1 ■•■ :■ t iii li':l b V .: .•^^x. ^ V . ' • ". a'^ 'bv ;^ .n"^' . V <^^ '» • •^0 .c,^ i. o* • » o ir •>.^J?A^ %. JS i) " « ''^--. -.T^' ^' » » • . •*b ■- O 1}.' r^ ' ^r N^ ... "<-. . ^'•^^. ^■^''"^'- "^ 0^ /^; "'^' ^.' <.^ ^•^°«. ■^^ v^ t'j ;r.»fe-.\ ,^°. ■■■■ °-^ / •■■■■\ ,<■". •;■■■■ "■' /•■■ ■ *^ ■ /% ;■• y\ 'mf- ,/\ ■••-. y% ' ■■ y\ ■■: ^ / "■;••% c<'',.^;^.-o /,v;;^.-.\ ,^°,-^;:.°- /•>-^-/'^ "JJa • ',1 .^^^ 0^ .^'^^ > •!:<;.'' ^ v' .;••- V aO^ ^•*b .o'' 3*. 1 '••io' <^ \ • . . . ' 0^ O > ,^^^ m^v ^^ <*-' -o • • n o . . • .0' "«^ ' . ■ • • v^ ^, ^v >°-^^. .^^ 1^ X > ■■-.*% ... •" "^b ^ ■'■•■ % ,0* ."'. "• ^* ,••■'• -^^ %^*^ <5> • • . • .* epmour OF PAYSON, ILLINOIS We certify that the accompanying pedigree hai> hern compiled by The Genealogical Department of The Gkaiton Puioss from the sources referred to in the authorities following it, and that all the facts and dates given are in strict accordance with the evidence, to the best of our knowledge and belief. THE GilAlTON I'llESS, ~}'/I£l/KAS>. \Xxjl. ft/H/VL Genealogical Director. ARMS AND 1' E D 1 G U E E OF irpmour of IDa^son, Sllinot! SHOWING DESCENT FROM EDWARD. DUKE OF SOMERSET. LORD PROTECTOR OF ENGLAND (1J47). AND SIR WILLLUl DE ST. MAUR, OF WOUNDY AND PENIIOW. MONMOUTHSHIRE (I-JIO) COmULED WITH PROOFS AND REFERENCES TO AUTIIOHITIES FROM THE RISULl^ OF RESEARCHES MADE UY THE GENEAIX)GICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE (iRAITON PRESS AND PUBLISHED LN THE VEAlJ lyou NEW YORK THE GRAFTON PHE.SS. PUBLISHERS 1906 LiS'^AHYOI CONGRESS Two Copies Received NOV 19 !906 , Ci'PyriKdt Enl.y 6'eA as. l<)aL CLf^SS Q- XXr,, N?. COPY n. Copyright, 1906 By The GRAfTON Press, New York P":. 11 '^^ \9^ CIjc Qirms I Seym our THE SEYMOUR ARMS "The Visitation of the County of Devon in the Year 1G20" (Ilarln'an Society Publications, vol. G, p. 2.jti) gives the amis of Jv\vmour of " Bury Pomeroy " substan- tially as here shown exoept that the charge in the first and fourth iiuartcrs is "throe lions passant guarilant" instead of "three lions passant regardant, langued and armed azur." The Visitaiion states that the quartering is " an augmentation gratited by Hen. S." Since the time of Somerset, Lord Protector, his descendants, without exception, seem to have borne the lions guardant upon their shield. As the arms are described in the Visiiation of Kil-'O and a.ssigned to Sir Ildward Seymour of liury Pomeroy, so do they appear in the Bible of his brother, Richard Seymour of Hartford, Connecticut, as well as ujwn early monuments of the family of the Earls of Hertford. .Vn examination of standard works on the English peers and county families will make plain that the lions guardant have continued to prevail to the present time among all branches of the descendants of the Lord Protector. All heraldic authorities so describe the arms, some stating that the lions are "lion.s of England," and others afTirming that the augmentation was granted by Henry VIII upon the occasion of his marriage to Jane Seymour. Yet no patent from Henry VIII has ever been produced, and the College of Arms has no record of such a grant. But in 1890 a transcript of a genuine grant of aug- mentation to the Lord Protector was printed in The Acts oj the Council oj England. This is the only known documentary authority for the augmentation, which was granted by Edward VI and not by Henry VIII. In a note in The Genealogust (New Series, vol. 8, p. 190) J. H. Round cites the above authority for his remark that "the three lions on the pile are not, as stated by Sir Bernard Burke and others, 'lions of England,' but are 'lang^veen et armes d'assur,' alias 'langued and armed with azur.'" But he fails to note that the grant descriljcs the lions as "pa.s.sant regardant," instead of "passant guardant." It is true that the printed transcript is accompanied by a rough drawing of the augmen- tation showing two of the lions guardant and the third neither guardant nor regardant. But the artist did not follow his text, in which the arms are described in Latin, French, and English, as "gradientcs respicientesque," "passant regardaunt," and "pa.ssant regardantc," respectively, leaving little room for doubt. We believe, therefore, that the coat-armor of the descendants of Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, is