LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. / 5«« t*.*4 No 13. ^ Ope JHupdred poems. vC^lf S) JANE A. VAN ALLEN, A.M. -OOlLVIE J«^ -p\iblis}\er. 5;rT\0SE STREE MeW YoRi\, % IRED POEMS. BY JANE A. VAN ALLEN, A.M. " T/zese Poems are suited to almost every circumstance and condition in life." THE SUNNTSIDE SERIES, No 13. Issued Monthly. December, 1890. $3.00 per year. Entered at New york Post-Offlce as second-class matter. (Copyright, 1890, by J. S. Ogilvie.) NEW YORK : J^ b 4) 7 V / J. S. OGILVIE, PuBLlSHER^J^f ''" ^" ^ 57 Rose Street. ■^ CONTENTS. A Beacon Hymn 61 Anchored at the Cross 141 And hear the Angels sing 157 Angels and hornets 55 Answering the Infidel 33 At the end of the Way is Heaven 86 A voice with wings , 139 Be just with God 151 Believe, and Trust, and Pray 131 Be like Christ 38 Birth Day 50 Centennial Poem 64 Christian Workers 75 Christ in my Heart 13 Christmas Joy 31 "JCome unto Me " 79 Communion Hymn 23 Constellations of the Redeemed 87 Crown Jesus Lord of all 10 Dear Reader, Come 97 De(ep Waters 145 Devotion and Sorrow. 70 Gmfi^NTS. Each precious soul 59 Easter Hymn 147 Eternity 149 Faith 51 Faith in God 80 Faith is the light to me 53 Forgive 16 God is Love 9 God knows what's best for me 45 Go, Jesus. Calls 125 Grace 100 Heaven 19 Holy Spirit 39 Hold or Lead. 109 I'll write my name 73 In Paradise to-day , 71 Jesus Invites 135 Jesus knows it all 44 Jesus knows us all 43 Jesus loves His poor 83 Lord, Lead me on 133 Love 36 Mental Prayer 54 Missionary Hymn 37 Morning Meditations 63 My Heavenly Home 159 My New Year's Prayer 89 My Sabbath School Class 76 My Sorrow 57 " My soul doth magnify the Lord" 137 My way is led for me 41 " New Years" 103 Now 96 OhI "Why won't you believe ? 94 CONTn^TS. Peace 104 Power of Prayer 47 Prayer Hymn 62 Praise. • 155 Prevailing Prayer 143 Redeemed. • • • 14 Refrain • • • 98 Religious Experience 101 Repent, Believe, Obey 139 Sanctified Suffering 133 Ship of Prayer 91 Sorrow and Change 114 Sufficient Grace 108 Testimony • 25 Thanksgiving Praise 110 The Angels know us here 116 The Better Choice 7 The Chastening Rod 93 The lost will not be there 84 The heavy Crossj the brighter Crown 153 The Promise 69 The Promised Day 99 The Rainbow 30 The Saviour's Loving Sympathy 28 The "Voice of God 32 Thorn and Hedge 49 Those Gone Before. 67 Triune Praise 13 Trust and Pray 74 Until I sing in Heaven 66 Victory through the Cross 126 Weep Not 119 Was lost and found i . . 29 What am I doing for souls ? , . . . , 40 6 CONTENTS. Why? 36 "Why not stand up for Jesus? 35 Will any one love me in Heaven ? 112 Will of God 120 Will we forgive in Heaven ? 127 Work of Faith 90 Work of the Spirit. . . , , 11 Written on the death of a child 106 YeHappy Souls 122 Zion 27 POEMS. THE BETTER CHOICE. St. Luke 10 : 43. The Saviour came a guest to stay. And after dinner talk; His weary feet to rest awhile. For long had been His walk. But Mary thought of questions rare. She had a chance to ask : Martha was left quite in despair. To do the working task. When thoughts of heaven fill the soul. Then to the Saviour come: Don^t let the present moments roll, And Christ will say, " Well done." 7 POEMS. The better part of duty here. Is to prepare for heaven : Learn both the Lord to love and fear. And know our sins forgiven. The future time may never come, Or be more busy still: The Spirit now will help us on. And teach the Father's will. GOD IS LOVE. 1 John 4 : 16. We have a Tablet of God's love; Creation sings His praise : The earth, the sky, around, above. His goodness all displays. He made and loves the human race. With power of thought and will ; He pities oft our ruined race. And loves to pardon still. > Created things belong to God ; He made and owns them all; In symbol, we like what we've made. Though poor it be and small. Omniscient God shows love supreme. In constant care of us : We feel the power of love within. When we obey Him most. Yes, God is Love, I know His love. Through pity shown to me : Compassion felt, when Christ He gave. And planned salvation free. CEOWN JESUS LOED OF ALL. Romans 10 : 9. 1 Cor. 8 : 6. Crown Jesus Lord, ye saints below, Who've long obeyed His call; Are praying more His love to know. Crown Jesus, Lord of all. Crown Jesus, Lord, in every heart. He died to save us all; Come every soul, from sin depart. Crown Jesus, Lord of all. That God is love, we'll always sing. He heard our mercy call: Still praising God, our trophies bring. Crown Jesus, Lord of all. The souls, from earth to glory gone. Before the Throne they fall: There, praising God, the Spirit, Son, Crown Jesus, Lord of all. At last, with heaven's countless throng, " We at His feet will fall :" And through eternal ages long, CrQwn Jesus, Lord of all. 10 ^^^ I ^ u ^^^^ WOEK OF THE SPIRIT. St. John 3 : 5-8. St. Matth. 3 : 16. 17. When God has changed our hearts within. Love doth our lives adorn; We fell we have been saved from sin. We then are Spirit born. When here with contrite hearts we live. We pray and read God's word : To us the Spirit then doth give The quick'ning grace of God. In earthly life we daily try The Will of God to do ; The Spirit then doth sanctify Our joys and sorrows too. Though dark our way or changes come. What ever may betide; Trusting the Lord, in faith we come. The Spirit then will guide. When weak in faith, we can't believe. If to the Lord we come ; The Spirit then new strength will give, And lead us safely home, U CHRIST IN MY HEART. Col. 1 : 27. Christ in my heart my Saviour is. My only hope of glory; Then He is mine, and I am His; Onr Christ of bible story. Christ in my heart, I know His love. His loving merc^ saves me ; Christ in my heart, I look above, No longer earth enslaves me. Christ in my heart can save my soul, No other Christ can save me : Christ in my heart from sin makes whole. All other faith enslaves me. Christ in my heart through love divine. Will make my life grow better; Christ in my heart, is Jesus mine. And saves from sin's strong fetter. Christ in my heart through faith and love. He then will keep me ever; Christ in my heart, and Cod my Cod, Nothing from Him can sever, 12 TEIUNE PEAISE. Lord, I would sing a hymn to Thee, A hymn of love divine: A hymn to Thee, Great One in Three, And so proclaim I'm Thine. How sweet to know that God is love Yes, love to mortal man, Not only love in heaven above. But here love God we can. We'll sing of Jesus, Son of God, Who died on Calvary; Who passed beneath His Father's rod. From sin to make us free. The Spirit's voice so sweetly brings. To ns Thy word divine; It makes so clear eternal things, That Spirit born we're Thine. Only the Triune God can save One precious human soul; So strongly to the earth we cleave. Like earthly things were all. 13 EEDEEMED. Eev. 5 : 9. When we have passed beyond the skies. To our celestial home; Have joined the choirs of heaven there. Singing around the Throne; One song, alone in heaven we'll sing, No angel choir joining; Kedemption's song, alone we'll sing, No angel choir joining. In heaven, where sweetest joys are given. Our sweetest songs we'll raise ; The sweetest song of the redeemed. Will be redeeming praise. One song, alone in heaven we'll sing, No angel choir joining. Eedeeming grace, alone we'll sing, No angel choir joining. Atonement made, mysterious plan, For our salvation wrought ; The Son of God became a man. And our salvation bought. 14 P0BM8. 15 Atonement made, alone we^ll sing, No angel choir joining. Atonement made, in heaven we'll sing, No angel choir joining. From Abel's death, till trumpet sound, The sayed of Adam's race; Of ev'ry land, the earth around. Will sing redeeming grace, Kedeeming grace, alone they'll sing. No angel choir joining; Eedeeming grace, in heaven they'll sing, No angel choir joining. Our lost estate, and suff'ring here. What Jesus did for us; God's mercy in our darkest fear. His Spirit sent to us, Eedeeming love, alone we'll sing. No angel choir joining; Redeeming love, in heaven we'll sing. The angel choirs list'ning. FOEGIVE. Isa. 53. St. Mattli. 3 : 16, 17. Rev. 7 : 9-17. In Eden's sin our race was lost. For God is just and pure: The Son of God, at highest cost. Said, He would all endure. " Father,'' He said, " So let it be,'' On Him the price was laid : The word forgive could never be, But Christ the ransom paid. God saw our race in all its woe. And suff'ring moved His heart; He saw that some His love could know, And then from sin depart. Mercy and grace for you and me. On Christ's atonement laid : The word forgive could never be. But Christ the ransom paid. When others wrong us and we feel. We may be caused to sin; Think of the price it cost to heal. And change the heart within. 16 POSIMS. 17 Think how the Lord our hearts will see. Of sin be most afraid: The word forgive could never be. But Christ the ransom paid. When snares have crossed the path we tread. And sin has led astray; We'll think of Him, who loved and bled. And to the Saviour pray. Our need of Christ we then will see. On whom our guilt was laid : The word forgive could never be. But Christ the ransom paid. The Saviour bought at such a price. For us a chance of heaven; That He can say to all our race. Forgive and be forgiven. The Saviour's love in this we see, 'Twas for our sins He bled: The word forgive could never be. But Christ the ransom paid. We pray the Lord " for Jesus' sake,'* Wilt all our sins forgive; The Saviour's blood our ransom take. He died that we may live. The Lamb of God my hope shall be. Through His atonement made: The word forgive could never be. But Christ the ransom paid. 3 P0EM8. The Son of God, Creating Word, Died once and all redeemed; This truth is from the Gospel heard, Christ save from all we've sinned. Creator, He, His creatures, we; On Him sin's price was laid : The word forgive could never be. But Christ the ransom paid. In heaven, we'll all forgiven be. And perfect love be there; And all will then each other see. With heav'nly vision rare. That perfect love and unity. Where love can never fade : The word forgive could never be. But Christ the mugom paid. HEAVEN. In heaven we'll see with vision clear The Father, Spirit, Son; ^ We then will have no timid fear. We'll there rehearse our mercies here. And know as we are known. When Abel's soul first entered heaven. He learned salvation's plan: That Christ would die man to redeem. And what God's mercy then would mean. Of Triune God to man. Since, then, when souls have ever reached. Within those gates above; They always have communion sweet. With those, who sit at Jesus' feet. And sing redeeming love. We'll talk of life's experience here. When oft in sorrowing tears; Some Spirit of departed friend, God in true sympathy did send. And calmed our saddest fears. 