting, with crispy circumference,
no husking party was held to be complete without the pumpkin
I had designed to speak of the militia trainings, with their
wonderful evolutions and equipments, and of the muster field, to
which our Northfield warriors marched once in the year, and of a
famous character always there found, by the name of Foster,
whose continual repetition of "yes'm, yes'm" gained him the
nickname of "Yes'm" the country over, and whose war cry of
"Crackers and honey,
Cheap for the money,"
brought many a dollar to his cart, and many a meal of crackers,
honey, gingerbread and oranges to the hungry crowd. But want
of time forbids and an abler pen than mine would be required to
do the subject justice.
Coming down to the present time, a few statistics must suffice.
On the Northfield side of Tilton village, cloth is manufactured
to the value of $276,000 annually from two woolen mills. There
are smaller mills besides, wheelwright shop, etc. There is a large
graded school building there and over fifty dwelling houses.
The Gazetteer of 1874 says the valuation of the productions of
the town is $95,000 ; mechanical labor, $46,500 ; stocks and money
at interest, $9,648 ; deposits in savings banks, $50,911 ; stock in
trade, $6,425. There are nine schools in town, one of which is
By this we see that the manufactures are respectable and they
can be increased to an indefinite extent. But agriculture is the
principal employment of the inhabitants, and they possess many
fine farms under excellent cultivation. One or two facts
will illustrate the fertility of the soil. The trunk of a pine tree
for many years formed part of a highway fence below Mr.
Clisby's, so large that steps were cut in it to assist in climbing
over. And years ago there was another large pine tree cut near
the old meeting-house. Mr. Hiram Glines, a citizen of the town,
states that he once saw a pair of six-feet oxen driven upon the
stump and turned around on it without stepping off.
Having thus presented a few outlines of the history, and slight
sketches of the manners of the past, allow me a few words on the
natural features of this town.
Northfield was originally a part of Canterbury, from which
it was cut off by the act of incorporation in 1780. Military au-
thorities say that mountains and rivers make the best defensive
boundaries against invasion, and that, perhaps, was the reason
why the boundary line was run over the summit of Bean Hill —
over, I think, the topmost pinnacle — while a barrier was put be-
tween the people and their neighbors on the north and west by
the Merrimack and Wiunipiseogee rivers. If such was the design,
it was not a complete success, as is shown by the successive losses
of territory the town has suffered. And it is said that many a
fair daughter of the town has been lost to her parents for ever
and aye by the daring of some marauding young man from across
the border.
Northfield has a diversified aspect. It has hill and vale, up-
land and low plains, waving woods, smooth rolling fields, rich
intervale and the craggy rock. At the first glance you would
hardly imagine anything to be in common between this town
and the metropolis of New England. But in one respect there
is a resemblance, in which, however, we are decidedly superior
to the Hub. Boston was formerh^ called Tri-mountain, from the
fact that it was built on three hills, and the name still survives
in one of their principal streets — Tremont. Now Northfield has
just that number of hills — Bay, Bean and Oak — the least of
which would surpass all the city's Tri-mountains gathered into-
one. Theirs, they sa}^, are mountains, but mountains are so
abundant up this way that we call ours hills.
The surface of the town is dotted with gem-like ponds. Near
Mr. Winslow's on the level plain is Sondogardy, blinking at each
railroad train as it dashes by; and Chestnut, near the residence
of ]\Ir. Knowles, lies down deep in the bottom of a cavity, like
the crater of a volcano.
The principal rivers, I believe, wholly within the limits of the
town are the Skenduggardy (not Sondogardy — the Gazetteer is
wrong) and the Cross Brook, which ought to be named Sondo-
gardy, as it flows from the pond of that name, and without
doubt was formerly so-called. The first named river is formed
by the union of a branch flowing from Chestnut Pond with
another from the heights of Bean Hill, and empties into the
Winnipiseogee. It was once something of a manufacturing
stream, as it carried two sawmills, and more anciently, by flow-
age, manufactured the Smith and Thurston meadows, but of late
it has given up the sawing and flowing business and seems only-
solicitous to find its way to the Winnipiseogee, while its few trout
lead a hard life in dodging the misguided anglers — who are
often forced to retire from its banks, sadder, if not wiser men.
Its sister river flows into the Merrimack, and was once noted for
manufactures. Nor is Northfield devoid of scenic beauty. In-
deed, I believe it stands pre-eminent in that respect, even among
the towns of New Hampshire. The view from Bay Hill, in quiet,
rural beauty, will compare favorably with anything of the kind
it has been my good fortune to see. Before you on the north is
spread the valley of the Winnipiseogee — with its lake of that
name, that "Smile of the Great Spirit" — a sail over which Ed-
ward Everett declared to be more charming than any he had ever
taken over the lakes of Switzerland — and flowing from it, with a
succession of bays and rapids, the river hastening forward to
bathe your northern boundary and to meet her sister river on
your western border. The valley is oval, and as you look over
its longest diameter j^ou see it walled around by Gunstock, Belk-
nap, Ossipee, Red Hill and others, like giant warders, while
farther away, peering over their heads, are Chocorua, Cardigan,
Mount Washington, and his brothers, while directly west, on your
left, Kearsarge raises its broad shoulders — the most symmetrical
of mountains, as seen from that position. The whole Winni-
piseogee valley probably was once filled by the waters of the
lake — Bay Hill reaching over to and connecting with a similar
elevation on the Sanbornton side — till worn down by the river,
which drained the valley. Dividing, one branch passed on to
Franklin, and the other through the middle of Northfield, making
Oak Hill an island. Possibly a branch passed still further east
converting Bean Hill into another island much larger. Thus
Northfield probably once consisted merely of two island hill tops.
From various parts of Bean Hill, though possibly not quite so
beautiful, are views more extensive and well worth seeing.
And Oak Hill with a patronizing air looks down on stalwart
Franklin, which nestles under its shelter.
Bean Hill is the highest elevation between this part of the
valley and the Atlantic. Its shoulders support many a goodly
farm, while the pinnacle is mostly bare rock, with stunted trees
in the crevices.
The AYinnipiseogee is said to fall two hundred and thirty-two
feet before meeting the Pemigewasset. At the confluence of the
two in Franklin, the united streams take the name of Merrimack,
a river which is said to propel more machinery than any other
in the world. A Gazetteer tells me that the original name was
Merrymake — and a very appropriate term it would appear to be
to all who have seen its waters. Others say it was named from
Merry ]Mac, a dweller on its banks; while another authority says
it is an Indian word and signifies a sturgeon.
Wonderful stories were told by the fathers about the fish in
our beautiful rivers. Not the lean, attenuated specimens of
piscatory life now represented by degenerate dace, chubs and
perch, with occasionally a lonely pickerel, but shad and salmon —
fat, luscious and huge, and in such vast numbers at times as to
blacken the river with their backs. And w^hat was singular in
their habits was that though they migrated from the ocean
through the whole length of the IMerrimack in company, yet, on
reaching the fork of the two rivers at Franklin, they invariably
sepjirated, the shad passing up the "Winnipiseogee to deposit their
spawn in the lake, and the salmon up the Pemigewasset. Thus
the inhabitants of one valley ate shad and those of the other,
Xorthfield contains about twent-seven square miles or seven-
teen thousand acres. She was formerly larger, but within the
last quarter of a century she has suffered a considerable contrac-
tion of her circumference, owing to the affectionate regard of
Her neighbors. She has become reduced — lost flesh. But for all
this, she's a hale, healthy, active old lady today — for a centen-
But seriously, though our town be contracted in dimensions, it
is a goodly town still. Its most picturesque, its most homelike,
its most rural portions, its upland farms, its brooks, ponds,
groves, and its three mountains yet remain to you. It is a beau-
tiful town, and though small, one to be proud of.
A greater loss, however, and one more to be deplored than
that of territory, which your town has sustained, has been the
constant drain for the last half century of your young men,
notably of your young farmers, to the cities, and especially to the
Far West. Some of your best lifeblood has been lost in this
way. Had all remained, and divided and subdivided your large
farms into smaller ones, and emploj'ed on them the same energy
they have applied elsewhere, what a garden Xorthfield would
have been, and how your schoolhouses would have been filled,
in this year of 1880 !
There was in imagination, half a century ago, more than at
present, I think, a halo — a romance — cast around the journey
towards the setting sun. ]\Ien felt sure of fortune and fame the
moment their feet should touch prairie land. The great West
was in their thoughts, in their talks, dreams, and even their
sports. Why, I remember well, that one of the most popular
songs we sung and to the music of which we marched with the
greatest zest, in those gatherings, of the young at the houses of the
substantial farmers thirty or forty years ago, of which I have
already spoken, was this:
"Arise, my true love, and present me your hand,
And we will travel to some far distant land,
Where the girls card and spin, and the boys rake and mow.
And we will settle on the banks of the pleasant 0-hi-o."
Yes, many since that time have left Xorthfield and gone to
the Ohio and beyond. And many more who remained had a
desperate longing to travel the same road. Thousands were the
influences operating, of course, but I have no doubt that even
this little song to some extent quickened the impulses of your
young men to desert this beautiful town, and travel to the
level, monotonous, muddy, fever-stricken, homesick, strange, far-
away expanses of the West. Yes, that was what they sung:
"We will settle on the banks of the pleasant 0-hi-o!"
But girls and boys, young men and maidens, don't you do it.
Don't you settle on those banks, nor on the banks of any other
Western river ! Do n 't put faith in the ' ' beautiful 0-hi-o ' ' —
I 've seen it — as long as you have the beautiful Merrimack, spark-
ling, rushing, full of life, compared with which the ''beautiful
0-hi-o" is nothing but a muddy, lazy canal, or ditch, good for
navigation. For beauty, for purity, for exhilarating effect, give
me, a thousand times give me, your Winnipiseogee ! Settle where
there are healthful skies, pure air, sparkling streams. Settle in
New England; settle in Xorthfield; or, what is better, remain
settled there !
Happiness is what we are all in search of. And happiness de-
pends, much more than we are aware, upon local attachment.
And it is proverbial that local attachment is stronger in a moun-
tainous country than in one of plains. The Swiss are said to be
so afflicted with homesickness sometimes, when in foreign coun-
tries, such a longing to see their mountains once more, that they
commit suicide. Walter Scott said if he could n't see the hills of
Scotland once a year, he should die. Now a plain country has
no power. On the priaries, ever}i;hing is like everything else;
there is no variety ; the farms are as like each other as two peas.
"Whereas, in a. hill country like this, every farm has an individ-
uality, a decided character, that distinguishes it from every other.
Each man's farm is like no other man's farm. As we choose a
friend, or a sweetheart, not because they are just like other
people, but for the exact opposite — him because he is like no
other man and her because she is like no other woman — so, in pro-
cess of time a man becomes attached to his farm, especially if
he has lived on it long enough to become acquainted with its
peculiarities, because it is unlike any other man's farm. He ex-
periences a home feeling when he visits the hillside pasture, sees
an old acquaintance in every hollow, tree, brook, spring and even
every rock of respectable size has an individuality and a charm
for him, that in the course of a long life adds no small amount
to the sum total of his happiness. Why, said a New Hampshire
man to me in Iowa once, "I would give half my farm to run my
plough against a big rock."
0, but this is nothing but sentiment ! some one says. Perhaps
it is, but you will find that the most of our likes and dislikes
are founded on sentiment. But grant that it is sentiment — noth-
ing more and nothing worth, yet, if you look at the comparative
profits simply of eastern and western farming, I surmise that
you will not find the table of profit and loss to be so very much
against the Northfielder — even on his upland farm, to say noth-
ing of the intervales. Why, there are ten farms under mortgage
at the West to one in the East. That tells the story of profit and
loss. Much might also be said here of the mistake of leaving a
country for a city life. But time is rapidly passing and I must
hasten to a close. I will only say that the experience of the past
five or six years has wrought a change in the minds of thousands
on this subject. !Many a man during the past twelve months has
left behind the din, the turmoil, the uncertainty of the city, and
gone back to where he can be blessed with
"The low of cattle, and song of birds,
And health, and quiet, and loving words."
And may this return tide long continue to flow upon the old
But not to the young men alone, but to the fathers of the town,
allow me a word. I would say, take all means to improve your
town. Make it desirable as a place of residence. You have good
land, a strong soil, better, buch better than the average of New
Hampshire land. Feed this soil. Beautify your farms. Make
your homes pleasant and strive in all ways to stop this constant
drain of your young men to the "West, or to the cities. You
have a beautiful town, as I have before said, varied, picturesque,
and richly endowed with capacities for improvement. Increase
its beauties. Adorn it in every conceivable way. And by so
doing, not only increase the beauty but greatly enhance the
market value of our town. Plant trees, make good roads, set out
orchards, have trim gardens, ornament your grounds, make your
houses neat, convenient and picturesque; in short, make every
farm a paradise — for you can do it — with health, industry and
taste. Set your faces as a flint in favor of morality and temper-
ance throughout your borders — in every nook and corner of the
town — among all classes, and especially among the young. Es-
tablish a public library and lend a helping hand to. every good
work. "What if all these should cost a little more money ? Money
is of no value in itself, but for what it procures. Let it procure
what will give you enjoyment and improve and bless j^ou and
yours, your life long. See to it that your public schools are as
good as they can be made. And when your children have grad-
uated from the district schools, do n 't forget that what would do
in your great-grandfather's days, would be totally insufficient
now. Then man was chiefly employed in subduing nature — in
felling the trees and in establishing for himself a residence. Now
times have changed. Knowledge is increased. Skilled labor and
scientific learning give power to its possessor above all his fellows.
A higher education is now required to keep us on a level with the
general intelligence of the world.
And glad am I to be able to say, that you fortunately have the
means of obtaining this higher education at your very doors.
The New Hampshire Conference Seminary and Female College
is a daughter of Northfield, whose birth took place on this side
of the river thirty-five years ago. Many before me have ex-
perienced her beneficial influence, and are nobler men and nobler
women today from having come in contact with her moulding
power. To be sure, she has moved out of town, but only across
the. border, to a brother hill facing the one she left, and, in fact,
only the northerly part of the same hill, before the river wore
a channel between. So that you can still claim her as a daugh-
ter of Northfield, who has only stepped across the way. And
long may she continue her influence, not only in Northfield and
Tilton, but throughout New Hampshire, and even extend it to the
remotest corners of New England. This subject of education, in
connection with the prosperity of your to^vn, or of any town, is
no small thing. My life's work has been in this cause. Thirty
years almost have I, in a humble way, stood in my place of
teacher, and every year increases my conviction of its vast im-
portance. For twelve years nearly has it been my fortune to
find a home in my present location on the seaboard. There, on
many a prominent headland, you will notice that a lighthouse
has been erected ; a lighthouse that shall send its beams far over
the water to guide the mariner in the dark. In the fog, or the
storm, or in the dim starlight, shaken by huge billows, or in the
calm, that light gleams forth, and tells him where he is, and
guides him in the right course. So may the New Hampshire
Conference Seminary, seated on yonder headland, that beautiful
headland, send forth the light of education all up and down the
Merrimack valley, and not stopping there, cross Kearsarge on
the west and Bean Hill and Gunstock on the east, and extend its
beams to the lake and the ocean, enlightening, guiding, blessing,
as long as j'our three hills shall stand, or the ]\Ierrimaek run.
And finally, cultivate town patriotism. Love your town. Ren-
der it more and more worthy of your love with each passing
year. Teach your children to love it, and make it such that they
must love it, ardently, devotedly, so that whether they sojourn
within its limits or settle far away, or wander with no fixed abode,
their native town will be the one bright, loved, home-like spot
of all the earth.
And, dear old ]\Iother Northfield, who wearest thy centennial
garments so well today, we, thy children, native and adopted, bid
thee all hail ! May many and many a centennial be celebrated
within thy borders. And may each anniversary find you farther
aHvaneed in prosperity and happiness and m^orality than the
last. "May your sons be as plants grown up in their youth;
may your daughters be as cornerstones, polished after the simili-
tude of a palace ; may your garners be full, your oxen strong to
labor; may there be no complaining in your streets; and may
you be that happy people whose God is the Lord. ' ' And
"O, our fathers' God! From out whose hand
The centures fall like grains of sand,
We meet to-day, united, free.
And loyal to our land and Thee,
To thank Thee for the century done, ^
And trust Thee for the opening one.
0, make Thou us through centuries long.
In peace secure, in justice strong;
And o'er our gift of freedom draw
The safeguards of the righteous law.
And, cast in some diviner mould,
Let the new century surpass the old."
Poem Read at the Centennial of the Town of Northfield, N. H.,
June 19, 1S80.
One would suppose that, when a century dies,
Some startling sign would flash upon the skies,
Some meteor from its sphere in errant flight
Would blaze in glory and go out in night.
That conscious nature, in a storm of tears,
"Would pay due tribute to the dying years.
But, no! the faithful sun to duty true
Went down last night as it was wont to do;
The crimson glory melted into gray.
Just as it did upon our natal day,
And fell the darkness over hill and plain, —
The same old story, o'er and o'er again.
Yet in the kitchens there was strange portent.
And "savory steams" foretold some great event,
And busy housewives looked with fondest pride
On culinary triumphs scattered wide.
The boys had blacked their boots with strenuous care,
The girls had got new ribbons for their hair,
And even Avhile the family prayers were said,
Bright thoughts and fancies flitted through each head.
To restless couches then they hied away.
Tomorrow's sun would bring Centennial Day.
Then Mother Northfield smoothed her apron down.
Took off her specs and donned her Sunday gown,
For one who years ago had chose to roam, —
Had just returned to visit friends and home.
I, 'neath her window, was eavesdropping then, *
And what I heard shall move my ready pen.
At first, she led in pleasantry and chat,
Conversed at ease of this, and then of that,
Told him of all the younger girls and boys.
Told him of all their prospects, all their joys.
Spoke of the cares that filled the passing years,
Then of the ' ' loved and lost ' ' with many tears.
And so the talk assumed a serious tone.
While she, with confidence before unlmown.
Drew up her chair and said: "My dearest John,
Thou truest of my sons and eldest born.
Tomorrow we keep holiday; and not a trace of care
Shall draw a furrow on my brow or cast a shadow there.
I've many things, to you, I fain would tell
And, since I ask it, guard each secret well !
I've had great trials in my day, my son,
It were a task to tell them every one!
My few rough acres brought me little gold.
Sometimes the heat destroyed, sometimes the cold,
Sometimes .the summer's sky withheld the rain.
And meager harvests brought us little gain.
Three times, the heralds wild called us *To arms!'
Three times our hearts were filled with dire alarms,
Three times o'er hearthstones fell the pall of grief.
And but one thought could bring the least relief.
Like Spartan mother, when her country's cause,
Her treasured hearthstones, or her sacred laws.
Called for her heart's blood, or her precious gold.
The one, nor other, I could ne 'er withhold.
Our prayers went with them, and in many a fight
Stayed up the hands that fought for home and right,
And, when returning with victorious arms,
' With loud acclaim we gave the well-won palms;
And 'er- the memory of our ' fallen brave, '
Who sleep at home, or in a distant grave.
We drop our grateful tears like April rain.
And thank our God they perished not in vain.
"You scarce remember, 'twas so long ago,
Ere first my locks could show one trace of snow.
When in my sixteenth summer it was said :
'The son of man hath not to lay his head.
A temple let us build, with outlines fair.
Finish and furnish it, with loving care;
Where valiant watchmen, ever on the tower
Of Zion, to our hearts shall call the hour.
And tell us of the night; and if the day
With its bright dawn is near or far away.'
Today it crumbles; all its former pride,
Its beauty and its worth, are laid aside.
Its winding stairways long have missed the feet
And faces dear, we loved so w^ell to meet,
And from the shattered sound-board resting high,
The old-time voices still are heard to sigh.
' ' I dreamed last night ; again it seemed to me
I saw the structure as it used to be;
From horse-block by the door, dismounting, came
Full many a lofty sire and lovely dame.
And children, perched behind by threes or twos,
Marched in and filled again the ample pews.
They wore the same quaint garments as of yore,
With high-heeled shoes that clattered on the floor;
With powdered wigs the older men were crowned,
And every lass rejoiced in homespun gown.
'The old hand-stove in eveiy pew was set,
On which the toes of all the family met,
And generous neighbors heaped their fireplace higher
To furnish them with needed Sunday fire.
The deacons from their seat 'neath pulpit, now.
Read for the choir in accents strange and slow
One line of good Old Hundred; then they sung
Till every corner of the temple rung;
Then waited for a second, and again
Took up anew that ever sweet refrain,
Till choir and deacons, to their duty true,
The tune, by turns, had bravely struggled through.
■ The sermon long, and long the prayers they said,
As all with reverence stood and bowed the head;
Down with a clatter came the seatings, when
The firm, set lips had reached at last, 'Amen.'
' Thus worshipped sire and son for many a year ;
Then ties grew weak that bound these brethren dear,
New creeds and ways the worshippers divide,
No longer in the pathway, side by side.
They journeyed to the gates of endless day;
Some sought the same bright goal in different way.
For all of this, indeed, I little eared,
A nice new edifice was then prepared.
Part of the flock rejoiced in shepherd new.
And blessings came to pulpit and to pew.
That new brick church was long my best delight j
On life's dark sea a trusty beacon light.
* The other went, and so did this at last ;
And then another came ; another passed
Beyond the river, where our loved ones go.
Yet full in sight, to mock us in our woe.
"What hurt us most, they did not care to stay, —
So winning were our neighbors o'er the way, —
Till not one spire to Heaven points the way.
To guide my people to the 'Realms of Day.'
"And then came Mammon with his purse in hand,
To buy a railroad through my precious land.
"With oily tongue, he told of dividend,
Of stock and tariffs, stories without end,
Said that Dame Fortune, if Ave scorned her now,
Would never come again, with sunnier brow;
And so to make our fortune in a day.
We took this sure, this expeditious way,
We looked in vain for dividends to swell
Our coffers; and we learned at last full well,
That stocks are well enough in broker's hands.
But a poor exchange for houses and for lands.
But still, dear John, I wore no angry frown,
'Twas good to have a railroad through the town,
The whistle for the boys was very nice,
But then we bought it at too dear a price.
"And then, it grieved my heart full sore
To miss the stage coach daily from my door,
- With smart, gay horses, and with driver Smart,
They seemed like friends when we were called to part.
Besides, the friendly postman called no more.
But all our letters dropped at Tilton 's door,
And worse than this: those written home of late.
Have even met A^dth a more cruel fate;
Back as 'Dead Letters' they are sent each day,
'No such Post Office in the State,' they say.
"And Jane and Susan and Mehetabel,
And all the rest we loved so long and well.
Say that forbearance is no virtue more.
And never send a token to my door;
Scold their old mother for her want of care.
And make my burden harder still to bear.
"Then came Squire Franklin; not the sage of old,
The one who grasped the lightning in his hold.
But a spruce young fellow, famed for legal lore
And full of bows and smiles, approached my door;
'My northwest pasture he would like to buy,
He hoped his suit I sure would not deny.'
I quickly told him I could never sell,
I loved each fruitful acre far too well ;
That was my broadest and my richest field,
That, of all else, my fairest harvests yield;
That long ago I gave it all away
To children dear, that wished at home to stay;
That they would ne'er consent to have me sell
What we had prized together, long and well.
Alack-the-day ! I know not how 'twas done.
Each daughter fair, and every mother's son
Turned from the rising to the setting sun
And moved off, land and baggage, every one!
But still I lived, and still I got along;
For Hope 'mid blackest woe still sings her song,
And though for years I greatly was annoyed,
I learned to bear, what I could not avoid.
Another trouble followed soon, dear John,
My heart still burneth with a deeper wrong.
The Seminary ! best of all my joys !
The where to educate my girls and boys.
On which I lotted with a fonder pride,
Than all my other blessings far beside !
"When yearly came the noble and the fair,
I guarded them as with a mother 's care.
And when from out its walls by duty sent
Forth to the world, on love's best errand bent,
I almost thought them mine; and when to fame
Familiar grew full many a cherished name,
I looked upon each noble word and deed
As treasures, stored against my hour of need
Years passed away; and broader grew the walls,
And more responded to my yearly calls.
"Wise men held council ; wisdom, hand in hand
"With God and right, went forth to bless the land;
Years, happy years, all fleeted far too fast,
Of sweet security too full to last.
I little dreamed of such untimely fall,
Nor could I see the 'writing on the wall.'
How shall I tell you of that dreadful hour,
When beauty yielded to the spoiler's power,
When ruin, blackness, woe, and bitter tears,
Fell swiftly o'er the hope and pride of years.
Oh! how I prayed, that from the ruin there.
Another shrine might rise, more grand and fair.
But ah! dear John, when rose the Phenix fair,
Its pinions sought to try the upper air.
With many a flap and flutter sought the skies.
And perched on yonder hill before my eyes.
"The children never call me mother, more.
Since they departed to that further shore;
And the silvery ripple of our beauteous stream
Has turned to wailing, mocks me in my dream ;
Like death's dark river now it rolls between
Me and the staff on which my age did lean.
AVith jealous eye, dear John, I can but look
On her, who, one by one, my blessings took ;
Some gloomy twilight, I expect to see
That Tilton ferryman come for the rest of me.
"And now of troubles let this be the last.
We'll close the page and seal anew the past.
I did not mean to pain you with my fears.
Nor did I call you home to feast of tears ;
I gave my blessing when you went away,
I give another that you come today.
I know the fruitful acres of the West,
For those who till them, surely must be best.
Today from South, and West, and everywhere,
A thousand benedictions fill the air.
I'm not a mother of her sons bereft.
Of true and tried ones, I have many left;
And when tomorrow's sun shall gild the skies.
You'll find no tears within your mother's eyes."
"Good night, dear boy," at length, she smiling said,
Put out the light, and early went to bed.
And so we turn from prelude, sad and long.
And tune the harp for our
Sing, brothers, sisters, sing exulting lays,
"With restless ardor your thanksgiving raise;
Let your rejoicings tell with what good cheer
We hail the closing of our hundredth year.
Sweet Peace her full dominion sways the while.
Waves her white banner, wears her fairest smile ;
Our Avell ploughed acres smile with harvest fair.
The year's best blossoms load the summer air.
And with familiar visage fresh and sweet,
Prosperity is pouring treasures at our feet.
Sing praises .then, for gifts that prosper you,
Sing for our homes, and their defenders true.
Sing of the happy hours now far away,
Sing of the century we complete today.
The great events that filled these circling years,
To count then e 'en, as each in turn appears,
Would far exceed the little hour I claim.
I touch, and leave them; whisper but their name.
In loftier language, easier verse than mine,
Some readier pen shall tell to future time.
Fair-browed Invention, though, presents her claim,
And bids me give to song each honored name.
As she with pride her children leadeth forth:
"Behold my jewels! each of priceless worth."
First born and noblest, thousand-sinewed Steam,
Whose vast achievements shame our wildest dream ;
Born of the rushing torrent, and the heat
Of fierce volcanoes, when in wrath they meet;
Whose advent to the busy mart of trade
The world's resources at our feet has laid.
On land and sea, and down to deepest mine
We own its might, its power, almost divine.
Postman and horse we buried long ago,
The rattling coach became a thing too slow,
And ere a century dies, we must prepare
To Avalk the seas, and navigate the air.
The forked Lightning, chained to do our will,
Speeds through the forest, leaps from hill to hill,
And round the earth in lines of lustrous light,
Counts space as nothing, in its magic flight.
Bright flash a thousand fingers in the field.
And startled earth her fairest harvests yield;
No more with sweat of brow we till the plain,
The wand of Progress turns it all to grain.
Old "Winter, when the heat the summers bring,
Slinks into corners, yet he still is king;
Seated on icebergs, with his gelid cheer
Dispenses coolness through the livelong year,
"With steam and furnace held in equipoise,
Adds to our comforts, heightens all our joys.
But why delay? the hours are passing on;
And ere we think, our festal day is gone.
Then let's devote the hours as fast they roll.
Not all to "feast of reason" but to "flow of soul.''
All are not here, alas ; we know too well.
Many are gone ; indeed, the numbers tell.
The sad detainments of each absent heart.
On festal days, is but a bitter part
Of the unwritten history of such days;
Our guesses ne'er can penetrate the maze.
What brings us here? why meet we thus today?
Why come the loved from near and far away?
Why beat the drums? why hang the banners out?
Why wake the hills with many an answering shouts
Why comes the aged leaning on his staff?
And youth and middle age, with cheer and laugh ?
To distant firesides came the summons sweet
To meet once more, where friends and kindred meet;
And so today, with open hand and gates,
Our Mother Northfield at her banquet waits.
With face as fair and spirits just as gay,
As when in sunny childhood's happy day
Our childish eyes first scanned her genial face,
Our childish feet began life's weary race.
On wings of love she sends a smile today
To those, the unforgotten, far away.
May those, who pain and weary suffering bear,
Find "Balm in Gilead and physician there;"
And such as pine and sigh in sorest need,
God's hand to them the "Bread of Life" shall feed.
The breezes whisper many a cherished name
Well known to love, indeedf'if not to fame;
And specter lips, from out the dusty grave.
Ask of the legacies they dying gave.
What of the birthright Freedom? prize it yet?
That sun that rose in glory, has it set ?
What of the acres that we loved to till,
Do sons, or grandsons, occupy them still?
Hangs the old firelock o'er the mantle yet?
Has tyrant's blood our trusty blade e'er wet?
The family Bible old, that graced the stand.
And bore the marks of many a toil-stained hand,
Does love's pure light still gild its every page, —
The guide of youth, the staff of faltering age?
How crowd the questions; answer ye who dare,
Whisper your thoughts upon the throbbing air,
And dare to tell of one, in all this throng.
Who has not sold some birthright for a song.
Make new resolves; for these the hour demands.
And wash in innocence your faithless hands.
Now childhood, youth, manhood and age,
Each in your turn my loving thoughts engage;
I fain would leave upon each mind and heart.
Some lasting impress as we sadly part.
Time passes. Youth should find no hours to weep,
'T were better far that those be spent in sleep.
Laugh, shout and drive away the coming cloud.
Let not the future on your present crowd;
The coming years may bring you sad surprise,
But bar the vision from your childish eyes.
"Quaff Life's bright nectar from her mountain springs,
And laugh beneath the rainbow of her wings."
The launching ship knows naught of storm or gale,
Knows not the uses of her mast or sail;
With glistening cordage and with streamers gay
We sadly cut the cable, drift away
To sterner things; to learning's dull routine,
To days of study, sleepless nights between.
But learn of nature, she ne 'er leads astray ;
Ne'er stop to question where she points the way;
She has rare treasures for your questioning eye
In caverns deep and on the mountain high.
Learn to be thoughtful, then her features stern
Shall with the glory of her Author burn;
For through her mantling folds He deigns to show
The only glimpse we catch of Him below.
! Manhood strong, perplexed with cares and fears,
How debt and credit fill your weary years !
You buy and sell, yet find the balance small,
And think, if this, of human life life, is all !
Look to the red-leaved tablets of the soul,
Scan every item, balance then the whole;
Happy if one entry on the credit side
Shall balance debtor column, long and wide;
Yet spite of labor's routine, ever grant
A tear to pity, and a hand to want.
And now to those upon whose wrinkled face
Age sits quiescent in her comely grace,
Whose silver locks, the marks of well-spent years,
Tell not of life's great harvest reaped in tears;
Go o'er the summit bravely, ne'er look back
To envy those who crowd along the track;
Nor grieve, that time has brought too soon
The evening coolness o'er the heat of noon.
What though your humble graves shall bear no name
Save what the eternal record shall proclaim,
And though you mourn -with tears your lo^Aiy lot,
And stretch your hands for that which cometh not,
Know that all beauty, all that wealth e'er gave,
Ne'er can one heart the final trial save.
For "paths of glory lead but to the grave."
In parting, let a mother's blessing fall
In benediction; ^^ Peace be tvith you all."
(From Portland Board of Trade Journal, June, 1902.)
(See portrait.)
About a century since, there stood in the town of "Woodbury, in
northern Vermont, a tall and dense primeval forest of maple and cedar,
sloping from a lofty ridge on the north for nearly a mile to the boun-
dary line of Cabot on the south.
Into this wilderness there emigrated, near the beginning of the
last centurj', a mixed colony of old and young from Central New
Hampshire, numbering, perhaps, 25 or 30 individuals, and among
them came Anthony C. Hunt and wife, Mary, with their daughter,
On the above-mentioned northern ridge there towers an enormous
perpendicular granite crag, several hundred feet in height.
A few rods' south of this Mr. Hunt raised his humblest of dwellings,
built of rough logs, with the bark unpeeled and with the cracks and
crevices stuffed with moss. Uneven stones of various sizes, dug from
the ground, formed the fireplace and chimney, while the cellar was
simply an unwalled hole in the ground.
In this lowly abode the subject of our sketch. Prof. Lucian Hunt,
was ushered into existence 80 years ago, on the 17th of January, 1822.
Two or three years thereafter, a substantial framed house, nearby,
took the place of the log cabin as a dwelling — said log cabin being
then advanced to the dignity of a barn.
Here, when about five years old, Lucian commenced his education
in another log cabin, used as a schoolhouse, and at the same time
took his primal initiation into the mysteries of his future vocation,
by a thorough anointing with the oil of birch — in other words, was
soundly whipped because he obstinately refused to read the alphabet.
This seems a little amusing from the fact that one of Professor
Hunt's strong points in after years was the teaching of reading. Few
excelled him in that department at that time. It is a matter of fre-
quent occurrence for him, when journeying, to be accosted by middle-
aged men, his former pupils, with the remark: "Prof., all I ever knew
about reading I learned from you."
Prof. E. B. Andrews, former president of Brown University and,
later, superintendent of schools in Chicago, and now president of a
Western university, and who was under the instruction of Professor
Hunt at Powers Institute, Bernardston, Mass., for a year or more,
said not long since, at a public gathering of the alumni of that insti-
tution, "I have a pretty extensive acquaintance with academies, high
schools and colleges, and I can say with justice that I have never
known one yet where the teaching of reading was carried to such
perfection as it was in Powers Institute while under the charge of
Professor Hunt."
About four years after the framed house went up, his father and
the family removed to what is now Tilton, in central New Hamp-
shire. Here Lucian enjoyed much better educational advantages than
• in the thickly-wooded Woodbury country. He read through the Bible
when eight years of age, made satisfactory progress in English
branches, and when 15 commenced the study of Latin in the spring
under the instruction of Rev. Enoch Corser, finished Virgil the follow-
ing autumn and reviewed it during the evenings of the ensuing winter
while teaching his first school at the age of 16.
From this time he became a close student, receiving no pecuniary
help from any quarter, but paying his way by teaching winters and
earning what he could summers. One summer he went to Boston and
drove a milk cart four months. The product of this, with that of his
winter school, tided over what threatened to be a fearful dearth of
pocket money, and carried him swimmingly through another year.
In process of time, he received his degree at Wesleyan University of
Middletown, Conn., and not long after commenced his life work — that of
teaching. He was now on a level plane with the world — owing nothing
and owning nothing — so that whatever he earned beyond his expenses
was clear gain — no interest to pay, no debts to liquidate.
His first five winter schools were taught in Northfield — two at Bay
Hill and three at the Centre old meeting-house. The whole period of
his teaching covered nearly 40 years.
After having acquired the blessings of an education, a handsome
competency and a life vocation. Professor Hunt added to these another
blessing — a wife — a kind, prudent, benevolent. Christian wife — of one
of the finest families in Standish, Me, — in short, a helpmeet in every
sense of the word.
Several years ago he gave up teaching and retired to a pleasant
home in the beautiful village of Gorham, Me., where he passes his time
in reading, writing, correspondence, pursuing certain favorite studies,
and in rearranging, sifting, examining and introducing rare books into
his valuable library.
This is a collection of nearly 3,000 volumes of first-class works of
standard literature — in the English, Latin, Greek, French and German
languages, with many rare books which it would be hard to duplicate —
all in large type, substantial bindings, and which forms, doubtless,
one of the choicest private libraries in the state. In this the professor
declares he has enjoyed some of the happiest hours of his life.
Professor Hunt has been trustee of the New Hampshire Conference
Seminary, at Tilton, N. H., for 25 or 30 years, also, trustee of McCol-
lum Institute, at Mont Vernon, N. H.; is trustee of the old Seminary
and public library in Gorham, Me., and of various other institutions.
He is a prudent financier, his investments have turned out success-
fully and he now stands as one of the solid, substantial, moneyed men
of Gorham.
It may not be amiss to mention that as a public speaker or lecturer
he stands deservedly high. When but 16 a grand celebration took
place at Sanbornton, now Tilton, N. H. The principal event was the
presentation of a beautiful silk flag to a military company, artistically
worked by the ladies, who marched, white-robed, in long procession,
and presented the colors to the soldiers drawn up in martial array.
To Lucian was assigned the honor of receiving the flag and returning
thanks in behalf of the company. His speech was published extensively
in New Hampshire papers.
He was the orator at the centennial celebration of Northfleld, N. H.,
June 19, 1880, where he addressed an assembly of many thousands in
the open air. His oration and illustrated sketch of his life were pub-
lished in the Granite Monthly. We omit many other occasions of a
similar nature, which might be adduced.
Northfield seems to have been a natural breeding place for
doctors. There were two reasons for this. In the Dearborn and
Hall families the "penchant" was hereditary; and many others,
pupils of Dr. Hoyt, the first, or among the first, physicians in
town, were led to it by their acquaintance through him with the
medical school at Hanover and the Crosbys, his brothers-in-law,
The following list includes only those who were born in North-
John Kezar, 1st,
Eichard Molony,
James Abbott,
Jonathan Dearborn,
John Kezar, 2d,
Hiram B. Tebbetts,
Jeremiah F. Hall,
Nancy Gilman,
Henry Brown,
Adino B. Hall,
Sam G. Dearborn,
Hiram Tebbetts, 2d,
Samuel Roby Sanborn,
Luther C. Bean,
Alfred Gerrish,
Samuel Curry,
John Mack Gilman,
Nathan Tibbetts,
Henry Tebbetts,
Asa George Hoyt,
George Henry Brown,
Lafayette Gate,
Obadiah J. Hall,
Darius S. Dearborn,
Thomas Benton Dearborn,
Orville F. Rogers,
Frank A. Gile,
Charles H. Sanborn,
Charles C. Tebbetts,
Jonathan Dearborn, Jr.,
Sylvester Fellows,
Enos Alpheus Hoyt,
Jeremiah Hall,
Jeremiah H. Lyford,
Marguerite Dennis,
Sylvanus Heath,
Dixi Hoyt.
professionaij men and women. 149
second list,
This last contains the names of other physicians who have
lived or practised but were not born in Xorthfield :
Enos Hoyt, Parsons Whidden,
David M. Trecartin, Mark R. Woodbury,
Alexander T. Clark, William P. Cross,
John Clark, T. J. Sweatt,
Joseph G. Ayers, Charles Kelley,
Hiram B. Cross, . Daniel B. Whittier,
Charles R. Gould, Tolman,
Biley Lyford, Freeman,
Matliew Sanborn, Jr., Webber.
This list would be incomplete were no mention made of ]Mother
Martha True Clough (see Clough gen.), who came from Salis-
bury, Mass., and had there been known as being possessed of a
' ' charmed hand. ' ' She brought with her the seeds for her medic-
inal garden and some of her herbs are still growing wild on the
farm. Her salves and bitters were known to be of great value.
Xancy Forrest Simonds was a midwife and had an extensive
practice. There were other women who claimed the "gift of
healing by the laying on of hands. ' ' Mrs. Abraham Brown had
the gift, as did ]Mrs. Sarah Waldron Rand, a woman celebrated
for her lovely character and disposition, who, it was said, never
saw her entire family of 10 children together.
A good story is told of her readiness in cases of emergency.
She was a thrifty farmer's wife and raised large flocks of turkeys.
One night, to her surprise, but one or two of her large flock came
home and, going to seek the cause, found a stray one here and
there staggering along the way, while others reclined at length in
the ditches by the roadside. An investigation followed and their
"craws" were found to be bursting full of the meat from oak
acorns. Not a moment was lost ; every crop was quickly- emptied
and both inside and outside deftly sewed up. The whole brood
was given a soft, easily digested supper and early put to roost.
None of them suffered any inconvenience from the surgery and
were present in good form at the Thanksgiving roll-call.
(See portrait.)
Dr. Exos Hoyt was born at Henniker, August 14, 1795, and was the
youngest of 11 children. He was early trained to habits of self-re-
liance, which developed a manhood of uncommon strength.
He read medicine with Dr. Asa Crosby of Gilmanton and married
his daughter. In 1821 he received the graduating honors of the medi-
cal department of Dartmouth College.
He first came to Northfield to attend the funeral of Dr. Clark, opened
an office at once and succeeded to his practice. It was then the cus-
tom for young medical students to be with older physicians and Dr.
Hoyt had under his instruction and in his office 40 young men, who
received medical degrees and stood well in the profession.
Mrs. Hoyt (Grace Reed Crosby) was born at Sandwich, September
29, 1802. They were married, October 24, 1822. She was a sweet-faced,
social woman and she and her husband were members of the church
choir. The whole family was a great addition to the social life of the
town, which clustered about their sweet, cheerful, hospitable home.
His practice was always large, but it was a lifelong principle with
him to so arrange as to be in the .house of God on the Sabbath and
at all the regular services of the church, of which he was, more than
any one else, the founder. The Congregationalists then worshiped
at the old meeting-house and he lived in the house later occupied by
John Mooney. It was erected by himself and here he conducted the
first post office in town in 1835. When the new church was built at
Sanbornton Bridge in 1838 he, who had been its generous supporter
for 16 years, furnished more than a third of the funds required and
took pews to that value. He was afterwards its deacon for a term of
Thus he filled up the busy years, being greatly efficient in public
affairs and serving the town as clerk and superintendent of its schools.
He represented the town in the Legislatures of 1841 and 1842. He
was president and secretary of the Center District and State Medical
He not only ministered to diseased bodies, wrote wills and settled
estates, but woke in many a soul a belief in the resurrection and
hope of eternal life. He removed from Northfield to Framingliam,
Mass., in 1846, and there he completed 54 years of medical practice.
At the 50th anniversary of the Tilton and Northfield Church, July
18, 1872, he, its only living charter member, returned and delivered an
address which embodied its history for the half century, and with
characteristic generosity made a donation of .$300.
He died, March 25, 1875, amid the tears of both rich and poor, to
whom he had given many years of service, often without any or ade-
quate compensation. The number and variety of the interests he
managed to crowd into his life are a constant wonder to all who knew
(See portrait.)
Jeremiah Forrest Hall received his early education at Sanbornton
and Franklin academies. He graduated from Dartmouth Medical
School in 1S37 at the age of 21 years and settled at Wolfeborough,
where he practised his profession 24 years. In 18G2 he was commis-
sioned surgeon of the Fifteenth New Hampshire Volunteers and ac-
companied the regiment to Louisiana. He was obliged to resign the
next year on account of ill health. May 6, 1863, he was appointed sur-
geon of the first district of New Hampshire, and went to Portsmouth,
where he remained until the dissolution of the board, August 1, 1865.
He remained there and practised his profession until his death. He
was a member of the State Medical Society and its president in 1872;
was also a member and president of Carroll County Medical Society,
and also an honorary member of Strafford County Medical Society. In
1874 he was elected to the New Hampshire Senate and re-elected in
1876. For 11 years he was director of the Lake National Bank at
Wolfeborough and trustee of the Five Cent Savings Bank of the same
place, and president of the board of trustees of Wolfeborough Academy.
He was trustee of the Portsmouth Trust & Guarantee Company 11
years, and was its president at the time of his decease. He served three
complete terms of four years each as trustee of the New Hampshire
Asylum for the Insane, and held that office at the time of his death. He
was also alderman of the City of Portsmouth. He has published several
valuable medical papers; one on "Hay Fever" (from which he suffered
many years), which he read at Bethlehem in 1873. He also wrote
poetry, and read a poem at the semi-annual gathering of the medical
society (with ladies) at Centre Harbor in 1874.
The following notice was printed in the Dartmouth Meviorancla at
the time of his death:
"In the discharge of the duties of the many positions of responsibility
and trust which Dr. Hall was called upon to fill, he showed rare
financial and executive ability and the most scrupulous integrity. He
stood at the head of his profession, and many families in Portsmouth
will miss his ready skill and inspiring confidence. Although of a ner-
vous temperament and afflicted for a long time by disease, he main-
tained to the last the genial and hearty manner that characterized
his life. He was one of those self-made men, so many of whom New
Hampshire has delighted to honor as her sons, and whose place, when
gone, cannot be easily filled."
(See portrait.)
Mrs. Nancy Smith Gilmax was born at Northfield. May 2. 1806. She
married on her 21st birthday William Gilman of Northfield, who ap-
peared in the midst of her Monday's washing and convinced her that
it was a most suitable time for their prospective marriage. She
promptly arrayed herself in a calico dress and, in less time than it
takes to write it, became Mrs. William Oilman in 1831. She was a
natural teacher and had no need of being instructed in normal methods,
and even while she acted the part of a farmer's wife found time for
her large class of young children. Her methods were far in advance
of the times and almost identical with those of the modern kindergar-
ten. She devoted 20 years to this calling, some of them in Western
schools of high grades. She then studied medicine at the Boston
Female Medical College and practised more than 30 years. Her
natural aptitude as a nurse, combined with her knowledge of medicine,
called her into the strenuous life of the home during the last years
of her parents' life and after their decease she performed the same
tireless service for a sister who came from the West to share her
ministrations in her home at Lexington, Mass. She was a woman of
tremendous energy, an uncompromising, whole-souled champion of the
antislavery cause, a lecturer of great force on social customs and vices,
a daring advocate of woman's suffrage, and was for many years an
officer of the New Hampshire State Woman's Suffrage Association, and
was actively identified with that work in several states. She was
always on the side of right and justice for all. Her husband nobly
seconded all her efforts in these directions and they lived to celebrate
their golden wedding at Lexington, Mass., in 1881. Possessed of a
strong, brave, vigorous mind, she retained her youthful faculties to an
unwonted degree. In a little poem, written on her 85th birthday, she
"At eighty-five should we repent
That life with us so far is spent?
In looking backward does it seem
We've done enough to tip the beam?
May sweet faith whisper in our ear
And say our sun is setting clear."
Mrs. Oilman died at Roxbury, Mass., May 25, 1894.
Dr. Makk R. Woodbury came to Northfield from Rumney. His wife
was a daughter of Dr. Burns of that place. None of their four children
were born here. He was a skillful practitioner and, after a few years,
returned to his former home.
He bought the triangular piece of land at the entrance to Bay Street
and moved to it with many yokes of oxen, the newly-erected home
of the late Darius Winslow for his residence. He sold it in 1853 to Dr.
Parsons Whidden, who succeeded to his practice and resided there
many years.
Parsons Whidden was the sixth child of Parsons and Hannah (Doe)
AVhidden. He was born in Canterbury, May 22, ISOl; studied medicine
with Dr. Enos Hoyt of Northfield; took his degree of M. D. at Dart-
mouth Medical College in 1836, and soon after commenced practice
in Danbury and Alexandria. He next practised in Pembroke. After a
few years he moved to Warner, remaining there several years. In
1853 he returned to Northfield, purchasing the residence of Dr. Mark
R. Woodbury at the foot of Bay Street, and succeeding to his prac-
tice. A few months before his death he moved to Chichester, where
he died, March 29, 1869. He was deacon of the Northfield and San-
bornton (now Tilton) Congregational Church many years. He mar-
ried, January 31, 1832, Mary (Polly) P. Tilton of Sanbornton Bridge,
who died in Northfield, October 5, 1875, aged 72 years, 10 months.
They had one child, George Parsons Whidden, born July 3, 1845.
(See portrait.)
Adino B. Hall was born in Northfield October
17, 1819. He was the son of Jeremiah and Han-
nah Haines Hall and was the youngest of six
children. He was a descendant, also, of Thomas
Abbott of Concord, who kept a garrison near the
present court house, and his father was a faithful
deacon of the Congregational Church for 40 years.
Dr. Hall was a pupil of the celebrated Dyer H.
Sanborn at the "Square" and the "Old Academy." He read medicine
with Dr. Enos Hoyt and graduated at Dartmouth Medical School.
He located first at Kingston, but remained there only three years.
He had won confidence, however, and during his life was often called
there for critical cases, either in consultation or continuous practice.
He was the first to allow the use of cold water in typhoid fever and
gained great reputation and success in its use. He was never atraid
of anything because it was new. He was also among the first to ad-
minister ether. In 1852 he went abroad for study and for two years
followed, in the hospitals at Paris, the most noted doctors and surgeons
in the world.
In the fall of 1854 Dr. Hall settled in Boston, where for 40 years
he lived the active and self-denying life of a physician in full practice.
He was a born doctor; his uncles, older brother and several cousins
were doctors, and he was wont in his childish plays to visit imaginary
patients. He was courageous, had good sense, great kindness of heart,
a genial presence and unfailing courtesy. It was said that "He was
a stranger to conceit." He was satisfied to be quietly and continually
doing good and in receiving in turn the constant love and trust of a
host of friends. It has been well said that "no one but a physician
can know the toil of such a life and perhaps no one else can know
such a reward."
During the Civil War Dr. Hall was a volunteer surgeon in McClel-
lan's army before Richmond, where, in 1862, he contracted malarial
fever in the swamps, from which he was never entirely free. He was
for 25 years a councilor in the Massachusetts Medical Society and an
active member of the Boston School Board for an equal time. He
married, in 1864, Mary, eldest daughter of Rev. J. P. Cowles of Ips-
wich, Mass.
April 16, 1880, after several cases of severe labor, overheated and
fasting, he suffered a chill and died of pneumonia five days later. His
many friends, rich and poor, rallied around him in the most distressing
anxiety and awaited some word of relief, which never came. He had
been a generous friend to the poor and they showed their apprecation
of it by their anxious faces and their tears. This trait of sympa-
thetic benevolence was an inheritance from his mother, who was
followed to her last resting place by a crowd of poor women she had
A beautiful memorial to his memory by his devoted wife keeps both
their memories green here in the town of his birth and early sojourn.
(See portrait.)
Among the first settlers of Exeter, over two and a half centuries ago,
was a family by the name of Dearborn. The descendants of this family
are now to be found in every county of New Hampshire. Beginning
at an early date, it is worthy of note that with the Dearborn family
the practice of medicine has been a favorite occupation. In the last
century Portsmouth, North Hampton, Seabrook and Nottingham had
each a physician of marked reputation bearing the name, and today
several among the abler physicians of the state are of the same descent.
Sam Gerrish Dearborn, son of Edmund and Sarah Dearborn, was
born in Northfield, August 10, 1827. His father was an honest, indus-
trious farmer and his mother attended well to the duties of the house-
hold. He was educated at the district school, the Sanbornton Academy
and the New Hampshire Conference Seminary.
He began the study of medicine with Dr. Woodbui'y at Sanbornton
Bridge, in 1847, and graduated from the medical department of Dart-
mouth College in November, 1849. After a few months' practice at
East Tilton, in February, 1850, he opened an office at Mont Vernon,
where he soon began to acquire a reputation as a skillful, safe and sa-
gacious physician.
In June, 1853, Dr. Dearborn removed to Milford, where he had al-
ready gained some practice. For 20 years he had an increasing prac-
tice, not only in Milford and adjoining towns, but patients frequently
came from a considerable distance. Nashua being a railroad center.
Dr. Dearborn removed there in May, 1873. His practice there was.
perhaps, more extensive than that of any other physician in the state.
A large proportion of his patients came from a distance, Grafton, Belk-
nap and Coos counties furnishing a large number annually, and this
the result of no advertising other than that of his successful treat-
During the Rebellion Dr. Dearborn, in 1861, served one year as sur-
geon of the Eighth Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteers in Louisi-
ana, and in the summer of 1863 he served in the same position for three
months in the Army of the Potomac.
In politics he was a Republican, and represented Milford two years
in the state Legislature. Denominationally, he was associated with the
Unitarian Church.
On the 5th of December, 1854, he married Miss Henrietta Starrett of
Mont Vernon, an educated and accomplished woman. The two sons of
this union, Frank A. and Sam S., are prominent practitioners in Nashua.
The elder, Frank A., was born September 21, 1857, studied medicine at
the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York, and graduated in
The younger son, Sam S., was born January 30, 1872, and is a grad-
uate of Phillips Exeter Academy, Harvard College and the Harvard
Medical School.
Dr. Dearborn died May 8, 1903, after a short illness. He leaves one
sister, Mrs. Jonathan Dearborn of Mt. Sterling, 111.
(See portrait.)
Obadiaii J.\cksox H.\ll was born at Northfield in 1826 and spent his
boyhood on the homestead farm. Deciding early to study medicine
and make its practice his life work, he studied first with his brother,
Jeremiah, at Wolfeborough, and went, later, to Dartmouth College,
where he graduated in 1850.
He located first at Lancaster but, on account of the severity of the
climate, removed to Wheelersburg, Scioto County, O., in 1851. Two
years later, after establishing a good business, he removed to Empire
Furnace and, later, to Junior Furnace, where he labored nine years
with little reward except the consciousness of having been true to
In December, 1861, he took charge of the Thirty-third Regiment,
Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in the capacity of surgeon. On account of
failing health he was obliged to leave his post of duty and return to
practice. May 7, 1862, he married Mary Elizabeth Boynton of Laconia
and removed to Portsmouth, O., where he lived and practised almost
continuously until his last illness. ^He died May 30. 186S.
His life, though short in years, was full of deeds that have lived
in the hearts of those for whom he worked. He united with the church
In early manhood and always lived in a sincere belief and trust in the
teachings of the Master. He had not passed the golden milestone that
marks the highest point in physical or mental existence, when he lay-
down by the wayside and fell into that dreamless sleep that kisses
down his eyelids still.
He was, at his death, vice-president of the Scioto County Medical
Society and the tribute to his memory and worth before that body
was heartfelt and touching. "While yet in love with life and rap-
tured with the world he passed to silence and pathetic dust."
After his death, Mrs. Hall entered the public schools of Portsmouth
and was a faithful and beloved teacher for 16 years. She died Septem-
ber 1, 1889. They had two daughters.
Bessie Mary Hall, elder daughter of Dr. O. J. and Mary Boynton
Hall, was born in southern Ohio, but a short distance from the town
which has always been her home.
She was educated in the public schools of Portsmouth and graduated
as valedictorian of her class.
After graduation, she went to New Hampshire, remaining for a year
among the granite hills. While in Manchester she became much in-
terested in the subject of teaching, a vocation for which she had always
had a fondness. Returning there later she entered the training school
for teachers, where she successfully completed the course of training
in all classes of the work, from kindergarten to high school. She then
returned to Ohio and entered the public schools of Portsmouth. She
remained here for sometime as teacher in the grammar department, but
not being satisfied with this and looking higher, she obtained leave
of absence and entered Mt. Holyoke College at South Hadley, Mass.,
taking a special course preparatory to continuing her chosen work as
teacher of the sciences. The time spent here proved invaluable to her
and before the close of the second year she was called to the position of
special teacher in the department of science in the high school from
which she was graduated.
She was devoted to her profession, enthusiastic, and thoroughly
awake to all the best interests of her pupils; possessed in a marked
degree the power of imparting knowledge; by nature a fine disci-
plinarian, and of a most genial temperament. Possessing these quali-
ties and with an ambition to reach the highest, she is a worthy ex-
ample of those who play such an important part in the development
of the world's good men and women. She is an earnest Christian and
identified with the church in many ways, being a member of the First
Presbyterian Church of Portsmouth and a teacher in its Sabbath
School. She married, in 1900, Arthur Titus of Portsmouth and has two
Grace Forrest Hall, younger of the two daughters of Dr. O. J. Hall,
spent her childhood in Portsmouth, O., attending the public schools
of that city. After being graduated she spent one year at home and
then visited the East, where she remained one year, becoming ac-
quainted with her relatives and friends. Her stay proved no less an
education that that obtained in the schoolroom and had much to do with
shaping and developing traits of character and independence which
have since been prominent in her life. She went, on her return, to
Willis College of Shorthand at Springfield, O., soon rising to foremost
rank as an amanuensis and reporter of both journalistic and court
proceedings. She remained in the college as first assistant teacher
and reporter. She spends most of her time in Brooklyn, N. Y., and is
engaged in her chosen profession.
(See portrait.)
Dr. Charles R. Gotxd was born at Antrim, December 28, 1841. He
was educated at the New Hampshire Conference Seminary and Dart-
mouth Medical School. He married, December 25, 1864, Mary S. Dun-
bar and had three children. (See Genealogy, p. 154.) Besides an ex-
tensive practice, he served the town as clerk, superintendent of schools
and one of the board of education for Union District. His parents re-
sided in his home and both died there, his father on December 2, 1874,
and his mother, September 3, 1890. He is a fine musician and taught
vocal music at the Seminary, as well as being the leader of Gould's
orchestra. He was likewise leader of the choir of the Methodist
Church for 14 years. He is surgeon at the Soldiers' Home and a mem-
ber of the Tilton board of health. After many years' sojourn on Elm
Street, he removed to School Street, Tilton, whence, after a short stay,
he removed in 1S9G to his newly-erected home on Prospect Street.
He married (second) Mrs. Kate Russell Emons. He is a member
of Doric Lodge, A. F. and A. M., and past master of St. Omar Chapter,
Royal Arch Masons, Pythagorean Council of Laconia and Mount Horeb
Commandery, Knights Templar and Malta, Concord. He is also a mem-
ber of Harmony Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Tilton, and of the American
Medical Association and New Hampshire Medical Society.
(See portrait.)
The Whittier family removed to Northfield when the subject of this
sketch was a young child. Here his early years were passed, receiving
his education in the public schools and the New Hampshire Conference
Seminary. In 1855 he went to Iowa, intending to make a permanent
home, but returned after two' and a half years and commenced the
study of medicine in the office of W. B. Chamberlain, M. D., Keene.
In 1859 he attended lectures at Harvard University and in 18G1 removed
to Fitchburg, Mass. During the winter of 18G2~'C3, he attended medi-
cal lectures in the New York Homeopathic Medical College, from which
Institution he received a diploma. At the time of the Civil War he
was anxious to serve his country in the field, but on account of the
scanty recognition accorded homeopaths, abandoned the idea, render-
ing service by sending a substitute. October 14, 1858, he was married
to Mary Chamberlain and proved a loving husband and father. There
was one daughter and two sons.
Despite the prejudice against homeopathy mentioned above, Dr. Whit-
tier attained great success in his profession through hard work and per-
sonality singularly fitted for the practice of medicine. He was revered
and beloved in the medical fraternity, being often sought for consul-
tation. He was president of both County and State Medical societies,
a member of the American Institute of Homeopathy, president of the
Gynecological Society of Massachusetts and served on the board of
consulting physicians and surgeons of the Westboro Insane Hospital.
In 1894 he was appointed on the Massachusetts State Board of Regis-
tration in Medicine for the term of five years. His death occurred
April 15, 1895.
He was possessed of no political ambitions, yet was intensely in-
terested in all municipal and state and national affairs, and ever la-
bored for the success of every good cause in the city where he resided.
He was a member of the school committee and indefatigable in tem-
perance work. There are men now living who owe largely their
reformation and subsequent success to his timely aid and encourage-
ment. He was a strong man in the Congregational Church and Sun-
day School, — loyal, generous and earnest. The respect and confidence
of the community was his, both as a practitioner and honorable Chris-
tian gentleman. His benefactions were numberless and many could
testify to his faithful attendance, unmindful of compensation. A man,
modest apd unassuming, ever the champion of the downtrodden; kind
and sympathetic to the suffering and weak; a tower of strength in time
of trouble. His memory is blessed.
(See portrait.)
Dr. Thomas Bentox Dearborn was for 14 years a well-known prac-
tising physician in Milford. He died at the age of 40 years and six
months. He was a native of Northfield, a member of the famous fam-
ily of physicians, being the youngest son of Edmund and Sarah Ger-
rish Dearborn. He early commenced a classical course of study at the
Seminary at Tilton. In 1855 he removed to Illinois with his brother
and joined the preparatory department of the college at Jacksonville.
He graduated at the State University of Indiana in 1861. While pros-
ecuting his studies he engaged considerably in teaching and was em-
ployed as principal of the high schools at Augusta and Carthage, 111.
He studied medicine with his uncle. Dr. Jonathan Dearborn, at Mt.
Sterling, 111., and also with his brothers, Drs. S. G. and H. G. Dear-
born, then at Milford. After attending medical lectures at Burlington,
Vt, and New York City, he entered the medical department of Dart-
mouth College, where he graduated in 1864. He soon after associated
himself in the practice of his profession with his brother in Milford
and pursued it with untiring devotion and eminent success until dis-
abled by illness. His death occurred June 10, 1879. To professional
skill he united the noble qualities of a true manhood. Those who knew
him best, knew that in all his relations of life he was honorable, up-
right and conscientious.
He was trained in the faith of the old Democratic party, believed in
Its ideas and, though never obtrusive in an expression of his political
views, he held them unswervingly and conformed his action thereto.
He won and held a very high rank as physician and surgeon. Gifted
by nature with keen perception and discriminating and acute in-
tellect, he had educated himself thoroughly for his profession, and with
a pressure of business appalling to one of less physical strength and
application, he kept himself by continuous study fresh in its latest
methods. He was a member of St. George Commandery, Knights Tem-
plar, of Nashua, King Solomon Royal Arch Chapter of Wilton, and
Benevolent Lodge, No. 7, of Milford.
On the 25th of September, 1873, he was married to Miss Kate L.
Hutchinson, only daughter of the late Judson J. Hutchinson of the
world-renowned Hutchinson family of singers. Their union was
blessed with four children, all boys, and at the time of his death the
youngest was but six weeks old and the oldest not five years. Now
they have grown to manhood and with their mother reside at the
old home in Milford. The boys have followed in their father's foot-
steps and are all doctors. The two eldest are settled in Milford and
are occupying the same rooms as offices that their father used many
years ago. The two youngest sons are at present internes in hospitals.
Their group picture appears on another page. They all belong to the
Masonic fraternity, the four brothers having joined the Milford lodge
together. They inherit the musical talent of their mother's family and
for many years bore the name of the "Dearborn Male Quartette." (See
Northfield has given birth to six who have chosen the practice
of law for their life work, and three others have made their home
here with office in Tilton Village.
Hon. Asa P. Gate, Hon. William A. Gile,
Augustus Clark, Samuel W. Forrest,
Benjamin A. Rogers, Hon, Lueien B. Clough,
Oliver L. Cross, Hon. James 0. L^'ford.
Hon. Francis A. Chase,
Rev. B. A. Rogers afterwards became a clergyman. (See por-
trait and sketch in Ministers of Northfield.)
(See portrait.)
Asa Piper Gate was born in that part of Sanbornton, whicli is now
called Tilton Highlands, June 1, 1813, the son of Simeon and Lydia
(Durgin) Gate. The Sanbornton town history is in error in saying
that he was born in Northfield. His parents removed to this town
when he was a small child. His ancestry can now be given more fully
than in the volume just mentioned, Asa Piper 7 (Simeon, Jr., 6, Sim-
eon, Sr., 5, James 4, James 3, Edward 2, James 1) Gate, the first of this
family being found as a carpenter at Portsmouth in 1G57. (See a recent
pamphlet, "The Gate-Gates Family of New England.")
The family were of Portsmouth, Greenland and Stratham before
James 4 came to Sanbornton in 17G7.
The subject of this sketch was brought up in Northfield, attended
the academies of Sanbornton Bridge, Sanbornton Square and Bos-
cawen and afterwards read law with Judge George W. Nesmith of
Franklin, beginning in December, 1834. He was admitted to the bar in
August, 1838, and at once began practice at Sanbornton Bridge, making
his home in Northfield for the rest of his life.
He married, September 2, 1840, Glara, daughter of James and Abagail
Ladd Proctor of Franklin, a lady of fine presence, of high standards,
a fine contralto singer and devoted churchwoman. They had two
children, Glara Morton and Abbie Josephine, wife of Rev. Lucius
Waterman. The former, born May 30, 1841, was a graduate of Troy
Female Seminary, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., class of 18G2. The latter, Abbie,
born October 3, 1849, was for years an accomplished teacher on the
pianoforte. Dr. Waterman is rector of St. Thomas' Episcopal Ghurch
at Hanover.
Judge Gate lived a very quiet and simple life, a man wholly without
self-seeking but crowned with the absolute confidence of the com-
munity and much sought after for the holding of oflices and trusts.
Thus he was moderator at the town elections for all the years, with
but two exceptions, from 1838 to 1874, the year of his death, and at
seven presidential elections, first in 1844, and then consecutively from
1852 to 1872. He was a representative from Northfield in the state
Legislatures of 1839, 1840, 1864, 1865, 1866, a member of the state
Senate in 1844 and 1845, and president of the Senate in the latter
year. He was Democratic candidate for governor in 1858, 1859 and
1860; county solicitor of Merrimack Gounty, 1845-51; judge of pro-
bate for the same county, 1871-74, resigning a few weeks before his
death. He was also a railroad commissioner for three years, be-
ginning from 1849, when railroad men were making their early
struggles. He served in the state militia, reaching the rank of colonel;
was a trustee of the New Hampshire Gonference Seminary and secre-
tary of the board for some years; and president of the Gitizens' Na-
tional Bank of Tilton from its organization in 1865. He was also one
of the foremost founders and for years the chief helper of the Episcopal
Church. His life was cut short by painful disease in his 61st year, the
date of his death being December 12, 1874.
Judge Gate was a man singularly respected and beloved. To give
some little definiteness to this memorial, we add brief extracts from the
address delivered at his funeral by the Rev. Dr. Herrick:
"It is no small thing to have had such a life lived among us, so pure
and blameless and above reproach; so graced with dignity and man-
liness of character, and withal so Christian."
"Think how as a lawyer he discouraged unnecessary litigation, and
honestly set himself to compose differences, and to bring about an
understanding between disagreeing parties. How he has labored, both
by precept and example, to set forth peace and godly quietness in
neighborhoods and families, and among all those with whom he had to
do, and has his part in the blessing pronounced on the peace-makers!"
"And finally, are not his deeds still with us, in some of their main
results, at least? He was a man of deeds rather than of words. If
he was reserved in speech, so much so as at times to appear reticent,
yet he thought the more; and his thoughts w6re fruitful — productive
seed-plots from which issued well-considered plans for the glory of
God and the good of others."
(See portrait.)
Hox. LrciEx B. Clough, one of the pioneer citizens of Manchester and
a highly respected lawyer, died July 28, 1895. He was born in North-
field, April 17, 1823, a son of Joseph and Mehitable (Chase) Clough.
His parents moved to Canterbury when he was quite young. He was
a great-grandson of Capt. Jeremiah Clough, who commanded the first
military company raised in that town for the Revolutionary War, while
his father, Hon. Joseph Clough, was a member of the executive council
in 1848 and 1849. He attended the Canterbury schools, Tilton Sem-
inary and graduated from Dartmouth College in 1850. He taught
school in his earlier days and in 1853 settled in Manchester, opening a
law business which he continued until his death. He was judge of pro-
bate for Hillsborough County from 1874 to 1S7G and served many years
as a trustee of the city library.
Judge Clough was a born lawyer and a thorough gentleman of the
old school. Many of his clients placed important trusts and estates
in his hands, which were carefully and honestly managed year after
year. He was exceedingly exact and conscientious in all his dealings.
His word was as good as his bond. By his own sterling integrity he
accumulated a handsome property.
His insight in financial matters was remarkable. His years of ex-
perience in probate matters made him generally sought after to ad-
just business in banking and real estate lines. His reliability was
never questioned; his rare judgment was always to be depended upon.
He probably wrote more wills, deeds, leases and insurance policies
than any other lawyer in the city. He was a director of the Amoskeag
National Bank and a trustee of the Amoskeag Savings Bank. He was
clerk of the Manchester Gas Light Company many years and also con-
ducted a large insurance business.
Judge Clough was a man of rare literary attainment, having a
strong taste for history. He was devoted to his family, constant in his
support of the church with which he was identified, loyal to the state
and city, true to his friends and affable to all. In a thoroughly
straightforward, honest, manly way he won and held a place among
the strong men who made Manchester what she was. After nearly
40 years of well-directed activity, disease struck him down and im-
posed upon others the duties he had discharged so faithfully and
He married Maria Louise Dole at Augusta, Me., November 20, 1856.
She was born at Alma, Me., January 29, 1834, and was the daughter of
Albert Gallatin and Rebecca (Ford) Dole. Their children were:
Rebecca Louise, born at Manchester, December 16, 1863, and Albert
Lucien, born in the same city, June 24, 1869. The former married
Sherman Leland Whipple at Manchester, December 27, 1893. He was
born at New London, March 4, 1862. They have three children: Dor-
othy, born at Quebec, Canada; Katharyn Carleton, born at Brookline,
Mass.; and Sherman Leland, Jr., born in the same place.
Albert Lucien married Sarah Hunt at Manchester, February 28, 1905.
She was the daughter of Nathan Parker Hunt of that city.
Oliver L. Ckoss was born at Northfield June 11, 1836. His early
life was spent on the farm and in his father's extensive lumber mill.
He attended the New Hampshire Conference Seminary and fitted for
college at Franklin Academy. He was graduated from Dartmouth in
1862, having taught winters during his entire college and preparatory
course. At graduation he had the class honor of delivering the farewell
address to the president and faculty. In 1862 he was appointed re-
cruiting agent for Northfield to fill up the town's quota of soldiers
for the war, a position which he held until the last call was satisfied.
He read law with Messrs. Pike and Barnard at Franklin and was ad-
mitted to the New Hampshire bar April 6, 1865, and practised with the
late Attorney-General Barnard one year. Most of the year 1866 was
spent in travel in the South and West and, January 1, 1867, he located
in Montgomery City, Mo., where he practised until 1873. He was
city attorney from 1867 to 1870; mayor in 1870~'71; director and
clerk of Masonic Hall Association from 1868 to 1872; and was also
director and clerk of North Missouri Agricultural and Mechanical
He returned at his father's death to New Hampshire, where he en-
gaged in farming, insurance and local law practice at Northfield until
1893. He then removed to Concord. He is a Mason and Knight Tem-
He married, November 16, 1866, Lucy R. Hill of Northfield and had
two sons and a daughter. (See Cross gen.) Mrs. Cross was a teacher
for many years previous to her marriage. She graduated from New
Hampshire Conference Female College in 18G0 and had charge, as
superintendent, of the schools of the town from 1878 to 1886 and en-
joys the honor of being chosen to write the history of her native town
in 1904. (See Hill gen. and frontispiece.)
(See portrait.)
William Augustus Gile, third son of Alfred A. Gile, was born in
Northfield on his mother's 32d birthday, June 5, 1843. He was educated
in the public schools and the nearby academies of Tilton and Frank-
lin. He was much impressed with the district school system in which
his father had been active for many years as superintendent and had
reconstructed at his own expense the Hodgdon schoolhouse at a cost of
$300 without remuneration, save what his own and other children
got in the added interest they felt in new surroundings and the in-
creased love of the Noah Proctor and James N. Forrest style of ora-
tory. The school was a mile and a half distant, the academy, three,
and the Seminary, four miles.
In 1862 he enlisted in the army and, with his younger brother,
Frank, then but 17 years of age, was with General Banks at Louisiana,
at the Achafalyer River and swamps. Many of the regiment died of
disease there and both Mr. Gile and his brother returned in 1863, out
of health from disease also contracted there. (See Boys in Blue.)
He re-entered the army in October, 1864, as captain of Company E,
Eighteenth New Hampshire Regiment. Before their departure for
the front, his company visited Franklin, where he was presented by
Judge Nesmith with his sword, who also reviewed the company, which
Captain Gile commanded until the close of the war. He was assigned
to the Army of the Potomac under General Meade, being soon de-
tailed as a member of the general court martial of that division.
He was with his company at the final assault on Fort Steadman in
March, 1865, and at the capture of Petersburg by the Union army.
He was discharged in June, 1865, and in August of the same year went
to Texas with General Sheridan to expel the French from Mexico,
which was accomplished without a conflict but with a show of force
in the encampment of 30,000 black men on the shores of the Rio
Grande and the gentle suggestion by the then secretary of state. Mr.
Seward, "that the United States would not look with indifference upon
the attempt to establish a monarchy upon the borders of this repub-
lic," and in consequence Marshal Bajaine retired to France with his
army of French soldiers, containing over 30,000 men.
Upon the retirement of the French from Mexico, the army, of which
Captain Gile was an officer, was disbanded and, in the fall of 1867,
he returned home and entered the office of A. F. Pike and I. N. Blod-
gett of Franklin as a student at law. From there, after a year's time,
during which he attended court at the sessions in Merrimack County,
he entered Harvard Law School and, after completing his studies,
entered the profession in 18G9 as co-partner with Hon. Whiting Gris-
wold of Greenfield, Mass., where he continued to practice until 1871.
He then went to Worcester and began the practice of law with Charles
A. Merrill, Esq., his class and roommate at Harvard. From that date
he has continued to practice his profession there and is called one
of the ablest jury advocates of the Worcester bar.
He was married in 1873 to Clara A. Dewing and had two children:
William W., now of New York City, and Minnie Helen, wife of Walter
F. Woods, a lawyer of New York. He married (second), in 1878,
Mary Greene Waitt and has three children: Alfred D. Gile, a cor-
poral in the First Heavy Artillery in the Spanish War; Margaret,
living at home; and Lawrence B., now in Clark College.
Mr. Gile represented the City of Worcester in the Legislature of the
commonwealth and was a member of the National Republican Conven-
tion in 1888, going on the stump for Grant and Harrison. Colonel
Gile was, also, for five years commander of the Worcester Conti-
nentals and had, also, during that time the Putnam Phalanx of Hart-
ford and the Amoskeag Veterans of Manchester. June 17 being the
annual field day of the three commands, they met as a brigade on
Bunker Hill day. Their last meeting was at Charlestown, June 17, 1895.
(See portrait.)
Samuel Warrex Forrest was born July 8, 1861, on the old farm in
East Northfield, where his great-grandfather James lived, and where
his grandfather Samuel and father, James Forrest, were born, lived
and died. On this farm he spent the years of his early manhood,
years filled with the toils that make up the farmer's life — the hoeing
and haying, the ploughing, planting and reaping, which follow each
other in ceaseless rotation through the changing seasons. A few weeks
in each year were spent in the little schoolhouse on the corner, known
as the Rand school, where, aided by a strong love of knowledge for its
own sake, he mastered the rudiments of learning and laid a good
foundation for future attainments. He was graduated from Tilton
Seminary in June, 1884, the orator of his class. In September of that
year he went West and spent two years of varied experience in Mis-
souri and Kansas.
After working for sometime in Kansas City, he pre-empted govern-
ment land in Ness County, Kansas, built a sod house and lived the re-
quired length of time on his quarter section. For several months he
taught school in a sod dugout on the prairie and won the respect of a
score or two of Western boys and girls. He had some exciting ad-
ventures herding cattle, riding untrained horses and in encounters
with still more untrained human beings, and in the summer of 1886
gladly returned to the different civilization of the East.
In January, 1887, he entered Boston University Law School, where
he accomplished the work of three years in one and one half years,
graduating in June, 1888, cum laude. He was admitted to practice in
the highest court of Massachusetts in March, 1889. For four years
he was with the law firm of Niles & Carr in Lynn and then opened an
oflBce in Boston, where he has ever since been in active practice. He
was admitted to practice In the United States Circuit Court in 1894,
and was appointed out of a dozen applicants master in chancery for
Middlesex County in 1898, which office he still holds. He now oc-
cupies a suite of three rooms in the Winthrop building and is busy
with a constantly increasing practice.
Mr. Forrest inherits a logical mind from his grandfather, Samuel
Forrest, whose good judgment was often referred to by his fellow
townsmen, and a certain legal acumen from his father, who was often
called upon to give advice or to perform other legal duties. Some of
the courage and persistency of his ancestors, who braved the difficulties
and faced the dangers of the wilderness in the old home-seeking days,
have come down to this son of the house of Forrest and, together with
an individual determination, which cannot be daunted, and a belief
that nothing is impossible to him who dares attempt, have helped him
gain a foothold in the great city, where he is making a name and a
place for himself in his profession.
Mr. Forrest is a member of the Highland Club of Melrose, the New
Hampshire Club, the Essex Bar Association and the Middlesex Bar
He married, October 29, 1890, Susie R. Paul of Boston and has one
child, Helen Pauline, born May 20, 1893. They have a pleasant home
at Melrose Highlands.
]\rany of the students of the New Hampshire Conference Sem-
inary entered the ministry. Though they spent a long time
among us, you will have to look in the alumni catalogue of that
institution for their record.
Six, who have had their birth in town, became clergymen and
one, whose parents removed here during his childhood.
Rev. B. A. Rogers (see subjoined sketch and portrait). Rev.
John Clough Tebbetts and Rev. Sylvanus Dearborn were Epis-
Revs. Jeremiah and Charles II. Ilannaford, brothers, were
Methodists. (See genealogies.)
Revs. Oren Jerome Hancock and Samuel F. Lougee were Bap-
tists. (See genealogies.)
(See portrait.)
Benjamin A. Rogers was born at Northfield September 15, 1823. He
was carefully reared by his mother, who was left with a large farm
and other interests when the subject of this sketch was but two years
He was an apt scholar and his ambitions to become educated were
carefully cherished by his resolute mother, who always sought the best
for herself and hers. He was a pupil of Prof. Dyer H. Sanborn at
the academy and became a teacher when a mere boy. He studied
law and was admitted to the bar in 1846, beginning the practice of
law at Gilmanton.
He married (first) Viola Rundlett of Sanbornton and had two chil-
dren, both of whom died in infancy. Mrs. Rogers died June 27, 1850.
He married (second) Addie Rundlett and had a son, Willie Knowles,
and a daughter, Lucy Viola. The former removed South with his father
and became a physician. He died in early manhood. The latter died,
October 6, 18G2, in infancy. Mrs. Rogers (second) died Augufet 15,
1862. He married (third) Jennie Brinsmade, and (fourth) Susan
Mr. Rogers died at Houston Heights, Texas, March 15, 1904. She
still resides there, as does his only living child, Mrs. Susan Rogers
Tempest, and his two grandchildren, Susie Elizabeth, aged four, and
Benjamin Tempest, aged nine years.
In 1848 Mr. Rogers formed a partnership with the late Hon. Asa
P. Gate and continued the practice of law until 1860, when, his health
failing, he removed South, where he took clerical orders and entered
the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church in December, 1863.
He was a distinguished and brilliant speaker and held important
rectorships at Downington, Penn., Austin, Waco, Georgetown and
Houston Heights, Tex.
Joseph, eldest son of Alfred A. and Lucinda M. Gile, was born at
Pottsville, Penn., October 14, 1835. He removed to Northfield with his
parents in 1841. He grew, even when a boy, to be a great lover of books
and music, a taste he had small opportunities for gratifying. His
father, an educated man, spared no pains to give his children all avail-
able opportunities. He had a great desire to learn the languages and
began the study of Latin at 12 years of age.
His first academic work was at the Tyler Academy at Franklin and,
later, at the Seminary at Tilton. He completed his preparatory course
and entered the freshman class at Dartmouth in March, 1854, six
months in advance, when 17 years of age. He went at once, on grad-
uating to Clarence, N. Y., as principal of the high school, with his
sister and several assistants. Two years later he took a similar po-
sition at Warsaw, N. Y. Here he enjoyed the acquaintance and friend-
ship of Governor Pattison, a brother of Mrs. Mark Baker of Tilton,
his father's friend. An increase of salary lured him to Huntington,
L. I., and, later, to Brooklyn, N. Y., and finally placed him at the
head of the New Haven schools. Here he remained in various ca-
pacities, as teacher, supervisor and business man, for 20 years. He
visited European cities to study school methods and school archi-
tecture. He had a great love of the beautiful and abroad and every-
where collected works of art and vertu. His last teaching was as
tutor for the sons of wealthy men who were fitting for special courses
at Yale.
He commenced the scientific study of music while at Hanover, but
had little need of masters, as he inherited from his mother, a lovely
German lady, a natural aptitude for it and made it a lifelong study
and pleasure.
In 18SG he returned to the homestead and continued its improve-
ment and embellishment until his death. Walls were built, drains
opened, trees planted, springs enlarged into ponds and water courses
made lovely by masonry and rustic bridges, and all the various com-
forts attached to a ^rst-class country estate secured. Here he retired
in 1896 to spend his remaining life with his sisters in the quiet en-
joyment of well-earned leisure. He died, after a short illness, August
6, 1898.
(See portrait.)
Mary Margaret Gile was born at Northfield March 28, 1837, and
died at the homestead, unmarried, December 12, 1898. She was edu-
cated in the common schools of Northfield, Franklin Academy and the
New Hampshire Conference Seminary, and made teaching her life-
work, in which she showed remarkable industry. Her worth is noted
in the following from the Orange (N. J.) Woman's Club records and
"New Hampshire Women," in both of which associations she took
great delight:
"Miss Mary Margaret Gile was well born and happily endowed.
Family traditions increased this inheritance and her early life among
the New Hampshire hills made it rich indeed. Her ancestors fought
in the most noted battles of the Revolution. Her father, the late
Alfred A. Gile, was a man of fine integrity, who held his children to
strict account, both for their morals and their manners, while the
quiet influence of the mother supplemented that of the father. After
a thorough training in the schools of New Hampshire and Massachu-
setts, Miss Gile entered upon her lifework as preceptress of the Clarence
Academy at Clarence, N. Y., where she was associated with her brother,
Joseph. She next became preceptress of the Warsaw Academy at War-
saw. N. Y., where she remained nine years. In each of these positions
she displayed that skill which has brought her such signal success.
After short terms at Cleveland, Ohio, and Worcester, Mass., she began
her work at East Orange, N. J., where she resided with her youngest
brother. Dr. Francis A. Gile. Many a successful man and woman
owes to Miss Gile the mental and moral impetus received in the high
school of this town. Here she closely identified herself with her sur-
roundings, being an active member of Christ Church and its Sunday
School, also of the Daughters of the Revolution, the Woman's Club
of Orange, and the Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. Besides her articles
for the newspaper and her essays, Miss Gile contributed an article en-
titled, 'Individual Influence upon our Nation,' to the New Jersey scrap-
book for the World's Fair. Her paper on the 'History of Education,'
written for the school of pedagogy of the University of New York, re-
ceived favorable comment from our best educators. She graduated
from this university and may truly be considered one of the pro-
gressive women of our time. Her personality was quiet but strong;
her life, noble, true and effective."
Five generations of men and women, who were participants in
the activities of Northfield, repose peacefully in its bosom, in its
quiet enclosures. It was the prevailing custom in the early days
to bury the dead amid the shade of the orchard or on some sunny
hillside, near the scene of their activities. As the ancestral homes
passed to the ownership of others, the plan was found to be un-
wise and many were disinterred and taken to the larger public
grounds. With the exception of possibly a half dozen places, this
has been true of Northfield. A sizeable place in nearly every
school district offers free lots to the surrounding families. Many
desiring more pretentious beds for their last sleep have been laid
to rest by the shore of the "Winnipiseogee in Park Cemetery,
In 1809, Jonathan Clough, Benjamin Whitcher, Abraham
Simons, Theo. Brown, Nathaniel Gilman, Josiah Ambrose, David
Mason, Samuel Clough, Joseph ]\Iann, Henry Tebbetts, Jonathan
Emerson, James Forrest, husbandmen; Daniel Hills, Francis
Smith, John Hills, Abraham Brown, Esq., Timothy Hills, gen-
tlemen; and A. T. Clark, physician, bought of Stephen Chase,
clothier, 25 square rods of land for a burying ground on the road
leading from Canterbury to Sanbornton Bridge, said Chase re-
serving an equal right with an}' of the said persons. The deed is
signed by Stephen Chase and witnessed by William Knowles, un-
der date of January 17, 1809, the consideration being $5. This
lot adjoined the one on which the ^Methodist Church was built
in 1826 and is still known as the "Burying yard by the Brick
Meeting house." It has been twice enlarged towards tlie west.
The burial place on Oak Hill was a gift to the neighborhood
from the French family. There is no expense except the charge
for opening and closing graves and it is in care of Alpheus
The little space surrounded by a stone wall, back of the old
meeting-house, though, perhaps, never a public burial place, is
possibly the oldest one in town. The inscriptions on many of the
stones were illegible 25 years ago. No one has been buried there
since 1846. The Giles and Gliddens seem to have been the only
families using it. A stone, marked October 10, 1782, shows the
resting place of Rufus Gile. Esq. Charles Glidden died August
11, 1811, and some of his family, including his wife, Alice, who
died in 1825, aged 77, lie beside him.
The Hodgdon yard was on the farm of Joseph Cofran and he
sold space as desired. It was a quiet, shady spot and a popular
burial place. Very many of the first settlers lie there.
The enclosure at the Abbott place, close by the Kezar Hills,
was given by the Abbotts and Eogers and was kept in repair
until both families were extinct. There is another on the farm of
the Giles, in which a few Sawyers and many Cilleys and Giles are
The one at the Knowles place was never a public yard, al-
though some other families buried their dead there. Further to
the east are the Calef and Aldrich cemeteries. The Blanchards,
the early settlers, Lindseys and Perkins, perhaps are buried in the
Wadleigh orchard. Five graves are still plainly to be seen al-
though there are no stones or dates.
Several of the Cross family were buried by the brook on the
intervale, some of whom have been recently washed out. The
caskets in which these early settlers took their long rest were
formed hy hewing out a log and placing a similar one above it.
The Williams yard, as well as the brook, were named by Will-
iam Williams, who resided nearby. I cannot find any deeds to
the lots and no one knows when or how it was established or who
has any charge of it. It is one of the oldest in town. When the
railroad passed through the town, it cut oif a part of it, and
many bodies were moved further back into the enclosure and
their location forgotten. The Muzzeys, buried there some years
previous, were removed to an interior location to avoid the
grading. There is also a yard near the residence of INIr. Gorrell,
where the Cloughs, Gorrells and some of the Kezars are buried.
Still farther east are two, called the Aldrich and Calef burjang
grounds. There are also two family yards on Bean Hill, known
as the Cilley and Evans yards.
There is no public care of any of these grounds and many of
them are hopelessly overrun by creeping, crawling forests.
A charter was granted to an association, called the Tilton and
Nortlifield Aqueduct Company by the Legislature of 1887. It was
approved by. Gov. C. H. Sawyer, June 21, 1887. The object
was to secure pure drinking water for the village of Tilton, and
Chestnut Pond was the desired supply. The capital stock was
$18,000 and $9,000 in bonds, of which Hon. C. E. Tilton, J. J.
and A. J. Pillsbury and Selwin B. Peabody were equal holders.
A petition to the town of Nortlifield to lay pipes in the streets
was considered and a hearing ordered for August 22, which was
postponed to September 1, 1887. This petition was granted and
an agreement entered into, whereby the town would use sufficient
water for troughs, fires and flushing prospective sewers, etc., to
cover the taxes on the plant for 10 years, Tilton concurring in a
similar arrangement.
]\Ir. S. J. Winslow of Pittsfield contracted to put in the plant
under the immediate supervision of Messrs. Tilton and Pillsbury,
and the work was begun at once. A 300-feet dam was built at
the outlet of Chestnut I*ond, sufficiently high to raise the water
12 or 14: feet. This- was done at a cost of $7,000. The water
from this dam runs unrestrained one mile to a pool and is then
piped to a reservoir holding 3,000,000 gallons, from which a
10-inch pipe or main conveys it across the fields along Bay and
Elm Streets to the bridge. It there divides. An eight-inch main
crosses the river and runs through Main Street, uniting with a
six-inch main running through Elm Street and over the lower
bridge to a point of intersection opposite the railroad station,
requiring in all eight miles of pipe. The descent from the reser-
voir is 220 feet. The highest pressure is 112 pounds to the square
inch at Tilton Mills.
It was later found practicable to add a mountain stream to the
supply. Accordingly Hilly Brook was piped one and one fourth
miles to change its course, from which point it flows naturally
into the pond. The work was completed and water turned on,
August 24, 1888. In 1904 the eight-inch pipe, bringing the
water from the pond to the reservoir, Avas supplemented by a 10- '
inch cast-iron pipe, having in view an ample and satisfactory
Still further plans are now in progress for a greatly increased
supply from the Forrest Pond in Canterbury, three and a half
miles distant. It lies south of Bean Hill and is 280 feet higher
than Chestnut Pond. The aqueduct strikes the Dolloff, or
Rogers, Brook on its way, which is to be piped with it. This
brook, after receiving two or three tributaries in tlie Skendug-
g'ody Meadow, is known as the Kendegeda Brook.
The selectmen were instructed at the annual meeting, March,
1902, to construct a sewer if it should be petitioned for, and it
was exempted from taxation. A petition followed and the work
w^as begun the September following, by the Osgood Construction
Company of Nashua, Arthur W. Dudley of Manchester, civil
engineer ; 1,325 feet were laid on Park Street ; 850 on Elm ; 700
on Summer; 900 on Bay; 1,275 on Park, to Brook and to River;
1,150 on Vine Street; 325 on Holmes Avenue; total, 6,525 feet.
A flush tank was placed at the head of every line and all appli-
ances were Al. The deepest cut was 18 feet, under the railroad ;
the least, seven, with an average of 12 feet across fair ground.
The entire cost was $6,699.26, all of which w^as borrowed at 3l^
per cent, from the citizens of the town. Cost for entrance was
$15 for single, $22 for double, house.
Sewer No. 2. — The Howard Avenue sewer was laid in the
autumn of 1903 by the selectmen, E. J. Young, Fred Scribner
and C. L. True. It was 1,100 feet in length and cost $618.27.
C. W. Sleeper, surveyor and civil engineer, made the survey. A
line on Vine Street had been put in the previous year, extending
from Oak Street to Holmes Avenue.
The care of the criminal class and the dependent poor of the
town was a source of annoyance from the start. The third an-
nual meeting voted to "take the Buzzel family into the cear of
the town," and it was the custom for at least a dozen years to
sell the maintenance of the poor at public vendue to the lowest
bidder; the use of all and everything such a person possessed
should be a part of the price paid. Very strenuous rules and
re^ilations were in force regarding their possessions, be they
land, clothing, household furniture or daily labor. The town re-
served the right to furnish medical attendance and in case of
death, paid funeral charges.
A single transaction must suffice. "Samuel Dinsmore was
struck off to Jacob Heath for $34, to be paid quarterly in produce
at the Current market price, otherwise he should be paid in
money at the end of the year, said Dinsmore to be considered in
health and to be bound by indenture." Often, a dozen or more
were thus provided for under varying conditions. Often, the
whole number were kept in a single family and a large amount
of work was accomplished by them.
The town poor were thus sold at auction until 1824, when the
selectmen purchased a farm at East Northfield of Nathaniel Gil-
man and all were respectably housed there, though to say it was
a humane movement is to put it too mildly, as the following rules
and regulations must be implicitly observed by both overseer and
A * ' house of correction ' ' with dungeon was attached to it, and
Josiali Woodbury, Horace Noyes, Simeon Gate, Thomas Ghase,
Benjamin Eogers, Daniel Austin and George Kezar were chosen
"informers." Judge Peter Wadleigh drew the "Orders and
Regulations," receiving therefor $3.
"Section 1. There shall be a house of correction established in
said town into which shall be committed as the law directs all per-
sons found in said town of the following description viz. All
rogues and vagabonds, lewd, idle or disorderly persons; persons
going about begging, or using any subtle craft jugling or unlaw-
ful games or plays ; or persons pretending to have knowledge in
physiognomy or palmistry ; or such as pretend they can tell des-
tinies or fortunes, or discover by any spells or magic art, where
lost or stolen goods may be found ; common pipers, fidlers, run-
aways, stubborn children or servants, common drunkards, common
night walkers, common railers or brawlers, such as neglect their
calling or employments, mis-spend what they earn, and such as
do not provide for themselves or for the support of their fam-
"Section 2. All or any person that shall be adjudged by the
proper authorities guilty of any of the offences aforesaid and
sentenced to the house of correction shall be liable to be called
up and set to work by the Superintendent of the House of Cor-
rection at five oclock in the morning and employed until seven
oelock in the evening, from the 21st day of INIarcli to the 21st day
of September, and from this date to the 21st day of March fol-
lowing, called up at six oclock in the morning and employed until
nine oclock in the evening . . . All males, at an}^ of the
mechanical arts at farming, or husbandry or any kind of labor
that males usually work at, and all females ... at spin-
ning, weaving, Imitting, sewing or housework as females usuallj^
perform unles unable on account of ill health, age or infirmity. ' '
There are certain other rules in regard to punishments, impris-
onment in dungeon, etc., and strict rules governing every duty of
superintendent, overseers, informers and reformers. These rules
were modified and changed in 1840 and a new set adopted.
David Hill, Samuel Dicey, David Brown, Nathan Wells, Joseph
Libby, Emanuel Forrest and George S. Tibbetts were some of the
many superintendents employed for long or short terms. Poor
people who were unable to pay their taxes were allowed to work
them out at the poor farm.
In 1867, on the erection of the new and commodious county
farm home, pauper settlements were abolished and all the de-
pendent poor and petty criminals cared for at Boscawen. The
farm was sold to Benjamin Haines and James N. Forrest in 1866
and Northfield, at the present time, has no town or county pauper
and is, with a single exception, the only town in the county so
fortunate in this respect. We have had no criminal in state
prison for a long term of years and no licensed saloons.
In 1875, the expense to the town for paupers was $1,056.56;
in 1880, it was $600 ; in 1900, $135 ; and nothing in 1905. Some
of these figures were the result of contagious epidemics.
Before Merrimack County was instituted, Northfield was in
Hillsborough County and the great distance to the courts and
court records made a change greatly to be desired. The first effort
was in the line of establishing a half shire town for Upper Hills-
borough. Hopkinton was selected and the Legislature met there
for several years and the governors were inaugurated there. In
1823, after much debate and delay, ]\Ierrimack County was
formed and Concord constituted the shire town. Judge Peter
Wadleigh was the foremost man in the town in this matter and
assisted largely in its establishment. It is the central county and
is bounded by six of the others. It is 60 miles long from Dan-
bury to Hooksett and 55 miles Avide from Pittsfield to Newbury.
It contains 505,000 acres. It then had a population of 33,000.
Northfield had 277 polls, 287 horses, 367 cows, 202 sheep ; money
on interest and in bank, $4,900; stock in trade, 57,580; mills and
machinery, $88,900, and real estate, $437,590. This is in strange
contrast to the count of 1786, probably the first ever made, of
Avhich the following is a true copy :
"Northfield Apr. 11*^ ye:: 1786
"This to sartify a greeable to an Act Past the 3: ye: 1786 a
trew a Count of all the Males poles is 75 and the number of
women and children 274
William Perkins \
75 "William Forrest ? Selectmen"
274 Thomas Chase )
Increased, in 1880, to 46,300. Northfield had, in 1823, "1.
meeting-house, eight school houses, six districts; no tavern; two
stores; five saw-mills, two clothing mills; three carding mills and
four tanneries." Its population, in 1820, was 1,304 and, in 1880,
918, a rather uncertain increase.
In 1833, the New Hampshire Register gives the following:
"Two meeting-houses; three stores; one tavern; two doctors; no
lawyer; one cotton factory; six sawmills; two grain mills; two
fulling mills and two carding mills. Benjamin Ambrose Chase
was representative to General Court and there were ten Justices
of the Peace viz Thomas Chase, James Cofran, Benjamin Chase,
Samuel Forrest, Charles Glidden, Obadiah Hall, Thomas Lyford,
Jeremiah Smith, Jeremiah Tilton and Peter Wadleigh. " We
find, for the year 1904, one church, one store, one doctor, no law-
yer, no minister.
The first postal facilities were afforded by post riders and,
a little later, by the stage-drivers. ]\Iany old people remember
when the postage to Boston was 16 cents, and beyond a specified
distance was even more.
Dr. Enos Hoyt, soon after his arrival in town, caused an office
to be established at the Center and the letters were sorted while
the relay horses for the stage were being led out. Bradbury Tib-
betts served him as clerk. When the doctor moved nearer the
village the office was retained by John Mooney, who purchased
his house. It was later kept by Benjamin Brown until the com-
ing of the cars to Tilton and the discontinuance of stages.
It was then kept for some years at the store of Isaac Whittier,
where the Northfield grocery store now stands. There was an-
other over the river, kept by Archibald Clark for 20 consecutive
years on the spot where it now is. These were finally united and
we find John Taylor in charge in 1843, followed by Amos Jones
in 1846 and Benjamin Colby in 1850. It had heretofore been
kept in some store in the village. Carlos Clark was chosen in
1853, the first Northfield resident to hold the office.
He was followed by a short term with Bradbury ]\Iorrill in
charge. No other resident of the town held the position until the
coming of Daniel Emery Hill, whose sketch and portrait are here
subjoined. The office was moved to its present location during
his term of service. The name was changed to Tilton post office
in 1869. •
IMajor 0. C. Wyatt was the next from Northfield to hold the
place. At present, Luther H. Morrill, also from our town, with
quarters greatly enlarged and improved, leaves nothing to be
desired in the way of efficiency and promptness. ( See portrait. )
Merrill M. Moore was the first holder of this office. He was a
trader and the mail was kept at his store. "When, later, the store
was burned, the office was moved to the depot and kept by Amos
M. Cogswell, who was also station agent. A store being built
later by Leonard Gerrish, he was chosen to fill the office, from
whom it passed to Charles Henry Ayers. After some years it
was discontinued, but re-established in 1870 by Sumner A. Dow,
who conducted it until his removal from town. It was then kept
by William C. French for 16 years and has recently been dis-
continued, since the region is now covered by two rural delivery
(See portrait.)
Daniel Emery Hill, son of John Hill and Mahala Rollins, was born in
Northfield, September 7, 1833. He came of Revolutionary stock and
his ancestors were among the first settlers of the town, coming here
from Salisbury, Mass., in 1780, and settling on Bay Hill.
On the farm where his father was born Mr. Hill grew to boyhood
and was educated in the town district schools and at the old academy,
which then stood on Academy Hill, near the site of the seminary of
In the year 1858 Mr. H:ill was united in marriage to Mary Otis
Young, daughter of Thomas J. and Ann Kimball Young, and great
granddaughter of the Rev. Winthrop Young, for 35 years— from 179C
to 1831— pastor of the Free Baptist Church in Canterbury.
In the ancestral home on Bay Hill the greater part of their married
life was spent. For a few years Mr. Hill was connected with the bag-
gage department of the Old Colony Railroad, when they resided in
Boston. In 1889 Mr. F. B. Shedd of Lowell, Mass., purchased of Mr.
Hill his estate on Bay Hill, for a summer residence.
After an interval of four years, during which time Mr. and Mrs. Hill
made an extended stay in California and claimed residence in Concord,
they returned to Northfield and purchased of J. G. Davis the residence
off Summer Street, where Mrs. Hill now lives.
Mr. Hill passed away October 2, 1899, after a very brief illness, with
heart disease. He was honored by his fellow-townsmen with many
positions of public trust. For three terms he served Merrimack
County as commissioner and for 10 years filled the office of postmaster
of Northfield and Tilton. As a representative of the Republican party,
of which he was a staunch supporter, Mr. Hill served his native town
in the Legislature of 1897. For more than a score of years he was a
devoted member of the Doric Lodge of Masons.
A "bill" was presented to the New Hampshire Legislature in
1901 by citizens of Tilton and Northfield. a.sking that the "town
of Northfield in the county of Merrimack be and hereby is severed
from said county and annexed to the towTi of Tilton and made a
part of Belknap County."
Section two provided for all lawsuits then in progress.
Section three provided for a just division regarding county
debts: and other "sections," 12 in all, dealt with paupers, selling
town house, schools and other matters of existing alliances, etc.
This measure was backed by a petition of 45 legal voters, 10
of whom were owners of real estate in Northfield and another
from the residents of Tilton, containing 93 names. A public
meeting of the citizens of Northfield was held and the town
authorized Messrs. 0. C. Wyatt and Frank Shaw, two of its
selectmen, and a special committee of four, consisting of Albert
C. Lord, W. S. Hill, Byron Shaw and Clarence W. Whicher, to
vigorously oppose the measure. They were reinforced by a peti-
tion containing the names of 215 legal voters and representing
property to the value of $400,000.
Northfield was asked to give up her name and corporate exist-
ence and 17,000 acres of territory. Just what the consideration
was is not given in the bill, unless it was given in article or section
eight, which reads as follows: "All real and personal property,
including all debts, uncollected taxes, claims and demands of
every kind, now owned by and due to the said town of Northfield
shall become the property of the town of Tilton as constituted by
this Act but all moneys on hand belonging to said town of North-
field and all money collected from outstanding claims, and money
received from the sale of the Northfield town house, should it be
voted to sell such house, after the payments of debts shall be
expended in the territory comprising the to\ra of Northfield as
constituted prior to the passage of this Act towards constructing
a system of sewers."
Public meetings were called and private consultations held
along the byways and highways. Legislative hearings, with
Messrs. Jewett and Plumer of Laconia and Judge W. B. Fellows
of Tilton as counsel for the petitioners and Judge Charles F.
Stone of Laconia, Sargent & Niles of Concord, Hon. E. B. S. San-
born and Barron Shirley as counsel for defendants, debated the
case with much warmth and spirit. The committee on towns
struggled with the question week after week and finally submitted
the bill February 21, 1902, in both majority and minority reports.
A majority of seven recommended its passage under a new
draft, which asked for the village portion of the town only, which
contained 67 per cent, of the whole valuation and 16 miles of
highway, leaving the balance of the town with 64 miles of high-
way and 33 per cent, of valuation.
The minority of five, consisting of INIessrs. IMelvin of Lyme,
Whiting of Tamworth, Hicks of Colebrook, Jones of New Dur-
ham and Andrews of Somersworth, in a report covering three
columns of newspaper print, strenuously opposed the passage of
the bill in any form.
After much debate, on February 27, 1902, it was declared inex-
pedient to legislate by a vote of 275 to 33. The outcome caused
great rejoicing and many of those who favored the change in the
outset retracted their position long before the matter reached its
final issue.
A grand ratification meeting was held on the evening of March
7, 1902, and if the enthusiasm shown was any pledge of the love
of the citizens for their dear old mother town, Northfield has
reason to be proud of her sons and daughters. That she escaped
so great a peril adds a keener joy to her Old Home Day festivities.
Our town has been wonderfully free from climatic disturbances
such as have distressed the inhabitants of more favored localities,
but a few of minor importance I have deemed worthy of notice.
These will be given without chronological order or rank as to
In 1867 the farm buildings of John G. Brown were destroyed
by tire, including one horse, several hogs and 17 head of cattle.
Supposed to be of incendiary origin.
James Batchelder, living on Coos Brook, is supposed to have
fallen asleep on the bank while fishing and was drowned.
January 19, 1876, Taylor & Parker's store, on the site of the
present Northfield grocery company's store, with George Baker's
printing office, were burned.
July 3, 1865, a railroad accident occurred near the Winslow
crossing, whereby the engine, "Paugus," and a large number of
freight cars were completely wrecked and David Ferguson fatally
scalded. An excursion to The Weirs the next day was cancelled,
as the road was impassable.
In the spring of 1857 a disastrous fire occurred at Northfield
Depot. The wood shed, containing 400 cords of dry wood and
many hundred cords outside, together with wood-sawing machin-
ery and water tank, were totally destroyed. The fire ran through
the field and woods for nearly a mile.
All trains were delayed for 10 hours, the track being twisted
so it was impassable.
Two sad cases of drowning occurred among the students of the
seminary, who were at first allowed sports on the Winnepesaukee.
A young man named Tebbetts was drowned at the "steep eddy"'
while bathing, and another named Wilkins was carried over the
dam near the upper bridge with a boating party. All but one
were rescued.
"Tom Eoby's train" was derailed near the Forrest crossing
one intensely hot day, August, 1881 ( ?), by the spreading of the
rails, and Patch Clifford received injuries from which he never
fully recovered.
Samuel T. Holmes' barn was demolished by a cyclone, June 28,
Samuel Sewall's house on Bay Street burned April 26, 1877.
Doubtless an incendiary fire.
July, 1852, Stockdale was fatally injured in a prema-
ture blast in the cut below the village during the construction
of the Boston, Concord & Montreal Railroad. Levi Cross also
received fatal injuries at the same place.
Residence of Benjamin Glines struck by lightning, June 17,
1898, but escaped destruction. It was burned April 28, 1901.
Nat. Bean Avas frozen to death during a winter storm.
Lightning destroyed the farm buildings of Deacon Gardiner
S. Abbott, June, 1878.
Alonzo Collins committed suicide by shooting, February 18,
The old tan shed on Elm Street, after having been demolished,
took fire and was consumed.
B. F. Cofran's residence was burned the same time, May 27,
1875. Both caught from a fire across the river. ]\Ir. and jNIrs.
Cofran were absent from home.
George ^Mason Avas accidentally killed by falling from a load
of wood on Bean Hill in 1870. He was teamster for Joseph Dear-
Benjamin Glines' and J. B. Glover's house burned, July, 1879.
Lightning struck the barn of Warren H. Smith, June, 1878.
Horace Hicks was instantly killed by being caught in a revolv-
ing belt in James Earnshaw's mill and horribly mutilated, in
1863 (?).
Fifield sat down astride a Idtchen chair. His head
dropped over the .sharp ridge and caused his death by strangula-
tion. He lived in East Northfield, near the Canterbury line.
The tannery near Carter's mill was l)urned, January 15. 1876.
Su.san ]\Iaria, daughter of David Hills, was fatally burned by
her clothing taking fire at an o^en fireplace, October 14, 18-16.
The residence of E. S. Wadleigh was burned, April 22, 1881.
The frame proved to be of white oak.
Mrs. Mills of Concord died at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Charles Robertson, June, 1879, of hydrophobia. She had been
bitten 18 months before.
Miles Cate fell down the cellar stairs and broke his neck.
Col. James Cofran's house was blown down while in the process
of erection in 185-4.
Massa H. IMorey committed suicide in 1854 by hanging.
One of the most serious losses to the town by fire was the burn-
ing of the New Hampshire Conference Seminary and' Female Col-
lege, November 7, 1862, during a storm of sleet. It was doubtless
the work of an incendiary. The blaze started in the southeast
corner of the east wing, third story, and progressed very slowly
in the face of a high gale. The wreckage burned until Decem-
ber 18.
The Da\dd Hills house at the Center burned May 24, 1885 ; ac-
Willie Glines fell 25 feet from a staging on E. S. "Wadleigh's
house and received but slight injuries, August 5, 1881.
Thomas Benton Clark was found drowned near the lower high-
way bridge, August 11, 1872.
Sarah Cross was drowned while bathing in the Merrimack near
the Orphans' Home.
Mary Hall Morrison, aged two, was drowned in a tan pit in
Elizabeth Nudd was fatally burned from an outdoor fire, April
11, 1864.
Willis and Wallis Glines, twin brothers, were both fatally in-
jured by the cars at nearly the same spot. The former, Decem-
ber 27, 1899 ; the latter, September 4, 1886.
The old home of Asa K. Osgood was burned after his death,
July 25, 1900.
The buildings on the Brigham place on the main road Avere
Willis Carroll was killed on the railroad near the fair grounds,
August 23, 1904.
Charles Alonzo Gile was injured in a carriage accident, Decem-
ber 18, 1863, and died from its effects.
The farm buildings of Charles L. Barnard on Bean Hill were
totally destroyed by fire, December 13, 1900.
The Aldrich place was burned. This house was the scene of
David Smith's death. He fell from the beams of the barn and
broke his neck.
Job Glines died alone in a small house opposite the Deacon
Abbott home; found dead in the cellar.
Thomas Chase's new house on Arch Hill burned, November,
]\Irs. Maud Perry of Tilton killed on the summit while berry-
ing. Thrown from her carriage, July, 1905.
Child of John Cilley killed by a rolling stick of timber ; away
from home ; brought home at night.
The residence of Jeremiah E. Smith on Bay Hill was destroyed
by fire, June 18, 1904.
Carlos Clark perished in a winter storm, January 3, 1861, on
the hill south of the Arch. His body was not found until spring.
The Beckler House was burned, June 21, 1875.
Mrs. Mahala Evans was killed, October 17, 1852, by the cars as
she was rescuing her daughter, a deaf mute, from the same peril,
close by her door.
Mrs. Almena Eiley's farm buildings burned with cattle and
horses, June 5, 1903 ; a total loss.
Tom Glover lived in the Job Glines house by the Abbott's at
the foot of Kezar hills. He was found dead at the foot of the
cellar stairs, where he had apparently lain a long time. He was
from Canterbury.
The "great September gale" occurred the 23d of the month,
1815. The roof was blown from the three-story house of John
Moloney, now owned by ]\Iiss Mary Foss, and one story was re-
moved when repairs were made.
"What has always been called the Cold Friday occurred Feb-
ruary 19, 1810, with the same fearful phenomenon here as else-
where, though no human lives were lost. Cattle lay down shiv-
ering in their stalls and Avere covered with hay, and faces and
ears were frost-bitten everj^where.
The 6th of September, 1881, was in Xorthfield, as elsewhere,
so dark that lights were needed all day and has passed into his-
tory as the Yellow Day.
September 14, 1882, the residence of Daniel E. Hill was
wrecked during a wind storm by the fall of an immense elm tree
standing near it.
The house of Mrs. G. B. Lott was injured in a similar manner
in 1904.
Orlando Howe 's farm buildings burned in the summer of 1902.
January 24, 1886, a beautiful rainbow was seen in the west at
4.30 'clock p. m.
The stables of W. F. Daniells and Charles Kendrick at the fair
grounds were destroyed by fire in 1903.
About the year 1840 a band was organized in the west part of
the town ; its purpose was to furnish music'*for the old-time train-
ings and musters and to enliven the many gatherings of its mem-
bers and their friends. Capt. William Plummer Cross, though
not a musician himself, had charge of the business part of the
club and was sent to purchase the needed instruments. Benson
Hazelton, Rufus Manuel, William Plummer and the three Pipers
made up its membersliip. They were expected to serenade every
newly-married couple, near or far away. It existed until its
members were scattered. We have no date of its dismember-
Ten years later, another band was organized at Sanbornton
Bridge, under the tutelage of Alonzo Bond of Boston and Henry
]\Ieizner of Tilton. Solon Hill was leader and it became one of
the best in the country. This eventually gave place to others,
l)ut Xorthfield and the contiguous towns seldom lack good talent
that can be called together on short notice. INIr. Tilton has
several times encouraged some ambitious company by the gift of
instruments and uniforms. There is no organization at the pres-
ent time.
When the north fields were cut off from Canterbury and be-
came an independent townsliip, the grange was a thing unknown,
^lost of the inha])itants of the new town were patrons of the
ancient occupation of agriculture, l)ut they did not realize their
claim to "precedence over royal dynasties and titles of nobility,"
and were content to call themselves simply farmers.
Northfield had reached the respectable age of fourscore years,
when the order, "Patrons of Husbandry," was instituted in 1867
and had traveled five years beyond the century milestone when
the grange idea was planted within its borders. Once having
root, however, the new idea grew rapidly and on the night after
Christmas in the year 1885 sent out a bud of promise which be-
came a fruitful branch of the order, Patrons of Husbandry. The
holiday season of peace and goodwill was a fitting time for the
organization of a fraternal order, whose name should be called
"Friendship," and whose work should be performed in "Faith,
Hope and Charity."
Friendship Grange started out with these 17 charter members :
Jason Foss, James N. Forrest, Susan H. Foss, Obe G. IMorrison,
Morrill and Lovina Moore, Clarence W. Whicher, Fannie J.
Whicher, Mary W., Belle W. and Clyde A. Gile, Lowell M. and
Amanda A. French, Joseph J. Prescott, Bertha A. French and
Hiram H. and Sarah Cross. Of these, only 13 were present on
that first evening, but if any feeling of superstition existed in
the mind of any one it was not allowed to interfere with the work
in hand, and the organization was duly effected.
Among the officials present on this occasion were Hon. Nahum
J. Bachelder, then secretary of the State Grange, afterwards its "
master and, later, governor of New Hampshire ; Emri C. Hutchin-
son of Milford; Alfred Colby of Tilton, and W. D. Tuttle of
Andover. The first meeting was held in the old brick church,
otherwise known as the Northfield town house and, since that
night, as the home of the grange.
Electricity had not then been introduced into the building and
a few kerosene lamps and lanterns dimly lighted the large room
and shone fitfully upon the earnest faces of the few embryo
patrons gathered there.
The voice of our future governor rose to the vaulted ceiling
and mingled with the echoes of fervent exhortations and penny-
royal hymns which had ascended in the old meeting days from the
high-backed pews, standing in dark rows on either side of the
room. Perhaps, the charges given by the future state secretary,
Mr. Plutchinson, gained impressiveness from these echoes of the
past and the influence of psalm and sermon may have inspired
the efficiency with which these officers performed the duties of
that difficult first year.
The first master of Friendship Grange was Jason Foss, with
Lowell ]M. French as overseer and James N. F^orrest, lecturer;
steward, Hiram H. Cross; assistant steward, Clyde A. Gile; chap-
lain, Obe G. Morrison ; treasurer, Clarance W. Whicher ; secre-
tary, Belle W. Gile ; gatekeeper, Morrill Moore ; Pomona, Amanda
A. French; Flora, Fannie Whicher; and lady assistant steward,
Lovina A. Moore.
George E. Locke was chosen master for the second year and
Mr. Foss was re-elected for the third. Lowell M. French, Lucien
F. Batchelder, Edwin D. Forrest, Arthur H. Hills, Ned
Dearborn, Arthur P. Thomas, Ora G. Ladd, Frank J. Phelps,
Arthur U. Lord, J. C. Flanders, vnth Arthur P. Thomas for 190-i
and 1905, have in succession filled the chair. Mrs. Maude W. Gil-
man has been the only woman to hold the office, in 1899, and dur-
ing her term of service the grange saw one of its most prospercfus
years. Her associate officers were all women and all, from the
master down, took great pride in committing to memory the de-
gree work of the order, which made it much more impressive than
when read from the ritual. The only prize ever won by this
grange for excellence in ritualistic work was during that year.
A degree staff, also composed of ladies, was formed during Mrs.
Gilman's administration and had the honor of exemplifying the
third degree at a special meeting of the State Grange held in
Tilton town hall during the Grange State Fair.
Eight secretaries, all ladies but one and all residents of Xorth-
field but three, have handed down to the future the treasured
Fifteen have filled the lecturer's chair, all of whom, with a
single exception, have been or are now residents of our town.
This office is no sinecure. Upon the faithful discharge of its
duties depends in large measure the reputation and success of
the grange. Programmes must be arranged to suit the tastes of
all and to bring out the peculiar talent of the various members.
Important subjects relating to home life, farm life, social life and
the many burning questions of the hour nuist be discussed, essays
written, declamations learned, grange papers, dramas and songs
arranged for. If this order, and especially Friendship Grange,
had done nothing more than help its youth to discover their own
powers in some of these lines, it need never apologize for its ex-
Its tenth anniversary, December 26, 1895, was an event to be
remembered, not only for its inward cheer, but its outward gloom,
the weather not only being unpropitious but unseasonable and
unreasonable. Rain fell in torrents and the darkness of Erebus
was as noonday compared with the blackness of the moonless
night. The two neighboring granges invited were there, how-
ever, and Hon. Warren F. Daniell of Franklin, John C. Morrison
of Boscawen and James E. Shepard of New London. The for-
mer contributed a humorous poem to the occasion and the others,
addresses. The history of the organization for 10 years was
given by Lucien F. Batchelder and some wise prophecies uttered
by Miss Bullock, which have proved her a true prophet by since
coming true. There was, too, a fine address by Worthy jMaster
Ned Dearborn.
August, 1893, the long-needed grange kitchen was completed
and formally dedicated. Its acquisition was a great delight to
those who had so patiently endured the discomforts and incon-
venience of the old serving room. The town concurring and
assisting, the old seats were replaced by suitable chairs, electric
lights secured, water put in and a telephone installed.
The installation of officers has often been made a public service
and noted members of the State and National Granges have per-
formed the duty. These occasions have always borne their fruit
in new applications for membership. The occasional visits of the
Pomona are seasons of abundant cheer and the return visits no
less cordial, as sociability is one of the prime features of the order.
During the 20 years of its life Friendship Grange has enrolled
on its membership list many scores of names. Jeremiah E. Smith
was the first candidate initiated and is still a member in good
and regular standing. Some names are now enrolled as members
of granges in other towns.
The pages devoted to the memory of those whose faces are no
longer seen among us bear many treasured names of those who
obeyed the Great IMaster of the Universe and have gone to join
the great company whose work on earth is finished.
Friendship Grange has passed two decades of existence. It
has known vicissitudes — membership has fluctuated, interest has
flagged and revived again with the changing seasons, its youthful
enthusiasm h^s departed— but through shadow and sunshine it
has kept to its course, has held its place in the community and
fulfilled the promise of its beginning.
"Oh! happy grange, thy joys are pure
And free from taint of wrong,
Thy social seasons cheer our hearts
And make our spirits strong.
"In Faith and Hope we wend our way
From out thy sacred hall
Thy teachings to exemplify
With charity for all."
In 1885 the New Hampshire Grange Fair Association was
formed under the auspices of the Patrons of Husbandry for the
encouragement of agriculture and its kindred branches of domes-
tic industry in the state.
The history of Northfield would be incomplete without mention
being made of the series of 1-4 successful fairs held on the Frank-
lin and Tilton Driving Park grounds under its auspices, made
possible by the marked liberality and interest of the late Charles
E. Tilton. These grounds, so admirably located, easily accessible
by team or train, were fitted up with all necessary buildings and
equipments to meet all the requirements of a first-class fair and
its use freely donated to the grange organization. The first fair
was held in September, 1886, and was a noted festival and went
off with great acclaim. It was a great event, both in exhibit and
attendance. It was followed by 13 similar events, but the history
of the first one will suffice.
The novelty of an unadulterated farmer's fair was far reach-
ing. Hon. Stilson Hutchins, on opening' day, spoke for ]\Ir. Til-
ton, tendering the furnished grounds to the free u.se of the fair
association, to which Col. "\V. IT. Stinson, the president, responded,
giving expression to the appreciation felt by the association and
the grange at large for the remarkable evidence of his generosity
and the interest he had taken in providing such a splendid oppor-
tunity for the display of practical agriculture. The ^Manchester
High School Cadets were present with full ranks during the fair
and gave added attraction to the event.
On the second day Hon. Mood}^ Currier, governor of the state,
with his council and staff, accompanied by United States sen-
ators, members of Congress, also candidates for governor and a
large crowd of distinguished men from all the departments of
the state and representatives of the National Grange with many
lady guests, graced the exhibition by their presence. i\Ir. and
Mrs. Tilton gave a reception and dinner at the Tilton mansion
to a distinguished company at noon. Following this, under escort
of the cadets, led by Rublee's Band, the invited guests were
escorted to the fair grounds, where addresses were given by the
governor and many others. In the evening the Tilton grounds
and the charming village were brilliant with illumination; can-
non boomed, red lights burned and those who witnessed the
event will never forget its splendor. The displays of cattle,
horses, sheep, swine, poultry and farm crops were marvels in
quantity and quality, while in the domestic department the ladies
covered themselves with well-earned glory.
The 13 following fairs were conducted with the same care
and none of the objectionable features of other fairs which con-
tributed so much to their unpopularity and discontinuance were
allowed. They continued to be an annual festival, appreciated
not alone by members of the grange but by agricultural people
as well, and they acquired a truly enviable reputation. The
best speakers in the state were often heard on its. platform, not
least among them being Hon. Napoleon Bryant, who was always
warmly greeted not only for his pleasing speech and practical
talk, but that he honored the town by choosing one of its accom-
plished daughters to preside over his home and rear his children.
Much credit was also due the state president and his worthy as-
sistant, who later became our honored governor, Hon. Nahum J.
Bachelder, both of whom fostered in it the educational element
and many speakers of national reputation gave eminent counsel
at its gatherings.
These were a succession of splendid festivals, well ordered and
well patronized, the discontinuance of which, in 1900, was greatly
regretted. Mr. Tilton Avas, from first to last, its generous pro-
moter and we gladly give his portrait and sketch a place in con-
nection with it.
(See portrait.)
Mr. Tilton was a great grandson of Deacon Nathaniel, who came
from Strathara, about 1771, to Sanbornton. His son, Jeremiah, erected
the first public house on the site of the late Loverin Hotel and was
identified with all the improvements of the new country. He was a
blacksmith and a busy man, as he believed in home manufactures. He
was a Revolutionary soldier and had 11 children. His son, Samuel,
married Myra Ames of Canterbury. She is remembered for her lovely
character and nobility of mind, and her devotion as wife and mother.
Charles Elliot Tilton, the subject of this sketch, was their youngest
son, born September 14, 1827. He attended the public schools and at
15 became a pupil of Prof. Dyer H. Sanborn and was later, for three
years, at Norwich (Vt.) Military Academy, a discipline fitting him
well for the strenuous life in store for him during the 30 years of
intense devotion to business on the Pacific slope.
He married Louisa Peabody, daughter of Jeremiah and Nancy Carter
Tilton, January 11, 1856. They resided in her father's home until the
erection of the elegant and spacious home on the heights across the
river, in 1SG2 and '63. Much of this time he was engaged in extensive
business elsewhere. Two of their three children were born there.
(See genealogy, pages 304, 305.)
He was offered a captain's commission on the breaking out of the
Mexican War by Colonel Ransom, but declined it, owing to his parents'
His older brother, Alfred, had been for sometime a merchant in New
York City, by whom he was employed for a season. He was not satis-
fied with his position there, though prospects of promotion were offered
and, leaving everything behind him, visited many of the West India
Islands with a view to future business, and prospected the Amazon
and Orinoco rivers in canoes with Indian guides, a feat then never
before undertaken by white man. It was while prospecting in South
America, at Caracas, Maracaybo and Panama, that the news of the dis-
covery of gold in California reached him and he determined to hasten
thither, as his travels had not been satisfactorily remunerative. He
had, however, acquired a valuable knowledge of the Spanish tongue
and joined a company of gold hunters from Vermont and was thus
enabled to fill the place of purchaser of supplies from the natives.
No transportation was to be had to San Francisco and he had not
sufficient money to purchase a ticket. His brother's reputation in New
York, however, secured one for him and, after great hardship and ex-
posure, he arrived in San Francisco.
Mr. Tilton became identified with many enterprises on the coast and
frontier and helped open up the Columbia and Willamette rivers to
navigation and was one of five to develop the Oregon Railway and
Navigation Company.
In ISGO he, with W. S. Ladd, his cousin by marriage and a native of
Sanbornton Bridge, organized the first banlving-hoiise in Portland, Ore.,
which acquired a national reputation. He retired from this in 1881.
He was interested in several other banking houses and at the same
time was engaged in transportation across the plains, furnishing large
trains for all points and giving his personal attention to all the details.
Every day was full of adventure, but, in spite of malaria, terrific
storms and hostile Indians, he accomplished his youthful purpose,
after which time he devoted his energies to the care of his large prop-
erty and many interests elsewhere, but with home at Tilton, which
was named in honor of the Tilton family.
He made many improvements and his bounty recognized not only
the needs of the village but the comfort of the whole, as well as their
pleasure. His many benefactions to the town of Northfield will be
noticed in detail in their proper place.
In the summer of 1875 Mrs. AV. C. French and Willie Keniston
invited a company of neighbors and friends to meet in a beautiful
shady grove on the bluff east of the railroad station at Northfield
Depot and there held a very enjoyable social gathering, inter-
spersed with literary exercises, music and a bountiful collation.
A place more easily accessible was chosen and another held
later in the season, at which many were present from all parts
of the town. A table 130 feet long liberally supplied and con-
taining, as a newspaper article reported, "90 loaves of frosted
cake and other things in proportion," was one of the attractive
features. There was also a brass band and a squadron of horse
containing 25 saddles, and a rare literary treat.
An association was then formed and the free use of the grove
was granted by its owner, William G. Hannaford, and the neces-
sary seats and stands erected. Their meetings were held there
for many years in succession. Ministers, doctors, lawyers, gov-
ernors and congressmen not infrequently occupied the platform
and the speeches there made would have claimed attention in
the halls of Congress. Home talent was also encouraged and
prominence given to the public and Sunday schools.
The third one held is especially deserving of mention, not only
for the presence of Gov. Natt Head, but from the fact that 1,000
plates were filled from a hundred-foot table. Laconia Band M^as-
in attendance and was remembered with an enormous cake.
Sometimes, for variety, basket lunches took the place of public:
tables and, later, the gatherings were discontinued every other
year. The last one was held in 1896. The Glines reunions on
]\Iount Polly took their place in a measure. Yet, Northfield union
picnics are known far and near and were for 21 years a part of
the life of the town and as such are deserving a place in her
This family, one of the largest in town, has gathered for 11
years on Mount Polly, where, with other allied families, they
have held an annual "feast of reason" and "flow of soul."
The location, the pine grove as well as its nearness to the rail-
roads, where trains have always stopped for their accommodation,
renders it an ideal place for such gatherings, and the yearly col-
lation is one of its attractive features and it is always eagerly
looked forward to by the widely scattered families.
Rev. Jeremiah S. Jewett and Hon. S. S. Jewett of Laconia are
past presidents of the association and I\Irs. J. R. Scales of Concord
is secretary. The subjoined sketch and portrait of Mr. Charles
Glines, coming too late for insertion in the family record, are
gladly accorded a place here.
(See portrait.)
Charles Glines, youngest son of Job and Mary Dearborn Glines, was
born May 24, 1820, on what is known as the Windfall, where he spent
the early years of his life. He was employed for several years by the
Boston, Concord & Montreal Railroad as a section hand, but the greater
part of his life was spent in farming.
In the spring of 1853 he purchased the Dea. John A. Chamberlain
farm in Canterbury, to which he removed and upon which he spent the
remainder of his life. October 12, 1853, he married Mary Ann Morse,
daughter of Charles and Eunice Lake Morse of Canterbury. To them'
were born six children, the youngest only living to maturity. The
loss of three children within a month during an epidemic in the spring
of I8G3 was to him a blow from which. he never recovered.
He was gifted with a keen eye for mechanical work and was indus-
trious during his long life to a remarkable degree. He cared nothing
for politics or public life, but held the respect of his fellow-townsmen
for his honesty and uprightness. He took a keen interest in the
town of his birth and was a constant and interested attendant at the
Glines reunions on Mount Polly. In politics a Democrat, a member of
the Free Baptist Church, an honored citizen, he passed away, October
20, 1902, and his remains were laid beside those of his wife and children
in the Williams Cemetery.
Leroy Arthur, youngest son of Charles and Mary Ann Glines, was
born August 10, 18G7. Married, October 9, 1900, Jessie P. Raymond of
Boscawen. Their children are: Raymond, born October 3, 1901, Mary
Eunice, born December 4, 1903. Although not active in politics, Mr.
Glines has held many positions of trust within the gift of his fellow-
townsmen. He was elected a deacon of the Congregational Church, of
which he is a loyal member, in 1898, and he held the office continuously
until the present (1905). He was secretary and treasurer of the Can-
terbury and Boscawen Telephone Company from its beginning in 1896
until the present year. At present he is engaged in the lumber business
in addition to farming.
Nortlifield established a board of health in 1886. Its duties
are the same as those of similar organizations elsewhere, being
defined by statute. Each branch is a part of the state board and
amenable to it. At first the members were chosen by the citizens
in annual meeting; later, in 1898, hy a change in the law, they
were appointed by the selectmen, one being appointed each year
for a three years' term. The present members are J. E. Smith,
George Morrison, with John Senter as chairman. He is com-
pleting his tenth year of service.
woman's club.
Mrs. Croly, "Jenny June," debarred from the Press Club
in New York City, when Charles Dickens was entertained by
them, said, "Let the women have a club," and so the first one
sprang into existence. Its declaration of principles was the occa-
sion of sneers and abusive criticism and failure to o])tain either
sympathy or pity. Thus came "Sorosis" and, later, the "North-
field and Tilton Woman's Club." If that was the beginning,
this is not the end. A movement with such leaders as Julia Ward
Howe, Mary A. Livermore, Elizabeth Peabody and Louisa Alcott
could not long be unpopular.
The first clubs had generally for their object the raising of
funds for benevolent purposes and INIerrimack County claims to
have the earliest in America for any object, the "Female Cent
Union," originated by Mrs. ]\IcFarland in Concord. It has now
passed its centennary, has grown from a five-dollars income in
1805 to $4,000 yearly.
When the war broke out Soldiers' Aid Societies and Christian
Commissions developed a great power for good in many ways, so
when there was no longer need of service in war, the energy devel-
oped sought other fields of labor and other objects and the present
century has come to be called the ' ' Woman 's Age, ' ' for the reason
that she has come to the front as never before in the annals of
history. A practical writer has said: "There have been notable
women in all ages, women who have ruled empires and exerted a
powerful influence on government; women who have led armies;
or have stood high in literature, art and philanthropy, but il has
been accomplished more by individual effort than by the eftort
of many." A writer in the Chautauqua said: "America has
reason to be proud of her women, and in every walk of life, m
every human pursuit, in literature, science and art, in society, on
the stage, in every field of human endeavor, American women
have shown themselves the peers of American men."
The Tilton and Northfield AVoman's Club was organized No-
vember 16, 1895, and is consequently 10 years of age. Of its
33 charter members, 15 were residents of Northfield and thus its
right to a place in her annals is assured. Its object was to estab-
lish a social center for united thought and action and at the
same time to investigate and discuss the many questions not only
pertaining to the club but the whole community and the world
at large. It swung into line with Mrs. Frances S. Spencer as
president; Mrs. ]\Iary E. Boynton as vice-president; Miss Lizzie
M. Page as secretary ; Mrs. Sophia T. Rogers, treasurer, and Mrs.
Kate C. Hill as auditor. The board of directors consisted of
Mrs. Georgia L. Young, Mrs. M. D. R. Baker and ]\Iary M.
Its papers for the first year were all given by home talent and
covered a wide range of subjects and were very meritorious.
The social idea was made prominent and many happy occasions
enjoyed. With increase of membership, outside talent was avail-
able and the interest greatly increased. The executive committee
arranged the programmes and sub-committees had charge of the
meetings, thus bringing many into its working force.
Its musicales have been appreciated and home talent generally
encouraged, while "gentleman's night," with its added attraction
of dainty costumes and toothsome lunches, has ever been looked
forward to by the younger members as tlieir own especial occa-
sion, and in spite of all this our mothers and sisters still continue
to bake and wash, and nowhere w^ll be found more shining ex-
amples of domesticity.
Mrs. Alice Freese Durgin (recently deceased), Mrs. Kate C.
Hill, Mrs. Ellen Crockett, ]\Irs. Georgia L. Young, Mrs. Hannah
S. Philbrook, Miss Georgia Page, and Miss Lela G. Durgin have
filled its chair with honor and profit to the club. As to results,
it is acknowledged to have broken down many of the old walls
of church and class prejudice and been the occasion of pleasant
and profitable friendships, and is one of the agencies which is
bringing in "the kingdom."
One of the most pleasing ornaments of our town is the little
island in the Winnepesaiikee River at the east of INIain Street.
It was at first of small size. In 1847 Solomon ]\IcNeil Wilson,
relative of the Ingalls brothers, artists at Sanbornton Square,
seeing possibilities in the location for a studio, engaged Warren
H. Smith, who was then constructing the railroad through the
deep cut in the village, to construct a temporary bridge or way
across the river and deposit their superfluous grade there to the
value of $50. This was done; but ]Mr. Wilson had then made
other plans and, receiving no compensation, ]Mr. Smith took the
land which he sold later to Jeremith Tilton. When it became,
with the mill, the property of James Bailey, he constructed a
cable bridge to it from the east shore and used it as a drying
place for his cloth and, later, as a vegetable garden. When the
canal to this mill was widened and deepened the superfluous soil
was added to it and, later, a similar enlargement added still
more to its size.
Mr. Bailey sold it in 1865 to Hon. C. E. Tilton, who at first
erected a wooden bridge, to be followed later by the present iron
one. A bank wall w^as constructed around it, the surface raised
and a fine summer house erected and other attractive features
added. It has not only been a thing of beauty but a joy forever
to those who have found a real place of rest in its coolness and
shade. It is wholly within the limits of Northfield. The design
for the summer house was taken from one at the Vienna Exposi-
tion, plans being drawn on the spot while the "Bee Hive" on the
top is d la Brigham Young.
(See picture.)
Tilton Memorial Arch is a copy of the one erected in ancient
Rome in the year 79 in honor of the Emperor Titns and is one
of three similar structures leading from the Palatine Hill to
the Coliseum at the foot of the hill. It was erected after his
death to commemorate his conquest of Judea. Its ornamentation
represents his victorious return and the spoils he brought are
represented on it.
Our arch is located on an eminence 150 feet above the river
and commands a varied and extensive vicAv. It is of ]\e^^m Con-
cord granite, 55 feet high and 40 feet wide. Between the col-
umns of the arch is a device in Scotch granite bearing up a Nu-
midian lion, the pedestal and figure weighing 50 tons, which
bears this inscription :
Tilton 1883
On each end of the keystone is also this inscription :
"Memorial Arch of Tilton 1882"
It was erected as a tribute to the memory of the Tilton family
by their appreciative descendant, Hon. Charles E. Tilton. It
stands in the midst of well-kept grounds, directly facing his late
home across the river, and comprises a dozen acres and is illu-
minated by four gas lamps of elaborate design. It is not only a
constant joy to those living near it but it is visited by large num-
bers of people from all parts of the country. The foundation
extends 16 feet below the surface and is of the most perfect
construction. The plan was made by the late Edward Dow of
Concord and Leonard Conant had charge of the construction,
with Daniel Donovan of Concord as expert stone-worker.
old UOME day, 1901.
(See group picture.)
Northfield celebrated its first Old Home Day, Wednesday,
August 21, 1901. The event had been anticipated and funds
appropriated at its annual meeting. Circulars of invitation had
been sent out bearing the following invitation :
"The Northfield, N. H., Old Home Week Committee cordially
invite you to unite with them in the observance of
I— (
I— I
Old Home Week,
August 17 to August 24, 1901,
and especially to be present at the public exercises in the Con-
gregational Church (1794) at the fair grounds on Northfield Old
Home Day, Wednesday, August 21.
"Very respectfully,
"Miss Kate Forrest,
"Mrs. Carrie B. Morrison,
"J. E. Smith,
"0. C. Wyatt,
"Frank French,
"E. J. Young."
One saw the sure promise of abundant success in names of
those chosen to arrange the exercises of the day and the event
more than fulfilled the promise.
The response to this was gratifying and the presence of so
many gave great satisfaction to those who had the matter in
The newspaper reporter said of the occasion :
All roads led to the fair grounds on that day, and all the
morning trains brought new visitors to swell the large number
already shaking bauds and recalling old times together.
At half past ten the greater part of those present repaired to
the old church, where the literary exercises were to take place.
Here in this venerable structure, which has witnessed the chang-
ing scenes of more than a century, were gathered some who had
seen it in its prime and worshipped beneath its roof; others to
whom it was a new and novel sight, still others w'ho remembered
it as the neglected and decaying structure where town meetings
were held, and where the winds of winter held carnival. On this
day, restored to something of its former glory, brightly decorated
with streamers of red, white and blue, filled with happy faces,
the old church looked as if it had found itself again and seemed
entirely in keeping with the occasion. Above the ancient pulpit
the face of the honored ex-Governor, Frank West Rollins, looked
down benignly upon the people whom his happj' thought had
caused to assemble there. Decorations of golden-rod added to the
brightness and beauty of the scene. When the president of the
day called to order, he said that he disliked to break in upon the
sociability of the occasion, but a long programme had been pre-
pared, for which there was too little time. After a few appro-
priate remarks, he announced as the first number a song b^^ the
Shaker ladies' quartette of Canterbury. The sweet-voiced sisters
rendered the "Old Oaken Bucket" and nothing could have been
more timely. The Rev. C. C. Sampson was then called upon to
offer prayer. He stood in the high pulpit and once more the old
sounding-board echoed words of devotion.
Letters were read from Gov. Chester B. Jordan; Hon. Napo-
leon B. Bryant, who was unable to be present on account of the
celebration at Andover the same day; and from the Rev. B. A.
Rogers of Houston, Tex., a son of Northfield, who sent a letter
of interesting reminiscences in response to his invitation. Next
came a solo by Mrs. Emma Carleton Parker of Franklin, whose
mother sang in the choir of that very church in the years gone by.
Mrs. Parker's song, "Home Again," was very appropriate and
The pavilion with its long tables, adorned with flowers, loaded
with viands, and waited upon by a corps of ready and efficient
attendants was the place toward which all turned during the in-
termission, and here fully 300 people were entertained in a man-
ner which appeared to be entirely satisfactory. If "chatted food
is half digested food, ' ' then this should not have been a dyspeptic-
making occasion. The social spirit of the day was so fully in the
ascendancy at this time that it was hard for the people to stop
talking, and it was nearly two o'clock when the president again
called to order. The church was thronged at this session and
many were unable to gain entrance. Probably 600 people lis-
tened to a part of the exercises and it is not too great an estimate
to say that very nearly 1,000 people were on the grounds during
the afternoon. A solo by IVIrs. Alida Cogswell True very charm-
ingly opened the programme, after which Prof. Craven Laycoek of
Dartmouth College was introduced as an adopted son of North-
Held (a son-in-law would, perhaps, be more appropriate), and
spoke for a few minutes wittily and eloquently upon subjects
near to every heart. Another selection by the Shakers was
followed by the speaker of the day. Col. "William A. Gile of Wor-
cester, Mass., whose address was all it was expected to be — elo-
quent, reminiscent, inspiring. Colonel Gile, who is one of the
legal lights of his adopted state, was born in that part of North-
field afterwards talven possession of by Franklin. He spoke of
having cast his vote for town officers in the place where he was
then speaking, and recalled some of the old town-meeting-day
scenes. He drew a vivid picture of the district school of the olden
time, as he experienced it in the Hodgdon district under the
tuition of James N. Forrest. A eulogy upon the present govern-
ment of the United States and some amusing stories composed
part of this address, which we would gladly give in full did space
permit. Mrs. Parker 's sweet voice was heard again at this point,
after which Hon. James 0. Lyford was called upon. He re-
sponded in his usual happy manner and kept his audience pleased
for 15 or 20 minutes. A violin solo by Mr. Bryant came next,
and then Mrs. Lucy R. H. Cross, Northfield's "poet-historian,"
was introduced. She mounted the pulpit stairs and stood where
no woman would have been allowed to stand and speak 100 years
ago. She read an original poem, descriptive of the old church in
its palmy days, and then spoke for several minutes upon the sub-
ject of home and its association. Quotations from the poets and
original verses made her address beautiful and appropriate. Dr.
Dearborn of Nashua, an aged man, spoke briefly. The exerci.ses
were fittingly closed with a selection by the Shaker quartette,
^'Tenting Tonight," which was encored. The company then
separated with many expressions of satisfaction over the success
of the day and the pleasure which it had afforded them, and on
every side was heard the remark that Old Home Day would cer-
tainly be repeated next year.
The Tilton Cornet Band furnished music on the grounds.
Although the first Old Home Day in 1901 left nothing to be
desired by way of attendance, cordiality or literary feast, the an-
ticipated gathering in 1905 had a deeper significance, since it was
to be in part a celebration of the one hundred and twenty-fifth
anniversary, postponed from the date of its organization, June
17. The same loving and unanimous interest prevailed as on
the former occasion, and the forces, under the leadership of
Mrs. Ella Nelson, chairman of the woman's board, and Mi.ss
Mary E. Foss, secretary, with their able assistants, left nothing
undone in the line of culinary triumphs and literary feast. Let
it here be said that Northfield women are never found wanting
when occasion calls. ^lajor Wyatt, as presidins: officer of the
day, and Messrs. Shaw, Hills, Chase, French and Robertson were
equal to all other requirements, and the day — August 24 — arrived
with no doubts and passed, leaving no regrets.
The old church had been made beautiful with bunting and
flowers and the day was all that could be wished. It was hard to
call the chatting crowd to silence for the well-arranged pro-
gramme, much of which is herewith given.
The Cecilia Quartette of Franklin; the soloists, old and young;
with Kempl's Orchestra left nothing to be desired in the musical
line. The short and graceful address of Col. Thomas Dearborn
of Dover was well received. Mr. Dearborn has never before ad-
dressed the gatherings of his native town. He took for his theme
''Home," the foundation of all society, and "neighborhood," the
real center around which the world revolves. His thoughts were
reminiscent and his words graceful and forceful. He made a
happy allusion to the sentiment on the tombstone of one of New
Hampshire 's most brilliant men, one who had raised himself from
obscurity to be one of the leading jurists of the day, viz.: "The
true touch-stone of civil liberty is not that all men are equal, but
rather that every man may become the equal of any man if lie
can." Were we born equal, there Avould be no incentive. We
must struggle to be equal and then for supremacy. The fact
that one has fought to excel is sure to bring out what is best, and
this is what the world calls success in life. He closed with the
following sentiment : ' ' ^lay the rising generation, to whom the
future affairs of this old town will ere long be entrusted, ever
maintain her honor and protect her boundary lines. ' '
JNIrs. Nellie Oliver Shaw gave a semi-humorous paper, in which
she addressed herself to the returning sons and daughters in the
following graceful words :
What a numerous family is gathered in response to IMother
Northfield's invitation to celebrate her birthday; sons and
daughters, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law, step-sons and daugh-
ters and children by adoption ; also, the usual number of grand-
children, all gathered with union of sentiment, resolved to make
this a gala day which will linger in memory as one of the happiest
occasions in our lifetime. It needed no beacon lights on the hills
to guide the children home, though their appearance indicated
good cheer and a hearty welcome to all. As we turned the key
in the door of our homes today, we fastened life's cares all inside
and came in the spirit of a troop of happy children, invited out
for a play-day.
Hands will be clasped today which have been severed for years
and, as old friends meet, their thoughts instinctively fly to the
home of childhood which, in many instances, has greatly changed
in the passing years, yet the mental vision sees it the same as in
the sweet long ago. In their hearts it is a spot where the sun-
shine was brighter, the well-water cooler and the birds' carol
sweeter than elsewhere. * * *
If to bear life's burdens cheerfully, discharge its duties faith-
fully, to be contented in the sphere in which the higher power
has placed them, never beating against the bars, is to ])e great,
this town has produced some noble women. The diploma with
the seal of some famous institution transfixed is to be prized,
certainly, as it certifies to the fidelity with Avhich its owner has
pursued a certain course of study, but it is of less value than the
document, angel-recorded, which an illiterate woman sometimes
earns, and on which our Lord has written, ''She hath done what
she could."
One hundred and twenty-five years old ! By no stretch of im-
agination can we picture Northfield in its baby existence. The
struggles to maintain the right of a township are all unknown to
us, yet we appreciate all that our ancestors did to make this town
a desirable location for a home, and that it has many attractions
is evident from the fact that other towns have petitioned for some
of her fair lands and on several occasions she has responded with
While we would not give a melancholy shade to this happy day,
it is proper to give a few thoughts to the loved friend* so recently
called to rest; also to thase who once made sunshine in the homes
of our childhood. On the bright shore of the Eternal River they
wait for us and today we may wander, perhaps, to that Silent
City where their hallowed dust i-eposes, as thus we muse: "Oh,
City of Rested Hearts and Folded Hands! Over against your
walls no cares shall gather like an army with lances all unsheathed
— for you no broken dreams, no vain regrets. Your inhabitants
shall never say the day is long and I am weary, or the road is
•Kate Hills.
rough and my courage far spent, but in every sense their repose
is true rest."
]\Ir. Samuel Warren Forrest, one of Northfield 's returning sons,
now master in chancery in Massachusetts, spoke on "Grit," not
only of the sort which filled his shoes as he guided the plow be-
tween the rocks on the home farm in East Northfield, but the
grit, the intentness of purpose, which everybody must have to
amount to anything in these days of fierce competition and stren-
uous life.
After a reminiscent speech by Hon. W. A. Gile of Worcester,
Mass., who was the orator of the day in 1901, and a timely paper
from Prof. Lucian • Hunt, came the eloquent address of Hon.
James 0. Lyford, an able son of our mother Canterbury, Avho
has on several previous festal occasions entertained and in-
structed us. Mr. Lyford was for some years a factor in the
business life of Northfield and always practically interested in
her welfare. He has generously given it entire for publication
and I earnestly commend its noble sentiments to the careful con-
sideration of the boys and business men of the future.
Fellow Citizens of Northfield:
I desire to express to you my deep appreciation of your invi-
tation to deliver the address at this anniversary. I can but regard
it as the survival of that friendly interest so often shown to me
by the people of Northfield in days that are past. It is now
nearly a quarter of a century since I had neighborly association
with the citizens of this town. At the time of my residence in this
community, I could call by name most, if not all, of the citizens
of Northfield. As I look about me today, I miss many familiar
faces. They are the faces of those whose generous greeting and
helpful spirit encouraged me in my undertakings. They and
others who still survive were the friends of my youth and early
manhood, and there is no friendship more dear.
I should have preferred to appear here today as a former neigh-
bor and friend and speak to you in a reminiscent vein, recalling
incidents within the memory of many of us which contributed to
the pleasure of our association. I should like to acknowledge
my personal obligations to such men as your chairman, Otis C.
Wyatt, to Jeremiah E. Smith, Charles P. Herrick, A. B. Winslow
and others of the living, to James N. Forrest, Isaac Mooney,
Franklin J. Eastman and their contemporaries who have passed
away, and tell you how much their friendship meant to me in the
past and how pleasant is the recollection of it in the present. As
a practising lawyer, my first client was a respected citizen of this
town. If I mistake not, I performed the last legal service he re-
quired when I drew his will. His sincere regard for my welfare
continued until his death. Another citizen of Northfield signed
my first official bond, and there is no better evidence of friend-
ship. From time to time others responded to calls of mine with
a cheerfulness which admits of no misinterpretation.
I should like to individualize and give a just estimate of the
men of Northfield in my time, but any inadvertent omission would
mar the tribute I wish to pay to all and which is justly due to all.
They were men of character and purpose, strong in rugged hon-
esty, clear in their conception of duty, public-spirited citizens,
and an honor to any community. They were faithful to the
trusts, public or private, given to their keeping. They had a
pride in their town and managed its affairs with the same scru-
pulous care that they did their own. As I think of the leading
men of both Northfield and the mother town of Canterbury in
those days, I am glad to acknowledge my indebtedness to the in-
fluence they exerted by precept and example upon the young
men of the towns.
This occasion commemorates the one hundred and twenty-fifth
anniversary of the incorporation of Northfield as a separate
municipality. The birth of tliis town preceded by a little more
than a year the battle of Yorktown. Your history as a town,
therefore, covers the period of our national development and
growth as a people. The first settlers of Northfield gave freely
of their blood and treasure to win our independence. They as-
sisted in the formation of a federal government, and they and
their descendants have participated in all the stirring events
whieli have contributed to the glory and grandeur of the republic.
Northfield, therefore, shares with the older New England com-
munities the distinction of helping from the beginning in the
building of a nation. Iler sons and her daughters, at home and
abroad, have had their part in that onward movement which
brought these United States in a little more than a century from
the weakest of governments to the greatest of world powers.
The spirit which prompted the republic to celebrate its cen-
tennials is now moving the towns to appropriately observe their
anniversaries. There is no greater service we can render town,
state or nation than to commemorate the trials, the travail and the
sacrifices out of which the republic was born. We shall not de-
part far from the precepts of the fathers if we have constantly
in mind their example. In the honor paid to the past comes in-
struction for the present.
This occasion, besides being an anniversary, marks the com-
pletion of a narrative history of the town of Northfield. This
work of preserving in permanent form the records of the town-
ship, the achievements of its settlers and their descendants, the
patriotism and civic virtue of its citizens, the important events
interwoven with their lives, the story of their trials, tribulations
and trumphs is a work of your initiative, being your tribute to
the past and your contribution to the future. I congratulate you,
citizens of Northfield, on the public spirit which has prompted
and carried forward this undertaking, and I give you merited
praise for the service you have rendered to posterity.
It has been my privilege to read in advance of its publication
a part of this narrative, and I gladly commend the excellent and
conscientious work of the historian, Mrs. Lucy R. H. Cross. The
writing of history is largely a labor of love, for there is seldom
financial return adequate to the time consumed in its prepara-
tion. With a fidelity born of an affectionate regard for the town
of Northfield and its people, Mrs. Cross has performed the duty
you have assigned to her, and I confidently predict that your
verdict on her stewardship will be, ' ' Well done, good and faithful
servant. ' '
If Northfield has given birth to no president, United States
senator, governor or other eminent public man, she has at least
produced her share of that type of citizens who in all crises form
the strong bulwark of the republic. She can rightly boast of the
number of her sturdy and patriotic sons. The war rolls of the
United States, from the time of the Revolution to our last con-
flict, testify to the patriotism of her people, while her progress
in the arts of peace is evidence of the civic pride of her citizens.
One distinguished citizen does not make a community, however
much his fame may draw attention to the place of his nativity.
A town or city stands for what the average intelligence and moral
stamina of its people make it. As you read the history of North-
field, you will find that her people have borne their share of the
public burdens, met every emergency with courage and fortitude,
kept pace Avith the march of improvement and builded a little
better with each succeeding generation.
What is life after all but this, a rising on our dead selves to
better things, a progress where the average man sees clearer,
thinks more sanely, lives more righteously and is more charitable
to his fellow men ? Says a Avriter of repute, ' ' The growing good
of the world is partly dependent on nnhistoric acts, and that
things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been is
half owing to the number of those who lived a faithful and hidden
life and rest in unvisited tombs." The modern historian has
recognized this in that he has written of the common people quite
as much as of their leaders, bringing out strongly the influence
of the people on the march of events. Lincoln had faith in the
plain people and they never failed him in his hour of trial.
Leaders who should have sustained him often wavered, but the
intelligence and good sense of the people of the towns of which
Northfield is a type, reasoning among themselves, decreed that Iig'
was right. Oftentimes the people have moved faster than the
leaders, and throughout our history the influence of the "little
republics of New England," as our towns are sometimes called,
has shaped the destiny of the nation.
There were two prominent citizens of Northfield to whose lives
I wish briefly to refer. They were men whom I knew when a
student at the seminary across the river but who had passed away
before the time of my activity here. These men were Col. Asa P.
Gate and the Rev. JNL A. Herrick. Both lived the best part of
their lives among the people of Northfield, one as a lawyer and
public man, the other as a clergyman.