here emblazoned correctly for the first time, in accordance with the only authentic record of the original grant which has so far come to light. We here give a transcript of the grant in full, from which it will l)e seen that the right to use the augmentation is expressly conferred upon all the descendants and every branch of the Protector's family. Grant of arms to the Protector ♦Edwardu.1? sextas, Ac, universis et singulis Imperatoribus, Ccsaribus, Regibus, Monarchiis, Principibus, Archiepiscopis, Ducibus, Marchionibus, Episcopis, Com- mitibus, Baronibus, Satrapis, veil aliis quibuscunquc nationum, rcgnorum, ac popu- lorum, gubcrnatoribus ubilibet per universum orbem constitutis; necnon Caducia- *This grant ia not among the documents preserved in the College of Arms. 9 10 SEYMOUR toribus, Fecialibus, Heraldis, Artisquc Heraldice Professoribus ac Ministris omnibus turn nostria subditis quam exteris quibuscunque has literas nostras inspecturis, Iccturis, vel audituris, salutem: in universa regie dignitatis administracione que latissimc patct nullum est clarius et excelsius et regia majestate dignius officium et munus quam cum exelento virtute decus, claritatem, honorem ac nobilitatsm regis prudens bcneficencia tribuit et impartitur. Nam punire eos qui malefecerunt licet boni principis officium, sine quo rcgna nullo modo queant administrari, tamen officium magis necessarium quam jucundrum, honore vero afficere quorum excellens virtus hoc premium meruit vere augustum est et gratissimum regie majestatis munus. Quo nullum libentius abivit dominus Henricus Octavus, pater noster felicissime memorie, et famatissimus Aiiglie, Francie et Hibernie Rex, qui vetus et antiquum institutum nobilissimorum principum sequutus, cum alios multos propter virtutes illorum et egregia facta nostris honoribus auxit et cumulacite [sic] dum etiam charis- simam ac nobilissimam femina [m] et conjugem, consortemque thori sui, ac omnium regnorum ac dominiorum suorum reginam ac dominam, dominam Janam Semour, matrem nostram pientissimam, ac omnium feminarum illius etatis prestantissimam, ejus nobillitate, pudore, pudicitia, prudentia, viteque innocentia delectatus, non preteruit, sed cum propter egregias ejus corporis [?virtutes] atque turn ex regia sua liberalitate et beneficentia multis honoribus et beneficiis afecit, interque unum erat insigne regiumque monumentum armoris [sic] quod veterem et amitam nobillitatem predicte charissime matris nostra novis insignibus atque armis e regio suo clipeo desumptis augeret insuper atque accumularet, voluit ut cujus vitam probitatis vere- cundiaque fidei conjugalis et nobilitas exornasset, ejuse arma et clipeum de regiis insignibus splendore deducto illustraret, hanc parentum nostrorum gloriam et augustissimi mariti in amantissimam conjugem, patrisque nostri magnificentis- simi in pientissimam nostram matrem amorem et beneficentiam ab interitu vindi- care volentes, et quo testatum universo sit orbi ex qua illustri familia quoque loco nostro sepe dicta charissima mater procreata sit perpendentes, insuper et ulterius in memoriam, revocantes insignem nobillitatem, prodentiam, fortitudinem, cete- rasque virtutes quibus ceteros mortales longe antecellit illustris ac prepotens Princeps Edwardus, Dux Somersettensis, avunculus noster charissimus, dicteque charissime matris nostre frater germanus, omnium regnorum, dominiorum et sub- ditorum nostrorum Protector fortissimus, et nostre regie persone fidelissimus Guber- nator, cujus fides, industria, fortitudo et invicti animi magnitude, sanum denique ac prudens semper consilium domi militeque, multis eisdemque certissimis argumentis patri nostro ante dicto tarn liquido comperta et prospecta fuerunte [sic] atque congnita [sic], ut idem parens noster jam morieens [sic] nos et nostras ditiones omnes illi nobis- que ilium et honorem ac dignitatem meretissime comendaret. Quem etiam vivente patre nostro predicto non solum in Gallicis verum etiam Scoticis expeditionibus pres- tantissimi ducis ac fortissimi imperator[is] mumus sic prestantisse inteleximus, ut inde ad serenissimum patrem nostrum amplissimus glorie fructus rebus feliciter et ex sententia, Dei optimi maximi beneficio et tante viri virtute vigilantiaque, confectis redundarit, cujus denique fidem jam inde ex quo ipsi ad regie