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I GENEALOGY OF THE GREENLEE FAMILIES IN AMERICA, SCOTLAND, IRELAND AND ENGLAND WITH ANCESTORS OF ELIZABETH BROOKS GREENLEE AND EMILY BROOKS GREENLEE ALSO GENEALOGICAL DATA ON THE McDowells OF VIRGINIA AND KENTUCKY BY RALPH STEBBINS GREENLEE •I AND ROBERT LEMUEL GREENLEE 59 CIIICAOO, ILLINOIS TRIVATELy PRINTED & ^ o (A v^ / y7/ uld ti|f Hf morg of lEbmunb (Srppttl^P (Slfis IBiscovh tfl Homnglg Sf itratf iJ c/C INTRODUCTION IN publishing this History and Genealogy of the Greenlee Family we have aimed to make it as complete and at the same time as simple as possible, embracing the desirable features of numerous other works of this kind hitherto published. Several thousand descendants of the Greenlee Family were furnished with blanks to be filled out with data concerning their families, but many of them failed to respond to our communications. Whenever it has been possible we have copied wills, records, etc., directly from the originals. Where members or descendants of a family have given different dates, preference has been given to those which seemed most plausible, according to existing circumstances. In many cases where there were no means of determining which information was correct, the various dates have been given. When Bible records have differed from town records, the latter have been accepted as correct. The work of collecting information regarding different members of the Greenlee Family has unfortunately not been made easier by previous gene- alogies and we have been obliged to rely on the co-operation of its members for a large portion of the information obtained. We have to thank the descendants generally for their kindness and readiness to assist us in many ways. Ralph Stebbins Greenlee. Robert Lemuel Greenlee. CONTENTS Page. Dedication 3 Introduction 4 Table of Contents 5 List of Illustrations 7 Explanations 10 INTRODUCTORY The Greenlee Family [Contributed] 11 Greenly [From Burke's Commoners] 12 Presbyterian Persecution 16 GREENLEES IN AMERICA The First Greenlees in America 27 Michael Greenlee, of Kent Co., Delaware 89 John Greenlee, of Kent Co., Delaware 176 Archibald Greenlee, of Washington Co., Pennsylvania 184 Edward Greenlee, of Mason Co., West Virginia 198 James Greenlee, of Rockbridge Co., Virginia 221 James Greenlee, of Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania 299 James Greenlee, of Tennessee 355 Robert Greenlee, of Pennsylvania 386 William Greenlee, of West Virginia 399 UNIDENTIFIED "^ Scotch Families 426 Irish Families 489 English Families 522 Unclassified Greenlees 545 MISCELLANEOUS GREENLEE ITEMS Marriage Records, Dover, Delaware 574 Settlements of Estates, Dover, Delaware 574 Maryland Deeds, etc 574 Data from Pennsylvania Archives 577 Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, Wills 579 Greene Co., Pennsylvania, Deeds 579 Commissariot Testaments, Glasgow, Scotland 579 Commissariot Testaments, Hamilton and Campsie 584 Commissariot Testaments, Edinburgh 584 5 6 CONTENTS. Page. Data from Paisley, Scotland Register of Births 586 Data from Glasgow, Scotland Register of Births 588 Services of Heirs in Chancery, 1700-1799 589 Data from Harbor Office, Ayr, Scotland 589 Greenlee Wills, etc., at Duhlin, Ireland 591 APPENDIX A Brooks and Allied Families 594 Brooks Ancestral Chart 614 APPENDIX B The McDowells of Virginia and Kentucky 616 INDEXES Persons by the Name of Greenlee 642 Names Other than Greenlee 695 Index to Appendix B 729 Index of Places 733 ILLUSTRATIONS Page. Amason, Martha Burton 494 Babb, Sarah Ann Grocnlcc, residence of. 570 Bell, Mrs. .Jane Greenlee 304 Benning, (Irace Greenlee 421 Bishop, Mrs. Mary Lueinda Greenlee (in group) 61 Brackebush, Charles Hurford 464 Brackfbush, Mrs. (irace Emily Greenlee. .464 Brooks Ancestral Chart 614 Brooks, Eleanor 598a Brooks, Mrs. Emily Abbot 598 Brooks, .leannie 598a Brooks, Samuel 596 Brooks, Mrs. Samuel 590 Brooks, William 598 Brown, Mrs. Arminta Greenlee, and hus- band 344 Burkhart, Eunice Greenlee 380 Burton, Andrew Jackson , .498 Burton, John Wesley 494 Burton. John Wesley, residence of 494 Burton, Xfargaret A.' 498 Burton, Margaret Ann Greenlees 492 Burton, Thomas W. J 494 Burwoll. Herbert 314 Coat of Arms, (Jreenlees of England 12 Coat of Arms, (Greenlees of Scotland 15 Campbell, Mary C. Shane 396 ' Carr, Mrs. Chloe Rachel Stebbins (in group) 58 Cemetery at Mosiertown, Pa 42 Clark. Mrs. Lorene Stebbins (in group)... 58 Clark, Mrs. Lorene Stebbins 100 Clark, Silas (in group) 102 Corwith, Sarah Xicoll 568 Cowart, Mrs. Mary (Jreenlee 82 Craig, Hannah McCIanahan Greenlee, and husband 280 Curtis, Esther Greenlee (in group) 38 Daniels, .Jane Eliza Shane 396 Dunn, Mrs. Diantha M 96 Dunn, Mrs. Mary Greenlee 310 Dunn, Mrs. Rebecca Greenlee (in group). 59 Dunn, Thomas D 96 Eakens, Isabella Greenlees 492 Ellis, Joseph E. and family 344 Fisher, Frances Greenlee 90 Gibson, Mrs. A. E 332 Graves, Mary Brooks 600 Greenly, Albert Harry 568 Greenlees, Alexander 448 Greenlee, Alexander Sackett 260 Greenlee, Allen 54 1 Greenlee, Mrs. Allen 541 Greenlee, Ale.xander Hamilton 50 Greenlee, Alexander Hamilton, and wife. 50 Greenlee, Andrew K., and family 154 Greenlee, Andrew McKelvey, and wife... 68 Page. Greenlees, Anna JjiuTA 492 (Ireenlees, Anna Steele 466 Greenlee, Archibald 186 fireenlee, Maj. Haylis Earl 568 Greenlee, Benjamin Chamberlain 92 Greenlee, Calvin Rogers .Jerome 380 fireenlee, Cassius Monroe, residence and family 150 (ircenly, Charles Carroll 562 Greenlees. Charles Colville, residence of.. 487 Greenlee, Charles E 202 Greenlee, Clarence Forster 278 Greenlee, Clinton DeWitt 322 (Jreenlee, Mrs. Clinton DeWitt 322 Cireenlee, Clinton DeWitt, residence at Pasadena, Cal 322 Cireenlee, Charles Montgomery 568 Cireenlees. Charles C^)lville, residence "Dunara" at Campbelltown, Scotland. .487 Cireenlee, Curtis 336 Greenlees, Daniel 485 Clreenlee, David 68 Greenlee, Mrs. David 68 Greenlees, David 466 Greenlees, David, farmhcmse and group.. 520 Cireenlees, David, ruins of old nuid house on farm 520a Greenlees, David Agncw 485 Greenlee, David C 516 Cireenlee, David Enos Orlando 370 Greenlee, David William, and family ....168 Cireenlee, David William, and wife 282 Cireenlee, Edmund Frontispiece Cireenlee, Edmund (in group) 38 Greenlee, Edmund, homestead of 62 Cireenlee, Edmund, homestead of, show- ing house, barn, church and chestnut tree planted by Edmund Greenlee. . . .62a Cireenlee, Edmund, homestead of, show- ing old apple orchard in the woods. . . .62a (ireenlre, Edmund, homestead of, general view of the farm with large chestnut tree in foreground 62b Greenlee, Ednmnorlase, both Puritans. Under their guidance, the Parliament abolished the court of High Commission, and religious liberty was practically re-estab- list led. The exiled Presbyterians began to return, until shortly after 1640 ■■ Here were thirty regular congregations in Ulster, and it seemed as if peace ff and prosperity were about to reign in Ireland. Certain descendants of the northern chieftains whose estates had been con- fiscated at the beginning of the century, and others who had themselves gone away when very j'oung, lived at the courts of Rome and Madrid. These exiles, thinking the English were fully occupied with their own disputes, formed a plan with friends in Ireland for expelling the settlers, and overthrowing Protestantism in the country. When this plot was almost ripe for execution, Charles, thinking he had gained Scotland by lately made concessions, opened a correspondence with some Irish Roman Catholic leaders. He promised them many civil and religious advantages, including a legal establishment of the Roman Catholic faith in Ireland, if they would take up arms in his behalf, and disarm all Irish Protestants except the Ulster Scots, whom the king imagined he could unite with their kinsmen in Scotland. But the leaders of the old Irish, hearing of this design, determined to begin the rebellion at once, to an- ticipate the Anglo-Norman families who were gained by Charles, and to rob and murder for their own advantage rather than for the advantage of the king. At first, the rebels acted with comparative moderation. They con- tented themselves with robbing the Protestants, stripping them naked, and sending them oft" defenceless. But they soon abandoned this moderation, and aimed at murdering the entire native Protestant population. Neither woman nor infant was spared. The brains of the children were dashed out before the eyes of their mothers, some were thrown into pots of boiling water, and some were given to the pigs that they might be eaten. A Protestant minister was crucified. Many had their hands cut off or their eyes put out before their lives were taken. Others were promised protection on condition of their becoming the executioners of their own nearest and dearest relations; but if they ac- cepted these terms, they themselves were afterwards murdered. Many were promised their lives on condition of conforming the popery, but any who re- canted were told that, being now in the true Church, they must be killed at once lest they might afterwards fall from faith. Various calculations have been made of the number who perished, and it probably reached more than ten thousand. At first, the king's orders were obeyed and the Scots suffered no injury. Many of them succeeded in escaping, but some perished by being too confident. Oliver Cromwell, having rendered the Parliament supreme in England, and the independents supreme in Parliament, went to Ireland to act as lord lieutenant. On the 15th of August, 1649, he landed at Dublin. On the 3d of September he invested Drogheda, which had been garrisoned by the best of Ormond's soldiers, most of whom were English. A .summons to surrender being rejected, Cromwell took the town by storm on the 11th, and put the garrison with many defenseless inhabitants to the sword. At Wexford he exercised the same severity. Other towns opened their gates when summoned. Venables. sent north to co-operate with Coote, met him at Belfast, which was taken on September 30th. On the 6th of December these generals gained a PRESBYTERIAN PRESECUTION. 21 great victory over Lord Montgomery, not far from Lisburn. Heber M'Mahon, bishop of Clogher, at the head of the Irish, was defeated near Letterkenny. The long contest was over. Ireland, for the first time in her history, was com- pletely subdued. During all this time the Irish Presbj^terians were closely watched lest they might espouse the cause of Charles. By a council of war, an act of banishment was pronounced against their ministers. ^lany of them fled from the eountry, and others, in the dress of farmers, travelled through their parishes and preached in private houses, or in the fields, at the risk of imprisonment. The "engagement" was now pressed on the occupants of public offices, and heavy penalties inflicted on those who refused to swear. But after Charles left the kingdom, the government of Ireland seemed less inclined to persecute Presbyterians. During the period of Episcopal as- cendancy, the practice was to press with full force against Presbyterians, the penal laws seldom enforced against Catholics. Oliver Cromwell died on the 3d of September, 1658, and his son Richard was proclaimed his successor. Henry Cromwell was promoted to be lord lieu- tenant of Ireland, and continued to rule the country with wisdom and vigor. Life and property had been rendered safe. Liberty of conscience for almost all classes of Protestants had been established. JSIany settlers from England and Scotland had been "planted" in the Celtic districts of the South and West. In Ulster, marshes had been drained, woods cut down, and farmhouses built. Presbyterianism made rapid progress. Charles II. at the time of his father's death, was a friendless fugitive. The Scotch ofi'ered to receive him as their king, on condition that he should pledge himself by oath to regard and preserve their Presbji:erian form of Church government. To this he assented. When he arrived in the kingdom he sub- scribed the covenant ; and again at his coronation, under circumstances of much more than usual solemnity, he swore to preserve it inviolate. The Scotch, accordingly, armed in his defence ; but, divided among themselves, and led by a general unfit to cope with Cromwell, they were soon defeated and Charles was again driven to the Continent. When he returned in 1660, he voluntarily renewed his promise to the Scotch, by whom his restoration had been greatly promoted, not to interfere with the liberty of their Church. No sooner, how- ever, was he firmly seated on his throne than all these oaths and promises were forgotten. Presbyterianism was at once abolished and Episcopacy established ; not such as it was under James I, when bishops were little more than standing moderators of the Presbyterians, but invested, by the arbitrary mandate of the king, with the fulness of prelatical power. An act was passed making it penal even to speak publicly or privately against the king's supremacy, or the government of the Church by archbishops and bishops. A court of high com- mission, of which all the prelates were members, was erected and armed with inquisitorial powers. JIultitudes of learned and pious ministers were ejected from their parishes, and ignorant, ungodly men, for the most part, introduced in their stead. Yet the people were forced under severe penalties, to attend the ministrations of these unworthy men. All ejected ministers were pro- hibited preaching or praying except in their o^vn families; and preaching or praying in the fields was made punishable by death. 22 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. The last of the seventeenth century probably saw the last of the emigration of Scots into Ulster; while for years that were to follow, the Scots were to leave Ulster in thousands for America. For some time after the Revolution, a steady stream of Scotch Presbyterians had poured into the country attracted by the cheapness of the farms and by the new opening for trade. In the end of the seventeenth century the state of England was not a prosperous one, and her woolen manufacturers imagined the competition from Ireland was injur- ing them. The next year the Government passed an Act through the Irish Parliament, forbidding any exportation of Irish woolens from the country. It was afterwards followed by Acts forbidding the Irish to export their wool to any country save England — the English manufacturers desiring to get the wool of their sister kingdom at their own price. There are two outstanding facts in the history of Ulster besides the rise of the linen manufacture — the steady emigration, and the rise of the Secession Church. The latter is strong proof of the kinship to Scotland, the former is, perhaps even a stronger proof of the blood which was in her sons, for they left Ulster, as their forefathers had come to it, in search of a more kindly home across the seas. The emigration from Ulster is one of the most striking feat- ures of Irish history, and one which had a most marked effect on the vital force of the United States of America, which drew so much of its best blood from the Presbji:erians of the north of Ireland. There was nothing to induce the active- minded men of the North to remain in Ireland, and thej' left in crowds, going away with wives and children, never to return. In 1718, there is mention of "both ministers and people going off." In 1728, it is stated that "above 4,200 men, women, and children have been shipped off hence for the West Indies, within three years." In consequence of the famine of 1740, it is stated that for "several years afterwards, twelve thousand emigrants annually left Ulster for the American plantations;" while from 1771 to 1773, "the whole emigra- tion from Ulster is estimated at thirty thousand, of whom ten thousand were weavers." Thus was Ulster drained of the young, the enterprising, and the most energetic and desirable classes of its population. They left the land which had been saved to England by the swords of their fathers, and crossed the sea to escape from the galling tyranny of the bishops whom Ireland had made rulers of that land. They came to a new and a better land, and here they founded their homes, built their churches, established their communities, and again set up their religion. Before the close of the seventeenth century, there were at least twelve Presbyterian churches established in America, the members of which were, to a large extent, of Scottish or Scotch-Irish birth or descent. Five of these churches were in ^Maryland, two in Virginia, two in Delaware, one in Penn- sylvania, one in New Jersej', and one in South Carolina. During the first two decades of the eighteenth century additional Presbyterian churches were organized in the American colonies by emigrants from Scotland and Ulster. The causes which led to the eighteenth-century emigration from Ulster to America have already been pointed out, and may be summarized as follows : 1. Religious persecution by the Episcopal authorities, of a nature most galling and outrageous; one incident being the loss of the rights of citizen- ship. PRESBYTERIAN PERSECUTION. 23 2. A system of unjust and unwise landlordism, which served to discourage thrift and enterprise. 3. Prohibitory discrimination against the trade and manufactures of Ulster in favor of those of England. 4. The enforced payment of tithes to the Epi.scopal clergy, to sustain a theocracy which the Presbj'terians believed to be contrary to the laws of God, and knew to be destructive to their own rights and liberties. The annals of the actual emigration from Ulster to America are very meagre and imperfect. Few records have been preserved of the departure of vessels from ports in Scotland or Ireland prior to the present century, and such incomplete lists of passengers as have come down to us owe their preser- vation rather to accident than to design. While the settlements of the Scotch-Irish in New England, Virginia, and the Carolinas were numerous, and represented a population of many thousand families, the great majority of the Ulster emigrants to America first landed on the Delaware shore. Most of the passenger ships sailing from Ireland during the eighteenth century were bound for ports in the Quaker colony. Pennsylvania thus became the centre of the Presbj'terian settlements in the New World, and from the province, after 1735, a continuous stream of emigra- tion flowed to the South and West. The emigrants to Pennsylvania usually landed at one of the three ports, Lewes, Newcastle (both in Delaware then a part of Pennsylvania), or Phila- delphia. Presbyterian congregations were gathered in all of these towns before 1698. During the first decade of the eighteenth century the Scotch- Irish made settlements along White Clay, Red Clay, and Brandywine creeks in Newcastle county, Delaware, and at the head of Elk creek on both sides of the Pennsylvania-ilaryland boundary, at its intersection with the Delaware line. The church at the head of Christiana creek was organized before 1708. Two years later the congregation of Drawyers and Pencader, in Delaware, and Bensalem, in Pennsylvania, were gathered ; and the year 1714 brought into existence six more Presb}i;erian churches: Norriton and Abington, in what is now Montgomery county, and Great Valley, in Chester County, all in Pennsyl- vania; and Cedar Creek, Dover, and Murderkill, in Delaware. The congre- gations of these churches were composed of Scottish, Dutch, and Welsh set- tlers. Before 1720 the Scotch-Irish had extended their settlements westward to the mouth of the Susquehanna, and were sufficiently numerous to form three new congregations. Of the total white population in America at the outbreak of the Revolution, there is abundant evidence to show that at least one-third was not of English descent or sympathies at all, but consisted of a variety of nationalities, includ- ing the Germans, French, Hollanders, Swedes, and others. But the settle- ments of all these different nationalities taken together did not begin to equal in number or importance those of the Scots of North Britain and North Ire- land, a composite race, even at that time having in the organic makeup of each individual a combination of the several racial elements which were almost identical with those now forming the present collective population of America, and from which the American of the future is gradually being evolved. Driven from their adopted home in the North of Ireland by English perse- 24 GKEENLEE GENEALOGY. cution, there was burned into their very souls the bitter recollection of English ingratitude and English broken faith. They were un-English in their origin, and they came to America hating England, her church, and her form of gov- ernment with the intensest hatred, ilingled with the descendants of many other races, they nevertheless formed the kernel of the distinctively and in- tensely American stock who were the pioneers of our people in their march westward, the vanguard of the army of fighting settlers, who with axe and rifle won their way from the AUeghanies to the Rio Grande and the Pacific. That these Irish Presbyterians were a bold and hardy race is proved by their at once pushing past the settled regions, and plunging into the wilderness as leaders of the white advance. But indeed, they were well fitted to be Ameri- cans from the very start ; they were kinsfolk of the Covenanters ; they deemed it a religious duty to interpret their own Bible, and held for divine right the election of their own clergy. For generations their whole ecclesiastic and scholastic systems had been fundamentally democratic. The term "Scotch-Irish" is peculiarly American. The word seems to have come into general use since the Revolution, having been first taken as a race- name by many individuals of a very large class of people in the United States, descendants of emigrants of Scottish blood from the North of Ireland. The name was not used by the first of these emigrants, neither was it generally applied to them by the people whom they met there. They usually called themselves "Scotch" just as the descendants of their former neighbors in Ireland do today; and as do some of their own descendants in this country, who seemingly are averse to acknowledging any connection with Ireland. The application "Scotch-Irish" is not, as many people suppose, an indication of Hiberno-Scottish descent; although it could be properly so used in many cases. It was first appropriated as a distinctive race-name by, and is now generally applied to, the descendants in America of the early Scotch Presby- terian emigrants from Ireland. ["The Scotch-Irish, or the Scot in North Britain, North Ireland, and North America." By C. A. Hanna.] THE NATIONAL CO\TENANT. The National Covenant was a bond of union or agreement, drawn up at Edinburgh in 1638, by the leading Presbyterian ministers, and subscribed by vast numbers of persons of all ranks of life. It embodied the confession of faith of 1580 and 1581, subscribed by James VI in his youth, and again recog- nized in 1590 and 1596 ; and was binding on all who signed it to spare nothing which might save their religion. The subscribing of the national covenant began on the 28th of February, 1638 in the Grej'friars' church and church- yard at Edinburgh. Numerous copies were also circulated through the country for signature — a circumstance which accounts for many copies being still extant. "In the library of the facility of advocates at Edinburgh are pre- served five parchment copies with the original signatures of Rothes, Montrose, Loudon, and many others of the nobility, gentry, commissioners of counties and burghs, and ministers, though only one of these five copies is apparently connected with the first signing, and the other four, which are dated 1639, were subscribed after the ratification of the General assembly." [Davidson's Historical Sketch Illustrative of the National Confession of Faith, Edinburgh, PRESBYTERIAN PERSECUTION. 25 1849, to which we refer for a variety of details.] The gene?:al assembly, which met at Glasglow, November 21, 1638, ratified the national covenant and the confession of faith which it embraced, and deposed the whole of the hierarchy which had been established by Charles I. The national covenant was sub- sequently ratified by the 5th act of the second parliament of Charles I, held at Edinburgh June 11, 1640, and subscribed by Charles II at Spey, June 23, 1G50, and Seoou, January 1. ItJol. The docunu'nt will bo found in tlu' vi)luiiie which comprehends the Westminster Confession of Faith, in use by the church of Scotland. Those who subscribe the national covenant, promise to "continue in obedience of the doctrine and discipline of this kirk." They also give assent to various acts of parliament in the reign of James VI, which besides repudiating the jurisdiction of the pope, and all the ceremonial observances and errors of the Romish church, ordain "all sayers, wilful hearers, and con- cealers of the mass, the maintainers and resetters of the priests, Jesuits, traf- ficking Papists, to be punished without any exception or restriction." THE SOLEMN LEAGUE AND COVENANT. The Solemn League and Covenant was a document of date four to five 3'ear8 later than the National Covenant, since the signing of which, Charles I had broken with the English parliament, set up his standard at Nottingham (August, 1642), and from his various successes it seemed as if he might be able finally to reinstate Episcopacy in Scotland. With some alarm on this ground, the Scotch willingly received overtures from commissioners deputed from the English parliament. Hopes were held out to the Scottish nation that, in event of success against the king, the Presbyterian model should super- cede the Episcopalian both in England and Ireland. Approving of a measure of this kind, the Scottish estates entered into what was called a solemn league and covenant with the English parliament. One of the provisions of the bond of agreement was, that the Scotch should send an army into England against the king, which they did in January, 1644. The solemn league and covenant was subscribed by many of all ranks in Scotland and England, including the assembly of divines at "Westminster, was ratified by the general assembly at Edinburgh, August 17, 1643, and the Scottish parliament, July 15, 1644; and subscribed by Charles H at Spey, 1650, and Scoon, 1651. Like the national covenant, it has, till the present day, a place in the volume which comprehends the Westminster Confession of Faith of the church of Scotland. While the national covenant refers to the observance of the Presbyterian polity within Scotland alone, the solemn league and covenant is much more comprehensive. Those who subscribe it, setting out with a profession of at- tachment to the church of Scotland, are to endeavor to bring about a uniform- ity in religion and church-discipline in the three kingdoms; and further "That we shall in like manner, without respect of persons, endeavor the extirpation of popery, prelacy (that is church-government by archbishops, bishops, their chancellors, and commissaries, deans, deans and chapters, archdeacons, and all other ecclesiastical officers depending on that hierarchy), superstitition, heresy, schism, profaneness and whatsoever shall be found to be contrary to sound doctrine and the power of godliness, lest we partake of other men's sins, and 26 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. thereby be in danger to receive of their plagues ; and that the Lord may be one, and his name one, in the three kingdoms." Such were the famous covenants, at one time enforced by civil penalties, and for which their adherents, under the name of covenanters, fought and suffered in Scotland, between the restoration and the revolution, maintaining to the last that both covenants, notwithstanding certain recissory acts of parlia- ment, were still binding on the whole nation. At the revolution the two cove- nants were set aside, and carmot be said to have now any practical effect in any part of the United Kingdom. As above stated, they have a place in the volume which comprehends the Westminster Confession of faith, but for what reason it is difficult to say ; for the church of Scotland does not make adherence to them obligatory on either clerical or lay members. Certain Scotch and Irish dissenters, however, still profess attachment to the covenants, and on particular occasions renew their subscription of them. They are called Camer- onians or Reformed Presbyterians. The obligations undertaken by the sover- eign, and the modern acts of parliament abolishing religious tests on taking civil office, and admitting Roman Catholics, Non-conformists, and Jews to Parliament, not to speak of public opinion, are totally at variance with the covenants. It is customary in popular lectures on the Covenanters to overlook the fact, in compassion for their sufferings, that they contended for what is now quite adverse to the principles of religious toleration. Yet, in so far as the manful struggle in which they were concerned helped to accelerate the revolution, the history of the Covenanters must ever be associated with that of civil and religious liberty. THE FIRST GREENLEES IN AMERICA. Tradition locates the Greenlees in England as early as the reign of Alfred the Great [871]. Their names appear on the records as far back as the reign of Edward IV [1461]. Later vre find Greenlees settled around and about the parishes of Lochwinnoch*, Beith, and neighborhood, in tlie time known as the twenty years of the killing time in Scotland. The Greenlees, like many other families, fled into Argylshire, thence to Ireland. Again, religious perse- cution was the prime cause which led them to leave the north of Ireland and emigrate to America. MICHAEL GREENLEE of Kent County, Delaware was born "about 1700" and came to this country from Ireland when he was "about 14 years old." As the lists of passengers from Ireland about that time were very incomplete and many records have been destroyed, we have been unable to learn anything definite regarding his emigration. It is probable that he came with his father and other members of the family. He may have emigrated in 1718 when a number left Ireland "both ministers and people going ofif." A Presbyterian church had been established in ^Murderkill. Delaware in 1714. The earliest record we have of Michael Greenlee is February 12, 1754 when he bought land in "ye forrest of murtherkill Hundred" Kent County, Delaware. JOHN GREENLEE, a brother of ^Michael, also settled in Delaware and had a son, Robert, born in Delaware in 1745. This is possibly the John Greenlee [see Unclassified, No. 271] who was living in Kent County, Delaware in 1747 and in that year bought land in the "forrest of Murther Creek Hundred," and died before May 27, 1755, intestate, his widow, Priscilla, being appointed administratrix. The settlement of this estate would undoubtedly have fur- nished additional data but could not be found as many of the early Delaware records have been destroyed. ARCHIBALD GREENLEE of Washington County, Pennsylvania was born in Scotland about 1755 and settled in Washington County, Pennsylvania before 1780. We have been unable to ascertain how long he remained there. His children emigrated to Ohio. EDWARD GREENLEE came from Ireland after 1771 and settled in Mason County, Virginia [now West Virginia]. He was probably a brother of William of West Virginia. JAMES GREENLEE of Rockbridge County, Virginia, bom in 1707, came *I>oohwinncch is a parish about Ave miles by four, the most southerly of Renfrewshire and abutting on the first parish of Ayrshire, called Belth. It lie* eight miles from the village of Largs, twenty-flve miles from the mainland of Argyll ' and eleven miles from Campbelltown. It is eleveu miles across to Ireland. 27 28 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. from the north of Ireland about 1727, landed in Delaware and soon after went to Carlisle, Pennsylvania where he married. In 1737 he settled in Rockbridge County, Virginia. JAilES GREENLEE of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania was born in 1718 in the north of Ireland. The date of his emigration is not known but his name appears as early as 1738 on the tax list of Hanover Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania where he spent the remainder of his days. JAMES GREENLEE of Tennessee came from Ireland, spent some time in Pennsylvania, then settled on the Potomac River in Virginia. He was living in North Carolina in 1775. His descendants settled in Tennessee. ROBERT GREENLEE of Pennsylvania was probably born in Scotland. His father came from Scotland in an early day and settled in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. The earliest definite place record we have of Robert is at Clifton, Allegheny County, near which place his granddaughter was born in 1797. WILLIAM GREENLEE of West Virginia was probably a brother of Edward of West Virginia. He came from Ireland in 1766 and settled at Botetourt County, Virginia. He probably removed to Mason County, Virginia (now West Virginia) with his sons John and Edward between 1790 and 1801. Of these early Greenlees the only one we have been enabled to connect with Michael, is John of Kent County, Delaware. After a careful study of the subject, however, we are convinced that all the Greenlees above mentioned were closely related and that all the branches, both in this and foreign coun- tries, sprang from the same parent stock. The hardships endured by pioneers to the New World in making and guarding their homes, coupled with lack of facilities, gave them little oppor- tunity for making and preserving family records. In many of the states no system of recording births, deaths and marriages was installed until a com- paratively recent date. In England, Ireland and Scotland, where we expected to find a perfect system of records, it is almost impossible to trace many, now prominent, families. The ravages of time and the numerous wars in those countries are responsible in a measure for the destruction of many valuable records. The different ways of spelling the name can not be considered as evidence that they were not of the same stock as we find many instances in old wills, deeds and other records where the name is speUed several ways in the same document. This will be found both in England and America and is partly attributed to a system of phonetic spelling which was in vogue. DESCENDANTS OF MICHAEL GREENLEE OF KENT COUNTY, DELAWARE. MICHAEL GREENLEE,! was born about 1700; died in Kent County, Delaware (will dated November 8, 1788; proved January 2, 1739); married ; married second before November 26, 1761, ESTHER DAVIS, who was born about 1740, daughter of John Davis. She died about 1796. [See Administration of Will of ]\Iichael Greenlee.] CHILDREN : (given in order as mentioned in Will) : Samuel; married Mary Jones. + Mar}-; married Roggers. Elizabeth ; married Griffen. John, born 1758 ; married Nancy Hamilton. -|- James, born about 1770; married Riehey Herring; married second Hester Ann WilIoughby.+ IMichael, born AprU, 1759; married Bethiah Maxson.+ Rachel; married Stuard, or Stuart. ]\Iary; married Jacob Dill.+ David; married Elizabeth Morris.+ William; married .+ Allen (youngest child), born in 1774; married Sarah McKelvey.-j- MICHAEL GREENLEE purchased land in Kent County, Delaware as early as 1754; but the following, related by Edmund Greenlee, as told him by his father, shows that he must have settled in Delaware many years before. "My Grandfather Greenlee came from Ireland at the age of about 14 years, had no Irish brogue on his tongue, settled in Delaware near the Maryland Line; his first wife's name unknown; had children by her; David Greenlee one of the sons moved to Georgia when quite young. He (David) had the small pox while at home and became very much reduced in flesh; on recovery strength came before he gained flesh, and my father said he was the smartest person to walk he ever saw. Another son was William Greenlee ; do not know where he lived, but the last letter received from him stated that he was going to move up the Red River. I do not remember hearing the age at which Grandfather married his first wife, but at the time of his second marriage he was 60 j'ears of age. I do not know his second wife's given name or maiden name but she was 19 j-ears of age when they were married. Grandfather at 60 years of age was very strong and active ; is said to have taken a hog after it had been killed weighing 200 lbs. by the bristles and lifted it from the ground with one hand, and could jump up and strike his feet together twice 29 2. I. 3. II. 4. m. 5. IV. 6. V. 7. VI. 8. VII. 9. VIII. 10. EK. 11. X. 12. XI. 30 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. before touching the ground. He was by occupation a farmer. He had I think three children by second wife, Michael, Allen and I think a daughter Betsey." The following deeds are on record in Kent County, Delaware : THIS INDENTURE Maid this Twelfth Day of February in^e Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hiindred and fifty four and in the Twenty Seventh Year of King George over England &c. Between James Anderson & Eliza- beth Anderson Wife of the afsd. James of Kent County on Delaware Yoomn, of the one part and iliehael Greenley of the same place Yoom, of the other part, WITNESSETH that afsd. James Anderson and Elizabeth Anderson wife of afsd. James for and in Consideration of the Sum of Fifty Pounds good and Lawful money of this Government to them in hand paid or otherwise well secured to be paid by the sd. Michael Greenlee the receipt whereof the said James Anderson and Elizabeth Anderson doth hereby acknowledge and from every part and parcell thereof the sd. James and Elizabeth Anderson doth hereby Exonerate acquit and for ever Discharge afsd. Michael Greenlee his heirs Exrs. & Adms. Hath given Granted Aliened Bargained Sold Enfoofed & Confirmed and Confirmed and Doth hy these presents freely Clearly and abso- lutely give grant Bargain Sell Alien Enfoofe Release and Confirm unto afsd. Michael Greenlee his Heirs and assigns forever all that part or parcell of Land Situate laying and being in j^e forrest of murtherkill Hundred in the said County of Kent surveyed and laid out for the afsd. James Anderson in pus- suance a Copy of the proprietaries Warrant Bearing Date ye Nineteenth Day of December Seventeen Hundred and fourty and returned into the Surveyor Generals Office at Philadelphia, BEGINNING at a Corner Red Oak it being a Corner of Burton Suellys and Thomas Hudsons Land and from thence south fourty seven East fourty four perches and two thirds of a perch to a Corner Black Oak near a Branch it being a Corner of Thos. Hudsons and Thos. Newels Land thence south 29° 30, West one hundred and Sixty nine perches to a corner old poplar a Corner of Thos. Newells Land in a Drain of the White Marsh thence South South West Twenty nine perches and a half to a Corner white Oak of Thos. Newells Land in Andrew Edwards Line, thence North West Sixty Six perches and the fifth of a perch to a Corner Spanish Oak thence North thirty seven East Twenty Four perches Red Oak thence North three Degrees East one Hundred and two perches and ye fifth of a perch to a Corner White Oak near an Improvement thence North thirty eight and three quarters west fifty two perches and three quarters of a perch to a Corner White Oak by a small improvement thence North Ten Degrees West fifteen and a half perches to a Corner Red Oak on ye North West side of ye afsd. improvement thence North five and three Quarters East fifty five perches to a Corner Red Oak of Burton Suellys Land thence South Sixty Six and one half Degrees, East one hundred and two perches to the place of Beginning containing and laid out for one hundred and sixty four acres and one quarter of an acre Be the same more or less TOGETHER with all Woods Underwoods Swamps Cripples Trees houses Gardens Orchards fencing and fencing Stuff in and upon the same or any part thereof with all the Rents profitts and Bene- fits arising or hereafter to arise out of the same or any part thereof, Together with all Deeds Writings Manuscripts touching and concerning the same. To MICHAEL OP DELAWARE. 31 have hold and enjoy unto the sd Michael Greenlee his heirs and assigns for ever, and to the only proper use and Behoof of him the sd ilichael Greenlee his heirs and assigns for ever the above recited One Hundred and Twenty two acres and one quarter of Land and premisses with their appurtenances and the sd James Anderson and Elizabeth his wife, Doth hereby Covenant and grant for themselves their Heirs Ex's and adm's to and with the sd ]\Iichael Greenlee his heirs and assigns that they the sd James Anderson and Elizabeth his wife hath at ye Sealing and Delivery hereof good right & LawfuU Authority to give grant Bargain and Sell unto ye sd Michael Greenlee his heirs and assigns forever, the above Land and Premisses manner and form as above Expressed and the sd James Anderson and Elizabeth his wife Doth further Covenant and grant for themselves their heirs Ex's and adm's to and with ye said Michael Greenlee his heirs and assigns, that they ye said James Anderson and Elizabeth his wife their heirs Ex's and adm's will warrant and forever defend the above recited Lands and premisses and every part thereof hereby Granted or men- tioned to be unto ye sd Michael Greenlee his heirs and assigns for ever against them they ye sd James Anderson and Elizabeth Anderson their heirs Ex's and adm's and assigns or any other person or persons Claiming or to Claim from by or under them or any of them at any time hereafter and from all incum- brances of what kind soever the Quit Rents Due or hereafter to become Due to the Lord or Lords of the fee thereof only Excepted, and the said James Anderson and Elizabeth his wife their heirs Ex's and adm's will Warrant and for ever Defend the above sd land and Premisses to the aboves Michael Green- ley to his heirs and assigns as above expressed. Etc. [Recorded in the Re- corder of Deeds Office in Deed Book 0, Vol. 1, p. 208.] THIS INDENTURE made this twenty seventh day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty five between Mikael Greenley of the County of Kent on Delaware yeoman of the one part and Absalom Stradlin of the same place yoeman of the other part witnesseth that the said Mikael Greenley for and in consideration of the sum of sixty pounds current lawful money of this government to him in hand paid or otherwise well secured to be paid by the said Absolam Stradlin the receipt whereof the said Mikel Greenley doth hereby acknowledge and from every part and parcel thereof the said Mikel Greenley doth hereby exhonerate and forever discharge the said Absolam Stradlim his heirs executors and administrators Hath given granted Aliened bargained sold enfeoffed and confirmed and doth by these presents freely clearly and absolutely give grant bargain alien enfeoff release and confirm unto the said Absolam Stradlim his heirs and assigns forever all that tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County of Kent and in the forrest of Murderkill Hundred and adjoining a place called the Green Cripple and another place called popler Island surveyed for the said ]\Iikel Greenley on the eighth day of March one thousand seven hundred and fifty five by virtue of the Proprietors warrant bearing date the twenty second day of February in the same year Beginning at a corner marked white oak on the east side of a swamp and running from thence south twelve degrees west one hundred and twenty perches to a corner black gum of Thomas Hudson's land and thence south fifty five degrees west ninety perches to a gum in a swamp and from thence north twenty six degrees west seventy nine perches to a white 32 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. oak, thence north sixty three degrees west seventy seven perches to a corner water oak at the end of said Hudson's line, thence north four degrees and a quarter west twenty two perches to a corner red oak of said Thomas Hudson's near John Loftice's fence, thence north forty three degrees and three quarters of a degree east sixty four perches and three quarters of a perch to a corner black oak a corner of John Liftice's land, thence along the line of said Loftice's land north sistj' degrees and a half east fifty seven perches to a corner of said Loftice's in John Davis' line and thence along the said Davis land north sixty three degrees east one hundred thirty nine perches to a corner white oak of Richard White's and John Davis' land, thence south 20: 40 East one hundred and sixty seven and a half perches to the place of beginning, con- taining and laid out for two hundred and sixty two acres of land be the same more or less together with all woods underwoods swamps cripples trees houses gardens orchards fencing and fencing stuff in and upon the same or any part or parcel thereof together with all deeds writings and mansion touching and concerning the same to have hold and enjoy unto the said Absolam Stradlim his heirs and assigns and to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Absolam Stradlim his heirs and assigns forever, the above recited two hun- dred and sixty two acres of land and premises with their appurtenances and the said ilikel Greenley doth hereby covenant and grant for himself his heirs executors and administrators to and with the said Absolam Stradlim his heirs and assigns that he the said Mikel Greenley hath at the time of the sealing and delivery thereof good right and lawful authority to give grant bargain and sell unto the said Absolam Stradlim his heirs and assigns forever the above recited lands and premises in manner and form as above expressed and the said Mikel Greenley doth further covenant and grant for himself his heirs executors and administrators to and with the said Absolam Stradlim his heirs and assigns that he the said Jlikel Greenley his heirs executors and administra- tors will warrant and forever defend the above recited lands and premises and every part thereof hereby granted or mentioned to be granted unto the said Absolam Stradlim his heirs and assigns forever against him the said Mikel Greenley his heirs executors and administrators and assigns or any other person or persons claiming or to claim from by or under him them or any of them at any time hereafter laying any lawful claim or title thereto or any part or parcel thereof free and freely acquitted from all former judgment bargains sales dowers rents and services and all other encumbrances of kindsoever the quit rent due or hereafter to become due to the Lord or Lords of the fee thereof only excepting and foreprized and the said Mikel Greenley also covenants and grants for himself his heirs executors and administrators to and with the said Absolam Stradlim his heirs and assigns that he the said Mikel Greenley his heirs executors and administrators shall and will at any time hereafter during the space of seven years at the reasonable request of him the said Absolam Stradlim his costs and charges in the law of him his heirs and assigns make or do any other act or acts thing or things deed or deeds or other assurances as the said Absolam Stradlim his heirs or assigns shall reasonabh' devised or ad- vised in law for the better assuring or more sure making of the above recited land and premises with the appurtenances unto the said Absolam Stradlim his heirs and assigns forever. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 33 In Testimony Whereof the said Mikel Greenley hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. Sealed and delivered in his the presence of Mikel + Greenley. George Farquhar mark Jonathan Collingham. Kent County on Delaware ss. Be it remembered that ilichael Greenlee came into the adjourned court of Common Pleas held at Dover in and for Kent County aforesaid the twenty seventh day of May Anno Domini seventeen hundred and fifty five and there did acknowledge the within deed unto Absolam Stradlim with the land and premises therein specified to be his right and property according to the pur- port and effect thereof, etc. [Recorded in Office of Recorder of Deeds. Ker-^ County, Deed Book 0, Vol. 1, p. 289.] THIS INDENTURE, Made the twenty-- ■ ' -^^j vl iNovember in the second year of the reign of our Sovere^rr- ' vjeorge third, by the Grace of God of Great Britain, Franc r- ' ^^, King Defender of the Faith &c. Annoque Domini s^venV "' '"' ..eu and sixty one between Michael Greenly of Murther- v-v.^ - j^ ii^Q County of Kent on Delaware, Yoeman and Esther his wife .ne one part, and Job :Meredith of the same place Cordwinder of the other part. WITNESSETH. That Whereas John Davis in the hundred and county aforesaid, became seized of a certain tract of laud surveyed to him by George Stevenson by virtue of warrant from the Honorable Proprietors bearing date the twenty-second day of June one thousand seven hundred and forty seven, situate lying and being in the forest of Murtherkill hundred aforesaid called and known by the name of Maidens Lott ; Beginning at a marked sweet gum at a corner of the dwelling plantation of said Davis, thence south sixty eight degrees west one hundred and thirteen perches to a black gum in a swamp, thence north seventy degrees west one hundrd perches to a black gum in a swamp, thence north fifty-three degrees west thirty six perches to a white oak in a drain, thence north sixty three degrees west fifty three and a half perches to a red oak on the end of a ridge, thence north forty degrees and forty five minutes east one hundred and fifty two perches to a black oak at a corner of William White's land, thence north sixty degrees east thirty four perches to a post in William White's line at a corner of the dwelling plantation of said John Davis, thence south thirty degrees east two hundred and seventeen perches to the first mentioned place of beginning, containing one hundred and ninety acres and an allowance of six per cent for roads and etc ; And Whereas, the aforesaid John Davis, did by his last will and testament bearing date as by said will may fully appear reference thereunto being had, did devise the above land and premises to his three daughters, Rachel, Rebecca and Esther Davis their heirs and assigns forever: And Whereas, the aforesaid Michel Greenly did inter-marry with the aforesaid Esther Davis. Now Elnow Ye that we Michel Greenly and Esther his wife for and in consideration of the just and full sum of ten pounds good and lawful 34 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. money of this Government to us in hand paid by the said Job Meredith the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge and ourselves therewith fully satis- fied and paid, have granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed, released, and confirmed all our right, title, interest and claim of the above mentioned un- divided land and premises with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging to the aforesaid Job Meridith his heirs and assigns forever, under the yearly quit rents now due, or hereafter to become due to the chief Lord or Lords of the fee for the premises for the time being ; and the said Michel Greenly and Esther his wife the said land and premises hereby granted to the said Job Meridith his heirs or assigns against themselves the said Michel Greenly and Esther his wife and against all and every other person or persons whatsoever lawfully claiming or to claim by, from or under them or either of them, shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents (the proprietors quit rents only excepted). In Jl'^'stimony and Witness Whereof the said :\Iiehel Greenly and Esther his wife have uereuL\;i?J'5^_their hands and affixed their seals the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and delivered " --i _ his in the presence of Mich„' , + Greenly Seal. Joshua Clark, marn: *'-- William Betts. her -^ Esther -|- Greenly Seal, mark WILL OF MICHAEL GREENLY. In the name of God amen, this eighth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight. I Michael Greenly of Kent County in the State of Delaware being sick in Body but of good and sound memory thanks be to Almighty God and calling to Remembrance the uncertain State of this Life do make constitute ordain and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following revoking and annulling by these presents all and every testament and testaments, will and wills heretofore by me made and declared either by word or writing and this to be taken only for my last will and testament and no other. I do order and dispose the same in manner and form following, that is to say Item. I give and bequeath to my sun Samuel Greenly one shilling Sterling when required and no more. Item. I give and bequeath to my Datter Mary Roggers and hur children one shilling Sterling when required and no more. Item. I give and bequeath to my datter Elizabeth Griffen one shilling Sterling when required and no more. Item. I give and bequeath to my son John Greenlee one shilling Sterling when required and no more. Item. I give and bequeath to my sun James Greenlee one shilling Sterling when required and no more. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 35 Item. I give and bequeath to my son IMichael Greenlee one shilling Ster- ling when required and no more. Item. I give and bequeath to my Dafter Rachel Stuard one shilling when required and no more. Item. I give and bequeath to my well beloved wife Esther Greenlee all my lands and tenements with my dwelling plantashon and also all my goods and Chattels and household furniture to her during her natural life she making no waste thereon and after her death to be equally divided between my fore youngest children which is to say Mary Dill David Greenlee William Greenlee and Allen Greenlee and also I leave my well beloved wife Esther Greenlee my hole and sole Executor of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto fixed my hand and seal the day and year above written. Signed sealed and delivered his in the presence of Michp.&i -^ Greenlee (Seal). John Reed mark her Sella + Callaway, mark Delaware State S. Personally appeared before me Francis Many Esq. Register for the probate of Wills and granting letters of Administration in and for the County of Kent, John Reed and Selia Calloway the two subscribing witnesses to the within Instrument of writing who being solemnly sworn do say that they saw Michael Greenlee the within named testator sign and seal (by way of making his mark) and heard him publish pernounce and declare the within Instrument of writing as and for his last will and Testament that at the time of his so doing and saying he was to the best of their belief of sound disposing mind and memory that they at his instance and request and in his presence and in the presence of each other signed their names as witnesses thereto. In Testi- mony whereof I have hereunto set my hand at Dover the 2d day of January, Anno Domoni 1789. Francis Many, Regr. Be it remembered that on the second day of January Anno Domini Seven- teen Hundred and Eighty nine The last will and testament of Michael Green- lee deceased was proved and approved in due form and letters Testamentary at the same time granted to Ester Greenly who being sworn gave Bond in the sum of one thousand pounds with John Davis Senr and John Reed Jun for her faithful performance thereof agreeable to Law. Francis Many, Regr. Michail Greenly Be it remembered that on the twenty fifth day of D. B. N. October anno Dom Seventeen hundred and ninety six, with the Letters of Administration D. B. N. on the estate of Michael will annexed. Greenly deed, with the will annexed unadministered by Esther Greenly (now deed. Executrix) were in due form of Law granted unto Daniel Reynolds who at the same time gave Bond with Thomas Reynolds his r 36 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. surety in the sum of One thousand pounds lawful money of the State of Delaware as pr Bond filed. WILL OF JOHN DAVIS. (Grandfather of Esther (Davis) Greenlee.) In the Name of God Amen I John Davis of Kent County Delaware planter being sick & weak of Body but of sound & disposing mind & memory & know- ing the uncertainty of this Life which must be yielded up to Death Do make & Ordain this my Last will & Testament hereby making Void all other Will or Wills by me made either by word or Writing and do declare this to be my Will in manner & form following Viz. I commit my Soul to the hands of God ♦brough Jesus Christ my onlj' Mediator Redeemer & Savior & my Body to the "^ ^" " ~ - whence it came to be Decently Buried according to the Discre- Earth-ti'ome/iexx. .. , .^ ^jy Worldly Estate which it hath pleased God tion of my Executrix cv a« .- ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^ Charges being paid I give to bestow on me after all my Just I^et,.. _ & bequeath in manner & form Following. '-. r -•..,,„ t i, t-. ■ Imprimis. I give & bequeath to my well belove; : '^'^^ Jo^n Davis one hundred acres of Land called Davises Desire & my Gun. "^ '''^'. , « Item I give & bequeath two hundred acres of Land which I paid foi Warrant joining to the old Track to my well beloved Daughters unmarried^ Item. I give & bequeath to my weU beloved Son John Davis a Feather Bed & furniture. t> i i t^ +1,^ Item. I give and bequeath to my well beloved Daughter Rachel Davis the Feather bed & furniture she lays on. „ , , , t^ • Item. I give & bequeath to my well beloved Daughter Rebekah Davis a Feather Bed & furniture she lays on. t^ „• Item I give & bequeath to my well beloved Wife Mary Davis my Dwelling Plantation During her life & afterwards to my son John upon Conditions of delivering the abovesaid Land to Mary and Sarah to be equally Divided be- tween them & as for the rest of my personal Estate I give & bequeath to my well beloved wife Mary Davis whom I constitute Ordain and Appomt my sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & Seal this 9th Day of January Anno Dom 1747. Signed Sealed & Delivered in . r. r^ ■ (^..}\ presence of us Jo^n + Davis (Seal). John Hatfield Thomas Smith m"k his Joshua + IMerydith. mark The above will of John Davis was proved February 10, 1747. [Will Book I, pp. 180, 181.] 2. SAMUEL GREENLEE,^ son of Michael Greenlee, married MARY JONES, probably the daughter of Thomas Jones. 13. I. 14. II. 15. III. 16. IV. 17. V. 18. VI. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 37 CHILDREN: William, born February 23, 1778; married Mary Ramsey.+ James ; served in the war of 1812. Samuel, born, 1787 ; married Nancy Gantz.+ Jacob, born April, 1791; married Elizabeth Gantz.+ Lydia, born in 1795; married John Cla\vson.+ Martha; married Goodwin. James Goodwin, Fairchance, Pennsylvania and Mrs. Jane Swaney, Haydentown, Pennsyl- vania think they are greatgrandchildren of Martha Goodwin. [James Harvey Clawson, son of Lydia, says that his grandfather Samuel Greenlee had but four children, viz., William, Jacob, Samuel and Lydia.] SAMUEL GREENLEE resided in Duck Creek Hundred, Kent Coiisty, Delaware. May 17, 1787, Samuel Greenly yeoman of Dncl^ .Creek Hundred, Kent County, and wife Mary sell for £253-6s-3d, to Benjamin Farran of same place, parcel of land in Hundred and County aforesaid, being part of larger tract called Jones' addition surveyed under the province of Maryland to Thomas Jones. D'Jfed Book Z, p. 90. In signing the deed the name is spelled G'^ecrlee. JOHN GREENLEE,2 son of Michael Greenlee, was born in 1758 in Dela- ware; died March 31, 1839, or 1844, near Multona Springs, Mississippi; mar- ried about 1814, probably in Anderson Co., South Carolina, NANCY HAMIL- TON who died near Multona Springs, Mississippi, daughter of Hamil- ton. He was a farmer; in religion. Old Presbyterian, or Baptist. He resided in Delaware, Pennsylvania, South Carolina; in 1835 left South Carolina and went to Georgia ; thence to Mississippi, settling in 1836 in what is now Attala County. CHILDREN : John L. ; never married. Andrew Hamilton, born July 3, 1816, or 1815; married Annis D. Giles. + Lemuel James; married Caroline Perkins. + William A., born April 13, 1826, or 1827; married Susan Dulin.+ Mariam Ellena, born August 17, 1835; married Samuel Rufin Scarborough. -|- 24. VI. Julia Ann, born 1838, near French Camp ; died immarried February 10, 1901, at the home of Jlr. W. P. Rigsby, Lily, Attala Co., Jlississippi. She joined the Methodist church at an early age and died as she had lived, a true Christian. 25. VII. Martha; married in Mississippi, Aps Baker, uncle of Richmond Baker Sizemore. 19. I. 20. n. 21. III. 22. IV. 23. V. 26. I. 27. II. III. 29. IV. 30. V. 38 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 6. JAMES GREENLEE,^ son of Michael Greenlee and Esther Davis, was born about 1770 or 1771 in Kent Co., Delaware ; died at Dover, Delaware ; married RICHET HERRING, or MARY HEREIN; married second HESTER ANN WILLOUGHBY, born at Greensboro, Maryland, died September 1, 1838, at CoUinsville, Illinois, daughter of Martin Willoughby ; farmer ; in politics Old Line Whig ; in religion, Methodist ; resided in Delaware, not far from Greens- boro, Maryland. CHILDREN : William (eldest), born December 14, 1793; married Mary Hughs.+ James; married Nancy Hughs. Mary ; married John Gideon Cooper. 6 '' js. Rebucca. 7. MICHAEL GREENLEE,2 son of Michael Greenlee, was vrr.. April, 1759, in Kent Co., Delaware, near the Maryland line ; died in 1827 in his 6Sth yea-, [from gravestone] near Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married April 19, 1792, at Georges Creek, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania, BETHIAH MAX- SON, of New Jersey, who was born about 1768, died 1819 aged 51 years [from gravestone] near Mosiertown, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: Robert, born February 6, 1793; married Anna Chamberlain. + Elizabeth, born November 13, 1794; died unmarried. John, born October 24, 1796; married Mary Chamberlain.+ Esther, born June 16, 1798; married Miles P. Curtis.+ Jacob Davis, born January 22, 1800; married Rachel W. Cham- berlin.-|- Lucinda, bom January 2, 1803 ; married Lemuel Stebbins.+ Maxson, born February 3, 1804; married Catharine Compton.-|- James, born March 29, 1806 ; died aged 16 years. Mary, born September 30, 1807; married Harley Umberfield; married second Andrew McKelvey Greenlee.+ 40. X. Experience, born September 17, 1809; married Nathaniel Mal- lory.+ 41. XL Edmund, born March 31, 1811; married Mary Wright Stebbins.+ MICHAEL GREENLEE was one of the oldest settlers of Crawford County, Pennsylvania. The Maxson family in moving to Virginia passed • through Fayette County, Pennsylvania, where Bethia remained and did not go on with the family. She was living there with Rev. Woodbridge when Michael Green- lee married her. After his marriage he resided in Franklin County for a period of two years, then moved to Pittsburg, where he remained one year, 31. I. 32. n. 33. III. 34. IV. 35. V. 36. VI. 37. VII. 38. VIII. 39. TX. V, -a -a MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 39 and then, in company with his family and a small colony of settlers, came up the Allegheny River and French Creek on a flat-bottom boat or raft, which was pushed up the stream with setting poles, to Meadville, where there was a small settlement. He brought with him eighteen barrels of flour, two barrels of side pork, a lot of flax, one and one-half bushels of salt, one yoke of oxen, one cow, two two-year-old heifers, one mare, one large black walnut chest and other household goods. There was nothing but an Indian trail through the woods from Pittsburg to Meadville at that time, and the only stopping place in the whole distance was where James and Philip Dunn had settled. Here they stopped for a rest. During their trip up the river it rained so that their beds were getting wet, and he put boards on barrels for covering for his wife and little son, Robert. On this journey the live stock was driven to the new home along this primitive trail through the forest, and on this trip Mr. Green- lee injured his back pushing the boat, from the effect of which he never recov- ered. He remained one year on French Creek Flats, near Meadville, where he raised a patch of corn. When the crop was ready to harvest, being unable to walk, he took a chain and rode one of the oxen into the field, where he hitched the chain around a shock of com and drew it to a shed, thus saving his corn, while his neighbors left theirs on the field and it was swept down the creek in a freshet and was lost. The spring following, in March, 1797, he went on horseback to Venango Township, now Cussawago Township, and secured four hundred acres of land and built a small log cabin. When he went to look for the land, a man had agreed to come out from Meadville and bring him a gun and fire tools, but disappointed him, and the consequence was that he was obliged to stay in the woods all night with his horse and dog, without fire or gun, there being four inches of snow on the ground. He made his bed beside a fallen tree, against which he stood pieces of bark for covering. His dog barked continually, thus keeping the wild animals away; otherwise it seemed to him as though he must have been killed by them, as all through the long, weary night these denizens of the forest gave distinct evidence of their presence. In order to get supplies for their families, the men had to go through the woods on horseback along an Indian trail to Pittsburg. During his absence on one of these trips, which took several days, Mr. Greenlee 's wife was very much annoyed by wolves, bears and panthers, which came alarmingly near. She took lighted pine torches and threw them at the animals, which were afraid of fire, thus keeping them away. A blanket was used to cover the entrance to the little cabin and served in lieu of a door. That fall Mr. Greenlee hired the underbrush dug out and the large trees girdled, for which service he paid five dollars, and the ground was prepared for seed in as effective a way as possible. He bought one bushel of seed wheat, costing four dollars, and sowed it on this acre of ground, which pro- duced thirty bushels. There was a brush fence around this acre, somewhat protecting it from wild animals, but nevertheless it was necessary to guard it both day and night until the crop was harvested. That one bushel was all the wheat he ever bought for the use of his family. Being an invalid, as stated above, he was unable to personally do much farm work, so he took up the manufacture of reeds for weaving, and other similar work. He always kept 40 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. a yoke of oxen, and changed ■work with his neighbors by letting them use his ox team, and thus managed to get his heavy farm work done — work his boys were unable to do because of their youth. It is said of him that he never gave a note in his life and never had a lawsuit. A notable characteristic of the Greenlee family has been equability of temperament. Each successive generation has shown the same mildness of dis- position, the same gentle and kindly nature, and the deepest sympathy and regard for all men. Sterling integrity of character, strong mentality and ex- cellent business ability have also been tj"pified in the various representatives of the name. The family has ever stood for the highest order of citizenship, and has rendered strong allegiance to religious, educational and all other good work. Mr. Greenlee was a First-day Baptist and his wife a Seventh-day Baptist, and accordingly they kept both days holy. Their home was always open to the itinerant clergymen of both denominations, and was to these noble pioneer workers in the Master's vineyard a home indeed. Mrs. Greenlee, in the mean- time lost her health and did most of her work in bed, such as sewing, knitting, mending, and sometimes spinning, the last work being accomplished by having one of the children turn the wheel for her. She was also quite a poet. The following acrostic is one of her compositions : Joyless and flat all things will prove Except the Savior and his love Eemember he is a friend indeed Escape therefore to him with speed, ilay I now in my youthful prime In virtue "s ways spend all my time And then I shall most happy be Henceforward to Eternity. Do thou dear Lord my footsteps guide L'nto thy courts and near thy side Nor from thee let me ere depart Help me to give to thee my heart. And then thy Holy name I'll praise Mount up and sing to endless days. may the youth thats in this place Be early blest with Gospel Grace, And sound aloud Emanuel's praise Through the remainder of their days. May great King Shilohs name be blest And in him aU his people rest And to him people gathered be From land to land and sea to sea. Earth shall not my chief thoughts employ Let Heaven fill my thoughts with joy MICHAEL GUEEXI.EES fll.D HOME. WHERE HE FIRST SETTLED IN CKAWFORU CO. AND NEW BUILDING. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 41 I long to rest in Christ's embrace Zion still is his dweling place And there with him I long to meet Before his throne and at his feet Enlarge my heart Lord I pray To praise thy Holy name alway Henceforward unto heavenly day. Doth not my soul with pleasure bound And joy to hear the gospel sound Nothing so much delights my heart In it I long to bear a part Enjoy I would the light Divine Lord Jesus wilt thou on me shine. Joyful let me always attend On my dear Lord and only friend. His name forever I would praise Now and through Everlasting Days. Joy is a fruit that will not grow Amongst the son of Sin and woe May I from them depart away Employ my time to read and pray So shall I run the heavenly way. On Earth there is nothing else I see That I wo^^ld for my own possess For Lord they have no power to bless Lord I love thy saints to meet And hear their conversation sweet When their dear hearts are moved aright 'Tis then in them I take delight Dear Lord thou knowest I long to be Daily and hourly more like thee Till I from Earth shall soar away To dwell with my Dear Lord for ay. Bear up my Soul through all my woes In thy Dear Lord thou mayest repose To Him Look up for all thy joy Henceforth count all things else a toy 1 long in God's blest word to rest And Lean upon my Saviour's Breast. Let me but hear my Saviour say Unto my Lord come thou away Come Dearest Lord I then would say Feb. 24, 1816. 42 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. I long to run that heavenly way Nothing but Christ deserves my love Dearest of all the names above And from him I would never rove. Give me Lord a sober mind Renew 'd to all thats good inclined Escape all evil ; Grant I may Ever keep the good the narrow way Now Lord I would to Thee resign Life and her powers which all are thine Eternal Life, Thou hast to give Eternal praise shalt Thou receive. Early My Lord may I thee seek Xceed the prayers that I may speak Pity my poor and helpless state Encourage me on Thee to wait. Rise for my help, my foes confound I long to see thy grace abound Enter with all Thy glorious train No more let sin and Satan reign Conquer my Foes so shall I sing Eternal Praises to my King. May Dear Lucinda Greenlee live And to King Jesus praises give May she now in her youthful prime Improve well the accepted time. And so let all her sisters Dear Improve well every future year That they may never have to say I've Lost the Blessed Gospel Day. May they in youth Remember well That Christ alone can save from hell And may they fly to him with speed For sure He is a friend indeed. Bathaih Greenlee. Inscription on double tombstone of Michael Greenlee and Bethiah Maxson : Michael Greenlee Bethiah Greenlee died his wife 1827 died in the 68th 1819 year of aged his age 51 years GI;A\ ESTdNK OF MICHAEL CIIEENLEE ANI> I;E- TIIIAII MAXSOX GREEXLEE. OLD CEMETEKY AT MOSIERTOWN, PA. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 43 Weep not my friends, Dry up your tears, We meet again, When Christ appears. 9. MARY GREENLEE,2 daughter of :Michael Greenlee and Esther Davis, was born in Kent Co., Delaware ; married JACOB DILL, who died between Decem- ber 31, 1792, and December 6, 1798. CHILDREN : 42. I. Shadrick Dill ; died unmarried in Morgan Co., Indiana at the home of his cousin William Greenlee. He entered a quarter section of land in Rush County which was afterward bought by William Dill. After selling his land he went to Greenlee Dills. 43. II. Greenlee Dill; married .+ 44. III. William Dill. 10. DAVID GREENLEE,2 son of Michael Greenlee and Esther Davis, was born at Hollandsville. Kent Co., Delaware; died before April 20, 1824; married ELIZABETH MORRIS, of Kent Co., Delaware, who died before August 2, 1833, daughter of Morris. CHILDREN: Robert, born November 22, 1796 ; married Sarah Emory. + William; married Sarah Addam. John ; married Eliza Ann Smith. -f- James; married Susan Cooper. + Sally ; married after April 20, 1824, Pernel Jesup. Rachel ; married Warner Dill. Hester; married Samuel Clark. Mary ; married Abner Tribbet. Elizabeth; married Samuel Cohee. DAVID GREENTiEE was a farmer ; in polities, a Democrat ; resided in Kent County, Delaware. His descendants may be found about Sandtown, Delaware, or Greensboro, ^laryland. David Greenlee of Kent County, and wife Elizabeth. Mary Dill relict of Jacob Dill deceased, and William Dill, son and administrator of said Jacob Dill, deed to Andrew Edwards of same County, two parcels of land, one sur- veyed to James Anderson; the other to David Greenlee on a warrant bearing date Philadelphia, June 27, 1758, and granted to David Greenlee January 3, 1795. Deed dated December 6, 1798. [Deed Book F 2, p. 175.] May 15, 1798, George Cubbage of Kent County, Delaware, sells to David 45. I. 46. II. 47. III. 48. IV. 49. V. 50. VI. 51. VII. 52. VIII. 53. IX. 44 GKEENLEE GENEALOGY. Greenley of the County and State aforesaid, farmer, for the ' ' Sum of Two Hun- dred & eighty seven Pounds fourteen shillings, and four pence half penny cur- rent lawful money • * * All a certain percel of Land lying and being in the Forest of Murtherkill Hundred in the Coxmty and state above said * * * Containing Two Hundred, and Nine Acres, and forty square Perches of Land" etc. David Greenlee died before April 20, 1824, as shown by the following deeds : THIS INDENTURE made this Twentyeth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty four. Between Rachel Dill wife of Warner Dill Robert Greenlee JIary Tribbit wife of Abner Tribbit and Sarah Greenley children of David Greenley late of Murderkill hundred Kent County in the state of Delaware Deed, of the one part and William Greenley of the same place of the other part, WITNESSETH that the said Warner Dill and Rachel his wife Abner Tribbit and Mary his wife Robert and Sally his wife and Sarah Greenley Became heirs with Said William Greenley to Several Tracts of Land that belonged to the above named David Greenley in his life time and at the time of his death Situate in the Forrest of the hundred county aforesaid adjoining Lands of Burton Conner Samuel Clarks heirs of William Dill heirs of Philemon Cubbage heirs of Andrew Edwards Land known by the name of Bankes fork and Lands the heirs of Abner Edwards and with said Land to intersect with the aforesaid Conner lines againe which Land at the death of the above Named David Greenley fell by heirship among all the heirs of the said David Deed., being nine in the whole Now we the said Warner Dill and Rachel his wife Abner Tribbitt and Mary his wife Robert Greenley and Sally his wife and Sarah Greenley for and in consideration of the Just and full sum of Four Hundred Dollars Lawful Money of the united States of America to them in hand paid by the Said William Greenley the Receipt whereof we the said Warner Dill and Rachel his wife Abner Tribbitt and Mary his wife Robert Greenley and Sally his wife and Sarah Greenley do hereby acknowledge and themselves fuUy satisfied contented and paid Have granted bargained and Sold Released enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents do grant bargain sell release convey and confirm all of our undivided wright to a cartain tract of Land as heretofore described which is Butted and Bounded within the aforesaid Lands which will more fuUy appear by the Schedule of Survey Containing in the whole about three himdred acres but be the same more or less together with all and singular the houses buildings orchards gardens Meadows Swamps Cripples woods way watter ways priviledge improvements hereditaments what- soever to the said three hundred acres more or less of land belonging in any wise hereb}^ bargained and sold to the said William Greenley his heirs and as- signs forever to his and their proper use forever and the aforesaid Warner Dill and Rachel his wife Abner Tribbitt and Mary his wife Robert Greenley and Sally his wife and Sarah Greenley do for themselves their heirs executors and administrators hereby covenant grant and agree to and with the said Wm. Greenley his heirs and assigns by these presents that he the said William Greenley his heirs and assigns shall and may from time to time and at times forever hereafter Quietly peaceably have hold use occupy possess and enjoy the aforesaid parts or parcels of land and every part thereof aforesaid without MICHAEL OP DF.LAWARE. 45 the let or hindrance of them the said Warner Dill and Rachel his wife Abner Tribbitt and Mary his wife Robert Greenley and Sally his wife and Sarah Greenley their heirs Executors admrs. or assigns or of any other person or persons claiming by or from or under them or any of them. In "Witness whereof the Said "Warner Dill Rachel his wife Abner Tribbitt & Mary his wife Robert Greenley and Sally his wife and Sarah Greenley have hereunto Set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed Sealed and deliv- liis ered in the presence of Warner + Dill Seal Burton Conner mark John Reed her James Hughes Rachel + Dill Seal William Greenlee mark Abner Tribbett Seal her Mary + Tribbet Seal mark Robert Greenlee Seal her Sally + Greenlee Seal mark her Sarah + Greenlee Seal mark THIS INDENTURE made this twelfth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty one Between William Greenlee of Dorchester County in the State of Maryland of the one part: And John Greenlee, James Greenlee and Susan Greenlee wife of James Greenlee, Samuel Cohee and Elizabeth his wife late Elizabeth Greenlee; and Hester Greenlee of Kent County and State of Delaware of the other part, Witnesseth that the said John Greenlee, James Greenlee Susan Greenlee wife of James Greenlee, Samuel Cohee and wife and Hester Greenlee for and in Consideration of the Sum of one hundred Dollars to each of the aforesaid that is to say John Greenlee James Greenlee Susan Greenlee wife of James Greenlee Samuel Cohee and wife and Hester Greenlee current money of the State of Delaware to them in hand paid or Secured to be paid By the Said William Greenlee before the Sealing and delivery of these presents the Receipt, whereof they the said John Greenlee James Green- lee and his wife Samuel Cohee and wife and Hester Greenlee doth hereby ac- knowledge and from every part and parcel doth hereby acquit exonarate and dis- charge the Said William Greenlee his heirs Executors and Administrators ; they the said John Greenlee James Greenlee and his wife Samuel Cohee and wife and Hester Greenlee have granted Bargained sold aliened enfeoffed conveyed and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain sell alien enfeoff convey and confirm unto the Said William Greenlee his heirs and assigns forever. All that tract or parcel of Land Lying and Being in Kent county and State of Delaware called and known by the Name of Fiddy and Dill adjoining Lands of formerly the Lands of Burton Conner Samuel Clark Philemon Edwards the heirs of William Dill and the heirs of Philemon Cubbage and Andrew Edwards 46 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Together with all and Singular the Buildings improvements woods water ways water courses rights liberties privileges Benefits advantages emoluments Here- ditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining and the Reversions and Remainders rents issues and profits thereof and all the Estate right title and interest whatsoever of them the said John Greenlee, James Greenlee & his wife Samuel Cohee and wife Hester Greenlee Both at law and in equity of in and to the said Lands and premises thereby granted and sold or mentioned or intended hereby to be and every or any part and parcel thereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Lands and premises so as aforesaid described, Together with the buildings and ap- purtenances and all and Singular of the Premises hereby bargained and sold or mentioned or intended hereby so to be and every part and parcel thereof with their and every of their appertenances imto the said William Greenlee his heirs and assigns forever and to and for no other use intent or purpose whatsoever. And the said John Greenlee James Greenlee and his wife Samuel Cohee and wife and Hester Greenlee for themselves their heirs Executors and Adminis- trators doth hereby covenant grant and agree to and with the said William Greenlee his heirs Executors administrators or assigns that they the said John Greenlee James Greenlee and his wife, Samuel Cohee and wife and Hester Greenlee and their heirs the said Lands and premises hereby granted bargained and sold and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the said William Greenlee his heirs and assigns against them the said John Greenlee James Greenlee and his wife Samuel Cohee and wife and Hester Greenlee and their heirs and against all and every person and person whomsoever claiming or to claim under them or any of them any Right title or interest in and to the Same or any part thereof Shall and will hereafter warrant and forever defend. In Testimony whereof the said John Greenlee James Greenlee and his wife Samuel Cohee and wife and Hester Greenlee have hereunto subscribed their names and afBxed their Seals the day and year first herein written. his Signed Sealed and deliv- John -f- Greenlee Seal ered in the presence of The mark The above and foregoing in- his terlineations where ever James + Greenlee Seal it occurs of Susan Green- mark lee wife of James Green- her lee were made before signing. Susan -|- Greenlee Seal Sam'l Coombe mark S. B. Cooper. his Samuel + Cohee Seal mark her Elizabeth + Cohee Seal mark August 2, 1833, heirs of Alexander Scott dec'd, namely Elizabeth Greenley, Ruth Morris, James Griffin and Mariam his wife and Bose [Boaz] Morris all of Murderkill Hundred, Kent County, Delaware, sell land to Dennis Minner. MICHAEL OF DELAWAKE. 47 Elizabeth Greenley being dead, this deed was signed by her heirs, viz., Robert Greenlee, "William Greenlee, James Greenlee ard John Greenlee. [Deed Book H 3, p. 1.] 11. WILLIAM GREENLEE,2 son of Michael Greenlee and Esther Davis, was born in Kent Co., Delaware; married . He resided in Kent Co., Dela- ware and Ohio. CHILDREN : 54. I. Thomas; settled in Ohio but later moved West. 55. II. James. 56. III. William, born in 1795; married Nancy Dryden.4- WILLIAM GREENLEE, of Kent County on Delaware, sells on December 31, 1792, to Jacob Dill of same place, his rights in the estate of his father, Michael Greenlee, who bequeathed all his lands and tenements, together with his dwelling plantation to his four youngest children, viz., Mary Dill, David Greenly, William Greenly and Allen Greenly, to be equally divided between them after the death of their mother, Esther Greenly. [DeedBookD2, p. 124.] 12. ALLEN GREENLEE, 2 son of Michael Greenlee and Esther Davis, was born in 1774 in Kent Co., Delaware; died in 1819 aged 45 years, in Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married in Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, SARAH McKELVEY. He settled in Cussawago Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, near Mosier- town, in 1797. She married second, John Cummings. CHILDREN : 57. I. Andrew McKelvey, born December 25, 1807; married Mary (Green- lee) Umberfield; married second, Olive Ide; married third, Ann Eliza Houck.+ David, born January 9, 1811 ; married Harriet Mallory.-|- Huldah ; married Stafford. Elizabeth; died unmarried aged 18 years. There were nine other children, whose names were not given. 13. WILLIAM GREENLEE ^ 5 Samuel Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' ? ( Mary Jones S son of Samuel Greenlee and Mary Jones, was born February 23, 1777, or 1778, in Sussex Co., Delaware; died September 6, 1870 at Ruble, Fayette Co., Penn- sylvania; married in 1806 near Smithfield, Pennsylvania, MARY RAMSEY, who was born in 1787 in Ireland, died December 16, 1866, at Ruble, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of Robert, or William, Ramsey and Nancy Huston; farmer ; Republican ; Methodist ; resided at Ruble, Pennsylvania. 58. II. 59. III. 60. IV. 61. I. 62. n. 63. ni. 64. IV. 65. V. 66. VI. 67. VII. 68. vin. 69. iX. 70. X. 48 GREENLEE GEXEALOGY. CHILDREN : Asenath, born November 9, 1807 ; married Robert Britt.+ Samuel, born March 7, 1809 ; married Ann Hess ; dead. Nancy, born ilarch 4, 1811 ; married Alexander Deyarman.+ Eliza, bojrii in 1813; living at Ruble, Pennsylvania, March 1899; unmarried. Hobert, born in 1815 ; dead. Charles, born June 7, 1817; died unmarried. Porter, born August 3, 1819; married Margaret Hess; dead; de- scendants live in Missouri. Frederick, born in 1822 ; dead. Norval; dead. Mary Frances, bom July 4, 1829 ; married Reese H. Jones.+ 15. SAMX7ISL GREENLEE ^ i Samuel Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' ( ( Mary Jones S son of Samuel Greenlee and Mary Jones, was born about 1787 in Kent Co., Delaware ; died August 7. 1876 in his 89th year in "West Bethlehem Township, Washington Co., Pennsylvania ; married when about 25 years old, at Smith- field, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania, NANCY GANTZ, born September 7, 1790, at Smithfield, died September 7, 1863, in her 73rd year at ZoUarsville, Pennsyl- vania, daughter of William Gantz and Griff en ( ?). CHILDREN (all married and had children, none less than three) : 71. I. Elizabeth ; married Isaac Gayman ; dead ; resided at ZoUarsville ; had children. Nancy. George, born March 27, 1811; married Maria L. Bottenfield; mar- ried second Elizabeth Teegarden; married third Elizabeth Cole- man. -f- Jacob, born August 7, 1812 ; married Mary Spencer. -|- Lewis, born July 27, 1814 ; married Ann Eliza Kerr ; married second Anna Gregg. + 75. VI. John Arnold, born September 17, 1816 ; married Jane Greenlee ; married second Hannah Buckingham. -t- 76. Vll. James Gans, born in 1818 ; married Catharine Bell : married second Catharine Fulton; married third Eliza Armstrong, or Guess. + Susannah, born October 20, 1820 ; married Joseph Ga\Tnan.+ Mary: married Stephen Fulton; dead; resided at Ruff Creek. Greene Co., Pennsylvania. Benjamin, born July 12, 1825; married Rebecca Bigler.+ Daniel, born March 30. 1827; married Mary Jane Weaver. -f- Margaret, born July 9, 1829; married Demas Bennington.-|- Albert ; married Eliza Spencer ; dead. Anne (yoimgest), born August 6, 1834: married Lemuel Young Cooper.+ 71a. II. 72. III. 73. IV. 74. V. 77. vra. 78. IX. 79. X, 80. NI. 8L XII, 82, XIII, 83, XIV, MICHAEL F DELAWARE. 49 SAMUEL GREENLEE removed from Delaware to Fayette County, Pennsyl- vania, when he was quite young and thei'e passed his youth. He learned the shoemaker's trade which he followed in coninection with farming. About 1812 he removed with his family to West Bethleheiir township, Washington County, Pennsylvania, going there to live with an uncle and" cunt of Mrs. Greenlee, whose farm came into his possession after their death, and is now the property of his son Benjamin. Beginning life as a poor boy, his eonsttf.nt industry enabled him to accumulate a good property. He was an earnest reader 0* current literature, and took an active interest in public matters. In polities he was a /democrat ; in religion. Baptist. ""^^ — • 16. JACOB GREENLEE 3 J Samuel Greenlee ' Micbael Greenlee i } vxiwu v<.i«hu.uxiuu.a (Mary Jones 5 son of Samuel Greenlee and Mary Jones, was bom April, 1791, in Maryland, or Delaware; died August 20, 1867, at Woodbridge, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania; married in 1815, ELIZABETH GANTZ, born May 21, 1796, died August 10, 1863, daughter of William or George Gans and Mary Cole, or Arnold. He was a shoemaker and farmer ; in politics. Republican ; in religion, Baptist ; resided near Woodbridge, Tennessee. CHILDREN : James, born February 22, 1816 ; married Mary Joliff.+ John, born July 9, 1818; married ; died, 1901; re- sided at Elwood, Indiana, Children: James, Louisa, Cassius (a lawyer at Elwood), Emma, Flora, Nettie, Ida. Rebecca, born March 31, 1820 ; married George Chick.-|- Mary, born March 21, 1822 ; married Henry Roderick.+ William, bom April 5, 1824 ; married Sarah Calvert.4- Luther, born August 10, 1826; married Marietta Wood.-(- Oliver P., born September 28, 1828 ; dead. 17. LTDIA GREENLEE * J Samnel Greenlee « Michael Greenlee i ) } Mary Jones S daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Mary Jones, was bom in 1795 ; died at Car- michaels. Green Co., Pennsylvania; married at Smithfield, Fayette Co., Pennsyl- vania, JOHN CLAWSON, born in 1793, died at Carmichaels, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: Thomas Clawson; died. Mary A. Clawson; married Stout Prior. Lavina Clawson ; married James Wilton. James Harvey Clawson, bom May 26, 1826 ; married Lydia Mom- yer.+ 95. V. Samuel Clawson ; died. 84. I. 85. II. 86. ni. 87. iV. 88. V. 89. VI. 90. VII. 91. I. 92. n. 93. III. 94. IV. 50 GREENLEE G '^EALOGY. 96. VI. Caroline Clawson; married Fleming JoUiff. 97. VII. Alpheus Clawson; marri d Lavina Gwynn. 98. VIII. Lydia Clawson ; mar";.' id Mark Stathers. 20. COLONEL ANDREW FxAMILTON GREENLEE ^ S John Greenlee = I Nancy Hamilton Michael Greenlee ' I son of John Q,feenlee and Nancy Hamilton, was born July 3, 1815, or 1816, at Pendle*,,on, South Carolina, or in Georgia ; died December 14, 1880 at Pittsboro, Calhoun Co., Mississippi; married July 26, 1835 at Columbus, Mississippi, ANNIS D. GILES, born May 11, 1818, died January 30, 1891 at Oxford, Lafay- ette Co., Mississippi, daughter of William Giles and Nancy Jane Winters [See John Reid Greenlee U 317]. CHILDREN : 99. I. Elvira Parlee, born August 5, 1836 ; married Richmond Baker Sizemore ; married second Green McFerrin Sizemore.+ 100. II. Emily Parizade, born August 25, 1838; married Benson Collins Sizemore. + 101. III. Martha Elizabeth, born July 28, 1842; married James Suchtel Walters. + 102. IV. Frances Giles, born May 26, 1844; married William S. Brown.-|- 103. V. Nancy Jane, born August 15, 1847 ; married Benjamin Winfield Ales.+ 104. VI. Andrew Franklin, born May 26, 1850; married Marie Josephine Rutherford.+ 105. VII. Malcolm Meshac (Dr.), born March 20, 1855 ; died unmarried, 1878, Memphis, Tennessee. ANDREW HAMILTON GREENLEE was educated in the military school in South Carolina. Having finished a term as sheriff of Lowndes County, Mississippi, he moved in 1836 to Attala County, Mississippi, where he purchased land. Cutting the first stick at Multoona Spring, he built on the hill above the spring. From there he went to Choctaw County about 1840, and settled four miles east of Greensboro at Walnut Grove. He remained there until 1866, then moved to Panola County, Mississippi. He was Major in 1842 or 1843, and in 1845 was commissioned Adjutant on the staff of the 43rd Regiment of Missis- sippi Militia. October 9, 1847 he was installed as Colonel of the 34th Regiment of Mississippi Militia, and served a number of years. He took part in the Florida Indian war. He went to war under General Scott and General Zachary Taylor, and was at Buena Vista and Rio Grande. He went out as a private with the militia from Greensboro, Mississippi, in 1864, under Captain James Hit. He would not accept any office during the Civil War on account of the oath he had taken in 1845. He was a farmer and merchant and held offices of different kinds. In politics, he was a Democrat. Being a good public speaker, he took an active interest in the events of those days, and was interested in the erection of county buildings, churches, schools, railroads, etc., and in the advancement of the com- .\NlPl;i:W IIAMII.TDX (;itEKNI.KK No. I'O. A. U. & A. U. CItEKXr.KK MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 51 munity generally. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity for forty years. In early days he was an enthusiastic hunter, and with his rifle and accompanied by his dog, delighted in tracking deer and bears. His last few years were spent as a teacher in the school room. At the time of his death he was residing at Multona Springs. MALCOLM MESHACK GREENLEE went to Texas when about eighteen years of age, and remained there two years. He returned to Mississippi and commenced the study of medicine, and attended lectures in Louisville, Ken- tucky. He practiced his profession in Arkansas, but went to Memphis, Ten- nessee to aid in the yellow fever epidemic, and died of the fever. 21. JAMES LEMUEL GREENLEE 3 ^ ^f^-J «^\^°'^|<;„ Michael Oreenlee ■ ^ son of John Greenlee and Nancy Hamilton, died March 20, 1853, or 1851, at Paris, Lamar Co., Texas ; married CAROLINE PERKINS, who died December 20, 1883 at Willsport, Van Zandt Co., Texas, daughter of Uriah Perkins and Caroline Montgomery. He was a mechanic ; in politics. Democrat ; in religion Methodist Episcopal ; resided in Mississippi and Texas. 106. I. James Henry; died unmarried November 15, 1861. 107. II. Sarah Jane Duskin, born April 4, 1845 ; married George Bell. 108. III. Mary Ann Quitman, born April 11, 1848; married Seaborn Co wart. + 109. IV. William Hunter Lawson, born January 1, 1851 ; married Mary Florence Perkins. + 22. WILLIAM A. GREENLEE 3 \^f^^^l^l^-^l^„ Michael Greenlee > | son of John Greenlee and Nancy Hamilton, was born April 13, 1826, or 1827 at Kosciusko, Attala Co., Mississippi; died Julj^ 23, 1878 at Sarepta, Calhoun Co., Mississippi; married June 26, 1852, or 1853 at Kosciusko, SUSAN DULIN, born November 11, 1833 at Kosciusko, Mississippi, died November 26, or 25, 1898 at Pine Bluff, Arkansas, daughter of James Dulin and Sarah Huttson, or Hudson : farmer, school teacher ; in politics. Democrat ; in religion. Baptist. He resided near Kosciusko, Attala Co., Mississippi. He and his brother Andrew were among the first settlers of Attala County. CHILDREN : 110. I. James Madison, born December 29, 1854; married Emma Eliza Hill.+ 111. II. Robert Amzie, born August 10, 1856; married Ella Bloodworth, or Bloodsel ; lives at Port Worth, Texas. 112. III. William A., born June 23, 1858 ; married Ella Bayes.+ 113. rV. Cornelia Alice, born May 2, 1860; married Frank Dickey.-f 114. V. 115. VI. 116. VII. 117. VIII. 118. IX. 119. X. 52 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. George C, born November 23, 1861; died October 29, 1887. Charles H., born October 25, 1863 ; married Josie Cuiiiiingham.-|- Sallie E., born February 26, 1865; married Milton Head.+ Wattie Thomas, born October 16, 1868; married Eva Babbitt.-|- "Walter L., born December 1, 1870 ; died July 23, 1875. Ella, born August 15, 1873; married Felix Waddell.-I- 23. MARIAM ELLENA GREENLEE 3 ) ^"^'J.^y^jj^l"',^!^ Michael Greenlee ^ | daughter of John Greenlee and Nancy Hamilton, was born August 17, 1835 in Attala Co., Mississippi ; died March 8, 1870 at Kosciusko, Mississippi ; married in 1853 in Attala Co., Mississippi, SAMUEL RUFIN SCARBOROUGH, born August 15, 1831 in Alabama, son of John Rasberry Scarborough. He was a farmer; in politics. Democrat; in religion, Methodist; resided at Multona Springs, Attala Co., Mississippi. He was living at Tabor, Texas in 1902. CHILDREN : 120. I. John Watkins Scarborough, born September 14, 1855. 121. II. Julia Irene Scarborough, born September 4, 1858 ; married William P. Rigby; lives at Kosciusko. 122. HI. Nannie Ellena Scarborough, born October 14, 1860 ; married Nor- man Guess. + 123. IV. Artemus Lafayette Scarborough, born October 17, 1866; married .+ 124. V. Mariam Ellena ("Laura") Scarborough, born April 19, 1869; married Joe Rigby; lives at Kosciusko. 26. WILLIAM GREENLEE ' j ^°^^ ^h*™' ^* ' Michael Greenlee i ) son of James Greenlee and Riehey Herring, was born December 14, 1793 at Dover, Kent Co., Delaware; died April 7, 1871 aged 76 years, at Hopkins, Noda- way Co., Missouri; married May 8, 1823 at Dover, Delaware, MARY HUGHS, born February 23, 1802 at Dover, Delaware, died July 13, 1863 at Martinsville, Morgan Co., Indiana, daughter of James Hughs and Nancy Hopkins. CHILDREN : Julia Ann, born August 14, 1824; married Obadiah Sturgeon.+ Hester, born December 1, 1825; died. Riehey, born October 7, 1828 ; married Logan Whitaker.-(- Nancy, born March 14, 1832; married Aaron Kivett; lives at Hopkins, Missouri. James Allen, born March 28, 1834 ; married Susan Adelia Scott.-{- Mary E., born June 28, 1836 ; married Andrew Thomas Welman.-j- 125. I. 126. IL 127. III. 128. IV. 129. V. 130. VI. No. .■!!. liOBIOUT UKKKNI.EK ANI> WIFE. ANNA (CIIAMBEIil.IN, GHEENLEE. 135 i:i:i No. 13t). I'AII.IXK SriCER. No. i:;v. No. 142. LOIS <'. IIOTCIIKISS. No. 140. No. 13S. LOVIXA HEAD. No. i:!.-,. No. 141. i{E(;iXA TUBUS. No. 1. ■!:•.. ll'ioture taken in 1S.~»1.) .TOIIN ('. C;i!EEN'I.EE. ClIAItlTV UO'JXIIKISS. EI.IZAISETU NEWTllN. liE'l'lllA rl'UNKArUE. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 53 131. VII. George W., born April 3, 1839 ; married Joanna Murphy.+ 132. VIII. Eliza Jane, born January 3, 1843; married Harrison Downing; died about 1880; no children. WILLIAM GREENLEE moved from Delaware to Maryland, thence to Ohio when that country was new. In 1838 he removed to Morgan County, Indiana, where he remained until 1866 when he went to Missouri with his children and '•esided at Hopkins. He was a farmer and cabinet maker; in politics, Whig, then Republican ; in religion, Methodist. He was a soldier in the War of 1812. 31. ROBERT GREENLEE ' i Sllchael Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee i ? ; Bethiah Maxson > son of Michael Greenlee and Bethia Maxson, was born February 6, 1793 at Fayette Co., Pennsylvania ; died October 4, 1861 in Spring Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married August 6, 1820 in Cussawago Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ANNA CHAMBERLAIN, born August 4, 1798 in Cussawago Township, died February 26, 1868 in Spring Township, daughter of John Chamberlain (a Revolutionary soldier) and Elizabeth Wyckoff. CHILDREN : 133. I. Bethiah, born August 6, 1821 ; married Thomas Shankland Turn- eaure.+ Michael, born February 24, 1823; married Rebecca H. Conover.+ Elizabeth Chamberlain, born December 22, 1824; married George Washington Newton. -|- Daughter, born March 5, 1826 ; died in infancy. John Chamberlain, born September 30, 1828; married Myra Eddy.+ Lovina, born December 14, 1830; married Warren Field Head.+ Paulina, born January 14, 1833; married Amos Keep Spicer.-|- Charity, born August 13, 1835 ; married James H. Hotchkiss.+ Regina, born July 7, 1839; married William Orlando Tubbs.4- Lois A., born May 22, 1842; married Martin Hotchkiss.+ ROBERT GREENLEE at the age of twelve years began to plow and do the heavy work on the farm, his father being in very feeble health, and from that time until his marriage was the main support of the family. His educational advantages were very meagre, consisting of a few months at a district school. On reaching his eighteenth year he expected to attend school ; but the call came for volunteers and he enlisted in the service of his country in the war of 1812. He took his knapsack on his back, and his trusty rifle, and went as far as Water- ford the first day. He arrived in Erie the following day, and there went into camp under Captain Mason, and remained there about four months. During his stay there, the British made an attempt to land, crossing on the ice. The small garrison resorted to strategy. They marched out from behind the bluff in full view of the enemy, then around behind the bluff, then out again, thus 134. II. 135. III. 136. IV. 137. V. 138. VI. 139. VII. 140. VIII. 141. IX. 142. X. 54 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. giving the impression that a large force of men was stationed there, and the enemy fell back without making a landing. After his marriage he settled on a farm near Mosiertown, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, where he lived until February, 1825, when he put his household effects and his family on an ox-sled and went by a path through the woods about eight or nine miles westward. Here he had one hundred and sixty acres of land and had spent part of the previous summer in raising produce and preparing a home for his family. He cleared a few acres of land and built a log house near an excellent spring of water. The house was not finished when he moved his family in, and a blanket was himg up to serve as a door. They had one neigh- bor, Mr. Spieer. The next morning after their arrival Mr. Greenlee went out to care for his stock. Mrs. Greenlee hearing footsteps supposed he was re- turning and going to the door pushed the blanket aside and passed out her water pail, saying, "Here, Robert, just get a pail of water before you come in." Instead of Robert, it was Mr. Spieer who had come for a neighborly call. He took the pail without a word and filled it, then presented himself again at the door much to her astonishment and his amusement. He soon after built another room with doors and windows. The usual log houses of those days consisted of one room and the loft, which was reached by means of a ladder. Greased paper was used for windows. His house was a double one with puncheon floors, and a four-paned glass window admitted light to the best room. The furniture consisted of six "Windsor" chairs, a full leaf table and a stand. In the best room was a bed with tester and valance of blue and white checked linen of Mrs. Greenlee's own spinning and weaving. The wide fireplace with stick and mud chimney afforded abundant ventilation. The tops of the trees could be seen up through the chimney. A large "back log" often dra^vn in at the door by a horse and placed in position by a hand spike, and a "fore stick" held in place by andirons, with the intervening space filled with logs, was the approved method of building a huge fire, which crackled and roared, filling the room with its genial warmth and ruddy glow. In 1836 he built a frame house, which still stands. To this humble home, where dwelt peace and love, were brought religious and agricultural papers, books, pictures and musical instruments. Here was established the family altar, from which ascended the daily praj'ers of loving and trustful hearts, the mother's beautiful soprano voice blending in the singing. Mr. Greenlee was a kind, conscientious man ; and it is said that he was never known to speak a harsh word even to a dumb animal. That he was enterpris- ing and progressive was attested by his well-tilled fields, clean barns and yard, large orchard, fine fruit, and the use of labor saving machinery. In politics he was a Whig, then Republican. MRS. GREENLEE was a deeply religious woman. Before her marriage she was a member of Carmel Baptist Church, and he became a member soon after. At this church they were regular attendants, often going the eight or ten miles on foot and carrying a child in arms. Later they became members of the Spring and Cussawago Church and helped build a house of worship about two and one-half miles from their home. This church disbanded and they became members of the Spring Church at Springboro. Mrs. Greenlee extended her MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 55 charity to all. The ministers of her church were never criticized nor their sermons spoken of disparagingly. A needy one was never turned away empty handed. One instance will show the ready sympathy accorded them. It was cold weather when a minister called at their home to spend the night. He was thinly clad ; and after he went to bed, Mrs. Greenlee took flannel from her loom, cut and made under-clothing, and had them ready for his use in the morning. 33. TOWK ftP'RF.NT.li'.'R 3 ( Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ^ \ ounxi .UAfixiiixjiiifi J Bethla Maxson \ son of Michael Greenlee and Bethiah Maxson, was born October 24, 1796 at Meadville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; died June 22, 1865 at Hickernell, Craw- ford Co., Pennsylvania; married June 6, 1819 at Crossingville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, MARY CHAMBERLAIN, born September 17, 1796 in New Jersey, died July 26, 1867 at Hickernell, Pennsylvania, daughter of John Cham- berlain and Elizabeth Wychoff. He was a farmer ; in politics Whig, Republican ; in religion. Baptist ; resided in Spring Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : Elizabeth, born April 6, 1820; died April 5, 1837. Lucretia, born September 12, 1821 ; married Eman Hubbard Owen.-f- John C, born May 20, 1823 ; died November 27, 1833. Robert Benson, born January 1, 1827; married Jane A. Bacon. + Benjamin Chamberlain, born January 17, 1829 ; married Julia Ann Earl.4- Mary, born November 24, 1833 ; died December 22, 1851. Frances 0., born November 16, 1835; married Calvin L. Fisher.-|- Albert Keith, bom July 4, 1838 ; married Martha P. Barnes. + 34. ESTHCR GREENLEE ^ \ ^lii^ha^I Greenlee » Michael Greenlee ^ \ \ Bethiah Maxson s daughter of Michael Greenlee and Bethiah Maxson, was born June 16, 1798 in Cussawago Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; died February 23, 1892 aged 93 years, at Coons Corners, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married Sep- tember 29, 1825, near Mosiertown, Pennsylvania, as his second wife, MILES P. CURTIS, born July 4, 1793 at Cattaraugus, New York, or Hartford, Connecti- cut, died March 16, 1870 in Hayfield Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, son of Eliphalet Curtis. CHILDREN : 151. I. Mary G. Curtis, born October 24, 1826 ; died September 10, 1827. 152. II. Delilah L. Curtis, born June 3, 1828; married Amasa Crossley; married second Ansel Harroun.-f- 153. III. Diantha M. Curtis, born August 4, 1830 ; married Thomas Holton Dunn.-|- 143. I. 144. II. 145. III. 146. IV. 147. V. 148. VI. 149. VII. 150. VIII. 56 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 154. rv. Stennett G. Curtis, born January 27, 1833; married January 3, 1854, Margaret Reynolds; died March 7, 1897. 155. V. Bethia L. Curtis, born August 17, 1835; married Henry Clark Smith.+ 156. VI. Sidney Miles Curtis, born March 5, 1838; married Aleha Hotch- kiss.4- 157. VII. Esther Anna Curtis, born November 22, 1840 ; married George R. Hall.+ 158. VIII. Albert Maxon Curtis, born December 22, 1843; died unmarried, December 14, 1864 in prison during the Civil "War. MILES CURTIS settled in Summerhill Township, Crawford County, Penn- sylvania, where be bought land and cleared away the timber to make the land ready for seed. He resided there a number of years, then finding it necessary to obtain a better piece of land, he sold the farm and made another settlement within five miles of Hayfield, where he and his family took up the task of clear- ing the land of the huge trees which so thickly covered it. Here he spent the remainder of his life. The children had only a district school education. The daughters learned to spin flax and wool with which to make their summer and winter clothing, under the instruction of their mother. In politics, he was a Republican ; in religion Seventh day Baptist. 35. JACOB D. GREENLEE ^ ^ Michael Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee > ? ( Bethiah MaxsoD ) son of Michael Greenlee and Bethiah Maxon, was born January 22, 1800 at Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; died July 12, 1883 aged 83 years 6 months, at Amboy, Ashtabula Co., Ohio ; married February 23, 1826 at Crossing- ville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, RACHEL W. CHAMBERLAIN, born Decem- ber 16, 1806 at Mosiertown, died April 16, 1893 aged 86 years, 4 months, at Amboy, Ohio, daughter of Deacon John Chamberlain and Elizabeth Wyckoflf. CHILDREN : 159. I. Ira C, born October 10, 1828 ; married Alma Ransom.-f 160. n. Moses Hanson, born September 14, 1830; married Helen Eliza Lindsley.+ 161. in. George Washington, bom November 1, 1833 ; died unmarried May 19, 1859 at Denver, Colorado. 162. rv. Elizabeth Ann, born October 10, 1835; married John Ludden Morris. + 163. V. John Chamberlain, born February 24, 1837; married Charlotte Oliva Brown.+ 164. VI. Arline Blanche, born February 22, 1844; died unmarried July 2, 1894 in Kingsville, Ohio. 165. VII. Philemon "Wiard, born September 25, 1846 ; married Maria Antoi- nette Brydle.+ N.). 36. MILLS OF LEMUEL STKRIUNS. 4 1 1 *■ % ( ^ f ■ 'i^c^i^^^^^^H "4 -' 1 iS «* .»»'■ '"•IB '? ^^MJ^ ^^ It. ^iMt ^ w N I. 30. LEMUEL STEBIUNS. Xci. -.'X,. MltS. I.i'CIXIlV CItEENLEE STEBBINS. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 57 166. VIII. Philena Chamberlain, born September 25, 1846; married Byron Homer Phelps.+ 167. IX. Elias Chamberlain, born September 14, 1848 ; married Mary Louise Keyes.-|- Four other children, names not given. JACOB DAVIS GREENLEE had very limited educational advantages. His mother taught him to read from the Bible, hymn book and Pilgrim's Progress, the only books in their humble home. He attended school three months one winter, walking three miles each day over rough roads and through forests infested by wild beasts ; yet he acquired sufficient knowledge to make him suc- cessful in life. In the spring of 1834, he removed to Ohio and settled near Westville, now Amboy. He lived on the same farm for forty years; then be- coming unable to attend to the work, he sold the farm and bought a home in the town of Amboy, where he spent the remainder of his life. GEORGE WASHINGTON GREENLEE went to Kansas Territory in March, 1857, and wrote from there in August of the same year. He rode about fifty miles without meeting a white man. He was delighted with the beauty of the country and the soft warm air, sleeping out of doors without cover, revolver in hand. He intended to go to Mexico and practice his profession, dentistry, but the next year wrote from the same place. He felt a keen pleasure in hunt- ing with the Indians and enjoyed their wild life. He died and was buried on a spot now covered by the city of Denver. ARLINE BLANCHE GREENLEE attended Kingsville Academy when it was at its zenith, and afterward was a student at Oberlin College. She spent the greater portion of her life at Amboy, where she was closely identified with the Methodist Church and its people, filling the office of Superintendent of the Sabbath School, and organist. After the death of her mother, she resided with her sister, Mrs. Morris, at Kingsville. 36. LUCINDA GREENLEE ^ i Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ^ ) ( Betbiah Maxson S daughter of Michael Greenlee and Bethiah Maxson, was born January 2, 1803 at Cussawago, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; died February 25, 1892 aged 89 years, 1 month, 23 days, at Cussawago; married March 6, 1823 at Cussawago, LEMUEL STEBBINS who was born November 10, 1797 [Town Record] at Wilbraham, Massachusetts, died September 24, 1852 in Cussawago Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, son of Daniel Stebbins and Rachel Blodgett. CHILDREN : 168. I. Amanda Stebbins, born January 17, 1824; married Francis Jack- son Whipple. + 169. II. Lorene Stebbins, born August 22, 1826 ; married Silas Clark.+ 58 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 170. III. Lot Dunham Stebbins, bom September 11, 1828 ; married Martha Susanna Rundell.-j- 171. IV. Orson Michael Stebbins, born January 31, 1832; died September 10, 1859. 172. V. Erastus Blodgett Stebbins, born September 16, 1833; died April 21, 1869. 173. VI. Chloe Rachel Stebbins, born November 16, 1835; married Alfred Bennett Carr.+ 174. VII. Stebbins, born May 3, 1837 ; died aged 6 months. 175. VIII. Stebbins, born August, 1838; died in infancy. 176. IX. Robert Lemuel Stebbins, born July 3, 1839 ; lives at Mosiertown. 177. X. Matilda Lueinda Stebbins, born September 11, 1841; lives at Butte City, Montana; unmarried. 178. XI. Benjamin Franklin Stebbins, born March 16, 1844; died July 26, 1881. 179. XII. Rufus Reginald Stebbins, born November 19, 1846 ; died September 23, 1850. LUCINDA GREENLEE, notwithstanding the poor facilities for education, was so persevering that she succeeded in obtaining a very fair education for those times, and stored her mind with choice extracts from the best writers of the day. In early life she united with the Baptist Church and Avas a con- sistent and useful member of about twenty years. She subsequently became a member of the Universalist organization at Conneautville. She was a remarkable woman, of much wisdom and good judgment. Her economy and perseverance were evident in the home life to the material suc- cess of the family. Although the radius of her life was uneventful, her trials and sorrows were many but were borne patiently and bravelJ^ To cheerfully accept the duties of life as they came and "make the best of things" was her unquestionable law. She was married to Lemuel Stebbins two or three years after he came to Pennsylvania. Lfnited in heart as well as in hand, they began life's battle in earnest, with little to help them but their strong arms and their abiding faith in God. Mr. Stebbins prospered wonderfully and added to his farm, first the Eliot farm adjoining his on the west, then the "Webster farm adjoining on the south. As the country became more developed he occasionally drove cattle to the eastern markets, bringing home with him news of the outside world, and some of the new inventions, notably the first cook stove brought into the county, which arrived in its original pieces. On one of his eastern trips he procured mulberry settings, and then silk worm eggs which were carefully hatched and cared for by the older girls, their brother Lot sometimes helping to gather the leaves for feeding. This experiment added to the children's knowledge and income. The girls spim the silk on their flax wheels and reeled it into skeins and the father sold it for them. Besides silk mitts and work bags which they made from some of the silk, they had black silk gowns bought with the proceeds from the sale of their silk. But the climate proved too damp for the tender worms and they ran out the third or fourth year. The large mulberry trees stood across the road from the house, where a peach orchard afterward outlived its useful- no I H Nn. 177. No. l(i!i. No. 1711. No. His. No. 17:;. MATII.llA L. STEBBINS. r.oKENK (STEBBINS I ( I.ARK. LOT IKNIIAM STEBBINS. AMANliA (STEBBINS I WIIII'I'LE. CIII.OK KACIIEL (STEBBINS) CARR. No. 17(1. It()I!El;T LEMT'EI, STEBBINS. No. 178. BEN.IAM'N I-'I!ANKI,IN STEI! BINS. No. 37. M.wsiix (;ueexli:e. 189 No. ISO No. 1.V- No. IH.-i .\o. I.M- No. l.>-7 No. ]8(; 183 182 186 GILBERT M. GREENLEE. ELIZABETH C. (GKEENLEEl HALL. LYDIA B. (GREENLEE) HARROUN. REBECCA (GREENLEE) DUNN. MARY E. GREENLEE. JOHN B. GREENLEE. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 59 ness. He planted a large apple orchard on the southern exposure of a hill; also near the house he planted crabapple, pear and sugar plum trees, all of which bore fine fruit. For a time he was in the dry goods business at Mosier- town. In 1849-50 he, in company with his brother John, his son Lot, and his son-in-law Silas Clark, and Minot Boyd, bought curd and ran the first cheese factory in that part of the state. He was very prosperous in this business and made both butter and cheese of a high grade. At the time of his death he owned three hundred acres of land on which he had erected a steam grist and saw mill, the first one in that part of the country. In politics he was a Whig. He held various town offices and was an excellent business man, held in high esteem bj' all who knew him. 37. MAXSON GREENLEE 3 | ^i\'^bYah Saxs^oT ' Mi^hael Greenlee ^ | son of Michael Gree'^lee and Bethiah Maxson, was born February 3, 1804 at Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; died May 17, 1882 at Chatfield, Fill- more Co., Minnesota; married October 1, 1829 at Meadville, Pennsylvania, CATHARINE COMPTON, who was born :\Iay 22, 1805 at Meadville, died July 26, 1875 in the 71st year of her age, at Chatfield, Minnesota, daughter of David Compton and Elizabeth Buchanan (or Rebecca Perrine). CHILDREN : James, born November 15, 1830 ; died December 26, 1831. David Riland, born May 17, 1832; married Harriet Browning (Compton) Cooper.+ Rebecca, born May 26, 1834; married Philip Dunn.+ Lydia Bethiah, born August 24, 1835; married John Harroun.+ William Compton, born April 13, 1837. He served three years in the army, after which he traveled in the South and West and in the mining countries. He died in the summer of 1885 or 1886, at Leadville, Colorado. 185. VI. Elizabeth Carolina, bom May 28, 1839; married Philander M. Hall.+ 186. VII. John Buchanan, born September 8, 1840 ; married Eveline A. Cof- fin.+ 187. VIII. Mary E., bom November 29, 1842 at Mosiertown; teacher and milliner ; lives at Mason City, Iowa ; unmarried. 188. IX. Simeon Sylvester, born November 9, 1845 ; died March 8, 1850. 189. X. Gilbert Michael, born May 23, 1847 at Meadville ; lives at Port- land, Iowa ; unmarried. MAXSON GREENLEE spent his early life in Cussawago Township, Craw- ford County, Pennsylvania. Soon after his marriage he exchanged his farm for a larger one in Hayfield Township, securing a good bargain because the house on the new farm was said to be haunted. He and his wife received their new neighbors cordially, and the tales of strange noises heard and ghosts seen, soon became old stories. He was a man of wonderful patience and even temper. 180. I. 181. II. 182. m. 183. IV. 184. V. 60 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Mrs. Greenlee said she never knew him to be angry but once, and that was when a man drew a dirk at him while he was pitching hay in his own barn. In- stantly a sense of deep indignation and passion overtook him, and he made for him with the pitchfork with all vengeance, but his enemy by a dexterous move escaped an untimely death, for which the family was always thankful, that the name of Greenlee might be handed down unblemished and unscathed. In 1856 he removed to Eyota, Olmsted County, Minnesota, and resided in that vicinity the remainder of his life. At the age of twenty-one he united with the Baptist Church. In 1856 he severed his connection with that church, and joined the Christ Adelphians. of which society he was a most devout member. He was a close student, a fluent conversationalist and a formidable opponent in Biblical discussion. In politics he was a Whig, then Republican. MRS. CATHARINE (COMPTON) GREENLEE, when a child, was drown- ing when she was seen by a neighbor who saved her life. When she was twelve j'ears old her father's house was burned and she had a narrow escape, but two little brothers were burned to death with their arms around each other. Her father kept the first hotel in Jleadville. She spun and wove all her linen before she was married. She was highly respected by all who knew her. MARY ELEANOR GREENLEE spent the early part of her life on the old farm in Pennsylvania. She removed with her parents to Eyota, Olmsted County, Minnesota. Chatfield was the nearest town of any size. At the age of sixteen she with her brother John attended an Academy taught by Pro- fessor Thomas Thickstim, his wife, brother and sister, all of Meadville, and most excellent teachers. Two years later she accompanied her brother Dr. D. R. Greenlee and his wife back to Meadville to attend school. She entered a fine school for Young Ladies kept by the Misses Calender, and returned two years later to Minnesota. She commenced teaching at twenty years of age and taught in a number of schools among them the public schools at Chatfield and Rush- ford, having to resign from the latter the second year on account of poor health. After resting a few months she laimched into the millinery business in Chat- field and built up a successful business in which she continued for nine years, then sold out and went to Mason City, Iowa which was a larger city. Here she had a flourishing trade for ten years. She then sold out and spent the next three years mostly in traveling and visiting. She was much pleased with California and woidd have liked living there but it seemed too far from home. She returned to Mason City, boarding a year and working in a millinery store, and then decided to build a home. MARY GREENLEE ^ \ Mlchael Oreenlee - Michael Greenlee i } daughter of Michael Greenlee and Bethiah Maxon, was born September 30, 1807 at Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; died February 20, 1846 aged 38 years. 4 months and 21 days, at Crossingville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married HARLEY UMBERFIELD, who was born about 1801 and died August 20, 1834 aged 33 years ; married second ANDREW MCKELVEY GREENLEE. Resided in Crawford County, Pennsylvania. ]W No. 132. HOME OF MISS MARY ELEAXOK GREEXLEE. MASON CITY, IOWA. '■'2< ---J y, z , ■i:.-a '-aHa y, < 3- z'. Zy. ~ " s ^ o > X. !!I^A _P _ ->- - ^ -r ■^■r. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 61 CHILDREN : 190. I. Lucy Bethiah Umberfield, born November 14, 1830; married November 14, 1847, Clark Nickols. 191. II. Esther Martha Umberfield, born May 5, 1833 ; married George Van Dyke ; lives at White, South Dakota. She had four children by her second marriage, which are given under No. 57. 40. EXPERIENCE GREENLEE ^ 5 Mlcliael Greenlee = Michael Greenlee > ) t Bethiah Maxson S daughter of Michael Greenlee and Bethiah Maxson, was born September 30, 1809 ; married NATHANIEL MALLORY. CHILDREN : 192. I. Lewis Mallory (oldest son) ; lives at Coons Corners, Pennsylvania. 193. II. Andrew Mallory; lived near Coons Corners; died a few years ago. 41. EDMUND GREENLEE ^ 5 Michael Creenlee ' Michael Greenlee > } } Bethiah Maxson S son of Michael Greenlee and Bethiah Maxson, was born March 31, 1811 in Cussawago Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; died September 4, 1898 at Rundell, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married April 10, 1832 at Cussawago, Pennsylvania, MARY WRIGHT STEBBINS, born September 13, 1808 at Wil- braham, Massachusetts, died July 9, 1877 at Chicago, Illinois, daughter of Daniel Stebbins and Rachel Blodgett. CHILDREN : 194. I. Emeline Blodgett, born August 2, 1834; married Samuel Julius Wells. + Daughter, born December 25, 1836 ; died aged one day. Robert Lemuel, born April 13, 1838 ; married Emily Brooks.+ Ralph Stebbins, born April 13, 1838; married Elizabeth Brooks. -j- Michael Daniel, born March 24, 1840 ; married Mary L. Lock.+ Rachel Arminda, born July 6, 1842; married Jesse Cooper Rowell.+ James, born October 2, 1844 ; died November 14, 1844. Mary Lucinda, born October 28, 1846; married William Dallas Greenlee ; married second Isaac Ladner Bishop.-}- EDMUND GREENLEE was the son of one of the earliest settlers of Crawford County. After his marriage he went directly to the log cabin which he had built in the woods on his newly purchased farm in the northeast corner of Summerhill Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, his land extend- 195. II. 196. III. 197. IV. 198. V. 199. VI. 200. VII. 201. VIII. 62 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. ing over into Spring Township. On this land he resided for about seventy years. A vestige of the cellar of the old log cabin, now the site of a cider mill, is still to be seen. The furniture of the cabin was of the most primitive descrip- tion, including two splint-bottom chairs, a cross-legged table, four plates, two knives, two forks, two spoons, two cups and saucers, and a teapot. The fire- place was then the only means of cooking, and the baking was done in a tin oven in front of the log fire. "Tallow dips" afforded them illumination. Mr. Greenlee chopped and felled the trees, his wife helping to roll them into piles to be burned at night. When they were well settled an orchard was planted. One day while in the orchard Mrs. Greenlee looking through the fence spied a large buck deer on the other side of the fence chewing his cud. She stepped up quietly and reaching her arm between the rails, grabbed the buck by the horns and held him until Mr. Greenlee came with an ax and killed him. It was a source of much comment and a great feast for some time. When the farm was cleared and sowed to grass he purchased cows and started a dairy. The business increased and they soon had a dairy of from forty to fifty cows — then considered a large number. Mrs. Greenlee helped in the work connected with the dairy and one season milked seventeen cows night and morning in addition to her household duties and caring for the children. Mr. Greenlee besides milking, attended to the butter and cheese which he sold at the market places. He was a man of considerable inventive genius and de- vised and manufactured machinery for making all of his ovra cheese boxes and butter kegs at the time he was conducting an extensive dairy business. He invented the first machine for milking cows, which consisted of a receiver with two air pumps and four stop-cocks, from which tubes ran to the cow's teats, the milking being accomplished by the suction from the air pumps. It worked well until the milk was partly exhausted from the cow's udder, when it would col- lapse and the milk stop. He was unable to remedy this and the machine conse- quently did not prove a success, although before he learned this diflSculty, he was offered quite a large sum of money for the invention. In 1860, at the time that Drake first struck oil at Titusville, Mr. Greenlee adapted his machinery to the manufacture of oil barrels. We give one of his business cards on opposite page. In the later years of his life ]\Ir. Greenlee endeavored to construct a machine which he called the "Great American Combine" for planting and harvesting most kinds of grain, including corn, digging potatoes, and doing different kinds of work. He built a model, but never completed it. He was a man of very even temper, never allowing himself to become angry. It was one of his characteristics always to return good for evil. As an illustra- tion of this trait the following incident is related : A neighbor who lived on a farm adjoining that of Mr. Greenlee, cut the brush and elders from his side of the road, carried them across the road and threw them into l\Ir. Greenlee's grass for a distance of sixty or eighty rods. This was just before haying time. When it was discovered Mrs. Greenlee's idea was to make him pay damages ; but Mr. Greenlee said, ' ' I will heap coals of fire on his head." Two or three days afterward Mr. Greenlee had occasion to drive to the town of Conneautville, seven miles distant. When passing the neighbor's house he saw him standing in the yard and called out, "Good HOMESTKAli OF EDMUNli IIUEENLEE. EDMUND GREENLEE, INVENTOR AND PATENTEE OF fBUlKEL ]IIA€UII\EB¥ ! Rundells, Crawford County. Pa. ] t9- ApplicotioiiK foF nielitv aud orders 'for mta- ..S chinery proiuplly utteuded Um, ^M "i-, R. 8 GREENLEE, AGENT, HOMESTEAD OF EDMUND GREENLEE, SHOWI.NC HOUSE, BAKX, CHUUCH, AND CHEST- NUT TREE. HOMESTEAD OF ED^U•ND GREENLEE— OLD AI'I'LE OKGHARD IN THE WOODS. IIOAIESTEAD OF EDJUTND CUEEXLEE— (JENEUAL VIEW OF THE FARM. WITH LAIUiE CIIESTNTT TUEE IN F( )UEGItOrM>. ••ge=4.#iiSBk-.. k ^^Hvww'^ : -^.^^ S^o^ W' -y- --^' . ^v'' 4di •%?JT^v 'jm-'-- ■■- _ V ^: "■ ■'• 1 ■ ^ ■: . '^ ■**^ ■ "■f 1 -^A » » HOMESTEAD OF EDMIXU GUEEXI.EE^I.AUC ;E WHITE OAK TUBE. y. y< o y, a H ca Q a MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 63 morning John! I am going to town. Is there anything I can do for you?" The neighbor asked him to get a point for his plow, and Mr. Greenlee agreed to do so. After reaching town it escaped his mind and he did not again think of the plow point until he was about half way home. He turned around and went back after it, feeling that he could not afford to miss the opportunity of doing this man a kindness. As he came back he saw the neighbor, handed him the plow point and remarked, "I came very near forgetting it, and turned back when I was half way home. " " Edmund, ' ' said the man, ' ' I am very sorry you went back for that point. I don't know why you did it." "I probably would not have found much to do at home as it is Saturday afternoon," said Mr. Greenlee, "and I told you I would get it for you." The man's conscience troubled him and he finally said, "Edmund, I served you a very mean trick a few days ago. I cut the brush and elders from my side of the road and threw them over into j^our meadow. I will pick them all out." And he did so, taking much more time than was spent in putting them there. The two men were ever afterward firm friends; whereas, had Mr. Greenlee acted differently they might have been enemies. While his children were small Mr. Greenlee was very strict with them, although very kind. Naturally the twin brothers, Ralph and Robert, were always into some mischief and their father frequently had to promise them punishment. However, he would never administer the punishment at the time of the offense — probably to avoid any display of temper — but would wait until he had leisure, or until a rainy day, when he would say, "Well boys I guess we might as well settle up now," the meaning of which they well knew. After spending some time in talking to them and giving them advice, he would pro- ceed to balance accoimts, giving them punishment for each promise he had made them. Edmund Greenlee was a strong man physically and mentally. He was public-spirited and progressive, ever ready to assist and advance the cause of humanity, and was identified with many improvements. His industry knew no bounds. In politics, he was a Republican. He was one of the organizers of the Methodist Church in Summerhill Township, now known as the "Smith Church," for which he gave the land and furnished a large part of the lumber and other materials for the building. He died at the old homestead, now owned by his sons Ralph and Robert, and his body was taken to Chicago for interment by the side of his wife in Rose Hill Cemetery. Edmund Greenlee was a kind husband and father and a good neighbor. He was emphatically a man of peace. MART WRIGHT STEBBINS GREENLEE was bom near Wilbraham, Massachusetts about eight miles from Springfield. Here she lived with her parents until 1811 when they moved to Sangerfield, New York where her father died in 1813. After his death they moved to Lebanon, New York and later to Crawford County Pennsylvania. Her half-brother, Daniel Stebbins came to Crawford County first, then her brother Lemuel Stebbins followed with their mother and the rest of the family. The household goods were brought in an ox-cart, the family traveling most of the way on foot. 64 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. She made the most of her opportunities for obtaining an education and fitted herself to become a teacher. She taught several terms before she met and married Edmund Greenlee, receiving wheat, corn and rye in payment for her services. At that earlj' day farmer's wives were obliged to make the clothing of both men and women. Mrs. Greenlee was an expert at spinning and weaving. She carded and spun wool and flax and wove the same into cloth for family use. It is said that she learned to spin when so small that it was necessary for her to walk up and down an inclined board in order to reach the spindle wheel; yet in that way she was able to spin what was considered a full day's work and finish at three o'clock. She was a model housekeeper, a woman of untiring energy, but did her work intelligently and made every step count. When ever she had occasion to go into the pantry for anything she always remembered to take in something to put away, thus saving time and labor. It was her prac- tice in early life on wash daj's to scrub the floor first, so that when the washing was done the house would be clean. Mrs. Greenlee had a keen sense of right and wrong and was very zealous in the care and training of her children. She possessed a decided taste for reading and had a remarkable memory. She knew the Bible almost by heart, and could instantly tell where to find any passage in it that was quoted and rarely made a mistake. She was a woman of strong character, a true helpmate to her husband and an exemplary mother. She died while on a visit to her sons in Chicago and was buried in Rose Hill Cemetery. 43. fPTi'ir'N'T TPT? TITT T 3 S Mary Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' ? UKi!jJ!.JNU!.Jli UliiL. ^ Jacob Dill Esther DavlB \ son of Mary Greenlee and Jacob Dill, married . He entered ground about ten to twelve miles west of Indianapolis, Indiana. CHILDREN: 202. I. Ezekiel B. Dill ; married .+ 45. PO'R'RPT fr'RF.'RNT.F.F. 3 S David Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ■ ) ItUSfiAJ. UHrjriWljJlirj ^ Elizabeth Morris Esther Davis \ son of David Greenlee and Elizabeth Morris, was born November 22, 1796 at Hollandville, Kent Co., Delaware; died May 23, 1878, aged 84 years 6 months near Hollandville; married at Willow Grove, Kent Co., Delaware, SARAH EMORY, born October 8, 1799 at Willow Grove, died July 31, 1886 aged 87 years and 6 months, near Greensboro, Caroline Co., Maryland, daughter of Arthur Emory and Mary Hines; farmer; Democrat; Methodist; resided near Hollandville, Delaware. CHILDREN: 203. I. Arthur John, born July 6, 1823 ; married Katherine Richardson.+ 204. II. David, born August 9, 1827 (?) ; married Sally Ann Greenlee.-f- 205. III. 206. IV. 207. V. 208. VI. 209. VII. MICHAEL OP DELAWARE. 65 Mary, born February 22, 1828 ( ?) ; married William C. Jump.^- Hester Ann ; died. Sally Ann ; died. Elizabeth ; married July 19, 1859, Ephraim Sapp. William Emory ; married Mary Ellen Cooper.4- June 18, 1831, James Woothers of Murderkill Hundred in Kent County, Delaware, Farmer & Matilda his wife sell to Robert Greenlee of the hundred and county aforesaid, Parmer, in Consideration of the sum of thirty five Dollars Current Money, a certain Part of a tract or parcel of land Situate and being in the forrest of Murderkill hundred, it being one undivided third part of a tract of Land Situate as aforesaid Formerly belonging to Arthur Emory De- ceased and of which we are entitled as one of the heirs of Said Deceased be the same more or less Together with all the improvements thereto belonging. [Re- corders office, Dover, Delaware, Deed Book P, Volume 3, Polio 125.] February 17, 1832, John Cooper and Elizabeth Cooper his wife of Kent County and State of Delaware, sell to Robert Greenlee of said County and State, for and in consideration of the sum of thirty five dollars current money, a certain tract or parcel of land Situate and being in the forrest of Murderkill Hundred County and State aforesaid it being a part of a tract of land lately be- longing to Arthur Emory deceast it beiug one third part of said Tract or parcel of Land which the said John Cooper bought of John Hutson and Mary his wife which was late Mary Emory and one of the heirs of Arthur Emory de- ceast. [Deed Book F, Vol. 3, Folio 126.] May 16, 1834, William Lemar and Carline his wife of Murderkill hundred Kent County and State of Delaware sell to Robert Greenlee of the hundred and County aforesaid in consideration of the sum of sixty dollars, a tract of land containing forty two acres and seventy five perches. William Dill father of the aforesaid Carline now the wife of the aforesaid William Lemar died intestate being at the time of his death seized and possessed of several plantations, tracts or parcels of land, and left to survive him four children, viz: Benjamin Dill, Philemon Dill, William Dill and the said Carline to whom said lands and premises by the laws of this State have descended. [Deed Book I, Vol. 3, Polio 126.] 47. TnTIN nP'RinNT.F.F. 8 S David Greenlee " Michael Greenlee i ? JUaa UllJ!.J!.nXxl<.J!. * ^ Elizabeth Moms Esther Davis i son of David Greenlee and Elizabeth Morris, married ELIZA ANN SMITH; resided in Kent Co., Delaware. CHILDREN (one son living) : 210. I. William S. born about 1838; married Susan 6reenlee.-j- September 24, 1835, Henry Clark and Hester Clark his wife of mispillion Hundred, Kent County and State of Delaware and Abner Clark and Kitty Marian Clark his wife of the State of Illinois by John Clark Attorney in fact for Abner Clark and Kitty Marian his wife, sell to John Greenley of Murderkill hundred for and in consideration of three hundred and fifty dollars all the lands 66 GEEENLEE GENEALOGY. late of Abrolam Clark (deced.) Situated partly in Murderkill hundred, Kent County and State of Delaware and partly in Caroline County and State of Maryland, the Delaware and Maryland line runs through said lands called Long Rang, Old Field Inelosure and Hickery Hill adjoining lands of James Greenley (of David) and lands late of John Hudson deceased and Mariam Plummer, Edward Pinder and lands of the heirs of John Cooper decsed & othrts said to contain one hundred and twenty eight acres be the same more or less see the deed from Isral Merrieke to Abrolem Clark recorded at Dover in Kent County and State of Delaware in Book E Vol. 2, folio 205 and in Caroline County in Liber T. R. N. E. 502, 503 & 504 but since the deed was made from Isrel Merrick to Abrolem Clark the said Abrolem Clark convaid a part of Long Rang to Leun Baynard. [Recorded at Dover, Delaware, in Recorders Office in Deed Record Book K, Volume 3, Folio 16.] 48. .TAMF.S fi-REENLEE 3 i David Greenlee = Michael Greenlee i } JAlYliB UltriJlirHjXiri J Elizabeth Morris Esther Davis < son of David Greenlee and Elizabeth Morris ; married SUSAN COOPER. CHHjDREN : 211. I. Sally Ann, born December 15, 1832; married David Greenlee [No. 204].+ 211a. II. Susan, born about 1843 ; married William S. Greenlee [No. 210] .+ 56. WILLIAM GREENLEE ^ i Wllllam Greenlee " Michael Greenlee » ? son of William Greenlee, was born in 1795 in Marj'land; died June, 1861, at BradyviUe, Adams Co., Ohio ; married in 1811 at Bradyville, NANCY DRYDEN, who was born in 1789 in Maryland, died November, 1865, at Bradyville, Ohio daughter of William Dryden ; farmer ; Democrat ; Methodist. CHILDREN : 212. I. William Madison, born December 1, 1813; married Mahala Beam.-f Harriet, born, 1814 ; married William Pence ; dead. Henrietta, bom 1816 ; married John Everton.+ Samuel, born December 24, 1818 ; married Elizabeth Freeman ; married second Sara Nichols. + 216. V. James D., born in 1820 ; married Betty Polard, or Hunt ; died in 1898. Rachel, bom, 1822 ; married Henry Steele. Sibey, or Sileme, bom, 1824 ; married James Soverin ; dead. Andrew J., born, 1826 ; married Rachel Lowe ; dead. Eli D., born, 1828 ; married Melinda Brooks ; died in 1898. 213. II 214. III. 215. IV. 217. VI. 218. VII. 219. vm. 220. IX. MICHAEL OP DELAWARE. 67 221. X. Mary Ann, born, 1830 ; married Benjamin Bowman. 222. XI. Thomas B., born, 1832 ; married Mary A. Little.+ WILLIAM GREENLEE resided in Hagerstown, Maryland, but removed to Bradyville, Ohio, when he was eighteen years old. He was a soldier in the war of 1812; was taken prisoner at Hull's surrender; violated his parole and re- enlisted, serving until the close of the war. 57. ANDREW McKELVEY GREENLEE 3 ^t'>-/--P>-; ^iSe^D^a^fr"^^ ' \ son of Allen Greenlee and Esther Davis, was born December 25, 1807, at Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; died March 9, 1892, at Bedford, Taylor Co., Iowa; married April 21, 1836, at Mosiertown, Pennsylvania, MARY (GREENLEE) UMBERFIELD, [See No. 39] born September 30, 1807, at Mosiertown, died February 20, -1846, at Crossingville, Crawford Co., Pennsyl- vania, daughter of Michael Greenlee and Bethiah Maxson; married second November 1, 1846, at Springboro, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, OLIVE E. IDE, born November 6, 1816, died August 11, 1849, aged 32 years, 9 months and 5 days, at Crossingville, Pennsylvania; married third June 10, 1850, in Hayfield Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, ANN ELIZA HOUCK, daughter of John Houck and Sarah Stillwell; farmer; Republican; Baptist; widow was living (1900) at Bedford, Iowa. CHILDREN: 223. L Hiretta, born January 12, 1837; married Philip D. Reynolds.+ 224. II. Maryette, born December 27, 1839; married Thomas Shankland • Tumeaure.+ 225. III. Miranda Jane, born February 4, 1841 ; married James Monroe Blackwell ; married second Sylvester Sherman Orton.4- 226. IV. Harley Umberfield, born August 18, 1843; married Mary Ann Tucker.-f John Milton, born June 6, 1857 ; died September 12, 1857. Charles Austin, born November 2, 1858 ; married Sylvia Hinshaw. Sarah Emma, born April 16, 1861; married February 11, 1880, Sylvester S. Orton ; died July 15, 1882. 230. VIII. A. Eliza May, born August 24, 1863 ; married Sylvester S. Orton, September 10, 1884; died November 7, 1894, leaving two children. ANDREW McKELVEY GEEENTjEE lost his father when he was only twelve years of age, and, being the oldest of the children, he had to be the main- stay of the family. In order to attend school he had to walk twelve miles. At the age of seventeen he became an apprentice to learn the blacksmith trade, and served his term of three years in Meadville, then went to Buffalo and finished his trade, and returned to his native county. His life was full of hard work at his trade and also as millwright, and for several years he carried on 227. V. 228. VI. 229. VII. 68 GKEENLEE GENEALOGY. an extensive business in the lumber regions of Pennsylvania. In September, 1868, he removed to Bedford, Taylor County Iowa, and there resided until his death. His son Charles was a soldier in the civil war. 58. DAVID GREENLEE ^ 5 AUen Greenlee = Mlcbael Greenlee ' ? I Sarah JIcKelvey Esther Davis S son of Allen Greenlee and Sarah McKelvey, was born January 9, 1811, in Cus- sawago Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; died October 31, 1879, at McKean, Erie Co., Pennsjdvania ; married July 23, 1837, at Boeuf, Erie Co., Pennsylvania, HARRIET MALLORY, born January 24, 1821, at Boeuf, died March 25, 1897, at McKean, daughter of William Mallory and Anna Irish; farmer ; in politics, Republican ; in religion, Christian ; resided at McKean. CHILDREN : 231. I. John AUen, born March 24, 1839 ; married Susan J. McClelland. + 232. II. Amos H., born August 9, 1841 ; died August 27, 1843. 233. III. Mary Ellen, born February 25, 1843; married William E. Tuckey.+ 234. IV. William Dallas, born January 1, 1844; married Mary Lucinda Greenlee [See No. 200].+ 235. V. Andrew M., born August 2, 1846; lives at Robinson, Colorado; unmarried. 236. VI. Anna Amanda, born March 30, 1848 ; married George Wilson Hunter. -f- . 237. VII. Hiram E., born September 1, 1850 ; married Minnie Hall ; died July 1, 1885, at Girard, Pennsylvania. 238. VIII. Aziltha Jane, born July 13, 1853 ; married F. Seward ; died October 21, 1884, at McKean. 239. IX. Huldah Evaline, born June 26, 1857 ; married Sidney L. Skinner.+ 61. ASENATH GREENLEE ■* ^ Willlam Oreenlee ' Samuel Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ' > } Mary Ramsey Mary Jones ) daughter of William Greenlee and Mary Ramsey, was born November 9, 1807, at Smithfield, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania; died June 17, 1882, at Smithfield; married December 11, 1831, at Uniontown, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania, ROBERT BRITT, born June 4, 1805, at Chester, Pennsylvania, died September 28, 1890. at Smithfield. He was a farmer and carpenter; Democrat; Presbyterian; re- sided near Morganton, West Virginia, and Smithfield, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 240. I. Mary Emily Britt, born September 11, 1833 ; married Benjamin F. Goodwin. 241. II. Nancy Melvina Britt, bom August 29, 1835 ; died June 18, 1852. r ■ - ■■■ ■ (. .".7. AXKKEW McKKLVEV (iUEEX LEE ANI> MARY OHEENI.EE I'M- l;EI!KIEI,I>. Nil. .-,S. DAVID GREENLEE. HARRIET MAELOKY GREENLEE. 243. IV. 244. V. 245. \^. 246. VII. 247. VIII. 248. IX. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 69 242. III. Samuel Greenlee Britt, born March 25, 1837; married Caroline Miller. Ann Eliza Britt, born August 30, 1840 ; died September 3, 1844. William Miles Britt, born January 13, 1842 ; died August 27, 1844. Frances Elizabeth Britt, born September 8, 1844; married Albert Samuel ]\Iiller. Charles Robert Britt, born September 5, 1846 ; died June 13, 1852. John Lloyd Britt, born April 2, 1850 ; died July 11, 1852. Frank P. Britt, born April 22, 1853; married Jeanette M. Ralston. + 63. NANCY GR£jEjNL£iE * i WilUam Greenlee ' Samuel Greenlee - Michael Greenlee • } ( Mary Ramsey Mary Jones S daughter of William Greenlee and Mary Ramsey, was born March 4, 1811, at Smithfield, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania ; died July 9, 1875, at Fairchance, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania; married in 1835 near Smithfield, ALEXANDER DEYARr MAN, born October 26, 1801, at Fairchance, died March 9, 1890, at Uniontown, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania, son of Hugh Deyarman and Isabella Spratt. He was a farmer ; in politics. Republican ; in religion, Presbyterian ; resided near Fair- chance, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: 249. I. William G. Deyarman, born in 1836 ; died in 1838. 250. n. Joseph A. Deyarman, born in 1838 ; died the same year. 251. III. Robert Greenlee Deyarman, born October 27, 1840 ; married Lide Freeman. + 252. IV. John Kennedy Deyarman, born January 12, 1842; died February 12, 1862. 253. V. Ewing B. Deyarman, born September 26, 1845; died January 5, 1891. 254. VT. Julia B. Deyarman, born February 21, 1848 ; married Wales H. Willard.+ 255. VII. Frances Eliza Deyarman, born February 1, 1852 ; married William Smiley.+ JOHN KENNEDY DEYARMAN was a soldier in the Civil War. He enlisted in Captain J. B. Morris' company, 7th Virginia Infantry, serving in eastern Virginia. He entered the service in the summer of 1861 and died the following year in the hospital at Cumberland, Maryland, of typhoid fever. He was a brave soldier. At a skirmish at Roney, Virginia, a bomb shell struck the bank near the company, burying them knee deep with dirt. It did not burst but rolled back near to him, the fuse still burning. He reached out and snuflEed it out as he would a candle, thus saving the lives of a number of his company. EWING B. DEYARMAN joined the army in 1864 as teamster, being then only sixteen years old. He had been serving one month when he was captured by "Moseby's Men," having the button shot off his cap before he was taken 257. II. 258. III. 259. IV. 70 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. prisoner. He was confined in Libby prison a short time, then was taken to Andersonville, where he spent six months, suffering all the privations of that horrible prison. When he was exchanged and reached home he was a mere skeleton, and suffered all the rest of his life from the effects of his imprisonment. 70. MARY FRANCES GREENLEE * | Sii'^^^amsfy"'" ' MaTjoner"*' Michael Greenlee ^ / daughter of "William Greenlee and Mary Ramsey, was born July 4, 1829, at Ruble, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania; married November 7, 1852, at Smithfield, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania, REECE H. JONES, born January 28, 1825, at Waynesburg, Greene Co., Pennsylvania, died May 3, 1890, son of James Jones and Anna Ross. He was a farmer; in politics. Republican; in religion, Pres- byterian ; resided at Ruble, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 256. I. Eliza G. Jones, bom July 18, 1853, in Fayette Co., Pennsylvania ; lives at Ruble ; unmarried. Emily Jones, born July 15, 1854 ; married John Kiger.-j- Jennie Jones, born November 2, 1855 ; unmarried. Caroline L. Jones, born September 20, 1857; married Robert A. Dils ; lives at Ruble. 260. V. William J. Jones, born January 14, 1860 ; married Dorothy Sweny ; lives at Ruble. Charles A. Jones, born November, 1863 ; unmarried. Julia D. Jones, born April 21, 1865 ; dead. Olive Jones, born May 30, 1867 ; married Jesse P. Stewart ; lives at Ruble. 264. IX. Thomas Peter Jones, born September 1, 1869; married Maud Sutton ; lives at Bellevernon, Pennsylvania. 72. (tEORCtE GRESNTjEE * 5 Samuel Greenlee ' Samuel Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' > J Nancy Gantz Mary Jones S son of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Gantz, was born March 27, 1811, at Wash- ington, Washington Co., Pennsylvania; died May 12, 1890, at What Cheer, Keokuk Co., Iowa; married about 1835, MARIA L. BOTTENPIELD, born in 1814 in Greene Co., Pennsylvania, died November 7, 1848, daughter of Adam Bottenfield and Mary ; married second about 1850 ELIZABETH TEE- GARDEN, daughter of Teegarden ; married third after 1854, ELIZA- BETH COLEMAN, who was born April 14, 1817, at Clarksville, Pennsylvania, died February, 1892, at Springfield, Iowa, daughter of Coleman and Logan. CHILDREN : 265. I. Elizabeth Ann, born June 30, 1839 ; married Christopher Columbus Horn.-f 261. VI. 262. VII. 263. VIII. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 71 266. n. Emma Jane, born May 4, 1841; married in 1866 "Wallace Har- monson ; lives at Almena, Kansas. 267. III. William Edward, bom November 2, 1844; married Margaretta Brown. + 268. IV. Preston Teegarden, born July 31, 1852; married in 1886, Miss Vira Park ; lives at Vincent, Iowa. 269. V. Everhart, born July, 1853; married Anna ; died about 1896 ; widow lives at Clarksville, Pennsylvania ; two children. 270. VI. Mary Maria ( ?) ; dead. 271. VII. George Coleman, born December 31, 1855; married Sarah Viola Snodgrass.-(- 272. VIII. Harriet Ellen, born July 18, 1858; married in 1879, Albert B. Richardson. GEORGE GREENLEE left home when he was twenty-one years of age to learn the trade of shoemaker and tanner, both of which he acquired. He worked at this trade in connection with farming until the spring of 1864 when he removed with his family to Iowa. He settled on a farm in Keokuk County near the town of Springfield, where he resided until his death. In politics he was a Republican ; in religion. Disciple. 73. .TAfiO'R frTJF.'P.NT.'R'E * 5 Samuel Greenlee ' Samuel Greenlee « Michael Greenlee » ) JAVjWD yjtRCiXiniiXMXi J Nancy Gantz Mary Jones \ son of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Gantz, was born August 7, 1812, at Smith- field, or Zollarsville, Payette Co., Pennsylvania ; died August 20, 1887, at Jeffer- son, Greene Co., Pennsylvania; married March 3, 1836, at Jefferson, MARY SPENCER, born September 28, 1813, at Clarksville, or Jefferson, Pennsylvania, died January, 1892, at Jefferson, daughter of Richard Spencer and Mellen; farmer; Republican; Baptist; resided in Jefferson, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: 273. I. Samuel, born December 26, 1836 ; enlisted in Company F, 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry, August, 1861 ; was a Lieutenant in 8th Pennsylvania Reserve Cavalry Corps (Colonel Bayard) and was killed in battle May, 1864, having been wounded twice pre- viously. Mary Jane, born January 5, 1840 ; married A. J. Swartz.+ Leroy Spencer, born June 12, 1842 ; was a member of Company A, 140th Pennsylvania Volunteers and was killed at Gettysburg, July, 1863. Emma, born September 16, 1844; married Jesse V. Bumgarner.-|- Annie Eliza, born September 10, 1846; married James Hawkins. -|- John Austin, bom February 9, 1849. Joanna, born June 18, 1851 ; married Simeon Horn. Albert N., born March 25, 1853; married Elma Dowlin.-j- 274. II. 275. III. 276. IV. 277. V. 278. VI. 279. VII. 280. VIII. 72 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 74. LEWIS 6Il£j£iNL£iEi * J Samuel Greenlee " Samuel Greenlee = Mlcbael Greenlee • i I Nancy Gantz Mary Jones J son of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Gantz, was born July 27, 1814, in West Bethlehem Township, Washington Co., Pennsylvania ; married in 1843 ANN ELIZA KERR, who was born in 1820 at Taylorstown, Washington Co., Pennsyl- vania, daughter of James Kerr; married second ANNA GREGG, daughter of Gregg. CHILDREN (none by first marriage) : 281 I. Virtue; married John Jenkins of West Pike Run Township, Penn- sylvania. He is dead. She lives at Coal Centre, Pennsylvania. 282. II. Mary W. ; married Morris Taylor.+ 283. ni. James; married Nellie Armory. He is a miller in West Pike Run Township. [See James, son of No. 79.] LEWIS GREENLEE remained on the home place imtil about sixteen years of age, and then served an apprenticeship at the harness and saddle maker's trade at Bentleyville, Washington County, Pennsylvania. After learning his trade he traveled from place to place for about five j'cars. After his marriage he settled in Carmichaels, Greene Co., Pennsylvania, where he successfully followed his trade for about fourteen years. He then removed to Centreville, Washington Count}', Pennsylvania, continuing in business there imtil 1869, when he bought the forty acre farm on which he now lives, and has since devoted himself to agricultural pursuits. In politics he is a Republican and has served five years as Justice of the Peace in West Pike Rim Township, and has also filled the office of Auditor. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Beallsville, Pennsylvania, in which he has been a class leader for thirty years. 75. JOHN ARNOLD GREENLEE ^ {ll^eTGan't?"' ' Ma^y Joner"* ' Michael Greenlee ' < son of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Gantz, was born September 16, 1816, near Zollarsville, Washington Co., Pennsylvania ; died December 11, 1896, at Clarks- ville, Greene Co., Pennsylvania ; married ilarch 12, 1845, at Clarksville, JANE GREENLEE, who was bom February 22, 1822, at Clarksville, died July 11, 1857, at Clarksville, daughter of James Greenlee [See Scotch Families, No. 67] and Mary Mcllvain ; married second in 1859, HANNAH BUCKINGHAM, who died August, 1894. CHILDREN: 284. I. James Altha, born January 21, 1846 ; married Elizabeth J. 6ass.-f- 285. II. Samuel, born in 1848 ; died when a few days old. 286. III. Samuel Alexander, born February 27, 1849 ; married Mary Ann Tee- garden. + MICHAEL OF DELAWAEE. 73 287. IV. Lewis Campbell, born March 3, 1851; married Mary McWilliams; married second Rachel Baumann. 288. V. Albert Greer, bom February 27, 1854; married Carrie Salina Duncombe.+ 289. VI. Anna ilary, born August 15, 1856; married Samuel James Adam- son.+ JOHN ARNOLD GREENLEE worked on his father's farm until he came of age, sometimes hiring out for the summer to work for some of the neighbors. He had a fair education and during the winters taught school in the rural districts. As a teacher and as a farmer he was very successful. In 1845 he moved onto his father's farm on what is known as Castile Run, in Greene County, Pennsylvania. After living there for seven A-ears he bought a part of what is known as the Addleman farm, near Clarksville, where he lived until his death. In religion he was a Disciple. He was an honest, upright, indus- trious man, highly respected by all who knew him. 76. JAMES GANS GREENLEE ■* ^ Samnel Creenlce ' Samuel Greenlee ' ( Nancj- Gantz Mary Jones Michael Greenlee ' ) i son of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Gantz, was born in 1818 at Zollarsville, Washington Co., Pennsylvania ; died July, 1894, at Jefferson, Greene Co., Penn- sylvania; married April, 1852, at Jefferson, CATHARINE BELL, who was born in 1832 at Jefferson, died March 26, 1864, at Jefferson, daughter of Levi Harrod Bell and Sarah Fulton ; married second CATHARINE FULTON ; mar- ried third ELIZA ARMSTRONG, or GUESS. He was a farmer; in politics, Republican ; in religion. Baptist ; resided near Jefferson, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 290. I. James Lebbeus, born April 8, 1853; married Alamanda Cook; married second Mary Ella Irene Boswell.-}- Margaret Anne, born January, 1855 ; married Abram Burson. Levi Harrod, born February, 1857 ; died April, 1864. Samuel Bell, born in I860; married Laura lams; lives at Clarks- town, Pennsylvania. 294. V. William Bell, born in 1864 ; married Olive Myers. 295. VI. Lewis Cass, born in 1872 ; married Annie Nau. 296. VII. John, born in 1874 ; unmarried. No children by third marriage. 77. SUSANNAH GREENLEE ^ < Samuel Oreenlee » Samuel Greenlee = Michael Greenlee » ? ( Nancy Gantz Mary Jones S daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Gantz, was born October 20, 1820, at Zollarsville, Washington Co., Pennsylvania; died June 9, 1868, at Zollarsville; married June 20, 1842, at Zollarsville, JOSEPH GATMAN, born July 9, 1811, 291. II. 292. III. 293. IV. 74 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. at Zollarsville, died March 26, 1844, at Zollarsville. He was a farmer ; in poli- ties, Democrat; in religion, Baptist; resided near Zollarsville, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: 297. I. Jacob Gayman, born January 2, 1843; married Evaline Crum- rine.+ 298. n. Sarah Ann Gayman, born December 1, 1844 ; died August 21, 1845. 299. III. Thaddeus D. Gajinan, born January 17, 1846; married Janet L. Harper.+ 300. IV. James Gajonan, born October 31, 1847; married Elizabeth Addle- man ; lives at Zollarsville. 301. V. Eliza Jane Gayman, bom May 2, 1849 ; married John Horn ; lives at Zollarsville. 302. VI. Daniel Gayman, born February 23, 1851 ; married Ida Letherman ; married second Lulu Hosack or Van Voorhies ; lives at Wilkins- burg, Pennsylvania. 303. VII. Samuel Gayman, born June 14, 1853 ; died October 8, 1854. 304. VIII. Margaret Emily Gayman, bom September 6, 1855 ; died March 13, 1857. 305. IX. Harriet Emma Gayman, bom July 22, 1860 ; married John Bigler ; lives at Scenery Hill, Pennsylvania. 79. BENJAMIN GREENLEE* ^ l^ar^GaX"* ' Ma'Jy Jonef""* ' Michael Greenlee • | son of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Gantz, was born July 12, 1825 ; died Febru- ary 25, 1899, at Zollarsville, Washington Co., Pennsylvania ; married REBECCA BIGLER ; resided at Zollarsville. CHILDREN : 306. I. James; married Nellie Amory at California, Pennsylvania; lives on old home place at Zollarsville. [See James, son of No. 74.] 80. DANIEL GREENLEE * ^ |l^?y o'inu'"** ' MaTjon^"'"*' Michael Greenlee' | son of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Gantz, was born ]\Iarch 30, 1827, at Tenmile Creek, "Washington Co., Pennsj-lvania ; married November 23, 1854, MART JANE WEAVER, born July 22, 1830, daughter of Adam Weaver, Jr., and Anna Hart. CHILDREN: 307 I. Josephine Eldorado, born October 21, 1855; married Edward A. Spriggs. 308. II. Artilissa Margaret, born July 26, 1858; married William JIathews. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 75 309. III. Elmer Hamlin, born February 26, 1862 ; married Dora Crumrine ; lives at ZoUarsville, Pennsylvania. 310. IV. Samuel Herman, born March 26, 1871 ; married Harriet "Wood ; lives at Flick, Butler Co., Pennsylvania. DANIEL GREENLEE attended school during the winters. At the age of nineteen he gained the consent of his father to leave home, and became an apprentice to his brother Lewis, who had a small harness shop at Carmichaels, Pennsylvania. After the expiration of his apprenticeship he spent two or three years working at his trade in different places, then decided to spend some time at Greene Academy, which was located at Carmichaels. He spent two and one- half sessions there, then engaged in teaching school, following other occupations at intervals. He taught seven terms in all. In the spring of 1855 he moved to Hillsboro, Washington County, Pennsylvania, where he opened a small sadler shop, working at his trade and teaching. He remained in the village eight years ; then, having sold his property there he moved to the farm of his father- in-law. Farming has been his principal occupation since. The following spring he removed to the farm in West Bethlehem Township, near Hillsboro, which has since been his home. In polities, he is a Republican; in religion. Christian Church. 81. MARGARET GREENLEE * \ Samuel Greenlee ' Samuel Greenlee - Michael Greenlee i } I Nancy Gantz Mary Jones S daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Gantz, was born July 9, 1829, at ZoUarsville, Washington Co., Pennsylvania; died January 11, 1871, at West Plaines, Howell Co., Missouri; married December 30, 1852, at ZoUarsville, Pennsylvania, DEMAS BENNINGTON, born July 28, 1828, near ZoUarsville, son of William Bennington and Margaret Barr. He married second CHILDREN : 311 I. Lebbeus Gantz Bennington, born January 12, 1854; married Ella M. Hall.-f 312. II. Mary A. Bennington, born October 22, 1856; married Dennis Hufford. 313. HI. Elizabeth J. Bennington, born March 2, 1858; married Clayton Bishop. + 314. IV. Nancy Margaret Bennington, born February 5, 1861; married George Elmer Hedge.+ 315. V. Eliza Ellen Bennington, born October 22, 1862; married Edgar Gorden. 316. VI. Emma Francis Bennington, born February 17, 1865 ; married John Hufford. 317. VII. Martha Ann Bennington, bom January 26, 1867 ; married Benson C. Bishop.+ 318. VIII. Samuel W. Bennington, born October 22, 1868 ; unmarried. DEMAS BENNINGTON received his education at Greene Academy, Car- 76 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. michaels, Pennsylvania, and afterward studied mathematics and surveying in West Brownsville, Pennsylvania. He was County Surveyor of Washington County, Pennsylvania, and also of Howell Countj-, Missouri. He moved with his family to Howell County, Missouri, about 1869, and lived in that state four years, then returned to Pennsylvania. He resided for a time near Parkersburg, West Virginia. He was a Republican ; Methodist. 83. ANNTI fl-TiEENLEE ■* l Samuel Greenlee " Samuel Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ^ I Annri UAJIiJIil^UJIiJIi ■, Nancy Gantz Mary Jones $ daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Gantz, was born August 6, 1834, at Zollarsville, Washington Co., Pennsylvania; married October 2, 1854, at Wash- ington, Washington Co., Pennsylvania, LEilUEL YOUNG COOPER, bom February 16, 1832, at Lone Pine, Washington Co., Pennsylvania, died February 16, 1890, at St. Louisville, Licking Co., Ohio, son of Moses Cooper and Chris- tiana Young. Resided in Washington Co., near Zollarsville, Pennsylvania. She was living in 1899. CHILDREN (eleven): 319. I. Agnes N. Cooper, born December 14, 1856 ; married Samuel Benton Hull.+ 320. II. Sanson Millegan Cooper, born April 23, 1858; married Ella Harvuot.+ 321. III. James Greenlee Cooper, born August 11, 1860 ; married Carrie C. Bowers. -f- 322. IV. Angeline Amy Cooper, born November 23, 1861; married Warner Bowers.-f- 323. V. Elma C. Cooper, born October 23, 1863 ; married Walter Jenkins. 324. VI. Rebecca B. Cooper, born April, 1865 ; died October, 1865. 325. ^^I. Susanna Dora Cooper, born December 8, 1868; married Louis Byron Evans. + 326. VIII. Infant sons ; died in 1868. 327. IX. Samiiel Darsie Cooper, born August 16, 1869; married Marie Stewart. + 328. X. Myers Young Cooper, born November 25, 1873; married Martha Norma Kinney.+ ANNE GREENTiEE received a common school education. After her mar- riage to Lemuel Young Cooper they removed to Lone Pine, Washington County, Pennsylvania, where he was engaged as a teacher in the public schools. He received his education at Washington College, Pennsylvania. In the fall of 1865 they removed to St. Louisville, Licking County, Ohio, where they purchased a small farm. Of their eight children who lived to be grown, all were teachers but two. In politics he was a Democrat; in religion, Christian. 84. TATVrii'Q flP'P'li'.'N'T EE 4 ( Jacob Greenlee » Samuel Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ^ / JAlYLda VTlf.fiXiX'lljfiri -, Elizabeth Gantz Mary Jones ] son of Jacob Greenlee and Elizabeth Gantz, was born February 22, 1816, at 329. I. 330. II. 331. III. 332. IV. 333. V. 334. VI. MICHAEL OP DELAWARE. 77 Woodbridge, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania ; married December 8, 1843, at Wood- bridge. MARY JOLIFF, who died March 9, 1866, at Woodbridge, daughter of Aaron Joliflf and ilary Jennings. He was a shoemaker: in politics, Republican; in religion. Baptist ; resided at Woodbridge and Ruble, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : Elizabeth Ann, bom November 24, 1844; married Henry Huhn.+ William Henry, born September 26, 1846 ; died August 15, 1874. Mary M., born Jime 17, 1850 ; married Charles B. ]McCarty.+ Charles Alvin, born ;\Iareh 19, 1857 ; married Emma 0. Paeker.-f- Emma, born August 20, 1859; married William Deffenbaugh.+ Virginia, born April 17, 1865; died January 29, 1866. 86. REBECCA GREENLEE 4 ] ^^f "J'b^.'i^^tjan'tz ffa'^rJoner"' ' Michael Greenlee' J daughter of Jacob Greenlee and Elizabeth Gantz, was born March 31, 1820; died: married GEORGE CHICK. CHILDREN: 335. I. Oliver Chick ; lived at Uniontown, Pennsylvania ; dead. 336. II. Edward Chick ; lives at Uniontown. 87. MATIV CREENTjEE * * Jacob Greenlee ' Samuel Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ' I xiuiux vrjj^.uxiuxjxj ( Elizabeth Gantz Mary Jones t' daughter of Jacob Greenlee and Elizabeth Gantz, was born ]\Iarch 21, 1822, in Fayette Co., Pennsylvania ; married in 1843, HENRY RODERICK who was born November 1, 1816, in Fayette Co., Pennsylvania; farmer; in politics; Repub- lican ; in religion, Baptist ; resided at Juda, Wisconsin. CHILDREN: T. J. Roderick, born September 10, 1843 ; uunmarried. W. C. Roderick, born September 9, 18 — ; married Mary Mitchell. Samuel Roderick, born November 11, 18 — ; married Clara Humphry. J. L. Roderick, born January 10, 18 — ; married Ally Flick. David Roderick, born August 6, 18 — ; married Susie West. J. A. Roderick, born November 10, 18 — ; married Lucy Miles. Anna L. Roderick ; unmarried. Emma Roderick, born April 5, 18 — ; married George Humstret. 337. I. 338. II. 339. III. 340. IV. 341. V. 342. ^^. 343. vn. 344. VIII. 78 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. WTLLIAM G'RF'P.NT.Ti'.'R * J Jacob Greenlee > Samuel Greenlee = Michael Greenlee » I TTxuuxxiux vTnxjxji.i±jj:jj:i 1 Elizabeth Gantz Mary Jones I son of Jacob Greenlee and Elizabeth Gantz, was born April 5, 1824, in Payette Co., Pennsylvania; died August 11, 1896, at Sullivan, Sullivan Co., Indiana; married in 1859 at Sullivan, SARAH CALVERT, born in 1830 at Sullivan, Indiana, died February, 1866, at Sullivan. He was a carpenter; Democrat; Baptist ; resided at Sullivan. CHILDREN: 344a. I. Flora, born May 1, 1861, at Sullivan ; married September 25, 1883, at Sullivan, J. H. Reed, born April 1, 1858, at Sullivan, son of James Harvey Reed and Zerilda Griffith. He is a druggist; Democrat ; Baptist ; resides at Paris, Illinois. Three Children : Evelyn M. Reed, born August 4, 1884 ; Elsie Z. Reed, born August 31, 1890 ; Claud Greenlee Reed, born October 27, 1892. 344b. II. James, born January 1, 1863; married Rose St. Clair; resides at Sullivan, Indiana. T.TITTT'R'R frP'R'P.'N'T.Ti'-'R * i Jacob Greenlee ' Samuel Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee > } iiUinXiK UKr.j:inJjr.j:. { Elizabeth Gantz Mary Jones I son of Jacob Greenlee and Elizabeth Gantz, was born August 10, 1826, at Morris Cross-road, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania; married May 22, 1853, at St. Charles, Ohio, MARIETTA WOOD, born March 2, 1835, at Charlottesville, Indiana, daughter of Edward Wood and Mary ; shoemaker ; Republican ; resided at Markleville, Indiana. CHILDREN : William Arthur, born March 8, 1855 ; married Isadore Keesling.+ Oliver P., born October 4, 1858; married Florence A. Bran- denbiirg.-|- Clara, born August 10, 1860 ; died December 30, 1862. Wallace, born November 28, 1862 ; died August 22, 1864. Charles S., born February 22, 1865; died September 1, 1866. Emily W., born June 21, 1867; lives at Markleville. Maggie B., born July 3, 1869 ; married William Mutenpaugh ; lives at Middletown, Indiana. 352. VIII. Elizabeth H., born November 13, 1871; married Isaac A. Mauzy; lives at Markleville. 94. JAMES HARVEY CLAWSON * \ yi^l^^H^^^:^'^ ' It^r^tir''' ' Michael Greenlee ' j son of Lydia Greenlee and John Clawson, was born May 26, 1826, at Smithfield, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania; married November 18, 1849, at West Newton, West- moreland Co., Pennsylvania, LYDIA MOMYER, bom May, 1831, at Smithton, 345. I. 346. II. 347. III. 348. IV. 349. V. 350. VI. 351. VII. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 79 Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of John Momyer and Catharine Locy; resided at Carmichaels, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 353. I. Sarah Clawson, bom January 29, 1852 ; married B. B. Evans. 354. II. Newton Clawson, born, 1853; married Sadie . 355. III. Mary F. Clawson, born, 1856 ; married Arch Kerr. 356. IV. John L. Clawson, born, 1858; married Sarah Smith. 357. V. Joshua C. Clawson, born, 1858 ; died. 99. TRT.VTRA P frTl'Rli'.NT.'R'R * i John Greenlee - Nancy Hamilton Michael Greenlee ' I StliVlRA r. \xR£Mi:iC*ljIiii:i $ Andrew H Greenlee ' Anice D. Giles f daughter of Andrew Hamilton Greenlee and Alice D. Giles, was born August 5, 1836, at Bellefontaine, Mississippi; died May 23, 1889, at Wynn, Stewart Co., Tennessee; married August 5, 1852, at Walthall, Webster Co., Mississippi, RICHMOND BAKER SIZEMORE, who was born September 10, 1824, at Dick- son Station, Dickson Co., Tennessee, died December 11, 1864, at Walthall, Mis- sissippi, son of James Hamilton Sizemore and Sarah Baker. He was a farmer and Methodist minister; served three years under General Lee. She married second August 5, 1870, at Linton, Trigg Co., Kentucky, GREEN MeFERRIN SIZEMORE, born August 11, 1835, in Humphrey Co., Tennessee, son of James Hamilton Sizemore and Sarah Baker ; farmer ; in politics. Democrat ; in religion, Methodist Episcopal South ; resided at Salt Creek, near Greensboro, Mississippi. CHILDREN : 358. I. Missouri Elizabeth Sizemore, born July 31, 1853; died May 22, 1855. 359. II. Benjamin Franklin Sizemore, born October 13, 1855; married Amanda Eveline (Sykes) Gaddy.+ 360. III. Theodosia Ernest Sizemore, born April 8, 1858 ; married John H. Uffelman.-|- 361. IV. Frances Veronica Sizemore, born February 6, 1860 ; married Thomas J Moore. -f 362. V. Marcia Eudora Sizemore, born March 2, 1862; married James S. Lee.+ 363. VI. Dick Wilson Sizemore, born March 31, 1872; died October 2, 1874. 364. VII. James Hamilton Sizemore, born November 30, 1875 ; died July 24, 1898. 100. EMILY PARIZADE GREENLEE ^ /Andrew H. Oreenlee' John Greenlee ^ lAnnisD. Giles Nancy Hamilton Michael Greenlee ' I daughter of Andrew Hamilton Greenlee and Annis D. Giles, was born August 25, 1838 at Kosciusko, Attala Co., Mississippi; married August 31, 1857 at 80 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Greensboro, Webster Co., Mississippi, BENSON COLLINS SIZEMORE, born April 16, 1834 at Charlotte, Dixon Co., Tennessee, son of James Moore Sizemore and Sarah Baker; minister and teacher; in politics, Republican; in religion. United Baptist; resided in Tennessee, Mississippi; Louisville, Kentucky (1900). CHILDREN : 365. I. Udolphus Leonidas Sizemore, born February 25, 1859 ; died in his 10th year. 366. II. Alphonso Virgil Sizemore, born March 21, 1861; married Mattie Langman; pastor of First Baptist Church at Newport, Ken- tucky. 367. III. Eugenia Ada Sizemore, born February 14, 1863, or May 15, 1864 ; married Robert Henry Mitchell.+ 368. IV. Roberta Frederica Sizemore, born March 13, 1866; died July 8, 1890. 369. V. Rienzi Bernard Sizemore, born April 17, 1869 ; married Ruth H. Hansford. + 370. VI. Montazuma Marmion Sizemore, born Jime 7, 1871 ; married Bessie Nadal White. + 371. VII. born May 26, 1873 ; died in infancy. 372. VIII. Oetavia Sizemore, born April 15, 1875; unmarried (1900). 373. IX. Ovid Orpheus Sizemore, born February 6, 1878; married Annie Lynn; lives in Louisville. 374. X. Irma Neva Sizemore, born April 8, 1884; unmarried. 101. MARTHA ELIZABETH GREENLEE ^ | iS^[|^.«6,f//^°'- ' Jircy^'^tS.'ilton Michael Greenlee ' J. daughter of Andrew Hamilton Greenlee and Annis D. Giles, was born July 28, 1842 ; married December 20, 1877 at Oxford, Lafayette Co., Mississippi, JAMES SUCHTEL WALTERS, born January 22, 1853 at Oxford, son of James Walters and Mary Ann Ales. He was a farmer ; Baptist ; resided at Oxford, Mississippi ■ Batesville, Mississippi (1900). CHILDREN: 375. I. Alma Geneva Walters, born September 21, 1879. 376. II. Dan Collers Walters, born September 25, 1882. 102. FRANCES GILES GREENLEE^ ] iS^fs^.^Gifer"'" ' '^"^^^'n'l^t^lL Michael Greenlee > j. daughter of Andrew Hamilton Greenlee and Annis D. Giles, was bom May 26, 1844 at Multona Springs, Attala Co., Mississippi ; died April 29, 1900 ; married January 8, 1863, WILLIAM S. BROWN, born February 24, 1827 in Alabama, died February 3, 1896 at Banner, Calhoim Co., Mississippi, son of Frederick MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 81 Brown and Judy Clark. He was a farmer and resided at Pittsfield, Mississippi. CHILDREN : 377. I. Stephen Andrew Brown, born December 14, 1863 ; married Georgia V. Hawkins. 378. n. Missouri Anice Brown, born March 31, 1865; unmarried. 379. HI. Mary Elizabeth Brown, born January 28, 1867 ; married Sylvester Leech. 380. IV. Lenora Sybil Brown, bom December 23, 1868; married Julius Burton; married second Joseph West. 381. V. Virginia Ida Brown, born March 21, 1871; married William Bennett. 382. VI. Minnie Lula Brown, born July 20, 1873 ; unmarried. 383. Vn. William Malcolm Brown, born July 25, 1876; unmarried. 103. NANOY .TANT". flTiTi'.'PiNT.Ti'.'R ■» ) Andrew H. Greenlee » John Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ' 1 riil«l/X JiLTIJ:. UrltririJ^ljiiri j Annls D. Giles Nancy Hamilton / daughter of Andrew Hamilton Greenlee and Annis D. Giles, was born August 15, 1847 at Greensboro, Webster Co., Mississippi ; married December 21, 1875 at Sardis, Panola Co., Mississippi, BENJAMIN WINPIELD ALES, bom December 7, 1854 at Oxford, Lafayette Co., Mississippi, son of Robert Ander- son Ales and Elizabeth Classcumby. He is a farmer; Methodist; Democrat; resides at Batesville, Mississippi. CHILDREN (all born at Oxford, Mississippi) : 384. I. Benjamin Ales, bom October 12, 1876 ; died November 15, 1878. 385. II. Arthur Clyde Ales, born June 20, 1878. 386. III. Rosalie Roxana Ales, born May 21, 1880 ; died October 5, 1897. 387. IV. Sallie Lorena Ales, bom August 8, 1885. 104. ANDREW FRANKLIN GREENLEE * i Andrew H. Greenlee « John Greenlee ' ... ^ .„ ( Annis D. Giles Nancy Hamilton Michael Greenlee '■ ) son of Andrew Hamilton Greenlee and Annis D. Giles, was born May 26, 1850 at Greensboro, Webster Co., Mississippi; married January 30, 1873 at Bates- ville, Panola Co., Mississippi, MARIA JOSEPHINE RUTHERFORD, born September 16, 1854 at Batesville, daughter of John A. H. Rutherford and Catherine Jane Hurt ; farmer ; in politics. Democrat ; in religion, Presbyterian ; resides (1900) at Watervalley, Mississippi. CHILDREN : 388. I. Eddie Rutherford, born November 24, 1874; married Duint Hol- lo way. + 389. II. 390. III. 391. IV. 392. V. 393. VI. 394. VII. 82 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Andrew Creed, born August 5, 1877; unmarried. Sudie, born November 29, 1879 ; died August 4, 1884. Albert Hamilton, born May 16, 1882; unmarried. Maggie May, born April 2, 1886 ; unmarried. Jessie Glide, born December 9, 1888; unmarried. Laura Lillian, born August 26, 1891. 108. MARY ANN QUITMAN GREENLEE* IS'^.fnVp^/rlTn's^^' &%\'^'i1lo; Michael Greenlee ^ I daughter of James Lemuel Greenlee and Caroline Perkins, was bom April 11, 1848 at Columbus, Florida ; married April 26, 1875 at Ebno, Texas, SEABORN COWART, born October 7, 1830 at Bainbridge, Georgia, son of David Cowart and Nancy Gay. He is a carpenter; Democrat; Baptist; resides at Elmo, Texas. CHILDREN: 395. I. Queen Esther Cowart, born December 19, 1879. 396. II. Fannie Daisy Cowart, born April 23, 1884. 109. WILLIAM HUNTER LAWSON GREENLEE * jSrolin^Pe'rkTns*' John Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' I Nancy Hamilton f son of James Lemuel Greenlee and Caroline Perkins, was born January 1, 1851 at Eldorado, Union Co., Arkansas; married April 7, 1876 in Van Zandt Co., Texas, MARY FLORENCE PERKINS, born May 4, 1857 at Eldorado, Ar- kansas, daughter of Uriah M. Perkins and Frances L. Reeves ; farmer ; Demo- crat; Methodist Episcopal; resides at Waxahachie, Texas. CHILDREN : Rufus Dewitt, born May 5, 1877; married Mary Jackson. Hettie Florence, born April 6, 1880; unmarried. Cal, bom August 10, 1882 ; died September 15, 1884. Walter, born June 7, 1888 ; died August 24, 1894. 110. JAMES MADISON GREENLEE * { Sn^'Su'iin'"'""'" ' ?,rcy%^S,\^lon Michael Greenlee ' I son of William A. Greenlee and Susan Dulin, was born December 29, 1854 at Kosciusko, Attala Co., Mississippi; married May 2, 1882 at Friarpoint, Coahoma Co., Mississippi, EMMA ELIZA HILL, born November 14, 1864 at Westpoint, Clay Co., Mississippi, daughter of Gibson Hill and Martha Hard wick; farmer; Democrat ; Methodist ; residence, Nettleton, Arkansas. 397. I. 398. IL 399. III. 400. IV. N.I. Ids. MKS. MAI!Y ( CUKKNI.EK) COWAKT. ELMO. TEXAS. \ f No. IL':;. \'.V.V. A T,. srAIUiDKCUUII, VICTORIA. TEXAS. WALTER liKEKNLEi: SfAUIJOR- OUGII. 401. I. 402. II. 403. III. 404. IV. 405. V. 406. VI. MICHAEL OP DELAWARE. 83 CHILDREN : William 0., bom July 11, 1886. G. May, born October 25, 1887. Grenella, born March 29, 1890. William M., born January 25, 1893. Zoedella, born September 6, 1895. Elbert Dewitt, born December 1, 1896. 112. WTT.T.TAM A fl-TJ'P.'RNT.'li'.F. ^ (William A. Greenlee « John Greenlee = Michael Greenlee > I WXliljXAlU A. KxRCiJUaijIirj \ Susan Dulin Nancy Hamilton f son of William A. Greenlee and Susan Dulin, was bom June 23, 1858 in Attala Co., Mississippi; married July 10, 1898, ELLA BAYES, born April 23, 1877 at Sheridan, Grant Co., Arkansas, daughter of George Bayes and Henrietta Mason. He is a farmer and resides at Ebb, Arkansas. No children. 113. CORNELIA ALICE GREENLEE < \WJ}^'?,tn^''^^''^'^' i",''" ^n\'S,'i^ ' * Susan Dulin Nancy Hamilton Michael Greenlee ' I f daughter of William A. Greenlee and Susan Dulin, was born May 2, 1860 at Kosciusko, Attala Co., Mississippi; married February 11, 1880 at Sarepta, Calhoun Co., Mississippi, FRANK DICKEY, born July 6, 1859 at Paris, Lafayette Co., ilississippi, son of James Dickey and Jane Dooley. He is a farmer ; in politics, Democrat ; in religion, Methodist ; resides at Abbeville, Mis- sissippi. CHILDREN : ^Mattie Dickey, born December 9, 1880. Lula Dickey, bom November 10, 1882. Beulah Dickey, born February 20 1885. James Dickey, born December 14, 1887. Dickey ; born June 20, 1890 ; died in infancy. Berite Dickey, born June 19, 1891; died August 11, 1899. Frankie Dickey, bom February 15, 1894. Gilbert Dickey, born December 23, 1898. 115. CHARLES H GREENLEE * ■' ^'iHiam a. Greenlee = John Greenlee = / Susan Dulin Nancy Hamilton Michael Greenlee ' ? Bon of William A. Greenlee and Susan Dulin, was bom October 25, 1863 at Kosciusko, Attala Co., ^Mississippi ; married September 1, 1891 at Clarksdale, Coahoma Co., Mississippi, JOSIE CUNNINGHAM, born August 25, 1867 in Coahoma Co.. Mississippi, daughter of George Cunningham and Elizabeth Berry Wells ; farmer ; Democrat ; Methodist ; resides at Ebb, Arkansas. 407. I. 408. n. 409. III. 410. IV. 411. V. 412. VI. 413. VII. 414. vni. 84 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: 415. I. Gertrude, bom October 21, 1893. 416. II. William Harrison, born November 25, 1895. 417. III. Robert Roy, born July 7, 1898. 116. SAT.T.TP. v. fi-PTi'.'RNT.'R'R 4 J WlUiam A. Greenlee » John Greenlee = Michael Greenlee » ( OAXjUXO JH. vrA£i£il^xj£j£i -j Susan DuUn Nancy Hamilton $ daughter of William A. Greenlee and Susan Dulin, was born February 26, 1865 at Kosciusko, Mississippi ; died March 30, 1885 at Banner, Mississippi ; married December 22, 1881 at Banner, Mississippi, MILTON HEAD, born December 16, 1860 at Banner, son of Jack Head and Elizabeth Potts. He married second ; is a farmer ; Populist ; resides at Pike, Arkansas. CHILDREN: 418. I. Aelia Head, born September 11, 1882 ; lives at Banner, Mississippi. 419. II. Sallie Head, born February 25, 1885 ; lives at Banner. 117. WATTIE THOMAS GREENLEE ^ ] ru'l^,^^„^i «--'- ' ^^^S'^^Jn Michael Greenlee ' I r son of William A. Greenlee and Susan Dulin, was born October 16, 1868 in Panola Co., Mississippi ; married May 14, 1899 at Pine Bluff, Jefferson Co., Arkansas, EVA BABBITT, born April 28, 1881 at Sheridan, Grant Co., Ar- kansas, died March 28, 1900 at Pine Bluff, daughter of James Babbitt. He is employed by the Bluff City Lumber Company ; in politics, is a Democrat ; re- sides at Pine Bluff. 119. ELLA GREENLEE •* i WllUam a. Greenlee » John Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee » I jaxjun vrxvxjuj.ixjxj.u 1 Susan Dulin Nancy Hamilton f daughter of William A. Greenlee and Susan Dulin, was born August 15, 1873 at Pope Station, Panola Co., Mississippi ; married January 3, 1895 at Sheridan, Grant Co., Arkansas, FELIX WADDELL, born March 26, 1872 at Pine Bluff, Jefferson Co., Arkansas, son of William Waddell and Sally Elington. He is a farmer, residing at Ebb, Arkansas. No children. 122. NANNIE ELLENA SCARBOROUGH ^ .l MarlamE Greenlee John Greenlee = / Samuel R. Scarborough Nancy Hamilton Michael Greenlee ' I f daughter of Mariam Ellena Greenlee and Samuel Rufin Scarborough, was bom October 14, 1860 at Kosciusko, Attala Co., Mississippi; married December 15, 1881 in Attala Co., NORMAN GUESS, born September 25, 1858 at Kosciusko, son of Bailey Guess and Nancy Mathews. He is a farmer; Democrat; Meth- odist ; resides at Durant, Mississippi. MICHAEL OP DELAWARE. 85 CHILDREN: 420. I. Gaston Guess, born December 26, 1882. 421. II. Ellena Irene Guess, born April 19, 1886. 422. III. Flora Zouella Guess, bom January 31, 1888. 123. AETEMUS LAFAYETTE SCARBOROUGH* { simifeT^ s'IrCough John Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' I Nancy Hamilton f son of Mariam Ellena Greenlee and Samuel Rufin Scarborough, was born October 17, 1866 ; married . He is a Methodist minister at Victoria, Texas (1904). One son: 423. Walter Greenlee Scarborough, born June 15, 1901 at Victoria, Texas. 126. JTTT.TA ANN BTJF.'R'NT.F.'R 4 J William Greenlee ' James Greenlee = Michael Greenlee i 1 JUliiH. Ann UXlIljJl.nijJljri i Mary Hughs Richey Herring / daughter of William Greenlee and Mary Hughs, was born August 14, 1824 at Greensboro, Caroline Co., Maryland ; living May, 1901 ; married September 6, 1849 at HaU, Morgan Co., Indiana, OBADIAH STURGEON, born July 6, 1828 at Gosport, Owen Co., Indiana, son of Jeremiah Sturgeon and C. Dunagan. He was a farmer; Republican; Methodist; resided in Hall, Indiana and Hop- kins, Missouri. CHILDREN : 424. 1. William J. Sturgeon, born March 29, 1851; married Flora J. Ryan.+ 425. II. Ritchey E. Sturgeon born April 13, 1853; married James W. Ulmer.+ 426. III. Nancy M. Sturgeon, born April 12, 1855 ; married Lyman B. Mow ; died February 6, 1876. 427. IV. James 0. F. Sturgeon, bom February 11, 1858 ; unmarried. 428. V. Hebron H. Sturgeon born November 12, 1860; married Ludema Sheeks.+ 429. VI. George W. Sturgeon, born August 27, 1863; married Mary Ella Lloyd.+ 430. VII. Mary E. Sturgeon, born October 7, 1866 ; died unmarried July 25, 1883. OBADIAH STURGEON was a soldier in the Federal army during the Civil War, and was discharged at Nashville, Tennessee. 127. BITCHEY GREENLEE * i WllUam Greenlee > James Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee > I i Mary Hughs Richey Herring f daughter of William Greenlee and Mary Hughs, was born October 7, 1828; 86 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. married LOGAN WHITAKER; married second THOMAS PLUMMER. She is dead. CHILDREN: 431. I. John Whitaker ; lives at Eminence, Indiana. 432. II. William Whitaker ; lives at Eminence, Indiana. 433. III. Julia Anna; married Richards; lives at Eminence. 129. JAMES ALLEN GREENLEE * \ WUliam Greenlee = James Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ^ I I Mary Hughs Richey Herring ( son of William Greenlee and Mary Hughs, was born March 28, 1834 near Xenia, Green Co., Ohio; married December 24, 1858 at Martinsville, Morgan Co., Indiana, SUSAN ADELIA SCOTT, born March 27, 1841 at Gosport, Owen Co., Indiana, died November 13, 1878, or 1889, at Hopkins, Nodaway Co., Missouri, daughter of Elias Scott and Jemima Greene; farmer and school teacher; in politics. Populist; in religion, Methodist; resided in Ohio, Indiana and at Hopkins, Missouri. CHILDREN: 434. I. Lafayette, born October 11, 1859; married Roselle M. Chenoweth; married second Dell M. Rush.+ 435. II. Cora Bell, bom May 27, 1862 ; married John F. Tatman.+ 130. lVrAT?V v. frTJF.'RNT.'RF. 4 J William Greenlee = James Greenlee ' Ulchael Greenlee * I lunAi jj. vrA£i£ixiui:ij:i | Mary Hughs Richey Herring f daughter of William Greenlee and Mary Hughs, was born June 28, 1836, in Xenia, Ohio ; married October 13, 1859, at Hall, Indiana, ANDREW THOMAS WELMAN, born December 7, 1828 in Oldham Co., Kentucky, son of Andrew N. Welman and Mary Elizabeth . He was a farmer ; in politics. Whig ; in religion, Methodist Episcopal. CHILDREN: 436. I. Charles A. Welman ; lives at Mattoon, Illinois. 437. II. George C. Welman ; lives at Mattoon. ANDREW THOMAS WELMAN was Captain of Company A, 33rd Regi- ment of Indiana Volunteers, and also of Company D, 117th Indiana Volunteers. 131. OF-ORfrli! W O-RF.'RNT.'R'in 4 j William Greenlee = James Greenlee » Michael Greenlee » I vr.uvxvu'xj »» . u-AJJCixixjfiJj , jj^^.^ jjugj^g Richey Herring f son of William Greenlee and Mary Hughs, was born April 3, 1839 at Monrovia, Morgan Co., Indiana ; married September 6, 1866 at Martinsville, Morgan Co., MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 87 Indiana, JOANNA MURPHY, born November 9, 1849, at Martinsville, daughter of Thomas Murphj' and Margaret Asher ; farmer ; in politics. Populist ; in re- ligion, Universalist ; resided at Hopkins, ^lissouri. CHILDREN : 438. I. Effie M., born September 9, 1867 ; married Mathew Orton. 439. II. Prentiss D. ; died in infancy. 440. III. Mary M., born April 12, 1872 ; married George W. Grote. 441. IV. Victoria B., born August 28, 1874 ; unmarried. GEORGE W. GREENLEE was a soldier in the Civil War ; was mustered out with rank of Lieutenant. 133. ■RPTTITATI nP'l?'E''MT 'Pli' 4 j Robert Greenlee " Michael Greenlee 2 Michael Greenlee ' ? crilfLlAXl \xa,£MCiL\ljCiCi I Anna Chamberlain Bethiah Maxson l daughter of Robert Greenlee and Anna Chamberlain, was born August 6, 1821 in Springsboro, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; died November 19, 1860 at Springsboro; married December 31, 1839 at Springsboro, THOMAS SHANK- LAND TURNEAURE, born August 16, 1816 at Fabius, Onondaga Co., New York, son of Peter Turneaure and Lydia Bailey. He married second Maryette Greenlee. [See No. 224.] CHILDREN: 442. I. Lydia Anna Turneaure, born April 3, 1841; married Andrew Jackson Tower. + 443. II. Elizabeth B. Turneaure, born July 12, 1844; married Benjamin W. Rundle; married second Moses B. Hersey.+ Caroline E. Turneaure, born April 20, 1846 ; died August 14, 1866. Robert P. Turneaure, born December 13, 1848; married Ellen Miller ; died November 28, 1877. Thomas Henry Turneaure, born May 11, 1851 ; died May 28, 1858. Mary L. Turneaure, born July 31, 1853; married Dwight E. Baker.-(- 448. VII. J. Frank Turneaure, born January 29, 1856; married Fanny Coates; died February 17, 1876. 449. ^n:il. Ida May Turneaure, born December 17, 1858; died August 11, 1879. THOMAS SHANKLAND TURNEAURE, soon after his birth, was taken by his parents to Pike, Alleghany Coiinty (now Wyoming), New York. The privileges at this new settlement were very limited and aiiforded little oppor- tunity for an education, and most of the time he attended district school only three months in the year. When he was sixteen years of age he went to Pennsylvania. While hewing timber in the spring of 1839 he cut his knee badly and not giving it proper care, after weeks of suffering, had his limb amputated in July. He was to have been married in August to Bethiah Green- lee, but they were not married until December. He was a poor man and a cripple, and the outlook was not very bright for a young couple to think of 444. III. 445. IV. 446. V. 447. VI. 88 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. making a home. The day they were married he went with the minister to her father's house. He told her that if she then felt that she would rather not marry him that they would give it up, but she did not think that would be right, although her relatives had tried to persuade her against marrying him. They lived on a small farm of fifty acres and, except in winter, he followed his trade as carpenter. His wife would take him to work Monday morning and go for him Saturday afternoon, often taking her knitting with her when he would be along to drive. She managed everything, making butter and cheese, going to mill, etc. The home was always bright and cheerful, and there was always an abundance of everything for the comfort of the family. He resided in Crawford coimty, Pennsylvania until June, 1865. While living there he was twice elected to the ofSce of Justice of the Peace, although he served only one term, and he was for a number of years a school director in the town of Spring. He removed to Belvidere, Illinois, which was still (1899) his home. In politics he was a Republican ; in religion. Baptist. 134. TVTTflTTAF.T. fiT?F.'R'MT.'Rli'. ^ \ Robert Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ^ i iUlV/XlAfilj y^RLiCinijLilli -| ^jjjjg Chamberlain Bethlah Maxson f son of Robert Greenlee and Anna Chamberlain, was born February 24, 1823 at Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; died October 11, 1850 in Spring Township, Crawford Co.-, Pennsylvania; married December 8, 1847 in Spring Township, REBECCA HOWARD CONOVER, born November 12, 1827, at Owasco, Cayuga Co., New York, daughter of David A Conover and Tryphosa Richards; mechanic and farmer; in religion. Baptist; resided in Spring Town- ship. She married second in 1860, Simson Gilliland. CHILDREN: 450. I. George Wallace, born July 3, 1849 ; died October 4, 1865. 451. II. Michael David, born October 27, 1850; married Mary A. Guntz; married second Kate Brass. + MICHAEL GREENLEE spent his early life on his father's farm. He suc- ceeded in gaining a good common school education, and learned the trades of carpenter and shoemaker without serving an apprenticeship in either. He remained with his parents until after his marriage, when he undertook making a home of his own. He would often labor all day in the field, or at the bench, and in the evening turn the kitchen into a workshop, making shoes or shaving shingles. He was strictly temperate in his habits, never using liquors nor tobacco in any form. He was possessed of an even temper and a happy disposition, which made him a model husband and father. 135. ELIZABETH CHAMBERLAIN GREENLEE * | ^^I'^'chamberfaln Michael Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee ^ I Bethlah Maxson i daughter of Robert Greenlee and Anna Chamberlain, was born December 22, MICHAJIL OF DELAWARE. 89 1823 at Springboro, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married November 3, 1852 in Spring Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, GEORGE WASHINGTON NEWTON, born September 7, 1830 at Troy, New York, died February 7, 1888 near Springboro, Pennsylvania, son of George Newton and Martha Griffith. In politics he was a Republican; in religion, Protestant; resided in Spring Township and at Springboro, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 452. I. Eva Ann Newton, born September 3, 1853; married Charles P. Rose.+ 453. II. Martha Elma Newton, born January 24, 1856; lives at Spring- boro ; unmarried. 454. III. James Henry Newton, born February 8, 1858; married Rosa Ann Whipple. + 455. IV. Mary Elizabeth Newton, born August 22, 1860; married George M. Stoddard. + 456. V. Robert G. Newton, born January 17, 1863; died September 9, 1866. 137. JOHN CHAMBERLAIN GREENLEE ^ j rnl'*c?«^-b°e^faL sl'^f^l ^'^l^n ' Michael Greenlee > j. son of Robert Greenlee and Anna Chamberlain, was born September 30, 1828 at Conneautville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married July 1, 1862 at Ash- tabula, Ohio, MYRA EDDY, born March 18, 1838 at Concord, Lake Co., Ohio, daughter of RoUo Eddy and Euretta. Clemens; farmer; Republican; Baptist; resided in Spring Tovraship, later in Conneautville, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : Daughter; died in infancy. Kittie, born December 9, 1865 ; married Charles M. Vogleson.+ Cora, born March 26, 1867; died February 24, 1870. Harry Robert, bom November 5, 1872 at Conneautville; lives at Chicago, Illinois; unmarried. 461. V. J. Frank, born May 21, 1876 ; died January 23, 1880. 138. T.nVTNA fi.P'R'R'MT.Ii'.Ti'. 4 J Robert Greenlee » Michael Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ^ I uwvxiiA UAXiiiiX^uxiJZj I Anna Chamberlain Bethiah Maxson I daughter of Robert Greenlee and Anna Chamberlain, was born December 14, 1830 in Spring Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married September 11, 1851 in Spring Township, WARREN FIELD HEAD, born October 23, 1828 at Grove, Allegany Co., New York, son of Gamaliel Head and Alvira Pitts. 457. I. 458. II. 459. III. 460. IV. 90 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: 462. I. Paulina Rosella Head, born December 15, 1852 ; married January 13, 1869, Zimri Sperry. 463. II. Alvira Anna Head, born October 2, 1855; married November 19, 1874, Edwin Clawson. 464. III. Clara Head, born August 11, 1859 ; married February 25, 1877, William L. HickerneU. 465. IV. Emily Head, born November 29, 1861. WARREN FIELD HEAD owned eighty acres of land and a fine residence at Springboro, Pennsylvania. He is a Republican and has held several town offices, Justice of the Peace, etc. He is a deacon in the Baptist Church. 139. PATTTTMA fn?irii''N'T PIP 4 f Robert Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ' I l-AUliUNA UKi;.i!jiNljj;iJ!.« { Anna Chamberlain Bethiah Maxson f daughter of Robert Greenlee and Anna Chamberlain, was born January 14, 1833 in Spring Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; died March 15, 1898 in Spring To^vnship; married December 7, 1856 in Spring Township, AMOS KEEP SPICER, born February 1, 1821 in Spring Township, died December 21, 1892 in Spring Township, son of Girden W. Spicer of HickerneU, Pennsylvania and Sarah A. Keep ; farmer ; Baptist ; resided in Spring Township. CHILDREN : 466. I. Lydia Delphine Spicer, born October 11, 1858; married Burdette Holcomb.+ 467. II. William L. Spicer, born November 18, 1860 ; unmarried. 468. HI. Anna May Spicer, born July 8, 1863, in Spring Township ; lives at HickerneU ; unmarried. 140. PTIAPTTV rtP'P.'Ii'NT Ti'.'Ii'. 4 J Robert Greenlee » Michael Greenlee » Michael Greenlee » I VjHAAII X IvAriXimjAJIi 1 Anna Chamberlain Bethiah Maxson ( daughter of Robert Greenlee and Anna Chamberlain, was born August 13, 1835 at Springboro, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married October 14, 1856, JAMES H. HOTCHKISS who was born January 8, 1836 at Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, son of Luther Hotchkiss and Elizabeth Davis. Resided at Spring- boro. CHILDREN : 469. I. Robert L. Hotchkiss, born October 24, 1858 ; died August 13, 1859. 470. II. Homer James Hotchkiss, born March 1, 1860; married Phila A. Woodworth.+ 141. ■RTPflTWA fJP'R'R'N'T Tnii! 4 ( Robert Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ^ j Rri\xin±\ vrxvmjuiiujuiii i Anna Chamberlain Bethiah Maison ! daughter of Robert Greenlee and Anna Chamberlain, was born July 7, 1839 No. 137. JOHN CHAMBERLIN GREEN- LEE. Nil. 14U. FRANCES (UKEENLEEl FISllEU. No. 141. REGINA (GREENLEE) TIKBS. 472. II. 473. III. 474. IV. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 91 at Springboro, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married October 5, 1859 at Spring- boro, WILLIAM ORLANDO TUBES, born April 1, 1831 in Harrison Town- ship, Tioga Co., Pennsylvania, died March 12, 1881 at Meadville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, son of Elijah Tubbs and Louisa Gleason. CHILDREN : 471. I. Forrest Alphonso Tubbs, born February 22, 1865; married Alta Mason. + Florence Tubbs, born February 14, 1870 ; died January 28, 1871. Clarence E. Tubbs, born December 18, 1872; unmarried (1899). Cora Tubbs, born March 6, 1874 ; died February 22, 1892. REGINA GREENLEE spent the first twenty years of her life on the home farm. Her educational advantages were the district school, three or four terms of select school, and private instruction in music. WILLIAM ORLANDO TUBBS was a skillful worker in wood. At the time of his marriage he worked at Organs, and later at patterns for iron castings for machinery. He was of an inventive turn of mind and spent much time and money in that line. In polities, he was a Republican; in religion, Meth- odist; resided in Conneautville, Springboro and Meadville, Pennsylvania. 142. T.OTS A G-P'R'RNT.F.'R * j Robert Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ' I jjvxM xi. vrx\,Aj±ji.i±j±j±j I Anna Chamberlain Bethiah Maxson ) daughter of Robert Greenlee and Anna Chamberlain, was born May 22, 1842 at Springboro, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; died June 29, 1898 in Warren County, Pennsylvania; married September 3, 1867, at Edinboro, Erie Co., Pennsylvania, MARTIN HOTCHKISS, born March 21, 1841 at Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, died January 22, 1888 near Edinboro, son of Alvin Hotchkiss and Lettie Heard. He was a farmer; Republican, Baptist; resided near Edinboro. CHILDREN : Lottie L. Hotchkiss, born September 13, 1868 ; married E. Charles Smith.+ Lavina A. Hotchkiss, born July 11, 1870; married T. Eugene Ryan.+ Robert A. Hotchkiss, born January 25, 1873 at Crossingville, Penn- sylvania; unmarried (1899) ; brakeman on Erie R. R. ; lives at Meadville. Lyman Ray Hotchkiss, born June 16, 1876 ; lives at Buffalo, New York. Anna M. Hotchkiss, born August 13, 1878; lives at Hickernell, Pennsylvania. Leta A. Hotchkiss, born August 13, 1878 ; lives at Hickernell. 475. I. 476. II. 477 III. 478. IV. 479. V. 480. VI. 92 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 481. VII. Mary E. Hotchkiss, born January 26, 1881; lives at Edinboro, Pennsylvania. MARTIN HOTCHKISS enlisted at Cussawago, August 12, 1861, Company D, 83rd Regiment ; wounded at Gaines Mill ; discharged April 10, 1863. 