^" DiNNE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Shelf..nfe UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. tlbree 1bun&re& an& Siyt^^Siy 3)lnner0 SUGGESTED BY M. K. N. >. , v_ - -^v^ f^-» /^ ■^\x. --SSsf- ^ G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS NEW YORK 87 West Twenty-third St. LONDON 24 Bedford St., Strand 1892 A^ V 4j t (ti Copyright, 1892 BY MARY M. NICOI, ftu^ Electrotyped, Printed, and Bound by Ube IRnicfterbocficr press, "fflew l^orft G. P. Putnam's Sons r4» --O TO MY FRIENDS ■ But where is the man that can live without dining?" Owen Meredith. M PRBFACK. ANY able cook-books have been written with elaborate menus. I have not thought to compete with these. My intention has been to suggest ideas for the daily dinner, with a few menus suited to special occasions ; thinking always of dishes familiar to most people, the recipes for which may be found in the best cook-books. There are days on which the housekeeper, when called upon to give the order, has her mind full of other affairs, and it is not easy to at once recall what is in season at the market. These bills of fare are to assist at such times. It is not expected any one will follow them in every particular, nor every day. Tastes are too unlike to give a menu to suit all house- holds. To young housekeepers I would say, one cannot hope to successfully serve a large din- ner unless the cook and butler thoroughly Ubree Ibunbreb an^ SiptSsSfy "Binncve, understand their work. Care must be taken that guests agreeable to each other are seated side by side. Good talkers are necessary, but good listeners are equally valuable. Fine table appointments are pleasant to look at, and flowers that harmonize with their sur- roundings. At the right of each cover the wineglasses should be placed, and also a goblet for water. Salt and pepper should be in easy reach of every guest. Napkins should be sim- ply folded with a roll of bread on each plate. The names of the guests should each be written on a card, and placed on the plate to mark the seat assigned to them. The servant commences on the right of the master in passing dishes. Hors d'oeuvres, radishes, celery, olives, salted almonds, sweetmeats, cheese, fruit, and coffee are usually served with a well appointed din- ner. For the wines, sauterne or hock goes with the oysters and fish — or claret may be served with fish — sherry with soup. Americans serve champagne after the fish and throughout the dinner. The champagne should be well iced before it is served — never put lumps of ice in the glasses. Red wine should be a little warmer than the temperature of the room. Burgundy is often served with the game and claret with the sweets, and at the conclusion vi Ubree Ibunbreb anb SirtissSiy Dinners. liquors. However, the success of a dinner does not depend on the expense of the repast offered, but quite as much on the kind and friendly feeling shown. When everything is good in quality, and well served in proper succession with its adjuncts, and when the guests are con- genial, an enjoyable evening is insured. The quotations have been made from various sources through years of miscellaneous reading, and without the thought of being of interest to any one except myself. I have given credit to the authors when I have been able to do so. M. B. N. vu THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SIX DINNERS. The best of a book is not the thought it contains, but the thought it suggests, just as the Ghapnn of nausio dwells not in the tones, but in the echoes of our own hearts. Holmes. Clear amber soup. Boiled salmon, sauce Hollandaise. Roast beef, cream horseradish sauce. Sweet potatoes roasted with the beef. Cauliflower au gratin. Roast prairie hen, with water-cress. Bread sauce and crumbs. Vanilla souffle. Ubrec Ibunireb anb SfytiesSfy ©fnnew. 5anuar^ 2 What men ^vant is not oup hunger and. thirst, but our bread, and gourd. Amiel. Oysters. Thin slices of brown-bread and butter. Strained gumbo soup. Fried frost-fish, white sauce, and cucumber salad. Supreme of chicken. French peas. Saddle of mutton, with currant jelly. Celery salad. Cream Bavaroise, with ginger cordial. 5anuari? 3 Duties are ours, events are God's, This removes an infinite burden from the shoul- ders. Cecil. Caviar toast. Cream of tomato soup. Fillet of flounder, cream sauce. Beef olives. French beans, stewed celery. Roast capon and fried English bacon. I/Cttuce salad. Cheese croquettes. Cherry wine charlotte Ubrce 1bun^re& an^ SfytijsSij "Binncve. If a man does not make new acquaint- ances as he advances through life, he -will soon find himself left alone. Dr. Johnson. Soup k la reine. Boiled bass, sauce Hollandaise. Fried veal, browned gravy. Potato croquettes, cream of spinach. Red-head duck, fried hominy. Celery salad. Orange jelly, with cream. 5anuar^ 5 Virtue is a kind of health, beauty, and good habit of the soul Plato. Cream of rice soup. Fried halibut, with cold-slaw of Savoy cabbage. Sweet-breads a la poulette. Green peas. Roast chicken (Philadelphia). Lettuce and grape-fruit salad. Apple and rice pudding. Ubrce Ibunfereb an& Sfyt^sSfy Dinners, 5anuars 6 Love achieves many victories by eom- plianee. Tibullus. Consomm6 soup. Cauliflower au gratin. Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. Baked hashed potatoes, with cream. Stewed tomatoes. Wild duck, fried hominy. Lettuce salad. Blanc mange, with cream. 5anuari2 7 Habit is the purgatory in which we suf- fer for past sins. Tapioca soup. Boiled cod, white sauce. Cold roast beef. Cream horseradish sauce. Baked potatoes. Cauliflower au gratin. Roast butter-ball duck, fried samp. Lettuce and tomato salad. Fig pudding. tCbree Ijun&rcfe ant> Sfrt^»S(r S>fnner«. 5anuarg 8 Many in the -world, run after felicity like an absent-minded, man hunting for his hat while all the time it is on his head. Sydney Snnith. Game soup. Codfish souffl6. Bouchee of chicken. Roast lamb. Green peas. Roast stall-fed pigeons, lettuce salad. Cerealine fritters. 5anuaci2 9 By my skill I have many acquaintances, but by my manners very many friends. Cream of barley soup. Terrapin k la Maryland, brown-bread and butter. Turkey, with chestnut stuflSng and sauce. Cardon, scalloped oyster-plant. Beefsteak and fried potatoes. Water-cress salad. Bavaroise of coflfee. Ubrec f)un^re^ an^ Sfyti^sSfr Dinners, January 10 If an earthquake "wepe to engulf England to-moFPOw, said. Jerrold, the English, would, manage to meet and dine somewhere among the rubbish just to celebrate the event. Chicken soup. Baked cod, tomato sauce. Potato cakes. I^amb chops, with chicken livers, brown sauce. Green peas. Macaroni au gratin. Roast grouse. Lettuce salad. Cottage pudding, wine sauce. 5anuars tl So great a happiness do I esteem it to be loved, that I fancy every blessing, both from gods and men, ready to be sent spontane- ously upon him who is loved. Xenophon. Vegetable soup. Baked oysters in shells. Savoy cabbage cold-slaw. Roast beef. Baked Hubbard squash. Cauliflower, white sauce. Salmi of grouse. Chicory and beet salad. Wine jelly, with whipped cream. -Cbrec 1bun&re& anb Siyt^gsSir Sinners. Sanuars 12 The path of a good woman is indeed strewn with flowers, but they rise behind her steps, not before them. Fish chowder. Boston pork and beans, Boston brown-bread and butter. Fillet of beef, cooked with cream. Potato croquettes. Scalloped oyster-plant. Cold asparagus, French dressing. Pumpkin pie. 5anuar^ 13 The aids to noble life are all within. M. Arnold. Puree of potato soup. Fried sole, sauce piquante. Boiled leg of mutton, caper sauce. String beans. Mayonnaise of lettuce and tomatoes. Aunt Sally pudding. Ubree 1bunbre& an^ Sfyt^gsSfy SXnners. 5anuars 14 Mankind is more governed, by appear- ances than by realities. Chesterfield. Oxtail soup. Broiled lobster. Mutton a la jardiniere. Spanish onions, cooked in milk. Liver pat6. Chicory and lettuce salad. Caramel custard. 5anuar^ 15 One only has to love a single creature with all one's heart, and the whole world is at onee lovely. Goethe. Mutton-broth soup. Boiled fresh cod, sauce Hollandaise. Roast turkey, Deer-foot Farm sausage. Cranberry sauce. Stewed celery, potato croquettes. Cauliflower au gratin. Apple charlotte, cream sauce. 8 Ubrce "tounbreb anb Siyt^sSfr Binncrs. 5anuars t6 Clay and clay differ in dignity, as we dis- eovep by oup preferences every day. Emerson. Cream of rice soup. Boiled bass, white sauce. Cucumber salad flavored with chives. Whole boiled potatoes. Sirloin steak. Stewed tomatoes, fried parsnips. Roast quail (larded). Beet and cabbage salad. Sweet omelet. 5anuaci2 17 She wlio is not happy at home will not be happy anywhere. Addison. Cream of tomato soup. Fried smelts, sauce tartar. Boiled fowl, oyster sauce. Stewed celery, Brussels sprouts. Mayonnaise of lettuce and tomatoes. Apple pie, cheese. Ubree 1bun^re& anb SfytssSij Sinners. 5anuars 18 Brooding can change a gnat into a camel. Clear soup. Boiled red-snapper, lobster sauce. Calf's head, sauce a la vinaigrette. Porterhouse steak, with mushrooms. Cream spinach. Waffles, with maple syrup. 5anuari5 19 Beautiful soup, so rich, so green, Waiting in a hot tureen, "Who to such dainties \;vould not stoop, Soup of the evening, beautiful soup. L. Carroll. Green turtle soup. Fillet of sole, white sauce. Roast capon. Boiled Spanish onions. Potatoes hashed with cream and baked. Foies gras, a la gel^e. Lettuce salad. Blanc mange, with cream. 10 ttbree "ftunfereb an^ SfjtigsSfr 3E)tnners. S^anuatis 20 They told her upon St. Agnes eve young virgins might have visions of delight and soft adorings from their loves receive. Keats. Clear beef soup. Broiled halibut, sauce piquante. Roast yearling lamb. Peas, stewed potatoes. I^ettuce and grape-fruit mayonnaise. Charlotte Russe. S^anuarg 21 " It does not do to lose one's head I I '11 give her leisure to discover. For once, hov/ little I think of her ; And then how Avill she feel ?" cried he. And took his hat, and Avent to see Vegetable soup. Souffle of halibut, white sauce. Mutton, with pur^e of potato. Stewed carrots. Domestic duck. Lettuce salad. Poor man's pudding (rice). II Ubree 'l)un&rc& anl> SfptssSiy Dinners. S^anuars 22 Balzac could describe the breakfasts of a cbeap boarding-house so that you smelled them, tasted, and had dyspepsia after. Oyster soup. Rib of beef rolled, horseradish sauce. Sweet potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes. Roast Guinea fowl. Celery salad. Bread pudding. 5anuari2 23 She neglects her heart who studies her glass. Lavater. Pur^e Jerusalem artichoke soup. Boiled black bass, butter sauce. Cucumber salad. Roast breast of veal, brown sauce. Oyster plant, potato croquette. Cold Guinea fowl. Lettuce and grape-fruit mayonnaise. Royal cream. 12 Ubrce t)un^re^ an^ Siyt^sSfr Dinners. If you "wish, to appear agreeable in society you must be content to be taught many things -which you know already. Lavater. Consomm^ soup. Broiled "wliite fish. Tenderloin of pork, apple sauce. Fried egg-plant. Roast pheasant. Celery salad. Charlotte Russe. 5anuari2 25 To give rich gifts perhaps -we wish in vain, But all may spare the guilt of giving pain. Vegetable soup. Fried perch, butter sauce. Cabbage salad. Roast beef, Brussels sprouts. Baked sweet Hubbard squash. Broiled chicken livers. Tomato and lettuce mayonnaise. Cottage pudding, wine sauce. 13 Ubrce f)unbreb an^ Sijt^sSfr 2)fnner», 5anuari2 26 In many things thou dost not well to say, " know thyself," fop it -would be better to say, " know others." Menander. Chicken soup. Boiled fresh cod, sauce Hollandaise. Boiled potatoes. Beef olives, mashed potatoes. Fried chicken, green peas. Cheese croquettes. Fruit tarts. 5anuari5 27 It is chance that gives us relations, but we give friends to ourselves. Pur^e of tomato soup. Broiled pompano, butter sauce. Cucumber salad. Roast mutton, sweet pickled peaches. Potato croquettes. Teal duck. Water-cress salad. Sliced oranges, lady cake. 14 Ztivcc •ff)unM*e& anb SfrtssSff Dinners. 5anuar^ 28 Such as are th.y habitual thoughts, sueh also -will be the charaotep of thy mind ; for the soul is dyed by the thoughts. Mareus Aurelius. Vegetable soup. Broiled striped bass, butter sauce. Noix of veal. Cream spinach, with eggs. Asparagus, butter sauce, Pate de foie gras. Lettuce salad. Stewed prunes, with cream. 