Colonel Cate Avas the legal adviser of individuals and business
interests for many miles about here. Although largely an office
lawyer, his counsel was sought far and wide. Except that the
transactions were not so large, Colonel Cate was confronted with
the same problems that face a successful attorney in our large
business centei's. lie had opportunities to advise clients how they
could keep within the letter of the law while avoiding its spirit,
how to make money and yet avoid the consequences of wrong-
doing. 8ueh advice in the business world yields both direct and
indirect returns to the constructive lawyer, for, beyond his fee^
is his inside information for making investments. Yet no client
ever received aid from Colonel Gate in any undertaking that de-
frauded an unsuspecting public through sharp practice or sinis-
ter methods. Beyond his duty to his client lay his duty to his
fellow men. In every position of trust, and he held many, he was
guided by a scrupulous honesty which secured and held the con-
fidence of his fellow citizens. He prevented litigation ; he settled
out of court, the troubles of neighbors; he advised always the
straight and narrow path, and all to his own financial detriment.
Was his life a success ? Yes, in every sense of the word, for the
whole community was the better for his having lived in it. His
name will be remembered wdth gratitude long after the names of
those more strikingly prominent are forgotten, or remembered
only for the wrong they suffered to be done.
Dr. Herrick came here to establish a parish of the Episcopal
Church. Student and scholar, ripe in general information^
possessing the respect of his associates in the ministry for his
ability, his talents could have commanded a larger and more
profitable field of labor. He chose, however, to abide with the
people with whom his lot had been cast. With a cheerful, hopeful
spirit he accepted all the privations incident to a small and strug-
gling parish. No w^ord of discontent or complaint ever passed
his lips. When the parish undertook to have a church of its own,
half of his meagre salary was only a part of his contribution to
the enterprise. This sacrifice on his part was not blazoned forth
in the public press. It is even doubtful if it were known to all
of his congregation, but I say to you that it counted more for
righteousness than any millions of tainted money. Dr. Herrick 's
life was an example of the simple life, yet no one can say that it
was not full and complete even if it w'ere circumscribed.
It is such lives as those of Colonel Cate and Dr. Herrick that
create and perpetuate a healthy public sentiment and transmit
high ideals from generation to generation. Their labors are un-
historie, and their tombs are unvisited, but the silent influence
of their example is more potent for good than the recorded bene-
factions of men who give from a dishonest exchequer. While we
continue to have such men, and they are not uncommon in our
day, we need have no fear for the republic.
The mother town of Canterbiuy and her daughter, Northfield,
have had close association since their separation one hundred and
twenty-five years ago. The similarity of names in the two towns
indicates much common ancestry. With Canterbury I was more
intimately ac(iuainted, as it was the home of my ancestors and
for several years my place of residence. What I could say of the
influential people of that town would be equally applicable to the
influential people of Northfield. I recall many men and women
of both towns, not conspicuous in public affairs, whose Avell
ordered lives, neighborly benefactions and constant sacrifice con-
tributed in no small degree to the well-being of the community.
Their daily deeds were no less heroic because unrecorded. They
were the moral fibre of the towns in which they resided. They
were the leaven of the whole loaf. Their silent influence reached
out through succeeding generations. While it is impracticable to
particularize their part in the constructive work of these towns,
it was nevertheless as important in the aggregate as was that of
those whose names adorn the pages of history. What New Eng-
land is and has been she owes to the patient work of the fathers
and mothers of such towns as Northfield and Canterbury, men
and women whose uneventful careers were cheered by no public
recognition, but who were content to reap reward in their gift
to posterity of sons and daughters reared to lives of activity and
usefulness. As we do honor to those w^hose lofty aspirations and
great endeavors have evoked the plaudits of mankind, we should
never be unmindful of that greater number, whose daily minis-
trations, creating neither present nor posthumous fame, have
given to the nation her highest type of citizenship.
As you recall with me the men and women of such Northfield
families of my time as the Abbotts, the Ayers, the Cofrans, the
Cloughs, the Chases, the Currys, the Dearborns, the Eastmans,
the Forrests, the Fletchers, the Fosses, the Giles, the Glineses,
the Gorrells, the ITerricks, the Hills, the Mooneys, the Philbricks,
the Smiths, the Tibbetts, the Whitchers, the Winslows and the
Wyatts, you will readily subscribe to their sterling worth and
credit them with their part in the making of the town. The
story of their Ifves is not recorded on the printed page, but they
were the uplift of the community. They freely gave that others
might receive. The impress they made upon their time is felt
even unto this day.
Across the river from this town is Tilton Seminary. It was
born on Northfield soil and cradled in its infancy and youth by
the loving care of the people of this community. Few there are
today who appreciate the work of the New England academies of
the last century. Erected by the self-sacrifice of a pious people,
representing the hopes and aspirations of some religious denom-
ination, often without endowment, supported almost solely by the
tuition of students, they sent forth in the world, not only well-
trained scholars, but well-moulded men and women. Their in-
fluence not only reached out to all parts of the country where the
students settled, but it related back to the towns from which the
students came They builded character. The young men and
young w^omen who w^ent out from these institutions were inspired
by lofty ideals. They represented the highest type of New Eng-
land manhood and womanhood. They in turn helped to mould
a healthy public opinion. Their influence is felt today as it
spreads out here and there all over the land where the people
are aroused to protest against public and private wrongs. If
Northfield had done nothing more than start one of these acad-
emies on its important career, more than one community, helped
by the influence of Tilton Seminary, should hold the town in
grateful remembrance.
The history of no New England town is complete in the mere
record of the achievements of its citizens. Most prodigally have
they contributed their sons and daughters to the settlement and
development of the vast area of this country beyond our New
England boundaries. Fiske, the historian, says that the 26,000
New Engianders of 1640 have increased in 250 years to 15,000,-
000, or one fifth of the population of the United States at the
time of this writing. William Stoughton, in his Election Sermon
of 1688, said of the people of New England at that time, "God
sifted a whole nation (England) that he might send choice grain
into a wilderness." More than a century later another sifting
came, that choice grain might be sent into the contiguous wilder-
ness of the West. Northfield has had her share in this vast emi-
gration, an emigration that has carried to the West, along with the
bone and sinew of the East, the traditions and early teachings
of New England. Today the New England conscience awakens
as well in New York, Philadelphia, Missouri, Wisconsin and
Colorado as it does in New Hampshire and Massachusetts.
It is somewhat common in our time to belittle the New England
character and to condemn the stern attitude of our ancestors in
meting out punishment to wrongdoers. It is true they were strict
in their code of life, frowning with severity upon violations of
the civil and the moral law, and little did they temper justice
with mercy. Yet it is the survival of their rugged honestly, tem-
pered as it is now by broader views of life, which in the present
age constitutes the public conscience that is demanding the ex-
posure and punishment of all forms of graft in political and
business life.
We have had of late revelations of Avrongdoing startling in
their chai"aeter. Public servants holding responsible positions
have been shown unfaithful to the trusts imposed upon them.
Men successful in business, honored bj' the confidence of their
fellow citizens, holding positions as trustees and directors in in-
stitutions where are gathered the savings of the people, have
proved unfaithful or criminallj^ negligent in the discharge of
their duty. A great insurance company, chartered for the benefit
of the widow and orphan, under the management of men eminent
in business and public life, has been exploited to enrich its lead-
ing officers. Names once synonymous of business integrity and
square dealing are now smirched with the taint of dishonor.
Men prominent in the financial world have lent themselves to
business projects which have robbed the public while enriching
the promoters. A society newspaper in New York is involved
in a scandal of blackmail to extort from the newly-rich of the
metropolis large sums of money to give them standing in the
social world or prevent the publication of scandal. From $500
to $10,000 have been drawn from individuals ambitious for social
distinction, and the publication of their names shows that it is
not alone the unsophisticated countryman who is the victim of the
bunco game.
It is not a pleasant picture that is portrayed in the newspapers
and magazines of the mad rush for wealth and distinction and the
methods employed to obtain them. The revelations would be
discouraging were it not that the public conscience is quick to
condemn and earnest that prosecution and punishment should
follow wrongdoing. I speak in no pessimistic mood, for this old
world wags much the same in all eras. Our past history is full
of departures from the straight and narrow path. "We are more
conversant today Avith what is going on abont lis than were our
ancestors, because of our greater facilities for obtaining informa-
tion. There is not more evil in the w^orlcl. AVe are simply more
conscious of its existence. The duty and responsibility for cor-
recting w^rong, however, are no less pressing.
In a republic like ours, the seat of all power and the tribunal
of final resort for redressing wrong are the people. The stream
W'ill not rise higher than its source. Our government, national,
state and local, our code of business morals and our social fabric
will be what the people make it. The homely maxims about
honesty, industry, thrift, virtue and content, maxims which
guided our New England ancestors, are as applicable today as
they were a century ago. Among all that striking company who
of late have been involved in irregular or illegitimate business
transactions, what one would not today gladly exchange places
with him who has led a simpler life 1
We of this generation have witnessed great changes in the
methods of doing business. The individual and the partnership
are giving place to the corporation in all lines of activit5\ With
the incorporated company we were already familiar, but the com-
bining of corporations on a vast scale was both novel and start-
ling. Fear was entertained that these large aggregations of capi-
tal would monopolize industry, crush out competition and largely
destroy individual initiative. To add to the alarm, investors in
these mammoth undertakings met with large losses for the reason
that the promised economies of production were not sufficient to
pay dividends on watered stock. New problems for the American
people to solve are the outgrowth of these changes of business
methods, and a healthy public sentiment will contribute much
to their correct solution.
It would be as useless to protest against combination of in-
dustry as to protest against the replacing bf hard labor by ma-
chinery. It is the trend of the times made necessary to meet
changed conditions of civilization. It is, therefore, the evils that
grow out of combination of industr}'- that we have to fear and to
correct. We have already seen that time and experience cure
many defects. Like all progress, our advance in business methods
has been marked by costly mistakes and wide individual suffer-
ing. Where these have been the outcome of illegal acts, the full
force of public opinion should be raised in condemnation and the
power of the state invoked to punish.
In dealing with these and other problems, our Avhole reliance
should not be placed upon restraining statutes. The unwritten
law, as it is called, the law wiiich has its force in the public con-
science and popular approval, is quite as potent at times as
statutes in restraining individual ambition and greed. There
may be no criminal law that will reach the directors of the
Equitable Life Assurance Company for their misfeasance and
malfeasance in office, but the public condemnation which has
greeted the exposure of their acts of omission and commission
will prevent for a season, at least, others following in their foot-
steps. Graft of all kinds grows upon the easy toleration of the
public. It required a bold and flagrant steal of millions to arouse
the citizens of Philadelphia to the fact that their municipality
was honeycombed with corruption. So strongly were the grafters
intrenched, they were able for a time to openly defy the public.
What is true of Philadelphia has been shown to be true of other
municipalities. We cannot hope to entirely eradicate dishonesty
in public and business life. Wrongdoing will probably continue
until the end of the world, but we should be able to secure that
alertness of the people which will demand frequent inquiry and
that sensitiveness of the public to wrongdoing that will demand
of all public and quasi-public officials a fuller integrity than that
which just comes within the pale of the law.
We have had a recent striking example of the force of public
opinion in the election of Theodore Roosevelt to the presidency.
Serving out the term of his predecessor, he provoked strong op-
position, as all positive and earnest men do. Large financial
interest^ were opposed to his nomination and election. The influ-
ence they exerted was a power not to be despised. They had
made and unmade public men. They were in close touch with the
business pulse of the country. William J. Bl-yan had been de-
feated twice because the business interests had been opposed to
his election. Would not Roosevelt's fate be the same?
The issue, however, did not come. It was shunted aside by the
force of public opinion. The people believed in the honesty and
courage of Roosevelt. He had taken them into his confidence.
He was dealing in the open. There was no subterfuge, no evasion
of responsibility. He might make mistakes. He might be wrong,
but he was doing the right as it was given him to understand it.
His personality soon overshadowed the questions of the hour and
Roosevelt was elected by an unprecedented majority, not because
that majority agreed upon the issues involved, but because all
agreed upon him. His triumphant election is an instructive
lesson in our politics. It is an encouragement to well-doing in
public life. It is a reassurance that ' ' a government of the people,
for the people and by the people shall not perish from the earth."
Such gatherings as these have their public use as well as their
social side. Here we renew old acquaintances and revive old as-
sociations. Here we honor those virtues of our ancestors which
contributed so much to the building of the town, the state and
the nation. Here we recall their lives of industry, thrift and
self-sacrifice. Here we are admonished by their precept and ex-
ample. Here again is presented to us the picture of the New
England community developing along the lines of frugality and
content and sending out its offspring to people the waste places.
What is the lesson of this day? It is this. We should culti-
vate a little more old-fashioned honesty and a little less toler-
ance of success gained by sharp dealing, a little more of those
homely attributes of the fathers and a little less love of display, a
little more patience in working out the problems of life and a
little less desire to overstep our neighbor, a little more of the
simple life and a little less envy of the rich. If we would give
force to our early instructions, if we would build a little better
than those who have gone before, if we would have the future
pay the tribute to us that we gladly pay to the past, we shall shirk
no duty and evade no responsibility, but keep constantly in mind
those things which are the foundation of true greatnQgs, con-
scientious endeavor and right living.
(See cut.)
Beautiful for situation, crowning one of the summits of Bay
Hill, overlooking a landscape of rare and varied charm, stands
the summer home of Freeman B. Shedd of Lowell, Mass.
In the middle eighties ]\Ir. Shedd came to Northfield and pur-
I— I
chased of Daniel E. Hill the farm formerly owned by Abra-
ham Brown, Sr., where he erected a handsome modern house with
generous windows and roomy porches, and painted it after the
fashion of our grandfathers, a cheerful red, which contrasts
pleasantly with the brilliant green tints of the surrounding
foliage in summer and with the snowy whiteness of winter.
Tlie house is sufficiently removed from the highway to give an
air of seclusion, which is emphasized by the symmetrical stone
wall separating the grounds from the street. On the approach
of a carriage a wide, white gate swings automatically between
vine-covered posts and gives admis.sion to the broad, graveled
drive which sweeps in a graceful curve to the house.
It is a beautiful picture which greets the eye on a fine summer
morning. In the distance the mountains lift their purple and
azure summits against the sky — in the east the Belknaps; on the
west Kearsarge; in the north the Ossipees and Franconia, with
Chocorua lifting its jagged peak between. Moosilauke nestles
against the rugged slopes of Cardigan, and the Eagged mountains
raise their sturdy summits on the western horizon. Half hidden
among the hills lies the great lake, a sparkling blue gem in the
morning sunlight, and winding down from it, a silver ribbon
amidst the green forests, flows the Winnipiseogee past the spires
and roofs of the distant city. At our feet lies the valley with
its meadows and streams; beyond slopes upward the hillside,
dotted with farmhouse, field and orchard.
Near at hand, dew-spangled stretches of velvety green grass
are broken here and there by ornamental beds and borders of
brilliant flowers and choice shrubbery, while graceful trees in
groups or standing in single majesty upon the lawn, wave their
branches in greeting. It is to the trees that these spacious grounds
owe much of their beauty. A few shade trees adorned the old
farm and one or two of these remain. Others — graceful elms
and stately maples — have been transplanted from river bank,
roadside and pasture and have taken so kindly to their new sur-
roundings that one might fancy they had grown where they stand.
A grove of young trees near the highway is growing into a min-
iature forest, where pine and spruce mingle their fragrance and
where the birds and s(iuirrels find a congenial home. This group
comprises many choice varieties of both native and foreign ever-
greens. Among them are the European larch, the oriental spruce,
Rocky JMountain spruce, mountain ash, dwarf pine and Nord-
man's fir, of which one specimen is vivid green in color and
another is a fine shade of blue. It is interesting to note the
points of difference and of similarity betAveen the home-grown
and the foreign varieties of the same species, and a lover of trees
finds much to study and enjoy in this pretty grove and through-
out the grounds.
At one side of the lawn, near the coachman's pleasant cottage,
is a grove of ancient oaks. Leading from this grove a road has
been laid out, winding down the hill, which affords one the pleas-
ure of a ride through the woods in the midst of woodsy sights
and smells, where ferns grow among the moss-covered rocks;
where majestic pines, a century old, wear their evergreen crowns
far above the earth; where spreading shrub and creeping vine
are permitted to grow in their own way. and where the small wild
denizens of the forest are unfrightened by the sound of gun or
woodman's axe. Branching from this is a road leading to the
river and this wildwood drive is one of the most attractive
features of the estate.
The grounds and the drives of this fine place of Mr. Shedd's
have been laid out, and are still carefully looked after, under the
direction of the head farmer, who is also a landscape gardener
of ability and experience.
A visit to this estate would not be complete without a call at
the barn where the horses and cattle are luxuriously sheltered.
On the way we pass the tall water tower with its screen of sil-
very poplars and drooping willows, cross a mowing field and
skirt the garden with its rows of berry bushes. The barn has
been remodeled and made more capacious until it is a really
sybaritic home for the four-footed members of the family. The
horses have polished finishings of South Caroline pine in their
quarters and enjoy roomy box-stalls, furnished with every equine
convenience. Beyond is a light and airy section where the cows
take their comfort, each with her individual drinking cup before
her, filled through pipes from an inexhaustible reservoir. At one
end of the long barn a window looks out on the clean yard, with
its high stone-posted fence, where the cattle take the air and chew
the cud of contentedness. Nearby a windmill, slowly turning on
its tall framework, lends a picturesque touch to the landscape,
and in the distance, with a background of misty hills, lies the
village in its valley beside the river, with its church spires and
pleasant homes clustering among the trees.
Mr. Shedd has added to his original purchase many of North-
field's green acres, including the large adjoining farm, whose
roomy, convenient dwelling house is the residence of the head
farmer, while, on the opposite side of the road, are sunny pas-
tures and dark woodlands and broad fields of waving grass or
ripening grain and rustling corn, which belong to the estate.
Trim fences and attractive roadsides add to the beauty of this fine
estate, which, with its matchless environment, is an ornament to
the town and a source of pride and pleasure to all citizens,
scarcely less than to its fortunate owner and his family.
A town history to be exactly in order, it is said, must have an
Indian legend, a witch episode, a haunted house, a bear, fish and
snake story. One or two of these your historian has been cog-
nizant of or proven beyond a doubt; for the rest she has relied
on the customary authority in such matters.
Mrs. James Lindsey and Mrs. Josiah ]\liles, who lived on oppo-
site sides of Skenduggody Meadow, were both owners of slaves.
They were visited, in 1753, by the two Indians Plausaway and
Sebattis. Mrs. Miles sold one of them a shirt and on his un-
dressing in her presence to put it on she noticed some small cords,
called "Indian lines," wound about his body. She questioned
him about their use and obtained an evasive answer. It was
evident next morning, however, as they had each tied up and led
away a slave in the night — Peer from the Mileses and Tom from
the Lindseys.
Peer returned after a few days to tell the story, but Tom was
never seen. They came again the next year and being accused
of the theft, told them boldly that slaves were lawful booty, as
they had never made a treaty with the English. It is said Mrs.
Miles used her tongue prett}'^ freely, threats were made and toma-
hawks flourished and they told Mr. Miles if they ever met his
wife, Elisabeth, again they would have her scalp. Matters looked
threatening and Parson Walker of Concord was sent for, who
took the Indians home with him. A court w^as there held before
Joseph Blanchard, May 21, 1751, in which Mrs. Miles made depo-
sition that the slaves stolen were worth $500 (old tender).
A friendly Indian named Cohas occupied a little cabin in the
olden time between the present home of John S. Winslow and the
railroad. It was built between birch trees, one or either side,
but nothing is said of family. He used to hunt and fish about
Sondogardy Pond and its outlet was first named "Little Cohas
Mother Blanehard was once surprised outside of Canterbury
Fort. The Indians giving chase, she, a corpulent woman, showed
such skill in running that they stopped to laugh while she es-
caped, cheered on by their cries of "porchuc, purchuc," mean-
ing woodchuck.
John Cilley, Jr., was once the victim of a serious encounter
with a black bear on Bean Hill. Being told by his father one
morning that Colonel Cof ran 's black dog was chasing their sheep
in a pasture full in sight, he went to drive him away and, coming
near them around a clump of bushes, found himself face to face
with a bear. He lost no time in climbing a small tree near by,
but not in time to evade the stroke of his paw as he ascended,
which took off not only his stocking and shoe but nearly all the
flesh from the knee down. It was years before the boy recovered
from the fright.
A bear caught on the upper Merrimack intervale dragged the
trap through fields and over stone walls and even over the
"Loer" bridge spoken of elsewhere on the stringers. Hunters
followed the trail and he was found near the Sanbornton moun-
tains still dragging the trap.
A large hemlock tree in the giilly at the foot of the Kezar
hills on the Bean Hill Road was for years called the "Bear
tree. ' ' On the level with the road was a row of branches form-
ing a circle around it. Here a large black bear found a resting
place and, being discovered, was promptly despatched. Mrs.
Forrest Cross, whose father, Edmond Douglass, lived near, al-
ways remembered her birthday as the da.y the bear was killed.
The bear tree grew to be an immense one and a few years since
was cut for lumber by J. E. Smith and boards and plank of
more than ordinary width made from the limbs.
The following story has no historic value except as it recalls
the exciting period in our town, as well as elsewhere, when the
followers of "William IMiller were daily expecting the summary
closing up of sublunary things :
One of the most familiar sights of my childhood was a big blue
umbrella sailing across our pastures and fields. Under it was a
little old woman called "Granny Byenton." She used to knit
sale footings and take them to the store (let us say Whittier's, to
have the story in the toMTi), to buy snuff. Sometimes, perhaps,
her supply would be exhausted before she had a pair finished;
one, however, was all right, for her constantly recurring need
was sure to promptly bring the mate. She was greatly troubled
about the Millerites, who were trying, she thought, to bring the
world to an end. One day, out of breath and thoroughly fright-
ened, she rushed into the house to say, ' ' I hearn a gun go off, off
in the woods, and I thought, I wished, I hoped gracious it killed
every Millerite there was in the world. For, if they should bring
the world to an end when I'm out alone, I should be scared
almost to death,"
Mother Wadleigh used, with a single female companion, to
remain alone with her little ones, while her husband took his fre-
quent trips for supplies to Portsmouth, and had some thrilling
adventures with wild beasts. One night she utilized the winter
fire to prepare meat for the needs of the morrow. A wildcat,
attracted by the scent, was heard snarling about the log barn
and, failing to find ingress there, was heard growling and climb-
ing on the roof of the log cabin, the rock chimney of which hardly
rose above the roof, the rod across which with the lug-pole and
chain (they had no "cranes" then), were being pushed aside
and birch bark fires were not equal to the occasion. In despera-
tion the children were snatched from their bed, the straw tick
dragged out and soon the roaring straw proved too much for the
frenzied animal, who made his retreat and was heard, howling
with pain, far into the night and found dead next day near by.
This story is but the conclusion of one begun by Professor
Hunt in his centennial address on page 129. The shad and
salmon that used to arrive at Franklin annually the last of May,
where the former turned to the right and the latter to the left,
was owing to the shad, being prompted by nature, desiring the
warmer waters of the lake and the salmon the cooler mountain
-stream. After their progress was stopped by the building of the
Sanborn and Eastman dams they laid for some days idle in the
current and never again, after 1814, made their apiJearance.
On the occasion of their last visit they were taken in large num-
bers and their presence over Sunday was a matter of great con-
cern to the good old Puritanic fathers of the town. The fish
warden was called on duty and the many devices to evade his
watchfulness furnished many a table far and near with a luscious
Sunday dinner, and also furnished laughable stories and jokes
for 5'ears afterwards.
Northfield, so prolific in almost everj^thing, has been unable
to furnish a ghost story well authenticated. So, rather than be
found wanting, we will drop into sentiment and say with Long-
fellow that
"All houses wherein men have lived and died
Are haunted houses. Through the open doors
The harmless phantoms on their errands glide
With feet that make no sound upon the floor."
Some two houses especially claim the designation. The present
home of Deacon Abbott (though but few of its many occupants
died there) has been the abode of so many families that it must
enjoy a perpetual picnic. The Josiah Dearborn place has been
the site of three or four houses and a large number of tenants
and owners. I will quote further, not, however, with the view
of disquieting any one's titles.
"We have no title deeds to house or lands.
Owners and occupants of earlier dates,
From graves forgotten, stretch their dusty hands
And hold in mortmain still their old estates."
It is this ver}^ thought that gives such a charm to Old Home
Day, home comings and the daydreams of young and old.
Mrs. Cooper Clark, who lived near the Bean Hill sehoolhonse,
was believed by the many pupils there to be po.ssessed by e^^l
spirits. She may have encouraged this belief to be free from
their too frequent visits.
Enoch Rogers, who performed the duty of oliore-boy at Colonel
Cofran's, once, when left alone to do the churning, fancied the
churn contained a combination of willing- cream and the imwill-
ing spirit of the suspected neighbor; and the witch must be
burned to death, according to an old-time superstition. lie hur-
ried to the barn, secured the "cops pin," and after making it
red hot made repeated attempts to land it in the churn, scarring
it here and there in the process. He succeeded to his own dis-
comfort, but Mother Clark suffered no inconvenience. There
was no gilt-edged butter made at the Cofran farm that day.
A family, which shall be nameless, living not far from Sken-
dugoddy Meadow, had several insane members and in the olden
time were said to have been bewitched. An older member Avho
had the mania of drawing a wheelbarrow after him up and down
the town, Avas once frightened by its touching his heels, ran amuck
through the streets until the barrow was completely demolished.
The vicinity of the Hodgdon schoolhouse has the reputation of
being a good place for snakes, not of the kind, however,
"That lie in the grass so prettily curled,
Waiting to snake you out of the world."
Some two years since, INIr. EdAvard Cross captured about twenty
black ones in an old AA'ell on his premises. A ncAvspaper adver-
tisement offered a good sum for some "\^armints" for a snake
charmer. IMr. Cross shut them up in the Hodgdon schoolhouse
and notified the AA^ould-be purchaser. No answer came and after
some delay they AA^ere all killed the day before the man arriA^ed
with the purchase money.
' 4
The folloAving Avas inadvertently omitted from the ecclesias-
tical history of the toAvn :
We Avill not envy the sister toAvn of Warner the honor of having
given birth to Jacob Osgood, the originator and leader of a sect
bearing his name, since Northfield claims the honor of being not
only the birthplace, but death-place as aatII, of the last member
of the clan. The membership in Northfield consisted of several
of the Dollof¥s, Asa Bean and the Grover family on the Wind-
fall. Nancy Glidden, Avife of Philip Clough, Avho lived near the
site of the Elm Mills Woolen Co., was one of the sisters and meet-
ings were often held at her house. The greater part of them,
however, resided in Canterbury Borough and near the Emery
They gained few members after the first. The fathers, Osgood,
Ordway and Colby, used to make yearly visits and the Pond and
Emery schoolhouses used to howl with their unseemly exhorta-
tions. The}^ were wont to expend the whole of their ragged and
often vulgar vocabulary on the hireling ministers, doctors, law-
yers, abolitionists and black republicans. They thanked the Lord
for apples and hard cider and advocated drinking rum. They
healed the sick by the lajdng on of hands, refused to vote or pay
taxes. They did not approve of a fighting religion and so re-
fused to "appear armed and equipped as the law directs with
gun, knapsack, priming wire and brush" on training days, conse-
quently they were arrested and their crops and cattle sold by the
sheriff to pay the fines and taxes.
They were honest and correct in their lives and some excellent
people got entangled in their strange semi-savage worship and
still maintained their purity of life, but their nocturnal gather-
ings were the resort of the shabby crowd and of many whose
tastes were vulgar. Many of their numbers, fof lack of medical
attendance, died prematurely and the Grover family on the
Windfall remained alone for many years. No services were held
for a long time previous to the death of Sally Grover, the last of
the sect, September 5, 1897. They dressed in Quaker gray and
strove in all possible ways to be unlike others. Peace to their
Nortlifield Factory Village, later known as Smithville, was so
distinct a part of the town, I have recorded it entirely separate
from the other portion. It had great natural advantages and
was early settled. Before 1800 a dam had been erected above
the Sanborn Bridge, which was located somewhat farther up the
stream. This dam was probably built by Mr. Folsom, of whom
I can obtain no data save that he had a sawmill on the north
end of it, which was carried down the river by an ice freshet.
Jeremiah Sanborn, w^ho had come from Hampton in 1778, rebuilt
on the Nortlifield side. There was a road by the river bank ex-
tending quite a distance. A canal was cut through this road,
later, from this dam to the Daniell's Bridge, on which several
industries were located. This Sanborn sawmill: was afterward
removed to the site of the Folsom mill.
Dam No. 2. — In 1821 Boston John Clark, who has been called
an ' ' unlettered genius, ' ' who was, however, a born mechanic, built
for Kendall 0. Peabody the next dam below, long known as the
Aiken dam. He also erected a mill where Mr. Peabody soon be-
gan the manufacture of paper. Mr. Peabody had come from
Peterborough a few years previous and established a bakery in
the Avest village. He used to send out carts with his ginger-
bread, crackers and cakes and among other things rags were legal
tender. A large accumulation of these, first suggested a new
business. Robert Crane, a professional paper maker, became as-
sociated with him in the enterprise.
A paper mill, the first in the country, had just been established
at Exeter and Daniel Herrick, a born inventor, mechanic and
skillful machinist, w^as sent there, clad in the garb of a Quaker,
to study the machinery. He returned and built the machines for
the new mill. The work prospered and the mill was greatly en-
larged. After five j^ears, it is said, Mr. Peabody, with his brother
James li., and Isaac, the brother of Mr, Crane, bought seven
acres of land and the water privilege attached to dam No. 3 (of
which we shall speak hereafter) and with the addition of Jere-
miah F. Daniel, removed the business to the Peabody village,
where it has ever since been the leading industry of the town.
The old paper mill became a gristmill, owned and run by Mr.
Darling for many years. This site is now occupied by Stevens'
For many years a long stretch of waste land extended from the
Sanborn Bridge down the river bank to the old stable and tavern
kept long ago by a ]\Ir. Hoyt and later by John H. Durgin. Next
in line stood the Batting Mill and beyond, in the midst of a broad
common was erected a cotton mill about 1821 by three Smith
brothers and John Cavender, all of Peterborough. A store ex-
tending out into the street was built and a row of four double
boarding houses erected on the river bank which are still there.
The canal lay in front of them, on which the new mill was built
for the manufacture of cotton cloth.
They were all painted yellow and in later years were known
as the "Yaller Mill" and "Yaller Row." The grounds about
were kept in fine condition, shade trees planted and a library
established for the free use of their operatives and others for a
nominal sum. This has ever since been in existence and was
the precursor of the present Smith Library. A family named
Annan, also of Peterborough, were engaged in the enterprise,
all of whom were a power for good in the business, social and
religious life of the little village. "William Smith died at Smith-
ville ; Robert, who had studied law previous to coming to North-
field, removed to St. Louis, ^lo., and James, who married Persis
Garland of Salisbury, also removed there and afterwards was
honored by a seat in the United States Senate.
The Pecil)ody brothers afterwards owned this mill, which was
used for various purposes until its destruction by fire in 1853.
Peter Goodnow was the proprietor of a mill in connection with
the cotton cloth manufacture for the making of batting, of which
Mr. John Lewis had charge. It continued after the mill ceased
to be used for cloth.
Hiram Hodgdon and John Gould made straw board in the
counting room of the old cotton mill for a time. Mr. Hodgdon
sold to Mr. Gould, who, in turn, sold to J. F. and W. F. Daniell,
who continued the business until the burning of the mill.
A. L. Fisher manufactured wrapping paper from straw in the
old batting mill. This business eventually passed to Peabody &
The history of the sawmill on the canal has been given elser
where (see page 98), so we will pass on to Dam No. 3.
The site now occupied by Sulloway's Mill was early used for
manufacturing purposes. Dearborn Sanborn built a dam here
in 1818 and established his shingle mill. Thomas Elkins had a
large sawmill on the Northfield end of it, where an immense busi-
ness was done and large rafts taken down the river to better
It is said that Ebenezer Blanchard and Ebenezer Eastman had
a woolen mill here, but no facts can be obtained. It probably
antedated the Elkins sawmill.
A double house stood next and then the open space to Eowe's
store. The Carlton house is the only remaining dwelling and
the blacksmith shop, long since modestly retired to the rear,
and the cooper shop became the ]\Iarsh shoe store. The long
building called the Tontine, with basement on the north side,
was considered a fine house 75 years ago. Robert Crane built
it when he came with his brother, Isaac, and others to begin
the manufacture of paper. He occupied a part of it and James
Lewis (see Mills), the. other. After the departure of the Cranes
it was used by the Welches as an extensive tailor's shop. It
was removed when the Franklin and Tilton Railroad was built.
None of the fine churches were built in 1858 and the dwellers
there sought church and extended school privileges at Frank-
lin Village. All south of Main Street was an open pasture, ex-
tending to the south and east. On the south side of Central
Street one has found nothing for many years but the little red
schoolhouse, where a school was established in 1827, formed from
several other districts. Here all the children from the Leigh-
ton, Cross, Gerrish, Heath, Hancock and Kezar families used
to congregate and your historian, in 1851, and again in 1858,
tried with varying success to urge some forty or fifty ' ' tardy
loiterers" up the rugged hill of science. This school was united
with the one across Sanborn Bridge in 1858 and together occu-
pied Lyceum Hall building. The old schoolhouse now does duty
as a laundry and grain store.
The Brockway and Carlton houses still exist in a changed con-
dition, but the old-timer looking for familiar scenes would find
but little in and around the railroad station and side hill to re-
mind him of the old-time cow pasture and marsh land. A copy
of the school register for 1851 is in existence, w'hen Angeline T.
Sweatt was teacher and every other name on the list was Kezar.
(See gen.)
There was a job printing office established long ago on the site
of the SuUoway ]\Iills. The style of the firm was Peabody, Dan-
iells & Co. and the Co. was Eliphalet Ayer. They had quite a
business in printing Bibles, testaments and Worcester spelling
books. It is known that three of the Bibles are now in existence.
The office was in a yellow shop on the left, a little below the
entrance to the Daniell's Bridge.
Charles F. Hill had a job printing office for many years, until
his death in 1888, on Bay Street. He had a reputation for extra
fine work. After his death the business was transferred to Tilton
and became the property of H. A. Morse.
Another office established by George W. Baker was in the
upper story of the remodelled Whittier store, opposite the optical
works. A shaft was extended underground from the dam across
the street and thus power was obtained. It was destroyed by
fire and never restored.
The board of selectmen, ]March 11, 1903, voted the privilege to
erect poles in the streets and highways of Northfield to the New
England Telegraph and Telephone Company. Conditions wex'e
made and duly recorded on page 266 of the town records for that
year. There are no country' line exchanges in Northfield, except
one on High Street.
This line came from Laconia and Henry Davis was first man-
ager for Tilton and Northfield. Permission to erect poles has
been granted from time to time, until all the farming districts
have been covered. The first machine was installed during the
autumn of 1895 or 1896 and they now number 115. The present
manager is Harry W. Muzzey.
The first store in Northfield was kept by Benjamin Blanchard
at the Wadleigh place on Bay Hill. This his son, Ebenezar, moved
later to where the Northfield Grocery Company's storehouse now
stands and the brown house opposite was the home of his family.
It is now the oldest dwelling in town. He opened a branch store
soon after at Salisbury, now Franklin, and his business there
increasing rapidly, sold out here to his clerk and removed to
Salisbury, where he conducted much business till his death.
Squire Charles Glidden and his son, Charles, perhaps the latter
alone, erected a large store at the Center, opposite the old meet-
ing-house, where a large business was conducted many years.
(See page 139, part 2.) He sold out to John Mack Oilman, who
was succeeded by Greenough McQuesten and John Kimball Wood-
man, who remained but two years. Milton Gerrish and Jacob
Moore purchased the house and business and removed both to
Sanbornton Bridge. It was the first building occupying the cor-
ner where the present town hall stands.
Owing to the departure of nearly all the local industries from
the Center to the "Bridge" (as it was called), the store opposite,
built by Capt. Isaac Glines, was never occupied and some years
later was sold and removed to become a dwelling house at the
village. Later, a small store on the opposite corner was kept by
Andrew Nudd with a small stock of groceries and tobacco.
John Moloney had a small store in the side hill opposite Josiah
Dearborn's, where some business and much political wire pulling
was done. Votes for future delivery were legal tender, as he
always had some coveted office in sight. Squire Glidden was his
political rival and often INIoloney's purchased votes went to elect
his rival. Smarting under defeat, he once charged Mr. Glidden
with a whole barrel of rum as the price of the stolen votes.
A store was opened at this place about the time of the coming
of the railroad. Amos C. Cogswell, Charles and Augustine
Ayers were some of the early traders. About 1850 INIerriil IMoore
became manager of a large business here, making a specialty of
palm leaf hats and berry picking in their season. This store
flourished for many years until its destruction by fire. Oliver
L. Cross, William Keniston, Frank Moore, Samuel Emery and
Charles Sanborn have in later times conducted a varying business
here. The store has, since Mr. Sanborn's death, been discontin-
ued. William C. French and Sumner A. Dow carried on a con-
siderable meat business until 1881, the latter sending 50 lambs
and 200 chickens weekly to St. Paul's School, Concord, 500 lambs
coming in a single season from Grafton County.
Isaac Whittier, about 1840, traded where the Northfield Gro-
cery Store stands, in a long unpainted store with wooden shut-
ters. His stock was the usual variety found in country stores. It
was a slow business place until the coming of the post office there.
He was town clerk some years and much town business was trans-
acted there, taxes made and juries drawn. Noah Peabody and
James Palmer traded there later and the store was reconstructed
and refitted by Warren L. Hill, Esq. It was rented by J. F.
Taylor and Eastman as a grocery store and, later, burned. The
site was then occupied by a carriage and blacksmith shop until
its present restoration as a grocery store.
A drug store with offices above occupied the right hand
entrance to the bridge, where James Brown kept the Seminary
bookstore. Above was a dressmaking and millinery establish-
ment, kept by Alice and Sarah Haines, and occupied later by
Miss Proctor as the art studio of the seminary.
Close by, William Follansby kept a drj^ goods and grocery
store. He built the low one-story block, extending half the
length of the "beach," called the "seven nations."
Just east of this was the dwelling house and basement hard-
ware and tin store of Charles Joseph Wadleigh. This place alone
remains unchanged.
butterfield's store.
The first store at Factory Village was built and managed by
the Smith brothers, who conducted and owned the "Yellow
Mill." On their departure for St. Louis, William Butterfield of
Andover succeeded to the business. It passed in time to •
Welch of Boston, who, with his wife, conducted an extensive
tailoring business in the Tontine, occupying the whole of it. The
store was burned in 1843 and rebuilt by John Sweatt, a good
Democrat and business man, who looked well after Northfield's
interest in that part of the town. (See Sweatt gen.) This
store was standing when the boom came to the little village about
1865 immediately after the war.
Across the way was the one-story store of Jonathan Elkins,
which, as his real estate business increased, passed to Nathaniel
Rowe and still later to Charles Chase and Benjamin Gale, who
kept a stock of general merchandise until the coming of the new
industries and the removal of their store to make way for new
Willis and Orimal Russell were for a while in business at Fac-
tory Village. They were the first promoters of the business of
making palm leaf hats. They shipped the leaf in the rough had
it split and bleached, as recorded elsewhere, and doubtless were
proprietors of the mill, where the hats were pressed and finished.
They eventually removed their business to Sanbornton Bridge
and finally one or more of the several brothers became merchants
in Canada.
Edward Caskin came to Northfield from Franklin Falls
and erected the store on the river bank and purchased the adjoin-
ing residence. He established a hardware and house-furnishing
business, which he sold to Frank II. ]\Ierrill in 1884. After i\Ir.
^Merrill's death it became the property of Joseph Greenwood, who
had been connected with the business six years. The firm of
Greenwood & Crockett was estal>lished in 1899. (See Crockett
Nearly all the merchants of Tilton have been or are now
residents of Northfield, among whom are both members of
the firm of Philbrick & Hill, Charles P. Herrick, the late Frank-
lin J. Eastman (whose biography by Hon. John ]\I. IMitchell
is subjoined), also W. A. Gardner, the late Joseph Hill, Fi-
field Brothers, the late George F. Weeks, Batchelder Brothers,
the late Cutting Follansby, Elmer R. Gale and Edwin J. Young,
George H. Brown, the miller and grain merchant, Herbert Dolley
of the firm of Phelps & DoUey, while the former is of Northfield
parentage ; one of the firm of Smith & Smith ; Muzzey Brothers ;
Lord Brothers ; Bayley & Rogers ; ]Morrison Brothers, and the
Bryants. In fact, it is hard to find a firm whose interests and
business lives are not a part of Northfield history.
(See residence.)
Joseph Hill (see gen., page 182) deserves a place of honor among
our merchants, not only that his term of service in that capacity cov-
ered his whole life, but for the extent and variety of merchandise
handled. He began as a grocer, to which was added from time to
time hardware, dry goods, furniture and draperies, wood, coal, ice,
wooden ware, farming tools, paints and oils, lime and cement; in fact,
nearly every nameable article of barter or sale, and while some of
these lines were dropped as opportunity offered or conditions made
expedient, he kept a strong hold on his first ambition to be a first-class
dealer in high grade groceries.
His association with his brother, William P., in real estate and other
holdings was long and mutually satisfactory and profitable and lasted
40 years.
(See Hills gen. and portrait.)
Mr. Hills, a na1:ive and for much of his life a resident of Northfield,
has also been for more than thirty-four years a merchant. He began
as clerk for Enoch G. Philbrick. After four years he purchased, with
him, the interest of Joseph Hill in the grocery business. They con-
tinued the same line of goods in the same place until 1882, when they
purchased the store and stock of the late Franklin J. Eastman and
have ever since conducted a first-class grocery store in their present
quarters, with one or two side lines. Mr. Philbrick's term of service
covers an equal, if not longer, term. (See Philbrick gen.)
Mr. Herrick's term of service as druggist covers nearly thirty years,
first as partner with Franklin J. Eastman, then clerk and, later, owner
of the business of G. P. Stevens since 1883. (See Herrick gen.)
Hon. John M. Mitchell.
Among the men whose personality and influence were dominant in
the life of the town for a number of years, during the perio'd of its
later development, was Franklin Jonathan Eastman, who came to
Northfield from Littleton in 18C7, purchasing an estate on Park Street,
where he made his home with his family for a time, but disposed of the
same, later, to occupy the fine residence which he erected near the site
of the present library building.
Mr. Eastman was a native of Vermont, a representative of that sturdy
type of New England character, whose impress has been felt for good
in developing and directing the .business and public life of our most
prosperous and progressive communities. Born in Danville, Vt., June
10, 1818, a son of Jonathan and Sarah (Heath) Eastman, he was
educated in the public schools and at Peacham Academy, Peacham, Vt.;
and, after attaining his majority, he went to Littleton, where his older
brothers, Ebenezer and Cyrus, were engaged in business as partners in
an extensive general store, and entered the employ of the firm as a
clerk, where he remained three or four years, then removing to Barnet,
Vt., where he formed a partnership in trade with Robert Harvey, the
leading merchant of the town, which continued about eight years, when
he sold out and returned to Littleton and became a partner in the
firm with his brothers, whose business had become one of the most
extensive in northern New Hampshire.
Although a thorough business man and earnestly devoted to the inter-
ests of his firm, Mr. Eastman took an active part in public affairs, and
entered into the political life of the community as an earnest and
aggressive member of the Democratic party, with which he had been
allied from youth. Even in the earlier period of his residence in Lit-
tleton, he was found actively participating in the caucuses and conven-
tions of his party, it being noted that he was a member of the Littleton
delegation in the senatorial convention of 1841 at Franconia, when, for
the first time, the nomination for senator from old District No. 12, the
northern district of the state, which then embraced Coos, the northern
half of Grafton and the upper part of Carroll counties, was secured for
a resident of Littleton, in the person of Simeon B. Johnson. The year
of his return to the town, 1852, was characterized by a particularly
exciting political campaign, it being a presidential year and the Demo-
cratic candidate for the chief magistracy of the nation being that favor-
ite son of New Hampshire — Gen. Franklin Pierce. The first campaign
club ever organized by the Democrats in the town was formed at that
time and was known as the "Granite Club," Mr. Eastman being its
president. So rapidly did he gain the confidence of his party, that in
March following, 1853, he was its nominee for moderator and was
From this time forward there were close and exciting contests in
Littleton politics and Franklin J. Eastman, his brother, the late Col.
Cyrus Eastman, and Harry and George A. Bingham, who subsequently
became noted throughout the state, were the active leaders on the
Democratic side. In 1SG3, and again in 1SC4, Mr. Eastman was elected
to represent the town in the Legislature as the colleague of Harry
Bingham and it is safe to say that no town in the state was more ably
or faithfully represented during these exciting times of our legislative
history, in the midst of the war period when party spirit ran high. It
v/as in 18G3 that an extra session of the Legislature was held, in
August, and many "war measures" were passed, including the soldiers
voting law, allowing the soldiers of the state to vote in the field or
wherever stationed and return to be made to the towns of their resi-
dence, which measure the Democrats generally opposed as unconstitu-
tional. Mr. Eastman and his colleague were, naturally, found opposing
this measure. In both years of his legislative service Mr. Eastman was
assigned to duty by the speaker, Hon. William E. Chandler, upon the
important committee on railroads and his judgment and sagacity were
found of constant value in the work of the committee.
Mr. Eastman, who, in 18.58, had withdrawn from the old firm and
established himself independently in business on Main Street, not only
continued active in the mercantile and political life of the town, but
also kept up the interest he had taken from the first, in all matters
pertaining to its material development and progress, and the general
welfare of the community. He was an active member of the fire com-
pany, organized for the protection of the village property and largely
composed of the business men of the place; was for a time a director
in the White Mountains Railroad and was instrumental in the estab-
lishment of a telegraph line, the first telegraph office being located in
his store.
He was also active in educational matters. He participated conspic-
uously in the movement which resulted in the consolidation of the
village school districts into a union district under the "Somersworth
Act", and upon the organization of the district he was chosen a mem-
ber of both the prudential and superintending committees.
Soon after this Mr. Eastman disposed of his business and real estate
interests in Littleton and in the following year took up his residence
in Northfield, establishing himself in business in general trade on the
Tilton side of the river, where he continued for many years, until final
retirement sometime before his death, April 27, 1893.
The measure of confidence and respect which he won for himself at
once in the town of his adoption and the interest which he evinced in
its public affairs, is shown by the fact that at the next annual election,
in March, 18G8, he was chosen to represent Northfield in the Legislature,
his assignment that year being to the committee on elections. For 16
successive years, from 1873 to 1888, inclusive, he held the responsible
position of town treasurer and, while he was a model of promptness
and accuracy in the discharge of his ordinary official duty, it is also
safe to say that to his judgment and sagacity, as evinced by the sound
practical suggestions in his annual reports, in his advice often sought
by the selectmen in the management of town affairs and frankly given
whenever occasion demanded at the annual town meetings, is due, in
no small measure, the economical administration and financial pros-
perity which the town enjoyed during this period.
Here, as in Littleton, Mr. Eastman took an interest in all matters of
public concern and it is noted that here he was an earnest supporter
and, indeed, a prim.e mover of the project for the establishment of a
union school district, including the village portions of the towns of
Northfield and Tilton, giving the land for the site of the first school-
house, whicli also constitutes a part of the present lot. He also con-
tributed the site for the Hall Memorial Library, giving the same in
the name of his daughter, Mrs. Charles E. Tilton. He was prominent
in the movement for the formal celebration of the one hundredth anni-
versary of the settlement of the town, in 1883, being a member and
treasurer of the committee of arrangements having the matter in
Mr. Eastman was a man of positive convictions and uncompromising
fidelity thereto. He always had a reason for his position and was
earnest and even aggressive in presenting the same whenever occasion
required. He was an interesting conversationalist, a forcible speaker
and a vigorous and graceful writer, as was shown by his interesting
chapter of Littleton history, contributed on the occasion of the centen-
nial of that town in 1884, his subject being, "The Relations of Littleton
and Vermont." As a correspondent of The Laconia Democrat for a long
series of years he not only presented the news from the vicinity in a
lucid and comprehensive manner, but often discussed public questions
with a clearness and cogency seldom surpassed by the professional jour-
nalist. Conspicuous in his correspondence is found a description of
the new town hall of Tilton, on its completion in 1880, published in
The Democrat and reproduced in the Sanbornton town history.
On November 25, 1841, Mr. Eastman was united in marriage with
Lima H., daughter of Socrates and Mary (Bullock) Tuttle, of Barnet,
Vt., born September 7, 1820, w^io died June 2G, 1901. Her father was
an uncle of the distinguished New Jersey lawyer of the same name,
whose daughter became the wife of the late Garret A. Hobart, subse-
quently vice-president of the United States. They had children as
1. Frank Tuttle, born in Littleton, September, 1842; died in Barnet,
Vt, October 24, 1848.
2. Alice Murray, born in Barnet, Vt., in 1845; died in Littleton, Feb-
ruary 17, 185C.
3. Lima J., born in Barnet, Vt., in 1846; married George H. Ellis of
Newton, Mass.
4. Edward Dana, born in Barnet, Vt., May, 1849: died in Barnet, Sep-
tember 20, 1850.
5. Edward F., born in Barnet, Vt.. in 1851; died in Littleton, May
9, 1863.
6. Mary Adelia, born in Littleton, April 16, 1853; married Joshua P.
Dennis of Tilton.
7. Kate, born in Littleton in 1856; married Harvey Weeks; died in
New Jersey in 1886.
8. Elma Genieve, born in Littleton in 1859: married Charles E. Til-
ton of Tilton, December 29. 1881.
9. George W.. born in Littleton, February 22, 1861; died April 27,
Stephen Chase was among the first to utilize
water power in Northfield. Bradstreet Moody
owned a dam across the Winnipiseogee on the
north end of which he had a variety of business.
Mr. Chase brought down some of his flowage
water and established a carding and fulling
mill in 1798 which he conducted until his death.
(See Chase gen.) He also kept tavern in the
old house still standing at the entrance to Bay
Street. (See cut.) He was engaged in much
business and was a man of wealth. His daugh-
ter, the wife of Archibald Clark, inherited the mill and water
power and after occupying it a few years sold, in 1826, to Jere-
miah Tilton.
It may seem to us a queer custom, but the blankets in which
the "rolls" were returned were invariably fastened with thorns.
Mr. Chase, with an eye to future needs, planted thorn bushes on
the waste land by the river bank. Mill, manufacturer, cards and
rolls long since disappeared, but the thorn hedge, like "the evil
that men do," lives after him to the discomfort and damage of
the dwellers in the vicinity of Emery Street and Howard Avenue.
After the sale of the mill by the upper dam and the death of
Stephen Chase, his son, Benjamin, who had been associated with
him, erected a carding and fulling mill where the optical works
now stand. It was two stories in height and the carding was
done in the upper story. Mr. Chase built and occupied the home
of the late Hon. Asa P. Cate and was a man of inherited wealth
and large business. He was a good story teller and great humor-
ist. He was active in church work and a Sunday School teacher
for years.
This business declined after factories were established and
cloth could be bought cheaper than manufactured at home. He
sold to Moses IMorrill and removed to Lowell, ]\Tass., where he
spent the remainder of his life. TIijC old building remained
many years and finally burned.
A sketch and portrait of his son, Charles G. Chase, may not
be out of place here as he, in memory of his father, was the gen-
erous giver of the Chase Free Library to Union Church at North-
field Depot in 1883. (See page 51.)
(See portrait.)
Charles Greenough, son of Benjamin and Hannah (Hall) Chase, was
born at Northfield, July 5, 1827. He removed with his father to Lowell,
Mass., when 14 years of age. He graduated from the Lowell High
School and afterwards continued his education in Dracut, Mass.
His flrst business relations were with the firm of Shapleigh & Kelsey
of Boston, remaining with them until 1849, when the wholesale grocery
firm of Peters, Chase & Co. was established. In 1860 this firm built a
store at 22 Central Street and made a specialty of importing tea. In
1879 the firm was dissolved and Mr. Chase retired from active business.
Mr. Chase was connected with the Mercantile Library Association
and was one of its most prominent members. He was for several years
a trustee of Wheaton Seminary, also of the Homeopathic Hospital in
Boston. He was at one time president of the Mason Regulator" Com-
pany. It was he who arranged with Hon. Edward Everett and some
others for the special celebration of Washington's birthday and pre-
sented the petition to the Legislature which made it a legal holiday.
He was the devoted superintendent of the Sunday School of Harvard
Church, Brookline, Mass., for 15 years.
For seven years Mr. Chase resided at McLean Street and four years
on Hancock Street, Boston. In November, 1870, he purchased a home
in Brookline, which he occupied until his death.
On the completion of Union Church, NorthSeld, Mr. Chase gave a
library of 180 choice books, which has been a means of much pleasure
as well as profit to its many patrons. From time to time he sent
humane and temperance literature to the library and to the Northfield
schools. He was the author of a sweet little idyl, "That Old Man and
His Dream," written during a summer spent at the White Mountains.
Mr. Chase was a man of sterling qualities. He was benevolent in
disposition, unostentatious in his charities, and schools, hospitals and
churches received his benefits when most needed, with rare discrimin-
He married Relief Judith McQuesten of Plymouth. He died very sud-
denly on the train between Boston and his home in Brookline, Novem-
ber 8, 1894. Mrs. Chase died May 6, 1901.
Children: Mary, born at Boston, Mass., December 7, 1855; died at
Brookline, Mass., July 15, 1891. Charles Percy, born at Boston, March
30, 1858; died at Boston, March 15, 18G4. Walter Greenough, born at
Boston May 30, 1859; graduate of Harvard University and Harvard
Medical College.
(See residence.)
In 182G Jeremiah Tilton, or as he was called, "Squire Jerry," bought
the site and privilege where now stands the George H. Tilton hosiery
mills of Mrs. Archibald Clark for $400. It was inherited from her
father's estate, the late Stephen Chase's. There was a little mill on it,
one story in height, one half of which served as a dwelling house.
The work was carding wool into rolls and fulling and naping cloth
that had been woven by hand in the homes around.
Mr. Tilton soon put in a brick basement, added a few jacks and looms
and put on the market his own style of goods, called satinets. He
sold, later, to the Lake Company for $5,000 a part of his right, but
reserved enough to always operate a certain amount of machinery. He
removed his family, in 1830, to his newly-erected brick house. (See
cut.) He married, December 9, 1816, Nancy Carter of Concord.
His first start in business was made at Chase's Brook in Franklin,
where he had a carding and fulling mill. In 1820 a freshet swept his
mill down into the Pemigewasset, whereupon he sold the privilege and
returned to Sanbornton Bridge and bought as stated above. Mr. Tilton
was twice burned out and twice rebuilt, enlarging each time, and was
associated for many years with his son, Jeremiah C. (see portrait), in
the same business. In 18G0 they sold to James Bailey of Lawrence
and retired from business.
He was an honest, upright man and a respected citizen. In politics
he was a Whig and, later, a Republican and though living in a Demo-
cratic town was often elected to office. Socially Mr. and Mrs. Tilton
were large hearted, sincere and true. He represented the town in the
Legislature of 1858. He died suddenly at the Bromfield House, Boston,
January 23, 1863, aged 69. She survived 19 years, a woman of remark-
able vigor and intelligence.
The old Morrill fitlling mill was some years later replaced by
a gristmill, where William Norton of Factory Village (now
Franklin Falls) had charge of a prosperous business. The mill
was the property of Mr. Copp. James Earnshaw had a shoddy
mill in the second story and, later, added a few looms and con-
tinued in business until the burning of the mill in 1867. Mr.
Copp replaced this mill for Richard Firth. (See Elm Mills.)
Mr. Bailey came to Northfield from Lawrence in 1860 and purchased
the mill known as Jere Tilton's satinet mill and put out the same line
of goods for one year. He then made army blue for the soldiers during
the war. He then put in broad looms and began the manufacture of
all-wool goods in variety and also made yarn. Black and white
checked goods were his specialty, when he sold out, in 18G5, to Messrs.
Fletcher, Firth and Ballantyne.
In 1865 John and William Fletcher, with Richard Firth and
Adam S. Ballantyne of Methnen, bought the Bailey j\Iill and
continued the manufacture of many lines of woolen goods. Their
business increased and soon after the mill was enlarged, another
story added, improved motive power installed, more and broader
looms added and the capacity of the plant doubled and many
varieties of dress goods, blankets, etc., were made for 25 years.
In 1871 Mr. Firth sold his interest to the other partners and
took the newly-erected factory of Mr. Hazen Copp and gave it
the name of Elm ]\rills.
The Granite Mills, after a short ownership by Mr. Parsons
and later by the Kearsarge Woolen Co., were sold, in 1891, to
G. H. Tilton, the present owner.
The citizens of Northfield have ever been generous with those
who sought to establish new industries among them. In 1867
they first voted to exempt from taxation for a term of 10 years
the Granite Mills, which had been enlarged with the view to in-
creased business, since which time any and all new firms locating
on our water front have been exempted for an equal term. In
1880, BuelFs Mill and business; in 1872, the Elm Mills; in 1895,
the Brilton Hosiery Co. and, later, W. H. Carter's woolen mill
and Chirk & Dodge's hosiery mill in 1889. To show the readi-
ness of our citizens, the following from the records of the town
is incontestible proof:
"At a special meeting Oct 31. 1891 lasting just 46 minutes it
was voted to exempt for ten years George H. Tilton's Hosiery
!Mill and machinery also the Kearsarge Woolen Co. & the capital
stock and machinery of 0. and E. Morrison."
Mr. Ballantyne was born in Scotland, September 29, 1833, and came
from Methnen to Northfield in 1SG5. He was, from the first, a loyal
citizen of his adopted town and generously contributed to whatever
had for its object the betterment of the community.
He was a man of high moral standards and of more than ordinary
mental ability; an earnest temperance advocate and assisted largely in
freeing the village from saloons. Northfield honored herself in sending
him to the Legislature of 1881 and in choosing him president of the
day at her centennial anniversary.
He united with the Congregational Church in 1867; has served as
superintendent of its Sunday School, and been a generous contributor
to its many lines of work. After a residence of 15 years in the brick
house by the mill he removed to Tilton and since his retirement from
the Granite Mills has been employed in similar work at the Tilton
Mills. He is a member of Doric Lodge, A. F. and A. M., a trustee of
Hall Library and long a member of Union District board of education
and president of lona Savings Bank.
He married, December 7, 1865, Mittie Clough, daughter of Jeremiah
and Nancy Carter Tilton. They have five children. (See Ballantyne
(See portrait.)
The subject of this sketch, Richard Firth, who was so closely con-
nected with Northfield welfare for more than a third of a century,
was born in Dewsbury, Yorkshire County, Eng., on the tenth day of
February, 1824. His parents were in very humble circumstances and
he was obliged to go to work, at the age of eight, in order to help sup-
port the large family. When about 20 he resolved to go to America
and after a long and stormy voyage landed in Boston, September 4,
1844. I have often heard him relate that his only capital was a deter-
mination to succeed and a robust constitution, for when his passage
was paid there was little left in which to start life in a new country
without friends or any situation in view.
Mr. Firth secured work in the mill at Ballardvale, Mass., and grad-
ually rose to positions of responsibility, when the gold discovery in
California caused him to give up his situation and he accordingly
sailed from Boston around the Horn and reached California at the
height of the excitement, but his longing for mill life called him back
after an absence of two years and soon after his return he married
Agnes Morrison of Ballardvale, who became his loving and efficient
helpmate through life. Mrs. Fifth died in 1890 after prolonged suf-
In 1865, in company with A. S. Ballantyne and John and William
Fletcher, he came to Northfield and opened the Granite Mill, so-called,
which mill they successfully operated for many years. Later, Mr.
Firth severed his connection with the firm and began the manufacture
of woolen goods in the white mill built by Hazen Copp, Esq., and now
occupied by the Tilton Optical Company. This business Mr. Firth
conducted to within a few years of his death and as a manufacturer
he was eminently successful, and it is a matter of record that in all
his dealing with labor he had no trouble or misunderstanding.
Personally a very hard working man, at the mill early and late, with
a knowledge of all departments such as few men possess, he inspired
all by his energy and zeal. This success was only accomplished through,
many reverses, but his strong determination conquered all obstacles
and I am sure the citizens of Northfield will uphold me when I say
that he was one of her foremost captains of industry.
Not of those who sound their own praise, but one of those who was
content to work quietly, unassumingly and who have their reward in
gaining the goal striven for through earnest, patient endeavor. As a
citizen of the sister town of Tilton Mr. Firth was honored by being
chosen selectman several times (under his term the upper iron bridge
was built), and also as her representative to the Legislature in 1881,
as well as minor positions of trust.
Although not a member, he was a constant attendant of the Con-
gregational Church and has left a substantial token of his interest in
the form of the Agnes Firth Memorial Fund, a perpetual legacy. The
Tilton and Northfield Library was also remembered in his will, which,
shows how close he held the church and town of his adoption in his
Mr. Firth was also a generous contributor to all worthy objects and
many people have been helped and encouraged in time of need by him
in his quiet way. He departed this life October 7, 1898, after a short
illness and was buried with full Masonic honors. His body lies at rest
in the old South Cemetery in Andover, Mass., beside his faithful wife.
A son, Ray W., of Newark, N. J., is his sole survivor. An adopted
daughter. Mary Ella, died February 27, 1876, aged 13 years.
In concluding this sketch it might be well to add that his reward in
this life for a hard fought battle was the satisfaction that it had been
achieved by upright dealing with all men and perseverance, an ex-
ample v/e all would do well to copy.
Mr. Charles Green of Ene. The throat of the male is white ; of the female,
brown. Lengtli, about 9 inches. Nest on the ground.
The Pigeons. (Columbidae.)
The pigeons, which belong to order Columbae of world-wide
distribution, are so much like the domestic breeds in form and
habits that they do not need to have their family characters
paraded here. The most striking difference between the two that
have a place in this list and the tame blue pigeon is in their long,
wedge-shaped tails, which give them a somewhat different con-
tour. The Wild Pigeox or Passenger Pigeon (Ectopistes mi-
gratorius) is about of the same weight as the tame pigeon. Its
upper parts are grayish blue. INIales have an irridescence on
the sides of the neck, and a rich, purplish red breast. Females
have less irridescence and grayer breasts. Length, about 16
inches. This pigeon was formerly abundant, but it has disap-
peared from New England and before many years will probably
have vanished from the earth. The Mourning Dove {Zenaidura
macroura) is rare in this section, though in the southeastern por-
tion of the state it is fairly common. In shape and general color-
ation it resembles the wild pigeon, but it weighs scarcely half as
much and its breast is much paler. A small black spot just below
each ear is a notable character. Length, about 12 inches.
Hawks and Owls. (Order, liaptores.)
To this order belong the carniverous birds, which catch their
prey with their talons and are provided Avith hooked bills for
tearing flesh.
The Hawk Family. (Falconidae.)
The hawks have no feathers on their feet, and their eyes are in
planes oblique to the bill, which characters distinguish them from
the owls. An even dozen, including the bald eagle, may be
looked for, though two of them are very rare.
The Marsh Hawk (Circus hudsonius) is a bird of the field.
It courses to and fro close to the ground over fields and meadows,
looking for mice and frogs. It is oiu* only hawk having a white
spot on the rump. Males are gray and females and young,
brown. The average expanse of wings is about 40 inches. Ne.st
on the ground. The Osprey or Fisu Hawk (Pandion haliaectus
carolinensis) lives entirely by fishing. It is not an uncommon
visitor in spring and early fall along the river. It differs from
the other hawks in having: the under parts entirely white, the
soles of its feet as rough as coarse sandpaper — the better to hold
fish — its outer toes capable of turning half way round to the
hind toe, and extremely long, crooked wings, as seen in flight.
Extent of spread wings, 5 feet or more. The Bald Eagle {Hali-
aeetns leiicocephalus) , which also depends upon fish for its main
diet, may be seen each summer along the river. It is so much
larger and blacker than any native hawk as to be unmistakable.
The white head and tail are not acquired till the bird is several
years old. It has never been known to nest in this region. Aver-
age specimens are 7 feet across the wings.
Of the hawks that look to the land for prey
UPPER MAN- Q^^fi spend most of their time in trees, six have
/-vTTT AM^TT ' the cutting edge of the upper mandible undulat-
LAR TOOTH. ^^§'' "^^^^ without any sharp notch or tooth, being
in this respect like the three species already de-
scribed, which are all easily recognizable by special characters.
The individuals in this group of six are not so readily diagnosed,
and it will, therefore, be convenient to make a further division
into two sub-groups of three each, according to the relation of
the lengths of wing and tail, when there will be little difficulty
in determining the name of any toothless-billed hawk that may
come to hand.
The hawks of this sub-group are the so-called
Tail not more j^en hawks. They are all summer residents. The
than two thirds Red-tailed Hawk {Buteo borealis) gets its name
as long as roldco -, t n ■ -i -r f
wing from bend fi'om the chestnut-red color or its tail. Its tour
to tip. outer wing feathers are abruptly narrowed on
the inner web and are without spots on the outer
web. Young birds have the tail barred instead of clear chestnut-
red. This hawk is occasionally seen in winter. Extent of wing,
50 inches or more. Nest in trees. The Eed-shouldered Hawk
{Buteo lineatus) is the commonest member of this sub-group. It
measures somewhat less than the last and weighs much less. It
is readily distinguished from the red-tail at any age by spots of
white or buff on the outer webs of its four outer wing feathers,
all of which, however, are abruptly narrowed on the inner web,
as on the red-tail. The tail is barred at all ages, and the bend of
the wing is covered with a more or less dense suffusion of cinna-
mon brown, whence the bird's name. Nest in trees. Both the
red-tail and the red-shoulder have the habit of soaring in circles
and crying kea, kea, kea. The Broad-winged Hawk {Buteo pla-
typtcrus) is decidedly smaller than the other two, being scarcely
more than 40 inches in extent, and is readily distinguishable from
them by having only three outer wing feathers with inner webs
abruptly narrowed. It is surprisingly tame for a hawk, but may
usually be recognized at some distance by wide dusky streaks
running down each side of the chiu from the corners of the
mouth. It is an occasional breeder here, nesting in trees.
The members of this sub-group have relatively
Tail more than short wings and long tails, the better to make
two thirds as quick turns in chasing flying birds, upon which
ong as e o ^ ^jjgy mainly feed. Out of the dozen hawks that
wing from bend
to tip, are found here, these three are all that are not
of more benefit than injury to man. These are
the chicken hawks, which raid poultry yards regularly, while
the other kinds do so only occasionally. Besides having the edge
of the upper mandible undulating like the last sub-group, and
agreeing among themselves in having short wings and long tails,
these hawks have color features in common, so their final identifi-
cation may rest on dimensions alone. Adults of each species are
slate-blue above and the under side is barred — that is, the dark
lines run crosswise the feathers. Specimens under a year old
are brown — varying from a gray to a sooty tone — above, and
streaked below, that is, having the dark lines running lengthwise
the feathers.
The GosHAW^K (Accipitcr atricapillus), a winter visitor as a
rule, though a possible breeder, is the largest and handsomest of
the lot. The colors of both young and adults are decidedly
lighter than those of the two following species. Its folded wing
is more than a foot in length. Nest in trees. The Cooper Hawk
{Accipiter cooperi) is a summer resident. Its folded wing is
from 9 to 11 inches long, and its tail is rounded at the end. The
SH.\j?p-sniNNED H.\.WK (Accipiter velox) bears a close resem-
blance to the last in color, but it is smaller, measuring from bend
to tip of wing only 7 to Sy^ inches. It is further distinguished
by having a square tail. It is a common migrant and an occa-
sional breeder. It is often called the pigeon hawk, but this term
properly belongs to a member of the next group.
The hawks having a tooth on each cutting edge
UPPER MAN- Qf ii^Q upper mandible near the tip are the fal-
TV, r,,^Tr cons. This tooth, of course, can onlv be made
AN ANGU- "...
LAR TOOTH. *^^^^ when the bird is in hand, but then it is evi-
dent at once. They differ, further, from other
hawks of their size in having long and acutely pointed Mdngs.
There are but three in this group and of these only one is com-
mon. The Sparrow Hawk (Falco sparverius), our smallest
hawk, is characterized by a prevailing color of cinnamon-brown
above, and by two heavy stripes of black on each side of the face,
both vertical, one in front of the eye and the other above the ear.
It is a common migrant and an occasional breeder. It feeds
mainly on insects. Its folded wing measures about 7 inches.
Nests in holes in trees. The Pigeon Hawk (Falco columbarius)
is similar in size and coloring to a young sharp-shinned hawk,
being ashy or sooty brown above and heavily streaked beneath,
but its toothed bill distinguishes it at once in a close examination,
and even at a distance its pointed wings and rapid flight serve
to identify it to the practiced eye. It is a rare late spring and
early fall migrant. Folded wing 7 to 8 inches. The Duck
Hawk {Falco peregriniis anatuni) is a scarce summer resident
in the mountainous portions of New Hampshire, and hence prob-
ably occurs here as an occasional migrant. Adults are dark
ashy gray above, whitish on the forehead and under parts, the lat-
ter being barred with blackish, and conspicuously marked with
black check areas. Young birds are sooty brown above and
streaked beneath. In all stages the toothed bill and dimensions
make the determination of a bird in the hand certain. Lengih
of folded wing 13 to 14 inches.
The Owl Family. (Buhonidae.)
The owls differ from hawks in having their eyes directed for-
ward, in their soft fluffy plumage, and in having their toes and
legs feathered to the claws. We will review them in two groups :
one having a tuft of feathers — popularly called horns — on each
side of the crown of the head ; the other without them.
Of the horned owls, the Great Horned Owl
With horns. (Biibo virginianus) is the largest. Its length is
about two feet and extent of wing four feet. Its
eggs are often laid in old crows' nests, usually in ]March. This
is the only owl ordinarily injurious. All the rest are worthy of
protection, as the number of mice they annually destroy is simply
enormous. The Long-eared Owl {Asio ivilsonianiis) is rare.
Its horns are about an inch high when erect. The feathers of its
belly are both streaked down the middle and barred across with
dusky. Its length is 15 inches and extent of Avings 3 feet. Nest
in trees, pines or hemlocks preferred. The SnoRT-EiVRED Owl
(Asio accipitrinus) is a migrant, even rarer than the last, to which
it is similar in size. Its horns are so short as to be easily over-
looked, but they are evident when looked for. It is to be dis-
tinguished froin its long-eared relative by the difference in
horns and by the absence of bars on its flanks and belly, the
feathers being simply streaked. It is a marsh owl and usually
spends the day in the meadows on the ground. The Screech
Owl {Megascops asio) is the smallest of the horned group. It
is one of the commoner species. For some unknown reason, some
screech owls are reddish brown, while others are gray. In either
case there is a mottling of black all over and an oblique bar of
white on the shoulders. The presence of horns and the size of
the bird, however, regardless of color, are sufficient for its iden-
tification. Length, 10 inches or somewhat less; extent, about 20
inches. Nest in hollow tree. The ear tufts or horns of owls be-
longing to this group may lie so flat on the head as to pass un-
noticed unless the feathers are ruffed up, when they become ap-
parent. This ruffing process, then, is essential when one has an
owl in hand and wishes to ascertain its name.
The owls of this group, excepting possibly the
Without horns. snowy owl, show no horns by any sort of hand-
ling. The Snowy Owtj (Nyctea nyctea), as its
name implies, is white and not to be mistaken for any other spe-
cies. It is a rare vi.sitor in cold weather from the north. The
only specimen known to have actually been taken in town was
killed on Bean Hill in November, 1893, by Frank Robertson.
This species prefers cleared land to the woods, resembling the
short-eared owl in this respect. The snowy plumage of this owl
is usually more or less spotted with dark brown. In size it equals
the great horned owl. Probably the commonest owl we have is
the Barred Owl {Syrnium varium), w'hieh is a resident, but
more often seen in cold Aveather when there are visitors from
farther north. It is ashy brown, barred with white above, and
ashy gray, barred with white beneath. Length, about 18 inches ;
extent of wings, about 40 inches. Nest usually in hollow trees.
The Richardson Owl {Nyctala tengmalmi richardsoni) is a rare
winter visitant. It is ash-brown, sparsely dotted with white, and
has a yellow bill, which distinguishes it from the next, the only
other small hornless owl in this region. Length, about 10 inches ;
extent, 21 to 23 inches. The Saw-wpiet Owl {Nyctala acadica),
a not uncommon species, is a tiny little fellow wnth a chocolate
brown back, spotted with white, and under parts white, streaked
with brown. Its bill is black. Length, not over 10 inches and
extent about 17 inches. Nest in hollow trees. The Hawk Owtl
{Surnia ulula caparoch) is an uncommon winter visitor as a rule,
though some years since a specimen was killed in Sanbornton in
the breeding season. It is accustomed to hunt by daylight, and
its contour is more slender than that of the other ow^ls. It is
dark brown, speckled with small spots of white above ; and closely
barred with brown and white beneath. This is our only owl
having its outer tail feathers an inch and a half shorter than
those in the middle. Length, about 16 inches; extent, about 32
The Kingfisher and Cuckoos. (Order, Coccyges.)
The members of this order belong mainly in the tropics. The
species found here have well developed wings but weak legs.
Though they fly well, most of their time is spent quietly perching
in some favorite retreat. They never hunt for food on the
ground, and never run about the trunks or branches of trees.
The Kingfisher Family. {Alceclinidae.)
The Belted Kingfisher {Ceryle alcyon), our sole representa-
tive of the kingfisher family, feeds on fish which it catches in
its bill by diving either from a perch over the water or from a
momentary hovering flight above its quarry. Its feet are totally
unfit for swimming, so it must rely upon its wings for progres-
sion in water quite as much as it does in air. It is ashy blue
above, and white beneath, with a bluish band across the chest.
The female has also a band of chestnut across the belly. The
bill, Avhicli is strong and tapering like a heron's, is about two
inches long. The head is adorned with a large crest. Length
about one foot. Nest in a hole in a sand bank.
The Cuckoo Family. (Cuculidae.)
The cuckoos are named' after their well-known cry. They and
the woodpeckers are our only bii'ds having two toes directed
backward and two forward. The cuckoos are brown above, Avhite
below, and have tails as long as their bodies. They frequent
thickets and orchards, Avhere they are especiallj^ useful as de-
stroyers of hairy caterpillars. The Black-billed Cuckoo
{Coccyzus erythrophthalmus) is the common species. Its bill is
black and the under side of its tail is gray, with white tips. Its
length is nearly a foot and its extent about 16 inches. Nest in
small trees, usually pines. The Yellows-billed Cuckoo
{Coccyzus americanus) is a rather rare and probably irregular
summer resident. The writer can vouch for but a single pair
which he found in the Belmont meadows in June, 1897. It is
like the last in size and general appearance, but all except the
tip of its lower mandible is yellow and the three outer tail
feathers are black beneath with white tips. Nest in trees.
The Woodpeckers. (Order, Pici.)
Woodpeckers have only two toes directed forward. They have
stiff tails to serve as supports in climbing trees ; and all but one
of our species have long cylindrical tongues. They all drill
holes in trees for their nests.
There are two species that are in a group by
Three toes. themselves because they have only three toes on
each foot, two in front and one behind. Both of
these species have been taken in this vicinity, though, perhaps,
not in this town. They are rare winter visitors from farther
north. The Arctic Three-toed Woodpecker {Picoidcs arcticus)
has its back entirely black. Its under parts are white, and its
sides are black, barred with white. The crown of the male is
yellow, that of the female being black like its back. Length 8 to
9 inches. The American Three-toed Woodpecker {Picoides
americanus) is like the last in size and color, except that down
the middle of its back is a white area cross-barred with black
All the other woodpeckers have two toes on
Four toes. each foot directed backward. The largest is the
PiLEATED Woodpecker {Ceophloeus pileatus al-
hieticola), nearly the size of a crow, with a high red crest on its
Tiead and the inner half of its wings white. This is a resident
species, but it has become so scarce than not more than one or two
are to be seen in a year. Its length is more than 15 inches. The
Hairy Woodpecker {Dry abates villosus) is a fairly common resi-
dent. Its body is entirely white beneath and there is a white
area down the back and many white spots on the wings, otherwise
the npper parts are black. The male has a red bar across the
back of its head. Its lenglh is about 9 inches. The Downy
Woodpecker {Dryobates puhescens mcdianus) is a common resi-
dent. In color it is practically like the last species, but it is de-
cidedly smaller, being only 7 inches or less in lengih. The Yel-
low-bellied Woodpecker {Sphyrapicns varius) is a fairly com-
mon migrant and an occasional summer resident. It is slightly
smaller than the hairj^ woodpecker and is distinguished from all
of our woodpeckers by a lemon-yellow suffusion on its belly.
The adult male has a red throat, and both sexes have a red crown
and a large black spot on the breast. This is our only M'ood-
pecker that is not an unmixed benefit to the farmer. The Red-
headed Woodpecker {Melanerpcs erytliroceplmlus) is a strag-
gling visitor from the South or West. In size it resembles the
Iiairy woodpecker. The inner half of its wings, the under side
of its body and its rump are white. Its back is bluish black, and
the head and neck of adults are crimson. The head and neck of
young birds are a dull brownish gray, but they may be readily
recognized by the white that covers the inner half of the wing
.as in the adult. The Flicker, Yellow Hammer, Wood-Wx\ll,
or whatever name it may happen to bear in the household {Co-
laptes auratus luteus) is a curious example of a bird that has
adopted a mode of living unlike the rest of its tribe. It gets
its living from the ground, and rarely pecks trees except for a
nest. A large white spot on its rump, a black crescent on its
breast, quills that show golden yellow beneath, and a band of red
on its nape are its prominent color characteristics. Males have a
I)lack stripe on each side the lower jaw. Brown is the prevailing
<;olor of this species. It is a common summer resident. Its length
is about one foot.
birds of northfield. 269
The Goatsucker — Swift — Hummingbird Group.
(Order, Macrochires.)
The members of this group are classed together on the strength
of long, narrow wings and small, weak feet, so far as external
characters are concerned.
The Goatsuckers. (Caprimulgidae.)
These creatures of twilight and darkness have short, weak bills
but enormous mouths suitable for catching flying insects. Their
plumage is soft but otherwise they bear little resemblance to the
owls which are the only other nocturnal family of birds that we
have. The Night-hawk {Chordeiles virginianus) prefers
cleared pasture land and sometimes ventures abroad by daylight.
It is always to be recognized by the white spot near the middle
of the outer half of each wing, which is readily seen as the bird
flies. The male has a row of white spots across its tail near the
end. Its length is about 9 inches and its extent 22 inches. It
builds no nest, but lays its eggs upon the ground or a bare rock.
The Whippoorwill (Antrostomus vociferus) resembles the night-
hawk in size and general appearance, but it difi'ers in being a
bird of the woods, in having no white spot on its wings, in hav-
ing a row of long, stiff bristles projecting out over the mouth,
and in having its outer tail feathers broadly tipped Avith white.
Its eggs are laid on the ground, without a nest, in the woods.
The Swifts. {Micropodiclae.)
The Chimney Swift {Chaetura pelagica) is usually called the
chimney swallow, but it is not a swallow at all. It never alights
on a perch, being only able to hang to a wall. The tips of its
long wings, when folded, reach far beyond the end of its tail,
and each tail feather has a sharp spine at the end. In none of
these features does the swift resemble the swallow. Further, it
flies unlike a swallow and some of its internal structure is unlike
that of a swallow, — in short, swifts and swallows are not even
related. This species is nearly uniform .sooty-black all over,
though the under parts are paler than the upper. Its length is
about 5 inches and extent about one foot. Its nest is glued by
its saliva to the inside of a chimnev.
Hummingbirds. (Trochilidae.)
Hummingbirds belong exclusively to the New World. There
are about four hundred species, of which we have but one, the
Ruby-throated Hummingbird {Trocliilus coluhris), the smallest
and swiftest of our birds and the only one that can fly back-
wards. The female has its tail white-tipped and lacks the ruby
throat which is the male's chief ornament.
The Perching Birds. (Order, Passeres.)
To this order belong most of our common small birds. They
all have three toes in front and one behind, w^hicli are on the
same level and fully functional as clasping organs.
The Flycatcheks. (Tyrannidae.)
The flycatchers are a group of nervous, irritable small birds,
accustomed to perch on fences, mullein stocks, dead branches of
trees and other exposed objects, where they can watch for flying
insects, which they pursue, capture and bring back to their sta-
tion to batter and devour. They are all characterized by wide
and rather shallow bills of medium length. The upper mandible
is flanked on each side by a row of stiff bristles and slightly
hooked at the tip. The better known members of the family
characterize the whole lot. They rarely alight on the ground
and never seek food by creeping or hopping about branches of
trees. The Kingbird {Tyrannus iyrannus) was named in recog-
nition of its fighting qualities, which are undaunted by anything
in feathers from the eagle down. It nests in the scraggiest
apple tree on the farm and it is the farmer's best ally against-
hawks and crows. Its upper parts are blackish gray, while its
under parts and the tip of its tail are white. Its length is about
8 inches and extent about 14%. The Great-crested Fly-
catcher {Myiarckus crinitus) is a scarce summer resident of
the taller hard-wood and mixed timber, where it nests in hollow
trees. Its color characters are olive-broAvn above, ashy gray on
throat and breast, pale yellow on the belly and chestnut-red on
the inner webs of its tail feathers. Its length is nearly 9 inches
and extent about 13. The Pewee or Phoebe (Sayornis phoehe)
is the most familiar of the flycatchers, nesting in sheds, deserted
houses or barn cellars, flirting its tail on the barn-yard fence
and making cheery sounds all about the buildings. It usually
rears two breeds of young each summer, to which it feeds thou-
sands of harmful beetles. Its upper parts are pale clove-brown,
darker on the head. The under parts are whitish in summer but
tinged with yellow in the fall. Its entire bill is blackish. Its
length is about 7 inches and extent about 111/2- The Wood
Pewee {Contopus virens), also named from its song, which is
pe-e-ivee long drawled, is a fairly common summer resident,
usually in the woods but oceasionaly in orchards. It is smaller
than the phoebe and darker above. It has two whitish bars on
each wing, and its lower mandible is pale yellow. Its length is
about 6 inches. Its nest is usually placed upon a horizontal
branch and covered w'ith lichens. The Olive-sided Flycatcher
(Nuttallornis dorealis) is a scarce summer resident, affecting
dead-topped trees, generally in swamps or near w^ater. It is
dark olive above, similar to the last, w'hite on the throat, belly
and tlanks, and heavily shaded with olive on the sides. Its bill
is black except the base of its lower mandible, w^hich is pale.
Length, 7 to 8 inches. Nest in high trees. The Alder Fly-
catcher {Empidonax trailUi alnorum) is confined to the prox-
imity of water. It summers sparingly along the river and pos-
sibly elsewhere. It is olive-brown above, rather lighter than the
wood pewee, and whitish below, with a shade of olive-gray across
the breast. Its under mandible is pale. Its length is nearly 6
inches and extent about 9 inches. The Yellow-bellied Fly-
catcher {Empidonax flaviventris) is a scarce migrant. Its
upper parts are olive-green, while its lower mandible, eye-rings,
wing-bars and under parts are greenish yellow. Its size is like
the last or slightly less. The Least Flycatcher {Empidonax
minimus) is a fidgety denison of orchards, crying che-bec, che-
hcc with upward jerks of the head that threaten dislocation. It
is the smallest of our flycatchers, as its name implies. It is olive-
gray above, with eye-rings, W'ing-bars and under parts white.
Length about 5 inches and extent about 8 inches. Nest usually
in an upright crotch.
The Horned Larks. {Alaudidae.)
The horned larks are essentially ground birds, though their
wings are large and they are capable of long sustained flight.
But one species is to be found here, the Horned or Shore Lark
{Otocoris alpestris). It is a scarce visitor from the North, likely
to appear any time between October and April. It feeds on the
ground, chiefly on seeds of weeds, thus resembling a sparrow.
Its conspicuous features are a large black spot on the breast,
another running from the bill under the eye to the cheek, a
yellow chin, and a hind claw nearly straight and as long as the
toe that bears it. Its upper parts are pinkish brown, streaked
with dusky. Its length is about 7 inches and extent about 13.
Jays and Crows. {Corvidae.)
The Blue Jay {Cyanocitta cristafa), a resident throughout the
year, is well known. Its high cap and blue coat, trimmed with
white, combine to make the bird as striking to the eye as its
voice is to the ear. Its length is about 12 inches and extent about
17. Its nest is usually placed in a thicket of small pines or hem-
locks. The Canada Jay {Perisoreus Canadensis) has been re-
ported from other parts of this county and is likely to appear
here at intervals in cold weather. Its normal range is from the
White Mountains northward. In size and proportions it is similar
to the blue jay, from which, however, it differs decidedly in ap-
pearance. It has no cap and is not blue, but smoky gray on the
back, grayish white on the forehead and under parts, and very
fluffy of feather, for withstanding any degree of cold. The
Crow {Coruus hracliyrliynchos) is a permanent resident, though
few are to be found in winter. The Raven {Corvus corax prin-
cipalis) is an extremely rare cold weather visitor anywhere in
this state. One was killed several years ago in Canterbury,
Ravens are black like croAvs, but much larger, measuring about
2 feet in length and 4 feet in extent.
The TROuriAL Family. (Icteridae.)
This family, which includes the bobolink, blackbirds, meadow
larks and orioles, is intermediate in some respects between the
crows and sparrows.
The Bobolink {Dolichonyx oryzivorus) is a common summer
resident of fields. The male in his livery of black and white is
sometimes called the skunk blackbird. The female is yellowish
brown, streaked with black on the back and flanks. During the
summer moult in August the male assumes the dress of the fe-
male. They mnter in South America, where they moult again.
This time the males resume their summer dress, in which they
come to us about the middle of ]\Iay. Males are about Ti/^ inches
long. Females are somewhat smaller. The nest is placed on the
ground. The Cowbird {MolotJirus ater) is seen near the village
more often than elsewhere in this town. It is a common species
there during the summer. The female is notorious for lajdng
her eggs in the nests of other birds, to be hatched and brought
up by foster parents. The male has a shiny black body and a
brown head. Its length is nearly 8 inches. The female is slightly
smaller and of a grayish brown color throughout. The Bronzed
Grackle {Quiscala quiscida acneus) is the largest of our black-
birds. The head of the male varies from deep green to purple,
and the color of its body is shining bronze. Its length is about
one foot. The female is duller in color and somewhat smalJer.
Both sexes have long tails and yellow eyes. This species breeds
regularly in certain pine trees in the village. The Purple
GrRACKLE {Quiscola quiscula) is a geographical race of the
last species that lives from southern Massachusetts to Georgia,
east of the Alleghany JMountains. The only specimens known
to have been seen in New Hampshire were taken by the writer
in Northfield, September 13, 1902. This form differs from
the bronzed grackle mainlj^ in having the irridescent purple
or green of the neck extending down over the shoulders either
as solid color or as bars on a bronze ground. The Rusty
Grackle (Euphagus carolimis), named from the rusty aspect of
its fall plumage, appears here in April and October. Spring
birds are entirely black, but in fall the black is much obscured
by rusty brown. This species also has light yellow eyes. The
males are about 9 inches long, and the females slightly less. The
Red- winged Blackbird {Agelaius phocniceus) is an abundant
summer resident of cat-tail marshes. The males are notable for
their scarlet .shoulder patches that are strikingly set off by their
otherwise uniformly black dress. The females are dusky streaked
with white above, and white heavily streaked with dusky be-
neath. In the hand they show traces of red on the bend of the
wing. ]\Iales are 8 to 9 inches long and females about an inch
shorter. The nest is built in a low bush or bunch of cat-tails,
usually in tlie middle of a pool. The Baltimore Oriole or
Goi;DEN Robin (Icterus galhula) makes its summer home in the
elms of village and farmyard. Its brilliant color and curious
hanging nest have brought it into general notice. The male has
its head, neck and back black; rump, under parts and much of
its tail, orange; wings, black, with two narrow bars of white.
Its length is nearly 8 inches. The female is duller colored and
smaller. The Meadow Lark {Sturnella magna) is a summer
resident of moist fields, but very irregular in its distribution. Its
underparts are yellow, with a black V on the breast. The
feathers of the back are black with brown tips and buff edges.
It feeds on the ground, but often delivers its plaintive song from
a fence or tree top. Length of male, about 101/4 inches. The
female is about an inch shorter. Nest on the ground.
The Spaerow Family. (Frindillidae.)
The sparrow family is made up of small birds, having thick
conical bills with which they crush the seeds that form the major
portion of their food, to the end that they may swallow the
kei-nel and reject the hull. The greater number feed from the
ground and spend most of their lives there. These have larger
feet and longer legs than those that live mainly in trees and never
run in the grass or scratch among fallen leaves.
. The arboreal species include the so-called gros-
ARBOREAL beaks and finches. They all show more or less
SPECIES, bright colors, in the adult plumage at least, in
contrast to the sober browns and grays of the true
sparrows, which are the terrestrial members of the family.
Four species of this group of arboreal finclies
Depth of bill have bills so robust that the depth at the base
cqua s I s e g equals the distance from nostril to tip. Thev are
trorn nostril to ^ . ± •
tjp^ the pine grosbeak, the purple finch, the rose-
breasted grosbeak and the indigo bird. The
Pine Grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator leucura) is a cold- weather
visitor of irregular, but not rare, occurrence. Adult males are
bright red, with dusky wings and tail, which have white edgings.
Females are ashy gray, with rusty orange on crown and rump.
Length, 8 to 9 inches. The Purple Finch (Carpodacus pur-
pur eus) is a summer resident, much smaller than the last, though
adult males are of a similar red color, but they have no white
on wings or tail, and the back is streaked with duslcy. Fe-
males and young males are olive-brown, streaked with dusky
above, and white, heavily streaked with dusky beneath. This
finch is a splendid singer, and is often heard in the tops of elms
in May and early June, where it feeds on the buds and seeds of
that tree. Length, about 6 inches. Nest in trees. The Rose-
breasted Grosbeak {Zamelodia ludoviciana) is a scarce summer
resident. The male is black above, excepting its rump and a
large spot and two bars on each wing, which are white. The
sides and belly are white, and the breast and wing linings are
carmine. The female is coarsely streaked with olive-brown and
buff above and white and olive-brown below. She has a broad
stripe of white over each eye, and another down the middle of the
crown. Her wing linings are saffron yellow. Length about 8
inches. Nest in trees. The Indigo Bird {Cyanospiza cyanea)
was named from the color of the male, which is deep blue above
and below. The female is brown above and brownish white, ob-
scurely streaked, beneath. The male is a persistent singer, even
during the heat of a summer noon, when most birds are silent.
Length about yi'o inches. Nest in low bushes.
The crossbills present such anomalous bills as
Crossbills. to set them at once apart, not only from all other
members of their familj^, but also from all other
birds. The upper mandible curves downward, while the lower
curves upward, the two crossing at the tips like a pair of scissors.
Neither of the two species have been known to breed here, though
both are occasionally to be seen at any season. Their normal
summer range is farther north. They usually frequent coniferous
trees, but in I\Iay and June they come to the elms for their seeds.
The male Red Crossbill (Loxia cuvirostra mi)ior) has a dull
red body, with dusky wings and tail. The female is olive, with a
tinge of yellow on breast and rump. Neither sex has bars or
spots of white. Length, about 6 inches. The White-winged
Crossbill {Loxia leucoptera) is like the last in size and contour,
but the male is rose-red, with black tail and wings, the latter
having two wide bars of white. The female is olive, where the
male is red. Her white wing-bars make her identity plain. Both
species usually go in flocks.
The third and last group of the arboreal finches
Length 5 1-2 includes three small species easily recognizable
inches or less. by color characters. The Redpoll {Acanthis lin-
aria) is a winter visitor of irregular occurrence,
abundant if found at all. It mainly affects the birches, though
weed seeds attract it to the ground, when they are not covered
with snow. Its back and flanks are buff streaked with dusla%
crown shining red, chin black. Adult males have breast and
rump pink. Length 5 to 5i/o inches. The Siskin {Spiniis pinus)
is another winter comer at irregular intervals, many years going
by without bringing a siskin; then all at once they suddenly be-
come common. "When at last they do come some fall, they are as
likely to stay through the next summer as to go away with win-
ter. There is little doubt that they bred in town during the
summer of 1900. They feed on seeds of birches and conifers.
The sexes are alike, buffy brown above and white beneath, every-
where streaked with dusky. The bases of the wing quills are
lemon-yellow — seen when the wing is spread but not otherwise.
Length, about 4% inches. Nest usually in evergreen trees. The
American Goldfinch {Astragallinus iristis) is a common per-
manent resident, though in its sober brown winter raiment it is
not always recognized as the same jovial little bird in yellow
and black that dines off dandelion and thistle tops in dooryard
and highway. Males in summer are yellow, excepting crown,
wings and tail, which are black. Females are dull yellow with
dusky wings and tail. In winter both species are olive-brown
above and paler beneath, with dusky tail and wings, the latter
having two bars of white. Length about 43^ inches. Nest in
trees, usually maples.
These three species are similar in size and habits. They all go
in flocks and their notes have at least a family resemblance.
But the redpoll is known by its red crown and black chin, the
siskin by its pronounced streaked appearance, while the goldfinch
in winter — the only season when its identity can possibly be mis-
taken — has neither red ci-own, black chin, nor streaks, but two
white bars on each wing.
We will now take up that portion of the spar-
TERRES- PQ^y family which habitually seeks food on the
SPECIES gi'o^^iid. Of these the Snowflake {Passerina
nivalis), on account of its striking colors, may be
set apart by itself. It appears in flocks and only in winter. The
under parts and middle of wings are white ; the upper parts are
buffy and the tail and outer half of the wings are duslcy. Length
7 inches.
The rest of this division will be reviewed in three sections
according to the color pattern of their breasts: (1) those with
breasts heavily streaked; (2) those of which the adults have
breasts unstreaked and without any sharp color contrast be-
yond a single spot or blotch; and (3) those without streaks but
with a dark breast in abrupt contrast to a white belly.
We have five sparrows with streaked breasts
Breasts streaked, named and described as follows : the Vesper
Sparrow {Pooccetes gramincus), a common sum-
mer resident of fields and pastures, is grayish-brown above,
streaked with black from bill to rump. Each wing has a chestnut
patch at the bend. The under parts are streaked on the breast
and sides with dusky brown. Its middle tail feather is about
equal in length to the outer one. Of the streaked grayish brown
sparrows, this is the only one having the outer tail feather white.
Length about 6 inches. Nest on the ground. The Savanna
Sp^uirow {Passcrculus sandwichensis savanna) is a summer resi-
dent occurring in similar situations as, though less commonly
than, the last, which it resembles in general coloration, but differs
in having a pale yellow stripe over each eye, no chestnut on the
bend of the wing and no white feathers in its tail. Its breast is
also more extensively streaked than the vesper sparrow 's and it is
smaller. Length about 5iA inches. Nest on the ground.
The IIensi.ow Sparrow {Ammodramus hensloivii) is a scarce
summer resident in the Jeremiah E. Smith meadow and possibly
elsewhere. Its streaks below are confined to the breast and sides,
the throat and belly being unstreaked. Its back feathers are
blackish at the end and margined all round with white. The
ground color of the sides of the head and nape is light olive-
green. Its tail feathers are narrowly acute at the tips. Length
5 inches. Nest on the ground.
The Song Sparrow {Melospiza cinerea melocla) belongs to
moist situations, where there are bushes, stone walls, rank weeds
— anything to hide it. It is an abundant resident from INIareh
to November, being one of the earliest birds of spring, when not
even a snow storm can quench its clear, sweet singing. Its
upper parts are streaked with gray, rusty brown and black,
the crown showing a gray median stripe. Below it is white
streaked along the sides and across the breast with black, the
streaks on the breast running together to make a blotch in the
middle. Its outer tail feathers are a quarter-inch less than the
middle ones. Length 6 to 7 inches. Nest on the ground or in a
low bush or tussock. The Lincoln Sparrow {Melospiza lin-
colnii) is a rare migrant or possible summer resident. Its upper
parts are colored almost exactly like the song sparrow, but it
differs below in having minute streaks on the throat as well as
coarser streaks on the breast and sides and in a pronounced
shade of buff across the breast, which bears no blotch of streaks
run together. Its outer tail feathers are nearly a quarter-inch
shorter than those in the middle. Length about 5% inches.
The Fox Sparrow {Passerella iliaca) is a common migrant,
most numerous in April and November, though it is not often
seen unless one visits scrubby woods, especially sprout land. Its
prevailing color above is rusty red, brightest on wings, rump
and tail, the same color appearing below as streaks on a white
ground. Length about 7 inches.
The breasts of the young of this group are
Breasts of adults more or less streaked for a few weeks after they
unstreaked. leave the nest, but at all subsequent periods they
show no marked color contrasts beyond an in-
distinct spot of dusky in the middle of the breast, which occurs
only in the tree sparrow.
The Chipping Sparrow {Spizella socialis), which builds its
frail, hair-lined nest in every orchard, is the most confiding
and best known of its tribe. The bill of the adult is black, the
crown chestnut, the back streaked with gray-brown and black,
and the rump pure gray. A wide stripe of white extends from
the bill back over each eye. The under parts are grayish white.
The outer tail feather is an eighth-inch longer than those in the
middle. None of the clear-breasted sparrows have any white
tail feathers. Immature birds of this species have pale bills
and streaked crowns. Length about 5I/2 inches. Nest always
in trees or bushes. The Tree Sparrow {Spizella nwnticola) is
a winter resident, most abimdant in October, November, J\larch
and April. It resembles the chippy in having more or less chest-
nut on the crown, a streaked back, gray rump, middle tail
feathers slightly shorter than the rest, but it differs in having a
blotch of dusky in the middle of the breast, more conspicuous
wing-bars of white, and the base of the lower mandible yellow.
Length about 6I/2 inches. The Field Sparrow {Spizella pusilla)
is a common summer denizen of open pastures bearing patches
of sweet fern or other low bushes, with here and there a boulder.
In size it is like the chippy, but its entire bill is always pale,
its back is more rusty and it has no white stripe over the eye, —
that organ being iii the middle of a circular patch of gray.
The outer and middle tail feathers are of about equal length.
Length about 5% inches. Nest in a low bush or on the ground
beneath one. The Grasshopper Sparrow {Coturniculus cavan-
nannn passcrinus) is a scarce summer resident of fields and
grazing lands. It has an insignificant song that has been likened
to the stridulations of a grasshopper, whence its name. This
species has a shade of buff across the breast, a dirty white
stripe down the middle of the crown, yellow on the edge of
the bend of the wing, and a tail composed of narrow, acute
feathers so short that its outstretched feet reach beyond it. The
feathers of the back are mainly black with brown tips and gray
edges. Length about 5 inches. Nest on the ground.
The Swamp Sparrow (Melospiza georgiana) is a common sum-
mer resident of meadows and marshes, where water, tall grass
and bushes are found together. In size and habits it resembles
the song sparrow. Its back is a mahogany-brown, heaA-ily striped
with black, its wings and tail being of a clearer and richer brown
than the striped area. The forehead of the male is black with a
narrow median strip of gray, and the crown is chestnut, bordered
on each side by a long stripe of gray above the e^'e. The crown
of the female is narrowly striped, chestnut and black, with a
narrow median line and wider lateral ones over each eye of gray.
The chin and belly of both sexes are white, the breast being
pale gray and the sides clear buffy l)rown. The outer tail
feathers are nearly a quarter-inch shorter than those in the
middle. Length S^/o to 6 inches. Nest in a tuft of grass or low
bush. The White-throated Sparrow {Zonotricliia alhicollis)
is an abundant migrant and a sparse summer resident in damp
scrub land. Its upper parts are mahogany-brown, streaked across
the shoulders with black. The crown of the adult male is black
"with a median line of white. Females and young males have
more or less of brown mixed with the black of the crown, and
the median line is more gray or buff. The eyebrows and the
edge of the bend of the wing are yellow. The chin is white in
abrupt contrast to the gray of the breast. These characters with
its large size make the identification of this sparrow easy.
Lerigth nearly 7 inches. Nest on the ground. The White-
crowned Sparrow {Zonotricliia leucophrys) is a rather scarce
migrant. It is similar to the white-throated sparrow in size and
habits. It is gray, streaked with dusky brown across the
shoulders, clear gray on the nape and breast, dull brown on
rump, sides, tail and wings, — the latter having two white wing-
bars — and white on chin and belly, merging into the gray of the
breast without an abrupt contrast. The crown has a broad
median stripe of white joined at the back by two narrow stripes
of white running back from the eyes. The sides of the crown,
between the median and lateral stripes of w^iite, are black.
Young birds lack the black and white on the crown, but they may
be told at once from the white-throated sparrow by their gray
aspect and the absence of yellow from eyebrows and edges of
wings. Length Gi/o to 7 inches.
The two species that form this group have the
Lower parts un- throat and breast dark and sharply defined by
streaked, but contrast with the lower breast and belly which
breast and belly ^^^ ^^j^-^^ r^^^ -^^^^^ {Junco hyemalis) is an
m sharp contrast , ^ .
as to color. abundant migrant everywhere and a regular
breeder in small numbers about the summit of
Bean Hill. Its upper parts, throat, breast and sides are slate
color, and its bell}^ and outer tail feathers are white. Immature
fall specimens have a brown or pinkish tinge over the slaty por-
tions. Length 6 to 6I/2 inches. Nest on the ground. The Tow-
hee or Chewink (Pipilo eryiliroptliahnus) , named for its ring-
ing notes, is a common summer resident of bush pastures and
Note.— The English Sparrow {Passer domesticus) is rarely seen outside the village,
where it is too well known to need a description.
briar patches. The male has upper parts, throat and upper
breast, black; sides, chestnut; and lower breast, belly, tips of
three outer tail feathers and a small spot on each wing, white.
The female differs from the male in being brown where he is
black. Length 7l^ to 8I/2 inches. Nest on the ground.
The Taxagers. (Tanagridae.)
The only member of this family having a place here is the
Scarlet Tanager {Piranga erytliromelas) , which is to be found
scatteringly as a summer resident of the woods, usually where
there are oak trees. The male in spring and summer has a
scarlet body and black wings and tail. During its summer
moult in August the scarlet is replaced by olive-green, in which
livery the bird departs for its winter home. The female is
always olive-green, with dusky wings and tail. Length, 7 to
7l^ inches. Nest in trees.
The Swallows. {Hirundinidae.)
This family is so well known that no general description is
necessary. The Purple Martin (Progne subis) is our largest
species. Adult males are glossy bluish-black all over. Imma-
ture males and females are duller steel-blue above, and more or
less white below, streaked with dark gray. Length 7 inches or
more; extent about 16. Nest in bird houses in colonies. The
Cliff or Eaves Swallow {Petroclielidon lunifrons) is easily
distinguished from all other swallows by a large buff spot on its
rump. Length 5 to 5I/2 inches and extent about one foot. Nest
of mud, bowl-shaped, with a hole in the side, plastered up be-
neath the eaves of a barn or along the cross timbers of a shed,
almost invariably in colonies, closely set, many in a row. The
Barn Swallow {Clielidon erythrogastra) is characterized by a
deeply-forked tail and a row of white spots across the tail near
the end. The outer tail feathers are more than twice the length
of those in the middle. Its back is steel-blue, under parts chest-
nut, with a partial necklace of steel-blue across the breast.
Length 6 to 7 inches. Extent about 13 inches. Nest on roof
timbers of barn or shed; not in colonies. The White-bellied
or Tree Swallow {Iridoprocue bicolor) is lustrous steel-green
above and pure white below. Length, about 6 inches ; extent, 13.
Nest in bird houses, a hollow tree or a hole in a building. Not
gregarious. The Bank Sw.vllow {Riparia riparia) is grayisli
brown above and white below, with a brown necklace across the
chest. It is common only in the vicinity of sand banks suitable
for drilling. It is highly gregarious. Length, 5 inches; extent^
101/2. Nest in a hole, drilled by the bird itself, in a sand bank.
The Waxwings. (Avipelidae.)
The Cherry Bird or Cedar Waxv^ing (Ampelis Cedrorum)
is an ardent patron of cherry trees of all lands when they are in
fruit. Its salient points are a crested head, a strip of black from
the bill backward around the eye, and a line of yellow across
the tip of the tail. General coloration a rich purplish cinna-
mon. Usually seen in flocks. Length 6 to 7 inches. Nest in
trees, often in an apple tree.
The Shrikes. (Laniidae.)
The shrikes or butcher birds have bluish-gray backs, white
underparts, black wings, with a large white spot and white
edgings, a black tail with white tips of the feathers increasing
outwardly, the outer one being mainly white, a black stripe on
each side of the head, and the length of the tail about equal to
the rest of the bird. The bill is hooked at the tip. The North-
ern Shrike {Lanius iorealis) comes in November and goes
northward again in April. It is a solitary species usually seen
on a fence or bare tree in fields or cleared pastures. Its breast
is crossed by numerous fine wavy lines. It is not common.
Length about 10 inches. The Migrant Shrike {Lanius liido-
vicianus migrans) is a scarce summer resident. It is not found
here during the residence of the last species, from which it
differs in being smaller, clearer white beneath and in having
more black on the forehead. Length 8 to 9 inches. Nest in the
scraggiest apple tree or thorn tree available. It has been found
breeding here by G. Henry Davis of Tilton.
The Vibeo Family. (Vh-eonidae.)
The vireos are the builders of the dainty cup-shaped nests of
birch bark that we see, after the leaves are fallen, attached to
forked twigs by the roadside. These nests are attached at the
rim and hang down between the supporting twigs. Vireos live
among the foliage of trees and are sweet, voluble and persistent
singers. They are clad in sober grays above and white or yellow
beneath, and present none of the striking color contrasts so
noticeable on many of the warblers. Their bills are slightly
hooked at the tip. They sing as they hunt, between mouthfuls
as it were, the day through, instead of devoting their entire
energy and attention to song for an hour or so morning and
evening. The Eed-eyed Vireo {Vireo olivaceus) is a common
species everywhere in hard-wood trees, both in the woods and
orchards and shade trees throughout the summer. Its crown is
ashy gray, other upper parts plain olive, under parts white, and
sides tinged with yellow. A white line, bordered above by a
narrow black line, runs from the nostril back over each eye.
Its iris is reddish bro^\'n, whence its name. Its wings are without
bars. Length about 6 inches. The Warbling Vireo {Vireo gil-
vus) is less common than the last in most places, yet in the vil-
lage shade trees it is the prevailing vireo. It resembles the
red-eye, being plain olive above, including crown, and white be-
neath. There is an inconspicuous white line over the eye but no
black. The wings are without bars. Length about 5 inches.
The Blue-headed Vireo {Vireo soliiarius) is a rather scarce
summer resident, though common in migration. It comes by the
last of April, and its intermittent singing among the leafless.
boughs is then very noticeable. The top and sides of the head
are ashy-blue, in sharp contrast with a white line from the bill
to and around the eye, and the white throat. The back is green-
ish olive, the sides are pale yellow, and the under parts are
white. There are two white bars on each wing. Length about
51/2 inches. The Yellow-throated Vireo {Vireo favifrons)
is a scarce migrant. Its head and shoulders are yellowish olive,,
gradually turning to gray on the back and rump, the throat and
breast are clear yellow and the belly is white. There are two-
bars of white on each wing. Length about 6 inches.
The Warblers. {Minotiltidae.)
The warblers are a group of small arboreal birds, which are
very active in searching among foliage of trees and shrubbery
for insect prey, indifferent as vocalists, but, as a rule, with con-
tra.sty color effects that are agreeable to the eye. They average
smaller than the vireos and are more brightly colored. They are
a large and rather confusing familv of summer residents and
migrants. The males are more highly colored than the females,
^nd are consequently more easily identified. It is often the case
that females and young fall specimens are difficult to identify
without adult males to compare them with. The grouping of
this family as it appears below is based on the color of adult
males in spring, which is the best season to study them. The
first three are odd ones, not readily lending themselves to group-
ing on a color basis. The Parula Warbler (Compsoihlypis
americana usnea) is a rather scarce summer resident usually
found in mixed timber containing more or less hemlocks. The
male has its upper parts blue with a yellow area between its
shoulders, and two white bars on each wing. Its throat is yel-
low, bordered below by a collar of dusky and chestnut-bro^vn ;
breast yellow ; belly white. The female has a trace of the collar
and is less sharply marked generally. Length, about 4l^ inches.
Nest made of loops of long stringy moss (usnea) in trees.
The Myrtle or Yellow-rumped Warbler (Dendroica coro-
nata) is to be recognized at all seasons by an arrangement of yel-
low spots not found on any other bird of this region. One of
these spots is on its rump, one on its crown and one on each side
of its breast. This species breeds sparingly on the summit of
Bean Hill, and in October is abundant in orchards and pasture
shrubbery. Length, about 5% inches. Nest usually in low
.spruces. The Tennessee Warbler {HelmintJiophila peregrina)
is a very rare migrant. The adult male has the entire under
part grayish white, crown and back of neck ash gray; upper
parts otherwise olive green ; a stripe of white over the eye. The
female in spring is similar except for a suffusion of olive green
•over the head and under parts. All fall specimens are usually
entirely olive-green above and pale greenish yellow below and
in the stripe over the eye. Length, about 4% inches.
The Nashville Warbler (Helminthoplnla ru-
Under parts yel- hricapilla) is a common migrant, especially in
low without dis- spring, and an occasional summer resident. The
inc s rea s. male has its entire under parts greenish yellow.
iiack olive-grecn. . pi
A patch of chestnut is in the middle of the
crown ; the sides and top of the head and neck are ash-gray ; ring
around the eye white; back, wings and tail olive-green. The
female lacks the chestnut patch on the crown, otherwise she is
.^''- f
like the male. Length, about 4i/^ inches. Nest on the ground.
The Wilson Warbler {Wilsonia pusilla) is a scarce migrant,
passing this region in May and August. Its entire under parts-
are clear yellow and entire iTpper parts bright olive-green, ex-
cepting the crown of the male, which is black. Length, about
4% inches. The Pine Warbler {Dendroica vigor sii) is one of
the earlier warblers to appear in spring, often coming the first
week in April. The adult male has under parts greenish yellow,
except the bellj^ which is whitish. Its sides are faintly streaked
with olive. Its upper parts are yellowish olive, except the Avings
and tail, which are dull olive gray, the wings having two bars of
dingy white. Females vary from nearly as bright as males to
dull olive gray all over. The song of this warbler is not dis-
tinguishable from that of the chipping sparrow. It is frequently
to be found in scattering pine trees. It is a scarce summer resi-
dent. Length, 5Vo to 6 inches. Nest in trees. The ]\Iarylani>
Yellow-throat {Geothlypis trichas) is a common summer resi-
dent of briar patches, hazel bushes and similar tangles, beings
unlike the general run of warblers in preferring a lowly station.
The male is easily made out by the black mask across his face^
and his fussy note of alarm at the first glimpse of an intruder.
The female lacks the black mask, but otherwise the sexes agree
in having yellow throats and breasts, buff sides, white bellies:
and olive-green upper parts. The song of the male, we-ckee-
chee, we-chee-fhee, is quite pleasing. Length, about 5 inches.
Nest on the ground. The Connecticut Warbler {Oporornis
agilis) is a scarce autumn migrant, rarely or never seen in spring.
Its belly is always yellow. Fall specimens have the breast and
throat olive-brown, and the upper parts entirely olive-green.
Spring birds differ in having the breast olive and the head ashy
above. A distinguishing character at all times is a white eye-
ring. Length, 51/0 inches. The ^Mourning Warbler (Oporornis
Philadelphia) breeds in the White Mountains and is likely to
occur here in migration, though it is not actually known ever to-
have done so. The male is like that of the last species in size and
general appearance, having the top of the head and back of the
neck slate-gray, back olive-green and belly yellow, but its breast
and throat feathers are black with gray tips, and there is no eye-
ring. Females and voung males have heads, throat and breast
paler and more or less yellowish. The lack of an eye-ring is
sufficient to distinguish them from similar specimens of the last
Two species have under parts yellow narrowly
Under parts yel- streaked with chestnut or cinnamon. The Yel-
low streaked -,-1^ . ^^ , . . • \ •
,,. , , , LOW Warbler (Dendroica aestiva) is a common
•with chestnut. ^ ^
summer resident near ponds and streams. Both
sexes appear at a little distance to be yellow all over. The female
has the chestnut streaks obscure and sometimes wanting all
together. Length, nearly 5 inches. Nest in bushes or small
trees. The Yellow Palm Warbler {Dendroica palmarum Jiy-
pochrysea) is not uncommon as an early spring and late fall
migrant. It is often seen on the ground and is noticeable on
account of a habit of bobbing its tail. Its color characters, aside
from those belonging to this group, are chestnut crown, yellow
stripe over each eye, olive-brown back, and greenish yellow rvimp.
Length, 5^4 inches.
In this group of three are the warblers having
Under parts yel- ^j^g under parts yellow and more or less streaked
. , , . , with heavy lines of black. It is to be noted that
the extent of the streaked area varies in different
species. In the Cape May Warbler {Dendroica tigrina), a very
rare migrant, the black streaks are on the throat, breast and
sides, but do not run together to form a collar of black across
the breast. The male has a black crown and chestnut cheeks.
The sides of his neck are clear yellow, a stripe over each eye is
yellow in front and chestnut behind. The feathers of the back
are black with yellowish green edges, and the rump is yellow.
The female is olive above, yellowish on the rump throat and
breast, whitish on the sides, and under parts finely streaked with
dusky. Length, 5 to 51/4 inches. The Magnollv Warbler {Den-
droica maculosa), a rather scarce migrant, has no black streaks
on the throat, but on the breast they form a collar, and along
the sides they are heavy. The male has a gray crown, a stripe
of white running from the eye backward, sides of head black,
rump yellow, and a w^hite bar across the tail occupying about the
middle third of it, the basal and terminal thirds being black.
The female is much duller colored, but she may be identified with
certainty by the same white bar across the tail that the male has.
Length, 4% to 5 inches. The Canadian "Warbler {Wilsonia
canadensis) has its black stripes confined to a "necklace" across
the breast. Above it is uniformly gray except on the crown,
where the feathers have black centers. Eye-ring and a spot
on each side of the forehead yellow. Females have the neck-
lace obscure, but otherwise they are like the males. This is a
fairly common migrant and an occasional breeder. Length, 51/4
to dYo inches. Nest on the ground.
The male Blackburnian Warbler (Dendro-
Throat solid *ca blackburniae) is our only warbler having an
orange, orange throat without streaks. The belly is pale
yellow ; the sides are streaked with black ; crown
black with an orange streak over each eye, and an orange spot
in the middle ; back black narrowly streaked with whitish. The
female has throat and line over each eye yellow, and back yel-
lowish gray streaked with black. This species is not rare as a
summer resident. Length, 5i/4 to 5I/2 inches. Nest in trees, fre-
quently hemlocks.
The males of three species have the throat en-
Throat solid tirely black. The male American Redstart
black. (Setophaga ruticilla) has throat, breast and up-
per parts black, sides and inner half of wings
and inner half of tail orange. The female is olive above, whitish
beneath and yellow where the male is orange. This species is a
common summer resident. Length, 5 to oVo inches. Nest in trees.
The Black-throated Blue Warbler (Dendroica caerulescens)
is a rather scarce migrant here, though it breeds on the Sanborn-
ton mountains and possibly does so occasionally on Bean Hill.
The male has the throat and sides of head and body black, the
upper parts blue and the belly white. The bases of the outer
wing feathers are white. The female is whitish below and olive
above. The tiny white spot at the base of her outer wing feath-
ers is diagnostic, as no other warbler found here has it. Length,
about 5 inches. Nest in a low bush. The Black-throated
Green Warbler (Dendroica vjrens) is a common summer resi-
dent of pine woods. The male has the throat and sides of breast
black; sides of head yellow, with a line of olive through the eye;
upper parts olive-green. The female is similar but duller col-
ored. Length, about 5 inches. Nest in trees, usually pines.
Two species occur iu this ca'tegory. Of these
Under parts ^j^g Black AND White Warbler {3Iinotilta va-
w les arpy • k • yery common species, usually in the
streaked with , ^ '' ^ . , ' , i
y^^j^^ larger trees, where it creeps about the trunks and
larger branches. The male is streaked black and
white in about equal proportions above and on the breast. The
female is similar to the male, but usually with less black streaks
beneath. Length, about 514 inches. Nest on ground. The
Black-poll Warbler (Dendroica striata) is one of the later
warblers to appear in spring, usually passing here between the
20th of May and the 10th of June. In spring it is seen oftener
in orchards than in the woods. Fall migrants frequent pastures
with scattering trees and patches of gray birches. Spring males
have the under parts white with black streaks along the sides of
the neck and body; crown entirely black; back streaked, black
and gray; wings wdth two white bars. The spring female has
the crown and back olive-green streaked with black ; under parts
tinged with greenish yellow ; sides obscurely streaked with dusky.
Fall specimens are quite different, the under parts being yellow-
ish with obscure olive streaks ; upper parts clear olive-green from
bill to tail, with dusky streaks down the back; wing-bars yellow-
ish. Length, nearly 5I/2 inches.
The two species here included are large aber-
Under parts rant warblers, noticeably different from the aver-
white or yellow- ^gg warbler type. Both obtain their food from
ish, sharply ^^^^ ground, and have uniform brown backs. The
streaked with ° ' .„ . .
jjj.Q^j^ Ovenbird {Seiurus aurocapilkis) is a common
summer resident. Its song — ive-che, ive-che, we-
che, we-cJie, we-clie, — in forceful crescendo, is almost ear split-
ting at close range. It walks instead of hopping. It has a wide
stripe of orange-brown over the cro^^^l, flanked on each side by
a line of black ; otherwise, its upper parts are a golden greenish
brown. The sexes are alike. Length, about 6 inches. Its nest
is a roofed structure, Avhence its name, placed on the ground.
The Water-Thrush {Seiurus novehoracensis) is a citizen of
swamps and the margins of ponds and streams. Its most notice-
able characteristic is its incessantly bobbing tail. Its under parts
are yellowish white, streaked on the throat, breast and sides with
dark brown. Its upper parts are dark olive-brown. Over each
eye extends a line of yellowish white. Length, about 5% inches.
Nest on the ground.
The Chestnut-sided Warbler {Dendrolca
Sides chestnut ; pensylvanica) is a common summer resident,
belly white or usually in scrub land and small woods of deeid-
u y w 1 e. uous trees. The male has the throat, breast and
belly Avhite; sides chestnut; crown yellow; back streaked with
black and pale yellow. The female is similar but duller. The
Bay-breasted Warbler (Dendroica Castanea) is a scarce mi-
grant. The spring male is to be distinguished from the last
species at a glance by its throat, which is chestnut, confluent
with the same color on its sides, and by its crown, which, also, is
chestnut. Its back is gray streaked with black. The spring
female is duller of color, but similar to the male. Young fall
birds are only to be distinguished from young fall specimens of
the black-poll warbler, already described, by a faint tinge of
buff or pale chestnut on the sides.
The Pipits. {MotacilUdae.)
As but one species of this family is to be found here, the ques-
tion of characters maj^ be referred to the description of the
American Pipit (Anthus pensilvanicus) , which is but a mi-
grant, most in evidence in the fall when corn is in the shock.
Then it appears in flocks and is quite common in the harvested
corn fields. It is less common in spring. Its most noticeable
feature is an incessant jerking of the tail when it is alighted,
and white outer tail feathers when on the Aving. Above it is
olive brown slightly streaked with dusky. A line over the eye,
and the under parts are buffy. The hind claw is long and nearly
straight, similar to that of the horned lark. The sexes are alike.
Length, 614 to 7 inches.
The Mockixgdiro Faiiily. (Mimidae.)
Although the true mockingbird does not occur here, it is repre-
sented by two relatives, the catbird and brown thrasher, which
abundantly attest the musical ability of the family. They are
frequenters of thickets adjacent to grazing and tillage land,
where insects, worms and berries are to be had, combined with a
tangle to hide in. They all agree in having short, broad wings,
and tails approximately as long as their bodies. The Catbird
{3Ji}iUS carolinrnsis) is slate colored, darker above, lighter be-
neath, with crown, wings and tail black. Sexes alike. It is a
common snmmer resident. Length, 8l^ to 9 inches. Nest in
bushes. The Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufus) is rusty-
brown above, and whitish spotted with dark brown on the breast
and sides. Sexes alike. This species is a common summer resi-
dent, nesting usually in thorny bushes, though occasionally on
the ground. Length, about 11 inches.
The Wrexs. (Troglodytidae.)
The wrens are little snuff-brown birds, usually found about
stone walls, brush heaps and similar lowly and obscure situa-
tions. They are given to scolding, and not unfrequently cock their
tails straight up in a very impudent fashion. The House Wren
(Troglodyies acdon) is a scarce summer resident, generally speak-
ing, though a pair or two usually breed somewhere about the
village each year. The sexes are alike, snuff brown above, paler
brown beneath, becoming nearly white on the belly, everywhere
indistinctly barred with wavy lines of dusky. Length, 4% to
5I/4 inches. Nest in holes in trees and in nesting boxes. The
Winter Wren {QlhiorchUus hiemalis) is a scarce migrant, but
probably an occasional summer resident in secluded swamps.
This species is usually found in tangly places in the woods. It
is colored much like the house wren, being deep brown above,
darkest on the head and brightest on the rump and paler beneath.
The sides and tlanks are strongly barred with dusky and whitish.
It is decidedly smaller than the house wren, being only about
4 inches long. Nest near the ground in crevices of stumps or
fallen logs in swamps.
The Creepers. (CertJiiidae.)
The Brown Creeper {Certhia familiaris amerkana) is the
little bird frequently seen in cold weather making its way by little
hitches up the trunks of trees, examining every crevice for in-
sects or their eggs. The creeper always begins at the bottom of
a tree and works its way upward towards the top, from whence
it flies diagonally downward to the butt of the next tree. Its
back is dark brown streaked with whitish, becoming rusty brown
on the rump. Its under parts are white. Its bill is slender and
curved slightly downwai'd, and its tail feathers are sharply
pointed, beinjgr used as a prop, after the manner of a -Avoodpeeker 's
tail. The creeper is mainly migrant, but it is likely to be found
breeding now and then. Length, about dYo inches. Nest in a
hole in a tree or behind a splinter of bark.
The Nuthatches. (Sittidae.)
The nuthatches are queer little birds, often seen climbing about
the trunks and larger branches of trees in winter. Unlike the
creeper, they are as often seen moving with their heads downward
as upward, and they can run around the under side of a large
limb as easily as a fly. Both species breed here sparingly. The
male White- breasted Nuthatch {Sitta carolinensis) has a
grayish blue back, a black crown and white under parts. The
female's crown is scarcely darker than her back, otherwi.se she is
like the male. Length, 5i/^ to 6 inches. The nest is in a hole
drilled in the dead portion of a tree. The Red-breasted Nut-
hatch {Sitta canadoisis) is colored above quite similarly to the
last species, but its under parts are reddish brown. It is smaller
than the last species, being only 41/^ to 4% inches in length. It
drills its own nest hole in decayed wood and daubs fresh pine
pitch around the entrance.
The Chickadees. (Paridae.)
The Chickadee {Fanis atricapillus) is a well-known resident.
The sexes are alike, the upper parts being gray, the crown and
throat black, and the under parts white. Length, about 5 inches,
of which the tail is about half. Nest in holes in decayed trees.
It is a cheerful .sight in midwinter to see a troop of these hardy
little fellows making a circuit of the tree tops searching for their
daily rations. In this season of scarcity they are always glad of
bits of waste meat that may be put in the trees for them, and
the farmer cannot find a surer income from charity of any sort
than from what he may thus bestow on these hungry birds that
annually save him dollars by their persistent warfare on insects.
The IIuDSONiAN Chickadee {Pm-us hudsonicus) is a rare winter
visitant from the White Mountains. It is not actually known
to have occurred here, but as it has been found elsewhere in this
county, and even so far south as Connecticut, it may reasonably
be expected here. In size and appearance it is like the chicka-
dee, but its back is pale olive-brown and its throat and crown are
brown instead of black.
The Kinglets. (Sylviidae.)
The kinglets, so named from having a spot of bright color on
the crown, are tiny birds, smaller even than the warblers. They
are excessively active in flitting- from twig to twig, and are often
seen hovering in the air for a moment beneath a leaf or a branch
while inspecting the lower surface. They may be distinguished
in the hand from the warblers by noting that the outer wing
feather is less than half as long as the next one to it. The outer
feather of a warbler's wing is always much more than half the
length of the second feather. The Golden-crowned Kinglet
(Eeguliis satrapa) is olive-green above; wings and tail dusky
edged with pale yellow ; and under parts whitish. The male has
a patch of yellow containing a median stripe of orange on its
crown. The female is similar, except that its crown patch is
entirely yellow. This species is a common migrant and an occa-
sional resident throughout the year. Length, about 4 inches.
The nest, a pendant structure of green moss, is attached to a
spruce branch neor the tip. The Ruby-crowned Kinglet {Eeg-
ulus calendula) is colored in general like the last named, but it
has a white eye-ring, and the male has on its crown a triangular
patch of red, which the female lacks. This species is only a mi-
grant, appearing in April and early May, and again in Septem-
ber and October. Length, nearly 4^/2 inches.
The Thrush Family. (Turdidae.)
The most familiar member of the thrush family is the Robin
(Merula migratoria) , which needs not to have either its appear-
ance or habits recorded here. The w^oodland thrushes, which are
less well-known, are like the robin in contour, but are quite dif-
ferent from it in color and habitat, though they all closely re-
semble each other. The Hermit Thrush {Ilylocichla guttata
pallasii) arrives from the South early in April and remains till
November, It lives almost exclusively in the woods, often among
evergreens, from whence, morning and evening, issues its clear,
soul-stirring song. Its upper parts are olive-brown turning to
tawny or rusty on the rump and tail; sides olive-gray; under
parts butfy white, sharply spotted with dusky. Length, 7 to 7I/2
inches. Nest on the ground. The Wilson Thrush {IlylocicJila
fuscescens) is another summer resident of practically the same
size and color pattern as the last, but its entire upper parts are
tawny, the back and tail presenting no contrast. It is also much
less heavily spotted beneath than any of the other woodland
thrushes. Its song is of the metallic quality that characterizes
all its tribe, but it is not nearly so fine as that of the hermit.
This species is more commonly found near water than on the
hills. Nest on the ground or near it. The Olive-backed
Thrush {Hylociclila ustulata swainsonii) is a migrant. Its up-
per parts are uniform olive throughout; sides olive-gray; under
parts buffy white spotted with duslcy, much like the hermit. A
yellowish eye-ring is a noticeable feature. This species may be
looked for in May, August and September and possibly may be
found here in the breeding season. Length, 6% to 7l^ inches.
Nest in low tree. The Song Thrush {Hylociclila mustelina) is
a rare summer visitor. Its back is rusty brown, turning to olive
on the rump and tail; sides and under parts white with many
round spots of dusky. On a certain June morning I saw and
heard sing one of these thrushes near the so-called ' ' Summit ' ' on
the railroad. Length, 7i/^ to 8 inches. Nest in a tree. The
Bluebird {Sialia sialis) needs no description or encomium. It
is one of the few birds that everybody know^s and loves. No
song is more cheering than that of the bluebird as it comes to us
in spring, neither are any bird notes more doleful than those it
utters while preparing to obey that mysterious impulse from
within which commands it to leave us toward the end of autumn.
History of Northfield
Town histories have an inestimable value. Whenever I look at a
row of these fat volumes, filled with the quaint, homely annals of the
early settlers, intermixed with genealogies and portraits, enlivened with
anecdotes of the old-time raisings and muster parades, bursting with
details of all kinds of events from Indian massacres to the contro\ersy
over introducing a sto\e into the meeting house: gi\ing equal space to
the biggest pumpkin raised in 1817 and the poor old hermit found frozen
to death in his hut .... whenever I look at these repositories of
humble items, dragnets of facts big and little, I feel that the greatness
of America is bound up between their swollen covers.
— Frances M. Abbott in '^Granite Monthly."
RUMFORD Printing Company
The genealogical arrangement here employed is so simple it
needs no explanation. In but few cases does the record go back
farther than the first of the name in town. The varied orthog-
raphy of certain names has been noted, but no authority claimed.
Where no town is mentioned as place of birth, etc., Northfield
is to be understood, and the abbreviations "N. H. " have been
omitted. A mark of interrogation denotes uncertainty ( ?) ; "b."
has been used for born; "m. " for married; "d." for died, and
"dau. " for daughter or daughters.
It is not claimed that the names of all who served as soldiers
in the several wars are here recorded. They have a chapter
devoted to their enrollment.
^Ministers of the gospel, lawyers, physicians, senators, judges
and others high in the military and civil service of the state and
nation stand out in goodly numbers to ennoble and brighten the
following pages with the record of their deeds and "words fitly
spoken. " To transmit these to those who shall come after us, and
to show what the influence of our emigrating sons and daughters
has been on other communities, has been a pleasant task and a
source of pride and satisfaction, as the flattering story has come
to us from all parts of the world.
Dea. Elias Abbott was b. in Concord, Oct. 24, 1757. Sept., 1783, m.
Elizabeth Buswell, b. at Kingston, Sept. 4, 1761. They, with five chil-
dren, came to N. in the spring of 1801 and bought one of the Leavitt
farms, at the foot of Bean Hill, lot No. 24 of the original survey. He
had served in Bedel's Regiment and went under Captain Osgood to fight
the Indians in Canada. He was with his two neighbors, Lieutenants
Lyford and Glidden, at the surrender of Fort "William Henry. His
name was put on the pension rolls, Dec. 15, 1830, and he drew $96 a
year. He was a religious man and assisted in the formation of the
Congregational Church in 1822, and was its first deacon, which office he
held until old age. He d. at 90, May 19, 1847. She d. Jan. 25, 1832.
Second Generation.
Elias Abbott, b. at Concord, March 22, 1786. He spent most of his
life with or near his father, who erected him a home on the farm. He
m. (first) May 2, 1812, Lydia Sawyer, of N., b. July 23, 1784, and d. May
14, 1826. They had four children. He m. (second) Aug. 29, 1826, Sarah
Winslow, b. at Concord, Jan. 30, 1788; d. at N., Aug. 2, 1848; and had
two daughters. He m. (third) Mrs. Elinor Rogers, May 22, 1853, and
d. at N., Sept. 10, 1862.
Abagail Abbott, b. at Concord in 1783; became, Feb., 1829, the second
wife of Dea. Jeremiah Hall (see Hall gen.), and d. Aug. 25, 1864.
Betsey Abbott, b. at Concord, 1789, and d. at N., March 29, 1847. She
spent her whole life in loving care of her parents and outlived her
father but ten days.
James Blswell Abbott was for many years a popular teacher and
later read medicine and graduated from Dartmouth Medical College in
1825. M., Nov. 15, 1827, Nancy B. Rogers, his next door neighbor. At
her death, ten years later, m. her sister, Elisabeth A. Rogers, who d.
after five years. He practiced first at Canterbury as associate of the
late Dr. Harper, and then for a time at Boscawen. He then took up
his abode at Sanbornton Square as the successor of Dr. Hill, where he
remained until his death 26 years later. In 1843, he m. for his third
wife, Sarah, dau. of Joseph Gerrish of Boscawen. by whom he had four
children, but one of whom survives. James B. d. at 22, just as he
became associated with his father in business. Dr. Abbott found time
in the midst of a busy practice to act as clerk of the town and to
supervise the schools for 22 successive years, and was superintendent
of the Sunday school 16 years.
Third Generation.
(Children of Elias and Lydia Sawyer Abbott.)
Gardner Sawyer Abbott, b. Feb. 27, 1813, has spent his whole life in
town and survives at the age of 92 years with faculties unimpaired, and
is still interested in all that transpires. He was thrice married, (first)
to Phebe Bus well of Bay Hill, who d. Sept. 3, 1856; (second) to Sarah
Jane Buswell (pub.), Jan. 5, 1857, who d. Feb. 23, 1860; (third) May,
1864, to Mrs. Lydia Peters of Concord, who d. March 29, 1897. He has
been a teacher of ability, a farmer and a trusted business man; was col-
lector for the town for 13 years and selectman for five. He was also
deacon of Northfield and Tilton Congregational Church for 18 years,
and its clerk until incapacitated by age. In 1878 his farm buildings
were struck by lightning and burned, and he has since resided at the
junction of the two Bay Hill roads. This house has perhaps been the
home of more families than any other in town.
Alfred S. Abbott, b. 1816; m., 1842, Susan Howe, and settled as a
farmer in Canterbury. He d. there in 1888; she d. 1890. He was
deacon of the Congregational Church for a long term of years. They
had three children, but one of whom, Almira "Willard, survives.
Emily Buswell Abbott, m.. May 18, 1841, David Webber and removed
to Starksboro. (See Webber gen.)
Matilda Abbott, b. 1818; m. Barnard Currier of Concord and d. 1899.
Several children lived to maturity and are widely scattered.
(Children of Elias and Sarah Winslow Abbott.)
Lydia S. Abbott, b. in 1827; m. Enoch Welch and removed to Ohio.
Sarah W. Abbott, b. 1832; m. Philander Walsh and removed to the
West, where she d., leaving five children.
Moses Colby Abbott was b. at Ryegate, Vt., April 2, 1833. He m.,
March 3, 1855, Mary A. Regan of Rumney, b. in Boston, Aug. 11, 1830.
She d. at Tilton, June 10, 1885. He m. (second) Mrs. Mary Palmer
Brown of N., April 27, 1889, and resides at East N. He has been a
blacksmith for more than fifty years; also a Methodist preacher and
exhorter. They had three children.
Second Generation.
Austin Clarence Abbott, b. Feb. 7, 1856, at Plymouth; m., Feb. 23,
1879, Nellie J. Dudley of Tilton. They now reside at Lynn, Mass., and
have one child, Gladys M.
Frank Hazen Abbott, b. at Rumney, Sept. 4, 1857; m. Margaret Fer-
ritter, and resides at Oakland, Me. They have one son, John F.
Lucia Arabella Abbott, b. at Rumney, Sept. 4, 18G4.
Jededia}! Abbott bought the Whidden farm on Bean Hill of Samuel
Libby about 187G. He was a minister and, though never having a reg-
ular charge, worked in the Lord's vineyard as opportunity offered,
mended shoes and tilled his land. He often held services in the school-
house and at "Worsted Church."
Though not an educated man, he had a good voice, was a ready
speaker and especially gifted in prayer. After his wife's death, April
13, 1886, he removed to Goffstown, where he d. soon after. They are
both buried in the cemetery by the town house. They cared for several
homeless children, but had none of their own.
Samuel Adams, b. at Chester, Feb. 10, 1828; m., April 25, 1853, Sarah
A. Dunaven, b. at Enosburg, Vt, Nov. 10, 1833. They came to N. from
Tilton, Jan. 4, 1882. He had been a farmer at Danbury, but was em-
ployed later at the Tilton mills for 17 years. He served in the army
(see Boys in Blue). They had seven children.
Second Generation.
Abbie Annie Adams, b. at Haverhill, Mass., March 27, 1855; d. at
Tilton, Sept. 1, 1876.
Charles Egbert Adams, b. at Haverhill, July 27, 1858; m., Jan. 8,
1879, Martha B. Jarvis of Tilton. He is a fireman at the Jackson Mfg.
Co.'s works at Nashua, where they reside. They have three children,
Joseph, Frank and Minnie B.
Lal-ra Emma Adams, b. at Haverhill, Jan.. 1860; m., May 19, 1SS5,
Herbert Eastman, b. at Weare. He is an underwriter for an insurance
company at Hartford, Conn., where they reside. They have two chil-
dren, Herbert and Harold.
IMixnie Louise Adams, b. at Danbury, March 4, 1862; d. at Tilton,
April 17, 1880.
Sadie Louise Adams, b. at Danbury, Jan. 12, 1866; m., June 5, 1889,
George W. Bettis, b. at Morrisville, Vt., June 2, 1867. He was station
agent and later a machinist, at Ashland, where he now resides. They
have three children, Marion, Helen F. and Margaret.
Lettie May Adams, b. at Belmont, July 27, 1873, and d. there in
Maria Frances Adams, b. at Danbury, July 27, 1887, and d. there.
Third Generation.
(Children of Charles and Martha Jarvis Adams.)
Joseph Egbert Adams, b. at Tilton, Nov. 29, 1879, enlisted in the reg-
ular army for three years, then re-enlisted for the same term, and is
now stationed at Des Moines, Iowa, in the Eleventh United States Cav-
Frank Marshall Adams, b. at Tilton, Dec. 13, 1882. He enlisted
for four years as a marine on the ship Dixie, served his term and
re-enlisted for another term on cruisers San Francisco and Helena. He
m., Jan. 5, 1905, Josephine Roberts of Norfolk, Va.
MixNiE Bell Adams, b. at Tilton, Aug. 12, 1S81; resides in the home.
Caleb Aldrich of Smithfield, R. I., came to N. from Hill (New Ches-
ter) in 1822. Two children, b. in Smithfield, remained there, while one,
Windsor, came to N. with his father and remained in East N. on the
Sanborn farm. His sister, Harriet, also came to N. and Edwin, who
removed West. Caleb died at Hill.
Second Generation.
Windsor Aldrich, b. in R. I., March 4, 1802; m. Abagail Sargent of
Loudon, b. June 6, 1802 (?). After her death at N., March 5, 1850, he
m. Olive Jenness, Oct. 27, 1850. She d. at N., Feb. 24, 18G7, and he m.
(third) Mrs. Mary Downing of Ellsworth. He d. Sept. 21, 1871. She
d. Aug. 27, 1887.
Third Generation.
(Children of Windsor and Abagail Aldrich.)
Sally Sabgent Aldrich, b. at N., July 30, 1829; m. (pub.), Feb. 5,
1849, Charles P. Ticknor, a teacher of penmanship at the New Hamp-
shire Conference Seminary. He became a farmer at East N. and d.
there, June 30, 1860. She m. (second) Charles Sanborn of Salisbury,
Sept. 23, 1875. She had two children by first marriage.
Charles Sargent Aldrich, b. at N., Sept. 8, 1834; m., Oct. 10, 1863,
Emeline H. Jenness of Chichester, b. April 23, 1831, and d. May 17, 1869
They had two children.
Fourth Generation.
(Children of Charles P. and Sally Ticknor.)
Abbie Ticknor, b. at N., March 28, 1851; m. (first), Nov. 13, 1870,
James H. Courser of Warner, a farmer. He d. Jan. 17, 1875. She m.
(second) Arthur Tucker of Warner, Dec. 25, 1894, and had three chil-
dren, James, Ralph and Katherine.
Benxif, Tickxor, b. at N., Sept. 14, 1856; went when a boy to reside
with Mrs. Blaisdell and goes by her name. He m., Sept. 11, 1887, Cinda
E. Dow, and is a blacksmith in Pittsfield.
(Children of Charles and Emeline Aldrich.)
Emma A. Aldrich, b. at N., Feb. 1, 1854; m., Nov. 18, 1869, George
F. Rand of N. (See Rand gen.) She m. (second), Oct. 25, 1874, John
H. Mead of Hill, who is employed by the Boston & Maine Railroad as
section foreman.
Saeaii B. Aldrich, b. at N., June 23, 1860; d. unmarried at Franklin,
March 23, 1879.
Two brothers, Jonathan and Joseph Allard, came to N. in 1810, and
bought the Clark and Moloney farm, afterwards the farm of Jeremiah
Cross. The former came from Londonderry and the latter from Sand-
wich. Jonathan was first taxed in 1811, and Joseph in 1815, and James
Madison in 1816. Joseph was a tailor by trade. He was very fastid-
ious in dress and, in spite of being an inveterate snuff taker, was quite
the "style" with body encased in corsets and surmounted with an ulti'a-
fashionable highland plaid cloak. He m. Polly Robinson of Canter-
bury, Jan. 25, 1812, and had two children. He d. at N., April 29, 1843.
Second Generation.
James M.\disox Allard must have been nearly of age when he came
to N. He remained but a few years.
Eliza Allard, m. Parkhurst and removed to Boston.
The Allisons were among the early settlers in the north fields. Lot
55 in the second division of 100 acre lots was laid out to the right of
Joseph Allison. He came from Holderness and m. Sarah Haines, Aug.
11, 1785. A sister, probably Betsey Allison, m. Edward Dyer, Sept.
2, 1792.
Second Generation.
Richard Allison inherited the lot in which Chestnut Pond is locate^
He m. Susanna Smith. He removed later to French's mills in Canada.
There were several children; I can find the name of but one.
Mart Alliso.x, b. in Holderness; m. William Forrest. (See Forrest
William Allisox was a blacksmith and lived in Canterbury.
Third Generation.
Anxa Allisox, m. James Forrest, and lived and d. at East N., Oct.,
1809. She was 47 years of age. (See Forrest gen.)
(Child of Richard and Susanna Smith Allison.)
Charlotte Allisox, b. 1792, at N. ; did not remove to Canada with
her parents, but remained in the family of Squire Glidden. She was a
noble Christian girl and devout Methodist, as was Mother Glidden.
They were baptized in Chestnut Pond and were among the first of that
sect in town.
John Butler of Nottingham owned one-third of Governor Shute's
reservation of 500 acres and used to send stock there for pasturage,
coming often himself and calling on his old friend Squire Glidden.
He fell in love with the busy Charlotte and when he returned from
the funeral of his friend, Aug. 21, 1811, took her home as his wife.
She was the mother of General B. F. Butler.
Dea. Josiah Ambrose was b. at Concord, 1770, and built his little
cabin beside the brook flowing from Chestnut Pond when the country
around was a howling wilderness. He m. Mollie Morse, his next door
neighbor, and when his little home was ready for the windows went
on foot to Concord and returned with the outfit on his shoulders. It
consisted of half a window. He was a farmer, teacher and business
man generally. He represented the town in the Legislature of 1S12,
and held every other office in the gift of the town. He d. at Daltou,
where he had gone on a visit to friends in 1840. His wife survived
him until Nov. 9, 1857, and died at 90 years of age. A niece, Betsey
Cotton of Boston, lived with her many years. They had no children.
Dr. William B. Ames came from Vermont to Sanbornton Bridge and
d. there soon after, leaving a widow and seven children. The family-
came to N. about 1840. Mrs. Ames d. at N., Aug. 28, 1865, aged 71.
Second Generation.
Michael Ames was a prominent lawyer at St. Paul and d. there in
William B. Ames also resided at St. Paul, Minn., and d. there about
Angeline Ames, b. 1825; m.. May 21, 1849. Henry Whipple, a carpen-
ter, of Concord, where he d. She d. at N., Jan. 20, 1868.
Sarah R. Ames, b. 1830; m., Aug. 25, 1845, Charles Henry Morrison,
of Concord, a cabinet maker and later in the employ of the Northern
Railroad. They had three sons. She d. at Concord, March 21, 1874.
Mr. Morrison was b. in Loudon in 1827. He went to Concord in 1850.
AuROLiNE Ames, d. at the age of 17.
RoANCY Ames, d. at the age of 15.
Lyman Bracket Ames bought the drug and bookstore of Dr. Spencer
in June, 18G1, and remained there until associated with Mr. Kelsea in
Hills block in the same business in 1865. The same place is now
occupied by C. P. Herrick. Mr. Ames sold to Tilton & Thorpe in 1870
and removed to Pittsfield, where he d., Feb. 13, 1872.
Mr. Ames served the town of N. as clerk six or seven years. After
his removal from N. he was helpful in establishing the new town of
Tilton and was its representative in the Legislatures of lSG7-'68. He
m. March 10, 1S64, Ellen M. Shattuck of Nashua, and had four children.
Third Generation.
Mary Ellex Ames. b. Dec. 30, 1864; d., Aug. 28, 1865.
Harry Bracket Ames, b. Oct. 6, 1866.
Kate Siiurtliff Ames, b. May 5, 1870; m., Jan. 18, 1894, John B.
Louis Barton Ames, b. July 17, 1871.
Charles E. Andrews came from Boston to N. in 1900, June 20. He
was b. at Portland, Me., Sept. 12, 1874; m., Dec. 7, 1898, Eva Leonard,
b. at Chelsea, Mass., April 2, 1878. Mr. Andrews is foreman of the
boarding room at G. H. Tilton's hosiery mill. They have one child,
Edith Andrews, b. Dec. 17, 1900. They reside on Gale Avenue.
JIany families bearing this name formerly lived in town. It is said
Esq. Thomas Chase brought the family here to be his servants, and
servants they and their descendants remained to the last. The name
dropped from the records years ago.
Samuel Arlix owned real estate in 1833. Another family seemed to
be fastidious in their choice of their children's names, as we find Har-
rison, Anderson, Manderson and Lacy.
Alice Arlix was one of the longest lived women b. in town. She
was b. 1798; m., 1S24, Jeremiah Dow of Canterbury, a Revolutionary
soldier. He left home to see about a pension and never returned. They
had one son, Jeremiah Dow, who lived in N. and d. at the age of 78.
Later she m. John Hanson of Boscawen and d. there, aged 104. Three
sons and a dau., Rhoda (see Dow gen.), children of John Arlin of Con-
cord, also lived in town.
Charles L. (see Glines II gen.) served in the Civil War, and d. at N.,
Dec. 20, 1896 (see Boys in Blue).
Aloxzo Arlix m. Lucretia Dearborn of N. and now resides in Tilton.
They had six children, only two of whom are living, Ira T. and Everett.
The former is blind, but has great skill in the use of tools. Everett is
a machinist in Lakeport.
Silas Atkixsox, b. at Boscawen, Dec. 20, 1781; was a miller there
for some years and later in the same business at Union Bridge.
He came to East N. and was a farmer on the Rand place, where he
d. Sept. 29, 1837. He was a brother of Judge Daniel C. Atkinson of
Sanbornton Bridge. But one of his seven children remained in town
and none were born here. Horatio resides with his son Leroy at Tilton.
After the death of Daniel and Mehitabel Tilton Atkinson, the former,
April 5, 1842, and the latter, Nov. 12, 1814, their two daughters came
to reside in the home of their aunt, Mrs. Dr. Parsons Whidden, in N.
and a son. Napoleon Bonaparte, removed to Madison, Ga., where he d.
July 12, 1904.
Second Generation.
AsENATH Atkixsox, b. March 17, 1817; m., Nov. 19, 1840, John M.
Whitcher of East N. and has since resided there. (See Whitcher gen.)
Josephine Boxapaete Atkixsox, b. at Sanbornton Bridge, Oct. 25,
1835, was educated at Kimball Union Academy, and was from 1863
to 1870 lady principal of Pinkerton Academy at Derry. She m. Jan.
19, 1871, Hon. John H. Goodale of Nashua (see Mooney gen.), where
she has resided since his death. She has one dau., Charlotte A. Good-
ale, wife of Henry A. Kimball of Concord. A son, John Mooney Good-
ale, d. in childhood.
Charlotte Atkixsox, b. Dec. 29, 1837, was educated at N. H. Con-
ference Seminary. She was a music teacher at Monticello, Ga., and
later at Concord, being a pupil of the late J. H. Morey. She resided
with her sister in Nashua some years until her marriage, Oct. 15,
1895, to Hon. John Kimball of Concord, where they now reside.
Thomas Austix was an early settler on the banks of the Merrimack,
on part of Gospel lot No. 1 and perhaps a part of No. 2, it being north
and contiguous to the Cross settlement. He was a farmer and raised
hops. James Robertson bought the farm and continued the business.
(See Robertson gen.) He later lived with his daughter Sally on the
north end of the homestead, where he died at the extreme old age of
100 years and six months. Many of his friends called on his 100th
anniversary, took his picture and in other ways marked the event.
He d. May 11, 1867. A sister, Anna, m. Abel Bachelder of Oak Hill.
(See Bachelder gen.)
Second Generation.
Sally Austix, b. Jan. 7, 1795; m., 1813, Robert Smith, b. at N., 1813.
He d. Sept. 9, 1879. She d. at Manchester. They had three dau. (See
Smith gen.)
Samuel Austix, b. Nov. 2, 1799. A deed is on record, whereby he
conveyed to Richard Glines of Danville, Vt., in 1802, 32 acres of lot
No. 8 for $200. This is land bordering on the Merrimack River below
Hart Hill. He had a son, Daniel, who resides in Goffstown.
Susan Austin, m. May 20, 1817, Hazen Batchelder of Loudon.
Jeremiah Austin, b. Nov. 28, 1800; m., Nov. 20, 1823, Alice Simonds,
b. Dec. 22, 1803, and d. Nov. 11, 1868. He d. at 81. They had three
Jeeusha Austin, b. April 29, 1803, d. in girlhood.
Daniel Austin, b. Dec. 1, 1804, was drowned May 4, 1841.
Third Generation.
Mary Esther Austin, m. Daniel Beckman and removed to San-
bornton. They had two children, Daniel and Maryetta.
Henrietta Austin lived with her grandparents when she d. March
25, 1847.
Thomas Simonds Austin, b. June 15, 1830; m., June 15, 1856, Alice
Ludlow. He was a soldier in Civil War (see Boys in Blue). They
had a dau., Henrietta, and son, Thomas, who resides at Franklin.
I find also the following data that I am unable to classify:
Sally Austin, m. Benaiah Farnum, Sept. 26, 1797.
RiiODA Austin, dau. of Robert Austin, b. April, 1776.
Benjamin Austin, m. Jane Foss, Dec. 7, 1817.
Mary Austin, m. Joseph Sweatt, Nov. 20, 1823.
Anna Austin, m. Asa Roberts, June 4, 1834.
HusE Austin, m. Sally Dinsmore, 1830.
Jane Austin, m. Daniel Morse, 1835.
Annie Austin, d. Sept., 1848.
Eliza Austin, m. David Morrill, Sept. 6, 1818.
Olive Austin, m. Heath, May 11, 1789.
Daniel F. Avery, b. at Oilman ton, March 29, 1817; m. Mary
A. Boswell, b. Aug. 9, 1840. They came to N. and purchased the "old
red schoolhouse" at the corner of Hills and Summer streets and, re-
moving it to Vine Street, made the house now owned and occupied by
Cora F. Morrison. He was a machinist and d. at N. May 15, 1890. They
had four children, but one b. here. She m. (second) Asa Lombard and
removed to Franklin Falls, where she died Feb. 24, 1902.
Second Generation.
Lucy Bell Avery, b. at Union Bridge (East Tilton), June 29, 1S61;
m., Nov. 1, 1891, Payson R. Clay of East Andover. He is a farmer
and has two children, Lena and Arthur.
Addie Buswell Avery, b. at Franklin, Jan. 25, 1865; m.. May 30, 1887,
Lester H. Metcalf, b. at Lancaster, 18C1. He was a painter but later
"became an M. E. clergyman.
Mat Stevens Avery, b. at Franklin, Dec. 25, 1870; m. Fred Weeks
of N. and d. at Andover. She left one dau., Fannie.
Charles Walter Avery, b. at N., April 14, 1873, and d. at N., Jan. 27,
(See portrait.)