144. LUCRETIA GREENLEE ■• - ^°^^ Greenlee s Michael Greenlee - Michael Greenlee » I I Mary Chamberlain B«thlah Maxson ) daughter of John Greenlee and Mary Chamberlain, was born September 12, 1821, or 1822, at Hickernell, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; died February 5, 1894 at Shermansville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married January 13, 1848 at Hickernell, EMAN HUBBARD OWEN, born February 20, 1819 at Middle- bury, New York, died July 30, 1893, at Shermansville, Pennsylvania, son of Zenas Owen and Sally Fisher. CHILDREN : 482. I. John Alonzo Owen, born October 24, 1848; married Lizzie A. Carman. + 483. II. Zenas Benson Owen, born October 18, 1850; married Flora A. Clark.4- 484. III. Mary Elizabeth Owen, born July 20, 1853 ; married Chester William Hathaway.+ 485. IV. Eliphalet Greenlee Owen, born September 1, 1857; married Mary V. Stevens ; married second Mary E. Grove. + 486. V. Sarah Lucretia Owen, born September 30, 1860; married Asa D. Hathaway. + LUCRETIA GREENLEE could spin and braid a straw hat, fit the straw herself, cut, cure and bleach, braid and sew them, and whiten and press into shape. It was so solid that an ordinary shower could not wet it through. She also learned dressmaking and taught school; but she was obliged to give up teaching on account of poor health. EMAN HUBBARD OWEN was a sawyer, stone cutter and carpenter, and moved buildings. He prospered but sharpers would swindle him, so he was obliged to give that up. He bought a watermill on Conneaut Creek in Sum- merhill Township. At one time he was offered four thousand dollars for the mill, but declined to sell it. After that the Erie Canal went down, and he lost all. He then bought a home in Shermansville where he passed the remainder of his days. In politics he was a Republican. He served once as constable, and for four years was town clerk. In religion he was a Baptist. 146. ROBERT BENSON GREENLEE * \ i?^^ Creenlee = Mlchael Greenlee = XVV.UXJJ.V.I. XJXJX1UVX1 vrivxjjjxijjxjjj ) Mary Chamberlain Bethiah Maxson Michael Greenlee i I son of John Greenlee and Mary Chamberlain, was born January 1, 1827 at Nil. T4<:. ItOI'.EIIT ''.KNSdN CUEKN LBB. N.I. U7. r.KN.IAMIN riIAMHKI!I,AIN GKEENLEE, .ni^lA ANN lEAKI.I CItEKNI.KE. WIFE OK r.ION.IAMIN t '. CKEKN- liEE. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 93 Springboro, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married May 3, 1854 at Hickernell, Pennsylvania, JANE AMELIA BACON, born August 21, 1829 at Fabius, Onon- daga, Co., New York, daughter of John S. Bacon and Sally Clough. CHILDREN : 487. I. Mary Jane, born May 25, 1866; married George Washington Greenlee. + 488. II. Jerome Bacon, born February 4, 1857 ; married Addie Adella Rice.+ 489. III. Cassius Monroe, born May 5, I860; married Eva M. Wright; mar- ried second Elda Edith Stebbins.-|- 490. IV. Marshall, born March 10, 1863 ; married Clara May Rice.+ ROBERT BENSON GREENLEE after his marriage continued to live on the old Greenlee homestead at Hickernells Corners, where he was born. He was industrious, and always kept his farm and surroundings in good shape. Special attention was paid to the raising of fine horses and cattle. In 1881 he sold the homestead and purchased the Crane farm of ninety acres, one mile east of the old home. Here he remained until 1895, when he sold the farm and went to reside in Mosiertown. He was a Republican ; in religion, Baptist. 147. BENJAMIN CHAMBERLAIN GREENLEE * \ Jfi'ry chamberlain Michael Greenlee " Michael Greenlee ' I Bethlah Maxson f son of John Greenlee and Mary Chamberlain, was born January 17, 1829 at Hickernell, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; died April 10, 1877 at Hickernell; married May 18, 1856 at Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, JULIA ANN EARL, born December 1, 1833, at Conneautville, Crawford Co., Pennsyl- vania, daughter of William Earl and Jane Nelson. She married second, Darius Ingals. They had a son : 491. George Washington, born April 10, 1857; married Mary Jane Greenlee.+ BENJAMIN CHAMBERLAIN GREENLEE, after his marriage, settled on a farm of one hundred acres in Cussawago Township. It was all woods except a small clearing where he built a house and barn. He was very industrious, and kept busy clearing his farm, setting out fruit trees, and raising cattle. He lived on this farm for ten years, then traded it for a farm near Hickernells Corners, Spring Township, on which he built a nice house and barn. He was a Prohibitionist and a Baptist. 149. FRANCES GREENLEE * \ •'"'"' G^eenlee » Michael Greenlee = Michael Greenlee » I ' ( Mary Chamberlain Bethiah Maxson f daughter of John Greenlee and Mary Chamberlain, was born November 16, 1835, 492. I. 493. II. 494. III. 495. IV. 496. V. 94 GEEENLEE GENEALOGY. at Springboro, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married March 24, 1858, near Hick- ernell, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, CALVIN L. FISHER (a widower with two sons), born August 3, 1822, at Savoy, Berkshire Co., Massachusetts, son of Eleazer Fisher and Rachel Train. CHILDREN: Homer J. Fisher, born August 13, 1859 ; died December 5, 1859. Mary E. Fisher, born September 28, 1860 ; died October 8, 1861. Frank J. Fisher, born March 6, 1862 ; died May 10, 1862. Eddie E. Fisher, born January 31, 1864 ; died April 10, 1864. Myrtle Ernestine Fisher, born October 9, 1868. FRANCES (GREENLEE) FISHER received her education in the district schools, mostly in the old Greenlee schoolhouse, with the addition of a year in the Springboro Academy. In 1881 they removed to the New York oil field, re- siding in Richburg and Bolivar, until 1890, after which time she and her aged husband resided with his oldest son, in Cuba, New York. She united with the Carmel Baptist Church in her seventeenth year. In 1876 she united with the Methodist Church in Springboro. Her life was completely devoted to her family. He was a Prohibitionist. 150. ALBERT KEITH GREENLEE * i ^"^^ Greenlee 3 Michael Greenlee « Alj£»£iAl A.£ilxrL VrAXilUKI i.iJ:ii:i, -, Mary Chamberlain Bethiah Maxson Michael Greenlee ' i \ son of John Greenlee and Mary Chamberlain, was born July 4, 1838, at Spring- boro, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; died September 20, 1870, at Beaver Centre, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married November 3, 1859, near Crossingville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, MARTHA PARMELIA BARNES, born October 12, 1842, at Crossingville, daughter of Elias Barnes and Parmelia Peet. She married second February 12, 1880, THOMAS CARNAHAN, and resides at York, Nebraska. CHILDREN : 497. I. Andrew K., bom October 25, I860; married Elizabeth McAllister.4- 498. II. Ernest Lot, bom July 19. 1863; married Sadie Wice.+ 499. III. Ralph Lucas, born July 25, 1868 ; died iMarch 23, 1870. ALBERT KEITH GREENLEE was a drummer boy for the Home Guards in their drills, and served as minute man during the Civil War. The Home Guards were called out several times, but when examined for actual service he was not able for dutj' and was discharged, much to his sorrow, as he felt that his country was in peril and much in need of recruits. He was very active and energetic, and worked on his farm until on account of poor health he sought lighter emplojTnent. He was a Republican. Resided at Crossingville. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 95 152. ■nxiTTTATIT r'TTPTTQ 4 J Esther Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee = Michael Greenlee • I UJIiliiljAIl Ai. UUliiXO, I Miles P. Curtis Betiiah Maison I daughter of Esther Greenlee and Miles P. Curtis, was bom June 3, 1828, at Sum- merville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; died November 25, 1887, at Mason City, Cerro Cordo Co., Iowa; married March 2, 1846, iu Pennsylvania, AMASA CROSSLET, who was bom in 1825 in New Jersey, and died September, 1847 at Meadville, Pennsylvania ; married second October 25, 1853, in Hayfield Town- ship, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, ANSEL HARROUN, born December 23, 1818, at Pembroke, Genesee Co., New York, died March 8, 1895, at Plymouth, Cerro Gordo Co., Iowa, son of Elliott Harroun and Lucinda Hastings; he was a farmer ; Republican ; in religion, Christadelphian. After her second marriage, moved to Wisconsin and two years later, moved to Olmsted County, Minnesota. In 1870 they moved to Mason County, Iowa. CHILDREN : 500. I. Amasa A. Crossley, born January 29, 1848; married Gertrude F. 501. II. Fred Hugh Harroun, bom February 10, 1856; married Sarah Ellen Dancy.+ 502. in. Linnaes Harroun, born May 19, 1859; married Jennie L. Dancy; lives at Hesper, North Dakota. 503. IV. Minnie A. Harroun, born December 18, 1863 ; married Willard Pence; lives in Iowa. 153. ■DTANTTTA M flTTPTTS 4 1 Esther Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee ' I UlAaxnA m. \>URJ.ia, ( Miles P. Curtis Betiiah Maxson f daughter of Esther Greenlee and Miles P. Curtis, was bora August 4, 1830, at Rundell, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married May 15, 1849, at Meadville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, THOIMAS HOLTOM DUNN, born October 5, 1826, at Meadville, died August 28, 1881, at Meadville, son of Gideon Dunn and Rachel Holtom. He was a farmer : Republican ; Seventh day Baptist ; resided at Coons Corners two miles south of Mosiertown. She was living at Meadville (1899) with her daughter Elizabeth R. Dunn. CHILDREN: 504. I. Elizabeth R. Dunn, born October 7, 1851. 505. II. Thomas D. Dunn, born January 30, 1854; married Kate Cobb. 506. III. Ira Jesse Dunn, born November 12. 1863 ; married Adda Estelle Phillips.+ 507. TV. Arthur D. Dunn, born November 1, 1873 ; was a student at Rush Medical College. Chicago. THOMAS D. DUNT^ of Chester, Pennsylvania, was one of the foremost 96 GREENTjEE genealogy. physicians of the state. He was born in Hayfield Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania. He graduated from the Edinboro Normal school in 1875, and afterward took a special course at Allegheny College, and later entered the University of Pennsylvania, graduating in 1881. He rose rapidly in his pro- fession. "He was very frequently called on to give expert testimony in eases tried in our courts of justice, and occasionally he was called to render a like service in other counties of the state" says the West Chester News. He was a member of the Philadelphia Pathological Society, the College of Physicans of Philadelphia, and of the Pennsylvania State Medical Society. He was a mem- ber of the West Chester Board of Pension examiners under the Harrison admin- istration. He was thrown from a carriage and died two months later on May 6, aged 46 years. He was one of Pennsylvania's most useful men and stood as high in the respect of his fellow men, as he was eminent in his profession. He left a wife and a daughter, Rachel, aged thirteen years. 155. ■RTnTTTTA T flTTPTTS 4 ( Esther Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee i > SfilXllA Ij. V/UAXXO i Miles P. Curtis Bethiah Maison { daughter of Esther Greenlee and Miles P. Curtis, was born August 17, 1835, at Rundell, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married November 28, 1878, at Saegers- town, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, HENRY CLARK SMITH, born October 28, 1841, at Beamostown, or Meadville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, son of Henry B. Smith and Eliza Barrett. He was a stone mason ; Democrat ; resided in Hay- field Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania. 156. SSTTTN'Ti'V TVfTTTiIS fiTTRTTR 4 1 Esther Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee = Michael Greenlee i I ouji^iux luxxjxio v^UAXxo i Miles P. Curtis Bethiah Maison f son of Esther Greenlee and Miles P. Curtis was born March 5, 1838, at Mosier- town, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married January 5, 1859, at Saegerstown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, ALCHA HOTCHKISS, born October 25, 1838, at Mosiertown, Pennsylvania, daughter of Alvin Hotehkiss; farmer; Republican; in religion. United Brethren ; resided at Hickernell, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : Elma Curtis, born January 29, 1865 ; married John Cunningham. Moses G. Curtis, born February 12, 1869 ; died October 24, 1875. Viola Delia Curtis, born June 10, 1872 ; married Silas Forney. Mary Anna Curtis, born April 11, 1874. Amarilla Hannah Curtis, born May 16, 1879. Philura Eliza Curtis, born October 16, 1883. 157. lilSTWP.P ANMA flTTPTTS 4 5 Esther Greenlee » Michael Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ' ) XiOinCiB. A^iA KjURIIO ^ Miles p. Curtis Bethiah Maxson S daughter of Esther Greenlee and Miles P. Curtis, was born November 22, 1840, 508. I. 509 II. 510. III. 511. IV. 512. V. 513. VI. No. 1.-..;. iJiAXTUA M. urxx. No. .jii; TIIn.M.VS l>. lirXN. WKST- (■IIESTKI!. I'A Xo. 1(10. JIOSES ir. (lltEENLEE. 514. I. 515. II. 516. III. 519. VI. 520. VII. 521. VIII. 522. IX. MICHAEL OF DELAWAKE. 97 at Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married February 9, 1861, GEORGE R. HALL, born June 7, 1835, at Troy, New York, son of Philander Hall and Emily Riddle. He was a carpenter: in politics. Prohibitionist; in religion, Baptist ; resided at Watertown, South Dakota. CHILDREN : Ira Enos Hall, born April 17, 1863. Nettie Rosella HaU, born March 19, 1865; died May 6, 1866. Asa Albert Hall, bom March 18, 1867 ; married January 24, 1895, Lily Gerrish. 517. IV. Nellie Bertha Hall, born August 4, 1869; married January 11, 1893, Charles Le Count. 518. V. Emily Esther Hall, born January 4, 1872 ; married November 20, 1896, Andrew Duryee. Orlo Philander Hall, born July 8, 1874. William Otto Hall, born December 30, 1876. Lizzie, Anna Hall, born August 3, 1880. Jay Rex Hall, bom November 27, 1884. 159. IRA CORHrDON GREENLEE •* i Ja™b D- Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' lltA UUAAlUUn UKririnijriri ^ ^^^^^^^ ^ chamberlain Bethlah Maxson Michael Greenlee ' I son of Jacob Davis Greenlee and Rachel W. Chamberlain, was born October 10, 1828, in Cussawago Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married March 23, 1854, at Kingsville, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, ALMA RANSOM, born November 13, 1835, at Dorset, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, daughter of Harris Ransom and Hepsibeth Carley; farmer; Republican; Methodist; resided in Pennsylvania, Kingsville, Ohio, and Sparta, Wisconsin. CHILDREN : 523. I. Eugene Judson, born February 20, 1855 ; married Edith M. Stone.-|- 524. II. Emory Adelbert, born May 9, 1857; lives at Sparta; unmarried (1900). 525. III. Eva Loueena, born July 15, 1859 ; married Rev. Jesse D. Searles.+ 526. IV. Clinton Ransom, born December 23, 1863 ; married Josephine Walters.+ 527. V. Ida Annis, bom January 10, 1867 ; married Lewis H. Evans. -)- 528. VI. Lena Viola, born February 1, 1874 ; married Joseph Brown.+ IRA CORRIDON GREENTjEE was in a Wisconsin regiment of Cavalry in the Civil War. 160. MOSES HANSON GREENLEE * f Jacob D. Greenlee' Michael Greenlee « ITlUOCiO AAnoun UAAXiniifiJ!! j Rachel W. Chamberlain Bethlah Maxson Michael Greenlee ^ I f son of Jacob Davis Greenlee and Rachel W. Chamberlain, was born September 7 98 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 14, 1830; died March 20, 1883, at Cherry Valley, Ashtabula Co., Ohio; married January 27, 1858, at Andover, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, HELEN ELIZA LIND- SLET, born May 15, 1834, at Cherry Valley, daughter of Horatio Liadsley and Eliza Creesy; farmer; Republican; Congregationalist ; resided at Amboy, Jef- ferson, Cherry Valley, and Andover, Ohio. CHILDREN : 529. I. Eliza Rachel, born March 31, 1860 ; married Judson A. Teomans.+ 530. II. Albert Dryden, born September 17, 1861 ; married Nellie Jane Denslow.+ 531. III. Edward Bradley, born July 27, 1868 ; married Ida H. Pershing.+ MOSES HANSON GREENLEE was a soldier in the Civil War. He enlisted in an Ohio regiment ; transferred to a New York, Regiment. 162. ELIZABETH ANN GREENLEE * ] ^K-tPw^Sfa^iWriaic ^'Sf/i S-a^^oT ' Michael Greenlee ^ I f daughter of Jacob Davis Greenlee and Rachel W. Chamberlain, was born Octo- ber 10, 1835, at Amboy, Ashtabula Co., Ohio; married November 9, 1853 at Amboy, JOHN LUDDEN MORRIS, born Augiist 20, 1830, at Champion, Jeffer- son Co., New York, son of James ilorris and Elizabeth C. Judd; Republican; Methodist Episcopal; reside at Kingsville, Ashtabula Co., Ohio. CHILDREN : 532. I. ]\Iinda A. Morris, born December 12, 1857; died January 16, 1860. 533. II. Winona E. Morris, born August 5, 1862; married Ira Van Near- pass. -f- 534. III. Pleton 0. Morris, born April 10, 1866 ; unmarried. DR. JOHN LUDDEN MORRIS was surgeon in the war of the Rebellion, 150th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, or the Bucktail Regiment, as it was called ; served about two years and was honorably discharged at the close of the war. 163. JOHN CHAMBERLAIN GREENLEE * i Jacob D. Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' JVnn i/XliUUrkXinijAlj: ' Jacob D. Greenlee » Michael Greenlee = railjCimtjn WIARU yxRCiCinijXiIlj / Rachel W. Chamberlain Bethiah Maxson Michael Greenlee ^ I [• "ff Z son of Jacob Davis Greenlee and Rachel W. Chamberlain, was born September 25, 1846, at Amboy, Ashtabula Co., Ohio; married January 29, 1871, at Amboy, MARIA ANTOINETTE BRYDLE, bom August 20, 1853, at Steamburgh, Ash- tabula Co., Ohio, daughter of William S. Brydle and Sarah M. Wilson. CHILDREN : 537. I. Byron Homer, born May 13, 1872 ; died September 9, 1893. 538. II. Lewis Deo, born December 27, 1873. 539. III. Anson Chester, born April 14, 1876. PHILEJION WIARD GREENLEE spent his youthful days on his father's farm near Amboy, Ohio, going to school winters, except one winter spent at Springfield, Pennsylvania. Just at the close of the Civil War he went West, stopping at Booneville, ]\Iissouri, where he was threatened with a rope by the outlaws or Bushwhackers, it being a rabid rebel town at that time. He left there and went to Sandoval, Illinois, where he remained one year, then returned to Ohio. He engaged in farming, and also carried the mail from Jefferson, Ohio, to Linesville, Pennsylvania, until 1878, then moved to Michigan, where he spent three years clearing up a farm. The great forest fire of 1881 caused him the loss of a mill yard of logs. He removed to Unionville, Michigan, and accepted a position to travel for a New York firm, remaining there eleven years. In 1885 he lost his dwelling and a large store building by fire. He rebuilt in 1891 but moved back to Amboy, where he has since been engaged in the propagation of small fruit. 100 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 166. PHILENA CHAMBERLAIN GREENLEE* ] il^uliVcbamberiain Michael Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee ^ I Bethiah Maxson t daughter of Jacob Davis Greenlee and Rachel W. Chamberlain, was born Sep- tember 25, 1846 ; died February 11, 1878, at Orwell, Ohio, and was buried at Amboy; married December 23, 1866, BYRON HOMER PHELPS born March 16, 1844, at Williamsfield, Ohio, son of Truman Phelps. He was a physician: recently Mayor of Corry ; in politics, Republican ; in religion, Baptist ; resides at Orwell, Ohio. One son : 540. Truman Otis Phelps, born November 18, 1873 ; married Velma A. Gibbs.+ 167. ELIAS CHAMBERLAIN GREENLEE « \ ^K-tPw^^l^rjriain ^^!^ S^^T-Jr ' Michael Greenlee '■ \ son of Jacob Davis Greenlee and Rachel W. Chamberlain, was born September 14, 1848, at Amboy, Ashtabula Co., Ohio ; married September 13, 1877, at Con- neaut, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, MARY LOUISE KEYES, born April 7, 1859, at Beloit, Rock Co., Wisconsin, daughter of Marcus Bates Keyes and Frances Maria Beach. He was a manufacturer; Republican; Protestant; resided in Conneaut, Ohio, and Chicago, Illinois. CHILDREN : 541. I. Lulu Blanche, born September 21, 1878. 542. n. Gertrude Frances, born November 13, 1882. 543. III. Helen, born June 13, 1890. 168. AMANDA STEBBINS ■* ■! Luclnda Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee i ( 1 Lemuel Stebbins Bethiah Maxson f daughter of Lucinda Greenlee and Lemuel Stebbins, was born January 17, 1824, at Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married October 9, 1842, in Spring Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, FRANCIS JACKSON WHIP- PLE, born February 25, 1819, at Groton, Tompkins Co., New York, died July 28, 1877, near Mosiertown, son of Ithamar Whipple and Lydia Bills. He was a farmer; Justice of the Peace; in politics, Republican; in religion. First Day Baptist; resided at Cussawago, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: 544. I. William Lemuel Whipple, born August 5, 1843; married Ellen Maria Whipple. + I'ltANCIS .lACKSO.N WIlll'I'l.i: No. IC.X. MliS. AMAXIIA STKBBIXS Wrill'l'LE f-. No. ]i;:i. MISS. LOIUOXE STKBr.l.NS CLARK. .No. ,-|4 I .LiVAJlii^xi ai.£iOD±x^a , Lemuel Stebbins Bethlah Maxson f daughter of Lueinda Greenlee and Lemuel Stebbins, was born August 22, 1826, in Cussawago Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; died May 26, 1899, at Pueblo. Colorado ; married January 1, 1845, in Cussawago Township, SILAS CLARK, born May 7, 1816, at Greenwich, Washington Co., New York, son of Eliphaz Clark and Hannah Hunt. CHILDREN: 553. I. Amanda Eliza Clark, born March 29, 1846 ; married Captain Clayton Wiston Lytle.+ 554. II. Florence Lueinda Clark, born November 21, 1849; married Oliver Spencer Underbill. + 555. III. Orson Eliphaz Clark, born July 12, 1854; married Kate E. Coe.+ 556. IV. Lillie Lorene Clark, born November 22, 1862, at Erie; died Sep- tember, 1867. 557. V. Silas Clark, born April 15, 1865, at Erie ; married Nellie Brazier at Salt Lake City, Utah. SILAS CLARK was born in May, 1816 ; the following November his parents moved from Greenwich to Sodus, Wayne County, New York and in 1832 they moved to Pittsford, near Rochester. He was the eldest of eight children. He received a common school education, his father, who was well educated, giving him much assistance at home. His father, who was of Scotch-Irish descent, though of a clerical family, was a blacksmith and a very good one. His mother, who was also from New England, Springfield, Massachusetts, was of English descent. His paternal grandfather served in the militia during the Revolution. General Montgomery, killed at Quebec, 1775, was his grand-uncle on maternal side. In 1833 the family moved to Dearborn, Wayne County, Michigan, where 102 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Silas worked for a farmer, Aaron Thomas. He found the work very heavy but kept at it for six months. Mr. Thomas then offered him, if he would continue to work for him a year, a soldier's right to eighty acres of swamp land lying below the forks of Chicago creek, valued at one hundred and forty -four dollars. He wished to accept, but his father said it was good for nothing and never would be. He worked mostly at farming until he was about twenty years old when he went to school for three months to prepare himself for teaching. He taught successfully winters, following the lake summers as a hand lon freight boats for about four years, when he was attacked with malarial fever which in- capacitated him for any kind of work for a year. He went to Mosiertown, Pennsylvania, for his health which improved and he opened a small country store and started an ashery for the manufacturing of pearl ashes and saleratus which he marketed at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. He and Lorene Stebbins were married at her parents home by Squire Thick- ston at twelve o 'clock noon. After the ceremony a turkey dinner was served to the guests. That evening he moved his bride's belongings in a wheelbarrow to their new home, which consisted of three rooms adjoining his store, and set np housekeeping. They were both fond of social pleasures and were prominent in the dancing parties given. In the autumn of 1855 he moved to Albion, Erie Countj', where he continued his business successfully. In April, 1860, he moved to Erie where he engaged in manufacturing saleratus, while continuing his store at Albion which was conducted mostly by his brother-in-law, A. B. Carr, who was a partner in the business. In the spring of 1861 they moved their merchandise to Corry, then in its mushroom existence. Two and a half years later he dis- solved partnership with A. B. Carr and moved his stock to Erie, entering into partnership with Warren A. Booth, at that time one of the best dry goods men in that part of the country. They conducted a thriving dry goods business at Erie for six years, then moved their stock to Titusville. About a year later, April, 1869, Mr. Clark moved his family to Titusville, and about that time bought the McGuire farm on Church Run and began operating in oil. Oil was $1.25 a barrel when he went to Titusville and two years after brought three and four dollars a barrel. In 1873 he sold his interest in the store and, moving to Erie, retired from active business. In Jime, 1874, he made a trip to Colorado and invested in mines; and moved his family to Denver in the autumn of the same year. His mining investments were unsuccessful, and in 1878 he had to begin over again. In February, 1879, he went to Pueblo to sink an oil well, having the previous year prospected around Cannon City without success. On the first day of January, 1880, he struck artesian mineral water, which proved to be highly impregnated with minerals of curative properties. The summer following he erected a small rough bath house from which the present com- modious house and large business have grown. In the autumn of 1897, he sold one-half interest in the Mineral spring and baths, but still attended to his busi- ness affairs. He considered the discovery of this mineral spring the greatest achievement of his life. 170. T.OT TlTTNTTAlVr ST'R'R'RTMSl * 5 Lucinda Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' XjUX I^UMXIAIU OXrjSSXno } Lemuel Stehbins Bethlah Maxson Micbael Oreenlee ^ I f son of Lucinda Greenlee and Lemuel Stebbins, was born September 11, 1828, at No. 16T. KESIDENfE OF KI.IAS CHAMBEKI.AIN' (JREENI.EE, !1(i7 JACKSON BV1>.. CHICAGO. .\„. Ui'.l. SILAS CLAlUv AXU CUJANH- No. 820. ' (ilJVE L. AND No. !)-'! FLORENCE C. UNDEItllll.T-. No. 170. LOT DUNHAM STEBISINS. No. 358. BYRON WALLACE STEB- BINS. No. .j.-.n. IIOMEit .SIIERIIiAN STEB- BINS. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 103 Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; died January 5, 1903, at Mosiertown ; married October 4, 1859, MARTHA SUSANNA RUNDELL, born September 28, 1837, at Mayfield, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of Truman Rundel and Eliza Ann Curtis; farmer; Republican; resided at Mosiertown and Cus- sawago, Pennsylvania. CHHjDREN: 558. I. Byron Wallace Stebbins, born Decemljer 4, 1864. He received his education in the common schools and Smith's Business College at Meadville, Pennsylvania. He then assisted his father on the farm, raising cattle and doing ordinary farming. In 1892 they built a saw mill and put in a chop mill with planer and matcher. In 1899 he and his brother Homer went into the lumber business and had a very successful year. In politics he is a staunch Republican. 559. n. Homer Sheridan Stebbins, born October 13, 1867. 560. III. Edith Elda Stebbins, born April 1, 1872; married Cassius Monroe Greenlee. + 561. IV. Emma Stebbins, born October 30, 1878. 173. CHLOE RACHEL STEBBINS * l Lucinda Greenlee » Michael Greenlee = ufiijuxi nAUfijzixj o±i:iOD±i.to ^ Lemuel Stebbina Bethiah Maxson Michael Greenlee • I daughter of Lucinda Greenlee and Lemuel Stebbins, was born November 16, 1835, at Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; died February 12, 1904, at Mosiertown; married October 18, 1855, at Mosiertown, ALFRED BENNETT CARR, born May 14, 1829, at Dryden, Tompkins Co., New York, son of Alvah Carr and Martha Place Tyler. He was a farmer and dry goods merchant; in politics. Whig ; in religion. Baptist ; resided at Mosiertovra and Cussawago. CHILDREN: 562. I. Clarence Alfred Carr, born July 26, 1856 ; married October 19, 1898, Blanche (Lanman) Chapman. He was appointed Chief Engineer, U. S. N. in 1899 with rank of Lieutenant. 563. II. Clara Luella Carr, born September 28, 1858; married November 27, 1897, Charles Collier; resides at Chicago Heights, Illinois (1898). Humphrey Rufus Carr, bom November 18, 1860. Meda Lucinda Carr, bom April 18, 1863. Matilda Effie Carr, born September 21, 1865. Alvah Lemuel Carr, born October 13, 1868. Allen Bert Carr, born March 6, 1872. Ossian Elmer Carr, born September 7, 1876. 564. III. 565. IV. 566. V. 567. VI. 568. VII. 569. vni. 570. I. 571. II. 572. III. 573. IV. 574. V. 104 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 181. DAVID RILAND GREENLEE* ] ^a^ha °„?romrton "ithf/h Ma^on' ' Michael Greenlee ^ I. son of Maxson Greenlee and Catharine Compton, was bom May 17, 1832, in Cussawago Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married July 16, 1857, at MeadviUe, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, HARRIET BROWNING (COMPTON) COOPER, widow of Allen Cooper, born February 9, 1830, at MeadviUe, daugh- ter of William Compton and Mary Buchanan. CHILDREN : William Compton, born June 30, 1858 ; died July 5, 1879. Arthur Claudius, born June 21, I860; married Emma E. Yates.-f James Riland, born May 14, 1862; married Susan Espy; married second Mrs. Emily Vincent.+ Harry Le Fevre, born July 7, 1866 ; married Emma Maria Wolff.+ Mary Ellen Louise, bom July 2, 1868 ; died April 12, 1870. DAVID RILAND GREENLEE assisted his father on the farm until he was twenty-one years of age, receiving in the meantime a common school and academic education. When he was twenty-one he received a new suit of clothes and a colt valued at one hundred dollars. He entered upon the sea of life with a limited knowledge of the world. It was his desire to study medicine, but the opportunity did not present itself at that time, so he decided on the study of dentistry as the next best thing, hoping thus to secure means to gain a medical education. During the aiitumn of 1853 he entered the office of Drs. Robbins and Sayles, then eminent dentists of MeadviUe, Pennsylvania, giving his colt in ex- change for instruction in the profession. Three years were spent in studying, Anatomy, Physiology. Chemistry and prosthetic dentistry. At the end of that time he opened an office in MeadviUe. Prosperity favored the young dentist, and he continued the study of medicine under the tutorage of Dr. H. R. Bell of MeadviUe. In 1859 a course of medical lectures were taken at Ann Arbor. In 1862 he commenced the practice of medicine and surgery with his preceptor, both being employed by the Pittsburgh and Boston Mining Company at Eagle River, Lake Superior, Michigan. In 1864 he enlisted in the army and received a commission as Assistant Surgeon of the Fifth Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, and served imtil the close of the war. During the years 1866-1867 he graduated in medicine and surgery from the University of Pennsylvania, and at the same time received a diploma from the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgeons. His practice was limited to medicine and surgery, and he continued at Mead- viUe and vicinity iintil 1883. when he moved to Fergus Falls, Minnesota, and from there to St. Paul. In 1891 he received an appointment to the Minnesota Soldier's Home, as Surgeon. He has served as a member of the Board of Pen- sion examiners both in Pennsylvania and Minnesota, and occupied many other positions of trust. In 1887 he took a post graduate course at Rush Medical College, Chicago. He joined the Masonic society and the Odd Fellows in the early fifties. In 1878 he was Grand Regent of the Royal Arcanum for the state No. isr,. i:r.izAr.i:Tii (c;i;ki;ni,i-:k 1 1 ALL. No. 194. EMELiNi: <;i;i;i:ni,i;k wklls Axn kamilt. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 105 of Pennsylvania, and was also an active member of the Knights of Honor. He is now a member of the Loyal Legion of Minnesota. In polities he is a Repub- lican : in religion, Presbj'terian. 182. •DlPlllPPf'A nPTTP'NT ■p.'BI 4 1 Maxson Greenlee » Michael Greenlee ^ BEUiliUl/A U1U!iJ!jJN1iJLJ!i , Catharine Compton Bethiah Maxson Michael Greenlee ' > daughter of Maxson Greenlee and Catharine Compton, was born March 26, 1834, at Meadville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married February 24, 1852, at Mead- ville, PHILIP DUNN, born July 11, 1827, at Meadville, died December 23, 1893, at Plankinton, Aurora Co., South Dakota, son of Gideon Dunn and Rachel Holton. He was a farmer ; in politics. Republican ; in religion, Christadelphian, or Church of Christ. They resided in Meadville until 1859, then moved to Chat- field, Minnesota, and in 1876 removed to Cerro Gordo Co., Iowa; Plankinton, South Dakota (1899). CHILDREN : 575. I. Alexander Hugh Dunn, born March 12, 1853; married Fanny A. Miller.-f 576. II. Frank W. Dunn, born September 15, 1854 ; married Cora E. Brown ; lives at Mason City, Iowa; has children. 577. III. Kitty Ellen Dunn, born August 20, 1862; married Allen D. Dougan.-j- 183. LYDIA BETHIA GREENTjEE * \ Maxson Greenlee » Michael Greenlee • ui.±ji.a. .UXJXJ.XXA vr±kxjxji.i.uxjxj j Catharine Compton Bethiah Maxson Michael Greenlee ' j daughter of Maxson Greenlee and Catharine Comnton, was born August 24, 1835, at Meadville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married March 25, 1856, at Meadville, JOHN HARROUN, born February 24, 1828, at Meadville, died August 25, 1899, at Mason City, Iowa, son of Russell Harroun and Elvira Sizer. CHILDREN : 578. I. Park Bion Harroun, born ilay 3, 1857 ; married Fannie B. Calkins ; married second Jennie C. Carr.+ 579. II. Alma Elvira Harroim, born February 14, 1859. 580. III. Lizzie Laville Harroun, born January 24, 1865; married Frank A. Miller. + 581. IV. Archie Willard Harroun, born September 22, 1869; married Jessie M. Stevens.4- 582. V. Kate Carrie Harroun, bom March 17, 1871. JOHN HARROUN left Pennsylvania and went to Wisconsin in 1847, re- maining there several years. In 1856 he returned to Pennsylvania. After his marriage he and his bride went west and settled in Minnesota, near where the city of Rochester was afterward built. In 1875 he sold the Minnesota home- 106 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. stead and removed to a farm in Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, where he spent the rest of his days. He was one of the oldest settlers of Cerro Gordo County, having lived on his farm in Portland Township for nearly a quarter of a cen- tury. In politics, he was a Republican; in religion, Christadelphian. 185. ELIZABETH CAROLINE GREENLEE* ] ?4\^hl°r1n?Srmrton ^^tt?a'^ S?ls°• DEN— RESIDENCE OF Rdr.EUT LEMUEL GREENLEE. ITPEIt HALL— rjESIDENCE OF ROBERT LEMUEL GREENLEE. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 107 1834, at Rundell, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; died July 8, 1892 ; married June 30, 1857, at Rundell, SARHJEL JULIUS WELLS, born February 13, 1833, in Spring Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, son of Obed Wells and Phoebe, or Dorcas, Thomas. He was a farmer and mechanic; in politics. Republican; in religion, Methodist ; resided in Spring Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania and Chicago, Illinois. CHILDREN : 593. I. Irus Hammond Wells, born September 20, 1861 ; married Agnes May Coward. + 594. II. Delia Emeline Wells, born May 5, 1868; married Arthur Grant Sayles.+ 595. III. Frank Elmer Wells, born July 26, 1873 ; died December 18, 1887. 196. ■ROBERT LEMUEL GREENLEE * i Edmund Greenlee » Michael Greenlee » RUDLmB.^ IjJIiiUUfilj U-AJIiXilNXiJUJj I Mary Wright Stebbins Bethiah Maxson Michael Greenlee ' I t" son of Edmund Greenlee and Mary Wright Stebbins, was born April 13, 1838, at Rundell, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married April 11, 1867, at Chicago, Illinois, EMILY BROOKS, born August 21, 1842, at Sherbrooke, Canada ; died July 25, 1906, daughter of William Brooks and Emily Abbott. CHILDREN : 596. I. Grace Emily, born October 9, 1869 ; married Charles Herford Brackebush.+ 597. II. William Brooks, born April 25, 1872; married Adeline Benham Far go. + 598. IIL Isabella Victoria, born March 29, 1877; died June 19, 1902, at Chicago. In politics he is a Republican. Residence, Buena Park, Chicago. The biographical sketch of the life of Robert Lemuel Greenlee is combined with that of his twin brother Ralph Stebbins Greenlee. For sketch of the life of Mrs. Emily Brooks Greenlee, see Brooks Ancestors. [Appendix A.] ISABELLA VICTORIA GREENLEE attended the public schools of Chicago up to the age of fifteen years, with the exception of sixteen months spent in travelling with the family in Europe and the Orient. She spent her tenth birth- day in Bethlehem, and was the first American little girl to go through Pales- tine. In 1891 she entered the Ogontz School for Young Ladies, near Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania. In 1895 she went with the family on a trip around the world, which extended throughout the year. She was a sensitive, retiring child, though enjoying society when her health permitted. She was much interested in children and spent about a year in the Chicago Kindergarten College, but never very strong, the work proved too hard for her and she gave it up. She studied music with Mr. Leibling of Chicago, having piano lessons from him, 108 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. though she never was more than a home performer on that instrument. She also played the mandolin. She died after a short illness, June 19, 1902. 197. EALPH STEBBINS GREENLEE^ llT^^rfi^tfu^lms ^iSfall S^a\^?r ' Michael Greenlee ' i f son of Edmund Greenlee and Mary Wright Stebbins was born April 13, 1838, at Rundell, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania : married February 15, 1866, at Chicago, Illinois, ELIZABETH BROOKS, born August 14, 1838, at Sherbrooke, Canada, daughter of William Brooks and Emily Abbott. CHILDREN: 599. I. Gertrude, born December 26, 1869 ; married James Allen Lounsbury.+ In politics he is a Republican. Residence, Buena Park, Chicago. ROBERT LEMUEL GREENLEE and RALPH STEBBINS GREENLEE began at the age of ten to assist in the active duties of farm life by carrying the milk from the yard into the cheese house, in that way helping their mother with her milking. At the age of twelve each of them milked ten cows night and morning, and became very expert milkers. A year or two afterward they learned to make the cheese and butter, and were able to attend to that while their father was engaged in other duties on the farm. After their father had invented a machine for the manufacture of his cheese boxes and butter firkens, the boys helped him in that department, thus learning the cooper's trade. Robert Lemuel was left-handed and Ralph Stebbins Greenlee, right-handed. They chopped as one man and did their other work in the same manner. They were given the best educational advantages the common schools af- forded, and later attended Allegheny College at Meadville, Pennsylvania, al- though neither of them completed the college course. While working for their father their mechanical skill was developed. They became acquainted with ^Ir. Drake, the first discoverer of oil, and furnished him with barrels. They also manufactured oil barrels for Oil Creek, but this did not prove a successful venture as the price of barrels became very low, and the flow of oil was so great that it became of little value. When they could not sell their barrels they bought oil at twenty-five cents a barrel ; but the difficulties were so great in getting it from the field that they lost money on it. At that time Oil Creek was practically a wilderness, except here and there a clearing with a small farm house. They were well acquainted with "Coal Oil Johnn}-" and at one time stopped over night at the home of his fostermother, "Widow McClintock." They purchased their father's patents for keg and barrel machinery, giving him their notes for six thousand dollars in payment, and went into the business of manufacturing cooperage. They met with so much success that they were able to meet the notes at the end of the first year. In 1862 the brothers decided to go to Chicago and continue the manufacture of cooperage on a larger scale, having their machiner}- constructed in Erie, Pennsylvania. They made a contract with Samuel M. Nickerson & Company a ►J z 5 a a < J2g So 'S.-J1 MAIN HALL — RESIDENTE OF RAU'II STKBBINS GUEEXLEE. nKAWiNi; ituiiM— i;i;siiii:n( i; of kali'ii stkiuuns i;i;ei;ni.ki-: DiM.\(;-i;o(iM— i:i:sii)EN(K hi- uali'ii sthubins (;i:i;i:ni.i;I' MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 109 for the manufacture of barrels for the distillery which was then using one hundred and sixty barrels per day. They little expected opposition from the coopers, and were not aware of the existence of a Cooper's Union — probably the first union ever established in Chicago. It was soon decided by the Union that it was not to their interest to allow the Greenlee machinery to run. At that time none but woodbound barrels would do for high wines, and they were not prepared with machinery for the splitting, shaving, and setting of hickory hoops, as the oil barrels which they had made in Pennsylvania were hooped with iron, for which they had the machinery. Consequently it was necessary for them to employ coopers to do that work. It was one of the rules of the Union that no one but a cooper's son should be allowed to leai-n the trade. The Union decided that the only way to drive out the machinery was to finish only as many barrels as they could have made by hand, so it would cost just as much for merely hooping a barrel as it would to shave the staves and heading by hand, joint them, truss them, and finish the barrel. In this way the Green- lees would receive practically nothing for the work done by the machinery. Not only that, but the coopers would make the barrels leak if possible, either by putting hickory chips across the joints under the hoops, or by making holes in the joints from the inside. It finally became necessary to discharge all the union coopers and hire green men from the street, whom they were able to teach to split, shave and hoop a barrel. In that way they became independent and as a result practically broke up the union, although it required a great deal of money, perseverance, and energy. They were at their place of business from five and six in the morning until eight or nine at night, in that way preparing the material for work the following day. They made a success of the cooperage business, and finally organized a company which was known as the "United States Barrel Machine Company," and sold out their patents. In 1864 they became members of the Board of Trade, and remained mem- bers for three or four years. They did not meet with success and decided that they were not adapted for a speculative business. At that time the Board of Trade was located on South Water Street, and the membership fee was twenty- five dollars. In 1866 they formed a co-partnership with their father-in-law, Mr. William Brooks, and under the firm name of Greenlee Brothers & Company, entered business for the general sale of machinery and railway and machinists sup- plies, in addition to cooperage, which they carried on successfully for a few years. They then purchased Mr. Brooks' interest and engaged in the manu- facture of special lines of wood- working machinery for the manufacture of sash, doors and blinds, and special machinery for railroad car building. They were the first to adopt and make a success of mortising timber by the use of the hollow chisel ; or, as it was called, boring a square hole. They have taken out a number of patents on machinery for use in that connection and other special wood-working machinery. They have been constantly adding new inventions and methods until the Greenlee machines have become famous with manu- facturers in wood all over the world. Immediately after the great fire in 1871, they removed to their quarters on West Twelfth street. In 1882, in connection with the wood-working machinery business they engaged in the manufacture of repairs for all stoves and ranges, which has 110 GKEENLEE GENEALOGY. grown to such an extent that they now have patterns for the burning out pieces of over one hundred and fifty thousand different stoves and ranges, being the largest concern of the kind in the world. Their trade extends prac- tically over the whole country. The same year they built a foundry for the manufacture of castings for their wood-working machinery and stove re- pairs. In 1886 the firm of Greenlee Brothers & Company was incorporated, and they also incorporated the Northwestern Stove Repair Company, which em- ploys 60 to 70 men, and the Greenlee Foundry Companj^, which employs 200 men, and in this way were enabled to divide their personal property. They have since added to the manufacture of wood-working machinery, the manu- facture of augur bits of every description. In 1903 Greenlee Brothers & Company moved their plant to Rockford, Illinois. The factory site comprises twenty-two acres of ground, the present buildings covering about eleven acres. They manufacture wood-working machinery, particularly for car shops, mortising, boring, sawing and tenoning machinery, wood boring tools, square augurs, etc. The buildings are mostly fire-proof and are all steel construction. There are two machine shops, a one- store building, 300 x 265 feet, the other, also a one-story building, the forge shop, 50 X 150 feet; the tool department, a two-story building, 50 x 200 feet; engine house. 50 x 85 feet ; pattern building. 75 x 150 feet ; two storage build- ings, 50 X 100 feet each ; a forge shop, 40 x 300 feet and a foundry 75 x 180 feet. They contemplate erecting a tool finishing and augur bit department, 100 x 300 feet. They give employment to about four himdred men. "When they came to Chicago they had very little money but have never received any financial assistance. They have always been in business together, their interests being equal, and their success can be attributed to their perfect confidence in each other and their unity of action. If one is away the other acts independently, each having full power of attorney from the other, to do anything necessary with their property, both personal and real. Some years after their removal to Chicago, they bought the old homestead in Crawford Coiinty, which remains the home of the Greenlee family in Penn- sylvania. They married sisters (both of whom were twins, but not of the same pair), daughters of William Brooks who for many years was a resident of Sherbrooke, Canada, and one of the leading spirits of the conservative gov- ernment of the Dominion, but later became a resident of Chicago. In 1904 they published "The Stebbins Genealogy" in two large volumes, printed on fine antique hand made paper, and substantially boimd ia half morocco. They endeavored to combine all the good qualities in the many hundreds of genealogies in the Newberry Library, one of the main points being to make it so plain that a child could understand and easily trace his ancestry. The result is summed up in the following reviews from the two most noted genealogical magazines in the United States. The Stebbins Genealogy. By Ralph Stebbins Greenlee and Robert Lemuel Greenlee, Chicago, 111. Privately printed. 1904. 2 vols. Folio, pp. 1386. lU. Map. The external merits of these handsome volumes are the superior print and paper, the wide margins and splendid binding. An examination of their con- J a a o c a ■< < u H K 5 a) o 2 E e; o Q 5 © <: ■♦ cu M s 1 o o .a O) ■>£ t« c ■43 OQ £ K Ed m •o H c o (4 a [J K •| Jj >J s z B W OS CS MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. Ill tents reveals, as distinguishing features, marginal references to authorities, fac-similes of portions of the Domesday Book relating to Stebbins, besides extracts from various other English sources, historical and statistical, frequent and minute biographical details, and an unusually specific index. Much attention has been bestowed on the females lines, as also on persons intermar- rying with the Stebbins family, particular pains having been devoted to the Stebbins-Burt-Ball intermarriages. The appendixes comprise military services, Stebbins authors and other matters of importance. The capitalization of names of Stebbins descendants and husbands or wives is specially worthy of note. There are over five hundred illustrations, chiefly portraits. — [From the New England Historical and Genealogical Register.] The Stebbins Genealogy. Ralph Stebbins Greenlee and Robert Lemuel Greenlee. In two volumes. Chicago. Privately printed. 1904. Folio, half morocco, pp. 1.386. These fine volumes, imposing in appearance, and most comprehensive in scope are rich in details which gladden the sight of the experienced worker, and will no doubt be most helpful to those members of the Stebbins family who are fortunate enough to secure copies of the work. No pains or expense have been spared to make this history the most complete of its kind. In attempting to discover the English birthplace of Rowland Stebbins, the American progenitor, recourse was had to Domesday Book, and photographs were made of it and the chest in which it is kept, and fac-similes made of portions of the original text, accompanied by translations of it. The biography of Rowland Stebbins is very full, and in this as in all the early generations the compilers have given marginal references for each vital statement. Capitals are used for the names of the Stebbins descendants and their husbands or wives, and the head of each family is given in heavy-faced type, thus greatly assisting the eye. A very unusual, if not original feature is that following the name of the head of a branch, beside the brief tracing back by generations to the founder, each ancestor bearing his generation and family number, the wife of each forefather is given beneath her husband's name, enabling one to get the line at a glance. The compilers have been most successful in discovering the places and dates of birth, marriage and death, as well as a good deal of general information. The records of military service in the second volume are particularly valuable, be- cause proper references are given for all of them, a feature seldom observed in a family history. After noting so much excellence, it is most satisfactory to find the index completing this beautiful piece of workmanship so thoroughly as to cover 160 pages. In this index the name of the Stebbins descendant is followed by the names of his parents and his generation and page number. The volumes are liberally illustrated and altogether reflect great credit upon those interested in their production. — [From the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record.] As will be seen by their photographs, the brothers very closely resemble each other, and they are as much alike in character, disposition and thought, as in looks. They have always taken a lively interest in the welfare of the city, and both are members of the Union League Club. They have been extensive travelers; and, with their families, who always accompany them, have visited most of the foreign countries, making trips around the world, and going into 112 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. the interior of China, Japan, and other oriental countries. Their leading char- acteristics are inbred politeness, kindness and consideration for others, coupled with indomitable ■will-power, untiring energy, broad liberality and uncom- promising honesty. Their fortunes have been fairly gained, and stand proud monuments to their sturdy manhood and genius. For sketch of the life of Mrs. Elizabeth Brooks Greenlee see Brooks' An- cestors [Appendix A.]. 198. MICHAEL DANIEL GREENLEE < 5 Edmund Greenlee » Michael Greenlee > miVjOAXMlj UASiLXilM yjB^XiaijIUX, ^ Mary Wright Stebblns Bethiah Maxson Michael Greenlee ' I son of Edmund Greenlee and Mary Wright Stebbins, was born March 24, 1840 at Rundell, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; died March 18, 1892 at Rundell ; mar- ried April 19, 1876 at Chicago, Illinois, MART L. LOCK, born November 23, 1850 at Covington, Kentucky, daughter of George W. Lock and Amanda Gray ; farmer; Democrat; Methodist; resided at Rundell, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: 600 I. Ralph S., born February 13, 1877 ; married in 1903, Grace Morris. They have two children. 601. n. Pearl, born June 14, 1881. 602. III. Robert L., bom August 31, 1887. MICHAEL DANIEL GREENLEE served in the Civil War as a private in the 169th Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers. During his soldier life he was obliged to sleep on the wet ground, and thus contracted rheumatism, from which he never fully recovered. He returned to the old homestead and re- mained there until his death. RALPH S. GREENTjEE attended Allegheny College at Meadville and graduated from that institution in 1902. The same year he removed to Chicago and is now connected with the Greenlee Foundry Company. 199. RACHEL ARMINDA GREENLEE * ' Edmund Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ' AAV/Xlfilj ARmirtLlA \xRLilUVtljrj£j -^ jj^j.y Y^•riglJt Stebbins Bethiah Maxson Michael Greenlee ' i f daughter of Edmund Greenlee and Mary Wright Stebbins, was born July 6, 1842 at Rundell, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married February 9, 1890 at Kenosha, Wisconsin, JESSE COOPER ROWELL, born February 18, 1831 at Jefiferson, Lincoln Co., Maine, son of Jesse Rowell and Susanna Linscott. He was a farmer and merchant: in politics, Republican; in religion, Methodist; reside at Denver, Colorado. No children. ■^ ►J z 3 N"o. I'JS. MUS. JIAKY LOCK GKEEN- LEE. Nc. Clll. I'EAKI. CUIOIONI.IOE CIIACK MOItmS (iHEKNI.KE. WIFK OF KAI.ril STEBBIXS GREENIJCE. .II! Nil. GOO. KAI.I'II STEBRINS CKEEX- I.EE. JR. No. OOl'. ROBEnr L. CREENI.EE. iTHAN POOLE at Cambridge, Mass. 2 SARAH ■8, at at ..at ..at .AMSOR, of Ips%vich ..at 59; at Ipswich, Mass. ..!.at Id. 403 JOHN POOLE ^^ ^^^ ..at ..at at ^ \^^^^^^^\ , 1667. at ,404 MARGARET b. ..at d' , 1662, at ..at ..at NICHOLS T, Mass. ' ...at 374, at at ...at 692, at STOH , , . 631 at Buckinghamshire, Eng. r 90 at .-; •-• 3, at Reading, Mass. ITCH at at 449 DEACON ZACHARY FITCH V, at '^^i- A lune'g, 1662, at Reading, Mass. m. ^t 450 MARY b at d at PROCTOR at ■-— 7, at Chelmsford, Mass. 15. at LDRETH at at ANTHONY MORSE Marlborough, Eng. ■7-8, at Newberr>-. Mass. 1660, at Newbury, Mass. iTH KNIGHT 465 RICHARD HILDRETH b at d m 466 b Id ..at ..at ..at ..at (479 ANTHONY MORSE I b. May 9, 1606, at Mariborough. ^^^ [d. Oct. 12, 11386, at Xewbur\', Mass. f 481 REUBEN KNIGHT .1 m at ... 17 at Newburv, Mass. \ 482 AGNES COFFEY v.'ll, 1669. .at !pike • 1638, at ■-- .4, at Newbury, Mass. ji--^ at Xewbury, Mass. ,\ KINGSBURY 1 at at 483 CAPT. JOHN PIKE d! Jan;-; 1688-9; at I "• :^-^;\^ m. 1st, ax I 484 MARY at at i^d; 967 JOHN PIKE . ^ „ from Langtord, Eng. at at Salisbury, Mass. m at 968 b ..at .d. ..at '61 m SECTION A _ ACOH JOSHUA BROOKS Brooks Ancestral Chart »S5 CAPr.IHOJIAS BROOKS I d. Mi.v Jt. iwir," at 0^.c^-.rrf". ] ;2Se GRACE ■" - ) as? CAPT, HUGH WASOK j«L ixtjtijcrsiitr. '^: so EUZABFTH WORT: jt;- A3Sa7XXIHA^ laavw BT IB 'ZZiT HI IV 'Z08T 'i^T annf P xoaav wvmiAV it a-ivoaaw 13VH0IW •- 'q 10^ P IE 'TSil 'ST aaquiaoaa q loaav aoovf 9 IB \ 'us: 'IS Jaquiajdas "P MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 113 200. MARY LTJCINDA 6REENLES •« ' Edmund Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' aiARX IjUV^iniJA unriXinixEir. ^ Mary Wright Stebbins Bethiah Maxson Mlchaei Greenlee ' I daughter of Edmund Greenlee and Mary Wright Stebbins, was born October 28, 1846 at Rundell, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married October 20, 1866 at Meadville, Pennsylvania, WILLIAM DALLAS GREENLEE, born July 1, 1844 at Girard, Erie Co., Pennsylvania, died July 8, 1894 at Chicago, Illinois, son of David Greenlee [No. 58] and Harriet Mallory. He was a farmer and merchant ; in politics, Republican ; in religion, Protestant. She married second October 28, 1900 at Kansas City, Missouri, ISAAC LADNER BISHOP, born August 22, 1845 at Lyonsville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, son of Moses Bishop and Susan Ladner. He is a jeweller ; in politics, Republican ; resides at Denver, Colorado. CHILDREN: 603. I. David WiUiam, bom August 2, 1868; married Adeline Whitney Bristol.+ 604. II. Elizabeth May, born July 5, 1869 ; married Charles Wiseman Wood- ley.+ MARY LUCINDA GREENLEE was an unusually bright child, and learned her A-B-C 's when but four years old. Prom that time on she attended school at Edinboro, and there finished the days of her school life. A little incident, which illustrates her kind and ambitious character when but a child, occurred one day when her parents had left her home alone while they drove to town. A Mr. Cole had been with them that day working about the house and Mary Lucinda, then but four years old, thought that he ought to have his supper. She went out and asked him to get some potatoes for her, as she could not reach them, and told him she would cook them for him if he would. He got them and she cooked them and also fried some meat; set the table as well as she could but being very little she could not set the dishes on and had to push them on from the edge. Mr. Cole enjoyed his meal and was very much pleased and amused with his little hostess. It was very hard work for her, and after Mr. Cole had finished she asked him if he would rock her to sleep, which he did. After her marriage with William Dallas Greenlee, they lived at McKean, Erie County, Pennsylvania. They moved from McKean to Chicago two years before the Chicago fire, and resided on the west side. 202. EZEKIIjL B dill * \ Greeniee Dili = Mary Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ' I I Jacol) Dill Esther Davis f son of Greenlee Dill, married . Resided in Indianapolis, Indiana. Son: 605. Josiah B. Dill ; lives at Indianapolis. 8 606. I. 607. II. 608. III. 609. IV. 114 GKEENLEE GENEALOGY. 203. ARTHUR JOHN GREENLEE^ i la^'a^E^iior?'^' ^ gfilL'e'^rMo^Hs Michael Greenlee ' j. Esther Davis ( son of Robert Greenlee and Sarah Emory, was born July 6, 1823 at HoUandville, Kent Co., Delaware; died April 8, 1900 near Greensboro, Caroline Co., Mary- land; married December 10, 1850 near Burrsville, Caroliae Co., Marj'land, KATHERINE RICHARDSON, born February 28, 1833 near BurrsviUe, Mary- land, died July 31, 1867 near Greensboro, daughter of James Thomas Richard- son and Rebecca Raughley; farmer; Democrat; Methodist; resided in Dela- ware about 36 years and the rest of his life in Maryland, near Greensboro. CHILDREN: William Henry, bom August 29, 1851 ; married Eliza Ann "Wilson.-f John Wesley, born October 26, 1855 ; died May 22, 1870. Annie Virginia, born May 22, 1859 ; unmarried. Benjamia Franklin, born March 13, 1862; married Maggie Delia Mitchell. 610. V. Arria Velda, born April 8, 1865; married Owen Connely Garey. 204. ■nAVm r'U'B'P'N'T PTi" 4 I Robert Greenlee ^ David Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ^ I UAV LU \xZi,CiCirt±iCiXi ) Sarah Emory Elizabeth Morris Esther Davis f son of Robert Greenlee and Sarah Emory, was born August 9, 1827 (?) in Kent Co., Delaware; married January 11, 1854 in Caroline Co., Maryland, SALLY ANN GREENLEE, born December 15, 1832 in Caroline Co., Maryland, daughter of James Greenlee [No. 48] and Susan Cooper; farmer; Democrat; Methodist; resided at Harrington, Kent Co., Delaware, and in Caroline Co., Maryland. CHILDREN : 611. I. Elizabeth, bom October 10, 1854; died in infancy. 612. II. ilary, born April 27, 1856; died in infancy. 205. MAPV mj'E'P.NT 'P.'li'. 4 ( Robert Greenlee 3 David Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ' ( iUAAX vrxv£jjji^±j£jj:i I Sarah Emory Elizabeth Morris Esther Davis ( daughter of Robert Greenlee and Sarah Emory, was born February 22, 1828 ( ?) at Whitleysbiirg, Caroline Co., Maryland ; died ; married WILLIAM C. JUINIP [marriage recorded in office of State Register of Deeds, Dover, Delaware, but no date given]. He was born September 4, 1831 at Cambridge, Sussex Co., Delaware, son of Vaughn Jump and Elizabeth Webster; farmer and house carpenter; mercantile business since about 1883; resided near Hollandsville, Delaware and was postmaster at that place. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 115 209. WILLIAM EMORY GREENLEE * \ t°?IS'E^^rr?'" ' gfiIit^trif son of William Greenlee and Nancy Dryden, was born April 1, 1813 at Brady- ville, Adams Co., Ohio ; married in 1834 at Aberdeen, MAHALA BEAM, who was born in 1816 at Manchester, Ohio, daughter of Joseph Beam; farmer; Democrat. CHILDREN : 614. I. Nancj' A, born August 11, 1838; married Samuel Taylor.+ 615. II. William, born October 13, 1842; married Alice McKinley.+ 616. III. David E. 617. IV. Thomas Jefferson, born May 15, 1845; married Catharine Dunbar. + 214. HENRIETTA GREENLEE* jWlIIiam Greenlee' William Greenlee = ( Nancy Dryden — ■ — . — Michael Greenlee • I Esther Davis f daughter of William Greenlee and Nancy Dryden. was bom in 1816 at Aber- deen, Brown Co., Ohio; died July 26, 1886. or 1890. at Winchester, Kentucky; married in 1832 in Brown Co., Ohio, JOHN EVERTON, born in Brooklin, Maine, or Boston, Massachusetts, died December 20, 1886 at Flemingburg, Kentucky, son of Benjamin, or James Everton and Susan Biitler; school teacher : Democrat ; Baptist ; resided at Aberdeen, Ohio. 621. IV. 622. V. 623. VI. 624. VII. 625. VIII. 626. IX. 116 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: 618. I. Benjamin F. Everton, born July 7, 1837 ; married Eliza B. Camp- beU.+ 619. • II. Thomas E. Everton, born November 4, 1840; married Sabina Scott; married second Martha Duzan.+ 620. III. Greenlee Everton, born Januarj- 17, 1845; married Fanny Dod- dridge.+ Wilson Everton, born, 1846; married in 1866 Nancy Lowe. Lewis Cass Everton, born, 1848; married in 1875 Anna Turner; lives at Toledo, Ohio. Salina Everton, born in 1850; married, 1880, Jerry Mahar. Joseph Everton, born, 1852; married Mrs. Lyon; married in 1881, Paulina Kimlein ; lives at Lexington, Kentucky. Anna Everton, born, 1854; lives, at Lexington. George McClelland Everton, born, 1862; married in 1894, Emma Sharp; lives at Lexington. 627. X. William Everton. 215. SAMUEL GREENLEE ^ 1 Nancy" ?/den"' ' William Greenlee » Mlchael^Greenlee • ^ son of William Greenlee and Nancy Drj'den, was bom December 24, 1818 at Bradyville, Adams Co., Ohio; died September 17, 1898 at Ripley, Brown Co., Ohio ; married September 22, 1843 at Savannah, Andrew Co., Missouri, ELIZA- BETH FREE]\IAN, born September 17, 1821 in Surrey Co"., North Carolina, died June 6, 1850 at Bradj'ville, Ohio, daughter of Tyre Freeman and Stowe; married second August 31, 1851 at Jeffersonville, Scott Co., Indiana, SARAH A. NICHOLS, bom January 3, 1822 born at Lexington, Scott Co., Indiana, died December 15, 1880 at BradjTille, Ohio, daughter of William Nichols. He was a merchant; Republican; Methodist Episcopal; resided at Bradyville, Ohio and Savannah, IMissouri. CHILDREN: William Stowe, bom July 22, 1844; married Minerva Hood.+ Tyre Napoleon, born February 3, 1846; married Effie Josephine ilarvin.-j- Delila, born December 24, 1847 ; died April 20, 1879. Adelaide, born February 23, 1850 ; married Thomas E. Shelton. Samuel Nichols, born September 11, 1854; married Amanda Ruth Scott. + Nancy. Sarah Elizabeth, bom October 5, 1857 ; married Thompson Frame. Harietta J., born September 19, 1860; married John M. Gray.+ Effie J., died young. Lou Frances, born June 18, 1867; married Robert Oberschlake. 628. I. 629. II. 630. III. 631. IV. 632. V. 633. VI. 634. VII. 635. VIII. 636. IX. 637. X. WILLIAM DALLAS GKEEXLEE. First Husband of No. 200. No. 200 MARY LUCINDA GKEENLEB BISHOP. No. -212. WH,LL\M MALHSON (;KEEN- LEE. Ni). :;l':;, iiikkita greenlee REY- NdLUS AMI HUSBAND, PHILIP D. REYNOLDS. 638. I. 639. II. 640. III. 641. IV. 642. V. 643. VI. 644. VII. 645. \^II. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 117 222. THOMAS B. GREENLEE ^ i Xancy'r)?yden "' ' ^""''° ' Greenle e' Mlchael^Greenlee > ^ son of William Greenlee and Nancy Dryden, was bom in 1832 at Manchester, Adams Co., Ohio ; died November 22, 1879 ; married September 8, 1846 in Ohio, MARY A. LITTLE, born March 27, 1825 at ilanchester, Ohio. He was a produce dealer; Democrat; Methodist; resided at Savannah, Missouri; widow resided (1902) at Maryville, Missouri. CHILDREN : James W., born July 2, 1847; died August 7, 1859. Margery J., born July 2, 1848; married Porter Cooper; lives at Savannah, Missouri. Robert S., born October 3, 1852 ; died March 27, 1853. Nancy B., born May 31, 1854 ; married Willis Paul ; lives at Kansas City, ilissouri. Son, born December 29, 1855 ; died April 7, 1856. Elizabeth F., born August 20, 1858 ; married Carlos J. Alderman ; lives at Maryville, Missouri. Thomas B., born January 9, 1861 ; died February, 1874. Ulysses G., born March 15, 1863 ; married Mattie Baker ; lives at Carthage, Missouri. 646. IX. Effie May, born January 16, 1867 ; married Virgil Danford ; lives at Bloekton, Iowa. 223. HTRETTA fJTl'RP.NT.'RF. 4 J Andrew M. Greenlee ' Allen Greenlee " xixaj:jj.j.a UAJjfix^Xjfiiii / Mary (Greenlee.) Umbcrfield Sarah McKelvey Michael Greenlee ^ I Esther Davis f daughter of Andrew McKelvey Greenlee and Mary (Greenlee) Umberfield, was born January 12, 1837 at Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; mar- ried September 15, 1858 at Crossingville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, PHILIP D. REYNOLDS, born May 22, 1833 in Hayfield Township, Crawford Co., Penn- sylvania, son of Thomas Reynolds and Margaret Dunn; resided at Keepville, Erie Co., Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 647. I. Andrew T. Reynolds, born February 10, I860; married Sadie George; lives at Bedford, Iowa. 648. II. Ulysses E. Reynolds, born April 2, 1865 ; married Clara B. Hicker- nell.+ 649. III. Bertha M. Reynolds, born September 19, 1867; married Fred G. Keep.+ 650. rV. Avery J. L. Reynolds, born August 29, 1871 ; married May E. Keep ; married second, Arkie Ruth Keep.+ 651. V. Maryette RejTiolds, born November 12, 1873 ; lives at Keepville. 118 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 652. VI. John H. Reynolds, born June 9, 1876 ; lives at Meadville, Penn- sylvania. PHILIP D. REYNOLDS was a soldier in the Civil War. 224. MARYETTE CrREENLEE * .' Andrew M. Greenlee ' Allen Greenlee ' aiAR X Xi J. X£i UlbiliJIinijJIiJli -, j^g^y (Greenlee) Umberfleld Sarah McKelvey Michael Greenlee • I Estter Davis f daughter of Andrevr McKelvey Greenlee and Mary (Greenlee) Umberfleld, was born December 27, 1838 at Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married THOMAS SHANKLAND TURNEAURE [see No. 133]. Both were living in 1900 at Belvidere, Illinois. 225. MIRANDA JANE GREENLEE * ' Andrew M. Greenlee ' Allen Greenlee = lUXnAniJA tlAIHri UiSririniiiiri , Mary (Greenlee) Umberfleld Sarah McKelvey Michael Greenlee ^ I Esther Davis ( daughter of Andrew McKelvey Greenlee and Mary (Greenlee) Umberfleld, was born February 4, 1841 at Waterford, Erie Co., Pennsylvania ; married July 15, 1872 at Bedford, Taylor Co., Iowa, JAMES MONROE BLACKWELL, born March 15, 1837 at Spring Creek, Ohio, died August 13, 1890 at Bedford, Iowa, son of George Washington Blackwell and Sarah Drake. He was a farmer; Republican ; Baptist. She married second, January 16, 1896 at Bedford, Iowa, SYLVESTER SHERMAN ORTON, born September 2, 1853 in Fountain Co., Indiana, son of Sherman Orton and Dolly Gifford. He was a brick mason; Republican ; resides at Florence, Colorado. No children. 226. HARLEY UMBERFIELD GREENLEE* l^^a^rrG^eSfeeTumberfleld Allen Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' I Sarah McKelvey Esther Davis f son of Andrew McKelvey Greenlee and Mary (Greenlee) Umberfleld, was born August 18, 1843 at Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married May 10, 1871 at Bedford, Taylor Co., Iowa, MARY ANN TUCKER, born August 18, 1850 at Noblesville, Hamilton Co., Indiana, daughter of Thomas Tucker and Huldah Bray. CHILDREN: Minnie Etta, born June 20, 1872; married Louis E. Wyckoff.-f- Hattie May, born October 12, 1873 ; married Archie B. Nash ; has two daughters. Clara E., born January 31, 1876 ; married Frederick M. Clute.-|- Carrie E., born January 31, 1876 ; married Edgar C. Martin. They have one daughter. Harley Umberfleld, born May 29, 1879 ; died aged 10 months. Harvey Umberfleld, bom April 25, 1881 ; married Orpha S. Long- fellow. 653. I. 654. II. 655. III. 656. IV. 657. V. 658. VI. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 119 659. VII. Mamie E., born February 19, 1896 ; died aged one year and eleven months. 660. VIII. Huldah M., born December 20, 1887. HARLEY UMBERFLELD GREENLEE spent three years, 1859 to 1862 in Pennsylvania oil diggings. On August 14, 1862 he enlisted in Company A under Colonel James Irwin Gregg, and joined the Army of the Potomac. He was at ChancellorsviUe, Brandy Station, Mine Run, Wilderness, in the Richmond Raid, Cold Harbor, and other important engagements, until the fight at Deep Bottom, where he received a serious wound in the shoulder. Four months later he joined his regiment at Light House Point and was in action at Five Forks and Appomattox. On June 14, 1865 he was honorably discharged at Lynchburg, Virginia. At the close of the war Mr. Greenlee went directly to Bedford, Iowa, with- out capital or education, with only willing hands and a determination to make something of himself. At first he worked as a common laborer, but he was not satisfied with a menial position and ere long engaged in business for himself. He purchased a stone quarry within the city limits, opened it, and began laying foundations for buildings. He soon added the manufacture of lime to his busi- ness. He gradually worked up an immense trade for a radius of many miles beyond his own town. His whole career has been characterized by honorable and iipright dealing, which is the secret of his success. In politics he is a Republican; in religion, Baptist. 231. JOHN ALLEN GREENLEE •« 1 David Greenlee ' Allen Greenlee = JVXlSi Alaljrjn UlUliJ:il>llji:iri ( Harriet Mallory Sarah McKelvey Michael Greenlee ^ I Esther DetIs ( son of David Greenlee and Harriet Mallory, was bom March 24, 1839 in Washington Township, Erie Co., Pennsylvania; died February 24, 1885 at Girard, Erie Co., Pennsylvania ; married November 14, 1867 at Girard, SUSAN J. McClelland, bom February 1, 1845 at Girard, daughter of James McClelland and Mary Ann Goodenough. CHILDREN: 661. I. James Carlton, bom April 15, 1869 ; married Anna Bell Williams ; lives at Erie, Pennsylvania. 662. II. Gertrude May, born December 6, 1874; married John F. Heidler.+ JOHN ALLEN GREENLEE was educated at the Edinboro, Pennsylvania, State Normal School, and graduated from Bryant and Stratton's Mercantile College at Cleveland, Ohio. He was afterward employed as teacher of book- keeping and penmanship at Edinboro State Normal School. Later he was en- gaged in the oil regions, and afterward engaged in farming in Girard Town- ship, continuing at this until his death. He was a Republican; in religion, Methodist. 120 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 233. MARY ELLEN GREENLEE^ ] gSTi?e?Si?.^\V tarTh'i5rK''e'fvVy Michael Greenlee ' I Esther Davis )' daughter of David Greenlee and Harriet Mallory, was born February 25, 1843 in Washington Township, Erie Co., Pennsylvania; married December 31, 1863 at Edinboro, Pennsylvania, WILLIAM R. TUCKEY, born September 18, 1838 in Franklin Township, Erie Co., Pennsylvania; resides at Somerville, Mas- sachusetts. CHILDREN: 663. I. Lynn 0. Tuckey, born November 15, 1866 ; lives at Dorchester, Mas- sachusetts. 664. II. Pearl E. Tuckey, born November 10, 1868; lives at Dorchester. 236. ANNA AMANDA GREENLEE * J David Greenlee > Allen Greenlee • Ann A AlUAnx^A UltfifiJM IjAXi I Harriet Mallory Sarah McKelvey Michael Greenlee ^ 1 Esther Davis J daughter of David Greenlee and Harriet Mallory, was born March 30, 1848 at Fairview, Erie Co., Pennsylvania ; died March 28, 1876 at Erie, Pennsylvania ; married August 15, 1866 at McKean, Erie Co., Pennsylvania, GEORGE WIL- SON HUNTER, born December 17, 1844 in Warren Co., Pennsylvania, son of Robert Hunter and IMatilda Lovisa Manross. He was a farmer; Republican; Protestant; resided at Calkinsville, Michigan. He married second, Ida Camp- bell ; married third . CHILDREN : 665. I. Clarence Jesse Hunter, born May 10, 1868; unmarried. 666. II. Clementine Loretta Hunter, born April 19, 1871 ; married William Buss.+ 667. III. Daughter, born March 7, 1876 ; died March 14, 1876. CLARENCE JESSE HUNTER moved with his father and step-mother to a farm near Calkinsville, Michigan. He left home at the age of fifteen and stayed with his sister in Wisconsin until he was of age, then went to St. Paul, Minnesota and enlisted in the United States Army, cavalry, September 12, 1899, being stationed at Fort Maginnis, Montana. He has been stationed at dif- ferent times in the forts at Yellowstone, Wyoming; Custer, Montana; Myer, Virginia ; Stanton, New Mexico and Fort Snelling, Minnesota. He participated in the Sioux campaign in the winter of 1890-1891, when Sitting Bull was cap- tured, and was in the Spanish-American war, actively engaged in the battle of El Caney, and the different engagements the day following until the surrender. After the surrender he was taken ill with malarial fever and for two days hia life was despaired of. The fever settled in his legs so he could not walk, and when his regiment returned to the States he was sent to St. John's Hospital, MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 121 Brooklyn, New York for treatment, and remained there thirty-four days. After he was cured he returned to Fort Snelling, and in the fall of 1898 was in the campaign against the Indians of Leek Lake, when Major Wilkinson and others were killed. He was promoted a non-comissioned officer for bravery and zeal. Since joining the army he has improved his spare time and is now a first class steam engineer and has studied electricity. 239. HULDAHEVALINE GREENLEE^ { ^1^?!.^^^^^; S^i^rK^e'rvVy Michael Greenlee ' ( Esther Davis '• daughter of David Greenlee and Harriet Mallory, was born June 26, 1857 in Fairview Township, Erie Co., Pennsj'lvania ; died September 17, 1895 'at McKean, Erie Co., Pennsylvania ; married September 2, 1875 at Waterford, Erie Co., Pennsylvania, SIDNEY L. SKINNER, born August 24, 1854 in McKean Township, son of Sewell Skinner and Eliza Jane CoUom. He is a farmer; in politics, Republican; in religion, Methodist Episcopal; resides at McKean, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN (both born in McKean Township) : 668. I. Albert Lea Skinner, born July 27, 1880. 669. II. Ethel Blanche Skinner, born October 9, 1881. 248. FPANTC P TIPTTT 8 i Asenath Greenlee ' William Greenlee ' Samuel Greenlee = f AxixiA X. .UAX.LX I Robert Britt Mary Ramsey Mary Jones Michael Greenlee ' i )■ son of Asenath Greenlee and Robert Britt, was born April 22, 1853 at Smith- field, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania; married December 28, 1876 at Washington, Washington Co., Pennsylvania, JEANETTE M. RALSTON, born May 5, 1852 at Kammerer, Washington Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of Thomas Ralston and Mary Ferris Yates. CHILDREN : 670. I. Mary Asenath Britt, born January 5, 1878 ; died February 15, 1893. 671. II. John Gourley Britt, born May 28, 1882; died August 29, 1882. 672. III. Anna Frances Britt, born February 17, 1885. 673. IV. Robert Ralston Britt, born June 19, 1887. 674. V. Jean McBride Britt, born December 29, 1888. FRANK P. BRITT graduated at Washington and Jefferson College at Washington, Pennsylvania in 1874, receiving the degree of A. B. In 1877 he graduated from the Western Theological Seminary at Allegheny City, since which time he has been pastor of the Pisgah Presbyterian Church at Corsica, Pennsylvania. In politics he is a Prohibitionist. 122 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 251. ROBERT GREENLEE DEYARMAN^ { 5L°=Sni^^ Defa^an SaryXmst^v"'" ' Samuel Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee ^ I Mary Jones f son of Nancy Greenlee and Alexander Deyarman ; was born October 27, 1840 near Uniontown, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania ; died June 17, 1896 at Moline, Elk Co., Kansas; married LIDA FREEMAN, daughter of Freeman. She died and he married second May 27, 1877 in Butler Co., Kansas, ELIZA J. FOLK, born March 14, 1857 in Coffee Co., Kansas, daughter of John Folk and Anna Jacobs; farmer; Democrat; Presbyterian; resided at Cimarron City, Oklahoma. CHILDREN: 675. I. Ewing Till Deyarman, born May 2, 1878. 676. II. Julia May Deyarman, born December 15, 1880. ROBERT GREENLEE DEYARMAN enlisted in the Civil War in the spring of 1861, in Captain G. W. Gilmour's Calvary, serving as scouts in Western Virginia during most of the three years they were out. He carried dis- patches for General Burnside and others. He was in numerous battles and skirmishes; and was mustered out in 1864. 254. TTTT.TA IJ TI'RVA'R'IVrA'W 5 I Nancy Greenlee • William Greenlee' Samuel Greenlee ' dUXiXA r>. l^/JliZAXblUAn 1 Ale.'cander Deyai-man Mary Ramsey Mary Jones Michael Greenlee ' I daughter of Nancy Greenlee and Alexander Deyarman, was born February 21, 1848 at Union town, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania; married November 13, 1872 at Uniontown, Pennsylvania, WALES H. WILLARD, born October 21, 1843 at Jamestown, Chautauqua Co., New York, son of Heman Willard and Elvina Kidder. He is Superintendent of Water Works at Eau Claire, Wis- consin; in polities, Republican; in religion, Congregationalist. Daughter : 677. I. Jessie D. Willard, born October 23, 1874; unmarried (1900). 255. PRANCES ELIZA DEYARMAN » J Xancy Greenlee * William Greenlee » £B,An\j£iO riljL£AA UlUXAIimAa Wloxander Deyarman Mary Ramsey Samuel Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ' / Mary Jones i daughter of Nancy Greenlee and Alexander Deyarman, was born February 1, 1852 at Uniontown, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania ; married January 14, 1869 at Uniontown, WILLIA]\I SMILEY, born December 28, 1847 at Smithfield, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania, son of James Smiley and Diana Smith. He was a farmer; Republican ; in religion, Cumberland Presbyterian ; resides at Winfield, Iowa. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 123 CHILDREiN : 678. I. Cora D. Smiley, bom June 11, 1870. 679. II. Julia W. Smiley, born December 9, 1872. 257. r.MTT.V .TONKS B J Mary F. Greenlee ' William Greenlee ' Samuel Greenlee « juiuxxji uvxiun I Reese H. Jones Mary Ramsey Mary Jones Michael Greenlee ^ > daughter of Mary Frances Greenlee and Reese H. Jones, was born July 15, 1854 at Smithfield, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania; married March 23, 1893 at Smithfield, JOHN KIGER, born February 27, 1855 at Haydentown, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania; resided at Ruble, Pennsylvania. Daughter : 680. Mary Frances Kiger, bom January 6, 1896. 265. ELIZABETH ANN GREENLEE S i George Greenlee « Samuel Greenlee ' I Maria Bottenfield Nancy Gantz Samuel Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee ' I Mary Jones l' daughter of George Greenlee, was born June 30, 1839 at Clarksville, Green Co., Pennsylvania; married September 27, 1857 at Clarksville, CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS HORN, born March 24, 1830 at Clarksville, died April 14, 1896 at South English, Keokuk Co., Iowa, son of Columbus Horn and Rebecca Rose. He was a farmer; Republican; in religion, Christian; resided at Clarksville, Pennsylvania and South English, Iowa. CHILDREN : 681. I. William Newton Horn, bom September 18, 1858; married Mary A. Noffsinger. 682. II. Emma J. Horn, born October 11, 1862; married Albert Noffsinger. 683. III. George A. Horn, born June 11, 1878. 267. WILLIAM EDWARD GREENLEE » I ?,'^"';"<' *5^,!<'°'?'^, ' Samuel Greenlee = ( Maria Bottenfield Nancv Gantz Samuel Greenlee " Michael Greenlee ' I Mary Jones ( son of George Greenlee and Maria Bottenfield, was born November 2, 1844 at Clarksville, Greene Co., Pennsylvania; married April 16, 1868 at Oskaloosa, Mahaska Co., Iowa, MARGARETTA BROWN, bom May 18, 1848 at Green- ville, Pennsylvania, daughter of James Brown and Margaret Scott. He is President of the Denver Marble and Granite Company and resides at Denver, Colorado; Republican; Presbyterian. 684. I. 685. II. 686. III. 687. IV. 688. V. 689. VI. 124 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : Walter S., born January 22, 1869; married Leila Chase. + Lillian, born January 2, 1871; married Frank J. Norvell. Mignonette, bom December 23, 1873. George Alvah, born April 19, 1877 at Denver; resides at Denver. James Robert, born November 17, 1885. Child, born July 9, 1888. 271. GEORGE COLEMAN GREENLEE ^ ] «f-/^«^^»'-;„ Iro^'cin^f' *' ' Samuel Greenlee " Michael Greenlee ^ i Mary Jones f son of George Greenlee and Elizabeth Coleman, was born December 31, 1855 at Clarksville, Greene Co., Pennsylvania; married August 5, 1880 at Spring- field, Keokuk Co., Iowa, SARAH VIOLA SNODGRASS, born October 21, 1855 at Indianapolis, Mahaska Co., Iowa, died March 12, 1897 at Springfield, Iowa, daughter of Benjamin A. Snodgrass and Rispah Baker. CHILDREN : 690. I. Iva Belle, born July 6, 1881. 691. II. James Altha, born August 6, 1883. 692. III. Elsie Jane, bom November 7, 1885. GEORGE COLEMAN GREENLEE moved with his parents to a farm near Springfield, Iowa, when he was eight years old. He received a good common school education, and taught school for two terms. Since then he has followed the plow, and by close economy and tireless industry has fairly prospered. He has never held any public office save that of school director. He is a Republi- can ; in religion, Disciple ; resides at Delta, Iowa. 274. MARY JANE GREENLEE 5 J Jacoib Greenlee ' Samuel Greenlee ' Samuel Greenlee ' j.Tj.n..iv.i UX1X1XJ UJ.VXJXJX1XJXJU ) Mary Spencer Nancy Gantz Mary Jones Michael Greenlee ' I, ) daughter of Jacob Greenlee and Mary Spencer, was born January 5, 1840; married at Clarksville, Pennsylvania, A. J. SWARTZ who died about August 15, 1899 at Amity, Pennsylvania. He was a retired farmer; Republican; Methodist; resided in Green Co., Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 693. I. Ella Swartz ; married Lu Sam. 694. II. Ola Swartz ; married Morris Gallows ; lives at Amity, Pennsylvania ; four children. 695. HI. Minnie Swartz ; married Bartley Johnson ; lives at Ruffs Creek ; no children. 696. IV. Anna Swartz. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 125 276. VMlMr A ClVWRIiJ V-V. 6 5 Jacob Greenlee « Samuel Greenlee » Samuel Greenlee ' AKUILa. UAAJSiniaXii:! 5 Mary Spencer Nancy Gantz Mary Jones Michael Greenlee '■ 1 daughter of Jacob Greenlee and Mary Spencer, was born September 16, 1844 at Clarksville, Greene Co., Pennsylvania ; married December 28, 1866 in Greene Co., Pennsylvania, JESSE Y. BUJIGARNER, born December 12, 1843 at Mills- boro. Washington Co., Pennsylvania, son of George W. Bumgarner and Cath- erine Leonard. He is a farmer ; Republican ; Cumberland Presbyterian ; resides at Millsboro, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 697. I. Harry G. Bumgarner, born November 16, 1867. 698. II. George L. Bumgarner, born March 2, 1868; married Margaret Boyd. He is a physician. 699. III. Albert L. Bumgarner, born November 9, 1870; is a dentist practis- ing in Baltimore. 700. rV. Frank 0. Bumgarner, born March 24, 1878. 701. V. William D. Bumgarner, born January 20, 1882. 277. ANNA ELIZA OREENLGE S i Jacob Greenlee ♦ Samuel Greenlee • AnnA AljlZiA iTAfiiuniafiCi I Mary Spencer Nancy Gantz Samuel Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' I Mary Jones f daughter of Jacob Greenlee and Mary Spencer, was born September 10, 1846 at Clarksville, Pennsylvania ; married at Clarksville, JAMES HAWKINS, born in 1848 at Jefferson, Pennsylvania, died May 1, 1888, son of Richard Hawkins and Emeline . He was a stock dealer; Republican; Baptist; resides at Waynesboro, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : Walter R. Hawkins, born, 1871 ; married Cora Hoffman. Florence Bernice Hawkins, born, 1872; married Sherman Irns. (?) Warren K. Hawkins, born, 1874; died aged six months. Wilbur J. Hawkins, born July 10, 1877. Mary Emma Hawkins, born, 1880. Edna Bertine Hawkins, born May 1, 1883. 280. ALBERT N GREENLEE ^ ' Jacob Greenlee « Samuel Greenlee ' Samuel Greenlee ' ) Mary Spencer Nancv Gantz Mary Jones Michael Greenlee ^ / f son of Jacob Greenlee and Mary Spencer, was born March 25, 1853 at Jef- ferson, Greene Co., Pennsylvania; married November 10, 1880 at Jefferson, ELMA DOWLIN, born August 18, 1858 at Jefferson, daughter of John Dowlin and Elma Bell. He is a salesman ; Republican ; Baptist ; has resided at Pitts- burg, Brownsville and Jefferson, Pennsylvania. 702. I. 703. II. 704. III. 705. IV. 706. V. 707. VI. 126 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : 708. I. Lula D., born February 13, 1883. 709. II. Mary E., born June 24, 1886. 282. Lewis Greenlee ' Samuel Greenlee • Samuel Greenlee " Mary Jones MARY W. GREENLEE 5 \^Zl'g\^^r' T.l^^y%f^^^ Michael Greenlee • / daughter of Louis Greenlee and Anna Gregg, died in 1898 at Salem, Ohio; married MORRIS TAYLOR ; residence, Salem, Ohio. Son: 710. Harry Taylor ; is in business at Salem. 284. JAMES ALTHA GREENLEE ^ ] John A^ Greenlee « fc^GaL^^tl"'" ' Samuel Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee ' I Mary Jones f son of John Arnold Greenlee and Jane Greenlee, was born January 21, 1846, at Clarksville, Greene Co., Pennsylvania; married November 1, 1871, at Mt. Pleasant, Henry Co., Iowa, ELIZABETH J. GASS, born June 10, 1845, at Gallipolis, Gallia Co., Ohio, daughter of Elias Gass and Permelia Topping; farmer ; Populist ; in religion, Christian ; resides at Bertrand, Nebraska. CHILDREN : Emory C, born November 11, 1872. Albert P., born February 26, 1875. C. Myrtle, bom December 2, 1877. Ora May, born May 11, 1888. 286. SAMUEL ALEXANDER GREENLEE ^ ] J°;j° ^,,'j^^™'^^ ' liZ^^'ofnt"^""' Samuel Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ' I Mary Jones f son of John Arnold Greenlee and Jane Greenlee, was born February 27, 1849, dt Clarksville, Greene Co., Pennsylvania; married December 10, 1873, at Clarksville, MARY ANN TBEGARDEN, born October 11, 1851, at Clarksville, daughter of Hiram Teegarden and Sarah Clark. He is a Traveling Adjuster ; in polities. Democrat ; resided at Clarksville until 1894, then moved to Waynes- burg, Pennsylvania. One child : 715. "W. Byron, born March 2, 1877. 711. I. 712. II. 713. III. 714. IV. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 127 287. LEWIS CAMPBELL GREENLEE ^ .| Jo^n A^ Arm,ld ♦ Samuel^Oreenlee ' Samuel Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ' t Mary Jones I son of John Arnold Greenlee and Jane Greenlee, was born March 3, 1851, near Clarksville, Greene Co., Pennsylvania; married July 2, 1879, at Edinboro, Erie Co., Pennsylvania, MARY McWILLIAMS, born February 3, 1850, at Edin- boro, died June 15, 1897, at Denver, Colorado, daughter of Robert McWilliams and Alma Jane Green ; married second February 20, 1902, at Bloomington, Illi- nois, RACHEL BAUMANN, daughter of Baumann and Ellen Porter. LEWIS CAMPBELL GREENLEE worked on a farm until twenty-one years of age, attending rural school in the winters. After two terms spent at Monon- gahela College, Jefferson, Pennsylvania, he took Horace Greely's advice and went west, locating in Iowa where he remained from 1873 until 1876, then re- turned to Pennsylvania. He attended the Normal School at Edinboro, Pennsyl- vania, from which he graduated in 1878, and the same year was elected prin- cipal of the village schools at Venangoboro, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, and two years later was elected to the same position at Cambridge Springs, and remained there for three years. He concluded to go west again, and was elected Superintendent of the schools at Falls City, Nebraska. Five years later he went to Denver, Colorado, as principal of one of the Denver schools; and in 1890 was elected Superintendent of School District No. 2, known as West Den- ver, which position he still occupies. In 1893 the degree of A. M. was conferred on him by Waynesburg College, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. In 1900 he was elected treasurer of the National Educational Association, of which he had been a member for a number of years. He is well known among educational circles In politics, he is is a Republican. RACHEL (BAUMANN) GREENLEE graduated from the Illinois Wesleyan University with the degree of B. S. She also graduated at the Boston School of Oratory, and took post-graduate work in literature at the Chicago Univer- sity. She served as a teacher in colleges and high schools in Colorado, Minne- eapolis, and Birmingham for six years, and devoted three years to public plat- form work. She is known all over the country at large and in Canada as a reader of great intelligence and unusual ability. She is eminent as a scholar, as well as a reader. 288. ALBERT GREER GREENLEE 5 (.John a. Greenlee' Samuel Greenlee = I Jane Greenlee Nancj- Gantz Samuel Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ' I Mary Jones f son of John Arnold Greenlee and Jane Greenlee, was born February 27, 1854 at Clarksville, Greene Co., Pennsylvania ; married March 11, 1880 at Watts- burg, Erie Co., Pennsylvania, CARRIE SALINA DUNCOMBE, born September 15, 1856 at Wattsburg, daughter of David C. Duncombe and M. Elizabeth Fritts. No children. 128 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. ALBERT GREER GREENLEE graduated from the Normal School at Edin- boro, Pennsylvania, in the class of 1878. He taught at Blooming Valley, Penn- sylvania one year, and at Utica, Pennsylvania, two years. In 1885 he graduated from the University of Wooster (Ohio), at the head of his class. He represented this university in the State Oratorical Contest at Oberlin in 1885; and repre- sented the state of Ohio in the Inter-state Oratorical Contest the same year. He was instructor in the University of "Wooster for one year after graduating. In 1886 he removed to Lincoln, Nebraska, where he has since been engaged in the practice of law. He served as a member of the Board of Education of Lincoln in 1889-1892, and was again elected to that oiSce in 1898. A'N'N'A MAT?V fJP'R'RNT.'R'R 5 ( John A. Greenlee * Samuel Greenlee » Samuel Greenlee " AJMnA lYlAKX Ultr.j:.JML.J:iXj ■, jane Greenlee Nancy Gantz Mary Jones Michael Greenlee ' } daughter of John Arnold Greenlee and Jane Greenlee, was born August 15, 1856 at Clarksville, Greene Co., Pennsylvania; married September 1, 1876 at Clarksville, SAMUEL JAMES ADAMSON, born March 25, 1854 at Lippincott, Greene Co., Pennsylvania, son of James Madison Adamson and Emeline Heaton. He is a photographer ; Democrat ; Baptist ; resides at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. One child: 716. Estella Greenlee Adamson, born April 4, 1883. 290. JAMES LEBBEUS GREENLEE s ] JXa'rfne'^B^!""* ' fs^cj^o^nu^'' ' Samuel Greenlee * Michael Greenlee ' I Mary Jones 1 son of James Gans Greenlee and Catherine Bell, was born April 8, 1853 near Jefferson, Greene Co., Pennsylvania ; married December 23, 1875 at Fayette City, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania, ALAMANDA COOK, born February 22, 1857 at Fayette City, died April 26, 1883 at Kahoka, Clark Co., Missouri, daughter of George Cook and Alamanda Rose (a cousin of the late President McKinley) ; married second December 23, 1884 at Quincy, Illinois, MART ELLA IRENE BOSWELL, born December 14, 1855 at Palmyra, Missouri, daughter of Boswell and Boots. CHILDREN (all unmarried in 1899) : Maude Celeste, born October 9, 1876. Olive Lillian, born August 22, 1878. Frank Elliott, born October 5, 1880. Charles Hiller, born September 14, 1882. JAMES LEBBEUS GREENLEE received his education in the public schools and at Green Academy at Carmichaels, Pennsylvania, and Monongahela Col- lege, Jefferson, Pennsylvania. For a time he taught school. In the spring of 717. I. 718. II. 719. in. 720. IV. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 129 1875 he went west and located in Kahoka, Iowa, where he engaged in the lumber business. He is editor and publisher of the Clark County Courier, and has been Postmaster of the city of Kahoka. He is a member of the bar, but has never engaged actively in practice. He is a Congregationalist and in politics a Republican. 297. TAflO'R fJAVTVTANS J Susannah Greenlee • Samuel Greenlee ' Samuel Greenlee ^ UAV/wxj vta.i.xiiJi.1.^ /Joseph Gayman Nancy Gantz Mary Jones Michael Greenlee ' I son of Susannah Greenlee and Joseph Gaynian, was born January 2, 1843 at Zollarsville, "Washington Co., Pennsylvania ; married May 25, 1871 at Washing- ton, Washington Co., Pennsylvania, EVALINE CRUMRINE, born December 25, 1846 at Hillsboro, Washington Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of George Crumrine and Mahala Barnard ; farmer ; Democrat ; in religion Lutheran ; re- sides at Scenery Hill, Washington Co., Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 721. I. Helmuth Gayman, born August 11, 1873. 722. II. Joseph Shelby Gayman, born March 25, 1877. 723. III. Storer Barnard Gayman, born September 6, 1881. 724. IV. Greenley Gayman, born ]\Iarch 4, 1888 ; died March 16, 1891. 299. THADDETIS D GAYMAN S J Susannah Greenlee ' Samuel Greenlee " Samuel Greenlee • ±n.AUUJUUO U. UAXWlAn 1 Joseph Gayman Nancy Gantz Mary Jones Michael Greenlee ^ [ son of Susannah Greenlee and Joseph Gayman, was born January 17, 1846 at Zollarsville, Washington Co., Pennsylvania ; married June 26, 1889 at Burgetta- town, Washington Co., Pennsylvania, JANET L. HARPER, born May 22, 1866 at Burgettstown, daughter of Joseph T. Harper and Elizabeth Stewart; teacher; Democrat; in religion. Christian; resides at Zollarsville. CHILDREN : 725. I. Joseph Gayman, born May 7, 1890. 726. II. Helen Gayman, born July 23, 1892. 311. LEBBEUS GANTZ BENNINGTON ^ J Margaret Greenlee « Samuel Greenlee • xjxj.uj^.uwM ux2j.«.i.J:>xxi j. £> JZiXi ii xii u ± vxi i Demas Bennington ' Nancy Gantz Samuel Green'ee ^ Michael Greenlee ^ / Mary Jones f daughter of Margaret Greenlee and Demas Bennington, was born March 2, 1858 at Zollarsville, Washington Co., Pennsylvania; married January 14, 1881 at Mt. Vernon, Knox Co., Ohio, CLAYTON BISHOP, born June 11, 1861 at Mt. Liberty, Knox Co., Ohio, son of Allen S. Bishop and Nettie Wayland. He was Postmaster (1899) ; in politics, Republican; in religion, Methodist; resided at Centerburg, Ohio. CHILDREN: 728. I. Ray B. Bishop, born January 25, 1882. 729. II. Guy C. Bishop, born November 15, 1890. 314. NANCY MARGARET BENNINGTON ^"^ ! ^'e"^?s^^ln^n7n^|e'o^r &^'G?n?.°'"' Samuel Greenlee - Michael Greenlee • I Mary Jones f daughter of Margaret Greenlee and Demas Bennington, was born February 5, 1861 at Zollarsville, Washington Co., Pennsylvania ; married June 28, 1883 at Jefferson, Greene Co., Pennsylvania, GEORGE ELMER HEDGE, born April 27, 1862 at Jefferson, Pennsylvania, son of William Hedge and Mary Moore. He is a farmer; in polities. Republican; in religion, United Brethren; resides at Eugene, Knox Co., Ohio. CHILDREN: 730. I. William Blaine Hedge, born June 2, 1884. 731. II. Cora Ethel Hedge, born February 4, 1886. 732. III. Iris May Hedge, born June 2, 1890. 733. IV. Hazel Bennington Hedge, born December 8, 1896. 317. MARTHA ANN BENNINGTON* ! ?f"f/|' £,7^*.'^ ^^l:t^:^f^^' \ Demas Bennington Nancy Gantz Samuel Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee ' I Mary Jones f daughter of Margaret Greenlee and Demas Bennington, was born January 26, 1867 near Zollarsville, Washington Co., Pennsylvania; married September 21, 1893 at Centerburg, Knox Co., Ohio, BENSON C. BISHOP, born February 5, MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 131 1864 at Mt. Liberty, Knox Co., Ohio, son of Allen S. Bishop and Nettie Way- land. He is a farmer ; Republican ; Methodist ; resides at Mt. Liberty, Ohio. One child: 734. Olive Marguerite Bishop, born August 4, 1897. MARTHA ANN BENNINGTON was two and a half years old when her father moved with his family to Howell County, Missouri. After the death of her mother, the children were separated, she going to Waynesburg, Pennsyl- vania where she lived for four years. She then went to live with her guardian, John Horn, whose wife was her first cousin. Her father married again and went to live at Parkersburg, West Virginia. Accordingly, at his request she went to live with them. She lived at Danville, West Virginia, six years and then returned to her native state and remained one year, then went to Ohio where she has since resided. 319 AriN'1<'.$! N nnOP'R'R B l Anne Creenlee * Samuel Greenlee ^ Samuel Greenlee ^ A\xaiif3 a. \j\jyjrCD. ( Lemuel Y. Cooper Nancy Gantz Mary Jones Michael Greenlee ' I daughter of Anne Greenlee and Lemuel Young Cooper, was born December 14, 1856 near Zollarsville, Washington Co., Pennsylvania; married December 18, 1879 at Utica, Licking Co., Ohio, SAMUEL BENTON HULL, bom August 7, 1858 at Bladensburg, Knox Co., Ohio, son of David Hull and Elizabeth Bell. CHILDREN : Olive Grace Hull, born January 5, 1883 ; died June 5, 1893. Son, born January 14, 1884 ; died the same day. Daughter, born October, 1886 ; died October 20, 1886. Ethel Blanche Hull, born August 26, 1890. John Sanson Hull, born June 29, 1896. AGNES N. COOPER attended school in Pennsylvania and Ohio until eighteen years of age, after which her time was spent in teaching. In the meantime she attended Normal school in order that she might be better equipped for her work. She continued as an instructor until her marriage. SAMUEL B. HULL taught school for some years after marriage, and after- ward moved to a farm near Utica, Ohio where they still reside. He is a Demo- crat; in religion. Disciple. 320. SANSON MILLEGAN COOPER ^ t Anne Greenlee ' Samuel Greenlee » / Lemuel \. Cooper Nancy Gantz Samuel Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ^ I Mary Jones ( son of Anne Greenlee and Lemuel Young Cooper, was born April 23, 1858 near Washington, Washington Co., Pennsylvania; married April 23, 1884 at 735. I. 736. II. 737. III. 738. IV. 739. V. 132 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Sullivan, Ohio, ELLA HARVUOT, born May 7, 1864 at Ashland, Ashland Co., Ohio, daughter of R. B. Harvuot and Elvira Mercer. CHILDREN : 740. I. Virginia May Cooper, born May 20, 1886. 741. II. Mildred E. Cooper, born September 23, 1890. SANSON MILLEGAN COOPER removed with his father to Licking County, Ohio, when he was seven years old, and was there brought up on a farm. In 1880 he graduated from the Utica, Ohio Normal School, and ra 1886 graduated from Bethany (West Virginia) College. He has served as pastor of the Christian church at Morris Cross Roads, Pennsylvania, Higginsville, Missoiiri and Syracuse, New York. For four years he was financial agent of Bethany College, adding fifty thousand dollars to her endowment and doubling the number of students. He removed to Cincinatti, Ohio, where he is president of the Cooper Buggy Company, and also actively engaged in the real estate loan and building business, employing, in connection with his two younger brothers, two hundred and twenty-five men in the building department alone. He con- tinues to preach more or less regularly, besides lecturing quite frequently on social and economic subjects. He is Chairman of the Acting Board of ]\Iana- gers, and a member of the Executive Committee, and Recording Secretary of the Foreign Christian Missionary Society; also a trustee of the Disciples Divinity House of Chicago University, and a member of the Young Men's Business Club of Cincinnati. 321. JAMES GREENLEE COOPERS J Anne Oreenlee • Samuel Greenlee • v.n.i.T^.uM 'u .iv.u.u.1.1 .u^.u 'WWW... .U...V I Lemuel \. Cooper Nancy Gantz Samuel Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ^ I Mary Jones f son of Anne Greenlee and Lemuel Young Cooper, was born August 11, 1860 at Lone Pine, Washington Co., Pennsylvania; married September 9, 1885 at Highwater, Licking Co., Ohio, CARRIE C. BOWERS, born February 5, 1865 at Highwater, daughter of William Bowers and Mary Ellen Warner. CHILDREN : 742. I. Everett F. Cooper, born September 11, 1889. 743. II. Lulu E. Cooper, born April 26, 1891. 744. ni. Lois B. Cooper, born May 16, 1894. JAMES GREENLEE COOPER attended common school until eighteen years of age, then had one term at St. Louisville, Ohio, one term at the Utica (Ohio) Normal, and two years at the National Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio, where he took the teachers' course. He taught school for nine years, part of the time being principal of the schools at Chatham, Licking County, Ohio. In October, 1890 he went to Cincinnati where he has since engaged in the Real Estate business, in which he has been very successful. His brothers Sanson M. and Myers Young, are associated with him under the firm name of MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 133 James G. Cooper & Company. In politics, he is a Republican ; in religion, Dis- ciple; resides at Wakint Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio. ANGELIN£ AMY -COOPER ** i Anne Greenlee * Samuel Greenlee ' I Lemuel Y. Cooper Nancy Gantz Samuel Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' i. Mary Jones (' daughter of Anne Greenlee and Lemuel Young Cooper, was born November 23, 1861 at Lone Pine, Washington Co., Pennsylvania; married April 9, 1885, WARNER BOWERS, born January 18, 1863 at Highwater, Licking Co., Ohio, son of William Bowers and Mary Ellen Warner. He is a farmer and fruit grower ; in politics, Democrat ; in religion, Christian ; reside at Sparta, Ohio. She was a teacher before her marriage. CHILDREN : 745. I. Cammine Bowers, born July 27, 1889. 746. II. Hallie Viva Bowers, born July 1, 1891; died January 9, 1892. SUSANNA DORA COOPER* l Anne Greenlee « Samuel Greenlee • I Lemuel Y. Cooper Nancy Gantz Samuel Greenlee • Michael Greenlee ' } Mary Jones S daughter of Anne Greenlee and Lemuel Young Cooper, was born December 8, 1868 at St. Louisville, Licking Co., Ohio; married December 31, 1892 near St. Louisville, LOUIS BYRON EVANS, born October 4, 1870 at Centerburg, Knox Co., Ohio, son of James Leander Evans and Ann Hawkins. He is a farmer; Democrat ; Presbyterian ; resides at Centerburg, Ohio. One child: 747. Leland Evans, born December 8, 1893. 327. SAMTIF.I. DARSIE COOPER 5 ( Anne Greenlee » Samuel Greenlee « OAlUUrilj ilAIfcOiHi V/UUirrjJi , Lemuel Y. Cooper Nancy Gantz Samuel Greenlee " Michael Greenlee ' / Mary Jones f sou of Anne Greenlee and Lemuel Young Cooper, was born August 16, 1869 at St. Louisville, Licking Co., Ohio; married ]\Iarch 3, 1897 at St. Louisville, MARIE STEWART, born August 31, 1874 at St. Louisville, daughter of James A. Stewart and Martha A. Williams ; farmer ; Democrat ; in religion, Lutheran ; resides near St. Louisville, Ohio. One child: 748. I. Sanson Stewart Cooper, born April 2, 1898. 134 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 328. j Anne Greenlee ♦ I Lemuel Y. Cooper Samuel Greenlee ' Nancy Gantz \ MYERS YOUNG COOPER ^ Samuel Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ' Mary Jones son of Anne Greenlee and Lemuel Young Cooper, was born November 25, 1873 at St. Louisville, Licking Co., Ohio; married December 15, 1897, MARTHA NORMA KINNEY, born January 22, 1874 at Newport, Kentucky, daughter of Joel F. Kinney and Sarah A. Walker. He is a member of the firm of James G. Cooper & Company of Cincinnati; in politics. Republican; in religion, Christian. 329. \ James Greenlee * ( Mary Joliffi Jacob Greenlee ' Elizabeth Gantz ELIZABETH ANN GREENLEE » Samuel Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ^ ) Mary Jones i daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Joliff, was born November 24, 1844 ; died August 13, 1890 ; married HENRY HUHN ; resided at Smithfield, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 749. I. Oliver G. Huhn. 750. II. Nellie M. Huhn. 331. j James Greenlee * ( Mary Joliff Jacob Greenlee * Elizabeth Gantz Samuel Greenlee ' Mary Jones MARY M. GREENLEE ^ Michael Greenlee ^ I daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Joliff, was born Jime 17, 1850 near Smithfield, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania ; married in 1872 at Smithfield, CHARLES B. McCARTY, who was born in Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania, died in 1883 or 1884 at Smithfield, son of John McCarty, and Sarah Clark. He is a tele- graph operator and Agent on Railroad; in politics. Democrat; in religion, methodist; resides at UniontOAvn, Pennsylvania. One child: 751. Jessie McCarty, born in 1874; unmarried (1900). 332. CHARLES ALVIN GREENLEE ^ Michael Greenlee ^ [ I James Greenlee * I Mary Joliff Jacob Greenlee ' Elizabeth Gantz Samuel Greenlee * Mary Jones son of James Greenlee and Mary Joliff, was born March 19, 1857 at Wood- bridge, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania; married August 20, 1880 at Uhriehsville, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, EMMA 0. PACKER, born March 27, 1861 at Newport, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, daughter of Theodore Packer and Eliza Cahill; mer- chant; Republican; Methodist; residence, Uhriehsville, Ohio. 752. I. 753. II. 754. in. 755. IV. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 135 CHILDREN: William Packer, born May 24, 1880. Mary Eliza, born July 18, 1883. James Bruce, born October 11, 1887. Charles Theodore, born April 4, 1895. 333. EMMA GKEi£NXi£j£j * i James Greenlee < Jacob Greenlee ' Samuel Greenlee ' 1 Mary Jolitf Elizabeth Gantz Mary Jones Michael Greenlee ' > daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Joliff, was born August 20, 1859 at Woodbridge, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania; married February 26, 1884 near Smithfield, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania, WILLIAM DEFFENBAUGH, born October 20, 1848 near Masontown, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania, died February 9, 1887 near Masontown. He is a farmer; Democrat; in religion, Lutheran; re- sided near Masontown and at Ruble, Pennsylvania. One child: 756. Leona Deffenbaugh, born August 30, 1886. 345. WILLIAM ARTHUR GREENLEE 6 J Luther Greenlee • Jacob Greenlee » I Marietta Wood Elizabeth Gantz Samuel Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' I Mary Jones 1 son of Luther Greenlee and Marietta Wood, was born March 8, 1855 at Wood- bridge, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania ; died, 1893 ; married February 5, 1874, ISADORE KEESLING, born February 15, 1856 at Mechanicsburg, Henry Co., Indiana, daughter of William Keesling and Eliza Minnick; shoemaker; Re- publican ; in religion, Seventh-day Adventists ; resided at Middletown, Indiana. CHILDREN : Charles A., born May 2, 1875; married Goldena Warner.+ Alpheus C, born March 1, 1878; married Lena Riley. Bertha A., born February 27, 1880 ; married Ithamar Keesling. Lewis G., born July 30, 1882. Laurence W., born November 22, 1887 ; died March 26, 1888. 346. OLIVm? P RTl'li'.'P'.'NT.'R'R 5 1 1.uther Greenlee ' .Jacob Greenlee ' Samuel Greenlee ' WUlVriR r. UKJliriiMliriri 1 Marietta wood Elizabeth Gantz Mary Jones Michael Greenlee ^ ) f son of Luther Greenlee and Marietta Wood, was born October 4, 1858 at Mechanicsburg, Henry Co., Indiana; married February 24, 1881 at Cadiz, Henry Co.. Indiana, FLORENCE A. BRANDENBURG, born February 4, 1863 at Kingstown, Henry Co., Indiana, daughter of Thomas Brandenburg and Louisa . 757. I. 758. II. 759. III. 760. IV. 761. V. 136 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : 762. I. Claude, born May 29, 1882 at Markleville, Indiana. 763. II. Altha, born February 5, 1884 at Markleville. 764. III. Charles A., born September 14, 1893, at Middletown. 765. IV. John D., born November 1, 1897 at Middletown. OLIVER P. GREENLEE belonged to a family that followed the trade of shoemaking. His grandfather was a tanner and shoemaker; his father fol- lowed the same trade and designed that he should likewise. He left the shop and accepted a position as clerk in a grocery. This was the beginning of his mercantile life. He continued as clerk from 1872 until the fall of 1892. His employer, desiring to dispose of his business, Mr. Greenlee, with his present partner went into business. By strict economy and close application to busi- ness he was able to meet all his obligations and now owns a half interest in a fine stock of general merchandise, and has a comfortable home. He is a Republican; in religion, Universalist ; resides at Middletown, Indiana. 359. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN SIZEMORE « | ^J-J,- p G--J|e^;^^ Andrew H. Greenlee ' John Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ' ? Annis D. Giles Nancy Hamilton i son of Elvira P. Greenlee and Richmond Baker Sizemore, was born October 13, 1855 at Greensboro, Webster Co., Mississippi ; married April 1, 1883 at "Wynn, Stewart Co., Tennessee, AMANDA EVELINE (SYKES) GADDY, born Decem- ber 30, 1855 at Dover, Stewart Co., Tennessee, daughter of John Sykes and Minerva Johnson. He is a farmer and has held the office of postmaster; in polities, he is a Democrat ; in religion, Methodist Episcopal Church South ; re- sides at WjTin. Tennessee. CHILDREN : Mattie Edith Sizemore, born December 3, 1885. Maud ^Minerva Sizemore, born November 19, 1891 ; died September 27, 1895. Ethel Parlee Sizemore, born April 16, 1894. Baker Franklin Sizemore, born July 6, 1896; died September 15, 1899. 360. THEODOSIA ERNEST SIZEMORE « I iS^-'-^^^^/B^l^lrrn'ore iS^fl^.^'dif/s""'" " John Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ^ *, Nancy Hamilton f daughter of Elvira P. Greenlee and Richmond Baker Sizemore, was born April 8, 1858 near Greensboro, Webster Co., ^Mississippi ; married February 16, 1879 at Erin, Houston Co., Tennessee, JOHN H. UFFELJIAN, born November 27, 1850 in Beaver Co., Pennsylvania, son of IMartin Uffelman and Gertrude Frish- korn. He is a farmer-. Prohibitionist; in religion, Cumberland Presbyterian; resides near Erin, Tennessee. 766. I. 767. II. 768. III. 769. IV. 771. II. 772. III. 773. IV. 774. V. 775. VI. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 137 CHILDREN: 770. I. Lois Agnes Uffelman. born January 5, 1880; married William B. Boone. -|- John Ernest Uffelman, born May 5, 1881 ; died July 24, 1882. Hohenzellen Uffelman, born October 20, 1882, or 1883. Eunice T. Uffelman, born August 7, 1887. Elvira Gertrude Uft'elman, born February 23, 1893. Ruth Uffelman, born August 10, 1897. 361. PRANCES VERONICA SIZEMORE« 1 gll'-„''„/ll^^- ^re iS^LT.^difer"'^^ ' John Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ^ / Nancy Hamilton f daughter of Elvira P. Greenlee and Richmond Baker Sizemore, was born Feb- ruary 6, 1860 at Walthall, Webster Co., Mississippi ; married December 8, 1878 at Wynn, Stewart Co., Tennessee, THOMAS J. MORE, born July 20, 18— at Dover, Stewart Co., Tennessee, son of Lewis More. He is County Surveyor; a Democrat ; and resides at Wynn, Tennessee. CHILDREN : William C. More, born July 23, 1880. Bertha More, born September 4, 1882; married Richard Perry Coy.+ Thomas Benjamin More, born July 25, 1887. Thomas Edwin More, born March 20, 1890. Richmond C. More, born ]May 27, 1893. Dosia Anniee More, born January 27, 1896 ; died September 4, 1897. 362. MARCIA EUDORA SIZEMORE S ) Elvlra P Creenlee * Andrew IL Greenlee > / Richmond B. Sizemore Annis D. Giles John Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ^ I Nancy Hamilton f daughter of Elvira P. Greenlee and Richmond Baker Sizemore, was born March 2, 1862 at Greensboro, Choctaw Co., Mississippi; married June 24, 1886 at Nashville, Tennessee, JAMES SANFORD LEE, born May 26, 1831 at Erin, Stewart Co., Tennessee, died May 10, 1901, son of John W. Lee and Elizabeth Hawkins. He was a lawyer ; Democrat ; Methodist ; resided at Erin, Tennessee. CHILDREN : Clarice Lee, born July 27, 1887. Olive Lee, born April 20, 1890. Annie Lee, born March 8, 1893. Lona Lee, born April 16, 1897. 776. I. 777. II. 778. III. 779. IV. 780. V. 781. VI. 782. I. 783. II. 784. III. 785. IV. 138 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 367. EUGENIA ADA SIZEMORE 5 \l^±J'r''if:"'Z: tS^f^Y.^:^?/^'""' 786. I. 787. II. 788. III. 789. IV. 790. V. Benson C. Sizemore Annis D. Giles John Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ^ I Nancy Hamilton f daughter of Emily Parizade Greenlee and Benson Collins Sizemore, was born February 14, 1863 in Christian Co., Kentucky; died March 1, 1900 at Duck Hill, Montgomery Co., Mississippi; married July 8, 1888 at Taylor, Lafayette Co., Mississippi, ROBERT HENRY MITCHELL, born May 17, 1866 at Taylor, son of Richard Manson ilitchell and Elizabeth Belew. He is a salesman ; Demo- crat ; Baptist ; resides at Duck HiU, Mississippi. CHILDREN: Carey Dias Mitchell, bom September 18, 1889. Richard Benson Mitchell, born March 12, 1891. Charles H. Mitchell, born July 30, 1892. Ruth Octavia Mitchell, born April 15, 1896. Ethel Corinne Mitchell, born January 31, 1899. 369. RTENZI BERNARD SIZEMORE 5 ' Emily p. Greenlee • Andrew H. Greenlee " IViXin^i. DiliAl^AAl^ Oi.ii£jUl\JD,Ci I Benson C. Sizemore Annis D. Giles John Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee ^ ', Nancy Hamilton \ son of Emily Parizade Greenlee and Benson Collins Sizemore, was born April 17, 1869 at Roaring Spring, Trigg Co., Kentucky; married June 23, 1892 at Louisville, Kentucky, RUTH H. HANSFORD, born March 30, 1875 at Owens- boro, Kentucky, daughter of James Miner Hansford and Livisa Jane Clark. He is Depot Agent, Southern Railway Company ; in politics, Democrat ; in religion, Baptist; resides at Clinton, Tennessee. CHILDREN: 791. I. Ellis Bion Sizemore, born June 5, 1893 ; died March 12, 1894. 792. II. Cleo Miner Sizemore, born April 27, 1898. 370. MONTAZUMA MARMION SIZEMORE' ! S^'lL^^^T™'"; ' l^^L'n^ri?/,""""" ' Benson C. Sizemore Annis u. Giles John Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ^ I Nancy Hamilton (" son of Emily Parizade Greenlee and Benson Collins Sizemore, was born June 7, 1871 at Roaring Springs. Trigg Co.. Kentucky; married November 14, 1893 at Louisville, Kentucky, BESSIE NADAL WHITE, born March 14, 1872 at Louisville, daiighter of Theodore S. "White and Sallie J. Nadal. He is a travel- ing salesman; Democrat; Baptist; resided at Louisville, Kentucky and New Albany, Indiana. MICHAEL OF DELAWAEE. 139 CHILDREN: 793. I. Emma M. Sizemore, born August 11, 1894. 794. II. Theodore M. Sizemore, bom December 28, 1899. 388. EDDIE RUTHERFORD GREENLEE » ] ti° hI Ru{h*^rfo?d'' ' tSafl D.^diur""" ' John Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ' /. Nancy Hamilton i" daughter of Andrew Pranklm Greenlee and Jlarie Josephine Rutherford, was bom November 24, 1874 at Batesville, Panola Co., Mississippi ; married January 9, 1895 at Watervalley, Yalobusha Co., Mississippi, DUINT HOLLOW AY, bora January 19, 1871 at Watervalley, son of Alfred Holloway and Sarah Downey. He is a farmer; Democrat; Baptist; resides at Watervalley, Mississippi (1900). CHILDREN: 795. I. Mary Holloway, bom May 25, 1896. 796. n. Cary C. Holloway, bom February 15, 1900. 424. WILLIAM J STURGEON B ' J"''a ^- Greenlee « William Greenlee » WiljijlAlU J. OlUKUriUn , Obadiah sturgeon Mary Hughs James Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' I Richey Herring f son of Julia Ann Greenlee and Obadiah Sturgeon, was born March 29, 1851 at Hall, Morgan Co., Indiana ; married January 1, 1880 at Hopkins, Nodaway Co., Missouri. FLORA J. RYAN, born June 27, 1860 at Lafayette, Tippecanoe Co., Indiana, daughter of George W. Ryan and Miriam Williams. He is an ac- countant; in polities, a Populist; in religion, Missionary Baptist; resides at Rapid City, South Dakota. CHILDREN : Clifton Sturgeon, bom May 9, 1881. Clyde Sturgeon, bom November 14, 1882 ; died February 4, 1883. Garnette I\I. Sturgeon, born May 17, 1884. William Sturgeon, born March 18, 1888 ; died July 16, 1888. Ethel Sturgeon, bom August 4, 1889. Ruby Floy Sturgeon, born May 9, 1893 ; died August 13, 1893. Bertha Violette Sturgeon, born August 27, 1894. Charles M. Sturgeon, born October 26, 1895. 425. RITCHIE E. STURGEONS \l'i}'%\^i7'''"^^^' William Creenlee ' I Obadiah Sturgeon Mary Hughs James Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee i l_ Richey Herring 1 daughter of Julia Ann Greenlee and Obadiah Sturgeon, was born April 13, 1853 at Monrovia, Morgan Co., Indiana; married May 5, 1870, JAMES W. 797. I. 798. IL 799. III. 800. IV. 801. V. 802. VI. 803. VII. 804. VIII. 140 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. ULMER, bora in 1848 at Vienna, Seott Co., Indiana, son of Thomas S. Ulmer and Sarah . He is a farmer ; Republican ; Missionary Baptist ; resides at Hopkins, Missouri. CHILDREN : 805. I. Antoinette Ulmer, born March 18, 1871; married Cornelius Oliver. 806. II. Everett H. Ulmer, born February 17, 1874; married Mettie More- house. 807. III. George B. Ulmer, born December 8, 1875 ; married Grace Butts. 428. 'Pn!''RPn'N' W RTTTPfJF.n'N' 6 ( Julia A. Greenlee • William Greenlee • HtBKUJN a. &iUKUJ!iU« 1 0badiah Sturgeon Mary Hughs James Greenlee ■ Michael Greenlee ^ ( Kichey Herring i son of Julia Ann Greenlee and Obadiah Sturgeon, was bom November 12, 1860 at Hopkins, Nodaway Co., Missouri; married December 26, 1882 at Hopkins, Missouri, LUDEMA SHEEKS, born February 7, 1866 at Xenia, Nodaway Co., Missouri, daughter of George Washington Sheeks and Mary Davis. He is a farmer; Republican; Missionary Baptist; resides at Hopkins, Missouri. CHILDREN : 808. I. George Obadiah Sturgeon, born February 24, 1884 ; died October 19, 1887. 809. II. Lily May Sturgeon, born March 14, 1885. 810. III. James Leroy Sturgeon, born December 23, 1888. 429. n.'li'.nPn.'P. W STTTT?fir.ON6 j JuUa a. Greenlee * William Greenlee • UXiUAUXi W. OXUAUfiUn 1 0badiah Sturgeon Mary Hughs James Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' I Rlchey Herring f son of Julia Ann Greenlee and Obadiah Sturgeon, was born August 27, 1863 at Martinsville, Morgan Co., Indiana ; married February 28, 1887, MARY ELLA LLOYD, born September 6, 1868 at Pickering, Nodaway Co., Missouri, daughter of Morris Lloyd. He is a farmer; Republican; Missionary Baptist; resides at Hopkins, Missouri. CHILDREN : 811. I. Morris S. Sturgeon, born May 30, 1889. 812. II. Harley D. Stiu-geon, born January 26, 1891. 813. III. Hazel M. Sturgeon, born February 17, 1897. 434. I.A'PAVT'.TTP. fr'R'RTi'.NT.F.'R S j James A. Greenlee * William Greenlee • xjAXAX£ixx£i vrAjj£ii.ixi£i£i 1 Susau Dell Scott Mary Hughs James Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ^ I Richey Herring ( son of James Allen Greenlee and Susan Dell Scott, was born October 11, 1859 814. I. 815. II. 816. III. 817. IV. 818. V. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 141 at Hall, Morgan Co., Indiana ; married February 12, 1885 at Maryville, Noda- way Co., Missouri, ROSELLA M. CHENOWETH, born Marcb 25, 1865 in Owen Co., Indiana, died July 14, 1893 at Hopkins, Nodaway Co., Missouri, daughter of Laurence Chenoweth and Hannah S. McGinnis; married second October 4, 1897 at Maryville, Missouri, DELL M. RUSH, born November 20, 1880 at Sweethome, Missouri, daughter of John M. Rush and Lozeldia M. Camp- bell. He is a farmer; Democrat; in religion. Christian; resides at Hopkins, Missouri. CHILDREN : James A., born November 27, 1885. Ethel D., born June 29, 1887. Dale L., born December 16, 1888. Harley C, born May 26, 1890. Maud S., born November 16, 1891. 819. VI. Allan M., born November 24, 1898. 820. Vn. Homer, born August 10, 1900. 435. CiORA BELL GREENLEE S J James a. Greenlee * William Greenlee » James Greenlee " Michael Greenlee ' I Richey Herring f daughter of James Allen Greenlee and Susan Dell Scott, was born May 27, 1862 at Eminence, Morgan Co., Indiana ; married May 20, 1880 at Hopkins, Nodaway Co., Missouri, JOHN F. TATMAN, born March 28, 1850 at Macomb, Illinois, son of Jesse Tatman and Amanda M. Harlan; farmer. Republican; resides at Hopkins, Missouri. CHILDREN : Alta D. Tatman, born February 24, 1881. Nellie E. Tatman, born June 1, 1882 ; married Ed. Coleman. Lulu M. Tatman, born March 13, 1884. Georgie M. Tatman, bom March 25, 1890. Ralph G. Tatman, born August 20, 1898. 442. LYDIA ANNA TURNEATITJE s J Bethlah Greenlee • Robert Greenlee » UXUIA AnciA lUHnriilUIUlj 1 Thomas S. Turneaure Anna Chamberlain Michael Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ' / Bethiah Maxson I daughter of Bethiah Greenlee and Thomas Shankland Turneaure, was born April 3, 1841 at Springboro, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married April 5, 1863 at Springboro, ANDREW JACKSON TOWER, born February 24, 1840 at Girard, Erie Co., Pennsylvania, son of R. W. Tower and Sophia Crann. He is a farmer ; Democrat ; in religion. Disciple ; resides at Beaver Centre, Penn- sylvania. 821. I. 822. II. 823. III. 824. IV. 825. V. 826. I. 827. II. 828. in. 829. IV. 830. V. 142 GKEENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: Charles P. Tower, bom February 4, 1864 ; dead. Ella J. Tower, born September 10, 1865 ; married L. A. Silverthorn. She is postmistress at Beaver Centre, Pennsylvania. Delia Tower, born October 29, 1872 ; married F. F. "Wilcox. George Tower, born November 5, 1875 ; married Ida Hughes. Gertrude Tower, born July 18, 1879. 443. TPT T7 A ■RVTW H TTTP'M'R ATTPF. 5 I Bethiah Greenlee * Robert Greenlee « J!iijl^A£J!iX±l a. lUlUXriAUKili ( Thomas S. Turneaure Anna Chamberlain Michael Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee ' I Bethiah Maxson f daughter of Bethiah Greenlee and Thomas Shankland Turneaure, was born July 12, 1844 in Spring Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married Sep- tember 19, 1865 at Belvidere, Illinois, BENJAMIN W. RUNDEL, born March 25, 1834 in Cussawago Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, died December 19, 1876 in Cussa\vago To-^vnship, son of Lewis Rundel and Martha Curtis. He was a farmer. She married second October 10, 1893 at Belvidere, Illinois, MOSES B. HERSEY, born August 21, 1822 at Foxcraft, Maine, died September 20, 1900 at Belvidere, Illinois, son of Hersey and Bradbury. Resides at Belvidere, Illinois. CHILDREN : 831. I. Nellie Rundel, born Jiily 7, 1866 ; died October 20, 1867. 832. II. Carrie Rundel, born August 31, 1868; married John Cleaver.+ 833. III. Anna Rundel, born June 18, 1873. 447. IWA'RV T TTTP'WP. ATTPP. B J Bethiah Greenlee « Robert Greenlee ' miUClf 1j. iUKJ.'NJliii.UItri i Thomas S. Turneaure Anna Chamberlain Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee > I Bethiah Maxson I daughter of Bethiah Greenlee and Thomas Shankland Turneaure, was born July 31, 1853 at Springboro, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married October 23, 1889 at Belvidere, Illinois, DWIGHT E. BAKER, born April 19, 1852 at Barn- stead, Quebec, Canada, son of Prentiss Monroe Baker and Mary S. Stephens. CHILDREN: 834. I. Ralph Prentiss Baker, born June 19, 1892. 835. II. Ruth Turneaure Baker, born December 5, 1896. DWIGHT E. BAKER remained with his parents in Canada vmtil he was eight years old, when they moved to a farm in Iowa County, Wisconsin. He re- mained with them until he was twenty-three years of age, and during three years of his life at home he managed to learn the trade of mason. Hearing that Iowa was one of the best states in the Union, he resolved to go west and see MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 143 for himself. Tama County seemed to impress him quite favorably and he located at Traer in the spring of 1875, and went to work at his trade. He was kept continually busy from the time the frost was out of the ground until it was frozen again in the fall, always having a large crew of men with him. But after eight years of this hard labor he became convinced that there were easier ways of making a living than by pounding stone and slinging mortar and so resolved to go into the lumber business. In the fall of 1883 he bought the lumber yard formerly owned by C. C. Johnson and is still doing business at the same stand. His yard is filled with as complete a stock of lumber as can be found in many towns twice the size of Traer, and is equipped with a large lumber shed and office. He has the bell telephone connected with the office so that he has communication with all the cities of any size throughout the state. His yard is very centrally located and adjoins the line of the B. C. R. & N., thus affording the best facilities for the receipt and sale of the stock carried, which embraces rough and dressed lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors, blinds, mould- ings, and all kinds of building material such as stone, brick, lime, cement and Adament plaster — the best in the market. Mr. Baker is also a master in the art of planning and in 1896 built one of the finest residences that there is in the city. In 1890 he opened a lumber yard at Dinsdale and is still running it ; also one at the new town of Clutier. In politics, he is a Republican; in re- ligion, Congregationalist. 451. MICHAEL DAVID GREENLEE « ] MlchaH Gre^en.e^e^^^ ltTcr.^^l^t:in Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' ( Belhiah Maxson f son of Michael Greenlee and Rebecca Howard Conover, was born October 27, 1850 near Springboro, Spring Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; died February 29, or March 7, 1904, at Lawrence, Kansas; married May 17, 1874, at Chicago, Illinois, MARY A. GUNTZ, born July 28, 1853 at St. Louis, Mis- souri, daughter of Francis J. Guntz; married second January 1, 1903, MISS KATE BRASS of Lawrence. CHILDREN : 836. I. Thad D., born March 14, 1875 ; died July 24, 1876. 837. II. Efiie May, born August 14, 1877 ; died July 28, 1878. 838. III. Edith R., born January 13, 1880. MICHAEL DAVID GREENLEE whose father died before his birth, lived with his mother's people, his mother meanwhile teaching school and working as a tailoress to support her children. After her second marriage, he found a home with his mother and stepfather, until 1867, when his mother was again left a widow with four small children. It being just after the close of the war, the unsettled conditions of business affairs demanded immediate attention if a home was to be saved for the mother and children. In order to do this he had to sacrifice the long cherished hope of attending the State Normal School, for which he had toiled and struggled for the past two or three years. About five years later, the home being secured and the eldest child quite a lad, Michael started for the dry climate of eastern Kansas. On January 1, 1872, when the 144 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. first passenger train passed over the track of what was then a branch of the Missouri Pacific Raih-oad (now part of the Santa Fe System), he went into the office as clerk and general roustabout, working for his board and clothing, and applying his spare moments to study. In November, 1872, the station agent resigned and he received the appointment as agent. In 1876 when the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe leased the right of way and joint use of the tracks ne became their agent also; and at the same time became agent for the Wells Fargo Express Company, and Western Union Telegraph operator. In July, 1877 he was forced to seek the mountain breezes of Colorado and in November following returned to Pennsylvania, on what he supposed was his last visit to his mother. After several weeks he was able to return to his Kansas home, but continued ill health compelled him to resign his position with the railroad. Three days later he was asked by a board of directors to take charge of and close up the affairs of a co-operative store, which he did. In November, 1878, he became bookkeeper and assistant postmaster for Mr. Charles Pilla, the leading merchant of the place. After about six years of service with Mr. Pilla, he resigned to accept the position of Deputy County Clerk of Douglas County. Kansas, and in 1884 removed his family to Lawrence. After serving two terms of two years each as Deputy, he was nominated and elected as County Clerk, on the Republican ticket. After two years of in- cumbency in this office, on account of his refusal to yield to the dictations of party bosses in what he believed to be against the interest of his constituents, he was defeated in the convention for renomination. He yielded to the voice of friends and entered the race as an independent candidate, and he was elected by nearly a thousand majority. At the expiration of his second term, feeling that he had been vindicated, he retired from politics for good. After this he went to work for the Fraternal Aid Association. He was engaged in field work when a vacancy occurred in the general secretary's office and he was unanimouslj' elected to fill the vacancy. He was General Secretary of this association for five years and under his administration the association made a great growth. He held that position until July, 1903, when he became en- gaged in general insurance work. He was considered one of the finest ac- countants in the state. Mr. Greenlee was a man of strong character, forceful and able. He was a lifelong member of the Baptist church and took an active part in church work. When in polities he was always vigorous. His lodge work brought him into prominence all over the country. In business he was honest and capable, and his entire life was one to make and hold friends. His home was at Law- rence, Kansas. 452. F.VA AN^ N'RWrON 5 J Elizabeth C. Greenlee ' Robert Greenlee ' r.VA Ann nj«iWiUn 1 George W. Xewton Anna Chamberlain Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' I. Bethiah Maxson \ daughter of Elizabeth Chamberlain Greenlee and George Washington Newton, was born September 3, 1853 in Spring Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married :March 27, 1872 in Spring Township, CHARLES P. ROSE, born :\Iay 27, 1845 in Cussawago Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, son of Youngs 839. I. 840. II. 841. TIT. 842. IV. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 145 Rose and Harriet Newell Whipple. He is a farmer ; Republican ; Baptist ; re- sides at Kingsville, Ashtabula Co., Ohio. CHILDREN: Charles E. Rose, born May 11, 1875. Guy Rose, born November 30, 1877 ; died April 27, 1879. NeUie Eva Rose, born August 31, 1881. Tessie Rose, born July 29, 1886. 454. .TATVTRS HF-NTIV NT.WTON' 6 f Elizabeth C. Greenlee ♦ Robert Greenlee » OAULEiO ZlXMan,! nXiVYXUn | George W. Newton Anna Chamberlain Ulchael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ^ I Bethlah Maxson f son of Elizabeth Chamberlain Greenlee and George Washington Newton, was born February 8, 1858 at Springboro, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married April 25, 1889 at Meadville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, ROSA ANN WHIP- PLE, born March 11, 1856 at Mosierto^vn, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of Francis Jackson Whipple and Amanda Stebbins [No. 168]. He is a farmer; Republican; Baptist; resides at Springboro, Pennsylvania. 455. MARV ■RT.TV.A'R'li'.TTT KTRWrON b i Elizabeth C. Greenlee * Robert Greenlee • «LH_K, X rjlal^AUXi X XI n Xj w X un -j g^orge W. Newton Anna Chamberlain Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' I Betlilah Maxson f daughter of Elizabeth Chamberlain Greenlee and George Washington Newton, was bom August 22, 1860 at Springboro, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married January 12, 1884 at Springboro, GEORGE M. STODDARD, born April 16, 1858 at Farnham, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, son of Anthony Stoddard and Eunice H. Goodspeed. He is a farmer ; Republican ; Baptist ; resided at Farnham, Ohio, and at Pasadena, California (1900). CHILDREN: 843. I. Floy Newton Stoddard, bom November 9, 1889. 844. II. Don Jay Stoddard, bora December 3, 1894. 845. HI. Max Stoddard, born November 3, 1897. 458. TrTTTlT. flTJTi'.V.NT.'F.'R 6 I John C. Greenlee ♦ Robert Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee • Axxxxxi uxwuxixixj^Mu iMyraEddy Anna Chamberlain Bethlah MaxBon Michael Greenlee ^ I daughter of John Chamberlain Greenlee and IMyra Eddy, was born December 9, 1865 at Conneautville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married November 20, 1889 at Conneautville, CHARLES M. VOGLESON, born May 4, 1859 at Waldron, Hillsdale Co., Michigan, son of Charles Vogleson and Elizabeth 146 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Paxton Pettit. He is a piano tuner ; in politics, Republican ; in religion, Metho- dist; resides at New Castle, Pennsylvania. 466. T vnTA TTR'T PTTTNA SPTfiP.R 5 ( Paulina Greenlee * Robert Greenlee ' ijYUlA UJtiXjrniJNA &ril/j:jlt i Amos K. Splcer Anna Ciamberlain MIcbael Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ' i Bethiab Maxson i daughter of Paulina Greenlee and Amos Keep Spicer, was born October 11, 1858 in Spring Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married October 11, 1892 at Springboro, Pennsylvania, BURDETTE HOLCOMB, born April 14, 1863 in Conneaut Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, son of WiUiam Hol- comb and Sarah A. Labar. He is a farmer; Democrat; resides at Springboro, Pennsylvania. 470. HOMER JAMES HOTCHKISS^ j?re^%?Siir IS^/VtaTiJe^^uin MIcbael Greenlee ■ Micbael Greenlee i I Betbiah Maxson ( son of Charity Greenlee and James Hotchkiss, was born March 1, 1860 at Cross- ingville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married July 30, 1891 at Shadeland, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, PHILA A. WOODWORTH, born April 23, 1869 at Kingsville, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, son of Alfred H. Woodworth and S. Rosa Hubbell. CHILDREN : 846. I. Hazel Rae Hotchkiss, born September 17, 1892. 847. II. Herbert Vinton Hotchkiss, born February 10, 1894. 848. HI. Edna Ruth Hotchkiss, born August 21, 1895 HOMER JAMES HOTCHKISS passed his boyhood days on the farm of his parents near Mosiertovra, Crawford County, Pennsylvania. Since 1878 his time has been occupied principally in alternately teaching and studying. He completed the course in Eastman's National Business College at Poughkeepsie, New York, and in 1884 finished the scientific course in the Northern Indiana Normal School at Valparaiso. He taught in a district school for two years, one year in the Normal and Business College, Madisonville, Kentucky, one year in the Normal and Biisiness College, Harper, Kansas, and one year in West- minister College at New Wilmington, Pennsylvania. In 1888 he completed the course in civil engineering at Allegheny College. He entered Cornell University in 1889 for graduate study, and in 1890 was elected assistant in the department of Physics. He was appointed Instructor in the same department in 1893, where he has remained, working principallj^ in the Electrical and Dynamo laboratories. Allegheny College conferred the degree of A. B. on him in 1889, and the degree of A. M. in 1892. In 1896 he received the degree of M. M. E. in electrical engineering from Cornell University. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 147 471. ■PORRFST ALFONSO TUBES b l Regina Greenlee « Robert Greenlee ' rUAltriOX AL.l!\jno\J xvddo j wuilam O. TuUbs Anna Chamberlain Michael Greenlee • Michael Greenlee ' I Bethiah Maxson f son of Regina Greenlee and William Orlando Tubbs, was born February 22, 1865 at Springboro, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married September 26, 1889, ALTA MASON, born October 8, 1869 at Bryan, Williams Co., Ohio, daughter of IMartin Luther Mason and Elizabeth L. Crow ; musician ; Republican ; Protestant ; resided in Meadville, Pennsylvania, Bloomfield, Iowa and Bryan, Ohio (1899). CHILDREN : 849. I. Forrest Donald Tubbs, born May 22, 1891. • 850. II. Dorothy Tubbs, born May 11, 1894 ; died May 9, 1899. 851. III. Carlton Tubbs, born June 10, 1899. 475. T OTTT'R T WOTnTTTTTSS 5 I Lois A. Greenlee * Robert Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee = xjwxxxjii jj. xxv/xv^xiAXKio ■) Martin Hotchkiss Anna Chamberlain Bethiah Maxson Michael Greenlee ' ; daughter of Lois A. Greenlee and Martin Hotchkiss, was born September 13, 1868 at Edinboro, Erie Co., Pennsylvania; married February 22, 1885, E. CHARLES SMITH, born August 14, 1864 at Edinboro, son of Royal C. Smith and Eliza Ann Ross. He is an agriculturist ; in politics. Republican ; in re- ligion, Adventist; resides three miles east of Edinboro, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : Jennie S. Smith, born July 10, 1886. Frank A. Smith, born April 10, 1888. Fred J. Smith, born November 22, 1889. Rosabel Smith, born December 28, 1892. 476. T.AVTNA A TTOTnTTTCTSS 5 ) Lois A Greenlee* Robert Greenlee » lxH.Vir^A A. nuxoniVlOO j Martin Hotchldss Anna Chamberlain Michael Greenlee 2 Michael Greenlee ^ I Bethiah Maxson I daughter of Lois A. Greenlee and Martin Hotchkiss, was born July 11, 1870 at Edinboro, Erie Co., Pennsylvania; married May 1, 1890 at Niagara, Niagara Co., New York, T. EUGENE RYAN, born May 28, 1851 at Fairview, Erie Co., Pennsylvania, son of John Ryan and Polly Lewis; resides at Fairview, Penn- sylvania. CHILDREN: 856. I. Floyd A. Ryan, born March 19, 1891. 857. II. Glenn A. Ryan, born August 28, 1892. 858. III. Ethel F. Ryan, born March 8, 1894. 852. I. 853. II. 854. III. 855. IV. 148 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 859. IV. Hazel E. Ryan, born October 11, 1895. 860. V. Mary L. Ryan, born March 7, 1898. 4S2. TnTIW AT nw^f* n^H/PM 5 ( Lucretla Greenlee * John Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee » ifl/xin AXiWnZiU wwtiii ^ Eman H. Owen Mary Chamberlain Bethiah Maxson Michael Greenlee ^ / son of Lucretia Greenlee and Eman Hubbard Owen, was born October 24, 1848 at Conneautville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married September 22, 1872 at Edinboro, Erie Co., Pennsylvania, LIZZIE A. CARMAN, born November 2, 1853 at Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of Stephen Carman and Lois Anna Wiard. They separated in 1885. Resided at Greenville, Penn- sylvania. CHILDREN: Anna A. Owen, born March 18, 1874 ; died August 15 ; 1886. Aaron Cleve Owen, born February 14, 1878 at Spring Creek, Penn- sylvania; unmarried; student in Normal school at Edinboro in 1889. Guy Sela Dell Owen, born August 25, 1881 ; died June 23, 1886. Lula Bell Owen, born September 28, 1885. 861. I. 862. II. 863. III. 864. IV. TIT.NAS "R'P.NSON OWRN 5 ) Lucretia Greenlee ' John Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' ^riKIAO DJ^aayjVi UWXjW ^EmanH. Owen Mary Chamberlain Bethiah Maxson Michael Greenlee ' \ ) son of Lucretia Greenlee and Eman Hubbard Owen, was born October 18, 1850 ; died October 21, 1887 in Wisconsin ; married FLORA A. CLARK ; removed to Wisconsin in 1884. CHILDREN: 865. I. Myrtie M. Owen; married Putman; lives at Cartwright, Wisconsin. 866. II. Eva B. Owen ; married Pratt ; lives at Barron, Wisconsin. 867. III. Nettie Lucretia Owen; lives at Barron, Wisconsin; unmarried. 484. MARY ELIZABETH OWEN = \ fe""<'tia Greenlee ' John Greenlee ' ) Eman H. Owen Mary Chamberlain Michael Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee ' / Bethiah Maxson ) daughter of Lucretia Greenlee and Eman Hubbard Owen was born July 20, 1853 at Conneautville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married July 29, 1876 at Conneautville, CHESTER WILLIA]\I HATHAWAY born September 27, 1852, at Harmonsburgh, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, son of Abner Hathaway and Lucinda Thomas. He is a farmer ; Republican ; resided at Tamarac, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, near Harmonsburg. They are members of the United Evangelical Church. 868. I. 869. II. 870. ni. 871. IV. 872. V. 873. VI. mCHAEL OF DELAWARE. 149 CHILDREN: Cassius Z. Hathaway, bom July 4, 1883. Alice Lucretia Hathaway, born April 24, 1885. Cora Augusta Hathaway, born August 20, 1887. Frederic Owen Hathaway, born August 18, 1889. William Chester Hathaway, born July 20, 1892. Mary Ivy Hathaway, born December 26, 1896. 485. ELIPHALET GREENLEE OWEN =* \ ^^^ifl ««|S"' ' J?ar° cham^'riam Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' (. Betbiab Maxson I son of Lucretia Greenlee and Eman Hubbard Owen, was bom September 1, 1857, at Conneautville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married February 11, 1877, at Harmonsburg, Pennsylvania, i\IARY V. STEVENS, born February 2, 1862, near Harmonsburg, daughter of Charles Stevens and Electia Loury. They were divorced in 1883. He married second May 21, 1892, at Meadville, Pennsylvania, MARY E. GROVE, bom February 20, 1862, at Chapmanville, Venango Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of Peter Grove and Amanda Archer. He is a lumber- man; Republican; resided at Conneautville, Dixonburgh and Troy Centre, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 874. I. Charles Byron Owen, born March 25, 1878. 875. II. Jesta Lucretia Owen, born September 25, 1893. 486. SARAH LUCRETIA OWEN 5 j Lucretia Greenlee * John Greenlee » OAAAH IjUI^AXiXIA UWfin ■; Eman H.Owen Mary Chamberlain Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' /. Betbiab Maxson I daughter of Lucretia Greenlee and Eman Hubbard Owen, was born September 30, I860; died October 21, 1885; married ASA D. HATHAWAY. CHILDREN: 876. I. Hervey Hubbard Hathaway, born October 23, 1881 ; lives at Tamarac, Pennsylvania. 877. II. Ernest Hathaway, born August 24, 1883 ; lives at Linesville, Penn- sylvania. 488. JEROME BACON GREENLEE ^ •' ?°''^^' \ Greenlee ' John Greenlee » U.U.I.VU.1IUJ .u.nwxi >^x>..ujj4.ixjxjjj I Jane A. Bacon Mary Chamberlain Michael Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ' I Betbiab Maxson f son of Robert Benson Greenlee and Jane A. Bacon, was born February 4, 1857, at Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania : married November 23, 1881, in 150 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Cussawago Township, ADDLE ADELLE RICE, bom September 9, 1862, at Mos- iertown, daughter of Thomas Edward Rice and Laura Ann Beeman. He is a farmer ; Republican ; Baptist ; resides at Hickernell, Pennsylvania. One child: 878. Frank Marshall, born December 23, 1882. 489. 1 Robert B. Greenlee ♦ John Greenlee ' I Jane A. Bacon Mary Chamberlain CASSIUS MONROE GREENLEE s Michael Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ^ I Betbiah Maxson f son of Robert Benson Greenlee and Jane Amelia Bacon, was born May 5, 1860, at Springboro, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married July 12, 1883, at Spring- boro, EVA j\L WRIGHT, born at Springboro, died April 23, 1890, in Spring Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of John W. Wright and Arminda Bowman; married second December 22, 1892, at Mosiertown, Craw- ford Co., Pennsylvania, ELDA EDITH STEBBINS, bom April 1, 1872, at Mosiertown, daughter of Lot Dunham Stebbins [No.l70] and Martha Susanna Rundell. One child: 879. Harland Bowman, born July 24, 1885, near Hickernell, Pennsylvania. CASSIUS MONROE GREENLEE was born at the Greenlee homestead at Hickernells Comers, where he lived until he was twenty years old. After spend- ing two years at school in Edinboro, Pennsylvania, he attended Eastman 's Busi- ness College at Poughkeepsie, New York, and there completed his education. After his marriage he was proprietor of a grocery and restaurant in Evansburg, Pennsylvania; and in 1885 he sold his business and moved onto a farm near Hickernell. In religion, he is a Baptist; in politics, Republican. 490. MATiSTTALI. GREENLEE » i Robert B. Greenlee « John Greenlee ' aiAHatlAljlj U-nririDl^XiJIi ■} jane a. Bacon Mary Chamberlain Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' I Bethiah Maxson ( son of Robert Benson Greenlee and Jane Amelia Bacon, was bom March 10, 1863, at Hickernell, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married September 4, 1889, at Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, CLARA MAY RICE, born July 4, 1867, at Hickernell, daughter of Thomas E. Rice and Laura Ann Beeman. He is a farmer ; Republican ; Baptist ; resides at Hickernell. 491. GEORGE WASHINGTON GREENLEE » i Benlamm r. Oreenlee ' John Greenlee ' , Julia Ann Earl Mary Chamberlain Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ^ ) Bethiah Maxson > son of Benjamin Chamberlain Greenlee and Julia Ann Earl, was bom April 10, X, ~S7S." kkank'mausiiai.i. raucEN- LEE. liECIXA latEENI-EE Tl'BP.S lllIiltEST DOXAM) TUBES. IioKOTIIY TfBBS. UESIDEXCE OF No. 488. .TKKD.ME BACdN (!KEBNI.,EE. HICKEKXEIJ,. I'EXX. Xo. 4Sn. UESIDEXCE AXD FAMILY l)F CASSIUS MliXKOE (iKEKXLEE. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 151 1857, at Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married September 10, 1891. at :\Iosi«rtown, MxiRY JANE GREENLEE, bom ]\Iay 25, 1855, at Crossingville. Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of Robert Benson Greenlee [No. 1-46] and Jane Amelia Bacon. He is a farmer; Prohibitionist; Baptist; resides at Mosiertown. 497. AVDTfF.W K G'RF.'RNT.'RK 5 5 Albert K. Greenlee * John Greenlee ' AaUB.£iV/ A.. UrllJI.j:.r(U:.i:i ^ Martha p. Barnes Mary Chamberlain Michael Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ^ i Bethiah Maxson I son of Albert Keith Greenlee and ]\Iartha Parmelia Barnes, was born October 25, 1860, at Crossingville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married May 20, 1888, at Sidney, Cheyenne Co., Nebraska, ELIZABETH McALLISTER, born Decem- ber 22, 1861, at Glenravel, County Antrim. Ireland, daughter of Enos McAllis- ter and Anna Darrah. CHILDREN: 880. I. Mildred, born July 15, 1889 ; died July 18, 1889. 881. II. Martha R., born August 10, 1890. 882. III. Katherine, born May 22, 1892. 883. IV. Albert D., born November 13, 1894. 884. V. Roy E., born October 10, 1897. ANDREW K. GREENTjEE attended coimtry school until he was sixteen years of age, then had a term or two at Edinboro, Pennsylvania, Normal, and for a time was a successful teacher. In 1883 he entered the Valparaiso, Indiana, Business College, from which he received a diploma the following year. In 1884 he Avent to Nebraska, and a year later took up a homestead in the western part of Cheyenne County. A school-house was erected on his claim, and he taught the school. After completing the title to his homestead he removed to Sidney, Nebraska, where he has since resided. In 1894 he became associated with Mr. H. P. Benson in the mercantile business at Sidney. In religion, he is a Protestant ; in politics. Republican. ERNEST LOT GREENLEE 5 i Albert K. Greenlee ' John Greenlee ' j:iA11£jO± IjUX UArjJUi^ljfiri 1 Martha P. Barnes Mary Chamberlain Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee » I Bethiah Maxson f son of Albert Keith Greenlee and Martha Parmelia Barnes, was born July 19, 1863, at Crossingville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married March 19, 1890, at Bowling Green, Wood Co., Ohio, SARAH WICE, born September 11, 1870, at LemojTie, Wood Co., Ohio, daughter of Benjamin R. Wice and Josephine Clifford. CHILDREN: 885. I. Ethel Irene, born February 13, 1892. 886. II. Ruth Marie, born October 2, 1893. 887. III. Theron Andrew, bom December 24, 1897. 152 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. ERNEST LOT GREENLEE was well educated but preferred a trade to a professional career. He had a blacksmith shop for fifteen years. His health failed and he was in 1899 in the Ohio oil fields. He is a Protestant ; Republican ; resides at New Rochester, Wood Co., Ohio. 500. AIVTASA A nPrtSST.lP.V 5 1 Delilah L. Curtis * Esther Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee = AiTiAOA ±i.. V/Avooxjfi X ^ Amasa Crossley Miles P. Curtis Bethlah Maison Michael Greenlee ' } son of Delilah L. Curtis and Amasa Crossley, was born January 29, 1848 at IMead- ville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married July 12, 1869, at Chatfield, Olmstead Co., Minnesota, GERTRUDE F. , born March 7, 1856 in New York. One child : 888. May F. Crossley, born May 3, 1888 ; unmarried. AMASA A. CROSSLEY lived on a farm all his life until 1883 when he quit farming. He was engaged in the stock shipping business fourteen years. Since that time he has been in the Real Estate and Insurance business. He has been quite successful in every business he has engaged in. In politics, he is a Republi- can. He resides at Mason City, Iowa. 501. FRED HUGH HARROUN S ( Delilah L. Curtis • Esther Greenlee " r RlliU a U un. HAAAU U « -, ^^^.g, Harroun Miles P. Curtis Michael Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee * ? Bethiah Maxson S son of Delilah L. Curtis and Ansel Harroun, was born February 10, 1856, at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin; married September 11, 1888, at Plymouth, Cerro Gordo Co., Iowa, SARAH ELLEN DANCY, bom August 9, 1850, in Berrien Co., Michigan, daughter of George Oliver Dancey and Mary Ellen Slater. He is a farmer ; Democrat ; resides at Hesper, North Dakota. CHILDREN: 889. I. Pearl Delilah Harroun, born August 16, 1889. 890. II. Earling Harold Harroun, bom June 11, 1895. 891. III. Bryan A. Harroun, born July 17, 1897. 506. TPA TPSSSfP 'nTT'WW 5 J Diantha M. Curtis * Esther Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee » xaa. oCiiSOLi uurta ( Thomas H. Dunn Miles P. Curtis Bethiah Maison Michael Greenlee ' ( f son of Diantha M. Curtis and Thomas Holtom Dunn, was bom November 12, 1863, at Coons Corners, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married October 21, 1893, at Meadville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, ADDA ESTELLE PHILLIPS, bom June 9, 1864, in Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of Frank Phillips and Frances Irene Barnley. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 153 CHILDREN: 892. I. Thomas Phillips Dunn, born October 26, 1896. 893. n. Frank Lowell Dunn, bom March 26, 1898. 894. III. Gertrude Suzanne Dunn, bom December 19, 1899. IRA JESSE DUNN began his common school education at the age of seven in the little Dunn schoolhouse at the foot of the hill immediately south of Coon 's Corners. At the age of fifteen, on account of the impaired health of his father, almost the entire charge of the farm and market garden devolved upon him. In the winter following his father's death, he taught a four months' term in the Curtis school. During the winter the farm was sold and disposition was made of the personal property preparatory to moving to Meadville, for the purpose of entering Allegheny College, where he completed a course with hard work and self sacrifice, such as must be realized when pursued with ambition and low finances. After his graduation in 1886, he became principal of the Linesville school, with three assistant teachers, and was re-elected for the same position the year following, but resigned to take advantage of a scholarship in the j\Iedi- cal Department of the University of Pennsj'lvania, which had been won by com- petitive examination. After the University closed he taught a short term of school at Kirkland, near "West Chester. The next year the principal of the State Normal School at West Chester induced him to accept the chair of Latin in that institution for the following year. During the winter many medical eases were observed with his brother. Dr. Thomas D. Dunn, who practiced in West Chester, and much experience gained. He continued his University course thereafter without interruption until his graduation in 1891. Soon after graduation he se- cured a position as assistant surgeon at the State Hospital for injured miners, at Hazelton, Pennsylvania. Here began surgical experience rarely acquired by the recent graduate, because as an officer of a state institution, whenever the superintendent was away, the assistant must act on his own responsibility. After resigning from this position he began a special course with regard to the eye. A little later he practiced in the coal region near Hazelton. After leaving there nearly a year was spent as assistant physician at the State Lunatic Hospital at Harrisburg. After this he spent considerable time at the Polyclinic in Philadel- phia, studying the eye, ear, nose and throat. Thereafter he settled in western Pennsylvania — in Meadville for a few months, and afterward at Erie where he has since devoted himself with some success to the special treatment of the eye, ear, nose and throat. 523. ENGENE JUDSON GREENLEE S > I/a C. Oreenlee • Jacob p. Greenlee • I Alma Ransom Rachel W. Cbamberlaio Michael Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ' i Betbiah Maxson f son of Ira Corridon Greenlee and Alma Ransom, was born February 20, 1855, at Kingsville. Ashtabula Co., Ohio; married November 26. 1876, at Bloomington, Illinois. EDITH M. STONE, born January 15. 1858, at Conneaut, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, daughter of Fernando Stone and Mary Underwood. He is an engineer; Republican ; Methodist ; resides at Black River Falls, Wisconsin. 154 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CfflLDREN : Son, born February 1, 1879 ; died in infancy. Irma, born January 22, 1880. Byron Ira, born March 11, 1884. Eugene Hugh, born December 20, 1897. 525. 895. I. 896. II. 897. III. 898. IV. F.VA I.OTTCENA GRSENLEE 5 i I™ C. Greenlee » Jacob D. Greenlee » lUVA li\JU\jJUaA \xa,Cij:tnLii^ii 1 Alma Ransom Rachel W. Chamberlain Michael Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ^ t Bethiah Maxson S daughter of Ira Corridon Greenlee and Alma Ransom, was born July 15, 1859, at Sparta, Monroe Co., "Wisconsin; married April 10, 1895, as his second wife, JESSE DICKINSON SEARLES, born April 23, 1832, at Washington, Dutchess Co., New York, son of Jesse Dickinson Searles and Phoebe Hallock. JESSE DICKINSON SEARLES removed with his parents to Wisconsin in 1839. His father bought fifteen hundred acres of land, and kept three thousand sheep, and shipped the first consignment of wool from the port of Racine, to New York City. He watched and kept his father's flocks and between the flocks and the farm, he had opportunity to develop strength and to learn the value of time and labor. At the age of fifteen he taught his first school. When he was in his seventeenth year, he and his brother, Daniel, started for the newly discovered gold fields of California. They journeyed across the plains with ox teams, leaving home March 5, 1849, and arrived at the Reddings in the Sacra- mento Valley on September 22, having been over six months en route. They went into the gold fields of this Eldorado on the Yuba River above where Marys- ville was afterward built, and there lived and labored. The outcome was some gold and much that could not be purchased with gold, namely, improved health and a knowledge of the country and of men. Returning home they took ship at San Francisco and landed at Acapulco in Mexico, thence across the country on horseback, through the City of Mexico to Vera Cruz — a journey of eight him- dred miles. From Vera Cruz they crossed the Gulf, then up the Mississippi River, arriving at home April 6, 1851. He then attended Beloit College, and afterward engaged in teaching for several years. In April, 1858, he united with the West Wisconsin Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and has been preaching since. He received his forty-fourth annual appointment from his conference, consecutively, on the effective list, sixteen years of which was as presiding elder, and three years at Deadwood, South Dakota, as Superintendent of the Black Hills Mission. He is now pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church in Superior, Wisconsin. In politics, he is a Republican. 526. CLINTON RANSOM GREENLEE 5 ( Ira C. Greenlee « Jacob D Greenlee » Uljin XUn lUl-noUiTl UnriXinijriri j j^^^^ Ransom Rachel W. Chamberlain Michael Greenlee = Michael Greenlee * I Bethiah Maxson f son of Ira Corridon Greenlee and Alma Ransom, was born December 23, 1863, No. 4;P7. ANDRKW K. (iUKEXLKK A.NL> FAMILY. No. 5-j:i. KlMiKNK .TD^'oN (IKKKN- LKK. No. 533. AMANDA CLARK LYTTLE. CLAYTON \V. LYTTLE. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 155 at Sparta, Monroe Co., Wisconsin ; married January 1, 1895, at Eau Claire, Eau Claire Co., Wisconsin, JOSEPHINE WALTERS, born September 26, 1865, at Sparta, daughter of George Walters and Saloma Haverly. He is a live stock dealer; in politics, Republican; in religion, Protestant; resides at La Junta, Colorado. CHILDREN : 899. I. Frances, born December 12, 1897. 900. II. Warren, born January 3, 1899. CLINTON RANSOM GREENLEE was born on a farm, but left in his teens to learn the trade of engineer. From that he went into the ice business and was in that business six years in Ashland, Wisconsin, and seven years in Chicago, Illinois. He is now (1900) in the live stock business and is a breeder of blooded Hereford and short horn cattle. 527. IDA ANNIS CRGSNTiEE » -' I" C. Greenlee ' Jacob D. Greenlee ' LUA ASiXilO S^RCiCMCiljXtLi / Alma Ransom Rachel W. Chamberlain Michael Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ^ ( Bethiah Maxson I daughter of Ira Corridon Greenlee and Alma Ransom, was born January 10, 1867, at Lafayette, Monroe Co., Wisconsin; married November 23, 1887, at La- fayette, Wisconsin, LEWIS H. EVANS, born April 6, 1863, at Lafayette, Wis- consin, son of Lewis D. Evans and Catharine Jones. He is a farmer; Republi- can ; Methodist ; resided at Lafayette and Sparta, Wisconsin. CHILDREN : Burton Ira Evans, born April 6, 1889. Walter A. Evans, bom April 20, 1891. Floyd Russel Evans, born December 24, 1892. Mabel Josephine Evans, bom November 24, 1894. Robert Lewis Evans, bom March 20, 1897. 901. I. 902. II. 903. III. 904. IV. 905. V. LENA VIOLA GREENLEE B i I^a C. Greenlee ' Jacob D. Greenlee » IjXin A. VXUlxH. VrAririmjAili i Alma Ransom Rachel W. Chamberlain Michael Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ^ ) Bethiah Maxson i daughter of Ira Corridon Greenlee and Alma Ransom, was born February 1, 1874, at Lafayette, Monroe Co., Wisconsin ; married December 15, 1897, at La- fayette, JOSEPH BROWN, bom January 8, 1873, at Angelo, Monroe Co., Wis- consin, son of Simon Brown and Sophia Day. He is a farmer ; in politics. Pro- hibitionist; in religion, Methodist; resides at Sparta, Wisconsin. 529. ELIZA RACHEL GREENLEE B \^T^Sr:''T:^^^' i'"'"^FJ^^,^''^''^\ ■ I Helen E. Lindsley Rachel W. Chamberlain • Michael Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ^ ? Bethiah Maxson s daughter of Moses Hanson Greenlee and Helen Eliza Lindslev, was born ilarch 156 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 31, 1860, at Cherry Valley, Ashtabula Co., Ohio ; married December 1, 1878, at Cherry Valley, JUDSON A. YEOMANS, bom February 8, 1856 at Cherry Val- ley, son of Elijah Yeomans and Nancy Bishop. He is a farmer; Republican; Baptist ; resides at Cherry Valley. CHILDREN: 906. I. Millicent B. Yeomans, born March 31, 1880. 907. II. Clyde Greenlee Yeomans, bom April 2, 1883. 908. III. Ralph Carey Yeomans, born October 24, 1898. 530. ALBERT DRYDEN GREENLEE 6 i Moses H. Greenlee * Jacob D.Greenlee » AUiLiRi. uaxuLtn XxRIliCiaiiCiCi J Helen E. Llndsley Rachel W. Chamberlain Michael Greenlee " Michael Greenlee > i Bethlah Maxson f son of Moses Hanson Greenlee and Helen Eliza Lindsley, was born September 17, 1861, at Andover, Ashtabula Co., Ohio; married July 1, at Cherry Valley, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, NELLIE JANE DENSLOW, born March 22, 1870, at Cherry Valley, daughter of Benjamin Franklin Denslow and Josephine Matilda Witter. He is a farmer ; in politics. Republican ; in religion, Protestant ; resided at Cherry Valley, Ohio. 631. EDWARD BRADLEY GREENLEE S J Moses H. Greenlee * Jacob D. Greenlee • L1UWVAB.U DRAUliXiX yxRCiLinijriri i Helen E. Lindsley Rachel W. Chamberlain Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' I Bethiah Maxson f son of Moses Hanson Greenlee and Helen Eliza Lindsley, was born July 27, 1868, at Conneaut, Ashtabula Co., Ohio ; married April 27, 1897, at North Madison, Lake Co., Ohio, IDA H. PERSHING, born April 9, 1869, at "West Salem, Wayne Co., Ohio, daughter of Harmon B. Pershing and Eva Holmes. EDWARD BRADLEY GREENLEE removed with his parents to a farm in Cherry Valley, Ashtabula County, Ohio, where he made his home until he reached his majority. His education was obtained at the district schools, with a few terms at New Syme Normal Academy. He taught four terms of school. In the fall of 1890 he went to Cincinnati in order to study dentistry, and graduated from the Ohio College of Dental Surgery, in March, 1892. The following May he opened an office in Cleveland, where he is practising his profession. In poli- tics, he is a Republican ; in religion, Methodist. 533. WINONA E MORRTS S ( Elizal>eth a. Greenlee • Jacob D. Greenlee » TT XXI vxin ja. xuwxvAxo , j^^^ ^ Morris Rachel W. Chamberlain Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee » 1 Bethiah Maxson ) ' daughter of Elizabeth Ann Greenlee and John Ludden Morris, was bom August 5, 1862, at Amboy, Ohio; married July 19, 1884, at Kingsville, Ohio, IRA VAN NEARPASS, born April 28, 1848, at Concord, Jackson Co., Michigan, son of MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 157 George Van Nearpass and Sarah M. . He is an editor ; in politics, Repub- lican ; in religion, Methodist ; resides at Perry, Lake Co., Ohio. One child : 909. F. J. Van Nearpass, born April 1, 1878. 536. LILLIE (tREENLSE 5 J John B. Greenlee * Jacob D. Greenlee » ijlljLilXi KtaXiCjauciCi j charlotte O. Brown Rachel W. Chamberlain Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee » I. Bethlah Maxson )' daughter of John Chamberlain Greenlee and Charlotte Olivia Brown, was born June 7, 1871, at Kingsville, Ashtabula Co., Ohio; married January 15, 1890, at Conneaut, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, WILLIAM ANDREW MURPHY, born February 8, 1863, at West Springfield, Erie Co., Pennsylvania, son of Oliver Murphy and Mary GrifiBn. He is a merchant ; resides at Conneaut, Ohio. 540. TPTTMAK OTTS PWP.T.PS 6 1 Phllena C. Greenlee « Jacob D. Greenlee > X AUlTl^rc UAiO rniuijro ^ g^^^^ jj pij^ipg Eachael W. Chamberlain Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ^ ) Bethlah Maxson $ son of Philena Chamberlain Greenlee and Byron Homer Phelps, was born No- vember 18, 1873, at Orwell, Ashtabula Co., Ohio ; married June 20, 1897, VELMA A. GIBBS, born November 20, 1876, at New Richmond, Crawford Co., Pennsyl- vania, daughter of Albert Edward Gibbs and Eliza Jane Clark. He is a jeweler ; in politics. Republican ; in religion, Presbyterian ; resides at Corry, Erie Co., Pennsylvania. 544. WILLIAM LEMUEL WHIPPLE 5 J Amanda Stebblns • Lucinda Greenlee ' WlljljlAlU IjXilUUrilj wniJTJTljj:! 1 Prancis J. Whipple Lemuel Stebbins Michael Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee ' / Bethlah Maxson ( son of Amanda Stebbins and Francis Jackson Whipple, was born August 5, 1843 ; killed by lightning August 1, 1885, at Waterloo, Iowa ; married December 29, 1869, ELLEN MARIA WHIPPLE. 548. SYLVESTER RUFUS WHIPPLE 6 t Amanda stebbins ' Lucinda Greenlee » o X u V j:i>3 X CjR a u r U O W IIXX-x-XjXj -^ Francis J. Whipple Lemuel Stebbins Michael Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ' I Bethiah Maxson )" son of Amanda Stebbins and Francis Jackson Whipple, was born March 6, 1853, at Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; died January 2, 1900 ; married Sep- tember 1, 1872, ATILLA A. LICK, born November 22, 1851, at Edinboro, Erie Co., Pennsylvania, died February 14, 1889, daughter of Aaron Lick and Lettie Darling. He married second . 158 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : 910. I. Leland B. Whipple, born February 17, 1874. 911. II. Jessie L. Whipple, born February 9, 1876 ; married Clyde Slieldon.+ 912. III. Prank H. Whipple, born March 20, 1878. SYLVESTER RUFUS WHIPPLE was engaged in the lumber business, ope- rating a mill at Vallonia. For several years previous to his death he was en- gaged as a traveling salesman, and was at one time employed by the Bemen Au- tomatic Oil Can Company of Mosiertown. He was a member of the Independent Order Odd FeUows, Junior Order United American Mechanics, and Knights of Pythias lodges. He was highly esteemed by all who knew him. His widow re- sides at Meadville. 550. JENNIE EVALINE WHIPPLE ^ i ^--f.^/t^f.^-,; £2^'Sets?^b^§S;r ' Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ^ I Bethiah Maxsou f daughter of Amanda Stebbins and Francis Jackson Whipple, was born Septem- ber 7, 1858, at Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married September 13, 1876, LYMAN CORDELLO HOTCHKISS, born May 17, 1854, at Mosiertown. He is a conductor ; in politics. Republican ; in religion, Baptist ; resides at Mead- ville, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: 913. I. Leon Bert Hotchkiss, bom July 29, 1878. 914. II. Bruce Erastus Hotchkiss, born May 19, 1880. 915. III. Gertrude Llahala Hotchkiss. born April 12, 1890. 551. MARK ERASTUS WHIPPLE 5 ) Amanda Stehbins * Lucinda Greenlee -' lUAllJV riliAOlUO wniririjri j Francis J. Whipple Lemuel Stebhins Michael Greenlee * Michael Greenlee ^ I Bethiah Maxson f son of Amanda Stebbins and Francis Jackson Whipple, was born June 21, 1861. at Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married ]\Iay 29, 1883, at Keep- ville. Erie Co.. Pennsylvania. NANCY LAURA ALDERMAN, born December 21, 1864, at Keepville. daughter of Corydon Alderman and Sarah Johanna Radle. He is a farmer ; in polities, Democrat ; in religion, Methodist ; resided at Keepville and Rundell, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: 916. I. Son, born February 28, 1886 ; died the same day. 917. n. Sylvia May Whipple, bom April 22. 1890. 918. HI. Ray Orson Whipple, born April 25, 1892. 919. IV. Freddie J. Whipple, born May 4, 1894; died June 25, 1894. No. 5.-,4. FLORENCE L. rXDEnillLL. OLIVER SrEXCER UNDEU: IlLL. No. 920. OLIVE LOREXA UXDER- HILL. No. 921. FLOREXCE CLARK UN- DERBILL. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 159 553. \ Lorene Stebbins ' Luclnda Greenlee ' I Silas Clark Lemuel Stebbins AMANDA ELIZA CLARK s Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee » I Bethlah Maxsou f daughter of Lorene Stebbins and Silas Clark, was bom March 29, 1846, in Cus- sawago Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; died July 30, 1871, at Erie, Erie Co., Pennsylvania; married October 14, 1868, at Erie, CAPTAIN CLAY- TON WISTON LYTTLE, who was bom January 28, 1839, at Erie and died Sep- tember 25, 1877. 554. FLORENCE LUCINDA CLARK ^ ] ^rs"ai!*r?''°^ * Sets?e^b^^f.lr ' Michael Greenlee = Michael Greenlee '■ I Betbiah Maxson f daughter of Lorene Stebbins and Silas Clark, was bom November 21, 1849, at Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married January 1, 1882, at Denver, Colorado, OLIVER SPENCER UNDERHILL, born May 6, 1844, at New York City, son of John Underbill and Louisa Spencer. He is a hotel keeper; in religion. Episcopalian; resides at Pueblo, Colorado. CHILDREN : 920. I. Olive Lorena Underbill, born May 25, 1886. 921. II. Florence Clark Underbill, born April 24, 1888. 555. ORSON ELIPHAZ CLARK « \ ^Z'^CllT'"'' ' Lemuets^ebtor ' Michael Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee ^ ? Betbiah Masson 5 son of Lorene Stebbins and Silas Clark, was born July 12, 1853 or 1854, at Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married September 29, 1885, at Ham- ler, Henry Co., Ohio, KATE E. COE, bom July 17, 1866, at New Hampton, Chickasaw Co., Iowa, daughter of T. R. Coe and Delia Edwards. He is in the mining business : in polities. Democrat ; in religion, Christian ; resides at Pueblo, Colorado. CHILDREN : Ralph Orson Clark, born June 23. 1886. Myron Coe Clark, born December 10, 1888; died December 26, 1892. Sanborn Stebbins Clark, born February 7, 1894. Robert Donald Clark, born August 6. 1895 ; died March 21, 1896. Douglas S. Clark, born August 4, 1897. Kenneth Franklin Clark, born October 21, 1898. 571. ARTHUR CLAUDIUS GREENLEE ^ J g-;?,? 3«^t?otpVon, cooper Maxson Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ' I Catharine Compton Betbiah Maxson ( son of David Riland Greenlee and Harriet Browning (Compton) Cooper, was 922. I. 923. II. 924. III. 925. IV. 926. V. 927. IV. 160 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. bom June 21, 1860, at Meadville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married April 4, 1880, at Meadville, EMIVIA E. YATES, born August 26, 1862, at Meadville, daughter of Dr. Charles M. Yates and Clara A. Chamberlain. He is a dentist ; Republican; Presbyterian; resided in Meadville, Pennsylvania, Fergus Falls, Minnesota; Portland, Oregon (1899). CHILDREN: 928. I. Jessie Mildred, born February 13, 1881. 929. II. Nelson S., bom August 15, 1883. 930. III. Mary Nannette, born August 23, 1890. 572. JAMES RILAND GREENLEE » \ ^Z'.ilB^'tioZL) cooper ^a\ll°r1n^^^fn!rton Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' /, Bethiah Maxson ' son of David Riland Greenlee and Harriet Browning (Compton) Cooper, was born May 14, 1862 ; married February 4, 1888, SUSAN ESPY, who died June 3, 1889 ; married second August 20, 1892, MRS. EMILY VINCENT, born Septem- ber 8, 1869. CHILDREN : 931. I. Harriet May, born May 9, 1889 ; died April 16, 1890. 932. II. James R., born February 23, 1895. 573. HARRY LE FEVRE GREENLEE ^ -J g-ifefB^rcotp^ton, cooper ?-i?hl''r1n'j^^rn!rton Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee '■ I Bethiah Maxson f son of David Riland Greenlee and Harriet Browning (Compton) Cooper, was bom July 7, 1866, at Meadville, Pennsylvania; married March 28, 1895, at Grand Forks, North Dakota, EMMA MARIA WOLFF, bom February 27, 1873, at Chaska, Carver Co., Minnesota, daughter of Louis Wolf and Louisa Zoerb. CHILDREN: 933. I. Esther Louisa, born October 30, 1895. 934. II. David Allen, born July 11, 1898. HARRY LE FEVRE GREENLEE removed with his parents to Ravenna, Ohio, when about three years old, then to Union City, and back to Meadville, when he was ten years old. When he was seventeen his parents moved to Fergus Falls, Minnesota, and there he entered a printing office. After working there four years, he spent three years in college, expecting to study medicine. He gave up this idea and entered the dental office of his brother, where he worked part of the time for seven or eight years. In the meantime his father had removed to St. Paul, where he went and worked in the Northern Pacific Railroad MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 161 office for six months. For three years he was a member of Company C, First Regiment of State Militia, from which he received an honorable discharge. He removed to the northern part of the state, where he survej'ed lands and took up a pine timber claim, and while holding it for four years he worked at his trade or whatever he could find to do. In the meantime his father called him to act as nurse at the Soldiers' Home at Minneapolis. After one month in that capacity he was promoted to head nurse, and as such continued for two years. He then bought a farm and summer resort on which he now resides. In polities, he is a Republican; in religion, Christian. 575. ALEX ANDKR TTTIGH DTINN 5 j Rebecca Greenlee ' Maxson Greenlee » Ji^HiJ^AnUJliti. nuvrn UU1'>IJM IPhlllpDunn Catharine Compton Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' ( Betbiah Maison )' son of Rebecca Greenlee and Philip Dunn, was born March 12, 1853, at ]\Iead- ville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married October 21, 1884, at Mason City, Cerro Gordo Co., Iowa, FANNY A. MILLER, born December 24, 1862, at Ross- ville, Allamakee Co., Iowa, daughter of Adoniram Judson ililler and Margaret Seneebaugh. He is a farmer ; Republican ; resided in Pennsylvania, Iowa, and at Plankinton, South Dakota. CHILDREN : 935 I. Margaret ililler Dunn, born September 12, 1885. 936. II. Earl Riland Dunn, born December 10, 1886. 937. III. Alice Rebecca Dunn, born May 29, 1889. 938. IV. Philip Dunn, born February 8, 1891. 939. V. Arthur Judson Dunn, born August 21, 1893. 577. ITTTTV 'ET.T.'RTJ' TJTTN'N' 5 f Rebecca Greenlee « Maison Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee • AAX J. X jujjxijux^ xyuxii.1 I Philip Dunn Catharine Compton Bethiah Maxson Ulcbael Greenlee " ( f daughter of Rebecca Greenlee and Philip Dunn, was born August 20, 1862, at Meadville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married September 6, 1883, near Mason City, Cerro Gordo Co., Iowa, ALLEN D. DOUGAN, born December 14, 1856, at Beaver Dam, Dodge Co., Wisconsin, son of John M. Dougan and Eliza Niek- erson. In politics, he is a Republican. Resided at Meadville, Pennsylvania, Mason City, Iowa, and Plankinton, South Dakota. CHILDREN : 940. I. Lee Dewane Dougan, born October 7, 1884. 941. II. Blanche Catharine Dougan, born September 1. 1886. 942. III. John Lynn Dougan, born January 21, 1896. 578. PATilC 'RTfl'M TTATJPOTT'N' 5 ( Lvdia B. Greenlee ' Maxson Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee * f.n.AA. £>xv/xi ruvEVAUun ■, John Harroun Catharine Compton Bethiah Maxson Michael Greenlee ' / i son of Lydia Bethiah Greenlee and John Harroun, was born May 3, 1857, at Dover, Olmsted Co., Minnesota; married April 4, 1881, at Mason Citj', Iowa, 162 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. FANNIE B. CALKINS, born January 18, 1863, at Baraboo, Sauk Co., Wisconsin, daughter of James Calkins and Mary Ann Briggs ; married second November 9, 1894, at Minneapolis, Minnesota, JENNIE C. CARR, bom January 20, 1855, at Bronson, Branch Co., Michigan, daughter of Alexander C. Carr and Mary Ann Vance. He is a farmer ; Republican ; in religion. Spiritualist ; resides at Decorah, Iowa. CHILDREN : 943. I. John Vern Harroun, born April 11, 1882 ; lives at Portland, Iowa. 944. II. Ned Bion Harroun, born August 15, 1885 ; lives at Portland. 580. LIZZIE LAVILLE HARROUN S i V'',?'\? Creenlee < Maxson Greenlee « "^ ""-^ ijjn»iwi«w»*i, 1 John Harroun Catharine Compton Michael Greenlee - Michael Greenlee i / Bethiah Maxson f daughter of Lydia Bethiah Greenlee and John Harroun, was born January 24, 1865, at Eyota, Olmsted Co., Minnesota ; married September 5, 1894, at Mason City, Cerro Gordo, Co., Iowa, FRANK A. MILLER, born March 29, 1864, at Rossville, Allamakee Co., Iowa, son of Adoniram Judson MiUer and Margaret Sencebaugh. Resided at Mason City, Iowa. One child : 945. Mildred Ann a Miller, born December 4, 1896. 581. APPTTTR 'WTT.T.AP'n TTATi'ROTrN' 5 f Lydia B. Greenlee « Maxson Greenlee » AltOniEi WlliLtttrti» niMlRUUn j John Harroun Catharine Compton Michael Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ' 1 Bethiah Maxson J son of Lydia Bethiah Greenlee and John Harroun, was bom September 22, 1869, at Dover, Olmstead Co., Minnesota; married September 1, 1898, at North McGregor. Clayton Co., Iowa, JESSIE ]\I. STEATENS. born October 7, 1872, at Spencer, Clay Co., Iowa, daughter of Charles J. Stevens and Margaret Gillespie. He is a Railway Postal clerk; in religion. Christian; has resided in and near Mason City, Iowa, since 1875. 583. TTA'R'R'ni'T T TIATT B f Elizabeth C. Greenlee ' Maxson Greenlee " Michael Greenlee ' juijvjw-cix ±. HH i i Aj I Philander M. Hall Catharine Compton Bethiah Maxson Michael Greenlee ' \ daughter of Elizabeth Caroline Greenlee and Philander M. Hall, was born Sep- tember 23, 1858 at Eyota, Olmstead Co., Minnesota ; married June 17, 1891, WILLIAM W. LOVELL, bom July 20, 1853 at West Sutton, Worcester Co., Masschiisetts, son of L. 0. Lovell and Sylvia Stillwell ; resides at Inkster, North Dakota. One child : 946. Ruth S. Lovell, bom May 5, 1892. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 163 584. niT RTPPT M WAT.T B ( Elizabeth C. Greenlee * Maxson Greenlee » {jLljtiHitil ai. HAl^ i Philander M. Hall Catharine Compton Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' \ Betbiah Maxson j son of Elizabeth Caroline Greenlee and Philander M. Hall, was born September 13, 1860 at Chatfield, Olmstead Co., Minnesota ; married July 8, 1894 at Port- land, Cerro Gordo Co., Iowa, EMilA E. BOWERS, born January 13, 1869 at Lena, Stephenson Co., Illinois, daughter of John L. Bowers and Elizabeth . He is a farmer; Republican; in religion, Christian; resides at Creston, Iowa. CHILDREN : 947. I. Velma La Pearl Hall, born June 6, 1895. 948. II. Helen Elizabeth Hall, born October 22, 1896. 586. TVTA V P" Wall 5 / Elizabeth C. Greenlee * Maxson Greenlee • Michael Greenlee ' lUAx xj. xiau 1 Philander M. Hall Catharine Compton Bethlah Maxson Michael Greenlee ' 1 daughter of Elizabeth Caroline Greenlee and Philander M. Hall, was born June 17, 1865 at Galesville, Wisconsin ; married June 17, 1883 at Chatfield, Fillmore Co., Minnesota, VICTOR EMANUEL BEMIS, born November 27, 1858 at Chat- field, son of Levi Bemis and Emeline Eaton. He is a banker and merchant ; in politics. Democrat; in religion, Presbyterian; resided in Chatfield, Minnesota, three years after marriage, then removed to Inkster, North Dakota, where they have since resided. CHILDREN : Vern Cleveland Bemis, born July 2, 1884. Pearl Emmeline Bemis, born October 11, 1886. Levi Jay Bemis, born December 29, 1887. Elizabeth Lillian Bemis, born February 2, 1890. Ara May Bemis, born July 13, 1892. Harry Gilbert Bemis, born September 11, 1895. 593. IRUS HAMMOND WELLS « i |me.ine^B.^^reen.ee • Si^^^^f/htl^el^ins Michael Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee '\ Betbiah Maxson / son of Emeline Blodgett Greenlee and Samuel Julius Wells, was born September 20, 1861 in Spring To^vnship, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married August 22, 1883 at Randolph, Tremont Co., Iowa, AGNES MAY COWARD, born May 23, 1863 at Randolph, Iowa, daughter of Charles Coward and Louisa Knickerbocker. He is a manufacturer ; Republican ; Protestant ; resides at Chicago, Illinois. 955. I. Alice Agnes Wells, born November 18, 1884. 956. II. Lottie May Wells, born March 14. 1887. 949. I. 950. II. 951. III. 952. IV. 953. V. 954. VI. 164 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 957. III. Clayton Frank Wells, born January 29, 1889. 958. IV. Edith Emeline Wells, born June 10, 1894. 959. V. RajTnond Irus Wells, born January 28, 1899. 594. DELLA EMELINE WELLS 5 f Emeline B. Greenlee « Edmund Greenlee » X^fiijljA XiiUfiljir^Ci WXiXjIjO I SamuelJ. Wells Mary Wright Stebbins Michael Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ' ) Bethiah Maxson / daughter of Emeline Blodgett Greenlee and Samuel Julius Wells, was born May 5, 1868 at Chicago, Illinois; married October 11, 1894 at Chicago, ARTHUR GRANT SAYLES, born March 13, 1867 at Quincy, Illinois, son of Albert Wells Sayles and Ellen Angeline Swingle. He was Superintendent of warehouse 12, Swift & Company; in politics, Republican; in religion, Protestant; resides at Chicago. CHILDREN : 960. I. Ellen Angeline Saj^les, born September 25, 1895. 961. II. Frank Wells Sayles, born April 13, 1897. 596. jbert L Emily Brooks Mary Wright Stebblns GRACE EMILY GREENLEE ^ j Robert Lemuel Greenlee « Edmund Greenlee » Michael Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ' 1 Bethiah Maxson j daughter of Robert Lemuel Greenlee and Emily Brooks, was born October 9, 1869 at Chicago, Illinois; married September 26, 1903 at Chicago, CHARLES HURFORD BRACKEBUSH, born November 5, 1867 at Canton, Ohio, son of Charles J. Brackebush and Elizabeth Hurford. No Children. GRACE EMILY GREENLEE attended the public schools of Chicago until she was fifteen, when she entered Ferry Hall Seminary at Lake Forest, Illinois. In the Spring of 1886 she went with the family for an extended trip abroad, lasting sixteen months. On her return she spent two years more at Lake Forest, and then attended the Ogontz School for Young Ladies, at Philadelphia, spend- ing two years in study there. In 1895 the family took another trip abroad, spending a j^ear traveling aroimd the world. During this time Grace ^v^ote regularly to a friend at home, making a complete diary of the trip in this way. A few years after her return, at the request of the family, these letters were published in a limited edition of two hundred copies, being printed for private distribution only. The title of the book was "As we were journeying." It was profusely illustrated with half-tones made mostly from photographs taken by her brother, William Brooks Greenlee, and made an interesting souvenir of the trip. CHARLES HURFORD BRACKEBUSH attended public school at Canton, Ohio, Terre Haute and Indianapolis, Indiana, Jersey City, New Jersey, and Chicago. He came to Chicago in 1882, where he has since resided. At the age of fifteen he went to work in the coal office of A. C. Brackebush & Company; Xo. 596. GRACE EMILY GREENLEE BRArKEBlKU. CHARLES UlKFOKli BKACKEBUSIL Xo. 062. ROBERT FARGO GREEN- LEE. Xo. 962a. MARTHA GREEXLEE. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 165 ■was cashier for J. L. Hathaway Coal Company ; clerk for Orr & Lockett ; also American Short Horn Breeders Association ; Dock Superintendent for Peabody Coal Company; Paymaster for Ajax Forge Company and GriflSn Wheel Com- pany ; traveling salesman for Peabody Coal Company ; also Silver Creek & Morris Coal Company. He spent the winter of 1893 in Europe. He was general salesman and credit man for E. L. Hedstrom & Company and continued with them thirteen years. At the present time he is with the Greenlee Foundry Company. In politics, he is a Republican. 597. WILLIAM BROOKS CREENLEE ^ I Robert Lemuel Greenlee * Edmund Greenlee » WlXjljlAlUl>AUUA.i9 u-AJliJunXiXiJ:! t Emily Brooks Mary Wright Stebblns Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' ) Bethlab Maxson J son of Robert Lemuel Stebbins and Emily Brooks, was born April 25, 1872 at Chicago, Illinois ; married January 16, 1902 at Chicago, ADELINE BENHAM FARGO, born September 6, 1875 at Chicago, daughter of Samuel Meeker Fargo and Mary Clark. CHILDREN : 962. I. Robert Fargo, born February 10, 1903 at Chicago. 962a. II. Martha, born October 25, 1905. WILLIAM BROOKS GREENLEE received his early education in Chicago. He took a two years' course in the academic department of Beloit [Wisconsin] CoUege, 1889-90; and graduated from Cornell University at Ithaca, New York, in 1895 with the degree of Bachelor of Science. He accompanied his father and family on a tour of Europe which extended over a period of sixteen months. In 1892 he went to Europe, spending the summer in Germany. In 1895-96, with the other members of the family, took a trip around the world. In 1900 he went to South America, visiting Brazil and Argentine Republic, crossing the Andes to Chili, returning by the west coast to Panama, with a side trip to Cuzco, the old Inca capital. In 1896 he entered the firm of Greenlee Brothers & Company, as secretarj^; and is now [1907] president of that company and secretary of the Northwestern Stove Repair Company and Greenlee Foundry Company. 599. GERTRUDE GREENLEE 6 f Ralph stebbins Greenlee • Edmund Greenlee " ^±jni.±^vAj±j UXVXJUX1XJJJ.U ) Elizabeth Brooks Mary Wrifiht Stebbins Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' 1 Bethlah Maxson J daughter of Ralph Stebbins Greenlee and Elizabeth Brooks, was born Decem- ber 26, 1869 at Chicago, Illinois; married September 26, 1893 at Chicago, JAMES ALLEN LOUNSBURY, born June 8, 1867 at Weathersfield, Hartford Co., Connecticut, son of Cooke Lounsbury and Isabella Spaulding. CHILDREN : 963. I. Ralph Greenlee Lounsbury, born January 20, 1896. 964. II. Elizabeth Lounsbury, born May 5, 1899. 166 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. GERTRUDE GREENLEE attended the public schools of Chicago until her fourteenth year, when she entered Lake Forest Seminary at Lake Forest, Illi- nois. Her studies there were interrupted to some extent by a trip to Europe in 1886, and one to Mexico. On this account she did not graduate with the class she originally entered, but with the class of 1890. In June, 1890, imme- diately after her graduation, she started with her parents on a journey around the world, spending considerable time in Japan, China, India, Egypt and Pales- tine, returning to Chicago in November, 1891. After her marriage she con- tinued to reside in Chicago. JAMES ALLEN LOUNSBURT, eldest son of Cooke and Isabella Spaulding Lounsbury, was born in 1867 at Wethersfield, Connecticut. Eearly in 1868, the family removed from Wethersfield to Meriden, Connecticut, where they lived until 1875, when they removed to Hartford. He was educated in the public schools of Hartford. In September, 1887, he entered the employ of the Water- house Electric Company of Hartford. In 1889 this company was bought out by the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company of Pittsburgh, Pennsyl- vania. Mr. Lounsbury was retained by the Westinghouse Company, and re- mained with them several years as traveling engineer, with headquarters, first at Pittsburgh, and later (1889) at Chicago. He left the Westinghouse Com- pany in May, 1892, to take the position of Engineer in charge of Incandescent Lighting at the World's Columbian Exposition held in Chicago in 1893; and was connected with the Exposition until January 1, 1894. He was engaged in the manufacture of electrical apparatus, as president of the Lounsbury Manu- facturing Company at Chicago, until 1897, when the plant and business were entirely destroyed by fire. In 1899, he entered the employ of Greenlee Brothers & Company, manufacturers of woodworking machinery, and in 1903 was elected Vice President of that company, which ofiSce he still holds. 603. ary illiam Dallas Greenlee Mary Wright SteUbins DAVID WILLIAM GREENLEE ^ I ^^'^''^ I-uclnda Greenlee * Edmund Greenlee » 1 W Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' 1 Bethiah Maxson J son of Mary Lucinda Greenlee and William Dallas Greenlee, was born August 2, 1868 at Rundell, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married September 18, 1895 at Poughkeepsie, New York, AD ALINE WHITNEY BRISTOL, born November 13, 1870 at W. Stockbridge, Massachusetts, daughter of Elom Hurlburt Bristol and Emily Brown Williams. He is a Republican ; resides at Denver, Colorado. CHILDREN: 965. I. Marjory Bristol, born July 13, 1896 at Pittsfield, Massachusetts. 966. II. William David, born November 7, 1897 at Denver, Colorado. 967. ni. Mary Lucinda, born June 27, 1899. 604. ET.TZAB'ET'H' WAV OT?F.F.'NT.F.'R 5 / Mary Lucinda Greenlee » Edmund Greenlee » *.ljl^Ai5r,Ul ITIAX U±tJ:.j:.«lir.X. i willlam Dallas Greenlee Mary Wright Stebbins Michnel Greenlee = Michael Greenlee i 1 Bethiah Maxson j daughter of Mary Lucinda Greenlee and William Dallas Greenlee, was born No. 500. GERTRUDE GREENLEE I OUXSBURY. No. 963. RALi'ii iu;i;i;ni.i;k i.drxsr.i uy. No. 'MH. EI.I7,Al;i;i II l.ntXSBl-RY. .i.\.\n:s A. i.iUNsr.rm MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 167 July 5, 1869 at McKean, Erie Co., Pennsylvania; married at Chicago, Illinois, CHARLES WISEMAN WOODLEY of Chicago. CHILDREN : 968. I. Esther Mary Woodley, born December 9, 1895 at Chicago. 969. n. Harry Robert Woodley, born October 3, 1897 at Denver, Colorado. 970. III. Howard G. Woodley, born January 12, 1899. 606. WILLIAM HENRY GREENLEE ^ ( t-^,\t^,4«R74°'?^3;„ ^Zl'iZT" David Greenlee " Michael Greenlee > I Elizabeth Morris Esther Davis J son of Arthur John Greenlee and Katherine Richardson, was born August 29, 1851 at Whitleysburg, Kent Co., Delaware; married December 31, 1872 near Denton, Caroline Co., Maryland, ELIZA ANN WILSON, born January 24, 1853 near Denton, daughter of James W. Wilson and Susan Holbrook. He is a farmer ; Democrat ; resides near Greensboro, Maryland. CHILDREN : John Wilson, born November 16, 1873. William Emmett, born March 28, 1876. Lawrence Arlington, bom March 13, 1880. Edith Katherine, born January 22, 1885. Robert Earle, born March 13, 1889. Susan Grace, born December 3, 1891. 614. 971. I. 972. II. 973. III. 974. IV. 975. V. 976. VT. NANCY A. GREENLEE « { JJI'Sb^LS"^"'^^ ' S'nirD^/dln'^" William Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ^ i Esther Davis J daughter of William Madison Greenlee and Mahala Beam, was born August 11, 1838 at Bradyville, Adams Co., Ohio ; married May 15, 1858 in Ohio, SAMUEL TAYLOR, born July 22, 1836 at Bradyville, Ohio, died February 10, 1899 at West Union, Ohio, son of James Taylor and Kate . He is a merchant ; Republican; Methodist; resides at West Union, Ohio. CHILDREN : Mahala Taylor, born July 31, 1859 ; died October 15, 1860. John W. Taylor, born February 8, 1861. Thomas E. Taylor, born Julv 16, 1867. Alice D. Taylor, born October 8, 1873 ; married Nate C. Bowman. Harry E. Taylor, born December 8. 1875; married Uldena Parker. Virginia Taylor, born April 12, 1878 ; died April 15, 1878. 983. Vn. Essie B. Taylor, bom March 17, 1880. 977. I. 978. II. 979. III. 980. IV. 981. V. 982. VI. 168 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 615. WILLIAM GREENLEE ^ { wn.iamM. Greenlee * S's'LTd^X"'^'' ' William Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ^ | , Estlier Davis J son of "William Madison Greenlee and Mahala Beam, was born October 13, 1842 at Manchester, Adams Co., Ohio ; married August 31, 1865, ALICE McKINLEY, born February 10, 1845 at Aberdeen, Brown Co., Ohio, daughter of Marshall McKinley and Elizabeth Mary Dodd. He is a farmer; Republican; Methodist; resides at West Union, Ohio. CHILDREN : 984. I. W. M., born May 22, 1866. 985. II. J. R. C, born July 2, 1868. 986. III. C. C, born May 13, 1870. 987. IV. M. E. (daughter), born March 25, 1872. 988. V. G. N. (daughter), born September 18, 1876. 989. VI. J. "W., born December 18, 1878. 990. VII. M. E. (daughter), born February 6, 1882. 617. THOMAS JEFFERSON GREENLEE ^ { J^lULlaB^eam '*'"*'' ' ZcyDp/lln''" William Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ' \ Esther DaTis ) son of William Madison Greenlee and Mahala Beam, was born May 15, 1845 at Bradyville, Adams Co., Ohio; married April 13, 1873 at Bradyville, CATH- ARINE DUNBAR, born November 28, 1847 at Clayton, Ohio, daughter of Josephus Dunbar and Charlotte Bowen. He is a Democrat ; Methodist ; resides at Urbana, Illinois. CHILDREN : 991. I. Anna, born January 8, 1877 ; married James Farley. 992. II. Bessie, born July 13, 1881. THOMAS JEFFERSON GREENLEE served one year in the 43rd Missouri Infantry, Company B. 618. BENJAMIN F. EVERTON=* { FolTn^Eve^rSr"'" ' Na'ncy Cpydln'*' ' William Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ^ 1 Esther Davis / son of Henrietta Greenlee and John Everton, was born July 7, 1837 at Aber- deen, Brown Co., Ohio; married September 22, 1866 ELIZA B. CAMPBELL, born December 2, 1842 at Aberdeen, Ohio, daughter of Palmer Campbell and Mary Brookman. He is a merchant ; Republican ; Methodist ; resides at Carlisle, Arkansas. One child : 993. Jennie B. Everton, bom September 22, 1867 ; died December 14, 1883. X(i. (ill;;. nAvin wii.i.iAM cuEKxr.Ei-: axu family. Xi). 014. MK.S. XAXCY A. TAYI.nl;. Xo. G17. TFIOMAS .TEI''I''KIiS(IX GREEXLEE. 1 MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 169 619. TTIOMAS V. P.VF.PTON 6 f Henrietta Greenlee « William Greenlee ' William Greenlee » xnuiTlAO Jli. rjViliAXUn ^johnEverton Nancy Dryden Michael Greenlee ' I Esther Davis J son of Henrietta Greenlee and John Everton, was born November 4, 1840 at Aberdeen, Brown Co., Ohio; married July 13, 1866, SABRINA SCOTT, born May 10, 1841 at Evertonville. Adams Co., Ohio, died December 8, 1900, daugh- ter of Joseph Scott and Eliza Low; married second November 4, 1900 (?) MARTHA DUZAN, born October 14, 1851 near Bradyville, Adams Co., Ohio, daughter of Joseph Duzan and Mary Baker. He is a farmer; Republican; Methodist; resides at Manchester, Ohio. CHILDREN : 994. I. Audra Everton, bom November 11, 1868. 995. II. Bruce J. Everton, born October 15, 1869 ; died December 8, 1889. 996. III. Tyra N. Everton, born July 11, 1871. THOMAS E. EVERTON, with three brothers and two uncles, served in 70th Ohio Volunteer Infantry four years, from 1861 to 1865. 620. GREENT-EE EVERTON 5 f Henrietta Greenlee ' William Greenlee ' William Greenlee • vrxvxjuxijjxju xjTxjxbxvxi iJohn Everton Nancy Dryden Michael Greenlee ' 1 Esther Davis J son of Henrietta Greenlee and John Everton, was bom January 17, 1845 at Manchester, Adams Co., Ohio; married December 23, 1874, FANNIE DODD- RIDGE, son of R. R. Doddridge and Nancy Briggs. He is a farmer ; Republi- can; resides near Manchester, Ohio. 628. WILLIAM STOWE GREENLEE ^ f Samuel Greenlee ' William Greenlee " 1 Elizabeth Freeman Nancy Dryden William Greenlee • Michael Greenlee ' \ —^— Esther Davis j son of Samuel Greenlee and Elizabeth Freeman, was born July 22, 1844 at Savannah, Andrew Co., Missouri ; died September 19, 1880 at Atchison, Kansas ; married September 30, 1868 at West Union, Adams Co., Ohio, MINERVA HOOD, born March 2, 1847 at West Union, daughter of James Hood and Isa- bella Ellison. He was a lawyer ; Republican ; Episcopalian. CHILDREN : 997. I. Minerva, bom May 7, 1872. 998. II. Mary Hood, born November 20, 1875 ; married E. Russel Vance. 999. III. James William, born January 15, 1878 at Atchison, Kansas; un- married (1901). 170 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 629. TYRE NAPOLEON GREENLEE 5 { It","^ GTr^mVa SriV/lln Samuel Greenlee ' William Greenlee ' William Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee ■ Esther Davis } son of Samuel Greenlee and Elizabeth Freeman, was born February 3, 1846 at Bradyville, Adams Co., Ohio ; married April 13, 1866 at Aberdeen, Brown Co., Ohio, EFFIE JOSEPHINE MARVIN, born November 2, 1844 at Aberdeen, daughter of James H. Marvin and Dorothy Gray. He is a merchant ; Republi- can ; Methodist ; resides at Weaverville, North Carolina. CHILDREN : 1000. I. T. Melville, born March 29, 1868 ; married Hypatia Hackleman.+ 1001. II. "William Raymond, born July 1, 1872; married Margaret Hausel- man.4- 1002. HI. Emery Maude, born September 21, 1876. 1003. IV. Earl, born May 8, 1879 or 1880. TYRE NAPOLEON GREENLEE was a member of the 70th Ohio Regiment during the Civil War. EARL GREENTjEE was a soldier in the 161st Indiana Regiment in the Spanish- American War. 632. SAMUEL NICHOLS GREENLEE s William Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ^ Esther Davis } ' Samuel Greenlee « William Greenlee ' ; Sarah A. Nichols Nancy Dryden son of Samuel Greenlee and Sarah A. Nichols, was born September 11, 1854 at Bradyville, Adams Co., Ohio; married January 8, 1881 at Bradyville, AMANDA RUTH SCOTT, bom September 10, 1860 at Bradyville, died Septem- ber 7, 1900 at Manchester, Adams Co., Ohio, daughter of Joseph Scott and Nancy Lowe ; teacher ; Republican ; Methodist Episcopal ; resides at Manchester, Ohio. CHILDREN: 1004. I. Ira, born January, 1882 or 1890. ( ?) 1005. II. DeWitt, born January 4, 1884. 1006. III. Harold, born September 24, 1888. 635. TTATJTTITTA T fi-P'RTi'.'NT.'R'li'. 6 fSamnel Greenlee < William Greenlee ' William Greenlee » XlAAiriXlA J. VrnrifinXjriri j Sarah a. Nichols Nancy Dryden Michael Greenlee ^ 1 '<:sther Davis I daughter of Samxiel Greenlee and Sarah A. Nichols, was born September 19, 1860 at ]\Tanchester. Brown Co., Ohio; married October 5, 1880 JOHN M. GRAY, born September 18, 1858 at Nauvoo, Adams Co., Ohio, son of John 1007. I. 1008. II. 1009. III. 1010. IV. MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 171 W. Gray and Rose A. Dryden. He is a farmer ; Republican ; resides at George- town, Ohio. CHILDREN : Otis Gray, born August 20, 1882. Cecil Gray, born November 20, 1883. Ollie G. Gray, born November 22, 1885. Edith Gray, born December 25, 1890. 648. TTT VQCSTPC! ■p PP VNTJI TJS 5 ( Hiretta Greenlee • Andrew M, Greenlee ' UliXbdiba J!.. XtJliXrtUljlJO ( Phillp d. Reynolds Mary (Greenlee) Umberfleld Allen Greenlee - Michael Greenlee ^ ( Sarah McKelvey Esther Davis J son of Hiretta Greenlee and Philip D. Reynolds, was bom April 2, 1865 in Hayfield Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married November 6, 1895 at Hickernell, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, CLARA B. HICKERNELL, born August 28, 1876 at Hickernell, daughter of Abraham W. Hickernell and Syl- vania Gerr. He is a farmer; Republican; Protestant; resides at Hickernell, Pennsylvania. 649. ■RFPTTTA M P'RVWDT DS 5 f Hiretta Greenlee « Andrew M. Greenlee » iSriKlllA lYl. ArjXlMUl^UO 1 Phlllp D. Reynolds Mary (Greenlee) Umberfleld Allen Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' 1 Sarah McKelvey Esther Davis J daughter of Hiretta Greenlee and Philip D. Reynolds, was born September 19, 1867 at Little Corners, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married December 27, 1892 at Little Corners, FRED G. KEEP, born February 9, 1868 at Keepville, Erie Co., Pennsylvania, son of Stephen M. Keep and Estella B. Alvord. He is a farmer ; Republican ; in religion, Wesleyan Methodist ; resides at Keepville, Pennsylvania. A VF.RY J T. Ti'RYNOT.nS 5 f Hiretta Greenlee • Andrew M. Greenlee ' AVfiAX t>. u. A£iXX^uux^o 1 Philip D. Reynolds Mary (Greenlee) Umberfield Allen Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee • t Sarah McKelvey Esther Davis / son of Hiretta Greenlee and Philip D. Reynolds, was born August 29, 1871 at Little Corners, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married November 24, 1898 at Keepville, Erie Co., Pennsylvania, MAT ELIZABETH KEEP, born July 7, 1894 at Conneaut, Ashtabula Co., Ohio; died November 20, 190.3, daughter of Walter M. Keep and Emma Bascum ; married second, January 21, 1905, ARKIE RUTH KEEP. He is a farmer ; Republican ; Methodist Episcopal ; resides in Hayfield Township, Pennsylvania. No children. 653. MTNNTK FITT A G'R'RF.NT.F'R B / Harle.v tJ. Greenlee « Andrew M. Greenlee » luxxmxiJ XiXXA vrACUZiiiuJUfi 1 Mary Ann Tucker Mary (Greenlee) Umberfield Allen Greenlee • Michael Greenlee * ) Sarah McKelvey Esther Davis J daughter of Harley Umherfield Greenlee and Mary Ann Tucker, was bom June 172 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 20, 1872 at Bedford, Taylor Co., Iowa; died November 1, 1896 at Bedford; married March 20, 1890 at Bedford, LEWIS E. WYCKOFF, bom August 15, 1866 at Caledonia, Ringgold Co., Iowa, son of John Wyckoff and Barbara Jane . He is a cabinet maker; Republican; Methodist; resides at Bedford Iowa. CHILDREN : 1011. I. Leila Edna Wyckoff, born August 6, 1891. 1012. II. Moran Eldon Wyckoff, born November 25, 1893. 1013. HI. Carl Alvin Wyckoff, bom August 9, 1895. 655. fTAPA V mj'li'.'RNT.'R'R 5 f Harley TJ. Greenlee * Andrew M. Greenlee ' KjIjARA Cm. UAfirimjXiJli \ Mary Ann Tucker Mary (Greenlee) Umberfield Allen Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' I Sarah McKelvey Esther Davis / daughter of Harley Umberfield Greenlee and Mary Ann Tucker, was born January 31, 1876 at Bedford, Taylor Co., Iowa; married December 25, 1895 at Bedford, Iowa, FREDERICK M. CLUTE, born June 22, 1874 in Greenlake Co., Wisconsin, son of Martin V. Clute and Eliza C. Smith. He is a Republican Baptist ; resides at Bedford, Iowa. CHILDREN : 1014. I. Helen G. Clute, born January 3, 1898. 1015. n. Vesta L. Clute, born May 30, 1900. 