19 20 POEMS. With every nation earth has known, 'Twill be our joy in heaven; Through all the ages of the soul. While the eternal eons roll. To sing of grace, 'twas given. We'll join with heaven's happy choir, Where hallelujahs ring ; "The soul will be the sweetest lyre, Nor song nor soul will e'er expire, Nor cease God's praise to sing. The Saviour's love to Adam's race. So wonderful, sublime; The Father's love, a boundless stream. Will be our never-ending theme. Through all eternal time. CHEISTMAS JOY. Gen. 3 : 15. Job 38 : 7. St. John 1 : 3. The morning stars together sang. At once, they had employ; Of peace and love their music rang. This world was formed for joy. Our Christmas Joy, the joy Christ brought. Did our first parents share; In Eden yet, they pardon sought, Christ then was promised there. The Christmas promise then was made, Unto the human race; ^' Thy seed shall bruise the serpent's head," In coming time and place. Isaiah's heart with love grew warm. When oft of Christ he wrote; In faith he saw our Christmas morn. Though thousand years remote. 22 POEMS. The prophets and the Psalmist too. Foresaw our Christmas time; They wrote of Christ, His coming true. In ancient verse and line. Let Holy Book direct life's plan. For God our life sustains; - Let " Peace on earth, good-will to man,' Prevail where Jesus reigns. Though sorrow here may fill the heart. Of those, who love to sin; Yet, Jesus' blood can peace impart. Since Christmas time has been. This lovely world was formed for joy. But sin has marred the soul; i Let Christmas joy our songs employ, Christ came to make us whole. COMMUNION HYMN. St. Matt. 26 : 37, 28. I Cor. 11 : 23-a6, Jesus, we do remember Thee, For us Thou bore sin's load ; In love help us draw near to Thee, Thou, Loving Son of God. No other blood 't was ever slain. Could wash away sin's load ; Thy precious blood can cleanse each stain, Thou, Loving Son of God. With faith in Thee, from sin to free, Through Thy atoning blood; We lay our sinful hands on Thee, Thou, Loving Son of God. Our trusting hearts to Thee doth pray. Beneath each sorrow cloud; Help us to look to Thee, this day. Thou, Loving Son of God, 24 POEMS. Jesus, Thy precious love to me. Knows when I need Thy rod; In love then let Thy chast'ning be. Thou, Loving Son of God. When we at last with earth have done, No more to feel earth's rod ; "May we Thy mercy then have won. Thou, Loving Son of God. TESTIMONY. I Peter 3 : 15. From early life to riper years. The Saviour's grace has kept me; In all my varied, pilgrim life. The Saviour's love sustains me. In all ray sorrows, sighs and tears. The Holy Spirit calms me; In all my trials, doubts and fears, The loving Saviour's with me. In every sufE'ring scene of life, God's mercy then surrounds me; And in the darkest hours of life. The Saviour's love shines round me. m LOVE. Acts 4 : 13. I John 4 : 8-16. My soul hatli wings to soar above. When death shall take me hence; My snowy wings are Jesus' love, Bought with His righteousness. That God is love, my joy doth prove. Since Christ, the Lord, is mine; And Triune God, is God of love. Through all eternal time. The Saviour's dying love to me. So pure it kindled mine And earthly love could never be. But offspring of divine. God's love creates the heart anew. And changes things to men; That Triune Love, so wondrous true Abiding love to them. Since I with worship God do prove. And make His promise mine; Such blessings flow from Jesus' love, They prove our Christ divine, ?6 ZION. On Zion's hills 'tis always May, The flowers always bloom; No night is there, 'tis always day; And there for all is room. No more we'll toil or hunger there. Nor care nor sorrow know; No pain or death will enter there. Where sin can never go. Our friends, who're gone are waiting there. And beckon us to come: In thought and dream they're often here, And seem to say " Come home." No eye has seen or ear has heard. Nor heart of man conceived, The happiness God has prepared. For those who here believe. Christ is the light in Zion's home. Where our dear friends are gone; The Spirit and the Bride say come; Angels are leading on. 37 THE SAVIOUR'S LOVINa SYMPATHY. -When first I knew the Saviour's love, And thought upon the joys above; The Promised Spirit brought to me. The Saviour's loving sympathy. My heart was fixed on God alone. In suff'ring, oft I sought His throne; This peace and comfort came to me. The Saviour's loving sympathy. My soul is calm, my heart at rest, I long have felt God's will is best; The Book I love, it teaches me The Saviour's loving sympathy. In Christian work, on earth to live. The sweetest work God here can give; The Still Small Voice oft brings to me. The Saviour's loving sympathy. I'll tarry here God's will to do. While I life's pilgrimage pursue; And then go home, with Christ to be, And know His loving sympathy. ?8 WAS LOST AND FOUND. Gen. 3:1-24. Col. 1 : 4-28. God formed our race both pure and free; Then said " Obey." The subtle serpent man did see. And led astray. Sin rolled its surges over me, Like other men; Christ met the claims that made me free. And canceled them. I loved the world with all its dross; Earth had control ; Christ bore my sins upon the Cross, And saved my soul. 29 THE EAINBOW. Gen. 9 : 9-17. Once Noah's ark rode on the wave; His faith was firm in God; He trusted whom, he knew could save. For he believed God's word. He saw the earth in water shroud. The rainbow then was given ; The rainbow lights the darkest cloud. While on our way to heaven. While yet the rain is coming down, The sun begins to shine; A cloud to us denotes a frown, A thought to us sublime. God's mercy-promise has been made. The rainbow symbol given; The rainbow lights the darkest cloud, While on our way to heaven. God sees, He knows. He will sustain. What e'er our lot may be; Though suff'ring years may yet remain, I'll trust Him patiently. 30 POEMB. 31 When we believe the wprd of God, And trust the promise given; The rainbow lights the darkest cloud. While on our way to heaven. Let other's woe my pity share. And try their hearts to win; I'll tell them of a Saviour's care. When they have turned from sin. I'll try to lift the head that's bowed. And heal the heart that's riven ; The rainbow lights the darkest cloud. While on our way to heaven. THE VOICE OF GOD. When life is sad, and earth seems drear, ■ I feel affliction's rod; "To some new work/' a voice I hear, It is the Voice of God. When here, sometimes, my way is hedged. My sky seems all one cloud. The more I try, the closer wedged. To me a Voice speaks loud. I look some duty then to see. Thus guided by the rod. I know the Hand, That's leading me, I know the Voice of God. , ANSWEKING THE INFIDEL. I 'saw one in a crowded street, Where teams and cars did flourish; Knock crutches from a crippled boy. Then leave him there to perish. Our souls are crippled with siu's load. As here in life we go : Our crutches are the grace of God, To keep us here below. The weakest souls to Christ may come. Who want God's keeping care; Angels will watch their journey home. If faithful here in prayer. This world's a snare, a scene of woe; The Bible has been given : Its precepts teach the way to go ; Will lead us safe to heaven. The infidels for souls do seek. To snatch them from the Lord ; Accost them, when in prayer they're weak. By sneering at God's Word. 34 POEMS. The crutches from our sonls they snatch. In life's most dangerous place; They work for Satan, here to catch The weak ones of our race. They constant here seek to destroy^ Our peace and* hope in God; Our happiness doth them annoy. For they do feel sin's load. Satan holds them beneath his power. And keeps them from G-od'& loye ; Their jealousy would us devour; Unkept by Go(? aljove. Our faith in God, our comfort here. When coiiij'ort most we need : They take away, £11 us with fear; Say "There's no God to heed." Let faith in God our crutches be. Along our journey Home, We're travelling to Eternity; And to a World to come. When we obey God's written Word, We'll cease from sin and strife; The highest proof there is a God, Is in the Christian's life. WHY NOT STAND UP FOR JESUS ? Why not stand up for Jesus ? From all sin^s load redeemed ? From all earth's stains Christ frees us ; He now will be your friend. Why not stand up for Jesus ? God's mercy now should win; No other friend so loves us. Why not stand up for Him? Why not stand up for Jesus ? Choose friends, whom Christ has chose ? Choose those, who've chosen Jesus; Love those, whom Jesus loves ? Why not stand up for Jesus ? He knows the hearts that mourn j And He will comfort give us. When others seem to scorn. Why not stand Tip for Jesus ? Though friends and kindred frown? Your home will be eternal; With an immortal crown. 35 WHY? God formed this lovely world for joy; The heavens His love declare; Creation had uauglit to annoy; No sin nor sorrow there. If we had kept the Lord's command. And done our Maker's Will; Then peace and joy in every land, Would be' our portion still. The angel bands are happy yet, Those who have never sinned; Those, who rebelled, the Lord cast out, No chance for life they found. When we had sinned, God's law had broke, He formed salvation's plan; Why was it God on us did look. With such compassion then ? Sublime our part in Christian work. In Christian faith and prayer; Sublime that we lost souls may seek. And in God's work may share. 36 MISSIONAKY HYMN. St. Matth. 38:19. Go ! with this message from the Lord; To every Christian given: To all the world " Gro preach My Word; Tell them of Christ and heaven. Disciple every nation here; Have faith that cannot fail: Go, work for Christ, dispel each fear. Your course then must prevail. Great earthly kingdoms here have beenj Then passed from earth away: The Gospel kingdom will remain, ^Till the great Judgment Day. Here Jesus will return again. In majesty from heaven : Eeturning here on earth to reign. The world to Him is given. 37 BE LIKE CHEIST. Christ was a worker here on earth, He worked on earth for souls; We wish to be accounted worth. To do His work for souls. The Saviour knew earth's lot of woe. He suffei''d here for souls; The path He leads for us we'll go. E'en suff'ring here for souls. O'er sinful mau, the Saviour wept. Wept for their poor lost souls : His Holy Law has not been kept. We too may weep for souls. Christ oft on earth was found in prayer, He prayed on earth for souls; We oft do seek God's gracious care. We oft do pray for souls. When earth is past, and heaven won, Christ there doth love His own; Those here redeemed will every one, Love all around the Throne, HOLY SPIRIT. Acts 2 : 1-4. Come Spirit of the Triune God, Thou ever present here; We ask while thinking on Thy Word, Thy Still Small Voice to hear. Come with a pentecostal flame, Like blessed days before; Come with Thy quickening grace the same. And help us love Thee more. Thou knowest all our earthly ways, Knowest each change we need; Meet with us while we sing Thy praise, And bless us now indeed. Come Holy Spirit, melt our hearts. And fill with love divine ; Give us that peace Thy grace imparts, And make us wholly Thine. Spirit Divine, Omniscient Power, Come in Thy courts to-day; Come bless us here, this blessed hour. With each abide alway. 