Class, Book PRKSKNTED BY 3 ott* <3JlAiT.r J&/1D i A 5 si ?mm° THE LIFE CAMPAIGNS AND BATTLES OF GENERAL ULYSSES S. GRANT COMPRISING A FULL AND AUTHENTIC ACCOUNT OF THE FAMOUS SOLDIER. FROM HIS EARLIEST BOYHOOD TO THE PRESENT TIME : WITH ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE GENERAL'S BIRTHPLACE, THE SURRENDER OF FORT DONELSON AND VICKSBURG, THE BATTLES OF SHILOH AND CHATTANOOGA, TOGETHER WITH j\. SUPEEB PORTRAIT. j " I propose to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer." — Grant to the Government. New York : PUBLISHED BY LEDYARD BILL. CHARLES BILL, CHICAGO, ILL. 1868. • C.6 •L-V. ^4* INTRODUCTION. Theee are crises in the lives of nations when the task of deliverance from calamity or death seems to be com- mitted to the wisdom or valor of one man. The annals of the race are clustered with illustrations of this truth. The history of our Republic affords many examples of such instrumentalities working for its highest good under the inspiration of God. That great events reveal, if not create, great men, is a recognized truth as palpable as that sun-heat envelops the earth with animal life, and food for its sustenance, and clothes the sphere in beauty for the delight of its master, Man. The law of Irade expressed by the relative words Supply and Demand, works potentially in the moral world. There would be no heroes, saints, or sages, were they not needed. In calmer periods of profound peace and general contentment, soldiers and statesmen seldom appear above the common plane of society ; but when tempests arise, and political wisdom in council, or valiant deeds in the field, are demanded,, competent statesmen and soldiers start into view almost as suddenly and marvelously as Minerva, " Bursting full armed from the brain of Jove." The late Civil War afforded a notable example of this truth in the career of the Soldier, the events of which are briefly recorded in this volume. That war came 11 INTK0DUCT10N. upon the nation like lightning from the clouds, and kindled a flame that swept with terrible swiftness over the land like a prairie-fire in the autumn. For a moment the most hopeful feared that all was lost, and that the unnatural conflagration would leave the Eepublic a blackened waste. The civil head of the Government folded his hands, and piously recommended fasting and prayer, while the thunder of active rebellion was bellow- ing in the southern sky. The Chief of the Armies was almost powerless because of the infirmities of age. The most trusted men in civil and military life were found to be in practical alliance with the conspirators for the overthrow of the Eepublic, that an oligarchy arrayed against the people might build upon its ruins a hideous empire founded upon injustice and stupendous wrong, with an ensign bearing a bold denial of the rights of man. To the hands of a wise, honest, and righteous citizen the reins of government were soon entrusted. Then the conspirators made war upon the national life. The people were called upon to defend it. Armed men seemed to spring from the earth all over the Free-labor States like the harvest of a dragons'-teeth seed-time. But nearly all were unlearned in the methods of war. Officers and implements had to be created. There were men in abundance, but few wise leaders. Ambitious and even disloyal persons aspired to the high honors of com- mand. Blow after blow was awkwardly given and re- turned; and a little heavier or more successful one than had yet been struck made many a Young Napoleon in the estimation of the excited people. But "rocket" heroes soon became "sticks," in the pathways of great armies strewn with the terrible evidences of their incom- petency. INTRODUCTION. Ill Almost three years of strife passed by. More than a million of loyal men had gone to the field in defense of the national life, and yet that life was in peril. That host of armed patriots was broken into fragments, acting often without concert at widely separated points. The Government and the people were tired of delays, and the almost indecisive warfare of posts, as the struggle had been, in a great degree, up to that time. It was evident to both that proper vigor to secure quick success in efforts to crush the rebellion could only be obtained by committing the supreme control of the armies in the field to one competent commander, and all eyes and hearts were turned toward General Grant, whose convictions as a patriot and whose ability as a leader were then pre- eminently conspicuous. All over the region westward of the Appalachian ranges of mountains were the evidences of his skill and valor in the destruction or weakening of the power of the public enemy. His captures of men and munitions of war were manifold greater than those of any of his contemporaries. He was a man of few words and abundant deeds, and had shown, on all occasions, not only military genius of a high order, but evidences of sound statesmanship, for he had been often called upon to perform the twofold duties of soldier and civil- ian in his dealings with the foe. For these reasons he was promoted to Lieutenant-General, and placed in com- mand of all the Armies of the Republic. He was then a few months younger than Washington was when he took command of the Continental Armies. This appointment thoroughly satisfied the loyal peo- ple, and inspirited them with the most buoyant hopes. General Grant had shown a proper appreciation of the ' demands of the crisis. He had no sympathy with a sys- tem of warfare which carried the lash of coercion in one IV INTRODUCTION". hand, and the sugar-plums of persuasion in the other. That had been tried too long for the national good. lie believed the Government to be right, and the rebellion against its authority wrong. He knew that compromise, with honor to the Republic, was impossible, and his plan was to make war with all the terrible intentions of war, as the most speedy and effectual way to crush the rebel- lion. He knew that such war would be more merciful and humane than its opposite ; that sharp, decisive bat- tles, waged not exclusively for any post, but for the destruction of his adversary's armies, would require fewer lives and less treasure than feeble blows, which would wound but not destroy. With these views, and with rare wisdom and sagacity in his choice of men to help him, the Lieutenant-General organized his armies, and planned his campaigns ; and, with the spirit of his declaration on the sanguinary field of Spottsylvania Court-House, — " I propose to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer," he made war, and ended the rebellion. He is one of the most silent-tongued of men, yet in his noble character and wondrous deeds there is an eloquence that thrills the feelings, and wins the hearts of the loyal people, by whom he is more honored and beloved than any other living citizen. 3< 1**. LIST OF CONTENTS. Introduction. Chapter I. — Grant's Early Days. PAOB 3 Birth and birth-place — Name, and how he obtained it — Where he was educated — "What is the meaning of Can't?" — The horse trade — He fights to defend the name of Washington 13 Chapter II. — At West Point. When admitted and by whose influence — Advancing through the classes — What he learned each year — His graduation — His class- mates — Pertinacity of character — " Comr any Grant" 20 Chapter III. — Enters the Army. Mexican War — Brevet Second-Lientennnt of Infantry — Employed on the Missouri frontier — Ordered to Texas — Fully commissioned — Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma — Rio Grande — Monterey — Vera Cruz — Molino del Rey — Chapultepec — Brevets-First-Lieu- tenant — Mentioned in official reports — Regimental companions.. . 30 Chapter IV. — Subsequent Services and Resignation. Civil life — Oregon — Captain — Resigns the United States Service — Fanner and cord-wood dealer — Engages in the leather trade — Knows more of tanning leather than of politics — Value of good leather 41 Chapter V. — Tuy Rebellion. — Grant Volunteers and becomes a Brigadier-General. Staff and mustering officer in Illinois— Energy — Colonel of the 21st Illinois Volunteers — Services in Missouri— Brigadier-General of Volunteers — Comparative table of Generals appointed on the same day, and how employed on January 1, 1861 45 Chapter VI — Post and District Commander. — Belmont. Commander at Cairo — Forces increased — Value of Cairo — Occupa- tion of Paducah and Smitliland, Kentucky — Proclamation — Un- pretending style of dress — Constantly smoking — Correspondence with General Polk — Victory at Fredericktown— Belmont— Bra- very of his troops— Letter to his father — His appreciation of his vommaud — Care for the wounded 49 6 CONTENTS. pach CnAPTER VII. — District or Cairo. — Grand Reconnoissance. District extended — Assumes command — Composition of staff — Forces further increased — Issues an order against picket-shoot- ing — Spies to be looked after — Reconnoissance in force into West- ern Kentucky — Manning the gunboats 59 Chapter VIII. — Forts Henry and Donelson. — Value of tiie Feint. His command brigaded — The start — Advance upon and occupation of Fort Henry — Treatment of prisoners — Commander of three divisions — Movement upon Fort Donelson — Investment and bat- tles — Rebel sorties — Correspondence with General Btickner — An " unconditional surrender" demanded — " I propose to move immediately upon your works" — Victory — " The Union flag floats over Fort Donelson" — Value of the victory — Major-General of Volunteers — General Halleck's announcement of the success — A spirited incident 66 Chapter IX. — District op West Tennessee. A new district formed — General Grant in command — Congratula- tory order for recent victories — Clarksville taken — Martial law in Tennessee — Marauding and plunder prohibited — Advance up the Tennessee River — Sword presentation — Expeditionary move- ments — The rebel commanders opposed to Grant — The Missis- sippi blockade 79 Chapter X. — Pittsburg Landing or Siiiloii. Positions of the belligerent forces — General A. S. Johnston's ad- dress to his command — The commanding officers of both armies — Preliminary skirmishing — Rebel plans — "The first day's strug- gle"— Bravery of General Grant — Driven back but not* defeated — Re-enforcements — "The second day's battle"— The result, Vic- tory—The news received in New York — Excitement throughout the North — Thanks of the War Department — Salute of one hun- dred guns — General Grant wounded — Correspondence with Gen- eral Beauregard — Reconnoissance— Evidences of a hasty retreat of the rebels— General Halleck at Pittsburg Landing— His thanks to General Grant 86 Chapter XI. — Movement and Siege op Corinth. Preliminary movements— Three armies combined— The "Grand Army of the Teunessee" — How composed — Outcry against Gen- eral Grant — Mr. Washburne defends him in Congress — General Halleck retains him, and appoints him second in command — He superintends the movements in the field— Gradual evacuation of Corinth— Approach of the parallels— Advance of the whole army with General Giant at the head — Occupation of Corinth— In- teresting details — Pursuit of the enemy 97 CONTENTS. 7 PASS Chapter XII.— Tub Department op West Tennessee.— Memphis. His command further increased — Difficulty with regard to Memphis — Stringent orders — Guerilla warfare — Aiding the rebels — Gen- eral Grant strikes at the root of the evil— The negroes put to useful employment — Tb.3 Act of Congress obeyed— Confiscation not wholesale plunder — Skulkers to be drafted— Quiet restored. Ill Chapter XIII. — Iuka — Corinth and the Hatchie. Approach of the rebels — Battle of Iuka — His combinations — The result — Change of head-quarters and why — Rebel advance upon Corinth — Disposition of his forces — Attack upon Corinth — The 'epulse — The rebels brought between two tires— Grant's strategy — Victory — The President's congratulations 120 Chapter XIV. — Department op the Tennessee. — Discipline. — Trade. The new command — Reorganization of the forces — The army to move light — Cavalry expeditions — Head-quarters removed to La Grange, Tennessee — Discipline — Marauding to be severely pun- ished, and how — Departmental staff — Contraband camp estab- lished — A regiment assessed to pay for plundering — Trade regu- lations — Punishment for violation of the same — Why General Grant would not appoint traders 132 Chapter XV. — Advance into Mississippi. — A Retrospect. The previous efforts to take Vicksburg and their failures 14.G Chapter XVI.— Grant's First Movements towards Vicksburg. The expedition by way of Delta, Mississippi — Its success — Ad- vance to and occupation of Holly Springs — Arrival at Oxford, moving towards Jackson, Mississippi — Surrender of Holly Springs — The result — 'Die guilty party — Brave defence of other posts — Investigation — punishment and reward 151 Chapter XVII. — Commander of Four Army Corps.— Sherman's Expedition. Constitution of the 13th, 15th, lGth and 17th Army Corps— Start of General Sherman's expedition— Stringent order — Landing of _ the forces 5>I Chapter XVIIL— Sherman's Attack upon Vicksburo.— Arkansas Post. Advance of the right wing of the Army of the Tennessee — The assault upon the works— Their strength— The charge upon the heights — Change in the command — The capture of Arkansas Post Chapter XIX. — Discipline.— Guerillas. Disaffection of the 109th Illinois Volunteers— Court of Inquiry- Disgraceful dismissal of disloyal officers — Cavalry operations — General Grant's order concerning negro trooos 110 162 8 CONTEXTS. PAOR CnAPTER XX. — ClIANGE OF BASE. — WILLIAMS'S CaNAL. Head-quarters established at Young's Point — The rebel position — Reopening of the Williams Canal — Important order — Recon- noitring expeditions 114 Chapter XXI. — The Queen op the "West and Ixdianola. Eunning the batteries — Colonel Ellet's operations — loss of the two vessels 173 Chapter XXII. — The Lake Providence Canal. 182 Chapter XXIII. — The Yazoo Pass Expedition. Dangers of the trip — Blockade of the Tallahatchie — Diversion of the rebel forces - 184 Chapter XXI V. — The Steele's Bayou Expedition. Personal reconnoissance — Dangerous position of the expeditionary vessels — Opportune arrival of General Sherman's troops 190 Chapter XXV. — The Health of the Army. Surgeon-General Hammond's inquiries — General Grant's replies — "No army in better condition" 198 Chapter XXVI. — Overland Movements. — Running the Batteries. Admiral Farragut's arrival at Vicksburg via Port Hudson — Two rams run by the Vicksburg batteries — The march to New Car- thage and Perkins's Plantation — Porter's fleet passes Vicksburg — Passage of the transports 201 Chapter XXVII. — Grierson's Expedition. Dash of the cavalry — Feints — The Southern Railroad destroyed — Immense destruction of rebel government property — Arrival at Baton Rouge — General Grant's report 20-1 Chapter XXVIII. — Other Preliminary Movements. — Attack upon Grand Gulf. Affair at Nanconnah — General Banks's movements from Baton Rouge — The army at Hard Times — Naval attack upon Grand Gulf — Running the batteries 210 Chapter XXIX. — The Landing at Bruinsburg and Advance. Marching light — The bivouac — Rapid movements — The march. ... 212 Chapter XXX. — The Battle of Thompson's Hill or Port Gibson — The Evacuation of Grand Gulf. Skirmishing — The fight — General Grant on the field — The enemy driven — The pursuit — General Grant occupies Grand Gulf — His entire disregard of danger 216 CONTENTS. Chapter XXXI. — Outside Operations. Corwyn's cavalry expedition — Sherman's feint on the Yazoo — General Banks to co-operate 223 Chapter XXXII. — The Advance towards Jackson. — Battle op Raymond. Hawkinson's Ferry. — Feint towards Warrenton — Alarm in Jack- son — Governor Pettus's proclamation — Order of advance — The march — " I shall communicate with Grand Gulf no more" — Battle near and occupation of Raymond 227 Chapter XXIII. — The Capture and Occupation op Jackson. Clinton occupied— Movement upon the city by two routes — The contest outside the city — At Jackson — Destruction of rebel government property — Interesting details 236 CHAPTER XXXIV.— The Advance Renewed.— Champion's Hill. Important information gained — Prompt advance — Concentric move- ments — Battle of Champion's Hill — General Grant on the field — Rebel official acknowledgments of defeat 243 Chapter XXXV. — Battle of Big Black River. General Sherman's flank movement — General Grant personally looks after the pontoon train — The contest on the banks of the Big Black — The rebels' admirable position 248 Chapter XXXVI. — Approaching Vicksburg. — Investment. — First Assault. Communication opened with the Yazoo River — The advance upon the rebel strong-hold — The first assault — Admiral Porter's co- operation — The United Service 252 Chapter XXXVIL — The Second Assault upon Vicksburg. "Why this assault was made — A decisive order — The signal — The advance — Determination of the troops — tleavy rebel fire — The charge — The repulse — Interesting details — Admiral Porter's re- port — General McClernand's objectionable order — General Grant's decisive action — His army first, his friend afterwards — The rebel General Pemberton's determination to hold Vicksburg. . . . 2G0 Chapter XXXVHI. — The Siege op Vicksburg. The rebel works nearly invested — A leak discovered — Valuable information gained — Threatened in the rear — Preparations to resist the threat — General Blair's expedition — The sappers and miners at work — Reenforcements — General Sherman's expedi- tion — The rebels' " faith in the Lord and Jos Johnston" — The latter taken care of 275 1* 10 CONTEXTS. PAOB Chapter XXXIX. — The Explosion of the Mine. The mine — How worked — The powder deposited — Details of the firing and explosion — The scene — The dash at the breach — An- other decisive order 281 Chapter XL. — The Surrender of Vicksburg. The city spared, and why — The approaching parallels — The rebels desire a capitulation — The meeting of the commanding Generals — The terms "Unconditional .Surrender" — Suspension of hostili- ties — Magnanimous conduct to the besieged — The garrison al- lowed to march out with the honors of war 290 Chapter XLI. — Occupation of Vicksburg. — The Losses. The entrance of the Union Army into Vicksburg — Condition of the city — The rebel losses — Comparative statement of casualties — General Ilalleck's report of the campaign — His opinion of Gen- eral Grant — The President's autograph letter of thanks. — His joke upon Grant's whiskey — Port Hudson — Its fall necessitated by the capitulation of Vicksburg 302 Chapter XLIL— The Pursuit of Johnston. — Second Capture of the City of Jackson. General Sherman's preparations — The pursuit commenced — Joe Johnston's appeal — Jackson invested on three sides — Details of the advance — Evacuation of the city by the rebels and occupa- tion by the Union troops 317 Chapter XLIII. — At Vicksburg, but not Idle. The Yazoo City expedition — The Red River and Natchez expedi- tion — The Mississippi Valley campaign ended 326 Chapter XLIV. — His Success made Sure. — His Department Sb» cured. — Care for the Soldiers. Mrs. Geueral Grant — Sword presentation — Major-General of the Regular Army — Furloughs for the troops — The contrabands — Trade — Letter to Secretary Chase — An overcharging steam- boatmau made to disgorge — Guerillas to be severely dealt with — Negro camps 331 Chapter XLV. — Visit to Memphis and New Orleans. The dinner at Memphis — The toasts — "De Soto, Fulton. Grant" — He visits other districts — Arrival at New Orleans — Review at Carrolton — Thrown from his horse and seriously injured — The result 341 Chapter XLVI. — An Enlarged Command. — Military Division of the Mississippi. General Grant looks after the pay of his soldiers — Jurisdiction of the district of Vicksburg — Badge of honor for the troops — Coucentra- CONTEXTS. 1 1 PJ.OB tion at Chattanooga — The rebels resisting the advance of re-en- forcements — Meeting between General Grant and Secretary Stan- ton — Arrival at Louisville — Assumes command — His immense re- sponsibility — Position of affairs 349 Chapter XLVII. — Active Movements. — Lookout Valley. Sad condition of the troops at Chattanooga — General Grant effects a change — Lookout Valley occupied — Communications re-opened — Rebel chagrin — Incidents 360 Chapter XLVIII. — Loxgstreet's Advance upon Kxoxvtlle. General Grant's quiet demeanor — Deals with raiding parties through their friend3 — Arrival of Sherman's forces at Chatta- nooga — Longstreet's flank movement — The rebels allowed to advance, and why — General Grant's plans 371 Chapter XLIX. — The Battles before Chattanooga. — First Day. General "Wood's reconnoissance — An advance — The rebels think it a review until too late — Orchard Knob taken — Gallantry of the troops 376 Chapter L. — The Second Day. — Lookout Mountain. General Hooker's movements on the right — A new specimen of tactics. — The mountain taken — General Grant's modest dispatch.. 3S0 Chapter LI. — Third Day. — Tunnel Hill. — Mission Ridge. Sherman's terrific assaults — Details of the contest — Value of the struggle — Granger's grand attack in the centre — The advance through the valley of death — The heights gained — The rebels in full retreat — Granger's complimentary order — Incidents 300 Chapter LIT. — Retrospect of the Three Days' Battles. General Meigs's semi-official dispatch — The victory — General Grant's bravery — "Another victory added to the chapter of 'Uncondi- tional surrender Grant.' " 409 Chapter LIII. — The Pursuit. — Fight at Ringgold. The rebels closely followed up — The affair at Chickamauga Depot — Immense destruction of rebel stores — The content at Ring- gold — Occupation of the Gaps — Rebels retreat to Dalton — Gen- eral Bragg's dispatch 413 Chapter LIV. — Knoxville Relieved. General Grant's splendid strategy developed — He first defeats Bragg and then turns upon Longstreet — President Lincoln's proclamation of thanksgiving for victory — His dispatch of thanks to General Grant — General Halleck's report of the campaign — Rebel fears of Grant's movements — Congratulatory order to the troops — What had been accomplished in a short time — General Grant as he appeared during the campaign — Incidents » . . . . 420 1 2 CONTENTS. TkQM Chapter LV.— Honors to General Grant.— Thanks op Congress- — Gold Medal. The TTon. R. B. Washburne'a resolutions— Thank9 of Congress— A noli medal to be presented to General Grant—" Public resolu- tion No. 1" — The medal — Honorary member of missionary soci- eties— Nominated fur President— Thanks of State Legislatures- Presentations 430 Chapter LVL— Lieutenant-General.— Congressional Nominations. The grade of Lieutenant-General to be revived — General Grant nominated for the position— Exciting debate in Congress — Speeches of the Hon. Messrs. Farnsworth and Washburne — The nomination approved by one hundred and seventeen vote3 431 Chapter LVIL— Preparing for a New Campaign. General Grant submits a plan of action — Resolution to raise one million of men to be placed under his command — Forethought on behalf of repentant rebels — Orders under the conliscation act — The property of loyal persons — L'are for his troops 443 Chapter LVIII. — Personally Inspects his Grand Department. His departure from Chattanooga — Arrival at Nashville — Visit to Knoxville — Dangerous aud unpleasant trip to Louisville by way of Cumberland Gap — Reception at Lexington — Railroad com- munication opened with Chattanooga — The rear of his lines per- fectly safe 449 Chapter LTX. — At St. Louis. — Public Dinner. His quiet and modest arrival in that city — Invitations to a public dinner aud reply — The reception — General Grant's speeches — Honorary member of the Western Sanitary Commission 455 Chapter LX. — His Personal Appearance and Character. In battle and at home — Kindness of heart — Abnegation of self — Appreciation of others — Modesty — Ideas of Strategy 4C3 Chapter LXI. — G want's Last Campaign, and Close of the "War. Ordered lo the National Capital — Rueepiion at the White House — Presentation of his Commission by Abraham Lincoln — Head- quarlers at Washington and with the Army — His Preparations for nn Immediate Campaign — Battles of the Wilderness and Cold Harbor — His flank movement across the James — Siege of Peters- burg — Capture of Fort Fisher and Wilmington — Battle of the Five Forks — Assault on Lee's Army — Fall of Petersburg and Rich- mond — Surrender ol' Generals Lee and Johnson— Graut Commis- sioned General, etc., etc 4T0 GENERAL GRANT: HIS CAMPAIGNS AND BATTLES. CHAPTER I. GRANT'S EARLY DATS. If, as has been said, "success is the test of merit,'' then indeed has the subject of this biography fairly- earned the warmest encomiums, and the sincerest respect and admiration, not only of his fellow-countrymen, but of the entire world. Rising from humble life by rapid yet regular grades of promotion, to the highest military position within the gift of the Republic, his personal history is one which, like that of the "Father of his Country," can never fail to attract the deepest interest of the people who now, and through all time to come, shall enjoy the rich fruits of his labors, his skill, and his patriotism. " Deeds, not words," seems to have been the motto of this grave, unassuming, and reticent man, who cheerfully accepts any responsibility which his superiors see fit to lay upon him, and gives to the work in hand all the best energies of his mind, and all the unwearied devotion of a patriot soldier. " Posterity delights in detail;" and, both in the present and future time, throughout the length and breadth of the land which he has so largely contributed to save intact from the attacks 14 GENERAL GRANT. of treason, the slightest event connected with the life, character, and career of the General of the armies of the United States, can not fail to have an absorbing interest to readers of every class and every age. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant is descended from an ancient and worthy Connecticut family, the immigrant ancestor oi which was Matthew Grant, who came over from England in 1G30, in the ship " Mary and John," and with his fellow-passengers founded the town of Dorchester (now South Boston), Mass. In 1G36 he was one of the com- pany who settled the town of "Windsor, Connecticut, and was an active and prominent citizen, being a notable land surveyor, a faithful and remarkably conscientious town- clerk and an influential member of the Church. His great-grandson, Noah Grant, located at Tolland, Conn., and his son Noah removed to Coventry, about 1750, and was a Captain in the Crown Point Expedition of 1755, in which he and his brother Solomon were killed. His son, Noah General Grant's grandfather, was a lieu- tenant of militia at the battle of Lexington, in 1776, and served in the Continental Army during the entire Revo- lutionary War. He removed from Coventry to Westmore- land County, Pennsylvania, about 1787, and there married, as his second wife, Rachel Kelley, in 1791. His son by this second marriage, Jesse "Root Grant, the father of the hero, was born in Westmoreland County, in 1794, from whence, when he was five years of age, the family removed to what is now Columbiana County, Ohio ; and again, when he was ten years old, to Deerfield, Portage County, in the "Western Reserve. His father dying the next year, 1805, the family became somewhat scattered; and during tin' War of 1812 Jesse, with his mother and the younger children, removed to Maysville, Kentucky ; the northern part of Ohio being unsafe for women and children, HIS EARLY DAYS. 15 on account of the dangers from the British and their In- dian allies. In 1815, being then of age, he established himself at Ravenna, Ohio, in the tanning business, to which he had served a full apprenticeship. Driven from thence in 1820 by the prevalence of the fever and ague, he removed to Point Pleasant, Clermont County, Ohio, on the Ohio River, twenty-five miles above Cincinnati ; and there, in June of the same year, he married Hannah, daughter of John Simpson, who, some three years pre- vious had removed thither from Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Of good family, domestic in her habits, cheerful in disposition, and possessing great firmness and steadiness of character, as well as being a consistent member of the Methodist Church, she was well fitted to be the mother of children, and to influence their lives in the right and noblest direction. Hiram Ulysses, the eldest child of this worthy couple, both of whom have happily been spared to witness and participate in his fame, was born on the 27th of April, 1822. Among the various anecdotes which, now that he is famous, have been brought to light concerning his earlier years, is this : That once, when he was but two years old, his father " took him in his arms and carried him through the village on some public occasion, and a young man wished to try the effect of the report of a pistol upon him. Mr. Grant consented, though, as he said, the child had never seen a gun or pistol in his life. The hand of the baby was accordingly put on the lock and pressed there quietly, until the pistol was discharged with a loud report. The little fellow exhibited no alarm, neither winking nor dodging, but presently pushed the pistol away, asking, in a childish way, that it be again fixed. From his father's statement, we learn that the boy's first and " ruling passion," almost from the time he could go 16 GENERAL GRANT. alone, was for horses. "When only seven and a half years old, he took advantage of his fathers absence from home fur a day, to harness up a three-year-old colt, which, though accustomed to the saddle, had never before had a collar on; and hitching him to a sled, spent the day in hauling brush. By the time he was eight and a half years old, he was a regular driver, hauling wood for his father, and at ten years of age was intrusted with the charge of a pair of horses, with which he drove forty miles, to Cincin- nati, and brought back a load of passengers alone. He was always " on hand " when a traveling show or circus came along, was always ready to ride the pony, when the "ring-master" offered the boys in the audience the chance ; and, in his father's words, " whatever he under- took to ride he rode," and nothing could shake him off. He early began to break horses himself, and developed a wonderful faculty for teaching them to pace, — a knack which would have given him plenty of work from the neighbors, if he had not considered it rather degrading to do it for money, and refused to accommodate them. An anecdote is related by his father, in his contributions to the New York Ledger, which is remarkably character- istic of the determined " grit," as well as of the faculty of adaptation to circumstances, which has since been noticed in his son as a general. Mr. Grant, who had a contract for building the Brown County jail, had need of a number of logs, some fourteen feet in length ; and Ulysses, then in his twelfth year, volunteered to drive team until the logs were hauled, if his father would purchase a certain horse which he thought an excellent match for another which he then owned. This he did, and hired a man to go along with the boy; but, after a few days' trial, the man reported that there was no use in his watching the boy or the team, for the lad could manage it as well, if not HIS EAKLT DATS. 17 better, than he could. A few days passed, and Mr. Grant accidentally discovered that the boy loaded the logs into the wagon, by himself, with no assistance but such as he got from the new horse. Surprised and incredulous, he inquired into the process of the apparently impossible feat, and the boy quietly, and in a "matter-of-fact" way, explained that, taking advantage of a large sugar-tree which had been felled, so that it lay aslant, one end rest- ing on the ground and the other elevated, he had hitched the horse to the end of a hewn log, and drawn it up on the sugar-tree, until the end projected far enough over to allow of his backing the wagon under it ; then, when he had hauled up three, which made his "load," in this manner, he backed the hind part of the wagon under them, hitched the horse — a strong animal — in front by means of a long chain extending over the whole length of the wagon-box, and pulled them over, one after an- other, into the wagon. And thus . he worked for seven months, until the job was completed. As an example of his self-possession, it is related that, in driving a couple of lady passengers, in a two-horse wagon, across a creek in which the water was higher than he had expected, and finding suddenly that the horses were swimming, and the water up level with the wagon- bottom, the ladies were much alarmed, and began to scream, when Ulysses, who was on the front seat, look- ing coolly over his shoulder, quietly said, " Don't speak — / will take you through safe" — and he did. In these incidents of his boyish days we see a gleam of the same spirit that led him, in after-years, when the whole country were looking on, to say, " I propose to fight it out on this line, if it takes all summer ! " The first book that Ulysses read, when he was some seven years old, was a "Life of George Washington." 18 GEKEKAL GKAKT. At scliool he was a fair but not a remarkable scholar — developing a special interest only in mathematics. As a boy he seems to have been as modest, retiring, and reticent as he has been in his subsequent career; yet he always manifested a proper amount of confidence in his ability to do any thing which was to be expected of a boy of his size and years. Among boys he was regarded as a leader ; yet, without forwardness, he rather sought the company of older persons. It is needless to repeat here the well-known story of the exceeding difficulty which he experienced in his school-days, in learning the meaning of the word "can't;" and it is pretty certain that he never has learned it, even to this day ! His disposition was peaceable, yet would stand no imposition upon what he considered his rights; and when forced into a corner could fight as well as any one. The current story of his "flogging a captain" is, on his own authority, untrue ; and it is said by those who know him well, that he never had a personal controversy in his life. Profanity was a vice which he was peculiarly free from, both in boyhood and in his subsequent military career. Honesty of thought and speech were also traits of his youth, which have strengthened with his growth, and which are now seen to underlie his whole character. A popular, and probably a true, story which was current among his companions, was concerning a horse trade in which he was once engaged. It appears that when he was about twelve years of age, his father sent him to purchase a horse of a farmer, named Ralston, who resided some short distance in the country. The elder Grant wanted the horse, but still desired to get it as cheaply as possible. Before starting, the old gentleman impressed upon young Grant's mind that fact in these words: HIS EARLY DATS. 19 "Ulysses, when you see Mr. Ealston, tell him I have sent you to buy his horse, and offer him fifty dollars for it. If he will not take that, offer him fifty-five dollars; and rather than you should come away without the horse, you had better give him sixty dollars." Off started the boy, and in due course of time arrived at Ealston's farm-house. He had carefully studied over in his mind his father's instructions, and of course in- tended to do as his parent had told him. Mr. Ralston, however, threw him off his balance, by putting the fol- lowing direct but natural question to him : " How much did your father tell you to give for him ?" Young Ulysses had always had it impressed upon his mind by his mother, that the truth must be spoken at all times, and therefore he replied: " Why, father told me to offer you fifty dollars at first ; and if that would not do, to give you fifty-five dollars ; and rather than come away without the horse I was to pay sixty dollars." Of course, Ealston could not sell the horse for less than sixty dollars. " I am sorry for that," returned Grant, ." for, on look- ing at the horse, I have determined not to give more than fifty dollars for it, although father said I might give sixty. You may take fifty if you like, or you may keep the horse." Ulysses rode the horse home ! Industrious by nature, he nevertheless was strongly prejudiced against working in his father's tannery; and his father, seeing this, wisely gave him a choice of busi- ness. The boy expressed a preference for being either a farmer, a down-the-river trader, or for getting a better education than he had hitherto been able to obtain at the schools in his native place. Mr. Grant's circumstances, 20 GENERAL GRANT. however, did not permit of his aiding his son in any of these directions, and finally proposed West Point as offering an opportunity for a free education, at the ex- pense of the government. This exactly suited his son ; and, through the friendly offices of Senator Thomas Morris, an appointment to West Point was presented to Ulysses by the Hon. Thomas L. Hamer, then Eepresen- tatiye of Grant's own district. The happy recipient, unprepared as he was by a previous course of special study, went to West Point, passed his examination, and commenced his military career, July 1st, 1839. At the Academy he was studious, and, although taking no especial pains to make himself popular, was a general favorite among his comrades. Among them he was familiarly called " Uncle Sam," from his initials " U. S.," which, by the way, were thrust upon him accidentally, and in this wise: He had been duly christened Hiram Ulysses, being always called by the latter name, accord- ing to his own preference, when he got to be old enough. But Mr. Hamer, when making the nomination for the cadetship at West Point, having a recollection that Mrs. Grant's maiden name was Simpson, got it a little "mixed," and sent in the name as Ulysses Simpson Grant. The young cadet afterward endeavored to have it set right by the proper authorities, but failed, and has since remained content with it as it is. AT WEST POINT. 21 CHAPTER II. AT .WEST POINT. When" the young cadet entered the "West Point Institu- tion, he had to submit to a thorough physical and mental examination, to see whether he was fit to enter upon the life of a soldier, and was possessed of the proper mental talents, to make him competent to be trained as an officer. He passed the examination successfully and was admitted into the fourth class, where his studies consisted of math- ematics, English grammar, including etymological and rhetorical exercises, composition, declamation, geography of the United States, French, and the use of small arms. In the camp — for the cadets have to live part of the sum- mer months in tents as if on the field — he ranked as a private of the battalion, and had to submit to all the inconveniences that privates in camp have to suffer. During the year 1840 he was advanced into the third class of the West Point Academy. Here he ranked as corporal in the cadet battalion, and his studies consisted of higher mathematics, French, drawing, and the duties of a cavalry soldier. In this last study he received practi- cal instruction for sixteen weeks, so as to make him a good horseman. He progressed steadily, but not rapidly. He however did not fall back from any advance he had made, and if he only gained one seat at a time, he held on to that,- with the intention of never again going below the cadet sitting next lower in his class. Cadet Grant, during 1841, entered the second class of 22 GENERAL GRANT. the TJ. S. Military School at West Point, obtaining with this change the rank of sergeant of cadets. His studies now were somewhat more laborious ; but still Grant persevered, and gradually mastered them. From September, 1841, to June, 1842, he was engaged in the study of natural and experimental philosophy, chemistry, and drawing, and in receiving practical instruction in horsemanship. During the summer months he was again encamped, and was well drilled in both infantry and artillery tactics. He passed out of this class with credit. During the year 1842, the young soldier passed into the first and concluding class of instruction of the Military Academy. In this class he ranked as a commissioned offi- cer of cadets, and was first put into the position where he could learn how to command a section, troop, or company. This is generally the trying position for the cadet; for, be- ing invested with a little brief authority, he will either use it with credit or abuse it. Grant, while holding this position, set forth all the nobleness of his nature. He was no petty tyrant, nor was he a spy upon the actions of those who for the time were his subordinates. In the camp he commanded respect for his position ; but out of camp he was still nothing more than a fellow- cadet. In this trait of his character, he was always liked by his classmates, and esteemed by those whose class degree was below him. Gadet Grant had now more serious duties to perform, and studies to master. From September, 1842, to June, 1843, he was engaged in acquiring the knowledge of civil and military engineering, and from the 1st day of April to the 15 tli of May, 1843, he received practical instruc- tion in this branch of the service. While encamped previous to September, 1842, he received some practical lessons in this science, and during the whole classical AT WEST POIiNT. 23 year he was engaged either in the study of ethics, consti- tutional law, international law, or military law, or in per- fecting himself in horsemanship. He is now reputed one of the best riders in the service, not being easily thrown. While in this class, he also endeavored to gain a knowledge of the science of mineralogy and geology, and of the Spanish language. He also received instruction in ordnance, gunnery, and cavalry tactics, which are esteemed among the higher branches of military acquire- ments. He passed through this class with credit, and graduated from the Military Academy on the 30th day of June, 1843, with thirty-eight other classmates, he stand- ing No. 21, or about the middle of the class. He had now acquired a practical knowledge of the use of the rifled musket, the field-piece, mortar, siege, and sea-coast guns, small sword and bayonet, as well as of the con- struction of field-works, and the fabrication of all muni- tions and materiel of war. The school companions of great men are very often mixed up with their after-life, and this statement is more applicable to the West Point cadets who graduate in the same class. Such being the case, it may be a matter of interest to the reader to know who were General Grant's fellow-graduates, and what their relative positions were at the time of writing this narrative. The cadet who graduated first in the class was William Benjamin Franklin, who entered the Topographical En- gineer Corps ; and having passed through a series of adventures under various commanders was, at the begin- ning of 1864, the general commanding the Nineteenth Army Corps, in the Department of the Gulf, under Gen- eral Banks. The names of the next three graduates do not now appear in the Army List of the United States. 24 GENERAL GRANT. "Win. F. Raynolds graduated fifth in the class, entered the infantry service, and was appointed an aide on the staff of General Fremont, commanding the Mountain Department, with the rank of colonel, from the 31st day of March, 1S62. The next graduate was Isaac F. Quinhy. He had entered the artillery service, and had been professor at West Point, but had retired to civil life. The rebellion, however, brought him from his retirement, and he went to the field at the head of a regiment of New York vol- unteers. He afterward became a brigadier-general in the Army of the Potomac. Roswell S. Ripley, the author of " The War with Mex- ico," graduated seventh; but his name does not now appear in the official Army Register of the United States, as he had attached himself to the rebel cause. The next graduate was John James Peck, who entered the artillery service, and was, on January 1, 1864, the commander of the district of and army in North Carolina, which then formed a portion of General Butler's' De- partment. John P. Johnstone, the dariug artillery lieutenant who fell gallantly at Contreras, Mexico, was the next graduate. General Joseph Jones Reynolds was the next in grade. This officer bad gained great credit, while in the army, as a professor of sciences ; but had resigned some time when the rebellion broke out. He was, however, in 1861, again brought forward as a general of three-months volunteers, under General McClellan, in Western Virginia ; was after- ward commissioned by the President ; and latterly became attached to the Army of the Cumberland. He served on the staff of the general commanding that army, with the rank of major-general, until General Grant assumed command of the military division embracing the Depart- AT "WEST POI^STT. 25 ments of Ohio, Tennessee, and Cumberland, when he was transferred to New Orleans. The eleventh graduate was James Allen Hardie, who, during the War of the Rebellion, became an Assistant Adjutant-General of the Army of the Potomac, with the rank of colonel. Henry F. Clarke graduated twelfth, entered the artil- lery service, gained brevets in Mexico, and became chief commissary of the Army of the Potomac, during the War of the Rebellion, with the rank of colonel. Lieutenant Booker, the next in grade, died while in service at San Antonio, Texas, on June 26, 18-49. The fourteenth graduate might have been a prominent officer of the United States army, had he not deserted the cause of his country, and attached himself to the rebels. He had not even the excuse of " going with his State," for he was a native of New Jersey, and was appointed to the army from that State. His name is Samuel G. French, major-general of the rebel army. The next graduate was Lieutenant Theodore L. Chad- bourne, who was killed at the battle of Resaca de la Palma, on May 9, 1846, after distinguishing himself for his bravery at the head of his command. Christopher Colon Augur, one of the commanders of the Department of Washington, and major-general of volunteers, was the next in grade. We now come to another renegade. Franklin Gard- ner, a native of New York, and an appointee from the State of Iowa, graduated seventeenth in General Grant's class. At the time of the rebellion he deserted the cause of the United States and joined tlie % rebels. He was dis- gracefully dropped from the rolls of the United States Army, on May 7, 1861, became a major-general in the rebel service, and had to surrender his garrison at Port 26 GENEEAL GEANT. Hudson, July 9, 1863, through the reduction of Vicks- burg by his junior graduate, TJ. S. Grant. Lieutenant George Stevens, who was drowned in the passage of the Kio Grande, May 18, 1846, was the next graduate. The nineteenth graduate was Edmund B. Holloway, of Kentucky, who obtained a brevet at Contreras, and was a captain of infantry in the United States regular army at the commencement of the rebellion. Although his State remained in the Union, he threw up his commis- sion on May 14, 1861, and joined the rebels. The graduate that immediately preceded General Grant was Lieutenant Lewis Neill, who died on January 13, 1850, while in service at Fort Croghan, Texas. Joseph H. Potter, of New Hampshire, graduated next after the hero of Vicksburg. During the War of the Eebellion he became a colonel of volunteers, retaining his rank as captain in the regular army. Lieutenant Eobert Hazlitt, who was killed in the storm- ing of Monterey, September 21, 1846, and Lieutenant Edwin Howe, who died while in service at Fort Leaven- worth, March 31, 1850, were the next two graduates. Lafayette Boyer Wood, of Virginia, was the twenty-fifth graduate. He is no longer connected with the service, having resigned several years before the rebellion. The next graduate was Charles S. Hamilton, who for some time commanded, as major-general of volunteers, a district under General Grant, who at that time was chief of the Department of the Tennessee. Captain Win. K. Van Bokkelen, of New York, who was cashiered fur rebel proclivities, on May 8, 1861, was the next graduate, and was followed by Alfred St. Amand Crozet, of New York, who had resigned the service several years before the breaking out of the civil war, and Lieu- AT "WEST POINT. 27 tenant Charles E. James, who died at Sonoma, Cal., on June 8, 1849. The thirtieth graduate was the gallant General Frederick Steele, who participated in the Vicksburg and Mississippi campaigns, as division and corps commander under Gen- eral Grant, and afterward commanded the Army of Arkansas. The next graduate was Captain Henry R. Selden, of Vermont, and of the Fifth U. S. Infantry. General Eufus Ingalls, quartermaster-general of the Army of the Potomac, graduated No. 32, and entered the mounted rifle regiment, but was found more valuable in the Quartermaster's Department, in which he held the rank of major from January 12, 1862, with a local rank of brigadier-general of volunteers from May 23, 1863. Major Frederick T. Dent, of the Fourth U. S. Infantry, and Major J. C. McFerran, of the Quartermaster's Depart- ment, were the next two graduates. The thirty-fifth graduate was General Henry Moses Judah, who commanded a division of the Twenty-Third Army Corps during its operations after the rebel cavalry general, John H. Morgan, and in East Tennessee, during the fall of 1863. The remaining four graduates were Norman Elting, who resigned the service October 29, 1846; Cave J. Couts, who was a member of the State Constitutional Convention of California during the year 1849 ; Charles G. Merchant, of New York ; and George C. McClelland, of Pennsylvania, no one of whom is now connected with the United States Service. It is very interesting to look over the above list to see how the twenty-first graduate has outstripped all his seniors in grade, showing plainly that true talent will ultimately make its way, no matter how modest the pos- 28 GENERAL GRANT. seasor may be, and notwithstanding all the opposition that may be placed in its way by others. It will be seen how General Grant came to command a larger force and a greater extent of country than all his thirty-eight class- mates put together, and has risen higher in the military scale than any in his class, notwithstanding the fact that he did not seem to possess the same amount of apparent dashing ability. His Scotch blood, however, gave him a pertinacity of character that enabled him to push forward against all difficulties, and this stubborn perseverance even in the midst of disappointments has characterized the whole of his life, both civil and military. When, however, he found he was on the right track he kept to it without turning aside for even a moment, and so ultimately be- came successful. The following incident occurred while young Grant was serving his first year as a cadet of the Military Aqa- demy at West Point, and is a very good illustration of the coolness of his disposition. It is related by his father in his interesting reminiscen- ces of the early life of his distinguished son, published in the New York Ledger. "As is well known, it is the practice at West Point to get some rig, run, or joke on every new-comer. Ulysses took a letter of introduction to a cadet, who told him all tins, and put him on his guard. In the course of the first night, one of the cadets, dressed as an officer, entered the room where Ulysses and his chum were sleeping, and told them that one of the rules of the institution required that a task should be given them, to see how they would get through it, while laboring under the excitement consequent upon their first admission, lie then, pro- ducing a book, ordered that, before morning, they should AT WEST POINT. 29 each commit to memory a lesson of twenty pages. " All right, all right," responded Ulysses ; and as soon as the pretended officer hud withdrawn, he went quietly back to bed, while his companion sat up and studied all night. Of course, the recitation has not yet been called for." Grant's career at West Point was uneventful, his de- merits, as his father says, being mostly " of a trivial char- acter, such as not haying his coat buttoned, or his shoes tied right, or something of that kind." • His progress was of the slow and sure kind, holding firmly on to all he acquired, but having nothing of that dashing brilliancy which is thought so much of by collegiates. He did not, like many, only study to pass the examiner, and then for- get what he had learned. Even if his seat was below those of some others in his classes, at the end of each year it would be found that his education was of a far more solid and substantial nature than that of several of his class-mates who stood higher in grades. Experience, however, has demonstrated that the rank attained at a Military Academy, or at College, affords a very uncertain indication of the future success or usefulness of the man. 30 GENERAL GRANT CHAPTER m. ENTERS THE ARMY. MEXICAN WAR. When a youth enters the West Point Military Academy he takes upon himself obligations to serve a certain time in the U. S. Regular Army, to finish the eight years — the term for which he is sworn into the service of the United States at the time he receives his cadet warrant. Cadet Grant, therefore, when he graduated, at once entered the United States army as a hrevet second-lieu- tenant of infantry. The date at which this brevet rank was awarded to him was that of the succeeding day to his graduation, viz., July 1, 1843. At the time Grant entered the army, the United States were at peace with all the world, and very few vacancies then occurred in the rolls of army officers. He was, there- fore, attached as a supernumerary lieutenant to the Fourth Regiment of Regular United States Infantry, then sta- tioned on the frontier in Missouri and Missouri Territory, and engaged in keeping down the Indian tribes, that at that time were very annoying and dangerous to the early settlers of that region, which, twenty years ago, was almost a wilderness, except on the immediate banks of the great rivers. While in this part of the West, Brevet Second-Lieu- tenant Grant assisted his military companions in superin- tending the opening up of the country, as well as in main- taining the peace and safety of those who had settled and were settling in that region. The young officer had not been many months in the AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 81 West before he was ordered, with his regiment, into Texas, to join the army of General Taylor, who had been appoint- ed to the command of the United States troops then con- centrating in that republic. This army occupation was made during the year 1845. The Mexicans and Americans had for some time held an imaginary line of boundary with- in what is now known as the State of Texas. As all ima- ginary lines become more or less subjects of dispute, it was quite natural that two armies of distinct races, and with great personal animosities daily arising, should at last find, or imagine they had found, the other overstepping its proper limits, and, as a natural sequel, quarrels would take place, supposed wrongs would have to be revenged, and bloodshed would be the ultimate result. Such was cer- tainly the origin of the actual hostilities which ripened into the American war with Mexico. Corpus Christi, an important port on the Texan shore, was soon taken possession of by the Americans as a base of operations, and Grant was stationed at this place when he received his commission as full second lieutenant of in- fantry. This commission was dated from the 30th day of September, 1845, and was made out for a vacancy in the Seventh Regiment of U. S. Regular Infantry. He had, however, become so attached to the members of the Fourth Regiment, that a request was sent to Washington to allow him to be retained with that force, and in the fol- lowing November a commission was handed to him, appointing him a full second lieutenant in the Fourth Regiment of U. S. Regular Infantry. Some time before the declaration by Congress of a war with Mexico, the struggle commenced in Texas. The primary cause of the actual commencement of hostilities was a trifle ; but the spark was no sooner applied than the conflagration began to make its rapid way, drawing the 32 GENERAL GRANT whole within its fearful grasp. Several petty struggles ensued, until at last General Taylor learned that an immense force of Mexicans were marching with the intention of crossing the Rio Grande into Texas, to drive the Americans from that region of territory. Promptly General Taylor moved ; but, in the mean time, Fort Brown, on the Texas shore of the Rio Grande, was besieged. The gallant American garrison defended the position with great bravery ; but, unless relief could have been sent them, it must have fallen. To relieve the besieged was General Taylor's duty ; and, under his command, Lieutenant Grant marched to his first battle-ground. On the 8th day of May, 1846, he participated in the battle of Palo Alto, and, although not mentioned in the official reports, he is spoken of by his companions to have acted with gallantry ; several officers of his regiment obtaining brevets for their gallant and meritorious conduct. With his characteristic modesty, the young lieutenant kept him- self in the back-ground, while his seniors gained the reward. The battle of Resaca his campaigns. 