661. GERTRUDE MAY GREENLEE 5 ( John a. Greenlee » David Greenlee » \x£mB.1RUUTj aiAX URLiCiCiUJliHi 1 Susan J. McClelland Harriet Mallory Allen Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ' ( Sarah McKelvey Esther Davis J daughter of John Allen Greenlee and Susan J. McClelland, was born December 6, 1874 at Girard, Erie Co., Pennsj'lvania ; married June 7, 1894 at Girard, Penn- sylvania, JOHN F. HEIDLER, born December 27, 1867 at Fairview, Erie Co., Pennsylvania. He is a farmer; Republican; Methodist; resides at Fairview, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: 1016. I. Ralph Greenlee Heidler, bom September 4, 1895. 1617. II. Edith Evelyn Heidler, bom Jime 23, 1898. 666. CLEMENTINE LORETTA HUNTER 5 | ^nna A^reenUe « David Greenlee • t George W. Hunter Harriet Mallory Allen Greenlee = Michael Greenlee ' 1 Sarah McKelvey Esther Davis i' daughter of Anna Amanda Greenlee and George Wilson Hunter, was born April 19, 1871 at Erie, Erie Co., Pennsylvania ; married April 7, 1896 in Everts I MICHAEL OF DELAWARE. 173 Township, near Ridott, Stephenson Co., Illinois, WILLIAM BUSS, born Sep- tember 21, 1870 near Ridott ; resides at Freeport, Illinois. CHILDREN: 1018. I. William Hunter Buss, born August 12, 1897. 1019. II. George Greenlee Hunter Buss, born January 3, 1900. 684. ■WAI.TETi S GREENLEE 6 fWlIliam E. Greenlee » George Greenlee « WAljlfin O. unXifiDlJiliJIi i Xlargaretta Brown Maria Bottenfleld Samuel Greenlee • Samuel Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee > \ Nancy Gantz Mary Jones J son of William Edward Greenlee and Margaretta Brown, was born January 22, 1869 at Denver, Colorado; died December 9, 1900 at Denver; married LEILA CHASE, who was living in 1900 at Denver. They had three children. The eldest, a son, was born about 1891. WALTER S. GREENLEE was well known in Denver, where he was born and brought up. He was secretary of the Denver Marble and Granite Com- pany, of which his father is president. By his fine business tact and exceptional ability he had become widely known in Denver business circles. Socially he was one of the most popular men in the city. 757. CFTART.ES A O-REENT.EE 6 f William A. Greenlee = Luther Greenlee ' UXlAAljXiO A. S^RJUl^SiUHilU { Isadore Keesling Marietta Wood Jacob Greenlee • Samuel Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee > 1 Elizabeth Gantz Mary Jones / son of William Arthur Greenlee and Isadore Keesling, was born May 2, 1875 at Mechanicsburg, Henry Co., Indiana; married February 12, 1896 at Sulphur. Springs, Henry Co., Indiana, GOLDENA WARNER, born December 20, 1877 at Sulphur Springs, daughter of William E. Warner and Sarah A. Weaver. He is a blacksmith; Republican; resides at Sulphur Springs, Indiana. CHILDREN : 1020. I. Emilie G.. born November 3, 1896. 1021. II. William Ward, born February 15, 1898 ; died August 24, 1898. 1022. III. aiary H., born March 6, 1899. 770. LOIS AGNES TTEEET.MAN 6 (Theodosia E. Sizemore= Elvira P. Greenlee « .uvxu r^vrxiuo U£ J7£ixjiTiAi.i j John H. UEfelman Richmond B. Sizemore Andrew H. Greenlee » John Greenlee - Michael Greenlee i 1 Annis D. Giles Nancy Hamilton J daughter of Theodosia Ernest Sizemore and John H. Uffelman, was bom January 5, 1880 at Erin, Houston Co.. Tennessee ; married February 8, 1900 at Erin, Tennessee, WILLIAM R. BOONE, born August 13, 1869 at Erin, Ten- 174 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. nessee, son of Ethelred Boone and Matilda Turner. He was Trustee of Houston Co., Tennessee ; in politics, Democrat ; religion, Methodist ; resides at Erin. 777. ■RTPPTTTA TVrOTJP. <5 f Frances V. Slzemore ° Elvira P. Greenlee ' Andrew H. Greenlee ' osuD,±±ia. ±ii.\jix±j \ Thomas J. More Richmond B. Slzemore Annis D. Giles John Greenlee ^ Michael Greenlee ^ ( Nancy Hamilton S daughter of Frances Veronica Sizemore and Thomas J. More, was born Sep- tember 4, 1882 at Dover, Stewart Co., Tennessee; married February 11, 1900, RICHARD PERRY COY, born January 26, 1881 in Howard Co., Indiana, son of Alexander Coy and Hannah Davis. He is a farmer; Republican, resides at Wynn, Tennessee. 832. f!APT?TR PTTNTTRT. 6 /Elizabeth B. Turneaure "^Bethiah Greenlee « Robert Greenlee ' UAAAXfi a,urMJxiu 1 benjamin Rundel Thomas S. Turneaure Anna Chamberlain Michael Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee ' 1 Bethiah Maxson J daughter of Elizabeth B. Turneaure and Benjamin Rundel, was born August 31, 1868; married April 11, 1894, JOHN CLEAVER. They reside at Belvidere, Illinois. Three sons. 911. .T'li'.RSTR T. 'WTTTPPT.'R 8 f Sylvester R. Whipple ^ Amanda Stebhins • (fjjOKixxi xj. na.xjrsr±ii:i t Atllla A. Licls Francis J. Whipple Lucinda Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee = Michael Greenlee » 1 Lemuel Stebbins Bethiah Maxson i daughter of Sylvester Rufus "Whipple and Atilla A. Lick, was born February 9, 1876 at Manchester, Illinois; married November 15, 1893, CLYDE SHEL- DON, born August 8, 1872 at Springboro, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, son of Edgar A. Sheldon and Clara E. . He is a farmer ; Republican ; resides at Springboro. CHILDREN : 1023. I. Floy Sheldon, born February 28, 1894. 1024. II. Edgar R. Sheldon, born March 17, 1896. 1025. m. Cecil M. Sheldon, born November 14, 1898. 1026. IV. Mildred Sheldon, born August 19, 1900. 1000. TTurc'T VTT T Ti" nPTP'P'N'T V.V. 6 f Tyre Napoleon Greenlee ^ Samuel Greenlee ' . aUi.l2\ HjUH. UKJlitJNljJljJ!. » | Erne Josephine Marvm Elizabeth Freeman William Greenlee = William Greenlee ' Michael Greenlee > \ Nancy Dryden Esther Davis { son of Tyre Napoleon Greenlee and Effie Josephine Marvin, was born March 29, 1868 at Bradyville, Adams Co., Ohio; married in 1894 at Rushville, Rush Co., Indiana, Hypatia Hackleman, born in 1871 at Rushville, daughter of Oliver C. Hackleman and Caroline Worster. He is a farmer; Republican; Methodist Episcopal; resides at Rushville, Indiana. 1 MICHAEL OP DELAWARE. 175 1001. WILLIAM RAYMOND GREENLEE « i "^"^ Napoleon Greenlee ' Samuel Greenlee » WXliUXAiu AAXiuvi^x^ vrA£i£jxiXij:ij:i t Effle Josephine Marvin Elizabeth Freeman William Greenlee • William Greenlee ■ Michael Greenlee ' 1 Nancy Dryden Esther Davis J son of Tyre Napoleon Greenlee and Effie Josephine Marvin, was bom July 1, 1872 at Brad3rville, Adams Co., Ohio; married November 13, 1894 at Rush- ville, Lidiana, MARGARET HAUSELMAN, born June 5, 1871 at Higgins- port. Brown Co., Ohio, daughter of Wash. Hausebnan and Margaret Lucas. He is a shoe salesman ; Republican ; ^Methodist ; resides at Cleveland, Ohio. CHHjDREN : 1027. I. Lucile, bom February 15, 1895 ; died December 10, 1895. 1028. H. Florence, born November 7, 1896 ; died November 7, 1896. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN GREENLEE OF KENT COUNTY, DELAWARE. JOHN GREENLEE.i brother of Michael Greenlee [page 29] married ; resided in Delaware. CHILDREN : 2. I. Robert, who married ; married second, Elizabeth or Sallie Ann Purden.-|- ROBERT GREENLEE,2 son of John Greenlee, was born in 1745 in Dela- ware; died in 1793 (when son, David j\Iaxwell was three years old), in Dela- ware; married ; married second ELIZABETH (or SALLIE ANN) PURDEN, who was born in Kent County, Delaware, died in 1790 when son David Maxwell was three days old, daughter of John Purden, or Purdon, and Annie . He resided in Milford, Kent Co., Delaware. CHILDREN: 3. I. John ; went back to the old country when a young man. By second marriage : 4. II. David Maxwell, born in 1790; married Elizabeth Massy Evans.+ 4. DAVID MAXWELL GREENLEE 3 { i?i^/abett Purdln Jobn Greenlee > | son of Robert Greenlee and Elizabeth Purden, was born in 1790 near Dover, Kent Co., Delaware; died August 21, 1873 in his 83rd year at Georgetown, Sussex Co., Delaware; married December, 1814 at Milford, Kent Co., Delaware, ELIZABETH MASSY EVANS, born November 3, 1792 near Georgetown, Delaware, died December 25, 1873, or 1874 at Georgetown, daughter of Elisha E. Evans and Nancy Elizabeth Smith ; millwright and carpenter ; in politics, Whig, then Democrat; in religion, Methodist; resided near Georgetown, Dela- ware. CHILDREN: 5. I. Elisha Evans, born December 1, 1814; married Mary Jane Vaughn. -f 6. II. John Purden, born September 19, 1817 ; married Louisa Walker. + 176 « 7. in. 8. IV. 9. V. 10. VI. 11. vn. 12. vni. 13. TX. JOHN OF DELAWARE. 177 Sallie Ann, born June 17, 1820; married Levin Bivins Pepper.-f- David Peniwell, born in 1819 ; died unmarried January 9, 1848. Thomas Lockwood, born, 1821; married Sarah Jane Warner; both dead; no children. Oliver E., born, 1823 ; died September, 1836. Lurania Massy, born January 23, 1825 ; died September, 1836. Robert Smith, born December 31, 1827; married Eunice Abbott.-|- Elizabeth Biddle, born February 7, 1831 ; married Coulter C. Hart.+ DAVID GREENLY enlisted before he was quite eighteen at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, under Captain Barker, and fought the British at Fort Pike on Lake Superior, and was also in the battle of Five Points on the river Thames. He was one of twelve men detailed to shoot the Indian chief, Tecumseh. Once, while at Fort Pike, he was ordered by Captain Barker to spike a gun and while in the act a French Canadian struck him over the right eye with a flint lock gun, the hammer tearing the flesh for three inches over the eye. The Captain witnessed the affair and shot the French Canadian through the head with a horse pistol, killing him instantly. There had been a number of pickets shot on the southern post, which was near a long strip of woods skirting the camp. It came the turn of a married man, father of five children, to go on this post. He offered five pounds to any man who would take his place. David accepted the offer, with the imderstanding that he could take a spade along. When asked what he wanted with the spade, he replied, "To dig my grave." He was young and a favorite, so Captain Barker tried to persuade him not to go. When he arrived at the post he told the picket to report all well, and he proceeded to dig a hole near an old tree that was broken oft' about six feet above the ground, and got into the hole. Inside of thirty minutes he heard the rustle of leaves, and saw what he supposed was a big hog, but at last it raised up about half way and he saw it was an Indian, so he shot at it. At the report of the gun, the Captain came out and not seeing him cried "Dave is killed." David then spoke and told the Captain that he had killed an Indian, and they proceeded to the spot where they had seen the Indian fall. He made an at- tempt to scalp the Indian, but he was not yet dead and would have killed David had not the Captain intervened. After his return from the war he learned the trade of mill-wright, which he followed for a number of years. His mother having died when he was a baby, he was brought up by his uncle John Burden, who at his death left him nearly all of his property. On May 13, 1817. David Greenly gives receipt to Jacob Biddle and John Adams "my former guardians," for $2,931.50, and interest due $78.65. [Deed Book R 2, p. 254.] David Greenly, carpenter, of North west Fork Hundred. Sussex County and State of Delaware, sells October 10, 1821, to Jesse Green Esq. of same County and State for $500. part of a tract of land and willed to said Greenlee by his uncle John Purdon in Mispillon hundred. [Deed Book V 2, p. 42.] ELISHA EVANS GREENLY* /navidMaxwell Greenly' Robert Greenlee » ><^xxi XJVAJ.1W vri«,uxjxi±jx 1 Elizabeth M, Evans Elizabeth Purden John Greenlee ' 1 son of David Maxwell Greenly and Elizabeth Massy Evans, was born December 12 178 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 1, 1814 at Milford, or Georgetown, Delaware, died August 13, 1876 aged 60 j4s 8 mo 12 das. [Gravestone] at Smyrna, Kent Co., Delaware; married in 1837 at Georgetown, Sussex Co., Delaware, MARY JANE VAUGHN, born in 1818 at Georgetown, Delaware, died February 14, 1891 or 1892 at Milford, Kent Co., Delaware, daughter of Nathaniel Vaughn and Hannah Day ; farmer ; Demo- crat; Methodist; resided in Sussex Co., near Georgtown. CHHjDREN : 14. I. Oliver E., bom October 1, 1838; married Mary Elizabeth Hart.+ 15. n. Lurana M., born in 1840 ; married William Robbins ; married second Goslin.+ 16. III. Sarah E., born in 1842; married Reed; married second George Thorp. + 17. IV. James Purden, bom April 10, 1844; married Cruce Dorsey; mar- ried second Frances Hammond ; married third May Jones.+ 18. V. David Peniwell, born August 24, 1847 ; married Rachel Ann Pos- tles.+ 19. VI. John Thomas, born, 1849 ; died in the winter of 1852. 20. VII. Hannah Jane, born, 1852; married John Laws ■Warren.+ 21. VIII. John Thomas, bora, 1854 ; married Mary Dill.+ 6. TntJ-KT ■DTT'DTklPTa' r''D'li''li'"MT V 4 ( David Maxwell Greenly • Robert Greenlee = jour* rUKJJiliJN UKJIjJLJNIj IC 1 Elizabeth M. Evans Elizabeth Purden John Greenlee • 1 son of David Maxweell Greenly and Elizabeth Massy Evans, was bom Sep- tember 19, 1817 in Delaware ; married LOUISA WALKER. CHILDREN: 22. I. John P.; married and had six children; lived at Manayunk, Penn- sylvania. 23. II. :Mary Ann; married Mallinson; lives at Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania. 24. III. Ida ; married John Aiman ; lives at Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania. 25. IV. Sarah C. ; unmarried. 7. SALLIE ANN PURDEN GREENLY^ { griIiU'h".r''^v?Sr'^ ' iSe?hTu°;re„' John Greenlee ^ 1 daughter of David Maxwell Greenly and Elizabeth Massy Evans, was bom June 17, 1820 at Georgetown. Sussex Co., Delaware: died July 18. 1876 at GeorgetoAvn ; married. 1846 at Georgetown, LEVIN BmNS PEPPER who was bom April 1, 1821 at Georgetown, died October 6. 1887 aged about 65 years, at Georgetown. He was a contractor and builder; Republican; Episcopalian; resided at Georgetown. Delaware. He married second, several years after the death of his first wife, Eliza, widow of James Wilson. She survived him. JOHN OF DELAWARE. 179 CHILDREN : 26. I. David Thomas Pepper, born May 3, 1847; married Lizzie E. Lay- ton. -|- 27. H. Levin Asbury Pepper, bom August 25, 1849; married Lydia E. Lacey, daughter of the late John S. Lacey; lives at Philadelphia. She died July 1882 at Georgetown. For a number of years she had been a consistent member of the Methodist church. 28. HI. Sallie Elizabeth Pepper, February 15, 1855; married Louis Head- burg.+ 12. ROBERT SMITH GREENLEE^ { gfilit'^h'^sZlV^Sr'' ' Ei?/abe?hPur'dIn John Greenlee ' ) son of David Maxwell Greenly and Elizabeth Massy Evans, was born December 31, 1827 at Georgetown, Sussex Co., Delaware ; died August, 1892 ; married October, 1858 at Georgetown, EUNICE ABBOTT who was born in 1835 at Georgetown, Delaware. He was a farmer; Democrat; Methodist; resided at Sand Hill, near Georgetown, Delaware. One child : 29. I. Annie CuUen, born January 15, 1886 ; married William Blackstone. 13. ELIZABETH BIDDLE GREENLY^ { gfilii'^r^nV^rr '^ ^ irSfh'^^^ren John Greenlee ^ 1 daughter of David Maxwell Greenly and Elizabeth Massy Evans, was born February 7, 1831 at Georgetown, Sussex Co., Delaware; married June 18, 1851 at Georgeto^vn, COULTER C. HART, born December 22, 1826 at Georgtown, died February 10, 1869 at Georgetown, son of Burton Hart and Eliza Dodd. He was a farmer; Democrat; Methodist; resided at Georgetown, Delaware. She was living in 1904. CHILDREN: 30. I. David Burton Hart, born November 19, 1854; died unmarried April 7. 1878. 31. II. Robert Thomas Hart, born September 6, 1856 ; married ^[ary ;\I. Wilson ; no children. He is foreman in a printing office in George- town, having been employed in the same office since he was thir- teen years of age. 32. III. Sarah E. Hart, born November 21, 1858; married Rowland W. Joseph. + 33. IV. Lizzie Coulter Hart, born January 28, 1863; immarried. 34. V. Gazelle H Hart, born May 19, 1865; married Louis W. Heinzer; has one child, Helen Mary Heinzer, lives in Wilmington. Delaware. 180 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 14. nT TT7VP 1" n.P'li''Ii''N'T PI? 5 f Elisha Evans Greenly * David M. Greenly • OI.1VSK £i. UK1L£iJN1jJ!iJ!j => ] Mary Jane Vaughn Elizabeth M. Evans Robert Greenlee = John Greenlee ^ 1 Elizabeth Purden J son of Elisha Evans Greenly and Marj^ Jane Vaughn, was born October 1, 1838 at Georgtown, Sussex Co., Delaware; married June 10, 1859 at Georgetown, MARY ELIZABETH HART, born April 22, 1842 at Georgetown, daughter of Burton J. Hart and M. E., or Eliza, Dodd. He is a farmer; Democrat; Metho- dist ; resides at Milford, Delaware. CHHjDREN : 35. I. Lizzie C, born, 1862; married Milo Barber; lives at Milford, Dela- ware. 36. 11. Wilbur, born March 29, 1872; married Mary A. Hazel.+ 37. IIL Hannah F., born, 187 — ; died immarried July, 1899. 38. IV. James D., born, 1874; died unmarried. 15. T.TIR.ANA M GREENLY » fEUsha Evans Greenly < David M. Greenly > IjU AAn A lU. unXirilNli X -j ^j^^^. j^^^ vaughn Elizabeth M. Evane Robert Greenlee ' John Greenlee > ) Elizabeth Purden j daughter of Elisha Evans Greenly and Mary Jane Vaughn, was born in 1840 ; died; married WILLIAM ROBBINS; married second GOSLIN. CHILDREN : Willard S. ; lives in Washington. Charles ; lives in Washington. Daughter; lives in Washington. Daughter; lives in Washington. James P. Robbins ; lives at Wilmington, Delaware. 16. SATiATT E GREENLY 5 (EUsha Evans Greenly ' David M. Greenly > OAKAA Cm. UAJliCinijX 1 Mary Jane Vaughn Elizabeth M. Evans Robert Greenlee ' John Greenlee i 1 Elizabeth Purden j daughter of Elisha Evans Greenly and Mary Jane Vaughn, was born in 1842; married REED ; married second GEORGE THORP ; resided at Camden, New Jersey. Had a son who was in the Phillippine war. 17. JAMES PURDEN GREENLY s | S«r''\L''« v ^T°"" Sf!''"J,'^^^'*S?"" ( Mary Jane Vaughn Elizabeth M. Evans Robert Greenlee = John Greenlee ' ) Elizabeth Purden / son of Elisha Evans Greenly and Mary Jane Vaughn, was born April 10, 1844 ; 39. I. 40. II. 41. III. 42. IV. 43. V. JOHN OF DELAWARE. 181 married CRUCE DORSET ; married second FRANCES HAMMOND ; married third MARY JONES. CHHiDREN: 44. I. John ; lives at Milford. 45. II. William; lives at Hillsboro. Also eight others, names not given. 18. DAVID PENIWELL GREENLY ^ { f^l?/,^r^,%T^'' * I'fili'L'fhIf.X'aVs Robert Greenlee ' John Greenlee ' 1 Elizabeth Purden J son of Elisha Evans Greenly and Mary Jane Vaughn, was born August 24, 1847 at Georgetown, Sussex Co., Delaware; died August 12, 1902 [from Sexton of Barratts Chapel Cemetery] ; January 18, 1871 at Georgetown, Delaware, RACHEL ANN POSTLES, born September 1, 1853 at Frederica, Kent Co., Dela- ware, daughter of David Postles and Sarah Ann Hickman ; farmer ; Democrat ; Methodist; resided near Harrington, Delaware (1901). CHILDREN: Paris Carlisle, born January 1, 1872; died October 26, 1875 [G. S.] Mary Elizabeth, born February 16, 1874; married Orlando War- rington. Ida, born March 31, 1876 ; married Alexander Tatman. Mattie Bedella, born October 17, 1878. David Elmer, born October 23, 1880. Paris, born June 18, 1884. Harry, born July 4, 1886. Virda, born July 4, 1886. Frederick Butler, born September 25, 1889. 20. HANNAH JANE GREENLY » { S'i?5«j^-^4?|rn°'^ ' gfilile'fhli'l^vaC Robert Greenlee ' John Greenlee ' ) Elizabeth Purden / daughter of Elisha Evans Greenly and Mary Jane Vaughn, was born in 1852 ; married JOHN LAWS WARREN. CHILDREN : 55. I. V. S. Warren. 26. ■nAVm TTiniVfASl PTTPPPT? S ( SalUe Ann Purden Greenly ' David M. Greenly » UAVIU xnvaLAO rcirrilizi, ) Levin Bivens Pepper Elizabeth M. Evans Robert Greenlee ' John Greenlee ' \ Elizabeth Purden / son of Sallie Ann Purden Greenly and Levin Bivens Pepper, was born May 3, 46. I. 47. II. 48. III. 49. IV. 50. V. 51. VI. 52. vn. 53. VIII. 64. IX. 182 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 1847 at Georgetown, Sussex Co., Delaware; April 13, 1869 at Georgetown, LIZZIE E. LAYTON, born April 27, 1848 at Bridgeville, Sussex Co., Delaware, daughter of Burton Layton and Rebecca Adams. He is a dentist and resides at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 56. I. Wilbur Lee Pepper, born July 17, 1872 ; married Laura Dewees. He is a physician in Philadelphia. 57. II. Harry Crowell Pepper, born September 8, 1884. Three other children, names not given, who died. 28. SALLIE ELIZABETH PEPPER 5 / ^^'''^ '*^°° Purden Greenly • David M. Greenly ' OAlaULCi liULiMADCi ijix-iij-x-juxi | j^evln Bivens Pepper Elizabeth M. Evens Robert Greenlee - John Greenlee ' 1 Elizabeth Purden ! daughter of Sallie Ann Purden Greenly and Levin Bivens Pepper, was born February 15, 1855 at Georgetown, Sussex Co., Delaware; married March 3, 1879 at Columbus, Platte Co., Nebraska, LEWIS HEADBERG, bom May 20, 1846 in Sweden, son of John Headberg and IMartha Ingle; resides at Long Island, Kansas. CHILDREN : Oscar Lewis Headberg, born January 16, 1880. Luella Maud Headberg, bom February 2, 1882. Lena Headberg, born May 15, 1884 ; died October 3, 1885. Harry Edwin Headberg, born August 29, 1886. Mabel Leona Headberg, born July 21, 1888. Ellen lalena Headberg, born January 29, 1890. Carrie Cordelia Headberg, born July 24, 1892. Wilbur John Headberg, born February 10, 1895. Robert David Headberg, born February 18, 1897 ; died April 4, 1897. 32. RAP ATT v. TTAPT 5 f Elizabeth Biddle Greenly < David M. Greenlv ' Robert Greenlee = OAAAXi jj. xiAnx I Coulter C. Hart. Elizabeth M. Evans Elizabeth Purden John Greenlee ^ ) daughter of Elizabeth Biddle Greenly and Coulter C. Hart, born November 21, 1858 at Georgetown, Sussex Co., Delaware ; married October 8, 1877 at George- town, ROWLAND W. JOSEPH, born May 8, 1852 at Nassau, Sussex Co., Delaware, son of Samuel White Joseph and Sarah W. Lawson. He is a mer- chant ; Republican ; Methodist ; resides at Georgetown, Delaware. CHILDREN : 67. I. Thomas White Joseph, born December 9, 1878. 68. n. Loleta Olive Joseph, bom May 18, 1883. 58. I. 59. II. 60. III. 61. IV. 62. V. 63. VI. 64. VII. 65. VIII. 66. IX. No L>S. una. SALLIE E. (PEI'PEUl IIKAIHiriK; ANIi FAMILY. 1 JOHN OP DELAWARE. 183 69. III. Frank Leroy Joseph, born January 12, 1886. 70. IV. Mallery Hart Joseph, born November 4, 1894. 36. TX7TT ■RTTU flP1i'1i''NT V 8 /Oliver E. Greenly = Elisha E. Greenly * David M. Greenly » WIIjISUK. Ulirij;ii>llj3t | Mary E. Hart Mary J. Vaugbn Elizabeth M. Evans Robert Greenlee ' John Greenly ' 1 Elizabeth Pnrden / son of Oliver E. Greenly and Mary Elizabeth Hart, was born March 29, 1872 at Milton, Sussex Co., Delaware; married November 11, 1890 at Milford, Kent Co., Delaware, MARY A. HAZEL, born September 1, 1868 at Milford, daughter of Robert Hazel and Eunice Fowler; marine engineer; Democrat; Methodist; resides near Milford, Delaware. CHILDREN : 71. I. "William Marshall, born September 30, 1891. DESCENDANTS OF ARCHIBALD GREENLEE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. 1. ARCHIBALD GREENLEE > was born about 1755, in Scotland ; married illSS GIPFEN, who was born in Scotland. CHILDREN : 2. I. Alexander, married and moved to Indiana where he died. A son lives in Emporia, Kansas. John, married Sarah McCracken.+ Robert, bom about 1780; married Mary Bonar.+ James, born October 15, 178-i; married Jane Mitchel.-|- William ; died at Hamilton, Ohio. Mary; married Alexander Work; died in Belmont Co., Ohio. ARCHIBALD GREENLEE emigrated to this country from Scotland at an early date, and settled in Washington County, Pennsylvania, near a place then called Shirtee. 3. JOHN GREENLEE,2 son of Archibald Greenlee and Giffen, died in 1818 in Belmont County, Ohio ; married SARAH McCRACKEN. CHILDREN : 3. II. 4. III. 5. IV. 6. V. 7. VI. 8. I. William. 9. II. James. 10. III. Andrew. 11. IV. John. 12. V. David. 13. VI. Joseph. 14. VII. Margaret. 15. Vill. Sarah, born August 16, 1816; married Samuel Pool.-|- ROBERT GREENLEE,2 son of Archibald Greenlee and Giffen, was born about 1780 in Washington County, Pennsylvania; died about 1812 or 1814 in Belmont County, Ohio ; married in 1800 in Washington County, Penn- sylvania, ^lARY BONAR, born in Washington Covinty, Pennsylvania, died about 1815, daughter of William Bonar. 184 J 16. I. 17. II. 18. III. 19. IV. 20. V. ARCHIBALD OF PENNSYLVANIA. 185 CHILDREN : William; married Susan Collins. Margaret. Archibald, born July 3, 1807; married Margaret Everet Bonar; married second Catharine Beaver. + James. Robert, bom November 30, 1811 ; married Mary Christy.+ ROBERT GREENLEE moved after his marriage, to Belmont County, Ohio, and settled first four miles west of Bellaire. He removed to a farm about two miles east of St. Clairsville in the same county, where he resided a short time, then purchased a farm about two and one-half miles west of town and there resided until his death. In religion he was a Presbyterian. JAMES GREENLEE,2 son of Archibald Greenlee and Giffen, was born October 15, 1784 in Pennsylvania ; died June 3, 1855 at Bellaire, Belmont County, Ohio ; married JANT] MITCHEL who was born in Pennsylvania or Ireland and died March 2'±, 1870 at Bellaire, Ohio. He removed from Penn- sylvania to Bellaire, Ohio. CHILDREN : Alexander, born April 9, 1813 ; married Mary Jane Brice.-[- Anne, born October 3, 1814 ; died August 18, 1843. Jane, born June 3, 1816 ; married Rev. Thomas A. 'Welsh.+ Margaret, born February 18, 1818; married Joshua Worley-^- Mathew, born April 4, 1820 ; married Martha Allen.+ Sarah, born April 11, or 1, 1822; married John Allen.4- James, born September 2, 1824; died December 23, 1847. William, born April 11, 1827; married Mary Johnson.+ Mary, born September 5, 1829 ; died. Elizabeth, born August 1, 1832 ; died August 11, 1873. 16. SARAH GREENLEE 3 { lf,l^%%'^lr,;,, Archibald Green.ee ^ | daughter of John Greenlee and Sarah McCracken, was born August 16, 1816 at St. Clairsville, Belmont County, Ohio ; married July, 1856 at Beallsville, Monroe County, Ohio, SAMUEL POOL, born in 1801 in Maryland, died in 1887 at Cameron, I\Ionroe County, Ohio. He was a farmer; Democrat; Meth- odist. Resided at Cameron, Ohio. CHILDREN : 31. I. Ellen Pool, born May 29, 1858 ; married John N. Baughner. 32. II. Emma Pool, born June 26, 1861 ; married John Pontius. 21. I. 22. II. 23. III. 24. IV. 25. V. 26. VI. 27. VII. 28. VEIL 29. IX. 30. X. 186 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 18. ARCHIBALD GREENLEE 3 { Sa^/Bonlf"* ' Archlbam Greenlee > | son of Robert Greenlee and ]Mary Bonar, \ras born July 3, 1807 at Bellaire or St. Clairsville. Belmont County, Ohio; died April 3, 1896 at Frederiektown, Knox Coiinty, Ohio ; married April 4. 1833 at Prederiektown, Ohio, aiARGARET EVERET BONAR (his second cousin), born February 3, 1812 at Mt. Vernon, Knox County, Ohio, died December 25, 1852 at Mt. Vernon, Ohio, daughter of Bamet Bonar and Margaret Craig ; married second June 1, 1855 at Frederick- town. Ohio, CATHERINE BEAVER who was born January 25, 1819 at New Berlin, Perry County, Pennsylvania, died Februarj' 21, 1898 at Carrollton, Greene Coimty, Illinois, daughter of Peter Beaver and Hannah Gilbert. CHILDREN : ]\Iar}' Anne, born May 21, 1834; married Dr. John Green.-f- Daughter, bom September 29, 1835; died October 1, 1835. James Flemming, bom November 16, 1838 ; married Helen Adelaide Saekett.+ Daughter, born June 6, 1841 ; died July 7, 1841. Barnet Bonar, born December 5, 1842; married Hannah M. Walters. + Charles Ambrose, born September 11, 1846 ; died June 14, 1848. Margaret, born October 5, 1849 ; died May 28, 1864. Thomas Beaver, born December 29, 1855; married Mary Belle Struble; married second Lizzie Olive "Woodbury.-f- 41. IX. Lizzie Frances, bom November 15, 1861 ; married George Augustus Proctor.-f- AECHIBALD GREENTjEE, after the death of his mother, lived a year or so with a kind old neighbor, Isaac Cogle, a Quaker, who had been very kind to his mother during her sickness. Then he lived with a Scotchman, Samuel Clark imtil the latter sold his farm and moved to Indiana. Archibald had his clothing packed to go with Mr. Clark but his uncle, James Greenlee, would not allow him to go. He then went to live with "William Workman and remained with him until he was fourteen years old, then went to St. Clairs- ville and became an apprentice to learn the cabinet-making trade. He re- mained there six years, and after finishing his trade he went to Wheeling, West Virginia and did journey work for four months. His brother William had moved to Washington, Guernsey County, Ohio, and started a hat shop so Archi- bald went there and united with him in carrying on that trade. Having re- ceived some money from his father's estate, he built a brick dwelling in which his brother lived, he boarding with him. They then bought a dry goods store and continued both that and the hat shop for some time, until it was thought best to dissolve partnership. William took the house and lot and Archibald took the store. He had, however, prior to this time, started a hat shop in Norwich, Muskingum County. Ohio, in connection with his cousin Andrew 33. I. 34. II. 35. III. 36. IV. 37. V. 38. VI. 39. VII. 40. vin. No. I!!). MAUV LOUUEXA GREENLEE. - '^^^s^^H k ^7 ^H L ^^^^Ki^B N P^ 1 1 '/;ii^^^_. No. lo. MUS. SARAH GREENLEE TOOL. Nil. IS. AKCIIIUALL) GREENLEE. No 40. THOMAS BEAVER GREEN- LEE. . ARCHIBALD OF PENNSYLVANIA. 187 Greenlee. After renting for some time they built a shop of their own. They afterwards sold out and moved to West Carlisle, Coshocton County, where they started a hat shop and a cabinet shop and continued them for a couple of years He built a shop and two houses there, having sold one to his brother Robert. After his marriage, his wife's friends living near Fredericktown, he was induced to move there in November, 1833, and resided there until his death., with the exception of one year spent in ilount Vernon, Ohio. In the spring of 1834 he built a house and shop on the same lot and there carried on the furni- ture and undertaking business. In 1852 he removed to Mount Vernon, but remained there only one year and then returned to Fredericktown. Soon after becoming a resident of Fredericktown he was elected an elder in the Presby- terian Church, and held that office for over forty years. He frequently repre- sented the church in the Presbytery and Synod, and in 1872 he was chosen Commissioner to the General Assembly which met in Detroit. He was elected Justice of the Peace, in which office he continued for a great many years ; and he was also Mayor of the village for a long time. After retiring from these offices he was made Notary Public, and continued as such until he retired to private life. In politics he was a Republican. He was appointed by the Synod of Ohio as a member of the Committee to locate the University of Wooster. He was also appointed on the first board of directors for the construction of tne Baltimore & Ohio Railroad from Mansfield to Newark. During the war of the Rebellion, he was a member of the Knox County Committee to raise soldiers. At the call of Governor Todd, he raised a company of citizens known as the "Squirrel Hunters" to defend Cincinnati, of which company he was elected captain. They proceeded to Cincinnati, also Harrison's landing, seven miles below that city, where they camped for a couple of days and were then dis- charged, the danger having passed. His courteous manner, kind speech, and adherence to principle gained for him many friends. 20. ROBERT GREENLEE ' -f J'ot'«''t Greenlee ' Archibald Greenlee ' 1 \ Mary Bonar Giffen J son of Robert Greenlee and Mary Bonar, was born November 30, 1811 at West Carlisle, Coshocton County, Ohio; died September 28, 1865 at St. Louis, Mis- souri ; married March 17, 1837 at West Carlisle, Ohio, MARY CHRISTY, born March 17, 1818 at West Carlisle, Ohio, died September 22, 1857 at Morrison, Illinois, daughter of John Christy. CHILDREN : Emily Adelia, born June 4, 1838 ; married Billings P. Baker. John, born July 6, 1840; died August 10, 1840. Archibald Wilson, born February 10, 1842; married Mary (or Olive) E. Smith; married second Helen Daggett.-f- William Craig, bom January 8, 1844. James Alexander, born December 27, 1845 ; died July 2, 1847. Rachel Ellen, born May 29, 1848; married Ezra Finch. Lakin, born February 28, 1850; died January 21, 1851. 42. I. 43. II. 44. III. 45. IV. 46. V. 47. VI. 48. VII. 188 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. ROBERT GREENLEE resided at West Carlisle, Ohio, until 1842, when he removed to Fredericktown, Ohio. He operated a large tailoring establishment, emplojnng a number of people. When the Mexican war broke out he joined the Second Ohio Regiment, and followed General Zachary Taylor through his campaign. After the close of the war he returned to his home and business. In April, 1855, his trade having been ruined by the advent of ready-made clothing, he removed to Illinois, settling in the vicinity of Morrison. In September, 1861, he joined the Union army, receiving a commission as brigade quartermaster, with rank of Captain. In politics he was a Republican ; religion, Methodist. 21. ALEXANDER GREENLEE* {^AnHmcbT^' ArchlbaIdGreenlee> | son of James Greenlee and Jane Mitchel, was bom April 9, 1813 at Mt. Pleas- ant, Jefferson Count}', Ohio ; died January 20, or February 26, 1887 at Martins Ferry, Belmont County, Ohio-, married, 1842, in York Township, Belmont County, Ohio, ilARTHA (or MARY) JANE BRICE, born February 15, 1823 at Businessburg, Belmont County, Ohio, died January 11, 1858 at Powhatan, Belmont Coimty, Ohio, daughter of John Brice and Nancy Byers, or Supler. CHILDREN : 49. I. Archibald, born December 23, 1843 ; married Louisa Robb ; lives at Wellsburg, West Virginia. Jane, born December 23, 1845 ; married George W. Green.-}- Agnes, born June 19, 1851 ; married R. A. Ring.-|- John, born August 31, 1855; married Minnie Verwollt.-|- ALEXANDER GREENLEE in his early life was a school teacher. After his marriage he settled on Captina Creek, near Powhatan Point and resided there until after the death of his wife ; then sold out and moved to Brook Coimty, West Virginia, where he bought a large farm. After a few years he removed to Martins Ferry to make his home with his daughter, Mrs. Agnes Ring. In politics he was a Democrat ; religion, Presbyterian. 23. JANE GREENLEE 3 {H^^l^il^^^l^"^"- Archibald Greenlee > | daughter of James Greenlee and Jane Mitchell, was born June 3, 1816 at Bellaire, Belmont County, Ohio; died April 21, 1885 at Harrisonville, Meigs County, Ohio; married July 9, 1839 at Bellaire, Ohio, THOJIAS A. WELSH, born October 28, 1810 at iliddletown, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, died August 3, 1893 at Harrisonville, Ohio. CHILDREN : 53. I. Melancthon Welsh, born ]\Iay 29, 1840 ; died December 21, 1845. 50. II. 51. III. 52. IV. 54. II. 55. III. 56. IV. 57. V. 58. VI. 59. vn. ARCHIBALD OF PENXSTtVANLV. 189 Zuinglius Welsh, bom May 27, 1842; married Ruth Cline.+ Elizabeth Welsh, bom July 29, 1844: married "W. H. Dye; died Febmary 9, 1875. Coliqui Welsh, born September 15, 1846 ; married Lydia Douglass.. Sarah Welsh, born September 8, 1848 ; mai'ried David Dye. Ireneas Welsh, born December 8, 1850 ; died October 5, 1856. Martha Welsh, bora July 22, 1853 ; married W. H. Dye. THOMAS A. WELSH was educated at New Athens, Ohio, and was ordained to the ministrj' in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in April, 1843. He was Captain of the State Militia in Belmont Count}-, about 1837, but resigned on account of sickness. He served one term in the House of Representatives at Columbus, and was a member of the Senate from 1865 to 1871. In politics he was a Republican. He resided at Welsh, Ohio. 24. MARGARET GREENLEE 3 { ^a"e^M?tch^°l'^^ ' Archiba ld Creenlee' j. daughter of James Greenlee and Jane ilitchel, was born February 18, 1818 in Behnont County, Ohio : married JOSHUA WORLET who was bom in 1822 in Belmont Coimty, Ohio, and was living May, 1900. They resided at St. Clairs- ville, Belmont County, Ohio. CHILDREN : 60. I. Mary J. Worley, born, 1848 ; married Francis McCann.+ 61. II. James Worley, born, 1851. 25. MATTTF.'W RT?F.'RNT.F.'R 3 (James Greenlee^ Archibald Greenlee ^ ) XUAXXlAW WJirjXjiiiuxjJ:i \JaneMitchel Giffen / son of James Greenlee and Jane Mitchell, was born April 4, 1820, or 1819, at Bellaire, Belmont County ; Ohio ; died October 11, 1899. or October 9, 1898, at Farmington, Belmont Co., Ohio ; married JIARTHA ALLEN who died Jime 17 at Farmington, Ohio, daughter of James, or John, Allen (who came from Scot- land) and Martha Giffen. Mathew Greenlee was a farmer; in polities. Demo- crat; in religion, Presbyterian; resided near Bridgeport, Belmont Co., Ohio. CHILDREN: John A., born October 6, 1846 ; married Mary A. Hood.+ William M., born September 25, 1848. James C, born March 21, 1851 ; died October 27, 1853. Annie G., born November 17, 1853 ; married George A. P. Theaker.-f Irenaeus, bom September 5, 1856 ; married Alice M. Worley.+ 62. I. 63. II. 64. m. 65. IV. 66. V. 68. I. 69. II. 70. III. 190 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 26. SARAH GREENLEE 3 | J^^^'^li^''^^"'"" ' Arcmbaia Creenlee > daughter of James Greenlee and Jane Mitehel, was born April 11, or 1, 1822 ; married JOHN ALLEN. They had one son : 67. I. William Allen, who lives at Blaine, Ohio. 28. WILLIAM GREENLEE 3 { ^1°'! Mitehel' Archibald Creenlee > j son of James Greenlee and Jane Mitehel, was born April 11, 1827 at Bellaire, Belmont Co., Ohio; died May 28, 1885, at Bellaire, Ohio; married December 4, 1860 at Bellaire, or St. Clairsville, Belmont Co., Ohio, MARY JOHNSON, born February 17, 1836 at Belfast, Ireland, daughter of William Johnson and Jane Campbell. He was a farmer; in politics. Democrat; in religion, Presbyterian; resided near Bellaire, Ohio. CHILDREN : Anna Bell, born October 20, 1861 ; died November 28, 1863. Mary L., born July 23, 1863 ; died August 6, 1885. James Alexander, born May 7, 1866 ; married Elizabeth B. Knox ; died December 12, 1897. 71. IV. John Jay Lane, born November 10, 1872 at Bellaire; married Jessie M. King. He is a farmer; Democrat; Presbyterian; resides at Steele, Ohio. 72. V. Thomas Homer, born November 12, 1874. 73. VI. Mathew Henry, born November 12, 1880. 33. MARY ANNE GREENLEE -• I Archibald Creenlee =■ Robert GroenIee= t Margaret E. Bonar Mary Bonar Archibald Greenlee ' 1 Glffen j daughter of Archibald Greenlee and Margaret Everet Bonar. was born May 21, 1834 at Predericktown, Knox Co., Ohio; died October 14, 1892 at Council Bluffs, Iowa ; married November 15, 1862 at Frederiektown, Ohio, JOHN GREEN, bom October 10, 1832 at Chesterville, Monroe Co., Ohio, son of Isaac Green and Letitia Miller. He married second February 9, 1898 Margaret Given Hamilton. CHILDREN : 74. I. John Archibald Green, born May 17, 1864 ; married Maude 0. Perry. 75. II. Margaret L. Green, born August 24. 1867 ; married Harry McGee. 76. III. William Mason Green, born May, or November, 17, 1874. JOHN GREEN attended the common schools and an academy at Martins- burg, Knox County, Ohio. Failing in health he abandoned school and clerked ARCHIBALD OF PENNSYLVANIA. 191 in a general store a few years, then commenced the study of medicine. He attended his first course of lectures at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in the ^vinter of 1858-59. At the breaking out the Civil War he enlisted in the Fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. The regiment, failing to be accepted for the three months service, reorganized for three years and during the war. He was mustered first lieutenant of Company B, and was soon promoted to adjutant; served with General Kelly and the much lamented General F. W. Lander. Gen- eral Lander appointed him an Aide in the evacuation of Romney, Virginia. He served luider General Shields in the Shenandoah Valley, being his peronsal Aide at the battle of Kearnstown where the celebrated Confederate general, Stonewall Jackson, was forced to retire. He served in the Valley until ordered to the James River, which was reached in the evening of the day of the battle of Fair Oaks, and served luider General Sumner. He was at the second battle of Bull Run. Being thrown from his horse at Georgetown, he received a severe injury to his hip which necessitated his being laid up at Washington for several months. After the battle of Fredericksburg he was ordered to report to General John S. Mason at Columbus, Ohio, who had been ordered by the Secretary of War to report to Governor Todd of Ohio. He was on duty at Camp Chase during the raid through Indiana and Ohio by the Confederate general, John M. Mor- gan, and was then ordered to the Pacific coast. In the meantime he had been made Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General, and was assigned to duty with Brigadier General John S. IMason, who was ordered to report to General Irvine McDowell at San Francisco, California. At the close of the war he was Assist- ant Adjutant General of the District of Arizona. He was mustered out of the service of the United States by special orders, August, 1866. After attending his final course of medical lectures at the Charity Hospital Medical College, Cleveland, Ohio, he graduated in the winter of 1866-67, and commenced the practice ofhis profession in Chesterville, Morrow County, Ohio. He afterward moved to Iowa where he practiced for a time at Barnesville — a village twelve miles north of Fort Scott — , Knoxville, and Peru, then removed to Council Bluffs which has been his residence for a number of years. He is a Republican and Protestant. 35. JAMES FLEMMING GREENLEE * i Archibald Greenlee » Robert Greenlee « t Margaret E. Bonar Mary Bonar Archibald Greenlee ^ ^ Glffen } son of Archibald Greenlee and Margaret Everet Bonar, was born November 16, 1838, at Frederiektown, Knox Co., Ohio; married November 20, 1862 at Fred- ericktown, Ohio, HELEN ADELAIDE SACKETT, born January 4, 1840 at Ashtabula, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, daughter of Rev. John B. Saekett of Ohio and Amanda Bardeen. CHILDREN: 77. I. Clarence C, born October 10, 1863 ; died December 9, 1876. 78. II. Fred Saekett, born January 17, 1867 at Mt. Vernon, Ohio ; unmarried. 79. in. John Arthur, born November 25, 1871 ; unmarried. 80. rV. Charles Archie, born January 11, 1877 ; unmarried. 192 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. JAMES FLEMMING GREENLEE attended tlie public school, and in 1859 entered Washington College. On the breaking out of the Civil war he enlisted in the 142nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served in the Army of the Potomac as orderly sergeant of Company H. In 1868 he removed to Knoxville, Iowa, where he engaged in farming and merchandizing. In 1880 he was a delegate to the Republican National Convention at Chicago and voted for James G. Blaine. He was a member of the Ohio Senate for the sessions of 1880 and 1882. In 1884 he removed to Hutchinson, Kansas, where he has since resided, being engaged in banking, wholesale grocery, and farming. In 1892 he was elected to the Legislature, and served in the House of 1893 as a Republican member during the Lewelling administration war. He was the author of the "Greenlee Rail- road Bill." On June 20, 1894, Washington and Jefferson College conferred on him the degree of Master of Arts. In religion he is a Presbyterian. FREDERICK SACKETT GREENLEE lived at Knoxville, Iowa imtil 1884, when he removed to San Francisco. He worked four years as bookkeeper for a commission firm, then started in the brokerage and commission business for himself, in which business he is still engaged. 37. BATiNETT BONAR GREENLEE * f Archibald Greenlee' Robert Greenlee > AAAlNfili. SUl^AA UAXiCillljiliJK | Margaret E. Bonar Mary Bonar Archibald Greenlee ^ ) Giffen / son of Archibald Greenlee and Margaret Everet Bonar, was born December 5, 1842 at Fredericktown, Knox Co., Ohio ; died IMarch 9, 1897, at Fremont, Sandusky Co., Ohio; married February 10, 1869 at Fredericktown, Ohio, HANNAH M. WALTERS, born February 21, 1845 at New Comersto^vn, Tus- carawas Co., Ohio, daughter of John Hoffman Walters and Hannah Grummon. One child: 81. I. Clyde W., born April 30, 1870 at Fredericktovm ; unmarried ; graduated at Oberlin College, class of 1896; now (1899) a student at the Theological Seminary of Oberlin. BARNETT BONAR GREENLEE was a soldier in the Civil War, being a member of Company B, 96th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He was a farmer; in politics. Republican; in religion, Presbyterian. Resided at Freder- icktown and Oberlin, Ohio, and was highly respected by all who knew him. 40. THOMAS BEAVER GREENLEE ^ ' Archibald Greenlee ' Robert Greenlee ■ XIlUiUAO SAAVfiK UAriJIinijXiri \ Catherine Beaver Mary Bonar Archibald Greenlee ^ \ GlUen J son of Archibald Greenlee and Catharine Beaver, was born December 29, 1855 at Fredericktown. Knox Co., Ohio ; married October 12, 1876 at Fredericktown, Ohio, MARY BELLE STRUBLE of Fredericktown, born July 9, 1855; died March 21, 1886 at Minneapolis, Minnesota, daughter of Richard Struble and ARCHIBALD OF PENNSYLVANIA. 193 Mary Young ; married second January 12, 1888 at Council Bluffs, Iowa, LIZZIE 0LI\T; WOODBURY, born August 9, 1863 at Council Bluffs, daughter of Edmund Israel Woodburj- and Elizabeth "Whitney. CHILDREN : 82. I. RoUin D., born May 1, 1878. 83. II. James Archibald, born January 21, 1880. 84. III. Mary Belle, born February 3, 1881. THOMAS BEA"ST;R GREENLEE, after completing the regular High School course, attended the University of Wooster, Ohio from which he graduated with the degree of A. B. in 1879. About two years later he received the degree of A. M. from the same institution. In 1882 he was graduated from the Western Theological Seminary at Allegheny, Pennsylvania. During the last year at the Seminary he preached regularly in the Presbyterian Church at Mahonington, Pennsylvania, and received a call to that church and settled there immediately after his graduation. His health not being very good in western Pennsylvania, he removed in the spring of 1884 to Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he became the first pastor of Hope Presbyterian Church. His health again broke do'wn. After a few months rest he spent a very brief period in charge of the Presbj'ter- ian church at Alta, Iowa. He was again compelled to give up his work for a season, and afterward took charge of the First Presb3-terian Church of Anthony, Kansas, going there September, 1887. In the spring of 1890 he removed to Hillsboro, Illinois, where he acted as pastor of the Presbyterian Church for seven years. In 1893 the University of Omaha, Nebraska, bestowed upon him the degree of Ph. D. In April, 1897, he accepted a call to the pastorate of the Pres- byterian Church of CarroUton, Illinois. As pastor and preacher he merits and holds the love and respect of all. He is winning, eloquent and deeply spiritual. He has been Moderator of the Synod of Illinois. 41. LIZZIE FRANCES GREENLEE * { ^^^^Irfne Beav°er'' ' Sf "B^nfr"'" ' Archibald Greenlee ^ Giffen } daughter of Archibald Greenlee and Catharine Beaver, was bom November 15, 1861 at Fredericktown, Knox Co., Ohio; married October 6, 1887 at Frederick- town, Ohio, GEORGE AUGUSTUS PROCTER, born October 30, 1850 at DePeyster, St. Lawrence Co., New York, daughter of Augustus Lambert Procter and Annette Howard. In religion they are Methodist. Reside at Alta, Iowa. CHILDREN : 85. I. George Augustus Proctor, born March 21, 1891. 86. II. Archibald Greenlee Proctor, born June 20, 1894. 86. in. Frederick Beaver Proctor, born Jvme 20, 1894. 13 194 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 44. ARCHIBALD WILSON GREENLEE * { ^"".^/'chHs'ty "" ' S^'/B^nlf'** ' Archibald Greenlee ' 1 Giffen J son of Robert Greenlee and Mary Christy, was born February 10, 1842 at "West Carlisle, Coshocton Co., Ohio ; married February 10, 1870 at Morrison, White- side Co., Illinois, MARY (or OLIVE) E. SMITH, born April 7, 1850 at Lyndon, Whiteside Co., Illinois, died March 11, 1890 at Lyndon, Illinois, daughter of Harry Z. Smith and Mary E. Hurd ; married second June 1, 1892 at Lyndon, Illi- nois, HELEN DAGGETT, daughter of Phylarman Daggett and Philena Lois Pitch. CHILDREN : 87. L Harry R., born October 15, 1870; died December 12, 1873. 88. II. Maude M., born February 19, 1873 ; married William Karl Palmer ; lives at Chicago. 89. III. Frank A., born September 5, 1879. 90. IV. Halford R., born December 16, 1881. ARCHIBALD WILSON GREENLEE moved with his father from West Carlisle, Ohio, to Fredericktown, and later to Morrison. At the age of nineteen he followed his father into the army. He was recruited at Spring Hill, Illinois, to join Colonel Mulligan at Lexington, Missouri, who was besieged by the Con- federates under General Price, but Mulligan being captured before he was relieved, Mr. Greenlee was sent to Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. Here he joined the Eighth Kansas Regiment in which he served two years ; and at the expiration of his time he joined the Ninth Iowa Corps, in which he served as sergeant until the close of the war. He was mustered out of the army March 20, 1866. His life has been a quiet one. He has served as town clerk of Lyndon township for four terms, and has been mayor of the city of Lyndon three terms ; also a mem- ber of the county central committee, postmaster and a member of the county executive committee. In politics he is a Republican ; religion, Protestant. 50. TAWTt" r*!? I? IT 'NT ■pi? 4 f Alexander Greenlee 2 James Greenlee ^ Archibald Greenlee ' ) JAJNJ!. U±tJ!iJ:iJNlji!.J!i^ 1 Martha J. Brice Jane Mitchel Giffen I daughter of Alexander Greenlee and Martha Jane Brice, was born December 23, 1845 at Glencoe, Belmont Co., Ohio ; married January 20, 1869 at Powhatan Point, Belmont Co., Ohio, GEORGE W. GREEN, born June 23, 1836 at Steiners- ville, Belmont Co., Ohio, son of Robert B. Green and Mary Trackler. He is a farmer; in politics, Democrat; in religion, Methodist; and resides in Belmont Co., Ohio. CHILDREN: Mary 0. Green, bom August 20, 1869 ; married Oscar McMannis. Robert B. Green, born October 8, 1871. Charles E. Green, born June 12, 1872. 91. I. 92. II. 93. III. 94. IV. 95. V. 96. VI. 97. VII. ARCHIBALD OF PENNSYLVANIA. 195 William J. Green, born January 21, 1875. Albert G. Green, born May 19, 1877 ; died February 18, 1882. Lewis W. Green, born September 29, 1879 ; died March 3, 1899. John A. Green, born January 2, 1882. 51. AGNES GREENLEE ^ { ^'a^Ta'x BrTce"""'^ ' itne'Lte''* ' ^If^^'^iieT"'^^ " } daughter of Alexander Greenlee and Martha Jane Brice, was born June 19, 1851 at Centreville, Belmont Co., Ohio ; married February 5, 1871 at Powhatan Point, Belmont Co., Ohio, R. A. RING, born December 14, 1849 at Powhatan Point, Ohio, son of Alexander Ring and Permelia Green. He is a farmer; in politics. Democrat ; in religion, Methodist ; has resided at Powhatan Point and Martins Ferry, Ohio. CHILDREN : 98. I. Philip Lee Ring, born January 4, 1872; married Elizabeth Kuckuck. John Everett Ring, born October 26, 1873. Ferdinand De Soto Ring, born October 19, 1877. George Ring, born February 23, 1880. Luella Ring, born September 2, 1882. Dewitt Ring, bom April 26, 1886. Cloyd A. Ring, born August 23, 1891. Florence Ring, born October 3, 1893. 52. TrtTIN nPF.TT'MT imr 4 (Alexander Greenlee « James Greenlee = Archibald Greenlee ' 1 JOHJN UKJ!iJ!.JN1jJ!iJ!.« j Martha J. Brice James Mitchel GlCfen / son of Alexander Greenlee and Martha Jane Brice, was born August 31, 1855 at Powhatan Point, Belmont Co., Ohio ; married January 24, 1884 in Jefferson Co., Ohio, MINNIE VERWOLLT, bom in 1863 at Warrenton, Jefferson Co., Ohio, daughter of Christopher Verwollt and Christine Brandfass. He is a farmer; Democrat; Presbyterian. They reside at Portland Station, Jefferson Co., Ohio. CHILDREN : Crissie, born August 8, 1886. Rose, born April 13, 1889. Tina, born June 28, 1891. Emma, born July 8, 1893. Clara, born August 30, 1895. 54. 9!TTTWnT TTTtt TXTPT tSTI 4 f Tane Greenlee ■'' James Greenlee - .irchihald Greenlee ' I AUxnixljXUO WfiXjOXl j Thomas a. Welsh Jane Mitchel ^ GilTen | son of Jane Greenlee and Thomas A. Welsh, was born May 27, 1842 at Jacobs- 99. II. 100. III. 101. IV. 102. V. 103. VI. 104. VII. 105. VIII. 106. I. 107. II. 108. III. 109. IV. 110. V. 196 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. bnrg. Belmont Co., Ohio: died May IS, 1890 at Welsh. Meigs Co., Ohio; married June 14, 1870 at Mt. Blanco, Meigs Co., Ohio, RUTH CLINE, born September 12, 1843 at Mt. Blanco, Ohio, daughter of John Cline and Elizabeth Townsend. He is a farmer; Republican; Methodist; resides at Mt. Blanco, Ohio. One son: 111. I. Thomas A. Welsh, born August 29, 1875 ; married Bertha Shaver.+ 60. TWAPV T IXrnPT PV 4 f Margaret Greenlee ' James Greenlee * Archibald Greenlee ^ 1 lUiUt, X J . W UAXjXi X I Joshua Worley Jane Mitehel Glflen / daughter of Margaret Greenlee and Joshua Worley, was born in 1848 at Demos, Belmont Co., Ohio ; died January 27, 1881 at St. Clairsville, Belmont Co., Ohio ; married September 24, 1869 at Demos, Ohio, FRANCIS McCANN, born Septem- ber 11, 1845 at Armagh, County Tyrone, Ireland. He is a farmer ; Democrat ; Presbyterian ; resided in New York City, Bellaire, St. Clairsville and East Rich- land, Ohio. CHILDREN : Lorena A. McCann, born September 14, 1870. William J. MeCann, bom November 30, 1871; married Olive L. Carleton.+ Edmond I. McCann, born September 20, 1873. James A. W. McCann, born October 10, 1875. Margaret G. McCann, born November 14, 1879. 62. TOWN A nP'P.P.'NT.TP.'R 4 f Mathew Greenlee ' Jamea Greenlee ' Archibald Greenlee ^ 1 OUnn A. UAriAni^fiJIi I Martha Alien, Jane Mltchel Glffen S son of Mathew Greenlee and Martha Allen, was born October 6, 1846 at Quiney, Belmont Co., Ohio ; married January 23, 1872 in Marshall Co., West Virginia, MARY A. HOOD, born March 20, 1850 at Sherrard, Marshall Co., West Vir- ginia, died December 11, 1899 at Lansing, Belmont Co., Ohio, daughter of Samuel Hood and Elsie Johnston. He is a farmer ; Prohibitionist ; Presbyterian. Resided in Ohio Coimty, West Virginia ; removed to Belmont County, Ohio in 1872 and resides at Lansing. CHILDREN : Carrie L., born January 31, 1873; died May 18, 1895. Edward H., born September 24, 1874; died November 7, 1899. Allen C, born August 9, 1877. J. Ross, born March 4, 1881. Annie M., born May 4, 1883. Harry, born April 22, 1887. Lawrence, born September 1, 1891. Bertha M., born June 4, 1897. 112. I. 113. II. 114. III. 115. IV. 116. V. 117. I. 118. II. 119. III. 120. IV. 121. V. 122. VI. 123. VII. 124. YIII. ARCHIBALD OF PENNSYLVANIA. 197 65. AMVIT* n nRT.'RNT.F.'P. -1 f Mathew Greenlee * James Greenlee = Archibald Greenlee ^ 1 iUl n Uli u. UAfjfiii^uxi I Martha Allen Jane Mltchel Giffen / daughter of Mathew Greenlee and Martha Allen, was born November 17, 1853 at Wheeling, Ohio Co., West Virginia; married December 21, 1880 at Colerain, Belmont Co., Ohio, GEORGE A. P. THEAKER, born May 2, 1851 at Mt. Pleas- ant, Jefferson Co., Ohio, son of John Theaker and Agnes Parks. Teacher and farmer ; Prohibitionist ; Presbyterian ; reside at Colerain, Ohio. CHILDREN : 125. I. John G. Theaker, born June 3, 1883. 126. II. Parks Allen Theaker, born June 23, 1886 ; died August 18, 1887. 111. TTTOMA R A ^WFT-STT 5 f Zuingllus Welsh ' Jane Greenlee » James Greenlee ' IXIUITIAD A. WfiXiOXl iRuthCline Thomas A. Welsh Jane Mltchel Archibald Greenlee ^ 1 Gltfen ) son of Zuinglius Welsh and Ruth Cline, was born August 29, 1875 at Harrison- ville, Meigs Co., Ohio ; married October 12, 1897 at Syracuse, Meigs Co., Ohio, BERTHA SHAVER, born December 27, 1874 at Syracuse, Ohio. Farmer; Republican ; Cumberland Presbyterian ; resides at Welsh, Ohio. 113. WILLIAM J McC ANN S ( Mary J. Worley ' Margaret Greenlee « James Greenlee^ WXJjXiXAiu .w.>i..u.u u.i.v.u.u^^.u.u.u \Anna Henry / son of Edward Greenlee and Anna Henry, was married to JESSE VAN BIBBER who died April 10, 1852 in Mason Co., West Virginia. They had one child. 46. I. Elizabeth Greenlee Van Bibber who married Smith; married second Richard Tillis.+ 35. I. 36. II. 37. III. 38. IV. 39. V. I EDWARD OF "WEST VIRGINIA. 201 20. TOWN fJ'RF.'F'.NT.'R'P. 3 / William Greenlee ' Edward Greenlee » ) jvxili v»xvj:ij:ii>±jj:i£i | Susan Musselman / son of William Greenlee and Susan jMusselman, was born February 5, 1811 ; living September, 1898 ; married MARY JANE BROWN who was born at Point Pleasant, Mason Co., West Virginia and is dead. Resided at Point Pleasant, West Virginia and Hejrworth, Illinois. CHILDREN: 47. I. John D., born December 31, 1860 ; lives at Heyworth. 48. II. Charles E., born April 11, 1866 ; lives at Heyworth. 23. WILLIAM GREENLEE » { ^;™n MussTmlV ^ward Creenlee > | son of William Greenlee and Susan Musselman, was born February 23, 1816 at Charleston, Kanawha Co., or in Mason Co., West Virginia ; died January 11, 1898 at Summitville, Madison Co., Indiana; married April 15, 1841 at Maiden, Kanawha Co., West Virginia, HARRIET SAYRE, born June 24, 1822 at Pome- roy, Meigs Co., Ohio, living in 1898, daughter of John Sayre and Hannah Jones. CHILDREN : Ann Elizabeth, born February 5, 1842 ; married Silas Harris. Mary Frances, born August 23 or 28, 1843; married Joel W. McMahan. John William, born April 6, 1846; married Mary M. Keaton.^- Andrew Taylor, born September 19, 1847; married Prudence A. Ball.+ Julia Jane, born June 25, 1849 ; married Jacob Waymire. Susan Musselman, born July 22, 1851 ; married Samuel Roberts ; William Sutton. 55. VII. Hannah Amanda, born December 13, 1854 ; married Henry Thomas Ball. 56. VIII. Adaline Victoria, born August 14, 1856; married Daniel A. Way- mire. Lydia Smith, born September 14, 1859 ; married Madison Pierce. Edward Lewis, born March 18, 1861; died February 20, 1875. Prudence Ellis, born July 1, 1863 ; married Handy Crowell. Herbert, born June 7, 1867 ; married Minnie Jarrett. Harriet, born June 7, 1867; married William Cain. WILLIAM GREENLEE received a common school education ; and for some years was manager of the Kanawha salt works. In 1852 he removed to Madi- son County, Indiana and purchased a tract of land near Forestville. The county at that time was sparsely settled, the nearest trading point being twenty 49. I. 50. II. 51. III. 52. IV. 53. V. 54. VI. 57. IX. 58. X. 59. XI. 60. XII. 61. xm. 202 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. miles away, and a journey to mill sometimes occupied several days. Being of an ingenious turn of mind, he made the shoes for his own family and also did cobble work for the neighbors during spare hours. Mrs. Greenlee learned spinning and weaving and supplied the family with clothing, blankets, etc. In 1897 he moved to a comfortable home in Summitville to live a retired life. In politics he was a Republican. Although a member of no church, he was a man of sterling worth, upright and honorable and a highly esteemed citizen. 26. SYLVESTER GREENLEE * r Robert Greenlee/ Edward Greenlee » M^ u > UU.I.U.IV u^vu.u^i.uu.u \ Margaret Aylshire Anna Henry Edward Greenlee ^ 1 son of Robert Greenlee and Margaret Aylshire, was born March 10, 1817 at Point Pleasant, Mason Co., West Virginia ; died ]\Iarch 18, 1900 aged 83 years at Promise City, WajTie Co., Iowa ; married January 25, 1838 at Point Pleasant, West Virginia, ESTHER HETTA BARNETT, born March 9, 1820 at Point Pleasant, died December 19, 1894 at Promise City, Iowa, daughter of William or Robert Barnett and Elizabeth Allen. CHILDREN : Jemima, born November 27, 1838; died November 19, 1849. Elizabeth Margaret, born May 30, 1840; married John Robinson. + Levi Thompson, born November 3, 1841 ; married Sophia M. Everett.+ 65. IV. Adaline, born March 17 or 16, 1843 ; married Mathew James Ames- bury. + Mary, born March 18, 1845 ; died December 1, 1847. Martha, born March 15, 1846 ; married Henry Tipton Peck.-(- Virginia, born ]May 27, 1847; married Nathan Brown: married second Fletcher. + 69. VIII. Eliza Susan, born November 20, 1848; married August 15, 1867, William Harris ; died in 1880. 70. IX. Ira Albert, born January 3, 1851 or February, 1850; married February 2, 1873, Mary Jane Harris ; resides at Lineville, Iowa. 71. X. Evaline, born February 17, 1853 ; married April 8, 1875, Darius M. Amsberry, editor of Broken Bow Republican, Broken Bow, Nebraska. Emaline, bom February 17, 1853 ; died August 15, 1855. Rachel, born May 16, 1855; married David Henry Newman. + Robert Lloyd, born October 3, 1857 ; died March 2, 1858. Louis Vinton, born April 21, 1859; married Hattie M. Rankin.4- Belle, born April 23, 1861 ; unmarried. SYLVESTER GREENTLiEE spent his youth and childhood on his father's farm. He did not enjoy the privilege of a liberal education, there being no public school system in the country at that time, so he had to depend on the 62. I. 63. II. 64. III. 66. V. 67. VI. 68. VII. 72. XL 73. XII. 74. XIII. 75. XIV. 76. XV. ESTHER H. BARNETT GREENLEE. No. 26. SYLVESTER GREENLEE. No. 48. CHARLES E. GREENLEE. No. 47. JOHN D. GREENLEE. EDWARD OF WEST VIRGINIA. 203 opportunities afforded by a limited subscription school. By industrious ap- plication to study at home, with the little help he received in the subscription schools, he acquired a good common school education. After his marriage he settled on a farm and followed farming, boating, and trading on the Ohio River until the spring of 1850, when he removed to Jefferson County, Iowa, and in 1852 moved to Wayne County, Iowa, where he settled on a tract of wild land five miles west of Corydon, the county seat. He immediately went to work to improve his farm, with the intention of making it his permanent home. By industry and strict economy he prospered financially and soon had his farm well improved and well stocked. In 1879 he left the farm and moved to Promise City, Iowa, where he engaged in the grocery business, and where he resided until his death. Mr. Greenlee has always had the confidence and esteem of those who knew him ; and, although never aspiring to office, he was elected Justice of the Peace in Wayne County, and served as such for eight years. He also served one year as a member of the board of Supervisors, and several terms as school director. For several years he was church clerk of Peoria Baptist Church. ESTHER HETTA (BARNETT) GREENLEE united with the Peoria Baptist church in 1854, and from that time until the day of her death lived a consistent christian life. 29. WIIiIiIAM GRESNTiSS * / John Greenlee ' Edward Greenlee = Edward Greenlee ' ) ■^^^ v«ivjjijiiij.ujj I Susanna Aylshire Anna Henry ) son of John Greenlee and Susanna Aylshire, was born April 17, 1812 or 1811 at Buffalo or Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; died February 22, 1862 near Point Pleasant, West Virginia; married July 20, 1840 near Point Pleasant, CATHARINE RIFFLE, born July 9, 1818 near Point Pleasant, died August 16, 1860 near Point Pleasant, daughter of Leonard Riffle and Mary Ann Eckard. He was a farmer and shoemaker; Whig; Baptist; resided in Mason Co., West Virginia. CHILDREN: Hezekiah, born January 26, 1842; married Sophia Catherine Beard. + Martin, born December 2, 1843; married Mary Ann Beard. + Mary Susan, born September 10, 1846; died August 19, 1860. Melvina, bom December 16, 1848; died unmarried April 26, 1881. Andrew Eckard, born December 24, 1851; married Rachel Gertrude ■ Lewis. 32. T.TTCTNDA O'R'P.'P.NT.'RT!'. ■* f John Greenlee ' Edward Greenlee = Edward Greenlee ^ ) xjuux±i.iyA vrAJijfiiiuxiJj j Susanna Aylshire Anna Henry / son of John Greenlee and Susanna Alyshire, was born February 2, 1821 at Flat Rock, Mason Co., West Virginia; died July 23, 1900 at Elm Spring, 77. I. 78. II. 79. III. 80. IV. 81. V. 85. IV. 86. V. 87. VI. 204 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Washington Co., Arkansas; married April 10, 1850 at Flat Rock, NATHAN GREENLEE (who had brothers James K. and Elihu), born July 27, 1827 at Flat Rock, West Virginia, died April 28, 1882 at Elm Springs, Arkansas. He was a farmer; Democrat; Missionary Baptist. Resided in West Virginia, Ar- kansas and Missouri. CHILDREN : 82. I. Son, born January 24, 1851 ; died the same day. 83. II. Stephen, born August 5, 1852 ; married Louise Lewis ; lives at Blew- ford, Arkansas. 84. III. Granville, born January 16, 1854 ; married Nora Bartholomew ; lives at Blewford, Arkansas. John, born January 3, 1857 ; died April 25, 1867. David, born March 2, 1859 ; married Mary Doss.-f Emma, born March 17, 1861 ; married William Wright ; lives at Elm Springs, Arkansas. 34 GREEN GREENLEE^ {Itl^^l^t^Mre f^Z^le^ir'"" ' Edward Greenlee ^ | son of John Greenlee and Susanna Alyshire, was bom October 16, 1830 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; died in 1886; married ROSE VAN SICKLES, born in 1841 at Point Pleasant, Mason Co., West Virginia, daughter of Samuel Van Sickles and Susan Acherds. He was a farmer ; in politics. Democrat ; in religion. United Brethren. CHILDREN : Susan, born in 1855 ; married E. Maddox. Lewis, born in 1861 ; married Mary Plarits. Samuel, born in 1865; died. William Robert, born in 1869; married Mishie Whitt.+ Edward, born in 1873 ; married Lulu Hushnor. I., born in 1876. Riley, born in 1878 ; died. 35. TWAPV ftP'R'RNT.'Ii'.Ti'. 4 f Samuel Greenlee ' Edward Greenlee ' Edward Greenlee ' 1 rnAAX UAriXiDXjXiXi I Hannah Hughes Anna Henry | daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Hannah Hughes, was born June 9, 1815 ; died in Mason Covmty, West Virginia; married JARED HILL, born December 8, 1815 in Mason Co., West Virginia; died November 16, 1874 in Mason Co., West Virginia, son of Jesse Hill and Newel. 88. I. 89. II. 90. III. 91. IV. 92. V. 93. VI. 94. VII. 95. I. 96. II. 97. III. 98. IV. 99. V. EDWAKD OF WEST VIRGINIA. 205 CHILDREN : Andrew Hill, born in Mason Co., West Virginia where he still resides. Jonathan Hill, born in Mason Co., where he still resides. Mary Hill. Rhoda (?) Hill. George W. Hill, born December 8, 1847 ; married Annie L. Stevens. + 36. NTPT Y Om^BNTjEG * / Samuel Greenlee ' Edward Greenlee ' Edward Greenlee ' ) ilCifiJJX wa>£ij:ixi.u£ij:i | Hannah Hugbes Anna Henry J son of Samuel Greenlee and Hannah Hughes, was born May 14, 1817 or 1815 ; dead, but was living in 1900 aged about 85 ; married MARGARET KNAPP who died 40 years afterward ; married second EMELINE KNAPP. He was a farmer and Baptist minister. No children. 37. ■unTTTAM nP'li''li'.'NT ■BIT!'. 4 j Samuel Greenlee » Edward Greenlee = Edward Greenlee ' ) WXXjUIAITX VD-CiCiViuiiCi j Hannah Hughes Ann Henry < son of Samuel Greenlee and Hannah Hughes, was born August 18, 1819 at Point Pleasant, Mason Co., West Virginia; died in 1900 at Arbuckle, West Virginia; married July 18, 1844 at Point Pleasant, SOPHIA ATLSHIRE, AILSHIRE or ALESHIRE, born April 27, 1823 at Point Pleasant, daughter of Jacob Aylshire and Sarah Van Sickle. He was a farmer; Democrat; Baptist; resided near Point Pleasant. CHILDREN : Mary Jane, born July 14, 1845 ; married Addison Newton Beard.+ Anna C, born January 18, 1847; married James Washington Wood.+ Calvin Hughes, born May 18, 1848 ; died August, 1873. Sarah Margaret, born January 18, 1850; married Andrew S. Riffle.+ 104. V. Perry Martin, born December 20, 1851 or 1852, married Emeline Matilda Smith.+ 105. VI. Jacob Newton, born February 12, 1853 ; married Rosetta C. Ams- bury.-f- 106. VII. Neely Livinus, born October 20, 1854 ; married Cordelia C. Jenkins. Their daughter. Prances, li'j^es at Waterloo, West Virginia. 107. VIII. Henry William, born March 1, 1857; married Sarah Elizabeth Riffle.+ 108. IX. Gideon Albert, born September or April 30, I860; married Mary Belle Riffle. + 109. X. Samuel Robert, born December 29, 1863; died May 9, 1864. 110. XI. Charles Lewis, born March 30, 1867; married Laverna Sayre.+ 100. I. 101. II. 102. III. 103. IV. 112. II. 113. III. 114. IV. 115. V. 116. VI. 117. VII. 118. VIII. 206 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 38. TT'R'NTJV flTJ'RTi'.NT Ti'.'R 4 f Samuel Greenlee ' Edward Greenlee ' Edward Greenlee » 1 xixji^xti vrnJiiJUi^uJJJ:! t Hannah Hughes Anna Henry / son of Samuel Greenlee and Hannah Hughes, was born December 28, 1821 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia ; died August 8, 1898 at Leon, West Virginia ; married June 5, 1849 ANGELINE BOOTH, born November 22, 1827 in Ohio, daughter of William Booth and Sarah Sewright. He was a farmer ; Republican ; Baptist; resided on the homestead farm in Mason Co., West Virginia. CHILDREN : 111. I. Harriet A., born March 23, 1850; married April 17, 1873, John Boles. Samuel H., born September 26, 1852; married Ollie A. Smith. + William Jackson, born February 15, 1854. George William, born August 14, 1856; married Martha A. Bailey.+ Mary Sewright, born April 27, 1858; married John 0. Greenlee. Martha Frances, born November 16, 1866 ; married Frank Frazier. Nancy R., born January 25, 1869 ; married John W. Smith. Jennie Bell, born February 26, 1872 ; married Joseph S. Riffle. 41. MORRIS CLARK GREENLEE* {l^ZWtT^lfn f^L^H^SrT'"^ Edward Greenlee ' 1 son of James Greenlee and Deborah Carroll, was born about 1819 ; died June 11, 1898 aged 79 years in West Virginia; married at Letart Falls, Ohio, CATH- ARINE ROUSH, who was living in 1899. Resided at Ravenswood, West Virginia. CHILDREN: John Martin (oldest) ; married .+ Child ; died young. Child; died young. Harriet Elizabeth, born in 1846. William Merchant, born January 28, 1848; married Idol Beale; married second Mary B. Jackson. -|- Winfield Scott. Charles Edward. Five others died in infancy. MORRIS CLARK GREENLEE left home when very young. After learn- ing the tailoring trade, he went on the river and soon became pilot on the Kanawha and Ohio rivers, going from Letart, Ohio to Thirteen Mile Creek, or Leon, West Virginia. He lived there a few years then returned to Middleport, Ohio, and from there went to Gallipolis, Ohio, where he settled just before 119. I. 120. II. 121. III. 122. IV. 123. V. 124. VI. 125. VII. EDWARD OF WEST VIRGINIA. 207 the Civil war broke out. He then engaged in piloting the government boats up the Kanawha River. WINFIELD SCOTT GREENLEE is a steward on the river. CHARLES EDWARD GREENLEE was a steward on the Kanawha River, and lost his life in the explosion of the steamer "J. N. Roberts" at Pomeroy, Ohio. 46. ELIZABETH GREENLEE VAN BIBBER * { Fes'se'van efb^r' !nna Hen?r°"' ' Edward Greenlee ' I daughter of Rachel Greenlee and Jesse Van Bibber, married SMITH; married second RICHARD TILLIS. CHILDREN : 126. I. Cassandra Smith ; married Myrtilloe E. Hart.+ 127. II. Van Bibber Smith ; married Miss Louisa Hart. 128. HI. James Smith ; married . There was a large family by second marriage. 51. JOHN WILLIAM GREENLEE * { Wil"am GreeDlee ' William Greenlee " Edward Greenlee ^ } Harriet Sayre Susan Musselman son of William Greenlee and Harriet Sayre, was born April 6, 1846 at Maiden, Kanawha County, West Virginia; died September 20, 1893 at Summitville, Madison County, Indiana; married August 4, 1868 at Elwood, Madison Co., Indiana, MARY M. KEATON, born July 23, 1849 at Falmouth, Rush Co., Indiana, daughter of Ambrose R. Keaton and Emily Blew. CHILDREN: 129. I. William Ambrose, born August 1, 1869 at Summitville; unmarried (1898). 130. II. Mary Agnes, bom July 6, 1874 ; died September 8, 1893. JOHN WILLIAM GREENLEE at the age of six years removed with his parents to Madison County, Indiana, where he attended school until he was eighteen. At this time the Civil War was in progress, and being filled with a desire for military service he enlisted as a private in Company I 154th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and served with the regiment until mustered out in August, 1865 at Stevenson Station, Virginia. Returning home he attended Normal College, and for eighteen years taught in the public schools of Indiana. He 208 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. afterward engaged in contracting and building and followed this business until his death. He was a member of the G. A. E. and Masonic societies. In politics, Republican. 52. AND'R'RW TAYLOR GREENI,EE ■* / WlUiam Greenlee = William Greenlee « iUNUlULW lAXl^UA UXirifiDXjJliJ:! I Harriet Sayre Susan Musselmau Edward Greenlee ^ 1 son of William Greenlee and Harriet Sayre, was born September 19, 1847 at Maiden, Kanawha Co., West Virginia; married January 18, 1872 at Summit- villa, Madison Co., Lidiana, PRUDENCE A. BALL, born February 28, 1851 at Connersville, Fayette Co., Indiana, daughter of William Ball and Mary McCrovy. He was a farmer; Republican; Baptist; and resided at Orestes, Indiana. CHILDREN : Carl, born December 8, 1872 ; unmarried. Annis, born June 2, 1875 ; married February 3, 1893 J. M. Jones. Carrie, born September 29, 1877 ; died October 11, 1895. Harry, born March 8, 1880. Donald, born August 15, 1882. Mary S., born August 29, 1889. Esther, born August 29, 1894. ELIZABETH MARGARET GREENLEE ^ {l^tClI.I---"'-* rrl'a'rSlmr. Edward Greenlee " Edward Greenlee ' t Anna Henry / daughter of Sylvester Greenlee and Esther Hetta Barnett, was born May 30, 1840 at Point Pleasant, Mason Co., West Virginia ; married May 13 or 18, 1858 JOHN ROBINSON, born September 24, 1837 at Greencastle, Putnam Co., Indiana, son of Adison N. Robinson and Elizabeth Lunsford. He is a farmer; in politics. Republican ; in religion. Missionary Baptist ; resides at Broken Bow, Nebraska. CHILDREN : 138. I. William Francis Robinson, born October 20, 1860 ; died September 21, 1881. 139. II. George Thompson Robinson, born July 24, 1863; married Orra J. Crawford. 140. HI. Robert Lloyd Robinson, born February 22, 1868; married Julia Brisbane ; lives at Grand Island, Nebraska. 141. IV. Charley 0. Robinson, born March 10, 1882. 131. I. 132. II. 133. III. 134. IV. 135. V. 136. VI. 137. VII. 142. I. 143. II. 144. III. 145. IV. 146. V. EDWARD OF WEST VIRGINIA. 209 64. UIVI THOMPSON G-REENLEE B f Sylvester Greenlee « Robert Greenlee » IaEjVI xayjOLrayja u-njuxjl^x^xi | Esther H. Barnett Margaret Aylshlre Edward Greenlee = Edward Greenlee ' 1 Anna Henry / son of Sylvester Greenlee and Esther Hetta Barnett, was born November 3 or 4, 1841 in Mason Co., West Virginia; married May 31, 1866 at Knoxville, Marion Co., Iowa, SOPHIA M. EVERETT, born December 18, 1848 at Knox- ville, Iowa, daughter of John Smith Everett and Elizabeth Ellen McCowen. CHILDREN : Marcena Sylvester, born February 25, 1870 ; died August 7, 1871. Child; died in infancy. Charles Oscar, born January 28 or 18, 1872; married Bessie Gertrude McCutchan.+ Maud May, born January 3, 1879 ; unmarried. Everett MeCowen, born November 14, 1881 ; unmarried. LEVI THOMPSON GREENLEE worked with his father on the farm, re- ceiving his education in the district schools during the winter months and by studying at home. In the spring of 1861 he commenced the study of medicine under Dr. Warren Day Everett. In October, 1861 he enlisted in Company I of the 4th Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, for three years. He was with his regiment in its first battle at Pea Ridge, Arkansas in March, 1862, and in an engagement late in the afternoon of the second day of fighting he was wounded in the left arm. However, he did not leave the regiment until he was detailed to assist the surgeons in earing for the wounded, and when the army moved he was left at Cassville, Missouri in charge of the wounded of his regiment that were not able to be moved, with instructions to move them to Springfield, Missouri, as soon as they were able. On arriving at the general hospital at Springfield, by request of his wounded comrades, he was again detailed to care for them until they were able to be sent home on furlough. He again joined his regiment at Vicksburg, Mississippi, and was with the regiment in all of its compaigns, including Sherman's march to the sea. He re-enlisted January 1, 1864, and was promoted to the rank of fifth sergeant of the company at Raleigh, North Carolina ; then General Lee surrendered and peace was declared. They marched across the country to Washington, D. C, marched in the Grand Review there, then went to Louisville, Kentucky, where he was discharged from the service, and from there went to Davenport, Iowa, where he was mustered out. He returned to his home August 10, 1865, having served in the army three years and nine months. After his marriage he located at Corydon, Wayne County, Iowa. He com- pleted his course in medicine, graduating from the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Keokuk, Iowa in 1875, and has since been actively engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery. In President Cleveland's first administration he was appointed postmaster at Weldon, Iowa; and under the second ad- ministration of President Cleveland he was a member of the examining board of surgeons for the bureau of pensions. He is now examining surgeon for four 210 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. life insurance companies. He has been a member of the school board four dif- ferent terms, in three of which he was its president. He is now located in the practice of his profession at Humeston, Iowa ; is clerk of the First Baptist Church of that place and has been Superintendent of the Sunday School for six years. In politics he is a Democrat. 65. ATlALfNTF. O-TJ'RF.NT.F.'E 6 ( Sylvester Greenlee « Robert Greenlee = Edward Greenlee = Al/AXjXXNrj U-AXiril^ljiljrj j Esther H. Barnett Margaret Aylshire Anna Henry Edward Greenlee ' ) daughter of Sylvester Greenlee and Esther Hetta Barnett, was born March 17 or 16, 1843 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; died January 9, 1882 near I&ioxville, Marion Co., Iowa; married April 28, 1864 at Corydon, Wayne Co., Iowa, MATHEW JAMES AMSBERRY, born February 15, 1837 in Mason Co., West Virginia, son of William Amsberry and Mollie . He was a farmer ; Republican ; Baptist. CHILDREN : 147. I. Warren Thompson Amsberry, born May 14, 1865 ; married Florence Waggoner. 148. II. Elbert Sylvester Amsberry, born August 31, 1869; married Mattie Wright ; lives at Eldora, Iowa. 149. III. Edna Hettie Amsberry, born March 18, 1871 ; married Thomas Fel- lows ; died February 11, 1893. 150. IV. Jessie May Amsberry, born November 18, 1872; married Robert Hawkins; died January 9, 1891. 151. V. Ray Vinton Amsberry, born July 29, 1880. 152. VI. Rolla Darius Amsberry, born July 29, 1880. 67. MARTHA fr'RP.'RNLT'i'R 5 J Sylvester Greenlee ' Robert Greenlee ' Edward Greenlee = U^AAXXXA vrAiiiiiii^ujiiJii I Esther H. Barnett Margaret Aylshire Anna Henry Edward Greenlee ^ ) daughter of Sylvester Greenlee and Esther Hetta Barnett, was born March 15, 1846, at Point Pleasant, Mason Co., West Virginia; married March 22, 1866 at Corydon, Wayne Co., Iowa, HENRY TIPTON PECK, born August 5, 1840 at Greencastle, Indiana, died August 28, 1892 at Corydon, Iowa, son of Isaac Peck and Nancy Moore. He was a farmer ; Baptist ; resided at Corydon, Iowa. CHILDREN: James Carlton Peck, born December 22, 1866 ; married Sadie Niday. Sylvester Peck, born November 1, 1871 ; died August 31, 1873. Lillie Peck, born September 24, 1873 ; died April 28, 1878. Addie E. Peck, born November 11, 1877. Jessie M. Peck, born March 28, 1882. 153. I. 154. II. 155. III. 156. IV. 157. V. f EDWARD OF WEST VIRGINIA. 211 68. VTT?flTNTA flTJF.F.NT.F.F. B ( Sylvester Greenlee * Robert Greenlee ' Edward Greenlee = vxAvrxx^xA UTAjjfiXijjcijj ( Esther II. Barnett Margaret Aylsbire Anna Henry Edward Greenlee ^ 1 daughter of Sylvester Greenlee and Esther Hetta Barnett, was born May 27, 1847 in Mason Co., West Virginia ; married August 30, 1866 at Peoria, Wayne Co., Iowa. NATHAN BROWN, born August 2, 1848 ; died September 22, 1893 in MePherson Co., Kansas, son of Nathan Brown and Elizabeth Shane; married second Fletcher. Residence, MePherson, Kansas. CHILDREN : 158. I. Leila Brown, born December 12, 1867 ; married February 22, 1891, Add Runo ; lives at Dewey, Indian Territory. 159. II. Myrtle Brown, born November 2, 1870; married May 11, 1892, Jesse Hodge; lives at Galva, Kansas. 160. III. Nettie Grace Brown, born October 1, 1872; married October 1, 189—, Ed Huff. 161. IV. Henry Clyde Brown, bom April 2, 1874 ; married February 4, 1894, Amanda Hockett. 162. V. Maude Brown, born February 17, 1881. 163. VI. Charles Henson Brown, bom July 24, 1883. 73. T?Af!TTF.T. OT?F.'P.NT.F.F. 5 ( Sylvester Greenlee * Robert Greenlee ^ Edward Greenlee = AM.vxiiJ±j viAj:i£ix^Xdjji:j t Esther H. Barnett Margaret Aylsbire Anna Henry Edward Greenlee ' / f daughter of Sylvester Greenlee and Esther Hetta Barnett, was born May 16, 1855 at Corydon, Wayne Co., Iowa; married December 3, 1874 at Corydon, Iowa, DAVID HENRY NEWMAN, born December 12, 1849 at Point Pleasant, Mason Co., West Virginia, son of James Lawrence Newman and Penelope Kimberling. Mechanic; Republican; Methodist. CHILDREN: Eva Newman, born October 28, 1875 ; married Ira E. Hillyer.-l- Oden R. Newman, born March 22, 1877. Frank Newman, born October 23, 1879. David Claud Newman, born November 5, 1884. Orville Hope Newman, born May 29, 1891. DAVID HENRY NEWMAN came to Grand Island, Nebraska in the spring of 1879. Since that time he has resided in a number of places in Nebraska and Kansas. His daughter Eva graduated from the high school at Hiawatha, Kansas in 1894 and taught school for five years. One of the sons clerks in a dry goods store in Hutchinson, Kansas, one is employed iu the railroad depot at Hiawatha, and the other two are still in school. 164. I. 165. II. 166. III. 167. IV. 168. V. 212 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 75. LOUIS VINTON GREENLEE « {r.rhf/lJ.ly^^i^r Ma^ga^S'.Mre Edward Greenlee = Edward Greenlee i \ Anna Henry J son of Sylvester Greenlee and Esther Hetta Barnett, was born April 21, 1859 at Corydon, Wayne Co., Iowa ; married April 1, 1885 at Promise City, Wayne Co., Iowa, HATTIE JI. RANKIN, born May 10, 18— at Iowa City, Iowa, daughter of John W. Rankin and Malinda Babbitt. He was a Republican ; in religion, Campbellite; resided at Osceola, Iowa. 77. Tj'EHT-B'xrTAXI f<'P'li''li''MT ■PT? B ( William Greenlee * John Greenlee ' Edward Greenlee * tUliLJiirLlAn. Un£iJ:iJMijJ!i£i ^ Catherine Riffle Susanna Aylshire Anna Henry Edward Greenlee ' 1 son of WiUiam Greenlee and Catherine Riffle, was born January 26, 1842 at Point Pleasant, Mason Co., West Virginia; married April 25, 1872 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia, SOPHIA CATHERINE BEARD, bom June 1, 1854 at Silver Run, Meigs Co., Ohio, daughter of Calvin Jones Beard and Sophia Ann Crouch. He is a farmer ; Democrat ; Baptist ; resides at Flat Rock, West Virginia. CHILDREN : 169. I. Minnie B., born June 30, 1879. 170. II. Mary M., born September 12, 1880. 78. TWA'DTTK' r''R'Ii'li''N'T ■Pli' 5 ( William Greenlee * John Greenlee ' Edward Greenlee ' JXLA.K,lin \:fB.Cj£iS:iUi:ilh | Catherine Riffle Susanna Aylshire Anna Henry Edward Greenlee ' I son of WUliam Greenlee and Catherine Riffle, was born December 2, 1843 at Point Pleasant, Mason Co., West Virginia; married September 12, 1871 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia, MARY ANN BEARD, born May 4, 1842 in Meigs Co., Ohio, daughter of Calvin Jones Beard and Sophia Ann Crouch. He is a farmer; Democrat; Baptist; resides at Flat Rock, Mason Co., West Vir- ginia. CHILDREN: 171. I. Annie Catharine, born March 5, 1873 ; died February 3, 1877. 172. II. Charles Henry, bom December 3, 1874. 173. III. Bertha Frances, bom August 27, 1878. MARTIN GREENLEE enlisted in the Union army February 14, 1865 and served until the end of the war ; was never in a hard battle ; started for Rich- mond but Lee surrendered before they reached there. No. 21. JANE GREENLEE NELSON. No. 37. WILLIAM GREENLEE AND WIFE. ^r t '♦*»■ 4 V f , ■r No. 7S. MARTIN GREENLEE. No. 104. PERRY MARTIN GREEN- LEE, WIFE AND CHILDREN. A EDWAKD OF WEST VIEGINIA. 213 86. TJAVm fiPF.'R'NT.Ii'.Ti'. B ) Lucinda Greenlee « John Greenlee ' Edward Greenlee • X/Avxx/ UAjjjji.ixj£i£i 1 Nathan Greenlee Susanna Aylshire Anna Henry Eldward Greenlee ' 1 son of Lucinda Greenlee and Nathan Greenlee, was bom March 2, 1859 at Pendleton, Madison Co., Indiana; married December 18, 1881 at Alma, Craw- ford Co., Arkansas, MARY DOSS, born February 8, 1860 at Louisville, Ken- tucky, daughter of Milton Doss and Mary Wafford. He is a farmer; in politics. Democrat; in religion, Methodist Episcopal South; resides at Blewford, Ar- kansas. CHILDREN : Edith, born September 18, 1882. Evie, born August 10, 1885. Parilee, born January 5, 1888 ; died February 22, 1888. Clinton, born January 28, 1892. Zellah, born November 21, 1894; died August 19, 1895. Rhoda, born October 2, 1896. 91. WILLIAM ROBERT GREENLEE « { g^ll-V^rirc'^L; fu'san'^n^^l^V.ro Edward Greenlee ' Edward Greenlee ' I Anna Henry / son of Green Greenlee and Rose Van Sickles, was born in 1869, at Point Pleasant, Mason Co., West Virginia ; married MISHIE WHITT who was born in 1872 at Point Pleasant, daughter of Archibald Whitt and Martha Clutter. He was a farmer ; in politics, Democrat ; in religion. United Brethren ; resides at Oldtown, Mason Co., West Virginia. 174. I. 175. II. 176. III. 177. IV. 178. V. 179. VI. CHILDREN ; 180. I. Verin, bom October 25, 1893. 181. n. Otto, born October 16, 1897. 99. GEORGE W WTT.T. 5 / Mary Greenlee ' Samuel Greenlee ' Edward Greenlee ' v..uv»v>xj .. . X1X.U.LI I jgj.gj jj.jj Hannah Hughes Anna Henry Edward Greenlee^ 1 son of Mary Greenlee and Jared Hill, was born December 8, 1847 in Mason Co., West Virginia ; married October 15, 1881 at Gallipolis, Gallia Co., Ohio, ANNIE L. STEVENS, born April 2, 1861 in Mason Co., West Virginia; died April 22. 1900 in Mason Co., West Virginia. Residence, Stevens, Mason Co., West Vir- ginia. 214 GEEENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDKEN: 182. I. Ulysses E. Hill, born June 5, 1883. 183. II. Maggie M. Hill, born December 20, 1884. 184. III. Nettie M. Hill, born January 30, 1888. 100. MARY .TANK GREENLEE 5 f William Greenlee « Samuel Greenlee » ITIAAX JAnJ!j UA£ii:inij£iri i SopWa Aylshlre Hannah Hughes Edward Greenlee = Edward Greenlee ' I Anna Henry f daughter of William Greenlee and Sophia Aylshire, was born July 14, 1845 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; married November 19, 1874 at Leon, West Virginia, ADDISON NEWTON BEARD, born May 22, 1846 at Leon, West Virginia; died August 13, 1898 at Leon, West Virginia, son of Calvin Jones Beard and Sophia Ann Crouch. They were farmers; in polities. Democrats; in religion. Primitive Baptists ; resided at Waterloo, Mason Co., West Virginia. CHILDREN : 185. I. Anna Marinda Beard, born June 18, 1876 ; died December 9, 1880. 186. II. William Calvin Perry Beard, born February 12, 1878 ; died March 5, 1878. 187. III. Charles Alva Levinus Beard, born Jime 29, 1881 ; lives at Waterloo ; unmarried (1901). 188. IV. Edwin Jabez Beard, born October 8, 1887. 101. ANNA CATHARINE GREENLEE ^ m»r«;-1>r* ll^SlllkSes' ' Edward Greenlee = Edward Greenlee ' 1 Anna Henry ) daughter of William Greenlee and Sophia Aylshire, was born January 18, 1847 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; married March 9, 1871 at Leon, West Virginia, JAMES WASHINGTON WOOD, born August 21, 1850 at Point Pleasant, Mason Co., West Virginia. He was a farmer; Democrat; Protestant; resided at Ellsworth, Kansas. CHILDREN : 189. I. Mary Sophia Wood, born October 16, 1872 ; married H. W. Whitt- meyere. 190. II. Dora Belle Wood, born February 14, 1875 ; married M. J. Whitt- meyere. William Fountain Wood, born July 14, 1877. Charles Newton Wood, born May 14, 1880. James Lewis Wood, born February 15, 1884. Rosa A. or Sarah Rosa Wood, born February 23, 1886. Cora Mina Wood, born August 14, 1888. 191. III. 192. IV. 193. V. 194. VI. 195. VII. I< 196. I. 197. II. 198. III. 199. IV. 200. V. EDWARD OF WEST VIRGINIA. 215 103. SARAH MARGARET GREENLEE ^ j "l''"?™ f-T/^l'"' * Samuel Greenlee > \ .Sophia Aylshire Hannab Hughes Edward Greenlee ^ Edward Greenlee ' 1 Anna Henry / daughter of William Greenlee and Sophia Alyshire, was born January 18, 1850 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia ; married September 25, 1873 ANDREW S. RIFFLE, born March 4, 1849 at Leon, West Virginia. CHILDREN : George M. Riffle, born March 18, 1874; died December 1, 1884. Clara M. Riffle, born March 10, 1877 at Leon, West Virginia; un- married (1901). James Nathaniel Riffle, born July 7, 1883. Elizabeth Riffle, born May 1, 1888. Clinton Riffle, born May 26, 1891. ANDREW S. RIFFLE is a minister in the United Brethren denomination and has been preaching for about thirty years. He resided in Leon, West Virginia, then spent one year in Jackson County, one year in Gilmore County, one year in Ritchie County, two years near Letart, Mason County, then went back to the old home near Leon. In 1900 he removed to a place about one mile from Leon. 104. PERRY MARTIN GREENLEE « { ro'^Hf-^^-^-^'l^ ' It^l^^'ulTel ' Edward Greenlee = Edward Greenlee ^ ) Anna Henry / son of William Greenlee and Sophia Aylshire, was born December 20, 1851 or 1852 near Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia ; died May 9, 1899 ; married July 27, 1882, EMELINE MATILDA SMITH, born August 31, 1853 at Leon, West Virginia, daughter of James Smith and Anna Sears. He was a farmer ; Demo- crat ; Baptist ; resided in West Virginia, near Leon. She married second, Henry Summers. CHILDREN: Anna Arminta, born May 2, 1883 near Leon. Fanny, born February 27, 1885 ; died November 2, 1890. Mary Rosetta, born June 16, 1887 ; died November 8, 1890. George Edgar, born November 11, 1888 ; died July 10, 1889. William Clarkston, born June 17, 1890; lives at Walton, Boone Co., West Virginia. Nancy Elizabeth, born December 31, 1892. Harriet Sarepta, bom January 29, 1895. 201. I. 202. II. 203. III. 204. IV. 205. V. 206. VI. 207. vn. 216 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 105. JACOB NEWTON GREENLEE 5 | wnuam^Greeniee • |\1SSlk^iJrg1.'ir Edward Greenlee = Edward Greenlee i 1 Anna Henry / son of William Greenlee and Sophia Aylshire, was born February 12, 1853 near Leon, Mason Co., "West Virginia ; married March 25, 1874 in Mason Co., "West Virginia, ROSETTA C. A:\ISBURY, bom December 14, 1855 in :\Iason Co., West Virginia, daughter of Francis Amsberry and Lucy Beard. In politics he is a Republican ; in religion. Baptist ; resides at Mason City, Nebraska. CHILDREN : 208. L Anna Lora, born December 31, 1874; died October 1, 1886. 209. II. Lucy Sophia, born May 14, 1876; married April 12, 1899, 0. H. Elison ; lives at Ansley, Nebraska. 210. III. William Francis, bom. December 7, 1880; lives at Mason City, Nebraska. 211. IV. FredRoberts, bom April 23, 1884; died September 29, 1886. 212. V. Lucius M., born January 11, 1886 ; died January 15, 1886. JACOB NEWTON GREENTjEE moved from West Virginia to Iowa in 1879; to Custer County, Nebraska in 1880; to Wright County, Missouri in 1890, then back to Custer County, Nebraska in 1892 and settled near Madison City where he had taken a homestead in 1881. 107. HENRY WILLIAM GREENLEE =^ {roXMshfrf' I^^SIkS'es' Edward Greenlee ' Edward Greenlee ' 1 Anna Henry j son of William Greenlee and Sophia Alyshire, was bom March 1, 1857 near Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia ; married November 2, 1882 SARAH ELIZA- BETH RIFFLE, born February 24, 1864 at Leon, West Virginia, daughter of George Washington Riffle and Harriet Smith. He was a farmer; Democrat; resided at Waterloo, West Virginia. 213. I. 214. II. 215. m. 216. IV. 217. V. 218. VI. 219. VII. 220. VIII. CHILDREN: Leroy E., born September 19, 1883. William G., bom June 28, 1885. Dora B., born July 6, 1887. Joseph L., born June 18, 1889. Jacob A., born October 6, 1891. Arthur B., born April 3, 1894. Jesse B., born August 18, 1897. Albert V., born August 8, 1899. • EDWARD OF WEST VIRGINIA. 217 108. GroEON ALBERT GREENLEE » mi'Mshfrr* IISSIk'kTgtt ' Edward Greenlee ^ Edward Greenlee ^ ( Anna Henry / son of William Greenlee and Sophia Aylshire, was born September, or April 30, 1860 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; married July 23, 1882 at Leon, West Virginia MARY BELLE RIFFLE, born I\rarch 9, 1866 at Leon, West Virginia, daughter of George Washington Riffle and Harriet Smith. He is a farmer; Democrat ; Protestant ; resides at Waterloo, West Virginia. CHILDREN : Willard Andrew, born October 9, 1883. Harriet Sophia, bom July 21, 1885. Augustus Luther, born April 8, 1887. Howard Newton, bom June 9, 1889. Mary Ethel, born October 25, 1891. Charles Orval, born November 18, 1893. Clara Grace, bom September 17, 1896. Sallie Lodocie, born October 29, 1898. 110. CHARLES LEWIS GREENLEE S | William Greenlee ' Samuel Greenlee • ( Sophia Aylsnire Hannah Hughes Edward Greenlee ^ Edward Greenlee '■ / Anna Henry f son of William Greenlee and Sophia Aylshire was born March 30, 1867 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; married IMareh 28, 1897 in Mason Co., West Virginia, LAVERNA SATRE, born June 11, 1872 at Leon, West Virginia, daughter of William Henry Sayre and Charity Muttinex. He was a farmer,; Democrat; Baptist; residence, Waterloo, West Virginia. One child : 229. I. William Henry, bom January 8, 1898. 112. 221. I. 222. II. 223. m. 224. IV. 225. V. 226. VI. 227. vn. 228. vni. Edward Greenlee ' SAMTTV.T. TT ftP'RTP.'WT ■R'B'. 5 ( Henrv Greenlee • Samuel Greenlee " Edward Greei BAiuuxixa £L. \7Ajjjjxixj£iJU j Angeliue Booth Hannah Hughes Anna Henry Edward Greenlee ' 1 son of Henry Greenlee and Angeline Booth, was born September 26, 1852 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; married March 19, 1891 OLLIE A. SMITH, bom March 1, 1869 at Ripley, Jackson Co., West Virginia, daughter of Wyatt Smith and Lucinda J. Oldham. He is a merchant ; Republican ; and resides at Grimms Landing, West Virginia. 230. I. 231. II. 232. Til. 233. IV. 234. V. 218 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: Child; died in infancy. Child ; died in infancy. Child; died in infancy. Nancy I., born June 24, 1897; died November 13, 1900. Samuel Oscar, born November 28, 1899. 114. GEORGE WILLIAM GREENLEE ^ i "^'"•y «'-|,«°'«.« * Samuel Oreenlee » I Angeline Booth Hannah Hughes Edward Greenlee = Edward Greenlee ' I Anna Henry ( son of Henry Greenlee and Angeline Booth, was born August 14, 1856 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia ; married September 2, 1881 at Leon, West Virginia, MARTHA A. BAILEY, born February 28, 1860 at Point Pleasant, Mason Co., West Virginia, daughter of David Bailey and Christina Ann Imphelp. One child: 235. I. Elbert G., born September 4, 1883. GEORGE WILLIAM GREENLEE lived on a farm with his parents until he was twenty-one years old. After his marriage he moved to Leon, West Virginia. He was a blacksmith; Republican; Baptist. 119. .TOHN MARTIN GRF.ENLF.E 6 i Morris C. Greenlee ' James Greenlee » dunn lUAAXXn UA£i£inijJLXi j Catherine Roush Detwrah Carroll Edward Greenlee • Edward Greenlee ' I Anna Henry J son of Morris Clark Greenlee and Catherine Roush, died January 21, 1896; married . He followed the river all his life as a steward. They had nine children. CHILDREN : Frederick (oldest) ; died September 25, 1885. John Martin ; follows the river as a steward. Samuel; in the army, 1st Regiment West Virginia Volunteers. Thomas ; in the army, 1st Regiment West Virginia Volunteers. Mary (eldest daughter) employed in a wholesale house in Indian- apolis as a trimmer. 241. VI. Thomas ( ?) ; runs as a cook on the river. 242. VII. Charles ; drowned April 20, 1884 in Kanawha River. 236. I. 237. II 238. III. 239. IV. 240. V. EDWARD OP WEST VIRGINIA. 219 123. WILLIAM MERCHANT GREENLEE ^^ \ ^^^^^^^^^ ' { h%Zkf^Z'^<^n Edward Greenlee - Edward Greenlee ' I Anna Henry I son of Morris Clark Greenlee and Catharine Roush, was born January 28 or 24, 1848 at Letart Falls, Meigs Co., Ohio ; married in 1872 at Middleport, Meigs Co., Ohio, IDOL BEALE, born in 1856 at Hockingport, Athens Co., Ohio, died August 1885, daughter of Richard Beale of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; married second June 22, 1887 at Brownsville, Pennsylvania, MARY B. JACKSON, daughter of Dr. Isaac Jackson and Jane Campbell. One son : 243. I. Isaac Jackson, born April 18, 1888. WILLIAM MERCHANT GREENLEE went with his father and learned to be a pilot and has followed the river ever since. He is a pilot and master of steamboats on the Ohio, Kanawha and Monongahela rivers, and makes his home in Pittsburg. 126. n&SSA'NTI'RA SMTTW 5 ( Elizabeth G. Van Bibber * Rachael Greenlee ' Edward Greenlee 2 \jAOOA£ilJB,A OIUXXH | — __ g„j,^^ Jesse Van Bibber Anna Henry Edward Greenlee ' 1 daughter of Elizabeth Greenlee Van Bibber and Smith ; dead ; married MYRTILLOE E. HART, a farmer. Resided in Virginia, Missouri and Iowa. CHILDREN : 244. I. Joseph Smith Hart, born October, 1838 ; married in 1851, Lovisa Cook. 245. II. Nathan Greenlee Hart, born December 25, 1840 ; married Emilie M. Miller. + 246. III. Nehemiah Ambrose Hart, born, 1842; married Permelia Cox. 247. IV. Henry Clay Hart, bom, 1845 ; married Anna Forest. 144. CHARLES OSCAR GREENLEE S ! Levi T. Greenlee = Sylvester Greenlee « UIlAAljriO UOL>AK. VTXbrirjX' £>>A xixjTi^'j.ci.j.'i t David H. Newman Esther H. Barnett Margaret Aylshire Edward Greenlee • Edward Greenlee ^ 1 Anna Henry J daughter of Rachel Greenlee and David Henry Newman, was born October 28, 1875 at Cambria, Wayne Co., Iowa; married May 24, 1899 at Hiawatha, Brown Co., Kansas, IRA. E. HILLTER, born August 16, 1877 at Sterling, Illinois, son of John M. Hillyer and Eliza Jane Preeland. He is a farmer; Democrat; Methodist ; resides at Reserve, Kansas. 245. NATHAN GREENLEE HART « { MyrUUoe E ^Hart ' Elizabeth G. van Bibber « Rachel Greenlee^ Edward Greenlee = Edward Greenlee ' t Jesse Van Bibber Anna Henry / son of Cassandra Smith and Myrtilloe E. Hart, was born December 25, 1840 at Liberty, Clay Co., Missouri; married February 23, 1868 at Cambria, Wayne Co., Iowa, EMILIE M. MILLER, born May 28, 1843 at Washington, Fayette Co., Ohio, daughter of Hiram Miller and Nancy Fancher. CHILDREN : 250. I. Olive Blanche Hart, born November 23, 1868; married July 10, 1895, 0. L. Frame. 251. II. Hiram Myrtilloe Hart, born May 8, 1870 ; married March 30, 1892, Emma Keller. 252. III. Cassandra Maud Hart, bom June 29, 1873 ; married June 20, 1896, J. C. Boyce. NATHAN GREENLEE HART lived near Liberty, Clay County, Missouri until 1850, when he moved with his parents to Wayne County, Iowa and settled on government lands six miles north of Corydon, where he remained until the death of his father. The next few years he worked during the summer and fall, and in winter attended district school, and thus acquired a fair education. In the spring of 1862 he made a trip to Oregon, driving an ox team. For the next five years he followed teaming, and in 1867 returned to Iowa and purchased land near Cambria, Wayne Couty. Farming and stock raising has been his occu- pation ever since, and he is now located one and one-half miles west of Hume- ston, Iowa. In politics he is a Democrat. 2. I. 3. II. 4. III. 5. IV. 6. V. DESCENDANTS OF JAMES GREENLEE OF ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY, VIRGINIA. 1. JAMES GREENLEE.i was born in 1707; died in the summer of 1757 in Pennsylvania, at the home of Mrs. Femme, or Fane, while on a business trip; married in 1736 at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, MARY ELIZABETH McDOWELL who was born November 17, 1711 in Ireland, died March 15, 1809 aged 97 years, 3 months, 29 days, in Rockbridge Co., Virginia, daughter of Ephraim McDowell and Margaret Irvine. CHILDREN, all born in Rockbridge County : John, born October 4, 1738; married Hannah McClanahan.4- James, born October 19, 1740 ; married Mary Mitchell ; married sec- ond Widow Ruth Howard. -|- Samuel, born April 4, 1743 ; died in infancy. Mary, born May 5, 1745 ; married Hugh Hayes of Kentucky. Margaret, born June 15, 1748; married William or James Mont- gomery; had children. 7. VI. Grace, or Grizel, born June 23, 1750; married John Bowman; mar- ried second Charles McDowell. + 8. VII. David, bom November 1, 1752 ; married Jane White ; married second Widow Hunter.+ 9. VIII. Samuel, born January 13, 1757 ; married Mary Paxton, daughter of William Paxton and Eleanor Hays ; died in 1824 ; she died about one year after marriage; no children. JAMES GREENLEE came from the north of Ireland with Ephraim Mc- Dowell and family, about 1727-29. They landed in Delaware and went from there to Pennsylvania. John Lewis, a relative of Ephraim McDowell, had left Ireland some years before, and about 1732 settled on the Middle River in the Shenandoah Valley, in what was known as Beverly Manor, near the present town of Stanton, where he obtained patents for a large tract of land. Ephraim McDowell, with his sons John and James, and son-in-law James Greenlee, left Pennsylvania in the fall of 1737 to go to Lewis, near whom they intended to locate. The long journey was made with regular camp equipments. Tents were provided, numerous pack-horses, and each member of the family rode on horseback. While on their way, when in camp on Lewis' Creek, a tributary of the South River, they were joined one night by Benjamin Borden, Sr., who offered one thousand acres of land to any one who would conduct him to his grant. This offer was promptly accepted. The men conveyed their families to 221 222 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. the home of John Lewis, and then piloted Borden to what has since been known as "Borden's Grant," covering much of Augusta and Rockbridge counties. In consideration of a liberal share of the claim, the McDowells and James Greenlee then undertook to assist in carrying out Borden 's contract for him, and before the close of the year moved their own families to the grant, where they per- manently settled, being the first white settlers in that part of the valley. Other settlers were induced to come from Pennsylvania to Borden's tract, among whom were many relatives of the McDowells. The country filled up rapidly. Good houses, schools and churches were built, roadways were constructed and bridges built. Settlers extended themselves over an immense tract of land beyond the limited range of Borden's tract, wherever the country promised unusual advantages of soil, or near the James River and its tributaries. Game abormded and the rivers were full of fish. The coiintry was beautiful, climate pleasant and all localities healthy. Constant intercouse was kept up with the old colonies of Maryland and Pennsylvania, and the capital of Virginia, Williamsburg. MARY E. McDowell was a true Scotch woman, though bom in the North of Ireland. She emigrated to America with her father, brothers John and James, and sister Margaretta who married Mr. Mitchel in Pennsylvania and settled in South Carolina. Soon after her marriage to James Greenlee the memorable journey was made from Carlisle, Pennsylvania to Virginia. She was brave, loved adventure and was undismayed by the thought of Indians or wild animals with which the country was then infested. In the summer of 1757 James Greenlee left his wife with a young family around her and went to Penn- sylvania on a business trip. He was taken suddenly ill and died there at the home of Mr. Femme, or Fane. After the death of her husband she brought up her children under the watchful eye of her father, until he died. She then re- moved from Timber Ridge in the lower part of Rockbridge County to James River. James Greenlee had ovraed immense tracts of land on James River and in North Carolina. She increased her fortune rapidly and was able to set up her sons and daughters handsomely in life when they married, retaining a handsome estate for herself. She was remarkably handsome in youth and retained her activity, veracity and great wit to the last days of her life. The stories that are told of her son Samuel's wit and recklessness are remarkable. The "witch story" may be traced to his love of the marvellous almost entirely. Mrs. Greenlee told the stories first herself, and once in the hands of her reckless son, from his very boyhood days, they were scattered over the land with many additions. For instance, he told a party of Methodist ministers that his mother had been tried and condemned to be burnt as a "witch," and that she was tied to a stake and wood and straw piled around her, when lo ! she disappeared and a black cat was found in her place. The ministers stared and Samuel ran to his mother and told her how he had frightened off a party of "long faces" and "black coats" who were on their way to be entertained at her house. The mother only laughed at the reckless boy and said "My son, 0, my son ! do you not know that it is a sin to tell a lie ?" Mrs. Greenlee told the story of her father having been called a wizard by the ignorant and superstitious, by reason of his strength of JAMES OP VIRGINIA. , 223 intellect and great physical endiirance, and finally his extreme old age. When she was getting along in years, she concluded she needed glasses and accordingly procured a pair and thought that it improved her sight. The mischievous Samuel took the glasses out of the frame, had his mother put them on, then asked her if she could see better. "Yes," she said, "as well as ever." "Mother!" he cried, "there are no glasses in the frame." "You bad boy" she said, and throwing them aside did not use them for years. She charitable, hospitable and remarkably kind to and considerate of her slaves, whom she held in large numbers. She taught them to read and, in many instances, to write. She lived on James River and in the later years of her life her negro men were famous boatmen from a point on the river called the "Boatyard" to Lj-nchburg, thence to Richmond. They were proverbial for honesty and iiprightness in every sense of the word. They were trusted with valuable cargoes for which they received the money and delivered it to the owners of said cargoes without trouble or question on the part of any who trusted cargoes with them. She lived to be very old, giving to the last an active supervision to business, in which she was thrifty and prosperous, and riding all over the country side on horseback. Her strength of mind rivalled her physical endurance. Long after the early settlers of her generation had passed away, and litigations arose among their descendants over lands claimed, she would ride miles on horseback to appear as a witness to settle the claims. Such was her knowledge of the early settlers and the land they settled on, and such was the accuracy of her memory, that her testimony invariably decided the case in favor of the rightful o\vner. She was the first white woman who settled on Borden's Grant. [Prom History of Augusta County, Virginia, by J. L. Peyton] In the Burden ease, Mrs. Greenlee underwent, in 1806, a long examination, testing her temper and memory. In the midst of her examination the question was put to her, ' ' How old are you ? ' ' She tartly replied, ' ' Ninety-five the 17th of this instant: and why do you ask me my age? Do you think I am in my dotage?" Her deposition which follows, cannot fail to be read with interest. It casts some light upon her early days, supplies valuable information as to the early settlers, their manners and customs, and has not inaptly been styled the comer-stone of our history. DEPOSITION OP MRS. GREENLEE Taken November 10, 1806, in the Suit of Joseph Burden, Plaintiff, vs. Alex. Cueton and Others, Defendants. Mrs. Greenlee, being sworn, deposeth and saith : That she, with her husband, James Greenlee, settled on Burden's large grant, as near as she could recollect, in the fall of the year 1737. ♦ * * That shortly before her settlement on said grant, she, together with her husband, her father, Ephraim jMcDowell. then a very aged man, and her brother John McDowell, were on their way to Beverly Manor, and were advanced as far as Lewis's Creek, intending to stop at South River, having, at that time, never heard of 224 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Burden's tract. That she remembers of her brother, James, having, the spring before, gone into said i\Ianor and raised a crop of corn on South River, about Turks, near what she called Wood's Gap. That about the time they were strik- ing up their camp in the evening, Benj. Burden, the elder, came to their camp and proposed staying all night. In the course of conversation, said Burden informed them that he had about 10,000 acres of land on the waters of the James River, or the forks, if he could ever find it, and proposed giving 1,000 acres to any one who would conduct him to it. When a light was made he produced two papers, and satisfied the Company of his rights. The deponent 's brother, John McDowell, then informed him, said Burden, that he would conduct him to the forks of James River for 1.000 acres ; showed said Burden his surveying instru- ments, etc., and finally it was agreed that said McDowell should conduct him to the grant, and she thinks a memorandum of the house of John Lewis, in Beverly Manor, near where Staunton now stands, who was a relation of Deponent's father. They remained with him a few days, and there, she understood, further writings were entered into, and it was finally agreed that they should all settle in Burden's tract. That said John McDowell was to have 1,000 acres for con- ducting them there, agreeable to the writing entered into, and that the settlers were, moreover, to have 100 acres for very cabin they should build, even if they built forty cabins, and that they might purchase any quantity adjoining at fifty shillings per hundred acres. The deponent understood that said Burden was in- terested in these cabin rights, as they were called, for that any cabin saved him 1,000 acres of land. These cabin rights were afterward counted, as deponent understood, and an account returned to the government, then held at Williams- burg, and she has heard, about that time, many tests of the manner in which one person, by going from cabin to cabin, was counted, and stood for several settlements. She recollects, particularly, of hearing of a serving girl of one James Bell, named IMillholen, who dressed herself in men's clothes and saved several cabin rights, perhaps five or six, calling herself Millhollen, but varying the Christian name. These conversations were current in that day. She knows nothing of the fact but from information. She imderstood that it was immaterial where the cabins were built ; that they were to entitle the builder to 100 acres as aforesaid, whenever he chose to lay it off, and that he had a right to purchase, at 50 shillings as aforesaid, any larger quantity. One John Patterson was employed to count cabin rights, as she understood. He was accustomed to mark the letters on his hat with chalk as she had been informed, and afterwards deliver the accoimt to her brother, John McDowell, and remembers to have heard that her brother had expressed his surprise at so many people by the name of ^Millhollen being settled on the land, but which was afterwards explained by the circum- stance of the servant girl above mentioned, and was a subject of general mirth in the settlement. She does not know whether this plan of saving several cabin rights by one person appearing at different cabins, was suggested by Burden, the elder, or not. She understood that every person saving a cabin right got 160 acres for each right so saved, as he, Burden, was to have a cabin for every 1,000 acres. Wlien the party with which she traveled, as aforesaid, came, as they supposed, into the grant, they stopped at a spring, near where David Steele now lives, and struck their camp, her brother and said Burden having gone JAMES OF YIRGINL\ 225 down said branch until they were satisfied it was one of the waters of the James River. The balance of the party remained at that spring until her brother John and Burden, as she understood, went down to the forks formed by the waters of the South and North Rivers, and having taken a course through the country, returned to said camp. They then went on to the place called the Red House, where her brother John built a cabin and settled where James McDowell now li\res. The first cabin her husband built was by a spring, near where Andrew Scott now lives, but when deponent went to see it, she did not like the situation, and they then built and settled at the place called Bro\\Tis. They sold this after some short time, and purchased the land on which her brother, James, had made an improvement, now called Templetons, and where she resided until about the year 1780, being within sight of her father, then near a hundred years of age, resided. This was the first party of white people that ever settled on the said grant. The said Burden, the elder, remained on the grant from that time, as well as she can recollect for perhaps two years and more, obtaining settlers, and she believes there were more than a hundred settlers before he left them. She believes he was in the grant the whole time from his first coming up until he left it before his death, but how long before his death he left it, she does not know. He resided sometime with a Mrs. Hunter, whose daughter afterwards married a Greene, and to whom, she understood, he gave the tract whereon they lived. When the said Burden left the grant, she understood he left his papers with John McDowell, to whose house a great many people resorted, as she understood, to see about lands, but what authority her brother had to sell, or whether he made sales or not, she does not know. Her brother, John, was killed about Xmas before her son, Samuel, her first son of that name was born. He was born, as appears by the register of his birth in the Bible, about April, 1743. The date of this register is partly obliterated, in the last figure, but from the date of the birth of the preeeeding and subsequent child it must have been, as she believes, in 1743, that said Samuel was born. Young Benjamin Burden came into the grant before her brother's death. She recollects this from the circumstance of his being then in ordinary plight, and such that he did not seem much respected by her brother's wife, and when she afterwards married him she could not but reflect on the change of circum- stances. She understood that he was altogether illiterate. She said, Benjamin, junior, lived with her brother John, whilst in the grant, but returned to his father's before the death of said John, and after his father's death returned, fully empowered by his father's will to complete titles and sell lands, and then married the widow of her said brother, and continued to live at the place where her said brother settled as aforesaid, until his death. This place, now called the Red Place, is about three quarters of a mile from Templeton's, where the deponent resided as above. Joseph Burden (a son of old Ben. Burden, the grantee), had resided at his brother, Benjamin's, some years before his, (Benjamin's) death; had gone to school and was here at his death ; had the small pox at about the time of her brother's death, and some time after (deponent does not recollect precisely, but believes it was not long) he went away, not being very well liked, as she under- stood and not made very welcome; was then but a lad of about 18 or 19, as well as she can recollect from his appearance. This deponent recollects that John 226 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Hart, who had removed to Beverly Manor some short time before the removal of this deponent and her friend, as above stated, but she cannot say whether he surveyed for the said Benjamin or not ; she understood he was a surveyor. The people who first settled and purchased did not always have their lands surveyed at the time of purchase ; as she understood, some had their lands sur- veyed and some had not, but when it was not surveyed they described it by general boundaries. Beatty was the first surveyor that she knows who sur- veyed in the grant. The said Burden had been at Williamsburg, and some one, perhaps the Governor's son-in-law, by name Needier, and his other partners, had in a frolic given him their interest in said grant. She understood that there were four of them, the Governor, Gooeh, his said son-in-law, and two others whose names she does not recollect, who were interested in the order of Council for said land, and that Burden got it from them as above ; this was his infor- mation. She well recollects that her brother, John, assisted one Wood to make the survey of said large grant after they removed to it, as aforesaid, it being at the time of their removal, as aforesaid, held by the order of Council, as she understood. The said Woods and her brother made the survey she believes, after the cabin rights were taken in, as above stated. Many people came up, and many cabins and settlements were made immediately after their selling on the tract, as aforesaid. Being interrogated as to the value of the lands remaining unsold by Ben. Burden, she stated that one Harden, who, she understood, was an executor, and who was in this country after the death of young Ben. Burden (which occurred from small-pox in 1753), and after John Bow.ver had married the widow, and who, she understood, was settling Burden's business — but she does not know by what authority — she recollects that said Burden offered to her brother, James, the unsold land for a bottle of wine, if he would clear him of the quit rents. She also recollects that her brother consulted with her father about the proposition, who advised him to have nothing to do Avith it, for it would prob- ably run him into fail. This she thinks was shortly after Bowyer's marriage. She does not know whether Ben. Burden, Jr., was distressed on account of the quit rents or not, but recollects that shortly before his death. Col. Patton was at her house ; a horse of said Burden broke out and came there, which said Patten wished to have caught, that he might take him for some claim against Burden, but she did not hear what. She had, however, said horse sent home, fearing that, as there had been some misunderstanding between deponent 's husband and said Burden about this land, he might think they had aided in said seizure. The deponent further states that her husband purchased 1,000 acres of land of old Burden, at an early day for fifty shillings per hundred, which she understood he had located on the Tiirkey Hill, as it was called. After the death of old Burden, his son, Benjamin, disputed giving a deed for the whole quantity there, alleging it was all valuable land, and afterwards for the sake of peace, it was agreed that a part should be taken there, a part adjoining Robert Cutton, which was sold to one Buchanan, and a part near John Davidson. This arrangement was made at the time Harden was present, as aforesaid, who seemed willing to give the land, and advised his deponent, whose husband was then abroad, to agree to take it at those places, which she did. All the land purchased by her husband was purchased from old Burden; indeed, he had purchased this 1,000 II JAMES OF VIRGINIA. 227 acres before they eame to the tract; at Lewis', as before stated, provided he liked the land when he saw it, which he did. The deponent being asked what she knew of the persons named in a muti- lated paper purporting to be an account of entries and sales, beginning at "No. 1 — McDowell, Jno., to No. 22 — Moore, Andrew," on the first side, where the paper appears to be torn off; beginning on the other side at "No. 42 — Martin, Robert, and ending at No. 62, at Brown, Robt.," and whether those persons were settled in the grant at an early day or owned lands in it ? Answered — That she knew a number of persons therein named, many of them lived in Beverly Manor, and others in the calf pasture and elsewhere, but she did not know many of them to have lands in Burden's tract. The Mc- Dowells and her husband she had before spoken of. She also knew John Moore who settled at an early date where Chas. Campbell now lives; Andrew j\Ioore who settled where his grandson, Wm. Moore now lives. Wm. McCausland also lived in the grant, as did Wm. Sawyers and Robert Campbell, Sam'l Woods, John ilathews, Richard Woods, John Hays, Chas. Hays, his son, Sam'l Walker, etc. all of whom settled in the grant at an early day. The deponent being interrogated if she knew Alex. Miller, and if he was au early settler? Answered — that she did not know said Miller. He was the first blacksmith that settled on the tract. She recollects of his shoeing old Burden 's horse, and she understood he purchased land of said Burden. He lived on land adjoining one John McCroskey's land, who also purchased his land from old Burden. He also joined the plantation now Stewart's mill place, as she believes, whereon one Taylor, who, she believes, married Elizabeth Paxton, formerly lived. She recollects being at the burial of said Taylor, who was killed by the falling of a tree not long after his marriage. Said Miller's land, she understood, has been in possession of people by the name of Teeford since the said Miller removed. The deponent recollects one McMuUen, who resided some distance above the place where Robt. Stewart's mill now stands, but up the same branch and near a spring. Said McMullen was living on said land and had a daughter married there when this deponent 's daughter, Mary, was a sucking babe. She recollects this from having gone to the wedding when a daughter of said McMullen was married and having left her child at home. Her daughter, Mary, was born, as appears from the register of her birth, in May, 1745. Humphrey's cabins, as they were called, were over the hill, at another spring not far from where said McMullen lived. She knows not from whom McMullen purchased, but rather thinks her brother, James McDowell, gave him a piece of land there for teaching school. There was no mill where Stewart's mill now is in the lifetime of Ben. Burden, Jr. John Hay's mill was the first mill in the grant, and built very early after the settlement. The deponent says the people paid no quit rents for two years from the time the grant was first settled. She understood this exemption was granted by the Governor at the instance of one Anderson, a preacher. When they had to pay quit rents, they raised money by sending butter to New Castle, to Williarm- burg, and other markets below, and got also in return their salt, iron, etc. Being asked whether Joseph Burden was frequently in this country aft<.i' the death of young Ben. Burden, she answered that he was frequently in this 228 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. country some time after the death of said Benjamin. He called at her house inquiring for a horse, and she thought she knew his name, and afterwards heard that he lodged in the neighborhood at one "William Campbell's. She saw him again at her house about twelve or fifteen years ago. He made some inquiries of her about her husband's estate or something of that kind. She does not recol- lect the particulars, but she had very little conversation with him. She also heard of his being through the country some time before this, but does not recollect how long, nor did she see him. Question by the defendant's agent — Did not many persons, from time to time, in the lifetime of old Burden, settle in the grant, under the expectation of getting the lands at their usual price, and without first contradicting with said Burden ? Answer — I believe they did. I think many settled before they had an oppor- tunity of seeing Burden, and Burden would frequently direct them to deponent's husband, to show them the land, as they said. Do you not believe that the first deeds were made for cabin rights ? Answer — I suppose the cabin right, with such land as the settler purchased, would be deeded together, and perhaps these were the first made. Did Ben. Burden, Jr., appear, when he first entered on the affairs of the estate, to be disposed to do justice to the devisees? Answer — I thought he did. He appeared to be a good man. She understood he was heir-at-law and did not hear of the sister's claims, except to five thous- and acres, which she understood had been assigned to them on Catawba, where the land was good. Did he ever leave his country and go to Jersey, after he came up and got married ? Answer — No, I believe he did not. I am pretty confident he did not. Did you know of Archibald Alexander and Magdalen Bowyer selling lands 1 Answer — I did not know they were executors, and had a right to sell. I understood John Bowyer sold a great deal and gave away a great deal. Alex- ander was as respectable a man as any I knew. Bowyer, she understood, claim that Ben. Burden claimed, though she had no conversation with him about this claim. Being asked whether Alexander paid Burden any money on account of the estate 1 Answered — She never heard that he had, and from her intimacj' with the wife of said Bowyer, she believes she would have heard of it, had it taken place. Question by same — When Burden produced his right to the land, as you have stated, were you not satisfied, and did not the Company appear satisfied that the right was completely in him ? Answer — Yes, the papers appeared perfectly satisfactory. Did you not understand that your brother, James McDowell, built a cabin and purchased the land where Thos. Taylor, above mentioned resides 1 Answer — My brother, James, purchased a considerable tract, perhaps four or five hundred acres, either at or where Stewart's mill now stands. It run, as she understood, on a large hill, but whether in one or two tracts she does not know. This tract, she understood, he sold to some person, but does not know who to. She does not know whether he had it surveyed or not, but suppose it was merely JAMES OF VIRGINIA 229 designated by general boundaries. She thinks if she was on the land, she could point out the tree whereon his name was cut, if it is j'et standing. It stood near a deep hole in the creek. Knows not how he acquired and saved a cabin right, but never saw the cabin, nor does she know where it stood, but the land was called his very shortly after they went to the grant, and in the lifetime of old Burden. Sworn before us, 10th November, 1806. JOSEPH WALKER, J. GRIBSBY JOHN GREENLEE,2 son of James Greenlee and Mary E. McDowell, was born October 4, llrr^m Rockbridge Co., Virginia; died near Morganton, North Carolina, at the home of his brother James; married in 1767 or 1768 at the "old house" on Cedar Creek, above Natural Bridge, HANNAH MeCLANAHAN who was born at Salem, Roanoke Co., Virginia, died in Abbeville, South Carolina and was buried there, daughter of Colonel Elijah McClanahan and Ann Ewing. CHILDREN: 4 James, born January 29, 1769 ; married Mary Paxton.-j- Elijah, born in 1772 ; married ; died at his residence in Millidgeville, Georgia, leaving no children. He was a surgeon in the United States army in the war of 1812. John, born January 25, 1774 ; died unmarried in Kentucky. Mary, born September 12, 1776; married John Mitchell Greenlee.+ William, born July 17, 1779 ; drowned when a child in James River at Greenlee's Ferry. David, born February 12, 1782 ; married Hannah Ingram Grigsby.+ Samuel, born September 17, 1785; died unmarried April 23, 1823 at his estate "White Bluff" in Georgia. He was a physician of high standing. JOHN GREENLEE was the first white child born on Borden's Grant, and from early youth received all the advantages of education to be had in the early days, including a classical school taught by Robert Alexander. After his marriage he resided at "Clover Hill" one of the handsome estates which he had inherited from his father, and upon which he continued to reside for many years. The deed or grant of this estate was signed by King George and the land had never been transferred until the sale of the farm for division among the heirs of his son James. He was the high sheriff of Rockbridge County under the Colonial government in the reign of King George III, and had to ride one hundred and eighty miles to Richmond, Virginia to make his report and pay the taxes he had collected. He espoused the cause of the Colonies and aided in establishing the new government. HANNAH MeCLANAHAN, when a little girl, escaped during an Indian massacre, in which her father's family were the victims. She hid under a foot 10. I. 11. II. 12. in. 13. IV. 14. V. 15. VL 16. VTI. 230 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. log across a creek nearby which the savages passed and repassed several times looking for her. When they were very old she and her husband undertook a visit on horse- back to one of their sons who lived in southern Georgia. On their return she took sick and died. He pursued his lonely way toward home, but when in North Carolina he too sickened and died. JAMES GREENLEE,2 son of James Greenlee and Mary E. McDowell, was born October 19, 1740 in Rockbridge County, Virginia ; died November 8, 1813 [Bible Records] at Morganton, Burke Co., North Carolina; married June 10, 1770 at the ten-mile house, a tavern ten miles north of Charleston, South Caro- lina, MARY MITCHELL, a cousin, who was born at Charleston, South Carolina, died July (?) 1787 in Burke Co., North Carolina (when son David W. was six days old), daughter of James Mitchell and Margaret McDowell [See Appendix B.] ; married second WIDOW RUTH HOWARD [Bible Record] who died Janu- ary 22, 1812 [Bible Record]. CHILDREN ; all born near Morganton : 17. I. James M., born March 29, 1771 ; married Mary Poleet ( ?) ; married second Sarah (Hunter) Hoard. Lived in Buncombe Co., North Carolina. No children. Daughter, born September 11, 1773 ; died the same day. John Mitchell, born June 25 or 23, 1775; married Mary E. Greenlee. + Margaret, born January 14, .1778. William M., born May 19, 1779 ; died young. Samuel, born January 26, 1782; married Minerva Keziah Sackett.+ Ephraim M., born February 22, 1784 ; married Sarah Carr Howard ; married second Sarah Hollinsworth Brown. -|- 24. VTII. David Washington, born January 28, 1787 ; married Mary Howard Mclntire.+ JAMES GREENLEE came to Surrey County, North Carolina from Virginia, before the Revolutionary war. He bought a fine farm on the Dan River but sold it again and went to Morganton, Burke County. He owned all the best lands about Morganton. His possessions are now divided into more than half a dozen fine farms. Besides this he owned lands in Yancey, Mitchell and Ruther- ford counties, and two fine farms in Turkey Cove; also land on the Catawba River where his son David Washington settled, is now divided into five good farms. He also owned fine lands near Memphis, Tennessee. He was a cattle raiser and the Catawba bottoms were green with cane and the hollows were knee-deep in wild pea vines. He drove his fat cattle to Philadelphia and to Charleston, South Carolina, for sale. He owned a great many slaves. While he was absent from home during the Revolutionary war the tories robbed him of stock and grain, and took off a female servant, which was all the help Mrs. 18. II. 19. III. 20. IV. 21. V. 22. VI. 23. VII. JA:MES of VIRGINIA. 231 Greenlee had on the place. While he was in camp, the Tories killed his stock, wasted his grain, and feasted on beef, mutton and honey. They heard that Colonel Campbell was coming and hurried off uncermoniously. The servant was secreted by a kind neighbor while the Tories were travelling several miles away, and was sent back. James Greenlee was a business man, public and private. He said he could never write a deed to convey land from him, but could write one to himself. He never sold land, but bought all the good land that he could. He settled his six sons on good farms, all of them within a day's ride from home. His six sons settled their own matters without any lawsuits. He was Land Inspector in North Carolina and Tennessee ; member of North Carolina Convention in 1788. In politics, he was a Whig ; in religion, Presbyterian. GRACE (or GRIZEL) GREENLEE,^ daughter of James Greenlee and Mary E. ^IcDowell, was born June 23, 1750 in Rockbridge Co., Virginia ; died in North Carolina; married GENERAL JOHN BOWMAN, who fell at the battle of Ransom's Mill, June 20, 1780; married second GENERAL CHARLES Mc- DOWELL, a cousin, who was born in 1743, died March 31, 1815, son of John McDowell and Margaret O'Neal who was the widow of Greenlee. CHILDREN: Mary Bowman; married William Allison Tate.+ Charles McDowell ; married Annie McDowell.-)- Athan A. McDowell ; married Ann Goodson. James R. McDowell ; died unmarried at the old homestead. Sarah McDowell; married Colonel William Paxton. Eliza Grace McDowell ; married Stanhope Erwin. Margaret McDowell ; married Colonel William. Sallie McDowell ; married Christian. GRACE GREENLEE was distinguished among the "women of the Revolu- tion. ' ' She was a woman of remarkable energy and character. GENERAL CHARLES McDOWELL, at the beginning of our Revolutionary troubles, was commander of an extensive district in this section of the country. He and his brother. General Joseph McDowell, were called the "heroes of Kings Mountain." Both distinguished themsleves in times that tried men's souls. They were residents of Burke County and rendered important service to their country. Their father settled in Virginia, where Winchester now stands, but removed to Burke County, North Carolina about the time of their birth. In June, 1780 Colonel, afterward General, Charles IMcDowell was joined by L. Shelby, John Lewis (?) of Tennessee and Colonel Clark of Georgia. This the beginning of the fight of Kings Mountain, which memorable spot is on the border of North and South Carolina, Cleveland County. It extends from east to west and its summit is five hundred yards long and fifty wide. On this summit 25. I. 26. II. 27. HI. 28. IV. 29. V. 30. VI. 31. VII. 32. VIII. 232 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Ferguson was posted, Major Joseph McDowell, Colonel Lewis and Major "Winston formed the right wing, Campbell and Shelby the centre, and Colonel Cleveland and Colonel Williams on the left. The officers were all of equal rank, but as they were in Charles McDowell's district he was entitled to command. He was a brave and patriotic man and a good soldier. He was a member of the Senate and State Legislature, 1786-1788 ; Senator from Burke, 1782-88 ; also in 1778 ; Member of the House, 1809, 1810, 1811. 8. DAVID GREENLEE,^ son of James Greenlee and Mary E. McDowell, was born November 1, 1752 in Rockbridge Co., Virginia ; died December 5, 1820 near Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia and was buried on his farm ; married October 11, 1781 JANE WHITE who died August 1, 1800 in Rockbridge Co., Virginia, daughter of White and Jane ; married second HUNTER, a widow with daughter Sarah who married first Hoard, sec- ond, James M. Greenlee. Resided in Rockbridge Co., Virginia, two miles from Natural Bridge and fourteen miles from Lexington. CHHjDREN : James, born October 10, 1782 ; married Sarah Caskie.+ Mary, born February 29, 1784 ; married William Bailey.+ John, born j\Iay 8, 1786 ; died unmarried March 8, 1817 in Garrett Co., Kentucky. 36. IV. Margaret, born December 19, 1787 ; died unmarried January 3, 1809 in Rockbridge Co., Virginia. Grace, born November 16, 1789 ; married John Caskey.+ Jane, born April 4, 1792 ; married Thomas Caskey.-)- David, born April 22, 1794; married Sarah Hays; married second Mary (Purnell) Hall.+ 40. VIII. Ephraim, born August 6, 1796; married Malinda Beckleheimer.+ 10. JAMES GREENLEE 3 i John Greenlee ' James Greenlee i > OJAMUliO VRCiCiauciXi I Hannah llcClanahan Mary E. McDowell f son of John Greenlee and Hannah McClanahan, was born January 27, 1768 or 1769 in Rockbridge Co., Virginia ; drowned April 20, 1840 in James River at Greenlee's Ferry, Rockbridge Co., Virginia and buried in Falling Springs Church cemetery; married January, 1812 in Rockbridge Co., Virginia, MARY PAXTON who was born about 1790 or 1791 in Rockbridge Co., Virginia, died July 12, 1859 aged 69 years, at Greenlees Ferry, buried in Falling Springs Church cemetery, daughter of William Paxton and ilary Jane Grigsby. CHILDREN : 41. I. Hannah McClanahan, born December 14, 1812 ; married James Dor- man Davidson. + 33. I. 34. II. 35. III. 37. V 38. VI 39. VII. 45. V. 46. VI. 47. VII. JAMES OF VIRGINIA 233 42. 11. Mary Jane, born February 25, 1814; married John Tate Fiiiley.+ 43. in. John Franklin, born November 4, 1816. He lived on the farm and took care of his mother until the farm was sold. Then went to Lexington where he has resided ever since. He has been Deputy County Clerk until a few years ago; living (1901) in Lexington, Virginia, unmarried. 44. IV. Sarah Ann Eliza, born December 16, 1819; married James L. Watson. 4- Martha Trimble, born April 20, 1823 ; married Eban Nelrus Davis.+ William Paxton, born May 16, 1825 ; married Eliza Hizer Porster.+ Rachel Frances Pinkney, born August 7, 1829; married Preston T. Link.+ JAMES GREENLEE lived on the farm which had been owned by his father and was patented by King George III of England before the Revolutionary war. This farm contained eight hundred and fifty-five acres, located on the south side of James River, about two hundred miles from Richmond, at the mouth of Arnold 's valley situated between two spurs of the Blue Ridge mountains. The farm was a very productive and valuable one, containing a great deal of river bottom. There was a public ferry there which is still maintained and known as Greenlees Ferry. The patent was parchment and remained in the family until the place was sold. Mr. Greenlee was fording the stream about a quarter of a mile below his residence, was riding one horse and leading another. The horse he was riding stumbled, and the one he was leading jerked back and pulled him off and he was drovnied before assistance could reach him. 15. DAVID GREENLEE 3 { it°n?h"A?c'c^Voahan Jl^rE'^Mfc'rell } son of John Greenlee and Hannah McClanahan, was born February 12, 1782 or 1781 at Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia ; died April 14, 1850 at Nat- ural Bridge, Virginia ; married December 10, 1818 at Lexington, Rockbridge Co., Virginia HANNAH INGRAM GRIGSBY, born July 25, 1800 at Lexington, Virginia, died November 10, 1862 at Natural Bridge, Virginia, daughter of Elisha Grigsby and Elizabeth Hawkins Porter. CHILDREN : 48. I. Elizabeth A. M., born October 11, 1819 ; married Dr. J. F. Early ; both are dead; she died at Lockhart, Texas. 49. II. Hannah Mary, born May 28, 1821 ; married Joseph Dillard ; died in 1866 at Lynchburg, Virginia. He is dead also. 50. III. Emaline, born February 12 1823 ; married Thomas Wilson ; died at Florence, Kansas. 51. IV. Lavina B., born December 23, 1825 or 1824; married William S. Dillard ; died in 1886 or 1866. 52. V. John, born November 26, 1826 ; died in infancy. 234 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 53. VI. Elisha Grigsby, bom January 11, 1828 ; died unmarried in Arkansas. He was a physician. 54. VII. David Robert Barton, born December 8, 1829; married Mary Amanda (Boone) GifiEord.+ 55. VIII. Henrietta Jane Lewis, born May 18, 1832; married Horace B. Burnley ; died at Charlottesville, Virginia. 56. IX. James Samuel, born May 30, 1834; married Sarah Elizabeth Har- lan ; married second Louisa i\I. Marshall. -|- 57. X. Virginia C, born July 19, 1836; married James C. Walton; died in 1880 at Lj-nchburg, Virginia. 58. XI. Josepha, born May 16, 1839; died in 1884 at Lexington, Virginia. 59. XII. William Woodville, born December 7, 1841 ; married Mrs. Pannell ; lives at Webb City, Missouri. 60. XIII. John IMarshall, born November 11, 1845 ; unmarried (1875) and was living in Kansas. DAVID GREENLEE had little opportunity for gaining an education; yet through the use of his library and periodicals he was unusually well posted in history, geography, science and current events. He was noted for his familarity with the sacred scriptures, being a veritable walking concordance. He was a Presbyterian; in politics, a Whig; resided at Clover Hill farm, Rockbridge Coimty, Virginia. HANNAH GRIGSBY GREENLEE had just finished her education at Ann Smith Academy, Lexington, Virginia, when she was married. She knew little or nothing about household duties but applied herself with such energy thereto that she was soon mistress of every detail, and was a reference for all her neighbors. The sons inherited her love of adventure. ELISHA GRIGSBY GREENLEE, soon after he left home, joined a filibiister- ing expedition under Lopez, and went to Cuba to accomplish what the United States has recently done. He escaped to Tampa, Florida, on a little steamer, closely chased by a Spanish man-of-war. He had lost all his wardrobe. He worked his way by driving a wood wagon, then as a hand on the railroad, then as conductor, and in this way made enough money to get back to Rockbridge. After this he took a college and medical course, followed his profession a while, then merchandised in Lynchburg. Virginia. Then he went on board the Viseal to London, his mother thinking him in Lj-nchburg till she got a letter from him dated London. When the Rebellion broke out all of the boys hastened to the front. He joined the Second Kentucky regiment as surgeon, the other four joined the First Virginia Cavalrj- under Colonel J. E. B. Stuart. There was not a raid, however dangerous, nor a battle in which Stuart's cavalry was engaged, in which most of them did not participate. Elisha was captured at Fort Donaldson, and for two years was a prisoner at Fort Douglas, when he was exchanged. After the war he went to Mississippi. He was of bright and cheerful disposition and had fine conversational powers. WILLIA]\I WOODVILLE GREENTiEE was captured in Virginia, by a No. 19. JOHN MITCHELL GREEN- LEE. MARY E. GREENLEE, WIFE OF JOHN M. GREENLEE. No. 43. JOHN FRANKLIN GREEN- LEE. (At age of 83.) No. 53. DR. ELISHA GRIGSBY GREENLEE. I JAMES OF VIRGINIA. 235 Pennsj'lvania regiment in which there were four Greenlees. He was confined in Fort Delaware until the close of the war. HENRIETTA JANE LEWIS (GREENLEE) BURNLEY was a native of Rockbridge Coiuitj'. She was possessed of excellent sense and uncommon reso- lution and self-reliance, very decided convictions of religious truth, positive and uncompromising opposition to all that was unseemly in its professors, and to the utmost of her opportunity and means liberal in her contributions toward the propagation of the truth as it is in Christ. Her married life was a happy one. She and her husband lived in singular unity of counsel and harmony of action for thirty-eight years until his death about six month previous to hers. It can truthfully be said that but few have lived in Albermarle County for better purpose, or have left more wholesome impress for good than this couple. 19. JOHN MITCHELL GREENLEE 3 | James^Greenlee ^ James^Greenlee^^_^ | son of James Greenlee and Mary Mitchell, was born June 23, or 25, 1775 at Morganton, Burke Co., North Carolina; died November 20, 1842 at Turkey Cove, McDowell Co., North Carolina; married September 4, 1810 near Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia, ]\IARY E. GREENLEE [No. 13], born Sep- tember 12, 1776, 1777 or 1778 at Natural Bridge, Virginia, died November 14, 1840 at Turkey Cove, North Carolina, daughter of John Greenlee and Hannah McClanahan. He was a farmer. In politics, a Whig, then Democrat. He was a member of the Legislature. In religion, they were Presbyterians. Resided at Turkey Cove. CHILDREN: 61. I. James Hervey, born August 23, 1811; married Mary Jane Greenlee; married second Frances B. Morrison. + 62. II. Hannah Ann Eliza, born January 26, 1815: married Samuel Flem- ming.4- 22. QAWTTTTi'T nP'PTi'.'WT 'P'R 3 ) James Greenlee = James Greenlee ^ 1 aAJnUtlj UKJl.i!iJNiiJ!iJ!j •> i Mary Mitchell Mary E. McDowell I son of James Greenlee and Mary Mitchell, was born January 26, 1782, or Jan- uary 17, 1783, near Morganton, Burke Co., North Carolina; died May 5, 1848 at Morganton, North Carolina ; married June 4, 1822 at Morganton, or Ruther- fordton, North Carolina, MINERVA KEZIAH SACKETT, born in 1804 at Saeketts Harbor, New York, died in 1849 or 1851 at Morganton, North Caro- lina, daughter of Judge Augustus Sackett and Minerva Camp, or Ealy ; planter ; Democrat: Persbyterian ; resided at Morganton, North Carolina. CHILDREN : 63. I. Mary Minerva, born June 20, 1824 or 1823 ; married Dr. William Lucius McRee; dead; no children. 236 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 64. II. James, born March 26, 1825 ; married Augusta Minerva Denison.+ 65. III. Samuel Blair, born December 31, 1827 or 1826 ; died unmarried July 17, 1865. 66. IV. Emily Amelia, born January 11, 1829; married Christopher Hap- poldt.+ 67. V. Ephraim Edward, born November 16, 1830 ; married Sarah Louisa Butler.+ 68. VI. Elizabeth Saekett, bom September 10, 1832 ; married John Augustus Dickson, a lawyer and physician; four children; son, John A. Dickson, lives at Morganton. 69. Vn. Alexander Saekett, born January, or November 11, 1834; married Elizabeth C. Glass.+ 70. Vin. George Elisha, born January 12, 1837; married Jane Elizabeth McKinney.+ 71. IX. Adelia Augusta, born May 18, 1839 ; died November 4, 1841. 23. KPITRATM M CREENLEE 3 J James Greenlee ' James Greenlee i ) J&rniUUlU lU. UrAXiJIinijXiXi -j jj^^y Mitchell Mary B. McDowell / son of James Greenlee and Mary Mitchell, was born February 22, 1784; died March 5, 1863 ; married SARAH CARR HOWARD who was born September 15, 1791 and died July 17, 1718 ; married second SARAH HOLLINSWORTH BROWN who died May 26, 1876. CHILDREN : 72. I. John Howard, born September 25, 1815; married Martha Matilda Greenlee. + 73. II. Mary M., born September 24, 1817 died October 4, 1817. Note. — conflicting dates and names have been given on this family. The above items are all from bible records. 24. DAVID WASHINGTON GREENLEE 3 { Jf--#.-,°'.r = U^rr^'il^oVeu } son of James Greenlee and Mary Mitchell, was born January 28, 1787 at Morganton, Burke Co., North Carolina; died September 1, 1865 at Marion, McDowell Co., North Carolina; married at Oldfort, McDowell Co., North Caro- line, MARY HOWARD McENTIRE, born Jime 14, 1795 at Oldfort, died October 20, 1880 at Greenlee, North Carolina, daughter of Thomas McEntire, or Mclntire, and Martha Hemphill. CHILDREN : 74. I. James McEntire, born October 26, 1816; married Eliza Ann Morris; married second Harriet Rice.+ JAMES OF VIRGINIA 237 75. II. Thomas Yoiing, born January 8, 1818; married Margaret Ruth Logan. + 76. III. Martha Matilda, born June 17, 1820; married John Howard Green- lee.+ 77. IV. Mary Jane, born July 8, 1822; married James Hervey Greenlee.+ DAVID WASHINGTON GREENLEE was the owner of a large plantation along the Catawba river in McDowell and adjoining counties of North Carolina, beautifully situated and beautifully kept by a troop of stalwart slaves. He came to Greenlee, North Carolina about 1814 or 1815. Though fine timbers were on every side there were few sawmills. He hauled some of the lumber for his house twenty miles. Travel at that time was by stage and private carriage, and those who lived on public roads had to keep travellers. His house always had guests coming or going. The nearest markets were Charleston and Augusta, and twice a year wagons were sent to one place or the other for supplies. It was a three weeks trip. Indians were not troublesome then though they often came through in large numbers. Wild game was in abundance — deer, bear, turkey and squirrels — and it was easy to keep supplied with fresh meat. Mr. Greenlee was a Whig; in religion, Presbyterian. He is remembered by older people through the region as presenting the best type of the generous, chivalric, court- eous, olden time southern gentleman. 25. MAPV ■Rn'UTTVTAN' 3 f Grace Greenlee = James Greenlee ) lUAnx D\jvyaLa.a \ John Bowman Mary E. McDowell i daughter of Grace Greenlee and Captain John Bowman, was married in Burke Co., North Carolina to WILLIAM ALLISON TATE. CHILDREN : Samuel Tate ; married Ann Eliza Tate ; dead. Robert McDowell Tate ; married Sarah Butler. John Tate; married Mary Webster. William Jefferson Tate ; died unmarried. Louisa Tate; married Espey; had one child that lived to marry — Harriet Newell Espey, who married Zebulon Baird Vance (afterward governor of North Carolina) and left four children. Adeline Tate ; married McGimpsy. Eliza G. Tate ; married Sydney Erwin. Margaret Allison Tate; married William Claiborne Butler. -f 26. CAPTAIN fJTTA'RT.F.S MrnOWF.T.T. 3 f Grace Greenlee » James Greenlee i 1 V/AriAlJN l/nAJtlj£iO lUCUUWJliijlj I Charles McDowell Mary E. McDowell / son of Grace Greenlee and General Charles McDowell, was born at Morganton, Burke Co., North Carolina; died October, 1859 at Quaker Meadows, near 78. I. 79. II. 80. III. 81. IV. 82. V. 83. VI. 84. VII. 85. VIII. 86. I. 87. II. 88. III. 89. IV. 90. V. 91. VI. 238 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Morganton, North Carolina; married ANNIE MeDOWELL who was born at Pleasant Garden, ^IcDowell Co., North Carolina, died November, 1859 at Quaker Meadows, daughter of Colonel Joseph McDowell and Mary Moffett. CHILDREN : Eliza McDowell; married N. W. Woodfin. IVIary Louise McDowell ; married John Gray Bynum ; married second R. M. Pearson.+ Mina McDowell; married J. W. Woodfin. Samuel Moffet McDowell; died unmarried. M. McDowell ; married W. F. McKinon. James Charles McDowell; married Julia Manly. CAPTAIN CHARLES MeDOWELL resided on his father's plantation on the Catawba river, near Morganton, North Carolina. In politics he was a Whig; in religion, Methodist. 33. JAMES GREENLEE 3 ! David Greenlee = .Tames Greenlee ^ I 0±±aiCiO MDJhCiaiAlnCi 1 Jane White Mar.v E. McDowell f son of David Greenlee and Jane White, was born October 10, 1782 at Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia ; died February 3, 1858 aged 75 yrs. 3 mo. 21 das. [Bible record] in Henry Co., Illinois; married December 26, 1805 [Bible record] SARAH CASIvIE [Bible record] of Rockbridge Co., Virginia who died December 11, 1858 [Bible record] aged about 76 years, daughter of James Caskey ; farmer ; Whig ; Presb}i;erian ; resided at Geneseo, Henry Co., Illinois. CHILDREN : 92. I. David, bom September 7. 1807; married Katharine Wiley; mar- ried second Lydia Ann Parker. -f- 93. II. Mary Jane, born June 23, 1809 ; died unmarried July 16, 1867 in Henry Co., Illinois, aged 58 jts., 1 mo., 24 das. [Bible record]. 94. HI. Grace Elizabeth, born May 11. 1811; married ; re- sided at Dayton; deceased; two children. 95. IV. James, born April 14, 1813 ; married at the age of 54 years, Louise Volin, or Wallin, a native of Sweden; died March 29, 1884 in Henry Co., Illinois; no children. Ephraim Allan, bom August 23, 1815; married Diadamia Dame.-f Samuel Harvey, born October 15, 1817 ; married Elizabeth Stites.+ Thomas Franklin, born January 16, 1820; married Eliza Ann Pearce.+ 99. VIII. John Langburn, born February 26, 1822 in Rockbridge Co., Vir- ginia ; died October 30, 1823 or 1824 in Ross Co., Ohio. 100. IX. Twin sons, born April 23, 1826 ; died the same day. 101. X. Elizabeth Jane (?), born December 30, 1833; married Andrew J. Taylor. 96. V. 97. VI. 98. VII. JAMES OF VIRGINIA. 239 34. iwrAW P'P'li'li'TaT 'Pli' 3 ( David Greenlee = James Greenlee • 1 JOAKY UKI!iJ1jP(1jJ!iJ!i •» ^ jg^g ^y,,,(g Mary E. McDowell / daughter of David Greenlee and Jane White, was born February 29, 1784 near Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; died in Rockbridge Co., Virginia; married WILLIAM BAILEY ; resided in Rockbridge Co., Virginia. 102. I. David Bailey. 103. II. William Bailey. CHILDREN ; 37. nPAfP n.TJ'B'TP.'NT ■R'F'. 3 f David Greenlee = James Greenlee » ) liKAl/J!! U±CJ!jJ!iJN1.J!.J!. •» |jane White Mary E. McDowell / daughter of David Greenlee and Jane White, was born November 16, 1789 near Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; died February 11, or 20, 1843 in Rockbridge Co., Virginia ; married November 28, 1811 in Rockbridge Co., Vir- ginia, JOHN CASKET who was born in 1798 at Lexington, Rockbridge Co., Virginia, died Jime 13, 1836 at Lexington, Virginia, son of James Caskey. He was a farmer; Democrat; Baptist; resided in Rockbridge Co., Virginia. CHILDREN : 104. I. James J. Caskey, born March 18, 1817, or 1815; died unmarried about 1860. 105. II. David Greenlee Caskey, born July 3, 1821 ; married Eliza Hite.+ 106. III. Samuel Harvey Caskey, born May 10, 1824 ; married Lucinda Hite ; married second Nancy Butler.+ 107. rV. Mary Jane Elizabeth Caskey, bom September 23, 1829; married George D. Glass.+ 38. TANI? n'R'B'li'WT PIT!' 3 f David Greenlee = James Greenlee » \ J AMJii biU!iJ!.JNl.i!ii ] jj^jjg ^ijijg jj^ry E. McDowell ) daughter of David Greenlee and Jane White, was born April 4, 1792 near Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; died in Rockbridge Co., Virginia; married THOMAS CASKEY, son of James Caskey ; resided in Rockbridge Co., Virginia. CHILDREN : 108. I. 109. II. 110. III. 111. IV. 112. V. Eliza Caskey. Sarah Caskey. Elisabeth Caskey. James Caskey ; dead. Ephraim Caskey; dead. 240 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 39. DAVID GREENLEE 3 |pavid^Greenlee, ^ JfaTE^^MfD'o^wdl } son of David Greenlee and Jane White, was born April 22, 1794 at Lexington, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; died in 1842 at Stanford, Lincoln Co., Kentucky; married SARAH HAYS, daughter of Hays ; married second in 1826 at Stanford, Kentucky, MARY (PURNELL) HALL who was born June 20, 1793, or 1787, at Snow Hill, Maryland, died December 16, 1869 at Warrensburg, Missouri, daughter of William Purnell, or Pernell, and Susan Barbee ; farmer ; Whig ; Presbyterian ; resided in Lincoln Co., Kentucky. CHILDREN : 113. I. James, born in 1818 ; killed in the Mexican war in 1847. 114. II. Eliza Jane ; died unmarried about 1880 in Johnson Co., Missouri. By second marriage : 115. III. Daughter; died in infancy in Kentucky. 116. IV. William Purnell, born November 28, 1828 ; married Barbara Wilson Enlow.-j- 117. V. David McDowell, born in 1832 ; killed during the Civil war, 1862, in Johnson Co., Missouri; was unmarried. 118. VI. Mary Elizabeth, born February 8, 1834; married William Clark Blakey.+ 119. VII. John White, born September 23, 1840; married Mary Clark Divers. + 40. EPHRAIM Mcdowell GREENLEE 3 |DavidGreenlee^ SrE^^i^DTwell } son of David Greenlee and Jane White, was born August 6, 1796 [Bible record] at Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; died in Virginia; married MALINDA BECKLEHEIMER, bom in 1808 or 1809 in Virginia, died Decem- ber 17, 1897 at Chillicothe, Livingston Co., Virginia; resided in Virginia, then removed to Kentucky. She married second Davis. CHILDREN : Jane ; married James Chapman. Mary Frances, born May 6, 1828; married Cyrus Gray.+ Ephraim McDowell, born June 12, 1830 ; married Malvina Miller.4- 41. HANNAH McCLANAHAN GREENLEE* {iir4MlZf 'nt^n^ntX'n.^.u James Greenlee i 1 Mary E. McDowell i daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Paxton, was born December 14, 1812 at Greenlees Ferry, Rockbridge Co., Virginia ; died July 7, 1889 at Lexington, 120. I. 121. II. 122. III. 123. I. 124. II. 125. III. 126. IV. 127. V. 128. VI. 129. VII. JAMES OF VIRGINIA 241 Rockbridge Co., Virginia ; married May 24, 1832 at Greenlees Ferry, Virginia, JAMES DORMAN DAVIDSON, born November 7, 1808 at Lexington, Vir- ginia, died October 14, 1882 at Lexington, Virginia, son of Rev. Andrew Baker Davidson and Susan Dorman. CHILDREN : Charles Greenlee Davidson; died in infancy. Greenlee Davidson, born June 21, 1834; died May 3, 1863. Frederick Davidson, born March 18, 1836; died July 21, 1861. Charles Andrew Davidson ; died February 25, 1879. Albert Davidson; married Mrs. Henrietta Withers. + William Weaver Davidson ; died October 25, 1869. Mary Davidson, born February 1, 1849 ; died unmarried January 17, 1894. 130. VIII. Clara Davidson, born July 29, 1851 ; married Andrew Davidson Estill. + HANNAH MeCLANAHAN (GREENLEE) DAVIDSON will be remembered as a model wife and mother, and as a woman of most lovely character. Her uniform cheerfulness, her kindness of heart and of manner, her patience, courage, fidelity to duty and other kindred virtues were recognized and ap- preciated by all who knew her. Her experience called for their exercise for she had knovm much sorrow. The mother of six sons, she saw them and her husband buried. Three of her sons lost their lives in battle for their country. JAMES DORMAN DAVIDSON completed his education at Washington College, and soon began the practice of law in connection with his uncle. General Charles P. Dorman. He rose rapidly in his profession, and for more than fifty years practiced with a zeal which amounted to enthusiasm, and with such, diligence and ability as deserved and achieved great eminence and success. He was a warm friend of education, and as a member of the Board of Trustees of Washington and Lee University, as well as a private citizen, he always mani- fested great interest in this cause. As a man he was generous and kind, and charitable in word and deed, and he relieved the necessities of the poor with unstinted benevolence. GREENLEE DAVIDSON entered Washington College in September 1852 and took the degree of M. A. in June, 1855. In 1855-56 he was a law student at the University of Virginia, the study of which he completed at the "Lexing- ton Law School" under the tuition of Judge John W. Brokenbrough, in June, 1857. He at once commenced the practice of his profession in connection with his father, whose practice was one of the largest in the upper Valley. To the duties of his profession proper, he united the labors of a Master in Chancery. The records of both the courts of Rockbridge abound with evidence of his in- dustry, fidelity and ability. At this period of his career the Civil war com- menced. In May, 1861, Governor John Letcher, who had known him from his childhood, tendered him the post of Aide-de-Camp with the rank of Lieutenant 242 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Colonel of Cavalry, the duties of which office he discharged with zeal and ability, until February, 1862. Conscientiously impressed that it was his duty to go to the field, he, during the fall of 1861 and the winter of 1862, raised and equipped the "Letcher Light Artillery" of which he was elected Captain. Li February, 1862, his resignation as Aide-de-Camp was reluctantly accepted by the governor, and he entered upon his career of active soldier life. His battery was assigned to A. P. Hill's Division, Stonewall Jackson's Corps, and was first brought into action on Wednesday evening, the 26th of June, 1862, at Mechanicsville. This was the beginning of that great seven days' fight which culminated in Malvern Hill on the 2nd of July. From day to day he was en- gaged during that terrible conflict. It was, however, at Malvern Hill that his battery acted the most conspicuous part. His company was engaged at Cedar Mountain, Warrenton Springs, the second Manassas; participated in the en- suing Maryland campaign; was greatly distinguished at the capture of Harper's Ferry; under A. P. Hill was conspicuous in the contest at Boteter's Mill during the re-crossing of the Potomac ; and on the 23rd of December, 1862, closed the service of that eventful year at the great battle of Fredericksburg. With the exception of skirmishing along the lines, the Army of Northern Virginia had no serious engagement from the 23rd of December, 1862, until the 2nd of May, 1863. The campaign opened with Chancellorsville, a name deeply engraved upon the memory of the people of the Valley, and especially of the citizens of Eockbridge. On the 2nd of May the Letcher Artillery was conspicuously en- gaged. The battle Avas renewed on the 3rd, and victory was virtually won. The artillery was ordered to the rear to re-supply its expended ammunition, and an infantry charge was ordered to complete the rout of the enemy. Captain Davidson, under the inspiration of a soldier's pride and forgetful of personal danger, leaving his wearied company resting in the rear, returned with the infantry charge to the fighting line. His death wound was the result. FREDERICK DAVIDSON was educated at Washington College, and from there marched with the first contingent of troops that afterward formed the Stonewall Brigade. He fell at the first battle of Manassas. COLONEL CHARLES ANDREW DAVIDSON was educated at the Vir- ginia ^lilitary Institute, a graduate of the class of 1860. The beginning of hostilities foimd him pursuing his study of law at the University of Virginia, from which place he proceeded directly to the army. This prompt action was characteristic of the man as his after-life testified. He was commissioned by Governor Letcher a Lieutenant in the regular forces of Virginia, and assigned to the First Battalion, a command famed for bravery and hard fighting. He, with his troops were in the struggle from Manassas to Appomattox. As com- mander of the Irish Batallion in the Army of Northern Virginia, he was one of the immortal band that surrendered with Lee at Appomattox. He became eminent in his profession, and a leading citizen of Lexington. He was a member of the town council, a bank director, president of the old and historic Franklin Society, a literary association second to none in membership and scholarly attainments in the Commonwealth, an honored member of the Masonic fraternity, a leader in the Alumni of the Virginia Military Institute, a JAMES OF VIRGINIA. 243 foremost representative of the community in public and social hospitality and withal liberal in charity and benevolence. WILLIAM WEAVER DAVIDSON volunteered in the Letcher Artillery ■when he was a mere lad. A severe attack of camp fever unfitted him for active service. At the close of the war he entered the Virginia Military Institute, but had to leave before he had completed his course, on account of ill health. 42. MARY JANE GREENLEE * ! James Greenlee ' John Greenlee = JXLAAX OAnCi UAJliiJl^uxiiu iMaryPaxton Hannah McClanahan James Greenlee ' ) Mary E. McDowell 5 daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Paxton, was born February 25, 1814 at Greenlees Ferry, near Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; died March 15, or February 25, 1885 at Holly Springs, Marshall Co., Mississippi ; married March 27, 1834 in Rockbridge Co., Virginia, JOHN TATE FINLEY who was born November, 1801 at Greenville, Augusta Co., Virginia, died April 28, 1848 at Holly Springs, Mississippi, son of Samuel Finley. CHILDREN (eldest born in Virginia, others in Mississippi) : 131. I. George James Finley, born December 28, 1834; married Nannie R. Dunlop.+ Mary Virgina Finley, born November, 1836 ; unmarried, 1899. Emma Frances Finley, born July, 1839 ; died unmarried. Augusta Caroline Finley, born ^lay, 1841 ; married Major Lewis S. Scruggs of Holly Springs; died in 1887 leaving one son Finley Scruggs, who lives at Chicago. 135. V. John Samuel Finley, born June 20, 1844; married Elizabeth Hern- don Hull.+ JOHN TATE FINLEY moved to Marshall County, Mississippi in 1836, when the Chickasaw Indians were still in the country, and for several years Mrs. Finley was in constant fear lest they should steal her children. He bought a large tract of land east of Holly Springs, and became a successful cotton planter. He was a member of the Mississippi Legislature ; Whig ; Presbyterian. 44. SARAH ANN ELIZA GREENLEE ^ i James preenlee = John Greenlee = / Mary Paxton Hannah McClanahan James Greenlee ' | Mary E. McDowell j daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Paxton, was born December 16, 1819 in Rockbridge Co., Virginia; died June 1, 1872 and was buried in Falling Spring Church cemetery ; married April 28, 1840, JAMES L. WATSON who is buried at Falling Spring Church cemetery. 132. II. 133. III. 134. IV. 244 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : 136. I. John Greenlee Watson ; unmarried. 137. II. Mary Ellen "Watson ; married Thomas R. Gilmore.+ 138. III. Fannie Rebecca Watson; married Richard G. Hayden.+ 139. IV. Ann Augusta Watson; married John A. Kinnear.+ 140. V. James Joseph Watson ; died unmarried. He was in the employ of a railroad as night clerk, and was accidentally killed by the cars. JAMES L. WATSON after his marriage studied medicine and had a good practice. In religion, they were Presbyterian. JOHN GREENLEE WATSON was in the Confederate army during the civil war, and his health was so much impaired that he has never since been able to engage in active business except for a short time. He is a confirmed invalid and makes his home with his sister, Mrs. Gilmore. 45. MARTHA TRIMBLE GREENLEE * \ Jf™''^ ''■■««°'«« ' J°'"' ^J''.^"';?? ' ^ I Mary Paxton Hannab McClanahan James Greenlee ^ ( Mary E. McDowell 1 daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Paxton, was born April 20, 1823 at Greenlee's Ferry, near Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; married April 1, 1845 at Greenlee's Ferry, EBEN NELRUS DAVIS of Mississippi, who was born in North Carolina, died about 1883 aged 81 years in Marshall Co., Mississippi. CHILDREN : 141. I. William Greenlee Davis, born January 11, 1846; died July 13, 1847. 142. II. Eben Nelrus Davis, born July 18, 1847 ; unmarried. 143. III. Robert Charles Davis, born September 14, 1849; died August 6, 1850. 144. IV. John Pressley Davis, born October 23, 1851; unmarried. 145. V. Mary Elizabeth Davis, born July 28, 1853; married Charles G. Moseley.+ 146. VI. Ann Winifred Davis, born August 20, 1855 ; married Pressley Stanbock.-f- 147. VII. Emma Francis Davis, born May 9, 1857 ; died July 24, 1858. 148. VIII. Augusta Virginia Davis, born July 18, 1859; married Demps Brittenour; married second Robert T. Johnson; married third Clarence Forster Greenlee. + EBEN NELRUS DAVIS was an extensive cotton planter, and owned a fine estate five miles north of Holly Springs, Mississippi, which was well im- proved with a large brick residence, cotton gin, mill, barns, corn cribs, and cabins for the negroes. All were destroyed during the civil war, together with JAMES OF VIRGINIA 245 cotton then valued at one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The Union troops camped on the premises and destroyed everything they could not carry away. The family was left in destitute circumstances, with nothing but the farm, and most of the fencing destroyed. Mr. Davis lived only a few years after the war. After his death the family had a difficult struggle as the children were small and could not be of much assistance for several years. In politics he was a Democrat ; in religion, Presbyterian, then Methodist. WILLIAM PAXTON GREENLEE* ] iCrP^^ax^n'" ' SS^M^cClVnahan James Greenlee ' 1 * Mary E. McDowell J son of James Greenlee and Mary Paxton, was born May 16, 1825 near Lexing- ton, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; died October 22, 1900 aged 75 years, at Marshall, Missouri ; married November 6, 1850 at Lexington, Virginia, ELIZA HIZER FORSTER or FOSTER or Falllflg Spring, Virginia, who was born January 25, 1831 at New York City, died January 7, 1889 at Fayetteville, Johnson Co., Missouri, daughter of Joseph Forster and Eliza Gorson. He was a merchant and farmer ; in politics. Democrat, in religion, Cumberland Presbyterian. CHILDREN : 149. I. Mary Morgan, born August 11, 1851; married Dr. Elijah H. Miller.+ James Russell, born April 14, 1853 ; married Jessie E. Wilkins.+ Clarence Forster, born December 6, 1854 ; married Augusta Davis Johnson.4- Kate Paxton, born November 6, 1856 ; married Francis Divers.+ John Franklin, born April 15, 1859 in Missouri; unmarried. William Davis, born April 5, 1861 in Missouri; unmarried. Sarah Blanche, born April 23, 1863; married James William See.+ WILLIAM PAXTON GREENLEE lived on the old homestead after his marriage until 1857. He then moved to Johnson County, Missouri, and located on a farm ten miles from Warrensburg, the county seat. This continued his residence until 1891, when he rented his farm and moved to Marshall, Missouri. 47. RACHEL FRANCES PINKNEY GREENLEE * \ Jfa^y p?x?on"' ' John Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' I Hannah McClanahan Mary E. McDowell f daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Paxton, was bom August 7, 1829 ; mar- ried January 28, 1852 PRESTON T. LINK who was born in Augusta Co., Virginia; religion, Presbyterian. 150. II. 151. III. 152. IV. 153. V. 154. VI. 155. VII. 246 GEEENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: 156. I. James Greenlee Link. 157. II. Mary Link ; died in infancy. 158. III. Frank Link. 159. IV. Emma Link. 160. V. Jessie Link. 161. VI. Kate Link; died in infancy. 162. VII. William Link; druggist. 163. VIII. Charles Link; civil engineer. 164. IX. Annie Link. PRESTON T. LINK was a merchant in Lexington, Virginia at the time of his marriage. Several years later he removed to Richmond, Virginia, and has resided there ever since, most of the time a clerk. 54. DAVID ROBERT BARTON GREENLEE* ] Elnnah l oiilsby John Greenlee ' James Greenlee ^ I Hannah McClanahan Mary E. McDowell f son of David Greenlee and Hannah Ingram Grigsby, was born December 8, 1829 at Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia ; married December 26, 1871 at Wichita, Sedgwick Co., Kansas, MARY AMANDA (BOONE) GIFFORD born January 25, 1841 at Plymouth, Rutland Co., Ohio, daughter of Hezekiah Boone and Sarah A. Greene. CHILDREN : 165. I. Maud Grigsby, born June 9, 1874 ; married Wiley Morley. 166. II. Kate Thornton, born September 25, 1881. DAVID ROBERT BARTON GREENLEE was educated at Emory and Henry College, Virginia, and received his medical diploma from the University of Penn- sylvania in 1852. For several years he practiced his profession in Mercer County, West Virginia. Becoming tired of a country practice, he went to New Orleans, and there joined the company of General William Walker as surgeon, and went with him on a filibustering expedition to Nicaragua. After various military successes and many hardships, they were all captured by the United States Government for violating the neutrality laws. He afterward settled in Chicot County, Arkansas, where he followed his profession until 1861, when he ac- companied the First Arkansas Regiment to Virginia. From April, 1861 until May, 1865 he was with the army of northern Virginia. After the war he re- turned to Arkansas. In 1868 he went to Kansas and settled in Sedgwick County, where Wichita afterward sprung up. In 1885 he removed to Faulkner County, Arkansas. He resides at Mayflower and still follows his profession. He is a Royal Arch Mason, and a member of the Confederate Veterans; Democrat; Presbyterian. Nil. ():l. MUS. MARY ( OltKEXI.EE l McKEE. No. 56. SARAH ELIZABETH HAR- LAN GREENLEE. No. 1711. MAItV McllOWELL (GREEN- LEE I MARTIN. JAJIES OP \aRGINIA. 247 56. JAMES SAMUEL GREENLEE ^ \ ?,lV^:^\%T,Ly f^rnSTc'c^faLhan James Greenlee ^ I Mary E. McDowell 1 son of David Greenlee and Hannah Ingram Grigsby, was born May 30, 1834 near Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; died October 1, 1900 at Caldwell, Burleson Co., Texas and is buried in the Masonic cemetery at that place ; mar- ried September 19, 1865 at Martinsburg, Berkely Co., West Virginia, SARAH ELIZABETH HARLAN, born February 15, 1843 near Martinsburg, West Virginia, died May 9, 1877 at Breckenridge, Stephenson Co., Texas, daughter of Jehu Harlan and Nancy Evans; married second October 16, 1879 at Trenton, Tennessee LOUISA M. MARSHALL born January 23, 1840 at Fayetteville, Lincoln Co., Tennessee, died January 2, 1900 at Alvin, Texas, daughter of Rev. M. M. Marshall. CHILDREN : 167. I. Robert Harlan, born July 20, 1866 ; married Lillie Lee ; married second Lillian Ansley Hobbs.+ 168. II. Hannah IMcClanahan, born December 6, 1868 ; married Hugh Mont- rose Craig.+ 169. HI. Nancy Belle, born March 4, 1871 ; married John McCarthy. -|- 170. IV. Mary McDowell, born January 4, 1874 ; married John Martin ; Uvea at Purcell, I. T. 171. V. David, born January 5, 1877 ; died March 29, 1883. No children by second marriage living. JAMES SAMUEL GREENLEE 'S earliest recollection was of a fight he had with his teacher who whipped him for not studying his A B C 's. He did not want to go to school, but wanted to learn a trade as his taste was for mechanics. However his mother was ambitious that the boys should become professional men, and designed James for a preacher, and her will was law. So he went to school under protest until about seventeen years of age, when he realized the error of his position and began to desire an education with a view to the minis- try. In 1858 he graduated from Washington College (now Washington Uni- versity), Lexington, Virginia. After teaching school for one year he entered the Theological Seminary at Prince Edward. In 1861, before the close of the session, he left the Seminary to enter the army, and served almost constantly until the surrender. Twice his horse was shot from under him, and once a bul- let passed through his clothes. After the close of the war he returned to the Theological Seminary to complete his interrupted studies ; but soon his depleted finances forced him to again leave the Seminary and engage in teaching, which occupation he followed in Virginia and JIarj'land until 1870, when he emigrated to Kansas, taking up a homestead in Marion County. In 1876 he removed to Stephens County, Texas, where he received an appointment as Deputy County Surveyor of Stephens County, which he held until October, 1879, then removed to Trenton, Tennessee. He afterward returned to Texas and settled in New Lebanon County. In 1883 he was licensed to preach by the presbytery in 248 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Temple, Texas, and until within the last few years has been teaching and preaching in different localities in Texas. He has since lived on a farm near Alvin, Texas. In politics, he was a Whig, then Democrat. 61. I Job I Mary E. Greenlee Mary Mitchell JAMES HERVEY GREENLEE < ) John M. Greenlee ^ James Greenlee ^ James Greenlee ' I Mary B. McDowell f son of John Mitchell Greenlee and Mary E. Greenlee, was born August 23, 1811 at Turkey Cove, Burke (now McDowell) Co., North Carolina; died May 28, 1905 at Turkey Cove ; married January 31, 1844 in McDowell Co., North Caro- lina MARY JANE GREENLEE [No. 77] who was born July 8, or 7, 1822 near Marion, McDowell Co., North Carolina, died June 7, 1857 at Turkey Cove, daughter of David Washington Greenlee and Mary McEntire ; married second December 21, 1871 FRANCES B. MORRISON, born July 20, 1839 in Lincoln Co., North Carolina, daughter of Rev. William Newton Morrison and Sarah Varick Cozzens. CHILDREN : Mary Eliza, born January 23 or 25, 1845 ; died July 10, 1866. John Mitchel, born February 2, 1847; married Mary Tate.+ Martha Ann, born Jenuary 26, or 25, 1849 ; died December 8, 1887. David William, born Dec. 27, 1850 ; married Ella Finley.+ James Thomas, born November, 1852 ; died aged one and a half years. Ephraim Addison, born October, 1854 ; died aged eight years. Jane, born April 2, 1857 or 1856 ; died in infancy. JAMES HERVEY GREENLEE spent his youthful days on his father's farm, with the exception of the time he was in school which was very irregular. His parents had a place near Morganton, then the county seat of Burke County, where they spent a portion of their time, and then he attended school. When his parents went to their Turkey Cove farm he was left alone with the servants in order to pursue his studies. Thus he spent many weeks with not another white person around him, but he was always carefully watched over by the servants. It was finally concluded that he was too young to be left alone, so from then on his schooling suffered many interruptions. He afterward attended Washington College at Lexington, "Virginia, where he remained fifteen months, then returned to his father's farm, which he managed for a share of the pro- ducts. After two years spent in this capacity, he was given a farm by his father, but continued to make his home with his parents as long as they lived. Having been reared in a grand old southern home noted for kindness and hos- pitality, where not only friends and relatives but also strangers received a welcome, he grew up with those ideas and principles, and when he established a home of his own the latch string was always out. In 1861 Mr. Greenlee was a delegate to the state convention that took North Carolina out of the Union. While he did not approve of this act, thinking that 172. I. 173. II. 174. III. 175. IV. 176. V. 177. VI. 178. VII. No. (51. MI!. AXn MRS. .TAMES IIERVEY GKEEXLEE. No. 61. JAMES H. GREENLEE AND FIRST WIFE. WITH FOUl! OLDEST CHILDREN. JAMES OF VIRGINIA 249 there might be a better plan, still when his state went that way he went with her and did his part to help prepare for the conflict. Of slaves and slavery he had the following to say : "I had over thirty slaves — all good and faithful. I would often leave things in their charge and they took good care. Some could read and write a tolerably legible hand, and keep ordinary accounts. Some were members of the church, and I would gather them together on a Sabbath, read to them and instruct them about the future and their responsibility to their Maker. Some were impressed, others seemed unmoved. In this part of the country slaves were well treated, fed, and clothed. There was probably some rigid treatment where there were large numbers on a plantation, and where it required rigid treatment to keep all straight and in their places. I do not think emancipation has been such a boon for the colored race in this land. What would they have been in their native land — Africa ? I never was a great advocate of slavery, but I believe that the question of slavery, if justice and righteousness had ruled, could have been more satisfactorily adjusted, without the loss of the thousands of precious lives and the millions of money." The following is a copy of a letter written to Mr. Greenlee while absent from home, by his chief slave: "Turkey Cove, March 24, 1865. Master — Sir : I will write you a few lines to let you know that we are all well at present, except George; he is complaining some since he came home. I started the wagon the 14th of this month with a load to you what I thought they could haul, but they broke down before they got to the river and then was water- boTind for several days and had to come home and started again last Monday from home and met George there. He went to Muddy Creek and came back and said that he was not well enough to take the wagon on and John went in his place, and Tag is working in John's place. I do not know what they hauled. I sent 53 pieces of bacon to Miss Sallie, weighed 900 lbs., 22 hams, 12 shoulders, 13 midlings. I reckon John and Madison took what they thought they could get along with. Last Wednesday, the 22nd, the Tories came and paid us another visit, but as Providence would have it, they got nothing. They came at noon day. Jiff and Isaac were hauling some wood with the black mare and Jinny and I had borrowed Milford Huskins mule to haul with that day and had hauled a few loads ; when they came we were loosing out to feed and they run to the stable and made Isaac take out the mare and mule and they mounted them with the gears on and took Isaac with them. Threw down the fence and went up through the new ground up Pinks Branch, but Captain Gilliam hap- pened to be at the old store with a few men when the alarm was made and they followed them and fired on them in the Tobacco patch. The Tories jumped off their horses let them and Isaac all go and cleared themselves. The same even- ing the same scamps went to Hallefield and took his mare out of the plough, then went to his father's and took his saddle and his boy's hat and went on. I did not see them at all. I was at the mill and saw the men run up from the store and I ran up to the house to see what was on foot. But the Tories were gone. They came in on the blind side of us. This time they came down the ridge to the shops. Liander and Carson were there at work at their wagon 250 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. wheels and the first thing they knew were at the shops. Elijah Waeaster was in the crowd as guide for them through the mountains; some of them were there before. I do not know what we will do. We can't do nothing here for the Tories. If our horses had been at home they would have taken them all if those men had not been there. Capt. Carson has come back with some of his men, but they are in the North Cove and there is no man guarding in the Turkey Cove at all. I would be very glad if you would come home and see about things. K. C. Burgess was here some time ago and wanted to know the amount of pork we killed. Some person ought to come and take the tallig off the bacon before the Tories steal it. I do not know what we will do. I must close saying that you must do the best you can and we will do the same. All the black people send "howdy" at you and the children Charles, Emeline, Alvin and Mariah. Farewell, in haste, I remain as ever. WARWICK GREENTjEE. ' ' Addressed to Mr. James H. Greenlee, Davidson College, N. C." The slaves were all very much attached to Mr. Greenlee and after they were free would always visit him when they came near. Mr. Greenlee was an elder in the Presbyterian church for sixty years, from August 30, 1845. He was one of the principal contributors in building and sup- porting Turkey Cove Church, organized May 30, 1886. He gave liberally of his means to all religious causes, both home and foreign. The furnishing of a room in the new Seminary at Richmond dedicated to his mother was among the last of his benefactions. Physically robust, he was more so mentally and when in congenial company was interesting and instructive in his conversation. He retained all his facul- ties and was only troubled during his last years by dulness of the sense of hearing. He was blessed with wonderful eyesight and memory, was very studious and spent the greater part of his later life in reading. In the summer of 1904, he with his son and family took quite an extensive mountain trip, very tedious and rough, but he was in remarkable spirits and pronounced the affair one of the most enjoyable of all his life. He had plan- ned another for the following year and had engaged his drivers and cook. Although well read, interested and in touch with public matters he did not participate therein, other than in the capacity of a sturdy citizen. He was a very active man and always transacted his business in person. It was while he was on a trip to Johnson City to buy horses that he was stricken with paralysis, but he retained his mental faculties unclouded until a few hours- before the end. He died in his 94th year at his Turkey Cove farm, within sight of the place where he first saw the light. There are two striking things to mark his character. First his determination to do right. If a thing seemed right in his mind it was marked for accomplish- ment and the whole force of his indomitable will and wonderful vitality was brought to bear upon it. The other was his deep reverence for God, for his house, his worship, his service. When he was too ill to make himself under- stood by those who watched him, he could be heard to utter one continual 1^^-^ No. Gl. JAMES IIERVEY OREEXI.EE. (At the age of 97.) FANNY MORRISON CREENLEE, Second wife of .Tames Ilerve.v (ii-eenlee. RESIPENCE (IF .lA.MIOS IlAIiVEV I UtKKNI.EE. WOOHLAWN. N, C. JAMES OF VIRGINIA. 251 prayer. He lived the "simple life" in its truest sense and left an impress and example which appeals to all good men even in the rush and turmoil of modern progress. IIARY JANE GREENLEE was received into the Presbyterian Church of S'eloan, of which her parents were members, in September, 1846, and from that time until the day of her death she adorned the profession of the Gospel by her life. HANNAH ANN ELIZA GREENLEE* IJ^il"^- S"^°i^«' J,r''^rS°lr' ( Mary E. Greenlee Mary Mitchell James Greenlee ^ \ Mary E. McDowell j daughter of John Mitchell Greenlee and Mary E. Greenlee, was born January 26, 1815 at Turkey Cove, Burke Co., North Carolina; died January 5, 1849 at Burnsville, Yancey Co., North Carolina ; married October 13, 1835 at Turkey Cove, North Carolina SAMUEL FLEMMING, born September 27, 1810 or 1813 at Frederick, Maryland, or Canton, Ohio. He was a farmer, merchant and member of the Legislature ; Democrat ; Presbyterian ; resided at Turkey Cove and in Yancey County. CHILDREN : 179. I. John Alexander Flemming, born August 22, 1836 ; died unmarried July, or June 30, 1864. He was a colonel in the Confederate army, 49th North Carolina Regiment and was killed at the battle of Petersburg. 180. II. Mary W. Flemming, born September 25, 1838; married John G. Yancey. + 181. III. James Greenlee Flemming, bom September 20, 1843; died immar- ried September 17, 1862. He was a lieutenant in the Confederate army, Co. A, 49th North Carolina Regiment ; killed at Sharpsburg, Virginia. 182. IV. "William "Woodville Flemming, born April 1, 1846; married Ella Mary Ralston. + 183. V. Samuel Hannah Flemming, born January 5, 1849 ; married Mary Louise Mockbridge.+ 64. JAMES AUGUSTUS GREENLEE * rSamnelM. Greenlee = James Greenlee = ( Minerva K. Sackett Marv Mitchell James Greenlee ' ) Mary E. McDowell J son of Samuel Mitchell Greenlee and Minerva Keziah Sackett, was born March 26, 1825, married December 21, 1847 AUGUSTA MINERVA DENISON, who was born December 13, 1825, daughter of Leonard Denison and Phebe Augusta Ely. Resided in Linville, North Carolina. She married second, March 2, 1859, Samuel Ellis. 252 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : 184. I. Amelia Denison, born December 24, 1848; married October, 1865, Enoch Floyd Barnum; living (1881) at Sauk Rapids, Minnesota. 185. II. Elizabeth Denison, born September 22, 1850 ; married September 22, 1869, Charles Gideon Wood; living (1881) at Sauk Rapids. 66. EMILY AMELIA GREENLEE * { fcva*'rs"icke« SyM^ltchelr ' James Greenlee ' ) Mary B. McDowell J daughter of Samuel Mitchell Greenlee and Minerva Keziah Sackett, was born January 11, 1829 at Morganton, Burke Co., North Carolina; died September 29, 1883 at Morganton, North Carolina ; married October 28, 1856 at Morganton, / ^1 North Carolina CHRISTOPHER HAPPOLDT, born November 27, ,1878 at Charleston, South Carolina, died October 10, 1878 at Vieksburg, Mississippi, son of Christopher David Happoldt and Sarah Elizabeth Marlen. CHILDREN : 186. I. Minerva Happoldt, born August, 1858 ; married Donald McKenzie. 187. II. Lucy Happoldt, bom January 10, 1860. 188. III. Mary Happoldt, born December 4, 1864; married Samuel Mitchell Greenlee. -|- 189. IV. Sarah Elizabeth Happoldt, born September, 1867 ; married Adolph Dinklespiel. DR. CHRISTOPHER HAPPOLDT was a native of South Carolina. When a boy he attracted the attention and eventually won the friendship of the learned Dr. Bacheman who directed his early education. He began the study of medi- cine in Charleston but ultimately spent a number of years in France and Ger- many under the tuition of the leading physicians of the day. Soon after his return he took charge of the Charleston Medical Journal and displayed such ability in conducting it that he became a high authority with doctors and especially with medical writers. A few years after his marriage he removed to Morganton, where he resided, with the exception of about two years, until his death. He nobly lost his life by going to the yellow fever suffereres at Vieks- burg, Mississippi in 1878. 67. EPHRAIM EDWARD GREENLEE * / Samuel Greenlee > James Greenlee « XiX-nibAUU LaU^jajs-U UArifinijfiJZi | Minerva K. Sackett Mary Mitchell James Greenlee ^ 1 Mary E. McDowell j son of Samuel Greenlee and Minerva Keziah Sackett, was born November 16, 1830 at Morganton, Burke Co., North Carolina ; died April 28, 1886 at Arling- ton Shelby Co., Tennessee ; married January 13, 1852 at Morganton, North Caro- MRS. SAItAU 1IAK1,I:.\ llAri'dLliT. H CUIflSTIAN IJAVIU HAPPOLDT. No. i;l4. I.KONOUA (.iiilOENLEK. Nu. «6. I)H. CIIUISTOPIIER HAl'- POI.IIT. JAMES OF VIRGINIA 253 lina SARAH LOUISA BUTLER, bom October 7, 1833 in Burke Co., North Caro- lina, daughter of William Claiborne Butler and Margaret Allison Tate. Had daughter. 190. I. Minerva Allison, born June 20, 1853 who married Colonel Thomas Spraggins Galla-way.+ EPHRAIIM EDWARD GREENLEE served in the civil war in Company D, Ballentine's Regiment, Cosby 's Brigade, Jackson's Division Cavalry of the Department of Mississippi and Louisiana. He lived in or near Morganton, North Carolina until Janaury, 1861, when he removed to Tennessee and settled about twenty-tive miles from Memphis, on land that was part of a grant to James Greenlee. He was a planter and merchant; in politics, Democrat; in religion, Presbyterian. Mrs. Greenlee resides at Somerville, Tennessee. 69. ALEXANDER SACKETT GREENLEE ^ { ftZr^,%%^t^:,, HrrTmtll'^r ' James Greenlee ' ) Mary E. McDowell ' / son of Samul Mitchell Greenlee and Minerva Keziah Sackett, was born Janu- ary or November 11, 1834 at Morganton, Burke Co.. North Carolina; married May 8, or 5, 1857 ELIZABETH C. GLASS, born January 8, 1837 at Morgan- ton, North Carolina, died August 4, 1897 or 1896 at Mason, Tennessee, daughter of FVank Patton Glass and Margret Dysart. Planter ; Democrat ; Presbyterian ; resided in Mason, Tennessee. CHILDREN: 191. I. Frank Patton, born August 9, 1858; married Miss Lizzie L. Shelton. Samuel Mitchell, born July 20, I860; married Mary Happoldt.-|- Minerva Sackett, bom June 29, 1865 or October 11, 1863 ; married before February 27, 1899, Jeff Glass. Alexander Sackett, born June 20, 1865. Ephraim Edward, born June 29, 1868; unmarried (1899). Fred Allen, born April 15, 1871; unmarried (1899). James Lafayette, born October 7, 1874, or 1878 ; died August 7, 1898. 198. VIII. David Glass, born October 13, 1877 at Morganton ; unmarried ; merchant ; Democrat ; Presbyterian ; resided in Texas, Tennessee and Arkansas. 199. IX. Margaret E., born September 13, or 23, 1880; unmarried (1899). 70. GEORGE ELISHA GREENLEE * I ?a""^' Gr«enlee = James Greenlee » ( Minerva K. Sackett Mary Mitchell James Greenlee ^ \ Mary E. McDowell / son of Samuel Mitchell Greenlee and Minerva Keziah Sackett, was born January 12, 1837 at Morganton, Burke Co., North Carolina ; married January 1, 1873 at 192. II. 193. III. 194. IV. 195. V. 196. VI. 197. VII. 200. I. 201. II. 202. III. 203. IV. 204. V. 205. VI. 206. VII. 254 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Grassy Creek, Mitchell Co., North Carolina, JANE ELIZABETH McKINNEY, bom December 20, 1851 at Bakersville, ilitchell Co., North Carolina, died Au- gust 4, 1890 at Bakersville, daughter of Merritt McKinney and Susannah Washburn. CHILDREN: Ada K., born November 29, 1873; unmarried. Henrietta S., born May 28, 1875; unmarried. Ida E., born October 26, 1876 ; unmarried. Eva M., born September 17, 1878; unmarried. Maggie Z., born July 12, 1880 ; died December 14, 1882. Samuel, bom March 7, 1887. M. DeWitt, born January 10, 1889 ; died July 13, 1889. GEORGE ELISHA GREENLEE lost his parents when he was about twelve years old and he was placed in the care of his guardian, Governor Fred. Cald- well. He attended Bingham school in Orange County, North Carolina; also schools at Olin, Asheville and Morganton, North Carolina. He fought in the civil war as a private. After losing all his negroes and everything except his land, he settled in Mitchell County, North Carolina. His three oldest daughters were educated at Greenlee, North Carolina high school, but were prevented from entering college by the illness of their mother. His eldest daughter is teach- ing (1899), the third daughter is in a training school for nurses in Morganton, North Carolina, and the youngest has been educated at Asheville and Greens- boro, North Carolina. In politics, he is a Democrat; in religion, Methodist; resides at Mica, Mitchell County, North Carolina. 72. JOHN HOWARD GREENLEE ^ {|Ph-™ ^'^Green.ee 3 Jfa"?rA?Uche'.r ' James Greenlee ^ ) Mary B. McDowell / son of Ephraim M. Greenlee and Sarah Carr Howard, was born September 25, 1815; died June 25, 1876; married January 21, 1845 MARTHA MATILDA GREENLEE [No. 76] born January 17, 1820. died December 31, 1897. daugh- ter of David Washington Greenlee and Mary McEntire. No children. 74. CAPTAIN JAMES McENTIRE GREENLEE * { Sary^^cEntire "^ ' James Greenlee " James Greenlee ^ \ Mary Mitchell Mary E. McDowell J son of David Washington Greenlee and Mary McEntire, was born October 26, 1816 at Greenlee, McDowell Co., North Carolina ; died January 19, 1891 at Greenlee, North Carolina; married ANN ELIZA MORRIS who was born at Rutherfordton, North Carolina; married second September 19, 1843 at Clarion, McDowell Co., North Carolina HARRIET RICE, born September 21, 1820 at 207 I. 208. II. 209. III. 210. IV. 211. V. 212. VI. JAMES OF VIRGINIA. 255 East Charlemont, Franklin Co., Massachusetts, died September 22, 1894 at Greenlee, North Carolina, daughter of Leonard Rice and Charlotte Billings. CHILDREN : Thomas William ; died in infancy. David James, born September 2, 1837 ; married Mary Burgin. Mary Charlotte, born April 29, 1845 ; married Colonel Thaddeus D. Bryson; died November 25, in Charleston, South Caro- lina ; had daughter Hattie Bryson, who died aged 15 or 16 years. Martha Matilda, born December 7, 1846 ; died in infancy. Harriet Eliza, born December 10, 1848 ; married John C. Bro^vn. Ephraim Leland, born February 14, 1851 ; married Katharine Dover. -j- 213. VII. Edward Thomas, born November 11, 1858; married Minnie Coney. -|- 214. VIII. Leonora, born November 22, 1863 ; unmarried. JAMES McENTIRE GREENLEE was born at the old homestead, near the centre of what is now the village of Greenlee. While still a mere lad he was sent to eon his Latin and Greek at Washington and Lee University, and soon: after leaving college he married pretty Anne ilorris, a belle of Rutherford County. "Settling down" into the staid role of a gentleman farmer was a slow process. For the young couple life was chiefly a frolic, until the young wife died. Mr. Greenlee's second wife was Harriet Rice of East Charlemont, Massachusetts. A daughter of Puritans and of Mt. Holyoke College, she at first found it somewhat difficult to adapt herslf to surroundings in the South, whither she had been sent to nurse a sick mother, remaining afterward to teach in the Murphy neighbor- hood. The cloud of civil war was already upon the horizon, and her parents were much grieved that she should marry a slaveholder. However, when the storm burst she gave her support to the lost cause, though her brothers fought upon the other side. When the war closed Mr. Greenlee determined to mend his broken fortune in the gold fields of California. To go back to her old home among the abolitionists was a bitter draught for his wife, but was better than braving the horrors of reconstruction alone; so the four or five years of her husband's absence she spent in teaching in ^Massachusetts. It is related of her that she taught northern histories of the civil war with very lively note and comment. In her early life she had steadily contemplated life in foreign mission fields, but as she said she "found her work in the South." She and her two elder daughters were among the first southern gentlewoman to acept positions in the public schools. Such work had been considered menial by women of their social status, and the teachers hitherto employed had been greatly lacking in manners, morals and education. "These young Greenlees had to be taught," she was wont to say, as her children, with a troop of cousins, gathered about her, "and gradually I drifted into the other work." Her talent for teaching was inherited by her daughter, Harriet Eliza, who was founder of Greenlee School, bequeathed at her death to the Presbyterian Church. This daughter died in the prime of life, a sacrifice to the unsparing energy which prompted her to ceaseless efforts far beyond her strength. 256 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. THADDEUS D. BRYSON was a colonel in the civil war, and for twenty years a legislative member from Swain County. It was largely through his in- fluence and efforts that the Southern railway was finally built from Asheville on through western North Carolina. 75. THOMAS YOUNG GREENLEE * { ,^Ji;yijrcE''J?-'- ' ifa^rMTtfh^elr ' James Greenlee ^ ) Mary E. McDowell ) son of David Washington Greenlee and Mary McEntire, was born Januarj^ 8, 1818 near Marion Co., (part of Burke Co. until 1844) North Carolina; married December 31, 1839 near Marion, North Carolina, :\IARGARET RUTH LOGAN, bom December 21, or 27, 1821 near Marion, North Carolina, died June 13, 1885 near Marion, daughter of John Logan and Rebecca Patton. CHILDREN : 215. I. James Logan, born October 24, 1840 ; died, unmarried, September 30, 1862 near Upperville, Virginia. John Patton, born December 18, 1842 ; unmarried. Margaret Rebecca, born March 26, 1846 ; married Robert A. Tatft Mary Matilda, born October 9, 1855 ; married Edward Jonea Burgin.-|- 219. V. William Harvey, born August 15, I860; married Kate Young Hemphill. 220. VI. Robert Lee, born December 3, 1863 at Marion ; unmarried. He is a civil engineer and lives at Marion. 