.0 .^^ J' aO. sO .^ J^ ^p-^^ ^^0^ ^-^^x. rO^ ^^ «^ ^'-^ ^^ ' "^ -x^ *J *^?^'- \/ /jfe'v "'■'-. ^^ :'S% /\ ^. ' A TRUE STORY OF THE fTRAORDINARY FEATS, ADVENTURES AND SUFFERINGS Ci OF ENANGO q04 N. Y., IN "IIE WAR OF TfJE REVOLUTION— NEV£R}4^ BEFORE PUBLISHED. "i) ALSO, THE . . \£^ DEEPLY INTERESTING STORY OF THE G-APTIVITY OF GENERAL PATCHIN, g • SCHOI^ARID CO.. N. Y., WHEN A LAD : BY BRAN-I^aND HiS' I INDIANS. a'KE SAME WAR: WRITTEN FROM THE LIPS OF THE RESPECTiVE u^ HEROES ABOVE-NAMED. ). ^'THE SPIRIT OF E¥IIi A^S> THE SFIKIT OF G005> : li A SAGINAW TALE ; FROM SCHOOLCRAFT'S RESEARCHES. j» AND THE STORY OF . COr^'KA® MASTER, TWB MSJNTE'fsi Who will spurn a story of that savage war, Wiiich pour'd out blood from many a horrid scar, And won for millions, a hiding place — a home — A refuge for the race — ages yet to come 1 BY PllIEST, AUTHOR OF SHJ^ERAh W0KK3, PAMPHLr.TS, &C. Capyriofht secured according to law. LANSINGBURGH: PKINTED BY W. IIARKNESS 1§40. i<^ price 18 'S--i ceuls. n .' -^ X C ALLUSIONS TO THE MAIN POINTS OF THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS. Calkin's enlistment in the war of the Revolution — when — and where. First rendezvous at the city of Albany, under Colonel VVilJett. Marched on an expedition to Johnstown— Stone Robie, and Fort Plain; all on the Mohawk, of bloody memory. Secret expedition in the night, but the destination unknown to the men. The rescue of Fort Plant, an inland place, near the Mohawk, from a large force of Indians who menaced its capture. Death of two young men by the Indians, who had gone from the Fort, before day light, to a distant pasture for some liorses. Appearance of many Indians on the skirts of the forest, surrounding Fort Plant at sun-rise. The effect of chain shot when thrown among them from the gims of the Fort. Perilous rescue of the cattle of the neighborhood, from an old pasture, situate some distance from Fort Plant, in the wood?, by Calkins and a fellow soldier. Seeming terror of the cattle,while in the pasture, on account of scenting the Indians, as was believed, and their race to the fort when let out. Pursued by the Indians before reaching the Fort, but met with chain shot, thrown over the heads of the drove and the men behind them. Willctt's pursuit of these Indians, with fifteen hundred men — overtook them while cooking- their breakfast — their flight, c'j-c. The Stockbridge and Oneida Indians sent in chase, under an^ Indian Colonel, called Leivey, with an hundred wiiite men, Calkins being one of tlie number. Caution of this Indian Colonel, and his refusal to continue the chase, on account of the signs of an ambush. Property retaken which was abandoned by the enemy from the heat of the chase, through the wilderness, near Clark's Ville, Otsego Co., N. Y. Famous attempt of Colonel VViHeTt to capture Fort Oswego, in the heart of winter. Great fatigue in making and breaking a road through deep snow to Oneida lake. Failure of the enterprise on account of the v/ant of provision — treachery of an Indian guide — loss of the right way, &c. Sufferings of the troops for vrant of food — devouring .of dogs, &c. on their way back. The sufferings of four men in particular from hunger and fatigue, one of whom was Matthew Calkins. Great numbers of the troops frozen in the e.xpedition, and crippled for life. Fortunate escape. of Calkins and three men, from being captured, having travelled a whole day betv>-een two detachments of the enemy, without being discovered. A scouting party of Indians and v.hite men. Calkins beingone of theoi— Powwow of the [ndians, leir improvidence in relation to food--catch fish with their hands— quantity which they dc- oured at once. Story of Carr, the tor3% and the Carr-Mount farm, Otsego Co., N. Y. Daath of a scout by treachey, by the means of this Carr — the wonderful escape of one of their number by running when pursued by Indians. Expedition against C7irr, discovery of property tied in parcels in the tops of the trees, in the woods round his premises. The interesting story of the captivity of Gen. Patchin of Schoharie Co., N. Y., with tiic capture of thirteen others at the same time by Brant and his Indians. 'J'he Spirit of Evil and Spirit of Good : an Indian Tale. Conrad Mayer and Susan Grey, a hunting story of the west. We hope the public will excuse the reprinting of Gen. Patchin's narrative, when we state, tliat many who purchased of the first edition, desire to see a second, as they had losl or worn out the first ; aud besides, there v\ere of the first edition but a few prjnted. A TRUE HISTORY OF THE FEATS, ADVENTURES AND SUFFER- INGS OF MATTHEW CALKINS IN THE TIME OF THE REVOLUTION. 'Tvvould make one weep to see the troubled face Of tlie worn out soldier on an Indian trail, * Tracking the stealthy foot from place to place, To hear the sudden scream and the infant's wail. Such sights were often seen, along Olsego's hills ; — Such sounds, Chenango's forests oflC7i knew. Along the vales of Delaware— its brooks and rills — And Old Schoharie's woods of bloody hue. That memorable event, the Revolution in America, had progressed with all its mighty deeds, nearly live years, — painting on the canvass of nations, the story of her wrongs imposed by tyranny, — when Matthew Calkins, the man above allud- ed to, became, though young, a Volunteer m that war, with thousands of others of similar ages and principles. At this time, he lived at the residence of his father, in Columbia Co., N. Y., in a place called Austerlilz ; and knowing that Colonel VVilleit of intrepid memory, was at Albany, enlisting recruits for the Continental service, Calkins became determined to make one of the number, though blood and perils should mark his steps. He now repaired to that ren- dezvous, being but eighteen years old. On coming to that city, he entered a- mong the nine-months men; but in a short time saw fit to enlist for two years, in what was called the three years"* Regiment : — cue year of t':e existence of i\mt peculiar Regiment — having at the time of Calkin's enlistment, passed by. The first service, except the drilling, training and exercise incidental to the ed- ucation of a soldier under arms — wa& a march to Johnstown, Stone Robie and Fort Plain — places on the Mohawk, where had been committed, in the earlie times of the Revolution, many a deed of horror, under the eye and auspices of the bloody .Johnstons, Brant and Coajutors. The detachment Calkins belong- ed to, v/as commanded by Major Benscoughton, and consisted of three hundred men. Nov/, while lying at Fort Plain, Calkins and the company of which he was a member, who were about thirty in number, and commanded by one Captain Tierce, were called upon secretly, by Lieutenant Thornton, long before day- light, or the time of the revelee, to turn out instantly, as they were to go on an expedition ; but where, he knew not. Jn a tv.inkiing, all were ready, when it was perceived, that they were destined on a most dangerous route, as they were directed to penetrate through a four-mile v/oods, to a place where there was a block-house called Fort Plant. This place of security had been built by the people, for the mutual safety of the neighborhoods situated round about, which they had callod Fort Plant, as it was to protect the planters or farmers of that part of the country. At Fort Plant, it had been ascertained duiingthe night, that on the morrow, the place would be besieged, by a force of seven or eight hundred Indians and tories, vvhose operations were to be directed by British oiliccrs. It was a iViend- ly Indian, who had, at the peril of his life, discovered this party and their de- signs, and made haste to communicate the same to Fort Plant. On this account there was found a man, who carried the news to Fort Plain, and requested ini- 5 mediate succor, as that they were in constant expectation of an onset. In Fort Plant there were but thirty men, and unless they could be reinforced, it was ex* tremely probable the place would be taken, which was filled with the families, women and children of the settlement round about, and would become the prey of the ladians' bloody knife, unless successfully resisted. The troop now call- ed out for its assistance, the hifantry, who arrived safely at the place, just as the day was dawning. It appeared on their arrival that the enemy had been encamped within a short distance of the Fort during the niglU, but did not seem inclined to commence the onset till they should have day-light to do it by. They, no doubt knew well its weakness, and therefore, had no fear as to the result, and besides this, no doubt, wished to capture it as warily, and as ea- sily as possible, in order to save the lives of their own men. Now the silent arrival of the Infantry from Fort Plain, had some how made a tremendous im- pression upon the minds of the enemy in the woods, as they had evidently seen the troops by means of their spies lurking in the dark about the Fort, when they made their entry, just as day-light was streaking the east. On seeing this body of m.en entering from the way of Fort Plain the spies fled into the svoods, with, in all probability, an exaggerated account of their numbers, as it was not light enough to compute them. In what direction from Fort Plant tlie camp of the Indians was situated, there was no one knew ; not even the friendly Indian, who gave the alarm, as he had only seen them within a few miles of Fort Plant the day previous, and some time before it was time to camp down for the ;]ight, and therefore could not tell that particular. Now, some time before day-light, there had been sent out from tb.e Fort, two young men, for the purpose of bringing in a pair of horses, that had been put in a back-wood pasture, to feed, as it was then in September. By this time, day-light had proi:;ressed, so that it was quite easy to see a considerable dis- tance from the Fort, which stood in an open space, the trees having been cut down in all directions, to the amount of many acres. On account of the new acquisition of Infantry, to the Fort, the force of which now amounted to a company of sixty men, all well armed, and as it was now light enough, they sallied forth to look about, and make-such discoveries as they could. At this very junc- ture, the sallying out of the troops, the two young men, who had been sent for the horses, were seen just emerging from the woods, riding upon a full jump, having found the horses, and were almost safely arrived within the fort. These two young men were the sons of ditj'erent families, then in the Fort",' who, with many others, had fled thither for safety. But at the moment, when tliey sup- posed all was well, and that they should reach that depot of safety, the Fort, there was heard behirid them, from the direction of the woods, the shots of two guns, when both the young men were seen to fall from their horses. In a moment af- ter, there were also seen the forms of two Indians, running with great speed to- ward the fallen young men ; who, on coming up to them, sunk each IVis hatchet deep into their Iieads ; then took off their scalps, and fled to the wilder- ness ; — all of which was done so far from the Fort and tlic troops, and in so short a lime, that no rescue could be sent, or shot reach them. In a moment or two after, there were seen on the verge of the wiluerrvess, a great many Indians ; at whom the cannon of (he Fort were letofl'; — loaded with chain shot; when they disappeared, as they did not seem to like the sound, nor the whizzing of cold iron among the trees about (heir heads. Even prior to (his demonstration on the verge of the woods, and before the arrival of the In- fantry, there had been seen b) the sentinels, in several uir'ections the dark forms of human beings, peering about, at whom the guns had been discharged, when they had fled ; but it was not known that any had been killed. The direction the Indians disappeared in, was that of the west. Now, in a 6 southerly course, from the Fort, there was at a distance of a mile or more, ^ place cleared, of considerable extent ; and was used as a bush pasture. Into this old field, the people, who had fled to the Fort, had driven all their cattle, a^ well as horses, amounting in number to more that sixty. It was, therefore, a desirable thing to get these cattle within the Fort, as itf was now certain that the Indians would fall upon, and destroy them, so sure a^ they should make the discovery. A great many of them were cows, and the! children especially kneeded the milk, as well as the rest. Now, in ordei* to this, the whole sixty infantry, in the full blaze of martial glory, the sun jusli then rising, shone brightly upon the burnished barrels and bayonets of theii' guns, while the thunder of the bass drums, the rattle of the tenor, and the shrill fife, with a terrible clangor shook the wilderness with their harmony, deceiving by this display, the ambushed enemy, who, no doubt, believed the Fort to be full offerees, and the infantry then in display, but a mere detach- ment sent out to reconnoiter. The course the troops took, was along the path through the clearing leading off toward the old pasture, where the cattle were secreted. Now, as soon as they came to the verge of the woods, the path con- tinuing on — which lead to the field through a dense forest of a full mile in ex-., tent, the troops came to a halt. This was done in order to consult as to the bes'E method of recovering the cattle, as it could not be long before the enemy wojld know of them ; then it would be too late for the rescue. Here they came to the conclusion, that it was not best for the whole company to go, but rather thai two or three should be selected, only who could do the service as well, and fai' better, than to expose the whole force to an attack in the woods, and besides, wer(j tlie Indians then near, watching their motions, they would not be as likely to discover the operation of the sending of these men after the cattle as the}" would be more likely to watch the main body. Here they selected from among the troops, two men, who were deemed the swiftest on foot of any in the army, one of whom was the hero of this account, Matthew Calkins. Now, when the two stood out from the ranks, destined for this dangerous undertaking, Calkins was objected to on account of his youth, by the conunandant. But the sergeant of his company, who knew his courage as well as speed in the race, replied, that Calkins could run to the pasture and back again, sooner than any other man on the ground, when the comm.andant replied, "/Acn let him go.'''' The two adventurers now took their guns, setting oti'on a full run, having the secret sympathies, as well as the prayers of the whole company, anc', were soon through the woods, to the dreaded pasture containing the cattle. Iif a moment they had let the barrs down, when the animals of themselves rushed ir, a mass to get out. for they appeared to be aware of danger, having no doubl smelt the Indians, as they were looking towards the woods, blowing and snort- ing in terror. As soon as they were out of the field, they lied as if chased by a hundred wolves, directly along the path toward the Fort, as if they knew thera was safety, the two men following after close behind. It was not long ere the}* came out of the woods, when the men from among whom the two had been sef lected, parted to the right and left, the drove passing through the midst; wher^ they closed again and followed after. This being atlected. and as they were ii^ progress toward the Fort, being highly gratified in saving the cattle ; there wa: heard the fearful roar of several cannon shots, the balls of which passed ovcit the drove, into tlie woods beyond. This was imexpected, as well as the cause unknown, till on looking back they saw in the very path which they had followed behind the cattle, a great many Indians, as well as that the skirtof the forest vi-as full of them, in the same direction, but weie