01 to lie off the fort. The rebels, with three armed vessels, attacked these gunboats the next morning ; but, after a brisk engagement, had to beat a retreat — the Union vessels chasing them until they took refuge under the guns of Columbus. As picket shooting had existed to a fearful extent in the vicinity of Cairo, General Grant, on the 11th of January, issued an order, as follows : Head-Quarters, Cairo, January 11, 1802. Brigadier-General Paixe, Bird's Point: I understand that four of our pickets were shot this morning. If this is so, and appearances indicate that the assassins were citizens, not regularly organized in the rebel army, the whole country should bo cleared out for six miles around, and word given that all citizens, mak- ing their appearance within those limits, are liable to be shot. To execute this, patrols should be sent out in all directions, and bring into camp, at Bird's Point, all citizens, together with their subsistence, and require them to remain, under penalty of death and destruction of their property, until properly relieved. Let no harm befall these people, if they quietly submit; but bring them in and place them in camp below the breastwork, and have them properly guarded. The intention is not to make political prisoners of these people, but to cut off a dangerous class of spies. This applies to all classes and conditions, age and sex. If, however, women and children prefer other protection than we can afford them, they may be allowed to retire beyond the limits indicated— not to return until authorized. By order of U. S. Grant, Brig.- Gen. Commanding. As General Grant states in the above order, it was ne- cessary to keep spies away from his vicinity, as he was then about to start on a perilous expedition. He had already divided his forces into three columns— under Generals Paine, McClernand, and C. F. Smith— General Grant com- manding the whole expedition in person. 62 GENERAL GRANT Before starting on this adventure, General Grant issued the following order to his troops : Head-Quarters, District op Cairo, Cairo, January 13, 1862. [General Order No. 3.] During the absence of the expedition, now starting upon soil occu- pied almost solely by the rebel army, and when it is a fair inference that every stranger met is an enemy, the following orders will be observed: Troops, on marching, will be kept in the ranks ; company officers being held strictly accountable for all stragglers from their companies. No firing will be allowed in camp or on the march, not strictly required in the performance of duty. While in camp, no privilege will be granted to officers or soldiers to leave their regimental grounds, and all violations of this order must be promptly and summarily punished. Disgrace having been brought upon our brave fellows by the bad conduct of some of their members, showing on all occasions, when marching through territory occupied by sympathizers of the enemy, a total disregard of the rights of citizens, and being guilty of wanton de- struction of private property, the geueral commanding desires and intends to enforce a change in this respect. The interpreting of confiscation acts by troops themselves has a de- moralizing effect — weakens them in exact proportions to the demoraliza- tion, and makes open and armed enemies of many who, from opposite treatment, would become friends, or, at most, non-combatants. It is ordered, therefore, that the severest punishment be inflicted upon every soldier who is guilty of taking, or destroying, private property ; and any commissioned officer, guilty of like conduct, or of countenancing it, shall be deprived of his sword and expelled from the camp, not to be permitted to return. On the march, cavalry advance guards will be thrown out, also flank guards of cavalry or infantry, when practicable. A rear-guard of infantry will be required to see that no teams, baggage, or disabled soldiers are left behind. It will be the duty of company commanders to see that rolls of their company aro called immediately upon goiug into camp each day, and every member accounted for. By order, U. S. Grant, Brig.- Gen. Commanding. On the morning of Tuesday, January 14, 1862, General McClernand's column moved forward from Fort Jefferswn, AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 63 and the columns under Generals Paine and Smith, at Padu- cah, commenced similar movements. The three columns combined made a force of nineteen regiments of infantry, four regiments of volunteer cavalry, two companies of reg- ular cavalry, and seven batteries of artillery. At the time this expedition commenced its march, the Mississippi River was nearly filled with floating ice, thus making the transportation of troops a serious difficulty. Demonstrations were made by General McClernand's column, as if with the intention of attacking Columbus in the rear, by way of Blandville, Ky., while the real object was to concentrate with the troops marching from Padu- cah, Ky. The feint proved successful, and a great alarm was manifested by the rebel forces in Columbus. As General McClernand's column advanced, it was at intervals joined by a regiment from the other columns, and, on the night of January 1 5th, his force encamped in line of battle ten miles to the rear of Columbus, threatening that post by two roads. Here General Grant, who had been with the column from Paducah, came up with this part of the expedition, and personally superintended the disposition of the troops. The first division was next morning inarched to Milburn, apparently en route for Mayfield ; but instead of following that path, the troops, after passing through Milburn, turned Aorthward, so as to communicate with the force from Paducah; and, on the 17th, were within eight miles of Lovelaceville. They then turned westward, and, on the nights of the 18th and 19th, encamped about a mile from Blandville. On January 20th, the column returned to Fort Jefferson. During the interval between the 14th and 20th of January, the infantry of this column marched over seventy-five miles, and the cavalry about one hundred and forty miles, over icy and miry roads, and during a most 64 GENERAL GRAXT inclement season. This march was a very heavy one for troops who had never before been in the field. The reconnoissance developed the fact, that the rebel army was not in large force west of the Paducah and Mayfield rail- road, except, perhaps, in the rebel works at Columbus, and led to the discovery of valuable side-roads, not laid down in any map of that time. It also showed that Columbus was far from being as strong as was supposed, and that it could be attacked in the rear by several different roads, along which large forces of troops could be moved. As soon as General Grant had communicated with General McClernand, at his encampment, on the night of the 15th, and had received his report, he at once discovered the mere shell of rebel defence which held that part of the State of Kentucky, and allowing General McClernand's column to keep up the appearance of an advance, he with- drew the other two columns to Cairo. He had, in fact, accomplished and ascertained all that he had desired when he first moved. During the fall and winter of 1801, several gunboats had been ordered to be constructed on the Mississippi River, above Cairo, and by this time the majority of them were completed. In order to obtain sailors to man these gun- boats, General Grant issued the following important order : Head- Quarters, District of Cairo, Cairo, January 20, 1862. circular. Commanders of Regiments will report to these head-quarters, without uelay, the number of river and seafaring men of their respective com- mands, who are willing to be transferred from the military to the gun- boat service. Seeing the importance of fitting out our gunboats as speedily as possible, it is hoped there will be no delay or objections raised by company or regimental commanders in responding to this call. Men thus volunteering will be discharged at the end of one year, or at the end of the war, should it terminate sooner. By order, TJ. S. Grant, Brig.- Gen. Commanding. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. C3 A few days afterwards, General McClernand's forces were withdrawn from Kentucky, and again rendezvoused at Cairo, the commander being placed in temporary charge of the District during the necessary absence of General Grant. 60 GENERAL GRANT CHAPTER Vm. FORTS HENRY AND DONELSON. A few days soon developed the whole object of the movement made by General Grant's forces in the western part of the State of Kentucky. It must also not be for- gotten, that his troops still held the posts at Paducah and Smithland, at the mouth of the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers. By keeping up a false show of an advance upon the rear of Columbus, which had several times been attacked in the front by armed vessels, the rebels were led to believe that post to be in actual danger, and consequently concentrated all their available forces in that vicinity. In the mean time, General Grant was preparing for an advance into the State of Kentucky, by an entirely dif- ferent route, and, to have his forces well in hand, he issued the following Older brigading the same : Head-Quarters, District of Cairo, Cairo, February 1, 1862. [General Order No 6.] For temporary government, the forces of this military distriet will be divided and commanded as follows, to wit : The First Brigade will consist of the Eighth. Eighteenth, Twenty- seventh, Twenty-ninth, Thirtieth, and Thirty -first Regiments of Illinois Volunteers, Schwartz's and Dresser's batteries, and Stewart's, Dollin's, O'Harnett's, and Carmichael's cavalry. Colonel R. J. Oglesby, senior colonel of the brigade, commanding. The Second Brigade will consist of the Eleventh, Twentieth, Forty- fifth, and Forty-eighth Illinois Infantry, Fourth Illinois Cavalry, Taylor's and McAllister's Artillery. (The latter with four siege-guns.) Colonel W. II. L. "Wallace commanding. The First and Second Brigades will constitute the First Division of the AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. G7 District of Cairo, and will be commanded by Brigadier-General John A. McClernand. The Third Brigade will consist of the Eighth Wisconsin, Forty-ninth Illinois, Twenty-fifth Indiana, four companies of artillery, and such troops as are yet to arrive. Brigadier-General E. A. Paine commanding. The Fourth Brigade will be composed of the Tenth, Sixteenth, Twenty- second, and Thirty-third Illinois, and the Tenth Iowa Infantry ; Hou- taling's battery of Light Artillery, four companies of the Seventh and two companies of the First Illinois Cavalry. Colonel Morgan com- manding. General E. A. Paine is assigned to the command of Cairo and Mound City, and Colonel Morgan to the command at Bird's Point. By order of U. S. Grant, Brig.- Gen. Commanding. John A. Rawlins, A. A.-G. A subsequent order placed General E. A. Paine in com- mand at Cairo. This order having been publicly announced, if it even fell into the hands of the rebels — and there was but little doubt that such would be the case — would give them the idea that the above were all the troops that comprised the forces under General Grant ; whereas the divisions then organizing under Generals C. F. Smith and Lewis Wallace, at the posts of Paducah and Smithland, are not mentioned at all. General Grant, having secured his base, left Cairo on the night of February 2d, and, with Generals McClernand and Smith's Divisions, soon after began moving from Paducah upon Fort Henry, a defensive Avork erected near the border- line of the States of Kentucky and Tennessee, on the east side of the Tennessee River, so as to command the stream at that point. The gunboats had also advanced up that river from the Ohio, and at about half-past eleven o'clock, on the morning of February 6, 1862, opened fire upon the works. After about two hours and a quarter's engagement, the rebels, finding their retreat cut off by the Union troops in the rear, lowered their flag, and the work and garrison 68 GENERAL GRANT surrendered before the military forces were called into action. General Grant, however, arrived at the fort with- in an hour after it had capitulated, when Commodore Foote gave up the post and his prisoners into the hands of the military.* General Grant, as a conqueror, possessed the virtue and true nobleness of character which plainly set forth the imprint of the hero. The captured General Tighlman thus speaks of him in his report to the rebel authorities : Fort Henry, February 9, 1862. Colonel W. W. Mackall, A. A.- General, C. S. A., Bowling Green : Sir : — Through the courtesy of Brigadier-General U. S. Grant, com- manding Federal forces, I am permitted to communicate with you in relation to the result of the action between the fort under my command at this place, and the Federal gunboats, on yesterday. At eleven o'clock and forty minutes, on yesterday morning, the enemy engaged the fort with seven gunboats, mounting fifty-four guns. I prompt- ly returned their fire, with the eleven guns from Fort Henry bearing on the river. The action was maintained with great bravery by the force under my command until ten minutes before two p. si., at which time I had but four guns fit for service. At five minutes before two, finding it impossible to maintain the fort, and wishing to spare the lives of the gallant men under my command, and on consultation with my officers, I surrendered the fort. Our casualties are small. The effect of our shot was severely felt by the enemy, whose superior and overwhelming force alone gave them the advantage. The surrender of Fort Henry involves that of Captain Taylor, Lieu- tenant "Watts, Lieutenant "Weller, and one other officer of artillery ; Cap- tains Hayden and Miller, of the engineers ; Captains H. L. Jones and McLaughlin, Quartermaster's Department; A. A.-General McConnico and myself, with some fifty privates and twenty sick, together with all the munitions of war in and about the fort. I communicate this result with deep regret, but feel that I performed ray whole duty in the defence of my post. * It will be seen by reference to General Grant's report and order for battle, that the disposition of the troops was perfectly satisfac- tory, and must have secured a victory, even if the gunboats had not accom- plished that object. AXD HIS CAMPAIGN'S. 69 I take occasion to bear testimony to the gallantry of the officers and men under my command. They maintained their position with consum- mate bravery, as long as there was any hope of success. I aUo take great pleasure in acknowledging the courtesies and consideration shown by Briga- dier-General U. S. Grant and Commodore Foote, and the' officers under their coramand. I have the honor to remain, very respectfully, Tour obedient servant, Lloyd Tighlman, Brig.- Gen. C. S. A. The reduction of Fort Henry was but a portion of the grand work that was to be accomplished ; therefoi'e, Gene- ral Grant had no time to waste in sitting and contempla- ting the result of his movements, even if he had so wished. Heat once ordered all available, troops in his district to be sent to his command, and on the morning of the 11th of February, re-enforcements left Cairo, under orders to join him on the strip of Kentucky land which lies between the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers. Having properly disposed of these troops, in brigades and divisions, he placed the latter under the command of the following generals : First Division, Acting Major-General J. A. McClernand. Second Division, Acting Major-General C. F. Smith. Third Division, Acting Major-General Lewis Wallace. The last-mentioned division assembled at Smithland, and moved from that place towards the objective point. On the evening of February 11th, General Grant issued the following important order : Head-Quarters, District op Cairo, Fort Henry, Tenn., Feb. 11, 186?. [General Field Orders, No. 12.] The troops designated in General Field Orders No. 9 will move to- morrow, as speedily as possible, in the following order: One brigade of the First Division will move by the Telegraph road di- rectly upon Fort Donelson, halting for further orders at a distance of two 70 GEXEEAL GEATsT miles from the fort. The other brigades of the First Division will move by the Dover Ridge road, and halt at the same distance from the fort, and throw out troops so as to form a continuous line between the two wings. The two brigades of the Second Division, now at Fort Henry, will follow as rapidly as practicable, by the Dover road, and will be followed by the troops from Fort Heiman, as fast as they can be ferried across the river. One brigade of the Second Division should be thrown into Dover to cut off oil retreat by the river, if found practicable to do so. The force of the enemy being so variously reported, it is impossible to give exact details of attack ; but the necessary orders will be given on the field. By order of Brig.-Gen. U. S. Grant, Commanding. John A. Rawlins A. A.-G. In accordance with the above order, the troops moved from Fort Henry on the morning of February 12, and being Avell started, were soon followed by General Grant and staff. The troops moved rapidly, and by noon the ad- vance of the First Division came upon the rebel outposts and drove in the pickets. General Grant soon got his troops into line of battle, and, to prevent the enemy from holding the high ground, ordered the hills to be occupied by our forces. The movement was made in line of battle order, and gallantly executed — the men pushing forward with even front through brush, over brooks and fences, until the desired point had been reached — speaking volumes for their drill and discipline. Reconnoitring forces were sent out and slight skirmish- ing ensued ; but after the woods had been thoroughly scoured, it was soon ascertained that all the enemy's main forces were in General Grant's front. The proper dispositions were made of the troops ; the First Division forming the right of the extended line, the extreme right resting on Dover, while the Second Division AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 71 occupied the left, its extreme extending to a creek on the north of the fort. In this order they passed the night, without any disturbance worthy of mention. On the morning of the 13th of February, the gunboat Carondelet, under the direction of General Grant, approach- ed the fort by the Cumberland River, and an engagement, which lasted two hours, ensued, when the boat was with- drawn. The object of this attack was to give time for the other gunboats and the troops belonging to the Third Division to arrive by way of the river. The gunboats and troops having joined General Grant, preparations w T ere made to attack the rebel works by a concerted action of both the military and naval forces. At two o'clock on February 14th, the gunboats moved up the river and received the fire of the batteries. The water battery was silenced and the gunners driven from their position ; but the plunging shots from the upper batteries having crippled the flag-ship, by shattering her wheel and pilot-house, and otherwise injuring the other vessels, Com- modore Foote ordered a withdrawal from the action. And thus ended the contest on the 14th. General Grant now determined to thoroughly invest the fort, and either reduce it by siege, or wait until the gun- boats could be repaired. A change, for that purpose, was therefore made in the disposition of the troops. A sortie of the enemy the next morning, however, caused General Grant somewhat to alter his plans of operation. On the morning of the 15th, a heavy body of rebel troops attacked the extreme right of General Grant's line. The suddenness of the attack, as well as the overpowering numbers of the enemy on that particular portion of the line, caused the Union troops to give way, after a very Stubborn resistance, and the rebels captured two batteries of artillery. Re-enforcements were soon sent up by the 72 GENERAL GRANT general in command, and after a desperate struggle, in which ':oth armies displayed great bravery and endurance, all the captured guns but three were retaken. The rebels were then also re-enforced, and made a renewed and violent attack upon the wearied troops, who were again compelled to give way. On rushed the enemy, with fright- ful yells, flanking the Union forces, with every prospect of final success. Other Union regiments were then brought into action ; but, by mistake, they took their friends for the enemy, and caused some serious loss in one of the wearied regiments, thus increasing the confusion. An- other Union brigade was brought into action, with similar results ; but the rebels had so concentrated their forces that the new arrivals also had to fall back. On another part of the line, in obedience to General Grant's orders, the Union troops had driven back the enemy with great gallantry ; but, in spite of this success, the day appeared to be lost ; and, although to ordinary ob- servers the prospect was dreary, General Grant seemed to perceive a most encouraging future. The reports of the various commanders were handed in to him at his head-quarters, and on comparing them he said to one of his staff: " Good ! we have them now exactly where we want them." General Grant then ordered General C. F. Smith to make a strong assault on the left of the line, and to carry the position, no matter at what sacrifice. He also directed certain movements on the right, with the in- tention of not only recovering the lost ground, but also to gain a solid position in front of the enemy's works. General Smith carried out his orders with praiseworthy gallantry, and the position was gained, after a verydespe rate struggle. The column of attack moved forward with- out firing a gun, charged desperately upon the works, and drove the rebels out of them at the point of the bayonet. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 73 It was a brave assault, and reflects honor on every man engaged in it. The position was occupied, and the flag of the United States waved over the works ; but the loss with which it was purchased was enormous. The success, however, which attended the assault, inspired the troops with both hope and courage, and all along the lines rang the wildest shouts of enthusiasm. The heights were all carried by storm ; and when the day ended, notwithstanding the disas- ters that had attended the contest in the morning, the Union army held a better position than they had ever had before. The soldiers again slept on their arms, with the intention of renewing the attack at daybreak ; but the morning sun found a flag of truce waving over the enemy's works. The rebels wished to treat for a surrender. The following correspondence then passed between the commanding generals of the contending«armies : general buckner to general grant. Head-Quarters, Fort Donelson, February 16, 1862. Sir : — In consideration of all the circumstances governing the present situation of affairs at this station, I propose to the commanding officer of the Federal forces the appointment of commissioners to agree upon terms of capitulation of the forces and fort under my command, and in that view suggest an armistice until twelve o'clock to-day. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, S. B. Buckner, Brig. -Gen. G. S. A. To Brigadier-General Grant, commanding the United States forces near Fort Donelson To the bearer of this dispatch General Buckner gave the following orders : Head-Quarters, Fort Donelson, February 16, 1862. Major Cashy will take or send by an officer, to the nearest picket oi the enemy, the accompanying communication to General Grant, and re- 4 74 GENERAL GRANT quest information of the point where future communication may reach him ; also inform him that my head-quarters will be, for the present, in Dover. S. B. Buckner, Brigadier- General. Ilave the white flag hoisted on Fort Donelson, not on the battery. S. B. Buckner, Brigadier- General. The communication reached General Grant in due course of time ; but it did not take him long to make up his mind as to his reply. In a few minutes, the following document was placed in the hands of the bearer of General Buckner's message : Head-Quarters, Army in the field, Camp near Donelson, Feb. 16, 1862. To General S. B. Buckner, Confederate Army : Yours of this date, proposing an armistice and appointment of com- missioners to settle terms of capitulation, is just received. No terms other than an unconditional and immediate surrender can be accepted. 1 propose to move immediately upon your works. I am, sir, very respectfully your obedient servant, U. S. Grant, Brig.- Gen. U. S. A., Commanding. The reply was far from a pleasing one to the rebel com- mander ; but, on looking around his position, he found he could not stand another assault, and his followers were anxious for a cessation of the strife. He therefore sent the following acceptation of General Grant's terms of capitulation : Head-Quarters, Dover, Tennessee, February 16, 1862. To Brigadier-General U. S. Grant, U. S. A. : Sir: — The distribution of the forces uider my command, incident to an unexpected change of commanders, and the overwhelming force under your command, compel me, notwithstanding the brilliant success of the Confederate arms yesterday, to accept the ungenerous and unchivalrous terms which you propose. I am, sir, your very obedient servant, S. B. Buckner, Brig.- Gen. C. S. A. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 75 And thus fell into the hands of General Grant and his army, the whole of the forces that garrisoned the works of Forts Henry and Donelson, with the exception of one small brigade of rebel troops, which escaped during the night with Generals Floyd and Pillow. The troops under the former general were stationed in the extreme rear of the works ; and when it was ascertained that the day was certainly lost, the two generals, with this brigade, left General Buckner to please himself, as to whether he would run, fight, or surrender. The rebel loss in the surrender of Fort Henry, was the commander, General Tighlman, his staff, and about sixty men, the rest of the garrison having moved to support the troops at Fort Donelson. At Fort Donelson the rebels lost General Buckner, over thirteen thousand prisoners, three thousand horses, forty-eight field-pieces, seventeen heavy guns, twenty thousand stand of arms, and a large quantity of commissary stores. The rebels killed in the last engagement were 231, and wounded, 1,007, some of whom were prisoners. The Union loss was 446 killed, 1,735 wounded, and 150 prisoners. The Union troops having to fight in an open field, against the works of the rebels, ac- counts for the disparity of numbers in killed and wounded. Two regiments of rebel Tennesseeans, who had been or- dered to re-enforce the garrison at Fort Donelson, marched into that work on the day after the capitulation, being un- aware of its capture. They went along with their colors flying and their bands playing, and were allowed to enter the camp without any warning as to the character nnd nationality of those who held it in possession. The whole force (1,475 men and officers) were at once captured. The result of this campaign was far more valuable than 76 GENERAL GRANT would at the first sight appear. The rebel line, at this par- ticular part of the country, may be said to have extended from Columbus to Bowling Green, Ky., a distance of one hundred and twenty miles, with the extreme points of each wing resting on those two places, which had been strongly fortified. The reduction of Forts Henry and Donelson, and the opening of the rivers at this point broke the cen- tre or backbone of this whole line, and, as a natural se- quence, the wings had to fall. In a few days after, both Bowling Green and Columbus were in the possession of the Union troops, the rebels having evacuated those de- fences. When the victory was telegraphed to Washington,* the following words were added to the dispatch : " The United States flag now waves over Tennessee. It shall never be removed." * The following was the report of Gen. Cullum : Cairo, February IT, 1862. To Major-General McClellan : The Union flag floats over Fort Donelson. The Carondelet, Capt. Walke, brings the glorious intelligence. The fort surrendered at nine o'clock yesterday (Sunday) morning. Gen. Buckner and about fifteen thousand prisoners, and a large amount of materiel of war, are the trophies of the victory. Loss heavy on both sides. Floyd, the thief, stole away during the night previous, with five thou- sand men, and is denounced by the rebels as a traitor. I am happy to inform you, that Flag-Officer Foote, though suffering with his foot, with the noble characteristic of our navy, notwithstanding his disability, will take up immediately two gun-boats, and with the eight mortar-boats, which he will overtake, will make an immediate attack on Clarksville, if the state of the weather will permit. "We are now firing a national sa- lute from Fort Cairo, General Grant's late post, in honor of the glorious achievement. [Signed] Geo. "W. Cullum, Brig.- Gen. Vols, and U. S, A. and Chief of Staff and Engineers. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 11 For this victorious campaign General Grant was at once nominated for, and received the confirmation of the appoint- ment of major-general of volunteers, to date from the day of the surrender of Fort Donelson, February 16, 1862. The following is a very amusing incident connected with General Grant's victory on the rivers Tennessee and Cum- berland : Several rumors had appeared in the newspaper press, and had otherwise been publicly proclaimed, that General Grant was in the habit of getting intoxicated. This idea may have arisen from his slovenly mode of attiring himself, or from some other equally unreliable cause. The friends of the Illinois troops under General Grant's command, being anxious for their safety, selected a delegation to visit General Halleck, and have Grant removed. " You see, General," said the spokesman, " we have a number of Illinois volunteers under General Grant, and it is not safe that their lives should be intrusted to the care of a man who so constantly indulges in intoxicating liquors. Who knows what blunders he may commit ?" " Well, gentlemen," said General Halleck, " I am satisfied with General Grant, and I have no doubt you also soon will be." While the deputation were staying at the hotel, the news arrived of the capture of Fort Donelson and thirteen thou- sand prisoners. General Halleck posted the intelligence himself on the hotel bulletin, and as he did so he remarked, loud enough for all to hear : " If General Grant is such a drunkard as he is reported to be, and can win such victories as these, I think it is my duty to issue an order that any man found sober in St. Louis to-night shall be punished with fine and imprison- ment." The people of St. Louis took the hint, and nearly all, that 18 GENERAL GRANT night, entered into the spirit of jollification. The tempe- rance delegation from Illinois were not behind their neigh- bors in celebrating the occasion, and with whiskey too.* * It is scarcely necessary to contradict a charge of drunkenness made against so successful a general as Grant ; but it may not be out of place to quote the following extract from a private letter from one of his staff officers to a friend in New York: "I have seen it stated in the public prints that General Grant is a drunkard. I have seen him in every phase of his military life, and I can assert that the accusation is false. I have been in the same tent with him at all hours of the day and night, and I never knew him to be under the influence of liquor, or any thing even approaching to it. I do not know what bis former life may have been, but I do know that now ho is a temperate man." I AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 79 CHAPTER IX. DISTRICT OF WEST TENNESSEE. Tiie operations of the early part of February, 1862, had brought General Grant and his army into the State of Ten- nessee, and to enable him to act with promptitude and suc- cess, it became necessary to increase his line of operations. Therefore, on the 14th clay of February, General Halleck issued an order creating the new district of West Tennessee, to embrace all the country between the Tennessee and Mississippi Rivers, to the Mississippi State line, and Cairo, making the head-quarters temporarily at Fort Donelson, or wherever the general might be. The first order issued by General Grant, after the as- sumption of the command of that district, was a con- gratulatory order to his troops on their late victory. The order was worded as follows : Head-Quarters, District op West Tennessee, Fort Donelson, February 17, 1S62. [General Order No. 2.] The general commanding takes great pleasure in congratulating the troops of this command for the triumph over rebellion, gained by their valor, on the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth instant. For four successive nights, without shelter, during the most inclement ■weather known in this latitude, they faced an enemy in large force, in a position chosen by himself. Though strongly fortified by nature, all the additional safeguards suggested by science were added. Without a murmur this was borne, prepared at all times to receive an attack, and, with continuous skirmishing by day, resulting ultimately in forcing tho enemy to surrender without conditions. 80 GEXERAL GRA3TT The victory achieved is not only great in the effect it will have in breaking down rebellion, but has secured the greatest number of prison- ers of war ever taken in any battle on this continent. Port Donelson will hereafter be marked in capitals on the map of our United Country, and the men who fought the battle will live in the memory of a grateful people. By order, U. S. Grant, Brig.- Gen. Commanding. Although one of the principal objects of the campaign — the reopening of the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers — had been accomplished, General Grant did not allow his forces to remain long idle. After Fort Donelson had been reduced, the gunboats, under Commodore Foote, were pushed up the Cumberland River, while, at the same time, a co-operating land force, consisting of a division of Gen- eral Grant's army, marched along the western bank. On the 20th of February, the town of Clarksville was taken, without a fight ; and at this depot were found supplies enough for subsisting General Grant's army for twenty days. The place was at once garrisoned and held, while the gunboats moved still further up the river, to open the way for the army of the Ohio to occupy Nashville. The Union army had by this time advanced some dis- tance into the territory of the rebels ; and it became neces- sary, in order to protect the morale as well as the persons of those composing that army, that a most rigid discipline should be exacted, and a searching law imposed upon all, both friend and foe. General Grant, therefore, appended to his army orders of February 22d, the following: Head-Quarters, District op "West Tennessee, Fort Donelson, Tenn., Feb. 22, 1862. [General Orders, M. 1.~\ [Extract.'] Tennessee, by her rebellion, having ignored all laws of the United States, no courts will be allowed to act under State authority ; but all AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 81 cases coming -within the. reach of the military arm, -will be adjudicated by the authorities the government has established within the State. Martial law is, therefore, declared to extend over West Tennessee. "Whenever a sufficient number of citizens return to their allegiance to maintain law and order over the territory, the military restriction here indicated will be removed. By order of Major-General TJ. S. Grant. J. A. Rawlins, A. A. G. In addition to the above, General Grant also caused the following order from the head of the department, to be read at dress parade : Head-Quarters, District op West Tennessee, February, 1862. The following order from the commander of the department is pub- lished for the information of this command : Head-Quarters, Department of Missouri, St. Louis, February 23. The major-general commanding this department desires to impress upon all officers the importance of preserving good order and discipline among these troops and the armies of the West, during their advance into Tennessee and the Southern States. Let us show to our fellow-citizens of these States, that we come merely to crush out this rebellion, and to restore to them peace and the benefits of the Constitution and the Union, of which they have been deprived by selfish and unprincipled leaders. They have been told that we come to oppress and plunder. By our acts we will undeceive them. We will prove to them that we come to restore, not violate, the Constitution and the laws. In restoring to them the glorious flag of the Union, we will assure them that they shall enjoy, under its folds, the same protection of life and property as in former days. Soldiers ! Let no excesses on your part tarnish the glory of our arms ! The orders heretofore issued from this department in regard to pillaging, marauding, and the destruction of private property, and the stealing and concealment oi' slaves, must be strictly enforced. It does not belong to the military to decide upon the relation of master and slave. Such questions must be settled by the civil courts. No fugitive slave will, therefore, be admitted within our lines or camps, except when especially ordered by the general commanding. Women and children, merchants, 4* 82 GENERAL GRANT farmers, and all persons not in arms, are to he regarded as non-combatants, and are not to be molested, either in their persons or property. If, however, they assist and aid the enemy, they become belligerents, and will be treated as such. As they violate the laws of war, they will be made to suffer the penalties of such violation. Military stores and public property of the enemy must be surrendered; and any attempt to conceal such property by fraudulent transfer or other- wise will be punished. But no private property will be touched, unless by order of the general commanding. Whenever it becomes necessary, forced contributions for supplies and subsistence for our troops will be made. Such levies will be made as light as possible, and be so distributed as to produce no distress among the people. All property so taken must be receipted fully and accepted for as heretofore directed. These orders will be read at the head of every regiment, and all officera are commanded strictly to enforce them. By command of Major-General Halleck. "W. H. McLean, Adjutant- General. By order of Major-General U. S. Grant. J. A. Rawlins, A. A. G. It will thus be seen, that, although strict martial law was to be exacted, aud every effort made to crush the rebellion, still non-combatants were to be respected in their persons and property. After Nashville had been occupied, the gunboats were taken down the Cumberlaud River for farther operations ; and, among others, a reconnoissance was made up the Ten- nessee River, as far as the northern State lines of Missis- sippi and Alabama. It was ascertained by the officers of the fleet, that along the banks of this river the Union feel ing was strongly manifested, and that the gunboats were welcomed with enthusiasm. It was also discovered that no large rebel force was concentrated near the river itself, and that a base of operations might be established near the borders of the southern Tennessee State line. In conse- quence of this discovery, General Grant removed his head- quarters to Fort Henry, on the Tennessee River, whero AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 83 he began fitting out his expedition for operations at a dis- tance of about one hundred miles further up that stream. About this time another very strong effort was made, by- General Grant's detractors, to get him removed, and it was even reported that he had been deprived of his command. Subsequent events explained the origin of the rumor, in the fact that General C. F. Smith had been placed in com- mand of the troops in the field, while General Grant was still kept at Fort Henry, organizing and fitting out the forces with which he was about to operate. The advance troops were sent by transports up the Tennessee River, to Savan- nah, Tennessee, and while en route, and even after disem- barking, General Smith held the command until the arrival of General Grant at that place.* On the 11th of March, 1862, General Grant, while at Fort Henry, was presented with a handsome sword, by the regimental commanding officers. The handle of the sword was made of ivory, mounted with gold, and the blade was of the finest tempered steel. Two scabbards were attach- ed to the sword, the service one being of fine gilt, while the parade scabbard was of rich gilt, mounted at the band. The sword was enclosed in a fine rosewood case, and ac * The Florence (Ala.) Gazette, of March 12, 1862, had the following ver7 significant article : ""We learned yesterday that the Unionists had landed a very largo force at Savannah, Tenn. "We suppose they are making preparations to get possession of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad. They must never be allowed to get this great thoroughfare in their possession, for then we would indeed be crippled. The labor and untiring industry of too many faithful and energetic men have been expended on this road to bring it up to its present state of usefulness, to let it fall into the hands of the enemy to bo used against us. It must be protected. We, as a peo- ple, are able to protect and save it. If unavoidable, let them have our river; but we hope it is the united sentiment of our people, thai wc will have our railroad." 84 GENERAL GRANT companied by a suitable sash and belt. The inscription on the sword was very simple, being merely : " Presented to General U. S. Grant, by G. W. Graham, C. B. Lagow, C. C. Marsh, and John Cook, 1862." While the Tennessee operations were thus being carried out, General Grant was not unmindful of the fact that he had the enemy's forces scattered about at posts nearer home. He, therefore, sent expeditions and reconnoitring parties in all directions ; and on the 12th of March, 1862, one por- tion of his forces, consisting of artillery and cavalry, at- tacked the enemy's works which were located at a point about a mile and a half west of Paris, and commanding the various roads leading to that place. The rebels were driven out, with a loss of about one hundred killed, wounded, and prisoners, and the Union forces occupied the works. As the tendency of the movements of the different ar- mies of the West was towards the mouth of the Mississippi River and the Gulf, it became necessary that one chief should have the direction of the whole, so as to cause the combinations to take place at the proper time. Such being the case, a new department was created, to be known as the " Department of the Mississippi," which embraced all the country west of a line drawn noi'th and south through Knoxville, as far as Kansas and the Indian Territory, and running north to the lakes. Of this large department General Grant commanded a very important district. The enemy also began concentrating a large force in the Southwest, under General Albert Sydney Johnston, and of this force, General P. G. T. Beauregard commanded the troops which constituted the rebel army of the valley of the Mississippi. The head-quarters of this army were loca- ted at Corinth, Mississippi, with the intention of holding the line of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad ; of pre- AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 85 venting any advance of the Union forces below the line of the Tennessee River ; and, also, for the purpose of having a force ready to move into Kentucky and across the Ohio River, if an opportunity should occur for so doing. The Mississippi River was also blockaded, by fortified positions, at Island No. 10, and other points above Memphis, and at Vicksburg, New Orleans, etc., below that city. It was, therefore, considered certain by the rebels, that Corinth could not be attacked by the way of the Mississippi, and they determined to mass their forces to resist the advance of Grant's army from the Tennessee River. As the remainder of the troops under General Grant passed up the river, they encamped at Savannah and Pitts- burg Landing, which positions were at a distance of about twenty miles from the rebel stronghold at Corinth. On the 15th of March, 1862, the troops belonging to the Third Division of Grant's army advanced from Savannah, Tennessee, into McNairy County, and struck the line of the Jackson (Tenn.) and Corinth Railroad, at Purdy, where they burned the railroad bridge, and tore up the track for a long distance. This movement prevented a train, heavily laden with rebel troops, from passing over that line from Jackson, the cars arriving shortly after the bridge was de- stroyed. As the rebels held the road between Jackson and Grand Junction, thence to Corinth, the concentration of the rebel army was not prevented, but only delayed, by the destruction of this part of the line. 86 GENERAL GRANT CHAPTER X. PITTSBURG LANDING, OR SHILOH. The rebel forces which had concentrated at Corinth, about the 1st of April, 1862, were supposed to number, at least, forty-five thousand men, under General A. S. Johns- ton, commanding department; General P. G.T.Beauregard, commanding army at Corinth ; and Generals Bragg, Har- dee, Breckinridge, and Polk, in command of divisions. It was also expected, by General Johnston, that the forces under Generals Van Dorn and Price would have reached them within a few days, which re-enforcement would have swollen his numbers to at least seventy thousand. General Grant's forces had, by this time, been nearly all brought together at Pittsburg Landing, Savannah, and other places within reach, — the cavalry pickets occupying the outposts of the army. On the evening of April 2, 1862, the Union videttes of the Third Division, who had been stationed at Crump's Landing, were driven in, and a sharp skirmish ensued, dur- ing which several were wounded and a few taken prisoners. The next day, April 3d, the rebel commanding general issued the following order : Soldiers of the Army of the Mississippi: I have put you in motion to offer battle to the invaders of your country, with the resolution and discipline and valor becoming men, fighting, as you are, for. all worth living or dying for. You can but march to a decisive victory over agrarian mercenaries, sent to subjugate and despoil you of your liberties, property, and honor. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 87 Remember the precious stake involved ; remember the dependence of your mothers, your wives, your sisters, and your children, on the result. Remember the fair, broad, abounding lands, the happy homes, that will be desolated by your defeat. The eyes and hopes of eight million people rest upon you. You are expected to show yourselves worthy of your valor and courage, worthy of the women of the South, whose noble devotion in this war, has never been exceeded in anytime. With such incentives to brave deeds, and with trust that God is with us, your general will lead you confidently to the combat, assured of success. By order of General A. S. Johnstox, Commanding. The rebel army of the Mississippi was then divided into three army corps, and was commanded as follows : Commanding- General, General Albert Sydney Johnston. Second in Command, General P. G. T. Beauregard. First Army Corps, Lieutenant-General L. Polk. Second Army Corps, Lieutenant-General Braxton Bragg. Third Army Corps, Lieutenant-General W. J. Hardee. Reserves, Major-General G. B. Crittenden. Against this force, Major-General Grant had but a small army in comparison, consisting of five divisions. The or- ganization of this army was as follows : Commanding-General, Major-General IT. S. Grant. First Division, Major-General J. A. McClernand. Second Division, Brigadier-General W. H. L. "Wallace. Third Division, Major-General Lewis Wallace. Fourth Division, Brigadier-General S. A. Hurlburt. Fifth Division, Brigadier-General W. T. Sherman. On the evening of April 4th, the rebels made a recon- noissance with two regiments, and found the Union troop£ ready to receive them. A very slight skirmish ensued, after which the rebels retired, as they did not wish to bring on a general engagement, for the simple reason that the expected forces under. Van Dorn and Price, had not arrived. At the same time that the " Battle of Shiloh" or Pitts- burg Landing, was opened by the main body of the rebels, 8S GENERAL GRANT a force of rebel cavalry made a dash upon the position held by the Third Division of Grant's army, at Adamsville, a vil- lage situated at about half way between Savannah and Purely- This dash was made to prevent General Wallace from rendering any assistance to General Grant's forces at Pittsburg Landing. Having thus glanced at the position of affairs previous to the opening of the battle of Shiloh, it will plainly be seen that the rebels held a great advantage over the Unionists, even without the assistance of Van Dorn and Price. Johnston and Beauregard had resolved to attack Grant before Buell should join him, for those rebel generals were perfectly aware that Buell was advancing from Nashville for that purpose. The rebel commanders had set apart April 5th, for the clay of attack ; but in consequence of the non-arri- val of Price and Van Dorn's forces, they had resolved to wait one day longer. This gave General Buell further time to reach Grant ; and, doubtless, saved the country from an irretrievable disaster, which must have been the result, had the re-enforcements not arrived, in spite of all General Grant could have done. A decisive defeat here would have been a crushing blow to the success of the Union, and would have been a sad reward to General Grant for the bravery manifested by him on the field. At an early hour on Sunday morning, April 6, 1862, the Union pickets were driven in, and the rebel sharpshoot- ers began picking off the officers. At about eight o'clock in the morning, heavy masses of rebel infantry were to be seen advancing on the front, and the Union troops were ready to receive them. There was no surprise; but a steady advance of men in overwhelming numbers, and with an apparent determination to attack with thaareatest des- peration. The Union troops fought well, and tell back foot by foot, until they reached the river. They were closely fol- AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 89 lowed in their retreat by the rebel forces, who seemed to gather more energy and desperation when they found the Union troops were falling back. The following account from an eye-witness, being the first published of this terrific battle, will be found of great interest, inasmuch as it was the most complete, as well as the first, epitome of the contest, that found its way into print : THE FIRST DAY'S STRUGGLE. Pittsburg, via Fort Henry, April 9th, 3.20 A. Jt. One of the greatest and bloodiest battles of modern days has just closed, resulting in the complete rout of the enemy, who attacked us at daybreak Sunday morning. The battle lasted, without intermission, during the entire day, and was again renewed on Monday morning, and continued undecided until four o'clock in the afternoon, when the enemy commenced their retreat, and are still flying towards Corinth, pursued by a large force of our cavalry. The slaughter on both sides is immense. We have lost in killed, wounded, and missing, from eighteen to twenty thousand ; that of the enemy is estimated, at from thirty-five to forty thousand. It is impoFsible, in the present confused state of affairs, to ascertain any of the details ; I, therefore, give you the best account possible from observation, having passed through the storm of action during the two days that it raged. The fight was brought on by a body of three hundred of the Twenty- fifth Missouri Regiment, of General Prentiss's Division, attacking the advance guard of the rebels, which were supposed to be the pickets of the enemy in front of our camps. t The rebels immediately advanced on General Prentiss's Division on tho left wing, pouring volley after volley of musketry, and riddling our camps with grape, canister, and shell. Our forces soon formed into line and returned their fire vigorously. By the time we were prepared to receive them, the rebels had turned their heaviest fire on the left cen- tre, Sherman's Division, and drove our men back from their camps; then, bringing up a fresh force, opened fire on our left wing, under General McClernand. This fire was returned with terrible effect and determined 90 GENEEAL GEAIST spirit by both infantry and artillery, along the whole line, for a distance of over four miles. General Hurlburt's division was thrown forward to support the centre, when a desperate conflict ensued. The rebels were driven back with terrible slaughter, but soon rallied and drove back our meu in turn. From about nine o'clock, the time your correspondent arrived on the field, until night closed on the bloody scene, there was no determination of the result of the struggle. The rebels exhibited remarkably good gen- eralship. At times engaging the left, with apparently their whole strength, they would suddenly open a terrible and destructive fire on the right or centre. Even our heaviest and most destructive fire upon the enemy did not appear to discourage their solid columns. The fire of Major Taylor's Chicago Artillery raked them down in scores, but the smoke would no sooner be dispersed than the breach would again be filled. The most desperate fighting took place late in the afternoon. The rebels knew that, if they did not succeed in whipping us then, their chances for success would be extremely doubtful, as a portion of General Buell's forces had by this time arrived on the opposite side of the river, and another portion was coming up the river from Savannah. They be- came aware that we were being re-enforced, as they could see General Buell's troops from the river bank, a short distance above us on the left, to which point they had forced their way. At five o'clock the rebels had forced our left wing back so as to occupy fully two-thirds of our camp, and were fighting their way forward with a desperate degree of confidence in their efforts to drive us into the river, and at the same time heavily engaged our right. Up to this time we had received no re-enforcements, General Lewis "Wallace failing to come to our support until the day was over. Being without other transports than those used for quartermaster's and com- missary stores, which were too heavily laden to ferry any considerable nunAer of General Buell's forces across the river, and the boats that were here having been sent to bring up the troops from Savannah, we could not even get those men to us who were so near, and anxiously waiting to take part in the struggle. We were, therefore, contesting against fearful odds, our force not exceeding thirty-eight thousand men, while that of the enemy v;asupicards of sixty thousand. Our condition at this moment was extremely critical. Large numbers Of men panic struck, others worn out by hard fighting, with the average AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 91 percentage of skulkers, had straggled towards the river, and could not be rallied. General Grant and staff, who had been recklessly riding along the lines during the entire day, amid the unceasing storm of bullets, grape, and shell, now rode from right to left, inciting the men to stand firm until our re-en- forcements could cross the river. Colonel "Webster, Chief of Staff, immediately got into position the heaviest pieces of artillery, pointing on the enemy's right, while a large number of the batteries were planted along the entire line, from the river bank northwest to our extreme right, some two and a half miles distant. About an hour before dusk a general cannonading was opened upon the enemy, from along our whole line-, with a perpetual crack of musketry. Such a roar of artillery was never heard on this continent. For a short time the rebels replied with vigor and effect, but their return shots grew less frequent and destructive, while ours grew more rapid and more terrible. The gunboats Lexington and Tyler, which lay a short distance off, kept raining shell on the rebel hordes. This last effort was too much for the enemy, and ere dusk had set in the firing had nearly ceased, when, night coming on, all the combatants rested from their awful work of blood and carnage. Our men rested on their arms in the position they had at the close of the night, until the forces under Major-General Lewis Wallace arrived and took position on the right, and General Buell's forces from the opposite side and Savannah, were being conveyed to the battle-ground. The en- tire right of General Nelson's division was ordered to form on the right, and the forces under General Crittenden were ordered to his support early in the morning. THE SECOXD DAY'S BATTLE. General Buell, having himself arrived on Sunday evening, on the morn- ing of Monday, April 7th, the ball was opened at daylight, simultaneously by Genenjl Nelson's division on the left, and Major-General Wallace's division on the right. General Nelson's force opened up a most galling fire on the rebels, and advanced rapidly as they fell back. The fire soon became general along the whole line, and began to tell with terrible effect on the enemy. Generals McClernand, Sherman, and Hurlburt's men, though terribly jaded from the previous day's fighting, still main- tained their honors won at Donelson ; but the resistance of the rebels at all points of the attack was terrible, and worthy of a better cause. 