~r-f KiS :lHrH^^ hi-m^S. -,'3iliia5eaii*,',;WiiC'ir.-3^SH_-i=ii»:;rj«s=St=Ki:-:=r^_^:T;T^aiiHa=-;i^ !C--H!-S«E«irt3afci: A Dav of My Life, or Everyday Experiences at Eton. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 184. . 1 00 Adams. New Wall Map of tlie State of New York, 68x74 inches, cloth 5 00 Aids to School Discipline. Per box v^'^ry Supplied separately; per 100 Merits, 15 cts; Half Merits, 15cts; Cards, 15cts; Checks, 40; Certificates, 50 cts. Air Test Bottles. Per set of 3, in cloth case •A;u-:A-;.--:r\k^ ^ !^ Alden (Joseph) First Principles of Political Economy. Cloth, 16rao, pp. 153 . 75 Arey (A. h.) Manual of Experimental Physics. Cloth, I61110, pp m..... 75 Arnold (Thomas). Stanley's Life of, J. S. Carlisle. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 252... 1 00 Ascham (Roger) . Sketch of, by E. H. Quick. Paper, 16mo, pp. 55 15 Biography, by Samuel Johnson. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 252 l 00 Complete Works, Cloth, 16mo, 4 vols ..... , • . ■ • • • • -■■ • • • » "" Ball(J. W.) 1000 Questions-and- Answers m Drawing. Leath., Ibmo, pp. b/ 4U Instruction in Citizenship. Leatherette, 12mo,pp. 63. • • 40 Batbera (Piero) Educational Publications in Italy. Paper, 8vo, pp. 14. . . 15 Bardeen (C. W) Common School Law. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 166.. .. ^ 75 Roderick Hume. The story of a New York Teacher. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 295. The Little Old Man. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 31 ;-"/,r;V ' Vc^v,■^';^■r;^)6Q*'■ Verhal Pitfalls. A manual of 1.500 misused words, Cloth, 16mo, pp. ZiS. . . The Present Status of the Township Sysifem, with Bill as Introduced.. The Tax- Payer and the Township System. Paper, Svo, pp--^^- i Teaching as a Tiujiiness for M en. Paner. Svo. pp. 20 . . .^. t ^ The Teach ^^ The Teache Effect of th History of j —^Dime Quei Dime Ques - — Dime Ques - — The Song The Song C The Song The Song B Barnard (He IX, XVI, 3 about 800.. Letters, Es — — Kindergar American National . Part II., '. ■Technical _ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. , Shelf. Ai^.2z . UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ►.5. 15.. ^, VIII, *,8V0, pp. ■ppV552'.". J4 ) pp.' 916'; 25 50 75 40 25 5 50 50 50 50 5 50 Militanf Systems of Education Cloth. Svo, pp. 960 • • The Ed'n Labors of, by Will S. Monroe, Leatherette, 16mo, PP- 35 Basedow (J. B.) Sfrefc^ 0/, by R. H. Quick . Paper, 16mo, pp. 18... ... .. Bassett (J. A.) Latitude. Longitude and Time. Manilla, 16mo. pp.42 ... Batsdorf (J. B.) The Management of Country Schools. Paper, »vo pp. 33. . Beebe (Levi N.) First Steps among Figures. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 3^b 1 w Pupils' Edition. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 140 • • - • •■•.-•• ••;•;'.; . %i Beesau (Amahle) The Spirit of Education. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 325, and Portrait 1 ^5 Bell (Andrew) An Old Educational Reformer. Cloth. 16mo, pp. 182 1 OU Bennett (C. W.) National Education in Europe. Paper, 8vo, pp. 28 i^ History of the Philosophy of Pedagogics. Leatherette, 16mo, pp. 43 w Blakely (W. A.) Chartof Parliamentary Rules. Parchment Paper pp. 4 25 Bradford (W. H.) Thirty Possible Prohlems in Percentage. 16mo, pp. 34 . . . ^a Briggs (F. H.) Boys and How to Ee-Make them. Paper, Svo, pp. 24 25 Industrial TraiJiing. Paper, 8vo, pp. 24 • •_ ■^^ Bristol (H. C.) Honesty Cards in Anthinetic. Box of 50 cards, 8x41/2 Bucbham (Henry B.) Handbook for Young Teachers. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 152. Buflfalo Examination Questions, Firpt Year. Leatherette, 16mo. pp. HO. . • ■ . Bngbee, (A. G.) Exercises in English Syntax. Leatherette, 16mo, pp. 85. . Key to the same. Leatherette, 16m o, pp. 36 Balletin Spelling Pads, 70 pages. Each Book-Keepina Blanks. Press-board. 