221. VII. Lillian Logan, born September 12, 1865 ; married Hugh A. Tate. THOMAS YOUNG GREENLEE was a great hunter in his boyhood days. He often went upon the mountains with his dogs at daylight, drove a big buck into the river, killed him and was home with him in time for breakfast. He would tramp the woods all day shooting squirrels and kill as many as half a dozen little negroes could carry home. In 1844 McDowell County was separated from Burke and made a new county. Since that time he has had more or less to do with the countj^ government and has held almost every office at one time or another. He served as county surveyor for thirty-three years and has surveyed the whole county, mountains and all. He has also surveyed a good deal of Burke, Yancey, ilitchell and Rutherford counties. He owned about seventy slaves — good and faithful servants all of them. Several have lived with him as renters for years. When the civil war broke out his oldest son came home from Davidson College and, with his brother, who was only seventeen years old, joined the Confederate army. The second son was wounded at the battle of Seven Pines and was sent home for a while, then taken prisoner at Petersburg and laj^ in prison six months at Point Look- out. The eldest son, James Logan Greenlee, was wounded at the second battle 216. II. 217. III. 218. IV. 1 JAMES OF VIRGINIA 257 of Manassas. We give below some interesting letters written by him while in camp: Camp near Yorktown, Va., April 24, 1862. Dear Father : — I suppose that you begin to think that I have been very long about writing home. I know that you are all anxious to hear from us. John wrote to you by Merit Burgin from Richmond. Since I parted from you at the head of the road, I have seen much, traveled far and learned much. We did not reach our regi- ment till Monday, two weeks precisely from leaving Marion. We were detained in Salisbury until Saturday morning and would not have gotten away then but for an extra train going to Raleigh. There are at present about 1800 Yankee prisoners in Salisbury. It was very amusing to hear the remarks of some of our boys about them, such as "Why they are just like our men," "They are as big men as we" and such like. It took us three days to get from Salisbury to Raleigh. The cars run off the track on Sunday biat providentially no one was killed, though the cars were full of troops, and a good many were bruised up over the rocks and cross ties. Luckily for us, we were about midway the train and our car did not rim off although all before it did. When I jumped out of the cars the men were scrambling over each other, and such a babel of cursing, groaning and laughing I never heard before. We staid one night in Raleigh sleeping in box cars on planks. I thought then that it was a very hard disagreeable bed, but I have since learned that it was quite a comfortable place. We left Flemming's Company in Raleigh. John has a first rate Company and will make a good Captain. We came from Raleigh to Richmond in one day, landing in Richmond in the night. We were marched off to the quarters pre- pared for the Accommodation of Soldiers, the St. Charles Hotel, a large and capacious house (a perfect hog pen for filth and dirt) ; here we had excellent fare, prepaid for us. consisting of bacon, seemingly ten years old, and as strong as Sampson, bakers bread as porous as a sponge and peas scarcely fit to be given to swine, all these cooked by the ton and without washing. Those of us who had money boarded at the hotels and restaurants, while we staid in Rich- mond, which was three days and nights. Richmond is a very large city. It seems as if all the people in the Southern Confederacy had collected in this place. One may see thousands on the streets in a few hours. Nearly every man here is a soldier or pretends to be. For all there is so much to be seen in the Capital of our new-born confederacy ; yet I never was so tired of any place in my life. Richmond is much larger than I had any idea of. It is the dirtiest place (with the exception of Petersburg), that I have ever been in; it is a perfect den of extortion. The citizens seem to think of nothing, nothing, and care for nothing but cheating the poor soldiers out of their wages ; with few exceptions they are worse enemies to their country than the Yankees. The authorities would not permit us to go on to our regiments, although several trains left Rich- mond daily for Fredericksburg empty. We thought strange of it then, but have since learned the cause of our detention. The troops were at the time falling back from the Rapahannock. The cause of this move I do not know but suppose 17 258 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. that it seemed necessary in the wisdom of our Generals or it would not have been made. We left Richmond in the cars on Sunday and went to Ashland, 18 miles from Richmond. They halted us here and we staid all night in the stables. Our regiment landed about midnight and we joined them the next morning. We received marching orders that same evening and to prepare three days rations, but we did not march till Wednesday about one o 'clock. We were not allowed to take anything but what we could carry on our backs. We all shouldered our muskets (leaving a guard and the sick in camp), and marched off for Richmond. We marched that night till about nine o'clock, then halted, rolled up in our blankets, lay down and slept soundly until 2i/2 o'clock, when they roused us to continue our march. We struck out for Richmond through the mud. We got to Richmond at three o 'clock, having left a good many of our men on the road. I was extremely tired when we arrived but not quite gave out. We met with Capt. Neal and his recruits and Brateher Hemphill. The next morning our regi- ment was put on board a boat on the James River and struck down the river. I like steamboat traveling first rate, although I suppose it is not so pleasant rid- ing on the deck of a flat boat crowded with men and baggage, as it is in a good cabin. The scenery on James River is beautiful. The river is from two to three and four miles wide. We landed about 120 miles from Richmond, as soon as the stragglers could be collected, we struck oiit for Yorktown. This march headed everything I ever saw. We could get no water except out of ponds and puddles. We were tired out with fatigue and want of sleep. Men were falling out all along the road and lying down to sleep. Before we halted (which we did about an hour by sun in the Peninsular about two miles from Yorktown), more than 200 men were missing out of our regiment. I never was so tired and sleepy in my life. When we halted to rest at daylight, I sat down on a log beside the road, placed my face in my hands and went to sleep, and slept so soundly that the noise of another regiment passing failed to wake me, and I did not know that it had passed until the next day. John stood the march first rate, better than I had expected, and slept all day. Sunday we were ordered to the in- trenchment two or three miles from our camp. This was the most miserable place I ever saw. It is in a swamp naturally wet, but at this time flooded with water. At night we had to keep two-thirds of the men vij> all the time. Sunday night an alarm was given and we all pitched into the ditches musket in hand. It was dark as Egypt ; several volleys were fired into the darkness but the enemy did not advance. I did not fire as I had nothing to shoot at. Tuesday we returned to camps. We have not had any tents (except one night), since we left Ashland. Firing is constantly going on between our pickets and those of our enemy. A man or two is killed almost every day on each side. Our pickets are in sight of the ditches and the enemy are in sight of them. The boom of cannon is to be heard every few minutes of almost every day. It has become so common that the discharge of musketry, or the roar of the cannon is not noticed. I have run on writing until my paper has almost given out. John and I are both well at present and getting along first rate. We are getting used to camp life ; we left several of our boys at Ashland sick, but those who have come to us since say that they are all getting well. Dave Gibbs is in our mess; tell his folks that he and Charles are well. You must all write to us. Direct vour letters to Richmond, in the care of JAMES OF VIRGINIA. 259 Capt. A. Burgin, Co. R, 22 Reg. N. C. T. My love to all at home & give my best respect to all my friends ; tell all to write to us. Camps are a bad place to write ; I have no place to write except my knee. You must write to me immediately. Farewell. I will write again as soon as I can. Your son, J. L. G. Camp near James River, 2 miles below Richmond, July 7, 1862. Dear Sister: — I received your letter some time since while the battles were going on. I have had very little time for writing before now. I wrote you a short letter from Richmond by David Gibbs. Since that time I saw the hardest times that I ever saw in my life. The most terrible fighting of the war has taken place since that time. I have been through every bit of it. I do not know how I have stood up to all the fatigue of this campaign, whilst the stoutest men have given way beneath it. I was determined to see it out as long as I could crawl, and the resolution kept me up. I suppose I have been in every battle and have come out unhurt. Providence must have watched over me and protected me whilst my friends were falling thick around. "We have whipped the Yankees, but our loss is heavy. Many of our best and bravest men are killed or wounded. We left our camp below Richmond on Wednesday the 28th of June and have been marching and fighting ever since until last Saturday night, when we arrived at the camp worn out and over-tired with fatigue and over-exertion. "We are within range of the enemy's gunboats on James River, if they had a mind to shell us, but I suppose that they have work enough to do now in carry- ing their men and baggage out of danger. It has been a glorious victory for our country. McClellan has been completely routed and his vast and fine army driven like sheep before us, with immense loss of baggage, provisions, arms, men and all the other munitions of war. Some say that they have 7000 Yankee pris- oners now in Richmond, with two Major Generals and four Brigadier Generals. The loss in our company is very heavy, and they are our best and bravest. I do not see, however, how in the world it is as small as it is. "We did not have more than 25 men in our Company when we went into the first fight. The rest were either sick or detailed off on various duties. There is a list of the killed and wounded in the various fights. On Thursday. June 6th, killed, none ; wounded, George "W. Lackey, leg broke by a shell below the knee, he will probably recover. A. B. Copeland, thigh broke by a shell ; I think he must die. Dick McFarland, in the hand and leg, not severely. Frank Condey, in the head, not severely. Rob- ert Right, in the shoulder, severe but not dangerous. On June 27th, killed, "William Burgin Corp. Mortally wounded, George "W. Burgin. "Wounded : Robert McCoy, in the hip ; not dangerous. Monday, June 20th, killed : Larkin A. Morris, Robert Duncan and David Lavender. "Wounded : John "Wood, in leg very slightly. Missing, supposed to be killed ; Steven McKinney. Nearly half of the men that were with us were either killed or wounded. I could write a volume to you but have not time nor paper now. I wrote to David on Friday after the first two battles; tell him to write to me immediately and to keep that letter, as I may want to see it again, as it was written under fire of Yankees. 260 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. I have escaped very well. One ball passed through my haversack, and a spent ball struck my leg, but did not hurt me any more than if I had been struck by a small rock. The bark frequently spattered into my face from trees struck by balls. The men say I am too little to be hurt. I have seen Joe Neal and Marion Higgins, but have not seen John or Greenlee Fleming yet. They were in the battle on Tuesday. John was slightly wounded. Steve is well I heard by Joe Burgin. He came to me Sunday but cut out when the fight began Monday. Tell Uncle Jim to write to me. I am very anxious to hear from John. This is Yankee paper and a Yankee envelope. I enclose you an envelope and paper which I found in a Yankee letter that some man 's wife had sent him to write back on. Write at once to your brother. J. L. Greenlee. Camp near Richmond, July 19, 1862. Dear Father : — I promised in my letter to Becky to write you a full account of the late battles around here, so far as I was a participant in them. But first I will say that my health has been very bad since the battles, although I have not been oflf duty at any time. I have got the Yellow Jaimdiee now. It is the meanest, sick- enest disease I ever had in my life. It is impossible to describe one's feelings when they have it. Steve has been very sick for several days ; he is getting a little better. On Tuesday, June 25th, we received orders to march at 5 o 'clock P. M. The enemy seem to have determined to hurry us a little, so about the time we were ready to fall in, they commenced shelling. The shell would burst in the air over us and scatter the pieces everywhere ; one struck a tree in our camp low down, and another bursted into the 16th Regt., which was camped just behind us, but happily did no harm. After 5 o'clock our Brigade took up the line of march. Our Brigade consists of 16th, 22nd, 34th and 38th Regts., N. C. troops, under command of General Pender. We marched that night until about nine o'clock, then encamped and remained there till 3 o'clock next evening, ready to fall in at any moment. Thursday about 3 o'clock in the evening we started, and crossed the Chickahomig on the Meadow bridge. The enemy had been driven away from this bridge on the evening before by a party of our men. As soon as we had crossed the creek we began to see evidences of the presence of the Yankees in the shape of cabins, tents, breastworks, blankets, &c. We crossed the bottom and when we reached the uplands, filed to the right through the fields. After we had gone near a half a mile the Yankees opened a battery on us with shell and round shot. We advanced under this fire to Mechanicsville without losing a man although many of the shell passed very close to us and kept the men dodging all the time. When we came to Mechanicsville we passed through by the right flank, then about faced and marched back through. Here were the first dead and wounded men that I saw. They had been killed by shell and belonged to another regiment. The houses were badly torn up and they were fixing them up as hospitals. Just after passing Mechanicsville a shell exploded in the Company just before ours and wounded four men. We had to step over them as we went on. The Yankees gradually withdrew their battery as we ad- vanced and added new guns, our artillery replied to them. We advanced until JA]\IES OF VIRGINIA 261 ■we came to a deep wooded hollow ; in this there was a whole brigade lying own to shelter themselves from the cannon. We halted and lay down also, and now the cannonading was redoubled ; the balls, shell and grapeshot flew over us in a hurry, striking the trees and cutting off the limbs, but I did not see any men struck while we lay there. As we came out of this woods and were passing through a corn field, the first man was wounded in our company ; it was George Lackey. He was my left hand man. A piece of shell struck his leg and broke it in two. George is a good soldier and brave. There was no time for dodging now ; the shot was too thick. When we came to the end of the woods we found a Virginia Regiment drawn up at the edge of the woods in a line of battle ; we formed just behind them. They then advanced into the woods and commenced firing. Presently here they came out in considerable confusion and began to form before us ; our Colonel called out to them to form behind us and let us go in. We advanced into a thicket, and a thicket it was; when we had gone a short distance (it was uphill and pretty steep), Copeland was wounded, he was struck by grapeshot and his thigh shattered all to pieces. I turned my head when I heard him cry out with pain and saw Lieut. Burgin catch him in his arms as he fell. Lieut. Burgin was at this time in command of the Company. The Cap- tain was taken very sick that morning and we left him. Charlie ordered some one to take Copeland out. John Burgin and George immediately took hold of him. Copeland was directly behind me, and I do not see how the shot struck him and missed me. There was a Virginia Regiment in here ahead of us ; they were firing to the front but the smoke was so thick that it was impossible to see anything. The balls and grape were coming in thick, shaving the leaves and striking the trees. But I think the enemy were a long way off, for the rifle balls were all nearly spent before reaching us. Prank Condry was struck hard enough in the mouth to make it bleed a little. The stragglers from the regiment ahead of us broke our line so in passing through that we had to fall back to the field and form again and then advance again — passed the Virginia Regiment and on down the hill through the thicket imtil we came to the edge of a meadow covered with tall grape ; here we halted for some time. Presently a tall young officer came up behind us and asked what regiment it was; several of us said "22 N. C." "Forward then in the name of God" said he, "The General says forward." Some of the men started, but the officers stopped them. He then rushed to the front, dashed into the swampy grape, waved his sword and shouted "Forward." Some of the men asked for the Colonel. Colonel Connor then came to the front and walked up to the stranger and said, "I command this regiment, Sir." The stranger bowed and said, "Very well. Sir, the Yankees are just over there in the woods, if I can be of any service to you I will do any- thing I can." The Colonel then drew his sword, turned to us and said "Come on, men." The meadow was about 75 yards wide ; we plunged into the meadow in some places nearly knee-deep in mud and water ; in a few steps we fell in a ditch ; the front men scrambled out and those behind jumped over, and on we went. When we got to the edge of the woods on the other side, we found a wide ditch full of water in front of us. The stranger crossed the ditch by a small pole and shouted, "Come on, here are the Yankees, right here," pointing into the woods with his sword Some of the men plunged in and found it almost waist deep in mud and water. I was just about to plimge in when I heard some 262 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. one say, "halt." We marched by the left flank down the ditch for some dis- tance ; then we were ordered to he down. Immediately the firing commenced on the left. Sone one on the left said, "Don't fire, our men are in front of us." Glancing into the woods I saw the shadowy forms of men through the smoke and bushes. I then shouted, "Fire men, it is the Yankees," and leveled my gun and fired. Looking along the line I saw that most of the men were firing too high. I shouted "Shoot low," as loud as I could. There was no time now to think of anything but loading and firing. We had an excellent position behind the bank of the ditch, and as we were lying down, they could not hit us any- where but in the head and shoulders. I was in front of our Company, loading and firing on my knees, and could hear the balls cut through the bushes and whistle past my head. I suppose we fired for five minutes. I fired eight times and could have fired more if my gun had not got so dirty that it was very hard to load; it had gotten so hot that I could hardly hold it. The Colonel, now seeing that our men had given way on the left and the Yankees were about to flank us, ordered us to cease firing and fall back. I had not thought of being hit before, but now I began to fear being shot in the back, but I soon found that the Yankees had ceased firing almost entirely. If they could have fired on us as we passed the meadow, they might have ruined us, but they were too badly cut up. We fell back into the old field where we had first gone in and formed. As we came through the woods there was the Virginia Regiment still huddled behind the trees and old logs. The Yankees balls, which passed over us, struck among them and they fired back over our heads. As we came out they came out with us and formed a good distance behind us. We now learned for the first time that Colonel Connor had his leg broken in the fight. The way of it was this : Colonel Connor went down the ditch till he came to a bridge, here he met two men who asked him which regiment that was. He replied "22 N. C." They instantly fired at him and broke to run, one of the balls broke his leg. Our men now saw the Yankee line about 50 feet from them and fired. It was now after dark ; Colonel Gray told us to lie down on our arms and hold our posi- tion until morning. We had to send out pickets into the woods. This was one of the hardest things that I have had to do, to name the men who should go out, when I knew they were all worn out with fatigue. We were obliged to remain here until two o'clock, when we received orders from General Pender to join the rest of our Brigade, from which we had become separated that evening and which was still in front of Mechaniesville. We marched back about a mile before we reached our Brigade. We passed thousands of men on our way all lying on their arms, many of them sleeping their last sleep and dreaming their last dream of Peace and home. We reached our regiment after three o'clock in the morning and threw ourselves down to sleep within a few hundred yards of the enemy. We were wet to our waists from lying in the water in the meadow, but we scarcely struck the ground before we were asleep. I had thrown off my blanket as we went into the battle and had none for a week or more. After a short rest, we were waked up the next morning before day. The condition of our regiment was extremely bad. This morning there not 100 men in the regiment, and another company was thrown in with our, and as neither com- pany had a commissioned oflScer, I had to take command of both companies. Our company numbered only 18 men and the company attached only 6. We JAMES OF VIRGINIA. 263 were marched out and made to lie down behind the crest of a hill. The battle was renewed at daylight on the right and pretty soon the balls came whistling over our heads and we knew we were in for another fight. I have taken up more space in writing this than I had any idea of when 1 began. I must stop this time for want of space. I know this letter must be tedious to you now. I will write a description of the other fights another time. You must answer this letter as soon as you get it. I have not received a letter from you since I left Yorktown. I got a letter from Becky and one from Uncle Jim a few days ago ; they were a long time coming. Major Bynum and Dr. Higgins were here last week. They staid with us for two or three days. Prom them we learnt the news from McDowell and all about the candi- dates. We are going to run W. F. Craig for the commons against Morris and he will beat him too. Morris is very unpopular in Camp. Our company and Neal's will go almost unanimously for Craig. Craig has been over to Black- wells and Lytle's companies, and I think he will beat Morris badly in both of them. I believe Craig is a far more suitable man than Morris. I sent you $28 by Major Bynum and spent the greater part of the money. I saw they were not going to pay us soon so I kept, and I needed it too, on the march. I will send you the rest of the $80 (which I consider I owe you), when we draw. Write immediately and let me know how John is getting on. Do not let him come back until he is entirely well again. Steve has got well again and sends "howdy" to all. I answered John's letter; tell him to write to me. Your affectionate son, J. L. Greenlee. He died from fever as the following letter shows : Loudon County, Va., near Upperville, October 4, 1862. John Greenlee, Esq.. Dear Sir : I very much regret to have to communicate to you the sad tidings of your brother 's death. Your brother Logan died at my house on five o 'clock on Tuesday, Sept. 30th of typhoid fever and was buried on Thursday, Oct. 2nd, in the neighborhood cemetery near the village of Upperville. He was buried in a neat and respectable manner with a view to his remains being removed to his home, if his friends may desire to do so. He was attended in his last illness by Dr. Gunnell, one of the prominent and able doctors of the county, and received every attention both medical and otherwise needful for his relief and well being. His servant Stephen was faithful in his attention to him both night and day as one could be, and he (Stephen) can inform you what attentions he re- ceived from myself and family, as also Mr. Huntley, who came to my house the same day your brother came, and expects to accompany Stephen to the army. Your brother came to my house on Monday and expired on the next Tuesday week. He was at Upperville indisposed, at the time of the Yankee raid into this neighborhood, he left there and came to my house as a place of safety, about two miles, which caused a relapse, from which he sank rapidly until he died. Such are the melancholy facts and circumstances of your brother's death. Very respectfully your friend, William Fleming. 264 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 85. MARGARET ALLISON TATE * { ^ffid^^T^": Fohn Bowmaf ' Jame8 Greenlee' 1 Mary E. McDowell ! daughter of Mary Bowman and William Allison Tate, was bom July 15, 1837 at Hickory Grove, near Morganton, North Carolina; married May 26, 1831, "WILLIAM CLAIBORNE BUTLER who was born December 25, 1808 in Halifax Co., Virginia, died April 10, 1841 at Morganton, North Carolina, son of Richard Butler (who emigrated from Kilkenny County, Ireland to Halifax Co., Virginia) and Sarah Throgmorton. He was a planter ; Democrat ; Methodist. CHILDREN: Mary Adeline Butler, born June 18, 1832 ; died October 17, 1832. Sarah Louisa Butler, born October 7, 1833; married January 13, 1852, Ephraim E. Greenlee. + John Alexander Butler, born February 8, 1836 ; died May 20, 1836. Elizabeth Ann Butler, bom April 16, 1837 ; died November 28, 1848. 222. I. 223. II. 224. in. 225. IV. James Greenlee ^ \ 87. Annie McDowell Charles McDowell MARY LOUISA McDOWELL * ! CHanes McDowcH ' Grace Greenlee ' Mary E. McDowell daughter of Captain Charles McDowell and Annie McDowell, was born in Morganton, Burke Co., North Carolina ; died October, 1859 at Morganton ; mar- ried JOHN GRAY BYNUM who was born at Germanton, Stokes Co., North Carolina, died October 17, 1857 at Wilmington, North Carolina ; married secoD \, Chief Justice R. M. PEARSON. CHILDREN: Son, born in 1842 ; died in infancy. Son, bom in 1844 ; died in infancy. John Gray Bynum, born February 15, 1846 ; married Emma Henri- etta Erwin.+ 92. T\ WTTTt n-OWKT W 4 f James Greenlee 3 David Greenlee = James Greenlee ' 1 DAVIU U±tJ!iJ!iJNljJ!jJli i Sarah Caskey Jane White Mary E. McDowell S son of James Greenlee and Sarah Caskey, was bom September 7, 1807 in Rock- bridge Co., Virginia ; died April 12, 1886 at Lafayette, Indiana ; married in his 32nd year, MISS KATHERINE WILEY of Ross Co., Ohio, who died seven years after marriage ; married second LYDIA ANN PARKER of Adams Co., Ohio, born January 26, 1832 in Kentucky, died August 6, 1883, daughter of Levi Parker. 226. I. 227. II. 228. III. JAMES OF VIRGINIA 265 CHILDREN : 229. I. Child ; died in infancy. 230. II. Child ; died in infancy. By second marriage : 231. III. William Franklin, born September 14, 1851 ; lives at Kansas City, Kansas. 232. IV. Irene Amanda, born September 10, 1854 ; married Charles M. Ayers ; lives at Pineville, Colorado ; three children. 233. V. Ida Katherine, born November 23, 1856; unmarried (1899); lives at Springfield, Massachusetts. 234. VI. Mary Alice, born January 27, 1859 ; married Dr. Rogers ; lives at Chicago. She vras a teacher in the city schools of Omaha, Nebraska. 235. VII. Louisa Frances, born September 28, 1862 ; died aged three months. DAVID GREENLEE attended school in Rockbridge County, Virginia until he was in his fifteenth year, when his father moved with his family to Ohio. There he was put to work on a farm until he was twenty-two years of age when, at the earnest solicitation of neighbors, he assumed the role of school teacher, which calling he followed for ten years. During six years of that time he spent all of his leisure time preparing himself for the practice of medicine. He did not graduate in his profession until he had practiced seven years. He was a very skillful and successful practitioner. In polities he was a Republican ; in religion, Protestant; resided at Sheldon, Illinois. IDA KATHERINE GREENLEE was a teacher in the high schools of Indianapolis, Indiana, and was eminent as an instructor in science. 96. EPHRAIM ALLEN GREENLEE * | Jjmes Creenlee » David Greenlee > I Sarab Caskey James White James Greenlee ' I Mary E. McDowell j son of James Greenlee and Sarah Caskey, was born August 23, 1815 in Rock- bridge Co., Virginia; married May 21, 1850 at Defiance, Ohio, DIADAMIA DA]\IE, bom November 7, 1831 at Wheeling, West Virginia, died December 2, 1877 at Lafayette, Indiana, daughter of Timothy Dame and Rebecca. He was a lavryer ; in politics, Prohibitionist ; in religion, Methodist Episcopal ; resided at Lafayette, Indiana. CHILDREN, all died unmarried: Virginia, born March 31, 1851. Anna, born January 9, 1854. ]\Iary, born October 31, 1858. Frank, born March 21, 1868. 236. I. 237. II. 238. III. 239. IV. 266 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 97. SAMUEL HARVEY GREENLEE ^ { J|^- Gr|-j- ' "iTue^mf^ ' James Greenlee • I Mary E. McDowell / son of James Greenlee and Sarah Caskey, was born October 15, 1817 in Rock- bridge Co., Virginia; died February 23, 1852 near Ayersville, Defiance Co., Ohio ; married in 1840 or 1841 at Millgrove, Warren Co., Ohio, ELIZABETH STITES, born June 13, 1820 near Lebanon, Warren Co., Ohio, daughter of Henry Stites and Elizabeth Stout. CHILDREN : 240. I. Margaret Ann, born June 15, 1842 ; died January 26, 1864. 241. II. Henry Clay, born January 17, 1845; married Louisa A. Newell. -|- 242. III. Sadie L., born May 20, 1847 ; married John Clinton Garvey.+ 243. IV. Amanda, born November 15, 1849 ; married George W. Killey.+ SAMUEL HARVEY GREENLEE was a self made man, having had neither the advantage of a good education, nor pecuniary means to give him a start in the world. When only a boy, he and his brother Ephraim carried their books to the field when they went to work and employed every spare moment in study. In the evenings they studied by the light of the fire. By improving the leisure moments afforded him during his daily avocations, he succeeded in ob- taining a good education, and admission to the bar. He obtained a reputable standing in the legal profession. He held an enviable position among the most prominent citizens of Defiance, Ohio, and was an esteemed member of the Defi- ance County Bar. He was noted for his public spirit, his liberality, and his unflinching devotion to his principles, which he deemed promotive to the publio good. He was also distinguished for the exactitude of his business habits, and above all for the probity of his character. It has been the fortune of few men to have their word, in matters of business, more implicity confided in than his. In politics, he was a Whig; in religion, Presbyterian. MARGARET ANN GREENLEE began teaching school near her home at Ayersville, Ohio, when fourteen years of age, and afterward taught in the public schools at Napoleon, Ohio. 98. THOMAS FRANKLIN GREENLEE * { ||^/^« casley^' ' JanJ whuf'^* ' James Greenlee ^ \ Mary E. McDowell ) son of James Greenlee and Sarah Caskey, was born January 16, 1820 near Lex- ington, Rockbridge Co., Virginia ; accidentally killed June 10, 1868 in New York City ; married November 4, or 24, 1841 at Hillsboro, Highland Co., Ohio ELIZA ANN PEARCE who was born December 23, 1822 at New Petersburg, Highland Co., Ohio, daughter of Benjamin Pearce and Katherine White. Xo on AI.KXANDKIt SACKETT (iKKKXI.KK. No yO. KI'IIKAIM ALLEN GUEENLEE. Nn ilS. TII(1^L\S FltAXKl.IN CItKEXLEE. No. !^:.. .lAMKS CUEENLEE 245. II. 246. III. 247. IV. 248. V. 249. VI. 250. VII. 251. VIII. 252. IX. 253. X. 254. XI. 255. XII. JAMES OF VIRGINIA. 267 CHILDREN : 244. I. Minerva Ellen, bom March 16, 1843 ; married George Price ; mar- ried second Thomas Clemens Means. + Mary Louisa, born October 27, 1844; married Thomas Wilson. -(- Francis Pearee, born October 5, 1846; married Alice Stewart; married second Cora Mann.-|- James Edward, born October 12, 1848 ; unmarried. Catherine Holmes, born January 8, 1851 ; married William Davis ; married second Dillard Pittman.+ Annie Adelia, born August 23, 1853; married Benjamin Harris. -(- John Kirby, born April 12, 1856 ; died August 3, 1887. Eliza Jane, bom March 16, 1858; married Edgar Joseph Mann.-(- Thomas Hervey, born January 2, 1850 ; died the same day. Charles Anderson, born January 24, 1861 ; died unmarried at Gal- veston, Texas, March 22, 1895. Sarah Josephine, born March 2, 1863 ; died April 2, 1865. Anneka Jans Bogardus, born August 7, 1865; married Charles Cyrus Waterman. -|- THOMAS FRANKLIN GREENLEE emigrated with his parents to Ohio in 1827, where they settled on a farm near Chillicothe, Ross County. His young days were spent in a log cabin, and he often hunted deer and wild turkeys, which were plentiful in those days. Being a diligent student, he was able to commence teaching at the age of seventeen. After his marriage he located at Bourneville, Ross County, Ohio, where he was a teacher in the public schools. He afterward accepted a better position in the schools of Bainbridge in the same county. In April, 1849 he removed to Hillsboro, where he was a success- ful teacher for ten years. In the spring of 1862 he moved onto a farm three miles west of Hillsboro, and engaged in farming until August, 1867. At that time there was some excitement about the Anneka Jans estate in New York City, and Mrs. Greenlee being a direct descendant, Mr. Greenlee was prevailed upon to go as a representative to look into the business and gather all the facts in the case, as well as to search the records in New Jersey and New York City. He was very persevering and succeeded in proving the heirship of over one hundred claimants. In polities, he was a Republican ; in religion, Presbyterian. His widow removed in 1874 to Villisea, Iowa. CHARLES ANDERSON GREENLEE was reared on a farm and attended public school. At the age of thirteen he removed with his mother to Villisea, Iowa, where he attended the high school for four years. At the age of nineteen he entered the employ of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad as brake- man. At the end of three years he resigned and traveled over a good part of the western states and territories for the purpose of gaining information about the railroad business. He was an enthusiast in his work and a faithful employee. For a time he located at Los Angeles, California, but, the climate not agreeing with him, he went to Denver, Colorado, where he secured a posi- tion as yard master with the Sante Fe Company. He was sent to Galveston, 268 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Texas for winter work, but spent the summers in Denver. While in Galveston he was superintendent of the trains which took on the merchandise from the ships unloading in the harbor. He was a member of the Brotherhood of Rail- road Men, and of the Knights of Pythias. JAMES EDWARD GREENLEE attended school and worked on the farm until he reached the age of nineteen. He spent one year with his uncle, James Greenlee, near Geneseo, Illinois, then returned home and entered the employ of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad as brakeman. He was promoted to yard master and remained with the company for six years. After traveling over most of the United States he located at Price, Emery County, Utah, where he has been fairly successful. 105. DAVm GREENLEE CASKEY* {^TrcS'''' Fa^Tw^I^re"''* ' James Greenlee ^ I Mary E. McDowell J son of Grace Greenlee and John Caskey, was born July 3, 1821 at Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; married May 26, 1846 at Rushville, Rush Co., Indiana ; ELIZA HITE, born September 11, 1828 at Clarksville, or Rush- ville, Indiana, died March 27, 1901, daughter of Jacob Hite and Elizabeth Lowry ; farmer ; Democrat ; Baptist ; resided at Haven, Kansas. CHILDREN: 256. I. John Harvey Caskey, born February 19, 1847 ; married Eliza Scott ; married second Mattie Adkins.-[- 257. II. Melissa Jane Caskey, born 1848 or 1849 ; married Charles M. Leach ; lives at Fairmount, Indiana. Elizabeth Caskey, born in 1851 ; married Edmimd C. Leach. William J. Caskey, born in 1853 ; married Etta Charles ; deceased. James B. Caskey, barn in 1855 or 1856 ; married Lena Scott ; lives at Newton, Kansas. 261. VI. Mary Jane Caskey, born in 1865; married L. A. Danton; lives at Haven, Kansas. 106. 258. III. 259. IV. 260. V. SAMUEL HARVEY CASKEY * i '^"'^^ Greenlee 3 David Greenlee • I John Caskey Jane White James Greenlee ' 1 Mary E. McDowell J son of Grace Greenlee and John Caskey, was born May 10, 1824 at Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; married December 11, 1850 at Richland, Rush Co., Indiana, LUCINDA HITE who was born July 18, 1831 at Richland ; died July 20, 1857 at Richland, daughter of Jacob Hite and Elizabeth Lowry ; married second January 10, 1861 at Richland, NANCY BUTLER, born Sep- tember, 24, 1835 at Richland, died May 6, 1888 at Greensburg, Decatur Co., Indiana, daughter of Thomas Butler; trader in stock and grain; resided at Greensburg, Indiana. JAMES OF VIRGINIA 269 CHILDREN : 262. I. Lucretia Virginia Caskey, born September 25, 1851 ; married Wil- liam H. Miller.+ 263. n. James Edward Caskey, born May 12, 1853; married Mabel Ger- trude Kercheval.+ 264. III. Euphemia Belle Caskey, born October 16, 1854 ; married Israel P. Warriner; one son, Charles, and three daughters, Louisa, Lucy and Hazel Warriner. 265. IV. Marietta Caskey, born December 8, 1856; died in infancy. 266. V. Henry Ellsworth Caskey, born March 11, 1863; died unmarried August 2, 1880. 267. VI. Charles Parks Caskey, born August 19, 1864; unmarried (1900). 268. VII. Mary Annetta Caskey, born May 16, 1866 ; died October 30, 1866. 269. Vin. George Caskey, born September 3, 1868; unmarried. 107. MARY JANE ELIZABETH CASKEY-* { ^ota'casrey "" ' FanTwhuf""' James Greenlee i ) Mary E. McDowell J daughter of Grace Greenlee and John Caskey, was born September 23, 1829 ; died November 5, 1862; married GEORGE D. GLASS. CHILDREN : Virginia Glass; unmarried. Emma Glass; unmarried. Elizabeth Glass; married James Fisher. James Glass; married and lives in Tipton Co., Indiana. Joseph Glass; married and lives in Tipton Co., Indiana. Clifton Glass; married and lives in Tipton Co., Indiana. 116. WILLIAM PURNELL GREENLEE* {Srri?,1.^u^r^n°^firHa.. fl^l%%\r'''" James Greenlee ^ ) Mary E. McDowell ! son of David Greenlee and Mary (Purnell) Hall, was born November 28, 1828 at Stanford, Lincoln Co., Kentucky; married June 1, 1852 at Warrensburg, Johnson Co., Missouri, BARBARA WILSON ENLOW born December 25, 1835 or 1834 at Hopkinsville, Christian Co., Kentucky, daughter of Jesse Enlow and Elizabeth Jane Blakey; farmer; Democrat; Missionary Baptist; residence, Kansas City, Missouri. CHILDREN [names and dates as given by William Purnell Greenlee] : 276. I. Alexander W., born April 5, 1854; tnarried Francis Abigail Crouch.+ 270. I. 271. II. 272. III. 273. IV. 274. V. 275. VI. 279. IV. 280. V. 281. VI. 282. VII. 270 GKEENLEE GENEALOGY. 277. II. Alice Myrtle, born November 15, 1856; married James A. Gal- laher. 278. III. Jesse David, born August 7, 1859; married Nannie E. or Susan, Wingfield. John "William, born May 24, 1862; married Emma Davenport. Mary Elizabeth, born August 11, 1866; married E. Ford Brown. Robert Purnell, born October 12, 1868 ; married Maggie M. Gano. Aubrey Russell, born May 11, 1871. WILLIAM PURNELL GREENLEE served four years during the civil war in the confederate army. In 1872 he was elected to the State Legislature from Johnson County, Missouri, and served two years. He was appointed one of the Board of Regents for the State Normal School at Warrensburg, Missouri, and served in that capacity for s>even years. For ten years he was postmaster at Henrietta in Johnson County. 118. MARY ELIZABETH GREENLEE * { S^^^ «/-°i,?, 'nan Fa^l'^'ife"'" ' James Greenlee * \ Mary E. McDowell i daughter of David Greenlee and Mary (Purnell) Hall, was born February 8, 1834 at Stanford, Lincoln Co., Kentucky ; married June 2, 1853 at Warrensburg, Johnson Co., Missouri, WILLIAM CLARK BLAKEY, born June 12, 1831 at Bowling Green, Kentucky, son of James M. Blakey and Ann Bradshaw. CHILDREN : 283. I. Charles Bradshaw Blakey, born March 15, 1854; married Ida Callen; married second Adelia Frances (Caddel) Collins. + 284. II. Belle May Blakey, bom February 27, 1856; married Dr. John William Gallaher.+ Mollie Blakey, born ]\ray 12, 1858 ; died June 4, 1859. Lilian White Blakey, bom January 23, 1860 ; died March, 1867. Clara Euphema Blakey, born February 2, 1862 ; unmarried. Albert Greenlee Blakey, born August 15, 1866; married Mattie Brown. Mary Lee Blakey, born March 11, 1868; unmarried. William Clark Blakey, born April 30, 1870 ; married Minnie Cad- die, or Cadell. 291. IX. Walter Todd Blakey, born June 10, 1872 ; unmarried. WILLIAM CLARK BLAKEY was engaged in mercantile business up to the breaking out of the civil war, when he cast his lot with the southern cause. His wife, with several little children, went to the home of her mother in John- son County. Missouri, where they remained until the close of the war. After his return from the war he found all his property swept away, and it was a 285. lU. 286. IV. 287. V. 288. VI. 289. VII. 290. vm. 119 294 No. 119. .TOHN WHITE GREENLEE AND WIFE MARY CLARK DI- VERS GREENLEE. No. 292. ELMO MURRAY (iREENLEE. No. 293. FRANK DIVERS GREENLEE. No. 294. MARY AMELIA GREENLEE. JiMES OF VIRGINIA. 271 struggle to keep the woLf from the door. He accompanied his son, Charles, to Texas where they engaged in cotton raising. In politics, he was a Whig; in religion. Baptist; residence. Lacy, Texas. 119. JOHN WHITE GREENLEE^ {^,l\f ^pTr^Z'u.n ^i^l%%T""" James Greenlee ' 1 Mary E. McDowell J son of David Greenlee and Mary (Purnell) Hall, was born September 23, 1840 or 1839 at Stanford, Lincoln Co., Kentucky ; died January 25, 1901 at Warrens- burg, Johnson Co., Missouri; married November 24, 1870 at Warrensburg, MARY CLARK DIVERS, born April 3, 1844 at Warrensburg, Missouri, daugh- ter of Francis Divers of Virginia and Amelia Ann Bouldin of Kentucky. CHILDREN: 292. I. Elmo Murray, born March 17, 1876 at Warrensburg, Missouri ; un- married (1901). 293. XL Frank Divers, born February 18, 1878; unmarried (1901). 294. III. Mary Amelia, born February 5, 1881; unmarried (1901). JOHN WHITE GREENLEE lived in Lincoln County, Kentucky until about three or four years of age, when his mother — his father being dead — went west and settled in Platte County, Missouri. Some time afterward they located on a farm southeast of Warrensburg, being among the earliest settlers. He was educated at Elder George Johnson's Male School at Warrensburg. Before his education was completed the civil war broke out, and he enlisted April 15, 1861 in the Confederate service, joining Company F, Gordon's Regiment, Shelby's Brigade. He was engaged in most of the important battles and cam paigns of Missouri, Arkansas, and other western states. He received two severe wounds from which he recovered. He was commissioned Lieutenant, and after- ward Captain, in which capacity he acted for a long time. With his brave comrades he surrendered at Shreveport, Louisiana. On his return home he found nothing save his land, his house having been burned during the perilous strife. He replaced his home and lived there with his mother until her death. In 1887 he removed to the City of Warrensburg, and several years later in company with Mr. T. J. Caldwell, engaged in the lumber business. In 1898 he was forced to retire from business on account of ill health, and his son Francis conducted the business until the dissolution of partnership in 1900. For many years he was a faithful worker in the First Baptist Church of Warrensburg and for a long time had charge of a Bible class, being especially devoted to the Sunday school. In politics he was a Democrat. His children were all educated at the State Normal School at Warrensburg. ELMO MURRAY GREENLEE graduated at the State Normal School at Warrensburg in July, 1893, and the following October he went to work on a ranch at Midland Texas, which was owned by his uncle, Francis Divers. He 272 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. stayed there until 1897, then decided to go to Mexico. He invested some money in Sonora and is now dealing in mines. He is a mining engineer and lives at Tepehuaz, Sonora, Mexico. 121. MARY FRANCES GREENLEE * { f^^^l,,^,^^; ?a^n^f#,?tr'" ' James Greenlee ^ I Mary B. McDowell i daughter of Ephraim McDowell Greenlee and Malinda Beckleheimer, was born May 6, 1828 at Maiden, Virginia ; married August 15, 1850 in Jackson Co., Ohio, CYRUS GRAY, born February 16, 1827, died August 12, 1867. Resided at Chillieothe, Missouri. 122. EPHRAIM Mcdowell GREENLEE 4 {SS^B^'eck^lfl.^e'Jl^lr' Fa^n^wllife"'"" James Greenlee '■ \ Mary E. McDowell I son of Ephraim McDowell Greenlee and Malinda Beckleheimer, was born June 12, 1830 in Rockbridge Co., Missouri ; died March 4, 1877 at Chillieothe, Liv- ingston Co., Missouri; married April 25, 1855 in Ohio, MALVINA MILLER, born March 16, 1840 at Gallipolis, Gallia Co., Ohio, died December 1, 1879 at St. Louis, or Chillieothe, Missouri, daughter of George Miller and Annie Carr; blacksmith; Republican; Methodist; resided in Ohio, Missouri and Illinois. CHILDREN : 295. I. Annie Celinda, born June 22, 1856; married WiUiam Kavanaugh Woods "Walden.+ 296. II. Louis Albert, born December 17, 1858; married Carrie Jane Deaver.+ 297. III. Effie Jane, born August 27, 1861; married Robert Casper Mitchell.+ Maryetta, bom March 25, 1864 ; died October 6, 1865. Alice May, boru September 8, 1866 ; died September 15, 1867. Inez Beatrice, born June 26, 1872 at Chillieothe ; lives at Dahlgren, Illinois. 301. VII. George Ephraim, born June 9, 1875. He was in the Kootenai mining district of British Columbia. EPHRAIM McDowell GREENLEE resented the harsh treatment of his stepfather and ran away from home when a boy of only nine or ten years, and never returned. He worked on farms for small wages and the privilege of at- tending school in the winters. In the fall of 1856 he moved to Missouri, locat- ing in the little village of Middleburg, Mercer County, where he conducted a country store. He removed from there to St. Joseph but subsequently returned to Middlebiu-g. [This town is not in existence now — relegated to its original wilderness when the Rock Island road refused to come any nearer than four 298. IV. 299. V. 300. VI. JAilES OP VIRGINIA 273 miles]. About 1860 he removed to Princeton in the same county, and kept a store there, removing later to Chillicothe, where he kept a store until his death. He was a captain in the civil war in one of the Jlissouri companies of the Union army. 127. ALBERT DAVIDSON 8 / Hannah M. Greenlee • James Greenlee " John Greenlee • tijj^^3.„^ .u'n T .u^i^v/xi I James D. Davidson Mary Paxton Hannah McClanahan James Greenlee ' > Mary E. McDowell )' son of Hannah ^McClanahan Greenlee and James Dorman Davidson, died May 5, 1865 at Pearisburg, Giles Co., Virginia ; married February 25, 1864 ilRS. HENRIETTA "WITHERS, daughter of Jaben Alexander of Newbern, Virginia. Their only child : 302. I. Alberta Davidson was born April 22, 1865. ALBERT DAVIDSON graduated at Washington College at the age of eighteen and was pursuing a course at the University of Virginia, having the Presbyterian ministry in view, when the Civil war called upon him to take his part in maintaining the rights of his state and people. He received his death wound April 9, 1865, after the cause had been lost, but before the sad intelli- gence had reached the borders of the army, and died on the 6th of May. 130. rij ATJA 'nAVTnSONB f Hannah M. Greenlee * James Greenlee ' John Greenlee ' vxjAAA Ay«. V x^»vxi j James D. Davidson Mary Paxton Hannah McClanahan James Greenlee • 1 Mary E. McDowell ) daughter of Hannah McClanahan Greenlee and James Dorman Davidson, was born July 29, 1851 at Lexington, Rockbridge Co., Virginia ; married September 26, 1883 at Lexington, Virginia, ANDREW DAVIDSON ESTILL, a cousin, who was born at JeffersonviUe, Tazewell Co., Virginia, son of Dr. John M. Estill and Marj^ Lavalette Davidson. He was a physician; Democrat; Presby- terian; resided at Lexington, Virginia. 131. Cr'RORO-'R .T FTNT.F.V 5 ( Mary J. Greenlee * James Greenlee ' John Greenlee ' u£iUAUj:i u. i;xxi±j£ix | John T. Finley Mary Paxton Hannah McClanahan James Greenlee ^ t Mary E. McDowell S son of Mary Jane Greenlee and John Tate Finley, was born December 28, 1834 at Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; married March 5, 1868 in Marshall Co., Mississippi, NANNIE R. DUNLOP, born January 7, 1840 in South Carolina, daughter of Dr. Thomas L. Dunlop and Mary E. Stinson. 303. I. 304. II. 305. III. 306. IV. 307. V. 274 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : Mary Tate Finley, born March 21, 1869 ; died December 14, 1873. John Latta Finley, born November 11, 1872; married April 12, 1899, Dora Scruggs; one child, John L. Finley, born February, 1900. George Thornwell Finley, bom January 24, 1876. Emma Elizabeth Finley, born October 20, 1878. Thomas Finley, born May 18, 1881. GEORGE J. FINLEY did not attend college because of business require- ments, but finished his education at St. Thomas Hall, at Holly Springs, a school under the auspices of the Episcopal church. He was a soldier in the Con- federate army during the Civil War, a member of the Second Kentucky Cavalry, and was with General Morgan on his raids. He was wounded in Kentucky and sent home on a furlough. He was captured at Holly Springs, but was paroled thereby escaping the horrors of prison. His company never surrendered until after they reached home in June, 1865. They separated from Mr. Davis at Washington, Georgia. He went south and was captured, while they went west. After they learned that Kirby Smith had surrendered they turned toward home and gave up the fight. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention of Mississippi in 1890, being sent without seeking the place, and received every vote cast in the county. He is a Democrat but has never taken an interest in politics; in religion, he is Presbyterian; resides at Holly Springs. 135. JOHN SAMUEL FINLEY » /^ary J. Creenlee' James Greenlee » John Greenlee « ( John T. Finley Mary Paxton Hannah McClanahan James Greenlee ^ ) Mary E. McDowell J son of Mary Jane Greenlee and John Tate Finley, was born June 20, 1844 at Holly Springs, Marshall Co., Mississippi ; died April 8, 1889 at Holly Springs ; married October 21, 1869, ELIZABETH HERNDON HULL who was born September 25, 1847 at Holly Springs, daughter of John Hull and Ann Cramp. CHILDREN: Ann Hull Finley, born September 22, 1870 ; married Robert Crept. Mary Greenlee Finley, born July 26, 1872; died September 21, 1873. Brodie Hull Finley, born December 27, 1873. Augusta Lewis Finley, born November 5, 1876. Susan Hart Finley, born December 27, 1878. Debney Hull Finley, born June 26, 1881. John Samuel Finley, born August 26, 1885. JOHN SAMUEL FINTliEY was in the Confederate army, belonging to the Second Kentucky Cavalry, and riding with Morgan on most of his raids. He 308. I. 309. 11. 310. III. 311. IV. 312. V. 313. VI. 314. VII. JAMES OF VIRGINIA. 275 was in the Ohio raid but escaped capture. He never deserted a comrade in ■war, and there are those living who owe their lives to his dauntless courage, and imflinching devotion. When he passed away the whole town turned out to do him honor, and it was said that there was not a dry eye amongst the men who followed him to his last resting place. He was a merchant; Democrat; Presbyterian ; and resided at Holly Springs. 137. lUTA'RV 'PT T TTM 'WATSn'WB I Sarah A. E. Greenlee * James Greenlee » IflAKY i!.IjL.J!jJN WAIOUJN j James L. Watson Mary Paxton John Greenlee = James Greenlee ^ 1 Hannah McClanahan Mary E. McDowell J daughter of Sarah Ann Eliza Greenlee and James L. Watson, married THOMAS' R. GILMORE. Resided at Roanoke, Virginia. CHILDREN: 315. I. Harry Gibnore. 316. II. John Watson Gilmore. 317. III. Sallie Gilmore. 318. IV. Ellen Gilmore. 319. V. Thomas Russell Gilmore. 320. VI. Ann Augusta Gibnore. 138. PANNTE REBECCA WATSON ^ f Sarah A.E. Greenlee « James Greenlee • f ADl^xXi D,cii3i^\j\j±i. WAJ.I9V/X1 j James L. Watson Mary Paxton John Greenlee ' James Greenlee ^ ) Hannah McClanahan Mary E. McDowell / daughter of Sarah Ann Eliza Greenlee and James L. Watson married RICHARD. G. HAYDEN of Botetourt Co., Virginia; a farmer; resides near Dagger Springs, Botetourt Co., Virginia. CHILDREN: 321. I. Eloise Hayden. 322. II. Sallie Hayden. 323. III. Daughter. 139. ANN ATTfl-TTSTA WATSONS ( Sarah A. E. Greenlee « James Greenl Ann AUUUOXA WAXOUn j James L. Watson Mary Paxton John Greenlee = James Greenlee ' Hannah McClanahan Mary E McDowell daughter of Sarah Ann Eliza Greenlee and James L. Watson, married JOHN A. KINNEAR of Lynchburg, Virginia ; resides at Lynchburg. CHILDREN : 324. I. Mary Perry Kinnear. 325. II. Kemper Kinnear. 276 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 145. MARY ELIZABETH DAVIS « {M^^^'^H^^r'"' ' &p^Xa'^' John Greenlee = James Greenlee i i Hannah McClanahan Mary E. McDowell I daughter of Martha Trimble Greenlee and Eben Nelrus Davis, was born July 28, 1853 ; married CHARLES C. MOSELEY. One child: 326. I. Martha Virginia Moseley, born October 31, 1894. 146. A'NTfl' 'WT'NT'E'PTi'.'n T) AVIS 5 f Martha T. Greenlee * James Greenlee • AJNJN WlJMirjSJlil^ UAVIO \ Eben N.Davis Mary Paxton John Greenlee " James Greenlee ' \ Hannah McClanahan Mary E. McDowell J daughter of Martha Trimble Greenlee and Eben Nelrus Davis, was born August 20, 1855 ; married April 15, 1875, PRESSLEY STANBOCK. CHILDREN: 327. I. Rodger Stanbock; died October, 1877. 328. II. Augusta May Stanbock, born December, 1877 ; married September 27, 1898, W. D. Fitts. 329. HI. Emma Frances Stanbock, born July 9, 1879; died January 14, 1893. Erie Davis Stanbock, born January 8, 1881. Martha Elizabeth Stanbock, born June 18, 1883; died October, 1885. Maud Lester Stanbock, born September, 1885. Laura Stanbock, born June, 1887. Nannie Stanbock, bom November, 1890. "William Stanbock, born March 5, 1893. Thomas Stanbock, born September, 1895; died February, 1900. Ernest Stanbock, born May, 1899. 148. AUGUSTA VIRGINIA DAVIS ^ { Mb\^rN^.T,a%"°'^^ ' ILT/^V^^^^'' ' John Greenlee - James Greenlee • ) Hannah McClanahan Mary E. McDowell f daughter of Martha Trimble Greenlee and Eben Nelrus Davis, was born July 18, 1859 ; married DEMPS BRITTENOUR ; married second ROBERT T. JOHN- SON; married third September 7, or 9, 1897 at Holly Springs, Marshall Co., Mississippi, CLARENCE FORSTER GREENLEE [No. 151] born December 6, 1854 at Lexington, Rockbridge Co., Virginia, son of William Paxton Green- lee and Eliza Hizer Forster. In religion, Cumberland Presbyterian. 330. IV. 331. V. 332. VI. 333. VII. 334. vin. 335. IK. 336. X. 337. XI. JAMES OF VIRGINIA 277 CHILDREN : 338. I. Ferdinand Rodger Brittenour, born July 9, 1879. No children by second or third marriage. CLARENCE FORSTER GREENLEE was educated at the Normal school at Warrensburg, Missouri, and for two years taught school at Fayetteville, Missouri. He spent the time from Jlarch, 1879 until September, 1883 in Colorado, following up mining and town site booms. After a law course at the University of Michigan, he began the practice of his profession at Jacksonport, Arkansas, in 1887. He served one term as Mayor of Jacksonport. In 1891, he removed to Brinkley, Arkansas, where he now makes his home. He is attorney for five corporations of that place, and president of the Monroe County Bank. His record in Supreme Court practice has been one long series of successes. 149. MARY MORGAN GREENLEE « { Si''^- P-„«/->ee ' USrF'ilMT' ' John Greenlee ^ James Greenlee ^ 1 Hannah McClanahan Mary ij, McDowell J daughter of William Paxton Greenlee and Eliza Hizer Porster, was born August 11, 1851 in Rockbridge Co., Virginia; married July 27, 1874 near Fayetteville, Johnson Co., Missouri, ELIJAH H. MILLER. He was a phy- sician; resided at Fayetteville, Missouri. One child: 339. I. Lena K. Miller, born September, 1875; died July 27, 1876. 150. JAMES RUSSELL GREENLEE « { g;'.'»-- lofitlT"' ' MaTp^^ton^^ " John Greenlee ' James Greenlee '■ 1 Hannah McClanahan Mary E. McDowell J son of William Paxton Greenlee and Eliza Hizer Forster, was born April 14, 1853 at Lexington, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; married December 26, 1894 at Marshall, Salem Co., Missouri, JESSIE E. WILKINS, born November 24, 1865 at Wycolmb, County Buckingham, England, daughter of William Wilkins and Mary Elizabeth Ann Wilson. She came to this country with her parents when she was fifteen years old. One child: 340. I. Edith Annabel, born January 20, 1896. 278 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. JAMES RUSSELL GREENLEE, in the spring of 1895, moved back to his father's farm where he continued to reside. In July, 1898, a cyclone passed over that vicinity, which totally destroyed every building on the premises except the dwelling, which was unroofed ; besides the total destruction of nine acres of flax and thirty-five acres of com and three large racks of hay, also orchard, shade trees and fencing. He was a Cumberland Presbyterian; resi- dence, Payetteville, Missouri. 152. KATE PAXTON GREENLEE » { "^Z^g ?„X°"* ' MaTpa^ton "'^ ' John Greenlee ' James Greenlee '■ \ BaDnab McClanahan Mary E. McDowell J daughter of William Paxton Greenlee and Eliza Hizer Porster, was born November 6, 1856 near Lexington, Rockbridge Co., Virginia ; married July 19, 1885 FRANCIS DIVERS, born December 5, 1852 at Warrensbnrg, Johnson Co., Missouri, son of Erancis Divers and Amelia Ann Bouldin. No children. KATE PAXTON GREENLEE removed with her parents to Johnson County, Missouri, when only three months of age, and lived on her father's farm near Fayette ville until her marriage, when she went to the "staked plains" of New Mexico, where her husband owned a ranch stocked with fourteen hundred head of cattle. This was a very isolated home, situated one hundred miles distant from Midland, Texas, where all freight was hauled from. No neighbor lived nearer than thirty-five miles, and just six months elapsed after their arrival at the ranch before the face of another woman was seen. They lived here three years and a half, then removed to Midland, her husband still con- tinuing the stock business. Both she and her husband are enthusiastic workers in the Baptist church. 155. SARAH BLANCHE GREENLEE ^ | wnuam R Greenlee • James^Gr^eenlee. John Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' \ Hannah McClanahan Mary E. McDowell J daughter of "William Paxton Greenlee and Eliza Hizer Porster, was born April 23, 1863 near Payetteville, Johnson Co., Missouri; married October 7, 1897 at Marshall, Saline Co., Missouri, JAMES "WILLIAM SEE who was born Decem- ber 25, 1855 at Mt. Sterling, Montgomery Co., Kentucky, son of William See and Eliza Ann . He is a lumberman ; Democrat ; Cumberland Presbyter- ian ; resides at Marshall, Missouri. No children. 167. ROBERT HARLAN GREENLEE « {|i?Sf|:«-;C grnlfa^T.^illsby John Greenlee ' James Greenlee ^ 1 Hannah McClanahan Mary E. McDowell ! son of James Samuel Greenlee and Sarah Eliza Harlan, was born July 20, 1866 at Martinsburg, Berkeley Co., West Virginia; married February 22, 1891 at Ft. No. l.jl. CLARENCE FORSTEE GREENLEE. Third husliand of No. 148. No. 167. ROBERT HARLAN GREENLEE. No. lOT. ROBERT n. GREENLEE AND SECOND WIFE. JAMES OF VIRGINIA. 279 Valley, Houston Co., Georgia, LILLIE LEE who was born in 1872 near Ft. Valley, Georgia, died June 20, 1891 in Coke Co., Texas, daughter of J. S. Lee ; married second June 26, or 27, 1895 at Alvin, Texas, LILLIAN ANSLEY HOBBS, bom October 6, 1874 at Matagorda, Texas, daughter of Judge Jesse Hobbs and Celia Ann Lee. CHILDREN : 341. I. Iris, bom July 3, 1896 at Alvin, Texas. 342. n. Lillian, born October 16, 1897 at Angleton, Texas. ROBERT HARLAN GREENLEE, after the death of his mother, was ap- prenticed to the proprietor of a newspaper in Stephens County, Texas, for whom he worked about two years, then ran away from him on account of mistreatment. For about three years he wandered about, working at his trade in Parker County, Texas, cooking in a raftman's camp on Little River, Arkansas, and line-riding on a large cattle ranch in the Panhandle of Texas. While at the latter emploj-ment a wild horse fell on him inflicting as was supposed fatal injuries. He was removed to the settlement and his father sum- moned to see him die; but contrary to predictions he was convalescent when his father reached him, and returned with him to Stephens County. He re- mained at home, attending school and working at his trade, until 1885, after which he visited and worked- in all the important cities of the East and "West, as journeyman printer and member of the International Typographical Union. After two years ' absence he returned home for a short visit, then left for New Orleans, where he spent the winter. The next summer he visited Virginia and West Virginia. After spending some time there with relatives and friends, he returned to Texas and finished the preliminary course of reading law, and was admitted to the bar in Coleman County, Texas, March 14, 1889. The following May he was elected State's Attorney for Coke County, Texas, and served in that capacity until the fall of 1890. After his marriage he returned to Coke Coimty with his bride, but had scarcely taken up the thread of business before she contracted typhoid fever and died in a few weeks. Immediately after her death he sold all his property, and, after paying his father a short visit, left for Galveston, thence via Malory R. R. to Key West, from there to Havana, thence via schooner to Rio Janeiro, Brazil. En route off Cape St. Roque the schooner came near foundering in a terrific gale. He did not remain long in Rio Janeiro, and returning to the United States followed his trade, working on the Times-Union of Jacksonville, Florida until the spring of 1893, when he re- turned to Texas and settled down to the practice of law in Alvin. In 1898, his health failing, he removed to the mountains of Arkansas, where he prospered greatly and is a leading member of the bar in his section of the state. 168. HANNAH McCLANAHAN GREENLEE ^ { J|-- 1; Gr^e_en^ee ^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^ f James S. Greenlee ' David Greenlee ' John Greenlee * James Greenlee ^ 1 Hannah McClanahan Mary E. McDowell daughter of James Samuel Greenlee and Sarah Eliza Harlan, was bora Decern- ber 6, 1868 in Maryland; married August 3, 1892 at Alvin, Brazoria Co., Texas, 280 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. HUGH MONTROSE CRAIG who was born November 30, 1842 at St. Johns, Nova Scotia, son of William Craig and Jean Ross. They resided in Ballinger, Texas; Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory (1902). No children. HUGH MONTROSE CRAIG has always followed railroading as an oc- cupation. At the time of his marriage he was Stock Claim Agent for the Gulf, Colorado & Sante Fe Railroad, and is now tie and timber inspector for the same company. 169. NANCY BELLE GREENLEE ^ {||--|: ^-niee. grn^arfSitlsV John Greenlee - James Greenlee ^ 1 Hannah McClanahan Mary E. McDowell / daughter of James Samuel Greenlee and Sarah Eliza Harlan, was born March 4, 1871 at Florence, Marion Co., Kansas ; married April 5, 1893 at Alvin, Bra- zoria Co., Texas, JOHN McCARTHT who was bom September 3, 1840 at Coberg, Canada, died November 6, 1898 at Alvin, Texas, son of John McCarthy and Mary Sculley. CHILDREN: 343. I. Sarah McCarthy, born March 5, 1894. 344. II. James Greenlee McCarthy, born March 14, 1898. JOHN McCarthy was a Union soldier and served all through the Civil war. He was a farmer ; Republican ; Catholic ; resided at Ballinger, Texas. 173. JOHN MITCHELL GREENLEE ^ | Jf--jH^«y-f ' ^^^''yf. fAtllll ' James Greenlee - James Greenlee ' ) Mary Mitchell Mary E. McDowell J son of James Hervey Greenlee and Mary Jane Greenlee, was born February 2, 1847 at Turkey Cove, McDowell Co., North Carolina; married May 1, 1883, MARY TATE who was born March 11, 1863 at Wisbech, Cambridge Co., Eng- land, daughter of George Jakins Tate and Elizabeth Waddingham; minister; Democrat ; Presbyterian ; resided at Marion, ten miles from Turkey Cove, North Carolina. CHILDREN: Maud May E., born February 2, 1884. Annie Tate, born January 31, 1886. Mabel Ella, born July 1, 1888. Georgena Mitchell, born August 11, 1890. Jamie Florence, born July 3, 1892. William Tate, born November 20, 1894. 345. I. 346. II. 347. III. 348. IV. 349. V. 350. VI. r, i^^i^ r 1 ^^ rr Pc No. IGO. XANCY EELI.K ((iUEEX- LEE I McCarthy. No. 168. IIAXXAII Mc( LAXAllAN lOREEN- LEE) CRAIO AXIl IH>iKAM> HIGH M. CRAIG. JAMES OF VIRGINIA 281 175. TJAVm WTLLIAM GREENLEE 8 I James H. Greenlee ' John M. Greenlee > UB.\UJ MWlljljl-Ain KxREirinULiXi 1 Mary J. Greenlee Mary E. Greenlee James Greenlee ^ James Greenlee > 1 Mary Mitchell Mary E. McDowell J son of James Hervey Greenlee and Mary Jane Greenlee, was born December 27, 1850 at Marion, McDowell Co., North Carolina; died May 2, 1897 at Marion, North Carolina ; married May 18, 1881, ELLA PINLEY who was born February 6, 1852 at "Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co., North Carolina, daughter of John Tate Fin- ley and Sarah Ann Gordon. CHILDREN : 351. I. John Hervey, born June 18, 1885. 352. II. Mary Gordon, born March 7, 1888. DAVID WILLIAM GREENLEE was a man of sterling integrity, an un- daunted advocate of the truth. He knew not the meaning of the word fear and never hesitated to perform a duty, when sure it was a duty. The consequences he did not consider. He was a Democrat ; Presbyterian ; and resided at Turkey Cove, then Marion where his widow now resides. 180. MAPV 'W ■p'T.ETVTMTNfi- 5 r Hannah A. E. Greenlee « John M. Greenlee ' James Greenlee » UXAAX vv . £ XJ.U1TX1UXX1 vr I Samuel Flemming Mary E. Greenlee Mary Mitchell James Greenlee ^ I Mary E. McDowell / daughter of Hannah Ann Eliza Greenlee and Samuel Flemming, was born Sep- tember 25, 1838 at Turkey Cove, McDowell Co., North Carolina; married November 3, 1858 at Woodlawn, McDowell Co., North Carolina, JOHN G. YANCY who was bom August 21, 1833 at Jonesboro, Washington Co., Tennes- see, son of Dr. John Yancy and Jane W. Maxwell; physician; Democrat; Presbyterian. CHILDREN : 353. I. Anna E. Yancy, born September 19, 1859; died November 12, 1863. John Yancy, born January 31, 1862; married Carrie Motz.-(- Jennie U. Yancy, born January 7, 1864 ; died June 11, 1865. Mary F. Yancy, born July 11, 1866 ; married Charles Macon Corpening.+ 357. V. Samuel Hannah Yancy, born August 16, 1868 ; married Elizabeth R. Neal.+ Woodville Yancy, born August 9, 1870 ; died September 30, 1870. Hester I. Yancy, born September 12, 1871; married David N. Lonon.+ Lilian M. Yancy, born June 1, 1874. Grayson M. Yancy, born May 26, 1877. 354. II. 355. III. 356. IV. 358. VI. 359. VII. 360. VIII. 361. IX. 282 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 182. WILLLOI WOODVILLE FLEMMING ^ { f^SlMe^m'^T""' ' Mar°y 1: %lllnlH ' James Greenlee ' James Greenlee " ) Mary Mitchell Mary B. McDowell J son of Hannah Ann Eliza Greenlee and Samuel Flemming, was born April 1, 1846 at Burnsville, Yancey Co., North Carolina ; married December 30, 1873 at Norristown, Montgomery Co., Pennsylvania ; JILLA MARY RALSTON, born June 29, 1847 at Norristown, daughter of James Grier Ralston, D. D. and Mary Ann Laramore, or Larimore. One child. 362. I. James Ralston Flemming, bom September 11, 1874; married Miss Bertha Frances Bryan. + WILLLA.M WOODVILLE FLEMMING received his education at Hillsboro Military Academy, and the University of North Carolina. He was appointed Lieutenant of Company D, 6th North Carolina Regiment of the Confederate army, attached to the Army of North Virginia, and was promoted to Major March 25, 1865, for leading the attack on Fort Steadman. He was the only sur- viving field officer of his regiment who was present at Appomattox when Gen- eral Lee surrendered to General Grant. In 1870 he was elected to the North Carolina Senate from the 40th Senatorial District; and was re-elected in 1872 from the 36th District, the state having been re-districted during his first term. He was a member of the High Court of Impeachment, before which the Gover- nor of North Carolina was tried and impeached in 1872. After the expiration of his second term in the Senate, he devoted himself exclusively to the practice of law. He was a Democrat; Presbyterian; resides in New York City. 183. SAMUEL HANNAH FLEMMING ^ { H--rFt^m?nT"'" ' M^y ^: HfllSi^ ' James Greenlee * James Greenlee ^ ) Mary Mitchell Mary E. McDowell J son of Hannah Ann Eliza Greenlee and Samuel Flemming, was born January 5, 1849 at Burnsville Yancey Co., North Carolina; died June 13, 1887 in Mary- land; married September, 1876 at Norristown, Pennsylvania, MARY LOUISE MOCKBRIDGE, daughter of Mockbridge; minister; Baptist. Two chil- dren, both died in infancy. 190. MINERVA ALLISON GREENLEE ^ { fPj'-im K Greenlee . ^amue^>^G«e^n^.ee^.^ James Greenlee • James Greenlee ' 1 Mary Mitchell Mary E. McDowell J daughter of Ephraim Edward Greenlee and Sarah Louisa Butler, was born June 20, 1853 at Morganton, Burke Co., North Carolina ; died April 8, 1892 at Somer- ville, Fayette Co., Tennessee; married January 23, 1872 at their country resi- dence in Fayette Co., Tennesseee, COLONEL THOMAS SPRAGGINS CALLA- WAY, born June 18, 1840 at "Mon Vue," Rockingham Co., North Carolina, son of Thomas S. Gallaway and Lucinda V. Chalmers. He was a lawyer ; Demo- crat ; Episcopalian : resided at Somerville, Tennessee. No. 17.-,. DAVID Wir.LIAM GKEE.XLKE A.M> FAMILY. No. 345. MAUD MAY ELIZABETH GKEENLEE. No. IT.:.. DAVID WILLIAM GKEENLEE AND WIFE. JAJSIES OF VIRGINIA. 283 CHILDREN: 363. I. Lucinda Louisa Gallaway, born January 20, 1873. 364. II. Greenlee Gallaway, born August 31, 1874. He is an agent on I. C. E. R. 365. III. Ephraim Edward Gallaway, born January 19, 1876 ; died January 20, 1876. 366. rV. Thomas Spraggins Gallaway, born December 2, 1876. He is an agent of L. & N. R. R. 367. V. Sallie Chalmers Gallaway, born July 3, 1878 ; died July 4, 1878. 368. VI. Sarah Butler Gallaway, born Jime 6, 1879. 369. VII. Minerva Lee Gallaway, born September 6, 1880; died March 3, 1883. 370. VIII. Alexander Broadwax Gallaway, born December 26, 1884. 371. IX. John Marion Gallaway, born November 22, 1886; died April 15, 1887. 372. X. Mary Laura Gallaway, born November 18, 1889; died August, 1890. 373. XL James Gallaway, born June 21, 1891 ; died October 3, 1891. THOMAS SPRAGGINS GALLAWAY was colonel of the 22nd North Caro- lina Regiment, Scales Brigade, "Wilcox's Division, Third Corps, Army of North- em Virginia, C. S. A. 192. ■• SAMUEL MITCHELL GREENLEE ^ {f iLXfh^c'c^rr '^* * llSeVL''ri^t^:tt James Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' t Mary Mitchell Mary E. McDowell J son of Alexander Sackett Greenlee and Elizabeth C. Glass, was born July 20, 1860 at Morganton, Burke Co., North Carolina; married November 3, 1885 at Morganton, MARY HAPPOLDT who was bom December 4, 1864 at Morgan- ton, daughter of Dr. Christopher Happoldt and Emily Amelia Greenlee [No. 66]. CHILDREN : 374. I. Gertrude Neuffer, born August 28, 1887. 375. II. Henry Christopher, born December 19, 1890. 376. m. Bessie Lillian, born June 5, 1893. 377. IV. Mary Lucille, born March 16, 1896. SAMUEL MITCHELL GREENLEE left his father's farm when quite young and went on the railroad. He contracted to build roads until 1888 when he went to Atlanta, where he was still living in 1899. He is a Democrat ; Presby- terian. 378. I. 379. II. 380. III. 381. IV. 284 GEEENLEE GENEALOGY. 212. EPHRAIM LELAND GREENLEE ^ { g.'?,?e?'Rpcr'°"' * StlyVcE^ure '*' ' James Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' 1 Mary Mitchell Mary E. McDowell J son of James MeEntire Greenlee and Harriet Rice, was bom February 14, 1851 at Greenlee, McDowell Co., North Carolina; married CATHARINE DOVER, born January 28, 1872 at Greenlee, daughter of John Dover and Oma Ervin; farmer ; Democrat ; Presbyterian ; resides near Greenlee, North Carolina. CHILDREN : Harriet Elizabeth, born June 11, 1889. Francis Leland, born July 26, 1895. James McDowell, born November 1, 1896. Charlotte Lenora, born December 12, 1898. 213. EDWARD THOMAS GREENLEE 5 f James MOreenlee^ David W.Greenlee > ( Harriet Rice Mary McEntire James Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' 1 Mary Mitchell Mary E. McDowell / son of Captain James McEntire Greenlee and Harriet Rice, was born Novem- ber 11, 1858 in McDowell Co., North Carolina ; died February 22, 1892 at Ashe- viDe, North Carolina ; married September 3, 1884 in McDowell Co., North Caro- lina, MINNIE CONEY of Wilmington, North Carolina. CHILDREN : 382. I. Minnie. 383. II. Nellie. 384. III. Edward. EDWARD THOMAS GREENLEE with his manly, chivalric ways and bright sayings, began to attract friends to himself very early in life. His fond- ness for all sorts of animals led to his making many strange and grotesque pets ; and a study of their habits gave him perpetual amusement and delight. Any cruelty to them quickly aroused his championship, and this remained a promi- nent and vdnning characteristic throughout his life. To all that was beautiful in nature, the sensitive soul of the boy quickly responded. As boy or man the beauty of no wild flower escaped him, and during the later years of his life he was a most successful and enthusiastic gardener, dispelling thereby many busi- ness cares and worries. Full of bright hopes, noble resolves and lofty purposes, he left his old home for college life at the University in 1878, and in 1880 finished with honor the Scientific course. Here, too, he was converted and joined the Presbyterian church. After reading law for two years with W. W. Flemming of Charlotte, he obtained in 1882 license to plead at the bar, and returning to McDowell, opened a law office in Marion, where he practiced law quite successfully until a JAMES OF VIRGINIA. 285 few weeks before his death. During the pastorate of the Rev. E. C. Murray he was chosen Elder of the Marion Church and superintendent of the Sabbath school. His interest and pleasure in this work were most earnest and sincere. With the New Year he had gone to Asheville, to find wider scope for his talent in the realm of law. His first ease in the city courts had just been gained when the sudden illness came on which caused his death. 218. MA BY MATILDA GREENLEE 5 f Thomas T. Greenlee « David W. Greenlee > lYlAitX lYlAlllji»A UKrirjiXLiriJIi \ Margaret R. Logan Mary McEntire James Greenlee ^ .Tames Greenlee ' ) Mary Mitchell Mary E. McDowell | daughter of Thomas Young Greenlee and Margaret Ruth Logan, was born October 9, 1855 at Marion, McDowell Co., North Carolina; married November 27, 1877 at Marion, EDWARD JONES BURGIN who was born June 30, 1856 at Marion, son of Robert Burgin and Henrietta Moore. He was a merchant; Democrat; Presbyterian; resided at Marion, North Carolina. CHILDREN : 385. I. Robert Lee Burgin, born September 29, 1878 ; died September 29, 1878. Lillian Harvey Burgin, born November 8, 1879. Mary Greenlee Burgin, born July 21, 1882. Margaret Henrietta Burgin, born September 29, 1885. Edward Jones Burgin, born August 20, 1889. James Greenlee Burgin, born December 20, 1892. 228. JOHN GRAY BYNUM 5 jMaryL. McDowcIM Charles McDowell » Grace Greenlee = I John G. Bynum Annie McDowell Charles McDowell James Greenlee ^ \ Mary B. McDowell J son of Mary Louisa McDowell and John Gray Bynum, was born February 15, 1846 at Gilberttown, Rutherford Co., North Carolina; married September 21, 1870 at Morganton, Burke Co., North Carolina, EMMA HENRIETTA ERWIN who was born May 24, 1846 at Morganton, daughter of William Crawford Erwin and Matilda Walton; lawyer; Democrat; Presbyterian; resided at Greensboro, North Carolina. No children. 241. HENRY OLAY GREENLEE b f Samuel H. Greenlee 'James Greenlee' David Greenlee » .ixxjxiAx uun.1 VTACijjiixjcici •, Elizabeth Stites Sarah CaSkey Jane White James Greenlee ^ \ Mary E. McDowell J son of Samuel Harvey Greenlee and Elizabeth Stites, was born January 17, 1845 in Warren Co., Ohio ; died March 15, 1883 in Highland Tp., Defiance Co., Ohio ; married December 19, 1867 in Hudson, Wisconsin, LOUISE A. NEWELL who was born January 17, 1844 at Attica, Fountain Co., Indiana, daughter of Davis Newell and Caroline Maria Phillips. 386. II 387. III. 388. IV. 389. V. 390. VI. 286 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: 391. I. Henry Clay, born April 14, 1874 at St. Paul, Minnesota. 392. n. Emily Louise, born September 12, 1879. HENRY CLAY GREENLEE passed his first years at Defiance, Ohio, and from his eighth to fifteenth year, on a farm about five miles from Ayersville, Ohio, meanwhile attending school in the village. When fifteen he obtained his mother's consent to accompany her cousin to St. Paul, Minnesota, doing what- ever he could find to do until he secured a position with a dealer in furs. He remained in this position until he was seventeen years of age, when he enlisted on July 28, 1862 in Company A, 6th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, first to be sent to quell the Indian outbreak, and later sent with his regiment to the south to assist in quelling the rebellion. He saw much active service, and was mus- tered out at Fort Snelling, Minnesota, August 19, 1865. He was fond of study and carried books with him all his army life, improving every opportunity. After his discharge from the army he visited his mother and sister in Ohio, and attended school there for a time, then returned to St. Paul and engaged in the fur business. He was considered the best judge of fur in the city. He made many trips to the northern and western parts of the state to purchase fur, often with large sums of money on his person, and when beyond the pale of civiliza- tion would lie down at night with none but Indians for company, and without fear of molestation. Upon being asked if he were not afraid, he answered, "I feel safer with them than with white perosns. The Indians would die for me." He learned to speak their language, which pleased them very much. When they came dovra to St. Paul in the spring to dispose of their winter's work in hunting and trapping, they would deposit their money with him, considering it safer than in a bank. He was a Republican ; Baptist. His widow and daughter reside at St. Paul. HENRY CLAY GREENLEE, JR., enlisted June 11, 1898 at St. Paul, as recruit in Company D, 13th Regiment Minnesota Volunteers, for service in the Spanish-American war. He was at Camp Merritt from June 20 until July 29, 1898, when he sailed on the steamer "St. Paul" from San Francisco, and ar- rived at Manila, Philippine Islands, August 31, 1898. He was a dental student at the time of his enlistment. 242. SADIF. R'RF.'RNT.F.F. 6 f Samuel H. Greenlee * James Greenlee » David Greenlee " OA±/u:i VTAfiXii^XjiUJ:! 1 Elizabeth Stltes Sarah Caskev .Tane White James Greenlee ■ 1 Mary B. McDowell / daughter of Samuel Harvey Greenlee and Elizabeth Stites, was born May 20, 1847 at Defiance, Defiance Co., Ohio ; married October 10, 1867 near Ayersville, Defiance Co., Ohio, JOHN CLINTON GARVEY who was born November 19, 1842 at Piqua, Miami Co., Ohio, son of Thomas Garvey and Elinor Clinton. Baptists. Reside at Defianec. JAMES OF VIRGINIA. 287 CHILDREN : 393. I. Gertrude Lincoln Garvey, born August 23, 1869 ; married Joseph R. Copper. + 394. II. Clinton Greenlee Garvey, born March 25, 1880 at Ayersville. He graduated from the public school at Defiance, in 1897. He entered the office of the General Auditor of the United States Express Company in New York City, at the age of seventeen and has since been promoted to the office of cashier for the company at Utica, or Ithaca, New York. 243. AlVTAICriA nPlP.li'.N'T Ttlli'. 5 f Samuel H. Greenlee * James Greenlee ' David Greenlee '^ AITIAXIUA. UAiUJZiXiXjXifj \ Elizabeth Stltes Sarah Caskey Jane White Jamea Greenlee ' I Mary B. McDowell J daughter of Samuel Harvey Greenlee and Elizabeth Stites, was born November 15, 1849 at Defiance, Ohio ; died August 8, 1875 ; married 187— GEORGE W. KELLEY. One son: 395. I. Daniel Harry Killey ; died on Thanksgiving day, 1874 aged seventeen months. AMANDA GREENLEE received her education in the village schools, and a private school at Ayersville, Ohio, and became a school teacher. 244. MINERVA ELLEN GREENLEE ^ { |f °^- ^ea^r-c'e'"''' * il?kl' dlST ' David Greenlee ^ James Greenlee '■ \ Jane White Mary E. McDowell / daughter of Thomas Franklin Greenlee and Eliza Ann Pearce, was born March 16, 1843 at Bourneville, Ross Co., Ohio ; married GEORGE PIERCE ; married second July 31, 1879, THOMAS CLEMENS MEANS (his third wife), born September 15, 1835 at Plattsburg, Clinton Co., Missouri, died January 6, 1898 at Villisca, Iowa, son of Thomas Means and Elizabeth Livingston. He was a farmer; Democrat; Cumberland Presbyterian. No Children. Mr. Means had six children by former marriage. MINERVA ELLEN GREENLEE attended public school. In her fifteenth year she united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, and soon became an active worker in the church. She was especially interested in the Sabbath school work, and for eight years was teacher of the boys Bible class, and Li- brarian and Secretary for a number of years. In September, 1867 she com- menced teaching in the primary department of the public school at New Peters- burg, Highland County, Ohio, and continued there four years. Afterward she taught in Highland Coimty until the fall of 1875, when she went to the home 288 GKEENLEE GENEALOGY. of her uncle, James Greenlee, near Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois. After visiting with relatives in that vicinity until April, 1876, she went to Villisca, Iowa, where her mother and the other members of the family were located. She again taught school for three years, then was married to Thomas Clemens Means. He was one of the pioneers of Montgomery County, coming there with his mother in 1851. For many years he was an active member of the Cumber- land Presbyterian Church, organized in that neighborhood, and holding its meetings at the Means schoolhouse. For thirty years he was a ruling elder of the church, and for many years Sabbath school superintendent. At various times he served as president and treasurer of the township school board, and always performed his oiBcial duties with fidelity. Mrs. Means united with her husband in his church work. She was secretary and a teacher in the Sunday school and, after her husband's death, became its superintendent, and also teacher of the old ladies Bible class. She has always been greatly interested in missions, and was for two years Presbyterial Secretary of the Women's Mis- sionary organization of the "West Iowa Presbytery" of the Cumberland Pres- byterian church. Slie has also served as Secretary and President of the Auxil- liary Society of her church. She has brought up her sister Mary's child, Grace Greenlee Wilson, taking her when only seventeen months old, and is educating her for a teacher. 245. MARY LOUISE GREENLEE ^ > T.om^s F.^Or^e^en.ee . James G^reeo^e ' David Greenlee * James Greenlee ^ \ Jane White Mary E. McDowell J daughter of Thomas Franklin Greenlee and Eliza Ann Pearce, was born Octo- ber 27, 1844 at Bainbridge, Ross Co., Ohio ; died June 5, or 4, 1884 at Hillsboro, Ohio ; married April 30, 1867, THOMAS WILSON who died May 6, 1884, son of Thomas Wilson and Elizabeth . He was a farmer and stockman. CHILDREN : Nelson Barren Wilson, born INIarch 7, 1868. Fannie Marie Wilson, born September 22, 1870. Thomas Clinton Wilson, born March 5, 1873. Chester Arthur Wilson, born April 5, 1876. Francis Oakey Wilson, born August 14, 1878; died August, 1884. Scott Holmes Wilson, born September 22, 1880. Grace Greenlee Wilson, born January 12, 1883. 246. FRANCIS PEARCE GREENLEE s / S'».°™«« f Greenlee « James Greenlee ' I Eliza A. Pearce Sarah Caskey David Greenlee - James Greenlee ^ \ Jane White Mary E. McDowell J son of Thomas Franklin Greenlee and Eliza Ann Pearce, was born October 5, 1846 at Bainbridge, Ross Co., Ohio ; married ALICE STEWART who was born at Washington, Pennsylvania, daughter of William Stewart; married second 396. I. 397. n. 398. III. 399. IV. 400. V. 401. VI. 402. VII. No. :246. FRANCIS PEARCE GREENLEE. No. 192. SAMUEL MITCHELL GREENLEE. MRS. .\L\KY UAl'l'dLUT CREENLEE. JAMES OP VIRGINIA 289 October 24, 1878 at Villisca, Montgomery Co., Iowa, CORA MANN, born June 26, 1858 at Niles, Michigan, daughter of Joseph Mann and Emily . CHILDREN : 403. I. George P., born September 9, 1879. 404. II. Gertrude, born September 13, 1881 ; died August 20, 1883. 405. III. Harry L., born January 14, 1883. 406. TV. Marie, born January 18, 1884. FRANCIS PEARCE GREENLEE was educated in the public schools and academy of Hillsboro, graduating from the latter in 1866. He taught school in Hillsboro for three years, then went to Indianapolis, where he read law with his uncle, Ephraim A. Greenlee, and was admitted to the bar in the spring of 1872. The same year he went to Villisca, Montgomery Co., Iowa, where he taught school for one year, and at the end of that time was admitted to the bar in that state and began the practice of law at Villisca. He represented Mont- gomery County in the twenty-first General Assembly, and was prominent in much of the legislation of that session. Being a member of the Judiciary Com- mittee, he took a leading part in the reorganization and putting into successful operation the present judical system of the state, and permanently locating the supreme court at the state capital. He was a member of several of the most important committees, being chairman of two. One of the most able and effective debaters upon the floor, he was recognized as one of the leaders of the House. He was not a candidate for re-elcetion. Mr. Greenlee was closely identified with the growth and development of the city of Villisca and that part of the country ; and, being imbued with the public spirit commendable in all men, he took an active part in all public questions, and upheld those which to him appeared to be for the best interest of the whole people. He was three times elected mayor of Villisca. His last term expired in April, 1898, when he declined re-election, but was retained as solicitor by the city. Taking charge of the city with a depleted treasury, he so managed the finances that, without increasing taxation, he paid off the city bonds as they matured and the cost of all needed improvements and extensions, and retired at the close of his last official term with the endorsement and good will of the people, and a large cash balance in the treasury. In 1898 he removed to Red Oak to enter upon the discharge of his duties as County Attorney, to which office he had been elected that fall. By his careful and painstaking methods with all business entrusted to him, and strict fidelity to his clients, he has won the confidence and esteem of the people. He is an able lawyer and successful practitioner, filling the office of County Attorney with marked ability to the entire satisfaction of his fellow citizens. Mr. Greenlee is a teacher in the Presbyterian Sunday school, and has been prominent in that work for years. He is a member of the orders of Odd Pellows, Knights of Pythias and Masons. 290 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 248. CATHERINE HOLMES GREENLEE ^ | Thom,^s R Gre^enlee . Tamers G^reen.ee > David Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' f Jane White Mary B. McDowell t daughter of Thomas Franklin Greenlee and Eliza Ann Pearce, was born Janu- ary 8, 1851 ; married WILLIAM DAVIS; married second DR. DILLARD PITT- MAN who died in 1894 ; residence, Villisca, Iowa ; five children ; two are dead, one is in Manila and three ( ?) are at home. 249. ANNIE ADELIA GREENLEE ^ | Thomas ^^Gre^enlee ♦ ii^tlf «.^|^,°^- ' David Greenlee ' James Greenlee '■ 1 Jane White Mary E. McDowell J daughter of Thomas Franklin Greenlee and Eliza Ann Pearce, was born August 23, 1853 at Hillsboro, Highland Co., Ohio ; married May 23, 1880, BENJAMIN HARRIS who was born September 9, 1840 at Norfolk, England, died May 21, 1885. He was a druggist; Democrat; Episcopalian; resided at Creston, Iowa. She owns and operates Boyds Theatre Drug store at Omaha, Nebraska. No children. 251. TP.T.TJ^A .TANTi'. OPF.NT.'RV. 5 ( Thomas F. Greenlee ♦ James Greenlee » David Greenlee ' XiJjXZiA uaxiXj uaXiKHjAXi | EUza A. Pearce Sarah Caskey Jane White James Greenlee • \ Mary E. McDowell / daughter of Thomas Franklin Greenlee and Eliza Ann Pearce, was born March 16, 1858 at Hillsboro, Highland Co., Ohio ; married March 16, 1876 at Villisca, Montgomery Co., Iowa, EDGAR JOSEPH MANN, born June 28, 1852 at Niles, Berrien Co., Michigan, son of Joseph Mann and Emaliae McNilte; merchant, school teacher; Democrat; Presbyterian; residence, Villisca, Iowa. CHILDREN: 407. I. Nina E. Mann, bom November 30, 1876; married December 23, 1897 or 1896 at Villisca, John Bingenheimer of Lemars, Iowa. Nellie Greenlee Mann, born December 27, 1884. Joseph Edgar Mann, bom August 8, 1887. Raymond Ney Mann, born October 8, 1889. Hazel Lucille Mann, bom November 25, 1891 or 1892. 255. ANNEKA JANS BOGARDUS GREENLEE ^ | Thomas F^Ch-e^enlee . Jame^s Greenlee » David Greenlee ' James Greenlee ^ 1 Jane White Mary E. McDowell / daughter of Thomas Franklin Greenlee and Eliza Ann Pearce, was bom August 7, 1865 at Hillsboro, Highland Co., Ohio ; married November 2, 1882, CHARLES 408. n. 409. III. 410. IV. 411. V. JAJVIES OF VIRGINIA. 291 CYRUS WATERMAN, born April 21, 1863 at Atalissa, Muscatine Co., Iowa, son of Francis Granger Waterman and Sarah Catherine Lundy. CHILDREN : 412. I. Fay Marie Waterman, born October 15, 1885 at Villisca, Iowa. 413. II. Jessie Frances Waterman, born May 31, 1890 at Villisca. CHARLES CYRUS WATERMAN was a partner with his father in the hardware business at Villisca, Iowa. In May, 1891 he sold his interest in the business and moved to Fresno, California, where he bought a raisin vineyard. In April, 1893 he sold the vineyard and returned to Villisca, whexe he again engaged in the hardware business. He is a Democrat. Mrs. Waterman is an active worker in the Christian Church. Their two daughters are attending high school. 256. JOHN HARVEY CASKEY 5 f David OCaskey Grace Creenlee ' DaTld Greenlee = \ Eliza Hite John Caekey Jane White James Greenlee ' 1 Mary E. McDowell / son of David Greenlee Caskey and Eliza Hite, was born February 19, 1847 at Richland, Rush Co., Indiana; married ELIZA SCOTT; married second MATTIE ADKINS who was born September 9, 1860 at Huntsville, Carrol Co., Mississippi, daughter of Jerome Adkins and Virginia Curtis. CHILDREN : Lew Caskey, born December 3, 1881. William Caskey, born November 16, 1883. Clyde Caskey, born September 28, 1886. Florence Caskey, born December 11, 1889. John Caskey, born February 29, 1892. Nettie Caskey, bom July 21, 1895, or 1894. Minnie Caskey, born August 28, 1897. JOHN HARVEY CASKEY was educated in the common schools and Rich- land Academy. He obtained a scientific education and taught school for fifteen years. He acted in the capacity of Deputy Sheriff four years. He is now en- gaged in farming. In politics he is a Democrat ; in religion, Christian ; resides at Fairmount, Indiana. 262. LUCRETIA VIRGINIA CASKEY « { ^^S^d'aliS^"^^ * ?JhTcS'^^ ' David Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' 1 Jane White Mary E. McDowell j daughter of Samuel Harvey Caskey and Lucinda Hite, was born September 25, 1851 at Richland, Rush Co., Indiana ; married September 5, 1871 at Greensburg, 414. I. 415. II. 416. III. 417. IV. 418. V. 419. VI. 420. VII. 292 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Decatur Co., Indiana, WILLIAM H. MILLER who was born September 5, 1847 at Vevey, Switzerland Co., Indiana, son of Thomas Miller and Elizabeth Peters. He is a farmer ; Republican ; Methodist ; resides at New Salem, Indiana. CHILDREN: 421. I. Minnie 0. Miller, born August 20, 1873 ; unmarried. 422. II. James H. Miller, born November 30, 1878. 263. JAMES EDWARD CASKEY « { Hf^^^^^.r'''' ' f^^^cTs^T ' Pavid Greenlee ^ James Greenlee ^ ) Jane White Mary B. McDowell / son of Samuel Harvey Caskey and Lucinda Hite, was born May 12, 1853 at Richland, Rush Co., Indiana; married August 6, 1895 at Greensburg, Decatur Co., Indiana, MABEL GERTRUDE KERCHEVAL who was born August 3, 1872 at St. Omer, Decatur Co., Indiana, daughter of William V. Kercheval, or Kurtcheville, and Sarah Enos. Mr. Caskey is postmaster ; in politics, a Republi- can; in religion, Methodist; resides at Greensburg, Indiana. CHILDREN : 423. I. Marian Caskey, born June 18, 1896. 424. II. James Fairbanks Caskey, born September 7, 1898. 276. ALEXANDER. W GREENLEE 5 / WllUam P. Greenlee « David Greenlee » AXjJ!iA.Alt|lJ£.n W. unriril^ljrii:! j Barbara W. Enlow Mary (Purnell) Hall David Greenlee " James Greenlee ' ) Jane White Mary B. McDowell J son of William Purnell Greenlee and Barbara Wilson Enlow, was born April 5, 1854 at Warrensburg, Johnson Co., Missouri; married September 25, 1880, PRANCES ABIGAIL CROUCH who was born March 15, 1861 at Troy, Lincoln Co., Missouri, daughter of Henry Crouch and Virginia. CHILDREN : Minnie, born May 22, 1883; unmarried. Maud, born July 3, 1888. Myrtle, born June 5, 1892. Mabel, born March 14, 1894. Alva Henry, born February 10, 189!/. ALEXANDER W. GREENLEE left home at the age of seventeen. He spent a year in Nevada, then a short time in Colorado, after which he went to Cali- fornia. From there he went to Oregon and stayed a few months, then returned to California where he remained another year, then went to Colorado and re- mained two years. Having been roving around for five years he decided to re- 425. I. 426. II. 427. III. 428. IV. 429. V. 1 JAMES OF VIRGINIA • 293 turn to his home. He remained only a short time, then went to Texas, and has since lived in this state and Oklahoma. He is a farmer; Democrat; Methodist. Resides at Moore, Oklahoma. 283. CHARLES BRADSHAW BLAKEY s jJi?,^^ 9''?f,'"r* P,^'"^,?r^^°'f,« '„ „ ( William C. Blakey Mary (Purnell) Hall David Greenlee ' James Greenlee ^ ) Jane White Mary E. McDowell J son of Mary Elizabeth Greenlee and William Clark Blakey, was born March IS, 1854 at Cole Camp, Benton Co., Missouri; married April, 1887 at Farmer, Young Co., Texas, IDA CALLEN who was born January 15, 1861 in Arkansas, died February 6, 1888 at Walsenburg, Colorado, daughter of A. V. Callen ; married second February 1, 189'4 at Graham, Young Co., Texas, ADELIA FRANCES (CADDEL) COLLINS, born October 22, 1870 at Denton, Denton Co., Texas, daughter of A. B. Caddel and Sarah F. Colwell. CHILDREN : 430. I. Daughter, born January 26, 1888 at Walsenburg, Colorado; died September 23, 1888. 431. II. Yelverton C. Blakey, born January 8, 1896. 432. III. Charles D. Blakey, born December 4, 1897. CHARLES BRADSHAW BLAKEY after several years of farming, attend- ing school during the winter months, became disgusted with farm life. His father agreed to accompany him to Texas, since he was determined to try a new country. In 1875 they went to Denison, Texas, where for three years they raised cotton and made a good living, but saved little. He then determined to try something else, so engaged in cattle raising in Young County, Texas. In a few years he had gathered a large amount of experience, whole some one else got the herd. He then began the life of a cowboy, which he followed pretty reg- ularly in Texas and Indian Territory until the spring of 1887. In the fall of that year he located at Walsenburg, Colorado. After his wife's death he wandered back to Texas and again took up the life of a cow-boy, and during five years employment as such he accumulated quite a number of cattle, and kept his herd three years longer in Young County, then in order to secure better range for his stock he removed to King County, Texas, where he now owns a ranch of four thousand acres stocked with a good herd of improved cattle. In polities, he is a Democrat ; in religion. Christian ; resides at Benjamin, Knox County, Texas. 284. BF.I.LF. MAY BT.AK'F.Y 5 f Mary B. Greenlee * David Greenlee > David Greenlee » DIUIjIjXi aiAX 1SL.AAX.)£ 1 William C. Blakey Mary (I'urnell) Hall Jane White James Greenlee ' ) Mary E. McDowell J daughter of JIary Elizabeth Greenlee and William Clark Blakey, was born February 27, 1856 at Colecamp, Missouri ; married February 15, 1881 at 294 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Graham, Young Co., Texas, JOHN WILLIAM GALLAHER who was born January 28, 1852 at Warrensburg, Johnson Co., Missouri, son of Thomas Gal- laher and Dorcas Carson. He is a physician; Democrat; Baptist; resides at Weatherford, Texas. CHILDREN : 433. I. Blanche Gallaher, born August 26, 1882. 434. II. Bernice Gallaher. 435. III. Tom Gallaher. 436. rV. Blakey Gallaher. 437. V. Corinne Gallaher. 438. VI. Camile Gallaher. 439. VII. Mary Ardell Gallaher. 295. ANNIE CELINDA GREENLEE ^ { ^PaJvln^l^lU^r'"" * S^allnrB^ecS'eSlr' David Greenlee ' James Greenlee i 1 Jane White Mary B. McDowell / daughter of Ephraim McDowell Greenlee and Malvina Miller, was born June 22, 1856 at Princeton, Illinois ; died June 3, 1892 at Nevada, Missouri ; married October 16, 1874 at Chillicothe, Missouri, WILLIAM KAVANAUGH WOODS WALDEN who was born May 22, 1853 at Chillicothe, Missouri, died November 15, 1897 at Nevada, Missouri. He was a farmer; Baptist; resided at Nevada, Missouri. CHILDREN : 440. I. Inez Belle Walden, bom October 12, 1875; married Samuel Levi Kreiser.+ William L. Walden, born August 20, 1877. Robert D. Walden, born August 22, 1879. EfiBe M. Walden, born November 12, 1881 ; died May 17, 1894. Hermon Walden, born December 10, 1883. Sarah Catherine Walden, bom August 25, 1886. Bessie Walden, born September 11, 1889. Letah Walden, born April 16, 1892; died April 30, 1892. Lelah Walden, born April 16, 1892; died May 10, 1892. 296. T /XTTTQ ATTIPPT n'R1i''E!'N'T 1111?. 5 / Ephraim M. Greenlee « Ephraim M. Greenlee' liUUlb Al.15ii.Kl UKJ!,J!.JNl.l!iJ!. \ Malvina Miller Malinda Becklehelmer David Greenlee ^ James Greenlee ' I Jane White Mary E. McDowell ) son of Ephraim McDowell Greenlee and Malvina Miller, was born December 17, 1858 at Middlebury, Mercer Co., Missouri ; married June 25, or 26, 1885 at Dubuque, Iowa, CARRIE JANE DEAVER who was born December 22, 1861 at Dubuque, daughter of Lewis Alexander Deaver and Honora Donohoe. 441. II. 442. HI. 443. IV. 444. V. 445. VI. 446. VII. 447. VIII. 448. IX. JAMES OF VIRGINIA. 295 CHILDREN : 449. I. John Louis, born February 16, 1887. 450. n. George Albert, born November 13, 1888. 451. III. Walter Robert, born July 3, 1890. 452. IV. James Thomas, born July 2, 1894. LOUIS ALBERT GREENLEE learned the printer's trade, and after the death of his mother went to the Rocky Mountains. He worked at his trade in Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho and Montana, and finally located at Dubuque, Iowa. In 1887 he removed to St. Paul, Minnesota, where he re- mained until October, 1896. On account of a strike that year he removed to Chicago, where he was employed by the Times-Herald for about a year. Since that time he has been connected with the Western Newspaper Publishing Com- pany in Chicago. In politics Mr. Greenlee is an Independent. 297. EFFIE JANE GREENT.EE 5 / Ephraim M. Greenlee * Ephralm M. Greenlee » Affxxi oa.aiu vrn,£ij:iriujjj:i JMalvina Miller Malinda Becklehelmer David Greenlee " James Greenlee ^ ) Jane White Mary E. McDowell J daughter of Ephraim McDowell Greenlee and Malvina Miller was born August 27, 1861 at Princeton, Missouri ; died October 24, 1895 at Italy, Ellis Co., Texas ; married February 27, 1884 at Bedford, Livingston Co., Missouri, ROBERT CASPER MITCHELL who was born February 20, 1861 at Bedford, Missouri. He is a lumber dealer; Democrat; Methodist; resides at Italy, Texas. CHILDREN : 453. I. Harry E. Mitchell, born March 27, 1885 at Brunswick, Missouri. 454. II. Leta Mitchell, born August 16, 1887 at Kansas City, Missouri. 455. III. Daryl C. Mitchell, born December 5, 1889 at Omaha, Nebraska. 456. IV. Fannie Mitchell, born July 16, 1892 at Italy, Texas. EFFIE JANE (GREENLEE) MITCHELL was a bright and well educated woman; graduated at Chillicothe, Missouri; was a fine musician. She was a lovable wife and a very tender mother. 354. TflTI'N VAWPVe f Mary W. Plemming ° Hannah A. E. Greenlee * John M. Greenlee ' iivxui XAXiv/x jjohnG. Yancy Samuel Flemming Mary B. Greenlee James Greenlee ' James Greenlee ^ t Mary Mitchell Mary E. McDowell J son of Mary W. Flemming and John C. Yancy, was born January 31, 1862 at Asheville, Madison Co., North Carolina ; married May 5, 1897 at Lincolnton, Lincoln Co., North Carolina, CARRIE MOTZ who was born May 14, 1870 at 296 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Lincolnton, and was a daughter of Caleb Motz and Emeline Carson. He is a merchant ; in polities, a Populist ; in religion, Presbyterian ; resides at Marion, North Carolina. One child: 457. I. John G. Taney, born April 30, 1898.. 366. IVTAPV IP VANfiVS f Mary W. Flemming 6 Hannah A. E. Greenlee * John M. Greenlee ' lUAAi j: . ±a.xt\ji. \JohnG. iancy Samuel Flemming Mary E. Greenlee James Greenlee ' James Greenlee i I Mary Mitchell Mary E. McDowell j daughter of Mary W. Flemming and John G. Yancy, was born July 11, 1866 at Marion, McDowell Co., North Carolina ; married December 24, 1890 at Salem, Forsyth Co., North Carolina CHARLES MACON CORPENING who was born March 9, 1864 at Marion, North Carolina, son of C. L. Corpening and Martha Micheaux. He is a merchant and resides near Marion, North Carolina ; at Woodlawn in 1901. In politics, he is a Republican ; in religion, Episcopalian. CHILDREN : 458. I. Charles M. Corpening, born October 13, 1891. 459. II. John Y. Corpening, born February 11, 1894. 460. III. Grayson M. Corpening, born June 30, 1896. 461. IV. Mary Flemming Corpening, born September 5, 1900. 357. SAMUEL HANNAH YANCEY 6 (Mary W Flemming' Hannah A. E. Greenlee I John G. Yancy Samuel Flemming John M. Greenlee ' -Tames Greenlee - James Greenlee ^ \ Mary E. Greenlee Mary Mitchell Mary E. McDowell / son of Mary W. Flemming and John G. Yancy, was born August 16, 1868 at Marion, McDowell Co., North Carolina; married May 20, 1897 at Marion, ELIZABETH R. NEAL, born November 19, 1875 at Marion, daughter of Joseph G. Neal and Rowena E. Weaver. He is a furniture dealer; in politics, a Populist; in Religion, Protestant; resides at Marion, North Carolina. CHILDREN : 462. I. Samuel H. Yancey, born April 5, 1898 ; died August 28, 1899. 463. II. Mary R. Yancey, born March 11, 1900. JAMES OF VIRGINIA 297 359. WP-STTilT? T VANfiV 6 f Mary W. Flemming= Hannah A. E. Greenlee < John M. Greenlee ' XXfjKi^xju X. xxixiui (John Y. Yancy Samuel KIcmming Mary E. Greenlee James Greenlee = James Greenlee ' I Mary Mitchell Mary E. McDowell ) daughter of Mary W. Fleniming and John G. Yancy, was born September 12, 1871 at WoodhiAvn, McDowell Co., North Carolina; married June 20, 189"4 at Woodlawn, DAVID N. LONON, born March 7, 1862 at North Cove, McDowell Co., North Carolina, son of 0. N. Lonon and Emeline M. Martin. He is a farmer; Republican; Methodist; resides at iMarion, North Carolina. CHILDREN : 464. I. David N. Lonon, born March 13, 1895. 465. II. John G. Lonon, born January 21, 1897. 466. III. William Debnar Lonon, born June 24, 1899. HESTER I. (YANCY) LONON graduated at Salem Female College in 1892 — the same school that her mother and gradmother had attended. JAMES RALSTON FLEMMINGe {^//•'rn^iS""'"^' IfmS^fFle^m^nT'" ' John M. Greenlee ^ James Greenlee ~ James Greenlee ^ \ Mary E. Greenlee Mary Mitchell Mary E. McDowell / son of William Woodville Flemming and Ella Mary Ralston, was born Septem- ber 11, 1874 at Norristown, Montgomery Co., Pennsylvania; married June 30, 1897 at New York City, BERTHA FRANCES BRYAN, born October 25, 1875 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, daughter of John Bryan and Anna Gross. One son. 467. I. Bryan Flemming, born November 7, 1898. JAMES RALSTON FLEMMING was educated at Rittenhouse Academy, Washington, D. C, Princeton University and New York Law School. He is a lawyer and resides in New York City. 393. GERTRUDE LINCOLN GARVEY S S Sadle Greenlee = Samuel H. Greenlee • \ John C. Garvey Elizabeth Stites James Greenlee ' Havid Greenlee = James Greenlee ' I Sarah Caskey Jane White Mary E. McDowell J daughter of Sadie Greenlee and John Clinton Garvey, was born August 23, 1869 at Deliauee, Ohio; married JOSEPH R. COPPER; resides at Newark, Ohio. 298 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : 468. I. Harry Garvey Copper. 469. n. Carrie Sadie Copper. 470. III. May Copper. 471. IV. Clarence Rogers Copper. 440. TTa"Ii'7 'RTPTT'Ii' TWAT 'mi'.'N 6 f Anna C. Greenlee = Ephralm M. Greenlee IHH.^ atHAjH. Y/AUUHin" | wmiam K. W. WaMen Malvina Miller Bphralm M. Greenlee David Greenlee " James Greenlee ^ 1 Malinda Becklehelmer Jane White Mary E. McDowell J daughter of Annie Celinda Greenlee and William Kavanaugh Woods Walden, was born October 12, 1875 at Chillicothe, Missouri ; married February 28, 1898 at Chillicothe, Missouri, SAMUEL LEVI KREISER, born July 23, 1875 at Mendota, Lasalle Co., Illinois, son of Amos Kreiser and Mattie . He is a farmer; Republican; Methodist; resides at Hale, Missouri. One child: 472. I. Verlie Irene Kresiser, bom February 4, 1899. DESCENDANTS OF JAMES GREENLEE OF HANOVER TOWNSHIP, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. 1. JAMES GREENLEE,! said to have been the son of Alexander Greenlee, was born about 1718 in the north of Ireland ; died between March 18, 1772 and October, 1778 in Hanover Township, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania; married who died after March 18, 1772. CHILDREN: 2. I. William (eldest son) ; married Mary Thompson.-f- 3. n. Son (?). 4. in. James. 5. IV. Alexander; left home and never returned. 6. V. Robert. 7. VI. Mary; married Thompson. JAMES GREENLEE'S name appears on Hanover Township tax list as early as 1738. WILL OF JAMES GREENLEE. March the 18th day 1772. In the name of God amen Amen. I James Greenlee of Hanover Township and County of Lancaster and Province of Pennsylvania being very weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto god therefore Calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and Testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my Soul into the hands of almighty god that Gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in decent Christian Burial at the discreation of my Executors, nothing Doubting but at the general Resur- rection I shall receive the same again by the Almighty power of God and as touching S'ouch Worldly Estate wherewith it hath Pleased God to bless me with in this life, I Give demise and Dispose of the same in the following manner and Form. Item. I Give and bequath to my Eldest son William Greenlee Twenty pounds of good and lawfull money of Pennsylvania to be paid him out of my Estate. Item. I give to my son Alexander Greenlee the sum of Twenty Pounds. Item. I give to my son James Greenlee twenty Pounds. 299 300 . GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Item. I give to my Daughter Mary Greenlee fourty Pounds. I give to my son Williams oldest son James Green — ten pounds all which sum or sums are to be raised and Leved out of my Estate. Item. I Give to my dear and Loving wife Seven pounds to be paid Yearly to her out of my estate and a good horse for her at her own Command this to be her own induring her life time she has her Labor by — to live on the said Estate or any where else where she shall think best. Item. I give and bequeath to my son Robert Greenlee whom I likewise Con- stitute make and Ordain my Sole and Whole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament all my Plantation or improvements Together with all my Household goods Debt and Stock & moveable effects by him Freely to be possessed and enjoyed I also allow my son Robert to pay all Debts dues or Demands that shall Lawfully be laid against said Estate, I also allow him two full years to make and pay the Sums above Written after my Deseeds and I Do hereby utterly disallow revoke and Disannull all and every other Former Testament Wills Legacies and bequests and executors by me in any ways before named Willed and bequeathed. Ratifying and Conforming this and no other to be my Last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day & year above Written. his Signed sealed published declared James X Greenlee (L. S.) by the said James Greenlee as his mark last will & Testament in the pre- sence of us the subscribers. Alexander Sloan Jno. Moore. INVENTORY. A true Inventory of the real & personal estate of James Greenlee of Han- over Township in Lancaster County lately dec'd. Appraised by us whose names are hereafter writen the Octobr., 1778. The Improvements & wood lands apraised @ 15 Acres of Fall grain @ £7-0-0 @ 2 Do Do @ £2-10-0 @ Grain in the sheaf @ Hay @ 1 Black mare @ 1 Do Do @ 1 Waggon @ 1 Red Cow @ 1 Brooked Do @ 1 Brandled Do @ 1 Red Bull @ 1 Black heifer @ 1 Do Do Whitefaced @ £ S. D. .500 105 5 50 60 120 2 65 18 18 12 6 5 2 5 JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 301 1 Brindled Stier @ 1 Black Do @ 1 Red Calf @ 1 Cow hide @ 1 Sow & five piggs @ 1 Plow & Irons @ 1 Slide & Doubletree @ 1 Ax & Grubinghoe @ 1 Shovel and Hayfork @ 1 Dungf ork & spade @ 1 Foote edge & Drawingkuif e @ 1 Log Chain @ 1 Waggon Cover @ 1 Poplar chist & Do table @ 3 Chairs @ 1 Dough ehist @ 1 Churn & washing tub @ 1 Bucket & Two pails @ 2 Pots @ 1 Iron Crook @ 1 Big Wheel @ 1 Spining Do @ 1 Mans Saddle @ 1 Woman 's Do @ 2 Open ended vessels @ 1 Double Barrel @ 1 Single Do @ 3 Caggs @ 4 Casks @ 4 Riddles @ 1 Small Box @ 1 Feather Bed @ 2 Pair Double Blankets @ 1 Single Do Do @ 1 Coverlid @ 2 Bed Quilts @ 1 Bolster @ 1 Grindstone @ 2 Axes @ 1 Auger @ 4 Hilling hoes @ 1 Botle @ 1 Candlestick & Lamp @ 1 Cutting knife @ 4 Pair of horse giers @ 1 Half Bushel @ 1 Box & old Irons @ 1 Pair of wool shears (n) 3 1 10 1 10 2 3 15 5 10 1 2 5 17 6 1 10 17 6 3 10 1 10 1 10 1 5 19 6 1 14 6 2 10 1 10 10 1 10 12 6 2 5 1 10 1 15 5 18 9 1 6 6 .0 2 1 6 3 1 10 9 6 1 10 3 5 10 9 1 7 6 7 6 4 10 15 5 3 5 15 3 9 15 1 10 7 6 2 3 2 302 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 2 Earthen juggs @ 1 Coarse Hackle @ 2 Breast Chains @ 1 Frying pann @ 4 Pewter dishes @ 11 Bags @ 2 Scythes & Cuting knife @ 13 Bushels of Buckwheat @ 15/ pr Bus @ 2 Do Flaxseed @ 15/ pr Bus @ 1 Flax break @ 1 Scythe & Kradle @ Flax by the lump @ Oats in the sheaf @ The above & foregoing goods were apraised by us the subscribers accord- ing to the best of our knowledge. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands the day and year first writen. James Pottycord Alexander Sloan WILLIAM GREENLEE,* son of James Greenlee and , was born in Ireland ; killed by Indians May, 1777 or 1780 in Pennsylvania ; married MART THOMPSON who died in Pennsylvania. He was soon to be married the second time when he was killed. Resided at Penns Creek, near Swishers Run, Juniata Co., Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: James (eldest son), born about 1754; married Ann Pattterson.+ John (second son), born about 1758; married Sarah Brady.+ Sarah ; married McCullough. Mary; married George Darling. Elizabeth ; married Bell, or Biel. Susan; died young from a fall in a barn. Jane; died young. William (third son), born November 15, 1771; married Rebecca Hughes; married second Smith.-f 16. IX. Robert (youngest son), born May 30, 1773; married Margaret Porter. + 8. JAMES GREENLEE 3 ' Wllliam Crcenlee ^ James Greenlee ' 1 \ Mary Thompson J son of William Greenlee and Mary Thompson, was born about 1754 in Penn- sylvania ; died September, 1840 at the home if his son, James Patterson Green- 8. I. 9. II. 10. in. 11. IV. 12. V. 13. VI. 14. VII. 15. vm. 1 19. III. 20. IV. 21. V. 22. VI. 23. vu. JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 303 lee ; married ANN PATTERSON, who was born at Utica, Pennsylvania, died in 1839 near Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of Peter Patterson. He was a miller and farmer; in politics, a Democrat; in religion, Presbyterian; resided in French Creek Township, near Franklin, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: 17. I. William, bom January 5, 1785, or 1786; married Jane McClel- land.+ 18. n. John, born August 30, 1798 ; married Margaret Patterson ; married second Mary McKay.+ Sarah, bom August, 1803; married David Barr.+ James Patterson, born October 13, 1805 ; married Elizabeth Green- lee; married second Margaret McGinnis.+ Margaret; married Samuel Barr.-f- Elizabeth. Samuel, bom about 1812 ; died unmarried aged 21 years. JAMES GREENLEE purchased June 13, 1808, of the heirs of James Scott, deceased, seventy acres of land in Lackawannock Township, Mercer County, Pennsylvania. 9. JOHN GREENLEE 3 J ^'illiam Greenlee = James Greenlee i 1 »vuxi VTJ.VX1JJX1JJXJU t Mary Thompson I son of William Greenlee and Mary Thompson, was born in 1758 in Pennsyl- vania; died May 22, 1837 aged 79 years at Woodcock, Crawford Co., Pennsyl- vania ; married SARAH BRADY, who was born in 1771 in Pennsylvania, died May 16, 1850 aged 79 years, in Pennsylvania, daughter of Captain John Brady and Mary Quigley. CHILDREN : 24. I. William, born June 6, 1797 ; married Margaret Townley.+ 25. II. James, bom, 1799; married Hannah Bracken.+ 26. HI. Mary ("Polly"), bom May 6, 1802; married John Meredith Tay- lor Dunn.+ 27. IV. Elizabeth, born April 25, or 27, 1805 ; married John M. Humes. -f 28. V. John, born, 1808; killed by a train in Meadville, Pennsylvania, September 15, 1865. He was unmarried. 29. VI. Samuel, bom, 1810 ; died unmarried April 16, 1826, aged 15 years, 6 months. 30. Vn. David, bom, 1816 ; died unmarried, May 14, 1841. JOHN GREENLEE removed from Susquehanna Coimty to Woodcockboro, Pennsylvania, in 1796. He often received visits from the Indians who were 304 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. quite numerous at that time. He was a soldier in the war of 1812; Elder in the Presbyterian Church ; a Democrat ; resided in Woodcock To^vnship, Craw- ford County, Pennsylvania. 15. W'lLLIAM GREENLEE 3 fWilUam Greemee-- James Greenlee i ) t Mary Inompson ) son of William Greenlee and Mary Thompson, was born November 15, 1771 at Pottsville, Pennsylvania ; died in 1854 aged 82 years 3i/2 months, at JlcZena, Ashland Co., Ohio; married March 13, 1798 in Pennsylvania, REBECCA HUGHES ; married second SMITH, who died at McZena, Ohio, daugh- ter of William Smith. CHILDREN : Nancy, born December 15, 1799. Mary ("Polly"), born April 4, 1802; married Musgrave. John, born February 17, 1804 ; married Susan Mary Warnes.-|- Ellen, born January 11, 1806. Elizabeth, born January 11, 1806 ; died young. Elizabeth, born March 11, 1808., Jane, born February 20, 1810 ; married William Bell. Sarah, born December 7, 1812; married Ephraim Chidester Marks. + nd marriage : William, born October 7, 1818; living in Sumner, Illinois (1901). James, born September 17, 1820. Wesley, born October 22, 1822; lived in Michigan. L. Matilda, or Martha, born June 7, 1825; married John Burwell.-}- George Washington, born October 23, 1827. WILLIAM GREENLEE removed from Susquehanna County to Woodeock- boro, Pennsylvania, in 1796. He removed from Pennsylvania to Ohio about 1810 and located a farm of 160 acres on the south side of the Big Mohican River in Wayne (now Ashland) County. He exchanged his farm for the S. W. Quarter of Section 14, Range 15, Township 20, Wayne County, (now known as Lake Township, Ashland County), three miles further along the same river. He returned to Pennsylvania and arranged for moving his family to Ohio. October 22, 1811, he commenced his journey through the forest with one two- horse and one four-horse covered wagon, loaded with household goods, provis- ions, grain, and his family. He crossed the Ohio river and followed the trail through Canton, Massillon, and Wooster — then all mere villages. There were but few cabins along the trail and he was compelled to camp by the wayside nearly the entire distance. When he arrived at the village of Wooster he found no open path to the cabin of James L. Priest, who had been a neighbor in Crawford County, Pennsylvania and had located in 1809 near what is now known as Priests' Prairie, so he preceded his teams with an ax, cutting the undergrowth and preparing a wagon road. In this way his progress was slow 31. I. 32. IL 33. III. 34. IV. 35. V. 36. VI. 37. VII. 38. VIII. By sec( 39. IX. 40. X. 41. XL 42. XIL 43. XIII. No. 15. WILLIAM GREENLEE. No. 18. JOHN GREENLEB. No. 37. JANE GREENLEE BELL. No. 41. WESLEY CiUKEXLEE. ^ JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 305 and it took nearly a month to perform the journey. Arrived safely at his des- tination, his old neighbor and several Indians assisted him in putting up a cabin. As he was of mild and religious nature he fared vrell with the Indians, and he often said that he had never had anything stolen by them. As deer and wild geese were plentiful, they would often hunt together and were fast friends. For a long time there were but five families in this vicinity. The cabins were near the old Huron trail, and great numbers of Delawares passed on their way to and from the old Indian settlement on the Tuscarawas, during the fall of 1811 and the spring of 1812, but all kept quiet and friendly until after Hull's surrender at Detroit. This was followed by the removal of the Green and Jerometown Delawares, and the assasination of Ruffner, the Zim- mers and James Capus by the hostile Indians from Sandusky. The pioneers in the Priest neighborhood converted Mr. Priest's double cabin into a block house and enclosed with pickets about one-fourth of an acre of ground aroimd it. The settlers near Odells Lake joined those of the Priest settlement in the erec- tion of the stockade and came there for safety. They remained in the fort but a short time, though the fort remained the headquarters of the little colony during the continuance of the war. About the first stranger who came to the lone cabin was Johnny Appleseed.* as he was called. He planted an orchard for Mr. Greenlee, some of the trees of which are still bearing. Mr. Greenlee cleared some land for farming, and later built a flour mill, which was the first one in that section of the country. Previously they had to go into Rnox County — a distance of thirty miles — for their flour. A part of this old mill is still standing. In a short time his troubles began, and he lost his wife and several children, all being buried in the orchard. Some years later he sold his farm and mill and purchased the homestead which, at his decease, came into the possession of his son John. 16. ■RORF.'RT GREENLSE 3 / William Greenlee = James Greenlee ' 1 AM\y^^^iiA. v No. 26. MRS. MARY GREENLEE DUNN. HANNAH BRACIiEN GREENLEE. Xo. 131. JASPER NEWTOX BIIADT HUMES. No. 27. JOIIX M. HUMES. No. 27. ELIZABETH B. ((JKEEXLEE) HUMES. JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 311 129. Vni. Lafayette Dunn, born September 4, 1836; Master's Mate on U. S. Steamer Tawak ; died October 10, 1863 in the civil war. 130. IX. John Greenlee Dunn, born April 27, 1838; married Caroline Ma- tilda Luce ; lives at Ashtabula, Ohio ; no children. JOHN MEREDITH TAYLOR DUNN insisted on taking his father's place when the militia was called out in the war of 1812. He was a great reader, and interested in having good schools. Through him his district was the first in that part of the country to introduce the study of Philosophy and Physiology. He was also a strong temperance man, and drew up and circulated the first pledge in the county. He raised the first building that was raised anywhere in the vicinity without whiskey, but it took the second lot of men to start it. The building was raised the second day without accident or quarrel, while at the next two men fought and another man had his leg broken. After this the next one adopted Mr. Dunn's plan and had no trouble, so that ended whiskey for such occasions. He was a farmer; Republican; United Presbyterian; re- sided at McKean, Pennsylvania. 27. ELIZABETH B. GREENLEE * i ^°^^ Greenlee » William Greenlee ' ^^^ I Sarah Brady Mary Thompson James Greenlee ' ) daughter of John Greenlee and Sarah Brady, was born April 27, or 25, 1805 at Gravel Run, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; died May 29, 1884 ; married JOHN M. HUMES (his second wife), who was born April 13, 1790 at Lockhaven, Penn- sylvania, died December 2, 1790, son of Archibald Humes and Mary . CHILDREN : 131. I. Jasper Newton Brady Humes, bom June 7, 1846 ; married Amanda Bole. 132. n. Porter C. Humes, born February 20, 1849 ; married Julia Dedrick ; married second Kate Fisher; married third Jennette C. Manin.+ 133. III. Dickson Humes, born August 10, 1851. Two other children died in infancy. JOHN M. HUMES, at his father's death inherited the saw and grist mill on Gravel Run, which was one of the first erected in the northern part of the county. He conducted it and in connection carried on his farm. He built fifty boats for shipping produce and lumber down French Creek to Pittsburg, Penn- sylvania, where he received money and goods in exchange. He was an ambiti- ous man and an enterprising, public-spirited citizen. When the Atlantic and Great Western railroad was built, he gave the right away through his farm. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church and an elder in it for more than fifteen years, and leader in the choir in Gravel Run church for many years. In politics, he was a Democrat. He was a solidier in the war of 1812. 312 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 33. TntTW r»'D'l!''li'XrT T'li' 4 r Wllllam Greenlee » William Greenlee " James Greenlee i 1 JVaa \xB,l<,£iaijJliri { Rebecca Hughes Mary Thompson / son of William Greenlee and Rebecca Hughes, was bom February 17, 1804 [bible record] in Pennsylvania; died June 13, 1877 [bible record] at McZena, Ashland Co., Ohio ; married May 18, 1837 at Lakeville, Wayne Co., Ohio, SUSAN MARY WARNES of Lake Township, born September 18, 1815 [bible record] at McZena, Ohio, died August 31, 1885 at McZena, daughter of Henry Warnes and Mary Muchler, or Elizabeth Balsley. CHILDREN : [Dates of birth and death from family bible.] 134. I. Sophronia, born March 3, 1838 ; married Isaac N. Bonnett.+ 135. II. Nancy Ann, born September 1, 1839 ; unmarried. 136. III. Luserbia Livonia, born August 30, 1841 ; died August 27, 1842. 137. IV. John Slone, born March 2, 1843 ; married Sarah Wachtel.+ 138. V. William, bom November 4, 1844 ; died March 8, 1846. 139. VI. Daniel Warnes, born April 11, 1846 ; married Melissa Ann Plank.-|- 140. VII. James Lewis, born February 22, 1848 ; died December 7, 1875. 141. VIII. Mary Elizabeth, born January 5, 1849; married John Wesley Easterday.+ 142. IX. Curtis, bom March 1, 1851; married Mina Marks.+ 143. X. Bell, bom February 13, 1852 ; died February 10, 1857. 144. XL Xenis, born June 2, 1854 ; died September 10, 1854. 145. XII. Edwin Stewart, bom June 2, 1855 ; married Filora Bell Emeriek.+ 146. Vin. Susan Otello, born September 30, 1857 ; died May 14, 1881. 147. XIV. Elza Rolland, bom March 4, 1860 ; married Mary Long.+ 148. XV. Martha Jane, bom August 10, 1861 ; died the same day. JOHN GREENLEE was bom in the western part of Pennsylvania where he lived until he was three years old, when his parents removed to Wayne (now Ashland) County, Ohio. When he was eighteen years old he returned to Penn- sylvania and learned the carpenter's trade. He helped to build the first large grist mill near Mocchunk, also the locks in the canal. He continued to work at his trade as carpenter and contractor imtil within a few weeks of his death. In politics he was a Democrat ; in religion, Presbyterian ; resided in Lake Town- ship, near McZena, Ohio. 38. SAHATT (IPF.F.NT.Ti'.F. 4 f William Greenlee » William Greenlee ^ James Greenlee ^ t DAAAXL UrXU:iriKl.uxu:i j Rebecca Hughes Mary Thompson / daughter of William Greenlee and Rebecca Hughes, was born December 7, 1812 at Loudonville, Ashland Co., Ohio ; died November 1, 1899 at Loudonville, Ohio ; married January 2, 1837, EPHRAIM CHIDISTER MARKS, bom October 7, 1813 at Mohican, Ashland Co., Ohio, died May 26, 1864 at Loudonville, Ohio. He was a merchant and lawyer; Democrat; Presbyterian; resided at Loudon- ville, Ohio. I No. 33. JOHN GUEENLEE. SUSAN WARNES GREENI.EE, Wife — ■>•>.■-. ^^ No. 146. SUSAN f)TEr,I,A GREENLEE. No. mi. .TAMES LEWIS GUEENLEE. JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 313 CHILDREN : 149. I. Jane Bell Marks, born October 1, 1838 ; died unmarried December 1, 1896. 150. n. Lusarba Marks, born September 26, 1839. 151. III. George "Washington Marks, born July 1, 1841; married in 1864 in Indiana; no children. 152. rV. "William Miner Marks, born July 5, 1850 ; married Effie May "Wal- lace.-f- 153. V. Budd Frank Marks, born December 27, 1852. 42. L MATILDA GREENLEE'' fWllliam Greenlee » William Greenlee = James Greenlee M ' \ ■ Smith Mary Thompson i daughter of "William Greenlee and Smith, was born June 7, 1825 ; died about 1871 ; married JOHN BUR"WELL. Son: 154. I. Herbert Burwell. 44. WILLIAM GREENLEE^ {Ea'r^tTonr Sl'r'^^S^XTo'r ^ ^^^^I!!^ ' } son of Robert Greenlee and Margaret Porter, was born August 12, 1805 at Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; died in 1866 at Franklin; married in 1827 at Franklin, MARY JANE VOGAN, who was born in 1807 at Sandy Lake, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, died in 1879 at Clay Centre, Clay Co., Kansas, daughter of "William Vogan and Jane Hassan.' He was a farmer; Democrat; United Presbyterian; resided at Franklin, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: 155. I. Robert Thompson, bom June 15, 1828; married Rachel Beggs; married second Amanda J. Porter. + Jane H., born in 1830; married David Glenn. Margaret P., born in 1832; married John Lynch. "William "W., born in 1835 ; married Margaret Johnson. Hugh Hassen, born November 5, 1837 ; married Amanda Hedglin ; married second Ella Lee.-|- Joseph, born in 1841. Mathew B., born in 1843; married Sarah Furst. James V., born in 1847. Samuel S., born in 1853. 156. 11. 157. m. 158. IV. 159. V. 160. VI. 161. VIL 162. vm. 163. IX. 314 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 46. IWATJV nPini'NT fnii'. 4 f Robert Oreenlee ' William Greenlee = James Greenlee ^ 1 JXLAAX trK.i!iJ!inijJ!iJ!i | Margaret Porter Mary Thompson / daughter of Robert Greenlee and Margaret Porter, was born in 1809, or 1813, at Waterloo, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; died May 7, 1855, or 1856, at "Water- loo; married DAVID IRWIN NICHOLSON who was born at Waterloo, Penn- sylvania, died June 11, 1863 at Newtown. He was a farmer ; Democrat ; Meth- odist ; resided at Waterloo. CHILDREN : 164. I. Mary Nicholson, born January 4, 1836 ; married Josiah Stanford ; lives at Dunlap, Kansas; no children. 165. II. Margaret Nicholson, born October 12, 1840; married Abraham Doubt; married second C. G. McCracken; lives at Franklin, Pennsylvania. 166. III. James Nicholson, born Jime 10, 1842 ; married Molly Thompson. 167. IV. Robert Greenlee Nicholson, born March 4, 1844; married Mary Anne Thompson; married second .+ 168. V. Nancy Nicholson ; married John Huddleson. She is now a widow ; one son living. 169. VI. William Nicholson, bom September 12, 1847; married Anna Pierce.-)- 170. VII. Jennie Nicholson, born April 15, 1849 ; married Michael Hayes.^- 171. VIII. Andrew Nicholson, born June 12, 1852. 48. ROBERT PORTER GREENLEE* {^^^i^^l^^f^^^' ^^/^tX^^' James Greenlee * 1 son of Robert Greenlee and Margaret Porter, was born April 12, 1815 in Venango Co., Pennsylvania; died April 2, 1884 at New Lebanon, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania; married August 20, 1844 at Jackson Centre, Pennsylvania, ELIZABETH BAINBRIDGE JOHNSTON, born June 20, 1820 at Evansburgh, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, died May 12, 1889 at New Lebanon, Pennsylvania, daughter of Ephraim Johnston and Maria Ann Peart; farmer; Democrat; United Presbyterian; resided at New Lebanon. CHILDREN: 172. I. Abner Bainbridge, born April 23, 1846; married Mary Smith Stevens. + 173. II. Robert William, bom June 6, 1848; married Clara Josephine Pirster.+ 174. III. Son, bom April 8, 1852 ; died April 11, 1852. Xo. :<.S. SAItAH (;I!EENLEE MAIiKS EI'IIRAIM CIIirHSTER MAUKS, Husband o£ No. 38. ^^.A'-^M \ \ Nil. 4'.i. .lAXE r.REEXLEE McGINNIS, No. I.-.4. HERBERT BURWELL. 1 JAMES OP PENNSYLVANIA. 315 49. TAWTP nPP'li'.'NT 'Eli! 4 f Robert Greenlee ' William Greenlee " James Greenlee ' 1 JASiXi KtRXiXiaLiJUCt t Margaret Porter Mary Thompson / daughter of Robert Greenlee and Margaret Porter, was born March 7, 1819 near Eaymilton, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married in the fall of 1847 at Polk, Venango Co., Pennsylvania, ANDREW McGINNIS, born February, 1821 near Raymilton, Pennsylvania, died April 3, 1878 near Raymilton, son of Wil- liam McGinnis and Margaret Doueeman. He was a farmer ; Republican ; Meth- odist. She was living (1899) at Parkers Landing, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: 175. I. William C. McGinnis, born, 1848, in Venango County; married Josephine White; lives at Leota, Butler Co., Pennsylvania. 176. II. Robert McGinnis, born March 7, 1850; married Minnie Down- 177. III. Isaac Newton McGinnis, born December 14, 1852 at Waterloo, Pennsylvania; lives at Sturgeon, Pennsylvania; unmarried. 178. rV. Margaret Beulina McGinnis, born May 6, 1856; married Robert Snow.-f- 179. V. Peter Jasper McGinnis, born in 1857 in Venango County; mar- ried Sarah Cousins; lives at Sturgeon. 180. VI. Sarah Elizabeth McGinnis, born July 17, 1859; married Joseph Carey.+ 181. VII. Francis Stewart McGinnis, born, 1863; married Nannie Cousins; lives at Sturgeon. 50. ST'BIXD'APT rtPTilFNT ■Rli'. 4 f Robert Greenlee * William Greenlee * James Greenlee ^ 1 OXAWAAX tTAEiXinijJIiJli { Margaret Porter Mary Thompson I son of Robert Greenlee and Margaret Porter, was born April 30, 1821, or April 29, 1820 at Sandy Lake, or Waterloo, Pennsylvania ; died May 30, 1899, or 1898, in his 79th year at Hartstown, or Stony Point, Crawford Co., Penn- sylvania ; married May 27, 1841, or 1839, at Sandy Lake, or Waterloo, SARAH ANN McGINNIS, born December 24, 1817 at Sandy Lake, died June 12, 1896 at Hartstown, Pennsylvania, daughter of William McGinnis and Margaret Doueeman; married second April 30, 1898, SUSAN E. (WOOD) WILLIAMS of Greenwood Township (widow of George W. Williams), born March 27, 1834, daughter of John M. Wood and Catharine Harkins. He was a farmer and blacksmith; Justice of the Peace for ten years at Hartstown; Democrat; Methodist; resided in Mercer and Venango counties until 1865, when he re- moved to Crawford County, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 182. I. Jeremiah Porter, born March 26, 1842 ; killed in battle at Bermuda Hundred, May, 1864. 186. V. 187. VI. 188. VII. 189. VIII. 190. IX. 316 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 183. II. Andrew MeGinnis, born July 13, 1844 ; drowned May 25, 1861. 184. III. Mary Jane, bom April 24, 1847; married July 31, 1867, John Lyons; lives at Pithole, Venango Co., Pennsylvania. 185. IV. Robert Stewart, bom April 24, 1847; married Amelia Jane Duf- fer d.+ William Harrison, born Jime 28, 1849 ; married John A. Shillito.+ Isaae Newton, born July 23, 1851 ; died December 8, 1861. Grace M., born October 26, 1853 ; married G. Washington Mason. + Sarah Elizabeth, born January 24, 1856 ; married Eward N. Hall.-|- Harriet Ann, born July 1, 1858; married Joseph E. Ellis.+ 51. inS'RP'B' fi.'R'R'li'.NT Ti'.Ti'. 4 ( Robert Greenlee » William Greenlee ^ James Greenlee i 1 OMOCtrn. vrAJjjJiYXjfiiJ t Margaret Porter Mary Thompson / son of Robert Greenlee and Margaret Porter, was born July 14, 1823 at Sandy Lake, or Waterloo, Pennsylvania ; died before 1899 ; married March, 1843 in Venango Co., Pennsylvania, HARRIET McNEAL, born May 3, 1820 in Lan- caster Co., Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia, died February 29, 1892 in Colum- biana Co., Ohio, daughter of Jonathan MeNeal; farmer; Democrat; resided five miles from Lisbon, Columbiana Co., Ohio. CHILDREN : 191. I. Curtis, or Licurdis, bom March 20, 1845; married Maria Me- Ginnis. + 192. II. Susan Rebecca, born April 11, 1846 ; married George Washington Myers. -j- 193. III. Margaret Jane, born December 30, 1847; married Jabez Whit- ton.-|- 194. IV. Jemima, born July 4, 1850 married Thomas Aley ; died about 1886. 195. V. Alexander, born August 15, 1852 ; married Emma Vanskiver ; lives in Columbiana Co., Ohio. 196. VL Joseph P., bom Febraary 7, 1854 ; died August 17, 1866. 197. VII. Lydia A., bom September 15, 1856; married George W. Webber. -f- 198. Vni. Child, died in infancy December, 18—. 199. IX. Amos, born Agust 24, 1863, or 1862; married Sarah Malenle, or Morlanee ; lives at Leetonia, Ohio. 52. AIVKA fi.'RIillRTJT.Ti'.li'. 5 fWllIIam Greenlee' James Greenlee ' William Greenlee = AX1X1A vaci£ixixj£ij:i I Jane McClelland Ann Patterson Mary Thompson James Greenlee • 1 daughter of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland, was born October 27, 1819 near Raymilton, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; died about 1852; married PETER BARR, son of Samuel Barr and Peggy . He was a farmer. One child : 200. I. Mahala Barr, born April 13, 1849; married Eusebius Chatley.-f z a H o a 1 JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 317 53. MARGARET ("PEGGY") GREENLEE S fWiUiam Ceenlee* .Tames Greenlee' \ Jane McClelland Ann Patterson e ' James Greenlee '■ \ Mary Thompson William Greenlee = James Greenlee ' \ daughter of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland, was born February 1, 1821 ; married JOHN PATTERSON. CHILDREN : 201. I. John Albert Patterson; lives at Raymilton, Pennsylvania. 202. II. Peter M. Patterson, born May 14, 1844 ; married Mary A. Cornelius. + 55. TATVTIi'S rt'R'E'.Ti'.NT Tilli'. 5 f William Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' William Greenlee = OAiujuiS VTAJiiXii^uJJiJ \ Jane McClelland Ann Patterson Mary Thompson James Greenlee ^ 1 son of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland, was born May 27, 1824 at Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; died March 29, 1856; married about 1853, JLA.RY STUART, who was born April 1, 1820 in Ireland, daughter of John Stuart and Martha . One son : 203. I. James, born November 13, 1856 ; married Mary A. Croyier.+ JAMES GREENLEE was a farmer; Democrat; Presbyterian. Will dated March 24, 1856 bequeaths chattel property and real estate to wife Mary and unborn child; executors John Stewart and William Greenlee. On file and of record in Register of Probate, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania. 56. JOHN MCCLELLAND GREENLEE ^ { J^,'^''- «--•- ' fn^-^la^^l^^^ ' William Greenlee ' James Greenlee ^ I Mary Thompson • i Bon of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland, was born October 10, 1826 at Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married January 4, 1849 at Franklin, MARY MILLS who was born June 18, 1830 at New Castle, Mercer Co., Penn- sylvania, daughter of Robert Mills and Jane Moak; farmer; Republican; Methodist Episcopal; residence. Gray, Iowa (1900). CHILDREN : 204. I. Jane Mary, born November 7, 1849; married William Allen Clark.+ 205. n. Mills Erwin, born April 24, 1852; married Auryldah Sinclair.4- 206. III. Oliver F., born February 9, 1854; married Catharine L. Plum- mer.-|- 318 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 207. IV. James Walter, born October 27, 1856 ; married Luella 6reenlee.+ 208. V. William Harvey, born December 25, 1858; married Frances Woodle. 209. VL John Wesley, born April 12, 1861; married Elenor Steere.+ 210. VII. Robert, born May 11, 1863 ; died September 21, 1864. 211. Vni. Rachel L., born November 18, 1865 ; died September 30, 1866. 212. IX. Charles Elmer, bom January 28, 1867 ; married Clara Aikman. JOHN McClelland GREENLEE was Ist Lieutenant in Home Guards during the Civil war. 57. ■PT T7 A ■R'PTTI nP'E'1i''MT VB! 6 f William Greenlee * James Greenlee ' William Greenlee » J!.lii/iAiiJ!.lil UKJiJ!jJNi.i!.j:i | jane McClelland Ann Patterson Mary Thompson James Greenlee ^ 1 daughter of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland, was born October 3, 1829 at Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married August 1, 1854 at Warren, Warren Co., Pennsylvania ; HENRY SINGLETON who was born October 7, 1831 at Franklin, died August, 1895, son of Singleton and Wilson. He was Superintendent of oil leases ; in politics, a Democrat ; in religion, Methodist ; resided at Bradford, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : Orlando Singleton, born April 6, 1856 ; married Eva Hosack. Armina Singleton, born September 12, 1857 ; married Albi Barry. Ellen Minerva Singleton, born May 26, 1859; died in infancy. Emma Jane Singleton, born December 9, I860; married Fred P. Morris. Susie Singleton, born April 6, 1864; married Harry Osborne. Rosa Belle Singleton, born May 21, 1867 ; married Rev. Thomas P. Walter. 58. WTT.LTAM GREENLEE 5 / William Greenlee * James Greenlee ^ William Greenlee ' WAljljlAlU UrAfiXiDl^JIiri I Jane McClelland Ann Patterson Mary Thompson James Greenlee ' 1 son of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland, was born March 31, 1830 ; mar- ried ELMIRA STOCKING; resided at Fidioute, Pennsylvania. 213. I. 214. II. 215. III. 216. IV. 217. V. 218. VI. CHILDREN: 219. I. Aaron. 220. H. James. 221. III. Marion. 222. IV. Elmer. JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 319 59. IWAPV TA'NTi' nP'P'P'NT TPTT 5 f William Greenlee « James Greenlee ' William Greenlee " MAKY JAJNJli UKJLtJNl^JLt => {jane McClelland Ann Patterson Mary Thompson James Greenlee ' } daughter of William Greenlee and Jane ]\IcClelland, was born June 22, 1832 at Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married December 22, 1851 in Venango Co., Pennsylvania, JOHN SHARP McCHESNEY, bom July 6, 1831 at New- castle, or Mount Jackson, Lawrence Co., Pennsylvania. He was a farmer; in politics. Prohibitionist; in religion, Presbj'terian ; resides at Fidioute, Warren Co., Pennsylvania. CHHjDREN : 223. I. Laura Euphema McChesney, born July 10, 1853 ; died vmmarried, September 25, 1873. 224. n. Vincent McChesney, born March 6, 1855; married Vista McCor- mick; lives at Fidioute. 225. in. Eugene McChesney, born January 18, 1857 ; married Jenny Bowls ; lives at Fidioute. 226. IV. Willis McChesney, born January 13, 1859 ; married Vinnie Nickles ; lives at Grand Valley, Pennsylvania. 227. V. Francis McChesney, born February 14, 1862; married Addie Wells; lives at Ridgeway, Pennsylvania. 228. VI. Eva Jane McChesney, born April 16, 1864; married John Wil- liams; lives at Titusville, Pennsylvania. 229. VII. Effie Violet McChesney, born April 21, 1866; died unmarried July 4, 1888. 230. VIII. Gertrude McChesney, bom April 10, 1868; died December 17, 1880. 231. IX. Cora McChesney, bom March 4, 1870 ; married Edward Campbell. 232. X. Joseph McChesney, born July 27, 1873 ; married Edna Anderson ; lives at Ridgeway, Pennsylvania. 60. TIOPriAS fS-RTT.Ti'.'WT TTR 5 f William Greenlee ' James Greenlee = William Greenlee " U\Jlf.\jAO \xBJhXinijLMCi i Jane McClelland Ann Patterson Mary Thompson James Greenlee ' ) daughter of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland, was born April 17, or 1, 1834 at Raymilton, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; died January 21, 1869 at Mercer, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania; married March 30, 1854 at Raymilton, Pennsylvania, DAVID HOSACK, who was born June 1, 1828 in Adams Co., Pennsylvania, died September 4, 1888 at Mercer. He was a blacksmith; in polities. Republican ; resided at Mercer, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 233. I. Wirt Quincy Hosack, born March 1, 1855; married Mary Jane Glenn.+ 234. II. 235. III. 236. IV. 237. V. 320 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Lugetta Hosack, born October 6, 1856; died October 7, 1858. Aaron Burr Hosack, born June 19, 1858 ; died September 29, 1858. Eva Jane Hosack, born November 4, 1859; married 0. R. Singleton. Frank Leslie Hosack, born September 13, 1861 ; married Christina Eekerson; dead. 238. VI. Charles Fremont Hosack, bom May 22, 1863; unmarried (1900). 61. SAMUEL MnLAINE GREENLEE ^ fWllliam Greenlee* James Greenlee » OAlUUXiJj lUUXjAxnJii vrA£iJJnuj:i£i t jane McClelland Ann Patterson William Greenlee = James Greenlee ^ 1 Mary Thompson i son of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland, was born June 6, 1836 at Water- loo, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married November 14, 1860 in Venango Co., Pennsylvania, MARY ANN BURCH, who was born January 11, 1840 in Warren Co., Pennsylvania, died November 4, 1872 in Warren Co., daughter of William Burch and Mary Mears ; married second March, 1873, at Fidioute, Warren Co., Pennsylvania, CLARA MORRISON, born August 30, 1853 at Fidioute, daugh- ter of Robert D. Morrison and Jane . He is a carpenter; Republican; Presbyterian ; resides at Webb City, Missouri. CHILDREN : 239. I. Luella, bom August 24, 1861; married James Walter Greenlee.+ 240. II. Rosetta Bell, born March 24, 1863 ; married Thomas Hurley ; lives in Cartersville, Missouri. 241. ni. William Byron, born November 14, 1865, or 1864 ; lives at Gray, Iowa; unmarried. 242. rV. Aaron Burton, born May 23, 1867; married Sarah Elizabeth Garoutte.-f- 243. V. Melda, born May 18, 1869; married Eli Swoveland; lives at Alba, Missouri. 244. VI. Charles Walter, born February 26, 1876; lives at Webb City; unmarried. 245. VII. Lottie Jane, born September 18, 1879; lives at Webb City; un- married. 246. VIII. Stella Melissa, born May 11, 1888 ; lives at Webb City ; unmarried. 62. ETVTTT V rfR'RENT.EF. 5 f William Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' William Greenlee ' j:j±ux±jx vtaujuxi xjjju | Jane McClelland Ann Patterson Mary Thompson James Greenlee ^ \ daughter of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland, was born August 8, 1839 at Raymilton, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married November 11, 1858 at Ray- milton, Pennsylvania, HARVEY ROSE, born August 10, 1835 at Raymilton, son of Andrew Rose and Mary Ann Richmond ; resides at Raymilton. JAMBS OF PENNSYLVANIA. 321 CHILDREN: 247. I. Marion A. Rose, born April 4, 1860; married Nettie "Wallace.+ 248. IL Charley A. Rose, born November 19, 1863 ; died February 21, 1874. 249. III. Frederick W. Rose, bom January 20, 1867; married Nettie Humphrey. 250. IV. Margaret J. Rose, bom February 22, 1876 ; married John F. Wil- liams. 251. V. W. F. Rose ; lives at Raymilton. 63. CAROLINE GREENLEE 5 | ^'"'^ «L?r°'^« * James Greenlee = William Greenlee « ( Jane McClelland Ann Patterson Mary Thompson James Greenlee ' 1 daughter of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland, was born February 13, 1841 at Raymilton, Pennsylvania; married September 14, 1863, HENRY WATERS, born March 15, 1840 at Ashtabula, Ohio, son of Fisher Waters and Margaret Wood ; religion, Presbyterian ; resides at Ionia, Michigan. CHILDREN : 252. I. Sidney E. Waters, born September 2, 1865; married in 1888 and lives at Ionia. 253. II. Charles Waters, born in 1867 ; died in 1871. 254. III. Jessie M. Waters, born February 17, 1871 ; married Charles B. Mc- Cormick.-j- 255. IV. Fred C. Waters, born November 23, 1873; married in 1889; lives at Ionia. 256. V. John Jay Waters, bom January 8, 1878 ; lives at Ionia ; unmarried. 65. CLINTON DEWITT GREENLEE 5 ,T""??;S''«P°'^«* James Greenlee • 1 Jane McClelland Ann Patterson William Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' ^ Mary Thompson J grandson of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland, was born October 22, 1852 at Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married October 3, 1877 at Butler, Butler Co., Pennsylvania, CLARA MAY RUSSELL, born December 31, 1858 at Butler, daughter of John Ebenezer Russell and Maria McCallen. CHILDREN : 257. I. Warren Russell, born March 5, 1883. 258. II. Paul Manwaring, bom August 15, 1886. CLINTON DEWITT GREENLEE was adopted by his grandparents. He was educated in the public schools and graduated from the high school. After his graduation he entered the employ of George C. Anderson, at Schamburg, 322 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Venango County, Pennsylvania, at that time one of the foremost oil operators in the state. In the service of Mr. Anderson he learned much about the oil operations, and in 1873 he became associated with others in operations in several of the most important oil districts of the state. He vrent to Butler County in 1883, and has since developed a business that gives him rank among the largest producers in the country. Success in most instances claimed him for its own; but this was no doubt largely due to his pluck, industry, per- severance, and excellent business qualifications. The firm of Greenlee and Forst, organized in 1891, of which he is senior member, have been large opera- tors in this field, and still have a number of producti>re wells in the district known as Glad Run and Renfrew. They have also operations in Washington County, Pennsylvania, where a number of fine wells are now producing. Mr. Greenlee organized the United States Oil Company, composed principally of Boston capitalists, which has very large interests in Marion, Wood, and Wetzel counties, West Virginia, where they operate on a very large scale, having had as many as three hundred wells at one time in which they were interested. Mr. Greenlee is Vice-President and General Manager of this company. He is also a director of the AUiquippa Steel Works located at Alliquippa, Beaver County, Pennsylvania. He is also connected with the Trade Dollar Mining Company of Idaho, whose mines are considered among the best paying ones in the state; and with the Pure Oil Company of Oil City, Pennsylvania. Mr. Greenlee has offices in Pittsburg; but he is devoted to his family and all his spare time is spent at his beautiful home, located on one of the finest residence streets of Butler. MRS. GREENLEE is one of the most active workers in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and is also active and infiuential in the cause of temperance, and in all other causes having for their object the betterment of the world. 66. PETER PATTERSON GREENLEE <> { &^r« PaUe'rson inn?a^te^S.'r ' William Greenlee » James Greenlee i 1 Mar; Thompson J son of John Greenlee and Margaret Patterson, was bom June 6, 1825 at Mercer, Mercer County, Pennsylvania; died October 23, or 24, 1864 at Toledo, Tama Co., Iowa; married February 19, 1856 at Washington, Washington Co., Iowa, MARY JANE GUILER, bom May 12, 1832, or 1831 at Irvin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of John Guiler, or Guiles, and Margaret Aiken. She married second, about two years after the death of her husband, Edy. CHILDREN: 259. I. Margaret E., born January 7, 1857 ; died August 27, 1863. 260. II. Mary Emmeline, born October 8, 1858 ; died June 6, 1890. 261. III. Martha Jane, born September 18, I860; married George Hale Cot- ton.+ 262. IV. Anna, born September 29, 1862; married Charles Clinton Wallace. + MRS. fLIXTIlX DeWlTT I JriKKNT.KE. No. Cj. CLINTON DeWlTT CKKENLEE. RESIDENCE OF CLINTON DeWITT CliEKNLEE, TASAnENA. CALIKOKNLX. \\ai:i;i:n gui:k.\i.ei:. MRS. I'AI"L >rAN\VAI!INf; CliflEXLKF No. -j.-is. PAUL MAXWAKiNi; i ;i;i:i:ni.ke. 1 II JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 323 PETER PATTERSON GREENLEE and his brother James went from Pennsylvania to Iowa in the fall of 1855 and entered government land in Tama County. Mary Jane Guiler went to Iowa the following year, and after their marriage they went to their little cabin home on the prairie where Traer now stands. They cheerfully bore the trials and hardships of a frontier life together until 1863, when in answer to his country's call, he enlisted in the Ninth Iowa Cavalry. The day after his eldest child, Margaret, was buried, he bade goodby to his wife and remaining children, and went with his company to guard the railroad running into Little Rock, Arkansas. In September, 1864, he was given a furlough and went home, where he died six weeks later. He was a Republi- can; Presbyterian; resided at Toledo, Iowa. MART EMMELINE GREENLEE graduated with high honors in the classi- cal course at Western College, Toledo, in 1888. She was gifted as a speaker and writer. Her graduating oration was said to have surpassed anything that had ever been delivered in the history of the college; but the hopes of her friends were never realized, she having died the year following her graduation. 68. WT.T^A'RTi'.T'R RPF.F.NT.F.'R 5 f John Greenlee ♦ James Greenlee • William Greenlee = Z.liiMADl!.±a. XxAXiluaijlUJU I Margaret Patterson Ann Patterson Mary Thompson James Greenlee ' 1 daughter of John Greenlee and Margaret Patterson, was born November 5, 1828 at Pardoe, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania ; died September 1, 1890 in Pennsyl- vania ; married September 20, 1855, THOMAS G. BARNES, born January 21, 1832 at Pardoe. He was a farmer; Republican; United Presbyterian; resides near Jackson Centre, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: 263. I. Charity Jane Barnes, born August 10, 1856. 264. II. Margaret Plorella Barnes, bom June 16, 1858. 265. III. John Quincy Barnes, born February 5, 1860 ; married Anna Louvena Patterson. + 266. rv. Anna Maria Barnes, born April 26, 1862 ; married Austin W. Gilder- sleeve. 267. V. James Elmer Barnes, born April 15, 1866; married Mary Martha Johnston.+ 268. VI. Edward Gibson Barnes, bom June 30, 1868; married Anna Mc- Elree. .TAIVTIi'.S R-TJ'R'F'.NT.'RF. 5 f John Greenlee * James Greenlee » William Greenlee ^^ vn.axxso vrAjj£ji.i.uci£i t Margaret Patterson Ann Patterson Mary Thompson James Greenlee ^ 1 son of John Greenlee and Margaret Patterson, was born December 10, 1831, or 1830 at Mercer, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania; died October 22, 1891 or 1900 at 324 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Idaho Springs, Clear Creek Co., Colorado ; married March 1, 1866 at Bald Mt., Gilpin Co., Colorado, MARIA L. McCOLGAN, who was born in Pennsylvania, died January 10, 1875 at Central City, Gilpin Co., Colorado, daughter of Thomas McColgan ; blacksmith and miner ; in politics. Republican ; in religion, Presbyterian; resided in Pennsylvania, Iowa and Colorado. CHILDREN: 269. I. Viola, bom August 8, 1869 ; married Howard E. Galton.+ 270. II. Rosabel, bom July 18, 1871 ; died in infancy. 271. III. John Thomas, born September 2, 1873 at Central City, Colorado. He received his education principally in Toledo, Iowa and Idaho Springs, Colorado, supplemented by one year at the University of Colorado at Boulder; unmarried (1901). 70. TrtTTM fl'RP.Ii'.'N'T Ti'.'B'. 5 ( John Greenlee « James Greenlee > William Greenlee " o\ja.a vrAJjj:ixixjj:ii:i | Margaret Patterson Ann Patterson Mary Thompson James Greenlee i 1 son of John Greenlee and Margaret Patterson, was bom March 25, 1833 ; mar- ried August 11, 18— MARY VIGHT or DIGHT ; resided at Utica and Polk, Pennsylvania. Son: 272. I. Louis ; a minister of the United Presbyterian Church ; resided at Sligo and Lumber City, Pennsylvania. 72. SAMTIF.T. S ORF.'RNT.'F'.F. B f John Greenlee * James Greenlee » William Greenlee » DiilTlUJlii. O. UKXjXinijriri | Margaret Patterson Ann Patterson Mary Thompson James Greenlee ^ ) son of John Greenlee and Margaret Patterson, was born March 15, 1837 at Mercer, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania; married September 29, 1868 at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, AMANDA T. TINKER, bom October 27, 1841 at Mercer, Penn- sylvania, daughter of William J. Tinker and Jane Cook. CHILDREN: 273. I. Florence E., born July 11, 1870; married Frank W. Tinker.+ 274. II. Vinton L., born April 22, 1874. 275. III. Mabel L., born January 28, 1884. SAMUEL S. GREENLEE enlisted in the war of the Rebellion, August 11, 1862, in Company A, 139th Regt., Pennsylvania; served in the Army of the Potomac till July 3, 1863; being wounded in the battle of Gettysburg soon after was transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps; discharged July 3, 1865. JAIVIES OP PENNSYLVANIA. 325 He was a farmer ; in politics, Republican ; Ruling Elder in United Presbyterian Church for twenty years ; residence, Worth, Mercer County, Pennsylvania. 73. TVTATifJA'Rr.T .TANTH GTiF.ENLF.'E 5 f John Greenlee • James Greenlee » jyiAKUAltJljl JAiNr. UKriXjrtljrii:. | Margaret Patterson Ann Patterson William Greenlee = James Greenlee ' Mary Thompson } daughter of John Greenlee and Margaret Patterson, was born June 3, 1839 near Mercer, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania; married March 17, 1864 at Mercer, ELLIS WAINWRIGHT TINKER, born January 26. 1836 at Newcastle, Law- rence Co., Pennsylvania, son of William J. Tinker and Jane Cook. He was a blacksmith ; in politics, Republican ; in religion. United Presbyterian ; resides at Hill City, Kansas. CHILDREN : 276. I. John Francis Tinker, born January 19, 1865 ; lives at Denver, Colo- rado. 277. II. Estella Jane Tinker, born April 19, 1869 ; married Fred Rowe. 278. III. Adella May Tinker, born December 16, 1871; married Benjamin S. Smith. 279. IV. William Ellis Tinker, born February 7, 1875 ; died July 5, 1876. 280. V. Daughter, born March 28, 1879 ; died March 30, 1879. 75. MARTHA GREENLEE 5 J J°'"' Greenlee * James Greenlee => William Greenlee ' iiuuv.i.un vrxvAjxjxiojxjjj \ Margaret Patterson Ann Patterson Mary Thompson James Greenlee ' 1 daughter of John Greenlee and Margaret Patterson, was born January 18, 1844 at Mercer, Pennsylvania ; married May 20, 1867, ROBERT ALLEN, born October 2, 1837 at Slippery Rock, Lawrence Co., Pennsylvania, son of Robert Allen and Jane Wilson. He is a farmer; Reformed Presbyterian; resides at Denver, Colorado CHILDREN : Margaret Jane Allen, born July 6, 1868; married John Carson. + Lizzie May Allen ; married Robert W. Gilchrist ; lives at Superior, Nebraska. Minnie Alice Allen ; married Robert G. Martin. Robert Alva Allen ; married in California. Mary Vena Allen ; married William A. Bryson ; lives at Denver, Colorado. Mattie Permelia Allen, born about 1880. Sarah Augusta Allen, bom about 1883. Nannie Berdella Allen, born about 1885. John Calvin Allen, born about 1887. James Greenlee Allen, born about 1889. 281. I. 282. II. 283. III. 284. IV. 285. V. 286. VL 287. VII. 288. VIII. 289. IX. 290. X. 326 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 79. ATOTa'TlP nAPP 5 f Sarah Greenlee * James Greenlee ' William Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' 1 AXixixxi £>AAA JDaTldBarr Ann Patterson Mary Thompson / daughter of Sarah Greenlee and David Barr, was born November 11, 1830 at Utica, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania; married January 12, 1860 near Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania, DAVID RUNNINGER, born February 23, 1831 in Venango Co., Pennsylvania, died May 19, 1897 at Franklin, Pennsylvania. He was a farmer; Democrat; Methodist; resided in French Creek Township, near Franklin, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 291. I. Child, bom December 12, 1860; died the same day. 292. n. Katie Jane Runninger, born December 26, 1862; married Fred- erick Melntyre ; lives at Emlenton, Pennsylvania. 293. ni. Jacob Silas Runninger, born October 24, 1864; died January 25, 1867. 294. IV. James Edwin Runninger, bom August 24, 1867; married MoUie Ferguson ; lives at St. Marys, West Virginia. 295. V. Flora Runninger, born June 1, 1869 ; died July 11, 1869. 296. VI. Joseph Runninger, bom August 24, 1870; died September 28, 1870. 297., Vn. Clinton Runninger, bom December 29, 1871; married Berthene Temple. 298. Vin. Mary Runninger, bom November 9, 1874; married James Foster Welton. 299. EX. Susan Runninger, bom April 22, 1876 ; unmarried. James Greenlee * } 80. : David Barr Ann Patterson Mary Thompson ISABELLA BARR ^ f Sarah Greenlee « James Greenlee • William Greenlee « daughter of Sarah Greenlee and David Barr, was born January 9, 1833 ; married CONRAD RUNNINGER. Son: 300. I. John S. Runninger ; High sheriff of Venango County, Pennsylvania ; lives at Franklin (1901). 83. HETTIE BARR ^ / Sarah Greenlee ♦ James Greenlee » William Greenlee • ^ „ \ David Barr Ann Patterson Mary Thompson James Greenlee ' 1 daughter of Sarah Greenlee and David Barr, was born August 6, 1837 or 1838 at North Sandy, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania ; married October 21, 1858 at Sheak- JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 327 leyville, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, ELIAS CLAYTON, born December 2, 1827 at Huntingdon, Huntingdon Co., Pennsylvania ; resides at North Sandy, Penn- sylvania. Son: 301. I. John M. Clayton, bom August 6, 1861 ; married Maria Reagle. 86. MARGARET 6REKNI.SE ^ / James p. Greenlee • James Greenlee » William Greenlee > »uu»uxukux W.I.VAJUX1XJXJXJ \ Ellzabetli Greenlee Ann Patterson Mary Ttiompson James Greenlee ^ ) daughter of James Patterson Greenlee and Elizabeth Greenlee, was born August 20, 1831 in French Creek Township, Venango Co., Pennsylvania ; married April 16, 1851 near Raymilton, Pennsylvania, JAMES JEWELL, born December 18, 1830 near Polk, Venango Co., Pennsylvania, son of Jonathan Jewell and Har- riet McGinnis. He is a farmer ; in politics, Democrat ; in religion. United Pres- byterian; resides at Raymilton. CHHjDREN: Milo J. Jewell. Samuel C. Jewell. Frank Jewell. Newell Jewell. Robert Jewell. Walter Jewell. Chester L. Jewell; unmarried. Hattie JeweU. 88. ANIVA frPP.'RNT.'F'.r. 8 f James P. Greenlee ♦ James Greenlee • William Greenlee « AXixiA vjkcjxix^uxixi I Elizabeth Greenlee Ann Patterson Mary Thompson James Greenlee ^ ) daughter of James Patterson Greenlee and Elizabeth Greenlee, was born March 4, 1839 near Raymilton, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married July 7, 1864, GEORGE WALTER NOEL, born October 5, 1839 near Wallaceville, Venango Co., Pennsylvania, son of Thomas Jerome Noel and Sarah Seely. He is a farmer ; Democrat ; in religion, Adventist ; resides at Wallaceville. 90. 302. I. 303. n. 304. TTT 305. IV. 306. V. 307. VI. 308. vn. 309. vm. James P. Greenlee * James Greenlee * William Greenlee • Mary Thompson SAMUEL GREENLEE S f James p. Greenlee ♦ James Greenlei daiuu£jXj \xa,i:ji^a±aj:ii:i 1 Elizabeth Greenlee Ann Patterson James Greenlee ' ) son of James Patterson Greenlee and Elizabeth Greenlee; married HARRIET BURCH; resides at Raymilton, Venango Co., Pennsylvania. 328 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : 310. L George. 311. II. Elmer, born March 7, 1870; married Cora Frances Vogan.+ 312. III. Fred; married Jennie Richard. 313. IV. Ida. MARY ELLEN GREENLEE ° ' James p. Greenlee « James Greenlee » ITIAAX fil^xuiin UAXiXinxiXifj ) Margaret McGinnis Ann Patterson William Greenlee = James Greenlee ^ i, Mary Thompson i daughter of James Patterson Greenlee and Margaret McGinnis, was born December 3, 1850 at Raymilton, or Mineral Township, Venango Co., Pennsyl- vania; married ALVIN C. MAY, who was bom March 5, 1849 at Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania, son of John C. May and Elizabeth Singleton He is a gas engineer ; in politics, a Democrat ; in religion, Baptist ; resides at PVanklin, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : I. Alvin Plumer May, born May 30, 1878. Bertha L. May, bom December 15, 1879. John F. May, born October 11, 1881. William C. May, born October 3, 1883. James LeRoy May, born March 14, 1886. Lewis Edwin May, born October 11, 1888. 110. Pft'R'R'RT nR'RF.NT.'P.F. B f William Greenlee « John Greenlee > William Greenlee • nUCCiAJ. UlWZiHinijrjXi | Margaret To wnley Sarah Brady Mary Thompson James Greenlee ^ I ) son of William Greenlee and Margaret Townley, was born May 18, 1830 at Woodcock, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; died July 23, 1893 at Bloomington, McLean Co., Illinois; married March 27, 1858 at Bloomington, SARAH GOR- MAN, who was born January 1, 1829 at Nicholasville, Jessamine Co., Kentucky, daughter of Abraham Gorman and Elizabeth Grow. CHILDREN : Frances Amelia, born August 28, 1859 ; married A. A. Hoffman. Ella Louvena, bom October 6, 1862. Theodore Tyler, bom November 4, 1864. John Wesley, born April 23, 1866. Ulysses Logan, bom September 8, 1867; married September 16, 1897, Nellie Irene Sanders. 325. VI. Cora Estelle, born December 14, 1872. 314. I. 315. II. 316. m. 317. IV. 318. V. 319. VI. 320. I. 321. II. 322. III. 323. IV. 324. V. No. Ofi. PETER PATTERSON GREENLEE. No. 8fi. MARGARET (GREENLEE) JEWELL AND IltTSBAXn .TAMES JEWELL. Nil. :iO.S. CHESTER L. JEWELL. JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 329 ROBERT GREENLEE obtained his early education at the little country school located near Woodcock, Pennsylvania. His father operated a saw mill and shipped the lumber down French Creek to Franklin, thence into the Alle- gheny river to Pittsburg, and Robert's early life was spent as a creek and river pilot for his father. In 1855 he determined to try his fortune in the west and lived in southern Illinois for six months, then located at Bloomington, where he commenced the building and contracting business in which he continued until his death. The first sixteen years he was in partnership with Mr. H. A. Miner, but after that carried on the business alone. He had little to start with, hav- ing but one hundred dollars and a few articles which his wife brought from her home to commence housekeeping, but with energy and good business quali- ties, he soon became prosperous and one of the leading contractors and build- ers in the city. Some of the finest residences and public buildings were erected by him, among them the Court House and McKean County Jail. In 1887 be went to California, being attracted by the building boom there at that time, and remained eighteen months. His last contract, on which he was engaged at the time of his death, was the building of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Shirley, Illinois. He was a plain man, but one of those kindly and pleasant persons whom everybody liked. In politics, he was a Republican ; in religion, Presbyterian. 111. 8A£AH JANE GREENLEE S f wniiam Greenlee « John Greenlee » William Greenlee ' Mxukxx^ un.xixj vrxvuxjxixjxjxj I Margaret TowDley Sarah Brady Mary Thompson James Greenlee ^ 1 daughter of William Greenlee and Margaret Townley, was born April 18, 1832 in Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married in 1857, JOHN SMITH, who was born about 1825 and died October 8, 1889 aged 64 years, at Akron, Ohio. He was a tailor ; resided at Canton, Ohio. One child : 326. I. Anna, born November 22, 1860 ; married Park Fields. He owns and controls the "Repository" at Canton. During the campaign in 1896, he was secretary to President McKinley. They have a son, A. Fields. 112. CYRUS GREENLEE ^ S wniiam Creenlee » John Greenlee » William Greenlee ' ( luargaret Townley Sarah Brady Mary Thompson James Greenlee '1 son of William Greenlee and Margaret Townley, was born September 2, 1834 at Woodcockboro, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; died October 21, 1900 at Spring- field, Missouri; married MISS RANDOLF; married second March, 1874 at Springfield, Missouri, HARRIET E. DAVIS a widow, born October, 1833 or 330 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. February 20, 1835, at Sedalia, Pettis Co., Missouri, daughter of William H. McFarland. One son: 327. Charles, born August 17, 1875 at Springfield, Missouri, where he resides ; unmarried. CYRUS GREENLEE removed to Springfield, Missouri in 1859. During the civil war he served his country with distinction as private and sergeant major of the 8th Missouri Volunteer Cavalry. On returning to civil life he pursued his former business — that of Contractor and builder. In 1887 he went to California and engaged in business, but the following year returned to Springfield, where he continued to reside until his death. He was a staunch Republican but took no active part in politics. He was a member of the Calvary Presbyterian church. 113. A^MOS R'R'R'ENT.F.F. 5 I William Greenlee ♦ John Greenlee » William Greenlee • riMxva UAXijjx^xuju ■( Margaret Townley Sarah Brady Mary Thompson James Greenlee ^ t son of "William Greenlee and Margaret Townley, was born January 10, 1837 at Woodcock, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; died January 25, 1887 at Woodcock; married January 1, 1866 at Cambridge Springs, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, ADELAIDE H. CHAMBERLAIN, who was born December 24, 1848 at Cam- bridge Springs, daughter of Emerson Chamberlain and Elvira Aiken. CHILDREN : 328. I. Myrtle, born May 31, 1868 at Cambridge Springs ; lives at Buffalo, New York ; unmarried, 1899. 329. II. Mortimer R., born March 17, 1870 at Cambridge Springs; lives at Woodcockboro, Pennsylvania; unmarried in 1899. 330. III. Albert A., born October 27, 1876 ; unmarried, 1899. AMOS GREENLEE worked at the carpenter trade at Meadville, Pennsyl- vania, before his marriage, and during the civil war followed his trade in Nash- ville, Tennessee and Louisville, Kentucky. He returned home in 1864 and there joined the Home Guards, which went as far as Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, but was not called into action. He purchased a farm in Richmond Township, seven miles from Cambridge Springs and lived on it until the death of his father, when he moved to the old homestead in Woodcock Township, ten miles north of Meadville, where his family still live. He was a Republican; in religion, Methodist. MYRTLE GREENLEE attended district school until fifteen years of age, then went to high school. She also attended Edinboro Normal School, and spent one year at the Erie (Pennsylvania) Business College. In 1886 she com- JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 331 menced teaching in the common schools of Pennsylvania, and continued until 1898, with the exception of one year spent in Crawford County, Michigan. In June, 1898 she went to Buffalo, New York where she secured a position as stenographer, in which capacity she was still employed. 114. WILLIAM HARRISON GREENLEE 5 { Si»^^,«i«*^f,; i°a?a\%7.°ir ' William Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' 1 Mary Thompson i son of William Greenlee and Margaret Townley, was born February 3, 1839 at Woodcock, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; died April 9, 1892 at Woodcock; married June 17, 1869, MARY ELIZABETH QUAY, born February 8, 1827 at Cambridge, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, died June 4, aged 62 years, at Wood- cock, Pennsylvania and was buried in Gravel Run Cemetery, daughter of Archie Quay and Jane Clark. He was a farmer; in politics. Democrat; in religion, Presbyterian; resided at Woodcock. CHILDREN : 331. I. Adriel Laduff, bom June 12, 1872 at Woodcock ; lives at Woodcock. 332. n. William Albert, born August 10, 1874. 116. MARY ADELINE GREENLEE' { ^rr'^l^-ef "o^^X* i'a^a^^S'*' WllUam Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' 1 Mary Thompson i daughter of William Greenlee and Margaret Townley, was bom August 22, 1844 at Woodcock, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; died May 23, 1870, or 1869 at Wood- cock; married December 25, 1864 at Woodcock, ALBERT LOGAN, bom June 4, 1831 at Hartstown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, died July 17, 1885 at Wood- cock, son of David Logan, Jr. He was a physician ; Democrat ; resided at Wood- cock. CHILDREN : 333. I. James Albert Logan, born December 25, 1866; married Ida May Swift; lives at Cambridge Springs, Pennsylvania. 334. II. Mary Adelaide Logan, born March 24, 1869 ; married William Clen- denin.-|- 118. FRANCES AMELIA GREENLEE ^ { ~,- «^«„°i-; lT,^%r^r ' William Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' ) Mary Thompson — . j daughter of William Greenlee and Margaret Townley, was born March 15, 1848 at Woodcock, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; died April 1, 1895 at Springfield, Green Co., Missouri; married November 1, 1878 at Springfield, Missouri, JOHN or JOSEPH M. JARRETT of Springfield, born November 3, 1824, or 1844, in 332 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. McMinn Co., Tennessee, died September 28, 1890 at Springfield, Missouri, son of Aaron Jarrett and Mary Moore. He was a commission merchant; in poli- tics. Democrat; in religion, Christian; resided at Springfield. CHILDREN : 335. I. Lyman Hampton Jarrett, born August 11, 1880. He is a telegraph operator ; lives at Springfield. 336. n. Effie Glenn Jarrett, born August 11, 1880 ; dead. 337. ni. Alfred Logan Jarrett, born February 24, 1883 ; dead. 119. GEORGE BRACKEN GREENLEE 6 {^^Zlfe^^^^ren faMrlSjf"" William Greenlee - James Greenlee > ) Mary Thompson I son of James Greenlee and Hannah Bracken, died in 1866; married SARAH RABEL of Woodcockboro, Pennsylvania. She married second A. E. Gibson. CHHiDREN : 338. I. Clayton; lives in Brooklyn, New York. 339. IL George : lives with his mother near Woodcockboro. 123. ■BAflTriPT T>TT'N"N' 5 f Mary Greenlee « John Greenlee ' William Greenlee ' AAUXUUjj uuai.^ I John M. T. Dunn Sarah Brady Mary Thompson James Greenlee i ) daughter of Mary Greenlee and John Meredith Taylor Dunn, was born Feb- ruary 11, 1822 ; married JOSEPH A. FRENCH. CHHiDREN : 340. I. George D. French ; lives at Cincinnati, Ohio. 341. II. Joseph S'. French; lives at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. 342. in. French ; died. 124. nt ■nTT'R 'RPATYV ■nTTTCTN' 6 f Mary Greenlee * John Greenlee " William Greenlee ' UliXVXiK DKAUX UUaa | john M. T. Dunn Sarah Brady Mary Thompson James Greenlee ^ 1 son of Mary Greenlee and John Meredith Taylor Dunn, was born June 10, 1824 ; married HARRIET DUNN ; resided at Monmouth, Illinois. CHILDREN : 343. I. Nannie V. Dunn, born December 4, 1852 at Erie, Pennsylvania; lives at Long Pine, Nebraska. 344. II. Emmet Thomas Dunn; lives at Seattle, "Washington. Xo. 110. ROBERT GREENLEE. MKS. KdBEUT CKEENI.EE. No. 111. SARAH ( GREENLEE P SMITH. MRS. A. E GIBSON. WHOSE FIRST HUSBAND WAS NO. im GEORGE BRACKEN GREENLEE JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 333 345. III. Robert Monroe Dunn. 346. IV. Lenoir G. Dunn ; lives at Seattle. 347. V. Clyde Gilson Dimn; lives at Kent, Washington. 126. U'T T7A'R'Ii"TO 'nTT'NTff 5 f Mary Greenlee » John Greenlee ' William Greenlee " Xiljl^AUrjlXl uunn | John M. T. Dunn Sarah Brady Mary Thompson James Greenlee " ) daughter of Mary Greenlee and John Meredith Taylor Dunn, was born April 29, 1829 at Woodcock, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married February 24, 1870 at Erie, Pennsylvania, JOHN ROBINSON DUMARS, born December 1, 1807 at Erie, Pennsylvania, died April 10, 1895 at Erie, son of James Dumars and Margaret Robinson. He was a farmer; in politics, a Democrat; in re- ligion, Presbyterian ; resided at Erie. No Children. 128. IVTAPTTTA TA'NT' 'nTT'M'N' 5 f Mary Greenlee ' John Greenlee ' William Greenlee = ITl^lAXXlA OAlifi uunvt j John M. T. Dunn Sarah Brady Mary Thompson James Greenlee ^ 1 daughter of Mary Greenlee and John Meredith Taylor Dunn, was bom June 2, 1834 at McKean, Erie Co., Pennsylvania; married October 18, 1854 at Mc- Kean, SAMUEL LEROT GLOVER, who was bom July 4, 1832 at Morris, Otsego Co., New York, son of Ezra Jarvis Glover and Hannah Mudge. He was a shoemaker; in politics, a Democrat; in religion. Episcopalian; resides at Wescott, Nebraska. CHILDREN : 348. I. Deett Glover, born April 22, 1856 ; married Joseph Warren McRae ; lives at Weissert, Nebraska. 349. II. Mary Emily Glover, born August 4, 1858 ; married Elvie T. Potter ; lives at Wilson, Illinois. 350. III. Grace Glover, born December 12, 1859 ; married Eugene V. Sparks ; lives at Jaqua, Kansas. 351. IV. Henry Bion Glover, born September 24, 1861; lives at Wescott, Nebraska. 352. V. Percy Dunn Glover, born April 27, 1863 ; married Augusta Lower ; lives at Wescott, Nebraska. 353. VI. Sidney Lynn Glover, born December 29, 1864; lives at Francis- ville, Indiana. 132. PORT'R'R f! TTTTTVrii'.S 5 f Elizabeth B. Greenlee • John Greenlee » William Greenlee " X-UXbXCin V. X1U1T1J:jO | John M.Humes Sarah Brady Mary Thompson James Greenlee ' 1 son of Elizabeth B. Greenlee and John M. Humes, was bom February 20, 1849 at Woodcock, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married October 20, 1869 334 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. at Woodcock, JULIA DEDRICK who was born November 15, 1848 at Friend- ship, New York, died May 10, 1880 at Woodcock, Pennsylvania, daughter of Peter Dedrick and Elizabeth ; married second January 8, 1885 at Cambridge Springs, Pennsylvania, KATE FISHER, born March 5, 1865 in Woodcock Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, died April 21, 1895 in Woodcock, daughter of Frederick Fisher and Lenna ; married third March 17, 1897 at Cambridge Springs, JENNETTE C. MANIN, born October 30 in Wayne Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, died June 26, 1898 at Woodcock, daughter of Joseph Manin and Sarah . One son: 254. Ransom P. Humes, born February 10, 1888. PORTER C. HUMES is a dealer in Agricultural Implements. He has served as Supervisor and Assessor of his township, and was Justice of the Peace in Woodcock for a term of five years. He has been a Director of the Gravel Run Cemetery Association since its organization and was its secretary for many years; was elected president in 1882 and re-elected in 1884. He is a Presbyterian; Democrat; resides at Woodcock. 134. ROPTTPflN'TA nPTilF.'NT TTTi! 5 ( John Greenlee ' William Greenlee ' William Greenlee » OViTXinuilXA VTACifjnXjJlij:! j Susan M. Warnes Rebecca Hughes Mary Thompson James Greenlee • ) daughter of John Greenlee and Susan Mary Wames, was born March 3, 1838 [bible record] ; died February 16, 1879 [bible record] ; married June 15, 1865 [bible record] ISAAC N. BONNETT. She taught school fourteen terms and was a fine singer. CHILDREN: 355. I. Harry Bonnett (eldest son) ; graduated at Wooster, Wayne Co., Ohio; died at Perrysville, Ohio. He was a druggist. 356. II. Ida Nettie Bonnett ; graduated in stenography at Cincinnati ; mar- ried Pearl Showalter of Kentucky, Superintendent of Prudential Insurance Company; lived at Denver, Colorado. 357. m. Isaac Dean Bonnett; graduated at Lafayette, Indiana. He is a druggist at Shreve, Wayne Co., Indiana. Two children died in infancy. I I 1 137, fE GREENLEE 5 {Jo^n James Greenlee ^ TnTTW RT mO'li' ri'R'Ii''Ii''KrT ■Pli' 5 f John Greenlee « William Greenlee » William Greenlee • JUHJN bXjUJNJii UlCJ "> { Susan M. Warnes Rebecca Hughes Mary Thompson } son of John Greenlee and Susan Mary Warnes, was bom March 2, 1843 ; died March 26, 1866; married April 21, 1864 [bible record] SARAH WACHTEL, daughter of Wachtel. No. 2.j4. ransom r. HUMES. No. 132, POKTEU C. IlfMKS. MRS. KATE HUMES. Second wife of Porter C. Humes RESIDENX'E OF NO. 132, PORTEK C. HUMES, WOOIiCOCK. TA. (FRONT VIEW. RESIDENCE OF I'UUXEU r. UL.MES. (REAR VIEW.) V- JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 335 Daughter : 358. Hetta, bom in 1865; died in 1875. JOHN SLONE GREENLEE was a volunteer in the civil war, Company H, 82nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; was sent home on a sick furlough in 1862 and was never able to return to the army. 139. DANIEL WARNES GREENLEE 6 f John Creenlee • William Greenlee' I Susan M. Warnea Rebecca Hughes William Greenlee = James Greenlee ' 1 Mary Thompson J son of John Greenlee and Susan Mary Warnes, was bom April 11, 1846 [bible record] died August or September 13, 1897 at Davis, Indian Territory; mar- ried March 2, 1867 [bible record] MELISSA ANN PLANK, daughter of Plank. He visited nearly every state in the Union. CHILDREN : 359. I. Daughter; died in infancy. 360. II. Zella; married; lives at Cleveland, Ohio. 141. MARY ELIZABETH GREENLEE » f John Oreenlee ' William Greenlee* ( Susan M. W arnes Rebecca Hughes William Greenlee ' James Greenlee ^ ) Mary Thompson J daughter of John Greenlee and Susan Mary Warnes, was born January 5, 1850 at MeZena, Ashland Co., Ohio; married December 27, 1870 at McZena, JOHN WESLEY EASTERDAY born February 27, 1849 at Sparta, Morrow Co., Ohio, son of Conrad Easterday and Hannah Green. He is a farmer; Demo- crat; Protestant; resides at Overton, Wayne Co., Ohio. CHILDREN : 361. I. John Conrad Easterday, bom September 22, 1871; married Callie Hempertz; lived at Mansfield, Ohio. 362. n. Elva Gertie Easterday, born April 3, 1874; married William Eu- gene Hawk.+ 363. ni. Susan Hannah Easterday, born January 22, 1879. 364. IV. Bemice Luella Easterday, born September 29, 1882. 1^. CURTIS GREENLEE ^ I •^°^^ Greenlee ' William Greenlee » William Greenlee • ( Susan M. Warnes Reljecca Hughes Mary Thompson James Greenlee ' 1 son of John Greenlee and Susan Mary Warnes, was bom March 1, 1851 [bible record] at McZena, Ashland Co., Ohio; married December 4, 1872 [bible 336 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. record] at Haysville, Ashland Co., Ohio, MINA MARKS, bom October 6, 1857 at McZena, daughter of Robert Marks and Mary Ann Pierce ; painter ; Demo- crat; Lutheran; resides at Columbus, Ohio. CHILDREN: 365. I. Alice May, born May 23, 1875. 366. II. Curtis Earl, born April 6, 1877; soldier in the Spanish- American War. 367. III. Harmon Victor, born June 16, 1878. 368. IV. Cloyd Steward, born August 25, 1879 at McZena. 145. EDWIN STEWART GREENLEE S I J°''° ^//^"'^ ' WllUam greenlee • I. Susan M. Warnes Rebecca Hughes William Greenlee ^ James Greenlee ' 1 Mary Thompson — J son of John Greenlee and Susan Mary Warnes, was born June 2, 1855 at Mc- Zena, Ashland Co., Ohio ; married December 31, 1885 at Mohican, Ashland Co., Ohio, PILORA BELL EMERICK, born April 14, 1866 at McZena, or Mohican, Ohio, daughter of George Washington Emerick and Caroline Crumlick. CHILDREN: 369. I. Arden Deane, born October 29, or 31, 1886. 370. II. Zodie Vern, born January 6, 1889. 371. III. Vulah Constance, born October 1, 1891. 372. IV. Eolis Erma, born March 24, 1893. 373. V. Zelda Zula, born January 22, 1896. EDWIN STEWART GREENLEE was a graduate of Adrian, Michigan Commercial College. He served eleven terms as clerk of Lake Township, Ash- land County, Ohio, in succession; taught school two years in the same town. He invested in land in 1885, met with the panic in 1893 and lost ; served five years as Secretary of Holmes Co., Mutual Insurance Company; removed to Mansfield in 1897 and is now a boilermaker and mechanic. In politics, he is a Democrat; in religion, German Reform. 147. ELZA HOLLAND GREENLEE B / John Greenlee • William Greenlee • XiLiiiA a.\Jljl^Aau UlUiifilHljiljfi I gyg^jj jj ^-arnes Re.hecca Hughes William Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' ) Mary Thompson / son of John Greenlee and Susan Mary Warnes, was born March 4, 1860 at McZena, Ashland Co., Ohio ; married January 14, 1886 at Mohican, Ashland Co., Ohio, MARY LONG, born December 30, 1860 at Mohican, died November 3, 1896 at McZena, daughter of Peter B. Long and Saloma Kantjer; painter; Democrat; resides at McZena, Ohio. .'^^ i No. 132. WILLIAM MINER MARKS. MRS. WILLIAM MIXER MARKS. RESIDEXlE UK XO. loi. WILLIAM MIXER MARKS. LliriK )X VILLE. OHIO. No. 383. RALPH GORDON MARKS. *3,^© No. 37T. UUHF.RT WALLACE MARKS. No. 3T.S. ('. V. MARKS. 380. MABEL IRF:XE iL\RKS. 381. IRMA FAY 1L\RKS. 382. FLORENCE ALLIXE MARKS. JA]\IES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 337 CHILDREN : 374. I. Herbert Clarence, born November 11, 1886. 375. rr. George Glell, born June 3, 1890. 376. m. Grace Bell, born August 15, 1893. 152. 377. I. 378. II. 379. m. 380. IV. 381. V. 382. VI. 383. vn. WILLIAM MINER MARKS S / Sarah Greenlee ♦ William Greenlee » William Greenlee » WJ-LjXjXAIU lUXiiXiA iUArvA.>9 | Ephralm C. Marks Rebecca Hughes Mary Thompson James Greenlee ' 1 son of Sarah Greenlee and Ephraim Chidister Marks, was born June 5, 1850 in Ashland Co., Ohio; married in 1880 in Ashland Co., Ohio, EFFIE MAY WALLACE, born April 3, 1859 at Loudonville, Ohio, daughter of Robert P. Wallace and Electa Jane McGuier; merchant; Democrat; Methodist; resided at Loudonville, Ohio. CHILDREN: Robert Wallace Marks, bom January 2, 1881. C. V. Marks, bom August 27, 1882. Beulah Marks, bom in 1887. Mable Irene Marks, born December 31, 1888. Irma Fay Marks, born January 16, 1891. Florence Alline Marks, born November 29, 1893. Ralph Gordon Marks, born June 2, 1896. 155. ROBERT THOMPSON GREENLEE S f WllUam Greenlee ' Robert Greenlee' I Mary v ogan Margaret Porter William Greenlee ' James Greenlee i l Mary Thompson J son of William Greenlee and Mary Vogan, was born June 15, 1828 at Frank- lin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married January 11, 1855 at Sandy Lake, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, RACHEL BEGGS who was born in 1830 in County Tyrone, Ireland, died January 13, 1861 at Channahon, WiU Co., Illinois, daugh- ter of WiUiam Beggs and Martha Wilson ; married second November 20, 1866 in Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, AMANDA J. PORTER, who was born in 1840 near Sandy Lake, Pennsylvania, daughter of David Porter and Anna White ; farmer; Presbyterian; residence, Idana, Clay Co., Kansas. CHILDREN : Mary J., bom December 28, 1857; married James A. Mann. Martha E., born ilarch 10, 1859 ; married Robert J. Rea. David Howard, born October 12, 1867 ; died October 17, 1872. Anne E., bom August 17, 1869; married J. E. Hamilton. Matthew Wilkin, born December 10, 1870. Robert Allen, born January 7, 1873 ; died August 2, 1878. 384. I. 385. n. 386. m. 387. TV. 388. V. 389. VI. 338 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 390. Vn. Jesse Forrest, bom September 7, 1874; died July 30, 1878. 391. VIII. Nannie B., born December 18, 1877. 392. IX. John K., born June 8, 1880. ROBERT THOMPSON GREENLEE served in the war of the rebellion; enlisted in Company G, 100th Illinois Volunteers in 1862; discharged in 1865. 159. HUGH HASSEN GREENLEE 5 { STr'i'^oS'n '"'*' * M^i^v^^f^^' William Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' 1 Mary Thompson / , son of William Greenlee and Mary Vogan, was bom November 5," 1837 at Polk, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; died January 2, 1900 at Derrick City, Mc- Kean Co., Pennsylvania; married December 15, 1859 at Polk, AMANDA M. HEDGLIN, born June 10, 1845 at Polk, died May 7, 1886 at Derrick City, daughter of Stephen Decatur Hedglin and Hannah W. Lane; married second July 4, 1887, ELLA LEE, who was bom May 3, 1861. He was a carpenter; Democrat ; Methodist ; resided at Derrick City, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 393. I. Aramanda Araminta, born January 22, 1861; married Walter E. Brown. + George W., born January 20, 1863. Ira R., born April 9, 1885 ; died March 14, 1899. Thomas S., born November 5, 1889. Charles H., born November 5, 1889. Clyde, born January 22, 1892. Lucy M., born January 26, 1897. Harold, born August 12, 1897. 167. ROBERT GREENLEE NICHOLSON B (Mary Greenle* • Eobert Gr^nl^' 1 David I. Nicholson Margaret Porter William Greenlee " James Greenlee ' 1 Mary Thompson / son of Mary Greenlee and David Irvin Nicholson, was born March 4, 1844 in Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married February 14, 1866, MARY ANNE THOMPSON ; married second . CHILDREN: 401. I. Alice Violetta Nicholson; dead. 402. II. Mary M. Nicholson ; dead. 403. m. William Walker Nicholson ; dead. 404. IV. Sarah Evaline Nicholson; married Charles A. McDugal; resides at Grove City, Pennsylvania. No children by second marriage. 394. n. 395. m. 396. IV. 397. V. 398. VI. 399. VII. 400. vni. JAMES OP PENNSYLVANIA. 339 ROBERT GREENLEE NICHOLSON served in Company G, 100th Pennsyl- vania Volunteers and Company I, 10th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers in the Civil war. He was a Republican ; resided at Butler, Pennsylvania. 169. ■UJTTTTATVr NTP.WOT.SON 5 ( Mary Greenlee • Robert Greenlee ' William Greenlee • WXljljXAlu l^xuxiuuouxi t David I. Nicholson Margaret Porter Mary Thompson James Greenlee ' 1 son of Jlary Greenlee and David Irvin Nicholson, was born September 12, 1847 at Raymilton, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married July, 1867 at Utica, Venango Co., Pennsylvania, ANNA PIERCE, born November 3, 1846 at Coeh- ranton, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of William Pierce and Cin- derella ; carpenter; Democrat; Methodist; resides at Sheakleyville, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : Clinton Nicholson, bom October 14, 1867. Cora Nicholson, bom March 26, 1868. Maud Nicholson, born February 13, 1870. Nellie Nicholson, born Nevember 26, 1872; married Lewis Heas- ley. Minnie Nicholson, born June 13, 1874. James Nicholson, born September 14, 1876. Claude Nicholson, born December 2, 1878. Charles Nicholson, born September 4, 1880. Pearl Nicholson, born September 25, 1884. "Walter Nicholson, bora October 24, 1886. Mary Nicholson, born August 26, 1890. 170. JENNIF. NIOTTOT.SON 5 / Mary Greenlee » Robert Greenlee » William Greenlee • tfjux^xixju X1XWXXVXJOWX1 I David I. Nicholson Margaret Porter Mary Thompson James Greenlee ' 1 405. I. 406. IL 407. III. 408. IV. 409. V. 410. VI. 411. VII. 412. VIII. 413. JX. 414. X. 415. XI. daughter of Mary Greenlee and David Irvin Nicholson, was born April 15, 1849 at Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married March 1, 1870 MICH- AEL HATES, born November 20, 1844 at Innis, County Clare, Ireland, died June, 1896, son of Thomas Hayes. He was a railroader; Protestant; resided at Bradford, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 416. I. John G. Hayes, born January 21, 1871; married Ada Meyer; lives at Eldred, Pennsylvania ; has two sons and one daughter. 417. H. Edmond I. Hayes, born February 5, 1873; married Mary Keating; died March 19, 1900; had one daughter. 418. III. Dot Hayes, bora April 25, 1875. 340 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 419. IV. "William M. Hayes, born June 2, 1877. 420. V. Joe Hayes, born November 20, 1879. 421. VI. Jennie A. Hayes, born March 1, 1881. 172. ABNER BAINBRIDGE GREENLEE ^ { il\^-^^ ««/J}Jr,;„ S°a'/g;'.«tTo°r'tVr' William Greenlee » James Greenlee » 1 Mary Thompson S son of Robert Porter Greenlee and Elizabeth Bainbridge Johnston, was born April 23, 1846 in French Creek Township, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married November 27, 1870 at Carlton, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, MARY SMITH STEVENS, born June 3, 1848 in French Creek Township, daughter of Peter Case Stevens and Margaret Robb. He was a farmer; Republican; member of the United Presbyterian church; resided at Carlton and New Lebanon, Penn- sylvania. CHILDREN : 422. I. Laura Bell, born March 15, 1872, or 1873; married John Frank Wiser. 423. II. William Charles, born November 11, 1874; married Emma Cul- low. 424. III. Susan Peart, born July 18, 1876; married November 15, 1896, David Henry MeWilliams. 425 IV. Carrie Olive, born October 31, 1878; married October 1, 1896 Oscar Ived Firster. Peter Case, or Care, born June 30, 1880. Robert Porter, born January 20, 1882. Hattie Ellen, born October 12, 1883. Henry Pratt, born March 30, 1886. Mary Ann, born September 25, 1888. Joseph Presley, born October 25, 1889. 173. ROBERT WILLIAM GREENLEE B | Robert P greenlee* Robert Greenlee » I Elizabeth B. Johnston Margaret Porter uUIlam Greenlee" James Greenlee ' ) Mary Thompson — j son of Robert Porter Greenlee and Elizabeth Bainbridge Johnston, was born June 6, 1848 at Polk, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married April 10, 1873 at Sandy Lake, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, CLARA JOSEPHINE FIRSTER, born July 22, 1853 at New Lebanon, Pennsylvania, daughter of John Firster and Barbara Grove. Resided at New Lebanon, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: 432. I. Addison, born December 9, 1874. 433. II. Lilly, born April 13, 1876; married December 33, 1896 James Vick Hollibaugh. 426. V. 427. VI. 428. VIL 429. VIII. 430. DL. 431. X. 434. III. 435. IV. 436. V. 437. VI. 438. VII. JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 341 David Porter, born December 10, 1877. Oliver Cromwell, born May 10, 1881 ; died March 18, 1884. James Adams, born June 17, 1885. I. Josephine, born November 30, 1887. John Coulter, born March 13, 1889. 176. Prt'RIi'PT TVTpftTNNTS B f.Tane Greenlee' Robert Greenlee » William Greenlee « AUOXiAi. lui/«ii>i>xo I Andrew B. McGinnis Margaret Porter Mary Thompson James Greenlee ^ ) son of Jane Greenlee and Andrew B. McGinnis, was born March 7, 1850 in Venango Co., Pennsylvania; died May 31, 1898 at Kidwell, West Virginia; married June 25, 1886 at Parkers Landing, Pennsylvania, MINNIE DOWN- ING, born October 17, 1869 in Venango, Pennsylvania, daughter of Jacob G. Downing and Harriet Truby. He was a pumper ; in politics. Republican ; in religion, Methodist; resided at Parker and Evans City, Pennsylvania; widow resides at Poland, West Virginia. CHILDREN: Jennie McGinnis, born March 10, 1887 ; dead. Newton McGinnis, born March 29, 1889; dead. Mabel Elizabeth McGinnis, born March 14, 1897. Grant McGinnis (possibly a son by a former marriage) lives with his grandmother, Mrs. Jane McGinnis. 178. 439. I. 440. II. 441. III. 442. IV. MARGARET BEULINA McGINNIS' {fX^jrJj^Ginnis SS?t"lmr' William Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' 1 Mary Thompson J daughter of Jane Greenlee and Andrew B. McGinnis, was born May 6, 1856 at Polk, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married September 19, 1887 at Parkers Landing, Armstrong Co., Pennsylvania, ROBERT SNOW (a widower with several children), who was bom May 6, 1840 in Pennsylvania, son of Nicholas Snow and Elisabeth Croyar; carpet weavers; Republican; resided at Butler, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 443. I. Josie E. Snow, born January 26, 1890. 444. II. Rose N. Snow, born July 10, 1891. 445. III. Florence Snow, born March 19, 1893. 446. rV. Joe Wesley Snow, born January 1, 1897. 342 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 180. SARAH ELIZABETH McGINNISs { i-^,^'!f.tc^Gi„„u ^t^Tv^^^ir' William Greenlee " James Greenlee '■ \ Mary Thompson i daughter of Jane Greenlee and Andrew J. McGinnis, was born Jidy 17, 1859 at Raymilton, Venango Co., Pennsylvania ; married January 11, 1878 at Peters- burg, Clarion Co., Pennsylvania, JOSEPH CAREY, bom September 25, 1852, or 1856, in Wisconsin, son of Nathaniel Carey and Eliza Wagner; school teacher; resides at Thornhill, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: Earl P. Carey, born July 11, 1879. Clarence B. Carey, born April 24, 1881 ; died December 2, 1894. William F. Carey, born April 6, 1883. Herbert C. Carey, born July 10, 1885 ; died August 25, 1887. Newton 0. Carey, born December 11, 1887. Maggie B. Carey, born August 22, 1893 ; died March 17, 1899. Joseph B. Carey, bom February 17, 1895. Andrew Jay Carey, born April 25, 1897. Helen Irene Carey, bom January 13, 1901. 185. 447. I. 448. II. 449. III. 450. IV. 451. V. 452. VT. 453. VII. 454. vni. 455. IX. ROBERT STEWART CREENLEE S / Stewart Greenlee « Robert Greenlee • AUDfiAJ. OiJUW«_n,± UAAilinijfiCi i Sarah A. McGlnnls Margaret Porter William Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' ) Mary Thompson J son of Stewart Greenlee and Sarah Ann McGinnis, was bom April 24, 1847 at Waterloo, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married September 6, 1872 at New Lebanon, Pennsylvania, AMELIA JANE DUFFORD, bom September 24, 1855 in Pennsylvania, daughter of George M. Dufford and Martha Sagizer; oil and gas well contractor; Republican; Methodist; resides at Findlay, Ohio. CHILDREN : 456. I. Donella J., born September 13, 1873; married June 30, 1895, Clarence Graves; died July 12, 1896. 457. II. William S., born November 11, 1874; married Grace E. Packard; Mary Vinton. -|- Albert, born September 3, 1876. Roy, born November 29, 1878; married Bertha Moyer; resides at Findlay, Ohio; has daughter, Ruth. Georgia, born December 23, 1884. Margaret. John C. Kittie, bom January 15, 1889. Dollie, or Don, born Febmary 16, 1897. 458. III. 459 IV. 460. V. 461. VI. 462. VIL 463. vm. 464. IX. No. IS.-,. UOBEKT STEWART (JREEXLEE AND FAMILY. IT \ :/f>F' } R. S. GREENLEE. MRS. R. S. GREENLEE. MRS. ROT GREENLEE. No. 459. ROY GREENLEE. No. 457. WII.I.I.AM S. GREENLEE MRS. \VILLL\M S. GREENLEE. JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 343 186. WILLIAM HARRISON GREENLEE* 1 1"''^?^' ^;^°.'^V Robert Greenlee « I Sarah A. McGinnls Margaret Porter William Greenlee = James Greenlee ' 1 Mary Thompson / son of Stewart Greenlee and Sarah Ann McGinnis, was bom June 28, 1849 at "Waterloo, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married February 1, 1877 at Lines- ville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, MARY A. SHILLITO, born June 5, 1858 at Hartstown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of William Shillito and Har- riet E. McDowell. CHILDREN : 465. I. Frederick Harrison, born March 28, 1878 ; married Elizabeth Bent- ley; spent two years in Allegheny College but had to leave on account of his eyes failing; is a member of Company K, 15th Regt., P. N. G. 466. IL Robert Clyde, bom November 20, 1883. 467. m. Mabel Harriet, bom September 10, 1891. WILLIAM HARRISON GREENLEE has been a farmer with the exception of two years spent in the Bradford oil field ; resides on a farm of one hundred and fifteen acres one mile east of Hartstown, Pennsylvania ; Republican ; Meth- odist. 188. GRACE M. GREENLEE * i Stewart Greenlee « Robert Greenlee » William Greenlee • \ Sarah A. McGinnls Margaret Porter Mary Thompson James Greenlee ^ 1 daughter of Stewart Greenlee and Sarah Ann McGinnis, was born October 26, 1853; married December, 1879 at Hartstown, or Meadville, Pennsylvania, G. WASHINGTON MASON. He is a tinner ; resides at Greenville, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 468. I. Eddy Mason, born in 1881. 469. n. Charles Mason, bom in 1884. 470. III. Sadie Mason, bom in 1894. 189. SARAH ELIZABETH GREENLEE 5 I i*^"'?^' I'/??,'^*.' aobert Greenlee » 1 Sarah A. McGlnmg Margaret Porter William Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' 1 Mary Thompson • J daughter of Stewart Greenlee and Sarah Ann McGinnis, was born January 24, 1856 at Milledgeville, Pennsylvania ; married May 5, 1879 at Hartstown, Craw- ford Co., Pennsylvania, EDWARD N. HALL, born August 12, 1854 at Geneva, 471. I. 472. n. 473. m. 474. IV. 344 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, son of John Hall and Cylinda Newton. He is a farmer; in politics, Free silver; in religion; Methodist Episcopal; resides at Geneva, Pennsylvania. CHHjDREN: Ira Stewart Hall, bom February 17, 1882. Ida Hall, born February 18, 1884. Thomas Hall, born May 19, 1891. Robert Harrison HaU, born July 7, 1895. 190. HARRIET ANN GREENLEE S f Stewart Greenlee * Robert Greenlee • AAnnxXiJ. «.«« UAririnijfiri 1 Sarah A. McGlnnls Margaret Porter William Greenlee = James Greenlee i 1 Mary Thompson J daughter of Stewart Greenlee and Sarah Ann McGinnis, was born July 1, 1858, or 1862 ; married February, 1880 at Hartstown, Pennsylvania, JOSEPH E. ELLIS, born February, 1857 at Hartstown. He is a harness maker ; resides at Crestline, Ohio. CHILDREN : 475. I. Harry E. Ellis, born in 1883. 476. n. Rosie Ellis, born in 1885. 477. III. Grace Ellis, born in 1887. 191. CURTIS or LICURDIS GREENLEE ^ { g'-P^^'lJ^^"'- * S°a'r'i'r?tTo"r't?r' WUUam Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' 1 Mary Thompson / son of Joseph Greenlee and Harriet McNeal, was bom March 20, 1845 at Waterloo, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married November 9, 1865, MARIA MeGINNIS, born February 12, 1850 at "Waterloo ; farmer ; resides at Bertrand, Nebraska. 192. BTTSAN REBECCA GREENLEE S / Joseph Greenlee * Robert Greenlee • OUOAXH J\,£,DXi\j\jA VrnfiJUnAjXiXi j Harriet McNeal Margaret Porter William Greenlee ' James Greenlee ^ ) Mary Thompson / daughter of Joseph Greenlee and Harriet McNeal, was born April 11, 1846 near Waterloo, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married May 6, 1872 in Pennsylvania, GEORGE WASHINGTON MYERS, born Febraary 23, 1836 at New Middle- town, Mahoning Co., Ohio, son of George W. Myers and Saloma Raub. He is a carpenter; in politics, a Republican; resides near New Middletown, Ohio. No. 1!I0. JOSEI'II E. ELLIS AND KAIIILY. No. 203. JAMES GREENLEE. No. 328. MYRTLE GREENLEE. No. 303. AHMINTA GREENLEE liROWN. AND IltrSBAND WAL- TER E. BROWN. JAilES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 345 CHILDREN : 478. I. Maggie Luella Myers, bom March 15, 1873; married Ollie Q. Kniner. Clara Belle Myers, born July 26, 1874. Viola Myers, bom April 16, 1876 ; married John D. Hardesty. Harry Dale ilyers ; dead. Homer 0. Myers, born October 2, 1880. Harvey E. Myers, bom November 8, 1882. 193. 479. H. 480. m. 481. IV. 482. V. 483. VI. MARGARET JANE GREENLEE 5 {J<>-p^«^X-' S°.'//„'.?t"po''r't'eV William Greenlee ' James Greenlee ^ 1 Mary Thompson / daughter of Joseph Greenlee and Harriet McNeal, was born December 30, 1847 at Sandy Lake, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married June 9, 1870 at Leetonia, Columbiana Co., Ohio, JABEZ WHITTON, born July 31, 1841 at Staffiger, England, son of John "Whitton and Mary White. He is a blacksmith ; in politics, a Democrat; in religion, ^Methodist; resides at Salem, Ohio. CHILDREN: 484. I. George Whitton, born August 14, 1874; married Minnie Patric; lives at Salem, Ohio. Wilbert Whitton, born April 9, 1879. Nellie Whitton, born October 3, 1882 ; died December 22, 1882. Etta Whitton, born June 23, 1885. Eva Whitton, bom March 13, 1887. 197. T.V"nTA A fS-'R'li'.P.'NT.Ti'.F. 5 ( Joseph Greenlee * Robert Greenlee " William Greenlee » uix^xA m.. \XA£icixixj£jxj j Harriet McNeal Margaret Porter Mary Thompson James Greenlee ^ 1 485. II. 486. m. 487. IV. 488. V. daughter of Joseph Greenlee and Harriet McNeal, was born September 15, 1856 at New Lebanon, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania; married June 1, 1881 at Washingtonville, Columbiana Co., Ohio, GEORGE W. WEBBER, born June 15, 1848 at Lisbon, Columbiana Co., Ohio. He is a farmer ; in politics, a Democrat ; in religion, Methodist; resides at Lisbon. CHILDREN : Hattie M. Webber, bom October 16, 1882. Bertha L. Webber, born March 22, 1885. Harry L. Webber, bom July 24, 1887. Albert R. Webber, born November 5, 1889. Frank LeRoy Webber, born October 6, 1892. 489. I. 490. II. 491. m 492. IV. 493. V. 346 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 200 MAHALA BARR 8 f Anna Greenlee = William Greenlee « James Greenlee ' uxAunun unxbxv j peter Barr Jane McClelland Anna Patterson William Greenlee ^ James Greenlee » 1 Mary Thompson J daughter of Anna Greenlee and Peter Barr, was bom April 13, 1849 at Ray- milton, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married March 16, 1869, EUSEBIUS CHATLEY, who was born near Milledgeville, Pennsylvania, son of Andrew Chatley and Ruth Robbins. He is a farmer ; in politics, a Democrat ; in religion, Disciple ; resides near Milledgeville. CHILDREN: 494. I. Bertie Milton Chatley, born May 19, 1870; unmarried (1900). 495. n. Otis Asa Chatley, born December 22, 1877; unmarried (1900). 202. PTPTinP IVf P A TTF.T? sow 6 /Margaret Greenlee ' William Greenlee • James Greenlee • rjUXJUXb lU. x-A XX fiAOUii t John Patterson Jane McClelland Ann Patterson William Greenlee = James Greenlee ' 1 Mary Thompson J son of Margaret Greenlee and John Patterson, was bom May 14, 1844 at Ray- milton, Venango Co., Pennsylvania ; married February 2, 1871 at Sandy Lake, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, MARY A. CORNELUS, bom March 10, 1850 at Leesburg, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, died January 2, 1894 at Rajonilton, Penn- sylvania, daughter of Isaac Cornelus and Nancy Cook; Democrat; Presby- terian; residence, Raymilton. CHILDREN: Harry Patterson, born November 29, 1872; married Adah Snider. George Patterson, bom May 16, 1874. Cora Patterson, bom May 21, 1877 ; married Walter Jewell. Brit Patterson, born November 10, 1880. Nannie Patterson, bom April 6, 1883. Pearl Patterson, bom August 6, 1887. 203. TATWIPO r''DTi'T!''KrT IP'B' 6 f James Greenlee » William Greenlee « James Greenlee ' JAOULO KxKCiHiSSIjXiJU i Mary Stewart Jane McClelland Ann Patterson William Greenlee ' James Greenlee ^ 1 Mary Thompson / son of James Greenlee and Mary Stuart, was born November 13, 1856 at Harlandsburgh, Lawrence Co., Pennsylvania ; married May 31, 1883 at Beaver Falls, Beaver Co., Pennsylvania, MARY A. CROYIER, bom January 24, 1861 in Iowa, daughter of D. Croyier and Jane Boyd; farmer; Republican; United Presbyterian ; residence, Grove City, Pennsylvania. 