5anuar^ 29 Never risk a joke, even the least offen- sive in its nature and the most common, 'with a person who is not "well-bred and possessed of sense to comprehend it. v La Bruyere. Clear soup. Fillet of sole, white sauce. Beef heart Parisienne. Macaroni k I'ltalienne. Broiled quail. Celery mayonnaise. Cheese croquettes. Graham wafers. Wine jelly, with cream, 15 Ubrce f)un^re^ an^ Sfyt^sSfy Winncvs* January 30 Every bird has its deeoy, and every raan is led and misled in his own peculiar way. Goethe. Pur^e of parsnip soup. Baked pike stuffed, wine sauce. Boiled fowl, oyster sauce. French beans. Antelope steak, currant jelly. Fried hominy. Stewed apples, lady cake. 5anuars 31 Let tinne that makes you homely make you sage, Parnell. Chicken soup. Broiled smelts on toast, sauce tartar, Currie of chicken. Croquettes of macaroni. Lamb chops k la Victor Hugo. String beans. Lettuce and tomato mayonnaise. Coffee Bavarian cream. i6 Ubree 1bun&re& an& Sfyt^sSiy "Binncts, Woman -was once described, by a mar- pied man as an essay on goodness and grace, in one volume, elegantly bound. Although, it was very dear, every man should have a copy of it I Consomm^ soup. Cod's head and shoulders, shrimp sauce. Potato balls. Timbales of beef. French peas. Boiled chicken, white sauce and bacon. IvCttuce salad. Orange jelly. 3fel)ruari2 2 Blessed are the imperfect, for to them belong the kingdom of love. Balzac. Cream of tomato soup. Fried oysters, cold-slaw. Currie of rice, with chicken. Macaroni au gratin. Saddle of mutton. Russian salad. Tapioca and apple pudding. 17 Ubrce Ibun&vcb an^ Sfyt^sSfy ©fnners. 3februar^ 3 Life is "what our feelings make it. Chicken broth. Salmon steak, sauce HoUandaise. Potato balls. Stuffed loin of veal. Spanish onions. Roast Ruddy duck. Chicory and lettuce salad. Baba, with rum. 3februari2 4 Never does a man portray his own ehap- aeter more vividly than in his manner of portraying another. Riehter. Rice soup. Stuffed crabs. Stewed beef, with olives. Boiled sweet potatoes. Southdown mutton chops, French beans. lettuce and grape-fruit mayonnaise. Caramel pudding. i8 tlbrce Ibunbrcb an^ Sfrt^gsSir SXnncrs, 3fel)tuari2 5 The -world, is satisfied -witti words, fe^v care to dive beneath the surface. Pascal. Cream of carrot soup. Broiled striped bass, wliite sauce. Timbale of potatoes. Calf's head k la poulette. Rice croquettes. Brant duck, celery salad. Peach tart. jpebruarij 6 Wisdom is to the soul -what health is to the body. La Rochefoucauld. Clam broth soup. Fried halibut, tomato sauce. Lyonnaise potatoes. Haricot of mutton. Fried parsnips. Roast Guinea hen. Water-cress salad. Apple charlotte. 19 Ubrce 1bun^re^ anb Sfyt^sSfy Dfnners. 3fet)ruari2 7 A single grateful thought towards heaven is the most perfect prayer. Lessing. Cream of Jerusalem articlioke soup. Boiled pike, wine sauce. Potato balls. Fillet of beef. French peas. Rabbit k la terrapin. Russian salad. Compote of fruit. 3februar^ 8 Men show their character in nothing more clearly than by Avhat they think laughable. Cream of carrot soup. Boiled halibut, caper sauce. Potato balls. Rib of beef, cream horseradish sauce. Potatoes roasted with the beef. Broiled squab, celery salad. Blanc mange, quince jelly. 20 'Cbrec Ibunbteb an& Sfyt^sSfy 2)inncts. If God. did. not exist it would be necessary to invent one. Voltaire. Julienne soup. Halibut souffle, white sauce. Fried potatoes. Croquettes of beef. Macaroni a I'ltalienne. Roast capon. Boston lettuce salad. Royal cream. 3Pebruar^ 10 What boots it at one gate to make de- fence and. at anotbep to let in the foe. Milton. Puree of potato soup. Fillet of sole, sauce tartar. Sweetbreads a la poulette. Stewed celery. Boiled mutton, caper sauce. Currant jelly, potatoes in case. Lettuce and tomato salad. Cabinet pudding. 21 Ubree 1bun^re^l an^ Sfyt^sSfy "Binnevs, 3februari2 11 A mind, might ponder its thought for ages and not gain as much knowledge as the passion of love shall teach it in a day. Emerson. Mutton soup. Fried perch, sauce piquante. Mutton stew, with mashed potatoes. Roast capon. French peas. Lettuce and grape-fruit mayonnaise. Rice caramel. 3Februar^ 12 "When the tongue of slander stings thee, let this be thy comfort : They are not the worst fruits on "which the wasps alight. Burger. Cream tomato soup. Fried eels, sauce supreme. Chicken, with dumplings, white sauce. Beefsteak, with mushrooms. Fried oyster-plant. Globe artichokes, butter sauce. Cornflour pudding. 22 Ubrec 1bun^re^ anb SirtijsSfy Sinners. A friend is a being that is willing to bear withi us in all our faults and failings. Geo. Forster. Tapioca soup. Broiled kingfish. Potato balls. Croquettes of chicken, white sauce. Roast shoulder of mutton. Baked macaroni. Jerusalem artichokes. Russian salad. Delicate Indian pudding. jfebruar^ 14 St. Valentine's day— tbe legendary pair- ing time of birds. Tbe festival is a sad mockery, for tbere are no spring birds here to pair. But it reminds us there is a good time coming. Consomm^ soup. Broiled herrings, butter sauce. Potatoes fried in quarters. Mutton chops, with cream spinach. Carrots stewed with cream. Butterball duck. Celery mayonnaise. Caramel custard, 23 Ubree 1bun^re^ an& Sfyt^sSfy Winncvs, Philosophy finds no difficulty in triumph- ing over past and future ills, taut the present ills triumph over ?ier. La Rochefoucauld. Clear soup. Boiled black bass, Hollandaise sauce. Sweetbreads a la poulette. French beans. Roast duck, currant jelly. Water-cress salad. Charlotte Russe. » 3fcbruari2 16 A minister can't ask w^hether it 's heaven she is seeking, or only to flirt \vith heaven's ambassador. " Reverend Idol." Chicken broth. Broiled mullet, melted-butter sauce. Stewed potatoes. Salmis of duck in rice border. Croquettes of macaroni. Philadelphia capon. IvCttuce salad. Sliced oranges. 24 Ubrcc 1bun6re& an& Sfyt^sSfr SXnncrs* 3februar^ 17 Even -with, the meanest we cannot gain a glimpse into their in-ward. trials and strug- gles "without an increase of sympathy and affection. Charles Kingsley. Vermicelli soup. Broiled smelts, tartar sauce. Boiled potatoes. Curry of chicken, with rice border. Stewed celery. Porterhouse steak, Boston style. Tomato and lettuce, cream dressing. Marmalade fritters. jfebruars 18 Apology is only egotism -wrong side out. Nine times out of ten the first thing a man's companion knows of his shortcomings is from his apology. Holnnes. Tomato soup. Broiled shad. Mashed potatoes. Beef a la mode. Fried parsnips. Boiled turkey, oyster sauce. Lettuce and beet salad. Omelet souffle a la cr^me. 25 Ubree Ibunbrcb anb SfytssSiy "Binncvs, afebruars \9 The ornaments of a house are the friends that frequent it. Emerson. Chicken broth. Boiled cod, sauce Hollandaise. Turkey croquettes. Celery stewed with cream. Antelope steak, currant jelly. French peas. Vanilla ice-cream, lady cake. jfebruar^ 20 What is wisdom to-day is an exploded theory to-morrow. Turnip soup. Fried sole, butter sauce. Boiled leg of mutton, caper sauce. Brussels sprouts, string beans. Blue-winged teal duck. Fried hominy. Lettuce salad. Bavaroise au caf6. 26 Ubree "tounbreb an& SfrtiesSfr Sinners, IPebruaris 21 It is fine souls -who serve us, and not what is ealled. fine society. Emerson. Consomme soup. Oysters baked in the shell. Beefsteak, with potatoes, cold-slaw. Fresh mushrooms on toast. Roast chicken. Bread sauce, with crumbs. Lettuce salad. (Pudding glac^) Nesselrode. 3februari2 22 AA^ASHINOTON'S BIRTHDAY. To really bear another's burdens is not in our mortal power, but to keep another happy and in good heart — that is love's gift Balzac. Oysters. Clear soup. Fried smelts, with tomato mayonnaise. Timbales a la reine. Asparagus, melted-butter sauce. Lamb chops, with green peas. Terrapin a la Washington. Strawberry mousse. Broiled chicken. Celery salad. Ice-cream. Strawberries, 27 'Cbree Ibunbrcb an^ Siyt^aSfy Dinners. jfebruarg 23 It is folly to rake up aslies of the past "when the warm glow of the present is fair. Oyster soup. Capon, chestnut sauce. French beans. Lamb chops. Mashed potatoes. Ivobster salad. New England pudding. 3februari2 24 Laziness of mind. and. inattention are as great enemies of kno^vledge as incapacity. Lord. Chesterfield. Consomm^ soup. Codfish steak, white sauce. Spinach and beef tongue. Veal cutlets, browned-flour gravy. Fresh mushrooms on toast. Roast pigeons. Lettuce salad. Coffee eclaires. 23 Ubree 1bun^re^ anl» Sfrt^sSfr Bfnners, 'We always \veaken whatever we ex- aggerate. La Harpe. Vegetable soup. Southern shad. Boiled turkey, oyster sauce. Bermuda turnips. Pate de foie gras. Lettuce salad. Rice pudding. Jfebruari^ 26 An old man's head is sometimes useful ■when his arm is but little worth, Curry soup. Sardines k I'huile. Turkey stew, in rice border. Baked macaroni. Canvas-back duck. Fried hominy. Celery salad. Tapioca, with cream. 29 Ubree 1bun^re^> an^ ©(yt^sSlr dinners. jfeljcuar^ 27 What is duty ? It is AA/-hat we exact of otliers. Alex. Dumas. Soup £L la reine. Eggs ^ la creme. Roast leg of mutton. New turnips stewed in cream. Shrimp mayonnaise. Vanilla ice-cream, angel cake. fcbxnnx^ 28 God. helps them that help themselves. Fpanklin. Cream of oyster soup. Boiled pike, horseradish sauce. Mutton stew. Croquettes of rice. Roast capon, with sausage. Water-cress salad. Apple dumpling, cream sauce. 30 Ubrec 1bun^re^ an& SfytigsSff ©fnncra. 3Februar^ 29 God asks no man whether he -will accept life. That is not the choice ; you must take it. The only choice is HOW"! Beecher. Bisque of oyster soup. Fillet of bass au gratin, cucumber salad. Baked chicken. Sweet-potato caramel. Mousse of champagne. Broiled quail. Lettuce and tomato salad. Rice pudding, preserved ginger. jflibarcb I In life there is nothing more unexpected and surprising than the arrivals and de- partures of pleasure. Pleasure has no logic. Consommd soup. Salmon steaks, tartar sauce. Terrapin a la Maryland. Boston brown bread toasted. Roast beef. Potato croquettes, baked tomatoes. Beet and lettuce salad. Bisque glac^. 31 Ubree 1bun^re^ an^ Sfrt^sSiy Sinners, /iRarcb 2 Good-will, like a good name, is got by many actions and lost by one. Pur^e of potato soup. Boiled cod, Flemish sauce. Chicken croquettes. French peas. Roast saddle of mutton. Lettuce salad. Charlotte Russe, champagne jelly. ^arcb 3 Most of us ape saved by necessity fronn the infirmity of oup own wills. Circum- stances decide for us. Carlyle. Cream of celery soup. Boiled red-snapper. Potatoes, with cream. Baked chicken pie, family style. String beans. Tomato salad. Ginger ice-cream. Wivcc fbwn'bvci) an5 Sfyt^sSir SXnners. /Iftarcb 4 Give me an ounce of eivet, good, apothe- cary, to sweeten my imagination. Shakespeare. Consommd soup. Broiled shad. Loin of lamb- String beans. Cauliflower, cream sauce. Reed-birds on toast. Rice pudding. Grape-fruit, -with white wine. /nbarcb 5 It is faith in something and enthusiasm for something that makes a life worth look- ing at. Holmes. Vegetable soup. Bass, Hollandaise sauce. Roast beef. Sweet potatoes, roasted with the beef. Cream of spinach. Broiled squab. Lettuce and dandelion salad. Tapioca pudding. 33 Ubree Ibunbreb anb Sfyt^sSif 2)fnncrs. ^arcb 6 Our deeds are like ehildren that are born to us ; they live to act apart from, our o-wn wills. Mock-turtle soup. Fried oysters. Cold-slaw. Calf's head a la vinaigrette. Green peas. Roast chicken. Lettuce salad. Bavarian cream. ^arcb 7 To God, thy country, and thy friends be true. Vaughn. Oyster soup. Shoulder of lamb, mint sauce. Green peas. Spanish onions. New asparagus. Chicken salad. Souffle a la vanille. 34 Ubtee •ffi)un?)re5 anr> SfytigsSfr dinners. /IRarcb 8 Live long as -we may, the first twenty years are the longest half of our life. Southey. Beef soup. Frogs' legs k la poulette. Lamb curry. Cauliflower au gratin. Broiled squab. Lettuce salad. Cottage pudding, wine sauce. ^arcb 9 Luncheon is base ingratitude to break- fast, and premeditated insult to dinner I Consomm^ soup. Cod steaks, sauce Hollandaise. Boiled mutton, caper sauce. New turnip potatoes. Fried egg-plant. Cold asparagus, French dressing. Snow cream cake. 35 Ubrce 1bun&re^ ant) ©(yt^sSfr Dinners. /Hbarcb 10 High as v/e have mounted in delight, in our dejection do we sink as lo^w. Wordsworth. Mutton broth, with barley soup. Broiled smelts, served with tomato mayonnaise. Minced mutton on toast. Roast chicken, with fried bacon. String beans. Cheese croquettes. Vanilla ice-cream. /iRarcb 11 In vain we ask. ourselves by -what mys* tery of ingratitude we are not satisfied with admiring. Balzac. Spaghetti soup. Salmon, with parsley sauce. Lamb chops, with peas. Purde of potatoes, with cream. Butter-ball duck. Lettuce salad. Water ice, brandy jelly. 36 Ubtce Ibunbrcl) anl) Siyt^sSfr Dinners. /IBaccb 12 He "who acts unjustly acts unjustly to himself, because he nnakes hinnself bad. M. Antoninus. Consomm^ soup. Deviled crabs. Stuffed loin of veal. Pur^e of potatoes. Butter beans. Roast Guinea-fowl. Dandelion and lettuce salad. Strawberry whip. /iRarcb 13 All who joy would win must share it. Happiness -was born a twin. Byron. Oysters. Clear soiip. Fillet of sole, white sauce. Cucumber salad. Timbale a la reine. Fillet of beef, with mushrooms. Potato croquettes, peas. Strawberry mousse. Broiled chicken. Lettuce salad. Cheese-cakes. Ice-cream. Strawberries. 