Charles Hai.xes Ayers, b. June 15, 1815, in Canterbury, N. H., on a
larm, several hundred acres of which were situated in N. and much
of which has been in possession of the family since 1784; d.. May 10,
He was the son of Jonathan Ayers, Esq., and Hannah Haines Ayers,
"both of English descent, ancestors of prominence and among the
early settlers of Kittery, Me., and Portsmouth, N. H., on his mother's
side as early as 1G35, his paternal grandmother, the granddaughter of
Andrew Pepperell, brother and business partner of Lieut.-Gen. Sir
William Pepperell, whose father, Col. William Pepperell, settled at
Kittery, Me., in 1670. M., as first wife, Almira S. Gerrish, dau. of
Joseph Gerrish and Susan Hancock Gerrish of N. Children: Joseph
Gerrish, Susan Gerrish, Charles Henry, Ellen Maria, Jonathan and
Benjamin Franklin. His second wife was Ellen M. Gerrish, a sister
of his first wife. They had one child, Almira Josephine.
He was a man of great energy and ability and for more than fifty
years was one of the most prominent men in N. and Canterbury in
social, religious and business affairs. When the railroad was built
in 1848 he gave the company its right of way through his land and
the large spring of water at Northfield Depot to induce it to locate
a station there, of which he was several times the station agent,
besides having very extensive dealing with the company in wood,
fencing material, railroad ties and in the preparation of wood along
the line for locomotives. Within a few miles of this station, when the
railroad was opened, were magnificent forests of heavy timber. Pine
trees from two to five feet in diameter were abundant, some being too
large to be moved without being cut into sections, and others requiring
twelve or more yoke of oxen to draw them to the river. Much of these
forests was cut off in the course of a few years and shipped from N.
depot. The magnitude of this business was great and Mr. Ayers took
a very prominent part in it, cutting off yearly from his land several
thousand cords of wood and much lumber, employing many hands.
While in partnership two years with Thomas Clough of Canterbury
their sales amounted to $80,000. At this time Mr. Ayers was pro-
prietoi- of a large country store and also operated several brick and coal
kilns, both at the depot and on Bean Hill.
During the last 25 years of his life he was chiefly occupied in the
care of his very large farm, raising and extensively dealing in fine
live stock, especially Devonshire cattle, obtaining many first premiums
at the state agricultural fairs.
Of a strong religious nature, he became early in life a deacon and
one of the chief founders of the Free-will Baptist Church in Canter-
bury and was intimately associated in church work with the late
Hon. Joseph Harper, M. C, and with the Hon. Joseph Clough. Oc-
casionally he occupied the pulpit himself with much ability. He
took a chief part for many years in religious work on Oak Hill and
entered heart and soul into everything connected with the Union
Church at Northfield Depot from its very foundation, being a large
One of great prominence in that church and long associated with
him in church and Sunday school work states that he was ever ready
to lend the helping hand and "was a wonderful promoter of good
feeling among the various denominations worshiping together in the
New House."
He was noted for immense physical strength and was considered
the strongest man connected with the Boston, Concord & Montreal
At the age of 74 he ably represented his town in the state Legisla-
ture, two of his brothers having represented the town in the same
He was a man of distinguished personal appearance, of great force
of character, very generous in disposition, good to the poor and greatly
esteemed by his neighbors.
Second Generation.
J0.SEPH Gebrisii Ayers, b. in Canterbury, N. H., Nov. 3, 1S39, son of
Charles H. Ayers and Almira S. Gerrish Ayers, was educated at New
Hampton Institute, the University of Vermont and Columbia Uni-
He entered, from N., the 15th N. H. Volunteer Regiment in 1S62,
serving as second and first lieutenant until it was mustered out in
18C3. He was acting assistant surgeon, U. S. Army, from June to
Oct., 18G4, and acting assistant surgeon, U. S. Navy, from Dec, 18G4,
to Sept., 1866. He served continuously in the U. S. Navy as a medical
officer since Oct. 8, 1866. His last service afloat was as fleet surgeon
on the Asiatic station from 1895 to 1897. His last service on shore
was as medical director in charge of the U. S. naval hospital. Boston,
Mass., from 1S9S to 1901. He was placed on the retired list of the U.
S. Navy for age, Nov. 3, 1901, as medical director, U. S. N., with rank
of rear admiral.
He m., July 11, 1884, Olinda Ann Austin, dau. of Rev. Alonzo E,
Austin and Isabella J. Camp Austin of New York City. Their chil-
dren were Joseph Gerrish and Charles Haines Austin.
Charles Hexry Ayers, b. in Canterbury, May 31, 1843, attended
the town school and New Hampton Institute. In 1863, in company
with Amos M. Cogswell, he was engaged in a general store at North-
field Depot. He afterwards sold his interest in the store and engaged
in the wood and lumber business. At the same time he was station
agent there.
In 18CG he went West and for 11 years was engaged in railroading.
In 1877 he returned East and engaged in farming and in the lumber
business with his father. In 1876 he m. Miss Martha Jane Day of
McKeesport, Pa., to whom two children were born, Charles Haines
Ayers, b. Aug. 8, 1878, who d. April 5, 1S82, and Henry Day Ayers,
b. July 14, 1882, at present a student in Boston University.*
Jo>'ATHAN Ayers was b. at Portsmouth, Sept. 28, 1759. He m., Feb.
18, 1785, Dorothy Dearing, b. March 27, 1762. She was a grand-
niece of Sir William Pepperell. They resided at Portsmouth until
1798, when they came to live in N., where he was a farmer until his
death, Nov. 19, 1839. She d. March 16, 1846. They had ten children.
"He was a well educated, upright man of broad ideas, revered by his
family and respected by his neighbors and townsmen, who honored
themselves by sending him to represent the town in the Legislatures
of 1805-'06-'07." Her granddaughters say: "She was a lady of re-
finement, devoted to her family, unselfish and helpful to all in need."
Second Generation.
Polly B. Ayers, b. at Portsmouth, May 25, 1786; d. at Portsmouth,
Nov. 24, 1796.
Phebe Ayers, b. at Portsmouth, Dec. 15, 1787, d. at N., Jan. 5, 1804.
Andrew D. Ayers, b. at Portsmouth, Nov. 17, 1789; m., 1821, Mary
F. Kent, and removed to N. with his parents and resided on 'the home
place until his removal to Greensboro, Vt., in 1848, where he died
July, 1853. They had seven children, all b. in N.
Sarah Pepperell Ayers, b. July 13, 1792; m. (pub.) June 1, 1831,
John Sanborn of Franklin, where she resided till her death, Sept.,
1875. They had no children.
John S. Ayers, b. Sept. 1, 1794, at Portsmouth; m., Feb. 15, 1818,
Polly Cross of N., one of the 13 children of Jesse on the intervale.
He lived at East N. until 1836, when he removed to Greensboro and
later to Glover, Vt., where he d. Sept., 1880. They had eight chil-
dren, all of whom resided in Vermont and the West, except the eldest
daughter, Mrs. John Heath of Bristol.
* other members of this familj- inadvertantly omitted are to be found elsewhere.
See index.
Charles D. Ayers, b. at Portsmouth, Nov. 16, 1790; m. Olive John-
son of Gilmanton and removed to Greensboro, Vt., where he was a
merchant. They had five children. A daughter, who m. Benjamin
French, lived in Concord and d. there in 1904, leaving a son Fred and
dan. Marianna.
Eliiiu D. Ayers, b. at N., May 21, 1799; m. Apphia Clark of Nichol-
ville, N. Y., where they resided until his death in 1872. He was a
merchant and had a family of seven, one of whom, Edmond B. Ayers,
was killed in the War of the Rebellion. (See Boys in Blue.)
Martix p. Ayers, b. at N., May 10, 1801; m. Hannah Johnson and
lived in N. and vicinity for several years. They went to Ohio in
1855. He d. in Pennsylvania in 1878. They had nine children, six of
whom are now living. Frances O. Ayers m. Moses Eastman of East
Concord and removed to California, where she d.
William D. Ayers, b. at N., June 27, 1803; d. in N. Y.; unmarried.
Statira M. Ayers. b. at N., Dec. 16, 1S15; lived at the old home with
her parents until 1840, then at Franklin until her sister's death, then
for a time in Dakota and later in Washington. She was the last of the
family and was called home in May, 1SS8. The homestead is now part
of the farm of G. E. Gorrell.
Third Generation.
(Children of Andrew and Mary Kent Ayers, all b. in N.)
Sarah A. Ayers, b. May, 1822; d. in childhood.
Joseph A. Ayers, b. June, 1824, was a machinist and d., unmarried,
in Havana, Cuba, Oct., 1852.
Henry M. Ayers, b. Oct. 1, 1826, remained in the home at Greensboro
and still lives there at the age of 78; he never m.
Lucy J. Ayers, b. Feb., 1830; m. Keniston of Vermont and
d., June, 1900, leaving a son, Henry A. Keniston of Los Angeles, Cal.
Mary C. Ayers, b. at N., July 1834; m. (first) Thomas Card of New-
market and had a son, Elmer E.,of Spokane, Wash. ; m. (second) Jasper
Rollins of Hyde Park, Mass.
Caroline A. Ayebs, b. Oct., 1841, v/as for several years a teacher.
Later she returned to the home where she resides with her brother,
Henry, at Greensboro Bend, Vt.
Adam S. Ballantyne (see Granite Mills and Tilton gen.).
Second Generation.
(B. at N.)
James R. B.\llantyne, b. Dec. 17, 1866; d. at Tilton, Sept. 15, 1885.
Anna C. B.\.llantyne, b. Jan. 10, 1868; m., June 26, 1895, Franklin
Downes, b. at Machias, Me. They reside at Lynn, where he Is a shoe
Willie Tiltox Ballaxtyxe. b. May 10, 1869, resides at Tilton.
JoHx Scott Ballaxtyxe, b. Jan. 15, 1873; m., Nov. 16, 1904, Emma
Emerson. He is employed at Tilton with residence at East Tilton.
Kate I. Ballaxtyxe, b. June 10, 1875.
Arthur Scott Ballaxtyxe, b. Sept. 30, 1877; m., May 7, 1899, Edna
James, and resides in Lynn, Mass. They have two daus., Katherine
and Virginia.
Abel Batchelder, b. June 7, 1772, came to N. from Loudon and lo-
cated near the present Oak Hill schoolhouse. He m., June 20, 1810,
Anna Austin and had three sons. He d. at Alexandria, Feb. 27, 1866.
M. (second), Sarah Sanborn, b. Sept. 3, 1768. They had nine children.
Only one of the sons remained in N. Four of his sons m. four Davis
Second Generation.
Moses Batchelder came with his parents. He was b. at Loudon, Dec.
26, 1798. He had a twin brother, Richard, who d. May 3, ISOO, aged
one and a half years. He first bought the David Davis place near the
river but sold it later to Rev. Mr. Kidder and bought the farm of
Abraham Heath on the top of Oak Hill and spent the rest of his life
there. He was a progressive and prosperous farmer. He m., March
21, 1824, Mary Fox Davis and had a son and daughter. After her
death, Aug. 22, 1868, he m., Jan. 6, 1869, Sally B. Davis, her sister.
He was a zealous Methodist and a powerful exhorter and was super-
intendent of Union Sunday school for many years. He was a mili-
tary man and rose from the ranks to be lieutenant-colonel in the state
militia. He d. Oct. 12, 1881.
Third Generation.
Richard N. S. Batchelder. b. Sept. 2, 1833; m., June 1, 1856. Lizzie
Brown of Canterbury, b. May 6, 1836, and d. Oct. 19, 1866. They had
one daughter. March 2, 1866, he m. (second) Mary Farrar of Laconia
.and had a dau. and two sons. He returned to his father's homestead
after a few years at Tilton and Laconia, where he spent the remainder
of his life.
He taught school for some years; then was a mill hand and, lastly,
a farmer, making a specialtj' of raising fruit, poultry and vegetables.
He was a Methodist and, like his father, superintendent of Union
Sunday school.
He was fatally injured, while directing a force of volunteer workmen,
by falling from the roof of Union Church on Thanksgiving Day, Nov.
24, 1898. She then with her children removed to Howard Avenue,
near Tilton, where she still resides.
Irexe Batciieloer, b. Oct. 30, 1S44; m., 1SG2, Rev. John Chamberlain.
(See Chamberlain gen.) After his death she resided at the home
on Oak Hill until her marriage in March, 1901, to Charles Noyes of
Concord, with a summer home at Woodstock.
Fourth Generation.
(Child of Richard and Marj- Brown Batchelder.)
Mary E. Batchelder. b. at N., Oct. 2S, 1S57; m. Frank Bennett of
Hillsborough Bridge and d. there Nov., ISSl.
(Children of Richard and Mary Farrar Batchelder.)
Lizzie A. Batchelder, b. at Laconia, Aug. 22, 1S72; m., June 28, 1895,
George F. Fisher of Boscawen. They reside on Howard Avenue.
Willis M. Batchelder. b. at Hillsborough, April 3, 1876, is employed
in Philbrick & Hills' store.
Clarexce R. Batchelder, b. at Hillsborough, Feb. 10. 1S79, is em-
ployed in store of W. A. Gardner at Tilton.
Hazex Batchelder's ancestors came from England in 1G30 and
spread rapidly throughout New England. He was b. at Loudon in
1794 and settled in N. on the banks of the Merrimack river, on a
part of the Austin estate. He m., May 20, 1817, Susan Austin. He
was a good carpenter and farmer. They had five dau. and two sons.
He took long journeys on foot. Even after 90 years of age he, could
not stop to ride and it was said he would take long tramps after a
hard day's work just to "stretch his legs."
SusAX Batchelder, b. March 6, 1820; m. (pub.) Oct. 9, 1S55, Ira
Blaisdell of Salisbury Beach. He was a house builder and farmer
on the main road near the Pond schoolhouse, where he d. April 17,
1S53, leaving three children. She m. (second) Cyrus Glines. (See
Glines and Blaisdell gen.)
Lasura d. in early womanhood.
Abiah Batchelder m. John W. Piper, May 12, 1851. (See Piper gen.)
Julia Batchelder m. Ebenezer Philbrook and resided on Oak Hill
and later at Franklin Falls, where he d., leaving two sons, Albee
and Walter. She now resides at Watertown, Mass. Mr. Philbrook's
first wife was a dau. of Kinsley Batchelder.
Malixda B.\tchelder. m., April 25, 1848, Andrew Allison of Boston,
Mass., where she d.
John Batchelder. b. 1830; m. Almira Worsley of Swanzey. He
removed to Keene in 1862, where he was employed by the Humphrey
Mfg. Co.. builders of water wheels, until 1897. He d. while on a
visit to Colorado June 10, 1S9S. They have one dau., Mrs. Mary P.
W. Carlton.
Melissa Batchelder m. Elias Sargent of Vergennes, Vt., and resided
at Fitchburg, Mass., where he is now an engineer on the Fitchburg
& "Wilmington R. R.
She d. at Nashua en route for home.
They had one son, who is also an engineer on the same railroad.
Sarah Leavitt Batchelder came to N. in 1905 from Manchester.
She was the wife of Jeremiah Batchelder of Loudon, who d. there,
Sept. 13, 1S8S. They had six children. Mrs. Batchelder resides with
her son on Bay St.
Second Generation.
Lizzie N. Batchelder, b. at Loudon, 1S71; m.. May 7, 1893, at Lou-
don Ridge, Ellery Jefts, b. 1869. He is a carpenter. They reside in
Lynn, Mass., and have one child.
William Batchelder came to N. in 1901 from Loudon. He m., 1900,
Georgie Wright of Gilmanton and resides on Gale Ave. They have
two children, Victor, b. 1901, and Helen, b. 1902. They are about to
erect a home on Bay St. He is employed by the Tilton Optical Co.
Jay Clifford Batchelder, b. at Loudon, June 5, 1878; graduated
from Gilmanton Academy, class of 1901. He remained on the farm
two years, removing in 1903 to N. He has purchased the residence
lately erected by A. H. Hough on Bay Street. He is employed
at the Tilton Optical Works. He is a member of Friendship Grange
and of Harmony Lodge, I. O. 0. F., of Tilton.
Mrs. Jane Balcom came to N. from Newfound Lake. She had for-
merly lived in Lowell, Mass., where her husband was a conductor
on the Stony Brook R. R. and was accidentally killed in 1844. She
was employed as a dresser in A. H. Tilton's woolen mills. She re-
sides in Tilton.
Second Generation.
George W. Balcom, b. at Lowell, May 31, 1847; m., Sept. 5, 1870,
Mary Ella Chase, b. at N., Oct. 1, 1851. He has charge of the card-
ing department of Tilton Mills. He served in the Civil War (see
Boys in Blue). They have a son and dau. and one died in infancy.
They now reside on Prospect Street, Tilton.
Third Generation.
(B. at N.)
Frank Grant Balcom, b. Nov. 4, 1872; m., June 28, 1904, Delphia
Louise Verrill, b. in Alexandria, June 6, 1S7G. He was employed five
years by W. A. Gardner, grocer at Tilton, and now by the postoffice
department of Medford, Mass., where they reside.
Mary Ellen Balcoji, b. April 23, 1874; m., Feb. 4, 1902, Charles
T. Walker, b. at Boston, May 31, 1S72. He was employed for several
years as clerk by S. W. Taylor and is now with Bayley & Rogers in
the same capacity. They reside at Tilton.
Georoe C. Bayley, b. at Plymouth, Jan. 17, 1859, came to N. from
Tillon in 1899. He m., 1899, Annie F. Thomas, b. at St. David's, N. B.,
1879. He is of the firm of Bayley & Rogers, grocers, of Tilton, N. H.
He was with his father on the farm and clerk in his meat and pro-
vision store until 1883, when he entered the employ of J. F. Taylor,
and after his death continued with S. W. Taylor until his retire-
ment, when he purchased the business in 1904. Mr. Bayley is a
member of Olive Branch Lodge, No. 16, A. F. and A. M., of Plymouth,
Pemigewasset Chapter, and Mt. Horeb Commandery, Knights Templar,
of Concord. They have a dau. Catherine S., b. at N., Sept. 22, 1900.
Charles Barnard, b. at Bridgev.'ater, Nov. 12, ISGO; m., at Plymouth,
April 26, 1884, Anna E. Kidder, b. at Goffstown. They came to N.,
Oct. 20, 1897. He bought the Cofran place on Bean Hill of Charles
Weeks, who then removed to Tilton. Dec. 13, 1900, his commodious
farm buildings were destroyed by fire. He rebuilt the following year,
living meanwhile at the home of the late Timothy Hills. Only two
of their six children were b. in N. Mr. Barnard is serving a second
term on the N. board of education.
Second Generation.
Ralph, Pat:l, Arthur, Ruth Barnard, b. at Bridgewater.
Burton Barnard, b. at N., Nov. 17, 1897.
HiLDRETH Barnard, b. at N., 1900.
Hezekiah Bean came to N. from Belmont and purchased the farm
of Moses Garland at the Centre. He m. Mary Copp of Gilmanton.
They had one son, John Wesley, b. at Belmont, who d. in childhood.
Mr. Bean sold his farm in 1872 to Francis Stevens, removed nearer
the village and built the house on Park Street, now owned by Jonas
Dolley, where he d. May 8, 1874. Mrs. Bean d. April 24, 1S79. Each
d. at 64 years of age and are buried in Park cemetery. They were
devoted Methodists and left a liberal bequest to Tilton Seminary.
Daxiel W. Beckler came to N. from Boston, Mass., in March, 1S71.
He was h. at Monmouth, Me. His family consisted of a wife and
one child. Flora, who was b. at Boston, Mass. He was an extensive
dealer in lumber, having a large wharf where the lumber was un-
loaded from steamers. He was also a contractor and builder. He
purchased the W. H. Cilley place and other real estate of an agent
in Boston and made of it a summer home and stock farm. He was
a lover of good horses and often had 17 or 18 thoroughbreds. He
lived at N. about six years when he sold to a Mr. Stetson of Boston.
Albert C. Lord purchased the "Matthew Whitcher place" of Mr. Stetson
in 1874. Mr. Beckler then removed to Boston, where he conducted
a livery business for several years, finally going "West.
Mary Beckler, sister of the above, m. Everard G. Powers, who
came with Mr. Beckler from Boston and was his foreman and farmer.
June 21, 1875, he removed to Tilton when the buildings were burned.
He m. (second) Helen F. Clifford, and carried on a trucking business
for several years. He is now foreman of G. H. Tilton's box shop.
He has one dau., Cora, b. at Boston.
Fraxcisco Bexitez was b. in Cadiz, Spain, April 1, 1822. When
he was ten years old a sea captain from Marblehead, Mass., spent
a while in the home and the boy desired to accompany him to America.
The father gave his unwilling consent only on condition that he
would bring him back on his next trip, a promise he could not keep
as the boy was not to be found when the ship sailed. He wrote his
parents several letters but finally no answers came. He was an apt
scholar and commenced his education at 15 and even took the higher
branches and took care of himself. He m. in Middletown, Mass., April
6, 1845, Hannah Merrill of Holderness, where he remained six years.
In 1851 he purchased a farm in Laconia and later resided at Rip-
ton, Vt, and Sanbornton Bays, owning two farms. These he sold
and came to East N., where he lived a number of years. He was
divorced and m. Mrs. Elizabeth Bailey, returning to Sanbornton, near
his daughter, where he d. Dec. 16, 1892. She d. Aug., 1894.
Second Generation.
Maey Archer Lora Bexitez, b. at Middletown, April 5, 1846; m.,
first, Day and had one son, Harry F. Day, who was adopted
by his grandfather in 1S72 and took his name (Benitez). She m.
(second) AVescott and has one son. They reside in Saubornton.
Fraxcisco Hadley, b. at Middletown, Mass., April 15, 1850; d. in
Danvers, Mass., Aug. 18, 1899, leaving a wife and dau.
Ira Blaisdell was b. at Goffstown, Sept. 30, 1815. He m.. May 2,
1S41, at Manchester, Susan Batchelder of N., b. March 6, 1820. He came
to N. and lived for a time on the Slader farm but purchased later
of Joseph Dearborn the place now owned by the heirs of John Watson,
and erected new buildings thereon. He was a farmer and carpenter
and had a family of three. He d. April 10, 1853. She later m.
Cyrus Glines of N. and d. Feb. 3, 1866. (See Glines gen.)
Second Generation.
Malixda Wilson Blaisdell, b. May 28, 1843; m., Nov. 26, 1867,
Byron Tobie of Manchester, where they at first resided, coming later
to Franklin. He was paymaster for the Winnepesaukee Paper Co. for
26 years. He has now a store at Hill and a farm at Profile Falls.
Mrs. Tobie is -agent for the S. P. C. A. with home on Prospect Hill,
Franklin Falls.
JvLiA F. Blaisdell. m., 1870, Loren Bryant of Newton, Mass., and
has always lived at Franklin Falls. He has been employed by the
International Paper Co. for a quarter of a century.
Albert J. Blaisdell, b. Thursday, May 18, 1848; m., 1868, Angle
Bartlett of Hill and remained for a while at Franklin, removing in
1880 to Hyde Park, Mass. He is a frescoer and decorative art painter
in and around Boston. They had three children, but one of whom
survives, Mrs. Bertha Moon of New York city, who is employed in
tapestry painting. A son d. at Boston University at the age of 26.
Edward Blanchard, 1st., was one of the men furnished by the
state for scouting purposes under Capt. Jeremiah Clough, who kept the
old fort at Canterbury (see Military Sketch). His wife was Bridget,
of Scotch-Irish descent. He was killed by the Indians about 173S
and Bridget, his wife, who once was surprised and taken captive
while out after the cows, eluded her captors and showed such fleet-
ness in running, even though a very corpulent woman, that they
stopped their pursuit and shook their sides with laughter while she
safely arrived at the fort.
Their son Benjamin went up from the fort to the north fields in
1760, through the unbroken forest to the foot of Bay Hill to the farm
later owned by Judge Peter Wadleigh, and made a clearing for his
cabin, and there later brought his wife, Bridget Fitzgerald, and nine
children. He was then 41 years old. He paid for his farm partly in
services as surveyor in running the boundary and $750 in furs. Of
this home and their pioneer life Mr. Hunt gives a glowing picture else-
She d. and was buried in the orchard close by a tree that was known
to succeeding generations as the "Granny Tree." He d. at the home
of his son Edward on the Byron Shaw place but was buried here
and the exact spot was for many years unknown. When the present
Wadleigh house was built the stone was found in digging the cellar.
This farm fell to his son Edward, who sold to Lieut. Charles Glidden
in 1S05 for $2,000.
Mr. Blanchard was a man of great industry and mechanical skill.
He spent much of his time as an old man in whittling. He wore
pantaloons patched with woodchuck skins to protect them from wear
and he seemed a patriarch with his thick white hair hanging down
long over his shoulders. He had a brother or uncle Joseph, an officer
in the French and Indian War, who, in 1754, marched 600 men up to
Salisbury Fort, now the site of the Orphans' Home, and thence
through the wilderness to Crown Point and Canada. He had another
brother who kept a hotel in Concord in 17S5, who directed the Hills
to Bay Hill when they came up from Haverhill seeking new homes.
Richard Blaxchard, called "Old Sergeant," was possibly a brother
of Benjamin, although I have nothing but hearsay for authority. He
lived near Range No. 3 on the east slope of Zion's Hill. He m., for his
second v/ife, Handcock, dau. of Jacob, and had many chil-
dren. Sally d. Aug., 1S49, Billy and Jerry, the younger ones, were
known to many yet living, while a dau. of Sally, named Ruth, m.
Oilman Bennett of Hill, Dec. 16, 1849, and d., the last owner of
the old home. The old graveyard in the orchard has a curious variety
of tombstones and inscriptions. Richard was a Revolutionary soldier
and left his plow in the furrow and went unenlisted with William
Forrest to overtake the "Patriots" on the way to Bunker Hill. They
came back, harvested their crops and then enlisted for the war.
Second Generation.
Elizabeth Blaxchard m. Wm. Glines and lived in the north fields
near the Canterbury line. (See Glines gen.) He was a Revolutionary
soldier and had many children.
Richard Blanchard, 1st, (son of Benjamin and Bridget Fitzgerald)
m. Polly Webster and lived on the "River Road," (probably the first
range). After his death she m. Lieut. Thomas Clough.
Edward Blanchard, who succeeded to the homestead, was a man
of commanding character and influence in the town, being one of the
selectmen of N. for 20 years. His vrife was Azuba Kezar of Snot-
land, one of the early emigrants to Londonderry. They had nine
sons and one daughter, all of whom settled in town.
He built the Daniel Blanchard house, now the "Farms," and brought
the seeds for the apple trees from Hampstead. These trees have fur-
nished generous crops for more than three-quarters of a century.
His possessions, besides the 150 acres of homestead, comprised the
farms of Abraham Brown, Jason Foss, the Gile farm and a part of the
estate held for many years by Thomas Chase, Esq.
He settled all his married children around him and made a home
for his father (the first settler) in his old age.
He, with his wife and six children, are buried in the Hodgdon
burying ground.
Third Generation.
(Children of Edward and Azuba Kezar Blanchard.)
Ebenezer Blaxchakd, son of Benjamin, opened a store on Bay Hill
at the homestead. In 17S9 he sold out to Squire Glidden.
He m. Sarah Smith of Windham, Nov., 1794. He was b. June 12,
17GS, she on March 7, 1774.
They had six children, all b. at Bay Hill. He moved his store
to Sanbornton Bridge, close by the end of the bridge. Quarters soon
became too small, for "Squire Blanchard was a thrifty man," so he
purchased the brown house that is still standing at an age of over
100 years, the property of W. S. Hill, and business and family found
shelter under the same roof. Soon after a larger store was erected
where Morrill & Co.'s storehouse stands. Here he left his business to
a partner and bought the "Old Joe Noyes place" at Salisbury, now
Franklin. Here he lived and traded, Mr. Goodwin says, 40 years.
He d. in 1847. None of the children located in N. In 1820, when
the Franklin Congregational Church was being built, he gave the site
and took a large number of pews, and was called the "Father of the
enterprise." His dau. Isabella became Mrs. James West of Concord,
who later dwelt many years in the home, caring for her mother in her
declining years, and lived to extreme age. Alice, wife of Kendall
0. Peabody, Mrs. Stephen Kendrick and Edward and Ebenezer, Jr.,
all lived and d. at Franklin.
Richard Blanchard, 2d., m., April 10, ISOG, Hannah, dau. of Daniel
Hills, and had a dau. Hannah.
His father had given him the Brown place and erected on it a two-
story double house, which is still in a good state of preservation
and is now owned by Byron Shaw, Esq. He had just moved there
to care for his father when he died very suddenly of spotted fever in
ISOG. His brother Reuben d. at the same time, and the wife of
Richard, heart-broken, the same year.
It is said that the poor old father cried out, "My staff is broken;
my all is gone," and, refusing to be comforted, died the next day.
David Blaxchard left home one wintei' day with Simon Oilman,
fox hunting. A snow storm came up and drove Mr. Oilman home.
Blanchard went on and never returned. He was found later on the
windfall, sitting by the trunk of a tree, frozen, about a mile from
Sondogardy Pond. There was an old superstition that the blood
would start in a corpse if its murderer's hand was laid upon it.
No one thought Mr. Oilman was in any way responsible for his death
but at the family's request he went willingly and laid his hand upon
him, but with no result, of course.
James Blaxchard inherited half the paternal acres but sold to
his brother George and soon after died of consumption.
George Blanchard, b. 1791, sold his entire estate to Daniel and
went to live with his sister, Mrs. Chase, where he d. Oct., 1850.
Lieut. Revbex Blaxchard received his share, what was for many
years the Joseph and Alfred Oile farm. He was a blacksmith and
later removed to Maine, after selling out to Daniel. He m., July 29,
1792, Peace Hodgdon of N., and (second) Judith Hancock, Nov. 11, 1797.
He returned home five years later, and died of consumption.
Daniel Blanchard, now owning all his brothers' estates, moved his
house, previously erected near the Shaw house, to the spot where
the Oile residence now stands, and later went to live on the home-
stead and there resided to the end of his life. He m. (first) Esther
Parkinson of Canterbury, by whom he had four children.
She was killed in a carriage accident on the hill south of the
Streeter place. May 29, 1823. He m. (second) Nancy, sister of his for-
mer wife, and had two children. Mr. Blanchard d. Nov. 5, 1865, aged
86. She d. at Lowell, Mass., April 3, 1880, aged 91.
Elizabeth Blanchard, b. at N., m. Thomas Chase of Newbury. (See
Chase gen.)
John Blanchard was an eminent school teacher in Philadelphia.
But little is known of him except the fact that his grateful pupils
erected a monument to his memory. He never married.
Fourth Generation.
(Child of Richard and Hannah Hill Blanchard.)
Narcissa Blanchard, b. 1806, was orphaned by the death of her
father and mother the same year. She m., Sept. 26, 1822, Daniel
Herrick of N. Factory Village. (See Herrick gen.)
(Children of Daniel and Esther Parkinson Blanchard.)
Letitia Blanchard, b. at N., m., Sept. 5, 1840, John Holt of LowelL
Mass., where they resided and both died. They had two children,
Mrs. Esther Hyland of Lowell and Janet Holt of Lowell.
Janette Blanchard resided in Lowell and never married.
Daniel J. and Sylvan died unmarried.
(Children of Daniel and Nancy Parkinson Blanchard.)
John I. Blanchard, b. Jan. 29, 1826. He went to California when
a young man and remained until old age, returning in Oct., 189G, to
the old home, where he d. April 25, 1903. With his death the name
disappears from the records of the town.
Iaxths Blaxchard. b. at N. Aug. 10, 1824; m. Jan., 1S50, Edward C.
Rice (see Rice gen. and portrait).
Note. — Master Parkinson came from New York City. He was a grad-
uate of Nassau Hall and was carefully trained by his parents to become
a minister, but he could not accept the doctrine of the decrees. After
he graduated he drifted into New England, first as a schoolmaster
and then going to war, later turning to farming in Francestown,
where he m. He was no farmer and went back to the schools as a
classic teacher for more than a third of a century.
Walter Bos-s^rth came from Litchfield, Me., to N. in 1899. He was
b. there in 1874 and m. Luthia Bubier, July 16, 1895; b. at Gardiner,
Me., in 1878.
Mr. Bosworth is a carpenter and resides on Arch St. They have
three children.
Second Generation.
WiLsox Bosworth, b. at Litchfield, Me., May 19, 1896.
Raymo.nd Henry Bosworth, b. in N., April 19, 1901.
Chester Bosworth, b. March 31, 1905.
CovRTLANn Boyxtox came to N. in 1874 and purchased a home at the
corner of Elm and Arch Streets. He was connected with C. T. Almy
in the manufacture of cotton yarn, silesia and fine sheeting in the
Winnisquam mill at Tilton. The business proved unprofitable and
was abandoned in 1884. Mr. Boynton was next superintendent and
part owner in the Buell hosiery mill in N. He was a prominent citizen
and a trustee of lona Savings bank.
He erected a new home in Tilton in 187G on the Franklin road.
Mrs. Boynton was an artist of worth and occasionally appeared in
public as a lecturer of pleasing address and literary merit.
They removed to Dorchester, Mass., where she d. Jan. 30, 1898. She
had been previously m. and had two sons, William and Arthur Frost.
The former is a member of the firm of Nichols & Frost, Fltchburg,
Mass., and the latter is of Boston, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Boynton had
a dau. Zilla, b. at N. in 1875 and d. Aug. 12, 1S75. He was secretary
of Doric Lodge of A. F. and A. M.
WiLLiAJi Bowles was one of the earliest teachers in town. He had
a home north of the Clisby place, of which the cellar is now plainly
visible. Just below stood the immense pine that was felled for a
fence and lay its long length up the hill. Regardless of any value as
wood and timber, it was allowed to decay with the years and some of
its substance must still be in sight. It was said that a yoke of oxen
was driven on the stump and had plenty of room to turn around. This
was the region of great trees, and several stood east of the meeting
Master Bowles was a fine penman and much of his work is to be
seen on the early "Prizel lists" and cash accounts of the town, and
he was a useful man generally.
Alexander Bbaley came to N. from Danbury. He m. Mrs. Phebe
Glines Ludlow and had a family of two sons and a daughter. Mrs.
Braley d. July 24, 1S7G.
Second Generation.
CoENELius Ll'dlow Braley, b. at Canterbury; m. (first) Pamelia Col-
lins; m. (second) Flora Batney, b. at Alexandria. He served in the
Civil War (see Boys in Blue). They had four children, three girls
and a boy. Mr. Braley received a pension. He removed to Wilmot
and later to Meredith, where he d.
Frank Braley, b. at N.; m. Mary Avery of Plymouth, and had
five children. He also served in the Civil War (see Boys in Blue).
He d. at Lakeport.
Pamelia Braley, b. at N., m., March 20, 1S6S, Oliver Grover, and
had two daughters. She m. (second) Alonzo York and removed to
Lakeport. He d. Jan., 1902. She now resides in Franklin with her
daughter, Mrs. Sydney Home.
Paul Brighaii, b. 1812, came from Vermont and bought the Ben-
jamin Hannaford farm on the main road. They were elderly people
and childless and came to be near their relatives, the Colbys, on the
Canterbury intervale. He farmed here several years and d. Feb. 19,
1884. Mrs. Brigham afterwards sold and went to live at Leonard
Colby's, where she d. The place then passed to the ownership of
George C. Hurlburt and the buildings were burned in 1SS6.
David Brown was b. at Pittsfield, July 17, 1810, and m. (first) Rhoda
Mason of Chichester, who d. at N. in 1875. He m. (second) Marinda
Stewart Canfield of Franklin Falls, May 1, 187G.
He bought his first home east of the Cofran place on Bean Hill.
The house was later occupied by Joshua Ordway and James Goodwin
and was finally sold to William "Woodbury, torn down and removed.
Mr. Brown was later overseer of the town farm for ten years.
On Oct. 29, 1842, he purchased 75 acres of land and a small house
(the Knowles place) further down the hill and enlarged and reno-
vated the buildings until none more convenient could be found in
town. He also added land as opportunity offered. He was a man
of great endurance, a Quaker in belief and always true to his con-
victions. He d. July 4, 1902. Mrs. Brown d. April 9, 1905, aged 67.
They had one child.
Second Generation.
Ada J. Bbown, b. at N., April 10, 1877; m., Dec. 24, 1904, Herbert
Laroy Cram. After a brief course at the graded school and Tilton
Seminary she assumed, after her father's death, the management of
the farm.
Abraha.m Browx, b. May 8, 1753; came to the north fields of Can-
terbury prior to 1780 from Epping and bought original lot No. 18,
now owned by Freeman B. Shedd. His early ancestry cannot be
traced owing to the destruction of Epping records, but they were of
English descent. He m. Mary Butler, b. March 30, 1760. Her father.
Rev. Benjamin Butler, was a graduate of Harvard College and her
mother, Dorcas Abbott, was from Andover, Mass. Many of their
descendants held places of honor in state and nation. Mr. Brown m. in
1776. He served three years in the Revolutionary War as drummer
and four as an adjutant. He d. at N. May 8, 1824. She survived him
22 years. They had ten children.
Second Generation.
Polly Browx, b. March 13, 1777; m. John Hills, b. at Haverhill,
Mass. (See Hills gen.)
S.\LLY Brown, b. at Epping, Feb. 17, 1779; d. at N., Dec. 9, 1849.
Hannah Brown, b. at N., Dec. 9, 1791; d. March 15, 1859. She m.,
Sept. 29, 1S17, Jeremiah Forrest of Canterbury Borough and resided
there until his death, Aug. 9, 1845, when she went with her family to
Illinois. She d. at Cottage Hill, March 15, 1S59. They had five chil-
dren, all of whom resided in the West.
Phebe Brown, b. at N., June 7, 1796, and d. at East Andover, May
28, 1852.
Be.xjamix Butler Bkowx, b. at N., April 19, ISOO; m., Dec. 30, 1S24,
Phebe Gale of Sanbornton. He was a shoemaker at the Centre for
many years. She d. there Feb., 1S45. They had seven children. He
m. (second) Mary Sanborn, Feb. 4, 1S55, and resided at East Andover,
where both d. He, Feb. 4, 1SG7.
Dorcas Brown, b. at N., April 5, 1785; m., 1807, Enoch Osgood of
Salisbury, Mass., who removed to Salisbury, N. H., in 1790 and d. there
In 1832, aged 60. They had a family of eight. The family moved to
East Andover in 1835, where she d. in 1S61.
Abraham Brown, b. at N., Sept. 1, 1787; m., Dec. 31, ISOS. Betsey
Forrest of Canterbury Borough. They resided at first on Bay Hill,
going later with his father to the newly erected home of Richard
Blanchard, now the Byron Shaw farm. He inherited this farm on
his father's death and spent his life there. He had five children.
He d. June 8, 1861. She d. Dec. 27, 1860.
He was a thrifty farmer and dealer in cattle, which he drove to
Brighton for many years. He represented the town in the Legis-
latures of 1835 and 1836. He was a trusted friend of President Franklin
Pierce and declined an appointment to the deputy marshalship under
his administration. He filled many town oflBces. Mrs. Brown, living
in the early days of our republic, was one of the few women well in-
formed in national affairs and was a "woman of faculty" in its most
varied sense.
Clarissa Brown, b. March 30, 1804; m., Jan. 24, 1824, Edward Chase.
She d. at Meredith June 1, 1825, leaving one dau.
Henry Butler Brown, b. at N., July 4, 1802; read medicine with
Dr. Crosby of Hanover and graduated in 1827. He m., Jan. 24, 1829,
Laura Ticknor of Lebanon and settled in Hartford, Vt. In 1857 he re-
moved to Rockford, 111. Mrs. Brown d. there Dec. 20, 1867. He again
m., and d. at Big Rapids, Mich., Dec. 13, 1872. They had two sons
and two dau., Darwin, a physician of Big Rapids, and Finley, a
business man in Chicago, Mrs. Kate Bronson of Big Rapids and Mrs.
Davis of Chicago. There are 14 of the next generation.
Third Generation.
(Children of Abraham and Betsey Forrest Brown.)
(B. at N.)
Harrison Butler Brown, b. Nov. 10, 1809; m. Harriet Chase. (See
Chase gen.) They purchased the Glidden farm at the Centre, of
Dudley Varney, and the place soon became famous for big oxen and
large crops of corn. They had two sons and a dau. He d. Sept. 30,
1870. She d. July 31, 1896. He was a man of infiuence but declined
public office.
Samuel Butler Brown (see portrait), b. Dec. 12, 1813; m., Nov. 6,
1837, Lydia Leighton of N., b. July 9, 1814. He inherited the homestead
and his father's democracy. He held several times over all the offices In
the gift of the town and was its representative in 1861-'62. They had
five children. He d. Aug. IS, 1S70. The farm then passed to the own-
ership of Byron Shaw.
Mary Butler Browx. b. Nov. 11, 1817; m., March 12, 1837, Thomas
Chase, b. at N., Sept., 1810. (See Chase gen.) She d. April 12, 1876.
Climexa Browx, b. March 12, 1819; m., April 17, 1837, Joseph Mor-
rill of Cantei'bury. He ^was widely known as the "apple-tree man."
Their home was a model of thrift, from which they dispensed bounty
to all in need. They had three children. She d. 187G. He d., Nov. 1,
Susan M. Browx, b. Nov. 27, 1822; m., May 10, 1849, Napoleon B.
Bryant of Andover, who became a lawyer of note at Concord, Boston,
and elsewhere. She d. in Boston, May 16, 1874; he at East Andover,
Jan., 1902. They had eight children, three of whom survive.
(Children of Benjamin and Phebe Gale Brown.)
Hexry Browx. b. in Sanbornton, Sept. 21, 1825, read medicine with
Dr. F. B. Brown at Hartford, Vt., and went in 1849 to California, passing
"around the Cape," where he m. Mrs. Cordelia Myers. They had a
son, Frank R. Brown, now living on the island of Unga, Alaska, and a
i i«i«i I a»^
Maky Chase, m. Rev. Charles Smith, a Baptist clergyman, and re-
sided at Wolfeborough at the time of her death. They had three chil-
Charles Chase d. at Haverhill, Mass.
(Children of Thomas and Mary Brown Chase.)
Laura Brown Chase, b. Dec. 26, 1S37; m., Jan. 8, 1862, William F.
Jones of Durham, b. June 5, 1818.
Mr. Jones was an extensive farmer and politician, holding many
offices in town and state. He d. Feb. 3, 1898. They had two dau.,
Mrs. Mary Cutter of Fall River, Mass., and Mrs. Elizabeth Fowler of
Jamaica Plain, Mass. The latter has a son, Harrison Fowler, Jr.
Lizzie A. Chase, b. Oct. 11, 1840, graduated from New Hampshire
Conference Seminary, class of 1859. She was a teacher many years in
Melrose, Mass., Durham and Union graded school at N. She m. June
28, ISSO, Joseph Hill of Tilton, b. at Mont Vernon, June 16, 1834. He
d. at N. April IS, 1890. (See Hill gen.)
Mary Ella Chase, b. Oct. 1, 1851; m., Aug., 1870, George W. Balcom.
(See Balcom gen.)
Fkaxk Butler Cha.se, b. Aug., 1853; d. Sept., 1854.
Stephen Chase was the foremost man in N. in its early history. In
1798 he erected a fulling mill, where the Granite Mill now stands.
There was but a single cotton mill in the state when, in 1816, he bought
the old cotton-mill erected by Mr. Gushing in 1814. The cotton was
sent up in 100 lb. bags and sent out into the farmers' families to have
the seeds removed, as there were no cotton gins, at 4 or 5 cents a pound.
He bought all the river front from the old brick yard to the land used
for the first seminary, extending well up to Bay Hill. The brick
church. Arch Hill and the homestead of Hon. Asa P. Gate were included.
His son Benjamin, on arriving at manhood, was associated with him
and put in a carding machine. A fulling mill with carding machine
was later built close by the bridge where the optical works now stand.
This, later run by Moses Morrill, was burned, and a grist mill took its
place. Mr. Chase also kept a tavern at the house still standing at the
north entrance to Bay Street. The deeds to the farms taken by many
of the early settlers in this part of the town bear the name of Stephen
Bradstreet Moody had a dam across the river from the Chase mill
and an oil mill and other buildings, Stephen Chase went further
up the river on his own land and cut a canal down to his fulling
mill (now Granite Mill). Mr. Moody, feeling aggrieved, commenced a
suit for flowage damage. Mr. Goodwin, in an article In the Merrimack
Journal, says Chase was a good fighter and so was Moody. The case
went, after years of expensive strife, against Moody, forming one of
the disasters which clouded a promising career. After the death of
Mr. Chase, his son Benjamin carried on the business until his removal
to Lowell, when it became the property of Archibald S. Clark, whose
wife was Priscilla Chase. In 1S20 Mr. Clark sold out to Jeremiah Til-
ton. (See Tilton gen.)
Mr. Chase m. Mrs. Abagail Ambrose, whose maiden name was Oilman.
She d. Nov. 13, 1833. He d. April 21, 1817. He was a man respected
and honored and represented the town in the Legislatures in 1803-'04--
Second Generation.
(B. at N.)
Mehitable Chase, b. April 7, 1795; m.. May 1, 1817, Elder Joseph
Clough of Canterbury, b. there Feb. 1, 1795. They had 12 children,
three of whom d. in infancy. But three survive, Obadiah, a literary
man of New York City, and Albert and Mary in the home that has never
changed ownership. During a temporary sojourn of Mr. and Mrs.
Clough in N. a son, Lucien B., was b. (See portrait and sketch.)
Priscilla Gilmax Chase, b. Aug. 6, 1796; m., Sept. 9, 1819, Archibald
S. Clark of N., b. at Dunbarton April 21, 1796. She d. at N. May 11,
1871. He d. May 2, 1877. Had six children. (See Clark gen.)
Benjamin Ambrose Chase, b. April 3, 1798; m., June 21, 1820, Hannah
Hall, b. at Canterbury. He succeeded to his father's business. He rep-
resented the town in 1831"'32. He removed to Lowell in 1840, where he
was a manufacturer. They had two children.
Abagail Woodman Chase, b. Dec. 5, 1799; m., Dec. 20, 1823, Alvah
McQuesten, b. at Plymouth March 3, 1797, where they afterward resided.
They had six children, Relief Judith, Abby Chase, Alvah Aretas, Benja-
min Chase and Garaphelia.
Myra Chase, b. Dec. 14, 1801; m. Greenough McQuesten and resided
at N., Fisherville and Concord. He was for many years a bookkeeper
for Concord Railroad shops. (See McQuesten gen.)
John Langdon Chase, b. Dec. 29, 1803. He m. and had a family. Re-
moved to Illinois.
Third Generation.
(Children of Benjamin and Hannah Hall Chase.)
Priscilla Clark Chase, b. Jan. 14, 1825; m., Feb. 19, 1851, B. F.
Cofran, b. at N. (See Cofran gen.)
Charles Greenough Chase, b. July 5, 1827 (see portrait and sketch).
Hon. Francis R. Chase was b. in Gilmanton in 1818, the son of Jona-
than and Fanny Moody Chase. He m. Dec. 19, 1843, Huldah Perley
Fessenden of Fryeburg, Me. They had five children. Mr. Chase read
law in the office of Judge Dana of Fryeburg, Me., and first practiced
law in Conway. He removed from the latter place to N. in 1SC6, and
bought the Joseph Peabody house on Bay Street and d. there 10 years
later. He represented the town in the Legislature of 1872 and was
active in the establishment of the New Hampshire Agricultural College
at Durham. He had previously been a member from Conway and was
speaker of the house in 1S54.
Second Generation.
Allax Jasper Chase, b. at Conway in 1S44, Dec. 3; m., 1S68, Emma
Loring and resides in Maiden, Mass., and is one of the firm of Chase,
Parker & Co., heavy hardware and carriage supplies, Boston, Mass. He
never lived in N.
AxNA Tatlok Chase, b. at Conway May 20, 1849; m. Henry Augustus
Bush and resides at 97 Cedar Park, Melrose, Mass. She was a gradu-
ate of New Hampshire Conference Seminary and Female College, class
of 1870. She has been for a long time interested in the work of
Woman's Clubs and is president of the New Hampshire Daughters' Club
of Boston and vice-president of the Massachusetts Federation of
Woman's Clubs and one of the trustees of the Melrose Public Library.
Mr. Bush is senior warden of Melrose parish. Both are active in church
Laura Elizabeth Chase, b. at Conway Aug IG, 1S51; was also a grad-
uate of New Hampshire Conference Seminary and Female College, class
of 1871; now a resident of Cedar Park, Melrose, Mass.
JoxATHAx Taylor Chase, b. 1854; m., in 1881, Sophie Cram, who d.
in 1882. He m. (second) Laura Price. He resides at 24 Cedar Park,
Melrose, and is also of the firm of Chase, Parker & Co.
Adalixe Folsom Chase, b. 1859; now resides with her sister at 97
Cedar Park, Melrose.
Joseph Chase was b. at Deerfield May 8, 1834; m., Nov. 24, 1853, Ann
Dearborn Chase of Deerfield. He was a shoemaker and farmer until
his removal to N. in 1896. He is now employed as janitor at Union
graded school. They have three sons and a dau.
Second Generation.
(B. at Deerfield.)
George F. Chase, b. May 21, 1855; m., Dec. 29. 1883, Nellie Susan
Morrison of N. After a few years' residence on Park Street and later
on the Hills farm, they removed to their present location, her early
home, where with fine buildings and up-to-date surroundings they are
general farmers with summer boarders, dairying and fruit raising for
J. LaRoy Chase, b. March 30, 1857; was employed at Lord Bros.'
Optical Works. He d. July 21, 1889.
Aloxzo W. Chase, b. May 13, 1859; resides with his parents on Vine
Street and is foreman of finishing room at Elm Mills Woolen' Co.
Luther H. Cha.se, b. June 8, 1861; resides in Deerfield and is a
farmer and blacksmith.
Elizabeth D. Chase, b. Aug. 20, 1S63; m., April 2G, 1886, Robert
Hunkins of Plaistow. He is a stationary engineer. They have three
children, Warren C, Gladys A. and Florence E., twins.
Fraxklin Browne Chase, b. at Hopkinton Dec. 9, 1844; m., Nov. 13,
1867, Anna Abbott Runnells, b. at Concord, May 1, 1844. They resided
at Contoocook 12 years previous to coming to the Clark Road, Tilton
Highlands, where they lived 14 years. They came to the Timothy Hill
place, N., in 1902. He was a teacher in his youth and is still a sur-
veyor and farmer, a good story teller and won renown as color bearer
in the famous "troop of horse" on N.'s Centennial Day.
Second Generation.
Samuel Ambrose Chase, b. at Contoocook Feb. 1, 1872; d. there Dec.
6, 1877.
Regin-^ld Alberti>-e Chase, b. at Franklin Feb. 12, 1883; m., March
2, 1904, Ethel Florence Hamilton, b. at Wolfeborough Nov. 4, 1883. He
resides at N. and is employed at the Tilton Optical Co. manufactory.
Samuel B. Chase came to N. from Franklin in 1903, having pur-
chased the farm of the late Morrill Moore. They are chiefly occupied
with dairying and have a choice herd of registered Jerseys. They have
five children. Mr. Chase m. (second) Emma Randall of Canterbury.
Second Generation.
Harrt Chase resides at Concord, where he is employed as a
Grace Chase is a teacher in Franklin.
Ella, Marion and Ned, children of the second wife, remain in the
John Cilley came to N. from Nottingham. His wife was Hannah
Elliot, b. there March 4, 1768. She d. in N. in 1852. He was the son
of Cutting Cilley, who came to spend his last years at his son's home
on Bean Hill. They had 14 children, all but one b. in Nottingham. The
original home disappeared long ago and the one now occupied by Frank
Robertson was the family dwelling place until the erection of the new
buildings of Hiram Cilley. He was an officer in the state militia.
Mother Cilley, in spite of her strenuous life, lived to be 90 years of
age, dying Oct. 10, 1S53. He was a noted horse trainer. This farm is
now owned by Andrew Shirley.
Second Generation.
Polly Cilley, m. late in life Jacob Webber and removed to Starks-
borough, where they kept hotel many years. Mr. Webber had a son
David by a former marriage, who m. Emily Abbot, a neighbor, and
removed with his father.
Joseph Cilley.
Mabtha Cilley, m. March 13, 1812, Jesse Rogers of N. and had a
family of seven. (See Rogers gen.)
Joux Cilley, b. Sept. 14, 1S14; m., Jan. 7, 1835, Betsey, dau. of Daniel
Hills, b. May 26, 1814, and removed to Columbia and had six children.
Mr. Cilley's boyhood encounter with a black bear on Bean Hill is told
Abxer Cilley and another brother removed to Northwood.
Lydia Cilley.
JoxATHAx E. Cilley m. May, 1826, Eliza Taylor of Sanbornton. He
was a dealer in meat and live stock in Massachusetts. They both d.
in New Hampton. He had a son Dr. O. G. Cilley of Cambridge Street,
Boston, Mass.
SoPHRoxiA Cilley.
Naomi Cilley m. Joseph Currier of Belmont.
Daniel Cilley removed to Maine when a young man.
William P. Cilley.
James Cilley inherited a part of the homestead and erected new
buildings, but sold later to Hiram. He m. May 10, 1827, Irene Rand of
N. He removed to Boston, where she d. Nov. 7, 1852.
Hiram Cilley m., Jan. 28, 1830, Nancy (Ann) Greenough Kimball of
Canterbury, b. Dec. 10, 1813. He was many years an up-to-date farmer
with good stock and ample means. Later in life he purchased the brick
house erected by S. B. Rogers by the town house, now owned by J. E.
Smith, and d. there Oct. 15, 1877. She survived until Dec. 8, 1888.
They had two sons and two dau.
Third Generation.
(Children of John and Betsey Hill Cilley.)
(B. at Columbia.)
Mary Ann Cilley, b. Sept. 14, 1814; m., Jan. 7, 1835, Barker Hills of
N. (See Hills gen.)
Sarah Jane Cilley. b. Feb. 6, 1838; m. Jacob Sanborn of Franklin
and had eight children.
SxjsAN CiLLEY, Lydia and Hannah, I have no record of.
John Cilley, b. at N. May 9, 1S33; m., Oct. 28, 1855, Maria Hibbard,
b. Sept. 20, 1833, and d. at Columbia May 3, 1897. They had four chil-
dren b. in Columbia and now living there.
(Children of Hiram and Ann Kimball Cilley.)
(B. at N.)
Jeremiah Ki^rsALL Cixley, b. Dec. 12, 1831. He has a son Leon H.,
proprietor of the Maplewood House, Bethlehem.
CoEA Hall Cilley, b. Aug. 1, 1834; m., Jan. 2, 1853, Marcus Lawrence
and resided at Plymouth. They had one son, Willie Lawrence. She d.
at N. Jan. 9, 1871.
Henry Cilley, b. at N. May 2, 1839; m. Ellen "Wilder of Leominster,
Mass., and resided some years in Boston, where he was a gas manufac-
turer. Later was engaged in immense engineering operations in the
construction of railroads in South America. The story of his successes
and undertaking is simply marvelous, including the invention of a
submarine torpedo boat and a new quality of ammunition; and a series
of dangerous missions under government contract, which won him the
title of colonel and large wealth. In 1865 he returned to his native
town, bought and renovated the home of B. A. Rogers, and intended to
quietly pass his remaining years there, but the excitement of great
enterprises lured him again to busy life, and he returned to Chili only
to encounter civil war, treachery, colossal schemes abandoned by fail-
ure of existing government to fulfil pledges, sickness and the death of
Colonel Meiggs, his partner. He d. at Lima, Peru, of a severe con-
gestion of the brain, 1877.
They had two sons, one now a teacher in Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. He sold his N. home in 1S71 to Daniel W. Beckler of Bos-
ton. (See Beckler gen.)
Sakah Frances Cilley, b. April 25, 1S51; m., Jan. 17, 1872, Charles
F. Hills of N. (See Hills gen.)
Joseph Clisby, b. at West Concord in 1802; came to N. in 1826. He
had lived with Hon. Richard Bradley seven years and then served an
apprenticeship at the blacksmith's trade four years and four months.
He says: "My last schooling was under Judge George W. Nesmith in
the old schoolhouse at North State Street, Concord." M., 1828, Sally
Hill (see Hill gen.) and bought place of Simeon Gate, who moved
nearer the village. He repaired the house and built a blacksmith shop
and continued business until 1863, when compelled by ill health to
abandon it. His father, Joseph, a soldier of the Revolutionary War
and a pensioner, with his wife, came to live and die with them. He d.
in 1855, and she d. Feb. 12, 1855.
Mr. Clisby had a great memory and kept a record of current events
for many years, some of which have been of great service in the com-
pilation of these pages. She d. Nov. 15, 1883. He d. June 24, 1894,
aged nearly 92.
Second Generation.
Mandana Clisby, b. at N. March 4, 1830; m., Oct. 30, 1851, Pascal
Jacques of Sanbornton and went to his father's to reside. She was
musical and long sang in church choirs. After the death of her hus-
band she removed to Tilton, where she d., the last survivor of her
family. They had a dau., Carrie Ida, who d. in girlhood, June 24,
1890. Mrs. Jacques d. Dec. 24, 1902.
Maria D. Clisby was b. at N. Nov. 13, 1836; m., Oct. 19, 1859, Walter
Sanborn of Sanbornton. She was a faithful teacher at Laconia and
elsewhere for several years. She d. May 25, 1877.
Sarah Corser Clisby, b. at N. Sept. 16, 1839; m., July 12, 1864, Rich-
ard D. Goodwin of Boston, Mass., where she was a fine choir singer for
several years. They had a son Harry, now a professor of Boston School
of Technology, and a dau. Florence. Mrs. Goodwin d. in Boston March
30, 1876.
Clara A>'n Clisby, b. at N. Aug. 8, 1843; m., Sept. 13, 1864, Oscar P.
Sanborn. (See Sanborn gen.)
Fred N. Clark came to N. from Warren, Oct. 3, 1892. He was b.
at Vineland, N. J., Sept. 19, 1870. He m., on his 25th birthday, 1895,
Emma J., dau. of Myron and Philena Houghton Southwick, b. at
Bombay, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1874. He is assistant postmaster at the Tilton
and Northfield office. They reside on Vine St. and have one dau..
Vera Rose, b. Jan. 21, 1903.
William B. Clark, b. at Ossipee, April 19, 1824, was a son of Rev.
Mahew Clark, who conducted the religious services at the raising of
the old meeting-house. He m. (first), July 4, 1844, Mary H. D. Clark,
b. Nov. 25, 1825, in Sanbornton, and had two children. She d. Sept.,
1853. He m., 1853, Eliza A. Wilson, b. at Bridgewater, Vt., 1825, and
had two children. He m. (third) Arianna Hoyt of Candia, b. 1828.
They came to N. Oct. 8, 1878, and purchased the farm of Morrill Moore
at the foot of Bean Hill and with a choice herd of Jersey cows made
gilt-edged butter for wealthy families in Boston. He has since been
known as "Butter Clark." Mrs. Clark d. here, March 6, 1900. He m.
(fourth), in 1900, Mrs Betsey J. Buswell, b. at Meredith, Nov. 14, 1832.
He removed to East Tilton, where they now reside.
Second Generation.
(Children of William and Mary Clark.)
LrcT Axx Clark, b. at Sanbornton, Jan. 12, 1847; m. William W.
Marston of Vermont. They now reside at Fitchburg, Mass.
WiLLiAii Tatloe Claek, b. at Manchester, Sept. 18, 1850; m. Rosa
Bell Waldron. He was a carpenter but resided with his father on
the farm in N. He is now of East Norton, Mass.
(Children of William and Eliza Wilson Clark.)
OsCAB Waltee Claek, b. at Manchester, 1857; d. at Stoddard, 1862.
AxxA Eliza Claek, b. at Stoddard, 18G4; d. at N., Oct. 28, 1882.
De. Alexander Teacy Claek, son of John, b. at Londonderry, July 8,
1769; m. Sarah Stinson of Dunbarton, b. 1778. They came to N. about
1802 and he practised his profession.
He was a student of Dr. Ebenezer Lerned of Hopkinton. He erected
a two-story house on the site of Elmer Gale's newly-erected home.
Years later it was moved across the river. He was a fine physician
and a fellow of the New Hampshire Medical Society in 1816. They had
six children. An unfortunate controversy v%-ith a neighbor led to his un-
timely death by poison, March 11, 1821. He was a representative in
Second Generation.
Archibald Stixson Claek, b. at Dunbarton, April 21, 1796; m. Pris-
cilla Oilman Chase, Sept. 9, 1819. He was first a clerk in Aaron
Woodman's store at the Centre and in 1818 began trade for himself
where the town hall, Tilton, now stands. He was burned out here in
1828 and again in 1838. After 1838 they resided in N., where she d.
May 11, 1871. He was in business over 40 years and d. May 2, 1877.
They were the parents of nine children, two of whom d. in childhood.
He was clerk of the town and represented it in the Legislature of
1843-'44. He was also postmaster at Sanbornton Bridge.
De. Johx Claek, b. at Dunbarton, Feb. 13, 1798, read medicine with
his father and graduated at Dartmouth College in 1823 and practised
in Sutton. M., June 3, 1823, Abagail H. B. Taylor of N. He d. Nov.
29, 1831, and she, Oct. 23, 1836. They had four children. Sarah A. m.
Joseph W. Kimball. Nathan T. lived in California and owned quick-
silver mines. Helen L. m. Walter Ingalls of Sanbornton.
Naxcy Claek, b. June 17, 1801; d. in Nashua, Oct. 12, 1877, unmarried.
Thomas Jeffebsox Claek, b. at N. in 1803; m., Dec, 1826, Abagail
M. Thomas and resided in N., where he d., May, 1827. She d. at Rox-
bury, Mass., 1S48.
Daniel Atkinson Clark, b. Jan., 1813; studied law with Judge
Nesmith of Franklin. He was a teacher in Alabama and a lawyer at
Louisburg, Ark., where he d.
Third Generation.
(Children of Archibald and Priscilla Chase Clark.)
Carlos De Onis Clark, b. Nov. 12, 1821, in Sanbornton; m. Rhoda
Flanders of "Warner. He was a clerk in Sutton, New London and San-
bornton Bridge, where he d., Jan. 3, ISGl, perishing in a snow storm
on Arch Hill. He was clerk of the town several years and the sixth
to hold the office of postmaster at Sanbornton Bridge. Mrs. Clark d.
March 26, 1SS7, aged 73.
Valeria McQuesten Clark, b. at Sanbornton, March 8, 1824; m.,
Jan. 16, 1845, Horace Brown of Sanbornton. He traded at Clark's
Corner. Later he kept hotels in Haverhill and Boston, Mass., and then
engaged in the lumber trade in western New York.
He is supposed to have perished in a storm on the lakes.
They had two children, Ella Archie and George Henry. The former
was for many years a popular teacher. She m., Jan. 21, 1875, Jeremiah
L. Fogg of Manchester, where they reside. A son, Harry, aged ,
was killed by falling from a moving team. A dau., Mrs. Edith Hodgkins,
The latter, Dr. George Brown, after his graduation became the
successor of Dr. "Wight of Gilmanton. He was a skilful practitioner,
a valuable officer of the town and twice served it in the Legislature.
He d., , 1904, leaving one son. His aged mother survives.
Augustus Blodgett Clark, b. at Sanbornton, Aug. 1, 1834, was edu-
cated at New Hampshire Conference Seminary and Dartmouth College.
He studied law with Judge George W. Nesmith of Franklin and at Low-
ell. He served in the Civil "^'ar (see Boys in Blue) and returned and
practised law in New York City. He m. Anna Swartout of New York.
Thomas Benton Clark, b. at Sanbornton, March 23, 1838, served
in the Civil "War (see Boys in Blue). He was employed at the woolen
mills as a spinner and was found drowned in the "W^innipiseogee River
Aug. 11, 1872.
Otis Story Clark, b. at N., June 28, 1840. He studied dentistry in
New York and practised in Richmond. He was engaged later in the
sewing machine business in Boston, Mass.
Electa "W., d. at six years of age.
George He:^y Clark, b. at N., Dec. 2, 1828, was an iron merchant
on Broadway, New York. He resides in Brooklyn and m., April 25,
1855, Mary E. Pierce of Lawrence, Mass., and had four children.
Electa Abby Clark, b. in Sanbornton, May 11, 1S32; d. in N., Nov.
22, 18C5.
James M. Clark, b. at Dorchester in 1794; m., March 10, 1813, Hannah
■^'eeks of Sanbornton, b. Sept., 1784. He was first taxed in N. in 1S36.
He established his home on the highest available point on Bean Hill.
He was a cooper by trade. He d. July 7, 1862, she, Nov. 12, 1870. They
had one son.
Second Generation.
Joseph C. Clark, b. at N., 1819; m. (first), Dec. 21, 1841, Julia
Veasey and had two sons, Charles and Lyman, who removed to the
West. She d. July S, 1844. He m. (second) Caroline G. Rines, who
d. March 14, 1899. He d. 23 years previous. He also was a cooper
and was always called "Jo Noggin."
Teistram R. Clifford resided at East N. across the road from the
head of Chestnut Pond. He was a farmer and was first taxed in 1S35.
He built the house, which was later removed and is now the residence
of Gawn E. Gorrell. The land became the property of James N. Forrest,
They removed to East Tilton, where both d. at a ripe old age. His
mother d. at his home in N. at 91 years of age, June 28, 1858. His
father, William Clifford, d. IS years previous. This was the home of
the Allison family.
Philip, oldest child of Obadiah and Sarah Clough, was one of the
first settlers in the north-fields of Canterbury. He was b. in Canter-
bury, Sept. 15, 1779. He was a brother of Jeremiah, Obadiah, Joseph
and Thomas.
He m. Nancy M. Glidden, dau. of Esquire Charles, March 12, 1807,
who received as her marriage portion a large tract of land bordering
on the river, extending from the home of Colonel Cate to the Colony
and including a mill where the Elm Mills now stand.
An old house nearby had to be removed, as the railroad track passed
directly underneath it. Mr. Clough used to run the mill but sold
before his death in part to Nathaniel Holmes, who in turn sold to
the "Water Power Co.," the railroad and the seminary. Mr. Clough's
wife was an Osgoodite and meetings of that sect were often held at his
house. He d. in Sanbornton Sept. 10, 1823, and was buried at Franklin.
Nancy M. (Glidden) Clough was b. May 25, 1785; d. 4uly 29, 1841.
Second Generation.
Abner, b. Dec. 21, 1807; d. April 12, 1853; m. Olive Lefever, March
4, 1838.
Mary A., b. May 23, 1809; m. Jesse Young, May 10, 1835.
Charles G., b. Sept. 15, 1811; d. Sept. 1, 1836.
Emily C, b. April 6, 1813; d. Dec. 3, 1S67; m. Allan Strong, July
5, 1845.
Sarah E., b. Sept. 4, 1815; m. Jacob Hurd, April 11, 1837.
Alice G., b. Sept. 28, 1820; d. June 18, 1887; m. Dr. Camillus Hall,
Nov. 22, 1838.
Samuel Clough, b. at Salisbury, Mass., April 24, 1714; m. Sarah.
Dow, b. Feb., 1708. She d. at Gilmanton. He d. at N. Nov. 22, 1778.
They had seven children.
Second Generation.
JoN.\THAx Clough, b. at Salisbury, Mass., June 6, 1750, resided there
in 1795, as he was collector of taxes for the "West Parish" that year
and left soon after to settle near his brother, who had previously
moved to Gilmanton. He spent the night on his way at Bay Hill and,
learning that the farm of Nathaniel Whitcher, where he was stopping,
was for sale, bought it. His wife was Martha True of Salisbury, Mass.,
b. Feb. 20, 1752, and they had two sons and two dau. She d. Sept.
9, 1825. Another brother went to Alton.
Third Generation.
(All b. in Salisbury.)
Samuel Clough, b. Nov. 8, 1778; m. Jane Perry Whicher, who was b.
Feb. 6, 1787, and d. Aug. 12, 1818. They had four children. He m.
(second), Dec. 31, 1818, Nancy Mathes of Canterbury, b. May 29, 1787,
and had five children. He purchased the farm of Daniel Hills at his
death in 1816 and this, with other land secured from time to time,
constituted an extensive farm. He d. Sept. 28, 1848. She d. Feb. 3,
Sally Clough, b. Feb. 12, 1781; d. Feb. 9, 1783.
Sarah Clough, b. April 27, 1784; m., Jan. 28, 1813, Ebenezer E. Dar-
ling, and removed to Bristol in 1835. They had one child, Jonathan C,
who d. Sept. 9, 1864. Mrs. Darling d. June 9, 1820. He d. April 5. 1875.
Jonathan Clough. b. March 8, 1790; m. (first), Nov. 21, 1811, Nancy
Oilman, b. Jan. 30, 1791, and d. May 14, 1821. He inherited his father's
farm, where he spent the remainder of his life, a faithful member
of the Methodist Church. They had four children. He m. (second),
Jan. 4, 1822, Sophia Woodbury of N. and had five children. He d. July
6, 1850. She d. May 11, 1877.
Fourth Generation.
(Children of Samuel and Jane Whicher Clough.)
Almira Clough, b. May 2, 1808, went West and d. in the family of
her cousin, Emily Wheeler, unmarried.
John Langdon Clough, b. June 24, 1810, went to Wilmar, Minn., and
d. suddenly while returning from dining with a neighbor, Nov. 14,
Martha Jaxe CLorcH, b. Jan. 3, 1815; d. Dec. 12, 1874; m. Ransom
Clough, her cousin, and resided at Arlington Heights, 111. He d. at
Palatine, 111.
Mary Clough, b. March 4, 1817; d. April 22, 1818.
(Children of Samuel and Nancy Mathes Clough.)
Mary Clough, 2d., b. Oct. 3, 1819; m., 1843, Charles Kendall of Nashua.
She d. March 30, 1845. One child d. in infancy.
James Moxroe Clough, b. March 27, 1821. He inherited the home-
stead and became an extensive and well-to-do farmer. He was injured
while removing snow from a roof by falling on a lilac stub which
punctured his foot and a week later he d. of lockjaw, Feb. 21, 1886.
Samuel Adams Clough, b. Jan. 2, 1823; d. Sept. 27, 1833.
Thomas Stevexs Clough, b. May 23, 1825; m., July 6, 1851, Electa
C. Glines. (See Glines gen.) He was well educated and taught several
winters. He was employed during the construction of the B., C. and
M. Railroad as paymaster and superintendent of culverts and stone-
He was the first Republican representative sent to the Legislature
from N. in 1855. He moved to Mendota, 111., in March, 1856, where he
was an extensive farmer. Later he was a traveling salesman for a
New York house. In 1875 he removed to Paw Paw, where he resided
until his death, June 5, 1892. They had a son, Thomas S., Jr., and a
dau., Mrs. Geo. E. Hyde.
Cyxthia Axx Clough, b. Dec. 5, 1827; m., April 15, 1853, Daniel
Adams Hills. (See Hills gen.)
(Children of Jonathan and Nancy Oilman Clough.)
(B. at N.)
Raxsom Forrest Clough, b. Oct. 4, 1812. He studied the higher
mathematics with Dudley Leavitt, the almanac maker. He, with his
sister and cousin, went West in a big emigrant wagon, being sis
weeks on the way. They settled at Elk Grove, 111., in 1836, when
Chicago was only a village. He was a surveyor for the growing city.
He m., Dec. 24, 1840, Martha Jane Clough (dau. of Samuel) and had
six children. He m. (second) Hannah Boyce Clough, widow of his
half brother. She was b. in Londonderry, March 8, 1831
John True Clough, b. Feb. 5, 1814; d. at Kettle Creek, Ga., Jan. 14,
1849, where he went in 1837. They had five children. His wife was
Lurania E. Miller of Waresboro. They were m. Jan. 2, 1845.
Emily Clough, b. Dec. 24, 1815; m., Dec. 21, 1840, Ephraim Bartlett
Wheeler of Littleton. They lived at Arlington Heights, 111. She d.
Jan. 6, 1894. They had eleven children.
He d. June 2, 1885. He and his son Irving were at work in their
shop during a thunder shower. A tree nearby was struck and the
room filled with sulphurous gas, which suffocated him and he d. in a
few moments.
Jeremiah S. Clough, b. Jan. 19, 1819, removed to Illinois in 1854,
where he m. Dorcas Elvira Peck. He d. at Arlington Heights June 12,
1887. They had three children.
(Children of Jonathan and Sophia Woodbury Clough.)
William Henry Clough, b. Oct. 15, 1823; m. Oct. 15, 1852, Laura
Porter Glines. (See portrait.) He was employed on the railroad
some years as engineer. After his father's death he bought the home
from his brother Warren and remained a prosperous farmer until his
death, July 1, 1895. This place remained until recently in the possession
of Mrs. Clough and in the name for more than 100 years — one of the
most beautiful places in New Hampshire. (See illustration.) The im-
mense elm tree in front of the home was set out in 1S12 and the others
about 1850.
Mr. and Mrs. Clough were people of artistic tastes and their home
abounded in beautiful and rare furnishings. Mr. Clough represented
the town in the Legislature in 1886 and served on the committee on
agriculture. Mrs. Clough still resides in town.
Nancy Oilman Clough, b. Aug. 9, 1825; m., Nov. 7, 1855, John S.
Parsons of Rochester, where she still resides. He d. March 21, 1894.
They had two children, Addie Florence, with whom she resides, and
a son, Charles W., who d. Dec. 22, 1903. Mrs. Parsons was one of the
first enrolled students at the New Hampshire Conference Seminary,
where he later became a student.
Joseph Warren Clough, b. Jan. 3, 1828; m., June 3, 1852, Hannah
Jane Boyce of Londonderry and settled in Evanston, 111., where he d.
Oct. 29, 1862, leaving one son, Harry L., now a real estate dealer in
• Charles Wesley Clough, b. Dec. 28, 1832, was a soldier in the Civil
War (see Boys in Blue), was disabled, and later was a farmer in New
Boston, where he d., Aug. i, 1884, unmarried.
RuFus George Clough, b. Jan. 31, 1837, went to Evanston, 111., in
1855. He enlisted, Sept. 9, 1861, in the Eighth Illinois Cavalry (see
Boys in Blue) and d. in hospital at Washington, D. C, May 23, 1862,
and was buried at Arlington Heights, D. C.
There is no one of the name remaining in town and but few of the
line, though there are many elsewhere.
William Clough came to N. from Barnstead. He owned the farm
later owned by William French and still later known as the Lyford
Morrison place. After some years he returned to his native town.
They had no children, but made a home for a nephew of Mr. Clough
and also a niece of Mrs. Clough, Martha J. T. Carr, who became the
wife of ^vllliam Evans of Pittsfield. (See Evans gen.) The nephew,
William H. Clough, was the principal of the Rumford School In Con-
cord and later registrar of deeds for Merrimack County. They had a
dau. Ida, now the wife of West.
Henbt L. Cram, b. at Westfield, Mass., Nov., 1843; m., Isruena E.
'Gate (see Gate gen.), b. Dec. 6, 1847. He was a soldier in the Givil
War (see Boys in Blue). They had one child.
Second Generation.
Herbert Lerot Gram, b. at N. Sept. 2, 1872, and resided with his
-mother on the homestead. He m., Dec. 24, 1904, Ada J. Brown, and
moved to her home on Bean Hill.
JosiAH GoLBT, b. at Sandown; m., Oct. 23, 1819, Sally French of East
N., where they resided and had a family of four. They removed later
to Factory Village, now Belmont, where she d. He m. (second) Betsey
Gross of West N.
Mr. Golby's grandfather was a soldier and was sent as one of a detail
to rebuild a stockade fort at Hinsdale for Golonel Hinsdale. He was
captured by Indians and taken to Ganada, where he was adopted by a
squaw because he resembled her dead son.
She was greatly enraged, however, to find he carried a pocket
Bible. The priest was sent for and the book taken from him and he
was sold as a slave at Montreal. He at once purchased his freedom
and returned to his home.
Second Generation.
Mary Jane Golbt, the youngest dau., went with her father to the
Ephraim Gross place, where she resided until her marriage. May 29,
1850, to Daniel Glay, when she removed to Sanbornton Bridge, where
-she d., leaving one son, Myron. (See Davis gen.) Mr. Glay d. Aug. 6,
1900. He had previously m. (second) Mrs. Golby. Myron now re-
sides in Brooklyn, N. Y.
Amos Moody Gogswell (see portrait) was b. at Canterbury Uplands,
July 14, 1825; m., Dec. 1, 1853, Hannah A. Ames, b. at Canterbury, Dec. 17,
1825. He remained with his father on the farm until his majority and
then followed various pursuits until 1855, when he entered the employ
of the B., G. & M. Railroad as station agent at N., where he resided
during the War of the Rebellion. It was a time of great activity
there as the Concord Raih'oad was buying and shipping large quan-
tities of wood, all of which he surveyed and shipped. Some of his
day's work surveying covered more than 2,000 cords. He was also In
the same capacity at Wentworth, where he lost his right leg in an
accident. He was one of the selectmen in N. three years and treasurer
for two. He was also superintendent of schools. He was appointed
justice of the peace at 28 and held a commission ever afterwards.
After 30 years' service for the railroad he opened a real estate office
at Lakeport, where he d., July, 1903. Mrs. Cogswell d. at Lakeport,
July, 1904. They have a dau., Marianna, a teacher in Wellesley Col-
Aaro.n Collins was the first of the name in town, where he dis-
tinguished himself by being the first child born here. He is next
heard from as standing on his head on the ridgepole of the meeting-
house on the day of the raising. He m. Sally Dearborn and had a
family of one and perhaps more.
Second Generation.
Bexjamix Collixs, b. at N., 1802; m. Abagail Glines and lived on
the Colony. They had five sons. She d. July 17, 1SS2, aged 80. He
d. Nov. 15, 1889, aged 87.
Third Generation.
(All b. at N.)
Bex.jamix Collixs, Jr., b. 1831; m., Jan. 7, 1848, Alice Cross, b. 1830.
They had a family of ten. She d. April 24, 1871. He m. (second)
Jane Murphy and resided near Tilton. He d. at Boscawen, 1S8S.
John Collins, b. Oct. 24, 1831; m. Grace Dearborn and had three
dau. He served in the Civil War. (See Boys in Blue.) He was
a painter and d. Jan. 3, 1903. She d. at Northwood.
George Collixs, b. 1841; m. Mrs. Mary E. Marsh, April 2C, 18G8. He
bought part of the Glines farm at the Center, selling it later to Joseph
Charles Collixs now resides on the Bean Hill road, owning a small
tract of land.
Frank E. Collins, b. 1851; m., Feb. 28, 1896, Fanny Jondro, b. at
North Hudson, N. Y. Their home on the Forrest road was burned in
Fourth Generation.
(Children of Benjamin and Alice Cross Collins.)
Mary, Willie. Alonzo. Abra Ann and Frank all d. in the home be-
fore middle life, unmarried.
Harry Collins, b. 1865; m., June 15. 1890, Annie F. Davis of Bath.
He is employed by the railroad, with residence at Plymouth.
LiLLA Collins m. and removed to Andover.
John Collins changed his name to John Henry and resides near the
(See portrait.)
Benjamin F. Cofran was b., Dec. 19, 1819, in N., and d. Oct. 6, 1903,
He lived on Bean Hill until Dec, 1849, moving from there to Lake
Village. In the spring of 1862 he removed to N. near what is now
Tilton village. He was m. to Priscilla C. Chase, Feb. 19, 1850, by the
Rev. Corban C. Curtice. He suffered the loss of his buildings by fire
May 27, 1875, and rebuilt the following fall. He was a successful cattle
dealer and farmer. In politics he was a Democrat, decided in his views
and acted up to the full standard of his convictions. The same qual-
ities shown in his private business were conspicuous when he was called
by the citizens to the administration of town matters. He was a member
of the school committee, selectman, and filled other offices for various
and continued terms. His advice and counsel were sought and he was
often selected as an administrator, guardian and for other weighty
trusts. He was elected representative to the state Legislature in 1S73--
'74 and was chairman of the committee on agriculture the latter year.
He had ever a great interest in passing events and was one of the few
to put them on record. His note book has been of great assistance in the
preparation of this work, as he had a complete list of the deaths
occurring in town from 1840 to 1S98.
Dea. Peter Conant came to N. in 1823. His son, Liba Conant, had
just accepted the pastorate of the newly-organized Congregational
Church and his salary being small the records say: "His father offered
to make up what was lacking for his support."
He was a farmer and lived first on the Simonds place and later on
the Bean Hill road. He was b. Aug. 3, 1753, and d. at N., May 22, 1825.
His wife, Jane, b. 1759, d. at Hebron, May 17, 1846. He is buried in the
enclosure by the Town house.
Second Generation.
Liba Conant, b. at Bridgewater, Mass; fitted for the ministry at
Brown University, graduating in 1823. He was ordained the same
year at N. He m., Oct., 1820, Deborah Leach, also of Bridgewater.
They had three dau. and a son, Henry, who d. at seven. They re-
mained at N. 14 years, going then to Canaan and later to Orford,
where both d. (See Ministers of N.)
Third Generation.
Elizabeth J. Conant, b. at N. Nov. 13, 1824; m. Lucius Wilson Ham-
mond, a merchant of Bristol. They had two children, Ella Calley,
who resides in Denver, and George H., who d. in Bristol. Mrs. Ham-
mond d. at Bristol, July 23, 1882.
Sarah Anx Coxant, b. at N. Feb. 8, 1S27; m. Joseph H. Keyes of
Massachusetts. They had a son, Joseph Everett, who resides in Hebron.
Mr. Keyes d. in Hebron, Dec. 5, 1S98. She d., in Bristol, March 26, 1882.
Ellex McAllister Coxaxt, b. at N., Oct. 19, 1833; m., Oct. 11, 1853,
David Everett Willard of Orford. He was a merchant there until
1882, when he removed to Concord, where he resided until his death,
Jan 17, 1895. She d. Nov. 6, 1903. They had four children: Ellen
Augusta of Concord; Everett Wheeler of Toledo, O.; Sarah Rebecca,
who d., ISSl, and Stedman of Boston, Mass.
Joiix Browx Cook was first taxed in N. in 1833. He bought the
farm now owned by Frank Shaw and, being past middle life, only
farmed in a small way. He m.( first) Sarah Taylor of Epping, who d.
May, 1858, at Lynnfield, Mass. They had nine children, none of whom
were b. in town. Mrs. Cook d. at N. He m. (second) Mrs. Bean of
Freedom, Me. She d. in 1868. He m. (third) Mrs. Ordway of Saugus,
Mass. He remained in town 15 years, and d. at Lynnfield, Mass., in
Second Generation.
Rebecca Cook d. in infancy at Exeter.
LoviXA N. Cook m. Charles Proctor of Biddeford, Me., and d. there,
June, 18S5.
Harriet B. Cook d. at N. of typhoid fever, Aug. 15, 1848, aged 21
Rebecca Cook, b. 1824; d. at N. Sept. 12, 1846.
Daxiel p. Cook was killed by a stationary engine at "Wakefield, Mass.,
1885. He m. Sarah Reed of Lynnfield, Mass.
David Cook, d. May, 1862, at Lynnfield, Mass.
S-VRAH CoFFix Cook, m. T. A. Parsons of Wakefield, Mass., and has
kindly assisted the author to the family data.
Otis Cook, m. Judith Hardy of Freedom, Me., and d. at Woburn,
Mass., in 1873.
Maxfred Cook m. Mary Ellen Wiley of Lynnfield, Mass., and d., 1875,
at Woburn, Mass.
Mrs. Cook and two dau. are buried in the yard by the town house at
JoHx Copp. b. 1792, came to N. from Sanbornton and bought or built
a house on Whicher Hill, where F. B. Shedd's residence now stands.
He m., Sept. 18, 1822, Ruhama Rollins of Sanbornton, b. 1797, and
had a son and a dau. :Mrs. Copp d. at Belmont Oct. 10, 1872. He d.
Oct. 3, 1873.
Second Generation.
Evelina Copp, b. June 28, 1827; m., June 18, 1850, John C. Foster
of Belmont, where they resided. They had four children, Orrin W.,
Laura E., Flora A. and Sarah H. Mrs. Foster d. March 28, 1860.
JoH^f Copp, b. Sept. 15, 1831; m., and d. at N. Jan. 27, 1860, leaving
one dau., Allie G., who resided at Wakefield, Mass.
Amos Kimball Copp was b. at Gilmanton Nov. 18, 1833; m., March
20, 1851, Julia Ann Evans of N. He was a carpenter; served in the
Civil War, credited to Loudon (see Boys in Blue). They came to N.
in 1890 and bought the sash and blind shop built by Pease Bros, and
later the Sanborn Shaw place, where she now resides in feeble health.
He d. July 16, 1892. They had no children. She had three brothers
and four brothers-in-law in the army of the Rebellion.
Simeon Copp, b. at Gilmanton May 22, 1815; m. Betsey O. Currier and
lived on Drew Hill, where he was a farmer. He d. there. They had
three children. She removed to N. about 1865 and erected a home on
Park St., and the children became students at the seminary. They
were all members of the Methodist Church. She m. (second), Deacon
George C. Lancaster. (See Lancaster gen.)
Second Generation.
Timothy Copp, b. 1847; d. at N. March 31, 1877.
Carrie May Copp, b. at Gilmanton, 1848; d. at N. July 16, 1870.
Abbie Copp, b. 1857; d. at N. Jan. 14, 1878.
GoRRELL Corliss came from Meredith in 1854 to the Osgood place.
He was b. at Meredith, March 6, 1810; m., Dec. 14, 1834, Mary Smith
of Meredith, b. Sept. 25, 1815. They had seven children. He m.
(second), Nov., 1854, Lucy Morrill, b. Dec. 22, 1808. He d. Oct. 27,
1873. She d. Feb. 12, 1877.
Second Generation.
Smith D. Corliss, b. March 16, 1836; d. at Yarmouth, Va. (See Boys
in Blue.)
Mary E. Corliss, b. Sept. 26, 1837.
Charles F. Corliss, b. Oct. 16, 1839; d. in infancy.
George W. Corliss, b. Feb. 22, 1842.
Charles F. Corliss, d., 1S61, at Washington, D. C, on his way to the
seat of war. (See Boys in Blue.)
Martha J. Corliss, b. Jan. 18, 184G; date of death unknown.
Ellex Corliss, b. Feb. 19, 1847; d. Sept., 1888.
George W. Corliss, b. Feb. 22, 1842; m. Sarah A., dau. of Ebenezer
and Urania Dal ton Calef. (See Calef gen.) They had three children.
Third Generation.
Amos Laroy Corliss, b. Dec. 4, 1872; d. Dec. 2, 1875.
Arthur Henry Corliss, b. Aug. 8, 1874; m., Dec. 9, 1903, Alice G.
Shaw of N., b. Jan. 9, 1879. (See Shaw gen.) Mrs. Corliss graduated
from New Hampton Literary Institute, class of 1895, and was a popu-
lar teacher until her marriage. Mr. Corliss is a farmer on the home-
stead of his father at East N., and road commissioner, in 1905.
Harvey W. Corliss, b. April 18, 1880.
Charles A. Corbett came to N. from Wilton in 1896. He was b. at
Limerick, Me., Aug. 26, 1845. He m., Jan. 5, 1867, Mary A. Ransom,
who was b. at Randolph, Mass., June 11, 1846. He was an overseer
at the Elm Woolen Mills for eight years but later found employment
at Lakeport, but still resides at N., where they have a fine home on Park
St. They have two children.
Second Generation.
William E. Cordett, b. at East Rochester Dec. 28, 1867; m. Delia
Conners of Wilton. He is a carder by trade and now resides at East
Rochester. They have three children.
Mary E. Corbett, b. at East Rochester, April 15, 1870; m. Elmer
L. Cleveland of Newport, Vt. He is a farmer and teamster. They
reside at Concord.
William J. Crawford came to N. in 1887 from Glasgow, Scotland,
where he was b. in 1866, and m. Letitia G. Miller of Glasgow. They
had four sons. He was a carpenter and by industry and economy
secured a home on Park St. They moved to Readville, Mass., in 1902,
but still retain their property in town.
Second Generation.
(B. at N.)
Sammy Cr-\wford, b. ISSS.
William J. Crawford, Jr., b. Dec. 14, 1893.
Edwin R. Crawford, b. Jan. 19, 1896.
Robert Crawford, b. 1898.
Doubtless all of the name in Merrimack County are descendants of
Stephen, who came from Newbury, Mass., to "Conteucook" (Boscawen),
and bought land of Samuel and Elizabeth Emery Jan. 25, 1750. This
deed is duly recorded on page 325, vol. 39, of the old land records.
There is a second, dated May 24, 1768, and a third to a mill right in
Boscawen, and others covering original lots Nos. 1, 9, 10, 16, 15, 174,
15, 22. He is recorded as a shipwright and a deed, or right, from
King and Queen, William and Mary, gives him a right to cut trees in
New England for masts.
He m. Hannah Guild or Gile and some of their children remained
in Newbury and Haverhill when they came to N. In 1785 John,
Thomas, Jesse, were taxed, as were John, Jr., and Thomas, Jr. He
m. (second), Hannah Marsh and had a son Ephraim (see) and dau.
Hannah. He and Hannah Gile Cross, it is said, are buried at the
Williams Cemetery.
His second wife, and dau. Betsey, after his death, went to reside in
Northern New Hampshire with her brother. Colonel Johnson.
His sons, John, Parker, Jesse, Thomas, became the founders of the
"Cross Settlement," the first business houses in town (see Early
Business) on the Merrimack intervale.
Ephraim, the youngest, was a lifelong resident in N., as was Will-
iam (see), son of Jesse, who had 13 children. Several of these follow
in regular genealogical order.
Thomas and Moses Cross were in the Revolutionary War. John and
Parker were at Bunker Hill.
Stephen Ceoss, for many years a tailor at Sanbornton Bridge, was
a son of the original Stephen.
Hanxah Cross, youngest dau., m., Nov. 20, 1808, Daniel Mitchell of
Phebe Cross (perhaps her sister) m. Israel Walker of Boston.
Abraham Cross was b. in Salisbury June 11, 1775; m., Jan. 21, 1800,
Ruth Sawyer of Canterbury, whose father, Dea. Francis Sawyer, kept
a ferry two miles below the Cross settlement. He had a family of 20
children, all but two of whom lived to maturity. He was in the French
and Revolutionary Wars and had two sons killed in the battle when
Burgoyne surrendered, and was there himself. Mr. Sawyer d. at 99
years, 9 months and 27 days, and ran his ferry boat to the last year
of his life. Mr. Cross resided near Deacon Sawyer for eight years
then he settled on the Winnipiseogee at what has ever since been
known as Cross' Mills. He erected a sawmill and small house on the
Sanbornton side in 1804. The water passed down to it in a canal or
flume on the north side of the dam which he built. It was several
rods below the present one. The mill and house were below the pulp
mill. John Clark owned one half the right. Mr. Cross sold out to
Satchwell Clark; lived later in Holderness and d. at N., Sept. 24, 1S53.
She d. April 15, ISCS. They had nine children.
Second Generation.
Eunice Cross, b, at Canterbury Oct. 2, ISOO; m., Oct. 17, 1832,
Nathan Currier, a farmer of Methuen, where they spent their lives.
While on a visit to Tilton she d. of pneumonia Oct. 15, 1874.
They had two sons, Joseph, who d. at Bloomington, 111., and S. E.
D. Currier of Roxbury, Mass.
Jerejiiah Cross. (See portrait and sketch.)
Hiram Cross, b. at Sanborn ton Sept. 15, 1804; m., Aug. 28, 1832,
Lydia Robie. He was a carpenter and resided in Plymouth. They
had one son. Mr. Cross d. at N. Nov. 7, 1874. She lives with her son
and is past 90 years of age.
Sarah C. Cross, b. at Salisbury Oct. 23, 1806; m., Oct. 17, 1832,
Joseph Benson of Kittery, Me. He was employed for many years at
Colt's armory at Hartford, Conn., and was an inventor of various useful
appliances as well as a skilful worker in metals. Later he erected a
home in South Boston, where she d., 1888. He reached extreme age
and d. at Jamaica Plain 1899.
LuciNDA Cross, b. Feb. 21, 1809; m., 1836, Rufus Colby, a dealer in
hats and furs in Boston, Mass. She d. June 21, 1840.
Judith Maria Cross, b. Sept. 14, 1811; m. (first), Albert Rodliff of
Lowell, Mass., and had one dau., Isadore Dow of Waterville, Me. She
m. (second), Silas L. Ashley of West Springfield, Mass., and had a
dau., Clara Gilbert of Boston. She d. Dec. 10, 1850.
Clara Cross, b. Feb. 19, 1814; d. at 11 years.
William Plummer Cross, b. at Sanbornton July 4, 1816; m., Aug. 31,
1844, Ann Forrest of N., b. Oct. 19, 1823. He studied medicine while
employed in his brother's sawmill and practised as an old school phy-
sician in Wisconsin and Chicopee, Mass. Later he studied with Dr.
Paine of Albany, N. Y., and graduated at the Cleveland, 0., Homeo-
pathic Medical College in 1S53. He was in practice many years in
Nantucket, where he gained wealth and reputation. In 1860 he
took up his abode in South Boston, where he practised until his
death in 1888 and where his family now reside. Dr. Cross was a
Mason and an Odd Fellow and was prominent in the Dorchester St.
M. E. church and president of its board of trustees. He was in early
life a military man and was captain in the Thirty-eighth Regiment New
Hampshire ^lilitia. They have one dau., Dr. Grace E. Cross, who, a
graduate of Boston University, succeeded to her father's extensive prac-
tice. Two other children d. in infancy.
Third Generation.
(Children of Jeremiah and Sarah Lyford Cross.)
(B. at N.)
Clara Axx Cross, b. Nov. 25, 1830; m., Dec. 7, 1853, George W. Fitts,
a carpenter, and resided in Franklin, where both d. He d. Oct. 2,
1859. She d. Feb. 11, 1872. They had one son, George W. Fitts, Jr.,
now of Chichester. He has one dau., Clara.
Or.ivEK Lyford Cross, b. Nov. 4, 1831; d. in infancy.
Oliver Lyford Cross, 2xd., b. June 11, 1836; m., Nov. 16, 1866, Lucy
R. Hill of N. (See Lawyers of N.)
Sarah Benson Cross, b. Oct. 20, 1839; m., June 30, 1873, James G.
Jenkins of Eliot, Me. He was a farmer and carpenter at Rockport,
Mass. He d. at Dover. She resides at Randolph, Mass.
Daniel J. Cross, b. at N. May 26, 1849, was educated at New Hamp-
shire Conference Seminary. He was for some years clerk in the
grocery store of Bond & Winch, South Boston, later buying the busi-
ness, which he continued until his health failed. He m. Georgianna
Mace of Napoleonville, La. They had two children, Clarence and Vira,
both of Boston, Mass. Mr. Cross d. at Revere March 25, 1899.
Mrs. Cross m. (second), Dea. John Hood of South Boston, Mass.
(Child of Hiram and Lydia Robie Cross.)
Hiram Bliss Cross, b. July 9, 1833, read medicine at Harvard Med-
ical School and Homeopathic Medical College, Cleveland, 0., grad-
uating in 1866. He practised five years at South Boston and since
1871 at Jamaica Plain, Mass. His skillful and gentle ministrations in
the sick room have endeared him to a large class of patrons. He has
been twice m. (first), to Hattie McKenzie, who d. Oct. 16, 1859; (sec-
ond), to Emily L. Haskins of Concord, June 20, 1871.
Fourth Generation.
(Children of Oliver and Lucy Hill Cross.)
Aetiiue B. Cross, b. at Montgomery City, Mo., May 31, 1868; m., Sept.
12, 1895, Nellie E. Searles, b. at Andover, Dec. 20, 1866. He learned
the printer's trade with the Republican Press Association of Concord,
N. H., followed by three years in charge of their stereotyping depart-
ment. In 1892, he was sent by the firm to St. Louis to secure appara-
tus for a photo-engraving plant and to learn the business, since which
time until his death, Jan. 22, 1905, he was in charge of the art depart-
ment of the Rumford Printing Co. His biographer says: "Through all
his years of study, toil and advancement he never rendered any other
service than the very best his body and mind were capable of. His
mind was keenly scientific in its bent and although self-educated be-
yond the point where his studies at Tilton Seminary had terminated,
few persons of collegiate training were better informed than he upon
the branches of chemistry and physics, of which he was most fond.
He grasped intuitively many phases of science which are unfolded to
most minds only after long and careful research.
"One had never to apologize for him or make excuses for him because
of habits, tastes or traits. It was natural for him to be manly and
true and these qualifications in others were the foundations upon which
he liked to build his friendships. He was particularly interested in all
movements that applied the great truths of the gospel.
"Besides being an earnest member of the Congregational Church and
serving its Sunday Scliool as its superintendent for several j'ears, he
was a loyal Christian Endeavorer, and for a term the state president.
He was also a working member of the Y. M. C. A., serving all with the
same devotion and cheerful service that characterized his short but
intensely useful life."
Robert Lee Cross was b. at Montgomery City, Mo., Jan. 26, 1872. He
spent his boyhood in the home at Northfield Depot and attended the
public schools and Tilton Seminary. He learned the printer's trade at
Tilton and Concord and excelled in artistic w'ork; later, was connected
with both the Republican and Democratic Press associations of Con-
cord, which place was his home after 1SS9. He was business manager
of the Merrimack Journal of Franklin in 1892. He held various posi-
tions in social and religious organizations. As a member of the South
Congregational Church and leader in the Society of Christian Endeavor,
he was ever on duty and these labors occupied a large share of his
thought and attention.
Companionable and friendly, steadfast and sincere, his character had
impressed itself in helpful, uplifting ways on all about him. He gave
no half-hearted service to anything he undertook. Though hardly at-
taining his majority, he had accomplished more than most could do in
a much longer life. Uniformly cheerful, his joyful service attested the
genuineness of the motives that governed his life. He passed to the
higher life with hardly a moment's warning, Aug. 24, 1893.
Evelyn Montgomery Cross, b. at N. Jan. 6, 1875, graduated from the
Concord High School in 1894 and taught two years following. In 1896
she took a two years' course of normal kindergarten work and was
kindergartner in the Boston Summer School, later conducting private
classes at Concord. She m. Charles J. Van Cor of Boston, Sept. 19,
1902. They reside at Somerville, Mass.
Epiir.\im Cross was the son of Stephen and Hannah Marsh Cross.
He was b. on the Intervale about 1785 and m. Sally Keniston and
resided on a third of her father's homestead, the latter dividing his
estate among his three daughters, who were settled almost within
sight of each other and the home (see Keniston gen.) on the Leigh ton
road, now called High St.
Mr. Cross was a farmer and had four dau. and twin sons, who d. in
infancy. He d. Sept. 21, 1849. She d. 31 years later while at her
daughter's in "Warner on a visit.
Second Generation.
Betsey Cross remained in the home. She m. Josiah Colby of San-
bornton when both were nearly 70 years old. He came to live at her
home and d. there at 90. She m. (second), Hiram Gould of Franklin.
She d. at 89.
Haeriet Cross m., Dec. 24, 1S49, Rufus Page of Warner, where botb
d. They had four dau., Mrs. Addie Bly of Bradford, Malinda Roby,
Sarah Peck and Mrs. Emma Gage, the three last of "Warner.
Mary Cross m., Nov. 22, 1846, Henry Johnson of Warner. She cared
for her mother in her extreme age.
Nancy Cross m., 1818, David Davis of Warner.
William Cross, b. at N. March 29, 1790; m., Feb. 11, 1811, Ruth,
dau. of David Keniston, b. Nov. 7, 1792. They spent their whole lives
on the farm near the Ledges and there reared a family of 11 chil-
dren. He d. Feb. 6, 1879. She d. Jan. 15, ISSS. It is said that he
never missed the annual town meeting.
Second Generation.
Jaxe Cross, b. July 31, 1811; m. Joseph Locke of Sanbornton. They
moved to Minnesota after a few years at Boscawen. They had six
children, three of whom d. in childhood. After the death of Mr.
Locke she returned to her home, where she d. Sept., 1878.
Sally Cross, b. March 18, 1813; d., March 3, 1837.
Statira Cross, b. May 9, 1815; m., Aug. 31, 1846, Frederick Collins
of Goffstown. Mrs. Collins d. at N. March, 1897.
Fidelia Cross, b. Oct. 3, 1817; m., March 9, 1840, Franklin Burnham
of Concord. They had two dau., Clara, wife of Dr. Warren Gordon
of Ogunquit, Me., and Mrs. Mary Knowles of Northwood, neither of
whom survive. Mr. Burnham still resides at Concord at 95 years of
Betsey Cross, b. Dec. 13, 1819; m., Sept. 28, 1846, William Roby of
Merrimack. (See Roby gen.)
Martha Cross, b. March 25, 1822, was a tailoress, going from house
to house for many years. She later resided with her sister in Clarks-
ville, where she d. in 1881.
Charles C. Cross, b. March 15, 1824; m. (pub.), Aug. 20, 1853, Re-
becca Wyatt of Franklin and had a son and dau. He resided on or
near the home farm and for some years manufactured brick from a
clay bank on the premises.
William K. Cross, b. Oct. 29, 1826, and d. at 11 years.
Hiram H. Cross, b. Jan. 22, 1829; m., Nov. 6, 1856, Mrs. Sally Presby,
b. at N. April 18, 1827. He went to California in 1851, returning after
two years. He served in the Civil War (see Boys in Blue) and has
since farmed extensively in N. and Andover. He has been a famous
builder of "stone-wall" for F. B. Shedd and elsewhere. They have
four children.
Ruth Cross, b. May 4, 1832; m. Edmund Young of Clarksville and
had four children. She d. in 1893. He d. in 1872. A son, Willis, and
dau., Martha, reside in West Stewartstown.
Clarissa Cross, b. Aug. 31, 1836; d. at two years.
Third Generation.
(Children of Charles C. and Rebecca Wyatt Cross.)
(B. at N.)
Edw.\kd Wyatt Cross, b. Aug. 22, 1857; m., Oct. 1, 1889, Annie
Stewart of Danbury. Mr. Cross bought the Joseph Cofran place,
where they reside. They have three sons, Walter Edward, b. 1890;
Clarence Vivian, b. 1S93; Merton Stewart, b. 1896.
Mary W. Cross, b. 1884, graduated at Bates College, Lewiston, Me.,
and is now a teacher at Plymouth, Mass., where her mother resides.
(Children of Hiram and Sally Presby Cross.)
(B. at N.)
Emily Jaxe Cross, b. Aug. 12, 1857; m., 1875, Fred Aiken of Franklin
Falls and had two children. She m. (second), Peter Kroger.
William Frederic Cross, b. May 23, 1859; m. W^iggin of San-
boruton. They reside in Lowell, Mass.
Orix Jerome Cross, b. Dec. 20, 1861; m., Oct. 6, 1899, Maud Emerson.
He resides with his parents on the farm and has one child.
Ruth Abbie Cross, b. May 24, 1867; m., Nov. 1, 1890, Frank C. Fol-
som, a painter and paperhanger. They reside on Park St.
Joxatiiax Cross, b. at Canterbury; m. Betsey, dau. of John Forrest,
and lived on and owned the homestead, which they sold to Mr. Leighton
in 1817. .He had one son and perhaps other children.
Second Generation.
Jox.\THAx Forrest Cross, b. 1800; m. Betsey Douglass and had eight
children. They resided on the main road, where he was a farmer.
He d. June, 1848.
Third Generation.
(B. at N.)
DiAXTHA Cross m. Jonathan Smith and went to Groton, where they
resided many years.
Joseph M. Cross, b. 1826; m., 1849, Clarissa Moore of N. and resided
on the Bean Hill road. They had 10 children. He was a farmer on
the Rogers homestead, where he d., March 9, 1901. She d. June 12,
Jefferson Cross went West and m. a woman of Scotch parentage and
had 10 children.
John Cross m., 1853, Adaline Riley of East N., where she was b.
1834. She d. June 22, 1858. He is buried with the Riley family.
Aloxzo Cross m., Feb. 19, 1SG2, Mrs. John Cross, his sister-in-law.
She d. and he remarried and resides at Groton. He has one son, Lester.
Alice Cross, b. 1830; m., 1850, Benjamin Collins. (See Collins gen.)
Sarah Cross was drowned in the Merrimack River Aug., 1846.
William Henry Cross m. Harriet Prescott of Franklin, b. Nov. 19,
1845, and had one dau., Ella M., b. Dec. 31, 18G6, who m. Dana Wood-
ward and resides at Franklin Falls.
Fourth Generation.
(Children of Joseph and Clara Moore Cross.)
(B. at N.)
Frank Cross, b. Dec. 4, 1850; m., Jan. 15, ISSO, Ellen Fogerty of
Boston.' He is a general farmer and resides on Oak St.
Clara Cross, b. 1853; d., May 4, ISGO.
Sarah Cross, b. 1855; m. Frank Corser of Webster, where they re-
side and Mr. Corser has employment in a sawmill.
Albert Cross, b. 1857, resides on the home place on the Bean Hill
Fred H. Cross, b. Dec. 6, 1859; m., Jan. 22, 1890, Ida M. Downing,
b. at Lakeport, 1873. He is a coarse stone worker and resides on
Arch St. They have two sons.
Warren Cross, b. 1862; d., Nov. 10, 1S67.
Maria Cross, d. Feb. 20, 1865, aged three days.
Flora M. Cross, b. 1867; m. (first), Nov. 3, 1883, Porter M. Hay-
ward. (See Hayward gen.) They had two children. She m. (second),
Jan. 10, 1899, Albert A. Carr of Gilmanton. He is a farmer and they
reside on the Joseph Smith farm on the Bean Hill road.
Charles Cross, b. 1869, resides at Webster.
Walter B. Cross, b. 1872; m., March 19, 1892, Abbie B. Chase of
Webster, b. 1875. He resides in the home with his brother and has
two children.
Fifth generation.
(Children of Fred H. and Ida M. Downing Cross.
Earl F. Cross, b. Sept. 4, 1892.
Lawrence R. Cross, b. March 30, 1894.
(Children of Walter B. and Abbie B. Chase Cross.)
Frank Cross, b. Feb. 8, 1893.
Ruby Cross, b. at Webster Sept., 1895.
Arthur F. Cunninghaim was b. March 11, 1855, at Hogansburg, N.
Y. He m., Sept. 1, 1886, Amelia Richards, b. April 11, 1854, at
Helena, N. Y., and had three children.
He was an ice dealer in Boston for 10 years and continued the
•same business at N. in 1S91. He is a police ofl&cer.
Second Generation.
Arthur Austin Cux.mxgham and Julia Alice Cuxxixgham, twins,
b. at Chai'lestown, Mass., April 10, 18S9, are both members of the
Sophomore class of Tilton Seminary.
Raymond A. Cunningham, b. at N. Nov. 3, 1892.
Robert Curry was b. in Canterbury April 30, 1757. He was the son
of William Curry of Londonderry, who came from the north of Ireland
and m. Nancy McFarland. Robert m. Olive Heath, b. in Canterbury
Feb. 7, 1771. They were farmers near the Gilmanton line. He d.
there Jan. 20, 1829. She d. Aug. 24, 1855. They had nine children.
Second Generation.
(B. at N.)
Nancy Curry, b. June 2, 1796; d. at Franklin, July 29, 1860.
John Curry, b. 1798; m. (first), Dec. 22, 1822, Betsey Clough of N.
and was a farmer at "Tin Corner." She d. June 12, 1856. He m.
(second), Aug. 25, 1857, Mrs. Sarah Plummer Goodrich of N., and later
returned to N. and resided on Bay St. while erecting the home on
School St., Tilton, where he d. She still resides in the home at an ad-
vanced age.
He represented Sanbornton in the Legislature in 1840-'41 and was
one of its selectmen for two terms. He had three children.
Benjamin Curry", b. Jan. 30, 1800; m. Hannah Tibbetts, b. at N., Feb.
"27, 1809. He remained on his father's homestead where their 10 chil-
dren were b. Mr. Curry d. June 22, 1852. She removed to the At-
kinson house at Tilton four years later, which was destroyed by fire in
1875. She rebuilt in 1876 and d. there Dec. 4, 1898. Her sweet cor-
diality made her home a social center and "her children rise up and
call her blessed." (See portrait.)
Susan Curry, b. at N. April 20, 1802; m.. May, 1848. Daniel Burleigh
of Sanbornton as his fourth wife. He d. Nov. 2, 1855. She survived
many years and d. Dec. 23, 1885.
Samuel Curry, b. April 10, 1804, was a physician at Alton but re-
turned home in failing health and d. Feb. 9, 1829.
Joseph Batchelder Curry was b. at N. March 10, 1807. He taught
for many years in Rhode Island and later m. Joanna Sheldon and
became a farmer in 1877 at Edmundston, N. Y. He had four children;
two sons d. in childhood.
William McFarland Curry, b. at N. Jan. 29, 1810, was a teacher in
Ohio, where he contracted fever and ague, which terminated in con-
sumption, of which he d. June 19, 1833.
Olive Curry, b. Dec. 6, ISll; m. George S. Tibbetts of N. She d.
Oct. 19, 1S72. They had five children, two of whom d. in childhood.
(See Tibbetts gen.)
Thomas Cuery, b. June 17, 1S15, resided first in Lowell and after-
wards in Westford, Mass.
Third Generation.
(Children of Benjamin and Hannah Tibbetts Curry.)
(All b. at N.)
Mary Elizabeth Curry, b. Dec. 26, 1S29; m., May 3, 1S53, David
Larue Clifford, a shoemaker and teamster at Tilton, where she d.
Jan. 2, 1892. He d. at Franklin Sept. 10, 1S96. They had two dau.,
Mrs. Helen Davis of Tilton and Mrs. Georgia Stone of Whitman, Mass.
JoHx Williams Curry, b. Sept. 12, 1832. He went to California in
1853, where he d. March 8, 1857.
Olive Augusta Curry, b. Sept. 7, 1834; d., Nov. 18, 1846.
Frances Susan Curey, b. May 31, 1836; m., Dec. 1, 1858, Dr. George
Ezra Spencer of Belmont, who d. at Hanover Jan. 6, 1866. She was
educated at the New Hampshire Conference Seminary and taught be-
fore her marriage and after his death. She remained in the home
until her mother's death and now resides in Tilton. She has traveled
abroad and is pi'ominent in church, social and club circles, being the
first president of the Northfield and Tilton Woman's Club.
Sophia Tibbetts Curry, b. March 27, 1S3S; m., Aug. 27, 1860, Charles
C. Rogers, a lawyer of Sanbornton Bridge. (See Rogers gen.) She
was a graduate of the New Hampshire Conference Female College and
a popular teacher. They had five sons, two of whom were buried the
same day, Feb. 28, 1873. Mrs. Rogers was a faithful friend, an ideal
mother and a devoted Christian woman. She d. at Tilton Nov. 26, 1S96.
Georgiaxxa Bradley Curry and Josephine Bradbury Curry, b. June
27, 1841. The former d. in early womanhood, March 22, 1861.
Josephine Bradbury Curry m., June 3, 1S6S, Joseph Board of Ches-
ter, N. Y. She was a graduate of the New Hampshire Conference
Female College, class of 1860. She was a teacher at Santiago, Cuba,
and Chester, N. Y., where she d. March, 1SG9. She had one child, wha
d. in infancy.
Annette Carroll Curry and Arabella Clough Curry, b. Aug. 11,^
Annette m. (first), Samuel B Noyes of Meredith, March 15, 1866.
He d. in Tilton Jan. 15, 1870, leaving one son, Harry L. Noyes, a grad-
uate of the Boston, Mass., School of Technology, and now at Niagara
Falls in the employ of the American Carbide Co. He removes soon
to Chicago, HI.
She m. (second), Clinton S. Mason of Tamworth. They reside in
Boone, la., where he has been a merchant for many years. They have
two dau. and a son. Frances Mason was a graduate of Tilton Seminary,
taking a post-graduate course at Wellesley and Pratt Institute, Brook-
lyn, N. Y. Katherine S. Mason graduated at Lasalle Female Seminary
and m. Harold J. Coupland, a civil engineer, who was accidentally
killed in 1902 at Alabama, where he was surveying a railroad route.
She m. (second), June 27, 1905, Prof. Fernald of Columbia University,
St. Louis, Mo. Howard C. Mason was a student at Harvard Law
School and is now in business in Boston.
Akarella C. Cvkry m., July 12, 1S65, Enoch George Rogers, b. at
Columbia Dec. IG, 1S30. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers are prominent in local
and state granges. He was for tive years Master and both are seventh
degree members. He was for some years engaged in mercantile pur-
suits and the manufacture of starch. They were both teachers in
early life. They have traveled extensively and spent several winters
in California.
Hanxah Augusta Curry, b. July 15, 1S48, was a graduate of the New
Hampshire Conference Female College, class of 1867. She m., Nov. 3,
1870. Joseph Board of Chester, N. Y., her brother-in-law. They still
reside there and had a family of five, but three of whom survive.
(Children of John and Betsey Clough Curry.)
Electa A. Curry, b. Oct. 17, 1823; m. (first), Sept., 1840, Perkins
Connor of Sanbornton Bridge, where he was a merchant tailor and
where he d. Oct. 2, 1841. She m. (second), March 2, 1843, Rufus G.
L. Bartlett, also a tailor of Sanbornton Bridge. They had three chil-
dren. He d. Jan. 23, 1871. She d. May 2, 1866.
TiiOJiAs Clough Curry, b. in N. June 2, 1827. He was the second
postmaster in the Tilton and Northfield office, being appointed Jan. 20,
1841. He d. at the home of his sister at Sanbornton Dec. 3, 1872.
]\L\RY Jaxe Ci-rry. b. in Sanbornton Nov. 20, 1830; m., Jan. 4, 1856,
Thomas Warren Taylor of Sanbornton "Sqiiare," b. July 7, 1824. Both
d. there. He was a prosperous farmer and made a specialty of Here-
ford stock.
Samuel D.yltox was b. July 29, 1757, in Londonderry. His father,
John, came from the north of Ireland.
Samuel was a Revolutionary soldier four years and two months.
He was only 16 at his first enlistment.
He returned home and, having blistered his hands chopping wood,
concluded that a soldier's life was more agreeable and re-enlisted for
four years more.
About 1793 he settled as a farmer in N. His tirst wife was Polly
Merrick of Hampstead. She d. July 18. 1820, leaving 11 children.
He m. (second), Rachel Gile Wadleigh and had a son and dau. He
d. in Upper Gilmanton Jan., 1837.
Second Generation.
Joseph Merrick Daltox. b. Jan. 3, 1794, was a stone worker at San-
bornton Bridge. He m. Nov.. 1821. Statira Smith. He d. there July
3, 1S3S. She d. Aug. 31, 1860. They had six children.
Caleb Stevens Dalton, b. June 12, 1796. He was a blacksmith at
Stewartstown, where he m. Lucette Chandler. He d. April, 1S49,
leaving seven children.
Samuel Dalton, Jr., b. Feb. 17, 1799, removed to Gilmanton, where
he was a farmer and where he d. in 1S35. He m. Mary Lyford. They
had no children.
Absolom Dalton, b. July 31, 1802; m., Dec. 11, 1828, Harriet B.
Aldrich. He was a stone cutter in many of the largest quarries in
New England. He resided a while in Sanbornton. After 15 years he
returned to N. and was a farmer for 30 years until his death, Oct. 22,
1885. She d. June 11, 1873. They had seven children.
Maey Dalton, b. Jan. 22, 1804; m., 1862, Porter of Danvers,
Mass., a tanner.
John Dalton, b. Aug. 13, 1806; m., Oct. 16, 1832, Narcissa Jane
Nudd and lived in Sanbornton. He was a stone cutter and was a cap-
tain in the militia. He served also in the War of the Rebellion (See
Boys in Blue), Co. D, Twelfth Regiment. They had three children. He
d. Dec. 9, 1865.
Joshua Little Dalton, b. April 19, 1S09; m. Mary Evans and re-
moved to Belmont. They had three sons.
Ransom Smith Dalton, b. Dec. 1, 1811; d., 1819.
Elbkidge Gerry Dalton, b. May 30, 1814, was three times m., first to
Fannie Gordon of New Hampton, Aug. 21, 1839. She d. 1856 and he m.
(second), Oct. 18, 1857, Sarah Elizabeth Ambler. She d. Dec. 11, 1858.
He m. (third), Aug. 2, 1861. He had six children.
He was a scholar and teacher at Exeter High School and Chester,
Pa. Later he was a student and professor in a medical school at
Philadelphia, Pa., and still later was a practicing physician in Cin-
cinnati, 0.
William Henry Harrison Dalton, b. Sept. 2, 1816; m. Nancy Lougee
Carr, dau. of Hazen Carr, and resided in Belmont, where he d. Oct.
27, 1870.
Sarah A. Dalton, b. Nov. 24, 1826, was the second wife of Benja-
min D. Cilley of Kingston, where she d. in 1859. They had two chil-
Lorenzo Dow Dalton, b. Feb. 4, 1828; d., Oct. 16, 1847.
Third Generation.
(Children of Absolom and Harriet Aldrich Dalton.)
Henry Quimby Dalton, b. Dec. 20, 1829; m., Dec. 9, 1850, Mrs.
Sarah L. Weston and conducted a fine summer hotel at East Tilton.
He d. Feb. 19, 1903, leaving one dau.
Ransom Smith Dalton, b. Oct. 31, 1831; d., Dec. 8, 1879.
Urania Dalton, b. Dec. IS, 1833; m., April 16, 1853, Ebenezer B.
Calef of N., a farmer on the paternal acres. She d. June 11, 1905. (See
Calef gen.)
Samuel Dalton, b. Dec. 28, 1836; d., Feb. IS, 1837.
Maby a. Dalton, b. Jan. 13, 1S40; d., March 24, 1866.
Jacob P. Dalto.x, b. July 10, 1843; d., July 19, 1844.
George Wa.shixgtox Dalton, b. April 20, 1847, lived on the home-
stead. He m., July 24, 1870, Nellie Prescott of Belmont. He m.
(second), 1873, Mary Jane Stewart of Warren. He d. Nov. 3, 1873.
Moses Danforth came from Sanbornton and m. Mehitable Stevens
of N. He had served in the Revolutionary War and was a good
fighter. He was a source of annoyance wherever he appeared and the
town at one annual meeting voted that if he did harm to any one,
such person should have the privilege of whipping him to his heart's
content. He had seven children. The date of his death is not on
record but is well remembered as the occasion of great excitement on
account of the stealing of his remains by medical students, of which
the court records by Judge Wadleigh are still in the possession of
his granddaughter. He was an ox teamster and was never seen
without his goad.
Second Generation.
Moses Danforth m. Apphia Blanchard and resided at Cross' Mills.
They had one son. She d. Dec. 20, 1S63. He probably d. at East Con-
cord, as he lived there in 1878.
Piiineas Daxforth removed to Canterbury.
EzEKiEL Danforth was a valuable farm hand. He m. Mary Ann
Twombly of Gilmanton and had a large family, several of whom had
an impediment in their speech, as did the mother. They removed to
Eliza Danforth m. John Danforth, a farmer and teamster of N.
They removed to Concord. He d. there 1866 and she in 1868.
Third Generation.
(Son of Moses and Apphia Danforth.)
James Danforth, b. at N.; m. Lucretia Austin of N. and had two
sons Oliver and Weston. He served in the Civil War. (See Boys in
Henry Danforth, brother of Moses (first), was, when 17 years of age
in 1780, with the New Hampshire state troops. He had been with
Whitcomb's Rangers and seen desperate service. He m. Betsey Han-
cock of N. and lived at Factory Village. He d. Feb. 21, 1830. She d.
Oct. 24, 1854. He always claimed he carried a bullet in his shoulder,
received in battle, and at her burial he was disinterred and the mis-
sile found lodged in his collar bone. His brother, Ezekiel 1st, was
with him and fell at Bemis Heights. His widow, a pensioner, lived
to be 100 years of age, and d. at Plymouth.
Mehitable, dau. of Henry, b. Nov. 20, 1804; m. Jonathan Kezar, a
cooper of Factory Village, afterwards a noted builder of stone wall.
(See Kezar gen.) They had 11 children.
Note. Others of the name often were residents of the town, viz.
Jane, Susan and Nancy.
Jonathan Davis, b. Sept. 17, 1773; m. Marian , b. Jan. 10,
17SlO. He was a shoemaker and had a shop (and house perhaps) just
opposite the Hodgdon burying yard, fully a century ago. It is said
they had 16 children. He d. at North Benton Feb. 27, 1S43. She d. at
Andover May 6, 1S2S.
Second Generation.
Nathan B. Davis, b. Oct. 18, 1798. He d. at East Haverhill Jan. 8,
Mary Fox Davis, b. Jan. 25, ISOl; m., March 21, 1824. Moses Batch-
elder of N. (See Batchelder gen.)
Sally B. Davis, b. Feb. 26, 1810; m., Jan. 6, 1869, Moses Batchelder
(the above), her deceased sister's husband. (See Batchelder gen.)
Irene Davis, b. Sept. 14, 1821; m., March 5, 1842, David Phelps of
N. (See Phelps gen.)
David Davis, b. Oct. 18, 1814; m., June 18, 1842, Mary B. Phelps.
He was a farmer on the bank of the Merrimack River and d. there
Nov. 21, 1878. The locality is now called "Pocketville." They had
two sons and three dau., two of whom d. in childhood. She d. at
Park St., N., Feb. 28, 1901.
Note. Other data concerning this family will be found in Supple-
Third Generation.
Charles Davis, b. Dec. 15, 1842; m. Martha Yeaton of Lakeport and
had a dau., Edna, who m. Myron Clay of Tilton and d. there 1903, and
Frank M., who m. Eva Reed and resides in Tilton. He m. (second),
Mrs. Alice Messer Webber. They reside in Tilton.
George E. Davis, b. Nov. 2, 1849; m. Mary Randall of Canterbury
and had six children, two of whom d. in infancy and two of whom
reside in N.
Sarah E. Davis, b. Oct. 20, 1856; m., Oct. 20, 1880, John Senter.
(See Senter gen.)
Moses Davis, b. at Loudon, 1796, was the son of Jonathan and Han-
nah Gerrish Davis. He was a Revolutionary pensioner and d. at 84.
Captain Moses, b. Feb. 20, 1797, came to Oak Hill in 1840, His wife
was Polly Ingalls of Canterbury, b. 1S07, and d. Sept. 3, 1890.
The brook draining Sondogard pond was called Cohas, Cross and
Philips in succession. This, as it descended to the Merrimack, fur-
nished power for a sawmill erected close by the road (the Cross mills
and shops were below) very early in the life of the town, which had
either fallen into decay or been destroyed by fire. Mr. Davis built a
new one, which was raised July 4, 1840, and furnished a long-remem-
bered holiday, with plenty of liquid nourishment, as was the custom
of the times. He was a millwright and carpenter and the mechanism
was so perfect that his daughter often used to take his place as saw-
yer. His flowage rights covered the time from Sept. 20 to May 20 of
each year. This right, together with the mill, he sold in 1855 to Sam-
uel Haines and Thomas Piper and removed to Concord.
But tw'o of his seven children were born in N.
Second Generation.
Theodore Gerrish Davis, b. in Canterbury in 1829; m. Apphia Maiia
Bartlett of N., b. 1831. She was the only surviving child of Nathan
Bartlett and inherited the home. Twin sons were b. there. After
her death. May 31, 1879, the sons removed to Concord and Mr. Davis
to Tilton. He now resides at Franklin.
Arthur L. D.wis, b. at Loudon, 1830, is a noted architect, builder and
contractor in all parts of the country, with headquarters at Laconia.
He m. (first), Lucy Smith and had a dau., Clara. He m. (second),
Susan Smith of N., and (third), Jennie Collins of Gilford.
Frances Amanda Davis, b. at Loudon April 29, 1833; m., 1852,
William Keniston of N. (See Keniston gen.) and had five sons.
Martin Van Buren Davis, h. at Loudon Sept., 1836, is now a ma-
chinist of Concord. He served in the Civil War. (See Boys in
Blue.) He m. (first), Sarah Wilson of Pembroke, and m. (second),
Mrs. Lucy Bernard Gile of Meriden.
Mary A. Davis, b. at Canterbury July 4, 1839; m. (first), George
Thompson of Lowell; (second), William H. Colburn of Nashua,
where she now resides.
Warren A. Davis, b. at N. July 7, 1844; m. Annie Jones and resided
for many years in Concord. He served in the Civil War. (See Boys
in Blue.) He is now an inmate of the Soldiers' Home, Tilton. He
has three children in Concord, Fannie, Vallie, Henry K.
Walter Davis, b. at N. Sept. 6, 1856; m. Ella Plastridge of Concord.
He is a machinist, carpenter and stone cutter at Concord and, now,
engineer for the New England Granite Works.
Third Generation.
(Children of Theodore G. and Apphia Bartlett Davis.)
Lauren G. T. Davis, b. at N. Jan. 12, 1858; m., July 22, 1882, Lellan
M. L. Dow (See Dow gen.) of N. They reside at Concord, where he is
messenger for the B. & M. R. R. They have a son, Allan, and a dau.,
Mary Lake Davis. The former m. May 9, 1904, Bertha Waddell of
Lyman B. W. Davis, twin brother of above, m., March, 1SS7, Lena
Tilton of Franklin, where he resides. He is a machinist at the needle
shop. They have one dau., Florence.
Two sisters, Helen 1st and 2d, d. in infancy.
George E. Davis purchased the Joseph Kimball place on Bean Hill
in April, 18CS. He was b. at Acworth April 30, 1839. He m. (first),
March 5, 18GS, Hester A. R. Simonds of N. (See Simonds gen.)
After her death, June 8, 1885, he m. his brother's widow, Mrs. Ella
Eaton Davis of Franklin Falls, Feb. 9, 1SS6. Mr. Davis is a busy up-
to-date farmer. They have one child. Mrs. Davis had one dau. by
her previous marriage.
Second Generation.
(Dau. of William and Ella Eaton Davis.)
LiiXA E. Davis, b. at Franklin Falls, Oct. 11, 1877; m., March 16,
1898, Albert E. Moorhouse of Tilton and resides at the home. They
have two dau., Blanche, b. 1899, and Doris, b. 1903.
(Child of George and Ella Eaton Davis.)
Nina G. Davis, b. Feb. G, 1888; m., March 9, 1904, Albert B. Shaw,
b. 1878. They have recently purchased the Robert Smith farm on
the bank of the Merrimack. (See Shaw gen.)
Joseph Dawsox was b. at Meltham, Yorkshire, Eng., in 1800. He m.
and had 11 children. After several visits to America, in 1857 Mr,
Dawson brought his family, which consisted of three sons and two
dau., to N. He d. Aug. 16, 1860, and is buried at Park Cemetery in
Tilton. His family removed in 1865 to Liberty, Mo.
Second Generation.
Sarah Anx Dawsox, b. at Meltham, Eng.; m., 1843, James Earnshaw.
(See Earnshaw gen.)
Grace Dawsox, now Mrs. Grace Turpin, resides at Liberty, Mo.
Eliza Dawsox.
Bexjamix Dawson came to N. with his father, m. and had several
children. Barlow, Tirzah Ann, Lester and Kay. One child d. Oct. 17,
1861, aged one year.
George Dawson, b. at Meltham, Eng., April IS, 1836; m., Feb. 25,
1858, Sarah C. Buswell, b. Oct. 15, 1839. He was in the Civil War
(See Boys in Blue) and later was a railroad employee at Lathrop, Mo.
They had four children, Mary Hannah, Joseph A., Georgia and "William.
James Dawsox.
Frank Dawson, d. Dec. 9, 1S74.
Shubael Dearboex, cordwainer, son of Cornet Jonathan, b., 1719;
m., March 25, 1750, Sarah, dan. of James Fogg of Hampton, b. 1731.
They lived on what was called the Cofl&n place in Hampton until 1770,
when they moved to the north fields of Canterbury. Eight of his chil-
dren were born in Hampton and one in N. He bought the farm where
his nephew, Edmund Dearborn, afterward lived, for his homestead,
with broad acres to the north and w'est. He also owned land on and
around Bay St. in 1793, which he sold to Joseph Hancoclc for three
pounds. He was a soldier in King George's War and went under Sir
William Pepperell and was one of the 3,000 men in the expedition to
Louisburg. At the close of the war he returned home, bringing with
him a Frencli musket which he said he "gobbled up" at Louisburg and
used until the war was over.
Second Generation.
Nathaniel Dearborn, b. March 24, 1751; m. Hannah Godfrey of
Hampton and had six children. They came to the north fields some
years later and settled near his father. He d. in 1S18.
Shubael Dearborn, Jr., b. July 12, 1753; m., 1779, Ruth Leavitt of
Hampton, fixing the fact, perhaps, that the Leavitts came from the
same place. They were m. in homespun and began housekeeping in a
house with but a single pane of glass. A few years later he built a
new house, drawing all the materials, save frame boards and shingles,
from Portsmouth with an ox team. They had two sons. Mr. Dear-
born was 22 years old when the Revolutionary War broke out. His
father, too old to go, brought his French musket, bright and in good
order, and, putting it into his hands, told him to use it for his
country and, should he live to return, to bring it back in good order.
The son obeyed; went through the war and brought back the musket
good as new. It later went into the service in 1812 in the hands of
Benjamin Glines, the father of Mrs. Shubael Dearborn. (See Glines
gen.) The gun came back and is now in the possession of Shubael
Dearborn of Concord, IGO years after its capture.
Mr. and Mrs. Dearborn lived to a ripe old age. He d. Feb. 19, 1802.
She d. April 19. 1854.
John Dearborn, b. Oct. 31. 1755; m., Aug. 2G, 1799, Mary (Polly)
Kczar, b. 1760, and had a family of eight children. They built a
house similar to those of his brothers, in 1793, on adjoining land and
these were the finest residences in town. He d. Jan. 10, 1817, and his
wife soon after
Elizabeth (Betsey) Deaeborx, b. Oct. 16, 175S; m. David Kenis-
ton of N. (See Keniston gen.) and had a son and four dau. She d.
Abraham Deakborx, b. May 24, 17G1; m. Polly Sanborn and removed
to Wheelock, Vt., about 1783. He sold three lots of land to Phineas
Fletcher^ viz., one half of 100-acre lot 191. Lot 12 and one half acre
he bought of his brother Jonathan on Dearborn road. The deeds are
dated 1809. He d. 1816. Mrs. Fletcher was the dau. of Josiah Miles.
Mr. Fletcher was at Yorktown when Burgoyne surrendered.
Joxathan Dearborx, b. Oct. 26, 1763; m. Mary Hodgdon, b. Aug.
19, 1764. They had four children and lived on the homestead, though
he inherited only one half acre of it, which he sold to his brother
Abraham. He d. June 7, 1818. She d. May 6, 1816.
Mercy Dearborx, b. April 26, 1766; m. John Bohonan and moved to
Vermont and d. in 1827.
Sarah Dearborx, b. 1770; m. John Clay and removed to Wilmot.
They had four children. She d. in 1820.
Mary Dearborx, b. May 22, 1774; baptized June 26; m. Job Glines
of Canterbury and had four sons. (See Glines gen.) All but two of
the brothers settled on fine farms which their father gave them or aided
them in buying around the old homestead, and the locality was called
"Dearborn Hill." She d. in 1846.
Third Generation.
(Children of Nathaniel and Hannah Godfrey Dearborn.)
James Dearborx, b. Sept. 11, 1786; m. Polly Arlin and had two sons
and a dau.
Naxcy Dearborx, b. Dec. 31, 1788; m. John Clay.
David Dearborx, b. May 20, 1802.
Daxiel Dearborx, b. 1803; m. Jane, dau. of Richard (Old Sergeant)
Blanchard, and had 14 children.
William Dearborx, b. Aug. 1, 1805.
(Children of Shubael and Ruth Leavitt Dearborn.)
(B. at N.)
JoxATHAX Dearborx, b. 1781, was rocked in a sap trough for a
cradle. He m. Elizabeth Keniston of N., b. 1783, and had seven chil-
dren. He was a surveyor and civil engineer. He also furnished pro-
visions for the town poor. He d. July 16, 1852. She d. Oct. 30, 1866.
Shubael Dearborx, Jr., b. 1783; m. (first), Nancy Dearborn, June
1811, and had one dau. She d. Dec. 15, 1815. He m. (second), 1817,
Sally Glines and had a family of eight. He d. Feb. 1, 1869. She d,
July 27, 1883.
(Children of John and Mary Kezar Dearborn.)-
(All b. at N.)
Rl-th Dearborx, b. June 2, 1781; m., May 27, 1813, Joseph Pallett,
and d. in 1820.
Joiix Dearborn-. Jr., b. April 25, 17S3; m., July, 1811, Charlotte James,
b. 1791. He lived near his brothers on the home farm and had seven
children. He d. in 1SG9 and his wife Oct. 6, 1873.
George Dearborx, b. Dec. IS, 1785, and d. at Durham in 1819, unmar-
Nancy Dearborx, b. Dec. 2, 1787; d. at Durham in 1819.
Ebexezer Dearborx, b. March 29, 1790, was a physician and practiced
at New Durham Ridge.
Sali.y Dearborx, b. March 12, 1794; m. Fred Chase of Canterbury
and d. in ISIS.
PoLi.Y Dearborx. b. Jan. 27, 1797; d., Nov., 1817.
Arraha.m De.\rborx, b. Nov. 6, 1799; m., Nov. 29, 1821, Polly (Mary)
Sanborn of Canterbury. They had two sons and a dau. He was a
farmer on the paternal acres. He d. in 1832 and she d. Jan. 13, 1888.
(Children of Jonathan and Mary Hodgdon Dearborn.)
(All b. at N.)
Edmuxd Dearborx, b. Oct. 18, 1789; m., June 8, 1821, Sally Ger-
rish of N., b. July 20, 1796. They spent their lives on the original
Dearborn farm and had a family of five children. He d. at Elkhorn,
111., Oct. 19, 1845. She d. Jan. 11, 1S49. Mr. Dearborn was a fine
scholar and one of the old-time schoolmasters. This farm was for
some years after owned by Cutting Follansby.
Shubael De.arborx, b. Jan. 4, 1792; d., March 16, 1797.
Mittie Dearborx, b. 1798; d., Feb. 24, 1855; unmarried.
JoxATHAX Dearborx, b. July 15, 1802; m. Jane Gerrish of N., b.
July 20, 1798, and moved to Illinois. He was a graduate of Brown
University and later read medicine and was a lifelong practitioner at
Mt. Sterling 111. He m. (second), Hannah D. Morrill of Concord,
who d. March 15, 1875. Mr. Dearborn was a member of the A. F. and
A. M. of high rank.
(Children of Abraham and Sanborn Dearborn.)
Hazex Dearborx always lived at Wheelock, Vt.
Naxcy Dearborx, b. at Wheelock, Vt., Dec. 31, 1788; came to N. and
became the wife of William Forrest. (See Forrest gen.) There were
perhaps other children but am unable to trace them.
Fourth Generation.
(Children of James and Polly Arlin Dearborn.)
Charles Dearborx m. Whicher.
Harriet Dearborx m. Charles Keniston. (See Keniston gen.)
James Dearborx, Jr., m. Weeks and had four sons.
Betsey Dearborx, b. 1805; m. Alexander T. C. GUnes. (See Glines
Hazex Dearborx, b. April 7, 1S20; m. Mrs. Betsey Glines Heath, b.
July 18, 1812.
(Children of Daniel and Jane Blanchard Dearborn.)
(All b. at N.)
Webster Dearborn, b. Jan. 10, ISOS; m., 1827, Abagail (Nabby)
Dinsmore. They had two sons.
Tristram Dearbokx, b. Dec. 24, 1S09; m. Betsey Glover of Canterbury
and moved there. They had a son and dau.
Daniel Dearborn, Jr., b. 1814; m. Lillian English, b. 1816, and al-
ways lived in N. He built a house on Park St., where they resided
for many years. She d. Aug., 1887. He d. Dec. 6, 1891.
Narcissa Dearborn m. Nelson Greene and resided at Stonington,
Jane Dearborn never married.
Abagail Dearborn m. George Nason of Maine and lived in Boston,
Mass., where she d. He then returned to his native state.
Ebenezeb Dearborn m., Nov., 1844, Abagail Collins and lived in East
Medway, Mass.
Almira Dearborn, b. June 22, 1824; m., July 11, 1844, Jonathan M.
Johnson of N. (See Johnson gen.)
JERErvtiAH Dearborn m. Clarissa Jones of Maine. They resided at
Medway, Mass., where both d.
Elizabeth Dearborn, twin of the above, m. Dea. John Bell of Wo-
burn, Mass. They were extensive farmers. After his death she went
to reside with her dau. at Lynn. They had five children.
Charlotte Dearborn (the first) d. in infancy and Charlotte (the
second), m. John Colvin and resided in East Medway.
Samuel Dearborn went from home and m.; but little was known of
him. He was killed in a railroad accident near Boston, Mass.
Grace Hoyt Dearborn m. (first), John Collins of N. (See Collins
gen.) and had three dau., one of whom, Ida R., d. June 3, 18G4. Mrs.
Collins m. (second), John Henry. (See Collins gen.) She d. at
(Children of Jonathan and Elizabeth Keniston Dearborn.)
(All b. at N.)
David Dearborn b. April 14, 1804, was the oldest of nine children.
He m. Nancy Clay of Wilmot and resided on the paternal acres. He
erected a new house close by the old one and later they moved West and
made a home with their son for several years, then returning to the
homestead, where they d. He d. Nov. 3, 1889. She d. Nov. 23, 1892.
Ruth Dearborn, b. July 21, 1805; m. Jonathan Clay of Wilmot and
lived and d. there.
Shubael Dearborn, 3d., b. Nov. 8, 1807; m. (pub.), March 7, 1836,
Martha Jane Gorrell, b. 1815 at East N., where they resided. He was a
blacksmith and farmer. They had one dau., Arianna, who m. Arthur T.
Merrill and d. March 6, 1868, aged 25 years. She had two children.
(See Merrill gen.) Mr. Dearborn d. March 30, 1870. She d. May 27,
Eliza Dearuorx, b. April 20, 1811; m., Oct. 13, 1S3G, Sullivan Heath
and moved to Clarkson, N. Y., and later to Illinois.
Cy.vtiiia Dkarborx, b. Feb. 19, 1817; m., Dec, 1836, Elliot Rogers
and lived in Hebron. (See Rogers gen.)
Emily Dearborx. b. July 29, 1820; m., 1845, Warren Wheeler of
Boston, Mass. They have two children.
JoxATHAx De.vrborx, b. Nov. 14, 1822; m. Martha Clay and lived at
East Tilton. They had five children. He d. Sept. 25, 1894.
(Children of Edmund and Sarah Gerrish Dearborn.)
(All b. at N.)
Mary Jaxe Dearborx, b. March 16, 1823; m., April 24, 1849, Lorenzo
D. Bartlett, M. D. After his death and that of her dau., Martha J.,
Aug. 31, 1854, she moved to Henry, 111., where she was active in church
and Sunday-school work until past 80 years of age. She d. May 5, 1904.
Two sons, Stephen and Edmund, d. in childhood.
S.\M Gerrish Dearborx (see portrait and sketch), b. Aug. 10, 1827;
m., Nov. 5, 1854, Henrietta Sterritt. b. at Mont Vernon, Sept. 29, 1834.
They had two sons, Frank and Sam, who succeeded to their father's
practice at Nashua (see Physicians of N.) ; and a dau., who d. in child-
hood. Mrs. Dearborn d. June 29, 1893. He d. May 8, 1903.
Martha Kexdrick Dearborx, b. May 8, 1833; m., July 3, 1854, Jona-
than Dearborn, M. D., of Mt. Sterling, 111. They have seven children,
all but one being a physician or a physician's wife. Dr. Dearborn
celebrated his 79th birthday Sept. 29, 1904.
Hexry G. Dearborx, M. D., b. Sept. 18, 1835. He went West and
read medicine with his brother-in-law at Mt. Sterling and graduated
at St. Louis. He practised for many years at Henry, 111., coming
later to assist his brother Sam at Nashua, where he d. June 10,
1886. His will provided for the fine monument erected to the memory
of his family in the Hodgdon burying ground.
Bextox H. Dearborx, b. Sept. 25, 1838; m., Sept. 25, 1873, Kate L.
Hutchinson of Milford and had a family of four sons. (See portrait
and sketch, also Physicians of N.)
(Child of Dr. Jonathan and Jane Gerrish Dearborn.)
Dr. Jonathax Dearborx, b. at Mt. Sterling, 111., 1828; m.. July 3,
1854, Martha K. Dearborn of N. and has always resided there. (See
Martha Dearborn gen.)
(Children of John and Charlotte James Dearborn.)
(All b. at N.)
Naxcy De-\rbobx, b. Jan. 16, 1812; m. Jones and d. Feb. 29,
Ebexezer Dearborx, b. Nov. 12, 1814; d. at N. March 6, 1817.
ExocH Dearborx, b. Nov. 14. 1818; d., Jan. 19, 1879.
Joseph Dearborn, b. Nov. 14, 1818, twin brother of the above; m.,
April 3, 1842, Mary Y. Philbrick of Sanbornton and lived as a farmer
on the Bradstreet Moody farm, owned by her father at his death.
They had six children. Mrs. Dearborn d. Nov. 23, 1879. He was a man
of much business, was a good scholar and was for many years a
teacher. He was commissioner for Belknap County in 1878 and a
member of the Legislature from Tilton in 1863-'64. He m. (second),
Mrs. Fred Chase of Canterbury, where he now resides. None of the
children were b. or reside in N.
Ruth Dearborx, b. Nov. 3, 1823; m., May 19, 1860, Joseph Lang of
Sanbornton and lived on the home place. They have a son and dau.
(See Lang gen.)
Irene Dearborn, b. July 15, 1831; d. at two years of age.
Horatio Dearborn, b. Jan. 26, 1837; d. at two years of age.
(Children of Abraham and Polly Sanborn Dearborn.)
(B. at N.)
Mary A. Dearborn, b. Oct. 2, 1822; m., Nov. 15, 1843, Jeremiah Hayes.
They were the first couple m. by Rev. Corban Curtice. They moved to
the West where both d. They had two dau., Flora Luretta, and Ellen
resided with her grandmother in N.
Phebe Dearborn, b. Sept. 5, 1826; d., April 27, 1828.
Sylvan us S. Dearborn, b. Sept. 15, 1830; m., April 17, 18G1, Mary
E. Keif of New York City. He was educated at the New Hampshire
Conference Seminary and was a graduate of Dartmouth College, class
of 1855. He read law and established himself at New York City. He
later studied for the ministry and became an Episcopalian minister,
having charge of a parish two years at Clermont, N. Y. His health
failing, he went abroad and a storm while crossing the English Channel
caused a severe hemorrhage. He returned at once and d. at New
York City in 1867. She m. (second), Herve and since his
death has spent much of her time abroad with residence at Monte
Abram Dearborn, b. 1832, was a lifelong invalid. He was scholarly
and often wrote children's stories for publication. He d. Dec. 31, 1893.
(Children of Shubael and Nancy Dearborn Dearborn.)
(B. at N.)
Mary Dearborn, b. July 29, 1811; m. (pub.), March 12, 1855, Stephen
Haines, and moved to Sheffield, Vt. After his death she returned to
N., where she d. Sept. 25, 1887.
(Children by [second] wife, Sally Glines Dearborn.)
Charlotte Dearborn, b. April 12, 1818, was employed at Peabody &
Daniel's paper mill for many years, then m. David Fowler and moved to
Hill, where she d. April 18, 1844.
St.itira Dearborn, b. Aug. 4, 1820; m. (pub.), Feb. 21, 1848, E. G.
Kingsbury, and resided in Bristol, where she d. Feb. 14, 1901. They
had two children, Annie, b. 1852, who resides in N., and Oren, b. 1S51.
Abra A.\x Dearborn-, b. April 2S, 1823; m. David Fowler, her brother-
in-law, of Hill, and d. there Nov. 24, 18G0.
Joiix S. Dearborn, b. Sept. 8, 1824; m., 1850, Mrs. Hannah Haines
Winslow. (See Winslow gen.) He inherited the farm of his grand-
father, and was a prosperous farmer on Dearborn Hill. His health
failing, they moved to Dover, where he d. in 1896. They had two sons.
Mrs. Dearborn was an ideal farmer's wife and, though now well past
SO, retains that sprightliness which was her youthful characteristic.
She resides at Exeter.
JosiAH Dearborx, b. Oct. 22, 1830; m., Oct. 10, 1858, Sarah M. Haines
of N. (See Haines gen.) They reside on Summer St.; are practical
and successful farmers. In church matters sympathize with the Meth-
odists; are enthusiastic grangers. They have one son.
Harriet Dearborx, b. Nov. 27, 1826; m., Nov. 28, 1848, Daniel Clay
of Tilton, and resided there until his health failed. He then went to
California, where he d. in 1858, and is buried at Lone Mountain Ceme-
tery, three miles from San Francisco. Two children d. in infancy.
She d. at Tilton Oct. 9, 1872.
Benjamin Franklin Dearborn, b. May 30, 1833; m., Aug., 1860, Ann
Lewis of Franklin. They resided at Franklin Falls, where he d. Jan.
3, 1892. They have three children. She m. (second), John R. Scales
of Concord, where she now resides.
Eliza Dearborn, b. May 28, 1837; d., Aug. 7, 1850.
Fifth Generation.
(Children of Hazen and Betty Glines Heath Dearborn.)
Caroline Dearborn, b. March 7, 1841; m. (first), Henry Witham of
Aroostook, Me., and had a dau., Eldora; m. (second), Charles Collins.
(See Collins Gen.) Resides in Nashua.
LvcRETiA Dearborn, b. April 18, 1842; m., Aug. 21, 1858, Alonzo Arlin
of N. and has two sons, Everett of Lakeport and Ira of Tilton. The
latter is blind, but handles tools and does all kinds of work.
Charles Dearborn, b. Nov. 29, 1849; m., Nov. 27, 1869, Harriet Lover-
Ing. He has always lived in town, is a farmer and carpenter and has
10 children.
Georgianna Dearborn, b. April 29, 1853; m. (first), Darius Glines,
and had one child. He d. Sept. 23, 1872. (See Glines gen.) M. (sec-
ond), James Maginnis and resides at Tyngsboro, Mass. Have three
Geokge Henbt Dearborn, b. April 30, 1855; resides at Franklin.
(Children of Webster and Abagail [Nabby] Dinsmore Dearborn.)
(All b. in X.)
Richard S. Dearborn, b. March 7, 182S; m., Nov. 9, 1848, Laura A.
Dinsmore (see Dinsmore gen.), and had a family of seven children.
He served in the Civil War (see Boys in Blue), and d., July 16, 1901.
She d., April 20, 1896.
WoRSTER Dearborn m. Mary Presby, May 14, 1S49, and d., 1853.
They had three sons; Worster Dearborn, who was an engineer on the
White Mountains Division of the B. & M. R. R., and was killed in an
accident, Nov. 27, 18SG. He m. Nellie Pickard of Canterbury and had
one dau., Ethel. John, who d. of smallpox at Gilford. Richard, who
is now employed by the B. & M. Railroad and resides at Woodsville.
(Children of Tristram and Betsey Glover Dearborn.)
Mary Deareorx, b. at Canterbury; resides on the home place.
JoHx Dearborn, b. at Canterbury; he was killed on the railroad.
(Children of David and Nancy Clay Dearborn.)
(B. at N.)
Darius S. Dearborn, b. 1834; m. . He was a teacher in the
West some years. He read medicine with Dr. Luther Knight of Frank-
lin and graduated from New York Medical School. He first practised
in Brookline, later at Milford, where he now has an extensive practice.
Mrs. Dearborn d. in 1900.
Oliver Dearborn, b. Jan. 19, 1S3G; m., Nov. 14, 1863, Josephine Hosley
of Manchester. He remained some years on the home farm, then
moved to Manchester and later to Denver, Col. They have one dau.,
Mrs. B. S. Wilson of Harrisburg, Col. Mrs. Dearborn d., Dec. 31, ISSl.
He still resides at Denver.
(Children of B. Prank and Ann Lewis Dearborn.)
Fred Lewis Dearborn, b. in N. July 10, 1861; went to New Mexico
in 1882 with two cousins to herd cattle. He now resides at Carlsbad;
m., .
Mary Dearborn, b. at Franklin Nov. 13, 1847; m., June, 1893, C. W,
Pike of Newport, where they reside. She was a teacher in the various
districts of Franklin before her marriage.
Shubael Dearborn, b. at Franklin Sept. 30, 1876; graduated from
Franklin High School, class of 1883. He resides at Concord and is in
the employ of the B. & M. R. R.
(Children of John and Hannah Haines Dearborn.)
(B. at N.)
Mark W. Dearborn, b. 1851; m. Elva Manson of Maiden, Mass., and
has two children, Ethel, b. 1S78, Henry, b. 1881. Mr. Dearborn is a re-
tired merchant and resides at Maiden, Mass.
Thomas H. Dearborn, b. 1860; m. Mary French of Exeter. He is a
dry goods merchant at Dover. He is a rising politician and was a mem-
ber of Governor Bachelder's staff. They have three children, Ruth,
Thomas A. and Elmer.
(Child of Josiah and Sarah Haines Dearborn.)
Ned Dearborn, b. at Alton 1865; m., June 13, 1894, Helen Josephine
Hills of N. (See Hills gen.) He graduated at Gilmanton Academy,
1S81; at Dartmouth College, 1SS5; and State Agricultural College,
1901, as doctor of sciences. Mr. Dearborn is assistant curator of birds
in Fields Columbian Museum at Chicago, 111. They have a son, Clinton,
b. at N. Sept. 17, 1S97, and Helen Josephine, b. Jan. 1, 1899, at Durham.
Sixth Generation.
(Children of Charles and Harriet Levering Dearborn.)
(B. at N.)
Charles Hexey, Jr., b. Jan. 28, 1876; m., Oct. 7, 1901, Ella M. Pike.
He is a spinner at Elm Mills. Has one child, Florence R.
Leoxora Dearborn, b. Feb. 7, 1878; m., Nov. 24, 1898, Porter M. Hay-
ward. (See Hayward gen.)
Ann Elizabeth Dearborn, b. Oct. 2G, 1879; m., June 20, 1896, Charles
E. Hayward. (See Hayward gen.)
Georgie Belle Dearborn, b. Nov. 30, 1881; m., July 26, 1899, Charles
Flanders, a farmer at Newport, P. Q. They had two sons, Eddie and
Ervil C, and dau., Florence.