496. I. 497. II. 498. m. 499. IV. 500. V. 501. VI. JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 347 204. JANE MARY GREENLEE B r John M. Greenlee"^ William Greenlee « James Greenlee » _,,,,, _ , , ^ „ . , . I Mary Mills Jane McClelland Ann Patterson William Greenlee " James Greenlee ' 1 Mary Thompson j daughter of John McClelland Greenlee and Mary Mills, was bom November 7, 1849 in Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married December 25, 1870 at Victor, Poweshiek Co., Iowa, WILLIAM ALLEN CLARK, born January 20, 1842 at Jersey City, New Jersey, daughter of John Clark and Mary Allen. CHILDREN: 502. I. Laura May Clark, born December 23, 1871 ; married Austin Linn ; lives at Gray, Iowa. 503. II. Wilbur Arthur Clark, born February 28, 1872; married Clara Belle Friese.-(- Robert Clark, born October 10, 1874. Charles Erwin Clark, born November 27, 1876. Mary Ella Clark, born May 5, 1882. Jennie Bell Clark, born September 11, 1887. John Wesley Clark, bom February 29, 1888. Nellie Pearl Clark, born December 5, 1890. Louis Clark, born September 9, 1892. Sarah Matilda Clark, born August 15, 1894. WILLIAM ALLEN CLARK served in the Civil war ; enlisted in 1861 and remained in the army three years. He is a farmer; in politics, a Republican; in religion, Christian ; resides at Audubon, Iowa. 205. MILLS ERWIN GREENLEE e | J^ohn M.^Greenlee » JlUi'li- °e7lfn'd" * James Greenlee • William Greenlee - James Greenlee ' 1 Ann Patterson Mary Thompson / son of John McClelland Greenlee and Mary Mills, was born April 24, 1852 at Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married December 25, 1875 at Avoca, Iowa, AURILDAH SINCLAIR, bom March 29, 1857 at Avoca, Iowa, daughter of Robert Sinclair and Mary Hogan. He is a wagon maker; in politics, a Republican ; in religion. United Brethren ; resides at Templeton, Iowa. CHILDREN : Biol, born April 8, 1877; unmarried. Edna, born December 12, 1879; married May 16, 1900, Arthur Billick ; lives at Templeton, Iowa. Ernest, bora March 18, 1882. Robert, born Febmary 20, 1884. Viola, born October 11, 1889. Coquella, born October 5, 1897. 504. ni. 505. IV. 506. V. 507. VL 508. VII. 509. VIII. 510. LX. 511. X. 512. I. 513. II. 514. III. 515. IV. 516. V. 517. VI. 348 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 206. OT.IVRP Ti" O'RP.'RNT.'R'R 8 / John M. Greenlee » William Greenlee « Jameo Greenlee • vxjX V £1X1, £ . \7XV£iCii,xvxi xi. Av/uxj (Harvey Rose Jane McClelland Ann Patterson William Greenlee - James Greenlee ' 1 Mary Thompson j son of Emily Greenlee and Harvey Rose, was born April 4, 1860 at Sandy Lake, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania; married December 28, 1880 at Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania, NETTIE WALLACE, born April 15, 1861 near Mercer, Mer- cer Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of Hugh Wallace and Sarah Dight; farmer Republican ; Methodist ; resides near Dempseytown, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 530. I. Harvey Delbert Rose, bom July 9, 1882. 531. 11. Hugh Wadsworth Rose, born December 3, 1883. 532. in. 533. IV. 534. V. 535. VI. 536. VII. 350 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Olive Agnes Rose, bom April 9, 1885. Wallace WiUiam Rose, born September 8, 1886. George Dewitt Rose, born May 2, 1889. Ethel Sarah Emma Rose, bom March 18, 1893. Ehna Jeanette Rose, born January 16, 1900. 264. TIPQStTP TVr 'WAT'R'RS 6 f Caroline Greenlee "^ William Greenlee * James Greenlee » ilfiOOlfi XU. WA.J.J:ixi.i3 \ Henry Waters Jane McClelland Ann Patterson William Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' 1 Mary Tliompson / daughter of Caroline Greenlee and Henry Waters, was born February 17, 1871 at Fidioute, Warren Co., Pennsylvania; married January 18, 1899 at Ionia, Michigan, CHARLES B. McCORMICK, born February 18, 1863 at Fidioute, Pennsylvania, son of John D. McCormick and Charlotte C. Broughton. He is a farmer; in politics. Republican; in religion, United Brethren; resides at Ionia, Michigan. 261. MARTHA JANE 6REENLEE « I P^'*"" ^- Greenlee ^ John Greenlee * IfULAXILH. ««.tin£i WAJUAXIA^uj:! tMary J. Guiler Margaret Patterson James Greenlee • William Greenlee ^ James Greenlee ' ' Ann Patterson Mary Thompson J daughter of Peter Patterson Greenlee and Mary Jane Guiler, was bom Septem- ber 18, 1860 at Buckingham, Tama Co., Iowa ; married June 30, 1884 at Toledo, Tama Co., Iowa, GEORGE HALE COTTON, born October 12, 1857 at South Bend, St. Joseph Co., Indiana, son of Joseph Cotton and Susan Ford; minister; in polities. Prohibitionist ; in religion. Reformed Church in America ; resided at Traer and Des Moines, Iowa; Salem, South Dakota; New Brunswick and Du- mont, New Jersey ; New York City. CHILDREN : 537. I. Mary Jane Cotton, bom June 25, 1887. 538. II. George Cotton, born September 21, 1890 ; died September 30, 1890. 539. III. Anna Alvira Cotton, bom February 28, 1894. MARTHA (GREENLEE) COTTON wrote short stories and other articles for publication, and not without encouragement. The Christian Intelligencer offered to print and pay for anything she might contribute. 262. ANNA fi'R'RP.NT.li'.'R 6 f Peter P. Greenlee "^ John Greenlee * .Tames Greenlee ' nxixiA uxv.u.uxi±jxjj:i tMary J. Guiler Margaret Patterson Ann Patterson ^Viliiam Greenlee ^ James Greenlee ^ \ Mary Thompson J daughter of Peter Patterson Greenlee and Mary Jane Guiler, was born Septem- ber 29, 1862 at Toledo, Tama Co., Iowa; married November 19, 1885 at Toledo, JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 351 Iowa, CHARLES CLINTON WALLACE, born June 27, 1859 at Chariton, Lucas Co., Iowa, died May 10, 1898 at Des Moines, Iowa, son of Thomas D. "Wallace and Sarah Nickols; occupation, religious work; politics, Republican; religion, Presbyterian ; residence, Des Moines, Iowa. CHILDREN : 540. I. Laurence Greenlee Wallace, born August 19, 1886. 541. II. Martha Lucile Wallace, bom November 28, 1893. 265. JOHN OUINCY BARNES 8 /Elizabeth Greenlee" John Greenlee ' James Greenlee » ^ ( Thomas G. Barnes Margaret Patterson Ann Patterson William Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' 1 Mary Thompson J son of Elizabeth Greenlee and Thomas G. Barnes, was bom February 5, 1860 at Pardoe, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania; married September 20, 1892, ANNA LOUVENA PATTERSON, born March 28, 1869 at Jackson Centre, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of Thompson Patterson and Mary Jane Williams. He is a farmer ; in politics, Prohibitionist ; in religion, United Presbyterian ; resides at Grove City, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: 542. I. Mary Edna Barnes, born March 19, 1896. 543. II. Charlie Reid Barnes, born November 10, 1900. 267. JAMES ELMER BARNES^ /Elizabeth Greenlee"^ John Greenlee ' James Greenlee » (Thomas G. Barnes Margaret Patterson Ann Patterson William Greenlee - James Greenlee ^ 1 Mary Thompson I son of Elizabeth Greenlee and Thomas G. Barnes, was born April 15, 1866 at Pardoe, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania ; married August 24, 1899 at Pardoe, Pennsyl- vania, MARY MARTHA JOHNSTON, born June 13, 1869 at Pardoe, Pennsyl- vania, daughter of Gilbert Johnston and Margaret Paden. He is a florist ; in politics, a Prohibitionist; in religion. United Presbyterian; resides at Grove City, Pennsylvania. 269. VJOLA GREENLEE * -f J^™^^ Greenlee ^ John Greenlee * James Greenlee * 1 Maria L. McColgan Margaret Patterson Ann Patterson William Greenlee - James Greenlee > 1 Mary Thompson J daughter of James Greenlee and Maria L. McColgan, was born August 8, 1869 at Central City, Gilpin Co., Colorado ; married January 15, 1896 at Nevadaville, Gilpin Co., Colorado, HOWARD E. GALTON, born January 22, 1868 at Poo- Chow, China, son of W. P. Galton of China and Georgiana Parker. He is a far- 352 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. mer; in polities, Republican; in religion, Episcopalian; resides at Otis, Eddy Co., New Mexico. CHILDREN : 544. I. John Howard Galton, born October 29, 1896. 545. II. Ruth Galton, bom February 19, 1898. 546. III. Harold Parker Galton, born June 18, 1899. 273. 'BT.O'R'B'.NTJ'R V. fi-TiF.F.NT.F.F. 6 f Samuel S. Greenlee ^ John Greenlee ' James Greenlee « c u\ii>.i^a\jj:, ju. \xjxiuiui.^±jjuju t Amanda J. Tinker Margaret Patterson Ann Patterson William Greenlee ^ James Greenlee i j, Mary Thompson / daughter of Samuel S. Greenlee and Amanda J. Tinker, was born July 11, 1870 at Mercer, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania ; married October 12, 1892 at Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, PRANK W. TINKER, bom February 27, 1869 at Butler, Penn- sylvania, son of Charles Tinker and Elizabeth Morrison. He is a driller ; in poli- tics, Republican ; in religion, Protestant ; resides at Butler. CHILDREN : 547. I. Mildred Frances Tinker, born August 1, 1895. 548. II. Helen Elizabeth Tinker, born November 19, 1899. 281. IVrARflABIilT .TANTi". AT.T.'R'M 6 f Martha Greenlee " John Greenlee * James Greenlee * HIAKUAHJ:! J. J An r. Al^ljJlin | g^^^^^ ^„g^ Margaret Patterson Ann Patterson William Greenlee - James Greenlee ' ) Mary Thompson J daughter of Martha Greenlee and Robert Allen, was born July 6, 1868 at Pardee, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania ; married April 30, 1891, JOHN CARSON, born July 19, 1857 at Ballymoney, County Antrim, Ireland, son of John Carson and Jane Long. He is a hardware merchant; in politics, Republican, in religion, Re- formed Presbyterian ; resides at Denver, Colorado. CHILDREN : Martha Jane Carson, born October 18, 1892. Robert John Carson, born April 14, 1895. James Alexander Carson, born January 16, 1897; died August 16, 1898. Harold "William, born May 15, 1899. Twin sons, born Jan. 30, 1901 ; one died February 8, 1901. 549. I. 550. II. 551. III. 552. IV. 553. V. JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 353 311. Samuel Greenlee ' James J. Greenlee ' .Tames Greenlee ' WT wnp'R nPHITHNT in'R 6 f Samuel Greenlee ' James J. Greenlee ' .Tames Greenlei filjlujliA vri«.J:ii:iri±j£iJ:i j Harriet Burch Elizabeth Greenlee Ann Patterson William Greenlee ' James Greenlee > 1 Mary Thompson / son of Samuel Greenlee and Harriet Burch, was born March 7, 1870 at Ray- milton, Venango Co., Pennsylvania ; married November 14, 1899 at Sandy Lake, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, CORA FRANCES VOGAN, bom August 17, 1878 at Sandy Lake, daughter of Simeon Vogan and Rebecca "Waid. He is a farmer ; in politics. Democrat; in religion, United Presbyterian; resides at Sandy Lake, Pennsylvania. Son: 554. I. Herman Bruce, born November 14, 1900. 334. MARY ADELAIDE LOGAN 8 / Mary a. Greenlee " William Greenlee ♦ ITIAKX AUXiUALUHi la\J\jAn j Albert Logan Margaret Townley John Greenlee » William Greenlee "^ James Greenlee ^ I Sarah Brady Mary Thompson J daughter of Mary Adeline Greenlee and Albert Logan, was born March 24, 1869 at "Woodcock, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married April 10, 1892, "WILLIAM CLENDENIN, born March 12, 1868 at Cincinnati, Ohio, son of Dr. William Clendenin and Sabra Birchard ; physician ; Republican ; Presbyterian ; resides at Madisonville, Ohio. Daughter : 555. I. Mary Elizabeth Clendenin, bom March 10, 1894. 362. ELVA GERTIE EASTERDAY 6 (Mary E. Greenlee' John Greenlee • Xilj V A \x£iD, ±nu Ci±i.ox iJXbl^ A. X | j^^^^ W. Easterday Susan M. Warnes William Greenlee ' William Greenlee ♦ James Greenlee '■ \ Rebecca Hughes Mary Thompson i daughter of Mary Elizabeth Greenlee and John "Wesley Easterday, was born April 3, 1874 at Big Prairie, "Wayne Co., Ohio; married January 30, 1890 at "Wooster, Wayne Co., Ohio, WILLIAM EUGENE HAWK, born November 22, 1870 at Wooster, Ohio. Residence, Wooster. CHILDREN: 556. I. Frankie Luella Hawk, born March 24, 1891. 557. n. Mary Arminta Hawk, bom May 3, 1893. 558. III. Charles Glen Hawk, bom July 8, 1895. 354 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 393. 559. I. 560. II. 561. III. 562. IV. 563. V. 564. VI. ARAMANDAARAMINTA GREENLEE 6 {f^f^JlS'll^^gli; S'r'^^og^aT'""^ * Robert Greenlee • William Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' 1 Margaret Porter Mary Thompson J daughter of Hugh Hassen Greenlee and Amanda M. Hedglin, was born January 22, 1861 near Polk, Mineral Township, Venango, Co., Pennsylvania; married July 10, 1879 at Parkers City, Armstrong Co., Pennsylvania, "WALTER E. BROWN, born May 5, 1859 at Scrubgrass," Venango Co., Pennsylvania, son of Marcus Lueien Brown and Annie Eliza Phipps. He was the first Deputy Sheriff appointed for Alleghany, New York ; is an oil producer ; Democrat ; Methodist ; resides at Four Mile, Cattaraugus Co., New York. CHILDREN: George W. Brown, bom April 21, 1880 ; died May 7, 1882. Willard L. Brown, bom June 18, 1882. Myrtle M. Brown, bom May 30, 1885. Hazel A. Brown, bom June 11, 1888. Ivy B. Brown, bom October 25, 1890. Laurel E. Brown, born May 12, 1894. 457. WTT.T.TAIVr S ftP'RF.NT.li'.'R 6 f Robert S. Greenlee ^ Stewart Greenlee * Robert Greenlee • WJ-lxLiJ-tUU O. UAriJ:iX \ OLAAKxARCiL unCifinijXifi t Elizabeth Greenlee Nancy I daughter of Louis Greenlee and Elizabeth Hunt, was born August 8, 1826; married JOHN RICHARD COPELAND. They had five children : 84. I. Sarah Copeland (eldest child); married Lucky; lived near Bentonville, Arkansas. 85. n. Columbus Copeland (eldest son). JOHN RICHARD COPELAND removed to Arkansas ; just before the war he went to Texas and located near the town of Tyler ; resided at Lindale, Smith County, Texas. 25. EMELINE GREENLEE S / Louis Greenlee = James Greenlee i ) AJILCiljXnri UAXiJlinijfiJli | Elizabeth Hunt Nancy I daughter of Louis Greenlee and Elizabeth Hunt, was born June 24, 1828 ; died in Missouri, fifteen miles south of Pierce City and eight miles from Newtonia ; married Wylie Seerest ; removed to Arkansas, afterward to Missouri ; lived near San Francisco, California. CHILDREN : 86. I. James Hilyard Seerest (oldest son). 87. II. Seerest (oldest daughter) ; married John Dyer, a dealer in mining property. 88. III. Leander Seerest; a lawyer by profession. 26. WILLIS GREENLEE 3 { ^^,'^,«--'- = ^-^ «.!!!!!!« ' } son of Louis Greenlee and Elizabeth Hunt, was born November 21, 1830 ; died at the close of the Civil War near Tyler, Texas ; married just before the war at Fort Smith, Arkansas, MELVINA CLARK, daughter of Clark. JAMES OP TENNESSEE. 363 They had one son : 89. I. Alvin; married and lives at Port Smith, Arkansas. WILLIS GREENLEE served in the Civil War as First Lieutenant under Colonel Shaler of the Confederate army. He attended Batcreek College, Ten- nessee. 27. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN GREENLEE 3 j fe?"'l«"'S'*^V James Greenlee ■ I I EUzabetn Hunt Nancy i son of Louis Greenlee and Elizabeth Himt, was born February 11, 1833 at Madisonville, Monroe Co., Tennessee; died September 14, 1883; married July 29, 1858 at Benton, Polk Co., Tennessee, ANN ELIZA HENTDERSON, bom December 30, 1837 at Columbus, McMinn Co., Tennessee, daughter of John Sinclair Henderson and Aley Van Meter White. He was a carpenter ; in poli- tics, Democrat ; resided at Charleston, Tennessee. CHILDREN : 90. L George Hunt, born June 16, 1859 ; died November 23, 1862. 91. II. Benjamin Henderson, born February 14, 1861 ; killed by a falling tree in Washington Co., Arkansas, March 13, 1888. 92. m. Willis Sinclair, born January 21, 1864 at Oldfort, Polk Co., Ten- nessee; stock grower; lives at Drewsey, Oregon; unmarried (1900). Lee, bom March 10, 1869 ; lives at Ellis, Idaho. Eliza, born August 23, 1870. Charles Vanmeter, born July 21, 1873; is a Railway Mail agent; lives at Charleston, Tennessee. 96. VII. Nora Ann, born July 14, 1876 ; unmarried. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN GREENLEE was a man of sterling qualities, of great kindness and remarkable honesty. He served as a private in the Con- federate army and was wounded at Dalton, Georgia, August 15, 1864. He was taken prisoner and carried to Camp Douglass in November, where he lay until February 21, 1865, in the hospital all the time except one week. Below is the account written by himself on the blank leaves of a Testament presented to him by the chaplain: "Wounded and captured at Dalton, Ga., August 15, 1864. Lay in hospital at Dalton till 25th Oct. Was taken to Chattanooga Oct. 25th. Started to Nashville Nov. 11th, reached it Nov. 12. Left Nashville Nov. 16th, arrived at Louisville the 17th. Left Louisville, 24th and entered Camp Douglas Nov. 26th. Stayed in Camp Douglass from 26th Nov., 1864 till 20th Feb., 1865. All the time but one week in hospital. Left Camp Douglass Feb. 20th at dark, was carried by rail through Indiana and Ohio ; reached Pittsburgh, Penn. at dark Feb. 21st. Passed Harrisburg the night of Feb. 22nd. Arrived at Baltimore about 3 o'clock P. M. Feb. 23rd, 93. IV. 94. V. 95. VI. 364 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 1865. Shipped on board of steamer Charlotte Vanderbilt at dark Feb. 23rd. Sailed dowB Chesapeake bay and up James River to Aikens landing above City Point and 12 mi. below Richmond. Stopped at 12 A. M. Saturday Feb. 25th. Remained on the boat till 10 A. M. Tuesday, Feb. 28th. Those able to walk started on foot for Richmond, leaving the sick and cripples on the boat. There were about 400 of these, I being one. March 3, '65. Today I left the Yankee fleet and reached the city of Rich- mond at dark." 28. THOMAS JEFFERSON GREENLEE 3 { |?i",'a\«'b' HunV Mapcy ^''''°"' ' } son of Louis Greenlee and Elizabeth Hunt, was born October 23, 1836 in Ten- nessee; killed June 3, 1864 at Little Rock, Arkansas by the wall-plate of a building falling on him; married May 28, 1862 in Carroll Co., Arkansas, JOSEPHINE BONAPARTE WRIGHT, bom September 13, 1841 at Maryville (or Little River), Tennessee, daughter of Dr. Wiley Blunt Wright and Elizabeth Henry. Resided in Carroll Co., Arkansas. She married second, George J. Crump. Daughter : 97. I. Lulu Blount, born February 16, 1863; married Asbury John Vance.4- THOMAS JEFFERSON GREENLEE was studying medicine, but when the Civil War broke out he was among the first to follow the fortunes, or mis- fortunes, of the South. He was taken prisoner when Price surrendered at Little Rock, and was kept there in prison all winter, being in wretched health. Rather than have him go north as a prisoner, his wife persuaded him to take the oath and come out. He was a lieutenant in the Confederate army. 29. JULIA ANN GREENLEE 3 { Loui^^,«--;.- = iTnll"'-!^^'' } daughter of Louis Greenlee and Elizabeth Hunt, was bom October 2, 1839 at Benton, Polk Co., Tennessee; divorced from first husband; married second March 24, 1860, MORGAN JEFFERSON MAGNESS (a widower), bom April 4, 1829 at Batesville, Arkansas, died December 31, 1887 at Riverside, California, son of James Magness and Narcissa Barnet; farmer; Republican; Methodist; removed to California about 1888; she returned to Arkansas and resided near Paris, Logan Co., Arkansas. She was living (1900) at Wister, Indian Terri- tory. CHILDREN: Mary Magness, born October 30, 1861 ; married Robert Wilbourn. Charles Magness; died January 20, 1867. Hansford Magness, born November 2, 1867; married Katie Mc- Cluney. 98. I. 99. II. 00. III. JAMES OF TENNESSEE. 365 101. IV. Lula Magness, born July 26, 1869 ; married Prank Zinn. 102. V. Laura Magness, born November 3, 1871 ; married Robert T. Bum- pin, or Bumpass. 103. VI. Cora Magness, born December 19, 1874 ; married John Stephenson. 104. VII. Willie Magness, born March 11, 1877; unmarried. 105. VIII. Nora Magness, born August 21, 1879 ; married Natt Estes. 31. NANTIV fi-R'P.Ti'.NT.Ii'.'R 4 J James Greenlee ' John Greenlee = James Greenlee ' 1 nAnux yxRXiXinuj^lu jPhebe Mayes Elizabeth Sunderland Nancy / daughter of James Greenlee and Phebe Mayes, was born July 27, 1820 at Rut- ledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee, married June 30, 1842 in Grainger Co., Ten- nessee, JESSE GAYLON, born June 10, 1821 at Rutledge, Tennessee, died July 4, 1870 in Grainger Co., Tennessee, son of James Galyon and Alice Smith; married second July 8, 1872 in Grainger Co., Tennessee, EDWARD HODGE, who was born in Grainger Co., Tennessee, died August 21, 1887 in Grainger Co., Tennessee, son of Jesse Hodge and Annie Daniel ; farmer ; Republican ; Bap- tist; resided at Daisy Dell, Tennessee. CHILDREN: Amanda Galyon, born August 5, 1843; married Wesley S'mith.4- James A. Galyon, born August 12, 1845 ; married Catharine Kinder ; lives at Beverly, Tennessee. Mary L. Galyon, born August 11, 1847 ; died July 7, 1857. Narcissa Galyon, born December 2, 1849 ; married John F. Yates. + 110. V. George F. Galyon, born September 12, 1852; died February 1, 1854. Sallie Galyon, born February 26, 1855; married Wiley Hodge.+ Martha Galyon, born January 24, 1858 ; married Henry Hodge.+ Isaac Dayton Galyon, born June 12, 1860 ; died August 28, 1864. Lavinia Galyon, born February 27, 1864; lives with her mother at Daisy Dell; unmarried. 32. EI.TZ A 'R'RTTT ftRF.F.NT.li'.'Ii'. * f James Greenlee = John Greenlee = James Greenlee ' I Ciux^A£>j:iXXl UAi:ii:il | James Greenlee' John Grenlee = James Greenlee ' 1 Nancy / ( Phebe Mayes Elizabeth Sunderland son of James Greenlee and Phebe Mayes, was born June 11, 1832, or 1834, at Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee ; died July 22, 1895 at Rutledge ; married 368 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. February 25, 1855 at Rutledge, MART (COLLISON) DUTSON, or DODSON, born May 11, 1829 at Rutledge, died June 7, 1885 at Tampieo, Granger Co., Ten- nessee, daughter of Samuel CoUison and Ellen Morgan; farmer; Republican; Missionary Baptist ; resided near Doyle, Tennessee. CHILDREN: 142. I. Ellen, born March 27, 1856; married Samuel A. Morgan. + 143. II. Martha, born October 12, 1857; married October 12, 1876, Warren Hammer. 38. JAMES LACY GREENLEE ^ {i^^eiZ^s''' '^.l^Jtl'^^^L^an, James Greenlee ^ 1 Nancy / son of James Greenlee and Phebe Mayes, was born April 16, 1837 near Rut- ledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee; died Decembr 6, or 9, 1900 at Knoxvill, Ten- nessee; married March 25, 1856 near Rutledge, SUSAN HAMMER, born January 1, 1837 at Rutledge, daughter of Enos Hammer and Eliza Coffman. He was a farmer but for the last twenty-five years has been teaching music and selling pianos and organs ; in politics, a Republican ; in religion, Baptist ; resided (1899) at Knoxville, Tennessee. Children, born near Rutledge : 144. I. James Luther Anderson, bom February 4, 1857; died unmarried March 2, 1900. 145. II. Eliza Caroline Cornelia, born September 12, 1858 ; died December 20, 1860. 146. HI. David Enos Orlando, born November 27, 1850; died unmarried November 20, 1893 at Knoxville, Tennessee. 147. IV. Calvin Rogers Jerome, born October 16, 1861; married Martha Ellen Flora. + 148. V. Napoleon Cato Cicero, born December 16, 1862; married Lucy 'Wheeler.+ 149. VI. Cora Emma Hester, born January 23, 1870; married Rev. James Eliphaz Watson. + 150. VII. Eunice Felicia Ona, bom November 14, 1874 ; married John Moul- den Burkhart, Jr.-j- JAMES LACY GREENLEE was a solider in the civil war. JAMES LUTHER ANDERSON GREENLEE received his education at Carson College (now Carson and Newman College), Mossy Creek, Jefferson County, Tennessee. He subsequently learned the carpenter's trade at which he worked about seventeen years and became a fine workman and architect, serving in the capacity of foreman on buildings. His health failing, he gave up his trade and engaged in photography as a local and traveling artist. -z JAjMES of TENNESSEE. 369 DAVID ENOS ORLANDO GREENLEE graduated from Carson College in 1878, and afterward spent about one year on his father's farm. He was of a literary turn of mind, and at the age of thirteen years commenced writing for newspapers. After leaving the farm he was connected for some time with a paper in Henderson ville, North Carolina, and later was connected with other papers spending the greater portion of his time at Knoxville, Tennessee. ALEXANDER HAMILTON GREENLEE * f James Greenlee » John Greenlee = I Phebe Mayes Elizabeth Sunderland James Greenlee ' 1 Nancy J son of James Greenlee and Phebe Mayes, was born July 14, 1839, or 1840, near Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee; married October, or November 5, 1865, AIVIANDA CATHERINE KLDWELL, born November 23, 1844, or 1841 at Tampico, Grainger Co., Tennessee, daughter of Josiah Kidwell and Esther Greenlee. CHILDREN: 151. I. Robert Omri, bom August 26, 1866; married Nannie Collins.4- 152. II. James Dougan, born September 5, 1868; married September 22, 1896, Laura Gosnell; lives at Terre Haute, Indiana. 153. m. Nettie Esther, born April 25, 1870 ; married October 15, 1893, H. Lee Gilmore. Carrie Geneva, born August 17, 1873. Horace Pierce, born October 7, 1875; died July 11, 1876. Edgar Prosser, born August 23, 1877. Glenn Garfield, born July 24, 1880. Blanche Omri, bom March 31, 1885. Arnold Milburn, born June 28, 1889. ALEXANDER HAIVIILTON GREENLEE attended the high school of Rut- ledge until the breaking out of the civil war, when all schools were suspended. The Rebellion authorities were forcing Union men to enlist in the Rebel army, and he made an attempt to cross the mountains and join the Federal army, but was captured and held as a prisoner at Madison, Georgia. He was released and returned home, but had to leave or join the Rebellion, so he made another attempt to cross the moiintains and succeeded in reaching London, Kentucky, where he enlisted in the Federal army in Company G, second Tennessee Cavalry, Army of the Cumberland, and served for nearly three years. On July 6, 1865 he was mustered out at Nashville, Tennessee, after having been en- gaged in many battles, and receiving a wound in the battle of Stone River, Tennessee. He returned to his old home and continued to reside there for some years after his marriage, then purchased a farm near Tampico, and has since been engaged in farming and carpenter work. In politics, he is a Republican; in religion. Baptist. 24 154. IV. 155. V. 156. VI. 157. VII. 158. vin. 159. LS. 370 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. JAMES DOUGAN GREENLEE served in the United States army for five years, holding office of first sergeant. 41. JAMES STERLING GREENLEE^ {J,t°y^^l|ei^'' ^t^ab'l'trslfn'der.and James Greenlee ^ ) Nancy — ■ ! son of John Greenlee and Mary Mayes, was born August 17, 1824 at Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee; died June 9, 1898; married March 3, 1843 at Rut- ledge, SARAH COLLISON, who was born in 1821 at Rutledge, daughter of Samuel CoUison and Ellen Morgan ; married second MALLICOAT ; mar- ried third . He was a minister and farmer ; in polities. Republi- can ; in religion, Baptist ; resided three miles south of Rutledge. CHILDREN: 160. I. Samuel Preston, bom March 10, 1844; married Melissa Allan. He was elected sheriff of Grainger County ; served several years and was shot by some men he was trying to arrest. He was a soldier in the civil war. No children. His widow married second, Thomas Shaver. 161. II. John Marshall, born January 27, 1847; married Mary Elizabeth Collins. + 162. in. Sarah Jane, born December 5, 1850; married S. Handcock. 163. IV. James Noah, born April 29, 1852; married Sallie Hodges; lives at Rutledge. 164. V. Margaret Elizabeth, bom September 9, 1859; married Robert Hodges. 42. JOHN CALVIN GREENLEE * jJohnGreenlee' John Greenlee " I Mary Mayes Elizabeth Sunderland James Greenlee ' 1 Nancy — — — / son of John Calvin Greenlee and Mary Mayes, was born July 8, 1826 near Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee ; married June, 1851 at Rutledge, AMANDA COLLISON, born January 2, 1831 at Rutledge, daughter of Samuel Collison and EUen Morgan. He is a farmer; in polities. Democrat; in religion. Baptist then Latter Day Saints; resides near Rutledge. CHILDREN: Amanda R., born December 8, 1852; married Scott Galyon. Samuel Filmore, born December 31, 1852 ( ?) ; died aged 9 years. Reuben M., born August 3, 1856; married 0. Callie West; is a school teacher. Comfort E., born June 15, 1865; married Luke Hammer.-f- John Gilbert, bom January 4, or 11, 1867 ; married Florence Eliza- beth Jones. + 165. I. 166. II. 167. III. 168. IV. 169. V. No. 38. JAMES r.ACY (JItEKXLEE. Xo. 144. JAMES LITIIER ANDEI!- SON GREENLEE. No. 14i;. IlAVIIl KMIS ORLANDO r.REENLEE 170. I. 171. II. 172. m. 173. IV. 174. V. 175. VI. 176. VII. JAMES OF TENNESSEE. 371 60. PLEASANT GREENLEE* (Ell Greenlee ^ John Greenlee = .Tames Greenlee ' ) .ir±auA»nxix uxvjjxjxiuuxj 1 Mary Daniel Elizabeth Sunderland Nancy / son of Eli Greenlee and Mary Daniel, was bom in Tennessee ; married CARO- LINE KID WELL, who was born in Tennessee, daughter of Jonathan Kidwell and Wolf. He was a carpenter ; in politics, Republican ; in religion, Baptist ; resided in Tennessee imtil the civil war, when he went to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. After the war closed he sent for his family. CHILDREN : Martha Evaline, born February 14, 1852; married Homer Lacy. Tilmon Colvin, born June 25, 1853; married Melissa Lasell Sandy. + Mary Ellen, bom March 3, 1855. John Hamilton, bom March 3, 1857. Henry Franklin, born in 1858. Robert Witt, bom October 16, 1862 ; married Nancy Back. Lura Emily, bom October 9, 18 — ; died in her 20th year. 63. ELI L£I10Y GREENLEE ■* i Hamilton Greenlee = John Greenlee ^ James Greenlee » 1 I Mary Sunderland Elizabeth Sunderland Nancy ) son of Hamilton Greenlee and Mary Sunderland, was born October 22, 1848 in Monroe Co., Kentucky; married January 19, 1868 in Salem, Nebraska, JOSE- PHINE BOYD who was born in Holt Co., Missouri, daughter of Joseph Boyd and Betsey Ann n"-^ y . He is a farmer ; in religion, Baptist ; resides at Sum- merfield, Kansas. CHILDREN: 177. I. Joseph, bom November 11, 1868 ; married January 1, 1891, Lulu Landers. 178. II. Minerva B., born November 18, 1870 ; died September 14, 1874. 179. III. Mary A., bom January, 1873 ; married January 28, 1892 Joe; lives at Barnston, Nebraska; six children. 180. IV. George Leroy, born December 28, 1874 ; died January 20, 1875. 181. V. Martha L., born April 30, 1876 ; married November 3, 1892, J. M. Dillie. 182. VI. Ella, bom December 28, 1878 ; married October 22, 1900, Alonzo Lane. 183. VII. Betsy E., bom May 24, 1881 ; married September 16, 1903, Bert Gibson. 184. Vm. Sarah L., bom December 5, 1883. 185. IX. Edward E., born September 25, 1886. 186. X. John William, bom January 5, 1890. 372 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 72. FRANCIS MARION GREENLEE^ (S^a^k^n'"' feS?tri?!fnV James Greenlee ' t Nancy / son of William Greenlee and Emily Jackson, was born October 20, 1845 in Polk Co., Tennessee ; married July 27, 1865 at Paraclifta, Savier Co., Arkansas, VIANNAH ELIZABETH COLE, born February 18, 1849 in Harden Co., Ten- nessee, daughter of William or Richmond Cole and Emily Brown; married second SARAH A. FERRYMAN (a step-daughter of Willis L. Greenlee), who died about 1875 ; married third, his first wife from whom he had been divorced. She was living in 1900. He has been a preacher, farmer, blacksmith and wood workman; in politics, Democrat; in religion, Cumberland Presbyterian, Mis- sionary Baptist. Removed from Tennessee to Arkansas ; resides at Cowlington, Indian Territory. CHILDREN : By first marriage: 187. I. Emily Jane, born June 23, 1866; married Singleton G. Trickett; lives in Arkansas. 188. II. Willis Monroe, born March 25, 1868; married Martha E. War- ford, or Walker; lives at Cowlington. 189. III. Lona ; married Will Dod ; died five weeks later. By second marriage : 190. IV. Alice Emeline, born January 16, 1873 ; married Thomas M. Burd.+ By third marriage : 191. V. Leorah Belle, born January 24, 1879; married Walter W. Fol- som.+ 192. VI. Alethea Valentine, born February 14, 1881; married Samtiel E. Meeks.4- Ethel H., born August 13, 1884; lives at Cowlington; unmarried. Balis Eldredge, born July, 1888 ; unmarried. Vester Victor, bom October 3, 1890. 73. VTnV TANTl flP'R'li'.NT.F.Ti'. 4 /William Greenlee ' Louis Greenlee » .Tames Greenlee ' \ VXV/X JAnJIi urxi.i:ii:jr«uxii:i JEmily Jackson Elizabeth Hunt Nancy / daughter of William Greenlee and Emily Jackson, was born in 1847; died in Benton Co., Arkansas ; married JAMES E. P. SKINNER, who died in Benton Co., Arkansas. Resided at Van Winkles Mill, Benton Co., Arkansas. 74. JAMES NEWTON GREENLEE * { ^^'^^^Z^'^' ' fe?^z'a\STH°J,1ft' James Greenlee i 1 Nancy / son of William Greenlee and Emily Jackson, was born March 18, 1849 at Para- clifta, now Locksburg, Sevier Co., Arkansas; married September 15, 1872 at 193. VII. 194. vni. 195. IX. u 197. II. 198. III. 199. IV. JAMES OF TENNESSEE. 373 Lavaca, Sebastain Co., Arkansas, MARY JANE FITE, born April 18, 1854 at Charlotte, North Carolina, died February 5, 1875 at Clarksville, Johnson Co., Arkansas, daughter of James 0. Fite and Mary Ann Capps; married second, February 9, 1879 SINA S. (FORT) McCLENDON, widow of George "W. Mc- Clendon, daughter of Jackson Fort and Matilda . CHILDREN : 196. I. Mary Maude, born June 20, 1873; married John J. Jones; died March 13, 1896. Minnie May, born April 4, 1880 ; married Nathan Frizzell.-)- Pearl; died in infancy. Willie; died in infancy. JAMES NEWTON GREENLEE was raised on a farm, and received a very meager education. After he became of age he learned the carpenter trade and worked at it for ten or twelve years, during which time he did a great deal of railroad bridge work. He afterward engaged in the Proprietary Medicine business in which he has made a good reputation. He is considered one of the best natural mimics in the western world. In polities, he is a Democrat ; in religion. Missionary Baptist ; resides at Fort Smith, Arkansas. 75. StAPATT ANN rtPTi'.li'.NT F.TT. 4 f William Greenlee = Louis Greenlee ^ James Greenlee ' \ OAAAXl Ann iTAriXinijfiJIi j Kmlly .lackson Elizabeth Hunt Nancy / daughter of William Greenlee and Emily Jackson, was born January 2, 1851 at Centerpoint, Sevier Co., Arkansas; married August 24, 1865 at Centerpoint, WILLIAM J. HOLDER, born July 15, 1845 at Springfield, Missouri, died June 27, 1885 at Chismville, Logan Co., Arkansas, son of Solomon Holder and Eliza Dottery. CHILDREN : 200. I. Mary Emma Holder, born September 30, 1866 ; married James J. Crittenden. 201. II. George Edmond Holder, born May 6, 1868; married Addie Vaught. Lorena Holder, born February 6, 1870 ; married Eugene D. Card. William A. Holder, born November 8, 1871. Leonidas Holder, bom September 16, 1873 ; married Blanche Hall. Rosalind Holder, born November 25, 1875. James Lathaniel Holder, born March 11, 1877. Lilian Belle Holder, born June 24, 1879. Daisy Ella Holder, born August 31, 1881. Willie Myrtle Holder, born April 30, 1885 ; died April 22, 1888. WILLIAM J. HOLDER was a private in the Confederate army, under Gen- eral Price, and fought bravely for the lost cause. He was a citizen of Missouri 202. III. 203. IV. 204. V. 205. VI. 206. VII. 207. VIII. 208. IX. 209. X. 374 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. and was compelled to enlist in the army at the age of seventeen, thus serving four years. Shortly after his marriage he moved to Charleston, Franklin County, Arkansas, where he lived until 1883, when he disposed of his farm and stock with the intention of traveling through Texas in the hope of regaining his health But being persuaded by his father and other relatives, he bought a farm near Chismville, Logan County, Arkansas, where he remained until his death. His widow resides (1900) at Whitefield, Indian Territory, where a son and daughter attended college. In politics, he was a Democrat; in religion, Baptist. 78. LEWIS ARCHIBALD GREENLEE* { S^.'-VHaS'" ' ^i"zK^H°i^/ James Greenlee ^ 1 Nancy i son of William Greenlee and Emily Jackson, was born November 30, 1857 at Lockesburg, Se\ier Co., Arkansas; married March 25, 1889 at Fort Smith, Sebastian Co., Arkansas, FANNIE F. TUCKER, born October 26, 1867 at Marietta, Georgia, died October 10, 1898 at Jenson, Sebastian Co., Arkansas, daughter of David Tucker and Mary Watson. He is a druggist; in politics, Democrat; in religion, Baptist; resides at Spiro, Indian Territory. CHILDREN: 210. I. Willis Ray, born April 3, 1890. 211. II. Lancelot Herbert, born July 3, 1896. 97. LULU BLOUNT GREENLEE 4 (?'""°?f ^^■■^*°,'^h^' fe?,"'^K?/>ft?'**/ IJosephlne B. Wright Elizabeth Hunt James Greenlee ' 1 Nancy j daughter of Thomas Jefferson Greenlee and Josephine Bonaparte Wright, was born February 16, 1863 at Carrollton, Carroll Co., Arkansas; married March 25, 1883, ASBURY JOHN VANCE, born May 1, 1856 at Rally Hill, Boone Co., Arkansas, son of John Vance and Emily Asbury Austin. He is a physician ; in politics, a Democrat; in religion, Methodist; resides at Harrison, Arkansas. No Children. 106. AMANDA GAI.VON 5 J Xancy Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' Xcbn Greenlee ' ALfjAx^x^n vrxixi.1 VJ.1 t Jesse Galyon Phebe Mayes Elizabeth Sunderland James Greenlee ' \ Naucy J daughter of Nancy Greenlee and Jesse Galyon, was born August 5, 1843 at Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee; married October 15, 1864 at Rutledge, WESLEY SMITH, born March 26, 1843 at Rutledge, died December 6, 1896 at Rutledge, son of William Smith and Harriet Leffew. He is a farmer; Re- publican ; Missionary Baptist ; resides near Rutledge. JAIMES OP TENNESSEE. 375 CHILDREN : 212. I. Oscar P. Smith, bom February 14, 1865; married Elizabeth Dalton. 213. II. Emma J. Smith, born September 16, 1867; married Oscar Greenlee. 214. III. Horace A. Smith, bom December 29, 1869; married Martha J. Eoach. Charles W. Smith, bom December 26, 1872 ; died March 13, 1890. Mollie C. Smith, born February 3, 1874; unmarried. Fannie B. Smith, born January 30, 1876; married Joseph E. Cameron. Franklin H. Smith, bom July 27, 1878 ; unmarried. Maranda L. Smith, born June 4, 1881 ; married James Nance. James H. Smith, born May 26, 1883; died January 10, 1883 (?) Preston J. Smith, born June 1, 1885 ; immarried. Joseph T. Smith, bom September 7, 1887 ; unmarried. 109. WAPflTSSA OAT.VnKS /Nancy Greenlee ' James Greenlee » John Greenlee * niUfcUlOOA UAUZun tjesse Qalyon Phebe Mayes Elizabeth Sunderland James Greenlee i 1 Nancy J daughter of Nancy Greenlee and Jesse Galyon, was born December 2, 1849; dead ; married JOHN F. YATES ; resided at KnoxviUe, Tennessee. CHILDREN: 223 I. "Walter Yates. 224. n. Thomas Yates. 225. HI. Frank Yates. 111. 215. IV. 216. V. 217. VI. 218. VII. 219. vin. 220. IX. 221. X. 222. XI. RAT T TP. fi AT. VON 5 f Nancy Greenlee « James Greenlee » John Greenlee " BAljljiXi UAXi I wn I jgggg Galyon Phebe Mayes Elizabeth Sunderland James Greenlee ^ 1 Nancy J daughter of Sallie Greenlee and Jesse Galyon, was born February 26, 1855 at Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee; married November 3, 1878 near Rutledge, Tennessee, WILEY HODGE, born May 3, 1856 at Rutledge, died October 30, 1891, son of John Hodge and Louisa Smith. He is a farmer ; in polities, a Re- publican ; in religion. Baptist ; resides at Daisy Dell, near Rutledge, Tennessee. Daughter : 226. I. Relia Hodge, born August 4, 1879; married Horace Satterfield; lives at Daisy Dell. 376 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 112. 229. III. 230. IV. 231. V. MAPTTTA flAT.VnN'8 f Nancy Greenlee « James Greenlee » John Greenlee « """*'■'• "^ "•"■"*"" 1 Jesse Galyon Phebe Mayes Ellzabetli Sunderland James Greenlee ' I Nancy / daughter of Nancy Greenlee and Jesse Galyon, was bom January 24, 1858 at Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee ; married February 9, 1879 in Grainger Co., Tennessee, HENRY HODGE, bom March 12, 1860 at Rutledge, son of Edward Hodge and Orlena McDaniel. He is a farmer ; Republican ; Baptist ; resides in Grainger Co., Tennessee. CHILDREN: 227 I. Sophia Emison Hodge, born January 14, 1880; died February 25, 1880. 228. II. Jerome Herbert Hodge, born February 26, 1882; married Josie Cameron. Nancy Orlena Kate Hodge, born March 1, 1886. Jesse Edward Roy Hodge, born December 17, 1889. Clarence "Wallace Hodge, born October 3, 1895. 120. PF-BSTTTA frAT.VfJN 5 f Mary Greenlee « James Greenlee ' John Greenlee ^ x-JUAOfLXA w^ujsvxi 1 Wcsley H. Galyon Phebe Mayes Elizabeth Sunderland James Greenlee ' 1 Nancy J daughter of Mary Greenlee and Wesley Hamilton Galyon, was born October 25, 1848 near Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee ; married August 21, 1865 near Rutledge, NELSON ROACH, bom July 12, 1846 at Tampico, Grainger Co., Tennessee, died September 21, 1885 at New River, Scott Co., Tennessee, son of Green Roach. He was a wagon maker; in politics, Republican; religion, Bap- tist ; resided at Daisy DeU, Tennessee. CHILDREN: Mary Eva Roach, bom May 1, 1869 ; married Charles P. Galyon. Sarah Jane Roach, bom July 17, 1871 ; married James Cameron. Abbie Catherine Roach, bom August 5, 1873; married Walter Morgan. 235. IV. Margaret Lavenia Roach, bom January 14, 1876; died August 16, 1892. 236. V. William Hamilton Roach, bom April 14, 1878 ; unmarried. 237. VI. Nellie May Roach, born July 3, 1883 ; married Frank Satterfield. 124. WILLIAM SAMUEL GREENLEE » {rr?iSuf#.X^g'iass 'v^^^^l'^'^ ' John Greenlee • James Greenlee * \ Elizabeth Sunderland Nancy I son of John Dewitt Greenlee and Narissus Frances Douglass, was bom April 20, 1851 at Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee ; married ilarch 15, 1891 at Knox- 232. I. 233. II. 234. III. 238. I. 239. II. 240. III. 241. IV. 242. V. 243. VI. JAMES OF TENNESSEE. 377 ville, IDA ELIZABETH AMMONS, bom July 29, 1872 at MaryviUe, Blount Co., Tennessee, daughter of Nathan Amnions and Catharine Hood. He is a farmer; in politics. Populist; in religion. Missionary Baptist; resides near Butledge. CHILDREN : Flora Narcissus Catherine, born June 30, 1892 ; died June 22, 1893. Rodney George, born November 15, 1893. Evangeline Sarah, bom April 27, 1895. "William Jenning, born October 5, 1897. Esther Elizabeth, bom June 21, 1899. Ralph Archie, bom January 21, 1901. 129. GEORGE STERLING GREENLEE ^ / John D. Oreenlee « James Greenlee • ( ^a^clssus F. Douglass Phebe Mayes John Greenlee = James Greenlee ' \ Elizabeth Sunderland Nancy ) son of John Dewitt Greenlee and Narcissus Frances Douglass, was born April 12, 1861 near Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee, married September 1, 1889 near Rutledge, KATE SHEPERD, born September 16, 1862 at Rutledge, daughter of Henry Sheperd and Amanda McElhany. He is a shoemaker; in politics, Repuhli'^an; in religion, Methodist; residence, Hillsboro, Hill Co., Texas (1900). One child: 244. I. Beverley Monroe, born April 5, 1898. 132. SUSAN ALICE GREENLEE ^ i Wllllam a. Greenlee » James Greenlee ' \ Mary McDaniel Phebe Mayes John Greeenlee ^ James Greenlee ' ) Elizabeth Sunderland Sanoy J daughter of William Anderson Greenlee and Mary McDaniel, was born Sep- tember 22, 1859 near Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee; married July 5, 1899, THOMAS JUDSON COOPER, born August 4, 1844 in Chatham Co., North Carolina, son of Herbert Cooper and Pharaba Brewer. He is a music teacher ; resides at Newmarket, Tennessee. He served in the civil war on the Confed- erate side, Company H, 60th Regt., Tennessee Infantry. 135. JAMES LAFAYETTE GREENLEE ^ i Wllllam a. Greenlee ' James Greenlee » 1 .Mary McDaniel Phebe Mayes John Greenlee ' Tames Greenlee ' \ Elizabeth Sunderland Nancy / son of William Anderson Greenlee and Mary McDaniel, was born December 20, 1856 at Tazewell, Claiborne Co., Tennessee; died August 10, 1887 at New- market, Jefferson Co., Tennessee; married December 5, 1876 at Knoxville, 378 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Tennessee, MAEGARET C. GIDEON who died September 18, 1885 at Newmarket. One child: 245. I. Otto, born September 13, 1876 (?). He served in the regular army at Fort McPherson, Georgia, three years, being mustered out April 18, 1897. Li May he re-enlisted in Company H, 7th Infantry and fought against the Spaniards, participating in all the battles before Santiago. After the war he remained home for one year, then joined the Signal Corps at Fort Wayne, Virginia. 138. WILLIAM MacCOWAN GREENLEE » { J^'^Mtanflf"' * &' Mayes'"" ' John Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' ) Elizabeth Sunderland Nancy J son of William Anderson Greenlee and Mary McDaniel, was born January 25, 1863 at Newmarket, Jefferson Co., Tennessee; married November 6, 1884 at Abeih, Mt. Lebanon, Syria, Asia, ALICE M. BIRD, bom May 15, 1865 at Abeih, Asia, daughter of Rev. WiUiam Bird and Sarah Gordon. CHILDREN : Ethel, born October 16, 1885. Bertha, born January 12, 1887. William McCowan, born November 6, 1889. Gordon Bird, bom June 25, 1891. Chalmers Edwards, bom February 13, 1893. Harold Romine, born November 22, 1896. Wendell William, born January 4, 1899. WILLIAM MacCOWAN GREENLEE took the degree of B. A. at Marys- ville College in 1880, and then went to Lane Theological Seminary at Cincin- nati, completing his three years course in 1883. He immediately sailed for Europe, where he spent some time in study at the University of Leipsie, Ger- many. He afterward visited Greece, Asia Minor, and Palestine, spending four years in the latter place engaged in the study of Semitic languages. While he is a regularly ordained Presbyterian minister, most of his time has been spent in teaching. He has held the positions of Vice President and Professor of Greek and Latin in his college work, and is at present at the head of the De- partment of Languages in the Boys High School of Atlanta, Georgia. He has met with success as an author, and has prepared several text-books. In politics, he is a Prohibitionist. Mrs. Greenlee, who is the daughter of a Presbyterian missionary, spent five years in school in this country, chiefly at Abbott Academy, Andover, Massa- chusetts, returning to Palestine the year before her marriage. 246. I. 247. II. 248. III. 249. IV. 250. V. 251. VL 252. VII. JAMES OP TENNESSEE. 379 142. ET.T.r.K fl'R'EE'NT.EE 5 f George M. Greeenlee * James Greenlee » John Greenlee = Xixjxjxiii vrAfifixixjjujii tMaryCallison Phebe Mayes Elizabeth Sunderland James Greenlee ' 1 Nancy ) daughter of George Moody Greenlee and Mary Callison, was born March 27, 1856 at Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee; married June 14, 1892 at Rutledge, SAMUEL A. MORGAN, born January 9, 1855 at Rutledge, son of Allen Mor- gan and Martha Hammer. He is a merchant; in politics, Republican; in religion, Missionary Baptist; resides at Red House, Tennessee. CHHjDREN: 253. I. Maud Morgan, born September 5. 254. II. Raj-mond Morgan, bom July 1, 1893. 255. m. Selma Morgan, bom January 14, 1900. 147. CALVIN ROGERS JEROME GREENLEE S I J^mes L. Greenlee « James Greenlee ' \ Susan Hammer Phebe Mayes John Greenlee ^ James Greenlee ' 1 Elizabeth Sunderland Nancy J son of James Lacy Greenlee and Susan Hammer, was born October 16, 1861 near Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee ; died April 9, 1890 at Knoxville, Ten- nessee; married January 1, 1888 near RogersviUe, Hawkins Co., Tennessee, MARTHA ELLEN FLORA, born March 26, 1866 near RogersviUe, daughter of Daniel Flora and EUenda Bishop. CHILDREN : 256. I. Elsie Estella, bom December 2, 1888. 257. II. Callie Jerome, born November 24, 1890. CALVIN ROGERS JEROME GREENLEE was educated at Carson College, Mossy Creek, Tennessee. He afterward learned the trade of carpenter, and engaged in business as contractor in which he met with success. After his marriage he removed to KnoxviUe, Tennessee, which continued to be his home until his death. He was a Republican ; in religion. Baptist. 148. NAPOLEON CATO CICERO GREENLEE ° S. J^™^^ ^ Greenlee * James Greenlee ' I Susan Hammer Phebe Mayes John Greenlee = James Greenlee ' 1 Elizabeth Sunderland Nancy / son of James Lacy Greenlee and Susan Hammer, was born December 16, 1862 at Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee ; married August 17, 1885 at Morristown, Tennessee. LUCY WHEELER bom June 18, 1868 at Morristown, daughter of William Wheeler and Nancy C. Baker. 380 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: 258. I. Chassie Ono, bom July 5, 1886. 259. II. India Aurelia, born August 1, 1889. 260. III. Ralph Wheeler, born October 19, 1891 ; died July 16, 1894. 261. IV. Aria Napoleon, born May 21, 1894 ; died October 18, 1896. NAPOLEON CATO CICERO GREENLEE attended Carson and Newman College, Mossy Creek, Tennessee, until 1878, when he removed with his parents back to the farm in Grainger County, where he resided imtil 1882. He then went to Morristown where he learned his trade, and in 1884 went to Knoxville where for eight years he was employed by Messrs. Beardon and Ferguson. In September, 1892 he accepted a position as foreman in the wood working factory at Maryville, Bloimt County, Tennessee, where they made a specialty of hard wood interior finish. In 1895 he returned to Knoxville where he was employed in the capacity of mantle maker by the Knoxville Furniture Company. In politics he is a Republican ; in religion, Baptist. 149 CORA EMMA HESTER GREENLEE ^ | J«me^s L.^Greenlee . James Greenlee ' John Greenlee - .Tames Greenlee ^ ( Elizabeth Sunderland Nancy ) daughter of James Lacy Greenlee and Susan Hammer, was born January 23, 1870 at Mossy Creek, Jefferson Co., Tennessee; married September 3, 1895 at Knoxville, Tennessee, JAMES ELIPHAZ WATSON, born January 29, 1865 at Birmingham, Alabama, son of Rev. James L. Watson and Sarah Jane Hilton. CHILDREN: 262. I. Clarence Pickard Watson, born January 4, 1897. 263. n. Olive May Watson, born February 8, 1898. CORA EMMA HESTER GREENLEE moved her family to Grainger County, Tennessee to a farm inherited by her mother. After staying there five years she returned to Mossy Creek to attend Carson and Newman College, where she spent seven years, in the meantime taking a vacation one fall to teach a music class in Hancock County. In 1890 her family removed to Knoxville. She greatly desired to return to Carson and Newman College for her senior year, as her grandfather Greenlee was one of the founders of that institution, and her immediate family had all been educated there, but she was offered induce- ments which led her to decide in favor of Holbrook College, Fountain City, Tennessee, of which her cousin. Dr. W. M. Greenlee was vice-president. In April, 1894 she took a diploma in stenography, and on August 4, 1895 received the degree of B. S. from Holbrook College. She was a tutor while at this col- lege. Her work as a pupil was always satisfactory, and she enjoyed the high regard of her instructors. After her marriage, she and her husband went to St. Louis, Missouri, where they spent the winter. During her stay there she No. 147. CAI.VIX I!(1i;KI{S .IEROME GREEXLKE. Xo. 14S. XATOLEON CATO OREEXLEE. No. 149. CORA GKEEXLEi: WATSOX. No. 150. EUNICE CREENLEE BURKHAnT. JAMES OF TENNESSEE. 381 was superintendent of the primary department of the Sunday school of the Grand Avenue Baptist Church, and also served the church as organist. Tn March, 1896, Mr. "Watson accepted a call to the pastorate of the church in Bour- bon, Missouri, where they spent about two years doing missionary work among the Ozark Mountains. In September, 1898, an opportunity to attend the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary at Louisville, Kentucky presenting itself, he resigned the care of the church and in October entered the seminary. In September, 1899 he was sent to Corbin, Kentucky by the Home and State Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Church. In her girlhood Mrs. Watson was determined to go as a foreign missionary, but her husband's poor health forced her to abandon her cherished desire. 150. EUNICE FELICIA ONA GREENLEE ^ I James L. Creenlee « James Greenlee » I Susan Hammer Phebe Mayes John Greenlee ^ James Greenlee ' ) Elizabeth Sunderland Nancy J daughter of James Lacy Greenlee and Susan Hammer, was born November 14, 1874 at Mossy Creek, Jefferson County, Tennessee ; married October 18, 1893 at Knoxville, Tennessee, JOHN MOULDEN BURKHART, born August 5, 1873 at Asbury, Knox Co., Tennessee, son of James Hamilton Burkhart and Orlena Moulden. He is a bookkeeper; in polities, Republican; in religion. Baptist, afterward Methodist; resides at Knoxville. CHILDREN : 264. I. Earl Keith Burkhart, born September 15, 1894. 265. II. Roy Estesses Burkhart, born August 23, 1896. EUNICE FELICIA ONO GREENLEE was educated at Carson and New- man College, Mossy Creek, Tennessee. She joined the Baptist Church at the age of twelve, but in later years joined the Methodist Church with her hus- band. She was a member of the choir and a zealous Sunday school worker. 151. ROBERT OMRI GREENLEE 5 {•^'•'''''^''''I'l^.S'"^?''^' James Greenlee » I Amanda C. Kldwell Phebe Mayes John Greenlee - James Greenlee ' 1 Elizabeth Sunderland Nancy j son of Alexander Hamilton Greenlee and Amanda Catherine Kidwell, was born August 26, 1866 at Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee; married March 5, 1893, NANNIE COLLINS, born November 9, 1864 at Tampico, Grainger Co., Tennessee, daughter of George Collins and Elizabeth Noe ; farmer ; Republican ; Baptist ; resides near Tampico, Tennessee. CHILDREN : 266. I. Jesse David, born March 25, 1896. 267. II. Betsy Kate, born May 10, 1899. 382 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 161. 268. I. 269. II. 270. III. 271. IV. 272. V. 273. VI. 274. VIL JOHN MARSHALL GREENLEE S j JamesS. Greenl ee • Jfa^fy Mlyes"" ' John Greenlee ' James Greenlee ^ 1 Elizabeth Sunderland Nancy J son of James Sterling Greenlee, was bom January 27, 1847 at Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee ; married May 28, 1868 in Tennessee, MARY ELIZA- BETH COLLINS, born October 7, 1850 at Rutledge, daughter of George Col- lins and Mary Corhack; farmer; Republican; Baptist; resides near Rutledge. CHILDREN: Oscar T., bom August 27, 1869 ; married Mary Orlena Hammer.-f- Mary Louisa, born October 7, 1871. George Sterling, bom February 25, 1874. Samuel Anson, bom March 10, 1876. Nancy Rosa, bom August 6, 1881. Gertie Estella, born June 1, 1888. Maud Frances, bom November 18, 1890. 168. nmVrii'OPT 1i! nP'R'R'NT.'R'R 6 fJohnC. Creenlee* John Greenlee ' John Greenlee "= V/VluruAX Jii. \TX(,£j£ixiujjj:i t Amanda Colllson Mary Mayes Elizabeth Sunderland James Greenlee • 1 Nancy / daughter of John Calvin Greenlee and Amanda Collison, was born June 15, 1865 near Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee ; married December 21, 1879 near Rutledge, LUKE HAMMER, born January 9, 1862 near Rutledge. He is a far- mer; Republican; resides five miles from Rutledge. CHILDREN: 275. I. Carrie Hammer, bom February 27, 1881; married John Milton Tate. 276. II. Lafayette Hammer, born July 14, 1883. 277. III. Olivia Hammer, bom June 23, 1888. 278. IV. Daisy Lucretia Hammer, bom January 15, 1893. 169. JOHN GILBERT GREENLEE 5 ji°^°9»^r''„'mi^' ^?„^°.^r'"r»i'' ' I Amanda Collison Mary Mayes John Greenlee ^ James Greenlee ' i Elizabeth Sunderland Nancy • j son of John Calvin Greenlee and Amanda Collison, was bom January 11, 1867 at Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee ; died February 22, 1888 ; married FLOR- ENCE ELIZABETH JONES, born October 30, 1867 at Rutledge, daughter of James R. Jones and Elmira Hodge. He was a farmer; Republican; Baptist; resided in Grainger Co., Tennessee. JAMES OF TENNESSEE. 383 One child: 279. I. Gilbert Clyde, bom July 29, 1886 at Rutledge; lives at Daisy Dell, Tennessee. 171. TILMONCOLVIN GREENLEE 5 {^>e--t Greenlee « g>i«--'-' Jobn Greenlee = James Greenlee ' I Elizabeth Sunderland Nancy j son of Pleasant Greenlee and Caroline Kidwell, was born June 25, 1853 at Rut- ledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee ; married December 27, 1874 MELISSA LASELL SANDY, born January 10, 1854 in Lagrange Co., Indiana, daughter of Edward Sandy and Maria Stults ; Republican ; resides at Dunlap, Iowa. CHILDREN: 280. I. Utica Onias, born October 10, 1875; married Ver Minnie Rosen- baugh.+ Francis Marion, born June 8, 1877. Pleasant Edward, born November 17, 1880. Lura Etta, bom August 13, 1885. Charles, born March 11, 1887. Paul, born August 4, 1890 ; died March 20, 1892. Pmdie Maria, bom April 26, 1897. 190. AIiLIS EMELINE GREENLEE 6 f Francis M. Greenlee « William Greenlee ' iU.ii.10 JlilTlJiljXnXi UHr.riilljJiri j Sarah a. Ferryman Emily Jackson Louis Greenlee = James Greenlee ' 1 Blizabeth Hunt Nancy J daughter of Francis Marion Greenlee and Sarah A. Ferryman, was born Janu- ary 16, 1873; married December 26, 1889 near Cowlington, Indian Territory, THOMAS M. BURD, bom October 1, 1865 at Mount Vernon, Missouri, son of James Burd and Sarah McKenzie. He is a farmer ; Democrat ; Southern Metho- dist; resides at Mount Vernon, Missouri. CHILDREN: Bertha Burd, bom November 24, 1890. William C. Burd, born February 29, 1892. Fred C. Burd, born November 9, 1893. Perley Lee Burd, born May 17, 1895. Robert Burd, bom March 29, 1897. Janet Burd, born January 28, 1899. 281. II. 282. m. 283. IV. 284. V. 285. VI. 286. vn. 287. I. 288. II. 289. III. 290. IV. 291. V. 292. VI. 384 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 191. LEORAH BELL GREENLEE^ {^'S^^.l^iS^r"^ ' Kja?kso'S'"' Louis Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' I Elizabeth Hunt Nancy I daughter of Francis Marion Greenlee and Vianah Elizabeth Cole, was bom January 24, 1879 at Lavaca, Sebastian Co., Arkansas; married March 20, 1898 at Cowlington, Choctaw Co., Indian Territory, WALTER W. FOLSOM, born April 22, 1877 at Oaklodge, Choctaw Co., Indian Territory, son of Walker Fol- som and Hettie Pickens. He is a farmer and stock raiser ; resides at Cowlington, One child: 293. I. Lloyd Ray Folsom, born October 28, 1898. 192. ALETHEA VALENTINE GREENLEE ^ | Francis M.^Oreenlee ^ g'^'»a^^Greenlee « Louis Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' 1 Eiizatietli Hunt Naucj i daughter of Francis Marion Greenlee and Vianah Elizabeth Cole, was born February 14, 1881 at Lavaca, Sebastian Co., Arkansas; married May 30, at Cowlington, Indian Territory, SAMUEL E. MEEKS, a Cherokee, who was bom January 4, at Tahlequah, Indian Territorj^, son of George Meeks and Ellen . He is a farmer ; Democrat ; Baptist ; resides at Cowlington. One child: 294. I. Altha Meeks, born January 25. 197. MINNIE MAY GREENLEE 5 j James NGreenlee* William Greenlee > ( Slna S. (Fort) McClendon Emily Jackson Louis Greenlee ^ James Greenlee ' 1 Elizabeth Hunt Nancy J daughter of James Newton Greenlee and Sina S. (Fort) McClendon, was born April 4, 1880 at Lavaca, Sebastian Co., Arkansas ; married July 3, 1899 at Fort Smith, Sebastian Co., Arkansas, NATHAN FRIZZELL, born in 1862 at Benton, Marshall Co., Kentucky, son of Gideon Frizzell and Drusilla Ramey. He is a farmer ; Baptist ; resides at Rich Mountain, Arkansas. 268. OSCAR T GREENLEE ^ I J"*!" *I- Oreenlec » James S. Greenlee « John Greenlee » , , t Mary E. Collins Mary Mayes John Greenlee ' James Greenlee i 1 Elizabeth Sunderland Nancy j son of John Marshall Greenlee and Mary Elizabeth Collins, was born August 27, 1869 at Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee ; married September 21, 1890, MARY JAJVIES OF TENNESSEE. 385 ORLENA HAMjMER, bom May 19, 1867 at Rutledge, daughter of William Hammer and Emeline . He is a farmer ; Republican ; Baptist ; resides at Hammer, Tennessee. CHttiDREN : 295. I. Everett Clyde, bom November 18, 1891. 296. n. Carl John, bom February 5, 1895. 297. III. Grace May, born September 17, 1897. 280. TTTTfJA ONTAS fi-RF.in.NT.F.F. 6 /Tllmon C. Greenlee" Pleasant Greenlee ' Ell Greenlee » UXIV/A unXAO UAXifiniofifi | Melissa L. sandy Caroline Kldwell Mary Daniel John Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' 1 Elizabeth Sunderland Nancy / son of Tilmon Colvin Greenlee and ]\Ielissa Lasell Sandy, was bom October 1, 1875 at Sidney, Fremont Co.. Iowa: married Febmary 17, 1897, MINNIE ROSENBAUGH, born December 15, 1878 at Saunemin, Livingston Co., Illinois, daughter of Samuel Rosenbaugh and Laura Hodgson. He is a printer ; in poli- tics. Republican ; resides at Dunlap, Iowa. CHILDREN: 298. I. Esther Estella, bom September 5, 1897. 299. n. Chester Adair, born May 3, 1899. 26 DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT GREENLEE OP PENNSYLVANIA. 1. ROBERT GREENLEE,! son of Greenlee who came from Scotland, was buried in Mr. Robert Hood's graveyard at Clinton, Allegheny Co., Pennsyl- vania; married JEAN WALLACE; married second PINKERTON; farmer; in politics, Republican; in religion, a Covenanter; resided in Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: 2. I. Thomas Wallace ; born in 1777 ; married Mary Qmnn.+ 3. II. Robert ; married Bessie Wright. 4. III. Alexander ; died in his teens. ROBERT GREENLEE, SR., of the County of Allegheny, State of Pennsyl- vania, on December 20, 1805, for and in consideration of the natural love and affection he bears unto his son Thomas Greenlee, and for the furtherance of him the said Thomas, in his farming business; also in consideration of the sum of one dollar deeds 100 acres and 40 perches of land, it being a part of a tract of 3021/2 acres called ' ' Cromertie ' ' in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, granted to said Robert Greenlee June 6, 1792. 2. THOMAS WALLACE GREENLEE 2 son of Robert Greenlee and Jean Wallace, was born in 1777 in Allegheny Co., Pennsyvania, or Scotland; killed December, 1811 by a falling log at a barn raising at his home near Clinton, Pennsylvania ; married in 1796 at Clinton, MARY QUINN, born February 28, 1773, or 1780, at Clinton, died November 14, 1857 at Clinton, daughter of Quinn and McCoy; farmer; in politics. Republican; in religion, Presbyterian; re- sided in Moon Township, near Clinton, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : Jane, born June 12, 1797; married Alexander Gibb.-|- Elizabeth, born in 1799; married Robert, or Peter, Morton. + Margaret, born October 22, 1801 ; married Isaac Onstott.-|- Robert, born June 30, 1803 ; married Hadassa Patton.+ Charles, born in 1805; married Elizabeth Onstott.+ 386 5. I. 6. II. 7. III. 8. IV. 9. V. 10. VI. 11. VII. 12. VIII. ROBEKT OF PENNSYLVANIA. 387 Nancy, born June 7, 1808; married Joseph Shane.+ Thomas Wallace, born October 8, 1809 ; married Susanna Onstott.+ Alexander, born September 11, 1811 ; died in 1813. 5. JANE INNIS GREENLEE ^ | Thomas W. Greenlee = Robert Greenlee > \ \ Mary Quinn Jean Wallace J daughter of Thomas Wallace Greenlee and Mary Quinn, was born June 12, 1797 at Moon Township, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania; died May 11, 1869 at Harshaville, Beaver Co., Pennsylvania; married December 11, 1817 at Clinton, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania, ALEXANDER GIBB, born February 24, 1797 at Seventysix, Beaver Co., Pennsylvania, died February 24, 1878 at Candor, Wash- ington Co., Pennsylvania, son of Alexander Gibb and Jane Innis. He was a farmer ; Democrat ; Presbyterian ; resided in Findlay Township, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania. CfflLDREN : Mary Gibb, born June 29, 1818 ; married Samuel Osborne. Jane I. Gibb, born May 13, 1820; married Peter Springer.4- Alexander Greenlee Gibb, born June 4, 1822 ; married Martha Jane Elder. + Susanna Gibb, born May 29, 1824 ; married Robert Martin. Eliza Ann Gibb, born May 29, 1824 ; married Wallace Hunter ; lives at Black Hawk, Pennsylvania. Margaret Gibb, born November 13, 1826; died September 3, 1847. Nancy Gibb, born September 24, 1828; married Joseph Eaton. Thomas G. Gibb, bom September 25, 1830; married Martha L. Strouss ; lives at Oakland, California. 21. IX. John C. Gibb, born July 27, 1835 ; died at battle of Gettysburg. He was wounded July 3, 1863 and died August 3, 1863. 22. X. Elizabeth Gibb, born August 4, 1839 ; married William Morris. 23. XI. Charles Gibb, born July 2, 1841 ; died October, 1841. 6. ELIZABETH GREENLEE 3 (Thomas Wallace Greenlee = Robert Greenlee' ) I Mary Quinn Jean Wallace / daughter of Thomas Wallace Greenlee and Mary Quinn, was born in 1799 ; died October 24, 1876; married ROBERT (or PETER) MORTON. He was a mer- chant in Pittsburg for a number of years, then sold out and moved to Allegheny City, where he died. His widow remained there until her age compelled her to give up housekeeping, after which she found a welcome home with her niece, Elizabeth M. Onstott Purdy, living on a farm near Shoustown. Mr. and Mrs. Morton had but one child, a son, who died in infancy. 13. I. 14. II. 15. III. 16. IV. 17. V. 18. VI. 19. VII. 20. VIII. 388 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 7. MATiOA RET GREENLEE 3 ( Thomas W. Greenlee » Robert Greenlee ' \ mAK,UAlU!il VjltrirjnijriJlj iJiaryQulnn Jean Wallace j daughter of Thomas "Wallace Greenlee and Mary Quinn, was bom October 22, 1801 at Clinton Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania; died December 21, 1883 aged 82 years at ilonaca, Beaver Co., Pennsylvania; married about 1826, ISAAC ONSTOTT, born August 26, 1807 in Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania, died July 6, 1878 at Monaca, son of Peter Onstott and Mary Kintner. He was a farmer; Democrat ; Presbyterian ; resided in Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: 24. I. Peter Onstott, born in 1829 ; died aged 6 months. 25. II. Thomas Onstott, born in 1831 at Shoustown, Pennsylvania; died aged 6 years. 26. III. Mary Ann Onstott, born September 30, 1834, or 1833, at Shous- town, Pennsylvania ; married William J. Porter ; no children. 27. IV. Isaac Hessan Onstott, born December 22, 1836 or 1835; married Caroline Cole.+ 28. V. Robert Greenlee Onstott, born October 15, 1837; married Eliza- beth Markey.-j- 29. VI. Elizabeth Morton Onstott, bom Febmary 19, 1840; married "William Purdy.+ 30. VII. Chares G. Onstott, bom December 28, 1842 ; died :March 17, 1849. 31. VIII. Andrew J. P. Onstott, born May 22, 1845 ; married Jane "Wilson.+ 8. CAPTAIN ROBERT GREENLEE 3 {Sa°ryQutan°"^°'^^" Jea*^ Walllce'^* ' } son of Thomas "Wallace Greenlee and Mary Quinn, was born June 30, 1803 at Clinton, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania ; died July 13, 1873 at Allegheny, Pennsyl- vania ; married near Clinton, Pennsylvania, HADDASSA PATTON, bom Au- gust 27, 1805 at Clinton, died March 3, 1892 at Allegheny, daughter of David Fatten and Mary Schooler. CHILDREN: 32. I. Thomas Robert, born June 30, 1826 ; died unmarried December 15, 1869. Matilda, born February 10, 1828; died unmarried June 3, 1845. Lewis S., bom December 20, 1830; died unmarried September 24, 1875 near Delhi, Louisiana. Amanda, bom April 22, 1832 ; married John Algeo.+ Elvira, born December 17, 1834; married Robert A. Craighead.+ Charles "W., born January 5, 1836; married Josephine Carter; died February 14, 1898 ; no children. 38. "VII. Missoura, bom March 8. 1838 ; married John Ross.+ 33. n. 34. ni. 35. IV. 36. V. 37. VI. MARY griXX OREEXI.EE. WIFE OF TIIOS. WALLACE GREENLEE. SR. Xo. 6. ELIZAUETII GREEXLEE MdRTOX. Xo. S. fAI'TAlX ROP.EUT GREEXr.EE. ROBERT OF PENNSYLVANIA. 389 CAPTAIN ROBERT GREENLEE was one of the pioneers among river men. He commenced as a keelboatman, and then became a skillful pilot, in which capacity he served between Allegheny City, Pennsylvania and St. Louis and New Orleans, and was also thoroughly acquainted with the devious ways of the Red and Yazoo rivers. He subsequently became Master, and during his long and active career had command of many steamers, among them the "Union," "Messenger" and "South America." He was an accomplished oiBeer, and held in high esteem by all who knew him, for his genial disposition and honorable, upright dealing. On the day of his funeral, all the passenger steamers and tow boats at the wharf, including the "Messenger" — the last boat he com- manded—had their flags at half-mast as a mark of respect to his memory. LEWIS S. GREENLEE was captain of the steamboat "Homer," running from New Orleans up Bayou Macon. He was a whole-souled gentleman, kind and true in all his relations of life. 9. CHARLES GREENLEE ^ I Thomas W. Greenlee = Robert Greenlee i 1 ( Mary Qulnn Jean Wallace J son of Charles Wallace Greenlee and Mary Quinn, was born in 1805; died in 1881 ; married ELIZABETH ONSTOTT who died in 1891, daughter of Peter Onstott and Mary Kintner. He was a pilot on the large steamers running on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers from Pittsburg to New Orleans ; resided at Louisville, Kentucky. CHILDREN : 39. I. Sarah Jane; dead. 40. II. Emeline ; dead. 41. III. Paul Jones; lives at Louisville, Kentucky. 42. IV. Walter; dead. A grandson, Charles Greenlee Penney, was a druggist at St. Louis, Missouri in 1899. 10. NANfiY RTJ'RF.NT.F.Ti'. 3 /Thomas W. Greenlee = Robert Greenlee ^ 1 A1AX1WX vrxvxjxjxixjxjxj t Mary Qulnn Jean Wallace J daughter of Thomas Wallace Greenlee and Mary Quinn, was born June 7, 1808 in Moon Township, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania; died November 19, or 26, 1891 at St. Cloud, Stearns Co., Minnesota ; married June 3, 1830 in Moon Town- ship, JOSEPH SHANE who was born November 9, or 5, 1807 in Pennsylvania, died June 23, 1854 at St. Louis, Missouri. He was a farmer ; in politics, Repub- lican; in religion. Episcopalian; resided at Industry, Bridgewater . and Alle- gheny, Pennsylvania. 390 GKEENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : 43. I. Mary Charlotte Shane, born May 3, 1838; married Rev. Elgy Van- voorhies Campbell. + 44. II. Margaret Elizabeth Shane, born July 16, 1842; married William Graydon Henderson.+ 45. III. Jane Eliza Shane, born October 17, 1848; married Walter Allen Daniels. + 46. IV. Matilda Anna Shane, born May 8, 1851 ; died in infancy. NANCY GREENLEE SHANE was left a widow with three daughters to care for. Her brothers were well to do and tried to persuade her to divide up the family and live with them, but this she refused to do. She also refused to have them help her, telling them that if she needed assistance she would ask for it; but she was able to bring up her children and keep them neatly and comfortably clothed without assistance. She was proud, quick witted and very self reliant. When she attempted anything she would allow nothing to inter- fere with its acomplishment. In 1898 she left Allegheny City, Pennsylvania and went to St. Cloud, Minnesota, where she made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Campbell, until her death. 11. THOMAS WALLACE GREENLEE 3 | Thomas^W Greenlee = Roben Greenlee 1 | son of Thomas Wallace Greenlee and Mary Quinn, was born October 8, 1809 at Clinton, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania; died October, 1893 at Vanport, Beaver Co., Pennsylvania; married in 1828 near Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, SUSANNA ONSTOTT, born June 30, 1812 in Moon Township, near Clinton, Pennsylvania, died February 8, 1900 at Vanport, daughter of Peter Onstott and Mary E. Kintner. CHILDREN: Nancy, born May 10, 1829; married John R. Large. + Mary Jane, born March 13, 1831 ; died in 1833, or 1835. Robert Wallace, born May 26, 1833 ; married Frances H. Johnston. She died October, 18 — aged 58 years. Lucinda, born March 2, 1835 ; married James Mitchell. Anna Helena, born September 20, 1837; manned Henry Larger- Virginia E., born November, or January 23, 1840; married George W. Johnston. 53. VII. Alvin Leander, born May 1, 1842; enlisted August 6, 1862 in the 140th Regt., Company F, Colonel R. P. Roberts commanding; was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg June 3, 1863 and died August 3, 1863. 54. Vni. Arminda Vensenga, born May 1, 1842 ; married James M. Cornelius. 55. IX. Estella Janetta, born March 12, 1846; married John Power Ross; resides at Vanport. Their daughter married and had a son, Jack. 47. I. 48. II. 49. III. 50. IV. 51 V. 52. VI. GRAVESTONE OF (No. 11) THOMAS OREENLEE. X.I. ."il. KICSlIiK.Mi; 111- ( .\l'l.\l.\ HENRY LAIiCi;. ^ ROBERT OF PENNSYLVANIA. 391 THOMAS WALLACE GREENLEE was reared in Allegheny Co., Pennsyl- vania, and attended the common schools and an academy in that county. He went on the river when quite young and has followed it most of his business life. He was well and favorably known along the Ohio and Mississippi rivers as one of the oldest and most trusted and honored captains and skillful pilots. He followed steamboating up to about five years before his death, the infirmities of old age compelling him to give it up and pass his declining years in the re- tirement of his home. During the last twenty-five years of his steamboating life he was in the employ of Gray's Iron Line, and possessed the confidence and highest esteem of the firm. Possessed of a kind and genial nature, he made many friends, and visitors to his home in his declining years would leave im- pressed with having been greeted and honored by that olden time courtesy and hospitality so seldom met with in these modern times. He was a Republican; Presbyterian; removed in 1851 to Vanport, Pennsylvania where he owned a splendid residence property. SUSANNA (ONSTOTT) GREENLEE after the death of her husband, made her home with her daughter, Mrs. J. P. Ross, and her granddaughter, Mrs. W. J. East. Slie was a devout Christian, a consistent member of the Presby- terian church at Vanport since its erection, having at that time withdrawn her card of membership from the church at Bridgewater. Her whole life was a beacon light guiding those about her to a higher and better life. The love and esteem in which she was held was attested by the large gathering of neighbors, friends and relatives who came from far and near. The services were in charge of Rev. T. P. Potts, of the Vanport Presbyterian church, pastor of the de- ceased, and were in keeping with her life and character. Assisting him were Rev. B. F. Doyle, D. D., of Salem, and Rev. John F. Dravo of Beaver. The interment took place in Beaver cemetery. The pallbearers were the grandsons of the deceased : Alvin L. Large and Charles Large, of Allegheny, W. H. Ste- venson, of Pittsburg, Albert McMullen, of Allegheny, Stewart Fowler and "W. J. East of Vanport. ROBERT WALLACE GREENLEE and William Merchant Greenlee were employed by Grays Iron Line three years and were together with his father on the same steamer, Robert had a cousin Charles who was a popular clerk at one time on the boats running from Pittsburg to St. Louis. 14. JATTP T ftT'R'R 4 ( Jane Greenlee ' Thomas W. Greenlee - Robert Greenlee • \ wn^ici J.. \7x.DX] t Alexander Gibb Mary Quinn Jean Wallace j daughter of Jane Innis Greenlee and Alexander Gibb, was bom May 13, 1820 at Harshaville, Beaver Co., Pennsylvania; married April 1, 1847, PETER SPRINGER, bom August 17, 1803 at Clinton, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania, died March 12. 1885, son of Michael Springer and Susanna . He was a farmer; in politics. Democrat; in religion, United Presbyterian; resided in Findley Township, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania. 56. I. 67. II. 58. ni. 69. IV. 60. V. 392 GREENLEE oJ^inEALOGY. CHILDREN : John G. Springer, born September 9, 1848 ; died September 14, 1888. Michael A. Springer, bom September 18, 1850 ; died September 26, 1853. Thomas M. Springer, born June 23, 1855. Jennie Springer, born July 29, 1858 ; died July 13, 1877. Charles P. Springer, born September 3, 1860 ; died October 31, 1863. 15. ALEXANDER GREENLEE GIBB ^ {i]^i,%l%% S^a^w^"'""'' Robert Greenlee ' 1 Jean Wallace J son of Jane Innis Greenlee and Alexander Gibb, was born June 4, 1822 at Harshaville, Beaver Co., Pennsylvania ; died May 5, 1873 at Harshaville ; mar- ried in 1861, MARTHA JANE ELDER, who was bom in 1842 at Candor, Wash- ington Co., Pennsylvania, died December 6, 1881 at Harshaville, daughter of Duncan M. Elder and Polly Platts. He was a farmer; in politics, Democrat; in religion. United Presbyterian ; resided at Harshaville. CHILDREN: 61. I. Minnie Ermina Gibb, born in 1862; married James Lance. 62. II. John Duncan Gibb, born April 9, 1863. At twelve years of age he went to live with his grandparents, with whom he resided until he was seventeen. He then worked out until he was twenty; taught school one term, then went away to study, graduating from Oberlin College in 1890 and from the Western Theological Semi- nary in 1893. Since then he has been preaching in Minnesota; living at Amboy, unmarried, in 1899. 63. III. Jenny Mary Gibb, born May 14, 1865 ; married Silas Lance. 64. IV. Adam Gibb, born December 30, 1871 ; died April 16, 1891. 27. TSAAr! TTTRSAN' ONSTOTT 4 (Margaret Greenlee » Thomas W. Greenlee " XOAAU XlJIiOOAn yji.ta±\j±± 1 Isaac Onstott Mary Qulnn Robert Greenlee ' ) Jean Wallace S son of Margaret Greenlee and Isaac Onstott, was bom December 22, 1836, or 1835, at Shoustovra, Pennsylvania; died in 1898; married January 1, 1863, CAROLINE COLE, born January 9, 1844 at Allegheny, Pennsylvania, died January 14, 1886 at Allegheny, daughter of George W. Cole and Dorcas Brag- don; in religion, Protestants. CHILDREN: 65. I. Georgeen Onstott. 66. n. Alda May Onstott. 67. m. Charles A. Onstott, bora November 10, 1869 ; married Clara Kelly.+ J FUONT VIEW. FACING liEAVEK ROAD. FACING OHIO RIVER. [Received from Mr^i. Robert Greenlee Onstott, No. 28. j ROBERT OP PENNSYLVANIA. 393 28. ROBERT GREENLEE ONSTOTT * (Margaret Greenlee » Thomas W. Greenlee » (Isaac Onstott Mary Qu Inn Robert Greenlee ' \ Jean Wallace j son of Margaret Greenlee and Isaac Onstott, was born October 15, 1837 at Shoustown, Pennsylvania; married January 27, 1870 at Phillipsburg (now Monaca), Pennsylvania, ELIZABETH MARKET, born at Phillipsburgh, daugh- ter of Peter Markey and Nancy Stewart; carpenter and builder; in politics, Democrat ; in religion, Presbyterian. Children, born in Monaca: 68. I. Jennie Onstott, bom July 17, 1870; married Adolph Langer of Aus- tria, 1888. 69. II. Hessan Onstott, born August 19, 1874; married September, 1898, Kate Kelly of "Wheeling, West Virginia. 29. ELIZABETH MORTON ONSTOTT ^ /Margaret Oreenlee' Thomas W. Greenlee » (Isaac Onstott Mary Qulnn Robert Greenlee ' ) Jean Wallace / daughter of Margaret Greenlee and Isaac Onstott, was born February 19, 1840 at Clinton, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania; married November 20, 1862 at Clinton, WILLIAM PURDT, born February 2, 1835 at Clinton, died April 17, 1897 at Shoustown, Pennsylvania, son of John Purdy and Jane Cavitt. He was a farmer; in politics, Republican; in religion, United Presbyterian; resided near Shoustown. CHILDREN : 70. I. Jean Amelia Purdy, born February 21, 1864 ; died September 8, 1870, or 1871. 71. II. Margaret EsteUa Purdy, born October 24, 1865 ; married Rev. Sam- uel Willson Pringle.+ Wilbur Greenlee Purdy, born December 20, 1867; unmarried (1899). Mary Alvah Purdy, bom February 24, 1871; immarried (1899). Lee Burdette Purdy, born August 6, 1874; unmarried (1899). 31. ANDREW J. P. ONSTOTT * I Margaret Greenlee ' Thomas W. Greenlee " 1 Isaac Onstott Mary Quinn Robert Greenlee ^ I Jean Wallace J son of Margaret Greenlee and Isaac Onstott, was born May 22, 1845; died in 1872; married JANE WILSON. 72. III. 73. IV. 74. V. 394 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : 75. I. Robbalena Onstott, born April 30, 1867; married Foreman B. Golden.+ 76. II. Elizabeth Hamilton Onstott, born April 18, 1869 ; lives at Fallston, Pennsylvania. 77. III. Margaret E. Onstott, born April 23, 1871; married James P. Mow- rey; lives at Fallston. 35. AMANDA GREENLEjIj '^ /Robert Greenlee» Thomas W. Greenlee ' Robert Greenlee i I ( Haddassa Patton Mary Quinn Jean Wallace / daughter of Captain Robert Greenlee and Haddassa Patton, was born April 22, 1832 at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania ; married December 28, 1849 at Allegheny, Pennsylvania, JOHN ALGEO, born February 3, 1827 at Pittsburg, died August 5, 1856, son of John Algeo and Anabel MeCagne. He was a coal and ice merchant ; in politics, a Republican ; in religion, Presbyterian ; resided at Pitts- burg. CHILDREN: 78. I. Anabel Algeo, born January 3, 1850 ; married James A. Steele ; lives at Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania. 79. II. Robert Jefferson Algeo, born November 9, 1852; married Fredrica Bendon ; lives at Chicago. 80. III. Kate EUa Algeo, born October 20, 1854 ; died July 2, 1876. 81. IV. John Algeo, born November 30, 1856 ; married Martha Seymour.-f- 36. ELVTRA fi-'RF.'F.NT.'P.F. -1 ( Robert Greenlee = Thomas W. Greenlee ^ Robert Greenlee > 1 fiuTxxvn vr»£i.Ljx^xj£i£i t Haddassa Patton Mary Quinn Jean Wallace / daughter of Robert Greenlee and Haddassa Patton, was bom December 17, 1834 at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; married October 15, 1872 at Pittsburg, ROBERT A. CRAIGHEAD, born June 8, 1832 at Elizabeth, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of James Craighead and Margaret Lytic. He is a druggist; in polities, Republican; in religion, Methodist; resided at Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. No children. 38. MISSOURI GREENLEE "• I Robert Greenlee » Thomas W. Greenlee = Robert Greenlee ' 1 I Haddassa Patton Mary Quinn Jean Wallace J daughter of Robert Greenlee and Haddassa Patton, was born March 8, 1838 at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania ; died January 6, 1871 at Allegheny, Pennsylvania ; married in 1861 at Pittsburg, JOHN ROSS, who died January 14, 1875 at Allegheny, son of Jonathan P. Ross and Bell. He was a clerk ; in poli- tics, Republican; in religion, Presbyterian; resided at Mansfield, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania. ROBERT OF PENNSYLVANIA. 395 CHILDREN : 82. I. Lewis S. G. Ross ; died July 1, 1887 in his 23rd year. 83. II. Charles G. Ross ; died October 11, 1890 in his 23rd year. 43. MARY CHARLOTTE SHANE * i ?«°^y Oreenlee » J}""^^ ^- Greenlee « I Joseph Shane Mary Quinn Robert Greenlee ' 1 Jean Wallace i daughter of Nancy Greenlee and Joseph Shane, was bom May 3, 1838 at Bridge- water, Beaver Co., Pennsylvania ; married April 7, 1864 at Allegheny, Pennsyl- vania, ELGY VAN VOORHIS CAMPBELL, born March 25, 1836 at Claysville, Ohio, son of William Campbell and Nancy Mellvaine. CHILDRBN: 84. I. Jane Estella Campbell, born January 6, 1865. 85. II. Fida Courtney Campbell, born March 8, 1866 ; died August 18, 1866 in Allegheny. 86. III. Paxton Greenlee Campbell, bom November 17, 1868 ; married Nellie Justin. 87. IV. Elgy Fenton Campbell, born December 26, 1876. ELGY VAN VOORHIS CAMPBELL, soon after his marriage, removed to St. Cloud, Minnesota, where he organized a Presbyterian church of which he became pastor. In 1875 on account of his health failing, he resigned and went to Butler, Missouri, taking charge of the Presbyterian church there and also starting an academy which has grown into a large institution. He remained there one year and a half, when he was called back to the church of St. Cloud of which he still continues pastor. Of their children, Jane Estella has been engaged in the botanical department of the State University for several years ; Paxton Greenlee is a printer at Cairo, Illinois; and Elgy Fenton is preparing himself for an electrician. 41 MARGARET ELIZABETH SHANE* {?oTp^h shane"'' Ma°y Qumi.^""**""* ' Robert Greenlee ^ 1 Jean Wallace J daughter of Nancy Greenlee and Joseph Shane, was born July 16, 1842 at Bridgewater, Beaver Co., Pennsylvania; married November 19, 1868 at Alle- gheny or Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, WILLIAM GRAYDON HENDERSON, born April 19, 1838 at Pittsburg, son of James K. Henderson and Eliza . He was a commission merchant in Pittsburg for some years, then moved to a farm in Kansas, and went from there to California ; in politics, Democrat ; in religion, Episcopalian ; resides at San Francisco. 396 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: 88. I. Nancy Greenlee Henderson, born May 16, 1870. 89. II. Helen G. Henderson, born April 19, 1873. 45. .TANV. ■RT.T7A RTIANF. 4 f Nancy Greenlee ^ Thomas W. Greenlee '^ Robert Greenlee ^ 1 OAXIJJ XiUXZiA oxxAiiJU j Joseph Shane Mary Quinn Jean Wallace / daughter of Nancy Greenlee and Joseph Shane, was born October 17, 1848 at Industry, Beaver Co., Pennsylvania; married February 18, 1878 at Chicago, Illinois, WALTER ALLEN DANIELS, bom June 28, 1848 at Milford, Wor- cester Co., Massachusetts, son of Newell Daniels and Isabella 0. Stone. He is manager of the United States Printing Company in Chicago; in politics, is a Republican ; in religion ; Episcopalian ; resides at Chicago. JANE ELIZA SHANE was a quick student and always stood at the head of aU her classes. She was a great mimic and would go through the greatest number of performances, at the same time appearing entirely innocent. 47. VA WnV flT?'li'.F.NT.'Rli'. 4 ! Thomas W. Greenlee ' Thomas W. Greenlee ' Robert Greenlee ' 1 riAnvz VTAJlifiniaXiJli j Susanna Onstott Mary Quinn Jean Wallace / daughter of Thomas Wallace Greenlee and Susanna Onstott, was born May 10, 1829 at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; married March 20, 1851 at Allegheny, Pennsylvania, JOHN R. LARGE, born March 12, 1819 at Pittsburg, son of Jonathan Large and Esther Finney. In religion they were United Presby- terian ; resided at Allegheny, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : John F. Large, bom December 13, 1851. Laura Large, born October 13, 1853. Susanna L. Large, born October 12, 1855. Alvin L. Large, born September 2, 1857 ; married Isabella C. Dyer. Charles Large, born March 21, 1859; married Sara McAfee. 61. 90. I. 91. II. 92. III. 93. IV. 94. V. Thomas W. Greenlee " ANNA HELENA GREENLEE* {iu\"aTnl^n^to7t°'^^' ^^'^rrQu^n' Robert Greenlee ^ 1 Jean Wallace J daughter of Thomas Wallace Greenlee and Susanna Onstott, was born Sep- tember 20, 1837 at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; married September 26, 1860 at Vanport, Beaver Co., Pennsylvania, HENRY LARGE, born July 4, 1835 at West Elizabeth, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania, died July 13, 1895 aged 60 years, at West Elizabeth, son of Jonathan Large and Esther Finney. No. 10. NANCY GliEENLEE SHANE. No. 4.S. MARY r. r SHANE 1 CAMP- BELL. No. 4.-.. .TANK ELIZA (SHANE I DANIELS. EGBERT OF PENNSYLVANIA. 397 CHILDREN : 95. I. Fannie L. Large, born July 13, 18 — ; married "William H. Stevenson. 96. 11. Kate Estella Large, born December 24, 1862 ; died January 25, 1862. HENRY LARGE was born and brought up at the family homestead where he spent almost his entire life. By trade he was a machinist, but he followed the business of a distiller, being senior member of the firm of Large & Com- pany, Distillers. He was once a candidate for sheriff on the Democratic ticket. His father moved to this part of the state in 1833, settling at Peters Creek; his grandfather, John Large, was a native of New Jersey and served two years in the Revolutionary war. 67. flH ATiLKS A ONSTOTT 5 ( Isaac H. Onstott * Margaret Greenlee ^ WXJA.LVXUJW xx. VX1UXVXJ. j Caroliue Cole Isaac Onstott Thomas W. Greenlee - Robert Greenlee ' 1 Mary Qulnn Jean Wallace j son of Isaac Hessan Onstott and Caroline Cole, was born November 10, 1869 at Neville Island, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania; married October 30, 1890 at Beaver Falls, Beaver Co., Pennsylvania, CLARA KELLY, born March 6, 1869 at North Sewickley, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of A. M. Kelly and Isabel Mitchell. He is a manufacturer of shoes; in politics. Republican; in religion, Protestant; resides at San Francisco, California. Child: 97. I. George H. Onstott, born January 28, 1894. 71. MARGARET ESTELLA PURDY' { ^-X'^^^pSia?"^*"" * I'saafoTstotr"" Thomas W. Greenlee ^ Robert Greenlee ^ I Mary Quinn Jean Wallace J daughter of Elizabeth Morton Onstott and William Purdy, was born October 24, 1865 at Shoustown, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania, married June 15, 1893 at Shoustown, SAMUEL WILLSON PRINGLE, born at New Concord, Musk- ingum Co., Ohio, son of Dr. G. W. Pringle and Margaret E. Willson. He is a Presbyterian minister ; resides at Pueblo, Colorado. CHILDREN ; 98. I. 99. II. .00. III. Samuel Willson Pringle, born March 18, 1894, Paul Victor Pringle, born July 20, 1895. David Purdy Pringle, born July 9, 1898. 398 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 75. 101. I. 102. II. 103. III. 104. IV. 105. V. POTm AT T.'N'A OWSTDTT 5 J Andrew J. P. Onstott * Margaret Greenlee » AUSOA^iXinA \jrto±\JX± t Jane Wilson Isaac Onstott Thomas W. Greenlee - Robert Greenlee ^ 1 Mary Quinn Jean Wallace J daughter of Andrew J. P. Onstott and Jane Wilson, was born April 30, 1867 at Pittsburg, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania ; married September 18, 1889 at Monaca, Beaver Co., Pennsylvania, FOREMAN B. GOLDEN, born December 29, 1862 at New Alexandria, Jefferson Co., Ohio, son of John D. Golden and Elizabeth Farmer. Children ; bom at Fallston, Pennsylvania : William Porter Golden, born July 15, 1890. Paul Le Roy Golden, born February 21, 1892. Gerald Gladstone Golden, born March 22, 1894. Anna Frances Golden, born November 11, 1895. Foreman Eugene Golden, born October 4, 1897. ROBBALENA ONSTOTT was adopted by her aunt, Mrs. Mary Onstott Porter when she was two years old. • She attended the public school at Monaca, and Beaver College at Beaver, Pennsjivania. FOREMAN B. GOLDEN attended the public school at New Alexandria, Ohio until seventeen years of age, and taught one term of school in the same town. He learned telegraphy in the office of the Big Four Railroad, and in 1893 entered the employ of the Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad as telegraph operator. In 1894 he was assigned as ticket and freight agent at Fallston, Pennsylvania, where he still remains. In politics, Republican; in religion, Presbyterian. 81. THTIV AT ffRfJ 5 ^Amanda Greenlee « Robert Greenlee » Thomas W. Greenlee ' O vna AUU£iv> f John Algeo Haddassa Patton Mary Quinn Robert Greenlee ' 1 Jean Wallace J son of Amanda Greenlee and John Algeo, was born November 30, 1856 at Allegheny, Pennsylvania; married April 22, 1897 at San Bernardino, California, MARTHA SEYMOUR, born June 13, 1877 at Elmira, New York, daughter of Hon. Edwin C. Seymour and Martha M. Goddard. He is a telegraph operator ; in politics, Republican; in religion, Protestant; resides at Pittsburg, Pennsyl- vania. CHILDREN: 106. I. ]\Ieredith Oudry Algeo, born March 8, or January 19, 1898. 107. n. George Edward Algeo, born February 23, or 12, 1899 ; died July 18, 1899. 53. ni. 54. IV. 55. V. 56. VI. WILLIAM OF WEST VIRGINIA. 403 Lewis, bom March 29, 1825 ; married Mary Lovel Thoraton.-|- George; married in Indiana; had five sons and three daughters. Columbus, born October 15, 1838; married Jane Burns. -(- Betty; married Harry Rice. 18. JAMES GREENLEE 3 / Edward Greenlee - William Greenlee > 1 v.«^i^u>/ VI.IV.UU.1.1.I.VU.U I Hannah Greenlee / son of Edward Greenlee and Hannah Greenlee, was born January 1, 1800, or 1803 ; married EMILY HART ; moved out West. They had one daughter and seven sons. 20. FRANCIS GREENLEE 3 {Inward Greenlee = William Greenle e ' | son of Edward Greenlee and Hannah Greenlee, was bom October 29, 1808, or 1804 in Mason Co., West Virginia ; died March 23, 1889 ; married July 18, 1833, ELLEN V. STEPHENSON, bom February 20, 1812 in Mason Co., West Vir- ginia, died October 17, 1896, daughter of George C. Stephenson and Rebecca Edwards; resided in West Virginia. CHILDREN : Rebecca A., born September 8, 1833; married Samuel Bamett. Esom, born August 20, 1835; married Nancy J. Stephenson. Charles, bom October 20, 1837 ; married Susan Elkins. Martha J., born April 15, 1840 ; married Nelson 0. Rise. Mary C, born April 10, 1842; married Isaac S. Blakemore. George A., born June 16, or 6, 1845 ; married Rachel McDermitt.-f- Hannah C, bom December 23, 1846 ; married Samuel Oliver. Edward M., bom May 26, 1849 ; married Martha McKuiney. Robert F., bom December 29, 1851 ; married Elenor Selby. Virginia E., bom August 1, 1854; married Israel Dunlap. RACHEL GREENLEE 3 f Edward Greenlee ' William Greenlee i 1 Mf^v.^^.u.u V..1.V.UXJ.I.1.U.U.U \ Hannah Greenlee / daughter of Edward Greenlee and Hannah Greenlee, was born August 26, 1813, or 1808 ; married JAMES SHIELDS. Children, two sons and four daughters, all dead but one : 67. Lewis Shields; lives near Point Pleasant, Mason Co., West Virginia. 57. I. 58. n. 59. m. 60. IV. 61. V. 62. VI. 63. VII. 64. vin. 65. IX. 66. X. 404 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 26. NAKfiV TANTi! fi-TJF.P.NT.F.F. ^ (Morris Greenlee ' John Greenlee » JNAJNUX JAJMii vmririniiiliri \ .\ancy E. Kimbcrling Jane Reynolds William Greenlee ' } 68. I. 69. n. 70. IIL 71. IV. daughter of Morris Greenlee and Naney E. Kimberling, was born November 20, 1811 in Mason Co., West Virginia; died July 2, 1890 at Cambria, Wayne Co., Iowa; married in 1830 in West Virginia, WILLIAM ARBUCKLE NELSON, born September 13, 1807 in West Virginia, died August 4, 1876 at Cambria, Iowa. He was a farmer; in politics, Republican; in religion, Baptist; resided at Cambria. CHILDREN : Martha Nelson; married William White. Marshall Nelson; married Sarah Thompson; lives at Shawnee, Oklahoma. John Morris Nelson; married Sarah McCutcheon. Nancy Jane Nelson, bom May 20, 1835 ; married Andrew Jackson Chapman.4- 72. V. Mary Eliza Nelson, bom May 15, 1838; married Josephus Mis- kimins.+ 73. VI. Clark G. Nelson; married Ella Taylor. He survived his mother but has since died. His family resides at Corydon, Iowa. French L. Nelson; married Mary Elizabeth Greenlee. + Elizabeth Ann Nelson ; married Joseph McCutcheon ; lives at Leon, Iowa. Fannie Nelson ; married Charles Saddoris ; lives at DeWitt, Iowa. James Lewis Nelson, bom February 13, 1848; married Harriet Agnes Clark. + 27. HT.TJIA RR'Ii'.'RNT.li'.Ti'. ■* f Morris Greenlee ' John Greenlee = William Greenlee ' 1 AljlZiil UArifinXiXii!! i Nancy E. Kimberling Jane Reynolds / daughter of Morris Greenlee and Nancy E. Kimberling, was bom December 21, 1813 in Mason Co., West Virginia ; married WILLIAM SULLIVAN. He was a farmer; in religion. Baptist. CHILDREN: Jemima Sullivan; married Charles Newman; lives in Missouri. Mary Sullivan; married William Newman, brother of Charles; lives in Missouri. Guilford Sullivan; lives near Leon, West Virginia. Alfred Sullivan ; lives at Leon, West Virginia. Daniel Sullivan (youngest son) ; lives at Charleston, West Virginia. 74. VII. 75. VIII. 76. DL. 77. X. 78. I. 79. n. 80. m. 81. IV. 82. V. WILLIAM OF WEST VIRGINIA. 405 28. CLARK GREENLEE^ ( Morris Creenlee^ John Greenlee = William Greenlee ' ) ( Nancy E. Kimberling Jane Reynolds / son of Morris Greenlee and Nancy E. Kimberling, was born December 28, 1816 in Mason Co., West Virginia; married DAY; married second ANGABT BURNS ; resided in Mason Co., West Virginia. Children, by first marriage : 83. I. Julius; lives at Shawnee, Oklahoma. By second marriage: 84. II. George ; lives in Mason Co., West Virginia. 85. III. Caroline (eldest daughter) ; married Alfred Sullivan of Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia. 29. MORGAN GREENLEE * I Morris Greenlee = John Greenlee -■ William Greenlee » > xuv/Avrnxi vrx<,xjxjxixjxju \ Nancy E. Kimberling Jane Reynolds i son of Morris Greenlee and Nancy E. Kimberling, was bom May 14, 1819 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; married May 1, 1841 at Leon, ELIZA JANE GREENLEE [No. 51] born March 23, 1821 at Leon, died July 11, 1862 at Leon, daughter of Edward Greenlee and Margaret Holdway; married second MRS. MELISSA LOUDEN who died five months later. He was a farmer ; in politics. Republican; in religion, Baptist; resided at Leon, West Virginia, 1901. CHILDREN : 86. I. William Clark, born May 1, 1842; married Lucinda M. Potter; married second jMrs. Hannah E. Dimlap; married third Emma M. Ely.+ 87. II. Leila Ann, born February 29, 1844; married Thomas T. Feni- more.-|- Mary Elizabeth, born June 4, 1846; married French L. Nelson. + John M., bom September 29, 1848; married Luretta Sullivan. -4- Harriet, born March 1, 1850 ; married William A. Ferguson.-(- Flora, born May 5, 1853 ; married Henry Sullivan. + Lucetta, born February 19, 1855 ; died March 11, 1862. Virginia, born October 15, 1856 ; died January 28, 1857. Andrew Morgan, born April 23, 1858 ; married Missouri Pickens. -^- Anna Eliza, bora April 23, 1858 ; died March 21, 1862. Alice, born May 11, 1861 ; married William J. Martin. + Willard, bom April 7, 1863 ; married Laura Duff .+ Nancy ^Margaret, bom November 6, 1865 ; married John L. Stone. -|- 88. m. 89. IV. 90. V. 91. VI. 92. VII. 93. VIII. 94. EX. 95. X. 96. XL 97. XII. 98. xin. 406 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 30. LEWIS LEONIDAS GREENLEE* {?i'aTc'/r^?^rer'iing faS^Kl'dV William Greenlee ' ) son of Morris Greenlee and Nancy E. Kimberling, was born August 24, 1821 near Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; married May, 1853 near Ripley, Jackson Co., "West Virginia, PARHELIA. SAYERS who was born near Ripley, West Virginia, died September, 1853 aged 19 years, 8 month and 26 days, in Jack- son Co., West Virginia, daughter of Squire Sayers ; married second December, 1854 near Leon, West Virginia, FRANCES JOHNSON, born April 29, 1836 in Pennsylvania, died January 18, 1856, or 1857, aged 20 years, 8 months and 20 days, in Wayne Co., Iowa, daughter of William Johnson; married third April 1, 1858 at Corydon, Wayne Co., Iowa, HANNAH MARIA FERRELL, born August 26, 1840, daughter of Edward Ferrell and Rosilla Fisher. CHILDREN : Son. 99. I. 99a. II. 100. III. 101. IV. I twins, born in 1855 or 1856; died in infancy. Daughter. Lydia Minerva, born in 1855 ; died January 13, 1892 in Iowa. Rozilla Priscilla, born January 21, or 17, 1859 ; married Charles Clinton Thompson. + 102. V. John Morris, bom January 27, 1860 ; married Florence Melvina Chapman.-)- 103. VI. Charles William, born March 14, 1861; married Rosetta Walters.+ Andrew Fuller, born March 9, 1862; died November 17, 1863. Edward Warren, bom August 2, 1863; married Emma Jane Crock.+ S'eth Morgan, bom September 13, 1864; unmarried (1900). Marshall May, born November 22, 1865; married Ida Bell Snowden.-f- Mary Elizabeth, born February 9, 1867 ; died May 1, 1881. Harriet Cappatolia, born March 17, 1868; married William Ulysses Crock. + 110. Xni. Caroline Flora, bom October 18, 1869; married Benjamin Adi- son Helt.+ Joseph Lewis, born March 24, 1871. Roland Lee, bom July 28, 1872 ; married Malinda Ellen Guinn.4- Ira Newton, born June 17, 1874; married Frances Ellen Con- well.+ Matilda Jane, born August 24, 1876. Guilford Glenwood, born June 6, 1880. LEWIS LEONIDAS GREENLEE was brought up on a farm and received a common school education. He taught school several terms, and on March 13, 1853 was ordained to the ministry by Harmony Baptist church. Since then 104. VII. 105. vm. 106. TX. 107. X. 108. XI. 109. XIL 111. XIV. 112. XV. 113. XVL 114. XVII. 115. XVIII. « No. 2(1. WILLIAM ARnmCLE NELSON. No. 20. No. 2!). No. 30. No. 31. No. 33. an "" -^9 MRS. MARY .lAXE GREENLEE NELSON. MORGAN (;REENLEE. LEWIS GREENLEE. MRS. HARRIET GREENLEE SIIELTON. MORRIS GREENLEE. 26 WILLIAM OF WEST VIRGINIA. 407 he has been preaching, mostly in West Virginia and Iowa, although he has also spent some time in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Missouri and Kansas. In the spring of 1856 he removed with his family to Wayne County, Iowa, and was residing at Saxon in 1900. In polities, he is a Democrat. 31. HAJRRIET GREENLEE^ ( Morris Greenlee » John Greenlee » William Greenlee » \ iNancy E. Klmberllng Jane Reynolds J daughter of Morris Greenlee and Nancy E. Kimberling, was bom October 17, 1826 in Mason Co., West Virginia ; married in Virginia, GRANVEL W. SHEL- TON, who died December 25, 1889. They lived ten years in Indiana ; removed to Iowa in 1860 ; resided at Corydon, Iowa ; in religion. Baptists. One child: 116. N. E. Virginia Shelton. 32. A NTT CRGENIjE'E 4 f Morris Greenlee ' John Greenlee » William Greenlee ' 1 nuxi vruuuMxijiiu \ Nancy B. Klmberllng Jane Reynolds / daughter of Morris Greenlee and Nancy E. Kimberling, was bom October 15, 1831 in Mason Co., West Virginia ; died May 25, 1866 at Cambria, Wayne Co., Iowa; married October 14, 1858 in Clay Township, Wayne Co., Iowa, SAMUEL KELSO RINARD, born June 21, 1826 near Marietta, Washington Co., Ohio, son of John Rinard and Nancy Rea. CHILDREN : 117. I. Nancy Alice Rinard, bom October 5, 1859 ; married Thomas Edward Garton.+ 118. il. Hannah Jane Rinard, bom January 14, 1861 ; married Ellsworth E. Dent.+ 119. III. John Morris Rinard, bom May 18, 1863; married Nora A. Hol- land. + 120. IV. Ada Ann Rinard, born May 13, 1866; adopted by Mrs. Shelton; married John Baxter, a Baptist minister ; lives at Corydon, Iowa. SAMUEL KELSO RINARD was brought up to hard work, clearing the forests, making rails, cutting and sawing logs for his father, etc. He com- menced milling when he was a small boy, and remained at home until he was twenty-eight, when he went to Iowa and engaged in farming. 33. MOTIPTS flPF.'RNT.'RF. 4 f Morris Greenlee = John Greenlee = William Greenlee > 1 lUVAAXO VrAfiCililliiliJli t Nancy E. Kimberling Jane Reynolds I son of Morris Greenlee and Nancy E. Kimberling, was born Nov^ember 15, 1834 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia ; died November 24, 1898 ; married April 17, 1862 REBECCA LOWDER, born May 29, 1848 in Indiana, daughter of Hiram Lowder and Rebecca (or Jemima Beal). 122. II 123. III. 124. IV. 125. V. 408 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : 121. I. Leonora, born June 20, 1865; married Frank Middlebrook, brother of Edward ; lives near Nampa, Idaho. Effie, born May 27, 1867 ; married Edward Middlebrook.+ Delmar, born December 20, or 26, 1869 ; married Jennie McGuire ; lives near High Point, Decatur Co., Iowa. Lida Mabel, bom June 11, 1872; died April 7, 1876. Clyde, bom November 25, 1878 ; died unmarried January 8, 1901. MORRIS GREENLEE moved from Mason County, West Virginia to Iowa in 1856, and resided at Corydon. He was a soldier in the Union army during the Civil war, and lost his health in the service of his country. He was a farmer ; in politics, Democrat ; in religion. Baptist. EPPIE GREENLEE graduated from the Corydon high school. CLYDE W. GREENLEE graduated from the Corydon high school, then commenced the study of medicine, and had almost completed his course when his death occurred. 38. MAPTA r.T.IZA GREENLEE ■» fJobn Greenlee » John Greenlee ^ lUJiAlA riliLijA UAJliililiXjiUJ:! tPantha J. Morris Jane Reynolds William Greenlee ^ I daughter of John Greenlee and Pantha Jane Morris, was born May 12, 1831 ; died March, 1881 ; married October 30, 1848, JAMES CALDWELL. Children (thirteen, four pairs of twins, one set of triplets and two others) : 126. I. Daughter; married Zola Roach; lives at Dunlap, Iowa. 40. JOHN CARROL MORRIS GREENLEE* {^Ch^iTMrrr'is ^a^L^S'ids' William Greenlee '■ } son of John Greenlee and Pantha Jane Morris, was born January 14, 1835 at Creek 13, Mason Co., West Virginia; died April 17, 1886 near Portsmouth, Iowa ; married in his 20th year in Iowa, POLLY who died about eight years after marriage ; married second September 26, 1865 at East Des Moines, Iowa, JOSEPHINE BRACK, born November 16, 1846 at Lone Tree, Illinois, daughter of George Washington Brack and Nancy Agnes Hull. CHILDREN: 127. I. Ann Eliza ; died young. 128. II. Jennie ; died young. 129. m. Addie Zoe, bom August 11, 1867 ; died October 23, 1867. 91 90 9S iW DAUGHTERS OF MORGAN GREENLEE NO ■:!!- MORGAN GREENLEE AND WIP'E. N.i. 411. Mi!. AND MRS. .lOIIN CAUKOL GHKENLKi:. I Seated. I No. i:il FRANK CAKRIII. GREEN- LEE. 130. IV. 131. V. 132. VI. 133. VII. 134. VIII. 135. IX. WILLIAM OP WEST VIRGINIA. 409 Rosie Isabelle, born August 6, 1870 ; married Robert D. Ramsey.4- Frank Carrol, born November 27, 1871 at Des Moines, Iowa ; Uvea at Lafayette, Colorado; unmarried. Grace Maria, born August 27, 1873 ; married Albert Benning.+ Joseph Bruce, born September 9, 1875; unmarried. Dottie Dimple, born November 13, 1878 ; died July 19, 1880. Henry Wakefield, born November 13, 1883 ; died May, 1884. JOHN CARROL MORRIS GREENLEE moved with his mother and step- father from West Virginia to Missouri. His mother died when he was four- teen years old and his stepfather married again. John and his half brother were trying to plow one day, but they were so small that they could not make a success of it. His stepfather came out to show them how and they proceeded as directed, but yet did not make a success. Mr. Everett's wife came out and protested, whereupon John told her that Mr. Everett was not his father, nor was she his mother, and he went to his mother's brother Michael and remained with him. On one occasion while there he was told to carry some weeds to a certain place, but this was too slow to suit him, so he set them afire and burned up a lot of corn, wheat and rails. On another occasion his uncle left him and a cousin to cultivate a certain amount of corn, and told them if it was not finished when he got home he would punish them severely. He was not very long away when some other boys came along going fishing and wanted them to go too. The work was not finished, but John said, "A scolding don't hurt and a whipping don't last long." They both received the promised whipping. He lived there until his uncle's death, after which he went to work for the Western Stage Company, his first work being to lead stock over the road, and afterward he drove a team. He continued at this until the company sold all their good horses to the Overland Stage Company. He then drove a bus for a while, and in 1870 commenced farming, which he followed in Dallas and Har- rison counties, Iowa. In politics he was Republican; in religion. Christian; resided at Osceola, Iowa. PRANK CARROL GREENLEE has always farmed for a living. In 1895 he removed from Portsmouth, Iowa to Kingfisher, Oklahoma, but was not suc- cessful there and soon went to Colorado, where he has since been acting as foreman on a ranch near Lafayette. JOSEPH BRUCE GREENLEE enlisted in Company C, 2nd Battalion, 51st Iowa Volimteers, on May 4, 1898 at Harlan, Iowa. Prom there he was taken to Des Moines and remained there until June 5, 1898, having been sworn into the United States service a few days before, and went with his regiment to the Phillippine Islands. 53. LEWIS GRF.F.NT.F.F. 4 /Edward Greenlee ^ Edward Greenlee 2 William Greenlee » \ AjcjTTxo vrAXj.Lixi±jJJ£i t Margaret Iloldway Hannah Greenlee I son of Edward Greenlee and Margaret Holdway, was born at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; died October 8, 1892 aged 67 years, 6 months and 10 days at 137. II. 138. III. 139. IV. 140. V. 141. VI. 142. VII. 143. vni. 144. IX. 145. X. 410 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Point Pleasant, Mason Co., West Virginia; married December 25, 1849 at Leon, West Virginia, MARY LOVEL THORNTON, who was bom in Botetourt Co., Virginia, died September 4, 1895 aged 69 years, 4 months and 17 days, at Leon, daughter of Edward Thornton and Wright. CHILDREN : 136. I. Martha (eldest daughter), bom September 30, 1851; married W. P. Smith.-h Clayborn, bom January 11, 1852; married Maria Kimberling.+ Thornton Edward, bom May 22, 1853 ; married Miriam M. Good.+ Margaret E., born February 4, 1855 ; married Harrison Bennett.+ Mary M., married Charles Anderson. George, bom in 1864; married Ada Riffle. Luretta, born in 1866 ; married Edward Kimberling. Lusetta, born in 1866 ; married Asa Condee. Child; died. Child; died. LEWIS GREENLEE moved with his father to Indiana and settled on the Wabash River, near Terre Haute. The land being low and swampy, fever set in and his father became dissatisfied and moved back to West Virginia. Lewis went on the Ohio river as boatman and remained at this work for some time, making several trips to Cairo, Illinois. After his marriage he commenced farm- ing and continued it the remainder of his life. In politics he was a Republican ; in religion, Baptist. 56. COLTTMBTTS GREENLEE * / Edward Greenlee » Edward Greenlee ' \j\JXi\jm.BUO \»lk£iXiau£i£i \MargaretHoldway (?) Hannah Greenlee William Greenlee > 1 son of Edward Greenlee, was bom October 15, 1833 at Terre Haute, Indiana; married March, 1863 in Mason Co., West Virginia, JANE BURNS, born in 1838 at Winfield, West Virginia, daughter of Thomas Burns and Elizabeth Grass; farmer; Democrat; Baptist; resided at Debby, Mason Co., West Vir- ginia. CHILDREN : Sarah, born March 30, 1870; married Otis Mattox. Mary, born April 19, 1874; married L. C. Montgomery. Eliza, born June 7, 1876 ; married W. W. Shelton. Martha, born September 9, 1878 ; married Jesse Russell. William, born July 25, 1879. Blackburn, born February 21, 1881. 146. I. 147. II. 148. ni. 149. IV. 150. V. 151. VI. WILLIAM OF WEST VIRGINIA. 411 62. 07.012.01! A GREENLEE * i f^ancls Greenlee ' Edward Greenlee ' UXiUAUfi A. UAfiJIiniiJUXi tEUenV. Stephenson Hannah Greenlee William Greenlee ' l son of Francis Greenlee and Ellen V. Stephenson, was born June 6, or 16, 1845 in Mason Co., West Virginia; married April 8, 1865, RACHEL McDERMITT, bom March 21, 1847, daughter of Calvin McDermitt and Mahala Peck; resides at Ambrosia, West Virginia. CHILDREN : 152. I. William J., born July 27, 1868; married Sarah F. Adkins. 153. n. Charles E., born April 28, 1873 ; died June 15, 1876. 154. m. Georgia B., bom April 11, 1885. 71. NANCY JANE NELSON S / Nancy J. Greenlee « Morris Greenlee ' a^axjx JAC*ri Xiril^oun j wiUlam a. Nelson Nancy E. Klmberllng John Greenlee • William Greenlee i 1 Jane Reynolds / daughter of Nancy Jane Greenlee and William Arbuckle Nelson, was born May 20, 1835 in Madison Co., Indiana ; married in Wayne Co., Iowa, ANDREW JACKSON CHAPMAN, born January 5, 1831 in Hancock Co., Virginia, son of Thomas Chapman and Rachel Griffith. He is a farmer ; in politics. Democrat ; in religion, Baptist ; resided at Cambria, Wayne Co., Iowa. CHILDREN : 155. I. Martha Ann Chapman, bom February 20, 1856 ; married David Miller. 156. II. Rachel Chapman, bom January 17, 1858; married Arthur P. Kirby. Marilda, born February 29, 1860 ; married John A. Kirby. French Chapman, bom February 4, 1862; died December, 1862. Frances Chapman, bom February 4, 1862; married Charles W. Steele. Naomi Chapman, born April 22, 1864 ; married David F. Clark. Alfred Chapman, bom January, 1867 ; died February 25, 1867. Leonidas Chapman, bom April 23, 1868. Milligan Chapman, bom May 16, 1871 ; died October 9, 1872. Edman Chapman, born August 15, 1875. 157. ni. 158. IV. 159. V. 160. VL 161. VII. 162. vni. 163. IX. 164. X. William Greenlee i } 72. Greei rillam A. Nelson Nancy E. Klmberllng Jane Reynolds MARY £LIZA NTiLSON^ fNancyJ. Greenlee* Morris Greenlee ' John Greenlee ' daughter of Nancy Jane Greenlee and William Arbuckle Nelson, was born May 15, 1838 in Madison Co., Indiana ; married September 25, 1860 at Cambria, 165. I. 166. n. 167. III. 168. IV. 169. V. 170. VI. 412 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Wayne Co., Iowa, JOSEPHUS MISKIMINS, born November 2, 1836 in Ohio, son of Harvey Miskimins and Harriet Shoflf. He is a Republican; Baptist; resides at Oskaloosa, Iowa. CHILDREN : Ursula Miskimins, born July 16, 1861 ; died September 28, 1862. Edward M. Miskimins, born March 21, 1863; died August 13, 1863. Etta Miskimins, born January 6, 1865. Emma Ella Miskimins, born February 7, 1867; died November 1, 1873. Josephus Miskimins, bom June 22, 1873 ; died December 11, 1878. Josephine May Miskimins, bom February 14, 1879; married May 15, 1899, August R. Becker ; died May 29, 1900. 17L VIL Child, bom July 28, 1880; died August 29, 1880. 77. JAMES LEWIS NP.LSON 5 / Nancv .Tane Greenlee « Morris Greenlee = John Greenlee = OAIIUUO ijiiWlO njliljaun j WUnkm a. Xelson Nancy E- Kimberling Jane Reynolds William Greenlee ' \ son of Nancy Jane Greenlee and William Arbuekle Nelson, was born February 13, 1848 at Pendleton, Madison Co., Indiana; married January 21, 1866 at Cam- bria, Wayne Co., Iowa, HARRIET AGNES CLARK, bom May 8, 1844 at Cam- bridge, Gurnsey Co., Ohio, daughter of Birdsey Hill Clark and Amelia Shoff. He was in Insurance business ; in politics, Republican ; in religion. Baptist ; re- sided at Oskaloosa, Iowa. CHILDREN : 172. I. Arizona Nelson, born November 22, 1866 ; married Henry Williams. 173 II. Fannie Amelia Nelson, born January 26, 1869; married Guy W. Wisdom. 174. III. EUie Estelle Nelson, born October 12, 1870. 86. WTLLTAM CLARK GB.EENI.ee 5 f Horgan Greenlee « Morris Greenlee ' WXXjIjIAXU vixAAA. VTAJZiinnXiXiiJ j Eliza J. Greenlee Nancy E. Kimberling Jolin Greenlee - William Greenlee ^ I Jane Reynolds J son of Morgan Greenlee and Eliza Jane Greenlee, was bom May 1, 1842 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia ; married December 24, 1866, Lucinda M. Potter, born June 4, 1839 at Strattonville, Clarion Co., Pennsylvania, died August 30, 1873 at Strattonville ; married second December 27, or 23, 1874, MRS. HANNAH E. DUNLAP, who died May 26, 1878 ; married third November 27, 1879 EMMA M. ELY born October 9, 1857 at Mason Co., West Virginia, daughter of Seth E. Ely and Lodema Sehlageal. WILLIAM OF WEST VIRGINIi^. 413 CHILDREN: 175. I. Ora 0., born October 11, 1867 ; married George W. Eckard. 176. II. Otis 0., born September 22, 1869 ; married Dora G. Duff. 177. m. Roy C, born January 20, 1881; unmarried (1901). 178. IV. Nellie B., born February 12, 1886; unmarried (1901). WILLIAM CLARK GREENLEE enlisted in the Federal army, August 8, 1862, and served as Orderly Sergeant of Company B, 13th West Virginia Volunteers until November, 1864, when he was commissioned Captain of the same company at the age of twenty-two — the youngest captain in the service of the state. He participated in the battles of Hurricane Bridge, Buffington's Island, Lynchburg, both battles at Winchester, Berrtsville, Bolivar Heights, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek. He was confined to the hospital once for a period of six weeks. He was mustered out of the service at Wheeling, West Virginia, June 22, 1865, and returned home to engage in agricultural pur- suits. Later he became the proprietor of a flouring mill at Leon, West Vir- ginia. In 1866 he was elected Treasurer of Cologne district ; in 1880 County Commissioner, drawing the four year term ; and in 1885 was appointed Deputy Sheriff, in which capacity he served for twelve years. In religion, he was a Presbyterian. 87. T.linT.A ANN fi-P'RF.NT.'R'R 5 f Morgan Greenlee ' Morris Greenlee ' John Greenlee = 1jJ!i11jA AJ^in Ultririnijrir. ) Ellza J. Greenlee Nancy E. Kimberling Jane Reynolds William Greenlee ' I daughter of Morgan Greenlee and Eliza Jane Greenlee,. was born February 29, 1844 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; died August 2, 1873; married THOMAS T. FENIMORE, born August 20, 1837. CHILDREN : 179. I. George Fenimore, born October 5, 1861 ; lives at Allerton, Iowa. 180. II. Laura Fenimore, born March 5, 1863; married Henry T. Hartley.-(- 181. III. Hannah Fenimore, born ilarch 15, 1866; married King; lives at Ehnwood, West Virginia. 88. MARY ELIZABETH GREENLEE ^ I Morgan Greenlee ' Morris Greenlee » I Eliza J. Greenlee Nancy E. Kimberling John Greenlee = William Greenlee ' ) Jane Reynolds / daughter of Morgan Greenlee and Eliza Jane Greenlee, was bom June 4, 1846 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia ; died October 14, 1890 at Allerton, Wayne Co., Iowa; married FRENCH L. NELSON, who was bom in Indiana, son of William Arbuckle Nelson and Nancy Jane Greenlee [No. 26] . He is a carpen- ter; in politics, Republican; in religion. Baptist. 414 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: 182. I. William Nelson ; married Cora Martin. 183. II. Mina Nelson, born at Cambria, Iowa; lives at Allerton; is a teacher ; unmarried (1901). 184. ni. Edward Nelson. 185. IV. Morgan Nelson. 186. V. Otto Nelson. 187. VI. George Nelson. 188. VII. Otis Nelson ; dead. 189. Vm. Vernon Nelson. TniTW TWr n'RF'K'NnP.lP. ^ f Morgan Greenlee * Morris Greenlee • John Greenlee • dUaXI m.. UXUiXinijXiXi | EUza J. Greenlee Nancy E. Klmberllng Jane Reynolds William Greenlee ' ) son of Morgan Greenlee and Eliza Jane Greenlee, was bom September 29, 1848 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia ; married October 7, 1869 at Leon, LURETTA SULLIVAN, bom August 5, 1853 at Leon, daughter of William Sullivan and Rachel Thornton ; farmer ; Republican ; Baptist ; resides at Allerton, Iowa. CHILDREN : 190. I. Clarence Marshall, bom July 18, 1870; married Minnie B. Widdup.+ 191. n. Lona, born December 11, 1871; married George Everett Van Matre.+ 192. III. French, born September 29, 1873; married Dora Colman. 193. IV. Walter, bom November 1, 1875 ; unmarried. 194. V. William Jlorgan, bom November 8, 1877; married Carrie Jenson. JOHN M. GREENLEE enlisted in 1863 in Company G, 13th Regt. in West Virginia ; served till the close of the war ; was in the Lynchburg raid ; also in ten hard fought battles under General Hays. 90. HARRIET GREENT.'EE 5 f Morgan Greenlee « Morris Greenlee • John Greenlee » fiAAAXxix VTAiiiJJiixjXiXi | EUza J. Greenlee Nancy E. Kimberling Jane Reynolds William Greenlee i 1 daughter of Morgan Greenlee and Eliza Jane Greenlee, was bom March 1, 1850 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; married December 5, 1867 at Leon, Iowa, WILLIAM A. FERGUSON, bom April 23, 1848 at Buffalo, Putnam Co., West Virginia, son of Ferguson and Rebecca Gividian. He is a car- penter ; in politics. Republican ; in religion, Baptist ; resides at Leon, West Vir- ginia. He was a soldier in the civil war. M WILLIAJVI OP WEST VIRGINIA. 415 CHILDREN: 195. I. Effa Savannah Ferguson, bom June 1, 1869 ; married Ira E. Cher- rington.+ 196. n. Mina Ferguson, born October 4, 1870 ; married Dr. D. A. Sayre.-f- 197. III. Minnie Ferguson, bom October 4, 1870; married Emory Green; Lives at Red House, West Virginia. 198. IV. Jennetta Ferguson, bom June 17, 1872; married R. F. Sayre.+ 199. V. Orville Orion Ferguson, bom July 3, 1878; lives at Parkersburg, West Virginia. 200. VI. Rose Evelyn Ferguson, bom November 16, 1883; lives at Galli- polis, Ohio. 201. Vll. Claride Cecil Ferguson, bom November 17, 1887; lives at Leon, West Virginia. 91. FLORA 6RJ1ENLEE ' / Morgan Greenlee ♦ Morris Greenlee » John Greenlee • x^vMo. v.xuj.ux^x^xj.u t Bll«a J. Greenlee Nancy E.Klmberllng Jane Eeynolds Wlllam Greenlee ' ) daughter of Morgan Greenlee and Eliza Jane Greenlee, was bom May 5, 1853 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; married February 29, 1871 at Leon, West Virginia, HENRY SULLIVAN, bom September 10, 1852 at Leon, West Vir- ginia, son of William Sullivan and Rachel Thornton. He is a farmer ; Republi- can ; Baptist ; resided at Point Pleasant, West Virginia. CHILDREN: Ada Sullivan, born January 10, 1873 ; married H. T. Calhoun. Bessie L. Sullivan, born Jime 25, 1875 ; married James Carr. Sallie J. Sullivan, born Febmary 22, 1879. Warren Sullivan, bom December 24, 1882. Norma L. Sullivan, bom August 10, 1891. 94. ANDREW MORGAN GREENLEE 5 | Jf,°''saa Greenlee ♦ Morris Greenlee » I Eliza J. Greenlee Nancy E. Kimberllng John Greenlee ' William Greenlee ' 1 Jane Reynolds / son of Morgan Greenlee and Eliza Jane Greenlee, was bom April 23, 1858 ; died July 10, 1900 ; married MISSOURI PICKENS. 202. I. 203. II. 204. m. 205. IV. 206. V. Children ; all live at Leon, West Virginia : 207. I. Otmer. 208. n. Guy. 209. in. Truman. 416 GKEEXLEE GENEALOGY. 96. ATTflli'. nPP.'R'NT 'RP. 5 f Morgan Greenlee ' Morris Greenlee ^ John Greenlee = AXjxv/fj vijv£jijxiij*jju I j,jj^jj J Qreenlee Nancy E. Kimberling Jane Reynolds William Greenlee ' t daughter of Morgan Greenlee and Eliza Jane Greenlee, was born jMay 11, 1861 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia ; married about 1886 at Leon, WILLIA]\I J. MAKTIN, -who was born in 1859 at Pt. Pleasant, Mason Co., "West Virginia, son of Martin. He is K. & M. Roadmaster ; in politics, Republican ; in religion. Baptist; resides at Leon. CHILDREN: 210. I. Bertha Martin, born May 12, 1887. 211. II. Gertrude Martin, born September 6, 1891. 97. ■WTfTTAPTI fiP'li'.'R'NT.Ti'.li'. 5 f Morgan Greenlee * Morris Greenlee ' John Greenlee • WiliijAiUJ U±tJ!iJ!iJNljJ!.J!. I Elizi J. Greenlee Nancy E. Kiml^rling Jane Reynolds William Greenlee ' } son of Morgan Greenlee and Eliza Jane Greenlee, was bom April 7, 1863 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia ; married June 10, 1885, LAURA DUFF, bom October 4, 1866 at Leon, West Virginia, daughter of William Duff and Martha Grant; farmer; Prohibitionist; in religion, United Brethren; resides at Leon. CHILDREN : 212. I. Willard Vance, born March 20, 1891. 213. II. Aubrey, born March 13, 1892. 214. III. Daisy Maybell Florest, born May 28, 1893. 215. IV. Dwight L., born January 5, 1897. 98. NANCY MARGARET GREENLEE « { ^.l^fi' g^Slll * K'gmmSlr'iing John Greenlee ^ William Greenlee ' \ Jane Reynolds J daughter of Morgan Greenlee and Eliza Jane Greenlee, was born November 6, 1865 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia ; married December 25, 1895 in Mason Co., West Virginia, JOHN L. STONE, born October 11, 1871 at Charles- ton, West Virginia, son of Hiram Stone and Nancy Ellen Martin. His occupa- tion is railroading; politics, Democrat; religion. Baptist; resides at Kenova, West Virginia. She was a schoolteacher for two years. CHILDREN : 216. I. Lucille Eizabeth Stone, bom December 9. 1896. 217. II. Kenneth Lue Stone, born September 16. 1898. 218. III. George Washington Stone, born Jime 22, 1900. WILLIAM OF WEST VIRGINIA. 417 101. EOZILLA PRISCILLA GREENLEE » ( Lewis L. Oreenlee • Morris Greenlee » Hannah M. Ferrell Nancy E. Kimberllng William Greenlee ' I Jane Reynolds John Gre«nlee • William Greenlee ' ) 219. I. 220. n. 221. in 222. IV. 223. V. 224 VI. 225. VII. daughter of Lewis Leonidaa Greenlee and Hannah Maria Ferrell, was born January 21, 1859 near Saxon, Wayne Co., Iowa ; married June 14, 1882 in Wayne Co., Iowa, CHARLES CLINTON THOMPSON, born January 6, 1858, son of Joseph 0. Thompson and Nancy . He is a farmer; in politics, Democrat; in religion. Baptist; resides at Saxon, Iowa. CHILDREN : Joseph W. Thompson, born March 22, 1883 ; died August 14, 1883. Merle M. Thompson, :\rareh 18, 1884. Nancy F. Thompson, born October 14, 1885. Carrie M. Thompson, born November 24, 1886. Lula E. Thompson, born April 10, 1889. Lewis L. Thompson, born September 22, 1890. Julius C. Thompson, born September 21, 1895. 102. JOHN MORRIS GREENLEE ^ / Lewis L. Greenlee « Morris Greenlee » uwxixi J.UVAAXO vTAjujuxixjxjfi \ Hannah M. Ferrell Nancy E. Kimberllng John Greenlee ^ Wiilijim Greenlee ' 1 Jane Reynolds / son of Lewis Leonidas Greenlee and Hannah JIaria Ferrell, was born January 27, 1860 near Saxon, Wayne Co., Iowa ; married July 7, 1881 at Harvard, Wayne Co., Iowa, FLORENCE MELVINA CHAPMAN, born June 1, 1865 at Corydon, Wayne Co., Iowa, daughter of Henry F. Chapman and Jane Ringler. CHILDREN: 226. I. Cora Edith, bom January 18, 1883. 227. II. Dora Viola, born June 10, 1886. 228. III. Jessie Owen, born March 20, 1890 ; died September 3, 1890. 229. IV. Oscea Opal, born April 20, 1893. 230. V. Perry Perca, bom January 4, 1895. JOHN MORRIS GREENLEE started out for himself when he was about twenty-one years of age. He engaged in farming in Iowa for seven years, then followed the same pursuit in western Kansas for three years. After this he went into business in Blakeman, Kansas, and after spending eight years there, he spent one year in Riley, Kansas, then accepted a position as salesman and collector for a firm in Kansas City and spent eighteen months travelling. He afterward went to Colorado where he is operating in gold mines. He is a Democrat; Baptist; resides at Eldora, Colorado. 37 418 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 103. CHARLES WILLIAM GREENLEE » {li^^lf,^ ^Te^r'^ell' ^aTc'/f.Ti^nlSr'ling John Greenlee - William Greenlee ^ ) Jane Reynolds > SOD of Lewis Leonidas Greenlee and Hannah Maria Ferrell, was born March 14, 1861 near Saxon, Wayne Co., Iowa; married October 1#, 1884 near Riley, Riley Co., Kansas, ROSETTA WALTERS, born in Riley Co.. Kansas, daughter of Daniel Walters; farmer; Baptist. 105. li'.'nWA'R'n WARREN GREENLEE B f Lewis L. Greenlee * Morris Greenlee " XiUVtAKU WAKrJ:(.J!in VzltXiXjnijriri 1 Hannah M. Ferrell Nancy E. Klmberllng John Greenlee ' William Greenlee ^ 1 Jane Reynolds / son of Lewis Leonidas Greenlee and Hannah Maria Ferrell, was born August 2, 1863 near Saxon, Wayne Co., Iowa ; married January 1, 1896 in Stephenson Co., Illinois, EMMA JANE CROCK who was born in Stephenson Co., Illinois, daughter of Reuben Crock and Elizabeth . He is a physician; Demo- crat ; Baptist. One child: 231. I. Elizabeth, born, 1898. 107. MARSHALL MAY GREENLEE » ( Lewis L. Greenlee « Morris Greenlee ' miiUOIlAljlj au\ X UXUiCiniirifi | Hannah M. Ferrell Nancy E. Klmberllng John Greenlee ' William Greenlee ^ 1 Jane Reynolds — i son of Lewis Leonidas Greenlee and Hannah Maria Ferrell, was born Novem- ber 22, 1865 at Corydon, Wayne Co., Iowa; married October 4, 1888 in Wayne Co., Iowa, IDA BELL SNOWDEN, born June 12, 1871 at Vermont, Fulton Co., Illinois, daughter of Simeon Snowden and Drusilla Dewitt ; farmer ; Democrat ; resides at Saxon, Iowa. CHILDREN: Minnie C, born July 16, 1889. Blanch L., bom September 12, 1891. Vina D., born December 17, 1895. Son, born November 21, 1898 ; died, 1898. Eva E., born March 27, 1899. 109. HARRIET fJAPPATOLTA GREENLEE B f Lewis L. Greenlee « Morris Greenlee » ilAKKUlil KjArrAlVlilA U-nriiijnijriri i Hannah M. Ferrell Nancy E. Kimberllng John Greenlee ' William Greenlee ^ 1 Jane Reynolds / daughter of Lewis Leonidas Greenlee and Hannah Maria Ferrell, was born March 17, 1868 in Wayne Co., Iowa; married December 24, 1896 in Wayne Co., 232. 1. 233. II. 234. III. 235. IV. 236. V. WILLIAM OF WEST VIRGINIA. 419 Iowa, WILLIAM ULYSSES CROCK, born in Stephenson Co., Illinois, son of Reuben Crock and Elizabeth . He is a Democrat; Baptist; resides at Saxon, Iowa. One child: 237. I. Reuben Leonidas Crock, born March 4, 1898. 110. 238. I. 239. II. 240. III. 241. IV. CAROLINE FLORA GREENLEE ^ I ^ewls L.Oreenlee « Morris Greenlee » t Hannah M. Ferrell Nancy E. Kimberllng Jobn Greenlee ' William Greenlee * 1 Jane Reynolds / daughter of Lewis Leonidas Greenlee and Hannah Maria Ferrell, was bom October 18, 1869 in Wayne Co., Iowa ; married February 4, 1892 in Wayne Co., Iowa, BENJAMIN ADISON HELT, born December 28, 1869 in Wayne Co., Iowa, son of George Helt and Rachel Bateman. He is a Democrat; Baptist; resides at Lewisburg, Wayne Co., Iowa. CHILDREN : Edna Ethel Helt, born June 12, 1893. Ina Chrome Helt, born November 22, 1894. George Leonidas Helt, born March 6, 1896 ; died July 23, 1897. Everett Rea Helt, born July 16, 1898. 112. POT.ANTJ T.F.'R ftTf'RTi'.NT.'P.li'. 5 (Lewis L. Greenlee • Morris Greenlee ^ John Greenlee B.\JUASMJ UCiZ, VrAfiJIinijiliJZi t Hannah M. Ferrell Nancy E. Kimberllng Jane Reynolds William Greenlee i 1 son of Lewis Leonidas Greenlee and Hannah Maria Ferrell, was born July 23, 1872 near Lewisburg, Wayne Co., Iowa; married March 6, 1895 near Lewis- burg, MALINDA ELLEN GUINN, born in Wayne Co., Iowa, daughter of Thomas Guinn and Emma, or Rachel, Daniels. He is a farmer; Democrat; Baptist; resides at Humeston, Iowa. One child : 242. I. Stella Marie, born July 16, 1896. 113. IRA NEWTON GREENLEE ^ -f Lewis L. Greenlee * Morris Greenlee ' [ Hannah M. Ferrell Nancy E. Kimberllng William Greenlee 1 \ Jane Reynolds John Greenlee - William Greenlee ' 1 son of Lewis Leonidas Greenlee and Hannah Maria Ferrell, was bom June 17, 1874 near Saxon, Wayne Co., Iowa; married January 22, 1896 at Big Springs, 420 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Wayne Co., Iowa, PRANCES ELLEN CONWELL, born in Clark Co., Iowa, daughter of Lot Conwell and Mary Jane . He is a farmer ; Democrat ; Baptist; resides at Saxon, Iowa. CHILDREN: 243. I. Brent Greenwood, born February 9, 1897. 244. II. Harley Earle, born December 30, 1898. 117. WAWnV AT.TfiF. 'RTNAPTIS f Ann Greenlee * Morris Greenlee » John Greenlee » MAni/X aXjXVJH AxnAAX/ t Samuel K. Rinard Nancy E. Klmberllng Jane Reynolds William Greenlee ' t daughter of Ann Greenlee and Samuel Kelso Rinard, was born October 5, 1859 at Cambria, Wayne Co., Iowa ; married THOMAS EDWARD GARTON, born September 18, 1853 at Cambria, son of Allen D. Garton and Caroline Kimber- lin. He is a farmer ; Democrat ; Baptist ; resides at Cambria, Iowa. CHILDREN : Granville D. Garton, born July 11, 1880. Alva E. Garton, born October 9, 1882. Claude C. Garton, bom October 12, 1885. Edith A. Garton, born February 3, 1888. Lester R. Garton, born February 19, 1890. Bertha B. Garton, born September 15, 1892. Lura E. Garton, born July 26, 1895. Henry R. Garton, born January 15, 1899. 118, HANNAH JANE RINARD 5 1 1"" Greenlee Morris Greenlee ' John Greenlee » I Samuel K. Rinard Nancy E. Kimberllng Jane Reynolds William Greenlee ' \ daughter of Ann Greenlee and Samuel Kelso Rinard, was bom January 14, 1861 ; deceased ; married ELLSWORTH E. DENT. He is a merchant ; resides at Corydon, Iowa. Children, three: 253. I. Myrtle Dent, born about 1887. She is the only one living. 119. JOHN MORRIS RINARD S I -^i" Greenlee * Morris Greenlee ' John Greenlee = uvj.t.1.^ ±TxvAAj.» n,xx^AA±y 1 Samuel K. Rinard Nancy E. Klmberllng Jane Reynolds WlUam Greenlee ' 1 son of Ann Greenlee and Samuel Kelso Rinard, was bom May 18, 1863 at Cambria, Wayne Co., Iowa; married April 5, 1893 at Lacrew, Lee Co., Iowa, 245. I. 246. II. 247. III. 248. IV. 249. V. 250. VI. 251. VII. 252. VIII. No. V.G. WILLIAM J. MAUTIN AND FAMILY. LEON, W. VA. No. 130. ROSA ISABELLA fiREEN- LEE RAMSEY. No. 1.32. GRACE GREENLEE BENNING [In center, other.s not Greenlees.] WILLIAM OP WEST VIRGINIA. 421 NORA A. HOLLAND, born April 27, 1873 at Lacrew, Iowa, daughter of Charles B. Holland and Mary Jane Saxe; farmer and photographer; Republi- can; Presbyterian; resides at Clearfield, Iowa. CHILDREN : 254. I. RoUand Shelton Rinard, born June 7, 1894. 255. II. Erma Luella Rinard, bom May 12, 1897. 122. EFFIE GREENUIE 6 /Morris Greenlee * Morris Greenlee ' John Greenlee = " vTivAjijiiiMjij t Rebecca Lowder Nancy E. Klmberling Jane Reynolds William Greenlee i t daughter of Morris Greenlee and Rebecca Lowder, was born May 27, 1867 at Corydon, Wayne Co., Iowa ; married November 25, 1887 at Corydon, EDWARD MIDDLEBROOK, born July 24, 1861, or 1862 at New York City, son of Ed. Middlebrook and Alice Noble. He is a stock raiser; Republican; Methodist; resides at Nampa, Idaho. CHILDREN : 256. I. Laverna Middlebrook, born August 26, 1891. 257. II. Fred Middlebrook, born February 20, 1893. 258. in. Iris Delphine Middlebrook, born April 11, 1899. 130. EOSA ISABELLA GREENLEE » {J°^°p^i,>^B?-,'"-* '^"aXT^^i^rr'u John Greenlee ' William Greenlee ' ) Jane Reynolds / daughter of John Carrol Morris Greenlee and Josephine Brack, was born August 6, 1870 near Des Moines, Iowa ; married July 24, 1890 at Harlan, Shelby Co., Iowa, ROBERT D. RAMSEY, born October 22, 1865 near Iowa City, Iowa, son of William Ramsey and Nancy A. Brown. He is an engineer; Democrat; resides at Portsmouth, Iowa. CHILDREN : 259. I. Harold Beryl Ramsey, born November 14, 1892 ; died March 7, 1893. 260. II. Xenia Orba Ramsey, born March 18, 1894. 261. in. Helen Josephine Ramsey, bom June 16, 1899. 132. GRACE MARIA GREENLEE* (John cm. Greenlee' John Greenlee « I Josephine Brack Pantha J. Morris John Geenlee = William Greenlee ' 1 Jane Reynolds f daughter of John Carrol Morris Greenlee and Josephine Brack, was bom August 27, 1873 at "Van Metre, Iowa; married October 18, 1893 at Harlan, 422 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Iowa, ALBERT BENNING, born November 20, 1868 at Cleveland, Ohio, son of John Benning and Sophia Polker. He is a farmer ; Republican ; Methodist Episcopal ; resides at Harlan, Iowa. CHILDREN: 262. I. Freda Marie Benning, born February 13, 1895; died January 28, 1897. 263. II. Ruth Benning, born August 17, 1896 ; died August 29, 1896. 264. III. Donald Dale Benning, born February 24, 1898. 136. TVTAPTTTA ftP'RTi'.NT Ti'.'R 5 ( Lewis Greenlee ' Edward Greenlee ' Edward Greenlee ' ITIAAXXXA vmj:i£ii.i±j£ixj \ Mary L. Thornton Margaret Holdway Hannah Greenlee William Grenlee i } daughter of Lewis Greenlee and Mary Lovel Thornton, was bom September 30, 1851 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; married October 5, 1871 at Leon, West Virginia, W. P. SMITH born August 11, 1843, son of Henry Smith and Rachel Gordon. He is a farmer ; Whig ; Presbyterian ; resides at Leon, Iowa. CHILDREN: William C. Smith, born August 2, 1873. Everett E. Smith ,born June 22, 1877. Honer H. Smith, born March 1, 1881. Sarah Smith, born June 28, 1886. Cora B. Smith, born December 25, 1893. 265. I. 266. n. 267. III. 268. IV. 269. V. William Greenlee ' } 137. alee * Mary L. Thornton Margaret Holdway Hannah Greenlee CLABORN GREEiNLEEj ^ I Lewis Greenlee ' Edward Greenlee ' Edward Greenlee son of Lewis Greenlee and Mary Lovel Thornton, was born January 11, 1852 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; married December 21, 1881 at Leon, West Virginia, MARIA KLMBERLING, born December 10, 1854 at Buffalo, Mason Co., West Virginia, daughter of Elisha Kimberling and Sarah Henley. He is a farmer ; Republican ; Baptist ; resides at Arbuckle, Mason Co., West Virginia. CHILDREN : Annie Eliza, born March 19, 1883. Mace, born May 21, 1884. Ira Moss, bom March 24, 1886. Amytis Grace, born May 14, 1888. Bettie Ann, born November 30, 1890. Lewis Reeee, born May 29, 1893. 276. VII. Leonidas Virgil, born April 29, 1896. 277. VIII. Edgar Thane, born August 17, 1899. 270. I. 271. II. 272. III. 273. IV. 274. V. 275. VI. WILLIAM OF WEST VIRGINIA. 423 138. 278. I. 279. II. 280. III. 281. IV. THORNTON EDWARD GREENLEE « { Ji^^^ «--'-;„ SiTJ^^'ePS'^U Edward Greenlee - William Greenlee '■ \ Hannah Greenlee / son of Lewis Greenlee and Mary Lovel Thornton, was born May 22, 1853 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; married November 30, 1876 at Red House, Putnam Co., West Virginia, MIRIAM M. GOOD, bom December 21, 1855, or 1857 at Red House, daughter of George Good and Nancy Harmon; farmer; Democrat ; Baptist ; resides at Arbuckle, West Virginia. CHILDREN : Eva Blanch, born November 5, 1877. George, born October 30, 1880. William, born June 26, 1882, or 1883. Martha, born May 26, 1889. 139. MARGARET E. GREENLEE « { ^IT^^-'-^^^o'rlfton SiTla^r'et^Td'^i; Edward Greenlee ' Wiliam Greenlee ^ ) Hannah Greenlee ) daughter of Lewis Greenlee and Mary Lovel Thornton, was born February 4, 1885 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; married November 15, 1885, HARRI- SON BENNETT, bom July 31, 1845 in Pittsylvania Co., Virginia, son of Mc- Cager Bennett and Ann Bayes. He is a farmer; Republican; Baptist; resides at Arbuckle, Mason Co., West Virginia. One child: 282. I. Charles C. Bennett, born March 6, 1888. 180. T ATTT> A ■pii'.NnVrm?!''. 6 f Lena a. Greenlee " Morgan Greenlee ♦ Morris Greenlee ' ±inuAA £jj»xxuvAjj \Thomasl)'. Fenimore Eliza J. Greenlee Nancy B. Kimberling .lohn Greenlee - William Greenlee ^ \ Jane Reynolds J daughter of Lelia Ann Greenlee and Thomas T. Fenimore, was bom May 5, 1863 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; married May 12, 1889, HENRY T. HARTLEY, born September 14, 1864 at Cottageville, Jackson Co., West Vir- ginia, son of Thomas Hartley and Lydia Tomlinson. He is a farmer ; Republi- can ; in religion, United Brethren ; resides at Huntsville, West Virginia. CHILDREN: 283. I. Lucy Hartley, born October 5, 1889. 284. II. Ruth Hartley, born December 17, 1894. 285. III. Edna Hartley, born November 18, 1897. 424 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 190. CLARENCE MARSHALL, GREENLEE « { [^u^.^tti fu7,!°ilf ' Mil^x GrelSill ' Morris Greenlee ' John Greenlee => William Greenlee i \ Nancy E. Kimberling Jane Reynolds ) son of John M. Greenlee and Luretta Sullivan, was bom July 18, 1870 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; married March 19, 1891 at Allerton, Wayne Co., Iowa, MINNIE B. WIDDUP, born December 25, 1864 in Morgan Co., Illinois, daughter of Thomas Widdup and Martha Lumsden ; resides at Clio, Iowa. CHILDREN: 286. I. Gertie Virgil, born March 29, 1892. 287. n. Emery Alfred, bom April 1, 1894. 288. m. Dewey Waldo, bom March 1, 1898. 289. IV. Lawrence, bom December 8, 1899. 191. TAVA n'RTP.Ti'.'NT Tmr. 6 f John M. Greenlee ' Morgran Greenlee * Morris Greenlee' IjUXIA urxt,xjiJi.ixjxi£i t Luretta Sullivan Eliza J. Greenlee Nancy E. Kimberling John Greenlee ^ William Greenlee ^ ) Jane Reynolds I daughter of John M. Greenlee and Luretta Sullivan, was bom December 11, 1871 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia ; married December 23, 1893 at AUer- ton, Wayne Co., Iowa, GEORGE EVERETT VAN MATRE, bom November 29, 1870 at West Columbia, Mason Co., West Virginia, son of Perry Van Matre and Delila Grinn ; school teacher ; Baptist ; resides at Clio, Wayne Co., Iowa. 195. EFFA SAVANNAH FERGUSON" {^srH^Lfe^^'r MS^fj" gJIISUr Morris Greenlee ' John Greenlee - William Greenlee ' 1 Nancy E. Kimberling Jane Reynolds / daughter of Harriet Greenlee and William A. Ferguson, was bom June 1, 1869 , married IRA E. CHERRINGTON. His occupation is timbering; residence, GaUipolis, Ohio. One child: 290. I. Edison I. Cherrington. . 196. MINA FERGUSON * / Harriet Greenlee » Morgan Greenlee * Morris Greenlee • <.uuixi. u..uAvv'vj.i \ William Ferguson Eliza J. Greenlee Nancy E. Kimberling John Greenlee ' William Greenlee ' 1 Jane Reynolds J daughter of Harriet Greenlee and William Ferguson, was bom October 4, 1870; married D. A. SATRE. He is a physician; resides at New Haven, West Vir- ginia. 4 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM GREENLEE OF WEST VIEGINIA. WILLIAM GREENLEE,' probably brother of Edward of West Virginia ; mar- ried . CHILDREN : 2. I. John; married Jane Reynolds. + 3. II. Edward, born September 8, 1761; married ; married second Hannah Greenlee. + 4. III. Jane ; married Reynolds ; married second Anderson. -|- 5. IV. Frank. (?) JOHN GREENLEE,* son of William Greenlee, was born in Ireland; married in 1788, JANE REYNOLDS ; farmer and blacksmith. CHILDREN : Morris, born August 6, 1790 ; married Nancy E. Kimberling.+ Hamilton ; married Frances Prewett.+ John, born November 4, 1803 ; married Pantha Jane Morris.-t- Mortimer; died unmarried. William ; died unmarried. Jane (or Nancy) ; married Michael Seay. She removed with her family, being then a widow, to Marion County, Illinois, at the time of early settlement of that state. Her descendants are numerous in that locality. 6. I. 7. II. 8. III. 9. IV. 10. V. 11. VI. EDWARD GREENLEE,^ son af William Greenlee, was bom September 8, 1761 in Ireland ; died August 23, 1839 ; married ; married second, HANNAH GREENLEE [No. 18, Descendants of Edward of West Virginia] who was born August 26, 1773, died August 2, 1849, or February 23, 1865, in Mason Co., West Virginia, daughter of Edward Greenlee and Anna Henry. 399 400 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : David. William. Samuel, born September 20, 1793, or 1792; married Elizabeth Kimberling.-(- Anna, born January 4, 1795; married Robert Johnson.+ Alexander, born March 28, 1798. Edward, born January 10, 1801 ; married Margaret Holdway ; mar- ried second Grass. + James, born January 1, 1803, or 1800; married Emily Hart.4- Robert, born November 10, 1805; unmarried. Francis, born October 29, 1808; married Ellen V. Stephenson. + Eastham ("Esom"), born January 12, 1811; unmarried. Rachel, bom August 26, 1813 ; married James Shields.4- EDWARD GREENLEE came from Ireland (or Scotland) when only five years of age and lived in Botetourt County, Virginia ; removed from that part of the state to the western part of the same state, now West Virginia, at an early day and settled in Mason County. He had two brothers, John and Frank, all of them pilots on the Great Kanawha — said to have been the best pilots that ever made the run from Charleston to Cincinnati. He was in the Revolutionary war and stood vrithin a short distance when Comwallis surrendered [October 19, 1781]. 4. JANE GREENLEE,^ daughter of William Greenlee, was bom in Ireland ; died at the Salines, Kanawha Creek, just above Charleston, West Virginia ; married REYNOLDS ; married second ANDERSON. 12. I. 13. II. 14. III. 15. IV. 16. V. 17. VI. 18. vn. 19. vin. 20. IX. 21. X. 22. XL CHILDREN: 23. I. Eliza Reynolds. 24. n. Charles Reynolds. 25. m. Ann Reynolds. MORRIS GREENLEE 3 (JohnGreenlee= William Greenlee ' 1 1 Jane Reynolds i son of John Greenlee and Jane Reynolds, was born August 6, 1790 in Botetourt Co., Virginia ; died in the spring of 1861, or 1864, at AUerton, Wayne Co., Iowa and was buried in the Cambria cemetery ; married in 1810 at Arbuckle, Mason Co., West Virginia, MISS NANCY E. KIMBERLING, born in 1791 at Arbuckle, West Virginia, or in Bath Co., Virginia, died in the faU of 1868 at Allerton, Iowa and was buried in Cambria. He was a farmer ; in politics Whig ; Demo- crat; in religion, Baptist; moved to Mason Co., West Virginia and resided there until 1856 when they removed to Wayne Co., Iowa. WILLIAir OF WEST VIRGINIA. 401 CHILDREN : 26. I. Nancy Jane, born November 20, 1811; married "William Arbuckle Nelson. + 27. II. Eliza, born December 21, 1813; married William Sullivan. + 28. III. Clark, born December 28, 1816; married Day; married second Angaby Bums.+ 29. IV. Morgan, born May 14, 1819 ; married Eliza Jane Greenlee ; married second Mrs. ]\Ielissa Louden. + 30. V. Lewis Leonidas, born August 24, 1821 ; married Permelia Sayers ; married second Frances Johnson ; married third Hannah Maria FerreU.4- "^ 31 VI. Harriet, b { Mary Gllmour — Margaiet Ewing / ion of Thomas Greenlees and Mary Gilmour, was bom August 1, 1857 at Loch- winnoch, Renfrewshire, Scotland; died at Okeldon, British Guiana; married June 13, 1883, EMILY CROSKERY, born March 26, 1865 at Kingston, Jamaica, daughter of Hugh Croskery and Sophia Hall ; resided at Patrick, Scotland. Son: I. John L., born February 22, 1886. 13. ■nTTTTTATl/T fITJ'P.'IPNT IP.'RR f Thomas Greenlees David Greenlees David Greenlees ', WXljljlillU UArifiDljXiriO tMaryGilmour Margaret Ewing / son of Thomas Greenlees and Mary Gilmour, was bom August 31, 1859 at Lochwinnoch, Renfrewshire, Scotland ; married May 16, 1894 at Fordham, New York, ISABELLE LAWRENCE, born January 20, 1865 at Fordham, daugh- ter of Benjamin Horton Lawrence and Adeline Lily. CHILDREN : I. Child, bom March 1, 1896; died. II. Marion Isabelle, born February 17, 1898. WILLIAM GREENLEES went to Lochwinnoch parish school until he was fourteen years of age, then he spent two years on the farm with his father. After this he learned the trade of joiner and worked at that in various places until April 3, 1885, when he sailed for New York. Here he worked at his trade until July 1, 1889, when he started in business for himself, as carpenter and builder. SCOTCH FAMILIES. 431 14. l»ftT*'S"'P'P n.TJ'S''Ii''MT PIP*! f Thomas Greenlees Robert Greenlees David Greenlecs ) KUSXiAX UlVCiXiXIUXiilii} t Elizabeth Morrison Janet Connell Margaret Bwlng / son of Thomas Greenlees and Elizabeth Morrison, was born April 3, 1843 at Lochwinnoch, Renfrewshire, Scotland; married March 10, 1868 at Glasgow, Scotland, ANN ANDERSON, born October 16, 1844 at Glasgow, daughter of William Anderson and Jane White. He is a farmer ; in politics, Conservative ; resided at East Cornhill Farm, Bishopbriggs, Glasgow, Scotland. CHILDREN : I. Robert, born May 17, 1870. II. Thomas, born September 14, 1871. III. William Anderson, born May 28, 1873. IV. David Anderson, born August 4, 1875. V. Jane White, born June 20, 1877. VI. Ann Anderson, born June 14, 1881. 15. THOMAS OR'P.P.NT.F.FS f Thomas Greenlees Robert Greenlees David Greenlees 1 AfLvxuAO u-Afixixi^jfujo j Elizabeth Morrison Janet Connell Margaret Ewing J son of Thomas Greenlees and Elizabeth Morrison, was born December 5, 1855 at Lochwinnoch, Renfrewshire, Scotland; married June 3, 1886 at Busby, Renfrewshire, Scotland, MARY RUSSELL, born July 10, 1862 at Patterton; died July 28, 1892, daughter of Allen Russell and Mary Ramsey; married second September 13, 1894, MARGARET McDONALD LOCHHEAD, daugh- ter of James Lochhead and Margaret Craig ; in politics, Conservative ; resided at Glasgow, Scotland. CHILDREN : I. Thomas, born February 25, 1889. n, Allen, born December 14, 1890. III. May Ramsey, born July 13, 1892. IV. Margaret Craig, bom August 11, 1897. V. James Lochhead, born November 15, 1899. 16. ROBERT GRIiEiNliEjEiS i Wllliam Oreenlees Robert Greenlees David Greenlees (Mary Middlemas Janet Conwell David Greenlees ) Margaret Ewing J son of William Greenlees and Mary Middlemas, was bom October 8, 1845 at Lochwinnoch, Renfrewshire, Scotland; -married MARY McMILLAN, bom December, 1842 at Flat P. E. Kilbride, Renfrewshire, Scotland, died March, 188 — at Roodhead, Renfrewshire, Scotland, daughter of Alexander McMillan and Grace McUbbin. He is a lime merchant; in politics. Liberal; resides at Newhouse, Lochwinnoch, Scotland. 432 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: I. Mary, born June, 1869; died. II. William, born March, 1872 ; died. 17. GAVIN GREENLEES was born in 1769 at Southend, Argyleshire, Scotland; died December 31, 1846 at Glasgow, Scotland; married MARTHA WILSON, bom in 1784 at Southend, died August 27, 1855 at Glasgow. He was a cooper ; resided at Campbeltown and Glasgow. CHILDREN: I. John, born December 20, 1804. n. Martha, bom December 20, 1807. HI. George, born March 14, 1810. IV. William, born June 2, 1813. V. Mary Ann, born July 4, 1817 ; died unmarried. VI. James, born October 2, 1818. Vn. Agnes, bom May 14, 1819. 18. Vni. Gavin, bom August 12, 1823 ; married Jane Gossman.+ IX. Thomas. 18. GAVIN GREENLEES, son of Gavin Greenlees and Martha Wilson, was bom August 12, 1823 at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland; married July 5, 1849 at Glasgow, Scotland, JANE GOSSMAN, bom May 12, 1820 at Dunfermline, Fifeshire, Scotland, died February 24, 1895 at Glasgow, daughter of Richard Gossman and Jane Kirk; resided at Glasgow. CHILDREN: I. Jane, born June 17, 1852; married October 8, 1886, John Kennedy; lives at Glasgow. II. Gavin, born April 7, 1854; died April 13, 1860. m. Robert Richard, born October 23, 1857; married July 11, 1888, Helen Geddes Smith ; lives at Glasgow. IV. Clara, born September 21, 1859. V. Catharine Gossman, born April 16, 1861; died April 17, 1869. 19. HUGH GREENLEES was born in Scotland; died March 9, 1863 at Palmer, Washington Co., Ohio; married ANN HARVEY, daughter of Harvey and Johnson ; farmer ; in politics, Whig ; in religion, Presbyterian. SCOTCH FAMILIES. 433 CHILDREN : 20. I. John, born June 4, 1818; married Elizabeth Fullerton.-f- 21. n. Robert, born December 11, 1821 ; married Agnes McFarland.+ m. Ann; married Daniel McQuaig, or McQuid. rV. Janet; married Robert Dunlop. V. Catherine; married Duncan Drain. VI. Hugh; married Vesta Bell. Vn. Mary. VIU. James. IX. Nancy; married Edward Breckenridge. X. Martha. XT. Margaret. 20. JOHN GREENLEES, son of Hugh Greenlees and Ann Harvey, was born June 4, 1818 at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland; died May 13, 1847 at Barlow, Washington Co., Ohio ; married June 11, 1846 at Barlow, Ohio, ELIZA- BETH FULLERTON, born March 10, 1818 at Campbeltown, Scotland, died September 1, 1896 at Barlow, Ohio, daughter of James Fullerton and Elizabeth Fleming. He was a farmer; in politics, Whig; in religion, Presbyterian; re- sided at Barlow, Ohio. One child: 22. I. John Fullerton, bom May 28, 1847 ; married Hannah S. Fleming.-f 21. ROBERT GREENLEES, son of Hugh Greenlees and Ann Harvey, was bom December 11, 1821 in Argyleshire, Scotland ; married August 30, 1841 at Bar- low, Washington Co., Ohio, AGNES McFARLAND, who died December 2, 1854 at Barlow, daughter of Walter McFarland and Janet Reed; farmer; Re- publican ; Presbyterian ; resided in Palmer Township, Washington Co., Ohio. CHILDREN: I. Mary Ann, born October 20, 1848 ; married Andrew Ferguson, n. Janet, born March 3, 1850; married John Milligan. 23. HI. Harvey H., born August 13, 1852; married Lydia J. Green.-f- rV. Walter, bom August 14, 1854. JOHN FULLERTON GREENLEES {ifr,g\l^l%%,,,, ZI^'hT/.T'' } son of John Greenlees and Elizabeth Fullerton, was bom May 28, 1847 at Barlow, Washington Co., Ohio; married November 12, 1877 at Barlow, HAN- 434 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. NAH S. FLEMING, born June 1, 18— at Barlow, daughter of David P. Flem- ing and Sophia Bell ; farmer ; Republican ; Presbyterian ; resides at Barlow. CHILDREN: I. William Fleming, born October 2, 1878. II. David Raymond, bom October 24, 1881. III. Sophia Elizabeth, born September 29, 1886. 23. HARVEY H. GREENLEES { f^efM^c^ra^lrn^d fSnfAT'' } son of Robert Greenlees and Agnes McFarland, was born August 13, 1852 at Watertown, Washington Co., Ohio ; married October 25, 1877 at Barlow, Wash- ington Co., Ohio, LYDIA J. GREEN, born June 12, 1854 at Watertown, daugh- ter of William Green and Mary Lilley; farmer; Republican; Presbyterian; resides at Watertown. CHILDREN : I. Robert W., born October 14, 1878 ; married Mary Leget. II. Mary A., born July 14, 1881. III. James W., born September 3, 1883. 24. JAMES GREENLEES was bom at Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland; married MARY DICKSON. 25. CHILDREN: I. James ; died unmarried. II. John, bom August 6, 1861 ; married Marion Ferric Hodge.-|- III. George. IV. Hannah Agnes Lang. V. Alexander. VI. Robert. VII. William. VIII. Arthur. IX. Fred. X. David. XI. Ernest. XII. Harry. SCOTCH FAMILIES. 435 26. JOHN GREENLEES, son of James Greenlees and Mary Dickson, was bom August 6, 1861 at Glasgow, Scotland married June 16, 1887 at Gourock, Ren- frewshire, Scotland, MARION FERRIE HODGE, born October 13, 1866 at Glasgow, Scotland; shoe manufacturer; in politics, Liberal; resided at Mile- burn, Gourock, Scotland and Glasgow. CHILDREN: I. James, born August 18, 1888. II. Alfred Mitchell, born June 28, 1893. III. George Dickson, born September 15, 1894. 26. JAMES GREENLEES was bom in Argylshire, Scotland ; died near Campbel- town, Argyleshire, Scotland; married in Argyleshire, MARY CLARK, who died October 20, 1850 aged 86 at Argyle, Winnebago Co., Illinois; farmer; Presbyterian; resided near Campbeltown, Scotland. CHILDREN : I. Elizabeth; married John Clark; James Clark, a descendant lives in Canada. II. Martha; married Alexander McLain; a descendant, Peter McLain, lives in Scotland. III. Ellen; married William Ralston; a descendant, Mrs. Margaret Brown, lives at Rockford, Illinois. 27. IV. Peter, born in 1800; married Martha Ferguson.+ 27. PETER GREENLEES, son of James Greenlees and Mary Clark, was born in 1800 near Campbelto^vn, Argyleshire, Scotland; died in 1876 at Argyle, Win- nebago Co., Illinois; married in 1824 at Campbeltown, Scotland, MARTHA FERGUSON, who was born in 1797 or 1798 at Campbeltown, Scotland, died in 1863, daughter of James Ferguson and Mary Mitchell. He was a farmer; Republican; Presbyterian; resided near Campbeltown, Scotland and Argyle, Illinois. CHILDREN : I. Mary; died immarried May 30, 1877 aged 51 years. II. Agnes; died unmarried February 21, 1848 aged 20 years. 28. III. James, born September 8, 1829 ; married Margaret A. Picken.-|- 436 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. IV. Hugh; died unmarried July 10, 1864 aged 30 years. . V. Martha; married Archibald Smith; died April 7, 1897; daughter, May Smith, lives at Argyle, Illinois. VI. Peter; died unmarried, November 23, 1861 aged 23 years. VII. William; died unmarried, January 10, 1869 aged 28 years. PETER GREENLEE left Scotland for America in 1842, sailing on the Gleaner from Campbeltown, the first ocean vessel which ever left that port. They weighed anchor on the 4th of June and reached New York on the 4th of July. They went directly to Illinois by the most expeditious route then known, via river, canal and lakes to Chicago, thence with team to Winnebago County. In those early days they were compelled to haul their grain to Chi- cago, a distance of ninety miles, there selling or exchanging it for necessary provisions, clothing, lumber, etc. Although like all early settlers of the Scotch settlement, he was very poor, by hard work and economical methods he became the owner of three large farms, which are now owned by his sons. He helped organize and build the first school house in that part of the country, and was also interested in the founding of the Willow Creek Presbyterian Church. JAMES- 6REENLEES f Peter Greenlees James Greenlees 1 "^ ^■^''■"■""■"'-•^•' I Martha Ferguson Mary Clark J son of Peter Greenlees and Martha Ferguson, was born September 8, 1829 at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland ; married January 1, 1857 at Argyle, Win- nebago Co., Illinois, MARGARET A. PICKEN, born April 10, 1829 at Camp- beltown, daughter of David Picken and Marion Howie; farmer; Republican; Presbyterian ; resided at Argyle, Illinois. CHILDREN: 29. I. David P., born October 29, 1857 ; married Martha Ellen Greenlee.+ II. Peter, bom March 26, 1859; married Elizabeth A. Greenlee; re- sides at Argyle, Hlinois. 30. in. James, bom October 14, I860; married Elizabeth Greenlee.-|- rV. Martha, bom October 11, 1865. V. Margaret, born August 9, 1872. VI. Mary Agnes, born March 24, 1874 or 1873 ; married Hugh Reid. 29. DAVIT) P O-P F.'RNT.F.F. f James Greenlees Peter Greenlees James Greenlees ) x^AvxA^ X. vTj.\.xjxjj.ixjuxj I Margaret A. Picken Martha Ferguson Mary Clark / son of James Greenlees and Margaret A. Picken, was bom October 29, 1857 at Argyle, Winnebago Co., Illinois; married September 6, 1894 at Belvidere, Illinois, MARTHA ELLEN GREENLEE, bom February 15, 1868 at Argyle, SCOTCH FAMILIES. 437 Illinois, daughter of George Greenlee and Martha Greenlee [No. 55]. He is an electrician ; in politics, Independent ; in religion, Presbyterian ; resided at Bel- videre, Illinois. Child: I. George Wallace, born September 19, 1897. 30. JAIVTES GREENLEE / James Greenlees Peter Greenleea James Greenlces 1 wAXTujw uxvxjxjx^xjojxj | Maigaiet A. Plclien Martha Ferguson Mary Clark / son of James Greenlees and Margaret A. Picken, was born October 14, 1860 at Harlem, "Winnebago Co., Illinois; married November 21, 1895 at Caledonia, Boone Co., Illinois, ELIZABETH GREENLEE, born August 31, 1871 at Cale- donia, daughter of James Greenlee [No. 112] and Margaret Jane Brown. He is a farmer; Republican; Presbyterian; resides at Argyle, Winnebago Co., Illinois. Daughter : I. ilary Laura, born March 27, 1897. 31. JAMES GREENLEES was born in 1748 at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scot- land; died April 3, 1830 at Campbeltown; married JANET WATSON, bom in 1745 ; died December 1, 1830 at Campbeltown. CHILDREN : I. Dugald, bom October, 1771 ; died. II. William, born July, 1772 ; died. 32. III. Archibald, born July, 1775; married Helen Templeton.-|- IV. Agnes, bom October, 1778; died November 13, 1864. V. Susanna, born February, 1780 ; married Johnston ; emi- grated to America. 33. VI. James, born January 6, 1782; married Catherine Galbraith.-f- VII. Isabel, born March 5, 1784 ; died March 31, 1874. 34. VIII. John, born October 1, 1786 ; married Mary Huie.+ IX. Jean, born November, 1788 ; died November 13, 1856. 32. ABCHIBALD GREENLEES, son of James Greenlees and Janet Watson, was born July, 1775 ; died June 12, 1846 ; married June 1, 1798 HELEN TEMPLE- TON. 438 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : L James, born July 14, 1799. II. Thomas, born January 2, 1801 ; emigrated to America July 25, 1821. 33. JAMES GREENLEES, son of James Greenlees and Janet Watson, was bom January 6, 1782 at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland ; died March 6, or 5, 1848; married CATHERINE GALBRAITH, bom May 16, 1788, died about 1880 ; in religion, United Presbyterian. CHILDREN : I. Janet, born January 13, 1811 ; married Samuel Mitchell. 35. II. Samuel, born December 9, 1813 ; married Agnes Andrew Greenlees ; married second Isabel Ralston. -(- III. Susan, born February 21, 1815 ; married James McNair. rV. James, born August 29, 1817 ; married Flora Clark. V. Robert, born August 7, 1819. VI. John, born April 8, 1822; married Jean Mitchell. VII. Robert, born February 27, 1824; married Margaret Greenlees. Vni. Catherine, born August 8, 1826. IX. Catherine, born October 18, 1828, or October 16, 1827; married John Mitchell. X. Martha, born April 12, 1830; married Robert Weir. 36. XI. Archibald, born January 5, 1833 ; married Mary Greenlees.+ 34. JOHN GREENLEES, son of James Greenlees and Janet Watson, was bom October 1, 1786 at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland ; died February 5, 1866 at Campbeltown ; married June 3, 1823 at Campbeltown, MART HUIE, bom February, 1797 at Campbeltown, died July 16, 1855 at Campbeltown, daughter of James Huie and Jean Ferguson. He was a farmer. CHILDREN : I. James, born March 31, 1824 ; died June 19, 1850. 37. II. John, born December 26, 1826 ; married Mary McMillan.+ 38. III. Archibald, born July 31, 1832 ; married Mary Holding.+ 35. SAMUEL GREENLEES j i''",,^^ ?''«?,°'r^ » Tolf»?w»?=^i'''''' } I Catberine Galbraith Janet Watson J son of James Greenlees and Catharine Galbraith, was born December 9, 1813 at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland; died May 11, 1886; married AGNES MALCOLM (iUKENLEES. SCOTCH FAMILIES. 439 ANDREW GREENLEES, born April 3, 1811, died April 25, 1853, daughter of William Greenlees [No. 135] and Agnes Andrew; married second ISABEL RALSTON, born August 16, 1827, died January 14, 1897. CHILDREN : I. William, born September 29, 1841 ; died September 30, 1841. II. Agnes Andrew, bom August 31, 1842 ; died December 23, 1893. III. Catherine Galbraith, born Jime 26, 1844; married Thomas Mills Wilson. rV. WiUiam, born June 28, 1846; died January 19, 1848. v. James, bom July 6, 1848; married Jessie ; two children; Nancy and Malcolm. Resides in London. 39. VI. Samuel, born October 29, 1850; married Jessie Eliza Weir.+ Vn. Margaret, born July 11, 1862 ; married George Rome. Vin. Martha, bora November 27, 1864 ; married H. W. Bush. IX. Isabella, born March 19, 1866 ; married D. N. Weir-Loudon. X. Janet, born May 29, 1869 ; married George Pindlay. SAMUEL GREENLEES was a man of great energy and force of character, and the following record of his busy life shows how much a man possessing such characteristics can attain in a lifetime, even in a small community. He was born at the farm of Greenland and was the oldest but one of a family of eleven children. He received his early education at Peniver School, and after- ward attended the Campbeltown Grammar School, then under the able rector- ship of the late Mr. Brunton, LL. D. When his school days were over he com- menced business in the town, and entered into partnership with Messrs. Mat- thew and Daniel Greenlees, distillers, in Longrow, the site of the works being now occupied by the ofSces of Mr. James Weir, builder, and the present ma- chine room of the "Argyllshire Herald" in Reform Square which was then used as a malt bam by the firm. Increasing business, however, in the course of a few years necessitated extended premises, and a site was taken at the head of Longrow whereon a new work was erected in 1845, capable of pro- ducing double the quantity of the old one. This work has been gradually ex- tended imtil it has become the largest distillery in the town, known as the Hazelbum Distillery. In 1840 Mr. Greenlees married the sister of his partner, Daniel Greenlees. His two sons are partners in the well known and successful firm of Greenlees Brothers, Glasgow and London. In 1853 Mr. Greenlees in conjunction with his partner became proprietor of the farm of Moy, a connec- tion which continued until 1881, when Daniel Greenlees retired from business and the partnership was dissolved. Samuel Greenlees then purchased the whole, both the estate and the distillery and carried them on almost to the day of his death. He always took a great interest in agricultural work, influenced no doubt, by the power of early associations, his father being a farmer; and since his purchase of the estate in 1881 he carried on extensive improvements in the way of draining, watering, fencing, etc., so that the Moy is now in the best possible condition. He also turned his attention to the raising of cattle, 440 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. and the stock of bullocks and sheep fed on the Moy were eagerly picked up by good buyers, and the best prices readily obtained. Regarding Mr. Greenlees' more public career first and foremost must be mentioned the active interest he took in the volunteer movement and his special interest in the Artillery Volunteer Corps since its formation. He was among the first gentlemen in the town to encourage the movement and was present at the first meeting called by the Town Council on October 31, 1860, for the pur- pose of promoting the formation of an artillery company in the town. At this meeting he was appointed convener of the committee elected to proceed with the organization of the corps. From this point Mr. Greenlees threw his whole energy into the matter, and it was chiefly owing to his enthusiasm and his power to infuse something of his spirit into others that the Artillery Corps was established with great success. He undertook the greater part of the work connected with getting up subscriptions ; and in the difficulties that at one time seemed to threaten and almost extinguish the infant corps, in obtaining a site for a battery, Mr. Greenlees' indomitable zeal and energy maintained the flagging spirits of his co-promoters, until at the darkest hour Dr. Russell gen- erously came forward and offered part of his ground for drill and battery. In all the ensuing years Mr. Greenlees' interest in the corps has never abated; and the corps in return has never been slow to acknowledge their debt of gratitude to him. On the official organization of the corps in 1861, he was recommended as Captain to the Lord Lieutenant of the country, receiving his commission in February of that year, a position which he held until his retirement in 1870 ; and when the guns were got into position at the battery at Kilkerran his prom- inent share in their establishment was recognized by his daughter Catherine firing off the first cannon. Li 1863 when the corps was successfully established, his services were publicly acknowledged by a complimentary supper in the Town Hall, given by the members of the corps. The late Provost Beith was chairman on the occasion, and a short extract from his speech which was pub- lished in the "Argyllshire Herald" is here given: he "only needed to mention the name of Captain Greenlees to call forth the applause of the gentlemen pres- ent, and in doing so he would congratulate the members of the corps on the judi- cious selection they had made of a commanding officer. The Company need not be reminded how entirely their Captain had devoted himself to the interests of the corps — of the indefatigable efforts to procure a site for a battery, and the personal labour which he bestowed during its erection. He might go fur- ther and remind them that he did not grudge incurring personal expense and lessening the same to the public by means of his workmen, and the gratuitous assistance which by his influence he was able to procure. The volunteers were well aware that in all their operations Captain Greenlees took the lead. He well merited the approbation to which their meeting that e\rening gave expres- sion, and it would not be otherwise than gratifying to him to witness the sense entertained by the corps of his valuable services, in which he, the chairman, entirely concurred." A few years after this Mr. Greenlees got up a bazaar to raise fvmds which were necessary for the corps, a rather daring undertaking in those days for bazaars were then in their infancy, and Campbeltonians were not so enterprising in matters such as these at that time as they are now. The bazaar, however, having Captain Greenlees at its head was a success. A num- SCOTCH FAMILIES. 441 ber of years later the present haU in ArgyU Street was built for drill, and it is needless to state all that Captain Greenlees did for this enterprise also; suf- fice it to say that he entered into this project with his usual heartiness and did all in his power for its promotion, both by his means and influence. On his retiring from the corps in 1870 he was presented by the ofiScers and men with a magnificent sword, Mrs. Greenlees at the same time being presented with a handsome epergne. The sword bears th following inscription: "Presented to Captain Greenlees by the members of the 6th Argyll Artillery Volunteers as a token of respect, and to express their appreciation of his services in connec- tion with the corps since its formation, A. D. 1870." The Captain was very proud of this sword. The attachment which the corps maintained toward their Captain was evinced when the 4th and 5th batteries met in the drill hall for parade, in terms of order issued. There was a fuU muster under Lieutenant M'Pherson, the officer in command. As the officers of the corps considered it due to the memory of the late Captain Greenlees to dismiss without going through the intended parade, Lieutenant M'Pherson called upon the Rev. Dr. Russell, chaplain of the corps, to make this intimation. Dr. Russell said ' ' Com- rades: we meet this evening under the shadow of a great bereavement. You, I am sure, accept as seemly and suitable the decision of your officers not to pro- ceed further with your intended parade tonight. To Captain Greenlees, who was called to his rest yesterday, and whose loss we deplore, this corps has been under the deepest obligations. Some of you only know from the report of others what he did for it at its formation: all of you know the deep interest which to the last he continued to take in its welfare and efficiency. It is no exaggeration to affirm that it was he who, a quarter of a century ago, founded and consolidated the corps; and those of you who were members then know the enthusiasm with which he embraced the volunteer movement, and the zeal and energy he threw into the work of the corps. From his very nature he could not have done otherwise, for he did nothing feebly or by halves. The officers who had done most for the corps will acknowedge that to his energy and public spirit the high state of efficiency to which it was so early brought, and which it has so imiformly maintained, is greatly due. I know I rightly interpret your feelings when I say that we sincerely mourn the loss of our old and honored Captain; and that we are moved with heart-felt sympathy and condolence with Mrs. Greenlees and family in their deep sorrow ; and that we hope and pray that they may be sustained and comforted in their heavy bereavement." As a town councillor, in which capacity he served altogether for a term of nineteen years, Mr. Greenlees took great interest in municipal affairs. He was first elected on November 4, 1858 and served his term of three years. On the death of Mr. John Colvill, he was elected to the Council Board ad interim, October 17, 1863, and on the election coming round in November, 1864, was re-elected. He remained a member of the council until November, 1879, but had given up attending the meetings some time previous, the last occasion on which he was present being May 22, 1878. As a director, and several times chairman, of the Campbeltown and Glasgow Steam Packet Company, he was greatly interested in the progress of that company, and did all in his power to promote its fortunes. He was also a member of the Parochial Board, and in 442 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 1862, took an active part in the change from means and substance to rental. The Building Company of the Town was another institution in which he was much interested becoming a large shareholder, and trying to bring it to success in many waj's. He was a member of the Kintyre Club since 1860, and was ap- pointed corresponding director in 1877, which year was a flourishing one for the club, the number of new members secured in that year having far sur- passed any previous one. He was also Justice of the Peace. Mr. Greenlees was connected with the United Presbyterian Church, and took a great interest in all its affairs, subscribing liberally to its schemes and the support of the congregation. He was appointed manager in 1846, continuing in that office until 1883, and was preses of the congregation from 1863 to 1865. When the present beautiful edifice was built for the Longrow congregation he took such an interest in the matter as only one of his energetic temperament could; and to him, along with a few other gentlemen — notably ]\Ir. James Stewart, Craigbank — is due the chief credit of having the handsome structure reared and clear of debt on the opening Sabbath, by their handsome contribu- tions, their exertions to secure subscriptions, and the influence of their exam- ple on others. In politics Mr. Greenlees was always a robust Liberal. He did not, however, agree with the policy of Mr. Gladstone's present Irish BiU, and his last pub- lic action was to attach his signature to a petition of the Liberals in the Burgh against the Bill, to be forwarded to Mr. R. F. F. Campbell, M. P. jMr. Greenlees was a man of remarkable force of character. He threw his whole heart and soul into whatever he undertook, and pursued his aim with in- defatigable energy and perseverance, generally to ultimate triumph. These traits of character doubtless did much to secure the success which crowned his business imdertakings. As a man of business, he was very prompt and de- cided. He quickly formed a decision and abided by the result, and no persua- sion could turn him aside, the result generally proving him in the right. He was reliable and honourable to the last degree. No one who trusted his word or expressed promise had cause to doubt that these would not be fulfilled to the utmost. In manner he was outspoken and fearless, quick to point out a wrong and when occasion required to upbraid the wrong-doer, but never, when the occasion had passed, continued to bear a grudge. During the latter part of 1876 an illness of severe character manifested itself, which he endured with great patience. He recovered and was in com- paratively good health imtil six months before his death. His energetic nature, however, could not be conquered and he continued to go about until four days before he died. He was buried in Kilkerran Cemetery, a large number of townspeople gathering to pay the last tribute of respect to him whose familiar form has passed from their sight. The officers and men of the Artil- lery Volunteers, and the staff of the 6th Brigade, Scottish Division, R. A., also attended. During the day the ships at the quay carried their flags at half- mast, and every token of respect was paid to the memory of one who had lived a long and useful life. i SCOTCH FA:MILIES. 443 36. AT?f!HTBALD 6REENLEES f James Greenlees James Greenlees 1 AHV^nJ-DAljiF UATiXinijiliJliO t Catherine Galbraith Janet ^X'atson / son of James Greenlees and Catherine Galbraith, was born January 5, 1833 at Peniver, Argyleshire, Scotland ; married March 25, 1863 at Campbeltown, Scot- land, MAKY GREENLEES, bom February 15, 1836 at Campbeltown, daughter of Daniel Greenlees [No. 136] and Mary Colville; manufacturer; in politics, Liberal ; in religion, Presbyterian ; resides at London, England. CHILDREN : I. Mary Alice, born April 10, 1864 ; died July 19, 1870. n. Archibald, born September 12, 1865. m. Kate, born Jime 30, 1871. IV. Daniel, born June 7, 1873. V. James Charles, born April 1, 1875. 37. TflTTN frPF.F.NT.'RF.S / Jol^n Greenlees James Greenlees ) duxxn UAi:ji:ji>iXj£ii:i«> JMaryHule Janet Watson / son of John Greenlees and Mary Huie, was born December 26, 1826 at Camp- beltown, Argyleshire, Scotland; married December 26, 1854 at Campbeltown; MARY Me]\IILLAN, born July 5, 1820 at Campbeltown, daughter of Alexander McMillan and Mary McConechy. H*^ was a farmer and resided at Calliburn, Campbeltown. CHDjDREN : I. John, born March 30, 1858. n. Mary, bom March 7, 1861. m. Alexander, born March 20, 1863. 38. ARCHIBALD GREENLEES / John Greenlees James Greenlees 1 I Mary Huie Janet Watson J son of John Greenlees and Mary Huie, was born July 31, 1832 ; died December 28, 1878 at Greenoch, Scotland, MARY HOLDING who died March 22, 1896 at Sydney, Australia. They had a son John who lives at Pyrmont, Sydney, Australia. 39. SAMUEL GREENLEES -f Samuel Greenlees James Greenlees James Greenlees ) I Agnes Andrew Greenlees Catherine Galbraith Janet Watson / son of Samuel Greenlees and Agnes Andrew Greenlees, was bom October 29, 1850 at Campbelton, Argyleshire, Scotland; married JESSIE ELIZA WEIR, 444 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. bom June 5, 1858 at Campbeltown, daughter of Walter Weir and Elizabeth Lamb ; distiller ; in politics, Conservative ; religion. Church of Scotland ; resided at Glenadale, Campbeltown, Scotland and London, England. CHILDREN: I. Weir Loudon, born December 26, 1882. II. James Walter Samuel, born September 13, 1890. 40. JAMES GREENLEES was born in 1750 at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scot- land ; married ANDERSON. Their son 41. I. Alexander, born August, 1780; married Mary Colville.4- 41. ALEXANDER GREENLEES, son of James Greenlees and Anderson, was born August, 1780 at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland; died August 22, 1861; married in 1810, IVIARY COLVILLE, born February 17, 1790 near Campbeltown, died January 15, 1874, daughter of Robert Colville and Jean Mitchell. He was a distiller; in polities. Liberal; in religion, Presbyterian; resided at Campbeltown, Scotland. CHILDREN: I. Matthew, born in 1811 ; married Elizabeth Jack. II. Robert, born February, 1813 ; married EUen Watson. in. Alexander, died in India. IV. Ann , bom August 7, 1815 ; died April, 1885 at Liverpool, England. V. Janet. VI. Archibald; died in 1848. 42. Vn. Mary, bom December 4, 1831; married Hugh Goold.-f- 42. MARY GREENLEES { ^'a^^folvinr"""' James G reenlees^ | daughter of Alexander Greenlees and Mary Colville, was born December 4, 1831 at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland; married July 9, 1851, HUGH GOOLD, bom March 4, 1818 in Lanarkshire, Scotland, died January 18, 1894, son of Hugh Goold and Grace . He was in civil service; in politics, Liberal; in religion, Presbyterian; resided at Liverpool, England. «■ SCOTCH FAillLIES. 445 CHILDREN: I. Hugh Goold, bom June 21, 1852; married Edith Meredith. n. Alexander Greenlees Goold, bom March 31, 1854 ; died May 31, 1885. in. Mary Colville Goold, born January 28 ; married WUliam Raid. IV. William Henry Goold, bom September 16, 1857; died Febraary 7, 1860. V. James Stuart Goold, born December 12, 1859; married Annie Bull; married second Madeline Adams Williams. VI. Matthew Henry Goold, bom September 9, 1862 ; married Edith Thom- son. Vn. Grace Goold, bom June 11. VTTT Robert Greenlees Goold, born May 10, 1867; married Elizabeth Mc- Culloch. EX. John CohaUe Goold, born June 8, 1871 ; married Ellen McGrady. X. David ColviUe Goold, bora August 18, 1875. 43. JOHN GREENLEES was born at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland mar- ried JEAN MAGILL; farmer; in religion, Presbyterian. CHILDREN: 44. I. Hugh; married Mirren Keith.+ n. Mary; married Neil Matheson. HE. Margaret; married Duncan Stewart. rV. John; married Janet McMillan. V. James; married Anne Colville. VT. Thomas; married Mary Keith. 44 HUGH GREENLEES, son of John Greenlees and Jean Magill, was bora at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland ; died in 1838 at Campbeltown ; married in 1833, or 1829, ]\IIRREN KEITH, born in 1810 at Campbeltown ; died in 1883, or 1874, daughter of Archibald Keith and j\Iary Kelby ; farmer ; Presbyterian. CHILDREN: 45. I. John, bora August 24, 1834; married Anne Galbraith.+ II. Jean, born in 1836. 446 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 45. JOHN GREENLEES ] Si",fen''Keui''' Jean Ma^^n "^'^ f son of Hugh Greenlees and Mirren Keith, wos born August 24, 1834 at Campbel- town, Argyleshire, Scotland ; married February 24, 1862, ANNE 6ALBRAITH, born March 21, 1841 at Gigha, Argyleshire, Scotland, daughter of John Galbraith and Effie Witkeson, of Maequilken; farmer; Presbyterian; residence, Gigha, Scotland. No children. JOHN GREENLEES, son of William ( ?) Greenlees, was born about 1715 at Southend, or Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland; died about 1800. He was married twice. He was a farmer; Presbyterian. CHILDREN: I. William. II. Gavin. [William and Gavin were half brothers of George and much older than he.] 47. III. George, born in 1750; married Martha Wilson. + IV. Agnes. V. John (3rd son). VI. James. VII. Thomas. VIII. Mary. IX. Edward. 47. GEORGE GREENLEES, son of John Greenlees, was born in 1750 at Campbel- town, Argyleshire, Scotland; died in 1832 at Campbeltown; married in Scot- land, MARTHA WILSON, born at Campbeltown; died about 1825; farmer; Presbyterian; resided at Campbeltown. CHILDREN : Martha, born about 1781 ; married George Ferguson.+ Mary, born about 1784; married Archibald Picken.+ Ann, born about 1787; married Archibald, or James Armour; had son, George Armour, Sr., of Chicago, Illinois (deceased). John, born August 16, 1791; married Helen Brown.-}- Isabel, born in 1796; married John Ralston.+ 48. I. 49. II. HI. 50. IV. 51. V. SCOTCH FAMILIES. 447 48. MARTHA GREENLEES ] Sl°rt?a%irso'n'' John G r eenlees | daughter of George Greenlees and Martha Wilson, was born about 1781; mar- ried GEORGE FERGUSON, born at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland; Presbyterian; resided near Campbeltown. CHILDREN: I. Andrew Ferguson. II. George Ferguson. III. David Ferguson. IV. John Ferguson. V. Martha Ferguson. VI. Elizabeth Ferguson. VII. Jane Ferguson. 52. Vni. Mary Ferguson, born in 1818; married Matthew Howie.+ 49. MARY GREENLEES i George Greenlees John Greenlees ) t Martna \\ uson j daughter of George Greenlees and Martha Wilson, was born about 1784; died at Caledonia, Boone Co., Illinois; married November 19, 1803 at Southend, Argyleshire, Scotland, ARCHIBALD PICKEN, born September 21, 1780 at Southend, died in Scotland, son of John Picken and Mary Raid. Children, born at Southend : I. John Pieken, born November 3, 1804. 53. II. George Picken, born July 11, 1806 ; married Jane Brown. -j- III. Archilbald Picken. IV. Mary Pieken, born August 19, 1808. 60. JOHN GREENLEE I C'™''Se Oreenlees John Greenlees 1 1 Martha Wilson J son of George Greenlees and Martha Wilson, was bom August 16, 1791 at South- end, or Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland ; died December, or January 30, 1882 at Belvidere, Boone Co., Illinois; married about 1820 at Southend, or Camp- beltown, HELEN BROWN, born August, 1804 at Southend, or Campbeltown, died March 18, 1865 at Argyle, Winnebago Co., Illinois, daughter of Charles Brown and Elizabeth Ralston. 54. I. II. 55. III. 56. IV. 58. VI. 59. VII. 60. VIII 448 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: Martha, born in 1823 ; married Francis DeRighter Parker.+ Elizabeth, born December 27, 1825; married Charles Jay Tayler; lives at Omaha, Nebraska. George, born January 1, 1828; married Martha Greenlee.-)- Charles, born April, 1830 ; married Barbara Smith ; married second Helen Ferguson.+ 57. V. Jannette, bom December 17, 1832; married James Orlando Greg- ory.4- Jolin, born July 4, 1835 ; married Elizabeth Brown.+ Helen, born June 29, 1838 ; married James Ralston. + Anna, born February 6, 1842; married James Tumer.-f- JOHN GREENLEE left Scotland in a sailing vessel in 1836, reaching New York after four weeks on the ocean, and, going directly to Illinois, settled first in Ottawa, where his nephews, George and John Armour, were then liv- ing. After remaining there a short time he went to Winnebago County and made claim to government land in what is now Harlem Township, becoming the first permanent settler in the locality known as the Scotch Settlement of Winnebago and Boone counties. He experienced all the privations and hard- ships of pioneer life, such as come to those who locate on the frontier. He was very poor when he first settled there, but industry and good management were crowned with success, and he became the owner of three highly improved farms. He lived upon his first claim until 1870, when he removed to Belvidere and spent the remainder of his life in retirement. He was one of the founders of the Willow Creek Presbyterian Church and served as ruling elder for many years. In politics he was a Democrat. 61. ISABEL GREENLEE ( George Greenlees John Greenlees ) ( Martua Wilson j daughter of George Greenlees and Martha Wilson, was bom in 1796 at Camp- beltown, Argyleshire, Scotland; died February 14, 1879 at Caledonia, Boone Co., Illinois ; married in 1819 at Campbeltown, JOHN RALSTON, born in 1790 at Campbeltown, died February 14, 1865 at Caledonia, Illinois. He was a farmer; Republican; Presbyterian. CHILDREN: I. Alexander Ralston; married Margaret Kerral. II. Martha Ralston; married David McDonald. 61. III. George Ralston, born June 22, 1825; married Margaret McPhail.+ rv. Janet Ralston ; married Robert Boyd. V. Mary Ralston ; married Alexander Ralston. VI. Belle Ralston; married Diancan McDonald. VII. Jane Ralston ; married Thomas Ralston. VIII. Ann Ellen Ralston ; married John McEachran. IX. Elizabeth Ralston; unmarried. 1. MHS. .lAMES (iHKENLEES. 2. NANCIB GREENLEES. 3. MALCOLM GREENLEES. Ni). 41. ALEXA.NIIER GREENLEES. No. .-.(). .lOIIN GIIEEXLEE. HELEN BROWN GREENLEE. SCOTCH FAMILIES. 449 HjfA-pv TPirT?PTT«!n'Kr t Martha Greenlees George Greenlees JohD Greenlees 1 MAKY J)J!j±CUU&UiN i George Ferguson Martha Wilson ! daughter of Martha Greenlees and George Ferguson, was born in 1818 at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland; died in 1842 at New Castle, Ontario, Canada; married ilATTHEW HOWIE, born in 1811 at Campbeltown, Scot- land, died in 1872 at Argyle, Winnebago Co., Illinois. He was a farmer; in religion, Presbyterian. CHILDREN: I. John Howie, born in 1833 ; married Jane Ferguson. II. Martha Howie, born in 1835; married Andrew Ralston. 62. m. David Howie, born January 4, 1840; married Mary E. MeKerral.+ IV. Matthew Ferguson Howie, born October, 1842 ; married Linna Sweet ; resides at Slayton, Minnesota. He is a Presbyterian minister. 53. nvtWCV ■pTPVIi'M f Marv Greenlees George Greenlees John Greenlees 1 UJliUKUfi ril^lUIiJN I Archibald Picken Martha Wilson J son of Mary Greenlees and Archibald Picken, was born July 11, 1806 at South- end, Argyleshire, Scotland ; died November 19, 1875 ; married JANE BROWN, born December 20, 1811 in Argyleshire, Scotland, died March 10, 1895, daugh- ter of Charles Brown and Elizabeth . He was a farmer. CHILDREN : I. Elizabeth Picken, born December 10, 1830 ; married John Ralston. n. Mary Picken, born July 18, 1832; married James Brown. III. Janet Picken, born March 22, 1834 ; married David Ralston. IV. Archibald Picken, born April 9, 1836 ; died. V. Charles Picken, born April 20, 1838 ; married Grace Morrison. VL Martha Picken, born May 13, 1840; married Thomas Ralston. VII. Jane Picken, born June 15, 1842 ; married Hugh Brown. Vni. Archibald Picken, bom September 8, 1844. 63. IX. George Picken, born June 4, 1846 ; married Elizabeth McGeachie.+ X. Helen Picken, born May 19, 1848; married Andrew McDonald. They had six children : 1. Mary Ellen, married March 21, 1907 at Caledonia, Illinois, John Thompson, son of Robert Thompson and ilary McMillan. 2. Bessie. 3. Abbie. 4. Jane. 5. George. 6. William. 64. XI. John A. Picken, born May 30, 1850 ; married Jane Andrew.+ Xn. Margaret Picken, born July 15, 1852. XIII. Sarah Picken, born April 10, 1855; married John McEaehran. Two children : 1. Grace, married James McEaehran. 2. Wilbur. 29 450 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 64. MARTHA GREENLEE {g^l^A'-^'f Sl°thl w!f£,n" ^!^-J5!!!! } daughter of John Greenlees and Helen Brown, was bom in 1823 in Scotland; died in 1849 at Roekford, Blinois ; married FRANCIS DeRIGHTER PARKER. CHILDREN: I. Amasa F. Parker, bom in 1841 ; lives at Chicago. 65. n. John W. Parker, born August 15, 1843 ; married Rebecca A. Mayer.+ in. Teresa Parker; died aged two years. rV. George A. Parker, born JIarch 4, 1847 ; lives at Council Bluffs, Iowa. FRANCIS D. PARKER and his sons Amasa and George were soldiers in the civil war for about three years. He and Amasa were both wounded at Petersburg, Virginia. He was a farmer; Republican; Presbyterian. 55. GEORGE GREENLEE { g^l^^^B^-^'f Sirr'tfa''wro'r^ JohnOreen^ | son of John Greenlee and Helen Brown, was bom January 1, 1828 at Camp- beltown, Argyleshire, Scotland ; died April 6, 1906 at Belvidere, Illinois ; mar- ried January 15, 1857 at Argyle, Winnebago Co., Illinois, MARTHA GREEN- LEE, born May 15, 1838 at Campbeltown, Scotland, daughter of William Greenlee [No. 102] and Martha Harvey. CHILDREN: I. William, born November 10, 1857: died August 19, 1874. n. Ellen, born October 23, 1859 ; died December 2, 1862. III. John, born September 1, 1861 ; died October 5, 1864. IV. George, born July 26, 1864 ; married June 1, 1898, Aletha Porter. V. Martha Ellen, born February 15, 1868; married David P. Greenlee.-|- [No. 29.] VI. Elizabeth Jane, born March 26, 1871 ; married E. J. Watkios. GEORGE GREENLEE came with his parents to America when eight years of age, and settled in Winnebago County, Illinois. He engaged in agricultural pursuits, in which he continued until 1876 when he removed to Belvidere, II linois and engaged in the hardware business with his brothers John and Charles. This firm continued business until November, 1890, when his son, George Greenlee, Jr. succeeded to the interest of John and Charles. In 1893 Mr. Greenlee retired from active business. SCOTCH FAMILIES. 451 56. nTIART'PR rtPTi'.r.'NrT.Ti'.Til I John Greenlee George Greenlees John Greenlees I 1/IUUUjJ!iO UAXifinijriXi -j jjg,g^ Brown Martha Wilson f BOD of John Greenlee and Helen Brown, was born April, 1830 ; married BAR- BAEA SMITH ; married second April 2, 1867 at Harlem, Winnebago Co., Illi- nois, ELLEN FERGUSON, born October 26, 1846 at Argyle, Winnebago Co., Illinois, died November 25, 1882 at Belvidere, Boone Co., Illinois, daughtei of WiUiam Ferguson and Ellen Picken; farmer; Republican; Presbyterian; resided in Scotland, Ohio and Illinois. CHILDREN : I. William G., bom February 14, 1868 ; is a banker at Belvidere, Illinois. II. J. A., born December 25, 1870. m. EUen J., born July 12, 1872 ; married April 27, 1893, W. F. McKay. IV. Addie May, born December 30, 1880. 57. JANN'RTT'F. frTJF.F.NT.'RF. f John Greenlee George Greenlees John Greenlees 1 uaxixifix J.XJ UAfijjiiAjfifi ^ Helen Brown Martha Wilson / daughter of John Greenlee and Helen Brown, was bom December 17, 1832 at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland; married April 19, 1855 at Argyle, Win- nebago Co., Illinois, JAMES ORLANDO GREGORY, bora January 4, 1821 at Delhi, Delaware, son of Aaron Gregory and Mary Bailey. He is a hardware merchant; Republican; Methodist; resides at Rockford, Illinois. CHILDREN : I. John Aaron Gregory, born July 1, 1856; married Florence Whelan; died April 18, 1884. n. Mary Bailey Gregory, born March 3, 1858 ; died March 19, 1866. in. Martha Helen Gregory, born September 16, 1859; lives at Manistee, Michigan rv. James Wilbur Gregory, bom November 18, 1861; married Sarah Col- cord ; lives at Manistee, Michigan ; is a banker. V. Elizabeth Greenlee Gregory, born May 16, 1865. 58. .TOTrN CRF.'RNT.'P.'P. / John Greenlee George Greenlees John Greenlees t u V/UX1 vT±vjj£ixixjxjxj I Helen Brown Martha VTilson / son of John Greenlee and Helen Brown, was born July 4, 1835 at Campbeltown, Argyleshire. Scotland ; married October 24, 1864, ELIZABETH BROWN, born in 1845 at Cincinnati, Ohio, died October 27, 1870, daughter of Edward Brown and Elizabeth ; bank cashier; Republican; Presbyterian; residence, Belvidere, Illinois. 452 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : I. Helen, born February 20, 1867. n. Elizabeth B., born November 2, 1869. 59. U fci T VK CDVWtn VW f John Greenlee George Greenlees John Greenlees ) UKUSM UKJIiJLJNUii!. I Helen Brown Martha Wilson j daughter of John Greenlee and Helen Brown, was bom June 29, 1838 at Argyle, "Winnebago Co., Illinois ; married December 25, 1856 at Argyle, Illinois, JAMES RALSTON, bom March 17, 1826 at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland, died February 19, 1898 at Rockford, Illinois, son of "William Ralston and Helen Greenlees. He was a farmer; Republican; Presbyterian; resided in Harlem Township, "Winnebago Co., Illinois. CHILDREN: I. Martha EUen Ralston, bom June 24, 1858; married Gavin Ralston; resided in Argyle, Illinois. n. Margaret Ann Ralston, bom June 15, 1860; married James A. Brown; lives at Argyle, Illinois. III. "William Andrew Ralston, bom February 18, 1862; married Jane Ral- ston; resides at Belvidere, Illinois. TV. John Greenlee Ralston, bom October 26, 1867; married Margaret Breekenridge. V. James Earl Ralston, bom March 19, 1876. 60. AMKA nP'P'liI'NT Ti'.'li'. f John Greenlee George Greenlees John Greenlees ) iinnii. urAfiJUi^Xj^ii!! I Helen Brown Martha Wilson / daughter of John Greenlee and Helen Brown, was bom February 6, 1842 at Argyle, Winnebago Co., lUinois; married April 6, 1861, JAilES TURNTIR, bom April 26, 1834 at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland, son of Niel Turner and Janet Culbertson. He is a retired farmer; Republican; Presbyterian; re- sides at Rockford, Illinois. CHILDREN: I. John Greenlee Turner, born April 6, 1862. II. Janet Culbertson Turner, born July 8, 1864; married September 7, 1882, Charles Pieken Ferguson. ni. James A. Turner, born August 2, 1866 ; married June 13, 1895, Mary Bell Brown. IV. Ellen Brown Turner, bom July 24, 1868; married March 16, 1893, George Henry "Warren. "V. Hector Duncan Turner, born September 6, 1871. JAMES TTItXEn. TrUNEU BKirrUEKS. ITRXEU SISTEliS. No. mi. ANNA CKEENI.EE TrKXER. ;vA SCOTCH FAMILIES. 453 VI. Norman Niel Turner, born June 22, 1874; married March 8, 1899, Tessie Ivola Worthington. VII. Ann Lena Turner, born May 5, 1876. VIII. Elizabeth Katharine Turner, bom January 20, 1878; married June 6, 1900, Edward Henry Ralston. IX. Godfrey Allen Turner, born June 7, 1880. 61. OFOItGrG TIALSTON l Isabel Greenlee George Greenlees John Greenlees 1 vrxjvuuu Mn.UK) J. VJ.1 -( John Ralston Martha Wilson / son of Isabel Greenlee and John Ralston, was born June 22, 1825 at Campbel- town, Argyleshire, Scotland; married January 14, 1869 at Guilfrod, Winne- bago Co., Illinois, MARGARET McPHAIL, born June 9, 1833 at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland, daughter of Alexander McPhail and Margaret Andrew; farmer; Republican; Presbyterian; resided at Caledonia, Boone Co., Illinois. CHILDREN: I. Margaret J. Ralston; unmarried. II. John Ralston; unmarried. III. Isabel M. Ralston; unmarried. IV. Mary E. Ralston ; unmarried. V. George A. Ralston; unmarried. DAVID HOWTE / Mary Ferguson Martha Greenlees George Greenlees John Greenlees ) *^«. . **.» *iw .. uj ^ Matthew Howie George Ferguson Martha Wilson J son of Mary Ferguson and Matthew Howie, was bom January 4, 1840 at Camp- beltown, Argyleshire, Scotland; married January 16, 1868 at Polo, Ogle Co., Illinois, MARY E. McKERRAL, bom November 12, 1846 at Toronto, Ontario, Canada, daughter of Hugh McKerral and Margaret Reid ; commercial traveler ; Republican ; Presbyterian ; resides at Rockf ord, Illinois. CHILDREN: I. Mary Ferguson Howie, born December 24, 1869. II. William H. Howie, bom November 1, 1873 ; died June 8, 1892. 63. GEORGE PICKEN •! •George Picken Mary Greenlees George Greenlees John Greenlees 1 1 Jane Brown Archibald I^icken Martha Wilson / son of George Picken and Jane Brown was born June 4, 1846 ; married ELIZA- BETH McGEACHIE ; resided at Rockford, lUinois. They had a son, George Raymond Picken. 454 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 64. TATTW & PTfTnTTJ f George Picken Mary Greenlees George Greenlees John Greenlees I U unn «., X-XUA-Cill -J j^^g Brown Archibald Picken Martha Wilson f son of George Picken and Jane Brown, was born May 30, 1850 at Caledonia, Boone Co., Illinois; married June 10, 1880, JANE ANDREW, born July 29, 1854 at Argyle, Winnebago Co., Illinois; farmer; Republican; Presbyterian; resides at Argyle, Illinois. They had a son George Matthew Picken, bom July 13, 1882. TOTI'N' TXT PATJTf'P.'R J Martha Greenlee John Greenlee George Greenlees John Greenlees 1 tiuni^ W. x-iiiLi^Ja«. ^ Fr:mcis IJ. Parker Helen Brown Martha Wilson ■ / son of Martha Greenlee and Francis DeRighter Parker, was born October 15, 1843 at Rockford, Illinois ; married May 15, 1867 at Rockf ord, REBECCA A. MAYER, born January 6, 1844 at Piqua, Miami Co., Ohio, daughter of Wil- liam Mayer and Margaret Elliott. CHILDREN: I. John L. Parker (Dr.), bom October 17, 1870; lives at Charles City, Iowa. n. Charles W. Parker, born Jenuary 15, 1875; married Grace D. Allison; lives at Waterloo, Iowa. JOHN W. PARKER'S mother died when he was but six years of age, and his grandfather Greenlee took him and his brother George and gave them a home. On September 17, 1861 he enlisted in the Washburne Lead Mine Regi- ment, known as the 45th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and was discharged from the service July 12, 1865. At Raymond, Mississippi he was slightly wounded in the calf of the right leg, while at the same time he received a severe wound in his left foot. In 1872 he went to Floyd County, Iowa, where he engaged in farming until 1893. He was a Republican in politics. On January 22, 1897 he was appointed sheriff by the Board of Supervisors to fill a vacancy; and was elected to the same office for the short term, November, 1897, and again elected for second full term in November, 1899. Of his grandparents, Mr. Parker says : They were a grand, noble couple, and all that I am today I feel that I owe to them. They watched over me with as much care as if I had been their own child, and when I was wounded and a prisoner neither time nor money was epared to reach and care for me. Mr. Parker is a Presbyterian; resides at Charles City, Iowa. JOHN GREENLEE was born in Scotland ; died in Somerset Township, Wash- ington Co., Pennsylvania; married in Scotland, JANE , who was born in Ireland. I. 67. II. 68. m. 69. IV. V. 70. VI. SCOTCH FAMILIES. 455 CHILDREN : Alexander; died unmarried. James, born about 1782; married Mary ("Polly") Mcllvaiae.+ John; married Margaret Dougherty. + Elisha, born Jime 3, 1794; married Eunice West; married second Rachel Witherow.-j- Margaret; married Noah Grant; no children. Joseph; married Elizabeth Campbell. + JOHN GREENLEE came from Scotland and settled on Pigeon Creek, near Bentlejrvrille, "Washington Co., Pennsylvania. Several brothers came with him; one or two settled in Pennsylvania, the others on the Ohio river and elsewhere. One whose name it is thought was James, settled in the east. He was a farmer ; Presbyterian. 67. JAMES GREENLEE, son of John Greenlee and Jane . was born about 1782 at Bentleyville, Pennsylvania; died April 24, 1857 aged 75 years at Clarksville, Pennsylvania; married MARY McILVAINE, born at Bentleyville, Pennsylvania, died February 18, 1864 aged 76 years at Clarksville, Pennsyl- vania, daughter of Greer Mcllvaine and Elizabeth Morrow; farmer; Republi- can; Presbyterian; resided at Clarksville, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 71. I. John, born February 22, 1814 ; married Mary Ballentine ; married second Eliza Jane (Rinehart) Coin.-j- II. Greer Mcllvaine, born November 29, 1816; married Lucinda Bot- tenfield (or Bottomfield). III. James, born September 29, 1818 ; died young. 71a. IV. Elizabeth, born November 29, 1820; married David Rose.-f V. Jane, born February 19, 1822; married John Arnold Greenlee. + [See No. 75 Descendants of Michael.] VI. Mary Ann, born July 28, 1826 ; married Jacob Rose. Vn. Margaret, born August 7, 1828; married Rev. William Ballentine of Mansfield, Ohio; living (1898). VIII. Eleanor, born September 28, 1830; died young. JOHN GREENLEE, son of John Greenlee and Jane , was born prob- ably in Scotland; died March 4, 1832 at Washington, Washington Co., Penn- sylvania ; married in 1814, MARGARET DOUGHERTY, who died January 21, 1854 at Antrim, Ohio; farmer; Whig; Presbyterian; resided in Washington Co., Pennsylvania. 72. I. 72a. n. ni 73. IV. 74. V. 456 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Children, all born in Washington Co., Pennsylvania: Jane, born April 1, 1815 ; married Israel Zentz.+ "WiUiam, born August 3, 1816; married Margaret Henry.+ Mary, born October 18, 1819 ; died unmarried aged 23 years. John, born July 5, 1822; married Jane Mcnvain.+ James, born February 12, 1825; married Elizabeth Weygandt^- ELISHA GREENLEE, son of John Greenlee and Jane , was born June 3, 1794 in Scotland, or Vaneeville, Washington Co., Pennsylvania; died Feb- ruary 3, 1869 at Bentleyville, Washington Co., Pennsylvania; married Novem- ber 22, 1827 at Monongahela, Pennsylvania, EUNICE WEST, born December 25, 1807 in Washington Co., Pennsylvania, died January 12, 1843 at Bentley- ville, daughter of Samuel West and Eunice CarroU ; married second RACHEL WITHEROW (WITHERALL, or WOODROW), born in Pennsylvania. He was a farmer ; Republican ; Baptist ; resided in Washington Co., Pennsylvania, near Bentleyville. CHILDREN: Newton, bom August 15, 1828; married Julia A. Mills; dead. John, bom March 3, 1830; died. Samuel West, bom January 25, 1832; died. Joseph, born February 1, 1834; married Caroline Amelia Lytle.+ Jane, born March 8, 1836 ; married Henry, or Henderson Eckley.4- Elmira, born March 8, 1836; married Joel Carson.4- William, born June 4, 1838; married Hannah Farquhar.-(- Lucinda, bom August 10, 1840. Albert, bom April 28, 1842; married and left one son. Ann, born April 28, 1842. 70. JOSEPH GREENLEE of Washington Co., Pennsylvania, son of John Green- lee and Jane , died November 28, 1863 at Delaware, Delaware Co., Ohio ; married MISS ELIZABETH CAMPBELL, who died November, 1885; farmer; Republican ; Baptist. He moved to Delaware Co., Ohio when daughter, Jane, was about 18 or 19 years old. CHILDREN: 79. I. John, bom February 28, 1835; married Naomi Bishop.+ II. Jane ; married Joseph Masin, or Main. They had a daughter, Eliza- beth, who married J. Phineas Shirley and lives at Delaware, Ohio, in. Robert; married Harriet Main. IV. Martha; married Cornelius Main; dead. V. Margaret; dead. I. n. m. 75. IV. 76. V. 77. VI. 78. VII. VTTT IX. X. SCOTCH FAMILIES. 457 71. JOHN GREENLEE -] il^.p^^^l^Z 'jll^'fl!^'' } son of James Greenlee and Mary Mcllvaine, was born February 22, 1814 at Clarksville, Greene Co., Pennsylvania; died August 9, 1896 at Clarksville; married November 28, 1838 at Clarksville, MARY BALLENTINE, who was born in Scotland and died September 20, 1855 at Clarksville, Pennsylvania, daughter of James Ballentine, or Ballantine; married second ELIZA JANE (RINEHART) COIN, born February 12, 1824, living in 1899, daughter of Arthur Rinehart and Sarah Groomes; farmer; Republican; Cumberland Pres- byterian ; resided near Canonburg, Washington Co., Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: I. Mary Ann, born September 11, 1839; married Alexander Burson. 