37 Ubree f)unbrc& anb Sfyt^sSfr Sinners. Sydney Smith being ill, his doctor advised him to take a \valk upon an empty stonaaeh. Upon ^vhose ? said the wit. Vegetable soup. Broiled shad. Sweetbreads, with artichoke hearts. Stewed oyster-plant. Beefsteak, with fried potatoes. Asparagus, sauce Hollandaise. Maizeua pudding, with cream. /Dbarcb 15 Learn to hold thy tongue ; five w^ords cost Zaeharias forty weeks' silence. Fuller. Chicken broth. Halibut steak. Roast lamb, mint sauce. Cream potatoes, cream spinach. Broiled spring chicken. I^ettuce and dandelion salad. New rhubarb pie. 38 Ubrec 1bunbre6 anb Sirt>e=Sfr ©fnncrs. ^arcb 16 Ideas are like beards ; men do not have them until they are grown up. Voltaire. Clear soup. Fillet of red-snapper. Irish stew. Canvas-back duck. Fried hominy. I^ettuce salad. Cold asparagus, sauce HoUandaise. Meringue, -with strawberries. /iRarcb 17 Sensibility would be a good portress if she had but one hand : with her right she opens the door to pleasure ; but, with her left, pain. Tapioca soup. Fried oysters, with cold-slaw. Beefsteak. Puree of potatoes. Stewed oyster-plant. Squab on toast. Dandelion salad. Italian cream. 39 Ubree 1bun&re& an^ ©(yt^sSfy ©innerg. /Iftarcb 18 To revepence and. honor thy own mind, will make thee content "with thyself. M. Antoninus. Mutton broth, with barley soup. Cutlets of salmon. Chicken pot-pie. Pur^e of potatoes. Asparagus, melted-butter sauce. Cream cheese. Water-cress salad. Orange jelly. ^arcb 19 The folly of the superstitious nnay be wiser than the Avisdom of the skeptic. Oyster soup. Codfish fried, cold-slaw. Lamb chops, green peas. Baked spaghetti. Broiled squab. Beet and lettuce salad. Compote of pears. 40 Ubree 1bun^)re^ anb SiytssSfj Dinners, ^arcb 20 Now diplomacy takes the place of force, and mind expands as the character -weak- ens. Taine. Printaniere soup. Shad, with sorrel. Baked eggs sur le plat. Beefsteak, with mushrooms. Dandelion salad. Omelet souffle. ^arcb 2t Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. New Testament. Consommd soup. Salmon trout, tartar sauce. Boiled potatoes. Roast beef, new potatoes. Baked tomatoes. Broiled chicken livers. Lettuce salad. Com-starch pudding, preserved ginger. 41 Ubrce 1&un&re^ an^ Sfyt^SsSfy 'Dinners. jfflbarcb 22 There are days ■when one's nature rolls itself up and becomes a hedgehog ; at the bottom of everything one finds emptiness and nothingness. Chicken soup. Broiled mullets, melted butter. Beefsteak, with mushrooms. String beans. Macaroni au gratin. Golden plover. Dandelion salad. Vanilla ice-cream. ^arcb 23 That care and trials seen at last Through memory's sunset air, Like mountain ranges overcast In purple distance fair. Oyster soup. Boiled carp, anchovy sauce. I^amb chops, green peas. Asparagus. Broiled chicken. lyettuce and dandelion salad. Caramel pudding. 42 Ubree 1bun&re^ an& Sfrt^sSfy Dinners. ^arcb 24 Tiie best direction for going through life -with good, manners is to feel that every- body, no matter how rich or ho\v poor, needs all the kindness he can get from others. Pur^e of barley soup. Eels a la poulette. Calf's tongue, tomato sauce. Puree of lentils. Roast leg of lamb. Fresh peas. Cabbage salad. Rice pudding. /nbarcb 25 Except in eases of necessity, "which are rare, leave your friend to learn unpleasant truths from his enemies. Holnnes. Consomm6 soup. Baked cod. Lyonnaise potatoes. Minced lamb on toast. Stewed celery. Teal duck. Lettuce and tomato salad. Vanilla ice-cream. 43 Ubrec IbunMreb nnX> Sfyt^sSfy Dfnnera. ^arcb 26 Education is tlie key-note of the best society. Plain gumbo soup. Bouch^es of lobster. Tenderloin steak, horseradish sauce. Pur^e of potatoes. Small birds on toast. Potato and onion salad. Compote of prunes. jflRarcb 27 He that lacks tinne to nnourn, lacks tinne to mend. Sir H. Taylor. Cream of semoule soup. Broiled smelts, sauce tartar. Fried potatoes. Chicken pot-pie. Lamb chops, tomato sauce. Strawberries and cream. 44 jflftarcb 28 Choosing a home is soraething like choosing a companion for life— it is chiefly important to like it. MPS. Overthe-way's Remembrances. Consomm^ soup. Broiled shad. Pork chops, apple sauce. Parsnip cakes. Roast capon. Ivcttuce salad. Grape-fruit, with wine and sugar. Cake. /ifcarcb 29 Even the loneliest must stand Dependent on his brother's hand. Printaniere soup. Brook-trout, plain hutter sauce. Lamb chops, with green peas. Asparagus, sauce Hollandaise. Broiled squab. Lettuce salad. Bavarois glac6. 45 Ubree 1bun&re& an& SfrtijsSfj ®(nncrs. jflRarcb 30 Gold has greater power over men than ten thousand, arguments. Euripedes. Vermicelli soup. Fried smelts. Sweetbreads, served on heart of artichokes. Porterhouse steak, with horseradish sauce. Stewed celery. Cottage cheese, lettuce salad. Pancakes, with butter and sugar. /iBarcb 31 Want of decency is "want of sense. Earl of Roscommon. Chicken soup. Baked bass. Curry of chicken and rice. Jerusalem artichokes. Roast Guinea-fowl. Lettuce and dandelion salad. Fruit pudding. 46 Ubree Ibunbrefc an& Sfyt^sSfy Dfnncra. Bprll 1 I had. rather have a fool to make me merry than experience to make me sad, Shakespeare. Consommd soup. Broiled shad. Beefsteak, mushroom sauce. Beet tops. Jerusalem artichokes. Broiled squab. Lettuce salad. Ground rice pudding. Mpxil 2 "Where men of judgment ereep and feel their way, The positive promise without dismay, CoAvper, Vermicelli soup. Brook-trout, tartar sauce. Boiled potatoes. Lamb chops. String beans. Baked spaghetti. Roast chicken. Mixed salad. Vanilla ice-cream. 47 Ubree 1bunbrcl» an& SfytigsSfy Sfnnera. Bpcil 3 "We often form an improper judgnnent of many etiaracters because it is assumed that all men are healtliy, and "we require of them that they conduct themselves accordingly. Goethe. Tomato soup. Fried eels, white sauce. Boiled potatoes. Beef a la Godard. Spinach, with eggs. Broiled lobster. Lettuce, with mayonnaise. Stewed prunes, with cream. Bpcil 4 How sweet it is, mother, to see the sea from the land, when -we are not sailing! Arehippus. Clams. Pur^e of leek soup. Boiled pike, caper sauce. Boiled potatoes. Stewed veal, with green peas. Fresh mushrooms on toast. Roast squab. Lettuce and escarole salad. Cup' custard. 48 Ubrce Ibun&reb an& Sfjts=Sfr SXnners. BprU 5 Choose a wife as you choose a knife; look to her temper. Asparagus soup. Baked brook-trout. Roast capon. Green peas. Macaroni au gratin. Tomato and lettuce mayonnaise. Roman punch. Bpril 6 Opportunities are very sensitive things- if you slight them on the first visit you' seldom see them again. Chicken soup. Broiled shad, butter sauce. Blanquette of lamb. Green peas. Asparagus, butter sauce. Pat^ de foie gras. IvCttuce salad. Orange jelly. 49 Ubrce 1bun5reb anb SiptssSiy ©(nners, Bprfl 7 John Gilpin kissed his loving wife ; O'erjoyed. was he to find That tho' on pleasure she was bent, She had a frugal mind. Cowper. Sago soup. Fried oysters. Cold-slaw. Fricassee of lamb. Roast chicken. Potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes. Cream cheese, lettuce salad. Blanc mange. Bprll 8 We oannot remain at rest when "we think of enjoying ourselves. A foe is sent to try our valor, a friend to try our patience. Green-pea soup. Beef tongue au gratin. Stewed asparagus tops. Shoulder of lamb. French peas. lycttuce and tomato salad. Charlotte Russe. 50 Ubrce 1bun&rc^ anb Sfrt^sStf S)(nncr0. Bpril Gracefulness is to the body -wliat good sense is to the mind. La Rochefoucauld. Pur^e of potato soup. Crabs k la Creole. Boiled rice. Sirloin steak, with potatoes. Red beans. Squab, with tomato sauce. Lettuce salad. Pistache ice-cream. Bprll 10 Adam was the only man who never tantalized his wife about the way mother used to cook. Vegetable soup. Boiled cod, sauce Hollandaise. Veal chops. Asparagus tops, white sauce. Bermuda onions. English snipe. Lettuce and cucumber salad. Ice-cream, lady cake. 51 Ubree 1bun^re& anb Siyt^sSfr Dinners. Bpril II Confess the Almighty just, And. when you can't unriddle, learn to trust. Parnell. Cream of barley soup. Broiled kingfish. Small potatoes, boiled. Calf's liver, brais^. Scrambled eggs, with asparagus. Roast chicken. Lettuce salad. Strawberries, with cream. Bprll 12 The advantage to be derived from virtue Is so evident, that the wicked practise it from interested motives. Printauiere soup. Fried smelts, white sauce. Chicken a la Maryland. Green peas. Lamb chops. Tomato salad. Coffee ice-cream, cake. 52 Ubrec 1bunbre& anb Sfrt^sSfy Dfnnctg. Bprd 13 Friends should, assist friends in misfor- tune : -when fortune smiles, ■what need of friends ?— for God himself suffices, being willing to assist. Euripides. Tomato soup. Fillet of sole. Quenelles of potatoes. Sirloin steaks, with mushrooms. Macaroni au Napolitain. Cauliflower salad. Blanc mange. Bprll 14 "We are more easily persuaded by the reasons we ourselves discover, than by those "which have been suggested to us by others. Pascal. Ox-tail soup. Shad roe, tomato sauce. Mashed potatoes, with cream, baked. I^amb chops, with chicken livers. String beans. Cold asparagus, French dressing. Bread pudding, cream sauce. 53 tTbtee f)un&re& an^ SljtigsSfr Dinners. Bprll 15 "We ouglnt not to mock the wretched, for who can be sure of being always happy. La Fontaine. Clams. Coiisomm^ soup. Prawns a la Creole. Boiled rice. Roast capon. Green peas. I/Cttuce and tomato mayonnaise. Cheese croquettes. Roman punch. Bpril 16 It is not the fight that crowns us, but thQ end. Herrick. Pur^e of barley soup. Kels a la poulette. Boiled potatoes. Calf's tongue, tomato sauce. lyCg of mutton, currant jelly. Cold-slaw. Orange souffle. 54 Ubree Ibunbreb anb Sfrt^sSfj "Dinncts, Bpril 17 A large part of my religion consists in trying all the -while not to be as n:iean as I know how. Petroleum V. Nasby. Consommd soup. Fried oysters, cucumber salad. Timbales of mutton . Roast chicken, new peas. Baked macaroni. Lettuce salad. Strawberry Bavarian cream. Bpril 18 A novel hero is proud, stern, tender, un- reasonable, savage, yet perfection. Vegetable soup. Broiled trout. Cucumber salad. Spring lamb. Green peas. Black duck. lycttuce salad. Bavaroise ice-cream. 55 Ubree 1bun&rel> an^ Sfrt^sSfy Winners, Bpril 19 The plausible sometimes has greater power than the true, and more influence over the multitude. Menander. Pur^e of potato soup. Cod, Hollandaise sauce. Sirloin steaks, with potatoes. Asparagus, melted-butter sauce. Broiled squab. Lettuce salad. Blanc mange. Bpril 20 A sociable man is one "who, -when he has ten minutes to spare, goes and bothers somebody who has n't. Printanidre soup. Fillet of flounder, wliite sauce. Croquettes of potatoes. Stewed pigeon. Poached eggs, with spinach. Veal chops. Lettuce and dandelion salad. Strawberry mousse. 56 Ubree Ibunfereb anb Sfyt^sSfy SXnncrs. Bpcll 21 Ho"w far that little candle throws its beams,— so shines a good deed in a naughty world. Shakespeare. Beef soup. Broiled shad. Roast chicken. New beets, with butter. Macaroni, with cheese. Reed-birds on toast. IvCttuce salad. Cherry tart. Bprll 22 Consider that men will do the same thing, even though thou should'st bupst. M. Antoninus. Mutton broth. Fried perch, sauce tartar. Croquettes of potatoes. Lamb chops, tomato sauce. Fried chicken k la Maryland. Lettuce and escarole salad. Vanilla ice-cream. 57 Ubtec 1Bun^te^ an& Sfyt^sSfy Dinners. Bpcil 23 A man loves the meat in his youth he cannot endure in his age. Shakespeare. Cream of rice soup. Boiled bass, cucumber salad. Boiled potatoes. Shoulder of lamb. Green peas. Cold asparagus, French salad dressing. Compote of strawberries. Bpcll 24 Every one goes astray, and. the least im- prudent is he who repents soonest. Voltaire. Consomm^, with poached eggs. Fried carp. Mashed potatoes, with cream. Veal chops, green peas. Asparagus, sauce Hollandaise. Rump steak, with fried potatoes. Cheese, lettuce salad. Frozen pudding, lady cake. 58 Ubrce 'ff3un&tei> anb SijtiSsSir SXnners. Bpril 25 When Ave do not find peace -witliin our- selves, it is vain to seek for it elsewhere. Emerson. Green-pea soup. Shad, cucumber salad. Shoulder of lamb. Asparagus tops, saut^. Roast plover. Lettuce salad. Omelette souffle. Bprll 26 who does the best his circunnstanees allo-w, does -well, acts nobly : angels could do no nnore. Dr. Young. Clams. Printani^re soup. Ivamb chops, green peas. Baked spaghetti. Roast capon. Lettuce salad. Strawberry cream. 59 tEbree 1bun^re^ an& Sfyt^sSfy Dinners. Bprll 27 Self-confidence is of more importance in conversation than ability. Tomato soup. Boiled pike, caper sauce. Boiled Bermuda potatoes. Minced chicken, with green peas. Fresh mushrooms. Escarole salad. Rhubarb pie. Bprd 28 To s"wallo"w gudgeons ere they 're catched, And count their chickens ere they 're hatched. Butler. Vegetable soup. Fillet of sole, white sauce. Boiled potatoes. Leg of lamb, green peas. Asparagus, HoUandaise sauce. Broiled chicken. Lettuce salad. Pears a la marquise. 