majestatis fastigium evecti simus eam perpetuo extitisse cognovimus, ut nihil ab eodem omissum unquam esse videatur quod aut ad fidi consultoris, aut providi ac vigilantes [sic] tutoris, aut ad fortis ac magnanimi Protectoris munus attineat, ob eamque rem nosmet nobis neque satis munifici principis neque grati nepotis officio satisfacere posse videamur nisi eum modis omnibus evehendi ac premovendi curaverimus. Et quemadmodum ille nos et diciones nostras fideli consilio, prudencia, fortitudine, aliisque etiam emi- nentissimis virtutibus, tuetur, defendit atque exormat, ita nos ilium vicissim ampliorem SEYMOUR 11 indies titulis, honoribua ac dignitatibus quam cumulatiasiinum roddrderinius. Quo ciri'a vobis omnibus et unicuicjue veslruni eoi;niluni et testatum I'sso voiumus nos ex certa sciencia et mero motu nostris, rugatu et suiusu omnium Consiliariuni nostrorum, dedisse et conces^sesse predilecto, illustri uc prepotenti Principle Edwardo, Uuci Somerset, et heredibua suis tanquam illius famile principo paliorum et capitibua dcindc I'tiam ]KT(>re.s [sic] omnibus posteris suis totiiiuc faniilie ct his que vel (jue oiim familiam aliqurkshire 10 May 1551;" condemned for felony 11 Dec. 1551;" beheaded at Tower Hill, Lon- don, 22 Jan. 1551-2;" buried in St. Peter's Chapel in the Tower, between Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard." by Eliz- abeth his wife, daugh- ter of Sir Fouke Bour- chier, Ltird Fitz War- ren." 2d wife. Edward, Earl of Hert- Anne, married 1st John Mary, married 1st, An- ford." Dudley, called Earl of d rew Rogers, Esq ., Warbeck; 2dly, Sir Ed- 2dly, Sir Henry Pey- Henry Seymour; mar. ward Unton." ton." _^ Joan, dau. of the F^arl of Northumberland; Catherine, died unmar- j g p HI Margaret, died unmar- ried." ried." Sir Edward Seymour, ^„ _^ ^.^ Elizabeth. 2d wife of Sir Knight; died unmar- Jane, died unmarried." Richard Knightly." ried." 20 If SEYMOUR son John Seymour, Esq., 1st and heir; d. s. p." Will dated 7 Dec. 6 Ed- ward VI., proved 26 April 1553;"' his brother. Sir Edward Seymour, named as his residuary legatee. °' Sir Edward Seymour of Berry Pomeroy, co. = Devon, Knight, Lord Seymour, 2d and old- est surviving son; knighted for his valor in the battle of Musselburgh 10 Septem- ber 1547;"* heir of his brother John Sey- mour;"^ restored in blood by Act of Parlia- ment, 7 Edward VI, which described him as Sir Edward Seymour, Knight, oldest son of Edward, Duke of Somerset;"^ had a grant from the King of the lordships and manors of Walton, Shedder and Stowey, Stowey Park, and the hundred of Water-Stock, co. Somerset, late the possessions of his father, Edward Duke of Somerset, 6 Sept. 7 Ed- ward Ylf" Sheriff of co. Devon 25 Eliza- beth;"" died 6 May 1593 and lies buried at Berry Pomeroy." ■ Mary, dau. and heir of John Walshe of Catengar, CO. Somerset; Justice of the Common Pleas, 10 Feb. 1 Elizabeth."' Arras : Azure, six mullets or , three, two, one, a bordure gebonee, argent and gules. Sir Edward Seymour of Berry Pomeroy, Knight and- Baronet, son and heir; administrator to his father 18 May 1593;°" one of the Knights for co. Devon 35 and 43 Elizabeth;'" member of the first parliament of James I;'" created a Baronet 29 June 1611;" died 11 April 1613;" buried at Berry Pomeroy 27 May 1613." ■Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Arthur Cham- pernowne of Dart- ington, CO. Devon, Knight ; married 30 Sept. 1676 at Dart- ington.'* Sir Edward Sey- mour, Bart., 1st son, who himself had 6 sons, Sir Edward, Henry, Thomas, Sir Joseph, Robert and John." John Seymour, 2d son; mar. Eliza- beth, sister of Sir Richard Glan- niug.''' Walter Seymour, 4th son." Bridget, bapt. at Darlington 1 Dec. 1577; mar. Sir John Bruen.''' Mary, born 1579; mar. Sir George Farewell." Elizabeth, mar- ried Sir George Cary.'_^__ Ann, married Edmimd Parker, Esq." Two who died when infants.'" William Sey- = mour of Plymp- ton, 3d son; bur. at Plympton 30 Jan. 1621-2." Ric hard Sey- = mour of Cock- ington, born 1604;'" buried 22 August 1637 at Berry Pom- eroy.*" ■Joan, dau. of John Young; mar. 8 June 1602 at St. Ste- phens, by Salt- ash, Cornwall.'* Mary, dau. of Stretchleigh; mar. 20 May 1626 at Plymp- ton St. Mary;" buried 14 March 1675-6 at Cock- Richard Seymour, u n m. ; bur. 2 6 August 1684 at Cockington.