80. n. James, born November 2, 1841 ; married Mary E. Arnold.-f in. Margaret, bom January 9, 1844; married Thompson, or Thomas Campbell. IV. Juliet, born March 15, 1846; married David Williams. V. Eliza Jane, born May 8, 1848 ; married William Lytle, or Little. VI. Sarah, born July 24, 1850; married Joseph Painter. Vn. Emeline, born June 17, 1852 ; married Whitfield, or Witfield Lever, or Leaver. VIII. John Cary, born September 23, 1854; died September 22, 1865. IX. William Alexander, born June 28, 1857 ; married Ella Black. X. Calvin Cox, bom August 10, 1860 ; died October 11, 1865. XI. Charles Fremont, bom May 10, 1862 at Clarksville; married; lives at Jefferson, Pennsylvania. Xn. Henrietta, bom November 8, 1867; married Albert C. or James Black. He has nephews, S. A. Greenlee, living at Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, and A. 6. Greenlee, Lincoln, Nebraska. 71a. ELIZABETH GREENLEE / James Greenlee John Greenlee j \ Mary Mcllvaine Jane S daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Mcllvaine, was born November 29, 1820 at Washington, Pennsylvania; married DAVID ROSE; lived at Clarksville, Pennsylvania. Daughter : 8L Martha J. Greenlee (?) Rose, born July 18, 1841; married Adam H. Rose.+ 458 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 72. JANE GREENLEE i S>,V^«-X'„Verty ia°S??^!!^" \ daughter of John Greenlee and Margaret Doughertj', was bom April 1, or 15, 1815 in Pennsylvania; died February 16, 1874 at KirkviUe, Wapello Co., Iowa; married ISRAEL ZENTZ, born April 8, 1816 in Pennsylvania, died January 12, 1896 at KirkviUe, Iowa. He was a farmer; Republican; Presby- terian. CHILDREN: 81a. I. John Greenlee Zentz, bom August 31, 1847 ; married ]Mary Alice House.+ n. Ebenezer Graham Zentz. in. Leander Zentz. rV. Elizabeth Jane Zentz. V. Finley Hephill Zentz. 72a. WTT.T.TAM GREENLEE / John Greenlee John Greenlee I WXIUjIAIU unriAnijriZi | Margaret Dougherty Jane / son of John Greenlee and Margaret Dougherty, was bom August 3, 1816 in Washington Co., Pennsylvania; died March 21, 1885 at Winfield, Kansas; mar- ried March 31, 1842 at Monongahela, Pennsylvania, MARGARET HENRY, bom in 1815 at Monongahela, died January 8, 1875 aged 60 years, at Win- field, Kansas, daughter of Joseph Henry; farmer; Republican; Presbyterian. Children, first four bom in Washington Co., Pennsylvania: I. John H., bom May 7, 1843 ; dead. n. Mary E., born August 11, 1845 ; lives at East Waterloo, Iowa ; un- married. IH. Joseph H., bora August 1, 1848 ; lives at Winfield. IV. Elmira Jennie, bom June 16, 1851 ; married Pryor ; lives at South Orange, New Jersey. V. Hannah M., bom December 5, 1853 at Antrim, Ohio ; dead. 82. VI. William Mark, born August 14, 1856 ; married Belle Lowrey.+ He has a granddaughter, Mira Greenlee, living at Independence, Kansas. WILLIAM GREENLEE removed from Pennsylvania to Ohio where he remained about twelve years; then moved to McLean County, Illinois, and nine years later removed to Winfield, Kansas where he spent the remainder of his life. 41 HOMESTEAD OF JAMES TURNER. No. 60. No. 6-J. DAVID HOWIE. No. 71a. ELIZABETH GREENLEE ROSE. MISS MARY E. GREENLEE Daughter o£ 72a. SCOTCH FAJIILIES. 459 73. JOHN GREENLEE { i°i'°g,«/erDo'„\herty J«S?^!!!^- } son of John Greenlee and Margaret Dougherty, was born July 5, 1822 in Wash- ington Co., Pennsylvania; died December 15, 1880 at Ottawa, Franklin Co., Kansas; married November 27, 1849 at Kammerer, Washington Co., Pennsyl- vania, JANE McILVAIN, born October 13, 1825 in Washington Co., Pennsyl- vania; (living, 1899, with daughter, Nettie), daughter of Greer Mcllvain and Jane Campbell, a sister of Elizabeth Campbell; farmer; Kepublican; Presby- terian; resided at Urbana, Ohio, Bloomington, Illinois and Ottawa, Kansas. CHILDREN: I. Mary Bell, born October 4, 1852 ; died aged 3 years. n. Fannie, born October 16, 1855; died aged 7 years. in. Byron, bom May 4, 1858 ; died aged 5 years. 83. IV. Nettie, born November 11, 1863; married Frank W. Benjamin. + 74. JAMES GREENLEE { J,\^° ,?-So^„^,,,,,, John Greenlee | son of John Greenlee and Margaret Dougherty, was bom February 12, 1825 in Washington Co., Pennsylvania; died August 8, 1892 at Constantine, Michi- gan; married October 18, 1849 at Beaver, Pennsylvania, ELIZABETH WEY- GANDT, born April 25, 1827 at Beaver, died December 13, 1883 at Shell Rock, Iowa, daughter of John Weygandt and Elizabeth ; farmer ; Republican ; Presbyterian ; resided at Beaver, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : I. Mary J., born December 12, 1850; married Carl M. Wyant; lives at Waterloo, Iowa, n. Elizabeth S., born March 10, 1854; married Burnham H. Sevi- son; lives at Constantine, Michigan. m. William A., born December 16, 1856; married Miss Mary A. Crail; lives at Janesville, Iowa. 84. rv. Emma A., born December 18, 1859 ; married John J. Stears.+ V. Flora, bom March 13, 1861; married Everett V. Axtell; lives at Waterloo, Iowa. VI. James Elmer, born September 23, 1864 ; married Miss Mary E. Parmenter ; lives at Janesville, Iowa. Vn. Charles W., bom August 23, 1867; lives at Los Angeles, California; unmarried. Vni. Margaret C, bom March 2, 1870; married Fred W. Fitkin; lives at Minneapolis, Minnesota. IX. Maud D., born April 13, 1873; married William W. Badger; lives at Chicago, Illinois. 460 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 75. JOSEPH GREENLEE \ ^^^^^^H^^'' John Greenle e J son of Elislia Greenlee and Eunice West, was bom February 1, 1834 at Monon- gahela, Washington Co., Pennsylvania; married July 3, 1862 at Henry, Mar- shall Co., Illinois, CAROLINE AMELIA LYTLE, bom November 10, 1837 at Washington, Pennsylvania, daughter of Samuel Lytle and Elizabeth Aston; farmer ; Republican ; resided at Henry, Illinois. They had a son, Charles, bom January 14, 1864 ; married Elizabeth Duke ; lives at Henry, Illinois. 76. JANE GREENLEE {ll^^fe^e Wel?"' Jg^n Greenle e | daughter of Elisha Greenlee and Eunice West, was bom March 8, 1836; mar- ried HENRY (or HENDERSON) ECKLEY. She is dead. CHILDRBN: I. Albert Eckley. II. Ebnira Eckley. in. Elmona Eckley. IV. Melissa Eckley. V. Elisha Eckley. 77. ELMIRA GREENLEE { iJ,'^?^^^||?'"^ John Greenle e | daughter of Elisha Greenlee and Eunice West, was bom March 8, 1836 at Bentleyville, Washington Co., Pennsylvania; married February 11, 1853 at Brownsville, Pennsylvania, JOEL CARSON, bom in 1824 at Bentleyville, died October 25, 1897 at Chrisman, Edgar Co., Illinois son of James Carson and Dorcas Neblock. He was a farmer ; in politics, Republican ; in religion, Metho- dist ; resided at Danville, Illinois. CHILDREN: I. Louella Carson, born September 4, 1863 ; married George Scholes. n. Charley Carson, bom October 15, 1865 ; married Emma Smith. in. Jennie Carson, bom October 25, 1868 ; married Ed Brown. IV. Dora Carson, born January 9, 1874; married Fred Mitchell. V. Jeff Carson, bom July 2, 1879. 78. WILLIAM GREENLEE IgllshaGreenlee John Greenlee ) t Ijiunice u est Jane j son of Elisha Greenlee and Eunice West, was bom June 6, or 4, 1838 at Bent- leyville, Washington Co., Pennsylvania; died September 18, 1871; married SCOTCH FAMILIES. 461 November 14, 1861, HANNAH PARQUHAR, bom February 9, 1838 at Cen- treville, Washington Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of David Farquhar and Han- □ah Shaw ; farmer ; Republican ; Methodist ; resided at Bentley ville. CHILDREN: 85. I. Joseph Elisha bom September 1, 1862; married Elizabeth Newkirk; married second Julia A. Mills.+ n. Charles Eli, bom December 23, 1864; died in his 11th year. m. Eunice Irene, bom October 28, or 27, 1867; married Joseph Carson. rV. "William, born November 8, 1871 ; married Elsie Crouch. 79. JOHN GREENLEE r Joseph Greenlee .Toh a Greenlee ) uvfui \xa.juxix^±jx,a | Elizabeth Campbell Jane J son of Joseph Greenlee and Elizabeth Campbell, was bom February 28, 1835 at Monongahela, Washington Co., Pennsylvania; married October 23, 1856 at Delaware, Delaware Co., Ohio, NAOMI BISHOP, born October 8, 1836 at Dela- ware, daughter of James Bishop and Sarah Cole. He was a ranchman; in politics. Republican ; in religion, Methodist ; resided at Marf a, Texas since 1878. CHILDREN: I. Daughter, born March 18, 1858 ; died the same day. II. Daughter, born April 1859 ; died in 1864. in. Daughter, bom April, 1862; married A. B. Main. IV. Daughter, born May, 1867; died, 1895. V. Son, bom in 1869; died, 1869. VI. Son, born in 1870; died, 1870. 80. TAiynnSS nPir.inMT.'E'.'R fJohnGreenlee Jamea Greenlee John Greenlee 1 OABlXiO UAJ:jJ:inijJ:iXi | jiary Ballantlne Mary Mcllvaine Jane / son of John Greenlee and Mary Ballantine, was born November 2, 1841 at Clarksville, Greene Co., Pennsylvania; married January 10, 1871, MARY E. ARNOLD, born December 27, 1847 at Washington, Pennsylvania daughter of Michael Arnold. He is a farmer; Republican; Cumberland Presbyterian; re- sides at Clarksville, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : I. John C, born June 15, 1872 ; died December 11, 1872. n. IdaV. 462 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 81. MAPTWA .T flP'Iil'Ii'.'NT.'li'.Ti'. POS'R f Elizabeth Greenlee James Greenlee John Greenlee ) OLAAIBM. O. UArjXil'tljfiili AUOfi | David Rose Mary Mcllvalne Jane / daughter of Elizabeth Greenlee and David Rose, was born July 18, 1841 ; died November 1, 1891; married ADAM H. ROSE, bom July 30, 1830, died Au- gust 14, 1884. CHILDREN: I. Mary A. Rose, born July 14, 1861. II. Margaret A. Rose, born September 29, 1863; married William Hupp; has daughter Martha May Hupp. 81a. iinTTK frRTRli'.'NT.'R'R ZF.NTZ ( Jane Greenlee John Greenlee John Greenlee 1 WUnn UAAXinijJliJ:! ZiXinJ.^ l Israel Zentz Margaret Dougherty Jane / son of Jane Greenlee and Israel Zentz, was born August 31, 1847 at Dunning- ville, Washington Co., Pennsylvania; married March 17, 1875 at Kirkville, Wapello Co., Iowa, MARY ALICE HOUSE, born June 27, 1849 in Bourbon Co., Kentucky, daughter of Alvin House and Belinda Mahanney. He is an engineer ; in politics. Democrat; in religion, Christian; resides at Kirkville, Iowa. One child, Lora Dell Zentz, bom August 23, 1876. 82. WILLIAM MARK GREENLEE i Wllliam Greenlee John Greenlee John Greenlee 1 WUjl^lAlU lUAAA. VTAXifinijriri. -j Margaret Henry Margaret Dougherty Jane / son of William Greenlee and Margaret Henry, was born August 14, 1856 in Guernsey Co., Ohio, near Antrim; married November 29, 1890 at Graphic, Ar- kansas, BELLE LOWREY, who was bom April 23, 1860 in Georgia, daughter of Dr. E. M. Lowrey and Julia Ann Cantrell ; farmer ; Republican ; Methodist ; residence, Fry, Creeks Nation, Indian Territory. CHILDREN: I. Carl Lowrey, bom April 26, 1892. II. Willie, born November 23, 1894. in. Hazel, bom October 22, 1896. 83. VPTTTi" nPTPliVT 'E'E S John Greenlee John Greenlee John Greenlee 1 Mill 111. bK£.l.JNliJL£. IjaneMcIlvain Margaret Dougherty Jane / daughter of John Greenlee and Jane Mcllvain, was born November 11, 1863 at Lexington, McLean Co., Illinois; married February 23, 1888 at Bloomington, McLean Co., lUinois, FRANK W. BENJAMIN, bom January 30, 1858 at Bloomington, son of William Benjamin and Martha Kingsley. He is a farmer; Republican ; Presbyterian ; resides at Bloomington. SCOTCH FAMILIES. 463 CHILDREN: I. Ralph Greenlee Benjamin, bom January 10, 1889. n. Paul Kingsley Benjamin, born September 14, 1892. 84. VmnUTA A nP'Pli'NT ■RIP. f James Greenlee John Greenlee John Greenlee 1 MiBiaiM. A. WlfcXiiiiiiiXiJa I Elizabeth Weygandt Margaret Dougherty Jane / daughter of James Greenlee and Elizabeth Weygandt, was born December 18, 1859 at Washington, "Washington Co., Pennsylvania; married February 16, 1882 at Constantine, St. Joseph Co., Michigan, JOHN J. STEARS, bom May 9, 1852 at Constantine, daughter of Thomas Stears and Ann Jackson. He ia a farmer; Democrat; Protestant; resides at Constantine. CHILDREN: I. Bessie Stears, born October 28, 1883. n. Harry J. Stears, born August 6, 1885. in. Arthur E. Stears, born August 1, 1889. 85. JOSEPH ELISHA GREENLEE jSaSKhar ii'^fc'e^'II?'" ^^S?^!!!^^^} son of "William Greenlee and Hannah Farquhar, was born September 1, 1862 at Bentleyville, "Washington Co., Pennsylvania ; married June 8, 1887, ELIZA- BETH NE"WKIRK, born September 7, 1861 at Bentleyville, died May 14, 1893, daughter of Isaac J. Newkirk and Hannah Thompson ; married second JULIA A. MILLS ; farmer ; Republican ; Presbyterian ; resides at Bentleyville. CHILDREN: I. Hannah Ethel, bom March 17, 1888. n. "William RusseU, born November 24, 1889. ni. James Clinton, bom November 26, 1892. 86. JOHN GREENLEES died July 17, 1844 at Ayr, Ayrshire, Scotland ; was mar- ried probably at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland to MARGARET RAL- STON, who was born probably at Campbeltown, and died June 6, 1854 at Ayr, Scotland. He was a master mariner and resided at Ayr. CHILDREN: I. Margaret, bom December 26, 1796 ; married Young ; died March 9, 1843. 464 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. n. Daniel, born November 7, 1798 ; died March 7, 1804. III. Helen, born May 20, 1801 ; died February 6, 1855. 87. IV. Gavin, born September 11, 1804; married V. Mary, born July 26, 1808 ; married Sergeant Robert McCrindle. 88. VI. Daniel, born April 28, 1811 ; married Margaret Maitland.+ 87. GAVIN GREENLEES, son of John Greenlees and ^ilargaret Ralston, was bom September 11, 1804 ; married and had a son, Daniel who lived at Pietermaritz- burg, Natal. He (Daniel?) had a number of sons and daughters throughout South Africa, where they were all born. 88. DANIEL GREENLEES, son of John Greenlees and Margaret Ralston, was bom April 28, 1811 at Ajt, Ayrshire, Scotland; died April 9, 1864 at Galston, Ayrshire, Scotland ; married at Ayr, MARGARET :\IAITLAND, who was bom at Ayr and died February 5, 1888 at Ayr, daughter of John Maitland and Mary McLatchie. He was a watchmaker and resided at Galston, Scotland. CHILDREN: I. Gavin, born about 1842; died aged 10 years. II. Mary Maitland, born about 1844; lives at Ayr; unmarried. 89. in. John, born June 14, 1846; married Kate Paterson.+ IV. Daniel, born April 18, 1848 ; married Rachel Hopkins ; lives at Wal- lacetown, Ayr. 90. V. Allan, bora April, 1852 ; married Margaret Pringle.+ VI. Robert, born about 1855; died in infancy. ( 89. .TOHN GREENLEES i Daniel Greenlees John Greenlees I UUJ1X'9 t Elizabeth Greenlees Jean Gilmour Elizabeth Leltch / son of John Greenlees and Elizabeth Greenlees, was married when he was 19 years old to KATE GREGORY. CHILDREN: I. Gregory (eldest son). n. John. 468 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. JOHN GREENLEES was a hand loom weaver. He went to Glasgow when he was thirty years old and had an establishment of his own. In his old age he returned to Loehwinnoch and bought up old property and spent his days in repairing his property. 95. MATTHEW GREENLEES was born at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland; married . They had a son. 96. I. John, born in 1842; married Grace Polson.-(- JOHN GREENLEE, son of Matthew Greenlees, was born in 1842 at Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland ; died January, 1896 at Paisley ; married GRACE POL- SON, daughter of William Poison. CHHjDREN: 97. I. Matthew, born March 17, 1868; married Maude Wilson. + II. Grace. III. Evelyn. 97. MATTHEW GREENLEES f John Greenlees Matthew Green lees 1 son of John Greenlees and Grace Poison, was born March 17, 1868 at Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland ; married April 19, 1898 at Glasgow, Scotland, MAUDE WILSON, born July 20, 1877 at Liverpool, England, "daughter of Harry Wil- son ; manufacturer ; in politics Unionist ; resides at Paisley. Child: I. Eileen Celia, born May 2, 1900. 98. ROBERT GREENLEES was born in Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland; married ■ . CHILDREN: I. Archibald. II. William. III. Robert. IV. Thomas. 99. "V. David, born March 16, 1808; married Nancy Breckenridge.+ VI. James. VII. Jane. SCOTCH FAMILIES. 469 99. DAVID GREENLEES, son of Robert Greenlees, was born March 16, 1808 at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland; died October 19, 1892 at Watertown, Washington Co., Ohio ; married in 1833 at Watertown, Ohio, NANCY BRECK- ENRIDGE, born October 19, 1815 in Scotland, died July 7, 1891 at Watertown, Ohio, daughter of Andrew Breckenridge and Sarah Templeton. He was a far- mer; Presbyterian; resided at Watertown, Ohio. CHILDREN : I. Sarah, born October 16, 1835 ; unmarried. 100. II. Andrew, born April 28, 1838; married Maggie Andrews. + III. Jane, born January 8, 1843 ; married William Andrews. IV. Robert, born November 17, 1844. V. Thomas, born June 11, 1846. 100a. VI. Agnes, born November 30, or 9, 1849 ; married Joseph A. Arnold. -(- 100. ANDREW GREENLEES f David Oreenlees Robert Greenlees \ \ Nancy Breckenridge J son of David Greenlees and Nancy Breckenbridge, was born April 28, 1838 at Watertown, Washington Co., Ohio ; married August 17, 1865 at Neto, Washing- ton Co., Ohio, MAGGIE ANDREWS, born August 7, 1848 at Palmer, Wash- ington Co., Ohio, daughter of William Andrews and Elizabeth Breckenbridge ; farmer; Republican; Presbyterian; resides at Neto, Ohio. CHILDREN : I. Nettie, born September 5, 1866 ; married September 16, 1885, M. C. Gray. II. Eva S., born September 7, 1868. III. David E., born February 11, 1872; lives at Chicago, Illinois. He is a conductor. IV. William C, born March 21, 1875. V. Dean H., born December 15, 1888. 100a. AGNES GREENLEES /David Greenlees Robert Greenlees ) 1 Nancy Breckenridge J daughter of David Greenlees and Nancy Breckenbridge, was born November 30, or 9, 1849 at Watertown, Washington Co., Ohio ; married May 28, 1874 at Watertown, JOSEPH A. ARNOLD, born May 12 1846 at Watertown. He is a farmer; Republican; Presbyterian; resides at Watertown. Daughter : I. Ella V. Arnold, born June 20, 1882. 102. I. 103. II. 104. III. IV. V. 105. VI. VII. VIII. 470 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 101. ROBERT 6REENLEES was bom at Campbelto^vn, Argyleshire, Scotland; died at Campbeltown, Scotland ; married at Campbeltown, SARAH TEMPLE- TON, who was born at Campbeltown and died in 1820 at Campbeltown, daugh- ter of John Templeton; farmer; Presbyterian; resided at Campbeltown. CHILDREN: "William; married Martha Harvey.+ Robert, born August, 1799, or 1800; married Mary Mitchell.+ Thomas. married Jane Muir.+ James, married Miss Colville. David; married Miss Drair. Hugh ; married Miss Philips.+ Jane; married Hugh Mitchell. Matthew; married Miss i\Iuir. He was in business in Paisley manufacturing the famous shawls. [From other sources we have the following data : ROBERT GREENTjEES married JANE MITCHELL, daughter of Archibald Mitchell and Langwell. CHILDREN: I. John. II. Archibald. in. William ; married Martha Harvey. rV. Robert ; married Mary Mitchell. V. Thomas; married Watson. VI. Matthew; married Watson. Vn. Hugh. VIII. Jane ; married Hugh Mitchell. IX. David. X. James. From the similarity of names we infer that Jane Mitchell was the first wife, and Sarah Templeton the second wife of the above Robert Greenlees.] 102. WILLIAM GREENLEES, son of Robert Greenlees and Sarah Templeton, was bom in Argyleshire, Scotland ; died March, 1848 in Argyleshire ; married il AR- THA HARVEY, who was born in 1797 in Argyleshire, and died in 1879 at Charles Cit}% Floyd Co., Iowa, daughter of James Harvey and Agnes Mitchell. k I. 106. II. 107. III. IV. 108. V. 109. VI. VII. VIII. SCOTCH FAMILIES. 471 CHILDREN: James; died in 1883; unmarried. Robert ; married Mary Montgomery. + Jeanne ; married James Wylie.+ William; died in 1894, unmarried. Agnes ; married Robert Smith. + John, born June 21, 1836; married Jeanne Smith.+ Martha, born May 15, 1838; married George Greenlees [No. 55.] Janet; died. WILLIAM GREENLEES resided near Campbeltown, Scotland. After his death his widow with her seven children emigrated to Rockford, Illinois, in 1850. Later, she, with her four sons, went to Charles City, Iowa and took up government land. 103. ROBERT GREENLEES, son of Robert Greenlees and Sarah Templeton, was born August, 1799, or 1800, at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland ; died May 14, 1869 at Caledonia, Boone Co., Illinois; married in 1824 at Campbeltown, Scotland, MARY MITCHELL, born September, 1803, or 1804, at Campbeltown, died November 10, or 6, 1883 at Calendonia, Illinois, daughter of James Mitchell and Ann Porter. He was a farmer; Republican; Presbyterian. He came from Scotland in 1850 and resided near Caledonia. CHILDREN : Sarah, born January 25, 1825; married Neil McMichael.+ Robert; married Marian Montgomery.4- James; married Margaret Jane Brown. -f- Hugh, born March 19, 1831 ; married Jane Smith.+ Ann ; married Robert McNair.+ Thomas, born April 17, 1835; married Margaret Andrew.+ Mary ; died young. Mary ; married John Picken. Jean, born August 29, 1841 ; married John Johnston Smith.+ John ; died young. William ; married Marion Colville ; married second Janet Drayen ; married third Mary McMillen. 117. XII. Helen, born October 15, 1847 ; married Duncan S. Kelly.+ 104. THOMAS GREENLEES, son of Robert Greenlees and Sarah Templeton, was born at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland ; married JANE MUIR. 110. I. 111. n. 112. III. 113. IV. 114. V. 115. VI. VII. VIII. 116. TX. X. XI. 472 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: I. Sarah. II. Margaret. ni. John. IV. Robert. V. Thomas. VI. Jane. 118. VII. Matthew, born February 21, 1844 ; married Wilhebnina Alexander Campbell. + VIII. James William. IX. Elizabeth Mary. X. Alexander. 105. HUGH GREENLEES, son of Robert Greenlees and Sarah Templeton, was born at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland; married MISS PHILIPPS. He was a manufacturer of shawls and a distiller ; in religion, Presbyterian ; resided at Paisley, Scotland. Son: 119. I. Robert, born May 17, 1825 ; married .+ 106. ROBERT GREENLEES i wniiam Greenlees Robert Greenlees 1 AVUJUXbJ. \xi\,ci:iviijj:jxia | Martha Harvey Sarah Templeton / son of William Greenlees and Martha Harvey, was born ia Campbeltown, Argylshire, Scotland; died October 3, 1882 at Charles City, Floyd Co., Iowa; married April 11, 1861 at Rockford, Illinois, MARY MONTGOMERY, born August, 1835 in Scotland, daughter of James Montgomery and Jennie Cald- well. He was a farmer ; in polities. Republican ; in religion, Presbyterian. Re- sided at Charles City, Iowa. CHILDREN: I. William, born July 22, 1863; married Jennie Hurst; residence, Rockford, Illinois. II. Jeanne, bom December 13, 1865 ; resided at Charles City, Iowa. 120. III. Mattie A., born August 20, 1867; married Alfred A. Colgrove.4- IV. James, born April 27, 1873 ; resides at Charles City, Iowa. 107. TIP A 'NTa"li! flP'B'.T<''NT P.inS /William Greenlees Robert Greenlees 1 JtiASinti lxKJ!ii:.JNl.J!.J!i& t Martha Harvey Sarah Templeton } daughter of William Greenlees and j\Iartha Harvey, was born in Scotland; married JAMES WYLIE ; resided at Toledo, Ohio. SCOTCH FAMILIES. CHILDREN: 473 I. Harvey Wylie. II. Jeanne Wylie. in. Martha Wylie. IV. Isabelle Wylie. AGNES GREENLEES 108. ( William Greenlees \ Martha Harvey Robert Greenlees Sarah Templeton daughter of William Greenlees and Martha Harvey, died in 1896 at Argyle, Illinois ; married ROBERT SMITH ; resided near Argyle. CHILDREN: I. William Smith. XI. Andrew Smith. m. Agnes Smith. IV. Mary Smith. V. Martha Smith. 109. JOHN GREENLEES f William Greenlees Robert Greenlees 1 t Martha Harvey Sarah Templeton J son of William Greenlees and Martha Harvey, was bom June 21, 1836 near Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland; married March 22, 1864 at Rockford, Illinois, JEANNE SIMITH, born April 28, 1836 in Argyleshire, Scotland, daugh- ter of Daniel Smith and Mary Montgomery; farmer; Republican; Presbyter- ian; residence, Charles City, Iowa. CHILDREN : I. n. III. IV. V. VI. Marcia, bom February 5, 1865. Daniel, born in 1867. William, bom in 1869. John, born in 1871. Mary, born in 1874. Florence, born in 1878. Daniel Greenlees and his brother William are proprietors of Greenlee Broth- ers Livery, Charles City, Iowa. 110. SARAH GREENLEES f Robert Greenlees Robert Greenlees 1 t Mary Mitchell Sarah Templeton j daughter of Robert Greenlees and Mary Mitchell, was born January 25, 1825 at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland; married February 17, 1859 at Cale- 474 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. donia, Boone Co, IHinois, NEIL McMICHAEL, bom February 27, 1826 at Campbeltown, Scotland, son of Hugh Mc]\Iichael and Agnes McDougal. He was a farmer ; Republican ; Presbji:erian ; resided at Caledonia, Illinois. CHILDREN : I. Agnes McMiehael, bom December 15, 1859. n. Robert McMiehael, bom December 10, 1862. 111. ROBERT 6REENI.EES f Robert Greenlees Robert Greenlees 1 AUAfiAX VTAJIiXinixEiXiO | jiary Mitchell Sarah Templeton / son of Robert Greenlees and Mary Mitchell, was born in Scotland; died Feb- ruary 7, 1874 at Argyle, "Winnebago Co., Illinois; married MARION MONT- GOMERY, daughter of James Montgomery; farmer; Republican; Presbyter- ian; resided at Argyle, Illinois. CHILDREN : I. Elizabeth Ann ; married Peter Greenlee. II. Mary; died in childhood. 121. ni. Robert, born March 23, 1866 ; married Nettie Ralston.+ IV. James C, born March 6, 1867. V. John Thomas, born August, 1873 ; died in childhood. 112. T&MTS nPP.Ti'KnPli'R f Robert Greenlees Robert Greenlees ) JAOUiti lTKii!.JNljJ!.J!jb { Mary Mitchell Sarah Templeton / son of Robert Greenlees and Mary Mitchell; married MARGARET JANE BROWN, bom August 27, in Ohio, daughter of Edward Brown and Elizabeth ; farmer ; Republican ; Presbyterian ; resided at Caledonia, Illinois. CHILDREN: I. Mary Ann, born April 23, 1866 ; married James Smith. II. Edward Brown, born March 30, 1868 ; married Annetta Andrew. ni. Elizabeth, born August 31, 1871; married James Greenlee [No. 30]. rV. Margaret Jane, bom July 28, 1874 ; married John Kelly. V. Robert James, born February 12, 1878. 113. TTTTfiTI n.P'li'P'MT'RP.S f Robert Greenlees Robert Greenlees ) MUbU UlU!iJ!.nU!it& { Mary Mitchell Sarah Templeton / son of Robert Greenlees and Mary Mitchell, was born ]Mareh 19, 1831 at Camp- beltown, Argyleshire, Scotland; married February 21, 1867 at Roekford, lUi- SCOTCH FAMILIES. 475 nois, JANE SMITH, born December 31, 1853 at Campbeltown, Scotland, daughter of James Smith and Martha Johnston ; farmer ; Democrat ; Presby- terian ; resided at Rockf ord, Illinois. CHILDREN : I. James S., born June 24, 1871. IL NeUie, born January 19, 1873. m. J. Herbert, born February 23, 1877. 114. ANTT flT?'P.F.NT Tn.F.S f Robert Greenlees Robert Greenlees 1 Ann yxIi.XiIUi.'iljZiEiO i Mary Mitcbell Sarah Templeton / daughter of Robert Greenlees and Mary Mitchell, was born at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland ; married July 4, 1861, ROBERT MeNAIR, who was born at Campbeltown; in religion, Presbyterians. CHILDREN : I. Robert McNair; died July 27, 1892. II. James McNair. in. Annie McNair; married in 1894; resides at Redwood Falls, Minnesota. rV. Mary McNair. V. Sarah H. McNair. 115. THOMAS G-REENliEES / Robert Greenlees Robert Greenlees 1 xavaiAO VTlUIirinijXiriO | Mary Mitchell Sarah Templeton / son of Robert Greenlees and Mary Mitchell, was born April 17, 1835 in Argyle- shire, Scotland ; married February 24, 1876 at Argyle, Winnebago Co., Illinois, MARGARET ANDREW, bom December, 1847 at Argyle, Illinois, daughter of John Andrew and Mary Brown ; farmer ; Republican ; Presbyterian ; resided at Caledonia, Boone Co., Illinois. CHILDREN : I. Robert M., born September 6, 1877. II. John A., born October 13, 1879. m. Mary E., born August 11, 1881 ; died August 28, 1882. rV. Margaret M., born August 29, 1883. V. Thomas M., born May 29, 1885. VI. Lizzie A., born August 2, 1887. VII. James R., bom April 6, 1890. 476 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 116. TIPA'N' n'R'Ii''li''N'T TPli'*! f Robert Greenlees Robert Greenlees 1 JJSAJM trKJ!.Ji:iO | Agnes Semple Ellen Ralston / son of John Greenlees and Agnes Semple, was bom May 3, 1830 near Larne, County Antrim, Ireland; married November 2, 1859 at Ballycarry, County Antrim, Ireland, JANE STEWART, born October 29, 1829 at Larne, daughter of Thomas Stewart and Mary Service. No children. JOHN GREENLEES was dedicated by his parents to the ministry of the Gospel, should God in his gracious providence open up the way. He entered Queen's College, in Belfast, in 1850 and was a distinguished student, gaining a junior scholarship each year of his undergraduate course, and a senior scholarship in his fourth year. He took the B. A. degree in Queen's University in 1853, and his M. A. degree in 1854. He also took scholarships in his theo- logical course. In May, 1856 he was licensed to preach, and labored for a short time in Connaught, then was called to the Scot's Church, Ramelton, where he was ordained December 7, 1857. He resigned this charge in 1866, having ac- cepted a call to Belfast, where he was installed over a new congregation in Academy Street, February 28, 1866. This congregation was transferred to a new building called Ekenhead Church in 1867, where he still continues to minister with acceptance to the people. 126. ANDREW GREENLEES (John Greenlees Roibert Greenlees \ AaUB.EiMV XxRCiEinijIliCiO t Agnes Semple Ellen Ralston ) son of John Greenlees and Agnes Semple, was born September 25, 1831 at Larne, County Antrim, Ireland; married September 25, 1856 at Ottawa, Illi- SCOTCH FAMILIES. 481 nois, LUCY ELLEN POWERS, bom December 8, 1838 at Ottawa, daughter of John Powers and Nancy Ford. He was a farmer; Republican; Congrega- tionalist ; resided at Lame, Ireland ; came to this country when he was 19 years old and has resided at Troy, New York, Ottawa, Illinois and Silica, Kansas. CHILDREN: 127. L John Robert, born July 28, 1858; married Mary Ida Wolf. + II. Mary Agnes, born March 3, 1861 ; married Arthur ToUis Yielding. III. Charles Andrew, born July 13, 1863 ; married Henrietta Boll. IV. Lucy Ellen, born July 6, 1872; married Henry Chase. 127. JOHN ROBERT GREENLEES f Andrew Creenlees John Greenlees ( Lucy Ellen Powers Agnes Semple Robert Greenlees 1 Ellen Ralston ) son of Andrew Greenlees and Lucy Ellen Powers, was born July 28, 1858 at Ottawa, Lasalle Co., Illinois; married April 4, 1884 at Chase, Rice Co., Kansas, MARY IDA WOLF, born March 4, 1861 at Salem, Lee Co., Iowa, daughter of Christopher A. Wolf and Emma C. Clark. He is a shipper ; in politics. Republi- can; in religion, Congregationalist ; resides at Lawrence, Kansas. CHILDREN : I. Agnes Mary, born July 16, 1885. II. Ellen Louise, born June 14, 1889. III. Charles Robert, born November 7, 1892. rV. Lois Anna, bom December 8, 1897. 128. WILLIAM GREENLEES of Machribeg [Parish Records] was born June 13, 1776 in Argyleshire, Scotland ; died in Argyleshire ; married April 22, 1808 at Southend, Argyleshire, Scotland [date and place from Parish Records], JANET PICKEN, born February 18, 1785 at Southend, Scotland, daughter of John Picken and Mary Reid. He was a Presbyterian and resided in Argyleshire. CHILDREN: 129. I. Archibald, born March 2, 1809; married Margaret Montgomery McGechy.-(- n. Anna, bom March 6, 1812; married Colin Telfer; married second. William Houston. ni. Mary, born July 8, 1817; married James Martin. 482 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 129. ARCHIBALD GREENLEES, son of William Greenlees and Janet Picken, was born March 2, 1809 in Argyleshire, Parish of Southend, Scotland; died July 7, 1881 at Cincinnati, Ohio ; married June 3, 1836 at Edinburgh, Scotland, MAR- GARET MONTGO:\IERY :\leGECHT. born March 29, 1812 at Campbeltown, Argyleshire. Scotland; died I\Iarch 15. 1869 at Cincinnati, Ohio, daughter of James McGechy (McGeaehy or McGeachim) and Mary Montgomery. He was a shoemaker; Republican; Presbyterian; resided at Cincinnati, Ohio. CHILDREN: I. William, born January 13, 1837 at Edinburgh; died unmarried Julj' 17, 1866; served in Quartermaster's department during the Civil war. n. James, born September 13, 1839 at Edinburgh ; died May 10, 1840. 130. HI. Archibald, born June 4, 1841; married Leonora ilatilda Agnew.-|- IV. James ]\Iartin, born November 1, 1843, not in Argyleshire but near it, at a place called Salt Pans, now included in Argyle- shire; married Annie E. Winters; served in Quartermaster's Department during the 01^*11 war; died in 1876 at Cincinnati. Colin Telfer, bom June 23, 1846 ; married Mary Joanna Wheeler.-j- Thomas. born JIarch 15. 1849; married Sarah J. Sloan. -f- Mary Janet, bom February 14, 1852; married Charles Sherman Yerkes.+ VHl. Joseph Taylor, bom June 24, or January 27, 1856 at Cincinnati, Ohio ; married Susan B. A. AUen. 130. ARCHIBALD GREENLEES ( Archibald Oreenlees William Greenlees ) fi.u.vu..u^n.u>.r v.....u.u.i.<.u^.u>. ^ Margaret M. McGechy Janet Picken J son of Archibald Greenlees and Margaret Montgomery ilcGechy, was bom June 4, 1841 at Salt Pans (now included in Argj^leshire), Scotland; married November 25, 1869, LEONORA :MATILDA AGNEW, bom March 26, 1849 at Cumberland, Maryland, daughter of John Park Agnew and Matilda Elizabeth Thomas. CHILDREN: 134. I. Margaret Agnew, born September 26, 1870 ; married Cleland Nelson Offley.+ n. Da^^d Agnew, bom September 26, 1875; unmarried. m. Annie de Courcy, born January 16, 1879, or 1880 ; unmarried. ARCHIBALD GREENLEES was a coal shipper; Republican; Presbyterian; resided at Washington, D. C. He served in the Civil war as a Lieutenant in the Quartermaster 's Department. 131. V. 132. VI. 133. VH. SCOTCH FAMILIES. 483 131. COLIN T£LF£R GREENLEES f Archibald Greenlees William Greenleea ) UUl^JJ.^ LCiUCJlils, \xa,CiCini^jhc.o | Margaret M. McGechy Janet Picken ; son of Archibald Greenlees and Margaret Montgomery McGechy, was bom June 23, 1846 at Salt Pans, now included in Argyleshire, Scotland ; died in his 57th year at Walnut Hills; married at Cincinnati, Ohio, MARY JOANNA WHEELER, born June 9, 1853 at Cincinnati, daughter of Wilber Bacchus Wheeler and Elizabeth Morgan. He was a bookkeeper; Republican; Presby- terian ; resided at Walnut Hills, near Cincinnati. Served during the Civil war in the Quartermaster's Department. CHILDREN : I. Ada Sherwood, born June 19, 1873 ; married Elra A. Berdan, who is the New York advertising representative of the Times-Star. II. William Houston, born September 12, 1875 ; travels for an eastern firm. in. Carrie Wheeler, born October 17, 1881; married George H. Meyers who represents another Cincinnati newspaper. 132. THOMAS frP.'Rli'.NT.'R'RS f Archibald Greenlees William Greenlees 1 inUiUiiO \xRJUlUSiL.J:.J!ia | Margaret M. McGechy Janet Picken I son of Archibald Greenlees and Margaret Montgomery McGechy, was born March 25, 1849 at Greenock, Scotland; married SARAH J. SLOAN, born January 20, 1857 at Pomeroy, Meigs Co., Ohio, died August 17, 1895; daughter of Duncan Sloan and Maria Harris; grocer; Republican; Presbyterian; re- sided at Cincinnati, Ohio. CHILDREN : I. Joseph Clifford, born February 27, 1880. II. Percy Sloan, born August 20, 1882. III. Colin Raymond, born June 16, 1885. 133. MABY JANET GREENLEES /Archibald Greenlees William Greenlees 1 wuxxhx uAxijuj. vrxvxijuxi.ucifio t Margaret M. McGechy Janet Picken J daughter of Archibald Greenlees and Margaret Montgomery McGechy, was bom February 14, 1852 at Cincinnati, Ohio ; married February 7, 1878 at West Walnut Hills, Ohio, CHARLES SHERMAN YERKES, born July 13, 1850 at Covington, Kentucky, son of Reuben S. Yerkes and Harriet A. Martin. He is in insurance business; in politics, Democrat; religion, Congregationalist ; re- sides at Oak Park, Illinois. 484 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : I. Reuben Archibald Yerkes, bom January 11, 1880. II. Leonora Agnew Yerkes, born July 27, 1883 ; dead. in. Alice Agnew Yerkes, born November 29, 1885 ; dead. rv. Mary Agnes Yerkes, born August 9, 1886. V. Charles Greenlees Yerkes, bom December 6, 1888. 134. MARGARET AGNEW GREENLEES f Archibald Greenlees Archibald Greenlees XTlAAUAAJIiX AUlMXiW UAfjrjnijrirjO I Leonora M. Agnew Margaret M. McGechy William Greenlees I Janet Plcken J daughter of Archibald Greenlees and Leonora Matilda Agnew, was born Sep- tember 26, 1870 at Cincinnati, Ohio ; married July 14, 1890, CLELAND NELSON OFFLEY, bom June 8, 1868 at Washington, D. C, son of Holmes Edward OflBey and Mary Cleland Nelson. CHILDREN: I. Archibald Nelson Offley, bom April 23, 1891. II. Margaret Andrew Ofifley, born November 10, 1896. CLELAND NELSON OFFLEY is a Lieutenant in the United States Navy. During the war with Spain he was first assistant engineer on the Oregon on her long voyage round the Horn and during the naval battle of July 3rd. He is a Presbyterian and resides at Washington, D. C. 135. WILLIAM GREENLEES, brother of Joseph Greenlees [No. 91] was bom at Southend, Argyleshire, Scotland; married AGNES ANDREW. CHILDREN : I. Matthew; married Miss Ferguson. 136. n. Daniel, born April 14, 1796 ; married Mary Colville.+ III. Agnes Andrew, bom April 3, 1811 ; married Samuel Greenlees [No. 35]. rv. Robert; died young. WILLIAM GREENLEES was a ship master. His wife was a woman of strong character, universally respected and distinguished for her godliness — the spiritual training of her children being the mission to which she felt she was called. IiAVin A(;.\i:\V (iI!EEXLEE8. Son of Xo. 130. No. 136. DANIEL OUKENLEES. .MAKV irnLVII.I.i:! intEENLEES. Wife of Dauh'l (ireenlees. SCOTCH FAMILIES. 485 136. DANIEL GREENLEES, son of "WiUiam Greenlees and Agnes Andrew, was born April 14, 1796 at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland ; died June 25, 1892 at Campbeltown, Scotland; married February 17, 1824 at Campbeltown, MARY COLVILLE, born March 6, 1801 at Campbeltown, died March 15, 1888 at Campbeltown, daughter of Charles Colville and Janet Dunlap. CHILDREN : I. Margaret, born December 11, 1824; married Robert Greenlees; lived at London, England. n. Agnes, bom June 30, 1826; married James Blackwood, a South African merchant. ni. Janet, born June 11, 1828 ; died April 5, 1847. 137. IV. Charl6s Colville, born November 4, 1830; married Jessie Col- ville.+ V. "William, born February 18, 1833; married Annie Robin. VI. Mary, bom February 15, 1836; married Archibald Greenlees [No. 36].+ Vn. Catherine, born September 2, 1839 ; married A. L. Bruce ; lived at Edinburgh. VIII. Daniel, born August 16, 1844 ; died December 22, 1847. DANIEL GREENLEES was a partner in the firm of Greenlees & Colville, Hazelbum Distillery, along with Samuel Greenlees, his brother-in-law, with whom also he jointly held the estate of Moy, but left the business in 1881, and since that time lived a life of well-earned leisure. Early taking an interest in the welfare of his fellow citizens, he took a prominent part in the Reform Bill agitation of 1832, and a year later was elected a member of the Town Council, which honorable duties he faithfully discharged, with an intermission of one year (1841-2) till 1860. During this period of 27 years he served as Bailie from 1836-1841, and from 1848-1854. A useful member of the Coimcil, he was con- tented with his wellknown title of Bailie Greenlees, notwithstanding that the Provostship was frequently pressed upon him — an office which he lived to see filled by his son, Charles, for many years. During his servitude in the Council he had the superintendence of the repairs of the South Side of the Old Quay, and the town property in Bolgam Street was secured under his administration. He was also one of the promoters of the Gas Company, and was early connected with the Steamboat Company of which he was a director. Mr. Greenlees was initiated a member of St. John's Lodge of Freemasons on the 18th of May, 1819, and was thus the oldest living Freemason in Scotland, his connection with the craft extending over a period of 73 years. An earnest churchman, he was a member of the Longrow United Presbyterian Church, and was ordained to the eldership in 1832, and gave with a warm heart and liberal hand to all its schemes. He was convener of the Law Committee of the Church during the great Smith case (well-known in church history), which was carried to the Court of Session and won by the congregation. Rev. Mr. 486 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Smith, minister at that time, attempted to carry the congregation with all the church property, out of the denomination and into the Established Church. The isolated position of the town, far from the seat of Presb}i;ery in Glasgow, the system of proprietors by which the church was held, and the fact that the constitution of the Relief Denomination and the rules of procedure had not been very carefully formulated, helped to facilitate the step IMr. Smith was taking. For a time the congregation was deprived of the use of the church, the first Sabbath on which they were shut out being a cold, snowy day in the month of December, when the congregation worshipped in the Kirk Close, as near the church as they could get, the minister, Rev. Mr. Harvey, of Glasgow, standing in a door of a grain loft, preaching the Gospel to the women and children accommodated within the loft and to the men without crowding the close. It was clear that there was to be a law case that would be decided by the Court of Session, if not the House of Lords. Much, it was felt, would depend upon an active, energetic and wise law committee, and such a committee was appointed, Mr. Greenlees being unanimously appointed convener. His work on that committee abundantly justified the confidence the congregation exercised in him ; and when after years of litigation, the congregation had its property restored to it by the decision of the Court of Session, there were two men to whom it was felt by all that very special thanks were due — one was the Rev. Dr. Struthers of Glasgow, who was imwearied in hunting up documents, min- utes, and precedents for the instruction of the law agents in conducting the case, and the other was Mr. Greenlees, who as convener of the law committee, did whatever could be done to help the right to prevail, and to cheer the con- gregation when prospects were darkest. Regaining possession of the church, the congregation pursued its work with new ardor and in every departure of congregational usefulness Mr. Greenlees took a warm and deep interest, thor- oughly sympathising and co-operating with the minister in all his efforts to promote the spiritual progress. He was one of the elders who gave the late revered Dr. Boyd his call to Campbeltown. As long as he was able to attend church he did so with perfect regularity, when unable to hear in his ordinary seat coming as near the pulpit as possible. Though so far advanced in life he never allowed himself to live in the past or to get out of touch with the pres- ent. He continued to read to the end of his days. The range of his reading narrowed as the years advanced and the eyes became dim, and was confined to three lines — his daily newspaper, by which he kept himself acquainted with politics, not of his own country only, but of other countries as well, especially France ; his second line of reading was a massive volume of devotional divinity ; and his third line of reading was his bible. As his infirmities increased his newspaper had to be given up ; after a time his volume of divinity had to be given up ; but his daily bible portion he continued to read to the last. Touch- ing it was to see the brass fingermark pointing out the chapter and verse he had reached in his regular reading, and to notice the progress he had made through the bible. In his earlier years he was connected with the fishing in- dustry, and always took a keen interest in the fishermen of the town. This interest he continued to the last and nothing pleased him better than to watch them from his windows getting their skiffs in order and going out to their nightly toil. He and his wife celebrated their golden and diamond weddings. •■&'^i!(WM^-i,^&!^~. No. 131. -IiUNAnA,' KESIDEXIE OF No. 137. CHARLES COLVILLE GREENLEES CAMPBELLTOWX. SCOTLAND. SCOTCH FAMILIES. 487 He was buried in Kilkerran Cemetery. The flags on the steamers and shipping in the harbour were lowered to half-mast, and the various town and church beUs were tolled at intervals. At the Parochial Board meeting, Ex-Provost Colville referred to the deceased in the following terms: "Gentlemen, I can- not take this place today without reference, in a very few words, to the absence of our Chairman. We all sympathise with him and his family circle in their bereavement. When one of so notable age as that to which Mr. Daniel Green- lees has reached is taken away — one all whose unblemished life has been passed in this community — it seems like the closing of an epoch. And, gentlemen, although it has not been customary for us of this Board, in exactly similar cir- cumstances, to record our emotions in the minute book, still I am confident that you will allow me to express our feeling of sincere condolence on this occasion, and that you will join me in asking the Inspector to convey these sentiments to Mr. Greenlees our Chairman. If you agree with me in this we may fittingly show our acquiescence and respect by standing." The request was universally complied with. 137. CHARLES COLVILLE GREENLEES { g|°jr^«,7^fe"'' A^lVlnirif } son of Daniel Greenlees and Mary Colville, was born November 4, 1830 at Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland; married JESSIE COLVILLE, bom July 16, 1841 at Campbeltown, Scotland, daughter of John Colville and Janet Gal- braith. He resides at Dunara, Campbeltown, Scotland. One son: Daniel ColviUe, born March 5, 1869 ; married Mary Macneal. CHARLES COLVILLE GREENLEE went to Glasgow in 1847 and entered a West India House that traded at Hayti. He afterward became a partner in the firm — W. D. Roberts & Company. In 1858-59 he visited Hayti and America. He joined the Volunteers in August, 1859, as a member of the Glasgow University Corps, and was present as one of the Guards of Honor to her Majesty Queen Victoria at the opening of the Loch Katrine Water Works. He returned to Campbeltown in 1860, owing to the illness of his father, where he has since resided. A Volunteer Corps was formed in Campbeltown in 1860 and he joined as Ensign, and continued a volunteer for twenty-seven years, retiring with the honorary rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He was present at the two reunions in Edinburgh, 1861 and 1881, and was Captain of a Guard of Honor to her Majesty at luveray, and to the Princess Louise at Campbeltown. Mr. Greenlees was Provost of Campbeltown for six years, was Chairman of the Parochial Board and Parish Council for about twenty years, and also Chair- man of the Burgh School Board. He is Justice of the Peace for the County, and also Hon. Sheriff substitute ; a banker; in politics, Liberal; and an Elder in the United Presbyterian Church. 488 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 138. GREENLEES, daughter of Greenlees of Bishopton, married JOHN B. McCALLUM. She is the only survivor of the Greenlees family of Bishoptown. Her grandfather's people came from Lochwinnoch. 138a. GREENLEES born 1600, was from Lochwinnoch, Renfrewshire, Scot- land. By occupation, miller; in religion, Covenanter, escaped persecution by going to Kyntire. Came to Campbeltown about 1650-1660. CHILDREN: Son, lived at Blasthill farm, S. E. Kyntire, represented by Charles C. Green- lees, Campbeltown, and Rev. John Greenlees, Belfast. Son, lived at Machribeg farm, S. E. Kyntire, represented by Gavin Green- lees, and John Greenlees who founded the Argyle settlement in Illinois. Daughter, married John Cordiner, lived at Rutchachan farm, Kjnitire, great-grandmother of Gavin Ralston, represented by Miss Greenlees, Burbank. Son, lived at Tangy farm, Kyntire, represented by John Greenlees, draper in Campbeltown. Son, lived at Greenland farm, represented by Samuel Greenlees, Camp- beltown. Son, lived at Campbeltown. Descendants live in Glasgow and Australia. Son. This family was originally from Saxony, went into England, then Fife, then Argyleshire, Scotland, and from there scattered into the North of Ireland, etc. THOMAS GREEN'LEES. W. M. rjREEXr.EES. WILLIAM liltEEXLEES. SAMUEL GREEXI.EES. 1 IRISH FAMILIES. 139. ARTHUR GREENLEES was born in County Antrim (?), Ireland; married . He was a farmer. CHILDREN : 140. I. John ; married Elizabeth Greenlees.+ II. Alice ; no trace of her after coming to America about 1840. 140. JOHN GREENLEES, son of Arthur Greenlees, was born in County Antrim, Ire- land; married his cousin ELIZABETH GREENLEES from Renaldstown, County Antrim, Ireland, who died July 15, 1879 at Ballycraigy, Ireland; farmer; Presbyterian. Children, all died before 1899. I. Edward ; married Mary McClelland ; married second Mary Barron. II. Arthur, bom in 1834 ; married Mary Kirkpatrick ; died in 1874. 141. III. "William, born March 29, 1837; married Mary Hanly.+ rV. Anne, bom December 12, 1839; married John (?) Kane. V. Elizabeth; married James Agnew. VI. Martha ; died in 1867. VII. John. 141. WILLIAM GREENLEES { ^f ?,°b?tt Gr'S?nIees ^^thur Greenlee s | son of John Greenlees and Elizabeth Greenlees, was born March 29, 1837 at Belfast, County Antrim, Ireland ; died October 20, 1893 at Brookland, D. C. ; married January 29, 1861 in County Antrim, Ireland, MARY HANLY, who was born December 18, 1839 at Belfast, daughter of William Hanly and Margaret McKelvy Lyle. He was a manufacturer of brick and terra cotta; in politics, Republican; religion, Presbyterian; resided at Brookland, D. C. CHILDREN : I. Anna J., bom April 10, 1863 at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; un- married. 489 I 490 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 142. n. Thomasine, born July 14, 1865; married James Erastus Price. + m. Mary Elizabeth, born May 14, 1867. IV. Ida Agnes, born September 2, 1871 ; married Russel J. Thompson ; lives at Cleveland, Ohio. 142. THOMASINE GREENLEES { S^/'^^aSfr'-^ i^aifetror^eWs ^!!^ «!!!!!!««} daughter of William Greenlees and Mary Hanly, was born July 14, 1865 ; mar- ried October 28, 1894, JAMES ERASTUS PRICE. Had son Donald Greenlee Price who was born September 10, 1895. 143. HUGH GREENLEES was born in Belfast, or Lisbrun, County Down, Ireland; married ISABEL McGOWIN, who was born in County Down, Ireland. CHILDREN: 144. I. John, born May 11, 1797, or 1796 ; married Isabelle Dickson. -f 145. II. William,* born July, 1800; married Mary V. Allen. + 146. III. Joseph ; married Hester Ann Busby ; married second Leah Wig- gins.+ IV. Jane ; married Breathwith ; moved to Arkansas in 1851. •William Greenlees had half brothers, Robert Calvert, James Calvert, Wil- liam Calvert and Hugh Calvert. 144. JOHN GREENLEES, son of Hugh Greenlees and Isabel McGovrin, was bom May 11, 1797, or 1796, at Dublin, Belfast, or Lisbrun, County Down, Ireland; died September 2, 1855 at Painesville, Sumter Co., Alabama; married Novem- ber 28, 1819, or 1820, in Ireland, or Painesville, Alabama, ISABELLA DICK- SON, born July 21, 1797 at Lisbrun, County Down, Ireland, died May 18, 1859 at PainesviUe, Alabama, daughter of David Dickson, or Dixon, and Mar- garet . CHILDREN : 147. I. Jane, born November 11, 1820; married John Campbell. -|- II. William, bom January 31, 1821 ; dead. 148. III. Hugh, born November 26, 1826; married Mary Elizabeth Hop- per.+ 149. IV. Isabella, born May 19, 1828; married Joseph Eakens.+ IRISH FAMILIES. 491 150. V. Margaret Ann, born January 8, 1830; married Absalom Farrar Biirton.-|- 151. VI. Mary, born March 6, 1832; married George Calvert. + 152. VII. John, born March 23, 1833 ; married Georgia Appleby.+ Vm. David James, bom January, 1837; married Sallie Hopper. He was a soldier in the civil war in the 43rd Mississippi Regiment of Johnson's army, and was killed at the battle of Nashville. 153. IX. Joseph Patterson, born December 9, 1838 ; married Sallie L. Man- ning. + X. Charles, born September 9, 1839 ; died July 28, 1845. JOHN GREENLEES came to America, landing at Charleston, South Caro- lina. He worked at his trade — machinist and painter — until he had saved enough to bring his family to America. In 1820 he bought land near Boligee, Green County, Alabama, to which he removed. After remaining there for ten years he moved into the adjoining county of Sumter which was then a wilderness. In 1837 he sold his place to advantage and removed to Paynes- ville, in Sumter County, where he spent the remainder of his life. He was a magistrate until the time of his death; and was an elder in the Presbyterian church for years ; in politics he was a true Democrat. 145. WILLIAM GREENLEES, son of Hugh Greenlees and Isabel McGowin, was bom July, 1800 at Belfast, Ireland ; died June 20, or 17, 1864, or 1868, at Pine Bluff, Bradley Co., Arkansas ; married MARY Y. ALLEN, born May 24, 1816 at Charlotte, North Carolina, died August 14, 1898 at Rison, Cleveland Co., Arkansas, daughter of William Allen; farmer; Democrat; Methodist. He came from Ireland about 1829 ; resided in Sumter Co., Alabama ; moved to Bradley Co., Arkansas in 1851. CHILDREN: 154. I. Elizabeth, born March 28, 1834; married James C. Harrison; married second John G. Culpepper. + II. Joseph, born in 1837 ; married Elvira Foster ; died in 1878. m. Mary, born in 1839. IV. Nancy, born in 1841. V. John, bom in 1843. VI. James, born in 1848. VII. Bell, born in 1850 ; married John Dickson ; died in 1898. 155. VIII. William Jacob, born June 17, 1851 ; married Samantha L. John.-|- EX. James, born in 1852; married Alice Pricket; lives at Faith, Ar- kansas. 156. X. Robert, born April 14, 1854; married Margaret Norton. -}- XI. Jane; married Dr. Wentz. She is dead. Xn. Charles; died. 492 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 146. JOSEPH GEEENLEES, son of Hugh Greenlees and Isabel McGowin, died about 1880 ; married HESTER ANN BUSBY, daughter of Busby ; mar- ried second LEAH WIGGINS. There were five children by first marriage, all of whom died before 1900, and seven grandchildren; seven children by second marriage ; a large number of grandchildren, two of whom are Hugh Greenlees and Mrs. Bettie J. Lee, both of Epes Station, Sumter Co., Alabama. 147. JANK GREHNUBES f John Greenlees Hugh Greenlees 1 JAnri UAfifiXNljXiJIiO j Isabella Dickson Isabel McGowin / daughter of John Greenlees and Isabella Dickson, was born November 11, 1820 at Belfast, Ireland; died March 25, 1870 at Kossuth, Alcorn Co., Mississippi; married November 14, 1844 at Painesville, Sumter Co., Alabama, JOHN CAMP- BELL, born January 15, 1815 at Shelbyville, Bedford Co., Tennessee, died September 3, 1881 at Booneville, Prentiss Co., Mississippi, son of William Campbell and Sophia W. Harmon. He was a carpenter ; in politics. Democrat ; in religion, Presbyterian; resided in Mississippi. CHILDREN : I. William P. Campbell, born November 5, 1845. 157. II. Susan Ann Campbell, born November 5, 1845; married Benjamin Moore. -(- III. Albert Campbell, born December 7, 1847 ; married Harriet Mc- Haffey ; lived at Boonesville, Mississippi. IV. Martha Ann Campbell, born August 8, 1849. V. Isabel Campbell, born February 16, 1852. VI. George Campbell, born June 28, 1853. VII. Angeline Campbell, born September 9, 1855. VIII. Charles Campbell, bom September 28, 1857. IX. David Richmond Campbell, born June 7, 1861. 148. ITTTrtTT ftPTi'.li'.N'T Ti'.'R'.R f John Greenlees Hugh Greenlees 1 UUUU U±tJ:jJ!iJNl.J!iJ!ib I Isabella Dickson Isalel McGowin | son of John Greenlees and Isabella Dickson, was born November 26, 1826 at Eutaw, Alabama; died October, 1904; married May 6, 1856 at Paynesville, Sumter Co., Alabama, MARY ELIZABETH HOPPER, born November 28, 1838 at Greensboro, Alabama, daughter of William Hopper and Sarah Key; farmer; Democrat; Presbyterian; resided at Gainesville, Alabama. CHILDREN : I. Rebecca Jane, born August 8, 1857; died October, 1865. II. Augustus Colman, born April 11, 1859 ; died September 22, 1883. 7 JAMES THOMAS OREENLEES. Son of N'o. 148 Hugh Greenlees. ANNA LAURA GREENLEES. Daughter of No. 14s. Hiiith (Jreenlees. .~i. - ' . ^ . i"***;' N.I. 14!). i.-^ABEi.LE (;i;i;i:m-i;es EAKENS. Nil. l.-.li. MARGARET ANN GREEN- LEES Bl'RTON. IRISH FA:\IILIES. 493 158. in. John WiUiam, born February 22, 1861; married Kate Bethune Mahony.+ 159. IV. Mary Ida, born March 3, 1863 ; married R. J. J. Boyd.+ V. Annie Laura, born October 15, or December 8, 1869. 160. VI. Helen Irene, born August 15, 1870 ; married Robert I. H. Dial.+ VII. Addie Hopper, born August 31, 1872. VIII. Charles Hugh, born December 10, 1876 ; lives at Eureka, Texas. IX. James Thomas, born August 6, 1880 ; lives at Gainesville, Alabama. HUGH GREENLEES was a soldier in the Confederate army. 149. ISABELLA GREENLEES (Sb^Smc'^sL ?s^§e'i^^c^S.wfn } daughter of John Greenlees and Isabella Dickson, was bom May 19, 1828 at Erie, Greene Co., Alabama ; married August 26, 1856 at Painesville, Sumter Co., Alabama. JOSEPH EAKENS, born May 11, 1829 at Raleigh, North Carolina, son of William Eakens and Ann Walker. He was a farmer. He stood high in his coimty, having served as tax collector and sheriff. Democrat ; Baptist ; re- sided at Lockhart, Mississippi. CHILDREN : 161. I. Mary Lauderdale Eakens, bom February 15,1858; married R. W. Mathews. + Annie Bell Eakens, bom April 13, 1859 ; married J. W. Parker.4- Maggie Fannie Eakens, born June 7, 1862; married T. E. Rivers. + Laura Eakens, bom March 4, 1864; married J. W. ]\Ic Williamson ; no children. Josie P. Eakens, bom October 16, 1866; died December 12, 1867. Carrie Calvert, born April 16, 1872; married C. W. Bailey; no children. She is dead. 150. MARGARET ANN GREENLEES j f ?„\° ,?rn?'rL ?«»?», *el McGowln / daughter of Jane Greenlees and John Campbell, was born November 5, 1845 at New Albany, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi; married May 22, 1872 at Rienzi, Alcorn Co., Mississippi, BENJAMIN MOORE, who was born in 1846 at Rienzi died May 15, 18 — at Booneville, Mississippi, son of John Moore. He was a farmer; Demo- crat; Missionary Baptist; widow resides at BooneviUe, Mississippi. CHILDREN: I. Franklin Moore, bom December 4, 1873. IL Calvin Moore, born November 16, 1876 ; died March 26, 1881. ni. John Moore, born May 24, 1878. IV. Richmon Moore, born November 12, 1880. V. Yarber Moore, bom September 30, 1882. VI. Amy Moore, born July 12, 1885 ; died September 12, 1885. IRISH FAMILIES. 497 158. JOHN WILLIAM (tREENLEE / ''"Sh Greenlees John Greenlees Hugh Greenlees 1 dUXUI WJ.UljJ-tti.Tl wrwilZjllixKiXi \ Mary E. Hopper Isabella Dickson Isabel McGowin J son of Hugh Greenlees and Mary Elizabeth Hopper, was born February 22, 1861 at Livingston, Sumter Co., Alabama; married December 11, 1892 at Eureka, Navarro Co., Texas, Kate Bethune Mahony, bom August 14, 1870 at Sumter, South Carolina, daughter of Henry Mahony and Carrie Harvin ; farmer ; Demo- «rat; Presbyterian; residence, Corsicana, Navarro Co., Texas. CHILDREN : I. Mary Gladys, bom October 2, 1893. n. Harry Hugh, born October 29, 1895. m. Richard Harvin, born May 6, 1897. rV. John Thomas, born May 18, 1899. V. Kate, bom November 13, 1900. 159. MARY TDA ffRF.ENT.EE ( Hugh Greenlees John Greenlees Hugh Greenlees ) lUAAX ±AJ±i. \xa,juxtrtxjiui:, j Mary E. Hopper Isabella Dickson Isabel McGowln / daughter of Hugh Greenlees and Mary Elizabeth Hopper, was born March 3, 1863 at Gainesville, Sumter Co., Alabama ; married December 18, 1887, R. J. J. BOYD, born January 11, 1863 at Livingston, Sumter Co., Alabama, son of Robert Boyd and Rebecca Hopper. He is a farmer; Democrat; Presbyterian; resides at Livingston, Alabama. CHILDREN: I. Mabel Boyd, born November 6, 1888. n. LiUian Boyd, born August 15, 1890. in. Jesse Boyd, bom June 6, 1892. IV. Robert Hugh Boyd, born September 8, 1894. V. Anne May Boyd, bom March 20, 1900. 160. HELEN IRENE GREENLEE / ^"Sli Greenlees John Greenlees Hugh Greenlees 1 XUJ.U.UX1 ...ivxjxiu vTxvxj.ui.ixj£ijj ^ jjjj|.y g Hoppgr Isabella Dickson Isabel McGowln j daughter of Hugh Greenlees and Mary Elizabeth Hopper, was bom August 15, 1870, or 1874, at Gainesville, Sumter Co., Alabama; married May 17, 1899 at Livingston, Sumter Co., Alabama, ROBERT I. H. DIAL, bom February 10, 1855 at Livingston, Alabama, son of James Dial and Kathrine . He is a far- mer ; Democrat ; Presbyterian ; resides at Livingston, Alabama. CHILDREN: I. Robert James Dial, bom December 21, 1900. 498 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 161. MARY LAUDERDALE EAKENS {J^o|^^U''E«rel°'^«« f^'^,?ri5?c^l?n Hugh Greenlees 1 Isabel McGowin / daughter of Isabella Greenlees and Joseph Eakens, was bom February 15, 1858 ; died; married R. W. MATTHEWS. CHILDREN: I. James W. Matthews. II. J. Morris Matthews. TTT Annie May Matthews. 162. ATirMTT" ■RfT T ■p ATTir'MS! ( Isabella Greenlees John Greenlees Hugh Greenlees \ AaaiXi iSJ^Lili JljAft-rjlNO | Joseph Eakens Isabella Dickson Isabel McGowin J daughter of Isabella Greenlees and Joseph Eakens, was born April 13, 1859; died; married J. W. PARKER. Daughter : I. Nellie Parker. 163. TWAPPT'li' 'li'A'N"MT'P Ti' ATTF.WS f Isabella Greenlees John Greenlees Hugh Greenlees 1 jnACrCrUli HANHLHj J!iAJi.J!i«& j Joseph Eakens Isabella Dickson Isabel McGowin / daughter of Isabella Greenlees and Joseph Eakens, was bom June 7, 1862 ; mar- ried T. E. RIVERS ; resided at Meridian, Mississippi. CHILDREN: I. Mabel V. Rivers. n. Evie P. Rivers. III. Paul H. Rivers. IV. John P. Rivers. V. Thomas A. Rivers. VI. Josie C. Rivers. 161. ANDTiF.W .TAfJTCSON "RTITfTON f Margaret Ann Greenlees John Greenlees AnURlUVV JiiOAOUrt UUItlun JAbsalomFarrar Burton Isabella Dickson Hugh Greenlees 1 Isabel McGowin / son of Margaret Ann Greenlees and Absalom Farrar Burton, was bom December 22, 1849 in Kemper Co., Mississippi; died January 10, 1900 at Layton, Jackson Co., Arkansas; married January 11, 1876 in Jackson Co., Arkansas, NANCY JANE DAVENPORT, bom December 22, 1859 in Kemper Co., Mississippi, died No. ir,:'.. J. I', liUKE.N'LEKS ANll SIS TER, No. l.-,(l. MAKGAKET A. BlIU T(JN. / ^ HARRY HUGH GREEXLEE. Son of No. loS. No. 15S. .IDIIN WILLIAM GREEN- LEE. KATE IIAIIONEY CKEIOXLEE. W it"p of .Iiiliii \^■illi^^l ( Ireonk't'. IRISH FAMILIES. 499 January 30, 1877 in Arkansas, daughter of Henry Davenport and Martha ; married second, January 27, 1880 in Kemper Co., Mississippi, MARY TORIAN, bom March 30, 1858 at Boston, Halifax Co., Virginia, daughter of Robert D. Torian and Sarah Walker Burton; farmer; Democrat; Missionary Baptist ; resided at Layton, Arkansas. CHILDREN : (ten by second marriage, three living) I. Margaret Jane Burton, born Janiiary 17, 1877; living (1901) with her grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Greenlee Burton. II. Sarah Elizabeth Burton, born May 10, 1883 ; died October 20, 1899. ni. Martha Louisa Burton, born February 25, 1885. rV. John Kelly Burton, bom September 2, 1886 ; died May 26, 1888. V. Fanny Dean Burton, born June 2, 1893. VL Patrick Henry Burton, born March 9, 1895. VII. Nellie Gray Burton, born January 12, 1898 ; died November 3, 1899. 165. T niT f!ATVT<'T?T rMary Greenlees John Greenlees Hugh Greenlees ) u\J\J v.tiiiV£ij\,j. I George CalTert Isabella Dickson Isabel McGowin / daughter of Mary Greenlees and George Calvert, was born October, 1866 in Kemper Co., Mississippi; married February 13, 1895, JOHN CHISOLM, born April, 1861 in Kemper Co., Mississippi. He is a farmer; Republican; resides at Calvert, Mississippi. CHILDREN: L Ray Chisolm, August 13, 1897. II. Marvil Chisolm, born Febmary 16, 1898. 165a. JAMES (or MATTHEW) GREENLEE was born in Ireland ; died in Delaware ; married — . CHILDREN : 165b. I. James ; married Martha Walker.+ n. Prudence ; married David Colville ; lives at Wilmington, Delaware. III. Elizabeth ; married James Kennedy. rV. David. 165b. JAMES GREENLEE, son of Matthew, or James, Greenlee, was bom in County Armagh, Ireland; died July 27, or August 1, 1869 at Warkworth, Ontario, Can- 500 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. ada ; married May 10, 1830 at Pietou, Ontario, Canada, MARTHA WALKER, who was born in Ireland, died May 10, 1898 at Warkworth, Canada, daughter of James Walker ; farmer ; Presbyterian ; emigrated to Canada about 1830 and resided near Warkworth. CHILDREN, born at Newburg, Ontario : I. Matthew; married Sarah Richardson; died; widow was living (1899) with her family. 165c. II. Charles, born October 5, 1838 ; married Matilda Long.+ TTT Eliza ; married Amos Parks ; dead ; lived at Hords Comers, On- tario, Canada. IV. James ; married Cass Harmiston ; lives in Ontario, Canada. V. David ; married Mrs. Helen Bush Allen ; lives at Clio, Michigan. 165d. VI. John G., married Minnie MeKnight.+ VII. William ; married Jane Harmiston ; lives at Warkworth, Canada. VIII. Jane; married George Hart; a son, W. C. Hart, lives at Flint, Michigan. She is dead. IX. Isabella C. ; married David Daly; one child living in Flint, Michigan. 165c. CHARLES GREENLEE { ^^'^j^^a^'lmlr J^°"^' <^'"""°'"" } son of James Greenlee and Martha Walker, was bom October 5, 1838 at New- burg, Ontario, Canada; married November 19, 1869 at Newburg, MATILDA LONG, born October 6, 1849 at Newburg, daughter of William Long and Susan Wright; moulder; Methodist; resides at Warkworth, Ontario, Canada. CHILDREN: I. William Harold, born March 28, 1871 ; died April 14, 1874. II. James Edmond, born November 19, 1872. III. William Albert, born September 9, 1874. IV. Martha Elizabeth, bom October 5, 1876; married William George Poole. V. David John, born January 11, 1879. VI. Sarah Matilda, born January 27, 1882. VII. Charles, bom September 24, 1883. VIII. Joseph Matthew, born August 8, 1885. IX. Ethel Carrie, born July 18, 1889. 165d. JOHN G. GREENLEE {^;5^r^tha wTllfer J^"*^ '^"«°'** } son of James Greenlee and Martha Walker, was born at Newburg, Ontario, Can- ada ; married October 16, 1870 at Warkworth, Ontario, Canada, MINNIE Mc- IRISH FAMILIES. 501 KNIGHT, bom at "Warkworth, daughter of James McKnight and Katherine Lenox ; Produce buyer ; Presbyterian ; resides at Davison, Michigan. 166. JOHN GREENLEES was bom in Ireland ; drowned July, 1833 at Plantagenet, Ontario, Canada; married MARY MONTGOMERY who was bom in Ireland and died May 3, 1824 at Hawkesbury, Ontario, Canada, daughter of Rev. Mont- gomery (High Church of England minister) ; married second about 1828 or 1829, McDOLE. He was a shoemaker; in politics. Liberal; in religion, Pres- byterian; resided at Antrim, Ireland; Quebec; Hawkesbury and Plantagenet, Ontario. He came to Canada about 1819. CHILDREN: 167. I. "William, bom October 18, 1817; married Harriet Baird.+ n. Andrew, born June 20, 1819 ; married Miss Wright. III. Jane, born July 2, 1821 ; died July 19, 1821. IV. Elizabeth, born June 7, 1822; married Parmer; died in 1897. 167. WILLIAM GREENLEESE [added the e to the name] son of John Greenlees and Mary Montgomery, was born October 18, 1817 in County Antrim, Ireland; married August 2, 1842 at L 'Original, Prescott, Ontario, HARRIET BAIRD, bom May 8, 1819 in Ireland, died August 30, 1885 at Thiirso, Ontario, daughter of Baird and Fanny Irwin. He is a farmer and shoemaker ; in polities. Liberal; in religion, Baptist; resided at Hawkesbury, L 'Original, Papineauville, Lochabre, Thurso and Buckingham, Ontario. He was living in 1900. CHILDREN : I. John Andrew, born July 31, 1843 ; died aged about 19 years. n. Richard Irwin, born January 8, 1845 ; married Mrs. Eraser ; mar- ried second February 12, 1881, Jane Carey. 168. III. Stephen Thomas, born September 13, 1846; married Mary Grey Somerville.+ IV. Albert Montgomery, born February 28, 1848; died February 22, 1867. V. Emily Jane, born August 29, 1849 ; married January 12, 1881, F. A. Thomson. VI. Harriet Elizabeth, born January 15, 1851; married August 17, 1878, John Bennett; lives at Sacramento, California. VII. Fanny Maria, bom November 5, 1853 ; died March 19, 1891. Vni. William Baird, born July, 1855 ; died June 22, 1874. 502 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. IX. George WeUington, born January 2, 1859; married March 16, 1887, Effie Florence Fuller. X. Jonathan Andrew, born April 9, 1864 ; married October 17, 1898, Mrs. Mary MeGillivray. 168. STEPHEN THOMAS GRENLEESE {gl'^'-feTBalrT'"" Mary Mon?^omery } son of William Greenleese and Harriet Baird, was born September 13, 1846 ; married June 22, 1875 at Chatham, Quebec, MARY GREY SOMERVILLE, born July 9, 1848, died September 1, 1881 at Montreal, Canada, daughter of Robert Somerville and Grey ; wholesale fur manufacturer and dealer ; in politics, Liberal ; in religion, Baptist ; resides at Montreal. CHILDREN: I. "William Ernest, born February 22, 1876. n. Mary Agnes, born February 22, 1876 ; died February 23, 1876 at Aylmer, Quebec, Canada. III. Herbert Stephen, born August 12, 1877 at Aylmer. IV. Arthur Baird, bom July 2, 1879 ; died March 27, 1892 at Montreal. V. Mary Somerville, bom March 23, 1881. 169. PATRICK GREENLY was bom in Dublin, Ireland; died in Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania; married second in Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania, MARY MOL- SON, "part Indian," who died in Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania. He came from Ireland and settled in Manor Township, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : I. James; married ; no children; wife was living in Dunker Home, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, aged 99 years. II. Samuel ; married ; no children. 170. III. Thomas; married Rebecca Spense.+ IV. George; married Elizabeth Molson; lived in Pittsburg, Pennsyl- vania; two daughters. 171. V. William; married Sarah Cowns.+ VI. Mary ; married William Morris. 172. Vn. Susanna, born April 30, 1781 ; married Thomas Spense.+ VIII. Margaret ; married Samuel Armstrong. i IRISH FAMILIES. 503 170. THOIVIAS GREENLEY, son of Patrick Greenly and Mary Molson; married REBECCA SPENSE. CHILDREN : 173. I. Aaron ; married Matilda Dawson.+ 174. n. ; married Matilda C. .+ 175. ni. Samuel; married .+ IV. Mary; dead. V. Susan; dead. VI. Thomas. Vil. James. 171. WILLIAM GREENLY, son of Patrick Greenly, died at Lewiston, Pennsyl- vania ; married ; removed to Ohio before 1827. CHILDREN : I. Shadrach. n. Mesheck. in. Jesse. rv. WiUiam ; killed in the Mexican war. 172. SUSANNA GREENLEY, daughter of Patrick Greenly and Mary Molson, was born April 30, 1781 in Mannor Township, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania; died July 20, 1866 at Harrisburg, Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania ; married June 3, 1813 in Manor Township, THOMAS SPENSE, born February, 1786 at Carlisle, Cumberland Co., Pennsyvlania, died February, 1848 at Harrisburg, Pennsyl- vania; shoemaker; Republican; Methodist; resided in Carlisle, Mannor Town- ship and Harrisburg. CHILDREN: I. Samuel Spence, born April 16, 1814 ; died. II. Nathaniel Spence, bom March 21, 1816 ; married Christiana Clark. in. William C. Spence, born January 22, 1818; married Sarah Wood- ward. IV. Joseph Spence, born March 19, 1820 ; died July 9, 1840. V. Thomas Spence, born November 5, 1821 ; married Juliette L. Burley. 176. VI. Susanna Spence, bom September 19, 1825; married Henry Brad- ley.+ 504 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 173. AARON GREENLEY {ISllren^sl*^ Patrick Greenly J son of Thomas Greenley and Rebecca Spense, died in 1864 at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; married at Harrisburg, MATILDA DAWSON, who was born January 1, 1801 at Middle Paxton, Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of Michael Dawson ; Methodist ; resided at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania ; widow was living in 1900. 174. mjlinil'NT.F.V /Thomas Greenley Patrick Greenly 1 uxb£i£ixiXLEii ^ Rebecca Spense I son of Thomas Greenley and Rebecca Spense, married MATILDA C, who died March 13, 1892 at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. ■ CHILDREN : I. James C. n. Annie R.,; married William R. Bradley. 175. SAMUEL GREENLEY {J^XIsplnse"'' p"'"^'' <^"^°'y } son of Thomas Greenley and Rebecca Spense, married . I. Elijah. n. Samuel. CHILDREN: 176. eTTSAKXA SPENCE / Susanna Greenley Patrick Greenly 1 bUbAnriA ox-xiiivfi 1 Thomas Spense Mary Molson J daughter of Susanna Greenley and Thomas Spence, was born September 19, 1825 in Mannor Township, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania ; married December 25, 1844 at Harrisburg, Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania, HENRY BRADLEY, who was bom at York, York Co., Pennsylvania, died October 18, 1898 at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; resided at Harrisburg. CHILDREN : I. William H. Bradley ; married Annie Greenley, daughter of No. 174. II. Susan E. Bradley; died March, 1848. m. James R. Bradley; died October, 1883. IV. Sarah M. Bradley ; married J. C. Richardson. IRISH FAMILIES. 505 V. Josephine Bradley; married William R. Chilton. VI. Thomas D. Bradley ; died. Vn. EUwood W. Bradley; died. Vm. Eugene F. Bradley ; died. IX. Mary A. Bradley ; married D. Porter Johnson ; died April 2, 1888. X. Florence M. Bradley; unmarried (1900). 178. I. 178a. II. 178b. III. 178e. IV. V. VI. 177. ROBERT GREENLEE was born at Tandragee, County Armagh, Ireland, or in Scotland; died about 1832 at Tandragee, Ireland; married . He was a manufacturer; in religion, Presbyterian. He emigrated with his brother from Scotland to County Armagh, Ireland, about 1770. The brother went to America and was there during the Revolutionary war. CHILDREN: Samuel, bom about 1795 ; married Nancy Jamphry.-|- Matthew; married Bessie Sharp. + John; married Sarah Johnston. -f- William; married Deborah; married second Jane Holland. -(- Prudence; married John Lattimer; emigrated to America. Margaret ; married John Vance. They have grandchildren living at Glen Riddle, Pennsylvania. 178. SAMUEL GREENLEE, son of Robert Greenlee, was born about 1795 at Tan- dragee, County Armagh, Ireland; died about 1865 at Wiland, Delaware Co., Pennsylvania ; married about 1819 at Tandragee, Ireland, NANCY JAMPHRY, who died in 1844 at Tandragee, Ireland, daughter of Jack Jamphry, or Jef- fery. He was a linen weaver; emigrated in 1846 to Rockdale, Delaware Co., Pennsylvania ; in religion, he was a Presbyterian. CHILDREN: I. John, bom about 1821 ; married Ann Trotter ; no children ; widow resided at Wineland, Ohio. II. Mary Ann, born about 1823; married Robert Willis; both are dead; children live in neighborhood of Wineland, Ohio, one of whom is Matthew Willis. III. Margaret, born about 1825 ; died about 1843. IV. Samuel, born about 1827 ; married Ann Jane Sinton. 179. V. Matthew, born about 1829; married Mary Elizabeth Colwell.+ 506 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. VI. James, born about 1831; married Sarah, or Maria, Jane Connor, who died about 1889. Moved from Rockdale, Pennsylvania to Michigan about 1864. Has sons and daughters, all married, living in the vicinity of North Star, Gratiot Co., Michigan. VII. Thomas, born in 1833; married Jane Caldwell, or Colwell. He was a soldier in the Civil war and was killed at the battle of Fair Oaks. Left a widow and one child, both now dead. Vni. Robert, born about 1835; married Sarah Bowman, or Bobnan. He was a soldier in the civil war; died at Vanburen, Ohio. 180. IX. Jane, born about 1837 ; married Robert Lewis.+ 178a. MATTHEW GREENLEE, son of Robert Greenlee; married BESSIE SHARP. He emigrated with brother, Samuel, from County Armagh, Ireland to Rock- dale, Delaware Co., Pennsylvania about 1840 or 1846. CHILDREN: I. David; married .-|- n. Elizabeth; married William Caldwell.4- 178b. JOHN GREENLEE, son- of Robert Greenlee, was born in 1779 at Marlycoo, County Armagh, Ireland ; died in 1852 ; married SARAH JOHNSTON, born in 1779 (?), died in 1804, daughter of William Johnston; farmer; in politics, Unionist. Son: 182a. I. John, born in 1803 ; married Mary Adair. -|- 178c. WILLIAM GREENLEE, son of Robert Greenlee, was born at Tandragee, County Armagh, Ireland; died in 1830 and was buried in Mullobrack; mar- ried DEBORAH ; married second in 1785, JANE HOLLAND, who was born in 1764 at Portadown, County Armagh, Ireland, died in 1860 and was buried in Mullobrach, daughter of — Holland and Elizabeth Jones ; farmer ; in politics. Unionist ; in religion, Protestant ; resided at Derryanvil, near Porta- down. Son: 182b. I. James, born in 1808; married Margaret S. Rush.+ IRISH FAMILIES. 507 179. MATTHEW GREENLEE {^l^^^\f^Xf ''°'^'='' <^'<="°'"* } son of Saimiel Greenlee and Nancy Jamphry, was born about 1829 at Tan- dragee, County Armagh, Ireland; married November, 1850 at Rockdale, Dela- ware Co., Pennsylvania, MARY ELIZABETH COLWELL, born about 1831 at Tandragee, Ireland ; died May 16, 1886 aged 55 years, at Chester, Delaware Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of William Colwell, or Caldwell, and Elizabeth Greenlee [No. 182]. CHILDREN : I. Sincler, born August 3, 1851 ; died February 22, 1859. 183. II. William, born September 19, 1852; married Mary E. Scott. + 184. III. Margaret Jane, born July 24, 1854; married Jesse D. Weaver.-f- IV. Samuel, born September 1, 1856; unmarried; is "beamer" in a cotton factory in Philadelphia. V. Matthew Alexander, born June 18, 1858 ; unmarried ; is a weaver. VI. Mary Ann, born April 17, 1860 ; unmarried. 185. VII. Thomas James, born June 1, 1862 ; married Ellen Turner Dunn.-|- Vin. Eliza, born April 14, 1864 ; died in 1867. rX. Robert Sincler, born April 3, 1866 ; died May, 1867. X. John, bom August 30, 1867 ; drowned September 6, 1889. XI. Prudence, bom June 17, 1869 ; died August 19, 1883. XII. David Colwell, born August 21, 1871 ; died October 11, 1891. Xni. Jemima, bom March 9, 1874; unmarried. MATTHEW GREENLEE emigrated with his father in 1846 and settled in Rackdale, Delaware County, Pennsylvania. He moved to Brandywine, two miles from Wilmington, Delaware, where he remained for two years. As the civil war was raging and the times hard, he removed to Canada, where he re- mained six months, then returned to Brandywine and remained there several years. He afterward moved to Chester, Pennsylvania and now resides in Aston Mills, Delaware County, Pennsylvania. He is a loom boss; in politics. Silver Democrat; in religion, Episcopalian. 180. JANE GREENLEE { S" ^ jam ™r^^ Robert Greenlee ) daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Jamphry, was born about 1837, or 1844, at Tandragee, County Armagh, Ireland ; married July 3, 1861, ROBERT LEWIS', born November 5, 1837 at Glasgow, Scotland, died December 31, 1887, son of Humphrey Lewis and Ann Lock. He is a mechanic and resides at Knox- ville. Tennessee. 508 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: I. Robert H. Lewis, bom January 31, 1864 ; married Lizzie Cheek. n. John T. Lewis, born February 19, 1866. in. Samuel L. Lewis, born March 8, 1873 ; married Lara Reeter. rV. Anna May Lewis, bom May 20, 1875 ; married J. S. Adcoek. 181. DAVID GREENLEE {^e"J^7harT°'*' »°''"' <^'^'^*' } son of Matthew Greenlee and Bessie Sharp, died at Hampton, Virginia; mar- ried . He was a soldier in the civil war. Son: 186. I. John, born November 20, 1843; married Annie C. Hinkson.-|- 182. ELIZABETH GREENLEE {ee^'leTh^rT''"^ Robert Greenlee | daughter of Matthew Greenlee and Bessie Sharp; married WILLIAM COL- WELL. Daughter : I. Mary Elizabeth Colwell, born about 1831; married Matthew Greenlee [No. 179]. 182a. JOHN GREENLEE {i^^^^/o^S'sfon ^°^"*«'-"'*^ } son of John Greenlee and Sarah Johnston, was bom in 1803 at Marlycoo, County Armagh, Ireland; died November 26, 1874; married MARY ADAIR, bom in 1804 at Drumart, County Armagh, Ireland ; farmer ; in polities, Union- ist ; in religion, Protestant. CHILDREN : 186a. I. William, born in 1828; married Sarah Armstrong. + n. Margaret. m. Mary. IV. Nancy. V. Matty. VI. Moriah. IRISH FAMILIES. 509 182b. JAMES GREENLEE {fanflfonand"'" Robert Greenlee | son of William Greenlee and Jane Holland, was born in 1808 at Ballynewry, Tandragee, County Armagh, Ireland ; died November 24, 1898 ; married July, 1843, MARGARET S. RUSH, born in 1819 at Marlyeoo, Tandragee, County Armagh, Ireland, died March 26, 1876 and was buried in Mullabrock, daugh- ter of Robert Rush and Phebe Logan; farmer; in polities, Unionist; in re- ligion, Protestant ; resided at Marlyeoo. CHILDREN : I. Mary Jane, born in 1846. II. Phebe, born October 19, 1849 ; unmarried. m. James William, born April 21, 1851 ; unmarried. IV. Robert, born March 3, 1853. V. Matthew, born April 3, 1863 ; unmarried. 187. VI. Sarah Margaret, bom July 12, 1866; married Joseph Quinn.-f- 183. WILLIAM GREENLEE /Matthew Greenlee Samuel Greenlee Robert Greenlee 1 TTxxjxjuiaTx vrxb.Lj.uxi.u.uu iMary E. Colweli Nancy Jamphry / son of Matthew Greenlee and Mary Elizabeth Colwell, was born September 19, 1852 at Rockdale, Delaware Co., Pennsylvania; married February 8, 1874 at Chester, Delaware Co., Pennsylvania, MARY E. SCOTT, born January 10, 1852 at Elkton, Cecil Co., Maryland, daughter of Robert Scott and Debro Hollo- hand. CHILDREN : I. David Elmer, born October 21, 1874; married Pearl Smith. n. WiUiam Caldwell, born July 10, 1877. m. Flora, born March 2, 1879. IV. Roy Scott, born November 8, 1885. V. Leonard Brown, bom September 7, 1889. VT. Charles Raymond, born August 30, 1892. WILLIAM GREENLEE left home at the age of eighteen, and went to Upland, near Chester, Pennsylvania. After his marriage he moved to Aston Mills, Pennsylvania, then to South Chester, and in 1879 went to Wilmington, Delaware. After spending one year there he removed to Waco, Texas, where for two years he was superintendent of the Waco Cotton Mills, and at one time held ten thousand dollars worth of stock in the mills. From there he went to Huntsville, Texas, where he put up and started some cotton mill machinery in the State Penitentiary, after which he returned to Waco and helped start the machinery in the Sladon Brothers and Kirksey Woolen Mills. Leaving there he went back to Chester, Pennsylvania and after a few months went to 510 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Hope Mills, North Carolina, where he remained four or five years, then moved to High Point, North Carolina, and later went to Morganton, North Carolina, where for several years he was superintendent of the Danavant Cotton Mills. He then went to Athens, Tennessee and spent two years there as superintendent of the North Athens Cotton Mills. He afterward removed to KnoxviUe, Ten- nessee where he owned stock in the mills, but times being hard he lost all he had. He has tried business several times but did not meet with success, and is now in the employ of the KnoxviUe "Woolen Mills. In politics he is a Republi- can ; in religion, Presbyterian. 184. MAROARET JANE GREENLEE ( Matthew Greenlee Samael Greenlee ITliUfcUAAJIj ± OAaXi VTAJUJUl'ilXjiUXi ^ Mary E. Colwell Nancy Jamphry Robert Greenlee \ daughter of Matthew Greenlee and Mary Elizabeth ColweU, was born July 24, 1854; married JESSE D. WEA^^R, who died November 27, 1887. She re- sided with her father at Aston MiUs, Pennsylvania. Their only son died in 1885. 185. THOMAS JAMES GREENLEE {^fryTctel"' I^JamlSty' ^o^^rt Greenlee | son of Matthew Greenlee and Mary Elizabeth ColweU, was born June 1, 1862 at Wilmington, New Castle Co., Delaware ; married June 22, 1893 at Aston MiUs, Delaware Co., Pennsylvania, ELLEN TURN^ER DUNN, born May 6, 1872 at Media, Delaware Co., Pennsylvania. He is a morocca finisher ; in poUtics, Re- publican; in religion. Episcopalian; resides at Aston Mills. One son : Matthew Alexander, bom April 23, 1894. 186. JOHN GREENLEE fDavia Creenlee Matthew Greenlee Robert Greenlee I son of David Greenlee, was bom November 20, 1843 at Knowlton, Delaware Co., Pennsylvania; died August 26, 1899; married October 20, 1877 at Chester, Delaware Co., Pennsylvania, ANNIE C. HINKSON, born March 7, 1849 at Chester, daughter of Edward E. Hinkson and Sarah Slawter. He is a plumber, gas and steam fitter; in politics. Republican; in reUgion, Methodist; resided at Wilmington, Delaware ; no children. 186a. WILLIAM GREENLEE fJohnGreenlee John Greenlee Robert Greenlee 1 ( Mary Adair Sarah Johnston J son of John Greenlee and Mary Adair, was born in 1828 at Marlyeoo, County Armagh, Ireland; died July 10, 1897; married in 1855 in Ireland, SARAH IRISH FAMILIES. 511 AEMSTRONG, who was bom in 1824 at Drunmewither, County Armagh, Ire- land, daughter of WiUiam Armstrong and Ellen EUis; farmer; in politics, Unionist; in religion, Protestant. CHILDREN: I. Margaret. 188. n. John, bom December 24, 18 — ; married Sarah Ann Stott.+ in. Jane. IV. EUen. V. Annie. VI. William. Vn. Mary. 187. SAEAH MARGARET GREENLEE {i^-«?f°i-, 7ane"roi?/oT'^^ Robert Greenlee ) daughter of James Greenlee and Margaret S. Rush, was bom July 12, 1866 at Ballynewry, Tandragee, County Armagh, Ireland; married May 22, 1895, JOSEPH QUINN, born March 7, 1874 at Tandragee; farmer; in politics, Unionist ; in religion, Presbyterian. CHILDREN : I. James William Quinn, bom December 22, 1896. n. Joseph Quinn, born December 13, 1901. 188. TOTTK" O'RF.'F'.NT.'R'F'. f William Greenlee John Greenlee John Greenlee uvfui w«jajai.ixjjajj | Sarah Armstrong Mary Adair Sarah Johnston Robert Greenlee ) son of William Greenlee and Sarah Johnston, was bom December 24, 18 — at Marlycoo, County Armagh, Ireland ; married in 1870 ( ?) SARAH ANN STOTT, who died Mar. 18, 1893, daughter of John Stott and Sarah Baxter; farmer; in politics, Unionist ; in religion, Protestant. CHILDREN : I. Sarah Ann, born April 3, 1879. II. John, bom April 3, 1881. ni. William, bom May 8, 1883. rV. Maggie, bom March 12, 1885. V. Joseph, born December 12, 1889. 189. ROBERT GREENLEE, born at Ballynewry, Markethill, County Armagh, Ire- land, married TOMPSON. He was a farmer. They had seven children, two of whom have died ; two married ; one resides at Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 512 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. two sons and a daughter are at home in Ireland, and a son, James William, born April 28, 1867 at Markethill, Ireland, resides at Burlingame, California. 189a. WILLIAM GREENLEE married SARAH JOHNSTON. They had a son : 189b. William, bom in 1794 ; married Deborah Coulter.4- 189b. WILLIAM GREENLEE, son of William Greenlee and Sarah Johnston, was bom in 1894 at Marlycoo, County Armagh, Ireland; died in 1854; married DEBORAH COULTER. He was a farmer; in politics, Unionist; in religion, Protestant; resided at Marlycoo, Ireland. CHILDREN : 189c. I. William, born in 1831 ; married Sarah Perguson.+ 189c. TTTTTTTATur r< T? IP ir 'MT 'P Ti' f William Greenlee William Greenlee > WILLIAM GKJ!iJ!jJNiji!iJ!i | Deborah Coulter Sarahjohnston } son of William Greenlee and Deborah Coulter, was born in 1831 at Marlycoo, County Armagh, Ireland ; died in 1894 ; married in 1854 SARAH FERGUSON, who was born in 1824 at Marlycoo, Ireland, daughter of Samuel Ferguson and Agnes Willis. He was a farmer ; in politics. Unionist ; in religion, Protestant ; resided at Manordoherty and Markethill, Ireland. CHILDREN; I. Samuel, born December 6, 1862. n. John, born December 12, 1864. III. William, bom November 4, 1866. rV. Matthew, bom November 15, 1868. V. James, born December 18, 1870; married June 17, 1904, Maggie Trotter, bom February, 1874 at Marlycoo, daughter of George Trot- ter and Rachel; resides at Marlycoo. VI. David, bom November 4, 1872. VIE. Sarah Jane, bom April 15, 1874. 190. WJLIAATHL FRANCIS GREENLEE was born in Ireland; married He emigrated to Greenbrier County, Virginia, now West Virginia. I. William (eldest), left home when a boy and was never heard from afterward. li 192. I. 193. n. 194. in. 195. rv^ 196. V. IRISH FAMILIES. 513 191. n. David, born September 17, or November 14, 1809 ; married Lucy Vermillion. + III. Jane (oldest daughter) ; married "William Limsford, or Luntsford; dead. rV. Melvina (youngest daughter) ; married Sullivan ; dead. 191. DAVID GREENLEE, son of "William Francis Greenlee, was bom September 17, or November 14, 1809 in Virginia ; died January 15, 1854 aged 44 years, at Ironton, Lawrence Co., Ohio ; married December, 1830 at Arabia, Lawrence Co., Ohio, LUCY "VERMILLION, bom August 20, 1812 at Arabia, Ohio, or in Virginia, died October 14, or 10, 1861 at Ironton, or Arabia, Ohio, daughter of Uriah Vermillion and Elizabeth Peters ; farmer ; river pilot ; in polities, "Whig ; in religion, Baptist ; resided in Ohio, Kentucky and Missouri. CHILDREN: Jane Ann, born March 10, 1834; married Byron Markham.+ David, born September 22, 1835 ; married Annie Dean.4- "William F., bom September 7, 1837; married Lucretia Darling.+ Elizabeth, born May 2, 1840; married Samuel Shumate.+ Nicodemus, born November 13, 1842 ; married Malinda Jane Pay- ton.+ 197. "VI. James Bryant, bom August 11, 1848; married Mary Ellen Lam- bert.+ 198. "Vn. Nancy Virginia, born March 28, 1851 ; married Daniel Neal.+ 192. JANE ANN GREENLEE f David Greenlee William Francis Greenlee ) (Lucy Vermillion ) daughter of David Greenlee and Lucy Vermillion, was bom March 10, 1834 in GaUia Co., Ohio; married April 2, 1868 at Independence, Missouri, BYRON MARKHAM, bom October 26, 1839 in Cattaraugus Co., New York, son of Ira Markham and Lucy Ann Alden ; resides at Kansas City, Missouri. 193. DAVID GREENLEE /David Greenlee William Francis Greenlee 1 I Lucy Vermillion / son of David Greenlee and Lucy Vermillion, was bom September 22, 1835 ; mar- ried February 8, 1869 in Hiawatha, Kansas, ANNIE DEANE, born in Schuyler Co., Illinois, daughter of John Deane. CHILDREN : I. John "WiUiam, bom January 7, 1879 ; lives at Rockford, "Washington. n. Mary Elizabeth, born March 25, 1883. 514 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. TTT . Benjamin Franklin, bom March 23, 1886. IV. Daniel Perley, born June 25, 1894 ( ?). Five children dead, four sons and one daughter. DAVID GREENLEE was a soldier in the civil war, 4th Battery ; finished in 44th Missouri Volunteer Infantry, Company F. He was a blacksmith ; in poli- tics, Republican; in religion, Methodist Episcopal; resides at Rockford, Wash- ington. 194. WILLIAM F. GREENLEE {g^^i^-'^ermiufon ^"»«'" ^"•"=^8 Greenlee | son of David Greenlee and Lucy Vermillion, was born September 7, 1837 at Ironton, La^vrence Co., Ohio; married November 1, 1868 at Arabia, Lawrence Co., Ohio, LUCRETIA DARLING, born November 20, 1848 at Arabia, Ohio, daughter of Joseph Darling and Harriet Vermillion; farmer; Republican; Bap- tist ; resided at Arabia, Ohio. CHILDREN: I. Zua Eva, born August 28, 1869 ; married Alonzo Shively. II. BeUa, born February 22, 1871. III. Anna, born March 19, 1874; married Henry Slyh. IV. Fred, born July 15, 1880. V. Susie, born May 24, 1883. WILLIAM F. GREENLEE was a soldier in the civil war, 53rd Ohio Volun- teer Infantry. 195. ELIZABETH GREENLEE {EuIy^Snnon ^""^"° ''■^«°«'8 <^"«°i«« } daughter of David Greenlee and Lucy Vermillion, was born May 2, 1840 at Burlington, Lawrence Co., Ohio; married February 5, 1860 near Ironton, Law- rence Co., Ohio, SAMUEL SHUMATE, born June 15, 1832 in Scioto Co., Ohio, son of John Shumate and Agnes Lewis; farmer; in politics. Democrat; in re- ligion. Christian; resides at Kansas City, Missouri. CHILDREN : I. Lizzie Shumate, bom May 15, 1861 ; married Tom Phelps. II. WiUiam Shumate, bom February 23, 1864 ; died March 8, 1886. in. John Shumate, born January 11, 1866; died June 29, 1899. rV. Charles Shumate, born January 17, 1869. V. George Shumate, born January 5, 1873. VI. Silas Shumate, bom March 22, 1875. Vn. Susie Shumate, born October 1, 1879. I IRISH FAMILIES. 515 196. NICODEMUS GREENLEE { gSIy^vlrmnUon ^""''■" Francis Creenlee J son of David Greenlee and Lucy Vermillion, was born November 13, 1842 at Bolivar, Polk Co., Missouri; died February 24, 1895 at Lees Summit, Jack- son Co., Missouri ; married February 26, 1865 at Arabia, or Ironton, Lawrence Co., Ohio, MALINDA JANE PAYTON, born July 30, 1847 at Arabia, or Iron- ton, Lawrence Co., Ohio, daughter of John Payton and Julia Ann Marcum ; farmer and pilot on river; in politics, Democrat; in religion. Baptist; resided in Ohio until 1867, then in Kansas until 1874 when he removed to Missouri and resided in that state the remainder of his life. His widow married second, Harrison Shumate. CHILDREN : 199. I. Susan Ella, born March 8, 1867 ; married Samuel Mack Maupin.+ 200. IL John B., born January 9, 1871; married Mary E. Dickhout.+ III. Julia Virginia, born November 25, 1873; married Hartman S. Dickhont. IV. Bryan W., born April 1, 1876. V. Fannie Elizabeth, born May 17, 1879 at Lees Summit; lives at Kansas City, Missouri. VI. Elbert R., born September 22, 1881. VH. William F., born June 9, 1884. VIII. Lucinda Janetta, born August 20, 1886. IX. Grace, born January 30, 1889 ; died January 31, 1889. NICODEMUS GREENLEE was four years of age when his parents moved to Lawrence County, Ohio. He received his education there, and at the age of eighteen enlisted in Battery B, 1st Virginia Light Artillery, and served three years and two months, being in all the various engagements in which they participated. After his discharge, he re-enlisted in Company F, 5th U. S. Veteran Regiment, Hancock's Corps and served a little over one year. After the close of the war he lived in Ohio for eighteen months, then moved to a farm in Brown County, Kansas, whee he remained three years. He afterward re- moved to Jewell Coimty, Kansas. Being driven out by grasshoppers he moved in 1875 to Jackson Coimty, Missouri, and became the ovvTier of two hundred acres of land near Lone Jack. For a number of years he has been superin- tendent of the John W. Reid stock farm in Prairie Township. He is a member of the school board and takes an active interest in the advancement of educa- tion. 197. JAMES BRYANT GREENLEE {£uj"V^rmmfon ^"liam Francis Creenlee 1 son of David Greenlee and Lucy Vermillion, was born August 11, 1848 at Arabia, Lawrence Co., Ohio; married March 6, 1870 in Ohio, MARY ELLEN 516 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. LAMBERT, born July 19, 1850 at Arabia, Ohio; died June 8, 1886 at Cum- mings, Atchison Co., Kansas, daughter of Reuben Lambert and Cynthia Hall. He was a teacher ; Republican ; Baptist ; resides at Cummings, Kansas. CHDjDREN : 201. L Nancy Anna, bom November 27, 1870; married John A. Laird. + n. Amos M., born December 20, 1872. m. Addie L., born November 12, 1874. 202. IV. Cynthia J., bom October 28, 1876; married John 0'Neil.+ V. Lucy H., bom December 29, 1878. VI. Bertha M., born November 28, 1880; died April 28, 1888. VII. James "W., born September 4, 1882. VHI. Edith G., bom June 30, 1884; died February 8, 1887. IX. Mary E., bom June 6, 1886 ; died November, 1886. JAMES BRYANT GREENLEE was a soldier in the civil war. 198. NANCY VIRGINIA GREENLEE {gjJ^'V^J^Slfo^ WilUam Francis Greenlee | daughter of David Greenlee and Lucy Varmillion, was bom March 28, 1851 at Ironton, Lawrence Co., Ohio ; married September 28, 1873 at Kansas City, Mis- souri, DANIEL NEAL, born February 28, 1848 at Ironton, Ohio, son of Walter Neal and Anna Day. He is a farmer ; Republican ; Protestant ; resides at Johns Greek, Ohio. CHILDREN: I. Mary Neal, born July 1, 1874. II. Anna Neal, born July 7, 1876. in. Maggie Neal, bom October 8, 1878. IV. Maude Neal, bom September 24, 1883. V. Son, bom January 27, 1887 ; died Febmary 2, 1887. NANCY VIRGINIA GREENLEE lived near the Ohio river until her father's death, after which she moved with her mother to a farm near Arabia, Ohio. After her mother's death she made her home with a family living near Arabia, where she received a common school education. At the age of fourteen she went to Missouri and made her home with her sister for eighteen months, then returned to Ohio. Four years later she again went to her sister and spent eighteen months with her. Since her marriage she has made her home in Ohio. DAVID C. GREENLEE, Son of No. 179. JEMIMA ('. liKlOKNLEE, Daughter of Xo. 170. ^ ! i •-V -t."' ■ % ms3m_ iirf^Tifc-^ir ' -^ '^^^y^Ji^^BI ^^^fej^^H MATTHEW A. lU;EE.\I.EE. .IR. Son of No. 1S5. No. 19S NANCY VIUI4IN1A GREENLEE NEAL. IRISH FAMILIES. 517 199. SUSAN ELLA GREENLEE /Nicodemus Greenlee David Greenlee OUOAD XiJj±jA VTAXiJJi>Xj£ij:i JMaliuda J. Paton Lucy Vermillion William Francis Greenlee 1 daughter of Nicodemus Greenlee and Malinda Jane Payton, was born March 8, 1867 at Ironton, Lawrence Co., Ohio; married November 24, 1886 at Lees Summit, Jackson Co., Missouri, SA]\IUEL MACK MAUPIN, born April 18, 1856 at Berea, Madison Co., Kentucky, son of James Maupin and Ellen Mc- Bame. He is a farmer ; Democrat ; Protestant ; resides at Stanley, Kansas. CHILDREN: I. James H. Maupin, born July 31, 1888. IL Gladys Maupin, born June 8, 1891 ; died June 8, 1891. III. Lora Lee Maupia, born February 18, 1893 ; died February 24, 1893. 200. TflTTW Tl frR'RE'NT.'Ii'.'P. (Nicodemus Greenlee David Greenlee uvxixi D. UTfUEijjxixjXiCi j Malinda J. Paton Lucy Vermillion William Francia Greenlee 1 son of Nicodemus Greenlee and Malinda Jane Payton, was born January 9, 1871 at Sabetha, Kansas ; married January 18, 1892 at Independence, Missouri, MARY E. DICKHOUT, born September 2, 1875 at Lees Summit, Jackson Co., Missouri, daughter of Peter S. Dickhout and Eliza Sweetland; farmer; Demo- crat ; Methodist ; resided near Lees Summit until October, 1899, and at Bazaar, Kansas, 1900. CHILDREN: I. John Richard, born December 20, 1892. II. E. Lee, born December 18, 1894. 201. NANCY ANNA GREENLEE Ji'"°<'\PT^''^K°'r pavld Greenlee I Mary E. Lambert Lucy Vermillion William Francis Greenlee 1 daughter of James Bryant Greenlee and Mary Ellen Lambert, was born Novem- ber 27, 1870 at Cummings, Atchison Co., Kansas; married May 11, 1892 at Atchison, Kansas, JOHN A. LAIRD, born August 5, 1866 at Cummings, Kan- sas, son of James B. Laird and Marinda Martin; teacher; Baptist; resides at Cummings, Kansas. CHILDREN: I. Homer U. Laird, bom May 18, 1893. II. Hazel M. Laird, born October 20, 1895. III. Nellie L. Laird, bom June 25, 1898. 518 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 202. CYNTHIA J. GREENLEE {Jfa'?rE^L?m^?ir ESc1'VerL™lfon William Francis Greenlee t daughter of James Brj'ant Greenlee and Mary Ellen Lambert, was bom October 28, 1876 at Cummings, Atchison Co., Kansas ; married March 13, 1899, JOHN O'NEIL, born May 12, 1876 at Rushville,, Rush Co., Indiana, son of Stephen O'Neil and Ellen Dee. He is a Democrat; in religion. Catholic; re- sides at Nortonville, Kansas. One child : I. lone E. O'Neil, bom January 21, 1900. 202a. GREENLEES; married ; resided in Ireland. CHILDREN: 202b. I. Martha Ann ; married John Hanna.+ 202c. n. Jane; married Joseph Luke.+ m. David. IV. Arthur ; lost trace of in America. V. WilUam. VI. Elizabeth; married John Greenlees.+ [See No. 140]. 202b. MARTHA ANN GREENLEES, daughter of Greenlees, was bom in Randlestown, County Antrim, Ireland ; died February 18, 1873 in her 79th year at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; married JOHN HANNA. Came from Ireland to Pittsburg; lived for a short time in New Hagerstown, Ohio. One son, John G. Hanna, resides at Pittsburg. 202c. JANE GREENLEES, daughter of Greenlees, married JOSEPH LUKE ; resided at Belfast, Ireland. CHILDREN : I. William John Luke; lives at Belfast. II. Edward Luke ; when last heard from was at Baton Rouge, Louisiana. III. Mary Agnes Luke; married George Johnston; lives at Pittsburg. IRISH FAMILIES. 519 202d. 6REENLEES; married ; resided in County Down, Ire- land. He was a farmer. CHILDREN : 202e. I. John; married Orr.+ n. Joseph; went to America when young. rn. William ; went to America when yoimg. 202e. JOHN GREENLEES, son of Greenlees ; married ORR. He was a farmer and resided all his life in County Down, Ireland. CHILDREN : 202f. I. David Orr (only son), born in 1788; married Jane Carr.+ Nine daughters, three or four of whom went to the United States; the others are all dead. A daughter of one of the daughters is living (1907) in Bangor, County Down. 202f. DAVID ORR GREENLEES, son of John Greenlees and Orr, was born in 1788 at Hill Hall, Lisburn, County Down, Ireland ; died January 18, 1861 at Drumbeg, County Down, Ireland; married early in 1812 at Belfast, JANE CARR, who was bom in 1800 (?) at Drumbeg, died June, 1882. He was a farmer ; in politics, Conservative ; in religion, Presbyterian ; resided at Drumbeg and Lisburn. CHILDREN : I. Agnes, bom, 1819 ; died unmarried April 1901. n. John, born in 1822 ; died unmarried. ni. Sarah, born, 1825; married Mathew Stewart; dead. rv. Robert, born 1828; died unmarried. V. William, bom 1831; unmarried. 202g. VI. David, born April 30, 1839 ; married Maria Blakley.+ Vll. Andrew, bom, 1844 ; died immarried. VUI. Mary, bom in 1846 ; lives at Comber, County Down, Ireland ; unmarried. ' 520 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 202g. DAVID GREENLEES {^^^^cTr """""'""" JohnGreenlees J son of David Orr Greenlees and Jane Carr, was born April 30, 1839 at Lisburn, County Down, Ireland; married July 21, 1878 near Lisburn, MARLA. BLAK- LEY, born January 12, 1860 at Balljoiahineh, County Down, Ireland, daughter of Johnston Blakley and Jane. He is a farmer ; in politics, Conservative ; in religion, Presbyterian ; resides at Drumbeg, Lisburn, Ireland. CHILDREN : I. Mary Elizabeth, born May 16, 1880; married in 1904, Robert Simp- son; resides at Comber, County Down, Ireland. II. Jane, born February 20, 1882; married March, 1906, John Dalton; resides at Hill Hall, County Down, Ireland. III. David, born August 3, 1884; unmarried. IV. Child ; died young. V. Agnes, born January 9, 1888. VI. Maria, born January 11, 1890. Vn. Margaret, born June 29, 1893. Vin. William, born September 17, 1894. GREENLY ; married and had children : I. Robert; married Maria . II. Sarah. WILL OP ROBERT GREENLY. In the name of god amen. I Robert Greenly of Castlerea in the County of Rosecomon Mercht. being sick in Body but in perfect mind and memory do make this my last will and Testament vize thats to say I Recommend my Soul to the mercy of Jesus Christ & my Body to be Intered in a plain Genteel maner in the Church yard of Castlerea near the Tomb-stone for our Family. I lave and Bequeath to my wife Maria Greenly Four Hundred Pounds I also lave her my Lease of the Dwelling House Plots & Parke in Castlerea with all the Household Furniture of every kind whatever the may consist of &c. I lave her half the shop goods whatever their amt. may be I lave to my Sister Sarah Greenly Five hundred pounds I also lave her my Lease of the Field in Knockmurry with all my stock of Cows & Horses &c as if they were mentioned every beast separately. I lave the halfe of the shop goods to her what ever amt. it may be and the Residure of my Fortune to order or give it to the poor people thats Related to me & stand in need of assistance. I lave to David No. L'Oi'g. DAVID GREENLEES. FAliMIIOl'SE AND OUOtJI'. Nu. liUL'g. DAVID (iUEENl.EES— GKOUP. lEISH FAjMILIES. 521 Graham of Tarmon One Hundred pounds I lave to his wife Alisha Graham One Hundred pounds. I lave to each of his Four Childering Fifty pounds to each of them separately I lave to Micky Flyn Junr. of Caher Fifty pounds & lave Father Owen Flyn of Ballentuber Ten poimds I lave the Revd. Mr. John Daly of Loughglin five pounds & the Revd. Patk. Flyn of Cloonkun five pounds. I lave Riehd. FIjti Hatter Thomas FIjti Hatter Five pounds to be equally divided between them. I lave Martin Flynn Perrywigmaker two pounds & lave James Flyn of Ballinlough Five pounds. I lave Ferdy Gunning Merchant Ten pounds. I lave Hugh Higgins of Sligo three pounds I lave Anne Parkes of Cloonree wife of Samuel Parke One Himdred pounds I lave Mary Flanagan wife of James Flanagan of Town Merchant Five poimds I lave Thomas Greenly son of George Greenly late of Clooneoose & his two Brothers a Guinea to each as I dont know their names. I lave to Robert Greenly of this Town & his Sister Jane (of Tarmon) a Guinea to each. I lave to my little Boy Peter Giraghty three pounds to Bind him to a Trade. I order if there is any Debts due by me they shall be paid I don't Recolect any. A apoint Captain George Sandford and Robert Young esqr. my two Executors and Request they will see the Intention of this my last will put into Execution as well as in their power lies. I lave to each of my good Executors Ten pounds as a Token of my Friendship I hope they will accept of Signed & Sealed this Fourth day of May 1794. Robt. Greenly. Seal. In the Presence of us Fardy Gunning, Christopher Makens, Robt. Young. [Public Record Office of Ireland. Prerogative Court. 1794.] ENGLISH FAMILIES. 204. JAMES GREENLEE married MAEY REDDINGTON, daughter of — Reddington; came from England and settled in Harford Co., Maryland, near Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: I. John, born in 1813 ; married Sarah Ann Rebecca Lester. -f- n. Gilbert; died unmarried. in. Martha Rachael, bom in 1816 ; married Morris Lester.-|- rV. Mary Jane; married William Fox; had three children all of whom died in infancy. V. Ann ; died unmarried. VI. James; died unmarried. Vll. "William ; died unmarried. VlH. Thomas; died unmarried. IX. Greenburg; died unmarried. X. Louisa A. CAPTAIN JOHN GREENLEE, son of James Greenlee and Mary Reddington, was born in 1813 ; died February 2, 1870 at Michaelsville, Harford Co., Mary- land; married SARAH ANN REBECCA LESTER, daughter of WiUiam Lester and Mary Bradfield. He was a steamboat captain; Methodist; resided at Michaelsville, Maryland. CHILDREN: L Twins. II. Mary Martha, born June 9, 1848; died February 22, 1870. III. Amelia Ann, born January 18, 1851; married James Geary.+ IV. Sarah Elizabeth, born March 30, 1852 ; married William Pennington ; lives at Baltimore, Maryland. V. Susan Cornelia, born September 9, 1854; married Jarett Baldwin; lives at Aberdeen, Maryland. VI. George Annah, bom January 25, 1856. Vll. Catharine Jane, bom March 29, 1857; unmarried. Vm. John Henry. IX. Ella Hall, bom October 2, 1864 ; married Frank Cole ; lives at Balti- more, Maryland. 522 ENGLISH FAMILIES. 523 206. MARTHA KACHAEL GREENLEE, daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Keddington, was born in 1816 ; died March 5, 1870 aged 54 years 1 month and 5 days, at Bush River Neck, Harford Co., Maryland ; married in Harford Co., Maryland, NORRIS LESTER, born May 25, 1810 in Harford Co., Maryland, died March 24, 1870 at Bush River Neck, Maryland, son of Norris Lester and "Widow Mary Meads. He was a farmer ; in polities, Democrat. Children, all but one died young : 208. I. Martha Aim Lester, born February 24, 1851; married A. A. Deaver.4- n. Cornelius Lester. m. Elizabeth Lester. rV. Margaret Lester. V. Sarah Lester. VI. Rebecca Lester. Vil. Martha Lester. VIII. Alice Lester. IX. William Henry Lester. 207. AlVTELIA ANN GREENLEE fCapt. John Greenlee James Greenlee 1 AlILEiljlA AJ.li.^ VTAXiJiixiAjXiXi ^ Sarah A. R. Lester Mary Reddlngton S daughter of Captain John Greenlee and Sarah Ann Rebecca Lester, was bom January 18, 1851 at Michaelsville, Harford Co., Maryland ; married September 3, 1873 at Michaelsville, JAMES GEARY, bom August 15, 1847 at Bristol, Bucks Co., Pennsylvania, son of Malon Geary. He is a grocer; Methodist; resides at Michaelsville, Maryland. CHILDREN: I. Edith May Geary, born February 10, 1875 ; married Alexander Ship- pley. II. Nina lola Geary, born February 16, 1877; married Guin Jewins. m. Ella Bartlett Geary, bom June 24, 1878 ; died August 20, 1879. rV. James Edward Geary, born July 28, 1880. V. John Greenlee Geary, bom April 15, 1884. VI. Annie Kate Geary, born August 4, 1886. VII. Sadie O'Neal Geary, bom May 27, 1889. 208. MARTHA ANN LESTER /Martha RCreenlee James Greenlee 1 I Norris Lester Mary Reddlngton / daughter of Martha Greenlee and Norris Lester, was born February 24, 1851 in Glyn Co., Georgia; married November 16, 1869 at Abington, Harford Co., 524 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Maryland, A. A. DEAVER, born March 5, 1848 at Aberdeen, Harford Co., Maryland, son of James Deaver and Elizabeth Coulter. He is a farmer ; Metho- dist; resides at St. Simons Mills, Georgia. CHHjDREN : I. Martha Elizabeth Deaver, born August 20, 1870 ; married Thomas A. Lang of North Carolina. II. Florence Estell Deaver, born September 23, 1872; died unmarried September 7, 1890. ni. Lida Tabitha Deaver, born January 9, 1875 ; died unmarried Septem- ber 20, 1895. IV. Norris F. Septemus Deaver, bom August 30, 1877. V. George Edward Deaver, bom May 15, 1879. VI. Aquilla Thomas Deaver, bom March 26, 1882. VII. Basil Lloyd Deaver, born March 5, 1884. VIII. William Henry Deaver, born December 19, 1885. IX. Ethel Myrtle Deaver, bom September 25, 1887. X. Herman Lester Deaver, bom May 29, 1890. XI. Roxford Napoleon Deaver, born January 13, 1892. XII. James Oscar Deaver, bom October 5, 1895. 209. JAMES GREENLEY was bom in England; died in 1798; married CHILDREN: I. Margaret ; married. II. Ann ; died unmarried. III. James, bom 1795, or 1793; married Mary Brady.-|- rv. William. JAMES GREENLEY emigrated from England to New York. He was a merchant and bought goods and started with the intention of going into mercan- tile business, and had all of his worldly goods with him. They were ship- wrecked and lost one or two children, and were left with nothing but what they had on and four children, one of whom died soon after they arrived. Mr. Green- lee and his wife died in less than a year leaving the three children penniless. 210. JAMES GREENLEY, son of James Greenley, was bom in 1795, or 1793 ; died June 2, 1845 at Denton or Greensboro, Caroline Co., Maryland; married Jan- uary 1, 1818 at Fredriea, Delaware, MARY BRADY, born May 14, 1800 at III. IV. 213. V. 214. VI. 215. VII. 216. VIII. TX. 217. X. ENGLISH FAMILIES. 525 Marshyhope, or Camden, Delaware, died April 13, 1870 at Hillsboro, Caroline Co., Maryland, daughter of John Brady and Elizabeth Jump. CHILDREN : 211. I. Thomas Brady, born September 20, 1818 ; married Ann Eliza Lewis. -|- 212. II. James T., born January 11, 1820; married Annie Maria Wil- liams. + Elizabeth, born April 6, 1822; died young. Ann, born October 7, 1824 ; died young. John Wesley, born November 29, 1825 ; married Elizabeth J. (Davis) Able ; married second Mary Elizabeth Anderson. + Elizabeth Virginia, born April 2, 1829 ; married John Ennis.-(- Alexander, born September 19, 1830; married Annie De Roeh- brune Wilkinson.-|- William, born August 29, 1833 ; married Celia Everett.+ Son, born February 24, 1836 ; died at birth. Annie Eliza, born February 24, 1836 ; married Dr. George H. Hall ; married second Gilbert GrifSn.+ 218. XI. Mary Catharine, born June 14, 1838; married William Connolly.+ JAMES GREENLET was bound out to a hatter. He learned the trade which was a good one then and worked at it until after he was married, but finally went to farming. December 23, 1833, James Greenlee (Hatter) of Caroline County, Mary- land, bought of Charles Adams and Ann F. Adams his wife, for $350, a tract of land called and known as "Bear Point." It being the same tract or part of a tract or tracts of land which the said Charles Adams purchased of a certain William Hughlett of Talbot County and State aforesaid as trustee appointed by Caroline Comity Court sitting as a Court of Equity for the sale of a certain tract or part of a tract or tracts of land which was mortgaged by a certain John Chilcutt late of Caroline County deceased to the said William Hughlett (as by reference to the said deed of mortgage from the said John Chilcutt to the said William Hughlett enrolled in Liber J. R. No. N. folios 409, 410, 411 one of the Land Record books for Caroline County and also as by reference to a deed from the said William Hughlett as trustee of aforesaid to the said Charles Adams made and executed on the day and date of this indenture will more fully and at large appear). [Land Records of Caroline County, Liber J. R. No. S., folios 121, 122 & 123]. The will of James Greenlee (Hatter) was ad- mitted to probate June 24, 1845 ; wife, Mary, sole legatee. 211. THOMAS BRADY GREENLEY /fames Orcenley James Greenley 1 I Mary Brady J son of James Greenley and Mary Brady was born September 20, 1818 at Greens- borough, Caroline Co., Maryland ; married May 2, 1842 at West Point, Hardin 526 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Co., Kentucky, ANN ELIZA LEWIS, bom June 15, 1821 at Elizabethtown, Hardin Co., Kentucky, daughter of Coleman Lewis and Winifred Nail. CHILDREN : I. Mary Anne Corinna, born February 7, 1843 ; died September 13, 1843. II. Thomas Clarence, born October 25, 1844; married December 26, 1871, Maria Bruce ; died September 13, 1886. 219. IH. James Coleman, born September 23, 1847; married Julia Peurice McGrath.+ IV. Mary Corinna Winifred, born October 28, 1850; married Decem- ber 19, 1878, Fred R. Simcoe. V. MiUard FiUmore, born January 14, 1852 ; died February 11, 1853. VI. Emma Eugenia, born June 20, 1854; died September 6, 1855. VII. Vivia, born April 29, 1857 ; married February 27, 1878, Dr. George L. Pope. VIII. Nina E. Dufield, born October 18, 1859; married December 21, 1882, Thomas L. Lewis. THOMAS BRADY GREEXLEY went to Louisville, Kentucky in 1838 and was engaged in business several years. He studied law, and afterward studied medicine, graduating from the University of LouisviUe in 1848. Since that time he has practiced medicine and surgery. During his medical career he has written a great deal for Medical journals, on scientific subjects, as well as reports of cases. He has written and deivered four lectures pertaining to man. He has read many papers before Medical associations, being a member of the American Medical Association, Kentucky Medical Society, International Association of Railway Surgeons, Mildraugh Hill Association, Hardin County Medical Society, and the Lane County Medical Society. He is a Democrat; Baptist ; resides at Meadow Lawn, Kentiicky. 212. JAMES T GREENLEY /James Greenley James Greenley 1 I Mary Brady J son of James Greenley and Mary Brady, was born January 11, 1820; died January 27, 1854; married June 25, 1846, ANT I Lucy S. Hlggins Mary Hunt ) son of Thomas Hunt Greenly and Lucy Smith Higgins, was born August 20, 1825 at Islip, Suffolk Co., New York; married March 1, 1849 at Hamilton, Madison Co., New York, EMILISSA HALE, bom December 31, 1823 at Rich- land, Oswego Co., New York, daughter of John Hale and Susannah Rhodes; millwright; Democrat; Episcopalian; resided at Islip and Hamilton, New York ; Dover, Ohio ; Grand Rapids, Michigan. CHILDREN : 303. I. Albert Hale, born September 12, 1852; married May Josephine Glover. + II. Alice May, born October 2, 1854; married December 15, 1875, Henry Boyd Huston. 562 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. THOMAS WESLEY GREENLY left home at the age of eighteen, going first to Buffalo, where he found employment on one of the lake boats, then to Ohio and there engaged in teaching school. He retiu-ned to work on a lake boat, but was taken ill and sent to a hospital in Detroit. After his recovery he went with his uncle, Wesley Higgins, to Lake Superior to do some survey- ing. The latter part of November, 1848 he returned to his home in Hamilton. After his marriage he removed to Grand Rapids, Michigan. Mrs. Greenly opened a millinery store soon after reaching Grand Rapids, and continued it for five or six years. She was also in business with a Mrs. :March for four years during the Civil war. Mr. Greenly worked at his trade. Li 1856 he purchased a home where the family lived for thirty-six years. He was a fireman from 1851 to 1858 on an old hand engine. In 1847 he was an engineer on a locomotive on the old C. & M. R. R. between Detroit and Pontiac. In 1847-48 he was engineer on the boat "Oddfellow" in St. Clair Flats, which had been launched at Grand Rapids. 301. CHARLES CARROL GREENLEY {^5,7|.«^igf|kT'' I'S^u^rT'"'' } son of Thomas Hiuit Greenly and Lucy Smith Higgins, was born November 21, 1834 at Hamilton, or Islip, New York; died November 27, 1898 at Chicago, Illinois ; married January 4, 1865 at Ithaca, Tompkins Co., New York, ANNA WALBRIDGE, born June 12, 1840 at Ithaca, Tompkins Co., New York, daugh- ter of Henry Sanf ord Walbridge and Fannie Thompson. CHILDREN : I. Lucy Walbridge, born April 21, 1868 ; died July 11, 1885. II. Grace, bom December 8, 1872; married September 8, 1898, Frederick Johnston. III. Carrolle, bom January 10, 1874; married November 21, 1898, Frank Birkin. rv. Florence, born November 19, 1878; married June 5, 1899, Robert Mc- Leod. CHARLES CARROLL GREENTjEY removed when quite young to Hamil- ton, New York. When he was seventeen years of age he went to Ithaca, New York, where he engaged in mercantile business with his uncle, Fred T. Green- ley. In March, 1867 he removed to Chicago, and was employed in the whole- sale house of J. V. Farwell until 1871, then went into the Fire Insurance busi- ness. He first became well known in fire insurance circles in connection with the old firm of 0. W. Barrett & Company. In 1885 he became connected with the agency of Ducat & Lyon, where he remained continuously until his death, having been admitted as a member of the firm some two or three years prior to his decease. He was a gentleman of quiet tastes, modest and refined, and by his honorable deportment and exemplary life won the esteem of all who knew him. * .No. 299. FREDEItICK TRESCfT GREENLY. No. 300. THOMAS WESr.K\ GREENLY. No. 301 CHARLES CARROL GREENLY. CHARLES CARROLL GREENLEY. UNCLASSIFIED. 563 302. WILLIAM NICOLL /S?.^?.'^^^.^"''' Thomas Greenly 1 TTU-Luuuu X1XWVXUJ \ William Nieoll Mary Hunt J son of Sarah Greenly and William Nicoll, was born ]\Iay 13, 1820 at Islip, Suf- folk Co., New York ; died March 11, 1900 at Babylon, Long Island, New York ; married April 20, 1843 at New York City, SARAH AUGUSTA NICOLL, bom March 6, 1823 at New York City, daughter of Edward A. Nicoll and Frances Burbank Shelton. In religion, he was Episcopalian; resided at Islip, New York. CHILDREN : 304. I. William Greenly Nicoll, born August 29, 1845; married Phebe DeMilb Disbrow ; married second Kate Maurice Cornwell.+ 305. n. Sarah Nicoll, bom September 2, 1847; married Silas Rogers Cor- with.+ III. Fi'ances Augusta Nicoll, born August 30, 1849 ; married Jidy 4, 1874, Lee Johnson ; lives at Garden City, Long Island. rV. Edward Nicoll, born November 20, 1851; married September 29, 1886, Ella P. Latting ; died October 3, 1898. V. Mary Shelton Nicoll, born January 22, 1853 ; died February 4, 1890. VI. Henry Nicoll, bom July 12, 1854 ; married October 6, 1880, Augusta Maltby. 303. ALBERT HAT.y, GREENLEY I Thomas W. Oreenley Thomas H. Greenly lEmlUssa Hale Lucy S. Higgins Thomas Greenly \ Mary Hunt J son of Thomas Wesley Greenley and Emilissa Hale, was born September 12, 1852 at Grand Rapids, Michigan; married March 1, 1880 at Grand Rapids, Michigan, MAY JOSEPHINE GLOVER, born May 4, 1858 at Louisville, Ken- tucky, daughter of Dixon Glover and Martha Logan Gray. He is a civil engi- neer ; in politics, Democrat ; in religion. Episcopalian ; resided at Grand Rapids and Ludington, Michigan. CHILDREN : I. Albert Harry, born March 11, 1881 at Grand Rapids. II. Ethel Katherine, born November 28, 1883. m. Margaret, born June 8, 1892. 304. WILLIAM GREENLY NICOLL rwilllam NIcoII SarahOreenly Thomas Greenly ) ( Sarah A. Nicoll William Nicoll Mary Hunt ) son of William Nicoll and Sarah Augusta Nicoll was bom August 29, 1845 at Islip, Suffolk Co., New York ; married June 5, 1873 at New Rochelle, New York, PHEBE De:\IILB DISBROW, who died July 9, 1874 at Flushing, Long Island, 564 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. New York, son of Thomas Disbrow and Susan W. ; married second October 24, 1878 at Elizabeth, Union Co., New Jersey, KATE MAURICE CORNWELL, born September 2, 1849 at Northfield, Vermont, daughter of William Cornwell and Mary S. Marsh. He is a lawyer; Republican; Episcopalian; resides at Babylon, New York. CHILDREN : I. Phebe D. Nieoll, bom July 4, 1874; married Rev. George D. Ashley; lives at Carthage, New York. II. Katharine Nieoll, born April 20, 1882. TIT Dorothy Nieoll, born January 4, 1890. 305. 13 AT? ATT 'MTr'nTT f William Nieoll Sarah Greenly Thomas Greenly ) CAAAA. i'^i.ViWljU I Sarah A. Nieoll William Nieoll Mary Hunt / daughter of William Nieoll and Sarah Augusta Nieoll, was born September 2, 1847 at Islip, Long Island; married October 20, 1887 at Islip, Long Island, SILAS ROGERS CORWITH, born February 9, 1854 at Bridgehampton, Long Island, son of Silas W. Corwith and Susan M. Rogers; physician; Republican; Presbyterian; resided at Bridgehampton, Long Island. Daughter : Sarah Nieoll Corwith, born December 28, 1889. 307. WILLIAM GREENLEY married . Resided at Epworth, Iowa. They had a daughter who married at Epworth A. W. Wallace, and resides at Independence, Iowa. 308. WILLIAM GREENLEE married . He settled in Adams Co., Ohio about 1812. A grandson, Oliver Greenlee, married and has a family, and lives at lyiaysville, Kentucky. 309. WILLIAM GREENLEE died October 14, 1783 ; married ELIZABETH . Resided in Lurgan Township, Cumberland Co., Pennsylvania. [Cumberland I UNCLASSIFIED. 565 County was formerly a part of Lancaster County; was created a separate county in 1750 [January 27]. Lurgan Township has since become incorporated in Franklin County, the adjoining county.] CHILDREN : I. Mary ; married Watson. II. Rachel ; married "Watson. "In his will wife Elizabeth Greenlee received all the personal property, and the benefit of the realty for life. At her death the remainder went to his two daughters Mary Watson and Rachel Watson." James McKee and Abram Smith, executors. 309a. WILLIAM E. GREENLEE of South Murderkill Himdred, Kent Co., Dela- ware; will dated October 9, 1897, proved December 7, 1897; married MARY Children, as mentioned in will : I. Sarah C, born about 1858; married November 26, 1878, William L. Sipple of Kent Co., Delaware, aged 25 years. II. Robert H. m. Mary E. ; married Perry. rV. William J. V. David C. VI. Ella F. ; married Saunders. 310. WILLIAM J. GREENLEE was born November 7, 1818 ; died April 29, 1900 in Lawrence Co., Illinois ; married in 1840, SARAH CARPENTER, who died seven years before her husband. In religion they were Methodist Episcopal, afterward they were United Brethren. He emigrated from Holmes County, Ohio to Lawrence County, Illinois. They had nineteen children; ten died in infancy and one at the age of thirty-two; four sons and four daughters sui"- vive. 566 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 311. GREENLEE married . CHILDREN : 312. I. Mary S. ; married William J. Mattliews.+ 313. II. Richie Ann; married Thomas S. Davis. + 314. III. Annie Maria, born May 7, 1841 ; married Thomas Holiday Gombs.+ IV. George Martin; dead. 312. MARY S. GREENLEE, daughter of Greenlee, married WILLIAM J. MATTHEWS ; resided at CoUinsville, Illinois. She is dead. CHILDREN: I. Alice Matthews. II. Lawsen Matthews. III. James Matthews. IV. Mary Matthews. V. Charles Matthews. 313. RICHIE ANN GREENLEE daughter of Greenlee ; married THOMAS S. DAVIS. She is dead. CHILDREN : I. William W. Davis. II. Ida May Davis. III. Jefferson Davis. rV. Eddie Davis. V. Ruby Alice Davis ; killed in the cyclone at St. Louis, May, 1896. 314. ANNIE MARIA GREENLEE, daughter of Greenlee, was bom May 7, 1841 at CoUinsville, Madison Co., Illinois; married October 8, 18— THOMAS HOLIDAY COMBS, born June 11, 1838 in Claremont Co., Ohio, died in 1856 (?), son of Daniel W. Combs. He was a farmer; Republican; Methodist; re- sided at CoUinsville, Illinois. One son : Fred Leslie Combs, born in 1855 ( ?) ; died in 1882 aged 27 years. UNCLASSIFIED. 567 315. GREENLEE married CHILDREN: 316. I. "Willis ; married Nancy Long.+ II. Shade. III. John R. 316. WILLIS GREENLEE of Mississippi, son of Greenlee ; married NANCY LONG of Georgia. He removed from Georgia to Mississippi. CHILDREN : 317. I. John Reid, born April 9, 1801; married Jane (Winters) Giles.+ II. Elijah; married Caroline Driver; lives at Tuscaloosa; Francis, a descendant died in Mexico. III. Peter; married Elisabeth Baty; lived in Lowndes Co., Mississippi; has a descendant, William, living. IV. James (Dr.) ; died in Georgia. V. William; died in Georgia. VI. Elisabeth; married John Winters; Calvin Winters McCule is a descendant. VII. Fanny ; married Martin Cooper ; a descendant James Cooper lives at Columbus, Mississippi. VIII. Eliza; married Felinden Davis; John L. Davis is a descendant. IX. Darius; lived in Lowndes Co., Mississippi. 317. JOHN REID GREENLEE ("a first cousin of Col. Andrew Hamilton Green- lee"), son of Willis Greenlee and Nancy Long, was born April 9, 1801 in Mississippi; died May 27, 1864 at Greensboro, Webster Co., Mississippi; mar- ried August 21, 1823 in Mississippi JANE (WINTERS) GILES, born January 17, 1801 in Mississippi, died April 30, 1878 in Mississippi, daughter of John Leonard Winters and Lueinda Jailes (or Sailer). Children, sixteen: 318. I. Baylis Earl, born August 1, 1824; married Martha J. Baker.+ II. Andrew Jackson, born May 22, 1826 ; married Mary Ann Hub- bard ; died in 1877 at Multona Springs, Mississippi. 319. III. Willis Riley, born April 14, 1828 ; married Clare Hope Smith.+ IV. Louisa Caroline, born March 21, 1830; married James H., or John, Pamplin ; died January 5, 1882 near Greensboro, Mississippi. 320. V. Frances M., born January 13, 1832; married Henry Bays; mar- ried second Franklin Williams; married third Ben Bigby; mar- ried fourth Theophilus Norwood.-}- 568 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 321. VI. Franklin E., bom December 7, 1836 ; married Eliza H. Bays; mar- ried second Lucretia Davis.-|- VTI. Amaziah; is a Baptist preacher. Vin. Haseltine Eliza, born April 11, 1839; married J. H. Brannon; had a son who was a physician in Bellefontaine in 1878. IX. Missouri Amanda, born July 10, 1841; married Alexander C. Smith ; lives at Eupora or Walthall, Mississippi. JOHN REID GREENLEE owned a plantation and about one hundred slaves, a large cotton gin, stock and other property; also kept a country inn. He was a Mason and a prominent citizen; a Whig in politics; Cumberland Presbyterian; resided near Greensboro, Mississippi. 318. MAJOR BAYLIS EARL GREENLEE rJohnReld Greenlee Willis Greenlee ) I Jane (Winters) Giles Nancy Long J son of John Reid Greenlee and Jane (Winters) Giles, was bom August 1, 1824 in Pendleton District, South Carolina; died September 17, 1897 at Denton, Denton Co., Texas ; married August 31, 1847 at CarroUton, Carroll Co., Missis- sippi, i\LmTHA J. BAKER, born April 14, 1830 in Dixon Co., Tennessee, died Pebruarj' 17, 1897, daughter of Absalom Baker and Patsie ; mechanic; Democrat; Presbyterian; resided in South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Ar- kansas and Texas. CHILDREN : I. "Virginia, born March 6, 1849 ; married C. A. Williams. 322. II. Charles Montgomery, born November 20, 1855 ; married Nannie E. Watson. + III. Baylis R., born May 24, I860; married Lizzie Kusee. IV. Willie Joseph, born August 7, 1863 ; died in infancy. V. Robert R., bom September 19, 1868 ; married Effie Hoffman. MAJOR BAYLIS EARL GREENLEE removed when a young man to Mis- sissippi. He settled in Arkansas in 1850, and in 1866 he went to Texas and settled at Denton, then a rough border town, where he has since resided. He was a member of an old and prominent family, was a Mason and an Odd Fellow. He served in the Confederate army with distinction. 319. WILLIS RILEY GREENLEE I J'"'° ?^^? P"^°i^.^ WiUls Greenlee ) (Jane (Winters) Giles Nancy Long / son of John Reid Greenlee and Jane (Winters) Giles, was born April 14, 1828; died March 14, 1896 at Moulton, Texas; married September 1, 1847 at Greens- boro, Webster Co., Mississippi, CLARE HOPE LODESKA SMITH, born April 14, 1828 in Tennessee, died January 24, 1894 at Moulton, Texas, daughter of Sherwood Smith and Loumira Spears ; blacksmith and woodworkman ; in pbli- 1 UNCLASSIFIED. 569 tics, Populist ; resided near Moulton, Texas. He was a consistent and devoted member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church and was an elder in that church for many years. He held a diploma of the Oriental Order of the Palm and SheU, S. A. U. D. S. CHILDREN : I. Elmira Jane, born July 16, 1848 ; married Wiley John York. II. Florence Vandalia, born October 4, 1852 ; died young. 323. III. Sarah Ann, bom October 8, 1855 ; married Mancil Monroe Babb.+ 320. FRANCES M. GREENLEE {J^S^f^f.fe'rrG^es KLolTrM daughter of John Reid Greenlee and Jane (Winters) Giles, was born January 13, 1832 at Atlanta, Georgia ; married in 1848 HENRY BAYS, who was born in 1828 in Alabama, son of James Bays and Nancy Canon ; married second in 1856, FRANKLIN WILLIAMS, born in Alabama ; married third in 1860, BEN BIGBY; married fourth in 1862, THEOPHILUS NORWOOD, born in 1827 in Alabama, died in 1870, son of John Norwood and Elizabeth Smith. She re- sides at Eupora, Webster Co., Miississippi. CHILDREN : I. Mary Jane Bays, born December 14, 1853 ; married S. E. Brown. II. Henry Ransom Bays, born July 1, 1855 ; married Lucinda Davis, in. Alonzo Franklin Williams, born February 18, 1858; married Mollie Oliver. IV. John Earl Bigby, born January 1, 1861 ; married Ellen Hays. V. Walter Middleton Norwood, born November 27, 1866 ; married Dosia Latham. VI. A. C. Norwood, born February 27, 1868; married Betty Smith. Vn. Missouri Belle Norwood, born April 4, 1870; married L. Latham. 321. VRANKT.TN E GREENLEE (John Reid Greenlee Willis Greenlee ) fKAnJ\.ljin rj. Ultririniiiliri Ijane , winters i Giles Nancy Long / son of John Reid Greenlee and Jane (Winters) Giles, was born December 7, 1836 at Columbus, Lowndes Co., Mississippi ; married ]\Iarch 26, 1856 at Greens- boro, Webster Co., Mississippi, ELIZA H. BAYS, born October 1, 1839 at Greensboro, died June 1, 1877 at Greensboro, daughter of H. F. Bays ana Louisa A. Reid ; married second LL'CRETIA DAVIS ; merchant ; Democrat ; Baptist; resided at Walthall and later at Eupora, Mississippi. 570 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : I. Alice T., born April 18, 1857 ; married C. B. Lamb. n. Frances L., born April 9, 1859 ; married J. G. Davis. TTT Martha L., born March 15, 1861 ; married A. G. McDowell. IV. Florence L., born June 6, 1864; married E. Rutledge. V. Connie H., born January 28, 1867 ; married J. Rutledge. VI. Cora E., born September 1, 1870; married A. J. Davis. Vn. Alfred F., bom August 15, 1874 ; married Rose Blisitt. Vin. Harvey F., born June 1, 1877 ; married Belle Blisitt. By second marriage : IX. Andrew Jackson; died young October 3, 1886. X. Eva E., born October 29, 1880. XL James Byron, born October 23, 1886. Xn. William H., born November 27, 1888. ■ XIII. Erl P., born December 27, 1892. FRANKLIN E. GREENT,EE enUsted in the Confederate army April, 1862 and remained in service until April, 1865. 322. CHAELES MONTGOMERY GREENLEE { g^,' ha^j.«B',^^°J- J^S? f.^'fn?/rr,°^^e. Willis B. Greenlee \ Nancy Long / son of Baylis Earl Greenlee and Martha J. Baker, was born November 20, 1855 at Lewisville, Lafayette Co., Arkansas ; married July 24, 1879 at Denton, Denton Co., Texas, NANNIE E. WATSON, born November 20, 1863 at Nacog- doches, Texas, daughter of Stephen Watson and Haseltine Gilliam; Attorney at law ; Democrat ; Baptist ; resides at Denton, Texas. CHILDREN : I. Mollie E., bom December 17, 1880. n. Erie W., born April 12, 1883. m. Mable V., born March 10, 1885. IV. Rolan E., bora February 10, 1887. V. Melva Edna, born January 20, 1889. VI. Stephen M., born March 19, 1891. vn. Ethel Haseltine, born February 24, 1893 ; deceased. Vin. William R., born December 27, 1894. 323. S&PATT A'N'M mjTi'.F.'WT 'R'P. f Willis R. Greenlee John Held Greenlee WUlls Greenlee 1 BAKAH Ann UArifinijriJlj j ciare H. L. smith Jane (Winters) Giles Nancy Long ! daughter of Willis Riley Greenlee and Clare Hope Lodeska Smith, was born October 8, 1855 at Goodhope, Leake Co., Mississippi ; married January 17, 1871 UNCLASSIFIED. 571 at Goodhope, Mississippi, MANCIL MONROE BABB, born December 16, 1849 at Goodhope, ^Mississippi, son of James A. Babb and Mary Henry; farmer; Democrat; Cumberland Presbyterian; resided near Goodhope, Mississippi; Moulton, Texas (1901). CHILDREN : I. Elmira Babb, bom January 8, 1872 ; married James A. Johnson. 324. n. MyrtleBabb, born January 3, 1875; married Henry W. Dockery.+ ^^_5_^r'''"^ "^ ni. Leona Babb, born August 27, 1877; married Ellis Dockery. v- , £_„ .-Tii^ IV. Annie Babb, born December 5, 1879. , ,, .-5-„,i V. Mancil Babb, born May 5, 1881, or 1882. v - ■ - - ^ '^ ^ VI. Wiley Greenlee Babb, born October 15, 1884. Vn. Mary Hope Babb, born May 4, 1887. Vm. Vonnie Iva Babb, born November 15, 1893. - "Dli-ii-aA^ -r«,V 324. MVTJTT.F ■RA'R'R f Sarah A. Greenlee Willis Greenlee John Reld Greenlee inxAXXiXi X>AI>£> tMancllM. Babb Clare H. L. Smith Jane (Winters) Giles Willis Greenlee 1 Nancy Long J daughter of Sarah Ann Greenlee and Mancil Monroe Babb, was born January 3, 1875 at Goodhope, Leake Co., Mississippi ; married October 7, 1890 at Moulton, Lavaca Co., Texas, HENRY W. DOCKERY, born August 17, 18— at Moulton, Texas, son of Mathew Dockery. He is a stockraiser; Democrat; Methodist; resides at Uvalde, Texas. CHILDREN : I. Dee Dockery, born September 21, 1891. II. Leah Dockery, born March 2, 1893. III. Aline Dockery, born February 9, 1895. IV. Merle Dockery, bom January 15, 1899. 325. GREENLEE married at Knapps Creek, New York, ELLA LEE, born at Alfred, Allegany Co., New York, daughter of Schuyler Lee and Lucy Morgan. He had brothers and sisters. 572 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. GREENLY married CHILDREN: I. Samuel; lived in Dorchester Co., Maryland. II. James ; lived in Dorchester Co., Maryland. He was a weaver. Deed from Samuel Greenly to James Greenly : Know aU men by these Presents, that I, Samuel Greenly being very sick and weak, but of sound memory, for and in Consideration that my dear Brother James Greenly of Dorchester County, weaver, hath attended me during my indisposition and likewise obliged himself to pay and satisfie William Shack- nashee for my necessary board and accomodations Doetr. Thos. Wattkins for his Attendance & assistance, as also sundry other debts due from me, Have and by these presents do bargain, sell, assign and make over unto the said James Greenly, his heirs and assigns, my riding horse. Bridle and saddle, aU my wearing apparell together my chest and the sundrys therein Contained, as also all and singular the out standing Debts due to me as stated in my book late in the Custody of Michael Maccormack dec'd. or that shall otherwise appear to be due to me, to have and to hold all and singular the premises afd. to the said James Greenly his heirs and assigns for ever and all and singular which premises I will by these Presents warrant and defend. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this eighteenth day of January Anno Domini Seventeen hundred and thirty three. Samuel Greenly Seal. 327. GREENLEY married MARY E. . They had a daughter, Nina, who lives at South Enid, Oklahoma. 328. GREENLEE married CHILDREN : I. Ora B., born about 1873 ; married October, 1899 Railsback. n. Ralph. III. Lillie Beryl. UNCLASSIFIED. 573 GREENLY married ELIZABETH Resided at Strasbvirg, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : Her will was dated 1886. I. Pianna; married II. Elizabeth ; married in. Samuel. rV. David B. V. Sarah; married VI. Addison Lutz. Horst. — Rider. Gable. MISCELLANEOUS. DOVER, DELAWARE MARRIAGE RECORDS. In Office of Register of Deeds. LEVYE GREENLEE aged 24 and Angelica Robinson aged 18, both of "Willow Grove ; married February 6, 1873. JOHN A. GREENLEE of Kent Co. aged 19, and Mary E. Dill of Caroline Co., Maryland aged 17 ; married Sept. 20, 1873. WILIMINA GREENLY and Benjamin F. Dill, both of near Willow Grove, Del. ; married Jan. 2, 1874. JOHN H. GREENLY aged 24 and Mary E. Cooper aged 20, both of Kent Co. ; married Dec. 2, 1877. SAMUEL GREENLY and Mary Ann Shockley, both of Kent Co., married Mar. 8, 1879. DOVER, DELAWARE SETTLEMENTS OF ESTATES. Letters of administration on estate of Robert Greenly, granted June 13, 1804. Letters of administration on estate of DAVID GREENLEE granted Mar. 19, 1814 to Elizabeth Greenlee. Letters of administration on estate of JOHN GREENLY of Murderkill Hundred, granted Jan. 9, 1840 to WiUiam Greenly. Letters of administration on estate of WILLIAM GREENLEE of North Murderkill Hundred granted October 10, 1874 to Samuel B. Cooper. Letters of administration on estate of ELISHA GREENLEE of Duck Creek Hundred granted September 25, 1876 to James Kirkley. Letters of administration on estate of ROBERT GREENLEE of South Murderkill Hundred, granted June 3, 1880 to Arthur J. Greenlee. Letters of administration on estate of WASHINGTON GREENLY of North Murderkill Hundred granted Sept. 12, 1891 to Jonathan Summers. Letters of administration on the estate of JAMES P. GREENLY of Mispil- lioD Hundred granted Mar. 2, 1893 to D. R. L. Levris. MARYLAND. The list of the Association of the Freemen of Maryland, which was pre- sented in 1776 for signature to all the voters of the coimty by the county Revolu- tionary Committee as a test of loyalty to the patriot cause, shows that SAMUEL GREENLEE signed the paper as a resident of Bush River Lower Hundred. In the list of Taxables in Bush River Lower Hundred in 1776 is this: 574 1 MISCELLANEOUS. 575 "SAMUEL GREENLEA, Overseer for Mr. Paca." Mr. Paca was one of the most prominent men in the province. He was father of William Paca, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and afterward Governor of Maryland, Member of Congress, etc. He owned a very large land estate hereabouts. In 1778 SAMUEL GREENLEY is one of the list of the Freemen of Spesutie Lower Hundred, which adjoined Bush River Lower Hundred. In 1778 JOHN GREENLEES and ARCHIBALD GREENLEES took the required oath of Alliance to the new state of Maryland as shown by the "List of those who took the Oath." In one of the Medical Ledgers of Dr. John Arthur, who was the ver3' first graduate of Medicine in America, is this item : Dr. — . SAMUEL GREENLEY (Spesutie Island) 1787 Sept. 30th, two prescriptions for his son £0.11.0. The map of the Island shows that it was part of Spesutie Lower Hundred and was included in Hall's Cross Road election district (or 2 district). In November 1790 SAMUEL GREENLEY voted in Belair, the county seat for Congressmen and Assemblymen. At the time all voters of the county were required to vote in Belair; a few years later each one voted in his own election district, there being five such districts in the county. From the Administration accounts in the ofBce of Register of Wills : May 11, 1802, Letters of Adm. on the estate of SAMUEL GREENLEE were issued. James Greenlee Admr. His securities are Robert Taylor and Thos. Greenlee. Date of Bond May 11, 1802. Amount of Inventory $164.92. Amount of sales £64. 14. TYz. First account passed 20th Sept. 1803. Final account passed Apr. 8, 1817. So that Samuel Greenlee no doubt died early in 1802 or late in 1801. U. S. List of voters in 1816 before there was a newspaper published in the county, shows that JAJIES GREENLEE in that year was a voter in the 2nd district called Hall's Cross Road District and including Spesutie Lower Hun- dred and Spesutie Island. He voted the Republican ticket, which was then often called the Democratic ticket. Among the deeds in the Record Office is this: "June 20, 1856 Wm. Ford for the consideration of $300 conveys to JOHN GREENLEE (both of Hart- ford Co.) 28 acres 7 perches of a tract called Rumney Royal on Rumney Creek, adjoining the lands of the said John Greenlee and Jno. H. Herring. 22nd Nov. 1865 Jno. F. Hill for a consideration of $1400 conveyed to JOHN GREENLEE 75 acres of Rumney Royal and of Dispatch adjoining the lands of Joseph Starr and Jas. C. Malcolm with buildings. CAPTAIN JNO. GREENLEE was commander of a grain and wood schooner running to Chesapeake Bay. He had several daughters but no sons. Apr. 12, 1867 ALEX. GREENLY and Thos. Sparklin being securities for Geo. E. Ford on a note to Samuel Hambleton (receiv^er) for $1801, Ford gives them a mortgage on his plantation in the 1st district (the 1st district was W. of Bush River) . From Ledger and Day Books of Edward Hall, who owned a large tract in Bush River (Spesutie Lower Himdred) commonly known as the "Rumney Farm" as well as several other tracts : "1818 Mar. 24, Rumney Farm. Dr. to cash paid JAS. GREENLY for setting a ware (wear, or weir, a fence made of twigs set in a stream for catching fish $ 5.00 576 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. "1818 Oct. 28, JAMES GREENLEY of Rumney Farm f or 15 bus. of seed wheat $30.00 "1819 Apr. 23, Rumney Farm to JAS'. GREENLEE for making a plough $ 2.50 "1820 Apr. 15, Rumney Farm to JAS. GREENLY for setting a ware this spring $ 3.00 "1822 Mar. 30, To cash paid in balance of his Acet. for Beans & Potatoes from Rumney Farm. (He also bought 8 bus. Potatoes from Rumney Farm 1819.) " " Feb. Rumney Farm to JAS. GREENLY for putting in two Plough beams $ 2.50 Rumney Farm to JAS. GREENLY for mending a harrow $ .371/2 For one fallow harrow fall $ 4.00 JAMES GREENLEE of Caroline County, Maryland. "Will admitted to pro- bate, October 10. 1843. He devised his estate to his son Charles W. Greenlee. No other name is entered in the distribution of the estate as he was the sole legatee. JAMES GREENLEE of Caroline County, Maryland, son of David Greenlee. Letters of administration granted on his estate, October 7, 1844. No will nor distribution. JAMES GREENLEE of Caroline County, Maryland, for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and ten dollars, bought a tract of land in Caroline County, said to contain two hundred acres more or less, from Elizabeth Mitch- ell, widow of John Mitchell, Esq., of Milford, Kent Co., Delaware. Dated November 1, 1836. January 26th 1726. JAMES GREENLEY deeds to James Earle a tract of land called "Plaine Dealing" in Queen Anne County (then in Talbat County) , on the South side of Chester River & on the "Western side of a branch of Island Creek, containing 200 acres. June 25th, 1778. JAMES GREENLEES of Dorchester County in the State of Maryland, deeds to Benjamin Todd and Jacob Todd for fifty pounds, two tracts or parcels of land nine acres, originally called "Enclosure" and now "Batchelors Range" containing one hundred and thirty acres of land, being in the County aforesaid, Beginning at a marked Maple standing in Bull point neck on the North side of Meekinses Creek which issueth out of Black "Water River thence runing from the said Maple several courses according to certifi- cate of the said surveys, and allso all woods, ways, waters. Easements, profits, conditions, advantages, Emoluments, heriditaments and appurtenances what- soever to the said lands and premises belonging or in any wise appertaining. May 2nd 1784 JAMES GREENLEES of Dorchester County and State of Maryland, Yeoman, for and in consideration of the sum of forty pounds, sold to John Cowart his heirs and assigns one small schooner boat, called the ' ' Fancy, ' ' with all her sails, riggin and appurtenances thereunto belonging, likewise one Loom, one slay, two pair of gears, one bedstead, one bed and bedding, two chists, one Linnen wheel, one Iron pot, one pine table, one gallon jugg, two old chairs, one old axx, six pewter plates, one dish, two cows and calves, three MISCELLANEOUS. 577 milk pans, one paper Book, one tub, two old piggins, one old Bible, one old Sermon book, two old bread trays, some flax broke and some unbroke &e. July nth 1785 JAMES GREENLEES of Dorchester County in the State of Maryland, Planter, sells to "William Johnson, Jimr. for nine pounds ten shil- lings, all that tract or parcel of called "Red Oak level" Beginning at the bounder of Griffiths Reveng, etc., containing nine acres more or less. PENNSYLVANIA. [PYom Pennsylvania Archives.] MARY GREENLEES and David Chancellor married Nov. 28, 1745. Records of 1st Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. [2nd Series, vol. 2, p. 282.] ELIZABETH GREENLEE and Jacob Pope married June 8, 1799, Christ Church, Philadelphia, Records. [2nd Series, Vol. 8, p. 115.] ROBERT GREENLEES was a private soldier, Capt. Richard McQuon's Com- pany, Colonel Timothy Green's Battalion, Lancaster County, Militia, August 31, 1777. He was promoted to Ensign of Second Company, 1st Battalion, Lan- caster County Jlilitia, Lt. Col. John Rogers, April 15, 1783. [2nd Series, Vol. 13, pp. 320, 374.] WIDOW GREENLIF owned 150 acres in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 1778. [3rd Series, Vol. 13, p. 32.] WIDDOW GREENLIEF, Springfield Township, Bucks Co Tax 44. 2.0 [3d Series, Vol. 13, p. 110.] WIDOW GREENLIEF, valuation 1,800 32. 8.0 Northern Liberties West Part, County of Philadelphia, 1780. WIDOW GREENLIEF, City of Philadelphia, 1781. [3d Series, Vol. 15, pp. 508, 721.] ALEXR. GREENLEE, E. Hanover Township, Lancaster Co. Re- turns and Assessments, 1771. 150 acres, 2 horses, 3 cattle Tax 17.0 ALEXR. GREENLEE, same place, 1772. 150 acres, 2 horses, 1 cattle Tax 5.6 JAMES GREENLEE, same place, 210 acres, 2 horses, 3 cattle Tax 6.0 JNO. GREENLEE, Freeman, E. Hanover Township, Lancaster Co., 1771 Tax 15.0 ROBERT GREENLEE, Freeman, E. Hanover Township, Lancaster Co., 1771 Tax 15.0 ROBERT GREENTLEE, E. Hanover Township, 1773. 100 acres, 2 horses, 2 cattle Tax 5.0 ROBERT GREENLEE, Hanover Township, 1782. 200 acres, 2 horses. 2 cattle Tax 8. 5.0 JAMES GREENLY, Mannor Township, Lancaster Co., 1779. 1 cattle. ROBERT GREENLEE, Hanover Township, 1779. 150 acres. [3d Series, Vol. 17, pp. 23, 229, 26, 232, 409, 534, 621, 691.] ISAAC GREENLIFE, Northampton Co., 1772. Gentlemen's Land Proprietary Tax 20. 0.0 WILLIAM GREENLEE, Buffalo Township, Northumberland Co., 1778-80. State tax, valuation 101.13.0 578 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. ■WILLIA.M GREENLEE dec'd. Buffalo Township, 1782. Federal Supply Tax, 50 acres Tax I. 8.4 WILLL\M GREENLEE, Buffalo Township, 1781. Transcript of Assessment, 50 acres, 2 horses, 2 cattle Tax 2. 5.5 ROBERT GREENLEE, d. Lycoming Township, Northumberland Co., 1786 [not in list of single men] 2 horses, 2 cattle Tax 9.2 ROBERT GREENLEE, Lycoming Township, 1787. 100 acres Tax 5.0 [3d Series, Vol. 19, pp. 42, 417, 457, 515, 710, 788.] WILLIAM GREENLEE, Lurgan Township, Cumberland Co. Sup- ply Rate, 1780. 2 horses, 4 cattle, 1 negro. WILLIAM GREENLEE, Lurgan Township, 1782. Transcript of Taxables, 300 acres, 1 horse, 1 cattle, 1 negro. WILLIAM GREENTREE, Supply Rate, Lurgan ToAvnship, 1779. 150 acres, 2 horses, 4 cattle, 1 negro. WILLIAM GREENBEE, Transcript of Taxables, Lurgan Town- ship, 1781. 250 acres, 1 horse, 3 cattle, 1 negro. [Vol. 20, pp. 181, 318, 444, 598.] ROBERT GREENLIS, Windsor Township, York Co., Return of Taxables, 1 horse, 2 cattle Tax 4. 5.6 [Vol. 21, p. 229.] ROBERT GREENLEE, Moon Township, Allegheny Co., 1791. Amount of Tax 6.11s ROBERT GREENLEE, Robinson Township, Washington Co., Ef- fective Tax Supply, 300 acres, 2 horses, 2 cattle, value 65. [Vol. 22, pp. 670, 765.] ARCHIBA'D GREENLEE, Strabane Township, Washington Co., 1781. 1 horse, 1 cattle, 2 sheep, value 15. [Vol. 22, p. 779.] WILLIAM GREENLEE, Ranger on the Frontier 1778-1783. Rev- olutionary War, Northiunberland Co. WILLIAM GREENLEE, Northumberland Co., Joseph Green's Company. [Vol. 23, pp. 248, 349.] LAND WARRANTS. JAMES GREENLEE, Lancaster Co., 200 acres, surveyed June 18, 1772. WILLIA:M GREENLEE, Cumberland Co., 297 acres & 151 acres, surveyed June 3, 1763. [Vol. 24, pp. 421, 679.] ANDREW GREENLEE, Northumberland Co., 200 acres surveyed October 26, 1785. WILLIAM GREENLEE, Northumberland Co., 50 acres surveyed February 23, 1773. ROBERT GREENLEE, Northumberland Co., 400 acres, surveyed March 13, 1793. [Vol. 25, pp. 152, 147, 156.] ROBERT GREENLEE, Washington Co., 300 acres, surveyed February 18, 1785. [Vol. 26, p. 560.] . MISCELLANEOUS. 579 MERCER COUNTY WILLS. JOHN GREENLEE, Jefferson Township, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania. Will dated September 13, 1872. Recorded in Will Book, No. 7, page 397. MARY GREENTjEE, Jefferson Township. Will dated October 13, 1888. Recorded in Will Book No. 9. GREENE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, DEEDS. Moses Cooper to JAjMES GREENLEE, 158 acres. Dated October 4, 1838. Book 9, page 188. SAMUEL FULTON to SAMUEL GREENLEE, 154 acres. Dated March 30, 1839. Book 12, p. 477. William Spencer to JACOB GREENLEE and Neal Zollors. Dated August 17. 1843. Book 16, p. 500. John Corbett to JACOB GREENLEE. Dated April 13, 1864. Recorded in Book 18, p. 555. Ann Borze et als to JOHN A. GREENLEE, lot in Clarksville. Dated April 1, 1872 Recorded in Book 24, p. 25. GLASGOW COMMISSARIOT TESTAMENTS. Vol. 3. The Testament Testamentar, Latter WiU and Inventory of the goods, gear, &c which pertenit to umquhile Marione Greinleis spous to John Murssoun in Kilbryde within the parochin of KiLmacolme, faithfully made and gevin up be hir awin mouthe in hir dwelling house in Kilbryde upone the XV day of I\Iay 1603 yeiris. Quha nominat and constitute John ilurssoun hir spouse and Jane Murrsoun hir dochter, her Executors and intromitters with hir guidis and geir, and to pay hir debtis as followis As thai will ansuer to the Great God thairupone in the day of visitatione ; Quha deeeissit within f ourtene dayis thairefter. INVENTAR. Item in the first the said umquhile Marione Greinleis and Johne Mursoun spouses haid perteining to thame the tyme of hir deceis foirsaid the guidis and geir following of the prices efterspecifeit viz : Item first tyre tydie ky price of the pece ourheid X lib Summa L li. Item four forrow ky with thair stirkis price of the pece ourheid X li Summa XL li Item twa young ky to the bull price of the pece ourheid V li Summa X li Item thrie twa yeir auld quoyis price of thame IIII li Summa XII li Item XXIIII held of scheip j'oung and auld price of the pece ourheid XXVI s Vin d Summa XXXII li Item thrie hors ane lyrit basonit price thairof XX li the uther twa aula plewche hors price of the pece X li Summa of thrie hors XL li 580 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Item the sawing of XII bollis aittis being muirland aittis estimat to the thrid come price of the boU HI li XI s Vin d Summa IcXin li VI s vni d Item the sawing of ane boll beir estimat to the fera come price of the boll Yl li Summa XXIII li Item the insicht of the hous utincile and domicile guidis estimat to XL li money. Summa of the Inventar IIIc IIIxx li VIII s VIII d Na debtis awand to the deid. Debtis awand lie the deid. •'Item to the Laird of Newark the Laird of the grund IIII bolls ferme beir of the crope and yeir of God Im ^1c twa yeiris price of the boU VI li Xm s im d Siunma XX^T li XIII s IIII d Item mair to him IIII bolls four peckis ferme meale of the samyn yeiris erope price of the boll V li VI s VIII d Summa XXII U XIH s IIII d Item ini bollis forme beir of the crope and yeir of God 1603 yeiris price of boU VI li Summa XXIIII li" &c. Summa of the f oirsaids debtis Ic IIIIxx Illi Restis frie geir debtis deducit Ic IIIxx XVIIHi VTs VTIId Deidis pairt is LIXli VIIIs Xd [Note: li in the above means libra the old Roman name for pounds.] LEGACIB. Item the said Marione Greinleyis left hir pairt of the guidis and geir insicht and outsieht the debtis abone writtin being payit to be devydit equallie amangis hir young bairnis This was done ia hir dwelling hous ia Kilbryde day yeir and moneth abone written Befoir thir witnesses Johne Dennestoun William Tinclair in Kilbryde, Arthour ]\Iurssoun in Park and Alexander Murssoim in Bradrane. sic suiscribitur So it is Robert Cuik notary public at command of the said Marion Greinlees She not being able to write, handwrit under my sign. Confirmed 21 November 1603. Patrick Flemyng in Corsliehills is cautioner. Vol. 7. The Testament Dative and Inventory of the goods, &c which per- tained to umquhile John Greinleyis in Halhill, in the parish of Lochwinzeoch, who died in January 1611. Given up by Marion Paterson his spouse, in name of John, "William, Thomas, Janet and Christian Greinleyis his lawful bairnis and Executors Dative. Sum of Inventory £162 13 4 Debts £56. Free gear £106 13 4 Confirmed 16 May 1611. Malcolm Paterson in Brandokfeild is cautioner. Vol. 12 The Testament Testamentary and Inventory of the goods, &c which pertained to umquhile Lyoun Greinleyis in Auchinlodmount, in the parish of Paisley, who died in November 1615. Given up partly by himself and partly by Janet Quhyt his relict, Robert and Thomas Greinleyis. Sum of Inventory £394 13 4d Sum of Debts £166 15/ Free gear £227 18 4d MISCELLANEOUS. 581 By his Legacy he nominates Janet Quhyt his spouse, Robert and Thomas Greinleyis his sones, his executors; and leaves his goods, &c to be equally divided between them. At Auchinlodmount 28 November 1615. Witnesses, John Greinleyis in Foxbar, and Gabriell Quhyt in Almochrie and John Aickine in Auchinlodmount. Confirmed 4 December 1616. David Watson merchant burgess of Glasgow is cautioner. Vol. 13. The Testament Dative and Inventory of the goods, &c which pertained to umquhile John Greinleyis in Fowisbar, in the parish of Paisley, who died in October 1616. Given up by Jonet Sclaitor his relict and John Greinlej-is his eldest son for himself and in name and behalf of John, Thomas, Margaret Jonet and Isobell Greinleyis barines lawful to the defunct, and Ex- ecutors Dative decerned to him. Sum of Inventory £513 3 2d Debts due to John Maxwell of Stanelie of ferme maill for the crop 1616 for his lands of Fouisbar; to James Hall of Fulbar for part of the lands of Cobilbar, &e. Sum of said debts, £119 9 4 Free gear £393 13 10 Confirmed 3 June 1617. Cautioner not named. Vol. 17. The Testament Dative and Inventory of the goods, &c which pertained to umquhile Thomas Greinleis in Blaklandmylne, in the parish of Paisley, who died in July 1620. Given up by Margaret Biggart his relict, in name and behalf of Janet Greinleyis his lawful daughter, and Executrix Dative decerned to him. Sum of Inventory £85 13/ Debts due to Robert Greinleyis, Margaret Grein- leyis and Elspeth Greinleyis of fee £14. Free gear £71 13 4. Confirmed 26 September 1620. John Adam Cordiner burgess of Paisley is cautioner. The Testament Dative and Inventory of the goods &c which pertained to umquhile John Greinleis in Cobilbar, in the parish of Paisley, who died in November 1620. Given up by Janet Johnston his relict, in name and behalf of John Greinleyis his lawful son and Executor Dative decerned to him. There was 30/ due by Robert Greinleyis in Auchinclodmount, and other debts. Sum of Inventory £386 4/ Free gear £300 7 4. Confirmed 22 June 1621 John Or in Stainliemuir is cautioner. Vol. 23. The Testament Dative and Inventory of the goods, &c which pertained to umquhile Marion Greinleyis spouse to John ^Mersehell merchant burgess of Paisley, who died in June 1631. Given up by her said spouse in name of Janet MerscheU their lawful daughter and Executrix Dative decerned to him. Sum of Inventory £80. Debts £400. Confirmed 26 March 1632. Audro Blak wright burgess of Glasgow is cautioner. Vol. 24. The Testament Testamentary and Inventory of the goods, &c which pertained to umquhile Thomas Greinleyis merchant in Castle Sempill, 582 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. in the parish of Lochwinzeoeh, who died in May 1632. Given up by himself. Sum of Inventory £47. Debts due to James Greinleyis son of umquhile John Greinleyis £8, and to Hugh Lord Sempill his master £5 &e Free gear £228 15 6 By his Latter Will he constitutes Elizabeth Gillies his spous and John Greinlejds his only lawful son equal executors and intromitters with his goods, &c. At Castle SempiU 12 April 1632. "Witness Allan Gillies younger in Castle Sempill. Confirmed 22 October 1632 Richard Stark messenger burgess of Glasgow is cautioner. The Testament Testamentary and Inventory of the goods, &c which per- tained to umquhile Margaret Greinleyis spouse to John Parkhill in Craigin- feoche, in the parish of Paisley, who died in November 1633. Given up by himself. Sum of Liventory £194. Debts due to Isobell Greinleyis, Lord Sempill and others. Sum of said Debts, £258 13 4. By her Latter Will she constituted her husband her only executor and fuU intromitter with the whole goods, &c pertaining to them. She leaves to John Greinleyis lawful son to John Greinleyis in Bogside, 5 merks; To John Greinlejis her youngest brother 5 merks ; To IsobeU Greinleyis her eldest sister, her best gown, To SibiUa Greinleyis her sister, the remainder of her clothing, &c. and ordains said SibiUa to give to Margaret Craig spouse of the said John Greinleyis, her black paliding safe guard. At Craiginfeoch 5 November 1633. Confirmed 1 September 1634. John Simpson merchant burgess of Glasgow. The Testament Dative and Liventory of the goods, &c which pertained to umquhile Jonet Greinleyis spouse of Richard Patersone at Halkeidmylne in the parish of Paisley, who died in January 1634. Given up by her said hus- band, Executor Dative decerned to her. Sum of Liventory £452 6 8. Free gear £340. Confirmed 5 September 1634. Robert Paterson maltman burgess of Glas- gow is cautioner. The Testament Dative and Liventory of the goods, &e which pertained to umquhile John Greinleyis Town Clerk of Paisley, who died in December 1634. Given up by Jonet Cochrane his relict and Executrix Dative decerned to him. Sum of Inventory £42 13 4. Free gear £9 16 8. Confirmed 19 June 1635 John Ramsay messenger burgess of Glasgow is cautioner. Vol. 33. The Testament Dative and Inventory of the goods, &c which pertained to David Greinleis in Heiddykis, in the parish of Paisley, who died in December 1665. Given up by Janet Greinleis spouse to John Wilson in Craigboig, sister german and Executor Dative of the defunct. In the Inventory there is a sum of £66 13 4 due by William Robinsone in Coehranemylne, intromitted with by Jean Adam relict of the defunct, and whereof she gave up the Bond granted to said David therefore. Sum of Inventory £274 3 4. Confirmed 8 August 1667. James Wilson in Craiginfeoch is cautioner. MISCELLANEOUS. 583 Vol. 34. The Testament Dative and Inventory of the goods, &c which per- tained to Isobell Duncan spouse to John Greinlie in Auchindavie, in the parish of Lenzie, who died in November 1670. Given up by her said husband, in name and behalf of Jonet Greinlie only lawful daughter procreated betwixt them, and Executrix Dative decerned to her said deceased father. There was due by James Duncan in Tuechar £190 13 4, one hundred pounds thereof resting of 450 merks, conform to a Contract, one hundred merks thereof promised by him to said John Greinlie, over in name of tocher with the said defunct. Sum of Inventory £332 13 4. Free gear £118 13 4. Confirmed 3 December 1670. Cautioner not named. Vol. 37. The Testament Dative and Inventory of the goods, &c which pertained to umquhile Thomas Greenlees elder burgess of Paisley, who died in July 1674. Given up by John Greinles merchant in Paisley his son, and Executor Creditor decerned to him, in so far as the defunct was owing to James Mont- gomery servitor to the Earl of Dundonald 50 merks, contained in a Bond by the defunct as principal and his said son as cautioner, to him, dated 13 July 1672. The said James Montgomery constituted the said John Greenlees his assignee in and to the same by Assignation dated 15 June 1674. Sum of Inventory £55 17 4. Free gear £36 2 8. No Division. Confirmed 3 AugiTst 1674. Cautioner not named. Vol. 38. The Testament Testamentary and Inventory of the goods, &c. which pertained to umquhile John Greenlees merchant burgess of Paisley, who died in August last, partly given up by himself and partly by William Jamie- son wright burgess of Paisley. Sum of Inventory £430 15 8. Debts due to William Jamieson, foresaid, William Greinleis, Alexander Jamieson and others. Sum of said debts £460 13 4. Debts exceed goods. By his Latter Will he ordains his body to be buried in the Churchyard of Paisley, and nominate the foresaid William Jamieson his only Executor and universal intromitter with his goods, &c. And leaves in legacy to Alexander Jamieson wright burgess of Paisley 10 merks, to Isobell Wilson widow in Seidhill his cousin german, 5 merks. To John Neilson lawful son of Richard Neilson in Seidhill, burgess there, procreated between him and Grizell Grein- leis sister of the defunct 50 merks : To Thomas Greinleis tailor burgess of Paisley his brother the remainder of his goods, &c and 50 merks to Helen Greinleis sister of the said Thomas. At Paisley 1 August 1676. Witness, William Greinleis lately one of the Bailies of Paisley. Confirmed 4 November 1676. Cautioner not named. Vol. 39. The Testament Dative and Inventory of the goods, &c which per- tained to unquhile William Greinlees eldest cordoner burgess of Paisley, who died in June 1676. Given up by Thomas Greinleis, maltman, burgess, Margaret 584 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. and Isobell Greinleis sisters, and James Wiytt in Candren sister's bairn to the defunct, and Executors Dative decerned to him. Sum of Inventory £198 12 8. Confirmed 14 August 1677. Vol. 55. The Testament Dative and Liventory of the goods, &c which pertained to umquhile Thomas Greenlees tailor in Smithhills or Walaenck of Paisley, who died on 10 I\Iareh 1743. Given up by William Greenlees wea\rer in Smithhills or Walnenck of Paidley son of and Executor Dative to the defunct. In the Inventory is the sum of £16 12 4 /34 stg: being the annuakent of £50 stg : from 14 July 1736 to the time of his decease, contained in a Bond by William Lord Bruce and James Lundin of that Ilk, to the late Mr. William Greenlees minister at Ceres, dated 14 July 1736; and which Bond with other writs were assigned by the said Mr. WiUiam Greenlees, to Mr. Robert Green- lees lawful son of deceased Robert Greenlees marker at the Tennis Court, Edinburgh, his nephew under the burden that the said Jlr. Robert Greenlees should make payment to WiUiam, Robert and Margaret Greenlees lawful children of the deceased Thomas Greenlees his brother, of £100 stg: to be divided as mentioned in the assignation thereto : and thereby declaring that the said Thomas Greenlees was to have the liferent of the said sum, which as- signation is dated 8 August 1737 and Registered in the Sheriff Court Books of Fife 19 August 1737 ; and which sum of £50 the said Mr. Robert Greenlees transferred to the said William, Robert and Margaret Greenlees with the interest or annualrents that were due on the said sum at the decease of the said Mr. William Greenlees, &c. Sum of Inventory £16 12 1 /34 stg : Confirmed 18 Jime 1744. William Stewart barber and wigmaker in Paisley is cautioner. COMMISSARIOT TESTAMENTS— HAMILTON AND CAMPSIE. Vol. 10. The Testament Dative and Inventory of the goods, &c which per- tained to umquhile Jean Johnston sometime relict of John Greenlees wright in Partick, thereafter spouse to James Lapslie changekeeper in Partick, who died in February last. Given up by James ilitchell schoolmaster at New or East Kilpatrick, and John Mitchell workman at the firework of the Coalwork of Knightswood, in the said parish, John McMiirray tenant in Cochney and Jean McJIurray spouse of William McKain farmer at Balshagrie, nephews and neice of the said Jean Johnston, and the said William McKean for himself and for his interest, Executors Dative qua nearest of kin decerned to her. Sum of Inventory £129 15 7 3/4 stg : Confirmed 21 June 1770. Andrew Mitchell dyer, heritor, & burgess in Glasgow, cautioner. CO:\IMISSARIOT TESTAMENTS— EDINBURGH. Vol. 40. The Testament Testamentar and Inventory of the goods, &e which pertained to umquhile ]\Iargaret Greenlees sometime spouse to Marcus MISCELLANEOUS. 585 Knox merchant burgess of Glasgow, who died on 22 July 1604. Given up by herself on 16 July same year. Sum of Inventory £3308 11 Id. Free gear £3241 11 Id. By her Latter Will she constitutes her husband her only Executor, and leaves to Janet, Michael and Margaret Cawies her three sister's bairns equally among them £100. To Janet Mure her mother 100 merks &c. To Jlichael Broun her brother £100. To Marjorie Mure a black kirtill &c. To Agnes Mure, 10 merks, &c. To the Hospital founded by the Merchants £4. To the honest householders 14 merks. Item To Thomas Knox her youngest sou 500 merks. At Glasgow 18 July 1604. Confirmed 15 May 1605. William Cunningham, merchant burgess of Edin- burgh and George Wilson burgess of Glasgow are cautioners. Vol. 61. The Testament Testamentary and Inventory of the goods, &c. which pertained to umquhile John Greinleis blacksmith, indweller in the Pot- terrow, who died in 1645. Given up partly by himself and partly by Bessie Purves his relict. Sum of Inventory £1153 14 8. Free gear $1133 14 8. By his Latter Will he constitutes said spouse his only Executrix, Legatrix and intromissatrix with his goods, &c. and he leaves to her the rent and profit of 2000 merks; He leaves to Isobell Greenlees his brother's daughter 500 merks after his wife's decease; Also to William and James Heriots his sister's sons, equally 200 merks. To James Greinleis skinner at the West Port, after his wife's decease foresaid 300 merks. To Barbara Greenlees daughter of said James, 100 merks. To Robert Stevenson in the Potterrow 100 merks, To James Waldie mealmaker there 100 merks, &c. At Potterrow 19 August 1645. Confirmed 22 December 1645. Adam Scott writer is cautioner. Vol. 65. The Testament Testamentary and Inventory of the goods, &c. which pertained to umquhile Robert Greinlees indweller in Eleistown, who died in 1649. Given up partly by himself and partly by Margaret Poter his relict. Sum of Inventory £971 13 4. Free gear £371 16 8. By his Latter Will he ordains his body to be buried in the Kirk of Kirklis- ton, and Constitutes Margaret Potter his spouse his only Executrix and uni- versal intromissatrix with the whole goods, &c. and what portion it shall please her to bestow upon John Greinleyis her son "let that be at her own option, and at the sicht of Claud Greinleyis her eldest son, Thomas Henry- soune, Alexander Ritchie her sones-in-law, Robert Muire in Seheill and Walter Listoun in Murend" whom the defunct nominated as overseers to the said Margaret Potter: At Eleistown 14 November 1649. Confirmed 27 June 1650. Claud Greinleyes her said son is cautioner. Eik to Above on 15 December 1652, of £128 6 8 by David Dundas of Philips- toun &c John Greinleyis Writer to the Signet is cautioner. Vol. 75. The Testament Dative and Inventory of the goods, &c. which pertained to umquhile John Greinlees writer in Edinburgh, who died in April 16 — : Given up by Robert Greinleis servitor to Alexander Gay writer in Edinburgh, son of defimct, and only Executor Dative decerned to him. There 586 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. was due by Elizabeth Cuningham relict of the said Greinleis 600 merks, up- lifted by her from the representatives of James Scot, wright, 9c. Sum of Debts £2796. Confirmed 7 December 1677. Alexander Gay writer in Edinburgh is cautioner. Vol. 76. The Testament Testamentary and Inventory of the goods, &c. which pertained to umquhile Elizabeth Cuningham relict of John Greinleis writer in Edinburgh, who died in September 1680. Given up partly by herself and partly by John Livingstone her son. Sum of Inventory £646 13 4 By her Latter Will she nominates her said son, procreated between her and the late John Livingstone burgess of the Canongate her first husband, her only Executor, &e. At Canongate 17 July 1678. Confirmed 26 June 1680. Richard Wilkie writer in Edinburgh is cautioner. DATA FROM PAISLEY, SCOTLAND REGISTER OF BIRTHS. Children of ALEXANDER GREENLEES and JEAN ROBISON : Alexander b. May 31, 1735. Ann b. Dec. 6, 1736. Alexander b. Nov. 22, 1738. Grisel b. June 4, 1743. Jean b. Mar. 19, 1745. Jean b. May 23, 1848. Children of ALEXANDER GREENLEES and KATHERINE BROWN : Jean b. Aug. 18, 1763. Alexander b. Aug. 11, 1764. Jean b. Apr. 19, 1766. Children of DAVID GREENLEES and JANET GRAHAM: AUan b. Jan. 24, 1751. David b. Jan. 4, 1755. Children of JOHN GREENLEES (weaver) and JANET MILLAR or MILLIAR: Alexander b. Mar. 9, 1768. Walter b. Nov. 31, 1769. James b. Apr. 12, 1772. John b. Mar. 21, 1774. Womansley b. Mar. 25, 1776. Alexander b. Apr. 29, 1778. Margaret b. Dec. 13, 1780. William b. Apr. 10. 1783. Elizabeth b. June 2, 1789. MISCELLANEOUS. 587 Children of THOMAS GRENLEES and MARGARET ANDERSON: Margaret b. Aug. 5, 1734. John b. Mar. 13, 1736. Jean b. Apr. 16. 1738. Thomas b. Oct. 1, 1740. Anne b. Nov. 17, 1742. Children of WILLLA.M GREENLEES and MARY PATERSON: Mary b. Aug. 14, 1743. Elizabeth b. June 17, 1745. Thomas b. May 31, 1747. William b. July 5, 1754. Jean, daughter to JAMES GREENLEES and ELIZABETH STEWART b. July 5, 1709. Robert, son to ROBERT GREENLEES and JANET POW b. Nov. 3, 1709. John, son to JOHN GREENLEES (tailor) b. Nov. 10, 1709. Jean, daughter to DAVID GREENLEES ((weaver) b. Apr. 30, 1710. Janet, daughter to WILLIAM GREENLEES b. Aug., 1710. Elizabeth, daughter to JAMES GREENLEES in Craigenfeoch, b. Oct. 27, 1710. Agnes, dau. to WILLIAM GREENLEES, (eordoner) b. Apr. 25, 1712. James, son to ROBERT GREENLEES (shoemaker) b. Oct. 12, 1712. Margaret, dau. to JAMES GREENLEES b. Feb. 4, 1713. Robert, son to ROBERT GREENLEES (shoemaker) b. Apr. 19, 1713. Robert, son to JAMES GREENLEES, b. Apr. 12, 1715. William, son to JOHN GREENLEES, b. June 11, 1715. Margaret, dau. to JOHN GREENLEES (weaver) b. July 31, 1716. Agnes, dau. to ROBERT GREENLEES, (shoemaker) b. Mar. 4, 1717. Jean, dau. to JOHN GREENLEES, b. Mar. 25, 1717. Margaret, dau. to THOMAS GREENLEES, b. May 13, 1717. Janet, dau. to JOHN GREENLEES (weaver) b. Apr. 20, 1718. Jean, dau. to JAMES GREENLEES (weaver) b. May 24, 1718. Agnes, dau. to JOHN GREENLEES (tailor) b. June 29, 1718. Janet, dau. to WILLIAM GREENLEES, b. Mar. 19, 1719. William, son to THOMAS GREENLEES (tailor) b. Oct. 2, 1719. Christine, dau. to JOHN GREENLEES, b. Apr. 10, 1721. Jean, dau. to WILLIAM GREENLEES (smith) b. June 2, 1721. Thomas, son to THOMAS GREENLEES, b. Nov. 22, 1721. Robert, son to THOMAS GRINLEES, b. Feb. 21, 1722. Agnes, dau. to JOHN GRINLEES, b. June 14, 1722. Margaret, dau. to WILLIAM GRINLEES, b. July 17, 1723. Isobell, dau. to ROBERT GRINLEES, b. Oct. 28, 1723. Janet, dau. to THOMAS GRINLEES and ELIZABETH LATA b. Nov. 29, 1724. John, son of JOHN GRINLEES and MARGARET CRAIG, b. Dec. 10, 1724. 588 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. John, son to JOHN GRINLEES and JANET AL6E0, b. July 11, 1726. Florence, dau. to WILLIAM GRINLEES and AGNESS CORDONER, b. Aug. 26, 1726. Margaret, dau. to WILLIAM GRINLEES and ANN BARR, b. Apr. 5, 1734. Jean, dau. to JEAN 6REENLEES, b. May 20, 1740. James, son to JOHN GREENLEES and MARGARET BUCHAN, b. July 16, 1750. DATA PROM GLASGOW, SCOTLAND REGISTER OF BIRTHS. Children of ROBERT GREENLEES and MARGARET HODGE : William b. June 30, 1730. Robert b. July 25, 1736. Children of THOMAS GREENLEES and JEAN KENNEDY: Mary b. May 22, 1742. Thomas b. Mar. 23, 1746. Children of THOMAS GREENLEES and MARION TAYLOR: Margaret b. July 19, 1747. Thomas b. Jan. 17, 1749. John b. Feb. 17, 1751. Isabel b. Mar. 28, 1753. Agnes b. Jan. 4, 1755. Children of WILLIAM GREENLEES (shoemaker) and JANET KIRKWOOD: Robert b. Nov. 13, 1751. William b. Sept. 6, 1753. Robert b. Oct. 17, 1756. John b. Aug. 16, 1765. James, son to THOMAS GREENLEES, deceased, and MARGARET FER- GUSON, b. June 6, 1731. Robert, son to ROBERT GREENLEES and MARGARET HILL, b. Oct. 28, 1734. Elizabeth, dau. to RICHARD GREENLEES, abroad, and MARY ALLAN, b. July 20, 1738. Janet, dau. to JOHN GREENLEES and MARJORY BACHAN, b. Dec. 22, 1752. David, son to JOHN GREENLEES and MARJORY BUCHAN, b. May 3, 1754. II MISCELLANEOUS. 589 SERVICES OP HEIRS IN CHANCERY, 1700-1799. James Greenlees son of James Greenlees, Farmer in Glasgow, to William Wardrope there. Co-heir of Provision General, 13th September 1722. Janet Greenlees Daughter of said James Greenlees to said William Ward- rope Co-heir of Provision-Gl : 13th September 1722. Jean Greenlees Daughter of said James Greenlees to said William Ward- rope, Co-heir of Provision General, dated as above. Richard Greenlees son of James Greenlees above designed to said Wm. Wardrope, Co-heir of Provision General dated as above. Richard Greenlees, meal Dealer in Glasgow, to William son of James Wardrope, Farmer there, Co-heir of Provision General, 13th Sept. 1722. WiUiam Greenlees, son of James Greenlees above designed, to William Wardrope there, Co-heir of Provision General 13th September 1722. John Greenlies, to his Father John Greenlies, a Baillie of & merchant in Edinburgh. Heir General dated 31st August 1737. James Greenlees, in Tannohill, to his sister Anne Greenlees, Heir of Con- quest General; dated 18th Febry 1748. James Greenlees, in Edinburgh, to his Grandfather James Beveridge, Mer- chant there, Heir of Provision General : dated 14th July 1779. Marion Greenlies (or Wauch) wife of Robert Greenlees merchant Edin- burgh, to her Brother James Wauch, Portioner of Kirknewton, Heir Portioner General, 7 July 1772. WiUiam Greenlees, weaver in Paisley, to his Cousin Robert Greenlees, Excise Officer, Edinburgh, Heir General, 17th December 1788. James Greenlees 68th Foot, to his Grandfather James Beveridge, Merchant Edinburgh. Heir Portioner General, dated 5th August 1790. James Greenlees, Druggist in Irvine, to his Father William Greenlees, Hosier there, Heir of Line General, dated 19th February 1791. DATA FROM HARBOR OFFICE, AYR, SCOTLAND. Entries of arrivals and departures of boats in Ajrr Harbour. June 2, 1788 — Sloop ' ' Dann ' ' belonging to Campbeltown, William Greenlees, master, from Dublin in ballast ; sailed with coal. May 3, 1792 — Sloop "Bells," belonging to Campbeltown, John Greenlees, mas- ter, from Campbeltown in ballast; sailed with coal — 46 ton. May 9, 1792 — Sloop "Dann," belonging to Campbeltown, William Greenlees, master. July 9, 1792 — Sloop "Bells", from Campbeltown, James Greenlees, master, sailed for Campbeltown with coal. Oct. 1, 1792 — Sloop "Alexander", belonging to Killybegs, Archibald Green- lees, master; sailed for Dublin. (Arrived in ballast, and sailed with coal). Oct. 3, 1792 — Sloop "Industry", belonging to Lame, Archibald Greenlees, master. From Larne in ballast; sailed with coal. Mar. 29, 1793 — Sloop "Maxwells", belonging to Campbeltown, James Green- lees, master, sailed for Dublin. 590 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Aug. 10, 1793 — Sloop "Maxwell", belonging to Campbeltown, James Green- lees, master. From Campbeltown in ballast ; sailed with coal. Feb. 27, 1799— Sloop "Dann", belonging to Campbeltown, William Greenlees, master. From Campbeltown in ballast ; sailed with coal ; 49 tons. Apr. 3, 1800 — Sloop "Dan", belonging to Campbeltown, William Greenlees, master. From Campbeltown in ballast; sailed with coal. June 2, 1800 — Sloop "Diligence", belonging to Glenarme, Archibald Green- lees, master. From Glenarme in ballast ; sailed with coal ; ton- age 55. Sept. 2, 1800 — Sloop "Diamond", belonging to Campbeltown, John Greenlees, master. From Campbeltown with limestone ; sailed with coal ; tonage 56. May 15. 1802 — Sloop "Williams", belonging to Air, John Greenlees, master, from Newry with limestone ; sailed with pig-iron ; tonage 50. July 24, 1802 — Sloop ' ' Williams, belonging to Air, John Greenlees, master. From Dublin in ballast; sailed with coal; tonnage 50. Nov. 13 to 20, 1802— Sloop "Williams" belonging to Air, from Highlands with salt and barrels ; sailed with salt and barrels ; tonnage 50 ; John Greenlees, master. Mar. 5 to 12, 1803 — Sloop "Williams", belonging to Ayr, John Greenlees, mas- ter. From Highlands with salt and barrels; sailed with coal; ton. 50. July 16 to 23, 1803 — Sloop "Dan", belonging to Campbeltown, William Green- lees, master. From Campbeltown with limetone ; sailed with coal; ton. 48. Aug. 13 to 20, 1803 — Sloop "Duke of York", belonging to Campbeltown, James Greenlees, master. From Campbeltown in ballast; sailed with coal; ton. 48. Aug. 20 to 27, 1803— Sloop "Dan", belonging to Campbeltown, William Green- lees, master. From Newry in ballast; sailed with coal; tonnage 48. Sept. 3 to 10, 1803 — Sloop "Williams", belonging to Air, John Greenlees, mas- ter. From Barnstaple with bark and timber; sailed with salt and barrels ; tonnage 50. Oct. 15 to 22, 1803— Sloop "Dan", belonging to Campbelto^vn, William Green- lees, master. From Drogheda in ballast; sailed with coal; 48 tons. Jan. 7 to 14, 1804 — Sloop "Williams", belonging to Air, John Greenlees, mas- ter. From Highlands with salt and barrels; sailed with coal; tonnage 50. May 5 to 12, 1804 — Sloop ' ' Williams ' ', belonging to Air, John Greenlees, mas- ter. From Dublin with dung ; sailed with coal ; tonnage 50. Jiuie 16 to 23, 1804— Sloop "Duke of York", belonging to Campbeltown, James Greenlees, master. From Campbeltown in ballast; sailed with coal; tonnage 62. June 16 to 23, 1804 — Sloop "Williams", belonging to Air, John Greenlees, master. From Dublin in ballast ; sailed with coal ; 25 tons. MISCELLANEOUS. 591 Oct. 1 to 6, 1804 — Sloop ' ' "Williams ' ', belonging to Air, John Greenlees, master. From Barnstaple with bark and timber; sailed with coal; 50 tons. Feb. 16 to 23, 1805 — Sloop "Williams", belonging to Air, John Greenlees, mas- ter. From Highlands with salt and barrels; sailed with coal; 50 tons. May 4 to 11, 1805— Sloop "Williams", belonging to Air, John Greenlees, mas- ter. From Lame with limestone ; sailed with coal ; 56 tons. [The book immediately following up the preceding dates could not be found.] Nov., 1824 — Smack "Alexander", belonging to Campbeltown, William Green- lees, master. From Campbeltown in ballast; sailed with coal; tonnage 16. Dec, 1824— Smack "Alexander", belonging to Campbeltown. William Green- lees, master. Arrived with potatoes; sailed with coal. Jan., 1825 — Smack "Alexander", belonging to Troon. William Greenlees, mas- ter. From Ardrossan in ballast; sailed with coal; ton. 16. Malcolm ircl\lillan seems to have sailed this smack prior to William Greenlees. GREENLEE WILLS, ETC., AT DUBLIN, IRELAND. Will of JA:\IES GREENLIVES, 1719. The 1st Feb 1719 I James Greenlives Parish of Hollywood Co. Down do make this my Will. To my wife Rose £16-0-0 and my fumitiu-e. To my mother 23/ — To my brother Samuel all my clothes. To James Greenlives Jvmr. son of my brother Samuel £2-0-0 Signed James Greenlives Witness Robert Carswell. Will of JANET GREENTjIVES, 1730 I Janet Greenlives do make this my last WUl. To my son John 21/ — AU the remainder of my goods to my two daughters Sarah and Anabell Green- lives. Signed 19th July 1730 Janet Greenlives. Proved 15th Octr. 1730. Will of JOHN GREENLIVES, 1750. I John Greenlives of Ballymenaeh Co. Down do make this my last Will. To John Carswell my grandson £3-0-0. To my granddaughter Jane Carswell £1-0-0. To my granddaughter Agnes Carswell £1-0-0. To my grandson Wm. Carswell 10/ and to my granddaughter Janet Carswell a cow with a black oak chest and a pair of sheets with a rug & blankets off my bed. To my son in law Nathl Bar £5-0-0. To my daughter Agnes Carswall all the remainder of my goods. Signed 29th January 1750 John Greenlives. Proved 9th February, 1750. Will of MATHEW GREENLEE, 1839. I Mathew Greenlee do make this my last Will the 17th April 1839. Dwell- ing in BalljTiewry. Parish of Mullabrack, Co. Armagh. To my wife Jean 592 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Greenlee all my lands and goods and at her death the land to be divided be- tween my two daughters Rachel Jackson and Ruth Jones. £20-0-0 to be paid to my eldest daughter Jean Quinn and to my grand daughter Ruth Gillis £20-0-0 and to my daughter Mary Gillis £1-0-0. Signed Mathew Greenlee. Witnesses Wm. Greenlee, James Greenlee. Will of ANNAPLE GREENLEAVES, 1742. I Annaple Greenleaves of Belfast do make this my Will. To my brothers son John Greenleaves all bonds that are due to me. I leave him my bed and share of the furniture and in case of his death to go to Jane Maxwell my sisters daughter. To Agnes Maxwell my sisters daughter 10/— to her sister Mary 10/ — To Jane Granger my black and white gown. The rest of my clothes to be divided between my sister Sarah and Jane Maxwell. I leave John Jackson Shoemaker and Robert Greenlaw Mariner exec'rs of this my Will. Signed MX 27th May 1741 Annaple Greenleaves Proved 1st May 1742. Will of ANDREW GREENLEAVES, 1842. This 11th January 1842 I Andrew Greenlees farmer of the Parish of Kil- vaughter make this my first will. To my son Andrew Greenlees all my lands. To my wife Nancy Moore otherwise Greenlees £60-0-0. To my son John £15-0-0. To my daughter Jane £15-0-0. To my granddaughter Ann Ross £10-0-0 Signed this 11th January 1842 Andrew Greenlees. Proved 1st April 1842. Will of ADAM GREENLAW, 1751. I ADAM GREENLAW of Killybegs Co. Donegal do make this my last WiU. To my son John Greenlaw all my houses in Killybegs after the decease of his mother Prances Greenlaw. Signed 27th Aug. 1747. Adam Greenlaw. Proved 14th Deer. 1751. Will of JAMES GREENLAW, 1743. I James Greenlaw do make this my last Will. I leave all my goods to mj nephew John Brown except one large pot and one pewter dish which I leave to my nephew Robert Greenlaw. There was an Agreement made in 1741 be- tween me and Jane Brown otherwise Greenlaw by which I made over my right to the lands of Claggan formerly possessed by my father John Greenlaw and she was to give me all the furniture belonging to my father. As she did not fulfill her part I now leave Claggan to my nephew John Brown. I appoint my brother Robert Greenlaw to be exor. Signed 5th April 1740. James Greenlaw Proved 30th May 1743. MISCELLANEOUS. 593 Marriage Licence Bond A Bond for permission to soleminze marriage between ROBERT GREEN- LEES of the Parish of Kilmore Diocese of Armagh and Deborah Rowan of the Parish of Galloon Dio. of Clogher. Dated 16 Deer 1709. Marriage Licence Bond Entered into by JAMES GREENLEE of Marlecca Parish of Mullybrack, Co. Armagh Parmer and Andrew Anderson of CaUentrough Farmer the 24th Feb. 1767 for solemnization of a marriage between the above James Greenlee and Margaret Wilson Widow Marriage Licence Bond. Entered into by Alexr Jackson of Corry in the Parish of Miillabraek Co. Armagh farmer and Henry Quin Weaver the 28th Octr 1835 for solemnization of a marriage between the above Alexr Jackson and Rachel Greenlee of Bally- newry, Parish of Mullabrack Spinster. REGISTRY OF DEEDS OFFICE GREENLY to Clendenning A Memorial of a lease dated 16th Octr 1713 Between James Greenly of Ballybragh Yeoman and John Clendinning of BaUybragh Co. Armagh whereby it is recited that James Greenly holds a lease of Ballybragh which he now sets to John Clendinning for a term of 21 years from the year 1715. Dated 29 April 1720. GREENLEE to Clendenning. A Memorial of a lease dated 7th Novr 1737 Between James Greenlee & John Clendenning both of Ballybragh, Parish of Kilmore Co. Armagh Whereby James Greenlee sets unto John Clendenning the lands of Ballybragh containing 105 acres for a term of 21 years. Lease witnessed by Ann White of Bally- bragh & Mary Clendining Junr. Dated 11th May, 1739. A Memorial of a lease dated 12th Feb. 1745 Between George Walker of Ballybreagh, Co. Armagh Gent & Mary Walker otherwise Greenlee his wife and James McCammon of Newry Merchant & Thomas Thompson of the City of Dublin Merchant. Wliereby George & Mary Walker did set imto James MeCamon & Thos. Thompson the lands of Ballybragh except the part set to John Clendenning which lands were demised by Thos. West to James Greenlee deed, also lands in Richhill Co. Armagh demised to John Greenlee by Wm. Richardson Esq by lease dated 1720. This Memorial dated 13th Feb. 1745. A Memorial of a lease dated 25 Jan. 1747 Between James M'Camon of Newry & Thos. Thompson of Dublin & Geo. Walker of Ballybreagh Gent. & Mary Walker otherwise Greenlee his wife & Henry Hutchinson of Richhill, Co. Armagh Whereby M'Camon & Thompson set unto Hutchinson the lands of Ballybreagh except that part in the possession of John Clendinning. Dated 16th Feb. 1749 APPENDIX A BROOKS AND ALLIED FAMILIES The number given each ancestor in the following, corresponds with his number on the Ancestral Chart ; the letter indicates the section of the chart. A 255. CAPTAIN THOIMAS BROOKS was born in England; died May 21, 1667 at Concord, Massachusetts; married GRACE who died May 12, 1664 at Concord, Massachusetts. He is supposed to have come from London, although neither the date of his arrival, nor the place of his embarkation has been ascertained. It is evident that he could not have been the Thomas Brooks who embarked in May, 1635, then aged twenty, in company with Rev. Peter Bulkley. He first settled in Watertown, ^Massachusetts, and was one of the "townsmen then inhabiting," to whom the Beaver Brook plowlands were granted in 1636. He was admitted freeman December 7, 1636, while he resided in Watertown. He moved very soon from "Watertown to Muskitaquid, now Concord, where he was one of the original settlers, and lived on what is now Walden Street. He was Captain of Concord, and received various appoint- ments of honor and trust. The General Court appointed him constable of Concord, December 8, 1638, and represented Concord in the General Court in 1642, 1643, 1644, and four years after 1650. In 1640 he was apprizer of horses, cattle, etc. for the purpose of taxation; and was appointed to prevent drunkenness among the Indians. In 1657, he purchased of the commissioners of the General Court, for five pounds, the right of carrying on the fur trade in Concord. In 1660, he and his son-in-law, Timothy Wheeler, jointly purchased of Edward Collins, four hundred acres in Medford, for four hundred and four pounds, one-third being for Timothy Wheeler an* two-thirds for himself. On October 22, 1665 he sold his house-lot in Concord, but remained in Concord and died there May 21, 1667, intestate. His inventory amounted to £448 3s, and his debts to £26 5s. 2d. A 127. DEACON JOSHUA BROOKS, son of Captain Thomas Brooks and Grace was born in 1630 in England; married October 17, 1653, HANNAH MASON, born September 23, 1636, daughter of Captain Hugh Mason and his wife Esther. Joshua Brooks settled in that part of Concord which became a part of Lincoln, and, it is supposed, sold his paternal estate in Medford to his brother Caleb. He was a tanner, and it is conjectured that he learned the trade with Captain Hugh Mason, whose daughter he soon after married. He was admitted freeman May 26, 1652. 594 APPENDIX. 595 A 63. ENSIGN DANIEL BROOKS, son of Deacon Joshua Brooks and Hannah Mason, was bom November 15, 1663 at Concord, Massachusetts ; died October 18, 1733 at Concord, Massachusetts; married August 9, 1692 at Concord, Massachusetts, ANNE MERRIAM, born September 7, 1669 at Concord, Massa- chusetts, died January 24, 1757 at Concord, Massachiisetts, daughter of John Merriam (died February 2, 1723-4 at Concord, and was married October 21, 1663 at Concord) and Mary Cooper, his wife. A31. DEACON JOHN BROOKS, son of Ensign Daniel Brooks and Anne Mer- riam, was born February 12, 1701-2 at Concord, Massachusetts ; married LYDIA A 15. CAPTAIN SAMUEL BROOKS, son of Deacon John Brooks and Lydia , was bom March 16, 1729-30 at Concord, Massachusetts; died June 30, 1817 at Worcester, Massachusetts; married March 14, 1755 at Concord, Massa- chusetts, HANTS^AH (DAVIS) BROWN of Carlisle, who was born in 1721 and died December 6, 1819. He moved to Worcester in 1750, the first of the name there. He was a cordwainer, and afterwards a real estate dealer. In 1787-8 he was a member of the legislature. He and his wife were buried in Mechanic Street Cemetery, Worcester. A 7. DEACON SAMUEL BROOKS, son of Captain Samuel Brooks and Hannah (Davis) Brown, was bom June 10, 1756 at Worcester, Massachusetts; married March 8, 1789 at Haverhill, New Hampshire, ANNA (BEDEL) BUTLER, bom October 20, 1766, who was a daughter of Colonel Timothy Bedel and Elizabeth Merrill. He moved to Haverhill, New Hampshire about the close of the Revolutionary war. He opened a store at the "Corner," and was the owner of an oil mill at the Brook, but was not very successful in these ventures. Later he went to Quebec and contracted with the governor of the Province for a tract of land in the township of Chester, then an unbroken wilderness, and two of his brothers began lumbering operations in this forest. In 1812 he took his family to Canada, but owing to a change of governor in the Province the plans which he had marked out were defeated, and, leaving Chester, he went to Stanstead where he lived the remainder of his life. Dur- ing his residence in Haverhill he was one of its most influential citizens, and took an active part in all public matters. He represented the town in the legislature, was selectman, and also town clerk. Besides these positions of trust he also held the ofBce of register of deeds for Grafton County for a num- ber of years. He is represented as a man of gentle manners, and is said to have been very ingenious and skillful. The old Brooks house in Haverhill 596 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. stood on the South Park near where the pmnp now is located. The house and bam were afterwards moved to Court street, and remodeled, and became the residences of Judge Westgate and Mrs. Barstow. A3. SAMUEL BROOKS, son of Deacon Samuel Brooks and Anna (Bedel) Butler, was born March 26, 1793 at Haverhill, New Hampshire, died March 23, 1849 at Montreal, Canada and was buried at Sherbrooke ; married Novem- ber 17, 1814 at Haverhill, New Hampshire, ELIZABETH TOWLE, who was born August 19, 1795 at Chester, New Hampshire, died September 21, 1871 at Lennoxville, Canada, and was a daughter of Colonel Simon Towle and Eleanor Hall. Mr. Brooks lived in Newbury, Vermont for a short time after his marriage, then moved to Canada and became a prominent merchant in Stan- stead. Later he lived in Lennoxville where he was extensively interested in trade and agriculture. In 1837 he was sent as a delegate, by leading citizens of the eastern townships, to London, for the purpose of enlisting capitalists in the development of the resources of that region. Being successful in his mission, the British Land Company of London was formed in the year follow- ing, and he was appointed agent of the company. He changed his home to Sherbrooke, which was the central point of the company's operations. He was also manager of a branch of the city bank of Montreal. During all these years he took an active and prominent part in every enterprise, and represented his county most of the time till his death, in the provincial legis- lature. He was an active promoter of the Grand Trunk Railroad from Montreal to Portland. A man of large liberality, and warmly devoted to all endeavors for the upbuilding of society in every good and worthy way, the church found in him a staunch and true friend. When he died, his dog which was named Keeper, howled all night, and walked beside the cofiBn to the funeral, and disappeared in a few days. Al. WIILLIAM BROOKS, son of Samuel Brooks and Elizabeth Towle, was born August 31, 1815 at Newbury, Vermont, his parents removing to Canada shortly after his birth. He received the rudiments of his education in the Canadian schools, later attending the academies at Haverhill, New Hampshire and Peachem, Vermont, where he fitted himself to enter Dartmouth College. It was his purpose to study for the ministry, but serious trouble with his eyes prevented the carrying out of this plan. He taught school for a time in Lennoxville, Canada, and while thus engaged made the acquaintance of Miss Emily Abbot, a teacher, who became his wife October 18, 1837. She was bom November 23, 1815 at Peachem, Vermont and was the daughter of Jacob Abbott and Nancy Wesson. He entered his father's store in Sherbrooke and before many years had become sole proprietor. Fortune smiled upon him and his business interests multiplied. He owned a large paper mill on the Magog River, not far from his store, and farther up the river had a saw mill, and in its vicinity he had o o a n a ►J j^ o a <; 3 o O cs n ij a & S o CO APPENDIX. 597 factories for the manufacture of shingles, lath, pails and matches. In order to supply his miUs with logs, he sent large numbers of men every "Winter into the woods that lay back of the Magog River, to fell the trees and cut the logs which were brought down by the Spring freshets. William Brooks was one of the original projectors of the Grand Trunk Railway, which was built through Sherbrooke soon after 1850. He contracted to build a division and personally superintend its construction. At this time he had thirty-six branch stores in the various townships about Sher- brooke, and was also the owner of several farms, a foundry and a drug store. For many years he was the most influential and prosperous man in Sherbrooke ; but the exorbitant rate demanded by the British-American Land Company for its water power, the disastrous fire which burned the paper mills — one entirely new — and the credit system which paralyzed trade so embarrassed him that he decided to try a home elsewhere. In 1860 he moved with his wife and six daughters to Portland, Maine, where he engaf id in commission business and lived there until his removal to Chicago in C jtober, 1864. This was his home for twenty -six years. Most of this time he was associated with Greenlee Brothers & Company ; but the last few years of his life, owing to failing health he was imable to take an active part in any business. William Brooks was a man of great business capacity, enterprise and in- tegrity. When a very young man he became an active member of the Congre- gational church, and always remained faithful to its best interests. As he became prosperous he gave liberally to the support of the gospel, and con- tributed the greater part of the money for the building of the present brick [Congregational] church in Sherbrooke. He was unwavering in his temper- ance principles when that meant more than can be conceived at the present day. He and his brothers, Charles and Samuel, were almost alone in opposing the selling and drinking of intoxicants in Sherbrooke. To Chicago he carried the same missionary spirit that had moved him in early life, and for twenty years he rarely missed visiting the County Jail Sunday mornings, carrjdng large bundles of religious papers, distribiiting them among the prisoners, and talking to them. He would then go to the north side to attend the mission school of Dwight L. Moody. In the Fall of 1890 he had a stroke of paralysis and passed away October 12th of that year. His wife survived him several years. She was an invalid when they moved to Chicago, but grew strong ana well and took an active interest in church work. She was a member of the history class conducted by ^Mrs. Professor Haven, until her eighty-first year, and at the same time went every Saturady to the Inndustrial School connected with Porter Memorial Church, teaching a class of foreign children to sew. She died March 11, 1899 at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Stebbins Greenlee, in Buena Park, Chicago, at the age of eighty-three years. CHILDREN : I. Elizabeth Brooks, born August 14, 1838; married Ralph Stebbins Greenlee. II. Eleanor Brooks, born August 14, 1838; died immarried October 15, 1892. 598 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. IIL Emily Brooks, born August 21, 1842 ; married Robert Lemuel Green- lee ; died July 25, 1906. IV. William Brooks, born August 21, 1842 ; died April, 1843. V. Mary Brooks, born April 14, 1844; died August 10, 1907; married first. Rev. George Paddock and had one son, Charles Brainard Paddock, of Wichita, Kansas; married second. Dr. Walter Hale Graves and had one child, Ruth Eleanor Graves. VI. Jeannie Brooks, born August 20, 1851; died October 6, 1868. VII. Samuel Brooks ; died aged 9 months. VIII. Isabella Brooks, born September 15, 1857; married August 27, 1884 James Lugsdin, son of Ladds William Lugsdin. They had two children: Louise Lugsdin, born July 29, 1886; and Elizabeth Beatrice Lugsdin, born December 2, 1892. ELIZABETH BROOKS, twin sister of Eleanor Brooks, was bom in Sher- brooke, Canada in 1838; attended the private school of Mrs. John Worcester in Burlington, Vermont, where she completed her musical education, after- wards graduating in 1859 from the Seminary of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cowles, at Ipswich, Massachusetts. Eary in the following year she was called South to Midlothian, near Richmond, Virginia, to teach a private school on the planta- tion of Dr. William Ball. Miss Brooks afterwards went to Danbury, Connecti- cut and took charge of the education of the children of Mr. Bailey, teaching them music, French and English. During the Winter of 1860-61, she was a teacher in the Willis School in Portland, JIaine. In 1862 Miss Brooks went to St. Anthony Falls (now Minneapolis), Minnesota and assisted Miss D. W. Godding who had in charge a private Episcopal school. Here she taught music, French, and the higher branches in English, part of the Winter and through the Spring term. During the Summer Miss Godding died, and, at the request of the patrons of the school, it was continued under the super- vision of Miss Brooks imtil the Indian outbreak, late the following Spring. Her parents, fearing for her safety, prevailed upon her to return East. In October, 1864, ]\Iiss Brooks joined her father and her sisters, Emily and Jeannie, in Chicago and arranged a home for the family at 13 Park Avenue, where she remained until her marriage with Mr. Ralph Stebbins Greenlee [See p. 108] in 1866. For upwards of thirty-three years she was an active member of the Union Park Congregational Church and Sunday School. In 1894 the family moved to the north side. In December, 1899 active preparations were made for es- tablishing a Congregational church in the North Shore district. The North Shore Congregational Church was organized January 1, 1900 in the library of the home Mr. and Mrs. Greenlee now occupy. I\Ir. Greenlee was Chairman of Trustees, and took entire charge of the building and furnishing of the church, which is located at Sheridan Road and Wilson Avenue, and is now one of the largest and most prosperous churches in the city. Mrs. Greenlee has ever been closely identified with charitable and religious works, and has taken an active part in home and foreign missions; and has been for several years a member of the Board of Managers of the Womans' Board of the Interior, a branch of the American Board of Foreign Missions. ►J J o o « o m a < S APPENDIX. 