60 Ubrce 1bun^re^ an& SirtssSir Dfnncra. Bpril 29 Fop it is not -words that give strength to friendship, but a similarity of interests. Demosthenes. Fish chowder. Sirloin steaks, string beans. Stewed beets. Asparagus, melted-butter sauce. Sand snipe. I/Cttuce salad. Biscuit de Savoie. Bprfl 30 The first half of our lives we pass desir- ing the second, and the second in regretting the first. Alphonse Karr. Asparagus soup. Broiled cod, sauce HoUandaise. Shoulder of lamb. Green peas. lyobster, plain. Lettuce salad. Compote of strawberries. 6i Ubree Ibunbrcb an^ SfytssSfy "Blnncvs, Floweps are lovely, Love is flov/er-like, Friendship is a sheltering tree. Clam soup. Codfish souffle. Boiled potatoes. Sirloin of beef. Spaghetti. Stewed tomatoes. English snipe. Cauliflower salad. Orange water-ice, lady cake. Time is not so short but there is always time for courtesy. Emerson. Consomm^ soup. Boiled halibut, sauce HoUandaise. Fried potato balls. Minced beef, in potato border. Spinach, with ham. Broiled chicken. lycttuce and tomato salad. Omlette souffle. 62 "ttbrec fjunjireb anb SfjtTjsSiy Sinners. ^a^ 3 If parts allure thee, think ho-w Bacon shined. : the -wisest, brightest, meanest of nnankind. Vegetable soup. Striped bass, butter sauce. Sweetbreads a, la poulette. Green peas. Salmi of plover. Beet and string-bean salad. Strawberries, with cream. ^ai5 4 Look ^A/^hat thy soul holds dear ; imagine it to lie the way thou goest, not -whence thou comest. Shakespeare. Puree of asparagus soup. Fillet of sole. Boiled potatoes. Roast round of beef. Scrambled eggs, with mushrooms. Lamb chops. Lettuce mayonnaise. Blanc mange. 63 Ubree Ibunbreb ani) Sfyti^sSif Dinners, ^as 5 At thirty a man suspects himself a fool, knows it at forty, and reforms his plan. Dr. Young. Macaroni soup. Pan bass, fried. Potatoes, with cream. Stewed beef, with vegetables. Baked macaroni. Broiled chicken. Lettuce salad. Orange water-ice. The applause of a single human being is of great consequence. Dr. Johnson. Clams. Consomm^ soup. Fried eels, white sauce. Potato croquettes. Pork and beans, Boston style. I^amb chops, green peas. Cream meringue. 64 Ubree "fcunbreb an& Siyt^sSiy ©fnners. ^ai2 7 The two most precious things on this side of the grave are our reputations and. our life. But it is to be lamented that the most contemptible whisper may deprive us of the one, and the weakest weapon of the Other. Vegetable soup. Lobster a la Delmonico. Fillet of beef, brown sauce. Potato croquettes, new beet tops. Spring duck. Lettuce and dandelion salad. Tapioca pudding. ^ai2 8 "When -we are w^holly absorbed by feel- ings of delight or grief, our soul yields itself to this one object, and we are no longer able to direct our thoughts elsewhere. Dante. Fish broth. Pompano broiled, white sauce. Boiled potatoes. Roast calf's liver. Stuffed tomatoes. Baked macaroni. Lamb chops. Lettuce salad. Roman punch. 65 Ubree 1bun&rct» anb SiytigsSfr Binners. How is it that every man loves himself more than all the rest of men, but yet sets less value upon his own opinion of himself than on the opinion of others. M. Antoninus. Chicken soup. Broiled blackfish. Boiled fowl, fried bacon. Cream spinach. Stewed oyster-plant. French artichokes, sauce Hollandaise. lyemon sponge. If, Avhen you make your prayers, God. should be so obdurate as yourselves, ho\v should it fare v/ith your immortal soul ? Shakespeare. Rice soup. Broiled mackerel. Boiled potatoes. Roast beef, horseradish sauce. Potato croquettes, cauliflower. Asparagus salad. Cheese souffle. Vanilla ice-cream. 66 Ubrec 1bun&re& anb SfytijsSfr Dinners. Pleasure is seldora found, \vhepe it is sought. Our highest blazes of gladness are comnnonly kindled by unexpected sparks. Lamb broth. Weakfish, butter sauce. Potatoes a la Colbert. Chicken saute. Green peas. Lamb chops. Tomato salad. Strawberry short-cake. Enjoy your present pleasures so as not to injure those that are to follo'w. Seneca. Curry soup. Broiled kingfish. Boiled potatoes. Fricandeau of veal. Stuffed tomatoes. Fried chicken a la Maryland. Vegetable salad. Cream fritters. 67 ! Zhvcc fljUn&rcb an& SfytijsSfr Dinner©. /IRa^ 13 Be fipml one constant elennent in luck Is genuine, stolid, old. Plutonic pluck. Cream of rice soup. Sheep's-head, sauce Hollandaise. Boiled potatoes. Fricassee of chicken. New beets. Shoulder of lamb. Lettuce salad. Cheese croquettes. Sliced oranges, cake. It is not the fault of the -wind if their for- tunes differ ; the difference arises from the skill of the pilot. Consomm^ soup. Boiled sea-bass, white sauce. Cucumber salad. Stewed lamb, with green peas. Porterhouse steak. Mushrooms on toast. Water-cress salad. Royal cream. Strawberry sauce. 68 Ubrec Ibunbrcb anb Sfyt^sSfj ©fttners. ^ag 15 Fop as laws are necessary that good manners may be preserved, so there is need of good manners that laws may be main- tained. Vegetable soup. Croquettes of clam. Saratoga potatoes. Stewed veal. Green peas. Fresh mushrooms on toast. Broiled pigeons. I^ettuce salad. Orange sherbet. ^ag 16 The secret of giving affectionately is great and rare. It requires address to do it well. Veal soup. Shad roe, sauce Hollandaise. Blanquette of lamb. New beans. Boiled Bermuda onions. Salmi of snipe. Asparagus salad. Rice pudding. 69 Ubree 1bun&reb anb Siyt^sSij? Bfnnerg. /lRai2 17 A man's look is the work of years ; it is stamped, on his eountenanoe, the events of his whole life, by the hand, of nature, and is not to be got rid of easily. Hazlitt. Consomm^ soup. Bluefish, white sauce. Cucumber salad. Beefsteak and onions. Asparagus, sauce Hollandaise. Broiled chicken. Lettuce salad Bavaroise of peaches. Experience teaches that a strong memory is generally joined to a weak judgment. Clam soup. Porgies, butter sauce. Bermuda potatoes, boiled. Scrambled eggs, with asparagus. Roast beef. Stewed tomatoes, macaroni au gratin. Plain lobster, mayonnaise sauce. Lettuce salad. Blanc mange, with cream. 70 a m Ubvee Ibunbreb an^ SfytSsSfr Bfnners, It is a bad omen when we enter on the path of honor with our eyes turned baek- A/vard from the first step. Julienne soup. Shad, broiled. New potatoes, with butter. Roast lamb, with mint sauce. French beans. Broiled snipe. Lettuce salad. Orange sherbet, and cake. jfilbas 20 Blessed is he who has found his -work, let him ask no other blessedness. Thomas Carlyle. Cream of tomato soup. Boiled striped bass, shrimp sauce. Rissoles of lamb. Asparagus, cream sauce. Roast capon, with truffles. Green peas. Tomato salad. Charlotte Russe. 71 Ubree Ibunbtcfe anb Sfyt^sSfj SXnncrs. ^as 21 Often the fear of one evil leads us into a 3Pse. Beef soup. Broiled shad, butter sauce. Croquettes of potatoes. Fillet of beef k la royale. Macaroni a I'ltalienne. New beans, young beets. lyamb chops. Lettuce salad. Strawberries, with cream. /IRa^ 22 It is motive alone that gives real value to the actions of men, and. disinterestedness puts a cap to it. La Bruyere. Pur€e of asparagus soup. Sea bass, boiled, sauce HoUandaise. Potatoes in jackets. Roast calf's liver. Stewed macaroni, tomato sauce. Breast of lamb. Green peas. Mayonnaise of shrimp. Omelette souffle. 72 Zhvcc Ibunbreb anb SfptvsSfy Binners. /Hbag 23 It is fortunate to be of noble ancestry; it is not less so to be such as that people do not care to be informed -whether you are noble or ignoble. lyamb-broth soup. Halibut steaks, sauce piquante. Puree of potatoes. Stewed lamb. Potatoes. String beans. Roast plover. Lettuce and tomato mayonnaise. Strawberries and cream. ^a^ 24 Give us, oh, give us, the man -who sings at his work. Carlyle. Cream of tomato soup. Codfish steaks. Saratoga potatoes. Fried chicken a la Maryland. String beans. Lamb chops, with cucumbers. Asparagus salad. Compote of pineapple. 73 Ubrec Ibunbreb an^ Siyt^sSfr ©inners. ^ai2 25 The steed, as it approaches its stall, ex- erts redoubled speed, giving no heed to the rein or voice of the rider ; such is the mind that is filled with hope. It rejects all force and all command ; it derives a present joy from the thought it will hereafter be joyful. Cream of rice soup. Mackerel, curry sauce. Boiled rice. Fillet of beef, stewed tomatoes. Asparagus, sauce HoUandaise. Pat^ de foie gras. Lettuce salad. Strawberries and cream. Why keep a dog and bark for yourself? Macaroni soup. Broiled soft-shell crabs. Potatoes a la Proven^ale. Mutton stew. Croquettes of semoule. Roast chicken, with bacon. Bread sauce and crumbs. String beans. Strawberry short-cake. 74 "Cbrce 1bun^re^ anb SfytijsSfr 'Binncve. /IRas 27 It is good to rub and. polisln one's brain against that of others. Montaigne. Vegetable soup. Broiled mackerel, gooseberry sauce. Baked potatoes. Lamb chops, white sauce. Baked macaroni. Pat6 de foie gras. Lettuce salad. Orange sherbet. Lynx-eyed to-ward our neighbors and moles to ourselves. La Fontaine. St. Germaine soup. Blue fish, lobster sauce. Boiled potatoes. Ham and chicken pie. New beets. Cucumbers, white sauce. Sand snipe. Lettuce salad. Bisque glace, cake, 75 Ubree l)un&re^ anb Sfyt^sSfr "Binneve, A thought is often original, though you have uttered it a hundred, tinnes, it has come to you over a new route by a new and ex- pressed train of association. Curry of chicken. Fillet of sole, white sauce. Veal cutlets, jardiniere. Asparagus, butter sauce. Baked macaroni au gratin. Roast squab. Lettuce salad. Supremes of cold fruit. /IBa^ 30 Liberality consists less of giving naueh than in giving at the right moment. Mutton soup. Broiled kingfish. Fried potatoes. Sirloin of beef. Macaroni au gratin. Stewed tomatoes. Cold asparagus, French salad dressing. Strawberries and cream. 76 Ubree Ibun&reb anb Bixt'Ss&ix 2)inners, ^ai2 31 "We are more sociable and get on better •with people by the heart than by the intellect. Cold consomm6 soup. Brook-trout, sauce Hollandaise. Boiled potatoes. Croquettes of beef. String beans. Asparagus, melted-butter sauce. Broiled chicken. Lettuce salad. Tutti frutti. 5une I The angel answered : " Nay, sad soul, go higher. To be deceived in your true heart's desire "Was bitterer than a thousand years of fire." John Hay, Pur^e of asparagus soup. Spanish mackerel. Roast beef, potatoes roasted with the beef. Green peas. Broiled yellow-leg snipe. Tomato salad. Vanilla ice-cream. 77 Ubrce fjunbreb ant SfytigsSfy Dinners. 5une 2 All men are liberal : some to those who are in need and some to themselves. Hep-worth. Cream of potato soup. Soft-shell crabs, fried plain. Stewed chicken, with dumplings. Green peas. Roast leg of mutton. Vegetable salad. Green-gooseberry tart. 5unc 3 If a man ean't be both good and rich, he ought to prefer to be good, but he does n't. Hep-worth. Clam broth. Boiled salmon, Hollandaise sauce. Cucumber salad. Mushrooms on toast. Roast lamb. String beans, potato croquettes. Sweet pepper and tomato salad. Cherry pie. 78 Ubree 1bun^re^ an^ Sfyt^ssSfy ©inner©. 5une 4 The friends thou hast and, theip adoption tried, Grapple them to thy soul -with hoops of steel. Shakespeare. Puree of tomato soup. Fried brook-trout. Cucumber salad, sauce Hollandaise. Macaroni au gratin. Forequarter of lamb. Green peas. I^ettuce and chicory salad. Gooseberry cream. 5une 5 Do thou good \vith an effort, and the effort shall flee, the good endure. Do thou evil with pleasure, the evil shall endure, the pleasure flee. Anon. Clam soup. Fried smelts, sauce tartar. Boiled potatoes. Lamb chops. String beans. Fried chicken, tomato sauce. New cauliflower salad. Aunt Sally pudding. 79 Ubree 1bun&reb anb SijtissSfr Dinners. 5unc 6 A sprig of lieart's-ease "will take root under right cireumstances, but very few people cultivate it. Hep-worth. lyamb soup. Broiled bluefish. Cucumber salad. Lamb chops. Green peas. Asparagus, melted butter. Roast chicken. Lettuce salad. Jelly, with strawberries. 5une 7 Though to-day raay not fulfil thy hopes, have patience still, For perchance to-morrow's sun sees thy happier days begun. Chicken, with rice, soup. Frogs' legs a la poulette. Fried potatoes. Lamb chops, green peas. Cauliflower. Broiled chicken. Lettuce salad. Cup custard. 80 Ubree Ibunbreb an^ S{yts=Sff Bfnners, 5une 8 The wise form right judgment of the present from what is past. Socpates. Pur^e of string-bean soup. Boiled sea bass, parsley sauce. Potatoes k la Hollandaise. Beefsteak. String beans, summer squash. Asparagus, melted-butter sauce. Broiled sweetbreads. Ivettuce and tomato salad. Cherry ice. 5une 9 A man may ask God to help him, but he must not forget his own part of the work. Consomm^ soup. Fillet of sole, white sauce. Cucumber salad. Hamburg beef, with spinach. Green peas. Broiled squab. Lettuce and chervil salad. Meringue, with gooseberry cream. 8i tCbree 1bun^re^ an^ S(ytie»Sir "Binncve, 5une 10 Wopk -without hope is water through a sieve; hope -without an object is impossible. Tapioca soup. Ivobster a la poulette. Timbale of potatoes. Curry of veal. Cauliflower. Macaroni au gratin. Spring duck. I^ettuce salad. Bisque glac^. 