39 WHAT AM I DOING FOE SOULS ? St. Matth. 28 : 19, 20. I think of a home in tV " Sweet by-and-by," I think of my friends with Jesus on high: I think of a robe, a palm and a crown, I think of the lost in the world to come : Yet, what am I doing for souls ? Yes, what am I doing for souls ? I think of those perishing now I see; Of all that Jesus has done for me ; I think of the joys of heaven for me; I think of the lost in Eternity : Yet, what am I doing for souls? Yes, what am I doing for souls ? And I think of the Saviour's last command, And of all He requires at my hand; The Saviour's command with promise to all. Who work for Him obeying His call : Yet, what am I doing for souls ? yes, what am I doing for souls ? 40 MY WAY IS LED FOR MB. Prov. 16 : 33. " The lot is cast into the lap/' Yet, God directs in all : Yes, Jesus loves and saves us still, Though ruined in the fall. The thorns, that then were planted there. Are mercy's guides to me. By every thorn across my path. My way is led for me. With blessings sweet my life is crowned; Yet, sorrow comes in all : When Jesus our redemption paid. His drink was mixed with gall. In every varied scene of life, God's ruling Hand I see : By every thorn across my path. My way is led for me. 41 JESUS KNOWS US ALL. St. Joha 1 : 47-50. 4 : 17, 18. Christ knows the sigh of every heart. He knows our life's minutest part; He knows, can help, can heal from sin, Eule all for us, when wo love Him: For Jesus knows us all. He knows the heart, the mind, the soul; When care or peaceful seasons roll; He knows the life that's good and pure. He knows who wrongfully endure: For Jesus knows us all. Christ knows and loves each human soul. From earthly sin. He can make whole; He has redeemed, can save to-day. If you will now believe and pray: For Jesus knows us all. He knows each one, who doth believe," AU-seeing Grod, we can't deceive; 4? POEMS. 43 Come every soul, seek heaven above; Escape God's wrath, and choose His love : For Jesus knows us all. Christ knows the heart of every saint ; He knows when prayer and love grow faint. He knows the heart with suff'ring care; He knows the heart that's turned to prayer: For Jesus knows us all. The soul in prayer draws near to God; Is nearer drawn by sufE'ring rod : When we obey the Lord's command; His blessings flow on every hand : For Jesus knows us all. JESUS KNOWS IT ALL. Jesns knows it all. He knows our sins and sorrows too; He knows my life and all I do; He knows this world and all its snares; He knows my heart and all my prayers: Jesus knows it all. Jesus knows it all. He knows what yet our lives may be; He knows Grod's will in store for me; He knows the unrevealed in heaven; He knows the grace to me He's given: Jesus knows it all. 44 GOD KNOWS WHAT^S BEST FOE ME. In all my pilgrimage below. Of bane and blessing too; In all lifers conflicts and its woe, God's promises are true. Oft changes come, when life is hard. My way I cannot see : Though strength is small, my way is barred, God knows what's best for me. When God directs our sorrows here. The faith to us is given. He also will indite our prayer. And sanctify for heaven. When trials come with grief and fear, The world seems dark to be, A Still Small Voice I sometimes hear, " God knows what's best for thee." Our sunny calms in earthly toils. Are our most dangerous time; Our thoughts are filled with earthly toys, Neglecting things divine. 45 3 POEMS. 'Till suff'ring comes, or loneliness. Our mercy guide to be; To turn us from our worldliness, God knows what's best for me. In sorrow, oft I learn to pray, And think of Jesus' love; I think of Christ, Who is the "Way, - To that bright world above. In peace and joy, I toil along. Though dark the present be; I joy in Christ, Who leads me on, God knows what's best for me. Our comfort is the Lord doth reign. Omnipotent on earth ; He ruleth here as pleaseth Him, And prayer doth move for us. In palace or in lowly cot. Where'er my place may be. In suff'ring or in toiling lot, God knows what's best for me. When toiling days at last are done. And I my crown shall wear, Perhaps, I then will meet with some. Who here were saved through prayer. My soul sincerely loves to pray. What e'er my lot may be: With God I wrestle every day. He knows what's best for me. POWEE OF PEAYER I John 5 : 14. Prayer moves the Arm, that here can reach, And save 'mid earthly care; The Arm of God with power to snatch, From sin's delusive snare. Prayer moves the Hand, that leads us here. In paths the worthies trod ; That keeps us oft, Avhen tempter's near. And draws us nearer Go.d. Prayer moves the Voice, that spoke the Word, The love of God imparts: And moves the Still Small Voice of God, To enter human hearts. Prayer moves the Lord with Parent heart. To hear His children's cry Then Spirit blessings doth impart. And daily wants supply. 47 8 Po^MS.- Prayer moves the love of God to us, To bless the word that^s preached; Then through the Spirit s saving grace, Sinners will here be reached. Prayer moves the angel bands to come, And pitch their tents around; Be here, to take our spirits home, • When nearing death we're found. THOEN AND HEDGE. I often wondered, in my youth. Why do the thistles grow ? Why not the food for man and beast. Be nature's crop below ? Why should our life in toil be spent, Eor very means to live ? We know God is omnipotent. And daily wants can give. In older years, I've learned to say, " Industry brings reward;" And hedges here turn in the way. That leads unto the Lord. Our faith sees here a wounded Hand, Is leading us to heaven; With thorn and hedge, in every land, God's mercies here are given. 49 '^ BIRTH DAY." 1886. Life's annual days come once a year. To me with pleasant voice; Though transient here, I have no fear; In Jesus I rejoice. Eejoice in Christ this milestone day; Work to the lost redeem; Firm look to God to guide my way. And let me live for Him. Are earthly shadows passing here, Across my way to heaven ? E'en wants and woes, make life so drear. Are for some purpose given. The year counts up life's hindrances. But shows my way was led; Come better plans of higher sense. As my own plans have fled. In humble life, or toiling lot; In palace or on throne; God knows the true, the contrite heart; He loves and keeps His own. 50 ~ FAITH. I have a faith that cannot fail, 'Tis fixed upon the Lord; I have a faith that must prevail, 'Tis founded on God^s word. I pray the Lord His Spirit give. The Comforter is given; I feel new strength for Christ to live. New faith to work for heaven. Each Christian influence in the world. Helps on the power of God. Weakens the force against us hurled. Through the destroyer's word. My faith in prayer is fixed on God; The source of faith to me. I love to read His Holy Word, And there each duty see, 51 FAITH IS THE LIGHT TO MB. We walk in darkness often here. When earthly things we seek; In work for Christ, we should not fear, 'Nov let our hearts grow weak. The seed, with prayer, is often sown. And sometimes fruit we see; And then again, though clouds do come. Faith is the light to me. The pastor here doth labor on. He knows the promise given; Though seeming waste,' he toils along. Showing the way to heaven. Preaching the word of truth to men. Trusting a Power unseen : Believing, praying, toiling, when. Faith is the light to him. Disciple nations, saith the Lord, Then He will work with you; And everywhere. Go preach the word, God's promise will be true. 53 POEMS. 53 At last, we'll hear the words " Well done.' If faithful here we be : Eeward for toil, in heaven, will come; Faith is the light to me. MENTAL PEAYEK. Here, sins and sorrows cross my way. And oft would lead my thoughts astray; Bnt through the confiicts of each day, Soft, mentally, my heart doth pray. When friends are suffering whom I know. Their cup of sorrow doth o'erflow; My heart to Jesus then I raise, Soft, mentally, for them it prays. When friends the gospel will not hear, But earthly things they hold more dear; That they may learn the living way. Soft, mentally, to God I pray. When thoughts of heaven fill my soul, I think of millions not made whole; My spirit yearns for them each day. Soft, mentally, for them I pray. And all my ma^iy blessings rare, I feel they coi a through Jesus' care; Eor blessings, oft to God I raise, Soft, mentally, a prayer of praise, 54 ANGELS AND HORNETS. Exodus 33 : 30. Joshua 34 : 13. Heb. 1 : 13, 14. Moses was but a mortal man. Like other men to-day; Yet, he had faith to trust God's plan. An angel led his way. The promise made, that people knew They must God's law obey; An angel would before them go. And keep them in the way. Through wilderness and foreign land. To Promised Land, God led ; He kept them safe on every hand. And forty years. He fed. The Promised Land was entered in, And years had rolled about; The people there so long had been. By hornets were drove out, 56 POEMS. There is a Hand I cannot see. Is leading me to-day; With angel guard or cross for me. Will lead me all the way. If I could see my angel guide, How quick my steps would be. But oft my guide is by my side. With hornet sting leads me. Oft changes come ^neath darkest cloud. The dark our guide to be; Then, hornet sting in hands of Grod, Leads, when our sight can^t see. When pleasant ways open to us. How quick we say, " God leads;'* But oft the Lord is leading us. With thorns, and hedge and needs. The church in infancy had some With faith God's will to do; And now the church has many won, With faith that's firm and true. MY SOKROW. In happy toil, and pensive life. My days were gliding by; Ambitious was, but without strife. Earnest my work to ply. With honest heart, and cultured mind, A happy spirit kept; Each duty did, to all was kind. Scarce sorrow knew or wept. When suddenly, a cloud arose. And very dark it grew; Yet, scarce was seen by friends or foes. Was visible to few. It slowly rose up in the sky. And raised my thoughts to heaven; I thought of Christ, our Lord on high. Who wished His foes forgiven. A small bright star, I then could see. That rose to zenith height; 'Twas " Star of Bethlehem " to me, For all to me was