m TS670 fe R?l^ ..^^K^ ■ r\c.o ;J[ 1917 ^ 1 \''r^'\
A manual of information
and instruction written
for the benefit of the
Electro-Plater and those
interested in the art of
By Herman H. Reama
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Printed by the
Oakley Chemical Company
Members of the American Electro-Platers Society and
The Plating Trade
The Metal Industry Print
99 John Street, New York
Ca/y^te^/rep /f/5 iV veRMA/i/ /f. {(a4ia.
Copyrighted 1917
Oakley Chemical Company
New York, N. Y.
P-- /7^/-^
OCT -2 1920
This book has been written to offer in a
non-technical manner, the best methods of cur-
rent practice, in the electro-plating of metals.
Enough supplementary text, on the preparing
of metals for plating and the analysis of solu-
tions has been added, to make the information
coherent and complete.
In compiling this book, I have endeavored
to make it practical in every detail, wording it
in concise and simple language and avoiding
technical terms as much as possible.
I trust it will prove of benefit to my fellow
members of the American Electro-Platers'
Society, and to platers in general.
Brooklyn, N. Y., 1917.
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 1
IN order that the operator of an electro-plat-
ing plant may intelligently handle the cur-
rents used for the plating baths, and turn
out work efficiently, it is essential that at least
the fundamental principles of electricity should
be understood.
The cause of a manifestation of any kind of
energy is force. Electric energy in the form
of a current is caused by a difference of electric
potential, or electromotive force (e.m.f.). The
unit by which this force or pressure, which
causes an electric current to flow, is measured,
is called a volt. The current which flows is
measured in amperes. The unit of resistance
to the flow of current in a conductor is the ohm.
One volt is about the value of the potential
of a Daniell's Cell ; it is the electromotive force
which will force a current of one ampere thru
a resistance of one ohm. One ampere is the
current which will plate out 0.01973 grams of
copper per minute from a copper sulphate bath.
This measures not only the current intensity, or
available working energy, but also the rapidity
of its work : — a current of 10 amperes can do
in 1 second, what a current of 1 ampere requires
10 seconds to do. One ohm is the resistance
at 0° C. of a column of mercury 1 meter long
and 1 sq. m.m. in cross section. The coulomb
is the unit of quantity of electricity and is the
amount of electricity carried by a current of one
ampere in one second.
2 The Cleaning and Electro -Plating of Metals
Ohm's law expresses the relationship in an
electric circuit, of the voltage, current and
resistance, as follows :
The voltage is always equal to the product
of the current and the resistance — Volts =
Amperes X Ohms. If 6 volts are impressed on
a circuit of 2 ohms resistance, 3 amperes will
This law may be expressed in two other
forms :
Amperes =
Ohms =
From these equations it is evident that the
current varies directly with the voltage and in-
versely with the resistance, — if the voltage be
doubled, twice the current will flow, etc. ; if the
resistance be doubled, half the current will flow.
The resistance varies directly with the volt-
age and inversely with the current.
The voltage varies directly with the current
and directly with the resistance.
This law is the fundamental principle in most
electric calculations.
E is generally symbolic of voltage, C of cur-
rent, R of resistance.
E = CXR.
The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
The Use of O. P. C.
The term cleanliness, when applied to metal
surfaces which are to be plated, means absolute
freedom from the least trace of dust, grease,
oil, rust, corrosion, tarnish, or any form what-
ever of foreign matter. A surface made clean
by any mechanical means alone, will not serve
for electro-plating because of loose metal dust,
and particles of polishing material or lubricant
left on the work. A perfectly clean surface
once touched with the hand is no longer clean
and will peel or strip where touched. Articles
to be plated usually have their surfaces pre-
pared first by mechanical means — as buffing —
and are then made chemically clean by suitable
solutions. Each metal requires slightly differ-
ent treatment and the treatment varies to some
extent with the nature of the abrasive, grease,
oil or dirt to be removed.
Lye and caustic have long been used for
cutting greases and oils. But on some they
work very slowly, and in all cases they are dis-
agreeable and dangerous to work with and have
a detrimental effect on soft or tarnishable
metals. There are many cleaning compounds
available at the present time which give very
efficient service on certain grades of work. In
the majority, however, some desirable features
have been sacrificed to enhance the value of
4 The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
Oakite Platers' Cleaner has been scientifically
compounded, to combine the valuable qualities
of the best cleansing- agents and in it, all objec-
tionable and detrimental features are eliminated
or nulUfied. When properly used, O. P. C. in-
sures a chemically clean base metal in unusually
short time, avoids discoloration of metal, and
provides better working conditions and elimi-
nates danger to the workmen. O. P. C. will not
''lead plate" on soldered articles. O. P. C. con-
tains no filler and dissolves completely in
water. It contains no inert material; every
ounce is pure, effective concentrated cleaner of
great lasting power, due to the fact that its
action is physical rather than chemical, as with
most cleaners. Every atom cleanses. For these
reasons, the use of O. P. C. assures the mini-
mum operating costs for the cleaning processes,
and aids the other departments by avoiding the
necessity of rebuf^ng, etc., and by decreasing
the percentage of imperfect work.
The tank containing the cleaning solution
should be equipped with a steam coil placed
at the side nearest the workman, and should
have a bottom draw ofif. When the steam coil
is on the near side of the tank, the rise of w^ater
from it, by convection currents, continually
sweeps across the surface and so keeps all float-
ing oil and dirt at the further side. The steam
coil should never be in the bottom of a tank.
In this position it makes the cleaning out of a
tank a very troublesome and dirty task.
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 5
After coming* from a cleaning tank, the work
should be well rinsed in clean cold water; con-
tinual running water in the rinse tank is advis-
able. After rinsing notice whether the water
wets the whole surface of the work evenly, and
will run ofif without breaking-. This indicates
a clean surface.
The electric cleaner is important, and is
largely used under certain exacting conditions.
Its use gives a chemically clean surface in a
shorter time than by the ordinary method, and
it diminishes tarnish on tender work. O. P. C.
is without doubt the only Electric Cleaner that
will give a chemically clean surface without the
use of cyanide. The solution should be made
up with 4 to 6 ounces O. P. C. to the gallon,
depending on the work to be cleaned. The
temperature should be at the very least 200° F,,
and a direct current of about 6 volts should
be used. The current density should' run about
50 amperes per sq. foot ; O. P. C. makes an
electrolyte of high conductivity and in small
amount will easily let this current pass.
Sometimes on difficult work it is well to use
a double throw switch and run direct current
for a short time, then reverse for a few mo-
ments, and then finish with direct current.
The iron tank may be used as the anode, with
the regular insulated frame and rod on top to
take the work. It is better practice, however,
to use sheet iron anodes about 6 inches wide.
Rheostats are in most cases unnecessary, as high
amperage is desired.
6 The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
The current density should never be allowed
to rise above 50 amperes per sq. ft., however (as
might happen in a small tank where the elec-
trodes are close together, or where a very
strong solution affords unusually high conduct-
ance). Too much current will iDurn the grease
or dirt on to the work and hinder, rather than
facilitate its removal. In any case where this
occurs, the use of a rheostat to cut down the
current to a proper value, will remedy the
On soft metals the use of an electric cleaner
is highly advantageous, as its use largely dimin-
ishes tarnish and pitting.
The combination of mineral salts, known as
Oakite, in the form of a dry white powder, is
too well known to need much description. It
is the basis of all Oakite compounds; it contains
none of the acids, tyes, sodas or caustics. It
cleans by a purely physical action, being solely
an emulsifying agent; and by avoiding sapon-
ification, the Oakite cleaners have a much
longer life and act much more speedily than
others. It is a very free rinser, a good elec-
trolyte, and harmless to skin, fibres or metals.
There are some cases where a different or
modified action is necessary from that of the
O. P. C. cleaning bath.
For these special cases a specially developed
The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals 7
product is available as Oakite Composition
No. 1, and Oakite Composition No. 2.
Oakite Composition No. 1 is a high-grade
soap compound, carefully compounded for its
specific purpose. It is made for cleaning
aluminum and to supplement Oakite in the
cleaning of soft metals, and for the removal of
tripoli and rouge buffing from plated ware.
Oakite Composition No. 2 is a high-grade
soap compound, similar to the No. 1 composi-
tion, but is much stronger in its action. It is
used to supplement Oakite and O. P. C. and is
specifically used for the following problems :
Removing smuts, heavy oils and greases from
metals ; removing sand-buffing material ; remov-
ing burnt on oil, difificult japan, enamel, paint,
shellac, varnish, etc.
A cold rinse, not a hot rinse, should follow
cleaning in either soap compound, which may
then be followed by a hot rinse if it is desired
to make the work self-drying.
Before the use of any pickle to remove scale,
rust, corrosion, or tarnish from any metal, it
should first be given a dip of 1 to 3 minutes in
hot O. P. C. solution 8 oz. per gallon, followed
by a rinse. The purpose of this is to prepare
the surface for the action of the acid, by remov-
ing all foreign matter, such as oil, grease, and
dirt, on which acid has no effect, and which
would retard the pickle and make it uneven in
8 The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
effect, and result in waste of acid and metal.
This effects great saving in time and in acid
bills; usually to the extent of 50% in large
O. P. C 8 Ounces, 212° F.
Water 1 Gallon.
For upkeep, add about 2 ounces O. P. C. per
gallon per week, or as required. Time required
for cleaning this class of work about 5 minutes
in this solution. Then rinse in cold water and
scrub with pumice. Repeat cold water rinse,
then put in acid pickle (I part HCl, 8 parts
HoO). Then into cold water rinse and transfer
to plating solution.
Scrubbing- with pumice can be eliminated on
this class of work by using two cleaning tanks.
First place work in tank made up as follows :
O. P. C 4 Ounces, 212=^ F.
Oakite Composition No. 2.. 4 Ounces.
Ammonia ^ Ounce.
Water 1 Gallon.
Then rinse in hot water. Then into O. P. C.
tank, then cold water rinse, then into acid
pickle. Then repeat cold water rinse and
transfer to plating bath.
Use O. P. C. 6 ounces to gallon water. Keep
boiling by steam coil. For upkeep add 1 to 2
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 9
ounces per gallon per week or as may be
necessary. Time required for cleaning- this class
of work is from 3 to 5 minutes in still tank.
O. P. C 4 Ounces, 200° F.
Water 1 Gallon.
Use direct current of about 6 Volts. Time
required in this solution from 1 to 2 minutes ;
then rinse in cold water and transfer to plating
O. P. C 6 Ounces, 200^ F.
Water 1 Gallon.
The upkeep is very small, depending upon
the quantity of work turned out. Can be used
with or without the electric current. Will not
discolor or tarnish. Time required 1 to 3 min-
utes. In a still bath, the addition of one fluid
ounce of ammonia daily, for every 10 gallons
of solution is helpful in keeping the work
The best method is to use the Electric Clean-
er, with direct current of 6 to 8 Volts.
O. P. C 6 Ounces, 200° F.
Water 1 Gallon.
Time required to clean this class of work in
this solution 1 to 2 minutes. Then rinse in cold
10 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
water and transfer to nickel bath. In some
cases, where the work is of unwieldy, large
pieces, it would be advisable to just dip in a
regular O. P. C. bath, 8 ounces to gallon water,
200° F. Then rinse in cold water, then scrub
with lime or pumice. Then rinse in cold water
and transfer to nickel tank.
Place in solution of:
Water 1 Gallon, 160° F.
O. P. C 4 Ounces.
With or without electric current. Time re-
quired to clean this metal, with electric current
(direct) 1 minute, then reverse >^ minute ;
without electric current about 3 minutes.
Cleaning off and Removing Shellac :
To clean, place in solution of:
Water 1 Gallon, 160° F.
Oakite Composition No. 1. . . .^ Ounce.
Ammonia 1 Ounce.
Time required in solution, to clean thorough-
ly, 1 to 3 minutes.
Removing Shellac:
Place in solution of:
O. P. C 4 Ounces.
Water 1 Gallon, 160° F.
Time required 15 minutes.
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 1 1
In some factories the line of work which is
manufactured is such that the electric cleaner
is far superior to any other, but in 75% of the
factories it would be much better to put in the
two tank cleaning system.
Tank No. 1:
O. P. C 4 Ounces, 200° F.
Oakite Composition No. 2. . . 4 Ounces.
Ammonia 54 Ounce.
Water 1 Gallon.
Then rinse in hot water and then place in
Tank No. 2:
O. P. C 8 Ounces, 200° F.
Water 1 Gallon.
Just a minute in each of these solutions will
clean almost anything well enough to plate
without scrubbing. In very few cases would
scrubbing be necessary.
Where a plater has a line of polished brass
or copper to nickel plate, by cleaning this work
in O. P. C. 6 ounces to gallon water, 200° F.,
he can make a great saving on cyanide by using
muriatic acid, 10% solution, in place of a cyanide
dip, as there is but slight discoloration of the
metal when using O. P. C.
Use O. P. C. 8 ounces to gallon water. Keep
boiling by steam coil and allow work to remain
in this solution about 3 to 5 minutes ; then rinse ;
then place in acid pickle; then rinse in cold
water; then transfer to galvanizing bath.
12 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
If electric current is used 6 ounces O. P. C.
to gallon water will give same results in 1 to 2
minutes' time.
Stopping Off:
If certain parts of a metallic object are not to
receive a deposit, as for instance, when a con-
trast is to be effected by depositing different
metals in a pattern upon the same object, these
parts are covered or stopped off with a varnish
or wax. Stopping off varnish is prepared by
dissolving asphalt, or damar with an addition
of mastic, in turpentine. It is appHed with a
brush and allowed to dry thoroughly and then
hardened in cold water. After plating, the
''stop" is easily removed with O. P. C. 8 ounces
per gallon or if asphalt, with O. P. C. and
Oakite Composition No. 2, 4 ounces of each
per gallon.
Removing White Lead and Red Lead:
Make up solution of:
O. P. C 8 Ounces.
Water 1 Gallon, 212° F.
Place work in solution for 3 to 5 minutes,
then brush with hand brush, then rinse in cold
water. Oakite Composition No. 2 is sometimes
needed if it has set very hard.