5une \X To talk of love is to make love. Balzae. Cold consomm6 soup. Broiled sardines, with sliced tomatoes. Mayonnaise sauce. Chicken pie, country style. String beans. Asparagus, melted-butter sauce. Broiled snipe. Lettuce salad. Strawberries and cream. 82 Ubrcc Ibunfereb an^ Sfyti^sSIr Dinners. 5une 12 A great many pairs of shoes are -worn out before a man does all he says. Hep-worth. Paysanne soup. Ivobster k la Parisienne. Lamb chops. Cream spinach. Asparagus, HoUandaise sauce. , Broiled chicken. Lettuce salad. Parfait of coflfee. June 13 So I think God hides some souls away, Sweetly to surprise us the last day. Mary B. Branch. Cream of asparagus soup. Stewed frogs* legs d la poulette. Purde of potatoes. Leg of lamb, with young turnips. Cream spinach Roast squab. Lettuce salad. Cherry tart. 83 Ubrcc 1bun^re^ anb S(yt:ssSfr ©(nners. 5une 14 Even middle-aged, parties -will -write queer stuff when they have quaffed the delicious nectar of the rosy god. The Tribune. Chicken soup. Soft-shell crabs. Puree of potatoes. Chicken a la Maryland. Stewed cucumbers, supreme sauce. Lamb chops. Cream spinach, with poached eggs. Asparagus salad. Green-currant tarts. I 5une X5 "Whene'er a noble deed is wrought, Whene'er is spoken a noble thought, Our hearts in glad surprise To a higher level rise. Longfellow. Vegetable soup. Brook-trout, sauce piquante. Stewed kidneys. Stuffed tomatoes. Forequarter of lamb. String beans. Cream cheese, chicory salad. Strawberries and cream. 84 Ubree Ibun&reb an^ SijtijsSfr dinners. 5une 16 I never listen to calumnies, because, if they are untrue, I run the risk of being deceived ; and, if they are true, of hating persons not ■worth thinking about. ^ Montesquieu. Cream of rice soup. Boiled sheep's-head, caper sauce. Boiled potatoes. Mutton chops, tomato sauce. Spring beans. Fried chicken. Cauliflower salad. Vanilla ice-cream. 5une 17 Out of this nettle, danger, we pluck this flower, safety. Chicken broth. Lobster a la Russe. Puree of potatoes. Veal cutlets. Cream spinach, with poached eggs. Macaroni au gratin. Roast chicken. Lettuce and tomato salad. Strawberries and cream. 85 Ubree 1bun&re6 an^ Sfyti^sSfy Dinners. 5une 18 Vou may depend, upon it that he is a good man ^^^hose intimate friends are all good. Lavatep. Cream of tomato soup. Kingfish, broiled. Boiled potatoes. Boston pork and beans, Boston brown-bread and butter. Asparagus, butter sauce. Squab. Lettuce salad. Cherry tart. 5unc 19 In making up a party for a travelling ex- cursion, always be sure to have it include one ignorant -woman. She will ask all the questions you are ashamed to ask, and vou -will secure the benefit of a vast deal of in- formation you would other-wise lose. Charles Dudley Warner. Pur^e of potato soup. Eels d. la poulette. Tenderloin steak, with olives. String beans. Beet-top greens. Roast snipe. Water-cress salad. Ice compote of strawberries. 86 Ubree fjunbreb anb Sift^sS(r ©fnners. 3^une 20 They -who dine "witln a philosopher never eonnplain the next morning. Tinnotheus. Consomm€ soup. Fillet of kingfish, white sauce. Beefsteak pie. New carrots. Broiled chicken. Lettuce salad. Cherry pie. 5une 21 Thou canst overthrow, destroy, and cut down, but to restore, to save, to spare, to bear -with, is the work of gentleness and moderation. Plutareh. Vegetable soup. Whitebait, with red pepper. Thin slices of brown-bread and butter. Chicken croquettes. Sorrel, with poached eggs. Porterhouse steak, with mushrooms. Fried potatoes. ; Artichoke salad. Bavaroise of vanilla. 87 Zbvcc 1bun^re^ an& SfytiesSfr ©fnners. June 22 Faith, is letting down our nets into the untransparent deeps at the divine com- mand, not knowing what we shall take. Fabep. Mutton broth. Deviled lobster. Lamb chops. String beans. Corn fritters. Roast ducklings. Sweet-pepper salad. Strawberry mousse. 5une 23 'What -we need nnost is not to realize the ideal, but to idealize the real. Prof. Hedge. Vegetable soup. Salmon steaks, broiled, Hollandaise sauce. Sliced cucumber salad. Stewed mutton, with turnips. Young beet tops. Fried sweetbreads, tomato sauce. Lettuce salad. Raspberry tart. 88 Ubree 1bun&rc& anb Sfyts=S£r DCnners. 5une 24 Education begins the gentleman, but reading, good company, and reflection must finish him. Locke. Pot au feu soup. Bluefish, mustard sauce. Potatoes fried in quarters. Calf's feet a. la poulette. Young cabbage. Lamb chops. Green peas. Cream cheese. Lettuce salad. Strawberry short-cake. 5une 25 A true friend is the greatest of blessings, and that which we think least about acquir- ing. Mock-turtle soup. Boiled halibut, caper sauce. Potatoes, Parisienne. Spring lamb, mint sauce. Cream spinach. Asparagus, sauce Hollandaise. Roast chicken. Lettuce salad. Farina pudding, wine sauce. 89 Ubree 1bunl>re& anb Sfrt^sSir Sinners. 5unc 26 It is not rigJnt to vex ourselves at ttiings, fop they care naught about it. Marcus Antoninus. Consomm6 soup. Soft-shell crabs. Purde of potatoes. Beef pudding, Bnglish style. Cauliflower, sauce Hollandaise. Lamb chops. Green peas. lycttuce and tomato mayonnaise. Raspberries and cream. 5une 27 The good, are better made by ill, As odors crushed are sweeter still. Tobin. Vegetable soup. Broiled bluefish, mustard sauce. Fried potatoes. Rissoles of chicken, supreme sauce. String beans. Domestic duck. Tomato and lettuce salad. Italian cream. Green-currant tart. 90 Ubree Ibunfecefe anb Siyt^sSfy Dinners. 5une 28 Tide and. winds stay no man's pleasure. Southwell. Chicken broth. Sheep's-head, parsley sauce. Cucumber salad. Boiled potatoes. Stuflfed breast of veal. Pur^e of turnips. String beans. Roast squab, with peas. Lettuce salad. Wine whey, mountain cake. 5une 29 Why give a thought to that which has been done? No triumph can from out the past be won. But in the future there is not a height "Wherefrom life cannot \vin a new delight. Tomato soup. Boiled brook-trout, butter sauce. Roast beef. Hashed potatoes, with cream, baked. Cold asparagus, Hollandaise sauce. Cheese croquettes. Green-gooseberry tart. 91 Ubvee Ibun&rcb an^ Si^t^sQix 'Binncvs, 5une 30 Beautiful faces are those that -wear, It matters little if dark or fair, Whole-souled, honesty printed there. Tapioca soup. Fried "weakfish. Saratoga potatoes. Kidneys k la Demidoff, stewed carrots. Lamb chops. New cauliflower. Sweet-pepper salad. Cream cheese. Ice-cream. The dinner is for eating, and my wish is that guests, not the cooks, should like the dishes. Bacon. Rice soup. Broiled kingfish. Potatoes Lyonnaise. Chicken pie. Green peas. Spring ducks. IvCttuce salad. Plum tart, 92 tCbrec 1bun^rc^ anb Sijtig=Sfr SXnners. 5ulg 2 One always lias time enoughi if one will apply it well. Goethe. Cold consomm^ soup. Fried eels, sauce tartar. Cold-slaw. Curry of lamb in a rice border. Stewed oyster-plant. Ribs of beef. Potatoes roasted with the beef. Tomato salad. Rice snow and gooseberry fool. 5ulS 3 Lands mortgaged, may return, and more esteemed, But honesty once pa-wned is ne'er redeemed. Middleton. Vegetable soup. Spanish mackerel, butter sauce. Mutton chops. Cream spinach. Corn cakes. Fried chicken. Lettuce salad. Blackberries, with cream. 93 Ubtce l)unl»rcl> an& SfytgsSfr 2)(nner8« 5uls 4 There are t-wenty ways of going to a point, and one is the shortest, but set out at once on one. Enrxerson. Chicken soup. Boiled bass, sauce piquante. Forequarter of lamb. New potatoes. Green peas. Roast woodcock. Lettuce salad. Strawberries and cream. 5ull2 5 The mind gro^ws languid that has no excesses. Cream of tomato soup. Sheep's-head, anchovy butter. Baked mashed potatoes. Jowl and greens. Lamb chops. Windvsor beans. Lettuce and tomato salad. Cheese souffle. Cherry pie. 94 Ubree Ibunfereb an& Sfyt^sSfr ©Cnncrs. 5ull? 6 Every one believes very easily what he fears and what he desires. La Fontaine. Tapioca soup. Broiled bluefish. Boiled potatoes. Veal chops. Young turnips. Green peas. Broiled squab. Lettuce salad. Bavaroise of orange. 5uli^ 7 One may surrender the body to conquer the spirit. Anon. Vermicelli soup. Mackerel, maitre d'hotel. Beefsteak, with potatoes. Butter beans. Cauliflower au gratin. Chicken a la gelee. IvCttuce and escarole salad. Cottage pudding. 95 Ubrce 1bun^re^ an^ SfytiSsSfy "Binncve, 5uls 8 As a solid, roek is not shaken by the ■wind, ^vise people falter not 'midst blame and praise. Cream of chicken soup. Kingfish, white- wine sauce. Potato croquettes. I/amb chops. Green-corn fritters. String beans. Roast pigeons. I^ettuce salad. Cherry tart. They blanae him who sits silent ; they blame him who speaks much ; they also blame him who says little. There is no one on earth who is not blamed. M. Aurelius. Printaniere soup. Lake-trout, sauce Hollandaise. Chicken, financidre. Cold asparagus. Roast beef. Pur^e of potatoes. Tomato salad. Raspberries and cream. - 96 Ubree 1bun^re^ an& Sirt^sSfr Dinnera. 5ulfi 10 Hurry is the mark of a weak mind, de- spatch of a strong one. Fish chowder. Boiled bass. Breast of lamb. String beans. Baked eggs a I'aurore. Fried chicken. Ivcttuce salad. Vanilla ice-cream. Things without remedy should be with- out regard. \A/^hat 's done is done. Shakespeare. Cold consomme soup. Salmon-trout, sauce piquante. Fried chicken. Fried com cakes. Puree of broad beans. Roast leg of lamb, with spinach. Chicory salad. Strawberries and ice-cream. 97 "Cbtee Ibunbreb an^ SfytssSfr Binncts. 5uls 12 A man can keep the secret of another better than his own ; a woman, on the con- trary, keeps her o"wn better than that of another. Macaroni soup. Broiled Spanish mackerel. Cream potatoes. Croquettes of lamb. Green peas. Roast chicken. Fried bacon. Lettuce and chicory salad. Charlotte Russe. 5uli2 13 I should like to see a man sober in his habits, moderate, chaste, and just in his dealings, assert that there is no God. He ■would speak at least without interested motives, but such a man is not to be found. Pur^e of artichoke soup. Salmon, sauce Hollandaise. Sliced cucumber salad. Roast beef. Potatoes, roasted with the beef. New carrots, with cream sauce. Broiled chicken. Lettuce and water-cress salad. Bavaroise au kirsch. 98 Ubree ■toun^re^ an^ Sfyt^sSfy 2)fnners. 5uls 14 Great things are almost always done ■without oup knoAving how -we have done them, and "we are quite surprised that they are done. Emerson. Chicken, with rice, soup. Fillet of sole, white sauce. Potato balls. Fried veal cutlets, browned gravy. String beans, summer squash. Roast woodcock. Tomato salad. Wine jelly, with rose leaves. Vanilla ice-cream. 5uls 15 ST. SWITHIN'S DAY. The friends of the present day are of the nature of melons ; we must try fifty before we meet with a good one. Mermet. Cream of tomato soup. Codfish steaks, sauce HoUandaise. Boiled potatoes. Beef tongue au jus. Shoulder of lamb. Green peas. I^ettuce salad, and cream cheese. Parfait duchesse. 99 Ubree •ffi)un&re& an& Sfyt^gsSfy "Binncve, 5ul^ 16 One's theory is to enjoy life, but practice is against it. Pur^e of asparagus soup. Fillet of sole, white sauce. Sweetbreads, with heart of artichokes. Cream sauce. Ducklings. Green peas. Lettuce and tomato salad. Cottage cheese. Orange ice-cream. 5uls 17 The man who builds and wants "wherewith to pay, Provides a home fronn "which to run away. Dr. Young. Clam chowder. Broiled porgies. Timbales of potatoes. Shoulder of lamb. Green peas, summer squash. Cauliflower salad. Cherry pie. ICG Ubrec Ibunbreb an& Sfyt^sSfr Bfnncrs. The mope honesty a man has, the less he affects the air of a saint. Lavater. Puree of potato soup. Kennebec salmon, sauce HoUandaise, Parisienne potatoes. Fillet of beef, with mushrooms. Tomatoes stewed with bread crumbs. Broiled squab on toast. I/Cttuce salad. Vanilla ice-cream. A woman who is happy does not go into ^°^^^*y- Balzac. Chicken soup. Sheep's-head, tomato sauce. Curry of chicken, with rice. Green-corn cakes. Roast ham. Vegetable salad. Cherry pie. loi Ubtee Dunbrcb anb Sfyt^gsSfy Dinners. 5uls 20 The end of doubt is the beginning of repose. Mock-turtle soup. Sea chub, mustard sauce. Saratoga potatoes. Calf's head, vinaigrette. Carrots k la creme. Ro^st turkey. Lettuce salad. Charlotte Russe. 5uls 21 Ko mask can long conceal love where it exists, nor feign it -where it does not. La Rochefoucauld. Cold consomm^ soup. Salmon trout, sauce piquante. Croquettes of turkey. Purde of broad beans. Roast leg of lamb, with spinach. Lettuce and chicory salad. Rissoles of peaches. 102 Ubree 1bun^rc^ anb SfytigsSfr Dinners. Let men so conduct themselves in life as to be always strangers to defeat. Cicero. Fish chowder. Dels a la poulette. Puree of potatoes. Lamb k la jardiniere. Cream spinach, with eggs. Broiled squab. Lettuce salad. Apricots Cond^. 