7x8H, pp. 23. Each Composition Book. Manilla, 7x9, pp. 44 ■ — • • ^^ Class Register. Press-board cover. Three Sizes, (a) 6x7, for terms oi twenty weeks (if)) 5x7, for terms of fourteen weeks. Pp. 48 25 THE SCHOOL BULLETIN PUBLICATIONS. (c) Like (b) but with one-lialf more (72) pages 85 Pencil Holder, numhered for ao ]^upi[s 2 00 Pencil Sharpener 3 50 Ink- Well Filler, holding One Quart 1 25 Burnhaiu (vV. P.) Duties of Outposts U. S. Army. Cloth, 24mo, pp. 171 50 Burritt (J. L.) Penmanship in Public Schools. 12mo, pp. 62 and chart 60 Butler (Nicholas Murray) The Place of Comenius. Paper, 16mo, pp. 20... 15 Caesar's Conspiracy of the Helvetians . Paper, 16mo, pp. 20 10 Canfield (James H.) Ru7'alHig her Education. Paper, 8vo, pp. 24 15 Carlisle (J. S.) Two Great Teachers, Aschain and Arnold. 16mo, pp. 252. Manilla, 50 cts ; Cloth, .... 1 00 Catalogue of Books for Teachers. 8vo, pp. 72 06 Cheney (F.) A Globe Manual for Schools. Paper, 16mo, pp. 95 25 Civil Service Question Book. Clotli, 16mo, pp. 282 150 Clarke (Noah T.) Chart of U. S. History, 81/2XI2. Each 6c.; per dozen... 50 Code of Public Instruction, New York, 1888, Leather, 8vo, pp. 1075, net. . 2 50 Colored Crayon, for Blackboard, per box of one dozen, nine colors 25 Collins (Henry.) The International Date Line. Paper, 16mo, pp. 15 15 Comenius, Orbis Pictus. Cloth, 8vo, large paper, top edge gilt. Pp. 232 3 00 Life and Educational WorTic by S. S. Laurie. Cloth, III. 16mo, pp. 272.. 1 00 Sketch of, by E. H. Quick. Paper,16mo,pp. 25 15 Comfort (Geo. F.) Modern Languages in Education. Paper, 16mo, pp.40. 25 Cooper (Oscar R.) Compulsory Laxos and their Enforcement. P., 8vo, pp. 6 15 Cube Koo*" ^^" 36 wan-ants for taxes 26 filed with the town clerk 32 Y'arren county excepted 20 ■^v ashington's birthday 10 water-closets 16, 47, 64 Westchester county excepted 20 White Plains excepted 54 Wisconsin decision 38 written excuses 39, 40 'THE SCHOOL BULLETIN PUBLICATION'S.- Books for New York Schools. A Brief History of the Empire State, for Schools and Families. By Wbl- lAKB Hendrick, A.m. Cloth, small 4to, pp. 201. 75 cents. This book has proved one of the great successes, more than one hundred schools having officially adopted it during the school year 1891-92. On petition of the principals of Regents' schools this subject has been made a part of the Regents' course of study, with special questions in the examina- tions, and the Department of Public Instruction gives it five counts at tha examinations for State certificates. Whether used as a history, or as a sup- plementary reading-book, it has given universal satisfaction, and it is to-day the most popular text-book in every school where it is used. Do not think the village and city schools alone can use it. The smallest district school may buy half a dozen copies for its largest reading-class with profit, for when that class reads, every other scholar in school will listen. This is a day when New York history is coming to the front, and intelligent teachers will see to it that their schools keep up with the procession. 2. Civil Government for Common Schools, prepared as a manual for public instruction in the State of New York. To which are appended the Constitution of the State of New York as amended at the election of 1882, the Constitution of the United States, and the Declaration of Independence, etc., etc. By Henry C. Northam. 16mo, cloth, pp. 220. 75 cts. Whether it was that this book was made because the time demanded it, or that the publication of a book which made the teaching of Civil Govern- ment practicable led to a general desire that it should be taught, certain it is that this subject, formerly regarded as a " finishing " branch in the high school, is now found on every teacher's examination paper, and is common- ly taught in district schools. Equally certain is it that in the State of New York this text-book is used more than all others combined, while the special edition prepared for Missouri was exhausted in a month. 