Removing Lacquer or Enamel:
The ordinary lacquers such as are being used
on brass chandeliers, etc., can be removed in
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 13
O. P. C. solution 8 ounces to the gallon of
water 212° F. Time required for removal in
most cases is 1 to 3 minutes. Where lacquer
has been baked on with considerable heat it is
an advantage to use O. P. C. and No. 2 Com-
pound in these proportions :
O. P. C 6 Ounces, 212° F.
Oakite Composition No. 2. . . 6 Ounces.
Water 1 Gallon.
This will remove some enamels or lacquers
in a few minutes. However, the better grades
of lacquers or enamels, which are baked, wnll
take from H to 1 hour.
This term is employed to denote not only an
accidental loosening of the deposited metal,
under the scratch brush or burnisher, but also
an intentional removal of a deposit by means
of acid.
All work must be carefully cleaned (and any
lacquer or similar protective coating must be
removed) before stripping, in the same manner
as for plating, using O. P. C. 8 ounces per gal-
lon. A uniformly clean surface is necessary, to
allow the acid to act evenly.
Silver is stripped from old plated work on
copper and its alloys, before they can be re-
plated, by immersing the plated article in hot
concentrated sulphuric acid, and adding from
time to time a few crystals of saltpeter. The
14 The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
acid must be made hot, the articles to be
stripped must be quite clean and dry before
immersion, and must be moved about while
adding the saltpeter. If this is done as directed,
the whole coat of silver may be loosened with-
out serious damage to the metal beneath. The
same operation may be performed in a cold
mixture, composed of 1 part strong nitric acid
added to 10 parts of sulphuric acid in a stone-
ware vessel. The goods to be stripped, in these
acids should be first attached to stout wires,
as they must be frequently moved about in the
solution, and taken out to be examined from
time to time, to prevent overdoing the process
and injuring the metal beneath the coat. When
all the silver has been stripped off, the article
must be at once rinsed in clean water to free
it from acid; but should it be necessary to re-
immerse the article, it must be first dried, since
the presence of water in the acid will cause it to
attack the metal beneath the coat of silver.
When the plated article is made of iron, steel,
zinc, pewter, lead, or white metal, it must not
be immersed in the stripping acid, but should
be desilvered in a solution of cyanide of potas-
sium by means of a current from a battery or
a dynamo. An old disused plating solution will
do very well for this purpose if it has plenty of
free cyanide. Immerse the article to be stripped,
and connect it as an anode to the positive pole
of the battery or dynamo, and suspend a plate
of carbon or a strip of platinum foil in the solu-
tion as a cathode. Then pass a strong current
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals IS
until all the deposited coat of silver has been
dissolved. Gold may be removed from gilded
articles by a similar method in an old gilding-
solution. Gold may also be stripped from base
metals by immersing them in hot nitric acid
and adding some common salt as required. This
operation is similar to the acid process for strip-
ping silver, and needs equal care. Nickel
is stripped from nickel-plated articles in a mix-
ture composed of 1 pint of water, 1 pint of
strong nitric acid, and 4 pints of strong sul-
phuric acid. The water must be first placed in
a lead-lined vessel, or in one of enameled iron,
and the sulphuric acid added gradually and
carefully, as the addition of this acid to water
raises its temperature to a boiling point. When
the sulphuric acid has been mixed with the
water, the mixture must be poured into a stone-
ware dipping pan and the nitric acid added.
These precautions are necessary, because the
mixture of the two acids and water will dissolve
lead and enamel, but will not pierce acid-proof
stoneware, whilst this in turn will not stand
sudden expansion caused by the heat generated
in mixing the sulphuric acid with water. All
operations in stripping by acids must be per-
formed in the open air, or under a hood with
good draft. The process must be closely
watched throughout and the article immediately
removed, once its coat has been stripped off.
The time required for stripping runs from a few
minutes to half an hour.
16 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
In the first place it is better to buy a first
class dynamo ; even though it be a little
more expensive in the beginning, it will prove
to be the cheapest in the end. The dynamo
should be set up on a good solid foundation
and as near to the tanks as convenient, and
should be placed so that the plater will have
easy access to all its working parts. A few
minutes' attention given to the dynamo each
morning adds greatly to efficiency, and will
keep commutator and brushes in good condi-
tion. Be sure the dynamo rests firmly on its
foundation. Great care should be taken in ad-
justing the brushes not to have too much pres-
sure on commutator. The brushes should not
bear too hard on commutator, but just enough
to insure perfect contact between brush-holder
and rod. If commutator shows signs of rough-
ness, smooth with fine sand-paper, and lubricate
with vaseline. Never use emery paper. The
conducting bars running from the dynamo past
the various tanks in the plating room should
be large enough to carry all current that the
dynamo gives without heating, and the various
vats can be connected by means of wires or
rods leading from the conducting bars. Great
care should be taken to have the wires of a
sufficient size so as not to lose too much power
in overcoming resistance. The current must be
regulated for each tank by a resistance switch
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
18 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
or rheostat connected to the positive bar and
also to the positive bar of the tank. Rheostats
Fig. 2 — Electro-plating Dynamo.
Manufactured by General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
are put up as near to the tank as possible, and
should be shut off while putting work into tank,
and then be turned toward the strongest point
until a suitable current is obtained.
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
It is quite essential in a large plating room
to have a voltmeter, and also an ampere meter,
which will show the plater the exact amount
Fig. 3 — Ammeter for Electro-plating Work.
Manufactured by Weston Electric Company, Newark, N. J.
of current he is getting. By means of an ac-
curate ammeter, the amount of metal actually
deposited can be determined.
The solution should be made up by dissolv-
ing % of a pound of nickel-ammonium sulphate
20 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
(double nickel salts) in 1 gallon of water, which
will bring the density up to about 6° or 7° Be,
and adding a small amount of boric acid, mak-
ing a fine, bright nickel. In some instances,
agitated solutions are of great importance, for
the reason that a higher current density may
be used, and so decrease the time, prevent pit-
ting ; the work will come out just as bright as in
a still solution.
Anodes : Anodes are very important in nickel
solutions, owing to the fact that the solution
does not readily dissolve the metal, as this
action takes place only by the aid of the cur-
rent, and as nickel sulphate will not conduct
electricity easily, and as ammonium sulphate
wnll, we have combined them and make the
double salt, and the free sulphuric acid liberated
by the deposition immediately passes to the
opposite pole, and attacks the anodes. A large
anode surface is necessary. Cast anodes are
preferable, as rolled anodes are so hard that
more current is required.
Bath: The bath should be slightly acidic.
This condition can be readily told, by testing
with litmus paper. Blue litmus paper is colored
red by acid, and red litmus paper is colored blue
by an alkali. Too much acid will cause peeling,
and if the bath is alkaline a dark deposit will be
obtained. The solution should be kept always
at 6>4 to T'^ Be.
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 21
22 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
To Plate Nickel on Aluminum.
Polish, clean (using No. 1, 2 ounces per gal-
lon), followed by Oakite (j4 ounce per gallon),
rinse in cold water, dip into concentrated nitric
acid, rinse in cold water, dip into: water, 1
gallon ; iron chloride, 1 ounce ; muriatic, ^
ounce ; and from this dip rinse quickly and place
Fig. 5 — Voltmeter used in Electro-plating.
Manufactured by Weston Electric Company, Newark, N. J.
directly in nickel solution. Plate with heavy
current for 2 minutes, and then reduce current.
Nickel solution: water, 1 gallon; single nickel
salts, 8 ounces; Epsom salts, 3 ounces; boric
acid, 1 ounce; common salt, ^ ounce. Plate
with 4 volts at 80° F.
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 23
Copper Solution:
Warm water 1 Gallon.
Sodium cyanide 96/98% 3>4 Ounces.
Copper cyanide 70% 3 Ounces.
Soda ash 58% 2 Ounces.
Sodium hyposulphite 54 Ounce.
Copper cyanide contains 70% metal and 30%
cyanogen, so a solution prepared as above will
contain 2.1 ounces of copper in the form of
metal per gallon of solution. If dense solutions
are required the metal content may be increased
3/^ to 4 ounces per gallon with the other
materials in proportion. In replenishing copper
solutions \vith copper cyanide the following
proportions will equal 2 pounds of sodium
cyanide and 1 pound of copper carbonate:
Hot w^ater 2 Gallons.
Sodium cyanide 12 Ounces.
Copper cyanide 11 1/3 Ounces.
Soda ash 58% 4 Ounces.
Copper carbonate consists of 50 per cent,
metal and copper cyanide consists of 70 per
cent, metal.
To Plate Copper on Aluminum.
Polish, clean, dip in hot O. P. C. (^ pound
per gallon), rinse and immerse few moments
in 5% hydrofluoric acid solution. Shake acid
from work Avell, and plate directly. Bath : water,
1 gallon : copper sulphate, 1^ lbs. ; sulphuric
acid, 2 ounces ; black molasses, % ounce. Use
24 The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of AIetals
wooden, or lead, or asphaltum lined container
for hydrofluoric acid.
Water 24 Gallons.
O. P. C 12 Pounds.
Copper Cyanide 12 Ounces.
Sodium Cyanide 24 '*
First, dissolve the O. P. C. in the water; sec-
ond, take up the copper cyanide with the
sodium cyanide ; third, add the copper and
sodium cyanide to O. P. C.
Use an iron or steel tank. Keep boiling with
steam coil near side of tank. Use copper
anodes and from 6 to 8 volts pressure.
The brass plating solution seems to be the
most difficult of all solutions to handle, and
there are several ways of running a brass
solution for various kinds of work, and if a
man has had a little experience in brass plating
he will readily understand what kind of a solu-
tion is needed for the work he is about to plate.
In my experience I have used several different
brass solutions, and have plated several kinds
of metals in difTerent lines of work, and I find
that in plating lead work or any white metal,
that a solution made up of about
Warm water 1 Gallon.
Sodium cyanide 96/98% 9 Ounces.
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 25
Copper cyanide 70% 5 Ounces.
Zinc cyanide 55% 2 Ounces.
Soda ash 58% 4 Ounces.
Ammonium chloride 1/3 Ounce.
with a small amount of white arsenic dissolved
in caustic soda, and a small quantity of am-
monia, will bring very good results.
Fig. 6 — A Rheostat used in the Plating Room
In preparing the solution use one-third of the
total capacity of the tank in gallons, heat to a
temperature of 120^ F. ; first, add the cyanide,
26 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
then copper, then zinc and soda ash and finally
balance of cold water to make up the quantity
of the solution required. Finally add the
chloride of ammonium. Mix thoroughly and
electrolyze the solution.
Care should be taken in using the arsenic,
not to add too much. A very small amount is
sufficient, and when this solution is tried, if it
does not work nice and clear, simply add a
little more ammonia.
In replenishing brass solutions proportions
given for copper solution may be used very
satisfactorily. The successful brass plater uses
very little zinc in his solutions when once
prepared. Very small proportions of caustic
soda or aqua ammonia (^4- ounce per gallon)
will keep a permanent reduction of the zinc in
solution with small additions of zinc cyanide.
The addition of free cyanide to a solution
should be determined by anode conditions.
Never add more than ^ ounce of cyanide as
free cyanide per gallon of solution at any one
The electrolyte or zinc solution can be made
up from sulphate of zinc (white vitriol) or from
chloride of zinc, or from a combination of the
two. An addition of conducting salts, such as
sulphate of sodium, sulphate of aluminum,
chloride of ammonium, etc., can be used to in-
crease the conductivitv of zinc solutions. There
The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals 27
are also a number of organic and inorganic
chemicals recommended for the purpose of
producing a more dense and brighter deposit.
The majority of these chemicals act as a colloid.
The following solution has been worked with
success in an open still tank :
Zinc sulphate 200 Ounces.
Sulphate of sodium (crystals) .... 20 Ounces.
Sulphate of aluminum 10 Ounces.
Boric acid 3 Ounces.
Water to make 7 gallons.
An addition of a few ounces of zinc chloride,
or instead an ounce of hydrochloric acid, will
improve the solution to some extent ; also an
addition of grape sugar will improve a sulphate
of zinc solution and produce a smoother and
more uniform finish.
The above solution can be successfully used
for all kinds of articles, including wire, band
iron, sheets and wire cloth, and will produce by
three volts and about twenty amperes per
square foot a white, smooth deposit in thirty
minutes which will stand three one-minute
copper tests.
Chloride of zinc solutions can also be used
to better advantage in open tank work, as well
as in mechanical plating machines. A good solu-
tion is composed of the following:
Zinc chloride 10 to 15 Pounds.
Chloride of ammonia 5 to 7.5 Pounds.
Grape sugar 1 Pound.
Water to make 10 Gallons.
28 The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
In the open bath a low potential is used, about
3 volts being required with a current of 12 to 15
amperes per square foot of work surface, the
density of the solution being about 20° Baume,
although a higher voltage can be used if it is
desired to shorten the time of deposit. For
mechanical apparatus, where a revolving con-
tainer is used, the solution is brought to a
density of 25° to 30° Baunie and 8 to 10 volts
are used, with a corresponding increase in
In plating aluminum, one method is to dip in
5% hydrofluoric acid after cleaning, then into
a mixture of 100 parts of sulphuric, 75 parts
nitric acid (both concentrated). After rinsing
with water, the surface is immediately plated
with zinc, on which any other metal may be
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 29
Fig. 7 and 8 — Two Views of the Patent Automatic Moving Plating
Tank manufactured by the U. S. Electro-Galvanizing Company,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
Tumbling barrels have almost entirely done
away with wiring or basket plating for small
work such as screws, collar buttons, etc.. and
at the present day they turn out this class of
Fig. 9 — The U. S. Junior Plating Barrel made by the
U. S. Electro-Galvanizing Company, Brooklyn, N. Y.
work in tumbling barrels in large quantities
and in this way reduce the cost to a much
smaller figure than when it was done by the
old method.
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 31
A very good brass solution for tumbling
barrel plating is made as follows :
Water 1 Gallon.
Sodium cyanide 96/98% 15 Ounces.
Copper cyanide 79% 8 Ounces,
Zinc cyanide 55% 4 Ounces.
Soda ash 58% 6 Ounces.
Caustic soda 78% 1 Ounce.