5uls 23 Plenty as well as want can separate friends. Cowley. Rice soup. Deviled lobster. Beefsteak, with olives. Stuffed tomatoes. Broiled mushrooms on toast. Pigeons, with green peas. Lettuce salad. Bavaroise of strawberries. 103 tCbree 1bun^re^ an^ SiytssSiy ©fnners. Angling i» somewhat like poetry ; men are to be born so. Pur^e of potato soup. Baked weakfisb, Genovoise sauce. Boiled corned beef. Cream spinacli. Roast chicken. Lettuce and tomato salad. Fruit pudding. 5ul^ 25 Truly it is a hard thing to say where the graceful gentleness of the lamb merges into downright sheepishness. Lo"well. Cold consomm^ soup. Boiled halibut, caper sauce. Sliced cucumbers. Roast lamb, mint sauce. Lima beans. Macaroni au gratin. Snipe, lettuce salad. Bavaroise au kirsch. 104 Ubrce 1bunbre& an& SijtiesSfr "Binnexe* 5uli2 26 Like Diana's kiss, unasked, unsought. Love gives itself, but is not bought. Longfellow. Cr^cy soup. Whitebait, with red pepper. Thin slices brown-bread and butter. Lamb saut^. Green peas. French artichokes, sauce Hollandaise. Broiled squab. Lettuce and tomato salad. Cheese souffle. Bisque glac6. 5ull2 27 No one should take his life into his cwn hands and defy society. Chicken, with rice soup. Sea bass, sauce Hollandaise. Roast beef, horseradish sauce. Hashed potatoes, with cream, browned. Fried egg-plant. Macaroni au gratin. Foie gras. Lettuce and tomato salad. Creme duchesse. 105 Ubrce 1bun5rc& anb Siyti^sSfr Dinners. 5ulg 28 Alack, it is not "when we sleep soft and wake merrily that -we think on other people's sufferings, but \vhen the hour of trouble comes. ^A7■alter Scott. Chicken broth. Pompano, white sauce. Boiled fowl, cream sauce. Fried bacon. Cauliflower. Lamb chops, green peas. Lettuce salad. Compote of peaches. 5ul^ 29 The ■wise ought not to trust the oaths of nnen, but al^^rays their deeds. Alexis. Puree of chicory soup. Spanish mackerel. Cold roast beef, cream horseradish sauce. Baked potatoes. Stewed tomatoes. Macaroni au gratin. Roast chicken. Lettuce and chicory salad. Peaches and cream. lo6 Ubrce 1bun6re^ an^ Sfyt^sSfy 'Dlnncve, 5ull2 30 'T is -with oup judgments as with our \vatch.es — none go just alike, but each be- lieves his own. Pope. Julienne soup. Lobster k la Newberg. Chicken croquettes, green peas. Corn fritters. Lamb chops. Vegetable salad. Peach Charlotte. 5ull2 31 Hope is the flower of desire ; faith the fruit of certainty. Balzac. Purde of tomato soup. Fried flounder, white sauce. Roast shoulder of lamb. Potato croquettes, green peas. Broiled snipe. Lettuce salad, with chives. Puree of gooseberry. Rice pudding. 107 Ubrce 1bun^re^ anl> Sift^sSfy 2)(nner0, Bugust I Never open the door to a little vice lest a great one enter ■witli it. Cold consomm^ soup. Red mullet, tomato sauce. Beefsteak, green peas. Mushrooms on toast. Roast chicken. Fried bacon. Lettuce and water-cress salad. Charlotte Russe, stewed pears. August 2 The dews of divine grace cool a fevered brain n:iore surely than any cordial. Shorthouse. Pur^e of spinach soup. Salmon steaks, sauce piquante. Neck of mutton, brais^. Potato croquettes. Broad beans. Macaroni au gratin. Lettuce salad, with cheese. Ice-cream punch. io8 Ubree 1bun^re^ anl» SfytigsSfy dinners, Bugust 3 Noiseless falls the foot of time that only treads on flowers. Spencer. Cold consomm^ soup. Fillet of flounder, sliced cucumber salad. Cream potatoes. Roast young turkey, currant jelly. White onions. Roman punch. Ducklings, apple sauce. Lettuce salad. E)ve's pudding. BUQUSt 4 ■Who calls in the aid of an equal under- standing doubles his own. Pur^e of potato soup. Broiled Spanish mackerel. Croquettes of turkey. Green peas. Stewed celery. Sirloin of beef, browned potatoes. Baked tomatoes. Cauliflower, with cheese. Lettuce salad. Peaches and cream. 109 tbvcc 1bun^rc^ anb Siyt^esSij Dinners. Bugust 5 The happiness of life is made up of many fractions : the little, soon forgotten, charities of a kiss, a smile, a kind look, a heart-felt compliment in the disguise of playful rail- lery, and the countless other infinitesimals of pleasant thought and feeling. Coleridge. Scotch broth soup. Fillet of sole, white sauce. Roast forequarter of lamb. Green-corn fritters. Cream of spinach, with egg. Broiled ham. Lettuce and tomato salad. Cafe a la neige. Bugust 6 Apply yourself either to things -within or "without you ; that is, be either a philosopher or one of the mob. Epictetus. Puree of green-pea soup. Whitebait, with red pepper. Thin slices brown -bread and butter. Lamb stew. Boiled chicken, with rice. Green peas. Lettuce salad. Compote of plums. no XCbrec Ibunbteb anb SfrtigsSfy Sinners, Bugust 7 VVhen -we lose one -we love, let us learn to love more One we cannot lose. Consomtn^ royal soup. ^ Boiled cod, sauce Hollandaise. Boiled potatoes. Chicken, saute. Corn fritters. Loin of veal. Green peas. New beets. Cold tongue. "Water-cress and lettuce salad. Peach pie. Bugu0t 8 To get peace, if you do want it, make for yourselves nests of pleasant thoughts — houses -without hands for our souls to live in. Ruskin. Consomme Celestine soup. Boiled bass, sauce Hollandaise. Veal pie. Beefsteak, Chateaubriand. Baked tomatoes, with bread crumbs. Cream cheese. Tomato and lettuce salad. Vanilla ice-cream. Ill Ubrcc fbunbrcb anb Sfyt^sSfy l^tnnetd. 2iuau0t 9 Neither covetous men nor the grave can inherit anything; they can but consunne; only contentment can possess. Ruskin. Cream of rice soup. Broiled bluefish, cucumber salad, witli chives. I^amb chops, with peas. Macaroni au gratin. Fried chicken. I^ettuce and tomato salad. Glac6 mille fruits. Bugust 10 According to your own disposition you judge of the -ways of others. Pliny. Clear soup. Flounder, white sauce. Roast lamb, mint sauce. String beans. Com fritters. Cauliflower. Jellied chicken. Lettuce and celery salad. Peach ice-cream. 112 Ubree 1bun&re& aWb Siyt^sSiy Dinners. Busust XI A mother's example sinks down into the heart of her child, like snow-flakes into the heart of the ocean. H. O. Ward. Clams. Bonne femme soup. Salmon steaks. Sliced cucumber salad. Veal tongue, au nouilles. Cauliflower au gratia. Roast capon. Water-cress and lettuce salad. Cheese croquette. Mousse au fraise. BuQUSt 12 It does a nrxan no harm to go sometimes slow, for his glory is not at all in going, but in being. Consomm^ printaniere soup. Fried perch, sauce tartar. Chicken croquettes, green peas. Sirloin of beef. Stuffed tomatoes. Green com. Bavaroise of rice. Raspberries. 113 Ubree 1bun&reb an& Sfyt^sSfy 2)fnners, Buaust 13 It benefits a son to be dutiful to his father. Plautus. Cold consomme soup. Broiled weakfish. Chicken, saute, with mushrooms. Boiled rice. Haunch of venison. Cabbage a la creme. Broiled squab. Lettuce and tomato salad. Iced cabinet pudding. BU^UBt 14 It is the part of a good governer to teach obedience. Cream of celery soup. Broiled trout, egg sauce. Sliced cucumbers. Parisienne potatoes. Stewed venison. French mushrooms on toast. Roast Guinea hen. Celery salad. Plum tart. Watermelon. 114 Ubrce f3un&reb an^ Sfyt^sSfy Dinners, Bugust 15 I love to dwell betwixt hills and dales, neither to be so great as to be envied, nor yet so poor the -world should pity me. Thomas Nash. Tomato, with rice, soup. Striped bass, sauce Mousseline. Boiled potatoes. Boiled chicken, oyster sauce. Peas, parsnips. Macaroni, with tomatoes. Baked lobster. Lettuce and water-cress salad. Rice pudding. Wine whey. BUQUSt 16 All true science begins in the love, not the dissection, of your fellow-creatures ; and it ends in the love, not the analysis, of God. Ruskin. Chicken soup. Broiled Spanish mackerel. Duchesse potatoes. Corned beef, and spinach. New beets. Yellow turnips. Roast capon, fried bacon. Fried parsnips. Celery salad. Compote of pears. Italian cream. 115 Ubrce 1bun&rel> anb Sfrt^gsSfr S)lnnero. Bugust 17 Bear through, soppow, ■wrong, and ruth, In thy heart the deAv of youth. On thy lips the smile of truth. Longfellow. Consommd soup. Boiled codfish, sauce Mousseline. Roast beef, horseradish sauce. Corn fritters. Stuffed tomatoes. Macaroni au gratin. Roast duck, apple sauce. Lettuce salad. Peaches, with cream. BUQU6t 18 The "weakest among us has a gift, ho'w- ever seemingly trivial, which is peculiar to him, and Avhich, worthily used, ■will be a gift also to his race forever. Ruskin. Pur^e of chicken soup. Broiled Spanish mackerel. Potatoes stewed in cream. Fried veal, browned gravy. Stewed celery. "White onions, with cream. Roast snipe. Water-cress and lettuce salad. Pear pudding. ii6 Ubrce 1bun&re& anb Sfft^sSfj 3S>fnncr0. Mngxxet \9 If any man think it a small matter to bridle his tongue, he is much mistaken. Plutarch. Mock-turtle soup. Deviled lobster. Potatoes iu cream. Beef pudding. Cauliflower, cream sauce. Maryland broiler. Lettuce salad. Royal cream. Strawberry tart. BUQUSt 20 One ungrateful man does an injury to all -who stand in need of aid. Publico. Puree of celery soup. Broiled bluefish, cucumber salad. Sweetbreads, saut^. Green peas. Parsnips. Roast squab. Tomato and escarole salad. Peach ice-cream. 117 Ubrec f)un^rc^ an& Sfyt^sSfj Dfnnera, August 21 Every great man is always being helped, by everybody, for his gift is to get good out of all things and all persons. Beeeher. Scotch broth. Broiled carp, sauce Hollandaise. Irish stew. Celery, Lima beans. Macaroni, with tomato sauce. Boston ducklings. Lettuce and water-cress salad. Compote of peaches. 2lU0U8t 22 Let the ehild not learn in his infancy ■what he must afterwards take pains to unlearn. Quintilian. English beef soup. Fried pan-fish, butter sauce. Sliced cucumber salad. Sirloin steak. Lima beans. ^ Corn fritters. Cauliflower, sauce Hollandaise. Roast pigeons. Lettuce and tomato salad. Stewed grapes. Rice pudding. ii8 Ubree 1bun^re^ an^ Sirt^sSfy "Blnncvs, Bugust 23 Time and patience have often cured what reason could not. Seneca. Cream tomato soup. Baked bluefish, butter sauce. Chicken pot-pie, with dumplings. String beans. Carrots in cream. Fresh mushrooms on toast. Roast plover. Chicory and lettuce salad. Blueberry roll, wine sauce. BuQUSt 24 Upon the whole, then, whatever you ■would make habitual, practise it. Epictetus. Milk soup. Boiled black bass, white sauce. Cold-slaw. Young turkey roast. Cranberry sauce. Stewed celery. Green peas. Cauliflower au gratin. Broiled squab. I^ettuce and tomato salad. Peach meringue. Vanilla ice-cream. 119 Ubree 1bun^re& an^ Sfrti2=S(r Dinners. %\XQ\xet 25 The heart hias logic that logic does not know. Saltus. Cream tomato soup. Trout, butter sauce. Sliced tomatoes. Sweetbreads. Green peas. Boiled chicken. Fried bacon. Corn fritters. Macaroni, tomato sauce. Rennet custard. Nesselrode pudding. BuQU6t 26 I look forwapd. to a heaven -where nature •will be natural and custom reasonable. That is, in short, where common-sense -will reign. Lady Mary "Wortley Mantagu. Purde of spinach soup. Roast clams. Rissoles of beef. Stewed tomatoes. Cauliflower, sauce Hollandaise. Poached eggs on anchovy toast. lyettuce salad. Peaches, with whipped cream. I20 Ubrec Ibunbreb an& SfytigsSfr 2)tnnerg. Bugu6t 27 He is a man of sense -who does not grieve for %^rhat he has not, but rejoices in \vhat he has. Epictetus. Chicken, with rice, soup. Broiled bluefish, cucumber salad. Croquettes of chicken, with peas. Macaroni au gratin. Fillet of beef, brais6. Green corn in husks. Sliced tomatoes, mayonnaise dressing. Bavarian cream, coddled apples. 2lugu6t 28 It is better to be brief than tedious. Shakespeare. Cold consomme soup. Fried pan-fish, tomato sauce. Sweetbreads, with cauliflower. Beefsteak, with mushrooms. Corn fritters. Macaroni au gratin. Vegetable salad. Rice snow, stewed blackberries. 121 Ubree f)unbre6 anfe SfytssSfr SXnncrs, Bugust 29 Since time -we cannot overtake -when he is past, let us honor him with mirth and. cheerfulness "while he is passing. Goethe. Fish chowder. Ivobster a la poulette. Lamb chops, with spinach. Potato croquettes. Cauliflower, sauce Hollandaise. Maryland broilers. I^ettuce salad. Cold baked sweet apples, with cream. Bugust 30 Life is but a short day, taut it is a working day. Hannah More. Anchovy toast, with curry. Vegetable soup. Swordfish steaks, cream sauce. Sweetbreads and cauliflower. Cream sauce. Roast chicken. Corn fritters. Thin slices sugar-cured ham. Lettuce and tomato salad. Peaches and cream. 122 Ubree Ibunbreb an& SfjtissSfr ©inners. Bu^USt 31 Trifle not with time. One day you may in vain ask that which you have wasted. John Bunyan. Cold consomm^ soup. Boiled sea bass, sauce HoUandaise. Boiled potatoes. Roast beef. Potatoes hashed with cream and baked. Fried celery. Pat^ de foie gras. Lettuce and tomato salad. Farina pudding, wine sauce. 