3. A Chart of Civil Government. By Charles T. Pooler. Sheets 12x18, 5 cts. The same folded for the pocket, in cloth covers, 25 cts. Some commissioners have purchased these charts by the hundred and presented one to every school house in the county. U. Common School Law for Cotnmon School Teachers. A digest of the provisions of statute and common law as to the Relations of the Teacher to the Pupil, the Parent, and the District. With 500 references to legal decis- ions in 28 different States. 16th edition, with Introduction for School Trus- tees, containing the most important General Provisions of the School Law. By C. W. Bardben. 16mo, cloth, pp. 166. 75 cts. This has been since 1875 the standard authority upon the teacher's rela- tions, and is frequently quoted in legal decisions. The new edition is much more complete than its predecessors, 5. Laios of New York relating to Common ScTiools, with Comments and Instructions, and a digest of Decisions. 8vo, leather, pp. 807. S4.00. This is what is known as " The New Code of 1888," and contains all re- visions of the State school-law to date. €. Rise and Progress of the New York School System. By A. E. Schep- MOES. Leatherette, 16mo, pp. 32. 35 cts. C. W. BARDEEN, Publisher, Syracuse, N. Y. ■THE SCHOOL BULLETIN PUBLICATIONS,- The Eegents' Questions. 1. The Eegents' Questions in Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar and Spell- ing from the first examination in 186G to June 1882. {No questions of later date will beprinted.) Being the 11,COO Questions forthe preliminary examinations for admission to the Uniyersity of the State of New York, prepared by the Eegents of the University, and participated in simultaneously by more than 250 academies, forming a basis for the distribution of more than a million of dollars. Complete with Key. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 473. $2.00. g. Complete. The same as above but without answers. Pp. 340. $1.00. In the subjects named, no other Question Book can compare with this either in completeness, in excellence, or in popularity. Dy Legislative En- actment no lawyer can be admitted to the bar in the State of New York without passing a Eegents' Examination in these subjects. 3. Separately. The same, each subject by itself, all Manilla, 16mo. Arithmetic, 1293 Questions, pp. 93, 25 cts. Geography, 1987 Questions, pp. 70, 25 cts. Grammar, 2976 Questions, pp. 109, 25 cts. Spelling, 4800 Words, pp. 61, 25 cts. Keys to AHthmetic, Geography, and Grammar, each 25 cts. h. The Dime Question Books, with full answers, notes, queries, etc. Paper, pp. about 40. By A. P. Southwick, Each 10 cts. flleinentary Series. Advianced Series. 3. Physiology. 1. Physics. 4, Theory and Practice. 2. General Literature, 6. U. S. History and Civil Gov't. 5. General History. 10. Algebra. 7. Astronomy. 13. American Literature. 8. Mythology. 14. Grammar. 9. Ehetoric. 15. Orthography and Etymology. 11. Botany. 18. Arithmetic. 12. Zoology. 19. Physical and Political Geog. 16. Chemistry. 20. Eeading and Punctuation. 