Aqua ammonia in amounts of j^ ounce and
upwards may be used to bring up a uniform
brass deposit. Prepare the solution in the order
Fig. 10 — Another View of the U. S. Junior Plating Barrel.
given and the replenishing should be accom-
plished on a similar basis. Ammonia and arsenic
may be added in small proportions to brighten
deposits as required.
32 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
The work is first wired or racked up, then it
is dipped in the O. P. C. and rinsed off in clean
Avater, nicked plated for about five minutes,
rinsed in clean water, put into the silver strike
solution for a minute or two, then into the
bright silver solution, where it is usually run
for about five minutes. This class of work must
come out of the silver solution bright and clear,
and without stain, as some of the cheap work
goes through without any buffing, and the work
that is to be buffed has to be done simply by
color bufffng. When the Avork comes out of
the silver solution it should be rinsed in cold
water and then in hot water, and then hung in
an oven at 150 to 200° F. until thoroughly dry.
It is then ready for buffing. The O. P. C. solu-
tion for this class of work should be made up as
follows : O. P. C, 4 ounces to gallon water,
with electric current at about 6 to 8 volts pres-
The nickel solution should be made of Ya
pounds of double nickel salts to a gallon of
water, and should stand about 6° to 7° Be. A
small amount of table salt added to this solution
occasionally will whiten the deposit. The silver
strike solution should be made up of about 10
ounces cyanide of sodium to the gallon, and
y2 ounce silver chloride to a gallon of water.
The silver solution should contain 2 ounces of
silver chloride and about 12 ounces of cyanide
of sodium per gallon of water; add bisulphide
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 33
of carbon in the usual manner to brighten de-
posit. Care should be taken in adding- this
brightener, as too much will give very bad
results. A few drops of the bisulphide of car-
bon just as purchased, without dissolving at all,
added to a silver solution each morning, — stir
the top of solution and repeat at noon when
using solution all the time, — is better than any
other method for this line of work.
The knives are first placed in a basket, and
then washed in a solution of O. P. C, 4 ounces,
and Oakite Composition No. 2, 4 ounces, to
gallon of water boiling, then hot and cold water
rinsed, then placed in a solution of Oakite (4
ounces to the gallon) to prevent rust, and
scoured with fine pumice, rinsed in clean water
and racked up.
Then dip in dilute sulphuric acid dip in pro-
portion of 1 part of acid to 8 parts of water,
then rinse in clean water and hang into a steel
strike. The steel strike is made up of
Carbonate of copper 10 Grains.
Chloride of silver 5 ''
Cyanide of sodium 10 Ounces.
Water 1 Gallon.
Use copper anode 2x8 inches in cloth bag.
Silver " 1 inch square.
It is advisable at the end of each week to
take out about 1 gallon of the strike solution
and add about 1 quart of silver solution and
cyanide enough to keep the solution standing
34 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
10 Be. Never add any copper to the strike
after first making, as all the copper required is
obtained from the anode. After striking the
knives in steel strike, they should be rinsed
in clean water, and struck up in the regular
silver strike, and from there into silver solu-
tion. The silver solution should always stand
about 15° to 18° Be, and have 1 to 1>^ ounces
of chloride of silver per gallon, and 15 to 20
ounces of cyanide of sodium per gallon. It
is best to keep the knives in motion while
plating by means of a swing frame attached
to the negative pole, which is the plating pole.
A scale attachment w^hich will register the
amount of silver being deposited can also be
Brass, Copper, or German Silver.
The work is first placed in O. P. C. solution
8 ounces to gallon water kept boiling with a
steam coil. Time required in cleaning solution
about 1 to 3 minutes. Then rinse in cold water,
scour with fine pumice on a tampico brush or
wheel, allowing a steady drip of water to flow-
on the brush while the work is being scoured,
so as to keep work wet, then sponge ofT thor-
oughly in clean water and hook or wire up,
when it is ready for plating. The work is then
hung in a clean water vat until the plater is
ready to handle it. On removal, dip work in
O. P. C. solution, 6 ounces to gallon water,
200° F. Then cold water rinse, then into mer-
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 35
cury dip, rinse in clean water and then dip in
O. P. C. solution. Then into a weak cyanide of
sodium dip and from this into silver strike solu-
tion, where it is struck up for a few minutes,
and then into silver solution, where it remains
until the desired amount of silver is deposited.
This method is for work that is satin-finished
or burnished.
If the work is only to be buff-finished, a dif-
ferent method should be used in cleaning, as
this class of work is only burnished on such
parts as cannot be readily reached by the buff.
Therefore use a solution of O. P. C. 6 ounces
to gallon of water 200° F. Place work in
O. P. C. solution for about 2 minutes, wash
off with a Canton flannel brush, scour only such
parts as inside of tea pots, or under handle, etc.
Then plate in a bright silver solution. For
satin-finish or burnished work it is best to use
a solution composed of
Water 1 Gallon.
Silver cyanide 80>^% 2i^ to 3>^ Ounces.
Sodium cyanide 96/98% 3)4 to 5^4 Ounces.
Bright Silver Solution:
Water 1 Gallon.
Silver cyanide 80^% }i to 2% Ounces.
Sodium cyanide 6 to 8 Ounces.
The metal content of silver solutions may be
varied from ^ ounce metallic silver to 6 ounces
per gallon of water for quadruple plate upon
britannic goods. Ordinary silver solutions for
36 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
brass goods average 2 ounces metal per gallon
of water.
The best results can be obtained by first
washing the articles in a solution of O. P. C.
4 ounces and Oakite Composition No. 2, 4
ounces, to gallon water, 200° F. Time required
to clean in this solution 1 to 3 minutes. Then
rinse in hot water ; then they should be hooked
or racked up and dipped in the O. P. C. solution
of 6 ounces O. P. C. to gallon water 200° F.
Then rinse in cold water, and strike in cyanide
copper solution for a couple of minutes, and
nickel plate about Yz hour. Then rinse in clean
cold water, dip in O. P. C. solution and then
cold water rinse, then place in silver strike solu-
tion, for a couple of minutes, and plate in the
ordinary silver solution until the desired amount
of silver is deposited. The reason for nickel
plating is only to save silver. For instance,
when an article for French Gray finish is re-
lieved, one is liable to cut through on some
little part, and if a nickel base is under the silver,
it in most cases would not be noticed.
This is an exceptionally fine white finish,
burnished on certain parts, and is produced in
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals Z7
the silver solution by running the work just
long enough to get a dead white, and rinsing
in cold and hot water, and then in cold again,
and dry in soap suds or alcohol, and then burn-
ish using Okemco Burnishing Soap (one lb. to
8 gallons of water) for the burnishing. In this
way one is not so liable to stain the work. Or
burnish dry, which in some cases is preferable
as this finish stains very easily. This white
finish should be lacquered with a pure white
celluloid lacquer.
This is a beautiful finish, and can be pro-
duced in several ways. One can get a very
fine finish by using white enamel lacquer and
spraying it on the work, and when dry apply
with a camel's hair brush, burnt umber ground
with oil and thinned with turpentine until the
shade desired is obtained. A small amount of
burnt umber to about 6 to 8 ounces of turpen-
tine will give a fine tan color, which is a very
fine color to apply on the white. Rub off with
turpentine with a small piece of felt or chamois.
A still better way to produce this Old Ivory is
to produce the white in the silver solution, run
the work just long enough to get a dead white,
and then rinse off in cold and hot water, and
then in cold water, and then dry in alcohol or
soap suds and lacquer. Apply burnt umber as
For the cheap class of work the cost of this
finish can be reduced by first running the work
38 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
in an acid copper solution for about ^ hour
which will give a dead finish. Then silver
plate. In this way the dead white is produced
in about half the time in silver solution, thus
saving silver.
Rose gold finish is a beautiful finish on almost
any kind of work. There are several ways of
producing this finish. For instance, if one wants
a line rose finish on high class jewelry, one can
produce the smut by the use of an old gold
solution, to which may be added a small amount
of caustic potash, and use carbon anodes. I
have found that adding carbonate of copper
taken up with yellow prussiate of potassium in
small quantities will give a very fine red rose.
Run work in this solution for a couple of min-
utes, then rinse in a weak cyanide of sodium
dip, then relieve with bi-carbonate of soda, and
then run into a roman gold solution, which
consists of
2 Ounces of C. P. cyanide of sodium,
1 Gallon of water,
5 Pennyweights of fulminate of gold.
For cheap classes of work one can produce
a rose finish which is very inexpensive, and
which is also a very nice finish by producing
the smut in an acid copper solution, and then
relieving with bi-carbonate of soda, and gold
plating in a roman gold solution. I have also
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 39
had success by using a dip gold solution made
up of
1 Gallon of warm water,
5 Pennyweights fulminate of gold,
2 Ounces C. P. cyanide of sodium,
2 Ounces phosphate of soda,
1 Stick caustic potash.
Gilding Solution:
Water 1 Gallon.
Cyanide of sodium.. 8 Ounces.
Fulminate of gold. . . 10 Pennyweights.
Fill cup with gold solution and hang anode
in cup until desired color is obtained. In a
case such as a cream pitcher wath a lip on it,
to gold line so that when cup is filled with
solution it does not cover all parts' that are to
be gilded, the proper way to gild such a piece
of w^ork is to have a tight rubber band to place
around the top so as to hold solution up to
highest point in order to gild the lip, — Or use
w^ax which by some silver concerns is called
"Gilders' Wax." This wax should be heated
in warm water until it becomes soft, so that it
can be stretched out in any length or width
desired, and placed on work while w^arm. In
this w'ay one can gild any piece of work no
matter what shape it may be. For instance,
take 25 cups with an uneven surface on top, —
heat a lump of this w^ax, enough to place over
40 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
the lip of these 25 cups, and by the time the
wax is on all of them, the first will be cool
enough to proceed with the gilding. Then
when all are gilded the wax should be taken
ofif by placing in warm water, when it can be
easily removed. Care should be taken not to
have the water too warm.
Gilders' Wax.
White Wax 1 Pound.
Rosin 2 Pounds.
Mix by heat.
I have found that there is but one way to
make these solutions, and obtain first class
results, and that is to purchase a 14 Karat
anode, and run the gold into a cyanide solution
by using a porous cup until one has drawn off
about 10 pennyweights of the anode into 1
gallon of C. P. cyanide of sodium solution.
Have the solution stand about 6° Be. In this
way a beautiful 14 to 18 Karat color is obtained
which will run very even. The richer the solu-
tion in gold, the richer the color obtained.
Therefore, when the solution is first made up
with 10 pennyweights to the gallon, one will
get about an 18 Karat color, and as the solution
is used it will go down to a 14 Karat, and one
can get about any shade from a copper color
to almost a 22 Karat in this way.
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 41
Water 1 Gallon.
Chlorate of potash. . . 3 Ounces.
Sulphate of copper. . . 3 ''
Hyposulphate of soda 3 "
Acetate of copper. .. . 3 "
Use hot. In some cases sulphate of nickel may
be added.
Chloroform or ether 2 Ounces.
Bisulphide of carbon 4 "
Silver solution 2 Ouarts.
A very fine green gold color can be produced
in a solution of
10 Gallons of water,
10 Pennyweights of fulminate of gold,
20 Ounces C. P. cyanide of sodium,
3 Pennyweights chloride of silver,
2 Grains acetate of lead.
Ormolu Gold Finish on Lead Work.
The first thing to do is to see that the work
is properly cleaned, and a very good way to
clean this kind of work is to wash with a solu-
tion of O. P. C. 4 ounces, Oakite Composition
No. 2, 4 ounces, to' gallon water 200° F. Time
required to clean this class of work 1 to 3 min-
utes. Then rinse in hot water. Then wire or
rack up the work, dip in O. P. C. solution (6
ounces O. P. C. to gallon water) 200° P., rinse
in cold water, then transfer to bright cyanide
42 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
copper solution until coated all over with cop-
per, then hang into an acid copper solution for
from one to two hours, according to the class
of work being done; then dip into bright dip
composed of 1>^ parts oil of vitriol, 1 part
nitric acid. Then rinse off thoroughly in clean
water, and hang in brass solution until a nice
yellow brass is obtained. About 2 or 3 minutes
is sufificient. Then gold plate in salt water gold
Brass solution to be used at a temperature of
80° F. in connection with salt water gilding
Water 1 Gallon.
Sodium cyanide 96/98 7o 43^4 Ounces.
Copper cyanide 70% 3 Ounces.
Zinc cyanide 55% 1 Ounce.
Soda ash 58% 2 Ounces.
Ammonium chloride 1/3 Ounce.
Prepare in order given. Brass anodes of
80% copper and 20% zinc give best results in
brass solution.
The salt water gold solution should be made
up of
8 Ounces yellow ferrocyanide (yellow
prussiate of potassium),
24 Ounces carbonate of sodium,
16 " phosphate of sodium,
3 Pennyweights fulminate of gold,
1 Gallon of water.
In setting up this solution, use a red porous
jar, and a copper kettle ; place the jar in the
kettle and place a piece of sheet zinc around
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 43
the porous jar. The sheet zinc should be about
y2 inch thick. A copper rod should be attached
to the zinc with rivets so as to get a good con-
maclQ of rocf<
^alt io register
so I or I ON
i75 *>
ys Copper Rod
Topper pot
at bottom of
copper pot.
Fig. 11— The Outfit for Salt Water Gilding.
nection. Stand the porous jar and zinc on
either wood or glass in the bottom of the cop-
per kettle. The salt water which is used to
44 The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
form battery should be made from rock salt
(which is very cheap), and a little sal-ammoniac,
and should stand about 12° to 15° Be, and
should be heated with a copper coil.
Be sure and use copper or brass coil.
First be sure the work to be lacquered has
been thoroughly cleaned. A room free from
dust should be fitted up with an oven heated
to 140° F. and supplied wath a chimney or
some means of carrying off the fumes of the
lacquer, which are very disagreeable.
For dip lacquering the lacquer is placed in
an iron enameled vat. The articles perfectly
clean are hung on hooks and dipped into the
vat and held up for a few minutes to allow the
superfluous liquid to run off. Then they are
hung up to dr}^ in the oven. Dip lacquers are
best thinned at night which will allow time to
thoroughly blend. It is impossible to use a
single solvent for an all around lacquer. Dip
work requires one rate of evaporation, and
spray work another rate. This is regulated by
the solvents used and the proportions of each,
and only experience can teach it. Brush lac-
quer is the same as dip lacquer except that it
should be used with a thicker body so it will
spread well under the brush. A fitch or camel's
hair brush should be used.