BET.SEY Ann, b. 1883; Caroline E. b. 1884; Stella F., b. 1887; Daisy
E., b. 1889; Feed J., b. 1891; Mary Ann, b. 1894, still reside in the
(Children of Richard and Laura A. Dinsmore Dearborn.)
Ada Dearborn, b. March 15, 1850; m. James Young of Prince Edward
Island and resides at Willimantic, Conn. He is proprietor of a hotel.
They have two children, Laura L. and Frank.
Richard Dearborn, Jr., b. March 28, 1852, better known as "Long
Rich," is probably the tallest man in town. He is a farm hand and
resides in the home. He has in his possession a large powder horn
carried by his great-uncle, "Jerry" Blanchard, in the 1812 war, who had
a queer fancy of cutting in rude sketch on it the figure of every animal
killed with his gun. It is a queer picture of bear, fox, squirrel, snake,
tortoise and many varieties of birds, and has other and varied embel-
Edwin De.\bborn, b. 1855; d.. May 19, 1885.
Laura Rosella Dearborn, b. Feb. 14, 1854; m., 1887 (?), George
Bean, and had one dau., Emma. Mr. Bean is a farmer and they reside
on the Alvah Hannaford place.
Nellie A. Dearborn, b. Jan. 1, 1860; m., Aug. 24, 1895, Nelson Minor
b. at Fairfax, Vt., 1856 (second wife).
Emma E. Dearborn, b. April 21, 1862; m. John Frink of Winchester,
Mass. They reside at Brompton's Falls, P. Q.
Clara A. Dearborn, b. March 30, 1858, resides on the homestead on
the Main road. She has one son, Arthur.
Joshua Dennis came to N. from Sanbornton about 1872. He was b.
at Salem, Mass. Nov. 23, 1846, he m. Elizabeth H. Hersey, a teacher.
Mr. Runnells says, of high literary attainments and decided merit.
Mr. Dennis was a carpenter by trade but carried on his farm until his
father's death. They had one son, Joshua Piper. Mrs. Dennis d. April
29, 1881, at Manchester. He d. at N. April 22, 1897.
Second Generation.
Joshua Pipeb Dexnis, b. Aug. 20, 1848; m. Mary Adelia Eastman, b.
at Littleton, and had three children.
Mr. Dennis traded for a while in Belmont and later was a commercial
traveler for firms in Worcester, Mass., and Cincinnati, O. He was
also a clerk in various stores at Tilton for several years and was like-
wise a druggist, being connected with C. P. Herrick as clerk. He was
a fine scribe and served the town as clerk for a term of years.
Blanche Marguerite Denxis, b. Dec. 16, 1873. She was educated
at the New Hampshire Conference Seminary and a convent at Dor-
chester, Mass. Later she read medicine and is now practising her pro-
fession in New York City.
Alice Eluridge Dennis, b. Sept. 3, 1877. She was educated at a con-
vent at Dorchester, Mass. She went to Manchester with the family
and there married.
Robert Dennis, b. at N. Jan. 24, 1882; m.,
We have not been able to obtain further data of this family.
George W. Dias, b. 1874 at Plymouth; m., March 9, 1898, Mrs. Nellie
Downing Copp of N. He came to N. in 1902 and bought with his
brother Charles the John G. Brown farm, the latter making it his sum-
mer home only. He is a farmer and carriage painter. They have
recently moved to Tilton where they are proprietors of Hotel Jordan.
(See Downing gen.)
Second Generation.
(Children of George and Nellie Copp Dias.)
Harold A. Dias, b. at Tilton Feb. 3, 1902.
Howard W., b. at N. April 7, 1904.
Samuel Dicey's name appears first on the tax list in 1837. He m.
Mary Gale of Belmont and was a farmer on the Thomas Fellows place
in East N. He was superintendent of the poor house for three sep-
arate terms. They had two dau. He sold in 1S65 to Charles Payson
and removed to Belmont, where he d.
Second Generation.
Celestia Dicey m. William McClary and removed West.
Maey Dicey removed to Belmont and d. there in 1903.
Robert Dickey was the owner of a tract of land on the Gilmanton
line on Coos Brook. He was taxed in town first in 1S07. They later
had a home in the Oilman pasture near the reservoir, as there are
the remnants of an old cellar and the locality has long been known
as Dickey Hill. He was probably a brickmaker and there are rem-
nants of his occupation scattered about. Nearby is another aban-
doned site known by the name of the French place. Mr. Samuel
Clough bought and removed the buildings and a part of the present
home of William C. Hill was once the home of a family who have
left no trace upon the records or soil save a few bushy apple trees
and the scarcely visible cellar hole and well.
John and Samuel Dixsmore, brothers, came to N. from Windham,
where both were b., the latter in 1756. They were sons of Francis
and Betsey Mitchell Dlnsmore. They both served in the Revolutionary
War. John was one of General Washington's body-guard. He was for
many years a pensioner and lived with his maiden sister Betsey at Ed-
mund Dearborn's, where both d. and were buried in the little enclosure
on the farm. He d. May, 1S47.
Samuel entered the army at 19 years of age and served through the
war. He was a pensioner at $96 a year. Jeremiah Smith was his
guardian. He d. at his son's) Jan., 1846, and is burled at the Williams
burying yard.
He m. Oct., 1799, Dolly, twin sister of Dr. Isaac Olines, who survived
him seven years.
He went to Quebec with General Arnold. They had eight children.
Second Generation.
Polly Dixsmore m. Edmund Douglass, an educated Scotchman and
a former schoolmaster, who had become reduced in means and morals.
They lived wherever he could find employment as a farmhand. They
had one dau. (See Douglass gen.) Mrs. Douglass d. Aug. 24, 1853.
John Dixsmore m., July 19, 1826, Fanny Foss, b. at N. 1804. They
lived on the main road and both d. there; she, Jan. 17, 1890, aged 85;
he, Jan. 4, 1873. They had four children.
Nabby Dixsmore m. (first), Webster Dearborn and had two sons,
Richard and Wooster. She m. (second), Sanborn, and m. (third),
Knowles. She d. at N. Centre Jan. 17, 1878. (See Dearborn gen.)
Sally Dixsmore ra. Huse Austin, 1830, and d. at Hill.
Betsey Dixsmore m. John Glover and lived in Canterbury. She d.
the last day of the year, which occurred on Saturday, the 31st day of
the month.
Mary Jaxe Dixsmore, b. ; m., April 2, 1837, James Carr of
N. (See Carr gen.) She m. (second), Albion Ash, who was b. at
Franklin. 1824, and d. at N. May 25, 1904.
Nancy Dinsmore m., Jan. 10, 1S48, Abel Goodrich and removed to
New York.
Joseph Dinsmore m., Dec. 6, 1840, Martha Austin, his niece. Thej'
had five children. He served in the Civil War. (See Boys in Blue.)
He was burned to death with his house at Tilton in 1SS9.
Third Generation.
(Children of John and Fanny Foss Dinsmore.)
(All b. at N.)
Wilson Dinsmore, m., July 24, 1852, Charlotte Mills of Manchester
and resided there. He was a member of the police force for many
years. He was a cabinet maker by trade. He returned to N. after
the death of his wife and child, where he d. Nov. 5, 1865.
John H. Dinsmore m. Sarah Brown of Newport and resided on the
home place. He served in the Civil War. (See Boys in Blue.)
He used his $1,000 bounty to pay off the mortgage on his father's
farm before he left. He was physically a fine specimen of manhood;
Avas captain of police at Manchester; and went with the Amoskeag
Veterans to AVashington to do escort duty. He returned home after
his father's death and was a farmer on the homestead. They had six
children. He d. Jan. 23, 1901, at the home of his dau. on Park St.,
aged 73. Mrs. Dinsmore, an invalid for many years, d. there Feb. 2,
1902, aged 71.
Laura Ann Dinsmore m. Richard Dearborn of N., her cousin, and
always resided on the main road. (See Dearborn gen., also Boys in
Alpheus Dinsmore m. Dulcina Converse of Providence, R. I., and
resides at Worcester, Mass.
(Children of Joseph and Martha Austin Dinsmore.)
(All b. at N.)
Dorothy M. Dinsmore, b. 1840; m. William Herrick, a soldier in the
•Civil War. (See Boys in Blue.) She resides in Derry.
Charles M. Dinsmore served in the Civil War. (See Boys in Blue.)
He d. at Russellville, Ky., Oct. 7, 1863.
James Dinsmore m. and resides at Contoocook. They received the
premium offered for triplet babies at one of the State Grange fairs.
Samuel Dinsmore m. and resides at Derry, as does a younger sister,
Fourth Generation.
(Children of John and Sarah Brown Dinsmore.)
(All b. at N.)
Ida G. M. Dinsmore, b. Aug. 2, 1854; m., Nov. 27, 1873, Ward San-
born; m. (second), Nov. 5, 1889, Charles Heath of N. and resides on
Park St. She has one child, John S., b. July 4, 1891.
Olin a. Dinsmore, b. March 28, 1859; m., July 24, 1881, Josie
Boucher of Tilton and they have four children. He is a natural me-
chanic and musician and is a machinist in Dracut, Mass.
Eva DiNSiioRE, b. Sept. IS, 1861; d., Aug. 27, 1SG5.
LiLLA D. DixsMOUE, b. Sept. 25, 1863; d., Aug. 25, 1865.
Elmer V. Dixsmore. b. Aug. 18, 1869, resides with his sister on Park
St. He has some literary talent and contributes to the news columns
of the Laconia Democrat (Tilton items).
Fifth Generation.
(Children of Olin and Josie Boucher Dinsmore.)
(All b. at N.)
Alpiieus C. Dixsmore, b. March 3, 1885; m., Dec. 5, 1903, Helen E.
Sleeper of East Boston, where they reside.
Eva B. Dixsmore, b. Aug. 31, 1887.
Ida a. Dixsmore, b. Dec. 9, 1890.
Rose B. Dinsmore, b. Oct. 25, 1894.
They all reside at Wales Centre, N. Y.
Charles E. Dockham came to N. in 1S97 He was b. at Laconia,
Oct. 30, 1853; m., July 14, 1872, Ellen Creighton, b. at Danville, Vt.,
Oct. 23, 1854. He is assistant foreman in the cardroom at the Tilton
Woolen :Mills, where he has been employed for 14 years. They have
three children.
Second Generation.
Ralph E. Dockham, b. at Laconia, July 1, 1882, is employed at the
Tilton Woolen Mills and resides on Arch St.
Etta E. Dockham, b. at Fitzwilliam July 21, 1S83; m., Nov. 14,
1904, George H. Jewell, b. at Laconia April 4, 1876. He is employed
at G. H. Tilton's hosiery mill and resides on Park St.
Ethel Laura Dockham, b. at Tilton, June 23, 1872.
JoxAs H. Dolly came to N. from Tilton in 1879 and purchased the
residence of the late Hezekiah Bean en Park St. He was b in Gray,
Me., Sept. 16, 1842; m., 1865, Eunice A. Sweatt of Belmont, b. Dec.
26, 1842.
He was boss weaver for A. H. Tilton's mills. They had five chil-
dren. He served in the Civil War. (See Boys in Blue.)
Second Generation.
"Walter D. Dolly, b. Feb. 23, lS7u; d., in infancy.
Alice J. Dolly, b. April 12, 1872; m., June 14, 1899. George S.
Hinkley and resided for a time in Concord. Later he removed to La-
conia. He is a moulder by trade. She conducted a millinery and
dressmaking business previous to her marriage. They have a dau.,
Eunice H.
Herbert H. Dolly, b. Dec. 6, 1S73; m., April 14, 1S9G, Lutie Johnson
of East Tilton. He resides on Park St. and is a member of the firm
of Phelps & Dolly, grocers, at Tilton.
E. Etta Dolly, b. Feb. 6, 1876; d., Oct. 27, 1895.
Jonas W. Dolly, b. May 26, 1880; d., Feb. 10, 1899.
RoscoE G. Dolly, b. at Gray, Me., July 28, 1837; m., March 9, 1883,
Julia C. Sweatt, b. July 16, 1848. He served in the Civil War as gun-
ner on the Kearsarge. He was at his post when she sank the Ala-
bama in Cheborg Harbor. He is now overseer of weaving. (See
Boys in Blue.)
Second Generation.
Nellie F. Dolly, b. at Manchester July 6, 1872; m., March 17, 1894,
Ernest E. Nelson of Tilton. They have one child, Myrtle.
Florence M. Dolly, b. at Suncook Oct. 16, 1874; m. Oral Batchel-
der. They lived in N., where she d. Feb. 23, 1902. They had twa
children, Althea and Roscoe D.
The Dolloffs were of Russian ancestry. Christopher, the emigrant,
settled at Exeter and Abner came to Canterbury in 1763.
David Dolloff lived south of the Rogers farms, completely shut in
by forests. He erected here a new house and m. in 1785 Elizabeth
Miles, the widow of Phineas Fletcher, who d. on his way home after
the surrender of Cornv/allis. Her parents, Josiah and Elizabeth Miles,
were the nearest neighbors, nearly a mile distant. They had 10 chil-
dren, as are duly recorded. Elizabeth and Mary d. the same week in
1787 and ten years later Jesse 1st and Miriam 1st d. the same day.
Mr. Dolloff went to live, in his old age, with his dau. in East N.
He was long a cripple, being confined to his chair, but was regularly
chosen tithing man. He was a great reader and a close patron of
the Northfield social library about 1800.
Hannah Dolloff m. David Lougee of Loudon and resided there.
They had two dau., who m. brothers, James and Nathaniel Sanborn.
Sally Dolloff m. Hazen Carr of N. (See Carr gen.)
David Dolloff, b. 1791; m. Sally Bean. They had six children, but
two living to maturity. She d. at 83 years of age.
Adagail Dolloff m. Joseph Marden and resided at Lowell. Both
lived to extreme age.
Jesse Dolloff, 2d., b. 1794; m., 1S25, Nancy Crockett of Meredith.
He was accidentally killed in New York City, leaving a wife and
child who survived but a few years. He was a fine singer.
JMiRiAM Dolloff, 2d., twin sister of the above, was a celebrated-
weaver and lived in Canterbury Borough. She was an Osgoodite.
Third Generation.
(Children of David and Sally Bean Dolloff.)
Mary Dolloff m. Stephen Neal and was the mother of David Dol-
loff Neal, the celebrated artist of Munich.
Elizabeth Dolloff m. Almon Slader of Acworth, b. 1818, and re-
sided on the Main road, near the Canterbury line. She was very artis-
tic in her tastes and was a woman of faculty. He was a house builder.
She d. at N. 1897. He d. at the home of his dau. in Lowell 1901.
They had one dau., who m. Walter F. Glines in 1S61, and (second )».
Henry W. Leach of Lowell, Mass. (See Glines gen.)
Jeremiah Dow, b. at Holderness Jan. 1, 1S26; m. Lucretia Ann Glines,
b. June 22, 1831. They had eight children. He was a more than
ordinary farmer's man and was employed for years by Jeremiah Smith.
He d. March 23, 1895.
Second Generation.
(B. at N.)
Alexander Clark Dow, b. Nov. 25, 1S4S; m. (first), 1864, Joanna
Dearborn of N. He m. (second), 1S68, Rhoda Arlin of Concord, b.
Sept. 2, 1840. She was reared by the Enfield Shakers, and d. Oct. 11,
1869. He m. (third), Sarah A. Smith of Orange, Vt., Jan. 15, 1870.
She d. at N. July 17, 1871. He m. (fourth), Susan Brocklebanks of
Plainfield, May 22, 1872. He m. (fifth), July, 1884, Mrs. Josephine
H. Clark of Franklin, who d. April 3, 1889, and Dec. 12, 1889, he m.,
for his sixth, Mrs. Amoretta Kinaball. (See Kimball gen.) He d. at
the home on Bean Hill road, Aug. 26, 1896. He had two children, who
d. in infancy.
Fra.xk Hayes Dow, b. 1852; m., Feb. 26, 1898, Hannah Bruce, b. at
Northfield, Vt. He is a farmer at East N.
Herbert Gerry Dow, b. Jan. 9, 1854; m., 1880, Lizzie Herbert of
Franklin. They have one child.
Byrox Kendrick Dow, b. April 23, 1857; m. (first), Lulu Reed of
Canterbury. They had one child. He m. (second), Mary Monahan of
Melrose, Mass.
Jerry Smith Dow, b. Nov. 6, 1859; m., 1881, Nellie Maynard of
Franklin, b. at Reading, Vt., April 6, 1868. They reside in the family
settlement, called "Dowtown."
JOAXNA MoBSE Dow. b. Aug. 23, 18G7; d. at 10 j-ears.
Elizabeth Anx Dow, b. Nov. 20, 1871; m., March 25, 1893, Charles
H. Folger of Lowell, Mass. They reside with her mother at N. and
have two children, one of whom d. in infancy.
Myktil Estelle Dow, b. May 22, 1872; d. at five years.
Third Generation.
(Child of Jerry S. and Nellie Maynard Dow.)
Mertie May Dow, b. July 2, 1884; m., 1903, Frank A. Brace. They
reside at Tilton and have two children. He is employed by the Elm
Mills Woolen Co.
(Child of Herbert and Lizzie Herbert Dow.)
Erxest Gekry Dow, b. Nov. 4, 1881; m., Jan. 24, 1905, Mildred Pres-
cott of Laconia, where they live.
(Child of Byron and Lulu Reed Dow.)
Ethel Vara Dow d. in iniancy, June 26, 1881.
(Children of Charles and Elizabeth Dow Folger.)
(B. at N.)
Wilfred Folger d. in infancy March 20, 1876.
Archie Leoxard Folger, b. Aug. 22, 1898.
Fourth Generation.
(Children of Frank and Mertie May Dow Brace.)
Twins, Leonard Fraxcis Brace and Mariox Estelle Brace, b. March
6, 1904.
Mescheck Dow lived near the Gilmanton line in East N. and there
manufactured shuttles and linen wheels, for which he is remembered
and received the name, "Old Shuttle Dow." A stream of water near his
home formerly was called "Tulliver Brook" and near-by was the
height called the Pinnacle.
He lived in town but a few years.
Sujixer Adajis Dow was b. at New Hampton. April 24, 1834, he
m. Maria Gordon of New Hampton and resided in various parts of N.
nearly all his life. He was a butcher and dealer in meat for many
years at N. Depot, where he was postmaster for 11 years. He moved
to Concord in 1885 and was for several years proprietor of a railroad
boarding-house, doing a grocery business in connection with it. He
was of Revolutionary descent and went to Bennington Anniversary as
a guest of the state. Later he had a store on Munroe St. Mrs. Dow d.
at N. April 22, 18S2. He d. at Concord July 27, 1903. They had seven
children, one of whom d. in infancy.
Second Generation.
Electa A. Dow, b. at New Hampton April 8, 1857; m., April, 1874,
Whitten Ludlow of N. (See Ludlow gen.) ,
Lellax M. L. Dow, b. at Canterbury Nov. 25, 1862; m., July 22, 1880,
Lauren Davis of N. (See Davis gen.)
Charles S. Dow, b at Canterbury Jan., 1865; m., July, 1S89, Lizzie
Hoyt of Canaan, and resides in Concord. He is employed at Ford &
Kimball's foundry as engineer and has one dau., Anna.
LuRA Amanda Dow, b. at Tilton Aug. 20, 18G8; m., Oct. 22, 1886,
Elmer Young, an employee of the Boston & Maine Railroad. They
reside in Concord and have four children.
Guy Dow, b. at N. Oct. 11, 1872; m., Dec, 1894, Ida Colby of Man-
chester. He is a railroad engineer and a sportsman of the rod and
gun. He resides at Woodsville and has two children.
Levi S. Dow, b. at N. Sept. 8, 1876; m., Sept., 1903, Isabel Bailey.
He is also an engineer on the railroad. He was a soldier in the Spanish
War, being a member of Co. C, and was absent six months.
Hexby M. Downing came to N. from Belmont in 1891. He was b. at
Hopkinton March 31, 1859; m., July 27, 1878, Nettie E. Oilman, b. at
Lakeport April 26, 1863. He was a carder and spinner for several
years and later was in the meat and provision business at Belmont.
He d. at N. Jan. 12, 1894. She is a music teacher and a fine soprano
singer. She resides on Park St. They had one child.
Second Generation.
H-\RRV C. Downing, b. at Belmont May 31, ISSO; m., in 1899, Frances
V. Fifield, b. at Franklin in 1879. They had one child. Maitland F.,
b. at Tilton Aug. 1, 1900. Mrs. Downing d. Aug. 12, 1900. He is em-
ployed as an electrician at Boston, Mass.
Edgar O. Downing, b. at Ellsworth June 8, 1851; m., March 24, 1871,
Emma E. Stewart, b. at Warren Jan. 20, 1850. They came to N. in
the spring of 1871. He was a farmer and lived on the Windsor Aldrich
place. After the destruction of their buildings by fire they came to the
village, where they have since conducted a boarding-house on Elm St.
They have three children.
Second Generation.
Mabel P. DowxiXG, b. April 29, 1S72; m. Warren S. Nudd. (See
Nudd gen.)
Bessie H. Downing, b. Sept. 15, 1874; m. (first), April 12, 1S92,
Amos Reynolds, who was b. at Warren July 25, 1870, and d. at N. Oct.
22, 1892. She m. (second). May 23, 1894, George W. Blanchard, b. at
Hinsdale Nov. 25, 1872. They have four children and reside at Ken-
sington, Conn.
Wesley L. Downln-g, b. Feb. 9, ISSl; d., Jan. 7, 1897.
James T. Downing v;as b. at Ellsworth May 10, 1843; m., Sept. 17,
1865, Abbie F. Palmer, b. at Hopkinton Jan. 7, 1845. He came to N.
in 1880 and bought a part of the Henry Tibbetts farm. They had six
children. He is a farmer.
Second Generation.
Bessie A. Downing, b. Jan. 2, 1867, at Ellsworth; m., May 16, 1889,
Charles H. Payson, b. July 22, 1863, at Raymond. (See Payson gen.)
Nellie E. Downing, b. Feb. 22, 1869, at Hopkinton; m.. May 13, 1889,
Irving AV. Copp and resided at Tilton, where he d. April 13, 1893.
They had two children, Irving James, d. at six years, and Bertha F.,
b. May 21, 1893. She m. (second), 1898, George W. Dias, b. at Ply-
mouth, 1874. They now reside at Tilton, where they are proprietors
of Hotel Jordan, and have two children. (See Dias gen.)
Walter Fred Downing, b. at Ellsworth June 26, 1871; d., Sept. 5,
Clara May Downing, b. Sept. 17, 1873 at Lakeport; d., Nov. 21,
Cora B. Downing, b. at Gilford Jan. 18, 1877; m., April 14, 1897,
Francis Cass of Canterbury, where they reside, and have four children,
Lorenzo, Jimmy, Nathaniel and .
Susie F. Downing, b. at Tilton; m., Dec. 2, 1896, Francis P. Crane of
Warren. They have three children and one d. in infancy, Abbie L.,
Walter C. and Mary E.
Infant, b. Sept. 26, 1895; d., Oct. 26, 1895.
INA May Downing, b. Dec. 23, 1897; m., May 4, 1905, Benjamin F.
Gile, b. April 28, 1867, at Hanover,
Jajees a. Downing, b. at N. April 7, 1891.
Henry Wilber Durgin came to N. from Tilton Nov. 12, 1887. He was
b. at Sanborn ton Jan. 11, 1839; m., Jan. 6, 1872, Susan E. Farnum, b.
at Hill March 24, 1844. He has been employed at Tilton most of the
time for 43 years, formerly at A. H. Tilton's mill and later at the Tilton
Woolen Mills.
He built a house on Park St., where Mrs. Durgin d. Dec. 21, 1903.
He now resides in Tilton.
Eeastcs E. DrTTox, b. 1S55 at Hardwick, Vt.; m., Jan. 1, 1876, Mrs.
Hannah Munsey Morrison of Gilford. Mr. Button was a farmer. He
came to Tilton in 1893 and to N. in 1895. He is employed by the Elm
Mills Woolen Company as shipper.
They resided on Bay St. until they occupied their newly-purchased
home on Winter St., Tilton, in 1904. She had one child by her former
marriage, Edwin G. Morrison. (See Morrison gen.) They are mem-
bers of the Congregational Church, of which he has been a deacon
and is active in all its lines of work. He is also a member of Doric
Lodge of A. F. and A. M.
Sahvel Dyer, b. 1765 in Andover, was the first settler in the north-
east corner of N., on a part of the Governor Shute reservation. He
m. Lucretia Evans and had seven children. He is first taxed in 1817.
He d. here Oct. 5, 1819. She d. Sept. 23, 1866, in Methuen. But two
children remained in town and but four were born here.
Second Generation.
Sally Dyeb, b. Oct. 30, ISIO; m., March 9, 1834, Ebenezer Hall of
N., a tanner who resided at the corner of Granite and Bay Sts., oppo-
site the Chase tavern. (See Hall gen.)
Betsey Dyer, b. at N. Dec. 18, 1812; m. George P. Wightman April
25, 1834, a farmer of Bozrahville, Conn., and had two sons, George
Evans, who served in the Civil War and three years in the United
States army, and Henry Dyer Wightman, who d. at three.
Aaeox Woodman Dyer d. at two years.
Maby Ax.v Dyer, b. April 5, 1817; m. Daniel T. Morrison and re-
sided in Methuen, where she d. July 12, 1879. They had three chil-
dren, Fred T., Mary A. and Daniel W. The two latter d. in infancy.
Samxjel Dyer, Jr., and another son d. aged two years.
James Eabnsuaw, b. at Thongsbridge, Yorkshire, England, June 5.
1822; m., 1843, Sarah Anne Dawson of Meltham, England. He was a
woolen manufacturer. He came to America in 1S4S to Peacedale, R. I.,
and took charge of the Hazard woolen mill. His family joined him in
Jan., 1849.
After seven years they moved to Sanbornton Bridge, where he took
in 1856 the necessary step to become a citizen of the United States.
In 1S61 he came to N., where Mrs. Earnshaw d. Nov. 25, 1864, and is
buried at Park Cemetery.
His mill (see picture) was destroyed by fire in 1867 and he went to
Dover, Ky., where Mr. Baker of Tilton had a woolen mill, which he was
obliged by failing eyesight to sell. It was bought in part by Mr. Earn-
shaw, who removed his family there in July, 1868, where they have
since resided.
He was a member of Doric Lodge, No. 78, A. P. and A. M. He d. at
Dover, Ky., Aug. 24, 1895. His four sons are also Masons.
Second Generation.
Frederick Willia^i Earxshaw, b. at Meltham, England, July 21,
1845; m., 1876, Anna D. McMillan of Dover, Ky. They had seven chil-
dren, four of whom are living: James, Guy Everett, Sarah Lucile and
Nancy Catherine of Jackson, T6nn.
Elizabeth Earnshaw, b. at Meltham, England, Jan. 16, 1848; m.,
1875, W. B. McMillan of Dover, Ky., where they now reside.
Lydia Axx Earnshaw, b. at Peacedale, R. I., Dec. 29, 1849. She re-
sides at Dover, Ky.
Lucy Grace Earnshaw, b. May 1, 1851; m., Oct., 1876, J. J. McMil-
lan of Dover, Ky., at Pomroy, 0. She d. at Dover Aug. 27, 1887. They
had five children, two of whom reside at Dover, Ethel B. and Anna
Mary Emily Earnshaw, b. Jan. 26, 1853; m. Oscar Hanna of Dover,
Ky., at Pomroy, O. They had 10 children, seven of whom are living.
She resides at Bellevue, Ky. The children are: Clara D., Duke Ells-
worth, Oscar Watson, Lucile Elizabeth, Delia May, Blanche Augusta
and Marguerite.
John Allen Earnshaw, b. May 6, 1854, at Allenton, R. I.; m., in
1885, Mary R. Smith of Dover, Ky., and had three children.
One son, Francis Watson, resides at Cincinnati, O.
David James Earnshaw, b. Jan. 15, 1857, at Tilton; d., at Dover, Ky.,
Dec. 16, 1888.
Hiram W. Earnshaw, b. Nov. 13, 1858, at Tilton; m. Mary T. Powers
Nov., 1889, and had five children, three of whom, William Frazie,
Hiram Powers and David Thomas, reside at Memphis, Tenn.
Joe Henry Earnshaw, b. at N. Oct. 11, 1S62; m., Oct., 1887, Delia
Webb of Middleport, O. They had one dau., Elizabeth Webb, now of
Columbus, O.
George Ellsworth Earnshaw, b. Nov. 8, 1864, at N.; d., April 18,
Note. These facts are written by Ethel McMillen, a granddaughter of
James Earnshaw and a great-granddaughter of Joseph Dawson.
Charles F. Elliott, b. at Penacook, 1S57; m. Florence G. Chase, b.
April 14, 1S65, at Boston, Mass. They came to N. from Belmont.
He was previously a farmer at Canterbury and is now employed at
the grain mill of Brown & Boucher.
They have seven children.
Second Generation.
(All b. at Canterbury.)
Ernest D. Elliott b. May 16, 1S85, is employed at the pulp mill at
East Tilton.
Eva B. Elliott, b. April 2, 1SS7. is employed at the Tilton Optical
Alfred C. Elliott, b. July 22, 1SS9, is learning a machinist's trade at
M.\RT L. Elliott, b. Jan. 4, 1891; d., Sept. 25, 1891.
H.\RRY E. Elliott, b. Sept. 6, 1893.
Gladys B. Elliott, b. Nov. 12, 1894.
Jo.VATHAX Elki.xs was a lifelong resident of Factory Village, now
Franklin Falls. He inherited a large tract of land south of the
present Central St. Much of this he sold when new industries were
established and new homes thus called for.
He sold his store to Nathaniel Rowe and erected a new home near
the junction of the rivers and gave his attention to farming. He m.
Clara Fisher of St. Johnsbury, Vt., and had four children. After his
death she removed to Hampton and none of the family are now resi-
dents at Franklin Falls. The Elkins home is now owned by Frank
M. Edmunds.
MiTTiE Chase Clough (see Stephen Chase gen.), b. at Canterbury
Nov. G, 1832; m„ Jan. 27, ISGS, Samuel Louis Emery, b. at Canterbury
June 17, 1827. They resided at Canterbury and various places in the
He d. at Canterbury Sept. 10, 1873. Mrs. Emery came to N. with
their three dau. and erected a home on the hill overlooking the vil-
lage from the East and on land belonging to her grandfather, Stephen
Chase, as early as 1775 and which had never passed from ownership in
the family. She d. there Dec. 28, 1900. She was a teacher previous to
her marriage. In Canterbury, N. and Concord. She was educated at
Tilton and Bradford, Mass.
Second Generation.
Maet Maud Emeey, b. at Cheuoa, 111., Feb. 9, 18C9, Y\-as educated at
the New Hampshire Conference Female College, graduating in 1S90.
She then took a special course at Radcliffe in the languages. She has
since taught but is at present in the home.
Abbie Josephine Emeey, b. July 23, 1870, at Canterbury, graduated
at the New Hampshire Conference Female College, class of 1890.
Later she was a student at the Massachusetts Normal Art School.
She is now teaching in the Bristol High School.
MiTTiE Louise, b. at Peoria, 111., Jan. 4, 1872, graduated from the
New Hampshire Conference Female College, class of 1891, and is at
pi'esent teaching at Laconia. She graduated from the Emerson School
of Oratory in 1897.
Samuel Emery came to N. from Rumney and established a grocery
store at N. Depot, purchasing the business of Frank H. Moore.
He bought the Sumner Dow home, where Mrs. Emery d. April 1, 1897.
He sold later to Charles Sanborn and removed from town. He m.
(second), June 27, 1897, Amelia Ambler of Brighton, Mass.
Robert Evaxs, b. at Strafford March 3, 1775, came to N. about 1798
and bought the farm of John Brown on the sunrise side of Bean Hill.
He m. Elizabeth Clough of Strafford and had a family of six. He d.
March 13, 1844. She d. Nov. 25, 1848.
Second Generation.
David Evaxs, b. Jan. 20, 1798; m. Louisa Smith Dec. C, 1825. (See
Smith gen.)
They lived for some years at the Ordway place on Bean Hill, where
two dau. were born. They removed later to East N., where he d.
April 3, 1836. Mrs. Evans later m. Sanborn Shaw of Salisbury and
removed there. (See Shaw gen.)
Betsey Evans, b. April, 1800; m. (pub), April 10, 1842, John Kenney
of Barnstead. Both d. same day of pneumonia and were buried in the
same grave.
Polly Evans, b. Oct. 30, 1802.
Sally Evans, b. April 26, 1804; m. Abel Hyde of Columbia.
William C. Evans, b. at N. June 5, 1811; m., June 11, 1840, Martha
J. T. Carr of Loudon. He learned the carpenter's trade when a boy
of Dea. John Mathes of Canterbury and mastered all its details. He
went to Boston in 1831 to work at his trade. Being a great lover of
music and having a fine voice he became a pupil of the late Lowell
Mason and was a choir leader at the North Bennett and Russell Sts.
Churches and after his return to New Hampshire taught singing
schools in N., Canterbury and Pittsfield. Prof. B. B. Davis, late of
Concord, took his first lessons in vocal music of him. In 1S39 he settled
at Barnstead and later removed to Pittsfield, where he remained until
his death 30 years later. He united with the Methodist Church at 17
years of age and was a generous supporter of public worship.
He was a prominent Mason, a member of Corinthian Lodge, and for
many years was its chaplain. They had four children, two of whom
reside at Pittsfield.
Martha Evans, b. March 9, 1S13.
Mahala Evaxs, b. Aug. IS, 1S14; m., Feb. 14, 1S42, Lyford C. Hill of
Joseph Evans, b. June 10, 1S15.
James M. Evans, b. Aug. 10, ISIS; m. Rebecca Bean Durgin of San-
bornton and removed West. Both d. at Lodi, 111. They had three
sons, two of whom were killed in the Civil War.
Third Generation.
(Children of David and Louisa Smith Evans.)
(All b. at N.)
Harriet Ann Evans, b. Sept. 13, 1826; d., March 3, 1S2S.
Ann Louisa Evans, b. March 28, 1828; m. Elbridge Shaw of Salis-
bury. She was previous to her marriage a teacher in Lawrence, Mass.
They had a son and four dau. She d. at Salisbury in 1S93. He d. there
nine days later. (See Shaw gen.)
Jane Evans, b. Oct. 29, 1S30; d., June 23, 1S34.
AuALiNE Evans, b. Aug. 1, 1832; m. Harry Shaw of Salisbury. He
removed to Hills St., N., in 1859. She was a teacher for some years.
(See Shaw gen.)
Ella Jane Evans, b. Aug. 31, 1834; d., June 23, 1835.
Moses Evans, b. 1812; m. INIary Jane Carr and had two children.
They resided on what was known as "Lovers' Lane." She d. and he
m. (second), Betsey Hills. (See Hills gen.) This house was the par-
sonage for the first Methodist ministers. It was ^torn down and re-
moved. He d. Jan. 15, 1S55.
Second Generation.
M.vRY Evans, after her father's death, resided with her guardian,
Dea. Noah Peabody. She suffered an attack of smallpox and was re-
moved to the old home, which was reserved for similar purposes for
some years. She m. Stevens of Wellesley, Mass., and has two
children, Anna and .
Orin Evans d. at Boston. He m. and had two dau.
John Evans, b. March 20, 1S02, always lived in N. He m., July 4,
1822, Mehitable Thurston of Gilmanton, b. Aug. 22, 1809. She was
killed by the cars close by her home Oct. 17, 1852, as she was trying to
save her deaf dau. He m. (second), Laura Willey of Canterbury and
d. July 10, 1876. They had 11 children.
Second Generation.
Lydia Thurston Evans, b. Oct. 22, 1822; m., Nov. 17, 1842, Cyrus
"Woodruff Lord. (See Lord gen.)
Lyjian Barker Evans, b. Feb. 4, 1827; m., Feb. 6, 1856, Sarah Cor-
sall, b. at Mongonue, New Zealand, Feb. 3, 1836. He was captain of the
whale ship Arctic of Fairhaven, Mass., and was drowned in the In-
dian Ocean, Jan., 1857. His body was recovered and buried at Mon-
gonue, New Zealand. They had one son. She m., 1863, John G. Heath
of Raymond. (See Heath gen., with portrait.)
Julia Ann Evans, b. Feb. 26, 1829; m., March 20, 1852, Amos K.
Copp. (See Copp gen.)
Mary Frances Evans, b. March 16, 1831; d. in infancy.
LucRETiA Ann Evans, b. May 14, 1833; d., Sept., 1842.
Gardiner Thurston Evans, b. Nov. 20, 1835; d., at sea, Sept., 1853.
Mary Frances Evans, b. March 10, 1837; d., Feb. 7, 1855.
HiRAii Bradbury Evans and Horace Bradbury Evans, twins, b.
March 22, 1841.
The former served in the Civil War (see Boys in Blue) and d. in
1864. The latter served in the Twelfth Massachusetts Regiment and
d. in hospital May, 1864.
Mahala Etta Evans, b. April 16, 1843; m., June, 1861, Herbert Goss
Chase, b. at Cabot, Vt., April 4, 1841, an optician in Fitchburg, Mass.
He served in the Ninth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers, as mu-
sician. They have one son, Herbert.
Two brothers, Joseph and Thomas, sons of Joseph Fellows of Gil-
manton, were residents of N.
Joseph Fellows, 2d., b. Dec. 19, 1794; m. Sylvia Sanborn, b. Jan. 2,
1795. He was a farmer until his removal to Laconia. Later he I'e-
turned to Upper Gilmanton, built a nice house and invested in the mills
there. Reverses came and the loss of his property caused his death.
The location took his name and was called Fellows' Mills until changed
to Belmont. His N. home was bought by Ransom Ladd, demolished
and rebuilt at Laconia.
Thomas Fellow.s, b. Oct. 27, 1802; m. (first), Sally F. Mudgett and
bought the Busiel farm in the southeast corner of N. in 1840. They
had two sons. She d. April 25, 1854. He m. (second), Sylvia T.
Mudgett of Belmont and had one son. He was captain of the state
militia and d. June 24, 1S76, and his wife d. Dec. 4, 1889. This home
was destroyed by fire in 1878.
Second Generation.
(Children of Joseph and Sylvia Sanborn Fellows.)
Caroline A. Fellows, b. Feb., 1823; d., Jan. 24, 1840.
Lyman B. Fellows, b. May 27, 1819; m. Harriet Merrill and had three
He m. (second), Mrs. Lovina Glines French Sept. 1, 1868. He d. at
N. April 20, 1885. (See French gen.)
Mr. Fellows got his title from the fire department in Laconia, of
which he was captain.
(Children of Thomas and Sally Mudgett Fellows.)
Stlvestek Fellows, b. at N., was educated at Gilmanton Academy.
He read medicine and graduated from Dartmouth Medical School in
1855. He m. in Connecticut and, going West, settled near Milwaukee
in 1856. Later he was at Wells, Minn., until 1895, when he went to
Floral, Fla, where he d. in 1902, leaving three daughters, two in Florida
and one in Minnesota.
George Fellows learned the machinist's trade in Canada. He was a
steamboat engineer on the St. Lawrence River. He now lives at St.
Petersburg, Fla., and is unmarried.
(Child of Thomas and Sylvia Mudgett Fellows.)
Frank Fellows, b. at N.; m.,Aug. 16, 1878, Ellen Amanda Nudd and
resides on the homestead. He has twice suffered the loss of his home
by fire, in 1S7S and again in 1892.
He is a farmer and carpenter and has one dau., Mrs. Mary G. Clifford
of Concord.
Third Generation.
(Children of Lyman and Harriet Merrill Fellows.)
Joseph A. Fellows, b. April 2, 1842; m. Mary Fernald and had one
son. She d. April, 1890. He m. (second), Julia Frances Allen, who d.
Nov. 6, 1904. He was employed for some years by J. F. Taylor as clerk
and then removed West. They had one son, Frank Fernald Fellows.
Lunette Fellows, b. May 3, 1851; m. (first), Theodore Thompson,
and (second), Gerrish Sanborn of Salisbury, where they reside.
Nathaniel Fifield, Jr., came to N. from Stanstead, P. Q., in 1896.
He was born at Salisbury Point, now Amesbury, Mass., Oct. 4, 1836.
He m., 1864, Martha J. Sargent, b. at Littleton April 2, 1847. He is an
upholsterer and carriage trimmer. They reside on Vine" St. and have
three children.
Second Generation.
Charles Eddy Fifield, b. at Stanstead April 23, 18G5; m., June 25,
1896, Anna E. Gordon, b. at Boston, Mass., Sept. 25, 1869. He is of the
firm of C. E. & F. H. Fifield, meats and provisions. He resides on Oak
St They have one dau., Virginia E., b. 1901.
George Albert Fifield, b. at Stanstead Dec. 15, 1867; d. at five.
Frank H. Fifield, b. Aug. 18, 1870; of the firm of C. E. & F. H. Fi-
field. (See above.)
John and William Fletcher, brothers, came from Ballardvale, Mass.,
in 1865 and with the Messrs. Firth and Balantyne bought the Bailey
Mills, changed the name to Granite Mills and began the manufacture
of various grades of woolen goods. Mr. Fletcher bought the resi-
dence of Noah Peabody on Bay St., where they lived 28 years, selling
to George W. Weeks Sept., 1893. They then removed to Park St.,
where she d. Jan. 11, 1902. They were Episcopalians, in v.'hich church
he has been the efficient organist and choir master continuously since
his residence here. He was previously, and has always been, a music
teacher and now conducts a music store with residence in Tilton. He
is a member of Doric Lodge, A. F. and A. M., and was its second
Master. He is also a Knight Templar, being a member of Mt. Horeb
Commandery, Concord.
He was b. at Halifax, Yorkshire, England, April G, 1825; m. Bath-
sheba Schofield, b. at Halifax April IS, 1826. They had four chil-
dren, one of whom d. in infancy.
William Fletcher, his brother, took up his abode in the Chase tav-
ern house at the entrance of Bay St., where a child, Thomas E., was b.
Later he bought the Lyford house on Pleasant St., Tilton, where he
d. July 1, 1876, aged 52. They had five sons b. in America and three
dau. born in England previous to coming to America. Mrs. Fletcher
d. Jan. 26, 1892.
Second Generation.
(Children of John and Bathsheba Fletcher.)
Ada Fletcher, b. at Halifax, England, Jan. 9, 1847, was educated at
the New Hampshire Conference Seminary. She m., Nov. 21, 1867, Felix
G. Haines and returned to Ballardvale. They had six children, one
of whom, Florence, d. at her grandfather's at N. Nov. 12, ISSl. The
other children are: Sadie, Millie, Fletcher and Grace. Mr. Haines is
a grocer.
Frank W. Fletcher, b. at Ballardvale Sept. 7, 1S50, was employed
In various capacities in his father's mill. He was a music teacher for
some years. He is a member of Doric Lodge, A. F. and A. M., and was
a charter member of Harmony Lodge, I. 0. 0. F. He is also a K. of
P. He is a social favorite, with varied talents. He has been since the
sale of the Granite Mills employed at Franklin Falls as wool sorter.
Nellie Fletcher, b. at Trenton, N. J., June S, 1S52; m. John Stark
and resides at Ballardvale, where he is a dealer in meats and pro-
visions. They have seven children: Mattie, Willie, Ada, George, Frank,
Jennie and Fred.
(Child of William and Elizabeth Kent Fletcher.)
TnoJiAS Fletcher, b. in N. 1S60; m. Winnie Farrington of Tilton and
resides in Concord. He was postmaster at Tilton during President
Cleveland's second term. He is a postal clerk on the Portsmouth Rail-
road. Other children b. in Tilton are Geoi'ge, John, Charles and Will-
iam P., who d. at Tilton Feb. 3, 1903.
The Follansbys came from Normandy to England with William the
Conqueror in 1066. A descendant, Thomas, came to America from
Derbyshire in 1642. William, the subject of this sketch, was a son of
Benjamin, and was b. in Hill, N. B., in 1802, and d. at Belmont, N.
H., in 1849. He first started in business in Holderness, N. H., when
about 20 years old, where he opened a country store, which he suc-
cessfully carried on and while there built several houses. He moved
to Sanbornton Bridge about 1834. He was a man of remarkable
energy and his arrival gave a new impetus to business of various
kinds, and it has been said that the little village dated its period of
growth with the advent of William Follansby, and that he added more
buildings than he found there. After various places of business and
abode across the river, he erected on the Northfield side the long low
building which stood for half a century on what is now called "The
Beach," and bore the classic name of "Seven Nations." One section of
it housed his family and one his store. He was one of the first to en-
gage in the palm leaf hat traffic and furnished employment to large
numbers of women and girls. When the plans for the new Congrega-
tional Church were agitated Dr. Enos Hoyt and Hon. Samuel Tilton,
at his suggestion furnished with him the necessary funds and took
their pay in pews, which they sold later, and largely by his push the
enterprise was promptly carried through. He was also the owner of
various tracts of land in the town as shown by the old tax lists. He
was a generous, kind-hearted man and although sharp at a trade he
never refused aid to any one in need. He was m. three times, first
to Persis Wells of Holderness. By this marriage there were three
children, Cutting, Caroline and Peabody M. His second wife was
Ruth "Wells, a sister of the first, and by this marriage there were
three children. Wells, Joey D. and Daniel. His third wife was Mary
Sweatt-Ladd of Upper Gilmantou, a niece of the late Elder Peter
Clark, a noted Baptist minister, and by this marriage one child, Will-
iam H. C, was born.
Cutting Follaxsby (see portrait) was b. at Hill July 4, 1822. He
was educated in the common schools and at Plymouth Academy until
1849, when he went to the California gold fields, where he remained
four years.
Returning he farmed some years and also traded in a store erected
by his father where Hill's Block now stands, dealing in dry goods and
groceries, and had a large traffic in palm leaf hats. He m. before go-
ing to California, Jan. 1, 1847, Alice A. Haynes of N. and had one son,
Charles H., b. at N. Oct. 24, 1847. In 1856 he became a trader at Hold-
erness, now Ashland, where, with Hiram Hodgdon, he conducted a
prosperous business for more than 20 years.
In 1873 he removed to Barre, Mass., and, purchasing a large store
and handsome residence, commenced trade as Cutting Follansby & Son.
He d. Sept. 14, 1875. He was a man of sterling qualities, truthful,
honest and upright. He was highly esteemed by those familiar with
him for the remarkable assiduity and frugality observed in his busi-
ness as well as his integrity of character and beneficence to all in need
and especially to the Christian Church.
Thus he won large success and many strong friends.
His home was in N. many years, where he was a large real estate
owner. Mrs. Follansby still resides in N.
His son continued his father's business in Barre some years and is
now connected with the banks there. He m. Mary, dau. of President
Meservey of the New Hampton Literary Institute, and has a dau.,
Alice. Mrs. Follansby d. 1SS7. He m. (second), 1889, Minnie Kendall.
William Foekest, 1st., was of Irish, and his wife, Dubia Forrest, of
Scotch, descent. They came to America in 1744, bringing three sons
and two dau., Margarett, Robert, John, William and Nancy. Both lived
and d. in Boston. John Forrest, 2d., was the first of the name to
settle in N. He was b. in Ireland in 1726. He, with his brother Will-
iam, 2d, and two sisters, after a short stay in Boston, passed on to
Londonderry, where they remained some time. Securing a grant of
land on Canterbury intervale the children, with a single exception,
took up their abode on the banks of the Merrimack opposite Boscawen
Plain and erected a fort. Robert d. in Boston. His wife, Betsey Ful-
ton Forrest, after her second marriage to William Love, came also to
Canterbury. The fear of hostile Indians subsiding, they scattered and
John came to the north fields and purchased the Leighton farm near
Franklin Falls. He had been a soldier in the French and Indian
Wars. He m. Elinor Gipson, 1746, b. at Canterbury 1728, d. Jan. 10,
1S14, in N. They had nine children.
William Forrest, 2d., brother of John, according to the Canterbury
records, m. Letty Mann of the north fields and had a family of seven:
Jane, b. 1753; Mary, 1755; Robert, 1757; Letty, 1760; Anna, 1762;
Margret, 1765, and d., 1766. ^- ."'i,-^
I find no further record save' that Robert served in the Revolutionary
War and was credited to Loudon.
Betsey Forrest was probably the wife of Jonathan Cross, son of
Jesse, father of Forrest Cross, as Jonathan and Betsey Forrest Cross
sold her father's farm to Mr. Leighton a few years later, as the deed
records. They were m. Jan. 4, 1798. (See Cross gen.)
Second Generation.
(Children of John and Elinor Gibson Forrest.)
John Forrest was a soldier in the French War and was called
"Soldier John." He m. Sarah Gibson of Canterbury, Dec. 29, 1778,
and resided there.
Elixor Forrest m. Jeremiah Gibson Nov. 2, 1776. He was a soldier
in Col. Jeremiah Clough's regiment. He entered the service at 25
years of age. (See Gipson or Gibson.)
William Forrest, b. 1753 at Canterbury Fort; m. Sarah Ellison, b.
1758, d. Jan. 10, 1802, by whom he had 11 children. He began in
1774 a settlement near N. Centre. He cleared a few acres and the
next year sowed his grain and left for the war. He was wounded at
Bunker Hill and suffered from sickness, but lived to return, and took
up his life work, farming. For 60 years in succession he planted his
own corn. He was a staunch Democrat, as were all his sons and
grandsons. He was never absent from the annual town meeting but
He m. (second), Sally Simonds, b. 1771, of N., who d. Feb. 20, 1850,
and by whom he had three sons. He d. March 5, 1840, with less than
one hour's sickness, leaving 14 children, 41 grandchildren and 12 great-
grandchildren. He was a pensioner.
AxxA Forrest m. James Gibson Nov. 21, 1776, and d. Oct. 18, 1783.
He was the son of James, who was a scout along the Pemigewasset
and branches, under Lieutenant Miles. He was also in the Revolu-
tionary War in Col. Jeremiah Clough's regiment, and d. March 3, 1825.
Jane Forrest, b. in Canterbury Fort; m. James Gipson. nephew of the
above. They had several children — Rodney, Nancy and perhaps others.
She d. Jan. 11, 1819.
Lydia Forrest, b. at Canterbury Fort 1762; d. there March 9, 1835.
She m. Thomas Clough of Loudon. They resided at East N. They had
a dau., Sally, who m. Gawn A. Gorrell.
AoNEs FoKREST, b. at Canterbury Fort; m. Moses Randall and had one
dau., Agnes.
Robert Foebest. b. in Canterbury Fort, m. Sarah McDonald of N.
and removed to the farm occupied many years by the late James Chase
in Canterbury. They had three children, John, Sarah and Susan.
They removed later to West N., where both d. He d. Oct. 2, 1844. She
d. April 6, 1852.
James Forrest, b. in Canterbury, 17G5, came to N., 1784. In 1785 he
took possession of the farm in East N. still owned by his descendants.
There were few roads and he reached it by a bridle. path from the Bay
Hill road. His wife, Anna Ellison, dau. of Richard Ellison, to whom
lot No. 55 was originally granted, d. in 1809, leaving a son, Samuel.
He m. (second), Mrs. Peggy Cross Sanborn, Aug. 14, 1815, by whom
he had a dau., Alvira, who m., in 1852, Silas Jones of Charlestown,
Mass., and d. in 1894. They had a son, Dexter Forrest Jones, of
Waltham, Mass. Mr. Forrest d. Oct. 16, 1843.
Third Generation.
(Children of William and Sarah Ellison Forrest and Sally Simonds
Forrest. )
Nancy Forrest, b. at N. 1769; m., Sept. 27, 1811, Abraham Simonds
of N., d. May 26, 1815. They had one child, Joseph M. (See Simonds
Sally Forrest, b. at N.; m. Simon Oilman and resided at
West N. She d. June 5, 1851. Their children were: Stephen, Joseph,
Sally m. Thomas Lyford, Nancy m. John Kent. (See Oilman gen.)
William Forrest^ b. March 21, 17S4, always lived in N.; m. Nancy
Dearborn (see Dearborn gen.) and had a family of nine children.
His farm was a part of the original homestead. He d. May 25, 1864.
She d. June 1, 1849.
Betsey Forrest, b. at Northfield, 1790; m. Jonathan Randall Aug. 1,
1814, and went to Canterbury to live; d., Jan. 31, 1872, and he d. May
15, 1S70. Children: Nancy, b. 1815, d. Sept. 8, 1839; Serena, b. 1817, d.
Oct. 15, 1844; Miles, b. Dec. 20, 1818; Sally G., b. Jan. 20, 1821, d.
March 4, 1903; Mary Jane, b. 1824, d. Oct. 4, 1872; Lucretia M., b. Sept.
10, 1826, m. Dixie Hall of N., Nov. 14, 1848 (see Hall gen.); Eliza, b.
Nov. 23, 1830, d. May 16, 1902; Emily F., b. 1832, d. Sept. 24, 1848.
Polly Forrest (4), b. 1791, was the second wife of Chellis Sargent,
b. July 8, 1800; m., Sept. 10, 1838. They lived at Tilton, where she d.
Nov. 13, 1872. She was a woman of great energy and good judgment
and a helpmeet, indeed, to her husband, who by industry accumulated
a competency which was cheerfully and generously given for the sup-
port of the Methodist Church and many other good works. In the
early years of the New Hampshire Conference Seminary they were
both indefatigable in their efforts for the upbuilding of the school,
giving liberally of their money and time. He was killed by a moving
train, Feb. 7, 1887.
Jane and Statira Forrest m. the Gile brothers, Abel and Thomas,
both of N. (See Gile gen.)
John E. Forrest, b. 179G; always resided in N. He purchased one
acre of land and' built the house opposite the old Center schoolhouse,
but later, selling out, built the farm buildings on the Forrest road,
just below his father's farm, of which he inherited a part. Squire
Glidden had built, in his ambition to excel his neighbors, a barn on
the Moore place on Bean Hill road, too large by far for the needs of
the place. The west end of this was purchased by Mr. Forrest and
removed to his new farm. He m., Jan. 1, 1826, Marcia Eastman of
Salisbury, and had a family of four. She was b. 1804; d.. Dec. 9, 1871.
He outlived all his family, and d. Oct. 8, 1881. ^
Joseph Forrest, b. in N. 1785; d., 1810.
Jacob Forrest, b. 1788; m., in 1820, Lydia Tuttle, b. May 31, 179g,
and moved to a farm in Danville, Vt. He d. June 13, 1843; she lived
until Feb. 17, 1879. Children: Samuel, b. Dec. 20, 1823; m., 1855. Will-
iam, b. March 3, 1S25; d., May 12, 1866. Curtis, b. Nov. 23, 1827; m.
Flora Stocker of Danville, Vt., Nov. 2, 1877. Sarah Jane, b. Aug. 24,
1829; m. Taylor, March 1, 1852. John, b. 1831; d. when three
weeks old. John E., b. Jan. 4, 1834. Joseph Sargent, b. May 6, 1836;
m.. 1868. Jacob, b. Sept. 16, 1839.
Charles G. Forrest, b. Oct. 16, 1806; m., Dec. 2, 1833, Mrs. Sally
Folsom Mead, b. Oct. 9, 1807, and had three dau. and one son. He
lived on the "Gile place," now owned by Otis C. Wyatt, until 1854,
when he went to New London for the education of his children, after-
ward settling in Tilton, where he d. March 30, 1SS2. He was a man
of firm religious principles and convictions, and at his death one of
the three oldest members of the Congregational Church, having united
in 1826. Mrs. Forrest d. Dec. 15, 1893. She had two dau. by her pre-
vious marriage, b. in N., M. Octavia Sleeper, b. Oct. 25, 1827; d. in
Oakland, Cal., March 10, 1901; Olivia A. Mead McKie, b. in N. Oct. 15,
1830. She now resides in Lone Oak, Texas.
Elli.son and James M., youngest sons of William, inherited the
homestead, where they lived until after the death of their parents.
In the fall of 1850 they left N. for Wisconsin, and settled on a farm
in Fort Winnebago. Ellison Forrest, b. in N. Aug. 11, 1808; d. in
Fort Winnebago. James M. Forrest, b. in N. June 10, 1812; d. June
4. 1884; m. (first), Almira Ames of Canterbury, Aug. 23, 1841, b.
1810; d., Oct. 2, 1848. They had three children. M. (second), Laura
Waters of Stratford. March 22, 1849; m. (third), Matilda Abbott of N..
Nov. 20, 1851; m. (fourth), Susan H. Sargent of Sanbornton Bridge,
May 1, 1856. She resides at Portage, Wis.
(Child of James and Annie Ellison Forrest.)
(B. at N.)
Samuel Forre.st, b. May 19, 1786; m., Jan., 1821, Agnes Randall of
North Conway, b. Aug. 22, 1800. They had five children. He occupied
his father's farm at East N. and was a prominent citizen of the town
and filled many places of trust. He represented the town in the Leg-
islature of 1826--'27.
(Children of Robert and Sarah McDonald Forrest.)
John Forrest, called "Master John," was b. at Canterbury, 1797; m.,
1821, Sarah Gale of Alexandria, b. ISOO. They resided in N. and had
a family of eight. He was educated at Pembroke and was a noted
teacher in Canterbury and surrounding towns and was one of the most
learned men of the times, a good penman and excelled in mathematics.
He d. at N., March 10, 1840. She m. (second), , and d. at Brush-
ton, N. Y., in 1886.
Sarah Forrest, b. at Canterbury, 1801; m., 1824, Rev. John Paige
■of Bristol, N. H., where they resided some years, going later to Neosha
Rapids, Kansas, where both d. at good old age. They had a family
of seven.
Susan Forrest, b. at Canterbury, 1804; m., Dec. 6, 1825, Geo. Han-
cock of N., b. 1800. They resided at first on what is called the Hicks
lot; later, they built a house across the way where they lived, and he
4., July 3, 1SG7, leaving a son, Horace, and a dau., Mrs. Alvira H. Rob-
inson of Sanbornton, with whom Mrs. Hancock lived and d., Sept. 22,
1878. (See Hancock gen.)
Fourth Generation.
(Children of William and Nancy Dearborn Forrest.)
LuciNDA Forrest, b. at N. Nov. 27, 1808; m., Nov., 1849, Charles
Lord, and resided at the Center, where she d., March 27, 1854.
Emanuel S. Forrest, b. in N. April 3, 1810; removed in youth to
Stewartstown; m. Mary Edwards; returned to N. and had charge of
the town farm for a term of years, but d. in Stewartstown, Feb. 11,
1877. Children: George, Sarah Jane, Osman Baker, Martha Ann, Ellen
M., Joseph Sullivan.
Joseph E. Forrest, b. Dec. 31, 1811; d., Dec. 27, 1S35.
Sarah Forrest, b. at N. Sept. 8, 1814; m. Clough Gorrell of East N.
{See Gorrell gen.) She d. Dec. 19, 1888.
Nancy Forrest, b. at N. Feb. 25, 1817; d., Jan. 28, 1842.
Jane L. Forrest, b. at N. May 3, 1819; m. Henry E. Wiggin, and
moved to Colebrook; d., Nov. 19, 1895. He d. March 10, 1898. They
had three children, Charles S., Mrs. Abbie A. Shattuck, Mrs. Carrie J.
Tibbitts, b. April 23, 1S57, d., May 23, 1905.
Jacob Forrest, b. at N. Oct. 17, 1821. He went to California in the
1849 excitement, with Charles E. Tilton and, after securing a fortune,
started on his return on the Central America, which foundered in a
gale in the Gulf of Mexico, Sept. 12, 1857.
Martha E. Forrest, b. in N. Sept. 10, 1824; m. J. Sullivan Sanborn,
July 3, 1851, and went to Dorchester, Mass., to live. She d. Oct. 22,
1854, at her husband's father's in N. Child, George S., b. in N. March
23, 1852. and d., Aug. 23, 1870, at his father's home, in Redwood City,
Andkew Jackson Foruest, b. in N. Oct. 21, 1827; inherited the home
farm. He went to California and there d., Dec. 23, 1863. He was dis-
tinguished as being the tallest man in town. He m. Eliza Dearborn
of Columbia, May 20, 1853. Children: Lell W. Forrest, b. in N. Dec.
17, 1854; d., Aug. 20, 1856. Lillie Forrest, b. in N. Sept. 10, 1855; m.
Rev. T. B. Hopkins of California, Jan. 29, 1874; child, Laura Branch
Hopkins, b. May 25, 1876.
(Children of John E. and Marcia Eastman Forrest.)
M.\KciA Axx Forrest, b. at N. Nov. 8, 1828; m., Dec. 8, 1852, Rev.
Albert Ethridge of Sandwich, b. Jan. 19, 1829, and went to Marseilles,
111., where she d., April 30, 1874. Children: Carrie Maria Ethridge, b.
June 10, 1869; d., April 8, 1870. Lenora E. Ethridge, b. Dec. 2, 1854;
m., Sept. 26, 1876, Dr. C. A. Weirick of Chicago, b. in Liverpool, Pa.,
Sept. 29, 1852; she d. July 20, 1888; children, Albert John, b. Dec.
19, 1877, Mabel Ethridge, b. Sept. 28, 1881. Marcia Ethridge, b. Jan. 17,
1860; d.. May 14, 1877.
Alfred Forrest, b. in N. 1831; d., April 6, 1847.
Caroline E. Forrest, b. in N. 1835; d., Jan. 4, 1858. She was edu-
cated at Gilmanton Academy and Tilton Seminary. She was a fine
writer and a devoted Christian.
Edwin Eastman Forrest, b. at N. Aug. 16, 1840. He resided in
Rio Vista, Cal., about fifteen years and d. in Colton, Cal., May 1, 1878.
At his request his body was brought home for interment in the family
lot in Park Cemetery, Tilton.
(Children of Charles G. and Sally Folsom Forrest.)
Almeda M. Fobbest, b. Nov. 2, 1836; m., April 27, 1868, George A.
Newhall of Boston, where she d. July 26, 1889. Children: Forrest E.
Newhall, veterinary surgeon, Augusta, Ga., b. Nov. 11, 1869; m., Aug.
21, 1901, Mollie B. Johnston; children, Almeda Frances and Sadie Fol-
som. Guy Folsom Newhall, b. April 14, 1871; resides in Boston; for
the past nine years on the reportorial staff of the Boston Olobe.
HoNoRiA Adelaide Forrest, b. July 13, 1839; resides in Tilton, where
she has exemplified the art of home-making in its truest sense.
M. JosAPHENE Forrest, b. March 29, 1843; she devotes much time to
portraiture and teaching of painting, in her home in Tilton.
G. Frank Dpxatur Forrest, b. Oct. 15, 184C; was a florist in Win-
chester, Mass., where he d., July 11, 1869.
(Children of James M. and Almira Ames Forrest.)
Adelaide Eliza Forrest, b. in N. July 26. 1843; m., June 7, 1871, Jo-
seph E. Wells, b. March 22, 1842; d., June 24, 1904. He was one of the
leading business men of Portage, Wis. Children: Mary Almira, b. July
14. 1872; m. George Harrington of Oshkosh, Wis., Oct. 11, 1904. Cora
Ardelia, b. June 14. 1874; m. Edward J. Bullock, July 12, 1904, and
resides in Chicago, 111. Maud Susan, b. Sept. 22, 187G. Josephine Ade-
laide, b. Feb. 5, 1880.
GusTAVus Ames Forrest, b. in N. Aug. 21, 1845; m., Dec. 18, 1871,
Esther A. Krus. He is a prominent lawyer at Manitowoc, Wis. Chil-
dren: Louise, b. Dec. 16, 1872; d., Jan. 31, 1873. James Madison, b. Feb.
16, 1874. Harry Gustavus, b. April 25, 1875. Maud Susan, b. Aug. 3,
1876; d., Sept. 17, 1876. Josephine Adelaide, b. June 10, 1879; m., July,
1903, Key Davis of Manitowoc. Mamie Almira, b. March 20, 1884.
Susan S. Forrest, b. in N. June 9, 1847; m., March 4, 1874, J.
Oviatt, M. D.; d. in Wyocena, Wis., March 15, 1876. Child, b. March
9, 1876; d., Sept. 1, 1876.
(Children of John [fourth] and Sarah Gale Forrest.)
Eliza Jane Forrest, b. at Charlestown, Mass., Jan., 1821 ; d. at San-
bornton, 1842.
Annie Wilkinson Forrest, b. at Canterbury, Oct. 19, 1823; m., Sept.
20, 1840, Dr. William Plummer Cross of N., b. at Sanbornton, July 4,
1816. (See Cross gen.)
Philip Clough Forrest, b. at N. Feb., 1825; d. in Baraboo, Wis.; m.,
1846, Mary Braley of Lowell, Mass. They had two sons and a dau.
Charlotte Forrest, b. at N. 1827; d., at Bristol, 1S46.
John Forrest, b. at N. 1830. He lived in California seven years;
then settled in Minnesota. Both he and his dife d. there.
Joseph Forrest, b. at N. 1832; resided at Pleasant Valley, Minn. He
bought a large tract of land and laid out the town and gave it its
name. He d. there.
Robert Forrest, b. at N. 1834. He lived in Boston; was a dealer
in real estate. He then removed to St. Louis, Mo., and was a sign dec-
orator. M. Lu Forsyth and had two sons, Charlie and Robert, who d.
in infancy of cholera. Mr. Forrest d. at the same time, 1867. She sur-
vived a few years.
Sarah Jane Forrest, b. at N. 1837; m., 1867, Aldis Boyce of Dickin-
son, N. Y. He d. July, 1903. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce were both deaf
mutes. She was educated at New York City in the famous institution
of Dr. Gallaudet; Superintendent, Dr. Peat. He was educated at Hart-
ford, Conn.
(Children of Samuel and Agnes Randall Forrest.)
Anne Ellison Forrest, b. at N. Nov. 3, 1821; was for some years a
teacher, but has spent much of her life in caring for her aged mother,
her brother's family and an invalid sister, Martha. They reside on
the home place.
Susan Knight Forrest, b. at N. Nov. 2, 1823; m. Samuel B. Rogers
of N. She was also a teacher. They had three sons. (See Rogers
LaFayette Forrest, oldest son of Samuel, b. at N. June 29, 1825; m.,
June, 1852, Sarah Varney of Augusta, Me., and had six children, Agnes,
Mary Langdon, John Dempster, James Pike, Annie Ellison and Grace.
He graduated from New Hampton Institution, 1845, and was a teacher
in the schools of Concord, Natick, Mass., and Bangor, Me. He then
took up mercantile life in Bangor, where he d. Dec, 1897.
Jamks Nathamkl Forrest, b. at N. July 12, 1827; m. Mary Augusta
Eaton of Jay, Me., June 28, 1858, and had a family of five. Mr. Forrest
was a teacher of ability and a trusted business man of the town; was
selectman' several years; represented the town in the Legislature of
1867; was superintendent of schools under the district system, 1870,
and afterwards member of the board of education. He d. Jan. 16, 1892.
She d. April 25, 1874.
Martha Randall Forrest, b. Oct. 1, 1831.
Fifth Generation.
(Children of James N. and Mary Augusta Eaton Forrest.)
Kate Forrest, b. June 12, 1859; graduated from Tilton Seminary
June 17, 1882. Taught several terms in N. For the past five years
bookkeeper in the ofl5ce of the Franklin Journal-Transcript.
Samuel Warre.v Forrest, b. July S, 1861; m., Oct. 29. 1900, Susie R.
Paul of Boston, Mass. (See Lawyers of N., portrait and sketch.)
Freddie Forrest, b. Aug. 15, 1863; d., Sept. 3, 1864.
Edwin David Forrest, b. Sept. 2, 1865; m., June 29, 1898, in Cam-
bridge, Vt.. Alfaretta Boomhower, b. Jan. 18, 1873. Graduated from
Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery in 1897; has practised in Cam-
bridge, Vt., and in Denver, Col., and at present is practising in Tilton,
a member of the dental firm. True & Forrest.
Annie Ruth Forrest, b. at N. June 8, 1872; m., Feb. 8, 1899, Daniel
Gardner Stark of Montrose, Penn. She studied kindergartning in Exe-
ter, and for two years before her marriage had a private kindergarten
in New Bedford, Mass. She now resides in Waverly, N. Y., where Mr.
Stark is secretary of the Hall & Lyon Furniture Co.
What is now Oak Hill was formerly Foss Hill. Three brothers owned
all the land from the Cross (now Philips) Brook to the Canterbury
Robert Foss lived near the burying ground in the Hannaford pasture
as the remains of a cellar are now plainly seen. He was a soldier of
the Revolutionary War and d. at N. about 1834. He had sis childi'en,
and his wife was Bean.
Isaac Foss, b. 1770; m. Joanna Willey, Oct. 2, 1792, and (second),
Mary Nudd. Aug., 1826. He d. in 1854. I can find but four children.
Thomas Foss lived near the Canterbury line on original lot No. 11,
as he deeded 50 acres of it to his son, Thomas, Jr.
Second Generation.
(Children of Robert and Beau Foss.)
Mabtiia Foss, b. 1785, called Patty, lived on the Windfall Road. She
d. March 16, 1859, unmarried.
Abagall Foss, b. in 1811; m. John B. Glover of Canterbury and had
five children.
Love Foss, b. April 6, 1781; m., March 23, 1806, Ebenezer Glover,
and had seven children. She lived to be more than 104 years old, and
d., 1885; children resided in Canterbury.
Mary Foss, m. Stephen Haines, Jr., son of Capt. Stephen and brother
of Thomas, and had five children; none resided in N.
Nathaniel Foss, b. at N. Feb. 23, 1774; m., Dec. 2, 1820, Polly Kenis-
ton, and had a family of six. He resided, first, on the Windfall Road,
going later to a farm near the Ledges, adjoining her sister's, where
they reared their family, and both d., he, Oct. 27, 1854; she, March 28,
Charlotte Foss, b. 1805; m. Jonathan McDani,el of Canterbury and
had one dau. (See McDaniel gen.) She d. Dec. 6, 1868.
(Children of Thomas Foss.)
(All b. at N.)
Peiscilla Foss, b. July 22, 1772.
Nathaniel Foss, b. Nov. 4, 1774.
Sarah Foss, b. Nov. 18, 1781; m., Aug. 12, 1810, Amos Hanaford of
(Children of Isaac and Joanna Willey Foss.)
EzEKiEL Foss m., Dec. 24, 1824, Sally Austin and had a son, Erastus.
Moses Foss, date of birth unknown. He m. and had two sons, Ste-
phen and Ebenezer. The latter m., Dec. 26, 1782, Sarah Hoyt.
Jenny Foss m., Dec. 7, 1817, Benjamin Austin.
Fannie Foss m. John Dinsmore of N. (See Dinsmore gen.)
Third Generation.
(Children of Nathaniel and Polly Keniston Foss.)
(All b. at N.)
Cyrene Foss, b. April 1, 1821; d., Nov. 2, 1821.
Cymintha Foss, b. March 24, 1827; m., autumn, 1860, John Wallace
of Hillsboro, N. B. She was a graduate of the New Hampshire Con-
ference Seminary, class of 1852, and a popular teacher. She d. Jan. 2,
1865. Mr. Wallace d. Jan. 2, 1896, leaving a son, John, and dau., Mrs.
Mary Gross.
Almeda Foss, b. April 25, 1827; d. at Concord in 1891. She m., April
11, 1854, Samuel Page of Warner, b. 1820. He was a farmer and drover,
a man of enterprise and public spirit and active member of the Meth-
odist Church. He d. May S, 1878, of diphtheria, aged 58; a son, Sammy,
d. 10 days previous and another, Lucien, three days later. Mrs.
Page was entirely devoid of hearing for many years, but with wonder-
ful fortitude and energy kept her interest in passing events and useful-
ness in her home. They liad five children. They resided some years
in Warner, later in Tilton on the Gale place. Three children survive,
Mrs. Charles Boardman of Concord, Mrs. Nora LaBelle and Herman of
DiAN.\ Foss, b. Aug. 2, 1S31; m., May 5, 1S61, Norris Weeks of San-
bornton, b. May 5, 1829. They have a sou, Herman N. and two dau.,
Mrs. Fidelia F. Hill and Mary Bell, all of Sanbornton.
(See portrait.)
J.\so.v Foss was b. in N. April 4, 1834, and was a lifelong resident.
He possessed more than ordinary good judgment and much executive
ability. These traits were early recognized by his fellow-townsmen,
who repeatedly called him to fill places of responsibility, and his faith-
ful discharge of duty placed him for long terms among the officers of
the town. He was also honored with more important trusts, being sent
to the Legislature, 1SS8"'S9, and was also interested in the industrial
prosperity of the town. After a long residence on the paternal acres
he bought the George Hancock place on High St., repaired and enlarged
the buildings, and for a time combined a wood and lumber business
with general farming.
He removed, in 1884, near the village where, with less exhaustive
work, he filled up the passing years. He purchased the Pease Mill and
manufactured finish lumber and builders' supplies, and was un-
disputed authority in all matters pertaining to lumber and wood, and
was often called upon as an expert in these matters.
He m.. May 28, 1871, Susan H. Hill, and their home has always dis-
pensed the most unbounded hospitality, as she possessed that rare
nature that delighted in service. Her name was the synonym for all
that is womanly and good and the memory of her charity and kindness
of heart will ever remain with those who knew her. Mr. Foss was
one of the charter members of Friendship Grange and its first master,
and both were prominent in its working force. He was a member of
the board of selectmen and a trustee of lona Savings Bank at the time
of his death. Mr. and Mrs. Foss both d. of pneumonia Feb., 1903,
within a few days. Their only child, Mary Evelyn, retains and re-
mains in the home.
Fidelia Foss. b. Aug. 29, 183G; remained after her mother's death,
the faithful care-taker of the home. She m., 1SS8, Robert Rowe of
Newport, and d. there Aug. 13, 1901. He d. Feb., 1902.
Fourth Generation.
Mary Evely.x Foss, b. at N. April 19. 1874, took preparatory course
at Tilton Seminary and graduated at State Normal School in 1897.
She has since been a teacher in Tilton and Northfleld graded school.
Solomon Feench came to N. from Candia and settled near Chestnut
Pond. He m., Dec. 23, 1792, Hannah Smith, a neighbor, and had three
dau. He m. a second time and had five children, four sons and one
dau. A brother of Solomon m. Sarah Smith, sister to his wife, Hannah.
Second Generation.
(Children of Solomon and Hannah Smith French.)
(B. at N.)
Sally Fkench, b. 1795; m. Josiah Colby of Sandown, Oct. 23, 1819.
They resided in East N. and had four children. They removed later
to Belmont, where he d. (See Colby gen.) She m. (second), Ephraim
Cross of West N. (See Cross gen.)
Nicholas French m., March 23, 1853, Lovina Glines (see Glines
gen.), and resided on the Rand place near the schoolhouse. They had
one dau. He d. July 16, 1S61. She m. (second), Capt. Lyman Fellows,
who d. April 20, 1885. She now resides at Laconia.
Solomon French, Jr., b. at N. and d. at Bristol.
Ruth French m. Leavitt of Meredith.
(Children of Solomon and second wife.)
Andrew French, b. March 20, 1S07; m., Dec. 28, 1835, Nancy Good-
win, b. at N. Feb. 15, 1811. Both d. at East N. He, Oct. 26, 1883; she.
May 24, 1885. They had two sons.
Hannah S. French.
Mart A. French m., Feb. 1, 1838, Joseph Rand of N. (See Rand
Third Generation.
(Children of Andrew and Nancy Goodwin French.)
(B. in N.)
Lowell Mason French, b. at East N. June 12, 1837; m., Nov. 13, 1862,
Amanda A. Gile and had six children. (See Gile gen.) Mr. French
inherited the paternal acres, which he successfully tilled for many
years. Compelled by failing health, he removed near the village in
March, 1895. He was often called to fill town offices and was one of
its selectmen in 1886, 1888, 1889 and 1901, and was justice of the
peace for five years. Mr. and Mrs. French were charter members of
Friendship Grange; have each held many of its offices.
John Augustus French, b. at N. Oct. 21, 1848, and d. at the home,
(Child of Nicholas and Lovina Glines French.)
Ellen M. French, b. April 17, 1854; m., April 15, 1885, George F.
McKenney of Laconia, where they now reside. They had one child,
Harry Clifton, who d. July 23, 1887, aged three months.
Fourth Generation.
(Children of Lowell and Amanda Gile French.)
(B. in N.)
Chaki.ks Alc.xzo French, b. Jan. 21, 1864; m., June 27, 1895, Arlinnia
M. Hill of Tilton, where they reside. They have three children, Leo
•C., Willie W. and Gust A.
Bektha Alice Fhench, b. Oct. 20, 1SG6; m., Dec. 20, 1893, Arthur A.
Stevens of Franklin. They reside at N. He is a house builder. Mrs.
Stevens was educated at Tilton Seminary and was a teacher in N.
;Schools until her marriage.
Mabel Edna French, b. May 3. 1871; m.. May 24, 1899, Arthur J.
Roy, a druggist, of Tilton. They reside on Bay St. They have one
dau., Doris V.
WiixiAM WooDBiRV French, b. July 17, 1872; m., Oct. 24, 1894, Ella
A. Morrison. He d. very suddenly Aug. 21, 1897. He was a farmer
•on the homestead.
Flora Gertrlde French, b. May 19, 1878; m., June 8, 1899, Alfred
Booth of Tilton.
Minnie Lawrence French, b. Nov. 16, 1880.
WiixiAM French and two sisters came to N. from Sanbornton before
their majority, about 1832. Their two guardians, Bradbury Morrison
and Jeremiah Sanborn, purchased the farm now owned by George
Chase, of Moses and Betsey French Cross, Dec. 26, 1809. Mr. French
on attaining his majority, bought 25 acres of William Clough of Barn-
stead, which is described as a "part of the Lindsey lot adjoining Sken-
duggody Meadow." He m., in 1833, Susan Capen of Holden, Vt., and
had one son. He d. April, 1839. She m. (second), Lyford Morrison.
(See Morrison gen.)
Second Generation.
William C. French, b. at N. Jan. 1, 1835; m., Nov., 1859. Mary Elisa-
beth Brown, b. Jan. 28, 1838. (See Brown gen.)
They resided on Park St. and later he became station agent at N. De-
pot, where he remained for 30 years. He was one of the board of select-
men for five years; collector for two, and was representative in 1858
.and 1866. He dealt much in cattle, and was postmaster 16 years. Mrs.
French was his accountant and telegrapher and a business woman
generally. They removed to the Chase farm on High St., where she
■d. 1897. They had four children, two of whom d. in infancy.
Third Generation.
Nellie Si:san French, b. July 19, 1864; m. Harold W. Cameron and
-d. at Maiden. Mass., 1895. They had one son, Carl Stewart Cameron,
b. 1894, at Boston, Mass.
Habey Brown French, b. Dec. 7, 1865; m., 1888, Jeanette Seaver of
Hillsborough Bridge, where he had charge of the railroad station.
They had one dau. He has been for a term of years at Vancouver, B.
C, and San Diego, Cal. He m. (second), Winnifred Gear. He is en-
gaged in hotel business in Los Angeles.
Willie P. French, b. at N. in 1881; d. in 1884.
Fourth Generation.
Marion V. French, b. at Hillsborough, 1890, resides at Vancouver.
Peter French was a native of Salisbury, Mass., b. in 1787; m., 1818,
Lydia Starbird of Strafford Bow Lake, b. March 19, 1793. He had been
on a sailing vessel as sailor and was over 30 years of age. They
first settled in Loudon. In 1828, they came to N. and bought the John
Stevens farm and settled near his sister, Mrs. Benjamin Winslow. t>
They spent their lives and d. there. He, Oct. 30, 1857; she, Jan. 15,
1869. She was a resolute woman, a fine singer and member of the
newly formed Congregational Church and member of its choir. They
had two children.
Second Generation.
Almira S. French, b. at Loudon Feb. 4, 1818; m., 1839, John G. Carl-
ton of Derry. (See Carlton gen.)
Cyrus Tucker French, b. at Loudon Jan. 25, 1826; completed his
education at the old academy and at New Hampshire Conference Sem-
inary under Prof. Dyer H. Sanborn, and was a skilful player of sev-
eral instruments and a good singer. He was leader of the choir many
years. He also served as clerk of the town. He m., Dec. 7, 1848, Mary,
dau. of Nathaniel Herrick of Factory Village. He has always resided
on the homestead and since her death, Oct. 12, 1899, has lived alone.
Frank J. French (see portrait) came from Concord to N. in 1880 and
purchased the Demore Wyatt farm at the head of Skenduggody Meadow.
He was b. at Gilmanton in 1855 and m. Nettie M., dau. of Rev. John G.
Munsey, Aug. 16, 1879. They carry on a milk farm with nearly a score
of cows. Before coming to N. he was for eight years an overseer in the
workshops of New Hampshire state prison. He is a Mason, member
of Doric Lodge, St. Omer Chapter, of Franklin, and Mt. Horeb Com-
mandery, Knights Templar, of Concord. They are Free Baptists in
belief, but worship with Congregational Church. Mrs. French was edu-
cated at Lebanon Female Seminary. He represented N. in the mem-
orable Legislature of 1901. They have one son.
Second Generation.
Harold Mvnsey French, b. at N. Dec. 31, 1884; graduated from New
Hampton Literary Institute, class of 1905.
JoH.v W. French, b. at Chichester Nov. 3, 1862; m., April 6, 1892,
Mary S. Jones, b. at Canterbury Nov. 17, 1866. They came to N. Aug.
11, 1899. He is a farmer and resides on the Thomas Lyford place on
Zion's Hill. They are connected with the Northfield Grocery Co. and
Mr. French has served the town as one of its auditors. They had three
Second Generation.
Lloyd R. French, b. at Laconia Aug. 15, 1895; d. at N. Aug. 20, 1902.
Hazel Ardele French, b. at Laconfa 1898.
Ruth Evelyn French, b. at N. March 28, 1901.
George French, called "Big George," owned the farm on Oak Hill
adjoining his Uncle George and cousin of the same name. He m. Nancy
Buswell, b. at N., 1820, and had eight children. This farm was sold to
Rev. John Chamberlain and they went to reside with a sister, Mrs. Amos
Frye of Hopkinton, where both d. and were brought to Oak Hill for
Second Generation.
(All b. at N.)
RoxiE Jane French, b. 1848; m. Aurelius Dyer of Penacook and d.
at N. April 26, 1875. They had a son, "Willie, who d. in childhood.
Rvrus French, b. 1849, was fatally injured by falling backward from
a moving wagon, Nov. 29, 1856.
Hannah French m. Orville Cummings and resides at Worcester,
Ella French, d. at 12, and Sarah at 20.
Clara French resides in the home of her uncle at Hopkinton.
LI2ZIE French, m. Herman Sanborn and resides in Manchester; has
two children.
George E. French, b. 1781; came to Oak Hill, N., about 1806, from
Billerica, Mass. He had a family of four. He d. April 29, 1862; his
wife, Dec. 8, 1855, aged 73. They were general farmers and devoted
Second Generation.
Maby French, b. May 16, 180G; m. Joseph Brown of Canterbury as
his second wife.
Anna French, b. Dec. 31, 1810.
George French, Jr., called "Little George," b. Dec. 9, 1815; m. Lydia
Buswell, b. at N., 1820. They had one son, James H. Buswell, who d.
in boyhood April 28, 1857. They gave a home to several orphan chil-
dren and were unselfish Christian people. Mrs. French, after his
death, April 26, 1874, sold the farm to Daniel Drown and removed to
Tilton, where she d. May 4, 1883. Mr. Drown d. at Oak Hill May 31,
1881, and his family moved to "Webster.
Hannah French, b. March 24, 1818; m. Osgood Foster and removed
to Canterbury.
Martha French, b. Sept. 10, 1820; m. Hammond of Bristol.
Note. — This family gave the little burying ground at Oak Hill for a
free neighborhood burial place and the entire family are buried there.
Benjamin Gale, b. at Fairfax, Vt., Dec. 21, 1833; m. (first), Nov. 1,
1864, Mrs. Julia A. Calef of Salisbury, b. Aug. 15, 1835, who d. May 3,
1866. He m. (second), Oct. 31, 1867, Hattie F. Weeks of Gilford, b.
June 11, 1842. He was in the Civil War at the age of 29. (See Boys in
Blue.) Later he traded at Franklin Falls. They had seven children,
four of whom d. in infancy. Mr. Gale came to N. in 1881 and bought
the Thurston place on the Bean Hill road. He was employed as dyer
at the Buell Mills until his death in 1894. He served as selectman
and member of school board three years. She d. July 26, 1902.
Second Generation.
Elmer R. Gale, b. at Franklin Falls July 15, 1875; m., Aug. 5, 1901,
Florence M. Clark of Tilton. He was in the dry goods trade at Tilton
for several years, being a member of the firm of Gale & Horner, at
present Elmer R. Gale, and was clerk of the town three years. He has
lately erected a house on Summer St., near the town hall.
Ernest F. Gale, b. at Franklin Falls March 31, 1879; m., Dec. 25,
1902, Sadie F. Ward of Rochester, where he resides and is employed
by the Rochester Beef Co. They have one child, Marjory Harriet, b.
March 4, 1905.
Grace E. Gale, b .at N. Aug. 30, 1882; now resides with Mrs. George
F. Weeks on Bay St., and is employed by the Ideal Manufacturing Co.
Chauncy Garvin came to N. in 1853. He m., Dec. 31, 1832, Sally
Tibbetts, b. Jan. 1, 1801. He was a coarse stone-worker. They had
three children, one, William, d. young. The home was at the corner
of Fish St. and the Wedgewood road. She d. Sept. 6, 1875, and he,
Sept. 27, 1S83. They are buried by the town house.
Second Generation,
Martha A. Garvin, b. May 21, 1S3S; m., Nov. 19, 18G0, James Kennard
of Manchester, where she d. Jan. 18, 1904.
Sakaii Jane Garvin,, b. Oct. 10, 1840; d., Dec. 31, 1843. The Garvin
homestead is now owned by Mrs. Mary E. FoUett.
Charlks Garland, b. at Salisbury, came to N. Factory Village about
1835; m., Nov. 24, 1841, Mrs. Jane Morrison, widow of John Lowe San-
born. He was bookkeeper in the Franklin Mills and a deacon of the
Christian Church. They had four children, all of whom went West
except Charles F., who was drowned at 15 years of age, and John L.
He d. at Godfrey, 111., March 11, 1879, but was buried in Franklin Ceme-
tery. She d. at Hampton Beach Aug. 15, 1880. He sold to John Carl-
ton in 1859. The house was originally built in the Kezar garden before
the Gerrish road was opened.
MosKs Garland, who spent his early life with the Shakers, came to
N. in 1849 and purchased the farm of Elisha Lougee. Renouncing his
early belief, he m. Mary E. Kingsbury of Newton, Mass. They had one
dau., Fannie, who resides at the home in Tilton, which her father
bought when he sold his farm to Hezekiah Bean of Upper Gilmanton.
Mr. Garland was sexton of Park Cemetery for many years and d. in
1888. Mrs. Garland was an invalid for many years and d. Nov. 4, 1891.
Ali'Red a. Gardner was b. at Bedford, Mass., May 29, 1823; m., Jan.
1, 1846, Laura Cheney, b. at Londonderry Dec. 13, 1826. Mrs. Gardner
d. Aug. 23, 1869. He d. May 10, 1877. They resided at N. Factory
Village, now Franklin Falls.
Second Generation,
Orison H. Gardner, b. at Manchester Sept. 1, 1846, and d. Feb. 3,
Ida Lisette G.ardner, b. at Manchester Aug. 18, 1S49, and d. Oct. 26,
loLA Laubette Gardner, b. at Manchester Aug. 19, 1851.
William Alberto Gabdxeb, b. at Franklin Aug. 26, 1853; m., Jan. 20,
1876, Isabelle Adams of Franklin and had two children. He came to
N. in 1887 and established a grocery store in Tilton. He represented
the town in the Legislature of 1899 and has held the office of treasurer
in Union School District many years. After 14 years' residence on
Elm St., N., he removed to Tilton in 1899.
Carrie Belle Gabdxer, b. at Franklin Dec. 3, 1855.
Third Generation.
Laura May Gardner, b. at Franklin May 9, 1899; m., Jan. 1, 1903,
Willis Horner of Tilton and they have one dau., Isabelle, b. Sept. 20,
1904. He was for several years a member of the firm of Gale & Horner,
dry goods. They reside at Thornton.
Fred Alberto Gardner, b. at Franklin July 16, 1883, after a course
at Tilton Seminary, graduated in the class of 1904. The following year
he entered the State Agricultural College at Durham. He was a page
in the New Hampshire Legislature at the session of 1901.
Oscar Gates came from Lebanon and bought the Gibson place of
Ira Oliver. He m. Nettie Hoyt of Lebanon and, after some years of
farming here, sold to Walter Heath and bought the Rogers farm on
Bean Hill road. In 1898 he removed to Salisbury. The place is now
owned by Nelson Duval.
Joseph Gerrish, b. March 7, 1777, was the son of Colonel Henry and
grandson of Captain Stephen. He settled in N. in 1804 on the Merri-
mack River opposite the farm of the late Daniel Webster and was an
extensive farmer and dealer in real estate. Paul Gerrish was granted
the 100-acre lot No. 176 and this was a part of his farm. He m. (pub.),
July 11, 1811, Susan Hancock, b. July 13, 1791, and d. Nov., 1849. It is
said of his father that "he was one of the first settlers in Boscawen and
had all the qualities to make him a leader in any community." His
wife was Elizabeth, sister of Rev. William Patrick of Canterbury.
They had seven sons and four dau., and lived to see them well settled.
Joseph Gerrish d. May 25, 1851. They had 13 children.
Second Generation.
(All b. at N.)
Absolom Gerrish, b. June 22, 1809, removed to Elkhorn, 111., where
he lived and d. He m., June 5, 1837. . She d. Sept. 2, 1874.
Milton Gerrish, b. Nov. 29, 1812; m. Olive Dimick of Hartford, Vt.,
and lived on an intervale farm just south of his father's. In early life
he, with his brother-in-law, conducted an extensive dry goods business
at Sanbornton Bridge, and were burned out at the "corner," and he
returned to the farm, although he was never wholly a farmer. He was
an insurance agent and dealt largely in wool and hides. He became
a man of wealth. They had three children. He d. Nov. 24, 1885. Of
their three children, two sons, Frank M. and Charles, constituted the
firm of Gerrish Bros., tanners, at Manchester for years and the dau.,
Clara, became the wife of Dr. Boutwell of Manchester.
Cynthia A. Gerrish, b. Feb. 8, 1813; m., Sept. 7, 1835, Jacob Moore
of Canterbury. They removed to Grysville, 111., in 1849. They had
five children.
Almiba Gerbi.sh, b. March 13, 1815; m., Oct. 4, 1838, Charles H.
Ayers of Canterbury. (See Ayers gen.) She d. Feb. 23, 1854.
Louisa Gerrish, b. Jan. 28, 1817; m., March 19, 1845, Dea. Nathan B.
Stearns of Lebanon. She d. Dec. 29, 1848.
LuciEx Gerrish, b. Feb. 8, 1819; m., Oct. 13, 1846, Mary Dimick of
Hartford, Vt., and had one dau., Sarah. He resided at Tilton, where
he conducted a livery and sale stable, and d. there July 26, 1859.
Stephen Gerrish, b. Nov. 29, 1821; m., 1855, Mrs. Alice Hammond of
Franklin. He occupied the homestead many years but removed to
Franklin and engaged in the grocery trade and later had a sale and
livery stable. He d. Sept. 5, 1888. Mrs. Gerrish d. Aug. 20, 1896.
Leonard Gerrish, b. June 11, 1823; m. Emily Gerrish of Boscawen
and had two dau. He was an extensive farmer on a part of the home
farm and erected a fine house. He combined many kinds of business
with agriculture. He was a dealer in horses and carriages and was
also a lumberman. Losses followed and he confined himself to farming
alone some years before his death, which occurred Oct. 8, 1893. Mrs.
Gerrish d. May 27, 1879.
ScsAN Gerrish, b. July 25, 1825; m., Jan. 27, 1852, Dr. Luther C. Bean.
They settled at Penacook and later removed to Chicago. She d. at
Lebanon Sept. 3, 1869. They had two sons and a dau.. Charles, William
and Susan Alice. Only the dau. survives.
Joseph Ge:rbish, b. May 2, 1827, is now located at Rochester, Minn.
Alfred A. Gerrish, b. July 4, 1829. was a graduate of Dartmouth
College and Medical School. He was also a private pupil of Dr. Charles
H. Peaslee of Hanover. He graduated March 3, 1853. He located first
at Mt. Vernon. In 1865 he went to Lowell, Ind., where he remained
until his death July, 1903. Aside from professional prominence he
was a public-spirited citizen, always to be found on the side of tem-
perance and education.
Carlos Gerrish. b. April 17, 1831, went overland to California in 1S52.
Ellen M. Gerrish. b. Oct. 19, 1833; m., Oct. 15, 1854, Charles H.
Ayers of Canterbury and had one dau. (See Ayers gen.)
Third Generation.
(Children of Leonard and Emily Gerrish.)
Josephine M. Gerrish, b. Oct. 17, 1851; m. Thompson Perkins of
Boston. They reside in Middleboro, Mass.
Helen L. Gerrish, b. Aug. 6, 1858, resides at Franklin Falls.
The wife of John Forrest, who came from Canterbury to live on
the Leighton farm, was Elinor Gipson of Canterbury. They were m. in
Canterbury and had nine children.
Their dau., Elinor, m. Jeremiah Gibson Nov. 21, 177G, and he at once
went to war. He was then 25 years of age. Her sister, Anna Forrest,
m. James Gibson, who was a nephew of the above-named Jeremiah, and
d. Oct. 18, 1783. He was a son of James, who is on record as a scout
along the Pemigewasset and its branches under Lieutenant Miles. He
was in the War of the Revolution, in Col. Jeremiah Clough's regiment,
and d. March 3, 1825. They had a son, James, who m. Jane Forrest,
and had 10 children. She d. Jan. 11, 1819.
Second Generation.
Polly (Mary) Gibson, b. in Canterbury; m. William Hancock, and
resided in N. They had seven children.
Agnes Gibson, b. in N. Aug. 15, 1791; m. Moses Heath in 1816. (See
Heath gen.)
Nancy Gibson, b. July 25, 1796, in Sanborn ton; resided with her
brother, Samuel, and d. at Franklin.
Betsey Gibson d. in infancy.
Rodney Gibson, b. April 8, 1799; m. Martha Hancock, b. 1796. They
were farmers and lived below Hodgdon Hill, where she d. April 7,
18^8. He went to reside with his son, Charles, near Portage City,
Samuel Gibson, b. Dec, 1806; d., June 9, 1873.
Jeremiah Gibson, b. Sept. 8, 1814; d., Dec, 1845.
Ebenezer Gibson m. and lived in Concord for several years and later
moved to California.
Benjamin F. Gibson became a physician and resided in Indiana.
James Gibson went to California and d. there.
Jonathan Gile, b. 1740, came to the north fields of Canterbury and
was employed at the Cross settlement. He bought many tracts of land,
some 400 acres in all, covered by no less than eight deeds. He estab-
lished his family on half of 100-acre lot 194, bought of Peter Hanaford
with dwelling house and barn for £108. The deed is dated Jan. 10,
1782. The farm is now owned by Albert Titcomb. Probably all his
10 children were b. there. His wife was Sarah Sherburn, whom he
m. in 1773. He d. 1817. She d. in 1815, and they are both buried in
the Williams burying ground. He was a soldier in the French and
Indian War and also in the Revolution. (See Revolutionary Soldiers.)
Second Generation.
Rachel Gile, b. May 3, 1781; m., July, 1808, Thomas Wadleigh of N.
He was private secretary and body-guard of Lieutenant Glidden. (See
Wadleigh gen.) After his death she m. (second), Samuel Dalton.
(See Dalton gen.)
Abel Gile, b. May 16, 1787; m., 1814, Statira Forrest and removed
to Danville, Vt. His brother, James, also lived there.
Thomas Gile, b. Sept. 2, 1789; m., Jan., 1818, Jane Foi-rest and bought
the farm of Gideon Sawyer on Bean Hill. They set out in life with
small means but good courage and fertile acres. After a long and
useful life they rest in the little enclosure opposite the home. Mrs. Gile
d. in 1S56. He d. in 1869. They had two sons, one of whom d. at 25,
E>^ocH Gile, b. May 23, 1794; m., 1816, Polly Lyford of N., b. 1798.
They resided on a part of the homestead and were farmers. They had
two dau. and a son, Rufus, who d. in childhood. Mrs. Gile d. April
24, 1854. He d. Jan. 6, 1871.
Sarah Gile, b. June 22, 1783; m. (pub.), Oct. 9, 1808, John Pearson
Sanborn of East N., b. Sept. 25, 1794. He was a farmer in Palo, 111., and
d. there May 30, 1870.
Capt. Jonathan Gile, Jr., b. Jan. 22, 1779; m. Hannah Haines of N.
He was a soldier in the War of 1812, serving in the Fourth United
States Regiment, Western Brigade, and was at the Battle of Tippecanoe.
He was a captain of artillery and was drowned. They had one dau.
Joseph Gile, b. June 22, 1785; m. Polly Greenough of Canterbury.
He was a farmer and bought a part of his father's estate next west, and
erected buildings, which he soon sold to Joseph Marden, and moved
over the Ledges, where he located on the western half of lots 176 and
177 of the original survey, then owned by Daniel Blanchard. He added
to this from time to time. The buildings were located on a slope over-
looking the Merrimack Valley. (See Gile Homestead.) They had
three sons and two dau. Mr. Gile d. Feb. 22, 1828. She d. June 28,
1863. They are buried at the Hodgdon Cemetery.
Amos Gile. b. May 5, 1795; m., May 26, 1819, Mehitable Forrest of
Canterbury, b. July 28, 1791. He inherited one half of the paternal
acres, which he tilled until 1841 when he sold to Hiram Glines and
moved to Canaan, where he d. 28 years later. She d. Aug. 20, 1849.
He was twice m. They reared a family of eight.
Betsey Gile. b. July 11, 1798; m. (first) (pub.), Feb. 11, 1821, Jona-
than Glines and had one son. (See Glines gen.) Later she m. Allison
McDaniel. (See McDaniel gen.)
Third Generation.
(Child of Jonathan and Hannah Haines Gile.)
Hanxah Gile, b. Feb. 6, 1805; m., Oct. 15, 1828, Sidney Forrest of
Canterbury, who first established a home on Range 4 by the Rogers
meadow. His ambitions were larger than his rocky farm and he soon
removed West This house was moved to Sanbornton Bridge and was a
part of the Deacon Hall house by the tannery. Mr. Forrest after many
years returned to Belmont, where he d. in 1871. She d. July 14, 1891.
They had a family of seven, all b. at Porter, O., except one b. at N., who
d. in infancy. (See Forrest gen.)
(Children of Joseph and Polly Greenough Gile.)
(All b. at N.)
(See portrait.)
Alfred Augustus Gile was b. at N. Oct. 9, 1807, and d. at the home-
stead, which was then a part of Franklin, Oct. 31, 1882. He m., 1833,
Mary Lucinda Kern, b. at Pottsville. Pa., June 5, 1811, and d. at
Franklin Dec. 12, 1880. They are buried at Franklin. Mr. Gile was,
although a farmer, thoughtful in his work and was self-educated far
in advance of the point where his school work terminated. He was an
exhaustive and discriminating reader and became familiar with the
classics in middle life. He was greatly interested in local affairs and
as superintendent of schools took a deep interest in not only the in-
tellectual but the physical betterment of the young and was especially
qualified for this work. He was chairman of the board of selectmen
from 1848 to 1852. The homestead overlooking the Merrimack, the
Webster place, now the Orphans' Home, commanded also a fine view
of Kearsarge and Ragged Mountain and is one of the most attractive
in the state (see view), and the well-appointed home has been oc-
cupied by some of the family for many years and kept until 1904, for
over a century, in the Gile name.
Mary Flagg Gile, b. 1810; m., about 1840, John F. Barr of Danvers,
where they lived and d., he in 1872, she in 1888. A gift to Union Church
in memory of her brother, Alfred A. Gile, and a bequest to the Tilton
and Northfield Congregational Church keep her in grateful remem-
hrance. They had no children.
Thomas Gile, b. 1814, was a farmer and on the breaking out of the
Civil War followed the example of his uncle and grandfather. (See
Boys in Blue.i)
Abagail Greenough Gile, b. 1818; m. Emery Batchelder of Loudon,
and d. in 1885.
(Children of Thomas and Jane Forrest Gile.)
(B. at N.)
WfLLiAM Forrest Gile, b. April 3, 1S20; d., unmarried, May 15, 1845.
Charles Aloxzo Gile, b. July 21, 1822; m. Mary J. Woodbury of N.
and resided on the home place. They were energetic, prosperous farm-
ers and had two sons and two dau. Mr. Gile d. in 18G3, the result of
being thrown from his carriage three days pi-evious. Mrs. Gile still re-
mains in the home.
(Children of Enoch and Polly Lyford Gile.)
(B. at N.)
Sarah Sherburn Gile, b. Aug., 1817; m., 1835, Lyman P. Lawrence
of Boston and had a son, Laroy P., now of Ocean Spray, Mass., and
dau., Ellen S.
Haxxah Lyford Gile. b. Sept. 13. 1S29; m., Jan. 15, 1855, Asa Lom-
bard, a merchant of Boston, now of Reading, Mass. They have three
children, Nellie, Willard and Mary.
(Children of Amos and Mehitable Forrest Gile.)
(All b. at N.)
William Forrest Gile, b. June 17, 1820; m., I^ec. 1, 1842, Mary Leeds
of Canaan and had one dau., Helen. Mrs. Gile d. May 13, 1S4G. He m.
(second), Harriet Lee of Hartland, Vt., and had a son and dau. He
moved to Manly, la.
Dorothy Caroline Gile. b. April 23, 1822; m., 1842, Alvah Gilman of
Canaan. They had two sons, Sidney, who d. in 1866, and Horatio of
Hood's Farms at Derry, and one dau., Aurilla, wife of Charles J. Rand
of Loudon. Mr. Gilman was in youth captain of infantry in the New
Hampshire Militia. He served as a nine-months' volunteer in the Civil
War, was promoted for merit and was a corporal in Company F, Fif-
teenth Regiment. He d. of malaria at Baton Rouge, La., June 3, 1S63,
just as he was to be discharged.
Haxxah Forrest Gile, b. June 26, 1824; m. (first), Isaac Hanscomb
of Hanover. They had one son, Charles Forrest, now of Johnstown
Centre, Wis. She m. (second), Dea. Washington Clark of Franklin
Falls, Jan., 1874, and d. March 21, 1876.
Mary Ann Gile. b. Jan. 28, 1826; m., July 7, 1S51. Rev. Nathan
Jones, a Free Baptist minister at Hanover, Canaan and elsewhere.
He was also a manufacturer of hammers at Canaan, always preach-
ing on the Sabbath, without pay, until the last ten years of his life
at Campton, where he d. June 13, 1894. Mrs. Jones was a teacher
previous to her marriage and was her husband's faithful and worthy
assistant in his church work. She resides with her only child, Arden
F., at Concord.
LrcY C. Gile, b. Nov. 8, 1830; d., at Canaan, in 1857.
Maria F. Gile. b. Nov. 2, 1834; m., Nov. 12, 1857, Ira L. Gile of En-
field. He was injured by a fall and d. a year later. She m. (second),
John Worthen, now of Escondida, Cal. She d. at Enfield Aug. 27, 1877.
Joseph Henky Gile, b. June 27, 1837, remained on the farm until his
enlistment in the Seventh New Hampshire Regiment and went to Fer-
nandina. He was at Fort "Wagner. His last letter spoke of the coming
attack; he was never heard from. (See Boys in Blue.)
Fourth Generation.
(Children of Alfred and Mary Kern Gile.)
(B. at N.)
Joseph Gile, b. Oct. 14, 1835. (See Teachers of N.)
Mary Margaret Gile, b. March 28, 1837. (See portrait and sketch.
Teachers of N.)
Peter Kern Gile, b. Jan. 14, 1839; m., 1885, Olive A. Wadleigh of N.
He resided in and carried on the homestead for many years, retiring
on account of ill health. He bought in 1903 the Wadleigh homestead,
where he now resides. He has been a specialist in fruit raising, often
harvesting 3,000 bushels of choice fruit a year.
Em.aia Matilda Gile, b. Jan. 25, 1841, was educated at the New Hamp-
shire Conference Seminary and was a teacher for some years previous
to her marriage to John A. Brown of Philadelphia, Pa. After a resi-
dence at Greely, Col., she returned to the home and remained until its
sale. She has one son, Alfred Brown. They reside at Franklin Falls.
William Augustus Gile, b. June 5, 1843. (See portrait and sketch in
Lawyers of N.)
FRA^X'IS Alfred Gile, b. July 19, 1845, served in the Civil War. (See
Boys in Blue.) He m., July 9, 1870, Ann C. Gilmore of Jersey City.
He taught penmanship, studied medicine and graduated at New York,
where he first went into practice. He is now a physician at Orange.
N. J.
Helen C. Gile d. at six years of age.
Lucia K. Gile, b. May 22, 1852, graduated at the New Hampshire
Conference Seminary, class of 1872. She later studied elocution at the
Boston School of Oratory. She m. Edward F. Fassett and for a while
resided at Kansas City, Mo., and later at Portland, Me. She has four
sons and a daughter, viz.: Francis, Wallace, Willard, who d. at six years,
Malcom, Alice and Harold.
(Children of Alonzo and Mary Woodbury Gile.)
Amanda A. Gile, b. March 12, 1846; m., Nov. 12, 1861, Lowell M.
French, a prosperous farmer of East N. They removed — his health
failing — to Park St., in the spring of 1895. They are enthusiastic
Grangers. They have six children. (See French gen.)
Belle Woodbury Gile, b. May 25, 1852, was a teacher for a long term
of years. She m., Dec. 5, 1893, Frank Robertson of N. (See Robertson
I— I
Cliff Forrest Gile, b. Aug. 15, 1S56; m., May 22, 1883, M. Etta Hills
of N., b. July 21, 1854. He had for several years a wheat ranch in Cali-
fornia. He returned and purchased a grain mill at Newport, where
they reside. They have one child, Leland Warren, b. Dec. 11, 1883.
Mr. Gile has held various town offices and is a K. of P.
Clyde Ambrose Gile, b. March 6, 1860; m., Sept. 18, 1895, Mary A.
Robertson of N., b. Aug. 9, 1S68. They reside on the paternal acres and
are general farmers. They are members of Friendship Grange and
have three children: Evelyn Ruby, b. 1898; Stanley Clyde, b. 1901; and
Alonzo Robertson, b. 1904.
Mr. Gile was a charter member of Friendship Grange and has taken
premiums for meritorious exhibits at the annual fairs, not the least
being for the handsomest baby, Miss Evelyn.
Jonathan Gilman was b. at Exeter Dec. 5, 1761. His father, Samuel,
is said to have been a sailor from the coast of Maine. He bought 500
acres around Chestnut Pond. Jonathan m., Sept. 3, 1790, Sarah Whit-
cher, b. May 20, 1774, and settled in N. in 1789. He had been a Revo-
lutionary soldier and was at Bunker Hill. They had 14 children.
Mr. Gilman was a trusted business man of the town. He d. Nov. 25,
1847. She d. April 4, 1855.
Second Generation.
(All b. at N.)
NANcr Gilman, b. Jan. 3, 1791; m., May 14, 1820, Jonathan Clough.
(See Clough gen.)
Josiaii Gilman d., in infancy, Dec, 1792.
Betsey Gilman, b. May 30, 1794; m. (pub.), June 20, 1814, Stephen
Haines of West N.
Sally Gilman, b. July 17, 1796; m., June 19, 1814, King L. Hills, and
removed to Sheffield, Vt. After his death, Dec. 22, 1863, she removed
to the West. (See Hills gen.) She d. April 4, 1900.
John Taylor Gilman, b. Aug. 30, 179S; m. Betsey Rogers, b. July 1,
1804, and removed to Columbia, where she d. in 1SS8. They had four
children: Betsey, Jonathan, John and Sarah. He d. Jan. 11. 1SS2.
William Gilman, b. Feb. 15, 1801; m., 1831, Nancy Smith. They
were farmers in various places in town and also in the West. Later
In life they moved to Lexington, Mass., where they celebrated in ISSl
her 70th birthday and golden wedding. (See Smith gen.)
Mary W. Gilman, b. July 25, 1803; m., Sept. 3, 1820, John Annis of
Dunbarton. They removed to Columbia, where he was a farmer.
Jane W. Gilman, b. Nov. 6. 1S05: m. Wesley Knowles and resided
on his father's homestead. (See Knowles gen.) She d. Sept. 20,
Harriet Oilman, b. Feb. 6, ISll; m. Charles, son of Walker Buzzell,
and built the house now occupied by Deacon Abbott. After some years
they removed to Annawan, 111., where he d. Mr. Buzzell was a clothier
for Benjamin Chase in his early life. She lives in Chicago at an ex-
treme age.
Charles W. Giljiax. b. Aug. 6, 1815; m. Olive Ann Whitcher. They
resided on the homestead and had a son and dau., who removed to the
West with their parents in 1856. Mrs. Gilman, 1st, d. Aug., 1848. He
m. (second), Nancy Tilton of Mei'edith.
The farm was sold Jan. 29, 1856, to Thomas Poor of Thornton. (See
Poor gen.)
Harrison Oilman, b. May 30, 1818, d., in early manhood, unmarried,
Aug. 19, 1834.
Andrew Oilman, b. 1762, came from Gilford and was a brickmaker.
He carried on a mill near the present Granite Mill for some years and
d. there Oct. 16, 1842. He was a Free Baptist deacon.
Second Generation.
Nathaniel Oilman, b. April 1, 1793, in Gilford, was a farmer on
what became later the town farm. He removed later to the corner of
the Sanborn road in Tilton near the Shaker Bridge, where he man-
ufactured sleighs. He m. (first), Sally Smith of Gilford, who d. May
17, 1840. He m. (second), Aug. IS, 1842, Sally Philbrook, who d. June
4, 1865. He d. April 6, 1869. He had 10 children but two of whom
resided in N.
Third Generation.
Deborah Oilman, b. March, 1816; m., Oct. 4, 1840, David C. Tebbetts
of Oilmanton. She d. 1850. (See Tebbetts gen.)
Harriet Oilman, b. April 2, 1S18; resided at Meredith; unmarried.
Alice Oilman d. at her father's, aged 31; unmarried.
Maria J. Oilman, b. May 25, 1822; m., Feb. 6, 1850, Aaron Veasey of
N. (See Veasey gen.)
Alfred Cogswell Oilman, b. Jan. 7, 1824; m. Hannah Mahoney, and
resided in Charlestown, Mass.
Almira Oilman, b. May 20, 1829; m., Feb., 1867, George W. Riley
of N. (See Riley gen.)
Ebenezer Smith Oilman, b. Aug. 8, 1S31; d., April 8, 1861.
Daniel Smith Oilman, b. Jan. 8, 1835; worked at Brooklyn, N. Y.;
served in the Fifteenth Regiment; m., May 31, 1861, Abby Young. He
had three children.
Simon Gil.man, b. 1771, lived on the Fred Flanders place in the part
of N. ceded to Franklin. He was a farmer and m., Dec. 12, 179G, Nancy
Forrest, dau. of William, 4th, and had three children.
Second Generation.
S.\LLY GiLMAN, b. at N. Dec. 18, 1802; m., Dec. 18, 1825, Thomas Dear-
born Lyford of N. (See Lyford gen.)
Nancy Oilman, b. at N.; m., Nov. 1, 1826, John Kent of N.
Joseph Oilman, b. at N., 1809; m. Mrs. Lurana Oilman, his brother's
■widow. They had two sons, Horace and Stephen, 2d., who resided in
the West. The latter is a manufacturer in Davenport, la.
Stephen Oilman, b. at N., 1814; m. (pub.), April 20, 183G, Lurana
Goodwin of East N. He d. Feb., 1845. She m. (second), (see above).
John Mack Oilman was a trader at the old meeting-house and it was
at his store that the exhumed body of Moses Danforth was taken.
(See story elsewhere.) He fled to the West and returned but once for
a short visit.
Frank Augustus Oilman came to N. from Tilton in 1894. He was
b. in Canterbury April 29, 1864; m., Feb. 15, 1889, Maud W. Conant of
Canterbury. They resided in Tilton some years, coming later to their
newly-erected home on Howard Ave. Mr. Oilman is a mason, builder
and contractor and is a member of Harmony Lodge, L O. O. F. Mrs.
Oilman was educated at Lynn, Mass., and taught in Chichester, Can-
terbury and Vershire, Vt, and is a Past Master of Friendship Grange.
They have one dau., Marguerite.
Ward E. Oilman, son of Joshua, b. at Gilford Sept., 1824; m. Eliza
Dorr of Dover, b. 1822. He was a carpenter and came to -N. in 1850
from Lawrence. They had three sons. He was in the Civil War. (See
Boys in Blue.) She d. Sept. 16, 1861. He d. at N. Feb. 6, 1898.
Second Oeneration.
John Everett Oilman, b. at Lawrence. Mass., Dec. 25, 1848; m., Ori-
anna J. Nudd of Canterbury, July, 1873. They have resided in N.,
where he was a stone mason and general farm hand; now living in
Tilton. They had a family of 13; only seven survive.
Samuel C. Oilman, b. at N. Nov. 25. 1851; m. (first). Melissa J.
Piper (see Piper gen.); m. (second). Mrs. Caroline Hancock Tebbetts
Dec 14, 1S97. She d. Jan. 23, 1904. He still resides at the home on
Bay St. and is employed at O. H. Tilton's hosiery mill.
Albert H. Giliiax, b. at Sanbornton Nov. 5. 1854; m., Dec. 12, 1878,
Eva Olena Shaw, b. at Canterbury March 24, 1854. He is foreman in
the case room at G. H. Tilton's mill and resides on Hills St.
Third Generation.
(Children of John E. and Orianna Nudd Oilman.)
Twins, b. April 6, 1876; d., in infancy.
Charles Everett Gilmax, b. at Canterbury April 19, 1878, is a weaver
employed by the Elm Mills Manufacturing Co
Willie Olin GILMA^^ b. at Belmont May 11, 1880; m. Eva M. Straw of
Franklin April, 1901. They have two children and reside at Tilton.
He is a weaver at Carter's Mills.
Feed Leox Gilman, b. at N. May 10, 18S2, is a general farm hand.
Cora May Gilman, b. 1884; Johx, b. 1887; Ella and Ellox, twins, b.
1889, and Leox, b. 1894, reside with their parents.
(Child of A. H. and Eva Shaw Gilman.)
Ward Eugene Gilman, b. at Canterbury, N. H., Oct. 22, 1879, resides
with his parents and is employed at G H. Tilton's hosiery mill.
Luther C. Gelman came to N. in 1889. He was b. in Sanbornton
July 12, 1851; m., Sept. 17, 1887, Annie Ramsey, b. April 9, 1862, at
Caspar, Fife, Scotland. They resided on Gale Ave. until their removal
to their new home in Tilton.
They have one dau. His grandfather and great-grandfather were
both drowned in Sanbornton Bay in nearly the same spot, and his
father was killed by the cars near by.
Second Generation.
Janet Maud Gilman, b. at Tilton March 3, 1889, is a student at Til-
ton Seminary.
Charles Glidden was one of the most unique characters among the
early settlers of N. He was born in Maine in 1744 and became a sailor
boy. In the deed to the first land purchased in town he is called mari-
ner, in another husbandman and, still later, Charles Glidden, gentleman.
He served as a boy in the French and Indian War and was at the
taking of Quebec by General Wolfe in 1759 and with General Amherst
at the taking of Montreal in 1760 at 16 years of age.
He was at the second siege of Louisburg, it is said, and was one
of the 22 who signed a memorial to the "Honorable Assembly of His
Majesty's Province of New Hampshire," complaining "that their food
was insufficient; that they were kept on duty often for 24 hours in
constant 'hassards' and hardships with no hot meat and no fruit."
They also called the officers "tyrants" and their commissary a "griping
oppressor" and ask to be heard. The petition was considered by the
council and a bounty of 50 shillings voted to every volunteer at Louis-
burg in addition to former bounty. Another Charles Glidden was at the
first siege in 1745, a relative, perhaps, as they were both from Notting-
It is not known what year he came to the north fields but his oldest
■daughter was b. here in 1769. His wife was Alice Mills. In 1775 his
name appears as lieutenant in Col. Jeremiah Clough's regiment in the
Revolutionary War, and five years later it appears on the "Larm List,"
with Benjamin Blanchard, Ensign Arcnilus Miles, John Cross, Gideon
Leavitt, Capt. Edward Blanchard and two William Kenistons, each
enlisting for three months in the "Continental Sarvice." These men
were his neighbors and some of them had been with him at Louisburg
and Quebec.
During his absence in the wars, his wife, nothing daunted by the
greatest hardships, added to her stock of fuel by going to the deep
woods with her team of steers, felling the trees herself, hauling them
"home and, with the aid of the children, preparing them for the huge
fireplace. She often added to the stock of family provisions by the
skilful use of the old flintlock gun, for the woods were full of game.
His soldier life being at an end, he returned to his bleak and infertile
acres, located far up on the foothills of Bean Hill, close by the dense
forest that sloped down to Chestnut Pond. He chose this site probably
on account of its proximity to water power at the outlet of the pond
and the heavily timbered forest.
He cleared each summer a few acres of cold, barren land and during
the long winters used to make frequent trips to Portsmouth with ox
team for family supplies, doing many an errand on his way for his
neighbor Wadleigh and others along the route. These days of absence
were lonely and long for the wife left behind with a single female com-
panion and the little ones about her knees. But she filled the hours
solid with work. The log barn housed the live stock filled to the doors,
while aloft, or on the stack outside, was the fodder that she must
distribute to them at daybreak and again at night by the aid of the old
tin, barn lantern.
It required steady nerves to remain composed when wild beasts
prowled about the cabin at night or were so hungry as to steal about
by daylight. This is no fancy sketch. Stories have come down to us of
"Adventures that would make the stoutest quaver and the warmest
blood run cold or, like the tale of Hamlet's ghost, make 'each Individual
hair to stand on end.' "
Mr. Glidden left his upland farm in 17S7 and bought the farm of
Jeremiah McDonald (or Daniel) and at once launched forth into num-
berless enterprises. He erected house after house and had a personal
grudge against any one who dared to build a larger barn than any of
his, or was elected to any town office. His public life, as regards
Northfield, began when he signed the petition for the new town in 1780.
The first office he held was "survayer of by wais," to which he was
chosen the next March, 1781. The next year he was chosen "con-
stabel," and the next, one of the "sessors." In fact, it is hard to find
any annual meeting in which he was not chosen to fill one or more
offices, varying from putting in the large blocks of stone underpinning
for the meeting-house and laying the immense sills to turning the key
and sweeping the house, often at the surprising figure of ten cents "a
time," and when competition grew fierce would generously keep the
key "for nothing."
The big "hemlock broom" must have necessitated a trip each time
to the woods and the labored manufacture of stick and string must have
left but little profit to so busy a man as Charles Glidden.
There was more profitable and honorable service along with this,
however. He was sent in 17S8 to the convention at Exeter, when the
state adopted the Federal constitution, and he had been appointed
justice of the peace in April, 1787. Northfield honored the mother-
town by sending a citizen of Canterbury as its first representative, so,
in fact. Lieutenant Glidden was the first from the town in 1785. In
the Journal of the House from June 1 to June 23, 1785, when he repre-
sented both towns, his name appears no less than 37 times. He was
chosen one of a committee on numberless petitions; some dozen others
were sent up by him. He held this office for five years.
He was now getting to be a man of means and had rare business
ability. Beginning at Skendugoddy Brook he owned Lot 9, the parson-
age, and 7 and 9 and, across the range, Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, extending
from the old meeting-house to the Canterbury line. Besides his exten-
sive farms, he was a stock dealer, renting out large flocks and herds
to the new settlers. For a sheep he required yearly a pound of wool or
to double every four years, and for the use of a cow he was to receive
one every four years. At his death the rented stock was returned, and,
coming from Moultonborough and Meredith, as well as the nearer
towns, the highways were full of them and on being collected they
filled a four-acre field.
He d. in 1811, so his tombstone records, aged 67 years. The Glidden
family burying ground is at the Centre in the field back of the present
Second Generation.
Mary Gliddex, b. 1769; m. Rev. Daniel Young and removed to Ohio,
where she d.
John Gliddex, b. 1772 and d. 1794. He was nine years old when his
brother, Galusha, went to war and was nearly heart-broken because
he was not allowed to go.
Alice Glidden, b. 1774; m. (first), William Smith, Jr., and had three
sons. (See Smith gen.) She m. (second), Nov. 18, 1802, Judge Peter
Wadleigh and had one son. (See Wadleigh gen.)
Betty Glidden, b. 1778; m., 1796, Jeremiah Smith, b. at Old Hampton
in 1770 and d. at N. in 18G7. They had four sons and one dau. (See
Smith gen.) (Portrait.)
Charles Gi-iddex, Jr.. b. at N.; m., June 28, 1802, Ruth Hall (see Hall
gen.), and had seven sons. He lived on the homestead with his father
and shared in many of his enterprises. He was a man of ability and
prominent in local affairs and served the town as representative in the
Legislatures of 1818 and 1819. He erected a store by the old meeting-
house and was seemingly a prosperous merchant with the usual variety
found in country stores and piled high on his counters were webs of
homemade cloth, table linen, coverlets, boxes of home dipped candles,
pyramids of loaf sugar, while below were long rows of barrels of New
England rum. West India molasses and whale oil.
He had large resources and could give unlimited credit to such as
would pledge land, crops or cattle and in numberless cases he came to
be the owner of whole farms, which went to feed the owner's appetite
for hard cider, rum and tobacco; but, like many a man of more sagacity,
he was unable to manage so many interests and financial ruin was the
result. He removed to Ohio in 18;>1. It is said they started due West
with an ox team with all their worldly possessions, getting as far as
Salisbury South Road the first day. They succeeded in reaching there
after a tiresome journey. Both d. there years after and their children
and descendants still reside in and around Portsmouth.
Nancy Glidden, b. 1785; m. Philip Clough of Canterbury and lived
near the Holmes bridge and sawmill, which Mrs. Clough received from
her father as a wedding gift. This was always known as the Hancock
Mill. (See Hancock gen.) Their home, located near, had to be removed
when the railroad track was built directly underneath it. Mr. and
Mrs. Clough owned all the land bordering on the river from Colonel
Gate's, which became later the property of Nathaniel Holmes, and later
of his dau., whose husband, Zenas Clement, sold to the Seminary and
the railroad.
Mrs. Clough m. (second), Rev. Daniel Young, her brother-in-law. He
was a Methodist minister and his appearance at the brick church called
out a large congregation. At the close the wedding took place. He
was a man of business capacity and established the first furnace at
Portsmouth, Ohio, and later two others known as Junior furnace and
Franklin. He had a large family and abundant means. He was suc-
ceeded by his nephew, Jefferson Glidden.
Polly Glidden, b. at N.: m. Daniel Young, 2d., and had six children.
Third Generation.
(Children of Charles, Jr., and Ruth Hall Glidden.)
John Glidden, b. at N. 1802.
Chakles Mills Gliddex, b. 1S04; m. Alice Smith and had four chil-
dren. They were farmers at the foot of Bean Hill and later at her
father's on Bay Hill. After their children completed their education
at the Seminary they located permanently at Portsmouth, 0., where he
d. She d. at Lexington, Mass., at the home of her sister.
Jeffebson Gliddex, b. at N.; m. Katherine Young and had four chil-
Joseph Glidden m. (second), Mary Eliza Young and resided at Ports-
mouth, 0. He had one son, Charles Mills, by his first wife and three
■children, Jefferson, Katherine and Flora, by the second.
Daniel Gliddex m. (first), Mary Ellen Robinson and had two chil-
dren. Bertha and Charles. He m. (second), Mrs. Josephine Tomlinson,
who, after his death by drowning, m. (third), Cyrus Ellison.
Obadiah Hall Gliddex m. Lyncha Blair and had five children: John
Mills, Frank Muzzy, Jesse Blair, Mrs. Laura Sickles and Ruth Hall,
who m. her cousin, Jefferson, son of John Jefferson Glidden (see).
Galusha Glidden, 2d., m. at Marietta, O., and had a dau., Mary, at
"Whose home he d.
Fourth Generation.
(Children of Mills and Alice Smith Glidden.)
(All but one b. at N.)
Mary Youxg Gliddex, b. about 182S, graduated at the New Hamp-
shire Conference Seminary, class of 1849, and went at once to Ports-
mouth, 0., where she m. George Crawford and had three children,
•George, Jr., Minnie Alice G. and John.
George, Jr., was private secretary to Oom Paul during the Boer War.
He was a graduate of the West Point Military Academy. He now re-
sides in South America.
Minnie Alice G. Crawford graduated from the Boston Conservatory
of Music and later from the Ann Arbor Medical College in both
homeopathy and allopathy. She practised some years at Portsmouth,
O., and spent some years in N. She m. (first), Benjamin Trago and
(second). Dr. Dight, and was physician in charge of the Woman's
Hospital at Philadelphia for a term of years. She has taken special
post-graduate courses at Vienna and now resides abroad.
John Crawford, M. D., was a graduate of Cincinnati Medical College
and took post-graduate courses at Munich, preceding his sister there.
He is now abroad educating his three daughters: Mary Magdalene,
Vera Marion and Margaret. He has served as mayor of Portsmouth and
if not of the size, perhaps, to be called of "aldermanic proportions,"
tips the beam quickly at 300 pounds.
Mother Crawford was also a woman of great proportions. She was
a friend of the poor, was a strong anti-slavery advocate and at the time
of her death was borne to her last resting place by four stalwart
Stephen Glidden (see portrait) was b. at N. and followed his uncles
to Junior Furnace, O., and was there in the iron business and at Ala-
bama for some years, called an iron master. He m. Susan Garrett
and had five children: Mrs. Nancy Alice James, called "Jingie"; Mrs.
Jessie Culberson; Harry; Dr. Stephen Clifton of Danville, 111.; and
Garrette, who, with her mother, since her father's death in 1903 at
Los Angeles, Cal., has spent her time in travel. Mr. Glidden late in life
retired from the iron trade and was president of the Cceur de Lion
silver mines and also of the Spokane National Bank.
Nancy Alice Glidden, b. at N., was also educated at the Seminary
and m., Nov. 4, 1852, at Portsmouth, O., Wesley Crandall. She d. a
few months later, greatly lamented by a host of friends. He d. June
28, 1853, it is said, of a broken heart.
Emma Glidden, b. at Portsmouth, O.; d. at 14 years of age.
(Children of Jefferson and Katherine Young Glidden.)
(B. in Ohio.)
Carlos Glidden was the inventor of the typewriter. The Remington
Company paid his widow a royalty for every machine put out for years,
finally buying her right.
John Jefferson Glidden m. (first), Mary Bell and had one child,
Bruce. He m. (second), Ruth Glidden and had three, Helen, Hope and
Ruth. Helen m. W. W. Clippinger; Hope m. a physician and Ruth m.
Heron Hibben.
Anna Glidden m. Frank Houts and had five dau.
George Glidden was an invalid and unmarried.
Mrs. Louisa Glidden came from Laconia to N. and purchased the
William Hannaford place on Oak Hill of Mrs. Irene Chamberlain. She
was engaged in general farming for some years but lately confines her-
self to gardening and poultry raising since her misfortune of being
seriously injured by a mowing machine. She has two sons, James
and Archie. The latter is now of Laconia.
The Glines family was one of the Canterbury contributions to the
new town. In fact, some of them lived in the north fields prior to 1780.
There are, I find, no less than three by the name of William taxed
in N. in 1786 and another who was a non-resident; and in 1787 there
was a William 4th.
One to distinguish him was called "Cartnap," and another the "Old
Miller." Their record shows them to have been largely tillers of the
soil and to have served their country in her time of need.
William Glines, 1st., the subject of this sketch, is said to have had
two brothers, John and Israel, who were hunters and trappers and who
used to go often to northern New Hampshire and perhaps settled there.
They gave their names to two prominent rivers: The -Johns, a tributarj'
to the Connecticut at Dalton, and the Israel, also a branch of it, at
Jefferson. The name is common in Coos County.
William Glixes, b. at Canterbury in 1736; m. Elizabeth Blanchard
of the north fields, b. 1743. She d. May 9, 1830. He was a soldier in
the Revolutionary War and was accompanied by his son. They had
seven children. The home was later owned and occupied by Col. Mat-
thias Moore. He d. March 28, 1830.
Second Generation.
Benjamin Glines, b. March 13, 1764: m., Sept. 18, 1787, Love Leavitt,
b. May 26, 1768. They built and lived on the place now being improved
by Frank S. Tilton on the main road near the head of Sondogardy
Pond. He went to war with his father when only 16 years old, carry-
ing the "historic gun," spoken of elsewhere. (See Dearborn gen.)
He was drafted in the War of 1812 and not allowed to go home to say
farewell to his wife and nine children, being forced right into service.
He d. at Plattsburg in 1813. She d. March 20, 1848. He received as
bounty for his first service 20 bushels of corn.
John Gunes, b. 1766; m. Susan McDaniel, b. 1767, and had one son,
McDaniel (called Mack). He d. Aug. 13, 1825. She d. Dec. 19, 1804.
Job Glines. b. 1769; m. Mary Dearborn of N. and had a family of
10. He d. Oct. 1, 1832. She d. Sept. 19, 1846. He owned No. 9 of the
Gospel lots and sold 12 Vi; acres for £30 to Abraham Dearborn in 1791.
Martha (Patty) Glines. b. at Canterbury; m. (pub, Feb. 16, 1804),
Nehemiah McDaniel and lived on the main road near the lower railroad
crossing. (See McDaniel gen.)
AzuBA Glines. b. at Canterbury; m., Feb. 16, 1804 (pub. Jan. 7, 1804),
John Hannaford of N. and had several children. (See Hannaford gen.)
Jonathan Glines. b. ; m. Fannie Calef and had seven chil-
Abraham Glines. b. at Canterbury, 1771; m. (first), and had a
family of five; m. (second), Mrs. Presby. He d. at N. Dec. 26, 1856.
Isaac Glines, b. at Canterbury, 1778; m. (first), Nabby McDaniel of
N., Feb. 26, 1805, and had five children; m. (second), Mrs. Polly Wad-
leigh Fullonton, b. Nov. 27, 1790, at N. All the children by his first
wife were b. at Salem, Mass., where he owned and erected buildings,
often coming to N. to erect fine houses. He learned his trade at Aus-
tin's celebrated cabinet shop. He located later at the Centre and became
a farmer, selling his Salem estate in 1836. They had eight children.
He was captain of the Michaine Home Guards at Salem and later was
a captain in the state militia. He d. June 9, 1861. She d. at the home
of their son. Smith W. Glines, in the very room where she was b., March
28, 1872. She was an ideal mother and it was a great joy when she
came to the close of her long and intensely useful life that she had
been just and kind to her large family of stepchildren.
Third Generation.
(Children of Benjamin and Love Leavitt Glines.)
Jeremiah Glines, b. July 15, 1788; d., Jan., 1815.
Sally Glixes, b. July 12, 1790; m. Shubael Dearborn in 1S17 and had
a family of eight. (See Dearborn gen.) She d. July 28, 1883.
James Glines. b. July 12, 1792, called "Elder Jim"; m. Hannah
Glines and lived near the Shakers in Canterbury. They had eight
children, none of whom resided in N. He d. Jan. 30, 1881.
Jonathan Glines. b. Oct. 24, 1794; m., Jan., 1815, Betsey Gile of N.
(see Gile gen.) and had two sons. He was killed by a falling tree
July 5, 1826.
JoHX Glines, b. Jan, 29, 1797; d., of typhoid fever in Boston, Sept.
19, 1825.
David Glines. b. May 20, 1800; m., May 21, 1823, Matilda Rowe of
Gilford, b. Feb. 5, 1805. She d. June 15, 1857. They had 10 children.
He lived with his brother, Obadiah, on the main road, moving later
to Gray, Me., where he d. Oct., 1872.
Statira Glines, twin sister of the above, m., April, 1822, Smith Jew-
ett of Laconia. A son, Jeremiah, was a survej'or on the B., C. & M. R. R.
and was foreman of inspectors. He later became a Methodist minister
of Warren. He has lately given the school at Tilton a sum of money
in memory of his son, who d. while a student there. She d. July 20,
Polly Glines. b. Oct. 12, 1801; m., Dec. 2, 1838, Shubael Glines (son of
Job). They spent their lives in their house near the Pond school-
house. They had four children. He d. Dec. 19, 1878. She lived to the
extreme age of 98 and d. Jan. 22, 1899. She was a consistent member
of the Congregational Church for 73 years.
Obauiah Glines. b. Tuesday, Feb. 9, 1804; m.. May 2G, 1836, Mary
Ann Plummer of N., b. Sunday. Dec. 12, 1813. (See Plummer gen.)
He was a farmer on his father's estate, which was one of the best
on the main road, sloping down to the pond. They had eight dau. and
twin sons. She d. Feb. 22, 1871. He m. (second), Lucy Watson of
Boscawen. He d. March 20. 1893. She d. a few weeks later.
(Child of John and Susan McDaniel Glines.)
Mack Glines, b. at N. June 20, 1803; m. Mary (dau. of Job Glines),
and had one dau.
(Children of Job and Mary Dearborn Glines.)
(B. at N.)
Elizabeth Glines, b. Oct. 18, 1794; d., Dec. 31, 1819.
Sally Glines. b. March 15, 1797; m., Sept. 5, 1823, Edward Presby.
She d. March 25, 1871. (See Presby gen.)
Siu-BAEL Glines, b. Dec. 30, 1798; m. Polly Glines (dau. of Benjamin),
Dec. 2. 1838. He d. Dec. 19, 1878.
Nancy Glines. b. Dec. 23, 1801; m. Jacob, son of Abraham Glines and
had two children. She d. May 29. 1834.
Mart Glixes, b. March 18, 1804; m., 1830, her cousin, McDaniel
Glines (son of John), and had one dau. She d. June 13, 1880.
Harriet Glines, b. Aug. 22, 1806; d., unmarried. She remained with
her brother, James, entirely devoted to his interests during a long and
busy life. She d. at Boscawen March 5, 1883, while on a visit to her
brother. Dearborn.
James Glixes, called "Deacon Jim" (see portrait), b. July 5, 1809;
m., Nov. 30, 1843, Abagail Chapman, b. July 4, 1821. She was a dau.
of J. W. Chapman of Gilmanton, who was a soldier in the War of 1812
on the Canadian frontier and was in several engagements. They re-
sided many years on the Windfall, removing later to the home of his
brother, Alvah, on the main road. They had a family of five girls and
a son. She' still remains in the home. He d. Oct. 10, 1890.
Dearboex Glixes, b. Oct. 16, 1812; m., June 11, 1846, Eliza Jane Plum-
mer. They spent their lives on Boscawen intervale. He d. there March
4, 1883. She d. Sept. 2, 1877.
Alvah H. Glixes, b. March 25, 1816; m. (pub.), Nov. 17, 1848, Sarah
Flint of Webster and d. at Canterbury Nov. 23, 1861.
Charles Glixes, b. May 24, 1820; m. Mary Ann Morse, b. Oct. 14, 1S28,
at Canterbury. He was a farmer and lived to the advanced age of 82.
He d. Oct. 20, 1902. They had six children, but one of whom, Leroy
A., now of Canterbury, lived to maturity. She d. March 4, 1899. (See
portrait and sketch.)
(Children of Jonathan and Fannie Calef Glines.
John Glixes m.,1830, Betsey, dau. of Capt. Isaac Glines and had
four children. He d. Jan. 2, 1841.
Cyrus Glines, b. 1815; m. Betsey (the above), his brother's widow,
and had one dau. He m. (second), Mrs. Susan Blaisdell (pub.), Oct.
9, 1855, and had two children. She d. Feb. 3, 1866. He m. (third),.
Mary Bartlett of Campton and had one dau. He d. April 14, 1871.
Sally Glixes m. Jeremiah Fox and removed to Boscawen. He was a
while at Worcester, Mass., but returned and d. at Boscawen.
Sumxer Glines d. Aug. 16, 1848, aged 48.
Tajisen Glines m.. May 4, 1826, Flint of Boscawen, and both
lived and d. there. They had four children.
Hannah Glixes m. James Glines of Hackleboro, Canterbury. Both
d. there. They had nine children.
Jonathan Glines m. Fannie Heath and d. at Canterbury Nov. 16,.
1812. They had three children. (See Ludlow gen.)
James Glines called "Hatter Jim," m. Mrs. Harris of Franklin, where
both d. He d. in 1866; she d. in 1868.
(Children of Abraham Glines.)
Phebe Glines, b. at N.; m., March 25, 1826, Cornelius Ludlow (see
Ludlow gen.); m. (second), Alexander Braley, July 19, 1841. They had.
seven children. (See Braley gen.) She d. July 24, 1876.
I— »
Pamelia Gli.nes, b. at N.; m., 1832, John Roberts of Andover and had
five children. She m. (second), Samuel Neal of Canterbury, pub.
May 19, 1S55.
Jacob Glixes, b. at N. ; m., 1S26, Nancy Glines and lived on Spring
Hill, where she d. He m. (second), June 13, 1845, Almira Glover. He
d. Feb. 16, 1854. He had seven children.
Bexjamtx Glixes, 2d., m. and had a family in the West. He made
but one visit to his former home.
Martha Glixes m. Jeremiah Lake and resided in Canterbury; later
removed to the Healey place and d. there.
(Children of Isaac and Abagail McDonald Glines.)
Betsey Glixes, b. at Salem, Mass.; m. John Glines (son of Jonathan).
He d. Jan. 2, 1841, leaving two sons, George Storrs and Thomas, and
two dau., Mary Jane and Emily. Mrs. Glines m. (second), Cyrus Glines,
brother of her former husband, and had one dau., Mehitable. (See
John and Betsey Glines gen.)
Abagail Glixes. b. at Salem, Mass., 1808; m. James Chase of Can-
terbury, Dec. 10, 1843. They resided in Canterbury, where he d.
Jan. 22, 1892, and she d. Jan. 24, 1892.
Pamelia Glixes, b. at Salem, Mass., 1811; m.. May 15, 1867, Elisha
Lougee and moved to Sanbornton, where he d. Aug. 28, 1886. After his
death she came to her brother's on Zion's Hill, where she d. Oct. 20,
Hiram I. Glixes, b. at Salem, Mass., 1814; m., April 10, 1842, Eliza
Hazelton, b. in Mansfield, Mass., Feb. 19, 1821, and d. at N. Dec. 21, 1S91.
He d. Feb. 22, 1888. They had three sons.
(Children of Isaac and Polly Wadleigh Glines.)
(B. in N.)
Elizabeth G. Glixes, b. May 9, 1819; m., Dec. 12, 1844, Warren H.
Smith. (See Smith gen.)
JoHx W. Glixes, b. 1820; d., 1822.
JoxATHAX W. Glixes, b. May 16, 1824; m. (first), Ella Glidden of
Boston, Mass.; m. (second), Ida Roberts of Boston, where they resided
until his death in May, 1903. They had one dau. and a son. Both d.
In early life, Minnie at 17 and George S. at 24 years of age.
Electa C. Glixes. b. Aug. 11, 1826; m. (pub.), June 16, 1851, Thomas
S. Clough. (See Clough gen.)
Lauba p. Glines, b. March 20, 1829; m., Oct. 15, 1850, William H.
Clough. (See Clough gen.)
George Frederick Glixes. b. 1832, was a lifelong Invalid and d. July
14, 1861.
Smith W. Glixes. b. Feb. 28. 1834; m.. Dec. 9, 1861, Sarah Jane
Brown, b. at Canterbury Dec. 16, 1834. They resided on the home farm
at the Centre, going later to the Morse or Wadleigh place near the
reservoir, where he d. May 12, 1S81. She still resides there. They
had three sons and a dau.
Annie G. Glines, b. May 7, 1S3G; m., March, ISGl, Nathaniel Smith
of Newmarket. They resided later in Maiden, Mass., where he d. in
1902. She still resides there. They had three children: Lizzie, who
d. in 1897; Annie, now a popular teacher in Somerville, Mass.; and
Mary, wife of Dr. Charles C. Jones of Maiden.
Fourth Generation,
(Children of Jonathan and Betsey Gile Glines.)
Charles M. Glines was a natural penman and made writing his life
work, which he began in 1846. He was a teacher in the New Hampshire
Conference Seminary for more than 26 years.
He erected a home on Park St. and also one on his farm on the
Rogers place, which he carried on for many summers. He served the
town as clerk for three years and was also one of its selectmen. He
d. Sept. 17, 1879.
Jonathan Glines d. March 7, 1845, aged 20.
(Children of David and Matilda Rowe Glines.)
(All b. at N.)
Melissa Glines, b. June 16, 1825; m., March 5, 1848, Joseph Kimball
and resided in Boston. He d. March, 1871. They had two sons, Herbert
and Frank. The former d. at N. March, 1893. The latter d. June 5,
1903. She resides on Bay St.
Moses Glines, b. at N. March 25, 1826; m. Orilla T. Howe of Milford.
She d. in 1870. She was active in club and social life. He m. a second
time and resided in New York, where his son, Eugene, now resides.
Mr. Glines now lives in Milford.
Isaac Glines, b. Sept. 5, 1S2S; d. of smallpox in Boston when a young
Samuel Glines, b. April 12, 1830; m., June 20, 1S51.
Deboeah Glines, b. Sept. 6, 1S32; d., June, 1834.
Love Leavitt Glines, b. March 16, 1834; m. Charles 0. Edwards and
resided in Boston, where he d. in 1902. They had two sons and a dau.,
Georgianna, who m. George Little of Boston. Mr. Little, after living
a while in Concord, purchased the Slader farm and they are now
farmers in N. They have one dau., Orilla, wife of Fred Johnson of
David Glines, b. June, 1835, resides in Weare.
Ebenezer R. Glines, b. Nov. 25, 1837, has long resided at Baltimore,
where he m. and has a son, Stephen. He was a fruit dealer.
Lauka Matilda Glines, b. April 21, 1830; d. at Gray, Me., April 24,
Mary Susan Glines d. in infancy.
(Children of Obadiah and Mary A. Plummer Glines.)
(B. at N.)
Anna Ward Glines, b. Saturday, March 13, 1837; m., Nov. 13, 1873,
Rev. John Fogg of Gilmanton. They bought the Samuel Wyatt place
near Zion's Hill and were farmers. He d. . She remains on the
Eliza Merrill Glixes, b. Thursday, Sept. 13, 1S3S; m. Eugene Moore
of Concord and resides at Penacook. They have one child.
Frances Maria Glixes, b. Thursday, Jan. 30, 1840; m. Charles Davis
and resided at Penacook. They have three children.
Sarah Josephine Glines, b. Thursday, Sept. 28, 1841; m., Dec. 30,
1866, William H. Moody of Concord and resides at Penacook. They have
two dau.
Caroline ArcrsTA Glines, b. Monday, Dec. 26, 1842; m. John Lang
and has five children. They reside near Boston, Mass.
Helen Matilda Glines, b. Wednesday, Sept. 11, 1844; m. Dr. Leslie
of Amesbury, Mass., and has three children.
Hannah Hale Glines, b. Aug. 5, 1846; m. Albert Huff and resided
at Penacook. They had four children.
Melex and Everett Glines, twins, b. Sept. 5, 1850; both d., 1851.
Willis and Wallace Glines. twins, b. May 28, 1854. The former m.
Mrs. Mary J. Conant and resided near his father's. He was killed by
the cars Dec. 27, 1899. The latter was also injured almost on the same
spot Sept. 4, 1886, and d. a day later.
(Child of Mack and Mary Glines.)
Susan M. Glines, b. July 21, 1831; m., Nov. 27, 1850, Otis C. Hurl-
burt of Lyme. (See Hurlburt gen.)
(Children of Shubael and Polly Glines Glines.)
(B. at N.)
Seviba Glines, b. April 30, 1843; m., Sept. 26, 1861, Hiram Streeter
of N. They reside on the main road. He is a farmer and machinist
and was employed for many years at Franklin Falls. Mrs. Streeter
was a teacher before her marriage. They are generous supporters
of Union Church, and active in many lines of work.
Wesley Glines, b. Dec. 4, 1839; m., Jan. 10, 1870, Nellie Moody of
Boscawen and remained on the home farm, where he d. of diphtheria
May 27, 1882. She m. (second), Oct. 31, 1883, George C. Flanders of
Penacook. He was a musician in the band of the Third New Hamp-
shire Volunteers, attached to the ambulance corps, and was discharged
after a year.
Shl-b.\el Glines, b. May 10, 1842; d., Jan. 3, 1853.
LiBA Conant Glines, b. Nov. 14, 1845; was a lifelong invalid. He
d. Jan., 1876.
(Children of James and Harriett Chapman Glines.)
Sabah Glines, b. Dec. 22, 1844; m. Eliphalet Corser and resided many
years at Boscawen.
Nathan Glines, b. Jan. 21, 1850; d., Feb. 10, 1852.
Mary Dearborn Glines, b. Dec. 30, 1S52; m. William H. Peny. They
resided for a while at Troy, N. Y. He conducts a large granite busi-
ness at Concord under the "Sign of the Elephant." They have seven
Abbie L. Glixes, b. May 22, 1854; m. Charles W. Plummer and re-
sides on the banks of the Merrimack. (See Plummer gen.)
Emma J. Glixes, b. April 2, 1859; m., Nov. 25, 1880, Elliot C. Healey
of N. After a short residence on Park St. they removed to Concord,
where she d. Oct. 24, 1892. (See Healey gen.) They had one dau.,
Carrie B. Glines, b. Jan. 28, 1863; m., Feb. 28, 1891, Edwin G. Mor-
rison of N. (See Morrison gen.)
(Children of John and Betsey Glines.)
(B. at N.)
George Storrs Glines, b. 1828 (?); m. Julia Adams of Lowell, Mass.,
and resided there. They had two children, Nellie and Freddie. Mr.
Glines d. at Boscawen.
Emily Glines, b. 1834; d., July 11, 1852.
Thomas Glines, b. 1836; d.. May 22, 1859.
Mary Jane Glines, b. March 3, 1839; m. (first), Feb. 22, 1864, John
F. Conant of Manchester and resided at Waltham, Mass. They had a
dau., Abbie M., b. June 22, 1869. She is a telephone and telegraph
operator at Pike Station. Mr. Conant d. at Waltham July 1, 1867.
She m. (second), 1876, Willis M. Glines (see Glines gen.) and resided
on the main road.
(Children of Cyrus and Betsey Glines Glines.)
Mehitable Glines, b. 1844; m. (first), Albert Keniston and had one
child. She m. (second), Eugene Hawes of Great Falls and had two
children. She d. Feb. 3, 1866.
(Children of Cyrus and Susan Blaisdell Glines.)
Ella G. Glines, b. Feb. 24, 1858; m. Will Howe of N. She d. June 5,
1891. They had one dau., who d. at four years of age.
Ora Isabel Glines, b. Feb. 9, 1861; m. Solon D. Simonds of Tilton
and had two dau., Mrs. Felix Barney, who resides on Bay St., and
Hattie M., who d. Oct. 4, 1897.
(Children of Jacob and Nancy Glines Glines.)
LoviNA Glines, b. Jan. 28, 1828; m., March 23, 1853, Nicholas French
and resided near the Rand schoolhouse in East N. (See French gen.)
She m. (second), Capt. Lyman Fellows Sept. 1, 1868. Mr. Fellows d.
April 20, 1885. She resides with her dau., Mrs. Nellie McKenney, at
Job Glines, b. April 24, 1830; m., March, 1865, Elizabeth Pickard of
Canterbury. He resided in East N. and d. there Jan., 1892. They had
four children.
Benjamin Glines, b. 1S32; m. Ann Robertson. They resided on
High St., where they were burned out, going then to Oak Hill near
the schoolhouse, where they erected new buildings, which were removed
later to Hills St. and constitute the dwelling of Albert Oilman. He
later occupied the Jason Foss farm, where he d. March S, 1901. These
buildings were burned April 2S, 1901. She resides on the Trecartin
place with her son, Benjamin. They had seven children.
D.\Rirs Olines m. Georgianna Dearborn and had one child. He d.
Sept. 23, 1872.
Nancy Glines m. George W. Stewart of Franklin Falls. They have
two children, Willie and Lilla.
(Children of Betsey and John Glines.)
See John Glines.
(Children of Betsey and Cyrus Glines.)
See Cyrus Glines.
(Children of Hiram and Eliza Hazelton Glines.)
(B. at N.)
Walter Folgee Glines, b. April 29, 1843; m., Nov. 27, 186G, Mary Jane
Slader of N., b. at Lawrence, Mass., July 6, 1849. (See Dolloff gen.)
He served in the Civil War. (See Boys in Blue.) They resided on
the Slader farm near the Canterbury line and had three children.
He was a peddler for many years and d. at West Concord April 26,
1SS7. She m. (second), Jan. 4, 1893, Henry W. Leach of Lowell, Mass.
Henry H. Glines, b. Oct. 21, 1848; m., Oct. 25, 1877, and resided for
a time at Manchester, later going to Franklin Falls, where she d.
Oct. 26, 1903. He d. Nov. 1 of the same year.
Edward Rat Glines, b. June 20, 1856; m., April, 1888, Carrie E.
Mooney, b. at Sandwich Jan., 1860, and had three children. She d.
Dec. 5, 1897.
(Children of Smith W. and Jennie Brown Glines.)
(B. at N.)
George Fred Glines, b. Oct. 27, 1862; m., April 2, 1895, Grace L.
Smith of Sterling, Mass. They reside in Hudson, Mass., where he is a
sanitary plumber and heating engineer.
Franic Appleton Glines, b. April 14, 1864; d. July 16, ISSS. He was
employed by F. B. Shedd at Lowell, Mass.
M.vbel Wadleigii Glines, b. Sept. 1, 1869; m., June 5, 1902, William
C. Hill. (See Hills gen.)
John W. Glines, b. March 20, 1872, resides with his mother on the
homestead. They are dairy farmers. He has been chairman of the
board of supervisors for a term of years. He is active in church work
and is a member of the Epworth League.
Fifth Generation.
(Children of Charles M. and Amanda Sanborn Glines.)
(B. at N.)
Fred Sanborn Glines, b. March 5, 1849, was a merchant at Suncook,
Clarence Warren Glines, b. Feb. 17, 1851; d., Oct. 11, 1871.
Theodate Sarah Glines, b. July 29, 1857; m. Frank Stevens of
Franklin, where she d.
Mary Alice Glines, b. Nov. 2, 1867; d., Jan. 9, 1878.
(Children of Benjamin and Ann Robertson Glines.)
(B. at N.)