not near enough to reach the Arae-j ricans with their rifles. Here it was evident, that, had they not rescued the catt tie, as they did, they would have been lost, as the two men had barely freed thq 7 drove from their pasture, before the Indians were on their track. Bat as the balls and chain-shot of the Fort, fell rather plentifully in the woods where the Indians were dodging about, they soon disappeared. * Now, all this was done ■ before breakfast, which gave the troops as well as the families in the Fort a good appetite and great joy, there having been none killed, except the two young men, over whose remains, there was the weeping of parents and friends, who had ventured to the spot, and brought their bodies in. The tiiirtv men now re- turned to Fort Plain, which was but four miles distant, by which time Willett had raised a force of fifteen hundred men, and that very night pursued the ene- my, who, it was discovered had gone the way of Boman's Creek, which has its rise somewhere near Cherry Valley. About day-light, it was ascertained, they were near the enemy, and that ihey were engaged in cooking their brealcfast, at the place where they had encamped during the night. But before they had got iirough with the desirable othce of getting their breakfast, by some means or ^her, they had made the discovery, that they were pursued by a pow- erful force. In a moment each man seized his arms and fled, leaving their cookery as it was. Directly, Willett's forces arrived at the spot, where he found their tires in order, and great quantities of pork, with the hair on, roasting around them. But he made no halt, passing directly on in pursuit, the soldiers snatch- ing the meat from the wooden spits, as they went, which they crammed into their packs, against some hour of need, or till time could be afforded to tinish its fjooking, and to use it. Soon after thif, Willett came to a halt, and selecting a lundred men of the whites, among whom was Calkins, and a hundred Indians of he Stockbridge and Oneida tribes, sent them on in pursuit of the fleeing enemy, while himself and the residue of the troops returned. This was a most singular transaction, as the two hundred who were now selected to pursue the enemv, were vastiiy inferior in numbers, while the whole torce of Willett was double that of the i'oe; and had he pursued them, as he was, would no doubt have soon overtaken and destroyed them; this u'as a strange transaction for a brave general as Willett was reputed to be. The hundred Indians selected, were commanded by an, aboriginal Colonel, named Lewey, who was an Oneida chief; these, v.ith the hundred white men, set olfin chase of the enemy. On the route there were a considerable number of horses retaken, laden with plunder, as well as a number of cattle, the fugitive foe having left them all along in the woods as they lied. Among these, "there was one horse found, having a side ot' leather tied round his body, on which there was a hog which they had shot and split length wise,with its legs tied toi'ether over the horse's back, in this way forming a balance, to keep it from falling off. The two hundred continued the cliase, till some time in the afternoon of that day, and had got over the high ground east of Cherry Valley, where they began to descend into a well known gloomy range of hesnlock wilderness, lying along in the directioit of Ciarksville, when Lewey, the Oneida chief, and commander of the Indians retused to go any further, as that from appearances which he well understood, the enemy were preparing an amlnisli, into which he had no notion of beiiig entangled. Here, as the Indians would go no further, the whites, as was right came to a stand, when the whole party returned to Fort Plain. Thus the enemy weie allowed to escape ; a most singular aiiair indeed, which we know not how 10 excuse. Now, in the winter following this affair, in the month of February, there tell a snow full four feet deep ; this w^as in 1783, the last year of the war, v/hen orders were issued .'or the troops at Fort Plain, to repair to Fort Herkimer up the Mo- hawk, under (he command of the same Colonel Willett ; Calkins being one in the company commanded by Captain Ihnrnton, and were but thirty men in number. From Fort Hei-kimer, the coaipiiny of Thornton was sent forward with axes and 8 snow shoes to open a road, bj stamping a track, and by cutting away trees which might be fallen across the path, such as it was at a time when there was not a house at the place now called Utica, and is likewise a noted city. The road to be thus opened, was to reach tVom Fort Herkimer to the head of Oneida lake, which took them four days to perform, a Job of the most fatiguing and laborious nature ; being obliged to camp down in the deep snow every night, and to rest on hemlock boughs around a tire, which, however, vyas as large as they had a mind to build, as dry dead trees and brush were abundant. The way they broke the road was by two walking side by side, taking the lead for a certain distance, the residue following in their track, in like manner, there being fifteen couple, who in this way made a very good road. The object of opening this route was for the transporting of a body of troops in sleighs to the head of Oneida lake, and from thence to its foot on the ice, with the view of going from this place down to tiic out-let, which is caiied Oswego river, to capture the Fort at its confluence with Ontario, named Fort Oswego, then occupied by the British, a most dangerous undertaking. There were in this ex{>edition, nearly a thousand men, for the transportation of whom, Willett haa pressed a hundred and twenty sleiglis from among the farmers on the Mohawk. From the foot of the lake, where they left the sleighs, and their owners, they went down the river chiefly on the ice. They had travelled nearly two days toward the place of destination when they came to a place, where, it then appeared, that Willett had caused the construction of a great number of ladders for the purpose of scaling the wails of Fort Oswe2;o. Here it became necessary to carry these ladders by hand, the re- sidue of the way, requiring sixteen men to a ladder, a job of the most fatiguing description ; aniong whom was the lad, Calkins, who it appears, was ever found in places most clithci'lt to he overcon\e, as well as dangerous; for let it be ob- served the men who carried tiiefe ladders, were also to ascend them, when they should be set up against the walls of the Fort, wheie death was almost sure to be met with. At this place, Willett ordered that every dog found among the troops should be killed, as they might, by barking, or some such occurrence, be- tray them ; for it v/as his intention on the night of the following day to storm and captuie Fort Oswego; on wjiich account the dogs, a dozen in number or so, were immediately shot and laid up in a heap there on the snow, which was rath.er grievous lo the owners. From this place to the Fort, it was supposed to be about twelve miles, which they intended to approach under cover of (he next night, in a slow, secret and leisurely manner, reserving the strength and activity of tl;e men, as much as possible, for the coming fray. Here, they took up the ladders, and proceeded till night came on, which was now near by. During the next day they hastened forward as rapidly as was convenient, intending to get near enough to can)p down, a little while, and then by the hour of midnight to reach and capture the Fort. On the tb.ird day from the loot of the lake, tow^ard night, Willett, as he did not knov/ tlie most direct way, nor any of his men, set an Indian, who was an.ong them, to be his guide. Now they set out with good hearts, knowing themselves to be in the neigh- borhood of the contemplated battle, and that before morning, all would be over, as they would be either the victors, or sleep in death around its walls. The snow was deep, hut they wallowed on — the Indian hading the way. Afier a few hours' travel with great labor, they found that the hour of midnight had pas- sed, and yet the Fort was not in sight ; still hour after hour passed away, and yet the the Fort was invisible. Soon, there was seen in the east, the light flush of day, and yet there was no Fort Oswego in view. Here now was trouble enough, as it was impossible for them to remain so near the enemy a whole day, without imminent dai^^cv, and besides it was found that there were no provisions \n the army ; — they had consumed the last morsel ; believing, it is presumed, they 9 should breakfast in the captured Fort. As to the Indian guide, he was either ig- norant of the way, or was treacherous ; however that was, the men were in- stantly for putting him to death, to which end he was placed under guard, and sent ahead, as the whole force immediately took their backtrack as fast as possible, knowing they should have nothing to eat till they could reachFoit Herkimer again. And to add to their very great trouble, it was extremely cold, and growing cold- er continually : on which account the men who had the Indian in keeping, let him go, as they had trouble enough of their own, who was never after seen or heard of, as it is likely he then went to the British, or among his fellows to the west. The time consumed in going from Fort Herkimer to the spot where the Indian gave up finding old Oswego, was six days, for which length of time they had drawn provisions, and for no more, making it evident that Willett had calculated to feed his troops in the premises of the enemy; a very poor calcu- lation indeed, as it would have been much safer to carry more than enough, even had they taken the place, than too little, as it might be a failure. There was, therefore, in prospect, a fearful expectation of starving to death, even before they could reach the place where the sleighs were left, and certainly before they could get back to Fort Herkimer, as it would take them at least five days, if not six, which it actually did. At the spot where they gave up taking Fort Oswego, there they left the ladders, as a monument of the failure of the enter- prise, and fled back as fast as they could. Now, by the time they had returned as far as to where the dogs were killed, which was nearly two days, so great was their hunger and desire of food, that in a tv/inkling they were cut to pieces and devoured nearly raw, as they could not wait to build tires and then till it was cooked ; so that they snatched the flesh half burnt as it was, from each other, devouring it like so many Hyenas ; and yet there were several who went without, as it was impossible for them lo get any ; among whom. Calking was one. One man was seen, who had procured no better piece than a part of a hind leg, to be tugging and gnawing away at the bone, for half a day or so, as they were travelling along, deriving therefrom much support as well as happi- ness, as 'he said to his fellov/s, vvho v. ere eyeing and coveting the possession of his treasure, the dog's hind leg. On the way down the river Oswego, Calkins being one of the number, who assisted in carrying the ladders, fell and hurt his leg, whicli lamed him consider- ably, so that in returning, he requested not to be compelled to keep the rank and file order of march ; but to be allowed to get along by himself as well as he could, which privilege was granted to him, and three others in a similar condi- tion. V/e wish the reader to notice that in the river Oswego, there is, in a cer- tain place of its course, a great bend, being all of twenty-four miles round, while across the country, it is not more than twelve; which distance, the army, in coming down the river on the ice, took the advantage of, by leaving the river and travelling across the country, till they came to the river again. Now, Calk- ins and his fellows, being separated from the main body, managed to get ahead, picking their way frequently to considerable advantage, so that they soon were out of sight of tlie irieh behind them. They were following in this way on up the river on the ice, but as they were busy in making all the speed they could, and being faint from hunger, they mis- sed and went 6^ the place, where the army, in coming down the river, came on to the ice again, after having ciossed the land as above noticed, for the sake of its being nearer, and instead of going otFthe ice at this place, as they should have done, they continued on up the river, and greatly out of their way. But on they went not knowing the mistake, till night overtook them ; when they came to a place of thick woods, on the shore, and it being too dark to travel, they came lo a halt, being weary as well as hungry, for it was then three days since Calk- ^0 in«, especially, had taken a morsel of food, as it was his lot not to be able to get a particle of dog meat. Here they went up the bank into the woods and hav- ing gone a little way, they struck a light with some Pv7ik as it is called, which they had with them, and built a fire of such dry wood as came to hand, there being abundance in the place ; wrapped themselVes in their blanket and fell asleep there on the snow. In the morning they Ibund themselves nearly on the ground, having sunk several feet, by the thawing of the snow, occasioned from the heat of (he fire and their own bodies, so that they were in quite a deep hole, being nearly four feet, as that was the depth of the snow. As soon as it was light, they arose from their beds and went down the bank, m order to pursue their course, when they became almost sure they had missed their way, and the place where they should have left the ice ; but as they now found a great many tracks going on up the river, they became re-assured, suppos- ing the army, to which they belonged, had gone by i^i the night. Believing this, they took courage and pushed on after them. They, however had not travelled more than an hour, when, as they came to a jet of land putting out in- to tlie river, in the form of a point ; across which they happened to look in a direction up the river, saw to their astonishment, not more than twenty rods above them, there on the ice as many as thirty men, part white and part In- dians, dressed in the British and Canadian costumes, occupied in taking their breakflist. This was an awful discovery, and frightened them so, that they forgot their hunger, and tied back, up the bank and into the woods. Here they now saw, that Ihey had indeed missed their way, and were near being taken by the Indians, ihey now knew where they were, and immediately addressed themselves to leave the river and travel inland (ill they should fuidthe road made by their own party when they went down, and in crossing the great bend. They had gone in this direction but a little way however, when they found from weakness and the great depth of the snow, that it was impossible for them to proceed. There was left them now no hope between dying where they were, and giving themselves up to the enemy on the ice. They remembered that they had seeS the party on the river in the boundless enjoyment of food ; which overcoming «// other considerations, brought them to the determination of surrendering. Having concluded thus, they were even eager, as the hope of immediate relief from the wolf that gnawed at their stomachs quickened them to be with the ene- my. So efliectOally will the pain of hunger, humble the proudest heart. But as horrible as was the source of this hope, even in this they were doomed to dis- appointment ; for in getting on to the ice again and going round the point of land we have mentioned, behold the enemy u'erc gone, and quite out of sight. But not ai)andoning their purpose, they followed on, in their track, not know- ing what the event might be. On coniing to the spot where the party had tak- en their meal, one ot the m.en found the rine of a piece of cheese, which he eat, saying he had no doubt but that it was a part of a real Cheshire, it tasted so good