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 45
The proper preparation of lacquer solvents
calls for the highest degree of skill and care.
The solvents must be prepared water white
and free from water and acid. Lacquer will
attract moisture from the air in a damp room,
and thus cause considerable trouble. Lac-
quered work which is thoroughly dried in an
Fig. 12 — Rheostat and Wattmeter.
Manufactured by Western Electric Company
New York and Chicago
oven will be softened up again if a lot of new-
ly lacquered work is put in with it.
For work that requires a heavy coat of high
gloss lacquer, additions of various gums are
made, some for hardness, some for gloss, and
some for adhesion. Each in its proper pro-
portion, and each with a certain amount of
proper solvent to carry it. Some solvents pre-
cipitate some gums, and their relative evapo-
rating points are to be considered. Gum lac-
quers unless a very heavy coat is required
may be thinned out with three or four parts
of thinner. If heavy coats are required they
should be dried with considerable heat to
harden them. A thoughtful, careful workman
46 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
will obtain far better results with a fair grade
of lacquer, than a careless workman will with
the best grade.
This name is applied for the reason that
after the article has been plated and without
drying it can be dipped into the lacquer with-
out in any way injuring the finish. These lac-
quers are very beneficial for bright dipped
finishes that are used in basket work. Also
mat finish work on sheet brass, etc. Such
work would tarnish at once if dried and then
lacquered, and for this reason must be lac-
quered as soon as the dipping method is over.
For instance, sheet brass that is to be mat
finished and dipped through bright dip often
causes lots of trouble if one stops to dry it
before lacquering. On the other hand if this
work is dipped through a hot solution of Oakite
Composition No. 1 and clean hot water, and
then dipped into lacquer, there will be no
trouble whatever. The dip lacquer for this class
of work should be used very thin so it will run
off without leaving a drip. I have lacquered
thousands of pieces of this class of work in this
way, and have had very good results.
The water should he removed every day
either by syphon, or by means of a faucet at
the bottom of tank. A wire screen nickel
plated with a coarse mesh should be placed a
few inches from the bottom of lacquer tank.
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 47
All dirt, etc., carried into the lacquer will sift
through the screen, and can be drawn off
with the water.
The most up-to-date method of lacquering
at the present time seems to be with the air
brush called the ''Sprayer," which is operated
Fi??. 15 — Sprayers and Air Filter. -
Made by Eureka Pneumatic Spray Co., New York
by compressed air, and everything from the
largest to the smallest object can be lacquered
or painted by means of this ''Sprayer."
There are all styles of sprayers, some for
lacquers and some for enamels, etc., and any
number of colors can be blended together by
use of the air brush. This method is far su-
perior to the old way of using a camel's hair
brush. The lacquer or enamels spread better
and one can obtain a smoother surface. It
also saves labor, as more work can be turned
out in this way. Four or five pieces of work
48 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
can be turned out with the spray while doing
one with a brush, and at the same time give
better resuks. It is a very good idea to use a
hood, paint receiver and exhaust fan in con-
nection with the ''Sprayer'' to remove the
vapors which may arise. A pressure regulator
and filter are also beneficial for fine work.
Fig. 13 — Steel Ball Burnishing Barrel (single).
The cut shows barrel in working position.
Made by Baird Machine Company, Bridgeport, Conn.
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
This method of burnishing small metal arti-
cles in tumbling barrels is a method of mixing
articles such as buckles, chains, collar buttons,
etc., with steel balls in the proper proportion
Fig. 14 — Double Burnishing Barrel for Use with Steel Balls.
Made by The Baird Machine Company, Bridgeport, Conn.
The cut shows one Barrel horizontal and the other in position for
and rolling together in a thin solution of Oakite
Composition No. 1, or Okeinco Soap, depend-
ing on the work. The balls required must be
hard and smooth. Small articles can be burn-
ished and handled in large quantities in this
way at a very small expense.
50 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
I have bvirnished rose and green gold
buckles in this way when I only wanted them
to be burnished on the high lights and by
tumbling them thirty minutes I got out very
near the same class of work as I would had
they been hand burnished, and the cost when
the work is handled in this way is very small.
Care should be taken not to allow the steel
balls to become rustv-
Gun Metal Finish.
On dip brass, copper, german silver, etc., or
on any metal :
Make a saturated solution of cyanide of
sodium and arsenic, and use iron anodes and
ordinary current.
To make this solution, boil the. arsenic and
cyanide together in about 2 gallons of water
to 1>4 pounds of cyanide and 1 pound of arsenic,
which will when dissolved, be about saturated.
If not, add a little more arsenic. Do not in-
hale the fumes as they are very poisonous.
Acid Copper Solution:
Water 1 Gallon.
Sulphate of copper 32 Ounces.
Sulphuric acid 2 ''
Steel Color on Brass.
Muriatic acid 1 Quart.
Iron filings or chips 1 Handful.
White arsenic . 1 Tablespoonful.
Water 1 Gallon.
Use hot.
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 51
Dark Brown Drab on Copper.
Sulpho Cyanide of
potash 2 Pennyweights,
Nitrate of iron 5 ''
Water 1 Gallon.
Red Copper Solution:
Water 75 Gallons.
Prepared red copper 10 Pounds.
Cyanide of sodium 10 ''
Bisulphite of soda 10 "
Brass Solution:
Water 5 Gallons.
Sodium cyanide 96/98% 14 Ounces,
Copper cyanide 70% 7 Ounces.
Zinc cyanide 3^ Ounces.
Soda ash 4 Ounces.
Bisulphite of soda 6 Ounces.
Small amount of ammonia and arsenic.
Cyanide Copper Solution:
Carbonate of copper 5 Ounces.
Bisulphite of soda 2 "
Cyanide of potassium 10 "
Water 1 Gallon.
Royal Copper:
Red lead 1 Pound.
Banner lye 2
Boil above 20 minutes in 1 gallon of water and
add it to 10 gallons of water. Use copper anode.
Rinse and heat until work becomes a cherry red, and
develop color by buffing. Use a hard metal, copper
52 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
Tin Solution:
Muriate of tin 6 Ounces.
Phosphate of soda 6 "
Acetic acid 2 "
Water 1 Gallon.
Use pure tin anode and low voltage.
Acetic acid hardens deposit.
Galvanizing Solution:
Water 1 Gallon.
Sulphate of zinc 2 Pounds.
'' " aluminum 1^ Ounces.
Zinc anodes.
Strip for Brass, Copper or German Silver:
Oil of vitriol 5 Gallons.
Nitric acid 10 Ounces.
Use hot and remove work as soon as stripped.
When acid is saturated, dilute six times its volume
with water, and precipitate with salt water.
Gold Precipitate:
After cutting gold with aqua regia, precipitate
with aqua ammonia, (aqua regia is)
Nitric acid 1 part.
Muriatic acid 3 *'
To Dissolve Arsenic:
Arsenic can be dissolved in small quantities in
the following alkalies and acids, readily if hot,
and slowly if cold :
Nitric acid Ammonia
Sulphuric acid Cyanide of potassium
Acetic acid Caustic potash
Muriatic acid, Etc. Carbonate of soda.
Banner Ive, etc.
The.Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 53
Hydrosulphuret of Potash:
Caustic potash 8 Ounces.
Pulverized sulphur 16 "
Water 1 Quart.
Boil one hour. After cooling, filter and use
the clear liquid only. Add warm water, as it
boils away. It will turn a deep red color.
Quick Electrotype:
Fine copper bronze
powder 1 Ounce.
Plumbago 1
Rub above mixture on cast until a fine surface
is presented, and plate in acid copper solution.
Bright Pickle for Iron:
Water 1 Gallon.
Sulphuric acid 12 Ounces.
Zinc 1 Ounce.
Nitric acid 5' Ounces.
Black Nickel Solution:
Take (10) gallons of regular nickel solution
(double sulphate of nickel and ammonia) standing
6° Be, and add (1) pound sulphocyanide of potas-
sium and half a pound (>4 lb.) C. P. sulphate of
zinc. Use old anodes and a current of about ^
volts. Have the solution decidedly alkaline with
ammonia. The zinc sulphate can be precipitated
with sal-soda and washed thoroughly, then dissolved
in strong ammonia. The latter method will make
the solution sufiiciently alkaline. A small amount of
aluminum sulphate added to this solution will im-
prove it.
54 The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Mbtals
Gold Strip:
Sulphuric acid C. P 1 Pound.
Hydrochloric acid C. P 2-2/3 Ounces.
Nitric acid 40° Be 1>4 Ounces.
Keep free from water.
Soldering Acid:
Cut zinc with muriatic acid to saturation, and
evaporate to 1/3 by boiling, and allow to cool, and
then add an equal volume of saturated sal-ammoniac
solution, and add about 10% crude glycerine. The
boiling prevents sputtering when using. The
glycerine prevents discoloration of work.
Green Gold Solution:
Water 1 Gallon.
Gold as fulminate 4 Pennyweights.
Nitrate of silver 1 Pennyweight.
Cyanide 1 Ounce.
Blue Oxidize on any Metal:
Nitrate of lead 4 Ounces.
Nitrate of iron 2 Ounces.
Hyposulphite of soda 16 Ounces.
Water 5 Gallons.
Use hot.
Blue Color on Steel:
Heat steel to straw color and plunge into common
machine oil. The work will take on a beautiful
blue color.
Flux for Melting Silver:
Bicarbonate of soda 1 Pound.
Cream of tartar 1^ "
Silver 1
The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals 55
Dip Gold Solution:
Water 1 Gallon.
Yellow prussiate of pot-
ash 12 Ounces.
Phosphate of soda 10 Ounces.
Sesquichloride of iron 2 Ounces.
Fulminate of gold 5 Pennyweights.
Solution must be kept in iron kettle and boiling
when in use.
Verde Green Solution:
Water 3 Quarts.
Chloride of calcium 4 Ounces.
Chloride of ammonia 4 Ounces.
Nitrate of copper 4 Ounces.
Brush on work and stipple.
Acid Dip for Mat Finish on Brass:
Nitric acid 1 Part.
Oil of vitriol 2 Parts.
Add Sulphate of zinc to full saturation. If mat
finish is too coarse, add more oil of vitriol; if too
fine, add nitric. Use hot and keep water out of
dip as much as possible.
Olive Green on Brass:
Acetate of copper 5 Ounces.
Sulphate of copper 2 Ounces.
Acetic Acid 2 Ounces.
Water 1 Gallon.
Use solution hot.
1st. Brush work with a little pumice in
2nd. Cold water rinse.
56 The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
3rd. Place in coloring solution for 2 to 3
4th. Cold water rinse.
5th. Dry and lacquer.
If not the shade desired, repeat.
Electro Green Solution:
Plate on any Metal.
Sulphate of nickel
(single nickel salts) 1>^ Pounds.
Sulphate of copper ^ Pounds.
Potassium bichromate 2 Ounces.
Water 1 Gallon.
Carbon or brass anodes.
Use a current at 12 to 15 Volts.
A very fine hard deposit of green is obtained.
Electro Green for Relieving:
Sulphate of nickel and ammonia
(double nickel salts) 1^ Pounds.
Sulphate of copper ^ Pounds.
Potassium bichromate 2 Ounces.
Water 1 Gallon.
Carbon or brass Anodes.
Use 12 to 15 volts pressure.
Fine Brown Bronze on Copper:
Nickel-ammonium sul-
phate (Double nickel
salts) 12 Ounces.
Copper sulphate 2 Ounces.
Water 2 Gallons.
Use hot. Dip work in solution two or three minutes,
take out, rinse in clean water, scratch brush with
dry brush. If not the color desired, repeat as
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 57
Brown on Copper:
Acetate of copper 5 Pounds.
Nitrate of copper 5 Pounds.
Salamoniac 1 Pound.
Water 10 Gallons.
Use hot.
1st. Place in solution from 1 to 2 minutes.
2nd. Cold water rinse.
3rd. Scratch brush with a little pumice in
4th. Place in solution again for 1 to 2
5th. Cold water rinse.
6th. Dry and lacquer.
Light Brov/n on Copper:
Water 1 Gallon.
Sulphate of copper 1 Pound.
Add caustic potash until solution turns black,
then bring- back to dark green with sulphate of
copper. Use solution hot.
1st. Plate work in copper solution.
2nd. Rinse in cold water.
3rd. Place in coloring solution.
4th. Cold water rinse.
5th. Scratch brush with a little pumice in
6th. Dip in O. P. C. solution.
7th. Rinse in cold water.
8th. Place in coloring solution until the de-
sired shade is obtained.
9th. Cold water rinse. *
10th. Dry and lacquer.
58 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
Yellow Brown on Copper:
Sulphate of copper 1 Pound.
Chlorate of potassium 4 Ounces.
Water 1 Gallon.
Use solution hot.
1st. Plate work in acid copper.
2nd. Cold water rinse.
3rd. Place in coloring solution for 2
4th. Cold water rinse.
5th. Scratch brush with a little pumice in
6th. Dip in O. P. C. solution.
7th. Cold water rinse.
8th. Place in coloring solution imtil desired
shade is obtained.
9th. Cold water rinse.
10th. Dry and lacquer.
Barbadienne Bronze:
First, plate object brass, then black nickel.
Second, put on a mixture of sanguine and
black lead, equal parts, and enough gum arable
to make it stick, say about a wineglass full
of gum arabic to a pint of water, and enough
of water to make a very thin mixture.
Third, take equal parts of sanguine and pale
gold bronze, mix very fine by grinding. If
that does not give the desired shade add more
of either color and nothing else. Use good
varnish relief as for anv bronze.
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 59
Flux to Clear Chloride of Silver of Chlorine:
Add to chloride of silver in crucible before
melting, 40% of calcined soda. Calcined soda
is made by heating sal-soda on a hot surface
until it is dry, and in a fine powdery form.
To Crystallize Tin:
Bring the tin article to a straw color by
heating with blow pipe, and at once spray
with cool water, and then plunge it into dilute
sulphuric acid, which will bring out the
A Simple Method for Testing Silver Solution
for Silver:
Take 4 ounces of silver solution to be tested,
and precipitate with hydrochloric acid. If
copper be present, it can be cut out easily with
nitric acid. The nitric will not cut the silver.