bright, ST 58 POEMS. I thought of Christ, His earthly life; His suffering here below : He knew to toil, He knew not strife : He felt earth's lot of woe. Though sinless. He sufE'red for me. And gave His life to save; He cured the sick, the blind did see. The dead raised from the grave. , My cloud was gone; my soul was calm; My thoughts were now in heaven; To think of Christ was such a balm. To my sad heart, when riven. My suff'ring here had vanished all; Subdued were all my fears; To look above, what e'er befall. Will dry up all our tears. I'll praise the Lord for earthly lot, Though dark it sometimes be; For toiling life, and humble cot If Christ abide with me. EACH PEECIOUS SOUL. I John 1 : 7-9. Rev. 5 : 9. '* In every human face I see A precious soul; Each, travelling to eternity. Each precious soul. ^ I long to ask them, Are you blest ? Do you enjoy true spirit rest ? Do you love God the first and best ? Each precious souh We're here to-day, but travelling home, Each precious soul : Will joy or sorrow be your doom ? Each precious soul ? We here do long for better days ; We here should learn the heavenly ways; And here begin the Lord to praise; Each precious soul. Each one we meet in crowded street, A precious soul; In thought I greet those here I meet, A precious soul. 59 60 P0EM8. How can I tell each precious soul. Of blood of Christ, that doth make whole, Saves while eternal ages roll ? Each precious soul ? When judgment comes, we'll meet, again, Each precious soul; What then will be your soul's refrain ? Each precious soul. Will you rejoice at Jesus' reign ? Will you be His, AVho once was slain? Will you "\\^ith Him in glory reign ? Each Precious soul? A BEACON HYMN. The church will here united be In years of coming time ; When consecrated, Lord to Thee, Kept by Thy Hand, Divine. The church with all its household names, Together worship Thee; No longer seeking their own fames, Christ will their glory be. The lion and the lamb shall feed, Together in one field ; And the whole church, one people made. To Christ their Lord will yield. Each different sect and nation, too In sympathy will live; In love and faith, united, true. To God the glory give. For Jesus here on earth will reign. From East to setting sun ; His love then every heart will gain, By all His will be done. 61 PEAYER HYMN. St. Jolin 15 : 4. Invited, Lord, welcome xo Thee, For peace and love; Send now thy bleseing unto me, Down from above. Ttj helping, constant, keeping cai-e. In prayer we crave; "We know thou lovest to answer prayer Our souls to save. In little things, Thy will we'd know, Thy will, not mine; In all our Journey here below. Thine, only Thine. Safe in the hollow of Thy Hand, No more to rove; Firm fixed on Thee, is Buelah Land, The place I love. Abide in Thee, Thy sweet command. Help us obey; E'en till we reach the heavenly strand. Thine, Thine alwaj. 63 MOENING MEDITATIONS. Before we mingle with the world. Our hearts would look to God : Before our thoughts to work are turned. Before we lift toil's rod. We would not take a task to do. And not a blessing seek; We know that Grod to us is true. We, in ourselves are weak. For blessings too, we won't forget. To praise the giving Hand ; And while for self all is not kept. We'll praise for home and land. The works of God, both great and small. Were made to praise the Lord : And we should praise the Lord for all ; Most praise Him for His Word. 63 CENTENNIAL POEM. April 30, 1889. Our nation is a child to-day. Though, hundred years have flown : Its mental force we cannot stay; Its size is yet unknown. Development with growth of heart. As each decade rolls round; Like growing child in every part. Its vigor doth abound. A dreadful war has come and passed. And we have peace again; The suff'rer's friend the fetters cast. From those, who slaves had been. Sin still remains, and war may come. If law can't save our land; Oft intellect and heart have won. Led by God's helping Hand. 'JChink of the deeds the Lord hath wrought, 'Mid nations of the earth; And every great and useful thought. Through men of human birth. 64 POEMS. ' The Lord doth know us, every one. Of a\\ the millions here : The Lord hath work yet to be done. With purpose grand and clear. The Lord needs those, who^ll lead the van. In noble work to-day; The ages will unroll God's plan. If men will but obey. Wait on the Lord, if you would know Your own grand mission here; This nation loved, and reared of God, Should trust Him without fear. Through all this grand rehearse of time. Since day of nation's birth. Inspire our thoughts with work sublime. That we may do on earth. UNTIL I SING IN HEAVEN. My heart delights to serve the Lord, For all His blessings given ; ril serve Him in the house of God; I'll praise Him for His Holy Word, Until I sing in heaven. This mortal life is but a span ; Probation here is given. I'll sing God's boundless love to man; I'll sing and praise His holy name. Until I sing in heaven. The earthly house of God I lOve, It calms my heart when riven; I'll tell the unsaved of heaven above. And teach them themes of heavenly love. Until I sing in heaven. 66 THOSE GONE BEFOEE. Eev. 7 : 9-17. Heb. 1 : 14. In vision once Christ^s loved bne saw. The saints around the Throne ; None idle there, or listless were^, All happy, active, loving there. All praised the Lord, the Saviour dear. All joyous and at home. The one, who showed th' apostle 'round. Explaining heaven to him. There showed to John that heavenly ground. And told him whence each group they found, Showed him the Throne, the light around, A man on earth had been. Our loved ones stand around the Throne, Waiting before the Lord ; For Jesus sends His loved. His own. From praising there before the Throne, To sinners here, who'll yet come home. Will yet be brought to G-od. 67 68 POEMB. We think of friends to heaven gone. They oft to us come near; Those once toiled here are active there, No more they need be bowed in prayer; Obedient yet, they faithful are. Though sent to comfort here. Ministering spirits oft they come. Doing the Father's will : In sorrow, oft they comfort bring ; In saddest hours, they help us sing. They help us to each promise cling; Help us keep trusting still. THE PROMISE. When anxious in toil, less thoughtful of Grod, Our way oft is led by merciful rod; We think of His power, lay fear all aside. Look trusting to God, then He will provide. Our hair is all numbered, th' birds are all fed; By Hand now unseen, our way here is led; Though famine should come and pestilence too, God to His people will always prove true. In faith trusting God, as homeward we go. Daily we pray for our bread here below; By the same ruling Hand all Christians are led. And have th' sure promise that they shall be fed. 69 DEVOTION AND SOEEOW. When gathering clouds shut out the light My heart was wont to pray; Deeper devotion then I sought. But loved the light of day. The curtained sky of soul was drear, I loved my way to see; My. faith too weak, when suff'ring here. Complete resigned to be. As darker grew my troubled way, I wanted more to know; And grew devoted more each day, I thought to ])lease God so. I read His word to seek the light. That God's own worthies knew; I saw in prayer, they fought their fight. And faith that brought them through. Long time I prayed to give up all. And live more close to God; At last, I saw God heard my call. Was answ'ring through the rod, 70 IN PARADISE TO-DAY. St. Luke 23 : 43, 43. Think of your sins and suif' ring here. Turn to the Lord and pray; Think of the words of Christ so dear. In Paradise, to-day. The penitent, a sinner was. Who from His cross did pray; At once to him the Saviour said, In Paradise, to-day. Each precious soul may come to God, He turneth none away; Start in the straight and narrow road. For Paradise, to-day. Come now to Clirist, believe God's word. He'll save without delay; Fulfil your part, and trust the Lord, For Paradise, to-day. Your many friends to heaven have gone, Wliy do you longer stray ? God"s Holy Word will lead you on, For Paradise, to-day. 71 I'LL WEITE MY NAME. I. Cor. 10 : 4. ril write my name upon the sands, With home renown, in foreign land ; Not moving sand by rolling sea. On " rock 'twas cleft," for you and me. While here to bear the Christian name. Shall be on earth my chosen fame. With Jesus' name I'll number mine ; A child of faith in Christ, sublime. That name of names to every soul. Who comes to Christ to be made whole. An anchoring Rock for Christians here; Oft pained with sorrow, pressed with fear. Don't say to me you look too high. Each poor lost soul to God may cry. Jesus has said, " Come unto me." With those who pray I'll numbered be ; This world is but a tempting snare; Oft flesh is weak, God says " beware." He giveth strength for every need; When on His word in faith we feed, 73 POEMS. 73 Our earthly lot to us is given, To wean from earth, prepai'e for heaven. Believing souls in every land, Have writ their name on heavenly sands : On sands of faith in God sublime; On sands of life for endless time. Not crumbling earth, Eternal Rock, Are numbered with the heavenly flock. Dear reader, come, and be forgiven; Come go with us the way to heaven. Leave thorny road for way sublime; That reaches on in heavenly time. This thorny road of earthly lot. In world to come will be forgot. Come learn to pray and serve the Lord, Try to believe; obey his word. * Count up Grod's mercies every day, The Saviour knows who God obey. Come meet with us in house of prayer, Jesus meets those who worship there. Then live for Christ, not for renown. And you will win a heavenly crown. TRUST AND PRAY. St. Jolm 15 : 4, 5. Phil. 4 : 13. There is a God, by faith we see. He helps us every day ; Abide in Him, our privilege be. If here we trust and pray. We may a happy spirit keep. When we the Lord obey; God is our strength, when we are weak. If here we trust and pray. When working for the Saviour here, God's Spirit helps alway; . Opposing sin we need not fear. While here we trust and pray. Though human frailties cross the path. In which we sometimes stray. We'll meet around the Throne at last. If here we trust and pray. 74 CHRISTIAN WORKEES. St. Matt. 9 : 36-38. The Saviour's work to some is given, Through years of toil to do; Some workers now, here live for heaven. To Christ and souls are true. God knows the work 'twill yet go on. Through those now gathered in ; He knows the way each soul is won. The prayer and toil to win. Sometimes, our earthly way is led. As most our faith to try ; JFaith sees the wounded Hand that leads. Faith garners for on high. We praise the Lord for work that's done. In the Redeemer's name; We serve the Lord, and so work on, For soulfe and not for fame. God sees each earthly way we go. He knows the grace He's given : The Lord will honor here below. And He will crown in heaven. 