and rich. On pursuring this cource till nearly night, the suffer- ers found, thattlieir enemy had left the river, putting on their snow-shoes, and had made off across the country to reach the road the troops of Willett had travelled, on their ictreat from their attempt to capture Fort Oswego, and from thence they went home again, no doubt as ihey saw them no more. Now, soon after being relieved from the presence, or neighborhood of the par- ty, they came to the place v.here ihey had verged off from the river, in going down a few days before, in order to cross the bend by a nearer route. It was near 8un setat this juncture and the distance from where they then were, was all of twelve miles, to the foot of Oneida lake, where the sleighs were left, when V'Viilett came down — and which sleighs were to carry them back again. Here, 11 two of the men gave out •, namely, Robison and Buckley, saying, it was impossi- ble for them to proceed, and that they must lie down and rest where they tten were. The two bavins; made this resolution, they all went into the woods, a littte way from the bank of the river, and gathering some hemlock boughs, made them a bed, on which they actually lay down, there on the snow. But Calkins remon- strated, and endeavored to exhort them to hold out; but no, they must rest, they could go no farther. Here the two others, namely, Calkins and Wilkinson, took them by the hand, bidding them an everlasting farewell, saying " as for us we s'nall try as long as there is breath in our bodies, to reach the place where the sleighs were left," which, if they failed to do before they were gone, then that would be tb.eir end. It was now growing dark, when Calkins and his fellow left them, believing firmly that the two who had lain down to rest, as they said, would never rise from that bed. It was not the meaning of those men to die there, but only to rest awhile, not seeming to knov/ that the risk of a little sleep at stick a time as that, might place them beyond the time of arriving at the place where the sleighs were, in which case, all would be over with them forever, in- deed. But they had taken their resolve, and their companions expected to see them no more as they left them to pursue their way. In a few moments, how- ever, there was heard behind them (he hallooing of somebody, and looking round, they saw the two poor fellows coming on again, seeming unwilling to be left there alone, when they halted till they came up. Here the whole four renewed their courage, being determined to reach the place in time to be carried with the rest in the sleighs to Fort Herkimer, even if they were carried dead, and not to be left in the woods, to be devoured by the wolves. That was a dreadful night to the sullerers, as the faintness of death was upon them, their eyes were unsteady, the trees nor the snow kept their places, but seemed moving like the unsteady waiers, while ever and anon, the thoughts of food fell upon tlieir me- mory like salvation lo.st, which still lingered about the visions of the n^ind to mock the unsatisfied appetite, and desire of happiness. In this starved condi- tion they were doubly exposed to be frozen, so that their progress along the way was more like the sick and stooping forms of emaciated mad men just escaped from their chains, v/retciied, horror-stricken and in pain, objects of pity, even to the well-fed eye of persecution itself. In this condition, they had worn the night away, till nearly the lonesome hour of two o'clock in the morning, vtdien they could hear the Joyf.il noise of the neighing of horses and the sound of voices in getting ready to start; a few minutes longer, and the sleighs would been gone, the men's destiny would have been sealed forever. On coming to this place, Calkin's first inquiry of his captain, who be hap- pened to meet immediately, was, whether he had any tiling toeat, for they were nearly famished, who said »o; but, there is possibly some whiskey hi my canteen: go and diink. The canteen v/as examined, when there was found suQicient for the four men, who drank heartily, and were amazingly strengthen- ed, verifying a remark 0* scripture, which is, ^^give strong drink to him that is- read^' to perish.'''' This w;.s all they were to expect till they should arrive at Fort Herkimer, which was full sixty miles; and proved true, except that Cal- kins took from the mtiss of one of the horses a handful of raw oats and peas^ at the head of til,: I.'.ke where they halted to bait, the owners carrying their provender with thcin, these he ate greedily, being delicious to the taste, as hun- ger makes ai! tiungs welccm 3. The reader here, may suppose that a horse might have been killed for food, is that there were on the spot a hundren and twenty pair.*, making two hundred and forty of those animals. Now, had this been done, eight men rnu?L '.ave died, for a horse, as a span, would have been dis- solved, and the men left behi.-.c'. the sleighs beiiig already laden beyond Ihs 12 strength of the horses. All being ready, away they went, the starved army feel- ing individually happy, that they could ride, when they had not strength to walk; and, besides, they knew, that by the going down of tlie sun of that same day, they should be fed and comforted, by the (ires and in the rooms of Fort Herki- mer. This proved true, the sleighs arriving there but a little after dark, where immediate nnd proper refreshments were administered to the dying multitude ; having been without food {ov five entire days and nights, except ihe meat of the slaughtered dogs; and even of this, many of them did not taste, loi l!ic want of a chance to do so. On getting out of the sleighs and coming where it was warm, it was found from examination, that full two-thirds of the one thousand men or therea- bouts, were badly frozen, and chiefly in their feet, so that many of them were crippled for life ; and yet Calkins remained unhurt by the frost, though he was so young, owing, no doubt, to the strength of his constitution, and to the care he took to keep himself in motion as much as he could, especially while in the sliegh, on the last day of their sufferings, when it is likely the chief of the mis- chief of that description was done. Now, notwithstanding the entire failure of this expedition, the treachery of the Indian, &c., it was afterwards ascertained, by means of a desei'ter, one Mor- timer, that at the very time the perfidious guide was wandering about with them in the snow and darkness of the night, that the British were in full strength in Fort Oswego, a thing Willett had no apprehensions of Some how, by the means of spies, the tories, or the Indian runners, or in some way, the British were apprized of Willett's intentions, on which account they had in the Fort four hundred Indians with several hundred regular soldiers, besides the cannon of the place ; so that if Willett had persevered in his attempt, he must have been cut to pieces; and, besides, it was found that the very ladders they had made to scale the walls with, were too short by all of six feet, which would have ensured the death of every one who might have manned those ladders ; Calkins with the rest. From this same deserter Calkins afterwards learned that himself and three companions on the ice, travelled all that day between two bands of the enemy, without being seen by either, this Mortimer being one of the front guard, and remembered eating a breakfast on the ice of the river Oswego at the very time. Thus ended the famous enterprise of the capture of Oswego, in misfortune and the crippling of nearly all the army, which was certainly but poorly planned, as it was done in ignorance oftlieeriemie's slrcngt!), as well as at a time of the year when amazing suffering from the cold, the depth of the snow, coui^ but be ex- pected, besides the whole distance was a wild wilderness, with but small excep- tion, and those exceptions of no use to the army, as in the places on that route, where settlements had been commenced, they had deserted them long before, on account of the Indians. But this adventure of Calkins, in the time of that war, was by no means the only one, although it was the one in which he suiliu'ed the most, and came near- est loosing his life, not only from exposedness to the enemy being so near them nt Fort Oswego — and on the ice, but from the most horrid of all deaths, that of strvation. In the course of the authors conversation with this venerable relick of the '■'■old zoar,'"' as it is now sometimes called, it appeared that on a certain time, a scouting party was sent out from Fort Plain on the Mohawk, in the direction of the Unadilla country, which is south from Fort Plain — and the whole range of the Mohawk. It was in this direction that most of the tragical events of that war, on the borders ol^ the western parts of New-York took place, and was therefore at that time, the region of danger — its wilderness — its caverns and dark forests, being the scene of many an untold atrocity, perpetrated by IS tlve savages and tories. Of this scouting party, Calkins was one, whicli consisted of nine vvhite men, and ciiijht Indian^. It xa^ kaovvn, that alon<4 the range of country, running through the towu'^ of iJslion, Butternut, &c. in Otsego county, N. Y., were Hving several suspected faniihtis of considen-able importance on account of their wealth and connections, as well as their educa- tion and abilities ; it was necessary, therefore, that their movements should be watched. The party took with them food enough to sustain them two weeks, trusting ix) what the}' might shoot of the wild game of the woods, which at the time was alive with deer, bears, patriges, and other creatures of the forest, so that they needed only bread, and salt, getting the rest in the woods, such as leeks and herbs, as it was in the Spring of the year, carrying with them, however, each a pretty heavy piece of salted pork, to season such dainties with. They had travelled several days in the direction of their intended route; when the provisions (hey had with them began to grow rather scarce, especially with the Indians, v/ho, for some reason or other, found it convient, on camping down of a certain night to have a Pozvzooro, on which occasion, they not only devoured all they had in their knapsacks of the provision kind, but to entirely empty their can- teens of the Jamaica spirits, there was in them, as a certain portion was allowed to each at the outset. The spot where this encampment of the party took place, was not far from one of the lilile streams, which runs out of the numerous small lalces lying west of lake Otsego, the extreme headwaters oftlie north branch of the Susquehaniiah river. At the place there were the remains of a logcabhin, which had been erected by some earlier settler, or some hunter in those dreary hills; but was then con- siderably dilapidated. It was in tl'.is old hutthat the Indians had taken up their nights lodging, while the whites chose theirs under some boughs they had cut from the trees, out of which they formed a kind of brush enclosure, to screen them a little from the air. It was a noisy niglit with ihe Indians, and not a little dangerous, for, if there had been within hearing a party of the enemj, there laight have been lives lost, on the wrong side of the question, as the out-cry, and whoopings they made resounded far and near; and beside, they somehow set the old house in which they were camping on fire, arid away it went in smoke and flames, making it a line smooth spot to sow tobacco seed on by the time morning had come. On account of this carouse of (lie Indians, the whites had to part their own allowance of food with the improvident fools, by which means the whole parly, Indians and. all. were soon reduced to a state of absolute hun- ger and sutfering, as they had not, for some time, killed any thing in the woods of the game kind, either from a fear of tiring their guns, or because they had seen nothing to shoot at. Be this as it may, they were soon reduced to hunger and sulFering. This happened on their way toward home, on the Mohawk, the place from whf^nce they set out. But as they were making the best of their way in that direction, the Indians sad and sulky, they came to one of the streams we have above spoken of, which, as about to ci-oss by wading, they saw was alive with(i'>hes of a considerable size, being large enough to weigh a pound or two. Immediately they set about trying to catch them with their hands, as they had no other means,.the Indians being wonderful expert at this operation — and threw them out almost as fast as they would, the water being quite shallow where they found them in such plenty. The fish proved to be the Pike, a fish, of all olhers the very best, whether caught in the ocean, or the fresh waters of the globe. 1'hey had scon enough for the whole party, when they set about cooking them, a lire being kindled in a hurry. There was no dilhcuily in their making an excellent ruea!, so far as the fish was concerned, as they had a large brass camp kittic with liiem, and' salt enou^ih to season them with. The nine 14 white men dressed for Ihernsclve?, a kettle full of the beautiful Pike, and \uti short period had (hem ready, of which they partook, and were satisfied. In the mean time (he Indians had dressed a great many more lishes than the white men had done, though their num.bers were less, which as soon as the kettle was at liberty, they began to cook, filling it to the brim. When they were cooked, they fell to like so many cannibals, devouring kettle full after kettle full, till they actually eat nine kettles full, a little over a kettJe ,to each Indian, which so crammed the almost carniverous creatures, that they were wholly unable to walk, for a day or so — when it was with difficulty that they got them along at last. Of these fishes they dressed a quantity, salted them a little, and dried them the smoke, partially, which sustained them the residue of the journey to the Mo- hawk. The reader may possibly enquire how so many fish of that particular kind,, which it is wcW known, are remarkably difficult to catch, and resort to the deepest waters of the rivers came there. This enquiry is easily satisfied", when we come to know, that it was the tinre of the year, when the various fishes of the waters seek a place of safety, where to deposite their spawn, eggs or roes, for the bringing forward of other generations of their respective kinds. Such as great .Salmon trout, the Bass, the Shad, the Pickeral, the Pike, as well as the Herrin and many others. But in this particular case, the Pike were seeking the resort of the small but deep lakes, that lie among the hills of that country, where to deposite their roes, and occasioned them to run up these small streams, urged on by the irresistable, as well as mysterious instinct of their natures, which is but the voice of their Creator, in his government of their tribes. During this very trip of the scouting party, Matthew Calkins, traversed the ridge of highlands which runs along the Unadilla river on the east side, and overlooked the very fiats of beautiful alluvial land covered with one continued forest of the majestic rock-maple: ^'hich, though he was then but a wandering lad and poor, he afterwards bought to the amount of several hundred acres Vt'hich, at the present hour, he is the owner of, and the cultivator of the same^ It is but a little way above the lands of Mr. Calkins, Esq., the subject of the foregoing, where is situated a place, that is called to this day the " Ca/v Mount Farm,'''' the owner of which was a most ferocious and bloody tory. This Carr, was an Englishman, who had been sent to this country by one Edmonson, to settle on and t;>ke the agency of a tract of wild land, which had been granted to him by the King of England along the Unadilla. He had, by the means of the Indians, knowing that tiie king patronised him, gained an uncontrolable