*^ a Amy, bapt. 10 May 1629 at Cockington.'' 13 rid get, bapt. Anne, mar. 1 30 August 1632 April 1662 at at Cockington.*^ Torr Mohun to Robert Ball." SEYMOUR 21 Richard Soymour of Berry Pomproy, eo. Dovon, Enp;- = Arprcy, daughter of land/* ami Hartford and Norwalk, Connectieul, 5th son; matriculated at Exeter College, Oxford, 5 Feb. 1612-13, at the age of 17;" emigrated to Hartford, Conn., 1639-40;" signed the agreement for the plant- ing of Norwalk, Conn., 19 June 1G50, where he settled and died." Will dated 29 July, provetl Oet. 1655."" -Raslileigl named in her 1ms- band's will;" mar- ried secondly John Steele." John Seymour of Hartford, 2d- eon," named in his father's will as "under age" 29 July 1655;" of Hartford in 1664;*"' freeman 1667;''"' Leather Sealer 1673;"** C h i m n e y-viewer 1693.^ Will dated 10 Dec. 1712, proved 3 Aug. 1713." Mary, Thomas .Seymour of Nor- y' dau. of walk. Conn., 1st son." '^ d John Watson of Hart- ford."" Zaehary Seymour of Wethers- field, Conn., 3d son." Captain Richanl Seymour of Farmington and Kensington, Conn., 4th son." Ruth, =Capt. Thomas Sey- = dau. of mour of Hartford, John 2d son;" born 12 Norton Mar. 1669; Ensign of of Southside Com- Farm- pany, Hartford ington. Train Band May Connec- 1713;™ Lieutenant ticut; 1721;*' Captain married 1725;*° Deputy to Feb. the General Assem- nOO."" bly 1719-172S;'" 1st wife, died 30 Aug. 1740.«' Mary, dau. of Bevil W'aters of Hart- ford;"" married 21 June 1711;''» died 14 April 1746, aged eg.""" John S e y - mour, born 12 June 1666."" Mary, b. Nov. 1670."" Zaehary Sey- mour, b. 22 Dec. 1672.'" Richard Sey- mour, b. 11 Feb. 1676."" Jonathan Seymour, b. 10 Jan. 1678."" Nathaniel Seymour, b. 6 Nov. 1680."" Margaret, b. Zaehary Sey- 17 Jan. 1674."" mour, b. 10 Jan. 1684.™ Lydia,dau.= of Edward Dodd; died 16 Jan. nSO." 1st wife. ■Lieutenant Bevil Seymour of Newington,- Conn.; bapt. in Hartford 11 Jan. 1712-3;"" represented Newington as a remonstrant before the assembly 3 May 1754;"" Ensign of the 10th company. Sixth Regiment, in 1755;"" Lieutenant 1758;"" died at New- ington 17 Sept. 1774."" ^Thankful, dau. of Abel Merrill of Hartford ;"" mar. 23 April 1740;"" died 24 Sept. ISOl in her 90th year."" Lydia, mar. Zepha- niah Webster." Theodore Seymour, died 13 Dec. 1760, aet. 27.^ Mary, born 4 Dec. 1735; mar. Moses Hopkins." Abel Seymour, born 13 Feb. 17 41."" George Seymour, bom 1742." Mabel, bom 5 June 1744; mar. Charles Morgan."" Elias Seymour, born 28 April 1746."" Tliankful, born 5 April 1750; mar. Abijah Flagg."" Roswell Seymour, born 20 July 1752.*' Lois, born lU Oct. 1753; marrieil Thomas Fox."" Theodore (?) born 13 Dec. 1760."™ H 22 SEYMOUR Abigail, daughter of Cap-- tain Robert Welles of Newington, Conn. ;"" mar. 13 Feb. 1777;°" died 4 Dec. 1786."" 1st wife. Ashbei Seymour, bapt. 28 Dec. 1777." Erastus Seymour, bapt. 18 July 1779." Bevil Seymour, born 4 Sept. 1782."° •Sergeant Ashbei Seymour of = Newington and West Hartford, Conn., born 25 Jan. 1748;'" a Revolutionary soldier who served in the Lexington alarm, 1775, in a company from Wethersfield,'"' again in 1776,'" and as sergeant in Capt. H. Welles' company, 2d Regt., in 1782;"'' purchased land in West Hartford 15 June 1804, and removed there;*" died 31 July 1814;"' buried at West Hart- ford."* Honor, daughter of Daniel Wil- lard;"" mar. 11 Sept. 1788;"" died 10 or 13 Feb. 1819, aged 72.92 Martin Seymour of West Hartford,^ Conn., and Payson, 111., born 24 Aug. 1789;"' baptized in Newington, Conn., 25 Oct. 1789;"" removed with his parents about 1804 to West Hartford, and in 1830 removed to Payson, Adams County, Illinois;"" died in Pay- son 19 Nov. 1842."' Will dated 7 Sept., proved 10 Dec. 1842."' Lucy, dau. of Gideon Butler and Abigail Olm- sted ;"" born 23 Aug. 1789 in West Hartford ;"" mar. 27 or 29 June 1814 in West Hartford;"" execu- trix of her husband 10 Dec. 1842;"' died at Pay- son, 111., 4 Sept. 1845."" Honor, bapt. 26 Feb. 1792 in Newing- ton; died young."" Lucy Henrietta, born 8 Aug. 1815;"^ married to R. R. Greene 14 Dec. 1837;"^ a legatee of her father 1842;"* died at Pittsfieid, 111., 4 Dec. 1896."' Edward Seymour, born 15 Sept. 1818;°' legatee and executor of his father 1842;"' died unmarried at Payson, 111., 15 July 1904."