17. Geology. These 10 in one book. Cloth, $1.00. . Th£se 10 in one book. Cloth, $1.00. Extra Volumes, 21. Temperance Physiology, 22. Book-Keeping, 23. Let- ter-Writing, each 10 cts. The immense sale of the Eegents' Questions in Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar, and Spelling has led to frequent inquiry for the questions in the Advanced Examinations. As it is not permitted to rejjrint these, we have had prepared this series, oy which the teacher need purchase books only on the subjects iipou which special help is needed. Frequently a $1.50 book is bought for the sake of a few questions in a single study. Here, the studies may be taken up one at r. time, a special advantage in New York, since appli- cants for State Certificates may now present themselves for examinatimi in only part of the subjects, and receive partial Certificates to be exchanged for full Cer- tificates when all the branches have beenpassed. The same plan is very gener- ally pursued by county superintendents _and commissioners who are encour- aging their teachers to prepare themselves for higher certificates. 5. Quizzism. Quirks and Quibbles from Queer Quarters. Being a Melange of questions in Literature, Science, History, Biography, Mythology, Philolo- gy, Geography, etc. By A. P. Southwick. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 55. 25 cts. The same with Key, $1.00. A stimulus for home study, and invaluable for school or teachers' gatherings. 6. A Quiz-Book on the Theory and Practice of Teaching. By A. P. Southwick. Cloth, 12mo, pp. 220. Pi-ice $1.00. This is one of the six books recommended by the State Department for study in preparation for State Certificates. C. W. BARDEEN, Pul>lislier, Syracuse, ]Sr. Y. THE SCHOOL BULLETIN PUBLICATIONS.- Helps in Eegents' Examinations. 1. Regents' Eozamination Pamper. This is prepared from forms furnished by the Kegents' office, and is of a weight and quality of paper chosen there as best fitted for the purpose. Each 1,000 half -sheets comes in a varnished wooden box with sliding cover, strong enough to bear shipment by express. The paper is printed in four forms, viz. : "Whole sheets, Half-sheets, Spelling, and Book-Keeping in whole sheets. "We suggest for most schools the fol- lowing proportion : "Whole sheets, 350, equal to half -sheets .• . 700 Half-sheets 100 Spelling 100 Book-Keeping, 50, equal to half -sheets 100 1,000 We will however fill orders in any proportion desired, with the single proviso that all ordering must be in hundreds of half -sheets, '^q cannot undertake to count out, for instance, 737 whole sheets, 183 half -sheets, and 91 spelling. Orders will be received only for boxes holding the equivalent of 1,000 half -sheets, at the uniform rate of $3.00. As this is less than 25 cts. a pound, we can allow no discount whatever, even to the trade, and we pre- fer that all orders should come to us from the school direct. Note. The demand for a paper that would answer all the requirements for the examination in drawing, led us to prepare a special paper of the size and quality approved by the Regents. This is uniform in size with the other paper, but is not included in the assortment put up in the boxes, because of the difference in weight and price. It costs S4.00 per ream, or $1.00 per 100 sheets, is of exceptional quality, and indispensable where the drawing ex- amination is to be taken. S. Begents'' Examination Pens. These pens are put up in quarter-gross boxes, and will be sent post-paid for 25 cts. a quarter-gross or $1.00 a gross, 3. Begents'' Examination Record. Principals who have tried it pro nounce our New Record perfect. It contains an alphabetical index, a classl fled record of certificates and diplomas, and individual records for 432 pupils with dates of all credits, pass-cards, certificates, and diplomas. Price $3.00, For large schools, a few have been bound up in canvass, double-size, for 834 pupils, price $6.00. 4. Regents^ Individual Card Records. These give the same individual record as above, but are printed each separately on card-board. Price $1.50 a hundred. 