influence over the natives of the Unadilla region, and was confederate with Brant, sending them on excursions of murder and plunder as to him seemed good. At this man's liouse, which was then in the midst of a howling wilderness, the Indians, as well as tories, and the English emissaries, used to resort, where news of the operations of tlie Coininillcc men of 'i ryon county was to be had, and w!)ere plans of marauding, were concocted, and where much of the plunder of the murdered inhabitants was deposited. Now, on a certain time, there was sent out a small scouting party consistirrg only of four men, from (he Moliawk, from one of the Forts in the same direction, and on a similar errand, that Calkins and his fellows were sent, namely, to see what they could liisd of tbc enemy and their doings in (hat quarter. They had journeyed on several days and nights, and had passed down the valley of the vvild Unadilla, in a silent but observing manner, when they came unexpectedly upon a cultivated farm, though of but small extent, with a log house of a very good des- cription, in the midst of the clearing. To this house they made their way not knowing the character of the owner, being hungry, and much fatigued. They knocked at the door for admitfancej v.hen they were met, as the door was, 15 cfpened by a rough repulsive looking middle aged man of a large and muscular frame, who demanded in a half angry tone of voice, to know what their business was. To this enquiry they replied that they were tired and hungry, and wished something to eat. He said, walk in gentlemen and take seats, and he would see if he had any thing for them. They accordingly went in as invited, but saw no one there beside the man who had met them at tlie door and a woman, who was not his wife, but was liv- ing there with him m the woods. Now, as the men did not like the demeanor of their host, who appeared to be somewhat churlish, and besides, he asked no questions indicative of friendship, either respecting themselves or the Revolution, they became uneasy and suspicious. On this account, they had gone out and were walking in the door-yard, while the man of the house appeared to be busy- ing himself in getting somelhing for them to eat. In the meantime, they had seen that the woman had disappeared in a certain direction of the woods, which they thought was quite strange, as it was winter, and the Unadilia froze:, over. Her errand to the woods therefore, they could not well make out, there being no apparent cause. But on this subject, their suspense was soon cleared up, as in a minute or two, they saw no less than six Indians on a full run coming toward the house, with guns in their hands. They had no doubts as to the woman's business, that they were in the hands of a cruel and treacherous tory, and their lives were in danger. In an instant they fled, instead of commencing an attack upon the Indiasis and the man of the house, although less in number it would have been the safest way. How- ever, it may have been, that the four men imagined, that a large force of Indians was near, and that directly they might be surrounded, and that their on!y safety was in flight. But as they fled in dilFerent directions, each man for himHcif, the shots of the Indians overtook two of them, who fell dead, and wounded a third. This man though mortally v/oundcd, manage^ to get across the river on the ice in a dark woody place, v.'here he died, and was stripped and scalped by the liidians, as was the olhcrs. The fourth man made his escape unhurt, by difit of flight, being exceedingly swift of foot, and fairly outran the Indians, plunging into the depths of the dark wilderness, faster than they could follow, althougli there was snow on the ground, by which they could track him. This man arrived safe at Johnstown, tlie place of rendezvous at that time, where he related the fate of his companions, instantly there v/as sent out a stdiicicr.t force to compete mith liic Indians, and to bring in the tory alive, if possible, but if not, to kill him. The party were guided by the man who had made his escape. But on their arrival at the place, there was no Carr, or other i»u- man being. He with the woman and Indians had made their escape; knowing full well that the man who had evaded the shots of the Indians, would cause a force to be brought against him : he therefore fled to Canada, and was never heard of afterward, 'ihey found the thiee men where they had died, — stripped naked — scalps taken oiij and otherwise mutilated; whom they buried thei'e on the " Car r Mount larrn^V as it is called to this day. They now exam- ined the forest in ail directions about the premises of the tory, when in the ve- ry course the woman W£s seen to go. there was found, not half a mile from Carr''s house the remains of an Indian wigwam, where the Indians lay, who were sent for by means of the woman living with Carr. In then- search about the woods they found many things, which Carr had hid, by tying them in small par- cels in the tops of the thick hemlock trees, such as kettles, chauT, pails and articles of wood and iron ; from which it appeared he expected to return again, when his king should have conquered the country, and hung all the rebbels. The par- ty havmg buried with the honors of war, the three murdered men, and burnt to ashes, the horrid den of the infernal tory, as well as the hut of the savages ad- 16 jacent, (hey returned, having done \vhat ihey could to revenge the death of their t comrades and to punish the murderer Carr. This ''Carr Mount Fann''^ is but a brief space north of the exceedingly beau- tiful town of North Newberlin in Chenango Co , N. Y., on the east bank of the Indian Unadiiia, and but a little further from the rich possessions of the Cal- kins family, whose narrative we have given in the foregoing, from his own lips as we do ail accounts of the kind, adding' thereby trait after trait, of the unpublish- ed history of those '■'•ti7nes zohich tried /yieii's sonby Gather the fragments that nothing be lost, And teJl the next ages what liberty cost. ^ «^ l^ .^ | ^l ' ^^ull^ly. ■■l i iiik i i«t).»i^piuu-«j ii uui. 'i »a i i.i» i! !.«t,.i.i> p m^jij)AJi. « jwiMi;«j«Mllsw»l l l^'M CONK AD MAYER. AND SUSAN GREY, A HUNTING STORY OF TFIE WEST, RELATED BY AN EARLIEP. SETLER OF THE OHIO, KIXGSLEY HALE, BY NAME, TO HIS GRAND CHILDREN. In 1775, the Zane family built a fort amidst the plain on which that city now stands, for a city it is, in all the moral and social, and in every commercial attri- bute of a city. Wheeling Fort was the outpost of civilization. The plainer bottom, narrow and darkened by trees and underwood, was overshadowed by thar hill, steep and impending also with a forest of poplar, oak, and other massy trunks, against whose colunmsthe axe had never made its attacks. That creek now ppnnned by yonder bridge, wound its shaded stream behind that sharp and rocky ridge, gliding silently into the bosom of its mighty recipient, the Ohio. — The great Oiiio itself, the present channel of active life and commerce, was it- self tiien an emblem of savage majesty. Tlie stream was then, and perhaps in all former forgoiteii ages, as it is now, tranquil ; but it was then solitary, and the view along its shores and current inspired feelings of sadness. Yonder western hills, beyond vVheeling Island, then rose buld, and blackened with an intermina- ble forest. They were the eastern abutments of a boundless regioii, then with fearful import called "The Western Country ;" or v.-ith still more awful import, "The Indian Country." It was a country indeed, at the very aspect of which, the bravest heast felt a shudder; for, from its endless recesses, the ruthless and stealthy savage issued on his errand of death. It was a frontier, along which the Indian and white, the red and the pale warriors met, and oi\en met in single aiid unwitncs.sed combat. ' in the days of your grandfilhers, we now sit on a spot they dared not visit wr.hout Iheir terrible weapon, the rille ; nor did their rifie always save them Irom a foe who seemed to issue from the earth. But if the motion of the white hunter-warrmr was slow, his march was steady and he sustained his post or fell ; the white wave never flowfd backwards towards its native ocean. " You have all heard of the Mayer and Wetzel families, for who on this side of the nioimtains hits not, heard of Conrad Mayer and Lewis Wetzel 1 But you may not all luive heard how old Fred Mayer found his way to the banks of 'the Slonongaheln. Fred was a stubborn German, who, not liking the religion of his county, made otte for himself, v/ith a Miry short creed, and fonnd it necessary to H-,ome to America to put his faith in practice. Fred brouglvi with him some good share of Dutch scholarship, and a little gold, and what was far better than eith- er, he brouglu with him a sweetly innocent and devoted wife. A few poor iami- lies came with Fred Mayer. They were peasants, stern, robust, and muscular. 17 Amid them, well clo I remember the tear-eyed Maria Mayer ; she was born to grace a court; — she became a flower of our wilderness. The little colony found a resting place on the banlcs of the Monongahela, and Fred and his Maria arrived just in time, for on the very next night afterwards was born their only son — their only child, Conrad. "The morn which tirst dawned on Conrad, was a fine October Sabbath. Their church was the Monongahela woods, in which the new born boy received his baptismal name, and from which, thankful orisons rose to heaven for their safe arrival. Hardships had met tiiem on their v/ay, but sickness and death they had escaped, and now a son was born to share tlieir future hopes. "We need not follow the infancy and youth of Conrad. In despite of his fa- ther's attempt to teach him high German learning, this first born son of Fair- stone rose to manhood, the active and untiring hunter, and the intrepid warrior. Thus he rose, or was rising, when the Revolutionary war burst in distant and lengthened blasts, resounding from hamlet to hamlet, and from town to town, until its echoes were heard in the dales of the far distant west. There was lit- tle need of repeated shouts of war to rouse young (Jonrad. From his father, he inherited a frame light and airy, but most powerfully strong and active. His soft blue eye bespoke the German, though his appearance and motions were French. His natural temper was wild atid irrascible, but his heart was tender. If he excited a tear from the eye of his mother, or of his foster sister, Susan Grey, his kindness soon wiped that tear and its remembrance away. "That heart must have been steel indeed which could have withstood the tears of cither Maria Pdayer, or her beautifiil orphan foster child, Susan Grey. Very different hearts from steel animated the bosoms of Fred Mayer, and his son Conrad, and they were a family of love. "Susan Grey was the child of love and sorrow. HeT father, Thomas Grey, the son of an opulent family near , married a lovely but poor girl, and in- dignant at the taunts of his family, sought the wilds of the west. The parents were unequal to meet the hardships of their new situation : they fell early victims, and the yet hardly lisping Susan, became the child of Fred and Maria and the sister of Conrad. The orphan shared the all of her protectors, and was vexed and loved by the untoward but generous Conrad, who maintained at every shooting match that he had the prettiest sister in all America, and heaven-pro- tected must needs have been the man who would have dared a contradiction : and another claim he had at the shooting match, of being the best shot over all Ten Mile and Wheeling woods ; excepting, as some dared to whisper, Lewis Wetzel. "Would I not give all my hunt this fall if I could ever meet this Lewis Wet- zel" — grumbled Conrad, at a Redstone shooting match, as he overhear(i some' one in a smothered voice say, "I wish Lewis Wetzel was here." Conrad bore away every prize, and sv/oro he wo'.dd "never shoot against another man until he met and beat the famed Wetzel." The forest, hills, dales, and rocks, with the shooting matches, were, the fields of fame of Conrad, from his boyhood, and before he had reached fifteen, ho i)egan to complain that bears and deers were becoming scarce; and at about six- teen his father removed to a valley on the head of Wheeling near Ryerson's >tat!on. Accompanied by his faithful dog, several nights would sometimes in- tervene whilst tliis daring young prowler would sleep in the untenanted woods:. His mother and Susan had always much chiding in reserve, vv'hich they always K)rgot between the return of his dog and himself, for Brawler always arrived first to announce his master. "On preparing for one o^ those expeditior.!'; Co;;rad seemed to linger more 18 than usual. He was uncommonly long in preparing his rifle and other accoutre- menta. He laughed, tcazed Susan, and vexed his mother; but, as he often told me, an anxiety hung over him, he dreaded to leave home. The whole family shared the feeling and knew not why. The habitations were few, and far se- parated from each other; but as Indian war had not for many years reached those dells, no apparent danger seemed to impend, and yet the steady, tirm, and every thing but superstitious mind of Fred Mayer shrunk with dread. Fred Mayer had been many years a soldier, and felt ashamed of his own fears, laugh- ed at himself and Conrad, and Conrad himself forced a playful catch, kissed his mother and Susan and darted olf for the woods. The lingering form was not yet lost, for Conrad once or twice paused and looked back upon the paternal cottage, when his mother saw the ramrod of his rifle lying on their breakfast table. She seized the rod with an exclamation she had time for no more — the rod and the light footed Susan were gone on the footsteps of Comad. The young hunter had disappeared from the cottage, and being at variance w^ith his own thoughts, now hurried in the opposite extreme, and extended his pace to almost a run. His speed Vi'as soon checked as he heard his name anx- iously pronounced, and turning, saw the airy form of Susan. "You are a fine hunter," exclaimed the panting girl, holding up the rod. Con- rad lowered his rifle hastily, saw his remissness, and forcing a gaiety he felt not, and patting the flushed check of the messenger, replied, "Poh ! Susan, may be I left the ramrod behind to see if my sister would think it worth while to fol- low me with it." "Conrad," rather solemnly replied Susan, "do not call your poor little sister a fool — but — but come home with me; do not go hunting to-day." "Ha ! ha ! Sukey, go hom.e because I forgot my ramrod, ha ! ha !" "Conrad, I never saw you linger and turn back before, and the starting tear stood in her timid eye. This appeal was always elTeclual in finding the heart ot the otherwise way- ward hunter, and setting his rifle against a tree, he seized the almost fainting girl in his arms, exclaiming in the most pathetic tone — "Susan, if vou were indeed my sister, I ought to return ; but my heart tells me you are a'thousand sisters in one, and ought 1 not to fly to the farthest woods, for 1 am only to thee a brother." It was the moment they had found that there was a feeling between them in- finitely more awakening, more anxious for ench other, than that of brother and sister ; but their looks spoke what their words dare not. Susan gently extricating herself, exclaiming— "My, only brother, if I stand here listening to such — 1 — believe I must be" — and away she tripped, with sen- sations in which delight of heart greatly prevailed, and thus tnpped to the sum- mit of a small eminence, when tisrning round, she saw Conrad standing where she left him, intently gazing after her. They waved a farewell and parted. All that day did Conrad, with steady steps and anxious feelings wind his way towards the Ohio. As the departing rays of day were leaving the earth in gloom, he reached the place where