92 GENERAL GRANT But they were not enough for our undaunted bravery, and the dread- ful desolation produced by our artillery, which was sweeping them away like chaff before the wind. But knowing that a defeat here would be the death-blow to their hopes, and that their all depended on this great struggle, their generals still urged them on in the face of destruction, hoping by flankiag us on the right to turn the tide of battlo. Their success was again for a time cheering, as they began to gain ground on us, appearing to have been re-enforced; but our left, under General Nelson, was driving them, and with wonderful rapidity, and by eleven o'clock Gen- eral Buell' s forces had succeeded in flanking them, and capturing their batteries of artillery. They, however, again rallied on the left, and recrossed, and the right forced themselves forward in another desperate effort. But re-enforce- ments from General "Wood and General Thomas were coming in, regi- ment after regiment, which were sent to General Buell, who had again commenced to drive the enemy. About three o'clock in the afternoon, General Grant rode to the left where the fresh regiments had been ordered, and, finding the rebels wavering, sent a portion of his body guard to the head of each of five regiments, and then ordered a charge across the field, himself leading; and as he brandished his sword and waved them on to the crowning victory, the cannon-balls were falling like hail around him. The men followed with a shout that sounded above the roar and din of the artillery, and the rebels fled in dismay as from a destroying ava- lanche, and never made another stand. General Buell followed the retreating rebels, driving them in splendid style, and by half-past five o'clock the whole rebel army was in full re- treat to Corinth, with our cavalry in hot pursuit, with what further re- sult is not known, not having returned up to this hour. We have taken a large amount of their artillery and also a number of prisoners. We lost a number of our forces prisoners yesterday, among whom is General Prentiss. The number of our force taken has not yet been ascertained. It is reported at several hundred. General Prentiss was also reported as being wounded. Among tho killed on the rebel side, was their General-in-Chief, Albert Sydney Johnston, who was struck by a cannon-ball on the afternoon of Sunday. Of this there is no doubt, and it is further reported that General Beauregard was wounded. This afternoon, Generals Bragg, Breckinridge, and Jaekson were com- manding portions of the rebel forces. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 93 THE STTUillXG UP OF THE TWO DATS. There has never been a parallel to the gallantry and bearing of our officers, from the Commanding General to the lowest officer. General Grant and staff were in the field, riding along the lines in the thickest of the enemy's fire during the entire two days of the battle, and all slept on the ground Sunday night, during a heavy rain. On several occasions General Grant got within range of the enemy's guns and was discovered and fired upon. Lieutenant-Colonel McPherson had his horse shot from under him when along side of General Grant. Captain Carson was between General Grant and your correspondent when a cannon-ball took off his head and killed and wounded several others. General Sherman had two horses killed under him, and General McCler- nand shared like dangers ; also General Hurlbut, each of whom received bullet holes through their clothes. * The publication of the foregoing account so soon after the battle, created a great excitement among the citizens of New York, and during the day it was telegraphed to the national capital and to other parts of the Union. The proprietor of the newspaper in which it was published, telegraphed it immediately to the President and to both Houses of Congress, in which it was read aloud. In the Lower House, Mr. Colfax, on asking leave to read the dis- patch, was greeted on all sides of the House with cries of " To the Clerk's desk." The previous noise and excite- ment subsided, and as the House listened to the brief and pregnant details of the bloody struggle which preceded the glorious victory over the concentrated strength of reb- eldom, all hearts were stilled, and the very breathing almost suppressed, till the last word of the dispatch was read. The rejoicing was great at the victory, though somewhat saddened at the price of blood with which it had been purchased. * Army Correspondence. 94 GENERAL GRANT The following extract from the official War Bulletin is complimentary to the commanding generals engaged. " War Department, "Washington, "April 9, 18G2. [Extract.'] " That the thanks of the Department are hereby given to Major-Gen- erals Grant and Buell, and their forces, for the glorious repulse of Beau- regard at Pittsburg, in Tennessee." A salute of one hundred guns was fired at Washington, in honor of this and other victories which had recently taken place. During this engagement, Major-General Grant was slightly wounded in the ankle, but not enough to prevent him from attending to his duties in the field. It will be seen by the details of the struggle that on the first day, the success seemed to be entirely on the side of the rebels, and on that ground, General Beauregard, who succeeded General Johnston, telegraphed to the rebel government as follows : Corinth, Tuesday, April 8, 1862. To the Secretary of "War, Richmond : "We have gained a great and glorious victory. Eight to ten thousand prisoners and thirty-six pieces of cannon. Buell re-enforced Grant, and we retired to our intrenchments at Corinth, which we can hold. Loss heavy on both sides. Beauregard. From the following correspondence it does not appear that the rebels could have moved about at will, or had even the consolation of a victory : Head-Quarters, Department of Mississippi, Monterey. April 8, 1862. Sir : — At the close of the conflict yesterday, my forces being exhausted by the extraordinary length of the time during which they were engaged with yours on that and the preceding day, and it being apparent that AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 95 you had received, and were stQl receiving, re-enforcements, I felt it my duty to withdraw my troops from the immediate scene of the conflict Under these circumstances, in accordance with the usages of war, I shall transmit this under a flag of truce, to ask permission to send a mounted party to the battle-field of Shiloh, for the purpose of giving de- cent interment to my dead. Certain gentlemen wishing to avail them- selves of this opportunity to remove the remains of their sons and friends, I must request for them the privilege of accompanying the burial party ; and in this connection, I deem it proper to say. I am asking what I have extended to your own countrymen under similar circumstances. Respectfully, General, your obedient servant, P. G. T. Beauregard, General Commanding. To Major-General U. S. Grant, Major- General Commanding United States Forces, Pittsburg Landing. Head-Quarters, Army in field, Pittsburg, April 9, 1862 . General P. G. T. Beauregard, Commanding Confederate Army on Mis- sissippi, Monterey, Tenn. Tour dispatch of yesterday is just received. Owing to the warmth of the weather I deemed it advisable to have all the dead of both parties buried immediately. Heavy details were made for this purpose, and it is now accomplished. There cannot, therefore, be any necessity of ad- mitting within our lines the parties you desired to send on the ground asked. I shall always be glad to extend any courtesy consistent with duty, and especially so when dictated by humanity. I am, General, respectfully, your obedient servant, TJ. S. Grant, Maj.- Gen. Commanding. On the morning of April 8th, General Sherman, the com- mander of the Fifth Division, at the head of a cavalry force and two brigades of infantry, made a reconnoissance along the Corinth road, where he found the abandoned camps of the rebels lining the roads with hospital flags for their protection. Shortly after he came upon the rebel cavalry, which, after a skirmish, was driven from the field. He then destroyed the rebel camp, including the ammunition in- tended for the rebels' guns. General Sherman found the road to Corinth strewed 96 GENERAL GRANT with abandoned wagons, ambulances, and limber-boxes, — evident sign of a hasty retreat. The enemy had succeeded in removing the guns ; but had crippled his batteries by abandoning the limber-boxes of, at least, twenty pieces. The retreat of the enemy's infantry was evidently a disor- derly one, and had not the cavalry been in great force, to protect the rear, might soon have been turned into a disas- trous rout. When the news of this battle reached St. Louis, General Ilalleck, the commander of the department, determined to take the field himself, and inquire into the real results of the "Battle of Shiloh." On his arrival at Pittsburg Landing, he issued the follow- ing order to the troops : Head-Quarters, Department op the Mississippi, Pittsburg, Tenx., April 13, 1862. I. The major-general commanding this department thanks Major- General Grant and Major-General Buell, and the officers and men of their respective commands, for the bravery and endurance with which they sustained the general attacks of the enemy on the Gth, and for the heroic manner in which, on the 7th instant, they defeated and routed the entire rebel army. The soldiers of the great West have added new laurels to those which they had already won on numerous battle-fields. III. Major-Generals Grant and Buell will retain the immediate com- mand of their respective armies in the field. By command of Major-General Halleck. N. H. McLean, A. A. G. Cavalry skirmishes still continued, at intervals, to take place along the outposts of the Union army ; but nothing important occurred until April 17, 1862, when the move- ment was made towards Corinth. ANT) HIS CAMPAIGNS. 97 CHAPTER XI. MOVEMENT AND SIEGE OF COEINTH. On the morning of April 17, 1862, a heavy cavalry force under Brigadier-General Smith, Chiof of Cavalry, was detailed to make a reconnoissance along the upper road from Pittsburg Landing to Corinth. The force arrived within two miles of Monterey without meeting any opposition. Several of the men dismounted to act as skirmishers, and steadily advanced until they discovered the exact position of a large force of the enemy, when they fell back upon the main body and returned. On April 24th, another similar reconnoissance was made under the same commander, towards an elevation known as Pea Ridge, where a rebel camp was discovered and de- stroyed, and a few prisoners taken. The operations along the Mississippi River, had also opened that highway some distance below Island No. 10, and on learning this, General Beauregard, who had assumed the sole chief command of the rebel troops, issued an ad- dress to the planters as follows : "The casualties of war have opened the Mississippi to our enemies. The time has, therefore, come to test the earnestness of all classes, and I call upon all patriotic planters owning cotton in the possible reach of our enemies, to apply the torch to it without delay or hesitation." It was thought that, by this mode of procedure, the Union troops would have less inducements to fight, as the profit of their victories would necessarily be greatly de- 5 98 GENERAL GRANT creased. In this, however, the rebels had greatly de- ceived themselves. On April 27th, Purdy, on the Jackson and Corinth Rail- road, was abandoned by the rebels, and a cavalry skirmish took place near Monterey, a village situated at about ten miles from Corinth. Several prisoners were taken, and from them it was ascertained that Beauregard was concen- trating all his available force at Corinth, which he had for- tified, and where, he stated, he was determined to make a desperate resistance. On the 29th, a similar affair took place at Monterey, the rebels losing their camp and several prisoners. A reconnoissance in force was made by the right wing of General Halleck's grand army, on April 30, 1862, to a point of the railroad four miles above Purdy, between Corinth and Jackson, Tennessee. The Union troops were met by a body of rebel cavalry, who fled to that town, closely pursued by the advancing forces. Purdy was taken possession of by the Unionists, who soon, by the destruc- tion of bridges, etc., cut off all railroad communication along that route between Corinth and Northwestern Tennessee. On this day the siege of Corinth may be said to have com- menced. General Halleck, wishing to have a force of men under him that should be invincible in the event of a battle taking place, sent for all the unemployed troops in his large department, and ordered them to be concentrated at Pitts- burg Landing, which was constituted a base of operations in the movement upon Corinth. This force he designated as the " Grand Army of the Tennessee," a special compli ment to General Grant, the commander of the original Army of the Tennessee. The " Grand Army" was divided into three armies, as follows : i AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 99 The Army of the Ohio (centre), under General Buell. The Army of the Mississippi (left), under General Pope. The Army of the Tennessee (right), under General Grant. This grand army was composed of sixteen divisions, eight of which formed the Army of the Tennessee, and were placed under the immediate command of General Grant ; four under General Pope, and four under Genera" Buell. General Grant's command was, therefore, as large as the two other armies combined, and was divided into the "right" or active wing, under General Thomas, and the " reserve" under General McClernand. About this time, an almost universal hue and cry was raised against General Grant, by the friends of those who had fallen at Donelson and Shiloh. The charges preferred against him were incapacity and inebriety, and the persons who made them had, doubtless, been stirred up by those who wished to kill the rising fame of the heroic commander. The feeling against him even found its way into the halls of Congress, and every effort was made to remove him from his command. The Hon. E. B. Wash- burne, representing, in Congress, the Galena District — the home of both General Grant and himself— promptly under- took his defence. The Governors of the Western States went down in a body to General Halleck, at Pittsburg Landing, and tried to induce him to send General Grant away from that army. But General Halleck knew his worth too well to adopt such a course. He, instead, gave him, on May 1st, a far higher position, by placing him second in command to himself over the grand army, allowing him to retain the personal command of his own special forces on the right, and of the District of the Tennessee, in which the expected battle was to be fought. 100 GENERAL GRANT General Beauregard, being advised of the manner of procedure of the Union troops, and expecting a severe bat- tle, called for all the re-enforcements he could obtain. On the 2d of May, 18G2, a strong rebel force concentrated at Corinth, and to this united command, he issued a very spirited address. Reconnoissances "were continually being sent out by the Union commanders ; and, on the 8th of May, the cavalry penetrated the rebel lines to within a mile and a half of Corinth. The rebels also made several dashes upon the Union lines, and even succeeded in causing the retirement of some of the forces on the left. On the 11th of May, a consultation of the chief officers was held at General Halleck's head-quarters, and it was determined that a general advance should be made of the whole grand army. Shortly after this consultation, the movement of the troops commenced. Steadily and surely did they all push forward towards a common centre, which was understood to be Corinth, and the enthusiasm of the men was only kept within bounds by the knowledge that to secure victory, a terrific battle would have soon to be fought. The rebels, however, were determined that the Union troops should not arrive at Corinth, or in its close vicinity, without a struggle. Therefore, on May 17, 1862, General Sherman's Fifth Division of General Grant's Army of the Tennessee, was brought into actual conflict with the rebel troops, at Russell's House, on the road to that city. The rebels were forced to give way, and fell back to their strongholds, while the Unionists continued to occupy this former rebel position, which they intrenched. When the strength of Corinth was definitely ascertained, it was determined to reduce the fortified city by regular approaches. General Beauregard being, as an engineer AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 101 officer, fully aware of the ultimate result of such a course of action, began to withdraw his garrison by the roads still open to him. This movement became the more necessary, as the U. S. naval forces were rapidly approaching Mem- phis from above, and New Orleans and other points of the Mississippi River below had already fallen into the hands of the Unionists. Should Memphis and Vicksburg be taken before his forces could escape from Corinth, it was more than likely that his whole command, which was be- coming demoralized, would have surrendered, rather than endure the horrors of a siege. To cover his retrograde movements, General Beauregard sent out a force to resist the advance of the Union troops, who were about to take possession of the ridge to the North of Phillip's Creek. On May 21st, the Second Di- vision of General Grant's Army of the Tennessee, under General T. A. Davis, made the necessary movements to occupy the elevation ; but fouud the rebels very strongly posted. By a feint of a retreat the garrison was brought out of their works, and, after a vigorous contest, was com- pletely routed. The Union division then took possession of the heights, securing at the same time several prisoners, with their arms, camp equipage, etc. A reconnoissance was then made towards Corinth, to find out the position of the enemy, who still was able to show a bold frout. The parallels of the Union army began daily to get nearer and nearer to the city, and skirmishing was a con- stant occurrence along the whole line. A sharp fight be- tween General Sherman's division and the rebels took place on May 27th ; but as the latter, notwithstanding that they were in larger force than the Unionists, retreated, it is now plainly to be seen that the contest was merely for the purpose of delaying the advance of the Union army. General Sherman, in his report of the engagement, says ■ 102 GENEBAL GEANT "The enemy was evidently surprised, and only killed two of our men, and wounded nine. After he had reached the ridge, he opened on ua with a two-gun battery on the right and another from the front and left, doing my brigades but little harm, but killing three of General Yeatch's men. "With our artillery we soon silenced his, and by ten A. M. we were masters of the position. Generals Grant and Thomas were present during the affair and witnessed the movement, which was admirably executed, all the officers and men keeping their places like real soldiers." The above extract plainly removes the impression which had been formed that General Grant had been relieved from actual command in the field for the result of the first day's engagement at Shiloh. Three columns of Union troops advanced the next day, under the personal superintendence of General Grant, to within gunshot of the rebel works at Corinth, and made a reconnoissance in force. The rebels hotly contested the ground ; but being closely pressed had to fall back, with considerable loss. The column on the left encountered the greatest opposition. The following account of the advance is given by one who participated in the siege : Though the task be a most difficult one, yet I will try to give your readers a faint idea of the scenes which an advance presents. First, the enemy must be driven back. Regiments and artillery are placed in position, and generally the cavalry is in advance, but when the opposing forces are in close proximity the infantry does the work. The whole front is covered by a cloud of skirmishers, and then reserves formed, and then, in connection with the main line, they advance. For a moment, all is still as the grave to those in the background ; as the line moves on, the eye is strained in vain to follow the skirmishers as they creep silently forward ; then, from some point of the line, a single rifle rings through the forest, sharp and clear, and, as if in echo, another answers it. In a moment more the whole line resounds with the din of arms. Here the fire is slow and steady, there it rattles with fearful rapidity, and this mingled with the great roar of the reserves as the 6kirmishers chance at any point to be driven in ; and if, by reason of AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 103 superior force, these reserves fall back to the main force, then every nook and corner seems full of sound. The batteries open their terrible voices, and their shells sing horribly while winging their flight, and their dull explosion speaks plainly of death ; their canister and grape go crashing through the trees, rifles ring, the muskets roar, and the din is ter- rific. Then the slackening of the fire denotes the withdrawing of the one party, and the more distant picket-firing, that the work was accomplish- ed. The silence becomes almost painful after such a scene as this, and no one can conceive of the effect who has not experienced it ; it cannot be described. The occasional firing of the pickets, which shows that the new lines are established, actually occasions a sense of relief. The movements of the mind under euch circumstances are sudden and strong. It awaits with intense anxiety the opening of the contest, it rises with the din of battle, it sinks with the lull which follows it, and finds itself in fit condition to sympathize most deeply with the torn and bleeding ones that are fast being borne to the rear. "When the ground is clear, then the time for working parties has arrived, and as this is the description of a real scene, let me premise that the works were to reach through the centre of a large open farm of at least three hundred acres, surrounded by woods, one side of it being occupied by rebel pickets. These had been driven back as I have described. The line of the works was selected, and at the word of comnjand three thousand men, with axes, spades, and picks, stepped out into the open field from their cover in the woods ; in almost as short a time as it takes to teU it, the fence-rails which surrounded and divided three hundred acres into convenient farm-lots were on the shoulders of the men, and on the way to the intended line of works. In a few moments more a long fine of crib-work stretches over the slope of the hill, as if another anaconda fold had been twisted around the rebels. Then as for a time, the ditches deepen, the cribs fill up, the dirt is packed on the outer side, the bushes and all points of concealment are cleared from the front, and the centre divisions of our army had taken a long stride to- wards the rebel works. The siege-guns are brought up and placed in commanding positions. A log house furnishes the hewn and seasoned timber for the platforms, and the plantation of a Southern lord has been thus speedily transferred into one of Uncle Sam's strongholds, where the Stars and Stripes float proudly. Thus had the whole army (under the immediate charge of General Grant, the commander in the field) worked itself up into the very teeth of the rebel works, and rested there 104 GENERAL GRANT on Thursday night, the twenty -eighth, expecting a general engagement at any moment. Soon after daylight, on Friday morning, the army was startled by rapid and long-continued explosions, similar to musketry, but much louder. The conviction flashed across my mind that the rebels were blowing up their loose ammunition and leaving. The dense smoke arising in the direction of Corinth strengthened this belief, and soon the whole army was advancing on a grand reconnoissance. The distance through the woods was short, and in a few minutes shouts arose from the rebel lines, which told that our army was in the enemy's trenches. Regiment after regiment pressed on, and passing through extensive camps just vacated, soon reached Corinth and found half of it in flames. Beauregard and Bragg had left the afternoon before and the rear-guard had passed out of the town before daylight, leaving enough stragglers to commit many acts of vandalism, at the expense of private property. They burned churches and other public buildings, private goods, stores and dwell- ings, and choked up half the wells in town. In the camps imme- diately around the town, there were few evidences of hasty retreat, but on the right flank where Price and Van Dorn were encamped, the destruction of baggage and stores was very great, showing precipitate flight. Portions of our army were immediately put in pursuit. It seems that it was the slow and careful approach of General ITalleck ■which caused the retreat. They would doubtless havo remained had we attacked their positions without first securing our rear, but they could not stand a siege. Their position was a most commanding one and well protected.* The works were first occupied by the Fifth Division of General Grant's Army of the Tennessee, under the com- mand of Major-General William T. Sherman, which body of troops had, between the interval of leaving Shiloh and the occupation of Corinth, occupied and strongly intrench- ed seven distinct camps, in a manner to excite the admira- tion and high commendation of the commanding generals. This division had occupied the right flank of the grand army during the whole advance, and was consequently the more exposed by their position ; having to detail a larger * Corinth Correspondence of the Cincinnati Gazette. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 105 guard and perform more work than their companion divis- ions. Shortly before midnight, on May 29th, 1862, the remain- ing portion of the rebel army was withdrawn from the works, leaving their pickets unprotected. The evacuation of Corinth at the time, and the manner in which it was done, was a clear back down from the high and arrogant tone heretofore used by the rebels. They had chosen their own ground, which they had fortified, occupying a very large force for two months in the construction of their defences, and it was naturally supposed that the works were fully 'strong enough to secure the defeat of the assailants. Corinth was, indeed, a stronghold, and its importance to whichever side should hold it cannot be over estimated. As an evidence of that fact, it was kept by the United States forces as a strong military post until the begin- ning of 1864, and a proper garrison there retained. The following description of the occupation of Corinth, written on the spot, may not be uninteresting to our readers : Corinth, May 30, 1862. The siege of Corinth, begun on April 30th, ended this morning. About half-past six, in the morning, orders to march were received, and at seven, the greater portion of the men were outside their breastworks, cautiously feeling their way through the dense underbrush which inter- vened between our fortifications and the defences of Corinth ; but after proceeding three-eighths of a mile, they came to an open space, and the enemy's works, abandoned and desolate, burst upon their astonished gaze. The sight was entirely unexpected. The opening was made by the rebels, who had felled the timber for about three hundred yards in front of their intrenchments, for the double purpose of obstructing our progress and giving them a fair view of our column when within rifle-range. The view from the highest point of the rebel works, immediately in front of Davies's, now Rosecrans's division, of Grant's Army of the Tennessee, was truly grand. The circle of vision was at least five miles in extent, stretching from the extreme right to the extreme left, 5* 106 GENERAL GEANT and the magnificent display of banners, the bristling of shining bayonets, and the steady step of the handsomely attired soldiers, pre- sented a pageant which has seldom been witnessed on this continent. Upon many of the regimental ensigns were printed ' Wilson's Creek,' 'Dug Springs, 'Donelson,' or ' Shiloh,' and one or two wave all these mottoes in the breeze. Those who passed through all these trying ordeals, unscathed, or who received honorable wounds in either, in future can look back upon a life devoted to their country's service, and feel that proud satisfaction which is denied to others not less patri- otic, but less fortunate. In future pageants in honor of the nation's birthday, when the last relics of former struggles have become extinct, and when these shall be bowed down with age, they will be their country's honored guests, and receive that consideration due their noble deeds. Notwithstanding the desire of the soldiers to possess themselves of relics of the retreating foe, perfect order was maintained in the lines. Your correspondent wandered around the large area lately occupied by the rebel troops, but found few trophies which were worth preserving. A broken sword and double-barreled shot-gun were picked up after an hour's search, but these were seized by the Provost-Marshal at the Landing, and confiscated. The enemy, with the exception of the rear-guard, had left with the greatest deliberation. A few worthless tents, some heavy kettles, a large number of old barrels, tin cups, and articles of this description, were the only camp equipages not taken away. There is nothing so desolate as a newly deserted camp. But yes- ■ terday, and all was life and animation ; to-day the white tents have disappeared, the heavy footsteps have ceased to sound, and no evidence, save the desolated, hard-trodden ground, and a few tent-stakes, remain to tell the story. Nothing surprised me more than the character of the rebel works. From the length of time Beauregard's army had been occupying the place, with a view to its defence, and from the importance the rebel general attached to it, in his dispatch which was intercepted by General Mitchcl, I had been led to suppose that the fortifications were really formidable. But such was not the case. I admire the engineering which dictated the position of the intrenchments, and the lines they oc- cupied, but that is all that deserves the slightest commendation. But a single line of general fortifications had been constructed, and these were actually less formidable than those thrown up by our forces last AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 107 night, after occupying a new position. There were, besides this gene- ral line, occasional rifle-pits, both outside and inside the works, but they could have been constructed by three relief details in six hours. The only fortifications really worthy the name, were a few points where batteries were located, but these could not have resisted our Par- rot and siege-guns half an hour. Yet the positions occupied by the breastworks were capable of being strengthened so as to render them almost invulnerable to a front attack, and no little difficulty would have been experienced in flanking the position, either on the right or left. The works were on the brow of a ridge, considerably higher than any in the surrounding country, and at the foot of it was a ravine, correspond- ingly deep. The zigzag course of the line gave the defenders the com- mand of all the feasible approaches, and hundreds could have been mowed down at every step made by an assailing army, even from the imperfect earth-banks which had been thrown up. Had a fight occurred, it must have been decided by artillery, and in this respect we had the advantage, both in number and calibre of our guns ; but had they improved the advantages they possessed, and forti- fied as men who really intended to make a stubborn defence, this supe- riority might have been overcome. The conduct of the rebels is, indeed, beyond comprehension. Here is a place commanding several important railroads ; a place, the seizure of which Beauregard confessed, in his celebrated dispatch to Davis, would open to us the valley of the Mississippi ; a position capable of as stubborn a defence as Sebastopol, and yet scarcely an effort is made to fortify it, and its possessors fly at our approach. A stubborn resistance, even though followed by defeat, would command respect abroad ; but a suc- cession of evacuations, upon the slightest approach of danger, can insure only contempt. The troops from every direction marched toward a common centre — Corinth ; and as they neared each other and friends recognized friends, whom they had not seen for weeks or months, though separated but a few miles, greetings were exchanged, and as regiments met for the first time since leaving tho bloody fields of Donelson and Shiloh, cheer after cheer resounded through the forests, and were echoed and re-echoed by the hills, as if tho earth itself desired to prolong the sound. As no rain had fallen for some time, the roads were exceedingly dusty, as was the whole camping-ground, which had been trampled solid by eighty thousand rebels. But all forgot obstacles and annoyan- 103 GENERAL GRANT ces in the eagerness to see the town before which they had lain so long. A little after eight o'clock, a portion of the left and centre filed in, and Avere met by Mr. Harrington, the Mayor's clerk, who asked protection for private property, and for such of the citizens as had determined to remain. It is needless to add that his request was granted, and guards stationed at every door, as the object of our march is not to plunder, but to save.* Corinth is built upon low lands and clay soil, so that in wet weather the place may very properly be denominated a swamp ; but the soil is as easily affected by the drought as by rains. Just outside of the town are the ridges, which might be appropriately denominated hills, and upon which second, third, and fourth lines of defences could have been erected. The highest lands are in the direction of Farmington on the east, and College Hill on the south- west. The town is situated at the junction of the Mobile and Ohio and the Memphis and Charleston Railroads, both very important lines of communication, and indispensable to the enemy. The town is nearly all north of the Mem- phis and east of the Mobile road. Corinth was at one time a pleasant country village, of about 1,200 inhabitants, and the houses were built in the style only used in the South. The rebel generals all had their head-quarters in houses during the siege, generally occupying the finest residences in the place. Beauregard's was on the east of the Purdy road, and at the outskirts of the village. The rebel chief- tain was evidently surrounded by all the comforts and lux- uries of life. Telegraph wires run in every direction from the building, but the wires were all cut, and the instruments taken away at the time the place was evacuated ; so that when our army took possession of Corinth, they could only judge of, but could not use, these means of communication. The Union forces engaged in the pursuit, which was con- * Army correspondence. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 109 ducted with great rapidity and skill, followed the rebels far down the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, through a diffi- cult country much obstructed by the enemy. On the after- noon of the 30th of May the Union forces, which were sent out on the night of May 28th to cut off the rebel retreat, reached Boonesville, Miss., and there destroyed the track in many places both north and south of the town, blew up one culvert, burned the depot, locomotives and a train of twenty-six cars loaded with supplies, destroyed a quantity of arms, including artillery, clothing, and ammunition, be- sides taking a number of prisoners who belonged to the rear of the retreating forces. So desolated had the coun- try become, that the pursuers had to live upon meat alone, such as they could find around them on their line of travel. Colonel Elliott, the commander of the cavalry, not having any wagons with him, could not collect food and forage : he, however, found a few sheep, which he devoted to the use of his followers ; but the flesh was very poor and tough. The prisoners he captured were mostly infantry, and find- ing that he would have very great difficulty in looking after them, if he took them along with him, he merely disarmed them and sent them about their business. Plans were laid by the rebels to cut off Colonel Elliott's command on its return ; but the colonel judiciously chose another road, by which he escaped the snare, and arrived safely at Tuscumbia on June 1st, 1862. The route taken in the advan -e was by Iuka, Eastport, and Fulton, thence along the Tuscumbia and Jacinto road to Cartersville, thence to Padens and Boonesville, where the damage was principally inflicted on the rebels. The return was by the road to Tuscumbia. On the 9th of June, 1862, General Halleck reported that the rebels had fallen back fifty miles from Corinth, by the nearest railroad route, and seventy miles by the wagon 110 GENERAL GRANT road, and that the estimated rebel loss, during the cam- paign near that place, was about forty thousand men. He also reported a state of demoralization existing in General Beauregard's army, and that the prisoners taken in many cases begged that they should not be exchanged, as they had purposely allowed themselves to be captured. Holly Springs, Miss., on the railroad from Jackson, Tenn., to New Orleans, was taken possession of by General Sher- man's forces of Grant's Army, on June 20th, 1862; and to prevent surprise by the rebels, several pieces of trestle- work on the Mississippi Central Railroad were destroyed. The rebels, before evacuating the place, had removed their machinery for the repairing and making of arms to Atlanta, in Georgia. The campaign in this part of the country having virtual- ly ended, General Halleck was, on July 11th, 1862, ordered to Washington, to assume the position of General-in-Chief, and, on the 1 7th, took leave of his army in a farewell ad- dress, congratulating the officers and soldiers belonging to it, on their endurance and bravery. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. Ill CHAPTER XII. THE DEPAflX^l ENT OF WEST TENNESSEE. — MEMPHIS. The removal ol General Halleck from the command of so large a tract of country, naturally led to a reorganization of the forces in the West, and new departments were created out of the original Department of the Mississippi. General Buell's forces were separated, and formed into the Department of the Ohio, embracing the district of country north and east of the Tennessee River. Missouri was also formed into a distinct department. All the country from the Mississippi River to the west- ern shores of the Tennessee, Cairo, Forts Henry and Donelson, the western shore of the Mississippi River, and the northern part of the State of Mississippi, was formed into the " Department of West Tennessee." Of this de- partment, General Grant was made the commander, with his head-quarters at Corinth. Memphis, which had surrendered on June 6th, 1862, soon after the evacuation of Corinth, and had been occupied at once by the Union forces, now formed part of this depai't- ment, and became, by this time, a very important post, both as a base of operations and of supplies. General Grant, while commanding the district, visited the post as soon as convenient, and placed it under the jurisdiction of a provost-marshal. Among other orders, he issued the following, as it was necessary to prevent the co-operation between the latent rebels in that city with those in arms outside our lines: 112 GENERAL GRANT Head-Quarters, District of "West Tennessee, ) Office Provost-Marshal General, > Memphis, June 28, 1862. ) [Special Orders, No. 4.] * * * * * * Passes issued for persons to pass out of the city will be understood to mean the person alone, and will not include goods, letters, or pack- ages. "Where letters are found on persons passing out, without being marked PASSED by the Provost-Marshal, Pest Commander, or General, Commanding, they will be seized and delivered to the Provost-Marshal and the offender arrested. Powder, lead, percussion caps, and fire-arms of ah descriptions, are positively prohibited from being carried out of the city by citizens. Citizens are also prohibited from carrying them within the city limits on pain of forfeiture of such weapons, and ten days' confinement, for the first offence, and expulsion south of our lines, to be treated as spies, if ever caught within them thereafter, for the second. By command of Major-General TJ. S. Grant Wm. S. Hillyer, Provost-Marshal General. Finding that the above appeared to have had no effect in stopping the illicit traffic, General Grant caused the follow- ing positive orders to be issued, which determination greatly aided hiiu in restoring the city of Memphis to order and loyalty. ■I District of West Tennessee, Office of the Provost-Marshal General, Memphis, Tenn., July 9, 1862. [Special Orders, No. 13.] All passes heretofore issued to citizens, either by the Commanding General, the Provost-Marshal General, the Provost-Marshal of Memphis, or any other officer, which may have been issued without the party being required to take the Oath of Allegiance, or give the prescribed Parole of Honor, are hereby revoked. No pass will be granted in any case hereafter, except upon the taking of the oath or parole. The parole will be substituted for the oath only in special cases (at AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 113 the discretion of the officer authorized to grant passes), where the party lives beyond the protection of our army. By command of Major-General Grant. "Wir. S. Hillyer, Provost-Marshal General. SB, ) ERAL, |- District of "West Tennessee, Office Provost-Marshal General, Memphis, July 10, 1862. [Special Orders, No. 14.] The constant communication between the so-called Confederate army and their friends and sympathizers in the city of Memphis, despite the orders heretofore issued, and the efforts to enforce them, induced the issuing of the following order : The families now residing in the city of Memphis of the following persons, are required to move south beyond the lines within five days from the date hereof: First — All persons holding commissions in the so-called Confederate army, or who have voluntarily enlisted in said army, or who accompany and are connected with the same. Second. — All persons holding office under or in the employ of the so- called Confederate Government. Third. — All persons holding State, county, or municipal offices, who claim allegiance to said so-called Confederate Government, and who have abandoned their families and gone South. Safe conduct will be given to the parties hereby required to leave, upon application to the Provost-Marshal of Memphis. By command of Major-General Grant. District of "West Tennessee, Office of the Provost-Marshal General, Memphis, Tenn., July 11, 1862. [Special Orders, No. 15.] * * # * * * In order that innocent, peaceable, and well-disposed persons may not suffer for the bad conduct of the guilty parties coming within the purview of Special Order No. 14, dated July 10, 1862, they can bo relieved from the operation of said order No. 14, by signing the following parole, and producing to the Provost-Marshal General, or the Provost- Marshal of Memphis, satisfactory guarantees that they will keep tho pledge therein made : 114 GENERAL GKANT First. I have not, since the occupation of the city of Memphis by the Federal army, given any aid to the so-called Confederate army, nor given or sent any information of the movements, strength, or position of the Federal army to any one connected with said Confederate army. Second. I will not, during the occupancy of Memphis by the Federal army and my residing therein, oppose or conspire against the civil or military authority of the United States, and that I will not give aid, comfort, information, or encouragement to the so-called Confederate army, nor to any person co-operating therewith. All of which I state and pledge upon my sacred honor. By command of Major-General Grant. Wm. S. Hill^er, Provost-Marshal General. And as a warning to the guerillas who were operating about Memphis, destroying cotton and plundering from friend and foe, the following order was also issued : Head-Quarters, Dist. op West Tennessee, ) Memphis, Tenn., July 3, 18G2. J [General Order No. 60.] The system of guerilla warfare now being prosecuted by some troops organized under authority of the so-called Southern Confederacy, and others without such authority, being so pernicious to the welfare of the community where it is carried on, and it being within the power of the community to suppress this system, it is ordered that wherever loss is sustained by the Government, collections shall be made, by seizure of a sufficient amount of personal property, from persons in the immediate neighborhood sympathizing with the rebellion, to remunerate the Gov- ernment for all loss and expense of the same. Persons acting as guerillas without organization, and without uniform to distinguish them from private citizens, are not entitled to the treat- ment of prisoners of war when caught, and will not receive such treat- lent. By order of Major-General U. S. Grant. John A. Rawlins, A. A.-G. The newspapers of Memphis had also continued to pub- lish articles of a character likely to inflame the people against the United States authorities ; and while such license of the press was allowed it would have been impossible to AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 115 have restored order in that part of the district. The fol- lowing documents have a very significant tone : Head-Quarters District of West Tennessee, Office Provost-Marshal General, Memphis, Tenn., July 1, 1862. Messrs. "Wills, Bingham & Co., Proprietors of the Memphis Avalanche. You will suspend the further publication of your paper. The spirit ■with which it is conducted is regarded as both incendiary and treason- able, and its issue cannot longer be tolerated. This order will be strictly observed from the time of its reception. By command of Maj.-Gen. TJ. S. Grant. "Wm. S. Hillter, Provost- Marshal General. Memphis, July 1, 18G2. The Avalanche can continue by the withdrawal of the author of the obnoxious article under the caption of "Mischief Makers," and the edi- torial allusion to the same. U. S. Grant, Major- General. To our Patrons. — For reasons apparent from the foregoing order, I withdraw from the editorial management of The Avalanche. Self-respect, and the spirit of true journalism, forbid any longer attempt to edit a paper. I approved and indorsed the articles in question. Prudence forbids my saying more, and duty less, to the public. Jeptha Fowlkes. The ruinous system of guerilla warfare continuing, and it being found almost impossible to stop the contraband trade which was being carried on through Memphis, in aid of the rebellion, General Grant appointed General Sherman to the command of that city, with the full knowledge that his determination would soon check both operations. On the 21st of July, 1862, General Sherman assumed the com- mand, and it was soon detected where the difficulty lay, as may be judged from the following order : U. S. Military Telegraph, Corinth, July 26, 1862. To Brigadier-General J. T. Quimby, Columbus, Ky. General : — Examine the baggage of all speculators coming South, and when they have specie turn them back. If medicine and other 116 GENEEAL GRANT contraband articles, arrest them and confiscate the contraband articles. Jews should receive special attention. (Signed) U. S. Grant, Major- General. He also ordered the most stringent measures to be adopted against all guerillas and their agents, and the fol- lowing dispatch is an evidence of the manner with which his orders were carried out : Trenton, Tenn., July 29, 1862. General: — The man who guided the rebels to the bridge that was burned was hung to-day. He had taken the oath. The houses of four others who aided have been burned to the ground. (Signed) G. M. Dodge, Brigadier- General. On July 28th, General Grant ordered General Sherman to take possession of all unoccupied dwellings, manufactories, and stores, within the city of Memphis, to hire them out, and to coUect the rents for the United States Government, in all cases where the owners wei'e absent, engaged in arms against the United States. This plan was adopted to prevent the property being destroyed or abused, as well as to bring in a revenue from rebel sources to help pay the expenses of the war. A portion of the rebel forces that had been engaged at Corinth were afterwards concentrated at Jackson, Miss., whence they were sent to Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Port Hudson, and other places along the Mississippi River, for the purpose of again blockading that stream. On the 5th of August a battle was fought at Baton Rouge.* The large number of negroes that had found refuge within the union lines, were about this time becoming a seri- ous incubus upon the commanders of the army, and it was * Although this battle occurred outside of the limits of General Grant's department, it is here alluded to — as it will be found in the course of the narrative, that these movements were more or less connected with his grand campaign of 1863. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 117 decided that these men should be put at some useful em- ployment. General Grant, therefore, to remedy the evil in his own special department, issued the following order, which contains certain regulations in relation to both the negro refugees and the carrying out of the Confiscation law, as passed by the Houses of Congress, and signed by the President : Head-Quarters, Department op "West Tennessee, ) Corinth, Miss., August 11th, 1862. [ [General Orders, No. 72.] The recent Axt of Congress prohibits the army from returning fugi- tives from labor to their claimants, and authorizes the employment of such persons in the service of the government. The following orders are therefore published for the guidance of the army in this matter. 1. All fugitives thus employed must be registered ; the names oi the fugitives and claimant given, and must be borne upon the morning report of the command in which they are kept, showing :ow they are employed. 2. Fugitives may be employed as laborers in the quartermaster a, subsistence, and engineer's department ; and whenever by such employ- ment a soldier may be saved to its ranks, they may be employed as teamsters and as company cooks, not exceeding four to a company, or as hospital attendants and nurses. Officers may employ them as pri- vate servants, in which latter case the fugitives will not be paid or ra- tioned by the government. Negroes thus employed must be secured as authorized persons, and will be excluded from the camps. 3. Officers and soldiers are positively prohibited from enticing slaves to leave their masters. "When it becomes necessary to employ this kind of labor, the commanding officer of the post or troops must send details, all under the charge of a suitable commissioned officer, to press into service the slaves of persons to the number required. 4. Citizens within reach of any military station, known to be dis- loyal and dangerous, may be ordered away or arrested, and their crops and stock taken for the benefit of the government or the use of the army. 5. All property taken from rebel owners must be duly reported and used for the benefit of the government, and be issued to the troops through the proper department, and, when practicable, the act of taking 118 GENERAL GRANT Should be accompanied by the written certificate of the officer so taking to tho owner or agent of such property. It is enjoined on all commanders to see that this order is executed strictly under their own direction. The demoralization of troops subse- quent upon being left to execute laws in their own way without a proper head must be avoided. By command of Major-General Grant. John A. Rawlins, A. A.-'G. It will be seen by the last clause of tbe above order that, although General Grant was perfectly willing to carry out the' laws according to their letter and spirit, he was deter- mined that wholesale plunder should not be allowed within the limits of his department. Several had taken advantage of the advance of the armies to visit certain places in the Southern States within the Union lines. Among others were a number of individu- als who had fled from their own States to avoid the en- rolment ordered under the Conscription act. These men were generally of a disreputable character, and made their living by following the army, robbing the soldiers, or trad- ing with the rebels. To meet the particular cases of these men, the following order was issued by General Grant from his departmental head-quarters. Head-Quarters, Department of West Tennessee, ) Corinth, Miss., August 16, 1862. ) [General Orders, No. 74.] 