75 MY SABBATH-SCHOOL CLASS. Isa. 55 : 11. St. Matt. 19 : 13-15, My little class in Sabbath-school^ (Sometimes I thought them bad) : Often would disregard the rule^ And made my heart so sad. At Sabbath dawn my heart would pray, Nor cease my silent prayer; Pray for my class, each one that day, That Grod would meet us there. And after school, more bowed and sad, A week of wrestling prayer ; I read the promises of God, To find my comfort there. My faith was firm, my duty clear. And so I labored on; I kept my class with hope and fear, Prayed as the years rolled on. 76 POEMS. 77 When some would go, others would como^ Of younger years to me ; From worldly or from humble home, I would their teacher be. At home from class, my weary brain, Sank in refreshing sleep; No earthly thing did there remain. The place was heavenly sweet. I met them all ; each happy saint. Had passed from earth away; Through toiling life, weary and faint. The truth had blessed each day. In Sabbath-school they learned of God, Whose word cannot be void; Kemembered words, 'neath suffering 7od, Had brought them to the Lord. Through many years of earthly life. No time for church they had; ' The truth they learned in younger life. Had kept and blessed, wiien sad. The Christian poor are there with God, From toil and sin set fr«e; When here they lived for other's good, Kow they do Jesus see. POEMB. The evening bell my dream then broke, My prayer was turned to praise; So changed all seemed, when I awoke, I loved their childish ways. Yes, Jesus loved the children, too. He blessed them as they were; God made the child so artless, true. To need parental care. How sweet to have a glimpse of heaven, Though but in thought it be; Think of results that here are given. Of the effects we see. From blessed book and sermon too. The truth we do receive; Our faith grows strong, our hearts more true. The more we do believe. We'll toil, while here, and be content. In heaven is our reward ; Our Christian work is only lent. We're working for the Lord. COME UNTO ME. St. Matt. 11 : 28. ^Tis sweet to think of Christ's command, " Come unto Me and rest;'' And every one in every land. Believing may be blest. Jesus has said to every one, " Come unto Me and rest," Yes, every one, who Christ will own. He waiteth now to bless. I think of those in darkness still. Living, while I do live; I pray to have them learn Grod's will, No more His Spirit grieve. In prayer and gift, and work of love, I'll try my part fulfil; Forgetting not to look above. For grace to do Cod's will. 79 FAITH m GOD. My heart alone doth, look to G-od, For sympathy and love; The sweetest joy on earth I know. Is when I look above. Though sorrows may like billows come. My life on earth to sour; Yet, faith in God is my support. In every trying hour. The wicked oft may rule on earth. Yet, Jesus reigns in heaven; Our earthly joys are little worth. Compared with sins forgiven.- I care not for the proud of earth; The angels comfort me. While faith in God is my support, I will no duty flee. My Saviour knows my life on earth. He knows my zeal and prayer; He knows my toil and sufE'ring here. And how each cross I bear. 80 P0BM8. 81 Yet, suffering here in zeal for souls. Will brighter crown prepare: And faith in Grod is my support, 'Till I my crown shall wear. JESUS LOVES HIS POOR. St. Matth. 8 : 20; 6 : 24^31. The Saviour chose His mortal lot. As here to know us more; He chose to live in humble cot. For Jesus loves His poor. He knows earth's toil, its toil for you. Comes oft within your door: He knows earth's tears and hunger too; Jesus, on earth, was poor. Think of a toiling Saviour here. And you will love Him more; A Saviour, Who doth love us here^ Though rich we are or poor. God loveth those, who here love Him; Will help them love Him more; He loveth those who turn from sin, And are the Saviour's poor. 83 POEMS. Your treasures liere lay up for heaven. Then God will give you more; Then earthly needs are daily given. For Jesus loves His poor. Be not too proud to beg for life. Plead at Salvation's door; For you the Saviour gave His life. Loves those in Spirit poor. " Come unto me/' the Saviour saith. Come knock at Mercy's door; Though earthly riches you may have, God loves the spirit podr. Dear reader, come, worship with us. In church with open door; Come, now accept eternal life, Be not for heaven poor. 89 THE LOST WILL NOT BE THERE. The saved of Adam's race in heaven. With Jesus, Christ, their King; To each a palm and crown are given; And all His praises sing. In heavenly mansions they will live, Christ will for them prepare; God will their every sin forgive. The lost will not be there. The saved of Adam's race on earth. Do blessings here receive; And peace of mind from Spirit's birth. When God they do believe. Though struggling on through life below. Oppressed with grief and care; Still trusting God to heaven they go. The lost will not be there. The Saved of Adam's race while here. Are children of their King; Though sin oft causes pain and fear. Their hearts do praises sing. 84 POEMS. 85 A little while, we toil along. With faith to trust God's care; To heaven the Lord is leading on; The lost will not be there. The love of Grod and Christ onr King, The Spirit's saving grace; Will tune our hearts in heaven to sing The saving of our race. Those pearly gates, and streets of gold. The Saviour's mansions there; With many joys yet here untold; The lost will not be there. AT THE END OF THE WAY IS HEAVEN. Though here to pass through toiling lot. The way to us is given; Though here we live in humble cot. At th' end of th^ way is heaven. Though year by year the pastor toils, With little harvest given; The faithful word is never lost, At th' end of th' way is heaven. The righteous here may suffer on. Till rest from pain is given; When suff'ring here at last is done. At th' end of th' way is heaven. ^ O ?^^ O Sjjj O 5);[4 O ^J^ O ^ij CONSTELLATIONS OF THE KEDEEMED. I. Cor. 15 : 41, 43. Daniel 12 : 3. As stars in glory differ here. Will the resurrection be; A few immortal names have lived. And a few bright stars we see. Those bible names of men of God, They made God's heart seem lighter; And many since, on earth have lived, AVho made their stars grow brighter. Come ye, who never knew the Lord, And never loved the Saviour; Come now believe God's Holy Word, Come change your soul behaviour. Come seek the pearl of greatest price, 'Twill make life's burdens lighter; Come, now believe and live for Christ, ^Twill make your star grow brighter. Come, every unconverted soul. Come, seek this day salvation; Come, Jesus now can make you whole, Christ save from every nation, a? 88 POEMS. Come, live for souls in every land, 'Twill make earth's sorrows lighter; As we obey Christ's last command, For heaven, • our stars grow brighter. MY NEW YEAR'S PEAYER. 1886. My prayer, Lord, Thou knowest well; Thou needest not with words to tell: In praise and prayer I look to Thee. Make me Thy perfect will to be. Help me each day to do Thy will; And every day to serve Thee still. Thy work for souls give me to do; As pleaseth Thee, my whole life through. Thou knowest well each cross I bear; Thou knowest why I them must wear. Thou has some change to work in me; Help me Thy leading Hand to see. Thou knowest too my heart sincere. To live for souls and serve Thee here. In life, my Saviour, be Thou m'ine; In heaven, Lord, may I be Thine. WOEK OF FAITH. Heb. 11 : 1-40. Faith moves our hearts in prayer to God, To reach within the vail; Faith has the power to move the Lord, And make our prayers prevail. Faith lifts the heart right up to God, To plead for mercies there; In every promise of God's word. Faith sees a Father's care. Faith looks to God in gloomy days. When dark'ning clouds arise; Faith lights our path in all our ways, With hope beyond the skies. Faith sees the wisdom of the Lord, And reads His mercy clear; In all the teaching of His word. And all His doings here. Faith reads of heaven and journeys on To reach that blest abode; Faith knows earth's joys will soon be done, And longs to be with God. SHIP OF PEAYEE. Life hath its storms, we all must share, "While in this earthly vale; Here earthly sorrow, earthly care. Doth earthly lot assail. In toiling life, with pleasures rare. The heart will sometimes fail; But sailing in the Ship of Prayer, We shall outride the gale. Oft sorrow storms and anxious care; Oft trusted friendships fail; The Saviour knows each earthly care. He hears the heart's low wail. When fiercest storms would bring despair, God's grace won't let us fail; But sailing in the Ship of Prayer, We shall outride the gale. In happy life where pleasures are. And worship seems to fail; Prosperity, a subtle snare, Doth make life's joys prevail. n 92 POEMS. Make us forget we mortal are. And mortal life is frail; ' But sailing in the Ship of Prayer, We shall outride the gale. We seek a home in haven fair; Prayer is our trusted sail: The Bible is our Pilot there; Our faith then must prevail. That we shall join our loved ones there. With Christ within the vail; When, landing from the Ship of Prayer, We have outrode the gale. THE CHASTENING EOD. What made me write or speak for Christ ? My talent use for God ? What was it broke my silence first ? , It was the chast'ning rod. The rod in chast'ning mercy sent. Shows we are loved of God ; It also shows from Him we went. More than His love allowed. The wise has said, " spare not the rod." In love let chast'ning be; " I chasten those I love," saith God, To draw them nearer Me. As Moses' rod once smote the rock, And forth the waters go; When in our hearts God chast'ning looks. Then sweeter waters flow. 93 OH ! WHY WON'T YOTJ BELIEVE ? Come, waiting souls, 'tis Grod invites, Jesus will now receive; Your waiting now the Saviour slights, Oh ! why won't you believe ? The Saviour's blood is pleading now, Salvation now receive : The Holy Bible tells us how ; Oh ! why won't you believe ? Jesus is waiting now for you; His love you can't conceive; Come now to One so loving true; Oh ! why won't you believe? Ye who do surely mean to come. Why yet God's spirit grieve ? Here in His church, in heaven there's room, Oh ! why won't you believe ? Come, thoughtless ones, believe in God, Believe His word that's preached; Or else beneath His sufE'ring rod. Your souls may yet be reached. 