in two days his father had appointed to meet him with horses. . . ^ It was late in autumn; the morning was clear and bracing, and the limbs oi iJonrad invigorated by rest on new fallen k aves, sallied forth, his ride well pois- ed on his shoulder, and Brawler, well trained, m.arching behind his feet, with the watchful eye and weary tread of a tyger. Thus prepared, Conrad was treading slowly along the mountain-like hills, when spring a deer at a distance, fee advanced with hunter caution, until within reach. The piece was pointed s.s»d the unerring ball sped through the heart of the animal. But at the ver/ 19 moment when Conrad discharged his rifle, another prowler of the woods pe • formed the same office, and the innocent back fell by a double shot. Bothhui ter dogs preceded their masters, and commenced a furious battle over the pre' which was rapidly followed by a more serious contest between the two men. The passions of Conrad, always excessively violent when roused, was raise to madness on seeing the stranger strike Brawler. "You cowardly villain, strikt, my dog, take that,'' — but active and athletic as he was, Conrad soon found him- self engaged with an antagonist, who maintained the utmost coolness, and also r. powerful man, demanding every exertion. For perhaps a minute the contest was doubtful, and entirely blinded by excessive rage, Conrad made repeated at- tempts to draw his knife. This, with the perhaps superior strength, and the perfect presence of mind he preserved, decided the contest in favor of the stranger, who at length, by a skilful muscular exertion, laid the frothing Conrad prostrate, wrenched his knife frotn its scabbard and threw it to some distance, and then securing his arms, sat triumphant on his body. Pausing a moment for breath, and with most provoking coolness viewing his still writhing enemy, very calmly observed — '•Young man, whoever you are, your jerks can do yourself as little use as me harm, nor do 1 intend to do you harm." "Do me harm!" vociferated the prostrate hunter, in accents of as much wrathful defiance as his exhausted frame would admit. "Let me up and on my feet, give me a chance; and we'll see who is to be harmed." ''As matters have thus far went," replied the collected and even smiling stranger, "I am accountable for my own acts; but as I have found you in a scrape and have never inju.fed : why, l'!i try to get you off safe." "Insulting scoundrel, let up" — "Wait, my good boy, until your'fever cools." "Villain," roare4 the now absolutely infuriated Conrad. "You dare not take your rifle and give me a fair shot." "The poor young man is raving; bleeding will cool his fever," deliberately drawing his own knife. The flashing blade no sooner met the eye of Conrad, who expected to meet its edge, than his rage was calmed in a moment. His eyes changed from an ex- pression of rage to that of stern and even contemptuous defiance. Not a tibre of his frame trembled ; on the contrary, he steadily eyeing the victorious stran- ger, observed, "Murderer you may make yourself; but let me advise in my turn. ] fear you not, but if you have a father and mother, can you return to them and leave the body of an only son in the woods." "I have [)areats and friends, au-o," replied the stranger; "I never intended to injure a hair of your head, and as I see you are coming to your senses, you may rise, if your promise is given to act correctly. You are no coward, and 1 am no murderer : 1 cannot accept your challenge." "It would be cowardice to betray such manly confidence," observed Conrad, as himself and competitor rose to their feet. The two CjUadrupeds were, in the mean time, lying [)anting from their own share of the fi'ay. Having eyed each other a moment, after both had resumed their arms, the stranger very good naturedly observed — "My good friend, we have made a very lucky escape, and have much reason to remember each other; and as ! haveas much reason as yourself to be asham- ed of so rash an act, we may excljange forgiveness." Conrad felt as many others have felt who has been doubly vanquished, and with all his really strong feeling? of generosity, a lurking mortification gave a sulky moroseness to his manner, as he rather ungraciously replied, "I suppose I am to be thankful for not having my throat cut." 20 "Have a care your fever does not return and affect your brain again, young man ;" very slowly and provokingly replied the stranger. This was too much for the chafed spirit of Conrad, who commenced reload- ing his rifle with violent gestures and feelings of anger. His opponent also, but with tiie utmost coolness commenced a similar operation, and long before the enraged Conrad had his weapon prepared, the stranger with a half suppressed smile, was very composedly eyeing the rash young hunter, whilst standing grasp- ing in his left hand his well loaded and primed rifle, and patting the head of his wounded dog with his right. When Conrad had put his weapon in order, the stranger then observed : '•You say, friend, that you are an only son : I am a little inclined to hink your father and mother would soon be childless if your life depended on which of us could load our rifles tirst. Be calm and hear me," continued the stran- ger, "before you attempt again to grapple with a stranger who has given no good cause : permit me to give you a lesson. Do you see a white spot on that hickory tree yonder?" "1 am not blind," sulkily replied Conrad. "Except with useless passion," replied the stranger, as he raised his piece to his face, and in a moment the white spot was gone, and the intrepid and manly hunter stood with his empty rifle smiling in the face of his now abashed com- panion, who remained an instant absorbed in silent wonder, at length ejaculated with great warmth — "Well ! well ! this is too much, I am conquered." "But alive yet," replied the stranger, as he walked swiftly towards the tree into which his bullet was lodged, which having reached, he held up his left hand, shouting, "you see she is empty." "I do," replied Conrad. "Now then come here," continued the stranger, "and fill up this bullet hole, and then stand on one side." Conrad silently obeyed the order, when the stran- ger drawing his tomahawk, made a blaze, in the centre of which he made a small black spot with powder, and then laughingly observed — "young man you will now see what, may be, you never saw before;" placing his back to the mark- ed sapling and grasping his rifle, with the muzzle forward in his left hand,bound- ed from the tree with the speed of an elk. The wonder-stricken Conrad stood immoveable, until he was roused to ex- claim with extreme astonishment, "who can he be?" on seeingthe stranger sud- denly stop, wheel and tire. The report of the rifle and disappearance of the mark, began to excite feelings of almost superstitious dread in the bosom of Conrad ; feelings which weie wound to their height as (he terrible stranger re- turned, running with uncommon speed, and coming up, handed Conrad a com- pletely loaded rifle. Eyeing the rifle and the owner alternately, Conrad at length found breath to exclaim. " ''^li^ you had not the look of a fine young man, I should suppose" — "1 was something worse ;" replied the stranger, "but it is time we knew each , other." "My name," with some hesitation, replied Conrad, is Mayer. I am the — I am sorry to s.-.y, undutiful son Conrad, of Frederick and Maria Mayer." "And I am not not worth the name, perhaps," said the stranger, "but 1 am Lewis Wetzel." The arms of Conrad were instantly round his preserver ; for it was the wind beaten and sun embrowned hunter-warrior, Lewis Wetzel, with whom he had been contending. Their mutual embarrassment having a little subsided, Lewis observed — SI "Conrad, as you have found I am a man just like yourself, suppose we have our breakfast; we have earned it. Let us skin this chap, and carry his car* case to my camp. We have been playing the fool long enough to be hungry." On the bank of a clear stream, the trees for a roof, the two hunters feasted ; gave each to the other a short account of their lives, laughed and spent the day, for that day they did not resume the chase ; and when evening closed upon them, (hey slept on their leafy couch as if nothing of consequence had passed between them ; and while they sleep and hunt, let us wander up Wheeling- and visit the cottage of Fred Mayer. The two days after the departure of Conrad, were cool, .and until towards the evening of the second, clear. For the next morning Fred had prepared every thing necessary to set out to meet his son. Towards sunset, the wind set in from the northeast; the whole heaven became overcast, and night set in raw and cold, and that most dismal of all domestic sounds, tlie howl of the house dog mingled with the night blast. The family had, in some measure, conquered the sense of lonesomencss, which is so painful when a few human beings gaze upon each other for the (irst time, and feel that they are a defenceless few alone in a wilderness. Over the hilly and variegated peninsula, between theMonon- gahela and Ohio rivers, at the early day of our tale, the tields were small; they were few, and they were ftr distant from each other. The cabins v/ere rude and often constructed as blockhouses, for defence. The almost imperceptible paths wound through interminable forests, where almost every sound which broke the silence, was of the appalling kind. It was these lone habitations w^hich became so often the scenes of savage murder. This is not the product of imagination; it is the bitter remembrance of real life and death, the remem- brance of the worst features of human strife. Fifty years have passed and snow- ed upon this head, yet it seems only yesterday, the dark and dreadf^il night,when Fred Mayer and his wife and child, far removed from every ather eye, but that Eye which never sleeps. The night passed slowly away, sleep they could not; each tried to convince the other, and say to their own hearts, "it is the absence of Conrad. But their champion had often been absent before, their heaviness of heart had now something of distressing beyond all former anxiety for their Conrad." Towards midnight the wind entirely ceased, rain began to patter on the roof, and the darkness, "heavy before, became still more dense. The howl of the watch dog became more loud, and anxious in its tones. Thus passed the night until the faint grey light of morning began to dawn. "God be praised," sighed Frederick, "jt is brenk of day." At that moment the faithful sentinel at the door, by a lierce and rapid bark- ing, announced the approach of some living olrject. The warning voice was as rapidly followed by a scream, a few groans, and all again was silent. Frederick Mayer, like all truly brave men, lost the sense of undeiined fear at the aspect of real danger, sprung from the bed vvith intent to seize his rifle, in the use of which he was no bungler ; was it accident, he did grasp the rifle, !)at his foot struck a log of wood and he fell to his knees as the thin clapboard door was dashed from its hinges, and three rifles discharged into tlie cabin in rapid succession. The most heart-rending screams roused Frederick to iVenzy. The great muscular force of his youth seemed to be redoubled. The Indians were deceived by his fail, and naturally concluded their victim safe. They were soon undeceived as uttering the names of his wife and child in a voice of abso- lute fury, he rose to his feet.and tiring into thcgrouj), allLMnpted to turn the but of his rifle. The shot took effect on one enemy, but the stock of the piece flew to shivers against a joist as the owner was grappled with aivd thrown on the floor. His presence of mind never for an instant forsook him, and feeling that though one against such fearful odds of numbers, that his enemies were exposed to the 22 clanger of wounding each other, which in effect took place. Firmly grasping his formidable weapon, the naked rifle barrel, and turning himself by main strength on his face, once more regained his feet, and by a sweep of the iron bar carried away (he entire upper part of the skull of another Indian. The cabin was now become indeed a scene of indescribable horror. The whole events I have mentioned did not occupy more, if as much, as half a mi- nute. The screaching Susan was dragged by the hair at the very moment that her protector fell in the tirst instance. The maddening sight was the last that Fred Mayer got of any part of family until the tragedy closed. The groans of his wounded wife he heard amid the combat,but he saw her not: the bed on whiv,hshe lay had been broken dawn, and her pure blood mingled with that of her savage enemy. T!ie very best safeguard of a single man against many was thrown round Fred ; that is, he lost all sense of self-preservation, and bent the whole force of his body and resources of his mind on the destruction of the destroy- ers of his family — and how the contest would have terminated we can never know, as the shouts of other voices now mingled in the maddening fray. You may remember, my young friends, we left Conrad and his new made friend, Lewis, sleeping on a rivulet of Ohio. Let us return to them and watch their motions. Next moriiing after the scuffle and happy reconciliation, the sun shone clear upon the heads of the two children of the woods. Conrad attempted to make amends for the sallies of the day before — it was an effort understood by the keen-eyed Lewis. "My dreams hang hravi/ on me this morning, Conrad," said his companion," and with all your laughing, your brow is heavy. liave you ever sought the trail of the Indian ?" " I have not," replied Conrad. " Then walk backwards, and carefully put yourself into that tree top," point- ing to a very large oak which had fallen with its leaves on the previous summer — " and remain there with vour rifle prepared until I return. Conrad eyed the speaker, but found an air of command which he felt he ought to obey, and he did obey. Lewis then left their camp with a tread that gave no noise from the early fallen leaf His course was northwardly and towar-ds Shep- herd's Fort. Flour followed hour until after mid-day, as the impatient Conrad watched the return of his companion in the direction of his departure. He was intently looking at a waving bush on a distant hill, doubtful whether it was a man or not, Vi'hcn he felt his shoulder struck, and "Ingens are not deer" came from . Wetzel, who had thus given a lesson of vigilance. " Prepare, Conrad, seven or eight of those black rascals are gone ir. the direc- tion of your father's house." " Good God !" excfaimed Conrad, "poor Susan, why did I not go home with you ? My sister, my father and mother." "Standing there making speeches will do no good to either your sister, your father or molhe!-." Then pausing a moment and with his compressed mouth and {■xpression of features which no man, liowevertlrm might be his nerves, ever be- held without feelirig a somethitigsaying, "Let that man never be my enemy" — muttered with, appalling em})hasis, "If the whole of these cut-throats ever again cross the Ohio, — why, they'll conclude that the D 1 and Lewis Wetzel have had a quarrel lately ; but I'll try to show them that myself and old friend are not separated }et. Little more v.