5. Syllabus of Regents'' Examinations in American History. These are published three months before each examination, and have been prepared from the beginning by Prof. "Welland Hendrick of the Cortland State Nor- mal school, author of " Brief History of the Empire State." The price is 50 cts. a dozen, and we advise principals to send inprders at least two months before the examination. C. W. BARDEEN, Publisher, Syracuse, N. Y. THE SCHOOL BULLETIN PUBLICATIONS. l.ocke(John). Sketch of , hy R, \i. Qaick. Paper, 16mo, pp. 27 15 liowrie (R, W.) How to obtain Greatest Benefit from a Booh. Paper ,8vo, pp. 12 25 McCuUy's Perforated Erasers, per doz 1 00 McKay (Johu S.) 100 Experiments in Natural Science. Paper, 16rao, pp. 50 15 *AIaps for the Wall. Send for Special Circulars. Maps *Relief Maps. Switzerland, 11x17^2, ^3.50; 23x34, $10.00. Palestine.. 10 00 Dxssecied M aps United States sawn into States 75 The same, Ne w i^ ork State sawn into Counties 75 *Omndaga County. Cloth, 4x41/^ feet 10 00 Marble (A. P.) Powers of School Officers Paper. 16mo, pp.27 15 Marenliolz-Buelow (Baroness) School WorU-shops. Paper, 16nio, pp. 27. 15 —Child and Child Nature. Froebel's Ed'l Theories. Clotli, 12nio, pp. 207. . 1 50 Maudsley (H. ) Sex in Mind and Education. Paper, 16mo, pp. 42 15 Maxwell (W. H.) Examinations as Tests for Promotion. Paper, 8vo,pp. 11 15 The Text-Books of Comenius, with cuts from the Orhis Pictus. 8vo, pp» 24 25 Meiklejohn (J. M. D.) The New Education. 16mo, pp. 35 15 An old Educational Reformer. Dr. Andrew Bell. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 182... 100 Michael (O. S.) Algebra for Beginners. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 120 75 Mill (John Stuart.) Inaugural Address at St. Andrews. Paper, 8vo, pp. 31. . . 25 Miller (Warner.) Education as a Dep't of Government. Paper, 8vo, pp. 12. 15 Mills (C. D. B.) The Tree of Mythology. Cloth. 8vo, Pp. 2bi 3 00 Milne (James M.) Teachers' Institutes, Past and Present. Paper, 8vo, pp. 22. . 25 Milton (John) A Small Tractate of Education. Paper, 16mo, pp. 26 15 Sketch of. hy 'R.H.Qwick. Paper, 16mo, pp 55 15 Minutes of the International Congress of Education, 1889. Cloth, 4 vols 5 00 MlsaoxLvi, Civil Government of, ^ovt\i2in\. Cloth, 16mo, pp 151 75 Monroe (Will S.) Labors of Henry Barnard. Leath , 16mo, pp. 35 50 New York Question Book, viith all the Questions of the Uniform, State, Cornell, Scholarship, and Normal Entrance Examinations, to March 31, 18%, with Answers. Cloth, Svo, pp. 461 1 OO TAf' same, Supplement No. 1, to June, 1891. Paper, Svo, pp. 63, 25 7 7iem?«^, Supplement No. 2, to June, 1892. Paper. Svo, pp. 139 25 T7i6 same, (Questions in Drawing to Date. Paper, 16mo 25 The same, (Questions in School Law and Civil Gov't. Paper, 16mo 25 State Examination QwesMons to date. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 402 100 The Questions in Book-Keeping , with Answers. Paper, 16mo, pp . 31 10 History of the Empire State, Hendriek. Cloth, 12mo. pp. 203 75 Civil Government of the State of , Northam, Cloth, 16mo. pp. 185 75 Code of Public Instruction . Latest Edition 2 50 Natural History, and Cabinet Reports. Write for information. Northam (Henry C.) Civil Government. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 231 75 The same for Missouri. Cloth, 16mo. pp. 151 75 Fixing the Facts of American History. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 300 75 Conversational Le.'^sons Leading to Geography. Paper, 16mo, pp. 39 25 Northend (Chas. ) Memory Selections. Three series. Each 25 Northrop (B. G.) High Schools. Paper.Svo, pp. 26 25 Northrup (A.J.) Camps and Tramps in the Adirondacks. 16mo, pp. 302. 1 25 Number Lessons. On card-board, 7x11, after the Grube Method 10 Page (David P.) The Theory and Practice of- Teaching. 16mo, pp. 448. Ma- nilla. fiO cts.; Cloth 1 00 Pardon (Emma L.) Oral Instruction in Geography. Paper, 16mo, pp. 29 — 15 Parsons (James Russell, Jr.,) Prussian Schools through American Eyes. Cloth, Svo. pp. 91 1 00 French Schools through American Eyefi. CI > th, Svo, pp. 130, 1 00 Payne (Joseph.) Lectures on the Art of Education. Cloth, I6mo, pp. 281.. 