= Will dated 4 Jan. 1900; filed 19 July 1904; proved 1 Sept. 1904.'"' Lewis Butler Seymour, born 6 1820;"' legatee of his father 1842."' Henry Martin Seymour, born 21 1822;"' legatee of his father 1842;"' in Alamo, Cal., 29 May 1858."' June Feb. died Frances, born 20 March 1824;"' legatee of her father 1842;"' married George H. Ames 13 Nov. 1846;"' died 24 April 1893."' Evalina Abigail, born 20 Nov. 1825;"' legatee of her father 1842,"' and of her brother Ed- ward 1904;'°' living unmarried at Payson, 111., in this year 1906. George Seymour, born 15 Sept. 1827;"' legatee of his father 1842."' Julia Annette, born 12 Jan. 1830;"' legatee of her father 1842;"' married Joel K. Scar- borough of Payson, 111., 30 Oct. 1849."' y E V .M U L' K 26 Cliarlcs Willnrd Rrymoiir of Pnyson, Til; = 'Emily C, dniiRlitrr of Rolx-rt horn noar Paysdii 23 Auj:. ISot;"'' always resided there; died 11 Oct. ISDS,'^ intes- tate. Letters of administration issued 15 Nov. 1898."° Kay and Cynthia Burroughs of Payson, 111.; married 14 May IStJS;" now living at Quinry, HI., in this year of our 1/ord I'.KJti. Henry Martin = Seymour o f I'ay.son, 111.; born at Pay- son 9 June 1864;»* lega- tee of his uncle Edward Sey mou r;"" now living in this year 1906. Lucy White, dau. of John Nicholson and Mary .■\iin( !il- bert; born t Nov. lS(j;5;"° mar. 29 Aug. 1S95;'" and now living in this year 190G. Carrie, daugh-= ter of Oscar Kay and Har- riet Scarbor- ough of Pay- son, 111., and widow of Cephas Rob- bins ; born 1 Feb. 1S()7;'"^ died 17 April 1901.'"* 1st wife. Lyman Kay= S e y m our of Payson, 111., born at Pay- son, 111., 2 Oct. ises;"* now living without issue, in this year 1906. •Agnes, dau. of James Jarrett a n d Ann a 13 y w a t e r of Quincy, 111.; born 21 1874 ;'»« ried 29 1901 ;'"< now living 1906. Oct mar- Sept, and Charles Wil- lard Seymour, born at Pay- son, 111., 22 Oct. 1898;"" and now liv- ing, 1906. Mary Gaskin, born 27 Sept. 1900;'™ living 1906. Elizabeth, born 30 Oct. 1904;"» living 1906. Jame.s =Stella May, Ali)ert born 14 April Starr. 1872 ;»= mar- ried 14 Mav 1899 ;"» and now living, without issue, 1906. Loren Butler Sey-= mour of Los Ange- les, Calif., born in Payson, 111., 12 Oct. 1869;"^ and now living, without issue, in this year 1906. =Susan Baxter, dau. of James Jarrett and Anna By water of Quincy, 111., born 21 Oct. 1874; mar. 19 Aug. 1903."» Julia An- nette, born 27 Aug. 1867; died 28 Feb. 1873." Qlutljorities AUTHORITIES 1. Sidney Lee, FHctionary ol National Biography, vol. rA (1S97), art. "Edward Seymour," p. 299; Camden, lUmaincs Concerning Briiainc, 113, ISl, Century Dictionary, IX. SS5. 2. Collins, Peerage of England (ed. 1812), i. 144-5; Camden, BrUannia (in Monmouth- shire), cited in ColUns; Kev. Harbin, Ex Collect., cited in CoUina; Vincent, MS. Baronage in the College of Arms, No. 20, cited by Collins. Collins ipiotes from the MS. Baronage a covenant coni-eming the Manor of Woundy entered into by Sir William dc St. Maur (Knight, as Vincent calls him), aa Vincent transcril)eti it from the Latin record, aa follows: "GIL- BERTUS AL\RESCALLUS COMES I'KMHKOCHIAE tenetur pnebere DN'o WILLO de S. MAUKO consilium et auxilium in (|uantuni poterit, secundum leges ANCLI.E ad per quirendum MANEHIUM do VVOl NDV, de MOHGA.XO (ilio IH'ELL tali conditione, iiuod si pned. WILLUS dictum MAXEIUIM i)cr.iuircre poterit, dictus GIl.BEHTrS haljebit medietatem dicti MAXEUIJ, et aliam medietatem facial extendo dicto WlLl.O, per prolHis, et legales homines ad hoc, ex eaque parte electos. Ita quod pro (|uiililx!t summd 20 /. redditus dictus Cillierlus dabit WILLO de S. i\L\UUO deecm L1BH.\S. Et quo) not alone in witnes-s of the al)ove facts, but also to the effect that in Camden's day the Esturmi " hunters horn, of a mighty bigness, and tii)t with silver," was still po.ssc.s.-icd by the Earl of Hertford. 17. Visitation of Oxiordshire (liar. Soc. Pubs. vol. 5, p. 162); Papworth, Ordinary, 159. 18. Collins, Peerage, i. 147, citing Escheat, 10 Henry V. 19. Fuller, Worthies, pp. 14, 158, 161, 287, cited in Collins, Peerage, I. 147. 20. Collins, Peerage, i. 148. 