After the silver has gone to the bottom, draw
oft' the fluid and place a small piece of zinc in
the silver, which will with the acid or a few
drops of sulphuric acid, drive out all chlorine
and cyanogen, leaving it a dark colored pure
silver which must be dried and weighed, which
will give the true amount of silver per gallon
of solution by multiplying by 32 the amount of
silver found in 4 ounces of solution. As there
are 128 ounces to a gallon, and we take 4
ounces of solution, so we multiply by 32 which
gives the number of ounces per gallon.
Note: This method with proper manipulation
will give pretty near perfect results.
60 The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
To detect Iron in Sulphate of Copper:
Dissolve sulphate of copper with ammonia
to excess, which will redissolve the copper,
and if iron be present it will remain at the
bottom as hydrate of iron.
Paint for Sectional Gold:
. Take gumguac and break with a hammer
until it is in powder form, and then dissolve in
wood alcohol and let stand 24 hours. Then
strain through cheese cloth, and add any-
desired aniline color. Remove with lye or
Another very good stop-off is
Collodion 1 Part.
Lacquer 1 Part.
Remove with lacquer thinner.
Terra Cotta Bronze :
Red sulphide of arsenic % Ounce.
Pearl ash 6 Ounces.
Water 1 Gallon.
Sulphuret of potash 3 Pennyweights.
Use boiling hot.
Jet Black on Copper:
Water 3 Gallons.
Pulverized sulphur 9 Ounces.
Caustic potash 1 Pound.
Boil until sulphur is all dissolved, then filter and
add to 20 gallons of water. Use cold on copper,
and scratch brush work before immersion. Finish
on soft rag wheel with kerosene and rouge.
The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals 61
Silver Solder:
Sterling silver 40 Parts.
Brass 30>^ "
Bronze Solution:
Water 1 Gallon.
Cyanide of potassium 6 Ounces.
Bisulphite of soda 2 Ounces.
Carbonate of copper 4 Ounces.
Chloride of tin Yi Ounce.
Use bronze anodes.
Black Nickel Solution:
Water 1 Gallon.
Nickel-ammonium sul-
phate (Double nickel
salts) 12 Ounces.
Sulpho cyan potash , . . . . 3 Ounces.
Carbonate of copper 2 Ounces.
White arsenic 2 Ounces.
Dip Silver Solution:
Water 1 Gallon.
Cyanide of potassium. . 2 Pounds.
Caustic potash ^ Pound.
Chloride of silver 1 Ounce.
Stir well and use hot.
Royal Copper Solution:
Red lead >^ Pound.
Caustic stick potash y^. Pound.
Water 5 Gallons.
Use pure lead anodes.
Note : Copper plate work and then run in above
solution for a couple of minutes, and then heat with
blow-pipe flame and buff with red rouge.
62 The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
Black Nickel Smut for French Grey:
Oxide of nickel 5 Pounds.
Carbonate of copper 1 Pound.
Sal-soda 100 Pounds.
Water 150 Gallons.
Carbonate of ammonia 5 Pounds.
Dissolve the copper and nickel in the ammonia.
Verde Antique Paint.
Chrome green,
'' yellow,
Zinc white,
A very little yellow ocher. Mixed to desired
consistency with turpentine.
Dip Black on Brass:
Water 1 Gallon.
Carbonate of soda 4 Ounces.
Carbonate of Copper 1 Pound.
Ammonia 1 Quart.
Use hot or cold.
Crystallized Tin:
Dip tin goods in a hot solution of water and
sesquichloride of iron.
To Separate Silver Metal from Copper:
Cut the combination metals with nitric acid,
and then precipitate with hydrochloric acid,
which will throw the silver to the bottom as
chloride, and hold the copper in the solution
as chloride.
To Recover Gold from an Old Solution:
Place a quantity of scrap turnings or filings
of zinc in the solution which will collect all
the gold, after which draw ofif the solution, and
The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals 63
then cut the zinc with hydrochloric acid, leav-
ing the gold at the bottom.
Note : Cyanide of silver is not soluble in nitric
acid unless heated. Cyanide of copper is soluble in
nitric acid cold or hot.
To remove fire stain from Sterling Silver:
Nitric acid 1 Part.
Water 1 "
Use hot.
To strip Silver from Steel:
Water 1 Gallon.
Cyanide of sodium 8 Ounces.
Chloride of silver ^ Ounce.
Use reverse current.
Stop-Off or Paint for Etching:
Virgin rubber dissolved with benzine. Add
a small amount, say j4 ounce of asphaltum to
a tablespoonful of virgin rubber. C^t the as-
phaltum with turpentine, and add the rubber
when dissolved to the asphaltum. This is
strictly acid proof.
Color Mixing Paints, Inks, etc.
Red and black make brown,
Lake and white make rose.
White and brown make chestnut.
White, blue and lake make purple,
Blue and lead color make pearl,
White and carmine make pink.
Indigo and lamp black make silver gray,
White and lamp black make lead color,
Black and Venetian red make chocolate.
Purple and whij;e make French white.
64 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
Light green and black make dark green,
White and green make pea green,
White and emerald green make brilliant green.
Red and yellow make orange.
White, lake and vermillion make flesh color,
Umber, white and Venetian make drab.
White, yellow and Venetian red make cream,
Blue, black and red make olive.
Yellow, white and a little Venetian red make
White and green make bright green.
White, blue and grey make pearl grey.
Standard Formula:
Water. . . 1 Gal. (U.S.)
CrystalHzed copper sulphate 32 Ounces.
Copper Determination:
Put 5 CO. of the solution using a pipette, in-
to a 250 c.c. beaker. Add about 100 c.c. water
and 25 c.c. cone, sulphuric acid. Cut off a
small strip (about 1>^ inches square) of alumi-
num foil and place it in beaker. Heat gently
and the copper will be precipitated out as met-
allic copper. When solution becomes white,
the copper can be filtered off using glass wool
in funnel in place of filter paper. The filtrate
is tested for copper by passing in HoS gas,
which gives a black precipitate of copper sul-
phide if it is present, indicating that it was not
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 65
all precipitated by the aluminum foil. Wash
the copper on the funnel once with hot water,
then dissolve ofif the copper from the alum-
inum foil with warm cone, nitric acid pouring
into funnel and receiving the dissolved copper
in an Erlenmeyer flask. When all the copper
is dissolved, the solution is heated until all ni-
trous fumes are gone, then add ammonium
hydrate in slight excess and evaporate until
most of the free ammonia has disappeared.
Acetic acid is added in excess and heated. If
solution is not clear it should not be heated
too much as some of the copper will be lost by
volatilization. When all the copper is in solu-
tion cool and add ten grams potassium iodide,
making sure that all of it is dissolved before
beginning titration. The free iodine that is
liberated in the reaction is titrated with stand-
ard sodium thiosulphate solution, using starch
as an indicator. The reaction between the
copper acetate and potassium iodide is the
formation of copper iodide and the liberation
of iodine.
When the potassium iodide is added a yel-
low precipitate of cuprous iodide (Cuo I2) is
thrown down. The starch is not added until
towards the end of the titration. It produces
a lilac color and the potassium thiosulphate
solution is added slowly until one or two
drops shows a change to a cream which re-
mains permanent and is not changed, by the
addition of more sodium thiosulphate solution.
66 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
Calculation :
Multiply the number of c.c. of sodium thio-
sulphate used by the copper sulphate (Cu S
O45 H20) value for 1 c.c, then divide by 5.
The result is multiplied by 133.54 which gives
ounces (av.) of copper sulphate per gallon
(U. S.)
The following example will illustrate it:
Used 61.0 c.c. sodium thiosulphate solution,
the copper sulphate value for 1 c.c. is .01964.
This multiplied by 61 will equal 1.19804, then
divided by 5 will equal .2396; multiply this by
133.54 will equal 32 ounces of copper sulphate
(Cu S O4) 5 H2O) per gallon.
Standard sodium thiosulphate:
Dissolve 39.2 grams of C. P. sodium thio-
sulphate in water and dilute to two liters.
This solution is quite stable. A slight decom-
position might occur soon after making the
solution due to carbon dioxide or oxygen in
the water. The solution should be kept in a
brown bottle as actinic light will decompose
it. To standardize, take one gram of pure
copper foil and dissolve in about 20 c.c. dilute
nitric acid. When dissolved, dilute to 250 c.c.
Then take out 50 c.c. with pipette (this is
equivalent to .2 grams of copper) into an Er-
lenmeyer flask. Boil out nitrous fumes ; then
add ammonium hydrate in slight excess and
evaporate until most of the free ammonia has
disappeared. Acetic acid is added in excess
and heated if solution is not clear. When all
the copper is in solution, cool and add ten
grams of potassium iodide. Then titrate with
The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals 67
the sodium thiosulphate solution. The end
point obtained when standardizing should be
remembered and be the same when titrating
The number of c.c. of sodium thiosulphate
used is divided into .2 grams, and the result
will be the number of grams of copper per c.c,
and this multiplied by 3.9283 will give the cop-
per sulphate (Cu S O4 5 H2O) value of 1 c.c.
of the solution.
Starch Solution:
Mix 0.25 gram of potato starch with 10 c.c.
cold water; then add to boiling water with
constant stirring to make about 400 c.c. When
cold, use about 1 c.c. for titrating. It decom-
poses very readily and should be prepared
fresh every day. It produces an intense blue
with iodine, and if brownish red indicates de-
composition. The following are the reactions
that occur:
Copper acetate reacts with potassium iodide
liberating free iodine as follows:
2 Cu (C, H3 OO2 + 4K I = Cu. lo H- 4
(KC2H3 02)+2I
The free iodine colors the solution brown.
The iodine reacts with the sodium thiosul-
phate forming sodium iodide and sodium tet-
2 Na^ S2 O3 -f 2 I = 2 Na I -f Na^ S, O^.
The blue compound that is formed when
starch is mixed with iodine is of unknown
composition. It behaves towards sodium thio-
68 The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
sulphate exactly as free iodine, and the reaction
occurs as in the above equation.
Sulphuric Acid determination:
Measure out 5 c.c. of the solution with pip-
ette into a 400 c.c. beaker; add 100 c.c. water
and about 1 drop of a 5% solution of methyl
orange. The solution will be a bright red.
Place beaker on a white surface. From a 50
c.c. burette add — sodium hydrate until solu-
tion in beaker becomes a golden yellow. This
indicates the end point. The number of c.c.
used of the — sodium hydrate is noted and cal-
culated as follows:
The number of c.c. — sodium hydrate used
is multiplied by the sulphuric acid value of
1 c.c. (exactly — Na O H will be .04904
grams) then divided by 5, and the result mul-
tiplied by 133.54 will give ounces (av.) of sul-
phuric acid (100% per gallon (U. S.).
Example :
Used 8.0 c.c. — Na O H. The sulphuric
The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals 69
acid value of 1 c.c. is .04904. Multiply this by
8 will give .39232 and divided by 5 will equal
.07846; then multiply by 133.54 will give 10.48
ounces (av.) of sulphuric acid per gallon
(U. S.)
Standard — Sodium Hydrate :
Dissolve 80 grams C. P. sodium hydrate in
water and dilute to two liters. Standardize
with — sulphuric acid, using methyl orange
as an indicator.
1 c. c. exactly -r- Na O H = .0400 grams
Na O H
1 c. c. " " = .04904 grams
H, S O,.
The following reactions occur in titrating:
H2 S O4 + 2 Na O H = Na^ S O4 + 2 H^ O
Methyl orange is changed by alkalies to a yel-
low and by acids to a pink red, therefore in
titrating acidity it will indicate when sufficient
sodium hydrate has been added, as an excess
will change color to a yellow.
Copper Determination:
Put 10 c.c. of the solution with a pipette
into a 250 c.c. beaker. Add 15 c.c. cone. H CI.
Care should be taken not to inhale the gas,
as it is very poisonous. Boil a few minutes
then add 5 c.c. Ho Oo and continue boiling^ for
70 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
fifteen minutes, adding water occasionally for
the loss by evaporation. After decomposition
of the cyanide 100 c.c. water are added and
solution heated, then Ho S gas passed in for
about ten minutes to precipitate the copper
as Cu S. After precipitation, place beaker on
water bath until precipitate collects and falls
to the bottom, then filter it off washing with
H2 S water three or four times. The filtrate
is set aside for zinc determination. The filter
paper containing the copper sulphide is re-
moved from the funnel and the sulphide
washed into a 250 c.c. beaker. The small por-
tions that cannot be removed by washing can
be dissolved by pouring on cone, nitric acid,
adding sufilicient finally to dissolve all of the
Cu S. Boil out excess of H N O3 and filter off
any sulphur that has collected in small yellow
lumps. Filter into an Erlenmeyer fiask and
neutralize with N H4 O H, adding slight ex-
cess; then boil until N H4 O H is faint. Add
excess of acetic acid and boil for a couple of
minutes until all the copper salts are in solu-
tion. Cool to the ordinary temperature (to
prevent volatilizing free iodine) and add 10
grams of K I. The free iodine is titrated with
standard sodium thiosulphate solution until
the brown tinge has become faint, then add
sufficient starch solution to produce a decided
blue color. The titration is continued with
vigorous shaking until a permanent cream
The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals 71
color is produced. The starch solution should
be weak as otherwise it tends to occlude
iodine forming very small lumps that are not
readily acted on by the thiosulphate solution.
About .25 gram in 400 c.c. of water is the cor-
rect strength to use.
Standard formula:
Copper cyanide 70% 8^ Ounces.
Zinc cyanide 55% 4^^ Ounces.
Sodium cyanide 96/98% 16 Ounces.
Water 1 Gallon.
Calculation :
Multiply the number of c.c. of sodium thio-
sulphate used by the copper value for 1 c.c.