1. All non-residents of this department, found within the same, who, if at home, would be subject to draft, will at once be enrolled under the supervision of the local commanders where they may be found, and, in case of a draft being made by their respective States, an equal proportion will be drawn from persons thus enrolled. Persons so drawn will at once be assigned to troops from the States to which they owe military service, and the executive thereof notified of such draft. 2. All violation of trade by army followers may be punished by AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 119 confiscation of stock in trade, and the assignment of offenders to do military duty as private soldiers. By command of Major-General U. S. Grant. John A. Rawlins, A. A.-G. As far as actual fighting was concerned, it may be safely stated that from June to September, 1862, General Grant's Department was particularly quiet. Skirmishes would occasionally take place between guerillas and the troops occupying small districts, as at Bolivar, on August 30th, and at Medon Station of the Mississippi Central Railroad, on August 31st. On all these occasions the rebel troops were generally worsted, so well had General Grant looked after the defences of these posts. During the early part of September, 1862, the rebel forces in the Southwest began to make a general advance upon the Union positions. General Bragg issued an order on September 5, 1862, which he dated at Sparta, in the most southern part of Alabama, for the purpose of deceiving the Union troops as to his actual whereabouts, while, at the same time, he was at Chattanooga, Tenn., preparing to make a flank movement through East Tennessee and Ken- tucky, to the Ohio River. The deceitful order certainly misled the commander of the army of the Ohio ; but did not impose upon General Grant, nor the officers under his command, as cavalry reconnoissances were continually being sent out to ascertain the whereabouts of the enemy. The rebels soon discovered that General Grant was sending troops to re-enforce the army in Kentucky, and to prevent him from so doing, a portion of the rebel army in the State of Mississippi was detached, to operate against bis lines. General Grant had, however, taken care of his own position while helping the others, and the results wero the glorious victories of Iuka and Corinth. 120 GENEEAL GEANT CHAPTER Xin. KTKA. — COEINTH AND THE HATCHIE. The careful system of recorinoissance adopted in General Grant's army made the commander of the Department of West Tennessee and his subordinate general officers fully aware of the approach of the rebels upon their lines long before the actual attack took place. Even as early as September 10th, 1862, it was known that General Sterling Price, at the head of a far superior force of rebel troops, was marching upon the little camp at Jacinto, Tishamingo County, Miss. Orders were, of course, quickly given to break up this camp, and take the wagon trains to the de- fences at Corinth. The men who were ordered to remain behind were thereby compelled to sleep on their arms and in the open air for several nights. On September 17th, a general advance was ordered by General Grant, and at four o'clock on the morning of Sep- tember 1 8th the regiments from Corinth and Jacinto were pushing towards Iuka, where General Price had con- centrated his forces. The march of the Union troops was made amidst a drenching rain, and along muddy roads, and they advanced upon the place by different routes, the force under General Rosecrans, known as the Army of the Mississippi, making the advance along the road from the south, while that under Generals Grant and Ord ap- proached the town from the north, via Burnsville. At daybreak, on the morning of September 19th, the march was renewed, and the advance of General Hamil- A^D HIS CAMPAIGNS. 121 ton's Division encountered the rebel pickets at Barnett's Corners, on the road to Iuka. After a sharp skirmish, the pickets were driven six miles towards that town, losing slightly in killed and prisoners. The division again pushed forward until within two miles of Iuka, where they were received with a hot fire of musketry from the rebels who were posted on the ridge which commanded the country for several miles around. The engagement soon became general, on this part of the line, and lasted until dark, when the men threw themselves down on their arms, to take that rest so needed to enable them to renew the struggle on the morrow. The contest had been very sanguinary and fierce while it lasted, nearly one-third of the Union forces engaged being placed hors de combat. During the night the rebel forces under Price evacuated the town, and in the morning General Rosecrans's troops entered Iuka from the south, and began pushing after the flying rebels. Shortly after, the forces under Generals Grant and Ord arrived by the northern route. As the in- tention of General Grant had been to cut off Price's retreat by that road, and as Price had chosen another towards the east, this part of the army was not engaged, although its position contributed towards forcing the enemy to evacuate the place. The following extracts from a private letter of a rebel to a friend, under date of September 24th, 1862, contain matters of interest : " "We held peaceable possession of Iuka for one day, and on the next -were alarmed by the booming of camion, and were called out to spend the evening in battle array in the woods. On the evening of the 19th, when we supposed we were going back to camp, to rest awhile, the sharp crack of musketry on the right of our former lines told us that the enemy was much nearer than we imagined. In fact, they had almost penetrated the town itself. How on earth, with the woods full of our cavalry, they could have approached bo near our lines, is a mys- 6 122 GENERAL GKANT tery. They had planted a hattery sufficiently near to shell General Price's head-quarters, and were cracking away at the Third Brigade when the Fourth came up at double-quick, and then, for two hours and fifteen minutes, was kept up the most terrific fire of musketry that ever dinned my ears. There was one continuous roar of small arms, while grape and canister howled in fearful concert above our heads and through our ranks. General Little was shot dead early in the action. * * It was a terrible struggle, and we lost heavily. All night could be heard the groans of the wounded and dying, forming a sequel of horror and agony to the deadly struggle, over which night had kindly thrown its mantle. Saddest of all, our dead were left unburied, and many of the wounded on the battle-field to be taken in charge by the enemy, "Finding that the enemy were being re-enforced from the north, and as our strength would not justify us in trying another battle, a retreat was ordered, and we left the town during the night. The enemy pressed our rear the next day, and were only kept off by grape and canister. " It grieves me to state that acts of vandalism, disgraceful to any army, were, however, perpetrated along the line of retreat, and makes me blush to own such men as my countrymen. Corn-fields were laid waste, potato patches robbed, barn-yards and smoke-houses despoiled, hog? killed, and all kinds of outrages perpetrated in broad daylight and in full view of the officers. The advance and retreat were alike disgrace- ful, and I have no doubt that women and children along the route will cry for the bread which has been rudely taken from them by those who should have protected and defended them."* The Army of the Mississippi bore the brunt of the fight, but the combinations caused the evacuation of the town. On the morning of the 20th of September, 1862, General Grant sent the following dispatch to the general-in-chief at Washington : Iuka, MISS., September 20, 1862. To Major-General H. TV. Halleck, General-in-Chief: General Rosecrans, with Stanley's and Hamilton's Divisions and Mise- ner's Cavalry, attacked Price south of this village about two hours before dark yesterday, and had a sharp fight until night closed in. General * Private letter published in the Montgomery Advertiser, September, 862. A> T D HIS CAMPAIGNS. 123 Ord was to the north with an armed force of about 5,000 men, and had some skirmishing with the rebel pickets. This morning the fight was renewed by General Rosecrans, who was nearest to the town; but it was found that the enemy had been evacuating during the night, going south. Generals Hamilton and Stanley, with cavalry, are in full pursuit. This will, no doubt, break up the enemy, and possibly force them to abandon much of their artillery. The loss on either side, in killed and wounded, is from 400 to 500 The enemy's loss in arms, tents, etc., will be large. "We have about 250 prisoners. I have reliable intelligence that it was Price's intention to move over east of the Tennessee. In this he has been thwarted. Among the enemy's loss are General Little killed, and General Whitefield wounded. 1 cannot speak too highly of the energy and skill displayed by General Rosecrans in the attack, and of the endurance of the troops. General Ord's command showed untiring zeal ; but the direction taken by the enemy prevented them from taking the active part they desired, Price's force was about 18,000. U.S. Grant, Major- General. The examination of the field, after the first excitement of the battle was over, showed a still more favorable result for the Union forces, as may be judged by the following dispatch : Head-Quarters, Corinth, September 22, 1862. Major-General Halleck, General-in- Chief : In my dispatch of the 20th our loss was over estimated, and the rebel loss under estimated. We found two hundred and sixty-one of them dead upon the field, while our loss in killed will be less than one hundred. U. S. Grant, Major- General. General Grant, on the same day as he sent the above dispatch, issued the following order, complimenting his officers and men upon their bravery, not forgetting those who fell on that occasion : — Head-Quarters, Department of West Tennessee, ) Corinth, September 22. 1862. f [General Field Orders, Ko. 1.] The General Commanding takes great pleasure in congratulating the 124 GENERAL GRANT two wings of the army, commanded respectively by Major-General Ord and Major-General Eosecrans, upon the energy, alacrity, and bravery displayed by them on the 19th and 20th inst., in their movement against the enemy at Iuka. Although the enemy was in numbers re- puted far greater than their own, nothing was evinced by the troops but a burning desire to meet him, whatever his numbers, and however strong his position. With such a disposition as was manifested by the troops on this occasion, their commanders need never fear defeat against any thing but overwhelming numbers. While it was the fortune of the command of General Rosecrans, on the evening of the 19th inst., to engage the enemy in a most spirited fight for more than two hours, driving him with great loss from his position, and winning for themselves fresh laurels, the command of General Ord is entitled to equal credit for their efforts in trying to reach the enemy, and in diverting his attention. And while congratulating the noble living, it is meet to offer our condolence to the friends of the heroic dead, who offered their lives a sacrifice in defence of constitutional liberty, and in their fall rendered memorable the field of Iuka. Ry command of Major-General U. S. Grant. John A. Rawlins, A. A.-G. General Bragg' s forces were all this time pushing forward towards the Ohio River, and it became necessary, to enable General Grant to have full control over his department, that he should move his head-quarters to a more central position. He therefore chose Jackson, Tennessee, for that purpose ; placing the commander of the Army of the Mis- sissippi in local command at Corinth. The rebel forces which had retreated from Iuka, were next concentrated near Ripley, Tippah County, Missis- sippi, and southwest of Corinth, at which point they were joined by those under Generals Van Dorn and Lovell. It appears that Price's forces, in retreating from Iuka, coun- termarched at a point several miles south of the Union position, crossed the Mobile and Ohio Railroad in the vicinity of Baldwyn, Tupello, etc., and were thus enabled to i AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 125 form a junction with the troops under the before mention ed Generals, and comprising all the available rebel forces in North Mississippi. The intention of the enemy was to retake Corinth at all hazards, or at least to break the Union line of communications, and force a retreat. General Grant being duly advised of these facts, so ar- ranged his forces that if the rebels were driven from Cor- inth — and he had not a doubt but that they would be — they should not be able to escape without a very severe punishment. Cavalry scouts were sent out in all directions and dem onstrated the fact that the rebels were on October 1st, 1862, moving from Ripley, via Buckersville, upon Corinth, while the main army was at Pocahontas. The question then was, where did they intend to strike the principal blow, as they were situated in such' a position that they could at tack with equal ease either of the posts at Bethel, Bolivar, Corinth, or Jackson. In fact, they held the centre of the base of the irregular triangle which had Jackson for its apex and Corinth for its right hand corner. General Grant, however, was master of the situation, and to him it mattered little at what point the rebels struck, as he could move his forces to support the position attacked — so well had he arranged them within reasona- ble reach of each other. General Ord held the position at Bolivar, General Hurlbut was stationed nearer Pocahon- tas, General Rosecrans was at Corinth, and General Grant at Jackson. It will be seen that the rebels were hemmed in except on the south. On the 4th of October, the enemy made a determined and vigorous attack upon the works at Corinth, and tho most obstinate fighting ensued. General Grant was in con- stant telegraph communication with General Rosecrans, during the attack, and also with his other generals. He 126 GENERAL GRANT was enabled to move his forces knowingly so as to meet the movements made by the enemy. The struggle at Corinth, was a fierce and sanguinary one, and bravely did the garrison defend the position dur- ing the morning of the 4th. By noon the battle was end ed, and the enemy were in full retreat from the place. The rebels had even forced their way into the town, and severe fighting took place in the streets, but in the end they were driven oat of Corinth, and their broken fragments chased into the woods. The victory had, however, cost the Union army dearly as may be judged from the following brief dispatch from General Grant to the general-in-chief : Grant's Head-Qctarters, t Jackson, Tenn., October 5, — 8 a. m. $ To Major-General H. "W. Haleck, General-in- Chief United States Army : Yesterday the rebels under Price, Van Dorn, and Lovell were repulsed from their attack on Corinth with great slaughter. The enemy are in full retreat, leaving their dead and wounded on the field. Rosecrans telegraphs that the loss is serious on our side, particularly in officers, but bears no comparison with that of the enemy. General Hackleman fell while gallantly leading his brigade. General Oglesby is dangerously wounded. General McPherson, with his command, reached Corinth yesterday. General Rosecrans pursued the retreating enemy this morning, and, should they attempt to move towards Bolivar, will follow to that place. General Hurlbut is at the Hatchie River with five or six thousand men, and is no doubt with the pursuing columm. From seven hundred to a thousand prisoners, besides the wounded, are left in our hands. TJ. S. Grant, Major- General Commanding. As stated in the above dispatch, General Rosecrans chased the enemy, on the morning of the 5th of October, aud pushed them towards the Hatchie River. General Hurlbut, who had moved forward to that position along AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 127 the line of railroad from Grand Junction, had already on the previous day driven in the rebel videttes, but his ad- vance had been somewhat disputed during the night. Gen- eral Hurlbut was, on the morning of October 5th, joined by General Ord's forces from Bolivar. General Orel assumed command ; but finding General Hurlbut had made excel- lent arrangements for the advance, he followed out the same plan. The road, narrow and winding, through swamp and jungle, and over precipitous ridges, across which at times the guns were with great labor dragged by hand, made the advance more than ordinarily dangerous in the face of the enemy, especially as the retreating forces from Corinth were likely soon to be joined with the others in the front. The rebels made use of every advantage the country gave them, using the swamps and jungles for their infantry, and the ridges for their artillery ; but so valor- ous was the attack of the forces under Generals Ord and Hurlbut, that the enemy was driven for five miles to, and across the Hatchie, and up the heights beyond. The following dispatch from General Grant, announces the victory on the Hatchie : Grant's Head-Quarters, > Jackson, Tenn., October 5, 1862. ) To Major-General H. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief United States Army : General Ord, who followed General Hurlbut, met the enemy to-day on the south side of the Hatchie, as I understand from a dispatch, and drove them across the stream, and got possession of the heights with our troops. General Ord took two batteries and about two hundred prisoners. A large portion of General Eosecrans's forces were at Chevalla. At this distance every thing looks most favorable, and I cannot see how the enemy are to escape without losing every thing but their small arms. / have strained every thing to take into the fight an adequate force, and to get them to the right place. TJ. S. Grant, Major- General Commanding. 128 GENERAL GE HUT The union of General M cPherson's forces with those at Corinth, enabled General Rosecrans to continue vigorously the pursuit of that part of the enemy who had attached his position at that place, and at about noon on the 6th of October General Grant was enabled to send the following dispatch, which sets forth the entire rout of the rebel forces on every side: Head-Quarters op General Grant, ) Jackson, Tenn., 12.20 p. m., October 6, 1862. ) To Major-General Halleck, General-in-Chief: Generals Ord and Ilurlbut came upon the enemy yesterday, and General Hurlbut having driven in small bodies of the rebels the day before, after seven hours hard fighting, drove the enemy five miles back across the Hatchie towards Corinth, capturing two batteries, about 300 prisoners, and many small arms. I immediately apprised General Rosecrans of these facts, and directed him to urge on the good work. The following dispatch has just been received from him : Chevalla, October 6, 1862. To Major-General Grant: The enemy is totally routed, throwing every thing away. We are following sharply. "W. S. Rosecrans, Major- General. Under previous instructions, General Hurlbut is also following. General McPherson is in the lead of General Rosecrans's column. The rebel General Martin is said to be killed. U. S. Grant, Major- General Commanding. The repulse of the rebels was really disastrous to them. The accounts published in the southern newspapers plainly manifest that their loss had been heavy, and that they failed in accomplishing the object of their movement — the capture of Corinth. But the same journals endeavored to console themselves and the people with the idea that General Grant had, at least, been prevented from sending re-enforcements to the aid of General Buell, who was then about to engage the rebel forces under General Bragg. The following is the congratulatory order of General Grant to his troops relative to this campaign : AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 129 Head- Quarters, Department of West Tenn., | Jackson, Tenn., October 7, 1862. ) [General Orders, No. 88.] It is with heartfelt gratitude the General Commanding congratulates the armies of the West for another great victory won by them on the 3d, 4th, and 5th instants, over the combined armies of Van Dorn, Price, and Lovell. The enemy chose his own time and place of attack, and knowing the troops of the West as he does, and with great facilities for knowing their numbers, never would have made the attempt except with a superior force numerically. But for the undaunted bravery of officers and soldiers, who have yet to learn defeat, the efforts of the enemy must have proven successful. Whilst one division of the army, under Major-General Rosecrans, was resisting and repelling the onslaught of the rebel hosts at Corinth, another, from Bolivar, under Major-General Hurlbut, was marching upon the enemy's rear, driving in their pickets and cavalry, and attracting the attention of a large force of infantry and artillery. On the following day, under Major-General Ord, these forces advanced with unsurpassed gallantry, driving the enemy back across the Hatchie, over ground where it is almost incredible that a superior force should be driven by an inferior, capturing two of the batteries (eight guns), many hundred small arms, and several hundred prisoners. To those two divisions of the army all praise is due, and will be awarded by a grateful country. Between them there should be, and I trust are, the warmest bonds of brotherhood. Each was risking life in the same cause, and, on this occasion, risking it also to save and assist the other. No troops could do more than these separate armies. Each did all possible for it to do in the places assigned it. As in all great battles, so in this, it becomes our fate to mourn the loss of many brave and faithful officers and soldiers, who have given up their lives as a sacrifice for a great principle. The nation mourns for them. By command of Major-General U. S. Grant. John A. Rawlins, A. A.-G. President Lincoln, when be had received the intelligence from General Grant announcing the victories at Corinth and on the Hatchie, dispatched to him the following con- gratulations and inquiries : 130 GENEKAL GKAXT "Washington, D. C, October 8, 1862. Major-General Grant : I congratulate you and all concerned in your recent battles and victo- ries. How does it all sum up ? I especially regret the death of Gen- eral Ilackleman, and am very anxious to know the condition of General Oglesby, who is an intimate personal friend. A. Lincoln. The rebel forces of General Bragg were also by this time in full retreat from the Ohio river, and were being pursued by the Army of the Ohio. Skirmishes with guerillas occurred occasionally within General Grant's lines ; but otherwise this department was, by this time, once more reduced to quietness. On the 16th of October, 1862, General Grant's Depart- ment was designated as the Department of the Tennessee, and was further extended so as to embrace the State of Mississippi as far as Vicksburg. General Rosecrans was shc/tly after relieved of his command under General Grant, and made commander of the Army of the Ohio in the place of General Buell. The combined troops under General Grant were now known as the Thirteenth Army Corps. The victories of General Grant's forces were supposed in Washington to have had a beneficial effect upon the people of Tennessee ; and to enable them to resume their own government under the auspices of the United States, the following document was sent to General Grant by the hands of the person therein named : Executive Mansion, "Washington, October 21, 1862. Major-General Grant, Governor Johnson, and all having Military, Naval, and Civil Authority under the United States within the State of Tennessee: The bearer of this, Thomas R. Smith, a citizen of Tennessee, goes to that State, seeking to have such of the people thereof as desire to avoid the unsatisfactory prospect before them, and to have peace again upon the old terms under the Constitution of the United States, to manifest such desire by elections of members to the Congress of the United AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 131 States particularly, and perhaps a Legislature, State Officers, and a United States Senator friendly to their object. I shall be glad for you and each of you to aid him, and all others acting for this object, as much as possible. In all available ways give the people a chance to express their wishes at tbese elections. Follow law, and forms of law, as far as convenient ; but, at all events, get the expression of the largest number of the people possible. All see how much such action will connect with and affect the proclamation of September 22d. Of course, the men elected should be gentlemen of character, willing to swear support to the Constitution as of old, and known to be above reasonable suspicion of duplicity. Tours, very respectfully, A. Lincoln. To prevent the intention of the foregoing from being carried out, General Bragg marched his forces to within striking distance of the State Capital at Nashville. 132 GENEBAL GEANT CHAPTER XIV. THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TENNESSEE. — DISCIPLINE. TEADE. Genebal Grant assumed the command of his new department on the 25th day of October, 1862, and issued the following orders : Head-Quarters, Department op the Tennessee, j Jackson, Tenn., October 25, 1862. J [General Orders, No. 1.] I. In* compliance with General Orders, No. 159, A. G. 0., "War Department, of date October 16th, 1862, the undersigned hereby as- sumes command of the Department of the Tennessee, which includes Cairo, Fort Henry and Fort Donelson, Northern Mississippi, and the portions of Kentucky and Tennessee west of the Tennessee river. II. Head-quarters of the Department of the Tennessee will remain, until further orders, at Jackson, Tennossee. III. All orders of the District of "West Tennessee will continue in force in the Department. U. S. Grant, Major- General Commanding. Head-Quarters, Department of the Tennessee, ) Jackson, Tenn., October 26, 1862. \ [General Orders, No. 2.] I. The geographical divisions designated in General Orders, No. 83, from Head-quarters District of West Tennessee, dated September 24th, 18t"2, will hereafter be known as districts. The First Division will constitute the " District of Memphis," Major-General W. T. Sherman commanding; the Second Division, the "District of Jackson," com- manded by Major-General S. A. Hurlbut; the Third Division, the "District of Corinth," Brigadier-General C. S. Hamilton commanding; the Fourth Division, the " District of Columbus," commanded by Briga- dier-General T A.. Davies. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 133 II. The army heretofore known as the "Army of the Mississippi," being now divided and in different departments, will be continued as a separate army. III. Until army corps are formed, there will be no distinction, known, except those of departments, districts, divisions, posts, brigades, regiments and companies By command of Major-General U. S. Grant. John A. Rawlins, A. A.- G. As General Grant was now to have heavy work before him, it became necessary that he should also have his forces thoroughly well organized, and in this matter he determined to exercise his personal supervision. He be- gan by rooting out, as far as possible, all guerilla bodies in his department, and in the affair at Clarkson his forces were very successful. The following order shows that it was the intention during the approaching campaign to move light, and be- spoke great activity with the command : Head-Quarters, Department op the Tennessee, ) Jackson, Tenn., November 1, 1862. J [ General Orders, No. 3.] I. — General Orders, No. 160, from the Adjutant-General's office, having been received at head-quarters, is published for the information of all concerned : [General Orders, No. 160.] The following regulations are established for army trains and baggage* 1. There will be allied— For head-quarters wain of an army corps, four wagons; of a division or brigade, three ; of a full infantry regiment, six ; and of a light artil- lery battery or squadron of cavalry, three. In no case will this allowance be exceeded, but always proportionably reduced, according to the officers and men actually present. All surplus wagons will be turned over to the Chief Quartermaster, to be organized under direction of the commanding Generals, into supply trains, or sent to the nearest depot. The requisite supply trains, their size depending upon the state of the roads and character of the campaign, will be organized by the Chief 134 GENERAL GRANT Quartermaster, with the approval of the commanding generals, subject to the control of the War Department. 2. The wagons allowed to a regiment, battery, or squadron, must, carry nothing but forage for the teams, cooking utensils, and rations for the troops, hospital stores, and officers' baggage. One wagon to each regiment will transport exclusively hospital suflfclies, under direction of the regimental surgeon; the one for regimental head-quarters will carry the grain for the officers' horses, and the three allowed for each battery or squadron will be at least half loaded with the grain for their own teams. Stores in bulk and ammunition will be carried in the regular or special supply trains. 3. In active campaign, troops must be prepared to bivouac on the march, the allowance of tents being limited, as follows : For the head-quarters of au army corps, division, or brigade, one wall tent to the commanding General, and one to every two officers of his staff. For the Colonel, Field and Staff of a full regiment, three wall tents; and for every other commissioned officer, one shelter tent each. For every two non-commissioned officers, soldiers, officers' servants, and authorized camp followers, one shelter tent. One hospital tent will be allowed for office purposes, at corps head quarters, and one wall tent at those of a division or brigade. All tents beyond this allowance will be left in depot. 4. Officers' baggage will be limited to blankets, one small valise or carpet bag and a moderate mess-kit. The men will carry their own blankets and shelter tents, and reduce the contents of their knapsacks as much as possible. The Depot Quartermaster will provide storage for a reasonable amount of officers' surplus baggage and the extra clothMfc and knapsacks of the men. 5. Hospital tents are for the sick and -wounded, and except those allowed for army corps head-quarters, must not be diverted from their proper use. 6. Commanding officers will be held responsible for the strict enforce- ment of these regulations, especially the reduction of officers' baggage within their respective commands. 7. On all marches, Quartermasters, under the orders of their com- manding officers, will accompany and conduct their trains in a way not to obstruct the movement of troops. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 135 8. All Quartermasters and Commissaries will personally attend to the reception and issue of supplies for their commands, and will keep themselves informed of the condition of the depot, roads, and other communications. 9. All Quartermasters and Commissaries will report, by letter, on the first of every month, to the chiefs of their respective departments, at Washington, D. C, their station, and generally the duty on which they have been engaged during the preceding month. By command of Major-General Halleck. (Signed) L. Thomas, Adjutant General. II. District Commanders will immediately cause an inspection of their command, with the view to a strict compliance of the above order, and see that all tents and transportation in excess of allowance are turned over to the Quartermaster ; that all extra clothing and knapsacks of en- listed men are delivered for storage as provided ; that the baggage of officers does not exceed the limitation prescribed ; and that all hospital tents not in use for the sick and wounded are turned over to the Quarter- master at once. III. Where there is a deficiency of clothing or tents, as allowed by regulations and said order, proper requisitions will be made on the Chief Quartermaster of the Department, Captain C. A. Reynolds, for same. IV. The requirements of this order must be complied with without delay, and report of such compliance promptly made to these head-quar- ters. By command of Major-General U. S. Grant. John A. Rawlins, A. A.-G. About the latter end of October, 1862, a body of cav- alry belonging to the army of General Grant, and under the command of Colonel [since Brigadier General] A. L. Lee, started on a reconnoissance below Ripley, Missis- sippi, which place was captured and held for twenty-four hours, as was also the town of Orizaba. Colonel Lee re- turned to Grand Junction on November 2d, with several prisoners. On the evening of the 4th of November, General Grant removed his head-quarters to La Grange, west of Grand 136 GENERAL GRANT Junction, occupying that place with a heavy body of troops, thereby out-generalling the rebels, who were concentrating their forces in the vicinity of Ripley, a long distance far- ther east. Colonel Lee again made a successful reconnoissance with about fifteen hundred cavalry to Hudsonville, Missis- sippi. This was but the beginning of a grand reconnois- sance, as follows : On November 8th, General Grant ordered a strong force, consisting of two divisions of Infantry and Artillery and part of a cavalry division, upon a special reconnoissance. The cavalry was under the command of Colonel Lee, and the infantry under General McPherson. This force started from La Grange, the cavalry taking the lead. At Lamar, the infantry halted, while the cavalry pushed toward Hudsonville. On the road Colonel Lee encountei^ed a body of rebel cavalry, which he engaged on the flank with one half of his force, while the other half proceeded to Hudsonville. After routing the cavalry, killing sixteen and capturing one hundred and thirty-four, with their horses and arms, Colonel Lee joined the remainder of his command at Hudsonville, and then returned to La Grange. The following is General Grant's brief but complimen- tary dispatch to the General-in-Chief in relation to this movement : La Grange, Nov. 11, 1862, 10:30 p. m. Major-General Halleck, Gene> al-in- Chief: One hundred and thirty-four prisoners were taken by Colonel Lee, of the Seventh Kansas Cavalry, and sixteen rebels killed. Our loss is two wounded. Colonel Lee is one of our best cavalry officers. I earnestly recommend him for promotion. (Signed) TJ. S. Grant. The information gained by this reconnoissance was as follows : AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 137 General Lovell, who had been in command of the rebel forces north of Holly Springs, Mississippi, had fallen back through that place on November 2d ; but while retreating, was met on November 5th by General Pemberton, who had come up from the State Capital — Jackson. General Lovell was ordered back to his old post, which he held, with two divisions, on the 8th of November. Price, with twelve thousand men, was seven miles below Holly Springs, on the Salem road ; and twenty-two miles further south, at Abbeville, was a rebel conscript camp of about thirteen thousand men. Some complaints having been made by the farmers in the vicinity, of the conduct of the rebel forces, while pass- ing through their country, General Grant issued the fol- lowing order, to prevent his troops from falling into the like disgraceful system of plunder : Head-Quarters, Department of the Tennessee, ) Lagrange, Tenn., November 9, 1862. J [Special Field Orders, No. 2.] Hereinafter stoppage will be made on muster and pay rolls against di- visions for the full amount of depredations committed by any member or members of the division, unless the act can be traced either to the individ- uals committing them, or to the company, regiment, or brigade to which the offenders belong. In all cases the punishment will be assessed to the smallest organiza- tion containing the guilty parties. Confiscation acts were never intended to be executed by soldiers ; and if they were, the general government should have full benefit of all property of which individuals are deprived. A stoppage of pay against offenders will effect this end, and it is to be hoped will correct this growing eviL It is not only the duty of commissioned officers to correct this evil, but of all good men in the ranks to report every violation; and it is determined now that they shall have a pecuniary interest in doing so. Assessments will also be made against commissioned officers, in the proportion of their pay proper. Where offences of the nature contemplated in this order are traced to 13S GENERAL GRANT individuals, they will be summarily punished to the full extent formerly given to garrison court-martials, or be arrested and tried by a general court-martial, according to the enormity of the offence, and the severest penalties provided imposed and executed. This order will be read on parade, before each regiment and detach- ment, for three suocessive evenings. By order of Major-General U. S. Grant. By this means it was hoped that the evil would be rem- edied, or at least greatly ameliorated, and it was also by this strict discipline that General Grant was enabled to gather around him one of the finest working armies in the United States. The change in the Department naturally led to a remod- elling of the commander's staff, the officers of which were announced as folloAvs : Head-Quarters, Thirteenth Army Corps, ) Department of the Tennessee, > Lagrange, Tenn., November 11, 1362. ) [General Orders, No. 6.] I. The following officers are announced as the staff and staff corps of this department, and will be recognized and obeyed accordingly ; — Brigadier-General J. D. Webster, Superintendent Military Railroads. Lieutenant-Colonel John A. Rawlins, Assistant Adjutant-General and Chief of Staff. Colonel T. Lyle Dickey, Chief of Cavalry. Colonel William S. Hillyer, Aide-de-Camp and Provost-Marshal General Colonel Clark B. Lagow, Aide-de-Camp and Acting Inspector-General. Colonel George P. Ihrie, Aide-de-Camp and Acting Inspector-GeneraL Colonel John Riggin, Jr., Aide-de-Camp and Superintendent of Mili- tary Telegraphs. Colonel George G. Pride, Chief Engineer of Military Railroads. Lieutenant-Colonel W. L. Duff, Chief of Artiilery. Lieutenant-Colonel J. P. Hawkins, Chief of Subsistence Department Lieutenant-Colonel C. A. Reynolds, Chief of Quartermaster's Depart- ment. Surgeon Horace R. Wirtz, Chief of Medical Department. Major William R. Rowley, Aide-de-Camp and Mustering Officer. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 139 CaptmD T. S. Bowers, Aide-de-Camp. Captain P. E. Prime, Chief of Engineers. Lieutenant James II. "Wilson, Chief of Topographical Engineers. Lieutenant S. C. Lyford, Chief of Ordnance Department. By command of Major-General U. S. Grant. John A. Rawlins, A. A.-G. As it was found difficult to reduce the baggage and wagon trains of the army at a moment's notice, especially as the lighter material to be used in the place of the old fashioned tents had not been supplied to the troops, and as it was also necessary to make some provision for the cotton seized from the rebels, the following order was issued to remedy the evil as much as possible : Chief Quartermaster's Office, ) Lagrange, Tenn., November 13, 1862. ) 1. In compliance with General Orders, No. 160, from the "War Department, and of General Orders, No. 3, from Head-Quarters, Department of the Tennessee, all officers of the Quartermaster's Depart- ment are required to reduce their means of transportation as much as possible until shelter tents are provided, when the transportation will be reduced in compliance with the above orders. 2. All surplus teams and wagons in charge of regimental quarter- masters will be transferred to division quartermasters, who are hereby required to organize a supply train of from fifty to one hundred teams as the service of their division may require, and any teams in excess of the demands for division supply trains will be turned over to euch officer as may be designated to take charge of the general supply train. 3. All division and brigade quartermasters are required to report immediately by letter their address and the division or brigade to which they belong, and the name of its commander to the Chief Quartermaster of the department; if an acting assistant quartermaster, they will report in addition the regiment to which they are attached. 4. Brigade quartermasters will not be required to have supply trains, as the division quartermaster will issue direct to regiments. Division, brigade, and regimental quartermasters are required to remain in camp with their respective commands. The only quartermasters allowed to take quarters or offices in towns which the army may occupy are the depot and post quartermasters ; and no quarters will be occupied by any 140 GEIfERAL GRANT officer whatsoever, unless duly assigned thereto by the post quarter master, under the direction of the Chief Quartermaster. 5. All cotton coming into the hands of quartermasters, seized south of Jackson, Tenn., will be sent to that point, and invoiced to Captain G. L. Fort, A. Q. M., or the post quartermaster, giving the name and resi- dence of the parties from -whom it was taken. And all cotton seized north of that place will be shipped to Captain Thomas O'Brien, A. Q. M., or the post quartermaster, at Columbus, Ky. The quartermasters above mentioned will hold such cotton untii ordered to sell the same at public auction by the General Commanding or the Chief Quartermaster of the department. 6. All regimental and other quartermasters are required to show that they have, sent the monthly papers and returns prescribed by regula- tions and existing orders to the Quartermaster-General and the proper Auditor of the Treasury at "Washington, before they can receive funds for the payment of extra duty men. Extra duty rolls should havo attached to the certificate, " and that I have forwarded a copy of the above roll to the Quartermaster-General at Washington." Estimates for funds should be approved by the Division General. By command of Major-General U. S. Grant. Charles A. Reynolds, Chief Quartermaster. The negro refugees at this time became a source of much anxiety, as well as an incubus on the army. Several of these men had played the parts of spies at the instiga- tion of their rebel masters, by entering the Union linee under the pretence of being escaped slaves, and, after gain- ing what information they could, had made their way back to the rebel lines with the intelligence. To remedy this evil a special camp was organized for their accommo dation and protection, and was placed under the chargi of a responsible person. The following order located th< camp and appointed the commander thereof: Head-Quarters, 13th Army Corps, ) Department of the Tennessee, V Lagrange, Tenn., Nov. 14. ) [Special Field Orlers, No. 4.] 1. Chaplain J Eaton, Jr., of the 27th Regiment Ohio Infantry Vol AKD HIS CAMPAIGNS. 141 unteers, is hereby appointed to take charge of all fugitive slaves that are now. or may from time to time come within the military lines of the advancing army in this vicinity, not employed and registered in accor- dance with General Orders, No. 72, from Head-quarters District of West Tennessee, and will open a camp for them at Grand Junction, where they will be suitably cared for and organized into companies and set to work, picking, ginning, and baling all cotton now outstanding in fields. 2. Commanding officers of troops will send all fugitives that come within the lines, together with such teams, cooking utensils and other baggage as they may bring with them, to Chaplain J. Eaton, Jr., at Grand Junction. , 3 One regiment of infantry from Brigadier-General McArtnurs division will be temporarily detailed as guard in charge of such contra- bands, and the Surgeons of said regiment will be charged with the caro of the sick. 4. Commissaries of subsistence will issue on the requisitions of Chap- lain J Eaton, Jr., omitting the coffee rations, and substituting rye. By order of Major-General U. S. Grant. John A. Rawlins, A. A.-G. The Special Order No. 2, relative to plundering, began to have some effect in finding out who were the guilty parties engaged in such nefarious practices ; and General Grant being fully determined to have his orders obeyed, not only in the spirit, but to the letter, assessed the gmlty regiment for the whole amount of the injury inflicted, and punished the officers for neglect of duty. The following order will explain Ids method of cor- recting the evil: — Head-Quarters 13th Army Corps, Department of the Tennessee, La Grange, Tenn., Nov. 16, 1S62. [Special Field Orders, No. 6.] The facts having been officially reported to the Major-General Com- manding, that a portion of the Twentieth Regiment Illinois Infantry Volunteers did, on the night of the 1th of November inst, at Jackson, Tennessee, break into the store of G. W. Graham & Co., and take there- from goods to the value of §841.40, the property of said Graham & Co., 142 GENERAL GRANT and did cut the tent of R. B. Kent and N. A. Bass, and take therefrom goods to the value of $345, the property of said Kent and Bass, and burn and destroy the tent and poles, also the property of said Kent and Bass, of the value of $56.26, — all of which damages amount to the sum of $1,242.66 ; and it further appearing from said report that Capt. C. L. Page, Co. D ; Capt. J. M. North, Co. E ; Capt. G. "W. Kennard, Co. I ; Lieutenants Harry King, Co. B; "William Seas, Co. C; John Edmonston, Co. E; David Wadsworth, Co. F; J. Bailey, Co. F; Victor H. Stevens, Co. H ; R. M. Evans, Co. I ; Charles Taylor, Co. I, of said regiment, were absent from their commands at the time of the perpetration of these outrages, in violation of orders, and without proper cause, when they should have been present ; and also that Captain Orton Frisbee, pf Co. H, acting in the capacity of Major, and Captain John Tunison, of Co. G, the senior Captain, immediately after the commission of these depre- dations, did not exercise their authority to ferret out the men guilty of the offences, but that, on the contrary, Captain Tunison interposed to prevent search and discovery of the parties really guilty, and that Cap- tain Frisbee, after the commission of the said depredations, being in com- mand of the regiment, remained behind twenty-four hours after the regiment marched, and the names of the individual parties guilty not having been disclosed, it is therefore ordered — 1. That the said sum of $1,242.66 be assessed against said regiment and the officers hereinbefore named, excepting such enlisted men as were at the time sick in the hospital or absent with proper authority ; that the same be charged against them on . the proper muster and pay rolls, and the amount each is to pay noted opposite his name thereon, — the officers to be assessed pro rata with the men on the amount of their pay proper ; and that the sum so collected be paid by the command- ing oTfijar of the regiment to the parties entitled to the same. 2. That Captain Orton Frisbee and Captain John Tunison of the Twentieth Regiment Illinois Infantry Volunteers, for wilful neglect of duty and violation of orders, are hereby mustered out of tho service of the United States, to take effect this day. By order of Major-General U. S. GRANT. John A. Rawlins, A. A.-G. The subject of trade in the insurrectionary States after they had again come within the Union lines, became a mat- ter of much importance, and the Treasury Department had laid down certain rules for the guidance of those engaged AXD HIS CAMPAIGNS. 143 in such traffic. These rules were, however, very deficient in many cases ; and it also required certain stringent mili- tary regulations to be enforced to prevent the trade be- coming a source of aid and comfort to the enemy. The following order was therefore issued, defining such trade within the lines of the Department of the Tennessee : Headquarters 13tii Army Corps, Department of the Tennessee, Lagrange, Tenn., November 19, 1862. [General Orders, No. 8.] I. la addition to permits from the Treasury Department, all persons are required to have a permit from the local Provost-Marshal at the post before purchasing cotton or other Southern products in this Department, and shipping the same North. II. It will be regarded as evidence of disloyalty for persons to go beyond the lines of the army to purchase cotton or other products ; and all contracts made for such articles in advance of the army, or for cotton in the field, are null and void, and all persons so offending will be expelled from the department. III. Freight agents on military railroads will report daily to the Post Provost-Marshal all cotton or other private property shipped by them; and when shipments are made by persons who have not the proper per- mits, notice will be given by telegraph, to the Provost-Marshal at Co- lumbus, Ky., who will seize the goods for the benefit of the Government. IV. The Federal army being now in the occupancy of "West Tennes- see to the Mississippi line, and it being no part of the policy of the Government to oppress, or cause unnecessary suffering to those who are not in active rebellion, hereafter, until otherwise directed, licenses will be granted by District Commanders to loyal persons, at all military stations within the department, to keep for sale, subject to the Treasury regula- tions, such articles as are of prime necessity for families, and sell the same to all citizens who have taken, or may voluntarily take the oath of allegiance, and who have permits from the Provost-Marshal, obtained under oath, that all goods to be purchased are for their own and for their fami- ly's use, and that no part thereof is for sale or for the use of any person other than those named in the permit. Permits so given will be good until countermanded ; and all violations of trading permits will be pun- ished by the forfeiture of the permit, fine and imprisonment, at the dis- cretion of a military commission. V. Particular attention is called to existing orders prohibiting the em- 144 GENERAL GEANT ployment or use of Government teams for hauling private property. All cotton brought to stations or places for shipment in this department by Government teams will be seized by the Quartermaster's Department for the benefit of the Government, and persons claiming such property ex- pelled from the Department. It is made the duty of all officers, and especially of local Provost- Marshals, to see that this order is rigidly en- forced. By command of Major-General U. S. Grant. John A. Rawlings, A. A.-G. But, despite the above orders, the Jewish camp followers were found to be continually engaged in an illegal train c ; whereupon General Grant expelled them all from his de- partment. The following is his order of expulsion : Head-Quarters, Department of the Tennessee, ) Oxford, Miss., Dec. 17, 1862. f [General Orders, No. 11.] The Jews, as a class, violating every regulation of trade established by the Treasury Department, also department orders, are hereby ex- pelled from the department within twenty-four hours from the receipt of this order by post commanders. They will see that all this class of people are furnished with passes and required to leave ; and any one re- turning after such notification will be arrested and held in confinement until an opportunity occurs of sending them out as prisoners, unless furnished with permits from these head-quarters. No passes will be given these people to visit head-quarters for the purpose of making per- sonal application for trade permits.* By order of Major-General Grant. An anecdote is told of General Grant, relative to his re- fusal to engage in or authorize any movements for the reopening of trade with the rebellious States. On one oc- casion, especially, after his protests and orders suppressing such traffic, he was eagerly entreated by the agents of the Treasury Department to authorize some system of trada * This order was afterwards moderated and the Jews allowed to trade under certain regulations. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 145 For a long time he refused, for the reason that he could not successfully conduct his military operations while such per- sons were moving around him; but at last he conceded, that a certain amount of trade in the recaptured districts of the South would be safe, proper, and even highly useful to the Union — provided it could be conducted through honest, unimpeachable Union hands. He was asked to name the persons to whom he would be willing to trust. " I will do no such thing," was Grant's reply ; " for if I did, it would appear in less than a week that I was a part- ner of every one of the persons trading under my au- thority." 