1 00 Payne (W. K.) A Short History of Education. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 105 — 50 Pedagogical Primers. Manilla, 16m o, pp. 40, each 25 1. School Management, pp. 45. 2. Letter- Writing, pp. 37. Perez (B.) TheFirst Three Tears of Childhood. Cloth, 16mo, pp.295 1 50 Tiedemann's Record of Infant Life. Manilla, pp. 46 15 Periodicals. The School Bulletin. Monthly, 16 pp., 10x14. Per year 100 BoundVols. I-XIX. Cloth, 200pp., each 2 00 The School Room. Bound volumes I-V. 'Each 150 The New Education. Vol. VI 2 00 Pestalozzi (J. H.) His Aim and Work, hy Be Gnim-ps. 12mo, pp. 296 150 AS?ce^c/i of , by R. H. Quick. Paper, 16mo. pp. 40 15 Pestalozzian Arithmetics, bv J. H.Hoose. Boards, 16mo, 1st Year, pp. 217. 2d Year, pp. 236. Each.. 50 THE SCHOOL BULLETIN PUBLICATIONS. Lessons on Number and Form, by C. Reiner. Clotli, 16mo, pp.439 3 00 Pick (Dr. E.) Dr. Pick's French Method. Leatherette, 16mo, pp.118.. 1 00 - — Memory, and the Rational Means of Improving it. Cloth, 15mo,'pp. 193. . . 1 00 Pitcher (James.) Outlines of Surveying and Navigation. Cloth, 16tno, pp. 121 50 Plumb (Chas. G.) Map Drawing of New York. Manilla, 8vo, pp. 16 25 Pooler (Chas. T.) Chart of Civil Oovernment. Sheets 12x18. per hundred.. 5 00 Hints on Teaching Orthoepy. Paper, 16mo, pp. 15 10 Preece (Mrs. Louise,) Physical Culture and Voice Work. Leath.,16mo, pp. 102 75 The Same,' Analyzed and Illustrated. Cloth, 4to, pp. 292 2 00 Prentice (Mrs. J. ±5.) Review Problems in Arithmetic. Paper, 16mo, pp. 93. 20 Key to the above. Paper, 16mo, pp. 20 - 25 Review (Questions in Geography. Paper, 16ino, pp . 48 15 Primer of School Management. Manilla, pp. 45 25 of Letter- Writing. Manilla, pp. 37 25 Quick (R. H.) Essays on Educational Reformers. Cloth, 12mo, pp., 331 1 55 Bedway (J. W.) Softool Geography of Pennsylvania. Leather 'te, 16(no, pp. 98 35 ""Regents' Examination Paper. Per 1000 half-sheets in box 3 00 Regents' Examination Pena. f4 Gross, 25c. Per Gross, post-paid 100 Regents' Fourth Year JLatin. Ccemr's Conspiracy. Paper, 16mo, pp. 20 10 Regents' Selections in American, German, and French Literature. Leath- erette, pp. 56. 25 cents. Each separate, paper 10 Regents' Examination Record. For43Z scholars, $3.00; 864 scholars.. 6 00 Regents' Examination Syllabus, in U. S. History. Paper, per dozen,.. 50 Regents' Questions. To J"Mn6, 1882. {No later are printed). Eleven Editions. 1. Complete with Key. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 476 2 00 2. Complete. The same as the above, but without the answers. Pp. 333. 1 00 Z. Arithmetic. The 1,293 questions in Arithmetic. Pp.93 25 4-. Key to A rithmetic, Answers to the above. Manilla, 16mo, pp. 20 — 25 ^.Geography, The 1,987 questions in Geography. Pp.70 25 7. Key to Geography. Answers to the above. Manilla, 16mo, pp. 36 — 25 8. Grammar. The 2.976 questions in Grammar. Manilla, l6mo, pp. 109 25 9. Grammar and Key. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 198 1 00 10. Key to Grammar. Manilla, 16mo, pp. 88 25 11. Spelling. The 4.800 words given in Spelling. Manilla, 16mo, pp.61. 26 Rein(W.) Outlines of Pedagogics. Cloth, 12mo, pp. 208 125 Richardson (B. W.) Learning and Health. Paper. 16rao. pp. 39 15 Robinson (A. H.) Numeral School Register. Manilla, folio, pp. 16 25 Rousseau (J, J.) /S/ce!!c7i of. by R. H. Quick. Paper, 16mo, pp. 30 15 Rooper(T. G.) ''A Pot of Green Feathers." Leatherette, 16mo, pp. 591.. 50 Object Teaching or Words and Things. Leatherette, 16mo, pp. 56 50 Ryan (G. W.) School Record. 56 blanks on each of 14 sheets 50 Sabin (Henry) "•Organization " vs. Individuality. Paper, 8vo, pp. 9 25 Sanford fH. R.) The Word Method in Number. Per box of 45 cards. 