Willie M. Glines, b. March 26, 1866; m., 1887, Etta L. LeBarron of
Sanbornton. They had three children. She d. Sept. 5, 1898. He has
long resided on Park St., but has been of the firm of Glines & Stevens,
sash and blind makers, at Franklin Falls. He is a contractor and
Charles Glines, b. 1868; m., March 12, 1895, Mary Brown of Wal-
tham, where they reside. He is a pipe organ builder.
Frank Glines, b. Oct. 25, 1870; m., Aug. 5, 1895, Mary Lemon of
Laconia. They reside at Oak Hill and he is employed at Franklin
Falls. They have three children, Alice May, Daisy Belle and Myra E.
Nellie Glines, b. Dec. 9, 1878; d., June 17, 1893.
Bert A. Glines, b. March 2, 1872; m. (first), Neva Randall and re-
sides at Franklin Falls; m. (second), Jennie Carter of Canterbury
Sept. 3, 1902.
Benjamin A. Glines, b. Feb. 27, 1880, resides with the mother on
the farm.
(Children of Job and Elizabeth Pickard Glines.)
Elias Laroy Glines, b. March 28, 1866, now resides in Brooklyn, N. Y.
Jed Glines, b. Dec. 6, 1872; whereabouts unknown.
Sarah J. Glines, b. Oct. 8, 1868; m., May 16, 1900, George W. Warring
of Manchester, England, now of Roxbury, Mass.
Belle Glines, b. Jan., 1874, now resides in Raymond.
(Children of Walter and Jennie Slader Glines.)
Lizzie May Glines, b. March 29, 1868; d., Sept. 4, 1869.
Josephine A. Glines, b. Aug. 12, 1870, removed with her mother to
Lowell, Mass., where she is a teacher of art.
Annie A. Glines, b. Jan. 27, 1873; d., Sept. 19, 1877.
Henry W. Glines, b. June 15, 1876, was fireman on the B. & M. R. R.
He was instantly killed in a collision Aug. 8, 1895.
(Children of Edward and Carrie Mooney Glines.)
(All b. at N.)
Jeremiah Eastman Smith Glines, b. June 16, 1890.
Alice Eliza Glines, b. Oct. 4, 1892.
Hiram Edward Glines d. in infancy.
William Glines, familiarly known as "Old Cartnap" lived near the
river on the "Colony," where there were, perhaps, a dozen houses
built or removed hither by the owner of the land. Here dwelt the
hewers of wood and the drawers of water, the woodsawyers and wash-
erwomen for the village. William drifted in among them after the
Revolutionary War, from whence, I am unable to learn.
He had been through not only the fatigues of the long march and
the bloody fray, but the still more distressing exhaustion of the prison
pen. Worn out beyond repair and unable to provide for his own and
his family's needs, they dropped into the inevitable, let us hope without
a thought of what "might have been." Too indolent to work out his
taxes he was content to lie under the cart by the roadside and let
others do it for him, and thus secured for himself the sobriquet which,
ever after clung to him and his posterity.
I find among early records that he m. Polly Moloney Dec. 23, 1S23,
perhaps a second wife.
Second Generation.
Isaac Glixes (called "Dr. Isaac") lived on what became the dwelling
place of the late Simeon Gate on the main road at the entrance to the
Colony road. This place he sold to Mr. Gate and moved his house near
the river. He m., Oct. 18, 1792, Hannah Kisrel from the Isle of Shoals.
They had eight children. He d. June 23, 1852. She d. Feb. 2, 1852.
Dolly Glines, twin sister of the above, m., Sept. 2, 1797, Samuel
Dinsmore, and d. Sept. 22, 1853. (See Dinsmore gen.)
Third Generation.
(Children of Dr. Isaac and Hannah Kisrel Glines.)
Betty Glines m. James Heath and had two children, Horace and
Mary Ann. The former m. Sophronia Whicher and the latter Reuben
Hoyt of Belmont. Mrs. Heath m. (second), Hazen Dearborn. (See
Dearborn gen.)
Hannah Glines m. Moses Foss and had a son, Stephen, who m. Sarah
Newell Currier and went West.
Polly Glines, b. 1806, m. Jonathan Keniston and had two children.
(See Keniston gen.)
Isaac Glines, Jr.. m., Dec. 31, ISIS, Hannah Kimball of Canterbury.
Alexander T. C. Glines, b. 1803; m., 1830, Betsey Dearborn, b. March
27, 1805, and had three dau. She d. April 10, 1883, aged 78. He was a
trusted employee of Benjamin Chase in his carding mill and later was
a farm hand for Warren L. Hill. He d. Sept. 10, 1898.
Joseph Glines removed West when a young man and, with a brother,
settled near Findlay, 0. Their families still reside there and are
prominent citizens.
Rachel Glixes m. Levi Cross, called the "Ferryman," and resided
near Kendegeda Brook on the main road. They had three children.
He was injured by a premature blast while at work on the B., C. & M.
Railroad Jan., 1S47.
Fourth Generation.
LucRETiA Glixes, b. June 22, 1S31; m., March 29, 1847, Jeremiah
Dow, b. 1828. (See Dow gen.)
Sarah Glixes, b. Aug. 1, 1837; m., Sept. IS, 1850, Andrew Nudd of
N. and had seven children. She m. (second), Laroy R. Brown. (See
Brown and Nudd gens.)
Electa Glines, b. Aug., 1841; m. (first), Nov. 18, 1SG6, Horace Heath;
m. (second), Charles Arlin. She still remains in the home after caring
for aged parents. She has one son.
Fifth Generation.
George Albert Glixes, b. at N. Oct. 6, 1862; m. (first), Oct. 15, 1888,
Mrs. Lulu B. Dow, b. at Canterbury; m. (second), July 8, 1897, Ida
Sanderson, b. at Toronto, Canada, May 1, 1878. They reside at Ply-
mouth, Mass. He is proprietor of the Billington Sea Kennels and
breeder of high-class Boston terriers. They have two children, Blanche
Ida and Melvin Clark.
William Glixes, known as "Miller" Glines, may have been a rela-
tive of others bearing the name. He m., Feb. 27, 1777, Elizabeth
Williams of N. They were employed by George Hancock, Sr., to run
his mill, which was Duilt before the Revolutionary War on what was
called the Holmes Dam, and was called "The Old Hancock Mill,"
the first one on the river. The site is now occupied by the Elm
Mills Woolen Company. Mr. Glines had charge of the sawmill above,
where he sawed the logs, and, it being two stories in height, his thrifty
wife tended a gristmill below, where she was reputed to have made
better flour than was made for miles around and to have lifted the
bags of corn about with the utmost ease. They were people of con-
siderable means and when he shut down the sawmill and went to fight
his country's battles she remained at her post of duty and with much
praised liberality gave weekly of her stores to assist such poor families
as were deprived of their customary support. They had three dau.
Mr. Glines owned land in the vicinity of the mill and sold in 1796
to Benjamin Glines for $260 two tracts of land, each a part of Gospel
lot No. 9, one of 76 and the other of 40 acres, that he bought of Simeon
Sanborn. In 1806 Benjamin Glines sold this land to John Molony
for $200.
Gospel Lot No. 9 included all the swamp land at the mouth of the
brook, the Colony and present fair ground and plains.
Second Generation.
Their children were Mrs. Pevare of Andover, Mrs. Sanborn of
Franklin Falls, and Elizabeth, who was b. Jan. 29, 1791; m., Feb. 3,
1S14, John Clark, familiarly known as "Boston John." They resided
for several years at John L. Hodgdon's. Mr. Clark d. at N. in 1S74
in the house where he was m. She d. at the home of Jonathan Scrib-
ner. Mr. and Mrs. Clark had three children.
Samuel Goodwin was one of the first residents in East N. He was a
Eevolutionary soldier, a pensioner and had a son, Moses.
Second Generation.
MosES GooDWix, b. Sept. 28, 1773, lived near the foot of Bean Hill on
the northeast side. He was twice m. but I have neither name. The
first wife was b. June 28, 1773, and d. May 2, 1853, and the second wife
had a family of two. Mr. Goodwin was a tanner and lived below the
Rand place, where he d. Oct. 5, 1842.
Third Generation.
David Goodwix, b. Jan. 3, 1798. After a short stay on the home farm
he removed to Buffalo, where he d. He had several children.
FuRBER Goodwix. b. Aug. 18, 1801; m., Feb. 12, 1826, Betsey Hills
of N. and removed to Vermont. He d. at Annisquam, Mass., Feb. 11,
1859. They had seven children, all of whom settled in Danville and
Sheffield, Vt.
(Second wife's children.)
Judith E. Goodwin, b. April 26, 1806; m. Dimond of Hill and
resided there, where he d. She d. at Franklin. They had 11 children.
LuRANA Goodwin, b. Feb. 17, 1809; m., April 20, 1836, Stephen Gil-
man. (See Gilman gen.)
Nancy Goodwin, b. Feb. 15, 1811; m., Dec. 20, 1835, Andrew French.
(See French gen.)
James R. Goodwin, b. June 15, 1812; m. Rachel Clifford Mason, b.
Aug. 4, 1817. He was a tanner and shoemaker on the home farm.
Later he moved West. Four dau. were b. in N.: Sarah, May 20, 1839;
Olive A., Dec. 15, 1841; Lurana, Sept. 10, 1843; and Frances C, May
2, 1845.
Very little is known of the remote ancestry of this family. It is
■conjectured from personal traits and general characteristics that they
were of Scotch-Irish descent Nathaniel lived in Massachusetts and
had 10 children. Mrs. Armour, Mrs. Corliss, Wadleigh, Thorne and
Bailey of Methuen are reported only by their husband's family name.
Second Generation.
Gawx Armour Gorrell came to N. from Salem, Mass., about 1809.
He m. Lydia, dau. of Thomas and Lydia Forrest Clough of Loudon.
Mr. Gorrell had five children. He d. May 9, 1840. She d. Dec. 4, 1848.
Third Generation.
Clough Gorrell, b. April 24, 1810; m. Sarah Forrest of N. and in-
herited his father's estate, where he spent his whole life as a farmer.
They had a son and a dau. He d. May 20, 1890. She d. Dec. 19, 1888.
Martha J. Gorrell, b. Feb. 11, 1815; m. Shubael Dearborn and resided
at East N. They had one dau. (See Dearborn gen.)
Albert Akmour Gorrell, b. at N. April 16, 1817; d., Dec. 28, 1893;
m., April 27, 1842, Clarissa Osgood Whitcher and had one son and a
dau. He d. Dec. 28, 1893. She d. April 26, 1903.
Joseph Edwin Gorrell, b. Aug. 1, 1819; d. at Salida, Col., May 22,
Lydia A. Gorrell d. Sept. 3, 1829, aged three.
Mary Elizabeth Gorrell, b. Nov. 24, 1822; m., Nov. 3, 1854, Aaron
Brown of Lowell. He d. Oct. 14, 1895. She d. Jan. 30, 1872.
Fourth Generation.
Addie E. Gorrell, b. Sept. 13, 1845; m., June 12, 1867, Thomas Long
of N., b. Feb. 29, 1846. (See Long gen.)
Gawn Edwix Gorrell (see portrait), b. May 15, 1857, was educated
in the district schools and at the New Hampshire Conference Seminary.
He remained on the homestead, farming in summer and teaching in
winter. He has been much in the service of the town. He was chosen
trustee of the lona Savings Bank in 1891, which office he still holds.
He served on the board of selectmen from 1881 to 1884, in 1891--'92 and
in 1901 and has been chairman for the last three years. He has been
a justice of the peace since 1881 and has served on the school board
from 1891 to 1897 and from 1898 to 1904. He is an active member of
Friendship Grange, No. 110, Patrons of Husbandry, and of Harmony
Lodge, No. 65, I. 0. O. F., at Tilton. He m., June 18, 1902, Sarah E.
Brown of Loudon, b. June 19, 1864.
(Children of Albert and Clarissa Whitcher Gorrell.)
Horace W. Gorrell, b. May 21, 1846; m., Dec. 1, 1872, Emma Susan
Tilton of Manchester. He had four children: Clara, who d., 1874;
Albert L., b. 1875; Henry H., b. 1878; and Edith T., b. 1882.
Martha Ann Gorrell, b. June 20, 1843; d., June 2, 1894.
Dr. Charles R. Golt:d came to N. from Tilton in 1870 and bought
what had been the Seminary boarding-house. (See portrait and Phy-
sicians of N. )
Second Generation.
An.xie M. Govld. b. at Hillsborough Dec. 2, 1868; m., Oct. 4, 1888, John
W. Pease of the firm of Pease Bros., builders' supplies. She was edu-
cated at Tilton Seminary and had fine musical talent. Mr. Pease re-
sides in Foxboro, Mass., and is employed in a furniture manufactory.
They have three children, Elsie, Earle and May,' and one d. in in-
Charlie Gould, b. Feb. 23, 1873; d. of diphtheria Jan. 22, 1878.
Harry Gould, twin brother of above, m., Oct. 7, 1896, Jessie Aldrich
of Hillsborough, where he is an extensive farmer with maple orchard,
fruit and dairy for specialties. They have five children: Vestilla,
Charles, Richard, Harry and Thelma.
Robert Gray came to N. from Salem, Mass., in 1819. He was a
carpenter and was employed by Capt. Isaac Glines. He built the house
where David Hills lived at the Centre and lived there with Ebenezer
Morrison, his brother-in-law, and later sold to him, removing to San-
bornton Bridge. He m., Feb. 4, 1819, Susannah Lyford of N., b.
1796. He was for many years a deacon of the Congregational Church
and represented the town in the Legislatures of 1833 and 1834. He
was a prominent business man. He d. June 7, 1877, aged 74, She d.
July 30, 1877.
Edmuxd Gro\te:r and his wife, Dorcas, b. 1773, lived on the "Wind-
fall" and had a family of 11. It is said that they were of Arabian
descent. She d. Dec. 6, 1857.
Second Generation.
Stewart Grover.
Polly M. Grover, b. 1796; d., Oct. 6. 1867.
Stephex Grover m. Mehitable Lake and had four children. He re-
sided at first on the homestead, moving later to Canterbury. None
of the children, Andrew, Hannah, Betsey and Sarah, resided In town.
Sally Grover, b. 1813; d., Sept. 5, 1897. She was a devoted Osgoodite
and the last one of the sect. She tilled the home farm until her death.
Mary Grover m. Grover Merrill of Canterbury and had two dau.,
Mrs. Daniel Randall and Mrs. Abby Finch.
Lydia B. Grover, b. 1811; d., July 13, 1891.
Samuel M. Groveb disappeared and was never heard from.
James M. Grover.
Sally Grover provided in her will for a monument, on which all these
names were to be inscribed.
George Lewis Haixes was b. at Epping March 11, 1757; m., Dec. 25,
1797, Mary Moulton of Kensington, b. Feb. 14, 17C9, where he lived a
lew years and then removed in 1S09 to the Ellison farm in N., a part
of the 500 acres reserved for Governor Shute. He had two sons and
three dau., one of whom, Ruhamah, d. at 18 years of age. He d. Dec.
15, 1848, and his wife, Aug. 4 of the same year.
Second Generation.
Benjamin Haines, b. Nov. 8, 1800; m., March 31, 1842, Martha Ken-
ison, b. Oct. 23, 1820. He spent his life as a farmer on the home place
and d. there June 29, 1878. She d. July 18, 1896. They had three chil-
Betsey Haines, b. Nov. 22, 1802; d., April 10, 1840.
David Haines, b. Sept. 12, 1804; m. Hannah Goodwin of Hollis, Me.,
and resided in Boston. He was engaged in the ice business. They
had seven children, none of whom were b. in N. Mrs. Haines d. July
9, 1852. He d. March 30, 1893. The children's names were: Ruhamah
G., Mary E., H. Frances, Lyle and Gertrude H.
Mary Haines, b. June 17, 1809; m., March 5, 1832, Dr. John Kezar.
■(See Kezar gen.)
Third Generation.
(Children of Benjamin and Martha Kenison Haines.)
George Benjamin Haines, b. May 31, 1843. He read medicine and
graduated from Dartmouth Medical School and was appointed surgeon
on the receiving ship in Portsmouth harbor, where he remained seven
years. He then established himself at "Valley Falls, R. I. He m., Sept.,
1876, Dora Babbitt. They had one child, Mattie, who d. in girlhood,
Dec. 29, 1884, aged seven.
Lewis David Haines, b. at N. Feb. 7, 1845; lived on and cultivated
the home farm. He d. May 4, 1904, at St. Louis, Mo., whither he had
gone to visit the exposition on his way home from Florida, where he
had spent the winter.
Ida Martha Haines has remained in the home with her brother
and still lives there since his death.
Capt. Stephen Haines (uncle of Thomas and Stephen, 2d.) m. Han-
nah Carter of N. He is called lieutenant in the records of 1826. They
resided on the Scribner place, where, it is said, once resided at the
same time four of the name, Hannah Haines, viz.: Hannah, widow of
Col. Stephen Haines; Hannah, who became the wife of Dea. Jeremiah
Hall; her niece, Hannah, who m. Charles Noyes of Canterbury and
who was called "Little Harner"; and "Big Harner," who became the
wife of William Hancock and the mother of Mrs. Clara B. Straw of
Manchester and Rev. Jerome Hancock of Old Orchard, Me. (See Han-
cock gen.)
Thomas Clough Haines, b. at Canterbury June 19, 1798; m., Feb. 10,
1S20, Deborah Drew Rogers, b. at N. May 13, 1800. Mr. Haines was a
farmer near the Canterbury line. Later they removed near Sanbornton
Bridge to educate their five dau., a son, Charles, having d. at five.
Mr. Haines was accidentally drowned while bathing, Aug., 184G.
She d. at the home of her dau. in 1S68.
Second Generation.
(All b. at N.)
Alice A. Haines, b. 1824; m. (pub.), Jan. 11, 1847, Cutting Fol-
lansby. (See Follansby gen.)
Hannah Haines, b. March, 1824; m., 1843, Darius Winslow, b. at N.,
1819, and had one dau. (See Winslow gen.) He d. Sept. 12, 1846. She
m. (second), 1850, John S. Dearborn of N., b. 1824. (See Dearborn
Sarah M. Haines, b. 1827; m., 18G0, Josiah Dearborn, b. at N., 1830.
(See Dearborn gen.)
Rebecca Haines, b. 1838; m., Aug. 6, 1859, Peabody Blake of New
Hampton and went there to reside. She was for many years a teacher
and later had the superintendence of the New Hampton schools. She
commenced teaching at 16 years of age. They had one dau., Mary,
wife of Manly Burpee, a graduate and teacher of music in New Hamp-
ton Institute, who d. in 1882, leaving one son, La Roy of Exeter. Mrs.
Blake d. Jan. 3, 1893. He d. in 1879.
Eldora L. Haines, b. May 31, 1843, was a graduate of the New Hamp-
shire Conference Seminary in 1863 and a teacher. She m. (first),
John A. Colby of East Corinth, Vt. After his death she resumed teach-
ing in New York, where she m., in 1868, Noah S. Walker, b. in Eliza-
beth, Pa., in 1S27. They resided for many years in Texas. Mr. Walker
is now a trader at Exeter. They had four children: Noah Walker,
Jr., who d. at 21 years of age; Carl Springer Walker of Pittsburg. Pa.;
Nannie Alice, wife of John Dixon O'Neil of Elizabeth, Pa.; and Dora
H., who resides at home.
Samvel Bell Haines was b. at N. He m. (pub.), Jan. 12, 1843, Mary
Ann Piper of N. (see Piper gen.) and had two dau. He lived for a
time at the Piper homestead and later was for a long term of years
foreman of the old sawmill at Factory Village. They later returned
to the farm, where she d. Sept 25, 1887. He survived her 13 years.
Second Generation.
Victoria Haines, b. at Franklin March 3, 1S44; m., Sept. 30, 1SC3,
Benjamin C. Stevens of Franklin. (See Stevens gen.)
Lizzie Haines, b. at Franklin May 25, 1847; m., Jan. IG, 1869, Cur-
tice Whittier of N. (See Whittier gen.) She d. May 12, 1874.
Obadiah Hall came from Canterbury to N. and purchased the farm
on Zion's Hill, owned later by Daniel Sanborn. He was a farmer and
lived to a good old age. He m. Hannah Lyford. They were both
original members of the Congregational Church organized at the old
meeting-house. They had two sons and six dau. He d. May 24, 1836.
She d. Feb. 21, 1823. The Hall coat of arms appears with the Hall
Memorial Library sketch.
Second Generation.
Sarah Hall, b. at Canterbury April 3, 1771.
Hannah Hall, b. July 29, 1773; m. Thomas Lyford, Sr., and lived
and d. on the estate adjoining her father's farm. (See Lyford gen.)
Mary (Polly) Hall, b. at Canterbury July 11, 1775; m. Joseph
Kimball Dec. 3, 1795. They had 10 children. She d. Feb. 6, 1817.
Jeremiah Hall, b. at Canterbury Oct. 18, 1777; removed to N. in
1801. He was a farmer and tanner at the Scribner farm near Franklin.
He removed near Sanbornton Bridge Village 28 years later and erected
a house and tannery by the Chase tavern, now standing at the entrance
to Bay St. Here his business prospered many years and will be spoken
of elsewhere. He m. (first). Sept. 15, 1801, Hannah Haines of N., b.
Jan. 31, 1780, and d. Oct. 14, 1826. They had four sons and two dau.
He m. (second), Feb., 1827, Abagail Abbott, b. 1783, at Bean Hill. He
d. July 8, 1867; she, Aug. 25, 1864.
Betsey Hall, b. at Canterbury Nov. 2, 1779; d., Nov. 12, 1795.
RuTHY Hall, b. at N. Sept. 26, 1782; m. Charles Glidden of N., May,
1802. He was b., 1780. (See Glidden gen.) They removed to the
West and had many children.
Obadiah Hall, Jr. (see portrait), b. at N. March 23, 1785; m., Sept.
17, 1812, Hannah Forrest of Canterbury, b. May 15, 1785. He resided
with his father and was a farmer. They had a family of nine. He
d. May 25, 1870. She d. Aug. 28, 1846.
Lydia Hall, b. Nov. 26, 17S7.
Third Generation.
(Children of Jeremiah and Hannah Haines Hall.)
Hannah Hall, b. July 17, 1802; m., June 21, 1820, Benjamin Chase,
b. at N. April 3, 1798. (See Chase gen.)
John L. Hall, b. July 25, 1805; m. Eliza G. Cofran of N. (See Cofran
gen.) They had six children. Mr. Hall d. Oct. 17, 1847.
Dr. Jeremiah Hall, b. July 4, 1S07; m. Harriet Corning of New
York, where he d., Aug. 5, 1S80. He was educated at Sanbornton
Square and the old academy at Sanbornton Bridge under Dyer H. San-
born. He read medicine with Dr. Enos Hoyt and received a diploma
from Dartmouth Medical College.
Ebenezer Hall, b. June 7, 1813; m. Sally Dyer (pub.), Feb. 16,
1834, of N., b. Oct. 30, ISIO. They resided at the corner of Granite
and Bay Sts., opposite the Chase tavern. They removed to Campton
and later to Elgin, 111. They had eight children: Hannah L., b. 1834;
Charles H., b. 1836; Ellen A., b. 1838; Abby A., b, 1840; George A., b.
1843; Ambrose C, b. 1849; and Everett A., b. 1851, who removed with
their parents. Mr. Hall was a deacon of the Congregational Church.
Eliza B. Hall, b. July 12, 1817; m.. May 30, 1840, James H. Cofran.
(See Cofran gen.)
Adixo Brackett Hall, b. Oct. 17, 1S19; d., in Boston, April 21, 1880;
m. Mary Cowles of Ipswich, Mass. He graduated from Dartmouth
Medical School and practised many years in Boston. The Hall Me-
morial Library was given by his wife in his memory. Mrs. Hall m.
(second), John Cummings of Woburn, Mass., where, since his death,
she has the care of his large estate. (See portrait and sketch, Phj'-
sicians of N.)
(Children of Obadiah and Hannah Forrest Hall.)
Joseph Hall, b. at N. June 15, 1813; d., at Manchester, June 30, 1872;
m., Oct. 11, 1836, Maria B. Parker of Tamworth, b. April 18, 1813, d.,
at Manchester, April 19, 1867. He had three sons, Marshall P., Joseph
N. and Arthur Norman.
Mary P. Hall, b. at N. June 15, 1813; d., at Hopkinton, Sept. 9. 1SS6;
m. Samuel Crowell of Hopkinton, b. June 6, 1808; d., Oct. 9, 1SS4. She
had two sons, Everett and Dixi of Concord.
Betsey Brown Hall, b. at N. April 12, 1815; d., Aug. 28, 1831.
Jeremiah Forrest Hall. (See Physicians of N. and portrait.)
Martha Jane Hall, b. at N. Oct. 28, 1818; d., at Pittsfield, March 23,
1883; m., Dec. 14, 1842, Benjamin Frank Dow of Concord, b. Nov. 14,
1816; d., June 23, 1871. They had three dau., Maria, Ella F. and Mat-
tie. Mr. Dow and his father were tanners. Ella Forrest Dow was a
teacher in town for some years and later at Franklin Falls, now of
Lynn, Mass.
Almira Hall, b. at N. Oct. 28, 1818; d., at Concord, June 25, ISSO;
m., June 20, 1848, Henry Farnum of West Concord, b. June 25, 1813;
d., Aug. 21, 1882. They had two dau., Hannah and Lucy. Mrs. Farnum
was a faithful school teacher for many years.
Dixi Crosby Hall. b. at N. July 12, 1821; m., Nov. 14, 1849, Lucretia
Randall of Canterbury, b. Sept. 10, 1826. Mr. Hall sold his farm a few
years later and removed to Peabody, Kan., where he d. Aug. 20, 1878.
He had a son, Joseph, and dau., Mary E.
Harriet Glidden Hall, b. Nov. 2, 1822; m., May 30, 1861, George
Dimond of Concord. They resided at West Concord, where he d. April
26, 1S89. She d. April 26, 1892.
Obadiah Jackson Halt,. (See Physicians of N., with portrait.)
Fourth Generation.
(Children of John and Eliza Cofran Hall.)
Haxnah Elizabeth Hall, b. at N. Sept. 3, 1827; d., Sept. 26, 1857;
m.. May 22, 1853, J. L. Barnard, and resided at Thornton. They had
two children, Helen Eliza and Harry H.
Laura J. Hall, b. at N. April 3, 1831; m. Charles F. Clark of Tilton
and resided at the Hall home on the main road. He d. Jan. 29, 1888.
She d. May 28, 1896.
Joseph S. Hall, b. at N. Sept. 6, 1834; d., July, 1854.
Albert H. Hall, b. at N. Sept. 17, 1838; d., Aug. 12, 1882. He m. in
1865 Elizabeth Oilman Kimball of Marysville, Cal. She was b at N,
July 19, 1838, and now resides at Valejo, Cal.
Israel Cofran Hall, b. March 4, 1842; resides in San Francisco, Cal.;
is m. and has two children.
Charles H. Hall, b. March 2, 1848; d., Oct., 1862.
Jacob Hancock was of English descent, a relative of Gov. John Han-
cock. He was the first of the name to settle in town. He owned land
on both sides of the Merrimack, near the Webster Place, then Salisbury..
The home was on the east bank. He was in the Indian War from 1846
to"l858. He was also a participant in the Revolutionary War, being
killed at Bunker Hill. He m. Elizabeth Kezar, sister of Azuba, wife of
Benjamin Blanchard, both of Hampstead. They had three sons and
four dau. His war record is given elsewhere.
Second Generation.
Joseph Hancock, also a Revolutionary soldier, was b. in 1759. He
lived on a part of the homestead. He m. (first), Polly Heath and
(second), Susannah Page of Sanbornton Bridge. He d. on a visit
to the West, March 2, 1831. His name is on the first tax list, where
he is assessed £30. He had 10 children.
Oeorge Hancock, b. 1749, was the owner of much land along the
Winnipiseogee River and erected the first saw and grist mill at San-
bornton Bridge before the war.
It occupied the site of the present Elm Mills Woolen Company's
plant and had the peculiar dam spoken of elsewhere. He was pre-
paring to erect another at Meredith when he d. very suddenly of
spotted fever at the age of 50. Through some delay or trickery the
property was lost to the family, but was always called the "Hancock
Mill." There was a grist mill below and a sawmill above, where
Miller Glines and his wife were in charge at the breaking out of the
war. (See Glines gen.) Mrs. Hancock was Sarahs dau. of William
Williams. (See Williams gen.) She d. Jan. 14, 1800, at the extreme
age of 100, wanting less than a month of 101. She had been GO years
a widow. They had eight children.
John Hancock, b. 1791; m. Dorothy Sanborn of Sanbornton and had
10 children. He was a tanner and was always called "Tanner John" to
distinguish him from others of the same name. His youngest son,
Benjamin, resides on the home place near the Orphans' Home.
Ab.\g.\il Haxcock became the wife of Colonel Shepard of Canter-
Kezia Hancock was the first wife of Capt. John Clough. They had
no children.
JoHx Hancock resided near Webster Lake on the Andover road. He
m. (first), Naomi Sweatt and had a dau., Naomi. Mrs. Hancock d,
July, 1806. He m. (second), Nov. 16, 1806, Mrs. Miriam Purmate
Ellis and had two sons and two dau.
Dorothy Hancock m. Charles Noyes of Canterbury.
Alice Hancock m. Perkins and lived near her brother, John,
on Webster Lake. An unmarried son, David, and maiden sister, Polly,
lived long in the home and are remembered still for their quaint
Third Generation.
(Children of George and Sarah Williams Hancock.)
Saixy Hancock m., Dec. 12, 1799, Capt. Michael McCrillis and had
three children. (See McCrillis gen.)
Hannah Hancock, b. 1782; m. Capt. Thomas Simonds. (See Simonds
Elizabeth Hancock, b. Sept. 26, 1780; m. Benjamin Knapp. They
had one dau., Susan. (See Knapp gen.) Mrs. Knapp d. June, 1S59.
The dau., b. July 24, 1799, d. Oct. 12, 1876. Mr Knapp was expected
home from a trip to the West but never came.
Henrietta Hancock d. at 16.
George Hancock was instantly killed a few days previous to his
wedding day. He was said to have been the most promising young
man in town.
Joseph Hancock d. of spotted fever at the time of his father's death
In 1799.
LiECT. William Hancock, b. Jan. 19. 1786; m. (first), Polly Cross
and resided on the lower intervale. They had one child. Mrs. H. d.
and was buried under the pines in the old Cross burial place, beside
the brook. He m. (second), Feb. 26, 1818, Sally Wentworth Rand and
had five children, none of whom were b. or lived in town. The family
removed to Mill's Corner, now Uplands, on the second marriage. Tho
children were: John; Ann Elizabeth, wife of Daniel Ingalls of Uplands;
George Henry; Mrs. Sarah Brown, and Joseph.
William Williams Hancock, son of the above, was b. in N. July 12,
1807; m., May 6, 1833, Nancy Brown of Franklin, and lived there. He
was a carpenter. They had 10 children: Mary Jane, wife of Francis
W. Pearson; Caroline, wife of James Keniston ofAndover; Arthur,
who d. at 16; Enoch Brown Hancock, who lived in Nevada; William
Grover; Parker Cross; Nancy E.; Frank K., who resided in Franklin;
Henry Augustus, who d. at 20; and Abby Susan, wife of Frank L.
Morrison of Franklin Falls.
(Children of John and Naomi Sweatt Hancock.)
Naomi Sweatt Hancock, b. March 8, 1800; m. Glines and d.
Dec. 16, 1823, the family record says, of nervous putrid fever.
(Children of John and Miriam Ellis Hancock.)
John Hancock, b. Jan. 4, 1808, was killed, Sept. 10, 1823, by falling
on the teeth of an upturned harrow. An artery was severed and he
d. of hemorrhage.
Cynthia Hancock, b. Feb. 12, 1811; d. at the home of her niece, Mrs.
David Tibbetts, in N. Dec. 14, 1876.
Hannah Hancock, b. March 28, 1814; m. Bennett of Hill and
had one dau. She lived at the Centre for many years but d. at her
daughter's house on Bay St., the result of a fall, Dec. 30, 1895.
Harrison Hancock was a farmer on the home place near Webster
Lake. He was b. May 7, 1817, and d. there July 7, 1863. He m. Ada-
line McConnell and had two children: John of Franklin Falls and
Hattie, wife of Frank Sanborn. They occupy the original farm. The
former m. Martha B. Woodbury and resides on Willow Hill, Franklin
Falls. They have a son, Winfield Scott, employed at Sulloway's Mill.
(Children of Joseph and Polly Heath Hancock.)
John Hancock m. Elizabeth Lyford, lived on the Peverly farm and
had many children. Tiring of N., he walked the whole distance to
Illinois to select a new home. He returned and removed his family.
The family tradition says that he drove an ox team the entire dis-
tance. He was a noted bee hunter and perhaps varied his trips with
little side excursions in this line. They settled near Peoria. The
children all settled in the West.
Jacob Hancock, b. 1796; m. (pub.). May 18, 1821, Judith Wyatt (see
Wyatt gen.) and lived on a part of the home farm. They had a son
and two dau. Both d. there, she in 1881, and he in 1858.
George Hancock, b. 1800; m., Dec. 6, 1825, Susan Forrest, b. at
Canterbury, 1803. They resided first on what was called the Hicks
lot but later built new buildings across the road on a part of the
Blanchard farm, where they lived and he d. July 3, 1867. She d. at the
home of her dau. in Sanbornton Sept. 22, 1878.
Charles Hancock m. Betsey Manuel and lived on the banks of the
Merrimack and had three children. Mr. Hancock d. Nov., 1847. She
m. (second), Leavitt Knowles. The children, Albert, Alonzo and Mary-
Ann, do not reside in N.
Jesse Haxcock m., Jan. 11, 1835, Ann Chase of N. and lived on the
Capt. Haines farm. They had two children. He d. March 5, 1842.
She m. (second), Jonathan Scribner.
Kezar Hancock removed to the West with his brother, John, where
he m. and had children.
Susan Hancock, b. 1791; m. Joseph Gerrish, b. 1784, and had a large
family. She d. Nov. 26, 1849. He d. May 25, 1851. (See Gerrish gen.)
Polly Hancock m., Oct. 9, 1806, Josiah Philbrick of Sanbornton
Bridge and had two sons and five dau. She d. July 21, 1861. He d.
June 16, 1859. (See Philbrick gen.)
S.vLLY Hancock, b. April 7, 1794; m., Oct. 2, 1820, Morrill S. Moore,
b. Oct. 29, 1798. (See Moore gen.)
William Hancock lived on the Intervale farm later owned by the
Manuels. He m. Hannah Haines and had a family of two. He d.
Aug., 1846. His children were: Clara and Orrin Jerome.
Fourth Generation.
(Children of Jesse and Ann Chase Hancock.)
Annette Hancock, b. July 8, 1837, was a student at the New Hamp-
shire Conference Seminary and later at Mt. Holyoke Seminary. After
some years of teaching in the West, she m., .Jan. 8, 1862, Joseph
Hill, a merchant of Tilton, and had four children. (See Hill gen.)
She united with the Congregational Church at Franklin while a
teacher there and later removed her membership to the Tilton Church.
Eldridge Gerry Hancock, b. Dec. 4, 1840; m., Nov. 7, 1863, Jennie
L. Griffith of Peoria, 111., and settled as a farmer in Vermillion County,
removing in 1881 to Paxton, 111., where he was interested in a tile
manufactory. He removed in 1887 to Arkansas City, Kan., where he
d. Dec. 2, 1889. They had two children, Annette, who m. Glines W.
Thurston, an inventor of valuable mechanical appliances, and Francis
Claire, who d. at four years.
(Children of William and Hannah Haines Hancock.)
Clara A. Hancock m., 1858, James B. Straw of Manchester, where
they always resided. He was city auditor for many years. He d. in
1900 (?) and she d. in 1903, leaving a dau., Gertrude, who lives in
Obrin Jerome Hancock, b. Dec. 11, 1866, was educated at Franklin
Academy and New Hampton Literary Institute and became a Baptist
clergyman, filling pastorates at Belmont and Newton. Mr. Hancock
is now located at Old Orchard, Me. He m. Mary A. Rumery of Man-
chester and had two sons, one of whom, Edward Henry Hancock, was
educated at the State College, Durham, and is now a teacher there. An-
other son, William Jerome, is a teacher in the Erasmus Hall High
School, Brooklyn, N. Y. A dau., Eva Mabel, d. in infancy.
(Children of George and Susan Forrest Hancock.)
Alvika Haxcock, b. Sept. 2, 1827; m., Dec. 29, 1844, Joseph Robinson
of Sanbornton, b. Dec. 9, 1817, where they were farmers for many
years. Later they removed to Lowell, Mass., where he d. suddenly
Nov. 20, 1893. They had two children, Alfred A., a grocer of Lowell,
and Susan, now widow of the late Elvin Greeley of Exeter. Mrs.
Robinson resides with her son in Lowell.
Horace Hancock, b. at N. Sept. 26, 1S30, went West and there m. and
had a family. He is still a farmer in Groveland, 111.
(Children of Jacob and Judith Wyatt Hancock.)
(All b. at N.)
Smith Hancock, b. 1821; m. (pub.), April 7, 1857, Jerusha Canfield
Sewall, b. 1821. He d. May 2, 1897. He was a farmer on the home-
stead and had three children. She resides with her dau. in Franklin.
Mary Hancock, b. 1827; m., 1850, Frank Lynch of Manchester, where
she d. in 1867, leaving two sons, who removed to New York City with
their father.
Olive Hancock, b. Feb., 1829; m., Oct. 3, 1852, John Handal Proctor
of Franklin, where he d. in 1870. He was a fine musician, being a
leader and instructor of many bands. She survived many years, dying
in 1895. They had one son, Edward, who d. at eight years. They are
all buried at Canton, Mass.
Fifth Generation.
(Children of Smith and Jerusha Canfield Hancock.)
WnxiE Hancock, b. Sept. 18, 1856; d., at Methuen, Nov. 19, 1881.
Mabel Hancock, b. March 18, 1863; d., March, 1864.
Nellie Grace Hancock, b. Oct. 19, 1870; m., Henry W. Gardner of
Portsmouth, May, 1891. They reside on the homestead with her
mother. Their buildings were destroyed by fire in 1902, but since
(Child of Hannah and Bennett.)
Caroline Bennett, b. at Franklin, 1845, had her name changed to
Hancock. She m., March 23, 1875, David C. Tibbetts (see Tibbetts
gen.) and resided on Bay St. He d. there July 8, 1895. She m. (sec-
ond), Dec. 14, 1897, Samuel Oilman and d. Jan. 23, 1904. She was a
devoted churchwoman and was an invalid for many years.
There are others of the name that I fail to connect with the family
of Jacob.
William Hancock m., May 3, 1S12, Polly Gibson and had a son,
Pepperell, and a dau., Martha, who became the wife of William J.
Fortier of Franklin and who was murdered by an Insane neighbor.
I find, also, on the records the following names:
Isabella Hancock m. Walker Buswell (pub.), Sept. 14, 1S21.
Jacob Hancock, b. Nov. 30, 1805.
Thomas Jefferson Hancock, b. Jan. 21, 1807.
David Bean Hancock, b. July 22, 1810.
Betsey Bean Hancock, b. May 10, 1814.
Judith Hancock m., Dec. 11, 1897, Reuben Blanchard. (See Blan-
chard gen.)
The children of the above William were doubtless b. in N. but none
remained here.
Jacob Hancock, d. Sept. 10, 1824, aged 45.
Mabtha Hancock, d. May 8, 1860, aged 60.
John Hanafobd w'as a shoemaker at the Cross settlement on the in-
tervale, with a shop on the site of the William Plummer residence.
He m. (first), Cordelia Russell and had three sons. He m. (second),
Feb. 16, 1804, Azuba Glines of N. and had a son and dau.
Second Generation.
(Children of John and Cordelia Russell Hanaford.)
Benjamin John Hanaford, b. Oct. 20, 1787; m. Jane Sanborn of East
N. and resided on the main road. They had four children. She d.
Dec. 6, 1808. He m. (second), Nancy Flanders and had a son and a
dau. She d. Dec. 6, 1868.
Jabez Hanaford m. Ruth Noyes and settled in Boscawen. They had
one dau., Ruth.
Amos C. Hanafobd, b. at N. May 12, 1797; m., Feb. 3, 1820, Hannah
C. Lyford, b. 1800. He bought the home of the late William Williams
on the main road, where their nine children were b. She d. Sept.
3, 1850. He m. (second), Sept., 1852, Mrs. Sarah Fifield of Tilton and
went there to reside. Both d. there; she, Aug. 11, 1880; he, Feb., 1872.
He was a man of literary taste and was always interested in the events
of the day. He had a deep Christian experience and was a devout Meth-
Azuba Hanaford m., May 18, 1844. Ebenezer Carter of Canterbury,
whose home was on the site of the old Canterbury Fort.
William G. Hannaford m. Mary Jane Kenison, a neighbor. He was
a shoemaker, a carpenter and a farmer at Oak Hill. She d. there Dec.
16, 1870. They had two children. He d. at the home of his dau. at
Concord, Nov. 15, 1SS9.
Third Generation.
(Children of "William and Mary Jane Kenison Hannaford.)
(See portrait.)
Parker W. Hanxaford was b. in N. Sept. 18, 1S45. He obtained his
education in the public schools and at the New Hampshire Conference
Seminary. His father being a carpenter, he naturally worked into
that trade and followed it until he was more than 30 years old. In
1878 he entered the employ of the Maine Central Railroad Company
at Augusta, Me., at the passenger car repair shops, where he remained
until Jan., 1881. He then spent five years in the pattern department
of the Manchester Locomotive Works, returning to Augusta to the same
department, where he remained until 1890, when he was promoted to
the general superintendency of the car department, a position he now
holds at Waterville, Me. He m. in 1865 Mary A. Upton of Bow.
Mary A. Hanxaford, b. 1855 at N.; m., March 26, 1879, Alfred A,
Lake of Canterbury. She was educated at the New Hampshire Con-
ference Seminary and was a faithful teacher previous to her marriage.
Mr. Lake is a locomotive engineer, with a home in Concord.
(Children of John and Jane Sanborn Hanaford.)
Martin Reuter Haxaford, b. 1808, was drowned when a young man.
John Hanaford, b. May 6, 1817, worked a while at Tilton and then
removed to Colebrook, where he m. and had two sons. He went to
California and later to the mines in Idaho. He d. in Ohio. His wife
and two sons now reside in Texas.
(Children of John and Nancy Flanders Hanaford.)
Nancy Jane Hanaford d. in girlhood.
Benjamin Franklin Hanaford was in Company D, Fourth Regiment
(see Boys in Blue) and d. at Beaufort, S. C, March 18, 1864.
(Children of Amos and Hannah Lyford Hanaford.)
(All b. at N.)
Alvah Hanaford, b. 1830; m. Caroline Follansby and had three
dau. She d. at N. Sept. 4, 1886. He has since been much in Cali-
fornia, having been six times across the continent. A dau., Sarah,
d. in infancy.
Samuel Gray Hanaford, b. in 1828; m. Lucy Hanaford of Boscawen.
He was a carpenter and contractor. They have two sons, Russell and
Fordyce. The former m. Clara Sanborn of Franklin and the latter,
Kate Holbrook of Vermont. They all reside at Northumberland.
Jeremiah L. Hannaford was b. in 1824 and educated at the old
academy under Prof. Dyer H. Sanborn, the Conference Seminary at
Tilton and the Conference Seminary at Newbury, Vt., from which he
graduated in May, 1S45. He was ordained In 1S51 by Bishop Hamline.
He filled many appointments for tuore than a quarter of a century.
He m. Caroline C. Brainard of Barre, Vt. He d. Jan. 1, 1897, at Mel-
rose, Mass.
Mary Elizabeth Hanakoud. b. 1827; m., July 20, 184G, Ezekiel C.
Ferrin of West Concord, and had five children: George L., who resides
in Newport, R. I.; Mary Frances, who d. in Colorado in 1898; Susie
C, who resides in Maiden; and two d. in childhood. Mrs. Ferrin d.
May 25, 1SG3.
SrsAX Gray Haxaford, b. Aug. 4, 1830; m. Lyman Sawyer of West
Concord, where both d.; she, June 11, 1904; he, Sept. 27, 1898. Mrs.
Sawyer was a teacher before her marriage. She was educated at the
New Hampshire Conference Seminary. They had one dau., Gertrude
H., of West Concord, an enthusiastic Sunday-school worker.
Cordelia Russell Haxaford, b. 1S32; was twice m. (first), to George
W. Bartlett of Gilford and had one son, Rufus H., now of Worcester.
She m. (second), Caleb Wells of Tilton and had a son, George B., who
resides at Franklin Falls. Mr. Wells d. in 1895. She was a teacher in
N., Lake Village and elsewhere, and was educated at the New Hamp-
shire Conference Seminary.
Rev. Charles Harding Haxaford, b. Feb. 4, 1834, studied for the
ministry at the New Hampshire Conference Seminary and the Bib-
lical Institute at Concord. He began to preach at an early age and
has filled many and important charges. He m. Jennie A. Nason of
Springfield and they have one son, Fred A., who resides at South
Lancaster, Mass., and one d. in infancy. He is now acting secretary
of the Massachusetts Anti-Saloon League at Boston.
Fourth Generation.
(B. at N.)
Maria Swett Haxaford, b. 1839, was a popular teacher at Andover
and elsewhere. She m., 1868, James Wilkins of San Francisco, Cal.,
and resided at Denver and in California. He was a hotel keeper and
was for a time connected with the Cliff House at the Golden Gate, San
Francisco. She d., 18S3, at Tucson, Ariz. She was an honored and
prominent member of the Episcopal church and active in its charities.
A bright scholar and excelled in mathematics. She was a good neigh-
bor and an interested member of several fraternal societies, as she was
in everything that pertained to Christian citizenship.
Flora Haxaford, b. at N., 1847; d. at Boston, where she was em-
ployed, April 21, 1870.
Joiix A. Haxaford came to N. from Newton, Mass., about 1850 and
bought the John Chase farm on High St. He had two dau., b. at New-
ton. He d. Aug., 1876, aged 65. She m. (second), Mr. Cutter of Bed-
ford, Mass. After his death she returned to N., where she d. in 1900.
Second Generation.
Maria A. Haxaford, b. at Newton'; m., Aug. 27, 1S57, John F. Leigh-
ton. (See Leigh ton gen.) She d. June 5, 1886. They had three chil-
Emma Hanaford, b. at Newton, Mass., 1853; d., April 24, 1871.
Rev. Benjamix Hazeltox was b. in Hebron Nov. 7, 1789. He was one
of the pioneer traveling Methodist ministers, preaching in various
places, among which were Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. He m.,
May 1, 1820, Elizabeth Folger of Nantucket, b. Sept. 23, 1799, a dau. of
Hon. Walter Folger.
They settled in N. about 1832. They had eight children. He was a
farmer and preacher in the west part of the town, later buying the
farm now owned by Captain Wyatt on Zion's Hill. In 1865 they re-
moved to Chicago, where both d.; he, Feb. 6, 1870; she, Jan., 1872.
Second Generation.
Eliza F. Hazeltox, b. at Mansfield, Mass., Feb. 19, 1821; m. Hiram
Glines, a farmer of N., (pub.), April 10, 1842. (See Glines gen.)
Bexsox C. Hazeltox, b. at Summinett, Mass., Jan. 23, 1823, was a
photographer in Boston, Mass., where he d., 1892.
Mary F. Hazeltox, b. at Marlboro, Mass., March 9, 1825. She d. at
N. Jan. 15, 1848.
Bexjamix Fraxk Hazeltox, b. at Falmouth, Mass., March 19, 1827.
He d. at Chicago, 111., July 12, 1893.
Fraxces D. Hazeltox, b. June 22, 1830; m. Joseph L. Sargent (pub),
April, 1851. She d. Oct. 10, 1860, at N.
William C. Hazelton was b. Nov. 14, 1832, at N., where his early
life was spent. He attended school for several terms at the New
Hampshire Conference Seminary. Later he taught school in Andover,
Canterbury and in his native town. Following the advice of Horace
Greeley he went to Illinois. Here he engaged in farming and teaching
until the breaking out of the Civil War, when he enlisted as a private
in the Eighth Illinois Cavalry. Soon after the organization of the
regiment he was appointed orderly sergeant, in w^hich capacity he
served for 18 months, when he was promoted to lieutenant and later
was made captain of his company.
The regiment served in the Army of the Potomac and the subject of
this sketch took part in some 30 engagements. He had two horses
shot from under him and was himself slightly wounded at the battle
of Beverly Ford. He was among the first of the Federal troops to reach
Gettysburg and often recalls the joyous welcome of the people of that
city as they crowded the streets to shake hands with the bronzed and
dusty troopers.
Enlisting in Sept., 18G1, Captain Hazelton was mustered out of the
service with his regiment in July, 1865. Purchasing a small farm
near Chicago, he has since resided there. As the city grew in extent
his farm was taken into the city limits and subdivided into building
lots and is now known as Forest Glen, one of the suburbs of that
city. Soon after returning to his farm. Captain Hazelton was appointed
school treasurer for the township, which office he held for 15 years.
He was m. in 1863 to Fannie M. Morrill of Canterbury and has been
blessed with a family of seven children, four of whom are now living.
Ellen, the oldest dau., is m. to W. V. Nicol, a fruit farmer in Michigan.
Hugh, the only son living, is a graduate of Illinois University and is
now an electrical engineer in New York City. Josephine, the second
dau., is also a graduate of Chicago University, and is m. to Prof. E. D.
Grant of the Michigan College of Mines. Jessie, the youngest dau.,
is a graduate of the Northwestern University School of Music and is
the only child who has not yet left the parental home.
Josephine B. Hazeltox, b. in N. April 14, 1836, was educated at the
New Hampshire Conference Seminary and was a teacher. Later she
removed to Illinois, where she m. Benj. Allen and since her husband's
death resides at Arlington Heights. She has one dau.
HoRTEXSE Hazelton, b. in N. Dec. 9, 1840, and d. at their home on
Zion's Hill June 23, 1858.
Porter M. Hayward came to N. in 1883. He was b. at Concord
March 4, 1857. He m. (first), in 1878, Emma B. Glover, b. at Pena-
cook April 12, 1859, by whom he had one son. She d. March 14, 1882.
He m. (second), Nov. 3, 1883, Flora M. Cross (see Cross gen.) and
had two children. He m. (third), Nov. 24, 1898, Lenora Dearborn.
(See Dearborn gen.) He was employed at the Lord Bros. Manufac-
turing Company's for 11 years and later at the Carter Mill, where he is
fireman and watchman. He resides at N. Centre.
Second Generation.
Charles E. Hayward, b. at Canterbury Feb. 14, 1879; m., June 20,
1896, Annie E. Dearborn. (See Dearborn gen.) They have four
children. He is employed by the Elm Woolen Mills Manufacturing Co.
and resides on Park St.
Fbed and Maud Hayward, the former b. April 20, 1SS5, and the lat-
ter in 1889, reside with their mother on the Joseph Smith place on the
Bean Hill road.
Third Generation.
Emma Hayward, b. Oct. 19, 1897.
Earle Hayward, b. March 5, 1900.
Pearl E. Hayw.\rd. b. June 17, 1902.
Lester W. Hayward, b. Jan. 16, 1904.
Elliot Healey came to N. from Raymond and lived on the John
Hanaford place. He moved to Alexandria, where he d. at SO. He had
four sons and a dau., but one of whom resided in N.
Second Generation.
Isaac H. Healey, b. at N., 1S13; m. (first), Cynthia D. Stevens and
had a dau., Annette. He m. (second), Maria M. Clark of Newbury,
Vt., b. April 5, 1823, and had two sons and a dau. He d. Jan. 12, 1890.
She resides with her dau. on the Oak Hill road.
Third Generation.
James C. Healey, b. at Alexandria March 27, 1851; m., Sept. 25,
1877, Orissa Bean of South Boston and had one son. They removed to
Fargo, N. D., in 1881, but returned to Nashua in May, 1892, where they
have since resided.
Minnie C. Healey, b. at Alexandria March 3, 1848; m. (first), at
Norfolk, Va., March 7, 1865, William J. Sanborn of Bristol. They had
one son, Charles M. Sanborn, b. July 25, 1867, now of Minneapolis,.
Minn. She m. (second), Alpheus Keniston of N. and resides on the
Elliot C. Healey, b. at Alexandria, 1858; m., Nov. 25, 1880, Emma
J. Glines of N. and resided for some years at Tilton, later removing ta
Concord, where she d. Oct. 24, 1892. They had one dau.
Fourth Generation.
(Children of James and Orissa Bean Healey.)
Robert Healey, b. at N. July 21, 1879; d., at Nashua, Jan. 26, 1902.
Belle M. Healey, b. June 6, 1884, at Fargo, N. D.
Blanche M. Healey, b. May 29, 1886, at Fargo.
(Child of Elliot and Emma Glines Healey.)
Gladys Healey, b. at Concord April 22, 1891; resides at Lowell,
Isaac Heath was b. in Andover in 1795 and moved to N., on the
Gerrish road, in 1826. He and his brothers, David and Joshua, cleared
the 100 acres of the original farm of a heavy growth of wood and
timber. It often took three or four days to burn up the immense
logs. He later became sole owner and lived and d. there in 1863. He
m. Sally Gove, b. 1779 at Deerfield, and d. 1870.
Second Generation.
David Gove Heath, b. at Andover near the head of Webster Lake.
He m., Nov. 8, 1837, Sarah L. Moore of Canterbury. He erected a
fine brick residence on the homestead and both d. there; he, Sept. 14,
1884; she, March 23, 1899. They had three children.
Third Generation.
Sylvanus Heath was educated at Franklin High School and was a
teacher in the West. He served in the Civil War as assistant surgeon.
He read medicine after leaving home and practised at Champaign,
111. He m. there and has one dau.
Caleb Heath, after his father's death, remained on the homestead
and conducted a meat and provision business at the Factory Village,
later running a livery stable. He enlisted but only went as keeper of
ambulances owing to his father's non-consent. He d. at Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma, April S, 1902.
Celestia S. Heath m., 1S73, Albert Ames Moore of Concord. After
his death in 1SS6 she cultivated the farm some years. She m. (second),
Willard R. Stelle of Rahway, N. J., and resides at 20 West Milk St.,
Indianapolis, Ind.
Abeaham Heath came from Hampstead, Mass., to the Batchelder
place on Oak Hill in May, 1813. He m. Mary Morrill of Old Chester,
May 25, and had three children. In 1850 he sold and removed to the
Merrimack intervale, opposite what is now the county farm, where both
Second Generation.
Rachel Heath, b. at N. May 2, 1814; m., in 1860. Samuel Wyatt of
N. (See Wyatt gen.) She d. Nov. 8, 1871. He d. Dec. 8, 1874.
Joseph Heath, b. April 13, 1817; d. in infancy.
SusAX H. Heath, b. Oct. 14, 1820; m. Darius Small of Canterbury and
d., in Belmont, 1884. She had several children.
Joseph Heath, 2d., b. Dec. 11, 1823; m., Dec. 21, 1848, Caroline Grant
of Gilmanton. They resided but a year on Oak Hill, when they re-
moved from town. All the four children were b. in Canterbury. Mr.
Heath d. April 23, 1892.
The home was once the site of an Indian walled fort. It was made
for long sieges, as a well had been prepared inside, and this well is
still to be seen, covered with a flat rock, close by the northeast corner
of the house.
Moses Heath lived in the Gipson house next above the Hodgdoa
schoolhouse. He m., Oct. 26, 1816, Agnes Gibson, who was b. Aug. 15,
1791. He was a farmer and d. June 4, 1873. She lived to an advanced
age with her oldest children at Franklin Falls.
Second Generation.
Jaxe Heath, b. Oct. 1, 1S17.
Samuel Heath, b. May 29, 1821, was a farmer and resided with his
sister, Jane, and mother. He was a stone mason and a man of business.
Stephen Heath, b. Oct. 4, 1823, resided in the home many years. He
started to visit his sister. Comfort, at Lowell, Mass., and was never
heard from.
Comfort Heath, b. Oct. 2, 1827; m., Dec. 28, 1852, Benjamin F.
Sanborn of Lyme. He was a machinist at Lowell, Mass., where she d.
April 9, 1859. They had two children, Emma J., b. 1855, d., 1859, and
Fannie C, b. 1859, who resided with her grandmother at Franklin
Falls, where she d. at 22 years of age.
Horace Heath, b. April 11, 1831, resided in Lowell, Mass.
(See portrait.)
John G. Heath came to N. from Raymond in 18G3. He was b. at
Candia May 27, 1833, and m., 1863, Mrs. Sarah Corsell Evans. (See
Evans gen.) He was a fancy dyer at the Granite Mills for more than
-20 years. He bought a small farm close by the mill and enlarged and
rebuilt the Deacon Oilman house and for many years conducted a
boarding-house. Compelled to seek a milder climate, they went to
Southern California and remained one year, to be followed by a second
and third sojourn there. He d. at N. Dec. 28, 1901. He was a member
■of Harmony Lodge, L O. O. F., of Tilton and of Granite Hill Rebekah
Lodge of the same place. They had several children, all of whom d. in
Second Generation.
Charles Herbert Evans, adopted son, was b. at N. Aug. 11, 1857; m.,
Nov. 5, 1889, Ida Dinsmore Sanborn. They have a son, John Sam-
uel, b. July 4, 1891. Mr. Heath was for many years in the employ of
the Boston & Maine Railroad and is now a weaver at Elm Mills.
Daniel Herrick was b. at N. Factory Village Jan. 19, 1801. He was
the son of Nathaniel, who had come there years before from Exeter.
They were descended from a Danish chieftain, who invaded England
in the reign of Alfred. A descendent, the seventh in line, settled in
Salem, Mass., in 1629. There were seven children, Daniel being the
only one to remain in N. He m., Sept. 26, 1822, Narcissa, only child
of Richard and Hannah Hills Blanchard. (See Blanchard gen.) They
spent their married life in the brick house near the Sanborn bridge.
They celebrated their golden wedding in 1S72. He was a man of great
mechanical genius and is said to have gone in the garb of a Quaker to
visit the first paper mill at Exeter and soon after reproduced tho
machinery for Peabody & Crane, of whose mill he was head machinist
for many years. Later he was for 23 years pattern maker and repairer
in Herrick Aiken's machine and tool shop as well as for his son, Walter
Aiken, until his death, Aug. 7, 1876. He was gi-eatly interested in local
and national affairs and was never absent from a single state election.
They had five children. Mrs. Herrick d. and the house was
afterwards burned.
Second Generation.
M.\RY Elizabeth Herrick, b. Aug. 24, 1S24; m. Cyrus Tucker French
of N. (See French gen.)
S.\R.\H Smith Herrick. b. June 20, 1830; m. Leavitt Dolloff of Lan-
caster and remained with her parents until after her father's death,
when they moved to Lancaster, where both d. They had three chil-
H.\NX.\ii Jane Herrick d. Nov. 29, 1837, aged 20 days.
Daniel Webster Herrick, b. at N. Jan. 1, 1839; m., Oct. 30, 1860,.
Anna W. Ballantine of Paterson, N. J., where they resided. She re-
turned after his death to settle the estate and d. at Paterson in 1901.
Charles Edgar Herrick, b. May 15, 1S42; d., in Idaho, unmarried.
Rev. Marcellus Herrick. (See Trinity Episcopal Church: portrait.
and sketch.)
Second Generation.
(Children of Marcellus A. and Hannah Andrews Herrick.)
(B. at Woodstock, Vt.)
Elizabeth Adelaide Herrick, b. July 20, 1851. She was graduated
from the Seminary at Tilton, studied at the Massachusetts Normal Art
School at Boston, and has been successively teacher of art education,
Salem Normal School, Salem, Mass. (18S3-'8S); supervisor of art edu-
cation in the public schools of Somerville, Mass. (1883-91); director of
art education in the Teachers' College, New York City; teacher of art
in the Ethical Culture Schools, New York (1898-1902); head of depart-
ment of art and manual training, St. Agatha's School, New York (1902
to the present time).
Charles Putnam Herrick was b. at Woodstock, Vt., Nov. S, 1854. He
received his education at the Tilton Seminary and entered the employ
of H. B. Foster, druggist, Concord, in May, 1874, remaining there until
Feb 1876, when he went to Plymouth, where he was employed by John
S. uits, druggist, for one year. He passed his examination before the
New Hampshire Board of Pharmacy in June, 1S77, and became a
registered pharmacist. In Sept., 1877, he returned to N. and associated
himself with Franklin J. Eastman, under the firm name of C. P.
Herrick & Co., in a general store and drug store combined, in Tilton,
which business was continued until Jan., 1882, when it was sold, and
he entered the employ of G. A. Stevens, druggist, in Hill's Block,
which business he purchased in Oct., 1883, and has continued to the
present time.
He was m. in Boston, Jan. 31, 1883, to Emma Julia, only dau. of
Lieut. Francis H. and Hannah A. (Magrath) Carver of Boston.
Their children are two sons, who d. in infancy, and a dau., Martha
Putnam, b. Sept. 13, 18S8.
Francis Hobart Herrick. b. Nov. 19, 1858. He was educated at St.
Paul's School, Concord, Dartmouth College, where he was graduated in
1881, and at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., where he
received the degree of Ph. D. in 1888. After teaching in secondary
schools for a number of years, in 1888 he became instructor in biology
in Western Reserve University, Cleveland, 0., where, since 1891, he has
held a professorship in that science. He is a member of several sci-
entific societies and has written various works on the structure, devel-
opment and instincts of animals, the most important of which are:
"The American Lobster; A Study of Its Habits and Development,"
Washington, 1895, and "The Home Life of Wild Birds— A New Method
of the Study and Photography of Birds," New York and London, 1901,
revised edition, 1905. In 1897 the honorary degree of Sc. D. was con-
ferred on him by the Western University of Pennsylvania. He was m.
at Cleveland, O., June 24, 1897, to Josephine Thekla, dau. of John and
Agnes (Koenig) Herkimer of Bushey Grove, Watford, England. Their
children are: Agnes Elizabeth, b. April 24, 1898, and Francis Herkimer,
b. Aug. 24, 1900.
Daniel Hii-ls came to N. from Haverhill, Mass., where he was b. in
1727. His name first appears on the tax list in 1792. Four sons had
preceded him and bought land on Bay Hill. The deeds to the first
purchase are dated 1788. David and Timothy were taxed that year.
Daniel, Sr., m. Hannah Emery of Haverhill, Mass., and it is supposed
that they d. in N., but no one knows where they are buried.
Second Generation.
(B. in Haverhill, Mass.)
Daniel Hills, b. May 12, 1758; m. Hannah Young at Concord, where
he had a residence previous to coming to N. He d. at N. Nov. 19, ISIG.
She remained at the home on Bay Hill until her family scattered when
she moved with her youngest dau. to Schenectady, N. Y. The date of
her death is unknown.
She was a garrulous, hysterical woman, in strange contrast to her
quiet, well-educated husband, and many of "Aunt Daniel's" quaint
stories are still told by family friends, some of which are given else-
where. His name is first seen on the records of the town in 1789
and his fine penmanship adorns the pages for a long term of years.
The home was afterwards occupied by the Buswell family and
Hazen Carr (see Buswell and Carr gens.), and later was bought, witli
the land, by Samuel Clough and the house torn down. He was a farmer
and a "cordwainer." They had four dau. and one son.
Abagail Hills, b. March 7, 17G0; m., July 12, 17S9, Amos Clement
of Haverhill, Mass., where they lived and d.; she, in Jan., 1815; he,
Jan. 30, 1819. They had five children. Betsey, who d. July 4, 1802,
was buried the day she was to marry William Knowles of N. The
other children were: Susannah, Abagail and a second Betsey, who came,
in March, 1825, to live in N. as the wife of Demore "Wyatt.
Capt. David Hills, b. June 4, 17G2; m., Nov. 29, 1787, Susannah Cole
of Bradford, Mass., b. Oct. 25, 176G. They bought, together with Tim-
othy Hills, the 100-acre lot. No. IG, laid out to the original right of
James Davis. Ten years later he bought out Timothy and resided
there until his death, March 9, 1820. They had a family of eight
children. He was both a farmer and a cooper. She d. in 185G on her
90th birthday.
Timothy Hills, b. Jan. 27, 17G4; m., 1792, Elizabeth (Betsey) Lap-
ham of Haverhill, Mass., b. Sept. 13, 1771. He bought land of Eben-
ezer Blanchard, as the deeds record, and erected a new home, where he
spent the remainder of his life. It then was owned by his son, War-
ren L., and now by his grandson, Warren S. Mr. Hills was a cooper
as well as a farmer and became an extensive business man and prom-
inent in town affairs, holding all the offices in its gift. He was a
colonel in the state militia. (See Military Record.) He d. April 29,
1850, and Betsey, his wife, d. Aug. 17, 1845. Both are buried in the ceme-
tery by the present town hall. They had five children.
Hannah Hills, b. July 17, 17G8; m. (first), Samuel Clement of Haver-
hill, Mass., where they resided until his death about 1798. They hau
a son and a dau. Mrs. Clement m. (second), Lieut. William Durgin
of Sanbornton, Nov. 4, 1798, bringing her two children and her sister-
in-law, Ruth Clement, to live with her. Mr. Durgin d. May 11, 1822.
She d. at Sanbornton July 24, 1826. leaving four children by her sec-
ond marriage: John H., Clement, Joanna C. and Mary L.
John Hills, b. June 15. 1770, was first taxed in N. in 1S05. probably
the first years of his majority. He m., Jan. 13, 1804, Polly Brown of
N., b. March 13, 1778. He was a cooper and farmer, a man of great
endurance, preferring to take his bags of corn to mill on his back
rather than catch and saddle his frisky horse, which would nibble
at the bag so persistently that he had to carry a stake along to pro-
tect himself as he used to walk through the pasture. He scorned
alike the heat of summer and the winter's cold, for which he had to
pay the penalty in his old age, being warped and twisted by rheu-
matism out of all semblance to his once erect and vigorous manhood.
He was a member of the state militia and was Ensign John. She d.
Aug. 8, 1849. He d. Jan. 20, 1852.
Third Generation.
(Children of Daniel, 2d, and Hannah Young Hills.)
(B. at N.)
Susan Hills, b. March 19, 1791; m. (first), Benjamin Darling, b. at
Sanbornton March 12, 1788, and d. there July 8, 1819. She m. (second),
Favor, of whom I find no further record. She m. (third),
Samuel Learned in 1836 and moved to Piermont. They later removed
to Troy, Ind., where both d.; she, Aug. 10 and he, Aug. 25, 1855.
She had three children by her first marriage: George, who d. in New
York; Hannah, who m. Alexander McLinn; and Abagail, who m. Jona-
than Learned (her stepfather's son) of Kendallsville, Ind., and d.,
1903. She had three children by her third marriage: John Learned,
b. 1829, who now resides in Lowell, Mass.; Mark, b. 1834 and d., 1835;
and Lucy A., b. 1838, wife of Joseph D. Oilman, b. at Norridgewock,
Me., and resided at Lowell, where she d. June 23, 1836.
Betsey (Elizabeth) Hills, b. June 10, 1793; m., May 27, 1814, John
Cilley of N. (See Cilley gen.) They moved to Columbia, where they
spent the remainder of their lives. They had six children. She d.
April 3, 1867. He d. April 20, 1885.
Hannah Hills, b. 1795; m. Richard Blanchard of N. (See Blan-
chard gen.)
Sally Hills, b. 1802; m., Sept. 26, 1822, Sherburn Lock of Bristol,
and moved to Jamestown, N. Y. I can find no trace since 1836. They
had two dau.
Daniel Hills, b. 1806. He was a minor at his father's death and
m., March 11, 1832, Abi B. Ambler of Attleboro, Mass., and resided
there in 1836. I can find nothing further.
(Children of Capt. David and Susannah Cole Hills.)
(B. at N.)
Susan Hills, b. Feb. 16, 1792; m., Aug. 9, 1820, Aaron Adams of
Salisbury. He was a farmer. They had two children, Emery H., who
resides at Orange, N. J., and Hannah Fifield of Jackson, Mich.
Abiah Hills, b. Feb. 11, 1795; m., May 25, 1823, William Durgin
of Sanbornton, b. July 9, 1798. They were farmers at Sanbornton,
now Tilton Highlands, and had four children: Albert of Newbury;
William Jackson of Tilton; Electa, who m. John Pressey of Sutton and
d. there in 1901; and Leonard, late of Portland, Ore. Mr. Durgin d.
Feb. 19, 1875. She d. Oct. 26, 1881.
Daniel Hills, b. June 18, 1797; m., June 10, 1824, Huldah Page of
Sanbornton, b. at Epsom Aug. 20, 1794. He was a farmer on the
homestead and cared for his mother in her declining years. He was
captain of Company C, Thirty-eighth Regiment, Infantry, of the state
militia. They had two sons. He d. Jan. 13, 1S43. She d. April IG,
Abagail Hills, b. Jan. 18, 1799; m., March 3, 1840, John Jarvis of
West Concord. He was b. at Dunbarton April 28, 1798. They resided
for many years at East Concord, where he was a farmer and both d.
there; he, Oct. 2, 1870; she, Dec. 13, 1879.
David Hills, b. Feb. 3, 1801; m., April 20, 1831, Sarah A. Forrest
of Canterbury, b. July 5, 1801. They resided for many years on the
Dolloff place at the foot of Bean Hill. In 1846 they moved to the
Centre, where he d. Oct. 2, 1868, and she. May 10, 1876. They had a
family of six children. He was a natural mechanic, a fine scholar and
a good singer. Mrs. Hills was a teacher for many years, being noted
as a grammarian and speller.
Clarissa Hills, b. Dec. 14, 1803; m.. May 8, 1820, Leonard Damon
of Reading, Mass., b. June 27, 1801, and d. March 25, 1826. She m.
(second), John Parker of Reading, Sept. 11, 1828. They had two dau.,
Clarissa Orilla and Susan Adelia, and a son, Leonard Damon Parker,
none of whom survive.
Emery Hills, b. Jan. 18, 1805; m., in 1831, Harriet Parker of Water-
bury, Vt., b. April 11, 1797. He learned the tanner's trade of Dea-
con True of Salisbury and later fitted for the ministry but was never
permitted to preach on account of failing health. He d. at Williston,
Vt, where they had spent their whole married life, Sept. 4, 1850.
She survived many years. Mr. Hills was one of the early anti-slavery
advocates. Their dau. were: Harriet, who m. Dr. Lyman B. Larkin
and had a son, Ernest; Amelia; Maria; Susan, who m. (first), George
Stearns and had one child, Mrs. Ethel D. Stickney of Milford, and who
m. (second), Tenney of East Concord, dying at North Bos-
cawen Nov. 23, 1890; Martha; and George. The latter enlisted in New
York at the beginning of the Civil War; he either re-enlisted or was
transferred to the Seventeenth Vermont Infantry, returned and was last
heard from at New Haven Ct. Mrs. Martha E. Garrett, the last sur-
viving dau., resides at Ballston Spa, N. Y.
Dea. Samuel Hills, b. Dec. 25, 1808; m., Dec. 6, 1832, Judith Clough
of Canterbury, b. Dec. 6, 1808. He was a blacksmith and spent his
whole life at Canterbury Centre. He was a deacon of the Congre-
gational Church for many years. He d. April, 1882. She d. Sept. 8,
1888. They had one dau., Mary Eliza, wife of John P. Kimball of
Canterbury, who had three children, Ida, Georgia and Edwin.
(Children of Timothy and Betsey Lapham Hills.)
(B. at N.)
King Lapiiam Hills, b. Jan. 22, 1794; m., June 19. 1814. Sally Gil-
man of N., b. July 19, 1796. They went to Sheffield, Vt.. and after his
death, Dec. 22, 1863, she moved to Fond-du-lac, Wis., where she d. April
15, 1880. They had four sons, Aaron, William G., Marcella and Tim-
othy, and eight dau.: Betsey, Nancy, Harriet, Alice, Mary, Adaline,
Julia Ann and Cerinda. Several of these now reside at Sheffield, Vt.
Harriet Hills, b. Sept. 13, 1797; m., May 15, 1814, Lowell Lang of
Sanbornton Bridge. He was a cabinet and coffin maker. They had
eight children: John, "Warren H., Timothy H., Joseph L., Lucy B.,
Elizabeth Ann, Direxa, Matilda and Katherine Holmes. Mrs. Lang d.
June 4, 1830. He m. (second), Theodate Page and d. Feb. 10, 1861.
WarreiX Laphaji Hills, b. Sept. 2, 1801; m., April 2, 1829, Betsey
Tucker, b. at Hopkinton Dec. 26, 1809. He was a farmer, brickmaker
and a man of extensive business. They had six children. She d. at
N. Feb. 6, 1886. He d. March 23, 1887.
Betsey L. Hills, b. Oct. 1, 1803; m., Feb 12, 1826, Furber Goodwin
(see Goodwin gen.), b. at N. Aug. 18, 1807, and had seven children:
Melissa, Diana, Warren H., Albert A., Harriet L., King H., and Eliza-
beth, all of Danville and Sheffield, Vt. She d. at Danville, Vt., April
18, 1846. He d. at Annisquam, Mass., Feb. 11, 1859.
Barker L. Hills, b. Oct. 28, 1808; m., Jan. 7, 1835, Mary A. Cilley
(see Cilley gen.), b. Sept. 14, 1814. He d. at Campton June 20, 1895,
and she d. there Feb. 28, 1886. They had a son, Daniel Cilley Hills,
who, with his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth L. Mitchel, now resides at Ash-
land, where he is cashier of the Ashland Savings Bank.
(Children of John and Polly Brown Hills.)
(B. at N.)
Benjamin Hills, b. Feb. 8, 1810; m. Elizabeth Cofran, b. Dec. 23,
1813. He was a farmer and dealer in cattle. He lived in the Chase
tavern at the entrance to Bay St. Both d. there; he, Oct. 11, 1857.
she, June 9, 1871. They had a family of eight. This place was sold
June 8, 1872, to S. B. Page and Samuel Sargent.
Sally Hills, b. Oct. 12, 1808; m., 1827, Joseph Clisby, b. at Concord
Sept. 1, 1802. He was a blacksmith at the Centre. He also farmed in
later years. He was one of the few who kept a record of passing
events, which has been of great value in compiling this genealogy.
They had a family of four dau. (See Clisby gen.)
John Hills, b. Sept. 20, 1805; m., Nov. 4, 1831, Mahala Rollins, b.
in Sanbornton, 1806. He inherited the home farm on Whicher Hill
and was a thrifty farmer all his life. They had two children. Mrs.
Hills d. Jan. 11, 1883. He d. Feb. 16, 1886. This farm was sold to
F. B. Shedd of Lowell, Mass., who has a summer residence there.
Betsey Hills, b. Aug. 30, 1804; m. Moses Evans of N. (see Evans
gen.) and resided on what has always been called Lovers' Lane, near
her father's. He d. Jan. 15, 1855, and she d. April 1, 1868. This house,
if not built for a Methodist parsonage, was used for some time as such,
Fourth Generation.
(Children of Daniel and Huldah Page Hills.)
(B. at N.)
William Peary Hills, b. Feb. 26, 1S25, was a young man of me-
chanical genius and a promising artist in portraiture. He d. March
7. 1854.
Daniel Adams Hills, b. Jan. 23, 1827; m., April 15, 1853, Cynthia A.
Clough. (See Clough gen.) He claimed a valuable invention, a non-
poisonous mixture for sticky fly paper and a machine for spreading
it, which later was sold to H. B. Foster of Concord. Mr. Hills was also
a farmer and natural mechanic. They had two children. He d. June
25, 1864. She d. June 11, 1890.
(Children of David and Sarah Forrest Hills.)
(B. at N.)
Sarah Augusta Hills, b. May 10, 1832, was educated at the New
Hampshire Conference Seminary and was a faithful teacher for many
years. She cared for the home and her parents in their declining
years and later went to care for a relative at East Andover. She d.
at N. May 12, 1902.
LucT Rogers Hills, b. July 9, 1834; m., Nov. 16, 1866, Oliver L.
Cross of N. (See Cross gen. and frontispiece.)
SoLox Forrest Hills, b. May 31, 1836; m., Sept. 21, 1871, Georgia
Cate of Belmont. She was b. at Manchester June 1, 1845. He was a
teacher and supervisor of schools in N. and Belmont, a fine musician
and leader of several bands. He moved to Belmont in 1872, where
he was a farmer and prominent Granger, being master of Lawrence
Grange. They had three children: Martha G., b. 1872 and d., 1873;
James C, b. 1873; and Helen F., b. 1877, the latter being a teacher in
the Belmont graded schools.
Dorothy Eastman Hills, b. Aug. 24, 1838; m., April, 1S74, John
Wilde of Lancashire, England. They reside at Penacook and have one
son, Charles F., a trusted clerk for the Whitney Electrical Company.
Mrs. Wilde taught for many years and is a fine landscape artist in
Susan Maria Hills, b. Jan. 26, 1840; d., Oct. 14, 1846. Her death
was caused by her clothes taking fire at an open fireplace.
Susan Hannah Hills, b. March 15, 1846; m.. May 28, 1S71, Jason
Foss. (See portrait and sketch.)
(Children of Warren L. and Betsey Tucker Hills.)
(B. at N.)
Alvaii Tucker Hills, b. Jan. 10, 1831; d., July 18, 1S53.
Maby Tucker Hills, b. Sept. 13, 1833; d.. Aug. 31, 1846.
Henry T. Hills, b. Oct. 8, 1837; m., March 21, 1861, Orlette S. Whld-
den of N. (See Whidden gen.) He was clerk of the town for a term
of years. He was a member of the firm of Peabody & Hills, dry goods
and groceries, and later was emploj^ed by P. C. Cheney at Manchester.
In 1886 he moved to Bath, S. C, where he was a paper manufacturer.
They had two chiMren. He d. at Bath, S. C, March 28, 1892, and is
buried in the Park Cemetery at Tilton. Mrs. Hills resides with her
dau. at Aiken, S. C.
AVaeren Smith Hills, b. Feb. 9, 1842; m., Sept. 7, 1865, Helen E.
Cofran of N. (See Cofran gen.) He resides on the homestead of his
father and grandfather and is an extensive farmer and stone mason.
They have seven children. (See group.)
Charles Frederick Hills, b. Jan. 27, 1847; m., Jan. 17, 1872, Sarah
Frances Cilley of N. (See Ciiley gen.) He was a fine printer at N. and
d. March 15, 1889. They had two children. She d. suddenly of heart
failure July 6, 1885.
M. Etta Hills, b. July 21, 1854; m.. May 22, 1883, Cliff F. Gile. (See
Gile gen.)
(Children of Benjamin and Elizabeth Cofran Hills.)
(B. at N.)
Oren Hills, b. June 18, 1835, was a drover and butcher at Brighton,
Mass. He d. Jan. 25, 1864.
Ann Hills, b. March 24, 1840; m., Aug. 3, 1864, Enoch G. Philbrick
of Sanbornton. (See Philbrick gen.)
(See portrait.)
Frank Hills was b. in N. Nov. 29, 1849. His early life was passed
in that town. Since 1876 he has been a merchant in Tilton, residing
in Northfield until April, 1891, when he moved to Tilton. Unassuming
and retiring in his manners, he has never been a seeker after oflBce or
place. Mr. Hills is a constant and unswerving Democrat and as such
served the town of N. as selectman in 1886--'87, and Tilton as auditor,
treasurer, member of the school board and building committee of the
new graded school building. In 1894 he was elected representative to
the Legislature. He was one of the first officers of the Tilton and
Northfield Library Association, being elected as trustee May 10, 1887,
re-elected in 1889, 1894 and 1899, resigned May 14, 1901.
His integrity and honesty of purpose have been in his business
methods and as administrator and guardian he has shown himself to
be qualified for important trusts. He was elected trustee of the lona
Savings Bank May 9, 1883, and director of the Citizens' National Bank
Jan. 20, 1S85.
These positions he has held continuously to the present time. Mr.
Hills is a prominent Mason, being a member of Doric Lodge, Tilton,
Mount Horeb Commandery of Concord and the Edward A. Raymond
Consistory of Nashua. He is a member of the Methodist Church and
for many years was one of its trustees. May 23, 1872, he m. Clara C.
Scribner of Franklin. Their children are: Llewellyn S., who d. at
the age of two years; Myra Pearl; and Roger Frank.
Fred Hills, b. Oct. 29, 1S54; m., Aug. 1, 1S7G, Letitia Cair of Find-
lay, O., b. Jan. 15, 1850. They have three children. He d. at N. May
2, 1903.
(Children of John and Mahala Rollins Hills.)
(B. at N.)
Daniel Emery Hills, b. Sept. 7. 1833; m., 1858, Mary Otis Young.
(See portrait and sketch of Postmasters.)
Mary C. Hills, b. July 6, 1S3G; m.. May 1, 1859, Liba C. Morrison.
(See Morrison gen.)
Fifth Generation.
(Children of Daniel Adams and Cynthia Clough Hills.)
(B. at N.)
Ella Orissa Hills, b. June 7, 1854; m., Dec. 24, 1874, George H. Nel-
son. (See Nelson gen.) She is a born genealogist and has rendered
valuable aid in the compilation of this work.
William Clough Hills, b. June 12, 1859; m., June 5, 1901, Mabel W.
Glines. (See Glines gen.) They reside on the Samuel Clough farm
on Bay Hill, where he is an extensive farmer. Mrs. Hills, after a
partial course at the New Hampshire Normal School, taught at Mel-
rose, Winchester and Burlington, Mass. She is a member of the N.
school board.
(Children of Henry T. and Oriette Whldden Hills.)
Ellox Sherburne Hills, b. at N. Dec. 14, 1861; m., Sept. 12, 1893,
Frances Stafford of Augusta, Ga., b. Oct. 8, 1863. He is agent for the
National Life Insurance Company of Montpelier, Vt., and resides at
Nashua. They have five children: Warren R., Marion R., Helen S.,
Stafford S. and Robert W.
Lelia Irene Hills, b. at Manchester Dec. 11, 1868; m., June 17, 1903,
Rev. A. Hunter Anthony, b. at New Albany, Ind., Jan. 25, 1859. They
reside at Aiken, S. C.
(Children of Charles F. and Sarah F. Cilley Hills.)
(B. at N.)
Ellex Florilla Hills, b. Dec. 16, 1876; m.. Sept 21, 189S, George V.
Hamlin of Goffstown, where they reside. They have two children,
Leonard H. V., b. 1899, and George H., b. 1902.
Grace Hills, b. March 20, 1878, resides at Manchester.
(Children of Frank and Clara Scribner Hills.)
(B. at N.)
Llewellyn S. Hills, b. Sept. 19, 1878; d., Aug. 18, 1S80.
Myra Pearl Hills, b. May 14, ISSO, is a graduate of Tllton Seminary,
class of 1900, and is a teacher of instrumental music.
Roger F Hill.s. b. Sept. 3, 1887, graduated from Tilton Seminary,
class of 1904, and is now a student at Dartmouth College.
(Children of Fred and Letitia Carr Hills.)
Leon C. Hills, b. at Tilton Aug. 11, 1877, resides on Elm St. with his
mother and is employed at Fifield Bros.' market.
Stella F. Hills, b. at Findlay, O., Dec. 21, 1880; m., Sept. 14, 1904,
Arthur S. Nelson. (See Nelson gen.)
Alice M. Hills, b. at Findlay, 0., Feb. 15, 1883; m., June 15, 1904,
Jere D. Driscoll, b. at Lawrence, 1879.
(Children of W. S. and Helen Cofran Hills.)
(All b. at N.)
Kate F. Hills, b. June 16, 18C7, has been the faithful caretaker in
the home during her mother's long illness. She is active in the social
work of the Grange, is a member of the history and Old Home Day
committees and is strong and helpful in whatever she undertakes.
Arthuk H. Hills, b. Nov. 12, 1868; m., Oct. 15, 1895, Florence Goss
of Andover, b. Aug. 15, 1878. They reside at Lebanon, where he is
engaged in the grain business. They have one child, Clyde Clayton,
b. 1897.
Helen Josephine Hills, b. March 2, 1872, was, like all her Hall an-
cestry, possessed of a fine voice and assisted in the church choir
many years. She possessed also another accomplishment not frequent
among even "Yankee" girls, a love of and skill in the use of the rifle.
She m., June 13, 1894, Prof. Ned Dearborn of N. (See Dearborn gen.)
Evelyn B. Hills, b. Nov. 4, 1876; m., June 29, 1899, Prof. Shirley J.
Case, b. at Springfield, N. B., Sept. 28, IcjiZ. Mrs. Case was a graduate
of Tilton Seminary and a teacher of vocal music at New Hampton
Institute for several years. Mr. Case is a Baptist clergyman and they
reside at New Haven, Conn.
Willie H. C. Hills, b. July 25, 1878, is employed at the New Hamp-
shire Soldiers' Home at Tilton as expert farmer.
Walter B. Hills, b. Dec. 5, 1879; m., April 20, 1902, May F. Sears
of Newton, Mass. They reside on Bay St. He is a farmer on the
home farm.
LoKiNG C. Hills, b. March 3, 1885, is a student at Tilton Seminary.
Joseph Hill, b. at Mont Vernon June 16, 1834, came to Sanbornton
Bridge when a lad of 15, where he was a merchant during the whole of
his active life, first, as partner with his brother, then with E. G. Phil-
brick in an extensive line of general merchandise, and later with W.
P. Fletcher until his death. He, with his brother, in 1865 erected their
commodious brick block and a few years later the present wooden
one. Mr Hill m., Jan. 8, 1862, Annette Hancock of N. and had four
children. (See Hancock gen.) She d. Nov. 12, 1874.
He m. (second), at Durham, June 28, 1880, Lizzie A. Chase of N.
and removed the following year to Arch Hill.
He was unassuming in manner, kind, sympathetic, generous; a
trusted and respected citizen, not only interested in local affairs, but
represented the town in the Legislature of 1871 and '72. He was a
member of the board of education, of Doric Lodge, A. F. and A. M.,
and the Congregational Church. Mrs. Hill is a member of the same
church, a charter member of the local Woman's Club and Peabody
Chapter of the Eastern Star, but is especially devoted to home and its
varied interests.
Second Generation.
Aleck Ware Hill. b. Jan. 1, 1SG3; d., Dec, 18G6.
Joseph Ware Hill, b. Oct. 24, 1867, was employed in his father's store
and since his death has assisted in the care of the estate and home.
Eva Gertrude Hill, b. at Tilton Aug. 7, 1869, graduated from the
New Hampshire Conference Female College in 1889 as the valedic-
torian. After several years' service as a teacher in the Union graded
school she m., Oct. 25, 1893, Charles T. Foster of Canterbury, also a
graduate of the same class. They have two sons, Malcom, b. 1894,
and Gordon, b. 1896. They reside at Leominster, Mass.
Florence A. Hill, b. March 19, 1874, was a graduate of the same
institution in 1892 and a teacher some years. She m., April 19, 1900,
Prof. Craven Laycock, b. at Yorkshire, England, now of Dartmouth
College. He was also a graduate of Tilton Seminary, class of 1892, and
of Dartmouth College, 1896.
Edmvxd Hodgdox, b. Aug. 15. 0. S., 1739; m., July 15, 1761, Susanna
Twombly, b. April 2, 1743, O. S. They came from Barnstead to N. in
1788 and bought the farm. Lot 188, laid out to the right of John Hug-
gins, which remained in the Hodgdon name for 101 years. He was of
English descent and a Quaker. His wife was of Scotch descent.
Second Generation.
Miles Hodgdox, b. May 23, 1762; m. (first), Cate of Canterbury
and (second), Mary Kezar of Canterbury, Dec. 30, 1819.
Mary Hodgdox, b. Aug. 19, 1764; m. Jonathan Dearborn of N. and
had four children. (See Dearborn gen.)
Israel Hodgdox, b. March 9, 1770; m., Nov. 21, 1793. Comfort San-
born, b. May 7, 1774. He cultivated the homestead and had five chil-
Peace Hoixjdox, b. Dec. 26, 1774; m., Dec. 26. iij3. Josiah George of
Sanbornton and had 13 children. He d. March 25. 1847. She d. at
Lake Village Sept. 13, 1858. A dau.. Charlotte, m.. 1792, Jonathan
Cate of N. The youngest, John Kezar George, having been Injured in
a Lowell factory, was educated by the corporation and became a
teacher in Arkansas.
Third Generation,
(Children of Israel and Comfort Sanborn Hodgdon.)
SusAx HoDGDox, b. July 5, 1794; m. George Colby of N. and had four
Isaiah Hodgdon, b. March 26, 1796; d., Feb. 23, 1S46.
Nancy Hodgdox, b. June 15, 179S; m. Abraham Fowler and removed
to Hill.
Deliverance Hodgdon, b. April 5, 1S03; m., Sept. 10, 1840, Jeremiah
Clough of Canterbury as his second wife.
Mr. Clough was a Free Baptist preacher as oppoi'tunity offered and
at the same time conducted large farming enterprises.
Charlotte Hodgdon, b. Aug. 19, 1813; m., Sept. 17, 1846, Edward
Osgood of Canterbury. They resided some years at Roxbury, Mass.,
and had five children: Susan, wife of Leon Chase of Canterbury;
Charles, who d. at Tilton, 1888; Annie May, who, after long years of
service as teacher, m., 1895 (?), Edward Webster of Boston, with a
summer home at Boscawen Plain.
HiEAM Hodgdon, b. Jan. 19, 1808; d., Aug. 14, 1828.
Cyeus Hodgdon, b. Feb. 14, 1811; d., June 22, 1842. He was b. blind
but had such wonderful intuition that he was often sent for things
about the premises that no one else could find.
John L. Hodgdon, b. Dec. 19, 1805; m., Dec. 5, 1830, Sally Thurston
of Hill and had two sons and a dau. He d. Aug. S, 1874. She d. at
Ashland July 9, 1901.
(Children of John and Sally Thurston Hodgdon.)
(See portrait.)
Hon. Hiram Hodgdon, the subject of this sketch, was b. and educated
in N. When 21 years of age he left home to seek his fortune. He
made his way to Boston, Mass., with a strong determination to make a
good beginning and found employment there as a dry goods clerk.
He remained one year and having proved himself capable of filling
a more responsible position, he went to Ashland and took full charge
of the old brick store, owned by Cutting Follansby. The arrange-
ment was such that Mr. Hodgdon received one half of the proceeds in
return for his services and management. In 1802 he entered into full
partnership with his aforetime employer under the firm name of Fol-
lansby & Hodgdon. He was active in this business for 27 years, with
the exception of two years that he served with the Twelfth Regiment,
New Hampshire Volunteers, in the Civil War. (See Boys in Blue.)
About 1880 he went West, dealt largely in land and erected houses in
promising localities, which found a ready sale. In 1886 a company
was formed, composed of Thomas P. Cheney, George E. Scribner, N.
P. Batchelder and Hiram Hodgdon. They purchased the Baker Mill
water privilege and built a building, 110 x 54 feet and three stories
high. Seven sets of cards were put in and the factory has since
been known as the Ashland Knitting Company and is still in active
operation. Mr. Hodgdon is still connected with the business. He
m. (first), Martha Webster of Danville, who d. in 1S80. He m. (sec-
ond), Mrs. Plaisted of Ashland, , 1900. He is a Republican and,
although desiring no oflBce, was clerk of the town for a term and was
elected to the New Hampshire Senate in 1879. He is a Baptist in
belief and is connected with that church and society. He is also a
member of Mt. Prospect Lodge, No. 68, F. and A. M.
George M. Hodgdon, b. Aug. 13, 1835; m., Sept. 15, 1857, Millie
Plaisted of Ashland. He is a farmer and resides in Ashland. They
liave a son and dau.
Sarah E.\ton Hodgdon, b. Oct. 27, 1838; m., Jan. 11, 1887, Alonzo P.
Chamberlain of Dunbarton. He d. Dec. 11, 1893. She resides at Ash-
Fourth Generation.
(Children of George and Millie Plaisted Hodgdon.)
(B. at Ashland.)
Charles Merrill Hodgdon, b. Oct. 24, ISGO; m., April 5, 1886, Cora
Nelson. He d. Jan. 11, 1895.
Christie Hodgdon, b. at Ashland Jan. 1, 1877; m., Jan. 9, 1890, George
Flanders. She resides at her father's and has thi'ee dau.
Samttel T. Holmes came to N. from Tilton in 1876 and erected his
home on Park St. He was b. at East Haddam, Conn., Jan. 27, 1845;
m., Feb. 13, 1869, Mrs. Mary E. Sanborn, b. at Loudon Aug. 15, 1835.
He conducted for several years a meat and provision market and later
a restaurant at Tilton. He served in the Civil War. (See Boys in
Blue.) They have an adopted dau. He has served the town as con-
stable and policeman.
Second Generation.
Gertrude Belle Holmes, b. at Chichester Jan. 19, 1872; m., Dec. 8,
1894, Thomas Townsend. She is a dressmaker.
Orlando G. Howe came to N. from Holderness, where he was b.
June 30, 1857. He m.. May 1. 1S81, Lizzie S. Sanders, b. at Wentworth
Nov. 9, 1862. He was formerly employed by the Lord Bros. Man-
186 HISTORY OF northfield;
facturing Company but later became a farmer and resides on Vine St.,
where lie has two houses.
A niece, Ida May Willey, b. at Rumney Aug. 10, 1893, resides with
them and attends Union Graded School.
Dk. Exos Hoyt. (See Physicians of N. and portrait.)
Second Generation.
Asa George Hoyt, b. Sept. IS, 1825, graduated from Dartmouth Col-
lege in 1846. He read medicine and graduated from Harvard Medical
School in 1S51. He m., Dec. 10, 1851, Maria Frances Hemenway, and
was associated with his father in practice at Framingham until his
death, Oct. 15, 1857. He had one son, b. May 12, 1854, who d. at 25.
Ends Alpheus Hoyt was b. Aug. 5, 1828, and m., June 6, 1865, Emma
Whiting of Medway, Mass. He was 11 years in California and then
studied medicine with his father and at Dartmouth Medical School,
taking his degree there. He was assistant surgeon in the Twenty-
fifth Massachusetts Regiment. (See Boys in Blue.) Later he was a
physician at Natick, Mass., until his death, Nov. 23, 1879. He left
four children.
Grace Crosby Hoyt, b. July 25, 1831; m., Sept. 4, 1850, George Will-
iam Bigelow of Framingham, who d. May 29, 1903. He was an active
business man and served the Congregational Church as deacon and
superintendent of its Sabbath school for many years. Mrs. Bigelow
still remains in her home with her four children settled near by. One
son, a physician, bears her father's name, Enos Hoyt Bigelow.
Dixi Crosby Hoyt, b. Aug. 24, 1838; m., Oct. 9, 1862, Abbie Louisa
Reed of Medway, Mass. He graduated from Amherst College in 1855
and took his medical degree from Harvard in 1860. He enlisted at the
opening of the Civil War. (See Boys in Blue.) He d. at Newberne,
N. C, from overwork, exposure and yellow fever, Nov. 1, 1864.
Rhoda Frances Blaisdell Hoyt, b. Oct. 24, 1842; m., Dec. 24, 1862,
John Wentworth Bracket of Boston, a piano manufacturer. She d.
Oct. 20, 1863, leaving a son, who survived her four weeks.
HOYT 11.
Alvah Hoyt, b. in Lowell, Mass., came to N. from Sanbornton in
1860 and resided on the Thomas Lyford place. He m. Betsey Randall
of Sanbornton, b. 1818.
He was a resident but four years, removing later to Tilton. Mrs.
Hoyt d. Aug. 30, 1871. They had a son and dau. He m. (second),
Abbie Comeford of Tilton Highlands and purchased of Mrs. James
Jenkins a home on the Franklin road. Mr. Hoyt d. about 1880. She
still resides there.
Second Generation.
Augusta Hott, b. at Lowell, Mass., Oct. 1, 1841; m. Daniel Sanborn
of N. They had four children. (See Sanborn gen.) She d. Nov. 1,
Aloxzo F. Hoyt served in the Civil War. (See Boys in Blue.) He
d., Jan. 1, 1865, at Falmouth, Va.
Amos P. Hoyt, b. at Bath in 1824; m. Lucy Lane, b. at Hanover, and
had four children, none of whom were b. in town. He came to N. from
Lebanon and purchased the brick house of Reuben Hutchins on
High St. He was a carpenter by trade. He d. June 8, 1891, and she
went to reside with her children.
Second Generation.
Ida Hoyt, b. June 16, 1864; m., March 18, 1886, Fred Judkins of
Franklin Falls, a member of the firm of Judkins & Wallace. They
have three children: Leon F., b. 1887; Jere A., b. 1889; and Elsie M.,
b. 1S91.
Clara B. Hoyt m. Frank Pease of Meredith, a member of the firm of
Pease & Weeks, grocers.
Nettie Hoyt m. Oscar Gates and resided in N. for several years,
later moving to Salisbury.
Rev. Edwin Hoyt was a Baptist clergyman at Franklin Falls for
several years and now resides at Derby, Vt.
Haxxah Amelia Houghton came to N. from Franklin Falls (where
she was employed in Aiken's Hosiery Mill in 1865 and 1866 as fore-
woman in the knitting department). She was b. at Brasher, St. Law-
rence County, New York, March 3, 1836, and was a dressmaker for
several years, but later conducted a large boarding-house. After her
father's death in New York in 1891, she took her mother and invalid
sister to her home, where she tenderly cared for them. Her mother,
b. at Windsor, Vt, d. at N. April 18, 1894, aged 88, and Sarah A.. April
19, 1899, aged 60. Another sister, Mrs. Jacobs, the mother of Mrs. Ar-
thur F. Cunningham, resides at N.
Chables C. Huebeb bought of Warren F. Daniel! a part of the Jere-
miah Cross farm in 1875 (?), including the buildings, where he has
since been a gardener, furnishing early vegetables for the Franklin
market. His greenhouses, run in connection with the business, were
burned a few years since. They have four children: Albert, who
remains in the home; Louis of Tilton; and two dau., who are em-
ployed at Laconia.
Edgar E. Hulse came to N. from Westboro, Mass. He was b. at
East Hampton, N. Y., in 1858, and m., 1883, Flora M. Gould, b. at
Parsonsfield, Me., 1863. He was educated at Bowdoinham, Me., and at
Nichols' Latin School, Lewiston, Me., and Plymouth Normal School.
He removed to New York and taught 10 years, later teaching at West-
boro, Mass., one and a half years. He was principal of Union Graded
School in N. nearly eight years, leaving it to superintend the schools
of Southern New Hampshire four years and is at present master in
the Boston schools. They have four children, two of whom were b. in
Second Generation.
John Rogee Hulse, b. Nov. 21, 1893; d., Feb., 1894.
Melvebda M. Hitlse, b. Dec. 30, 1894.
Fernald and Kenneth, b. at New York.
(See portrait.)
Joseph Warren Hunkins, b. at Sanbornton Sept. 2, 1835; m., Oct.
13, 1860, Caroline Augusta Cofran, b. April 24, 1836. He removed to
Manchester, where he lived until 1866, since which time he has re-
sided in N. on a part of the Jeremiah Cofran estate. They have had
four children. Mr. Hunkins has been deacon of the Congregational
■Church since 1872, one of the board of selectmen of the town, and has
been its tax collector most of the time for the last 13 years.
Second Generation.
Etta Mary Hunkins, b. at Manchester April 8, 1862; d., March 8,
Carrie Phebe Hunkins, b. at Manchester Dec. 19, 1863; d., Sept. 3,
Everett Robert Hunkins, b. at Manchester Jan. 1, 1865; m. Mary
Black of Boston, Mass., Nov. 23, 1894, where they now reside. They
have one son.
Jed Warren Hunkins, b. at N. Feb. 17, 1869; m., April 15, 1891,
Annie Howard, and resides at the home with his parents.
Third Generation.
Mary Chellis Hunkins, b. June 9, 1888.
Edward Everett Hunkins, b. Oct. 23, 1895.
Ethel Hunkins, b. July 10, 1897.
Otis Hurlburt, b. Nov. 18, 1823, was a native of Lyme. He m.,
Nov. 27, 1S50, Susan M., only child of Mack Glines, b. July 21, 1831.
They resided at first near her home on the main road and then at
Tilton. He bought of Mrs. Daniel Huse's heirs the present home on
Bay St. Extension, where he d. June 17, 1894, and where she still re-
sides. They had three sons and a dau., all b. in N.
Second Generation.
Fraxk Hublbukt, b. Oct. 23, 1855; m., Sept. 27, 1879, Clara Blanchard,
and had one child. They resided on the Fellows farm, near the Rand
schoolhouse, where he d. March 1, 1888. He was a charter member of
Harmony Lodge, L O. 0. F. Mrs. Hurlburt d. Jan. 22, 1895.
Charles O. HuRLBxmT, b. July 26, 1857; m., Jan. 13, 1886, Cora
Nichols, and removed to Bellows Falls, Vt. They have four children.
He is a member of the order of A. F. and A. M.
George C. Hurlburt, b. Dec. 30, 1860; m., Dec. 25, 1884, Lena English
and had five children. He was a farmer at Belmont, where he d. Nov..
28, 1894. He was found murdered by the roadside. She, later, with her
four children, removed to her former home in West Hartford, Vt.
He was a member of Harmony Lodge, L O. O. F., and of Belknap
Lodge, A. O. U. W.
Mary Jeanette Hurlburt, b. June 26, 1863; m., Jan. 1, 1884, Fred
Brown of Tilton and removed to Concord, where Mr. Brown was teacher
of manual training in the public schools. He has for some years past
held the same position in the Manchester schools, with his home in
Concord. They have two sons, Orville and Carmi.
Third Generation.
(Child of Frank and Clara Blanchard Hurlburt.)
Wallace Hurlburt, b. May, 1888; resides with his grandmother. He
is a graduate of Tilton Seminary, 1905.
The Huses were of Welch origin and settled in Amesbury, when they
came to America. William, b. Aug. 22, 1760, was in the Revolutionary
War. His son, John, who also served two years, was a brother of
Joseph, the father of Daniel, who came from Sanbornton to N. and
bought a part of the Thomas Chase farm in the west part of the
town. He purchased other land as opportunity offered and became
a large landholder and prosperous farmer. He m. Eliza Dudley of
Sanbornton and had three dau. He was a correct business man and
served the town as treasurer and was also one of its board of select-
men. He d. Sept. 3, 1883, after a long illness, aged 75 years.
Mrs. Huse. after selling to her son-in-law, Morrill Moore, purchased.
a home near Tilton. She d. Jan. 18, 1888, while on a visit to her
grandchildren in Canterbury.
Second Generation.
LoviNA HusE, b. at Campton Sept. 3, 1834; m., March 3, 1858, Mor-
rill Moore of N. (See Moore gen.)
BJtiLY HusE, b. at Thornton Sept. 1, 1840; m., Sept. 6, 1863, Ben-
jamin Phimmer of N. and removed to Tilton Highlands. (See Phim-
mer gen.)
Ann Eliza Huse, b. at Thornton Jan. 8, 1845; m., Oct. 25, 1866,
George Blanchard of Canterbury. She d. of consumption, Jan. 29,
1880, leaving three sons, two of whom, Fred and Frank, are in the
meat and grocery business at Penacook. Mrs. Blanchard was a teacher
before her marriage.
Reuben Hutciiixs owned the brick house and a part of the Thomas
Chase farm. Here, besides being a painter and paperhanger, he was
a farmer for some years.
He m. (pub.), July 5, 1856, Augusta Hinkley and had a son and a
dau., neither of whom were b. or lived in town. After the death of
his wife, March 9, 1883, he sold to David Trecartine and removed to
Franklin, where he d. Oct. 23, 1890.
John Jewell, b. in N. Feb. 10, 1800; m. (first), Olive French. She
d. Jan. 13, 1842.
He m. (second), Elizabeth Clay. He resided two years on the Lind-
sey Meadow lot, removing then to the farm owned later by Demore
Wyatt and finally removed to Alexandria.
Late in life they returned to the Clay homestead in Sanbornton,
where he d. Feb. 28, 1875. They had six children, but two of whom
were b. in N.
Second Generation.
Eliza Ann Jewell, b. at N. Feb. 14, 1824; m. Luther Ingalls of Bris-
tol, May 9, 1847, and had one son, Frank.
Maby Jane Jewell, b. at N. Feb. 12, 1826; m., June 16, 1852, Rufus
Eaton of Bristol, a carpenter and farmer. They had two sons, Frank
and George, both of whom d. in early manhood.
C. E. JocELYN, b. in Antigonish, N. S., May 6, 1850; m., Dec. 26,
1877, Jennie McNarr, b. April 12, 1858, at Cape George, N. S. They
came to N. from Springfield, Vt., where he was a harness maker, but,
being incapacitated by a brolven arm, he turned his attention to farming.
They have two children.
Second Generation.
Ella May Jocelyx, b. at Boston, Oct. 5, ISSI; m., 1900, Harry Bur-
ton, a machinist, of Franklin. They have two children, Charles David
and Merna Jane.
Edward Jocelyn, b. Feb. 12, 1885, is employed in Henderson's steam
sawmill and resides at home.
JoHx JoHNSox m., March 9, 1819, Betsey Whicher of N., b., 1798.
They had two sons and resided at East N., where she d., April 10,
Second Generation.
Jonathan M. Johxsox, b. in N. June 16, 1819; m., July 11, 1844, Al-
mira Dearborn of N. (See Dearborn gen.) He was a wheelwright
and resided in N. They had 10 children, two of whom d. in infancy.
He d. Oct. 28, 1904. She still resides at the home on Hills St.
Third Generation.
Abbie Nason Johnsox, b. at N. Factory "Village, now Franklin Falls,
Nov. 18, 1845; m. (first), April 2, 1SG3, William C. Morrill of Rumney.
She m. (second), Charles W. Abbott of Tilton, and d. Dec. 2, 1879.
Exos HoYT JoHXSox, b. at Factory Village, 1S4G; m., April 10, 1SC8,
Martha E. Gage, b. Sept. 30, 1849, at Factory Village. She d. March
21, 1900. He is employed at G. H. Tilton's hosiery mill.
BET.SEY Axx JoHXSOX, b. Feb. 11, 1850; m., Aug. 27, 1SG7, Stephen
P. Greene of Coventry, R. I. He is overseer in the spinning room of the
Ashland Cotton Company's mills at Jewett City, Conn., where they
reside. They have one child, Ethel N., b. at Central Falls, R. I., June
27, 1880.
Maby E. B. Johxsox, b. at Franklin May 27, 1852; m., Sept. 13, 1870,
George W. Lord of Tilton. They have one dau. (See Lord gen.)
Ellex a. Johxsox, b. at Franklin Nov. G, 1854; m. Fred Chancy of
St. John's, N. B. They reside at New Boston, where they have large
farming interests. They have six children: Lyde N., Florence M.,
Frederick S., Clarence I., Ralph H. and Lyman J.
EsTELLA M. Johxsox d. Aug. 4. 1858.
Fbaxk E. Johnson d., March, 1866, of spotted fever, aged six years.
Hermax F. Johnson, b. at N. May 11, ISGG, is a weaver in Carter's
Mills and resides with his mother.
William KE^-ISTO^^ the first to settle in N., was of Scotch descent.
He came from England as a missionary.
He had a brother, Joshram, noted for his great strength, who once
escaped capture by overpowering a "press-gang" of eight British offi-
cers. William had two grandsons, William and Valentine, who figure
in early N. history.
Second Generation.
(Children of William, 2d.)
WiLLiAix Kenistox lived below the Leighton place. He was b., 1726,.
and d., May 8, 1803. The place has always been called the "Kenis-
ton Crotch." The road at first followed Range 2 to the river, across-
which was a bridge less than a mile below the Cross Bridge, called
on the records "The Loer Bridge."
He was a Revolutionary soldier and "Larm List" man. The home
was sold to Ebenezer Blanchard and later the house was removed.
Mr. Keniston went to live with his grandson, Francis, and a deed of
the land to him is on record. The old cellar and some decayed apple
trees and rose bushes are still to be seen. His brother, Valentine,
lived and d. in N.
Third Generation.
WiLLiAii Kexisto:x, b. 1760; m. Sarah Morrison, and, after some
years' stay on the home farm, where five of his 10 chidren were b.,
removed to Sanbornton Bridge. He was a soldier and was at the
Battle of Brandywine. He d. at his son's at Union Bridge, Oct. 30^
David Keniston, b. 1750 (?); m. Betsey Dearborn and had three dau.
and a son. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War and was at
Bennington, Chatauguy Woods and French's Mills. He d. about 1800,
He resided on what is now called High St., near the Ledges.
Francis Keniston, b. 1777, called "Old Cappen," had a family of
seven. He was a captain in the state militia and lived on the Bean Hill
road in various places. He d. April 10, 1860. She d. July 29, 1S54,.
aged 87.
Fourth Generation.
(Children of Francis and Keniston.)
Charles Keniston m. Harriet Dearborn and had a family of 16
children by one mother. Most of them settled in town and all were
b. there.
Jonathan Keniston, b. 1808, called "Pluto"; m. Polly Glines and
had two children. He lived on the Bean Hill road and was a farm
hand. He d., on Granite St., Sept. 11, 1883. She d. April 30, 1884,
aged 78.
Philip Keniston, b. 1815; m., Nov. 29, 1838, Ruth Carr of N. and
removed to Campton, where he d., Jan., 1869.
Harrison Keniston was a farm hand for Joseph Kimhall. His ac-
customed price was one dollar a day and he was greatly disturbed one
season by Mr. Kimball's offer of 25 cents more. He d. Jan., 1SC9, aged
"William Keniston, b. 1S02; m. Nancy Danforth, b. 1808. He d. in
1880, and she, in 18G3, at Concord. They had one son.
Pbiscilla Keniston, b. Jan. 29, 1821; d., Jan., 1866. She was the
home keeper after her mother's death and never m.
(Children of David and Betsey Dearborn Keniston.)
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Keniston m. Jonathan Dearborn. (See Dearborn
Sally Keniston m. Ephraim Cross and inherited a third of her
father's estates, where she lived and d. (See Cross gen.)
Ruth Keniston m. William Cross, and lived on her father's estate..
(See Cross gen.)
Polly Keniston m. Nathaniel Foss and lived next door to her sis-
ter. (See Foss gen.)
David Keniston, called "Infant David," never m. He lived alone oa
the Ledges. He enlisted in the War of 1812 and was with the Light
Infantry, hence the name. He was a man of immense proportions.
He served a short time at Portsmouth during the War of 1812.
Fifth Generation.
(Children of Charles and Harriet Dearborn Keniston.)
(All b. at N.)
Charles Keniston, b. 1828; m., Feb. 5, 1849, Caroline Collins and
resides on the Gerrish road. They had six children. He is a trusty
farm hand.
William Keniston, b. Jan. 13, 1830; m., March 12, 1852, Frances
Amanda Davis of N. and resided at N. Depot. He was employed for
many years in the wood yard of the B., C. & M. Railroad but, later,
kept a grocery store. They had five sons, two of whom d. in boyhood.
He d. May, 1888.
John Keniston m., Aug. 18, 1862, Mrs. Nancy Farwell and had two
children. He served in the Civil War. (See Boys in Blue.) He d. at
N. Jan. 31, 1902.
Albert Keniston m., May 26, 1854, Mehitable Glines and had one
son. She d. June, 1875.
Frederick Keniston m. Mrs. Alice Ludlow Austin and had three
dau. He served in the Civil War. (See Boys in Blue.) He was a
charcoal and brick burner for many years for C. H. Ayers at N. Depot.
He removed to Manchester, where he d., Nov., 1904.
Alpheus Keniston, b. 1854; m. Mrs. Minnie Healey Sanborn and is
a farmer on her father's homestead. (See Healey gen.)
Alfred Keniston m. Mary Knowles of Lakeport. He was per-
manently disabled in a railroad collision.
Lauba Keniston m. George Roberts of N. (See Roberts gen.)
Lucy Jane Keniston, twin sister of the above, m. James Dearborn
of N., and resides at the Depot. He is a farmer.
Alvin Keniston d. at 17.
Pekley Keniston d. in childhood.
James Keniston removed to the West.
Elbridge Keniston, called "Pink," m. Nellie Farwell of N. and had
three children. She d. at Oak Hill June, 1S75. He removed to Frank-
lin Falls.
(Children of Jonathan and Polly Glines Keniston.)
Francis Keniston, 3d., d., Dec. 2, 1850, aged 16".
Jeeusha Keniston, d., Oct. 13, 1852.
Adaline Keniston, b. 1828; m. Lorenzo Davis, called "Jeff," and
resided at the Centre and later, on the "Beach," where she d., July
12, 1864. They had two sons.
(Children of William and Nancy Danforth Keniston.)
William Henry Keniston, b. 1830; m. Jane Clay, b. 1828,. and re-
sided in Concord. They had three (?) children, but one of whom was
b. in N. She d. in 1900.
Fifth Generation.
I (Children of Charles and Caroline Collins Keniston.)
Ellen Keniston m. (fii'st). Smith Roberts and had one dau. She
m. (second), Frank Herbert of Rumney and has four children.
Henry Keniston m. Mrs. Etta Keniston of Salisbury.
Hattie Keniston m. Fred Longly and d., leaving one child.
Emma Keniston m. Fred Longly and has a family of six.
Eliza Keniston of Canterbury.
Victoria Keniston m. Cross.
Lewis Keniston resides at home. He m., July 30, 1900, Eifie Birk-
sey of Tilton.
Two children d. in infancy.
(Children of William and Amanda Davis Keniston.)
(B. at N.)
La Fayette Keniston, b. Sept. 15, 1852; d. at N., April 18, 18G7.
Willie E. Keniston, b. June 17, 1859; m., Dec. 4, 1880, Anna Brown
of Concord. He has been for many years a popular conductor on the
White Mountains Division of the B. & M. R. R. They reside at Con-
cord and have two dau., Veda and Lisle. The former was b. at N. and
the latter at Woodsville.
Walter Scott Keniston, b. Dec. 28, 1SG3; m., Nov. 13, 1886, Suna
Stevens of North Haverhill, b. May 19, 1863. He is in the employ of
the B. & M. Railroad as plumber. They have three children: Ernest,
b. 1888; Mary L., b. 1892; and Frank C, b. 1898. Harold F. d. in
infancy. They reside at Concord.
Frank Keniston, b. 1865, and d., 1877.
Eddie Kenistox, b. 1S67; m. Edith M. Hannaford of Canterbury,
May 14, 1891. He is employed as engineer at granite works in West
Concord. They have two children.
(Child of William Henry and Jane Clay Keniston.)
Warren Kexiston, b. at N., 1852; m. Orrilla Martin, and resides at
Boscawen. They have two children.
(Children of John and Nancy Farwell Keniston.)
Mrs. Keniston had a dau. by previous marriage, Nellie Farwell.
Jennie Keniston m., Nov. 30, 1881, Osborne Colby of Canterbury,
where they reside. They have three children.
Simon Farwell Keniston m., July 4, 1892, Etta Randall of Canter-
bury and had two children. He now resides at Boscawen.
(Children of Elbridge and Nellie Farwell Keniston.)
(B. at N.)
Nellie Keniston m. William McMurphy and removed to Laconia.
Peeley C. Keniston, b. at N., 1870; m., June 15, 1888, Jennie M.
Harby Keniston, b. 1871; m., Aug. 30, 1890, Laura M. Leavy, b.
1870, at Andover.
Benjamin Kenison was b. in Allenstown in 1792. After his marriage
to Hannah Buntin, they resided in Bow until 1835, when he came to
N. and bought the Sewall place on Oak Hill, where he was a farmer.
They had three children, all b. in Concord. She d. April 6, 1864.
He m. (second), Mrs. Mary McClary, and d. Dec. 2, 1877. This farm
was afterwards sold to B. F. Ayers and the buildings were burned.
Second Generation.
Maby Jane Kenison, b. Jan. 4, 1821; m. William G. Hannaford.
(See Hannaford gen.)
Benjamin Kenison, Jr.. worked in the mills at Tilton. He m.
Elizabeth Thorne and went to Colebrook, where his family remained
while he went to California in 1849. He went later to Idaho, where
he d. in the mines. He had three children.
Apphia Kenison m., Dec. 14, 1846, Alfred Parker of Methuen.
Parker Kenison, b. in Bow, became a chiropodist and was for many
years on Tremont St., Boston. He later purchased a farm in Lex-
ington, Mass., where he d.
Charles Kenison, b. at Concord April 15, 1830, learned the mill-
wright trade and continued in the business until May. 1858. He
was in the locomotive and passenger car repair work for the Old
Colony R. R. Co. for six years. His connection with the Portland,
Kennebec and Maine Central Railroad dates from March, 1S64, on
locomotives; then general foreman of the passenger car department
to 1881, and he is now master car builder.
John H. Kexisox came, when a boy, to N. from Canterbury and
after various places of abode built a home on Vine St. He was a
farmer and carpenter. He m. Sarah A. Drown of Charleston, Vt.
They had two dau. She d. at N. Jan. 29, 1900. He d. three years
later at Tilton.
Second Generation.
Blanche Rose Kexisox, b. at Concord March 21, 1872; m., Oct. 21,
1891, Frank J. Taylor of St. Johnsbury, Vt. They had one child,
John F., nov/ of East Andover. She m. (second), March 12, 1904,
Sydney Arthur Oaks, b. at Birmingham, England, Nov. 24, 1875.
They now reside at Roxbury, Mass.
Maud Ella Kenlson, b. at Tilton Sept. 3, 1875; m., Dec. 24, 1896,
Arthur David Hough, b. at Sudbury, "Vt. They reside at Boston,
where he is employed as a clerk.
Frank Kenney and wife came to N., April 9, 1882, from Lawrence,
Mass., where he had been employed as foreman in weave rooms.
They were both b. in England, he at Manchester, and she at Halifax,
Yorkshire County. They located on Bay St., where he d. Dec. 22,
1888. She d. at the home of her dau. in Tilton, Nov. 28, 1899, aged
70 years.
Second Generation.
Annie Kenney, b. at Ballardvale, Mass., May 12, 1864; m., Nov.
12, 1888, Charles A. Towns of Tilton, where they reside. (See Towns
gen.) They have two sons.
The Kezars were citizens of Canterbury before the north fields
were incorporated. Reuben was at Bunker Hill and George was else-
where in the service. The first tax list contains the name of Dr.
George and Lieutenant Edmunds appears in 1796. Widow Jane, Dr.
George, Reuben and George appear in 1797.
As late as 1825 we find Asa, Dr. John, Joseph S., George, Jonathan
and William.
Asa d. in N. Oct. 14, 1840.
Edmund Kezar lived in the extreme southeast corner of the town
and had a family of 12, most of whom removed to Stewartstown with
him. This farm is now owned by Charles Payson. The only sur-
viving member of the family in the vicinity is Mark Keasor of Til-
ton. (See portrait and sketch.)
The original home of the Dr. Kezar family was on the Miles Gate
place, now owned by Fred Bryant. They owned 200 acres there.
Dr. John Kezar lived later below where the Dow settlement now
stands. He was a tanner and the sheds stood acress the road on the
F. B, Shedd farm, and the place is still called Kezar Corner. He m.,
March 4, 1847, Susanna Hodgdon. They had three sons.
She m. (second), Capt. William Prescott and remained on the
homestead. They had a dau., Sally, who d. in early womanhood, July,
1847. Mr. Prescott d. in 1845, aged 80. She d. May 26, 1859.
Second Generation.
Dr. John Kezae was a celebrated doctor and surgeon. He prac-
tised for 23 years at Starksboro. He returned later to N., where he
d. Aug. 14, 1872, aged 90. He m., March 5, 1832, Mary Haines of
N., who d. March 24, 186G, aged 5G.
Joseph Smith Kezak, b. 1794, lived for years at the foot of the
Kezar hills on the Bean Hill road. At first he had oxen and cows and
tilled his land, but lived alone. He lost his interest in farming by
degrees, grew peculiar and allowed his farm to grow up to bushes.
He went to live with his mother after Captain Prescott's death
and remained there alone after her death. He d. of starvation
and a broken arm March 12, 1865, having denied entrance to every
one for days. He had abundant means and, being afraid of banks,
money was found here and there securely hidden.
His old home was bought by Rev. Simeon Spencer, torn down and
removed to Park St., where it is now the home of Charles Heath.
Jonathan Kezar was the son of Reuben, who was called the "old
well digger," having dug and stoned 47 in town, previous to his re-
moval to Vermont.
He sold the island at the junction of the Winnepesaukee and Pemi-
gewasset rivers to John Kezar of Starksboro, in 1842, for a bushel of
salt, which he carried on his back to Peacham, Vt., from Franklin. He
also bought a three-pail iron kettle when within six miles of the town,
put it over his head and thus carried them both into town.
They were probably relatives of the Kezars in East N., although
this Is not known for a certainty. Jonathan was b. at Cabot, Vt.,
in 1796, and m., Dec. 3, 1823, Mehitable Danforth, and had 12 chil-
dren, including two pairs of twins. He was a hard working farm
hand and a builder of stone walls. In his old age he became greatly
bent over and warped- by rheumatism.
He became a Christian late in life and his fervid exhortations,
although not models in manner or matter at first, became not only
edifying but eloquent and showed in a wonderful manner the up-
lifting and refining influence of the Christian religion, in which his
family shared. He went down into the baptismal waters shouting,
and went "home" in the same exultant manner July 20, 1871. She
d. Aug. 2, 1880.
Second Generation.
Jesse Kezae, b. at Factory Village, 1856; d. at N. Dec. 29, 1899.
Jacob Kezar, b. 1839; d., Sept. 26, 1867.
William Kezae, b. 1840, and David Kezae were soldiers in the
Civil War. (See Boys in Blue.)
Note. The only remaining member of this family is Mrs. Mary
Kezar Webster of Franklin Lower Village.
The common ancestor of the great majority, if not of all, of the
Kimballs in this country was Richard, 1st., who, with his family,
embarked at Ipswich in the County of Suffolk, England, April 10,
1634, in the ship Elizabeth, William Andrews, Master. Arriving in
Boston Harbor, he took his family to Watertown and there estab-
lished their first home in the New World. He was in the prime of life
and had a trade which would be eminently useful in the new colony.
His services were in such request that an offer soon came to him
of a house and lot and other privileges on condition that he would
leave Watertown and go to Ipswich, Mass., and become the town
wheelwright. He accepted the offer and settled down to business.
He "sawed wood," built wheels — and a reputation — filled many im-
portant town offices and prospered. In less than 150 years from that
time the woods, the fields, the towns and the continental army all had
a goodly representation from the Kimball family. The Bean Hill
Kimballs are from this family.
Reuben Kimball, a Revolutionary soldier from Concord, came to
N. soon after the battle of Bunker Hill. He fared hard at the hands
of the British that day, being hit with three musket balls. One tore
off his hat; another his powder horn; while a third caused a wound
in his leg that never healed.
His deed of the Abner Miles farm on Bean Hill is dated 1776. He d.
there June 13, 1815.
Second Generation.
Benjamin Kimball inherited his father's farm, but sold out to his
brother, David, who came with his wife, Hannah Abbott of Concord.
They spent their lives there and had a family of eight, three of whom
d. in youth. The names of the other five were: David, Jr., Isaac,
Simeon, John and Joseph.
Third Generation.
David Kimball, Jr., was b. at N. in ISOO and d., 1875. He never
established a home of his own but dwelt with his brothers on Beau
Hill and cousins in Concord. His mind was not quite level on all
subjects, his friends say, owing to a romance in early life, but he led
an unselfish, thoughtful life and was called the sage and philosopher
of the neighborhood.
Is.\Ac Kimball, b. June 10, 1802; d. in Lowell, Mass., in 1875. He
m., Dec. 16, 1832, Sarah Moody.
John Kimb.^ll, b. Feb. 22, 180G; d. at N. Dec. 22, 1868. He m. Susan
Weeks of Sanbornton, b. 1799, and spent his whole life on the home-
stead. They had a dau. and son. She d. July 22, 1874. He was a man
of more than ordinary intelligence and was one of the few who made
a record of passing events and whose notes have great value in the
compiling of this history.
Joseph Kimball, b. March, 1808; d., Nov. 9, 1865. He m. Harriet
Rogers, Dec. 6, 1832. (See Rogers gen.) He established a home
a little down the hill from the home farm and on a part of it. He
added to it from time to time many contiguous acres. Here they
reared a family of seven. One of these, who remembers the old home,
lovingly says, "It was known for many years by a small army of rela-
tives and friends as headquarters for maple sugar, chestnuts, apples,
cider, butter and cheese, milk and honey, music and song, and the days
and nights were few that guests were not found enjoying its hos-
SiMEOx Kimball, b. at N., 1810; d. at Tilton in 1865. He m. Fannie
Rogers, a neighbor, Sept., 1837. He was a painter at Tilton for many
years. They had a dau., Lucy Frances, and a son, Arthur Livermore.
She was a celebrated cook and commissary for a small army of
workmen who constructed the B., C. & M. Railroad, following them
far into the mountains. She d. at Tilton Aug., 1853. He m. (second),
Betsey McDaniel. (See McDaniel gen.)
Fourth Generation.
(Children of John and Susan Weeks Kimball.)
Harriet Anx Kimball, b. at N., and m. (pub. 25, 1855), Rev.
Uriah Chase of Canterbury, and d. at Gilmanton in 1S65.
Joiix Andre Kimb.\ll, b. at N., 1846; m., 1864, Ammoretta Kimball
of Belmont. Mr. Kimball sold the farm a few years ago and resides
at Franklin Falls. He has five children.
(Children of Joseph and Harriet Rogers Kimball.)
Lucy Axx Kimball, b. at N. Dec. 15, 1835; m., Feb. 7. 1856, William
Woodbury of N. and resided at Newport, later removing to California,
where she d. Jan. 21, 1891. They had one dau., Lizzie Viola, now the
wife of Fred Pollard of Newport.
Elizabeth Oilman Kimball, b. in N. July 19. 1838; m.. 1865. Albert
H. Hall of N., at MarysvlUe. Cal. He d. Aug. 12, 1882. (See Hall
gen.) She resides at Vallejo, Cal. She m. (second), Yvllliam Wood-
bury. (See Woodbury gen.)
Joseph Warrex Kimball, b. at N. Aug. 22, 1841, and d. at N. Sept.
21, 1862.
Rebecca Viola Kimball, b. at N. May 18, 1844; m., Nov. 22, 1S81,
Rev. Joseph W. Yays of El Paso, Tex., and resided at Napa, Cal., where
he d. Nov. 21, 1884, and where she still resides.
Roy Thurston Kimball (see portrait), b. Aug. 2, 1846. His school
days were divided between the district school of Bean Hill and Tilton
At 22 he left the farm to engage in the canned goods business in
Portland, Me., with John Winslow Jones and D. W. Hoegg.
At 30 he went to San Francisco, Cal., where he has since been
somewhat prominently identified with manufacturing interests, chiefly
with leather and pulled wool. Mr. Kimball is unmarried. He is an
Episcopalian, a member of the Jefferson Square Club of San Francisco,
a 32d degree Mason and a Knight Templar.
Sarah Hattie Kimball, b. Sept. 19, 1848; m., 1874, Henry E.
Wright of Newport. They are now living in San Francisco, Cal.
George Abbott Kimball, b. July 6, 1858, now resides in Napa, Cal.
(Children of Simeon and Fannie Rogers Kimball.)
Arthur Livermore Kimball, b. at Tilton May 27, 1839; served in
the Civil War and is an inmate of the New Hampshire Soldiers'
Home. (See Boys in Blue.)
Lucy Frances Kimball, b. at N. Aug. 21, 1841, and d., 1858, at Til-
ton, when 17 years of age.
Fifth Generation.
(Children of John Andre and Ammoretta Kimball.)
Harriet Ann Kimball, b. July 25, 1865; d., Nov. 5, 1870.
Alberta James Kimball, b. Oct. 30, 1872; d., Jan. 7, 1877.
George Ernest Kimball, b. May 1, 1877; m., June 24, 1902, Cora
Merriam of Westminster, Mass. He is a teamster at Westminster,
where he resides.
Merton Leslie Kimball and Mertie Estelle Kimball, twins, b. at
N. June 25, 1878. The former is employed at Carter's Mill, Tilton.
The latter m., April 29, 1903, John L. Flanders, fireman on the
Pranklin and Tilton train. They reside in N.
Joseph Knowles, the first of the name to locate in N., was b. in
Chester June 15, 1758, and d. in N. Feb. 16, 1815.
He m., 1779, Sarah Locke of Chester, b. Dec. 13, 1761, and d. in
JN. Aug. 30, 1841.
He purchased the farm, still owned by his descendants on Bay Hill,
of Nathaniel Whitcher, for a two-year-old heifer, it is said, and prob-
ably erected the first buildings on the place. He had two sons and
three dau.
Second Generation.
WnxiAM Knowles, b. April G, 1781, is supposed to have been the
oldest child. He spent his whole life on the home farm. He went
to Haverhill, Mass., in 1802 to bring his bride, Betsey Clement, to his
heart and home. She was fatally ill on his arrival and was buried
on what was to have been her wedding day.
He m., in 1805, Zilpha Thorn, who was b. at Amesbury, Mass., Jan.,
1, 1782, and had a family.
He d. May 26, 1864. After her husband's death Mrs. Knowles lived
in the home of her dau., Mrs. Cass, for several years and d. there
Dec. 27, 1876.
Joseph Kxoavles, Jr., lived on Bean Hill, where the David Brown
farm buildings now stand. He m., April 28, 1805, Hannah Haines, and
soon after removed to Piermont. He and his father took a journey
on horseback to the Far West, prospecting for a new home. He re-
moved about 1836 or 1837 to Hurricane, 111., where he d. in 1840.
They had three children and perhaps more. Two of the children were
Mrs. Harriet Richmond and Mrs. Hannah Boot of Fillmore, 111.
Christian Knowles and Sarah Knowles, twins, b. Oct. 7, 17SG.
Sally Knowles, b. at Salisbury April 11, 1789; m. Josiah Bachelder
of Andover, March 24, 1819, and d. there Aug. 29, 1859. They had
a son, William A., father of ex-Gov. N. J. Bachelder, and two dau.,
Martha, wife of J. H. Rowell of Franklin, and Mary, wife of George
E. Emery of Andover.
Hannah Knowles, b. Feb. 9, 1792; m. Stephen Haines and lived
lor many years in Vershire, Vt., but after her husband's death she
removed to Exeter.
John KNO^vLES, b. Oct. 10, 1794, and d. May 29, 1853. He always
resided on the homestead.
PoLLT Knowles, b. Aug. 6, 1797; m. Josiah Woodbury of N. (See
Woodbury gen.)
A son and dau., b. Jan., 1800.
Third Generation.
Wesley Knowles, b. Oct. 6, 1805; m. (first), Oct. 3, 1832, Jane W.
Oilman, b. Oct. 6, 1805, and had three sons and a dau. She d. Sept.
20, 1857. He m. (second), June 26, 1860, Mrs. Sophronia Clement
Johnson of Dunbarton, b. Oct. 9, 1817.
Mr. Knowles inherited the homestead and, with good buildings,
horses and cattle, was an extensive farmer. This farm is now owned
by his nephew and has never passed from the name.
He d. Sept. 5, 1892. Mrs. Knowles later resided on Howard Ave.,
where she d. Feb., 1899, and was buried at Dunbarton. Her sister
d. two days previous, aged 69. Mrs. Clement, the mother, on being
exhumed to be buried with her dau., was found to be completely
petrified. She d. about 30 years before.
Betsey Knowles, b. March 11, 1808; m. Rev. William D. Cass, a
Free Baptist, and later a prominent Methodist, minister, and resided,
late in life, at Tilton. They were greatly interested in the erection of
the New Hampshire Conference Seminary. She d. May 3, 1882.
Cyrene Knowles, b. Jan. 21, 1813; d., Aug. 11, 1815.
Joseph Knowles, 3d., b. July 29, 1817, read medicine with Dr. N.
G. Ladd of Sanbornton Bridge. He graduated from the Woodstock,
Vt., Medical School and located at Meredith Bridge, where he m.
Olive Jane Ladd and wenJL to reside in her home. After his death,
Sept. 15, 1852, she m. Dr. David S. Prescott, who d. Feb. 25, 1874.
She still remains in the home where she was b., and where her two
husbands, physicians, spent their lives.
William F. Knowles, b. April 24, 1822; m., Jan. 1, 1850, Sarah P.
Robinson of Boston, Mass., b. Nov. 27, 1827, and resided in Boston.
They had two dau., Addie Viola and Carrie Way, and a son, William
Fletcher Knowles, a physician in Boston, who occupies the Knowles
homestead as a summer home.
Fourth Generation.
William Fletcher Know^les, b. at Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 17, 1801;
m., Dec. 2, 1896, Charlotte Treat of Frankfort, Me., b. Jan. 23, 1871.
They have two children, Robert Treat Knowles and Katherine Knov/les,
b. at Belmont, Mass.
(Children of Wesley and Jane W. Oilman Knowles.)
Charles W. Knowles, b. May 29, 1835, is the proprietor of a large
hotel in Portland, Ore.
George C. Knowles, b. at N. Nov. 24, 1838, was killed in a railroad
collision at Whitesboro, N. Y., May 16, 1858.
Lucien W. Knowles, b. March 22, 1842, was educated at the New
Hampshire Conference Seminary, and enlisted at the breaking out
of the Civil War in Company D, Cavalry. He contracted fever in
camp in Concord and d. in N. Sept. 2, 1864.
Laura J. C. Knowles, b. Oct. 4, 1843; m.. May 29, 1866, Marcus A.
Hardy of Boston, Mass. He was a manufacturer of torpedo boats in
South America and was associated with Henry Cilley. Mrs. Hardy
was a woman of fine physique and unlimited energy and was for a
while a public reader. She d. March 30, 1885. He d. April 4, 1885.
Both are buried on the homestead at N.
Joseph Smith Lang was b. at Tilton March 29, 1830; m., May 19,
1860, Ruth Dearborn, b. at N. Nov. 3, 1827. He moved to her home
in N.
In 1S80 they sold to the Winnipiseogee Paper Company and bought
the adjoining William Forrest farm. This he sold later to Richard
Thomas and removed to Belmont, where they now reside. Mrs. Lang
was educated at the New Hampshire Conference Seminary and was
a faithful teacher previous to her marriage. (See Dearborn gen.)
They have two children.
Second Generation.
(B. at N.)
Henrietta Josephixe L.a.ng, b. Jan. 25, 1862. She was educated
at the Seminary and taught in N. schools.
JoHx Dearborx Lang, b. April 9, 1SG5, is a farmer with his father.
George C. Lancaster was b. in Northwood Oct. 11, 1818. He m.
(first), Eunice W. Corser of Webster, Nov. 12, 1845. She d. Feb.
19, 1872. He m. (second), Betsey O. Copp of N., Oct. 30, 1878. She d.
Jan. 15, 1890 (see Copp III gen.), aged 73.
Removing from Northwood, Mr. Lancaster resided in Concord and
vicinity till 1879, when he removed to N., where he d. April 17, 1899.
He had five children.
Second Generation.
Augustus C. Lancaster, b. March 10, 1847; d., March 29, 1875. He
resided in Concord, where he was employed in a bank.
Emma Frances Lancaster, b. Sept. 5, 1849; d., Sept. 19, 1853.
Maby Fellows Lancaster, b. June 24, 1851; d., Oct. 6, 1853.
Emma Fellows Lancaster, b. Aug. 6, 1854; m., Oct. 19, 1892, Charles
L. Clay of Harvard, Mass., where he is employed as district super-
visor of schools. They have one son, Charles Lancaster Clay, b. Dec.
6, 1896.
Georgia Etta Lancaster, b. Oct. 12. 1859; m., Nov. 9, 1892, Edwiu
J. Young. (See Young gen.) She was educated in the schools of
Concord and the Normal School at Quincy, Mass., where, following
her graduation, she taught five years, and, later, four years at Cam-
bridge, Mass.
Frank P. Lawrence came to N. from Tilton, where he had long
been employed by Hon. C. E. Tilton. He m., Feb. 28, 1S94, Lizzie
Ayer, b. in Scotland, 1871. Her parents now reside In Franklin.
Mr. Lawrence is a contractor and builder and is the owner of several
houses and some real estate in town. They erected a residence and
lived for a while on Howard Ave. At present they reside in Tilton.
They have two children.
Moses Leavitt, the ancestor of the N. Leavitts, was m. in Exeter,
•Oct. 26, 1681, to Dorothy Dudley, dau. of Rev. Samuel Dudley, whose
first wife was Mary, dau. of Gov. John Winthrop.
Their grandsons, Jonathan Leavitt and Wadleigh, came to the vicin-
ity of Bean Hill long before the Revolutionary War. He was called
Popple Leavitt.
They owned the 100-acre lots, Nos. 23, 24, and 30, and 18 lots of
the common land. No one living remembers aught of them. Their
tarms were later owned by the Kezars, Smiths and Abbotts.
The Fifth Range at and near its intersection with the Bean Hill
road was the nucleus of the homes, and others are further south
on the range leading to Canterbury Borough, which was early open
to horseback riders. Cellar holes, rose bushes and decayed apple
trees are the only existing signs of their sojourning.
Second Generation.
The records, however, speak of Jonathan and "Wadleigh, who were
in the Revolutionary War, and later we find the names of Gideon
.Joseph and Joseph, Jr., Joshua, Ruth, Love and Jonathan, Jr.
On the petition for the new town, March 30, 17S0, we find the name
of Joseph and on the first tax list, called "Prizel List," we find, in 1796,
the name of Dudley, the almanac maker, and he was taxed the follow-
ing year 4s. 6d. He also received £3 12s. and £7 4s. for teaching school
in town in 1795. He was then 20 years of age. He had a home of his
own on the corner of Lot 23 and owned Lot 24 and lived there when
first m. (In Hon. J. B. Walker's sketch of him in the Farmer's Al-
manac for 1896, had he said N. instead of "Deerfield," it would agree
better with the "Records.")
Jonathan sold eight acres and two rods to Jeremiah Smith and
the tjalance of his possessions to Shubael Dearborn, his brother-in-
law. Dudley also sold to Mr. Smith. Wadleigh sold out to Gideon.
The names disappear from N. records in 1800, excepting those on their
tombstones, some of them being buried in the Abbott grave yard.
Jonathan Leavitt m. Ruth Cram and had two dau. besides the sons
mentioned above.
Ruth Leavitt m. Shubael Dearborn and her parents lived near
them on Dearborn Hill, where both d. and were buried in the Hodgdon
grave yard. The old stones falling to decay have been recently re-
placed by their great-grandchildren with the following inscription:
"Jonathan Leavitt, d. May 13, 1824. Ruth Leavitt, d. April, 1820."
Love Leavitt m.. May 26, 1768, Benjamin Glines and was the mother
of nine children. (See Glines gen.)
Wadleigh Leavitt removed to Littleton and later to Canada.
Third Generation.
(Children of Wadleigh and Elizabeth Leavitt.)
Wadleigh Leavitt, b. at Littleton, 1S08; m. Abagail Caswell of
Canada and had 15 children. But three live in N. Mr. Leavitt, Sr.,
returned to N. and d. here, Jan. 27, 1S91, aged 87. She d. at N. March
8, 1896.
Mary Leavitt, b. at Melbourne, Canada, April 27, 1854; m., Oct.
3, 1888, Andrew E. Lamb, b. at Brompton, P. Q., where he was a.
merchant. Mrs. Lamb came to N. in 1894 and is employed as a nurse
Nelsox Leavitt, b. at Melbourne, P. Q., in 1846; now resides at N.
and is a farm hand.
Edwin V. Leavitt came to N. in 1890 from Melbourne, Canada,,
where he was b. Feb. 15, 1857. He m. (first), Feb. 12, 1879, Nancy
A. Jackson, b. in his native town Jan. 1, 1856. He was a farmer there
but after he came to N., where they now reside, he became a car-
penter. They had five children. Mrs. Leavitt d. at N. July 4, 1896.
He m. (second). May 27, 1901, Jennie S. Kinsley, b. in Canada Aug. 18,.
1873. They have one child.
Bextox C. Leavitt, son of Dudley, a nephew of Dudley, the almanac
maker, was b. at Melbourne, Canada, Jan. 10, 1849. He m., 1874,
Emily Cummings of Lowell, Mass., and resided at Melbourne, where
all but one of the children were b. They came to N. about 1888..
He is a carpenter and lather. They have seven children.
Fourth Generation.
(Children of Benton and Emily Cummings Leavitt.)
(B. at Melbourne, Canada.)
Alvix B. Leavitt, b. Feb. 8, 1875, took a preparatory course at
Tilton Seminary and graduated at Dartmouth College. He is in busi-
ness in Boston. He m. Laura Urquhart of and they have one
Hattie E. Leavitt, b. April 1, 1876; m., Aug. 11, 1S94, Austin W.
Merrill of Thornton. They reside at Reading, Mass. They have three
children, all but one b. at N.
Albert Dudley Leavitt, b. May 18, 1879; m., 1903, Mary Laducia of
. He resides at Reading, Mass., and is employed on the street
Emily F. Le.vvitt, b. July 12, 1881; m., Jan. 10, 1904, Herbert M.
Noyes of Landaff. They reside at Concord and have one child.
Bertha K. Leavitt, b. Oct. 20, 1883; m. William Farrar of Laconia
and had one child. He was a farm hand in N. He d. at Laconia in
Dec, 1904.
Ida May Leavitt, b. May 28, 1S86; m., Sept. 9, 1903, Charles B.
Connelly of Bethlehem. They reside in N., where he is employed aa
a weaver.
Arthur G. Leavitt, b. at N. March 26, 1890.
(Children of Edwin and Nancy Jackson Leavitt.)
Ernest Elvax Leavitt, b. at Melbourne, Canada, Jan. 19, 1880. He
graduated from the New Hampshire Conference Seminary, class of
1900, and later was a weaver in the Elm Woolen Mills and also learned
the trade of a carpenter. He d. Jan. 31, 1903.
Gbace Jl. Leavitt, b. March 26, 1881, and Walter, b. 1889, d. the
same week in June, 1892, of diphtheria.
Violet E. Leavitt, b. at Melbourne, Canada, June 5, 1S85, graduated
from the Union Graded School, class of 1900, and resides in Man-
(Child of Edwin and Jennie Kinsley Leavitt.)
Evelyn Elizabeth Leavitt, b. Aug. 18, 1904.
Hamilton Leavitt came to N. from Sanbornton Bridge and after
residing for some years on Park St. he bought the Oilman farm on
Bay Hill of Peter Smart. He had one dau., Marinda Jane, who be-
came the wife of Retyre Mitchel Couch of Warner and resided in
Manchester, coming later to her home, where she d. Nov. 25, 1876.
Mr. Couch conducted a meat market at Tilton and m. (second), Sarah
A. Goodrich. Later they resided on the Clark place until their
departure for Southern Pines, N. C, where he d. and where she still
resides. They have four children, two of whom, a son, Everett, and
a dau., were b. in N. Mr. and Mrs. Leavitt sold in 1879 and removed to
Tilton, where both d.
Joseph Ledoux came to N. from Laconia, N. H., Sept., 1896. He
was b. at St. Simon, Canada, April 13, 1845. He m., Jan. 28, 1870,
Elmire Gauthier, b. at St. Camille, Canada, May 11, 1857. He is em-
ployed by the Elm Woolen Mills Manufacturing Company. They
have 12 children. Mrs. Ledoux d. at N. Jan. 15, 1903.
Second Generation.
(Six b. at St. Simon, Canada.)
Elmiee M. Ledoux, b. April 6, 1870.
Felix J. Ledoux, b. May, 1879; d. at St. Simon Sept., 1879.
Emile v. Ledoux, b. Aug. 13, 1881, resides at Laconia. He is em-
ployed in a hosiery mill.
Alberic L. Ledoux, b. Dec. 17, 1882, resides at Laconia.
Alida M. Ledoux, b. May 9, 1883, is employed at the Tilton Optical
Joseph A. Ledoux, b. Dec. 1, 1884; d. at Franklin Falls Sept., 1886.
Rose D. Ledoux, b. at St. Liboire, Canada, Aug. 31, 188C, is employed
at the works of the Ideal Manufacturing Company.
Alphonse B. Ledoux, b. at Franklin Falls Oct. 6, 1888; d. at Tilton,
from the result of a fall, June 25, 1899.
Louis P. Ledoux, b. at St. Liboire, Canada, April 30, 1890; d., May
Leonard M. Ledoux, b. at Laconia March 14, 1894.
Anna Jeanne Ledoux, b. at Laconia Aug. 29, 1896.
LuMiNA M. Ledoux, b. at Tilton Oct. 26, 1898.
They reside on Arch St.
Edward Leighton came from Somersworth to N. in 1817 and pur-
chased of Jonathan Cross Lot 189 of the original survey granted to
Valentine Hill.
He was b. April 16, 1781, and m. (first), in 1807, Lydia Rand of
Somersworth. She d. in 1812. He m. (second), Judith Rand of Barn-
stead in 1813. She was b. July, 1797, and d. at N. April 5, 1888. He
d. March 28, 1873. He is said to have never missed the annual town
meeting. His farm was included in that part of N. ceded to Franklin.
Second Generation.
(Children of Edward and Lydia Rand.)
Moses Leighton, b. at Somersworth July 23, 1808; d. at Sanbornton
Aug., 1886; m., Oct. 4, 1835, Mary Smith, b. 1813, and d., June 28.
1872. He was a farmer and resided at Sanbornton Bay. They had
eight children. He m. (second), Mrs. Ladd, May 6, 1873.
Ira Leighton, b. at Somersworth, 1810; d., 1813.
(Children of Edward and Judith Rand Leighton.)
Lydia Leighton, b. July 9, 1814, at Somersworth; m., Nov. 16, 1837,
Samuel Brown of N., b. Nov. 11, 1813. He lived on the home farm
with his parents. (See Brown gen.) They had five children: Annie
M., Albert, Laura, Mary C. and Lyman.
Thomas Leighton, b. at N. March 11, 1817; m., Jan. 1, 1844, Eliza
Sanborn of Canterbury, b. Dec. 17, 1824. He d. Aug. 21, 1874. She d.
Dec. 25, 1891. They had one dau., Ellen C, who m. Albert Brown of
N. (See Brown gen.) They resided on a fine intervale farm on the
banks of the Merrimack River in Canterbury.
John S. Leighton, b. at N., 1819; d., 1821.
Mary Leighton, b. at N. Oct. 12, 1821; m., 1851. James Gardner of
Lowell, Mass., b. 1878. After living some years at Lowell they took
up their abode at Franklin Falls, where he d. May 16, 1883. They
had four children, three of whom d. in childhood. The other, Susie,
m. George Foster of Concord and has one dau., Evelyn. Mrs. Gard-
ner d. at the home of her dau. in Concord March 26, 1901.
Edwakd Leigiitox, b. at N., 1824; m., March 28, 1851, Sarah E,
Kent. They had six children. Three d. young and the other three,.
Edward, Sarah and Minnie, are living. Mr. Leighton removed to Wis-
consin and later to Kansas, where both d.
Judith Leighton, b. at N. Aug., 1827; m., Jan. 8, 1851, W. H. Ford
of Sanbornton, b. Jan. 22, 181G, and d. at Concord Feb. 22, 1874. He
was one of the Ford Bros., foundrymen, of Concord. They had four
children. She m. (second), Benjamin C. Sargent, a native of San-
bornton Bridge, but a resident of Evanston, 111., where she d. June,
John F. Leighton, b. at N., 1832; m. (first), Mary A. Hannaford
Aug. 27, 1857, and was a farmer on the homestead. They had three
children. She d. June 5, 1886. He m. (second), Feb. 9, 1888, Emma
Colby of Canterbury, and had a son and dau. He d. Nov. 9, 1901.
Lauren Leighton went West when a young man. I can get no data
regarding him.
Third Generation.
(Childi'en of first wife.)
Mabia L. Leighton, b. June 13, 1858; d., July 30, 1881.
Nellie A. Leighton, b. Sept. 9, 1860; d., July 20, 1893. She m., 1881,
Benjamin F. Kimball of Franklin Falls and had four children, Mary
Edna; Rena Eva; Bertha L.; Harry Leighton.
George E. Leighton, b. Oct. 15, 1864.
(Children of second wife.)
Leonard C. Leighton, b. June 18, 1889.
Mary E. Leighton, b. March 12, 1895.
James Linsey's name occurs often in the Proprietors' Record Book.
"At a legal meeting of the proprietors of Canterbury in the province
of New Hampshire called and held at Said Canterbury on Tuesday
the Second day of August 1750 at the house of Capt Jeremiah
Clough. It was voted that — eighty — in the meadow called Scundog-
gady in Canterbury Township be sold to Mr James Linsey of sd
Canterbury for the sum of three Hundred & forty pounds Old
Tenner Money." This places him as a landholder in the north fields
10 years before the arrival of Benjamin Blanchard, the first settler.
This land is described in the Return as follows: "Beginning at an
Elm standing a little on the East Side of the Brook coming out from
Chestnut Pond (mark the name in 1750), so called, then Runs North
166 Rods to a pitch pine spotted on four sides then West 100 Rod to a
stake standing by a Brook then South 106 Rods to a hemlock spotted
on four sides, standing a little to the West of a Brook then to the Elm.
which is spotted on four sides which is the first Bound mentioned."
"This Return of Land Voted to James Linsey in the year 1750" is
dated August "91st," 1756.
No. 2 of the Gospel Lots was "struck off to James Linsey for five
hundred and five pounds according to Dollars at 4.50 per Dollar."
These lots were sold at a legal meeting of the proprietors, held
May 20, 1756.
This must have been the Robert Smith farm on the Merrimack River
and a part of the Gerrish intervale.
James Linsey or Lindsey was settled on Scundoggady meadow lot
before 1753, at which time the trouble with the Indians, Sabattis and
Plausaway, occurred. Both the Lindseys and Miles had slaves and!
the Indians stole Peer of the one and Tom of the other, tied them
up and led them away. (See Miles gen.) The old cellar holes, where
stood the homes of the Lindseys and Perkins, are still to be seen.
There is also the Return of a lot of land laid out to him, which was
granted the twenty-sixth day of December, 1757.
It is bounded as follows: "beginning at the North West Corner of
Sondoggady Medow Lot, North 160 rods to a white Oak No 9 then
East 105 rods to a White Oak No 2 then South 160 Rods to a
No. 2 then west to first bound." Also another Return of a "Lot of
Land Laid out to the Right of James Linsey which was granted to him
on the Twenty sixth Day of December 1757."