7 146 GENEEAL GEANT CHAPTER XV. ADVANCE INTO MISSISSIPPI. — A EETROSPECT. The object of the advance of General Grant's army into the State of Mississippi was to reduce Vicksburg, and open the Mississippi River from its source to the Gulf. The river had been blockaded at different times, by the fortification of certain points, which had all been subdued by the gun- boats, with the exception of Vicksburg ; but in consequence of the natural, as well as artificial strength of that position, it could not be taken from the water-front. It became, therefore, necessary that the land forces should co-operate in the movement for the conquest of the rebels at this point. It will be needful, for a clear understanding of the posi- tion of affairs when General Grant first undertook this re- sponsible duty, to go back to the time when the great river of the West was first blockaded at Vicksburg by the rebels, and show how every previous effort had failed to reduce the stronghold which had been styled by the enemy, the " Gibraltar of the Mississippi." On the 12th day of January, 1861, the Governor of the State of Mississippi first sent artillery to fortify Vicksburg, then supposed to be the strongest defensive position on the river, commanding as it did, from an important elevation, the channel for some miles, both above and below the city. Wb^Ti it was found that the gunboat fleet had, with the AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 147 assistance of the army, reduced the strong position at Island No. 10, and had pushed down past the works constructed to blockade the river above Memphis, the rebels at once, under skilful engineers, began strengthening the fortifica- tions at Vicksburg, until they were considered incapable of being stronger, and sufficient to resist the advance of any enemy either by land or from the water. Vicksburg, in fact, became a series of forts, inclosed and connected, as it were, within a larger fortress. The operations of the army and the naval forces in the "West up to May, 1862, had principally been for two grand objects — the reopening of the Mississippi River to the Gulf, and the suppression of the rebels in arms. The movements were therefore general in their character up to this date, and had not been directed to any one particu- lar point, until the advance upon Corinth, under General Halleck. About June, 1862, the reduction of Vicksburg and its neighboring batteries became a subject of more direct im- portance, and a special object to be accomplished ; and on the 1st of that month, Commodore Farragut's fleet, which had taken New Orleans, and the other points of the Lower Mississippi, arrived off Grand Gulf, where it attacked a rebel battery of rifled guns. After a brief engagement the fleet passed up the river, without reducing the battery. It was the approach of this fleet from below and of the gun- boat fleet from above, that warned General Beauregard that his army was in great danger, if he should remain too long at Corinth. As before stated, Memphis was reduced on June 6th, and the next day, Farragut's fleet arrived ofl" Vicksburg. On June 8th, a portion of the fleet returned to Grand Gulf, and for the time, silenced the rebel battery at that point. The gunboat fleet having cleared the river to Vicksburg 148 GENERAL GRANT from above, after reaching that place returned north, to operate on the rivers of Arkansas. The movements of the Union army under General Grant, after the evacuation of Corinth, and the arrival of Farra- gut's fleet before Vicksburg, had such an effect upon the rebel inhabitants of the State of Mississippi, that they, on June 16th, 1862, removed their state archives from their capital — Jackson — to a more remote position. On the 27th of June, 1862, the fleet began bombarding Yicksburg, and with the aid of Porter's mortar fleet, kept shelling the rebel position at intervals, until the end of July, when the river was found to be so low, that the fleet had to retire to New Orleans, to prevent the larger vessels from becoming aground. About twelve miles north of Vicksburg is the mouth of the Yazoo River, the waters of which stream are deep enough to float an ordinary river vessel, at almost any season of the year. Up this river, the rebels had established an impro- vised navy-yard; had there constructed a powerful iron-clad ram, which they had named the " Arkansas ;" and, to pre- vent an enemy from passing up the Yazoo River to destroy this ship-building, the rebels had fortified Haines's Bluff, a strong elevation, a short distance above the point where the Yazoo falls into the Mississippi River. On July 15th, 1862, this ram came down the Yazoo, ran by the fleet, and laid up before the city of Yicksburg, adding thereby a floating battery to the works of that place. The gunboat " Essex" and the ram " Queen of the West," however, sub- sequently inflicted such injuries on this rebel vessel, that in a short time she was completely destroyed. At this time, Yicksburg and its vicinity formed a portion of the Union Department of the Gulf, therefore, all military operations had to be made by troops having their base at New Orleans. While the United States vessels were en- "'1 AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 1-49 gaged as just described, the troops, which consisted of one small division of infantry, under General Williams, were far from being idle. An idea had been conceived that it was possible to iso- late the city of Vicks burg, which was located on a bend of the Mississippi R^ver, by turning the course of that stream, and thus force the city inland, some six miles.* As the only strategical value of Vicksburg to the rebels was its power in blockading the river, if the channel could be thus changed into another direction, the rebel works would be useless, and could be reduced without much bloodshed, even if they were not voluntarily abandoned. To effect this change in the channel of the river, it was deemed necessary to cut a canal across the neck of land between De Soto and Richmond, La., and nearly opposite Vicks- burg. The troops were therefore employed on this work, while the fleet bombarded the city. II' the channel had been thus changed, the piece of land cut off in this method would have been taken out of the State of Louisiana, and added to the State of Mississippi. On the 22d of July, 1S62, this canal was declared com- pleted ; but the waters of the river were too low to flow through it, at least it was then so supposed ; but, after- wards, it was ascertained that the canal was located in the wrong spot, to cause any variation in the channel. The waters of the river continuing to subside rapidly, it was deemed advisable to raise the siege ; and the rebels took this opportunity to fill up the canal cut by the Union troops, and then to add their Vicksburg garrison to the force engaged against Corinth, during the early part of October. They, also, further fortified the hills around * On many previous occasions, the course of the Mississippi River nad been changed in one night, by merely running a plough across a neck of land, and thus making a previous peninsula into an island. 150 GENERAL GRANT Vicksburg, on both the land and water sides, so as to ren- der it, if possible, perfectly impregnable. Such was the position of affairs, when General Grant commenced his advance into the State of Mississippi ; and to prevent the naval vessels from N >w Orleans from again ascending the river, to co-operate with him, the rebel forces, on November 25th, 1862, fortified Port Hudson, on the southwest corner of East Feliciana County, La., and a short distance above Baton Rouge. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 151 CHAPTER XVI. FIKST MOVEMENTS TOWARDS VICKSBURG. General John A. Logan, one of the officers who had served under General Grant, from the first day he assumed command at Cairo, asserted, in the halls of the National Congress, that, if the Mississippi River could not other- wise be opened, " the men of the Northwest would hew their way to the Gulf," if the opportunity was only al- lowed them. The Government, finding this to be the tem- per of those hardy Western men, determined to foster that feeling, by not only enlarging General Grant's Depart- ment, but also by increasing his forces. On the 28th of November, a force of infantry and cav- alry, under Generals A. P. Hovey and Washburne, arrived at Delta, on the Mississippi River, near the mouth of the Yazoo Pass. They had started the previous day from He- lena, on the Arkansas shore, at which point the Union troops about to join General Grant were being concen trated. General Washburne's cavalry made a reconnoissance to the mouth of the Cold water River, where he captured a rebel camp, a number of horses, arms, and equipments, and routed the enemy. The reconnoissance was pushed along both the Coldwater and Tallahatchie Rivers, thence to Preston, after which an expedition was sent to Garner's Station, to destroy the railroad bridge and track. This expedition was completely successful, as were several others 152 GENERAL GKANT of a similar character. The cavalry then returned via Charleston, and formed a junction, near Mitchell's Cross- Roads, with General Hovey's forces. The reconnoissance was next pushed up to Panola, where an abandoned rebel camp was discovered, the occupants having fled during the previous night. The cavalry again moved in a southerly direction to Oakland, and along the road towards Coffee- ville. After ascertaining the exact position of the rebel forces, and being engaged in a few skirmishes, this part of the expedition returned to the mouth of the Cold water River. General Hovey's command also cut some portions of the railroad lines. This movement created quite a panic among the rebels of the Southwest. Meanwhile, the main forces, under General Grant, moved steadily forward along the line of railroad leading from Grand Junction to Grenada. On November 28th, the ad- vance left Davis's Mills for Holly Springs, Colonel Lee's cavalry pushing on ahead. All along the line of march were evidences of the recent cavalry operations of the Union forces. At ten o'clock of the morning of November 29th, the advance passed through Holly Springs, pushing on rapidly still further south, arriving near Waterford on the 30th. In this place was discovered several evidences of the illegal traffic that had been carried on through the rebel lines ; one house, in St. Louis, having a branch clothing establishment for the supply of the rebels. This, and simi- lar facts, led General Grant to issue his order, No. 11. Cavalry reconnoissances were sent out under Colonel Lee, and discovered the enemy in force on the Tallahatchie. A skirmish took place on November 30th, near Abbeville, resulting in the retreat of the rebels to the defences at that place. On the 2d of December, Abbeville was evacuated, and occupied by the Union forces. A series of skirmishes occurred on December 3d, near Oxford, Miss., between the AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 153 Union cavalry advance and the rebels, and resulted in the retreat of the latter. The cavalry then pushed on after Van Dorn's retreating column, and, on December 4th, drove the rebels out of Water Valley, engaging them sharply near Coffbeville, on December 5th. As the cavalry thus pushed on, they were followed by the main army under General Grant, whose generalship was plainly manifested in every movement he made. By sending General Hovey's forces, via Delta, toward the rail- road lines, he created a panic in the very vicinity through which he was marching, thus making his advance almost a bloodless one. The gunboat fleet were also operating along the rivers, especially the Yazoo, in which torpedoes had been sunk by the rebels, to repel the advance. On December 11th, the gunboat Cairo was sunk by the ex- plosion of one of these hidden weapons. Skirmishes would occasionally take place at the posts left behind General Grant in his advance, but as he always took care that such places should be well guarded, these brief contests did not, at first, interfere with his move- ments. On December 12th, a skirmish took place at Cor- inth, but was handsomely repulsed by Colonel (since Gen- eral) Sweeny. General Grant's head-quarters had, by this time, been re- moved to Oxford, Mississippi ; but, in consequence of the attack iqion and disgraceful surrender of Holly Springs, on December 20th, with all its stores, etc., so necessary to the advance, General Grant's main forces had to fall back to that place, where he located his head-quarters, in order to recruit his supplies. Upon the investigation of the matter concerning this surrender, General Grant found that it was not warranted by any circumstances that attended it, and he expressed his displeasure in the following condemnatory order : — 154 GENERAL GRANT Head-Quarters, I 3th Army Corps, ) Department op the Tennessee, v Holly Springs, Miss., December 24, 1862. ) [Special Field Orders, Fo. 23.] (Extract.) It is with pain and mortification that the General Commanding reflects upon the disgraceful surrender of the place, with all the valuable stores it con- tained, on the 20th inst, and that without any resistance except by a few men, who form an honorable exception; and this, too, after warning had been giving of the enemy northward, the evening previous. With all the cotton, public stores, and substantial buildings about the depot, it would have been perfectly practicable to have made, in a few hours, a de- fence sufficient- to resist, with a small garrison, all the cavalry force brought against them until the re-enforcements which the commanding officer was notified were marching to his relief could have reached him. The conduct of officers and men in accepting paroles, under the circum- stances, is highly reprehensible, and, to say the least, thoughtless. By the terms of the Dix-Hill cartel each party is bound to take care of their prisoners and to send them to Vicksburg, or a point on the James River, for exchange, or parole, unless some other point is mutually agreed upon by the generals commanding the opposing armies. By a refusal to be paroled, tha enemy, from his inability to take care of the prisoners, would have been compelled either to have refused them uncon- ditionally, or to have abandoned further aggressive movements for the time being, which would have made their recapture, and the discomfiture of the enemy almost certain. The prisoners paroled at this place will be collected in camp at once by the post commander, and held under close guard until their case can be reported to Washington for further instructions. Commanders throughout the department are directed to arrest and hold as above all men of their commands and all stragglers who may have accepted their paroles upon like terms. The General Commanding is satisfied that the majority of the troops who accepted a parole did so thoughtlessly and from want of knowledge of the cartel referred to, and that in future they will not be caught in the same way. By order of Major-General U. S. Grant. John A. Rawlins, A. A.-G. Other posts in General Grant's rear were attacked at about the same time as Holly Springs, but were bravely AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 155 defended by their garrisons, and the rebel onslaughts re- pulsed. General Grant, therefore, caused a full investiga- tion to be made, respecting the conduct of the troops at all the points that were assailed, and expressed his feelings concerning it, in the following order : — Head-Quarters, Department of the Tennessee, ) Holly Springs, Miss., January 8, 1863. ) [General Orders, No. 4] I. The Major- General Commanding the department takes just prido and satisfaction in congratulating the small garrisons of the posts of Coldwater, Davis's Mills, and Middleburg, for the heroic defence of their positions on the 20th, 21st, and 24th ultimo, and their successful repulse of an enemy many times their number. The 90th Illinois, at Coldwater (its first engagement); the detach- ment of the veteran 25th Indiana, and two companies of the 5th Ohio Cavalry, at Davis's Mills ; and the detachment of the gallant 12th Michi- gan at Middleburg, are deserving of the thanks of the army, which was in a measure dependent upon the road they so nobly defended for supplies, and they will receive the meed of praise ever awarded by a grateful public to those who bravely and successfully do their duty. These regiments are entitled to inscribe upon their banners, respec- tively, Coldwater, Davis's Mills, and Middleburg, with the names of other battle-fields made victorious by their valor and discipline. It is gratifying to know that at every point where our troops made a stand during the late raid of the enemy's cavalry, success followed, and the enemy was made to suffer a loss in killed and wounded greater than the entire gar- risons of the places attacked. Especially was this the case of Davis's Mills and Middleburg. The only success gained by Van Dorn was at Holly Springs, where the whole garrison was left by their commander in ignorance of the approach of danger. II. Colonel R. C. Murphy, of the 8 th Regiment Wisconsin Infantry Volunteers, having, while in command of the post of Holly Springs, Mississippi, neglected and failed to exercise the usual and ordinary pre- cautions to guard and protect the same; having, after repeated and timely warning of the approach of the enemy, failed to make any pre- parations for resistance or defence, or shown any disposition to do so ; and having, with a force amply sufficient to have repulsed the enemy and protect the public stores intrusted to his care, disgracefully permitted him to capture the post and destroy the stores— and the movement of 156 GENERAL. GRANT troops in the face of an enemy rendering it impracticable to convene a court-martial for his trial — is, therefore, dismissed the service of the United States — to take effect from the 20lh day of December, 1862, the date of his cowardly and disgraceful conduct. By order of Major-General U. S. Grant. John A. Rawlins, A. A.-G. It will be seen, by the date of this last order, that it had not been issued in the heat of the moment, or without due consideration, but had been the result of a careful in- vestigation of the merits and demerits of the case. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 157 CHAPTER XVn. COMMANDER OP POUR ARMY CORPS. — SHERMAN'S EXPEDI- TION. The forces under General Grant having now been in- creased to such an extent as to authorize their division into Army Corps,the following order was issued, and gave directions for the arrangement of the forces by divisions into corps, and stated who were the commanders of the new organizations : Head-Quarters, Department of the Tennessee, ) Holly Springs, Miss., Dec. 22, 1862. J [General Orders, No. 14.] By directions of the General-in-Chief of the army, the troops in this department, including those of the Department of the Missouri opera- ting on the Mississippi River, are hereby divided into four Army Corps, as follows: 1. The troops composing the 9th Division, Brigadier-General G. "W. Morgan commanding; the 10th Division, Brigadier-General A. J. Smith commanding; and all other troops operating on the Mississippi River below Memphis, not included in the 15th Army Corps, will constitute the 13th Army Corps, under the command of Major-General John A. Mc- Clernand. 2. The 5th Division, Brigadier-General Morgan L. Smith commanding; the Division from Helena, Ark., commanded by Brigadier-General F. Steele ; and the forces in the " District of Memphis," will constitute the 15th Army Corps, and be commanded bv Major-General W. T. Sherman. 3. The 6th Division, Brigadier-General J. McArthur commanding ; the 7th division, Brigadier-General I. F. Quinby commanding; the 8th Division, Brigadier General L. F. Ross commanding ; the 2d Brigade of Cavalry, Colonel A. L. Lee commanding ; and the troops in the " Dis* 158 GENERAL GRANT trict of Columbus," commanded by Brigadier-General Davies, and those in the " District of Jackson," commanded by Brigadier-General Sullivan, will constitute the 16th Army Corps, and be commanded by Major-Gen- eral S. A. Hurlbut. 4. The 1st Division, Brigadier-General J. "W. Denver commanding; the 3d Division, Brigadier-General John A. Logan commanding ; the 4th Division, Brigadier-General J. G. Lauman commanding; the 1st Bri- gade of Cavalry, Colonel B. H. Grierson commanding ; and the forces in the "District of Corinth," commanded by Brigadier-General G. M. Dodge, will constitute the 17th Army Corps, and be commanded by Major-General J. B. McPherson. District commanders will send consolidated returns of their forces to these head-quarters as well as to Army Corps head-quarters, and will, for the present, receive orders from Department head-quarters. By order of Major-General U. S. Grant. John A. Rawlins, A. A.- G. Another general order transposed the divisions of Gen- erals Mc Arthur and Quinby, of the 16th Army Corps, with those of Generals Lauman and Denver, of the 17th. Two days before the issuance of the foregoing, General Sherman, who had been placed in command of an expedi- tion down the Mississippi River to Vicksburg, and who had personally made certain reconnoissances in the vicinity of the Tallahatchie River, embarked his forces at Memphis, and they were ordered to rendezvous at Friar's Point, eighteen miles below Helena. The fleet consisted of one hundred and twenty-seven steamers, in addition to the gunboats. General Sherman's force was composed en- tirely of Western men, good fighters, hardy, daring, aud used to a rough and adventurous life. In order that the expedition might be composed entirely of fighting material, General Sherman issued the folio wing, before embarking his forces : AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 159 ters, Right "Wing 13th Army Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 18, 1862. Head-Quarters, Right "Wing 13th Army Corps, j [General Orders, No. 8.] 1. The expedition now fitting out is purely of a military character, and the interests involved are of too important a nature to be mixed up with personal and private business. No citizen, male or female, will he allowed to accompany it, unless employed as part of a crew or as ser- vants to the transports. Female chambermaids to the boats and nurses to the sick alone will be allowed, unless the wives of captains and pilots actually belonging to the boats. No laundress, officer's, or soldier's wife must pass below Helena. 2. No person whatever, citizen, officer, or sutler, will, on any con- sideration, buy or deal in cotton or other produce of the country. Should any cotton be brought on board of any transport going or return- ing, the brigade quartermaster, of which the boat forms a part, will take possession of it, and invoice it to Captain A. R. Eddy, Chief Quartermaster at Memphis. 3. Should any cotton or other produce, be brought back to Memphis by any chartered boat, Captain Eddy will take possession of the same, and sell it for the benefit of the United States. If accompanied by its actual producer, the planter or factor, the quartermaster will furnish him with a receipt for the same to be settled for, on proof of his loyal- ty at the close of the war. 4. Boats ascending the river may take cotton from the shore for bulk- heads to protect their engines or crew, but on arrival at Memphis it will be turned over to the quartermaster with a statement of the time, place, and name of its owner. The trade in cotton must await a more peaceful state of affairs. 5. Should any citizen accompany the expedition below Helena, in violation of these orders, any colonel of a regiment or captain of a battery will con- script Mm into the service of the United States for the unexpired term of Ms command. If he show a refractory spirit unfitting him for a soldier, the commanding officer present will turn him over to the captain of the boat as a deck hand, and compel him to work in that capacity without wages until the boat returns to Memphis. 6. Any person whatever, whether in the service of the United States or transports, found making reports for publication, which might reach the enemy, giving them information, aid, and comfort, will be arrested and treated as spies. By order of Major-General Sherman. J. H. Hammojst), Major and A. A.-G. 160 GENERAL GRANT The foregoing order certainly gave speculators due "warn- ing of what they might expect, if they attempted to conceal themselves among the soldiers and were found out. General Sherman, when he .left Memphis, located his head-quarters on the "Forest Queen," and with his staff arrived at Friar's Point oh December 21st. It will thus be seen that General Sherman was entirely unaware of the necessity which existed in General Grant retracing his steps from Oxford to Holly Springs ; and as the plan had been for the latter to move upon Jackson by the railroad, thence to Vieksbnrg, while the former attacked the works, a proper combination was certainly needed to secure success. It was not possible for General Grant to inform Gen- eral Sherman of his retrograde movement ; and it was only to be hoped that, having the moral support of supposing General Grant was successful, he would himself succeed. As it was, the troops that had retreated before General Grant's advance, finding that they were released from the necessity of further resisting him — as it would have been a fatal madness for him to have pushed on to Jackson with- out supplies — were immediately transported to Vicksburg to resist the onslaught of General Sherman, of whose expedition the rebels had been duly apprised by their sym- pathizers in Memphis. General Sherman, therefore, proceeded with his part of the expedition, and landed a small force under General Morgan L. Smith, at Milliken's Bend. These troops pro- ceeded to Delhi and Dallas, on the Vicksburg and Texas Railroad, and destroyed the depots and a section of the track, so as to cut off the retreat of the rebels from Vicks- burg. It will be seen that General Grant's plan was a splendid one ; and but for the surrender of Holly Springs, must have proved successful. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 101 On the 27th of December, 1862, the main forces under General Sherman, having successfully disembarked at Johnston's Landing, near the mouth of the Yazoo River, the command next prepared for an assault upon the north- ern works that defended the city of Vicksburg. 102 GENERAL GRANT CHAPTER XVIII. Sherman's attack: upon vicksburg. — Arkansas post.* The forces under General Sherman consisted of four di- visions, and were known as the "Right Wing of the Army of the Tennessee." At about noon of December 26th, 1862, the fleet of trans- ports arrived off Johnston's Landing, and under cover of the gunboats, the men were disembarked ; the armed ves- sels having first silenced the battery which the rebels had planted. By early morning the whole force, infantry and artillery were landed — the advance having already moved some distance inland. Vicksburg, from this point of landing, was peculiarly situated, being on a hill, with a line of hills surrounding it at a distance of several miles, and extending from Haines' Bluff, on the Yazoo River, to Warren ton, ten miles below the city, on the Mississippi River. The low country in the vicinity is swampy, filled with sloughs, bayous, and lagoons. To approach Vicksburg with a large force by this route, even in times of peace, would be a matter of great diffi- culty, and with an enemy in front, it was almost an im- possibility. * Those two actions -were not under the immediate supervision of General Grant; but as they occurred within his department, and were fought by his troops, they consequently form a portion of bis military his- tory. Under such circumstances, it is not necessary to fully describe each battle in detail, but briefly allude to them, so as to connect tho links in the historic chain. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 163 On Saturday morning, December 27th, 1862, the army- was drawn up in line of battle, prepared to make the as- sault on the enemy's works. The general advance was then commenced from different points, and by dusk the enemy was driven at least a quarter of a mile from his for- mer position.* On the 28th, the men fought with great bravery and de- termination; but the non-arrival of the left wing had com- pletely disarranged the plan of battle. The enemy had also by this time, been considerably re-enforced by the troops that had fled from before General Grant's advance ; and the missiles from this concentrated body were thrown with great rapidity upon General Sherman's lines. The rebels, however, refused to come from behind their de- fences, which, on the morning of the 29th, extended for at least two miles up the bluffs — the newly arrived troops having been at once set to work, during the previous night, throwing up earthwork batteries in all directions, and at every assailable point. The position was naturally strong, but by the addition of art, it was made completely impreg- nable against so small a force as that commanded by Gen- eral Sherman. The woods were also filled with sharpshoot- ers, who picked off the officers with great rapidity. During Monday, the 29th, several brilliant charges were made by the troops on the rebel works ; but all was in vain, as the men were, on all occasions outnumbered by the enemy, and consequently could not hold the positions, even after they were taken. General Blair's brigade, headed * General Sherman had bo far successfully carried out his pari of the programme ; and it was by this timo expected that General Grant ■would have been able to co-operate with him. The surrender of Holly Springs, as before described, had, however, prevented the latter from following out his portion of the plan: and thus, by the delinquency of one subordinate, the whole campaign was ruined. 164 GEXEKAL GKANT by himself on foot, particularly distinguished itself, and suffered the greatest loss. As the men fell back upon their supports, the last man to leave the hill, was the brigade commander. The following description of the charge is given by one who witnessed the whole action : General Morgan, at eleven o'clock A. si., sent word to General Steele that he was about ready for the movement upon the hill, and wished the latter to support him with General Thayer's Brigade. General Steele accordingly ordered General Thayer to move his brigade forward, and be ready for the assault. The order was promptly complied with, and Gen- eral Blair received from General Morgan the order to assault the hill. The artillery had been silent for some time ; but Hoffman's Battery opened when the movement commenced. This was promptly replied to by the enemy, and taken up byGriffith's First Iowa Battery, and a vig- orous shelling was the result. By the time General Blair's Brigade emerged from its cover of cypress forest, the shell were dropping fast among the men. A field battery had been in position in front of Hoff- man's Battery ; but it Umbered up and moved away beyoud the heavy batteries and the rifle-pits. In front of the timber where Blair's Brigade had been lying was an abatis of young trees, cut off about three feet above the ground, and with the tops fallen promiscuously around. It took some minutes to pass this abatis, and by the time it was accomplished the enemy's fire had not been without effect. Beyond this abatis was a ditch fifteen or twenty feet deep, and with two or three feet of water in the bottom. The bottom of the ditch was a quicksand, in which the feet of the men com- menced sinking, the instant they touched it. By the time this ditch was passed the line was thrown into considerable confusion, and it took seve- ral minutes to put it in order. All the horses of the officers were mired in this ditch. Every one dismounted and moved up the hill on foot. Beyond this ditch was an abatis of heavy timber that had been felled several months before, and, from being completely seasoned, was more difficult of passage than that constructed of the greener and more flex- ible trees encountered at first. These obstacles were overcome under a tremendous fire from the enemy's batteries and the men in the rifle-pits. The line wasy recovered from the disorder into which it had been thrown by the passage of the abatis ; and, with General Blair at their head, the regiments m™ed forward " upon the enemy's works." The first move AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 165 meiit was over a sloping plateau, raked by direct and enfilading fires from heavy artillery, and swept by a perfect storm of bullets from the rifle- pits. Nothing daunted by the dozens of men that had already fallen, the brigade pressed on, and in a few moments had driven the enemy from the first range of rifle-pits at the base of the hill, and were in full possession. Halting but a moment to take breath, the brigade renewed the charge, and speedily occupied the second line of rifle-pits, about two hundred yards distant from the first. General Blair was the first man of his brigade to enter. All this time the murderous fire from the enemy's guns continued. The batteries were still above this line of rifle-pits. The regiments were not strong enough to attempt their capture without a prompt and powerful support. For them it had truly been a march Into the jaws of death — Into the mouth of hell. Almost simultaneously with the movement of General Blair on the left, Gen. Thayer received his command to go forward. He had previ- ously given orders to all his regiments in column to follow each other whenever the first moved forward. He accordingly placed himself at the head of his advance regiment, the Fourth Iowa^' and his order— " Forward, Second Brigade I" — rang out clear above the tumult. Colonel Williamson, commanding the Fourth Iowa, moved it off in splendid style. General Thayer supposed that all the other regiments of his brigade were following, in accordance with his instructions previously issued. He wound through the timber skirting the bayou, crossed at the same bridge where General Blair had passed but a few minutes before, made his way through the ditch and both lines of abatis, deflected the right and ascended the sloping plateau in the direction of the rifle-pits simulta- neously with General Blair, and about two hundred yards to his right. When General Thayer reached the rifle-pits, after hard fighting and a heavy loss, he found, to his horror, that only the Fourth Iowa had fol- lowed him, the wooded nature of the place having prevented his ascer- taining it before. Sadly disheartened, with little hope of success, he still pressed forward and fought his way to the second line, at the same time that General Blair reached it on the left. Colonel Williamson's regiment was fast falling before the concentrated fire of the rebels, and with an anxious heart General Thayer looked around for aid. The rebels were forming three full regiments of infantry to move down upon General Thayer, and were massing a proportionately for- midable force against General Blair. The rebel infantry and artillery were constantly in full play, and two heavy guns were rakmg the rifle- 166 GENERAL GRANT pits in several places. "With no hope of succor, General Thayer gave the order for a return down the hill and back to his original position. The Fourth Iowa, entering the fight five hundred strong, had lost a hun- dred and twenty men in less than thirty minutes. It fell back at a quick inarch, but with its ranks unbroken and without any thing of panic. It appears that just at the time General Thayer's Brigade started up the hill, General Morgan sent for a portion of it to support him on the right. General Steele at once diverted the Second Regiment of Thayer's Brigade, which was passing at the time. The Second Regiment being thus diverted, the others followed, in accordance with the orders they had previously received from their commander. Notice of the move- ment was sent to General Thayer ; but, in consequence of the death of the courier, the notification never reached him. This accounts for his being left with nothing save the Fourth Iowa Regiment. The occur- rence was a sad one. The troops thus turned off were among the best that had yet been in action, and had they been permitted to charge the enemy they would have won for themselves a brilliant record. When General Blair entered the second fine of rifle-pits, his brigade continued to pursue the enemy up the hill. The Thirteenth Illinois In- fantry was in advance, and fought with desperation to win its way to the top of the crest. Fifty yards or more above the second line of rifle-pits is a small clump of willows, hardly deserving the name of trees. They stand in a corn-field, and from the banks of the bayou below presented the appearance of a green hillock. To this copse many of the rebels fled when they were driven from the rifle-pits, and they were promptly pur- sued by General Blair's men. The Thirteenth met and engaged the rebels hand to hand, and in the encounter bayonets were repeatedly crossed. It gained the place, driving out the enemy ; but as soon as our men occupied it the fire of a field-battery was turned upon them and the place became too hot to be held. The road from Mrs. Lake's plantation to the top of the high ground and thence to Yicksburg, runs at an angle along the side of the hill, so as to obtain a slope easy of ascent. The lower side of this road was pro- vided with a breastwork, so that a light battery could be taken any- where along the road and fired over the embankment. From the nearest point of this embankment a battery opened on the Thirteenth Illinois, and was aided by a heavy battery on the hilL Several men were killed by the shell and grape that swept the copse. The other regiments of the brigade came to the support of the Thir- teenth, the Twenty-ninth Missouri, Colonel Cavender, being in the AXD HIS CAMPAIGNS. 167 advance. Meantime the rebels formed a large force of infantry to bring against them, and when the Twenty-ninth reached the copse the rebels were already engaging the Union troops. The color-bearer of the Twelfth had been shot down, and some one picked up the standard and planted it in front of the copse. The force of the rebels was too great for our men to stand against them, and they slowly fell back, fighting step by step toward the rifle-pits, and taking their colors with them. In this charge upon the hill the regiments lost severely. In General Blair's Brigade there were eighteen hundred and twenty -five men en- gaged in this assault, and of this number six hundred and forty-two were killed, wounded, and captured.* Under a flag of truce the dead were buried and the wounded removed, after which General Sherman gave the order for his troops to re-embark. The arrival of General McClernand at the scene of action next caused a change in the command, as he ranked Gen- eral Sherman by over one month in the date of his com- mission ; and an order was at once given by the former to withdraw from the Yazoo River, where the vessels were stationed, and return to the Mississippi River. General McClernand, on assuming the command, ordered the title of the army to be changed, and General Sherman an- nounced the fact in the following order : Head-Quarters, Right Wing Army of Tennessee, | Steamer Forest Qdeen, Milliken's Bend, January 4, 1863. ) [General Orders, No. 5.] Pursuant to the terms of General Orders, No. 1, made this day by General McClernand, the title of our army ceases to exist, and consti- tutes in the future the Army of the Mississippi, composed of two " army corps," one to be commanded by General G. W. Morgan, and the other by myself. In relinquishing the command of the Army of the Tennessee, and restricting my authority to my own corps, I desire to express to all commanders, to soldiers and officers recently operating before Vicksburg, my hearty thanks for their zeal, alacrity, and courage manifested by them on all occasions. "We failed in accomplishing one 16S GENERAL GRANT purpose of our movement, the capture of Yicksburg; but we were part of a whole. Ours was but part of a combined movement, in which others were to • Holly Springs, Miss., December 31, 1862. J [Special Orders, No. 58.] It having been alleged that the 109th Regiment Illinois Infantry Volunteers has shown indications of disloyalty, and many members of the regiment having voluntarily hunted up citizens in the neighbor- hood of their camp to surrender and obtain parole from, is hereby placed in arrest. The regiment will be disarmed by the commander of the brigade to which the regiment is temporarily attached, and the arms and ammuni- tion of the regiment turned over to the Ordnance Officer, Lieutenant Carter, to be disposed of as may hereafter be ordered. Officers and men will be confined within camp limits until other wise ordered. The conduct of Company K, of said regiment, being in honorable contrast to the balance of the regiment, is exempt from the effect of the above order, and will be placed on duty with the brigade to which said regiment is attached. By command of Major-General U. S. Grant. John A. Rawlins, A. A.-G AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. lYl The condition of this regiment vras made the matter for a special court of inquiry, which was convened under an order from General Grant, bearing date January 2d, 1803. The case was carefully investigated, and exonerated the regiment as a body. The result of the investigation was publicly set forth by General Grant, in general orders, and read at the head of each regiment. Head-Quarters, Department of Tennessee, ) Young's Point, La., February 1, 1863. ) [General Orders, No. 12.] The proceedings of the Court of Inquiry, convened at Holly Springs, Miss., by Special Orders, No. 2, of date of January 2d, 1863, from these head-quarters, and of which Lieutenant-Colonel Dewitt C. Loudon, of the 7th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, was president, to inquire into and in- vestigate the allegations and charges of disloyalty against the 109th Illinois Infantry Volunteers, exonerate said regiment, as a regiment, from all suspicion of disloyalty, satisfactorily vindicate its innocence, and place it where the commanding-general hoped to find it, among the pure and patriotic in their country'' s defence; that whatever cause for suspicion or charges of disloyalty there was arose from the conduct and declarations of the following named officers, wlw are hereby dismissed the service of the United Slates, with forfeiture of pay and allowances, to take effect from this date, for the offences of which they are severally shown to be guilty. Lieutenant-Colonel Elijah "Willard, for disobedience of orders, and deserting his command in the face of an enemy, that he might be taken prisoner. Captain John M. Richie, for disobedience of orders, encouraging his men to desert, and discouraging his men from fighting in the face of the enemy. Captain 'Thomas Boswell, for encouraging his men to desert, that they might be captured and paroled, and advising them to apply for dis- charges for slight causes ; also, for trying to impress upon the minds ol the officers and men of his regiment that they were embraced in the sur- render of Holly Springs by Colonel Murphy, on the 20th day of Decem- ber, 1862, well knowing the same to be false. Captain John Mcintosh, for declaring in the hearing of his men. and in the presence of the enemy, that he would not fight if attacked, nea; flolly Springs, on the 20th December, 1862. 172 GENERAL GEANT Captain Penninger, of Company G-, for proposing a plan by which the regiment could be surrendered to the enemy, and attempting to induce others of the regiment to aid in carrying it into execution during the raid of the enemy's cavalry on Holly Springs, on the 20th day of December, 1S62. Second-Lieutenant John Stokes, for straggling from his command, and procuring for himself and a number of his men fraudulent paroles from a rebel citizen. Second-Lieutenant Daniel Kimmel, for advising the colonel of his regiment, if attacked by the enemy, to surrender, and on feigned sick- ness procuring a surgeon's certificate, to go to the hospital, at Holly Springs, Miss., by reason of which he was captured and then paroled by the enemy during the raid on that place. First-Lieutenant and Adjutant James Evans, for inciting dissatisfaction among the men of his regiment, and speaking in an improper manner of the war and President, in violation of the 5th Article of War. Commissary-Sergeant Joshua Wisenheimer is reduced to the ranks for declaring that he would never fire a gun upon the enemy, and on hearing a camp rumor that Major-General Burnside was defeated with a loss of twenty thousand men, wished that it was so. By order of Major-General TJ. S. Grant. Joiin A. Rawlixs, A. A.-G. Cavalry operations were continually taking place in the vicinity of the Union posts, and on January 8th, J 863, a descent was made on a camp near Ripley, Tennessee, kill- ing and wounding several rehel soldiers, and capturing forty-six, besides horses, ai'ms, camp equipage, etc. The remainder of the force was dispersed. The commander at Memphis gave notice that, for all guerilla raids upon Union citizens and communications with the city, the resi- dent secessionists should be punished in the forfeiture of their property and expulsion beyond the extreme limits of the Union army lines. General Grant's immediate army, except the special posts held at Corinth and elsewhere, was also withdrawn from Northern Mississippi, after the diversion of the forces AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 173 acting along the Mississippi River, and the head-quarters of the Department were located at Memphis. From this city General Grant announced the victory at Arkansas Post. After the withdrawal of the army, the rebel guerilla forces began to make raids upon all towns recently held by the Union troops, and any person or persons that had mani- fested to Grant's army any evidence of returning loyalty, were summarily punished, either in person or property. On the 23d of January, the Army of Mississippi, having destroyed all offensive and defensive works at Arkansas Post, returned to Memphis and reported to General Grant. General Grant was also determined that the President's Proclamation of Emancipation should be carried out in hi3 department, and issued an order, relative to the negro regiments, of which document the following is an ex- tract : — Milliken's Bend, La. [Genera! Orders, No. 25.] I. Corps, Division, and Post Commanders will afford all facilities for the completion of the negro regiments now organizing in this Depart- ment. Commissaries will issue supplies, and Quartermasters will furnish stores on the same requisitions and returns as are required from other troops. It is expected that all commanders will especially exert themselves in car- rying out the policy of the administration, not only in organizing colored regiments, and rendering them efficient; but also in removing prejudice against them. ***** By order of Major-General TJ. S. Gbant. John A. Rawlins, A. A.-G. 174 GENERAL GRANT CHAPTER XX. CHANGE OF BASE. — WILLIAMS'S CANAL. Ok the 29th of January, 1863, General Grant landed a portion of his army at Young's Point, Louisiana, and an- other portion at Milliken's Bend. He shortly followed these forces, and established his head-quarters at the former place, whence he could have good control of all the opera- tions necessary to the reduction of the rebel stronghold. General Grant next thoroughly inspected the rebel works, and became convinced that it was impossible to take them from the water front. He then held a consultation with his generals as to the best plan to be adopted to turn the rebel position, and all agreed that the only method that promised success was to flank the works on the south side. The most important object of consideration was the means to be adopted to transport his forces to the south side of the fortified city. But in this lay the great dif- ficulty. The river was completely blockaded above by the works on the "Walnut Hills and other elevations, and no advance could be made from New Orleans in conse- quence of the fortification of Port Hudson. General Grant, therefore, turned his attention to the reopening of the canal first cut by General Williams, opposite Vicks- burg, across the Peninsula on the Louisiana side of the river. If this canal had been made successful, trans- ports and gunboats could have been taken through it AXD HIS CAiirAIGA'S. 175 to the south side of the city, and the troops and supplies moved to a new base of operations. The work, however, was of such a herculean nature, and was being continually interrupted by the heavy rains and the rapid rise of the river, that the number of men re- quired to keep the water out of the camps and cuttings was much larger than those engaged on the canal, and more than could be conveniently detailed for the purpose. It now became necessary that the utmost secrecy should be used concerning every thing that was being done or about to be done in General Grant's army, and the follow- ing order was issued to prevent any one from being ad- mitted within the lines who did not properly belong to the army, and to prohibit those who were inside from going beyond the limits : Head-Quarters, Department op the Tennessee, ) Young's Point, La., Feb. 12, 1863. ] [Special Field Orders, Kb. 2.] I. The nature of the service the army is now called upon to perform, making it impracticable to transport or provide for persons unemploj-ed by government, the enticing of negroes to leave their homes to come within the lines of the army is positively forbidden. They should be permitted to remain at their homes, in pursuance of the recommendation of the President, " in all cases where allowed to labor faithfully for rea- sonable wages." Those at present within the lines will not be turned out ; but in future, in the field, no persons, white or black, ivho are not duly au- thorized to pass the lines of sentinels, will be permitted to enter or leave camp. II. "Whenever the services of negroes are required, details will be made by army corpse ommanders for the purpose of collecting them, and they will be registered, provided for, and employed in accordance with law and existing orders. III. The habit too prevalent of arresting citizens beyond the lines of the army, and bringing them into camp without charges, is pre- judicial to the service, and must not be continued. When citizens are arrested hereafter without charges being preferreu warranting the arrest, the citizen will ba turned outside the lines, and the officer or soldier 1 76 GENERAL GRANT causing the arrest will be confined, and otherwise punished at the dis- cretion of a court-martiaL IV. No flag of truce will hereafter be allowed to pass our outposts. Any message sent under it will be received by an officer and receipted for, and the flag directed to return immediately. All answers to such messages will be sent under our own flag of truce. V. Attention of army corps commanders is particularly called to tho 41st, 42d, 4Gth, and 50th Articles of War, which will be rigidly en forced. By order of Major-General U. S. Grant. John A Rawlixs, A. A.-G. The four Articles of War referred to in the foregoing order are as follows : — Art. 41. — All non-commissioned officers and soldiers, who shall be found one mile from the camp, without leave in writing, from their com- manding officer, shall suffer such punishment as shall be inflicted upon them by the sentence of a court-martial. Art. 42. — No officer or soldier shall be out of his quarters, garrison, or camp, without leave from his superior officer, upon penalty of being punished according to tho nature of his offence, by the sentence of a court-martial. Art. 46. — Any sentinel who shall be found sleeping upon his post, or shall leave it before he shall be regularly relieved, shall suffer death, or such other punishment as shall be inflicted by the sentence of a court- martial. Art. 50. — Any officer or soldier who shall, without urgent necessity, or without the leave of his superior officer, quit his guard, platoon, or division, shall be punished, according to the nature of his offence, by the sentence of a court-martial. It will be seen at once that something of more than ordinary importance was being transacted, to require the issuance of such stringent orders as the foregoing. The banks of the Mississippi River at this time were lined with guerilla parties, who would occasionally fire upon the supply boats and transports with light field- pieces, and when attacked would retreat into the jungles and cane-brakes. This partisan warfare proved to be a AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 177 great annoyance, and sometimes destructive, but did not seriously interfere with General Grant in the prosecution of his work. During the early part of February, a reconnoissance was made in the neighborhood of Lake Providence, and a skirmish took place at a point about five miles distant from the lake, resulting in the defeat of the rebels. Another skirmish took place at Old River, Louisiana, on the 10th of February, with a similar result. During the reconnois- sance, Captain Prime, Chief of Engineers on General Grant's staff, ascertained certain facts that led him to be- lieve that a water route could be made through the bayous which run from near Milliken's Bend, north of Vicksburg, and from New Carthage, south of that city, into the Ten- sas river. Meanwhile, the work on the Williams Canal continued to be prosecuted with great vigor, and a large number of men were employed upon it. On the 8th of March the overflow of the river broke in the dam at the end of the canal, and flooded the whole of the low lands, before the cutting could be completed. As the season was too far advanced to renew experiments on this enterprise, it had to be abandoned. 8* 178 GENERAL GRANT CHAPTER XXL THE QUEEN OF THE WEST AND INDIANOLA.* Acting Rear-Admiral Porter's gunboat fleet ably co- operated with General Grant in his operations before Vicksburg, and, early in February, the ram Queen of the West, under command of Colonel Ellet, ran by the batteries at Vicksburg, and pushed down the Mississippi and up the Red Rivers on a reconnoisance. During the first trip Col- onel Ellet captured three of the enemy's transports, and then returned to the lower end of the Williams Canal. On the 10th of February Colonel Ellet started on a second ex- pedition in the same direction, and on the 12th arrived at the junction of the Red and Atchafalaya Rivers. The lat- ter stream runs from the Red River to the Gulf through a curious swampy tract of country in Louisiana. The Queen, having left her tenders behind in a secure position, started down the Atchafalaya, and after passing along about six * This chapter is written to point out one of the great difficulties un- der which General Grant labored. The Red River had been used by the rebels as a highway for the transportation of stores and supplies for the rebel garrisons at Vicksburg, Grand Gulf, Natchez, and Port Hudson, and until that source of supply was cut off, it would have been impossible to reduce the place by siege. To reach the mouth of the Red River it became necessary to run the batteries, and the experiment was first made by the Queen of the West, and next by the Indianola. These trials of the strength of the rebel batteries may also be looked upon as special reconnoissances for future use, as will be developed in the course of the narrative. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 179 miles, succeeded in destroying an army wagon train, and a quantity of stores, ammunition, etc., belonging to the en. emy. On February 14th, Colonel Ellet captured a rebel steam transport on the Red River, at a point about fifteen miles above the mouth of the Black River. At the time of her capture this rebel vessel had on board two lieutenants and fourteen privates of the rebel army, and was laden with four thousand five hundred bushels of corn. The prisoners were put on shore, and the vessels sent under guard to a secure position. Colonel Ellet then went about thirty miles further up the Red River, with the intention of capturing or destroy- ing three other steamers which were lying under the pro- tection of a rebel battery. The rebels opened upon the Queen with four pieces of artillery, and the pilot having purposely run the vessel aground, she was brought within easy range, and so crippled by the shots from the rebels that she had to be abandoned, Colonel Ellet and others es- caping on bales of cotton, while the remainder of those on board were captured by the rebels.* On the night of the 13th, the U. S. gunboat Indianola successfully ran by the batteries ofVicksburg, for the pur- pose of supporting the Queen of the West in her move- ments ; but, after the former had passed Natchez, the captain was informed of the capture of the latter vessel by those who had escaped. The Indianola, under the guidance of Colonel Ellet, who had located his head-quarters on the captured vessel Era, then returned towards the Red River, with the intention of destroying the battery and retaking the Queen of the West. * One of those was Mr. Finlay Anderson. 