123 Ubree 1bun&reb an^ SfytigsSfr "Binncvs, September l No matter -what you are doing, hold your mind to it closely, do not let a single thought A^andep. Wilman. Hotch-potch soup. Broiled blackfish, white sauce. Cucumber salad. Mutton chops, breaded. Lima beans, saut^. Roast partridge, bread sauce. Lettuce salad. Cottage cheese. Peaches, with cream. September 2 When the mind loses its feeling for ele- gance, it grows corrupt and grovelling, and seeks in the crowd what ought to be found at home. Landor. Game soup. Boiled sheep's-head, Hollandaise sauce. Potato balls. Beef pie. Lima beans au velout^. Broiled chicken. Beet and chicory salad. Coffee cream. 124 Ubree Ibun&rcb an& Siyt^sSir dinners. September 3 To love is to be useful to yourself. To cause love is to be useful to others. Beranger. Beef soup. Fillet of sole, cucumber salad. Calf's head a la poulette. Ribs of beef. Sweet potatoes baked caramel. Fried egg-plant. Beet and French bean mayonnaise. Mousse of pears. September 4 There is not air enough in North America to float t-wo flags. . Clear soup. Sea bass, melted butter. Beef olives. Roast chicken, with beef tongue. Green peas, stewed celery. Cauliflower salad. Rice flummery. 125 Ubree Ibunbreb ant> Sfyt^sSfy ©inners. September 5 Sweet the music of the step That meets us at the door. Drake. Julienne soup. Souffle of bass, lobster sauce. Boiled leg of mutton, caper sauce. Stewed parsnips. Roast duckling, apple sauce. I^ettuce and escarole salad. Peach tart. September 6 Oh, sir I I must not tell my age. They say "women and music should never be dated. Goldsmith. Soupe maigre. Fried halibut steak, white sauce. Cucumber salad. Ragout of sweetbreads. Fillet of beef, with mushrooms. French beans. Red-head duck. Celery salad. Wine jelly, with whipped cream. 126 Ubrce 1bun^re^ anb Sfyt^sSfr Winncte, September 7 Nature is vepy lovely ; it is a pity she should ever be absurd. Carlyle. Kidney soup. Fried weakfish, tomato sauce. Mutton stew, with vegetables. Roast Guinea fowl. Lettuce and tomato mayonnaise. Cream-cheese. Ivcmon sponge. September 8 AA/'ill it please your Honor, taste of these conserves ? "Taming of the Shrew." Potato soup. Fish souffle. Bouchee of chicken. Roast lamb. Green peas. Roast partridge. Lettuce salad. Farina pudding, wine sauce. 127 Ubtec fjunbrcli an^ Sfyt^sSfy Sinners. September 9 Money and pleasure are not cheap. The gods sell all things at a fair price. Fish chowder. Cauliflower, sauce Hollandaise. Saddle of venison. Currant jelly. Green-corn cakes. String beans. Teal duck. Lettuce and tomato salad. Baked pears. September XO • Married life appears to me a sort of philosophical discipline, training persons to honorable duties, worthy of the good and ■wise. Melancthon. Cream of carrot soup. Fried codfish, with water-cress. Brown ragout of chicken. Curried rice. Russian mayonnaise. Cheese croquettes. Peach meringue. 128 tCbree 1bun^re^ an^ SfytssSiy Sfntterd. ScptemlJer XI What is that -which nobody wants; ■which, -when one has, he wishes to gain ; w^hich, -when he gains it, he no longer has ? A lawsuit. Ox-tail soup. Fried oysters, cold-slaw. Boiled fowl, oyster sauce. Potato croquettes. Mayonnaise of tomato and lettuce. Aunt Mary's pudding. September 12 It is done. In the fire's fitful flashes. The last line has withered and curled ; In a tiny A^rhite heap of dead ashes, Lie buried the hopes of your world. Ella Wheeler. Chicken broth. Deviled lobster. Fillet of bass, white sauce. Hashed venison. Lima beans. Broiled chicken. Lettuce salad. Apple tapioca. 129 tCbree 1bun&re& anb Sirt^sSiy Winncvs, September 13 Her sympathy is the s-wiftest, The truest that heart ever had. ; She is just an every-day darling, The dearest that heart ever had. Chicken, with rice. Fillet of sole, white sauce. Cold beef, horseradish sauce. Stewed celery. Potato croquettes. Roast lamb. Potato salad. Compote of peaches. September 14 strange as it may appear to the un- observant, our hearts warm more to those w^e have benefited than to our benefactors. Puree of Jerusalem artichoke soup. Broiled Spanish mackerel, cucumber salad. Mutton chops a la Victor Hugo. Green peas. Roast duckling, apple sauce. Lettuce salad. Rice pudding. 130 Ubree 'fcun^re& anb Sfyt^sSir dinners. September 15 It is a good rule to sojourn in everyplace as if you meant to spend your life there; never omitting an opportunity of doing a kindness. Scotch broth, with barley, soup. Broiled oysters on toast. Corned beef, with spinach. Roast chicken. Lettuce and tomato salad. Apple Charlotte. September 16 And ever through the rifted clouds Shines out one steady star — For vv^hen my guide w^ent up, he left The pearly gates ajar! Beef soup. Fried scallops. Cream potatoes. Forequarter of lamb. Stewed Brussels sprouts. Croquettes of rice. Mayonnaise of chicken. Sliced tomatoes. Cup custard. 131 Ubree 1bun&re& anb SfytigsSfr Dinners. SeptemlJci: 17 Though -we travel the -wopld over to find the beautiful, we must earpy it with us, or ■we find it not. Pot au feu soup. Boiled cod and oyster sauce. Beefsteak. Potatoes hashed with cream and baked. Tomatoes stewed. Lobster salad. Cerealine fritters, with quince jelly. September 18 Good breeding is benevolence in trifles, OP the preference of others to ourselves in the little daily occurrences of life. Lord Chatham. Pur^e of tomato soup. Pan bass, fried, white sauce. Potatoes, fried in quarters. Mutton chops, mashed potatoes. Cauliflower, sauce Hollandaise. Roast capon. Lettuce salad. Lemon pie. 132 '(ZbKce fjunbreb an& Sfrti2=S(r Sinners. September 19 Those -who have resources within them- selves, who can dare to live alone, want friends the least, but at the same time know how to prize them the most. Chicken soup. Stewed terrapin, Maryland style. Croquettes of chicken. Green peas. Baked ham. Lettuce and tomato salad. Blanc mange, with quince jelly. September 20 The reception one meets with from the women of the family is generally the tenor of one's whole entertainment. Rice soup. Boiled haddock, white sauce. Lamb stew, with peas. Baked sweet potatoes. Roast chicken, stuffed with truffles. Lettuce salad. Peach Charlotte. 133 Zbvcc f3un^re^ an^ Siyt^Sfy Dinners. September 21 I have lost a friend— that is, I have lost a -witness of nny own life, which is the basis of friendship. Oyster soup. Broiled kingfish. Cucumber salad. Boiled turkey, parsley sauce. Stewed celery. Turkey livers, broiled. Lettuce and tomato mayonnaise. Compote of green gages. Septeml)er 22 Politeness is like an air-cushion ; there may be nothing in it, but it eases our jolts ■wonderfully. Consomm^, with poached eggs, soup. Broiled pompano. Cream potatoes. Timbales of turkey. French beans. Beefsteak, with olives. Macaroni au gratin. Quince tart. 134 Ubrec 1bunl)re& an& Sfrt^sSly Sinners. September 23 The great end of a good education is to form a reasonable naan. Strained gumbo soup. Frogs' legs a la poulette. Lamb chops. Green peas. Fried chicken. Lettuce salad. Peach and rice pudding. September 24 I 'would never regard an admirer as a possible husband, or accept admiration as a substitute for love. Habberton. Chicken and tomato soup. Boiled salmon, sauce Hollandaise. Forequarter of lamb. String beans. Fried oysters. Celery mayonnaise. Cream cheese. Nesselrode pudding. 135 Ubrec 1bun&re^ an^ SfytigsSfr 'Dinncve, September 25 Oh ! be it mine with deed or song, To kindle some life to purpose strong ; To light some lamp on the shore of time, That shall shine forever with beam sublime. James Buekman. Piir6e of cucumber soup. Fillet of sole. Minced lamb. Green-corn fritters. Broiled snipe. Lettuce salad. Mousse of peaches. September 26 Bills always get paid ; like a crying baby, some one is obliged to take care of it. Mock-turtle soup. Souffle of salmon, white sauce. Curry of veal, with rice. Baked cauliflower. Roast chicken. Lettuce and tomato mayonnaise. Compote of quinces. 136 Ubtce 1bun^re^ anfc Siyt^sSir Dinners. September 27 When you marry and. take a house, you must remember there are three hundred and sixty-five days in the year, and each hour of the t^wenty-four, in eaeh day, has minutes to allow you time for many moods and many minds. Clear beef soup. Fried smelts, tartar sauce. Turkey stuffed with mushroom forcemeat. Cranberry jelly. Macaroni stewed with tomatoes. Broiled quail. Lettuce and celery, cream salad dressing. Ice-cream. September 28 He is fortunate "who can wait A^^ithout idleness and hope without impatience. Macaroni soup. Lobster a la Newburg. Timbales of sweetbreads, in aspic. Fillet of beef, with tomatoes. Roast grouse. French bean salad. Jelly, with fruit. 137 Ubree 1bun^re^ anb Sfyt^sSfj Dinners. September 29 No evils toucli us save by God's blessed. \vill, ^A^ho turns e'en sin to -work bis purpose still. Mutton broth. Boiled striped bass, white sauce. Cucumber salad, with chives. Baked cauliflower. Roast partridge. Lettuce and tomato mayonnaise. Compote of peaches. September 30 Sick of personal freedom, tired of exercis- ing ber own •will, sbe wept v/itb longing for love and dependance ; and tbis very longing created tbe resistance to it in tbe deptb of ber soul. Geo. Mereditb. Curry and tomato soup. Fillet of bluefish, anchovy sauce. Chicken pot-pie. Peas, mashed potatoes. Roast woodcock. Lettuce salad. Souffle of rice. 138 Ubrce Ibunbreb anb Sfyt^ssSf j 2)fnner0. ©ctobec X A hole may be the accident of a day, but a darn is premeditated poverty. Cream of celery soup. Kingfish, butter sauce. Chicken pot-pie. Green peas. Cauliflower au gratin. Venison steak, currant jelly. Lettuce salad. Queen pudding, cream sauce. ©ctober 2 A wife that has her o^wn ^?vay while her husband lives, is apt to find fault with his ■will after he dies. Mutton broth. Halibut steaks, cream sauce. Calf's head a la poulette. Green peas. Red-head duck. Fried hominy. Celery salad. Blanc mange, stewed pears. 139 Ubree 1bun^rc^ an^ Sfrt^sSfp Dfnnera. ©ctobcr 3 Music ^A^aslies a^way from the soul tlie dust of every-day life. Auerbaeh. Oyster soup. Sea bass, sauce Hollandaise. Roast mutton. Cream spinach, with egg. Jerusalem artichokes. Teal duck, currant jelly. I^ettuce salad. Jelly a la Russe. ©ctober 4 He is a fool ^vho leaves a certainty for an uncertainty. Hesiod. Strained gumbo soup. Spanish mackerel, mustard sauce. Veal cutlets, with green peas. Hothouse sea-kale. Fried egg-plant. Roast plover. Celery salad. Bavaroise of coffee. 140 Ubree •fcun^rc^ an& SfrtssSfy "Binncvs, ©ctobec 5 To be prepared, for -war is one of the most effectual means for preserving peace. George Washington. Consomm^ soup. Boiled cod, sauce Hollandaise. Boiled potatoes. Curry of lamb. Brussels sprouts. Roast capon, sweet pickled peaches. lycttuce salad. Rice pudding. ©ctobec 6 There is always more in the world than men could see, -walk they ever so slOAvly; they -will see it no better for going fast. Beef soup. Fried halibut, white sauce. Croquettes of chicken, with green peas. Tenderloin steak, brown oyster-sauce. Macaroni a I'ltalienne. Lettuce and tomato mayonnaise. Sago and apple pudding. 141 Ubree •ffjunbrcb anb Siyt^sSfy Binncrg. ©ctobcr 7 Health is the best thing, beauty the next, strength the third, and. riches the fourth. Plato. Cream of tomato soup. Fried smelts, sauce tartar. Roast beef, with sweet potatoes, roasted. Brussels sprouts. Roast blackbirds on toast. Kscarole and celery salad. Su^doise of pears. ©ctober 8 Mrs. Skolfield "was so icy in her manner, that a poet, -who once ventured her way, caught a cold in his head which lasted a "week. Saltus. Consommd soup. Sheep's-head, sauce HoUandaise. Mutton chops. Cauliflower, sauce HoUandaise. Red-head duck, jelly. Fried hominy. Lettuce and chicory salad. Apple pie, with cheese, 142 Ubrec 1bun^re^ anb Sfyt^sSir Dinners. ©ctobec 9 Firmness, fidelity, and. integrity are true philosophy. Plato. Crodte-au-pot soup. Oysters a la poulette. Beef stew. Broiled tomatoes, Brussels sprouts. Widgeon duck, currant jelly. Celery salad. Charlotte glac^. ©ctobec 10 when we ape alone "we have our thoughts to watch, in family oup tempers, and in company oup tongues. Venison soup. Eels a la poulette. Lamb chops, with spinach. Fried chicken a la Maryland. lyCttuce and chicory salad. Cheese souffle. 143 Ubree 1bun^rc& an& SirtigsSfr Dfnners. ©ctober II He that is ashamed to be seen in a mean condition would be proud in a splendid one. Seneca. Bisque of oyster soup. Stuffed lobster. Beefsteak, with onions. Hashed potatoes, with cream, baked. Roast stall-fed pigeons. Lettuce salad. Apple dumplings, butter sauce. ©ctober 12 A great, a good, and a right mind is a kind of divinity lodged in flesh. Seneea. Rice soup. Codfish steaks, white sauce. Sweetbreads, with peas. Macaroni au gratin. Sweet potatoes, caramel. Roast Guinea hen. Lettuce and tomato salad. Meringue glace, floating island. 144 Ubree 1bun^rc^ anb Sfyt^sSfy Mnneve, ©ctober 13 Education is an ornament in prospepity and' a refuge in adversity. Aristotle. Consomme, with spaghetti, soup. Flukes, white sauce. Turkey, chestnut stuffing and sauce. Baked Hubbard squash, stewed celery. Mallard duck. Lettuce and tomato salad. Cheese croquettes. Vanilla ice-cream. ©ctobet 14 For cementing friendships, resemblance of manners is the strongest tie. Pliny. Julienne soup. Oysters a la poulette. Roast leg of mutton. Yellow turnips. Stewed celery. Roast grouse, currant jelly. Celery salad. Caramel custard. 