"Beginning at the south east corner of the above Lot at a pitch pine
No 3 then north to a hemlock No 3 then South 160 Rods to a stake,
then West 100 rods to first Bound." (Proprietors' Record Book, page
The town records say nothing further of the Lindseys. But this
meadow land and the other lot in due time became in some way the
property of James Lindsey Perkins, who owned it about the year
17S7. I conclude by the name that there was an intermarriage of the
families and that Mr. James Lindsey Perkins inherited the James
Lindsey land, at least the two 100-acre meadow lots. Now, tradition
says that Mr. Perkins was not a strictly temperate man and, in con-
sequence of too frequent visits to Squire Glidden's store at the Centre,
was often called to part with some of his fertile acres to settle his
account, and it is further said that the crafty squire often by
abusive language brought the greatly desired blows on his deserving
old back and head in consequence. James was always promptly
arrested and another slice of the longed-for meadow passed to satisfy
the fine. In course of time it all belonged to the Squire and is to this
day known as the "Glidden Meadow."
Nathaniel Perkins was an early settler and deeded some land on
the intervale to Josiah Miles (est.) 50 acres for £6 5s., it being the
land he bought of the proprietors of Canterbury. Dated Feb. 21,
1772. in the seventh year of his majesty's reign. Witness, James
Lindsey. Mr. Hunt says the old Perkins house stood opposite Judge
Peter Wadleigh's and was used as a schoolhouse. Here, too, lived the
Mrs. Colby, who used to warp her webs on the apple trees. Mr.
Nathaniel Perkins bought this land, 100 acres, of James Lindsey,
Aug. 13, 1770, and other lands. May 5 of the same year, as recorded
in Vol. 36, page 374, and Vol. 102, page 41.
He lived here when N. was organized and was one of the petitioners
for the new town, as were James Lindsey Perkins and William,
his sons, perhaps. Nathaniel Perkins and Nathaniel Perkins, Jr.,
were at the Battle of Bunker Hill.
Wilson Lockwood came to N. from Yorkshire, England. He was b.
Oct. 24, 1846; m., Dec. 3, 1866, Sally Buckley, b. July 17, 1847. He was
a plush finisher and had 12 children, nine of whom are now living.
They reside on Vine St. Extension.
Second Generation.
Lavina Lockwood, b. Feb. 8, 1868; m., Feb. 29, 1896, Thomas E.
Atkinson of England. They have one child, Thomas W. C, b. Feb.
2, 1899.
Claka LocivWood, b. Oct. 16, 1872; m. Thomas Home of England,
Sept. 10, 1893.
ZiLLA Lockwood, b. Oct. 22, 1874; m. Andrew Whittam. They have
one child, Beatrice, b. Aug. 16, 1898.
Samuel Lockwood, b. June 15, 1878, is employed by the Elm Mills
Woolen Company.
Matilda Lockwood, b. Oct. 29, 1881; m., June 25, 1903, Albert S.
Carter, b. at . He is superintendent of Carter's Mills, with a
residence on Park St. They had one son, Harry L., b. Dec. 18, 1904;
d., March 23, 1905.
James Lockwood, b. in England Feb. 6, 1883, returned to England
and m. Flora Auckland. They reside in N. and have a son, Wilfred,
b. Jan. 19, 1903.
Harry W. Lockwood, b. April 15, 1885, is employed at G. H. Tilton's
Hosiery Mill.
George H. Lockwood, b. June 15, 1887, is employed at Carter's
Ada E. Lockwood, b. Nov. 8, 1889.
Mrs. Marcia Long, b. Feb. 2, 1811, at Hopkinton, came to N. to edu-
cate her sons at the New Hampshire Conference Seminary. She es-
tablished a home on Bay St., where she d. Oct. 8, 1889.
Second Generation.
Thomas Wells Long, b. Feb. 29, 1846, at Hopkinton; m. Addie J.
Gorrell of N. (see portrait), b. Sept. 13, 1845. He was a painter and
later a trader at Tilton. He d. Dec. 31, 1881. She d. May 15, 1901.
They had a dau., Marcia A., who d. Sept. 19, 1875, aged seven years.
George E Long, b. at Hopkinton about 1850. He was a photographer
and removed West in 1870: was never heard from again. The home
passed at the mother's death to the M. E. church.
The Lords in N. trace their descent from Nathaniel, who was at
Kittery, Me., as early as the middle of the 16th century.
"Sullivan's History of Maine," coming down the line, finds Hon.
John Lord and his distinguished son, Pres. Nathan Lord, D. D., of Dart-
mouth College, and no less than 42 (prior to 1821) were found on the
lists of graduates at the New England colleges, Yale and Dartmouth.
John Lord of Exeter, three generations later, says Mr. Runnells,
"had 16 children, two of whom came to Sanborn ton: Eliphalet, who m.
Mehitable Lord, his cousin, and her brother, John."
Eliphalet Lord, b. 1754; d. at N. Aug. 5, 1826.
Eliphalet Lord, Jr., b. 1792; d. at N. April 11, 1858.
Mehitable Lord, b. 1793; d. at N. Aug. 22, 1847.
Lucilia Lord, b. 1823; d. at N. March, 11, 1842.
Second Generation.
Cyrus Lord, grandson of Eliphalet, came to N. about 1856. He was a
stone worker. He m., Nov. 17, 1842, Lydia Thurston Evans of Gil-
manton. They first lived at Shaker Bridge, where his three oldest
children were b. He d. in N. March 28, 1895. She d. Sept. 2, 1888.
Charles Buzzell Lord, m., Nov. 25, 1849, Lucinda Forrest of N.
and lived at the Centre, where she d. March 27, 1854. He was a sailor
for some years and d. in Woburn, Mass.
Third Generation.
(Children of Cyrus and Lydia Evans Lord.)
Frances Ann Lord, b. at N. Sept. 5, 1843.
George Washington Lord, b. at N. April 24, 1847; m., Sept. 13,
1870, Mary E. B. Johnson of N., b. at N. May 27, 1852. They have
one dau., Edith, b. at Franklin, April 2, 1877, a graduate of the
New Hampshire Conference Seminary art department and a fine per-
former on the violin. Mr. Lord was for many years a druggist in
Franklin and, later, in Tilton, where they reside. He was also a
member of the firm of Lord Bros. & Company, manufacturers of
lenses and optical goods. He has been prominent in town affairs.
having served as selectman for 12 years. He is a Mason, an Odd
Fellow, a Knight of Honor and a member of the A. O. U. W.
Albert C. Lord, b. July 30, 1852; m., Sept. 15, 1875, Alma Wyman
Neal of Canaan, b. Nov. 15, 1855. Educated at Franklin. They have
always resided in N. He is a watchmaker and jeweler in Tilton and
since 1878 has been a manufacturer with his brother of spectacle
lenses and eyeglasses. He is also a skilful oculist. The firm name
now is the Albert C. Lord Optical Company. They have four chil-
Clarence Henry Lord, b. at N. July 31, 1854, and d. at N. Aug. 3,
Flora Etta Lord, b. at N. Jan. 14, 1861; m. (first), George T. Leav-
itt of South Newbury, Vt., Oct. 23, 1881. He d. in Denver, Col., May
16, 1889. She m. (second), Nov. 8, 1904, Charles Herman Smith of Til-
ton. They reside at San Diego, Cal.
Fourth Generation.
(Children of Albert and Alma Neal Lord.)
Guy Maitland Lord, b. at N. July 15, 1876; m., Oct. 2, 1901, Elizabeth
Cheyne of Milford, b. at Quincy, Mass., May 5, 1880. They reside at
West Somerville, Mass. He is employed by A. J. Loyds, Washington
St., Boston, Mass.
Arthur Manson Lord, b. at N. April 29, 1879; m., Aug. 8, 1901,
Lillian Julia Mudgett of Contoocook, b. Aug. 30, 1879. They reside
at N. He is employed at the Optical Works.
Harry Albert Lord, b. at N. Jan. 29, 1881. He is a machinist, em-
ployed by the Mayo Machine Company of Laconia. He m., June 21,
1905, Maud Evelyn Foster of Belmont.
George Thurston Lord, b. at N. April 30, 1886; m., Oct. 26, 1904,
Grace A. Tukey of Tilton. He is a machinist, employed by the Kidder
Machine Company of Franklin Falls.
Fifth Generation.
(Child of Guy and Elizabeth Cheyne Lord.)
Dorothy Elizabeth Lord, b. at Boston, Mass., March 7, 1904.
Fred B. Lord came to N. July, 1883. He was b. at Woburn, Mass.,
June 25, 1864. He m., Dec. 21, 1884, Anna Isabel Morrison, b. at
Tilton Jan. 27, 1863.
Mr. Lord is a job teamster, with a home on Park St. Mrs. Lord
was employed at Lord Bros.' Optical Works for more than 20 years.
They have an adopted son. Mr. Lord served the town as road agent
in 1902 and 1905.
Second Generation.
Raymond B. Lord, b. at Woburn, Mass., March 24, 1896.
The Lougees are of an old New Hampshire family of colonial
John Lougee, the emigrant, was from the Isle of Jersey.
In the reign of Queen Anne they came to this country and settled
in New Hampshire. In the early wars he saw service and was once
captured and carried away by the Indians. He escaped and finally
settled at Exeter, where he spent his remaining life. His wife was
Mary Oilman.
Two of their descendants settled in N.
Second Generation.
Elisha Lougee came to N. from Sanborn ton and purchased the
home of James Dearborn Wadleigh, opposite the old meeting-house, and
a part of the Glidden farm up the hill across the road. The building
was moved whole and new sheds and barns were built, making it
almost an ideal farmer's home in all its appointments. He was b.
March 15, 1800.
His wife was Thirza Philbrook of Union Bridge, now East Tilton,
and they had four children. His two sons seeking other employment,
he sold to Moses Garland and returned to Sanbornton. He m.
(second), Pamelia Glines of N. (see Glines gen.). May 15, 1867,
He d. Aug. 28, and she, Oct. 17, 1886, at N.
Oilman Lougee, cousin of the above, was b. at Oilmanton June 25,
1820. He m., Nov. 14, 1844, Cynthia P. Elkins of Oilmanton. They
came to N. in Dec, 1866, and bought the Jesse Rogers farm. He d.
suddenly Dec. 13, 1886. Mrs. Lougee still resides there. They had
three sons and a dau.
Second Generation.
(Children of Elisha and Thirza Philbrook Lougee.)
(All b. in Sanbornton.)
Teuewortiiy Lougee, b. Oct. 13, 1825; m., Nov. 7, 1853, Abbie R. Oil-
man of Gilford. He served in the Civil War (see Boys in Blue) and
was a farmer and carpenter. They had three sons who constituted
the firm of Lougee Bros, at Laconia for many years. He d. of apo-
plexy July 28, 1879.
S.\RAU Jane Lougee, b. Nov. 29, 1827; m. (pub.), Nov. 17. 1850.
Nathaniel Batchelder of Sanbornton. He was a carpenter and builder
at Oshkosh, Wis., until 18G0, when he went to California and she re-
turned home. She d. at Laconia Aug. 27, 1874, leaving two sons and
a dau.
Thikza p. Lougee, b. Aug. 10, 1830; m.. July 3, 1856, Augustus
Williams of West Concord. She now resides at Penacook. She was
educated at the Seminary and was a teacher before her marriage. He
was an overseer at Holden's Mill and also at Tilton. They have four
children, b. at West Concord: Harry A. of Franklin; Herbert 0. of
Penacook; Irving, a shoe dealer in Boston; and Ida P., wife of Nahum
Abbott of Penacook. Mrs. Abbott d. in 1S95.
Mr. and Mrs. Williams reside at Penacook, where he is employed at
the Concord Axle Works.
Samuel Fernald LorcEE, b. July 1, 1S37; m., Jan. 1, ISGl, Hattie
L. Robinson of New Hampton. He was educated at the New Hamp-
shire Conference Seminary and prepared for the ministry, holding
several appointments at Hill and elsewhere. He was an evangelist
in the parishes of his native and surrounding towns. He d. suddenly
of heart failure at work in the field, leaving three sons.
(Children of Oilman and Cynthia Elkiris Lougee.)
Curtis J. Lougee, b. at Gilmanton Aug. IS, 1845; m. (first), Jennie
M. Johnson of Wolfeborough, Jan. 4, 1871. She d. June 22, 1877. He
m. (second), Nellie Hall of Buxton, Me., Nov. 27, 1879. They had two
children, Harry C, a Spanish War veteran, now of Lebanon, and
Arthur, who d. at Lynn, Feb. 9, 1902. He was a painter. Mr. Lougee
m. (third). May 25, 1899, Mrs. Anna Hale of Tilton, and has one son,
Floyd, b. 1900. He is a painter.
Alonzo Joseph Lougee, b. at Gilmanton May 1, 1849; m. Mary
Brown of Manchester, Feb. 13, 1874. He was a painter at the latter
place and had four children. He d. Nov. 9, 1883. A son, Charles,
a clerk, resides at Cambridgeport, Mass.
Fked Oilman Lougee, b. March 8, 1858; m., Sept. 18, 1880, Oeoi-gia
A. Staples of Tilton. (See Staples gen.) Mr. Lougee has been in the
employ of 0. & E. O. Morrison for 15 years. They have one son.
Helen J. Lougee, b. Dec. 25, 1861; d., June 18, 1881.
Third Generation.
(Child of Fred and Georgia Staples Lougee.)
Eaele Fred Lougee, b. Dec. 2, 1887; resides with his parents and is a
student of Tilton Seminary. He is a fine pen artist.
Rev. Olin Lovejoy was b. in Landaff April 16, 1851; m., in the Meth-
odist Episcopal Church, Tilton, Aug. 18, 1872, Marcia A. Rollins. He
was educated at Lisbon and at the New Hampshire Conference Sem-
inary. He was pastor of the Methodist Church at Surry, Jefferson
and Lake Village.
In 1878 they removed to Ottawa, 111., where they remained for four
years. Later they cared for her foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. Winslow,
where they now reside. He was pastor of the Free Baptist Church at
Contoocook and later was for three years at West Peru, Me. They had
six children, three of whom d. in infancy. He has served on the
school board for two terms.
Second Generation.
Moses Cpiannixg Lovejoy, b. June 15, 1S73; d. at Ottawa, 111., aged six.
Elsie Agnes Lovejoy, b. Jan. 2, 1875; m. John Johnson of Lowell,
Mass. She d. at Lowell April 8, 1905.
Marcia Dawn Lovejoy, b. June 16, 1S7G; m., June 29, 1905, Kirby
Hyde and resides in Lowell, Mass.
Roy Leon Lovejoy, b. June 18, 1880.
Albiox Loverix came from Manchester on his wedding day, Nov.
19, 1SS5, having previously purchased the Chase Wyatt farm in East
In 1902, after 17 years' stay, he sold to Judge Davis of Washington,
D. C, and removed to Park St., where he is a wood and coal dealer.
Jexxie McDowell Loverin was b. at Highgate, Vt, May 18, 1857.
They have two children.
Second Generation.
Grace Belle Loverix, b. Feb. 25, 1890, is a student at Tilton Sem-
inary. She has read much in public and gives promise of fine elo-
cutionary powers.
Helex Wixoxa Loverix, b. April 13, 1899, is a student in the Union
Graded School.
CoRXELius Ludlow was a native of Pennsylvania. He had been a
Revolutionary soldier and was looking over the country. Being taken
sick, he was cared for at the home of Abraham Glines of Canterbury,
and, Feb. 19, 1826, m. Phebe, his dau., and resided near the Oak Hill
schoolhouse, where he tended the grist, oil and plaster mill on the
Cross Brook, below the Davis sawmill. They had five children. He
was accidentally drowned while cutting trees for Daniel Herrick on
the steep river bank at Factory Village. She m. (second), Alexander
Braley and d. at N. July 24, 1876.
Second Generation.
Moses Leavitt Ludlow, b. June 4, 1824; m.. May 8, 1848, Louisa
Collins and had four children. He was a natural mechanic and was a
carpenter by trade. He d. at his son's in N. April, 1904. She d. April
5, 1901.
Whittex Ludlow was in the Mexican "War. He enlisted at Ports-
mouth, where he had gone with two friends, who, as soon as he had
signed his name, treacherously withdrew and returned home. He
joined the army and d. at Corpus Christi, Mexico.
Nancy Ludlow, b. in Danbury Feb. 4, 1827; m. (first), Simon Far-
well of Sanbornton Bridge and resided there. A son, Charles Alonzo,
d. in 1855, and a dau., Nellie F., d. in 1876. She m. (second), John
Keniston of N. (See Keniston gen.)
Alice Ludlow m., June, 1856, Thomas Austin and had two children.
(See Austin gen.) She m. (second), Frederick Keniston. (See Ken-
iston gen.)
Lucy Anx H. Ludlow m., April 22, 1851, Peter Paro. She m. (sec-
ond), Albert Keniston and removed to Altoona, Wis. They have a son,
Charles, of Everett, Wash., and a dau., Alice, of Minneapolis.
Third Generation.
(Children of Leavitt and Louisa Collins Ludlow.)
Kexdrick Ludlow, b. March 12, 1848; m., Aug. 4, 1867, Eunice Clay
of Wilmot, b. Aug. 4, 1847. He was trackman for the Boston & Maine
Railroad and later purchased the farm of the late David Dearborn,
"where they now reside. They have three children.
Mary Ludlow m. John Currier of Manchester and resided there
until his death in 1895. They had one son, Arthur. She m. (second),
Oeorge Law of Portsmouth, where they reside. A dau. resides in
Whitten Ludlow, b. July, 1856; m., 1875, Electa A. Dow. (See Dow
gen.) After many years of service for the railroad at N. Depot he went
to perform the same service at Concord. He is now employed by the
Boston & Maine Railroad on the Concord street car tracks and resides
there. They have six children. Mrs. Ludlow d. at Concord in 1895.
The children all reside at Concord.
Phebe Ludlow m. Jonathan Glines of Canterbury. After various
dwelling places they reside at N. Depot, where he is a trackman on
the Boston & Maine Railroad.
Fourth Generation.
(Children of Whitten and Electa Dow Ludlow.)
Beetha Ludlow, b. at N. March, 1876; resides in the home at Con-
Carroll Ludlow, b. June, 1877; m. Grace Ray of Concord, and is
-employed on the railroad. They have one child.
Effie Ludlow, b. Aug., 1879; m. Edward Page of Concord.
Maria Ludlow, b. 1882; m., July, 1903, Peter Johnson of Concord, and
lias one son.
EJmily E. Ludlow, b. 1895.
(Children of Kendrick and Eunice Clay Ludlow.)
Nettie M. Ludlow, b. April 20, 1869, at Canterbury; m., Jan., 1894,
James Featherstone of Manchester, where he is employed in the rail-
road yard.
Leon H. Ludlow, b. at N. Nov. 21, 1S81.
Geneva Ludlow, b. at N. June 16, 1887.
It is believed that all persons in the United States bearing this
name are descendants of Francis Lyford, who came to Boston from
England and was a shipbuilder.
Thomas, who came to N. and m. Hannah Hall, April 7, 1793, was the
son of John, b. 1720, who was the son of Thomas, the son of the above-
named Francis.
Lieut. Thomas Lyford was b. Nov. 12, 1768; m., April 7, 1793, Han-
nah Hall, probably of Canterbury. They lived on what is now called
Zion's Hill and had a family of five children.
Second Generation.
(All b. at N.)
Anna Lyfokd, b. Dec. 9, 1793; m., Feb. 10, 1814, Ebenezer Morrison
of Sanbornton. (See Morrison gen.)
Susannah Lyford, b. Dec. 9, 1796; m., Feb. 4, 1819, Robert Gray,
a native of Salem, Mass. (See Gray gen.)
Polly Lyford, b. May 6, 1798; m., Dec. 29, 1816, Enoch Gile of N.
(See Gile gen.)
Hannah Lyford, b. 1800; m., Feb. 3, 1820, Amos C. Hannaford of
N., b. May 12, 1797. (See Hannaford gen.)
Thomas Dearborn Lyford, b. March 15, 1803; m. (first), Dec. 18,
1825, Sally Gilman of N., b. Dec. 18, 1803. She d. July 20, 1851. They
remained on the homestead until past middle life. They had a son
and a dau. Later he erected a house at Tilton and removed there.
He m. (second), Nov. 16, 1854, Mrs. Mehitable Gerrish of Boscawen,
and d. Nov. 16, 1867. She d. at Penacook Feb. 15, 1877.
Jeremiah Hall Lyford, b. at N. Oct. 19, 1808; m., July 16, 1834,
Mary Ann W. Haines of Canterbury, b. Jan. 13, 1812. He was a grad-
uate of Dartmouth Medical School in 1833 and practised first at Ra-
venna. 0., and later at Port Byron, 111., where he d. Jan. 28, 1878. He
is succeeded by his son, William, who received his degree from Rush
Medical College and is the father of 14 children.
Third Generation.
(Children of Thomas and Sally Gilman Lyford.)
(B. at N.)
Sarah Ann Kent Lyford, b. March 4, 1827; d. at Evanston, 111., March
19, 1891; m., Oct. 22, 1846, Benjamin Chase Sargent of Sanbornton
Bridge, b. Sept. 27, 1825. One dau., Sarah T.. b. at N., m. Clayton Dart
of Anawan, 111. Mr. Sargent went to California in 1849 but returned
and located at Anawan, going later to Evanston in 1882. He d. there
in Jan., 1905.
Joseph Oilman Lyford, b. July 8, 1830, remained on his father's
farm until 1853, when he removed to Illinois and engaged In the grain
business. He m.. May 13, 1856, Mary A. Shannon of Grovoland. 111.,
and had two sons, John T. and Clarence E., both of whom d. in in-
fancy. He m. (second), Annie M. Brown of N., Dec. 17, 18GG, and
resided in several parts of the Far West until 1885. Mrs. Lyford was
a member of the school board of Hebron, Neb., and was its president
for a term of years. She was a graduate of New Hampshire Conference
Female College, class of 1860. They have four children, all but one re-
siding near their parents in Bridgeport, Conn., where the sons. Jay and
Fred, are engaged in the clothing business. May is the wife of F. H.
Smith of Quincy, Mass., and Belle is a stenographer in Bridgeport.
Mr. Lyford has always been a Republican and active in local af-
fairs. He served a term as mayor of Wilton, la., and was county
commissioner while at Hebron, Neb.
JosiAH Makdex came from Chester to N. when the country was art
unbroken wilderness. While he was clearing his farm and preparing"
his home he often returned on foot for the Sabbath.
His father was Stephen Marden, b. in 1736. He erected a small
house, which he later enlarged, and m. Mehitable Muzzey of Loudoa
and had a family of five. He lived to see his 92d year, dying March
23, 1855. She d. Feb. 27, 1860. They were Christian people, both
having been baptized by Elder Winthrop Young three quarters of a
century before.
Second Generation.
(B. at N.)
Ebenezer Marden, b. March 24, 1797; m., Jan. 1, 1806, Almira Brown
of Canterbury and had seven children. He remained on the home
farm, which has always been called the "Marden Settlement."
Third Generation.
(B. at N.)
HuLDAH Marden, b. May 1, 1824; m. Ira Rowe and removed to Can-
dia. They had one dau., Mary.
Mary J. Marden, b. June 4, 1826.
Mehitable Marden, b. Feb. 4, 1831; m. Charles Gile of Jamestown,
Belmont, and had five children.
John B. Marden, b. May 29, 1838; m., Aug. 10, 1862, Frances Moody
of Belmont, b. Dec. 27, 1842. They resided on the home farm until
1876, when he bought the Ambrose Woodbury farm on Sondogardy
Meadow, where he conducts a milk farm. They have four children,
all b. in N.
Fourth Generation.
(B. at N.)
Herbert L. Marden, b. Oct. 19, 1867; m., Sept. 15, 1897, Edna W,
Potter and resides in Providence, R. I. They have a dau., Mary, b.
June 4, 1899.
George M. Harden, b. Feb. 9, 1871; m., June 30, 1892, Josie M. Wyatt.
They reside at Ashland, where he is a house builder.
Charles E. Mardex, b. Aug. 24, 1874; m., Aug. 3, 1895, Annie J.
Manning of Vermont, b. April 26, 18G9. They have a dau., Alice, b.
March 30, 189G.
J. Frank Harden, b. Sept. 24, 1878. He resides at home and is a
Robert Martin, called Dr., was b. at Alexandria in 1822 and, after
living in Hill and Bristol, came to N. in 1875 and bought the house
now owned by Fred B. Lord on Park St., where he was a dealer in
horses and conducted a teaming business. He joined the army as a
fifer in the Twelfth Regiment. (See Boys in Blue.)
He was leader of the troop of cavalry that distinguished itself at the
N. centennial.
He sold to Francis W. Thompson and removed to Dakota.
He was a brother of Samuel Martin, who ran the sawmill on the
Holmes dam.
Dr. Martin visited his old home a few years since in good health and
mental condition, although well past 80 years of age.
Simeon Mason came from Moultonborough to N. in 1870. He was
b. at Sandwich Oct. 6, 1817; m., Dec. 1, 1839, Susan S. Hooney, b. Jan.
1, 1814. He was a carpenter and farmer. They had one child. Mr.
Mason lived on the Alvah Hannaford place, where he suffered an attack
of smallpox. He removed later to the John Mooney house, where both
d.; he, Oct. 7, 1883; she, April 6, 1890.
Second Generation.
Charles W. Mason, b. at Sandwich Nov. 1, 1842; m., Dec. 14, 1887,
Emma R. Morse, b. at Sandwich in 1SG5. He is a farmer at the Centre,
doing also an extensive poultry and dairy business.
David B. Mason was b. at Loudon in 1840 and m., Feb. 24, 18C3,
Rosilla Weeks. She was b. at Sanbornton Nov. 10, 1831. He was a
soldier in the Civil War. (See Boys in Blue.) He d. at N. May
28, 18G5. They have one dau., with whom Mrs. Mason resides. She
owned a home and resided for sometime on Gale Ave.
Second Generation.
Eldora Masox, b. at Sanbornton July 15, 1864; m. Ned W. Morri-
son, b. at Sanbornton April 13, 1860, where they now reside. They
have four children.
McDonald or mcdaniel.
Nehemiah McDaxiel of Harrington bought land of the Canterbury
tax collector, March 20, 1746. Jeremiah and John, his sons, perhaps,
bought original lots, Nos. 9 and 10. Sarah, a sister or dau. of Nehe-
miah, came from Pembroke, where she had been brought up by her
uncle. Colonel Cochrane, and became the wife of Robert Forrest. (See
JForrest gen.)
Second Generation.
Nehemiah McDonald. Jr., m., Feb. 16, 1804, Patty Glines and had
three children. He m. (second), Abagail Ferguson of Sandwich (pub.),
Aug. 23, 1S21, and had one dau. His name drops from the tax list in
Abagail McDaniel, b. ; m., Feb. 26, 1805, Isaac Glines of N.,
Td. 1778. (See Glines gen.)
Susan McDaniel, b. 1767; m. (pub.), John Glines, b. 1766. (See
'Glines gen.)
Third Generation.
(Children of Nehemiah and Martha Glines McDonald.)
Jonathan McDaniel, b. July 10, 1804; m. Charlotte Foss and had a
•dau., Citana, who m. Eben Hutchins of Canterbury.
John Ellison McDaniel, b. May 16, 1808; m., July 2, 1829, Mrs.
Betsey Gile Glines (see Glines gen.) and had a family of six. He d.
June 22, 1851. Mr. McDaniel served on the board of selectmen and was
a farmer.
William McDonald, b .April 7, 1806; m. Sally Dow and resided mostly
in Canterbury. They had three sons.
(Child of Nehemiah and Abagail Ferguson McDonald.)
Sabah McDaniel, b. April 18, 1827; m. (pub.), June 6, 1848, Edward
Presby, Jr., b. Feb. 4, 1827. They had four children. (See Presby
gen.) She m. (second), Hiram Cross of N. and had four children.
(See Cross gen.)
(Children of Allison and Betsey Gile Glines McDaniel.)
(All b. at N.)
Betsey McDaniel m. Simeon Kimball, b. 1810, being his second wife.
After his death in 1865 she cared for her brother-in-law, John Hanna-
ford. (See below.)
Martha McDaxiel, b. 1832; m., Jan. 2, 1853, Thomas M. Towns and
resides in Tilton. He is a watchmaker and, of late, a dealer in coal.
They have three children: Charles, a furniture dealer and undertaker
at Tilton; Rebecca (Mrs. Ansel Arnold); and Ella.
Rebecca McDaniel, b. 1837; d., 1858.
John McDaniel, b. 1839, served in the Civil War in Company D,
Eighth Regiment. (See Boys in Blue.)
Albert McDaniel, b. 1842, served in the Civil War in Company H,,
Fifteenth Regiment. (See Boys in Blue.)
Sarah A. McDaniel, b. 1834; m., Nov. 27, 1856, Jonathan T. Hanna-
ford, b. at Sanbornton, 1829. They had six children, of whom only twa
survive, Fred and George.
(Children of William and Sally Dow McDonald.)
Joseph McDaniel was employed on the railroad for many years.
Later he bought a farm in Sanbornton, where he m. and has four chil-
dren, two sons and two dau. Of the sons, Andrew is a farmer at
home and Joseph is employed by the Boston & Maine Railroad.
Henry McDaniel m. Susan Bailey of Franklin. He has been a mill
hand but recently taken up the business of farming.
Tristram McDaniel m. Lydia Streeter and resides in Canterbury.
They have a son, George, of Salisbury, and a dau., Mrs. George Heath,
of Tilton. Mr. McDaniel was for many years a trackman on the B.,
C. & M. R. R.
Capt. Michael McCrillis was first taxed in 1801. He built the house
on the knoll below the Centre schoolhouse. He m. Sally (Sarah)
Hancock Dec. 12, 1799. She was a sister of Joseph Hancock on the
Merrimack intervale. He had the fine old Irish idea of hospitality
and is said to have kept a kettle of "bean porridge good and warm"
for even the most casual caller. He had many a call from the scholars
in the cold winter mornings and recesses. Mrs. Thomas Simonds was
a sister to Mrs. McCrillis. (See Simonds gen.)
They moved to East Boston, Mass., where she d. Other members
of the family lived in Canterbury. They had four children: Martha
and Bowdoin, who settled in Buffalo, N. Y., where the latter was a
merchant; Adaline, who m. Moore of Canterbury and went to
New Mexico; and Napoleon, who was a lawyer and lived in the West.
William J. McDitf came to N. from Hamden, P. Q.. in 1883. He was
b. at Perthshire, Scotland, Nov. 18, 1835, and m., Oct. 15, 1867, Cynthia.
Symmes, b. at Ryegate, Vt, Oct. 1. 1843. He was a farmer and owned
the Joseph Dearborn place. They had eight children. He waf a mem-
ber of the Masonic Lodge at Wells River, Vt.
Second Generation.
Oscar James McDutf, b. at Ryegate, Vt., May 28, 18G8; m., June,
1898, Delia Stone of Pennsylvania. He is a merchant at Starrucca,
William Johx McDuff, b. at Wells River, Vt., April 7, 1870; m.,
June 24, 1901, Blanche E. Kelton, b. at South Boston, Mass., in 1873.
He is the manufacturer of the McDuff gasolene engine at Lakeport,
where they now reside. He is a member of Doric Lodge, A. F. and
A. M., of Tilton.
Mabel Jane McDutf, b. at Wells River, Vt, May 24, 1872; m., July
18, 1896, Luther H. Morrill. (See Morrill gen.)
Robert S. McDuff, b. at Hamden, P. Q., May 23, 1875; m., Sept. 13,
1898, Annie M. Perry. They have one child, Louise E. He is a ma-
chinist and now resides at Leominster, Mass.
Sarah Margaret McDuff, b. at Hamden, P. Q., Jan. 23, 1878; d. at
N. Aug. 25, 1894.
Emma F. McDuff, b. at Hamden, P. Q., 1880; d. there in May, 1882.
Agness Firth McDuff, b. at N. Feb. 14, 1884. She is a telegraph
operator at Meredith.
Harriet Catherixe McDlt^f, b. at N. April 30, 1887, graduated at
Tilton Seminary, class of 1905, taking the Latin Scientific course.
Greenough McQuesten was b. at Plymouth June 5, 1804. He m.,
Sept. 28, 1828, Myra, dau. of Stephen Chase, b. at N. Dec. 14, 1801.
They had four children. He was associated in trade with Isaac Whit-
tier and later was a clerk in various stores in Tilton, going to his
home in Plymouth in 1838. He resided some years later in Fisherville,
now Penacook, and finally entered the employ of the Concord Railroad
as bookkeeper in their construction and repair shops at Concord,
which place he held to extreme age. He was a deacon of the Congre-
gational churches at Tilton and Concord. He d. Aug. 24, 1890. Mrs.
McQuesten d. Dec. 28, 1888,
Second Generation.
William Greenough McQuesten, b. June 5, 1829; m., July 17, 1856,
Elizabeth Fudge of St. John, N. B., b. Jan. 17, 1828. They had three
children. He d. Jan. 29, 1880. Mrs. McQuesten d. Sept. 29, 1875.
Myra Chase McQuesten, b. April 24, 1831; d., March 29, 1891.
EvARTS McQuesten, b. at N. March 9, 1837; m., Sept. 2, 1863,
Elizabeth Knight of Boothbay, Me., b. Jan. 20, 1840. He is a dealer
in groceries, meats and provisions in Concord. They have three chil-
dren and three d. in infancy.
Peter Rockwood McQuesten, b. Sept. 29, 1839; m. Emma Sanborn
of Henniker. He graduated from Columbia University, New York, was
ordained to the ministry and went West. Later he located at Fall
River, Mass., and is now at Annandale, N. J. He has two children,
Walter, who is in the insurance business in New York, and Ada.
Noah Lane Merrill was b. at Deerfield. He m. Melinda Tibbetts, b.
Aug. 18, 1803 (see Tibbetts gen.), and resided in N. and later in Man-
chester. They had five children.
Second Generation.
Arthltj T. Merrill, b. at N. Jan. 22, 1840; m., April IG, 1862, Arianna
E. Dearborn (see Dearborn gen.), and had three children. He served
in the Seventeenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers, during the
Civil War (see Boys in Blue) and d. at Lake Providence, La., March
8, 1868. She d. at N. March 6, 1868.
De Witt Merrill, b. at Manchester June 2, 1842. He also served in
the army (see Boys in Blue) and has resided at Ashland since 1881.
Bradbury Merrill d. in Macon City, Mo.
NoAu Lane Merrill, Jr., had his name changed to J. C. Tibbetts.
Third Generation.
(Children of Arthur T. and Arianna Dearborn Merrill.)
(B. at N.)
Fannie L. Merrill, b. July 25, 1863; d. at Lowell, Mass., Jan. 22,
1889. Her name was changed to Fannie L. Brown.
EsTELLA T. Merrill, b. May 11, 1865; d. at three years of age.
Willie Arthur Merrill, b. March 22, 1867, is now engaged in mining
in California.
Frank H. Merrill, b. in Rumney Oct. 29, 1855, learned his trade at
Medford, Mass., where he m., Aug. 7, 1880, Mary Elliot of Medford,
Mass. After a short stay at Bristol, he came in 1887 to N. and pur-
chased a tinsmith's and hardware business, which he conducted for
nearly 15 years. Mrs. Merrill d. Feb. 8, 1892. They had one son,
George Lake Merrill, who graduated from Union Graded School and d.
one year later, March 21, 1902. Mr. Merrill m. (second), Emma S.
Pike of New Hampton, Jan. 1, 1896. His health failing, he went to
Denver, Col., where he d. June 15, 1902.
He was a member of Doric Lodge. A. F. and A. M., a member also of
Harmony Lodge, I. O. O. F., and also of the Society of United Work-
men. Mrs. Merrill m., March 15, 1905. Samuel Howard at New Hamp-
ton, where they now reside.
Lieut. Josiah Miles, b. Aug. 4, 1719, was a resident of the Canter-
bury north fields long before the Revolutionary War. He pitched his
tent on what became the Rogers farms near Mount Tug. His wife^
Elizabeth, was b. June 11, 1724. They were m. in 1742. His death. is
recorded as occurring "Mar ye 31 1777."
At a meeting held in Canterbury, March 17, 1756, Josiah Miles was
voted and granted 70 acres adjoining his lots and 50 more for "getting"
the Richcords into shape" — 320 in all.
His "pitch lots" must have been taken by him before the survey of
the town, as they lie on the map diagonal to the rest and no record
is found of their being granted to him or any one else.
On the seventeenth day of March, 1757, they also voted and granted
to Lieut. Josiah Miles "70 acres joining Scunduggady South & Heather
Meadow for £134 10s (old tenner on demand)." They were living here
in 1753. The cabin was probably in the northeast corner of the lots.
An old cellar more than 100 years ago had an old decayed apple tree in
It was here that the trouble with the Indians, Sabattis and Christo,.
occurred. (See Indian Legends.) There was another Josiah Miles,
called Captain Josiah, who ran the boundary of the new town three
years after his father's death.
Archelus owned land on the Fourth Range, which he exchanged for
a 100-acre lot elsewhere when the main road to Canterbury was
opened. He had 12 children.
Josiah Miles, Jr., was the first clerk of N. and held the office eight
Abxeb Miles owned land on Bean Hill, which he sold to Reuben Kim-
ball in 1776, as the deed says, and Samuel bought and sold land from
Lots 29 and 63 in 1780 to Robert Ambrose for £1,000. March 13, 1780,.
he bought the 100-acre lot, originally No. 63, and sold it next day,
March 14, for £675.
These lands were the Demore Wyatt and Ambrose Woodbury farms,,
and also the farm now owned by Mrs. Smith Glines. Just what became
of the Mileses I cannot say, but there is a deed showing that Richard
Jackson of Tamworth sold to Josiah Miles a tract of land on Bear
Camp River, with buildings and all improvements, for £50. This
occurred in the 12th year of his majesty's reign and was dated Sept. 7,
Samuel Miles moved from the north fields to Canterbury and assisted
Josiah Miles on his farm two summers. He was there the year that.
Cornwallis surrendered. Elizabeth Miles Dolloff's first husband, Phin-
eas Fletcher, was at Yorktown. He returned home immediately and'
d. after eight months' service, having "enlisted the last of April or the
first of May."
Her father, Josiah Miles, moved to Sanbornton and Obadiah was b.
there. Elizabeth Fletcher DollofE was a sister of Samuel and a dau.
of Josiah.
The name is not found on the tax lists after 1794. Josiah, Jr., ac-
cording to Sanbornton history, lived on the New Hampton road and
m. (second), Mirah Sanborn. His three sisters also m. three Sanborn
brothers, Daniel, Jonathan and John. (See page 483.)
Jonathan Wadleigh in 1780 bought his farm of Samuel Miles, it being
a part of No. 63. (See Proprietors' map.)
I find the following fragmentary records but cannot classify them,
the first being probably part of Josiah's family:
M.\RY Miles, b. May 31, 1742.
Archelus Miles, b. Nov. 20, 1743.
Josiah Miles, Jr., b. April 6, 1745. ;•
Haxx.\h Miles, b. Nov. 10, 1748; d., Aug. 1, 1749. ' ,
Samuel Miles, b. March 27, 1750.
Abxer Miles, b. Sept. 28, 1751.
William Miles, b. Nov. 18, 1754.
Note. "All the above wass Born in Old Stile."
SusAx>'AH Miles, b. Dec. 7, 1755; m., Oct. 14, 1799, Caleb Heath.
Sabeth (probably Elizabeth), b. March 12, 1757.
Ah (probably Sarah), b. Nov. 22, 1763.
Veraxce (probably Deliverance), b. Nov. 2, 1765.
Omas (probably Thomas Wadleigh), b. Nov. 21, 1774. Susannah Wad-
leigh, his mother, d. Dec. 18, 1774.
Lorexzo D. Miller came to N. from Vermont. He was first a farmer
for Daniel E. Hill on Bay Hill, removing later to the village. She was
Kate Brocklebank of Plainfield. Mr. Miller was later employed at the
grist mill. They conducted a boarding house for many years. He was
a soldier in the Civil War. (See Boys in Blue.) They had a son and
dau. After 17 years' residence in town, they purchased and removed
to their present home on East Main St., Tilton.
Second Generation.
Abbie S. Miller, b. at Fairlee, Vt.; m. (first), John Stanyan of Con-
cord and had two dau. and a son. Mrs. Stanyan m. (second), Elmer
Pickering of Canterbury, May 27, 1905. They reside at Bristol. Flor-
ence resides at Concord. Marjorie and Earl reside at Tilton.
Fbaxk L. Miller, b. at Fairlee, Vt., 1871; m., Nov. 3, 1892. Clyde F.
Bean, b. at Manchester, 1873. They had one child, Guy E., b. Sept. i,
1893, who d in infancy.
John Molont, b. 1773, came to N. from Salem, Mass. He was first
taxed here in 1796. The early deeds speak of him as "John Molony
Mariner." Others of his family, perhaps his parents, came soon after
and lived on the Chase Wyatt place in East N.
Sally Maloxy, his sister, was the second wife of Jesse Cross, whose
dau., Sarah, b. April, 1843, was the wife of John Foss of Gilmanton
and resided in Penacook, where both d., leaving a son and dau., who
later removed to Manchester.
Polly Maloxy was the second wife of William Glines, 2d., being m.
Nov. 20, 1S23.
John Molony m. in N., in 180G, Sally (Sarah), dau. of Jonathan and
Love Thomas Sanborn of East N., who was b., 1790. They had eight
children. (See Sanborn gen.) He lived in various parts of the town,
but as he grew prospei'ous in business he erected the Jason Foss house,
where he d. June 6, 1832.
The contract for building it is still in existence and is in part
given elsewhere. It was originally three stories high but was un-
roofed by the gale of Sept., 1815, and one story was removed. He had
a store at the foot of the hill, where, among other articles of traffic,
"votes" for future delivery were always legal tender for rum and to-
bacco, as the "squire" always had some coveted public office in sight.
He became deputy sheriff and made quite a reputation and money,
too, in "staying writs." He was a keen, far-seeing man, with much
business ability, and was sent to represent the town in the Legislatures
of 1813, 1814 and 1817, although his morals were not quite up to the
Puritanic standard. Mrs. Molony removed with her children to Bel-
videre. 111., where she d. in 1848. He was buried by the present town
hall. In 1821 his tax was larger by far than that of any other man in
Second Generation.
(Children of John and Sally Sanborn Molony.)
(B. at N.)
Maby Jaxe Moloxy, b. July 29, 1808; m. (first), Jesse Harwick;
m. (second), Horace M. Gaylord, a traveling salesman, and had three
children. He d. in California about 1861. She d. in Chicago, 111.,
Jan. ], 1881. She left N. in 1843.
Phebe Moloxy, b. Dec. 17, 1809; m. George Wilde. They moved to
Belvidere, 111., in 1843, where he was a bookkeeper. She d. July 26,
1866. He d. in 1890.
RiCHABD S. Moloxy, b. June 28, 1810, left N. about 1837 and, finding
good prospects at Belvidere, 111., took up claims and encouraged others
of the family to do so. He had previously read medicine with Dr.
Muzzey of Hanover and graduated from Dartmouth Medical School in
1837, leaving at once for Vicksburg, Miss. Later he went to Chicago
and finally settled as above. He succeeded Hon. John Wentworth as
United States Senator in 1S50.
His health failing, he abandoned his profession. He engaged in the
real estate business in Humboldt, Neb., where he d. Dec. 14, 1891. He
visited his native town as the guest of Hon. C. E. Tilton after an ab-
sence of 47 years.
He m., in 1842, Emma Nichols of Belvidere, 111., and had two chil-
dren. Mrs. Molony d. April 1, 1864.
Hannah S. Moloxy, b. Nov. 11, 1812; m. at N., in 1834, Royal Blake
of Vermont and moved to Lyme, where they remained until March,
1845. They had four children, all b. in Lyme. He was a stock broker
at Belvidere, 111., where he d. Aug. 26, 1888, and where she now lives
with her dau., Mrs. Ellen Blake Thomas. Another dau., Mrs. Jennie
Blake Chase, resides in New York City. A son, George Blake, resides
at Columbus, 0.
Mathew S. Moloxy, b. May, 1814, m., in 1865, Nancy Jones and had
a son and a dau. He was a broker and had large farming interests
at Belvidere, 111., where his wife d. Sept. 12, 1864. He d. Feb. 29, 1896.
William Plummer Moloxy, b. Sept. 7, 1816; m. Kate Brigham and
had three children. He d. at Ann Arbor, Mich., in 1875.
Samuel S. Moloxy, b. Feb. 19, 1818; d., in 1825, and is buried be-
side his father at N.
James Roby Moloxy, b. May 19, 1823, was a traveling salesman. He
d. Aug. 20, 1861, and was buried beside his mother at Belvidere, 111.
Note. Mrs. Ellen Blake Thomas has furnished valuable data regard-
ing her family.
JoHX Mooxey came to N. from Loudon in 1833. He bought the home
of Dr. Enos Hoyt, who was then postmaster, and the office was turned
over to him, he holding it with various assistants until the business
was removed to Sanbornton Bridge. He was a man of means and,
as there were no banks, he became a professional money-lender. He
was scrupulously exact to a penny, although his terms were often
more to his own advantage than to his creditors. He farmed in a small
way and was agent for several insurance companies. When the B., C.
& M. R. R. was being built, he solicited funds, taking stock for his
They lived in a quiet, unostentatious way and at his death, April 5,
1878, left an estate of $75,000. Among other bequests, there was a
considerable sum for charitable purposes. His wife, Susan Chase of
Loudon, d. April 29, 1806. He remained for a while in the home,
going later to reside with his son-in-law in Nashua.
Second Generation.
Celestia SrsAX Mooxey, b. at Loudon, 1830; m., Dec. 26. 1848, John
H. Goodale of Manchester and went there to reside. He was associ-
ated with the late Simeon D. Farnsworth as published of the Union
Democrat, and later he was secretary of state and superintendent of
public instruction.
Mrs. Goodale was educated at the New Hampshire Conference Sem-
inary and was a writer of ability as well as a worthy assistant in the
literary work of her husband. She d., greatly lamented, in Oct., 1863.
Isaac G. Mooney came to N. in 1871. He was b. at Sandwich and m.
(first), Sarah Mason, by whom he had four children. He m. (second),
Mary A. Vickery of Moultonborough, and had four sons and two dau.
He was a farmer at N. Centre on the Simonds place, where he d.
Dec. 2, 1892. She removed after his death to Concord.
Second Generation.
(Children of Isaac and second wife.)
Fraxk Mooney, b. at Sandwich Oct. 28, 1852; m., 1876, Mary E.
Hazeltine of Concord. They have a son and a dau. Mr. Mooney has
been for many years a conductor on the Boston & Maine Railroad with
home at Concord.
Alvin Mooney, b. at Sandwich Oct., 1854, resides at Salem, Mass. He
is a conductor on the Boston & Maine Railroad. He m. Emeline Love-
joy of Concord, 1878. She d. in 1882. He m. (second), Emma Bow-
man of Lancaster.
Perry S. Mooxey, b. at Sandwich in 1857, resides at Lowell, Mass. He
is a baggage master on the Boston & Maine Railroad. He m. (first),
Ida Collins, b. 1860, and had three sons. She d. March 23, 1892. He
m. (second), April 29, 1893, Adelia Ann Tenney, b. at Salamanca, N. Y.,
Carrie E. Mooxey, b. at Sandwich in 1860; m., April 31, 1888, Ed-
ward R. Glines and had three children. (See Glines gen.)
Joseph Mooney, b. at Sandwich in 1861, resides at North Platte,
Neb. He is a conductor on the Union Pacific Railroad.
Third Generation.
(Children of Perry and lola Collins Mooney.)
(B. at N.)
"Wilbur Mooney, b. 1875. He is employed in the Union Station, Bos-
ton, Mass.
Elmer Mooney, b. 1877 (?), is employed on the railroad.
Arthur Mooney, b. 1882, is employed in the manufacture of artificial
The Moores were early settlers of Canterbury, Archelus and William
being among the "Proprietors." Ezekiel, son of Nathaniel, was the
first of the name to settle in N. He was the first rural delivery man in
town. The mail was brought from Concord to Canterbury, from whence
he took it on horseback to Gilmanton Corner. After the settlements on
Bay Hill, his route was changed to include them.
He then moved to the French or Hannaford place on the main road,
near the railroad crossing. About 1820, tradition says, he carried the
mails 14 years, selling out in 1825, when he removed to Bristol.
He was b. March 4, 17G3. He m., 1790, Eliza Morrill of Amesbury,
Mass., b. Jan. 11, 1770, and d. at Canterbury in 1818. He d. March
12, 1840.
Mr. Moore enlisted at the age of 16 as a private in Captain Sias'
company in Piscataqua Harbor in Sept., 1779, and served 27 days. He
was also a private in Capt. Ezekiel Webster's militia regiment, which
joined the Continental Army at West Point, July, 1780, and served
three months and 20 days. (See New Hampshire Rolls, II, 697; III,
He m. (second), Feb. 10, 1823, Mary Melrill. She d. in 1870. He had
ten children by his first wife. The names of his five boys each com-
menced with the letter M, and he had five dau., all b. at Canterbury.
Second Generation.
Nancy Moore, b. Tuesday, Oct. 4, 1791; m., Dec. 25, 1817, William
Davis, and d. Aug. 24, 1825.
Martha (Patty) Moore, b. Thursday, Aug. 13, 1793; m., Sept. 22,
1818, John C. Stevens of N. and resided on the Peter French place.
Sixteen children were b. to them. They were in moderate circum-
stances, it is told, until one year's crop of rye, that covered the hill-
side far and near, brought such bountiful returns that they were able
to pay all debts. They then sold the farm to Mr. French and re-
moved to better conditions at Stewartstown. One dau. m.
James. A second dau. m. Bamford and a third m. John Emer-
son. All removed from town.
Alice Moore, b. Wednesday, March 30, 1796; m., 1815, J. Leverett
Chase of Loudon, and d. there in 1867.
Morrill S. Moore. b. Monday, Oct. 29, 1798; m., Oct. 2, 1820, Sally
Hancock of N., b. April 7, 1794. They resided at first on the main
road and later on the Bean Hill road, where he was a farmer and a
lumberman for many years. He d. at Sanbornton while on a visit
to his son, May 14, 1860. She d. Oct. 24, 1S5S. They had five chil-
Polly Moore, b. Tuesday, Oct. 28, 1800; ra., Dec. 29, 1825, Jacob C.
Haines, b. at Sanbornton April 24, 1799. She d. at Boston. Mass., Sept.
22, 1865, and he d. at Waltham, Mass., Nov. 10, 1877. His son. John,
resides there.
MiLTox MooRE, b. Jlonday, Nov. 11, 1802; m. Abagail Verrell of Alex-
andria. He d. there Aug. 30, 1838.
Betsey Moore, b. Friday, Nov. 23, 1804; m., March 25, 1842, Stephen
Carlton of Colebrook. She d. at Scranton, Pa.
Moody Moore, b. March 7, 1S07; d. and was buried at sea. He m,
Eliza Flagg of Lincoln, Mass.
Matthias Moore, b. April 24, ISIO; m. (first), Elizabeth Jones of
Boston, Mass. He m. (second), Harriet Philbrook of Sanbornton
Bridge. The children by his first wife were: Joseph, Matthias and
Lizzie and, by his second wife, Victoria, William, Lilla and Henrietta.
He d. at Canterbury in 1879 and she d. at Sanbornton Bridge April 27,
1863. He resided in Boston for many years and was a fine singer
and musical director.
Esther Moore, b. Aug. 13, 1812; m., Sept., 1835, James Moore, b. May
24, 1809. They resided in Waltham, where both d. He d. March 11,
1877, and she d. Feb. 26, 1895.
Phebe Moore, b. Nov. 11, 1813; m. Trueworthy Evans.
Third Generation.
(Children of Morrill S. and Sally Hancock Moore.)
(All b. at N.)
Orpha Moore d. in infancy.
Clarissa Moore, b. April 18, 1827; m. Joseph Cross, a farmer of N.,
and had ten children. (See Cross gen.) She d. June 12, 1897.
Polly Moore, b. May 1, 1828; m. Willis Gray and had one dau.,
Emma, now Mrs. Nealey of Nottingham. Mrs. Gray d. Jan. 7, 1867.
Morrill Moore (see portrait), b. Nov. 18, 1829; m., March 3, 1858,
Lovina A. Huse (see Huse gen.) and had a family of five. They were
thrifty farmers for many years on the Smith place at the foot of
Bean Hill and he was also a stock raiser and dairyman. Later in life
he purchased the 300-acre estate of his father-in-law and made a
specialty of raising Devon cattle. He collected the town taxes for
several years. They were charter members of Friendship Grange and
their exhibits often bore off the prizes at grange fairs. He d. July 1,
1901, and the farm has recently been sold to Samuel B. Chase.
Merrill Moore, b. March 4, 1831; m., Oct. 6, 1855, Caroline Lake of
Canterbury. He was a trader at N. Depot for some years. Mrs. Moore
d. Sept. 10, 1860, aged 23 years. He m. (second), Mary Heath and
removed to Manchester, where he d. Feb. 26, 1889. They had three
children, two of whom d. young, and Sadie, now Mi'S. Watson, resides
at East Tilton, where her mother d.
Fourth Generation.
(Children of Morrill and Lovina Huse Moore.)
Eliza Abbie Moore d. in infancy.
Frank Huse Moore, b. March 25, 1862; m., Nov. 30, 1899, Louisa
Bisson. After a few years of trade at N., and later at Belmont, he
is still engaged in selling hay, grain and groceries at Laconia.
Cora Estelle Moore, b. June 12, 1864; m., June 12, 1896, Oliver W.
Taylor of Laconia, where they reside. He is a blacksmith. They
have a son, Howard, and a dau., Alice. Mrs. Taylor was educated
at the New Hampshire Conference Seminary and was a teacher pre-
vious to her marriage.
Bella A. Moore, b. May 11, 1SG7; m., Jan. 3, 1889, George A. Dear-
born of Hill. They reside on Beacon St., Concord. He is employed
by the Manchester & Concord Express Company. Mrs. Dearborn was
educated at the New Hampshire Conference Seminary and was also a
teacher. They have a dau., Mildred A., and a son, Harold M.
Arthur G. Moore, b. June 26, 1872; m., July 26, 1901, Edna Morrill.
He was for several years a dealer in cattle and meat on the home farm
until its sale. He resides in N.
JoHx N. MooRE, b. at Ludlow, Vt., April 3, 1834, came to N., from Til-
ton, in 1878. He m., Nov. 20, 1866, Clara A. Sanborn of Tilton, who
was b. at Lowell, Mass., June 22, 1849. During his early life he was
engaged in farming and later was night watchman at Buell's Mill.
He was a member of Doric Lodge, No. 78, A. F. and A. M., at Tilton.
They had three children. He d. Feb. 12, 1903.
Second Generation.
Ellex Grace Moore, b. at West Randolph, Vt., April 12, 1869. She
is a fine singer and is a member of Trinity Church choir.
Maud Evelyn Moore, b. at Rumney Oct. 25, 1871; m., Oct. 24, 1893,
Harry R. Sturm of Boston, Mass., b. at Philadelphia, Pa. They have
two children: Julius Cecil, b. at N. Feb. 2, 1899, and Doris Elizabeth,
b. Jan. 29, 1903, at Concord, where they reside.
LxA Naomi Moore, b. Oct. 3, 1876, in Tilton, and m., Dec. 15, 1897,
Levi F. Cadue. (See Cadue gen.)
Antiio.xy Morse lived on the farm now owned by Mrs. S. W. Glines.
The house then stood on the east side of the road. His wife was Han-
nah Platts. They had six children, three of whom were cripples. He
d. in N. about 1813. The inventory of his estate was: "Homestead with
buildings $490. 5 acres bot of Daniel Hills $55, One gun & layout $5
in all $550."
Second Generation.
Hannah Morse m. Moses Hills of Chester. She returned after her
father's death and settled his estate.
Stephe.v Morse, b. 1772, lived in N.. and d. there Dec. 28, 1824. He
gi-eatly desired to be buried in the Knowles burying ground and his
■wish was granted, as his tombstone shows.
Ebenezee Moreisox, b. July 3, 1792; m., Feb. 10, 1814, Anna Lyford
of N., b. Dec. 9, 1793. He was a tanner at the Centre, but went, later,
to the home of his father-in-law. Squire Lyford, on Zion's Hill, where
all his children were b. He later removed to Sanbornton Bridge,
where, with his two sons, he erected a steam tannery where Carter's
Mills now stand. It was burned on Jan. 15, 1876, and was never rebuilt.
He d. May 26, 1849. She d. April 27, 1862. They had six sons and
a little dau., who was drowned in a tan pit at two years of age. They
were Christian people and both were charter members of the Congrega-
tional Church organized in 1823.
Second Generation.
(See group.)
Thomas Lyfokd Morkisox was b. Jan. 17, 1815. He m. Mrs. Susan
Capen French and removed to her home. He was a tanner and worked
with his brothers at their steam mill and elsewhere. He also culti-
vated the farm and lived to a good old age, dying Dec. 11, 1899. She
d. Sept. 12, 1896. They had five children.
Robert Gray Morrison, b. April 16, 1817; m. (first), Sept. 12, 1841,
Sarah Damrell of Boston, b. July 18, 1822, at Portland, Me. They re-
sided in Concord, where he was employed by the Prescott Organ
Company on cases. She d. March 5, 1859.
He m. (second). May 24, 1860, Sarah Rebecca Carter of Canterbury,
b. Oct. 4, 1838. They had five children. He d. June 13, 1880. A son,
Frank Robert, d. in Boston, Mass., and two dau., Mrs. Emma Richard-
son and Mrs. Ida Carter, reside in Manchester.
Amos Hannaford Morrison, b. May 26, 1819; m., Aug. 31, 1841,
Martha A. W. Morrison of Sanbornton Bridge. He was for his whole
active life a machinist for the Concord Railroad.
They were unselfish Christian people. They had five children, but
two of whom, Mrs. Asenath Goodhue and John Edwards, both of Con-
cord, survive. He d. Sept. 20, 1900. She d. Aug., 1893.
Obadiah Hall Morrison and his twin sister, Mary Hall Morrison,
were b. March 17, 1823. He went to Washington, D. C, when a young
man and spent his whole life in active business there. He m. Emma
Clark and had 10 children, six of whom survive. He d. Dec. 24, 1875.
He was an extensive dealer in books and stationery.
LiBA CoNANT Morrison, b. May 13, 1828; m.. May 1, 1859, Mary Chase
Hill of N., b. July 8, 1835. He was for many years a tanner. When
business declined he became a farmer on Hills St. He d. at the home
of his niece, July 11, 1900. She d. Sept. 10, 1898.
Ebenezer Morrison, Jr., b. May 6, 1832; m., Sept. 29, 1857, Zepherine
Robinson, b. at Eddington, Me., March 8, 1838. After some years of
employment as tanner and spinner for A. H. Tilton, he removed to
Washington, D. C, and was associated with his brother, Obadiah, in
1^- W
Ik. M
^ ^%
- Morrill, b. in East N. Oct. 11, 1793, was a soldier ia
the War of 1812, when less than 20 years of age. He m. Abagail Rob-
inson of Gilmanton, Dec. 31, 1S17. She d. Jan. 24, 1SS4. He d. at
Jamestown Jan. 15, 1867. They had six children, none of whom re-
sided in N.
Hanxah Morrill, b. at N.; m., Dec, 1819, Willoughby Durgin of
Sanbornton, and d. Feb. 20, 1865. She had two sons, Daniel Morrill
Durgin, who d. in infancy, and Benjamin Morrill Durgin, a farmer
at Jamestown.
Daniel Gale Morrill, b. Jan. 3, 1802, lived in N. on the home farm,,
where he d. July 4, 1851. He m. Lucy Sanborn, who d. Dec, 1850.
David Morrill came to N. Depot from Bristol. He m. (first),.
Elizabeth Austin and had a family of 10. Only four are connected
with the history of N. His second wife was Nabby Willey. Both d. at
N. She d. Feb. 21, 1860.
Second Generation.
Jaxe Morrill, b. 1831; m. John Roberts of N. and had three chil-
dren. (See Roberts gen.)
Benjamix Morrill, b. at Canterbury; m. Diana Woodward of N.
Factory Village and had one son. After his death she m. William H.
Roberts of N. (See Roberts gen.)
David Moeeill remained in the home until 16 years of age. He
now resides at Somerville, Mass.
Nancy Morrill, b. at N. July 26, 1S40; m. Stephen Woodward of
Factory Village and has always resided there. They have five chil-
dren: Ida, Walter, Edgar, Cora and Linnie.
David Morrill was b. Aug. 30, 1779. He m., Sept. 6, 1S04, Lydia
Buswell, b. Dec. 14, 1780. They resided on Bay Hill at the corner
of the Knowles road. They had three children.
Second Generation.
John Morrill, b. Dec. IS, 1802, removed to Groton.
Samuel Morrill, b. July 17, 1806.
David Morrill, Jr., b. Aug. 30, 1812; m. Jane Thompson and lived
on Bay Hill Road. He d. July 24, 1880. She d. Nov. 14, 1869.
Bradbury M. Morrill, b. in Sanbornton April 26, 1829; m. (first),
June 25, 1851, Ellen S. Sumner of Hill, who d. July 7, 1853. He m.
(second), Anna E. Proctor of Lowell, Mass., Sept. 4, 1856, who was
b. May 14, 1834, and d. at Tilton June 5, 1873. He came to N. about
1860 and was an insurance agent. He was appointed postmaster in
1869, serving until 1871. It was during his term that the name was
changed to Tilton. They had three children: Ellen S., who d. in 1859;
Harvey F., b. 1861; and Alice B., b. 1863. He served for two and one
half years in the Civil War. They moved to Claremont. He was acci-
dentally killed by the cars.
Luther H. Morrill, b. at Webster June 16, 1867, came to N., Sept.
1, 1886, from Wilmot, and was employed by Lord Bros. Manufacturing
Company and, later, at the Ideal Company's works as machinist. He
m., July 18, 1896, Mabel J. McDuff of N. and has always resided in
He' served as its clerk for several years and was, in 1898, appointed
postmaster of the Tilton and Northfield office. (See Postmasters, with
James Muchmore's name appears on the first "Prizle List," where
his tax was 10s. Gd. in 1784. He was a farmer and one son, James,
was b. in town. The name disappears about 1786 and the father
and son removed to Orford, where James, 3d, was b. His son, Dr.
Alonzo Muchmore, a surgeon in the army and a member of many
social and fraternal societies, is the only branch of the family I
am able to trace. He resided at Campton Village,
W.\XTER S. MuzzEY was b. at Bristol July 13, 1849; m., Nov. 26, 1873,
Ellen C. Abbott of West Concord. They came to N. in 1903, whither
his son had previously come, and purchased a home on Bay St. He
had been a dealer in meats and provisions in Franklin, Penacook and,
later, at Tilton. He is a member of Arch Lodge, K. of P.
Second Generation.
H.\RRY W. MuzzEY, b. at Franklin April 20, 1876; m., Oct. 17, 1898,
Emma Lovell, b. at Lawi-ence, Mass., July 3, 1877. He was for some
years a dealer in meat and provisions with his father in Tilton. Mr.
Muzzey bought the Firth house in 1900 and removed to N. He has
been clerk of the town for four years and is now employed by the
Citizens' Telephone Company. They have two children: Merle, b.
1899, and Miriam, b. 1900.
Arthur P. Muzzet, b. at Penacook July 23, 1SS3; d., April 17, 1884.
Albert C. Muzzey came to N. from Tilton in Aug., 1881. He was
b. at Bristol July 6, 1851; m., July 20, 1881, Mary A. Thomas, b. at
Lawrence, Mass., Feb. 17, 1858. He is a dealer in meats and pro-
visions in N. They have one son.
Second Generation.
Herbert Thomas Muzzey, b. Jan. 2, 1887. He is a member of the
sophomore class at Tilton Seminary.
Charles Edwin Nelson, b. at Gilraanton Dec. 3, 1818; m., July 16,
1843, Mary Jane Foss, b. April 23, 1821. He was a farmer, being the
third generation on the same farm. They had four children, all b.
in Gilmanton. He moved to Tilton in Dec, 1862, and was employed
as dyer at the Tilton Mills for a score of years. July 22, ISSO, they
removed to N., where he d. July 3, 1892. She d. Nov. 7, 1900.
Second Generation.
EmiA Jane N'elsox, b. April 24, 1850; m., June 25, 1867, William J.
Winch of Fitcliburg, Mass. He was a painter by trade and was a
volunteer in Company H, Massachusetts Fourth Heavy Artillery, in
the Civil War. They had two children. He d. Jan. 20, 1893. She
resides on Bay St.
George Henry Nelson, b. Jan. 14, 1853; m., Dec. 24, 1874, Ella O.
Hills of N. (See Hills gen.) He was foreman in the carding and
spinning room at the Elm Mills for 18 years and later learned the
trade of a carpenter. They reside on Hills St. at N. They had two
RuEus Edwin Nelson, b. June 18, 1858; m. Annie Hale Atherton,
b. July 14, 1857. He was employed at the Elm and Tilton Mills for
many years and is now clerk at the Jordan Hotel at Tilton. He is
Past Grand Master of Harmony Lodge, No. 65, I. 0. O. F., and both
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson are members of Granite Hill Rebekah Lodge at
Tilton. They reside on Park St. and have three children.
Charles Albert Nelson, b. Nov. IS, 1860; m., March 21, 1889, Mrs.
Ida Butterfield Hobart of Hebron. He is a druggist at Haverhill,
Third Generation.
(Children of Emma J. and William J. Winch.)
(B. at Fitchburg, Mass.)
Cora Emma Winch, b. May 25, 1871, resides with her mother.
Charles William Winch, b. Jan. 9, 1873; d. at N. Oct. 10, 1880,
(Children of George H. and Ella Hills Nelson.)
(B. at N.)
Infant dau., b. March 28, 1877; d., March 31, 1877.
Ada Leila Nelson, b. June 7, 188^, was a graduate at Tilton Sem-
inary, class of 1904, and is employed at the Tilton Optical Works.
(Children of Rufus E. and Annie Atherton Nelson.)
(B. at Tilton.)
Ernest Edwin Nelson, b. April 16, 1878; m. Ellen Frances Dolley
of N. and they have one child, Myrtle Atherton, b. July 13, 1894. He
has a responsible position with the Holden Manufacturing Company
at Penacook, where he resides. He is a fine musician. He is a mem-
ber of Arch Lodge, K. of P., at Tilton.
Arthur Scott Nelson, b. April 29, 1880; m., Sept. 14, 1904, Stella
F. Hills. (See Hills gen.) He has fine musical ability. He is a
member of Harmony Lodge, No. 65, I. O. O. F., being the present
Noble Grand. He is employed by Phelps & Dolley, grocers, at Tilton,
where they^reside. They are members of Granite Hill Rebekah Lodge,
RuEUs Laurence Nelson, b. March 11, 1894.
William J. Norton came from Franklin to N. and took charge of the
newly-erected grist mill on the site of the Optical "Works. (See Mills.)
He m. Blood of Hollis and had three dau. In 1S75 he removed
to School St., Tilton, where she d. in 1S7G. He moved after her death
to Hollis.
Second Generation.
Mary Norton, b. 1853; m., Jan. 7, 1879, Orville Dyer of Sanbornton,
b. July 9, 1847. After a short stay at Franklin Falls and Tilton they
moved to Kingston, where he is a farmer.
Caroline Norton, b. 1854; m., 1883 (?), Charles H. Blood of Hollis.
He came to N. and lived on Park St. He was miller in the new Copp
mill on the Tilton side. They had one son, Willie.
Emma Norton, b. at Factory Village; m. Elmer Silloway and resided
at Kingston. He was a farmer and d. a few years later. She still
resides there and has two children, a son and a dau.
The Nudd families were of Scotch descent. Their names appear
on the town records as early as 1799, when Levi Nudd was taxed in
N., as were his brothers, James, Warren and Joseph.
Isaac Nudd, b. 1812; m., Nov. 17, 1837, Abagail Peaslee Sanborn.
Joseph Nudd went to Hingham, Mass., and d. there.
Mary Nudd, twin sister of the above, m., Aug., 1826, Isaac Foss of
N. (See Foss gen.)
Joseph Warren Nudd, b. 1769, lived in the south part of N., close by
the Canterbury line, on the Fifth Range, which was early opened to the
Borough for hoi'seback riders. He m., Dec. 3, 1811, Judith Arlin
and had six children. It is more than probable that the home was
built on the range, as no deeds are to be found. Here lived a large
family not later than 1840. The house was burned and the old chim-
ney remained standing many years, also a large orchard of unthrifty
and decaying trees. There were no fences and the whole farm was a
part of what was called the Sanborn pasture. After Mr. Nudd's death
in 1822, his wife m. (second), Hiram Kimball and lived on the next
range East and had three children: Laura, who m. Andrew Grover of
Canterbury; Charles, who went to the Civil War and who, while on his
way home, slipped under the train at Concord and was fatally injured;
and John Kimball, b. 1833, who resides at New Hampton.
Second Generation.
Ekastus Nudd for many years furnished charcoal for Concord
smithies. His kilns were on the south side of Bean Hill, on the
shores of Forrest Pond. He had two kilns and often averaged 300
bushels per week. He m. Catherine Reardon of Ireland and d. at
Lancaster May 29, 1897. They had four children.
Almira Nudd m. Luther Rogers of N. and resided in Loudon. They
liad a large family of children. (See Rogers gen.)
Naecissa Nudd, h. Oct. 2, 1817; m., Oct. 16, 1832, John Dalton of
Sanbornton. (See Dalton gen.)
Levi Nudd learned the blacksmith trade with Joseph Clisby and
moved to Holderness, where he, later, became a brickmason. He m.
Mary Baker of Ashland and had two children, Helen and Charles. She
d. in Boston. He d. in Laconia in 1900.
Andrew J. Nudd, b. 1825; m. (pub.), Sept. 18, 1850, Sarah Elizabeth
Glines. (See Glines gen.) He bought the little corner store near the
old meeting-house, where he traded for several years. Later he be-
came a farmer. They had seven children. He d. May 5, 1873.
Benjamin Nudd m., March 16, 1847, Melinda Whicher of N. and had
four children. He is a brickmason at Meredith, where they reside.
David Nudd, b. 1831; m. Lavina Chaplain of Canterbury and had
four children. He is a stonemason and farmer, and resides at
Third Generation.
(Children of Erastus and Catherine Reardon Nudd.)
(B. at N.)
Mary Nudd m. Sargent and resides at Laconia.
Martha Nudd m. Willey and d. at Lancaster, June 24, 1879.
Clara Nudd m. Mclntire and d. at Concord, June 20, 1904.
Enos Hoyt Nudd, b. 1828, at the Bowles house at N. Centre. He
m. Clara Hadley of Centre Harbor, b. Oct. 27, 1836. They were m.
Sept. 16, 1854. Both d. at Centre Harbor, and had 11 children.
Flora and Nettie lived in N.
(Children of Andrew J. and Sarah E. Glines Nudd.)
(B. at N.)
Erastus Nudd, b. 1852, always resided in N. and d. while on a visit
to his sister, Feb. 10, 1899.
Isabelle Nudd, b. May 6, 1854; m. (first), March 18, 1871, John
Lakin, b. at Suncook March 4, 1856. They had one child, Mrs. John
H. Wells of Franklin Falls. Mr. Lakin d. May 11, 1897. She m.
(second). May 19, 1898, Fred Longley of Franklin, where they re-
Elizabeth Nudd, b. 1856, was fatally burned by an outdoor fire on
April 11, 1864.
Josephine Nudd, b. July 11, 1859; m. (first), Henry Glines of
Franklin; m. (second), Wilber Rollins of New Hampton, where she
resides. He d. May 12, 1905.
Warren S. Nudd, b. Nov. 19, 1862; m., Jan. 16, 1890, Mabel P.
Downing of N. (see Downing gen.) and had three children. He is a
farmer and resides on Elm St.
Obex Clark Nudd, b. 1864; m. Alice Armstrong of Sherbrooke, P. Q.
They had one dau., Lillie Belle.
Florette Nudd, b. Nov. 25. 1868; m., April 24, 1884, Nathan E.
Sanborn of Belmont, where they reside. He was a farmer and later
became proprietor of a livery stable at Belmont.
(Children of David and Lavina Chaplain Nudd.)
Ellex Amanda Nudd m. Frank Fellows of East N., where they re-
Orianna Nudd m. John E. Oilman of N. (See Oilman gen.)
Mary Ella Nudd m. James Clark of Belmont and resides on a
part of the Capt. Thomas Fellows farm.
Walter Nudd m. Annie Lavina Varnum of Sunnerton, N. S., and
resides at Concord, where he is employed by the Boston & Maine
Fourth Generation.
(Children of Warren S. and Mabel Downing Nudd.)
(B. at N.)
George Weeks Nudd, b. Dec. 29, 1890.
Abbie Emma Nudd, b. April 20, 1892.
Elmer Russell Nudd, b. Dec. 19, 1896; d., Sept. 5, 1897.
(Children of Enos Hoyt and Clara Hadley Nudd.)
Nettie Nudd resides with her sister in N.
Flora Nudd m. Charles Piper of N. (See Piper gen.)
Ira Oliver came to N. from Salisbury in 1873. He was b. at Fitch-
burg, Mass., April 16, 1808; m., 1837, Eliza J. Kelley of New Durham,
b. April 12, 1812. They settled in Salisbury, where he farmed for
several years, going then to Corinth, Vt. They returned after some
years and bought the Oibson place on High St. in 1874. They had a
son and two dau. He was a skilful mechanic but became a farmer
on account of ill health. He d. March 27, 1884. She d. Jan. 10, 1894.
Second Generation.
Ira Oeorge Oliver, b. at Salisbury in 1838, spent many years In the
South as a sewing machine agent. He m., in 1874, Mamie Joiner. He
returned to his father's house in failing health and d. there Sept. IS,
1874. He was a fine singer and was employed in the church choirs
of Boston.
Eliza Jaxe Oliver, b. Nov. 19, 1840; m. (first), Martin Davis of
Corinth, Vt. He d. six weeks later. She was employed as a seam-
stress in Boston for some years. She m. (second). March, 1SS4,
Charles Wentworth of Boston. They reside at Hyde Park, Mass.
Nellie S. Oliver, b. at Salisbury. 1S47; m.. May 1. 1873, Byron
Shaw of Salisbury. (See Shaw gen. and portrait.)
Edward Osgood lived first on the Aldrich place in East N. He then
erected a home on the David Smith place and later removed near the
Tibbetts schoolhouse, where he lived and d.
He was twice m. The name of his first wife is unknown. He m.
(second), Dec. 27, 1810, Nancy Kezar and had a family of six. He was
a stonemason and placed the granite underpinning under the present
town house. He d. Aug. 30, 1841.
Second Generation.
Edward Osgood m., Sept. 17, 1846, Charlotte Hodgdon of N. After
living a while at Roxbury, they settled in Canterbury, where both,
d. They had five children.
Charles Osgood lived in Columbia, as did his brother, Augustine,
After his mother's death he removed to Colebrook, where he was killed
by falling from a load of lumber.
Hexry K. Osgood, b. 1807; m. Hannah Tibbetts and d. March 20,
1841. They had one son, Enos Hoyt, who d. at 12 years. Mr. Osgood
was a stonemason.
Mary T. Osgood, b. 1816; m. Merrill and lived and d. in
Asa Kezar Osgood, b. 1811 at N., was a stonemason in New York,
where he m. (first), a woman of Irish descent, whose name no one caa
recall. They resided in N. and had two children. After her death,.
Feb. 9, 1851, he m. Mrs. Hannah Tibbetts Osgood, his brother Henry's
widow, and had a son. He m. (third), Malinda Tibbetts, who d. Feb.
23, 1872. Jan. 1, 1887, he m. (fourth), Mrs. Mary Chandler of Con-
cord. He m. (fifth), Mrs. Lamprey, and his sixth and last wife^
Mrs. Mary Pierce of Tyngsboro, survived him four years. She d. Oct.
15, 1896.
He was one of two N. residents who arrived to the dignity of a
sixth marriage. He was a helpless rheumatic for many years before
his death. He was a man, also, of unlimited gastronomical possibil-
ities, of quick wit and ready repartee, and was never happier than,
when being laughed at. He was one of the three N. men who went
out with the old year, 1893. (See portrait.)
Fourth Generation.
(Children of Asa K. Osgood by his first wife.)
Charles Osgood and Virginia, his sister, removed to Loudon. I
cannot trace them.
(Child of Asa K. and Hannah Tibbetts Osgood.)
Henry T. Osgood, b. at N. Aug. 31, 1845; m., Aug., 1864, Olive
Philbrook of Laconia. They reside at Waltham, Mass., and have a
I—! U)
o ®
o 2
Fifth Generation.
Minnie Belle Osgood, b. May 23, 1866. She is a frequent visitor at
N. arid is a fine whistler. She m. Fred Richardson and resides at
Jonx Osgood came to N. from Danbury, where he was station agent
and where he Ivept an eating-house. He bought the Massa Morey
place on Arch Hill and ran the grist mill at Sanbornton Bridge for
several years until its destruction by fire, Nov. 7, 1863. He then re-
turned to Danbury. She was Ham of Canterbury. They had
one son, George H., b. 1847; m., Sept. 28, 1867, Mary L. Dudley of
Concord, b. 1850. He was for many years baggage master from St.
Albans, Vt., to Boston, Mass., and eventually went West. Mr. Osgood,
Sr., later removed to Zaynesville, 0., and d. there. They had an
adopted dau., who m. and now resides at Webster.
Daniel M. Page came to N. from Tilton in May, 1872. He was b.
at Upper Gilmanton, now Belmont, Dec. 10, 1834. He m., Aug. 21,
1858, Sarah B. Crockett, b. at Upper Gilmanton, Aug. 24, 1835. He
is a contractor and builder, doing business far and near, and has
added many fine residences to the town and elsewhere. He has held
various town offices, was chaii'man of the board of selectmen in 1874
and 1875 and was also a member of the board in 1899 and 1900.
They have two dau. A son, Edward, and a dau., Ruth, d. in infancy.
Second Generation.
Georgia Etta Page, b. at Belmont April 4, 1862, graduated at the
New Hampshire Conference Seminary in the class of ISSl. She has
spent much of her life since in the schools at N., Bristol, Pittsfield
and Laconia.
Lizzie May Page. b. at N. March 11, 1866, is also a graduate from the
Seminary in the class of 1885. She has taught at Bristol and in the
Union Graded School.
FosTEU Patten lived in East N. on land adjoining the Canterbury
line, in the vicinity of the Polly Ham place. I have no records or data
of the family but the old farm has always been called "The Patten."
Chables H. Payson, b. at Boston, Mass., March 28, 1819; m., Oct.
21, 1851, Mrs. Sarah Meader Bennett, b. at Raymond Sept. 8, 1828.
She was the widow of William M. Bennett, and had a son, Arthur L.,
b. Aug. 2, 1848.
Mr. Payson went to Peterborough in 1827, entering the employ of
ex-Governor Steele. He became famous as a manufacturer of fine
dental and surgical instruments and cutlery. He enlisted at the be-
ginning of the Civil War. (See Boys in Blue.) He removed to N.
at its close, his family having bought the Dicey farm here, and was a
farmer until his death, Oct. 12, 1897. She d. June 3, 1900, at the
George S. Tibbetts place, which they had purchased some years
previously. They had three sons and two dau.
Second Generation.
(B. at Raymond.)
Henrietta Payson, b. Feb. 4, 1853; m. Edwin F. Rowe of Chelsea,
and they reside in Everett, Mass. They have one dau., Mildred.
Mary Phiixips Payson, b. Nov. 9, 1855; m. Lucien C. Plummer of
Bristol, where they resided for some years, going later to Jefferson,
where they reside at The Waumbek, having charge of that hostelry
during the winter months. They have two sons, Reginald and Natt.
Thomas Russell Payson, b. May 11, 1858, resides on the home plac&
and is a farmer. He is a member of the Sons of Veterans and is a
fine taxidermist.
John Henry Payson, b. May 26, 1860; d., Jan. 3, 1862.
Charles Henry Payson, b. July 22, 1863, resides on the Samuel
Dicy farm. He m.. May 16, 1889, Bessie A. Downing, b. at Ellsworth
Jan. 2, 1867. They have six children. (See Downing gen.)
Third Generation.
(Children of Charles and Bessie Downing Payson.)
(All b. at N.)
Alfred C. Payson, b. 1890.
Annie Payson, b. 1892.
Mary E. Payson, b. 1894.
Charles H. Payson, b. 1896.
George D. Payson, b. 1898.
Irving G. Payson, b. 1900.
Noah Peabody was b. at New Boston Sept. 4, 1810, and was the
ninth son of a family of 11. He came to N. in 1842.
He m., Dec. 2, 1834, Isabella Walker Richards, b. at New Boston
Nov. 14, 1815. He learned the hatter's trade but later became a
trader and was associated with his nephew, the late Ira Hill, at
Sanbornton Bridge. He was also with another nephew, James Palmer,
and Warren L. Hill, in the old Whittier store.
He became, later in life, finisher and shipper In A. H. Tllton's
Tweed Factory, having the principal care of his business until his
death, Sept. 11, 1876. He was a deacon of the Congregational Church
and was superintendent of its Sunday School. He was a good man.
His wife was also active in social and church work and was for many
years a Sunday School teacher. She is gratefully remembered by her
many pupils.
He erected, in 1S52, the residence on Bay St., now owned by Mrs.
George Weeks. They had three children. She d. at Laconia Sept. 30,
Second Generation.
Selwix Bancroft Peabody, b. Jan. 15, 1839, at Sutton; m., Feb.,
1867, Elizabeth S. Richards of New Bedford, Mass., and had one dau.,
now Mrs. Arthur Brown of Tilton. He was educated at the New
Hampshire Conference Seminary and served during the Civil War
in the Fortieth Massachusetts Regiment. (See Boys in Blue.)
He was later employed with his father in the mill, working into a
similar position, and, after the death of Mr. Tilton, became, with Mrs.
Tilton, the head of a very prosperous business. He removed to
Tilton and erected a fine house, where he d. June 15, 1889.
He represented Tilton in the Legislature and was a director of the
Citizens' National Bank. He was made a Mason in May, 1877; senior
deacon, 1879; senior warden, ISSO; and worshipful master in 1881.
He filled other oflBces of trust and responsibility with rare ability.
In 1887 he presented the Congregational Church with a beautiful
parlor in memory of his devoted Christian wife, who d. Feb. 22, 1SS6.
James Van Ness Peabody, b. Oct. 13, 1842; m., Jan., 1865, Susan
Rand of N. (see Rand gen.), and they have one son. He served in
the Ninth Regiment. (See Boys in Blue.) Mrs. Peabody was educated
at the New Hampshire Conference Seminary and taught for several
terms previous to her marriage. Being a natural musician, she served
a term of years in the church choir.
They reside on Park St. He has charge of the finishing room of
Tilton Mills, the place held by his father.
Geoegie Isabel Peabody, b. at N. Nov. 15, 1843; m., Nov. 24, 1864,
David Fletcher Cheney of Franklin. He served in the Civil War as
lieutenant of Company H. Ninth Regiment, was provost-marshal at
Paris. Ky., in 1863 and 1S64, and was wounded at Petersburg. July
30, 1864. She was a fine musician and served as organist in the Tilton
and Franklin churches for many years. She was the first pupil, at
eight years of age. of the late J. H. Morey. She now resides with her
only dau., Mrs. Georgie Alice Collins, at Lakeport.
Third Generation.
(Child of James V. and Susan Rand Peabody.)
Leox Bancroft Peabody, b. at N. Jan. 25, 1872, was educated at
Tilton Seminary. He entered Tilton Mills as a dresser at 19 and still
holds the place.
Joseph Peabody came to N. from New Boston and was associated
with his brother in trade for several years. After the death of his
wife, Dec. 6, 1861, he sold and went to Manchester, where he m.
Hannah Bean of that city, who was associated with him in the under-
taking business in Manchester for many years. He d. there. He
built the house on Bay St. now owned by Harry W. Muzzey.
Second Generation.
Augusta M. Peabody, b. at Manchester, was a graduate of the New
Hampshire Confei'ence Seminary in the class of ISGl. She m. Albert
P. Tasker of Manchester and resides at Washington, D. C. She was a
teacher in the N. schools for some years previous to her marriage and
was a fine singer.
Charles Peabody, b. in Manchester, has been engaged in the manu-
facture of boots and shoes all his life and resides at Wellesley, Mass.
Frederick A. Perthel, b. at Griez, Germany, July 18, 1829, came
with his family to N. in 1880. He was a block printer by trade but
found employment in the finishing department of the Granite Mills.
He had served his native land for four years as a soldier. He m.,
Jan. 29, 1835, Christine Giebhardt. They at first occupied the Chase
tavern stand, purchasing later the residence of the late Jeremiah
Tilton. They have eight children.
Second Generation.
(All b. in Germany.)
Gael Frederick Perthel, b. Jan. 15, 1858; m., May 25, 1882, Kate
Smith, b. in Germany, March 22, 1859. They have a home near the
Fair grounds, where they conduct an extensive poultry business.
They have two children.
Herman Frederick Perthel, b. Aug. 10, 1859; m. (first), Mary
Hebberly. He m. (second), Matilda Batky. They reside at Eastdale,
R. I., and have four children: Elsie M., Lena L., Robert H. and Gladys.
Otto F. Pebthel, b. Feb. 19, ISGG; m., Jan. 1, 1888, Selina M. Cadue
of N. (See Cadue gen.) They reside in Tilton and have two children.
A son, Levi O., d. May 12, 1893.
Mary Teresa Perthel, b. Oct. 5, 18G8; m., Nov. 5, 1890, Robert F.
Whitehouse, b. in Germany Nov. 5, 1852. He is employed at the
Massasoit Woolen Mills, Huntington, Mass., and was formerly super-
intendent of weaving in the mills of the Peace Dale, R. I., Manufac-
turing Company.
GoTTHOLD Frederick Pertiiel. b. March 18, 1871; m., June 27, 1894,
Winnie M. Hadley of Laconia. They reside in Everett, Mass., and
have one child, Leland.
Jexnie a. Perthel, b. at Middleboro, Mass., May 24, 187G; d. at
three years.
Third Generation.
(Children of Carl F. and Kate Smith Perthel.)
Mary Agxes Perthel, b. at N. Nov. 24, 1883, graduated at Tilton
Seminary in the class of 1903, and is now pursuing a course at the
I^ormal School at Plymouth.
John Perthel, b. Jan., 188G.
(Children of Otto and Selina Cadue Perthel.)
Florence T. Perthel, b. 1889.
Irene W. Perthel, b. 1894.
Levi O. Perthel d. in infancy.
Frank Peverly came to N. from Canterbury in 1884. He was b.
at Danbury April 1, 1847, and m. Ruby W. Squires. They reside on
the Miles Randall place. He is a farmer and trapper. They had a
son, who d. in infancy, and a dau.
Second Generation.
Ida May Peverly, b. at Canterbury Nov. IG, 1SG9; m., Dec. 24, 1SS7,
Edwin F. Kimball, b. May 13, 1S59, at Canterbury, where they reside.
He is a farmer and lumberman. They have three children: Elsie Pev-
-erly, b. at N., 1889; Juliette, b. 1891; and Frank E., b. 1894.
Elisha Phelps, b. at Billerica, Mass.; m. Mary French. (See por-
trait.) He came to N. (Oak Hill) and bought the farm now owned
by John B. Yeaton. The original house stood across the road from the
present one. They had eight children. A dau.. Ruth. d. at 12 years of
Second Generation.
Irene Phelps, b. at N. Nov. IS, 1814; m., May 19, 1842, Moses
Winslow. (See Winslow gen.) She d. Aug. 17, 1890.
David F. Phelps, b. Sept. 10, 1816; m., March 5, 1842, Irene Davis
of N. They had three dau. They resided on the homestead and
were hard-working, quiet. Christian people. He d. Sept. 24, 1895,
She d. Jan. 18, 1891.
Francis Phelps, b. May 3, 1818; m. (pub.), July 29, 1849, Elizabeth
Buswell of N., and removed to Danvers, going later to Tilton, where
he d. suddenly in 1887.
An unfortunate accident resulted in the loss of his left hand, yet
he lived a busy and useful life. Mrs. Phelps was a devoted member
of the Methodist Church, a teacher in its Sabbath School and a fine
Bible scholar. She d. Aug. 12, 1893. They had two children, Sarah and
Frank. The former m. "Walter Hoyt of Hopkinton and had four chil-
dren, one of whom, a graduate of the New Hampshire Normal School,
teaches there. The latter, Frank, is a member of the firm of Phelps.
& Dolley, grocers, Tilton. He m. Zilla Ladd of Derry and has one
Mary B. Phelps, b. May 17, 1820; m., June 26, 1842, David Davis of
Oak Hill. They were farmers on the banks of the Merrimack until
his death, Nov. 20, 1878. She d. at her daughter's at N., Feb. 28,
Joel F. Phelps, b. May 4, 1822; m., June 23, 1844, Eliza Townsend
of Danvers, Mass., where they resided and where she d. March 21,
1880. He d. at the home of his niece in N. Sept. 16, 1897. They had
four children: Ruth A., Morris, Jerome and Homer.
Susan Page Phelps, b. at N., 1826; m., Nov. 25, 1847, Ebenezer
Rollins of Sanbornton Bridge, b. 1818. She d. Sept. 4, 1865. They
had seven children. He m. (second), June 1, 1867, Mary A. Dooley.
He d. in Lowell Oct. 1, 1894.
Sabrina French Phelps, b. June 28, 1828; m., Nov. 11, 1852, Henry
French, b. at Tewksbury, Mass., June 18, 1822. Their lives were
spent in Lowell, Mass., where he d. J^n. 12, 1892. She d. there March
19, 1903. They had two dau. and a son, Charles, who d. in infancy.
The dau. were: Abbie Ella, b. Jan. 20, 1854, d., May 14, 1896; and
Emma Grace, b. July 31, 1859; d., Sept. 26, 1885. They were both
graduates of Salem Normal School and teachers in Lowell.
John Low Phelps, b. Aug. 2, 1832; m., Jan. 15, 1856, Julia A. Eatoa
of Manchester. He d. in Libby Prison, South Carolina, Nov. 11, 1864.
(See Boys in Blue.) They had a dau., Estelle Mary, b. March 2, 1857,
now Mrs. Fred Burnham of Epsom. They have three children.
Third Generation.
(Children of David and Irene Davis Phelps.)
RosiLLA B. Phelps, b. Jan. 3, 1845; m. Leonard Colby of Bow. They
resided in N. for some years and now live in Bow. They have six
children, three of whom, Nettie M., Reuben G. and Clara, were b. in N.
ESTELLE F. Phelps d. May 15, 1857, at eight years of age.
Hattie Phelps, b. at N. Jan. 26, 1854; m., March 27, 1872, John
B. Yeaton. (See Yeaton gen.)
ExocH Gerrish Philbrick was b. at Sanbornton Bridge July 7,
1841. He m., Aug. 3, 1864, Ann Hill, b. at N. March 24, 1840.
They resided for a while on the Wadleigh place, now owned by
Mrs. S. W. Glines near the reservoir. His brother, George, also re-
sided there and, though his sojourn in town was limited, he held the
office of superintendent of schools.
Enoch Gerrish also served as one of the selectmen. The farm was
sold in 1872 to its present owner and Mr. Philbrick returned to
A few years later they returned and cared for her mother till her
death in 1871, since which time they have been permanent residents
of Tilton, where, since 1881, he has been a member of the firm of
Philbrick & Hill, grocers. Their two sons, Charles and Gerry, were
b. there.
Rev. N. p. Philbrook purchased the Oilman farm on Bay Hill in
1866. He had been a member of the Providence Conference for 15
years and chose farming for a recreation for nine years, occasionally
supplying the neighboring districts. One son, George Robinson Phil-
brook, was b. in N. July 12, 1867.
In 1875 he joined the New Hampshire Conference, with his first
charge at Franklin. After 20 years of service with the Methodists,
he returned to the church of his fathers and filled the pulpit of the
Congregational Chuch at Bethlehem for eight years and at Sanbornton
Square for seven years. He is now retired and resides at Tilton.
He m. Hannah Sanborn of Tilto^ and they have a family of five.
(See History of Sanbornton.)
I find the name of Jonathan W. Philips on the early records, not
later than 1801, and he is called Doctor. He was one of the early
teachers and the treasurer's report shows many orders given for
He may have been the father of Jonathan, b. 1802, who lived near
N. Depot, close by the brook which still bears his name. He m.,
1802, Hannah Arlin, and had one son, Ell, and perhaps other children.
He d. Jan., 1861, aged 59. He was an herb doctor and was thought to
have some skill in the use of nature's remedies.
Benjamin Piper came from Gilmanton to N. previous to 1730, after
a short stay at Franklin. He bought one of the Cross farms on the
intervale, bordering the brook called successively Cohas, Cross, Piper
and Philips, one of the greenest and most fertile spots in town. A
little way up the brook, close by the Oak Hill road, was his sawmill,
purchased of Moses Davis. The forests around supplied an abundance
of heavy timber, and the farm houses around were large and well-
built from the products of this mill. He m., 1793, of ,
by whom he had a dau. and three sons. This family were all mu-
sicians and constituted largely the first brass band of N. (See Bands.)
Mrs. Piper d. at N. July 11, 1878. He d. June 17, 18S4.
Second Generation.
Maky Anx Piper, b. 1818; m. (pub.), Jan. 12, 1843, Samuel Bell
Haines. After living for a time at her father's, he became foreman
of the old sawmill at Factory Village, where two dau. were b. They
later returned to the intervale, where he d. June 7, 1900. She d. Sept.
25, 1887. (See Haines gen.)
JoHX W. Piper, b. 1821; m.. May 12, 1851, Abiah Batchelder and had
three dau., one of whom d. in infancy, Feb. 29, 1861. He served in the
Civil War. (See Boys in Blue.) She d. in Concord.
Hannan Piper, b. 1823; m., 1853, Katie Sanborn and resided at
Factory Village. They had four dau., two of whom d. in childhood.
Thomas H. Piper, b. 1826; m. (pub.), Oct. 4, 1847, Cynthia A.
Wyatt of N., b. April 13, 1830. She d. Nov. 7, 1884. They had one son.
Third Generation.
(Children of John and Abiah Batchelder Piper.)
(All b. at N.)
Melissa Jane Piper, b. 1855; m. (first), Samuel Oilman of N. and
bad one child, Jennie, who d. at East Tilton. She m. (second),
Dudley and resides at Andover.
Leona Piper, b. 1858; m. Rogers and resides at Contoocook.
A dau. d. in infancy.
(Children of Hannan and Kate Sanborn Piper.)
Clara Piper, b. at Factory Village; m. Elbridge Folsom and re-
sides at Laconia.
Josephine Piper, b. at Factory Village; m. Davis and has
three children.
(Child of Thomas and Cynthia Wyatt Piper.)
Hamilton W. Piper, b. at N. Sept. 29, 1852; m. Mattie Walker and
resides at Concord. They have a dau., Maud.
Benjamin Piper was b. in Meredith and m. Betsey Moses of Mere-
dith. They had one son. She d. in 1864. He d. at N. in 18S4.
Second Generation.
Alansox Piper, b. at Meredith in 1830; m., Sept. 13, 1885, Deborah
Moses. He served in the army and d. in camp. She came to N. with
her son in ISSO and d. there March 8, 1905.
Third Generation.
Charles H. Piper, b. at Meredith in 18G1; m. Flora Nudd of Centre
Harbor. He is a mason and farmer and resides on the Bean Hill
road. They have one son.
Fourth Generation.
Harry A. Piper, b. at N. Feb. 9, 1882; m. Mary S. Moses of Groton,
April 5, 1902. He is a mason by trade and has two children.
Fifth Generation.
Ida May Piper, b. at N. Sept. 11, 1902.
Charles Madison Piper, b. at N. Feb. 16, 1904.
Abraiiaji Plummer, b. Sept. 1, 178S, was originally from Newbury
Old Town, now Parker River and perhaps was b. there. His wife was
Hannah Hale of Haverhill, Mass., b. March 27, 1790. He removed to
Rindge and, a few years later, to N. on the banks of the Merrimack
River. Her parents also came to live in the brick house across the
river just opposite. None of the eight children were b. here. He
bought a part of the Jesse Cross property on the intervale and lived in
what was the Noyes Hotel.
He was a carpenter as well as farmer and worked at Penacook
when the mills there were being built. It was a family of remark-
able longevity. They had a family of 13 children, three of whom d. in
infancy. Mrs. Plummer d. April 11, 1869. He d. Sept. 24, 1S69. Both
are buried at Tilton.
Second Generation.
Hannah Matilda Plv.mmer of N., b. Nov. 29, 1809; became the third
wife of Aaron Breed, Sr., of Boston, Mass., a son of her sister's hus-
band, a manufacturer of mathematical instruments. She d. Oct. 10,
Charle.s E. Plummer of N., b. Deo. 11, ISll, is now living at 90 years
of age. He m. (pub.). May 20, 1834, Clarinda Rugg of Rindge, In N.
Maey Ann Plummee, b. Dec. 12, 1813; m.. May 26, 1836, Obadiah
Glines of N. He was a farmer on the honae place, where they reared
a family of 10 children. (See Glines gen.) She d. Feb. 23, 1871.
Sabah Stockeb Plummer, b. March 14, 1816; m. (first), Charles
Goodrich of Cambridge, Mass., who d. of consumption at Sanbornton
Bridge. She m. (second), (pub.), Aug. 24, 1857, John Curry of Tilton.
He d. in 1865. She resides on School St., Tilton.
Eliza Lawrence Pluhmer, b. Aug. 27, 1818; d., Nov. 26, 1861. She m.
Ransom Chesmore of Lowell, b. at Bennington.
Maria Maden Plummer, b. April 14, 1820; m. Aaron Breed, Jr., of
Bradford, and d. Feb. 6, 1888. Both are buried at Mt. Auburn. One
child. Amy, is now living at Northfield, Mass.
Abraham Foster Plummer, b. Aug. 22, 1822; m. Catherine Huntoon
of Boscawen, Oct. 25, 1858. She d. July 31, 1879. He m. (second),
Mrs. Bryant of Andover. Mr. Plummer sold his farm on the intervale
and removed to the home of the late Milton Gerrish on the Franklin
road, where he now resides.
William H. Plummer, b. Aug. 1, 1824; m. (pub.), Sept. 7, 1855,
Mary S. Winslow of N., and always resided on the home farm. He d.
Dec. 6, 1892, leaving two sons, Charles and Almore. Mrs. Plummer
resides at the home. (See Winslow gen.) She was educated at the
New Hampshire Conference Seminary and was a teacher before her
Caroline A. Plummer, b. at Rindge April 2, 1826; m. (pub.), Sept.
7, 1848, John Stevens Winslow. (See Winslow gen.) She d. July
31, 1882.
Benjamin Ward Plummer, b. at Rindge Jan. 16, 1828; m., Sept. 6,
1863, Emily Huse of N. He was a farmer at Tilton Highlands until
his death. May 28, 1898. They had four children.
Isaac Augustus Plummer, b. Nov. 24, 1830; d., June 2, 1832.
Clementina Sabrina Plummer and Angelina Sophila Plummer,
twins, b. Sept. 22, 1832; d., Sept., 1833.
Third Generation.
(Children of William and Mary Winslow Plummer.)
(All b. at N.)
Charles W. Plummer, b. Jan. 22, 1856; m., June 5, 1886, Abbie
Glines of N. They have two children.
Almore F. Plummer, b. Nov. 29, 1865, resides on the home place with
his mother and, with his brother, has not only cultivated their fertile
intervale farm but has for a part of the year made shingles at a
mill on the stream flowing from Sondogardy Pond, which has in
turn been called Cohas, Cross and Philips Brook. It was this stream
that furnished the power for the many mills and shops of the Cross
Brothers more than a century ago.
Fourth Generation.
(Children of Charles W. and Abbie Glines Plummer.)
(B. at N.)
Jamie W. Plummer, b. March 29, 1891.
Amy M. Plummer, b. July 20, 1898.
Richard Belknap Plummer came to N. from Alton, where he was
b. in 1839. He m. (first), Mrs. Mary N. Lane, b. at Loudon Oct., 1845.
He is a painter by trade. They resided on South Summer St., where
she d. April 8, 1901. She had a dau. by a former marriage, Annie
F. Lane, who was educated at Tilton Seminary and Plymouth Normal
School and who taught for several years. She m., June, 1902, George
W. Dolloff, a merchant tailor at Laconia, and now resides at Ply-
mouth. They have one child. Mr. Plummer m. (second), Oct. G, 1904,
Lucinda L. Holbrook, b. 1854. They now reside on Park St.
Thomas L. Poor came from St. Johnsbury, Vt., to N. He was b. at
West Thornton and m. Sarah Sophia Sargent of Goffstown. They
purchased the Charles Oilman farm on Bay Hill and, after a residence
of 10 or 12 years, sold to Rev. Nathan P. Philbrook, and returned to
northern New Hampshire. He d. at Bath in 189G. She d. at Thorn-
ton in 1882.
Second Generation.
Sarah Sophia Poor m., Sept. 1, 1840, Reuben Philbrook, a blacksmith
at Sanbornton Bridge, and had three children: Sarah Elizabeth, wife
of Alonzo Clark of Manchester and, later, of David N. Kemp: Daniel,
a farmer at Franklin; and Mrs. Mary Annah Floyd. Mrs. Philbrook d.
Nov. 15, 1877.
Mrs. Cynthia Mathes Powers came to N. from Tilton in 1894 and
erected a home on Howard Ave. She was b. at Columbia Aug. 7,
1853; m., Dec. 24, 1879, Rodman Tyler Powers, b. at South Abbington,
:Mass., March 27, 1843. They had two sons. Mr. Powers d. at Whitman,
Mass., Feb. 17, 1891.
Second Generation.
Carroll Seavey Powers, b. at Whitman Oct. 9, 1SS4; d. at N. Jan.
14, 1903.
Leox Tylkr Powers, b. at Lancaster Sept. 13, 1S87, graduated from
Tilton Seminary in the class of 1904. He entered the State College at
Durham but was obliged on account of sickness to leave at the close
of his first term. He is now employed at the Tilton Optical Works.
Edward Presby, b. 1809, came from Canada to N. and lived at the
Hanaford place. He m. Sally, dau. of Job Glines, and had seven chil-
dren. She d. March 25, 1871. He d. April 1, 1860.
Second Generation.
(All b. at N.)
Edward Presby, Jr.. b. Feb. 4, 1827; m. Sarah McDaniel. They had
four children. He d. in Manchester March 14, 1856. She m. (second),
Hiram Cross of N. (See Cross gen.)
Elizabeth Presby d., unmarried, April 15, 1844.
JoHX Presby served in the Civil War, being credited to Sanbornton.
(See Boys in Blue.)
WixTHROp Presby m. (pub.), March 6, 1856, Orrilla Young. (See
Boys in Blue.) He d. at Petersburg, Va.
Third Generation.
(Children of Edward and Sarah McDaniel Presby.)
(All b. at N.)
Mary Elizabeth Presby, b. Dec. 26, 1848; m., 1867, Erwin W. Wright
of Piermont.
Sarah Abagail Presby, b. Sept. 19, 1850; d., 1853.
Charles Edward Presby, b. May 10, 1852; m., 1871, Nellie Mason
of Lisbon. They reside in Langdon and have two children.
SusAX Jaxe Presby, b. Feb. 23, 1854; m., 1877, Eugene W. Batchelder
of Franklin and resides at Tilton.
Joseph James Pbescott, b. at Pittsfield, Nov. 24, 1854; m. Lucy Lena
Thurston, b. at Hill -March 24, 1849, and had a family of six. He
purchased the Captain Glines farm at the Centre, where they now
reside and where she d. May 5, 1904. (See Thurston gen.)
Second Generation.
(All b. at N.)
RoscoE E. Prescott, b. Aug. 1, 1878, attended Tilton Seminary and
Franklin High School and is an enthusiastic member of the Nesmith
Rifles, Company H, Second Infantry, New Hampshire National Guard..
He enlisted Feb. 2, 1S99, was promoted to sergeant Feb. 28, 1901,
became sergeant-major of the First Battalion in 1902--'03 and is still
in the service.
He is also a member of the New England Rifle Company and has
won five medals and taken the Ripley prize. He was in the first class
in 1899; marksman in 1900--'01,-'02--'03; sharpshooter in 1903 and ex-
pert in 1904. He has been a member of the company's rifle team in
the regimental shoots of 1901 and 1902 and in the brigade shoots at
Nashua and Manchester in 1902 and 1904.
Genevieve Prescott, b. at N. March 4, 1881; m., June 17, 1905, Ru-
dolf Vetter of Pascoag, R. I., where they reside.
Ethel Florexce Prescott, b. Dec. 7, 1882; m., Jan. 2, 1901, Edwin
E. Pickering, a farmer of Meredith, and has three children: Merle,
Earle and Melvin. They reside at Meredith.
Gertrude Evelyx Prescott, b. 1883, was employed by Citizens' Tele-
phone Company; now resides at Pascoag, R. I.
Carl Rogers Prescott, b. Feb. 25, 1885.
Floyd Thurstox Prescott, b. Oct. 28, 1887.
Willi.\m Prescott, Jr., son of William, a Revolutionary soldier,
went from Hampton Falls to Sanbornton. He was b. Oct. 14, 1762,
and m. (second), Mrs. Sarah Gibson Forrest, widow of "Soldier
John," Dec. 4, 1797, and came to N. to reside. He was a plough maker.
After her death, July 26, 1806, he m. (third), March 19, 1807, Mrs.
Jane Kezar and had a dau., Sally, who d., unmarried, at 40 years.
Mr. Prescott d. Oct. 17, 1845. His wife d. in 1859 at 91 years of age.
He was the father of the celebrated naturalist, genealogist and
physician. Dr. William Prescott of Concord, and there were other
children. A dau., Hannah, m., March 10, 1813, David Mason of N. and
removed to Starksboro in 1817.
Clabexce E. QiiMBY came to N. from Tilton in 1894 and bought the
brick residence by the town hall.
His grandfather. Rev. Silas Quimby, had filled the desk of the
Tilton and Northfield Methodist Church and his father. Silas, Jr..
was president of the New Hampshire Conference Seminary for a term of
Mr. Quimby held important offices in precinct and town. He was
connected with the board of health as its secretary for some years
and was precinct clerk for three years.
He was a member of the board of education for Union District
for three years and one of the trustees of the Hall Memorial Library.
He was for 19 years superintendent of machines in Lord Bros.'
Optical Works and now holds a responsible position in the Optical
Works at Geneva, N. Y., where be has removed. He m., Feb. 7, 1S88,
Stella Frances Cram of Raymond, and has four children, all b. in
Tilton: Raymond, in 1SS9; Christine, 1890; Chester, 1891; and Conrad,
Samuel Rand was a native of Rye. He came to N. from Northwood
about 1820 with seven children. He m. Sarah W. Hanson, dau. of
Robert of Dover and Patience Waldron Hanson of Portsmouth. Mr.
Rand had two brothers, who were lost at sea. He settled first on the
farm beyond the Rand schoolhouse, which was owned jointly with
Reuben Whicher, Sr. She d. there Nov. 27, 1845. He d. at Tilton
Jan. 1, 18G3, aged 82. They had 10 children.
Second Generation.
Richard L. Raxd, b. at Northwood, went, when a young man, to the
Portsmouth, Va., Navy Yard, where he m. and had one dau.
Nathaniel G. Rand went to California to the gold fields in 1849
and d. there. He never m.
Samuel Rand, Jk., left home early in life, m. and had one dau. He
d. at Tyngsboro, Mass.
Joseph D. Rand was but 10 years old when his father came to N.
He was b. at Northwood in 1810 and m., Feb. 1, 1838, Mary Ann French,
h. 1810, a neighbor, and lived on the home farm, which he sold later
to Nicholas French. He then bought and repaired the buildings of
the John Jacob Atkinson place. He was a stonemason and a bridge
builder for the railroad, but, most of all, a farmer. They had five
children. She d. July 13, 1876. He d. May 7, 1879.
Oliver H. Rand followed his brother to Virginia, where he became
an architect and builder. In 1863 he was ordered by President Bu-
chanan to the Mare Island Navy Yard. He m. in Virginia and had three
dau., one of whom, the only survivor, resides in New York City. Mr.
Rand d. in 1867.
John W. Rand lived in Boston and d. there in 1SS4. He had one dau.
William C. Rand, b. at Northwood, 1820, resided in Boston and later
in Quincy.
He went to New Orleans in 1851 for his health and d. among
strangers at 31 years of age. He was unmarried.
(See portrait.)
Abraham Waldron Rand was b. in N. in 1822. He left home at 20
and, after clerking a while, went into the grocery business in Rox-
bury with his brother, Isaac, Daniel J. Gate and Moses Pearson Cogs-
well, his boyhood friends. The three latter went to California in the
ship Sweden with a stock of builders' supplies in 1849, going round
Cape Horn, while he remained in Boston to ship further goods. It
was called the Roxbury Sagamore Company and consisted of 2C men.
He also engaged in the heater and range business with Pond &
Duncklee on Blackstone St. In 1852 he removed to Philadelphia,
where he continued the same business under the firm names of Rand
& Ayers, Rand & Hayes, Rand, Perkins & Co., and the A. W. Rand Com-
pany. This business included steam and gas fitting, copper and tin
work, plumbing, furnace, steam and range heating.
He also built a large number of fine residences and was at one time
the owner of the St. Cloud Hotel.
He was very musical and was president and treasurer of the Handel
& Haydn Society of Philadelphia. He was a member of the Green
Street Methodist Episcopal Church and later of the Spring Garden
Street Church, being its treasurer, a member of its board of trustees
and one of its liberal benefactors. He was an Odd Fellow and a
Mason of high degrees; a member of Harmony Lodge, A. F. and A.
M., Jerusalem Royal Arch Chapter and La Chasseur Commandery of
Knights Templar. He m., 1S42, Martha A., dau. of Capt. Nathaniel
Holmes of Provincetown, Mass. They had seven sons, three of whom
d. in infancy. Waldron of Boston, Nathaniel P. of Philadelphia, and
William B. of Dorchester, Mass., survive. Mr. Rand was a man of
wide acquaintance and, during the Centennial Exposition in 1S76,
his home was open and free for all, especially to such as came from
his native and dearly-loved New Hampshire. He was very attractive
personally and had great industry and executive ability. He was a
Republican, politically. He was a generous provider for his own and
open-handed in his support of all good enterprises.
He passed to a higher life, in Philadelphia, in 1SS3, and was buried
at Forrest Hills.
Martha D. Raxd was b. at N. and educated at the academy under
Dyer H. Sanborn, until the establishment of the Conference Sem-
inary, of which she was one of the first graduating class in 1847.
The next year she spent in Virginia. She m., in 1S49, Col. George S.
Baker, removing at once to Baltimore, Md., and going the next year
to Newbern, N. C. She returned to New Hampshire in 1852, spent
1854 in New York and then resided from 1855 to 1864 in New Hamp-
shire. Then she removed to Appleton, Wis. He d. in 18G7. at Tilton.
since which time she has resided there, and has passed the years in
pleasant proximity to her alma mater and her childhood's home. She
is a devoted member of Trinity Episcopal Church, where the grace of
her sweet face and sweeter voice has been for years one of the delight-
ful charms of the service, for. like all the family, she inherited musical
talent. She has one son, George W. Baker, now of Portland, Me.
Isaac H. Rand went to Boston when quite young. He was with his
brother and others in the Sagamore Company, of which mention has
been made. He remained in California for several years, after which
he returned to N. and d. of consumption when 30 years of age.
Third Generation.
(Children of Joseph and Mary Ann French Rand.)
Stella Rand d. at eight years of age.
Olive Raxd, b. at N. March 22, 1843; m., Nov. 15, 1865, Adoniram
Sanborn and resided at. East Tilton, where she d. in 1SG7.
Susax Raxd, b. at N. April 25, 1844; m., Jan. 1, 1865, James Van
Peabody of N., b. 1842. They reside on Park St. She was educated at
Tilton Seminary and was a teacher for some years. (See Peabody
gen.) They have one son.
George Frexch Raxd, b. 1850; m., 1869, Emma Aldrich of N., b.
1854. They resided in Andover. Later he returned to the home,
where he d. Oct. 3, 1871. They had one dau., Martha D., who is the
wife of Wilfred Wilson of Hill.
Fraxk Pierce Raxd was b. at N. in 1855. He m., in 1877, Annie F.,
dau. of Gustavus and Louisa Sanborn Webster of Salisbury, she being
in the line of descent from the famous Webster family. He resides on
the homestead and is an active and enterprising man. He operates
threshing and harvesting machinery among the farmers during the
harvest season; also corn buskers and shredding machines, and has
thus established quite an extensive traveling industry. He is also
agent for other farming implements. He is an Odd Fellow and a
member of the United Order of Pilgrim Fathers. They have nine
Fourth Generation.
(Children of Frank and Annie Webster Rand.)
Olive Adelia Raxd, b. Feb. 7, 1881.
Stella Mertie Raxd, b. March 14, 18S3.
Abram W. Raxd and Leox W. Raxd, twins, b. Oct. 11, 1885.
Lizzie Mariox Raxd, b. July 3, 1888; d., Oct. 29, 1900. She was a
child of uncommon beauty and promise.
Nellie Lovixa Raxd, b. Oct. 5, 1891.
Willie Raxd, b. Nov. 28, 1894.
Alfred Hexry Raxd, b. May 30, 1898.
Edwix Laroy Raxd, b. Feb. 25, 1902.
Burt Hexry Raxd came from Franklin to N. in 1896 and purchased
the Hodgdon homestead. He was b. at Danbury in 1868 and m. Abbie
Rebecca Stewart, b. at Danbury in 1871. They are general farmers
and have conducted a dairy business until the present year. He is
now employed as a machinist at Franklin. They have three dau.:
Florence A., b. June 5, 1890; Fannie Belle, b. Nov. 25, 1893; and
Maud, b. Oct. 1, 1895.
Miles Randall, son of Jonathan and Betsey Forrest Randall of
Canterbury, lived many years on the farm now occupied by Frank
Peverly. He was b. Dec. 20, 1818; m. Martha A. McDaniel of Can-
terbury, b. 1822. She d. Aug. 3, 1852. They had four children. He
went to California in 1852 and remained there until 1893, when he
return^ to the home of his sister, where he d. Sept. 9, 1901.
Second Generation.
(All b. at N.)
Caroline Randall, b. Dec. 30, 1839; m. Thomas Badger of Nashua.
They have three children: Charles, Willie and George. He d. Nov.
28, 1897.
Maria A. Randall, b. 1843; d., Sept. 3, 1863.
Alvira R. Randall, b. 1846; d., Dec. 15, 1875.
Emily F. Randall, b. 1851; m. Arthur L. Hanaford, and had a son,
Orville, and a dau., Edith, now Mrs. Edward Keniston. (See Kenis-
ton gen.)
Mrs. Anna Austin Regan came from Tilton to N. in 1S92 and re-
sides on Vine St. She was b. at Hooksett Feb. 8, 1838; m. Feb. 26,
1874, Judson J. Regan of Vergennes, Vt. He d. at Linden, Mass.,
Feb. 23, 1879.
Second Generation.
Leona a. Regan, b. at Sharon, Mass., Dec. 15, 1875, is employed at
Hardy & Folsom'» store at Manchester.
Clara B. Regan, b. at Sharon, Mass., 1876; d., Aug. 17. 1877.
Fred E. Regan, b. at Linden, Mass., Nov. 23, 1877, is a carpenter and
resides with his mother.
Edward Rice, b. at Sudbury, Mass.; m., Jan., 1850. lanthe Blanchard
of N., b. Aug. 10, 1824. They resided for many years in Lowell, Mass.
After the death of her parents they returned to her early home for
their permanent abode in 1880, rebuilt and renovated the buildings,
Improved the farm, and for many years there was no more pleasant
and spacious home or attractive surroundings than were found at
"Blanchard Farm." They had five children, a son. Henry Blanchard.
dying in infancy. Mr. Rice d. there July 16, 1895. She survived
him for some years. Her biographer says of her:
(See portrait.)
"Iaxthe Blaxchard was the dau. of Daniel and Nancy Parkinson
Blanchard. She was b., Aug. 10, 1824, on the Blanchard farm in
N., but now a part of Franklin. She attended the Hodgdon School and
the Seminary, and was a successful teacher in her own and other
districts of the town.
"In Jan., 1850, she was m. to Edward C. Rice of Sudbury, Mass.
For many years they resided in Lowell, Mass., but, in 1880, returned to
her childhood home, the Blanchard farm.
"Our older residents often speak of the beautiful voice of lanthe
Blanchard, for she was well known as a singer of promise, and in
young womanhood was a member of a Lowell church choir.
"She was ambitious, energetic and did not hesitate to boldly cham-
pion any cause which she considered right, and she was equally fear-
less in denouncing wrong and ill-doing. Her religion was practical;
she gave freely to those who needed material help; to the sorrowing
and distressed her spiritual consolation and sympathy were un-
bounded. Her love of young people and her generous hospitality will
long be remembered by the present, as well as the past generation.
She was devoted to her home and family and, although the bereave-
ments were many, she met them all with that firm, trusting faith,
which was so characteristic of her.
"From the house in which she was b. and m., she passed into the
higher life, suddenly and without warning, Feb. 11, 1897, as she had
always expressed the desire that she might answer the death angel's
"Of her family of five children, but two are now living, Laura A.
Rice and Fanny Rice, the well known actress.
Second Generation.
Clara Augusta, oldest dau. of Edward C. and lanthe Blanchard
Rice, was b. in Lowell, Mass., March 19, 1852. She' inherited her
mother's musical talents and from early childhood she received in-
struction in vocal and instrumental music with the best teachers of
Lowell and Boston. She was graduated from the Lowell High School,
and, young as she was, she was the leader of the Cathedral choir, the
largest church in Lowell at that time. Her powerful mezzo-soprano
voice attracted the attention of the musical profession and her
parents were advised to send her abroad for study and to fit her for
operatic and oratorio lines of work, for which nature had so admirably
endowed her. She gave up her large class of pupils in piano in-
struction and went to Milan, Italy, where she was making rapid
progress when stricken with the dreaded fever, which nearly always
proves fatal to Americans, and passed on to join the "choir invisible,"
Sept. 10, 1873. All that was mortal rests beneath sunny Italian
skies and many of her countrymen, when visiting Milan, go to the
beautiful cemetery and sigh with regret "for the sound of the voice
that is still," as they read this inscription upon her tomb:
"To the Memory of
Clara Augusta,
daughter of
E. C. and lanthe B. Rice
Lowell, Mass., U. S. A.,
21 years and G mos.
An Angel Awaiting Us."
Lavra a. Rice, the second dau., was b. at "Blanchard Farm," July
20, 1S5G. During early childhood the family went to Lowell, Mass.,
to reside. She received her education in the Lowell public schools and
was a student of the Lowell Industrial Art School.
Her artistic talent was cultivated under the well known artist, W.
P. Phelps, the "painter of Monadnock." For many years, she has,
over the nom de plume of "Ray Lawrence," written poems and stories
for many well known magazines. After the return of her family to
the old home, Miss Rice became a teacher in N. and Franklin for a
number of years. She is one of our few women farmers, but finds no
lack of time for social and literary recreation. The poem written
for the dedication of the Memorial building at Franklin and the Old
Home Week poem are some of her latest productions.
(See portrait.)
Faxxie Rice was b. in Lowell, Mass. As a child, she displayed re-
markable musical talent and studied both vocal and instrumental music
with the best known teachers in Lowell and Boston. As a concert
singer and cornet soloist she was associated with Henry Barnabee
and others famous at the time.
Later she joined the Ideal Opera Company of Boston and toured
the country. She was associated with Nat Goodwin and with the
Carlton Opera Company, and later was one of the star performers at
the New York Casino, where, for three years, she sang the leading
roles with Lillian Russell and other famous singers.
She has starred with her own company, playing all over the United
States and Canada.
She had the honor of being selected by Joe Jefferson for one season
of his all-star company in "The Rivals." She was also with Julia
Marlowe, Nat Goodwin and others.
Miss Rice is still one of the leaders of vaudeville and is a widely
known favorite on the stage.
She has one dau., Edith Rice Purdy, who, at her early age, displays
much of her famous mother's theatrical talent.
Inez Rice was educated, in the public schools of Lowell and sm a
student and scholar took high rank. She graduated from the High
School in 1880 and was a musician of ability, devoting much time to
the piano.
She was m., July 14, 1885, to Artemas T. Burleigh of Franklin. She
was devoted to her home, was domestic in her tastes, quiet and unas-
suming in manner and was loved by all who knew her.
The memory of "Little Inez" is sacred to her family and many
friends. She d. suddenly, July 26, 1897, and death lay upon the
little white-robed figure "like an untimely frost upon the fairest
flower of the field."
Geokge Riley was b. in Canterbury in 1813. He m., in 1831, Sarah
J. Kellogg of Bethel, Vt., and had eight children, three of whom d.
in childhood. She d., Sept. 7, 1866, at East Tilton. He m. (second),
Almira Gilman of Sanbornton Bridge, Feb., 1867, and had one dau.
Mr. Riley lived in East N. and was one of the board of selectmen in
1871, 1872 and 1873.
Second Generation.
(Children of George and Sarah Kellogg Riley.)
Adeline Riley, b. 1834; m., 1853, John F. Cross, and d. in 1856.
Araji Riley, b. 1843; m. Mrs. Frances J. Foss. They resided in
East N. and had three children. He d. Nov. 2, 1881. She resides
in Belmont with her son, Glen.
Adelaide M. Riley, b. 1846; m. Frank Hillsgrove and resided in
Concord, where she d. in 1872.
George Riley, Jr., b. Feb. 9, 1848; m. (first), Clara Sanders of
Alton and has one son, Phil. He m. (second), Emma Elkins of
Belmont. He is a prominent business man and conducts a steam
sawmill business, going from place to place. He resides at Laconia.
Millard Filmore Riley, b. 1852; d., unmarried, at East N., in 1872.
Third Generation.
(Child of George and Almira Gilman Riley.)
Hattie Belle Riley, b. May 20, 1868; m., Dec. 25, 1897, Joseph
Stone and resided with her mother in East N., where she d., Nov. 14,
Chase Ring came to N. from Chichester and bought the Aldrlch
place at East N. He was b. Feb. 27, 1799. He m. Sally Osgood, b. at
Loudon April 5, 1S05. They had a family of four, two of whom were
b. in Loudon. She d. in N. July 24, 1S4S. This family returned to
Second Generation.
Hexkt Edward Ring, b. Aug. 26, 1829.
Hannah Jane Ring, b. July 6, 1831.
Henrietta Ring, b. Sept. 13, 1834.
Maby Ellen Ring, b. July 17, 1836.
EzEKiEL Robinson resided near the old road from the Curry place
to Belmont and uplands. The house was reached by a private way.
His name does not appear on the records later than 1837. He re-
moved to Belmont. They had two sons and a dau.
Second Generation.
JosiAH Robinson remained on the homestead for some years, selling
to Chandler Mason. The house was torn down but the land is now
owned by Lorentine Sanborn, son-in-law of Mr. Robinson.
HoiT Robinson is an extensive lumberman and resides in Concord.
William Roby, b. at Merrimack, was for many years in the employ
of the Land & Water Power Company of Manchester as teamster.
He m., Sept. 28, 1S46, Betsey Cross, b. at N. Dec. 13, 1819. Later he
purchased the Hall farm on Zion's Hill, where both d. He d. March
1, 1888. She d. Nov. 13, 1899. They had one dau., Clara, who m.
Albert Titcomb, b. at Tilton Aug. 13, 1843.
Mr. Titcomb bought an adjoining farm and has been a general
farmer. She d. Dec. 20, 1903. They have one son, Frank, b. Aug. 10,
1864, the local correspondent of the Journal-Transcript of Franklin.
Mr. Titcomb was in the Civil War one year and has served the town
as selectman. (See Boys in Blue.)
It is claimed that the Rogers genealogy is traceable to Robert
Rogers, who was b. in England in 1G25 and who came to America
on the Mayflower and settled, first in Boston, and aftfrwauls in New-
bury, Mass., where he d. Dec. 23, 1663. It is supposed that he was a
grandson of the martyr, John Rogers. He had five children.
The second child, Thomas Rogers, was b. at Newbury July 9, 1652,
and d. there Oct. 15, 1735. He m.. May 18, 1667, Ruth Brown, who
d. Feb. 1, 1730. They had 10 children.
The sixth child, Isaac Rogers, was b. June 21, 1691, and m. Rebecca
Rawlins. They had three children.
The second child, Joseph Rogers, was b. Dec. 19, 1714, in Newbury,
and d., April 18, 1798, in Bow. He m., Dec. 7, 1738, Abagail Bartlett,
b. March 7, 1715, and d. April 18, 1800. They resided in Newbury
and Amesbury, Mass., and had seven children, five of whom were b.
in Newbury and two in Amesbury.
The fifth child was Samuel Rogers, b. in Newbury Aug. 3, 1749.
He came to N. from Bow, about 1780, and bought the Josiah Miles
farm on the Bean Hill road. He was a Revolutionary soldier. His
first wife was Deborah Drew, b. at Newbury, March 22, 1751, and d,
Oct. 30, 1822. He probably found a house already erected on the
ledge close by the brook, where he soon after erected a sawmill and
extended the house many feet to the East and later put a cor-
responding extension to the West, as his increasing family demanded.
Behind the house, on the higher ledge, stood the long barn.
He had the manufacture of lumber in mind when he bought the
farm, for no more ideal place could be found than the spot where he
erected his mill. There was wood and timber in abundance and good
upland for tillage, while the mill brook, which afterwards took his
name dwindled down in summer to a limpid stream, that ran through
the large pasture, watered his flocks and herds and still allowed
a heavy crop of grass to grow in the broad meadow.
There was no more thrifty family far or near than that of Deacon
Rogers. The old up-and-down saw danced through the immense logs
day and night during the spring freshets and the moon, supplemented
by the old, tin barn lantern, concealed rather than disclosed the
bulky cider jug among the logs, while the men of the whole neighbor-
hood sat about upon the big logs and swapped stories of the "good
old colony times," when they were under the king.
Mr. Rogers settled three of his sons en parts of his extensive farm
and one remained with him in the home.
He m. (second), Mrs. Robert Morrison, who survived him many
years. She was a noted maker of cheese and had the fattest hogs
in town. She sold out and went to her friends in Vermont, but at her
death was brought and laid beside him in the Abbott Cemetery. He d.
May 3, 1839.
Second Generation.
Dea. Enoch Rogers was b. in Bow in 1774 and m., Nov. 25, 1795, Nancy
Buswell. He settled on the farm east of the sawmill and reared a
family of 10. After his father's death he sold to his brother and re-
moved to Columbia, where he spent the remainder of his life.
Abagail Rogers m. Andrew McAllister and removed to Ohio. Late
in life she resided with her son in Iowa and d. there, aged 82.
Rebecca Rogers, the fourth child, b. Dec, 17SG; m., Nov., 1805, Na-
than Bean of Meredith Bridge, now Laconia. He was a clothier and
d. Oct., 1S46. Their family consists of eight children, three dying
in childhood. Mary Jane, the wife of Alvah Tucker of Lakeport, had
two dau. and two sons. The two dau. became the wives of J. J. and
A. J. Pillsbury, late of Tilton. The two sons are Arthur Tucker of
Lakeport and Dr. Henry Tucker of Brattleboro, Vt.
Anna Bean Rogers m. Martin Chandler and resided in New York.
In 1893 she m. David Davis of Warner and removed to Toledo, 0., and
had five children.
JoHX Rogers remained at the home and was a miller and farmer
with his father. He m., March 20, 1805, Sally, dau. of his neighbor,
John Cofran, and had a family of four. After his father's death he
bought out his stepmother's share and, with his sons, until his death,
tilled the paternal acres and tended the mill as well. He was a man
of extensive and varied interests. His wife was a fine singer and
led the little choir at the old meeting-house for many years. He d.
Dec, 1845.
Be.njamix Rogers was b. at N. in 1782 and d. at N. Oct. 26, 1825.
He m., Jan., 1812, Lucy Hoagg and had a family of eight. He was
associated with his father in his business and lived on a part of the
original estate. He was a hard-working, Christian man, a Methodist
in belief. He d. at 43 years of age.
Mrs. Rogers carried on the farm until her death, reared and educated
her large family and was an ideal mother, striving for the best in
everything for herself and hers.
The farm, after a long ownership in the name, was sold to Ebenezer
Thurston, a son-in-law, and, later, to Benjamin Gale, Leroy R. Brown,
and Oscar Gates, and is now the property of Nelson Duval.
Mehitable Rogers, b. March 25, 1784; m.. March 9, 1809, Elliot
Durgin of Sanbornton Bridge. He was a clothier and resided at
Campton, Bristol and Meredith Bridge. He learned his trade of
Stephen Chase They had 10 children. .She d. April 15, 18G2. He d.
at the home of his dau., Mrs. James Palmer of Sutton, July 12, 1868.
Jesse Rogers, b. at Bow, 1787; m. Martha Cilley of N. (See Cilley
gen.) He was a blacksmith and resided where Fred Lougee's home is
now located. His smithy stood a little below. They had seven chil-
dren. He d. Aug. 4, 1852. She d. in 1SG7. They are both buried by
the town house. Three of the dau. m. Batchelder brothers.
Samvel RcKiERs, b. at N., 1786; m., June 7, 1799, Rebecca Haines
of Sanbornton Bridge. He was a cripple, caused by a wound on the
knee from an axe borne on his shoulder as he broke through the ice
in the river and barely escaped with his life. He learned the tailor's
trade and, after living for a few years on a part of his father's es-
tate, had a shop close by and resided with Simeon Gate where now
stands the home of Josiah Dearborn. They went, during the War
of 1812, to Portsmouth to make clothing for the soldiers and sailors.
They worked largely on homespun garments, woven in the homes
around. He d. about 1S24 and she m. (second), James Ramsey of
New Hampton, June 5, 1826. They had one son, John, and two dau.,
Deborah and Mary. The latter m. Daniel Flagg and had three chil-
dren. She d. at Bradford, Vt.
Third Generation.
(Children of Enoch and Nancy Buswell Rogers.)
Daxiel Rogers, b. Aug. 23, 1796, was educated for the ministry and
was also prominent in political matters in Coos County, being a mem-
ber of the governor's council.
He d. Oct. 3, 1867. He had a son, Daniel Allen, a lawyer for many
years at Colebrook and afterwards at "Wells River, Vt., where he d.,
leaving a family, who reside at Beloit, Wis.
Daniel, 1st, had also two dau., one of whom, Mrs. Ann Dustin, re-
sides in Columbia.
Enoch Rogers, Jr. (see portrait), b. Sept. 2, 1798, removed when a
young man to Columbia, where he m. Emily Burbank of Campton and
had four sons. He was an intelligent, industrious man and was one of
the pioneers in the settlement of the town. He d. on his 85th birthday.
His sons were:
E. George Rogers, the eldest son, b. Dec. 16, 1830; m., July 12, 1865,
Arabella C. Curry of Tilton. (See Curry gen.)
He represented the town of Columbia in the Legislature of 1865-
'66 and twice held the ofBce of sheriff of Coos County.
Charles C. Rogers, b. at Bloomfield, Vt, studied law with his
cousin, B. A. Rogers, of N. and succeeded to his business at Sanborn-
ton Bridge in April, 1858, still continuing there. He m (first), Sophia
Tibbetts Curry, by whom he had five sons, two of whom d. in child-
hood. Of the three who survive, John W., a graduate of Dartmouth
College, class of 1883, now resides in San Antonio, Tex.; George B.
is in the employ of the Tilton Mills Company of Tilton; and Herbert
Spencer, also of Dartmouth, class of 1899, is now special collector for
the New England Telephone Company at Boston, Mass. Mr. Rogers
m. (second), Feb. 16, 1904, Mrs. S. L. Hull of San Antonio, Tex. He
has held various local and county offices, having twice been solicitor
for Belknap County and having served for many years on the board
of education, both in town and later in Union District. He was a
member of the Constitutional Convention of 1902.
(Other children of Enoch 1st.)
Nancy B. Rogers, b. Sept. 6, 1800; m., Nov. 15, 1827, Dr. James B.
Abbott. She d. 10 years later. (See Abbott gen.)
Elizabeth Rogers, b. March 13, 1803; also m., 1837, Dr. James B.
Abbott as his second wife. She d. in 1842.
James B. Rogers, b. April 15, 1S05, was for many years a resident
of Walpole, Mass. He d. in Boston, leaving four sons: Elbridge, now
deceased, George, William N. and Edwin.
Luther Rogers, b. June 7, 1809; m., 1834, Almira Nudd of Canter-
bury and had a large family. They lived mostly in Loudon, where he
d. Jan. 22, 1887. He had at his death 48 grandchildren and 34 great-
Mary Straw Rogers, b. at N. April 22, 1811; m. Samuel Lovering of
Loudon. She d. at Loudon Nov. 7, 1803.
(Children of John and Sally Cofran Rogers.)
JoHx C. Rogers, b. at N., 1807; m. Susan Hutchinson of Plymouth,
Mass., where they resided for some years, coming later to his father's,
where he d. May 3, 1847. They had two dau., Mrs. Deborah Thomas
of Taunton and Mrs. Lydia Doty of 780 Pine St., San Francisco, Cal.
Mrs. Rogers m. (second), Job Churchill in 1853 and d. at Marblehead,
Mass., in 1863.
Jeremiah Rogers, b. at N., 1809, was employed as a young man in
Boston, Mass., where he m., July, 1S35, Elinor Damrell. He bought the
farm of his uncle, Enoch, the next year and also that of his younger
brother, Benjamin, Jr., and spent the remainder of his life farming.
He d. in 1847. They had one dau., Clara. Mrs. Rogers m., 1852, Elias
Abbott. (See Abbott gen.) After his death, 10 years later, she sold
the farm to Dea. Robert Gray of Tilton and went to live with her
dau. She was a semi-invalid and cripple for the greater part of her
life, yet retained her energy under the most distressing limitations
and lived to a good old age.
Joanna Rogers, b. at N., 1809; m., Feb. 17, 1831, Walter Bailey of
Haverhill and resided there until his death, when she returned to care
for her aged parents. They had three children. One d. in infancy;
Joanna d. at 20 in 1858 and Walter R. now resides in Franklin Falls.
The latter served in the War of the Rebellion in the Eleventh Massa-
chusetts Regiment. He was neither wounded nor captured although
in six battles, but he endured extreme sickness and marched once
without food for three days. He m.. May 22, 1874. Mrs. W. H. Cross
and has one son, Harold P.
Benjamin Rogers, Jr., familiarly called "Old Ben," to distinguish
him from his next door neighbor and cousin, spent his whole life
in N. as a farm hand and was a noted ox teamster. He was a famous
player on the Jew's harp and was never happier than when giving
his long-drawn out concerts to an appreciative crowd of children.
(Children of Benjamin and Lucy Hoag Rogers.)
(B. at N.)
F.vNNiE Rogers, b. Nov. 20, 1802; m. Simeon Kimball of N. (See
Kimball gen.)
Betsey Rogers, b. July 1, 1S04; m. John T. Oilman and removed
to Columbia. (See Oilman gen.) She d. in ISSS. They had four
Lucy Rogers, b. Oct. 2, 1806; m., 1833, Gilbert L. Frizzell of Canaan,
Vt. They removed to Eau Claire, Wis., where she d. Dec. 31, 1876.
They had seven children: Lucy, Gilbert, Allen, Alonzo, Ida, Orange
and Oscar.
Rebecca Rogers, b. May 15, 1810; m. Thomas J. Emerton and had
three children: Benjamin, Andrew and Lucy. She lived and d. at
Portage, Wis., Feb. 2, 1899.
Harriet Rogers, b. Nov. 7, 1812; m., Sept. 5, 1837, Joseph Kimball
of N. (See Kimball gen.)
Sally Rogers, b. March 21, 1815; m. Ebenezer Thurston and, after
a short stay in Hill, lived on the homestead until her death. She
was a great reader and fine scholar and teacher for many years In
Hill and in her native town. She first introduced singing and calis-
thenics — till then unknown — in country schools. (See Thurston gen.)
Samuel B. Rogers, b. June 3, 1819; m. Susan Forrest of N., an
experienced and popular teacher. He became owner of the homestead
and repaired and changed the ancient house, or houses, to a modern
structure. After living here a few years he tired of farm life, passed
the home over to his sister and removed to Sanbornton Bridge, where
he leased the brickyard and made brick for some years. He erected
the brick house now owned by Jeremiah E. Smith and later became a
merchant at Tilton and Haverhill. He resided at N. at the time of his
death, June 26, 1865. Mrs. Rogers resides in Tilton.
Benjamin A. Rogers, b. at N. Sept. 15, 1823, and d. at Houston
Heights, Tex., March 15, 1904. (See portrait and sketch. Ministers
of N.)
(Children of Samuel and Deborah Haines Rogers.)
(All b. at N.)
Deborah Rogers, b. May 13, 1800; m., 1820, Thomas Clough Haines
of Canterbury and resided on the main road near the Canterbury
line. (See Haines gen.)
John Rogers read medicine and established practice at Bradford,
Vt, where he m. Sally Couch. He removed later to Canaan, where
he practised for many years and d. there at 70 years of age. He left
three children. But one. Dr. Tristram Rogers of Plymouth, survives.
Mary Rogers, b. 1804; m. Daniel Flagg and had five children: Jane,
who m. George Bean of Laconia; two younger dau., who m. and lived
in Bradford, Vt; George and Charles, who were in the War of the
Rebellion, the former in the army and the latter in the navy. George
is an inmate of the Soldiers' Home at Togus, Me., and Charles lives
at Hill. He m. Sarah Fifield of New Hampton. After her husband's
death Mrs. Flagg resided in N.
(Children of Jesse and Martha Cilley Rogers.)
(All b. at N.)
Clarissa Rogers m. Clark Batchelder in 1836.
Eliza Rogers m. Levi Bennett of Lowell in June, 1842. She d. on
Park St. in 18GS. She had one daii., Ellen Bennett, who m. Jeremiah
Foster of Concord, Dec. 5, 18G5, and one son, Frank.
Elliot Rogers m. Cynthia Dearborn of N., Dec. 12, 1S3G (see Dear-
born gen.) and removed to Hebron, where he d., leaving a son, John,
with whom the mother still resides
Jeremiah Rogers d. at 20 years of age and sleeps besides his parents
in the cemetery by the town house.
Frances Ann Rogers m. Bradbury Batchelder of Franklin and re-
sided for a time near Tilton, where he built a home on Park St., now
owned by James Van Peabody. They had four children: LaRoy,
Asa, Martha and Charles Wesley of 38 Fuller St., Brookline, Mass.
Martha Rogers m. Asa Batchelder of Bath, Sept. 24, 1S42, and d. in
Lowell in 1898.
Ellen Rogers m. Jonathan Chapman of Vermont.
(Children of Luther and Almira Nudd Rogers.)
Four sons resided in Loudon
Charles Rogers lived and d. in Connecticut. He served in the Third
Vermont Regiment in the Civil War. (See Boys in Blue.)
Jefferson Rogers served in the Civil War in the Seventeenth Regi-
ment. (See Boys in Blue.)
Dick Rogers, b. in N., also served in the army.
Joseph Rogers, b. at N.; m. Arlin and resides at North Con-
cord. He is a farmer.
Fourth Generation.
(Children of Samuel B. and Susan Forrest Rogers.)
(All b. at N)
Orville Forrest Rogers, b. in 1S44, graduated from the College of
Physicians and Surgeons of New York City. He was a surgeon in
Virginia during the Rebellion. Afterwards he practised for several
years at Brownsville, Tex. He was at the McLean Asylum and
the Hartford Retreat for a while. Since a trip abroad in 1S77 he has
been in practice at 4G5 Washington St., Dorchester, Mass. He m.
Josephine Tucker of Dorchester and had three children: Samuel For-
rest, Josephine Tucker and Orville Forrest.
Samuel Benjamin Rogers, b. 1852, was educated at Tilton Seminary
and was a druggist in Boston at the time of his death in 1873.
Livingstone Rogers, b. June 2G, 18C0. was educated at the Tilton
Seminary. He has been in mercantile life for many years and is now
located at Franklin.
(Children of Jeremiah and Elinor Damrell Rogers.)
Clara A. Rogers, b. at N.; m. (first). Williams and resided
in Concord and afterwards in Hill, where he d. She m. (second),
Edward C. Payne of Hill, where they now reside. An unfortunate ex-
perience with smallpox made her a valuable nurse in such cases and
she followed this calling for some years.
Note. — Charles C. Rogers and his two sons, George B. and Herbert S.,
are the only descendants of this large family, who live in the vicinity
of the ancient home and bear the name. (See Curry gen.)
Ned Rogers came to Tilton from Weare in 1902. He was b. in
Salisbury, May 23, 1S75; m. Lillian Melvin, b. at Weare, Sept., 1S74.
They have one child, Elbra M., b. Sept. 13, 1903. He is a member of
the firm of Bayley & Rogers, general merchandise and groceries,
successors of S. W. Taylor at Tilton.
Mr. Rogers is a member of Mt. William Lodge, No. 3S, L 0. 0. F.,
of Weare, and a member of Weare Patrons of Husbandry. Mrs.
Rogers is also a member of Wyoming Grange at Weare. They reside
in their newly-erected home on Areh St.
John Roberts came to N. from Alexandria in 1S37. He m. Pamelia
Glines and had a family of six. She m. (second), Samuel Neal of
Second Generation.
John Roberts, Jr., b. 1835; m., 1851, Jane Morrill of N., b. 1831, and
had three children. He was a trackman on the B., C. & M. R. R. for
many years, becoming a farmer on the Windfall later and dying there
of cancer in 1899. She removed to the home of her dau. at Tilton,
where she d. in 1902.
William Roberts was for years in the employ of the railroad. He
m., Aug. 27, 1865, Diana Woodward Morrill of Franklin Falls. He
served in the Civil War. (See Boys in Blue.)
George Roberts was also in the employ of the railroad until the
beginning of the war. He was an expert marksman and was detailed
as a sharpshooter. (See Boys in Blue.) He m. Harriet Keniston
and had six children.
Mary Ann Roberts, b. 1834; m., Nov. 20, 1852, Milton B. Neal.
They had one dau., who d. in early womanhood at Canterbury. He
was for several years superintendent of the Merrimack County Farm
and is now a dealer in wood and lumber, with a residence at Franklin
LuRANA Roberts spent most of her life with her sister and d. at
Pamelia Roberts m., Oct. 22, 1848, Joseph Chase of Canterbury.
Third Generation.
(Children of John and Jane Morrill Roberts.)
Smith Roberts, b. Oct. IG, 1S53; m. Ellen Keniston of N. and had
one dau.. Rose. He m. (second), Oct. 10, 1890, Mary Weed of Gil-
manton and d. at N. Dec. 25, 1904. He was injured by a passing train
in 1S75 and never fully recovered.
Emma J. Roderts. b. April 8, ISGl; m. Ora Fifield of Belmont and
resided at Tilton Highlands, where he d. after a long illness. Their
four children were educated at the Episcopal Orphans' Home at Mill-
ville. Concord. She purchased in 1900 a home on Howard Ave., where
she now resides.
Ella J. Roberts, b. June 4, 1S07; m. B. Frank Ayers. who owns the
Horace Sewall place on Oak Hill. They have one child. (See Ayers
(Children of George and Laura Keniston Roberts.)
But one of this family remains in town.
AxNiE Roberts m. (first), George Whitney of N. and hail a son, who
d. in infancy. She m. (second), Charles Sanborn of Wilmot, Nov.
25, 1S92. They resided at the Depot, where he was station agent and
telegrapher. He purchased the grocery business of Samuel Emery
and d. suddenly June 13, 1903.
(See portraits.)
The Robertsons composed one of the oldest of the Scottish clans,
originally known as Clan Donnachaidh, or Duncan. Duncan, its founder,
was a descendant of the ancient Earls of Athol, as proven by him and
his descendants being designated, "de Atholia," in ancient charters.
His patronymic was Donnachaidh Reamhair, or Duncan the Fat.
(There were no surnames in use in his day). He was b. about 1275
and he inherited from his father, Andrew de Atholia, a portion of the
ancient earldom of Athol. He was the first of the Lairds of Struan,
or Strowan, the designation of the oldest branch of the Robertsons
to this day. He was an adherent of Robert Bruce and entertained and
protected that king and his queen when in hiding after the defeat at
Methven in 130G. Indeed, if the story of the spider's web be true,
it is part of the history of the Robertson clan.
When he d., about 1355, he was succeeded by his eldest son, Robert,
so named at the request of Robert Bruce himself. Under him the
clan took part in the famous "Raid of Angus," 1392, and part of the
estates were forfeited to the crown.
His only son, Duncan, succeeded him as chief. He had three sons.
The eldest, Robert Ruadh, or Robert the Red, succeeded him as fourth
"Baron de Atholia."
His chieftainship marked an era in the history of Scotland and of
the clan.
When King James I was cruelly murdered in the Blackfriars' Mon-
astery at Perth in 1436, Robert Ruadh was among the foremost in
the search for the murderers and, with John Stuart Gorm, succeeded
in capturing the principal assassins, the Earl of Athol and Sir Rob-
ert Graham, who were put to death with almost indescribable torture
and ignominy.
When James II came of age, he offered to suitably reward Robert for
his great service. With a modesty unparalleled in history, all the
proud chief would ask or accept was that the lands he then possessed
should be confirmed to him as a barony, which the king granted by
charter, dated Aug. 15, 1541, and which is still in the possession of a
The arms of the chief had been a shield with three wolf heads,
in commemoration of the chief having destroyed those savage beasts
in the Athol' district.
By the king's charter of 1541 these arms were augmented by the
addition of a crest, a right arm supporting a royal crown, and, be-
low, a savage or naked man in chains, with the motto, Tirtutis
gloria merces, "glory, the reward of valor." The supporters, the ser-
pent and dove, are for the chief's arms only and signify, "Wise as the
serpent, harmless as the dove."
The heraldic description is:
"Gules: Three Wolf heads erased. Argent; armed and langued Azure;
Crest, a Dexter Arm holding up an imperial crown proper; Motto,
Yirtiitis Gloria Merces. Under the escutcheon, a wild man lying
chained." (This means: Shield, Red; Wolf heads torn off, not cut;
silver; tongues extended, blue; the crown gold with purple lining,
surrounded by pearls; the helmet, steel; all the rest in natural colors,
The fine-leaved heath, "Dleuth Fhraoch," is said to be the ancient
badge, but later the fern — in Gaelic, " raineach" — became the badge,
hence Rannoch, the home of the chief from the 12th to the 19th cen-
turies, at the head of beautiful Loch Rannoch.
The clan has two tartans, one for home and one for foray and hunt-
ing. In the former the colors are red, green and blue, red predomin-
ating; in the latter, blue and green predominating.
The clan has a stone reputed to have been brought from the Cru-
sades or else from the place of the Standard at Bannockburn, which
the chief always carries in war and without which defeat would be
certain. It is known as "Clach-na-Bratach," or the Stone of the Stand-
ard. It is still preserved and held as a precious relic by the chief.
The clan saved the day at Bannockburn. It served in the rebellions
of 16S5, 1715 and 1745. It has furnished soldiers and seamen, generals
and admirals, in all the wars of the world for centuries. It has
furnished to America many men of note in war, in statesmanship
and in the service of tlie church, and while "glory" may be lacking
among them, "valor" never was.
After the Scottish rebellions, many of the Robertsons fled to America
to escape death at home.
Many more went to Ireland under England's promise to protect
them, but finding those promises of no avail, they, too, came to the
land that promised relief from oppression.
Among these immigrants was "William Robertson, b. Feb. 8, 1703,
in the north of Ireland, and d., March 7, 1790, in Pembroke. His
wife was Margaret Woodend, a "Highland lass," b. Oct. 20, 1705; d.,
Feb. 19, 1785. It is said to have been a runaway love match. Their
descendants have been among the builders of the East and are scat-
tered all over the Far West — good citizens, loyal to their country and
to their God.
James Parker Robebtsox came from Bow to N. in 1S41. He was
the third in descent of William, b. 1703, in the north of Scotland, who
came to Pembroke with his "Highland lassie," Margaret Woodend,
and d. there in 17S5. Pembroke History says: "He came there in
1748." James came to the Austin farm on the banks of the Merrimack
River in N. and enlarged the buildings in 1850-52, retaining a portion
of the old Austin house, and began raising hops, a business his father,
James, had followed in Bow. He planted his first crop in 1842 and
continued this business until 1853. He was twice m. He m. (first),
Jan. 22, 1828, Mary Ann Hammond of Bridgewater, and (second). May
1, 1861, Mary Ann Chase of Litchfield. The former d. April 22, ISGO.
The latter d. at Concord Sept. 6, 1898. He d. at N. Oct. 6, 1871.
Second Generation.
James Lewis Robertsox, b. at Bow Oct. 29, 1828; m., Dec. 25, 1851,
Elizabeth Susan Carter, also of Bow, and came with his father to
N. He labored in the machine shops at Franklin and Keene as a
machinist, making tools, a part of the time. In 1855, he went to Kansas
and worked as a carpenter, erecting buildings. He d. Dec. 17, 1S5G.
They had one dau. "None knew him but to love him."
Charles Hill RonERXsox. b. at Bow May 25, 1835. He m. (first).
Mrs. Elizabeth Robertson, widow of his brother, and had a family of
four. He was educated at the New Hampshire Conference Seminary
and was a teacher some years, later becoming superintendent of the pub-
lic schools. After his father's death he cultivated the homestead. He
m. (second), Olive Ann Mills and d. Sept. 27, 1888. Mrs. Robertson now
resides in Concord.
Third Generation.
(Child of James and Elizabeth Robertson.)
LiLLiE Lewis Robektsox, b. Oct. 11. 1S5C; m.. Nov. 30, 1882. Charles
Edward Hodgdon of Portsmouth. He is a dealer in Ice. They have
three dau., Cora Elouise, b. April IG, 1SS4; Mildred, b. Nov. 12, 1887;
Winifred, b. Nov. 11, 1891; Augusta, b. Aug. 5, 1894; d. Sept. 24, 1894.
Cora E. m., July 14, 1904, Albert Forest Witham. They have a son,
Edward Forest "Witham.
(Children of Charles and Elizabeth Carter Robertson.)
Frank C. Robertson, b. March 31, 1860; m., Dec. 5, ISSS, Belle
Woodbury Gile (see Gile gen.) and resides on Bean Hill. He is a
farmer and dealer in farming tools, fruit, flowers and nursery stock.
They have one child,
Hammond Robertson, b. Jan. 27, 1862; d. Sept. 21, 1863.