180 generjll grant On arriving at the mouth of the Red River, it was ascer- tained that the rebels had several armed vessels up that stream, and, under the circumstances, it was deemed advis- able not to proceed farther, but to return at once to Vicks- burg. While ascending the river, Colonel Ellet's vessel was fired upon several times. The Indianola was then detailed to blockade the mouth of the Red River, barges of coal having been floated by the batteries, to keep her* well supplied with fuel. At about half-past nine p. m. on February 24th, four armed rebel vessels approached the Indianola under the cover of darkness. The captured Queen of the West, which the rebels had armed and manned, and another ram, made the first attack upon the Indianola, and in a short time the engagement became general at close quarters. The other two rebel vessels were merely cotton clad, and not being heavily armed, could do but little damage to the Union gunboat. The rebel rams plunged with their prows at the Indianola, with great violence, but it was not until the sixth blow was administered that any serious damage was in- flicted. The engagement lasted one hour and twenty-seven min- utes, after which the Indianola became so damaged that the captain ran her ashore, and surrendered her to the reb- els, first destroying all documents of value that had been on board. But, before the rebels could take possession of their prize, her stern had sunk under water, and her guns rendered useless, the lighter ones having been thrown over- board. The Indianola was finally destroyed by the rebels about the beginning of March, 1863. The following extract from the Vicksburg Whig, of March 5th, 1863, explains the reason of her destruction : AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 181 Destruction of the Indianola. " "We stated a day or two since that we would not enlighten our read- ers in regard to a matter which was puzzling them very much. "We alluded to the loss of the gunboat Indianola, recently captured from the enemy. "We were loath to acknowledge she had been destroyed, but such is the case. The Yankee barge sent down the river last week was reported to be an iron-clad gunboat. The authorities, thinking that this monster would retake the Indianola, immediately issued an order to blow her up. The order was sent down by a courier to the officer in charge of the vessel. A few hours afterwards another order was sent down countermanding the first, it being ascertained that the monstrous craft was only a coal boat: but before it reached the Indianola she had been blown to atoms — not even a gun was saved. Who is to blame for this folly — this precipitancy?" About this time the commander at Memphis thought it necessary to suppress the circulation of an opposition news- paper, within the limits of the army lines ; but General Grant, respecting the principle laid down with regard to the liberty of the press, at once rescinded the order, as soon as he had been made aware of the fact. 182 GENERAL GRANT CHAPTER XXn. THE LAKE PROVIDENCE CANAL. The success of a bayou canal in Missouri, near the vi- cinity of Island No. 10, induced the engineers on General Grant's staff to examine into the probable chances of suc- cess for a similar canal, from the bayous above Vicksburg to the bayous below the city. Captain F. E. Prime and , Colonel G. G. Pride made a reconnoissance along a portion of the route, and reported the practicability of the plan. General Grant therefore determined to try the project, if for no other purpose than to engage the enemy's attention while he matnred his own plans. Having more troops at Young's Point than could, at that moment, be there em- ployed to advantage, and knowing that Lake Providence was connected by Bayou Baxter with Bayou Macon, a nav- igable stream, he set the men to work upon the canal be- tween the Mississippi and the lake, so as to keep them from demoralizing idleness, and to divert the attention of the enemy. To a person studying the map it would seem a very fea- sible project to connect the Mississippi River with the lake, especially when the level of the former lay somewhat higher than that of the latter. The lake is situated in Carroll County, La., about one mile west of the Mississippi River, which without doubt originally flowed through its bed, but had changed its course during one of the many freaks of Nature by which the channel of that great stream had been turned aside from its primary path. The length of the lake is about six miles, and it is fed by the Bayou Macon AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 183 and the Bayou Tensas. One point of the lake, which is half-moon shaped, approaches nearer to the Mississippi River than the other, and at this point the canal was cut. It was supposed by the engineers that a highway could be made from the Mississippi, seventy-five miles above Vicks- burg, through Lake Providence, thence by the bayous into the Tensas River, which falls into the Black River at Trin- ity, La. The Black River pursues its course and falls into the Red River, by three channels, at a point about thirty miles above the mouth of the latter, which opens into the Mississippi River at the northern limit of Point Coupee Parish, and at about fifty miles above the fortified position of Port Hudson. If this route had been made practicable, it would have opened a water communication between the positions above and below Vicksburg, and enabled Gen- eral Grant to co-operate with General Banks, who was preparing to invest Port Hudson. Under cover of this en- gineering movement, General Grant began moving his forces below the line of the city of Vicksburg, and occu- pied certain points a short distance inland from the Louisi- ana shore of the Mississippi River. The work of opening the Lake Providence route pro- gressed rapidly, and one steamer and a number of barges were taken through the canal ; but, about the middle of April, the Mississippi River began to fall with unusual ra- pidity, and the roads becoming passable between Milliken's Bend and New Carthage, the proposed water route was abandoned as unnecessary, and, with the low stage of water, mpracticable. It appears from General Grant's report of the capitula- tion of Vicksburg, that he had but little faith in the suc- cess of the Lake Providence scheme ; but was willing to allow the experiment to be tried, as it employed his men and covered his real movements from the enemy. ]S4 GENERAL GRANT CHAPTER XXm. THE YAZOO PASS EXPEDITION. During February, 1863, a plan was proposed to open a closed up route of water travel between the Mississippi River and the Coldwater and Tallahatchie Rivers, through the Yazoo Pa*s. This pass had for many years been un- navigable, stagnant, dreary, and wild, and had been almost forgotten. The primary object of this expedition was to enable a few troops with some light draft gunboats to reach the upper part of the Yazoo River, for the purpose of destroying the enemy's transports ; but it was after- wards discovered that, when the snags and low timber had been cut away from that part of the water-course which had been so long closed, the navigation proved to be much bet- ter than was suspected. It was, therefore, deemed not impossible to use the route for a flank movement by water upon Haines's Bluff, which commanded the Yazoo River a short distance above the mouth. Had this plan been found practicable, a large body of troops would have been sent around by this route ; but for want of proper vessels for transportation, the force detailed was insufficient to clear the way throughout. On the 24th of February, 1863, the fleet entered the pass, after tearing down that part of the levee of the Mis- sissippi River that closed up the entrance ; and, by the 28 th, after a series of dangers, glow travelling, etc., the vessels arrived in the Coldwater River. Some idea of the nature of the work to be accomplished in opening up this route a:nd his campaigns. 185 may be gathered from the following extracts, from a de- scription penned by one of the parties who took an active part in the expedition : UNITED STATES GUNBOAT MARMORA, ) CoLDWAilStt River, Miss., Ftb. 28, 18G3. J The Rubicon is passed. Three and a half days of most tedious, vexa- tious, bothersome, troublesome, and damaging steamboating lias brought ihis expedition twenty miles on its way, and disclosed to its view the end of the now famous Yazoo Pass. A more execrable place was never known. Should one propose to run a steamboat to the moon he would be consid- ered equally sane, by those who had seen the Yazoo Pass before this ex- pedition forced its way through it, as the person who proposed this movement. I would like to describe the Yazoo Pass. I would like to compare it to something that would be intelligible. But I know of nothing in heaven or on earth, or in the waters under the earth, that will compare with it. llad the immortal bard desired a subject from which to draw a picture of the way that leads to the realms of darkness and despair, he had only to picture the Yazoo Pass. Let me try, in the feeble language I can command, to de- scribe it. Perhaps the reader has passed through the Dismal Swamp of Yirginia; or, if not, he has read accounts of travellers who have enjoyed that privilege. Then he has heard of the famous jungles of India. He has seen or read of the unbroken silence of the boundless tall forests of the John Brown tract in "Western New York. Conceive the ugliest features of these three varieties of territory, and he will be able, by combining them, to form a tolerably correct idea of the region through which the Yazoo Pass runs. Those who have watched the course of a snake as he trails his way along the ground, winding this way and that, hither and yon- der, going in all directions at the same time, and yet maintaining some- thing of a regular course in the average, will, by exaggerating the picture in their own minds, understand something of the tortuous course of the Yazoo Pass. I have passed through it from one end to the other, and 1 assert candidly that there is not throughout its entire length a piece two hundred feet long of perfectly straight river. The orders under which this expedition moved required that boats should keep three hun- dred yards apart; but there was no place to be found in the whole stream where they could see one-third of this distance ahead or behind them. Once, indeed, we did catch a glimpse of the Rattler, flagship. She was just abreast of us, and about one hundred yards away, going 186 GENERAL GRANT in an opposite direction to us. "We fancied we were close on to her, and, as it was near night, concluded to tie up, so as to let her get away from us. The next morning we got under way at daylight, and just as the sun was at the meridian we passed the spot where we had seen our file leader eighteen hours before. Much has been said and writfen of the efforts put forth by the rebels to obstruct this pass. Their labor was all thrown away. Nature had placed greater obstructions in the way than any an enemy could place there, no matter how powerful he might have been or how long he had been employed. Cypress and sycamore trees lined the banks in great profusion, intermixed with gigantic cotton-woods bearing "the wildest entanglement of wild grape-vines. The stream itself is never to exceed a hundred feet in breadth, and frequently not more than fifty or seven- ty-five. Over this the timber forms a most perfect arch, frequently, as good fortune would have it, so high as to admit the easy passage of the tall smokestacks beneath it, but sometimes grazing their tops, and again angrily toppling over these intruders. But Providence evidently did not intend this pass for a military highway. Providence opposed the movement, not so much by this high arch enclosing the river and shut- ting it out from view, as by the long, jagged limbs it thrust out from the trees directly across the channel, and the numerous crooked and leaning trees that formed a most effective blockade. It may be possible, from what I have written, to get an idea of the Yazoo Pass. A 6hort account of the trip through it will be more profit- able for this purpose. The total length of the pass from the Mississippi to the Coldwater River is twenty miles. From the Mississippi to the east side of Moon Lake, where the pass proper commences, is called eight miles, leaving the distance from Moon Lake to the Coldwater twelve miles. "We left the lake on Wednesday morning, the 25th inst., and reached the Coldwater this afternoon just after dinner, making the trip in exactly three days and a half I To be sure, we did not travel nights, but we made, usually, about twelve hours time each day. This gives the rapid progress of one mile in three and a half hours. Does the progress made express any thing of the character of the route ? If it does not, I hardly know what will. In the upper end of the pass the stream is confined, and runs along with great rapidity through its nar- row channel, the rate being not less than five or six miles per hour. Lower down there are strips of bottom-land along the sides which are now overflown, giving greater width, and consequently less rapidity to the current. But in no place were we able even to drift with the cur- AXD HIS CAMPAIGNS. 187 rent. That would inevitably have dashed us into the timber and have torn our boat to atoms. From the time we entered the pass until we emerged from it, we could only keep our wheels backing, and even this was not enough. A small boat was requisite on either side, by which hues were passed out and made fast to the trees, to check our headway or ease us around the sharp bend3. The expedition has been facetiously called "the stern-wheel expedition," from the circumstance of there being none but stern-wheel boats (which are narrower than side-wheel steamers) engaged in it; but it might with equal propriety be called "the back-water expedition," or "the hold-back expedition," because of our advancing only by holding back. But with all our care and labor, it has been impossible to save our boats from much damage. Frequently it was impossible to check the headway of a vessel in time to save its smokestacks, and away would go these tall iron cylinders, crashing through the hurricane deck, and making a complete wreck of the cabin and light upper works. Again a huge limb would come crashing and smashing along the side, tearing away stanchions and braces, and sometimes even the light bulkheads around the upper works. The flagship was thus visited, and Acting Commander Smith's cabin turned into a complete wreck. In fact, all the vessels looked as if they had been in a hard fought battle and had been badly worsted, only that none of them were damaged in machinery or hull. It has been a most exciting trip ; but I believe or hear all have survived it save one poor old nigger — a contraband — belonging to this vessel. He was ly- ing in his hammock, in the sick bay, being on the sick list, when a huge limb, broken off by the persistence of our smokestacks, came linvn endwise upon the deck, and, passing through, administered the death blow to poor Cuffee. COLDWATER River, March 3, 18G3. "We are progressing towards our destination, though slowly. To-day we have made about six miles down stream, and are now catching our breath after this rapid locomotion, preparatory to an early start to- morrow morning. The Coldwater River is but a slight improvemeut on the Tazoo Pass. It is a trifle wider, it is true — so wide, in fact, that the branches seldom meet above it — but in other respects we have gained nothing, so far as ease of navigation is concerned. Rather we have lost as much as we have gained, since the increased width of the stream is quite counterbalanced by the sluggishness of the current The course of the stream is nearly as tortuous as that of the pass, so 188 GENERAL GRANT that we cannot yet venture to steam ahead, and as floating and backing up continues to be the order, the progress made is provokingly slow. Since my last date we have lain quiet at the mouth of the pass, waiting for all the boats to come up. This detained us until this morning, when we once more started forward.* The rebels had, however, gained information of the Union movement through Yazoo Pass ; but at first scouted the idea of its success, prophesying the destruction of every vessel connected with the expedition. When, however, they ascertained that the fleet had safely arrived in the Coldwater River, they, knowing that the other part of the stream was navigable, at once began diligently closing up the lower end of the Tallahatchie River, into which the Coldwater empties itself. This was accomplished by erect- ing a fort across the neck of land caused by a change of course of the stream after the Yalabusba had formed a junction with the Tallahatchie. These united waters were named the Yazoo River, which, after flowing through several hundred miles of country, empties itself into the Mississippi River a little above Vicksburg. The advance of the expedition under General Ross pro- ceeded without serious interruption through the Coldw r ater and Tallahatchie Rivers until it reached this newly erected fort, which was designated Fort remberton — it having been constructed by some of the forces that had been sent from Vicksburg for that purpose. At the point where the fort was erected, the distance from the Tallahatchie shores above the defences, to the Yazoo shores below that work, was but a few hundred yards by land, but was several miles by water. The fort, having been built across the neck, commanded both streams for a long distance. The rebels had well chosen their defensive position, as the land about the fort was low, and at the time of the * Correspondence of the New York Herald, March 14th, 1863. A3TD HIS CAMPAIGNS. 189 expedition was entirely overflowed. General Ross, there- fore, in attacking this work, conld not make use of his land forces to reduce it, and had to depend on the armed vessels under his command. After an engagement of several hours, these vessels had to withdraw without silencing the bat- tery. Finding that this obstruction prevented the water route from being used by the army, General Grant, on March 23d, sent 'orders for the withdrawal of the forces. One advantage, how T ever, arose from the movement. It caused a diversion of a portion of the rebel force at Vicks- buro\ and engaged the attention of the rebel authorities while General Grant was perfecting his own plans. 190 GENERAL GRANT CHAPTER XXIV. the Steele's bayou expedition. . Admiral Porter, having made a naval reconnoissance up Steele's Bayou, and through Black Bayou to Duck Creek, returned to General Grant, and on March 14th, 1862, in- formed him that those water-courses were navigable for small gunboats and light draft transports. It was sup- posed that by following this route Deer Creek could be navigated to Rolling Fork, and thence by the Sunflower River into the Yazoo. Of the navigation of these two latteT streams there was no doubt. As the forces by way of the Coldwater and Tallahatchie Rivers had been prevented from proceeding further in conse- quence of the construction of Fort Pemberton, it was deem- ed necessary to ascertain whether this new route could be made practicable. General Grant, therefore, accompanied Admiral Porter on the morning of March 15th on another reconnoissance. The vessel in which the two commanding officers had temporarily taken up their head-quarters, pro- ceeded along Steele's Bayou — several iron-clads taking the lead to prevent a surprise — until it reached the Black Bayou. General Grant then returned to Young's Point, for the purpose of sending up a pioneer corps to clear away the overhanging trees, which appeared to be the only important obstruction to the successful navigation of the route, at least so far as it had been explored. Soon after General Grant had reached Young's Point, a AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 191 message was received from Admiral Porter, who had pro- ceeded on the reconnoissance, requesting the co-operation of a good military force. General Grant promptly sent to him a division of the Fifteenth Army Corps, with General Sherman at its head. The number of steam transports suitable for such an expedition being limited, the major part of the military force was sent up the Mississippi River to Eagle Bend, a point where the river runs within a mile of Steele's Bayou, The only cause of the failure of this expedition was the want of knowledge of the country to be passed through, and this ignorance led the expedition on until it encoun- tered serious difficulties, which could not be removed with- out great delay. This gave the rebels time to place ob- structions in the way of further progress, and the movement had to be abandoned when within a few hundred yards of a point, which, if attained, would have secured complete success. The following is an interesting account of the expedition, from an eye witness : ve, ) 21. f U. S. Transport Silver Wave, Black Bayou, Miss., March On the 16th inst., late in the afternoon, General Grant ordered Gene- ral Stuart to prepare the infantry of his division to move at daylight next morning. Leaving transportation, horses, tents, and every thing except ammunition, arms, and rations, the division embarked and pro- ceeded up the Mississippi to Eagle Bend. A few days before the em- barkation, Admiral Porter and General Grant had made a personal reconnoissance of a proposed route to the Yazoo above Haines's Bluff, and General Sherman was ordered by General Grant to take charge of the opening of the route. General Sherman, with the pioneer corps of Stuart's Division and the Eighth Missouri, left at once with the steamer Diligent. In the evening General Grant received dispatches from Ad- miral Porter, announcing that his gunboats were meeting with great success, and asking that the land force be sent at once. Grant imme- diately ordered General Stuart to proceed with his division. The dis- 192 GENERAL GRANT tanco by land from the Mississippi, along the Muddy Bayou, is about one mile. On account of the impossibility of taking any thing but small steamers, of which we had but rive, through Steele's Bayou, the infantry was ordered to cross by this route to the bayou. On reaching Eagle Bend, a personal examination of the ground, made by Generals Stuart and Ewing, disclosed the fact that two long bridges were necessary to the movement of troops. The levee near the plantation of Senator Gwin had been carried away by a crevasse, and the water was rushing across Ins fields in a rapid torrent of considerable depth. The building of the bridges occupied a day and a half. Soon as it was completed, the division marched across to Steele's Bayou. General Stuart at once embarked so much of the First Brigade as could be transported upon the steamer Silver Wave, and started up through the wilderness of forest and water. Between the Mississippi and the line of railway from Memphis to Jackson, the country north of the Yazoo, for some fifty miles, is trav- ersed by three considerable streams, Steele's Bayou, Deer Creek, and the Sunflower, all of which are fed by innumerable creeks, bayous, and lakes, and empty into the Yazoo — Steele's seven miles from the Mississippi, near the scene of the battle of Chickasaw Bayou; Deer Creek below, and the Sunflower above Haines's Bluff. Their course, as is that of all streams through low and level ground, is very tortuous, very like the streams in the wild marshes. Transform the reeds of such marshes into the luxuriant growth of a Southern swamp, and a better idea could not be had of the wet wilderness in which Ave were. The eastern part of Issaguena county, on Deer Creek, has higher land, and some of the most valuable cotton plantations in the State. The soil is exceedingly prolific. We found in it immense numbers of slaves, and great quantities of cotton and grain. The Admiral called it one of the granaries of the Confederacy. It was supposed to be so inaccessible, that the plantations were in the usual process of cultivation, the fields planted with corn, which was up, instead of cotton. They believed themselves beyond the reach of the devastations of war — had their gardens well stocked with vegeta- bles, which were growing most temptingly, and, fancying that " the in- vader" could not penetrate, with gunboats and armies, the lagoons and forests which surrounded them, devoted their fancied security to the raising of crops to feed their brother rebels in the field. The appear- ance of the iron-elads was the first notice they had had of our approach. The overseer hastily fled, giving notice of the presence of the Yankees AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 193 m the garden. A contraband told us, his master called the Deer Creek country the Confederate snuff-box, that the Yankees could not open. Going up the Yazoo river seven miles, thence up Steele's Bayou twelve miles, the fleet came to Muddy Bayou, which runs across from the Mississippi into Steele's. At this point the troops came over on floating bridges and embarked. Hence they were transported up Steele's and Black Bayou about twenty miles to Hill's plantation, and marched thence twenty-one miles on a levee north along Deer Creek nearly to Rolling Fork. It was proposed at that point to embark the troops again on transports, and proceed on that creek a distance Oi seven miles, until we reached the Sunflower. Once upon the Sun- flower, a stream of considerable width, we could reach the Yazoo, be- tween Haines's Bluff and Yazoo City, and would be in a position to ope- rate against the enemy at various points with great effect. So much for the object of the expedition and the route through which it was to pass. General Grant and Admiral Porter, with the Musquito Rattler, and a tug, made a reconnoissance far enough to establish the fact that gun- boats could pass from the Yazoo into Steele's Bayou. Admiral Porter immediately started with his gunboats up the Bayou. General Grant ordered General Sherman, with a division of his army corps, to form the laud force. General Sherman started at once with a regiment, and the pioneer corps, to clear the bayou of obstructions — there was no de- lay. The reconnoissance was made on the 15th, General Grant's tug returning the morning of the 16th. Before night the advance of the land force and gunboats were at Muddy Bayou. Dispatches were re- ceived by General Grant that evening of the progress of the expedition, and General Stuart was ordered to follow with the rest of the division in the morning. Arriving at Eagle Bend on the 17th, a reconnoissance in small boats, made by General Suart and his brigade commanders, and another made twenty miles above, at Tullahola, by Colonel Giles A. Smith, demonstrated that the troops could not be marched across, a crevasse having swollen the Muddy Bayou to a rapid deep stream. The construction of two long floating bridges occupied the 18th and the fore- noon of the 19th, and the division marched at once to Steele's Bayou. Arriving there, we found only one transport, the Silver Wave. Embark- ing two regiments, Stuart started up at once. During the three succeed- ing days, the boats which we had were used with all the dispatch possible, in transporting the troops to the rendezvous. At the mouth of Black Bayou they were transported from the steamers to a coal-barge, which was towed 9 194 GENERAL GBAXT by a tug up Black Bayou. In the mean time the gunboats had gone through Biack Bayou into Deer Creek. The great might and strength of the iron-clads enabled them to ride over almost any ordinary growth of willow and cypress in the creek — the water was deep, and they moved slowly and surely along up Deer Creek some fifteen miles, with- out much labor, and without any obstruction from the enemy. On the 20th, the rebels commenced annoying them with sharp-shooters, and by felling trees in the creeks. The boats were obliged to lay by at night, and on the morning of the 21st, the Admiral found considerable obstruc- tions in the river, and an enemy, some 600 strong, with a field battery of rifles, disputing his passage. This was near some old Indian mounds, and for the greater part of the day they were kept quite busy, making but a half mile progress. Large bodies were kept a good distance from the fleet, but sharp- shooters would come up behind trees and fire, taking deliberate, aim at our men. The Admiral sent a dispatch back to General Sherman, stating the condition of affairs, and a force was at once sent to tho relief of the gunboats, and to assist in getting them through. They made a forced march, skirmishing a part of the way, and reaching the gunboats before night of the 22d, a distance of twenty-one miles, over a terrible road. During the day the enemy had been largely re-enforced from the Yazoo, and now unmasked some 5,000 men — infantry, cavalry, and artillery. The boats were surrounded with rebels, who had cut down trees before and behind them, were moving up artillery, and making every exertion to cut off retreat and capture our boats. A patrcl was at once established for a distance of seven miles along Deer Creek, behind the boats, with a chain of sentinels outside of them, to prevent the fell- ing of trees. For a mile and a half to Rolling Fork, the creek was full of obstructions. Heavy batteries were on its bank, supported by a large force. To advance was impossible ; to retreat seemed almost hopeless. The gunboats had their ports all closed, and preparations nfede to re- sist boarders. The mortar-boats were all ready for fire and explosion. The army lines were so close to each other that rebel officers wander- ed into our lines in the dark, and were captured. It was the second night without sleep aboard ship, and the infantry had marched twenty- one miles without rest. '"'But the faithful force, with their energetic leader, kept successful watch and ward over the boats and their valuable artillery. At 7 o'clock that morning (the 2 2d), General Sher- man received a dispatch from the Admiral, by the hands of a faithful contraband (who came along through the rebel fines in th« night), AND HIS CAMPAIGNS 19f. 6tating his perilous condition. Leaving a dispatch for General Stuart, who was bringing up Ewing's Brigade, and orders for Stuart to follow him with the remainder of the division, General Sherman at once march- ed with the Second Brigade, and a part of the First Brigade. Our gunboats at that time were in a bend of the creek, the three regiments of the First Brigade had been brought in and placed in position near the boats. A rebel battery of fifteen guns was in front, at Rolling Fork. The creek was barely the width of a gunboat — the boats were so close up that only one bow gun apiece of four could be used, and then at an inconvenient angle — in fact, in only one position — and the broadsides of several were useless on account of the bank. Our immense superiority of metal was thus rendered almost useless for the purpose of engaging an enemy that was endeavoring to encircle the Admiral's boats. If his rear was gained, their superior numbers could board the first or the last boat, and, having captured her. use her guns with fearful effect on the others. About mid-day the enemy commenced moving upon us, with the pur- pose of reaching the bank of the creek below the gunboats and below the infantry. General Sherman was some six miles distant. The rebels are believed to have advanced with about 4,000 men. It must be borne in mind that our troops were on a belt of land which forms the bank of the creek, of not great width, back of which the bottom land was under water and impassable. The rebels came down with the intention of turning his right and reaching the creek below. The gunboats and four mortars opened upon them, as soon as they discovered themselves in bodies. This firing embarrassed their movements and considerably retarded them. They debouched through the wood and became engaged with the skirmishers. The fight was beginning to be in earnest, but the rebels were gaining ground. The object was not a battle, but to pass by our forces. The first firing of the gunboats was heard by General Sherman near the Shelby plantation. He urged his troops forward, and after an hour's hard marching, the advance, deployed as skirmishers, came upon a body of the enemy who had passed by the force which had been engaged. Immediately engaging them, the enemy stood a while disconcerted by the unexpected attack, fought a short time, and gave way. Our forces pressed them, driving them back some two miles. The gunboats opened upon them thus hemmed in, and the day was ours. The rebels retreated, and the gunboats were saved for that clay. Our loss was but one killed and none wounded. The loss of the rebels was heavy. One shell from a mortar killed twenty-six, as they were rallying as skirmishers. Another is statod to have killed and wounded forty 196 GENERAL GRANT persons. They suffered very much, but, as we did not attempt to occupy the field, it cannot be ascertained. It being obvious that further advance was impracticable, the boats at once commenced moving backward, and made several miles that evening. The next effort of the rebels was to pass around our lines in the after- noon and night, and throw their whole force still further below us. Gen- eral Stuart, with four regiments, marched on Hill's plantation the same morning, having run his transports in the night, and immediately ad- vanced one regiment up Deer Creek, and another still further to the right. The rebels, who were making a circuit about General Sherman, thus found the whole line occupied, and abandoned the attempt to cut off the gunboats for that day. During the afternoon the troops and gunboats all arrived at Hill's plantation. Eebel scouts followed them withiu two miles of the division head-quarters. During the night the picket about one-half mile out was attacked by a squadron of cavalry, It immediately, upon the return of their fire, fell back. In the afternoon of the next day, another regiment was attacked by three regiments of infantry and a squadron of cavalry. Acting under instructions to draw them on, and to develop their whole force, a skirmish ensued, but they refused to follow. The enemy, the night before, landed a steamer and two flatboats, loaded with troops and artillery, about six miles above. We remained two days at Hill's plantation, waiting for the rebels to prepare ; but they would not give or receive battle. We embarked on the trans- ports and gunboats, and returned. The troops, gunboats, ammunition, and supplies, with a considerable quantity of cotton and fifty good mules, are all safe, and approaching Young's Point, as I write. There were destroyed by our troops and by the rebels at least 2,000 bales of cotton, 50,000 bushels of corn, and the gins and houses of the plantations whoso owners had obstructed our progress, and joined in the warfare. The resources of the country we found ample to subsist the army at Vicksburg for some length of time, and by the destruction of them we crippled the enemy so far. There were features about this expedition novel and exciting. Black Bayou, a narrow stream heretofore, only navigated by dug- outs, was made of the width of our steamers, with great labor of felling trees and sawing stumps below the surface. Every foot of our way was cut and torn through a dense forest, never before traversed by steamers. I never witnessed a more exciting and picturesque scene than the transportation, on the last day, of the Third Brigade, by General Stuart. Crowded with men, the steamer, at the highest possible speed, AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. ]97 pushed through overhanging trees and around short curves. Some- times wedged fast between trees, then sailing along smoothly, a huge cypress would reach out an arm and sweep the whole length of the boats, tearing guards and chimneys from the decks. The last trip through the Black Bayou was iu a night pitchy dark and rainy. While the adventure was of uncertain success — when the result seemed almost accomplished, and when our gunboats were surrounded with an enemy confident of victory, and their extrication seemed almost an impossibility — officers and men worked with equal alacrity, whether in building bridges or making forced marches, both by day and in the night. The whole time was used in labor — constant and severe. It seems almost a miracle that the boats were saved. If Generals Sher- man and Stuart, by their utmost exertions and labor, had forwarded their troops a single half day later, if the second forced march under General Sherman had been retarded a single hour, in all human proba- bility the whole force would have been lost.* All these expeditions proved to be excellent feints to distract the enemy's attention ; but there is no doubt that if they had succeeded, one of them would have been adopted, and might not have produced so glorious a result as the final campaign and plans which General Grant had himself laid out. In fact, he states in his report, that the failure of these expeditions " may have been providential in driving him ultimately to a line of operations which has proven eminently successful." The losses inflicted on the enemy in the destruction of supplies, and the withdrawal of certain portions of his garrison to meet the expeditionary movements were of inestimable value to General Grant in his final Vicksburg campaign. ♦Correspondence of the Chicago Tribune, April 1863. 198 GENEBAL GRANT CHAPTER XXV. TDE HEALTH OF THE ARMY. It has often been stated by generals in the field, that they had far less dread of the enemy in their front than they had of their friends at home. A slight word of alarm, uttered by the latter in a careless moment, would soon be increased until it became a perfect panic. While General Grant was engaged in the before described expe- ditions, letters to friends wero for a time prohibited, to prevent information reaching the enemy through a mail captured by guerillas ; and this absence of regular communi- cation between those in the army and their friends at home, led the latter to believe that the former were sick. An interchange of such news between the friends of various absentees, and the return of a few invalids, settled it as a matter of fact that the whole army was dying of disease. An official inquiry was at once, made by the Surgeon- in-chief, and General Grant, under date of March Gth, 1863, wrote to Surgeon-General Hammond, as follows : No army ever went into the field better provided with medical stores and attendance than is furnished to the army before Vicksbnrg. There was a deficiency in volunteer surgeons, but that is now supplied. The hospital boats are supplied with their own surgeons, nurses, and every thing for the comfort of the sick. The purveyor's department not only has every thing furnished the sick, but more than it ever dreamed of was furnished to the army, and more than the great majority of men could have at home. Then, too, there is not that amount of sickness that persons would be led to believe, from the statements in AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 109 Ine pablic prints. T question whether the health of the St. Louis force is better than that of this command. On my arrival here, the men who had to put up with straw for so long a time, and then with camping on low ground and in the most terrible weather ever experienced, there was for a time, of necessity, a great number of sick. TJ. S. Grant, Major-General. The foregoing letter was informal ; but shortly after Gen- eral Grant sent, in answer to the official inquiry, the follow- ing document for registry in the departmental offices at Washington : Head-Quarters, Department op the Tennessee, ) before Vicksbdrg, March 12, 1863. j Brigadier-General W. A. Hammond, Surgeon- General, United States Army. Sir: — Surgeon J. R. Smith's letter of the 20th of February is just received, inquiring into the sanitary condition of this •command, and asking for suggestious for its improvement. / know a great deal has been said to impress the public generally, and officials particularly, with the idea, that this army was in a suffering condition, and mostly from neglect. This is most erroneous. The health of this command will, I ven- ture to say, compare favorably with that of any army in the field, and every preparation is made for the sick that could be desired. I will refer Surgeon Smith's letter to my medical director for a fuller report of the condition of the medical department here. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, U. S. Grant, Major- General. General Grant, desirous of having a good supply of sani- tary stores, and to provide for the proper transportation and care of the same, issued the following order on the date specified. Head-Quarters, Department of the Tennessee, ) Young's Point, La., March 27, 1863. [ [Special Orders, No. 86.] I. The Quartermaster's Department will provide and furnish a suita- ble steamboat, to be called the " United States Sanitary Store Boat," and put the same in charge of the TJ. S. Sanitary Commission, to be used by it exclusively for the conveyance of goods calculated to prevent disease 200 GENERAL GRANT — and supplement the government supply of stores for the relief of the sick and wounded. II. No person will be permitted to travel on said boat, except sick officers of the Army and Navy (and they only on permits from their proper commanding officers), discharged soldiers, and employes of said Sanitary Commission, and no goods whatever for trading or commercial purposes will be carried on said boat, and no goods will be taken for in- dividuals, or with any conditions which will prevent their being deliv- ered to those most needing them in the Army or Navy. III. The contents of all packages to be shipped on said U. S. Sanita- ry Store Boat, will be inspected before shipment by an agent of said Sanitary Commission, at the point of shipment, unless an invoice of their contents has been received, the correctness of which is assured by the signature of some person of known loyalty and integrity. A statement, showing what goods have been placed on board at each trip, will bo Bent to the Medical Director of the Department at these head-quarters. IV. A weekly statement will also be made by said Sanitary Commis- sion to the Department Medical Director, showing what sanitary supplies have been issued by said commission, and to whom issued. Y. All orders authorizing the free transportation of sanitary stores from Cairo south, on boats other than the one herein provided for, aro heroby rescinded. By order of Major-General U. S. Grant. John A. Rawlins, A. A.-Q. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 201 CHAPTER XXVI. THE OVERLAND MOVEMENTS. — RUNNING THE BATTERIES. It having been plainly manifested to General Grant that all the former operations would not reach the desired end, he at once determined to move his forces below Vicks- burg on the Louisiana shore, so as to take the rebel works in the rear. On the 29th of March, 1863, the movement commenced ; the Thirteenth Corps taking the lead, followed by the Seventeenth and Fifteenth, while to the Sixteenth Corps was left the charge of the communications and sup- plies. Shortly before this, Admiral Farragut had run by the batteries at Port Hudson with his flag-ship, the Hartford, and her tender, the Albatross; and on March 17th was ly- ing off Natchez, Miss. On March 21st the Hartford arrived off Vicksburg, and anchoring below the batteries, communi- cated with Admiral Porter and General Grant. On the 25th of March, the U. S. rams Lancaster and Switzerland attempted to run by the batteries at Vicksburg, but were so crippled in the attempt that the former was sunk and the latter temporarily disabled. The rams had been made by altering river steamboats, and were far too light to withstand the shock of a heavy fire from such bat- teries as those at Vicksburg. Two days after this event Admiral Farragut, with the Hartford, engaged the batteries at Warrenton, and sue ceeded in passing below them en route for the Red River. 9* 202 GENERAL GRANT On the 1st of April he engaged the batteries at Grand Gulf, and passed farther down the river with the Albatross and Switzerland in his company, arriving at the mouth of the Red River on the evening of April 2d. In the mean time the army kept on the move, and on the 30th of March, Richmond, a village of Madison county, La., and on a direct line with Vicksburg, a few miles in- land from the Mississippi River, was taken possession of by a portion of the Thirteenth Army Corps, who drove out the rebel cavalry after two hours sharp fighting. The Corps then pushed on towards New Carthage. The roads, although level, were in a very bad condition, and the march was necessarily slow and tedious. It was important that supplies and ammunition should travel with this corps, and consequently the movements were considerably delayed, as it became at times necessary to drag the wagons by hand. When the corps was within two miles of New Carthage, it was found that, in consequence of the recent floods and the breaking of the levee of Bayou Vidal, that place was isolated, and located on an island. Boats were collected from the neighboring bayous, and barges were built ; but by this method the progress of the army was too slow for the purpose intended. The corps was therefore marched to Perkins's plantation, twelve miles below New Carthage, and thirty-five miles from the point of starting. Over these thirty-five miles supplies and ordnance stores had to be transported ; and as the roads were soft and spongy, owing to the floods, the labor of this movement is almost incon- ceivable. Provisions and ammunition had to be hauled in wagons, and until a sufficient quantity had reached the camp near the Mississippi River, below Vicksburg, it would have been impossible to have commenced a campaign, if a suc- cessful issue was to be desired. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 203 While these army movements were in progress, Admiral Porter was not idle ; but was engaged in making prepara- tions for the running of transports and gunboats by the batteries at Vicksburg, so as to be able to co-operate with General Grant, and transport his troops from the Louisiana shore of the river to the Mississippi side. Until this was accomplished, the troops were no nearer reducing Vicks- burg than they would have been at Young's Point or Mil- liken's Bend. On the night of the 16th of April, Admiral Porter's fleet and three transports ran by the batteries at Vicksburg, and all but one succeeded in passing without being too much injured for service. These injuries were soon after repaired under the direction of Admiral Porter. The success of this enterprise induced General Grant to send six more transports down the river, the fleet 1 elow being ready to receive them on their arrival. Volunteers were called for to man the transports, and a large number of men and officers tendered their services to take the vessels through on this dangerous trip. The enthusiasm of the volunteers for this expedition has scarcely ever been ex- ceeded during the war. Five out of the six vessels arrived, on April 22d, safely below the batteries. The transports injured in running this blockade were re- paired by order of Admiral Porter, who was supplied with the material for such repairs as they required. The army supplied the requisite artisans and mechanics, and in a very short time five of the transports were in running order, and the remainder were in condition to be used as barges for the removal of troops. Twelve barges loaded with forage and rations were sent in tow of the six transports that passed the batteries on the 2 2d, and of these barges one- half got through in a condition to be used. 204 GENERAL GRANT CHAPTER XXVH. grierson's expedition. Before leaving the north side of Vicksburg, to take command of his army in person, General Grant determined to cut all the enemy's communications with that city, so as to secure his forces from an attack in the rear, should it be- come necessary to invest the place. He therefore detailed the First Cavalry Brigade, under Colonel B. H. Grierson, to this duty. On April 17th, 1863, this force left La Grange, Tenn., at about two o'clock in the morning, and after trav- elling a distance of thirty miles along the turnpike road, encamped within four miles of Ripley, Miss. At eight o'clock the next morning the force was again on the march, and passing through Ripley moved south- wardly toward New Albany. One battalion occupied the place, while the main body passed to the east, but all en- camped about four miles south of New Albany. Before leaving Ripley a part of the force, under Colonel Hatch, was detached to march on the left flank of the col- umn, and taking a southeasterly direction, crossed the Tal- lahatchie about five miles northeast of New Albany. It was impossible for a large force to move through the enemy's country without meeting some of the foe ; and as a natural result, skirmishing took place all along the route, and several prisoners were taken. Atone time the advance was engaged with the pickets of Chalmers's rebel brigade, but the latter was soon overpowered, and the main body of the rebels retreated. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 205 The rebels attempted to fire the bridge at New Albany ; but so rapid was Colonel Grierson's advance, that his forces were across the river before they could accomplish their purpose. It now became necessary to mislead the enemy as to the actual destination of the main body; therefore, on April 19th, Colonel Grierson ordered a portion of his force to march back to New Albany, thence by Kingsbridge, where a rebel camp was said to be in existence. A second force he ordered east, and a third northwest, while the main body marched due south. It had been raining all the previous night ; consequently this day's march was performed under great difficulties. The centre column then proceeded to Pontotoc, where a small rebel force was dispersed, and their camp equipage and a quantity of salt seized and destroyed. At eight o'clock that evening the command encamped six miles south of Pontotoc on the road to Houston. On the 20th, a portion of the force was detached and sent back to La Grange with the prisoners and captured bag- gage. They were ordered to make as much noise in re- turning as possible, so as to give the rebels the idea that the expedition was over, while in fact the main body would still proceed south. This feint succeeded admi- rably. The next day another force was detached, under Colonel Hatch, and ordered to destroy as much as possible of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad ; to attack Columbus near the State line, between Mississippi and Alabama, and then to march back to La Grange. In this Colonel Hatch was suc- cessful, and the movement drew off General Chalmers's rebel forces from following Colonel Grierson, thus giving him three days fresh start. The main body next moved to Starkville, where they captured and destroyed a rebel mail. After travelling four 206 GENERAL GRANT miles further, the command divided ; one-half swimming the Dismal Swamp to destroy a tannery, which at the time contained a very large stock of boots and shoes, saddles, bridles, and several thousand dollars worth of leather ; the other half proceeding on its course. The command being again united, it pushed on towards Louisville, Miss. This part of the march was of the most dangerous character, as streams and blind marshes had to be crossed without any guide. Sometimes the horses would sink in the mud and be left to perish, and it is won- derful that some of the men did not share the same fate. Notwithstanding the horrible nature of this route, the men preserved their fortitude, and pushed on vigorous- ly for Philadelphia, Miss., where another mail was de- stroyed. Private property, however, was in all cases respected. On April 23d, the force pushed on to the Southern Rail- road at Newton, moving by way of Decatur, and arrived at the former place about daylight on the 24th. Here two trains, bound to Vicksburg, via Jackson, were captured, and the whole thirty-eight cars, with the loads of quarter- master, commissary, and ordnance stores destroyed. The locomotives were also rendered useless. Several bridges and a quantity of trestlework were destroyed in this vicin- ity, after which, on the 25th, the raiding force moved to- wards Montrose, thence to Raleigh, Miss., where they encamped for the night. At this time the rebels were close upon Colonel Grier- son's heels, on ascertaining which, he moved over the Leaf River, destroying the bridge behind him, and then marched to Westville. Here two battalions were detached, and made a forced march to Hazlehurst station, on the Jackson and New Orleans Railroad, where they destroyed forty cars, four of which were loaded with shell and ammunition, AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 20 7 and the remainder with quartermaster and commissary- stores. A detachment also made a raid upon Enterprise, on the Mobile and Ohio railroad, and thus diverting the enemy's attention from the movements of the main body. When near Gallatin, the cavalry captured and spiked a thirty-two pound Parrot gun, which the rebels were haul- ins: towards Vicksburfj. A detachment was next ordered to Bahala, on the Jack- son and New Orleans Railroad, where thev destroyed sev- eral miles of track and telegraph wire, a number of cars, water-tanks, and a considerable amount of government property. On the morning of April 28th, the advance arrived at Brookhaven, where it surprised a body of rebels, taking about two hundred prisoners. Here a camp of instruction, about five hundred tents, and a large supply of small arms were destroyed. Colonel Grierson, after making feints of moving towards Port Gibson and Natchez, marched, on April 30th, along the New Orleans and Jackson Railroad, destroying all the bridges between Brookhaven and Bogue Chito station. At the latter place, a number of loaded cars were found and destroyed. He next moved on to Summit, where he de- stroyed another train of cars. The Union cavalry force then passed along the country road towards Clinton, and on their way met a body of rebel cavalry, which they engaged and routed. They again pushed on steadily towards the Mississippi River. On Friday, May 1st, at about noon, the inhabitants of Ba- ton Rouge were startled by the arrival of a courier, who announced that a brigade of cavalry from General Grant's army had cut their way through the heart of the rebel' country and were then only five miles outside of the city. 208 GENERAL GRANT The information seemed too astounding for belief. At four o'clock, however, there was no longer doubt of the fact, for Colonel Grierson and his heroes were escorted into the city by a company of cavalry belonging to that post. At the picket lines they were welcomed by the commander and his staff, and the cheers of the garrison, as the adventu- rers entered Baton Rouge, could have been heard for miles. The value of this expedition can scarcely be appreciated by merely reading the preceding account ; but when it is considered that, in fifteen days this cavalry force marched over eight hundred miles, travelling through the very heart of the enemy's country, killed and wounded a number of the enemy, destroyed over four million dollars worth of prop- erty, cut off all communication with the rebel stronghold at Vicksburg, captured over a thousand prisoners, and twelve hundred hm-ses, besides menacing the enemy at points where they deemed themselves secure, it will be at once seen that the expedition was one of the most impor taut, as well as the most successful of the war, and is ex- ceedingly creditable to all concerned. About the same time cavalry raids were being made into Alabama and Georgia, under Colonel Streight, and to the rear of General Lee's army in Virginia, under General Stone- man, the various movements carrying consternation and terror into the midst of the enemy's dominions, and making it shake at its very centre. The following table will show the work accomplished by Colonel Grierson during his expedition. Locomotives destroyed, 2 ; cars destroyed, nearly 200 ; bridges burned, etc., 9 ; telegraph wires cut, 2 ; railroad tracks destroyed and broken, 3 ; rebel camps destroyed, 3 ; important rebel mails destroyed, 3 ; prisoners taken, over 1,000; tannery burned, 1 ; horses captured, over 1,200; miles travelled, over 800 ; value of property destroyed, AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 209 over $4,000,000. Besides cutting off all railroad communi- cation with the rebel strongholds on the Mississippi, as well as entirely destroying muskets, tents, stores, leather, boots, saddles, etc., of great value to the rebels in a military point of view. Although the loss to the rebels was very great, the gain to General Grant was of corresponding value. The following is General Grant's first announcement of the success of the expedition : Grand Gulf, Miss., May 6. Major-General Halleck, General-in-Chief: I learn that Colonel Grierson, with his cavalry, has been heard of, first, about ten days ago, in Northern Mississippi. He moved thence and struck the railroad thirty miles east of Jack- son, at a point called Newton's Station. lie then moved southward, towards Enterprise, demanded the surren- der of the place, and gave one hour's grace, during which General Lorm- niey arrived. He left at once and moved towards Hazelhurst, on the New Orleans and Jackson Railroad. At this point he tore up the track. Thence he pushed to Bahala, ten miles further south, on the same road, and thenco eastward, on the Natchez road, where he had a fight with Wirt Adams's cavalry. From this point he moved back to the New Orleans and Jackson Rail- road, to Brookhaven, ten miles south of Bahala, and when last heard from he was three miles from Summit, ten miles south of Brookhaven, and was supposed to be making his way to Baton Rouge. He had spread excitement throughout the State, destroying railroads, trestleworks, and bridges, burning locomotives and railway stock, taking prisoners, and destroying stores of all kinds. U. S. Grant, Major- General 210 GENERAL GRANT CHAPTER XXVIH. OTHER PRELIMINARY MOVEMENTS. — ATTACK UPON GRAND GULF. The day after Colonel Grierson had started on his expe- dition, a party of Union troops, consisting of three regi- ments of infantry and one of cavalry, left Memphis, Tenn., on a reconnoissance into Mississippi. At Nanconnah they met a body of rebel cavalry, which, after a brisk fight, was repulsed with some loss. On the 19th another body of mounted rebels were met and driven over the Coldwater in confusion. The Union troops having been re-enforced at Hernando, Miss., again crossed the Coldwater and engaged the rebels at that point. At about the same time General Banks's forces were making a demonstration in the neighborhood of Baton Rouge. Owing to the limited number of transports below Vicks- burg, it was deemed advisable by General Grant to extend his line of land travel to a little place in Louisiana, on the Mississippi River shore, locally known by the designation of Hard Times. As this place could only be reached by a very circuitous land route, the distance between the base of supplies at Milliken's Bend and the advance of the army was increased to seventy miles, with roads entirely unsuited for the operations of an army. But as the place was nearer to the point at which General Grant had intended to land his troops, on the Mississippi side of the river, he AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 211 ■was determined that the roads should not prove an obstacle to thwart him in his plans. He therefore detailed a por- tion of his pioneer force to prepare the line of travel, and to keep it in order after it was constructed. The Thirteenth Army Corps was embarked during the night of the 28th and early on the morning of the 29th of April, 1863, and the Seventeenth Corps being well on its way to take their place, General Grant ordered the trans- ports to move over to the front of Grand Gulf. The plan had been for the navy to attack the rebel works, and for the military forces to land under cover of the guns, for the purpose of taking the place by storm. At eight o'clock in the morning Admiral Porter's fleet opened upon the works, which he engaged for five hours in the most brilliant manner. It, however, soon became evident that the enemy's batteries could not be silenced or taken from the water front, as the whole range of hills was lined with rifle-pits, supported by field artillery, that could be moved from one position to the other with the greatest ease. General Grant therefore determined to change his plan and effect a landing, if possible, at Rodney, some distance be- low Grand Gulf. But to effect this it became necessary again to run the rebel batteries. A consultation was therefore held between General Grant and Admiral Porter, and a plan soon agreed upon. At dark Admiral Porter's fleet again engaged the batte- ries, and under cover of this contest the transports ran by the rebel works, receiving but two or three shots in the passage, and these not inflicting any material injury. During the whole of the naval engagement at Grand Gulf, General Grant was on board a tug in the middle of the stream, a witness of the contest, ; nd ready to move his forces to the assault as soon as the time appeared pro- pitious. 