21. Ibid., citing MS. penes B. WiUis, Arm. 27 28 SEYMOUR 22. Benolt's Vi^ation of Wilts, 1532 {Add. MS. 12, 479, British Museum), cited in Wiltshire Notes arul Queries, ii. p. 304; Vincent, art. "A Bristol Ancestor of the Dukes of Somerset," The Genealogist, new ser., vol. 12, pp. 73-5, who conclusively shows the error of the old pedigrees in referring to this Isabel as daughter of Mac Williams. He cites papers in a suit of law [De Banco (659) Mich. 4 Hen. VI m. 437, Thomas Stamford vs. John Borton] which show that on 30 July 1424 Isabel, daughter and sole heir of " Mark Williams, Mayor of Bristol," and of his wife Agnes, married John Seymour, identified by Leland, after him by Morant (Essex, ii. 356), and by the old Seymour pedigrees as Sir John Sey- mour of Even Swindon in Wiltshire. Vincent gives 14 April 1485 as the date of death of Isatel, widow of Sir John Seymour, ascertained from several inquisitions yosl mortem (2 Ric. Ill No. 38), at which time she was seized of the properties mentioned above. He also cites huj. p. m. 19 Edw. IV No. 38 in evidence that her heir was her grandson, "John Seymour of Wolfhale in Wilts, Esquire," at the time of her death aged 34, his father and mother having predeceased Dame Isabel Seymour ; his father, John Seymour, also of Wolfhale, having died 29 Sept. 1463, and his mother, Elizabeth, having died 19 April 1472. 23. Visitation of Oxfordshire {Har. Soc. Pttbs. vol. 5, p. 162); Wiltshire Notes and Queries, vol. 2, pp. 588-9 and facing p. 586. These arms are found in Burke, General Armcrry (1883), p. 1115, correctly assigned to "Williams," which agrees with the research of Vincent (see preceding note), as also, p. 647, assigned to " Mao Williams " on the author- ity of the Seymour pedigree in the Oxford Visitation, 1566. Burke, General Armory, 3d ed. (1844), under "Mack Williams," also gives the crest which the Seymours adopted, a phcenii in flames proper. 24. Collins, Peerage, i. 148, citing St. George's MSS. Baron, praed. 25. Collins, Peerage, i. 145; Visitation of Oxfordshire {Har. Soc. Pubs.). 26. Visitation of Oxfordshire {Har. Soc. Pubs. vol. 5, p. 162); Wiltshire Notes and Queries, ii. pp. 586-9; Burke, General Armory (1883) p. 212. 27. Collins, Peerage, i. 149. 28. Collins, Peerage, i. 148; vi. 635. 29. Collins, Peerage, i. 149, citing Nom. equit. in Bibl. Cott. Claxid, C. III. 30. Collins, Peerage, \. 149, citing Fuller's Worthies. 31. Patent, 9 Henry VIII, p. 2, cited in Collins, Peerage, i. 149. 32. Collins, Peerage, i. 149, citing Rymer's Foed., tom. xiii. p. 768. 33. Ibid., citing MS. in Bibl. John Anstis. 34. Ibid., citing Reymer's Foed., tom. xiv., p. 404. 35. Collins, Peerage, i. 149; Dugdale, Baronage, ii. (1676) p. 370. 36. Compare The Genealogist, new ser., vol. 7, p. 57, with Burke, Royal Families, i., pedigree xix. 37. Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 51, p. 300; Joseph Foster, Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire for 1880, p. 592. 38. Monumental inscription in the chancel of the parish church of Great Bedwin, co. Wilts, quoted in full by Dugdale in 167G {Baronage, ii. 370). 39. His date of death is given by Dugdale, Baronage, ii. 370, from the inscription on a brass plate on his tombstone. 40. Foster, Peerage, etc., p. 592. 41. Patents 22 Henry VIII, p. 2; Foster, Peerage, 592; Did. Nat. Biog. vol. 51, p. 300. 42. Diet. Nat. Biog. vol. 51, p. 300. 43. Patent 28 Henry VIII, p. 3; Foster, Peerage, 592; Diet. Nat. Biog. vol. 51, p. 300. 44. Patent 28 Henry VIII, p. 2 and ibid. 45. Foster, Peerage, 592; Diet. Nat. Biog. 51, p. 300. 46. Patent 29 Henry VIII, pp. 3, 1 and ibid. 47. Diet. Nat. Biog. 51, p. 301. 48. Patent 33 Henry VIII, p. 1; Dugdale, Baronage, ii. p. 361. 49. Patent 34 Henry VIII, p. 7; Diet. Nat. Biog. 51, p. 301. 50. Diet. Nat. Biog. 51, p. Z02. 51- Acts of the Privy Council, ii. pp. 4-7; Diet. Nat. Biog. 51, p. 303. SEV.MULH 29 52. LHrt. Nat. Biog. 51, p. 303. 53. Ibid., Patent 1 Edward VI, p. 6. 54. Letters Patent, 15 Feb. 1 Edward VT; TXcl. Nat. Biog. 51, p. 303. 55. letters Patent, 10 Feb. 1 Edward VI; IHii. Nat. Biog. 51, p. 303. 56. Acts of thf Privy Councii. il. pp. 03-4, 07-74; IXct. Nat. Biog. 51, p. 303. 57. Diet. Nat. Biog. 51, p. 304; Foster, feo-oj/e, 592. 58. Diet. Nat. Biog. 51, p. 307. 59. Ibid., Foster, Parage, 592. 60. The Visitation oj Essex, 1612 (liar. Soe. Pubs. vol. 13, pp. 195-6). 61. Collins, Parage, i. 171-2. 62. Ibid. 191. 63. Ex liegist. Task qu. 9, in Cur. Prerogative Court of Canterbury; Collins, Peerage, i. 191. 64. Jekyl's MS. Catalogue oj KnujM.i; Collins, i. 191. 