94 POEMB: I wish I could tell you of heaven; It's joys we can't conceive; Here peace, and hope, and faith are given; Oh ! why won't you believe ? You oft hear Christians tell of peace, Why not their words receive ? You see them wear a happy face. Oh ! why won't you believe ? Here, life is short, soon earth is passed, No more God's Spirit grieve; In life prepare for heaven at last. Oh ! why won't you believe ? Adopted child of Grod to be. When you His word receive ; Heir of eternal joys for thee; Oh ! why won't you believe ? fs§y>i NOW. We meet in life so many here. Who do not love the Lord ; What can we do for those so dear. That they may hear the word ? We pray some truth from holy word, Some way their hearts may reach; Helped by the StilT Small Voice of God, His love to them may touch. May now direct to thoughts sublime. Of Him so loving kind ; And now, helped on by power divine. They may the Saviour find. May learn the peace that Christians have, May know their sins forgiven; May choose to live for Jesus here, 'Till they leave earth for heaven. 96 DEAR EEADEE, COME. Rev. 23 : 17. God's word invites to seiive the Lord, In church, in life, in heart; We learn our duty from His Word, Nor from it should depart. I know some would exchange their lot. For other's life to-duy; Who love the Lord, whom they love not. Whom they will not obey. What is that change which some have had, I plead with you to choose ? Choose to be good, give up what's bad; No longer Christ refuse. Our earthly life is full of pain; Why suffer on forever? Think of that heavenly home you'll gain. Know no more pain, no never. 97 EEFEAIN. Gen. 2 : 16, 17. When God gave blessings first to man. Of tree, and fruit, and grain; With blessings given, thus it ran. From such you must refrain. The Lord was Lord, and man His work. So God his-^judge must be; The Lord knew best both good and hurt As man can never see. God had made man with moral sense. Obedient to be; And fixed on that a true expense, Man otherwise was free. Free to obey or disbelieve. When evil-one comes in ; Q"'he evil-one came to deceive. And Adam's ear did win. When evil comes, do we refrain ? Arn't we now just as free ? The motto of my verse is plain. As Adam, so are we. THE PKOMISED DAY. Isaiaii 11. The lion and the lamb shall feed. Together in one herd; Have we no part that day to bring? We read of in God's Word? The sword and spear in farmer's tools, Prepared for useful toils, When wealth nor want no longer rules. Nor sorrow here despoils. 'Tis then we think what blessings here. Will multitudes enjoy; When justice reigns, none others fear. And love our thoughts employ. This world will surely see that day; We know it from God's word; The Golden Rule will be the way. All people will have heard. Our trials here now make us pray. And prayer will help fulfil; To bring to pass that Promised Day, And help work out God's will. 99 GRACE. Eph. 2 : 8. I love to sing of saving grace. It did so mticli for me; G-race planned the ransom of our race, And made salvation free. Through grace God saw the only way. Redemption's plan could be; ■ Created beings could not pay. Though penitent and free. 'Twas grace that filled the Saviour's heart, And brought Him from above; He saw some would from sin depart. And learn the power of love. The Spirit then for every one. Planned out a work of grace; Eorgiving those, to Christ will cornGj And all their sins efface. G-race through the Father, Spirit, Son, Is constant working here; "When we through saving grace are won. We're ruled by love not fear. 100 RELIGIOUS EXPEEIENCB. Sometimes, heaven's light arises. To Christians when they pray; And some, in their deepest sorrows. Have wrote their sweetest lay. In our sorest persecutions. The heart will look to God ; And then, Jesus will be present. While passing 'neath the rod. The joy God sends us then from heaven, The peace that Jesus gives ; Are the purest, sweetest comfort. While suff'rers here we live. We think of what Jesus suffer'd. What for our sins He bore; We think of the life eternal. When sorrow will be o'er. 101 "NEW YEAR'S/' 1888. Passeth. away this New Year's day; The years are rolling on; Just as each day doth pass away. So life will soon be gone. Another page of life's grand stage. Is written in God's book.; The past is fled, its words are said. With deed, and thought, and look. Reflecting now, our heads we bow. For many things 'twere done; Contrite indeed, for grace we plead To keep this year to come. When we recall that we must all. Meet every act again ; This mortal life of selfish strife, Will not be hidden then. POEMS, 103 Our writtGu scroll Christ will unroll, In the great judgment day; Assembled all at trumpet call. And not a word to say. If we could now realize how. We'll meet our sentence then. How. different here we'd spend each year. Doing the good we c;in. We have God's word, His truth we've heard. And we believe it too: So weak we are, neglecting prayer; We would not that we do. Each coming day more trusting pray. Think of eternal time; Then grace to live the Lord will give. Kept by a Hand Divine. PEACE. • Peace is the word the angels brought. When Christ, the Saviour came : Peace is the work that Jesus wrought. For those who love His name. That peace the' Saviour meekly showed. When His life blood was poured : That peace that like a river flowed, When first I knew the Lord. That peace that calms the troubled breast, Though it has suffered wrong : When it on Jesus leans for rest. And has in Christ grown strong. That peace the Christian has attained, Through keeping of Cod's word: That peace that only can be gained. By those who love the Lord. When life here is a thorny way. And much our thoughts are stirred, Then peace is given when we pray. And read God's Holy Word, 104 POEMS. Such is the peace that Christians know, And know its comfort too: They can't express, but they can show That peace of God is true. It is not peace to live in sin. And to reject God's love: Though undisturbed the heart within, Too liard for Christ to move. But this is peace to know my soul. Has made its calling sure; To feel that Christ has made me whole. His suffering made me pure. lOo WKITTEN ON THE DEATH OF ADDIE SMALLEY. Sargeut, No. Dakota, 1890. Your little one in love was given. Awhile your hearts to win; Then taken home to Christ in heaven. To draw your thoughts to Him. Her culture there will still go on. With loving angels' care; « Her heart be tuned to praise and song, Beyond the need of prayer. You'll meet again when life is o'er. And Jesus takes you home: If here you learn to love Him more,. And say " G-od's will be done.'^ He loves the little children here. Of such His kingdom is; He takes them home from earthly fear, There, sinless to be His. 106 POEMS. 107 The Lord knows liow to draw our hearts From earth's frail, transient toys. Up to that world of bliss supreme> And heaven's eternal Joys. In heaven we'll know the way Grod led Was always best for us; Each loving word that Jesus said Will help us bear our cross. SUFFICIENT GEACE. 3 Cor. 12 : 7-9. Sufficient grace the Lord will give To those His children are; When faithful to His word they live. And seek His help through prayer. Sufficient grace for those who mourn. For those with sorrow riven; When to the Lord in prayer they turn. And trust His promise given. When we have sought our cross removed To live ideal here, Sufficient then G-od's grace has proved. When we to Christ lived near. Sufficient grace to us is given. His children here to be ; Sufficient grace till we reach heaven, Of grace divine and free, 108 HOLD OR LEAD. Lord, hold me back, or lead me on, Jnst as Thy will may be; As constant as time rolls along, I pray Thee, Lord, keep rae. When way I seek, or work I plan. Lord, hold or lead for me; So frail, so weak, so blind I am, I want to trust in Thee. Thou seest here Thy work for souls, Knowest what I can do: Lord, hold me back, when earth controls. Help me the right pursue. Since Thou hast given us to help. In winning souls to Thee; Keep us from sin or wrong intent. Make us Thy will to be. Thy constant, keeping care I seek. Along my JQurney Home: Here, trusting, faithful, loving, meek; There, praise Thee round Thy throne, 109 TpANKSGIVINa PEAISE. 1885. In song we'll praise for life that's spared, God, our Heavenly Father: For all our many blessings rare. For all His precious keeping care; Of all He is the giver. Our land is blest with plenteous store: From pestilence we're kept : Our borders have been saved from war; We hope such conflict here is o'er; And long we may be kept. We praise the Lord for progress made. In Prohibition's cause; We feel that G-od is answering prayer, . And many men of talents rare, Now try to make just laws. The Lord doth bless His church so dear, And many learn to pray; We feel the Saviour's presence there. When we in church do meet for prayer. And thus the Lord obey. no POSMQ. Ill "We now do praise, and yet we pray, For blessings more of grace: "We wrestle oft before the throne. Our prayer is that, so long well known. The saving of our race. The Spirit's power, so widely felt. Doth teach us to obey: The Lord now gives the gift of prayer. His people feel it everywhere; And much they learn to pray. This coming year our tithes we'll bring Into our Father's store : Of toil and prayer, of faith and love. We'll tell the lost of heaven above; And try to serve God more. WILL ANY ONE LOVE ME IN HEAVEN? Kev. 7 : 9-17. This busy world to self is given; My heart oft sinks to prayer : So few are living here for heaven. And loving friends are rare. Oft lonely hours, with heart most riven, And filled with earthly care: Will any one love me in heaven ? Any one love me there ? Sometimes our life to toil is given. Ambitious here we are : But God oft leads our way to heaven. Through suff'ring, and through care: Oft checkered life to prayer has driven, Each sorrow leads to prayer: Will any love me in heaven ? Any one love me there ? When we no more by toil are driven. And past is earthly care : Our souls have joined the praise of heaven. And ceased the need of prayer: 113 POEMS. 113 Singing tlie songs of souls forgiven. Where liappy millions are; Will any one love me in heaven? Any one love me there ? Jesus loves those, with sins forgiven, Who oft are found in prayer: The angels watch our path to heaven. When we the Saviour's are. The Saviour's heart for me was riven : God now for me doth care; The Saviour will love me in heaven; Friends here will love me there. W^ SOEROW AND CHANGE. St. John 17 : 9-11. Though changes near, I will not fear, I have a Father's care : A Hand unseen has always been. My faith in God for prayer. Though sorrows come, I'm going home. The years are rolling fast : Though cup of woes oft overflows. Yet earthly woes won't last. I trust God's will, and love Him still. His will is best for me : I know Christ leads^ a?id intercedes. My faith doth Jesus see. While here, I Vong in work or song, To serve tho Lord, each day; To reach los'o souls my verse controls. For precwus souls I pray. My heart's desire doth zeal inspire. To work for heaven here : Those living now, to see them bow. In Christian love and fear. 114 POEMS. 