145 Ubrce 1bun^re^ anb Sfft^sSfy ©inncrs. ©ctol)er 15 That %vl:iiel-i seems obstinacy in some people may appear eonstaney in others. Cieero. Cream of cauliflower soup. Boiled blackfish, white sauce. Puree of potatoes. Mutton stew. Green peas. Roast plover. Mayonnaise of cabbage. Apple souffle. ©ctober 16 "What we ought not to do we should, not even think of doing. Epietetus. Fish chowder. Cauliflower au gratin. Veal cutlets. Potato croquettes, broiled tomatoes. Roast quail on toast. Celery salad. Blanc mange, peach preserves. 146 TLhvcc 1bun^>re^ an& Slyt^sSfr "Binncvs, ©ctober 17 Gratified vanity is probably the most perfect form of human enjoyment— I will not say the highest. Julien Gordon. Pur^e of chicken soup, Salmon steaks, sauce Genevoise. Vol-au-vent of sweetbreads. Cauliflower, sauce HoUandaise. Chateaubriand steak, fried potatoes. Vegetable salad. Baked apples, with cream. ©ctobcr 18 'T is loving and serving, the highest and best ; 'T is onward I unswerving, and that is true rest. Goethe. Oyster soup. Fried scallops, cream sauce. Cream potatoes. Lamb chops. Stuffed tomatoes. Macaroni au gratin. Stall-fed pigeons. Lettuce and tomato salad. Vanilla ice-cream. 147 Ubree 1bun^re^ an& S(jti5sSf j "Binneve, ©ctobcr 19 "When a love-letter is so \vell -written that it affords pleasure to any third, person ^^^ho might read it, it emanates from the head and not the heart. Balzae, Beef soup. Fried weakfish, tomato sauce. Potato croquettes. Porterhouse steak. Baked sweet potatoes. String beans. Roast partridge, bread sauce. Lettuce salad. Coddled apples. ©ctober 20 If you can separate yourself and your misdemeanors you are welcome to the house. Shakespeare. Scotcli broth. Halibut steaks, white sauce. Lamb chops. Peas, stewed tomatoes. Macaroni au gratin. Broiled woodcock. Celery mayonnaise. Charlotte Russe. 148 Ubree 1bunl»re& an^ StrtigsSfr S)(nnet0. ©ctober 21 Nothing will content hinn -who is not contented with a little. Epicurus. Pur^e of artichoke soup. Haddock, baked with cream. Boiled turkey, celery sauce. Green peas. Venison steak, currant jelly. Celery salad. Cheese croquettes. Vanilla ice-cream. ©ctobcr 22 A contented life is the surest path to glory and lasting happiness. Diogenes. Vegetable soup. Boiled sea bass, oyster sauce. Beef tongue, with spinach. Mashed yellow turnips. Roast Philadelphia capon. Vegetable salad. Omelet souffle. 149 Ubree f)un^re& an& Sfyt^sSfy ©Innerff. ©ctober 23 A dearest friend, is he in "whioni the gods join the mildest manners and the bravest nnind. Honner. Clear soup. Mackerel, mtistard sauce. Shoulder of lamb. Green peas. Jerusalem artichokes. Teal duck, jelly. Celery salad. Baked Indian pudding. ©ctober 24 The chief want in life is some one to make us do what -we ean. Emerson. Pur^e of chicken soup. Brook pickerel, boiled, melted-butter sauce. Boiled potatoes. Beefsteak, with mushrooms. Stuflfed tomatoes. Summer ducks. Fried hominy. I^ettuce salad. Orange-flower custard. 150 Ubree 1bun&re^ an& Sfst^*Sir Bfnners. ®ctol)cr 25 A friend who is both intelligent and well affected is the most valuable of all posses- Herodotus, sions. Cream of celery soup. Boiled codfish, egg sauce. Fried veal cutlets, browned sauce. Stewed oyster-plant. Macaroni a I'ltalienne. Prairie hens. Lettuce salad. Fig pudding. ©ctober 26 Manners are often too much neglected; life is too short to get over a bad manner; besides, manners are the shadows of virtue. Sydney Smith. Clear soup. Sea hass, butter sauce. Terrapin a la Maryland. Roast sirloin of beef. Cream horseradish sauce. Brussels sprouts. Lettuce and egg salad. Bisque glac6. 151 Ubrec 1bun&rcb an^ Sfyt^gsSfy Winnets, ©ctober 27 Clnepish them that love you, that if ye love ye may be loved again. Mosehus. Vegetable soup. Fried oysters. Cold-slaw. Croquettes of beef. Macaroni a I'ltalienne. Haunch of venison. Celery salad. Charlotte Russe. ©ctober 28 Be careful to leave your sons well in- stpueted rather than rich. Epietetus. Consomme soup. Boiled red snapper. Potatoes HoUandaise. Haricot of mutton. Baked tomatoes. Macaroni au gratin. Green goose, apple sauce. Lettuce salad. Ginger ice-cream. 152 Ubree 1bun^re^ anb Sfjt^sSiy "Dinncve, ©ctober 29 God is ever drawing like towards like, and making tlnenn acquainted. Plato. Consomm6 soup. John Dorlon fish. Broiled chicken, fried bacon. Jerusalem artichokes. Cauliflower, white sauce. Roast grouse. I^ettuce salad. Vanilla souffle. ©ctobec 30 Dost thou think because thou art virtuous there shall be no more cakes and ale ? Shakespeare. Chicken soup. Salmon steaks, sauce tartar. Chicken croquettes. Green peas. Stewed celery. Roast pheasant. Lettuce salad. Apple pie, with cheese. 153 Ubree Ijunbreb an^ SfytigsSfs Dfnnera. ©ctober 3t ALL HALLOW E'EN. Sonne meppy, fpiendly, eountpa folks Together did. convene To bupn theip nits, an' pou theip stocks, An' haud ttieip Halloween — Fu' blythe that night. Burns. Bisque of oyster soup. Boiled bass, white sauce. Lamb chops, with peas. Macaroni au gratin. Beefsteak. Lettuce and tomato salad. Cheese souffle. Apple and tapioca pudding. IRovember I If you have dined -with contentment, you have dined as -well as the Lopd-Mayor of London. White soup. Blackfish, sauce Hollandaise. Pork and beans, Boston style. Thin slices of brown-bread, buttered. Cauliflower, sauce Hollandaise. Teal duck, currant jelly. Celery salad. Apple Charlotte. 154 Ubree 1bun&rel> an& Sfjt^sSir timers, movcmber 2 Choose always the way that seems best, however rough it may be. Custom will make it easy and agreeable. Pythagoras. Oyster soup. Fillet of sole. Boiled mutton, caper sauce. Spinach, with egg. Cauliflower au gratin. Roast grouse, bread sauce. Lettuce salad. Vanilla ice-cream. uaovember 3 Admissions are dangerous; it is always better policy to leave people in doubt. Mutton broth. Boiled striped bass, egg sauce. Mutton stew. Yellow turnips. Tomatoes. Macaroni au gratin. Red-head duck, currant jelly. Fried hominy, celery salad. Tapioca, with apple. 155 Ubree 1bun^re^ anb SfytTjsSfy ©fnners. IRovembcr 4 In a game of cards a good deal depends on a good play, and a good play on a good deal. Vegetable soup. Oysters k la poulette. Turkey, with ham. Stewed oyster-plant. Macaroni a Tltalienne. Broiled snipe. Lettuce salad. Vanilla souffle. November 5 It is exceedingly bad husbandry to har- row up the feelings of your -wife. Prentice. Green-turtle soup. Boiled cod, oyster sauce. Turkey croquettes. French peas. Beefsteak, mushroom sauce. Cream potatoes. Jerusalem artichokes. Celery salad. Cottage pudding. 156 Ubvee IbunSrcb anb Sfrt^sSfy Dinners. November 6 Teach men that AA^hile duty is to be re- garded, so also are cheerfulness, mirthful- ness, and hopefulness. Beeeher. Puree of game soup. Boiled sole, oyster sauce. Stewed rabbits a la terrapin. Puree of potatoes. Saddle of mutton, jelly. Green peas. Stewed celery. Foie gras. Lettuce salad. Tapioca, with apple. IRovember 7 That you may be loved, be worthy to be loved. Ovid. Pur^e of chicory soup. Sea bass, egg sauce. Curry of chicken. Macaroni au gratin. Venison steak, currant jelly. Lettuce salad. Fruit omelet. 157 Ubree 1bun^rc^ an& Sirt^sStr 2)(nners. Bovembcr 8 There are inscriptions on our hearts ■which can never be seen except at dead, low tide. Bulwer. Cream of cauliflower soup. Boiled kingfish. Cucumber salad. Roast beef, horseradish sauce. Sweet potato caramel, Jerusalem artichokes. Cauliflower, sauce HoUandaise. Reed birds. Celery and lettuce salad. Bread pudding, cream sauce. Iftovembec 9 Be assured that endurance is nobler than strength, and patience than beauty. John Ruskin. Chicken soup. Halibut steak, sauce mousseline. Timbales of chicken d la reine. Green peas. Canned asparagus, sauce HoUandaise. Mallard duck, currant jelly. Lettuce salad. Omelette souffle. 158 Ubrce 1bun^re^ an& SijtigsSfs SXnners. November 10 Happiness is the pursuit of something you want, and you feel you are making progress towards getting it. Life, Scotch broth soup. Fried cod steaks, white sauce. Sweetbreads a la poulette. Green peas. Roast leg of mutton, jelly. Stewed oyster-plant. Lettuce and tomato mayonnaise. Italian cream. IPlovemljer it Love lessens a w^oman's delieaey and increases a man's. Balzac. Potato soup. Blackfish, egg sauce. Irish stew. Purde of potatoes. Wild goose, apple sauce. Stewed celery. I^ettuce salad, with cream cheese. Pumpkin pie. 159 Ubrec •toun^re^t anb SfytissSfr Dinners. » ■ . IWovember 12 Ppide helps us, and pride is not a bad thing when it only urges us to hide our ow^n hurts and not to hurt others. Beeeher. Strained gumbo soup. Fried halibut steaks. Lamb chops, green peas. Macaroni au gratin. Red-head duck, currant jelly. Fried hominy. Celery salad. Coddled apples. IRovcmbcr 13 Finish every day and have done with it, for manners and for "wise living it is a viee to rennenaber. Beeeher. Vegetable soup. Fried oysters. Cold-slaw. Roast beef, sweet pickled peaches. Stewed tomatoes. Brussels sprouts. Grouse, bread sauce. Lettuce salad. Cottage pudding, wine sauce. 1 60 Ubree 1bun^re^ anb SfytigiSfr Dinners. IRovembec 14 Those whom we cannot make friends of avoid, making enenniies. Epicurus. Oyster soup. Broiled Spanish mackerel, mustard sauce. Potatoes, hashed with cream. Stewed terrapin, in cream. Philadelphia capon, with fried bacon. Lettuce and chicory salad. Royal diplomatic pudding. In idle wishes fools supinely stay ; Be there a will, and -wisdom finds a way. Crabbe. Cream tomato soup. Kingfish, boiled. Sweetbreads, in cream. Roast spare-rib, with stuffing. Apple sauce. Macaroni au gratin. French artichokes, mayonnaise sauce. Grape fruit, with white wine and sugar. i6i Ubrce Ibunbreb a\\b Sfyt^sSfy Dinners. IWovcmbec X6 One man may steal a horse, and. anottier nnust not look over the hedge. Clear soup. Boiled halibut, sauce Hollandaise. Roast beef. Cream spinach. Baked Hubbard squash. Cold spare-rib. lyCttuce and chicory salad. Cheese croquettes. Leg of mutton pudding. November 17 In the lives of most of us there are hours of such distress that, in search of a pallia- tive, w^e strive as best we may to cheat ourselves into thinking that the distress is but a phase of our o^wn individual imagina- tion. Vegetable soup. Boiled red snapper, butter sauce. Beef croquettes. Stewed tomatoes. Macaroni au gratia. Broiled chicken. Celery mayonnaise. Italian cream. 162 Zhvec Ibunbreb anb Sirts=Sfr Dinners. IRovember 18 The raan that can put his hand on his heart and swear he never wrote a foohsh love-letter is to be pitied. There is some- thing radically wrong in his make-up, and he will probably die of blood-poisoning caused by the milk of human kindness turned sour. Tribune. Chicken, with rice, soup. Striped bass, white sauce. Cucumber salad. Cauliflower au gratin. Boiled chicken, with oyster sauce. Stewed celery. Puree of potatoes. Cheese croquettes. Peach tart. IRovember 10 Vigor is contagious, and \vhatever makes us think or feel strongly adds to our power and enlarges our field of action. Amber soup. Broiled lobster. Saddle of venison, currant jelly. Brussels sprouts. Macaroni au gratin. Quail on toast. Lettuce salad. Suet pudding, cream sauce. 163 Ubree 1bun^re& ant» SirtijsSfy Winners, IRovcmbcr 20 The un-written only still belongs to thee; Take heed, and. ponder well what that shall be. Vegetable soup. Boiled cod, oyster sauce. Stewed venison, with jelly. Cream spinach, with egg. Philadelphia capon. I^ettuce salad. Cheese croquettes. Apple tart. IWovembcc 21 I have found by experience that there is nothing better for a man than an easy tem- per and eomplaeeney. Terence, Clear soup. Boiled sea bass, sauce HoUandaise. Calf's head, brain sauce. Green peas. Roast turkey. Stuffed tomatoes. Lima beans. Cauliflower cold, sauce mayonnaise. Ice-cream, angel cake. 164 Ubree Ibunbrefe an^ Sinncrs, December 30 The gentleness of all the gods go -with thee. Shakespeare. Oysters on half shell. Chicken soup a la reine. Fillet of sole. Cucumber salad. Roast beef. Green peas. Baked Hubbard squash. Mallard duck, jelly. Fried hominy. Mayonnaise of lettuce and grape-fruit. Vanilla ice-cream. 185 Ubree 1bun&re& anb Siyt^sSfy Dinners. Becember 31 The end. crowns all. Shakespeare. Oysters. Consomm^ royal. Fillet of bass, cucumber salad. Rissole of sweetbreads. Asparagus, butter sauce. Fillet of beef, with mushrooms. Potato croquettes, string beans. Terrapin, with thin slices of brown-bread and butter. Roman punch. Canvas-back ducks, fried samp. Currant jelly. Celery salad. Cheese-cakes. Ice-cream and cake. i86 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 519 244 4