Then divide by 10. The result multiplied by
133.54 with equal ounces (av.) of copper per
gallon. To convert this to copper carbonate,
multiply by 1.8812. This will give copper car-
bonate as figured from its theoretical formula
(Cu C O3 Cu (OH)o Ho O). The formula dif-
fers according to the method of manufactur-
ing the copper carbonate. A true basic copper
carbonate having the above formula would
analyze as follows:
Cupric oxide (Cu O) 66.54
Carbon dioxide ( CO., ) 18.40
Water (H,6) 15.06
12 The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
Sodium Thiosulphate :
Use the same solution as is used for acid
copper. The copper carbonate (Cu C O3 Cu
(OH)^ H,0.
Value for 1 c.c. is found by multiplying the
copper value by 1.8812 or to find any other
value multiply bv the following factors :
Cu X 1.2517 = Cu O
Cu O X 0.7989 = Cu
Cu X 1.8812 = Cu C O3 Cu (OH), H,0
Zinc Determination:
The filtrate from the Copper Sulphide is
boiled to expel HoS, then neutralized with
N H4 O H. Add 10 c.c. cone. H CI and 5
grams of ammonium chloride and dilute to
250 c.c. Heat solution nearly to boiling, then
take out a portion, about 50 c.c. into another
beaker; run into the remaining portion with
vigorous stirring standard potassium ferro-
cyanide solution until a brown tinge is pro-
duced, when a few drops are taken out
on a porcelain plate and mixed with a
solution of uranium acetate. The portion that
was taken into the beaker is then added in
small portions at a time continuing the titra-
tion after each portion is added. After the
addition of the last portion the ferrocyanide
solution is added by drops until the end point
is obtained as a brown color with the uranium
acetate. A correction for the reaction with
the indicator, having the same conditions as
The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals 73
above — that is, volume, temperature, ammon-
ium chloride and free acid, but without the
zinc — is determined. This correction, which
will not amount to more than a few tenths of
a c.c, is always subtracted from the burette
reading when a titration is made.
Multiply the number of c.c. of potassium
ferrocyanide solution used by the zinc value for
1 c.c. then divide by 10. The result multi-
plied by 133.54 will equal ounces of zinc per
gallon. To convert this to zinc carbonate:
(5 Zn O. 2 C O2 4 H_oO),
multiply by 1.7345.
Basic zinc carbonates differ in composition
like the copper carbonate according to the
method of manufacture. The true basic zinc
carbonate has the above formula and would
test as follows:
Zinc oxide (ZNO) 71.77%
Carbon dioxide (C O,) 15.52%
Water (H O^) 12.71%
Potassium Ferrocyanide :
48.6675 grams of Merck's pure potassium
ferrocyanide are dissolved in water and made
up to 2250 c.c. and kept in a brown bottle.
Uranium Acetate:
Dissolve 4.4 grams of Merck's salt in 100
c.c. of water and 2 c.c. of acetic acid.
74 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
Standardizing the potassium ferrocyanide
solution :
0.3 grams of Merck's pure zinc are dissolved
in 25 ex. of dilute H CI (1 part H CI, 3 parts
HoO), then add 4 grams of pure N H4 CI and
dilute to 250 c.c. with water and heat almost
to the boiling point. Then run in about 58 c.c.
of the potassium, ferrocyanide solution, stir-
ring vigorous^. Take out two or three drops
on a plate covered with parafifine and mix with
a drop or two of the uranium acetate solution.
Continue the titration until the first faint
tinge of brown red color. Another portion
of 0.3 grams of zinc is also titrated and should
agree with the first portion within 0.1 c.c. A
correction for the reaction, having the same
volume of H2O, H CI, and same number of
grams of N H4 CI but without the zinc, is
determined. This correction is deducted from
the number of c.c. used in titrating the 0.3
grams sample.
To find the value of 1 c.c. of potassium
ferrocyanide solution in terms of zinc, divide
0.3 by the corrected c.c. of the ferrocyanide
used and the result will be the grams of zinc
in 1 c.c. of the potassium ferrocyanide solu-
tion. To find the value in terms of zinc ox-
ide or carbonate, multiply the zinc value by
the following factors:
Zn X 1.2448 = ZnO
Zn O X 0.8034 = Zn
Zn X 1.7345 = 5 Zn O. 2 C Oo. 4 H.O
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 75
The reactions that occur in titrating be-
tween zinc chloride and potassium ferrocyanide
vary according to temperature, quantity of
sokition, and amount of acid.
The probable reactions, using the above
methods, are as follows :
4 Zn Clo + 2 K4 Fe (C N)^ = 8 K CI + 2
Zn, Fe C N«
A secondary reaction then takes place:
6 Zn. Fe (C N)e + 2 K, Fe (C N)« = 4 K. Zua
(Fe (CN)/ ),.
In making up a brass solution, put in the
metal at the rate of 5 parts carbonate of cop-
per, and 3 parts carbonate of zinc. One would
naturally think when a test was made of this
solution that the same proportion of copper
and zinc would be found, but I find that when
an analysis is made the proportions are quite
different, as there is always a sediment in the
bottom of a brass solution, and this sediment
in my experience is mostly zinc, with a very
small amount of copper. So do not run away
with the idea of being able to test your solu-
tion and get the same amount as you weighed
and put in, as it seems to be impossible to
make a brass solution and take up all the
metal. For instance try and make up a stand-
ard brass solution, and that will show you
that it is next to impossible to take up all the
Id The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
metal. I find the best way is to take a small
amount of solution from the top of one of the
tanks which is clear, and then standardize it
by analysis, which will prove to you the true
amount of metal in the solution.
For example, make up a solution of
12 Ounces copper carbonate,
6 Ounces zinc carbonate,
and then you say to yourself, I have a solution
with the above named amounts in it. You are
wrong, as a good part of the compound is ly-
ing on the bottom of the tank, and is not
in solution.
Copper Determination:
Take 10 c.c. of the solution with a pipette
into a 250 c.c. beaker. Add 15 c.c. cone. H CI.
Care should be taken not to inhale the gas,
as it is very poisonous. Boil a few minutes,
then add 5 c.c. H0O2 and continue boiling for
fifteen minutes, adding water occasionally for
the loss by evaporation. After decomposition
of the cyanide 100 c.c, of water is added
and solution heated, then H2S gas passed in
for about ten minutes to precipitate the copper
as Cu S. After precipitation place beaker on
water bath until precipitate collects and falls
to the bottom, then filter it ofif washing with
HoS water three or four times. The filter
The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals 11
paper containing the copper sulphide is re-
moved from the funnel and the sulphide washed
into a 250 c.c. beaker. The small portions
that cannot be removed by washing can be
dissolved by pouring cone, nitric acid adding
sufficient finally to dissolve all of the Cu S.
Boil out excess of H N O3 and filter off any
sulphur that has collected in small yellow
lumps. Filter into an Erlenmeyer flask and
neutralize with N H4 O H, adding slight excess ;
then boil until N H^ O H is ' faint. Add
excess of acetic acid and boil for a couple of
minutes until all the copper salts are in so-
lution. Cool to the ordinary temperature
(to prevent volatilizing free iodine) and add
10 grams of K I. The free iodine is titrated
with standard sodium thiosulphate solution
tmtil the brown tinge has become faint, then
add sufficient starch solution to produce a
decided blue color. The titration is continued
with vigorous shaking until a permanent
cream color is produced. The starch solution
should be weak, as otherwise it tends to
occlude iodine, forming very small lumps that
are not readily acted on by the thiosulphate
solution. About .25 gram in 400 c.c. of water
is the correct strength to use.
Calculation :
Multiply the number of c.c. of sodium thio-
sulphate used by the copper value for 1 c.c.
Then divide by 10. The result multiplied by
133.54 will equal ounces (av.) of copper per
78 The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
gallon. To convert this to copper carbonate
multiply by 1.8812. This will give copper car-
bonate as figured from its theoretical formula
(Cu C O3 Cu (OH)o HoO). The formula dif-
fers according to the method of manufacturing
the copper carbonate. A true basic copper
carbonate having the above formula would
analyze as follows :
Cupric oxide (Cu O) 66.54
Carbon dioxide (C O.,) 18.40
Water . (H,0) 15.06
Standard Solutions:
Sodium Thiosulphate :
Use the same_ solution as is used for acid
copper. The copper carbonate (Cu C O3 Cu
(O H)^ H2O
Value for 1 c.c. is found by multiplying the
copper value by 1.8812, or to find any other
value multiply by the following factors:
Cu X 1.2517 = Cu O
Cu O X 0.7989 = Cu
Cu X 1.8812 = Cu C O3 Cu (OH). H.O
Apparatus Necessary:
Evaporating Dish,
Gas furnace,
Cupel mould.
The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals 79
100 c, c. Graduated flask.
Chemicals :
Sodium bicarbonate,
Lead oxide,
Bone ash.
75 CO. of the solution is taken and evapo-
rated to dryness in an evaporating dish. The
residue is scraped off and put in a crucible
(any good sand or clay crucible about 4>^
inches in height will do) with the following
charge :
20 grams Na H C O3 (Sodium bicarbonate)
70 " Pb O (Lead oxide)
3 " Argol (Cream of tartar)
The whole is now thoroughly mixed in the
crucible. It is now ready for the furnace.
The heat is applied slowly at first, gradually
increasing till the fiux melts. The flux has
action and appears to boil mildly. The cruci-
ble is left in the furnace about 25 minutes,
being occasionally swirled and should not be
removed until all action in the crucible has
It is now taken out, swirled and allowed to
cool. When cool the crucible is broken open
and a lead button is found in the bottom. This
button contains the gold and should be freed
from any particles clinging to it by hammering.
A bone ash cupel is now moulded and baked.
Cupels are made of bone ash slightly moist-
ened with water so that the powder will cling
80 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
together. The mixture should be well kneaded
before being put in the cupel mould. On com-
ing out of the mould it is slowly baked in the
furnace and if possible the cupel should be air
dried for a week or so although this is not es-
The lead button is now put in the cupel and
is ready for the furnace. A high heat is main-
tained for a few minutes in order that the lead
may melt quickly and oxidation commence as
soon as possible. After the fumes of lead oxide
are observed to rise from the surface of the
cupel, the heat is moderated and as free a flow
of air as possible is given. The lead is lost in
the air as lead oxide, and a great deal is ab-
sorbed by the cupel. When all the lead is gone
the bead loses all lustre. The change of color
is readily noticed and the cupel is withdrawn
from the furnace with its small bead of gold.
The gold is weighed and the pennyweights
per gallon may be calculated as follows:
Weight gold X 50.33 = number of grams per
Grams per gallon of solution.
Grams per gallon ^- 1.55 = penn3^weight per
Standard Formula:
Nickel ammonium sulphate (Dou-
ble nickel salts) 12 Ounces.
Water 1 Gallon.
The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals 81
Nickel Determination :
Measure out 25 c.c. of the solution with
pipette into a 250 c.c. beaker. Add about 2
c.c. Cone, sulphuric acid and heat almost to
the boiling point. Pass in hydrogen sulphide
gas to precipitate any metals such as copper,
antimony, tin. If present, the precipitate is
filtered off, washing with HoS water, and after
w^ashing thoroughly the filtrate is boiled to
expel HoS. When entirely free from H2S the
iron is oxidized with 5 c.c. of hydrogen per-
oxide and boiled until the h3^drogen peroxide
is decomposed (takes about 15 to 20 minutes).
The iron found in nickel salts is an impurity
and should be present only as a trace. After
boiling about twenty minutes the iron is pre-
cipitated with ammonium hydrate filtered and
washed once or twice with hot water. The
precipitate is dissolved in dilute sulphuric acid
(1 part sulphuric acid and three parts water) ;
it is then reprecipitated with ammonium hy-
drate; the second filtrate is then added to the
first. This second precipitation is necessary
with large amounts of iron, as the iron
occludes some of the nickel when it is precipi-
The filtrate is transferred to a 500 c.c.
beaker, boiled to expel free ammonia and neu-
tralized with sulphuric acid, using litmus
paper as an indicator. When solution is neu-
tral add 2 c.c. Cone, ammonium hydrate and
dilute solution to 250 c.c. with water; then
82 The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
cool to 68^ F. It is now ready to be titrated
with standard potassium cyanide solution as
follows: Run into the solution from a 50 c.c.
burette 5 c.c. of standard silver nitrate solu-
tion (prepared according to directions under
standard solutions). Add 0.5 c.c. of a 2%
solution of potassium iodide which throws
down a precipitate of silver iodide. This pre-
cipitate is used as an indicator to show when
all of the nickel has combined with the potas-
sium cyanide solution as an excess of potassium
cyanide will dissolve it. The beaker containing
the solution is placed on a black surface and
standard potassium cyanide solution is run in
slowly from a 50 c.c. burette until the disappear-
ance of the precipitate of silver iodide. This
indicates the end point, but usually an excess
of potassiuni cyanide is used to dissolve the
silver iodide, then this excess can be found by
running in the silver nitrate until the first
appearance of a precipitate; then one or two
drops of the potassium cyanide solution should
give a very clear solution. The number of c.c.
of silver nitrate and potassium cyanide used is
read ofT and amount of nickel ammonium
sulphate calculated as follows:
The c.c. of silver nitrate used is converted
into equivalent c.c. of potassium cyanide by a
factor found under silver nitrate solution.
After multiplying by this factor the c.c. ob-
tained are subtracted from c.c. of potassium
cyanide used, and the result will be the cor-
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 83
rect number of c.c. of potassium cyanide used
for titrating sample. The nickel ammonium
sulphate value of 1 c.c. of the potassium
cyanide solution (see potassium cyanide solu-
tion for this value) is multiplied by the c.c.
of potassium cyanide used, and divided by 25
c.c, then the result multiplied by 133.54 will
give the ounces (av.) of nickel ammonium sul-
(Ni S O4 (N HJ. S O^-f 6H0O) per gallon
The following example will illustrate it :
The factor to convert c.c. of silver nitrate
to equivalent c.c. of potassium cyanide was
found to be 0.2. Used 30.4 c.c. of silver
nitrate, and multiplying by 0.2 will equal 6.08
c.c. potassium cyanide. Run into the solution
74.88 c.c. of potassium cyanide, then subtract-
ing 6.08 will leave 68.8 c.c. of potassium
cyanide actually used.
The value of 1 c.c. of potassium cyanide
solution in grams of nickel-ammonium sul-
phate was found to be .03265, which multiplied
by 68.8 c.c. will give 2.24632, and divided by
25 c.c. will equal .0898, then multiplied by
133.54 will give 12 ounces of nickel-ammonium
sulphate per gallon.