-as said : a few slices of half roasted vension was cut from the residue of the deer slain the day before, and the two hunters were with careful but rather rapid steps measuring their way to the northeastward, with a view, as Le?fis whispered, " to fall in the rear of the IngcnsV With all their untiring speed it was evening when, reaching the head of a hollow overspread with the rank growth of the past summer, that Lewis stopt suddenly, and pointing with his ram-rod to marks Conrad could scarcely perceive, observed in an under tone, "Here, here ! are their trail !" They had been scveial hours far within the range where every stream and ridge was known to Conrad, whose inward agony of mind increased at every moment, as in following the steps of his wary leader, and saw him advancing in the direct course towards the honie of his pai'- ents and sister. He was almost provoked at the cool and undisturbed behaviour of Lewis, but the dreadful appearances made him e9&jjipletely submissive to the orders which were given with a confidence which inspired hope in the very face of despair. I have already told you, my children, that the evening was heavy, and the night unusually dark. That darkness closed upon the — 1 might say, angels of deliverance, some miles short of Mayer's cabin. It was on the closing of light that any expression of impatience was shown by Lewis. "Must these villains escape?" The expression was lofty, and calculated to alarm Conrad; but the long tried warrior repaired his mistake with admirable quickness by adding, ''till to-morrow morning," whispering at the same time, that " It is not the custom of the Ingens to attack only at break of day." Still they advanced slow, silent, and listening at every few steps. For some hours the wind enabled Lewis to keep his course, but when that guide failed, and the black and covered sky hid every star, the bark of the trees were felt. " In any common case," again whispered Lewis, "maybe I could tind my way, we must be near your father's and we may pass it, we must stop." A sigh and shudder was all the answer Conrad could make, and they crouched down beside two trees. 1 need not say hours were weeks, as both their faces WevQ. turned to wjiat they thought the east. It was an opening amongst the trees, which at last began to widen, the trunks and large branches began to appear. Lewis was just ready to say, " Break of day," but was prevented by Conrad springing to his feet exclaiming, "By heavens !" His loud expression was prompt- ly and eifectually arrested by the powerful hand of Wetzel, who almost jerked him off his feet. Conrad, brought to himself, in a hurried but suppressed tone informed Lewis, that they were between two and three miles from his father's house, that the opening they saw was an abandoned settlement. They were on theirway before Conrad had finished. Avoiding the open old field, they were soon on a cattle path, and in a {evj minutes, on rising a hill, the long drawn howl of the house dog was on the point of being answered by the two brute sharers of their march, but a touch of the ramrod reduced to complete silence the well-trained mastitis. Their speed was every moment increased as the cry of the watchdog became more and more distinct. Suddenly Lev/is stopt, and, listening a second or two to the change of note of the dog, then most earnestly observed to Conrad — "Now, my brave young man, follow my directions. Your house is surround- ed by these savages; advance cautiously and do not tire unless sure of your mark. When you do fire, instantly retreat and reload ; but of all things do not for any cause rush towards the house unless you see me." The orders were here cut short ; the death-scream of the dog, the equally ter- rible silence which followed, and then the rapid firing, and the screams of the females, put all farther delay out of question, and yet the never-disturbed peace of mind of Wetzel, as Conrad afterwards told me, had more the appearance of a man advancing on a wounded bear than on he knew not how many armed men. It was at the moment when a blow from a tomahawk sunk the brave old Mayer, that the voice of Lewis Wetzel was no longer heard in whispers, but echoed to the surrounding forest. "Conrad, your family is murdered. Revenge! revenge!" 24 and shouted his own name with a force almost beyond human. If an earth- quake had burst beneath their feet, the efTect would not have been more terrific on the minds of the Ingens, as he called them. They who yet survived rushed from the cabin, at the tiireshold of which two fell to their sleep of death, and the astonished Lewis saw only one (lying savage. " You shall follow," as he gritted his teeth in rage, and darted after bi.s, to him, certain prey. For once even the consumate skill of yVetztd w^s within a hair breadth of failing. The Indian's piece had not been'disch^rg^d, and'knowing that both white men had discharg- ed their rifles, and finding' tmnself pursued by only a single man, who was every step gaining upon him, the savage sprang to a tree. Lewis saw his error,andas the piece was raised he fell prostrate, at the instant the ball passed through his hunting shirt above his shoulder. The Indian was now in his power, but with- out discharging his piece he grasped it in his left hand, and in a few hundred yards the Indian was a corpse under his hatchet. The sun had not yet risen when Lewis returned with wary steps towards the cabin. To the name of "Conrad," called in a voice louder and louder, no an- swer was given, and he finally reached the dreadful spot stained with the blood of six human beings. With his back to the fireplace stood Conrad, his eyes fixed in horror on the slill breathinf^^nd weltering forms of his parents. To the friend- ly and now toucldng voice of Lewis no answer was given, and even Lewis him- self, accustomed as he was to the dread horrors of savage war, could not avoid exclaiming, "Is all this real." " Yes, real," replied Conrad, with a bursting sigh, " and my fault." A vast passionate Hood of tears followed, but that flood v/as salutary. Conrad was re- stored to himself, if a man inflamed to almost the madness of rage could be sai'l to be lestored. "To the woods I fly with you, Lewis, the Indians' blood sh .d pay for this — but oh! Lewis — can I ask" — "Fop the body of yotsr sister," interrupted Lewis, "she is not dead, but a pris- oner, in my opinion. Your horses are gone, for in returning to the house I had the caution to examine the stable, where the tracks of men and horses are plen- ty. It is all stiange — very strange. There were more men on this murdering party than we have found. It is strange — very strange." " They may be lurking near," replied Conrad. " They are making their way to the Ohio," bitterly interrupted Lewis, "If I did not know these wolves I wouHf not stand here. ^ * ^ ;¥ Here Kingsley paused as his young auditory awaited the finishing of his story. " 1 am talking about events in a diiferent-age from tho present," at length he resumed. Before the parley I have related, short as it was, was closed, Conrad Mayer had no living parent. " 1 am alone! I am alone! Susan, my Susan, I follow (hce." " And I am with thee to the Siiawnee towns," replied Wetsrel, who commenc- ed to place the dead bodies of Mayer and his wife side by side, covering them with the bed clothes, and after swallowing a few hasty morsels the tvv'o persever- ing warriors were again on their way in pursuit, Lewis traced the horse tracks, which for several miles were found along a path towards where VVaynesburg now stands, and then bent to the southwestward over the southern heads of Wheeling into the valley of Fish Creek. The tracks proved haste and the small puddles left where watercourses were passed enabled Lewis to determine, as he vehemently expressed himself, that — "These painted scoundrels are gaining from us." In our days, vviieii our ^/Z?(e 3'oung men must ntZe along good road?, and would shrink « a walk from Wheeling to Washingtoji in Pennsylvania, yon may v.-ell feel astonished when I tell you that vvith all the fatigue of the day and night before, Conrad Ma3Trand Lewis Wetzel were 25 atrain on the Ohio before night closed on their path ; but they arrived only in time to find their objects of pursuit had crossed that gr-^it stream. Arrived on the bank, Lewis, tuniir)\r to his companion, observed — Conrad, we must sleep, if we do s;. oj), oa yonder bank. "I'll be on that bank this night if ! -vinr'Trepiied Conrad. , ,. ._; "And swim you mu&t, but \vc mi',--l ne time desGrip«:ive of the most sin- cere and unvarying honesty, that every word which he had spoken, respecting th"^ arrival of troops at Schoharie, Vv/as wholly true.. His answer w:.r believed; at which moment not onlv their own lives were saved, but also tiiose of hundreds ,f men, with helpless women and chil". dren, who have not known to this day. except to the few ro whom the storv has been told, that so great a Providence stepped in between tliem and servitu le, tortures and dc:ith. It was extremely mortifying to Brant to be compelle.l to relinquish, at the very moment when he was ready to grasp the utmost of his v/'sh, in the gloi v and riches he v^^ould have acquired in the completion of his enterprise. Ho had fed th^- he; -s and wishes of his associate chiefs, warriors and tories with the same prospect^;; h;ivu!g calculated, from information long before received, that Sehoh^.rie was ;n a defenceless state, an 1 dreaded no evil, which rendered it ex- tremely difficult to restram them from killing the prisor.ars, out of mere fury st the disappoint- ment. A few moments of consultation ensued, when the rest were ordered out of the pen. Brant now disclosed the whole plan of tho expeditioi; 'n EngHsh, expressing his regret at its failure, stating that he and the other chiefs had with f= lenity saved them from hoing scalped. And that lie did not wish to kill them in cold blood now, they had been together a day and a night, and if they chose to go Vvuth him to Niagara as captives of war, they^might, but if they failed on the way through fatigue or the want of food, they must not expect to live, as their scalps v^ero as good for him as their bodies. They had no provisions with them, neither had they eat any thing as yet while we had been their prisoners, except what tiiey had found in our" sap-bush, which they had at first de- voured with the rapacity of cannibals. We now took up our line of march, with our arms strongly pinioried, our shoulders sorely pressed with enormous packs, our hearts bleeding at the dreadful journey before us, and the servitude we were exposed to undergo among the Indi- ans; ovU bought by tlie British, imprisonment by sea or land, was our certain fate, at least till the end of the war, if we even survived the journey. Tiie snov/ was then more than three feet deep, and being soft, rendered it impossible for u.s prisoners to travel, as we had no snow shoes, but th. Indians had: a part, therefore, went before us, and a part behind, all in Indian file : so by keeping their tracks we were enabled to go on, bui if we happened to fall down the Indians behind would cry out, "waugh Bostona." We had travelled about ten or twelve miles, when we came to a gristmill, situated on the Delaware, the owner of which welcomed this band of infernals, and gave them such refreshment as was iuliis power ; but to us poor prisoners, he gave nothing, while we Vv-ere made to sit apart on a Jog by the side of the road. I shall never forget the cruelty of three or four d^iughtera of this man, whose name I forbear to mention, out of pity to his descendants. These girls insisted thjat they had beUer kill us tlmi, for if, by any means, we should ever get back, their own lives would be taken by tlie wbigs ; their father also observpd to Brant that he had better have taken more scalps and less prisoners. When we were ready to proceed again, the miller gave Ihant i^bout three bushels of shelled corn, which wos divided into eleven equal parts, and put upon our backs, already too heavily burdened. This corn was all the whole body of Indians and ourselves had to sub- sist upon from there to Niagara, except that which accidentally might fall in our way, a dis- tance of more than three hundred miles, entirely a wilderness. FroLi this mill we travelled directly down tlse river; we had not, however, gone many miles, when we met a man v.'ho v.'as a tory, well knouii to Brant, by name Samuel Clockstone ;. who seeing us the prisoners, was surprised, as he knew us, when Brant related to him his adven- ture, and how iie had been defeated by the account captain Harper had given of the troop.s lately arrived at Schoharie. Troops! "said Clockstone ; there are no troops at that place, you may rely upon it captain Brant. I have heard of none. In a moment the snalce eyes of Brant ilashed murder, and running to Harper, said in a voice of unrestrained fourj'. his hatchet vi- brating about his head like the tongue of a viper; how came you to lie to me so? When Har- per, turning round to the tory, said, you know, Mr. Clockstone, I have been there but four days biuce ; you know since our party Vv-aa stationed at the head of the river, at the sap-bush, that [ have been once to the Forts alone, and there v.'lto troops, a3 I have stated, and if Capt. Brant disbelieves it he does it at his peril. That Harper had been tliere, as iie stated, Iiappened to be true, wJiich the tory also happen- ed to knovv' ; when he replied, yes, I know it. All the while Br.^nt had glared intensely on tho countenance of Harper, if possible to discover some misgiving there, but all svas firm and fair; when he again believed him, and resumed his march. There was a very aged man by tlie name of Brown, who had not gone off with the rest of the families who had iled the country. This miserable old man, with two grand sons, mero lads, were taken by Brant's party, and compelled to go prisoners with us. The day after our raeeting with the tory, as above noticed, this old old man, who v/as entirely bald from age, be- came too weary to keep up with the rest, and requested that he might be permitted to return, 29 and alleg-ed as a reason, that he was too old to take part in the war, and therefore could do the kini:'s cause no harm. At this request, instead of answering him, a Jialt was made, and tlio man's pack was taken from i;iui, — wiicii he spoke in a low voice to h;:i "-rand sons, saying, that Jie should sea tiiem no more, for tiipy arc going to kill rn-^; this he knew, b'jirio- acpua:.>!tet! with the 'manners of the Indians. He was now taken to the rear of th« party, and left m the care of an Indian, whose face was painted entirely black, as a token of his office, which was kill and scalp any of tlie prisoners who might give out on the way. In a short time the Indian came on again with the bald scalp of the old man, dandling at the end of his gun, hitched in bstween the ramrod and muzzle, 'i'his he often fiappod in the boys' faces on the journey. The place at which this was done, was just on the point of a mountain not far from where Judge Fojtused to live, on the Delaware, below Delhi. 