115 To visit cot in lowly lot, Where suffering Christians are. That heart and life be void of strife. Shall be my daily prayer. I seek a home that's yet to come. Eternal home in heaven : My peace is sweet, in Christ complete. Where sweetest peace is given. My home is high, above the sky. Within the Golden Gate; My mansion there Christ will prepare. Loved ones for me do wait. THE ANGELS KNOW US HEEE. Gen. 48 : 16. Ps. 34 : 7. Dan. 9 : 20-24. The angels like a picture view The earthly lives of men : Know what we are, see what we do, Our hearts are known to them. They see us oft in tempter's snare. With helping angels near; They know the wrestling heart in prayer, Though not a word they hear. The angels here encamp around Those who the Lord ohey; When faithful to the Lord we're found, And often love to pray. The angel-ladder comforts me. It is God's Helping Hand: His mercy angels there I see, His will is there command. The angels look upon this earth. Of sin and strife and fear; They know when sinners turn to God, Are sent to help them here. 116 POEMS. 117 In time that's past, eacli life has given To them a picture clear; A happy view, when lived for heaven. If not they say each tear. My thoughts turn back, a picture draw, Of my own life that's past : That written page, I view it now, Can never be effaced. ** There's joy in heaven,^^ the Saviour said. When souls are born again : From this we learn the angels know The earthly lives of men. If sinners have been turned to Christ, Who now do live for heaven; That picture then the angels saw. When Joy to them was given. Have we served God with zealous fear. Or lived for earthly toys ? Have we to souls been faithful here. And spoke of heavenly joys ? The angels watch this world of ours, They see when souls believe; The angels know our frail weak powerSj, "W^hen we the Spirit grieve, 118 POEMS. The angels know when we believe. They know when sin 'b forgiven: The angels know who Christ receive. They hear us tell of heaven. Our Christian friends to glory gone, The Lord hath need of them: Minist'ring spirits oft they come Back to this world again. God sees His work for the unsaved. And then, in mercy true, He Ipoks on those His work do crave. Takes them His Avork to do. The Spirit of the Lord will come. The Comforter, Divine: Abide with those who love Him true, In every needed time. When judgment comes, then we shall see That pictured angels viewed; God's written book, like canvas be, As day by day we stood. WEEP NOT. When angels waft my soul away, Through " death's dark endless sleep/ To heaven's bright and endless day. For me, dear friends, don't weep. The Saviour once laid in the tomb, And broke its power to keep; Death will not be our final doom. And so, dear friends, don't weep. As .Jesus takes our spirits home. There, one by one we'll meet; We'll happy be around the Throne; And so. Dear friends, don't weep. Think of the resurrection day, When, all the saved will meet; Think of the Cross, believe and pray ; For Jesus' friends don't weep. Think of the endless eons yet. In heaven for us to live ; Think of those joys we can't conceive; And Triune praises give. m WILL OF GOD. Deut. 27 : 11-14. The mysteries of the Will of G-od, Have oft seemed dark to me; Yet, I siDcerely love the Lord, I love His child to be. The human mind is crippled here. Through sin in Adam's fall; But, this should lift above all fear God knows the end of all. Yes, all the changes of our life. For better or for worse; Our days of peace, of toil and strife. Of blessings and of curse. For praying ones, and careless ones. Whatever may befall; Through every scene in all life's turns, God knows the end of all. Yet, we say stra.nge, the way we're led. Because we now don't see; We struggle oft in unbelief. Blind to what yet may be, 120 " POEMS. 121 If we could now so trust in God, Sin could not here inthral, Much lighter then ^twould make each load, God knows the end of all. YE HAPPY SOULS. Ye happy souls, for heaven bound, Oft singing on your way; Yet, mingling here in life, are found. With those who never pray. Come tell us of your peace of mind. Your happiness, each day; Tell us how we the Lord may find. Come teach us how to pay. Ye happy ones, we seek your peace, We wonld not always stray; We're fetter bound, but not at ease. Come, help us now, to pray. We feel a power that holds us iast,^ Sin doth our hearts enslave; Come, tell us mercy is not passed; That Jesus yet can save. Ye happy souls^ Oh ! leave us not, 'Till we are saved and true; 'Till with the saints we've cast our lot, 'Till we are one with you. 13^ SANCTIFIED SUFFEEING. Isaiah 53 : 3. Sometimes, ^tis said " The innocent Do never suffer wrong;" Their conscience clear, keeps them content, Thongh injured much and long. I think, Keligion makes us try. To give no cause for blame; Our Pattern we would magnify. And praise the Saviour's name. The more we try for perfect lives. The more we feel earth's strains; Even though fabricated, false, "We feel a tinge remains. The happy heart you cannot save. While you let slander go; Though inner peace the just may have. For God the truth does know. The innocent do suffer here. The pure are sensitive; Our Saviour felt His sufferings here. Though He could all forgive, 123 124 POEMS. God has a mission here for pain, Christ suffer'd to redeem; As we are not here to remain, God turns' our hearts to Him. In heaven, our thoughts will yet turn back, To things that passed on earth; And praise the Lord for sorrow's track, That caused our second birth. When sorrows here make us repent. We're thankful for the rod; When sanctified to us, they're sent As mercy's voice of God. GO! JESUS CALLS. St. Matt. 9 : 38; and 28 : 19. Go work for Jesus, leaving all, The Lord will with you stay ; He leadeth you, you cannot fail. He'll care for you alway. Earth is the Lord's ; but we may use. For Him our little mite ; Then needed blessings He will give. When we obey aright. ISIow to the Lord of harvests pray. That workers may be sent ; Then Jesus will abide alway. With those, who for Him went. No other can for sin atone, No other name is given; We here reach souls through Christ alone. Through Him we'll enter heaven. 125 VICTOKY THROUGH THE CEOSS. St. John 13 : 33. God^s loving mercy unto me. Shows eai'thly things but dross : No other way could pardon be. But victory through the Cross. Such mercies here in life do come. We count earth's joys no loss; We're seeking here a hea.venly home. We've victory through the Cross. Oft transient snares beset our way. Earth covers them like moss; But while we here do watch and pray. There's victory through the Cross. The tempter's wiles so subtile come. We oft don't know his voice; But while the Lord is leading home. There's victory through the Cross, In heaven we'll talk of earthly life. When oft this world did cross ; Then praise the Lord, we're past all strife. We've victory through the Cross. 136 "WILL WE FORGIVE IN HEAVEN ? Eph. 3 : 5. Heb. 4 : 16. When Christians here in little things. So often disagree; We wonder how, around God's Throne, We will each other see. Will loving hearts be given then ? Can we now think it so ? The very bliss of heaven will then, Make friends of every foe. We'll know each change since here we met We'll know that God forgave ; AVe'll know how oft o'er sins they wept; And Jesus' power to save. Temptations, then, will all be past. And jealous, anxious care; We'll meet in heaven, with Christ at last. Where sinless all are there. Eedeeming love we then will sing. Our hearts will join in praise; In harmony our voices ring, Our sweetest songs to raise. 137 128 POEMB. Kedeemed from earth, to live in heaven. Our grand triumphant song ; The glory be to Jesus given. Eternal ages long. Our trials here will all be past. Our troubles great and small; Then, what the Lord has done for us. Will overshadow all. From every age, and every clime, We^ll know as we are known; And saved through grace, our psalm sublime. We'll sing around the Throne. A VOICE WITH WINGS. A voice with wings while here I'd be. To work for Christ on eai'th; To every land, I then would flee. Preaching the soul's new birth; I'd preach to men in massive crowd, I'd speak to souls alone; I'd tell them of the love of God ; The love of Christ, His Son. A voice with wings of angels here. To tell of Jesus' love; His humble birth and suffering here. That we may reign above. Fd tell of Jesus' life on earth. Tell of His dying hour; Tell of His rising from the grave. Tell of His saving power. A voice with wings that I might go. To tempted ones unsaved; A messenger of God below. To those by sin enslaved. 139 130 Pom^. To those the world doth here hold fast. With its delusive power; To those, who put salvation off, ^Till more convenient hour. A voice with wings, celestial wings. To enter human hearts; There to inspire eternal things. The word of God imparts. I'd tell of heaven and mansions there. Where streets are paved with gold; Our loving Saviour will prepare. For those who love His fold. A voice with wings each life may be, If love to Christ abound; Their Christian work the world will see. Good deeds to those around. The heart in prayer God oft will see; The tongue His goodness sings; ' Their words to souls a voice will be. The printed page their wings. BELIEVE, AND TKUST, AND PEAY. St. John 4 : 50. I've readied that stage in Christian life, "Where worship is, obey; With loving zeal, my only strife. Believe, and trust, and pray. The Lord here plans our earthly lot, Marks out our path each day; Oft leads us where we must look up. Believe, and trust, and pray. Our earthly wants, our toil and care. In heaven will fully pay; The Lord sees best to make us here. Believe, and trust, and pray. God sees us on our Journey home. Where paths oft lead astray; Sends wants to make us while we come^ Believe, and trust, and pray. 131 132 POEMS. He knows the uiirevealed to come. The grace we need each day; And here we must, to reach that home. Believe, and trust, and pray. LORD, LEAD ME ON. St. Jolin 4 : 35. Lord, I delight Thy will to do. As here in life, I pass along; When I this world too much pursue. With thorn and hedge. Lord, Lead me on. When mortals here my words can teach. Impress with prayer, or truth, or song; Thou seest how I them can reach; In open way, Lord, Lead me on. The fields are white for harvest here. My days for toil will soon be gone; To me Thy way Thou canst make clear. And reaping fruit. Lord, Lead me on. I seek Thy work in whitening field; I would Thy notes of love prolong; Send me to hearts, that now will jie^ And reaping souls, Lord, Lead me on, 133 134 POEMS. I would not choose, nor work nor way. Too soon, too swift, each chance is gone; Omniscient One, to Thee I pray. Thy will. Thy way. Lord, Lead me on. JESUS INVITES. St. Matth. 