50 The Limited Speller. Leatherette, 16mo, pp. 104 35 Schepmoes (A,. E.) Rise of the New York School System. Leath., 16mo, pp. 32 35 School Room Classics. 11 vols. Paper, 16mo, pp. about 40, each 15 I. Huntington's Unconscious Tuition. II. Fitch's Art of Questioning. III. Kennedy's Philosophy of School Discipline. IV. Fitch's A7-t of Securing Attention. V. ^icha.vdson'' s Learning and Health. VI. Meiklejohn's New Education. VII. Milton's Tractate of Education. VIII. Von Buelow's School Workshop. IX. Maudsley's Sex in Mind and in Education. X. Education as Viewed by Thinkers XI. Harris's How to Teach Natural Science in the Public Schools. XII. Dickinson's Oral Teaching. XTII. TieAemSinn's Record of Infant U/e XIV. Butler's Place of Comenius in Ed- ucation. XV. Harris's Theory of Education. Schreber (D. G. R.) Home Exercise for Health and Cure. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 91 50 ^lii2iw'a Scholar's Register, Paper, 5x7, pp. 16. Per dozen 50 Sheely (Aaron) Anecdotes and Humors of Scliool Life. Cloth, 12mo, pp. 350 1 50 Sherrill (J. E.) The Normal Question Book. Cloth. 12mo, pp. 405 1 50 Shirreflf (Emily). The Kindergarten System. Cloth. 12mo, pp. 200 100 Skinner (Chas. R.) The Arbor Daij Manual. Cloth, 8vo, pp, 475 2 50 The New York Question Book. Cloth, 8vo, pp. 461 2 00 Smith (C. F.) Honorary Degrees in American Colleges. Paper, 8vo, pp. 9. .. 15 Smith (Edward.) History of 'the Schools of Swacuse Cloth, 8vo. pp. 347 3 00 Smith (Geo. M.) Vocabulary to Ccesar's Gallic War. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 67.. 50 Smith (Wm.) Geometry Test Papers. Package of 100, S^xlO 1 00 Song Budget, r?J.e. ISfith Thousand. Paper, small 4to pp. 76, 15 Song Century, The. Paper, small 4to, pp. 87 15 C. W. BARDEEN, PUBLISBER, SYRA.CUSE, N. Y. ^^OIlg Patriot, The. Paper, small 4to, pp. 80 15 SoDg Budget Music Series, including all the above. Cloth, pp. 243 50 Songs from Arbor Day Manual. Manilla, 8vo, pp. 60 25 Songs of the I^yceum I^eague. Leatherette, 4to, pp. 48 20 Soruberger (S. J.) Normal Language Lessons, Boards, 16mo, pp. 75 50 i^outhwick (A. P.) Twenty Dime Question BooliS, with full answers, notes, queries, etc. Paper. l6mo, pp. about 40. Each 10 Elementary Series. 3. Physiology. 4. Theory and Practice. 6. U. S. History and Civil Gov't, lu. Algebra. 13. American Literature. 14. Grammar 15. Orthography and Etymology 18. Arithmetic. 19. Physical and Political Geog. iSO. Reading an I Punctuation. Advanced Series. 1. Physics. 2. General Literature. 5. General History. 7. Astronomy. 8. Mythology. 9. Rhetoric. 11. Botany. 12. Zoology. 16. Chemistry. 17. Geology. The 10 in one book, cloth, $1.00. The 10 in one book, cloth, $1.00. Extra Numbers, edited by C. W. Bardeen, 21. Temperance Physiology; 22. Book-Keeping; 23. Letter- Writing. Each 10 Quizzism. Quirks and Quibbles from Queer Quarters. 16mo, pp. 25.... 25 A Quiz Boon of Theory and Practice. Clotn, 12mo, pp . 220 1 00 Spencer (Herbert). Education, Intellectual, Moral, and Physical. 16mo, pp. 3()0. Manilla, 50 cts.; Cloth 1 00 Standard Teachers' JLibrary. Includes Laurie's Comenius, Carlisle's Memoirs, Page's Theory and Pmc^!^c6,De6uimp'sPesto^02;2:^,Spencer's Edu- cation, De Graft's Guide, Tate's Philosophy, etc. Each, paper 50 Steven, (Wm.) History of the Edinburgh High School. Cloth, 16mo, pp. 590 2 00 Stilwell (Lament) Practical Question Book. Cloth, l2mo, pp. 400 1 50 Stowell (T. B.) Syllabus of Lectures on Physiology. Boards, 8vo, pp. 133.. 1 00 Straight (H. H.) Jispects of Lnaustrial Education. Paper, 8vo, pp.12 16 Swett (John) Manual of Elocution. Cloth, l2mo, pp. 300, nei 1 50 Tate (Thos.) The Philosophy of Education. Cloth. 16mo, pp. 330 1 50 Taylor (H. F.) Union School Record Cards 5x8 inches. Per hundred 2 00 Thomas (Flavel S.) University Degrees. 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