'I'here he was left, and doubtless devoured by wild animals; human boness were afterwards found on that part of the mountain. We pursued our way down the Delaware, till wa came to the Cook-house, suffering very much night and day, from the tightness of the cords with which our arms were bound. From this place we crossed through the wilderness, over hills and mountains, the most dismal and difficult to be conceived of, till we came to a place called Ochquigo, on the Susquehannah ri- ver, which had been an Indian settlement before the war. Here they constructed several rafts out of logs, which thoy fastened together by withes and poles passing crosswise, on which, after untieing us. we were placed, themselves managing to steer, 'i'hese soon floated 1J3 down as far as the mouth of the Chemung river, where we disembarked and were again tied, taking up our line of march for the Genesee country. The Indians we found, Vv'ere more capable of sustaining fatigue than we were, and easily out travelled us, Vv'hich circumstance would have led to the loss of our lives, had not a sino-ular ProvidonL:e interfered to save us ; this was the indisposition of Urant, who, every other da}', ,for a considerable time, fell sick, so that the party were compelled to wait for him, this gave opportunity for to rest ourselves. Brant's sickness was an attack of the fever and ague, which he checked by the Uoe of a preparation from the rattlesnake, 'J'he rattlesnake he caught on the side of a hill facing the south, on which the sun shone, and had melted away the snow from the mouth of their dens; when, it appears, one had crawled out, being mvited by the Vv-armth. The reader will also observe that about a fortnight had nO'V elapsed from the time of their captivity, so that the season was farther advanced ; and added, to this, the snov/ is sooner melted on the Chemung, in Peunsylvania, being farther south, by about three degrees, than the head of the Delavvare, yet in places even then, there was snow on the ground, and in the woods it vv'as still deep. Of this snake he made a soup, which operated as ;> cure to the attack of the ague. The reader v/ill remember the three bushels of corn given at the mill ; this they fairly and equally divided among us all, which amounted to two handfuls a day, and that none should have more or less than another, '.vhile it lasted, the corns were counted as we leceived them ; in this respect Brant w^is just and kind. This corn we were allowed to boil in their kettles, when the Indians had finished theirs ; we generally contrived to pound it before we boiled it, as we had found a mortar at a deserted wigv^am left by the Indians the year before, who had been driven away by Gen. Sullivan. VVhile in the neighborhood of what is now called Tioga Point, we but narrowly escaped every man of us being butchered on the spot ; a miracle, as it were, saved us. The cause was as follows:— At this place, when Brant was on his wny down the Chemung, on tliis same expedition, but a few days before, ho had detached eleven Indians from his company, lopa.ss through the v;oods from Tioga Point to a place called the J^Imisink. It was known to ^">ant that at this place were a few families, where it was supposed several prisoners might be ide, or scalps taken, which at Niagara would fetch them t- ight dollars apiece. Tiiis was the great stimulus by vyhich the Indians m the Hevolution were incited by BiUler, the British agent, to perpetrate so many horrid murders' upon women, children, and helpless old age, in this re- gion of country. f nis pu-ty made good their way to the Minisink, when lying concealed in the woods, they managed to get into their possession o lo after another, nve lusty men, and hid brought them as far as to tlip east side of the Husquehannah. opposite Tioga Point. Here they encamped for the nigiit, intending in the morning to construct a raft , in order to float themselves over the river, as they had done on Iheir way toward the Minisink, a few days before, and so pursue their way up the Chemung, which course was the great thoroughfare of the Indians from the Snsquahani ah country to that of ths Genesee. Here, while the eleven Indians, lay fast asleep, being greatly fatigued, and apprehendini? no danger, as the prisoners were securely bound, and also sleeping soundly, as the Indians sup- posed, before they laid themselves down ; but as the soul of one man, the prisoners were ever watchaig. '^oine opportunity to escape. Butth !s was not possible, even if they could have made their escape, unless they s!;ould first iiiv3'ei!'bcted4he death of the whole of the party of Indians, ihis object tiserefure was their constant aim. This night, by some means unknown, one of the prisoners got loose,doubtr. S3 less, either by knawlng off his cord, or by chafing it in two as he lay on it, or during the day had managed to hitch it as often as he could against the snags of the trees, till it had bcconrie freltcd and weak, in some place, so tliat at last he got it in two. When this was ciiected, he silently cut the cords of his follows, the Indians sleeping exceedingly sound ; when each man took a hatchet, and in a moment nine of them received their blades, to their handles, in their brains; but the sound of the blows, in cutting tiirough the bone of their heads, awaked the other two', who sprung upon their feet as quick as thought, when one of them, as they fled, received the blade of a hatcbet between his shoulders, which, however, did not kill him, nor prevent his escape — yet he vv'as tei'ribly wounded. These men, who had so heroically made their escape, returned, as was supposed, to their homes to relate to their families and posterity (he perils of that dreadful night. After they had gone, the two Indians relunicd to the spot, where lay their ruthless but unfortunate companions, fast locked not only in the sleep of the night, but that of death, never moie to torment the ear of civilized life with the death yells of their sepulchral throats. They took from the feet of their slaughtered friends, their mocasins. nine pair in number, and then constructed a float of logs, on which they crossed the I'iver, and had proceeded a little way up the Chemung, where they had built a hut, and the well Indian was endea- voring to cure his wounded companion. When the whooping of the party of Indians to v.hom we were prisoners, struck his ear, he gave the death yell, which rung on (he dull air as the scream of a demon, reverberating, in doleful echoes, up and down the stream; at which the whole body made a halt, and stood in mute astonishment, not knowing what this could mean ; when directly the two Indians made their appearance, exhibit- ing the nine pair of mocasins, and relating in the Indian tongue, v/hich Harper understood, the death of (heir companions. In a monsent, as if transformed to devils, they threw themselves into a great circle ar£)und-us, exhibiting the most horrid gestures, gnashing their teeth like a gang. of wolves ready to de»'our, brandishing their tom.ahawks over us, as so many arrows of death. But here let it be spoken to the praise of a Divine Providence, — at the moment when we had given ourselves up as lost — the very Indian, who was a chief, and had been the only one of the eleven who had escaped unhurt, threw himself into the midst of the ring, and with a shake of his hand gave the signal of silence, when he plead our cause, by simply saying, these arc not the men who killed our friends, and to take the hfe of (he innocent in cold blood, cannol be right. As it happened, (his Indian knew us all, for he had lived about Schoharie be- fore the war, and was known as an inotfensive and kind hearted native, but when (he war can>e on, had seen (it to join the British hidians ; his words had the desired euect, arrested the mind of Brant, and soothed to composure the terrific storm, that a moment before had threatened to destroy us. Again we resumed our course, bearing with considerably more patience and fortitude the anguish of our suiferings, than it is likely we should have done, bad our lives not been preserved from a ijreater calamity, just described. We soon came to Newtown, where we were nearly at the point of starvation, Indians and all, as we had nothing to eat, except a handful or two of corn a day ; and what the end woald have been is not hard lo foresee, had not the amazing number of wolf tracks remaining, directed us to (lie carcass of a dead horse. The poor brute had been left to (ake care of itself, the summer before, by Sullivan, in his march to the Indian country, being unfit for further service as a pack horse. — Here, on the commons of nature, which during the summer and fall, it is likely, produced an abundance of pasturage, but when winter came on, aiui rendered it impossible for the poor worn out animal, to take care of itself^ — death came to its relief. That it had lived till the winter had become severe, was evident*. 31 from its not being in the least degree putrescent, but was complelely frozen, it having been buried in the snow during the winter. The wolves had torn and gnawed the upper side quite away, but not being able to turn the carcass over, it was sound and entire on the under side. This we seized upon, rejoicing as at the (inding of hidden treasures ; it was instantly cut to pieces, bones, head and hoofs, and equally divided among the whole. — Fires were built, at which we roasted and eat, without salt, each his own share, with the highest degree of satisfaction. Near this place wc found the famous Painted Post, which is now known over the whole continent, to those conversant with the early history of our country ; the origin of whicii was as follows. Whether it was in the revolution, or in the Dunmore battles with the Indians, which commenced in Virginia, or in tlie French war, I do not know; an Indian chief, on this spot, had been victorious in battle, killed and took prisoners to the number of about sixty. This event he celebrated by causing a tree to be taken from the forest and hewed four square, painted red, and the number he killed, which was twenty-eight, represented across the post in black paint, without any heads, but those he took prisoners, which was thirty, were represented with heads on, in bla^k paint, as the others. This post he erected, and thus handed down to posterity, an account that here a batfle was fought, but by whom, and who the suherers were, is covered in dark- ness, except that it was between the whites and Indians. This post will probably continue as long as the country shall remiain inhabi- ted, as the citizens heretofore have uniformly replaced it with a new one, exact- ly like the original, whenever it has become decayed. Nothing more of note happened to us, till we came to the Genesee river, ex- cept a continued state of sulfering. We passed along between the Chemung and the heads of the lakes Cayuga and vSeneca, leaving the route of Sullivan, and went over the mountains farther north, These mountains, as they were very steep and high, being covered with brush, our bodies weak and emaciated, v/ere almost in^jrmountable ; but at lensjth we reached the top of the last and highest, which overlooks immeasurable wilds, the ancient abode of men and nations un- known, whose history is written only in the dust. Here v.'e h.alted to rest, when the tory Becraft, took it in his head to boast of what he had done in the way of muider, since the war began. lie said that he and others had killed some of ihe inhabitants of Schoharie, and that among them was the family of one Vrooman. The?e, he said, they soon despatched, except a boy of about fourteen yeai's of age, who lied across the ilat, toward the Scho- harie river. I took alter the lad, said the tory, and ailhough he ran like a spirit, I soon overtook him, and putting my hand under his chin, iaid him back on my thigh, though he struggled hard, cut his throat, scalped him, and hung the body across the tence. This made my blood run cold ; vengeance boiled through every vein, but we dare not say a word to provoke our enemies, as it would be useless. This man, however, got his due, in a measure, after the war was over : wliich will be related at the end of this account. Another of them, by the name o{ Barney Cane, boasted that he had killed one Major Hopkins, on [)imon I-land, in lake Geoi-ge. A party of pleasure, as he stated, had gone to this island on a sailing excursion, and having spent more time than they were aware of, before they were ready to return, concluded to en- camp, and remain aU'night, as it would be impossible for them to return to the fort. From the shore where we lay hid, it was easy to watch their motions ; and perceiving their defenceless situation, as soon as it was dark, we set otffor the island, where we found them asleep by their hre, and discharged our guns among 'leoa. Several were killed, among whom was one woman, who had a suckiq^ 32 child, which was not hurt. This we put to the hreast of its dead mother, and so we left it. But Major Hopkins was only wounded, his thiijh bone being brok- en ; he started from his sleep to a rising posture, wlien 1 struck him, said Bar- ney Cane, witii the but of my gun, on the side of his head, he fell over, but caught on one hand; I then knocked him the other way, when he caught with the other hand ; a third blow, and 1 laid him dead. These were all scalped ex- cept the infant. In the morning, a party from the fort went and brought away fhe dead, together with one they found alive, aithough he was scalped, and the babe, which was hanging and sobbing at the bosom of its lifeless niotlier. Having rested ourselves and our tantalizing companions having linished the stories of their in farm/, we descended the mountains toward the Genesee which we cnnic in sight of the next day about two oVJock. Here we wcie met by a small company of natives, who had come*to the flats of the Genesee, for the pur- pose ot^ corn planting, as soon as the v>^atcrs of the river should fall suthciently to drain the ground of its water. These Indians had with them a very beautiful horse, which Brant directed to be cut to pieces in a moment, and divided equally, without dressing, or any such fashionable delay, which was done ; no part of the animal whatever, being suffered to be lost. There fell to each man of the com- pany but a small piece, which we roasted, using the zohite ashes of our lires as salt, which gave it a delicious relish; this Brant him?elf showed us how to do. On these flats werf found iniinite quantities of ground nuts, a root in form and size about equal to a musket ball; which, being roasied, became exceedingly mealy and sweet. These, together with our new acquisition of horse flesh, form- ed a delicious lepast. Fronr: this place Brant sent a runner to Niagara, a distance of about eighty miles, i:i order to inform the garrison of his approach, and of the number of pri- soners lie had, their name and quality. This was-a most Iiumane act of Brant, as by this means he cilecied the removal of all the hidian warriors in the two camps contiguous to tlie fort. Brant was in possessioii of a secret respecting Harper, v/hich he had careful- ly concealed in his own breast during the whole journey, and, probably, m the very first instance, at the time when he discovered that Harper was his prisoner, operated by influencing him, if possible, to save his life. This secret consisted in a knowledge that there was then in the fort a British oflker who had married a niece of Harper, Jane More, whose m.olher was the sister of Captain Harper. This girl, togelher with her mother and a sister, had been captured at ihe mas- sacre of Cherry V;dley, and taken to Niagara. This information was conveyed hy the means of tlie runsier, to the husband of Jane iUore, Captain Powe!, who. when the girl was first brou,u,ht by Butler and his Indians, a prisoner to the fort, loved, courted, and b.onorably n)arried the girl. Now, if Powell wished to s';ive the life of his wife's uncle, he had the oppor- tunity, by doing as Brant had suggested — that was, to send the warriors of both camps down the lake to the Nine Mile Landing, with the expectation of meeting Brant iherc, wlsose prisoners would be given into their hands, to be dealt wilrt aS the genius of their natures and customs might suggest. Accordingly, Fowel told his wife that. her mscSe was among the prisoners of Brant, who had sent him word. a:Ki that (he warriors must be sent away ; to whom he gave a quantity of j-nm. as (hey thouglit, to aid in the celebration of their infernal pov,'\vows, at the Nine Mile Landing, haviiig obtained the consent of his superior, Col. Butler, to do so. Brant had concealed, from bo!h his Indian? and torics, as well as from the •prisoners, tliat Powel, at the fort, was H.irper's rehilive, or that h.e had made the above arrangement. The reader may probably wish to know zvhj/ the warriors in those twp camps ^i».s.' be sent away, in order to save the lives of the prisoners. 