Sarah Hammond Robertson, b. July 18, 1865; m., Sept. 4, 1888, Amos
Rouse of Stratford-on-Avon, Alderminster, England. After several
years as a tradesman he bought the Obadiah Glines farm on the main
road, where he d. Aug. 10, 1903, leaving three children: Bertha E.,
Elsie May and John Amos.
Mary A. Robertson, b. Aug. 9, 1868; m., Sept. 18, 1895, Clyde Am-
brose Gile. (See Gile gen.)
Fourth Generation.
(Child of Frank and Belle Gile Robertson.)
Earle Vincent Robertson, b. June 21, 1894.
William Sanborn was the first of the name to settle in the town.
He was b. ai Epping Feb. 11, 1743. His father was a blacksmith there
and d. in 1763.
He was a grandson of Ensign John, who lived in North Hampton
and served in Lovewell's War in 1727.
William came to East N. when a young man and d. there April
14, 1S07. During the early years of his residence there his cousin,
Joseph Sanborn, cleared and lived on the farm now owned by the
Shakers in Canterbury-
Two nephews, Mathew Neally and Jonathan Sanborn, came to N.
about 1792 and bought land, as the records say, Nov. 16, 18 acres of
Lot No. 35. In July he sold to Samuel R. Sanborn, physician,, a part
of original Lot No. 51, consisting of 55 acres with buildings thereon,
excepting the schoolhouse and a two-rod highway, which, "if the town
shall use as a public road," he shall have 55 rods from said highway.
These lots were laid out to the original right of William Smith and
Nathaniel Randall. (See Proprietors' Map.)
Mildred Hodgdon.
Mrs. Lillie L. R. Hodgdon. Mrs. Com K. H. William.
Charles E. Hodgdon. Winifred Hoilgdon.
Second Generation.
Francis Sanuorx. b. at the north fields of Canterbury in 1770; m..
March 31, 1792, Ruth Smith and d. in Gilmanton in 1S4S.
In 1792, the early records say. his father deeded one third of his
homestead to him for £100. He had two sons.
Third Generation.
William Saxdorx, 2n., b. 17S0 at N., had two sons and a dau. His
wife was Peggy Cross.
Jeremiah Saxborn, b. at N. in 1796; removed to Dorchester, Mass.
M.\RTHA Axx S.vxBORX. b. at N. April 10, 1S07; d. at N. Feb. 11, 1810.
Fourth Generation.
(Children of William and Peggy Cross Sanborn.)
Amos Cogswell Saxborx, b. at N. Nov. 16, 1S05; m. and removed
to Cambridge, Mass. They had two sons, James and Orville. They
were all stone workers.
William Saxborx. 3d., b. 1S12.
Persis Saxborx m. Isaac Bodwell of Sanbornton Bridge. They re-
sided there many years. She d. in 1S69, aged 67, and is buried by the
town house. He returned to Massachusetts, remarried and d. some
years later.
Mathew Neally Saxborx is said to have been a remarkable man in
many ways. He was b. June 2S, 1759. and served in the Revolutionary
War. He was present at the surrender of Cornwallis and had a per-
sonal acquaintance with General Washington.
He lived on the farm, on a part of which the Rand schoolhouse now
He also served as a captain in the War of 1S12.
Three children, Samuel Roby. Sally and John P., were b. in N.
After leaving N. he was a dry goods merchant in Boston. He d. at
Solon, Me., April 21, 1S53, aged 94 years. He m. Phebe Roby, b. 17G7.
and d. at N. April 24, 1809.
Second Generation.
SA:\irEL RocY Saxborx. b. at N. Feb. 3. 1791, became a cancer doctor
and lived on the farm now owned by George Corliss. He afterwards
practised in Dover, where he d. May 28, 1853.
Third Generation.
(Children of Dr. Samuel Roby Sanborn. »
Roby Saxborx lived in Boston, where he had a stall in Faneuil Hall
Mary Jane Saxborn m. and resided at Braintree, Mass. They later
removed to Canaan and d. there.
Clarrissa Sanborx m. Thayer of Braintree, Mass. After his
death she returned to her mother's.
Sally Sanborn m. John Molony and had a family of seven. (See
Molony gen.)
John C. Sanborn, b. at N. Sept. 13, 1842, has been an official of the
Old Colony Railroad for many years and is now manager of the Bos-
ton Terminal Company of Boston, Mass.
Mathew Sanborn, Jr., went West and became a cancer doctor.
Richard Sanborn became a tin worker and lived in or near Bos-
JoNATi-iAN Sanborn, b. at Nottingham in 1760; m. May 15, 1785,
Love Thomas, whose father, Joseph, d. of wounds received in the
service of his country. His dau.. Love Thomas Sanborn, received
200 acres of "bounty land" for herself and sister, Abagail. Mr. and
Mrs. Sanborn lived on one of the Skenduggody Meadow lots. He
d. in 182G, aged G6 years. They had 13 children. The farm later
became the home of the Sewall family.
Second Generation.
(B. at N.)
Jane Sanborn, b. Feb. 26, 1786; m. John Hannaford, b. 1787, and
lived on the main road. (See Hannaford gen.) She d. and he m.
(second), Nancy Flanders. He d. and she m. (second), Jeremiah Calef
of East N. and d. at Tilton.
Joseph Thomas Sanborn, b. Sept. 3, 1787, removed to Vermont and
later to Rochester, N. Y., where he d. in 1S65.
Mary Glidden Sanborn, b. May, 17S9.
Jonathan Sanborn, Jr., b. July 26, 1791, removed to Paynesville,
Wis., where he d. in 1S2S.
David Mason Sanborn, b. June 26, 1793.
John Pearson Sanborn, b. Sept. 28, 1794; m. (pub.), Oct. 9, 1808,
Sarah Gile of West N., b. June 22, 1783, and moved to Palo, HI., where
he was a farmer. She d. May 25, 1859. He d. Aug. 24, 1859. Both are
buried in N.
Alice Glidden Sanborn, b. July 3, 1796.
Mathew Nealey Sanboen, Jr., b. May 14, 1799.
Gkeenleaf Cilley Sanborn, b. Oct. 4, 1800.
Andrew Nealey Sanborn, b. March 17, 1802.
James Roby Sanborn, b. Aug. 28, 1803.
Daniel Cilley Sanborn, b. April 9, 1805.
Josiah Ambrose Sanborn, b. July 8, 1810.
Daniel Sanborn's sou, John Prescott Sanborn, was b. in Brentwood
in 1750 and removed to Deerfield.
He served in the Revolutionary War and d. in Deerfield in 1812.
His son, Daniel, was b. July 20, 17S7. He ni., 1S21, Polly Frye of
Deerfield. He came to N. from Saubornton Bridge in 1S3G, where he
had spent 10 years on the W. T. Cass farm by the upper dam. He had
a sawmill on the site of Granite Mills. He later purchased the farm
of Obadiah Hall on Zion's Hill and d. there Dec. 29, 1875. She d. May
13, ISSl.
Second Generation.
JosiAH SiT-LivAN Sanborn, b. at Deerfield in 1821; m. (pub.), June
16, 1851, Martha E. Forrest, b. at N., 1S23. She d. at N. Oct. 22, 1854.
He later removed to California and d. at Redwood City May 3, 1893.
Braley James Sanborn, b. in Deerfield, 1S23; never m. He was a
farmer in the "West for many years and, having a competency, had no
occupation during the last years of his life. He was a man of energy
and natural ability. He d. at Hudson July 31, 1901.
Samuel C. Sanborn, b. at Deerfield, 1S27; m. Mary Annis and is
now living in Ayer, Mass.
Peter Sanborn, b. at Deerfield, 1S22; never m.; d. at N. June 27,
Daniel Sanborn, 3d., b. at Deerfield Oct. 31, 1S25; m. Augusta Hoyt
of N. and resided on the homestead, where she d. Nov. 6, 1896. He sold
this farm after her death and removed near the village. They had four
children. (See view of homestead.)
John Sanborn, b. at N. July 16, 1836, graduated from the New
Hampshire Conference Seminary and Wesleyan University, class of
1859. He was one of the faculty of the former seminary and was
principal of a school in Iowa for many years. After a considerable
stay in N. he became a successful dealer in real estate in the West.
He was a devoted Methodist and in his will gave a generous sum to
the New Hampshire Conference Seminary.
Third Generation.
Charles Frye Sanborn, b. at N. Aug. 12, 1872. graduated from
Tilton Seminary in 1889. He was graduated from the Medical De-
partment of New York University in 1893 and served IS months as
interne in Bellevue Hospital, afterwards serving in the New York
State Hospital and the Willard State Hospital until July. 1903.
He is now medical inspector for the Equitable Life Assurance So-
ciety in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas,
with offices at Denver, and pa3.ses on its medical examinations for
He is Past District Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of
^lasons of New York.
He is unmarried and lives in Denver, Col.
Aloxzo Hoyt Saxborx. b. at N. Sept. 9, 1874, attended Tilton Sem-
inary and m. (first), Alice M. Wright, Oct. IS, 1892. She d. March
10, 1893. He m. (second), Nov. 5, 1895, Elizabeth A. Emery of Canada,
and resides near Franklin Falls, where he is a farmer. They have two
children, Mildred Elsie, b. Oct. 10, 189C, and Maud Gertrude, b. Sept.
1, 1901.
Maey Floeexce Saxborx, b. at N. Aug. 10, 1878; m. Frank A. Her-
bert and resides in Worcester, Mass.
Helen Louise Saxdoex, b. at N. June, 1891, is now attending school
at Tilton Seminary.
JoxATHAX Saxborx always resided at Factory Village, now Franklin
Falls. He was b. Jan. 24, 1814, and m. (first), Dec. 16, 1835, Rebecca
Clough of Ryegate. Vt. They had three sons. She d. April 27, 1878.
He m. (second), Jan. 12, 1879, Mrs. Ann Whitney of Grafton. He
was deputy sheriff for Merrimack, Belknap and Grafton counties for
15 years. He was captain in the Sixteenth Regiment during the
Civil War. (See Boys in Blue.) He d. at his home June 1, 1880.
Second Generation.
(B. at Factory Village.)
Oscar Saxborx, b. Oct. 9, 1836, became a machinist in the iron
works at Wyandotte, Mich. He m., Sept. 16, 1SC2, Lizzie Thorn and
had eight children.
De Witt Clixtox Saxborx, b. June 9, 1839, enlisted in the Second
New Hampshire Regiment in 1862 and was killed at the second battle
of Bull Run, Aug. 29, 1862. He was six feet, one inch, in height. He
was buried on the battlefield. A Testament, a necktie and a pair of
scissors were all that ever came back from him.
William Chaxxixg Saxborx, b. May 8, 1843, was a machinist in
Jackson, Mich., and later at Centreville, Mich. He m., July 0, 1809,
Georgie McFoy of Detroit. They had two children.
Leoxard Saxborx was b. in Sanbornton Jan. 4, 1811, and m., Nov.
24, 1836, Elmira Rollins of Sanbornton, who was b. July 8, 1807. He
w^as for many years a caster in a foundry at Manchester and later
was a farmer in N. after 1865. They had no children. They resided
on the Bay Hill road, where he d. Aug. 4, 1878, and where she d. Sept.
25, 1880.
OscAB Page Samjorx b. Nov. 24, 1S43, came to N. in 1805. He m.,
Sept. 13, 1SG4, Clara Ann Clisby. They resided at the Centre with
her parents. They had two dau. Mrs. Sanborn d. Nov. 21, ISSO.
She was a fine organist and gave her services to the Congregational
Church choir for many years.
Mr. Sanborn m. (second), Dec. 11, ISSl, Anna C. Morrill (see Mor-
rill gen.) and had a family of five. He served in the Civil War.
(See Boys in Blue.) He was a miller for some years but is now
engaged in farming. He has remodeled his home recently and erected
a spacious barn. Mr. Sanborn is, and has been for many years, deacon
of the Congregational Church and also superintendent of the Sunday
Second Generation.
(Children of Oscar and Clara Clisby Sanborn.)
Sarah Josephine Saxdorx. b. Feb. 2S, 1SG7; m.. Dec. 25, 1SS9, Harry
C. Wyatt, b. April 23, 1S67. He is a farmer and resides on the Sanborn
road, Tilton. They have three children: Carrie, Nathan and Ruth.
Kathekixe Hills Saxborx, b. Sept. 13, 1S71. She was educated at
the New Hampshire Conference Seminary and has been for 11 years
a popular teacher.
Much of her time has been devoted to Christian service and in the
Sunday School. She was a charter member of the Christian Endeavor
Society, serving as its president for two terms, and being its delegate
to the Boston International Convention in 1S95. She is a member
of the Congregational Church and was president of the Curtice Mission
for many years.
(Children of Oscar and Anna Morrill Sanborn.)
Theodore M. Saxcorx, b. Sept. 10, 1SS3. He was a member of the
English Scientific course at Tilton Seminary but was obliged to leave
on account of failing eyesight at the close of his junior year. He is
now a farmer.
Erxest C. Saxborx, b. Nov. IS, 1SS5, graduated from Tilton Sem-
inary in the class of 1905.
WiXFRED P. Saxdorx, b. Oct. 30, 18S7; d., Sept. 8. 1S97. He was
greatly beloved by all who knew him.
Raymoxd V. Saxborx, b. April 12, 1S90, is a student at the Seminary
at Tilton.
Marie Coxstaxce Saxborx, b. Oct. 11, 1S92, graduated from the
Union Graded School in the class of 19u5.
JoHx S. Sargent came to N. from Danbury in 1890. He was b. at
Hill July 17, 1833, and was the son of Ephraim and Mary Ann
(Searles) Sargent, and one of eight children. He m., in 1S57, Diana
A. Hubbard, dau. of Cummings and Lydia (Reed) Hubbard. Mrs.
Sargent was b. at Thetford, Vt., July 2G, 1S35. Mr. Sargent is a
farmer and resides on Park St. They had three children, all b. in
Second Generation.
Nellie Frances Sargent d. in infancy.
Amanda Sargent m. and resides in her native town.
William Cummings Sargent, b. Aug. 9, 1864; m., June 13, 1888,
Josie Carver Shaw, b. in Salisbury Feb. 10, 1868. (See Shaw gen.)
He is a farmer and teamster and now resides with his parents on
Park St. They have two dan.
Third Generation.
LuRA Arvilla Sargent, b. at Danbury April 23, 1890, is a member
of the sophomore class, 1905, at Tilton Seminary.
Gladys Idella Sargent, b. at N. Nov. 14, 1892.
Frank R. Sargent came to N. from Tilton in 1900. He was b. at
Littleton Sept. 10, 1849; m., April 26, 1884, Emma L. Dyson, b. at
Richmond, P. Q., May 14, 18G4. Mr. Sargent is a noted horseman,
having owned several thoroughbreds, and was for several years man-
ager at the home of "Viking" at the Foster Stock Farm. They have
two children.
Second Generation.
Norma May Sargent, b. at Providence, R. I., June 27, 1885, gradu-
ated from Tilton Seminary in the class of 1905.
Franklin Foster Sargent, b. at Tilton Sept. 5, 1889.
JoTHAJi Sawyer came to N. very early and lived on the Rand place.
He m. Tamar Colby and had six children, b. in N. He was a soldier
in the Revolutionary War.
Second Generation.
Charlotte Sawyer, b. Aug. 15, 1780.
Walker C. Sawyer, b. May 31, 1782.
James B. Sawyer, b. April 5, 1787.
Reuben Sawyer, b. Dec. 2, 1791.
Eli.iah C. Sawyer, b. Sept. 12, 1801.
Tamar Sawyer, b. ; m. Jonathan Whicher of East N. (See
Whicher gen.)
Gideon and Reudex Sawyer were without doubt the first owners
of the Gile farm ou Bean Hill. They came from Hawke. now Dan-
ville. Reuben d. unmarried at 25. Gideon m. Sherborn. sister
of Sarah, wife of Jonathan Gile. His name is on the first tax list.
They were good farmers and cleared a large tract and set out an ex-
tensive orchard. There were several children. His name drops from
the records in 1S26.
Second Generation.
Lydia Sawyer was the first wife of Elias Abbott. (See Abbott
gen.) She was b. July 23, 17S4, and m. May 2, 1S12.
Gideon Sawyer, 2d., used to go with his mother to the home of
William Knowles on horseback to attend meetings, as they were Meth-
odists. It is supposed that all of this family d. in the home. Some
are buried on the farm and others in the Abbott yard.
Jonathan Scricner came to N. in 1S43 and settled on the Haines
place, then owned by Mrs. Ann Chase Hancock, whom he m. ( See
Hancock gen.) He was b. at Salisbury May 26, 1S13, and was a car-
penter and farmer. He d. Aug. 27, ISSS. Mrs. Scribner was a true
home maker and was intensely devoted to her family. They had
three children. She d. June 4, 1S75.
Second Generation.
Frances Adelaide Scribner. b. May 27, 1S44, was educated in the
common schools, at Franklin Academy and at the New Hampshire
Female College. She taught in N. a while and then went to Rankin.
111., where she was for many years a popular instructor.
She m., Jan., 18S9, B. W. Daniels, a merchant. They resided at
Wichita, Kan. She devoted her life to Christian work In the church
and elsewhere. She d. Nov. 10, 1903. They had an adopted dau.,
Alta Fay, b. April 13, 1S79, who m., April. 1901, Chris Katler.
Clara Chase Scribner, b. April 30, 1S45. She graduated from the
New Hampshire Female College in the class of 1S07 and taught for
several years. She m.. May 23. 1872, Frank Hills, a merchant of Til-
ton, where they have since resided. (See Hills gen. and sketch.)
George Livermore Scribner, b. Aug. 2S, 1S47. and d. at his home
Jan. 11, 1872.
Fred E. Scribxer was b. at Salisbury Dec. 2, 1S59, a day made still
more memorable by the fact that it was the same on which John
Brown was hanged.
He m., May 1, 1S94, Nellie J. Rogers of Salisbury. He spent 15
years in the Red River country — five as a farmer and 10 in mercan-
tile pursuits.
He bought the J. S. Dearborn farm in 1893 and is a general farmer,
giving especial attention to dairying and poultry.
He was made an Odd Fellow in Spooner, Wis., and has passed most
of the chairs. He is also an enthusiastic member of Friendship
Mrs. Scribner was educated at Warner High School and was a teacher
for a dozen years in Salisbury and adjoining towns. He is one of
the present board of selectmen and is connected with the schools.
Mary J. Lock, b. Aug. 3, 1S35, at Stoddard; m., Oct. 2C, 1SG3,
Charles E. Searles of Townsend, Mass., and resided at West Andover,
where he was station agent for many years. He lost his life while
coupling cars April 29, 1870.
Mrs. Searles removed with her dau. to N., July, ISSC. She pur-
chased the residence of Mrs. Agnes Scott on Vine St., July, 1S9S.
Second Generation.
Lizzie M. Searles, b. at Andover May 10, 1SC4.
ArKA Etta Searles, b. Aug. 20, 1SG5; m., April 25, 1SS5, Nelson
Bean of Wilmot and d. there in Dec, 1885.
Nellie Eva Searles. b. Dec. 20, ISCG; m., Sept. 12, 1895, Arthur B.
Cross of Concord. (See Cross gen. and sketch.)
Minnie B. Searles, b. at Andover Dec. 11, 1869, is employed as fore-
woman in George H. Tilton's box shop.
John Senter was b. at Centre Harbor in 1847. He m. (first), Oct.
11, 1868, Elizabeth Mary Mooney, b. at Sandwich Dec. 2, 1850. They
resided for some years at Kansas City, Mo., where three children were
b. and she d. Sept. 24, 1874. He returned to New Hampshire in 1877.
He m. (second), Oct. 20, 1880, Sarah A. Davis and has resided on
Park St. since 1892. She d. there May 30, 1905. He has been pre-
cinct health officer for nearly 10 years; is a member of Harmony
Lodge, L O. 0. F.; is a Knight of Pythias; is one of the Brotherhood
of American United Workmen; and is a member of the American
Benefit Society.
Second Generation.
Annie E. Senter, b. May 15, 1S72; m., Jan. 1, 1S8S. Elmer A. Per-
kins, b. March 12. 1SC7, at Wilmot Center. He is a carpenter and
resides at Concord. They have two dau., Elizabeth May, b. July 29.
ISSS, and Metta Ethel, b. Sept. 2, 1894.
John H. Senter. b. Feb. 11, 1870; m., May IS, 1SS8, Lottie B. Parent
of Concord, and has one son, Forrest E., b. Aug. 17, 1894. They reside
in California.
Charlie E. Senter, b. Sept. 24, 1874; d., Oct. 29, 1874.
Samuel Sewall bought his farm on Oak Hill of the Foss brothers
in 1820. He m. Betsey Whitney of Canterbury and had five children.
He d. Jan. 15, 1871. The farm was sold to Benjamin Kenison and
later to B. F. Ayers, and the buildings were burned.
Second Generation.
DiANTHE Sewall. b. at N. ; m. (first), Dustin Battis, and (second),
Charles Russell, and for many years guarded the railroad crossing
at the State Prison. They later removed to Salisbury, where she d.
June, 1904.
Caroline Sewall m., June 21, 1850, Thomas Blake of Highgate, Vt.
He was employed by Joseph Gerrish at Boscawen and ran a plaster
and flaxseed mill at Oak Hill. They had two children, Charles
Chandler and Christiana. The former m. Martha Austin and resides
in Andover. The latter m. Sylvester Lambert of Lakeport. (See
Lambert gen.) Mr. Blake sold his farm on Oak Hill and they re-
sided for some years at N. Depot. She now resides with her dau. at
Daniel Sewall. b. 1834; m., Feb. IS, 1S50, Jerusha Canfield and had
one dau., Julia, who m. (first), Durrell and resided at Frank-
lin. She m. (second), John Sanborn and d. at her mother's in 1901.
Daniel Sewall d. at N. in 1855.
Sarah Ann Sewall. b. at N., 1S31; m. (first), Joseph Brown of
Canterbury, and (second), Whitney. He was a soldier in the
Civil War. (See Boys in Blue.) They had three children: George
W., a farmer at East Concord; Daniel W.; and Mary E.. wife of
Frank Getchell, who d. at Boscawen, leaving three children.
Horace P. Sewall, b. at N. June, 1827; m. (first), Lucy Emery of
Dorchester, Jan. 3, 1853. He m. (second), Sarah Jackman. b. at
Wilton, Me., and had four sons. The entire family moved to Min-
neapolis about 1890, where they are farmers. The children's names:
Albert, Charles, Frank and Leon. The farm was sold to B. Frank
Ayers and the name Sewall has entirely disappeared from the records
of the town.
SAiiUEL Sewall, 2d., went, when a young man, from Gilford, where
his family resided, to New Orleans, and with a push-cart sold various
wares about the city.
He came to N. some years after, bringing as the result of his labors,
thrift and economy, $2,000 in gold. He purchased about 30 acres
of one of the Lindsey Meadow lots of Jonathan Sanborn and a part of
the house in 1S4S (?), Mrs. Sanborn reserving one room, where
she lived till her death. Mr. Sewall brought his parents, sister
and three brothers to reside there, and erected for himself a home
on Bay St. about 1858, near the village.
His father, named William, and his wife, Rebecca Whitney, both
d. there. His name appears on the records in 1835. He m., Dec. 2C,
1843, Abagail Rogers Durgin, b. July 21, 1811. She d. June 14, 1876.
He m. (second), Mrs. Clara S. Blake of Lake Village, Oct. 16, 1876.
He had two children by his first wife. He d. at Belmont.
MosES G. Sewall, b. at Gilford, 1813 (?). He lived near the present
Sanborn turnpike and, after his father's death, was taxed for 29^,4
acres. He became insane and was restrained for some three years,
dying Oct. 25, 1855. He was a godly man and, though unable to read,
could repeat long passages of the Bible by heart, if not understand-
ingly, with great fervor.
Betsey Sewall remained in the home after her parents' death.
She m., Oct. 15, 1852, William Pearsons, b. 1823. He served in the
Civil War and d. at Bay Hill Dec. 12, 1876. She d. at Boscawen.
WiNTHEOP Sewall, b. 1820, was a good scholar but later became in-
sane. He d. at Boscawen March 18, 1881.
Joshua Sewall d. in the home of typhoid fever, Aug. 31, 1S40.
Second Generation.
Emma W. Sewall, b. at N. Nov. 26, 1847; m. Newton M. Phelps of
North Andover, Mass., and resided in Lawrence, Mass. He d. Aug.,
1876. She m. (second), 1881, Richard Adams of Boston. They resided
in Charlestown, where he d. July 5, 1899. She still resides there.
Charles F. Sewall, b. May 1, 1850 (?); m. (first), Electa Glines of
N. and resided in Laconia. He is now living in Kansas and is a veter-
inary surgeon. (See Glines II gen.)
Martin A. Seymour came to N. from Randolph, Vt., in 1902. He was
b. at Williston, Vt., July 13, 1876. He m., Aug. 15, 1900, Athelia
Gertrude Estabrook, b. in Lunenburg, Mass., April 9, 1867.
He is a graduate of the Randolph, Vt., State Normal School. He
taught for several years in Vermont and Massachusetts and at present
is principal of the Union Graded School in N.
Mrs. Seymour is also a teacher of several years' experience and at
present is employed in the same school.
Ebexezer Shepard was taxed in N. in 183C and lived on the nortli-
east corner of tlae Lindsey Lot. He was a painter. The house was
sold to Warren L. Hills, who moved it to the junction of the Bay Hill
road, on the site now owned by Joseph C. Wyatt, and later removed
to the Charles F. Clark place.
Stephen Deardorx Shirley, b. at Sanbornton Dec. 9, 179S, learned
the tanner's trade, and came from Littleton to N. about 1S79 and
bought the Cilley farm on Bean Hill. Though past middle life. Mr.
and Mrs. Shirley brought with them the ambition and vigor of youth.
After his death, June IG, 1SS9, she continued to supervise the farm
and household duties with the same tireless energj-. She passed her
96th birthday on Aug. 5, 1904, and with her son, Andrew, still re-
sides on the farm. A dau., Jane, m. Thomas Smith and resides at
Uplands, Canterbury.
(See portraits.)
Byrox Shaw. b. at Salisbury Oct. 27, 1S47; m., May 1, 1S73, Nellie
S. Oliver of Salisbury. He came to N. in 1S73 and bought the Brown
farm on High St. He is a stirring, up-to-date farmer and, in addition,
has much outside work.
He has been one of the board of selectmen and has been road
agent much of the time since that office was created. They conduct a
fine dairy, making a specialty of cheese.
Mrs. Shaw was educated at Corinth, Vt., and was a successful
school teacher. She has been a contributor of prose and poetry to
several New York periodicals under the pseudonym of "Sunie Mar."
Mr. and Mrs. Shaw were among the first Grangers in town and
belong to Franklin Grange.
Second Generation.
Albert Byrox Shaw. b. May 30, 1S7G: m.. March 9. 1904, Nina G.
Davis of Bean Hill. Mr. Shaw graduated from the New Hampton
Commercial College in the class of 1S93. He is a farmer and has
recently purchased the Robert Smith farm on the Merrimack inter-
Alice Gertriue Shaw. b. Jan. 9, 1S79; m.. Dec. 9. 1904, Arthur
Corliss of N. (See Corliss gen.)
Bebtha M.\e Shaw. b. Sept. 24, 18S2; d.. Aug. 27, 1892.
Everett Saxborx Shaw. b. Jan. 17, ISSS. He is at present a student
at the New Hampton Commercial College.
SHAW 1 1.
Saxbokx Spiaw came from Salisbury to N. in 1848. He had pre-
viously m., Oct. 20, 1843, Mrs. Louisa Smitli Evans of N., and his two
sons had m. her two dau., Ann and Adaline. (See Evans gen.)
They purchased the house built by her brother, the late B. F. Smith,
at the foot of Howard Ave. They had one dau., Arabella. He was a
lover of horses and bought an unbroken four-year-old colt for family
use when more than fourscore years of age. She d. June 1, 1880.
He d. instantly while at work at his daughter's, in Tilton, in 1881.
Second Generation.
Harry Shaw, b. in Salisbury Oct. 4, 1827; m., April 17, 1856, his
sister-in-law, Adaline Evans. (See Evans gen.) They came to N. in
March, 1859, and located on the Benjamin Hills place and had two
sons. Mr. Shaw was a prosperous farmer until his death, July 8,
1900. She was a teacher previous to her marriage and resided at the
home with her son until her death, Feb. 10, 1905.
Arabella V. Shaw, b. Jan. 7, 1847; m., Nov. 2, 1865, Daniel Smith
of Tilton. They reside on the Franklin road and have a dau., Addie
Third Generation.
Herbert Warren Shaw, b. July IG, 1S57; d., Nov. 9, 1885. He was
a member of the Masonic Lodge at Franklin and also of Harmony
Lodge, I. O. 0. F., of Tilton.
(See portrait.)
Frank Wells Shaw, b. Sept. 30, 1862; m., Sept. 29, 18S5, Emily
J. Tucker of Hill. He resides on the homestead on Hills St., where,
with fine location and improved buildings, he ranks among the pro-
gressive farmers of N. His dairy outfit includes a score of cows and
selling milk constitutes his chief business. He has been much in
the service of the town, serving as supervisor for four years, followed
by a service of eight years as selectman, seven of which he was
chairman of the board. He represented the town in the Legislature
of 1905 and is at present one of the board of selectmen.
In 1900 Mr. Shaw added the adjoining Hills farm to his estate
and has since repaired and renovated his buildings, his possessions
now ranking as fourth in value in town and comprising 200 acres.
He finds time, also, for social life and is a charter member of Arch
Lodge, No. 51, K. of P., and is one of the committee having in charge
the publication of the town history and the Old Home Day celebration.
Fourth Generation.
Florence May Shaw. b. .Jan. 7. 1887. graduated from Tilton Sem-
inary in the class of 1905, Latin Scientific Course. She won the
silver medal for second rank in scholarship.
Harold S. Shaw, b. June 13, 1892.
Cliftox F. Shaw, b. July 11, 1899.
Joseph Simoxds was b. in England in 1688 and came to America in
1700. His wife was Kno.x. They settled on the Canterbury
intervale and had two sons, William and John. The former removed
to Thornton, where he lived and d.
Second Generation.
JoHX Simoxds, b. Jan. 24, 1739, came to the north fields before they
were made a town. He was a noted hunter, going with Captain Miles
to trap beaver in Lower Canada three months in the spring and
three in the fall. He bought his farm at the Centre with the pro-
ceeds of a three months' hunt on the Kennebec River.
He m. Dorothy Batchelder of Canterbury, b. Dec. 12, 1744. When
N. was organized the first and several later meetings were held at his
He was "sorvair," pound keeper, auditor and "sessor" repeatedly
until his death in 1800. They had a family of eight children.
Third Generation.
James Simoxds. b. April 20, 1763; m., 17S2. Lydia Morrison, b. 1762.
They were honored and respected citizens and he was in the service of
the town for 20 years. She d. Aug. 30, 1855. He enlisted at 14 years
of age in the Revolutionary army. After his return he took up his
abode in Andover about 1789, dying there Aug. 15, 1842. He was a
constant attendant at the Baptist Church, often walking six miles and
fording the river. His wife also accompanied him, sometimes with a
babe in her arms.
They had two dau. and a son, John, father of John Wesley Slmonds,
a graduate of the New Hampshire Conference Seminary and Wesleyan
University; a noted educator and state superintendent of public instruc-
tion for New Hampshire. He resided at Franklin on the farm of his
father and grandfather.
Nathaxiel Snu)XD.s. b. Jan. 30, 1765.
JoHx Si.moxds, b. at N. March 4. 1767.
Sarah Simoxds. b. Aug. 13. 1770; m. John Forrest, who lived and
d. on the Leighton farm near Franklin Falls. (See Forrest gen.)
Dorothy Simoxd.s, b. March 29. 1772.
Abraham Simoxds, b. June 24. 1774; m. Nancy Forrest and lived on
his father's farm, which comprised original lots, Nos. 2 and 3. He was
a learned man for the times and often taught school. He was clerk
of the town for 15 years. They had one son, Joseph Forrest. Mrs.
Simonds was a doctress, although she lived long before such a thing
as a professional female practitioner was known, and caught the cold
that caused her death by wading through a winter storm to attend a
birth. He m., March 23, 1817, Mrs. Lucy Sanborn Rundlet of San-
bornton. Her dau., Comfort Rundlet, lived with them until her mar-
riage to Elias Russell of Sanbornton in 1825. Mrs. Simonds was
"Aunt Lucy" to the whole neighborhood. Her house was also a home
to all the ministers who came that way and if no notice preceded their
arrival the children were sent around to announce it and the old,
long kitchen was sure to be filled. She d. Sept., 1845.
Thomas Simonds, b. Jan. 2, 1783; m. (first), Hannah Hancock and
had one dau., Alice. (See Austin gen.) He lived on a part of the
homestead with his brother-in-law, Michael McCrillis. He is re-
membered as a great story teller, a faithful student of the almanac
and very weatherwise.
Mrs. Simonds d. Jan. 14, 1850. He m. (second), Nov. 25, 1850,
Hannah Foster Gate, who d. Dec. 6, 18G3. He d. Feb. 14, 1872.
Comfort Simonds, b. April 25, 178G; m. Ebenezer Abbott of North
Pembroke and had eight children. Late in life he removed to N.
Fourth Generation.
(Child of Abraham and Nancy Forrest Simonds.)
Joseph Forrest Simonds. b. 1812; m. Nancy Abbott, dau. of Eben-
ezer. He resided in the home for some years and later purchased
the house erected by John E. Forrest opposite the Centre schoolhouse,
then owned by Rev. Liba Conant, and was a prosperous farmer. He
sold this place and his father's homestead and, with his father-in-law,
Abbott, purchased the James Forrest place towards Zion's Hill, where
he d. Dec. 3, 1867. She d. four years previous. They had eight chil-
Fifth Generation.
Nancy Simonds, b. at N., was for some years the faithful caretaker
in the home. She later completed a course of study at the New
Hampshire Conference Seminary, graduating in 1856. She m. John
Appleton of Allenstown in 1877. She resides since his death in Sun-
Charles Simonds d. at N. Dec. 25, 1853.
Hester Ann Rogers Simonds, b. 1839. She was also a graduate of
the New Hampshire Conference Seminary, class of 1863, and was a
teacher before her marriage, March 5, 1868, to George E. Davis. (See
Davis gen.)
Augusta A. Simonds, b. April, 1841; m., Nov., 1873, J. D. Sweatt of
Allenstown, where they resided, she being his second wife. She
graduated in the class of 1865 and was a teacher. She d. in Aug.,
Joseph Mills Simoxds, b. at N. Dec, 1S44, inherited the farm, which
he sold later, and went to New York as a cattle buyer. He was last
heard of as being sick with the grippe, since which time no news of
him has reached his friends.
Kirk A. Si.^ioxds, b. March, 1847; d., March, 1857.
Ell.4. Forrest Simoxds, b. 1850; m., Nov., 187G, J. D. Sweatt of Al-
lenstown, as his third wife. She d. in 1896.
Florette Si-moxds, b. 1852; d., April 29, 1876.
Edwin J. Sleeper came to N. in 1902 from Holderness. His ancestors
were of Revolutionary stock and his grandfather, Benjamin, of Brent-
wood, drew a pension. Mr. Sleeper was b. at Alton April 12, 1861.
He m., March 1, 1SS3, Lucie E. Howe of Holderness, b. March 3, 1862.
He bought his father's farm in 1885 and was a farmer and gardener,
furnishing supplies to campers during the summer months and later
becoming proprietor of quite an extensive summer hotel, which he
enlarged in 1890 and which had a large number of patrons. Since
his removal to N. he has confined himself largely to dairying. His
herd, when perfected, will contain mostly Guernseys. Mr. Sleeper is
a past master of Mt. Livermore Grange.
Second Generation.
"WiLLi.\5t Sleeper, b. at Holderness March 6, 1SS4, completed his
studies at the New Hampton Literary Institute, Commercial Course,
in 1902. He is still with his father on the farm.
Bessie Sleeper, b. Dec. 31, 1894.
Peter Smart came to N. in 1861 from Canterbury. He was b. at
Chichester in 1793 and m., Dec. 7, 1828, Hannah Clough Haynes, b.
at Canterbury Sept. 25, 1S07. He commenced carrying the mail from
Chichester to Portsmouth at the age of 16 years and after 1815 be-
came the "noted stage driver for many years through Northfield" from
Concord to Haverhill. They had six children, of whom three came to N.
He d. at N. June 10, 1871. She d. June 21, 188S.
Second Generation.
Haxx.vii H. Sm.\kt. b. Sept. 2G. 1S29; m.. July 5, 1856. Charles E.
Carroll, a contractor and builder at Portsmouth. They had four
Samuel B. and Walter d. in infancy.
SusAX B. Smart, b. Nov. 15, 1840; m., July 25. 1873, William S.
Shaw of Pittsburg, Pa. She was a school teacher and taught for
several years in N. and other towns.
Harriet L. Smart, b. Dec. 25, 1843; m. (first), Feb. 8, 1863, William
F. Durgin of Northwoocl. She m. (second), Edward S. Tiipp, an
engineer of Lynn, Mass., where she now resides.
Clara E. Smart, b. Oct. 17, 1846, was a graduate of the New Hamp-
shire Conference Seminary and Female College at Sanbornton, class
of 1872, and was vice-principal of the high school at Manchester, la.,
at the time of her death, in N., Aug. 12, 1875.
Willia:m Smith, son of Stephen, was b. in 1738, and m., 17G2, Deliver-
ance, dau. of Jeremiah Clough of Salisbury, and resided in Hampton,
where all the children were b. He had a nice farm in the village,
which is now covered with the Eastern Railroad depots. This he sold
and removed to N., where his son, Jeremiah, had located previously.
He made his new home in the east part of the town on what has ever
since been called "Smith's Hill." Both d. there. The farm was sold
in part to Josiah Colby. Mr. Smith was a seaman.
Second Generation.
William B. Smith, b. Sept., 1765; m. Alice Glidden and had three
sons. He had been a sailor, as was his father, before coming to N.
Ruth Smith m., March 31, 1792, Francis Sanborn, b. 1770. He d.
in Gilmanton in 1848. (See Sanborn gen.)
Sarah Smith, b. 1770, m. a brother of Solomon French, name un-
known. (See French gen.)
EPHRA.IM Smith, b. 1778; d. young. He lived on the Vv^'indfall, w^here
he owned 50 acres of land, which was later occupied and owned by
James Glines.
Betty Smith, b. 1762; d., at 17.
Hannah Smith m., Dec. 23, 1792, Solomon French. (See French
(See portrait.)
Jeremiah Smith, b. at Old Hampton March 10, 1770; m. Betsey Glid-
den in 1796. She was b. Feb. 17, 1778, and d. Jan. 1, 1868.
Mr. Smith, who had spent sometime with relatives in Canterbury,
came, a lad of 21, to N. to secure employment. It is said that he
reached Squire Glidden's in the dusk of evening and, asking for work,
was promptly engaged at seven dollars a month. The girl, Betty,
was then 13 and her attractions may have been the secret of the con-
tent which he felt during the five years of honest service which fol-
lowed. The arrangement had been satisfactory for at least three of
the busy family and a partnership was thus begun that lasted almost
fourscore contented years. A farm of 60 acres was her marriage
dower. This farm was not level and rich like the prairies of the
West but was well watered and close nestled under the foot
of Bean Hill. There were few neighbors and the roads were rough and
steep. This disturbed them not, for they were keepers at home and
the many and varied tasks left no time for loneliness or regrets.
Children came at no Infrequent intervals to gladden the home and
Increase its cares, but it mattered not, for the little hands and feet
were early put to childish tasks and there were no idlers in Mother
Smith's household.
His biographer says: "He was a model farmer and in all that per-
tained to honorable manhood second to none in those strenuous times.
His good judgment was not only appreciated but called into service
in public matters and any office in the gift of the town was always at
his refusal when honesty and efficiency were needed for its discharge."
He served his newly-adopted town as its representative in 1809 and
1810 and from 1823 to 1828, and "rose slowly and surely to social,
financial and political importance." "His barns," says Mr. Hunt,
"though second in size to none in the town, were filled year after
year to the very eaves with his well-fed and carefully-tended crops
and fat oxen, sleek cows, young stock and sheep filled the south side
yard and were bountifully fed from its high-heaped contents."
He was a man of such regular habits that he lived "right on" from
youth to hoary age without knowing what sickness was and never
requiring the services of a doctor. Mrs. Smith, too, was fully equal
to the management of the household affairs. She was a woman of de-
termined will and independence of character, who ruled her household
and was a queen in her spliere, exacting the utmost obedience, some-
what in contrast to her genial, story-telling, fun-loving husband, who
was in family discipline as conservative as she was exacting. He had
decided ideas as to the duty of an American citizen and faithfully
voted for every president from Washington to Lincoln, and saw with
satisfaction the great strides made in everything pertaining to ad-
vancement and reform.
After the death of Esquire Glidden, Mr. Smith removed from his
Bean Hill farm to Bay Hill, occupying at first the home across the
way until a more pretentious house was erected to the north, which
served as the home long years after.
He d. at 98, within two years of completing a century, having lived
one of the most satisfactory lives it has ever been my pleasure to be
cognizant of.
Third Generation.
(Children of William, Jr., and Mary Glidden Smith.)
Jo.siiv.x. S.MiTii served in the Mexican War. On his way home he was
sick in a hospital at Little Rock. Ark. He later dragged himself to
his friends at Franklin Furnace, 0., where he d.. date unknown, at
Dan Young's. He was a stone mason.
John Smith left home and later was known to be in New York, but
no further tidings ever came from him.
William Smith d., when a young man, at the home of his stepfather.
Judge Peter Wadleigh.
(Children of Jeremiah and Betsey Glidden Smith.)
(All b. at N.)
Charles G. Smith, b. March 20, 1797; d., May S, 1S31.
Jeremiah Smith, Jr., b. Feb. 3, 1799; m. Clarissa Tucker of Hop-
kinton, b. April 3, 1801. They were farmers at the Bean Hill farm,
where he d. March 8, 1839. She resided at Lowell for some years
and later at Tilton, in both of which places she conducted boarding
houses. She d. at the home of her sister, Mrs. Warren L. Hills,
July 15, 1893.
Alice G. Smith, b. Aug. 29, 1801; d., Aug. 12, 1803.
Alice G. Smith, b. March 19, 1804; m. Joseph Mills Glidden of N.
After a few years' residence on the Dolloff farm, they removed to Ports-
mouth, 0. (See Glidden gen.)
Nancy G. Smith, b. May 2, 1806; m., May 2, 1827, William Gilman
of N. (See Gilman gen.; also portrait and sketch. Physicians of N.)
Joseph Mills Glidden Smith, b. Dec. 28, 1807, removed in early life
to Franklin Furnace, 0. He embarked in the iron business and became
an extensive business man. Later in life he is spoken of in the local
papers as a retired "iron master." He m. Charlotte Hurd of Ports-
mouth, O., and had two sons and two dau., viz., the eldest, Warren,
was interested in Ohio River steamboats and later in railroads. He
now resides in California. Jacob, his brother, with two cousins, raised
and equipped a company during the Civil War and went with it to
the front. He was wounded and during convalescence was recruit-
ing officer at St. Louis and, later, was stationed at a frontier fort
in Mexico. He was also in the Philippines during the Spanish War
and became governor-general. In carrying out the strenuous orders of
the department, he was accused of extreme cruelty and for a time set
aside. He was, however, exonerated on trial and reinstated. He now
resides in Portsmouth, O. Mary became the wife of Judge Bannon of
Portsmouth, and Josephine m. Orrin Murphy and resides in Ann Arbor,
Stephen Smith, b. Feb. 22, 1809; d., Nov. 27, 1827.
Warren Hills Smith, b. April 6, 1817; m., Dec. 12, 1844, Elizabeth
G. Glines, b. at N. March 9, 1819. (See Railroads, portrait and
Mary Elizabeth Smith, b. Sept., 1822; m., Nov. 8, 1847, Ephraim
Smith Wadleigh of N. (See Wadleigh gen.)
Fourth Generation.
(Children of Warren H. and Elizabeth Glines Smith.)
Charles Glidden Smith, b. at Sanbornton Bridge Nov., 1847, was
educated at the New Hampshire Conference Seminary and was for a
I— I
I— (
time engaged in railroad building in Vermont with his brother. Their
first contract was for 40 miles of track laying on the Wells River &
Montpelier Railroad. He later conducted the Dexter House stables at
Tiltou and, in connection with them, ran the Tilton and Franklin stage
route. He has, however, been largely a farmer on the homestead,
which, with improved and beautified buildings, spacious barns, broad
fields and long stretches of forest, was for years one of the most attrac-
tive estates in the vicinity. The destruction by fire in 1904 of the
house, with its elegant furnishings, pictures and other rare works of
beauty and art, made its loss doubly severe, inasmuch as it had become
one of the few remaining links to bind the present to the past. They
now reside in their newly-purchased house by the town house.
Jeremiah E. Smith, b. 1S49 in N. (See portrait and sketch. Business
Men of N.)
Francis Smith came -to N. about 1S06 and purchased of Lieutenant
Glidden the 100-acre lot set apart by the proprietors of Canterbury
for school purposes, near the centre of the town.
The buildings he erected are still standing. The barn has never
been changed but the house has received a new roof and was re-
modeled about 1840. He m. Jane Gorrell of N. and had three sous
and two dau. and was a prosperous farmer. After his death in 1S13,
Mrs. Smith became the first wife of Judge Peter Wadleigh. (See
Wadleigh gen.)
Second Generation.
Jane Smith, b. at N. about 1799; m., Nov. 7, 1S2S, Nathan Wells of
N., b. Dec. 14, 1798. (See Wells gen.)
Loi-ISA Smith, b. in N., 1S05; m., Dec. 6, 1825, David Evans of N.,
b. Jan. 20, 1798. (See Evans gen.)
Joseph Smith was b. Nov. 3, ISOO; m.. May 30, 1830, Betsey Ham
of Canterbury. He inherited his father's estate and spent his whole
life on it, a hard-working, prosperous and contented farmer. Thoy
had a dau. and son. Mrs. Smith d. Dec. 11, 1838. He m. (second),
Mrs. Fannie Jaques Blanchard, widow of Ebenezer Blanchard, a grand-
son of one of the first settlers in town. This farm is still in the
possession of one of the family and has been owned in the name 100
Mr. Smith d. May 25, 1880. the result of injuries received by being
thrown from his carriage. His wife d. Dec. 27, 1SS7.
Benjamin- Franklin Smith was b. at N. Sept. 15, 1807. He learned
the wheelwright trade and located in Gilmanton. He m. (first),
Mehitable, dau. of Stephen Gale of Sanbornton, and had three dau.
He m. (second), Polly Gale and erected a new house near the village
in N., where he lived for many years, going later to Belmont, where
he m. (third), Ruth Huckins. Aug. 7, 1S73. He was deputy sheriff for
12 years and d. at Laconia Jan. 27, ISSO.
Third Generation.
(Children of Joseph and Betsey Ham Smith.)
(B. at N.)
Elizabeth Jaxe Smith, b. May 20, 1832, was educated at the New
Hampshire Conference Seminary and was a successful teacher. She
cared for her aged parents, remained in the home and managed the
farm for sometime after her father's death. She m., 1SS9, John S.
Winslow of N. (See Winslow gen.)
Joseph Francis Smith, b. March 11, 1S34; m. (pub.), Nov. 24, 1862,
Lucy M. Batchelder of Lawrence, Mass. They resided for many years
at Methuen, Mass., where he was a carriage builder. Later he resided
at Spencer, Mass., where he d. Aug. 29, 1901. A dau., Maud May, d.
of consumption June 3, 1890, at 20 years of age. Mrs. Smith resides
at N. with her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. S. Winslow.
(Children of B. F. and Mehitable Gale Smith.)
Maey Jaxe Smith, b. at Sanbornton Bridge Sept. 15, 1837, was
graduated from the New Hampshire Conference Seminary in the class
of 1856, but poor health compelled her to decline only the most quiet
occupations. She m. George Sayward of Gilford, who d. at New
Hampton in 1892.
Martha A. C. Smith, b. at Sanbornton Bridge Aug. 23, 1839; m.,
May 29, 1865, Lafayette Gate, M. D., of Quincy, Col., and went there to
reside. She graduated from the New Hampshire Conference Sem-
inary in the class of 1860, taking a post-graduate course at Troy
Female Seminary and taught some years. (See Gate gen.)
Mehitable Smith, b. at Sanbornton Bridge Feb. 7, 1841; m., Sept.
7, 1865, Jesse Allen of Belmont, where they resided until his death,
Jan. 22, 1890, since which she resides with her dau., Mrs. Clay, at
Laconia. She has three children: Ada Brown; Lizzette Eloise; and
Frank Irving. Guy Forrest Smith d. in infancy.
David Smith, b. 1802, came from Loudon -to N. about 1830.- He
owned part of the farm where Moses C. Abbott now resides at East
N. He was a farmer and stone mason and d. Oct. 17, 1874. Mrs.
Smith's name was Harriet Hodge. They had five children. She d.
May 10, 1889.
Second Generation.
Sexter F. Smith m. (first), Henrietta Buswell; (second), Emeline
Aldrich; and (third), Hannah Chapman. He d. in Maine March, 1905,
aged 82.
Harriet Smith m. (first), Levi Bennet and had a son, George.
She m. (second), John R. Woodbury.
Faxxie Smith m. (first). Benjamin Gate, and (second), John R.
Woodbury, her sister's husband.
Caroline Smith d. in infancy.
Melixda Smith.
Mary Axx Smith m. (first), Peter Jenness and (second). Calvin
Beck, who d. at 22 years. March 18, 1SG3. She ni. (third). Feb. 20.
1866, Arthur L. Weymouth. They resided at Tilton, where she d. Feb.
11, 1898. They had three children: Hattie, who m. Bert Smith; Josie.
who m. Herbert Judkins; and Fred, who m. Sarah Cushing. All
reside in Belmont.
Emma Smith was four times m.: (First), to Daniel West; (second),
to Channing Stark; (third), to Newton Bullard; and (fourth), to G.
Lautz. He d. June 29, 1894, aged 48.
Sarah Ann Smith m. George R. Drake.
David Smith d. in infancy.
Rev. Simeox Spexcer came to N. from Loudon about 1839. He was
an Advent exhorter, a good man and a hard-working farm hand. He
m. a dau. of Master John Sutton, whose wife was very proud of being
a niece of Governor Morion of Maine. Mr. Spencer bought the Smith
Kezar house at the foot of Bean Hill and removed it to Park St., where
he resided for several years. There were several children in the Spen-
cer family, only two of whom became connected with N.
Second Generation.
Abagail Spexcer d. Sept. 22, 1S50, aged IG years, and is buried in
Park Cemetery, Tilton.
Naxcy Spexcer became the wife of Jason Dearborn.
Bexjamix C. Stevexs was b. at Franklin Oct. 27, 1S39. He m..
Sept. 30, 18G2, Victoria, dau. of Samuel and Mary Ann Piper Haines,
b. at N. March 3, 1844. They resided for a while at Canton, Mass..
where the oldest children were b. Later he returned to Franklin Falls,
where he established a machine shop and needle business.
They removed then to the Haines home on the Intervale, where
he repaired and remodeled the house and established a machine shop
at Tilton, still remaining on the farm. In 1SS9 he removed to New
Haven, Conn., where he had a fine position as master mechanic of
one of the largest hardware manufactories of the country. He d.
there Feb. 12, 1893. He had much mechanical genius and was con-
sidered one of the best inventors of automatic machinery in New
England. He was a Christian man. an Advent in religious belief.
They had six children.
Mrs. Stevens returned to N. to care for her aged parents and still
resides in the home.
Second Generation.
Herbert A. Stevexs. b. at Canton, Mass., m. Lillian Buntin Noyes
of Tilton and resides at Laconia, where he is superintendent for the
Mayo Machine Company.
Benjamin F. Steven.s, b. at Canton, Mass., m. Jennie M. Ripley of
New Haven, Conn., and is a machinist at Franklin Falls.
Jessie E. Stevens, b. at Canton, Mass., is private secretary and
stenographer for Hon. Daniel C. Remich of Littleton.
Mabelle E. Stevens, b. at Franklin, is stenographer at the Tilton
Optical Works.
Emma P. Stevens was b. at Franklin, where she is a music teacher
and pipe organist. She has studied with the best teachers in Boston
and New Haven, Conn., and is a musician of unusual ability.
Edith Stevens has been for several years bookkeeper for Shepherd
Bros., Franklin Falls.
Francis Stevens came to N. in 1872. He had previously been a
dealer in grain in Salisbury, where he m.. May 20, 1858, Sarah Shaw
of the same town. He bought the farm of the late Hezekiah Bean at
the Centre and has since been engaged in general farming. He has
served each of the towns as selectman. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens are
members of the Congregational Church and active in all its lines of
work. They have one dau.
Second Generation.
Ina May Stevens, b. Jan. S, 1870, was educated at Tilton Seminary
and Bridgewater, Mass., Normal School, graduating in 1897. She
went at once to Newton, Mass., where she taught for five years. She
has been employed for several years in the N. schools, largely at the
Ralph Streeter came to N. from Lisbon in 1845 and lived in the
Thomas Haines house on the main road. Four of his seven children
were b. there. His wife d. Oct. 11, ISGO, after which he moved to
Second Generation.
Martin V. B. Streeter, b. at Lisbon, 1836, was twice m. (first), to
Elizabeth McDaniel of N., and (second), to Mrs. Isadore McDaniel.
They resided at Franklin Falls, coming later to the Trecartiu place.
where he erected new buildings and where he d. March 29, 1S98.
They had four children. Mrs. Streeter now resides in Concord.
Hiram Stkeetek. b. at Lisbon Feb. IG, 1840, has resided in town
since his childhood. He is a natural mechanic and had charge for
30 years of mill repairs at Stevens' Mills, Franklin Falls. He is also
a good designer and house builder. He m., Sept. 29, 1861, Sevlra, dau.
of Shubael Glines of N. (See Glines gen.)
Third Generation.
Walter Streeter, b. at Boscawen Dec. 3, 1SG5; m., Dec. 15, 1888,
Cora Maud Moorhouse, b. at Lakeport Nov. 20, 1808, and lives on the
John Kimball farm on Bean Hill, which they purchased in March,
1899. They have six children.
Fourth Generation.
S.\.RAH Elizabeth Streeter, b. at Franklin Falls, Oct. 10, 1890.
Nellie Louise Streeter, b. at Franklin Falls, March 27, 1893.
Martix Hiram Streeter, b. at Franklin Falls, Oct. 23, 1895.
Beatrice Lillian Streeter, b. at Tilton Sept. 1, 1898.
Edwix Sumner Streeter, b. at N. Sept. 10, 1900.
Gladys Moorhouse Streeter, b. at N. March 15, 1904.
Stephen Staples, b. at Tamworth Aug. 28, 1837; m., Aug. 29, ISCl,
Betsey E. Campbell, b. at Osgood. Canada. They came to N. from
Tilton in the spring of 1878 and erected the house where A. C. Muzzey
lives on Elm St. He was a stone mason and had been foreman on
the Massachusetts Central Railroad. Later they purchased a farm in
Bristol, where he d. Nov. IG, 1S9S. They had eight children.
Second Generation.
Georgia A. Staples, b. at Laconia June 3, 1SG2; m.. Sept. 18, 1880,
Fred G. Lougee. (See Lougee gen.)
Frank A. Staples, b. at Laconia Jan. 24, 1SC4: m.. June 29. 1887,
Annie O'Connell, b. at Pleasant Hill. Mo., and they have three chil-
dren: Bessie. Helen and Margaret, all b. at Kansas City, where they
reside. He is a passenger conductor on the Missouri Pacific Railroad.
Ellen J. Staples, b. at Laconia Oct. 26, 1867; ra., May 29, 1SS5,
George O. Clark and had one dau., Lelia A. Mrs. Clark d. March 21,
1895, at Laconia and is buried at Bristol with her father.
Clara A. Staples, b. at Laconia Aug. 16. 1870; m.. April 27. 1889,
Benjamin Sargent of Ashland. They reside at Plymouth, where he
is foreman in the cutting department in the Draper & .Maynard Man-
ufacturing Company.
Arthur T. Staples, b. at Laconia Dec. 17, 1872; m., Dec. 24. 1897,
Sarah O. Davis, b. at Lynn, Mass., Nov. 30, 1872. They reside on Gale
Ave. in N., where he is employed at G. H. Tilton's Hosiery Mill.
Infant son d. at Tilton April 11, 1875.
Etta E. Staples, b. at Tilton May 31, 1876; m., April 4, 1S93, Harvey
Baker. They reside at Philadelphia, Pa.
NixA M. Staples, b. at N. April 13, 1883; m., Dec. 19, 1904, William
E. Clement of Laconia, where they reside with her mother.
William A. Sumxek was b. at Dorchester, Mass., in 1831. He came
to N. from Bristol, having previously resided in Boston, where he
dealt in wool and hides. He was a lover of fine horses and had owned
several thoroughbreds. He m. (first), Elizabeth Thayer of Plymouth,
and (second), Ella A. Currier of Alexandria. He d. Feb. 27, 1903.
After his death she returned to her father's in Alexandria.
John Wadleigh Sweatt was b. May 11, 1803, at Andover. He m.
Eliza Ann Tucker, b. May 30, 1808. He was a trader for many years
at Factory Village, N., and was a prominent man in town affairs.
He represented the town in the Legislature. They resided for many
years under the same roof as the store. About 1850 he went up the
hill and purchased about an acre of land, paying what was then
deemed a very extravagant price — $400. Here he erected the home
where they both d. He d.. May, 1879, and she d., Sept. 4, 1891. They
had five children, two of whom d. in infancy, and one, Joseph F., in
Mr. Sweatt was an old line Democrat and his store was head-
quarters for the party in that section of the town. He was proprietor
of the Webster House for a term of years, about 1860.
Second Generation.
(B. at N.)
Angeline Abagail Sweatt. b. April 11, 1829; m., March 2, 1854,
George U. Tilton of Deerfield, who was a signal corps officer in the
Civil War, enlisting from Illinois. He d. Aug. 27, 1863. Mrs. Tilton
remained in the home until 1905. She is now at the State Hospital in
George Floyd Sweatt, b. Jan. 10, 1842, was a soldier in the Civil
War and was killed in battle and brought home for burial. He d.
Oct. 4, 1862. (See Boys in Blue.)
Joseph Sweatt purchased the farm now owned by Josiah Dearborn
about 1850. They had previously lived at Franklin Lower Village, now
Webster Place, to which place they returned, and both d. there.
Their departure was hastened by the sudden death of their adopted
dau., whom they had come to N. to educate.
Second Generation.
M.\RiA F. Sweatt was a member of the senior class at the New
Hampshire Conference Seminary and d., greatly lamented, April 27,
David C. Tebbetts was b. at Lee March 17, 1815; m. (first), Deborah
Gilman (see Oilman gen.), b. at N., ISIG. She d. Aug. 31, 1850. They
had one son, Andrew, who graduated from college, read law, was ad-
mitted to the bar and went to Virginia, where he practiced for several
years. He has not been heard from for many years. In 1874 Mr.
Tebbetts erected a house on Bay St. and m. (second), March 23, 1875,
Caroline L. Hancock. (See Hancock gen.) They resided there until
his death, July 11, 1S95. She remained in the home and m. (second),
Samuel C. Gilman of N. (See Gilman gen.) She d. Jan. 23, 1904. She
was a devoted member of Trinity Church and was a thoroughly good
Sami'el Thompson was an early settler on the Morrison place on
the Skenduggody Meadow, where he had a family of two. Jane, who
became the wife of David Morrill (see Morrill gen.), and Philomela.
Later he built the house at the entrance of the old Knowles road,
which was closed by a gate that Mr. Thompson used to tend. Re-
ligious services were held at the Knowles house and barn and the
gate came to be known as the "Methodist Gate." He d. July, 1848.
The locality of the first home still bears the name of "Thompson
James M. Thompson and wife came from Manchester to N. and
purchased the Hazen Batchelder farm on Oak Hill, near the Merrimack
River. They were social people and were active in the establishment
of the Sunday School and Sunday worship at Oak Hill schoolhouse.
They were workers, also, in the Picnic Association and In the
erection of Union Church. In 1881 they spent a season at Sea Cliff.
N. Y., and a few years later returned to their early home at Stanstead,
They were New Hampshire people and he had brothers residing in
Bexjamix Thompsox came to Park St., N., from Northwood Nar-
rows, Nov. 10, 1S96. He was b. at Deerfield Jan. 9, 1839, and m.
(first). May 1, 18G2, Helen Lancaster, b. at Northwood Narrows, and
had three children: Ada, Amy and Frank. Mr. Thompson was a
shoemaker and later became a carpenter. After her death he m.
(second), June 21, 18S9, Clara F. McDearmid, b. at New Hampton
July 29, 1853. He d. at N. Dec. 22, 1896, and she m. (second), Oct.
25, 1903, William L. Merrill, a carpenter by trade, b. at Charlestown,
Mass., July 9, 1848.
Ebexezer Thurstox came to N. from Sanbornton Bridge in 1853
and purchased the Rogers homestead of B. A. Rogers. He was a
cooper and learned his trade of John Greenough of Boscawen. He was
b. in Bridgewater March 13, 1805, and m. (first), 183G, Sarah Salina
Huntoon of Salisbury. She d. June 4, 1839. He m. (second), Dec. 27,
1842, Sarah Knowles Rogers, b. March 24, 1815, and spent their lives
at her childhood home as a farmer, he dying there Aug. 20, 1881.
She d. April 8, 18G6. They had two children. Mr. Thurston was an
upright man in all the relations of life. The farm then, after three
fourths of a century in the Rogers family, became the home of Ben-
jamin C. Gale, and, later, of Leroy R. Brown. Sally Eaton Thurston
lived, and d., in N., Nov. 7, 1857.
Second Generation.
Lexa Lucy Thurstox, b. at Hill March 24, 1849; m., Sept. 29, 1877,
Joseph J. Prescott, b. at Pittsfield Nov. 24, 1854. (See Prescott gen.)
She was a teacher before her marriage and, though suffering from a
lifelong disability, filled up a busy and useful life. She d. May 5,
Leaxxa Marr Thurstox, b. at Sanbornton Bridge July 8, 1853, now
resides at Tilton and is agent for the Mutual Manufacturing Company
of New York.
Richard Thomas came to N. from Tilton. He had erected, a few
years previously, a residence on School St., near the Seminary. He
was b. in Yorkshire, England, in 1836. He purchased a part of the
William Forrest farm, where he d. Aug. 20, 1899. He m. (first),
Elizabeth Berry of Yorkshire, and had a son and a dau. He ni.
(second), Mary H., dau. of Arthur L. and Mary Dana Smythe of
Ashland, and had two sons and a dau. Their farm was sold In May,
1903, to Augustus Cilley of "Wilmot.
Second Generation.
(Children of Richard and Elizabeth Berry Thomas.)
M.\KY A. Thomas, b. Feb. 17, 1S58, at Lawrence, Mass.; m., July 20,
1831, Albert C. Muzzey of Tilton. (See Muzzey gen.)
Richard Thomas, b. at Lawrence Oct. 13, 1S59; d., at Tilton. Oct. 12
(Children of Richard and Mary H. Smythe Thomas.)
Abthuk Perkixs Thomas, b. at Tilton Oct. 12, 1S7G; m., Sept. 3, 1900.
Minnie M. McKee of Coaticook, P. Q. She d. at N. June 25, 1903.
Mr. Thomas is a machinist and is employed at Franklin Falls. He
has been twice the master of Friendship Grange and is a member of
Doric Lodge, A. F. and A. M., of Tilton.
R.iLPH Smythe Thomas, b. at Tilton Nov. 15, ISSO, is with the Wash-
burne Crosby Flour Co., 405 Chamber of Commerce, Boston, Mass. He
is also a member of Doric Lodge, A. F. and A. M.
Maky Jean Thomas, b. at Tilton May 8, 1883; m., June 19. 1905,
Howard T. Robie of Plymouth. He is clerk for the Mayo Machine
Company at Franklin Falls, with a residence at N. Mrs. Robie inherits
the musical talent of the Danas and has been a pupil of Martha Dana
Jeremiah Tiltox. (See Manufacturers.)
Second Generation.
(See portrait.)
Jeremiah C. Tiltox, son of Jeremiah and Nancy Carter Tilton, was
b. in the town of Salisbury, now Franklin, Dec. 7, 1818, and when quite
young removed with his parents to N.. where his father engaged in the
woolen manufacturing business.
After thoroughly mastering this trade, he formed a partnership with
his father in 1842 under the firm name of J. & J. C. Tilton, which was
continued for over 20 years in the mill now occupied by the G. H.
Tilton Hosiery Co. in this town.
Colonel Tilton was m., Jan. 3, 1843. to Emily, the dau. of Capt.
David Morrill of Canterbury. After residing on the N. side several
years, he removed to Tilton, where he d. at the age of 53 from disease
contracted during his service in the Civil War. Colonel Tilton was
early interested in the militia of his state, holding positions as follows:
Appointed sergeant. Second Company, Thirty-eighth Infantry, In 1S41;
commissioned as lieutenant Phalanx Company, Twenty-ninth Regiment,
July 28, 1842; as captain. Sept, 13, 1843; major, Twenty-ninth Regi-
ment, July 6, 1S4C, and as colonel, May 19, 1848, commanding his regi-
ment on the same muster field (30 years later) as his grandfather.
Colonel Jeremiah, for whom he was named. Colonel Tilton was prom-
inent in the Republican party in New Hampshire and held numerous
offices, having been elected as moderator in the years lS58-'59, and as
a member of the Legislature in 1855 and railroad commissioner for
three years in 1860. He was appointed, April 18, 1861, as an aide to the
adjutant-general, having charge of the recruiting stations in Belknap,
Carroll and other northern counties of the state when, on August 10,
1861, he received a commission signed by President Lincoln as com-
missary of subsistence in the army, and left at once for active service
on the staff of Generals Couch and Devens during the campaign of
General McClellan on the peninsula before Richmond, where he had
the entire charge of feeding for a division of over 12,000 men, receiving
the greatest praise from his commanding officer for the efficient man-
ner in which he personally hastened the arrival of the commissary sup-
plies, frequently spending the entire night in the swamps of Virginia
on the road with his wagon trains, where he contracted malaria and
was obliged to resign after nearly two years' service; during the re-
mainder of his life he was a great sufferer from its effects. In 1864
he was appointed as commissioner of the board of enrollment for the
First District of New Hampshire with an office at Portsmouth, where
he remained until the end of the war.
Colonel Tilton took an active part and was largely instrumental in
the division of the town of Sanbornton and formation of the town of
Tilton in 1809, being one of the parties designated by the Legislature to
call the first meeting of the new town. In 1871 he was appointed post-
master of Tilton, holding the office until his death.
Col. Jeremiah C. Tilton was greatly interested in all public affairs,
and to his influence and suggestions may be traced many of the im-
provements and adornments that beautify the village of his adoption.
Sophia M. Tilton, b. at N. June 19, 1822; m., 1875, Jonathan Eastman
Lang, a merchant of Concord and, later, registrar of deeds, 1875. They
had eight children. Of the latter, George B. went to the war as a
musician. He d. on his way to Port Royal after his discharge. Charles
Ware also served in the army. He m., 1865, Lois C. Pillsbury and
resides at Salem, Mass. Ella Sophia is the wife of Rev. Frank C.
Coolbaugh. Edward Eastman resides in Concord. Anna Louisa d.
in 1852. The remaining three were: Marianna, b. 1853; Fannie Tilton,
b. 1856; and Sarah Carter.
Louisa Peabody Tilton. b. April 30, 1827; m., Jan. 11, 1856, Charles
E. Tilton of Sanbornton Bridge, b. Sept. 14, 1827. They resided during
their early married life, much of which time was spent by him in exten-
size business enterprises in the West, at her father's home, the brick
house near the Granite Mill (now called), and the two older children
were b. there. In 1863 the imposing residence across the river was
erected and he removed his family thither. She d. Aug. 15, 1877. He
m. (second), Genieve Eastman of N. and had one son. Mr. Tilton d.
Sept. 30, 1901. (See portrait and sketch.)
Charles Wellinijton Tiltox, b. March 22, 1830, served in the Civil
War (see Boys in Blue), and, later, was employed in a woolen mill
at Dracut, Mass. He m., Oct. 5, 1852, Mary Crooker of Merrimack,
and had two dau., Anna Louisa, b. 1860, and d., 1874, and Sarah A.,
b. 18G6, who resides with her invalid mother at Tilton, where he d.
Feb. 23, 1905.
Anna C. Tiltox. b. Feb. 8, 1833; m., Sept. 3, 1851, John C. Johnson
of Penacook. They removed to Minneapolis, Minn., where he was a
wholesale grocer. They had nine children: Louisa Tilton, b. 1S54;
Mary Estelle, b. 1855; John Frederick, b. 1857; Mittie Cornelia, b.
18G0; Sarah Newton, b. ISGl; Elizabeth Warren, b. 1864; Anna Tilton,
b. 1868; Eleanor S., who d. in infancy; and Marion, b. 1874.
Mittie Clovgh Tiltox. b. Aug. 11, 1835; m., Dec. 7, 1865, Adam
Scott Ballantyne, b. in Scotland Sept. 29, 1833. (See Granite Mill
and Ballantyne gen.)
Wellixgton Tiltox, b. Dec. 2, 1820.
Charles Hexry Tiltox, b. Aug., 1825.
Both of these d. Sept. 26, 1826, and Louisa P. Tilton, 1st., d. Sept.
23, 1826, aged nine years.
Third Generation.
(Children of Jeremiah and Emily Morrill Tilton.)
Fraxk Luciex Tiltox, b. at N. Sept., 1846; m. Miss Martin of King-
ston, Ontario. They spent some time in the West and, returning to
North Adams, Mass., established a drug and book store. He d. there
in 1902. Her death preceded his some years.
Frei) G. Tiltox, b. 1849; m., Sept. 25, 1873, Emma A. Ford of Concord.
(See Leighton gen.) He was a druggist at Tilton and Worcester, Mass.,
and later a bookseller and stationer at Greenfield, Mass. He is now
secretary and treasurer of the American Trackless Trolley Co. of Bos-
ton, Mass., with home at Allston.
Estelle Tiltox, b. July, 1854; d., Aug. 23, 1855.
Charles Euwix Tiltox, b. Jan., 1857, is a jeweler and watchmaker
at Worcester, Mass.
(Children of Charles E. and Louisa P. Tilton.)
MvRA Ames Tiltox, b. at N. Feb. 18, 1858; m. William A. Frost, a
merchant of Fitchburg, Mass., and has two children, Henry Athorton
and Louisa. Mrs. Frost was a graduate of the Tilton Seminary in 1^76.
(See portrait.)
Alfred Edwix Tiltox was b. June 15, 1861. and was educated at the
Seminary. At an early age he served a short apprenticeship In a
printing office. Being of a meclianical turn, he became a railroad en-
gineer after serving time as fireman. He was employed on the old
Concord & Montreal Railroad and enjoys the distinction of having
been the first engineer of the Belmont road. He retired in 1894 and
spent several months in travel in Bermuda and the South. On his
return he purchased the home of the late Gideon Piper on School St.,
Tilton, which adjoins his father's estate. This, remodelled and im-
proved, has since been his home. He is an extensive owner of real
estate in both N. and Tilton and the care of these and other interests
makes his life a busy one. He has also erected some valuable dwellings
on Bay St., and the Bank Block on Main St., Tilton.
He is a member of Doric Lodge, No. 78, A. F. and A. M., of Tilton,
and St. Omar Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, of Franklin, and Peabody
Lodge, No. 35, O. E. S. He m., June 25, 1890, Estella A., dau. of the
late William W. and Carrie G. Freese of Tilton. Mrs. Tilton is a grad-
uate of Concord High School and was later at Dean Academy v/ith
special work in music, and was a teacher some years at Tilton.
William Ladd TILT0^^ b. Jan. 9, 1865, and d. July, same year.
Stephen Tiltox, b. at Loudon; m. Julia Batchelder of N. in 1816.
(See portrait.) They resided near Maple Cottage in East N. They
removed to California previous to 1S54 and both d. there and are buried
in the Congregational churchyard at San Mateo.
Second Generation.
Joseph Sullivan Tiltox (see portrait), b. at N. June 16, ISIS; m.,
1842, Betsey Ham of Dorchester, b. at Strafford Jan. IS, 1820. They
had four children.
In 1860 Mr. Tilton began the manufacture of hosiery at Laconia,
being one of the pioneers in that industry. He left his business during
the Civil War and served as first lieutenant of the Laconia company in
the Twelfth Regiment and afterwards as captain. He was wounded
and disabled at Chancellorsville. (See Boys in Blue.)
He commenced business again after the war with his son, G. H. Til-
ton, as a partner. He d. Nov. 6, 1879. They had four children.
Third Generation.
Nancy A. Tilton, b. at N.; m. Charles Warren Oilman. (See Gil-
man gen.)
Emma Susan Tilton, b. at Manchester; m., Dec. 1, 1872, Horace
Gorrell of N. They resided at Laconia, where she d. They had three
children. (See Gorrell gen.)
George H. Tiltox, b. at Dorchester May 13, 1845. He removed to
Manchester when young and from there to California, returning In 1857.
He served through the Civil War in Company D, Fourth Regiment,
New Hampshire Volunteers. He enlisted at 10 years of age and was
discharged at 19. He m. Marietta Randlett of Upper Gilmanton.
They had one son.
In 1891 Mr. Tilton bought the Granite Mill and began business In
N. (See Manufacturers of N., portrait and sketch.)
Feank S. Tiltox, b. at San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 15, 1854; m. (first),
Nov. 27, 1873, Abbie Badger, b. at New Hampton May 17, 1852. They
had two children. She d. at Tilton Nov. 10, 1899. He m. (second),
Dec. 15, 1900, Mrs. Fannie Caverly, b. at Brookhaven, Miss. They
came to N. In 1904 and resided for a time on Bay St. He has recently
purchased the Obadiah Glines farm on the main road, which he has
reconstructed and repaired, and combines farming with the super-
intendency of his brother's hosiery business.
Fourth Generation.
(Child of George H. and Marietta Randlett Tilton.)
Elmer E. Tiltox, b. Oct. 11, 18G9; m., 1891, Lillian G. Harrington of
Laconia, and has three children: Charles Henry, aged 12 years; Elmer
Harrington, aged 10; and Kenneth Joseph, aged five. They reside in
Laconia. He has been associated since 1903 with his father in the
manufacture of hosiery in the Granite Mill.
(Children of Abbie and Frank S. Tilton.)
Second Generation.
Guy Badger Tiltox. b. at Laconia Sept. 24, 1874; m., April 27, 1894,
Grace B. Nutter, b. at Pittsfield Oct. 26, 1873. They have two children,
Harry L., b. 1897, and Loren H., b. 1901. He is employed at G. H.
Tilton's Hosiery Mill and resides at Tilton.
Blanche Marie Tiltox. b. at Laconia Nov. IG, 1S7C; m., July 21,
1901, Leon Locke of New York City. They reside in N.
Hexry Tibbetts, b. Jan. 7, 175G, came to N. from the Canterbury
Shakers, where he had come a short time before with nine children.
His wife was Mrs. Sarah Sinclair, the widow of a fellow soldier,
who fought by his side in one of the battles of the Revolutionary
War, and, falling mortally wounded, had made him promise, if he lived
to return, to bear his dying message and a gift to her. The promise
was faithfully kept and she became his wife In due time They both
d. at East N. He d. May 19, ISIS. She d. Dec. 22, 1S3C. aged 77.
Second Generation.
Isaac Tibbetts, b. 1775; d., Sept. 11, 1S22.
Bradbury Tibbetts, b. Oct. 25, 1779; m. Polly Cloiigh, b. Jan. 7,
1793, and had a family of nine. He came from the Shakers and,
after purchasing his farm and establishing a home, brought the family
to live with them. He was a man of affairs in the town and kept a
store of general merchandise. He was overseer of the poor and for a
while kept the postoffice at the Centre. She d. Dec, 1846.
Hexry Tibbetts, b. Nov. 23, 1782; m. Polly Beck and had seven
children. He resided on the Governor Shute land in the northeast
corner of the town. He d. March 15, 1856. She d. Dec. 13, 1852.
Nathan Tibbetts, b. Oct. 14, 1796.
Two dau., Nellie and Comfort, remained with the Shakers and d.
In their village.
Third Generation.
(Children of Bradbury and Polly Clough Tibbetts.)
Nathax C. Tibbetts, b. Jan. 28, 1802; m. Hannah Parish of Gil-
manton and had three children. He read medicine with Dr. Clark and
went to Louisiana in 1840. He practised medicine there until his
death, Feb. 15, 1848, at Lake Providence.
Melinda Tibbetts, b. Aug. 18, 1803; m. Noah L. Merrill, b. in Deer-
field, and resided for a while in N. Later she conducted a millinery
business in Manchester. (See Merrill gen.)
JoHX Clough Tibbetts, b. Jan. 19, 1805. He was educated at San-
bornton Square and was a celebrated teacher and disciplinarian. He
m. Sophie Williams Whitman of Boston. She d. at their summer home
in Hopkinton, Nov., 1860. He was a merchant in Boston and became
quite wealthy, being noted for his many charities. He d. at Tilton,
at the home of his sister, Mrs. Curry, Aug. 25, ISSl.
George Sullivan Tibbetts, b. April 16, 1807; m. Olive Curry of N.
(See Curry gen.) They were farmers at East N. and had five chil-
dren. She d. Oct. 19, 1872. He was drowned at Tilton Sept. 19, 1881.
HA>-NAn Tibbetts, b. Feb. 26, 1809; m. Benjamin Curry of N. and
remained on his father's farm. (See Curry gen.)
Hiram Bradbury Tibbetts, b. Feb. 2, 1812; m. Mrs. Laura Boone
of Natchez, La. He was a graduate of Dartmouth Medical College and
followed his profession in Louisiana. He had a plantation and 125
slaves at the breaking out of the Civil War. In 1864 he returned to
New Hampshire and located in Concord, where he d., Easter morning,
April 8, 1890. She d. in 1896. They had a family of four.
Horace Bradley Tibbetts, twin brother of the above, m. Mrs. Frances
Keene of Louisiana. He, also, was a slave holder, having several
hundred, and a large plantation. He had no children. She d. at
Washington, D. C. He d. in New York City during the great blizzard
in 1888.
Chakles Carroll Tibbetts, b. Jan. 12. 1S14; m. Harriet Sibley of
Laconia. He was a physician, being a graduate of Dartmouth Medical
College. He practiced in Lakeport, Gilford and Laconia and then re-
moved to Irondale, Mo. He went into the army as a surgeon and
d. of fever May 19, 1S63. They had one child.
Arthur Beede Tibbetts, b. Dec. 16, 1816, d. a tragic death in Boston
July 4, 1836. While eating peanuts one became lodged in his wind-
(Children of Henry and Polly Beck Tibbetts.)
Sarah (Sally) Tibbetts. b. Jan. 1, ISOO; m., Dec. 31, 1832, Chauncy
Garvin. (See Garvin gen.)
Alice Tibbetts, b. April 4, 1804; m. Leach. She d. Aug. 1,
1879, leaving one dau.
Hiram Tibbetts, b. April 28, 1806; m., Dec. 25, 1836, Hannah Bunker
of Barnstead, au'd had five children. She d. Jan. 15, 1852. He ra.
(second), May 1, 1852, Betsey Hacket. He d. Oct. 19, 1868.
Ha-nnaii Tibbetts, b. Nov. 3, 1808; m. (first), Henry Osgood. He
d. and she m. (second), Asa K. Osgood. (See Osgood gen.)
Polly (Mary) Tibbetts, b. Oct. 27, 1810; m., Nov. 18, 1838, Joseph
Babb. They had two children, Horace and Henry. She d. Dec. 20,
Fourth Generation.
(Children of Hiram and Hannah Bunker Tibbetts.)
(B. at N.)
Mary A. Tibbetts, b. Oct. 6, 1837; d., April 18. 1873.
Charles A. Tibbetts, b. July 22, 1839; m., Dec. 7, 1868, Elizabeth
Blackman of Canton, Mass. They had four children. He d. at
Chicago, alone and among strangers, Nov. 29, 1898.
Harriet Tibbetts, b. Aug. 22, 1843; m., Oct. 12. 1869, Benjamin F.
Tilton of Loudon, where she resides. They have two children, Burton
and Mary.
Albert Hiram Tibbetts, b. Dec. 1, 1845; m., Oct. 28, 1877. Mrs. Susan
M. Allen of Concord. They resided at the foot of Whicher Hill and
had two children. He d. at the home Jan. 25, 1902. The buildings
were burned in the summer of 1904. Mrs. Tibbetts is with her dau.,
Mrs. Lizzie Maxfield. at Belmont. Another dau., Ethel, is employed
at G. H. Tilton's Hosiery Mill.
Eliza Tibbetts, b. Dec. 15. 1848; d., Sept. 6, 1870.
Rosanxa Tibbett., b. 1813; d., June 2, 1861.
Harriet Tibbetts, b. March 6, 1S15; m. Thomas Dennis of Lowell and
d. 1838.
Mali.nda Tibbetts. b. April 16. 1817; m. Asa K. Osgood as his third
wife. She d. Feb. 22, 1872. (See Osgood gen.)
Dr. Henry B. Tibbetts. b. May 16, 1819; d., at Weare. June 25. 1S49.
Clementina Tibbetts, b. Oct. 28, 1823.
Mandana Tibbetts. b. Sept. 25, 1827; m., April, 1S64, Stephen Bean
of Piermont.
(Children of George S. and Olive Curry Tibbetts.)
Walter G. Tibbetts, b. April 1, 183S, served in the Civil War (see
Boys in Blue), enlisting from Chicago, and has ever since been a
hopeless invalid. He m., May 10, 1S63, Lizzie Belden of Chicago,
where they now reside. They have one son, Arthur, who resides in
Chicago and has one dau. He was severely wounded at Pittsburg
Landing and has since been a helpless invalid and cripple.
Charlotte M. F. Tibbetts, b. 1S40; m., Oct. 19, 1870, Richard Puddy
of Chicago. They now reside in Palatka, Fla., where he is engaged
extensively in poultry raising. A son and dau. d. in childhood.
JoHX C. Tibbetts was b. at N. in 1846 (?). He graduated from the
New Hampshire Conference Seminary in 1867, from Dartmouth College
in 1871, and from the General Theological Seminary, New York City, in
1874. He spent a year at Oxford University, England, and then
became rector at Hudson, N. Y., where he remained 10 years. He
has now been rector of St. John's Episcopal Church at North Adams,
Mass., for 14 years. He m. Elizabeth Kimball of Hudson, N. Y.
David Trecartin came to N. from Boston and bought the Simon
Fifield farm, formerly owned by John Chase, and a part of his father's
He was a skilled mechanic and manufactured elevators. This he
combined with general farming and a summer boarding house. In
1889 the buildings were burned and they purchased the brick house
erected by Thomas Chase on the adjoining farm. They returned to
Boston in 1893, but later lived at East Washington. They had three
children. .
Second Generation.
Marietta Trecartin, b., 1865, at Milton, Mass.; m., March 21, 1888,
Harry B. Adams of Boston, b. at Greene, Me., 1854. She had pre-
viously been a teacher in an orphans' home in Newton. They re-
moved later to his stock farm at Charlestown.
David Munsox Trecartin read medicine in Boston and graduated
from Dartmouth Medical School. He has for some years been estab-
lished in practice at Bridgeport, Conn.
Jennie L. Trecartin had fine musical talent and a sweet voice, and
gave many years to its cultivation. She gave lessons on the piano-
forte, went upon the stage as a concert singer and has been for
several years a member of church choirs in and around Boston.
Joseph R. Trombly, b., 1882, in Canada; m. Harriet Demange, b.
at Penacook, 1884. They reside at "Dowtown," N., where they have
erected new buildings. He is a mill operative. They have one child,
Ida M., b. Dec. 14, 1904.
Joseph Franklin True was b. in Holderness Aug. 13, 1S27; m.,
Nov. 11, 1S55, Mary Butler of Sandwich, b. June 23, 1831, and d. in N.
June 5, 1901. Mr. True came to N. Nov. 5, 1891, and occupied the
Cilley house, where they remained until 1894, when they removed
to his present home on Howard Ave.
Second Generation.
Charles Lincoln True, b. at Holderness Sept. 13, 18G0, was educated
at Sandwich High School and at New Hampton Literary Institute.
He studied dentistry in the office of the late G. N. Johnson of Concord
and graduated from the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery in
the class of 1891 with the degree of D. D. S.
The following summer he bought the dental practice of Dr. E. D.
White at Tilton, where he is still located. In July, 1901, he became
associated with Edwin D. Forrest, D. D. S., which partnership still
exists. He m.. May 2, 1894, Alida M. Cogswell (see Cogswell gen.), and
has three children. In 1894 he built a home on Howard Ave.
He is a member of the present board of education for Union Dis-
trict and was one of the board of selectmen in 1903 and 1904.
Third Generation.
:Muriel Louise True, b. Oct. 19, 1897.
Foster Cogswell True, b. Nov. 14, 1899.
DoBis Mabston True, b. July 9, 1901.
Aakon Veasey came to N. from Gilmanton in 1853. He built the
house now owned by Mrs. Susan Hurlburt and the one owned by
Mary F. Cofran, He m., Feb. 6, 1850, Maria Oilman of Sanbornton.
They had three dau.
He was in the Civil War (see Boys in Blue), serving in Company D,
Fourth Regiment. He returned and sold, removing to New Hampton
and, later, to Amherst, with his dau., he and his wife dying there, he,
June 21, 1904; she, in 1903.
Second Generation.
Annie Veasey, b. at Gilmanton Jan. 5. 1S52: m. Frank Noyes of
Amherst, where they now reside. Mr. Noyes has large farming In-
terests and is also an extensive lumberman. They had one child, who
d. in infancy.
Clara Veasey, b. at N. June 14, 1855; m. Clifton Tilton of New
Hampton, Nov. 2, 1872. They had two children, Ralph and Nellie.
Mrs. Tilton d. March 22, 1883.
Sarah Elizabeth Ve.\sey, b. at N. June 14. 1858; m., Nov. 2, 1SS2,
Mead Boynton of Meredith. She d. Feb. 9, 1894.
JoxATiiAX Wadleigh WES b. at Kingston March 2, 1755, O. S. He
m. Greenough of Canterbury and had one son. He enlisted from
Hampstead, as did his two brothers, and the three fought side by side
at Bunlver Hill. He came soon after to the north fields of Canterbury
and bought land on the northwest side of Bean Hill, where he built a
log house. He was a brickmaker and the presence of clay suitable
for his use probably determined his location. During his absence in N.
his wife and child remained with her parents in Canterbury and,
when he went to take her to his new home, she was mortally sick
and d. soon after.
In 1776 he brought to the little home a second wife, Abagail East-
man of Hampstead. Some two years later he moved down to the
Morse place, nearer his brick yard, where she d. July 30, 1794. They
had nine children.
He m. (third), Mrs. Little of Sutton, whose maiden name was
Russell, and spent the remainder of his life in Gilmanton. Mr. Wad-
leigh was a prominent man in the new town, was a relative of the
Morse and Ambrose families, and served a term in the Legislature
as representative.
Second Generation.
(Child of Jonathan and Greenough Wadleigh.)
Thomas Wadleigh, b. at Kingston Nov. 21, 1774; m., June IG, ISOS,
Rachel Gile of N. and had a son. He was bodyguard and clerk for
Squire Glidden and always accompanied him, on horseback, as
he often carried large sums of money. His name appears on the
early records of the town, and he bought the 40-acre school lot on
Zion's Hill and other lands.
(Children of Jonathan and Abagail Eastman Wadleigh.)
Jonathan Eastman Wadleigh, b. at N. March 17, 1777; m. (pub.),
March 28, ISOl, Sally Buswell of Hampstead, and took up his abode
there. The birth of five children is duly recorded and he was one of
the selectmen in 1S07-'0S. He d. at Concord, Mass., where he was a
farmer. He had previously been a hotel keeper at Hampstead and
Benjamin Wadleigh, b. April 10, 1780; m. Smith, sister of
David Smith of East N., and removed to Canada. They had a family
of children, several of whom were stricken with spotted fever. The
neighbors called it the plague and advised a young boy, the only well
one in the family, to flee for his life. This he proceeded to do, and
came to N. and was the only one to survive.
Susanna Wadleigh, b. April 13, 1781; m. John Wadleigh, her cousin,
and removed to Genesee County, N. Y. She d. at Oxford, 0., Feb. 1,
Peter Wadleigh, b. at N. April 2, 1779; m., Nov. 18, 1802, (first) ,
Mrs. Alice Glidden, widow of William Smith, and had two sons and
a dau. She had three sons by the previous marriage. (See Smith
He m. (second), Mrs. Jane Gorrell, widow of Francis Smith. It
is said that he m. two widow Smiths and settled both their estates.
Mrs. Wadleigh d. in 1S5S, and he d. Nov. IG, 1S5G.
He became a judge of the Court of Sessions and was a learned man.
He was largely instrumental in the establishment of Merrimack
€ounty. His trials were great events and often filled not only the
dooryard but the orchard as well. He was a wise and practical man
and an honored citizen.
Ebenezeb Wadleigh, b. July 16, 17S5; m. Huldah Elkins Ewer of
Gilmanton and resided there. They cared for his parents in old age.
They had two sons, Ebenezer Eastman Wadleigh, Jr., and Curtis
Elkins W'adleigh, a posthumous child. He had, it is said, a great
desire to go to sea and, his wish not being considered, was not to be
found one day when called to dinner. He took a trip to the West
Indies and, returning, took his place at the same work he left and
answered a similar call as though not a day had intervened.
Ebenezer Wadleigh d. of malignant erysipelas, as did his youngest
sister, Betsey, March 15, 1845.
Abagail W^\DLEiGir, b. Sept. 6, 1787; m. (pub.), Oct. 14, 1810, John
Heath of Hampstead. She resided, after her mother's death in 1794,
-with her uncle, Peter Eastman. Mr. Heath d. in 1S5S. She d. Nov. 7,
1874. They had five dau. and one son.
Polly Wadleigh, b. Nov. 1, 1790; m. Jubulah Fullerton of Woodstock,
Vt., a jeweler at Buffalo, N. Y. He was pressed into the service in the
War of 1812. They were in great peril at the siege of Black Rock
and fled the city three days before it was burned, going with her
brother-in-law to their home in Vermont. Mr. Fullerton contracted
fever while scouting and d. soon after. She returned to N. with two
dau. and m. (second), Capt. Isaac Glines. (See Glines gen.) She d., at
82 years of age, in the same room where she was b.
Betsey Wadleigh, b. April 9, 1793; d. at Gilmanton March 13. 1845.
She and her brother, Ebenezer, d. the same day.
Third Generation.
(Child of Thomas and Rachel Gile Wadleigh.)
Hobace Wadleigh, b. at N.; m. Sally Wright and resided at Belmont
village. They had no children. She d. in 1893 (?) and he d. some
two years previously.
(Children of Peter and Alice Glidden [Smith] Wadleigh.)
(B. at N.)
Ephk.um S.MITII Wadleigh. b. June 2G, 1803; m.. Nov. 8. 1S23. Mary
Elizabeth Smith, b. Sept., 1804. He resided on his father's estate,
which has had but two owners.
Mr. Wadleigh was often in the counsels of the town and was its
representative in 1845 and 1846, and was very proud to carry in his
pocket a bull's-eye watch, which his father and grandfather had
carried during previous sessions. He d. June 1, 1SS3. She d. in Sept.,
Mary Wadleigh, b. May 2, 1805; m., March, 1826, John W. Merrill
and resided at East N. They removed later to Columbia, where she
d. April IS, 1878. He d. there Sept. 2, 1879. They had three children,
one of whom, John, resides at Lakeport.
Charles Joseph Wadleigh, b. Feb. 27, 1816; m., Oct. 19, 1847, Janette
Ramsey of Sutton. He was a tinsmith, with a house and shop on
Elm St. They had four children, all of whom d. in infancy. He d.
at N. Jan. 14, 1864. She removed to New Hampton, where she d. in
1902 (?).
(Child of Ebenezer and Huldah Ewer Wadleigh.)
Ebexezer Wadleigh, Jr., b. at Gilmanton; m. Elkins and
had a son, Elkins Wadleigh, a prominent man in Salem, Mass.
Fourth Generation.
(Children of E. S. and Mary E. Smith Wadleigh.)
Olive Alice Wadleigh, b. May 24, 1848; m., Jan. 1, 1885, Peter K.
Gile of N. (See Gile gen.) They were farmers at Franklin and now
reside on the Wadleigh homestead.
Adelaide Philips Wadleigh, b. Dec. 14, 1855. She is a nurse of 15
years' experience in all the New England states.
SiiiTH Gliddex Wadleigh, b. 1857; m., 18S3, Flora Getchel of
Washington, Vt. He conducted a meat business at Tilton for some
years, selling out in 1883 to R. M. Couch. He is night watchman at
G. H. Tilton's Hosiery Mill. They have three children. (See errata.)
AxN Elizabeth Wadleigh, b. July, 1861; m., 1888, William J. Sager
of Penacook. He has been blind since childhood but in spite of his
limitations is a good carpenter, farmer and expert piano tuner. He
was educated at Perkins Institute, South Boston, Mass. They have
three children: Minnie D.; and Albert S. and George, twins, b. Sept.
20, 1890.
Charlotte B. Wadleigh, b. 1865; m., 1884, James McKeag of Stan-
stead, P. Q. They resided for a while at Seattle, Wash., and, later,
at Arlington. They had two children, Leland and Mansfred. She d.
at N. May 22, 1898. The family now resides at Stanstead.
Note. — The two brothers who were at Bunker Hill were Thomas and
John. The latter joined the Shakers and was a prominent member.
He d. at Canterbury April 26, 1852, aged 95.
James Dearborn Wadleigii, b. Feb. S, 1792; m., July 27, 181G, Phebe
Chase of Sanbornton, b. Aug. 26, 1793. They resided for some years
opposite the old meeting-house at the Centre, in a house erected by
Charles Glidden, Esq. After the business there -was removed to San-
bornton Bridge, he sold his farm to Elisha Lougee and moved to San-
bornton, where he was a carpenter and farmer. In 1S53 or 1854 they
removed to Wisconsin, where both d. They had three children.
Second Generation.
Polly Wadleigii, b. at Sanbornton June 14, 1S17; d.. Oct. 11, 1821.
Charles James Wadleigii, b. Feb. 8, 1824; m., April 14, 1846, Ann
Maria Gage. He was a farmer in Manterville, Minn., and d. Nov.
21, 1874.
Mabexda T. Wadleigii, b. July 26, 1829; m., Aug. 2, 1849, Shadrach
T. Smith, a blacksmith in Franklin and, later, in Carson, Minn.
JoHX P. Watsox, b. at Warner April 8, 1837, came from Boscawen
to N. about 1872 (?). He m. Sarah A. Watson, b. at Salisbury April
5, 1848, and bought the Blaisdell farm, near the Pond schoolhouse.
They had three dau., but one of whom was b. at N.
He was in the employ of the various hosiery mills, taking their goods
out to seamers far and near. They suffered the total loss of their
farm buildings by fire in 1879. They were worthy. Christian people.
He d. at Allenstown Aug. 27, 1901. She now resides in Boscawen.
Second Generation.
Etta Watsox, b. at Boscawen; m. Bert Lovejoy of Barrington and
had three children. She was, before her marriage, employed at the
New Hampshire Insane Asylum. She d. Dec. 31, 1901.
Emma Watsox, b. at Boscawen, Feb., 1872; m.. May, 1905, Edwin
Sawyer, and resides at Mast Yard, Concord.
Sarah E. L. Watsox, b. at N. Nov., 1884; m., Sept., 1904, Willie
Davis of N. They reside on the Watson homestead.
John S. Watson came from Scotland to N., July, 1SS3. He was b.
at Galashiels. Dec. 16, 1853. He m., March 15, 1881. Elizabeth Ander-
son, b. at Galashiels, April 26. 1859. He was a machinist in his native
country. He is employed at the Tilton Woolen Mills. They have two
Second Generation.
Andrew Smeil Watsox, b. at Yonkers, N. Y., Feb. 15, 18S2; d. at
N. Jan. 10, 1891.
Sophia Andersox Watsox, b. at N. June 27, 1SS7, resides with her
parents and is a member of the sophomore class of Tilton Seminary.
JoHX M. Watts came to N. from Concord in 1879 and established a
stone cutting business below the freight depot. He put in place the
stone watering troughs, set milestones and assisted in the erection of
the Tilton memorial arch and the library building. His health fail-
ing, he sold out to Mr. Laws of Concord and removed to a farm in
Franklin, where he d. in Sept., 1885.
Second Generation.
Paul Watts is in the employ of the United States as rural delivery
clerk at Franklin Falls.
Florexce M. Watts resides in Wilkesbarre, Pa.
Marion Watts lives at Franklin Falls.
JoHX Waldo came to N. from Northwood. He was a carpenter and
came to erect a dwelling house for A. J. and J. J. Pillsbury.
After a few years' stay, during which he represented the town in
the Legislature of 188S--'S9, he returned to Northwood.
He d. at the Margaret Pillsbury Hospital, Concord, Feb., 1905.
His wife, Sarah Angeline Winslow, d. at Northwood two weeks later.
Jacob Webber resided on the western slope of Bean Hill below the
Joseph Kimball home. The buildings long since disappeared. They
were small farmers. Their land was rocky and cold but they were
quiet, contented. Christian people, who kept the Sabbath and were
constant attendants at church. No approaching shower could excuse
his neighbors' wickedness in gathering their well-dried hay on the
Lord's Day. His cattle were the Lord's and if he sent rain to spoil
their sustenance "he was n't going to fuss about it." He exchanged his
farm, a few years later, with Rev. Benjamin Bishop of Starksboi'O, a
Baptist clergyman, and went there to live. He had a wife and one
son. Mrs. Webber d. soon after their removal and he returned and m.
Polly Cilley, his aforetime neighbor. They kept a wayside inn for
many years.
Second Generation.
David Webber m. Emily Buswell Abbott of N. and removed to
Starksboro. After some years he went to Campton, where she d., as
did their two children. He remarried and now resides in Plymouth.
Nathan Wells was b. at N. Dec. 14, 1798. He m., Nov. 7, 1828,
Jane Smith, b. at N. Jan. 25, 1799. They resided for many years in
East N. on the farm now owned by Thomas Payson, and the children
were b. there. He removed to Lawrence, Mass., when the city was in
its infancy and was prominent in its councils, being its postmaster
for many years. He d. there in 1878 and his wife d. in 1887.
Second Generation.
Francis Wells, b. Sept. 17, 1829, was a machinist in Lawrence,
Mass., where he sacrificed his life to his business and d. of con-
sumption Aug. 9, 1869.
Nathan Dana Wells, b. July 17, 1831, was educated in the Law-
rence, Mass., public schools and Yale College, and later studied law.
He began practice in New York City, with his home in Brooklyn,
where he d. Oct. 3, 1902. His wife, Sarah Scholly, d. June 29, 1904.
They had a dau., Margaret, and a son, Dana, who fills a chair in
Columbia College.
Mary Jane Wells, b. March 27, 1833, graduated from the Lawrence
High School and was a teacher there for many years. She d. in 1887.
Charles Henry Wells, b. Jan. 31, 1836; d., Nov. 22, 1847.
Betsey Ann Wells, b. Feb. 13, 1838; d., April 24, 1853.
George F. Weeks came from Gilford to Bean Hill in 1876. He
bought the Cofran farm, rebuilt the buildings and was a successful
farmer for 15 years. He then purchased the home of John Fletcher
on Bay St., where he conducted a meat business until his death. May 5,
1897. He m. Abby Shaw of Salisbury, who, with her sister. Mrs.
Anna Prince, still resides at the home. Mr. and Mrs. Weeks were
active in church work and were devoted members of the Congrega-
tional Church. Mr. Weeks was a selectman of the town for several
terms and held other important trusts.
Charles H. Weeks, brother of the above, was b. at Gilford April 2.
1830; m. (second), Mary J. Quimby of Hill. b. Nov. 30. 1848. They
came to N. Oct. 21, 1898, he dying here Dec. 21. 1901. They had two
Second Generation.
(Children of Charles H. and Mary Quimby Weeks.)
(B. at West Thornton.)
TixA May Weeks, b. March 4, 1875; m., Sept. 21, 1S93, Ellis J.
Bradley, b. at Bridgewater Sept. 21, 1873. They purchased the B. F,
Cofran place and have three children: Maurice W., b. 1896; Esther A.,
b. 1899; and Marion E., b. 1903.
Charles G. Weeks, b. May IG, 1881; d., Feb. 28, 1883.
Jekejiiah WEDGE^A"OOD's name appears first on the N. tax list in 1809.
He lived near the Haines place, in the east part of the town. He
was a farmer and cabinet maker and manufactured the old-fashioned
round tables. The house disappeared long ago but the road passing it
is still called the Wedgewood road. He was a religious man and what
was lacking in matter, in his long, drawn-out exhortations, was more
than made up in manner, which was an even mixture of nasal twang
and sing-song drawl. I can find no data of births, deaths or family,
but he long since learned to sing the "new song." His name dropped
from the tax lists in 1826 and his estate the next year was taxed to
Ziporah Wedgewood of Canterbury, probably his wife.
George W. Weymouth, b. at Upper Gilmanton; m. Sarah Norris of
the same town, and had three children. In 1852 they came to N. and
lived on the Daniel Hills farm for several years. In 1870 they re-
turned to their native town where he d. Sept. 20, 1889, and his wife
d. Sept. 22, 1894.
Second Generation.
Laukinda Weymouth, b. July 11, 1835; d., Oct. 19, 1854.
Wobcestee Weymouth, b. Sept. 28, 1837, was educated at the New
Hampshire Conference Seminary at Sanbornton Bridge and later was
employed by J. C. Norris & Co., bakers and confectioners, in Concord.
He was a fine tenor singer and sang in church choirs for many years.
He d. at East Cambridge, Mass., while on a visit to his sister, Feb.
11, 1869.
Abminda Weymouth, b. May 11, 1841; m., Oct. 3, 1866, Thomas R.
Gushing of East Cambridge, Mass., where they resided for several
years, later removing to Belmont, where they now reside. They had
four children: Amy, George W., Charlotte and Sarah.
Thomas C. Wheeler was b. in Pembroke In 180S and d. at N. In
1894. He owned the Chauncy Garvin place in East N. She still re-
sides in town. He had one son. George, who inherited the home place.
Daniel Whitcher, called "Shingle Weaver," lived in the east part of
the town, near the town farm, also on the Colony, and had a family of
four children. Belinda m. James Dearborn. Two younger girls,
Judith and Julia Ann, worked in the Lowell Mills and there m.
IBA Whitcher, b. at N.; m. Sally J. Arlin and had a large family of
girls and boys, two of whom were with him in the Civil War. None
of this family have lived in town for many years. After his death
she m., March 31, 1S75, Charles F. Hicks, and removed to Milwaukee,
where she d.
Ira Whitcher had a brother, Warren, and two sisters, Artemesia and
Julia Ann.
Second Generation.
(B. at N.)
George Ira Whitcher m., Aug. 9, 1857, Lucy Ann Brett of Bradford.
He was in the Civil War and was credited to Sanbornton. (See Boys
in Blue.)
Jlxia Axx Whitcher. b. 1841; m. Benjamin W. Weeks and d. at
N. May 31, 1890. She had two children one of whom, Fred, m. Mary
Avery. (See Avery gen.)
Eliza Whitcher m. Buzzell Johnson and resided at Tilton.
The farm owned for many years by the Evans family on Bean Hill
was sold about 1829 to Nathaniel Huckins. He m. Irene Pollard of
Hudson, b. 1805, and d. soon after, leaving it to her. She m.. May
21, 1832, William Pitts Whidden, her uncle by marriage, who came
there to reside. They had two children.
Seventeen years later he sold to Samuel Libby of Bow and moved
to Hills St. Some years later he erected a new home nearer the vil-
lage, now owned by Joseph C. Wyatt, where she d. May 5. 1SG2.
He m. (second), March 4, 18G3, Mrs. Mary P. Chase and removed to
Tilton, where she d. He d. in N. Nov. 28, 188S.
Second Generation.
(B. at N.)
Amaxda Axx Whirdex, b. 1832; d.. Dec. 18, 1S40.
Oriette p. Whiudex. b. March 29, 183G; m., March 2, ISGl. Henry
T. Hills of N. (See Hills gen.)
Isaac Whittier. fourth son of Joshua and Abagail Farrington Whit-
tier, was b. at Londonderry May 25, ISOO. He m., Nov. 1, 1827, Fannie
Parker McQuesten of Londonderry, and settled as a merchant in Goffs-
town, where three of the eight children were b. Later they resided
at Union Bridge, now East Tilton, where they spent some five years.
On his coming to N. he purchased the Molony residence and commenced
trade in a long building, with wooden shutters, where the store of
Northfield Grocery Co. now stands. He was postmaster after the office
at the Centre was discontinued, and kept a country store, groceries,
dry goods and notions in great variety. They were constant attend-
ants at the Congregational Church, of which both were members. He
served the town as its clerk for a long term of years. He d. Nov. 16,
1878. She d. at Dracut Feb. 7, 1SS2, aged 7G. She was a lovely.
Christian woman.
Second Generation.
Nyra Frances Whittier, b. at Goffstown July 19, 1829; m., Feb. 26,
1851, Joseph S. Woods of Lebanon. They purchased the Lyford place
on Zion's Hill, where he added to farming the raising of stock horses,
in which he dealt largely. He later returned to Lebanon. They had one
dau., Lizzie Florence. They both d. at Lebanon. She d. Nov. 4, 1900.
Isaac Newton Whittier, b. at Goffstown Dec. 14, 1831, inherited his
grandfather's love of the sea and was killed on his vessel at the
time of the French War. Young Whittier went to sea when a boy and
became second mate on a sailing vessel. He never returned and the
date of his death is unknown.
Daniel Brainard Whittier, b. at Goffstown Oct. 21, 1834; m., Oct.
14, 1858, Mary Chamberlain of Sanbornton Bridge. (See Physicians
of N. and Boys in Blue, with portrait.)
William C. Whittier, b. at Union Bridge April 15, 1836. His service
for his country constituted his life work. (See Boys in Blue.) He
d. at Fitchburg, Mass., Oct. 9, 18G5.
Mary Lizzie Whittier, b. at Union Bridge March 31, 183S; m.^
Dec. 25, 1865, Calvin Richardson of Dracut, where they now reside.
She was educated at the New Hampshire Conference Seminary and
for two years later was a pupil of Professor Weed of Tilden Female
Seminary at West Lebanon. They had two children, Florette and
Fannie, both of whom d. in childhood.
Mr. and Mrs. Richardson are zealous in every good work and were
largely helpful in the rebuilding and beautifying of the Central Con-
gregational Church and the erection of a grange hall while he was its
worthy master. The Dracut Public Library has also shared in their
benefactions and labors. In 1SS9 they spent a year on the Pacific
coast, passing from Seattle to San Diego, with stops in every city of
importance by the way, in the course of which her well-written let-
ters to the Lowell papers attracted considerable attention and favor-
able mention.
Sakah Tiltox Whittier, b. at N. Sept. 23, 1S31; m., Sept. 4, 18C7,
Charles Richardson of Dracut. Mass., and resides in San Diego, Cal!
They have two dau., Lilla Gertrude and Fannie May, who reside at
San Diego.
CoRBAX Ctjktice Wiiittier. b. at N. Aug. 12, 1843; m., Jan. IG. isC9,
Lizzie M. Haines of Franklin, b. May 25, 1847. (See Haines III gen.)
She d. at Franklin May 12, 1874. He m. (second). Nellie Thompson
of Laconia, Aug. 30, 1880, is a farmer and resides at Meredith.
Mark Woodbury AViiittier, b. at N. Sept. 7, 1849; d. at Meredith
Jan. 10, 1891.
The Whichers came to N. very early in the history of the town and
settled on the 100-acre lots, Nos. 18, 19, 26 and 54. The two former now
comprise the estate of F. B. Shedd and the latter two the farms of
Clarence W. and Reuben Whicher. Mr. Hunt says: "Nathaniel, the
first settler, bought 500 acres around and near Chestnut Pond, which
he gave to his four sons, William, Reuben, Benjamin and Jonathan."
He also says: "Mr. Joseph Knowles bought his farm of Mr. Whicher
for a two-year-old heifer."
Mr. Whicher was b. in Stratham Nov. 30, 1751; m., June 4, 1773,
Sarah Harvey, b. at Nottingham April 11, 1748. She d. at N. May
10, 1839. He d. Dec. 30, 1810. They had other children, who re-
mained behind. A description of their entry into the town is thus
given: Mrs. Whicher rode on horseback, carrying her child, while he
proceeded on foot, driving a yoke of oxen, with an axe on his shoulder.
Another record credits them with eight children. He d. at 59 years of
Second Generation.
Sarah Whicher, b. May 20, 1774; d., unmarried, at N.
Bexj.\mix Whicher was the first settler on Shaker Hill, Canterbury,
where he built a small house, that has been enlarged in height and
width and is now the church building. He m. and had two sons, one
of whom, Benjamin W., became a Shaker elder.
Ab.\o.\il Whicher, b. March 30, 1778.
Grace Whicher. b. May 25, 1780.
Nancy Whicher, b. Jan 24, 17S2; m. John Gilman. (See Oilman
Nathaniel Whicher, Jr., b. Aug. IS, 1784; m. Evans and had
three dau.
Mathew Whicher, Jb., b. Aug. 27, 1788.
Mary (Polly) Whicher, b. Aug. 23. 1792; m., Aug. 29, ISll, Joshua
Mathes of Canterbury. She d. at Columbia Dec. 5. 1861. He d. In
June, 1852. They had seven children: James M.. John. Elijah. Sarah.
Julia, Israel and Gideon.
Oli\-e S. Wiiiciier, b. Feb. 12, 1795; m. Charles Gilman. (See Gil-
man gen.)
Jonathan Whichee, b. 1781; m. Annie Pike and settled at Franklin.
He d. March 22, 1851. She d. Dec. 29, 1870, and they are both buried
back of the academy at Franklin. They had seven children.
Jane Peeky Whicher, b. Feb. 6, 1787; m. Samuel Clough. (See
Clough gen.)
William Whichee, b. at Nottingham in 1757; m. Polly Elliott of
Nottingham and had four children. He m. (second), Hannah Sanborn,
b. 1767, and had 10 children. She d. Oct. 17, 1837.
Benjamin Whichee, Je., b. June 26, 1776; m. Katherine Cole of
Bradford, Mass., b. May 18, 1779. They lived on the Shedd place and
had 10 children. Mr. Whicher, with utter disregard of fatherly
duties, "folded his tent like the Arabs and quietly stole away," leaving
his houseful of children and small means to his inefllcient wife, who
could read, write and sing better than she could care for her numerous
family. With hardly an exception, they became inmates of good homes
and were worthy members of society. Two of the dau. held high
offices in the Shaker Community, where the mother d.
(Children of William and Polly Elliott Whicher.)
Jonathan Whichee, Je., m. Tamar Sawyer, dau. of Jotham, who
lived on the Rand place. He d. instantly March 22, 1850.
David Whicher removed to Newburyport, Mass., when a young man.
Polly Whichee m. Isaac Waldron of Strafford and lived and d.
there. They had three sons, Daniel, Horace and William, and two
William Whichee, b. Oct. 17, 1837; m. Avery and removed
to Epping. They had four children: Jonathan, Joseph, Caleb and
(Children by second wife.)
John Whichee m. Relief Field and resided in Quincy, Mass. He was
a stone cutter and lost an eye.
Mathew Whichee, b. 1789; m. (first), Dec. 22, 1814, Olive Batchelder,
and had eight children. She d. Aug. 5, 1833. He m. (second), (pub.),
Aug. 27, 1835, Mrs. Sophie Sanborn of Gilmanton. They resided in
the Dr. Clark house by the brick church and both d. there. He d.
June 10, 1867.
Reuben Whichee, b. at Nottingham, lived first on the Shedd farm
but removed later to near the Gilmanton line. He m. Dorothy Osgood
and had five children. He d. Nov., 1869. She d. Jan. 18, 1870. He was
a brick mason, blacksmith and stone mason. He was a brother of
Reuben Whichee, b. 1794; m. Dorothy Osgood, b. at Loudon in 1791.
He was a blacksmith and a stone and brick mason. He d. Nov., 1869.
She d. Jan. 18, 1871.
Benjamin Whicher, b. 1803, always remained an invalid in the
home, where he d. Feb. 22, 1867.
Horace Whiciier, d. March 3, 1833, at Quincy, Mass.
Jane Whiciier m. Joseph Cofran. (See Cofran gen.)
Pamelia Whiciier m. John Mathes of Canterbury, Dec. 24, 1792.
She d. Sept. 12, 1821. They had one son, Horace W. Mr Mathes
d. July 30, 18G9.
Betsey Whicher m., March 9, 1819, John Johnson. (See Johnson
Anx Whicher, b. March 5, 1805; m. Hazen Cross of Sanbornton
Bridge, Dec. 23, 1851. She d. Aug. 9, 18G5.
Axnah Whicher d. at Franklin, unmarried, at C5 years of age.
(Children of Jonathan and Tamar Sawyer Whicher.)
(B. at N.)
Sarah B. Whicher. b. 1810, lived and d. in the home at East N. at
81 years, Jan. 20, 1892. She was unmarried.
Mary Axn Whicher, b. July 15, 1812; d., Jan. 28, 1817.
Eliza Jane Whicher, b. March 13, 1815; d., March 30, 1893.
Sherburxe S. Whicher, b. Oct. 7, 1817; d., Nov. 17, 1848.
Bex.tamix S. Whicher, b. Oct. 20, 1819; m. Polly Elkins of Andover
and had one dau., Ellen. He d., April 1, 1868, in Iowa. She d. at the
State Hospital in Concord.
William Elliott Whicher. b. Sept. 4, 1822; m. Betsey Morrill of
Canterbury and had three children.
Rettbex S. Whicher. b. July 9, 1825. He resides on the home farm
and is unmarried. This farm has always been noted for its cheese
dairy, large quantities being sent during the life of his mother and
sisters to the Boston trade. The farm is still producing butter for
special customers.
(Children of Reuben and Dorothy Osgood Whicher.)
(B. at N.)
Clarissa Whicher m., April 27, 1842, Albert Gorrell of N. (See
Gorrell gen.)
JoHX M. Whicher. b. June 22, 1S17; m.. Nov. 19. 1840. Asenath At-
kinson, b. March 16, 1817, and had three children. He d. at N. June
14, 1889. He represented the town in the Legislature of 1878 and
held the office of selectman. He was peculiar in his diet, never tasting
fish, flesh or fowl.
Horace Whiciier m. Mary Bradley of Canterbury and resided at La-
conia, where he was an expressman. They had two children. Mr.
and Mrs. Whicher both d. at Laconia.
Abbie Whicher m. John Young of Canterbury and removed to
Brookfield, Mass. She d. at Plymouth in 1903. He still resides at
Brookfield. They had a son, Fred, who d. in 1897.
Mary Jaxe Whicher m. Otis Young and removed to Plymouth, where
she d. after a long sickness, a helpless invalid.
Third Generation.
(Children of Benjamin and Katherine Cole Whicher.)
Louisa Whicher, b. Jan. 31, 1S03.
Cynthia Whicher, b. June 2, 1804.
Bexjamix Harvey Whicher, b. Jan. 4, 1806.
Tryphexe Wpiicher, b. March 27, 1807, went, when a child, to the
Shakers to live, dying in that community, in which she held high
oflacial rank.
Martix Luther Whicher, b. July 12, 1808.
Calvix Whicher, b. Oct. 26, 1809, was the victim of untoward cir-
cumstances. He d. at the town farm May 15, 1864.
Marcus Aurelius Whicher, b. April 2, 1811.
Fraxklix Whicher, b. Feb. 2, 1813.
Cathekixe Whicher, b. 1814, resided with the Shakers.
SusAX Hill Whicher, b. May 4, 1818. She was one of the leaders
of the midde family of Shakers and d. in their village June 16, 1847.
Fourth Generation.
(Children of Matthew and Olive Batchelder Whicher.)
Olive Whichee, b. July 7, 1813; m. Charles Gilman of Bay Hill.
(See Gilman gen.) She d. in Aug., 1848.
Joseph B. Whicher, b. Oct. 1, 1815, was a stone worker in Quincy.
He became a contractor and was killed by a falling board while
supervising the construction of of a block. He had a dau., now Mrs.
Mary Elizabeth Lamsou of Lowell, Mass.
Elizabeth Axx Whicher, b. April 7, 1817, was a dressmaker at home.
She went to care for her sick brother and contracted fever, from
which she d. Nov. 12, 1847.
Napoleon Boxaparte Whicher, b. Sept. 26, 1822, was a private
pupil of Prof. Dyer H. Sanborn. He was a teacher in Quincy, Mass.,
where he d.
William Warrex Whicher, b. Oct. 5, 1824; m. Fannie White. He
contracted fever, from which he never fully recovered. He returned
home and d. at N. in 1847. They had two sons, Oscar and Frank,
both of Boston.
Pamelia Whicher, b. 1828; d., March 28, 1847.
Julia A. Whicher, b. 1832, graduated from the New Hampshire
Conference Seminary, became insane and d. at the New Hampshire
State Hospital March 25, 1885.
(Children of John and Asenath Atkinson Whicher.)
Adelia Whicher, b. Feb. 16, 1843; m., Sept. 4, 1866, Charles Knowles
of Belmont, and d. there in 1894.
Clarence Waterman Whicher, b. Dec. 26, 1847; m., Oct. 27, 1869,
Abbie Lyford of Canterbury. She d. Sept. 18, 1880. They had one
child, who d. in infancy. He m. (second), March 4, 1882, Francena
Brown of Raymond, and has two sons. Mr. and Mrs. Whii her conduct
a popular summer resort, called Maple Cottage.
ExiiELiaXDA WiiiciiER, b. Jan., 1859; d.. May 5, 1SC2.
Fifth generation.
Fred C. Whitciier, b. Feb. IG, 1S83.
Harold Whicher, b. Jan. 22, 1893.
']^'^ WILLIAMS. •
William William^ and his wife, Elizabeth Hills, came from Durham
to N. in 1761, and settled somewhere near the Wadleighs on Bay
Hill. They were guided only by spotted trees, as there were no
This land he exchanged for a home on the main road, below the
meeting-house, and erected a one-story house, which was the home
of Amos Hannaford for many years. The burying ground below and
the brook above have always been called by his name.
When the old meeting-house was built it was voted to place it
half way between William Williams' and the Scunduggody Brook.
Mr. and Mrs. Williams had five children.
Second Generation.
Elizabeth Williams m. William Glines of Andover, who ran the
Hancock Mill on the Holmes dam in the north fields of Canterbury,
and who was called Miller Glines. (See Glines gen.)
John Williams went into the army and d., unmarried, soon after
his return.
William Williams, 2d., was instantly killed by his brother's side
in a battle during the Revolutionary War. i
Katherine Williams m. Boynton. - ^
S.A.RAn Williams, b. 1759; m. George Hancock, b. 1749, whose
parents were Jacob and Elizabeth Kezar Hancock. She was always
sure she could remember the journey to N.. although she was only
two years old. Her uncle, Samuel Hills, brought her on his horse.
(See Hancock gen.) She d. Jan. 14, 1800, having been a widow
for GO years. They had eight children and resided on what was later
the Gerrish farms in West N.
Benjamin- Winslow came to N. from Loudon. He bought his farm
In 1813 and was m. to Betsey French in April, 1814. His friends
were residents of Maine and were shipbuilders. He had assisted
them and followed the sea for three years. He erected a home on the
main road and opened a tavern. The freighting was then a'! ''->'>.■ by
teams often with oxen, and men and beasts needed food and lodging
on the route. They also boarded the relay horses for the daily stages.
They were religious people, at first being Freewill Baptists, but, later,
becoming Methodists. He was a class leader. They spent their
whole lives here. She d. April 25, ISGO. A sister, Sarah, m. Elias
Abbott as his second wife, Aug. 29, 1826, and another sister, Hannah,
m., June 28, 1817, Samuel Jackman. Benjamin Winslow had five
Second Generation.
Moses F. Winslow, b. March 21, ISIG; m.. May 1, 1842, Irena B.
Phelps of Oak Hill, and lived on a part of the home farm. He was a
diligent farmer and a zealous Methodist, being a class leader for
more than 40 years. She d. Aug. 17, 1890.
Darius Winslow, b. May 28, 1819; m., 1843, Hannah Haines, a
neighbor. He was a teamster to and from Portsmouth. He d. of
typhoid fever, Sept. 12, 1846, leaving a dau., Ella H. (See Haines
gen.) The newly-erected home was removed whole to the vicinity
of Sanbornton Bridge and became the home of Dr. Woodbury and,
later, of Dr. Parsons Whidden.
John Stevens Winslow, b. June 30, 1821; m., (first), Sept. 7, 1848,
Caroline Augusta Plummer, and had one son, Benjamin A. She d.
July 31, 1882. He m. (second), Elizabeth J. Smith of N.
From her girlhood until well past middle age, her time and ener-
gies went to the care of her declining parents and also to the estate,
which became hers at their death and which she still owns. It has
been in the family name since its first settlement. The Winslow
farm also bears the same distinction. As a young man, Mr. Winslow
was a school teacher and has held almost every office in the gift of
the town. He has been many times one of the board of selectmen.
He held that office with James N. Forrest in 1855 and with him again
in 1881, just 26 years intervening.
Lucia Ann J. Winslow, b. April 15, 1826; d.. May, 1847.
Mary Stevens Winslow, b. March 18, 1824; m., Sept. 7, 1855, William
S. Plummer, a farmer on the Merrimack intervale. She was educated
at the New Hampshire Conference Seminary and was a faithful
teacher. (See Plummer gen.)
Third Generation.
(Child of Darius and Hannah Haines Winslow.)
Ella H. Winslow, b. at N. June 1, 1846; m. W. H. C. Follansby of
Exeter, b. at N. (See Follansby gen.)
(Child of John S. and Caroline Plummer Winslow.)
Benjamin A. Winslow, b. at N. Feb. 16, 1852; m., Feb. 15, 1873,
Ella Maria Elkins of Laconia. They reside on the homestead and
he has been for many years the versatile "Down River" correspondent
of the Laconia Democrat. He is also a general farmer and a dealer
in agricultural implements. He was educated at the New Hampshire
Conference Seminary and both he and Mrs. Winslow are quite musi-
David Patten Wilkins was b. at Bradford May 20. 1817. He m.
(second), Georgianna B. Howard, b. at Hillsborough Aug. 9, 1841.
They resided in Medford, Mass., where he was a ship carpenter. The
business declining, he became a house builder. They came to N. in
1878 and resided for five years on the Alvah Hannaford place, re-
moving later to the brick house by the town hall. They returned to
Medford in ISSG. He had three sons by a former wife, but one of
whom claims a place in N. history. They had two dau. He d. at Med-
ford July 4, 1900. She still resides there.
Second Generation.
(B. at Medford.)
James M. Wilkins. b. 1845 at Medford, Mass.; m., at San Franci.sco,
Cal., July, ISGS, Maria Swett Hannaford of N. (See Hannaford gen.)
She d. at Tucson, Ariz., 1883.
Georgie Isabelle Wilkixs, b. June 4, 1872, is a bookkeeper and
stenographer in Boston.
Stella Florence Wilkixs, b. Oct. 13, 1874, is employed in the office
of the Boston & Maine Railroad as stenographer.
JosiAii Ambrose Woodbury came to N. to live with his uncle, Josiah
Ambrose (see Ambrose gen.), when 10 years old.
He developed a mechanical turn of mind and eagerly seized upon
the little water power at the outlet of Chestnut Pond and was busily
at work with his plans for its development when he was drafted and
assigned to military duty at Portsmouth during the Revolutionary
War. After his return he built a house near his uncle's and ra.. Oct.
29, 1820, Polly Knowles, his schoolmate and neighbor. He built a
threshing mill on the little stream, in which his inventive genius was
shown in the construction of fans and blowers, which had never been
thought of before. In fact. Mr. Woodbury's threshing machine was the
talk of the town. They had two dau. and a son.
Second Generation.
M.vRY Woodbury, b. at N.. 1S21; m., 1S44, Charles Alonzo Glle of
Bean Hill. She was educated as a private pupil of Rev. Enoch Corser
and was a teacher. (See Gile gen.)
Cyrene K. Woodbury, b. 1827: m., March 1, 1SC3, Daniel Sanlwrn
of Sanbornton. They were farmers on his father's homestead. She
was educated at the New Hampshire Conference Seminary. She d.
of cancer March 1, 1896. He d. Nov. 24, 1902.
William Woodbuky, b. 1829; m. (first), 1856, Lucy Ann Kimball of
N. They resided for some years on Christian Lane, near the reser-
voir, going later to Newport, where he dealt in wood and coal. She
d. at Napa, Cal., in 1892. He m. (second), Mrs. Elizabeth Kimball Hall,
who survives him at Napa. He has one dau. by his first wife, Mrs.
Lizzie W. Pollard of Newport.
Dakiel S. Woodward, son of Daniel, a soldier in the War of 1812
one year under Coloned Davis, came to N. Factory Village in 18.52.
He m. Dorcas Adams of Salisbury and for several years kept the
old Austin Hotel and boarding house. He had previously resided
at Penacook. Mrs. Woodward d. at N. March 10, 1877. He later re-
moved to Hill.
Second Generation.
Elizabeth Woodwakd, b. at Salisbury Sept. 22, 1828; d., Dec. 23,
Hannah Woodwakd, b. Nov. 1, 1830.
Phebe Woodwakd, b. Jan. 7, 1832, resided in Hill.
Daniel R. Woodward, b. April 10, 1833.
Stephen Woodward, ta. at Salisbury Aug. 22, 1834.
Alvira a. Woodward, b. at Salisbury May 22, 1836.
Dorcas Woodward, b. Feb. 22, 1838.
Diana Woodward, b. Sept. 22, 1839. (See Morrill and Roberts
PatjLINE Woodward, b. Aug., 1842; d., 1844.
Frank R. Woodward, b. at N. Feb. 9, 1845.
John Wyatt m. Mary Badger Dec. 15, 1700. He d. Nov., 1783.
Second Generation.
Samuel Wyatt m. (first), Mehitabel Jewett and had nine children.
He m. (second), July 27, 175G, Judith Chase Greenough.
Third Generation.
Chase Wyatt, b. at Newburyport, Mass., 1758; m. (first), Polly,
dau. of John and Judith De More Colby of Sandown. Nine children
were b. there. They removed to Sanbornton in 1809, settling on a
part of Lot No.' 78, second division, now owned by his grandson,
George Colby Wyatt. He m. (second), Dec, 1823, Sarah Morse of N.,
and d. July 28, 1846.
Fourth Generation.
Samuel Wyatt, b. Oct. 10, 1789; m. Comfort Fernald of Lourlon
and settled in N. on what was called the Young lot, below Zion's Hill.
He was familiarly known as "Uncle Sam." He was a farmer. She
d. July 27, 1860. They had one dau. He m. (second). Nov.. 1800,
Rachel Heath of Canterbury, who d. Nov. 8, 1871. Mr. Wyatt d.
Dec. 11, 1874.
Thomas Cuase Wyatt, b. April IS, 1793; m. Olive Eaton of San-
bornton, and settled as a farmer on the adjoining farm, now owned
by Frank Peverly, and d. there. One dau., Polly, d. in infancy.
De More Wyatt, b. May 9, 1795; m., March 24, 1825. Betsey Clement
of Haverhill, b. May 16, 1803. He settled in N. on Christian Lane, where
he was an Industrious farmer. They removed to their son's home in
Tilton in their old age and there passed the sunset of life. She d.
March 23, 1873. He d. Jan. 1, 1876. He had been a most exemplary
professor of religion and was an active member of the Methodist Church
for 40 years. They had four sons.
Nathan Wyatt and Edwakd Wyatt were both farmers in San-
bornton, the former in the vicinity of Shaker Bridge. He m.
Clark and had four sons one of whom has been long a resident of
N. The latter resided near Franklin and had one dau., who m. and
resided in N. (See Cross gen.)
Judith Wyatt, b. Dec. 15, 1796; m. Jacob Hancock, a farmer on the
Gerrish road. (See Hancock gen.)
Betsey Wyatt, b. June 16, 1798; m., 1830, Ebenezer Moody of Bos-
cawen, and (second), Samuel Chandler of Fisherville (Penacook).
Her eldest dau., Nellie, came to N. as the wife of Wesley Glines. (See
Glines gen.)
Dorothy Wyatt, b. June 24, 1803; m. Daniel Titcomb of Thetford.
Vt. She m. (second), Asel Canfield as his fourth wife. A son. Albert
Titcomb, has resided in town for many years. He m. Clara Roby
and lives on Zion's Hill.
Chase Wyatt, b. July 12, 1803, was thrice m. He m. (first). May.
1845, Betsey Lyford of Canterbury. They had a dau.. Betsey, who d. in
infancy. He m. (second), June 4, 1846, Anna Lyford. sister of the
first wife. She d. in 1847. His third wife was Nancy Cogswell, aunt
of his former wives, whom he m. in Dec, 1S4S. She d. March 10,
1877, aged 73. Mr. Wyatt resided in East N., where he d. Aug. 16.
1882. He was a prosperous farmer. This farm is now owned by
Mrs. E. V. B. Davis of Washington, D. C.
Fifth Generation.
Addison Bbowx Wyatt, b. at N. May 5. 1S26, was a successful harness
and trunk maker at Sanbornton Bridge. He learned his trade of John
Gould and succeeded to his business in 1848. He was state insurance
commissioner for 1867-'68. president of the lona Savings Bank from
1876 to 1880, and state bank commissioner.
He was a ti'ustee of the New Hampshire Conference Seminary and for
years was secretary of the board. He erected an attractive residence
on a commanding site in Tilton village.
He m., Sept. 30, 1851, Frances Copp of Gilmanton, b. Aug. 22, 182G.
She d. Dec. 30, 1901. She was an exemplary Christian woman. They
had three children. One d. in infancy Sept. IS, 18-52.
Clarence De Moke Wyatt, b. Nov. 25, 1852; d.. May 29, 1874. He
had just graduated from the New Hampshire Conference Seminary
and was a young man of promise.
Walter Clement Wyatt, the only remaining son, b. Nov. 13, 1857;
m., Dec, 1878, Clara Thorp of Tilton. He inherited his father's
business and has been an active business man in Tilton for years.
He is prominent in several fraternal orders. They have one son,
Bernard Langdon, a graduate of Tilton Seminary in the class of 1901,
New York University, and Bellevue Medical College in the class of 1905.
He has taken a position with a mining company as physician and sur-
geon, in San Jose, Tamaulipas, Mexico.
Joseph Clough Wyatt, b. Dec. 3, 1830, at N.; m., Nov. 11, 1856,
Lucy C. Lyford of Canterbury, who d. April 4, 1S7C, greatly mourned.
They had two children. He is a carpenter, repairer and builder
and erected a pleasant home on Park St., to which he removed in
1891. He makes mill repairs a specialty.
Laroy Benson Wyatt, b. Aug. 6, 1838, has had a successful business
career at Lawrence, Mass. He is engaged in the harness, trunk and
horse-furnishing business. It is the oldest establishment of the kind
in the city.
(Child of Samuel and Comfort Fernald Wyatt.)
Cynthia B. Wyatt, b. April 13, 1830; m., Oct. 13, 1847, Thomas H.
Piper of N. (See Piper gen.)
(Child of Nathan and Sally Clark Wyatt of Sanbornton.)
Otis C. Wyatt came from Hanover to N. Jan. 1, 18G6, and occupied
his newly-purchased farm on Zion's Hill. (See Boys in Blue, sketch
and poi'trait.)
Sixth Generation.
(Children of Joseph and Lucy C. Lyford Wyatt.)
(See portrait.)
Alfred Clinton Wyatt was b. at N. Nov. 25, 1862. He was the son
of Joseph Clough and Lucy (Lyford) Wyatt. He received his education
in the public schools of N. and at the New Hampshire Conference
Seminary at Tilton, from which he graduated in June, 1880. In May,
1881, he removed to Laconia and entered the employ of Gardner Cook &
Son in the lumber business, with which industry he has since been
identified. On the formation of Cook's Lumber Company in 1891 he
was chosen a director and \vas the first vice-president.
Since the formation of the City of Laconia, Mr. Wyatt has always
taken an active interest in the Republican politics of Ward Five, of
which he is a resident, as well as in the city at large. He served as
ward clerk for several years and, in 1899, was elected to the city
council, in which he served six years, the longest service ever given
by any citizen with one exception. In 1905 he was prominently men-
tioned as a candidate for mayor.
He has always taken a great interest in fraternal societies and
is a past officer in Winnipiseogee Lodge, No. 7, L O. O. F., a member
of Laconia Encampment, No. 9, L O. O. F., and a member of the
Grand Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., of New Hampshire, as well as a Past Dis-
trict Deputy Grand Master of the Laconia District. He is also a Past
Regent of Cypress Council, Royal Arcanum, No. 1062, and is at
pi'esent chairman of the grand trustees of the Grand Council of New
In June, ISSS, he m. Nellie M. Mead, a teacher in the Laconia public
Anxie L. Wyatt, b. Nov. 2, 1SG7, was educated at the Tilton Sem-
inary and has often received private pupils at her home. She went
as a delegate from the local Christian Endeavor Society to its national
convention in San Francisco in 1897.
John B. Yeatox came from Laconia to N. in 1871. His ancestors
were from Alfred, Me., and were shoe manufacturers. He m. Hattle
A. Phelps and resided on the Phelps homestead and cared for the
aged parents. He remodeled the house and built a modern barn in
1880 and is an all-round farmer, with fruit as a specialty, having
about a dozen of the choicest varieties. Mr. Yeaton is proud of the
family reputation for minding their own business and has always
voted the Republican ticket. He has been supervisor and served on
the board of selectmen.
John S. York came to N. in Nov.. 1897. from Centre Harbor and
purchased the steam sawmill of Jason Foss and engaged in the manu-
facture of packing cases and house finish. He was also a contractor
and builder and erected some of the best dwellings on Bay and Arch
Sts. He abandoned the mill in the Cove later and erected a new shop
near the fair grounds, where he continues the business. He resides
on Howard Ave. He is prominent in Masonic Lodges. He has five
children, b. at Centre Harbor: Oscar, b. 1SS4; Horace B., b. 1887;
Mildred E., b. 1891; Ruth A., b. 1S93; and Hazel M., b. 1896.
Edwin J. Young was b. in Canterbury Aug. 20, 1837, being one of a
family of 14 children.
At an early age he removed to Plymouth, and in 1859 was united
in marriage to Annie L. Elliott of Dorchester, by whom he had two
children, Maude A. and Herbert G. Young.
For a score or more of years Mr. Young was engaged in photography,
being one of the pioneers of the state in that art.
In the year 1866 he settled in Campton, where he served the town
as clerk, tax collector and treasurer for several years.
Like his ancestor, the Rev. Winthrop Young, Mr. Young's religious
connections were with the Baptists and for several years Mr. and
Mrs. Young were members of that church in Campton.
After the death of Mrs. Young, for sometime he was a resident in
Plymouth, from which town he removed to N. in 1886, when he was
m. to Helen M. Whipple of Laconia.
After a few years of married life in their pleasant home on Park St.,
she passed away, after a lingering illness.
In Nov., 1892, he m. Georgia E., dau. of George C. Lancaster of N.
Since residing in N. he has followed the vocation of commercial
traveler and has engaged in mercantile business.
In politics he has always been a staunch Republican and as such
has been chosen to represent the town of N. at the Constitutional
Convention of 1889 and in 1893 as representative to the Legislature.
He has served a term of years as chairman of the board of selectmen
of the town.
Since his residence in N. Mr. Young has been a member of the
Congregational Church and has been interested in the moral and
religious welfare of the community
(Continued. See pages 14, 15, IC.)
(Other children of Charles H. and Almira Ayers.)
Srs.\>- Ayers. b. at Canterbury Dec. 29, 1841; m., April 25, 1865.
James R. Young of the firm of Parker & Young, late of Lisbon, and
had four children: One, who d. in infancy; Emily Adelia, b. Oct. 29,
1866; Ellen Louise, b. April 10, 1S71; and Susan Almira, b. April 8,
1873, d. at eight months.
EiXEX Makia Ayers. b. Sept. 4, 1846; m., June 6, 1870, Charles Edward
Cummings of Lisbon, and resided for some years in Missouri, where
he d. Sept. 9, 1897. She ra. (second), at Canton, Mo.. Nov. 20, 1901,
David M. Hibbard. She has three children: Susie E., Karl G. and Al-
bert Edward. She was educated at New Hampton Literary Institute
and taught for some years in INIissouri. Mr. Hibbard d. Feb. 27, 1902.
JoxATHAX Ayers, b. Dec. 17, 1850; m., Mary Frances Delany of New
York City. He was inspector of telegraph machines in the New York
Stock Exchange. He had the finest touch and was a genius in his line.
They had two children, Susan Veronica and Mary Frances. He d. April
2, 1882. She d. June 2 of the same year.
Be.njamix Fbamv Ayers. b. Jan. 6, 1854; m.. Dec. 3, 1885^. Pamella
Ella Roberts of N. He bought the Sewall farm on Oak Hill, 'where he
is a general farmer. They have one child, Hermon Eugene.
Ai.MiRA Josephine Ayers, b. Aug. 2, 1855; m., Oct. 29. 1S7S. William
Y. Sargent of Canterbury, and resides at Uplands. She was educated
at New Hampton. They are general farmers, with dairying as a spec-
(Additional. See page 45.)
DoBixDA Brown- m. (first), Nov.. 1854. M. T. Noyes of Atkinson. He
d. in Jan., 1857. She m. (second), J. H. Webster of Derry. Nov., 1S62.
and resides at Fall River, Mass. They have a son, Fred.
(See portrait.)
(Supplementary to page 42.)
Smith W. Cofrax, b. Jan. 15, 1840; m., Jan. 3, 1884, Marcelina Wan-
zer. He worked on his father's farm until 13 years of age, going then
as a mill employee for Jeremiah Tilton. At 17 he left home to seek his
fortune, having first united with the Congregational Church and having
joined Doric Lodge, A. F. and A. M.
At the breaking out of the Civil War he enlisted in the Twentieth
Massachusetts Regiment. (See Boys in Blue.)
After the close of the war, he remained in Washington, D. C, in
various capacities, later entering the employ of the Boston & Providence
Railroad, with a route of service extending from Boston to New York
via Providence, which place he held for 29 years, retiring in 1895 on
account of impaired health.
He has been a member of Warren Lodge, No. 18, I. 0. O. F., for more
than 30 years, and also of the Massasoit war order. His three children,,
all b. in Boston, were: Jessie May, b. Aug. 3, 1873, m. Jesse Melendy;
Jay Wanzer, b. Jan. 15, 1879, m. Florence Smith; and Eugene Knox,,
b. Feb. 25, 1881, m. Nellie M. Blight.
Eugene Batchelder, b. May 29, 1855, came to N. from Franklin, where
he had been employed for 11 years as foreman in the weave room of
Stevens' Mill. He m., Jan. 1, 1877, Susan Jane Presby, b. at N. Feb. 23,
They bought, and conducted for many years, the Elm Avenue Hotel.
He is, and has been for six years, overseer at Tilton Mills. They now
reside in Tilton on Cedar St., but will reoccupy the hotel, now "The
Riverside," in a short time.
Mr. Batchelder is a member of St. Andrew's Lodge, Knights of
Pythias, and of Harmony Lodge, I. O. 0. F. Mrs. Batchelder is a mem-
ber of Rebekah Lodge and of both the Franklin and the Tilton and
N. Woman's Clubs.
Capt. Thomas Clough, h. 1740, must have lived in the north fields,,
when the section was called a "parish of Canterbury." He was not
only a prominent man in military affairs but represented the new town
in the Legislatures of 1797 and 1798 and again in 1801--'02-'03-'04.
His first wife was Hannah Haines, dau. of Capt. Stephen and Hannah
Carter and his second wife was Polly Webster, widow of Richard
^5^ *?% .
^^^^^ ^^
Blanchard. Captain Clough (see Military History) d. at N. Aur. 17,
1839, aged 93. His wife, Hannah, d. July, 1813. They are buried la
the Hodgdon yard.
Edwakd H. Caskin was for several years a resident and business man
of N. He bought the residence of Mrs. Sullivan Baker near the lower
bridge and erected a building near the river, where he established a
hardware and house-furnishing business, which he sold to Frank H.
Merrill, and removed to the Far West. He m. Nettie Boyd of Rumney
and had one child, Iva B. Mr. Caskin had previously been a hardware
dealer in Franklin.
Edmund Douglass was b. in Scotland and had been educated at the
universities there. He was in the British army from which he de-
serted and was in hiding for fear of capture. He was first known in
Boscawen, where he was a school teacher and taught the late Judge
Daniel Atkinson of Sanbornton Bridge his letters.
Later Mr. Douglass drifted into N. and m. Polly, dau. of William
Glines (the "Cartnap"), and lived in a hut on the Rogers farm, op-
posite Morrill Moore's, and was a farm hand. They had five children.
He d. at the home of John Rogers and was buried in the Abbott yard.
Mrs. Douglass lived to old age in the family of Jonathan Gate of Oak
Hill. She d. Aug. 24, 1853. He was a town charge for many years.
Second Generation.
(B. at N.)
Hannah Douglass, d. in girlhood.
LuoiNDA Douglass m. and removed to New York.
Emelixe Douglass m. Josiah Ambrose Sanborn.
Jebemiah and Tom Douglass, b. in , but did not reside there,
Betsey Douglass m. Forrest Cross and resided on the main road.
(See Cross gen.)
Alvah B. Haggett, b. at Pembroke Sept. 22. 1868; m., Nov. 20. 1902,
Carrie Bird. b. at Mapleton, N. S., Nov. 23, ISSI.
They came to live on the Lowell French farm in East N. In 1901
They have two children.
Second Generation.
(B. at N.)
Alice M. Haggett, b. Aug. 7, 1903.
Gebtbude Haggett, b. Jan. 5, 1905.
Capt. Samuel Oilman, brother of Jonathan, resided at East N. and
had two sons. They removed to Canada and became British subjects.
After Mr. Oilman's death in N., she removed to Stanstead, P. Q., where
they were breeders of fine horses.
Capt. Samuel Oilman, Jr., and Capt. John Oilman both served in the
British army with high rank and office.
The mother lived to be 100 years of age.
(See portrait.)
Mark G. Keasor was b. at Upper Oilmanton Oct. 17, 1854; m., March
31, 1877, Mary E. Folsom, b. at Sanbornton Jan. 9, 1851. His grand-
father, Joseph, was an early settler in the southeast part of N. He was
a trader at Laconia for three years and then a farmer for six. He
then learned the machinist's trade and was employed for several years
in the Laconia car shops. In 1888 they removed to Tilton and located
on Chestnut St. In 1891 he was chosen police officer and held that
place for 11 years. He was also chief of the firewards for two years.
In 1888 he became superintendent of water works, which place he still
holds. He was also chairman of the board of selectmen in 1902--'03--
'04-'05. Mr. Keasor credits himself with the enterprise whereby Hilly
Brook became an adjunct to Chestnut Pond in 1894 and Tilton water
supply, not only greatly improving the quantity but also the quality.
He takes great pride in the management of the entire aqueduct plant.
Mr. and Mrs. Keasor have one son, Arthur Edmund, b. at Sanbornton
Sept. 29, 1879.
Sylvester Lambert came from Lakeport to N. and entered the employ
of the railroad about 1872. He m. Christiana Blake of N. (see Sewall
gen.), and resided at the Depot. They have three children. They re-
moved to Tilton and reside on Mill St.
Second Generation.
(All b. at N. Depot.)
Mabel Lambert, b. at N. in 1873; m., 1893, Oeorge Nichols and has
four children. They reside at .
Eva Winona Lambert, b. at N., 1875; m., 1897, Frank J. Hunter, b. at
St. John, N. B., and resides in Vermont. They have two children.
Elmer Lambert, b. 1878; m. Fannie Oray. He served in the Spanish
War and later saw service in the Philippines.
Joseph W. Thorp was b. Aur. 31, 1S24, at Sheepsheatl, England. He
m. Lj'dia Johnson, dau. of Abijah Johnson, who was a Quaker minister
at Weare, and had one child. They came to N. in the latter part of the
60s and purchased the house now owned by George S. Morrison on
Elm St., where they resided for several years. Mr. Thorp was a tailor
by trade. Later they moved to Allston, Mass., where he d. Feb. 14,
1888. She now resides at Highland Springs, Va., with her grand-
daughter, and has been for several years an invalid from rheumatism.
Second Generation.
Elliot G. Thorp, M. D., was b. at South Weare Aug. 1, 1849. He m.
Hattie H. Bancroft and resided in N. for several years, being connected
with Fred G. Tilton under the firm name of Thorp and Tilton, druggists,
at Tilton. Later he moved to West Newton, Mass., where he d. Nov.
22, 1S95. They had one dau., Marion, who now resides at Highland
Springs, Va.
Charlks H. Crockett v.as a native of Sanbornton, where he was a
brick mason. In 1899 he removed to Tilton and purchased a home on
School St., which he recently sold to Tilton Seminary, and purchased
two residences on Howard Ave. He m., Dec. 16, 1884, Ellen Tilton of
Sanbornton and has two children. He is one of the firm of Crockett
& Greenwood. (See Business Men of N.)
Mrs. Crockett was educated at Colby Academy and was a teacher bo-
fore her marriage, mostly in Sanbornton. She has served continuously
on the Union District Graded School Board since 1895 and is also an
active member of the Tilton and N. Woman's Club.
Second Generation.
Grace Adela Crocket, b. at Sanbornton in 1886, has just (1905) com-
pleted the English scientific course at Tilton Seminary.
Ellen Tilton Crocket, b. at Tilton, 1901.
Joseph Greenwood was b. at East St. Johnsbury, Vt., June 12. 1S70.
He m., 1895, Cedulia Duhamel of Woonsocket. R. I. They came to N.
from Plymouth in 1S93 and reside on Vine St. He learned the plumbing
busipess at Plymouth and has been at the present place of business for
12 years, the last six being as a member of the firm of Greenwood &
Crocket, dealers in stoves, tinware and kitchen furnishing goods.
Plumbing In all its branches is an important feature of their business.
(Supplementary to Ayers Genealogy, page 14.)
Joseph Sherborn Ayeks was b. at Canterbury, Jan. 14, 1812. He
m. Lucy Caroline Emery, b. at Canterbury, , 1822. They resided
on the Windfall until 1847 and three of their five children were b.
there. He later removed to the borough, where Mrs. Ayers d. April 15,
1858. He m. (second) Martha Badger Lyford, June 5, 1861, and had
one dau. Mrs. Ayers d. in 1874.
Second Generation.
Jeremiah Emery Ayers, b. at N., Feb. 2, 1838; fitted for college at
New Hampton Literary Institute. Graduated at Dartmouth, class of
1863. He taught at Pittsburg, Pa., and there founded the Ayers Latin
School. Later, he removed to Colorado, where he now resides at Edge-
Henry Clinton Ayers, b. Jan. 6, 1840. He also fitted at New Hamp-
ton and graduated at Dartmouth in 1864. He was also a teacher and
highly respected business man in Pittsburg, Pa. He was a general life
insurance agent and successful. He d. Sept. 24, 1894, leaving a large
estate. His widow resides at 5921 "Walnut St., Pittsburg, Pa.
Hannah Jane Ayers (called Jennie), was a graduate of Kimball
Union Academy in 1863 and was for some years a teacher. She m.,
in 1869, John P. Carr, an attorney of Andover, and had a son and dau.
She d. Nov. 29, 1896.
Walter Howard Ayers, b. in 1844; was also a graduate of New
Hampton and Dartmouth College, class of 1866.
He studied for the ministry and, after preaching several years, re-
tired and is now a business man in California.
Martha Elisabeth Ayers, youngest dau. of Joseph and Lucy Emery,
was b. in Canterbury. She was educated at Kimball Union Academy
and graduated in the class of 1866 and was for several years a teacher
at Acton and Gardner, Mass., Lisbon and Canterbury. She m., in 1873,
Joseph G. Clough of Canterbury and had a dau., who d. in childhood,
and a son, Henry L., with whom she resides at Canterbury Centre.
Her father d. May 26, 1887.
(Child of Joseph and Martha Lyford Ayers.)
Lucy C. Ayers, at present at Rhode Island Hospital at Providence,
R. I.
(Supplementary to page 23.)
The Blanchards were Huguenots, who left France and went to Oxford,
Thomas Blanchard sailed from London in 1629 in the ship Lizard
and came to Braintree, Mass., and owned the whole town as his farm.
He had a large family of sons and they scattered throughout all New
England. One of his sons named Joshua built the foundation of the
Old South Church in Boston. His initials, "J. B.," are cut in the
stones and can now be seen.
(Supplementary to page 34.)
Cyrus Browx came from Upland, Canterbury, in 18G1 and purchased
the Simonds farm at the Center, of Richard N. S. Batchelder. They
came to be near the seminary, where two of their children were being
educated. This being accomplished, they returned to their former
Second Generation.
Monroe Brown spent but a short time in town. He has been for
more than twenty years a business man of Winchester, Mass.
Abram Brown was a graduate of the New Hampshire Conference
Seminary, class of 18G2, and Dartmouth College in 1SG6. He has been
since 1880, a teacher in Columbus, Ohio.
Jennie Brown, m., 1865, Smith W. Glines of N. (See Glines gen.)
She has, since his death in 1881, with her son, been among the thrifty
farmers of the town.
(Supplementary to Chase Genealogy, page 47.)
The accompanying coat of arms belongs to the
descendants of Aquila Chase, who was b. in Suffolk,
Eng., in 1580 and settled in Newbury (now Newbury-
port), previous to 1G46. He was part owner of the
ship John and Francis, which brought over many
emigrants. Being a mariner, the town of Newburyport
granted him a house, lot and six acres of marsh land
"on condition that he do go to sea and to serve in the town with a boat
for four years." He was a man of note and his name often appears
upon the town records.
"But few families," the historian says, "have kept the standard of
morality higher than the descendants of William, Thomas and Aquila
Chase." The latter is said to have been the first to bring a vessel over
Newbury bar at the mouth of the Merrimack. He m. Anna Wheeler
of Hampton, who came from Salisbury, Eng. Aquila d. Dec. 27, 1C70.