65. Strype's Mejnorials, ii. 502; Collins, i. 191. 66. Risdon, Description of Devon, 203; Collins, i. 192. 67. Cole, Esch. in Hibl Uarl. 41, A. 21; Collins, i. 192. 68. Vincent, MS. Baronage, No. 20, Heralds' College; Collins, i. 192; J. L. Vivian, Visitations of Devon, 703. 69. Act Book, Prerogative Court oj Canterbury; Vivian, 703. 70. Collins, i. 192, citing Willis, Not. Pari. vol. ii. p. 254. 71. Collins, i. 192; Vivian, 703. 72. Collins, i. 192. 73. Ibid, and West cote, A View oj Devonshire 16.30 with Pedigrees oj its Gentry, 479-80. 74. Marriage License, Exeter; Mrs. -M. W. Pinney, Richard Seymour, Hartjord, 10-10, p. 15. 75. Collins, i. 192; Vivian, 703; Mrs. Pinney, 15. 76. Monument in the church of St. Mary, Berry Pomeroy; Mrs. Pinney, 20; Westcolo, View oj Devonshire. 77. Vivian, 703; Mrs. Pinney, 17, who quotes the Parish Rcgi-stcr of Plympton St. Mary a.s follows: "Mast William Seamer Gent, of the IIou.se of Bcarie-Castle, in the pyshe of Berie Pomrie, was buried in ye Pj-che Church of Plymton Erie, the x.xx day of Jaimario 1621." Collins ha,s assumed that this William died in infancy (Peerage, i. 192). 78. Vivian, 703, citing the Parish Register of St. Stephens by Saltash, Cornwall. 79. Vivian, 703. 80. Ibid., citing the Parish Register of Berry Pomeroy. In Vivian's pedigree, however, the burial is erroneously stated to be of Richard Seymour of the preceding generation, who was really uncle to the deceased, and emigrated to America. The proof that the Richard Seymour who was buried at Berry Pomeroy 22 Aug. 1637 was Richard of Cock- ington, son of William, is as follows: (1) Richard Seymour of Cockington is known to have died shortly before the date of burial, as witness his nuncupative will of 16 Aug. 1037 (cited by Mrs. Pinney, p. 4), and also the declaration of his aunt, wife of Sir George Carj-, 19 Jan. 1038, concerning the inventory of his jjersonal estate (Ibid.); (2) any record of his burial at Cockington is significantly ab.sent from the Pari.\h Register of that place. 81. Vivian, 703, citing the Pam/i Register of Plympton St. Marj'. , 82. Ibid., citing the Parish Reguiter of Cockington. 83. Ibid., citing the Parish Register of Tor .Mohun. 84. Practically every authority for the pedigree of the Seymours of Berry Pomeroy, — Westcote, Collins, Hoare, Tuckett, Vivian, etc., — states that Sir ICdward Seymour, firet Baronet, had a son, Richard, while most agree that Richard was the fifth son. The mon- ument to the memory of the fairiily in the parish church at Berry Pomeroy shows eingics of the Baronet's father and lady, five mature sons, four mature daughters, and two infants. See half-tone from photograph of the monument in Mrs. Pinney's Richard Sey- mour, Hartjord, 1640, facing p. 20. 85. "161§ Exeter College. Seymour, Richard; Devon, 5 Feb. baronetli filius, 17." Register oj the University oj Oxjord, vol. ii. part ii (1887), under "Matriculations," p. 329. 30 SEYMOUR The identity of this Richard Seymour is not open to question, since he was a "Baronet's son" in February 1613. The rank of Baronet was then a new dignity of very recent creation, and at the time there was but one Seymour, Baronet, in the United Kingdom — Sir Edward of Berry Pomeroy, who had been made a Baronet in 1611. In a list of donors of college plate the Christian name of Richard's father is given: "ex dono Richardi Seymour hiijus collegii comraensaHs et fillii Edvardi Seymour Baronetti . . . 14j oz." Rev. C. W. Boase, Register of Exeter College, Oxford (new ed. 1894), p. 279. 86. The proofs that the Richard Seymour who settled in Hartford in the spring of 1640 was the Richard Seymour who appears in the pedigrees of Seymour of Berry Pomeroy as the fifth son of Sir Edward Seymour, first Baronet, are as follows: (1) Apart from this identification, the above mentioned Richard of the Seymour pedigrees is not accounted for on documentary evidence; (2) the descendants of Richard Seymour of Hartford always understood that he was of the family of the Earl of Hertford (Mrs. Pinney, pp. 24-5); (3) Richard Seymour of Hartford owned a " Bishop's Bible" printed in 1584 and now owned by one of his descendants, which on the title-page of the New Testament has a drawing of the original Seymour arms, a pair of wings conjoined in lure, with the royal arms, 1st and 4th the