83 All ptirsoiis acquainted with Indian customs, in time of war, know very well lliat the unhappy wretch, vvho falls into their hands at such a time, is compelled to nui what is cniled the gauntlet, between two rows of Indians, composed of war- riors, old men, women and children, who, as the prisoner flics between, if pos- sible, to reach a certain point assigned, called a council house, or a fort, receives from every one who can reach him, a blow with the list, club, hatchet, or knifcj and even waddint^ iired into their bodies, so that they generally die with their wounds before they reach the appointed place, though they struggle with all the violence of hope and despair. We had now, on the fourth day after the runner had been sent, arrived with- in about two miles of Niagara, when tlie tories began to tell us the danger we soon were to be exposed to, in passing; those two Indian encampments, which, till then, we knew nothinrj; of; this difficulty they were careful to describe in the most critical manner; so that every step, although so near our journey's end, when we hoped at last to have our hunger satisfied, was as the steps of the wretch condemned to die. But on coming to the first encampment, what was •our suiprise and joy at tindin;^ nothing tiiere capable of injuring us, but a few old women and children, who had indeed formed themselves as before described.-^ However, one old squaw coming, up in a very friendly manner, saluted me, by ■saying, poor shild, poor shild, when she gave me a blow, which, as I was tired, could not be parried, that nearly split my head in two. But now the desired fort, although it was to be our prison house, was seen through the opening woods. I had come to within about five rods of the gate- way, still agonizing under the effects of the otd squaw's blow, when a young savage, about twelve years old, came running with a hatchet in his hand, directly up to me, and seizing hold of the;;e/Mm6 lie. or cord, by which I was tied, twitch- ed me round, so that v/e faced each other, when he gave me a blow exactly be- tvireen my eyes on the forehead, thc.t nearly dropped me dead, as I was weak and faint, the blood spouted out at a dreadful rate, when a soldier snatched the little ■demon's hatchet, and flung it into the lake. Whether Brant was rewarded over and above the eight dollars, (which was the stipulated price per head,) for Har- per, or not. I cannot tell ; but as was most natural to suppose, there was on the part of himself and neice, great joy on so unexpectedly falling in with friends and relations, in the midst of enemies, and on the part of Powell, respect and kindness was shown to Harper, on account of the lovely Jane, who had become a talisman of peace between them. We had scarcely arrived, when we were brought to the presence of a number of British oflicers of the crown, who blazed in all the glory of military habili- ments ; and among them, as chief, was the bloated, insolent, unprincipled, cruel, infamous Butler^ whose name will stink in the recollections of men, to be the la- test page of American history ; because it was him who directed, rewarded, and encouraged the operation of the Indians and tories all along from Canada to the state of Delaware. This man commenced, in a very abusive manner, to ques- tion us respecting the American affairs ; and addressing me in particular, proba- bly because nearer me than any of the rest whether I did not think that, by and by, his Indians would compel a general surrender of the Yankees ? I replied to him in as modest a manner as possible, not feeling in a mood of repartee, as the blood from the wound in my forehead still continued to trickle down my face, covering my vest and bosom with blood, that I did not wish to say any thing about it, nor to give offence to any one. But he would not excuse me ; still insisting that I should say whether 1 did not think so ; to which I firmly replied -T-feeling what blood and spirit there were yet remaining in me, to rouse a little — that if I must answer him, it was to say no ; and that he might as well think to 5 34 empty the lake of its waters at a bucket full a time, as to conquer the Yankee in that way. At which he burst out in a violent manner, calling nne a dain?d rebel, forgiving him such an insolent answer, and ordered me out of his sight ; but here, when readv to sink to the floor, (not from any thing the huge bulk of flesh had said to me,"^ but from hunger, weariness, and the loss of blood.) a noble hearted officer interposed, saying to Butler, '-The lad !>> not to blame, as you have compelled him to answer your questior., which no doubt he has done, ac- cording to the best of his judgment. Here, poor fellow, take this glass of wine and drink." Thus the matter ended. [Here the old General wept, at the re- collection of so much kindness, where he expected none.] We were now given over to the care of a woman, JSancy Bundy by name, who had been ordered to prepare us a soup, made of proper materials, who was not slow to relieve our distress as far as she dare, as she was also a prisoner. But taking off the belt which I had worn around my body, as the manner of the In- diams is to keep the wind out of the stomach, it appeared that 1 was ready to dis- own my own body, had 1 not been convinced by my other sense that there was no mistake. I will just give the reader a short account of this woman, as I received it from herself. She stated that herself, her husband and two children, were captured at the massacre of Wyoming, by the Butlers, Indians, and tories, and brought to the Genesee country, then entirely inhabited by the natives. There she had been parted from her husband, the Indians carrying him she knew not where, but to ■some other and distant tribe. She had not been long in the possession of the tribe, with whom she had been left, after her husband was taken from her, when the Indian who had taken her prisoner, addressed her,and was desirous of makng her ■his wife ; but she repulsed him, saying very imprudently, she had one husband, and it would be unlawful to have more than one. This seemed to satisfy him, and I saw him no more for a long time ; but after a wlvilc he came again, and re- .lewed his suit, alleging that now there was no objection to her marrying him, as her husband was dead, for, said the Indian, I found where he was, and have killed him. I then told him if he had killed my husband he might kill me also, for 1 would not marry a murderer. When he saw I v/as resolute, and that his person was hateful in my sight, he took and tied me, and brought me to this place, and sold me for eight dollars. But where my husband is buried, or whether he is buried at all, or where my children are, I cannot tell 5 but whether she ever re- turned to the states again, is beyond my knowledge. From this prison, after being sold to the British garrison for eight dollars a head, we were sent across the lake to Carlton Island, from this place down to the Cedars, from the Cedars we vvere transported from place to place, till at length were permanently lodged in the prison at Chambiec. Here we were put in irons, and remained two years, suffering every thing but death, for want of clothes, fire, food, medicine, exercise and pure air. At length, from the weight and incon- venience of my irons, I became so weak that I could not rise from the floor, when my fellow sufferer, Thorp, who was not as badly off as myself, used to help me up. The physician appointed to have the care of the prisoners, whose name was Penderorass, paid but little attention to his charge, seldom visiting us, but never examining closely into our situation ; consequently a description of my horrid •condition would afflict the reader, on which account 1 forbear it. At length, however, this physician was removed, and another put in his place, of an entire- ly contrary character; he was humane, inquisitive, industrious, and skilful. When he came first to that part of the prison where myself and about twenty others were confined, the captain of the fort came with him, when the doctor proceeded, one by one, to examine us, instead of giving us a general look only, as the other hasacre of those who were your neighbors, the Vrooman family. A third series of /e?i lashes at a time, lapped their doleful his- sing around his infamous body, as if Vulcan, from the infernal regions, had sup- planted the hickory rods with tissues of red hot iron ; Becraft, it for the murder of that helpless boy, the son oif Vrooman, whom you scalped and hung on the fence. A fourth quantum of ten lashes at once, played around him as if the light- nings of some frowning cloud, streaming its direful fury at one selected victim, tearing anew, and entering deep into the quivering flesh; Becraft, it is for taunts jeers, and insults, when certain persons well known to you were captives among a savage enemy, which marked you as a dastardly wretch, fit only for contempt and torture, such as is nozo bestowed on your infamous body. Fifth and last series, of ten lashes at a time, as if the keen sword, hot from the armory of an independent and indignant people had sundered the wretched body, one part to the zenith, the other to the nadir : Becraft, it is for coming again to the bosom of that country upon which you have spit the venom of hate, and thus added insult to injury, never to be forgotten. Here they untied him, with this injunction — to flee the country, and never more return, to blast, with his presence, so pure an atmosphere as that where liberty and independence breathe and triumph. With which, it was supposed, he complied, as he has never been known in these parts since. He expressed his gratitude that he had been so gently dealt with, acknowledging his conduct to have been worthy of capital punishment. It is proper to state that General Patchin, whose narrative the reader is now acquainted with, is no more, having died at his estate in Blenheim, Schoharie county, a very short time after this account was written, 1830. He was a man of amiable manners, beloved and respected by his neighbors and a numerous acquaintance. He had acquired, in a fair and laudable manner, a genteel corn- d 37 kipctencv of this worliPs goods; and also son\G pinnil porlion ofWn horvors. n^ he \ had been sent a representative of the county o(' Sc.ttohiuie to the Stnte [.eiii^- '' latiire; which phcc, it if- said, lie tilled with propriety, and n^ofiilne'"' to his <;on- } stitiients, when Dewit Clinton was Governor of the State of New YorL MUDJEE MONEDO AND MINNO MONEDO, OR THE SPIRIT OF EVIL AND THE SPIRIT OF GOOD.— a saginaw tale. In a beautiful portion of the country, uliicii was part forest and part prairie, there lived a. bloodythirsty M-diiito in the guise of an Indian, who niado nsc of ail iiis arts to decoy men into, his power for the purpose of killing thtMn. Although the country yielded -^n abundance of ^amc, and every other production to satisfy his wants, yet it was tiio study of his hfe to de- stroy human beings, and subsist upon their blood. The country had once been th.ckly popiv- lated, but he had thinned it off by his wickedness, and his lodge was surrounded by the bleach- ed bones of his victims. The secret of ius success lay in his great speed. He had the power to assume ihe shapo of any quadruped, and it was liis custom to challenge persons lo run with him. He had a beaten path on which he ran, leading around a large lake, and he ahvaj-s ran around this circle, »<> that the starting and winning point were the same. At this point stood a post, having a sharp and shining knife tied to it, and whoever lost the race lost his life. Tbe winner immediate! y took up the knife and cut offhis competitor's head. IN'o roan was ever known to beat this evil Manito in the race, although he ran every day ; for whenever he was pressed hard, he changed himself into a fox, wolf, or deer, or other swift-footed animal, and thu-s left his competitor be- hind. The whole country was in dread of him, and yet, such was the fully and raslmess of the young men, that they were continually running with him ; for if they refused, he called them cowards, which was a taunt they could not bear. They would rather die than be called cow- ards. In other respects, the Manito had pleasing manners, and visited the lodges around thw. country, like others ; but his secret object in these visits was to see whether the young boys, were getting to be old enough to run with him, and he was careful to keep a watch upon their growth, and never failed to challenge them to run on his race ground. There was no family which had not lost some of its most active members in this way, and the Manito was execrated by all the Indian mothers in the country. There lived near him a widow, whose husband and ten sons he bad killed in tJiis way, and slie was now left with an only daughter and a son of ten or twelve years old, named Monedowa... She was very poor and feeble, and suffered so much for the want of food, that she would have been glad to die, had it not been for her daughter and her little son, who was not yet able to hunt. The Manito had already visited her lodge to see whether the boy was not sufficiently grown to challenge him. And the mother saw there was a great probability that he would be decoyed and killed as his father and brothers had been. StUl, she hoped a better fate wouW attend him, and strove, in the best way she could, to instruct him in the ma.\ims of a hunter's and a warrior's life. To the daughter she also taught all that could make her useful as a wife, and instructed her in the arts of working with porcupine quills on leather, and various other things, which the Indian females regard as accomplishments. She was also neat and tasteful in arranging her dress according to their customs, artd possessing a tall and graceful persoih she displayed her national costume to great advantage. She was kind and obedient. to her" raother, and never neglected to perform her appropriate dotnestic'duties. Her mother's lodge, stood on an elevaiion on the banks of a lake, which gave them a fine prospect of the conntry for. many miles around, the interior of which was diversified with groves and prairies. It was in. this quarter that they daily procured their fuel. One day the daughter had gone out lo these open groves to pick up dry limbs for their fire, and while admiring the scenery, she strolled, farther than usual, and was suddenly startled by the appearance of a young man near her. She, would have fled, but was arrested by his pleasing smile, and by hearing herself addressed in, her own language. The questions he asked were trivial, relating to her place of residence^ and family, and were answered with timidity. It could not be concealed, however, that they- were mutually pleased with each other, and before parting, be asked her to get her mother's consent to their marriage. She returned home later than usual, but was too timid to say any- thing to her mother on the subject. The meetings, however, with her admirer on the borders of the prairie, were frequent, and he every time requested her to speak to her mother on the subject of their marriage, which, however, she could not muster the resolution to do. At last the widow suspected something of the kind, from the tardiness of her daughter in coming in» aind from the scjinty quantity of fuel she sometimea brought. In answer to inquiries, she re-' 38 voalcd tliG clrcuniriUnco rf hor meetin.^ tb.c youn;^ man, and of his request. At^er reflecting iipon lipr lonely ami cK-stitnte situation, tlie mother gave her consent. The daughter went with a lio"liL step to coniniunicato the Jinswcr, which her Jover heard with delight, and after say- jiic that lie would come to the lodge at sunset, they separated. He wag punctual to his en- irao-ouieut. and came at the {)!-eci.se lime, dressed out as a warrior with every customary de- coration, and approached the lodp;e with a mild and pleasing, yet manly air and commanding step. On entering it, he sDoke atiectionately to his mother-in-law, whom he called (contrary to the usa^e,) i\Ei-:.TEE, ov frieiid. She directed him to sit down beside her daughter, and from this moine^it they were regirded as man and wite. Early the followin» o ^0 '5.^^% 'oV'' .0- '^0^ "oK •>o* A <". ^°-;^ ',1 ^"V ■ V ^^ ° W/ 1 .0^ '^^o^ "^^ **' 0^^^ ,^".% .0 ^0 ^^0^ c' 0^ _„