599 For eleven years she was one of the directors and managers of the Frances Willard Hospital. Mrs. Greenlee has been identified with many of the clubs of the city, in- cluding the Women's, the West End, the North Side Art (of which she has been a director), and the Women's Athlietic Club. EMILY BROOKS, as a child was of a quiet and retiring disposition, and a great admirer of Nature, spending much of her time in wandering about the beautiful country in which her home was situated. She was always very fond of flowers and of animals. One of her pleasures, while on her travels, was to collect odd plants to bring home. She lived in Sherbrooke, Canada until she was about twenty years of age, when the family moved to Portland, Maine, and later to Chicago, where, in 1867, she married Robert Lemuel Greenlee. [See p. 107.] She luis been connected with many philanthropic institutions in Chicago, and was especially active in the work of the Foundlings' Home and the Home for the Friendless, giving generously to the support of both. Mrs. Greenlee was of a deeply religious nature, very active in church work. Her church homes in Chicago were : The Union Park Congregational, Lake View Presbyterian, and the Second Church of Christ, Scientist. She was a member of the Ladies' Aid Society; also a member of the Women's Club, the North Side Art Club, the West End Club, Women's Athletic, and other clubs of the city. She died July 25, 1906 at her home in Buena Park, Chicago. MARY BROOKS was born at Sherbrooke, Canada. From her earliest childhood she evinced a most filial spirit, and was full of loving sympathy with her sisters and friends. Hampered by a serious defect of vision which was not corrected until comparatively late in life, she yet managed to keep up with her classes and graduated at the Portland (Maine) High School under Moses Woolson, who selected her to teach Latin the following year in the High School at Concord, New Hampshire. In 1866 she graduated at the Bradford (Massachusetts) Academy and re- moved to Chicago, whither the family had gone two years before. There she taught in public and private schools two or three years. She then spent several months in the rooms of the Women's Board of Foreign INIissions, and con- firmed and strengthened her interest in the spread of the Gospel in foreign lands, a cause which was always near to her heart. In 1870 she married Rev. George A. Paddock, and at once began the arduous life of a home missionary in southwest Missouri, entering with en- thusiasm into the labors of the church, and in laying the fotindations of Drury College, of which her husband was a trustee. In 1873 the family removed to Rockford, Iowa, where a son was bom, Charles, now a business man of Wichita, Kansas. There, too, Mr. Paddock's health failed and they went to Colorado in the hope that the invalid might recover his strength. There she taught a country school in a sparsely settled region, riding miles daily to and from the school-house and doing the house- hold work for the sick husband and helpless babe. It was a terrible experi- ence, but no complaint was heard. Her spirit was sweet and undaimted. In 1877 Mr. Paddock died in the town of his first pastorate, Lebanon, Mis- 600 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. souri, and the widow returned to Illinois to make her home with her bus- band's people at Chandlerville. There she taught in the public schools. Feeling the need of further study, she took up the then new work of the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle and completed the course with the second class. She followed this work with interest all her life, and was a member of a local circle wherever there was one to belong to. In 1881 she was married to Dr. Walter Hale Graves and removed to Lexington, Illinois, where a daughter, Ruth, was born, now living at Wichita, Kansas. In 1885 she removed with the children to Kingman, Kansas, joining her husband who had preceded them by a few months. There she was again the energetic organizer of a circle for study and for missionary work. In 1890 she removed to Wichita where her energies had a larger field. She assisted in the organization of the Library Club of Fairmount College, of which her husband was one of the founders, and with another member, Mrs. Smoke, made the first purchase of books for a library which is now, of Kansas college libraries, second in value and number of volumes, only to the library of the State University. A whole afternoon these hopeful and enthusiastic women searched the second hand book stores to get the greatest possible value for the $7.00 which they had to spend. Here she greatly enlarged her acquaintance with languages. While she never allowed her knowledge of French and Latin to fall into disuse, she found time to study Greek, Italian and German ; and while confined to her room with an illness which did not prohibit the use of her hands and brain, became so proficient in Spanish as to read it with ease and pleasure. But above all was her love of English; and the library which she gathered about her, though not costly, and unpretentious as to appearance, contained much that was valuable, and rarely failed to enlighten the student of literature in which he might be interested. It was not an imcommon thing for members of other clubs, or of no club at all, to call on her for assistance in this study ; and such incidents were welcomed. And she who called and she who responded felt that she had met a cordial friend and co-worker in a congenial task. Her home, within and without, was bright with flowers. The care of them lightened her burdens, and she enjoyed their presence as a personal friend- ship. In 1904 the family removed to Dodge City in the hope that her health, which had been failing for several years, might be benefitted. This hope seemed for a time to be realized; but in February, 1907 she contracted a severe cold, from which she rallied very slowly, and it became clear that her heart was seriously affected. Because of this, it was decided to remove to a lower altitude as soon as she should be able to make the change. On June 29th she left Dodge City on what proved to be her final visit to her relatives and friends. Stopping a few days in Wichita with her son, she continued her journey in the company of his wife and little daughter to Chicago, where she was the guest of her sister Mrs. Ralph Stebbins Greenlee. Here, in the companionship of her daughter, from whom she had been separated for nearly two years, of her sisters, Mrs. Greenlee and Mrs. Lugsdin, of nephews and nieces and their children and of friends of olden time, who vied with each other in loving service and expressions of tender regard, she spent five of the > ■< 63 O o o « n M s APPENDIX. 601 happiest weeks of her life. There was but one cloud on her horizon— the serious illness of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Greenlee. Her letters to her home express again and again her happiness, marred only by her anxiety concerning them. On the morning of the 10th of August, 1907, as she was reading to her in- valid sister, she complained of a peculiar sensation of weakness, and complied with the suggestion of her sister's nurse, that she go to her room for a while. A few minutes afterward the nurse, a little anxious, followed. She was lying partly on the floor, partly on a chair. The end had come swiftly and pain- lessly; and it seemed to those left behind that a kind and loving Father had need of her in another sphere, and had bidden her come, as gently as divine mercy could give the invitation. The poor worn body, that was so long an affliction to her, was laid beside the bodies of parents and sisters at Rose Hill. To him who pens these pitifully inadequate lines, come the words of a great preacher, who must have had in mind such as she when he said : "The sainthoods of the fireside and the market place — they wear no halos 'round their heads. They do their duties in the strength of God. They have their martyrdoms and their palms. And though they get into no calendars, they leave a force and a benediction behind them on earth when they go up to heaven. ' ' fairest star in Heaven's vault, thy ray Serene, benignant as the opening day "Wouldst clearer light and softer lustre find? Behold the woman in our hearts enshrined. Oh flower, whose fragrance rises as a prayer, Whose glorious radiance glads the shimmering air, Aspire to th' winsome sweetness of her face, Lifted to heaven, reflecting heaven's grace. Resolutions adopted upon the death of Mrs. Dr. "W. H. Graves, a former president of this society, which occurred at Chicago, Illinois, August 10, 1907. Whereas a Higher Providence has transferred to the Great Beyond Mrs. Dr. W. H. Graves who was an inspiration to us all during the years in which she served as our president. Resolved — that the cause of Missions has lost an ardent supporter and we a friend whose brilliant intellect and strong spirituality led us ever onward and upward. Resolved — that a copy of these resolutions be published in the daily papers of this city, sent to the family and spread upon our records. Signed, Woman's Missionary Society of Plymouth Congregational Church, Wichita, Kansas. Mrs. H. W. Darling, Mrs. Wm. Hinman, Mrs. J. S. Wallace, Mrs. Dr. J. C. Brown. Wichita, Kansas, Committee. September 18, 1907. 602 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. Resolutions of respect were also passed by the Athenaeum Club of which she was a member. A 257. CAPTAIN HUGH MASON was born in England; died October 10, 1678 aged 73 years, at Watertown, Massachusetts; married ESTHER who died May 1, 1692. Captain ]\Iason and his wife Esther embarked for New England, at Ipswich, England, April 30, 1634, in the ship Francis. He was one of the first settlers of "Watertown, Massachusetts, where he was admitted free- man March 4, 1634-5. His occupation was that of a tanner. He appears to have been the most prominent citizen of "Watertown, and was frequently called upon for public service. He was deputy to the General Court from "Watertown in 1644, and altogether served in that capacity for ten years. He was lieu- tenant prior to June 1, 1644. The following petition was sent to the General Court: "Let this honored court know that wee the traine band of "Water- towne have chosen Leeutenant Mason to be our captaine and sergant Beers to be our Leeutenant." This appointment was confirmed April 5, 1652. He probably held the office imtil his death, as no other attained that rank in the town vmtil that time. A 17. COLONEL TIMOTHY BEDEL was from Salem. He married Elizabeth Merrill. After remaining in the employ of Captain Hazen for a year or two, he moved his family to the newly organized towTi of Haverhill, New Hampshire, and settled on Poole brook. He was one of the original Proprietors of Haver- hill and also of Bath, and was a man of large influence and prominence in the town. Previous to the Revolution he lived for a short time in Bath. In 1775 he was a member of the Provincial Congress of New Hampshire, which met at Exeter, but at the breaking out of the war of the Revolution, he entered the military service, first as captain of a company of rangers, and afterwards as colonel of a regiment. During the long struggle he raised several regi- ments, one of which he led to Canada in 1776 in the army of General Schuyler when that officer made the attack on Montreal. In this campaign Colonel Bedel's regiment disgracefully surrendered to the enemy, and Colonel Bedel suffered much in reputation; but subsequent revelation of the facts in the case completely exonerated him, as, at the time, he was on his way to Montreal for reinforcements, and his regiment was in command of Major Butterfield. He was also in the army of General Gates at the battle of Saratoga, when General Burgoyne and his army were captured. The first regiment Colonel Bedel raised was for the defence of the Cohos Country in 1775. This was a body of rangers. Afterwards, in 1777, he was in command of a regiment for service in the Cohos Country and for the defence of the western frontier on the Upper Connecticut river. He also raised a regi- APPENDIX. 603 ment in 1778 for a like service when the time of the regiment on 1777 had expired, and he was for most of the time, after his return from Canada till the close of the war, in command of troops stationed in the Cohos Country and vicinity. After the Revolutionary War he was appointed Major-General of the Second Division of New Hampshire Militia. He was a man of large endowment and great force of character, and was admirably fitted to be a leader of men in stirring times. A purer patriot did not engage in the Revolutionary struggle. He took a prominent part in the early history of Haverhill, New Hampshire, in the development of its resources and in the advancement of its prosperity, and was a valuable citizen of the town. He was repeatedly called bj^ his fellow men to various trusts of honor and responsibility in town affairs. He died in 1787. B 159. PHILIP TOWLE was born in 1616 ; died December 19, 1696 at Hampton, New Hampshire; married November 19, 1657 ISABELLA AUSTIN who was born in 1633 in England, died December 7, 1719 at Hampton, New Hampshire. She was a daughter of Francis Austin of Colchester, England and Hampton, New Hampshire (died July 13, 1642) and Isabella Bland, daughter of John Bland and Joanna . B79. CALEB TOWLE, son of Philip Towle and Isabella Austin, was bom May 14, 1678 at Hampton, New Hampshire ; died September 20, 1763 ; married April 1, 169— ZIPPORAH BRACKETT born September 28, 1680, died August 14, 1756, who was a daughter of Captain Anthony Brackett and Susannah Drake. B39. ZACHARIAH TOWLE, son of Caleb Towle and Zipporah Brackett, was born August 13, 1705 ; died August 5, 1787 at Chester, New Hampshire ; mar- ried May 15, 172— ANNA GODFREY, born April 14, 1706, died February, 1766, who was a daughter of William Godfrey and Priscilla Annis. B19. ISAAC TOWLE, son of Zachariah Towle and Anna Godfrey, was bom February 23, 1735 ; died August 24, 1791 at Chester, New Hampshire ; married February 17, 1754, ELIZABETH PHILBRICK born December 14, 1735 at Hampton, New Hampshire, died February 18, 1820, who was a daughter of John Philbrick and Judith Sanborn. B9. COLONEL SIMON TOWLE, son of Isaac Towle and Elizabeth Philbrick, was born May 22, 1759 at Hampton, New Hampshire ; died December 11, 1808 at HaverhiU, New Hampshire ; married May 13, 1779 at Chester, New Hamp- shire ELEANOR HALL, born June 29, 1759, died January 4, 1839, who was 604 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. a daughter of Nathaniel Hall and Mary Wood. Colonel Towle moved from Hampton, New Hampshire to Chester, and in 1805 moved to HaverhUl. He was a soldier of the Revolution, a colonel of militia, and represented the town of Chester in the legislature for several years before his removal to Haver- hill. He was a much esteemed citizen of the town, and succeeded Asa Boynton in keeping tavern. B161. CAPTAIN ANTHONY BRACKETT, son of Anthony Brackett of Ports- mouth, England, died September 21, 1689; married second, SUSANNAH DRAKE born about 1652, died November 14, 1719, who was a daughter of Abraham Drake and Jane . Captain Brackett lived in Falmouth (Port- land), Maine. On the 9th of August, 1676, some Indians killed one of his cows, and he complained to a chief named Symon, who promised to bring the culprits to him. Two days later Symon appeared early in the morning, at the head of a party, and said: "These are the Indians that kiUed the cow." Then they entered the house, seized the guns, and asked Captain Brackett whether he would go into captivity, or be killed. He preferring captivity, the Indians bound him, his wife, and a negro, and carried them and five children away as prisoners. In November following. Captain and Mrs. Brackett, one child, and the negro made their escape in a leaky canoe. The wife, Ann, died soon after; and the remainder of Captain Brackett 's life is identified with Hampton, New Hampshire. He was killed September 21, 1689, when Colonel Church had the memorable fight with the Indians at Casco. B651. ROBERT DRAKE was born in 1580 in County Devon, England, and died January 14, 1668 at Hampton, New Hampshire. B 325. ABRAHAM DRAKE, son of Robert Drake, was bom about 1621 in Eng- land; married JANE who died January 25, 1676. B327. DEACON WILLIAM GODFREY died March 25, 1671; married second, ILiRGERY (or MARGARET) WEBSTER, widow of Thomas Webster. Deacon William Godfrey was the first of the name in Hampton, New Hampshire. The date of his coming to New England is not known. He lived for a time in Dedham, Massachusetts, and several years in Watertown. He was admitted freeman in 1640. On May 18, 1649, being then of Watertown, he bought of William Payne of Ipswich, for £55, forty-four acres of land in Hampton, to- I APPENDIX. 605 getlier with one share of the Gre'at Ox-Common, and two shares of all other commons. On one lot of fifteen acres, there was a dwelling house, to which he appears to have removed his family soon afterward. In 1654 he was a select- man, but was not often employed in town business. He became a deacon of the church as early as 1660, and held the office until his death. B163. ISAAC GODFREY, son of Deacon William Godfrey and Margery Webster, was born April 15, 1639 at Watertown, Massachusetts; died December 27, 1717 ; married July 15, 1670 HANNAH MARION, who was a daughter of John Marrian and Sarah (died January 26, 1671). B81. WILLIAM GODFREY, son of Isaac Godfrey and Hannah Marion, was born November 9, 1672; married July 17, 1700 PRISCILLA ANNIS born November 8, 1677, died August 31, 1768 at North Hampton, New Hampshire, who was a daughter of Charles Annis and Sarah Chase. B333. AQUILLA CHASE was born in 1618 ; died December 27, 1670 at Newbury, Massachusetts; married ANNE WHEELER, who was a daughter of John Wheeler of Salisbury, England and Hampton, New Hampshire, who died in 1670 at Newbury, Massachusetts, and Anne , who died August 15, 1662 at Newbury, Massachusetts. B166. SARAH CHASE, daughter of Aquilla Chase and Anne Wheeler, was bom at Hampton, New Hampshire ; married May 15, 1666 CHARLES ANNIS, who was born in 1638 at Enniskillen, Ireland. B 671. THOMAS PHILBRICK (or PHILBROOK) was born in England; died in 1667 "very aged" at Hampton, New Hampshire; married ELIZABETH , who was bom in England and died February 19, 1663-4: at Hampton, New Hampshire. B335. SERGEANT THOMAS PHILBRICK, son of Thomas Philbrick and EUza- beth , was born about 1630 in England; died November 24, 1700 aged 606 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 76; married first, in 1647, ANNA KNAPP'who was a daughter of Deacon William Knapp of Watertown, Massachusetts. She died May 17, 1667 at Hampton, New Hampshire. B167. SAMUEL PHILBRICK, son of Sergeant Thomas Philbrick and Anna Knapp, was born May 19, 1660 at Hampton, New Hampshire; died April 22, 1694 at Salisbury, Massachusetts [now Seabrook, New Hampshire] ; married JANE , B83. THOMAS PHHjBRICK, son of Samuel Philbrick and Jane , was bom March 3, 1688 ; died February 15, 1747-8 at Hampton, New Hampshire ; married ABIGAHj . B41. JOHN PHILBRICK, son of Thomas Philbrick and Abigail, was born May 26, 1712 at Hampton, New Hampshire; died February 16, 1748 at Hampton Falls, New Hampshire ; married December 26, 1734 JUDITH SAMBORN, born December 8, 1715, daughter of Enoch Samborn and Elizabeth Dennett. B687. WILLIAM SAMBORNE was born in England ; married ANNE BACHILER, born in England, who was the daughter of Rev Stephen Bachiler. B343. LIEUTENANT JOHN SAMBORNE, son of William Samborne and Anne Bachiler, was born about 1620 in England; died October 20, 1692; married first, MARY TUCK, daughter of Robert Tuck who was born in England. She died December 30, 1688. B171. ENSIGN JOHN SAMBORNE, son of Lieutenant John Samborne and Mary Tuck, was born about 1649; died September 23, 1727; married November 19, 1674 JUDITH COFFIN, born December 4, 1653, died May 17, 1724, who was a daughter of Tristram Coffin and Judith (Greenleaf) Somerby. B85. ENOCH SAMBORN, son of Ensign John Samborne and Judith Coffin, was born in 1685 at Hampton, New Hampshire ; married first, ELIZABETH DEN- NETT, who was a daughter of Alexander Dennett of Portsmouth. APPENDIX. 607 B 2726. NICHOLAS COFFIN married JOAN . He died in 1613 at Brixton, Devonshire, England. B1383. PETER COFFIN, son of Nicholas Coffin and Joan, died in 1628 at Brixton, England; married JOAN THEMBER (or THUJMBER) who died May 30, 1661 aged 77, at Boston, Massachusetts. B691. TRISTRAM COFFIN, son of Peter CofBn and Joan Thember, was born about 1605 at Brixton, England; died in 1681; married DIONIS STEVENS, who was a daughter of Robert Stevens. B345. TRISTRAM COFFIN, son of Tristram Coffin and Dionis Stevens, was bom about 1632, probably at Brixton, England ; died February 4, 1704 aged 71, at Newbury, Massachusetts; married March 2, 1652-3 at Newbury, Massachusetts JUDITH (GREENLEAF) SOMERBY, baptized September 29, 1626 at Ips- wich, England, died December 15, 1705, who was a daughter of Lieutenant Edmund Greenleaf and Sarah Dole. Tristram Coffin, Jr. was lieutenant of the second company of Newbury, Massachusetts, May 16, 1683. He was Repre- sentative to the General Court in 1695, 1700, 1701 and 1702. B693. LIEUTENANT EDMUND GREENLEAF married SARAH DOLE ; died in 1671 at Boston, Massachusetts. He was ensign of the company at Newbury November 5, 1639, and was later Lieutenant for the town of Newbury. B87. DEACON RICHARD HALL of Bradford, Massachusetts, married MARTHA . He died at Bradford, Massachusetts March 9, 1730. B43. DEACON JOSEPH HALL, son of Deacon Richard Hall and Martha was born February 9, 1680; married December 24, 1706 SARAH KIMBALL, bom September 13, 1686, who was a daughter of Henry Kimball and Hannah Marsh. B21. NATHANIEL HALL, son of Deacon Joseph Hall and Sarah Kimball, was bom April 2, 1719; died April 5, 1803 at Chester, New Hampshire; married 808 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. February 27, 1743 MARY WOOD of Bradford, Massachusetts, who died June 23, 1809 at Chester, New Hampshire. B179. HENRY KIMBALL, son of Richard Kimball and Ursula , was bom in 1615 at Rattlesden, Sutfolk, England; died in 1676 at Wenham, Massa- chusetts; married about 1640, MARY WYATT, daughter of John Wyatt and Mary . She died August 12, 1672 at Wenham, Massachusetts. B89. HENRY KIMBALL, son of Henry Kimball and Mary Wyatt, was bom about 1655 ; died in 1698 ; married December 14, 1677 HANNAH MARSH, who was a daughter of Onesipherous Marsh and Hannah Cutler. She was bom June 28, 1657 at Hingham, Massachusetts, and was killed by Indians March 15, 1696-7. B 363. GEORGE MARSH was born in England; died July 2, 1647 at Hingham, Massachusetts ; married ELIZABETH . B181. ONESIPEROUS MARSH, son of George Marsh and Elizabeth , was bom in 1630 in England; died May 15, 1713 aged 83 at Bradford, Massa- chusetts ; married first, February 6, 1655 HANNAH CUTLER, who died March 17, 1686. She was a daughter of John Cutler (bom in England ; died February, 1638 at Hingham, Massachusetts) and Mary . C191. GEORGE ABBOT was born in 1615, in England ; died December 24, 1681 at Andover, Massachusetts; married December 12, 1646 HANNAH CHAND- LER, born June 11, 1711 at Andover, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of William Chandler and Annis . George Abbot emigrated to this country about 1640, in the same vessel with Hannah Chandler, who afterwards be- came his wife. After living in Roxbury, Massachusetts for a short time, he re- moved to Andover, Massachusetts, as early as 1643, being one of the early settlers of that place. C95. WILLIAM ABBOT, son of George Abbot and Hannah Chandler, was bom November 18, 1657 at Andover, Massachusetts; died October 21, 1713; married June 2, 1682, ELIZABETH GRAY (or GEARY), who died in December, 1712. He is spoken of as a Puritan. By occupation he was a weaver. APPENDIX. 609 C47. JAMES ABBOT, son of William Abbot and Elizabeth Gray, was bom February 12, 1695 at Andover, Massachusetts; died December 27, 1787; mar- ried January 6, 1714 ABIGADj FARNUM who was bom in 1692. He was a farmer, and also owned and operated the mills on the Shawshene river until he sold them and removed to Rumford, now Concord, New Hampshire in 1735. C23. JAMES ABBOT, son of James Abbot and Abigail Farnum, was born Janu- ary 12, 1717 at Andover, Massachusetts; died in 1803; married in 1742, at Concord, Massachusetts, SARAH BANCROFT, bom February 19, 1722, daughter of Captain Samuel Bancroft and Sarah Lampson. He was a farmer and lived in Concord and Haverhill, New Hampshire. In 1763 he removed to Newbury. He was a deacon of the First Congregational Church. He was one of the original settlers of Groton, Vermont; and was a private in the Revo- lutionary war. In 1777 he was one of the "Committee of Safety" appointed by the town of Haverhill to confer with others in regard to the protection of the Cohos Coimtry. He was active in public matters and filled many posi- tions of trust and honor. Oil. WILLIAM ABBOT, son of James Abbot and Sarah Bancroft, was born April 24, 1755 at Haverhill, New Hampshire ; died June 14, 1707 ; married in 1777, IMABEL WHITTLESEY of East Guilford, Connecticut. He Avent with his father to Newbury and Groton, but later seems to have lived at Newbury. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. C5. JACOB ABBOT, son of William Abbot and Mabel Whittlesey, was bom December 15, 1781 ; married November 10, 1808, NANCY WESSON, daughter of Ephraim Wesson and Judith Morse. She died in 1827. 399. JOHN BANCROFT was bom in England; died in 1637 at Lynn, Massa- chusetts; married JANE . C199. LIEUTENANT THOMAS BANCROFT, son of John Bancroft and Jane -, was born in 1622, in England; died March 12, 1705; married Sep- tember 15, 1648 at Dedham, Massachusetts ELIZABETH METCALF, daughter 610 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. of Michael Metcalf and Sarah . She died May 1, 1711. Lieutenant Thomas Bancroft purchased land in Lynn (now Lynnfield), Massachusetts. and huilt a house near Beaver Dam. He also bought land in the westerly part of Reading, and is spoken of as residing in Reading at the time of his second marriage. He probably resided chiefly at Lynn. C99. DEACON THOMAS BANCROFT, son of Lieutenant Thomas Bancroft and Elizabeth Metcalf, was born in 1649; died June 12, 1718; married in 1673, SARAH POOLE, born in 1656, daughter of Captain Jonathan Poole and Judith . Deacon Thomas Bancroft was an officer in King Philip's Indian War, and was a selectman several years. He lived in the westerly part of Reading, where was the ancient Bancroft homestead. C49. CAPTAIN SAMUEL BANCROFT, son of Deacon Thomas Bancroft and Sarah Poole, was born in 1693; died in 1772 aged 79; married first, in 1763, SARAH LAMPSON, born in 1689, died in 1733 aged 43, who was a daughter of Samuel Lampson and Mary Nichols ; married second, Sarah Leathe ; married third, Mehitabel Fitch. He was a captain, selectman, and representative. C403. JOHN POOLE was born in England; died in 1667; married MARGARET , who died in 1662. He was at Cambridge, Massachusetts ia 1632. He removed from Lynn, Massachusetts to Reading, Massachusetts, where he was one of the earliest settlers, and probably the wealthiest. He lived on the site of Wakefield's rattan factory, where he built the first grist-mill and fulling- miU of the town. He also owned much land at the north end of the Great Pond, and erected the first saw-mill. C201. CAPTAIN JONATHAN POOLE, son of John Poole and Margaret , was born in 1634, probably at Cambridge, Massachusetts; died in 1678; mar- ried JUDITH . He succeeded his father on the homestead, and also owned, in conjunction with his son John, much land at the north end of the Pond. He was second captain of the Reading company, and was "much valued in Philip's Indian war." He was a captain under Major Appleton at Hadley; was President of a coimcil of War in the winter of 1675-6; and also served as selectman, justice of the peace, and representative. G203. WILLIAM LAMSON married SARAH . He died in 1659 at Ipswich, Massachusetts. 1 APPENDIX. 611 ClOl. SAMUEL LAMPSON, son of William Lamson and Sarah , married in 1676, MARY NICHOLS, a daughter of Riehard Nichols of Reading Massa- chusetts (died in 1674) and Annas (died, 1692). D223. JOHN WESTON was born in 1631 in Buckinghamshire, England; died about 1723 aged over 90 ; married April 18, 1653 at Reading, Massachusetts, SARAH PITCH, a daughter of Deacon Zachary Fitch and Mary . John Weston came to America about 1644, being thirteen years of age. His mother was then a widow. So great was his desire to come over that he concealed himself in a ship bound for this country, until she sailed. He settled at Salem, Massachusetts, where he was a member of the first church in 1648. About the year 1652 he moved to that part of Reading which is now Wakefield. His land, of which he was a large proprietor, adjoined the Meeting-house Square, and lay upon the southeast part of Reading Pond, extending thence southerly. He was deeply engaged in religious subjects; was a man of great industry. He accumulated a large estate, and is said to have paid the highest tax of any one in his town. Dill. STEPHEN WESTON, son of John Weston and Sarah Pitch, was bom December 8, 1667 at Reading, Massachusetts; died in 1753 at Reading, Massa- chusetts; married SARAH TOWNSEND. D55. STEPHEN WESTON, son of Stephen Weston and Sarah Townsend, was born in 1697 : died June 5, 1777 in his 81st year, at Wilmington, Massachusetts ; married ELIZABETH who died April 22, 1766 in the 64th year of her age, at Wilmington, Massachusetts. Stephen Weston, Jr., owned a farm in Wilmington, Massachusetts, where he was a leading citizen, distinguished for his piety, and a deacon in the church. The following letters written to his sons, Captain Ephraim and Nathan, illustrate his character. "Wilmington, Mass., August ye 8th 1758 To Ephraim Wesson, my son. After my tender regards and love for you, hoping that lines may find you in good health, I, your Mother, Brothers and Sisters are in measures of good health, at this time. I would inform you that we have heard of the sorrowful news of the engagement near the "Half Avay Brooks" of Capt. Jones and Lawrence, that they are killed. Sorrowful from time to time is the news. But I hope you will put your trust in God. I leave you in the hands of God. So I remain your compassionate Father Stephen Wesson." 612 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. "Wilmington July ye 30th 1758 Nathan my son, after my love to you, hoping that these lines may find you in health as I, your Mother, Brothers and Sisters are at this time. Your Brother in his letter dated ye 7th of July wrote that you were then well, for which I bless God. Give God all the praise and glory for all His goodness to you. Let the fear of God be always before your eyes. Shun bad company and bad language, &c. Stephen Weston." D27. CAPTAIN EPHRAIM WESSON, son of Stephen Weston and Elizabeth -, was born in 1721 ; died in 1814 at Groton, Vermont ; married November 16, 1748, SARAH PROCTOR, born July 27, 1731, daughter of Samuel Proctor and Lydia Cotton. Captain Ephraim Wesson was residing with his family in Pepperell, Massachusetts, in 1755. Early in the spring of that year, an expedi- tion was planned against Crown Point, which was led by General William Johnson of New York. He enlisted and entered the army under General John- son. His "enlisting orders" bear date March 29, 1755. We find him during that year enlisting volunteers, armed with authority as follows : "By his Excellency the Governor — I do hereby authorize and empower Ephraim Wesson to beat his drums anywhere within this Province for enlisting volunteers for bis IMajesty's service, &e. William Shirley." After enlisting many volunteers for that army, Ephraim Wesson entered the army as first lieutenant, but was soon promoted to captain. He was in all the engagements of importance of that period, notably the surrender of Louis- burg. He removed to Haverhill, New Hampshire some years prior to the Revo- lution. He was a prominent citizen during his residence there. During the Revolution he enjoyed the confidence of the people to a high degree. He was appointed on the "Committee of Safety" and the "Committee of Correspond- ence." He was selectman of Haverhill, and a delegate to the Provincial Congress at Exeter. He moved to Groton, Vermont soon after the settlement of that town, but after a few years settled on a border lot in Peacham, joining the farm of Deacon James Abbot of Groton. The deed to his farm is dated April 14, 1797 and begins "commencing at a beach tree, at the corner of Peacham, Groton, Barnet and Ryegate." After a long life of usefulness, beloved and respected by all, he died at the advanced age of ninetythree years, and was buried in the "Old Burying Ground" in the corner of Groton and Peacham, near his dwelling place. He is spoken of as a brave and con- scientious officer, highly esteemed and trusted by his superiors — a man of excellent character, and of Puritan mould and principles. D13. EPHRAIM WESSON, son of Captain Ephraim Wesson and Sarah Proctor, married JUDITH MORSE, born July 27, 1751, who was a daughter of Thomas Morse and Elizabeth Bartlett. APPENDIX. 613 D449. DEACON ZACHARY FITCH was born in England ; died June 9, 1662 at Reading, Massachusetts; married MARY . He settled first at Lynn, Massachusetts, where he became a freeman in 1638. In 1644 he removed to Reading, where he lived in the South Parish, on Salem street, then called Fitch's Lane; and he owned what was laiown as Fitch's Hil. He was deacon, and a selectman. D231. ROBERT PROCTOR died April 28, 1697 at Chelmsford, Massachusetts; married December 31, 1645, JANE HILDRETH, a daughter of Richard Hildreth. D115. SAMUEL PROCTOR, son of Robert Proctor and Jane Hildreth, was bom September 16, 1665; died April 12, 1740; married SARAH , who died January 17, 1757. D57. SAMUEL PROCTOR, son of Samuel Proctor and Sarah , was bom September 16, 1697 at Chehnsford, Massachusetts; died October 8, 1764; married in 1723 or 1724, LYDIA COTTON, who died February 10, 1763. D 479. ANTHONY MORSE was bom May 9, 1606 at Marlborough, Wiltshire, England; died February 25, 1678 at Newbury, Massachusetts; married first, MARY ; married second, ANN , who died March 9, 1679-80 at Newbury, Massachusetts. He came from Marlborough, England, in the ship James to Newbury, Massachusetts, in 1635, being accompanied by his brother "William. At the time of their registration they were called Morss, and this mode of spelling was adopted by part of their descendants. Anthony spelled his name Morse, as is shown by his autographs. The name of Morse claims a high antiquity. It first occurs A. D. 1358 in the reign of Edward IH when he gave a commission to Sir Hugo de Mors, who appears to have been a knight from the English territory in France. Anthony Morse was a shoemaker by trade. He belonged to that class of Puritans who strove to separate from the corruptions of the established church while they continued in her. Few materials are supplied either by records or tradition illustrative of his history. He was a man .of moral courage, energy. 614 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. and perserverenee, enterprising and capable in business, and laid the founda- tion for the wealth in his family. His life was one of strict integrity and piety. So generally inclined to a godly walk were the first generations of his race, that it was proverbially said that it was as natural for a Morse to be religious as for certain other families to be vicious. D239. LIEUTENANT ANTHONY MORSE, son of Anthony Morse, died October 12, 1686 ; married first. May 8, 1660 at Newbury, Massachusetts, ELIZABETH KNIGHT, who died July 29, 1667 at Newbury, Massachusetts. He married second, November 10, 1669 Mary Barnard. D119. ENSIGN ANTHONY MORSE, son of Lieutenant Anthony Morse, was bom January 1, 1662-3 at Newbury, Massachusetts; will dated March 5, 1704-5, proved June 26, 1710 ; married February 4, 1685-6 at Newbury, Massachusetts, SARAH PIKE, born October 12, 1666 at Newbury, Massachusetts, died in 1717-18, who was a daughter of Joseph Pike and Susanna Kingsbury. D59. STEPHEN MORSE, son of Ensign Anthony Morse and Sarah Pike, was born December 28, 1695 ; married in 1725, ELIZABETH WORTH. D29. THOMAS MORSE of Bradford, Massachusetts, son of Stephen Morse and Elizabeth Worth, was born June 30, 1726 ; married May 20, 1747, ELIZABETH BARTLETT. He was paid four shillings for perambulating the town line between Bradford and Rowley, during the Revolution. March 18, 1777, he was elected one of a Committee of Inspection and Safety. He was a selectman in 1780. D967. JOHN PIKE came from Langford, England. He died May 26, 1654 at Salisbury, Massachusetts. D483. CAPTAIN JOHN PIKE, son of John Pike, died January, 1688-9 ; married first, MARY . D241. JOSEPH PIKE, son of Captain John Pike, was bom in 1638; died Sep- tember 4, 1694 at Newbury, i\Iassachusetts : married January 29, 1661-2 at Newbury, Massachusetts, SUSANTMA KINGSBURY. APPENDIX. 615 REFERENCES TO DATA ON BROOKS ANCESTORS. Bond's Watertown, Mass. Potter's Concord, Mass. Families. Concord, Mass. Records. N. E. H. & G. Register, Vol. 43. History of Haverhill, N. H. Philbrick Genealogy. Abbot Genealogy. Wilmington, Mass. Records. "Worcester, Mass. Records. Morse Genealogy. History of Reading, Mass. Proctor Genealogy. Fitch Genealogy. History of Chester, N. H. Hall Families of New England. Kimball Genealogy. History of Hampton, N. H. Marsh Genealogy (1887). Cutler Genealogy. Salisbury and Amesbury Families. Savage's Genealogical Dictionary. THE McDowells OF VIRGINIA AND KENTUCKY. From manuscripts of Col. Thomas Marshall Green and Miss Mary Davidson. Among the most warlike of the elans that ranged themselves with the Campbells, to whom they were aUied by blood and intermarriages, under the standard of MeCallum More, in the series of struggles which led to the expul- sion of the right line of Stuarts from the British throne, were the sons of Dowall [or MacDowaU; also MacDougaU and McDougal in early Scotch his- tory]. They were Presbyterians of the strictest sect, and deeply imbued with the love of civil and religious liberty which has ever characterized the fol- lowers of John Knox. One of these was one of the most respectable of the colonists from Scotland and England who settled in the north of Ireland dur- ing the protectorate of Cromwell. Among other children, this colonist, McDowell, had a son named Ephraim, which would of itself indicate the stock of the Covenanters. EPHBAIM McDowell was bom in March, 1673; died about 1780 in Rock- bridge County, Virginia ; married in Ireland, his cousin MARGARET IRVINE who died in Ireland, and was a daughter of James Irvine and Margaret Wylie. CHILDREN: I. Mary Elizabeth McDowell born November 17, 1712; married James Greenlee [see p. 221]. 2. n. John McDowell, born in 1714; married Magdalene "Woods.+ in. Margaretta McDowell; married James Mitchell. They moved to South Carolina and there became wealthy. They suffered greatly when the British overran that state during the Revolution. They had four sons in the southern army — all ofBcers. Two were killed at Camden and one received a wound in the leg, which finally' caused his death. ]\Iajor Mitchell, the eldest son, was taken pris- oner at Charleston and was sent to Virginia to be exchanged. He remained at Rockbridge several months among his relatives. His son, Thomas Mitchell, married Sarah Hawkins, daughter of Ben- jamin Hawkins and Martha Burden. Their son, Thomas Mitchell, Jr., settled in DanviUe, Kentucky, and had a family. He was 616 McDowells of Virginia and Kentucky. ei? cashier of a bank in Danville. The descendants of Margaretta Mc- Dowell and James Mitchell, through their daughter Mary who married her cousin -Taiiu's Greenlee [see p. 230] are to he found still living in North Carolina. They were all people of wealth and in- fluence from early times in that state, and are so still. IV. James McDowell; married near Williamsburg, Virginia. His sons died yoiuig. He left daughters who married, but nothing is known of their descendants. EPHRAIM McDowell was the progenitor of the family of that name in Rockbridge County, Virginia and Kentucky. His father was obliged to leave Scotland in the time of civil war, and with his family moved to Ireland. Ephraim was only sixteen years of age when, on the 9th of December, 1688 McDonnell of Antrim approached the walls of Londonderry, and he was one of the Scotch-Irish Presbyterians who flew to the defense of that heroic town and assisted in closing the gates against the intruding natives. He fought at Boyne river [or "Boyne Water" as the Irish say] as well as at Londonderry. Ephraim McDowell was past middle life when, with his sons John and James and two daughters, he emigrated to America. The exact date of emi- gration is not known. The journals of Charles Clinton (foimder of the weU- known New York family of that name), gives an account of the voyage of the George and Ann in company with the John of Dublin, both vessels leaving Ireland on the 20th of ]\Iay, 1729, and arriving on the American coast in August of that year. On board the George and Ann there appears to have been several families of McDowells, ten of whom died on the passage and all going to Pennsylvania. From the similarity of this and other names, it would seem that Ephraim McDowell and his family, beside a number of his kindred, were among the passengers. At any rate, it was about this time that Ephraim Mc- Dowell came over, and with him a number of Irvins, McElroys and Campbells — all settling in the same Pennsylvania county. He remained in Pennsylvania several years. In the fall of 1737, with his son John and son-in-law James Greenlee, he left Pennsylvania to go to John Lewis, a relative who had left Ireland some years before and about 1732 had settled on the Middle River in the Shenandoah Valley, in what was known as Beverly Manor, near the pesent town of Staunton. It was their intention to locate near him. While on their way, when in camp on Lewis' Creek, a tributary of the South River, Benjamin Borden, Sr., joined them one night. He offered a thousand acres of land to any one who would conduct him to his grant of land. This offer was promptly accepted by John McDowell. The three men conveyed their families to the home of John Lewis and then piloted Borden to what has since been known as "Borden's Grant." In consideration of a liberal share of the claim, the two McDowells and James Greenlee then undertook to assist in carrying out Bor- den's contract for him, and before the close of the year removed their own families to the grant, where they permanently settled — the first three settlers in that part of the Valley. They soon drew around them other Scotch and Scotch-Irish families: McClimgs, McElroys, MeCampbells, McKees, Paxtons, Caruthers, Cowans, Campbells, Lyles, Irvins, Caldwells, Colquhouns, Stuarts — names which have since illuminated every page of Southern and Western his- 618 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. tory. In the field, in the pulpit, at the bar, in the senate, by their eloquence, learning, courage and patriotism, everj^where they have been conspicuous and have helped to build up and render famous the country with whose history and growth their illustrious names are identified. Ephraim McDowell lived in Augusta County until his death, having accu- mulated an estate which was regarded as very large in those days. He was esteemed by all for his intelligence, usefulness and probity, wielding a singular and benificent influence among the intrepid and independent spirits by whom he was surrounded, and retaining the possession of all his faculties to the last. He is buried in an enclosed cemetery between Lexington and Staunton, Vir- ginia. The children of Governor James McDowell, together with the children of his sisters, Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Benton, erected there a monument to their grandfather Colonel James ]\IcDowell. Ephraim McDowell's name appears upon the monument, as will be seen in the following copy of the inscriptions upon said monument which is cut out of the dark marble common in Rock- bridge County. North Face. "Near this spot repose the remains of Ephraim McDowell, the first of his name in America, who died about 1780; John McDowell, his son, who was killed by the Indians in 1742 : (December 25th) James McDowell, his son, born 1739, died 1772, and Elizabeth his wife, who died about 1810 ; ami also tlieir daughter Elizabeth McGavock, who died 1803. East Face. James McDowell was born August, 1770 and died September, 1838. Distin- guished by native talent of high order, a gallant and fearless spirit, a noble sense of .inslire. a lofty courage and an invincible power of will, he lived hon- orably and usefully, discharging with singular ability and fidelity, the trusts, civil and military, committed to him, and died universally regretted. His re- mains repose here with those of his ancestors for three generations. "West Pace. Sarah McDowell, daughter of Col. William Preston, and wife of James Mc- Dowell, was bom May 23, 1768, and died July 3rd, 1841. Born in the stormy period of our national history, her eharac'er, moulded by the spirit and devel- oped by the struggle of the times, was eminently truthful, patriotic and ele- vated ; Yet to those traits she added the gentler qualities of the tender and de- voted woman and the sincere christian. South Face. To commemorate the virtues, to perpetuate the memory; to record the truth, honor, patriotism and public and social fidelity that impressed the generations I McDowells of Virginia and Kentucky. 619 to which they belonged and enabknl them to transmit an honored name to their descendants; and also to testify the gratitude and reverence of their family, This Monument is erected to their grandparents, James and Sarah McDowell, by the surviving children of Susan P. Taylor, Elizabeth Benton, and James McDowell, in the year 1855. 8. CAPTAIN JOHN McDOWELL, son of Ephraim McDowell and Margaret Irvine, was born in 1714 in Ireland ; killed by the Indians December 25, 1742 in Rockbridge County, Virginia; married probably in Pennsylvania, MAGDA- LENE WOODS, daughter of — Woods and Margaret Campbell. She married second, Benjamin Borden, Jr. When she was 40 years of age she married third, Bowyer who was but 22. She died at an advanced age. CHILDREN: 3. I. Samuel McDowell, born October 19, 1835 ; married Mary McClung.+ 4. II. James McDowell, born in 1739 ; married Elizabeth Cloyd.+ 5. III. Sarah McDowell; married Colonel George Moffett.-(- CAPTAIN JOHN McDOWELL moved from Pennsylvania to Virginia in 1737, and was one of the first settlers in what is now Rockbridge County. When he moved there he had one child, a son two years old. He purchased several tracts of land and built a log cabin. He was just beginning to get comfortably situated when the Indians became troublesome, often making incursions into the neighborhood driving the people from their homes and kill- ing and burning all that came in their way. At length a party of Indians went to Williamsburg where they received presents, and, returning home, passed through Rockbridge. When they got to the frontier settlement they stole some horses, and the news came to Captain McDowell who kept a com- pany of men in readiness for such occasions. He piirsued the Indians about eighteen miles from his home and overtook them at the junction of the North and James rivers, but did not intend molesting them if they were peaceable. A lame Indian that was behind the rest was shot and wounded without Mc- Dowell's orders, by one of his men. On seeing this llie Indians interfered and killed Captain McDowell and eight of his men. At this the rest of Captain McDowell's company fled. After stripping the dead the Indians moved off, On the same day the whites went to the spot and brought in their dead. Mc- Dowell's was the only burj-ing-place in the neighborhood. The burial place of these men, the first, perhaps, of the Saxon race ever committed to the dust in Rockbridge County may be found in a brick enclosure on the west side of the road between Lexington and Staunton, near the Red House, or ^Maryland Tavern, formerly the residence of James McDowell. Entering the iron gate 620 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. and inclining to the left, about fifteen spaces, you will find a low unhewn stone, about two feet in height, on which in rude letters, by an unpracticed hand, is the following inscription: Heer lyes the body of John Mack Dowell died December 1742 8. 8 AMTTEI. MrDOWELL 3 ( John McDowell = Ephraim McDowell ' \ SAlUUfilj lULi/UWXiijlj I Magdalene Woods Margaret Irvine J son of Captain John McDowell and Magdalene Woods, was bom October 19, 1735 in Pennsylvania ; died September 25, 1817 at the home of his son Joseph, near Danville, Kentucky and is buried in the Danville cemetery; married January 17, 1754 MAET McCLUNG. He removed to Kentucky, taking with him all but the two oldest children who remained in Virginia. CHILDREN: 6. I. Magdalene McDowell, bom October 9, 1755; married Andrew Reid.+ IL Sarah McDowell, born October 9, 1755; married Caleb Wallace; died eight months after marriage, and is buried in the cemetery near Cherry Grove in Rockbridge County. 7. HI. John McDowell, bom December 8, 1757 ; married Sarah McDowell ; married second, Lucy LeGrand; married third, Jennie Lyle.-|- 8. rV. James McDowell, bom April 29, 1760 ; married Mary Lyle.+ 9. V. William McDowell, born March 19, 1762; married Margaret Madi- son. + 10. VI. Samuel McDowell, born March 8, 1764 ; married Anna Irvine ; mar- ried second, Susan S. Kyles.+ 11. VII. Martha McDowell, born June 26, 1766; married Colonel Abraham Buford.+ 12. VIII. Joseph McDowell, born September 13, 1768; married Sarah Irvine.+ 13. IX. Ephraim McDowell, bom November 11, 1771; married Sarah Shelby.+ 14. X. Mary McDowell, bom January 11, 1774 ; married Alexander Keith Marshall.+ XI. Caleb McDowell, bom April 17, 1776; married Elizabeth, "Betty" daughter of General Joseph McDowell of North Carolina. Xn. Andrew Reid McDowell, born in 1778; died unmarried. SAMUEL McDowell inherited, by the laws then prevailing in Virginia, the entire estate of his father, who died intestaate. It is stated of him, and as characteristic of his clear sense of justice and native generosity, that no McDowells of virginu. and Kentucky. 621 sooner had he attained his majority than he divided this inheritance equally with his brother and sister, giving to the latter almost all of the personality. It may be assumed that the circumstances and career of his youth did not in other respects differ from those of other enterprising young men of the hardy race with which the Valley was peopled. The McClungs, Lyles, Irvins, Campbells and Stuarts were his school-fellows and friends ; Robert Alexander, who had been liberally educated in the old country, was his teacher. The exposed situation of a frontier settlement inured him from infancy to hardships and to indifference to danger. His education was better than can usually be obtained in a border land, the most valuable lessons taught him being self- reliance, love of liberty and fear of God. He was a member of the House of Burgesses from 1773 to 1776, when none but the were chosen. He was an active and decided patriot, taking a prominent part in all the meetings and movements in Virginia, which led to the Revolution. In 1775, in conjunction with his relative, Thomas Lewis, son of John, and brother of the hero of Point Pleasant, he was chosen to represent the freeholders of Augusta in the con- vention which met at Richmond that year; and his name, with that of his scholarly associate, is foimd appended to an address couched in most elegant language and breathing the most exalted patriotism, directed to the conven- tion, and responded to by Washington, Henry, Harrison, Lee, Bland, and others. He was also a member of the second convention which met at Wil- liamsburg iu 1776. He and his two eldest sons, John and James, served as officers in the war, and .his fourth son, Samuel, served as a private. With the rank of Colonel he fought and distinguished himself in the battle of Guilford. He raised a battalion at his ovra expense to aid in repelling the invasion of Virginia by Arnold. In 1783 he was appointed, with Colonel Thomas Marshall, surveyor of the public lands in Fayette County, then constituting more than one-third of Kentucky. He was United States Judge for Kentucky and hi'Ul the first court ever held in that state, in a log house, between Danville and Harrodsburg. He removed his family to Kentucky in 1784, and was one of the presiding justices of the first County Court held in Kentucky at Harrodsburg, in 1786. He was president of the first state convention held in Kentucky, which was called to frame a constitution for the state, at Danville, April 19. 1792. He presided over the ten conventions held in Kentucky from 1784 to 1792. He was an efficient elder in the Presbyterian Church and, when 81 years of age he rode on horseback from Danville to Nashville to represent the Presbytery in a synodical convention, traveling on an average forty miles a day. He was respected for his strong sense, intelligence, honesty and high character, and died honored by all. TATVT'Ii'Q Mf 'nn'UT'li'T T 3 f .Tohn McDon-ell - Ephraim McDowell H JAJUJliS iVlCLIUWiiiX'li 1 Magdalene Woods Margaret Irvine ) son of Captain John McDowell and Magdalene Woods, was born in 1739 in Virginia ; died in 1771 in his 33rd year of fever while on his way to Richmond, being at the time sheriff of Rockbridge County ; married ELIZABETH CLOTD, a distant relative of his own, who died about 1810 aged 74 years. 622 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: I. Sarah McDowell (eldest daughter) ; married Major John Mc- Dowell.+ [See No. 7.] 15. n. Elizabeth McDowell; married David McGavock.+ 16. III. James McDowell; married Sarah Preston. -|- Three others died young. 6. SAP ATT TVTp'nOWTi'.T.T. 3 /John McDowell = Ephraim McDowell i 1 BAltAn mCUVV/£.L.L, I Magdalene Woods Margaiet McDowell j daughter of Captain John McDowell and Magdalene Woods, was born in Vir- ginia ; married COLONEL GEORGE MOFPETT, a Revolutionary officer. CHILDREN (eleven, nine of whom married) : 17. I. Mary Moffett; married General Joseph McDowell.+ II. Margaret Moffett; married Ma,ior Joseph McDowell, a Revolution- ary officer, and cousin of General Joseph McDowell. III. Patsey Moffett; married Captain Kirk. IV. Magdalene Moffett; married Mr. Cochran. V. Betsey Moffett ; married Mr. Miller. VI. James Moffett; married Miss Miller of the same family. VII. George Moffett; married and went to Kentucky. 6. MAGD ALENr. MrnOWP.T.T. * < Samuel McDowell ' .Tohn McDowell = HlAUi»AljX.iNj;i mCUUV/£.ljl. UlaryMcClung Magdalene Woods Ephraim McDowell ' / Margaret Irvine ^ daughter of Samuel McDowell and Mary McClung, M-as born October 9, 1755 in Rockbridge County, Virginia: married ANDREW REID of Rockbridge County. They resided at Lexington, Virginia. CHILDREN: I. Sally Reid ; married General Andrew Moore of Lexington, Virginia, who was the first United States senator from the vaUey of Vir- ginia. She had two sons, both distinguished lawyers of Lex- ington, Virginia. 1. Samuel McDowell Moore, married Eva- line Alexander and left one child, Sally A. Moore, who married her cousin John Harvey Moore. He was a member of Congress. 2. David E. Moore, married Elizabeth Harvey and left eight children : Andrew Moore, married a distant relative in the James Mc- Dowell and Elizabeth Cloyd line, a widow Cloyd, nee McGavock ; no children. fi McDowells op Virginia and Kentucky. 623 Elizabeth Moore, married Professor Alexander L. Nelson of the Washington & Lee University at Lexington. Four children. Jol'.n Haivey Moore, married Sally A. Moore. One child that died in infancy. David E. Moore ; unmarried. Edward Moore, married a daughter of Judge Alien of Botetourt County, Virginia; two children. Virginia Moore; married A. T. Barclay; two children. Fannie Moore. Sarah Moore. II. Mary Reid; married Mr. McCampbeU. III. Patsey Reid ; married Mr. Alexander. IV. Betsey Reid; married Mr. Venables. V. Jane Reid; married Mr. Venables. VI. Samuel McDowell Reid; married Miss Hare. He was a wealthy citizen of Rockbridge County, Virginia. There were four other children, names not given. TOTTI^ TWp'nn'WIi'T T 4 (Samuel McDowell ^ .lohn McDowell = Ephraim McDowell ' 1 tfwnn an^uxj vn £iij±j JMary McCluug MasUalene Woods Maijiaret Irvine ) son of Samuel McDowell and Mary McClung, was born December 8, 1757 in Rockbridge County, Virginia; married his counsin SARAH McDOWELL who died in the 39th year of her age. She was the daughter of James ]\IcDoweU and Elizabeth Cloyd. He married second LUCY LE GRAND, a French Hugue- not; married third, JENNIE LYLE. CHILDREN : I. Patsey McDowell; died unmarried. II. Mary McDowell; married Ma.jor Thomas Hart Shelby, or James Shelby, son of Governor Shelby, and an ofiicer in the war of 1812. III. Sarah ^McDowell ; married Colonel James Allen, a prominent citizen of Fayette County. Had children. rV. William McDowell. V. John McDowell. VI. James McDowell; married Susan (or Sarah) Shelby, daughter of Governor Shelby ; died four years later. He was a soldier in the war of 1812 and an eminent physician. VII. Samuel McDowell; married Miss Chrisman. By second marriage: VIII. Joseph Nash McDowell ; married Miss Drake, a sister of the noted Dr. Daniel Drake. They had, among other children, a son who became a distinguished physician and surgeon. Joseph Nash McDowell was an emient physician and surgeon, and founder of a medical colege in St. Louis. By third marriage : 624 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. IX. Betsey McDowell; married William MePheeters. X. Betsey (?) McDowell; married Henderson Hall. XI. Lucy McDowell (youngest daughter by second ? marriage), mar- ried Meade Woodson. Xn. Daughter ; married Oliver Keene. [ ? See Sallie, daughter of James McDowell, No. 8.] MAJOR JOHN McDowell held the rank of captain in the Revolution, in which he fought from the beginning to the close of the war. He crossed the Delaware with General George Washington, was woimded at Brandywine; fought for eight hours at Monmouth, and was at Valley Forge. He was a lieu- tenant in Woodford's regiment. Collins gives his name as one or the first lot holders in Lexington in 1781, but this is probably a mistake. It is certain, however, that he bought a lot in 1783 and brought his family to Kentiicky in 1784, when he settled in Fayette County, near Lexington. He was one of three majors commissioned by Shelby, immediatel.y after the state was formed in 1792, the others being his brother, James, and John Morrison. He represented Payette County in the first legislature held in Kentucky, and was re-elected for six successive terms. He was a Major in the war of 1812. 8. .TAIVTRS TVTf'nn'WTi'.T.T. 4 ( Samuel McDowell ^ John McDowell « Ephraim licDowell ' 1 UAIUAO au,U\J}nCiljU \MaryMcClung Magdalene Woods Margaret Irvine / son of Samuel McDowell and Mary McClung, was born April 29, 1760 La Rock- bridge County, Virginia; married MARY LYLE. CHILDREN : 18. I. Isabella McDowell (oldest daughter), married Dr. John Poague Campbell. -j- II. Sallie McDowell ; married Oliver Keene, and left one daughter who married Mr. Blackburn. III. Samuel McDowell ; married Miss Chrisman of Jessamine, rv. Juliet McDowell; married Dr. Dorsey of Fleming County, and left two daughters, one of whom, Betsey, married Hon. L. W. An- drews of Fleming County, distinguished in this state as a lawyer, congressman, judge, and above all, as a man ineor- ruptibly honest and patriotic. V. Hettie McDowell; married John Andrews, of Fleming, an older brother of Hon. L. W. Andrews, and for a long time the wealth- iest man and most extensive and successful merchant in north- eastern Kentucky. Her daughters married brothers named Shepherd, and live in Texas. 19. VI. John Lyle McDowell; born about 1794; married Miss Vance. + VII. Ephraim McDowell (youngest son), was a successful physician of Mason County. He married and had a son Lucien McDowell who did good fighting' in the Confederate army throughou* the Civil War, and is also a well-read physician. McDowells of Virginia and Kentucky. 625 COLONEL JAMES McDOWBLL entered the Revolutionary army when about sixteen years of age and served to the close of the war. He married the daughter of a half-sister of his mother, moved to Kentucky in 1784 and located near Lexington as a farmer. But 1812, when past the age of military service, found the blood of old Ephraim still coursing rapidly in his veins. With two of his sons, Samuel and John Lyle, he volunteered ; held the rank of Colonel, and vindicated the repute of the McDowells on more than one bloody battlefield in the northwest. At Mississineway, at the head of his command, his horse was shot from under him, and as an Indian was about to shoot Colonel McDowell, the savage fell dead from a well directed baU fired by his son Samuel. The Colonel seems never to have cared for public life, and only to have held office in the military service when risking his life in defense of his country. He helped to found the state, lived to a good old age, and died as calmly as he had lived uprightly. He went by the name of "Old Thunder" among the soldiers. 9. WTLLIAM McDowell ■* / Samuel McDoweU ' John McDowell ^ Ephraim McDowell i ) TTuujuuu xixvo^r V Ti j^^uj ^MaryMcCluDg Magdalene Woods Margaret Irvine J son of Samuel McDoweU and Mary McClimg, was bom March 19, 1762 in Rockbridge Coimty, Virginia; died at Bowling Green, Kentucky; married MARGARET MADISON, a relative of President James Madison, Bishop Madi- son of Virginia and Governor George Madison of Kentucky. CHILDREN : I. Mary McDowell; married Major George C. Thompson of Harrods- burg, Kentucky. A son, Colonel William M. Thompson, lived at Keokuk, Iowa. 20. n. Agatha McDowell; married James G. Birney.-|- in. Lucinda McDowell ; married Dennis Brashear ; had daughter, Mary Eliza Brashear, who married as his second wife, Joseph Sull- vant, a prominent citizen of Columbus, Ohio. rV. Eliza McDowell; married James Gillespie of Danville. Their only daughter married Dr. A. K. Marshall of Jessamine, son of Dr. Louis Marshall. V. Daughter; married William Rochester. VI. Samuel McDowell; married Nancy Rochester. VII. William McDoweU; married Miss Cathay. WILLIAM McDowell lived during the early part of his life, not far from Danville, Kentucky, but ultimately settled at Bowling Green. He was the lawyer of the family, his professional attainments being thorough and ex- tensive, and combined with high character, won for him the appointment of United States District Judge for Kentucky, a position in which he gained popularity and esteem. 40 626 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. 10. RATWrTni"T MpTin'nrRT.T. 4 fSamuelMcDowell' John McDowell = Ephraim McDowell » 1 aAluuxiXi xui/i^uwxixjxj JMaryMcCIung Magdalene Woods Margaret Irvine / son of Samuel McDowell and Mary McClung, was born March 8, 1764 in Rock- bridge County, Virginia ; married ANNA IRVINE, daughter of Abram Irvine ; married second SUSAN S. KYLES. CHILDREN: 21. I. Mary McDowell, born June 12, 1787 ; married William StarLing.+ 22. II. John Adair McDowell, born May 28, 1789; married Lucy Todd Starling. + 23. III. Abram Irvin McDowell, bom April 24, 1791; married Eliza Sel- don Lord.-|- rV. Sarah McDowell, born July 13, 1793 ; died July 28, 1794. 24. V. William Adair McDowell, born March 21, 1795; married Maria Hawkins Harvey. + VI. Magdalene Reid McDowell, born June 5, 1797; died unmarried near Bowling Green, Kentucky. 25. VII. Joseph McDowell, born June 6, 1799 ; married Anna Bush.-(-. VIII. Sally McDowell, born June 17, 1801; married March 12, 1819 Jeremiah A. Minter; died in Marion County, Missouri, leaving a large family. One of her grandsons was Colonel A. W. Slay- back, a brilliant and popular young lawyer of St. Louis. He commanded a Missouri regiment in the Confederate service and was fearless. IX. James McDowell, was born March 19, 1803 ; died March 25, 1803. X. Andrew Reid McDowell, born August 17, 1804; died unmarried April 15, 1828 at Columbus, Ohio. 26. XL Alexander Keith Marshall McDowell, born April 19, 1806; mar- ried Priscilla McAfee; married second Anne Haupt.+ SAMUEL McDowell entered the Revolutionary army as a private under the Marquis de la Fayette, and was at the surrender of Cornwallis at York- town. He served under Charles Scott in the Indian war of 1811. He was for many years a ruling elder in the Presbyterian church. He was the first United States Marshal for Kentucky, appointed by President Washington in 1787, and served twelve years. [See Butler's History of Kentucky.] 11. MAHTHA MpnOWTi^T.T. * / Samuel McDowell » John McDowell ' Ephralm McDowell i 1 uuiuxuA xui/±^ V TT xjxju \ Mary McClung Magdalene Woods Margaret Irvine / daughter of Samuel McDowell and Mary McClung, was bom June 26, 1766 in Rockbridge County, Virginia; married COLONEL ABRAHAM BUPORD, a Revolutionary officer whose regiment Tarleton cut to pieces at the Cowpens. He lived to do good fighting afterward, and to acquire a splendid farm in Scott County, Kentucky. McDowells of virginu and Kentucky. 627 children : 27. I. Charles S. Buford; married Miss Adair; married second, Miss Duke.+ n. Mary Buford ; married James K. Duke of Scott County, Kentucky. III. WiUiam S. Buford of "Woodford, married a daughter of Chief Jus- tice George Robinson. 12. JOSEPH McDowell^ fSamuelMeDowen» John McDowell » Ephralm McDowell ' IMaryMcClung Magdalene Woods Margaret Irvine son of Samuel McDowell and Mary McClung, was born September 13, 1768 in Rockbridge County, Virginia ; married SARAH IRVINE. Resided at Dan- ville, Kentucky. CHILDREN: I. Anne McDowell (oldest daughter); married Abram Caldwell; re- sided at Danville ; had children. n. Sarah McDowell ; married Michael L. Sulivant. Their oldest daugh- ter, Annie Sulivant, married Edmund Davidson and left chil- dren. Lucy Sulivant married William A. Hopkins. Joseph McDowell Svilivant married Miss Mary Allen. III. Margaret McDowell ; married Joseph Sulivant of Columbus, Ohio. IV. Magdalene McDowell; married Caleb Wallace and left two sons, McDowell Wallace and Woodford Wallace. V. Caleb McDowell; died unmarried. VI. Charles McDowell; died unmarried. VII. Samuel McDowell; married Miss Mary (or Amanda) Ball, grand- daughter of John Reed ; married second. Miss Martha Hawkins. Had children. JOSEPH McDowell was a colonel in the war of 1812. He was Adjutant- general to Shelby at the battle of the Thames. No man enjoyed a better reputa- tion than Colonel Joseph McDowell. Amiable and quiet, he was yet one of the most determined and resolute of men. He was a ruling elder in the Presby- terian church. 13. ■PUTTR ATTVr WTn'nniH'T'T T 4 f Samuel McDowell « John McDowell « Ephraim McDowell ' 1 J^rnAAllYl IUCI^UWXiXjIj I Mary McClung Magdalene Woods Margaret Irvine J son of Samuel McDowell and Mary McClung, was born November 11, 1771 in Rockbridge County, Virginia; died June 20, 1830 at Danville, Kentucky; married in 1802, SARAH SHELBY, daughter of Governor Isaac Shelby of Kentucky. 628 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: I. Wallace McDowell; married Miss Mary B. Hall. They moved to Missouri, and their daughter Florence married Thomas H. Shelby of Lexington, Kentucky. II. Sarah McDowell; married David Irvin of Richmond, Kentucky. III. Mary McDowell; married Colonel George Young. IV. Kate McDowell; married R. A. Anderson. V. Adaline McDowell; married James A. Deadrieh. DR. EPHRAIM MeDOWELL, when an infant, was taken to Danville, Ken- tucky, then a wilderness. His early education was obtained at a classical seminary at Georgetown, Virginia. He began his medical education in the office of Dr. Humphreys of Staunton, Virginia. From his office he went to Scotland to study, and was a member of the university of Edinburgh in 1793-94. Returning to America after two years' study, he settled at DanviUe and at once began to practice, both as a physician and surgeon. He speedily acquired the confidence of the public, and rose to distinction as a successful practitioner. He possessed the highest attributes which make up the charac- ter of a great physician and surgeon. Combined with his skill, he had a sympathetic nature and great tenderness of heart. He considered surgery as the most certain branch of the healing art, and he spared no means to extend his knowledge of it. He was an excellent anatomist and it is stated that he never performed any serious operation without previously recalling to his mind the structures involved in it. He received from the Medical Society of Philadelphia, in 1817, its diploma of membership, and in 1825 the University of Maryland conferred upon him the degree of M. D. Although his means were not large, Dr. McDoweU was liberal in the bestowal of his charities. He was always warmly interested in religion, and in the church, and in 1828 united with the Episcopalian denomination. In 1879 a monument was erected to his memory in McDowell Park by the Kentucky State Medical Society, having upon one side a bronze medallion of McDowell, beneath which is the inscription, "Honor to Whom Honor is Due." [The National Cyclopedia of American Biography, Vol. V, pp. 148, 149.] 14. IWA'PV TWr^nn'Oni'TT 4 f Samuel McDowell • John McDowell ' Ephraim McDowell ^ > niAnx aicuvvw itXiiA JMaryMcClung Magdalene Woods Margaret Irvine S daughter of Samuel McDowell and Mary McClung, was born January 11, 1774 in Rockbridge County, Virginia; married ALEXANDER KEITH MARSHALL. CHILDREN: I. Daughter, who married as his first wife William S. Sulivant of Columbus, Ohio. She was the mother of Mrs. Robert E. Neil of Washington. II. Daughter; married May 2, 1811, James Alexander Paxton, bom Sep- tember 13, 1788 in Rockbridge County, Virginia, died October 23, McDowells of Virginia and Kentucky. ' 629 1825 in Washington, Kentucky, son of James Paxton and Phoebe McClung (a sister of Judge William McClung, and niece of Mary IMcClung who married Samuel McDowell). He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and a very brilliant lawyer. They had four children : 1. Mary Paxton, born October 22, 1813; married the late Benjamin Harbeson, brother of Charles of Flemingsburg, and John M. Harbeson of Augusta. 2. Alexander Marshall Paxton, b. February 4, 1816; married Sally Bush. He was a member of a firm once well known in Cin- cinnati, that of Keys, Maltby & Co. 3. Phoebe A. Paxton, born February 2, 1818; married Charles A. Marshall of Mason, Colonel of the 16th Kentucky Infantry of the Union army. One of her sons is Thomas Marshall, a brilliant lawyer of Salt Lake City; another son is Lieutenant William L. Marshall, for a time one of the instructors at West Point, a valued leader in the Wheeling Exploring Expedition, who unites the herculean frame and courage of the McDowells and McClungs to the best intellectual qualities of the family of his own name. 4. William McClung Paxton, born March 2, 1819 at Washing- ton, Kentucky ; married October 1, 1840 Mary Forman, daughter of Ezekiel Forman and Dolly Wood. Both living in 1899 at Platte City, Nebraska. They had three children: Anne Paxton, born February 12, 1847; Tillie Paxton, born June 11, 1849; Phoebe M. Paxton, born January 16, 1853. III. Daughter; married her cousin, John Marshall of Mason County, and was the mother of Dr. Alexander Keith Marshall of Maysville, Mrs. James B. Casey of Covington, and a daughter who was the first wife of the late Frank Chambers of Cincinnati. IV. James K. Marshall of Paris ; had a daughter who married Henry, son of Charles S. Buford and Miss Adair. They had a son, H. Marshall Buford, a talented lawyer of Lexington. V. Charles Marshall, known as "Black Dan" to distinguish him from others of the same name, married Miss Jane Duke, a daughter of his father's (?) second wife, and from this marriage came the Marshalls of Mill Creek, in Mason County. 15. f James McDowell ' John McDowell ' ELIZABETH Mcdowell^ {^riL^h'Xd" 'M°i'sV'!e?eT t JAMJbb JUCUUWJiiijl' I Elizai)cth Cloyd Magdalene Woods Margaret Irvine i son of James McDowell and Elizabeth Cloyd, was bom August, 1770 in Vir- 630 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. ginia ; died September, 1838 ; married SARAH PRESTON, born May 23, 1768, died July 3, 1841, daughter of Colonel William Preston, a Revolutionary officer. CHILDREN: 28. I. Susan McDowell; married Colonel William Taylor.+ 29. II. Elizabeth McDowell ; married Colonel Thomas Hart Benton.+ 30. III. James McDowell; married Susan Preston. + JAMES McDowell inherited the magnificent estate of his parents, and remained in Virginia. He arrived at prominence, not only on accovmt of his large wealth, but from his strong personal qualities. He was a distinguished colonel in the war of 1812. 17. IVTAPV TVrO'PliTi'.TT 4 f Sarah McDowell « John McDowell ^ Ephraim McDowell i > lUAAi ±ix\j±j.±jj.j. t George Moffett Magdalene Woods Margaret Irvine / daughter of Sarah McDowell and Colonel George Moffett, married GENERAL JOSEPH McDowell, brother of General Charles McDowell (born 1743) who married Grace Greenlee, widow of John Bowman [see p. 231]. He was the son of John McDowell and Margaret O'Neal, widow of Greenlee. He lived on John River and died there. His family returned to Virginia. CHILDREN: I. Hugh Hervey McDowell; married a daughter of Samuel Miller (whose father, Henry Miller, was a kinsman of Daniel Boone). He settled on Mossy Creek, Augusta County, Virginia. II. Joseph J. McDowell ; went to Ohio and was a member of Congress from that state, 1843-47. ni. Margaret McDowell ; married Governor Allen Trimble of Ohio ; had a son, Madison Trimble, a prominent citizen of Hillsborough, Ohio. IV. Sarah McDowell; married Mr. Mathews. Rev. Joseph McDowell Mathews of Hillsborough, Ohio is a descendant. V. Annie McDowell; married Captain Charles McDowell. [See p. 237.] GENERAL JOSEPH McDOWELL, member of Congress and soldier, was born in Winchester, Virginia, February 25, 1756 ; died in Burke County, North Carolina, August, 1801. His father, Joseph ( ?) McDowell who had emigrated from Ireland in 1730, finally settled at Quaker Meadows, North Carolina. Joseph, who was distinguished from a cousin of the same name as "Quaker Meadows Joe" entered military service at an early age in the campaigns against the Indians on the frontier. In the revolutionary forces he served under his brother, Charles, commander of the district, and fought in all the battles of western North Carolina that followed the invasion of the British in 1780. His brother's troops having disbanded, Joseph was made major and commanded the North Carolina militia in the battle of Kings Mountain. He was subsequently made general of militia. Entering the service of the McDowells of virginm and Kentucky. 631 state at the close of the war, he was sent to the house of commons in 1787, serving until 1792. In 1788 he was a delegate to the North Carolina consti- tutional convention, in which he was a leader of the opposition that rejected the federal constitution. He passed from the house of commons to Con- gress in 1792, where for seven years he was an active opponent of the federal- ists, serving in 1797 as a commissioner for settling the boundary line between Tennessee and North Carolina. He wielded a strong influence as a Republican leader in his section of the state. [National Cyclipedia of American Biography, Vol. n, p. 173.] 18. ISABELLA McDowell 5 /James McDowell » Samuel McDowell ^ John McDowell ' „ , , ,, ^ ,, , , (MaryLyle Mary McClung Magdalene Woods Ephraim McDowell i 1 Margaret Irvine / daughter of James McDowell and Mary Lyle; married REV. DR. JOHN POAGUE CAMPBELL who died in 1814 aged 47 years, at Chillicothe, Ohio. CHDjDREN: I. John Campbell ; lived in Iowa and was a man of wealth and prominence. n. Margaret Campbell (only daughter) ; married Thomas J. Pickett of Maysville. Their only son, Thomas E. Pickett of Maysville, is a physician of unusual ability, a man of science whose writings have received high praise in this country and in Europe. DR. JOHN POAGUE CAMPBELL, to whose personal and inteUectual character it is impossible to do justice in this sketch, was the son of Robert Campbell, a native of Scotland, who settled in Augusta County, where his distiaguished son was born in 1767, and moved with his family to Lexington in 1781. The wife of Robert Campbell was a Wallace, a lineal descendant of the celebrated Scotch divine, Samuel Rutherford, a member of the Westminster Assembly, and one of the greatest of the vsn-iters of the Calvinistic theology. He had a worthy and illustrious inheritor of his blood and religion in the man who is the subject of this sketch. The indications of uncommon talents mani- fested in his youth, determined his father to give him a liberal education. His teachers were all among the first men of their day. Nineteen years of age found him the Principal of the Academy at Williamsburg, North Carolina, a student of medicine and an infidel. Fortunately his doubts were of brief dura- tion. He abandoned medicine, gave himself up imreservedly to the service of his Master, and graduated at Hampden Sidney, Virginia in 1790. He was licensed to preach in 1792. He immediately became the associate pastor of Dr. Graham of Lexington, Virginia, Oxford, New Monmouth and Timber Ridge churches, Virginia. Returning to Kentucky in 1795, his first labors were at Smyrna and Flemingsburg. His fame spread rapidly and soon Danville, Nicholasville, Cherry Spring, Versailles and Lexington, Kentucky knew him as one of the most eloquent of the soldiers of the Cross. His last work was done at Chillicothe, Ohio. As a pupit orator Dr. Campbell has had few equals. He was a thorough scholar, not only in the ancient classics, but in modem languages, and as a 632 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. writer his style was chaste and elegant. His scientific knowledge and attain- ments were remarkable. His articles in refutation of the elder Darwin have not been equalled by any writer in reply to the present propounder of the thory of evolution. As a logician and controversialist, he was an opponent to be dreaded. His eloquence swept all before it. 19. JOHN LYLE McDowell ^ I James McDowell' Samuel McDowell » John McDowell » I Mary Lyle Mary McClung Magdalene Woods Ephraim McDowell > \ Margaret Irvine J son of Colonel James McDowell and Mary Lyle, was bom about 1794; died December 23, 1878 in the 84th year of his age, near Frankfort, Kentucky; married IVHSS NANCY VANCE. CHHjDREN: I. Daughter; married Captain Samuel Steele. n. Hervey McDowell; married his cousin Louisa, daughter of Judge Alexander Keith McDowell. He settled in Cynthiana, Kentucky. He was a man who possessed the family traits to a remarkable degree. He has been conspicuous in both professions followed by so many of the name, medicine and arms. Doctor (sometimes called major) McDowell was a graduate of a military college and also of medicine. He was in the Confederate army in command of the 2nd Kentucky Infantry during the Civil War; was wovmded thirteen times, and in prison on Johnsons Island in Lake Erie, seven months. He was an elder in the Presbyterian church. JOHN LYLE McDowell was a gallant soldier in the war of 1812. He participated in most of Shelby's sanguinary engagements in the northwest. 20. AGATTTA MfDOVrRI.T. 5 f William McDowell * Samuel McDowell ' John McDowell » nvTAxxxA xuvx.'vTrxjxj.u \ Margaret Madison Mary McClung Magdalene Woods Ephraim McDowell ' ) Margaret Irvine j daughter of William McDowell and Margaret Madison; married JAMES GILLESPIE BIENEY son of James Birney and Reed. CHILDREN: I. James Birney ; arrived at distinction in Michigan and was U. S. minister at The Hague. n. WiUiam Birney ; was for a time professor of English Literature in the University of Paris, but his Republicanism was a little too pro- nounced to suit the Emperor, Louis Napoleon, and he returned to the United States. During the war he was a general in the Federal army; later, a lawyer at Washington. McDowells of Virginia and Kentucky. 633 III. David Bell Bimey; fought under the gallant Phil Kearney and won the rank of brigadier-general by distinguished services in the field. he died from exposure in 1864. rV. Dion Bimey ; was a successful physician. He was in the Federal army and died in service during the war. v. Florence Bimey (only daughter) ; married Charles Jennison, a wealthy citizcH of Bay City, Michigan. DR. JAMES G. BIRNEY was the son of James Birney, an Irish gentleman who settled at an early day on a beautiful farm near Danville and amassed a large fortune. The mother of James G. Birney ws one of the handsome sisters of Thomas Reed, a brilliant United States senator from Mississippi, and the daughter of an Irishman named John Reed, on whose head a price was set for rebellion in the old country and subsequently emigrated to Virginia where he married a Miss Wilcox and later became one of the early pioneers of Ken- tucky, settling at Reed's Station, near Danville, in 1779 — a man of strong sense and unbending will. Dr. Birney from his early youth was noted for his handsome person, brilliant talents and scholarly attainments and was a natural orator. Early in life he became hostile to the system of African slavery, and at first entered into the colonization movement, and then living in Alabama, inoculated that state with his views. The process was too slow for his ardent temper and he soon went to greater length, having first emancipated and pro- vided for his own slaves, of whom he had a large number. He was the first Abolition candidate for the Presidency in 1844. He sacrificed one of the largest estates in Kentucky in promoting his principles. (Samuel McDowell • Samuel McDowell ' John McDowell - Mary McClung Magdalene Woods 21. MAEY Mcdowell 6 |samueiMcDc (Anna Irvine Ephralm McDowell ' 1 Margaret Irvine J daughter of Samuel McDowell and Anna Irvine, was born June 12, 1787 ; mar- ried June 18, 1805 WILLIAM STARLING. CHILDREN : I. Lyle Starling; married Miss Maria Hensely and left five children: Lizzie, William, Lyle, Charles and Laura Starling. He served during the Civil War as aide to General Thomas Crittenden, with rank of colonel. II. Samuel McDowell Starling; married Elizabeth Lewis; resided at Hopkinsville, Kentucky; had a large family. He served in the Civil War in the Union army, with rank of major. III. Susannah Starling; married Willis Loving. rV. Anna Starling ; married Dr. Francis Carter. V. Maria Starling; married Benjamin Campbell. VI. William Starling; married Margaret McCarroll. VII. John Madison Starling; died unmarried. Vni. Lucy Starling; married William Davidson. IX. Edmund Starling; married Anna McCarroll. 634 GEEENLEE GENEALOGY. 22. .TniTN ATJATR IWpnO'Wli'.T.T. 5 /Samuel McDowell * Samuel McDowell « John McDowell > dUnrt AUAIA mCUVWCilAU j Anna Irvine Mary McClung Magdalene Woods Ephralm McDowell ' 1 Margaret Irvine / SOD of Samuel McDowell and Anna Irvine was born May 28, 1789; died in 1823 aged 34 years; married November 9, 1809, LUCY TODD STARLING. CHmDREN : I. Anne McDowell ; married Judge J. W. Price ; had a large family. II. Jane McDowell; married John A. Smith, a member of congress from the Hillsboro district ; had children. JOHN ADAIR McDowell was aid-de-camp to General Shelby in the battle of the Thames, 5th October, 1812, Upper Canada. In appreciation of his gallantry on the battlefield, General Shelby presented him with the watch of General Proctor, the British commander, which, after the flight of Proctor, feU with the rest of his baggage into the hands of our troops. The watch is now in the possession of the family of Joseph Sulivant of Columbus, Ohio. John Adair McDowell removed to Columbus, Ohio in 1815, became a successful lawyer, served as prosecuting attorney, as Representative in the Legislature 1820-21, and at the time of his death was presiding judge of his district. He was a remarkably handsome man and a general favorite. 23. ABRAMiRviN Mcdowell 6 {f^Z^rlT^'"'' ffaTMcS^nT'" John McDowell ^ Ephralm McDowell ^ 1 Magdalene Woods Margaret Irvine / son of Samuel McDowell and Anna Irvin, was bom April 24, 1791; married December 11, 1817 ELIZA SELDON LORD. CHILDREN: I. Irvin McDowell, born October 18, 1818; married Helen Borden. -f- II. Anne McDowell; married B. A. Massey; settled in Memphis; had a large family. in. John Adair IMcDowell ; married Geraldine Cowles ; had children. He was colonel of an Iowa regiment during the Civil War. rv. Malcolm McDowell; married Jennie Gordon. He served during the Civil War as aide to his brother Irvin, with rank of major. V. Eloise McDowell ; married Frank Bridgman, a paymaster of the U. S. Army, and left two children, Annie and Charles Bridgman. ABRAM IRVIN McDOWELL was in the war of 1812, and afterward moved to Columbus, Ohio where he long occupied the position of clerk of the supreme court and other courts, and was mayor of Columbus. McDowells of Virginia, and Kentucky. 635 24. WILLIAM ADAIR McDowell ^^ f Samuel McDowell * Samuel McDowell » ,, „ ... „ . (Annalrvin Mary McClung Mary McClung Magdalene Woods Margaret Irvine John McDowell = Ephralm McDowell ' 1 son of Samuel McDowell and Anna Irvin, was born March 21, 1795 in Mercer County, Kentucky ; died December 10, 1853 near Evansville, Indiana ; married August 24, 1819 at Fincastle, Virginia MISS MARIA HAWKINS HARVEY (sister of Mrs. D. E. Moore, nee Elizabeth Harvey). CHILDREN : I. Sarah Shelby McDowell; married Bland Ballard who was for eighteen years U. S. judge for Kentucky. Five children : Mary, Austin, Bland, Fanny and Susan Ballard. II. Mary Lyle McDowell. III. Anne Irvin McDowell ; married Cyrus H. Bent and left three child- ren: Maria, Emeline and William Bent. IV. Magdalene McDowell. 32. V. Henry Clay McDowell; married Anna Clay.+ VI. John Marshall IMcDowell ; died unmarried aged 20 years. 33. '\r[I. William Preston McDowell; married Kate Wright. + VIII. Edward Irvin McDowell ; married March, 1864, Miss Alice Johnson of Louisville, Kentucky. WILLIAM ADAIR McDOWELL was educated at Washington Academy (now Washington and Lee University), residing while there in the family of his imcle, Andrew Reid. He left school and enlisted in the U. S. army and served to the close of the war of 1812. He then returned to Danville, Ken- tucky and studied medicine with his uncle. Dr. Ephraim McDowell. He grad- uated at the medical college in Philadelphia and received a diploma signed by Dr. Rush. On his return to Danville, he practiced with his uncle. Dr. Ephraim McDowell, assisting him in his surgical operations, now world famous. Dr. William Adair McDowell published a volume in 1843 unfolding his views on the subject of the cause and cure of consumption, which raised a storm of opposition among the doctors and brought down upon him the persecution which has to be endured by all great benefactors of their race. Dr. James M. Halloway of Louisville, writing to Dr. Joseph Nash McDowell in 1867 says, "nor can I forget that you are the cousin of my fellow-townsman. Dr. Wm. A. McDowell, whose monograph ivpon the curability of Consumption in all its stages was the result of a series of clinical observations, instituted by him long before the distinguished Bennett published his views upon the subject." Beset as Dr. McDowell was on all sides by contemporaries who, like the contemporaries of master minds in every age, were zealous in their efforts to crush out truth, in the development of which they had no part, he pursued the "even tenor of his way," complacently submitting to pecuniary losses, and the temporary impairment of a well earned professional status, built up solely by the firmness of his faith and a proud consciousness of the correctness of his convictions. 636 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. In disposition he was gentle and kindly. He was an indulgent and af- fectionate husband and father, idolized by his family and beloved by all who knew him. He married in Fincastle, Virginia where he remained until April 28, 1838, when he removed to Louisville, Kentucky. Li May, 1850 he removed from Louisville to Ingleside, near Evansville, Indiana. He is buried in the Cave HiU Cemetery at Louisville. 25. .TOSF.PTT Mr'nnWTi'.T.T. 5 /Samuel McDowell * Samuel McDowell ' John McDowell « uv/oxix-xx iTxui^v/wfixjAj lAnnalrvin Mary McClung Magdalene Woods Epbraim McDowell ^ \ Margaret Irvine j son of Samuel McDowell and Anna Irvin, married ANN BUSH of Georgia. Both are dead. They resided in Alabama and near Brandon, Mississippi. He was a lawyer and a man of talent. For some time he was a Methodist preacher. CHILDREN: I. Mary McDowell ; married Judge Clarke of Jackson, Mississippi, who was killed at Reseca, Georgia, at the head of the regiment he commanded. n. Betty McDowell; married Dr. Samuel Welch; settled in Galveston, Texas. JOSEPH McDowell was a lawyer by profession. He excelled in all manly exercise, was a fine horseman, a fine swimmer, and was never beaten in a foot race. He was not a first class orator, but was a forceable speaker. He abandoned the practice of law, and engaged in planting, occasionally preach- ing for the Methodists which church he had joined. He was a representative in the Mississippi Union State convention before the war. He died before his state seceded. He was brave and fearless, generous, magnanimous, the soul of honor. 26. ALEXANDER KEITH MARSHALL McDOWELLs {i^^rirwn"""^"* Samuel McDowell • John McDowell ' Ephraim McDowell ' \ Mary McClung Magdalene Woods iiargaret Irvine J son of Samuel McDowell and Anna Irvin, was born April 19, 1806 ; married PRISCILLA McAfee, daughter of General McAfee of Harrodsburg, a soldier in the war of 1812. She and her child were lost with the steamer "Ben Shar- rod." He married second ANNE HAUPT. CHILDREN : L Child. By second marriage : II. Louisa McDowell; married her cousin. Dr. Hervey McDowell.-|- III. Anna McDowell; died unmarried. IV. Lewis McDowell. McDowells of virginlv and Kentucky. 637 ALEXANDER KEITH MARSHALL McDOWELL had no fixed home from the time of his mother's death, when he was about nine years old, until he went west in 1829. Since that time he has lived on the western frontier and in Alabama. 27. CHARLES S. BUFORD ^ > Martha McDowell ' Samuel McDowell > John McDowell ' . I Abraham Buford Mary McClung Maedalene Woods Ephraim McDowell '1 Margaret Irvine / son of Martha McDowell and Colonel Abraham Buiord; married ADAIR, daughter of General Adair ; married second DUKE, daughter of Dr. Basil Duke and Marshall. CHILDREN: I. Pattie Buford (by first marriage) ; married General James S. Jackson who fell at the head of his division at Perryville. n. Henry Buford ; married Miss Marshall, daughter of James K. Marshall. [See No. 14.] CHARLES S. BUFORD was an accomplished scholar and gentleman. He resided at Rock Island. Two sons were in the Federal army. 28. 8TTS AN MpDO WE'LL S / James McDowell « James McDowell » John McDowell » BUOfui xui.uvTTXi.Luj \Sarah Preston Elizabeth Cloyd Magdalene Woods Elphralm McDowell ' 1 Margaret Irvine / daughter of James McDowell and Sarah Preston, married COLONEL "WIL- LIAM TAYLOR of Alexandria, "Virginia, a prominent lawyer and member of congress from that district. CHILDREN : I. Susan Taylor; married John B. Weller, U. S. senator from California. They left one son, John B. Weller, Jr. who is living in California. 29. mV&TlVnX MnTimXTTTT T 5 f James McDowell ' James McDowell » John McDowell ■ HiaUtAtiliLH. mcUU Willi." { Sarah Preston Elizabeth Cloyd Magdalene Wooda Ephraim McDowell • ) Margaret Irvine J daughter of James McDowell and Sarah Preston, married COLONEL THOMAS HART BENTON U. S. senator from Missouri for thirty years, an earnest patriot and a man of unflinching courage. CHILDREN : I. Eliza P. Benton; married William Carey Jones, a lawyer of New Orleans. Children: Betty, Benton and Carey Jones. II. Jessie Benton ; married Major-General John C. Fremont the Pathfinder, first Republican candidate for the presidency. Children: Lilly, Charles (in U. S. navy), and Frank Paxton Fremont. 638 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. m. Sarah Benton; married Richard Taylor Jacob, a member of the Legis- lature, Lieut.-Governor of Kentucky, and Colonel of the U. S. Vol. Children: Leila Jacob, who married a relative, D. V. WooUey of Lexington, Virginia ; Richard Jacob, Lieutenant in U. S. army. rV. Randolph Benton; died unmarried. V. McDowell Benton; died in childhood. VI. Susan V. Benton ; married Baron Goldrei Boillean of the French Diplo- matic Service at the time of marriage, i\Iinister of France to Pern, 1870. Children: Elizabeth (dead), Benton, Charles (dead), Desiree, Claude (dead), Augusta (dead), and Mary Boillean. 30. GOVERNOR JAMES McDOWELL^ | James McDowell* James McDowell » I Sarah Preston Elizabeth Cloyd John McDowell ' Ephralm McDowell ' I Magdalene Woods Margaret Irvine f son of James McDowell and Sarah Preston, was born October 11, 1795 at Cherry Grove, Rockbridge County, Virginia ; died August 24, 1851 at Lexing- ton; married SUSAN PRESTON, daughter of General Francis Preston, a congressman and general of the war of 1812, and Miss Campbell, daughter of Colonel William Campbell the hero and commander at Kings Mountain, her mother being a sister of Patrick Henry. CHILDREN: I. James McDowell; married Miss Elizabeth Brant of St. Louis. He was a physician and remained abroad with his family until a year or two before his death. Left four children: Susan Preston Mc- Dowell (dead) ; Sallie B. McDowell who married Wickliffe Pres- ton, son of General William Preston of Lexington; Mary Mc- Dowell (dead) ; Brant McDowell. n. Sally C. P. McDowell; married Governor Francis Thomas of Mary- land; married second Rev. John Miller D. D. of Princeton, N. J. Children: Susan Preston Miller, Elizabeth Miller. III. Mary Benton McDowell ; married Rev. Ross of Frederick City, Maryland. rV. Frances P. McDowell; died unmarried. V. Sophonisla McDowell; married Colonel James W. Massie of the Vir- ginia ]\Iilitary Institute. Left one child, McDowell Massie who was twice married. VI. Susan P. McDowell; married Colonel Charles S. Carrington. Chil- dren; Frank Carrington, Sarah Carrington, and two others. VII. Margaret Canty McDowell; married Professor Charles S. Venable of the University of Virginia. Left four children: Frank Venable, Mary B. Venable. Lily C. Venable and Natalie Venable. VIII. Thomas Lewis McDowell; married Miss Constance Warwick, Pow- hatan County, Virginia. He died in the Confederate army leav- ing one child, Susan McDowell. IX. Lily McDowell; married Major Bernard Wolff e of Albemarl County, Virginia. Two children: Lily Wolffe and Bernard Wolffe. McDowells op Virginia and Kentucky. 639 JAMES McDowell, twenty-fifth governor of Virginia (1843-46), at- tended several private schools, entered Tale College, and completed his edu- cation at Princeton, New Jersey where he was graduated in 1810. lie next studied law under Chapman Johnson, at Staunton, Virginia, but never prac- ticed. In 1831 he entered the legislature, and after the Nat Turner insur- rection broke out he advocated gradual abolition of slavery. From this time on he was continuously in public life and in the service of the state. His speech on foreign relations brought him to the front in 1833 as a rival of John Tyler for the senatorship, but he was defeated. In 1838 he delivered an ad- dress before the Alumni association of Princeton College, so able and eloquent that he was subsequently elected the orator on the occasion of the one- hundredth anniversary of the foundation of the college. In December, 1842 he was elected governor, and on January 1, 1843 entered on the discharge of his duties. Before the close of his term of three years, he was elected to a seat in the U. S. House of Representatives, made vacant by the death of his brother-in-law, William Taylor. He served in Congress with conspicuous ability until 1851. His most memorable effort in Congress was his speech on the admission of California as one of the L^nited States, which was not ex- celled in ability by any delivered on the floor. [National Cyclopedia of Ameri- can Biography, Vol. V. p. 451.] 31. TDTTTM TWn'nrk'TOTT T 6 fAbram Irvin McDowell » Samuel McDowell « Samuel McDowell • litVliM incUKf W LiLilJ lElizaSeldonLord Anna Irvin Mary McClung John McDowell = Ephralm McDowell ' 1 Magdalene Woods Margaret Irvine J son of Abram Irvin McDowell and Eliza Seldon Lord, was born October 18, 1818 in Ohio ; died March 5, or May 4, 1885 at San Francisco, California ; mar- ried in 1849, HELEN BORDEN of Troy, New York who died in 1891 at New York City. CHILDREN : I. Helen E. McDowell. II. Henry Burden McDowell. III. Elise McDowell. IRVIN McDowell received his early education at the College of Troyes, in France, and was graduated from West Point in 1838, becoming second lieu- tenant in the 1st artillery. He was recaUed to the Military academy and served four years. On the outbreak of the Mexican trouble, he was appointed aide-de-camp to General John E. Wool. He attained the rank of major ]\Iarch 31, 1856. He was made brigadier-general May 14, 1861 and assigned to the command of the department of northeastern Virginia. On May 29th he was transferred to the army of the Potomac. March 14, 1862 he was made major- general of Volunteers. He was retired from active duty on the field Sep- tember 6, 1862. On July 1, 1864, he was assigned to the command of the department of the Pacific, and on July 27, 1865 he was transferred to the 640 GREENLEE GENEALOGY. department of California, holding the latter office until March 31, 1868. Mean- while he was mustered out of the volunteer service and received the brevet of major-general, U. S. A., September 1, 1866. In July, 1868 he was assigned to the department of the East, and on November 25, 1872 he was promoted major- general. After this he had command of the division of the South until June 30, 1876, and of the department of the Pacific until his retirement October 15, 1882. He was a man of refined tastes. He had an especial fondness for land- scape gardening, and for some years was one of the park commissioners of San Francisco. [See National Cyclopedia of American Biography.] 32. TTTP'WPV ni AV TVTp'nfJ'WIi'.T T 6 f William Adair McDowell "^ Samuel McDowell • nfirtnx V/IjAX mCUVyvr^LiU j Maria Hawl;ins Harvey Anna Irvin Samuel McDowell ' John McDowell - Epbraim McDowell 1 Mary McClung Magdalene Woods Margaret Irvine / son of William Adair McDowell and Maria Hawkins Harvey; married ANNA CLAY, daughter of Henry Clay and Miss Prather. CHILDREN: I. Henry McDowell. II. William McDowell. III. Thomas McDowell. IV. Nannette McDowell. V. Julia McDowell. VI. Madeline McDowell. HENRY CLAY McDOWELL served during the Civil War as adjutant to General McCook, with the rank of captain. He was afterward United States Marshall for Kentucky, appointed by President Lincoln. He was a lawyer by profession and practiced in Louisville, Kentucky in partnership with his brother-in-law. Bland Ballard. At present he is a stock farmer, living near Lexington, Kentucky. WILLIAM PRESTON MCDOWELL" jWilUam A^daJrM^cDow^^ Samuel McDowell . Samuel McDowell • John McDowell ' Epbraim McDowell ' ( Mary McClung Magdalene Woods Margaret Irvine f son of William Adair McDowell and Maria Hawkins Harvey was married at the close of the war to KATE WRIGHT. CHILDREN: I. John McDowell. II. Wallace McDowell. III. Robinson McDowell. TV. Edward Irvin McDowell. V. Kate McDowell. VI. Annie Irvin McDowell. McDowells op Virginia and Kentucky. 64i WILLIAM PRESTON McDOWELL served during the Civil War, first as adjutant of the 15th Kentucky regiment under Colonel Curran Pope, and afterward as assistant adjutant to Major-General Rousseau, with the rank of major. He fought in the battles of Perryville and Stone River, in the latter of which he was wounded, being shot through the left arm. 41 INDEX OF PERSONS BY THE NAME OF GREENLEE "Ye LABOR and ye PATIENCE ye JUDGMENT and ye PENETEATION wUch are required to make a GOOD INDEX, is only linown to those who have gone through with this MOST NECESSARY AND PAINFULL, BUT LEAST PRAISED part of a PUBLICA- TION." W. M. Oldys 1687. Page Aaron, son of Willam Greenlee and Elmira Stocking 318 Aaron, son of Thomas Greenley and Rebecca Spense 504 Aaron Burton, son of Samuel Greenlee and Mary Ann Burch 349 Abner, son of John Greenlee and Mary Ellen 551 Abner Bainbridge, son of Robert Porter Greenlee and Elizabeth Bainbridge Johnston .... 340 Ada K., daughter of George Elisha Greenlee and Jane Elizabeth McKinney 254 Ada Sherwood, daughter of Colin Telf er Greenlees and Mary Joanna Wheeler 483 AdaUne, daughter of Sylvester Greenlee and Esther Hetta Barnett 210 Adaline Victoria, daughter of William Greenlee and Harriet Sayre 201 Adam, son of Greenlaw 592 Adam, son of Greenler 545 Addie Hopper, daughter of Hugh Greenlee and Mary Elizabeth Hopper 493 Addie L., daughter of James Bryant Greenlee and Mary Ellen Lambert 516 Addie May, daughter of Charles Greenlee and Ellen Ferguson 451 Addison, son of Robert William Greenlee and Clara Josephine Firster 340 Addison Lutz, son of Greenly and Elizabeth 573 Adelaide (or Sarah) daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Elizabeth Freeman 116 Adriel Laduff, son of William H. Greenlee and Mary Elizabeth Quay 331 Agnes, daughter of Alexander Greenlee and Martha Jane Brice 195 Agnes, daughter of Gavin Greenlee and Martha Wilson 432 Agnes, daughter of Peter Greenlees and Martha Ferguson 435 Agnes, daughter of James Greenlees and Janet Watson 437 Agnes, daughter of John Greenlees 446 Agnes, daughter of James Greenlees and Agnes Simpson 466 Agnes, daughter of David Greenlees and Nancy Breekenridge 469 Agnes, daughter of William Greenlee and Martha Harvey 473 Agnes, daughter of John Greenlees and Agnes Semple 479 Agnes, daughter of David Greenlees and Maria Blakley 520 Agnes, daughter of Daniel Greenlees and Mary Colville 485 Agnes, daughter of David Orr Greenlees and Jane Carr 519 Agnes, daughter of John Greenlees 587 Agnes, daughter of Robert Greenlees 587 Agnes, daughter of William Greenlees 587 Agnes, daughter of John Greenlees 587 Agnes, daughter of Thomas Greenlees and Marion Taylor 588 Agnes Andrew, daughter of Samuel Greenlees and Agnes Andrew Greenlees.., 439 Agnes Andrew, daughter of William Greenlees and Agnes Andrew 439, 484 Agnes Mary, daughter of John E. Greenlees and Mary Ida Wolf 481 Albert, son of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Gantz 48 Albert, son of Robert S. Greenlee and Amelia J. Dufford 342 Albert, son of Elisha Greenlee 456 Albert, son of Thomas Hunt Greenly and Lucy S. Higgins 559 643 644 • INDEX— NAME OF GREENLEE. Page Albert A., son of Amos Greenlee and Adelaide H. Chamberlain 330 Albert Dryden, son of lloses H. Greenlee and Helen E. Ldndsley 156 Albert D., son of Andrew K. Greenlee and Elizabeth McAllister 151 Albert Greer, son of John Arnold Greenlee and Jane Greenlee 127 Albert Hale, son of Thomas Wesley Greenlee and Emilissa Hale 563 Albert Hamilton, son of Andrew F. Greenlee and Maria J. Rutherford 82 Albert Harry, son of Albert Hale Greenly and May Josephine Glover 563 Albert Keith, son of John Greenlee and Mary Chamberlain 94 Albert Montgomery, son of William Greenleese and Harriet Baird 501 Albert N., son of Jacob Greenlee and Nancy Spencer 125 Albert P., son of James Altha Greenlee and Elizabeth J. Gass 126 Albert S., son of Joseph P. Greenlee and Sallie L. Manning 495 Albert V., son of Henry WUUam Greenlee and Sarah Elizabeth EifSe 216 Alethea Valentine, son of Francis Marion Freenlee and Viannah Elizabeth Cole 384 Alexander, son of Archibald Greenlee and Giffen 184 Alexander, son of James Greenlee and Jane Mitchel 188 Alexander, son of Edward Greenlee and Anna Henry 198 Alexander, son of James Greenlee 299 Alexander, son of Joseph Greenlee and Harriet McNeal 316 Alexander, son of James Greenlee 355 Alexander, son of Eobert Greenlee 386 Alexander, son of Edward Greenlee and Hannah Greenlee 400 Alexander, son of James Greenlees and Mary IHckson 434 Alexander, son of John Greenlees and Mary MeMUlan 443 Alexander, son of Alexander Greenlees and JIary Colville 444 Alexander, son of James Greenlees and Anderson 444 Alexander, son of John Greenlee and Jane 455 Alexander, son of Thomas Greenlees and Jane Muir 472 Alexander, son of James Greenley and Mary Brady 527 Alexander, son of Greenly 575, 577 Alexander, son of Greenlees 586 Alexander, son of Alexander Greenlees and Katherine Brown 586 Alexander, son of Alexander Greenlees and Jean Eobison 586 Alexander, son of John Greenlees and Janet Miller 586 Alexander Clark, son of Thomas Wilkinson Greenley and Nellie B. Clark 530 Alexander Hamilton, son of James Greenlee and Phebe Mayes 369 Alexander Sackett, son of Samuel Mitchell Greenlee and Minerva K. Sackett 253 Alexander Sackett, son of Alexander Sackett Greenlee and Elizabeth C. Glass 253 Alexander W., son of William PumeU Greenlee and Barbara Wilson Enlow 292 Alfred F., son of Franklin E. Greenlee and Eliza H. Bays 570 Alfred Mitchell, son of John Greenlees and Marion Ferrie Hodge 435 Alice, daughter of Morgan Greenlee and Eliza Jane Greenlee 416 Alice, daughter of Arthur Greenlees 489 Alice Emiline, daughter of Francis Marion Greenlee and Sarah A. Perryman 383 Alice Lewis, daughter of James Coleman Greenley and Julia Peuriee McGrath 529 Alice May, daughter of Curtis Greenlee and Mina Marks 336 Alice May, daughter of Thomas Wesley Greenly and Emilissa Hale 561 Alice Myrtle, daughter of William PumeU Greenlee and Barbara Wilson Enlow 270 Alice T., daughter of Franklin E. Greenlee and Eliza H. Bays 570 AUan, son of Daniel Greenlees and Margaret Maitland 464 Allan, son of David Greenlees and Janet Graham 586 Allan M., son of Lafayette Greenlee and Dell M. Rush 141 Allen, son of Michael Greenlee and Esther Davis 47 Allen, son of Thomas Greenlees and Mary Russell 431 AUen, son of William Greenlee and Fergison 538 Allen, son of David Greenlee and Mary Dickson 541 INDEX— NAilE OF GREENLEE. 645 Page Allen C, son of John A. Greenlee and Mary A. Hood 196 Alpheus C, son of William Greenlee and Isadore Keesling 135 Altha, son of Oliver P. Greenlee and Florence A. Brandenburg 136 Alva Henry, son of Alexander W. Greenlee and Frances A. Crouch 292 Alvin, son of Willis Greenlee and Clark 363 Alvin Leander, son of Thomas W. Greenlee and Susanna Onstott 390 Amanda, daughter of Samuel Harvey Greenlee and Elizabeth Stites 287 Amanda, daughter of Hamilton Greenlee 359 Amanda, daughter of Louis Greenlee and Elizabeth Hunt 361 Amanda, daughter of Eobert Greenlee and Haddassa Patton 394 Amanda Elizabeth, daughter of William Greenlee and Emily Jackson 361 Amanda E., daughter of John Calvin Greenlee and Amanda ColUson 366, 370 Amaziah (or Emaziah) Eiley, son of John Eeid Greenlee and Jane (Winters) Giles 568 Amelia Ann, daughter of John Greenlee and Sarah Ann Eebeca Lester 523 Amelia Denison, daughter of James Augustus Greenlee 252 Amelia DeZenge, daughter of Thomas Hunt Greenly and Lucy Smith Higgins 559 Amelia Esther, daughter of William Augustus Greenly and Harriet Chichester 533 Amos, son of Joseph Greenlee and Harriet McNeal 316 Amos, son of William Greenlee and Margaret Townley 330 Amos M., son of James Bryant Greenlee and Mary Ellen Lambert 516 Amytis Grace, daughter of Clabom Greenlee and Maria KimberUng 422 Anabell, daughter of Greenlives and Janet 591 Andrew, son of John Greenlee and Sarah McCraeken 184 Andrew, son of James Greenlee and Euth Sunderland 356 Andrew, son of David Greenlees and Nancy Breckenridge 469 Andrew, son of Eobert Greenlees and Ellen Ealston 479 Andrew, son of John Greenlees and Agnes Semple 480 Andrew, son of John Greenlees and Mary Montgomery 501 Andrew, son of David Orr Greenlees and Jane Carr 519 Andrew, son. of — Greenly 545 Andrew, son of Greenlee 578 Andrew, son of Andrew Greenlees or Greenleaves and Nancy Moore 592 Andrew, son of — • — • — Greenleaves 592 Andrew Creed, son of Andrew Franklin Greenlee and Maria Josephine Eutherf ord 82 Andrew Eckard, son of WUliam Greenlee and Catharine EiflHe 203 Andrew Franklin, son of Andrew Hamilton Greenlee and Annis D. Giles 81 Andrew Hamilton, son of John Greenlee and Nancy Hamilton 50 Andrew Jackson, son of John Eeid Greenlee and Jane (Winters) Giles 567 Andrew J., son of William Greenlee and Nancy Dryden 66 Andrew K., son of Albert Keith Greenlee and Martha P. Barnes 151 Andrew McGinnis, son of Stewart Greenlee and Sarah Anna McGinnis 316 Andrew McKelvey, son of Allen Greenlee and Sarah MeKelvey 60, 67 Andrew Morgan, son of Morgan Greenlee and Eliza Jane Greenlee 415 Audrew M., son of David Greenlee and Harriet Mallory 68 Andrew Eufus, son of James Madison Greenlee and Eliza Jane Glore 546 Andrew Taylor, son of William Greenlee and Harriet Sayre 208 Angeline, daughter of William Greenlee and Margaret Townley 309 AngeUne, daughter of Manual Greenlee and Happy Butler 556 Angeline, daughter of Elijah Greenlee and Eachel Ella Litton 546 Ann, daughter of Morris Greenlee and Nancy Kimberling 407 Ann, daughter of Hugli Greenlees and Ann Harvey 433 Ann, daughter of Alexander Greenlees and Mary Colville 444 Ann, daughter of George Greenlees and Martha Wilson 446 Ann, daughter of Elisha Greenlee and Eunice West 456 Ami, daughter of Eobert Greenlees and Mary Mitchell 475 Ann, daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Eeddington 522 646 INDEX— NAME OF GREENLEE. Page Ann, daughter of James Greenley 524 Ann, daughter of Thomas Greenly and Esther Norman 532 Ann, daughter of Alexander Greenlees and Jean Eobison 586 Ann Anderson, daughter of Eobert Greenlees and Ann Anderson 431 Ann Eliza, daughter of John Wesley Greenley and Mary E. Anderson 527 Ann Elizabeth, daughter of William Greenlee and Harriet Sayre 201 Anna, daughter of Thomas J. Greenlee and Catharine Dunbar 168 Anna, daughter of Edward Greenlee and Anna Henry 198 Anna, daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Hannah Hughes 200 Anna, daughter of Ephraim Allen Greenlee and Diadamia Dame 265 Anna, daughter of John Greenlee and Margaret Patterson 307 Anna, daughter of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland 316 Anna, daughter of James Patterson Greenlee and Elizabeth Greenlee 327 Anna, daughter of Peter Patterson Greenlee and Mary Jane Guiler 350 Anna, daughter of Edward Greenlee and Hannah Greenlee 402 Anna, daughter of John Greenlee and Helen Brown 452 Anna, daughter of William Greenlee and Jane Picken 481 Anna, daughter of William F. Greenlee and Lueretia DarUng 514 Anna Amanda, daughter of David Greenlee and Harriet Mallory 120 Anna Arminta, daughter of Perry Martin Greenlee and Emeline JIatilda Smith 215 Anna Catharine, daughter of William Greenlee and Sophia Aylshire 214 Anna EUza, daughter of Jacob Greenlee and Mary Spencer 125 Anna E., daughter of Eobert Thompson Greenlee and Amanda J. Porter 337 Anna Helena, daughter of Thomas Wallace Greenlee and Susanna Onstott 396 Anna J., daughter of William Greenlee and Mary Hanly 489 Anna Lora, daughter of Jacob Newton Greenlee and Eosetta C. Amsberry 216 Anna Maria, daughter of Greenlee 566 Anna Mary, daughter of John Arnold Greenlee and Jane Greenlee 128 Annaple, daughter of ■ — ■ Greenleaves 592 Anne, daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Gantz 76 Anne, daughter of James Greenlee and Jane Mitchell 185 Anne, daughter of John Greenlees and Elizabeth Greenlees 489 Anne, daughter of Thomas Greenlees and Margaret Anderson 587 Anne, daughter of Greenlees 589 Anneka Jans Bogardus, daughter of Thomas Franklin Greenless and Ann Eliza Pearee. ..290 Annie, daughter of Andrew T. Greenlee and Prudence A. Ball 208 Annie, daughter of William Greenlee and Sarah Armstrong 511 Annie Adelia, daughter of Thomas F. Greenlee and Ann Eliza Pearee 290 Annie Celinda, daughter of Ephraim M. Greenlee and Malvina Miller 294 Annie Culien, daughter of Eobert Smith Greenlee 179 Annie de Courcy, daughter of Archibald Greenless and Lenora Matilda Agnew 482 Annie Eliza, daughter of Claborn Greenlee and Maria Kimberling 422 Annie Eliza, daughter of James Greenley and Mary Brady 528 Annie G., daughter of Mathew Greenlee and Martha Allen 197 Annie Laura, daughter of Hugh Greenlee and Mary Elizabeth Hopper 493 Annie M., daughter of John A. Greenlee and Mary A. Hood 196 Annie E., daughter of Greenley and Matilda C. 504 Annie Tate, daughter of John Mitchell Greenlee and Mary Tate 280 Annie Virginia, daughter of Arthur John Greenlee and Catharine Bichardson 114 Anson Chester, daughter of Philemon Wiard Greenlee and Maria Antoinette Brydle 99 Aramanda Araminta, daughter of Hugh Hasson Greenlee and Amanda M. Hedglin 354 Archibald, son of Greenlee 184 Archibald, son of Eobert Greenlee and Mary Bonar 186 Archibald, son of Alexander Greenlee and Martha Jane Brice 188 Archibald, son of James Greenlees and Janet Watson 437 Achibald, son of James Greenlees and Catharine Galbraith 443 Archibald, son of Archibald Greenlees and Mary Greenlees 448 INDEX-NA]\BE OP GREENLEE. 647 Page Archibald, son of John Greenlees and Mary Huie 443 Archibald, son of Alexander Greenlees and Mary Colville 444 Archibald, son of Robert Greenlees ". 468 Archibald, son of Robert Greenless and Jane Mitchell 470 Archibald, son of William Greenlees and Janet Picken 482 Archibald, son of Archibald Greenlees and Margaret M. McGeehy 482 Archibald, son of Greenlees 575, 578, 589, 590 Archibald Wilson, son of Robert Greenlee and Mary Christy 194 Arden Deane, son of Edwin Stewart Greenlee and Filora Bell Emerick 336 Arline Blanche, daughter of Jacob Davis Greenlee and Rachel W. Chamberlain 56 Arminda Venseuga, daughter of Thomas Wallace Greenlee and Susanna Oustott 390 Arnold Milburn, son of Alexander Hamilton Greenlee and Amanda C. Kidwell 369 Arria Velda, daughter of Arthur John Greenlee and Catharine Richardson 114 Arthur, son of Greenlees 426 Arthur, son of James Greenlee and Mary Dickson 434 Arthur, son of Greenlees 489 Arthur, son of John Greenlees and Elizabeth Greenlees 489 Arthur, son of Greenlees 518 Arthur, son of Elijah F. Greenlee and Rebecca Middleton 547 Arthur Baird, son of Stephen Thomas Greenleese and Mary Grey Somerville 502 Arthur B., son of Henry William Greenlee and Sarah Catharine Riffle 216 Arthur Claudius, son of David Riland Greenlee and Harriet B. (Compton) Cooper 159 Arthur John, son of Robert Greenlee and Sarah Emory 114 Arthur J., son of Greenlee 574 Artilissa Margaret, daughter of Daniel Greenlee and Mary Jane Weaver 74 Asa, son of David CJreeulee and Lucy Hill 545 Asenath, daughter of William Greenlee and Mary Ramsey 68 Aubrey, son of Willard Greenlee and Laura Duflf 416 Aubrey Russell, son of William Purnell Greenlee and Barbara Wilson Enlow 270 Augustus Colman, son of Hugh Greenlee and Mary E. Hopper 492 Augustus Luther, son of Gideon Albert Greenlee and Mary Belle Riffle 217 Aziltha Jane, daughter of David Greenlee and Harriet Mallory 68 A. C, son of William J. Greenlee and Samantha L. John 496 A. Eliza May (or Lydia) daughter of Andrew M. Greenlee and Ann Eliza Houek 67 A. G., son of Greenlee 457 Balis Eldridge, son of Francis Marion Greenlee and Viannah E. Cole 372 Barbara, daughter of James Greinleis Misc. 25 Barnett Bonar, son of Archibald Greenlee and Margaret Bonar 192 Bay lis Earl, son of John Reid Greenlee and Jane (Winters) Giles 568 Baylis R., son of Baylis Earl Greenlee and Martha J. Baker 568 Bell, daughter of William Greenlee and Mary Y. Allen 491 Bella, daughter of William Greenlee and Lucretia Darling 514 Belle, daughter of Sylvester Greenlee and Esther Hetta Barnett 202 Benjamin, son of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Gantz 74 Benjamin Chamberlain, son of John Greenlee and Mary Chamberlain 93 Benjamin Franklin, son of Arthur John Greenlee and Catharine Richardson 114 Benjamin Franklin, son of Louis Greenlee and Elizabeth Hunt 363 Benjamin Franklin, son of David Greenlee and Annie Dean 514 Benjamin Henderson, son of Benjamin Franklin Greenlee and Ann Eliza Henderson .... 363 Bertha, daughter of William MacCowan Greenlee and Alice M. Bird 378 Bertha, daughter of Thomas F. Greenlee and Julia Ann Rucker 540 Bertha A., daughter of William Arthur Greenlee and Isadore Keesling 135 Bertha Frances, daughter of Martin Greenlee and Mary Ann Beard 212 Bertha M., daughter of John A. Greenlee and Mary A. Hood 196 Bessie, daughter of Thomas Jefferson Greenlee and Catharine Dunbar 168 Bessie Lillian, daughter of Samuel M. Greenlee and Mary Happoldt 283 Bettie Ann, daughter of Clabom Greenlee and Maria Kimberling 422 648 INDEX-NAME OF GEEENLEE. Page Bettie J., granddaughter of Joseph GreeiJees 492 Bethiah, daughter of Eobert Greenlee and Anna Chamberlain 87 Betsy, daughter of Manual Greenlee and Happy Butler 556 Betsy E., daughter of Eli Leroy Greenlee 371 Betsy Kate, daughter of Eobert Omri Greenlee and Nannie Collins 381 Betty, daughter of Edward Greenlee 403 Beverley Monroe, son of George Sterling Greenlee and Kate Shepard 377 Biol, son of Mills Edwin Greenlee and Aurildah Sinclair 347 Blackburn, sou of Columbus Greenlee and Jane Bums 410 Blanch L., daughter of Marshall May Greenlee and Ida Bell Snowden 418 Blanche Omri, daughter of Alexander Hamilton Greenlee and Amanda Catherine Kidwell. .369 Brent Greenwood, son of Ira Newton Greenlee and Frances Ellen Conwell 420 Bryan (or Byron) W., son of Nicodemus Greenlee and MaUnda Jane Payton 515 Byron, son of James Walter Greenlee and LueUa Greenlee 348 Byron Homer, son of Philemon Wiard Greenlee and Maria Antoinette Brydle 99 Byron Ira, son of Eugene Judson Greenlee and Edith M. Stone 154 Callie Jerome, daughter of Calvin Eogers Jerome Greenlee and Martha Ellen Flora 379 Calvin Hughes, son of William Greenlee and Sophia Aylshire 205 Calvin Eogers Jerome, son of James Lacy Greenlee and Susan Hammer 379 Carl, son of Andrew Taylor Greenlee and Prudence A. Ball 208 Carl John, son of Oscar T. Greenlee and Mary Orlena Hammer 385 Carl Lowrey, son of William Mark Greenlee and Belle Lowrey 462 Carl L., son of Woodson E. Greenlee and Anna Mendenhall 554 Caroline, daughter of William Greenlee 321 CaroUne, daughter of John Greenlee and Mary Mayes 358 Caroline, daughter of Clark Greenlee and Angaby Bums 405 Caroline Flora, daughter of Lewis Leonidas Greenlee and Hannah Maria FerreU 419 Caroline Gertrude, daughter of Thomas Greenly 559 Caroline Martha, daughter of Thomas Greenly and Nancy 558 Carrie, daughter of Andrew Taylor Greenlee and Prudence A. Ball 208 Carrie E., daughter of Harley Umberfield Greenlee and Mary Ann Tucker 118 Carrie Geneva, daughter of Alexander Hamilton Greenlee and Amanda Catherine Kidwell 369 Carrie L., daughter of John A. Greenlee and Mary A. Hood 196 Carrie Manila, daughter of Allen Greenlee and Melissa Kiler 541 Carrie Olive, daughter of Abner Bainbridge Greenlee and Mary Smith Stevens 340 Carrie Wheeler, daughter of Colin Telfer Greenlees and Mary Joanna Wheeler 483 Carrolle, daughter of Charles Carrol Greenly and Anna Walbridge 562 Cas, son of Eobert Greenlee and Margie Norton 496 Cassius, son of John Greenlee 49 Cassius Monroe, son of Eobert Benson Greenlee and Jane A. Bacon 150 Catharine, daughter of Andrew Greenly 545 Catharine Jane, daughter of John Greenlee and Sarah Ann Eebecca Lester 522 Catherine, daughter of Thomas Greenlees and Elizabeth Morrison 429 Catherine, daughter of Hugh Greenlees and Ann Harvey 433 Catherine, daughter of James Greenlees and Catherine Galbraith 438 Catherine, daughter of John Greenlees and EUzabeth Greenlees 466 Catherine, daughter of Daniel Greenless and Mary Colville 486 Catherine EUza, daughter of Elijah Greenlee and Eaehel Ella Litton 546 Catherine Galbraith, son of Samuel Greenlees and Agnes Andrew Greenlees 439 Catherine Holmes, daughter of Thomas Franklin Greenlee and Ann Eliza Pearce 290 Chalmers Edwards, son of WUUam MacCowan Greenlee and Alice M. Bird 378 Charity, daughter of Eobert Greenlee and Anna Chamberlain 90 Charles, son of James Greenlee 38 Charles, son of William Greenlee and Mary Ramsey 48 Charles, son of John Martin Greenlee 218 INDEX-NAME OF GREENLEE. 649 Page Charles, son of Cyrus Greenlee and Harriet E. (McFarland) Davis 330 Charles, son of Tilmon Colvin Greenlee and Melissa Lasell Sandy 383 Charles, son of Thomas Wallace Greenlee and Mary Quinn 389 Charles, son of Francis Greenlee and Ellen V. Stepheson ■ 403 Charles, son of John Greenlee and Helen Brown 451 Charles, son of Joseph Greenlee and Caroline Amelia Lytle 460 Charles, son of William Greenlee and Mary Y. Allen 491 Charles, son of Kobert Greenlee and Margie Korton 496 Charles, son of James Greenly and Martha Walker 500 Charles, son of Charles Greenlee and Matilda Long 500 Charles, Alvin, son of James Greenlee and ilary Joliflf 134 Charles Anderson, son of Thomas Franklin Greenlee and Ann EUza Pearce 267 Charles Anderson, son of William Anderson Greenlee and Mary McDaniel 367 Charles Andrew, son of Andrew Greenlees and Lucy Ellen Powers 481 Charles Archie, son of James Flemming Greenlee and Helen Adelaide Sackett 191 Charles Austin, son of Andrew McKelvey Greenlee and Ann Eliza Houck 67 Charles A., son of Oliver P. Greenlee and Florence A. Brandenburg 136 Charles A., son of William Arthur Greenlee and Isadore Keesling 173 Charles Carrol, son of Thomas Hunt Greenly and Lucy Smith Higgins 562 Charles Colville, son of Daniel Greenlees and Mary Colville 487 Charles Edward, son of Morris Clark Greenlee and Catherine Eoush 206 Charles, Elmer, son of John McClelland Greenlee and Mary Mills 318 Charles Elmer T., son of Oliver F. Greenlee and Catharine L. Plummer 348 Charles E., son of John Chamberlain Greenlee and Charlotte Olivia Brown 99 Charles E., son of John Greenlee and Mary Jane Brown 201 Charles Fremont, son of John Greenlee and Eliza Jane (Kinehart) Coin 457 Charles Henry, son of Martin Greenlee and Mary Ann Beard 212 Charles Hiller, son of James Lebbeus Greenlee and Alamanda Cook 128 Charles Hugh, son of Hugh Greenlee and Mary Elizabeth Hopper 495 Charles H., son of William Anderson Greenlee and Susan Dulin 83 Charles H., son of Hugh Hassen Greenlee and Ella Lee 338 Charles Lewis, son of William Greenlee and Sophia Aylshire 217 Charles Montgomery, son of Baylis Earl Greenlee and Martha J. Baker 570 Charles Orval, son of Gideon Albert Greenlee and Mary Belle Riffle 217 Charles Oscar, son of Levi Thompson Greenlee and Sophia M. Everett 219 Charles Philip, son of Thomas Greenly 559 Charles Eaymond, son of William Greenlee and Mary E. Scott 509 Charles Robert, son of John Robert Greenlees and Mary Ida Wolf 481 Charles Theodore, son of Charles Alvin Greenlee and Emma O. Packer 135 Charles Vanmeter, son of Benjamin Greenlee and Ann Eliza Henderson 363 Charles Walter, son of Samuel M. Greenlee and Mary Ann Burch 320 Charles William, son of Lewis Leonidas Greenlee and Hannah Marie Ferrell 418 Charles W., son of Robert Greenlee and Haddassa Patton 388 Charles W., son of James Greenlee and Elizabeth Weygandt 459 Charles W., son of James Allen Greenlee and Mary Hunter 552 Charles W., son of James Greenlee 576 Charlotte Amelia, daughter of Thomas Greenly and Nancy 559 Charlotte Ayres, daughter of William Augustus Greenly and Harriet Chichester 535 Charlotte Lenora, daughter of Ephraim Leland Greenlee and Katharine Dover 284 Chassie Ono, daughter of Napoleon Cato Cicero Greenlee and Lucy Wheeler 380 Chester Adair, son of Utica Onias Greenlee and Minnie Rosenbaugh 385 Christian, son of John Greinleyis 580 Christina, daughter of Thomas Greenlees and Margaret MacDonald MacGillivray 427 Christine, daughter of John Greenlees 587 Clabom, son of Lewis Greenlee and Mary Lovel Thornton 422 Clara, daughter of John Greenlee and Minnie VerwoUt 195 650 INDEX— NAME OF GREENLEE. Page Clara, daughter of Gavin Greenlees and Jane Gossman 432 Clara E., daughter of Harley Umberfield Greenlee and Mary Ann Tucker 172 Clara Grace, daughter of Gideon Albert Greenlee and Mary Belle Eiffle 217 Clarence C, son of James Flemmiug Greenlee and Helen Adelaide Sackett 191 Clarence Forster, son of Wmiam Paxton Greenlee and Eliza Hizer Forster 276 Clarence Marshall, son of John Morris Greenlee and Luretta Sullivan 424 Clarence E., son of John Buchanan Greenlee and Eveline A. Coffin 106 Clark, son of Morris Greenlee and Xancy Kimberling 405 Clark M., son of Eobert Greenlee and Nettie Ealston 478 Claud, son of Eobert Greinleyis and Margaret Potter 585 Claud A., son of Elijah Francis Greenlee and Eebecea Jliddleton 547 Claude, son of Oliver P. Greenlee and Florence A. Brandenburg 136 Claude M., son of Thomas F. Greenlee and Julia Ann Eucker 539 Clayton, son of George Greenlee and Sarah Eabel 332 Clinton, son of David Greenlee and Mary Doss 213 Clinton DeWitt, adopted son of William Greenlee 321 Clinton Eansom, son of Ira Greenlee and Alma Eansom 154 Clyde,son of Hugh Hassen Greenlee and Ella Lee 338 Clyde, son of Morris Greenlee and Eebecea Lowder 408 Clyde W., son of Barnett Bonar Greenlee and Hannah M. Walters 192 C'loyd Steward, son of Curtis Greenlee and Mina Marks 336 CoUn Eaymond, son of Thomas Greenlees and Sarah J. Sloan 483 CoUn Telfer, son of Archibald Greenlees and Margaret Montgomery McGechy 483 Columbus, son of Edward Greenlee 410 Columbus Boyd, son of William Greenlee and Esther Furnas 540 Comfort E. (or Mary), daughter of John Cahin Greenlee and Amanda CoUison 382 Connie H., daughter of PrankUn E. Greenlee and Eliza H. Bays 570 Coquella, daughter of MiUs Erwin Greenlee and Aurildah Sinclair 347 Cora Bell, daughter of James Allen Greenlee and Susan Dell Scott 141 Cora Edith, daughter of John Morris Greenlee and Florence Melvina Chapman 417 Cora Emma Hester, daughter of James Lacy Greenlee and Susan Hammer 380 Cora Estelle, daughter of Eobert Greenlee and Sarah Corman 328 Cora E., daughter of Franklin E. Greenlee and Eliza H. Bays 570 Cornelia AJiee, daughter of WiUiam A. Greenlee and Susan Dulin 83 Crissie, daughter of John Greenlee and Minnie VerwoUt 195 Curtis, son of John Greenlee and Susan Mary Warnes 335 Curtis (or Licurdis) son of Joseph Greenlee and Harriet McNeal 344 Curtis Earl, son of Curtis Greenlee and Mina Marks 336 Cynthia J., daughter of James Bryant Greenlee and Mary Ellen Lambert 518 Cyrus, son of William Greenlee and Margaret Townley 329 C. Myrtle, daughter of James Altha Greenlee and Elizabeth J. Gass 126 C. C, son of William Greenlee and Alice McKinley 168 Daisy MaybeU Florest, daughter of Willard Greenlee and Laura Duff 416 Dale L., son of Lafayette Greenlee and Eosella M. Chenoweth 141 Daniel, son of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Gantz 74 Daniel, son of Archibald Greenlees and Mary Greenlees 443 Daniel, son of Gavin Greenlees 464 Daniel, son of John Greenlees and Margaret Ealston 464 Daniel, son of Daniel Greenlees and Margaret Maitland 464 Daniel, son of John Greenlee and Jeanne Smith 473 Daniel, son of Eobert Greenlees and Ellen Ealston 478 Daniel, son of WiUiam Greenlees and Agnes Andrew 443, 485 Daniel Colville, son of Charles Colville Greenlees and Jessie Colville 487 Daniel Perley, son of David Greenlee and Annie Dean 514 Daniel Warnes, son of John Greenlee and Susan Mary Warnes 335 Darius, son of Willis Greenlee and Xancy Long 567 INDEX-NAME OF GREENLEE. 651 Page David, son of Michael Greenlee 43 David, son of Allen Greenlee and Sarah McKelvey 68, 113 David, son of Eobert Greenlee and Sarah Emory 114 Da^-id, son of John Greenlee and Sarah ileCraeken 184 David, son of James Greenlee and Deborah Carroll 200 David, son of Nathan Greenlee and Lueinda Greenlee 213 David, son of James Greenlee and Mary E. McDowell 232 Da^■id, son of John Greenlee and Hannah McClanahan 233 David, son of David Greenlee and Jane White 240 David, son of James Greenlee and Sarah Caskey 264 David, son of John Greenlee and Sarah Brady 303 Da^id, son of Edward Greenlee 400 David, son of Arthur Greenlees 426 David, son of John Greenlees and Jane Moore 427 Darid, son of Thomas Greenlees and Margaret MaeDonald MaeGillivray 427 Da\'id, son of — ■ Greenlees 427 David, son of David Greenlees and Margaret Ewing 427 David, son of Thomas Greenlees and Mary Gilmour 428 David, son of Thomas Greenlees and Elizabeth Morrison 429 David, son of James Greenlees and Mary Dickson 434 David, son of Joseph Greenlees and Elizabeth Leitch 465 David, son of David Greenlees 465 David, son of Joseph Greenlees and Jean Aitken 466 David, son of John Greenlees and Elizabeth Greenlees 466 David, son of Eobert Greenlees 469 David, son of Eobert Greenlees and Sarah Templeton 470 David, son of Mathew Greenlee and Bessie Sharp 508 David, son of William Francis Greenlee 513 David, son of David Greenlee and Lucy Vermillion 513 David, son of Mathew (or James) Greenlee 499 David, son of James Greenlee and Martha Walker 500 Da\dd, son of William Greenlee and — Fergison , 539 David, son of William Greenlee and Sarah Ferguson 512 David, son of David Greenlee and Mary Dickson 542 David, son of Greenlees 518 David, son of — — Greenlee 545 David, son of David Orr Greenlee and Jane Carr 520 David, son of David Greenlee and Lucy HiU 545 David, son of Da^id Greenlees and Maria Blakley 520 David, son of Greenlee 574, 576, 582, 587 David, son of David Greenlees and Janet Graham 586 David, son of John Greenlees and Marjory Buchan 588 Dai-id Agnew, son of Archibald Greenlees and Leonora Matilda Agnew 482 Da\id Allen, son of Harry Le Fevre Greenlee and Emma Maria Wolff 160 David Anderson, son of Eobert Greenlees and Ann Anderson 431 David B., son of Greenly and Elizabeth 573 David Colwell, son of Matthew Greenlee and Mary Colwell 507 David C, son of William E. Greenlee and Mary 565 Daiad Elmer, son of David Peniwell Greenly and Eachel Ann Postles 181 David Elmer, son of William Greenlee and Mary E. Scott 509 Da\-id Enos Orland, son of James Lacy Greenlee and Susan Hammer 368 David E., son of William Madison Greenlee and Mahala Beam 115 David E., son of Andrew Greenlees and Maggie Andrews 469 David Glass, son of Alexander Sackett Greenlee and Elizabeth C. Glass 253 Dai-id James, son of James McEntire Greenlee and Ann Eliza Morris 255 David James, son of John Greenlees and Isabella Dixen 491 David John, son of Charles Greenlee and Matilda Long 500 652 INDEX— NAME OF GREENLEE. Page David Maxwell, son of Robert Greenlee and Miss Purden 176 David McDowell, son of David Greenlee and Mary (Purnell) Hall 240 David Orr, son of Jokn Greenlees and Orr 519 David Peniwell, son of Elisha Evans Greenly and Mary Jane Vaughn 181 David Peniwell, son of David Maxwell Greenley and EUzabeth Massy Evans 177 David Porter, son of Robert William Greenlee and Clara Johnson Firster 341 David P., son of James Greenlee and Margaret A. Picken 436 David Raymond, son of John FuUerton Greenlees and Hannah S. Fleming 434 David Riland, son of Maxson Greenlee and Catharine Compton 104 David Robert Barton, son of David Greenlee and Hannah Ingram Grigsby 246 David Washington, son of James Greenlee and Mary Mitchell 236, 248, 254 David William, son of William Dallas Greenlee and Mary Lucinda Greenlee 166 David William, son of James Hervey Greenlee and Mary Jane Greenlee 281 Dean H., son of Andrew Greenlees and Maggie Andrews 469 DelUa, daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Elizabeth Freeman 116 Delmar, son of Morris Greenlee and Rebecca Lowder 408 Dewey Waldo, son of Clarence Marshall Greenlee and Minnie B. Widdup 424 DeWitt, son of Samuel Nichols Greenlee and Amanda Ruth Scott 170 Dollie, daughter of Robert Stewart Greenlee and Amelia Jane DufEord 342 Donald, son of Andrew Taylor Greenlee and Prudence A. Ball 208 Donella J., daughter of Robert Stewart Greenlee and Amelia Jane Dufford 342 Dora B., daughter of Henry WiUiam Greenlee and Sarah Elizabeth Riffle 216 Dora Elizabeth, daughter of Allen Greenlee and Melissa Kiler 541 Dora Viola, daughter of John Morris Greenlee and Florence Melvina Chapman 417 Dorcas, daughter of William Greenlee 319 Dugald, son of James Greenlee and Janet Watson 437 Dwight L., son of WiUard Greenlee and Laura Duff 416 Earl, son of Tyra Napoleon Greenlee and EflSe Josephine Marvin 170 Earl, son of James Walter Greenlee and Luella Greenlee 348 Earl, son of Robert Greenlee and Margie Norton 496 Eastham (or Esom) son of Edward Greenlee 400 Eastham (or Esom ) son of Edward Greenlee 198 Eddie Rutherford, son of Andrew Franklin Greenlee and Maria Josephine Rutherford 139 Edgar Prosser, son of Alexander Hamilton Greenlee and Amanda Catharine Kidwell 369 Edgar Thane, son of Claborn Greenlee and Maria KimberUng 422 Edie Ellen, daughter of William Greenlee and Mary Dowel 543 Edith, daughter of David Greenlee and Mary Doss 213 Edith, daughter of William Greenlee and Fergison 537 Edith, daughter of David Greenlee and Mary Dickson (or Dixon) 542 Edith Annabel, daughter of James Russell Greenlee and Jessie E. WiUdns 277 Edith Katherine, daughter of William Henry Greenlee and Eliza Ann Wilson 167 Edith R., daughter of Michael David Greenlee and Mary A. Guntz 143 Edmund, son of Michael Greenlee and Bethiah Maxson 61 Edna, daughter of Mills Erwin Greenlee and Aurildah Sinclair 347 Edna, daughter of William Anderson Greenlee and Mary McDaniel 367 Edward, son of Greenlee 198, 399 Edward, son of Edward Greenlee 198 Edward, son of Green Greenlee and Rose Van Sickles 204 Edward, son of Edward Thomas Greenlee 284 Edward, son of William Greenlee 399 Edward, son of Edward Greenlee and Hannah Greenlee 402, 405 Edward, son of Arthur Greenlees 426 Edward, son of John Greenlees 446 Edward, son of John Greenlees and Elizabeth Greenlees 489 Edward, son of Greenlee 547 Edward Bradley, son of Moses Hanson Greenlee and Helen Eliza Lindsley 156 INDEX-NAHIB OF GREENLEE. 653 Page Edward Brown, son of James Greenlees and Margaret Jane Brown 474 Edward E. son of Eli Leroy Greenlee 371 Edward H., son of John A. Greenlee and Mary A. Hood 196 Edward Lewis, son of William Greenlee and Harriet Sayre 201 Edward L., son of William Greenlee and Esther Furnas 538 Edward M., son of Francis Greenlee and Ellen V. Stephenson 403 Edward M., son of Frederic Trescut Greenly and Betsy Collins Higgins 561 Edward Thomas, son of James McEntire Greenlee and Harriet Rice 284 Edward Warren, son of Lewis Leonidas Greenlee and Hannah Maria Ferrell 418 Edwin Stewart, son of John Greenlee and Susan Mary Warnes 336 Effie, daughter of Morris Greenlee and Rebecca Lowder 421 Effie J, daughter of Ephraim McDowell Greenlee and Malvina Miller 295 Effie May, daughter of Thomas B. Greenlee and Mary A. Little 117 Effie M., daugher of George W. Greenlee and Joanna Murphy 87 Eileen CeUa, daughter of Matthew Greenlees and Maude Wilson 468 Elbert Dewitt, son of James Madison Greenlee and Emma Eliza Hill 83 Elbert G., son of George William Greenlee and Martha A. Bailey 218 Elbert R., son of Nieodemus Greenlee and MaUnda Jane Payton 515 Electa, daughter of Thomas Greenly and Nancy 558 Elfie Ada, daughter of Allen Greenlee and Melissa Kiler 541 EU, son of John Greenlee and Elizabeth Simderland 358 EU, son of Eli Greenlee and Mary Daniel 359 Eli D., son of William Greenlee and Nancy Dryden 66 Eli Leroy, son of Hamilton Greenlee 371 EUas Chamberlain, son of Jacob Davis Greenlee and Rachel Chamberlain 100 Elihu, son of Greenlee 204 Elijah, son of John Greenlee and Hannah Chamberlain 229 Elijah, son of Samuel Greenlee 504 Elijah, son of David Greenlee and Lucy Hill 545 Elijah, son of Willis Greenlee and Nancy Long 567 Elijah Francis, son of Elijah Greenlee and Rachel Ella Litton 547 Elijah Francis, son of Elijah Francis Greenlee and Rebecca Middleton 547 EUsband Elijah, son of James Madison Greenlee and EUza Jane Glore 546 Elizabeth, daughter of Willis Greenlee and Nancy Long 567 Elisha, son of John Greenlee and Jane 456 Elisha, son of Greenlee 574 Elisha Evans, son of David Maxwell Greenly and Elizabeth Massy Evans 177 Elisha Grigsby, son of David Greenlee and Hannah Ingram Grigsby 234 Eliza, daughter of William Greenlee and Mary Ramsey 48 Eliza, daughter of Benjamin Franklin Greenlee and Ann Eliza Henderson 363 Eliza, daughter of Morris Greenlee and Nancy Kimberling 404 EUza, daughter of Columbus Greenlee and Jane Burns 410 Eliza, daughter of James Greenlee and Martha Walker 500 EUza, daughter of Thomas Greenly and Esther Norman 533 Eliza, daughter of Willis Greenlee and Nancy Long 567 EUza Jane, daughter of WilUam Greenlee and Mary Hughs 53 EUza Jane, daughter of David Greenlee and Sarah Hays 240 EUza Jane, daughter of Thomas FrankUn Greenlee and Ann Eliza Pearce 290 Eliza Jane, daughter of Edward Greenlee and Margaret Holdway 405 EUza Jane, daughter of John Greenlee and Mary Ballentine 457 Eliza Jane, daughter of James Madison Greenlee and Eliza Jane Glore 546 EUza Jane, daughter of James Greenlee and Elizabeth Bryant 553 Eliza J., daughter of Abner Greenlee and Mary B. Christy 551 EUza Rachel, daughter of Moses Hanson Greenlee and Helen EUza Lindsley 155 EUza Susan, daughter of Sylvester Greenlee and Esther Hetta Bamett 202 EUza S., daughter of Stephen Thomas Greenly and Mary Ann Sloan 534 654 INDEX— NAME OF GBEENT,EE. Elizabeth; Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth, Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth, Elizabeth EUzabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, EUzabeth EUzabeth, EUzabeth EUzabeth Elizabeth EUzabeth, Elizabeth EUzabeth Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth EUzabeth EUzabeth EUzabeth, Elizabeth EUzabeth EUzabeth EUzabeth EUzabeth, EUzabeth EUzabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth EUzabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth, EUzabeth, EUzabeth EUzabeth EUzabeth EUzabeth, EUzabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth EUzabeth EUzabeth EUzabeth EUzabeth EUzabeth EUzabeth Page daughter of Michael Greenlee 29 daughter of iiiehael Greenlee and Bethiah Maxson 38 daughter of David Greenlee and EUzabeth Morris 43 daughter of Allen Greenlee and Sarah MeKelvey 47 daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Gantz 48 daughter of John Greenlee and Mary Chamberlain 55 daughter of Robert Greenlee and Sarah Emory 65 daughter of James Greenlee and Jane Mitchell 185 daughter of WilUam Greenlee and Susan Musselman 199 daughter of John Greenlee and Susanna Aylshire 200 daughter of WilUam Greenlee and Mary Thompson 302 daughter of James Greenlee and Ann Patterson 303 daughter of WilUam Greenlee and Rebecca Hughs 304 daughter of Robert Greenlee and ilargaret Porter 308 daughter of James Patterson Greenlee and EUzabeth Greenlee 308 daughter of WilUam Greenlee and Jane McClelland 318 daughter of John Greenlee and Margaret Patterson 323 daughter of John Greenlee and EUzabeth Sunderland 355 daughter of John Greenlee and Mary Mayes 358 daughter of Eli Greenlee and Mary Daniel 359 daughter of James Greenlee and Phebe Mayes 365 daughter of John Witt Greenlee and Narcissus Frances Douglass 366 daughter of Thomas Wallace Greenlee and Mary Quinn 387 daughter of Edward Warren Greenlee and Emma Jane Crock 418 daughter of Arthur Greenlees 426 daughter of James Greenlees and Mary Clark 435 daughter of James Greenlee and Margaret Jane Brown 437, 474 daughter of John Greenlee and Helen Brown 448 daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Mcllvain 457 daughter of Joseph Greenlees and Elizabeth Leiteh 465 daughter of David Greenlees 465 daughter of Greenlees 466 daughter of Robert Greenlees and Ellen Ralston 479 daughter of Greenlees 489 daughter of John Greenlees and Elizabeth Greenlees 489 daughter of WilUam Greenlee and ilary Y. Allen 495 daughter of John Greenlees and Mary Montgomery 501 daughter of Mathew Greenlee and Bessie Sharp 507, 508 daughter of David Greenlee and Lucy Vermillion 514 daughter of Matthew (or James) Greenlee 499 daughter of John Greenlee and Mary Allen 552 daughter of Greenly and EUzabeth 545, 573 daughter of Greenlees 574, 577 daughter of John Greenlees and Janet Millar 586 daughter of William Greenlees and Mary Paterson 587 daughter of James Greenlees 587 daughter of Richard Greinless and Mary Allan 588 Ann, daughter of Jacob Davis Greenlee and Rachel Chamberlain 98 Ann, daughter of George Greenlees and Maria Bottenfield 123 Ann, daughter of James Greenlee and Mary JoUff 134 Ann, daughter of Robert Greenlee and Marion Montgomery 374 A., daughter of ■ — Greenlee 436 A. il., daughter of David Greenlee and Hannah Ingram Grigsby 233 Biddle, daughter of David Maxwell Greenlee and EUzabeth Massy Evans 179 B., daughter of John Greenlee and Sarah Brady 311 B., daughter of John Greenlee and EUzabeth Brown 452 INDEX-NAJIE OF GKEENLEE. 655 Page Elizabeth Caroline, daughter of Maxson Greenlee and Catharine Compton 106 Elizabeth Chamberlain, daughter of Kobert Greenlee and Anna Chamberlain 88 Elizabeth Denison, daughter of James Augustus Greenlee and Augustus Denison 252 Elizabeth F., daughter of Thomas B. Greenlee and Mary A. Little 117 Elizabeth H., daughter of Luther (or Lewis) Greenlee 78 Elizabeth Jane, daughter of James Greenlee and Sarah Caskey 238 Elizabeth Jane, daughter of George Greenlee and Martha Greenlee 450 Elizabeth Margaret, daughter of Sylvester Greenlee and Esther Hetta Barnet 208 Elizabeth Mary, daughter of Thomas Greenlee and Jane Muir 472 Elizabeth May, daughter of Mary Lucinda Greenlee and WilUam Dallas Greenlee 166 Elizabeth Sackett, daughter of Samuel Mitchell Greenlee and Minerva Keziah Sackett 236 Elizabeth S., daughter of James Greenlee and Elizabeth Weygandt 459 Elizabeth Virginia, daughter of James Greenley and Mary Brady 527 Ella, daughter of William A. Greenlee and Susan Dulin 84 Ella, daughter of Eli Leroy Greenlee 371 Ella F., daughter of William E. Greenlee and Mary 565 Ella Hall, daughter of John Greenlee and Sarah Ann Eebecca Lester 522 Ella Louvena, daughter of Robert Greenlee and Sarah Corman 328 Ellen, daughter of William Greenlee and Rebecca Hughs 304 Ellen, daughter of George Greenlee and Mary Collison 379 EUen, daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Clark 435 Ellen, daughter of Robert Greenlees and EUen Ralston 479 EUen, daughter of William Greenlee and Sarah Armstrong 511 Ellen J., daughter of Charles Greenlee and Ellen Ferguson 451 EUen Louise, daughter of John Robert Greenlees and Mary Ida Wolf 481 Ehner, son of WUUam Greenlee and Elmira Stocking 318 Elmer, son of Samuel Greenlee and Harriet Burch 353 Elmer HamUn, son of Daniel Greenlee and Mary Jane Weaver 75 Elmira, daughter of Elisha Greenlee and Eunice West 460 Elmira Jane, daughter of Willis Riley Greenlee and Clare Hope Lodeska Smith 569 Elmira Jennie, daughter of William Greenlee and Margaret Henry 458 Elmo Murry, son of John White Greenlee and Mary Clark Divers 271 Elsie Estella, daughter of Calvin Rogers Jerome Greenlee and Martha Ellen Flora 379 Elsie Jane, daughter of George Coleman Greenlee and Sarah Viola Snodgrass 124 Elspeth, daughter of Greinleyis Jlisc. 17 Elvira, daughter of Robert Greenlee and Haddassa Patton 394 Elvira P., daughter of Andrew H. Greenlee and Aniee D. Giles 79 Elza RoUand, son of John Greenlee and Susan Mary Wames 336 Emaline, daughter of David Greenlee and Hannah Ingram Grigsby 233 Emaline, daughter of Hamilton Greenlee 360 Emeline, daughter of WiUiam Greenlee and Emily Jackson 361 EmeUne, daughter of Louis Greenlee and Elizabeth Hunt 362 Emeline, daughter of Charles Greenlee and Elizabeth Onstott 389 Emeline, daughter of John Greenlee and Mary Ballentine 457 EmeUne Blodgett, daughter of Edmund Greenlee and Mary Wright Stebbins 106 Emery Alfred, son of Clarence Marshall Greenlee and Minnie B. Widdup 424 Emery Maude, daughter of Tyra Napoleon Greenlee and Effie Josephine Marvin 170 EmiUe G., son of Charles A. Greenlee and Goldena Warner 173 Emily, daughter of WilUam Greenlee 320 Emily Adelia, daughter of Robert Greenlee and Mary Christy 187 Emily Amelia, daughter of Samuel Mitchell Greenlee and Minerva Keziah Sackett. . . .252, 283 Emily Jane, daughter of Francis Marion Greenlee and Viannah Elizabeth Cole 372 Emily Jane, daughter of WiUiam Greenleese and Harriet Baird 501 Emily Louise, daughter of Henry Clay Greenlee and Louise A. Newell 286 Emily Parizade, daughter of Andrew Hamilton Greenlee and Annice D. Giles 79 EmUy W., daughter of Luther (or Lewis) Greenlee 78 656 INDEX-NAME OF GREENLEE. Page Emma, daughter of John Greenlee ^9 Emma, daughter of Jacob Greenlee and Mary Spencer 125 Emma, daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Jolifif 135 Emma, daughter of John Greenlee and Minnie Verwollt 195 Emma, daughter of Nathan Greenlee and Lucinda Greenlee 204 Emma, daughter of Thomas Greenly and Esther Norman 532, 533 Emma A., daughter of James Greenlee and Elizabeth Weygandt 463 Emma Jane, daughter of George Greenlee 71 Emma Louisa, daughter of William Augustus Greenly and Harriet Chichester 534 Emory Adelbert, son of Ira Corridon Greenlee and Alma Eansom 97 Emory C, son of James Altha Greenlee and Elizabeth J. Gass 126 Eolis Erma, daughter of Edwin Stewart Greenlee and Filora Bell Emerick 336 Ephraim Allan, son of James Greenlee and Sarah Caskey 265 Ephraim Edward, son of Samuel Greenlee and Minerva Keziah Sackett 252 Ephraim Edward, son of Alexander Saekett Greenlee and Elizabeth C. Glass 253 Ephraim Leiand, son of James McEntire Greenlee and Harriet Rice 284 Ephraim McDowell, son of David Greenlee and Jane White 240 Ephraim McDowell, son of Ephraim Greenlee and Malinda Beckleheimer 272 Ephraim M., son of James Greenlee and Mary Mitchell 236 Erie May, daughter of Woodson E. Greenlee and Anna Mendenhall 554 Erl P., son of Franklin E. Greenlee and Lueretia Davis 570 Erie W., son of Charles Montgomery Greenlee and Nannie E. Watson 570 Ernest, son of Mills Erwin Greenlee and Aurildah Sinclair 347 Ernest, son of James Greenlee and Mary Dickson (or Dixon) 434 Ernest James, grandson of James Greenlees 467 Ernest Lot, son of Albert Keith Greenlee and Martha P. Barnes 151 Esom (or Eastham), son of Edward Greenlee 198 Esom, son of Francis Greenlee and EUen V. Stephenson 403 Estella Janetta, daughter of Thomas Wallace Greenlee and Susanna Onstott 390 Estella M., daughter of Henry Harrison Greenlee and Elizabeth Ellen Blake 540 Esther, daughter of Michael Greenlee and Bethiah Maxson 55 Esther, daughter of Andrew Taylor Greenlee and Prudence A. BaU 208 Esther, daughter of John Greenlee and Mary Mayes 358, 369 Esther, daughter of Thomas Greenly and Esther Norman 532 Esther Elizabeth, daughter of William Samuel Greenlee and Ida Elizabeth Ammon 377 Esther Estella, daughter of Utica Onias Greenlee and Minnie Eosenbaugh 385 Esther E., daughter of Eobert Greenlee and Nettie Ralston 478 Esther Louisa, daughter of Henry LeFevre Greenlee and Emma Maria Wolff 160 Ethel, daughter of William MacCowan Greenlee and Alice M. Bird 378 Ethel, daughter of James Greenlee and Amanda E. Chatham 554 Ethel Carrie, daughter of Charles Greenlee and Matilda Long 500 Ethel D., daughter of Lafayette Greenlee and Rosella M. Chenoweth 141 Ethel Haseltine, daughter of Charles Montgomery Greenlee and Nannie E. Watson 570 Ethel H., daughter of Francis Marion Greenlee and Vianah Elizabeth Cole 372 Ethel Irene, daughter of Ernest Lot Greenlee and Sarah Wice 151 Ethel Katherine, daughter of Albert Hale Greenly and May Josephine Glover 565 Eugene Judson, son of Ira Corridon Greenlee and Alma Eanson 153 Eugene Hugh, son of Eugene Judson Greenlee and Edith M. Stone 154 Eimice Felicia Ono, daughter of James Lacy Greenlee and Susan Hammer 381 Eunice Irene, daughter of William Greenlee and Hannah Farquhar 461 Eva Blanch, daughter of Thornton Edward Greenlee and Miriam M. Good 423 Eva E., daughter of Marshall May Greenlee and Ida Bell Snowden 418 Eva E., daughter of Franklin E. Greenlee and Lueretia Davis 570 Eva M., daughter of George Elisha Greenlee and Jane Elizabeth McKinney 254 Eva Loucena, daughter of Ira Greenlee and Alma Ransom 154 Eva S., daughter of Andrew Greenlees and Maggie Andrews 469 INDEX— NAME OF GREENLEE. 657 Page Evaline, daughter of Sylvester Greenlee and Esther Hetta Barnett 202 Evaline, daughter of Hamilton Greenlee and Frances Prewett 401 Evangeline Sarah, daughter of William Samuel Greenlee and Ida Elizabeth Ammons 377 Evelyn, daughter of John Greenlees and Grace Poison 468 Everett Clyde, son of Oscar T. Greenlee and Mary Orlena Hammer 385 Everett MeCowen, son of Levi Thompson Greenlee and Sophia M. Everett 209 Everhart, son of George Greenlee 71 Evie, son of David Greenlees and Mary Doss 213 Experience, daughter of Michael Greenlee and Bethiah Maxson 61 E. Lee, son of John B. Greenlee and Mary E. Diekhout 517 Fannie Elizabeth, daughter of Nicodemus Greenlee and Malinda Jane Payton 515 Fanny, daughter of William Greenlee and Fergison 537 Fanny, daughter of Willis Greenlee and Nancy Long t)67 Fanny Maria, daughter of William Greenlee and Harriet Baird 501 Fianna, daughter of John Greenly 551 Fianna, daughter of Greenly and Elizabeth 373 Flora, daughter of John Greenlee 49 Flora, daughter of William Greenlee and Sarah Calvert 78 Flora, daughter of Morgan Greenlee and Eliza Jane Greenlee 415 Flora, daughter of James Greenlee and Elizabeth Weygandt 459 Flora, daughter of William Greenlee and Mary E. Scott 509 Florence, daughter of John Greenlee and Jeanne Smith 473 Florence, daughter of WUliam Greenlee and Esther Furnas 538 Florence, daughter of Charles Carrol Greenly and Anna Walbridge 562 Florence, daughter of William Greinlees and Agnes Cordoner 588 Florence Ellen, daughter of Allen Greenlee and Melissa Kiler 541 Florence E., daughter of Samuel S. Greenlee and Amanda J. Tinker 352 Florence L., daughter of FrankUn E. Greenlee and Eliza H. Bays 570 Frances, daughter of Clinton Eansom Greenlee and Josephine Walters 155 Frances, daughter of Neely Levinus Greenlee and Cordelia J. Jenkins 205 Frances Amelia, daughter of Eobert Greenlee and Sarah Gorman 328 Frances Amelia, daughter of William Greenlee and Margaret Townley 331 Frances Elvira, daughter of William Anderson Greenlee and Mary McDaniel 367 Frances Giles, daughter of Andrew Hamilton Greenlee and Annis D. Giles 80 Frances L., daughter of Franklin E. Greenlee and Eliza H. Bays 570 Frances M., daughter of John Eeid Greenlee and Jane (Winters) Giles 569 Frances O., daughter of John Greenlee and Mary Chamberlain 93 Francis, daughter of Edward Greenlee and Hannah Greenlee 403 Francis, descendant of Elijah Greenlee 56'^ Francis Leland, son of Ephraim Leland Greenlee and Katharine Dover 284 Francis Marion, son of William Greenlee and Emily Jackson 372 Ph-ancis Marion, son of Tilmon CoUin Greenlee and Melissa LaseU Sandy 383 Francis Marion, son of Manuel Greenlee and Happy Butler 556 Fxancis NicoU, son of Thomas Greenly 559 Francis Pearce, son of Thomas Franklin Greenlee and Ann EUza Pearce 288 Frank, son of Ephraim AUen Greenlee and Diadamia Dame 265 Frank, son of William Greenlee 399 Frank A., son of Archibald Wilson Greenlee and Mary (or Olive) E. Smith 194 Frank Carrol, son of John Carrol Morris Greenlee and Josephine Brack 409 Frank Divers, son of John White Greenlee and Mary Clark Divers 271 Frank Elliott, son of James Lebbeus Greenlee and Alamanda Cook 128 Frank Marshall, son of Jerome Bacon Greenlee and Addie Adella Eice 150 Frank Patton, son of Alexander Sackett Greenlee and Elizabeth C. Glass 253 Franklin, son of Edward Greenlee 198 Franklin E., son of John Eeid Greenlee and Jane (Winters) Giles 569 Fred, son of Samuel Greenlee and Harriet Burch 328 658 INDEX— NAME OF GREENLEE. Page Fred, son of James Greenlee and Mary Dickson (or Dixon) 434 Fred, son of William F. Greenlee and Lucretia Darling 514 Fred AUen, son of Alexander Sackett Greenlee and Elizabeth C. Glass 253 Fred Sackett, son of James Fleniming Greenlee and Helen Adelaide Sackett 191 Frederic, son of Thomas Hunt Greenly and Lucy Smith Higgins 560 Frederic Trescut, son of Thomas Greenly 561 Frederick, son of William Greenlee and Mary Eamsey 48 Frederick, son of John Martin Greenlee 218 Frederick Butler, son of David Peniwell Greenlee and Eachel Ann Postles 181 Frederick Harrison, son of William Harrison Greenlee and Mary A. Shillito 343 French, son of John Morris Greenlee and Luretta Sullivan 414 Garfield, son of Thomas F. Greenlee and Julia Ann Eucker 540 Gavin, son of Greenlees 432 Gavin, son of Gavin Greenlees and Martha Wilson 432 Gavin, son of John Greenlees 446 Gavin, son of John Greenlees and Margaret Ealston 464 Genevieve, G., daughter of Tighlman A. Greenlee and Verna A. Owens 554 George, son of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Gantz 70 George, son of Samuel Greenlee and Harriet Burch 328 George, son of George Greenlee and Sarah Eabel 332 George, son of Eli Greenlee and Mary Daniel 359 George, son of John Greenlee and Elizabeth Sunderland 360 George, son of Edward Greenlee 403 George, son of Clark Greenlee and Angaby Burns 405 George, son of Lewis Greenlee and Mary Thornton 410 George, son of Thornton Edward Greenlee and Miriam M. Good 423 George, son of Gavin Greenlees and Martha Wilson 432 George, son of James Greenlees and Mary Dickson (or Dixon) 434 George, son of John Greenlees 446 George, son of John Greenlee and Helen Brown 437, 450, 471 George, son of George Greenlee and Martha Greenlee 450 George, son of Patrick Greenly and Mary Molson 502 George, son of Greenly 521 George, son of Eiehard Greenly and Hannah Bradford 531 George Albert, son of Louis Albert Greenlee and Carrie Jane Deaver 295 George Alonzo, son of WiUiam Augustus Greenly and Harriet Chichester 536 George Alvah, son of William Edward Greenlee and Margaretta Brown 124 George Annah, son of John Greenlee and Sarah Ann Eebecca Lester 522 George Arthur, son of William Anderson Greenlee and Mary McDaniel 367 George A., son of John Greenlee and Mary Mayes 358 George A., son of Francis Greenlee and Ellen V. Stephenson 411 George Bracken, son of James Greenlee and Hannah Bracken 332 George Chalmers, son of George Alonzo Greenly and Jessie Chalmers 536 George Coleman, son of George Greenlee 124 George C, son of William A. Greenlee and Susan Dulin 452 George Dickson, son of John Greenlees and Marion Ferrie Hodge 435 George Elisha, son of Samuel Mitchell Greenlee and Minerva Keziah Sackett 253 George Ephraim, son of Ephraim McDowell Greenlee and Malvina Miller 272 George F., son of Francis Pearce Greenlee and Cora Mann 289 George Glell, son of Elza EoUand Greenlee and Mary Long 337 George H., son of Tighlman A. Greenlee and Verna A. Owens 554 George Martin, sou of James Greenlee 566 George Moody, son of James Greenlee and Phebe Mayes 367 George Sterling, son of John Witt Greenlee and Narcissus Frances Douglass 382 George Sterling, son of John Marshal Greenlee and Mary Elizabeth Collins 377 George Wallace, son of Michael Greenlee and Eebecca H. Conover 88 INDEX-NAME OP GREENLEE. 659 Page George, Wallace, son of David P. Greenlee and Martha E. Greenlee 437 George Washington, son of Jacob Davis Greenlee and Rachel W. Chamberlain 56 George Washington, son of Benjamin Chamberlain Greenlee and Julia Ann Earl 150 George Washington, son of William Greenlee and Smith 304 George Wellington, son of William Greenlee and Harriet Baird 502 George William, son of Henry Greenlee and Angeline Booth 218 George W., son of William Greenlee and Mary Hughs 86 George W., son of Hugh Hasson Greenlee 338 George W., son of Greenlee 547 Georgena Mitchell, daughter of John Mitchell Greenlee and Mary Tate 280 Georgia, daughter of Eobert Stewart Greenlee and Amelia Jane Dufiford 342 Georgia B., daughter of George A. Greenlee and Rachel McDermitt 411 Gertie Estella, daughter of John Marshall Greenlee and Mary Elizabeth Collins 382 Gertie Virgil, daughter of Clarence Marshall Greenlee and Minnie B. Widdup 424 Gertrude, daughter of Charles H. Greenlee and Josie Cunningham 84 Gertrude, daughter of Ralph Stebbins Greenlee and Elizabeth Brooks 165 Gertrude Frances, daughter of EUas Chamberlain Greenlee and Mary Louise Keyes 100 Gertrude May, daughter of John Allen Greenlee and Susan J. McClelland 172 Gertrude Neufifer, daughter of Samuel Mitchell Greenlee and Mary Happoldt 283 Gideon Albert, son of WiUiam Greenlee and Sophia Aylshire 217 Gilbert, son of James Greenlee and Mary Reddington 522 Gilbert Clyde, son of John Gilbert Greenlee and Florence Elizabeth Jones 383 Gilbert Michael, son of Maxson Greenlee and Catharine Compton 59 Gladys Campbell, daughter of Matthew Greenlees and Wilhebnina Alexander Campbell. . . .477 Gladys C, daughter of Eobert Greenlee and Nettie Ralson 478 Glenn Garfield, son of Alexander Hamilton Greenlee and Amanda Catherine Kidwell 369 Gordon Bird, son of William MacCowan Greenlee and Alice M. Bird 378 Grace, daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Elizabeth McDowell 231 ^ Grace, daughter of David Greenlee and Jane White 239 Grace, daughter of John Greenlees and Grace Poison 468 Grace, daughter of Charles Carrol Greenly and Anna Walbridge 562 Grace Bell, daughter of Elza RoUand Greenlee and Mary Long 337 Grace Elizabeth, daughter of James Greenlee and Sarah Caskey 238 Grace Emily, daughter of Robert Lemuel Greenlee and Emily Brooks 164 Grace, Maria, daughter of John Carrol Morris Greenlee and Josephine Brack 421 Grace May, daughter of Oscar T. Greenlee and Mary Orlena Hammer 385 Grace M., daughter of Stewart Greenlee and Sarah Ann McGinnis 343 Grace M., daughter of Thomas F. Greenlee and Julia Ann Rucker 540 Granville, son of Nathan Greenlee and Lucinda Greenlee 204 Green, son of John Greenlee and Susanna Aylshire 204 Greenbury, son of James Greenlee and Mary Reddington 522 Greer Mcllvain, son of James Greenlee and Mary Mellvain 455 Gregory, son of John Greenlee and Kate Gregory 467 Grenella, daughter of James Madison Greenlee and Emma Eliza Hill 83 G riffin Smith, son of Hiram Bruel Greenly and Nina V. Hughs 548 Grisel, daughter of Alexander Greenlees and Jean Robison 586 GrizeU, daughter of Greinleis 583 Guilford Glenwood, son of Lewis Leonidas Greenlee and Hannah Maria Ferrell 406 Guy, son of Andrew Morgan Greenlee and Mary (or Missouri) Pickens 415 G. May, daughter of James Madison Greenlee and Emma Eliza Hill 83 G. N., daughter of William Greenlee and Alice McEIinley 168 Hale (?), son of Wesley Greenlee 555 Halford R., son of Archibald WUson Greenlee and Mary (or Olive) E. Smith 194 Hamilton, son of John Greenlee and Elizabeth Sunderland 359 Hamilton, son of John Greenlee and Jane Reynolds 401 Hannah, daughter of Greenlee 199 660 INDEX— NAME OP GREENLEE. Page Hannah, daughter of Edward Greenlee and Anna Henry 198, 399 Hannah Agnes Lang, daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Dickson (or Dixon) 434 Hannah Amanda, daughter of William Greenlee and Harriet Sayre 201 Hannah C, daughter of Francis Greenlee and Ellen V. Stephenson 403 Hannah Ann Eliza, daughter of John Mitchell Greenlee and Mary E. Greenlee 251 Hannah Ethel, daughter of Joseph EUsah Greenlee and Elizabeth Newkirk 463 Hannah F., daughter of Oliver E. Greenly and Mary Elizabeth Hart 180 Hannah Jane, daughter of Elisha Evans Greenly and Mary Jane Vaughn 181 Hannah Mary, daughter of David Greenlee and Hannah Ingram Grigsby 233 Hannah McClanahan, daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Paxtou 240 Hannah McClanahan, daughter of James Samuel Greenlee and Sarah Elizabeth Harlan... 279 Hannah M., daughter of William Greenlee and Margaret Henry 458 Harland Bowman, daughter of Cassius Monroe Greenlee and Eva M. Wright 150 Harley C, son of Lafayette Greenlee and Kosella M. Chenoweth 141 Harley Earle, son of Ira Newton Greenlee and Frances Ellen Conwell 420 Harley Umberfield, son of Andrew McKelvey Greenlee and Mary Greenlee TJmberfield 118 Harmon Victor, son of Curtis Greenlee and Mina Marks 336 Harold, son of Samuel Nichols Greenlee and Amanda Ruth Scott 170 Harold, son of Hugh Hassen Greenlee and Ella Lee 338 Harold Bomine, son of William MacCowan Greenlee and Alice M. Bird 378 Harriet, daughter of William Greenlee and Nancy Dryden 66 Harriet, daughter of William Greenlee and Harriet Sayre 201 Harriet, daughter of Morris Greenlee and Nancy Kimberling 407 Harriet, daughter of Morgan Greenlee and Eliza Jane Greenlee 414 Harriet Ann, daughter of Stewart Greenlee and Sarah Ann McGinnis 344 Harriet A., daughter of Henry Greenlee and Angeline Booth 206 Harriet CappatoUa, daughter of Lewis Leonidas Greenlee and Hannah Maria Ferrell 418 Harriet Eliza, daughter of James McEntire Greenlee and Harriet Eiee 255 Harriet EUzabeth, daughter of Morris Clark Greenlee and Catherine Boush 206 Harriet EUzabeth, daughter of Ephraim Leland Greenlee and Katherine Dover 284 Harriet Elizabeth, daughter of William Greenleese and Harriet Baird 501 Harriet Elizabeth, daughter of William Augustus Greenly and Harriet Chichester 535 Harriet EUen, daughter of George Greenlee 71 Harriet E., daughter of Stephen Thomas Greenly and Mary Ann Sloan 534 Harriet Sarepta, daughter of Perry Martin Greenlee and Emeline Matilda Smith 215 Harriet Sophia, daughter of Gideon Albert Greenlee and Mary Belle Riffle 217 Harietta J., daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Sarah A. Nichols 170 Harry, son of David Peniwell Greenly and Rachel Ann Postles 181 Harry, son of John A. Greenlee and Mary A. Hood 196 Harry, son of Andrew Taylor Greenlee and Prudence A. Ball 208 Harry, son of James Greenlees and Mary Dickson 434 Harry Hugh, son of John William Greenlee and Kate Bethune Mahony .497 Harry LeFevre, son of David Riland Greenlee and Harriet Browning (Compton) Cooper. .160 Harry Lee, son of Joseph P. Greenlees and Sallie L. Manning 495 Harry L., son of Francis Pearce Greenlee and Cora Mann 289 Harry Robert, son of John Chamberlain Greenlee and Myra Eddy 89 Harvey Albert, son of James Madison Greenlee and Eliza Jane Glore 546 Harvey H., son of Robert Greenlees and Agnes McFarland 434 Harvey F. (or H.), son of Franklin E. Greenlee and Eliza H. Bays 570 Harvey Umberfield, son of Harley Umberfield Greenlee and Mary Ann Tucker 118 Haseltine EUza, daughter of John Eeid Greenlee and Jane (Winters) Giles 568 Hattie Ellen, daughter of Abner Bainbridge Greenlee and Mary Smith Stevens 340 Hattie May, daughter of Harley Umberfield Greenlee and Mary Ann Tucker 118 Hazel, daughter of William Mark Greenlee and Belle Lowrey 462 Helen, daughter of Elias Chamberlain Greenlee and Mary Louise Keyes 100 Helen, daughter of John Greenlee and Elizabeth Brown 452 INDEX— NAME OF GREENLEE. 661 Page Helen, daughter of John Greenlee and Helen Brown 452 Helen, daughter of Greenlees 452 Helen, daughter of John Greenlees and Margaret Ealston 464 Helen, daughter of David Greenlees 465 Helen, daughter of Robert Greenlees and Mary Mitchell 476 Helen, daughter of John Greenlees and Agnes Semple 479 Helen, daughter of Greinleis 583 Helen Irene, daughter of Hugh Greenlee and Mary Elizabeth Hopper 497 Henrietta, daughter of WilUam Greenlee and Nancy Dryden 115 Henrietta, daughter of John Greenlee and Eliza Jane (Einehart) Coin 457 Henrietta Jane Lewis, daughter of David Greenlee and Hannah Ingram Grigsby 234 Henrietta S., daugher of George EUsha Greenlee and Jane Elizabeth McKinney 254 Henry, son of Edward Greenlee and Anna Henry 198 Henry, son of Samuel Greenlee and Hannah Hughes 206 Henry, son of Andrew Greenly 545 Henry Christopher, son of Samuel M. Greenlee and Mary Happoldt 283 Henry Clay, son of Henry Clay Greenlee and Louisa A. Newell 286 Henry Clay, son of Samuel Harvey Greenlee and Elizabeth Stites 285 Henry C, son of William Greenlee and Esther Furnas 538 Henry Franklin, son of Pleasant Greenlee and Caroline Kidwell 371 Henry Harrison, son of Robert Greenlee and Mary Furnas 540 Henry Pratt, sou of Abner Bainbridge Greenlee and Mary Smith Stevens 340 Henry WilUam, son of William Grenlee and Sophia Aylshire 216 Herbert, son of William Greenlee and Harriet Sayre 201 Herbert Clarence, son of Elza Rolland Greenlee and Mary Long 3J7 Herbert Stephen, son of Stephen Thomas Greenleese and Mary Grey SomerviUe 502 Herman Bruce, son of Elmer Greenlee and Cora Frances Vogan 353 Hester, daughter of David Greenlee and Elizabeth Morris 43 Hester, daughter of William Greenlee and Mary Hughs 52 Hester Ann, daughter of Robert Greenlee and Sarah Emory 65 Hettie Florence, daughter of William Hunter Lawson Greenlee and Mary Florence Perkins 82 HezeMah, son of William Greenlee and Catherine Riffle 212 Hiram Bruel, son of Greenly 548 Hiram E., son of David Greenlee and Harriet Mallory 68 Hiretta, daughter of Andrew McKelvey Greenlee and Mary (Greenlee) IJmberfield 117 Homer, son of Lafayette Greenlee and Dell M. Rush 141 Homer Day, son of Allen Greenlee and Melissa Kiler 541 Howard Newton, son of Gideon Albert Greenlee and Mary Belle RiflBe 217 Hugh, son of Greenlees 432 Hugh, son of Hugh Greenlees and Ann Harvey 433 Hugh, son of Peter Greenlees and Martha Ferguson 436 Hugh, son of John Greenlees and Jean MagiU 445 Hugh, son of Robert Greenless and Sarah Templeton 472 Hugh, son of Robert Greenlees and Mary Mitchell 474 Hugh, son of Greenlee 490 Hugh, grandson of Joseph Greenlee 492 Hugh, son of John Greenlees and Isabella Dickson 492 Hugh D., son of John Buchanan Greenlee and Eveline A. Coffin 106 Hugh Hassen, son of William Greenlee and Mary Vogan 338 Hugh T., son of William Jacob Greenlee and Samantha L. John 496 Huldah, daughter of Allen Greenlee and Sarah McKelvey 47 Huldah, daughter of Manual Greenlee and Happy Butler 556 Huldah Evaline, daughter of David Greenlee and Harriet Mallory 121 Huldah M., daughter of Harley Umberfield Greenlee and Mary Ann Tucker 119 Hushel, son of Jamee W. Greenlee and Amanda E. Chatham 554 662 INDEX-NAME OF GREENLEE. Page Ida, Daughter of John Greenlee 49 Ida, daughter of John Purden Greenley and Louisa Walker 178 Ida, daughter of David Peniwell Greenly and Eachel Ann Postles 181 Ida, daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Harriet Burch 328 Ida Agnes, daughter of William Greenlees and Mary Hanly 490 Ida Annis, daughter of Ira Corridon Greenlee and Abna Ransom 155 Ida E., daughter of George Elisha Greenlee and Jane EUzabeth McKinney 254 Ida Katherine, daughter of David Greenlee 265 Ida v., daughter of James Greenlee and Mary E. Arnold 461 India AurUia, daughter of Napoleon Cato Cicero Greenlee and Lucy Wheeler 380 Inez Beatrice, daughter of Ephraim McDowell Greenlee and Malvina Miller 272 lona, daughter of Woodson E. Greenlee and Anna Mendenhall 554 Ira, son of Samuel Nichols Greenlee and Amanda Ruth Scott 170 Ira, son of Samuel Greenlee and Elizabeth KimberUng 402 Ira Albert, son of Sylvester Greenlee and Esther Hetta Barnett 202 Ira, son of Jacob Davis Greenlee and Eachel Chamberlain 97 Ira Moss, son of Claborn Greenlee and Maria Kimberling 422 Ira Newton, son of Lewis Leonidas Greenlee and Hannah Maria Ferrell 419 Ira E., son of Hugh Hassen Greenlee and Amanda M. Hedglin 338 Irenaeus, son of Mathew Greenlee and Martha Allen 189 Irene Amanda, daughter of David Greenlee 265 Iris, daughter of Robert Harlan Greenlee and lillian Ansley Hobbs 279 Trma, daughter of Eugene Judson Greenlee and Edith M. Stone 154 Isaac, son of Greenlife 577 Isaac Jackson, son of William Merchant Greenlee and Mary B. Jackson 219 Isabel, daughter of James Greenlees and Janet Watson 437 Isabel, daughter of George Greenlees and Martha Wilson 448 Isabel, daughter of Thomas Greenlees and Marion Taylor 588 Isabella, daughter of Samuel Greenlees and Isabel Ralston 439 Isabella, daughter of James Greenlee and Agnes Simpson 466 Isabella, daughter of Eobert Greenlees and Ellen Ealston 478 Isabella, daughter of John Greenlees and Isabella Dickson 493 Isabella C, daughter of James Greenly and Martha Walker 500 Isabella Victoria, daughter of Eobert Lemuel Greenlee and Emily Brooks 107 Isobell, daughter of John Greinleyis 581 Isobell, daughter of Greinleyis 582 Isobell, daughter of Greinleis 584 Isobell, daughter of Greenlees 585 Isobell, daughter of Eobert Grinlees 587 Iva Belle, daughter of George Coleman Greenlee and Sarah Viola Snodgrass 124 I., son of Green Greenlee and Eose Van Sickles 204 I. Josephine, daughter of Eobert William Greenlee and Clara Josephine Firster 341 Jackson Francis, son of Francis Marion Greenlee and Alpha M. Guinn 558 Jacob, son of Samuel Greenlee and Mary Jones 49 Jacob, son of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Gantz 71 Jacob, son of John Greenlee and Susanna Aylshire 200 Jacob, son of Greenlee 579 Jacob A., son of Henry William Greenlee and Sarah Elizabeth Riffle 216 Jacob, son of Michael Greenlee and Bethiah Maxson 56 Jacob Newton, son of William Greenlee and Sophia Aylshire 216 James, son of Michael Greenlee 38 James, son of Samuel Greenlee and Mary Jones 37 James, son of James Greenlee 38 James, son of Michael Greenlee and Bethiah Maxson 38 James, son of William Greenlee 47 James, son of John Greenlee 49 James. James, James James. James. James, James James James, James James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James James, James, James, James, James, James, James James James, James, James, James, James, James James James James, James, James, James James, James James, James James, James, James, James James, James James, James, James, James James, James James Jame>, INDEX-NAME OF GREENLEE. 663 Page son of David Greenlee and Elizabeth Morris 66, 114, 115 son of Lewis Greenlee 72 son of Benjamin Greenlee and Eebecca Bigler 74 son of Jacob Greenlee and Elizabeth Gantz 76 son of William Greenlee and Sarah Calvert 78 son of Greenlee 210 son of John Greenlee and Sarah McCracken 184 son of Eobert Greenlee and Mary Bonar 185 son of Archibald Greenlee and Giffen 185 son of James Greenlee and Jane Mitchel 185 son of Edward Greenlee 198 son of Edward Greenlee and Anna Henry 200 son of Greenlee 221 son of James Greenlee and Mary E. McDowell 230 son of John Greenlee and Hannah McClanahan 232 son of James Greenlee and Sarah Caskey 238 son of David Greenlee and Jane White 238 son of David Greenlee and Sarah Hays 240 son of Alexander (?) Greenlee 299 son of James Greenlee 299 son of William Greenlee and Mary Thompson 302 son of William Greenlee and Smith 304 son of John Greenlee and Sarah Brady 310 son of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland 317 son of William Greenlee and Elmira Stocking 318 son of John Greenlee and Margaret Patterson 323 son of James Greenlee and Mary Stuart 346 son of Greenlee 355 son of James Greenlee and Nancy 356 son of James Greenlee and Ruth Sunderland 356 son of John Greenlee and Elizabeth Sunderland 357 son of George A. Greenlee and Eliza James 358 son of Eli Greenlee and Mary Daniel 359 son of Hamilton Greenlee and Frances Prewett 401 son of Edward Greenlee and Hannah Greenlee 403 son of Arthur Greenlees 426 son of David Greenlees 428 son of James Greenlees and — ■ ■ Fulton 428 son of Thomas Greenlees and Mary Gilmour 429 son of Thomas Greenlees and Elizabeth Morrison 429 son of Gavin Greenlees and Martha Wilson 432 son of Hugh Greenlees and Ann Harvey 433 son of ' Greenlees 434 son of James Greenlees and Mary Dickson (or Dixon) 434 son of John Greenlees and Marion Ferrie Hodge 435 sou of Greenlees '. . . . 435 son of Peter Greenlees and Martha Ferguson 436 son of James Greenlee and Margaret A. Picken 437 son of Greenlees 437 son of Archibald Greenlees and Helen Templeton 438 son of James Greenlees and Janet Watson 438 son of James Greenlees and Catherine Galbraith 438 son of John Greenlees and Mary Huie 438 son of Samuel Greenlees and Agnes Andrews Greenlees 439 son of Greenlees 444 son of John Greenlees and Jean Magill 445 664 INDEX— XA3IE OF GREENLEE. Page James, son of John Greenlees 446 James, son of Greenlees 455 Jamee, son of John Greenlee and Jane 72, 455 James, son of John Greenlee and Margaret Dougherty 459 James, sou of John Greenlee and Marr Ballantine 461 James, son of John Greenlees and Elizabeth Greenlees 467 James, son of David Greenlees 467 James, son of James Greenlees and Agnes Bullock 467 James, son of Joseph Greenlees and Jean Aitken ^ 466 James, son of Bobert Greenlees 468 James, son of Bobert Greenlees and Sarah Templeton 470 James, son of William Greenlee and Martha Harrey 471 James, son of Bobert Greenlees and Mary Montgomery 472 James, son of Bobert Greenlees and Mary Mitchell 437, 474 James, son of 'William Greenlee and Mary Y. Allen 491 James, son of Patrick Greenly and Mary Molson 502 James, son of Thomas Greenly and Eebecca Spense 503 James, son of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Jamphry 506 James, son of Matthew (or James) Greenlee 499 James, son of James Greenlee and Martha Walker 500 James, son of WUliam Greenlee and Jane Holland 509 James, son of Greenlee 522 James, son of WUlLam Greenlee and Sarah Ferguson 512 James, son of James Greenlee and Mary Beddington 522 James, son of Greenley 524 James, son of James Greenley 524 James, son of Bichard Greenly and Hannah Bradford 531 James, son of David Greenlee and Lucy TTi1l 545 James, son of Abner Greenlee and Mary B. Christy 552 James, son of Wesley Greenlee and Alice . . ; 555 James, son of Willis Greenlee and Xancy Long 567 James, son of Greenly 572 James, (or Mathew) son of Greenlee 499 James, son of Greenlee 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, 585, 587, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593 James, son of David Greenlee 576 James, son of John Greinleyis 582 James, son of John Greenlees and Janet Millar 586 James, son of Greenlees 587 James, son of Bobert Greenlees 587 James, son of John Greenlees and Margaret Buchan 583 James, son of Thomas Greenlees and Margaret Ferguson 588 James, son of James Greenlees 589 James, son of William Greenlees 589 James, son of Samuel GreenUves 591 James Adams, son of Bobert William Greenlee and Clara Josephine Mrster 341 James Alexander, son of William Greenlee and Mary Johnson 190 James Allen, son of William Greenlee and Mary Hughs 86 James Allen, son of John Greenlee and Mary Allen 552 James Altha, son of George Coleman Greenlee and Sarah Viola Snodgrass 124 James Altha, son of John Arnold Greenlee and Jane Greenlee 126 James Archibald, son of Thomas Beaver Greenlee and Mary Belle Struble 193 James Augustus, son of Samuel Mitchell Greenlee and Minerva Keziah Sackett 251 James A., son of Lafayette Greenlee and Bosella M. Cbenoweth 141 James A., son of Manual Greenlee and Happy Butler 556 James Bruce, son of Charles Alvin Greenlee and Emma O. Packer 135 James Bryant, son of David Greenlee and Lucy Vermillion 515 INDEX-NAME OF GREENLEE. 665 Page James Byron, son of Franklin E. Greenlee and Lucretia Davis 570 James Carlton, son of John Allen Greenlee and Susan J. McClelland 119 James Charles, son of Archibald Greenlees and Mary Greenlees 443 James Clinton, son of Joseph Elisha Greenlee and Elizabeth Newkirk 463 James Coleman, son of Thomas Brady Greenly and Ann Eliza Lewis 529 James C. son of Eobert Greenlee and Marion Montgomery 474 James C, son of Greenley and Matilda C. 504 James Dougan, son of Alexander Hamilton Greenlee and Amanda Catherine Kidwell 369 James D., son of William Greenlee and Nancy Dryden 66 James D., son of Oliver E. Greenly and Mary Elizabeth Hart 180 James Edmond, son of Charles Greenlee and Matilda Long 500 James Edward, son of Thomas Franklin Greenlee and Ann Eliza Pearee 267 James Elmer, son of James Greenlee and Elizabeth Weygandt 459 James Elmer, son of Elijah Francis Greenlee and Eebecca Middleton 547 James Fleming, son of Archibald Greenlee and Margaret Everet Bonar 191 James Franklin, son of James Madison Greenlee and EUza Jane Glore 546 James Gans, sou of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Gantz 73 James Harvey, son of William Augustus Greenly and Harriet Chichester 533 James Henry (or Henry Smith), son of James Lemuel Greenlee and Caroline Perkins.. 51 James Hervey, son of John Mitchell Greenlee and Mary E. Greenlee 248 James Higgins, son of Thomas Hunt Greenly and Lucy Smith Higgins 559 James K., son of Greenlee 204 James Lacy, son of James Greenlee and Phebe Mayes 368 James Lafayette, son of Alexander Sackett Greenlee and Elizabeth C. Glass 253 James Lafayette, son of William Anderson Greenlee and Mary McDaniel 377 James Lebbeus, son of James Gans Greenlee and Catharine Bell 128 James Lemuel, son of John Greenlee and Nancy Hamilton 51 James Lewis, son of John Greenlee and Susan Mary Warnes 312 James Lockhead, son of Thomas Greenlees and Margaret McDonald Lockhead 431 James Logan, son of Thomas Young Greenlee and Margaret Ruth Logan 256 James Luther Anderson, son of James Lacy Greenlee and Susan Hammer 368 James Madison, son of William A. Greenlee and Susan Dulin 82 James Madison, son of James Patterson Greenlee and Elizabeth Greenlee 308 James Madison, son of Elijah Greenlee and Eachel Ella Litten 546 James Martin, son of Archibald Greenlees and Margaret Montgomery MeGechy 4855 James McDoweU, son of Ephraim Lelaud Greenlee and Katharine Dover 284 James McEntire, son of David Washington Greenlee and Mary Howard McEntire 254 James Monroe, son of Louis Greenlee and Elizabeth Hunt 360 James M., son of James Greenlee and Mary Mitchell 230, 232 James Newton, son of William Greenlee and Emily Jackson 372 James Noah, son of James Sterling Greenlee 370 James N., son of Francis Marion Greenlee and Alpha M. Guinn 557 James Patterson, son of James Greenlee and Ann Patterson 308 James Purden, son of Elisha Evans Greenly and Mary Jane Vaughn 180 James P., son of Greenly 574 James Eiland, son of David Eiland Greenlee and Harriet Browning Compton 160 James Eobert, son of WilUam Edward Greenlee and Margaretta Brown 124 James Eobertson Campbell, son of Matthew Greenlees and Wilhelmina Alexander Campbell. 477 James Eussell, son of William Paxton Greenlee and Eliza Hizer Forster 277 James E., son of James Eiland Greenlee and Emily Vincent 160 James E., son of Thomas Greenlees and Margaret Andrew 475 James Samuel, son of David Greenlee and Hannah Ingram Grigsby 247 James Sterling, son of John Greenlee and Mary Mayes 370 James S., son of Hugh Greenlee and Jane Smith 475 James Thomas, son of Louis Albert Greenlee and Carrie Jane Deaver 295 James Thomas, son of Hugh Greenlee and Mary Elizabeth Hopper 493 666 INDEX— NAME OF GREENLEE. Page James T., son of Jamea Greenly and Mary Brady 526 James V., son of William Greenlee and Mary Vogan 313 James Walter, son of John McClelland Greenlee and Mary Mills 348 James Walter Samuel, son of Samuel Greenlees and Jessie Eliza Weir 444 James William, son of William Stows Greenlee and Minerva Hood 169 James William, son of Thomas Greenlees and Jane Muir 472 James WilUam, son of James Greenlee and Margaret S. Rush 509 James WilUam, son of Robert Greenlee and Thompson 512 James W., son of Thomas B. Greenlee and Mary A. Ldttle 117 James W., sou of Harvey H. Greenlees and Lydia J. Green 434 James W., son of James Bryant Greenlee and Mary Ellen Lambert 516 James W., son of James Greenlee and Elizabeth Bryant 554 Jamie Florence, daughter of John Mitchell Greenlee and Mary Tate 280 Jane, daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Mcllvain 72 Jane, daughter of James Greenlee and Jane Mitchell 188 Jane, daughter of Alexander Greenlee and Martha (or Mary) Jane Brice 194 Jane, daughter of William Greenlee and Susan Musselman 199 Jane, daughter of David Greenlee and Jane White 239 Jane, daughter of Ephraim Greenlee and Malinda Beckelheimer 240 Jane, daughter of William Greenlee and Rebecca Hughs 304 Jane, daughter of James Patterson Greenlee and Elizabeth Greenlee 308 Jane, daughter of Robert Greenlee and Margaret Porter 315 Jane, daughter of John Greenlee and Mary Mayes 358 Jane, or Nancy), daughter of John Greenlee and Jane Reynolds 399 Jane, daughter of William Greenlee 400 Jane, daughter of John Greenlees and Jane Moore 427 Jane, daughter of Robert Greenlees and Janet Connell 428 Jane, daughter of WiUiam Greenlees and Mary Middleman 430 Jane, daughter of Gavin Greenlees and Jane Gossman 432 Jane, daughter of Joseph Greenlee and Elizabeth Campbell 456 Jane, daughter of John Greenlee and Margaret Dougherty 458 Jane, daughter of EUsha Greenlee and Eunice West 460 Jane, daughter of Robert Greenlees 468 Jane, daughter of David Greenlees and Nancy Breckenridge 469 Jane, daughter of Robert Greenlees and Sarah Templeton 470 Jane, daughter of Thomas Greenlees and Jane Muir 472 Jane, daughter of Hugh Greenlees and Isabel McGowan 490 Jane, daughter of WilUam Greenlee and Mary Y. Allen 491 Jane, daughter of John Greenlees and Isabella Dickson 492 Jane, daughter of James Greenlee and Martha Walker 500 Jane, daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Jamphry 507 Jane, daughter of WilUam Greenlee and Sarah Armstrong 511 Jane, daughter of WilUam Francis Greenlee 513 Jane, daughter of Greenlees 518 Jane, daughter of David Greenlees and Maria Blakley 520 Jane, daughter of Greenly 521 Jane, daughter of John Greenlee and Mary Allen 552 Jane, daughter of Andrew Greenlees and Nancy Moore 592 Jane, daughter of Greenlaw 592 Jane Ann, daughter of David Greenlee and Lucy VermilUon 513 Jane H„ daughter of WiOiam Greenlee and Mary Vogan 313 Jane Innis, daughter of Thomas W. Greenlee and Mary Quinn 387 Jane Jackson, daughter of Thomas Greenlees and Mary Gilmour 428 Jane Mary, daughter of John M. Greenlee and Mary Mills 347 Jane White, daughter of Robert Greenlees and Ann Anderson 431 Janet, daughter of David Greenlees 428 INDEX-NAME OF GREENLEE. 667 Page Janet, daughter of Thomas Greenlees and Elizabeth Morrison 429 Janet, daughter of William Greenlees and Mary Middlemas 430 Janet, daughter of Hugh Greenlees and Ann Harvey 433 Janet, daughter of Robert Greenlees and Agnes McFarlaud 433 Janet, daughter of James Greenlees and Catharine Galbraith 438 Janet, daughter of Samuel Greenlees and Isabel Ealston 439 Janet, daughter of Alexander Greenlees and Mary Colville 444 Janet, daughter of Joseph Greenlees and Jean Aitken 466 Janet, daughter of William Greenlee and Martha Harvey 471 Janet, daughter of John Greenlees and Agnes Semple 479 Janet, daughter of Daniel Greenlees and Mary Colville 485 Janet, daughter of John Greinleyis 580 Janet, daughter of John Greinleyis 581 Janet, daughter of Thomas Greinleyis 581 Janet, daughter of Greinleyis 582 Janet, daughter of John Greinlie and Isobell Duncan 583 Janet, daughter of William Greenlees 587 Janet, daughter of John Greenlees 587 Janet, daughter of Thomas Grinlees and Elizabeth Lata 587 Janet, daughter of John Greenlees and Marjory Buehan 588 Janet, daughter of James Greenlees 589 Janet Campbell, daughter of Matthew Greenlees and Wilhelmina Alexander Campbell. .. .477 Janette, daughter of James Greenlees and Agnes Simpson 466 Janette, daughter of John Greenlee and Helen Brown 451 Jasper, son of Eli Greenlee and Mary Daniel 359 Jean, daughter of James Greenlees and Janet Watson 437 Jean, daughter of Hugh Greenlees and Mirren Keith 445 Jean, daughter of David Greenlees 465 Jean, daughter of James Greenlees and Agnes Simpson 466 Jean, daughter of John Greenlees and Elizabeth Greenlees 467 Jean, daughter of Eobert Greenlees and Mary Mitchell 476 Jean, daughter of Alexander Greenlees and Jean Eobison 586 Jean, daughter of Alexander Greenlees and Katherine Brown 586 Jean, daughter of Thomas Greenlees and Margaret Anderson 587 Jean, daughter of James Greenlees and Elizabeth Stewart 587 Jean, daughter of David Greenlees 587 Jean, daughter of John Greenlees 587 Jean, daughter of James Greenlees 587 Jean, daughter of William Greenlees 587 Jean, daughter of Jean Greenlees 588 Jean, daughter of James Greenlees 589 Jean, daughter of Mathew Greenlee and Jean 592 Jeanne, daughter of Eobert Greenlees and Mary Montgomery 472 Jeanne, daughter of William Greenlee and Martha Harvey 472 Jemima, daughter of Joseph Greenlee and Harriet McNeal 316 Jemima, daughter of Matthew Greenlee and Mary Colwell 507 Jennette, daughter of Thomas F. Greenlee and Julia Ann Eucker 539 Jennie Bell, daughter of Henry Greenlee and AngeUne Booth 206 Jennie O., daughter of Henry Harrison Greenlee and Elizabeth Ellen Blake 540 Jeremiah Porter, son of Stewart Greenlee and Sarah Ann MeGinnis 315 Jerome Bacon, son of Eobert Benson Greenlee and Jane A. Bacon 149 Jesse, son of William Greenly 503 Jesse B., son of Henry William Greenlee and Sarah Elizabeth RifHe 216 Jesse David, son of William Purnell Greenlee and Barbara Wilson Enlow 270 Jesse David, son of Eobert Omxi Greenlee and Nannie Collins 381 Jesse Stewart, son of James Patterson Greenlee and Elizabeth Greenlee 308 668 INDEX— NAME OF GREENLEE. Page Jessie, daughter of Eobert Greenlee and Margie Norton 496 Jessie Clyde, daughter of Andrew Franklin Greenlee and Maria Josephine Rutherford. ... 82 Jessie Mildred, daughter of Arthur Claudius Greenlee and Emma E. Yates 160 Joanna, daughter of Jacob Greenlee and Mary Spencer 71 John, son of Michael Greenlee 37 John, son of Greenlee 176 John, son of Eobert Greenlee and Miss Purden 176 John, son of Jacob Greenlee and Elizabeth Gans 49 John, son of Michael Greenlee and Bethiah Maxson 55 John, son of David Greenlee and Elizabeth Morris 65 John, son of James Gans Greenlee and Catharine Bell 73 John, son of James Purden Greenly 181 John, son of Archibald Greenlee and Giflfen 184 John, son of John Greenlee and Sarah McCracken 184 John, son of Alexander Greenlee and Martha (or Mary) Jane Brice 195 John, son of Edward Greenlee and Anna Henry 199 John, son of WiUiam Greenlee and Susan Musselman 201 John, son of James Greenlee and Mary E. McDowell 229, 335 John, son of John Greenlee and Hannah McClanahan 229 John, son of David Greenlee and Jane White 232 John, son of William Greenlees and Mary Thompson 303 John, son of John Greenlee and Sarah Brady 303 John, son of James Greenlee and Ann Patterson 307 John, son of William Greenlee and Margaret Townley 309 John, son of WilUam Greenlee 312 John, son of John Greenlee and Margaret Patterson 324 John, son of James Greenlee and Nancy 355 John, son of John Greenlee and EUzabeth Sunderland 358 John, son of William Greenlee 399 John, son of John Greenlee and Jane Eeynolds 401 John, son of Arthur Greenlees 427 John, son of John Greenlees and Jane Moore 427 John, son of David Greenlees and Margaret Ewing 427 John, son of David Greenlees 428 John, son of Eobert Greenlees and Janet Oounell 428 John, son of Thomas Greenlees and Elizabeth Morrison 429 John, son of William Greenlees and Mary Middlemas 430 John, son of Thomas Greenlees and Mary Gihnour 430 John, son of Gavin Greenlees and Martha Wilson 432 John, son of Hugh Greenlees and Ann Harvey 433 John, son of James Greenlee and Mary Dickson (or Dixon) 435 John, son of James Greenlees and Catharine Galbraith 438 John, son of James Greenlees and Janet Watson 438 John, son of John Greenlees and Mary Huie 443 John, son of John Greenlees and Mary McMillan 443 John, son of Archibald Greenlees and Mary Holding 443 John, son of Greenlees 445 John, son of John Greenlees and Jean Magill 445 John, son of Hugh Greenlees and Mirren Keith 446 John, son of John Greenlees 446 John, son of WiUiam ( ?) Greenlees 446 John, son of George Greenlees and Martha Wilson 447 John, son of John Greenlee and Helen Brown 451 John, son of Greenlee 454 John, son of John Greenlee and Jane 455 John, son of Elisha Greenlee and Eunice West 456 INDEX-NAME OF GREENLEE. 669 Page John, son of James Greenlee and Mary Mcllvain 457 John, son of John Greenlee and Margaret Dougherty 459 John, son of Joseph Greenlee and Elizabeth Campbell 461 John, son of ■ — Greenlees 463 John, son of Daniel Greenlees and Margaret Maitland 464 John, son of Allan Greenlees and Margaret Pringle 465 John, son of Joseph Greenlees and Elizabeth Leitch 465 John, son of David Greenlees and Jean Gilmour 466 John, son of John Greenlees and Elizabeth Greenlees 467 John, son of John Greenlees and Kate Gregory 467 John, son of Matthew Greenlees 468 John, son of Eobert Greenlees and Jane Mitchell 470 John, son of Thomas Greenlees and Jane Muir 472 John, son of William Greenlee and Martha Harvey 473 John, son of John Greenlee and Jeanne Smith 473 John, son of Eobert Greenlees and Ella Ralston 479 John, son of John Greenlees and Agnes Semple 480 John, son of Arthur Greenlees 489 John, son of John Greenlees and Elizabeth Greenlees 489 John, son of Hugh Greenlees and Isabel McGowan 490 John, son of William Greenlee and Mary Y. AUen 491 John, son of John Greenlees and Isabella Dickson 494 John, son of Eobert Greenlee and Margie Norton 496 John, son of Greenlees 501 John, son of Eobert Greenlee 506 John, son of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy .Jamphry 505 John, son of Matthew Greenlee and Mary Colwell 507 John, son of John Greenlee and Sarah Johnston 508 John, son of David Greenlee 510 John, son of WOliam Greenlee and Sarah Armtsrong 511 John, son of James Greenlee and Mary Eeddington 522 John, son of John Greenlee and Sarah Ann Stott 511 John, son of Eichard Greenly and Hannah Bradford 531 John, son of William Greenlee and Sarah Ferguson 512 John, son of Thomas Greenly and Esther Norman 532 John, son of William Greenlee and Fergison 537 John, son of Eobert Greenlee and Mary Furnas 538 John, son of Greenlees 519 John, son of David Orr Greenlees and Jane Carr 519 John, son of James Greenlee and Elizabeth Bryant 553 John, son of John Greinleyis 581, 582, 587, 588, 589 John, son of John Greinleyis 580 John, son of Thomas Greenlees 583 John, son of Eobert Greinlees and Margaret Potter 585 John, son of John Greenlees and Janet Millar 586 John, son of Thomas Greenlees and Margaret Anderson 587 John, son of John Grinless and Janet Algeo 588 John, son of John Grinlees and Margaret Craig 587 John, son of Thomas Greenlees and Marion Taylor 588 John, son of William Greenlees and Janet Kirkwood 588 John, son of Andrew Greenlees and Nancy Moore 592 John, son of Greenlee, Greinleyis, Greinleis, Greenly, etc . .555, 574, 575, 577, 578, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593 John, son of Adam Greenlaw and Frances 592 John, son of • Greenlee 548 John, son of Greenlee 550 670 INDEX-NAME OF GREENLEE. Page John, son of Greenlee 551 John, son of Greenlee 551 John Allen, son of David Greenlees and Harriet Mallory 119 John Anderson, son of John Wesley Greenly and Mary Elizabeth Anderson 527 John Andrew, son of William Greenleese and Harriet Baird 501 John Archibald, son of John Witt Greenlee and Narcissus Frances Douglass 366 John Arnold, son of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Gantz 72 John Arthur, son of James Flemming Greenlee and Helen Adelaide Sackett 191 John Austin, son of Jacob Greenlee and Mary Spencer 71 John A., son of Mathew Greenlee and Martha Allen 196 John A., son of Thomas Greenlee and Margaret Andrew 475 John A., son of Greenlee 574, 579 John Buchanan, son of Maxson Greenlee and Catharine Compton 106 John B., son of Nicodemus Greenlee and MaUnda Jane Payton 517 John Calvin, son of John Greenlee and Mary Mayes 370 John Carrol Morris, son of John Greenlee and Pantha Jane Morris 408 John Chamberlain, son of Robert Greenlee and Anna Chamberlain 89 John Chamberlain, son of Jacob Davis Greenlee and Rachel Chamberlain 98 John Coulter, son of Robert William Greenlee and Clara Josephine Firster 341 John C, son of John Greenlee and Mary Chamberlain 55 John C, son of Robert Stewart Greenlee and Amelia Jane Dufford 342 John C, son of John Greenlee and Mary BaUantine 457 John D., son of Oliver P. Greenlee and Florence A. Brandenburg 136 John D., son of John Greenlee and Mary Jane Brown 201 John Franklin, son of James Greenlee and Mary Paxton 233 John Franklin, son of William Paxton Greenlee and Eliza Hizer Forster 245 John Fullerton, son of John Greenlees and Elizabeth Fullerton 433 John Gilbert, son of John Calvin Greenlee and Amanda CoIIison 382 John Granger, son of William Augustus Greenly and Harriet Chichester 533 John G., son of James Greenlee and Martha Walker 500 John Hamilton, son of Pleasant Greenlee and Caroline Kidwell 371 John Henry, son of John Greenlee and Sarah Ann Rebecca Lester 522 John Hervey, son of David William Greenlee and Ella Finley 281 John Howard, son of Ephraim M. Greenlee and Sarah Carr Howard 254 John H., son of William Greenlee and Margaret Henry 458 John H., son of Francis Marion Greenlee and Alpha M. Guinn 557 John H., son of Greenly 574 John Jay Lane, son of William Greenlee and Mary Johnson 190 John Kirby, son of Thomas Franklin Greenlee and Eliza Ann Pearce 267 John Knight, son of Eli Greenlee and Mary Daniel 359 John K., son of Robert Thompson Greenlee and Amanda J. Porter 338 John Louis, son of Louis Albert Greenlee and Carrie Jane Deaver 295 John Louis, son of James Monroe Greenlee and Sarah Weldon 360 John L. son of John Greenlee and Nancy Hamilton 37 John L., son of John Greenlee and Emily Croskery 430 John L., son of William Jacob Greenlee and Samantha L. John 495 John Marshal, son of James Sterling Greenlee 382 John Marshall, son of David Greenlee and Hannah Ingram Grigsby 234 John Martin, son of Morris Clark Greenlee and Catharine Roush 218 John Martin, son of John Martin Greenlee 218 John Milton, son of James Madison Greenlee and Eliza Jane Glore 546 John Mitchell, son of James Greenlee and Mary Mitchell 235 John McClelland, son of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland 317 John Mitchell, son of James Hervey Greenlee and Mary Jane Greenlee 280 John Morris, son of Morgan Greenlee and EUza Jane Greenlee 414 John Morris, son of Lewis Leonidas Greenlee and Hannah Maria Ferrell 417 INDEX-NAME OF GREENLEE. 671 Page John O., son of Jacob Greenlee and Susan Caroline Swan 200 John O., son of Greenlee -06 John Patrick, son of Elijah Francis Greenlee and Rebecca Middleton 547 John Patton, son of Thomas Young Greenlee and Margaret Ruth Logan 256 John Purden, son of Dayid Maxwell Greenly and Elizabeth Massy Evans 178 John P., son of John Purden Greenly and Louisa Walker 178 John Reid, son of Willis Greenlee and Nancy Xiong 567 John Richard, son of John B. Greenlee and Mary E. Diekhout 517 John Robert, son of Andrew Greenlees and Lucy Ellen Powers 481 John R., son of Greenlee 567 John Slone, son of John Greenlee and Susan Mary Warnes 334 John S., son of Adam Greenler 545 John Thomas, son of Elisha Evans Greenly and Mary Jane Vaughn 178 John Thomas, son of James Greenlee and Maria L. McColgan 324 John Thomas, son of John WiUiam Greenlee and Kate Bethune Mahony 497 John V. S., son of Stephen Thomas Greenly and Mary Ann Sloan 584 John Wesley, son of Arthur John Greenlee and Catharine Richardson 114 John Wesley, son of Robert Greenlee and Sarah Corman 328 John Wesley, son of John McClelland Greenlee and Mary Mills 348 John Wesley, son of James Greenley and Mary Brady 526 John White, son of David Greenlee and Mary Purnell 271 John William, son of William Greenlee and Harriet Sayre 207 John William, son of William Purnell Greenlee and Barbara Wilson Enlow 270 John WiUiam, son of James Patterson Greenlee and Elizabeth Greenlee 308 John William, son of Eli Leroy Greenlee 371 John William, son of Hugh Greenlee and Mary Elizabeth Hopper 497 John William, son of David Greenlee and Annie Dean 513 John Wilson, son of William Henry Greenlee and Eliza Ann Wilson 167 John Witt (Dewitt), son of James Greenlee and Phebe Mayes 366 Jonathan Andrew, son of William Greenleese and Harriet Baird 502 Joseph, son of John Greenlee and Sarah McCracken 184 Joseph, son of James Greenlee and Deborah Carroll 200 Joseph, son of William Greenlee and Mary Jane Vogan 313 Joseph, son of Robert Greenlee and Margaret Porter 316 Joseph, son of Eli Leroy Greenlee 371 Joseph, son of John Greenlee and Jane 456 Joseph, son of Elisha Greenlee and Eunice West 460 Joseph, son of Greenlees 465 Joseph, son of Joseph Greenlees and Elizabeth Leitch 465 Joseph, son of David Greenlees and Jean Gilmour 466 Joseph, son of William Greenlee and Mary Y. Allen 491 Joseph, son of Hugh Greenlees and Isabel McGowin 492 Joseph, son of John Greenlee and Sarah Ann Stott 511 Joseph, son of Greenlees 519 Joseph A., son of Joseph Greenlees and Jean Aitkin 466 Joseph Bruce, son of John Carrol Morris Greenlee and Josephine Brack 409 Joseph Clifford, son of Thomas Greenlees and Sarah J. Sloan 483 Joseph Elisha, son of William Greenlee and Hannah Farquhar 463 Joseph E., son of John Wesley Greenley and Mary Elizabeth Anderson 527 Joseph G., son of WiUiam Jacob Greenlee and Samantha L. John 495 Joseph H., son of WiUiam Greenlee and Margaret Henry 458 Joseph Lawrence, son of Elijah Francis Greenlee and Rebecca Middleton 547 Joseph Lewis, son of Lewis Leonidas Greenlee and Hannah Maria Ferrell 406 Joseph L., son of Henry WilUam Greenlee and Sarah EUzabeth Riffle 216 Joseph Matthew, son of Charles Greenlee and Matilda Long 500 Joseph Patterson, son of John Greenlees and Isabella Dickson 494 672 IXDEX-NAiVIE OF GREENLEE. Page Joseph Presley, son of Abner BaiDbridge Greenlee and Mary Smith Stevens 340 Joseph P., son of Joseph Greenlee and Harriet ilcXeal 316 Joseph Taylor, son of Archibald Greenlees and Margaret Montgomery MeGechy 482 Josepha, daughter of David Greenlee and Hannah Ingram Grigsby 234 Josephine Eldorado, daughter of Daniel Greenlee and Mary Jane Weaver 74 Josephine E., daughter of Francis Marion Greenlee and Alpha M. Guinu 557 Julia, daughter of Hamilton Greenlee and Mary Sunderland 359 Julia Ann, daughter of John Greenlee and Nancy Hamilton 37 Julia Ann, daughter of William Greenlee and Mary Hughs 85 Julia Ann, daughter of Louis Greenlee and Elizabeth Hunt 864 Julia Eliza, daughter of William Augustus Greenly and Harriet Chichester 534 Julia Jane, daughter of William Greenlee and Harriet Sayre 201 Julia Virginia, daughter of Nieodemus Greenlee and Malinda Jane Payton 515 Juliet, daughter of John Greenlee and Mary Ballantine 457 Julius, son of Clark Greenlee and Day 405 J. A., son of Charles Greenlee and Ellen Ferguson 451 J. A., son of Greenlee 555 J. Herbert, son of Hugh Greenlee and Jane Smith 475 J. Boss, son of John A. Greenlee and Mary A. Hood 196 J. E. C, son of William Greenlee and Alice McKinley 168 J. W., son of William Greenlee and Alice McKinley 168 Kate, daughter of Archibald Greenlees and Mary Greenlees 443 Kate, daughter of John William Greenlees and Kate Bethune Mahony 497 Kate, daughter of John Wesley Greenly and Mary Elizabeth Anderson 527 Kate Belle, daughter of William Anderson Greenlee and Mary McDaniel 367 Kate Paxton, daughter of William Paxton Greenlee and Eliza Hizer Forster 278 Kate Thornton, daughter of David Eobert Barton Greenlee and Mary Amanda (Boone) Gifford 246 Katherine, daughter of Andrew K. Greenlee and Elizabeth McAlister 151 Ketrain (Catherine) daughter of Greenlee 555 Kittie, daughter of John Chamberlain Greenlee and Myra Eddy 145 Kittie, daughter of Eobert Stewart Greenlee and Amelia Jane Duflford 342 Lafayette, son of James Allen Greenlee and Susan DeU Scott 140 Lancelot Herbert, son of Lewis Archibald Greenlee and Fannie F. Tucker 374 Laura Bell, daughter of Abner Bainbridge Greenlee and Mary Smith Stevens 340 Laura Lillian, daughter of Andrew Franklin Greenlee and Maria Josephine Eutherford.. 82 Laura L., daughter of Francis Marion Greenlee and Alpha M. Guinn 557 Lavina B., daughter of David Greenlee and Hannah Ingram Grigsby 233 Lawrence, son of John A. Greenlee and Mary A. Hood 196 Lawrence, son of Clarence Marshall Greenlee and Minnie B. Widdup 424 Lawrence Arlington, son of William Henry Greenlee and Eliza Ann Wilson 167 Leah A., daughter of John Buchanan Greenlee and Evaline A. Coflin 106 Lee, son of Benjamin Franklin Greenlee and Ann Eliza Henderson 363 LeUa Ann, daughter of Morgan Greenlee and Eliza Jane Greenlee 413 Lena Viola, daughter of Ira Corridon Greenlee and Alma Eansom 155 Lenora, daughter of Morris Greenlee and Eebecca Lowder 408 Lenore Clark, daughter of Thomas Wilkinson Greenley and Nellie B. Clark 530 Leona, daughter of William Jacob Greenlee and Samantha L. John 496 Leonard Brown, son of William Greenlee and Mary E. Scott 509 Leonidas VirgU, son of Clabom Greenlee and Maria KimberUng f^-^ Leonora, daughter of James McEntire Greenlee and Harriet Eice ; 255 Leorah Bell, daughter of Francis Marion Greenlee and Viannah Elizabeth Cole 384 Leroy, son of James Walter Greenlee and LueUa Greenlee 348 Leroy E., son of Henry William Greenlee and Sarah Elizabeth Riffle 216 Leroy Spencer, son of Jacob Greenlee and Mary Spencer 71 Lester, grandson of John Greenlee 307 INDEX-NAME OF GREENLEE. 