11 : 28. Jesus, your dearest Friend, invites, And wishes every soul to hear; Come, seek the pearl of greatest price, Salvation for your soul so dear. His dying love now pleads with you; His spirit works upon your heart; Is pleading every promise true, If you will now from sin depart. Dear precious soul, Why not believe ? Why not choose life and heaven now ? The Cross tells us Christ will receive; Save all, who to His mercy bow. Give Him your heart, and trust His care, His pierced hands will lead you on; Look up to Him, with faith in prayer. Your unbelief will then be gone, J35 136 POEMS. Our life is frail, uncertain here. Come, seek the Lord, accept to-day; Eternity may now be near; Now you may come, believe and pray. '^MY SOUL DOTH MAGNIFY THE LORD/' St. Luke 1 „ 46. My soul doth magnify the Lord, He often hears my prayer; The Spirit helps to read His Word, And trust His keeping care. My soul doth magnify the Lord, For mercies unto me; That I the saving truth have heard. And found salvation free. My soul doth magnify the Lord, For Christ, the Saviour given; Such goodness doth His grace afford. That we may hope for heaven. My soul doth magnify the Lord, For promise yet fco come; When the whole world, with one accord. Will worship Christ, His Son. 137 138 POEMS. My soul will magnify the Lord, In heavenly mansions fair ; Because His Spirit taught the Word, His grace that brought me there. REPENT, BELIEVE, OBET. I John 1 : 7. Dea±' tsinnsr come, now take the lic^.'d^ To 06 your Friend alway ; Come new to Him, trusting His Wort!, Kepent, belisva, obey. The Lord invites, will tielp you now; If you will start to-day; The blood of Christ to you says come, Kepent, believe, obey. How can you still salvation spurn, God's mercy still delay ? He's pleading now for you to turn, Kepent, believe, obey. The Spirit with your heart pleads now; It will not plead alway; God's precious Word will teach you how, Repent, believe, obey. 139 140 POEMS. I do accept I will believe. Accept of Christ to-day; Looking to God now to receive, Eepent, believe, obey. ANCHOEED AT THE CEOSS. I Cor. 3 : 2. My heart is touched with Jesus' love, This world seems only dross; Pleading for faith to look above, I'm anchored at the Cross. Those earthly things that once I loved, No more- 1 mourn their loss; Since Jesus' love my heart has proved. Here anchored at the Cross. Backsliding from God's service here. Sin covers o'er like moss; To us the Word shows duty clear. When anchored at the Cross. Temptations come so subtile here. We scarcely know their voice; The Spirit shows us danger near. When anchored at the Cross. 141 14S POBMB. When here, my pilgrimage is done, iNTo more this world is dross ; May Jesus for my Spirit come. Here, anchored at the Cross. fS^/ii PKEVAILING PKAYER. St. Matth. 7 : 7, 8. Prevailing prayer the Lord doth move, Ask and thou shalt receive; And Jesus' words our faith will prove, He gives as we believe. Prevailing prayer the Lord doth hear, . Por blessings day by day ; How sweet to have a Father's care. Who'll hear us when we pray. Prevailing prayer has faith in G-od, To trust His boundless grace; That through the Saviour's precious blood. He saves our sinful race. Prevailing prayer in heaven will tell. More than we can know here; At last we'll say that all is well. No more a pang or tear. 143 144 P0MM8. Prevailing prayer is faitli in God, To ask for what we need; Trusting, believing in God's word. Feels Christ will intercede. "DEEP WATEES." The deepest waters sometimes come, To turn us to the Lord; Then Wounded Hand is leading home; And then we read God's Word. The deepest waters can't outride v The power of saving grace; Though sometimes here God seems to hide Erom us a smiling face. The Saviour passed through waters deep. More than we here can know; With sorrowing friends He too did weep, Eelt every pang of woe. The deepest waters never come. When we live near to God; 'Tis when we're wandering from His home. He sends His chast'ning rod. 145 146 POEMB. The deepest pang, I think God felt. When Christ, His Son was given; Like furnace then, did pity melt. To bring us home to heaven. EASTER HYMK. St. Luke 24 : 5-9. The rising sun on Easter morn. Doth fill this earth with joyous lay; Each happy heart with love is born — Sings " Jesus only " Easter day. To-day we'll think of open tomb. If dearest friends were laid away; In faith we'll rise above the gloom — Sings " Jesus only " Easter day. The flowers say we'll live again. In other world far, far away; And there with Christ, our Saviour reign- Sing "Jesus only " Easter day. Jesus once left His Father's Throne, Came to this earth to live and pray; That we may reach that glorious home — Sing " Jesus only " Easter day. 147 148 POEMS. We consecrate ourselves to Thee, Keep us, while here, Thine own alway; And now with gladness Thine to be — Sing ^' Jesus only" Easter day. ETEENITY. St. John 14 : 2, 3. My life is passing swiftly on; What will its future be ? My guilt and sorrow to prolong, On in Eternity ? Eternity ! Eternity ! On in Eternity ? I cannot stay the passing hours, Whate'er my lot may be ; Still passing on with thorns or flowers. Into Eternity. Eternity ! Eternity ! Into Eternity. The muddy stream, though running far, Stil'l muddy it will be; The sinful life, the soul will mar. Mar in Eternity. Eternity ! Eternity ! Mar in Eternity. 149 150 POEMS. The heart that's changed through Jesus' blood. Forever saved will be; , Saved here to, love and serve the Lord; Saved inEternity. Eternity ! Eternity ! Saved in Eternity. A home in many mansions fair. Forever blest to be; A home with Christ and loved ones there. Through all Eternity. Eternity ! Eternity I Through all Eternity. The Saviour saith, to all on earth. To all " Come unto Me." Come now to Christy believe the truth; Live for Eternity. Eternity ! Eternity ! Live for Eternity. BE JUST WITH GOD. Heb. 10 : 38, 39. Be just with God: Give Him your heart. He is a God of love; And He will then His grace impart. And will His goodness prove. Be just with God : He is supreme. Omniscient, and Divine; Immortal soul, be just with Him; Live for eternal time. Be just with God: be just to day; Yourself you now deceive; Be just with Him: cost what it may. And in Him now believe. Be just with God : He gave His Son, To die, that we may live; Be just with Him : trust Him alone, Eternal life He'll give. 15X 152 POEMS. Be just with God : soon death may come. When earthly things can't save; If we have put our trust in Him, A home in heaven we'll have. THE HEAVY OEOSS THE BEIGHTEE OEOWN. St. Matt, 11 : 28; and 13 : 43. When Abraham left his parentis home. Obeying God's command; The promise then was made to him. Of Canaan's Holy Land. And when his loved, his only son In sacrifice was given ; Then for his faith in God he won A brighter crown in heaven. The people of the Lord have lived. In old and modern time. Who through their faith in God have proved The word of God divine. He knows each one His cross doth bear. Though here they've no renown : And for their faith in Him they'll wear In heaven a brighter crown. Though dark the way to us may be. Through earthly trials here ; Yet every step the Lord doth see. With he^/venly vision clear. 153 154 POEMS. Though heavy cross we sometimes bear. When God doth seem to frown; Yet, trusting Him, at last, we'll wear. In heaven a brighter crown. PRAISE, Jesus, my soul delights to praise. Thy love so great to me; Help me Thy sweetest song to raise. And more Thy goodness see. When earthly things here come between. My soul and love divine; Then make my conscience speak within. Ask me, if I am Thine. Let me not treat my Saviour dear. As less than earth to me; Though pressed with toil my lot be here, I would live close to Thee. Lord, keep me near Thy mercy seat. Help me Thy will obey; Help me to pray, low at Thy feet, For needed grace each day. 155 156 POEMS. When all my journey here is done. My pilgrimage is o^er; Receive me then, before Thy throne. To praise Thee evermore. AND HEAE THE ANGELS SING. St. Luke 2 : 13, 14. Oft in my heart, the angels sing. As once on Bethlehem's plain; When Jesus came our Saviour King, Over this earth to reign. I look to God in trusting prayer. My faith such peace doth bring; I know I have a Father's care — I hear the angels sing. Oft burdened here, I seek the Lord, And Jesus as my King; Such peace is given through God's word- I hear the angels sing. Temptations come with subtle art. But Jesus is my King; He has His throne within my heart. And lets the angels sing. 157 im POBMB. In Beulah land, the angels sing. Along our journey Home; And we will soon join them in song. Around the Heaveijly Throne. MY HEAVENLY HOME. St. John 14 : 2, 3. Rev. 21 : 18-26. This earthly tent is not my home, ^Tis but my toiling place; I seek a mansion yet to come. That's promised me through grace. No purchase here of wealth could buy That mansion there for me; No one could see, with mortal eye The splendor it will be. For Jesus will Himself prepare A home in heaven for me; Then, He will come and take me where. My Glory Home will be. A home in many mansions fair. That's promised in God's word; A home with Christ and angels there. And blessings here unheard. This mortal flesh will' all dissolve. In glory rise again; _ In my new body I shall live. When I with Jesus reign. 159 160 POEMS. V\\ earnest seek my glory home, A home for life to come: A home with Christ, no more to roam; And with the saints be one. We oft do think of friends in heaven, -Who, here on earth we loved; To whom, when here, much grace was given. And here their faith they showed. While the eternal eons roll, No sorrow more will come; To my immortal, happy soul, When Fm with Christ at home. Matthew 25 : 34. '^ Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.'' The Daylight Central draft, of course. Wick raised and lowered by our wheel system. It doesn't stick. Wick doesn't have to be a J^ inch above the rim to give a good light. Fact is, we have never seen a lamp which exposes so little wick as the " Daylight." So the wick doesn't char. So the oil burns with a clearer light. Craighead & Kintz Co., Salesroom, 33 Barclay street. New York. Factory, Ballardvale, Mass. Lamp. Piano, Banquet and Table sizes. The Daylight Lamp Co., 38 Park Place, New York, will give you further information. yjr- ^uinuncoa 018 604 169