212 GENERAL GRANT CHAPTER XXIX. THE LANDING AT BROTNSBURG, AND ADVANCE. After the withdrawal of the fleet from before Grand Gulf, the troops were again landed at Hard Times, so that the transports might run easily by the rebel batteries with- out endangering more lives than was actually necessary. These disembarked troops were then marched overland, across the upper end of Coffee's Point and D'Schron's plantation, to the Louisiana shore of the Mississippi River below Grand Gulf. A reconnoitring party was next sent out to discover the best point at which the troops could cross the river to the Mississippi shore. General McClernand says in his report of June 17th, 1863: "The reconnoissance made by my cavalry, in pursuance of Major-General Grant's order, in- dicated Brumsburg to be the point. Hence, embarking on the morning of the thirtieth, my corps immediately pro- ceeded to that place, and disembarked before noon." The advance was now on the Vicksburg side of the river, and every thing was to be subservient to activity and rapid motion. The orders were that there should be no delay under any circumstances. Promptitude was espe- cially necessary, as by that only could success be guaran- teed. At four o'clock in the afternoon, after having halted just long enough to distribute three days' rations, the advance of the Thirteenth Army Corps took up its line of march AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 213 for the bluffs, three miles from the river. In this move- ment the corps commander states in his report that he acted " agreeably with General Grant's instructions." The bluffs were, therefore, reached and taken possession of some time before sunset. The army had started in very light marching order, with out trains or baggage, so that nothing should interfere with their rapid movements. Each man carried his allotted quan- tity of rations, and the bivouac and not the camp was to be the order of the night.* The Thirteenth Army Corps, after reaching the Bluffs, pushed on toward Port Gibson, for the purpose of surpris- ing any enemy that might be found in that neighborhood, and if possible to prevent him from destroying the bridges over Bayou Pierre, on the roads leading to Grand Gulf and to Jackson. To accomplish this object, the corps had to make forced marches, and to travel as far as possible along the road during that night. The following account is given by one who participated in this movement of the rear column of the Thirteenth Ar- my Corps : Events have followed each other so rapidly within the last three days, * The following is related of the very light manner in which General Grant commenced the campaign : — A gentleman who participated in the Vicksburg campaign of General Grant, up to the time the enemy crossed the Big Black in the retreat to- wards Vicksburg, states that " in starting on the movement the General cnsencumbered himself of every thing, setting an example to his officers aud men. He took neither a horse nor a servant, overcoat nor blanket, nor tent nor camp chest, nor even a clean shirt. His only baggage con- sisted of a tooth-brush. — He always showed his teeth to the rebels. — He shared all the hardships of the private soldier, sleeping in the front and in the open air, and eating hard tack and salt pork. He wore no sword, had on a low-crowned citizen's hat, and the only thing about him to mark him as a military man was his two stars on his undress military coat." 214 GENERAL GRANT that it seems utterly impossible to keep pace with them as they have occurred. When I wrote to you from Bruinsburg, it was long past midnight, and at the conclusion of my letter I was forced to throw myself upon the ground, under the friendly shelter of a thrifty cottonwood, to gain a little sleep for the labors of the coming day. Since eleven o'clock of the preceding (Thursday) night we had heard the occasional boom of cannon, followed by the sharp rattle of musketry, and I was not sur- prised, soon after I went into bivouac, to learn that an order was issued to march at daylight. At five reveille was beaten, and swallowing a cup of coffee and securing within haversack a cracker or two, just as the first rays of the tropical sun came glittering along the surface of the Missis- sippi, we left our bivouac, and taking the levee, moved in the direction of Port Gibson. The steamers, which a few nights before had run the rebel batteries at Vicksburg and Grand Gulf were then used to carry troops from Bromly's plantation to Bruinsburg. Among others the Moderator and Horizon were thus used. The Moderator, on her return trip, met the Horizon coming down the river, having on board one hundred and fifty thousand rations and a full battery of artillery. "Whether it was owing to the fog or the carelessness of the pilot has not been ascertained ; but somehow the two vessels collided, and the Horizon, rations and battery, sank in deep water and disappeared from mortal vision. Every horse on board was drowned. Every gun lies fathoms deep in water, rations are ruined, and I regret to add that two or three soldiers found a watery grave. At this juncture the loss is almost irreparable. But to describe our march from Bruinsburg: — The road to Port Gib- son lies along the inner side of the levee for a couple of miles, until it branches to the right and strikes the bluffs or series of hills extending to Grand Gulf and Vicksburg. The route over these bluffs differs so materially from that over the dead levels of the preceding days, that we were continually finding something to wonder at and admire. The abrupt acclivities, the deep ravines, the waving corn, the beautiful flowers and magnificent magnolias, just now in full blossom, diffusing most delicious perfumes, and the long line of soldiers winding along the green trees, formed a truly beautiful picture. The harmony of this scene, normally so suggestive of peace, was sadly marred by the constantly recurring evidences that man was at variance with his fellow. As we approached a point six miles from Bruinsburg, we could hear the more rapid firing of cannon and the sharper rattle of musketry. When we AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 215 arrived within four miles of Port Gibson we met a small force of strag- glers, and received orders to move forward to the front. The peculiar features of the region a little east of Bruinsburg are rigidly maintained at Thompson's Hills, except that, if possible, the hills are steeper, the ravines deeper, and ingress much more difficult. As we approached the plantation, whence the battle takes its name, we found at the bottom of a deep ravine a clear running stream of water — a rarity in this latitude. Ordinarily the streams are muddy and turbid, but here was one as clear as crystal. Beyond this stream the road over the hill rises abruptly until it reaches an open field, upon which the plantation mansion stands. Just beyond is a road to the left leading to Grand Gulf, and to the right a road leading south. We followed the latter, and reached a primitive church just in the edge of a grove of magnolias, with an open iawn in front. A half mile beyond, this road again forks, the left leading to Port Gibson and the right to Rodney. Taking this church as a centre, and striking a semicircle towards the east whose periphery shall be everywhere two miles from the common centre, and your line will strike a chain of hills and valleys, upon which and between which the battle, known as that of Thompson's Hills, was fought. Just beyond these hills is Port Gibson.* * Army correspondence under date of May 3d. 216 GENERAL GRANT CHAPTER XXX. THE BATTLE OF THOMPSON'S HILLS, OR PORT GIBSON. — EVAC- UATION OF GRAND GULF. Tiie advance of the Thirteenth Army Corps approached the church, spoken of in the foregoing correspondence, at about one o'clock on the morning of the first of May, 18G3. This church was distant from Bruinsburg about thirteen miles, and from Port Gibson about four miles. As the Fourteenth Division of Grant's army drew near the place, they were accosted by a light fire of rebel musketry, fol- lowed at a quick interval by a sharp attack with field artil- lery. The Union troops were at once formed into line of battle, and their batteries replied to the fire of the rebels. After a short but brisk engagement, the guns of the latter were silenced. The Union troops then withdrew out of range, and pa- tiently waited until daylight. At daybreak the fight was renewed by the ordering of the Ninth Division of Grant's army on to the road to the left. The First Brigade, while hastening forward to execute this order, encountered the enemy in force at about half-past five in the morning ; and although the rebel position was strong, and the enemy apparently determined to keep it, he was forced to yield up possession after a hard struggle of over an hour's duration. The Ninth Division, consisting only of two brigades, pressed forward ; but the enemy had so obstructed the AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 217 road by this route, that it was soon discovered a front at- tack would' only result in disaster. A flank movement was then resolved upon, and by a spirited assault upon the right carried the rebel works, captured three pieces of can- non, and routed the enemy. The following interesting account of the fight is given by an eye-witness : General McClernand's army corps was marching in the direction of Port Gibson, and had reached the ravine and the running brook alluded to. It was his intention to encamp on the opposite hill, but the enemy had placed a three-gun battery there, and, as our advance reached the ravine, he began most persistently to shell us. His range was not good, and the guns did no damage. We withdrew out of range, and patiently waited uutil daylight. At daybreak the fight was renewed, first by the advance skirmishers, and afterwards by the main body. The battery placed upon the hill opposite was annoying us, and two regiments were ordered to take it. Across the running water and up the steep ascent advanced the brave soldiers, with bayonets firmly set, nor faltered a single step until the enemy were driven from the position and their guns fell into our hands. From here the enemy retired to the right, following the road which led past the church, near which they had stationed another battery. Here the battle raged fearfully, and several of our men were wounded and killed. After the rebels had left this point I was able to find, where the fight raged the fiercest, the dead bodies of twenty men within a circuit of half as many rods. Driven from this position by the impet- uous attack of the federal soldiers, the rebel general sought a convenient circlet of hills, and established his battle line. His centre rested on the Port Gibson road, with his right and left on the right and left of that thoroughfare. The attack was first made with artillery upon his centre then skirmishers advanced, and the engagement became general in that locality. After heavy firing, the enemy gave way, and massed his forces on his left with the evident intention of flanking our right. This inten- tion was discovered in season to avoid it by a proper disposition ol our reserves, when the enemy wheeled over to his right and massed his forces, making a most formidable demonstration. The attack against this wing was resisted with great determination and with partial suc- cess in the earlier part of the day, and the enemy gained several impor- 10 218 GENERAL GRANT tant positions, from which, for some hours, we tried in vain to dislodge him. On our extreme left and their right there was an elevation, pro- tected in front by an impenetrable canebrake, and defended from flank approach by ravines, where the attacking party would be forced to under- go an enfilading fire. The enemy had mounted his guns upon the hill, and posted his skirmishers in the thicket before it. Several hours' most strenuous efforts were made to dislodge them, but our boys were unable to penetrate the dense thicket. The deadly missiles came singing through the air with fearful accuracy, and many a brave soldier was laid low. General Osterhaus and a portion of the Ninth Division were op- posite. At length re-enforcements were called for, and the First Brigade of the Third Division, belonging to the Seventeenth Army Corps, came rushing along the road towards Grand Gulf. They were quickly formed in battle array, and with a shout, which must have struck terror in the hearts of the enemy, the boys fixed bayonets and boldly charged the po- sition. Down upon their hands and knees, they worked their way through the young cane, and mercilessly slaughtered all who did not yield. One hundred and fifty men were taken prisoners in this glorious charge, and scores of rebels were killed and wouuded. They gained the other side of the thicket, and picked off the men and horses serving the rebel battery. The Union batteries finished the good work, and the position and guns fell into our hands. Beaten at every point, losing one hundred and fifty killed, three hun- dred wounded, and more than five hundred prisoners, the enemy sul- lenly and rapidly retreated to Port Gibson, harassed in his flight by vol- leys of musketry and the most strenuous efforts of our artillery. Without difficulty they reached Port Gibson, blowing up, when near the village, a caisson filled with shot, shell, and powder. Night was wrapping her sable mantle over hill and valley, and the silver moon shone out clear and bright, casting a flood of beautiful light over friend and foe, when the order was given to cease pursuit. We rested on the battle-field, wearied and exhausted, and soon deep silence reigued supreme where Mars so recently held high carnival. The commander of the corps, in his official report of this engagement, states that during the heat of the battle, " Ma- jor-General Grant came up from Bruinsburg, and soon after he had the pleasure of meeting him on the field." ■-AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 219 It also appears from the official reports, that the second position taken by the enemy was much stronger than the first, being located in a creek bottom, covered with trees and underbrush, the approach to which was over open fields, and ragged and exposed hill-slopes. At break of day on the morning of Saturday, May 2d, the Thirteenth Army Corps triumphantly entered Port Gibson, through which place, and across the south branch of the Bayou Pierre, the enemy had hastily fled the night before, burning the bridge across that stream in his rear. This bridge was even burning when the advance entered Port Gibson, and it was necessary to remain a few hours in that village, until a floating bridge could be constructed. While this bridge was being built, the rebels appeared on the opposite side of the Bayou Pierre, both above and below the town, and a desultory fire ensued between the belligerents, without any material damage to either side. In the afternoon the bridge was completed, and the advance crossed over. Three miles beyond Port Gibson, on the Raymond road, the Union Army came across two large piles of bacon be- longing to the rebel army, and at least of fifty thousand pounds weight. The army next came upon the upper causeway across the Bayou Pierre, which being a substan- tial iron suspension bridge, the rebels had not time to com- pletely destroy, although they left behind them evidences of their attempts at its destruction. This bridge repaired, the Union army passed over it, and came to the cross-roads near the site of an old town which once rejoiced in the name of Willow Springs. As the army was proceeding leisurely along the road, a battery opened upon them with shell at short range, causing a few casualties. The advance was next drawn up in line of bat- tle, and moved slowly forward until the rebel position was 220 GENERAL GRANT ■ attained. The enemy, however, then soon retired with unusual haste. The advance of the Union army then pushed on to the bank of the Big Black River, where it arrived shortly be- fore dark, and was received with a sharp fire of musketry. Lines of skirmishers were quickly formed, and the rebel troops driven across the river. Their rearguard attempted to destroy the pontoon bridge ; but in this design they were frustrated by the rapid movements of the sharp- shooters of the Union army. After exchanging a few shell and shot, all was quiet for a time. This part of the army was seven miles beyond Grand Gulf, and within eighteen miles of Vicksburg. While passing through a deep ravine to reach the above position, the Union troops met a strong line of rebel skirmishers, and, after an engagement of about two hours, the latter re- tired, closely followed by the Unionists. Several prisoners were taken, from whom it was ascertained that Grand Gulf had been evacuated and the rebel magazine blown up. This was owing to two causes ; first, the flanking of the position by General Grant, and secondly, the severe bombardment it received at the hands of Admiral Porter. Finding that Grand Gulf had been evacuated, and that the advance of the 'Union forces was already fifteen miles on the road they would have to take to reach either Vicksburg, Jackson, or any point of the railroad between those cities, General Grant determined not to stop the troops in their vic- torious course, for the purpose of furnishing himself with an escort due to his rank, but took with him some fifteen men, and proceeded in person to the evacuated position, where he made the necessary arrangements for changing his base of supplies from Bruinsburg to Grand Gulf. From this point General Grant telegraphed to the Gov- ernment the complete success of the first part of his AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 221 movement. It will be seen that the document was worded in the most modest manner, considering the value of the work accomplished, and was as follows : Grand Gulp, Miss., May 3, 1S63. Major-General Halleck, General-in-Chief: We landed at Bruinsburg April 30th, moved immediately on Port Gibson, met the enemy, 11,000 strong, four miles south of Port Gibson at two o'clock a. M., on the 1st inst., and engaged him all day, entirely routing him, with the loss of many killed, and about 500 prisoners, besides the wounded. Our loss is about 100 killed and 500 wounded. The enemy retreated towards Vicksburg, destroying the bridges over the two forks of the Bayou Pierre. These were rebuilt, and the pursuit has continued until the present time. Besides the heavy artillery at the place, four field-pieces were captured, and some stores, and the enemy were driven to destroy many more. The country is the most broken and difficult to operate in I ever saw. Our victory has been most complete, and the enemy is thoroughly demoralized. Very respectfully, U. S. Grant, Major- General Commanding. Governor Yates, of Illinois, who was on a visit to the army at the time of the movement, and had necessarily to participate therein, telegraphed at the same time to the officials at his State Capital, as follows : Grand Gulf, Miss., May 3, 1863. We gained a glorious victory at Port Gibson, on the 1st instant. The enemy are in full retreat. Our forces are in close pursuit. The Illinois troops, as usual, behaved with the greatest gallantry. The loss on our side is 150 killed and 500 wounded. We have taken 1,000 prisoners. The loss of the enemy in killed and wounded was much greater than ours. Richard Yates. On the same night that Grand Gulf had been taken pos- session of, several barges, loaded with stores, were sent down past the Vicksburg batteries. The firing was very heavy upon some of them, and a shell bursting in the midst of a quantity of cotton and hay, destroyed the vessels, and 222 GENERAL GRANT compelled tho=e on board to surrender. The following is the rebel official dispatch of the occurrence: Vicksburg, May 4, 1863. To General S. Cooper: Last night two large barges, heavily laden with hospital and commis- sary stores, with a small tug between them, attempted to pass here. They were burned to the water's edge, and twenty-four prisoners taken from them, among whom are one correspondent of the New York World, two of the New York Tribune, and one of the Cincinnati Times* J. C. Pemberton, Lieut-Gen. Commanding. The day after the occupation of Grand Gulf, Governor Yates sent the following report of the operations of the few preceding days : Grand Gulf, Miss., May 4, 1863. Our arms are gloriously triumphant. We have succeeded in winning a victory which, in its results, must be the most important of the war. The battle of May 1st lasted from eight o'clock in the morning until night, during ail which time the enemy was driven back on the right, left, and centre. All day yesterday our army was in pursuit of the rebels, they giving us battle at almost every defensible point, and fighting with desperate valor. Last night a large force of the enemy was driven across Black River, and General McClernand was driving another large force in the direction of "Willow Springs. About two o'clock yesterday I left General Logan, with his division, in pursuit of the enemy, to join General Grant at Grand Gulf, which the enemy had evacuated in the morning, first blowing up their magazines, spiking their cannon, destroying tents, etc. On my way to Grand Gulf I saw guns scattered all along the road, which the enemy had left in their retreat. The rebels were scattered through the woods in every direction. TJiis army of the rebels was con- sidered, as I now learn, invincible; but it quailed before tlie irresistible assaults of Northwestern valor. I consider Vicksburg as ours in a short time, and the Mississippi River as destined to be open from its source to its mouth. I have been side by side with our boys in battle, and can bear witness to the unfaltering courage and prowess of our brave Illinoisans. Riciiard Yates, Governor. * Some of the unfortunate correspondents were in Libby Prison at the ■sommencement of 18 64. But were soon after released. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 223 CHAPTER XXXI. OUTSIDE OPERATIONS. General Grant, in order to deceive the rebel authori- ties at Richmond, Chattanooga, and elsewhere, as to the precise direction from which he intended to strike at Vicks- burg, and also to prevent heavy re-enforcements from being sent to Grand Gulf from that place, ordered some very excellent feints to be made in all directions. Among others, General Grant ordered Colonel Corwyn, with his Cavalry Brigade, to go down the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, on the east of his line of operations, and threaten an attack upon all the rebel posts along that road. On the 6 th of May a fight took place between the Union cavalry and the rebel forces under General Ruggles, at Tupello, a railroad station in Itawamba county, Missis- sippi, and, after a half-hour's conflict, the rebels retreated in disorder, leaving behind them their arms, equipments, and ninety of their men prisoners. On the north General Grant ordered a still more valua- ble feint. In moving from Milliken's Bend, the Fifteenth Army Corps had been set apart to bring up the rear, and, consequently, under that order, it was to be the last to start upon the southern march. General Sherman, com- manding the Fifteenth Corps, had made every preparation to move by April 26th, 1863, on which day he received a letter from General Grant, who was then near New Car- thage, ordering him to delay his march, in consequence of 224 GENERAL GRANT the state of trie roads, until the system of canals, then in process of construction, could be completed.* On the 28th of April, General Sherman received a letter in cipher, fixing the time when General Grant proposed to attack Grand Gulf, and stating that a simultaneous feint on the enemy's batteries near Haines Bluff, on the Yazoo River, would be most desirable, provided it could be done without the ill effect on the army and the country of an appearance of a repulse. Knowing full well that the army could distinguish a feint from a real attack, by succeeding events, General Sherman made the necessary orders, em- barked the Second Division on ten steam transports, and sailed for the Yazoo River. At about ten o'clock on the morning of April 29th, Gen- eral Sherman with this force proceeded to the mouth of the Yazoo River, where he found several vessels of the fleet, ready to co operate with the feigned movement. This fact alone proves how well General Grant and Admiral Porter had agreed upon the plan of operations, and how they worked in harmony together ; neither one being jeal- ous of the other's fiime, but both being ready to do battle in their country's service, and for the common cause. The united forces then proceeded at once up the Yazoo River, in proper order, and lay for the night of April 29th at the mouth of the Chickasaw Bayou. The next morning, at an early hour, the fleet proceeded up within easy range of the enemy's batteries. The gunboats at once made an attack upon the works, and for four hours a very pretty demonstration was kept up. The vessels were then called out of range, and toward evening General Sherman dis- embarked his troops, in full view of the enemy, making * If this document had fallen into the hands of the enemy, no idea could have been obtained of the true motive of the delay. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 225 preparations as if to assault the works. As soon as the land- ing was effected the gunboats reopened their fire upon the rebel defences. The perceptible activity of the enemy, in moving the guns, artillery, and infantry, gave evidence that they ex- pected a real attack ; and keeping up a show of this intent until dark, General Sherman succeeded in accomplishing the full object of his ruse. At night the troops re-embark- ed ; but during the whole of the next day similar move- ments were made, accompanied by reconnoissances of all the country on both sides of the Yazoo River. While thus engaged, General Sherman received instructions from General Grant to hasten and rejoin him at Grand Gulf. The two divisions of General Sherman's Corps, that had remained at Milliken's Bend, were at once ordered to march, and to join General Grant by way of Richmond, Louisiana, while General Sherman, at the head of the Sec- ond Division, kept up his feint on the Yazoo River until night. General Sherman then quietly dropped back to his camp at Young's Point, when the whole corps, with the ex- ception of one division left behind as a garrison, marched to Hard Times, four miles above Grand Gulf, on the Louisiana shore, where it arrived on the morning of May 6th, after travelling sixty-three miles on foot. During the night of the 6th, and the morning of the Vth, the forces were ferried over the river, and on the 8th commenced their march into the interior. It appears also that a junction was to have been formed between the forces under General Grant and those under General Banks, but, in consequence of the position of the troops under the latter general, this movement was found to require a much greater delay and loss of time than General Grant could, under the circumstances, have afforded, as will be seen from the following extract from his official report : 10* 226 GENERAL GRANT About this time (May 4th), I received a letter from General Banks, giving his position west of the Mississippi River, and stating that he could return to Baton Rouge by the 10th of May; that by the reduction of Port Hudson he could join me with twelve thousand men. I learned about the same time, that troops were expected at Jack- son from the southern cities, with General Beauregard in command. To delay until the 10th of May, and for the reduction of Port Hudson after that, the accession of twelve thousand men would not leave mo relatively so strong as to move promptly with what I had. Information received, from day to day, of the movements of the enemy, also impel- led me to the course I pursued. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 22 1 CHAPTER XXXn. rHE ADVANCE TOWARDS JACKSON. — BATTLE OF RAYMOND. The army had, as before stated, advanced in light marching oidfr, up to the occupation of Grand Gulf, after which it became necessary that trains should follow, as the three days rations set apart for each man at starting, had by this time been consumed. This naturally led to 'a short delay ; but no longer time was occupied than was actually necessary. General Grant personally superintended the landing and distribution of the supplies, with the full de- termination that his campaign should not fail through any dereliction of duty on the part of his quartermasters or commissaries. In this he manifested one of the traits of a good soldier; as it is not merely esseutial to put an army into the field to secure victory, but it is also superlatively necessary, to insure the same result, that the army shall be properly fed, clothed, and sheltered, from the commence- ment to the close of the campaign. It is this forethought and care for the soldiers, that has secured for General Grant the love and veneration of every man under his command. Having secured a sufficient amount of supplies to last him for a certain time, and having made arrangements for others to follow, General Grant removed his head-quarters, on the morning of May 7th, to Hawkinson's Ferry, on the Black River, leaving General Sherman's forces to garrison Grand Gulf for the few hours it was necessary to hold it, during the landing of the remainder of the supplies. 228 GENERAL GRANT While lying at Ilawkinson's Ferry, waiting for the 'wag- ons, supplies, and Sherman's Corps to come up, demonstra- tions were made to induce the enemy to believe, that the routes to Vicksburg by that ferry and the one by Hall's Ferry, which Avas a short distance higher up the river, were very desirable to General Grant. To impress this idea still further upon the minds of the rebel generals, reconnoitring parties were sent out along the roads, on the west side of the Big Black River, to within six miles of Warrenton. The artifice was completely successful. In the mean time, all Mississippi was called to arms to resist the advance of General Grant. The following pro- clamation of the Governor of the State, will show the anxious feeling that existed in the hearts of the State authorities : Executive Office, ) Jackson, Miss., May 5, 18G3. ) To the People of Mississippi: Recent events, familiar to you all, impel me, as your Chief Mag ; s- trato, to appeal to your patriotism for united effort in expelling our ene- mies from the soil of Mississippi. It can and must be done. Let no man capable of bearing arms withhold from his State his services in repelling the invasion. Duty, interest, our common safety, demand every sacri- fice necessary for the protection of our homes, our honor, liberty itself. The exalted position won in her name upon every battle-field where Mississippi's sons have unfurled her proud banner, and hurled defiance in the face of overwhelming numbers, forbids that her honor, the chiv- alry of her people, the glory of her daring deeds on foreign fields, should be tarnished and her streaming battle flag dragged to the dust by barbarian hordes on her own soil. Awake, then — arouse, Mississippians, young and old, from your fer- tile plains, your beautiful towns and cities, your once quiet and happy but now desecrated homes, come and join your brothers in arras, your sons and neighbors, who are now baring their bosoms to the storm of battle, at your very doors, and in defence of all you hold dear. Meet in every county with your arms ; organize companies of not loss than twenty (under the late act of Congress), forward your muster AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 229 rolls to this office, and you will be received into the service with all the protection and rights belonging to other soldiers in the field. Ammunition will be furnished you, and every aid in my power ex- tended to you for your security and efficiency Fathers, brothers, Mississippians — while your sons and kindred arc bravely fighting your battles on other fields, and shedding neiv lustre on your name, the burning disgrace of successful invasion of their homes, of insult and injury to their wives, mothers, and sisters, of rapine and ruin, with God's help and by your assistance, shall never be written while a Mississip- pian lives to feel in his proud heart the scorching degradation. Every moment's inaction and delay but strengthens your enemy and weakens your "brothers in arms. Let every man, then, make it his business, laying all else aside, to assist in organizing as many com- panies as can be raised in each county, and report immediately to this office for orders. By this course you will enable our arms in a short time to repel the invader, secure the safely of your homes, and shed imperishable honor on your cause. You will not be without assistance. Let no man forego the proud distinction of being one of his country's de- fenders, or hereafter wear the disgraceful badge of the dastardly traitor ivho refused to defend his home and his country. John J. Pettus, Governor of Mississippi. General Grant's plans had been too carefully studied and followed out, to be thwarted by any suddenly improvised forces that the Governor could then raise. On the morning of the 7th of May, a general advance was ordered by General Grant. The Thirteenth Army Corps was directed to move along the ridge road from Wilton Springs ; the Seventeenth Army Corps was to keep the road nearest the Black River to Rocky Springs; and the Fifteenth Army Corps was to divide in two parts and follow. All the ferries were closely guarded until the troops were well advanced, to prevent surprise on the flanks, and also to mislead the enemy as to the intention of the movement. Before the troops were started on this march, the fol- lowing congratulatory order was read at the head of every regiment : 230 GENERAL GRANT Head-Quarters, Army of the Tennessee, in the Field, ) Hawkinson's Ferry, May 1th. ) Soldiers of the Army of Tennessee: Once more I thank you for adding another victory to the long list of those previously won by your valor and endurance. The triumph gained over the enemy near Port Gibson, on the 1st, was one of the most important of the war. The capture of five cannon and more than one thousand prisoners, the possession of Grand Gulf, and a firm foothold on the highlands between the Big Black and Bayou Pierre, from whence we threaten the whole line of the enemy, are among the fruits of this bril- liant achievement. The march from MillikerCs Bend to the point opposite Grand Gulf loas made in stormy weather, over the worst of roads. Bridges and ferries had to be constructed. Moving by night as well as by day, with labor incessant, and extraordinary privations endured by men and officers, such as have been rarely paralleled in any campaign, not a murmur of complaint has been uttered. A few days continuance of the same zeal and constancy will secure to this army crowning victories over the rebellion. More difficulties and privations are before us; let us endure them manfully. Other battles are to be fought ; let us fight them bravely. A grateful country will rejoice at our success, and history will record it with immortal lionor. U. S. Grant, Major- General Commanding. It appears from General Grant's official report of the Vicksburg Campaign, that it had been his intention, while at Hawkinson's Ferry, to have moved the Thirteenth and Fifteenth Army Corps in such a manner as to hug the Black River as closely as possible, in order that they might be able to strike the Jackson and Vicksburg Rail- road at some point between Edwards's Station and Bolton. The Seventeenth Army Corps was to move by way of Utica to Raymond, thence to Jackson, at which place, and in its vicinity, it was intended that the railroad, telegraph, public stores, etc., should be destroyed, after which the corps was to move west and rejoin the main army. The following is an account of the primary movements of the army, by one who took part in its operations from its organization to the capitulation of Vicksburg : AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 231 On Thuisday, the 7th of Way, General McPherson, commanding the Seventeenth Army Corps, moved his troops to Rocky Springs, and his camp was occupied next clay by General Sherman, with the Fifteenth Army Corps. On Saturday, the 9th, General McPherson again moved to the eastward, to the village of Utica, crossing the road occupied by the Thirteenth Army Corps under General McClernand, and leaving tho latter on his left. On Sunday morning, the ICth, General McClernand marched to Five Mile Creek, and encamped on the south bank a4; noon, on account of broken bridges, which were repaired the same day. On Monday morning, the 11th, General Sherman's Corps came up, passed, General McClernand's, and encamped that night at the village of Auburn, about ten miles south of Edwards's Station, which is on a portion of the railroad from Vicksburg to Jackson. As soon as it passed, General McClernand's corps followed a few miles, and then took a road going obliquely to the left, leading to Hall's Ferry, on the Big Black River. Thus on Monday evening, May 11th, General McClernand was at Hall's Ferry; General Sherman was at Auburn, six or eight miles to the northeast, and General McPherson was about eight miles still further to the northeast, a few miles north of Utica. The whole formed an immense line of battle ; Sherman's Corps being in the centre, with those of McPherson and McClernand forming the right and left wings. It will be observed, also, th&t a change of front had been effected. From Grand Gulf the army marched eastward; but, by these last movements, it had swung on the left as a pivot, and fronted nearly northward. Up to this the enemy had not appeared on our line of march. On Tuesday morning, May 12th, General McClernand's advance drove in the enemy's pickets near Hall's Ferry, and brisk skirmishing ensued for an hour or two, with little loss to either side. By noon the rebels had disappeared from his front, and seven wounded and none killed was the total Union loss. General Sherman put Steele's Division in motion early in the morning, and came upon the enemy at the crossing of Fourteen Mile creek, four miles from Auburn. The cavalry advance was fired into from the thick woods that skirt the stream, and was unable, owing to the nature of the ground, to make a charge or clear the rebels from their position. A battery was taken to the front, supported by the two infantry regiments, and threw a few shell into the bushy undergrowth skirting the stream which gave them cover. Skirmishers was thrown out and advanced to the creek, driving the enemy slowly. A brigade was thrown to the right and left flanks, 232 GENERAL GRANT when the rebel forces, mainly cavalry, withdrew towards Raymond. The bridge was burned during the skirmish ; but a crossing was con- structed in two hour3, and trains were passing before noon.* General Grant was not behind his troops ; but as they advanced, he continually changed his head-quarters and his line of communications, keeping with the centre of the army for the purpose of better directing the movements of his three columns. When he had advanced far enough into the field to be sure of his position, he sent the following telegraphic message to the government at Washington : In the Field, May 11, 1863. To Major-General Halleck, General-in-Chief: My force will be this evening as far advanced along Fourteen Mile Creek, the left near Black River, and extending in a line nearly east and west, as they can get without bringing on a general engagement. / shall communicate with Grand Gulf no more, except it becomes necessary to send a train with a heavy escort. Ton, may not hear from me again for several days. U. S. Grant, Major- General The foregoing dispatch plainly sets forth that General Grant in his plans had intended to cut an opening through the enemy's lines, and communicate with the General-in- chief by a more northern route. When the dispatch was sent from General Grant, he plainly foresaw the success of this plan, and as he personally superintended all the movements of his army, and had not to depend upon any other outside co-operation than that of the fleet, he doubt- less felt sure he could not fail through any lack of proper combination at the right time. He also, by breaking up this line of communication by way of Grand Gulf, pre- vented the enemy from cutting off his supplies, and he * Army correspondence AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 233 hart taken the precaution to have with him all that was needed until lie was ready to open up the new line by the Yazoo. The Fifteenth Army Corps moved forward on the Ed- wards Station road, and crossed the Fourteen Mile Creek ' at Dillon's plantation. The Thirteenth Army Corps cross- ed the same Creek, some short distance further west, making a demonstration along the road towards Bald, win's Ferry, as if to advance upon Vicksburg or War- renton by that route. While crossing the Fourteen Mile Creek, both corps had to skirmish considerably with the enemy in order to gain possession of the right of way ; but under the persistent attacks of the determined Union troops, the rebels had to give way, and the Union army moved towards the railroad in splendid order. In the meantime the Seventeenth Army Corps was steadily advancing upon Raymond, but met with no small opposition from the rebels, who were stationed in two brigades under Generals Gregg and Walker, at a point of the road about two miles southwest of that village. Gen- eral Logan's Division came upon the rebel troops, estimated at about ten thousand, posted on Fondren's Creek, at ten o'clock on Tuesday morning, May 12th, and brisk skirmish- ing began at once, followed by a general engagement. The enemy (as in front of General Sherman) was almost wholly concealed at first by the woods bordering the stream, behind which their forces were posted. Their artillery was on an eminence that commanded the approach, and the Union troops had to cross an open field, exposed to a ter- rible fire. The First and Second Brigades were in the thickest of the contest, and suffered most. After three hours' hard fighting, the enemy withdrew sullenly in two columns, the principal one taking the road to Jackson. 234 GENERAL GKAXT General Grant, in his report of this action, states that the fighting was very hard ; that the enemy were driven, with heavy loss in killed, wounded, and prisoners; and that many of the rebels threw down their arms and deserted their cause. When General Grant discovered that the enemy had re- treated from Raymond to Jackson, he, on the night of May 12th, diverted the Thirteenth and Fifteenth Army Corps from their intended route, and ordered them both to move towards Raymond, at which place he established his head-quarters on the evening of May 13th. The next day General Grant sent the following dispatch by way of Memphis : Raymond, Miss., May 14, 1863. Major-General ITalleck, General-in-Chief: McPherson took this place on the 12th inst, after a brisk fight of more than two hours. Our loss was fifty-one killed, and one hundred and eighty wounded. The enemy's loss was seventy-five killed (buried by us) and one hundred and eighty-six prisoners captured, besides the wounded. McPherson is now at Clinton. General Sherman is on the direct Jack- son road, and General McClernand is bringing up the rear. I will attack the State capital to-day. U. S. Grant, Major- General. The commander at Memphis, before receiving the above dispatch from General Grant, sent the following to Wash ington : Memphis, Tenn., May 17, 1863. Major-General Halleck, General-in-Chief: Papers of the 14th from Vicksburg and Jackson report that Grant de- feated Gregg's Brigade at Raymond, on Tuesday, the 12th. The rebel loss is admitted in the papers at seven hundred. The next day Gregg was re-enforced by General W. H. T. "Walker, of Georgia, when he was attacked at Mississippi Spring, and driven toward Jackson on Thursday. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 235 General Joseph Johnston arrived at Jackson on the 13th, and went out toward Vicksburg with three brigades. The force which General Grant fought, viz., Gregg's Brigade, was from Port Hudson, while Walker's was from Jordan. Every horse fit for service in Mississippi is claimed by the rebel gov- ernment to mount their troops. Grant has struck the railroad. S. A. Hurlbut, Major- General ?3G GENERAL GRANT CHAPTER XXXin. TIIE CArTURE AND OCCUPATION OF JACKSON. The Seventeenth Army Corps had moved up to Clinton, on the Jackson and Vicksburg Railroad, during the pre- vious day, May 1 3th, so as to be able to make the movement along that railroad to Jackson, simultaneously with that of the Fifteenth Army Corps by way of the Raymond and Jackson turnpike road. Clinton was no sooner taken possession of, than parties were sent out to destroy the track and telegraph, and while engaged on this duty, several important dispatches from General Pemberton to General Gregg, both of the rebel forces, were captured and taken to General Grant's head-quarters. As the Seventeenth Army Corps advanced along the railroad, a parallel line of march was kept up by the Fif- teenth Army Corps, along the turnpike road by way of Mississippi Springs, while the Thirteenth Army Corps oc- cupied Raymond. On May 14th, the Fifteenth and Seventeenth Corps moved with their whole force then present on the field, upon Jackson — the march being made amidst a heavy torm of rain, which fell in torrents from midnight of the 13th until noon of the 14th. The roads were therefore in the most horrible condition, at first slippery, next ankle deep in mud. "Notwithstanding this," says General Grant, in his report, " the troops marched in excellent order, without straggling, and in the best of spmts, nearly AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 237 fourteen miles, and engaged the enemy at about twelve o'clock, noon, near Jackson." As the two corps marched toward Jackson, the Thir- teenth Corps garrisoned the places they had vacated, one division occupying Clinton, another holding Mississippi Springs, while a third took possession of Raymond. Gen- eral Blair's division of the Fifteenth Corps guarded the wagon train at New Auburn, and the road to Utica was held by an advancing brigade of the Seventeenth Corps that had not, since the movement commenced, been joined to the main column. These forces were kept back as a corps of reserve, if necessary, and ready to move in either direction towards Jackson or Vicksburg. When General Joseph E. Johnston, who commanded the rebel forces at Jackson, discovered that Grant's troops were marching upon him, he determined to meet them on the outside of the city, and delay this advance as long as possible, to give him an opportunity to remove a portion if not the whole of the property of the rebel government, then at Jackson. As his forces were small in numbers, he ordered a feigned resistance to be made with artillery, sup- ported by a small force of infantry, against the advance of the Fifteenth Army Corps by the turnpike road, while, with the bulk of his army, he marched out on the Clinton road and engaged the Seventeenth Corps about two and a half miles from the city. The determined advance of the skirmishers of the Fif- teenth Corps soon drove in the resistance in their front, and the rebels took refuge in their rifle pits, which had been thrown up just outside the city of Jackson. General Sher- man, the commander of the Fifteenth Corps, soon discov- ered the weakness of the enemy by means of a reconnois- sance to his right, and this flank movement caused an evac- uation of the rebel position on this part of their line. 238 GENERAL GRANT Meanwhile, General McPherson, at the head of two divisions of the Seventeenth Corps, engaged the main bulk of the rebel forces from Jackson without any support, or requiring any further aid. After a very spirited contest of over two hours' duration, he defeated the rebel forces, and the dispirited and beaten troops retreated northward, aloDg the Canton road, leaving the city in the hands of the conquerors. A pursuit was immediately ordered ; but the rebels had escaped ; their retreat having been made in the greatest haste. The following is General Grant's modest dispatch con- cerning this brilliant operation : Jackson, Miss., May 15, 1863. Major-General H. "W. Halleck, General-in- Chief, Washington : This place fell into our hands yesterday, after a fight of about thro<» hours. Joe Johnston was in command. The enemy retreated north, evidently with the design of joining the Vicksburg forces. TJ. S. Grant, Major- General. General Grant entered the town of Jackson on the after- noon of the 14th, and held a consultation with the com- manders of the two corps which had taken possession of the city. To prevent any unjustifiable plunder or marau- ding, the troops were encamped on the outskirts of the city during the night. General Grant ordered the rifle- pits to be occupied at once, and on the following day to destroy effectually the railroad tracks in and about Jack- son, and all the property belonging to the enemy. Accordingly, on the morning of May 15th, one division was set to work to destroy the railroad and property to the south and east of the city, including the Pearl River bridge, while another division was engaged on the road to AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 239 the north and west. This work of destruction was so well performed, that the utility of Jackson as a railroad or mil- itary centre, or as a depot of stores or military supplies, was completely destroyed for the time being. The roads were laid waste for at least four miles to the east of Jack- son, three miles south, three miles north, and nearly ton miles west. Cavalry raids were also sent along the road running towards Meridian, and cut the railroad at Bran- don and elsewhere. In the city itself, the arsenal building, government foundery, a gun carriage establishment, including the car- l-iages for two complete batteries of artillery, military car- penter's shop, stables and paint shops were at once de- stroyed. Some convicts who had broken loose succeeded in setting fire to the penitentiary during the time the mili- tary were thus engaged. A valuable cotton factory was also demolished. General Sherman, in speaking of the de- struction of this establishment, says : "This factory was the property of the Messrs. Greene, who made strong ap- peals, based on the fact that it gave employment to very many females and poor families ; and that, although it had woven cloth for the enemy, its principal use was in weav- ing cloth for the people. But I decided that machinery of that kind could so easily be converted into hostile uses, that the United States could better afford to compensate the Messrs. Greene for their property, and for the poor families thus thrown out of employment, than to spare the property. I therefore assured all such families that it want should force them, they might come to the river, where we would feed them until they could find employ- ment or seek refuge in some more peaceful land." The following letter from an army correspondent con- tains incidents of interest concerning the march to and occupation of the city of Jackson : — 240 GENERAL GEANT The Union army have undisturbed possession of Jackson, the capital of Mississippi, and the head-quarters of the Rebel Department of Missis- sippi and Eastern Louisiana. The Federal flag floats gracefully fromtha dome of the State House, Yankee soldiers are patroling the streets, pris- oners are gathering at the guardhouse, the sick in the hospitals are be- ing paroled, negroes are grinning from the sidewalks, citizens look silently and sullenly at us from behind screens and closed window- blinds, and all the details of military government are in full operation. "We encamped at Raymond on Tuesday night, and early Wednesday morning started for Clinton, a small town on the Vicksburg and Jack- son Railroad. It was considered indispensably necessary for the suc- cess of our movement upon Vicksburg, that we should have possession of the railroad and the city of Jackson. "VVe reached Clinton at night- fall, and went into camp. During the night, a regiment, under the command of Captain Tresil- ian, of General Logan's staff, moved out on the railroad east and west of Clinton, and destroyed it. tearing up the rails and burning every bridge and the timbers across every cattle guard for four miles each side of the village. The telegraph office and the post office were seized and rilled of their precious contents. From this source most valuable infor- mation of the enemy's future -movements was obtained. In the express packages left by the train of cars which steamed out of town just as our advance came in sight, several orders from General Johnston were discovered, and a package of Confederate scrip. At Clinton a hundred prisoners were found, occupants of rebel hospi- tals. These were paroled, and taken in oharge by the citizens. At daylight Thursday morning, the army was on the road to Jackson, moving in line of battle. A strong advance guard was thrown out, and a heavy line of skirmishers on the right and left flank, and thus we moved in the direction of the city, All was quiet for the first five or six miles, until we reached a hill overlooking a broad open field, through the centre of which, and over the crest of the hill beyond which the road to Jackson passes. On the left of this hill the enemy had posted his artillery, and along the. crest his line of battle. From the foot of the acclivity, and not a mile re- moved, we could see the long line of rebel infantry awaiting in silence our onset. Slowly and cautiously we moved up the hill until we came within range, when all at once, upon the heights to the right, we dis- covered a puff of white smoke and heard the report of booming cannon, followed by the shrill scream of an exploding shell. One of our batte- AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 241 ries was moved to the left of a cotton gin in the open field, midway be- tween the enemy's line of battle and the foot of the hill, and plaved upon the rebel battery with telling effect. The duel was kept up with great spirit on both sides for nearly an hour, when all at once it ceased by the withdrawal of the enemy's guns. Two brigades were thrown out to the right and left of this battery, supported by another brigade at proper distance. A strong line of skirmishers had been pushed forward and posted in a ravine just in front, which protected them from rebel fire. After a little delay, they were again advanced out of cover, and for several minutes a desultory fire was kept up between both lines of skirmishers, in which, owing to the topographical nature of the ground, the enemy had the advantage. At last General Crocker, who was on the field and had personally in- spected the position, saw that, unless the enemy could be driven from his occupation of the crest of the hill, he would be forced to retire, lie therefore ordered a charge along the line. With colors flying, and with a step as measured and unbroken as if on dress parade, the move- ment was executed. Slowly they advanced, crossed the narrow ravine, and, with fixed bayonets, rose the crest of the hill in easy range of the rebel line. Here they received a tremendous volley, which caused pain- ful gaps in their ranks. They held their fire until they were within a distance of thirty paces, when they delivered the returning volley with fearful effect, and, without waiting to reload their muskets, with a ter- rific yell they rushed upon the staggered foe. Over the fences, through the brushwood, into the Aclosure, they worked their way, and slaughtered right and left without mercy. The enemy, astonished at their impetuosity, wavered and fell back, rallied again, and finally broke in wild confusion. The brave Union soldiers gained the crest of the hill, and the rebels fled in utter terror. Our boys reloaded their muskets and sent the terrible missiles after the flee- ing rebels, adding haste to their terrified flight They cast muskets and blankets to the ground, unslung their knapsacks, and ran like greyhounds, nor stopped to look back until they reached the intrenchments just within the city. Meantime General Sherman, who had left Raymond the day before, and taken the road to the right just beyond the town, came up with the left wing of the enemy's forces and engaged them with artillery. They made a feeble resistance, and they, too, broke and ran. After a delay of half an hour, to enable our wearied soldiers to take breath, our column moved forward again. 