He left several children. A son Aquila, who m. Esther Bond, had a
son, Joseph, who m. Abagail Thurston and had a son, John, who was
the father of Thomas of N., Mark of Meredith and others.
There are two coats of arms in other branches of the family of
Aquila, differing only in the outside ornamentation and motto. In
each case a red shield with four silver crosses. In the left corner a
blue space containing a gold lion passant. The crest is a gold lion
rampant, holding a red cross. The above coat of arms, with various
ornamentation, belongs to the descendants of Thomas and Stephen
Chase, early settlers of N.; also, in the same line are the descendants
of Daniel and Hannah Emery Hills, all of Newbury, Mass. Mrs. Free-
man B. Shedd, Mrs. Minerva Chase Barrows and Mrs. Eliza Chase
Harrington receive it through other descendants of Aquila, who had
nine children.
(Supplementary to page 149 and Genealogy, page 59, Part I.)
Martha True Clough was injured many years before her death by
having her foot pierced by a rusty nail. It occurred during a severe
thunder shower and the house was struck and much shattered by a
bolt of lightning. She was passing about in the ruin and terror and
received the injury. In spite of her extreme lameness she was active
in her practice, often being carried on a door to the bedside of the
suffering, where, in the absence of anesthetics, she was invaluable as
a destroyer of pain with her hypnotic or magnetic powers.
(Supplementary to page 339.)
Martin Courtney came to N. Depot about 1893 from Newport, Vt.,
where he had been employed nearly all his life on the Canadian Pacific
Railroad. He took charge of the trackmen and various other railroad
Interests and has, for nearly the whole time, had charge of telegraph
and ticket office. He m., soon after his arrival, Emma Fell of Ontario,
Can., of which place he was also a native. He returned to N. after a
short stay at Franklin and still resides in the station. They have two
children, b. at N.
(See Ministers of Congregational Church.)
Second Generation.
Mr. Corser had a son, Samuel B. G., and two dau., Jane and Lucretia,
all b. in Loudon. The son was a teacher in town and elsewhere for
some years. After his father's retirement they together cultivated
their fertile farm on the banks of the Merrimack at Boscawen Plain.
He was the most learned man of the state, continuing his studies In
his old age. He d. in 1900. Ann Corser, after many years' teaching,
remained with her sister, Lucretia, and brother, Bartlett, in the home
until old age. None of them married.
John Davis came to N. from Tilton in 1890 and erected a home by
the town house. He was salesman for Lord Bros.' Optical Co. He
sold, in 1893, to Daniel E. Hill and returned to Tilton, where he now
conducts a jewelry store, with home on East Main St.
(Supplementary to Davis I, Genealogy, page 80.)
George H. Davis, b. at N., Jan. 5, 1812, was a Methodist preacher and
lived some years in Canaan and d. there. He had one son, Laroy, who
also d. there.
William Davis, b. Jan. 10, 1817, resided some years in Tilton, going,
later, to the Jeremiah Cross place. He d. at Benton in 1902.
Haxxaii K. Davis, b. Nov. 27, 1816; m. Benjamin Whitcher of San-
bornton and had a son, George, and dau., Elisabeth.
John K. Davis, b. at N., Nov. 26, 1806; resided, late In life, at the
Hannaford place on main road. He d. there. He had a son, Lorenzo.
Master Gleason, who was often employed as teacher in N.. as well
as other surrounding towns, came to America from Scotland. He came
to Loudon from Barrington about 1780. He was of Irish descent. He
was a fine scribe and used to assist the selectmen in making the taxes
and keeping their accounts. He was a large, powerful man; a favorite
with the little children. He had a home in Loudon, where he m. for
his second wife, Eleanor Lovering. Oct. 1, 1787, and had six children;
10 in all, four by first wife.
Sophie Gleason, eldest child by second wife, m. Benjamin Jones and
resided some years where Cyrus T. French resides on the main road.
They had a large family. Mr. Jones d. in Canterbury in 1836.
Master Gleason d. at Loudon. Feb. 7. 1827. He was a pensioner for
service in the Revolutionary War as captain's clerk in 1775; sergeant
in 1776; adjutant, also, in 1776; steward on ship KaJcigh, Aug. 11, 1777;
adjutant in 1779, and quartermaster to end of campaign.. Pension ap-
plied for April 14, 1814. His widow survived him and was a pen-
He was living, an old man, when General Lafayette visited Con-
cord and, learning of his whereabouts, the general drove to Loudon
to pay him a visit. The meeting was mutually affecting and tender,
as they had together borne the privations and danger of the camp
and battlefield many years before. Master Gleason returned with him
to Concord and was present at the entertainment given in his honor.
(Supplementary to page 225.)
Moses Miller was b. at Three Rivers, Can., April 24, 1857. He came
to N. in 1893. He resides, since 1898, on Bay Hill.
Mrs. G. B. Lott and dau. came from New York to N. about 1900. Af-
ter several summers spent on the William Clough farm on Bay Hill
they purchased it in 1904 and have since made it their summer home,
their winters being spent in the South or in travel abroad.
Mrs. Patrick and her dau., Marilla E., came to N. in May, 1905, and
occupied their newly-erected home on Bay Street. They had previ-
ously resided in Tilton, but owned real estate on Howard Avenue since
(Additional Genealogy.)
Joseph Muzzey, b. Sept., 1771; m. Jane Bartlett, b. Feb. 7, 1773. He
came to N. from Boscawen, where he was a plough maker and owned
the place now belonging to the J. P. Watson heirs. Mr. Muzzy d. here
Jan. 11, 1839, and his wife in 1846. He was buried at the Williams
yard before the coming of the railroad and his body was removed
nearer the center of the yard when the road was built. They had
four children.
Second Generation.
Samuel Muzzey was b. in Boscawen in 1810. He m., Sept., 1834, Sally
G. Blake of Andover, b. June 28, 1815. They removed to Canterbury
near the Emery schoolhouse in 1827, where he had a cooper's shop.
They were traders at Boscawen. They had four children. He removed
to Bristol.
Third Generation.
One son, Samuel, b. 1818, m. Nellie Moore of East Concord and re-
sided in Bristol. They were parents of Walter and Albert C. Muzzey,
now residents of N. (See gen., page 239.)
(Supplementary to record of Joel F. Phelps, page 250.)
Joel F. Phelps enlisted in Co. K, Eighth Massachusetts Volunteers,
attached to Fourth New York Artillery; mustered in Oct. 1, 18G2. He
was detailed as company clerk and stationed at Fort Totten. He was
at Baltimore on the way to the Army of the Potomac. Mustered out
Aug. 7, 1863, from Department of Virginia, Army of the Potomac, Mid-
dle Department.
(Supplementary to Genealogy of Daniel Hills, page 174.)
Daniel Hills d. at N. March 23, 1813. He was the author of the fol-
lowing curious will, written Dec. 16, 1794, of which I give a part:
"In the name of God, Amen! I, Daniel Hills of Northfield In the
County of Rockingham Coopper being somewhat infirm of Body but
of Sound mind and memory and knowing that it is appointed for all
men once to die, and not knowing how soon it may be my case, do
make this my last Will and Testament, and in the first place I humbly
give my soul to God my Creator, hoping for Pardon of all my Sins
Through the merits of Jesus Christ and my body I recommend to a
decent Burial according to the discretion of my Executors hereinafter
named hoping in the Redemption to Eternal Life.
"My Worldly Estate I give, devise, and dispose of in the following
manner and form, that is to say
"Imprimis My Will is that all my just debts and Funeral charges
be paid as soon after my Decease as may be done with convenience
to my Executor out of my Estate,
"I give to Hannah my beloved Wife as the law directs
"I give devise to my beloved Wife all the household furniture for
her use and Service During my Widow except our Bed and bedstid and
Beding my Disk my large Iron Cittle & Stllliards
• •♦••♦
"I give to my beloved Wife the Privilege to pass and repass up
chaimber down cellar to the oven to the well and to the Barn without
being molested during my Widow and after my Wife's Decease I give
all my Household Furniture (except what I gave to my Executor) to
all my Sons & Daughters to be divided in the following manner, That
is the Sons to have one half of the remainder of the Furniture divided
equally among my four Sons. The other half to my two Daughters,
Abigail & Hannah equally divided
"I give devise all my Wife's Wearing apparel after her decease to
my two Daughters and Betsey Clements my Granddaughter equally-
divided among the three
"I give devise to my Son Daniel eight Silver dollars and two notes-
of-hand I have against him one Note containing thirty-six Silver dol-
lars and ten pence the other Note containing thirty Silver dollars and
all that shall remain due on said notes after I and my Wife's Decease
shall be given up to him
* * * * * ^:
"I give devise to my four Sons my Grind Stone and Iron Crank
equally between them and said Stone to remain at the Cooppers Shop
where it now stands
"Signed Daniel Hixls
James Hersey
Thomas Gixman
Reuben Whitcheb
"Item N. B.
"I give devise after my Decease all my wearing apparrel to my four
Sons equally divided among them except my silver Shoe Buckles and
Knee Buckles I give to my executor"
After all this loving care and forethought, she survived him only
one year, dying May 6, 1814. It is not known where they were buried,
probably on the farm.
(Supplementary to record of John Hills, page 175.)
John Hills (second line), should say probably the first years of his
majority were spent elsewhere. He was noted for his firmness and
strict integrity. He had some peculiar ideas of finance and did not
rely on the market reports to regulate his price of farm products. He
used to say "a bushel of corn was worth a dollar to him — no more —
no less." If others sold for 75 cents he waited; if it was selling for
$1.25 he did not change. In 1815 he had a very large crop and not one
bushel did he sell, as the market price was only 75 cents. The next
year, 1816, was the memorable year when there was snow or frost every
month and crops were almost entirely cut off. Uncle John had a large
quantity of corn left over, but ignoring the law of supply and demand
his price was $1, same as ever. No one could buy but a bushel at a
time and that not to sell again. Seed for the poor farmers was a
great blessing at so low a price and he was satisfied.
Laboy Mowe came to N. from Lowell. He held a position at first In
the employ of Richard F'irth. He m. Sarah Bennet and resided on the
Blanchard place near the Center. After the burning of the home he
purchased the Chase Wyatt farm in East N.; selling, later, he removed
to Massachusetts. The parents and sisters resided for a time by the
Granite Mill, removing, later, to their newly erected home by the
library. Mr. Mowe d. in N., as did a dau. Mrs. Mowe went to Blair's
Station to reside with a daughter and d. there.
(Supplementary to Rand Genealogy, page 258.)
(Children of Abraham and Martha Holmes Rand.)
Waldron Holmes Rand, b. at Boston, Mass., July, 1851; m. Emma
Adalaide Woodbury. They had seven children.
Third Generation.
Waldbon Holmes Rand, Jk., b. Jan. S, 1S76; graduated at Harvard,
1898; m. Gertrude McKay.
Leon Woodbury Rand graduated at Harvard, class of 1902.
Nathaniel George Rand, b. 1855; d. young.
Leonidas Porter Rand, b. at Philadelphia Dec. 25, 1857; d. In South
America in 1885.
Nathaniel Holmes Rand, b. at Philadelphia Dec. 18. 1859; m., June
17, 1885, Elinor Theresa Asbury. They have two children.
William Brisbane Rand, b. at Philadelphia Aug. 2, 1862; took pre-
paratory studies in the Friends' Central School and Rugby Academy
and was a member of Harvard, class 1885. He m.. May 24, 1887, Anne
Victoria Crowell of Philadelphia. They have three children and reside
in Boston.
(See portrait, page 30C.)
Joseph Tilton was b. at East N. June 13. 1818. (See Tilton Gen.,
page 306.) His parents removed to Meredith, where his early years
were passed, mostly on the farm. His education was acquired In the
public schools and was very thorough. Mr. Tilton was one of the early
pioneers of California, moving there* with his family soon after the
discovery of gold. He located in San Francisco and followed the busi-
ness of dairyman, also taking an active part in the iwlltlcs of the rap-
Idly growing city. During the troubles with the turbulent and law-
breaking element Mr. Tilton was an officer of the famous "VlgllanU"
and saw much service in those days of riot and trouble.
In 1857 lie returned to New Hampshire and, locating in Laconia,
commenced the manufacture of hosiery in a mill where now stands
the dye house of J. W. Busiel & Co. In 1862 he suspended business
in the mill to assist in raising the Twelfth Regiment for the Civil War
and went into the service with them as first lieutenant. He was se-
verely wounded at Chancellorsville while in command of his company
and remained with them until loss of blood obliged him to leave the
field. After a season in the hospital he was returned to New Hamp-
shire and finally was obliged to resign on account of disability. But
for this unfortunate wound, Lieutenant Tilton must have risen to high
command, as he had in an eminent degree the dash and courage which
go far to make the successful soldier. His record was above reproach,
courageous and unflinching to a fault. In camp, as on the battlefield,
he was ever the same bright, active, intelligent soldier — one to whom
his men could always look with strong confidence and from whom they
always received kind and just treatment.
Lieutenant Tilton was one of the original members of John L. Per-
ley, Jr., Post, G. A. R., of Laconia. When sufBciently recovered he re-
sumed the hosiery business, retiring in 1877. He died in 1879. He was
warm hearted and kind, though of an impulsive and impetuous nature
and was a man of profound and sincere convictions. He was frank and
outspoken in his opinions on all subjects and when once his mind was
made up was never slow to act. (See Tilton gen., page 306.)
Joe R. Twombly, b. Dec. 9, 1882; m., July 2, 1903, Harriet Demange.
They reside on Bay Hill.
Second Generation.
Ida May Twombly, b. Dec. 14, 1904.
Page 71, add to line 6, "he had two sons, Leon Forrest, born July 2C,
1896, and Stanley Wyman, born Sept. 19, 1900"; also, in lino 28, for
"Sept. 19," read "Sept. 22."
Page 243, line 12, for "Annie Lavina Varnum," read "Annie Laura
Varner of Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia."
Page 241, Joseph Warren Nudd died 1836, instead of 1822.
Page 243, line 20, add, "Nellie Nudd married Allie Eastman of Ply-
Page 45, line 12, add to record of Scott Cofran, "Though not in the
army, he served in and about camps, etc., at Washington, D. C, until
the close of the war."
Page 314, line 28, add to genealogy of Smith and Flora Wadleigh,
"Bessie A., b. Dec. 23, 1887; Peter E., b. Dec. 15, 1SS9, and Malcolm, b.
July 6, 1899."
Page 258, line 10, Samuel Rand died aged 84, instead of 82.
Samuel, Jr., same page, had a son and dau., Frances and Oscar.
Page 259, fourth line from bottom, George Waldron Baker resides at
Bangor, Me.
Page 259, line 20, for 1842 read 1849.
Page 252, line 25, add to Thomas H. Piper genealogy his death at
Franklin Aug. 15, 1905.
Page 182, line 8, add to record of Kate F. Hills her death. Aug. 7. 1905.
Page 306, line 22, Joseph Sullivan Tilton was b. June 13, instead of
16. He was b. at Mow Hampton , it w t oa d of N.
Page 116, line 25, read for "M. Lu Forsyth," "m. Lu Forsyth."
Page 86, line 32, add to record of Charles H. Davis, "He served in the
Civil War, Co. C, Ninth Regiment. (See Boys in Blue.)"
Page 227, line 8, add to record of Hannah Molony Blake of Belvidere,
Ills., her death, Aug., 1905.
Page 160, line 6, for Mrs. Benjamin Blanchard read Mrs. Edward
Page 150. line 12, add to record of Willie M. Gllnes, "Irving, b. 1889;
d. Aug.. 1902; Elsie, b. 1891; George, b. 1893."
Page 210. line 9. add to record of Wilson Lockwood his death in
England Aug., 1905.
Page 117, line 23, add to record of Alforetta Boonhower Forrest her
death, Sept. 10, 1905.
Page 95, Part I. add to Military Record. "Ix)ren7.o Miller served In
Company G, Eighth Regiment, Vermont, and. later, in Company K.
Ninth Regiment, V. R. C; was wounded at New Orleans. (See gen.,
page 225.)"
Page 245, add to record of Mrs. Daniel M. Page her death at N., Sun-
day, Sept. 1, 1905.
Page 66, line 8, add to record of Julia Evans Copp her death, Sept.
18, 1905.
Page 115, Part I, for Mrs. Miles Glidden read Mrs. Mills Glidden.
Page 100, Part I, add to twenty-sixth line, "Joshua French made brick
in this locality at a very early date. It is knovv^n that he had a son,
and dau., but no data is at hand."
Page 175, name of portrait, Susan Cole Hills should read Susannah.
Page 277, line 2, should say, "she d. at Gilmanton."
Page 259, line 20, for Nathaniel P. read Nathaniel H.
Page 272, line 16, for John Roberts read Jonathan.
Page 147, line 1, add to record of Rev. John Fogg, his death, Jan. 8,
Page 260, "George Sullivan Baker d. at Tilton in 1867."
Page 205. "Wadleigh Leavitt m. (first) Mary Percival and had seven
children. He m. (second) Abagail Caswell and had eight, 15 in all."
Page 203, line 7, add to record of Henrietta Josephine Lang her death
at Belmont Oct. 2, 1905.
Page 321, line 1, in record of Sarah T. Whittier for 1831 read 1841.
Page 221, last line, add to record of William J. McDuff, "He was a
member of Pulaski Lodge, No. 58."
Page 6, line 26, should read, "Sarah J. Buswell, d. March 2, 1860."
Page 34, line 12, "Abagail Buswell, d. Feb. 7, 1897," and line 24,
"Harriet, d. June 28, 1895."
Page 241, third line, add, "Maranda; Mary Norton, b. Jan. 9, 1850;
Carrie Norton, b. Feb. 1, 1852; d. at Lunenburg, Mass., Nov. 5, 1892.
Mr. Norton d. at Candia May 24, 1900. Emma Norton, b. Jan. 14, 1855;
m. Nov. 25, 1879."
Page 161, line 4, "Sarah Williams Hancock, d. 1800."
Page 183, add to record of Craven and Florence Hill Laycock, "They
have one dau., Katherine, b. at Hanover, 1901."
Page 232, line 25, for Edwards read Edward. "Mrs. Amos H. Morri-
son d. Aug. 29."
Page 70, line 6, add to record of Sarah Cross Jenkins her death at
South Boston, Oct. 2, 1905.
Page 243, line 9, add to record of James Clark his death, Sept. 28,
Add to record of Lowell M. French, page 120, line 24, his death, Oct.
24, 1905.
Add to record of Bessie M. Morrill, page 235, line 32, her death,
Oct. 25, 1905.
Add to record of John Senter, page 284, last line, his death, Oct. 25,
Add to record of Charles Mason, page 219, line 23, his death, Oct.
29, 1905.
Add to list of names of business men of Tilton, residing in North-
field, C. L. True and Edwin D. Forrest.
Add to professional men of Northfield C. L. True and Edwin D. For-
rest, dentists.
For Ann Corser, page 342, line 48, read Jane.
First Tax List of the Town, Called, "Pbizel."
"Inhabitants Counter Role or Coppy for the Year 1784."
The first on record is given in £ s. d. Among the largest taxpayers
were Arhelus Miles (on the Rogers' farms), £130 4s. 4d. Samuel Gil-
man, on the , £120 prize!; tax. Is. 6d. The school money was to
be paid in the "Perduce of the Cuntory Sixty Dolars for the Preseunt
yeor. one half in the Somer and the other haff in the Wenter"
Also, it was voted "to Rase one Day on a Pol and So in porpotion on
a States to Repair or. Rebould Sandborntown Bridge"
"Mon. ye 30 1784 at the house of thomas Oilman Esq."
The selectmen, Reuben Whitcher, John McDaniel and Ebenezar Kim-
ball, were directed to pay 3s. for corn; rye at 4s.; wheat at 6s. per
bushel. The whole tax was £71 17s. 6d. for state; £4 2s. for county.
I also find by a settlement that day made with the selectmen of the
previous year that perhaps the state tax was to be paid in beef, as the
town voted, in 1781, "The Select Men Be A Committy to git the Monny
& Beef Cauld for By the Cort and that they Shall git the Beef as they
Can Best either with Monny or Spaies (?) And Sixty Bushil Bushil of
Corn for Scolin this year"
A part of prizel roll for 1784 is missing. Among those most conspic-
uous by the peculiar orthography are Joseph Hancocke. Gidden Leav-
ittee, William ad Parkines, Nathl Simones, David dollar. John Forriest.
widdow gill & Robbart Carrey & Thomas foose." We also find, in 1788,
"William Glines Sen; William of Canterbury: William 3rd & 4th."
In 1796 the values in the record books change from pounds, shillings
and pence to dollars and cents.
Olo Home Day, 1905.
(Supplementary to page 202, line 3, Part I.)
The celebration began on Saturday night, when Frank C. Robertson
lighted a huge bonfire on the most conspicuous place on Bean Hill.
Several of the nearby farmers gave material which, reinforced by the
usual barrel of tar, shone out its welcome far into the night. Another,
on one of the first settled farms, lighted by William Sager. added to
the display.
Sunday afternoon a well-attended religious service was held In the
old church at the fair grounds, conducted by the clergymen of the vil-
lage of Tilton, with a historical and reminiscent sermon by Rev. C. C.
The occasion was semi-patriotic and the church was aglow with the
red white and blue of our national emblem. A choir, under the lead-
ership of John Fletcher, Esq., rendered old-time music, among which
one recognized "Dundee," "St. Thomas." "Balerma" and "Coronation."
so familiar to the older ones present
Your genealogist has completed her task. She has summoned the
legions of the past in long review. Forgotten graves have given up
their secrets, dusty forms have reassembled on the sites of desolated
homes, while age, sex and condition have been duly and mechanically
recorded. My heart has ached that, so limited by time and space, I
must pass by, with these meagre facts, many whose lives were full
of inspiration and benediction to all whom they touched. What of the
old young and the young old? Must we count age always by figures
on the dial despite that better score of heart throbs or the poet's juster
rule that "He lives most who most endures, most loves and most for-
Birth, marriage, death! Are these the all-important facts of human,
life? What of the "new birth" and the new awakenings that come so
often to even the calmest lives? What of the many who, led by stern
duty, waive the joys of wedlock, home and children and give them-
selves to lives of sacrifice and labor for helpless parents or friends,
too selfish or senile to appi'eciate in any measure the loving ministra-
Is there no death other than when pulses cease to beat and hearts
to palpitate?
I have also looked with pity on another long array, too burdened
with woes, real or imaginary, to see that skies were blue or that the
teeming earth was urging her blessed bounty upon all, whose ears,
so filled with the utterance of their own woes, were too deaf to hear the
loving invitation of the "Spirit and the Bride," "Ho! Every one that
thirsteth. Come ye without money and without price."
Again, I have rejoiced. with another goodly company, who, along the
"cool, sequestered vale of life, maintained the noiseless tenor of their
way, content to live, to love, to work and leave events to God." The
pageant has passed, the dirge-like music and the rhythm of its tread
have faded in the distance on the ear, and I would not call them back.
Have we given each his due? Have we weighed conditions and duly
considered what "might have been?" Surely such has been our aim,
with what success others must decide.
This thought, at least, shall be your comfort — that it is your histo-
rian's pen that spreads this record rather than the Recording Angel's.
Abasail 29
Clarciue 86
Elias, Dea 18, 71, 221
Ellas 29
Gardiner G., Dea 57, 181
James B 48, 148
.Tohn, Dea 23
Nabby 124
Elisha, Rev 58
Frank M 91
John W 27, 58, 1S8
Joseph 91
Mary A 60
Caleb 72, 7.1
Henry, Mrs 21
Louisa 194
Richard 71
Josiah, Dea 8, 25, 26, 54, 76, 122
Bracket 8
Mvra 141
Thomas G 85
E. B., rrof 125
Charles 88
Albcrtus IM
.TndRe 28
Mehetable, Mrs 34
Aaron "?''
Daniel l**^
Thomas 89
Anpustlne 229
Charles Henry 80, ltd. 220
Chnrles II.. Dea 23, 101
Jonathan '^
Joseph, Dr 1"
Ellphlct 227
Nahum, Hon 186. 190
T r.
James 102, 23.8, 2.'»
Walter L 90
Goor-re W 180. 227
Martha S 34
Mark, Mrs 167
M. D. R 195
Osmon C, Rev 58, 59
George W 95
Colonel 71
•Adam S 52. 53. 61, 107, 239, 246
Mitlie T 63
Attorney-General 162
Charles 183
Daniel 107
L. D., Rev 58
Richard 41
Brothers 231
Flaxen Ingall,s 80
James 180
Lnclen F 187, 188
Moses 117
Richard N. S 80
Lewis, Rev J4
Loren, Rev 57
GeorRe tSS
Luther C. Dr 60, IIS
Nnthnn 106
Nathaniel Ml
Samuel ""
Governor *3
Joseph "
Calvin W O
Georjre 2
Harry »'
Benjamin 4, 71, 76, 111, 114, 229
Bridget 114
David 71, 121
Edward 71, 73, 74, 112
Ebenezai- 114, 229
Ja nies 4
Jeri'v 74, 75
Joseph 318
Reul)en, Lieut 74
Ricliard 45, 71, 73
L N 164
Abraham, Rev 28
Tersis 34
Josliiia 71
Floward 242
Walter 242
Alonzo 185
I. N 38
Courtland 245
Grannv 319
Marv Elisabeth 156. 195
Rufus 9
William 4, 5, 8, 123
Cornelius 83
Frank 83
Abraham 60, 72. 76
Abraham B 168, 109, 21.^
Abraham, Mrs 149
Albert 85
Annie M CO
Bradburv T 30, 38
Betsey 29, 149
Benjamin B 176
B. Frank 101
Calista 246
David 174, 246
George II 231
Henry, Dr 148
Hannah F , 246
Ja mes 230
John 104
.Tohn G 89
Samuel B 104
Theodore 72, 74, 169
Ed 232
Fred 232
Napoleon B., Hon 7, 190, 200
Lucien 247
Georgia A 60, 188
Bernice M 60
Charles F 94, 245
David E 94
George F 245
Henry A 245
William 62
Jonathan AY 38
William 236
Benjamin F 25
Annie GO
Luther 94
Captain 72
Asel 74
William 94
.Tames 121
Jesse 72
Joseph 4
Samuel 74, 75
Willis 182
Albert S 245
Albert D 2.39, 245
Nancy 191. 238
W. H 239, 241
Charles 91
Arthur T 53, 62, 247
W. D., Rev 27, 58
Edward 231
Abby Josephine 160
Asa P 10, 38, .56. 58, 66. 78, 159
160, 207, 208, 236
Clara Morton 100
Erwin Girard 89
John 123
Lafayette, Dr 60. 148
Simoon 11, 17?
McT.checb 123
Miles 182
John 225
Charles J 24, 43
Marv M 158
John, Dea 193
.John. Rev 22, 23. 88
W. B., Dr 157
William E 234
Benjamin 175, 236, 237
Carlton. Rev 39
Charles Percy 238
Charles G 51. 57, 231, 237
Anna 60
Francis, Hon 159
T^annah Hall 237
Herbert Goss 83
Lucien 88
Laura 60
Lizzie A CO, f.l
Mary 2.'?8
Stephen 76, ir>9, 236, 23.S
Thomas 22, G4, 66, 173, 175. 183
Wallace 81
Walter G ! 238
Alice 110
Hiram 78
John 5, 76, 116, 183
John, Jr 279
Alexander T 76, 149, 109
Archibald S 76, 176
Benjamin W 90
Carlos D'Onis 176, 183
Electa A 60
George H 61
George W 87
John, Dr 60, 97, 149, 150
John C .59
John ( Boston ) 224
Jeremiah G 244
Janies. Mrs 221
Thomas E SO, 90, 182
W. S 60
Ben S 80
Fred 38
Zenas CO
Joseph. Rr 73
Sally Hill 31
Abner 76
Albert Lucien 162
Charles W 90
George R 90
George 62
Joseph 21
.Teremiah, Rev 21
Jonathan, Dea 251
Jonathan 40, 47. 49, 115
Jeremiah 3. 4. 109
Lucien B.. Hon 159, 161
Martha True 149
Monroe 115
Ohed 117
Pollv 23
Philip 11. 222
Rebecca L 1«'2
Samuel Ifi9
Thomas 4. 94, 121
Thomas. Capt C9. 74, 117
William 115. l'"6
William, Mrs 25, 107
John H
John. Lieut 74
Charles C 87
B. Frank 55. 106. 181
Eliza 63
Henrv ^^
.Tames. Col 16. 58. 100. 116. 182. 219. 221
.Tames B5. 175
•Tospph '8. liO
La Roy f"^
Smith W 92
Amos M J75
Alfred ji^/j
Benjamin 176
Natlinn. Ensign 74
Osborn ^3
•I"''" ,■•• '.■■'.■.■■■.■.'.'.■.'. 105
Jeremiah J05
Stephen 76
S 34
Alonzo jRi
Aaron [[[ i\^
Benjamin ..'.'.'.'."! 71
John '.'.'.'.'.'. 87
Llba. Rev 30. 49, 55, 108
Leonard 198
Gardiner 57
Irving, Rev
Amos K 82
Ilazen 239. 241
James 244
Charles F 83
Smith D 83
Enoch, Rev 30, 31, 58
Jane 34
Gideon 82
J. B., Rev 154
Mary 154
Henry L 90
William M
Isaac 224
Robert 224, 226
Arthur T 62
Charles 62. 221
Ellen. Mrs 1»«
Grace 61
Mrs IM
Asa. Dr 150
Grace Reed • 130
Abraham 119
Arthur B 51
i'hnrles W
I'phrnim "4
Kihvnrd W 60. 206. 222
Foriest. Mr« »1»
Ulrnm H «. 100
Hlmm M«. W
Ulrnm B *•
Hazen 30, 50
Jesse 27, 71, 76, 102, 117
John 4, 71, 72, 117
Jeremiah 97
Lucy U. H 34, 51, 53, 50, 100
108, 109, 134, 201
Moses 'i'2
Oliver L 41, 106, 107, 108, 109
118, 159, 162, 2m
Parl^er 72, 117
Stephen 71, 102, 118
Sarah 182, ISO
Thomas 14, 72, 102, 117
Williarrt 76
William P., Dr 149, 185
Mary Hall 52
Hannah fiO
Josie B 60
Sophie T 60
Moody, Hon 190
Corban, Rev 32, 108
Joseph 74, 75
John 83
Samuel 76
Ezekiel 71
Henry 71
James M 81
Moses 71
Mr 119
William 7.3
W F 12, 184, 1S8, 226
J. F 225, 220
William, Mrs 24
Asa 80
Charles H 82, 80
Henry 228, 282
J. B., Rev 22
.Tonathan 70
Moses 98
Martin 88
George 82
Abram 4, 87
Darius S., Dr 00, 148
Edmund 54, 119, 123, 154. 158
Enoch 80
Frank A., Dr 155
Henry. Dr 158
.Tonathan 148
Jonathan, Jr 148
Jonathan, Mrs 155
.John S 119, 120
John S., Mrs 107
Joseph 11, 90
John 4, 70
Josiah 221. 22manuel 174
lleltn 164
•lames 169
James M 6
James N 10. 44. 56, 107. 117. 164
174, 186, 187, 201. 204
Kate 60, 185, 199. 214
John <. 71
John, Jr "1. 116
John E 57, 66
Robert 29. (3
Samuel 54. 105. 116, 175
Samuel W 60. 159, 164. 204
William 4, 14, 72, 73, 76, 117, 175
Asa ....
Abial ..
.10. 80. 186. 187,
Sn^^an II
Asa, Hon
Lowell. Mrs
W. C
W. C., Mrs
Ed, Capt.
Folly ....
Benjamin F *?•
Elmer R "•
Fred 60
Laura CO
W. A 231
Senator 51
Charles C
M 105
Alfred 148
Henry. Col H
Helen L 60
Leonard 120
Milton 6, 120, 229
Joseph 120
Stephen, Capt 120
Stephen 6, 120
William, Capt 120
James 5
Thomas 71
Alfred A 38, 5G, 163
Alonzo (Charles) 1S2
Alfred D 104
Belle W 186, 187
Clyde A 186, 187
Frank A 89. 148, 108
Jonathan 71, 74, 76
Joseph A 60, 166
Lucia K 60
Lawrence B 1G4
Milton 74
Mary M 167
Minnie II 1C4
Mary W 186
Rufus 170
Thomas 82
William A., Col 89, 159, 163, 200, 204
John D., Rev 58
Andrew, Dea 11, 76, 100
Jonathan 72, 76, 113, 115
John Maok 148, 229
John Taylor 77, 78
Maud C 187
Samuel, Capt 74, 113, 115
Simon 76
Thomas 4
Ward 84
William 48, 51, 66, 105, 115, 151
William, Mrs 151, 152
Nathaniel 169
Alice 25
Charles, Lieut 4, 13, 14, 72, 114, 116
121, 170, 175
Charles, .Tr 229
Charles Mills 76, 77
Charles, Mrs 115
Galusha 74
Mary Y GO
Polly 54
Ahraha m 76
P.oniamin 175
Cariio B 243
Charles 193
Charles M 8
E. R 8
Hi^am 104
Isaac, Capt 10, 66, 76, 229
Isaac, Mrs 23, 115
Job 183, 193
J 76
Laroy A 194
Mary Dearborn 193
Mary Emma 194
Nathaniel 71
Raj mond 194
Smith W 80
Walter F 82
Willis 182
Wallis 182
William 71
William (Miller) 72, 97
Willie 182
Wesley M 80
Timothy, Master 54, 56
Tom 183
James B 85
M., Sergt 76
Moses 76
Moses B Ill
Samuel 72
Peter 225
John II., Hon
Gawn E 10, 104
Anna 60
Charles R., Dr 8. 149, 1.57
John 226
Robert 37, 49, 103
Saamel, Col 14
Cha rles 241
Julia 246
Joseph 231
Whiting, Hon 164
Sally 22. 30
Charles B 59
Alice 230
Aldora 60
Benjamin 174
Henry, Rev 38
Marhew 4. 121
Stephen. Capt 14, 74
Sarah 230
Samuel 98
William 7
Adino B 52, 55, 148, ir,3
Abairail .'i4
Bessie M i:<-\
Eliza 30
Grace F ].-,c,
Hannah Haines ir,?,
Israel 80
Jeremiah F., Dr 88. 108, 148, 157
Jereniinh, Dea 20, 30, 104, 153
O., Lieut 7f>
Marshall I* 108
Obartiah 29. 175
Obadiah Jackson, Dr 90, 148, 155
Oeorjre 4, 72, 113, 120
Joseph 120
Joseph. Lieut 4, 74, 7G
Jacob 72
Oren .T liT,
Susan 29. 120
William, Lieut 4, 71, 7G, 113
Benjamin F 80. 105
Charles IL, Rev 60, IfiS
John 105
Jeremiah, Rev 55, 1"^5
Peter 77, 121
Samuel G 49
William G 43, 51, 118, 192
Benson 185
Sallv 124
William C 91
Joseph, Dr 6, 14, 21
John, Rev 21
Calvin S.. Rev 59
Lllla 247
Mathew G, 47
Natt, Gov 192
Captain 7G
Caleb 7fi
John G SO
Jacob 4. 71, 74, ITT
Jonathan Ill
Samuel 7
SylvanuR, Dr 22. 148
Charles P 204, 231. 232
Daniel 224
Ebenezar 38
Ilenrv 38
Joseph 38
Lizzie A : 61
M. A.. Rev 36, 38, 52, Gl, 161, 207. 20.8
William 84
Horace ISl
J. B., Rev 22
Pettr 87
Aitlnir II J87
Cbarlfs F 8, 60. 227
I>i>iil<-1 8, 49
David. Lieut 74, 70, M
I>avid 100. 103. lOD, 182
David, ('apt i.s
Danli'l Emery 177. 184. 215
Daniel, Capt ;..74, 77, 169
Evelyn 60
Frank 53, C2, TtH
Jler;ry F 8
John 71. 76. '03. 169, 177
Kare. Mrs 195, '06
ICatc 203
I'n>-y R 60. 163
Myra Pearl no
Rocer f,o
Solon F 56. 185
Su^an M 181
Tiniotly 71, 76, 77, 78, 86. 113, 169
Warren I, 5S. lOii. 230
W. Smith 178
Eva G 60
Florence ro
Joseph 231, 232
William 1' 232
Garrett 235
Hiram 89. 226
Israel 76
E. A 34
Nathaniel 11
Samuel 95
Julia Ward 194
Orlando 184
Emma O
Alonzo F ft
.•\s.i (Jeorgj 148
Dixl C... i'l, 1«
Enos. Dr 28. 29. 30. 33, 49. 56. 149
150. 153. 176
Enos Alphcus 92, 14«
( ; ra ce C M
An i hony 145
Lucian, Prof 53. go. iiv.. ins. ino
110. 145. 204. 220
Nathan Parker l'-2
Sarah •<»3
Ervin A M
Emrl. Hon IM
Jud-on !'•"»
Kate L 1»
Jeremiah '•'*
Stcpheu S "•
Simeon 233
Amos IIG
Benjamin 7G
Setli, Dr 247
Chester, Hon.
Albert 80
Alpheus 1(!9
David, Jr 74, 75, 76
Francis 76
Fredericlj 80, 84
John S3
Tliomas 80
William 4, 22, 72, 118
Willie 192, 230
John 87, 104, 121
Samuel 57
Charles 140
Stephen 86
Charles 184
Edmund, Lieut 74
George 173
John, Jr 148
JOSSG . 89
John, Dr '. '. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.40,' 49," iis! 148
Reuben 71, 73
William 91
George W
David 119
Ebenezar 4, 71, 121
John A 119
Reuben 119
Viola R 60
Thomas 81
D. C, Rev 24, 53
Lucien 60
Mather 15
Joseph 25, 26, 115
Mrs 27
William 27, 169
W'esley 47, 49
Ora P 187
William S 192
Rev. Fr 45
Elmer 95
Josie 60
W. P 53
Caroline 59
James, Rev.
Peter 85
Alvin B 60
Dudley 54, 129
Ernest 60
Joseph 4
Edw ard 6
John 225, 226
Abe 87
Joseph 174
James, Mrs 201, 204
Josiah H 80
Mary A 194
George R 187
A. C 178, 232
Arthur P 87, 247
George W 232, 247
G. B., Mrs.
Harry 95
Samuel, Rev 165
Truworthy 90
J. L.
Cornelius 72
Whitten 79
Biley, Dr 148
James O., Hon 159, 201, 204
Jeremiah II., Dr 148
Lieutenant 13, 73, 76, 103
Sarah 97
Squire 124
Thomas 175
Thomas, Jr 49, 66
John 86
Lewis, Rev.
Joseph 169
Rufus 185
Charles 81
L. K 44
Robert f>5
Samuel 97
James S 81
David If.O
George ISl
John 74, 7.')
Esquire 14
John 82
David, Capt 14
Jeremiah 4, 117
.John 4, 15, 117. 121
Nehemiah 71, 116
Asa, Rev 28
Elisabeth 194
GreenouRh 229
Relief Judith 227
James 86
Arthur F 85
Charles A 164
DeWitt 85
Frank H 231
John W 49
Jacob 4
Henry 185
Archelus 4, 5. 117, 121
Abner 4, 73. 117. 119
Josiah 5. 17
Josiah. Mrs 218
Samuel 4, 117, 119
Mrs 182
William 219
John M., Hon 231
John 71. 76, 229
Richard 148
Bradstreet 236
Celestia S 57
John 57, 66. 176
Isaac 204
Ezeklel C3. 114
Frank ^
Jacob 22^
Jesse go
|'"\''na '.'..'.'.'.■.■.■.■.■.■. '.iM. M7
^latililas 114
>l<'rrlll '..'.'m. 230
^Jonill lufi. 187
Morrill S i7«
William '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 71
Amos 49
Hyron g4
Carrie B 199
David 122
Jeromlah • "2j
Loavitt ••■ *•]
Mathew ^*• ]»*
Mathew, Jr., Dr i«
N. O ^*
Oscar r • • ■7. ,^^
Roby IW, 148
Simoon 4
William 4 .
William, Ensign 74
Edmund i
Abbie M CO
Charles M
Emily 55
Julia . 5t
f'harlos H., Gov 171
Gideon 27, 71, 116. 117
Deacon 118
J. R., Mrs 193
Fred 172
Jonathan 104
Kate 60
John 134
Samuel, Rev 31
Samuel 181
Jotham 31
Bvron 17?
Frank W 96, 178
Florence GO
Nellie Oliver 202
James E 1S8
James, Capt 72, 74
Freeman B 214
Abraham 169
Augusta 60
Hester A. R 60
James 8
John J
Joseph Hills W
.Tnhii W 121
Nnncy Forrest 1»
Nancv f^
Master M
Thomas. Capt _,
William • '»
Almon 51
C. L 172
Clara E • 2
Charles JJ
Peter "
Arthur 2
Charles. Rev ••• ^m
Charles " --.
Francis, Jr t;
Goorge ..••.•••••»••••••••••*•••• _T?
James ■"
Jeremiah 4C
Jeremiah, Jr 104, 114
Jeremiah E 99, lOG, 107, 183, 277
Joseph M. (> 105
Joshua 79, 101
John 104
Mary J 60
Martha A. C 60
Robert 225
Warren H 51, 64, C6, 113, 114, 115
116, 181. 187
William, Ensign 74, 116
W. B. T 38
AVilliam 225
Arthur T 38
Simeon 38
Mrs 18
J., Rev 56
Henrietta 155
George 80
John, Col 74, 75
Aaron 4, 123
Aaron, Jr 4
Charles 87
Francis, Mrs 195
G. F 232
Ina M 60
J., Rev 58
W. II., Col 187
Charles F 178
Hiram 107
C. B., Rev 33
A. L 67, 247
John, Master 54
Ansreline T 227
Gideon 4
John 231
T. J., Dr 149
Joseph 87
J. Frank 38, 230
John 176
Sidney G3
Bradbury 176
Charles C, Dr 90, 148
David. Mrs 107
George S 174
Henry 55, 148, 169
Hiram 105
Hiram B 148
Hiram B., 2d 148
J. B 49
John C 57, CO, 165
Nathan 148
Walter 88
Susie R 166
Susie E 166
Benjamin 166
George L 20
Arthur P 187
Charles 70
James, Mrs 20, 43
Samuel 78
Thomas 102
Phineas 123
Mathew, Gov 73, 74
Sally 54
Charles P 58
Alexander II 11, 103
Alfred E 67
Charles E 10, 20, 41. 52. 53, 07, 171, 189
191, 197, 198, 235, 242
Charles W 8, 84
Elmer. Hon 246, 247
George H 238, 239, 244, 245, 246
Hamilton, Mrs 38
Jeremiah 9, 175, 191, 197, 236, 238, 246
Jeremiah C, Col 30, 238
Joseph S 246
Kenneth J 247
Mary P 153
Mittie Clough 240
Mvra A 60
Mvra, Mrs 34
Nancy C 34, 191
Rufus II 85
Samuel, Hon 30, 48, 58, 60
Sara L 30
Albert 86
Dr 149
Luther T., Rev 53
D. Munson, Dr 149
Charles L 62, 172, 244
Alida, Mrs 200
Uncle 101
John, Rev 31
Lima H 235
Mary 235
Socrates 235
Ware D 186
Charles .T 230
Ephraim S 9, 51, C6. 105, 111, 182
Jonatlian 4, 73, 100, 112
Mother 220. 228
Peter, Hon 46, 77, 173, 175
Mary Green in4
Richard 2
Parson 218
Timothy, Col 74
Lucius, Rev 33, 38, 160
M 70
Dr 149
Ebenezar 72
Samuel 6
George F 231
Nathan 49, 50, 174
James 46
Parsons, Dr 149, 152, 153
Sherman L 162
Benjamin 76. 169
Clarence 178, 18fi."187
Fannie 186, 187
George 89
Ira 83
Julia fO
Mathew 104
Nathaniel 4, 71, 113. 115. 117, 121
Reuben 4, 71, 80, 113, 115. 121
Jonathan lir>
William 4, 115, 117
Curtice 81
Daniel, Dr HO, l.-)7
Fannie, Mrs 34
X. 866
'^."ir 130. 176
NMlllacn gg
Fred, Rev 23, 24
Wlllinm 1, 113
Solomon McNeil 197
Colonel 72
Eliza, Mrs $4
A. B 204
Benjamin. Mrs 5C, 204
Darius i.'a
John S 107, 21s
L. J 171
Moses 127
Asa 8S
D., Rev 28
Ambrose 74. 115
.Toslah 173. 175
Mark R., Dr 149
William 80
John K 229
Charles 84
Alfred C 9
Chase 104
Otis C, Maj 92, 100, 176. 178, 1»
201, 204
Walter ' 9
Charles W «T
John S ***
Ann Kimball 177
BrlKham »7
Edwin J 172. 199. 231
Cenmla. Mrs 195, 196
Mary Otis 177
Thomas J *77
Part II.
Abagail 5, 158
Alfred L 6
Austin Clarence 6
Betsey 5
Charles W 181
Dorcas 28
Elias, Dea 5, 226, 28.3
Elisabeth 5
Elias. .Jr 5. 6, 269
Emily B 6, 53, 317
Ebenezar 290
Ellen C 239
Fra nces M 1
Frank Mazen 7
Gardiner S 6, 34, 35, 134, 236
Hannah 5, 198
James B 5, 268
Jeddediah 7
Lydia Sawyer 6
Lucia A 7
Moses 3
Moses Colbv 6, 296
Matilda 6, 113
Nancy 290
Abliie Ann 7
Aaron 176
Charles E 7, 8
Emery H 176
Frank 7
Frank Marshall 8
Harry B 310
Isabella 126
Joseph 7
Julia 148
Josephine R 8
I.aura E 7
I.ottie M 7
Minnie B 7, 8
Minnie I^ouisa 7
Maria F 7
Martha Jarvis 8
Richard 286
Samuel 7
Fred 73
Herrick 173
Walter 173
Isaiah 38
Andrew 9
Anna 9, 111
Betsey 9
Charlotte 10
Joseph 9
]\Iarv 9
Richard 9, 10
Susanna S 9, 10
Sarah Ill
William 9
Ada B 290
Frank 1 296
(iuy F. S 296
Jesse 296
Julia F 107
Eliza 9
.Joseph 9
James Madison 9
Jonathan 9
Abagail Sargent 8
Caleb t 8
Charles Sarsjent 8
Emma 9, 260
Emeline J 9, 296
Edwin 8
ITarrv 46
Harriet 8, 78
Harry, Jr 46
Lucius 46
Mary Downing 8
Olive J 8
Sally Sargent 8
Sally B 9
Windsor ■. .. 8
C. T 26
Abagail 50
Josiah 10, 327
Almira 113
Angeline 10
Auroline 10
Ellen S 11
Hannah 62
Harry Bracket 11
Kate S 11
Louis Barton 11
Michael 10
Mary Ellen 11
Roancv 10
Sarah R 10
William B., M. D 10
Abi B 176
Amelia 104
Sarah Ells 78
Charles E 11
Edith 11
William 138
John 13a
Mary 279
Elisabeth 313
A. Hunter 181
Leila Hill 181
Nancy 290
John ': 290
Ansel 221
Mrs 154
Alice 243
Alice 11
Alonzo 11, 89
Charles L 11, 152
Everett 89
Ira 11, 89
Pollv 241
Rhoda 97
Samuel 11
Sally J 319
Andrew 273
Robert 273
Albion 93
Silas C9
Asenath 12, 32.T
Charlotte A 12
Daniel. .Judge 12
Horatio 12
Josephine R 12
John J 2.SS
Lerov 12
Mehitahle T 12
Napoleon B 12
Silas 12
Thomas E 210
Thomas M. C 210
Annette 240
At' ST IX.
Alonzo, Rev l**
Anna 12, 13, IS
Alice L 193
Benjamin 13, 118
Daniel "
Eliza "
Elisabeth 237
Huse 13. 93
Henrlefte 13
Isabella Camp 16
Jerusha 13
Jane 13
Jeremiah 13
Lucretla '^'^
Mary Esther 13
Miiilha i'l 286
oiiv.. .;; • ^
oilnda A 16
I'<'rsis .■.■;.■.■ 236
Ulioda 13
s^-illy 118, ii 13
Sally, 2d ._ 12
Snsn n 13, 19
Sanuicl j3
Thomas S ...', 13
Thomas 12, 2I6
Flora 210
Addie B 14
Caleb 322
Charles Walter 14
Itanlcl F 13
.lonatlian 322
.Tosoph L 322
Lucy Bell 13
Mary Stevens 14
Mary 28, 319
Almira J 335
.VImIra .Tosephlne 14
A ndrew
Benj. Franklin 16, 195, 273, 285, 335
Caroline 17
Charles Haines 14, 127
Charles Henry 14. 16, 193
Klihn 1> 17
Ellen M S3S
Kdinund 17
Fred 17
Frances 17
Helen M 3, 335
Helen 17
Henrv C 340
Henry M 17. 335
Henry Day 16
Herman E 335
Hannah H U
Hannah J S40
.Teremlah E S40
Joseph 14. 15. 840
Joseph A IB
Jonathan 17
Jonathan, Jr S3S
John 3, 16
Lucv J 17
Lizzie MS
Lucy C WO
>fary J 48. S85
Marv F 48, S3S
Martha Clark W
Martha E *40
Martin P. "
Marv E "
Sarah A 1'
Statlra M "
Susan C
Walter H • SW
William D 17
James F f]
Harry A •'
Horace JJJ
Henry •"•
Joseph ••• *•
D.irn !*•
Nahum, Gov 201
John B 237
John L 237
Mary 237
Ahbie 307
Charles 261
George 2fil
Marv 32S
Thomas 2G1
Willie 2G1
G. S., Col 259, 350
George W 259, 349
Marv 242
Snllivan, Mrs 337
Elisabeth 22
Harold V 269
Isabel 209
Joanna 269
Susan 221
Walter 269
Walter R 269
Frank G 20
George W 20, 49
Jane 20
Mary E 21
Adam S 305
Arthur Scott 18
Anna C 17
James R 17
John S 18
Kate S 18
Hattie 39
Henry 262
Arthur 21
Burton 21
Charles 21
Helen 160
Harrv H 160
Huldah 21
J. 1 160
Ralph 21
Ruth 21
John F 130
Felix, Mrs 148
Apphia M 81
Angle 22
Abigail 266
Abra 44
George W 167
Joseph 41
Ivorenzo 87
Martha Jane 87, 144
Marv 144
TMathan 81
Rufus H 167
R. G. L 77
Elisabeth 36
Fannie C 4G
Harriet 36
Lydia 36
Nanoy 36
Sarah Jane 36
Asa 271
Abiah 19, 213
Abel 18
Albee 19
Bradford 271
Clark 270
Charles .' 39
Clarance 19
Dorothy 289
Eugene 256, 336
Emery 96
Ilazen 301
Irene 19
Josiah 201
John 39
John, Jr 39
.Jeremiah 43
Jav Clifford 43
Julia 19, 306
John 19
Kinsley 19
Lizzie 23
Lizzie A 19
Lucy M 296
Laura 19
Melissa 20
Mary B 19
Malinda 19
Martha 201
Mary 201
Moses 18, 80
Nathaniel 252
N. I' 185
Oral 96
Oliver 322
Sarah 43
Susan 19, 22
Willie A 201
William 43
Walter 19
Willis 19
Matilda 248
Flora 28
Dustin 285
Catherine 21
George C 21
Belinda 32
Charles 127
Clyde E 225
Emma 91
George 91, 270
Hezekiah 21, 125, 298
Hannah 248
John Weslev 21
I-uther C, Dr 127
Marv J 261
Martha 261
Nelson 284
Orissa 170
Susan A 127
Sallv 96
Stephen 309
Calvin 207
Polly 308
Cora 22
Daniol \V 22, 54
Mary 22
.Tohn, Dr 8(1
Mary 141
Francisco 22
Mary A. L 22
Arthur E 246
Caroline 164
George 296
Levi 296
Sarah 24G
William 216
Joseph 69
Lizzie 309
Elisabeth 303
Enos Iloyt 1S6
George W 186
Carrie 337
Benjamin 316
Louise 337
Albert J 23
Ira 23
Julia F 23
Melinda 23
Susan 1«
Lyncha 1^0
Benjamin 137. 160. 20S
Charlotte 39
Clara 189
Daniel 24. 25. 26
David 26
Edward. Capt 137
Edward 23, 47
Elisabeth 24. 2C, 142
•Edward. Jr ;j
Ebenezar 38. Ii5
Fred "0
Frank J^O
George 26, 190
Henry 27
Hannah !•;
lantho • 27
Janette 26
John 1 2i'
Jane j'
James 26
Jerry ••• 23
Narclssa 26, ii~
Ruth ••• ,23
Richard 84, 176
Richard, 2d 26
Reuben, Lieut 106
William (Billy) 23
Sally 23
Thomas 340
f 'barlea 285
Clirlstian 2S5
( Icorge 227
Hannah 4S
Isaac 38
Ma r y 158
.\aucy 38
I'cahodv 156
Royal 227
Thomas 286
Charles 241
Willie 241
Addle 72
Joseph 76, 77
Isaac 277
Alfaretta 117
Alfred lU
ClNUles 2.T3
Howard 233
Walter 233
John S4
Hannah SOI
Chester 4«
Raymond •<■<
Walter «
D- 127
Josle 95
Aldls 11«
Hannah J SI
Emma 2*8
William S7
Courtland JJ
/Ilia *7
Mead '!»
Nettle "7
Frank A **
Leonard F 2
Marlon E "
John W I"
Ellis •;«
Esther A •»»
Clarion K 318
Maurice \V 318
Mary 323
Richard 54
Alexander 28. 144. 215
Cornelius 29
Frank 28
Mary 116
Pamelia 28
Aaron 253
Aaron, .1 r 254
Amy 254
Kate 39
Panl 28
Kate 227
Susan 97
Abram - 341
Annie 194
Ada 28. G2
Arthur. Mrs 247
Almira 218
Annie M 31, 207
Alliei't 207
Alfred 132
Aaron 1.54
Asa (iile 33
AblMe 34
Alira Ann 34
Albert A 31
Abraham 25, 29
Albert 31
Abraham. .Tr 29
Benjamin P. 29
Benjamin F 31
Bradbury T 45
Clara 48
Carml 189
Clarrisa 30
Climena 30
Charles « 31
Cyrus 341
David 28, 201
Dorcas 29
Dor i nda 335
Darwin 29
Edna 32
Ella Archie 54
Florence 32
Frank R 31
Francena 325
Fannie , 223
Fred 189
Frances 34
Finlev 29
George 31
George II 47
Henry T 30, 33
H. B., Dr 30, 31
Horace 57
Hannah 29
Harrison 30, 48
Harriet 34
Henry Butler 29. 31
Jennie 341
,Tohn 32. 204, 284
John J 32
John G 33, 92
Joseph 33, 124, 285
John A 32
Josiah P 45
Lyman 32. 207
Laura 33, 207
Laroy 31
liUther M 32
JIary Ann 30, 31
Mary K 121
Mary 30, 33, 48. 150. 207, 214
Marv M ,32
Matiw'vv N 33
Mehital)le 3t
Mary I'almer 6
Monroe 341
Na ncy ]M« 33
Orville 189
Polly 29
Ruth 266
Sarah Jane 143
Sarah E 154
Stephen tJale 30, 31
Sarah. Mrs 162
Samuel B 33, 34
Susan M 30
Sal'y 30
Theodore 29
Theodore. Jr 32, 33
William 11 .33
Winfred .32
Waitt 38
Waitt, Jr 32
Hannah 97
Robert 273
Charles D 34
Charles F .34
Edwin 11, 34
Emma F 34
Helen 34
Fred 197
(Jeorge II 3t
:Mary Ellen 34
Morris 34
Willie 34
Mrs 334
Luthia 44
Sally 216
Anna S 35
Bernice M 35
David E 35
Mildred P 35
Abby ,35
Elisiia 36
Edward J 115
Georgia A 36
.losephine A 116
Maud Susan 116
Joseph 33
Hannah 195
Emily 268
Mary 42
:Ma nly ir>7
Laroy 157
Effle 194
Charles D 191
Harry 191
Merna J 191
Daniel 75
Artemas 264
Henry A 51
Ahasail 3G, 350
Bots(y 55
Elisalieth 5, 250
Henrietta 296
Hai-iiet 6
.Tames 36
Lydia 124. 23S
Nancy 123. 266
I'lieI.e 6, 36
Sarah C 82
Sarah J 6, 350
Sallv 312
Zilpha 36
Charles 34
(Jilnian 34
Stephen 34
Walker 34
Benianiin F 10
.Tohn 10
Mary 311
Ellen M 36
I-uther 45
T.evi F 46, 231
Salina M 46
Arthnr B.. Hon 37, 3S
Ahairail E 37
Charles H 36
Ehenezer B "S
Edward Baiter 38
Fannie 142
Jeremiah 37
Julia A 12^
Jeremiah. .Tr 37
Jercmiali I-'rancls 37
James 37
Iklary Eldora 38
Marv .\nn -^
Martlia. Mrs 37
Salina M 240
Samuel 38
Snninel I'rescott 37
Sarah Ann 38. C7
Urania 38
Asel 38, 329
Asel. ,Tr 38
Asel N 38
lOmma ^
Edward, Rev 38
Harriet .^n
.leriislia \\ '.*.'.*.*.'. !".!!38 2V",
iohn W '.-yj
^•niy '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 38
Mary FI ^
.Meranda Stewart 28
Nelson 38
Saphronla ga
William «
William A .".'.".'!!'..'!!;; 38
Tiiomas 17
Arabella F 39
Charles H 39
Emma J ; 39
Helen M ,19
John C 39. li^; IK
Mary V , ]g
Stephen 229
Alliert A 74
Clarinda ss
Martlm W i 234
Nancy L 78
Foster 40
French 40
Hazen 46
James 39
.Tesse 39
Joseph 4
Eettitia 181
Moses 40
Martha J. T 104
Mary 105
Nancy L 4<>
Ruth 40, 192
Samuel 40
Albert S 210
Ebenezer 165
Harry L 210
Hannali 1S6
Jennie 160
Ida 238
Sarah R 232
Emma J 174
Francis. Lieut 174
Hannah A. M 174
Martha 1* lU
Shirley, Rev 182
I%d wa rd ^■'
Altajiall •- 1'.. 3iO
Francis 100
Jimmy 100
Lorenzo 100
Nathaniel 100
William I)., Rev fOS. S»7
Aliliy !• W
Alice 41
Albert J 42
Asa I' 40. 4»
Itenjnmlii ■■24, ttl
Charles *^
Daniel R 40
Daniel J 258
Eastman 40
Georf!rie 179
Hannah P 290
Ismene E 42, 62
Irving Girard 42
John Wesley 41, 42
Jonathan 41, 183
LaPayette 48
LaPayette, 2d 41
lydia 41
Marv A 41
Miles H 34, 42, 197
Mescheck 41
Mary Ella 42
Martha Jane 42
Nancy 41
Susan 40. 41
Simeon 40, 54, 151, 2G7
Thomas J 40
Sally 42
Clarance 1 191
Fred 191
Florence M 191
Frederick 191
Lyde N 191
Lyman J 191
Lennie M 235
Samuel 329
Martin 329
Mary 244
Alonzo P 185
Charles J 47
Irene 141
John, Rev 19, 46, 123
Sfary Caroline 46
Marv 320
Nellie B 47
Lovina 242
Aquila 341
Anna T 51
Allen J 51
Aha«ail W 50
Alonzo W 50
Abhie B 74
Adaline F 51
Annie D 51
Almira 48
Azuba 48
Ann 48
Benjamin A 50
Benjamin 134, 151, 158
Charles 49
Charles G 50
Edward 29, 48
Ella 52
Eliza 48
Elisabeth D 52
Francis, Hon 50
, Fanny M 50
Florence G 103
Frank B 49
Franklin B 52
Fred 85
Fred, Mrs 88
Grace 62
George P 51, 233
Harriet 29
Harry 52
Herbert G 106
Herbert lOG
James 112, 145
Jennie B ' . . 227
John 50, 167
John B 48
J. LaRoy 52
Jonathan T 51
Jonathan 51
Joseph 51
Laura B 49
Laura E 51
Leon 184
Lizzie A 49, 182
.T. Leveret 229
Luther H 52
Mary 49, 232
Marv Ann 275
iSIarV Ella 20, 49
Mary P 319
Marion 52
Mehitable 50
Mvia 50, 222
Ned 52
Nellie S 51
Phebe 315
Priscilla 50, 56, 64
Reginald A 52
Samuel A 52
Samuel B 48, 52, 230
Stephen 49, 103, 222, 227. 267
Thomas 11. 24. 26, 30, 47
Thomas, Jr 30. 48, 189, 190, .310
Uriah, Rev 199
David P 247
Laura 125
P. C 180
T. P 184
Elisabeth 213
Augustus 303
Abner 53
Benjamin 78
Cora Hall 54
Cutting 53
Daniel 53
Hiram 53
Henry 54
Hannah 54
James 53
Jonathan 53
.Tohn 5, 52, 53, 54, 176
.Joseph 53
Jeremiah K 54
I/Con H 54
Lvdia 53, 54
Martha 53. 267
Marv Ann 53, 178
Naomi ...t 53
O. G., Dr 53
Polly 53, 316
Sarah Jane 53
Sarah Frances 54, 180
Susan 54
Saphronia 53
W. H 22, 202
William 53
Archibald T 33, 50, 56
Augustus B 57
Alonzo 255
Ann Eliza 5G
Alexander T 56
Charles BS
Charles F ir.O, 287
Carlos DeOnis 57
Danii>l A 50
Emilia 2.'!2
Electa W 57
Electa A 57
Florence M 1:m
Fred 5
(ieorge 2W
Ceorse H 57
James , 350
■Tames M 57, 2411
John rs
John, Dr 5(1
John (Boston) 153
Josephine 97
Joseph 57
layman 58
I.ucv Ann 56
I.elia A •. 299
Marv E 235
Maria M 178
Mary FI. D 55
Mahew 55
Nancy 56
Nathan 56
Otis Story 57
Osca r \V 5i;
Peter Elder 110
Satchwell 68
Thomas 56
Thomas Benton 57
Valeria M 57
William B 55
W'ashinffton 131
William Taylor 50
Arthur IS
Charles I. 203
Charles I-., Jr 203
Daniel '".2, 89
Eunice 216
Ephraim 62
Elisabeth 130
Jonathan 86
Jane 19-«
John 8^
Lena 13
Martha 8"
Myron •■'2
Clara A &5, 281
Joseph "*
Mandana B6
Maria 66
Sarah C 66
Joseph, Jr 55, 178, 243
Alice 69
All.ert 60
Alniira 69
Aimer 68
Betsy 76
Cynthia A 60, 179
Charles W 6t
Clinrles 68
Deliverance 292
Emilv C 68
Elisabeth 104
Harry L 61
Ida 61
Jeremiah S fiO
Jereraiah, Col. ...3, 23, 58, 111, 137, 194, 208
Jeremiah. Jr 292
Joseph Warren ; 61
James Munroe 60
John, Capt 161
John L 69
Jonathan 59, 133
Jonathan, Jr 69
Judith 177
Joseph, Elder 60
Lucien 60
lydia F 154
ifinnie 83
Ma rtha Jane 60
Martha True 342
Marv 34. 60. 68, 60
Mittie C 103
Nancy (J 58. 61
Obadiah 68
Obed 60
rhillp 68
I'olly 308
Uufus George 61
Ransom 60
Rebecca 380
Samuel 93, 175. 181. 323
Sarah 68. 69
Sally 69. lU
Samuel Adams 6**
Thomas. Lieut 4. 24. 336
Thomas L 60. 146
Thomas. Jr 4. 25, 111, 136. 164
William H "■ 1*5
William 68
Almira jj
Aura A -.Vi". i?
B. Frank 43. 44. 60. 64. «4
C.vrene V,' tti
Caroline A **• »■■
Charles H *^ ^
Charles Crosby g
Eugene J
Emily A ii" iS
Eliza C. **' J*
Elisabeth A «• »2
Frank A •
Fannie L •
George ii' i2
Helen E •••«*• '5
Henrietta ••
Israel g
James *r
James, Jr •■• -~
James II • •*• "?
Jacob ;,• J*
Jay W
Jesse M 42. 336
Jessie M 330
.Joseph 41, 323
John 43, 2r7
Jeremiah 43, 188, 235
John L 44
Laroy 44
Maria S 44
Mary F 45. 311
Marv D 43, 44
Martha 44
Peter 44
Ruth 44
Sallv H 43, 267
Scott M 45, 349
Smith W 45, 336
Amos M 62
Alida M 47, 311
Hannah A 62
Mariana 63
Nanov 329
William Mc 47
Warner B 47
Emma 35, 208
Georse 184
Ida 99
Josiah 62, 71, 120
John 328
John A 157
Leonard 250
Judith Demore 328
Marv Jane 62
Osbcrn 195
Polly 328
Ruf us 69
Aaron 63
Abagail 86
Alonzo 63
Abra Ann 63
Benjamin 4, 63, 74
Beniamin, Jr 63
Charles 63, 89
Caroline 193
Frank 63
Frederick 72
George 63
George A 247
Harrv 63
Ida R 86
lola 228
John 63, 86
John Henry 63
Jennie 81
Lilla 63
Louisa 215
Marv 63
• Pamelia 28
Ruth 44
Willie 63
Al)ltie 186
Orville 123
Deborah 64
Elisabeth 64
Ellen 64
John 148
.lane 64
Liba, Rev 64
Lyman 45
Maud 45, 135
Mary J 147
Peter, Dea 64
Sarah A 65
Charles B 205
Mary E 40
Delia 67
Perkins 77
Duleina 94
Katherine 322
Susannah 175
Daniel * 65
David 65
Harriet 65
John B 65
Ijovina 65
Manfred 65
Otis 65
Rebecca 65
Sarah C 65
Amos K 66, 106
Abbie 66
Allie G 65
Bertha 100
Betsey 203
Carrie 66
Evaline 65
Fl ora A .' 65
Frances 330
Irving W 100
James 100
John 05
.John. .Ir 65
Laura E 65
Marv 21
Nellie I) 93
Sarah II 65
Simeon 66
Timothy 66
Sarah lOG
Ann 342
Eunice 303
Enoch. Rev 327, 342
Frank 74
Jane 342
Charles A 67
Mary E 67
Arthur 287
Amos Laroy 67
Arthur II 67
Charles F 67
Ellen 67
Gorrell 67
George W 67, 277, 307
JNIartha 67
Marv 67
Smith D 67
Betsey 10
Meribah 34
Harold 70
Everett 20G
Retyre 200
James 8
Eliphalet 147
Martin v- 342
Mary 159
Edwin 07
(ieoifre 140
George. Jr 140
IVIary M 140
Ma r;;a ret 140
Minnie A. G 140
.Tolin. Dr 140
Rohert 07
Sammy 07
William 07
Henry 02
Herbert 02
Sophie r>l
Stella F 258
Abbie L 100
Francis 1' 100
Marv E 100
Walter C 100
Wesley 141
Jessie 141
Charles H X^S
Ellen T S.19
CJacp A SSg
Sarah B 245, 3.i0
Dr 29
Abraham B8
Alonzo 74
Alice W. 74
Albert '4
Arthur B "0. 2.S4
Betsey Forrest HI. 205
Betsey 62, 71, 72
Clara" fi9, 74
Charles C 72, 74
Clarrissa 72
Clara Ann 69
Dianthe 73
Daniel J .^ "0
Ephraira C8, 71, 120, 19.1
Evelyn M •.•• "1
Eunice 69
Eniilv Jane 7.1
Edward Wvatt 7.1
•Earl F 74
Ella M <^
Flora M 74, 169
Foi rest "3
Frank 74
Fred H 74
Grace E., M. D e9
Hiram '.'..'..'. 89
Hannah .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 68
Harriet ..'..'..'.'.'.'.' 78
Hiram H 71
Hazen '.' jjji
Hiram Bliss, M. D 70
Jeremiah 9. G9. IJt?
•'<'«se 08. 111. 22«5, 253
•Tohn 4. 08. 137
•lohn F 73, 2«4
Joseph 69, 230
Judith M 89
Jane 72
Jonathan 73, 207
Jefferson 73
Lusdnda 89
Leon F 349
Levi 152
Louisa 70
Lutle 74
Lawrence B 74
Mary 72
Mary W 73
Maltha 72
Maria 74
Moses 68
Nancy 72
Oliver L 69. 179
Oliver 69
(Min J 73
1 'eirirv 227
Folly 16, 161
I'hehe 68
Parker 68
Ruth 72
Robert Lee 70
Ruby 74
Ruth Abby 73
Stephen 68
Sallv 72
Sarah 74
Statira 72
Stephen. Jr 68
Stanley 349
Sarah B 89. 850
Thomas 68
William 72
\V. IL. Mrs 269
William I'.. M. D 11«
Warren 74
William K 72
IMxl 1"9
Everett !;•'
Samuel •''9
Charles 2$
Emily » JS5
John »»
Arthur F 74. 1S7
Arthur A ^
Julia Alice 75
Raymond •■
Arthur "•
Bernard •
Betsey "
John '••
Joseph 2
Nathan 2
S. E. DwiKht •»
Sarah Newell "i
Annette C 76
Arabella C 76, 268
Beniamin 75, 308
Charles W 76
Electa A 76
Frances S 76
Georgianna B 76
Hannah A 76
Isabella 76
Josephine B 76
Joseph B 75
John 75
Mary Ells 76
Mary J 76
Nancy 75
Olive C 75, 308
Samuel 75
Susan 75
Sophie T 76, 268
Thomas 75
Thomas C 76
Robert 75
William 75
William McFarland 75
Corban, Rev
Amy 318
Charlotte 318
George W 318
Sarah 318
Thomas R 318
Caleb S 78
Elbridge G 78
George W 79
Henry Q 78
Joshua Little 78
Jacob P 79
John 78, 242
Lorenzo D 78
Joseph Merrick 77
Mary A 78, 79
Ransom S 78
Samuel, Jr 78
Sarah 78
Samuel 77, 78, 129
Urania 35, 78
W. H. H 46, 78
Elinor 269
Sarah 232
Leonard 177
Alta F 283
B. W 287
Warren F 187
Abagail 176
Benjamin 17G
Ebenezer 51
George 176
Hannah 170
Jonathan 59
Clayton 217
William 47
Harry P 22
Martha J 16
Allan 82
Annie F 63
Arthur L 81
Charles 80, 147
Clara ; 81
David 18, 80, 256, 267
Ella Eaton .y. 82
Elisabeth ^. 31
E. V. B., Mrs 329
Fannie 81
Frances Amanda 81, 193
George E 80, 82, 297
George H 30, 343
Hannah K 80, 343
Henry K 81
Helen 76, 82
Irene 80, 250
.Tames 175
Jonathan 80
John 343
John K 343
Key 116
Lilla E 82
liorenzo 194
Loralne G. T 81, 99
Lyman B. W 82
Moses 80, 81, 252
^lary Lake 82
Mary Fox 18, 80
Martin V. B 81, 243
Mary A 81
Nathan 80
Nina G 82, 287
Richard N. S 18
Sarah 300
Sarah E 80
Sally B.... 80
Sarah A 284
Theodore G 81
Vallie 81
Warren A 81
Walter 81
William 229, 343
Benjamin 82
Barlow 82
Eliza 82
Frank 83
George 82
Georgia 83
Grace 82
.Toseph 82
.Tames 83
Joseph A 83
Kay 82
Lester 82
Mary H 83
Sarah A 82, 101
Tirzah A 82
William 83
Willie 315
Abram 4, 88
Arianna E 86, 223
Almira 86, 191
Abraham 84, 85, 142
Annie E 169
Arthur 91
Ada 91
Abngail 86
Ann Ells 91
Abra Ann 89
B. F 89
Betsey 85, 151, 191
Benton 11 '. 87
Betsey Ann \\\ 91
Charles \\ 85
Charles II 91
Cynthia '. 87
Clara A 91
Charlotte 86, 88
Cynthia 271
Clinton 91
Caroline K 89, 91
Charles 89
Darius S 90
Daniel 84, 86
Daisy K 91
David 84. 86. 216
Ebenezar 85. 86
Elisabeth 84. 86
Eliza 87, 89, 115
Emily 87
Enoch 87
Emma E 91
Edmund 83, 85, 93
Edmund, .Tr 87
Ethel 90
Elinor 90
Edwin 91
Frank 83, 87
Florence R 91
Fred .T 91
Fred Lewis 90
George 85
Georgie Belle 91
Grace 36
Grace 11 86, 89
George A 231
Georgiana 89, 149
Hazen 85, 151
Henry G 87
rieleri .T 91
Horatio 88
Harriet 85. 89, 192
Harold M 231
Henrv 90
Irene 88
James 84, 194, 319
James. Jr 85
Jane 86
Jason 193
Jonathan 33, 84, 85, 87, 183, 297
Jeremiah 86
John, Jr 4
John 83. 85
John S 89. 90. 284
James 84. 194
Joseph 22. 41, 88. 221
.Toa niia 97
Josiah 38. 89, 268. 301
I-aura K 91
Leonora 91. 1G9
T^ucretia 89
Mark 90
Mary 84. 88. 90
May 90
Mercv 84
MIttle 85
Maty Jane 87
Martha K 87
Mildred A 2.31
Marv A 88, 91
Nancy 84. 85, 87. 112
Narcissa 86
Nod 90, 182
Natlmtiiel 83
Nellie A 91
Oliver 90
roily 85
Ulchard S 3
•'"'!' '.'.".V.'.'.'.W." M.' m'
Shnl)ael 4 83
Shiil)ael, Jr .".'.'...'.'..".'..'.' 84*
Sarah '
Shuhael, 3d
Shiiljael 4th '. ".'..'.'.".'.'.'.'.' .' '. |
SylvanuH .S
Stella K .■.■.■; .■;.■.■.*. '.
Sam G., Dr
Sally ;;;;
Thomas II , .M,
Thomas A ..'.
Wooster 90,
William '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.
Dorothy 16
Harriet JlO
Mary S 335
Alice E 92
Blanche M 92
Joshua 93
Joshua Piper 98
Charles 93
George W 45, 92
llnrold 92
Howard 92
Celestla 92
Mary 91
Samuel 93
Rol)ert 93
Minnie. Dr '. 140
George 160
Alpheus ...
Charles M.
Dorothy M.
Eva B
Elmer V
Ida G. M...
Ida A.
.94. 86
... 19
... M
... M
... M
... as
... 96
... 9*
... 98
... M
... 81
Jnmes **
John II
.loseph ^
Jane ^ »
Ijiura A ■• j;
Lllla •»
Mary Jane "
M. 93
Olina 94
I'olly 93
Rose B 95
Sally 93
Samuel 93, 151
Wilson 94
Charles 95
Etta E 95
Ethel L 95
Ralph E 95
Alice J 9G
E. Etta 90
Ellen F ; 240
Florence 96
Jonas W 96
Jonas H 95
Nellie F 9G
Roscoe G 96
Walter D 95
Mary A 250
Abner 96
Abasail 96
Christopher 96
David 96
David, Jr 96
Elisabeth M 96, 97. 221
Hannah 96
Jesse 96, 97
Miriam 96, 97
Mary 97
Sally 96
Eliza 135
Lydia 269
Betsey 13. 93. 337
Edmund 93, 337
Emeline 337
Hannah 337
Jeremiah 337
Lucinda 337
Tom 337
Alexander C 97
Benjamin Frank 159
Byron K 97
Cinda 9
Charles S 99
Ethel Vara '. 98
Ella F 159
Ernest G 98
Etta B 32
Elisabeth .\nn 97
Electa A 99, 216
Frank II 97
Flora 32
Guy 99
George 32
Herbert G 97
Joanna M 97
Jei'cmi.nh 11. 97, 1.52
Jerfmiah Smith 97
Lillian M. L 81, 99
Levi 99
Lura A 99
Lulu B 152
Mattie 159
Mescheck 9D, 220
Mertie E 97
May 98
Maria G 98
Maria F 159
Sallie 104
Sumner A 98
Bessie A lOO, 246
Bessie H 100
Clara M 100
Cora B 100
Edgar 99
Henry 99
Harry C 99
Ina M 100
Ida M 74
James T 100
Ja mes A 100
Maitland F 99
Mary 8. 31
Mabel P 100, 242
Nellie B 100
Susie F 100
Walter F 100
Franklin 17
George R 297
Deborah 266
Mehitable 35
Jere 182
Daniel 124
Sarah A 190
Sarah 7
Dorotliv 204
Eliza 189
Mary L 245
Nellie J 6
Samuel, Rev 204
Cedulia 339
Albert 39
Ann 268
Jane 37
Aba gall 285
Albert 176
Benjamin M 2.37
Daniel M 237
Elliot 267
Electa 176
Henry, Jr 100
John 38
Leonard 176
Rebecca 105
William 176
William F 292
William J 176
Willoughby 237
Erastus 101
Nelson 126, 267
Aurelius ]2.'5
Aaron W 101
Betsey 101
lOdward 9
Afarv Ann 101
Orville 2A\
Sally 101
Samuel 101
Samuel. .Tr 101
Emma L 282
Abafrail 312
Frank .1 174
fleneviove 305
IIerl)ert 7
Harold 7
Marv Addle 72
Marcia 113
Moses 17
Peter 313
Frank 190
Geor^'e 190
•Tulia A 250
Mary Augusta 11
Rufus 190
David .Tames 102
David Thomas 102
Elizal>eth Webb 102
Eli.-^abeth 102
Francis Watson 102
Fred W 102
Oeoryre Ellsworth 102
(iuv Everett 102
Hiram W 102
Hiram I'owers 102
John Allen 102
James 82. 101, 102
Joseph H 102
I.vdia Ann 102
I>ucv ( Jrace 102
Maiy Emily 102
Naiicv Katlierine 102
Sarah lai.-ile 102
William Fiazer 102
Abbv 39
Frank I. 102
rharlps O H6
Georgiana I-"'
Mary 114
Alfred C 103
Charles F lf«
Ernest D 103
Eva R 103
Oladvs n 103
Harrv E 103
Hannah 52
Mary 1 103
Mary 223
Polly 322
Cynthia P 213
Emma 2i>-t
Ella M ^
Jonathan 103
Polly ^"'
Miriam P igj
Anna uj
<"yru.s 140
Ulclin rd 112
Sarah .112
Ahby Josephine 104
Elisabeth A 280
(JeorKe E 201
Ilannnh 174
Lney 286
Mary Maud 104
Mlttie Louise 104
Samuel 104
Samuel and Ells 67
Samuel L 108
Emma 18
John 259
Mand 73
Andrew 270
Henjamin 270
Lucy 270
Thomas J 27
IJIIian 88
Lena 188
Athella G 288
Albert. I{ev 115
Carrie M US
Lennn E 115
Marcia 115
Ann Louise 106. 588
Adeline 105. 288
Betfev 10*
Charles H 172
David IM. 295
Ella Jane 106
Gardner T 10«
Harriet A 106
Hiram B 108
Horace B 10«
Jo.seph 106
Jnmes M 106
Jane "^
.lohn 106
Julia A M. 10e.»0
LouL-^a S VI- 5"
Lvdia T W. ni
Lvmnn B 1™"'
Lucretin Ann WL "*■
LvdIa J'^'
Moses ». 105. L**
Mahnia E l"-''- ''••
Mary '»■ "\'
.Mary FrancM ' "•
Martha ' ' ;
I'oii.v ;;
Robert '
Sally .•
Sarah Car«ell • ' -
William C
lluldah E ^'^
Simeon D 228
Winnie 109
Mary 18
William 205
Charles A 216
Nellie 194, 216
Nancy 193
Simon 193, 216
Henry 159
Hannah 159
Lucy 159
Susan E 100
Alice ■ 132
Edward F 132
Francis 132
Harold 132
Malcolm 132
Wallace 132
Willard 132
James 216
Caroline A 107
Frank 107, 142
Frank F 107
George 107
Joseph 106
Joseph, Jr 106
Joseph A 107
Lunette 107
I^vman D
Sylvester 107
Thomas 106
Thomas, 2d 243
Abagail 220
Ezekiel 167
George 167
Mary 167
Susie 167
Comfort 329
Mary 107
Huldah P 50
Relief 322
Charles E 108
Frances 99
George A 108
Hannah 176
Nathaniel 107
Ora 273
Sarah 165, 270
Simon 310
Virginia 108
George W 70
George W., Jr 70
Abby 155
Clara 103
George F 19
Bridget 22, 24
Charles 270
Daniel 268
Eliza 230
George 270
Jane 270
Charles 91
Eddie 91
Ervil 91
Fred 135
George 186
John D 200
Nancy 105, 278
Rhoda 57
Ada 108
Charles 109
Frank 109
George 109
John 109
John, Jr 109
Nellie 109
Phineas 84. 96, 224
Thomas B 108, 109
William 108
William P 109, 182
Mary Anna 265
Sarah 144
Ellen 74
John, Rev 146, 350
James 83
Sarah S3
Mary E 125
Alice 110
Beniamin 109
Charles H 110
Cutting 85, 110, 156. 184
Caroline 110, 160
Daniel 110
Joey 110
Peabody M HO
William 109, 300
Wells 110
W. II. C 110
Archie L 98
(^harles H 98
Elisabeth 168
Wilfred 98
Walter, Hon 108
Mary 337
Orrin .
W. II.,
Alfaretta 15 349
Anna W 70, iifi
Anna 110, ill, 128
Apnes 112, iif,
Alvira 112
Adalaide B 115
Annie Ellison llf,
Annie (' 117
Annie Ruth 117
Alfred .....115
Andrew .T 115
Aliasail 118
Almeda M 115
Betsey 29, 111, 112
Caroline K 115
Charles G 11.3
Charlotte 113, 118
Charles llfi
Dnhia 110
Edwin D 117, 35]
Edwin E 115
Ellen M 114
Elinor Ill
Emanuel 114
Ellison 113
Elira .Tane lie
Freddie 117
Gustaviis A llfi
George F. Decatur 115
Graie 117
Georjie 114
Honora 115
Marry Gnstavus 11''
Jane Ill, 113
.Tohn E 110. 113
.Toseph S 113. 114, nr,
Jacob 113. Ill
John 4, 110, 112, llfi. 128
James M 112. 113. llfi
James X 116. 32fi
.Tane I. 114
Josephine A llfi
Jeremiah 28
.Tames rike 117
Katherine 117
Lettle Ill
Lydia Ill
Lonisa 11''
I-afayotte HC
I^minda IH
Lilllas lis
LeII W lis
Marjeraret HO
Marv Ill
Margaret 2d HI
Martha Josephine ll'»
Mand S H"
Mamie Almlra H"
Martha R 11"
Martha A < m
Marv C H'
Martha E 1». 2 ?
Marria Ann •• JJ-f.
Nancy HO. 112. 4
Osmon B ]]*
Robert 110. 112. llfi
Robert. Jr H"
Stalira H3
S«"'V''', H2. 113
Sarah Jane ]|g
^"'■'"' :; '.'.'.'.m'.uV. 116
^"^"" '\V. 116. 270
Sarinifl \\arren 117
ii";*;'" •'^ .■.■,■..■;.■;.■.■ 116
Sally ]|9
)):i!Ii'»'n v. ■.■.■.■.■. 4.' U.'nx 303
NMIliam. 3d H9 u.-j
William, 4th '.'.'.'.'.'.'...'.'. Ill
Abauall jjg
vVlmeda \\\[ 118
Charlotte OO
Cy rene .'..'..'.* 118
Cymintha 118
Diana .'.....'.' 118
Ezeklel 118
Fanny 93
Fannie jig
Frances. .Mrs !.'..'. 2M
Fidelia ng
Is«ni" in. 241
Jenny UH
John 226
Jason 25. 118. 148. 226, .r?l
I'Ove lis
Mosps 118, 151
Martha 118
Mary ns
Mary J 239
Mary E 118
Nathaniel 118. 193
I'riscilla 118
Robert 119
Stephen 151
Sarah 118
Thomas 117
Thomas, Jr 117
Ablal 4
Charles T 183
FOvelyn 207
Frank 271
Gordon 1«3
George 207
II. H 173. 179
Hannah 38. 40
Jeremiah 171
John 66
Malcolm 183
Maud E in
Oren «
Osgood 124
Abraham 1*4
David 88, »
Jerc-miah M4
Carrie C, •••
Rstella A jjf
William G 1"
Alonzo "'
Andrew 120. IM
Abide E -'■"
Annie l-«
.Mmira tT, ». 13
Rerthn Alice «J
Renjnmin >•
Betsey • • »
Chnrled ««. BO
Cyrus T ««. >»
Clara 123
Ellen M 120
Emma G 250
Ella 123
Flora (; 123
Frank .1 123
( Jeorge 31. 34, 123
Georsje E 123
George. Jr 34. 124
Gust. A 121
Hannah 120
llarrv P. 122
Harold M 123
Hazel A 123
Henry 2,'-)0
Hannah 123, 124
Jamie B. H 34, 124
.Tohn A 120
John W 123
Joshua 350
Leo C 121
Lizzie 123
Lloyd R 123
Lowell M 120. 132, 351
Mabel E 121
Martha 124
Mary 90. 124, 249
Minnie L 121
Mary A 20, 258
Nicholas 119. 1J8. 258
Nellie S 121
Olive 190
Peter 229
Ruth 120
Ruth Evel.yn 123
Roxie Jane 123
Rufus 123
Solomon 119, 292
Sally 62, 120
Susan C 232
William 121
William C 31, 48, 121
Willie W 121
John 91
Alonzo 270
Allen 270
Gilbert 270
Gilbert L 270
Ida 270
Lucy 270
Orange 270
Oscar 27
Arthur 27
Henry A 305
Louisa .^05
William 27, 305
Amos 34
Polly 279
Elisabeth 222
Juhulah 313
Anna M 315
Martha E 191
Benjamin 124, 267, 302
Elmer R 56, 124
Ernest 124
I'hebe 29
(irace 124
Polly 92
:Mary 295
Marjory H 124
Mehetable 295
Stephen 295
Sarah 114
Charles 125
Charles F 125
Fannie 125
John L 125
Mo.ses 21, 125, 213
Alfred A 125
Carrie B 125
Fred A 126
Ida L 125
lola L 125
James 227
Laura May 126
Henry W 104
Orison II 125
William A 19, 126
Emma 72
Oscar 126, 187, 267
Chauncy 124, 309
Martha 125
Sarah Jane 125
William 125
Horace M 226
Elraire 206
Winnifred 122
Charlotte 183
Elinor 39
Josiah 183
John K 183
Almira S 14, 127
Absolom 126
Alfred A 127
Cynthia 127
Carlos 127
Clara 127
Charles 127
Ellen M 14, 127
Prank M 127
Helen L 127
Henry, Col 126
Joseph 14, 126, 163, 285
Jane 85
Joseph, Jr 127
Josephine M 127
Louisa 127
TiUeien 127
Leonard 127
Mehitable 217
Milton 126, 254
Paul 126
Sarah 5, 127
Stephen, Capt 126
Stephen 127
Susan II 14, 127
Sally 85
Flora 314
Frank 285
Christine 24S
Clara 69
Amos 129
Alfred A 130
Alfred A., .Tr 130
Amanda A 128, 130
Alonzo R 133
Abajiail (1 130
Aliel 113, 129
Belle W 132. 2"f.
Betsey 130, 1J3
Benjamin F 100
Charles 218
Clyde Amlirose 133, 270
Cliff Forrest 133, 180
Charles Alonzo 131, .327
Dorothv C 131
Enoch 129, 217
Emma M 132
Evelvn Uubv 1S3
Francis A n2
Hannali T 131
Hannah F 131
Helen 131
Helen (" 132
Hannah G8, 130
Ira 1 130
.Tonalhan 128, 283
•Tames 129
Jonathan. Capt 129
Joseph 129, 132
Joseph Henry 132
Luev Bernard "1
Lucy C 130
Lucia K 132
T,eland W 1^3
Marv M 132
Afaria F "...130
Mary F 130
Marv Ann 131
Peter Kern 182. 314
Rnfns 129
Rachel 129
Richard 312
Sarah 33. 44. 129. 278
Stanley C 13-'
Sarah S 131
Thomas 113. 129
William A 132
William F 131
A ndrew 13^
Alice 13|
Alfred C -13^
Almira "I. 2fi4
AllHTt II 13C. 49
Alvfih 3
Anrilla "1
Abhie R •■■ 213
Betsey 34. 133
Charles E ••• 13''
Charles 322. 324
Cora Mnv •■,• Ir,
Charles W 134. 25.^. 30fi
Deborah 134. 30'
Daniel S "^
Ell7.a 40
!'il)»> W«
J\ 'on m
Ebene/ar S 134
Fred Leon IJO
Frank A 1.15
Horatio 131
Harrison '.. 134
Harriet 34. 133. 1.14
Horace 40, 13.".
.lohn Taylor 133, y.Ui
Jonathan i.tj
•loseph 112, l.TS
John Mc 1.15
Joshua 135
John E IXV 2t3
John 133, 1.3fi. .321
Janet Maud I3f.
Jane W l.tl. 201
Jennie 2.">2
Joseph l> 17fi
Josinh 1.T3
Leon 136
Luther C •. 1.36
Lurana 135
Maud 45
Mary W 133
Maria J 1.34
Marpuerlte 135
Maria 311
Nathaniel 134
Nancy 09, 112. 133. 1.35
Nettie 129
Sidney 131
Simon 26. 112. W,
Stephen l.n. 113
Saliv 112. 1.33. 135. 177. 217
Samuel C 135. 164. 2.'-.2. 3ni
Stephen, 2d 135. l.%3
Samuel 133
Samuel, ("apt 338
Sarah 13S
Thomas 4. 346
William 2M
Ward E 136
Willis Olln 136
Ann C 132
Acnes 128, 171
Benjamin F 12S
Betsey 12»
Charles J^
El>ene».a r 1**
Eleanor JIJ
Elinor •• J2
.Tames »• J^
Jeremiah jj*
James. 2d ••••••• J"
James ^ }}}' 12
Nnncy "H. l*"
Polly (Mary) }»- 1«
Rodney !"• \^
Sarah j"
.Samuel '-^
Timothy 3**
AII.0 ^-]\]
Anna Jil
Arrhle • {"
Bertha Jl?
Bruce "J
nHHor ; :^ ... ,;i- ^
Charbs "
Charles M 140
Charles M., 2d 140
Cai-los 1-11
Esquire 10, 23
Daniel 140
Emma 141
Frank JI 140
Flora 140
Galusha 140
Garrette 141
George 141
Helen 141
Harry 141
Hope 141
Jane Gorrell 313
Jefferson 140
Joseph M 140, 294
Jefferson, Jr 140
John M 140
John J 141
Jessie B 140
James 141
Katherine 140
Louisa 141
Mary 140
Marv G 140
Nancv A 58, 141
Obadiah H 140
Ruth 141
Ruth Hall 140
Ruth, 2d 141
Stephen 140
Stephen C. M 14
Azuba 142, lf>5
AInaham 142, 143, 215
Abbie T. 148, 254
Anna Ward 14G
Alice May 150
Annie A 150
Alice Eliza 150
Alexander T. C 85, 151
Alvah H 144
Abasail 63, 145
Annie G 146
Bert A 150
Benjamin A 149, 150, 152
Betty 151
Blanche 1 152
Belle ■• 150
Betsey 144, 145
Benjamin 83, 142, 204
Betsey Gile 220
Benjamin, 2d 145
Caroline A 147
Charles 144
Charlie 144, 150
Cyrus 19, 23, 144, 145, 149
Charles M 14G
Carrie B 148
Clarence W 150
Darius 89, 149
David 143, 14G
Dolly 93, 151
Daisy Belle 150
Deborah 140
Dearborn 144
Elisabeth G 145, 294
Electa C 145
Elisabeth 143, 153
Eugene 146
Ebenezar R 146
Eliza M 147
Elsie 349
Emma J 148, 170
Emily 145, 148
Ella G 148
Edward R 149
Electa 16, 152, 286
Elias Laroy 150
Frank 150
Frances M 147
Frank A 149
Fred S 150
Freddie 148
George 349
George Albert 152
George Fred 145, 149
George S 145. 148
Hannah 143, 144
Harriet 144
Hiram 1 129, 145, 108
Henry W 150
Hiram Edward 150
Hannah 151
Helen M 147
Hannah H 147
Henry 242
Henry H 149
Irving 349
Isaac 146
Israel 141
Isaac, Capt 142. 220, 313
Isaac, Dr 38, 93, 151
Isaac, Jr 151
Jonathan 142, 143, 216
Jonathan W 130, 145, 146
Jeremiah 143
Joseph 151
Jed 150
Jeremiah E. S 150
Job 84, 142, 148
John W 145, 149
Jacob 143
John 141, 142, 144. 145, 149
James 143, 144, 292
Josephine A 150
Lizzie May 150
Love L 146
Laura M 146
Laura P 61, 145
Liba C 147
Lovina 120, 148
Lucretia A 97, 152
Laroy A 144
Mabel W 149. 181
Marv 143, 144
Martha 142, 145, 220
Marv J 145. 148
Mehitable 145. 148. 193
Mack 142, 143, 144
Minnie 145
Melissa 146
IVIelen and Everett 147
Moses ■ 146
Mary D 148
Mary Alice 150
Mary S 146
Mvra E 150
Melvin C 152
Nathan 147
Nnncv 143, 145, 149
Nellie 148. 150
Obadiah 143, 254, 276, 307
Ora S 148
Pamelia 145, 272
Pamelia, 2d 145, 213
Phebe 144, 215
Pollv 143, 151, 192, 337
Rachel 152
Richard 13
Statira 143
Sarah J 147, 150
Sarah E 152, 242
Stephen '
Susan M 117,
Sevira 1 17,
Shubael 143, 147,
Sarah 31
Smith W 142.
Sally 84, 143, 144,
Thomas 145
Theodate S
Walter F
Wesley 147.
William 22G, 325,
AVilliam (Miller)
Willie M
Almira 144
Betsey 8G
Ebenezar 118
Emma B 149 !
John B 93, 118 1
John Stewart 274 I
John II 12, 227 ,
Abel . . . .
Charles .
Sarah A.
Asenath 232
Warren, Dr.
Albert A
Furber 153.
Harriet L
James R
Kins H
Lurana 135, 152,
Nancy 120.
Olive A
An)ort A 154. 323
Albert 1 1^^
Addie J 1S<. 2"
ClouRh in. 1B<
Clara 15<
Edith T J^j
Gawn .Xrmour 1"''
Gawn FMwln 58, 111. 154
Horace W 154
Henry II 154
•Jnne f^
Joseph !•: «iu
I..vdln A ijj
^larthn J ■.■.■.■.■.■.■.; 86,' 154
Mary 10 y^
Nathaniel .............! 163
Florence igj
Annie M .. 155
Charles R., I)r 154
i'harles 155
Charlie .'!.'.'.'...'.'. 1S3
Flora M '..'.'.!!!!'.! 188
Harry .......'." 153
Harry, Jr ik
John 329
Richard 155
Thelma 155
Vestella 155
Sally 170
Emma 230
Fannie 338, 339
Robert 135, 217. 269
Willis 230
Robert, Sir 274
Caroline 171
E. D.. Prof 109
Elwin 168
Horace 1G8
Ethel N 191
Nelson 86
Stephen N 191
.Tudlth C 828
John 302
Polly 129
Joseph 8S9
Jennie L lO
Mary N 118
Andrew 166. Ml
Betsey M8
I >orca8 U6
FCrtwnrd 1S6
llnnunli IS*
Jnnies M 156
Jennie M M*
I.vdin B Ig
Mnrv M .«•
Oliver 155
I'olly M }W
Snlly J»
Samuel M Jg
Stewart *••
Alvah B 2
Alice gj
Certrude ■ •''
Alice A 157
Benjamin 150
Charles 157
David 156
Eldoi-a 157
H. Frances 156
Gertrude 156
George L ' 156
George B 156
Hannah C 157, 168, 201, 291
Hannah 129, 326, 336
Ida M 156
Jacob C 229
John 229
Lewis D 31, 156
Lylc 156
Lizzie M 158, 321
Mary E 156
Marv A. P 297
Marv 156, 197
Mary A. W 217
Paihamah 156
Ruhamah G 156
Rebecca 157, 2G7
Stephen, Capt 88, 15G
Samuel Bell 81, 157, 252
Sarah M 89, 157
Stephen 118, 133. 201
Thomas C 157, 270, 298
Victoria 158, 297
Annie 214
Hannah 253
Adino B., M. D 159
Arthur N 159
Ambrose H 159
Almira 159
Abby A 159
Albert H 159, 160
Betsey B 158, 159
Charfes H 159, 160
Camillus, Dr 59
Dixi C 112, 159
Elisabeth 328
Ebenezar 150, 159
Eliza B 42, 159
Everett A... 159
Ellen A 159
George A 159
Hannah 58, 158, 217
Hannah E 160
Harriet G 159
Hannah L 159
Israel Cofran 1^0
Jeremiah, Dea 5, 158
Jeremiah F.. M. D 159
Jeremiah, Jr 159
Joseph 159
John L 158
Joseph N 1'J9
Joseph S 160
Lydia 158
Laura J 160
Marshall 1' 159
Mary B 159
Mary P 158
Martha J 159
Nellie 214
Nancy 45
Obadiah 158, 279
Obadiah, .1 r 158
Obadiah J., M. D VO
Ruth 158
Sarah 158
Betsey 295, 306
Polly 245
Ethel F 52
Bishop 167
George V 181
George II 181
Leonard H. V 181
Alice 127
Ella C 64
George 64
Lucius 64
Mary A 275
John n
Patience W 258
Robert 258
Sarah 258
Charles F 130
Isaac 131
Amos C 118, 165, 217, 325
Arthur L 261
Azuba 165
Alvah 91, 166
Benjamin 28
Benjamin F 166
Cordelia R 167
Charles II., Rev 167
Emma A 195, 261
Edith M 167
Flora 167
Fordyce 166
Fred 221
Fred A 167
George 221
John A 167
.Teremiah 166
Jonathan T 221
John 142, 165, 166, 170, 278
.Tabez •■ 165
Mary A 166, 208
Martin R 166
Marv E 167
Maria S 167, 327
Maria A 168
Nancy J 166
Orville 261
Parker W 166
Peter 128
Sarah 166
Samuel G 166
Susan G 167
William G 41, 141
Albert IRS
Alonzo 163
Annette 163, 182
Alvira 164
Alice 161
Ann E 162
Arthur 162
Abbv Susan 162
Betsey 79
Betsey B 165
Benjamin 161
Cynthia 162
Charles 163
Clara A 103
Caroline 1(;2
Clara IRJ
David B ir,5
Dorotliv ir,i
Elisnl)elli 161
EIisal)etli Iv 325
Enocli I? 102
Edward II 16.5
Eva Mabel Ifi-l
Elbridse G Ifi:!
Francis Claire ir,3
Frank K W2
George 4, 114, 152, 160, 162
Geoi'se, .Tr It'l
George Henry 162
Ilannali 161, 162. 240
Horace 114
Harrison 161
Henrietta 161
Hattie 101
Henry A 162
Horace lf>4
Isabella 165
Joseph 4, 83, IFO. 161. 182, 221
Jacob 160, 162, 164, 109
John, Gov KO
John iro, 102
Jesse 48, 163
Judith 25, 165
Kezar 1''3
Kezia 1«-1
Mabel 164
Martha 128. 165
Mary 164
Mary J 102
Marv Ann 103
Nellie G 104
Naomi 161. 102
Nancy B 1*^2
Orrln J., Rev 156, 103
Olive 1«^
Polly 103
Parker C 1*^2
Susan 120, ir3
Smith 36, 164
Thomas J 1' •'»
Willie l'">^
William G 162
William J l"-*
William 4, 128, 156, 163, 105
Marcus A 202
Judith 12"
Joseph, Dr 5. 14
Mrs 1^'
Allen 38
George "5
Lillian G 30.
Sarah ^-^
Louise E '^
Eugene "'
Charles C ^-
FHIx 108
Fletcher log
% ,s
Fannie "zj
(Jeorge F •••• **»
Horace iM, 153
Isaac I™
James •"
Joshua *™
Jacob *
Joseph JJJ
Joseph. 2d J^
Jnne ••■.■ .Z<
.Tohn G «»• !»
John S •*• 'l;
John ,;,
Mary Ann !.'
M.wes ':;
Olive •;
Polly •.•• ;!:
Rachel >'' J-'
Susan II ',!
Svlvanns 171
Samuel 172
Stephen 172
Walter 12G
Maria F 18G
John 63
Frank A 280
Frank 194
Lizzie 97
Josephine T 174
Asrnes K 174
Charles P 11, 92, 173
Charles E 173
Daniel 172, 215
Daniel W 173
Francis H . .• 174
John 174
Hannah J 173
Mary 123
Mary E 173
Martha P 174
Mai'cellus, Rev 173
Nathaniel 172
Sarah S 173
William 14
Betsey 43
Elisabeth 23, 93
Ja mes 34C
Ruth 43
Albert B 335
Da-id M 335
Kari 335
Maria 53
Susie E 335
Heron '. 141
Arlinia 121
Aleck W 183
Betsey 105
E-a G 183
Florence A. . . ! 183
Joseph 44, 163, 183
Joseph W 183
Lvford C 105
Susan FT 119
Valentine 207
Abasail 75, 177
Abiah 176
Amelia 177
Arthur H 182
Aaron 178
Alice 178
Adaline 178
Ann 180, 281
Alice M 182
Al-ah T 179
Betsey (Elis) 53. 17(1
Betsey L 153, 178
Barker L 53, 178
Benjamin 43, 178
Cerinda 178
Clarrisa 177
Charles F 180
Clyde Clayton 182
Daniel, Jr 174
David. Capt 175
Daniel 59, 174, 176, 231. 318. 345
David 46, 155, 177
Daniel C 178
Daniel A 179
Daniel E 181, 225
Dorothy E 179
Elisabeth 325
Ellon S 181
Ella 181
Emery 177
Ellen F 181
Evelyn B 182
Fi-ed 181
Frank 180, 283
George 177
Grace 181
Helen Josephine 92, 182
Helen P 179
Henry T 179, 319
Helen S 181
Harriet 178
Hannah 25, 175
.Ta mes C 179
John 28, 175, 346
Julia A 178
King L 133, 177
Kate F 182, 349
LoriBS C 183
Lewellen S 180, 181
Lelia G 181
Leon C 182
Lucy R 79, 179
Martha G 179
Mary T 179
Mvra P 180, 181
Marv C 181
Marion R 181
Moses 231
Maria 177
Marcella 178
Marv 178
Mary Eliza 178
M. Etta 180
Nancy 177
Robert W 181
Roger F 180, 181
Sally 176
Samuel, Dea 177
Susan H 179
Sarah A 179
Susan M 179
Solon F 179
Stella F 182
Susan 176. 350
Timothy 21, 52, 173. 175
William C 93, 181
Warren S 179
William P 179
Warren L 17, 43. 175
Willie H 182
Walter B 182
Frank 264
Augusta 190
George H 96
D. W 206
Lucy 267
Rebecca 42
Augusta 27C
Charlotte 184, 2U
Cora 27C
Cyrus 1S4
Charles E 275
Charles M 185
Christie 185
Deliverance 184
Edmund 18:5
George M 185
Hiram 110, 184
Isaiah 184
Israel 18;i
John L 153, 184
Miles IK!
Mildred 27(;
Mary 84, 18:$
Nancy 184
Peace 25, 183
Susan 184
Susannah 197
Winuif red 276
Ida B 240
Kate 166
Luscinda L 255
Amasa 39
Gertrude 1S5
Martha A 259
Nathaniel, Capt S8, 259
Samuel 185
Mary Wallace 37
C. I 32
John, Dea 70
Laura B 115
T. B., Uev 115
Willis 12C
Sidney 23
Thomas 210
Arthur D 196
Franit HI
Hannah A 187
Sarah A 187
Lucie E 201
Orlando J^
Orrilla 1^^
Susau ,6
Will "8
Asa G !«:
Alvah }*!
Amos I* ^'*'
Auffusta 187
Alonzo E 187
(Mara B 1S7
1)1x1 C • :
Enos, Dr 129, 169, 1-
Enos A
Edwin, Rev :u;, 1x7
(Jrace C IM
I da 1.S7
Laura ."»
Lizzie 99
Nettle 12fi, 1«7
Keuhen 32, l.M
Khoda F\ B 186
Siirnh 118
Walter 250
Daniel 1C3
Frank 190
Hiram 37
Luther 190
PoUv 81
Walter M
Mrs 187
Sarah 285
Samuel 328
Nancv A 206
Richard 224
Carrie Ida K»
Pascal 56
Charlotte 85
Edna 18
Nancy Alice 1*1
John 1~
Martha B '
Florence ^1
Joe =«
Ellcry ■*'
Emellne '
Olive "
Peter ^^
Jamea • '
Sarah '"
Jeremiah JjJ
Mehltable ~?
Smith '"
Eliza A JS
John IS
Mary J "•
r. V Iw
»-■ IJ» lai
Edward "}
Etta May • "'
Abble N "'
Almeda F 116
Anna T 305
Betsey A 191
Enos H 191
Ellen A 191
Eleonor S 355
Elisabeth W 305
Estella M 191
Fred 146
Frank E 191
G. M 311
Herman 191
Hannah 17
John 191, 215, 323
Jonathan M 86, 191
John C 305
Jennie M 214
John F 305
Lutie 96
Louise 305
Lydia 339
Marlon 305
Mittie C 305
Mary E. B 191, 211, 305
Mollie B 115
Peter 216
Sarah N 305
Sadie F 116
Mamie 243
Arden F 131
Anna 81
Clarrissa 86
Charles C, Dr 146
Dexter F 112
Elisabeth 280
John W 200
Nathan, Rev 131
Nancy 227
Silas 112
Saphronia 38
William 49
Fannie 63
Elsie M 187
Fred 187
Herbert 297
Jere A 187
Leon F 187
Wallace 187
Chris 283
Francos, Mrs 308
Abbie 47
Eliza J 243
Sarah J 264
Blanch E 222
Dayid N 255
Stephen 25
Charles GO
Minnie 110
Amanda 194
Adaline 194
Alfred 193
Alpheus 170, 193
Albert 148, 193, 216
Alice 216
Alvin 194
Benjamin 41
Charles 85, 192, 193, 216
David 84, 192, 193
Elisabeth 193
Elbridge 194
Edith H 201
Ellen 194, 273
Ed\vard 195
Eliza 194
Etta 194
Emma 194
Ernest 194
Frederick 123, 216
Francis 192
Francis, Jr 194
Frank C 194
Harry 195
Harrie 272
Harrison 193
Hattie 194
Harold F 194
Henry 194
James 162, 194
Joshram 192
Jenny 195
Jonathan 151, 192
John 193, 216
Jerusha 194
Laura 193
Lucy J 194
Lewis 194
LaFayette 194
Lisle 194
Marv 193
Martha 156
Marv L 194
I'ol'y 193
Nellie F 195
Philip 38, 192
Priscilla 193
Perley C 194, 195
Ruth 193
Sally 71, 193
Simon F 195
Veda 194
Warren 195
Walter Scott 194
Willie E 194
William II 137, 194
William 4, 81, 192, 193
Valentine 192
Victoria 194
Apphia 195
Benjamin 195
Benjamin, Jr 195, 285
Charles 195
Parker 195
^larv Jano 165
Blanche R 196
John H 196
Maud Ella 196
Annie 196
Frank 196
John 104
James 124
Martha G 124
John 112, 135
Mary V
Sarah E 208
Azuba 24, IfiO
Arthur Edward 237
Asa lOG
Elisaheth ICO
Edimind m\
Edmoiul. T.ieut 19(1
George, Dr lOG
Jane li»f>
John, Dr 19G, 197
Joseph Smith 197
Jesse 198
Jacob 198
Jonathan 19i>
Mark 337
Nancy 244
Reuben 19C
Mary Luscinda 130
Marcellina 42
Anna 21
Rev 18
Mary E 88
Arthur L 199, 200
Alberta J 200
Amoretta 46, 97, 199
Ann 53
Benjamin 198
Ben jam in F 208
Bertha 1 208
Charles 241
David l^S
David, Jr 199
Edwin n7
Elienezar 4, 357
Edwin F 249
Elsie r 249
Elisabeth 310
Elisabeth (i ICO, 199
Frank 1^«
Frank E 249
(Jeorjio A 200
Georgia 1"'
George E 200
Hannah 1''>1
Harrv 1 208
Harriett Ann 199, 200
Hiram 241
Herbert ^^
Ida I'l
Isaac 19«
John 199. 241
John, Hon 12. 2:i!i
John V • • ILi
John Andre ■<6. l^,
Joseph 39, 141, 193. 199, 321
.Tospph Warren , 200
James F ^'IJ
Laura -tJ- ^\'
Lm-v f".°:::::::::::.::.::::::::-.:::S2m
Lizzie V iU^
Merlle 200
Morton 200
Mary E -^>'<
Kicliard iM
Hoy Tliurslon 200
Rene |Qg
Reuben iM
f^lnieon 199, 220. 289
Sarah II 2OO
Annie 99
E. (J 8S
Mary E UB
Orrln 88
Jennie S 206
Hannah 151
Addle V 202
Bet.sey 202
("yrene 202
Charles W 202
Carrie W 2«2
Christian 201
Georpe C 202
Hannah 201
.lohn 201
Sally m
William 1"6, 201. 28S
Wesley !«. »i
William F «■
William Fletcher Vtt
Eugene ***
Elisabeth »>
Luther, Dr ^
Benjamin l;}
Susan "l
Esther A ^
Marv Sweatt ]}^
N. <;.. Dr J«
(Hive .lane *"|
Ransom JJ'
Zllla "•
Marv **
Alfred "•
Cnrollno jj*
Jeremiah JT?
Mehltablc *••
John *"
Andrew E ..»»
Kva g
Elmer "•'
Mary 45
Mabel 337
Sylvester 245, 337
Mary E 324
Mrs 244
Annie M 255
Lucy 187
Mary N 255
Annie L 304
Charles W 304
Direxa 178
Ella S 304
Elisabith A 178
Edward E 304
Fannie 1 304
Georse B 304
Henrietta J 203, 350
Josepli 88, 178, 202
Jonathan E 304
John D 147, 178, 203
Katherine 304
Lucy B 178
Lowell 178
Matilda 178
Marianna 304
Sarah C 304
Timothy H 178
Warren H 178
Augustus C 203
Emma F 203
George C, Dea 6(i. 332
Georgie E 203, 332
Mary 202
Ernest 177
Lyman B., Dr 177
John 216
Ellen 131
Frank P 203
Lvman P 131
Laroy P 131
Marcus 54
Willie 54
G 297
Craven 183, 350
Catharine 350
Deborah 64
Henry W 97, 149
Arthur G 205
Alvin 205
Albert D 205
Bertba K 205
Benton C 205
Dudley 204
Evelyn E 20r.
Ernest E 206
Emilv F 205
Edwin V 205
Gideon 137, 204
George T 212
Grace A 206
Hattie B 205
Hamilton 206
Ida May 205
Jonathan 204
Joseph 4, 204
Joshua 204, 304
Love 142
Mary 205
Miranda J 206
Moses 204
Nelson 205
Ruth 83, 204
Walter 206
M'adleigh 204
Violet E 200
Etta L 150
Alberic 206
Alida 206
Annie J 206
Alphonse B 207
Elmire M 206
Emilv V 206
Felix J 200
Joseph 206
Joseph A 206
Louise P 207
Leonard M 207
Lumina M 207
Harriet 131
Samuel 39
Mary 131
Edward 207
Ellen C 31, 207
Edward, Jr 208
George E 208
Ira 207
John S 207
John F 208
Judith 208
Lydia 30, 207
Lauren 208
Leonard C 208
Minnie 208
Maria L 208
Mary E 208
Marv 207
Moses 207
Nellie A 208
Susie 207
Sarah 208
Thomas 207
Eva 11
Ebenezer, Dr 56
Hannah 176
John 176
Lucv A 176
Mark 176
Samuel 170
Mary 150
Dr 147
Ann 89
Samuel 319
James 208, 209
Georjre 14C
Orrilla 140
Kirke 146
Mary J 284
Leon 307
Sherborn 170
Sarah 200
Asa 131
Mary l.^l
Nellie 131
Willard 131
Addle 211
George E 211
.Tane B 2.36
Lllla 2.3G
Marcia A 211
Thomas W 211
William 230
Fred 194, 242
Albert C 212
Arthur 212
Cyrus lOfi, 211
Clarance II 211
Charles B 114, 211
Dorothv 212
Eliphalet, Jr 211
Edith M 211
Eliphalet 211
Frances A 211
Fred B 219
Flora E 212
George F 212
George W 191. 211
Harry A 212
John 3d 211
John. Hon 211
Luscinda 211
MehitablP 211
Nathan. D. D 211
Nathaniel 211
Raymond B 212
Emma 51
G. B., Mrs 344
Arthur 214
Alonzo J 214
Charles 214
Curtis J 214
David 214
Ellsha 213. 214
Earl F 214
Fred G 214, 267, 299
Flovd .: 214
Gllman 213
Harry C 214
Helen J 214
John 213
Rarnh Jane jij
SnnuK'l '...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 214
Tliirza .'..".'!!'.*. 21.1
Truworthy 213
William lu
Emma 239
Albion 215
Grace B 215
Helen W 216
Jennie McD 216
Samuel 269
Agnes B tlS
Daw n 216
Moses C 216
Olln, Rev 214
Koy L 216
Alice 153. 216
Bertha ; 216
Cornelius 216
Carroll 216
Effle .. 216
Emily 216
Geneva 216
Lucy A. H 216
Leon H 216
Mary 216
:viaria 216
Moses L 216
Nancy 216
rhebe G 216
Whltten 99, 215
Anna 219, 232, 329
Abbie S24
Helle 218
Betsev 329
("Inrehce E.: 218
Elisabeth IRt
Fred 218
Francis 217
.Teremlah H 217
.Joseph G 31. 217
Jav ««
John T m
Lucv C tSO
Mnry 7t
Siisnnnab 155, 117
Sarah A. K tH
Thomas 114, U6. tVI
Thomas, Lieut M7
Thomas D M
William nT
Frank !•«
Georglana • W
James ••
Hannah ^
I^ettle "*
Agnes **
Elva "•
Julia 2G3
Nellie 97
Mary 03
Annie J 219
Arthur 37
Alice 219
Charles E 219
Ebenezar 218
George M 219
Herbert L 219
Huldah 218
J. Franlj 219
John B 218
Josiah 218
Joseph (.. 96, 129
Mary . . . .» 218
Mary J 218
Meliitable 218
Stephen 218
Charles W 219, 351
Clinton S 76
David B 219
Eldora 220
Frances 76
Howard C 77
Katherine S 276
Nellie 253
Rachel C 153
Rhoda 27
Sarah 228
Simeon 219
Oriella 195
Robert 219
Samuel 219
William W 56
Elilah 321
Gideon 321
Horace W 323
Israel 321
Joshua 321
James M 321
John, Dea 104, 323
Julia 321
Nancy 59
Sarah S21
Andrew 267
Mary 195
William 92
Adaline 221
Bowdoin 221
Martha 221
Michael, Capt 161, 221, 290
Napoleon 221
Adaline 161
Abaaail 220
Andrew 221
Albert 221
Betsey 199, 220
Citana 168
Elisabeth 298
George 221
Henry 221
Isadore 298
John 4, 220, 221, 351
Joseph 221
Jeremiah 4, 187, 220
Jonathan 18, 221, 225
Joseph, Jr 221
Martha 221
Nehemiah 142
Nehemiah, Jr 220
Nabby 221
Rebecca 142, 221
Susan 220
Sarah 112, 220, 256
Tristram 221
William 220
Clara F 302
Agnes 222
Emma 222
Harriet E 222
Louise E 222
Mabel 238
Oscar 222
Robert S 222
Sarah M 222
William J 221, 222, 350
William A 286
Georgie 280
Minnie M 303
.Tames 314
Leland 314
Mansfield 314
Olivia A. M 113
Hattie .' 70
George F 120
Helen F 120
Nellie F 148
Alexander 176
William 195
Anna 102
Anna May 102
Ethel 102
.L J 102
W. B 102
Jennie .' 190
Alvah 50
Abby C 50
Ada 223
Alvah Aretas 60
Benjamin C 50
Evaits 222
Fannie 1* 320
Greenoiifih 50, 222
Garaplielia 50
Myron C 222
Peter R 222
Relief Judith 50
William G 222
Walter 223
John H 9
Nellie M 33t
Sally Folsom 113
Austin W
Arthur T
Estella I »
Fra n k
Frank II
Fannie L ■_..
Gro ver 153,
George L
Hannah 22,
John W
Noah T 223,
Noah li., Jr
Willis A
William L
Polly .
Mary .
.4, 5, 137, 224, 22.'>
Abner 4, 108. 224,
Elisabeth »"•
Hannah • • • •
Josiah, Lieut 9fi. 224.
Josiab, ('apt 5. 84, 209.
Jnsiah. Jr 224.
Obadiah .
Samuel ..,
Saheth ...
Vera nee .
William .
Olive A..
Abble S J26
Frank L | 225
Guy E \\\ 22S
Letlitia 07
Lurana fio
Lorenzo 225, 3S0
Moses '. 344
Nelson 91
Daniel en
Elisabet h 17«
Hannah S 227. 3<9
John 152. 22c. 278
James Roby 227
Mary J 226
Mathew S 227
Phebe 228
Polly 151. 22«
Richard S 22«
Sally 22«
Samuel S 227
William P 227
Retsey . . 2:<.t
Joseph l-T-l
Mary L 2.'J
May 156
Bradstreet 49. »
Ebenezer '2>
Frances 218
Nellie 147, 32»
Sarah W*
William H l«
Mary 91
Alvln 2
Arthur — • S
Carrie E 1«». 2
f'elestla S....- »*
Elmer »
Elisabeth 21
Frank ™
Isaac G ••:• 2
John •*••• 21
Jos.'ph 2
Perry S ^
Susan JJJ
Wllber * *"
Bertha -'
AUiert K /'
Blanche .. ^
Cora . \,
Doris .
Arthur G "
All>ert A Ul
Archeluii "S
Alice •• g
Bet.<»ey Ti" S«
ClarrlfiM S
Cora K ■* mS
Delia A • *■*
Eliza Abby 230
Esther 230
Ellen G 231
Ezekiel 228
Eusene 147
Frank H 104, 230
Henrietta 230
Ina N 4G, 231
James 230
Jacob 127
Joseph 230
John N 231
Lizzie 230
Lilla 230
Martha 229
Morrill 230
Morrill S 163, 229
Merrill 48, 52, 180, 189, 230
Maud E 231
Mathias, Col 142, 230
Milton 229
Moody 230
Mathias J 230
Nathaniel 228
Nancy 229
Nellie 3tr,
Orpha 230
Phebe 230
Pollv 229, 230
Sarah A 31
Sadie 230
William 228, 230
Victoria 230
Amos, Mrs 3:^0
Amos H 232
Amasa S 212
Adalaide S 234
Arthur P 234
Byron K 233
Bradbury 121
Charles Henry 10
Cora P 13, 234
Daniel W 101
Daniel T 101
Ebenezar 156. 217, 232
Ernest 235
Edith G 233
Edwin G 101, 148, 233
Ella A 121, 2.34
Emma J 2,34
Eltenezar, Jr 2.33
Ella J 233
Frank R 232
Frank L 162
Fred S 101
George C 42
George S 235
George P 233
Gladys E 235
Hannah M 101
Howard L .' 233
John P 234
John B 2.52
James S 234
John Q. A 234
Jane 125
Liba C 101, 232
Lvdia 289
Martha A. H 233
Marv E 232
Marv H 232
Martha A. W 232
Ned W 220
Nettie S 51
Obe G ; 233
Oliver P 234
Robert, Mrs 266
Robert G 232
Ralph E 233
Sarah 192
Thomas L 121, 232
Albro D 235
Annie C 235, 281
Alice B 235
Bertha 31
Bessie S 235, 351
Benjamin 237, 238
Bradbury M 238
Betsey 323
Catherine D 235
David 2.37, 238
David, Capt 301, 303
Diana W 272
Daniel G 237
David, Jr 238
Emily 303
Eliza 229
Ellen S 238
Edna 231
Fannie M 169
Hannah D 85, 2,37
Henrv F 238
John B 31, 238
.lane 230, 234
Joseph 30
Luther H 222, 238
livman 31
Levi 237
Lucy 06
Mary 171
Moses 49
Nathan C 235
Nancy 238
Phebe 43
Reuben 234
Smith 41
Smith S 235
Samuel 238
William C 197
Anthonv 231
Emma B 219
Hannah 231
Molly 10
Marv Ann 144
Stephen 231
Sarah 328
Bertha 237
Christopher 45
Frank 236
John H., Prof 12, 237, 247
Massa 236, 245
Sarah P 237
Trussell 266
Ella M 2.36
Frank 236
Ira 236
Ira N 236
Jennie 236
Lovisa 236
Loren 236
Scott W 236
Alonzo, Dr 239
James 239
James, Jr 239
James, 3d 239
Lillian .T 212
Sally F 10(1
Sylvia 107
John. Uev 12^
Hannah 2S3
Nettie '. 123
Jane 63
OiTin 294
Arthur P 239
Albert C 239, 299, 303
Herbert T 239
Harry W 239
Joseph 3U
Merle 239
Miriam 239
Mehitable 218
Samuel 344
Walter S 239
George 8S
Jennie A IG"
Alma 212
Davirt Dolloff 97
Milton B 272
Stephen 97
Samuel 14b
Arthur S 182, 240
Ada L 240
Cora is.i
Charles A 240
Charles E 239
Emma J 240
Ernest E 9fi. 240
George II 181, 240
Myrtle A 240
Rufus I, 240
Rufus E 240
George W 54
Henry P 39
Forrest E 115
George A 115
Guy Folsom 115
Cora 1S9
Emma 227
George 338
W. V 1C9
.L r 318
Sarah 318
Caroline 241. 3.-.0
Emma 241. XiO
Mnrv 241, .3^.0
William J 241
Charles 156. 161
Frank ""
Fr.'d -^ ,
Herbert M .....!! 205
Harry L ...!.. 76
Joseph .......'. 25
Lillian R 206
• I 836
Until ifis
Samuel 75
Almira 242. 269
Andrew J ir,2, 242
Abbie E ' 24.1
Renjamin .] 242
< 'liii rit'M 242
f'lara 242
rmvid H2
r-^Imer R 243
Klisal)eth 242
Enos H 242
Ellen Amanda 107. 243
I''iastua 241. 242
Flora 242, 243. 253
Florette i 243
< Seorge W 243
Helen 242
Isaac 241
Isal>el 242
Josephine 242
Josepli 241
Joseph Warren 241
James 241
Levi 241. 242
Lllla R 243
Mary E 243
Mary 117. 241. 242
Martha 242
Nareissa J 78. 242
Nellie 349
Neftle 242. 243
Orrin C 243
Orianna J 135. 243
Warren 241
Warren S 100. 242
Waller 243
Grace R 807
Sarah Olive 32
Sidney A 196
Eliza J 243
Ira 1«. 243
Ira G 243
Nellie S 243. SSI
Annie 2»
John Dixon 15"
Joshua 27
Annie M
Asa K :'
Charles J"*'
Edward !«< "
Edward. Jr "
Knos 11 ;••
Enoch /!
(.'eorge H -'"
Il.nrv K Mi. VO
Henry T 244
Hannah T 244
John 245
Minnie B 244
Mary T 244
Nancy 35
Sally 2G5
Susan 184
Virginia 244
J 116
Almeda 119
Daniel 245
Elisabeth 237
Edward 245
Edward 164, 21G, 245
Georgie 245
Huldah 17G
Lizzie M 245
Lucien 119
Norah 119
Ruth 245
Rufus 72
S. B 118
Susannah IGO
Samuel 118
Theodate 178
John, Rev 114
Joseph 84
Abl>ie F 100
James 44, 247, 2G7
Lottie B 285
Hannah 308
Alfred 195
Clarissa 177
Fred 39
Harriet 177
Hannah No.yes 41
John 177
Leonard D 177
Maria B 159
Marian 39
Susan A 177
Esther 2G
Nancy 2G
Addie 01
Charles CI
John S 61
T. A 65
William 28G
Elisabeth 12G
Mrs 344
Marilla 343
William, Rev 126
Foster 245
Susie R 117
Edward C 271
Alfred C 246
Anna 246
Charles 92, 197
Charles II " 100, 246
GeorRe D 246
Irving 246
Henrietta 246
John H 246
Mary P 246
Mary E 246
Thomas R 246
Elsie 155
Earl 155
Frank 187
John W 155
May 155
John W 162
Augusta 248
Alice B 25
Charles 248
Crane & Peabody 173
Daniels & Peabod v 88
Georgie 248
Hills & Peabody 179
Joseph 248
.Tames Van 247, 271
Leon B 248
Noah 105, 108, 24G
Selwia B 247
Charles H., Dr 127
Dorcas E *. GO
Sarah 72
Andrew 4
William 4, 16, 83
David 161
Elmer A 285
Elizabeth M 285
James L 4, 209
Metta E 285
Nathaniel 4, 209
Polly 161
Thompson 128
William 210
Annie M 222
William H 148
Carl F 248
Elsie M 248
Frederic A 248
Florence T 248
Gotthold 249
Gladvs T 248
Herman F 248
Irene W 249
Jennie A 249
John 249
Levi 249
Leland 249
Lena L 248
Mary A 249
Mary T 249
Otto F 249
Robert 248
Mary 350
Lydia G
Frank 249, 2C1, 329
Ida M 249
David F
Estella M
Estella K
Francis 34,
Ilattie B 2r.O.
Irene 1? 250,
.Joel F 250.
John 1j
Mary B 13, 80,
Newton M.
Ruth A....
Rosilla B.-
Susan P...
Sabrina F.
W. P
Nathan P., Rev 251,
George R
Sarah E
Charles 251
Enoch (J 180, 182, 2.51
Georse 251
Gerry 2.51
Ma ry 88
Joslah l'>3
Ell 251
Jonathan 251
Jonathan W 251
Edwin 2.57
Elmer 225
Elisabeth !<"
Nellie 90
Addle M 231
Annie 3, 22
C. W ^,
Ella M 91
I,anra ..
Mary E.
Bl ,
...B. 7. 254 I
Millie ]g6
Alnnson js^
Ren jamin .252. 2M
Clara 252
Charles H 2M
Charles M '." 263
Evered "', jg
(JIdeon son
Hamilton 252
Harry A 253
Hannan 262
Ida May 263
John \V 19, 262
Josephine 262
I -cona 252
Maud 252
Mary 4g
Mary Ann 1.57. 262
Melissa J W5. 252
'riioniUs \V 81, 349
Thomas H 330
Hannah 231
Ella VI
Amy 250
Angellne 254
Abraham 253
Almore 264
Abraham F 254
Benjamin 190
Clementine S 254
Charles E 263
Charles W 14«, 264
Caroline A 254, 32G
Eli/a Jane 144
Eliza L 264
Hannah M 263
Isaac 864
Jamie 264
I ,)iclen 254
Marv A 143. 264
Mnria M 264
Nalt '. »4
Sarah S 264
Richard 264
William H 1«5. 264, 3»
."Sarah 165
Thomas 134. SSS
Fred 1"
LiMie W W
Irene "•
Edna «»
Carroll S »
Cvnthin M «■
Corn 5
Ev<>re<1 «
I.«>on T » ■•
Mary JJ
Rodman «*
Charlen R ;• S
Kihvnrd '♦*• ■■
Edward, Jr ~^ n*
Elisabeth 256
John 176, 256
Mary 90
Mary E 250
Sally 72
Sarah A 256
Susan J 256, 336
Carl R 257
David S., Dr 202
Ella M 74
Ethel P 257
Floyd T 257
Geneve 250
Harriet 74
Hannah 257
Joseph J 63, 302
Roscoe E 256
Sallv 197
William 257
William, Capt 197
Anna 317
Anna 238
Charles 65
John Handel 104
Edith Rice 204
Richard 310
Clarence E 257
Christine 257
Chester 257
Conrad 257
Mary J 317
Ravmond 257
Silas, Rev 257
Silas, Jr., Rev 257
James 39
Annie 136
Janette '. 314
Alvira 281
A,a:nes 113
Betsey 186
Betsev F 201
Caroline 201
Daniel 155
Emily 112, 281
Etta 195
Eli^a 112
Jonathan 112
Lucretia 112
Maria A 281
Miles 112, 249, 201
Marv 80, 201
Moses 112
Mary Jane 112
Nathaniel 270
Nancy 112
Neva 150
Serena 112
Sally G 112
Abraham W 258, 2f0
Alfred H 20
Burt H 260
Charles J I3i
Edwin Laroy 260
Frank P 260
Florence A 200
Fannie B 260
George F 9
Leon W 260
Leonidas 347
Lizzie 260
Martha D 259
Maud 200
Nathaniel P 257
Nellie L 200
Olive A 260
Olive 260
Stella 260
Susan 260
Stella M 260
Waldroa 251, 347
William B 2.59, 347
Marietta 307
Mary 67
Grace 216
Ada 30
Abbie L 186
Lulu 97
Sarah 65
Anna A 201
Clara B 201
Fred E 261
Leona A 261
Judson J 261
Mary A 6
Daniel C 298
Amos S • 100
Phebe 30
Clara A 262
Edward C 26, 261, 202
Fannie 203
Inez 204
Laura A 263
Amelia 74
Elisabeth S 247
Isabella W 246
Calvin 320
Charles 321
Emma 232
Fred 245
Fannie M 321
Fannie 320
Florette 320
Lllla G 321
Harriet 201
Adaline .' 73, 264
Aram 204
Adalaide 264
George 204
George W 134, 2G}
Glen 204
Hattle B 2G4
Millard F 204
Caroline 58
Jennie M 298
Chase 205
Henry E 205
Hannah J 205
Mary Ellen 205
Annie 273
Emma J 273
Ella J 273
George 193, 272
Ida 145
Jonathan 350
John 272
John, Jr 145, 237, 272
Josephine 8
Lurana 272
Marv Ann 272
Pameiia 272, 335
Smith 197, 273
William H 238, 272
Ann 149
Charles II 275
Edwin F 270
Earl V 270
Elisabeth 275
Frank C 132, 276, 351
James 12, 275
James P 275
James L 275
Lillie L 275
Mary A 133, 270
Mary 270
Sarah II 270
William 275
Clara 265, 327
Lydia 69
Malinda 72
William 72, 265
Abagail 287
Alvira 114. 1«;4
Alfred A 164
Ezekiel 205
Hattle L 214
Holt 26.-,
Josiah 205
Jospph I'J-*
Mary Ellen HO
Polly 9
Sarah P 202
Susan 164
Zepherine 23J
Albert <®
Howard T 303
Abagall 267
Anna B -f
Benjamin -""
Benjamin A 270, SOI
I5et.sey 133, jgg
Benjamin, Jr ttt
Clara 2«9, 271
Clarissa 270
Charles C 7J
Deborah I) ig«{
Deborah 268, 270
Daniel 268
Daniel A 268
Elliot 87, 271
Eliza 270
lOlbra M 272
lOnoth, Dea 2C6, 208
Edwin 209
Enoch George 77, 268
lilinor 5
ElbridKO 269
Elisnl)eth 6. 2«8
Fannie 199, 209
Frances A 271
George 2«9
George B 268, 272
Harriet 199. 270
Herbert S 268, 277
Isaac 2W
Joanna 289
Josephine T 271
.Tohn C 269
.lereminh 209, 271
John W 268
James B 269
Joseph 268
John 206, 207, 208. 271
Jesse 63, 213. 267. 270
Luther 269
Mehitable 207
Mary 207, 270
Marv S »9
Nellie .1 2M
Ned 275
Nancv B 2M
Orvllie F JJl
Rebecca fjjj
Rol)ert ^
Samuel • • • JS"
Samuel B "• !I2
Sally 270
Thomas JJi
Tristram ^^
Almlra 280
Mahala "B
Marcia A *»«
Rebecca ^
Kuhama *
Wilbur *"
John • ^
Edwin F •*•
Ira •"
Mildred JJi
Mary Jj;
Robert 'IJ
Nathaniel '~
Matilda • *"
J. R.. r»r g;
.lohn 11 "*
Mildred ^
May I ■"
Arthur JS
Doris . • "*
Amos 276
Bertha E 276
Elsie M 276
John A 270
Robert 273, 274
Mary A 165
Anna A 52
Mary 44
Comfort 290
Lucy S 299
Mary J 234
Charles 285
Cordelia 165
Elias 290
Albert S 314
George 314
Minnie D 314
William J 314
C. C, Rev 351
Adoniram 260
Alice G 278
Abasail P 241
Alonzo H 280
Andrew N 278
Amos C 277
Benjamin F 172
Braley .T 279
Clarrissa 278
Comfort 183
Charles M 170
Clara A 231
Charles 8, 104, 273
Charles F 279
Clara 166
Dyer fl 123, 159, 166, 259, 324
Dorothy Ifil
Daniel C 278
Daniel 158, 187, 225, 279, 327
Daniel 3d 279
DeWitt C 280
David M 278
Ernest C 281
Emma 222
Eliza 207
Emma J 172
Fannie C 172
Francis 162, 277, 292
Greenleaf C 278
George S 114
Gerrish 107
Helen L 280
Hannah 322
Herman 123
Jane 165
Ida D 172
Jacob 53
John, Ensign 276
Joseph 276
Jonathan 225, 276, 278, 280, 286
.Tames 277
John P 277. 279
Jeremiah 121, 277
John C 225, 278
Jane 278
Joseph T 42, 278
Jonathan, Jr 278
John Pearson 278
James 96
James R 278
Josiah A 278, 337
Josiah S 114, 279
John Low 125
John 16, 279, 285
Katherine H 281
Kate 2.52
Love T 226, 278
Lorentine 265
Leonard 280
Lucy 237
Marie C 281
Mathew N 276
Mary F 280
Mathew N., Jr 278
Maud G 280
Mildred E 280
Mary G 278
Martha A 277
Minnie H 193
Mary J 278
Mirah 225
Mary E 185
Nathaniel 96
Orville 277
Oscar 280
Oscar P ....55, 235, 281
Polly 84, 85
Peter 279
Phebe 38
Richard 278
Raymond V 281
Robv 277
Samuel R 276, 277
Samuel C 279
Sally 226, 277, 278
Peggy C 112
Sarah J 281
Sophie 322
Simeon .'. 4, 152
Svlvia 106
Theodore M 281
Ward 94
William 4, 276, 277
William C 280
William 3d 277
Winf red P 281
Clara 264
Sarah 233
Lizzie S 185
Ida 151
Abagail 8
Amanda 282
Beniamin 208, 217, 299
Cheilis 112
Dolly 40, 42
Ephraim 282
Elias 20
Frank R 282
Franklin F 282
Gladys 1 282
John S 282
Joseph L 168
Lura A 282
Martha J 107
Marv A. S 282
Nellie F 282
Norma M 282
Ruf us 34
Rnmnol 178
Sa ra h S 255
William C 282
William G 335
Elijah .X
Francis, Dea
Gideon 129,
Gertrude II ^
Gideon 2d
James B
Lydia 129,
Reuben 282,
Tamar 282,
Walicer C
George 29C
John R.
Mary K.
William 39
Clara C 180, 283
Francos 283
Fred E 284
Georpe I^ 283
Georjre E 184
Jonathan 153, 283
Sarah 317
Bathsheba 108
Aura E 2S4
Charles E 284
Lizzie M 2S4
Minnie B 284
Nellie E TO, 284
Annie E.
Charlie E
Forrest E.
John F...
.80, 284,
Albert ...
Caroline .
Charles . . .
Dianthe ..
Daniel ...
Franl« —
Horace P.
Jeruslia . .
Sarah A..
Samuel . .
Martin A.
Mary A.
28 4
Ellen .M ;,
Albert B 82. 2H7
Abby 317
Alice <} J7_ 2W
Arabella V 288
l*y"n 26. 31, 243. 287
BiMtha M 287
("lifton F 289
ElbrldKe ]06
Everett S Jg7
Etta. Mrs so
Eva () IH
Frank W {88
Florence M 289
Herbert W 288
Harry 106, 288
Harold S 289
Josle C 282
Sarah 298
Sanborn 104. 288
William S 291
Freeman B 29. 149. 178. 321
Joanna 75
Sarah 129, 283
Ebenezar 887
Colonel 1*1
Martlia Dana 30S
Andrew 287
•Tane J"?
Stephen D tn
Governor '■"•
Elmer 2*1
Abraham H*. 90
Alice >3. 22
Aucusta A 22
Comfort 2*
( "ha ries 2i
Dorothy 2J
Ella F 2;
Florette •■•
Haftie M — •«
Hester A. R •«• J"
Joseph M J*
Jo.seph •• 2
John • *• 2
Jnmea 2
John W ••;• 2
JoBeph P *"• 2?
Kirk A 21
Mary J S
Nathaniel JT
Nancy ••• E
Sarah fZ
Solon Ii'ViA"iii' «M
Thnm«« «. >«• »• 22
Willlnm "^
sixcr^iR. ^
Sarah ""
Almon 97
Jennie 149
Helen E 95
Octavia 113
Darius 171
Clara 292
Hannah 291
Harriet 292
Peter 206, 291
Samuel B 291
Susan B 291
Walter 291
Alice G 140, 294
Annie 14G
Alice G., 2d 294
Addle B 288
Addle V 13
Benjamin P 288, 295
Betty 292
Bert 32, 297
Charles, Rev 38
Caroline 297
Charles H 212
Charles G 294
Daniel 288
David 244, 296, 312
David, Jr 297
Emma 297
Elisabeth J 296, 326
Ephraim 292
Florence 336
Francis 295, 313
p. H 218
Fannie 297
Grace L 149
Harriet 296
Hannah 120, 292
Jane 295, 317
Joseph P 296
Joseph 71, 169, 295
Jonathan 73
Jacob 294
Joseph M. G 294
John 294
Joshua 293
Jeremiah 53, 93, 204, 292
Jeremiah, Jr 294
Jeremiah E 270, 295
Josephine 294
Kate 248
Louisa 105, 295
Lora 32
Lizzie 146
Lucv 81
Marv 66, 146, 207, 294
MarV B 294, 313
Marv R 102
Maud M 296
Marv J 296
Martha A. C 39, 296
Mehitable 296
Melinda 297
Marv A 297
Nancy G 294
Nancy 133
Nathaniel 146
Robert 12, 82, 209, 287
Richard 48
Ruth 277, 292
Senter F 296
Sarah A 297
Shadrach 315
Statira 77
Stephen 292, 294
Sarah 25, 97, 292
Susan 81
Sally 134
Susannah 9
Thomas 287
Warren 294
Warren H 145, 294
William .' 276, 292, 29J, 313
William B 40, 292
Arthur L 303
Mary D 303
Mary H 303
Emma J 55
Annie 57
Allan 58
Abasail 297
Nancv 297
Simeon. Rev 197, 297
George E., Dr 11, 16
Ruby W 249
Frances 181
Earle 225
Florence 225
John 225
Mar jorie 225
Arthur T 299
Bessie 299
Claia A 299
Ellen J 299
Etta E 300
Frank A 299
Georgia A 214, 299
Helen 299
Margaret 299
Nina M 300
Stephen 299
Lydia 122
Ada 109
Channing 297
Daniel G 117
Frank 109
George 109
Jennie 109
John 109
Martha 109
William 109
George 177
Nathan B., Dea 127
Henrietta 87
William R 171
Benjamin C 158,
Benjamin F
Cynthia D
Emma F
Aaron. Jr
G. A
Herbert A
Ina M
John C
Jessie B
Mabel E
Abbie R....
Emma . .. .
Mary Jane.
Marinda . .
Ethel D 177
Emma M.
Rebecca C.
Charles E.
Charles M.
Delia ..
Eva M
Gladys M
Hiram 147,
Martin V. B
Martin II
Nellip L
Sarah E
Harry R.
Julius ..
Ansellne A.
Ell nice
Joseph joi
•John \V 300
Julia M
Maria F joi
Naomi '.■.■■. ]«t
William A 300
Cynthia 221
Sylvinia A 30
Albert 1' 2it
Alice 2J1
Abagail M
Eliza 53
Frank J 196
Howard 231
John F 19«
Oliver 230
Sarah fis
Thomas W 77
Arthur B 309
Alice SOS
Albert II 309
Arthur 310
Andrew 301
Bradbury 308
Comfort SOS
Charles C 309
Charles A 309
Clementina 309
Charlotte M. F SIO
Carrie J 1H
Caroline II n:.. !•:
l>avld C 134, n;». :: H
Eliza :^>'.'
Ethel 309
Georse S "6, Ufi. 3n«
Henrv 100. .v:
Henrv B., Dr 3iio
Harriet W
Hiram S'i9
Horace B 3fW
Hiram B 3r«
Hannah 75. 144. 308. .W
Isaac ^'*'
.lobn r 3n«. z\n
Mellnda i23. S-w
Mandana •''^
Marv A T«
Nathan ^^
Nelllp ^*
Nathan C ^'^
I'oiiy •:;•»
Rortanna •'''
Sally •-;♦
Walter G 3«0
Adella A ^^
Annie F
Arthur P — ,
Ellen B
Mary J
Mary A
Ada 302
Amy 302
Francis W 219
Frank 302
George 81
James M 301
.Tant 238
Nellie 323
Samuel B 302
Theodore 107
Elisabeth 195
Zilpha 201
riara 330
Elliot 3.37
Joseph 339
Marion 339
Ralph 339
Ebenezar 267, 270, 302
Olines W • 1R3
Leanna M 302
Lucv Lena 256, .302
Mehitable 106
Sally 124
Charles P.
Laura ....
Sally A....
Anna C
Alfred E 178,
Ale.Kander H
Anna L
Blanche M
Ben.iamin F
Charles E 114, 227,
Charles W
Charles H 305,
Charles Edwin
Elmer E
Elmer H
Emma S
Fred G
Frank L
Frank S 142,
George TT
George H 135, 136.
Guv B
Harry L
Joseph S 306,
Jeremiah 50, 248, 303,
.Teremiah C, Col
Kenneth J
Louisa P 304,
Loren H
Myra A
Nancy C
Na ncy A 134,
Samuel, Hon
Sarah A
Stephen 306
Sophia M 304
William L 306
Wellington 305
Albert 129, 265, 329
Daniel 329
Frank 265
Byron 23
Dr 39
Josephine 140
Charles A 196, 221
Ella 221
Rebecca 221
Thomas M 221
Eliza 250
Thomas 185
Benjamin 140
David 190. 310
David Munson 310
Jennie L 310
Marretta 310
Edward C 292
Ida M 310
Joseph R 310
Deacon 177
Charles L 47, .311, 351
Doris M 311
Foster C 311
Joseph F 311
Muriel 311
Martha 59
Arthur 8, 267
Alvah 267
Betsev 178
Cora 47
Clarissa 294
Eliza A 300
Emily 288
Henry. Dr 267
.Josephine 271
James 8
Julia 35
Katherine 8
Ralph 8
John S .' 173
Grace 82
Grace A 212
Lydia 113
Joe 318
Mary Ann 79
Susannali 183
Mary A IGf,
liaura 205
VAN con.
Charles .T 71
Evelyn M 71
Annie L .■{49
Dudley 29
Sarah IIG
Emma I. 243
Aaron 134, 311
Annie 311
Clara 311
Julia 58
Sarah E 311
Rudolf 257
Mary A 228
Bertha 82
Abagail 313
Adelaide P 314
Ann E 314
Bessie 349
Betsey 312
Benjamin 312
Charles .T 314
Charles « 314
Charlotte B 314
Curtis E 313
Ehenezar E 313
Ebenezar E., Jr 313
Ephraim S 294, 313
Horace 313
Jonathan 4, 225. 312
Jonathan E 312
John 312, 314
James I) 305. 315
Malc-olm 349
Mary 314
Meranda 315
Olive A 314
Peter 349
Peter, Judge 209, .313
Polly 31.3. 315
Susannah 225
Smith G 314
Thomas 129, 22.5, 314
John 316
Daniel 322
""■•«•••• Ir;;
Isaac •*-•*
Richard *
Rose Bell ^
William 322
John ^
I'hllander ''
Sadie V J24
Charles T.
Carl S
Sa ra II
J. H., Hon 204
Noah S
Noah S., Jr
Nannie A...
Laura m
Marcelena 42. 3M
George W 150
Andrew S 31B
Etta 315
Emma 315
John P 22, 315
John S 315
Lucy m
Sarah 315
Sarah A 315
Sophia A 316
Florence 316
John M 316
Paul 318
Marlon 816
Clarence 43
Frank 4-1
Benjamin 57
David 56. 317
Jacob 53. 316
Annie F.
I»nrlnda .
Daniel ..
Edward .
Louisa S.
Martha .
Mary K..
Polly ....
Samuel ..
Betsey A
Cora Ardella
Charles 11...
FranclB 'I
George B.
John II...
Joseph E.
' M,. ::irct
I N lit linn D
Persis 109
Ruth 109
Jeremiah 318
Zeporah 318
Benjamin N 319
Charles G 318
Charles H 317
Fred 14, 319
George F 247, 317
Susan 199
Tina M 318
George W 108
Rosilla 219
Hannah 57
Hattie F 124
Albert ,Tohn 115
C. A., Dr 115
Mabel E 115
Marcia E 115
George P 101
George Evans 101
Henry D 101
Enoch 6
Charles 243
John, Hon 237
Daniel 297
James, Mrs 25
Sarah 78
Arminda 318
Arthur L 297
Fred 297
George W 318
Hattie 297
Josie 297
Laurinda 318
Worcester 318
Emily 59
Ephraim CO
George 319
Thomas C 319
Warren 87
Artemissa 319
Abagall 321
Ann 323
Annah 323
Abhie 323
Adel ia 324
Belinda 319
Benjamin S 321, 322, 323
Betse.v 191, 323
Benjamin, .Tr 322
Benjamin H 324
Clarissa Osgood 154, 323
Calvin 324
Catherine 324
Clarence W 324
Cynthia 324
Daniel 319
David 322
Eliza J 323
Ellen 323
Ethelinda 324
Eliza 319
Elisabeth A 324
Franklin 324
Frank 324
Fred C 324
Grace 321
George S 319
Horace 323
Harold 324
Ira 319
Judith 319
Julia A 319, 324
Jonathan 282, 321
Jonathan, Jr 322
John M 12, 322, 323
Jane G 59, 323
Jane P 322
Joseph B 324
Louisa 324
Mathew 322
Marcus A 324
Marv J 323
Martin L 324
Mary A 323
Mathew, Jr 321
Marv (Polly) 321
Melinda 242
Nathaniel 4, 59, 201, 321
Nathaniel, Jr 321
Napoleon B 324
olive 324
Olime Ann 134
Oscar 324
Olive S 322
Pollv 322
Pamelia 42, 323, 324
Reuben 4, 258, 321, 346, 351
Reuben, 2d 322
Reuben S 323
Sarah 133, 321
Sarah B 323
Sheiburne 323
Susan H 324
Trvphene 324
William 321, 322
William E 323
William W 324
Andrew 210
Abagail P 320
Curtice 158, 321
Daniel B 320
Isaac N 320
Isaac 222, 320
Joshua 320
Mary L 320
Mark W 321
N vra 320
Sarah T 320, 350
Saphronia 151
William C 320
Fanny 324
Henry 10
Helen L 332
Amanda A 319
Oriette S 179, 319
Parsons, Dr j2, 32(5
William I'itts .'.48,' 319
E. D 311
Sophie 308
Ann 280
Betse.v 28.">
Daniel W 285
George W 273, 285
Harriet Hale 40
Mary E 2S5
Rebecca 286
Robert F 249
Emma 186
Charles 179
George 226
John 179
Angustiis 213
Elisabeth 152, 325
Harry A 213
Herbert 213
Irving 214
Ida P 214
John 325
Katherine 325
Sarah 325, 350
William 4, 165, 325
William, Jr 325
Charles S 114
Henry E 114
Ellen 59
H. S.. Mrs 90
Eliza 55
Sarah 81
Wilfred 2G0
Almira 6
David C 65
Ellen A G.l
Everett 65
Stedman- 65
Abbie 35
David P 327
Georgle Isabel 327
James M 167, 327
Stella F 327
Ida May 18'*
Joanna 11"
Nabby 237
I-anra 106
Sarah 32
John. Gov ?'>•
Mary 204
^«'-«i, •••; 240
( harles W 940
William J V.V.'.V.V .■'!.■;! 240
Henjamin 335
I?nrlus ..'.".'.'.'.'.'.136.' 33C
Ella H • ^
Hannah H gg 3^
•John S.. 254.'a6'. 31«
Lucy A. J 32f
^Inry S 2S4. 3»
Moses F 250. 826
Sarah fjn
Sarah A 'j,' fu
Eldora n
Henry .' a
Fannie m
Joseph S jjo
Lizzie F 320
Hannah 35
Cyrene K 327
John R 296
Joslah A 201. 227
Josiah Ambrose 201, 218, 224, 327
Martha 15 162
Mary J 131. 327
Marl{. Dr »
Sophie 69
William 27. 192. 200. 32S
Alvlra 32S
Cora 23S
Diana A 74. 238. 228
Daniel S 238, 228
Daniel 328
Daniel R 328
Ed:;ar 2X8
Elisabeth 328
Frank R 828
Ida 238
Lizzie SIS
I'bobe SSS
Pauline ^ S28
Sti^pben SSS, SSS
Walter S38
Margaret -'"j
John ' •
Almira 1'
Alice M 2"
Erwin W W
fH'orglo JU
Henry B *»
Sally 5><
Addison B 2!
Alfred C »
Anna L gj
nctser 2
Hcrnnrd I< •• •• 5*
Cvnibin A ?^
Chase 215, 22G, 328
Carrie 281
Cyntlaia B 330
Clarence M., Dr 329, 330
DeMore 175, 190, 224, 329
Dorothy 329
Edward 329
George C 328
Harry C 281
Joseph C 282, 319
Josie M 219
John 328
Laroy B 330
Judith 1P2, 329
Nathan 281, 329
Otis C 113, 330
Polly 329
Rebecca 72
Ruth 281
Samuel 146, 171, 328, 329
Walter C 330
John B 249, 251, 331
Martha 80
Alonzo 23
Horace B 332
Hazel A 332
John 331
Oscar 332
Nellie E 332
Ruth A 332
Abby 134
Daniel 293
Edmund 72
Edwin J 203, 332
Ella L 335
Elmer 99
Emily A 335
Fannie 43
Frank 91
Hannah 174
Helen L 335
Herbert G 332
•T. R 3S5
James 96
Jesse 58
John 323
Katherine 140
\Az7Ae 43
Mary Eliza 140
Maud A 332
Orrilla 256
Otis 323
Samuel 91
Susan A 335
Winthrop, Rey 43, 218. 332
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