673 Page Levi Thompson, son of Sylvester Greenlee and Esther Hetta Bamett -09 Levye, son of Greenlee 574 Lewis, son of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Gantz 72 Lewis, son of Green Greenlee and Kose Van Sickles 204 Lewis, son of Hamilton Greenlee and PVanees Prewett 401 Lewis, son of Edward Greenlee and Margaret Holdway 409 Lewis Archibald, son of William Greenlee and Emily Jackson 374 Lewis Campbell, son of John Arnold Greenlee and Jane Greenlee 73, 127 Lewis Cass, son of James Gans Greenlee and Catharine Bell 73 Lewis Deo, son of Philemon Wiard Greenlee and Maria Antoinette Brydle 99 Lewis G., son of William Arthur Greenlee and Isadore Keesling 135 Lewis Leonidas, son of Morris Greenlee and Nancy Kimberling 406 Lewis Eeece, son of Claborn Greenlee and Maria Kimberling 422 Lewis S., son of Robert Greenlee and Haddassa Patton 388 Licurdis (or Curtis) son of Joseph Greenlee and Harriet McNeal 344 LilUan, daughter of WiUiam Edward Greenlee and Margaretta Brown 124 Lillian, daughter of Eobert Harlan Greenlee and LiUian Ansley Hobbs 279 LUlian Logan, daughter of Thomas Young Greenlee 256 Lillie, daughter of John Chamberlain Greenlee and Charlotte Oliva Brown 157 LilUe Beryl, daughter of Greenlee 572 Lilly, daughter of Eobert WUliam Greenlee and Clara Josephine Firster 340 Lizzie, daughter of Eobert Greenlee and Margie Norton 496 Lizzie A., daughter of Thomas Greenlees and Margaret Andrew 475 Lizzie C, daughter of Oliver E. Greenly and Mary Elizabeth Hart 180 Lizzie Francis, daughter of Archibald Greenlee and Catherine Beaver 193 Lois Anna, daughter of John Eobert Greenlees and Mary Ida Wolf 481 Lois A., daughter of Eobert Greenlee and Anna Chamberlain 91 Lona, daughter of Francis Marion Greenlee and Viannah EUzabeth Cole 372 Lona, doughter of John Morris Greenlee and Luretta Sullivan 424 Lottie Jane, daughter of Samuel M. Greenlee and Mary Ann Burch 320 Lou Frances, daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Sarah A. Nichols 116 Louis, son of John Greenlee and Mary — ■ 324 Louis, son of James Greenlee and Nancy 356 Louis Albert, son of Ephraim McDowell Greenlee and Malvina Miller 294 Louis Vinton, son of Sylvester Greenlee and Esther Hetta Bamett 212 Louisa, daughter of John Greenlee 49 Louisa, daughter of James Greenlee and Deborah CarroU 200 Louisa A., daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Eeddington 522 Louisa Caroline, daughter of John Eeid Greenlee and Jane (Winters) Giles 567 Lovina, daughter of Eobert Greenlee and Anna Chamberlain 89 Lovisa, daughter of John Greenlee and Elizabeth Sunderland 355 Lovisa, daughter of James Greenlee and Phebe Mayes 357 Lucinda, daughter of Michael Greenlee and Bethiah ilaxson 57 Lucinda, daughter of John Greenlee and Susanna Aylshire 203 Lucinda, daughter of Thomas Wallace Greenlee and Susanna Onstott 390 Lucinda, daughter of EUsha Greenlee and Eunice West 456 Lucinda Janetta, daughter of Nicodemus Greenlee and Malinda Jane Payton 515 Lucretia, daughter of John Greenlee and Mary Chamberlain 92 Lucy, daughter of WUUam Jacob Greenlee and Samantha L. John 496 Lucy Ellen, daughter of Andrew Greenlees and Lucy Ellen Powers 481 Lucy H., daughter of James Bryant Greenlee and Mary Ellen Lambert 516 Lucy M., daughter of Hugh Hassen Greenlee and EUa Lee 338 Lucy Sophia, daughter of Jacob Newton Greenlee and Eosetta C. Amsbury 216 Lucy Walbridge, daughter of Charles Carrol Greenly 562 Luella, daughter of Samuel M. Greenlee and Mary Ann Burch 348 Lulu Blount, daughter of Thomas Jefferson Greenlee and Josephine Bonaparte Wright.. 374 43 674 INDEX-NAICE OF GREENLEE. Page Lula D., daughter of Albert N. Greenlee and Emma Dowlin 126 Lulu Blanche, daughter of Elias Chamberlain Greenlee and Mary Louise Keyes 100 Lulu L., daughter of Henry Harrison Greenlee and Elizabeth Ellen Blake 540 Lura Emily, daughter of Pleasant Greenlee and Caroline Kidwell 371 Lura Etta, daughter of Tilmon Colvin Greenlee and Melissa Lasell Sandy 383 Lurana M., daughter of EUsha E. Greenly and Mary J. Vaughn 180 Luretta, daughter of Lewis Greenlee and Mary Thornton 410 Lusetta, daughter of Lewis Greenlee and Mary Thornton 410 Luther, son of Jacob Greenlee and Elizabeth Gantz 78 Lydia, daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Mary Jones 49 Lydia A., daughter of John Buchanan Greenlee and Eveline A. Coffin 106 Lydia A., daughter of Joseph Greenlee and Harriet McNeal 345 Lydia Bethia, daughter of Maxson Greenlee and Catharine Compton 105 Lydia Minerva, daughter of Lewis Leonidas Greenlee and Frances Johnson 406 Lydia Smith, daughter of William Greenlee and Harriet Sayre 201 Lyoun, son of Greinleyis 580 Lytle Francis, son of Elijah Francis Greenlee and Rebecca Middleton 547 L. Matilda, daughter of William Greenlee and Smith 313 Mabel, daughter of Alexander W. Greenlee and Frances Abigail Crouch 292 Mabel Ella, daughter of John Mitchell Greenlee and Mary Tate 280 Mabel Harriet, daughter of William Harrison Greenlee and Mary A. ShiUito 343 Mabel L., daughter of Samuel S. Greenlee and Amanda T. Tinker 334 Mabel Octave, daughter of Columbus Boyd Greenlee and Sarah J. Guinn 540 Mabel Mildred, daughter of Aaron Burton Greenlee and Sarah Elizabeth Garoutte 349 Mable V., daughter of Charles Montgomery Greenlee and Nannie E. Watson 570 Mace, son of Clabom Greenlee and Maria EamberUng 422 Maggie (or Mary) M., daughter of George W. Greenlee and Joanna Murphy 87 Maggie, daughter of John Greenlee and Sarah Ann Stott 511 Maggie B.. daughter of Luther (or Lewis) Greenlee 76 Maggie Mary, daughter of Andrew Franklin Greenlee and Maria Josephine Butherford. . . 82 Malcolm, son of James Greenlees and Jessie 439 Malcolm Meshac, son of Andrew Hamilton Greenlee and Annis D. Giles 50 MaUnda, (or VaUnda) daughter of David Greenlee and ilary Dickson 543 Manual, son of Greenlee 556 Mareia, daughter of John Greenlee and Jeanne Smith 473 Margaret, daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Gantz 75 Margaret, daughter of John Greenlee and Sarah McCracken . ." 184 Margaret, daughter of Bobert Greenlee and Mary Bonar 185 Margaret, daughter of Archibald Greenlee and Margaret Everet Bonar 186 Margaret, daughter of James Greenlee and Jane Mitchel 189 Margaret, daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Elizabeth McDowell 221 Margaret, daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Mitchell 230 Margaret, daughter of David Greenlee and Jane White 232 Margaret, daughter of James Greenlee and Ann Patterson 308 Margaret, daughter of William Greenlee Eind Margaret Townley 309 Margaret, daughter of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland 317 Margaret, daughter of James Patterson Greenlee and EUzabeth Greenlee 327 Margaret, daughter of Bobert Stewart Greenlee and Amelia Jane Dufford 342 Margaret, daughter of Louis Greenlee and Elizabeth Hunt 362 Margaret, daughter of Thomas Wallace Greenlee and ilary Quinn 388 Margaret, daughter of Bobert Greenlee and Janet Connell 428 Margaret, daughter of David Greenlees 429 Margaret, daughter of William Greenlees and Mary Middlemas 430 Margaret, daughter of Hugh Greenlees and Ann Harvey 433 Margaret, daughter of James Greenlee and Margaret A. Picken 436 Margaret, daughter of Greenlees 438 INDEX— NAME OF GREENLEE. 675 Pago Margaret, daughter of Samuel Greenlees and Isabell Ealston 439 Margaret, daughter of John Greenlees and Jean MagUl 445 Margaret, daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Mcllvain 455 Margaret, daughter of John Greenlee and Jane 455 Margaret, daughter of Joseph Greenlee and Elizabeth Campbell 456 Margaret, daughter of John Greenlee and Mary Ballantine 457 Margaret, daughter of John Greenlees and Margaret Ealston 463 Margaret, daughter of James Greenlee and Agnes Bulloch 467 Margaret, daughter of Thomas Greenlees and Jane Muir 472 Margaret, daughter of Eobert Greenlees and Ellen Ralston 478 Margaret, daughter of Daniel Greenlee and Mary Colville 485 Margaret, daughter of Patrick Greenley and Mary Molson 502 Margaret, daughter of Eobert Greenlee 505 Margaret, daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Jamphry 505 Margaret, daughter of John Greenlees and Mary Adair 508 Margaret, daughter of WilUam Greenlee and Sarah Armstrong 511 Margaret, daughter of David Greenlees and Maria Blakley. ., 520 Margaret, daughter of James Greenley 524 Margaret, daughter of Thomas Greenly and Esther Norman 532 Margaret, daughter of David Greenlee and Mary Dickson 542 Margaret, daughter of Albert Hale Greenly and May Josephine Glover 563 Margaret, daughter of John Greinleyis 581 Margaret, daughter of Greinleyis, Greinleis, Grinlees, Greenlees, ets 581, 582, 584 Margaret, daughter of Thomas Greenlees 584 Margaret, daughter of John Greenlees and Janet Millar 586 Margaret, daughter of Thomas Greenlees and Margaret Anderson 587 Margaret, daughter of James Greenlees 587 Margaret, daughter of John Greenlees 587 Margaret, daughter of Thomas Greenlees 587 Margaret, daughter of William Grinlees 587 Margaret, daughter of William Grinlees and Ann Barr 588 Margaret, daughter of Thomas Greenlees and Marion Taylor 588 Margaret Agnew, daughter of Archibald Greenlees and Leonora JIatilda Agnew 484 Margaret Ann, daughter of Samuel Harvey Greenlee and Elizabeth Stites 266 Margaret Ann, daughter of John Greenlees and Isabella Dickson 493 Margaret Anne, daughter of James Gans Greenlee and Catharine Bell 73 Margaret Campbell, daughter of Matthew Greenlees and Wilhelraina Alexander Campbell .. 477 Margaret Craig, daughter of Thomas Greenlees and Margaret McDonald Lockhead 431 Margaret C, daughter of James Greenlee and Elizabth Weygandt 459 Margaret Elizabeth, daughter of James Sterling Greenlee 370 Margaret E., daughter of Alexander Sackett Greenlee and Elizabeth C. Glass 253 Margaret, E., daughter of Levris Greenlee and Mary LoveU Thornton 423 Margaret Jane, daughter of John Greenlee and Margaret Patterson 325 Margaret Jane, daughter of Joseph Greenlee and Harriet McNcal 345 Margaret Jane, daughter of James Greenlees and Margaret Jane Brown 474 Margaret Jane, daughter of Matthew Greenlee and Mary Colwell 510 Margaret Jane, daughter of Allen Greenlee and Melissa Kiler 541 Margaret M., daughter of Thomas Greenlees and Margaret Andrew 475 Margaret P., daughter of William Greenlee and Mary Vogan 313 Margaret Eebeeea, daughter of Thomas Young Greenlee and Margaret Euth Logan 256 Margery J., daughter of Thomas B. Greenlee and Mary A. Little 117 Marjory Bristol, daughter of David Greenlee and Adaline Whitney Bristol 166 Maria, daughter of David Greenlees and Maria Blakley 520 Maria, daughter of John Greenly 551 Maria EUza, daughter of John Greenlee and Pantha Jane Morris 408 Mariam EUena, daughter of John Greenlee and Nancy Hamilton 52 676 INDEX-NAIVIE OF GREENLEE. Page Marie, daughter of Francis Pearce Greenlee and C!ora Mann 289 Marietta Sarepta, daughter of William Greenlee and Emily Jackson 361 Marion, son of William Greenlee and Elmira Stocking 318 Marion, daughter of Hamilton Greenlee and Mary Sunderland 360 Marion, daughter of Greinleyis 581 Marion IsabeUe, daughter of William Greenlees and IsabeUe Lawrence 480 Marione, daughter of Greinleis 579, 580 Marshall, son of Eobert Benson Greenlee and Jane A. Bacon 150 Marshall May, son of Lewis Leonidas Greenlee and Hannah Maria PerreU 418 Martha, daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Mary Jones 37 Martha, daughter of John Greenlee and Nancy Hamilton 37 Martha, daughter of William Brooks Greenlee and Adeline Benham Fargo 165 Martha, daughter of Sylvester Greenlee and Esther Hetta Bamett 210 Martha, daughter of John Greenlee and Margaret Patterson 325 Martha, daughter of George Moody Greenlee 368 Martha, daughter of Columbus Greenlee and Jane Burns 410 Martha, daughter of Lewis Greenlee and Mary Lovel Thornton 422 Martha, daughter of Thornton Edward Greenlee and Miriam M. Good 423 Martha, daughter of Gavin Greenlees and Martha Wilson 432 Martha, daughter of Hugh Greenlees and Ann Harvey 433 Martha, daughter of James Greenlees and Mary Clark 435 Martha, daughter of Peter Greenlees and Martha Ferguson 436 Martha, daughter of James Greenlees and Margaret A. Pieken 436 Martha, daughter of James Greenlees and Catherine Galbraith 438 Martha, daughter of Samuel Greenlees and Isabel Ealston 439 Martha, daughter of George Greenlee and Martha Wilson 447 Martha, daughter of John Greenlee and Helen Brown 450 Martha, daughter of William Greenlee and Martha Harvey 437, 450, 471 Martha, daughter of Joseph Greenlee and Elizabeth Campbell 456 Martha, daughter of Dai-id Greenlees 467 Martha, daughter of John Greenlees and Elizabeth Greenlees 489 Martha, daughter of David Greenlee and Mary Langston Dibra 539 Martha, daughter of Elijah Greenlee and Eachel Ella Litton 546 Martha, daughter of Manual Greenlee and Happy Butler 556 Martha Ann, daughter of James Hervey Greenlee and Mary Jane Greenlee 248 Martha Ann, daughter of Greenlees 518 Martha Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew Hamilton Greenlee and Annis D. Giles 80 Martha Elizabeth, daughter of Charles Greenlee and Matilda Long 500 Martha Ellen, daughter of George Greenlee and Martha Greenlee 436 Martha EvaUne, daughter of Pleasant Greenlee and Caroline Kidwell 371 Martha E., daughter of Robert Thompson Greenlee and Rachel Beggs 337 Martha E., daughter of James Greenlee and Elizabeth Bryant 553 Martha Frances, daughter of Henry Greenlee and AngeUne Booth 206 Martha Jane, daughter of Peter Greenlee and Mary Jane Guiler 350 Martha J., daughter of Francis Greenlee and Ellen V. Stephenson 403 Martha L., daughter of Eli Leroy Greenlee , 371 Martha L., daughter of Franklin E. Greenlee and Eliza H. Bays 570 Martha Matilda, daughter of David Washington Greenlee and Mary Howard McEntire 254 Martha Rachel, daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Eeddington 523 Martha R., daughter of Andrew K. Greenlee and Elizabeth McAllister 151 Martha Trimble, daughter of James Greenlee and Mary (or Rachel) Paxton 244 Martin, son of William Greenlee and Catharine Riffle 212 Mary, daughter of James Greenlee 38 Mary, daughter of Michael Greenlee 29 Mary, daughter of Michael Greenlee and Esther Davis 43 Mary, daughter of David Greenlee and Elizabeth Morris 43 INDEX— NAME OP GREENLEE. 677 Page Mary, daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Gantz ^° Mary, daughter of John Greenlee and Mary Chamberlain °^ Mary, daughter of Michael Greenlee and Bethiah Maxson 39, 67 Mary, daughter of Jacob Greenlee and Elizabeth Gantz 77 Mary, daughter of Bobert Greenlee and Sarah Emory 114 Mary, daughter of Archibald Greenlee and Giffen 184 Mary, daughter of James Greenlee and Jane Mitchel 185 Mary, daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Hannah Hughes 204 Mary, daughter of John Martin Greenlee 218 Mary, daughter of James Greenlee and Mary E. McDowell 221 Mary, daughter of David Greenlee and Jane White 239 Mary, daughter of Ephraim Allen Greenlee and Diadamia Dame 265 Mary, daughter of James Greenlee 299 Mary, daughter of William Greenlee and Mary Thompson 302 Mary or ' ' Polly, ' ' daughter of William Greenlee and Rebecca Hughs 304 Mary, daughter of William Greenlee and Margaret Townley 309 Mary, daughter of John Greenlee and Sarah Brady 310 Mary, daughter of Bobert Greenlee and Margaret Porter 314 Mary, daughter of Eli Greenlee and Mary Daniel 359 Mary, daughter of John Greenlee and Elizabeth Sunderland 359 Mary, daughter of James Greenlee and Phebe Mayes 366 Mary, daughter of Coliunbus Greenlee and Jane Burns 410 Mary, daughter of Thomas Greenlees and Mary Gilmour 429 Mary, daughter of William Greenlees and Mary Middlemas 430 Mary, daughter of Robert Greenlees and Mary McMillan 432 Mary, daughter of Hugh Greenlees and Anna Harvey 433 Mary, daughter of Peter Greenlees aiid Martha Ferguson 435 Mary, daughter of Daniel Greenlees and Mary Colville 443 Mary, daughter of John Greenlees and Mary McMillan 443 Mary, daughter of Alexander Greenlees and Mary Colville 444 Mary, daughter of John Greenlees and Jean MagiU 445 Mary, daughter of John Greenlees 446 Mary, daughter of George Greenlees and Martha WUson 447 Mary, daughter of John Greenlee and Margaret Dougherty 456 Mary, daughter of John Greenlees and Margaret Ralston 464 Mary, daughter of Joseph Greenlees and Jean Aitken 466 Mary, daughter of Robert Greenlees and Mary Mitchell 471 Mary, daughter of John Greenlee and Jeanne Smith 473 Mary, daughter of Robert Greenlees and Ellen Ralston 479 Mary, daughter of William Greenlees and Janet Pieken 4S1 Mary, daughter of William Greenlee and Mary T. Allen 491 Mary, daughter of John Greenlees and Isabella Dickson 494 Mary, daughter of Robert Greenlee and Margie Norton 496 Mary, daughter of Patrick Greenley and Mary Molson 502 Mary, daughter of William Greenlee and Sarah Armstrong 511 Mary, daughter of Thomas Greenley and Rebecca Spense 503 Mary, daughter of John Greenlee and Mary Adair 508 Mary, daughter of David Orr Greenlees and Jane Carr '. 519 Mary, daughter of William Greenlee and Fergison 537 Mary, daughter of John Greenlee and Mary J. Noeman 555 Mary, daughter of William Greenlee and Elizabeth 565 Mary, daughter of Greenlees 577, 579 Mary, daughter of Greenlee 593 Mary, daughter of William Greenlees and Mary Paterson 587 Mary, daughter of Thomas Greenlees and Jean Kennedy 586 Mary, daughter of Mathew Greenlee and Jean 592 678 INDEX-NAME OF GREENLEE. Page Mary Adeline, daughter of William Greenlee and Margaret Townley 331 Mary Agnes, daughter of John William Greenlee and Mary M. Keaton 207 Mary Agnes, daughter of James Greenlee and Margaret A. Picken 436 Mary Agnes, daughter of Andrew Greenlees and Lucy Ellen Powers 481 Mary Alice, daughter of David Greenlee -65 Mary Alice, daughter of William Jacob Greenlee and Samantha L. John 496 Mary Amelia, daughter of John White Greenlee and Mary Clark Divers 271 Mary Ann, daughter of William Greenlee and Nancy Dryden 67 Mary Ann, daughter of John Purden Greenly and Louisa Walker 178 Mary Ann, daughter of William Greenlee and Susan Musselman 199 Mary Ann, daughter of Abner Bainbridge Greenlee and Mary Smith Stevens 340 Mary Ann, daughter of Eli Greenlee and Mary Daniel 359 Mary Ann, daughter of Arthur Greenlees 426 Mary Arm, daughter of Gavin Greenlees and Martha Wilson 432 Mary Ann, daughter of Eobert Greenlees and Agnes McFarland 433 Mary Ann, daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Mcllvain 455 Mary Ann, daughter of John Greenlee and Mary Ballantine 457 Mary Ann, daughter of James Greenlees and Margaret Jane Brown 474 Mary Ann, daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Jamphry 505 Mary Ann, daughter of Matthew Greenlee and Mary Colwell 507 Mary Ann, daughter of David Greenlee and Mary Dickson 541 Mary Ann Quitman, daughter of James Lemuel Greenlee and Caroline Perkins 82 Mary Anne, daughter of Archibald Greenlee and Margaret Everet Bonar 190 Mary A., daughter of EU Leroy Greenlee 371 Mary A., daughter of Harvey H. Greenlees and Lydia J. Green 434 Mary A., daughter of WilUam Greenlee and Esther Furnas 538 Mary Belle, daughter of Thomas Beaver Greenlee and Mary Belle Struble 193 Mary Caroline, daughter of Henry Harrison Greenlee and Elizabeth Ellen Blake 540 Mary Catharine, daughter of James Greenley and Mary Brady 529 Mary Charlotte, daughter of James McEntire Greenlee and Harriet Rice 255 Mary Corinna Winifred, daughter of Thomas Brady Greenley and Ann Eliza Lewis 526 Mary C, daughter of I^aneis Greenlee and Ellen V. Stephenson 403 Mary Delia, daughter of Manuel Greenlee 556 Mary Eliza, daughter of Charles Alviu Greenlee and Emma O. Packer 135 Mary EUza, daughter of James Hervey Greenlee and Mary Jane Greenlee 248 Mary Elizabeth, daughter of David Peniwell Greenly and Rachel Ann Postles 181 Mary Elizabeth, daughter of WUliam Pumell Greenlee and Barbara Wilson Enlow 270 Mary Elizabeth, daughter of David Greenlee and Mary Pernell (or Purnell) 270 Mary Elizabeth, daughter of John Greenlee and Susan Mary Warnes 335 Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Lewis Leonidas Greenlee and Hannah Maria Terrell 406 Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Morgan Greenlee and Eliza Jane Greenlee 413 Mary Elizabeth, daughter of William Greenlees and Mary Hanly 490 Mary Elizabeth, daughter of David Greenlee and Annie Dean 513 Mary Elizabeth, daughter of David Greenlees and Maria Blakley 520 Mary Elizabeth, daughter of John Wesley Greenley and Mary Elizabeth Anderson 529 Mary Ellen, daughter of David Greenlee and Harriet Mallory 120 Mary Ellen, daughter of James Patterson Greenlee and Margaret MeGinnis 328 Mary Ellen, daughter of Pleasant Greenlee and Caroline Kidwell 371 Mary Emmeline, daughter of Peter Patterson Greenlee and Mary Jane Guiles 322 Mary Ethel, daughter of Gideon Albert Greenlee and Mary Belle Riffle 217 Mary E., daughter of Maxson Greenlee and Catharine Compton 59 Mary E., daughter of William Greenlee and Mary Hughs 86 Mary E., daughter of Albert N. Greenlee and Elma Dowlin 126 Mary E., daughter of John Greenlee and Hannah McClanahan 235 Mary E., daughter of William Greenlee and Margaret Henry 458 Mary E., daughter of William E. Greenlee and Mary 565 INDEX— NAME OF GREENLEE. 679 Page Mary Frances, daughter of William Greenlee and Mary Ramsey 70 Mary Frances, daughter of William Greenlee and Harriet Sayre 201 Mary Frances, daughter of Ephraim Greenlee and Malinda Beckleheimer 272 Mary Gladys, daughter of John William Greenlee and Kate Bethune Mahony 497 Mary Gordon, daughter of Da\'id William Greenlee and Ella Finley 281 Mary Hood, daughter of William Stowe Greenlee and Minerva Hood 169 Mary H., daughter of Charles A. Greenlee and Goldena Warner 173 Mary Ida, daughter of Hugh Greenlee and Mary EUzabeth Hopper 497 Mary Jane, daughter of Jacob Greenlee and Mary Spencer 124 Mary Jane, daughter of Eobert Benson Greenlee and Jane A. Bacon 151 Mary Jane, daughter of William Greenlee and Sophia Aylshire 214 Mary Jane, daughter of James Greenlee and Sarah Caskey 238 Mary Jane, daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Paxton 243 Mary Jane, daughter of David Washington Greenlee and Mary McEntire 248 Mary Jane, daughter of Stewart Greenlee and Sarah Ann McGinnis 316 Mary Jane, daughter of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland 319 Mary Jane, daughter of James Greenlee and Margaret S. Bush 509 Mary Jane, daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Eeddington 522 Mary Jane, daughter of Elijah Greenlee and Eacbel Ella Litton 546 Mary Janet, daughter of Archibald Greenlees and Margaret Montgomery McGechy 483 Mary J., daughter of Eobert Thompson Greenlee and Eaehel Beggs 337 Mary J., daughter of James Greenlee and Elizabeth Weygandt 459 Mary Laura, daughter of James Greenlee and Elizabeth Greenlee 437 Mary Louisa, daughter of John Marshall Greenlee and Mary Elizabeth Collins 382 Mary Louise, daughter of Thomas Franklin Greenlee and Ann Eliza Pearce 288 Mary Louise, daughter of William Anderson Greenlee and Mary McDaniel 367 Mary Lucile, daughter of Samuel Mitchell Greenlee and Mary Happoldt 283 Mary Lueinda, daughter of Edmund Greenlee and Mary Wright Stebbins 113 Mary Lueinda, daughter of David William Greenlee 166 Mary L., daughter of William Greenlee and Mary Johnson 190 Mary Maitland, daughter of Daniel Greenlees and Margaret Maitland 464 Mary Maria, daughter of George Greenlee '..... 71 Mary Martha, daughter of John Greenlee and Sarah Ann Eebecca Lester 522 Mary Matilda, daughter of Thomas Young Greenlee and Margaret Euth Logan 285 Mary Maude, daughter of James Newton Greenlee and Mary Jane Fite 373 Mary McDowell, daughter of James Samuel Greenlee and Sarah Elizabeth Harlan 247 Mary Melissa, daughter of Thomas Greenly and Nancy 559 Mary Minerva, daughter of Samuel Mitchell Greenlee and Minerva Keziah Sackett 235 Mary Morgan, daughter of William Paxton Greenlee and Eliza Hizer Forster 277 Mary M., daughter of George Greenlee and Joanna Murphy 87 Mary M., daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Joliff 134 Mary M., daughter of Hezekiah Greenlee and Sophia Catherine Beard 212 Mary M., daughter of Lewis Greenlee and Mary Thornton 410 Mary M., daughter of Francis Marion Greenlee and Alpha M. Guinn 557 Mary Nannette, daughter of Arthur Claudius Greenlee and Emma E. Yates 160 Mary Eaehel, daughter of Elijah Francis Greenlee and Eebecca Middleton 547 Mary Sowright, daughter of Henry Greenlee and AngeUne Booth 206 Mary Somerville, daughter of Stephen Thomas Greenleese and Mary Grey Somerville 502 Mary Susan, daughter of William Greenlee and Catharine Eiffle 203 Mary S., daughter of Andrew Taylor Greenlee and Prudence A. Ball 208 Mary S., daughter of James Greenlee 566 Mary W., daughter of Lewis Greenlee 126 Maryette, daughter of Andrew McKelvey Greenlee and Mary (Greenlee) Umberfield. . .87, 118 Mason, son of Hamilton Greenlee and Frances Prewett 401 Mathew, son of James Greenlee and Jane Mitchel 189 680 INDEX-NAME OF GREENLEE. Page Mathew, son of Greenlee ^^1 Mathew B., son of William Greenlee and Mary Vogan *13 Mathew Henry, son of William Greenlee and Mary Johnson 190 Matilda, daughter of Robert Greenlee and Hadassa Patton 388 Matilda Ann, daughter of William Augustus Greenly and Harriet Chichester 533 Matilda Jane, daughter of Lewis Leonidas Greenlee and Hannah Maria Ferrell 406 Matthew, son of Alexander Greenlees and Mary ColviUe 444 Matthew, son of Greenlees 468 Matthew, son of John Greenlees and Grace Poison 468 Matthew, son of Robert Greenlees and Sarah Templeton 470 Matthew, son of Thomas Greenlees and Jean Muir 476 Matthew, son of William Greenlees and Agnes Andrew 484 Matthew (or James) son of Greenlees. 499 Matthew, son of Robert Greenlee 506 Matthew, son of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Jamphry 507 Matthew, son of James Greenlee and Martha Walker 500 Matthew, son of James Greenlee and Margaret S. Rush 509 Matthew, son of William Greenlee and Sarah Ferguson - 512 Matthew Alexander, son of Matthew Greenlee and Mary Colwell 507 Matthew Alexander, son of Thomas James Greenlee and Ellen Turner Dunn 510 Matthew Wilkin, son of Robert Thompson Greenlee and Amanda J. Porter 337 Mattie A., daughter of Robert Greenlees and Mary Montgomery 478 Mattie Bedella, daughter of David Peniwell Greenly and Rachel Ann Postles 181 Matty, daughter of John Greenlee and Mary Adair 508 Maud, daughter of Alexander W. Greenlee and Prances Abigail Crouch . .292 Maud D., daughter of James Greenlee and Elizabeth Weygandt 459 Maud Frances, daughter of John Marshall Greenlee and Mary Elizabeth Collins. ., 382 Maud Grigsby, daughter of David Robert Barton Greenlee and Mary Amanda (Boone) Gifford 246 Maud May, daughter of Levi Thompson Greenlee and Sophia M. Everett 209 Maul May E., daughter of John Mitchell Greenlee and Mary Tate 280 Maud Si, daughter of Lafayette Greenee and Rosella Chenoweth 141 Maude Celeste, daughter of James Lebbeus Greenlee and Alamanda Cook 128 Maude M., daughter of Archibald Wilson Greenlee and Mary (or OUve) E. Smith 194 Maxson, son of Michael Greenlee and Bethiah Maxson 59 May, daughter of James Walter Greenlee and Luella Greenlee 348 May, daughter of Thomas Greenlee and Elizabeth Morrison 429 May Ramsey, daughter of Thomas Greenlee and Mary Russell .431 Melda, daughter of Samuel M. Greenlee and Mary Ann Burch 320 Melinda Malvina, daughter of Manuel Greenlee 556 Melv9. Edna, daughter of Charles Montgomery Greenlee and Nannie E. Watson 570 Melvina, daughter of William Greenlee and Catharine Rifle 202 Melvina, daughter of William Francis Greenlee 513 Mesheek, son of William Greenly 503 Michael, son of Greenlee 29 Michael, son of Michael Greenlee 38, 67 Michael, son of Robert Greenlee and Anna Chamberlain 8S Michael Daniel, son of Edmund Greenlee and Mary Wright Stebbins 112 Michael David, son of Michael Greenlee and Rebecca H. Conover 143 Mignonette, daugher of William Edward Greenlee and Margaretta Brown 124 Mildred, daughter of John Buchanan and Eveline A. Coflan 106 Mills Erwin, son of John McClelland Greenlee and Mary Mills 347 Minerva, daughter of William Stowe Greenlee and Minerva Hood 169 Minerva Allison, daughter of Ephraim Edward Greenlee and Sarah Ijouisa Butler 282 Minerva, Ann, daughter of Robert Greenlee and Mary Furnas 538 Minerva EUen, daughter of Thomas Franklin Greenlee and Ann EUza Pearce 287 INDEX— NAME OF GREENLEE. 681 Minerva Sackett, daughter of Alexander Sackett Greenlee and Elizabeth C. Glass 253 Minnie, daughter of Edward Thomas Greenlee 284 Minnie, daughter of Alexander W. Greenlee and Frances Abigail Crouch 292 Minnie B., daughter of Hezekiah Greenlee and Sophia Catherine Beard 212 Minnie C, daughter of Marshall May Greenlee and Ida Bell Snowden 418 Minnie Etta, daughter of Harley Umberfield Greenlee and Mary Ann Tucker 171 Minnie May, daughter of James Newton Greenlee and Sina S. (Fort) McClendon 384 Minnie May, daughter of Allen Greenlee and Melissa Kiler 541 Mira, granddaughter of William Greenlee 458 Miranda Jane, daughter of Andrew McKelvey Greenlee and Mary (Greenlee) Umberfield. .118 Miriam, daughter of Robert Greenlee and Margie Norton 496 Missouri, daughter of Eobert Greenlee and Hadassa Patton 394 Missouri Amanda, daugher of John Eeid Greenlee and Jane (Winters) Giles 568 Mollie Bell, daughter of John Greenlees and Georgia Appleby 494 MoUie E., daughter of Charles Montgomery Greenlee and Nannie E. Watson 570 Mora« Esther, daughter of Columbus Boyd Greenlee and Sarah J. Guinn 540 Morgan, son of Morris Greenlee and Nancy Kimberling 405 Moriah, daughter of John Greenlee and Mary Adair 508 Morris, son of John Greenlee and Jane Eeynolds 400, 403 Morris, son of Morris Greenlee and Nancy Kimberling 407 Morris Clark, son of James Greenlee and Deborah CarroU 206 Mortimer, son of John Greenlee and Jane Reynolds 399 Mortimer E., son of Amos Greenlee and Adelaide H. Chamberlain 330 Moses Hanson, son of Jacob Davis Greenlee and Eaehel Chamberlain 97 Muir Campbell, son of Matthew Greenlees and Wilhebnina Alexander Campbell 477 Murray A., son of Woodson E. Greenlee and Anna MendenhaU 554 Myrtle, daughter of Amos Greenlee and Adelaide H. Chamberlain 330 Myrtle, daughter of Alexander W. Greenlee and Frances Abigail Crouch 292 Myrtle, daughter of Eobert Greenlee and Margie Norton 496 M. D., son of J. A. Greenlee 555 M. E., daughter of William Greenlee and Alice MeKinley 168 Nancy, daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Naney Gantz 48 Nancy, daughter of William Greenlee and Mary Hughs 52 Nancy, daughter of William Greenlee and Mary Eamsey 69 Nancy, daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Sarah A. Nichols 116 Nancy, daughter of James Greenlee and Deborah Carroll 20O Nancy, daughter of William Greenlee and Eebecca Hughs 304 Nancy, daughter of John Greenlee and Elizabeth Sunderland 357 Nancy, daughter of James Greenlee and Phebe Mayes 365 Nancy, daughter of Thomas Wallace Greenlee and Nancy Quinn 389 Nancy, daughter of Thomas Wallace Greenlee and Susanna Onstott 396 Nancy (or Jane) daughter of John Greenlee and Jane Eeynolds 399 Nancy, daughter of Hugh Greenlee and Ann Harvey 433 Nancy, daughter of James Greenlees and Jessie 439 Nancy, daughter of William Greenlee and Mary Y. Allen 491 Nancy, daughter of John Greenlee and Mary Adair 508 Naney, daughter of Elijah Greenlee and Rachel Ella Litton 546 Nancy Ann, daughter of John Greenlee and Susan Mary Wames 312 Nancy, Anna, daughter of James Bryant Greenlee and Mary Allen Lambert 517 Nancy A., daughter of William Madison Greenlee and Mahala Beam 167 Nancy A., daughter of William Greenlee and Esther Furnas 538 Nancy Belle, daughter of James Samuel Greenlee and Sarah Elizabeth Harlan 280 Nancy B., daughter of Thomas B. Greenlee and Mary A. Little 117 Nancy Elizabeth, daughter of Perry Martin Greenlee and EmeUne Matilda Smith 215 Nancy EUen, daughter of David Greenlee and Mary Langston Dibra 539 Nancy Jane, daughter of Andrew Hamilton Greenlee and Annis D. Giles 81 682 INDEX— NAME OF GREENLEE. Page Nanc7 Jane, daughter of Morris Greenlee and Nancy E. Kimberling 404, 413 Nancy L., daughter of Hamilton Greenlee 360 Nancy Margaret, daughter of Morgan Greenlee and Eliza Jane Greenlee 416 Nancy Maria, daughter of Thomas Greenly and Nancy ■ ■ — ■ , 558 Nancy Eosa, daughter of John Marshall Greenlee and Mary Elizabeth ColEns 382 Nancy E., daughter of Henry Greenlee and AngeUne Booth 206 Nancy Virginia, daughter of David Greenlee and Lucy Vermillion 516 Nancy W., daughter of Stephen Thomas Greenly and Nancy W. Weed 536 Nannie B., daughter of Robert Thompson Greenlee and Amanda J. Porter 338 Nannie Hall, daughter of John Wesley Greenley and Mary Elizabeth Anderson 527 Napoleon Cato Cicero, son of James Lacy Greenlee and Susan Hammer 379 Narcissus Jane, daughter of John Witt Greenlee and Narcissus Frances Douglass 367 Nathan, son of Edward Greenlee 198 Nathan, son of Greenlee 204 Neely, son of Samuel Greenlee and Hannah Hughes 205 Neely Levinus, son of William Greenlee and Sophia Aylshire 205 Neil, son of Thomas Greenlees and Elizabeth Morrison 429 Nellie, daughter of Edward Thomas Greenlee 284 Nellie, daughter of Hugh Greenlee and Jane Smith 475 Nellie B., daughter of William Clark Greenlee and Emma M. Ely 413 Nelson, S., son of Arthur Claudius Greenlee and Emma E. Yates 160 Nettie, daughter of John Greenlee 49 Nettie, daugher of John Greenlee and Jane Mcllvain 462 Nettie, daugher of Andrew Greenlees and Maggie Andrews 469 Nettie Esther, daughter of Alexander Hamilton Greenlee and Amanda Catherine Kidwell. .369 Newton, son of Elisha Greenlee and Eunice West 456 Nieodemus, son of David Greenlee and Lucy Vermillion 515 Nina, daughter of Greenley and Mary E. 572 Nina E. Dufield, daughter of Thomas Brady Greenley and Ann Eliza Lewis 526 Nora Ann, daughter of Benjamin Franklin Greenlee and Ann Eliza Henderson 363 Norsa ( ?) , daughter of John Greenlee and Mary J. Noeman 555 Norval, son of William Greenlee and Mary Eamsey 48 OUve Lillian, daughter of James Lebbeus Greenlee and Alamanda Cook 128 OEver, grandson of William Greenlee 564 Oliver E., son of David Maxwell Greenlee and Elizabeth Massy Evans 177 Oliver E., son of Elisha Evans Greenly and Mary Jane Vaughn 180 Oliver F., son of John McClelland Greenlee and Mary Mills 348 Oliver P., son of Jacob Greenlee and Elizabeth Gans 49 Oliver P., son of Luther Greenlee and Mary E. Wood 135 Ora B., daughter of Greenlee 572 Ora May, daughter of James Altha Greenlee and EUzabeth J. Gass 136 Ora O., son of William Clark Greenlee and Lucinda M. Potter 413 Oscar, son of Greenlee 375 Oscar, son of David Greenlee and Mary Langston Dibra 539 Oscaj T., son of John Marshal Greenlee and Mary Elizabeth Collins 384 Oscea Opal, daughter of John Morris Greenlee and Florence MeMna Chapman 417 Otis O., son of William Clark Greenlee and Lucinda M. Potter 413 Otmer, son of Andrew Morgan Greenlee and Mary (or Missouri) Pickens 415 Otto, son of William Eobert Greenlee and Mishie WMtt 213 Otto, son of James Lafayette Greenlee and Margaret C. Gideon 378 Pansy H., daughter of Woodson E. Greenlee and Anna MendenhaU 554 Paris, son of David Peniwell Greenly and Rachel Ann Postles 181 Patrick, son of Greenly 502 Patrick Lewis, son of James Madison Greenlee and Eliza Jane Glore 546 Paul Manwaring, son of Clinton DeWitt Greenlee and Clara May Russell 321 Paul Jones, son of Charles Greenlee and Elizabeth Onstott 389 INDEX-NAME OF GREENLEE. 683 Page Paulina, daughter of Eobert Greenlee and Anna Chamberlain 90 Pearl, daughter of Michael Daniel Greenlee and Mary L. Lock 112 Percy Sloan, son of Thomas Greenlee and Sarah J. Sloan 483 Perry Martin, son of William Greenlee and Sophia Aylshire 215 Perry Perca, son of John Morris Greenlee and Florence Melvina Chapman 417 Peter, son of James Greenlee and Mary Clark 435 Peter, son of Peter Greenlees and Martha Ferguson 436 Peter, son of James Greenlee and Margaret A. Pieken 436 Peter, son of Joseph Greenlees and Elizabeth Leitch 465 Peter, son of ■ Greenlee 474 Peter, son of Willis Greenlee and Nancy Long 567 Peter Case, son of Abner Bainbridge Greenlee and Mary Smith Stevens 340 Peter Patterson, son of John Greenlee and Margaret Patterson 322 Phebe, daughter of James Greenlee and Margart S. Rush 509 Philemon Wiard, son of Jacob D. Greenlee and Eachel W. Chamberlain 99 Philena Chamberlain, daughter of Jacob D. Greenlee and Rachel W. Chamberlain 100 Pleasant, son of EU Greenlee and Mary Daniel 371 Pleasant Edward, son of Tilmon Colvin Greenlee and Melissa Lasell Sandy 383 Pleasant L., son of John Greenlee and Mary Mayes 358 Polly, daughter of James Greenlee and Deborah Carroll 200 Porter, son of William Greenlee and Mary Ramsey 48 Preston Teegarden, son of George Greenlee 71 Prudence, daughter of Matthew (or James) Greenlee 499 Prudence, daughter of Robert Greenlee 505 Prudence, daughter of Matthew Greenlee and Mary Colwell 507 Prudence Ellis, daugher of William Greenlee and Harriet Sayre 201 Prudie Maria, daughter of Tilmon CoMn Greenlee and Melissa Lasell Sandy 383 Rachel, daughter of Michael Greenlee 29 Rachel daughter of David Greenlee and Elizabeth Morris 43 Rachel, daughter of William Greenlee and Nancy Dryden 66 Rachel, daughter of Edward Greenlee 198 Eachel, daughter of Edward Greenlee and Anna Henry 200 Rachel, daughter of Sylvester Greenlee and Esther Hetta Barnett 211 Rachel, daughter of Edward Greenlee 402 Eachel, daughter of Edward Greenlee and Hannah Greenlee 403 Eachel, daughter of Eobert Greenlee and Mary Furnas 538 Rachel, daughter of David Greenlee and Mary Langston Dibra 539 Rachel, daughter of William Greenlee 565 Rachel, daughter of Mathew Greenlee and Jean 592 Eachel, daughter of Greenlee 593 Rachel Adaline, daughter of John Witt Greenlee and Narcissus Frances Douglass 366 Eachel Arminda, daughter of Edmund Greenlee and Mary Wright Stebbins 112 Rachel C, daughter of James Madison Greenlee and Eliza Jane Glore 546 Rachel Ellen, daughter of Eobert Greenlee and Mary Christy 187 Rachel Frances Pinkney, daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Paxton 245 Rachel J., daughter of William Greenlee and Esther Furnas 538 Ralph, son of Greenlee 572 Ralph Archie, son of William Samuel Greenlee and Ida Elizabeth Ammons 377 Ralph Stebbins, son of Edmund Greenlee and Mary Wright Stebbins 108,597 Ealph S., son of Michael Daniel Greenlee and Mary L. Lock 112 Ray R., son of William S. Greenlee and Grace E. Packard 354 Rebecca, daughter of James Greenlee 38 Rebecca, daughter of Jacob Greenlee and Elizabeth Gantz 77 Rebecca, daughter of Maxson Greenlee and Catharine Compton 105 Rebecca A., daughter of Francis Greenlee and Ellen V. Stephenson 403 Rebecca E., daughter of Abner Greenlee and Mary B. Christy 552 684 INDEX— NAME OP GREENLEE. Page Eebecca I., daughter of OliTer F. Greenlee and Catharine L. Plummer 348 Eebecea Jane, daughter of Willis L. Greenlee 360 Bebecea May, daughter of Elijah Francis Greenlee and Rebecca Middleton 547 Begina, daughter of Eobert Greenlee and Anna Chamberlain 90 Bella, (or Bella), daughter of William F. Greenlee and Lueretia Darling 514 Reuben M., son of John Calvin Greenlee and Amanda CoUison 370 Bhoda, daughter of David Greenlee and Mary Doss 213 Richard, son of Greenlay 531 Eiehard son of Greenly 531 Bichard, son of Eiehard Greenly and Hannah Bradford 531 Bichard, son of Greenly 532 Eiehard, son of James Greenlees 589 Bichard, son of Greenlees 588 Richard Clyde, son of John Wesley Greenley and Mary Elizabeth Anderson 527 Richard Harvin, son of John William Greenlee and Kate Bethune Mahony 497 Bichard Irwin, son of William Greenleese and Harriet Baird 501 Bichie Ann, daughter of James Greenlee 566 Biley, son of Green Greenlee and Eose Van Sickles 204 Rdtchey, daughter of William Greenlee and Mary Hughs 85 Robert, son of John Greenlee 176 Robert, son of William Greenlee and Mary Ramsey 48 Eobert, son of Michael Greenlee and Bethiah Maxson 53 Eobert, son of David Greenlee and Elizabeth Morris 64 Robert, son of Archibald Greenlee and Giffen 184 Robert, son of Robert Greenlee and Mary Bonar 187 Robert, son of Edward Greenlee 198 Robert, son of Edward Greenlee and Anna Henry 199 Robert, son of James Greenlee 299 Robert, son of William Greenlee and Mary Thompson 305 Robert, son of James Patterson Greenlee and Elizabeth Greenlee 308 Robert, son of WiUiam Greenlee and Margaret Townley 328 Robert, son of Mills Erwin Greenlee and Aurildah Sinclair 347 Robert, son of Greenlee 386 Robert, son of Eobert Greenlee 386 Robert, son of Thomas Wallace Greenlee and Mary Quinn 388 Robert, son of Edward Greenlee and Hannah Greenlee 400 Robert, son of Samuel Greenlee and Elizabeth Kimberling 402 Robert, son of Thomas Greenlees and Margaret MacDonald MaoGiUivray 427 Eobert, son of Arthur Greenlees 426 Eobert, son of John Greenlees and Jane Moore 437 Eobert, sou of David Greenles and Margaret Ewing 428 Bobert, son of Thomas Greenlees and Elizabeth Morrison 431 Eobert, son of Eobert Greenlees and Ann Anderson 43.1 Bobert, son of William Greenlees and Mary Middlemas 431 Eobert, son of Hugh Greenlees and Ann Harvey 433 Bobert, son of James Greenlees and Mary Dickson 434 Bobert, son of James Greenlees and Catherine Galbraith 438 Eobert, son of Alexander Greenlees and Mary Colville 444 Bobert, son of Joseph Greenlee and Elizabeth Campbell 456 Eobert, son of Greenlees 468 Robert, son of Robert Greenlees 468 Eobert, sou of David Greenlees and Nancy Breckenridge 469 Robert, son of Greenlees 470 Eobert, son of Robert Greenlee and Sarah Templeton 471 Robert, son of Thomas Greenlees and Jane Muir 472 Robert, son of William Greenlee and Martha Harvey 472 INDEX— NAME OF GREENLEE. 685 Page Eobert, son of Robert Greenlees and Mary Mitchell 474 Robert, son of Hugh Greenlees and Philipps 477 Robert, son of Robert Greenlee and. Marion Montgomery 478 Robert, son of Greenlees 478 Robert, son of Robert Greenlees and Ellen Ralston 478 Robert, son of John Greenlees and Agnes Semple 479 Robert, son of Greenlees 485 Robert, son of William Greenlee and Mary Y. Allen 496 Robert, son of Greenlee 505 Robert, son of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Jamphry 506 Robert, son of James Greenlee and Margaret S. Rush 509 Robert, son of Greenlee 511 Robert, son of David Orr Greenlees and Jane Carr 519 Robert, son of Greenly 520, 521 Robert, son of William Greenlee and Fergison 538 Robert, son of William Greenlee and Esther Furnas 538 Robert, son of Greenlee, Greenlees, GreinUs, Greenly, etc 547, 577, 578, 581, 584, 585, 587, 588, 589, 592, 593 Robert, son of Lyoun Greenlees and Janet Quhyt 580, 581 Robert, son of Robert Greenlees 584 Robert, son of Thomas Greenlees 584 Robert, son of Robert Greenlees and Janet Pow 587 Robert, son of Robert Greenlees 587 Robert, son of James Greenlees 587 Robert, son of Thomas Grinlees 587 Robert, son of Robert Greenlees and Margaret Hodge 588 Robert, son of William Greenlees and Janet Kirkwood 588 Robert, son of Robert Greenlees and Margaret Hill 588 Robert A., son of WiUiam A. Greenlee and Susan Dulin 51 Robert Benson, son of John Greenlee and Mary Chamberlain 92, 151 Robert Clyde, son of William Harrison Greenlee and Mary A. Shillito 343 Robert C, son of Greenlee 5.58 Robert Earle, son of William Henry Greenlee and Eliza Ann Wilson 167 Robert E., son of William Emory Greenlee and Mary Ellen Cooper 115 Robert Fargo, son of WOUam Brooks Greenlee and Adeline Benham Fargo 165 Robert F., son of Francis Greenlee and Ellen V. Stephenson 403 Robert Harlan, son of James Samuel Greenlee and Sarah EUzabetb Harlan 278 Robert H., son of William E. Greenlee and Mary 565 Robert James, son of James Greenlees and Margaret Jane Brown 474 Robert J., son of Henry Harrison Greenlee and Elizabeth Ellen Blake 540 Robert Lee, son of Thomas Young Greenlee and Margaret Ruth Logan 256 Robert Lee, son of John Wesley Greenley and Mary Elizabeth Anderson 527 Robert Lemuel, son of Edmund Greenlee and Mary Wright Stebbins 107, 598 Robert L., son of Michael Daniel Greenlee and Mary L. Lock 112 Robert M., son of Thomas Greenlees and Margaret Andrew 475 Robert Omri, son of Alexander Hamilton Greenlee and Amanda Catherine Kidwell 381 Robert Porter, son of Robert Greenlee and Margaret Porter 314 Robert Porter, son of Abner Bainbridge Greenlee and Mary Smith Stevens 340 Robert Purnell, son of William Pumell Greenlee and Barbara Wilson Enlow 270 Robert Richard, son of Gavin Greenlees and Jane Gossman 432 Robert Roy, son of Charles H. Greenlee and Josie Cunningham 84 Robert R., son of Baylis Earl Greenlee and Martha J. Baker 568 Robert Smith, son of David Maxwell Greenly and Elizabeth Massy Evans 179 Robert Stewart, son of Stewart Greenlee and Sarah Ann McGinnis 342 Robert Thompson, son of William Greenlee and Mary Vogan 337 Robert Wallace, son of Thomas Wallace Greenlee and Susanna Onstott 390 686 IKDEX— NAME OF GREENLEE. Page Robert William, son of Robert Porter Greenlee and Elizabetk Bainbridg e Porter 340 Robert Witt, son of Pleasant Greenlee and Caroline Kidwell 371 Robert W., son of Harvey H. Greenlees and Lydia J. Green 434 Rodney George, son of WUliam Samuel Greenlee and Ida Elizabeth Anunons 377 Rolan E., son of Charles Montgomery Greenlee and Nannie E. Watson 570 Roland Lee, son of Lewis Leonidas Greenlee and Hannah Maria Ferrell 419 Rollin D., son of Thomas Beaver Greenlee and Mary Belle Struble 193 Roily, son of James W. Greenlee and Amanda E. Chatham 554 Rosa Isabelle, daughter of John Carrol Morris Greenlee and Josephine Brack 421 Rose, daughter of John Greenlee and Minnie VerwoUt 195 Rosetta Bell, daughter of Samuel M. Greenlee and Mary Ann Burch 320 Roy, son of Robert Stewart Greenlee and Amelia Jane Dufford 342 Roy C, son of William Clark Greenlee and Emma M. Ely 413 Roy Edmond, son of Aaron Burton Greenlee and Sarah Elizabeth Garoutte 349 Roy E., son of Andrew K. Greenlee and Elizabeth McAllister 151 Roy Scott, son of William Greenlee and Mary E. Scott 509 Rozilla PriseUla, daughter of Lewis Leonidas Greenlee and Hannah Maria Ferrell 417 Ruf us Devfitt, son of William Hunter Lawson Greenlee and Mary Florence Perkins 82 Ruth, daughter of Roy Greenlee and Bertha Moyer 342 Ruth, daughter of Jackson Francis Greenlee and Mary L. Yaeom 558 Ruth, daughter of Mathew Greenlee and Jean 592 Ruth Marie, daughter of Ernest Lot Greenlee and Sarah Wice 151 Ruth P., daughter of WUliam Jacob Greenlee and Samantha L. John 496 Sadie, daughter of Samuel Harvey Greenlee and Elizabeth Stites 286 Sadie, daughter of John Greenlee and Mary J. Nocman 555 SaUie Ann Purden, daughter of David Maxwell Greenly and Elizabeth Massy Evans 178 Sallie E., daughter of William Anderson Greenlee and Susan Dulin 84 Sallie Lodocie, daughter of Gideon Albert Greenlee and Mary Belle Riffle 217 Sail}', daughter of David Greenlee and Elizabeth Morris 43 Sally Ann, daughter of Robert Greenlee and Sarah Emory 65 Sally Ann, daughter of James Greenlee and Susan Cooper 114 Samuel, son of Michael Greenlee 36 Samuel, son of William Greenlee and Mary Ramsey 48 Samuel, son of Samuel Greenlee and Mary Jones 48 Samuel, son of Jacob Greenlee and Mary Spencer 71 Samuel, son of William Greenlee and Nancy Dryden 116 Samuel, son of Edward Greenlee and Anna Henry 200 Samuel, son of Green Greenlee and Rose Van Sickles 204 Samuel, son of John Martin Greenlee 218 Samuel, son of James Greenlee and Mary E. McDowell 221 Samuel, son of John Greenlee and Hannah McClanahan 229 Samuel, son of James Greenlee and Mary Mitchell 235, 547 Samuel, son of George Elisha Greenlee and Jane Elizabeth McKinney 254 Samuel, son of James Greenlee and Ann Patterson 303 Samuel, son of John Greenlee and Sarah Brady 303 Samuel, son of James Patterson Greenlee and Elizabeth Greenlee 327 Samuel, son of George Greenlee and Mary Hatton or Hilton 360 Samuel, son of Edward Greenlee and Hannah Greenlee 402 Samuel, son of James Greenlee and Catherine Galbraith 438, 484 Samuel, son of Samuel Greenlees and Agnes Andrew Greenlees 443 Samuel, son of Patrick Greenly and Mary Molson 502 Samuel, son of Thomas Greenley and Rebecca Spense 504 Samuel, son of Samuel Greenlee 504 Samuel, son of Robert Greenlee 505 Samuel, son of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Jamphry 505 Samuel, son of Matthew Greenlee and Mary Colwell 507 INDEX-NAME OF GREENLEE. 687 Page Samuel, son of William Greenle* and Sarah Ferguson 512 Samuel, son of Greenly 572 Samuel, son of John Greenly 551 Samuel Alexander, son of John Arnold Greenlee and Jane Greenlee 126 Samuel, son of Greenly and Elizabeth — 573 Samuel, son of — Greenly 574, 575, 579 Samuel, son of GreenUves 591 Samuel Anson, son of John Marshall Greenlee and Mary Elizabeth ColUns 382 Samuel Bell, son of James Gans Greenlee and Catharine Bell 73 Samuel Blair, son of Samuel Mitchell Greenlee and Minerva Keziah Saekett 236 Samuel Harvey, son of James Greenlee and Sarah Caskey 266 Samuel Herman, son of Daniel Greenlee and Mary Jane Weaver 75 Samuel H., son of Henry Greenlee and Angeline Booth 217 Samuel McLaine, son of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland 320, 348 Samuel Mitchell, son of Alexander Saekett Greenlee and Elizabeth C. Glass 283 Samuel Nichols, son of Samuel Greenlee and Sarah A. Nichols 170 Samuel Oscar, son of Samuel H. Greenlee and Ollie A. Smith 218 Samuel Preston, son of James Sterling Greenlee 370 Samuel S., son of WilUam Greenlee and Mary Vogan 313 Samuel S., son of John Greenlee and Margaret Patterson 324 Samuel Waller, son of James Madison Greenlee and Eliza Jane Glore 546 Samuel West, son of Elisha Greenlee and Eunice West 456 Sarah, daughter of John Greenlee and Sarah McCraeken 185 Sarah, daughter of James Greenlee and Jane Mitehel 190 Sarah, daughter of William Greenlee and Mary Thompson 302 Sarah, daughter of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland 306 Sarah, daughter of James Greenlee and Ann Patterson 307 Sarah, daughter of James Greenlee and Hannah Bracken 310 Sarah, daughter of William Greenlee and Rebecca Hughs 312 Sarah, daughter of Columbus Greenlee and Jane Burns 410 Sarah, daughter of John Greenlee and Mary Ballantine 457 Sarah, daughter of David Greenlees and Nancy Breckenridge 469 Sarah, daughter of Thomas Greenlee and Jane Muir 472 Sarah, daughter of Robert Greenlees and Mary Mitchell 473 Sarah, daughter of David Orr Greenlees and Jane Carr 519 Sarah, daughter of Greenly 520 Sarah, daughter of David Greenlee and Mary Dickson 539 Sarah, daughter of Thomas Greenly and Mary Hunt 560 Sarah, daughter of Greenly and Elizabeth 573 Sarah, daughter of Greenlives and Janet 591 Sarah Ann., daughter of William Greenlee and Emily Jackson 373 Sarah Ann, daughter of John Greenlee and Sarah Ann Stott 511 Sarah Ann, daughter of Willis Riley Greenlee and Clare Hope Lodeska Smith 570 Sarah Ann Eliza, daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Paxton 243 Sarah Blanche, daughter of William Paxton Greenlee and Eliza Hizer Forster 278 Sarah Catharine, daughter of .John Witt Greenlee a:id Narcissus Frances Douglass 366 Sarah C, daughter of John Purden Greenly and Louisa Walker 178 Sarah C, daughter of William E. Greenlee and Mary 565 Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Sarah A. Nichols 116 Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of Stewart Greenlee and Sarah Ann McGinnis 343 Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of John Greenlee and Sarah Ann Rebecca Lester 522 Sarah Emma, daughter of Andrew McKelvey Greenlee and Ann Eliza Houck 67 Sarah E., daughter of Elisha Evans Greenly and Mary Jane Vaughn 180 Sarah E., daughter of John Greenlee and Margaret Patterson 307 Sarah Jane, daughter of William Greenlee and Margaret Townley 329 Sarah Jane, daughter of William Anderson Greenlee and Mary McDaniel 367 688 INDEX-NAME OF GREENLEE. Page Sarah Jane, daughter of James Sterling Greenlee 370 Sarah Jane, daughter of Charles Greenlee and Elizabeth Onstott 389 Sarah Jane, daughter of William Greenlee and Sarah Ferguson 512 Sarah Jane, daughter of William Greenlee and Mary Dowel 543 Sarah Jane Duskin, daughter of James Lemuel Greenlee and Caroline Perkins 51 Sarah J., daughter of Francis Marion Greenlee and Alpha M. Guinn 557 Sarah Luretta, daughter of James Patterson Greenlee and Elizabeth Greenlee 308 Sarah L., daughter of EU Leroy Greenlee 371 Sarah Margaret, daughter of James Greenlee and Margaret S. Rush 511 Sarah Marguerite, daughter of William Greenlee and Sophia Aylshire 215 Sarah Matilda, daughter of Charles Greenlee and Matilda Long 500 Sarah M., daughter of William Greenlee and Esther Furnas 538 Sarah M., daughter of Greenlee 557 Seth Morgan, son of Lewis Leonidas Greenlee and Hannah Maria Ferrell 406 Shade, son of Greenlee 567 Shadrach, son of WiUiam Greenly 503 Sibey (or SiUme), daughter of William Greenlee and Nancy Dry den 66 Sibilla, daughter of Greinleyis 582 Silas, son of William Greenlee and Susan Musselman 199 Sophia Elizabeth, daughter of John Fullerton Greenlees and Hannah S. Fleming 434 Sophronia, daughter of John Greenlee and Susan Mary Wames 334 Statira, daughter of Thomas Greenly and Nancy 558 Stella Maria, daughter of Eoland Lee Greenlee and Malinda Ellen Guinn 419 Stella Melissa, daughter of Samuel M. Greenlee and Mary Ann Burch 320 Stephen, sou of Nathan Greenlee and Lucinda Greenlee 204 Stephen M., son of Charles Montgomery Greenlee and Nannie E. Watson 570 Stephen Thomas, son of William Greenleese and Harriet Baird 502 Stephen Thomas, son of William Augustus Greenly and Harriet Chichester 534 Stewart, son of Eobert Greenlee and Margaret Porter 315 Susan, daughter of James Greenlee and Susan Cooper 115 Susan, daughter of Robert Greenlee and Margaret Aleshire 199 Susan, daughter of Green Greenlee and Rose Van Sickles 204 Susan, daughter of James Greenlee and Catherine Galbraith 438 Susan, daughter of Thomas Greenley and Rebecca Spense 503 Susan, daughter of William Greenlee and Fergison 538 Susan AUee, daughter of William Anderson Greenlee and Mary McDaniel 377 Susan Cornelia, daughter of John Greenlee and Sarah Ann Rebecca Lester 522 Susan Ella, daughter of Nicodemus Greenlee and Malinda Jane Payton 517 Susan Evaline, daughter of Elijah Greenlee and Rachel Ella Litton 546 Susan Grace, daughter of William Henry Greenlee and Eliza Ann Wilson 167 Susan Musselman, daughter of William Greenlee and Harriet Sayre 201 Susan Otella, daughter of John Greenlee and Susan Mary Wames 312 Susan Peart, daughter of Abner Bainbridge Greenlee and Mary Smith Stevens 340 Susan Rebecca, daughter of Joseph Greenlees and Harriet McNeal 344 Susanna, daughter of James Greenlee and Janet Watson 437 Susanna, daughter of Patrick Greenley and Mary Molson 503 Susannah, daughter of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Gantz 73 Susie, daughter of William F. Greenlee and Lucretia Darling 514 Sylvester, son of Robert Greenlee and Margaret Aleshire 202 S. A., son of Greenlee 457 Theodore Tyler, son of Robert Greenlee and Sarah Gorman 328 Theron Andrew, son of Ernest Lot Greenlee and Sarah Wice 151 Thomas, son of William Greenlee 47 Thomas, son of John Martin Greenlee 218 Thomas, son of Arthur Greenlees 426 Thomas, son of Thomas Greenlees and Margaret MacDonald MacGillivray 427 INDEX-NAUTE OF GREENLEE. 689 Page Thomas, son of John Greenlees and Jane Moore "*-' Thomas, son of David Greenlees 4-8 Thomas, son of Thomas Greenlees and Mary Gilmour 429 Thomas, son of Eobert Greenlees and Janet Connell 429 Thomas, son of Eobert Greenlees and Ann Anderson 431 Thomas, son of Thomas Greenlees and Elizabeth Morrison 431 Thomas, son of Thomas Greenlees and Mary Russell 431 Thomas, son of Gavin Greenlees and Martha Wilson 432 Thomas, son of Archibald Greenlees and Helen Templeton 438 Thomas, son of John Greenlees and Jean Magill 445 Thomas, son of John Greenlees 446 Thomas, son of James Greenlees and Agnes Bullock 467 Thomas, son of Eobert Greenlees 468 Thomas, son of David Greenlees and Nancy Breckenridge 469 Thomas, son of Eobert Greenlees and Sarah Templeton 471 Thomas, son of Thomas Greenlees and Jane Muir 472 Thomas, son of Eobert Greenlees and Mary Mitchell 475 Thomas, son of Archibald Greenlees and Margaret Montgomery McG«chy 483 Thomas, son of Patrick Greenley and Mary Molson 503 Thomas, son of Thomas Greenly and Eebecca Spence 503 Thomas, son of Samuel Greenlee and Nancy Jamphxy 506 Thomas, son of George Greenly 521 Thomas, son of James Greenlee and Mary Eeddington 522 Thomas, son of Eichard Greenly and Hannah Bradford 531 Thomas, son of Greenly 532 Thomas, son of Greenly 558 Thomas, sou of John Greinleyis 580 Thomas, son of Lyoun Greinleyis and Janet Quhyt 580, 581 Thomas, son of John Greinleyis 581 Thomas, son of Greinleis 581, 583, 584, 587, 588 Thomas, son of Thomas Greenlees and Margaret Anderson 587 Thomas, son of William Greenlees and Mary Paterson 587 Thomas, son of Thomas Greenlees 587 Thomas, son of Thomas Greenlees and Jean Kennedy 588 Thomas, son of Thomas Greenlees and Marion Taylor 588 Thomas Beaver, son of Archibald Greenlee and Catharine Beaver 192 Thomas Brady, son of James Greenley and Mary Brady 525 Thomas B., son of William Greenlee and Nancy Dryden 117 Thomas B., son of Thomas B. Greenlee and Mary A. Little 117 Thomas Clarence, son of Thomas Brady Greenley and Ann Eliza Lewis 526 Thomas Franklin, son of James Greenlee and Sarah Caskey 266 Thomas F., son of Eobert Greenlee and Mary Furnas 539 Thomas Homer, son of William Greenlee and Mary Johnson 190 Thomas Hunt, son of Thomas Greenly and Mary Hunt 559 Thomas James, son of Matthew Greenlee and Mary Colwell 510 Thomas Jefferson, son of William Madison Greenlee and Mahala Beam 168 Thomas Jefferson, son of William Greenlee and Emily Jackson 361 Thomas Jefferson, son of Louis Greenlee and Elizabeth Himt 364 Thomas Lockwood, son of David Maxwell Greenlee and Elizabeth Massy Evans 177 Thomas M., son of Thomas Greenlee and Margaret Andrew 475 Thomas Eobert, son of Eobert Greenlee and Haddassa Patton 388 Thomas S., son of Hugh Hassen Greenlee and Ella Lee 338 Thomas Wallace, son of Eobert Greenlee and Jean Wallace 386 Thomas Wallace, son of Thomas Wallace Greenlee and Mary Quinn 390 Thomas Walton, son of John Wesley Greenley and Mary Elizabeth Anderson 527 Thomas Wesley, son of Thomas Hunt Greenly and Lucy Smith Higgina 561 690 INDEX— NAIIE OF GREENLEE. Page Thomas Wilkinson, son of Alexander Greenley and Anne De Rochburne Wilkinson 530 Thomas Young, son of David Washington Greenlee and Mary Howard JIcEntire 526 Thomasine, daughter of William Greenlees and Mary Hanly 490 Thornton Edward, son of Lewis Greenlee and Mary Thornton 423 Tighlman, A., son of James Greenlee and Elizabeth Bryant 554 Tilmon Colvin, son of Pleasant Greenlee and Caroline Kidwell 383 Tina, daughter of John Greenlee and Minnie Verwollt 195 Tom, son of Greenlee 555 Truman, son of Andrew Morgan Greenlee and Mary (or Missouri) Pieken 415 Tyre Napoleon, son of Samuel Greenlee and Elizabeth Freeman 170 T. Melville, son of Tyre Napoleon Greenlee and Effie Josephine Marvin 174 Ulysses G., son of Thomas B. Greenlee and Mary A. Little 117 Ulysses Logan, son of Robert Greenlee and Sarah Gorman 328 Urban, son of James W. Greenlee and Amanda E. Chatham 554 Utica Onias, son of Tilmon Coh-in Greenlee and Melissa Lasell Sandy 385 Valley, daughter of James W. Greenlee and Amanda E. Chatham 554 Verin, son of William Robert Greenlee and Mishie Whitt 213 Tester Victor, son of Francis Marion Greenlee and Vianah Elizabeth Cole 372 Victoria, daughter of John Greenlee and Mary Mayes 358 Victoria B., daughter of G«orge W. Greenlee and Joanna Murphy 87 Vicy Jane, daughter of WilUam Greenlee and Emily Jackson 372 Vilot, daughter of James Greenlee and Nancy 355 Vinton L., son of Samuel S. Greenlee and Amanda T. Tinker 324 Viola, daughter of Mills Erwin Greenlee and Aurildah Sinclair 347 Viola, daughter of James Greenlee and Maria L. McColgan 351 Vina D., daughter of Marshall May Greenlee and Ida Bell Snowden 418 Virda, son of David PeniweU Greenly and Ra«hel Ann Postles 181 Virgil Leander, son of William Greenlee and Emily Jackson 361 Virginia, daughter of Sylvester Greenlee and Esther Hetta Barnett 211 Virginia, daughter of Ephraim Allen Greenlee and Diadamia Dame 265 Virginia, daughter of Morgan Greenlee and Eliza Jane Greenlee 405 Virginia, daughter of Baylis Earl Greenlee and Martha J. Baker 568 Virginia C, daughter of David Greenlee and Hannah Ingram Grigsby 234 Virginia E., daughter of Thomas Wallace Greenlee and Susanna Onstott 390 Virginia E., daughter of Francis Greenlee and Ellen V. Stephenson 403 Virtue, daughter of Lewis Greenlee 72 Vivia, daughter of Thomas Brady Greenley and Ann Eliza Lewis 526 Vulah Constance, daughter of Edwin Stewart Greenlee and Filora Bell Emerich 336 Walter, son of Charles Greenlee and Elizabeth Onstott 389 Walter, son of John Morris Greenlee and Luretta Sullivan 414 Walter, son of Robert Greenlees and Agnes McFarland 433 Walter, son of Joseph Greenlees and Elizabeth Leitch 465 Walter, son of John Greenlees and Janet Millar 586 Walter E., son of Joseph P. Greenlees and Sallie L. Manning 495 Walter Robert, son of Louis Albert Greenlee and Carrie Jane Deaver 295 Walter S., son of William Edward Greenlee and Margaretta Brown 173 Warren, son of Clinton Ransom Greenlee and Josephine Walters 155 Warren Russell, son of Clinton DeWitt Greenlees and Clara May Russell 321 Washington, son of Greenly 574 Wattle Thomas, son of William A. Greenlee and Susan Dulin 84 Wayne, son of Henry Harrison Greenlee and Elizabeth EUen Blake 540 Weir Loudon, son of Samuel Greenlees and Jessie Eliza Weir 444 Wendell WiUiams, son of WiUiam MacCowan Greenlee and Alice M. Bird 378 Wesley, son of WUliam Greenlee and Smith 3O4 Wesley, son of John Greenlee and Mary J. Noeman 555 WUbur, son of Oliver E. Greenly and Mary Elizabeth Hart ,. 183 INDEX— NAilE OF GREENLEE. 691 Wilimina, daughter of Page — Greenly 574 Willard, son of Morgan Greenlee and Eliza Jane Greenlee 416 WiUard (or William) Andrew, son of Gideon Albert Greenlee and Mary Belle Eiffle 217 Willard Vance, son of Willard Greenlee and Laura Duff 416 son of David Greenlee and EUzabeth Morris 43 son of Michael Greenlee 47 son of Samuel Greenlee and Mary Jones 47 son of Jacob Greenlee and EUzabeth Gantz 78 son of James Greenlee and Eichey Herring 52 son of William Greenlee 66 son of William Madison Greenlee and Mahala Beam 168 sou of James Purden Greenly 181 son of Archibald Greenlee and Giffen 184 son of John Greenlee and Sarah MeCracken 184 son of Eobert Greenlee and Mary Bonar 185 son of James Greenlee and Jane Mitchel 190 son of Edward Greenlee I99 son of William Greenlee and Susan Musselman 201 son of John Greenlee and Susanna Aylshire 203 son of Samuel Greenlee and Hannah Hughes 205 son of James Greenlee 30a son of William Greenlee and Mary Thompson 304 son of William Greenlee and Smith 304 son of James Greenlee and Ann Patterson 306 son of John Greenlee and Margaret Patterson 307 son of John Greenlee and Sarah Brady 309 son of Egbert Greenlee and Margaret Porter 313 son of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland 318 son of John Greenlee and Elizabeth Sunderland 356 son of James Greenlee and Nancy 356 son of Louis Greenlee and Elizabeth Hunt 361 son of John Greenlee and Jane E«ynolds 399 son of Greenlee 198, 399 son of Edward Greenlee 400 William William William WiUiam William, William William, WilUam William, William William WilUam, WUUam, William WiUiam William William William WiUiam, WiUiam, WiUiam, William WilUam WiUiam WilUam, WilUam WilUam, WilUanij WilUam WiUiam WiUiam WilUam WilUam, WiUiam, WiUiam William WilUam, WilUam, WiUiam, WUUam, WilUam WiUiam WiUiam William, WilUam WilUam, WilUam, WilUam, William son of Columbus Greenlee and Jane Burne 410 son of Thornton Edward Greenlee and Miriam M. Good 423 son of Arthur Greenlees 426 son of John Greenlees and Jane Moore 427 son of David Greenlees and Margaret Ewing 427 son of Thomas Greenlees and Elizabeth Morrison 429 eon of Eobert Greenlees and Janet Connell 429 son of William Greenlees and Mary Middlemas 430 son of Thomas Greenlees and Mary Gilmour 430 son of Eobert Greenlees and Mary McMillan 432 son of Gavin Greenlees and Martha Wilson 432 son of James Greenlees and Mary Dickson 434 son of Peter Greenlees and Martha Ferguson 436 son of James Greenlees and Janet Watson 437 son of George Greenlee and Martha Greenlee 450 son of John Greenlees 446 son of John Greenlee and Margaret Dougherty 458 son of Elisha Greenlee and Eunice West 460 son of WiUiam Greenlee and Hannah Farquhar 461 WiUiam, son of Eobert Greenlees 468 WilUam, son of Eobert Greenlee and Sarah Templeton 450, 470 WilUam, son of WiUiam Greenlee and Martha Harvey 471 692 INDEX— NAME OF GREENLEE. William, William WilUam William William William William William, William William, William, William, William, William, William William William, William WilUam, William WilUam, WilUam, WilUam WilUam, William WiUiam WilUam, WilUam. WilUam, WilUam WilUam William, WilUam., WOUam WilUam WilUam William William, WilUam, William, WilUam, William Willaim WilUam William, WiUiam, WilUam WiUiam WilUam William, William, WiUiam, WilUam William, WilUam Page son of Robert Greenlees and Mary Mitchell 471 son of Eobert Greenlees and Mary Montgomery 472 son of John Greenlee and Jeanne Smith 473 son of Eobert Greenlees and EUen Ralston 479 son of Andrew Greenlees 479 son of John Greenlees and Agnes Semple 479 son of Greenlees 481 son of Archibald Greenlees and Margaret Montgomery McGechy 483 son of Greenlees 439, 4g4 son of Daniel Greenlees and Mary Colville 485 son of John Greenlees and Elizabeth Greenlees 489 son of John Greenlees and Isabella Dixon 490 son of Hugh Greenlees and Isabel McGowin 491 son of William Jacob Greenlee and Samantha L. John 496 son of James Greenlee and Martha Walker 500 son of John Greenlees and Mary Montgomery 501 son of Patrick Greenley 503 son of WilUam Greenly 503 son of Eobert Greenlee 506 son of Matthew Greenlee and Mary Elizabeth Caldwell 509 son of John Greenlee and Mary Adair 510 son of WilUam Greenlee and Sarah Armstrong 511 son of John Greenlee and Sarah Ann Stott 511 son of Greenlee 512 son of WilUam Greenlee and Sarah Johnston 512 son of William Greenlee and Deborah Coulter 512 son of WilUam Greenlee and Sarah Ferguson 512 son of William Francis Greenlee 512 son of Greenlees 518, 519 son of David Orr Greenlees and Jane Carr 519 son of David Greenlees and Maria Blakley 520 son of James Greenlee and Mary Reddington 522 son of James Greenley 524 son of WilUam Greenley and Celia Everett 528 son of James Greenley and Mary Brady 528 son of Richard Greenly and Hannah Bradford 531 son of Greenlees 537 son of WilUam Greenlee and Fergison 538 son of David Greenlee and Mary Dickson 540 son of James Madison Greenlee and Eliza Jane Glore 546 son of John Greenlee 551 son of John Greenlee and Mary Allen 551 son of Abner Greenlee and Mary B. Christy 552 son of Willis Greenlee and Nancy Long 567 descendant of WiUis Greenlee and Nancy Long 567 son of Greenlee, Greenley, Greenlees, etc., 564, 574, 577, 578, 583, 584, 588, 589, 590, 591 son of John Greenleyis 580 son of Thomas Greenlees 584 son of John Greenlees and Janet Millar 586 son of WilUam Greenlees and Mary Paterson 587 son of John Greenlees 587 son of Thomas Greenlees 587 son of Robert Greenlees and Margaret Hodge 588 son of William Greenlees and Janet Kirkwood 588 son of James Greenlees 589 INDEX-NAME OF GREENT:.EE. 693 Pagp William Albert, son of William Harrison Greenlee and Mary Elizabeth Quay .331 William Albert, son of Charles Greenlee and Matilda Long 500 William Alexander, son of John Greenlee and Eliza Jane (Rinehart) Coin 457 William Ambrose, son of John William Greenlee and Mary M. Keaton 207 William Anderson, son of James Greenlee and Phebe Mayes 367 William Anderson, son of Robert Greenlees and Ann Anderson 431 William Andrew, son of Gideon Albert Greenlee and Mary Belle Riffle 217 William Arthur, son of Luther Greenlee and Marietta Woods 135 William Augustus, son of Thomas Greenly and Esther Norman 532 William Augustus, son of William Augustus Greenly and Harriet Chichester 533 William A., son of John Greenlee and Nancy Hamilton 51 William A., son of William A. Greenlee and Susan Dulin 83 William A., son of John Greenlee and Mary Mayes 358 William A., son of James Greenlee and EUzabeth Weygant 459 William Baird, son of William Greenleese and Harriet Baird 501 William Bell, son of James Gang Greenlee and Catharine Bell 73 Wmiam Brooks, son of Robert Lemuel Greenlee and Emily Brooks 165 William Byron, son of Samuel M. Greenlee and Mary Ann Burch 320 William Caldwell, son of WilUam Greenlee and Mary E. Scott 509 William Charles, son of Abner Bainbridge Greenlee and Mary Smith Stevens 340 WUliam Clark, son of Morgan Greenlee and Elisa Jane Greenlee 413 William Clarkston, son of Perry Martin Greenlee and Emeline Matilda Smith 215 WiUiam Compton, son of Maxson Greenlee and Catharine Compton 59 William Compton, son of David Riland Greenlee and Harriet Browning (Compton) Cooper 104 William Craig, son of Robert Greenlee and Mary Christy 187 William C, son of Andrew Greenlees and Maggie Andrews 469 William Dallas, son of David Greenlee and Harriet Mallory 113 William David, son of David William Greenlee and Adaline Whitney Bristol 166 William Davis, son of William Paxton Greenlee and Eliza Hizer Porster 245 William Edward, son of George Greenlee 123 William Emmett, son of William Henry Greenlee and Eliza Ann Wilson 167 William Emory, soti of Robert Greenlee and Sarah Emory 115 William Ernest, son of Stephen Thomas Greenleese and Mary Grey Somerville 502 William E., son of Greenlee 565 William Fleming, son of John FuUerton Greenlees and Hannah S. Fleming 434 William Francis, son of Jacob Newton Greenlee and Rosetta C. Amsburg 216 William Francis, son of Greenlee 512 William Franklin, son of David Greenlee 265 William Franklin, son of Allen Greenlee and Melissa Kiler 541 William F., son of David Greenlee and Lucy Vermillion 514 William F., son of Nicodemus Greenlee and MaUnda Jane Payton 515 William G., son of Henry William Greenlee and Sarah Elizabeth RifiSe 216 William G., son of Charles Greenlee and Ellen Ferguson 451 William Harrison, son of Charles H. Greenlee and Josie Cunningham 84 William Harrison, son of William Greenlee and Margaret Townley 331 William Harrison, son of Stewart Greenlee and Sarah Ann McGinnis 343 William Harvey, son of John McClelland Greenlee and Mary Mills 318 WOliam Harvey, son of Thomas Young Greenlee and Margaret Ruth Logan 256 William Henry, son of James Greenlee and Mary Joliff 77 William Henry, son of Arthur John Greenlee and Katherine Richardson 167 William Henry, son of Charles Lewis Greenlee and Laverna Sayre 217 WUHam Houston, son of CoUn Telfer Greenlees and Mary Joanna Wheeler 483 William Hunter Lawson, son of James Lemuel Greenlee and Caioline Perkins 82 William H., son of Richard Greenly 531 William H., son of Franklin E. Greenlee and Lucretia Davis 570 694 INDEX-NAME OF GREENLEE. Page William Jacob, son of William Greenlee and Mary Y. Allen 495 WilUain Jackson, son of Henry Greenlee and AngeUne Booth 206 William Jenning, son of William Samuel Greenlee and Ida Elizabeth Ammon 377 William J., son of George A. Greenlee and Rachel McDermitt 411 William J., son of Greenlee 565 William J., son of WiUiam E. Greenlee and Mary 565 William Lawrence, son of Thomas Greenly and Nancy 560 William MacCowan, son of William Anderson Greenlee and Mary McDaniel 378 William MeCowan, son of William MacCowan Greenlee and Alice M. Bird 378 William Madison, son of WiUiam Greenlee and Nancy Dryden 115 WUliam Mark, son of William Greenlee and Margaret Henry 462 WiUiam MarshaU, son of WUbur Greenly and Mary A. Hazel 183 William MarshaU, son of William Greenlee and Emily Jackson 361 WiUiam Merchant, son of Morris Clark Greenlee and Catherine Roush 219 William Morgan, son of John Morris Greenlee and Luretta SuUivan 414 William M., son of James Madison Greenlee and Emma EUza HiU 83 William M., son of Mathew Greenlee and Martha AUen 189 WUUam M., son of Robert Greenlee and Mary Furnas 539 WiUiam Packer, son of Charles Alvin Greenlee and Emma O. Packer 135 William Parton, son of James Greenlee and Mary (or Rachel) Paxton 245, 276 WiUiam PumeU, son of David Greenlee and Mary PurneU 269 WiUiam Raymond, son of Tyra Napoleon Greenlee and Effie Josephine Marvin 175 William Robert, son of Green Greenlee and Rose Van Sickles 213 William RusseU, son of Joseph Elisha Greenlee and Elizabeth Newkirk 463 William R., son of WilUam Greenlee and Esther Furnas 538 WilUam R., son of Charles Montgomery Greenlee and Nannie E. Watson 570 WUUam Samuel, son of John Witt Greenlee and Narcissus Frances Douglass ... 376 WiUiam Stowe, son of Samuel Greenlee and EUzabeth Freeman 169 WiUiam S., son of John Greenlee and EUza Ann Smith 115 WilUam S., son of Robert Stewart Greenlee and AmeUa Jane Duflford 354 WUUam Talbert, son of Francis Marion Greenlee and Alpha M. Guinn 557 WiUiam Tate, son of John MitcheU Greenlee and Mary Tate 280 WUUam T., son of Hiram B. Greenly 548 WilUam WoodviUe, son of David Greenlee and Hannah Ingram Grigsby 234 William W., son of WilUam Greenlee and Mary Vogan 313 WilUe, son of WilUam Mark Greenlee and Belle Lowrey 462 WUUs, son of Louis Greenlee and Elizabeth Hunt 362 WiUis, son of Greenlee 567 WUUs Alvin, son of WilUam Greenlee and Emily Jackson 361 WiUis James, son of John Wesley Greenley and Mary EUzabeth Anderson 527 WUUs L., son of William Greenlee 360, 372 WiUis Monroe, son of Francis Marion Greenlee and Vianah EUzabeth Cole 372 WiUis Ray, son of Lewis Archibald Greenlee and Fannie F. Tucker 374 WiUis Riley, son of John Reid Greenlee and Jane (Winters) GUes 568 WUUs Sinclair, son of Benjamin Franklin Greenlee and Ann EUza Henderson 363 Winfield Scott, son of Morris Clark Greenlee and Catherine Roush 206 Womanslcy, son of John Greenlees and Janet Millar 586 Woodson E., son of James Greenlee and EUzabeth Bryant 554 W. Bvron, son of Samuel Alexander Greenlee and Mary Ann Teegarden 126 W. M., son of WiUiam Greenlee and Alice McKinley 168 W. R., son of J. A. Greenlee 555 Zelda Zula, daughter of Edwin Stewart Greenlee and Filora BeU Emeriek 336 ZeUa, daughter of Daniel Wames Greenlee and MeUssa Ann Plank 335 ZoedeUa, daughter of James Madison Greenlee and Emma EUza Hill 33 Zodie Vern, daughter of Edwin Stewart Greenlee and lUlora Bell Emeriek 336 Zua Eva, daughter of WilUam F. Greenlee and Lueretia DarUng 514 NAMES OTHER THAN GREENLEE Page Page Page Abbot, Emily 596 Aley, Thomas 316 Amsbury, Frances 216 Abbot, George 608 Algeo, Anabel 394 Amsbury, or Ainsberry, Eo- Abbot, Jacob 596, 609 Algeo, Janet 588 setta C, 216 Abbot, James 609 Algeo, John 394, 398 Anderson, Ann 431 Abbot, William 608, 609 Algeo, Kate EUa 394 Anderson, Charles 410 Abbott, Emily 107, lOS Algeo, Meredith Oudry ... 398 Anderson, Edna 319 Abbott, Eunice 179 Algeo, Robert Jefferson 394 Anderson, Margaret 587 Able, Elizabeth J. (Davis) 527 Allan, Alexander 465 Anderson, JIary Elizabeth. .527 Acherds, Susan 204 Allan, Mary 588 Anderson, William 431 Adair, Mary 508 Allan, Melissa 370 Anderson, Willis 527 Adams, Eebecca 182 Allan (or Allen) Susan A. Anderson, 400 Adamson, EsteUa Greenlee. 128 (or B.) 482 Anderson, 444 Adamson, James Madison. 128' Allen, Elizabeth 202 Andrew, Agnes 439,484 Adamson, Samuel James. .128 Allen, Helen Bush 500 Andrew, Annetta 474 Adcock, J. S 508 Allen, James (or John) . . .189 Andrew, Jane 454 Addame, Sarah 43 Allen, James Greenlee ....325 Andrew, John 475 Addleman, Elizabeth 74 Allen, John 190 Andrew, Lizzie 478 Adkins, Jerome 291 Allen, John Calvin 325 Andrew, Margaret . . . .453, 475 Adkins, Mattie 291 Allen, Lizzie May 325 Andrews, Maggie 469 Adkins, Sarah F 411 Allen, Margaret Jane 352 Andrews, William 469 Agnew, James 489 Allen, Martha 189 Annis, Charles 605 Agnew, John Park 482 Allen, Mary 551 Annis, Priseilla 603, 605 Agnew, Leonora Matilda. .482 Allen, Mary Vena 325 Appleby, Georgia 494 Aiken (or Eakin) Margaret 322 Allen, Mary Y 491 Arehard, Elizabeth 537 Aiken, EMra 330 Allen, Mattie Permelia .... 325 Archer, Amanda 149 Alkman (or Aikmen) Clara. 318 Allen, Minnie Alice 325 Armory, Nellie 72 Aiman, John 178 Allen, Mary 347 Armour, George 446 Aitken, James 466 Allen, Nannie Berdella ...325 Armour, James (or Archi- Aitken, Jean 466 Allen, Robert 325 bald) 446 Alden, Lucy Ann 513 Allen, Robert Alva, 325 Armstrong, Eliza 73 Alderman, Carlos J 117 Allen, Sarah Augusta ....325 Armstrong, Jane 530 Alderman, Corydon 158 Allen, Willian 190 Armstrong, Samuel 502 Alderman, Nancy Laura. . .158 Allen, William 491 Armstrong, Sarah 511 Ales, Arthur Clyde 81 Allison, Grace D 454 Armstrong, William 511 Ales, Benjamin Winfield... 81 Alvord, Estella B 171 Arnold, Ellen V 469 Ales, Mary Ann 80 Amason, Eli 494 Arnold (or Cole), Mary... 49 Ales, Robert Anderson 81 Ammons, Ida Elizabeth ...377 Arnold, Joseph A 469 Ales, Rosalie Roxana 81 Ammons, Nathan 377 Arnold, Mary E 461 Ales, SalUe Lorena 81 Amory, Nellie 74 Arnold, Michael 461 AJeshire, Ailshire or Ayl- Amsberry, Darius M 202 Asher, Margaret 87 shire, Jacob 205 Amsberry, Edna Hettie. . . .210 Ashley, George D ..564 Aleshire, Margaret 199 Amsberry, Elbert Sylvester. 210 Aston, Elizabeth 460 AJeshire, Sophia 205 Amsberry, Mathew James.. 210 Atkinson, Elizabeth 531 Aleshire, Susanna 199 Amsberry, Jessie May 210 Atwood, Caroline 535 Alexander, Elizabeth 477 Amsberry, Ray Vinton 210 Austin, Emily Asbury ....374 Alexander, Henrietta 273 Amsberry, Rolla Darius 210 Austin, Francis 603 Alexander, Jaben 273 Amsberry, Warren Thomp- Austin, Isabella 603 Alexander, James 428 son 210 Austin, 309 Aley, Joshua 308 Amsberry, William 210 Axtell, Everett V 459 695 696 INDEX— NAilES OTHER THAN GREEN^LEE. Page Page Ayres, Charles M 265 Bancroft, Sarah 609 Baxter, John 407 Ayres, 'William 532 Bancroft, Thomas 609, 610 Baxter, Sarah 511 Barbee, Susan 240 Bayes, Ann 423 Babb, Annie 571 Barber, Milo ISO Bayes, Ella 83 Babb, Elmira 571 Bardeen, Amanda 191 Bayes, George 83 Babb, James A 571 Barnard, Mahala 129 Bays, Eliza H. (or Hayse) . 569 Babb, Leona 571 Barnard, Mary 614 Bays, Henry 569 Babb, Mancil 571 Barnes, Anna ilaria 323 Bays, Henry Eansom 569 Babb, Mancil Monroe 571 Barnes, Charity Jane 323 Bays, H. T 569 Babb, Mary Hope 571 Barnes, Charlie Reid 351 Bays, James 569 Babb, Myrtle 571 Barnes, Edward Gibson ... 323 Bays, Mary Jane 569 Babb, Vonnie Iva 571 Barnes, Elias 94 Beach, Frances Maria 100 Babb, Wiley Greenlee 571 Barnes. James Elmer 351 Beal, Jemima (or Rebecca) .407 Babbitt, Eva 84 Barnes, John Quincy 351 Beale, Idol 219 Babbitt, James 84 Barnes, Margaret Florella. . 323 Beale, Eichard 219 Babbitt, Malinda 212 Barnes, Martha Parmelia. . . 94 Beam, Joseph 115 Bachiler, Anne 606 Barnes, Mary Edna 351 Beam, Mahala 115 Bachiler, Stephen 606 Barnes, Thomas G 323 Beard, Addison Newton 214 Back, Nancy 371 Barnet, Nareissa 364 Beard, Calvin Jones . . 212, 214 Bacon, Jane Amelia. .. .93, 151 Barnett, Esther Hetta ....202 Beard, Charles Alva Levi- Bacon, John S 93 Barnett, Samuel 403 nus 214 Badger, William W 459 Barnett, William (or Bob- Beard, Edwin Jabez 214 Bailey, C. W 493 ert) 202 Beard, Lucy 216 Bailey, David 218 Barnley, Frances Irene.... 152 Beard, Mary Ann 212 Bailey, David 239 Barnum, Enoch Floyd 252 Beard, Sophia Catherine. . .212 BaDey, Lydia 87 Barr, Ann 588 Beaven, George W 527 Bailey, Martha A 218 Barr, Annie 309, 326 Beaver, Catherine 186 Bailey, Mary 451 Barr, David 307, 308, 309 Beaver, Peter 186 Bailey, William 239 Barr, Eliza 309 Becker, August R 412 Baird, Harriet 501 Barr, Ellen 309 Beckleheimer, MaUnda 240 Baird, 501 Barr Hettie 326 Bedel, Anna 595 Baker, Absalom 568 Barr, Isabella 326 Bedel, Timothy 595, 602 Baker, Aps 37 Barr, Jane 307 Bedingfield, Matthew (or Baker, Billings P 187 Barr, Jennie 309 Madison) 361 Baker, Dwight E 142 Barr, Mahala 346 Bedingfield, Thomas Jef- Baker, Martha J 568 Barr, Margaret 75, 309 f erson 361 Baker, Mary 169 Barr, Maria 308 Beeks, Henry 477 Baker, Mattie 117 Barr, Martha 309 Beeman, Laura Ann 150 Baker, Nancy C. 379 Barr, Mary 308, 309 Beggs, Rachel 337 Baker, Prentiss Monroe 142 Barr, Peter 309, 316 Beggs, William 337 Baker, Ralph Prentiss 142 Barr, Samuel 308, 316 Belew, Elizabeth 138 Baker, Rispah 124 Barr, Sarah 308, 309 Bell, Catherine 73 Baker, Ruth Tumeaure ... 142 Barr, Silas 307 Bell, Elizabeth 131 Baker, Sarah 79, 80 Barrett, Eliza 96 Bell, Elma 125 Baldwin, Jarrett 522 Barrett, 494 Bell, George 51 Balenger, Elihu 357 Barrie, James 466 Bell, Levi Harrod 73 BaU, Henry Thomas 201 Barron, Mary 489 Bell, Sophia 434 BaU, Prudence A 208 Barry, Albi 318 Bell, Vesta 433 Ball, William 208 Bartholomew, Nora 204 Bell, WUliam 304 Ballard, James 359 Bartlett, EUzabebth ..612,614 Bell, 394 BaUantine, James 457 Baseum, Emma 171 BeU (or Biel) 302 Ballantine, Mary 457 Baseum, 560 Bemis, Ara May 163 Ballantine, William 455 Bateman, Rachel 419 Bemis, Elizabeth Lillian ... 163 Balsley (or Baulsley), EU- Baty, EUzabeth 567 Bemis, Harry Gilbert 163 zabeth 312 Baughner, John N 185 Bemis, Levi 163 Bancroft, John 609 Baumann, Rachel 73, 127 Bemis, Levi Jay 163 Bancroft, Samtiel 609, 610 Baumann, 127 Bemis, Pearl EmmeUne 163 INDEX-NAMES OTHER THAN GREENLEE. 697 Page Page Bemis, Vern Cleveland 163 Bishop, Eay B 130 Boone, William R 173 Bemis, Victor Emanual 163 Bi\-ins, James 359 Boots, 128 Bendon, Fredrica 394 Black, Albert C. (or James) .457 Booth, Angeline 206 Benjamin, Frank W 462 Black, Elizabeth 495 Booth, William 206 Benjamin, Paul Kingsley. .463 Black, Ella 457 Boswell, Mary Ella Irene. 128 Benjamin, Ralph Greenlee. 463 Blackstone, William 179 Boswell— 128 Benjamin, William 462 Blaekwell, George Washing- Bottenfield (or Bottomfield), Bennett, Charles C 423 ton 118 Adam or Isaac 70 Bennett, Harrison 423 Blaekwell, James Monroe.. 118 Bottenfield, Maria or L 70 Bennett, John (or James). 467 Blackwood, James 485 Bottomfield, Lucinda 455 Bennett, John 501 Blackwood, Jane (or Mar- Bouldiu, Amelia Ann.. 271, 278 Bennett, McCager 423 garet) 306 Bowen, Charlotte 168 Bennett, William 81 Blackwood, Narcissa Hat- Bowers, Cammine 133 Benning, Albert 422 ton 530 Bowers, Carrie C 132 Benning, Donald Dale 422 Blair, Frank 539 Bowers, Emma E 163 Benning, John 422 Blake, Elizabeth Ellen 540 Bowers, John L 163 Bennington, Demas 75 Blakemore, Isaac S 403 Bowers, Warner 133 Bennington, Eliza Ellen .. 75 Blakey, Albert Greenlee .. .270 Bowers, William 132,133 Bennington, Elizabeth J 130 Blakey, Belle May 293 Bowls, Jenny 319 Bennington, Emma Francis. 75 Blakey, Charles Bradshaw . . 293 Bowman, Arminda 150 Bennington, Lebbeus Gantz.129 Blakey, Charles D 293 Bowman, Benjamin 67 Bennington, Martha Ann.. 130 Blakey, Clara Euphema ...270 Bowman, John 231 Bennington, Mary A 75 Blakey, Elizabeth Jane (or Bowman, Mary 237 Bennington, Nancy Mar- Blakely ) 269 Bowman, Nate G 167 garet 130 Blakey, James M 270 Bowyer, Ella 546 Bennington, Roberta Lee.. 130 Blakey, Mary Lee 270 Box, Margret 356 Bennington, Samuel W 75 Blakey, Walter Todd 270 Boyce, J. C 220 Bennington, William 75 Blakey, William Clark 270 Boyd, Anne May 497 Bentley, Elizabeth 348 Blakey, Yelvertou C 293 Boyd, Jane 346 B^rdan, Elra A 483 Blakley, Maria 520 Boyd, Jesse 497 Beveridge, James 589 Blakley, Johnston 520 Boyd, Joseph 371 Biddle, Charles 355 Bland, Isabella 603 Boyd, Josephine 371 Biddle, John 355 Bland, John 603 Boyd, Lillian 497 Bigby, Ben 569 Blew, Emily 207 Boyd, Mabel 497 Bigby, John Earl 569 Blisitt, Belle 570 Boyd, Margaret 125 Biggart, Margaret 581 BHsitt, Rose 570 Boyd, Robert 448 Bigler, John 74 Blodgett, Rachel 57,61 Boyd, Robert 497 Bigler, Rebecca 74 Bloodsel (or Bloodworth), Boyd, Robert Hugh 497 Billick, Arthur 347 Ella 51 Boyd, E. J. J... 497 BilUngs, Charlotte 255 Blue, 537 Boyd, 359 Bills, Lydia 100 Bole, Amanda 311 Boyd, 538 Bingenheimer, John 290 Bole, John 307 Boyl, 349 Birchard, Sabra 353 Boles, John 206 Brack, George Washington . 408 Bird, Alice M 378 Boll, Henrietta 481 Brack, Josephine 408 Bird, William 378 Bolman (or Bowman), Brackebush, Charles Her- Birkin, Frank 562 Sarah 506 ford 164 Bishop, Allen S. 130, 131 Bonar, Barnet 186 Brackebush, Charles J 164 Bishop, Benson C 130 Bonar, Margaret Everet ...186 Bracken, Hannah 310 Bishop, aayton 130 Bonar, Mary 184 Brackett, Anthony 603, 604 Bishop, Ellenda 379 Bonar, William 184 Brackett, Zipporah 603 Bishop, Guy C 130 Bennett, Harry 334 Bradbury, 142 Bishop, Isaac Ladner 113 Bonnett, Ida Nettie 334 Bradfield, Mary 522 Bishop, James 461 Bonnett, Isaac Dean 334 Bradford, Hannah 531 Bishop, Moses 113 Bonnett, Isaac N. (or W.) . 334 Bradford, Thomas 531 Bishop, Nancy 156 Boone, Ethelred 174 Bradley, Elwood W 505 Bishop, Naomi 461 Boone, Hezekiah 246 Bradley, Eugene F 505 Bishop, Olive Marguerite. .131 Boone, Mary Amanda 246 Bradley, Florence M 505 INDEX— NARCES OTHER THAN GREENLEE. Page Bradley, Henry 505 Bradley, James E 504 Bradley, Josephine 504 Bradley, Mary A 505 Bradley, Sarah M 504 Bradley, Thomas D 505 Bradley, William H 504 Bradley, William B 504 Bradshaw, Ann 270 Brady, John 303, 524 Brady, Mary 524 Brady, Sarah 303 Bragdon, Dorcas 392 Brainerd, Oakley 557 Bradenburg, Florence A... 135 Brandenburg, Thomas ....135 Brandf ass, Christine 195 Brannan, J. H 568 Brannon, Eobert 367 Brass, Kate 143 Bray, Huldah 118 Brazier Nellie 101 Breathwit, 490 Breekenridge, Andrew 469 Breekenridge, Edward ....433 Breekenridge, Elizabeth . . .469 Breekenridge, Margaret ...452 Breekenridge, Nancy 469 Bretske. Julius W 366 Brewer, Pharaba 377 Brice, John 188 Brice, Martha (or Mary) Jane 188 Briggs, Mary Ann 162 Briggs, Nancy 169 Brisbane, Julia 208 Bristol, Adaline Whitney ..166 Bristol, Elom Hurlburt. . . .166 Britt, Anna Frances 121 Britt, Frances Elizabeth... 68 Britt, Frank P 121 Britt, Jean McBride 121 Britt, Mary Asenath 121 Britt, Mary EmUy 68 Britt, Nancy Melvina 68 Britt, Eobert 68 Britt, Eobert Ealstou 121 Britt, Samuel Greenlee 69 Brittenour, Damps 276 Brittenour, Ferdinand Eod- ger 277 Brookman, Mary 168 Brooks, Charles 597 Brooks, Daniel 595 Brooks, Eleanor 597 Brooks, Elizabeth 108, 597 Brooks, Emily 107,597 Page Brooks , Isabella 598 Brooks Jeannie 598 Brooks John 595 Brooks Joshua 594 Brooks Mary .598 Brooks MeUnda . 66 Brooks Samuel 595 596 Brooks , Thomas 594 597 Brooks , WUUam ..107,108 596 Brougl iton, Charlotte C. . . .350 Brown, Charles 98,447 449 Brown Charles Henson . . .211 Brown Charlotte OUvia . . . 98 Brown Cora E .105 Brown, Ed .460 Brown Edward 451 474 Brown, Elizabeth .451 Brown, Emily .372 Brown E. Ford .270 Brown, Frederick . 81 Brown G. W .496 Brown Hannah (Davis) 595 Brown Hazel A .354 Brown Helen or Ellen . . . .447 Brown Henry Clyde .211 Brown Hugh .449 Brown Ivy B .354 Brown James 123 449 Brown James A .452 Brown Jane .449 Brown John 479 592 Brown John C .255 Brown Joseph .155 Brown Katherine .586 Brown Laurel E .354 Brown LeUa .211 Brown , Lenora Sybil . 81 Brown , Marcus Lueien . . . .354 Brown , Mrs. Margaret . . . .435 Brown , Margaret Jane 437 ,474 Brown , Margaretta .123 Brown , Mary 309, 475 ,538 Brown , Mary Bell .452 Brown Mary Elizabeth . . . 81 Brown , Mary Jane .201 Brown Mattie .270 Brown Maude .211 Brown Minnie Lula . 81 Brown Missouri Anice . . . . 81 Brown Myrtle .211 Brown Myrtle M 354 Brown, Nancy A .421 Brown Nathan .211 Brown Nettie Grace .211 Brown Sarah Hollinsworth.236 Brown Simon .155 Brown Stephen Andrew . . 81 Page Brown, S. E 569 Brown, Virginia Ida 81 Brown, Walter E 354 Brown, Willard L 354 BrOT\-n, William Malcolm ... 81 Brown, William S 80 Brown, 532,553 Bruce, A. L 485 Bruce, Maria 526 Bryan, Bertha Frances . . . 297 Bryan, John 297 Bryant, Anderson 553 Bryant, Elizabeth 552 Bryant, Nancy 553 Bryant, Thomas 553 Brydle, Maria Antoinette. . 99 Brydle, WUUam S 99 Bryson, Hattie 255 Bryson, Thaddeus D 255 Bryson, WUliam A 325 Buchan, Margaret 588 Buchan, Marjory 588 Buchanan, Elizabeth 59 Buchanan, Mary 104 Buckingham, Hannah 72 Bull, Annie 445 Bullock, Agnes 467 Bullock, Martha 465 Bumgarner, Albert L 125 Bumgarner, Frank 125 Bumgarner, George L 125 Bumgarner, George W 125 Bumgarner, Harry G 125 Bumgarner, Jesse V 125 Bumgarner, WilUam D. . . . 125 Bumpass (or Bumpin), Eob- ert T 365 Burch, Harriet 327 Burch, JIary Ann 320,348 Burch, William 320 Burd, Bertha 383 Burd, Fred C 383 Burd, James 383 Burd, Janet 383 Burd, Perley Lee 383 Burd, Eobert 383 Burd. Thomas M 383 Burd, WilUam C 383 Burgin, Edward Jones . . . 285 Burgin, James Greenlee . . 285 Burgin, LilUan Harvey . . . 285 Burgin, Margaret Henrietta 285 Burgin, Mary 255 Burgin, Mary Greenlee . . . .285 Burgin, Eobert 285 Burkhart, Earl Keith 381 Burkhart, James Hamilton. 381 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN GREENLEE. 699 Page Page Page Burkhart, John Moulden . . . 381 nie 270 Campbell, Susan Ann 496 Burkhart, Eoy Estesses .... 381 Cahill, Eliza 134 Campbell, Thompson or Burley, Juliette L 503 Cain (or Coin) Eliza Jane. 457 Thomas 457 Burnett, Alice 361 Cain, William 201 Campbell, Wilhelmina Alex- Burnley, Horace B 234 Caldwell, James 408 ander 476 Bums, Angaby 405 Caldwell, Jane 506 Campbell, William . . . 395, 492 Burns, Jane 410 Caldwell, Janet 430 Campbell, William P 492 Burns, Thomas 410 Caldwell, Jennie 472 Canon, Nancy 569 Burson, Abram 73 Caldwell, Mary Elizabeth . . 507 Cantrell, Julia Ann 462 Burson, Alexander 457 Caldwell (or Colwell), Wil- Capps, Mary Ann 373 Burton, Absalom Farrar . .493 liam 507 Card, Eugene D 373 Burton, Andrew Jackson. . .498 Calhoun, H. T 415 Carey, Andrew Jay 342 Burton, Fannie 534 Calkins, Fannie B 162 Carey, Clarence B 342 Burton, Fanny Dean 499 Calkins, James 162 Oarey, Earl F 342 Burton, John Wesley 494 Callen, A. V 293 Carey, Helen Irene 342 Burton, Julius 81 Callen, Ida 293 Carey, Jane 501 Burton, Maragret Jane . . .499 Calrert, Annie 494 Carey, Joseph 342 Burton, Martha Louisa 494, 499 Calvert, D. James 494 Carey, Joseph B 342 Burton, Patrick Henry . . .499 Calvert, Eliza 494 Carey, Nathaniel 342 Burton, Sarah Elizabeth. . .499 Calvert, George 494 Carey, Newton 342 Burton, Sarah Walker 499 Calvert, Hugh .490 Carey, William F 342 Burton, Thomas 493 Calvert, James 490 Carleton, Olive L 197 Burton, Thomas William Calvert, John G 494 Carleton, WilUam 197 Jefiferson 494 Calvert, Joseph P 494 Carley, Hepsibeth 97 Burwell, Herbert 313 Calvert, Lou 499 Carman, John 367 Burwell, John 313 Calvert, L. Cooper 494 Carman, Lizzie 148 Busby, Hester Ann 492 Calvert, Eobert 490 Carman, Stephen 148 Busby 492 Calvert, E. Lee 494 Camahan, Thomas 94 Bush, H. W 439 Calvert, Sarah 78 Carpenter, Sarah 565 Buss, George Greenlee Hun- Calvert, WiUiam 490 Carr, Alexander C 162 ter 173 Calvert, W. Thomas 494 Carr, Alfred Bennett 103 Buss, WilUam 173 Cameron, James 376 Carr, Allen Bert 103 Buss, William Hunter 173 Cameron, Joseph E 375 Carr, Alvah 103 Butler, Anderson 556 Cameron, Josie 376 Carr, Alvah Lemuel 103 Butler, Anna (Bedel) 595 Camp (or EaJy), MinerTa..235 Carr, Annie 272 Butler, Happy 556 Campbell, Albert 492 Carr, Clara Luella 103 Butler, Nan«y 268 Campbell, Angeline 492 Carr, Clarence Alfred 103 Butler, Richard 2&4 Campbell, Charles 492 Carr, Humphry Eufus 103 Butler, Sarah 237 Campbell, David Eichmon . . 492 Carr, James 415 Butler, Sarah Louisa 253 Campbell, Edward 319 Carr, Jane 519 Butler, Susan 115 Campbell, Elgy Fenton 395 Carr, Jennie C 162 Butler, Thomas 268 Campbell, Elgy Vanvoorhis 395 Carr, Matilda Effie 103 Butler, William Claiborne Campbell, EUza B 168 Carr, Meda Lucinda 103 253, 264 Campbell, Elizabeth . . . 456, 459 Carr, Ossian Elmer 103 Butts, Grace 140 Campbell, George 492 Carroll, Deborah 200 Byers, Nancy 188 Campbell, Ida 120 Carroll, Eunice 456 Bynum, John Gray 264, 285 Campbell, Isabel 492 Carson, Charley 460 Byrd, Alda 553 Campbell, James Eobert- Carson, Dora 460 Byrd, Bessie 553 son 477 Carson, Dorcas 294 Byrd, Chauncey E 553 Campbell, Jane ...190,219,459 Carson, EmeUne 296 Byrd, James 553 Campbell, Jane Estella ...395 Carson, Harold WilUam ...352 Byrd, Nettie 553 Campbell, John 492 Carson, James 460 Byrd, Euth 553 Campbell, Lozeldia M 141 Carson, Jeff 460 CampbeU, Martha Ann ...492 Carson, Jennie 460 Caddel, AdeUa Prances 293 Campbell, N. J 429 Carson, Joel 460 Caddel, A. B 293 Campbell, Palmer 168 Carson, John 352 Caddie (or Cadell)> Min- Campbell, Paxton Greenlee. 395 Carson, Joseph 461 700 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN GREENLEE. Page Carson, Louella 460 Carson, Martha Jane 352 Carson, Robert John 352 Carswell, Agnes 591 Carswell, Jane 591 Carswell, Janet 591 Carswell, John 591 Carswell, WilUam 591 Carter, Josephine 383 Carter, Thomas 532 Cartwright, Joel 198 Caskey, or Caskie, Charles Parks 269 Caskey, Clyde 291 Caskey, David Greenlee . . . 268 Caskey, Elisabeth 239 Caskey, EKza 239 Caskey, Elizabeth 268 Caskey, Ephraim 239 Caskey, Euphemia Belle . . . 269 Caskey, Florence 291 Caskey, George .269 Caskey, Henry Ellsworth ... 269 Caskey, James 238, 239 Caskey, James B 268 Caskey, James Edward . . . 292 Caskey, James Fairbanks . . 292 Caskey, James J 239 Caskey, John 239, 291 Caskey, John Harvey 291 Caskey, Lew 291 Caskey, Lucretia Virginia. 291 Caskey, Marian 292 Caskey, Mary Jane 268 Caskey, Mary Jane Eliza- beth 269 Caskey, Melissa Jane 268 Caskey, Minnie 291 Caskey, Nettie 291 Caskey, Samuel Harvey ...268 Caskey, Sarah 238, 239 Caskey, Thomas 239 Caskey, William 291 Caskey, William J 268 Cavitt, Jane 393 Chadburn, Alfred 537 Chadburn, John 537 Chalmers, Jessie 536 Chalmers, Lucinda V 282 Chalmers, Thomas 536 Chamberlain, Adelaide H. . . 330 Chamberlain, Anna 53 Chamberlain, Clara A 160 Chamberlain, Emerson .... 330 Chamberlain, John ... 53, 55, 56 Chamberlain, Majy 55 Chamberlain, Rachel W 56 Page Chambers, — ■ 537 Chancellor, David 577 Chandler, Hannah 608 Chandler, WilUam 608 Chapman, Alanson 546 Chapman, Andrew Jackson. 411 Chapman, Blanche (Lan- man) 103 Chapman, Edman 411 Chapman, Florence Melvina.417 Chapman, Frances 411 Chapman, Henry F 417 Chapman, James 240 Chapman, Leonidas 411 Chapman, Marilda 411 Chapman, Martha Ann . . . .411 Chapman, Naomi 411 Chapman, Rachel 411 Chapman, Thomas 411 Chapman, WUUam 402 Charles, Etta 268 Chase, Aquilla 605 Chase, Henry 481 Chase, Leila 173 Chase, Sarah 605 Chatham, Amanda E 554 Chatham, F. M 554 Chatley, Andrew 346 Chatley, Bertie Milton 346 Chatley, Eusebius 346 Chatley, Otis Asa 346 Cheek, Lizzie 508 Chenoweth, Laurance 141 Chenoweth, Rosella M 141 Cherrington, Edison I. . . .424 Cherrington, Ira E 424 Chichester, Harriet |532 Chichester, Harvey, or Ste- phen 533 Chick, Edward 77 Chick, George 77 Chick, Oliver 77 Chilton, William B 505 Chipley, Mahala 527 Chishold, John 499 Chisolm, Marvil 499 Chisolm, Ray 499 Christian, 231 Christy, James 551 Christy, John 187 Christy, Mary 187 Christy, Mary B 551 Clark, Alexander 530 Clark, Amanda Eliza 159 Clark, Birdsey Hill 412 Clark, Charles Erwin 347 Clark, Christiana 503 Clark, David F 411 Clark, Douglas S 159 Clark, Eliphaz 101 aark, Eliza 402 Clark, Eliza Jane 157 Clark, Enuna C 481 Clark, Flora 438 Clark, Flora A 148 Clark, Florence 538 Clark, Florence Lucinda . . . 159 Clark, Harriet Agnes 412 Clark, Isaac Davis 530 Clark, James 435 Clark, Jane 331 Clark, Jennie Bell 347 Clark, John 347, 435 Clark, John Wesley 347 Clark, Judy 81 Clark, Kenneth Franklin ..159 Clark, Laura May 347 Clark, Lenore 530 Clark, Livisa Jane 138 Clark, Louis 347 Clark, Mary 165, 435 Clark, Mary Ella 347 Clark, Melvina, or Malvina, 362 Clark, Nellie B 530 Clark, Nellie Pearl 347 Clark, Orson EHphaz 159 Clark, Ralph Orson 159 Clark, Robert 347 Clark, Samuel 43 Clark, Sanborn Stebbins . . .159 Clark, Sarah 126, 134 Clark, Sarah Matilda 347 Clark, Silas 101 Clark, WUburn Arthur ... 354 Clark, William Allen 347 aark, 362 Clawson, Alpbeus 50 Clawson, Caroline 50 Clawson, Edwin 90 Clawson, James Harvey. . . 78 Clawson, John 49 Clawson, John L. 79 Clawson, Joshua C 79 Clawson, Lavina 49 Clawson, Lydia 50 Clawson, Mary A 49 Clawson, Mary F 79 Clawson, Newton 79 Clawson, Samuel 49 Clawson, Sarah 79 Clawson, Thomas *1> Clayton, Elias 327 Clayton, John M rf27 Cleaver, John 174 INDEX-NAIIES OTHER THAN GREENLEE. 701 Page Page Page Clemens, Euretta 89 Collison, Sarah A 370 Cooper, Mary E 574 Clendenin, Mary Elizabeth. 353 CoIIom, Eliza Jane 121 Cooper, Mildred E 132 Clendenin, William 353 Colman, Dora 414 Cooper, Moses 76 Clifford, Josephine 151 Colville, Anne 445 Cooper, Myers Young 134 Cline, John 196 Colville, Charles 485 Cooper, Porter 117 Cline, Ruth 196 Colville, David 477 Cooper, Samuel B 574 Clinton, Elinor 286 Colville, David 499 Cooper, Samuel Dar.sie 133 Cloud, Nancy 553 Colville, Jessie 487 Cooper, Sanson Millegan ... 131 Clough, Sally 93 Colville, John 487 Cooper, Sanson Stewart 133 Clute, Vesta L 172 Colville, Marion 471 Cooper, Susan 66,114,115 Clute, Fred M 172 Colville, Mary ...443,444,485 Cooper, Susanna Dora 133 Clute, Helen G 172 Colville, Robert 444 Cooper, Thomas Judson...377 Clute, Martin V 172 Colville, 470 Cooper, Virginia May 132 Clutter, Martha 213 Colwell (or Caldwell), Jane 506 Cope, J. H 496 Coate, Forest William ....543 Colwell, Mary Elizabeth 507, 508 Copeland, Columbus 362 Coate, Isaac Walter 543 Colwell, Sarah F 293 Copeland, John Richard . . 362 Coate, Mary Ellen 544 Colwell, William 507, 508 Copeland, Sarah 362 Coate, Omer Edgar 543 Combs, Daniel W 566 Copper, Carrie Sadie 298 Coates, Fanny 87 Combs, Fred Leslie 566 Copper, Clarence Rogers . .298 Cobb, Kate C 95 Combs, Thomas Holiday . . 566 Copper, Harry Garvey 298 Cochrane, Janet 466, 582 Compton, Catherine 59 Copper, Joseph R 297 Coe, Kate E 159 Compton, David 59 Copper, May 298 Coe, T. R 159 Compton, Harriet Browning.104 Cordiner, John 488 Coffin, Evaline A 106 Compton, William 104 Cordoner, Agnes 588 Coffin, Frederick A 106 Condee, Asa 410 Corhaek, Mary 382 Coffin, Judith 606 Coney, Minnie 284 Corman, Abraham 328 Coffin, Nicholas 607 Connell, Janet 4:i8 Corman, Sarah 328 Coffin, Peter 607 Conover, David A 88 Cornelius, James M 390 Coffin, Tristram 606,607 Conover, Rebecca Howard.. 88 Cornelus, Isaac 346 Coffman, Eliza 368 Conner (or Connor), Maria Cornelus, Mary A 346 Cohee, Samuel 43 (or Sarah) J 506 Corn well, Kate Maurice ... 564 Coin, Eliza Jane (Rine- Connolly, William 529 Corn well William 564 hart) 457 Conwell, Frances Ellen 420 Corpening, C. L 296 Colcord, Sarah 451 Conwell, Lot 420 Corpening, Charles Macon. .296 Cole, Frank 522 Cook, Alamanda 128 Corpening, Charles M 296 Cole (or Arnold), Mary 49 Cook, George 128 Corpening, Grayson M 296 Cole, Caroline 392 Cook, Jane 324, 325 Corpening, John Y 296 Cole, George W 392 Cook, Lovisa 219 Corpening, Mary Flemming.296 Cole, Richard or William.. 372 Cook, Nancy 346 Corwith, Sarah Nicoll 564 Cole, Sarah 461 CooUdge, Clarence P 476 Corwith, Silas Rogers 564 Cole, Vianah Elizabeth 372 Cooper, Agnes N 131 Corwith, Silas W 564 Coleman, Ed 141 Cooper, Allen 104 Cotton, Anna Alvira 350 Coleman, Elizabeth 70 Cooper, Angelina Amy 133 Cotton, George Hale 350 Coleman, 70 Cooper, Elma C 76 Cotton, Joseph 350 Colgrove, Alfred A 478 Cooper, Everett F 132 Cotton, Lydia 612,613 Colgrcve, Ebenezer 478 Cooper, Harriet Browning Cotton, Mary Jane 350 Colgrove, Margaret L 478 (Compton) 104 Coulter, Deborah 512 Collier, Charles 103 Cooper, Herbert 377 Coulter, Elizabeth 524 Collins, AdeUa Frances Cooper, James 567 Cousins, Nannie 315 (Caddel) 293 Cooper, James Greenlee ... 132 Cousins, Sarah 315 Collins, George 381, 383 Cooper, John Gideon 38 Coward, Agnes May 163 Collins, Mary Elizabeth 382 Cooper, Lemuel Young ... 76 Coward, Charles 163 Collins, Nannie 381 Cooper, Lois B 132 Cowart, David * 82 Collins, Susan 185 Cooper, Lulu E 132 Cowart, Fannie Daisy .... 82 Collison, Amanda 370 Cooper, Martin 567 Cowart, Queen Esther .... 82 Collison, Mary 368 Cooper, Mary 595 Cowart, Seaborn 82 Collison, Samuel 368, 370 Cooper, Mary Ellen 115 Cox, Permelia 219 702 INDEX-NAMES OTHER THAN GREENLEE. Page Page Page Coy, Alexander 174 Cunningham, Josie 83 Davitlson, Alberta 273 Coy, Eichard Perry. 174 Currie, Joseph 467 Davidson, Andrew Baker . .241 Cozzens, Sarah Variek ....248 Curtis, Albert Maxon 56 Davidson, Charles Andrew .241 Craig, Hugh Montrose 280 Curtis, Amarilla Hannah. . . 96 Davidson, Clara 273 Craig, Margaret 186,431 Curtis, Bertha L 96 Davidson, Frederic 241 Craig, Margaret 582,587 Curtis, Delilah L 95 Davidson, Greenlee 241 Craig, Martha 557 Curtis, Diantha M 95 Davidson, James Dorman . . 241 Craig, William 280 Curtis, Eliphalet 55 Davidson, Mary 241 Craighead, James 394 Curtis, Eliza Ann 103 Davidson, Mary Lavalette . . 273 Craighead, Eobert A 394 Curtis, Elma 96 Davidson, William Weaver. 241 Crail, Mary A 459 Curtis, Esther Anna 96 Davis, Ann Winifred 276 Cramp, Ann 274 Curtis, Martha 142 Davis, Augusta Virginia . . 276 Crann, Sophia 141 Curtis, Mary Ann 96 Davis, A. J 570 Crawford, Mary Andrew. ..429 Curtis, Miles 55 Davis, Eben Nelrus 244 Crawford, Orra J 208 Curtis, Philura Eliza 96 Davis, Eddie 566 Creesy, Eliza 98 Curtis, Sidney Miles 96 Davis, Elizabeth 90 Crept, Eobert 274 Curtis, Stennett G 56 Bavis, EUzabeth J 527 Crittenden, James J 373 Curtis, Viola Delia 96 Davis, Esther 29 Crock, Emma Jane 419 Curtis, Virginia 291 Davis, FeUnden 567 Crock, Eeuben 418, 419 Cutler, Hannah 608 Davis, Hannah 174, 595 Crock, Reuben Leonidas ...419 Cutler, John 608 Davis, Harriet E. (McFar- Crock, William Ulysses 419 land) 329 Croskery, Emily 430 Daggett, Helen 194 Davis, Ida May 566 Croskery, Hugh 430 Daggett, P 194 Davis, Jefferson 566 Crossley, Amasa 95 Dalton, Colby 358 Davis, John 29 Crossley, Amasa A 152 Dalton, Elizabeth 375 Davis, John L 567 Crossley, May F 152 Dalton, John 520 Davis, John Pressley 244 Crouch, Elsie 461 Dalton, Martha 358 Davis, J. 6 570 Crouch, Frances AbigaU. . .293 Daly, David 500 Davis, Lucinda 569 Crouch, Henry 292 Dame, Diadamia 265 Davis, Lucretia 569 Crouch, Sophia Ann. . . 212, 214 Dame, Timothy 265 Davis, Lydia Ann 554 Crow, Elizabeth L 147 Daney, George Oliver 152 Davis, Mary 140 Crowell, Handy 201 Dancy, Jennie L 95 Davis, Mary Elizabeth 276 Croyar, Elizabeth 341 Dancy, Sarah Ellen 152 Davis, Euby Alice 566 Crozier, D 346 Danford, VirgU 117 Davis, Thomas S 566 Crozier, Mary A 346 Daniel, Annie 365 Davis, William 290 Crumlick, Caroline 336 Daniel, Esther 357,358 Davis, William W 566 Crump, George J 364 Daniel, John 355 Davis, 240, 527 Crumrine, Dora 75 Daniel, Joseph 355 Dawson, Matilda 504 Crumrine, Evaline 129 Daniel, Mary 359 Dawson, Michael 504 Crumrine, George 129 Daniels, Newell 396 Day, Anna 516 Culbertson, Janet 452 Daniels, Eachel or Emma.. 419 Day, Hannah 178 Culbertson, Peggy 556 Daniels, Walter AUen 396 Day, Sophia 155 CuUow, Emma 340 Danlin, Margaret 367 Day, 405 Culpepper, Ernest F 367 Danton, L. A 268 Dean, Annie 513 Culpepper, Finch 495 Darling, George 302 Deane, John 513 Culpepper, James L 495 Darling, Joseph 514 Deaver, AquiUa Thomas... 521 Culpepper, John B 495 DarUng, Lettie 157 Deaver, A. A 524 Culpepper, John G 495 Darling, Lucretia 514 Deaver, Basil Lloyd 524 Culpepper, Joseph 495 Darrah, Anna 151 Deaver, Carrie Jane 294 Culpepper, Eobert 495 Dascum, 558 Deaver, Ethel Myrtle 524 Culpepper, Eufus 495 Daugherty (or Dougherty), Deaver, Florence Estell ...524 Culpepper, Thomas C 495 Margaret 455 Deaver, George Edward ...524 Cummings, John 47 Davenport, Emma 270 Deaver, Herman Lester . . . 524 Cunningham, Elizabeth .... 586 Davenport, Henry 498 Deaver, James 524 Cunningham, George 83 Davenport, Nancy Jane ...498 Deaver, James Oscar 524 Cunningham, John 96 Davidson, Albert 273 Deaver, Lewis Alexander. .294 INDEX-NAMES OTHER THAN GREENLEE. 703 Deaver, Lida Tabitha .... 524 Deaver, Martha Elizabeth. 524 Deaver, Noris F. Septemus.524 Deaver, RofFord Napoleon. .524 Deaver, William Henry .... 524 Dedrick, Julia 334 Dedrick, Peter 334 Dee, Ellen 518 Dees, Ben 546 Deeter, Alva Curtis 542 Deeter, Jacob 542 Deeter, Vinnie Florence . . . 542 Deffenbaugh, Leona 135 Deffenbaugh, William 135 Denison, Augusta 251 Denison, Leonard 251 Dennett, Alexander 606 Dennett, Elizabeth 606 Denslovr, Benjamin Frank- lin 156 Denslow, Nellie Jane .... 156 Dent, EUsworth E 420 Dent, Myrtle 420 Dewees, Laura 182 Dewitt, DrusUla 418 Deyarman, Alexander .... 69 Deyarman, Ewing B 69 Deyarman, Ewing Till 122 Deyarman, Frances Eliza ..122 Deyarman, Hugh 69 Deyarman, John Kenedy. . . 69 Deyarman, Julia B 122 Deyarman, JuUa May 122 Deyarman, Robert 6reenlee.l22 Dial, James 497 Dial, Robert I. H 497 Dial, Robert James 497 Diamond, Margaret .479 Dibra, Mary Langston ....539 Dickey, Beulah 83 Dickey, Frank 83 Dickey, Frankie 83 Dickey, Gilbert 83 Dickey, James 83 Dickey, Lula 83 Dickey, Mattie 83 Dickhont, Hartman S 515 Dickhout, Mary E 517 Dlekhout, Peter S 517 Dickson, David 555 Dickson (or Dixon) David. 490 Dickson (or Dixon) Isa- bella 490 Dickson, Jane 555 Dickson, John 491 Dickson, John Augustus ..236 Dickson, John A 236 Page Dickson, Mary 434, 539 Dight (or Vight), Mary 324 Dight Sarah 349 Dill, Benjamin F 574 Dill, Eliza 528 Dill, Ezekial B 113 Dill, Greenlee 64 Dill, Jacob 4;) Dill, Josiah B 113 Dill, Mary 178 Dill, Mary E 574 Dill, Shadrick 43 Dill, Warner 43 Dill, William 43 Dillard, Joseph 233 Dillard, William S 233 Dillie, J. M 371 Dils, Robert A 70 Dinklespiel, Adolph 252 Dinvriddie, Melissa 540 Disbrow, Phebe DeMUb 563 Disbrow, Thomas 564 Divors, Francis 271, 278 Divers, Mary Clark 271 Dixon (or Dickson), Mary. 539 Dixon (or Dickson), Robert 539 Dockery, Aline 571 Dockery, Dee 571 Dockery Ellis 571 Dockery, Henry W 571 Dockery, Leah 571 Dockery, Matthew 571 Dockery, Merle 571 Dod, Will 372 Dodd Eliza (or M. E.).179, 180 Dodd, Mary Elizabeth 168 Doddridge, Fannie 169 Doddridge R. R 169 Dodds, Jane 307 Dodson (or Dutson), Mary (CalUson) 368 Dole, Sarah , 607 Doner, Albert E 540 Donley Elizabeth 307 Donohue, Honora 294 Dooley, Jane 83 Dorman, Susan 241 Dorsey, Cruce 181 Doss, Mary .213 Doss, Milton 213 Dottery, Eliza 373 Doubt, Abraham 314 Douceman, Margaret 315 Dougan, Allen D 161 Dougan, Blanche Catherine 161 Dougan, John Lynn 161 Dougan, John M 161 Page Dougan, Lee Dewane 161 Douglas, Mary 358 Douglass, John 366 Douglass, Lydia 189 Douglass, Narcissus Fran- ces 366 Dougherty, Margaret 455 Dousman, Mary 308 Dover, John 284 Dover Katharine 284 Dowell, Mary 540 Downing, Harrison 53 Downing, Jacob G 341 Downing Minnie 341 Dowlin, Elma 125 DowUn, John 125 Downey, Sarah 139 Downing, Harrison 53 Drain, Duncan 433 Drair 470 Drake, Abraham 604 Drake, Robert 604 Drake, Sarah 118 Drake, Susannah 603, 604 Drayen, Janet 471 Driver, Caroline 567 Driver, Lou 494 Dryburgh, Mary Ann 429 Dryden, Nancy 66 Dryden, Rose A 171 Dryden, William 66 Duff, Dora G 413 Duff, Laura 416 Duff, William 416 Duffield, EUzabeth 307 Dufford, Amelia Jane .... 342 Dufford, George M 342 Duke, Elizabeth 460 Dulin, James 51 Dulin, Susan 51 Dumars, James 333 Dumars John Robinson .... 333 Dunagan, G 85 Dunbar, Catharine 168 Dunbar, Josephus 168 Duncan, Isobell 583 Duncombe, Carrie Saline . . 127 Duneombe, David C 127 Dunlap, Hannah E 412 Dunlap, Israel 403 Dunlap, Janet 485 Dunlap, (or Dunlop), Robert 433 Dunlop, Nannie R 273 Dunlop, Thomas L 273 Dunn, Alexander Hugh . . . .161 Dunn, Alice Rebecca 161 704 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN GREENTjEE. Dunn, Arthur D 95 Dunn. Arthur Judson ....161 Dunn, Clyde Gilson 333 Dunn, Earl Biland 161 Dunn, Elizabeth 333 Dunn. Elizabeth B 95 Dunn. Ellen Turner 510 Dunn, Emily 310 Dunn, Emmet Thomas 332 Dunn, Frank LoweU 153 Dunn, Frank W 105 Dunn, Gertrude Susanne ..153 Dunn, Gideon 95, 105 Dunn, Harriet 332 Dunn, Henry 545 Dunn, Ira Jesse 152 Dunn, John 467 Dunn, John Greenlee 311 Dunn, John Meredith Tay- lor 310 Dunn, Kitty EUen 161 Dunn, Lafayette 311 Dunn, Lenoir G 333 Dunn, Margaret 117 Dunn, Margaret Miller .... 161 Dunn, Mary Esther 310 Dunn, Martha Jane 333 Dunn, Nannie V 332 Dunn, Oliver 310 Dunn, Oliver Brady 332 Dunn, Philip 105, 161 Dunn, Eaehel 96 Dunn, Eaehel 332 Dunn, Robert Monroe .... 333 Dunn, Sarah Ann 310 Dunn, Thomas D 95 Dunn, Thomas Holtom .... 95 Dunn, Thomas Phillips ... 153 Dunn, 309 Dupue, Amanda 556 Duryee, Andrew 97 Duzan, Joseph 169 Duzan, Martha 169 Dye, David 189 Dye, W. H 189 Dyer, Isabel C 396 Dyer, John 362 Dysart, Margaret 253 Eakens, Annie Bell 498 Eakens, Carrie Calvert .... 493 Eakens, Joseph 493 Eakens, Laura 493 Eakens, Maggie Fannie ...498 Eakens, Mary Lauderdale . .498 Eakens, William 493 Page Eakin (or Aiken), Mar- garet 322 Ealy, Andrew 556 Ealy, George W 556 Ealy, John 556 Ealy (or Camp), Minerva. .235 Earl, Julia Ann 93 Earl, WiUiam 93 Early, J. F 233 Easterday, Bemice Luella .335 Easterday, Conrad 335 Easterday, Elva Gertie . . . .353 Easterday, John Conrad . .335 Easterday, John "Wesley . . 335 Easterday, Susan Hannah.. 335 Eaton, EmeUne 163 Eaton, Joseph 387 Eck, Luster Aubra 544 Eck, Perry A 543 Eokard, George W 413 Eekard, Mary Ann 203 Eekerson, Christina 320 Eckley, Albert 460 Eckley, Elisha 460 Eekley, Elmira 460 Eckley, Elmona 460 Eekley Henderson or Henry 460 Eekley, Melissa 460 Eddy, Myra 89 Eddy, RoUo 89 Edmond, Edith May 542 Edmond, Ida Malinda .... 542 Edmond, Margaret Belle . .542 Edmond, Mary EUen 542 Etetealf, Michael 610 Meyer, Ada 339 Meyers, George H 483 Micheaux, Martha 296 Middlebrook, Ed 421 Middlebrook, Edward. .408, 421 Middlebrook, Frank 408 Middlebrook, Fred 421 Middlebrook, Iris Delphine.421 Middlebrook, Laverna ....421 Middlemas, Mary 429 Middlemas, William 430 Middleton, Rebecca 547 Middleton, John 547 Miles, Joseph Orlando .... 5il 716 INDEX-NAMES OTHER THAN GREENTiEE. Page Miles, Lucy 77 Millar, James 465 MiUar, Janet 586 MiUar, Jean 465 Miller, Abner 553 Miller, AJoniram Judson 161, 162 Miller, Albert Samuel 69 Miller, Alma Jane 553 Miller, AngeUne 552 Miller, Archibald 552 Miller, Caroline 69 Miller, David 411 Miller, David 542 Miller, EUjah H 277 Miller, EUen 87 Miller, EmiUe M 220 Miller, Fanny A 161 lyiiller, Frank A 162 Miller, George 272 Miller, Hiram 220 Miller, James 556 Miller, James H 292 Miller, Jennie 538 Miller, John 557 MiUer, Letitia 190 Miller, Louisa 552 MiUer, Malvina 272 Miller, Mary Jane 552 Miller, Mildred Anna 162 Miller, Minnie 292 Miller, Samuel 552 Miller, Sarah Elizabeth 552 Miller, Susan 552 MiUer, Thomas 292 Miller, WilUam H 292 MilUgan, John 433 Mills, JuUa A 456, 463 MiUs, Mary 317 Mills, Robert 317 Minniek, Eliza 135 Miskimins, Etta 412 Miskimins, Harvey 412 Miskimins, Josephine May. 412 Miskimins, Josephus 412 Mishler, Edna G 536 Mishler, Gertrude G 536 Mishler, WiUiam H 536 Jlisplay, Maggie Mary . . . 546 Mitc-hel, Jane 185 Mitchell, Agnes 470 Mitchell, Archibald 470 Mitchell, Carey Diaz 138 Mitchell, Charles H 138 Mitchell, Daryl C 295 MitcheU, Ethel Corinne 138 Mitchell, Fannie 295 Page Mitchell, Fred 460 MitcheU, Harry E 295 MitcheU, Hugh 470 Mitchell, Isabel 397 Mitchell, James . . 230, 390, 471 Mitchell, Jane 470 MitcheU, Jean 438, 444 MitcheU, John 438 MitcheU, Leta 295 Mitchell, Maggie DeUa 114 ilitcheU, Mary 77,230,435,471 MitcheU, Siehard Benson . .138 MitcheU, Eichard Manson..l38 Mitchell, Robert Casper ... 295 MitcheU Robert Henry 138 MitcheU, Ruth Octavia 138 MitcheU, Samuel 438 Moak, Jane 317 Moekbridge, Mary Louise. .282 Mockbridge, 282 Moffet, Mary 238 Moher, 545 Molson, EUzabeth 502 Molson, Mary 502 Momyer, John 79 Momyer, Lydia 78 Monnet, Hannah 552 Montgomery, Caroline .... 51 Montgomery, L. C 410 Mortgomery, James . . .472, 474 Montgomery, James (or WilUam) 221 Montgomery, Marion 474 Montgomery, Mary 472, 473, 482,501 Montgomery, 501 Moore, Benjamin 496 Moore, Fra nkli n 496 Moore, Henrietta 285 Moore, Jane 427 Moore, John 496 Moore, Mary 130,332 Moore, Nancy 210 Moore, Nancy 592 Moore, Patrick 478 Moore, Richmou 496 Moore, Yarber 496 More, Bertha 174 More, Lewis 137 More, Richmond C 137 More, Thomas Edwin 137 More, Thomas J 137 More, WiUiam 137 Morehouse, Mettle 140 Morgan, AUen 379 Morgan, EUzabeth 483 Morgan, EUen 368, 370 Morgan, Lucy 571 Morgan, Mary 466 Morgan, Maud 379 Morgan, Raymond 379 Morgan, Samuel A 379 Morgan, Sekna 379 Morgan, Walter 376 Morley, WUey 246 ilorris, Ann EUza 254 iiorris, EUzabeth 43 Morris, Fred P 318 Morris, Grace 112 Morris, James 98 Morris, John L 98 Morris, Pantha Jane 401 Morris, Pleton 98 Morris, WiUiam 387, 502 Morris, Winona E 156 Morris, 43 Morrison, Clara 320 Morrison, EUzabeth . . 352, 429 Morrison, Frances B 248 Morrison, Grace 449 Morrison, Neil 429 Morrison, Robert D 320 Morrison, WilUam Newton. 248 Morrow, EUzabeth 455 Morse, Anthony 613, 614 Morse, Judith 609, 612 Morse, Stephen 614 Morse, Thomas 612, 614 Morton, Robert (or Peter) 387 Moseley, Charles C 276 Moseley, Martha Virginia. .276 Motz, Caleb 296 Motz, Carrie 295 Moulden, Orlena 381 Mow, Lyman B 85 Mowrey, James P 394 Moyer, Bertha 342 Muchler, Mary 312 Mudge, Hannah 333 Muir, G 429 Muir, Jane 471 Muir, 470 Muirhead, Catherine 464 Murphy, Joanna 87 Murphy, OUver 157 Murphy, Thomas 87 Murphy, WilUam Andrew.. 157 Murrsoun, Alexander 580 Murrsoun, Arthur 580 Murrsoun, Jane 579 Murrsoun, John 579 Musgrave, 304 Musselman, John 199 Musselman, Susan 199 INDEX-NAilES OTHER THAN GREENLEE. 717 Mutenpaugh, William 78 Mutinnex, Charity 217 Myers, Clara Belle 345 Myers, Ella 541 Myers, George Washington . 344 Myers, George W 344 Myers, Henry Dale 344 Myers, Harvey E 344 Myers, Homer 344 Myers, Ida 494 Myers, Maggie Luella .... 345 Myers, Olive 73 Myers, Viola 345 Nadal, Sallie J 138 Nail, Winifred 526 Nance, (or Vance), E. Eus- sel 169 Nance, James 375 Nash, Archie B 118 Nau, Annie 73 Neal, Anna 516 Neal, Daniel 516 Neal, Elizabeth E 296 Neal, Joseph G 296 Neal, Maggie 516 Neal, Mary 516 Neal, Maude 516 Neal, Walter 516 Neblock, Dorcas . ■ 460 Nelson Nelson, !Nelson, Nelson, Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson, Nelson Nelson Nelson, Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson, Nelson Nelson, Nelson, Nelson Nelson Nelson, Arbuckle 199 Arizona 412 Clark G 404 Davis G 199 Edward 414 Elizabeth Ann 404 ElUe EsteUe 412 Fannie 404 Fannie Amelia . . . .412 French L 413 George 414 James I/ewis 412 Jane 93 John Morris 404 Marshall 404 Martha 404 Mary Cleland 484 Mary Eliza 411 Mina 414 Morgan 414 Nancy Jane 411 Otis 414 Otto 414 Vernon 414 WiUiam 414 WilUam Arbuckle . . 404, 413 Page Nesley, Eaehel 538 Newel, 204 Newell, Davis 285 Newell, Louisa A 285 Newkirk, Elizabeth 463 Newkirk, Isaac J 463 Newman, Charles 404 Newman, David Claud 211 Newman, David Henry 211 Newman, Eva 220 Newman, Frank 211 Newman, James Laurence. .211 Newman, Oden E 211 Newman, Orville Hope .... 211 Newman, William 404 Newton, Cylinda 344 Newton, Eva Ann 144 Newton, George 89 Newton, George Washington 89 Newton, James Henry .... 145 Newton, Martha Ebna .... 89 Newton, Mary Elizabeth . . 145 Nevin, 309 NicoU, Dorothy 564 NicoU, Edward 563 Nicoll, Edward A 563 Nicoll, Frances Augusta. . .563 NicoU, Henry 563 Nicoll, Katharine 564 Nicoll, Mary Shelton 563 NicoU, Phebe D 564 NicoU, Sarah 564 NicoU, Sarah Augusta ....563 Nicoll, WilUam 563 NicoU, WilUam Greenly 563 Nichols, Mary 610, 611 Nichols, Richard 611 Nichols, Sarah A 116 Nichols, WilUam 116 Nicholson, AUce Violetta. . .338 Nicholson, Andrew 314 Nicholson, Charles 339 Nicholson, Claude 339 Nicholson, Clinton 339 Nicholson, Cora 339 Nicholson, David Irvin . . . 314 Nicholson, James 314, 339 Nicholson, Jennie 339 Nicholson, Margaret 314 Nicholson, Mary 314, 339 Nicholson, Mary M 338 Nicholson, Maud 339 Nicholson, Minnie 339 Nicholson, Nancy 314 Nicholson, NelUe 339 Nicholson, Pearl 339 Page Nicholson, Sarah EvaUne . . 338 Nicholson, Eobert Greenlee. 338 Nicholson, Walter 339 Nicholson, WilUam 339 Nicholson, WiUian WaUier.338 Nickerson, EUza 161 Nickles, Vinnie 319 Niekols, Clark 61 Nickels, Sarah 351 NicoU, Dorothy 564 Nicoll, Edward 563 NicoU, Edward A 563 NicoU, Frances Augustus. .563 Nicoll, Frances Louise 560 NicoU, Henry 563 Nicoll, Katharine 564 Nicoll, Mary Shelton 563 Nicoll, Phebe D 564 Nicoll, Richard 560 Nicoll, Sarah 564 NicoU, Sarah Augusta 563 NicoU, WiUiam 560 NicoU, WilUam 563 NicoU, William Greenly 563 Niday, Sadie 210 Night, Sibby 553 Noble, AUce 421 Noe, EUzabeth 381 Noel, George Walter 327 Noel, Thomas Jerome 327 Noeman, Mary J 555 Noffsinger, Albert 123 Noffsinger, Mary A 123 Norman, Esther 532 Norris (or Morris) . 43 Norton, John 496 Norton, Margie 496 NorveU, Frank J 124 Norwood, A. C 569 Norwood, John 569 Norwood, Missouri BeUe...569 Norwood, Theophilus 569 Norwood, Walter Middleton ' 569 Oberschlake, Robert 116 OflHey, Archibald Nelson . . . 484 Offley, Cleland Nelson 4S4 OfHey, Holmes Edward . . . 484 Offley, Margaret Agnew....484 Oglebee, EUza J 197 Oldham, Lucinda J 217 OUver, CorneUus 140 OUver, MoUie 569 OUver, Samuel 403 O 'Neal, Margaret 231 O 'Neil, lone E 518 718 INDEX-NAMES OTHER THAN GREENLEE. Page Page Page O 'Neil, John 51S Palmer, Benjamin F 534 Pearee, Benjamin 266 O 'Xeil, Stephen 518 Palmer, WiUiam Karl 194 Pearce, Eliza Ann 266 Onstott, Alda May 392 Pamplin, James H. or John.567 Pearson (or Pierson), Mary Onstott, Andrew J. P 393 Pannell, .^ 234 il 542 Onstott, Charles A 397 Park, Vira -71 Pearson, E. M 264 Onstott, Elizabeth 389 Parker, Amasa F 450 Peart, Maria Ann 314 Onstott, Elizabeth Hamilton Parker, Charles W 454 Peck, Addie E 210 393 Parker, Francis De Kighter Peek, Henry Tipton 210 Onstott, Elizabeth Morton. .393 450 Peek, Isaac 210 Onstott, George H 397 Parker, George A 450 Peck, James Carlton 210 Onstott, Georgeon 392 Parker, Georgiana 351 Peck, Jessie M 210 Onstott, Hessen 393 Parker, John L 454 Peck, Mahala 411 Onstott, Isaac 388 Parker, John W 454 Peet, Parmelia 94 Onstott, Isaac Hessan 392 Parker, J. W 498 Pence, Willard 95 Onstott, Jennie 393 Parker, Levi 264 Pence, William 66 Onstott, Margaret E 393 Parker, Lydia Ann 264 Penney, Charles Greenlee. . .389 Onstott, Mary Ann 388 Parker, Nellie 498 Pennington, William 522 Onstott, Peter . . .388, 389, 390 Parker, Uldena 167 Pepper, David Thomas 181 Onstott. Eobbalena 398 Parkhill, John 582 Pepper, Harry Crowell 182 Onstott, Robert Greenlee. . .393 Parks, Agnes 197 Pepper, Levin Ashbury . . . .179 Onstott, Susanna 390 Parks, Amos 500 Pepper, Levin Bivins 178 Ore, Elizabeth 365 Parmenter, Mary E 459 Pepper, Sallie EUzabeth . . .182 Orr, 519 Paterson, Johnstone ..464 Pepper, Wilbur Lee 182 Orton, Mathew 87 Paterson, Kate 464 Perkins, Caroline 51 Orton, Sherman 118 Paterson, Mary 587 Perkins, Mary Florence ... 82 Orton, Sylvester Sherman Faterson, Malcolm 580 Perkins, Uriah 51 67, 118 Paterson, Marion 580 Perkins, Uriah M 82 Osborn, Sarah 553 Faterson, Eichard 582 Perrine, Rebecca 59 Osborne, Harry 318 Paterson, Robert 582 Perry, Maude 190 Osborne, James 537 Patric, Minnie 345 Perry, 565 Osborne, Samuel 387 Patterson, Ann 303 Ferryman, Sarah A 372 Osborne, William E 537 Patterson, Anna Louvena. .351 Perrvman, 360 Owen, Aaron Cleve 148 Patterson, Brit 346 Pershing, Harmon B 156 Owen, Charles Byron 149 Patterson, Cora 346 Pershing, Ida H 156 Owen Eliphalet Greenlee. . . 149 Patterson, George 346 Peters, Elizabeth 292 Owen, Eman Hubbard .... 92 Patterson, Harry 346 Peters (or Shumate), Eliza- Owen, Eva B 148 Patterson, John 317 beth 513 Owen, Jesta Lucretia 149 Patterson, John Albert 317 Pettit, Elizabeth Paxton ..146 Owen, John Alonza 148 Patterson, Margaret 307 Peurice, Alice 529 Owen, Lula Bell 148 Patterson, Nannie 346 Phelps, Byron Homer 100 Owen, Mary Elizabeth . . . . 148 Patterson, Pearl 346 Phelps, Tom 514 Owen, Myrtle M 148 Patterson, Peter 303, 307 Phelps, Truman 100 Owen, Nettie Lucretia 148 Patterson, Peter M 346 Phelps, Truman Otis 157 Owen, Sarah Lucretia 149 Patterson, Thompson 351 Philbrick, John 603,606 Owen, Zenas 92 Fatten, David 3SS Philbrick, Elizabeth 608 Owen, Zenas Benson 148 Patton, Haddassa 388 Philbrick, Samuel 606 Owens, George H 554 Patton, Rebecca 256 Philbrick, or Philbrook, Owens, Verna A 554 Patty, Joseph 538 Thomas 605, 606 Paul, WilUs 117 PhiUips, Adda EsteUe 152 Packard, Grace F 354 Paxton, Mary 221, 232 Phillips, Caroline Maria ... 285 Packard, Milton 354 Paxton, William . . 221, 231, 232 Phillips, Frank 15a Packer, Emma 134 Payton, John 515 Phillips, 472 Packer, Theodore 134 Payton, Malinda Jane ....515 Phipps, Annie Eliza 354 Pkddock, Charles Brainerd.598 Peacock, David Greenlees . .467 Picken, Archibald 447,449 Paddock, George 5'98 Peacock, Maggie 467 Picken, Charles 449 Paden. Margaret 351 Peacock, Thomas 467 Picken, David 436 Painter, Joseph 457 Peak, Henry 360 Picken, Elizabeth 449 INDEX— NAIVIES OTHER THAN GREENLEE. 719 Page Picken, Ellen 451 Picken, George 449, 453 Picken, George Matthew . . .454 Picken, George Eaymond . .453 Picken, Helen 449 Picken, Jane 449 Picken, Janet 449, 481 Picken, John 447, 471, 481 Picken, John A 454 Picken, Margaret 449 Picken, Margaret A 43"6 Picken, Martha 449 Picken, Mary 447, 449 Picken, Sarah 449 Pickens, Hettie 384 Pickens, ilissouri (or Mary) 415 Pierce, Anna 339 Pierce, George 287 Pierce, Madison 201 Pierce, Mary Ann 336 Pierce, William 339 Pierson, Jane 552 Pierson (or Pearson), Mary M 542 Pierson, 309 Pike, John 614 Pike, Joseph 614 Pike, Sarah 614 Pinkerton, — ■ 386 Pittenger, Rebecca 34^8 Pittman, Dillard 290 Pitts, Alvira 89 Plank, Melissa Ann 335 Plank, 335 Plarits, Mary 204 Platts, Polly 392 Plummer, Caleb 348 Plummer, Catharine L 348 Plummer, Thomas 86 Pogue, Lou Ann 3'49 Polard, Betty 66 Poleet (?), Mary 230 Poison, Grace 468 Poison, William 468 Pool, Ellen 185 Pool, Emma 185 Pool, Samuel 185 Poole, John 610 Poole, Jonathan 610 Poole, Sarah 610 Poole, William George 500 Pontius, John 185 Pope, George L 526 Pope, Jacob 577 Porter, Aletha 450 Porter, Amanda J 337 Page Porter, Ann 471 Porter, David 337 Porter, Elizabeth Hawkins. 233 Porter, Ellen 127 Porter, Margaret 305, 308 Porter, Nancy ; 546 Porter, Robert 305 Porter, William J 388 Postles, David 181 Postles, Rachel Ann 181 Potter, Elvie T 333 Potter, Lucinda M 412 Potter, Margaret 585 Potts, Elizabeth 84 Pow, Janet 587 Powers, John 481 Powers, Lucy Ellen 481 Pratt, 148 Prewett, Frances 401 Price, Donald Greenlees. . . .490 Priee, James Erastus 490 Pricket, Alice 491 Pringle, David Purdy 397 Pringle, G. W 397 Pringle, Margaret 464 Pringle, Paul Victor 397 Pringle, Samuel Willson . . . 397 Prior, Stout 49 Proctor, Archibald Green- lee 193 Proctor, Augustus Lambert. 193 Proctor, Frederick Beaver. ."193 Proctor, George Augustus. .193 Proctor, Robert 613 Proctor, Samuel 612,613 Proctor, Sarah 612 Pryor, 458 Purden or Purdon, Elizabeth or Sallie Ann 176 Purden, John 176 Purdy, John 393 Purdy, Lee Burdette 393 Purdy, Margaret Estella ..397 Purdy, Mary Alvah 393 Purdy, Wilbur Greenlee 393 Purdy, WilHam 393 Purnell (or Pernell), Mary. 240 Purnell, William 240 Purves, Bessie 585 Putman, 148 Quay, Archie 331 Quay, Mary Elizabeth .... 331 Quigley, Mary 303 Quinn, Mary 386 Quinn, James William ....511 Quinn, Joseph 511 Page Quinn, 386, 592 Rabel, Sarah 332 R.'ulle, Sarah Johanna 158 Eailsback, 572 Ralston, Alexander 448 Ralston, Andrew 449 Ralston, Ann Ellen 448 Ralston, Belle 448 Ralston, David 449 Ralston, Edward Henry ...453 Ralston, Elizabeth 447, 448 Ralston, Ella Mary 282 Ralston, Ellen 473 Ralston, Gavin 452, 488 Ralston, George 453 Ralston, George A 453 Ralston, Isabel 439 Ralston, Isabel M 453 Ralston, James 452 Ralston, James Earl 452 Ralston, James Grier 282 Ralston, Jane 443 Ralston, Jane 452 Ralston, Janet 443 Ralston, Jeanette M 121 Ralston, John 448,449,453 Ralston, John Greenlee . . . .452 Ralston, Margaret 463 Ralston, Margaret Ann 452 Ralston, Margaret J 453 Ralston, Martha 443 Ralston, Martha Ellen 452 Ralston, Mary 443 Ralston, Mary E 453 "Ralston, Nettie 478 Ralston, Robert 478 Ralston, Thomas 121 Ralston, Thomas 448, 449 Ralston, William 435, 452 Ralston, William Andrew.. 452 Ramey, Drusilla 334 Ramsey, Harold Beryl 421 Ramsey, Helen Josephine . . 421 Ramsey, Mary 47 Ramsey, Mary 431 Ramsey, Robert (or Wil- liam) f7 Ramsey, Robert D 421 Ramsey, William 421 Ramsey, Xenia Orba 421 Randolf, 329 Rankin, Hattie M 212 Rankin, John W 212 Ransom, Alma 97 Ransom, Harris or Horace. . 97 Raub, Saloma 344 720 INDEX— NAilES OTHER THAN GREENliEE. Page Page Page Raughley, Eebecea 114 Eiffle, Ada 410 Eoach, William Hamilton . . 376 Eaymond, Horace 533 Eiffle, Andrew 8 215 Eoach, Zola 408 Eea, Xaney 407 Eiffle, Catharine 203 Eobb, Louisa 188 Eea, Eobert J 337 Eiffle, Clara JI 215 Eobb, Margaret 340 Eea, WilUam 478 Eiffle, Clinton 215 Eobbins, Charles 180 Eeagle, Maria 327 Eiffle, Elizabeth 315 Eobbins, James P 180 Eeddington, Mary 522 Riffle, George Washington Eobbins, Euth 346 Eeddington 522 216, 217 Eobbins, William 180 Eeetl, Claud Greenlee 78 Eiffle, James Nathaniel ...215 Roberts, Samuel 201 Reed, Elsie J 78 Riffle, Joseph S 206 Robin, Annie 485 Reed, Evelyn M 78 Eiffle, Leonard 203 Robinson, Adison N 208 Reed, James Harvey 78 Riffle, Mary Belle 217 Robinson Angelica 574 Reed, Janet 433 Riffle, Sarah Elizabeth 216 Robinson, Charley 208 Eeed, J. H 78 Rigby, (or Bigby), Ben... 569 Robinson, George Thompson Reed, 180 Rigby, Joe 52 208 Reeter, Lara 508 Rigby, William P 52 Robinson, John 208 Reeves, Frances L 82 Eiley, Lena 135 Eobinson, Margaret 333 Reid, Hugh 436 Einard, Ada Ann 407 Eobinson, Mary 548 Reid, Louisa A 569 Rinard, Erma Luella 421 Eobinson, Eobert Lloyd . . .208 Reid, Margaret 453 Rinard, Hannah Jane 420 Robinson, William Francis. 208 Reid, Mary 447, 481 Einard, John 407 Eobinson, 548 Beid, WiUiam 445 Einard, John Morris 420 Eobison, Jean 586 Eenniek, Betsey 534 Einard, Nancy Alice 420 Roderick, Anna L 77 Reynolds, Andrew T 117 Rinard, Rolland Shelton ...421 Roderick, David 77 Reynolds, Ann 400 Rinard, Samuel Kelso ....407 Roderick, Emma 77 Eeynolds, Avery J. L 171 Einehart, Arthur 457 Eoderick, Henry 77 Eeynolds, Bertha M 171 Einehart, EUza Jane 457 Eoderick, J. A 77 Reynolds, Charles 400 Ring, Alexander 195 Roderick, J. L 77 Eeynolds, Eliza 400 Eing, Cloyd A 195 Eoderick, Samuel 77 Eeynolds, Hannah 556 Eing, DeWitt 195 Eoderick, T. J 77 Eeynolds, Harvey 199 Eing, Ferdinand De Soto — 195 Eoderick, W. C 77 Reynolds, Jane 399 Eing, Florence 195 Eoebuck, John 495 Reynolds, John H 118 Ring, George 195 Rogers, Elizabeth 495 Reynolds, Margaret 56 Ring, John Everett 195 Rogers, Susan M 564 Reynolds, Maryette 117 Ring, LueUa 195 Rogers, 265 Reynolds, Philip D 117 Ring, Philip Lee 195 Rogers, 29 Reynolds, Thomas 117 Ring, R. A 195 Rome, George 439 Reynolds, Ulysses E 171 Eingler, Jane 417 Rose, Adam H 462 Eeynolds, 400 Rise, Nelson 403 Rose, Alamanda 128 Uhodes, Susannah 561 ISitchie, Alexander 585 Rose, Andrew 320 Rice, Addie Adella 150 Ritchie, Katie 528 Rose, Charles E 144 Rice, Clara May 150 Rivers, Evie P 498 Rose, Charles P 144 Rice, Harriet, 254 Eivers, John P 498 Rose, David 457 Bice, Harry 403 Rivers, Josie C 498 Rose, Elma Jeanette 350 Bice, Leonard 255 Rivers, Mabel V 498 Rose, Ethel Sarah Emma . . . 350 Rice, Thomas Edward 150 Rivers, Paul H 498 Rose, Frederic W 321 Richard, Jennie 328 Rivers, Thomas A 498 Rose, George Dewitt 350 Richards, Tryphosa 88 Eivers, T. E 498 Eose, Harvey 320 Eichards, 86 Roach, Abbie Catherine ... 376 Eose, Harvey Delbert 349 Eichardson, Albert B 71 Eoach, Elvira or Elizabeth. 367 Eose, Hugh Wadsworth ...349 Eiehardson, Katharine .... 113 Eoach, Green 376 Eose, Jacob 455 Eichardson, James Thomas. 114 Eoach, Margaret Lavenia..376 Eose, Margaret A 462 Eichardson, J. C 504 Eoach, Martha J 375 Eose, Margaret J 321 Richardson, Sarah 500 Eoach, Mary Eva 376 Rose, Marion A 349 Richmond, Mary Ann 320 Roach, Nellie May 376 Rose, Martha J 462 Riddle, Emily 97,106 Roach, Nelson 376 Rose, Mary A 462 Rider, 573 Roach, Sarah Jane 376 Rose, NelUe Eva 145 INDEX-NAMES OTHER THAN GREENT.EE. 721 Page Kose, Olive Agnes 350 Bose, Eebeeca 123 Eose, Tessie 145 Eose, Wallace William 350 Eose, W. F 32] Eose, Youngs 145 Eosenbangh, Samuel 385 Eosenbaugli, Minnie 385 Boss, Ann 592 Eoss, Anna 70 Boss, Charles G 395 Eoss, Eliza Ann 147 Eoss, Jean 280 Eoss, John 394 Eoss, John Power 390 Eoss, Jonathan P 394 Eoss, Lewis S. C 395 Eoush, Catherine 206 Eowan, Deborah 593 Bowe, Fred 325 EoTvell, Jesse 112 Eowell, Jesse Cooper 112 Eucker, Julia Ann 539 Bueker, J. W 538 Bundel, Anna 142 Eundel, Benjamin W 142 Bundel, Carrie 174 Eundel, Lewis 142 Eundel, Martha Susanna. . . 103,150 Bundel, Truman 103 Buno, Add 211 Bunninger, Clinton 326 Eunninger, Conrad 326 Eunninger, David 326 Eunninger, James Edwin... 326 Eunninger, John S 326 Eunninger, Katie Jane .... 326 Bunninger, Mary 326 Bunninger, Susan 326 Bush, Dell M 141 Bush, John M 141 Eush, Margaret S 509 Rush, Eobert 509 Bussell, Alfred 556 Eussell, Allen 431 Eussell, Anderson 557 Bussell, Clara May 321 Bussell, Finetta J 557 BusseU, Jesse 410 Bussell, John Ebenezer .... 321 Bussell, Mary 431 Butherford, John A. H. ... 81 Eutherford, Maria Josephine 81 Butledge, E 570 ■Eutledge, J 570 Eyan, Ethel F 147 46 Page Byan, Flora J 139 Eyan, Floyd A 147 Byan, George W 139 Eyan, Glenn A 147 Byan, Hazel E 148 Byan, John 147 Byan, Mary L 148 Ryan, T. Eugene 147 Sac'kett, Augustus 235 Sackett, Helen Adelaide . . 191 Saekett, John B 191 Sackett, Minerva Keziah...235 Saddoris, Charles 404 Sadler, Hettie Walton 527 Sagizer, Martha 342 Sailer (or Jailes), . .567 Samborn, Enoch 606 Samborn, Judith 603, 606 Samborne, John 606 Samborne, William 606 Sanders, Nellie Irene 328 Sandy, Edward 383 Sandy, SleUssa Lasell 383 Sapp, Ephraim 65 Sarff.MaUnda 540 Satterfield, Frank 376 Satterfield, Horace 375 Satterfield, James 366 Saunders, 565 Saxe, Mary Jane 421 Sayers, Parmeha 406 Sayers, 406 Sayles, Albert Wells 164 Sayles, Arthur Grant 164 Sayles, Ellen AngeUne .... 164 Sayles, Frank WeUs 164 Sayre, Carl 425 Sayre, Conrad 425 Sayre, D. A 424 Sayre, Fawcett 425 Sayre, Harriet 201 Sayre, John 201 Sayre, Laverna 217 Sayre, B. F 425 Sayre, William 425 Sayre, William Henry 217 Scarborough, Artemus La- fayette 85 Scarborough, John Easber- ry 52 Scarborough, John Watkins 52 Scarborough, Julia Irene... 52 Scarborough, Mariam El- lena 52 Scarborough, Nannie El- lena 84 Page Scarborough, Samuel Euf- fin 52 Scarborough, Walter Green- lee 85 Scargle, Albert 534 Sehlageal, Lodema 412 Scholes, George 460 Schooler, Mary 388 Sclaitor, Jonet 581 Seofield, Susan 534 Scott, Amanda Buth 170 Scott, EUas 86 Scott, Eliza 291 Scott, Joseph 169,170 Scott, Lena 268 Scott, Margaret 123 Scott, Mary E 509 Scott, Robert 509 Scott, Sabiua 169 Scott, Susan AdeUa 86 Scruggs, Dora 274 Scruggs, Finley 243 Scruggs, Lewis S 243 Sculley, Mary 280 Searles, Jesse Dickinson . . . 154 Sears, Anna 215 Seay, Michael 399 Secrest, James Hilyard ...362 Secrest, Leander 362 Secrest, Louis E 361 Secrest, Wylie 362 Secrest, 362 See, James William 278 See, William 278 Seely, Sarah 327 Selby, Elenor 403 Semple, Agnes 479 Semple, Hugh 479 Semple, John 479 Semple, Eobert Hugh 479 Seneebaugh, Margaret.. 161, 162 Service, Mary 480 Sevison, B. H 459 Seward, Frank (or Fred) . . 68 Seward, Samuel 361 Sewright, Sarah 206 Seymour, Edwin C 398 Seymour, Martha 398 Shane, Elizabeth 211 Shane, Jane Eliza 396 Shane, Joseph 398 Shane, Margaret Elizabeth . 395 Shane, Mary Charlotte 395 Sharp, Bessie 506 Sharp, Emma 116 Sharp, Thomas MoCool . . . 542 Shaver, Bertha 197 722 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN GREENLEE. Page Shaver, Thomas 370 Shaw, Hannah 461 Sheeks, George Washington 140 Sheeks, Ludema 140 Sheldon, Cecil M 174 Sheldon, Clyde 174 Sheldon, Edgar A 174 Sheldon, Edgar E 174 Sheldon, Floy 174 Sheldon, MUdred 174 Shelton, Frances Burbank. .563 Shelton, Granvel W 407 Shelton, Lizzie L 253 Shelton, N. E. Virginia 407 Shelton, Thomas E 116 Shelton, W. W 410 Sheperd, Henry 377 Sheperd, Kate 377 Shields, George 402 Shields, James 403 Shields, Lewis 403 Shields, Eachel 557 Shillito, Mary A. 343 SMIlito, William 343 Shippley, Alexander 523 Shirley, J. Phineas 456 Shively, Alonzo 514 Shockley, Mary Ann 574 Shockley, Harriet 41-2 Shoff, Amelia 412 Showalter, Pearl 334 Shumate, Charles 514 Shumate, George 514 Shumate, Harrison 515 Shumate, John 514 Shumate, Lizzie 514 Shumate, Samuel 514 Shumate, Silas 514 Shumate, Susie 514 Shumate, William 514 SUverthorn, L. A 142 Simcoe, Fred E 526 Simpson, Agnes 466 Simpson, Eobert 520 Sinclair, Auryldah 347 Sinclair, Eobert 347 Singleton, Armina 318 Singleton, Elizabeth 328 Singleton, Emma Jane ....318 Singleton, Henry 318 Singleton, Orlando 318 Singleton, O. E 320 Singleton, Eose Belle 318 Singleton, Susie 318 Singleton, 318,547 Sinton, Ann Jane 505 Sipple, William L., 565 Page Sizemore, Alphonso Virgil . . 80 Smith Sizemore, Benjamin Frank- Smith, liu 136 Smith Sizemore, Benson CoUins . . 80 Smith, Sizemore, Cleo Miner 138 Smith, Sizemore, Emma N 139 Smith Sizemore, Ethel Parlee . . . 136 Smith Sizemore, Eugenia Ada . . . 138 Smith, Sizemore, Frances Veronica 137 Smith, Sizemore, Green McFerrin.. 79 Smith, Sizemore, Irma Neva 80 Smith, Sizemore, James Hamilton.. 79 Smith, Sizemore, James Moore.... 80 Smith. Sizemore, Marcia Eudora. . .137 Smith, Sizemore, Mattie Editk . . . 136 Smith, Sizemore, Montazuma Mar- Smith, mion 138 Smith Sizemore, Octavia 80 Smith Sizemore, Ovid Orpheus.... 80 Smith Sizemore, Eiehmond Bak- Smith er 37,79 Smith, Sizemore, Eienzi Bernard. ..138 Smith Sizemore, Eoberta Frederica 80 Smith, Sizemore, Theodore M. ...139 Smith, Sizemore, Thedosia Ernest. 136 Smith, Sizer, Alvira (or Elvira) . . .105 Smith, Skinner, Albert Lea 121 Smith, Skinner, Ethel Blanche 121 Smith Skinner, James E. P 372 Smith Skinner, Sewell 121 Smith Skinner, Sidney L 121 Smith, Slater, Mary Ellen 152 Smith, Slawter, Sarah 510 Smith Sloan, Duncan 483 Smith Sloan, John V 534 Smith, Solan, Mary Ann 534 Smith, Sloan, Sarah 483 Smith, Slyh, Henry 514 E.) Smiley, Cora D 123 Smith, Smiley, James 122 Smith, Smiley, Julia W 123 Smith, Smiley, William 122 Smith, Smith, Agnes 473 Smith, Alexander C 568 Smith, Smith, Alice 365 Smith Smith, Andrew 473 Smith Smith, Anna 329 Smith Smith, Archibald 436 Smith Smith, Barbara 451 Smith Smith, Benjamin S 325 Smith Smith, Betty 569 Smith, Smith, Cassandra 219 Smith, Smith, Charles W 375 Smith Smith, Clara Hope Loduska 568 Smith, Smith, Cora B 422 Smith Smith, Daniel 473 Smith, Smith, Diana 122 Smith, Page EUza Ann 65 Eliza C 172 EUzabeth 569 Emeline Matilda 215 Emma 460 Emma J 375 E. Charles 147 Everett E 422 Fannie B 375 Frank A 147 Franklin H 375 Fred J. 147 Harriet 216,217 Harry Z 194 Helen Geddes 432 Henry 422 Henry B 96 Henry Clark 96 Honer S 422 Horace A 375 James 207,215 James 474,475,476 Jane 475 Jeanne 473 Jennie S 147 Jessie Langwell . . . 476 John 329 John Johnston 476 John Mitchell 476 John W 206 Joseph T 375 Louisa 375 Lydia 559 Maranda L. 375 Martha 473 Mary 473 Mary E. (or Olive 194 Mary Johnston .... 476 May 436 MoUie C 375 Nancy (or Elizabeth) 176 Nancy 356 Nellie 476 Ollie A 217 Oscar P 375 Pearl 507 Preston J 375 Eobert 473 Eobert Greenlees . . . 476 Eosabel 147 Eoyal C 147 Sarah 79 Sarah 422 Sarah Jane 476 Sherwood 568 INDEX-NAMES OTHER THAN GREENLEE. 723 Page Smith, Sue 538 Smith, Thomas Andrew ...476 Smith, Van Bibber 207 Smith, Wesley 374 Smith, William 374 Smith, WiUiam 473 Smith, William 304 Smith, WilUam C 422 Smith, William Gay 476 Smith, Wyatt 217 Smith, W. P 207,304,309 Smith, 422 Snider, Adah 346 Snodgrass, Benjamin A. . . 124 Snodgrass, Margaret 556 Snodgrass, Sarah Viola . . 124 Snow, Florence 341 Snow, Joe Wesley 341 Snow, Josie E 341 Snow, Nicholas 341 Snow, Robert 341 Snow, Eose N 341 Snow, Sarah 559 Snowden, Ida Bell 418 Snowden, Simeon 418 Snowden, Sudie 494 Somerby, Judith (Green- leaf) 606,607 SomerviUe, Mary Grey 502 Somerville, Robert 502 Soverin, James 66 Sparks, Eugene V 333 Spaulding, Isabella 165 Spears, Loumira 568 Spence, Joseph 503 Spence, Nathaniel 503 Spence, Rebecca 503 Spence, Samuel 503 Spence, Susanna 504 Spence, Thomas 503 Spence, WilUam C 503 Spencer, Eliza 48 Spencer, Louisa 159 Spencer, Mary 71 Spencer, Richard 71 Sperry, Zimri 90 Spicer, Amos Keep 90 Spicer, Anna May 90 Spicer, Girden or Gurdon W. 90 Spicer, Lydia Delphine .... 146 Spicer, William L 90 Spratt, Isabella 69 Spriggs, Edward A 74 Springer, Jennie 392 Springer, John C 392 Springer, Michael 391 Springer, Peter 391 Page Springer, Thomas M 392 Stafford, 47 Stanboek, Augusta May ...276 Stanboek, Emma Frances . . 276 Stanboek, Erie Davis 276 Stanboek, Ernest 276 Stanboek, Laura 276 Stanboek, Maud Lester 276 Stanboek, Nannie 276 Stanboek, Pressley 276 Stanboek, William 276 Stanford, Josiah 314 Stathers, Mark 50 St. Clair, Rose 78 Stears, Arthur E 463 Stears, Bessie 463 Stears, Harry J 463 Stears, John J 463 Stears, Thomas 463 Stebbins, Amanda .... 100, 145 Stebbins, Benjamin Frank- Un 58 Stebbins, Byron Wallace ..103 Stebbins, Chloe Rachel 103 Stebbins, Daniel 57, 61, 63 Stebbins, Edith Elda 150 Stebbins, Emma 103 Stebbins, Erastus Blodgett. 58 Stebbins, Homer Sheridan. .103 Stebbins, Lemuel 57, 63 Stebbins, Lorene 101 Stebbins, Lot Dunham. 102, 150 Stebbins, Matilda Lueinda. 58 Stebbins, Mary Wright 61 Stebbins, Orson Michael . . 58 Stebbins, Robert Lemuel . . 58 Stebbins, Rufus Reginald . . 58 Steel, Ann 465 Steel, Josephus 546 Steel, Charles W 411 Steele, Henry 66 Steele, James A 394 Steere, Amos 348 Steere, Elenor 348 Stephens, Mary S 142 Stephenson, Ellen V 403 Stephenson, George C 403 Stephenson, John 365 Stephenson, Nancy J 403 Stevens, Annie L 213 Stevens, Charles 149 Stevens, Charles J 162 Stevens, Dionis 607 Stevens, Henry 429 Stevens, Jessie M 162 Stevens, Mary Smith 340 Stevens, Mary V 149 Page Stevens, Peter Case 340 Stevens, Robert 607 Stevenson, John 429 Stevenson, William H 397 Stewart, AUee 288 Stewart, Duncan 445 Stewart, Elizabeth 129 Stewart, Elizabeth 587 Stewart, George 541 Stewart, James A 133 Stewart, Jane 480 Stewart, Jesse P 70 Stewart, John 538 Stewart, Marie 133 Stewart, Mathew 519 Stewart, Nancy 393 Stewart, Rebecca 305 Stewart, Thomas 480 Stewart, WilUam 288 Stillwell, Sarah 67 StUlwell, Sylvia 162 Stinson, Mary E 273 Stites, EUzabeth 266 Stites, Henry 266 StobaU, Vicia 361 Stocking, Elmira 318 Stoddard, Anthony 145 Stoddard, Don Jay 145 Stoddard, Floy Newton . . . 145 Stoddard, George M 145 Stoddard, Max 145 Stone, Edith M 153 Stone, Fernando 153 Stone, George Washington . 416 Stone, Hiram 416 Stone, IsabeUa 396 Stone, John L 416 Stone, Kenneth Lue 416 Stone, Lucille EUzabeth . . .416 Stott, John 511 Stott, Sarah Ann 511 Stout, Elizabeth 266 Stowe, 116 Strouss, Martha L. 387 Struble, Mary Belle 192 Struble, Richard 192 Stuard or Stuart 29 Stuart, John 317 Stuart, Mary 317 Stults, Maria 383 Sturgeon, Bertha Violette. .139 Sturgeon, Charles M 139 Sturgeon, Clifton 139 Sturgeon, Ethel 139 Sturgeon, Garnette M 139 Sturgeon, George W 140 Sturgeon, Harley D 140 724 INDEX— XA:\IES other than GREENLEE. Page Sturgeon, Hazel JI 140 Sturgeon, Hebron H 140 Sturgeon, James Leroy .... 140 Sturgeon, James O. F 85 Sturgeon, Jeremiah 85 Sturgeon, Lily May 140 Sturgeon, ilary E 85 Sturgeon, il orris S 140 Sturgeon. Nancy M 85 Sturgeon, Obadiah 85 Sturgeon, Kitehie E 139 Sturgeon, William J 139 Sullivan, Ada 415 Sullivan, Alfred 404, 405 Sullivan, Bessie L 415 Sullivan, Daniel 404 Sullivan, Guilford 404 Sullivan, Henry 415 Sullivan, Jemima 404 Sullivan, Luretta 414 Sullivan, Mary 404 Sullivan, Norma L 415 Sullivan, Sallie J 415 Sullivan, Warren 415 Sullivan, WilUam .404,414,415 SulUvan, 513 Summers, Henry 215 Summers, Jonathan 574 Summers, Richard Auston..547 Sunderland. Da\id 355 Sunderland, Elizabeth 355 Sunderland, JIary 359 Sunderland, Ruth 356 Sunderland, Solomon 359 Supler, 188 Sutler, Frank 308 Sutton, ilaud 70 Sutton, William 201 Swan, Susan Caroline 200 Swaney, Mrs. Jane 37 Swartz, Anna 124 Swartz, A. J 124 Swartz, Ella 124 Swartz, Minnie 124 Swartz, Ola 124 Sweet. Linna 449 Sweetland, Eliza 517 Sweny, Dorothy 70 Swift, Ida May 331 Swingle, Ellen Angeline. . .164 Swoveland, Eli 320 Sykes, Amanda Eveline ...136 Sykes, John 136 Talbott, A. A 538 Tate, Adeline 237 Tate, Ann Eliza 237 Tate, Eliza G 237 Page Tate, George J 280 Tate, Hugh A 256 Tate, John 237 Tate, John Milton 382 Tate, Louisa 237 Tate, Margaret Allison. . . . 253, 264 Tate, Mary 280 Tate, Robert A 256 Tate, Robert McDowell ...237 Tate, Samuel 237 Tate, William Allison 237 Tate, William Jefferson ... 237 Tatman, Alexander 181 Tatman, Alta D 141 Tatman, Georgia M 141 Tatman, Jesse 141 Tatman, John F 141 Tatman, Lulu M 141 Tatman, Nellie E 141 Tatman, Ralph 6 141 Tayler, Charles Jay 448 Taylor, Alice D 167 Taylor, Andrew J 238 Taylor, Ella 404 Taylor, Essie B 167 Taylor, Harry 126 Taylor, Harry E 167 Taylor, James 167 Taylor, John W 167 Taylor, Lillian B 535 Taylor, Marion 588 Taylor, Morris 126 Taylor, Rachel 310 Taylor, Samuel 167 Taylor, Thomas E 167 Teegarden, Elizabeth 70 Teegarden, Hiram 126 Teegarden, Mary Ann 126 Teegarden, 70 Telfer, CoUn 481 Temple, Berthene 326 Temple, Polly 495 Temple, Seth 308 Templeton, Helen 437 Templeton, John 470 Templeton, Sarah 469, 470 Terrell, Edward Holcomb..537 Terrell, George Benton 535 Terrell, Harriet EsteUe ... 537 Terrell, John Preston 535 Terrell, Julia Eliza 535 Terrell, Roderick Greenly.. 537 Terrell, Theodore 535 Terrell, Theodore Ethelbert 535 Terrell, Thomas Edward ... 537 Page Terrell, William Hiram ...535 Theaker, George A. P 197 Theaker, John 197 Theaker, John G 197 Thember, or Thumber, Joan 607 Thomas, Luciuda 148 Thomas, Matilda EUzabeth 482 Thomas, Phoebe or Dorcas 107 Thompson, Carrie M 417 Thompson, Charles Clinton. 417 Thompson, Fannie 562 Thompson, Hannah 463 Thompson, John 449 Thompson. Joseph O.- 417 Thompson, JuUus C 417 Thompson, Lewis L 417 Thompson, Lula E 417 Thompson, Mary 302 Thompson, Mary Ann 338 Thompson, Merle M 417 Thompson, Molly 314 Thompson, Nancy F 417 Thompson, Robert 449 Thompson, Russel J 490 Thompson, Sarah .404 Thompson, 299 Thomson, Edith 445 Thomson, F. A 501 Thornton, Edward (or Thomas) 410 Thornton, Mary Lovel ....410 Thornton, Rachel 414, 415 Thorp, George 180 Throgmorton, Sarah 264 Tike, Mary 527 Tillis, Richard 207 Tinker, Adella May 325 Tinker, Amanda J 324 Tinker, Charles 352 Tinker, Ellis Wainwright . . 325 Tinker, Estella Jane 325 Tinker, Frank W 352 Tinker, Helen Elizabeth ..352 Tinker, John Francis 325 Tinker, Mildred Frances . . 352 Tinker, WLUiam J. . . . 324, 325 TomUnson. Lydia 423 Tompson, 511 Topping, Permelia 126 Torian, Fannie Lea 494 Torian, Mary 499 Torian, Robert D 499 Tower, Andrew Jackson . . . 141 Tower, Charles P 142 Tower, Delia 142 Tower, Ella J 142 INDEX-NAIIES OTHER THAN GREENLEE. 725 Page Page Page Tower, George 142 Turner, Anna 116 Van Sickles, Eose 204 Tower, Gertrude 142 Turner, Anna Lena 452 Van Sickles, Samuel 204 Tower, R. W 141 Turner, Elizabeth Katherine Vanskiver, Emma E 316 Towie, Caleb 603 452 Van Voorhies, 74 Towle, Elizabeth 596 Turner, Ellen Brown 452 Vaughn, Mary Jane 178 Towle, Isaac 603 Turner, Godfrey Allen 452 Vaughn, Nathaniel 178 Towle, Philip 603 Turner, Hector Duncan . . .452 Vaiight, Addie 373 Towle, Simon 596,603 Turner, John Greenlee 452 Vermillion, Uriah (or Beal) Towle, Zachariah 603 Turner, James 452 513 Townley, Margaret 309 Turner, James A 452 Vermillion, Harriet 514 Townley, Eobert 309 Turner, Janet Culbertson . .452 Vermillion, Lucy or Lueinda Townsend, Elizabeth 196 Turner, Matilda 174 513 ' Townsend, Ida 494 Turner, Niel 452 Verwollt, Christopher 195 Townsend, Sarah 611 Turner, Norman Niel 453 Verwollt, Minnie 195 Trackler, Mary 194 Tyler, (or Tayler), Charles Vight (or Dight), Mary ...324. Train, Rachel 94 Jay 448 Vincent, Emily 160 Tribbet, Abner 43 Tyler, Martha Place 103 Vinton, Mary 354 Trickett, Singleton G 372 Vogan, Cora Frances 353 Trotter, Ann 505 Uflfelman, Elvira Gertrude .137 Vogan, Mary Jane 313 Trotter, George 512 Uffelman, Eunice T 137 Vogan, Simeon 353 Trotter, Maggie 512 Uffelman, Hohenzellen 137 Vogan, William 313 Truby, Harriet 341 Uffelman, John H 136 Vogleson, Charles 145 Trueblood, Calvin 367 Uffelman, Lois Agnes 173 Vogleson, Charles M 145 Trueblood, Edith 367 Uffelman, Martin 136 Volin (or Wallin), Louise. 238 Tubbs, Carlton 147 Uffelman, Ruth 137 Tubbs, Clarence E 91 Ulmer, Antoinette 140 Wachtel, Sarah 334 Tubbs, Cora 91 Ulmer, Everett H 140 Wachtel, 334 Tubbs, Elijah 91 Ulmer, George B 140 Waddell, FeUx 84 Tubbs, Forrest Alfonso ... 147 Ulmer, James W 140 Waddell, William 84 Tubbs, Forrest Donald 147 Ulmer, Thomas 8 140 Waddingham, Elizabeth ... 280 Tubbs, William Orlando ... 91 Umberfield, Esther Martha. 61 Wafford, Mary 213 Tuck, Mary 606 Umberfield, Harley 60 Waggoner, Florence 210 Tuck, Robert 606 Umberfield, Lucy Bethiah . . 61 Wagner, EUza 342 Tucker, David 374 Umberfield, Mary (Green- Waid, Rebecca 353 Tucker, Fannie F 374 lee) 67 Waite, Augusta 560 Tucker, Mary Ann 118 Underhill, Florence Clark. .159 Waite, Solomon 559 Tucker, Thomas 118 Underhill, John 159 Walbridge, Anna 562 Tuckey, Lynn 120 Underhill, Olive Lorena ...159 Walbridge, Henry Sanford.562 Tuckey, Pearl E 120 Underhill, Oliver Spencer. . 159 Walden, Bessie 294 Tuckey, William R 120 Underwood, Mary 153 Walden, Effie 294 TuUy, Maggie Narcissa ... 530 Walden, Hermon 294 Tully, Sylva Winifred 530 Vanbibber, Elizabeth Green- Walden, Inez Belle 298 TuUy, Sylvanus Charles . . .530 lee 207 Walden, Robert D 294 Tully, Sylvanus Giles 530 Vanbibber, Jesse 200 Walden, Sarah Catherine ..294 Turk, James 306 Vance, Asbury John 374 Walden, WilUam K. W. ... 294 Turley, John 532 Vance, E. Russel 169 Walden, William L 294 Turley, Margaret 531 Vance, John 374, 505 Walker, Ann 493 Turneaure, Caroline E 87 Vance, Mary Ann 162 Walker, George 593 Turneaure, Elizabeth B 142 Vance, Zebulon Baird 237 Walker, James 500 Turneaure, Ida May 87 VanDyke, George 61 Walker, Louisa 178 Turneaure, J. Frank 87 VanMatre, George Everett. 424 Walker, Martha 500 Turneaure, Lydia Ann 141 VanMatre. Perry 424 Walker, Sarah A 134 Turneaure, Mary L 142 Van Nearpass, F. J 157 Wallace, A. W 564 Turneaure, Peter 87 Van Nearpass, George ....157 Wallace, Charles Clinton ..351 Turneaure, Robert P 87 Van Nearpass, Ira 156 Wallace, Effie May 337 Turneaure, Thomas Shank- Van Nice, Isaac Webster.. 541 Wallace, Hugh 349 land 87, 118 Van Sickle, Sarah 205 Wallace, Jean 386 726 INDEX-NAMES OTHER THAN GREENLEE. Page Wallace, Laurance Greenlee.351 Wallace, Martha Lucille . . 351 WaUaoe, Nettie 349 Wallace, Eobert P 337 Wallace, Thomas D 351 Wallin (or Volin), Louise. 238 Walter, Thomas P 318 Walters, Alma Geneva .... 80 Walters, Dan Collera 80 Walters, Daniel 418 Walters, EUjah 494 Walters, George 155 Walters, Hannah M 192 Walters, James 80 Walters, James S 80 Walters, John Hoffman ... 192 Walters, Josephine 155 Walters, Nola (or Nolie)..494 Walters, Eosetta 418 Walters, 494 Walton, James 49 Walton, James C 234 Walton, Matilda 285 Wanters, Eufus 494 Warford (or Walker), Mar- tha E 372 Warner, Goldena 173 Warner, Mary Ellen ..132,133 Warner, Sarah Jane 177 Warner, William E 173 Warnes, Henry or Jacob. ..312 Warnes, Susan Mary 312 Warren, George Henry . . . .452 Warren, John Laws 181 Warren, V. S 181 Warriner, Charles 269 Warriner, Hazel 269 Warriner, Israel F 269 Warriner, Louisa 269 Warriner, Lucy 269 Warrington, Orlando 181 Washburn, Susannah 254 Waterbury, George A. .... 535 Waterbury, Harriet EKza- beth 535 Waterbury, William A. ... 535 Waterman, Charles Cyrus. .291 Waterman, Fay Marie .... 291 Waterman, Francis Granger 291 Waterman, Jessie Frances. 291 Waters, Charles 321 Waters, Fisher 321 Waters, Fred C 321 Waters, Henry 321 Waters, Jessie M 350 Waters, John Jay 321 Page Waters, Sidney E 321 Watkins, Elmer F 540 Watkins, E. J 450 Watson, Ann Augusta . 275 Watson, Clarence Pickard..380 Watson, Ellen 444 Watson, Fannie Rebecca . . 275 Watson, James Eliphaz. . . .380 Watson, James Joseph .... 244 Watson, James L 243, 380 Watson, Janet 437 Watson, John Greenlee . . . 244 Watson, Mary 374 Watson, Mary EUen 275 Watson, Nannie E 570 Watson, Olive May 380 Watson, Stephen 570 Watson, 470 Watson, 565 Watt, James 429 Watt, 429 Wauch, Marion 589 Wayland, Nettie 130, 131 Waymire, Daniel A 201 Waymire, Jacob 201 Weaver, Adam 74 Weaver, Jesse D 510 Weaver, Mary Jane 74 Weaver, Eowena E 296 Weaver, Sarah A 173 Webber, Albert R 345 Webber, Bertha L 345 Webber, Frank LeRoy 345 Webber, George W 345 Webber, Harry L 345 Webber, Hattie M 345 Webster, Elizabeth 114 Webster, Joseph 533 Webster, Margery, or Mar- garet 604 Webster, Mary 237 Webster, Thomas 533 Webster, 604 Weed, Betsey 533 Weed, Nancy 534 Weed, Rufus 534 Weir, Jessie Eliza 443 Weir, Eobert 438 Weir, Walter 444 Weir-Loudon, D. N 439 Welch, Iva 527 Weldon, Sarah 360 Wells, Addie 319 Wells, Alice Agnes 163 Wells, Clayton Frank 164 Wells, DeUa Emeline 164 Wells, Edith Emeline 164 Page Wells, Elizabeth Barry 83 Wells, Frank Elmer 107 Wells, Irus Hammond .... 163 Wells, Lottie May 163 Wells, Obed 107 Wells, Raymond Irus Ift4 Wells, Samuel Julius 107 Welman, Andrew N 86 Welman, Andrew Thomas. . 86 Welman, Charles A 86 Welman, George G 86 Welsh, Coliqui 189 Welsh, Elizabeth 189 Welsh, Martha 189 Welsh, Sarah 189 Welsh, Thomas A. ...188,197 Welsh, Zuinglus 195 Welton, James Foster 326 Wentz, D 491 Wesson, Ephraim 609 Wesson, Nancy 596, 609 West, Ann Eliza 366 West, Arthur 358 West, Eunice 456 West, James Alexander . . . 365 West, Joseph 81 West, Margaret Lavina . . . 366 West, Marshall Newton . . 366 West, O. CaUie 370 West, Phoebe Jane 366 West, Rachel Adaline 366 West, Samuel 456 West, Susie 77 West, Thomas 365 West, William 358 Weston, Ephraim S12 Weston, John 611 Weston, Nathan 613 Weston, Stephen 611 Weygandt, Elizabeth 459 Weygandt, John 459 Wheeler, Anne 605 Wheeler, John 379 Wheeler, Lucy 605 Wheeler, Mary Joanna 483 Wheeler, Timothy 594 Wheeler, Wilber Bacchus . .483 Wheeler, William 379 Whelan, Florence 451 Whipple, EUen Maria 157 Whipple, Francis Jackson. . 100, 145 Whipple, Frank H 158 Whipple, Harriet Newell... 145 Whipple, Ithamar 100 Whipple, Jennie EvaUne...l58 Whipple, Jessie L 174 INDEX-NAMES OTHER THAN GREENLEE. 727 Page Witherow (or Witherall), Bachel 456 Witkeson, Effie 446 Wittmeyer, H. W 214 "VTittmeyer, M. J 214 Witter, Josephine Matilda. 156 Wolf, Christopher A 481 Wolf, Mary Ida 481 Wolf, 371 Wolff, Emma Maria 160 Wolff, Louis 160 Wood, Charies Gideon 252 Wood, Charies Newton 214 Wood, Cora Mina 214 Wood, Dora Belle 214 Wood, Edward 78 Wood, Harriet 75 Wood, James Lewis 214 Wood, James Washington. 214 Wood, John M 315 Wood, Margaret 321 Wood, Marietta or Mary E. 78 Wood, Mary 604, 608 Wood, Mary Sophia 214 Wood, Eosa A. or Sarah Eose 214 Wood, Susan E 315 Wood, William Fountaine. .214 Woodbury, Edmund Israel. 193 Woodbury, Lizzie Olive... 193 Woodfin, J. W 238 Woodfin, N. W 238 Woodle, Frances 318 Woodley, Charles Wiseman.167 Woodley, Esther Mary 167 Woodley, Harry Bobert . . . 167 Woodley, Howard G 167 Woodrow (Witherall or Witherow) , Bachel 456 Woodrum, 359 Woodward, Sarah 503 Woodworth, Alfred H 146 Woodworth, Phila A. 146 Wootry, Martha 545 Work, Alexander 184 Worley, Alice M 189 Worley, James 189 Worley, Joshua 189 Worley, Mary J 196 Worster, Caroline 174 Worth, Elizabeth 614 Worthington, Tessie Ivola. .453 Wright, Bessie 386 Wright, Eva M 150 Wright, John W 150 Wright, Josephine Bona- parte 364 Page Williams, C. A 568 Williams, David 457 Williams, Emily Brown . . . 166 Williams, Emma 495 WilUams, Franklin 569 Williams, George W 315 Williams, Henry 412 WilUams, John 319 WilUams, John F 321 WilUams, MadeUne Adams. 445 Williams, Martha A 133 Williams, Mary Jane 351 WilUams, Miriam 139 WilUams, Susan E. (Wood) 313 WilUs, Agnes 505 WilUs, Matthew 512 WilUs, Bobert 505 Willoughby (or Willaba), Hester Ann 38 Willoughby, Martin 38 WiUson, Margaret E 397 Wilson, Chester Arthur 288 Wilson, Eliza, Mrs 178 Wilson, Eliza Ann 167 Wilson, Fannie Maria ....288 Wilson, Grace Greenlee ...288 Wilson, Harry 468 Wilson, James 178 Wilson, James W 167 Wilson, Jane 325, 393 Wilson, Jessie Cochrane . .428 Wilson, Margaret (Mrs.)... 593 Wilson, Martha . .337, 432, 446 Wilson, Mary E 554 Wilson, Mary Elizabeth Ann 277 Wilson, Mary M 179 Wilson, Maude 468 Wilson, John 582 Wilson, Nelson Barren 288 Wilson, Sarah M 99 Wilson, Scott Holmes 288 Wilson, Thomas 233, 288 Wilson, Thomas Clinton ... 288 Wilson, Thomas MiUs 439 Wilson, 318 Wingfield, Nannie E. (or Susan) 270 Winters, Annie E 482 Winters, Jane 567 Winters, John 567 Winters, John Leonard . . . 567 Winters, Nancy Jane 50 Wisdom, Guy W 412 Wiser, John Frank 340 Withers, Henrietta 273 Page Whipple, Leland B 158 Whipple, Lucinda Lorene . . 101 Whipple, Mark Erastus . . . 158 Whipple, Bay Orson 158 Whipple, Eosa Ann 145 Whipple, Sylvester Bufus..I57 Whipple, Sylvia May 158 Whipple, WilUam Lemuel.. 157 Whitaker, John 86 Whitaker, JuUa Ann 86 Whitaker, Logan 86 Whitaker, WiUiam 86 White, Aley Van Meter ... 363 White, Anna 337 White, Belle 538 White, Bessie Nadal 138 White, James 543 White, Jane 232, 431 White, Josephine 315 White, Katherine 266 White, Mary 345 White, Mary P 363 White, Theodore S 138 White, WiUiam 404 White, 232 Whitney, EUzabeth 193 Whitt, Archibald 213 Whitt, Mishie 213 Whittlesey, Mabel 609 Whitton, Etta 345 Whitton, Eva 345 Whitton, George 345 Whitton, Jabez 345 Whitton, John 345 Whitton, Wilbert 345 Whytt, James 584 Wiard, Lois Anna 148 Wice, Benjamin E 151 Wice, Sarah 151 Widdup, Minnie B 424 Widdup, Thomas 424 Wiggins, Leah 492 Wilboum, Bobert 364 Wilcoi, F. F 142 Wiley, Katherine 264 Wilkins, Jessie E 277 Wilkins, WilUam 277 Wilkinson, Anne DeEoch- brune 527 Wilkinson, WilUam 527 WiUard, Heman 122 WiUard, Jessie D 122 WiUard, Wales H 122 WilUam, 231 WilUams, Alonzo Franklin. 569 WilUams, Anna BeUe 119 Williams, Anna Maria . . . .520 728 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN GREENLEE. Page Wright, Mattie 210 Wright, OUie 361 Wright, Susan 500 Wright, William 204 Wright, Wiley Blount 364 Wright, 410 Wright, 501 Wyant, Carl M 459 Wyatt, John 608 Wyatt, Mary 608 Wyckoff, Carl AMn 172 Wyckoff, Elizabeth 53, 55, 56 Wyckofif, John 172 Wyckoff, Leila Edna 172 Wyckoff, Lewis E 172 Wyckoff, Moran Eldon 172 Wylie, Harvey 472 Wylie, Isabelle 472 Wylie, James 472 Wylie, Jeanne 473 Wylie, Martha 473 Page Yacom, Daniel S 558 Yaeom, Mary L 558 Yancey, Grayson M 281 Yancey, Hester 1 297 Yancey, John 281, 295 Yancey, John C 281, 295 Yancey, Lillian M 281 Yancey, Mary F 296 Yancey, Mary E 296 Yahcey, Samuel Hannah . . 296 Yates, Charles M 160 Yates, Emma E 160 Yates, Frank 375 Yates, John F 375 Yates, Mary Ferris 121 Yates, Thomas 375 Yates, Walter 375 Yeomans, Clyde Greenlee . . 156 Yeomans, Elijah 156 Yeomans, Judson A 156 Yeomans, Millieent B 156 Yeomans, Ralph Carey .... 156 Page Yerkes, Alice Agnew 484 Yerkes, Charles Greenlees. .484 Yerkes, Charles Sherman . . . 483 Yerkes, Leonora Agnew ...484 Yerkes, Mary Agnes 484 Yerkes, Reuben Archibald .. 484 Yerkes, Reuben S 483 Yielding, Arthur TolUs ...481 York, Wiley John 569 Young, Christiana 76 Young, Mary 193 Young, 463 Zentz, Ebenezer Graham . .458 Zentz, Elizabeth 458 Zentz, Finley Hephill 458 Zentz, Israel 458 Zentz, John Greenlee 462 Zentz, Leander 458 Zentz, Lora Dell 452 Zinn, Frank 365 Zoerb, Louisa 160 I index to appendix b. McDowells of Virginia and Kentucky Page Adair, 629, 637 Alexander, Evaline 622 Alexander, 623 Allen, James 623 Allen, Mary 627 ADen, 623 Anderson, E. A 628 Andrews, John 624 Andrews, L. W 624 Ball, Mary (or Amanda) . .627 Ballard, Austin 635 Ballard, Bland 635 Ballard, Fanny 635 Ballard, Mary 635 Ballard, Susan 635 Barclay, A. T 623 Bent, Cyrus H 635 Bent, Emeline 635 Bent, Maria 635 Bent, WiUiam 635 Benton, Eliza P 637 Benton, Jessie 637 Benton, McDowell 638 Benton, Eandolph 638 Benton, Sarah 638 Benton, Susan V 638 Benton, Thomas Hart 637 Birney, David Bell 633 Birney, Dion 633 Birney, Florence 633 Birney, James 632 Birney, James Gillespie. .. .632 Birney, William 632 Blackburn, 624 Boillean, Augusta 638 Boillean, Benton 638 Boillean, Charles 638 Boillean, Claude 638 Boillean, Desiree 638 Boillean, EUzabeth 638 Boillean, Goldrei 638 Boillean, Mary 638 Boone, Daniel 630 Borden, Benjamin 619 Borden, Helen 639 Bowman, John 630 Page Bowyer, 619 Brant, Elizabeth 638 Brashear, Dennis 625 Brashear, Mary Eliza 625 Bridgman, Annie 634 Bridgman, Charles 634 Bridgman, Frank 634 Buf ord, Abraham 626 Buford, Charles S 629,637 Buf ord, Henry 629, 637 Buford, H. Marshall 629 Buford, Mary 627 Buford, Pattie 637 Buford, William S 627 Burden, Martha 616 Bush, Ann 636 Bush, Sally 629 Caldwell, Abram 627 Campbell, Benjamin 633 Campbell, John 631 Campbell, John Poague . . .631 Campbell, Margaret ..619,631 Campbell, Robert 631 Campbell, William 638 Campbell, 638 Carrington, Charles S 638 Carrington, Frank 638 Carrington, Sarah 638 Carter, Francis 633 Casey, James B 629 Cathay, 625 Chambers, Frank 629 Chrisman, 623 Chrisman, 624 Clarke, 636 Clay, Anna 640 Clay, Henry 640 Cloyd, Elizabeth 621, 623 Cloyd, 622 Cochran, 622 Cowles, or Coules, Gerald- ine 634 Davidson, Edmund 627 Davidson, William 633 Deadrich, James A 628 729 Pag« Dorsey, Betsey 624 Borsey, • 624 Drake, Daniel 623 Drake, • 623 Duke, Basil 637 Duke, James K 627 Duke, Jane 629 Duke, • 637 Forman, Ezekiel 629 Forman, Mary 629 Fremont, Charles 637 Fremont, Frank Paxton ...637 Fremont, Lilly 637 Fremont, John C 637 Gillespie, James 625 Gordon, Jennie 634 Greenlee, Grace 630 Greenlee, James 617 Greenlee, 630 Hall, Henderson 624 Hall, Mary B 628 Harbeson, Benjamin 629 Harbeson, Charles 629 Harbeson, John M 629 Hare, 623 Harvey, EUzabeth 622, 635 Harvey, Maria Hawkins. . .635 Haupt, Anne 636 Hawkins, Benjamin 616 Hawkins, Martha 627 Hawkins, Sarah 616 Henry, Patrick 638 Hensely, Maria 633 Hopkins, William A 627 Irvine, Abram 626 Irvine, Anna 626 Irvine, David 628 Irvine, James 616 Irvine, Margaret 616 Irvine, Sarah 627 Jacob, Leila 638 Jacob, Richard 638 730 INDEX TO APPENDIX B. Page Jacob, Eichard Taylor 638 Jackson, James S 637 Jennison, Charles 633 Johnson, Alice 635 Jones, Benton 637 Jones, Betty 637 Jones, Carey 637 Jones, William Carey 637 Keene, Oliver 624 Keene, 624 Kirk, 622 Kyles, Susan S 626 Le Grand, Lucy 623 Lewis, Elizabeth 633 Lord, Eliza Seldon 634 Loving, Willie 633 Lyle, Jennie 623 Lyle, Mary 624 Madison, Margaret 625 Marshall, Alexander Keith. 628, 629 Marshall, A. K 625 Marshall, Charles 629 Marshall, Charles A 629 Marshall, James K. . . 629, 637 Marshall, John 629 Marshall, Louis 625 Marshall, Thomas 629 Marshall, WUliam L. 629 Marshall, 637 Massey, B. A 634 Massie, James W 638 Massie, McDovrell 638 Mathews, Joseph McDowell 630 Mathews, 630 McAfee, Priscilla 636 McAfee, 636 McCampbell, 623 McCarroU, Anna 633 McCarroll, Margaret 633 McClung, Mary 620, 629 McClung, Phoebe 629 McClung, Sarah (or Mary) 629 McClung, William 629 McDowell, Abram IrTin 634 McDowell, Adaline 628 McDowell, Agatha 632 McDowell, Alexander Keith 632 McDowell, Alexander Keith Marshall 636 McDowell, Andrew Eeid. . . 620,626 Page McDowell, Anna 636 McDowell, Anne 627, 634 McDowell, Anne Irviu .... 635 McDowell, Annie 630 McDowell, Annie Irvin . . . .640 McDowell, Betsey 624 McDowell, Betty 636 McDowell, Brant 638 McDowell, Caleb 620,627 McDowell, Charles 627, 630 McDowell, Edward Irvin... 635, 640 McDowell, Elise 639 McDowell, Eliza 625 McDowell, Elizabeth 618,619,620,629,637 McDowell, Eloise 634 McDowell, Ephraim 616, 617, 618, 624, 627 McDowell, Florence 628 McDowell, Frances P 638 McDowell, Helen E 639 McDowell, Henry 640 McDowell, Henry Burden . . 639 McDowell, Henry Clay 640 McDowell, Hervey 632 McDowell, Hettie 624 McDowell, Hugh Hervey . . 630 McDowell, Irvin 634, 639 McDowell, Isabella 631 McDowell, James ..617,618 . . 619, 621, 623, 624, 629, 638 McDowell, Jane ; 634 McDowell, John 618, 619, 620, 623, 640 McDowell, John Adair 634 McDowell, John Lyle 632 McDowell, John Marshall. .635 McDowell, Joseph 620, 622, 627, 630, 636 McDowell, Joseph J 630 McDowell, Joseph Nash . ..623 McDowell, Julia 640 McDowell, Juliet 624 McDowell, Kate 628, 640 McDowell, Lewis 636 McDowell, LUy 638 McDowell, Louisa 632 McDowell, Lueien 624 McDowell, Lucinda 625 McDowell, Lucy 634 McDowell, Madeline 640 McDowell, Magdalene .... 622, 627, 635 McDowell, Magdalene Eeid.626 McDowell, Malcohn 634 McDowell, Margaret ..627,630 Page McDowell, Margaret Canty.638 McDowell, Margaretta . . . .616 McDowell, Mary . . 623, 625, 628, 633, 636, 638 McDowell, Mary Benton . . . 638 McDowell, Mary Elizabeth. 616 McDowell, Mary Lyle 635 McDowell, Martha 626 McDowell, Nannette 640 McDowell, Pa tsey 623 McDowell, Eobinson 640 McDowell, Sallie 624 McDowell, Sallie B 638 McDoweU, Sally 626 McDowell, SaUy C. P 638 McDowell, Samuel 620, . . .623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 629 McDowell, Sarah . . . 620, 622, 623, 627, 628, 630 McDowell, Sarah Shelby . . .635 McDowell, Sophonisla 638 McDowell, Susan 637, 638 McDowell, Susan Preston. . .638 McDowell, Susan P. ..619,638 McDowell, Thomas 640 McDowell, Thomas Lewis. .638 McDowell, Wallace ...628,640 McDowell, William 623, 625, 640 McDowell, William Adair.. 635 McDowell, William Preston 640 McGavock, David 629 McGavock, 618,622 McPheeters, William 624 MiUer, EUzabeth 638 Miller, Henry 630 Miller, John 638 Miller, Samuel 630 Miller, Susan Preston 638 MiUer, 622 Minter, Jeremiah A. 626 Mitchell, James 616, 617 Mitchell, Mary 617 Mitchell, Thomas 616 Moffet, Betsey 622 Moffet, George 622 Moffett, James 622 Moffett, Magdalene 622 Moffett, Margaret 622 Moffett, Mary 630 Moffett, Patsey 622 Moore, Andrew 622 Moore, David E 622, 623 Moore, D. E 635 Moore, Edward 623 Moore, Elizabeth 623 Moore, Fannie 623 \ INDEX TO APPENDIX B. 731 Page Moore, John Harvey ..622,623 Moore, Sally A 622, 623 Moore, Samuel McDowell.. 622 Moore, Sarah 623 Moore, Virginia 623 Neil, Robert E 628 Nelson, Alexander L 623 O 'Neal, Margaret 630 Pazton, Alexander Marshall 629 Paiton, Anna 629 Paxton, James 629 Paxton, James Alexander. .628 Paxton, Mary 629 Paxton, Phoebe A 629 Paxton, Phoebe M 629 Paxton, Tillie 629 Paxton, William McClung 629 Pickett, Thomas E 631 Pickett, Thomas J 631 Prather, 640 Preston, rrancis 638 Preston, Sarah 618, 630 Preston, Susan 638 Preston, Wickliffe 638 Preston, William .618,630,638 Price, J. W 634 Eeed, John 627, 633 Seed, 632 Beid, Andrew 622 Beid, Betsey 623 Beid, Jane 623 Beid, Mary 623 Page Beid, Patsey 623 Beid, Sally 622 Beid, Samuel McDowell . . .623 Robinson, George 627 Bochester, Nancy 625 Eochester, William 625 Boss, 638 Eutherford, Samuel 631 Shelby, Isaac 627 Shelby, James 623 Shelby, Susan (or Sarah) . . 623 Shelby, Sarah 623, 627 Shelby, Thomas Hart 623 Shelby, Thomas H 628 Shepherd, 624 Slayback, A. W 626 Smith, John A 634 Starling, Anna 633 StarUng, Charles 633 Starling, Edmund 633 Starling, John Madison . . . 633 Starling, Laura 633 Starling, Lizzie 633 Starling, Lucy 633 Starling, Lucy Todd 634 Starling, Lyle 633 Starling, Maria 633 Starling, Samuel McDowell. 633 Starling, Susannah 633 Starling, William 633 Steele, Samuel 632 Sulivant, Annie 627 Sulivant, Joseph 625, 627 Sulivant, Joseph McDowell. 627 Sulivant, Lucy 627 Sulivant, Michael L 627 Page Sulivant, William S 628 Taylor, Susan 637 Taylor, WUUam 637 Thomas, Francis 638 Thompson, George C 625 Thompson, William M 625 Trimble, Allen 630 Trimble, Madison 630 Vance, Nancy 632 Venable, Charles S 638 Venable, Frank 638 Venable, Lily C 638 Venable, Mary B 638 Venable, Natalie 638 Venables, 623 Wallace, Caleb 620, 627 Wallace, McDowell 627 Wallace, Woodford 627 Wallace, 631 Warwick, Constance 638 Welch, Samuel 636 Weller, John B 637 WeUer, John B., Jr 637 Wilcox, 633 Wolffe, Bernard 638 Wolflfe, LUy 638 Wood, Dolly 629 Woods, Magdalene 619 Woods, 619 Woodson, Meade 624 WooUey, D. V 638 Wright, Kate 640 Wylie, Margaret 616 Yovrng, George 628 INDEX OF PLACES ALABAMA. Anniston, 367. Birmingham, 380. Boligee, 491, 493. Epes Station, 492. Erie, 493. Eutaw, 492. Gainesville, 492, 493, 497. Greensboro, 492. Livingston, 497. Mobile, 495. Painesville, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494. Eamsey, 493, 494. Sumter Co., 491. Tuscaloosa, 567. AEKANSAS. AJma, 213. Arkadelphia, 495. Batesville, 364. Bentonville, 362. Benton Co., 372. Blewford, 204, 213. Bradley Co., 491. Brinkley, 277. Calmer, 495, 496. CarUsle, 168. Carroll Co., 356, 364. CarroUton, 356, 374. Centerpoint, 873. Charleston, 374. Chismville, 373, 374. Clarksville, 373. Cleveland Co., 495. Ebb, 83, 84. Eldorado, 82. Elm Springs, 203, 204. Faith, 491. Faulkner Co., 246. Fort Smith, 362, 363, 373, 374, 384. Graphic, 462. Harrison, 374. Jackson Co., 408/ Jacksonport, 277. Jenson, 374. Lavaca, 373, 384. Layton, 489, 499. Lewisville, 570. Little Rock, 323, 364. Lockesburg, 372, 374. Mayflower, 246. National Springs, 361. Nettleton, 82. Paraclifta (now Lockesburg), 372. Paris, 364. Pike, 84. Pine Bluff, 51, 84, 491, 496. EaUy Hill, 374. Eich Mountain, 384. Eison, 491, 495. Eogers, 558. Sheridan, 83, 84. Toledo, 495. Van Winkles Mill, 372. Washington Co., 363. CALIFOENIA. Burlingame, 512. Los Angeles, 267, 459. Oakland, 387. Pasadena, 145. Eedlands, 360. Eiverside, 364. Sacramento, 501. San Bernardino, 398. San Francisco, 192, 362, 395, 397, 639. COLOEADO. Bald Mt., 324. Boulder, 324. Canon City, 102. Central City, 324, 351. Denver, 56, 102, 112, 113, 123, 124, 127, 159, 166, 167, 173, 267, 268, 325, 334, 352, 558. Eldora, 417. Florence, 118. Idaho Springs, 324. Lafayette, 409. La Junta, 155. Leadville, 59. Nevadaville, 351. Pineville, 265. Pueblo, 101, 102, 159, 397, 547. Robinson, 68. 733 W^alsenburg, 293. CONNECTICUT. Danbury, 598. East Haddam, 559. East Guilford, 609. Glastonbury, 558, 559. Hartford, 55, 166, 538. High Eidge, 534. Meriden, 166. Middletown, 532. Naugatuck, 535. New Canaan, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536. New Haven, 533, 535, 536. Stamford, 536. Weathersfield, 165, 166. DELAWARE. Brandywine, 507. Bridgeville, 182. Cambridge, 114. Camden, 525. Delhi, 451. Dover, 38, 52, 114, 176, 530. Duck Creek Hundred, 37, 574. Edwardsville, 115. Frederica, 182, 524. Georgetown, 176, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182. Harrington, 114, 182. Hollandville, 43, 64, 114. Kent Co., 27, 28, 29, 34, 37, 38, 43, 47, 48, 65, 114, 115, 176, 548, 549, 565, 574. MUford, 176, 178, 180, 181, 183, 576. Milton, 173. Mispillion Hundred, 65, 177, 574. Nassau, 182. Northwest Fork Hundred, 177. Sand Hill, near Georgetown, 179. Sandtown, 43. MurderkiU Hundred, 27, 30, 31, 33, 44, 46, 65, 66, 549, 574. Smyrna, 178. South Murderkill Hundred, 565. Sussex Co., 47, 178. 734 INDEX OF PLACES. Whittlesburg, 167. "Willow Grove, 64, 574. Wilmington, 179, 180, 499, 507, 509, 510, 529, 531. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Brookland, 489. Washington, 180, 297, 482, 484, 531, 548, 632. FLOEIDA. Columbus, 82. Jacksonville, 279. GEOEGIA. Atlanta, 283, 569. Bainbridge, 82. Brunswick, 537. Ft. Valley, 279. Glym Co., 523. Griffin, 367. Irwinton, 495. MiUedgeville, 229. St. Simons Mills, 524. IDAHO. Ellis, 363. Nampa, 408, 421. ILLINOIS. Argyle, 435, 436, 437, 447, 449, 450, 451, 452, 454, 473, 474, 475, 478, 488. Belvidere, 88, 118, 142, 174, 436, 437, 447, 448, 450, 451, 452. Bloomington, 127, 153, 328, 329, 459, 462. Boone Co., 448. Cairo, 395, 410. Caledonia, 437, 447, 448, 449, 453, 454, 474, 475, 476. Carrollton, 186, 193. Chandlerville, 600. Channahon, 337. Chicago, 61, 89, 95, 100, 107, 108, 112, 113, 143, 155, 163, 164, 165, 167, 194, 243, 265, 295, 394, 396, 436, 446, 450, 459, 469, 527, 535, 547, 548, 551, 562, 597, 598, 599. Chicago Heights, 103. Chrisman, 460. CoUinsville, 38, 566. Dahlgren, 272. Danville, 460. Everts Tp., 173. Freeport, 173. Geneseo, 238, 268, 288. Guilford, 453. Harlem, 437, 451. Harlem Tp., 448, 452. Henry, 460. Henry Co., 238, 541. Heyworth, 201. HiUsboro, 193. Lawrence Co., 565. Lena, 163. Lexington, 462, 600. Lone Tree, 408. Lyndon, 194. Macomb, 141. Manchester, 174. Marion Co., 399. Mattoon, 86. McLean Co., 458. Mendota, 298. Monmouth, 332. Morgan Co., 424. Morrison, 187, 188, 194. Oak Park, 483. Ottawa, 448, 479, 480, 481. Paris, 78. Peoria, 547. Polo, 453. Princeton, 294. Quincy, 128, 164, 529. Eidott, 172. Bockford, 435, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 473, 474, 475. Eoek Island, 637. Sandoval, 99. Saunemin, 385. Schuyler Co., 513. Sheldon, 265. Stephenson Co., 418, 419. SterUng, 220. Summer, 304. Urbana, 168. Vermont, 418. Wilson, 333. Winnebago, 476, 478. Winnebago Co., 436, 448, 450. INDIANA. Attica, 285. Cadiz, 135. Charlottesville, 78. Clarksville, 268. Coatesville, 552, 553, 554. Connersville, 208. Danville, 553, 554. Eden, 554. Elwood, 49, 207. Eminence, 86, 141. Evansville, 635, 636. Fairmount, 268, 291. Falmouth, 207. Forestville, 201. Fountain Co., 118. Francisville, 333. Gosport, 85, 86. Greencastle, 208, 210, 554. Greensburg, 268, 291, 292. Hall, 85, 86, 139, 141. Hendricks Co., 551, 554. Howard Co., 174. Indianapolis, 64, 113, 164, 218, 265, 289. Jeffersonville, 116. Kingstown, 135. Lafayette, 139, 264, 265, 334. Lagrange Co., 383. Lexington, 116. Madison Co., 201, 411. Markleville, 78, 136. Martinsville, 52, 86, 87, 140. Maxwell, 554. Mechanicsburg, 135, 173. Middletown, 78, 135, 136. Monrovia, 86, 139. Morgan Co., 43, 53. New Albany, 138. New Salem, 292. NoblesviUe, 118. Orestes, 208. Owen Co., 141. Pendleton, 213, 412. Putnam Co., 552. Eeno, 552, 553, 554. Richland, 268, 291, 292. Eush Co., 43. Rushville, 174, 175, 268, 518. Salem, 367. Shreve, 334. South Bend, 350. St. Omer, 292. Sullivan, 78. Sulphur Springs, 173. Summitville, 199, 201, 207, 208. Terre Haute, 164, 369, 410. Tipton Co., 269. Vevey, 292. Vienna, 140. INDIAN TEEEITORT. Cowlington, 372, 383, 384. Davis, 335. Dewey, 211. Fry, Creeks Nation, 462. Oaklodge, 384. Purcell, 247. Spiro, 374. Tahlequah, 384. INDEX OF PLACES. 735 WMtefield, 374. Wister, 364. IOWA. Allerton, 400, 413, 414, 425. Alta, 193. Anthon, 348. Atalissa, 291. Audubon, 347, 354, 558. AviUa, 349. Avoca, 347, 348. Barnesville, 191. Bedford, 67, 68, 117, 118, 119, 172. Belle Plaine, 538, 539, 540, 541, 557, 558. Big Springs, 419. Blairstown, 541. Blockton, 117. Bloomfield, 147. Brooklyn, 348. Buckingham, 350. Caledonia, 172, 471. Cambria, 220, 400, 404, 407, 411, 412, 414, 420. Cedar Rapids, 557. Cerro Gordo Co., 105, 106, 152. Chariton, 351. Charies aty, 454, 470, 471, 472, 473, 478. Clarinda, 219. Clark Co., 420. Clay Tp., 407. Clearfield, 421. CUo, 424. autier, 143. College Springs, 348. Corydon, 203, 209, 210, 211, 212, 219, 220, 404, 406, 407, 408, 417, 418, 420, 421. Council Bluffs, 190, 191, 193, 354, 450. Creston, 163, 290. Dallas Co., 409. Deeorah, 162. Delta, 124. Des Moines, 350, 351, 409, 421. Dewitt, 404. Dinsdale, 143. Dodge City, 600. Dubuque, 294, 295. Dunlap, 383, 385, 408. East Des Moines, .408. East Waterloo, 458. Eldora, 210. Epworth, 564. Cloyd Co., 454. Fort Scott, 191. Gray, 317, 320, 347, 348. Grundy Centre, 106. Guinnville, 557. Hamburg, 552. Harlan, 409, 421, 422. Harrison Co., 409. Harvard, 417. High Point, 408. Humeston, 210, 220, 419. Independence, 564. Indianapolis, 124. Iowa City, 212, 421, 557. Iowa Co., 541. Irving, 541. Janesville, 459. Jefferson Co., 203. Keokuk, 625. Keokuk Co., 71. Kirkville, 458, 462. KnoxviUe, 191, 192, 209, 210. Lacrew, 420, 421. Lemars, 290, 349. Leon, 404, 422, 424. Lewisburg, 419. Lineville, 202. Luzerne, 558. Mason City, 59, 60, 95, 105, 152, 161, 162. Mountayr, 219. Muscatine, 547. New Hampton, 159. North McGregor, 162. Osceola, 212, 409. Oskaloosa, 123, 412. Peoria, 211. Peru, 191. Pleasant, 125. Plymouth, 95, 152. Portland, 59, 162, 163. Portsmouth, 408, 409, 421. Poweshiek Co., 354. Promise City, 202, 203, 212. Randolph, 163. Red Oaks, 289. Rockford, 471, 472, 599. Boss, 348. RossviUe, 161, 162. Salem, 481. Saxon, 407, 417, 418, 419, 420. SheU Rock, 459. Sidney, 385. Sioux City, 349. Spencer, 162. Springfield, 70, 71, 124. South English, 123. Tama Co., 143, 323. Templeton, 347. Thurman, 359, 552. Toledo, 322, 323, 324, 350. Traer, 143, 350. Van Meter, 421. Victor, 347. Villisca, 267, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291. Vincent, 71. Vinton, 541, 542. Washington, 322. Waterloo, 157, 454, 459. Wayne Co., 203, 220, 400, 406, 407, 411, 417, 418, 419. What Cheer, 70. Weldon, 209. Winfield, 122. Winterset, 348. KANSAS. Almena, 71. Americus, 555. Anthony, 193. Atchison, 169, 517. Bazaar, 517. Blakeman, 417. Butler Co., 122. Brown Co., 515. Chase, 481. Clay Centre, 313. Coffee Co., 122. Cummings, 516, 517, 518. Douglas Co., 144. Dunlap, 314. Ellsworth, 214. Emporia, 184, 555. Florence, 233, 280. Galva, 211. Harper, 146. Haven, 268. Hiawatha, 211, 220, 513. Hill City, 325. Hutchinson, 192, 211. Idana, 337. Independence, 458. Jaqua, 333. Jewell Co., 515. Kansas City, 265. Kingman, 308, 600. Lawrence, 143, 144, 481. Long Island, 182. Marion Co., 247. McPherson, 211. McPherson Co., 211. Moline, 122. Newton, 268. NortonviUe, 518. Ottawa, 459. Reserve, 220. Riley, 417, 418. 736 INDEX OF PLACES. Sabetha, 517. Silica, 481. Stanley, 517. Summerfield, 371. Wichita, 246, 598, 599, 600. Winfield, 458. KENTUCKY. Augusta, 6i9. Benton, 384. Berea, 517. Bourbon Co., 462. Bowling Green, 270, 625, 626. Cherry Spring, 631. Christian Co., 138. Covington, 112, 483, 629. Corbin, 381. Cynthiana, 632. Danv-ille, 616, 617, 620, 621, 627, 631, 633, 635. Elizabethtown, 526. Fayette Co., 621, 624. Fleming Co., 624. Flemingsburg, 115, 629, 631. Frankfort, 632. Crarrett Co., 232. Harrodsburg. 621, 62.5, 636. HopkinsTille, 269, 633. Jessamine, 624, 625. Knobs, 528, 529, 530. Lexington, 116, 624, 628, 629, 631, 640. Lincoln Co., 240, 271. Linton, 79. Louisrille, 51, 80, 138, 213, 330, 3S9, 526, 529, 531. 533, 563, 635, 636, 640. MadisonTille, 146. Mason Co., 629. MaysviUe, 564, 629, 631. Meadow Lawn, 526, 529. Mercer Co., 635. Middleboro, 561. Mill Creek, 629. Monroe Co., 371. Mt. SterUng, 278. Newport, 80, 134. Nicholasville, 328, 631. Oldham Co., 86. Owensboro, 138. Reeds Station, 633. Eichmond, 628. Eoaring Spring, 138. Scott Co., 626, 627. Smyrna, 631. Stanford, 240, 269, 270, 271. VersaiUes, 631. Washington, 629. West Point, 525, 529. Winchester, 115. LOXnSIANA. Baton Rouge, 518. Delhi. 388. New Orleans, 389. MAINE. Brooklin, 11.5 Falmouth (Portland) 604. Foxcraft, 142. Jefferson, 112. Portland, 597, 598, 599. MARYLANT). Aberdeen, 522, 523, 524. Abington, 523. Baltimore, 125, 522, 526, 528, 530. Burusville, 114. Bush River, Lower Hundred, 574. Bush River Neck, 523. Caroline Co., 66, 114, 574, 575, 576. Cumberland, 69, 482. Denton, 167, 524, 528. Dorchester Co., 45, 572, 576, 577. Dover, 528. Frederick, 251, 638. Georgetown, 528. Greensboro, 38, 43, 64, 85. 114, 167, 524, 525, 527. Hagerstown, 67. Halls Cross Roads, 526. Harford Co., 522, 523. Hillsboro, 181, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530. Marydel, 528, 529. Michaelsville, 522, 523. Queen Anne Co., 576. Snow Hill, 240. Spesutie Island, 575. Spesutie Lower Hundred, 575. Templeville, 528. Trappe, 530. Whitleysburg, 114. MASSACHUSETTS. Andover, 608, 609. Boston, 115, 529, 607. Bradford, 607, 608. Cambridge, 610. Chelmsford, 613. Concord, 594, 595. Dedham, 604, 609. Dorchester, 120. East Charlemont, 255. Hadley, 610. Hingham, 608. Pittsfield, 166. Ipswich, 598, 604, 610. Lynn, 610, 613. Medford, 594. Milford, 396. Newbury, 605, 607, 613, 614. Reading, 610, 611, 613. Roxbury, 608. Salem, 611. Salisbury (now Seabrook, N. H.), 606, 614. Savoy, 94. Somerville, 120. Springfield, 63, 265. Watertown, 594, 602, 604, 605, 606. Wenham. 608. West Stoekbridge, 166. West Sutton, 162. Wllbraham, 57, 61, 63. Wilmington, 611. Worcester, 595. MICHIGAN. Adrian, 336, 561. Alpena, 559. Berrien Co., 152. Bronson, 162. Calkinsville, 120. CHo, 500. Concord, 156. Constantino, 459, 463. Davison, 501. Dearborn, 101. Flint, 500. Grand Rapids, 559, 561, 562, 563. Ionia, 321, 348, 350. Lansing, 561. Luddington, 563. Manistee, 451. Niles, 289, 290. North Star, 506. Unionville, 99. Waldron, 145. MINNESOTA. Amboy, 392. Chaska, 160. Chatfield, 59, 60, 105, 106, 152, 163. Dover, 161, 162. Eyota, 60, 162. Fergus Falls, 104, 160. Minneapolis, 161, 162, 192, 193 459, 598. INDEX OF PLACES. 737 Olmstead Co., 95, 106. Bedwood Falls, 475. Bochester, 105, 106. St. Cloud, 389, 390, 395. Sardis, 81. Sarepta, 51, 83. Taylor, 138. Vicksburg, 252. St. Paul, 104, 120, 160, 286, 295. Walthall, 79, 137, 568, 569. Sauk Falls, 252. Slayton, 449. Wheaton, 106. MISSISSIPPI. Abbeville, 83. Attala Co., 37, 50, 51, 52, 83. Banner, 80, 84. Batesv-ille, 80, 81, 139. Bellefountaine, 79, 568. Booneville, 492, 496. Brandon, 636. Calvert, 494, 499. Carrollton, 568. Choctaw Co., 50. Clarksdale, 83. Coahoma Co., 83. Columbus, 50, 567, 569. Duck HiU, 138. Durant, 84. Eupora, 568, 569. French Camp, 37. Friarpoint, 82. Goodhope, 570, 571. Greensboro, 50, 79, 80, 81, 136, 137, 567, 568, 569. Greenville, 219, 529. Holly Springs, 243, 244, 274, 276. Huntsville, 291. Jackson, 636. Kemper Co., 498, 499. Kosciusko, 51, 52, 79, 82, 83, 84. Kossuth, 492. Lauderdale, 494. Lily, 37. Lockhart, 493. Lowndes Co., 50, 567. Marshall Co., 243, 244, 273. Meridian, 498. Minden, 494. Multona Springs, 37, 50, 52, 80, 567. Xew Albany, 496. Oxford, 50, 80, 81. Panola Co., 50, 84. Paris, 83. Pittsboro, 50. Pittsfield, 81. Porterville, 494. Pope Station, 84. Eienzi, 496. Salt Creek, 79. Walnut Grove, 50. Watervalley, 81, 139. West Point, 82. MISSOUBI. Alba, 320. Bedford, 295. Bolivar, 515. Boone%Hlle, 99. Bourbon, 381, 546, 547. Brunswick, 295. Butler, 395. Cartersville, 320. Carthage, 117. ChiUicothe, 272, 273, 294, 295, 298. Clearance, 529. Colecamp, 293. Crawford Co., 546. Fayetteville, 245, 277, 278. Goodman, 349. Hale, 298. Hedge City, 527. Henrietta, 270. HigginsviUe, 132. Holt Co., 371. Hopkins, 52, 53, 85, 86, 87, 139, 140, 141. Howell Co., 76, 131. Independence, 513, 517. Johnson Co., 240, 245, 270, 278. Kahoka, 128, 129. Kansas City, 113, 117, 269, 295, 513, 514, 515, 516. Keox Co., 402. Lebanon, 599. Lees Summit, 515, 517. Liberty, 220. Lone Jack, 515. Macon Co., 526. Madison, 216. Marion Co., 626. MarshaU, 245, 277, 278. Maryville, 117, 141. Middleburg, 272, 294. Mt. Vernon, 383. Nevada, 294. Newark, 527, 528, 529, 530. Newtonia, 362. Old Mines, 545, 546. Palmyra, 128. Pickering, 140. Pierce City, 362. Platte Co., 271. Plattsburg, 287. Plevna, 527. Potosi, 545, 546. Prairie Tp., 515. Princeton, 273, 295. Quick aty, 527. Eichwoods, 547. Eockspring, 546. St. Joseph, 272. St. Louis, 143, 187, 272, 380, 389, 527, 548, 623, 626. Savannah, 116, 117, 169. Sedalia, 330. Springfield, 309, 329, 330, 331, 332, 373. Steelville, 546, 547. Sweethome, 141. Troy, 292. Warrensburg, 240, 245, 269, 270, 271, 277, 278, 292, 294. Washington Co., 547. Webb City, 234, 320. West Plains, 75. Wright Co., 216. Xenia, 140. MONTANA. Butte City, 58. NEBBASKA. Ansley, 216. Barnston, 371. Bertrand, 126, 344. Broken Bow, 202, 208. Cambridge, 540. Cheyenne Co., 151. Columbus, 182. Custer Co., 216. Falls City, 127. Grand Island, 208, 211. Lincoln, 128, 457. Long Pine, 332. Mason City, 216. Omaha, 193, 265, 290, 295, 448. Platte City, 629. Salem, 359, 371. Sidney, 151. Superior, 325. Weissert, 333. Wescott, 333. York, 94. NEW JEBSEY. Camden, 180. Cassville, 537. Dumont, 350. \ 738 Elizabeth, 564. Hoboken, 534, 536. Jersey City, 164, 347. Mt. Holly, 537. New Brunswick, 350. Orange, 537. Princeton, 638. South Orange, 458. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Bath, 602. Chester, 596, 603, 607, 608. Concord, 599, 609. Grafton Co., 595. Hampton, 603, 604, 605, 606. Haverhill, 595, 596, 602, 603, 609, 612. Seabrook, 606. NEW MEXICO. Otis, 352. NEW YOHK. Adams, 548. Albany, 561. Alfred, 571. Allegany, 354. Babylon, L. I., 563, 564. Beekmantown, 478. Bolivar, 94. Bridgehampton, 564. Bronxville, 537. Brooklyn, 332, 559. Buffalo, 67, 91, 330, 331, 562. Carthage, 564. Cattaraugus, 55. Cattaraugus Co., 513. Champion, 98. Cuba, 94. De Peyster, 193. Dryden, 103. Eaton, 561. Elmira, 398. Fabius, 87, 93. Flushing, L. I., 535, 563. Friendship, 334. Fordham, 430. Fourmile, 354. Garden City, 563. Greenwich, 101. Groton, 100. Grove, 89. Hamilton, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562. Islip, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564. Ithaca, 287, 561, 562. Jamestown, 122. Lebanon, 63. INDEX OF PLACES. Middlebury, 92. Morris, 333. New Eochelle, 563. New York, 152, 154, 159, 196, 245, 266, 267, 282, 287, 297, 349, 350, 421, 524, 532, 536, 563, 639. Niagara, 147. Owasco, 88. Pembroke, 95. Pike, 87. Pittsford, 101. Poughkeepsie. 166. Poundridge, 532, 534. Eiehburg, 94. Biehland, 561. Bochester, 101. Sacketts Harbor, 235, 560. Sangerfield, 63. Saranae Lake, 530. Sodus, 101. South Salem, 533, 536. Stony Point, 537. Syracuse, 132. Troy, 89, 97, 481, 639. Utica, 287. Washington, 154. Williamsbridge, 429. Yonkers, 535, 537. NOHTH CABOLINA. Anson Co., 495. Ashe^-ille, 256, 284, 285, 295. Bakers\alle, 254. Buncombe Co., 230. Burke Co., 230, 231, 237, 248, 253, 256, 630. Burnsville, 251, 282. Charlotte, 373, 491. Chatham Co., 377. Germanton, 264. Gilbertown, 285. Grassy Creek, 254. Greensboro, 285. Greenlee, 236, 237, 254, 255, 284. Hcndersonville, 369. Hickory Grove, 264. High Point, 510. Hope Mills, 510. Lincoln Co., 248. Liccolnton, 295. Linnville, 251. Marion, 236, 248, 254, 256, 280, 281, 284, 285, 296, 297. McDowell Co., 248, 256, 284. Mica, 254. MitcheU Co., 230, 254, 256. Morganton, 229, 230, 235, 236, 237, 238, 248, 252, 253, 264, 282, 283, 285, 510, 547. North Cove, 297. Oldfort, 236. Orange Co., 254. Pleasant Garden, 238. Quaker Meadows, 237, 238, 630. Ealeigh, 493. Eockingham Co., 282. Eutherford Co., 230, 255, 256. Butherfordton, 235, 254. Salem, 296. Surrey Co., 116, 230. Swain Co., 256. Turkey Cove, 230, 235, 248, 251, 280, 281. Weaverville, 170. Wilkesboro, 281. Williamsburg, 631. Wilmington, 264, 284. Woodlawn, 281, 296, 297. Yancey Co., 230, 251, 256. Yanceyville, 493. NOETH DAKOTA. Grand Porks, 160. Hesper, 95, 152. Inkster, 162, 163. OHIO. Aberdeen, 115, 168, 169, 170. Adams Co., 264, 564. Akron, 329. Amboy, 56, 98, 99, 100, 156. Andover, 98, 156. Antrim, 455, 458. Arabia, 513, 514, 515, 516. Ashland, 132. Ashland Co., 312, 337. Ashtabula, 89, 106, 191, 311, 321. Ayersville, 266, 286, 287. Bainbridge, 288. Barlow, 433, 434. Beallsville, 185. Bellaire, 185, 186, 188, 189, 190, 196. Belmont Co., 184, 185, 189, 194, 196. Big Prairie, 353. Bladensburg, 131. Blaine, 190. Boumeville, 267, 287. Bowling Green, 151. Bradyville, 66, 67, 115, llfl, 167, 168, 169, 170, 174, 175. Bridgeport, 189. INDEX OP PLACES. 739 Brown Co., 115. Bryan, 147. Burlington, 514. Businessburg, 188. Cambridge, 412. Cameron, 185. Canton, 164, 251, 329. Centerburg, 130, 133. Centreville, 195. Chatham, 132. Cherry Valley, 98, 156. Chesterville, 190, 191. Chillicothe, 267, 631. Cincinnati, 132, 134, 332, 334, 353, 451, 482, 483, 484, 548, 629. Claremont Co., 566. Clayton, 168. Claysville, 395. Cleveland, 119, 156, 175, 335, 422, 490. Colerain, 197. Columbiana Co., 316. Columbus, 336, 625, 626, 627, 628, 634. Concord, 89. Conneaut, 100, 153, 156, 157, 171. Crestline, 344. Dayton, 238. Defiance, 265, 266, 286, 287, 297, 545. Delaware, 456, 461. Demos, 196, 197. Dorset, 97. Dover, 561. Drill, 555. Dunkirk, 354. East Eichland, 196. Eugene, 130. Evertonville, 169. Farmington, 189. Farnham, 145. Findlay, 342, 354. Frederiektown, 186, 187, 188, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194. Fremont, 192. GaUia Co., 513. GallipoUs, 126, 200, 206, 213, 272, 415, 424. Georgetown, 171. Glencoe, 194. Guernsey Co., 462. Hamilton, 184. Hamler, 159. Harrisonville, 188, 197. Haysville, 336. Higginsport, 175. Highland Co., 287. Highland Tp., 285. Highwater, 132, 133. Hillsboro, 266, 267, 288, 290, 630. Hockingport, 219. Holmes Co., 565. Ironton, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517. Jackson Co., 272. Jacobsburg, 195. Jefferson, 98, 99, 195. Johns Creek, 516. Kingsville, 56, 57, 97, 98, 99, 145, 146, 153, 157. Lake Tp., 312, 336. Lakeville, 312. Lansing, 196. Lawrence Co., 515. Lebanon, 132, 266. Leetonia, 316, 345. Lemoyne, 151. Letart Falls, 206, 219. Licking Co., 132. Lisbon, 316, 345. Loudonville, 312, 337. Lucas, 541. Madisonville, 353. Manchester, 115, 117, 168, 169, 170. Mansfield, 335, 336, 455. Marietta, 407. Martinsburg, 190. Martins Ferry, 188, 195. McZena, 304, 312, 335, 336. Meigs Co., 212. Middleport, 200, 219. Miami Co., 539, 541. Millgrove, 266. Mohican, 312, 336. Mt. Blanco, 196. Mount Liberty, 130, 131. Mt. Pleasant, 188, 197. Mt. Vernon, 130, 186, 187, 191. Napoleon, 266. Nauvoo, 170. Neto, 469. New Alexandria, 398. Newark, 297. New Athens, 189. New Comerstown, 192. New Concord, 397. New Hagerstown, 518. New Middletown, 344. New Petersburg, 266, 287. Newport, 134. New Bochester, 152. Newton, 539. North Madison, 156. Norwich, 186. Oberlin, 128, 192. Orwell, 100, 157. Overton, 335. Painesville, 478. Palmer, 432, 433, 469. Pennville, 558. Perry, 157. Perrysville, 334. Piqua, 286, 454. Plymouth, 246. Pomeroy, 201, 207, 483. Portland Station, 195. Powhatan Point, 188, 194, 195. Quiney, 196. Eavenna, 160. Eipley, 116. Boss Co., 238, 264. St. Charles, 78. St. Clairs^-ille, 185, 186, 189, 190, 196, 197. St. Louisrille, 76, 132, 133, 134. Salem, 126, 345. Scioto Co., 514. Sidney, 541. Silver Hun, 212. Sparta, 133, 335. Spring Creek, 118. Steamburgh, 99. Steel, 190. Steinersville, 194. Sullivan, 132. Syracuse, 197. Toledo, 116, 472. Troy, 538, 539. Uhrichsville, 134. Uniontown, 197. Urbana, 459. Utica, 131, 132. Vanburen, 506. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, 133, 483. Warren Co., 285. Warrenton, 195. Washington, 186, 220. Washingtonville, 345. Watertown, 433, 469. Welsh, 189, 196, 197. West CarUsle, 187, 188, 194. West Salem, 156. West Union, 167, 168, 169. Williamsfield, 100. Wineland, 505. Wooster, 304, 334, 353. Xenia, 86. York Tp., 188. 740 INDEX OF PLACES. OKLAHOMA. Anadarko, 280. Cimarron, 122. Enid, 527, 572. Kingfisher, 409. Moore, 293. Shawnee, 404, 405. OREGON. Drewsey, 363. Portland, 160. PENNSYLVANIA. Albion, 102. Allegheny, 121, 387, 388, 389, 390, 392, 394, 395, 396, 398, Allegheny Co., 28, 386, 388, 391, 578. Amity, 124. Aston Mills, 507, 509, 510. Beallsville, 72. Beamostown, 96. Beaver, 459. Beaver Centre, 94, 141, 142. Beaver Co., 136. Beaver FalU, 346, 394, 397. Bellevernon, 70. Bentleyville, 72, 455, 456, 460, 461, 463. Black Hawk, 387. Blooming "Valley, 128. Boeuf, 68. Bradford, 318, 339. Bridgewater, 389, 391, 395. Bristol, 523. Brownsville, 125, 219, 460. Bucks Co., 577. Buffalo Tp., 577, 578. Burgettstown, 129. Butler, 321, 339, 341, 352. California, 74. Cambridge, 331. Cambridge Springs, 330, 331, 334. Candor, 387, 392. Canonburg, 457. Carlisle, 221, 503. Carlton, 340. Carmichaels, 49, 72, 75, 76, 79, 128. Centreville, 72, 461. Chapmanville, 149. Chester, Chester Co., 68. Chester, Delaware Co., 507, 509, 510. Chestnut Hill, 178. Clarkstown, 73. Clarksville, 70, 71, 72, 73, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 455, 457, 461, 579. Clinton, 386, 387, 388, 390, 391, 393. Coal Centre, 72. Cochranton, 339. Columbia, 532. Columbus, 310. Conneaut Tp., 146. Conneautville, 58, 89, 91, 93, 145, 148, 149. Coons Corners, 55, 61, 95, 152, 153. Corry, 100, 102, 157. Corsica, 121. Crawford Co., 38, 47, 60, 61, 63, 88, 94, 152, 304, 309, 315, 329. Crossingville, 55, 56, 60, 67, 91, 94, 117, 146, 151. Cumberland Co., 578. Cussawago, 57, 61, 92, 100, 103, 142. Cussawago Tp., 39, 47, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 68, 93, 97, 101, 104, 144, 150, 159. Dempseytown, 349. Derrick Oty, 338. Dixonburg, 149. Dunningville, 462. Edinboro, 91, 92, 96, 119, 120, 127, 128, 147, 148, 150, 151, 157. Eldred, 339. Elizabeth, 394. Emlenton, 326. Erie, 53, 101, 119, 120, 153, 159, 172, 310, 332, 333. Evans City, 341. Evensburgh, 150, 314. Fairchance, 37, 69. Fairview, 120, 147, 172. Fairview Tp., 121. Fallston, 394, 398. FarrandsviUe, 531. Fayette City, 128. Fayette Co., 38, 49, 53, 70, 77, 78. Fidioute, 318, 319, 320, 350. Findlay Tp., 387, 391. Flick, 75. Franklin, 303, 305, 306, 307, 313, 314, 317, 318, 319, 321, 326, 328, 329, 337, 339, 347, 348, 349. FrankUn Co., 38. Franklin Tp., 120. French Creek Tp., 303, 306, 307, 308, 326, 327, 329, 340. Geneva, 343, 344. Georges Creek, 38. Girard, 68, 113, 119, 141, 172. Glen Riddle, 505. Grand Valley, 319. Gravel Run, 311. Greene Co., 70, 73, 124, 125. Greenville, 123, 148, 343. Greenwood Tp., 315. Grove City, 338, 346, 351. Hanover Tp., 28, 299, 577. Harlandsburgh, 346. Harmonsburg, 148, 149. Harrisburg, 153, 330, 502, 503, 504. Harrison Tp., 91. Harshaville, 387, 391, 392. Hartstown, 315, 331, 343, 344, 354. Haydentown, 37, 123. Hayfield Tp., 55, 56, 59, 67, 95, 96, 117, 171. Hazelton, 153. Hickeraell, 55, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, 150, 171. Hillsboro, 75, 129. Huntingdon, 327. Industry, 389, 396. Irvin, 322. Jackson Centre, 307, 314, 323, 351. Jackson Tp., 307. Jefferson, 71, 73, 125, 128, 130, 457. Jefferson Tp., 579. Juniata Co., 302, 305. Kammerer, 121, 459. Keepville, 117, 158, 171. Kirkland, 153. Knowlton, 510. Lancaster Co., 28, 316, 502, 577, 578. Leesburg, 346. Leota, 315. Lewiston, 503. LinesviUe, 99, 149, 153, 343. Lippincott, 128. Little Corners, 171. Lockhaven, 311. Lone Pine, 76, 132, 133. Lumber City, 324. Lurgan Tp., 555, 556, 564, 578. Lycoming Tp., 578. Lyonsville, 113. Manayunk, 178. Mahonington, 193. INDEX OF PLACES. 741 Manor Tp., 502, 503, 504, 577. Mansfield, 394. Masontown, 135. Mayfield, 103. McKean, 68, 113, 120, 121, 167, 310, 311, 333. Meadville, 38, 55, 59, 60, 67, 91, 95, 96, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 112, 113, 118, 145, 147, - 149, 152, 153, 158, 160, 161, 303, 330, 343. Media, 510. Mercer, 307, 319, 322, 324, 325, 349, 352. Mercer Co., 303, 315, 317, 323, 337, 349, 352, 579. Middletown, 188. Middle Paxton, 504. Milledgeville, 343, 346. Millport, 551. MiUsboro, 125. Mineral Tp., 308, 328. Monaca, 388, 393, 398. Monongahela, 456, 458, 460, 461. Moon Tp., 386, 387, 389, 390, 578. Morria Crossroad, 78, 132. Mosiertown, 38, 47, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 67, 88, 90, 91, 93, 95, 96, 97, 100, 102, 103, 106, 117, 118, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 151, 157, 158, 159. Mount Jackson, 319. Neville Island, 397. New Berlin, 186. Newcastle, 146, 317, 319, 325. New Lebanon, 314, 340, 342, 345. New Richmond, 157. New Wilmington, 146. Norristown, 282, 297. Northampton Co., 577. North Sandy, 307, 326, 327. North Sewickley, 397. Northumberland, 578. Pardoe, 323, 351, 352. Parkers aty, 341, 354. Parkers Landing, 315, 341. Petersburg, 342. Philadelphia, 178, 179, 182, 230, 297, 371, 507, 531, 534, 536, 577. Phillipsburg, 393. Pithole, 316. Pittsburg, 38, 102, 125, 128, 166, 219, 308, 311, 322, 324, 329, 332, 387, 389, 390, 391, 394, 396, 398, 489, 502, 518. Polk, 315, 324, 327, 338, 340, 341, 354. Pottsville, 304. Raymilton, 306, 308, 315, 316, 317, 319, 320, 321, 327, 328, 339, 342, 346, 353. Eichmond Tp., 330. Beamstown, 536. Eidgeway, 319. Eockdale, 505, 506, 507, 509. Euble, 47, 48, 70, 77, 123, 135. Euflfcreek, 48, 124. Eundell, 61, 95, 96, 107, 108, 112, 113, 158, 166. Saegerstown, 96. Sandy Lake, 306, 313, 315, 316, 337, 340, 345, 346, 349, 353. Scenery Hill, 74, 129. Scrubgrass, 354. Sereno, 531. Seventysix, 387. Shadeland, 146. Sheakleyville, 326, 339. Shermansville, 92. Shirtee, 184. Shousetown, 387, 388, 392, 393, 397. Sligo, 324. Slippery Bock, 325. Smithfield, 47, 48, 49, 68, 69, 70, 71, 78, 121, 122, 123, 134, 135. Smithton, 78. " Somerset Tp., 454. Springboro, 54, 67, 87, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 147, 150, 174. Spring Creek, 148. Spring Tp., 53, 55, 62, 88, 89, 90, 100, 107, 142, 143, 145, 146, 150, 163. Stone Valley, 306. Stony Point, 315. Strasburg, 573. StrattonviUe, 412. Sturgeon, 315. Summerhill Tp., 56, 61, 92. Summerville, 95. Susquehanna Co., 304. Tamarac, 148, 149. Taylorstown, 72. Tenmile Creek, 74. Terrehill, 545. Thornhill, 342. Titusville, 102, 309, 319. Troy Centre, 149. Union City, 160. Uniontown, 68, 69, 77, 122, 134. Upland, 509. Utica, 128, 303, 307, 324, 328, 339. Vanceville, 456. Vanport, 390, 391, 396. Venango, 341. Venangoboro, 127. Venango Co., 305, 308, 314, 315, 316, 319, 320, 326, 338, 341, 347. Wallaceville, 327. Warren, 318, 320, 349. Warren Co., 91, 120, 320. Washington, 70, 76, 121, 129, 131, 288, 455, 457, 460, 461, 463. Washington Co., 27, 76, 184, 456, 458, 459, 578. Washington Tp., 119, 120. Waterford, 53, 118, 121, 309. Waterloo, 314, 315, 316, 342, 343, 344. Wattsburg, 127. Waynesboro, 125. Waynesburg, 70, 126, 127, 131, 457. Wayne Tp., 334. West Bethlehem Tp., 48, 49, 72, 75. West Brownsville, 76. West Chester, 153. West Elizabeth, 396. Westmoreland Co., 134. West Newton, 78. West Pike Bun Tp., 72. West Springfield, 157. Wiland, 505. Wilkinsburg, 74, 394. Williamsport, 532. Woodbridge, 49, 77, 134, 135. Woodcock, 303, 309, 310, 328, 329, 330, 331, 333, 334, 353. Woodcockboro, 303, 304, 329, 330, 332. Woodcock Tp., 304, 330, 334. Worth, 325. York, 504. York Co., 578. Zollarsville, 48, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 129, 130, 131. SOUTH CAEOLINA. Anderson Co., 37. Charleston, 230, 252, 255, 491. Greenville, 556. Pendleton, 50, 568. / 742 INDEX OF PLACES. Sumter, 497. SOUTH DAKOTA. Deadwood, 154. Faulkton, 478. Goodwin, 548. Plankinton, 105, 161. Eapid City, 139. Salem, 350. Watertown, 97. White, 61. TENNESSEE. Arlington, 252. Asbury, 381. Athens, 510. Benton, 363, 364. Beverly, 365. Blackwell, 358. Charleston, 363. Charlotte, 80. Clinton, 138. Columbus, 363. Daisy Dell, 357, 365, 366, 375, 376, 383. Dickson Station, 79. Dixon Co., 568. Dover, 136, 137, 174. Doyle, 368. Erin, 136, 137, 173, 174. Fayette Co., 282. Fayetteville, 247. Fountain City, 380. Grainger Co., 356, 358, 359, 365, 370, 376, 380, 382. Greeneville, 556, 557. Hammer, 385. Harden Co., 372. Humphrey Co., 79. Jefferson Co., 356. Knoxville, 368, 369, 375, 376, 377, 379, 380, 381, 507, 510. Madison, 361. Madisonville, 363. Maryville, 364, 377, 380. Mason, 253. Mayspring, 358. McMinn, 332. Memphis, 50, 51, 230, 253, 467, 634. Morristown, 379, 380. Mossy Creek, 358, 368, 379, 380, 381. Nashville, 85, 137, 330, 629. Newmarket, 367, 377, 378. New Eiver, 376. Polk Co., 361, 372. Oldfort, 363. Red House, 379. Bogersville, 379. Eutledge, 355, 356, 357, 358, 360, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 374, 375, 376, 377, 379, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385. Shelbyville, 492. Somerville, 253, 282. Sweetwater, 366. Tampico, 368, 369, 376, 381. Tazewell, 355, 377. Trenton, 247. Wynn, 79, 136, 137, 174. TEXAS. Alvin, 247, 248, 279, 280. Angleton, 279. Baileyville, 495. Ballinger, 280. Benjamin, 293. Breckenridge, 247. Caldwell, 247. Coke Co., 279. Coleman Co., 279. Corsicana, 497. Dallas, 361. Dennison, 309. Denton, 293, 568, 570. Elmo, 82. Eureka, 493, 497. Farmer, 293. Fort Worth, 51, 361. Galveston, 267, 268, 279, 636. Goliad, 560. Graham, 293, 294. Greenville, 361. Huntsville, 509. Hillsboro, 377. Iowa Park, 558. Italy, 295. Johnson Co., 496. King Co., 293. Lacy, 271. Lamar Co., 360. Lindale, 362. Lockhart, 233. Marfa, 461. Matagorda, 279. Midland, 278. Moulton, 568, 569, 570. Nacogdoches, 570. New Lebanon Co., 247. Paris, 51. Parker Co., 279. Stephens Co., 247, 279. Tabor, 52. Temple, 248. Tyler, 362. Uvalde, 571. Van Zandt Co., 82. Victoria, 85. Waco, 509. Waxahachie, 82. Weatherford, 294. Willspoint, 51. Young Co., 293. UTAH. Price, 268. Salt Lake City, 101, 629. VEEMONT. Burlington, 598. Groton, 609, 612. Newbury, 596, 609. Northfield, 564. Peachem, 596, 612. VIB6INIA. Albemarle Co., 638. Alexandria, 637. Augusta Co., 245, 618. Bath Co., 400. Boston, 449. Botetourt Co., 28, 275, 400, 410, 623. Charlottesville, 234. Cherry Grove, 620, 638. ChilUcothe, 240. Dagger Springs, 275. Falling Springs, 232, 243, 245. Fincastle, 635. Fort Wayne, 378. Greenlees Ferry, 229, 232, 233, 240, 241, 243, 244. Greenville, 243. Halifax Co., 264. Hampton, 508. Hancock Co., 411. James Eiver, 232. Jefifersonville, 273. Lexington, 232, 233, 234, 239, 240, 245, 246, 247, 248, 266, 273, 276, 277, 278, 619, 622, 623, 631, 638. Lynchburg, 233, 234, 275. Maiden, 272. Mossy Creek, 630. Natural Bridge, 229, 232, 233, 235, 238, 239, 240, 241, 243, 244, 246, 247, 268, 273. Newbern, 273. New Monmouth, 631. Oxford, 631. Pearisburg, 273. Pittsylvania, 423. INDEX OF PLACES. 743 Powhatan Co., 638. Eichmond, 233, 246, 598. Roanoke, 275. Rockbridge Co., 27, 28, 221, 229, 230, 231, 232, 234, 235, 238, 239, 243, 245, 264, 265, 266, 272, 277, 616, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628. Salem, 229. Staunton, 221, 617, 619. Timber Ridge, 631. Upperville, 256. Williamsburg, 617, 619. Winchester, 231, 630. WASHINGTON. Kent, 333. Seattle, 332, 333. Bockford, 513, 514. WEST VIRGINIA. Ambrosia, 411. Arbuckle, 205, 400, 422, 423. Brook Co., 188. Buffalo, 199, 414, 422. Charleston, 201, 400, 404, 416. Cologne District, 547, 550,551. Cottageville, 423. Creek, 13, 408. Danville, 131. Debby, 410. Elmwood, 413. Fairmont, 130. Flat Rock, 203, 204, 212. Gilmore Co., 215. Greenbrier Co., 512. Grimms Landing, 217. Harrisville, 129, 130. Huntsville, 423. Jackson Co., 215, 406. Kenova, 416. Kidwell, 341. Leon, 200, 203, 204, 206, 210, 212, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 402, 404, 405, 406, 407, 409, 410, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 422, 423, 550. Letart, 215. Maiden, 201, 207, 208. Marshall Co., 196. Martinsburg, 247, 278. Mason, 402, 404. Mason Co., 27, 28, 198, 199, 201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 209, 210, 213, 216, 217, 399, 400, 402, 403, 405, 407, 410, 411, 412, 416, 547. Mercer Co., 246. Monroe Co., 551, 552. Morganton, 68. New Haven, 424. Oldtown, 200, 213. Ohio Co., 196. Parkersburg, 76, 131, 415, 425. Point Pleasant, 199, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 208, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 218, 401, 403, 4ro, 415, 416. Poland, 341. Eavenswood, 206. Red House, 415, 423. Ripley, 217, 406. Ritchie Co., 215. Salines, 400. St. Marys, 326. Sherrard, 196. Stevens, 213. Union, 552, 553. Walton, 215. Waterloo, 205, 214, 216, 217. Wellsburg, 188. West Columbia, 424. Wheeling, 186, 197, 265, 393. Winfield, 410. WISCONSIN. Angelo, 155. Ashland, 155. Baraboo, 162. Barron, 148. Beaver, 161. Beloit, 100. Black River Falls, 153, 548. Cartwright, 148. Eau Claire, 122, 15.5. Fond du Lac, 152. Galesville, 163. Greenlake, 172. Hudson, 285. Iowa Co., 142. Juda, 77, 348. Kenosha, 112. Fafayette, 155. Racine, 154. Sparta, 97, 154, 155. Spooner, 199. Superior, 154. AFRICA. Pietermaritzburg, Natal, 464. ASIA. Abeith, Mt. Lebanon, Syria, 378. AUSTRALIA. Aldinga, 428. Pyrmont, 443. Sydney, 443. CANADA. Aylmer, 502. Argyle, 429. Barnstead, 142. Buckingham, 501. Chatham, 502. Coberg, 280. Dundas, 464, 465. Hamilton, 511. Hawkesbiirg, 501. Hords Corners, 500. Lennoxville, 596. Lochabre, 501. London, 464. L 'Original, 501. Montreal, 502, 596. Newburg, 500. New Castle, 449. Plantagenet, 501. Papineauville, 501. Pictou, 500. Quebec, 501, 595. Sherbrook, 107, 108, 596, 597, 598, 599. Sidney, 466. St. Johns, 280. Stanstead, 595, 596. Thurson, 501. Toronto, 453. Warkworth, 499, 500, 501. CHINA. Foo-Chow, 351. CUBA. La Gloria, 541. ENGLAND. Bath, 98. Bradford, 476. Bristol, 531. Brixton, 607. Colchester, 603. Devon, 604. Durham, 467. Ipswich, 602, 607. Kent Co., 428. Kingsland, 531. Leominster, 531. Liverpool, 444, 468. London, 439, 443, 444, 485, 531, 594. 744 INDEX OF PLACES. Marlborough, 613. Norfolk, 290. Portsmouth, 604. Salisbury, 605. StaflBger, 345. Sunderland, 467. Tenbury, 532. Tewksbury, 532. Wisbech, 280. Wycolmb, 277. IBELAND. Antrim, 501. Antrim Co., 489, 501. Armagh, 196. Armagh Co., 479, 499, 505, 506. Ballycraigy, 489. Ballycarry, 480. Ballymoney, 352. Ballynahinch, 520. Ballynewry, 509, 511. Belfast, 190, 467, 480, 488, 489, 490, 491, 492, 518, 519. Bangor, 519. Castlerea, 520. Comber, 519, 520. Derryanvil, 506. Drumart, 508. Drumbeg, 519, 520. Drumnewither, 511. Down Co., 490, 519, 520. Dublin, 490, 502. Enniskillen, 605. Glenravel, 151. Glynn, 480. Innis, 339. Kilkenny Co., 264. Larne, 478, 479, 480, 481. Limerick, 480. Lisburn, 490, 519, 520. Londonderry, 310. Manordoherty, 512. Markethill, 511, 512. Marlycoo, 506, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512. Mullobrack, 506, 509. Portadown, 506. Eandlestown, 518. Tandragee, 505, 506, 507, 511. Tyrone Co., 337. JAMAICA. Kingston, 430. MEXICO. Tepehuaz, Sonora, 272. SCOTLAND. Airdrie, 464. Argyllshire, 433, 449, 450, 470, 472, 473, 475, 481, 482, 488. Ayr, 463, 464, 465, 467. Beith, 427, 428. Beltrees, Loehwinnoeh, 427, 428. Bowmore, 429. Busby, 431. Calliburn, Campbeltown, 443. Campbeltown, 432, 433, 435, 436, 437, 438, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 463, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 482, 485, 487, 488. Dunfermline, 432. Edenbridge, 429. Edinburgh, 476, 482, 485. Eynsford, 428. Galston, 464. Gigha, 446. Glasgow, 426, 427, 431, 432, 435, 466, 468, 477, 488, 507. Glenadale, Campbeltown, 444. Gourock, 435. Greenoch, 443, 483. Houston, 465. Howwood, 429. Kilbarehan, 465. Kilbride, 431. Kilmalcolm, 467. Kyntire, 488. Laightrees, 428. Lanarkshire, 444. Loehwinnoeh, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 465, 466, 467, 488. Middleton, 429. Newhouse, 431. Oxford, 428. Paisley, 434, 466, 468, 470, 472, 476. Patrick, 430. Peninver, 443. Eoodhead, 431. Salt Pans, 482, 483. Southend, 432, 446, 447, 478, 481, 484. Wallacetown, 464. SOUTH AMERICA. Okeldon, British Guiana, 430. C85 82 1 0^ ,1'^°- <> V» .J, -^ -if- ^-^-.^ '•^^.^ -o . . • .^ ,0 '1^*. °o C, iT o V ^^o^S^' I* t ° " • i •**> 0^ .'■••■,'^0 .* .'* ^-.,^- / .^^-V.