Standard Silver Nitrate Solution:
Dissolve 11.6 grams of C. P. silver nitrate in
water and dilute to two liters. This solution
is to be kept in a brown bottle, as the light
will decompose it. To find the factor to give
84 The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
equivalent c.c. of potassium cyanide solution,
take 15 c.c. of the silver nitrate, add 2 c.c.
Cone, ammonia and dilute with water to 250
c.c. Add 0.5 c.c. of potassium iodide and run
in potassium cyanide solution slowly until dis-
appearance of precipitate. The number of
c.c. used is divided by 15 c.c, and the result
will be the factor to convert c.c. of silver nitrate
to c.c. of potassium cyanide.
Standard Potassium Cyanide Solution :
Dissolve 44.5 grams of C. P. potassium
cyanide (Merck's Reagent) in water and dilute
to two liters. Solution should be kept in a
brown bottle and will have to be standardized
every few days as it does not remain stable.
Standardize as follows: Weigh 1 gram C.
P. nickel (Electrolytic) and dissolve in 5 c.c.
of dilute nitric acid and 10 c.c. of dilute sul-
phuric acid and a little water. When dissolved,
transfer to a 250 c.c. graduated flask ; cool, and
dilute to 250 c.c. with water. Take out 50 c.c.
with pipette which is equivalent to .2 grams of
1 1
nickel. (50 c.c. is — of 250 c.c. and — of 1 oram
5 5
is .2 gram). Neutralize with ammonia; then
add 2 c.c. in excess, and titrate with the silver
nitrate and potassium cyanide, as in the
directions already given. The c.c. of potassium
cyanide used is divided into .2 grams, and the
result multiplied by 6.7314 will be the nickel-
timmonium sulphate (Ni S O4 (N Hi)- S O4
The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals 85
6Ho O) value for 1 c.c. of the potassium cyanide
The following are the reactions that occur:
Silver nitrate reacts with potassium iodide
as follows:
Ag N O3+K l=Ag I+K N O,
The reaction of nickel sulphate with potas-
sium cvanide is as follows:
Ni S O4+4K C N=(K C N)o Ni (C N),) +
K,S O,.
The silver iodide is dissolved by the potas-
sium cyanide during titration forming the
double salt potassium silver cyanide as in the
following equation :
Ag If 2K CN = KCNAgC N+K I.
If cobalt is present it will be estimated with
the nickel. Its presence is shown by the solu-
tion darkening.
Standard Formula:
Silver Chloride 4 Ounces (av.)
Potassium Cyanide 12 " (av.)
Water 1 Gallon (U.S.)
Silver Determination:
Measure out 25 c.c. of the solution with a
25 c.c. pipette into a 400 c.c. beaker, using a
long rubber tube on pipette for aspirating the
solution so as to prevent it being sucked into
the mouth. Add 100 c.c. of water to the beaker
and heat almost to the boiling point, then pre-
cipitate the silver as silver sulphide (Ag2 S)
with hydrogen sulphide gas (H2 S). When
86 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
complete precipitation has taken place, filter
off the silver sulphide on an E. and A. filter
paper 13 cm., washing the precipitate with
hydrogen sulphide water several times. The
paper and precipitate is removed from the
funnel, and the silver sulphide washed from
the paper into a 250 c.c. beaker with water.
(The adhering pieces on the paper can be re-
moved with cone, nitric acid). The silver sul-
phide is dissolved in a small quantity of cone,
nitric acid, then the solution is boiled to expel
the nitrous fumes, as their presence will inter-
fere with the titration. After boiling off the
nitrous fumes the solution is cooled and
diluted to about 150 c.c. with water and
titrated as follows :
Add 5 c.c. of a cold saturated solution of
iron alum (ferric ammonium sulphate). If
the solution becomes turbid, nitric acid is
added drop by drop until clear. Place the
beaker on a white surface and add the stand-
ard — potassium sulphocyanate solution from
a 50 c.c. burette with constant stirring until a
faint permanent reddish tinge of ferric sul-
phocyanate — Fe2 (S C N)6 — is produced.
The number of c.c. used is noted and the
ounces of silver chloride per gallon calculated
as follows :
Multiply the c.c. of — potassium sulpho-
The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals 87
cyanate used by the silver chloride value for 1
' N
c.c. (for exactly — it is .01433 grams), then di-
vide by 25 (number of c.c. taken for analysis).
This will give the grams of silver chloride in
1 c.c. of the plating solution. To convert this
to ounces (av.) per gallon (U. S.), multiply
by 133.54.
The following example will illustrate it:
Used 52.3 c.c. — potassium sulphocyanate ;
multiply by .01433 will equal .74946, and
divide by 25 will equal .02997 grams silver
chloride in 1 c.c. of plating solution, then mul-
tiply by 133.54, and the result will be 4 ounces
of silver chloride per gallon (U. S.)
Standard — Potassium Sulphocyanate:
Dissolve 20 grams of potassium sulphocyan-
ate in water and dilute to two liters. Stand-
ardize it by taking 0.4 grams granulated silver
(999 fine) in a 250 c.c. dilute nitric acid (equal
parts of cone, nitric acid and water). After
the silver is dissolved, the solution is boiled to
expel nitrous fumes. When entirely free from
nitrous fumes (this is shown by no more yel-
low fumes coming off) the solution is cooled
and diluted to 150 c.c. with water; then add
5 c.c. of indicator (iron alum) and titrate with
S8 The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
the potassium sulphocyanate solution until
the first permanent pink is produced. The
number of c.c. used divided into 0.4 gram,
will give the grams of silver in 1 c.c. of the
solution, and this multiplied by 1.3287 will give
the grams of silver chloride in 1 c.c. of the
potassium sulphocyanate solution.
The following are the reactions that take
place in titrating:
Ag N O3 + K S C N=Ag S C N + K N O3
An excess of potassium sulphocyanate then
reacts with iron alum as follows :
2 Fe N H4 (S 04)0 + 6 K S C N^Fe.. (S C
N)e N HJ, S 0,+3 K, S O,.
This method is accurate in the presence of
copper (not exceeding 70%), arsenic, antimony,
cadmium, lead, bismuth, tin, zinc, iron and
manganese. Mercury if present will interfere,
and therefore should be removed before
Uncombined Cyanide determination:
Take 10 c.c. of the plating solution into a
400 c.c. beaker; add about 100 c.c. water and
2 c.c. of Cone, ammonium hydrate and about
1 c.c. of 2% potassium iodide solution; then
run in from a 50 c.c. burette — silver nitrate
until a permanent white precipitate of silver
iodide is formed. This indicates the end point.
The number of c.c. of silver nitrate used is
The Cleanin^g and Electro-Plating of Metals 89
noted and calculated as follows :
1 ex. — Ag N O3=.005202 gms. C. N. The
number of c.c. Ag- N O3 used times .005202 —
''x" grams C N in 10 c.c. of the plating solu-
tion. Then '*x" grams C N divided by 10 will
give the grams of C N in 1 c.c. of plating solu-
tion, which multiplied by 133.54 will be the
ounces (av.) of C N per gallon (U. S.).
This determination is figured as C N, not as
K C N, as the majority of the potassium cya-
nides on the market contain large quantities
of Na C N which would be included when
figuring the uncombined C3^anide as K C N.
The uncombined cyanide is the K C N or
Na C N that has not combined with the Ag
CI to form the double salt Ag C N K C N as
in the equation :
Ag Cf+2K C N-=Ag C N K C N+K CI.
In titrating the free K C N or Na C N with
Ag N O3 the double salt (Ag C N K C N) is
not titrated by the Ag N O3, only the free K
C N or Na C N as in the following equations :
Ag N O3+2 K C N=Ag C N K C N+K N O.
Then an excess of Ag N O3 reacts with the
Kl as follows:
Ag N O.+K I=Ag I+K N O3
Standard — Silver Nitrate Solution:
Dissolve 33.978 grams of pure silver nitrate
in water and dilute to two liters. To stand-
90 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
ardize take 0.25 grams C. P. sodium chloride
(Merck's Reagent) in a 400 c.c. beaker; add
100 c.c. water, and when all of the salt has
been dissolved add 1 c.c. of a 2% solution of
neutral potassium chromate as an indicator.
Place beaker on a white surface and titrate
with the silver solution from a burette until
a faint red tinge is obtained. The end point
is somewhat difficult to distinguish. The faint
red tinge can be more distinctly seen if an-
other beaker containing 150 c.c. water and 1
c.c. of the chromate solution is compared with
it. The sodium chloride solution should be
neutral or faintly alkaline and cold. The
number of c.c. of silver nitrate solution used
(exactly --r would take 42.76 c.c.) divided into
0.25 grams sodium chloride will give the num-
ber of grams of sodium chloride in 1 c.c. of the
silver nitrate solution. The other values can
be found by multiplying the sodium chloride
value by the following factors :
Na CI X 0.8898 = CN
" 2.2275 = KCN
- 1.6767 = NaCN
1 c.c. Exactly — AgNO, = .005202 gms. CN
1 c.c. " -^AgN03=- .01302 " KCN
1 c.c. " ^AgN03 = . 009802 " NaCN
1 c.c. " -^ AgN03 = . 005846 " NaCl
The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals 91
Weigh off about 15 grams of the potassium
cyanide in a tared weighing bottle, dissolve in
water without heat and dilute to 500 c.c.
Take out 10 c.c. with pipette into a beaker,
add 2 c.c. of Cone. N H4 O H and 1 c.c. K I
solution (2%) and about 100 c.c. water, then
run in — Ag N O3 from a burette until a per-
manent white precipitate of silver iodide is
formed. The number of c.c. of Ag N O3 used
multiplied by .005202 and divided by the
weight taken, then multiplied by 100 = % CN
in sample.
Example :
15.281 grams of potassium cyanide were dis-
solved and diluted to 500 c.c, then 10 c.c.
N '
(.3051 grams) required 23.45 c.c. — Ag N O3
23.45 X .005202=.121988-^.3051=.3999X100
= 39.99% C N.
Factors :
CN X 1.8843 = NaCN
CNX 2.5033 = KCN
NaCN X 0.53071 =CN
KCN X 0.39947 = CN
AgX 1.3287 ==AgCl
Ag X 0.4822 -= CN
AgCl X 0.36291 = CN
AgX 0.90847 = KCN
Ag X 0.68382 = NaCN
92 The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals 93
In an apparatus as shown in Fig. 10 distill 10
c.c. of silver solution to be tested for cyanide,
potassium cyanide, or sodium cyanide, as fol-
lows :
Take 10 c.c. of silver solution, add 10 c.c. of
water (HoO), and place in Jena Kjeldahl Flask
(C) connected with stop cock funnel (D) and
connect with glass tube into Liebig Condenser
(F). On receiving end of condenser have bot-
tles (K & M) connected to collect steam.
Place in funnel (D) 25 c.c. sulphuric acid
(Ho S O4) and 25 c.c. water (Ho O) and then
place in bottle (K) at receiving end of con-
denser 50 c.c. water (Ho O) and 1 gram of
sodium hydrate (Na O H). Add the sulphuric
acid and water that is in funnel (D) to, the sil-
ver solution in Kjeldahl Flask (C) drop by
drop while over flame (B). A slow stream of
water must be kept running through the con-
denser (F) by connecting the lower rubber
tube (J) with a water cock (O). When the
solution is boiled in the Kjeldahl Flask (C) by
means of a Bunsen burner flame (B) placed
under flask, the steam passes into the inner
tube of the condenser (F). As this is sur-
rounded by cold water the steam condenses
and the distilled cyanide solution collects in
the receiver (K) at the other end of con-
denser. When all the cvanide has come over.
94 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
you will notice acid fumes in the flask. Then
titrate the cyanide solution which has been
collected in the receiver with — silver nitrate
solution (Ag N O3).
Before titrating, take cyanide solution col-
lected from condenser, and add 1 c.c. potas-
sium iodide solution (K I) 2% solution, and
about 100 c.c. water, then run in from a bur-
ette — silver nitrate until a permanent white
precipitate of silver iodide is formed. This in-
dicates the end point. The number of c.c. of
silver nitrate used is noted and calculated as
follows :
1 c.c. — Ag N O3 = .005202 gms. C N. The
number of c.c. Ag N O3 used times .005202 =
''x" grams C N in 10 c.c. of the plating solu-
tion. Then "x" grams C N divided by 10 will
give the grams of C N in 1 c.c. of plating solu-
tion, which multiplied by 3785 will be the
grams cyanide per gallon. As there are 30
grams in one ounce, divide by 30 which will
be ounces per gallon. As there is only about
39 to 40% cyanide in potassium cyanide, you
multiply the amount of cyanide by 2.5, which
will give you the amount of potassium cyanide
per gallon in silver solution, minus 20% which
is lost.
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 95
The 20% loss in the above method is due
to the C3^anide decomposing, etc., and about
7% of it turns into carbonate of potassium.
In an apparatus as shown in Fig. 1(> distill
5 c.c. of silver solution to be tested for potas-
sium carbonate as follows :
Take 5 c.c. of silver solution, add 5 c.c. water,
and place in Jena Kjeldahl flask connected
with stop cock funnel, and connect with glass
tube into Liebig Condenser. On receiving
end of condenser have bottle connected to col-
lect steam. Place in funnel 25 c.c. sulphuric
acid (Ho S O4) and 25 c.c. water (Ho O) and
then place in bottle at receiving end of con-
denser 50 c.c. saturated solution of barium
hydroxide and water. This is water, that has
taken into solution all the barium hydroxide
that it will hold.
Add the sulphuric acid and water that is in
funnel to silver solution drop by drop while
over flame. A slow stream of water must be
kept running through the condenser by con-
necting the lower rubber tube with a water
cock. When the solution is boiled in the
Kjeldahl flask by means of a bunsen burner
flame placed under flask, the steam passes
into the inner tube of the condenser. As
this is surrounded by cold water the steam
condenses and the potassium carbonate in the
96 The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
solution is broken up and carbon dioxide
(C O2) is distilled over. The carbon dioxide
combines with the barium hydroxide to form
barium carbonate and water after the follow-
ing equation :
C 0,+Ba (O H),=Ba C O3+H, O.