fleurs-de-lLs, 2d and 3d the lions of England, and also, on a fly-leaf of the book, a drawing of the crest and arms (with augmentation) of the Seymours of Berry Pomeroy exactly as they appear in the Visitation oj County Devon, 1620, credited to Sir Edward Seymour of Berry Pomeroy, brother, as we suppose, of this Richard of Hartford, while underneath this drawing of the arms and crest appears the following : " Richard Seymor of Bery Pomery heytor hund. in ye Com. Devon, his booke. Hartford, ye Coliony of Conecticot in Newe England. Annoque Domini 1640 " ; (4) Collins, Peerage, i. 192, writing at the beginning of the 18th century, states that Richard, fifth son of Sir Edward Seymour of Berry Pomeroy, first Baronet, "married ... a dau. of . . . Rashleigh," which agrees with the tradition among the Seymours of Connecticut that the wife of Richard Seymour, of Hartford, was Mary or Mercy Rashleigh, and that the marriage occurred at Barnstaple, CO. Devon. (Mrs. Pinney, p. 6), and is corroborated by two rings handed down by her descendants, on one of which are engraved the charges of the arms of Rashleigh of Devon and Cornwall, England, while the other ring tears features of the Seymour and Rashleigh arms combined; (5) Miss Mary K. Talcott of Hartford has an old paper on which is written, "Richard Seymour, first of the name who came to Hartford from England at an early day — aged 46 y^," which agrees well with the birth-date of the fifth son of Sir Edward Seymour, first Baronet, as deduced from the record of matriculation at Oxford. If Richard, son of the Baronet, were bom between 5 February and 1 March 1594-95, and appeared m Hartford between 1 and 25 March 1639-40, his age would have been 17 when he ma- triculated at Oxford and 45 when he appeared in Hartford. We know of no reason for douliting that the Bishop's Bible which gives such decisive testimony was actually owned by Richard Seymour of Hartford, the emigrant. In the inventory of the estate of his son John, dated 10 Dec. 1712, "a great Bible, 10 shillings," is mentioned. Its present owner, Mr. Charles J. Seymour, of Boston, a descendant of this John, acquired the book by inheritance; while the book itself, in addition to the coat-armor and references to Richard Seymour, already quoted, also contains an acknowledgment by John Green that he owes " to John Seimore seven bag of barly," etc., dated " Hartford 1666," while we know that the John Seymour in the inventory of who.se estate the "great Bible" is itemized, was a resident of Hartford in 1606. The compiler of this pedigree has before him a set of six excellent photographs of pages from the Bible, for which he is indebted to Hon. Henry W. Seymour of Washington, D. C. 87. Stiles, History of Ancient Wethersfkld, ii. 618. 88. Ihid. p. 619. 89. Ibid. p. 620. 90. Ibid. p. 621. 91. Ibid., confirmed by the Family Register in the Seymour Bible furnished the compiler in 1905 by Henry Martin Seymour and Lyman Kay Seymour of Payson, III., which states that "Ashbel Seymour died July 31st 1814, aged 66 years." SEVMOUll 31 92. Stiles, Ancient Welhrrn field, ii. 021, Rives l,"? Feb. ax the dat« of Heath, hiil the Ftimihj Register referred to in tlie preceding note fitules that "Honor Seymour died Kelinmry 10th 1819 aged 72 yrs." 93. Stiles, ii. t)2I. The Family Register in the Seymour Bible of Payson, 111., states that "Ashbel Seymour died .\p'l "th IJSIO, agetl 31 years." 94. Stiles, ii. 1)21. According to the Famihi Register in the Seymour Bible at Puyson, III., "Erastus .Seymour died Novenilxjr 9th IS.'JS aged 59 years." 95. Family Register in the Seymour Bible at Payson, III. 9t3. Stiles, ii. 621, and Family Register of the Seymours of Payson, which states that "Martin Seymour died Noveml)er 19th 1842 aged .13 years." 97. In his will, recorded at Quincy, 111., "Martin Seymour of the County of Adams and State of lUinoi..;," directs that his l>ody 1« buried "in the burj'ing Ground of the Villiigo of Payiion," and makes licquests to his "Wife Lucy Seymour," his "oldest son l'>l\var ?^^-n^. ■^' ,' U !^* -^^ % J> c • " - ^ .0^ .-; ;^*. ^o ^ ^ . '^ *» ' • 4"^ :k 'I' > j^ V '<''\ ■"' '^o. a > <^^ "< A <^ '-rrT' 'c ^• <■ \5 'o . . • A ^<^. "• ■n-0^ ,4 o. ■P ^ c^'/ ■.'^, A' s^'' .'•ii .V. ^^,^,s^ :'0m:^, '%/ iM^ - o . i • A ^- \ a>'<<. »• iPr. 40 •