The barium carbonate is a white precipitate.
When all is distilled over acid fumes will be
seen in the flask, and the flame is taken away.
The barium carbonate is filtered off and
heated in a weighed crucible.
When heated the barium carbonate is
changed to barium oxide and is then weighed
as such.
Ba C Oa^Ba O+C O,.
The barium oxide is figured to potassium
carbonate in oz. per gal. as follows:
Wt. Ba O multiplied by .9=Wt. K, C O,.
Wt. Ko C O3 -^ No. of c.c. taken. Then mul-
tiplied by 133.54 = no. ozs. of K2 C O3 in 1
srallon of silver solution.
The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals 97
Sulphuric Acid,
Nitric Acid,
Muriatic Acid,
Citric Acid,
Boracic Acid,
Arsenious Acid,
Hydrofluoric Acid^
Bichromate of Potassium
Caustic Potash or Potas-
sium Hydrate,
Cyanide of Potassium,
" Silver,
" " Copper,
" " Zinc,
Sodium Carbonate,
" Hyposulphite,
'' Phosphate,
Chloride, or
Common Salt,
Sodium Cyanide,
Barium Sulphide,
Ammonium "
Hydrosulphuret Am-
Ammonium Chloride,
Yellow Prussiate of Pot-
ash, or
Potassium Ferrocyanide,
Sodium "
Barium ''
Acetic Acid,
Caustic Soda or Sodium
Potassium Sulphuret,
Copper Chloride,
*' Carbonate,
'^ Sulphate,
Zinc Carbonate,
'' Sulphate,
'' Chloride,
Nickel Carbonate,
" Sulphate,
" Chloride,
" Ammonium Sul-
Iron Sulphate,
'' Chloride,
Sesquichloride of Iron,
Nitrate of Tin,
Tin Chloride, or Muriate
of Tin,
Gold Chloride,
Platinum "
Silver Nitrate,
Lead "
" Acetate,
Lye or Potash,
Calcium Chloride.
98 The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
y2 pound Potassium Iodide, C.P.cryst.U.S.P.
3/2 pound Potassium Sulphocyanate, C. P.
1 ounce Phenolphtaleine, Pure,
3/2 pound Acid Carbolic, C.P.
2 ounces .... Silver Nitrate, C.P.
1 pound Sodium Hydroxide Electrolytic
1 ounce Nickel Metal Co. free Gran. C.P.
25 g-rams Copper Electrolytic Foil Kb. Reag.
3^ pound Aluminum Metal Foil 5/1000 in.,.
1 pound Hydrogen Peroxide Marchand,
y2 pound Ammonium Molybdate C.P.
5 pounds . . . .Iron Sulphide Broken Plates,
1 book 100 Strips each Litmus Blue,
1 book 100 Strips each Litmus Red,
4 pounds . . . .Ammonium Hydrate 26 deg.
Baker's anal, chem,
9 pounds . . . .Acid Sulphuric, 1,
6 pounds . . . .Acid Hydrochloric,
7 pounds . . . .Acid Nitric,
1 Bunsen Burner,
4 feet Rubber Tubing, Black, 1^5 inch
diam. (4ozs.j
3 feet Rubber Tubing, 34 ^^^ch diam. (6
1 Tripod, Iron,
3 Beakers, Jena, Griffin's, 250 c.c,
2 ditto 400 c.c,
2 ditto 600 c.c,
2 Flasks, Jena Erlenmeyer 500 c.c,
The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals 99
1 Cylinder, Lipped, Graduated 100
2 Burettes, Mohr's, 50 c.c. jV c-c
1 .ditto 100 c.c. 1^0 c.c.
1 Support for Burettes,
1 Flask, 250 c.c.
1 " 1000 c.c.
Reagent Bottles White Labels and
Black Letters :
1 Reagent Bottle 12 oz. ''Acid Sul-
phuric Cone."
1 Reagent Bottle 12 oz. "Acid Sul-
phuric Dil."
1 Reagent Bottle 12 oz. "Acid Hy-
1 Reagent Bottle 12 oz. ''Acid Ni-
1 Reagent Bottle 12 oz. ''Ammonium
2 Funnels, Glass, 3 inch diameter,
1 Nest of three Funnels, Glass,
6 Funnels Cylindrical, 2 ozs.,
1 Pipette 5 c.c.
1 " 10 c.c.
1 " 25 c.c.
1 Pipette 50 c.c.
1 " 100 c.c.
1 Thermometer 400 deg. F.,
1 box Labels, No. 201,
1 box " 223,
1 Spatula, Blade 3 inches,
1 Gas Generator, Dudley's for H2S
1 pound Glass Tubing, ^ inch external di-
100 The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
pound Glass stirring- rods, assorted sizes,
File, Triangular, 4 inch,
Wash Bottle, 1 Pint,
Wash Bottle, 1 Quart,
Support for Funnels,
2 pkgs Filter Papers, E. & A. diameter 13
3 Watch Glasses 3^ inch diameter,
3 " " 4 inch diameter.
^ dozen Test tubes 6 x ^ inch.,
1 Support for 13 Test Tubes,
1 Kjeldahl Connecting Bulbs Tube,
1 Condenser, Liebig end drawn out
15 inches,
2 Drying Tubes (Peligot Tubes) 6
3 Rubber Stoppers, solid.
No. 1, 6 ozs.
3 Rubber Stoppers, solid,
No. 3, 6 ozs.
3 Rubber Stoppers, solid.
No. 6, 6 ozs.
The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals 101
Nitric, hydrochloric or sulphuric acids : Ad-
minister abundance of tepid water to act as
an emetic, or swallow milk, the white of eggs,
some lime, or a mixture of chalk and water.
If those acids in a concentrated state have
been spilled on the hands or any part of the
skin, apply a mixture of whiting and olive oil.
If the quantity is very small, simple swilling
with plenty of cold water will suffice.
Useful Mixture:
Mixture, if in cases of burning with strong
sulphuric acid, is formed with 1 ounce of quick
lime slacked with 54 of an ounce of water, then
adding to a quart of water. After standing 2
hours, pour off the clear liquid and mix it with
olive oil to form thin paste.
Potassium Cyanide, Hydrocyanide Acid, etc.:
If cyanides, such as a drop of an ordinary
plating solution, has been accidentally swal-
lowed, water as cold as possible should be run
on the head and spine of the sufferer, and a
dilute solution of iron acetate, citrate, or tar-
trate administered.
If hydrocyanic acid vapors have been in-
haled, cold water should be applied as above,
and the patient be caused to inhale atmospheric
air containing a little of chlorine gas.
It is a dangerous practice to dip the arms
into a plating solution to recover any work
102 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
that has fallen off the wires, because the skin
often absorbs cyanide liquids, causing painful
sores, in such a case, wash well with water and
apply with olive oil and lime water.
Mixture, Alkalies:
These bodies are the opposite to acids in
character, so that acids may be used as anti-
dotes. It is preferable to employ weak acids,
such as vinegar or lemonade ; but if these are
not at hand, then use exceedingly dilute sul-
phuric or even nitric acid diluted, so that it
just possesses a decidedly sour taste. After
about 10 minutes take a few teaspoonfuls of
olive oil.
Mercury Salts:
The white of an Qgg is the best antidote
in this case.
Sulphur or sulphureted hydrogen are also
serviceable for the purpose.
Copper Salts:
The stomach should be quickly emptied by
means of emetic, or in want of this, the patient
should thrust his finger to the back of his
throat so as to tickle the uvala, and thus in-
duce vomiting. After vomiting, drink milk,
white of an egg, or gum water.
Lead Salts:
Proceed as in case of copper salts. Lemon-
ade, soda water and sodium carbonate are
also serviceable.
The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals 103
Acid Vapors:
Admit immediately an abundance of fresh
air, and inhale the vapors of ammonia, or a
few drops of ammonia may be put into a glass
of water and the solution drank. Take plenty
of hot drinks, and excite warmth by friction.
Employ hot foot-baths to remove the flood
from the lungs. Keep the throat moist by
sipping milk.
Removal of Stains, etc.:
To remove stains of copper sulphate, or salts
of mercury, gold, silver, etc., from the hands,
wash them with a very dilute solution of
ammonia, and with plenty of water ; if the stains
are old ones, they should be rubbed with the
strongest acetic acid, and then treated as above.
GREASE, OIL, TAR, ETC., may be easily
removed from the hands or clothes by washing
with a little Oakite or rubbing with a rag
saturated with a solution of Oakite of 1 ounce
per gallon.
104 The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
Linear Measurements.
10 millimeters (mm.) = 1 centimeter (cm.)
10 centimeters = 1 decimeter (dm.)
10 decimeters = 1 meter (m.)
Equivalent, 1 inch = 2.5 cm. (approximately)
Square Measurements.
100 sq. millimeters (mm") = 1 sq. centimeter (cm')
100 sq. centimeters = 1 sq. decimeter (dm")
100 sq. decimeters = 1 sq. meter (m^)
Cubic Measurements.
1000 cu. millimeters (mm") = 1 cu. centimeter
(cc or cm')
1000 cu. centimeters = 1 cu. decimeter (dm')
1000 cu. decimeters =1 cu. meter (m')
Equivalents, 1000 cc. = 1 liter (1 1.)
1 1. = 1 quart (approximately)
Conversion Table.
1 cc. of water (S.T.P.) = 1 g.
1 1. of water (S.T.P.)=1 k.
30 g. = 1 ounce (approximately)
1 k, = 2.2 pounds (approximately)
1 g. = 15 gr. (approximately)
1 1. hydrogen = .09 g. (approximately)
The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals 105
Troy Weight.
24 grains = 1 dwt.
20 dwts. = 1 ounce.
12 ounces = 1 pound.
Used for weighing gold, silver and jewels.
Apothecaries' Weight.
20 grains
= 1 scruple.
3 scruples = 1 dram.
8 drams = 1 ounce.
12 ounces == 1 pound.
The ounce and pound in this are the same as in
Troy weight.
Avoirdupois Weight.
27 11-32 grains
16 drams
16 ounces
25 pounds
4 quarters
2,000 pounds
2,240 pounds
2 pints
8 quarts
4 pecks
36 bushels
== 1 dram.
= 1 ounce.
= 1 pound.
^ 1 quarter.
= 1 cwt.
= 1 short ton.
= 1 long ton.
Dry Measure.
= 1 quart.
= 1 peck.
= 1 bushel.
= 1 chaldron.
Liquid Measure.
4 gills = 1 pint.
2 pints = 1 quart.
31j^ gallons = 1 barrel.
2 barrels = 1 hogshead.
106 The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
Time Measure.
60 seconds = 1 minute.
60 minutes = 1 hour.
24 hours = 1 day.
7 days = 1 week,
28, 29, 30 or 31 days = 1 calendar month (30 ds.)
365 days = 1 year.
Circular Measure.
60 seconds = 1 minute.
60 minutes
= 1 degree.
30 degrees
= 1 sign.
90 degrees
= 1 quadrant.
4 quadrants
= 12 signs.
360 degrees
1 circle.
Long Measure.
12 inches
= 1 foot.
3 feet
= 1 yard.
5y2 yards
= 1 rod.
40 rods
= 1 furlong.
8 furlongs
= 1 statute mile
3 miles
= 1 league.
Weight Table.
10 milligrams (mg.) = 1 centigram (eg.)
10 centigrams == 1 decigram (dg.)
10 decigrams = 1 gram (g.)
1000 grams = 1 kilogram (k.)
The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals 107
Square Measure.
144 sq. inches
9 sq. feet
30^4 sq. yards
40 sq. rods
4 roods
640 acres
1 sq. foot.
1 sq. yard.
1 sq. rod.
1 rood.
1 acre.
1 sq. mile.
Cubic Measure.
1,728 cubic inches
27 cubic feet
128 cubic feet
40 cubic feet
2,150.42 cubic inches = 1 standard bushel.
268.8 cubic inches = 1 standard gallon.
1 cubic foot = about four-fifths of a bushel.
1 cubic foot.
1 cubic yard.
1 cord (wood).
1 ton (shpg.)
Approximate Metric Equivalents.
1 decimeter
1 meter
1 kilometer
of mile.
1 hektar
1 stere or cu. meter
of a cord
1 liter
qt. liquid.
1 liter
qt. dry.
1 hektoliter
1 kilogram
2 1/5
1 metric ton
2,200 lbs.
108 The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals
Measure of Volume.
1 cu. centimeter
cu. in.
1 cu. decimeter
cu. ft.
1 cu. meter
cu. yd.
1 stere
0.2759 cd.
1 liter
qt. dry.
1 liter
qt. liq.
1 dekaliter
1 dekaliter
1 hektoliter
1 cu. inch
cu. cent'rs
1 cu. foot
cu. deci'rs
1 cu. yard
cu. M'r.
1 cord
1 quart dry
1 quart liquid
1 gallon
1 peck
1 bushel
0.3524 hektoliter.
The Cleaning and Electro- Plating of Metals 109
Linear Measure.
1 centimeter
= 0.3937
1 decimeter
= 3.937
in.=0.328 ft.
1 meter
= 39.37
in.= 1.0936 yds.
1 dekameter
= 1.9884
1 kilometer
= 0.62137 mile.
1 inch •
= 2.54
1 foot
= 3.048
1 yard
= 0.9144
1 rod
= 0.5029
1 mile
= 1.6093
Square Measure
1 sq. centimeter
= 0.1550
sq. inches.
1 sq. decimeter
= 0.1076
sq. feet.
1 sq. meter
= 1.196
sq. yards.
1 ar
= 3.954
sq. rd.
1 hektar
= 2.47
1 sq. kilometer
= 0.386
sq. m.
1 sq. inch
= 6.452
sq. centimeters
1 sq. foot
= 9.2903
sq. decimeters.
1 sq. yard
= 0.8361
sq. meter
1 sq. rod
= 0.8361
sq. ar.
1 acre
= 0.4047
1 sq. mile
= 2.59
sq. kilometers.
1 gram
= 0.03527
1 kilogram
= 2.2046
1 metric ton
= 1.1023
English ton.
1 ounce
= 28.85
1 pound
= 0.4536
1 English ton
= 0.9072
metric ton.
110 The Cleaning and Electro-Plating of Metals
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