11 242 GENERAL GRANT We reached the fort, and found a magnificent battery of six pieces, vrhich the enemy had left behind him, and a hundred new tents, await- ing appropriation. The hospital flag was flying from the Deaf and Dumb Institute, and this was crowded with sick and wounded soldiers, who, of course, fell into our hands as prisoners of war. Opposite and all around this building were tents enough to encamp an entire division, and just iii front of it, hauled out by the roadside, were two small breech-loading two-pounder rifles, which had been used to pick off officers. Further down the street we found a pile of burning caissons, and on the opposite side of the street, directly in front of the Confederate House, the stores, filled with commissary and quartermaster's supplies, were briskly consuming. Directly in front of us the State House loomed up in ample proportions. Two officers, taking possession of the flag of one of the regimeDts, gal- loped rapidly forward, and hoisted it from the flag-staff surmounting its broad dome. The beautiful flag was seen in the distance by the advanc- ing column, and with cheers and congratulations it was greeted. We had captured Jackson, the hotbed of the rebellion. Guards were established, a provost-marshal appointed, and the city placed under martial law. The citizens, particularly those who sustained official re- lations to the State and rebel governments, had left the city the evening before ; but there were many soldiers left behind, and a large number in hospital, who fell into our hands. The State Treasurer and Governor Pettus* were gone, taking the funds and State papero with them. A large amount of government and mili- tary property fell into our hands ; but private property was altogether unmolested. The offices of the Memphis Appeal and Jackson Miasissip- pian were removed the preceding night — the former to Brandon and the latter to Mobile. We now have quiet and undisturbed possession of Jackson. One portion of the rebel force has moved out on the Canton road, and the other on the road south of the city, whence they will both doubtless make a detour around Jackson, outside of our fines, and unite at Ed- wards's Station, on the Vicksburg and Jackson Railroad, where the citi- zens say they will give us battle, f * See Proclamation in Chapter XXXIL, pages 228, 229. f Army Correspondence. May 14, 1863. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 243 CHAPTER XXXIV. THE ADVANCE RENEWED. CHAMPION'S HILL. General Grant, after he had taken possession of the State capital of Mississippi on May 14th, obtained some very important information relative to the plans of the rebel arm}', and among other things ascertained that General Johnston had ordered General Pemberton peremptorily to move ont of Vicksburg and attack the United States forces in the rear. As soon as General Grant was satisfied of the correctness of this information, he at once ordered the Thirteenth Army Corps and General Blair's Division of the Fifteenth Army Corps to face tlieir troops toward Bolton, with a view of marching upon Edwards's Station. These troops being admirably located for snch a move, marched along different, roads converging near Bolton, and the move ment resulted in a complete success. The Seventeenth Army Corps was ordered to retrace its steps to Clinton, and commenced its march early on the morning of the 15th of May. The balance of the Fifteenth Army Corps was left at Jackson to destroy every thing that might have been or was capable of being used in a hostile manner by the enemy. At half past nine o'clock on the morning of the 15th of May, a division of the Thirteenth Army Corps occupied Bolton,' capturing a number of prisoners, and driving away the rebel pickets from the post. On the afternoon of the same day, General Grant re- 244 GENERAL GRANT moved his head-quarters to Clinton,* where he arrived at about a quarter to five o'clock p. m. The Seventeenth Army Corps having passed through Clinton to the support of the right of the Thirteenth Corps, General Grant ordered General McClernand to move his command early the next morning upon Edwards's station, marching so as to feel the enemy ; but not to bring on a general engagement unless he felt sure of de- feating the force before him. In accordance with this or- der, cavalry reconnoissances were sent out toward the picket lines of the enemy ; three good roads were discov- ered leading from the. Bolton and Raymond road to Ed- wards's station ; and on the night of the fifteenth of May, the necessary orders were given for the advance of the corps on the morrow. The following account of the battle of Champion's Hill is given by a participant : The programme of the advance was arranged by General Grant and General McClernand as follows : — Extreme left, General Smith, supported by General Blair: on the right of General Smith, General Osterhaus, supported by General Carr: General Hovey in the centre, with General McPherson's Corps on the extreme right, with General Crocker, as re- serve. In this order the advance was made. General McClernand's Corps, with the exception of General Hovey's Division, reaching the position by way of the several roads leading from Raymond to Edwards's Station. On the evening of the 1 5th, General McClernand heard that the enemy were advancing from Edwards's Station, and quickly placed his troops in order of battle to repel the anticipated attack. Extensive reconnois- sances revealed the fact, however, that he was merely feeling his posi- tion and force, and that no attack need be expected that da} r . The enemy's first demonstration was upon our extreme left, which * It will be plainly seen that during the successive changes in the po- sition of the army, General Grant was always in the immediate vicinity of his fighting troops, directing their movements. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 245 they attempted to turn. This attempt was most gallantly repulsed by General Smith, commanding the left wing. At seven o'clock the skir mishers were actively engaged ; and as the enemy sought the cover of the forest our artillery fire was opened, which continued without intermis- sion for two hours. At this time General Ransom's Brigade marched on the field, and took up a position as reserve behind General Carr. Now the battle raged fearfully along the entire line, the evident inten- tion of the enemy being to mass his forces upon Hovey on the centre. There the fight was most earnest ; but General McPherson brought his forces into the field, and after four hours hard fighting the tide of bat- tle was turned and the enemy forced to retire. Disappointed in his movements upon our right, the rebels turned their attention to the left of Hovey 's division, where Colonel Slack command- ed a brigade of Iudianians. Massing his forces here, the enemy hurled them against the opposing columns with irresistible impetuosity, and forced them to fall back : not, however, until at least one quarter of the troops comprising the brigade were either killed or wounded. Taking a new position, and receiving fresh re-enforcements, our soldiers again attempted to stem the tide, this time with eminent success. The enemy was beaten back, and compelled to seek the cover of the forest in his rear. Following up their advantage, without waiting to reform, the soldiers of the Western army fixed their bayonets and charged into the woods after them. The rebels were seized with an uncontrollable panic, and thought only of escape. In this terrible charge men were slaugh- tered without mercy. The ground was literally covered with the dead and dying. The enemy scattered in every direction, and rushed through the fields to reach the column now moving to the west along the Vicks- burg road. At three o'clock in the afternoon, the battle was over and the victory won. Of the part taken in this battle by McPherson's Corps, it is only necessary to say that it rendered the most efficient and satisfactory as- sistance. To it belongs the credit of winning the fight on the extreme right. The battle ended, the left wing was speedily advanced upon the Vicksburg road, driving the enemy rapidly before them, and picking up as they advanced numbers of prisoners and guns. On the left of the road we could see large squads of rebel soldiers and commands cut off from the main column, and whom we engaged at Intervals with artillery. Thus we pursued the enemy until nearly dark, when we entered '246 GENERAL GRANT tae little village, known by the name of Edwards's Station, just as tho enemy was leaving it. WLen within rifle range of the station, we discovered, on the left, a large building in flames, and on the right a smaller one from which, just then, issued a series of magnificent explosions. The former con- tained commissary stores, and the latter shell and ammunition — five car-loads — brought down from Yicksburg on the morning of the day of the battle. In their hasty exit from Edwards's Station the rebels could not take this ammunition with them, but consigned it to the flames rather than it should fall into our bauds. We bivouac in line of battle to-night, and to-morrow move upon the bridge across Big Black River.* The following extracts from General McClernand's offi- cial report will also prove interesting, inasmuch as it sets forth the part taken by General Grant in this brilliant affair : The different divisions were started at different hours, in conse- quence of the different distances they had to march, which was designed to secure a parallel advance of the different columns. Believing that, General Hovey's Division needed support, I sent a dispatch to General Grant, requesting that General McPherson's Corps should also move forward. Assurances altogether satisfactory were given by the Gen- eral, and I felt confident of our superiority. After alluding to the demonstrations made in the early- part of the contest, General McClernand continues : — • Early notifying Major-General Grant and Major-General McPherson what had transpired on the left, I requested the latter to co-operate with my forces on the right, and directed General Hovey to advance prompt- ly but carefully, and received a dispatch from General Hovey informing me that he had found the enemy strongly posted iu front; that General McPherson's Corps was behind him; that his right flank would probably encounter severe resistance; and inquiring whether ho should bring on tho impending battle. My command was now aboat four mile3 from Ed- wards's Station, and immediately informing Major-General Grant, whom I understood to bi on the field, of the position of affairs, I inquired whether I should bring on a general engagement. A dispatch from tho General, * Army correspondence. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 247 dated at thirty-five minutes past noon, came, directing me to throw for- ward skirmishers as soon as my forces were on hand, to feel and attack the enemy in force, if opportunity occurred, and informing me that he was with Hovey and McPherson, and would see that they fully co-operated. Meanwhile, a line of skirmishers had encountered Generals 0sterhau3 and Smith's Divisions, closing up the narrow space between them. * * These measures had been taken in compliance with General Grant's orders, based on information of which he had advised me, that the enemy was in greatest strength in front of my centre and left, and might turn my left flank and gain my rear. * * * Instantly upon the re- ceipt of General Grant's order to attack, I hastened to do so. Then follows an account of that part of the battle in which the Thirteenth Army Corps participated, the details of which will be found in the army correspondence imme- diately preceding the foregoing extracts, and in General Grant's report. The following is General Johnston's dispatch announcing the defeat of the rebel forces : Camp Between Livingston and Brownsville, Miss., ) May 18, 18G3. j" To General S. Coopee : Lieutenant-General Pemberton was attacked by the enemy on the morning of the 16th inst., near Edwards's Depot, and, after nine hours fighting, was compelled to fall back behind the Big Black. J. E. Johnston, General- Commanding. The dispatch also shows the position of the forces that retreated from Jackson, and how, by General Grant's rapid movements, they had been cut off from forming a junction with Pemberton. 248 GENERAL GRANT CHAPTER XXXV. BATTLE OF BIG BLACK RIVER. Before leaving Clifton, General Grant notified General Sherman of the approaching engagement at Edwards's Sta- tion, and ordered him to advance upon Bolton as quickly as possible. The dispatch was received on the morning of May 16th, and with his usual promptitude one of his divisions marched at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and he followed with the other at noon. The whole corps marched during that day from Jack- son to Bolton, nearly twenty miles, and the next morning, May 17th, by order of General Grant, resumed the inarch by a road lying north of Baker's Creek to Bridgeport on the Big Black River, where it arrived at noon. At this point General Blair's Divison, also by order of General Grant, rejoined the command. The success at Champion's Hill was the cause of this change of route, and as the enemy had fallen back over the Big Black River towards Vicksburg, it was necessary that means of crossing should be supplied to the pursuing troops. When General Sherman arrived at Bridgeport, he found that General Grant had looked after this vital point, for in his official report he says: "There I found General Blair's Division and the pontoo7i train." The pontoon bridge was laid, and two divisions crossed the river that night, the third following the next morning. The defeated rebels fell back from Edwards's Station to AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 249 the Black River, which they crossed by means of the rail- road bridge. At daylight on May 1 7th, the pursuit was renewed with General JMcClernand's Thirteenth Army Corps in the advance. The enemy was found strongly posted on both sides of the Black River. At this point of the stream the bluffs extend to the water's edge on the west or Vieksburg bank, while on the east side is an open, culti- vated bottom of nearly one mile in width, surrounded by a bayou of stagnant water from two to three feet in depth, and from ten to twenty feet in width, running from the river above the railroad to the river below. The enemy, by constructing a line of rifle-pits along the inside edge of this bayou, had formed it into a natural ditch before a fortified work. The spot was well chosen for defeuce, and gave to the enemy every advantage. The position had, however, to be carried before Vieksburg could be reached ; and notwithstanding the level ground over which a portion of the troops had to pass without cover, and the great obstacle of the bayou in front of the enemy's works, the charge was gallantly and successfully made, and in a few minutes the entire garrison with seventeen pieces of artillery were the trophies of this brilliant and daring movement. When the rebels on the west bank of the river discov- ered that the position on the level below was sure to be taken, they destroyed the railroad bridge by fire with the intent of preventing General Grant's army from crossing the Big Black River : but in this operation they merely cut off every chance of escape for the garrison on the eastern bank, and the men were therefore all taken prisoners with their arms and equipments. An eye-witness of the struggle at the Black River bridge gives the following account of the battle : The battle of Big Black bridge was fought on Sunday, May*17th, the day after the battle of Cham, on's Ilill. In this spirited engagement 11* 250 GENERAL GRAKT only the Thirteenth Army Corps was engaged. It is superfluous to add that the troops comprising this corps fought as they always do, excellently well.* In the morning, after a night's bivouac on the hill overlooking the village of Edwards's Station, the column with McClernand at its head moved towards Black River bridge. The citizens who were questioned on the subject, said the position was strongly fortified at the crossing, and we naturally thought the enemy would make stubborn resistance there. We were not surprised, therefore, to learn that our advance guard was fired upon by the rebel pickets as the column moved towards the river. The country between Edwards's Station and the bridge loses that hilly and broken character which distinguishes the region further east, and spreads out into a broad and fertile plain, over which we moved rapidly. There were no commanding hills whence they could pour a deadly fire into our ranks ; but there were numerous patches of forest, under the cover and from the edge of which they could easily enfilade the open fields by the roadside. There was such a one a mile of the intrenchments where the main picket-guard was stationed. Here determined resistance was first made. General Carr's division had the extreme advance of the column, and opened and ended the engagement. Hastily deploying a heavy line of skirmishers to the right of the road, backed up by the two brigades'of Carr's Division in line of battle behind it, with General Osterhaus's Di- vision on the left of the road similarly disposed, General McClernand gave the order to advance. Soon in the depths of the thick forest the skir- mishers of both armies were hotly engaged, while batteries of artillery planted on the right and left of the road poured shot and shell into the fort most furiously. The guns in the intrenchments replied with vigor and spirit. Almost the first shot dropped in the caisson belonging to a Wisconsin battery, and exploded its contents, slightly wounding General Osterhaus, and Captain Foster, of the battery, and very seriously injur- ing two gunners. General Osterhaus being thus disabled, the command of his division was temporarily given to Brigadier-Ueneral A. L. Lee. After skirmishing had continued for an hour, during which the enemy gave way and sought the cover of his intrenchments, the order was given to the several brigade commanders, on the right, to advance and charge * It wi}l be remembered that this corps was mostly composed of troops who had participated in the contests of Fort Donelson, Shiloh, and Corinth, under General Grant. M AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 251 the enemy's works. The order was received with cheers ; and when the word "Forward" was spoken, steadily and splendidly the brave boys mov'ed up to the assault. The enemy crouched down behind the breast- works. A portion of them, stationed in a curtain of the fort, whence they were able to get a cross-fire upon the column, reserved their volley until wo were within easy musket range of the intrenchments, when they swept the advancing line with their terrible fire. The brave boys lost in that fearful volley one hundred and fifty men ; yet they faltered not nor turned their steps backward. They waded the bayou, delivering their fire as they reached the other bank, and rushed upou the enemy with fixed bayonets. So quickly was all this accomplished, that the enemy had not time to reload their guns, and were forced to surrender. The battle was ended, and the fort, with three thousand prisoners, seventeen pieces of artillery — some of them captured from ourselves, and bearing appropriate inscriptions — several thousand stand of arms ) and a large supply of corn and commissary stores, fell into our hands. The enemy had, earlier in the day, out of the hulls of three steam- boats, constructed a bridge, over which he had passed the main body of his army. As the charge was made, and it became evident that we should capture the position, they burned this bridge, and also the rail- road bridge across the river just above. In the afternoon several attempts were made to cross the river, but the sharpshooters lined the bluffs beyond and entirely prevented it. Later, the main body of sharpshooters were dispersed by our artillery. It was not, however, safe to stand upon the bank, or cross the open field east of the bridge, until after dark, when the enemy withdrew altogether. 252 GENERAL GRANT CHAPTER XXXVI. ArPROACHING VICKSBUEG. — INVESTMENT. — FIRST ASSAULT. General Sherman, with the Fifteenth Corps, during the time the battle of Black River was being fought, had as before stated, reached Bridgeport. By the morning of May 18th, he had crossed his command to the west side of the Black River, and was ready for the onward march. It appears, by General Grant's report, that "the only pontoon train with the expedition was with him;" and as the rebels had destroyed the railroad bridge, it became necessary, in order to get the Thirteenth and Seventeenth Corps across the river, to build floating bridges, which were construct- ed dining the night of May 17th, and early morning of the next day. At eight o'clock, on the morning of May 18th, the two army corps were ready to make the crossing. The Fif- teenth Corps was now ordered in the advance, and com- menced moving along the Bridgeport and Vicksburg road at a very early hour. As the corps arrived within three and a half miles of Vicksburg, the men turned to the right, to get possession of the Walnut Hills, and to open a communication with the fleet in the Yazoo River. This manoeuvre was successfully accomplished by the evening of May 18th. The Seventeenth Corps followed the Jackson road until it connected with the same road previously taken by the Fifteenth. The former then took up the line of march to the rear of the latter, and at about nightfall arrived at the AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 253 point of the road where General Sherman had turned off towards the Yazoo River. The Thirteenth Corps had moved by the Jackson and Vicksburg road to Mount Albans, whence it turned to the left, for the purpose of striking the Baldwin's Ferry road. "By this disposition," says General Grant, "the three army corps covered all the ground their strength would admit of, and by the morning of the 19th of May the in- vestment of Vicksburg was made as complete as could be by the forces under my command." As the army advanced, it was continually met by the rebel skirmishers, who fell back steadily to their works be- fore the city. "Relying," says General Grant, "upon the demoralization of the enemy, in consequence of repeated defeats outside of Vicksburg, I ordered a general assault at two p. m., on this day." At the appointed signal, the line of the Fifteenth Army Corps advanced, and made a vigorous assault ; but the other two corps succeeded only in securing advanced posi- tions, where they were covered from the enemy's fire. The ground to the right and left of the road by which the Fifteenth Corps advanced, was cut up in deep chasms, filled with standing and fallen timber, and was so imprac- ticable that the line was slow and irregular in reaching the trenches. The object was, however, finally attained, and the colors of the Thirteenth U. S. Infantry planted on the exterior slope of the works. But this was not accomplish- ed without serious loss. General Sherman reports that the " commander of the regiment was mortally wounded, and five other officers were wounded more or less severely. Seventy-seven, out of two hundred and fifty men, are re- ported killed or wounded." Two other regiments reached the position about the same time, held their ground, and fired upon any head that presented itself above the parapet ; 254 GElTliKAL GRANT but it was found impossible to enter the works. The fight was continued till night ; but the men were still outside the defences, and the assaulting column was then withdrawn to a more sheltered position, for the purpose of bivouac. The following account of the advance and assault, is given by one who accompanied the main army : The army crossed the river early on Monday morning, over the bridge constructed during the night. General Osterhaus's Division first crossed, followed by General A. J. Smith's, which in turn was followed by McPherson's Army Corps. Sherman had continued north of the railroad from Jackson, striking Big Black River a little west of Bridgeport. Here he crossed on his pontoon bridge, and moved upon the Vicksburg and Haines Bluff and Spring Dale roads. McPherson moved out on the main Vicksburg and Jackson road, while McClernand took posses- sion of the Baldwin's Ferry road. On the summit of the high bank across the river the column moved through the camp whence the night before the enemy made his hasty exit. On the plateau nearest the river, before the hill is reached, numerous tents were left standing, just as the occupants had hastily left them. They could not be destroyed under the heavy fire of our skirmishers posted on the hither bank of the river. When the hill was reached, we found abundant evidence of the demoralization of the enemy. Several piles of gun-barrels, with stocks but half consumed, were lying by the roadside. Tents, wagons, and gun-carriages were in ashes, corn was burning, and officers' baggage and soldiers' clothing were scattered all over the camp. The column moved to Bovina, where no evidence of the enemy was seen, save a rebel hospital filled with sick and wounded Here General Grant toas joined by General Dwight from Banks's army. At Alount Albans, General McClernand turned off on the Baldwin's Ferry road, while McPherson kept along the railroad upon the main Vicksburg road. The approaches to Vicksburg were now all occupied, with the exception of that by way of Warrenton, which was afterwards occupied by McArthur. When General Sherman crossed the river at Bridgeport, he met the advance of the enemy, which immediately turned back, and, it is rumored, reached Vicksburg by way of Warrenton the next day. That gap is now closed, and if we capture Vicksburg we shall capture the entire force. The night of the 18th, the command encamped in the open fields out- AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 255 side the outer works, and within easy artillery range of them — General McClernand, with the Thirteenth Army Corps on the left, General Mc- Pherson's Seventeenth Corps in the centre, and General Sherman's Fif- teenth Corps on the right. At daylight on the 19th, General Grant proceeded to move upon tho enemy's works — a series of redoubts arranged with great skill, and extend- ing from the rear of Haines Bluff around to the Warrenton road, a dis- tance of from eight to ten miles. The ground by which they are approached is singularly broken — a vast plateau upon which a multitude of little hills seem to have been Bown broadcast, and of course the rebel redoubts were so disposed as to sweep every neighboring crest and enfilade every approach. The corps of General Sherman moved up on the Haines' Bluff road, by a sort of poetic justice taking possession of the ground by the rear which he had once vainly attempted to gain from the front. McPherson advanced on the Jackson road, and covered the ground from the left of Sherman to the railroad, while McClernand' s Corps occupied the front from the railroad to the extreme left. The action began by a slow fire from our artillery along the whole fine, our guns having a pretty long range, and eliciting but feeble re- sponse from the enemy. About noon, Osterhaus's Division advanced on the left to within about six hundred yards of the enemy's works, to find themselves confronted by fifteen redoubts, with their rifle-pits, which opened fire upon U3 whenever we appeared on a crest or through a hollow. The guns of tho rebels appeared to be of small calibre, throwing principally grape and canister. Our skirmishers were thrown further up ; but little firing was done on either side. At two o'clock the order came for a general advance upon the rebel works, over ground which, on the left, at least, was almost impassable under the most peaceful circumstances. The order seemed a hard one ; yet nothing is too hard for true soldiers to try. General A. L. Lee, who commanded the First Brigade of Osterhaus's Di- vision, and was in the advance, determined to carry out his orders if thei 1 * execution was possible. Addressing a few words of cheer to his men, h placed himself in front of the centre of his brigade, led them forward in line of battle, and was the first man to gain the crest of the hill which he was attempting. He then found that it was only the first of several ridges which were to be crossed, the ravines between which were swept by the guns of the enemy's redoubt. Still he tried to press on, and his 2b G GENERAL GRANT brigade of brave fellows to follow him, the air, in the mean time, thick with bullets and shells; but a ball from the rifle of a sharpshooter struck him on the face, and he fell. His brigade withdrew a few feet only, behind the crest of the hill on which they had just raised, and held their position; one of the regiments getting so favorable a point, that they were able to remain within about two hundred yards of one of the redoubts, and to prevent the gunners from firing a single shot. I am glad to say that General Lee, though severely, was by no means dangerously wounded. His brigade sustained a much smaller loss than a distant observer could have believed possible. The same degree of success, or want of success, attended the move- ment along the whole line. Our forces moved very close to the works, and then remained waiting and watching for the nearer approach of our artillery. At nightfall our troops retired a short distance and went into camp. During the night heavy siege-guns were planted by us for future use. our light artillery moved nearer, and a slight earthwork was thrown up to protect them. To-day (Wednesday, May 20th), the heavy guns on our left opened long before daylight. As heretofore, the enemy have failed to reply. Our skirmishers are pushed forward within a hundred and fifty yards of the whole line of the redoubts, and keep so sharp a lookout that the enemy finds it impossible to work his guns. On the centre two heavy siege-guns are in position less than half a mile from a strong fort just in front of them, so near that the Minie bullets were whistling merrily past the ears of the workmen. To- morrow they will open on the fort. On the right, Sherman still holds his line of skirmishers well up to the rebel forts on his front, and the artillerists are trying to level the rebel woiks, so far without success. During our operations to-day thirty or forty men were wounded.* General Sherman, in mating his movement of May 18th, towards the Yazoo River, as before stated, acted under General Grant's instructions, for the purpose of opening communication with the fleet in those waters, and securing a bnse of supplies north of the city of Vicksburg. It is therefore necessary to show how Admiral Porter had co- * Army correspondence. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 257 operated with General Grant's movements. The following report will, without comment, clearly explain his pro- ceedings in the front of Vicksburg while General Grant was acting in the rear : Flagship Black Hato, Haines Bluff, ) Yazoo River, May 20, 18G3. C Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy : On the morning of the 15th, I came over to the Yazoo, to be ready to co-operate with General Grant. Leaving two of the iron-clads at Red River, one at Grand Gulf, one at Carthage, three at Warrenton, and two in the Yazoo, left me a small force. Still I disposed of them to the best advantage. On the 18th, at meridian, firing was heard in the rear of Vicksbur°- which assured me that General Grant was approaching the city. The can- nonading was kept up furiously for some time, when, by the aid of glasses, I discerned a company of our artillery advancing, taking position, and driving the rebels before them. I immediately saw that General Sherman's Division had come on to the left of Snyder's Bluff, and that the rebels at that place had been cut off from joining the forces in the city. I dispatched the De Kalb, Lieutenant-Commander* Walker; Choctaw Lieutenant-Commander Ramsay; Romeo, Petrel, and Forest Rose, all under command of Lieutenant-Commander Breese, up the Yazoo' to open communication in that way with Generals Grant and Sherman.' This I succeeded in doing, and in three hours received letters from Generals Grant, Sherman, and Steele, informing me of this vast success, and asking me to send up provisions, which was at once done. In the mean time, Lieutenant-Commander Walker, in the De Kalb pushed on to Haines Bluff, which the enemy had commenced evacuating the day before, and a party remained behind in the hopes of destroying or taking away a large amount of ammunition on hand. When they saw the gunboats, they ran out and left every thing in good order— guns, forts, tents, and equipage of all kinds, which fell into our ho.nds. As soon as the capture of Haines Bluff and fourteen forts was re- ported to me, I shoved up the gunboats from below Vicksburg to firo at the hill batteries, which fire was kept up for two or three" hours, At midnight they moved up to the town and opened on it for about an hour, and continued at intervals during the night to annoy the garrison. 253 GENERAL GRANT On the 10th I placed six mortars in position, with orders to fire night and day as rapidly as they could. T,)e works at Haines Bluff are very formidable. Tliere are fourteen of the heaviest kind of mounted eight and ten inch and seven and a half inch rifled guns, with ammunition enough to last a long siege. As the gun- carriages might again fall into the hands of the enemy, I hail them burned, blew up the magazine, and destroyed the works generally. I also burned up the encampments, which were permanently aud remark- ably well constructed, looking as if the rebels intended to stay for some time. These works and encampments covered many acres of ground, and the fortifications and the rifle-pits proper of Haines Bluff extend about a mile and a quarter. Such a network of defences I never saw. The rebels were a year constructing them, and all were rendered useless in an hour. As soon as I got through with the destruction of the magazines and other works, I started Lieutenant-Commander Walker up the Yazoo River, with sufficient force to destroy all the enemy's prop- erty in that direction, with orders to return with all dispatch, and only to proceed as far as Yazoo City, where the rebels have a navy-yard and store-houses. , In the mean time, General Grant has closely invested Yicksburg, and has possession of the best commanding points. In a very short time a gene- ral assault will take place, when I hope to announce that Vicksburg has fallen, after a series of the most brilliant successes that ever attended an army. Tliere has never been a case, during the war, where the rebels have been so successfully beaten at all points; and the patience and endurance shown by our army and navy, for so many months, are about being rewarded. It is a mere question of a few hours, and then, with the exception of Port Hudson, which will follow Vicksburg, the Mississippi will be open its entire length. D. D. Pouter, Rear-Admiral commanding the Mississippi Squadron. It will thus be seen that the most perfect harmony of plan had been agreed upon between General Grant and Admiral Porter, and that the latter rendered the former all the assistance in his power, towards accomplishing the grand object — the reduction of Vicksburg. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 259 The following official dispatches from General Pernber- :on, the commander at Vicksburg, were sent to Jackson, Mississippi, and from thence telegraphed to the rebel President Davis : Vicksburg, May 20, 1863. The enemy assaulted our intrenchments yesterday on our centre and sed and a larse number kill- L The r* -x>n re- r_: -: ~. -.-■.:.:.-.-". ■ ' - - - '-'- ~ --"-■- -- - "/■ In orier to J g - ~ ^ Tear of General Grant's army. General Osterhaus, with his -»n, was sent to the Big Hack Rarer 1 _ :he . and to r :utempt of the ex: ree A:r ' - - - - -t " - :..-::.' -eported no enem; :t The what was accom- plished by the ^x;eii:i:- wmia General Blair : GENERAL GRANT Information reaching the ears of the commanding general, that Johnston, in possession of a considerable force, was moving towards the Big Black River with an intention of making a demonstration on our army now in the rear of Vicksburg, induced the movement of a suffi- cient body of troops in that direction, to meet the approaching enemy, if found, as reported, and engage him before he could effect a crossing, or at every hazard to repel any attempt he might make to secure a foot- hold on this side. Accordingly, an expedition was sent out under Gene- ral P. P. Blair, Jr., composed of men selected from each corps of the army, with their artillery and a command of cavalry. On the 27th of May, the party started on their mission, and marching hastily towards Mechanicsburg, the cavalry in advance, when near that place, fell in with about one thousand men, partly of the Twentieth Mississippi mounted infantry, commanded by Colonel Wirt Adams, and the rest, composed. of detachments, all under command of General Adams. A brisk skirmish ensued, resulting in forcing back our cavalry. The in- fantry was soon formed and thrown forward, and after a brief engage- ment the enemy left the field in haste. This affair being over, the troops pushed forward, scouring the coun- try in all directions, seizing stock, bacon, and every other thing useful to the enemy. The advance marched within twenty miles of Yazoo City, without meeting any force, then struck across the country and re- turned to take their part in the investment of Vicksburg. The facts collected concerning the enemy were, that Johnston had at his call twenty thousand men at Canton, and a similar number at Jack- son. This force was composed of very old and young men, all con- scripted for the occasion, and were without, arms. His serviceable force did not number more than fifteen thousand, though by the inhabitants it is estimated much higher. The expedition returned, confident that no fears should be entertained of serious difficulty from the direction of the Big Black, at any rate for some time. His last experience had so intimidated the rebel general that there was little danger of great boldness on his part, and so long as he remained on the other side of the river, General Grant was in- formed that he need have no concern about him. Our cavalry was al- ways in movement in that direction, and kept close watch on all his plans. The captures made during the expedition amounted to five hundred head of cattle, five hundred horses and mules, one hundred bales of cot- ton, and ten thousand pounds of bacon. All bridges were either burned AXD IIIS CAMPAIGNS. 279 or demolished, and all forage destroyed. In a word, the country was divested of every thing useful to the enemy.* In the mean time, General Grant set the sappers and mi- ners at work upon the most eligible sites. Mines were dug, powder planted, and every thing made ready to blow up the advanced works, at the shortest notice. The rebel works, in the front and rear, were also bombarded, at in- tervals, night and day, first by the fleet, then from the ap- proaching parallels of the U. S. forces and so alternately, during the whole month of the siege. And as the shells would burst in the works, it would inspire the men to re- new their task with greater vigor. About the middle of June, the Ninth Army Corps, under General Parke, and a part of the Sixteenth Army Corps, under General Washburne, was added to General Grant's command, and by him stationed in the vicinity of the Big Black River, to resist any movement of Johnston, and, if necessr.ry, to attack and drive him back. It had also been reported that General Johnston was again approaching the Big Black River, with a very large improvised force. About this time a courier was captured, who had managed to get out of Vicksburg during the night, and had passed the picket lines under cover of the darkness. He had upon him a number of letters from the rebel soldiers, to their wives. The men wrote in a sad tone ; but stated that they were resigned, and put their trust in the Lord. They, however, still lived in hopes of Joe Johnston coming to their relief. An expedition was then formed to resist the advance of General Johnston's forces, and General Sherman was placed in command. General Grant, in his notes to General Sherman, accompa^ nying the order for the movement, spoke of these letters. * Army Correspondence. 280 GENERAL GRANT "They seem," said he, "to put a great deal of faith in the Lord, and Joe Johnston, but you must whip Johnston at least fifteen miles from here." The following order, to General Parke, shows the same decided determination with regard to Johnston's forces : June 22, 1863. General Parke: — Sherman goes out from here with five brigades) aud Osterhaus's Division subject to his orders besides. In addition tc this, another division, 5,000 strong, is notified to be in readiness to move on notice. In addition to this, I can spare still another division, 6.000 strong, if they should be required. We want to whip Johnston at least fifteen miles off, if possible. U. S. Grant, Major- General. The result of the movement was, that General Johnston, finding General Grant's position to be as strong in the rear as it was in the front, and that Vicksburg was certainly doomed, gave up all hope of diverting the attacking general from his settled purpose, and retreated towards Jackson. AND niS CAMPAIGNS. 281 CHAPTER XXXIX. THE EXPLOSION OF THE MINES. The sappers and miners pushed on their work with a steady perseverance, until, on June 25th, 1803, the mint's were ready to be sprung. All the time the excavation, ft ad been in progress a most rigid guard had been kept upon the entrances, and even the field and line officers of General Grant's army were not allowed to inspect the saps and mines. The utmost possible secrecv was observed con- cerning them, and though some knew the intention to blow up the enemy's works, yet how 01 where it was to be done was a matter known to but few. The guards at the head of the saps lending to the entrance of the mine, were in- structed to allow no one to pass under the rank of a general, with an exception in the case of engineers and workmen immediately in charge. The following is a brief description of the mining operations that were performed under General Grant's directions : In order to reach the main sap running to the mine, it was necessary to traverse a distance of three hundred yards, in front of the enemy's main work. To do this a series of trenches were dug, taking directions at no time exposed to an enfilading fire from the enemy, yet, at every yard, approaching nearer and nearer, with perfect safety to the Bappers. In these works a number of sharpshooters were posted to keep the enemy from looking over and discovering 282 GENEEAL GEANT or interfering with the labors of the mining party. In different locations along the works, batteries were thrown up and guns mounted, which had excellent battering positions. A number of other heavy batteries were also in working order, but in locations that did not possess the advantages of those already mentioned. From the head of the trench to the mouth of the mine ran a ditch about six feet wide and six feet deep, the earth of which was thrown upon the surface towards the enemy. This afforded double security and protection against the enemy's projectiles. The length of this trench was about thirty-five yards. On approaching the mine, the visitor, on locking round, found himself in plain view and within five yards of the enemy's strongest work, the parapet of which was about twenty feet from the bottom of the ditch. This work was evidently of sod, almost perpendicular on its outer face, intended to mount four guns, and was supposed to be the keep of the rebel position. A few steps in advance, and the visitor was before the mine, which here had the appearance of a square shaft dug into the earth, with a gradual declivity as you penetrate. The entrance was made in the scarp of the enemy's fort, and presented an opening four feet square, well framed with timber to keep up the loose earth which the projectiles of the attacking party had broken from the face of the work. In order to protect the entrance a num- ber of gabions and boxes had been piled up before the mouth, and afforded ample security from hand grenades and shell thrown over by the rebel troops inside. The main gallery, from the mouth to the point of diver- gence of the other galleries, measured thirty-five feet. Here three smaller galleries set out, one ten feet deep, obliquely to the left ; another eight feet, diverging to the AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 283 right, aud a third, eight feet in length, being a continuation of the main gallery. The chambers for the reception of the powder were let into the bottom of the shaft, and Avere about two feet in depth. Having completed one gallery, the powder was brought up and packed into the chambers in almost equal quantities, the entire quantity used being twenty -two hundred pounds, one thousand of which were placed at the end of the main gallery, the remainder being distributed in the extremities of the smaller galleries. From each of the chambers a fuse was run out to the mouth of the shaft, where the match was to be applied at the designated time. The working party engaged on the mines was formed of a detail from various regiments under General Grant, a call being made to forward to head-quarters all practical miners in the regiments. Accordingly in a few hours fifty picked men, chiefly Welsh, Scotch, English, and Irish, of experience in the old country, were immediately organized into a corps, under the direct command of a miner of reputation. This party reported to the chief of the corps of engineers, and the work at once commenced, the entire time occupied for the excavation being forty hours. Another sap was also, on the last day, run off to the left, at an angle to the main one leading to the mine. This sap ran parallel to the enemy's breastwork and just outside of Avhere ran the exterior end of the ditch, which had been partly filled. The object of this new sap was to afford a secure place for the Union sharpshooters, and enable them to hold their ground on the right by keeping down a flank fire. The length of the sap was about fifty yards. It may be supposed by some that the running of mines is the mere operation of the pick and shovel, without inter- ference on the part of the enemy by means of the same instruments, as well as by his riflemen picking off the men 2S4 GENERAL GRANT as they approach, or by throwing hand grenades and shell over the parapet amongst the men. This idea is qui to different from the reality. A few facts connected With the proceedings may enable the reader to form some notion of tin's dangerous operation. The work is generally per- formed after dark; and on the night preceding the explosion of June 25th, 1863, the working party returned U< tne mine, already a depth of thirty-five feet, which *af the entire number of feet of the main gallery. The men had but fairly commenced when they heard, as they supposed, near by, the picking and shovelling of another party, which they knew to be the enemy, endeavoring to intercept the Union mine. The men of the attacking side at once desist- ed from their labors, and applied their ears to the walls of the gallery in order to detect the direction of approach, if possible, of the enemy's countermine. Soon, however, the enemy himself ceased his labors. The Unionists once more resumed operations, and worked until midnight, the enemy working at the same time, and seemingly approach- ing the outside shaft. "At this juncture," says a corre- spondent, " an unexpected panic overcame the workers, and they hurried out of the mine with considerable dispatch. The cause of this excitement is said to have been a suspicion that the enemy was about to blow up his own mine, in view of counteracting our own. Accordingly nothing was done until morning, when the party, reassured, renewed their work." The following interesting account of the firing and ex- plosion of the mine is given by an army correspondent who witnessed the whole affair: At three o'clock this afternoon a messenger arrived from the mine, bringing information that every thing was in readiness to apply the natch. The troops in the outer works were all withdrawn, with the exception of a small body of sharpshooters, who were retained to keep AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 285 up a demonstration until the fuse was ignited, when they, also, were to retire hastily to a respectful distance under cover of one of the paral- lels. As part of the grand programme, Leggett's Brigade was ordered under arms, and marched into the trenches as near the front as safety would permit. Here they rested, awaiting the preconcerted signal, v*hen they were to rush upon the work immediately on the heels of the foilorn hope, vi Inch dangerous duty W3S set apart for a detachment of one hun- dred men from the Forty-fifth Illinois Infantry, and another hundred from the Twenty-third Indiana. These bodies were thrown out in the extreme advance, with instructions for the Forty-fifth Illinois to assault on the right on Fort Hill, the moment the explosion had taken place, and the Twenty-third Indiana was to rush out the sap running to the left and attack the curtain of the fort extending towards the town. Hero they were to keep clown, by means of musketry, the enemy's rifle- men; for without this accomplished, we would have suffered an enfila- ding fire on the attackers upon the main fort. As a support to the brigade of Leggett, General Stephenson's com- mand was ordered to hold itself in readiness to move at a moment's no- tice. As an additional force, and kind of reserve to the support, the Seventeenth Iowa and Fifty-sixth Illinois, of General John E. Smith's Division, and the Seventeenth Wisconsin, of Ransom's Brigade, Mc- Arthur's Division, were brought to the centre and held to the rear to await the development of the struggle. These troops carried nothing with them but their muskets and cartridge boxes; many of them were in their shirt sleeves, evidently anticipating warm work, if engaged. As might be supposed, the explosion was designated as the signal for a general simultaneous co-operation all along the lines from right to left. In making an attack of this character, it was expected that the attention of the enemy would be distracted, and the force within be distributed along the entire line, instead of being concentrated upon the one fort in front of this corps, which would result in inevitable, per- haps irreparable defeat. All these contingencies were wisely considered, and the subsequent results exemplified how necessary was the co-opera- t;'oa o: the other commands. Every thing was finished. The vitalizing spark had quickened the ditherto passive agent, and the now harmless flashes went hurrying to fie centre. The troops had been withdrawn. The forlorn hope stood nit in plain view, boldly awaiting the uncertainties of the precarious t/ff.ce. A chilling seusation ran through the frame as an observer looked 286 GENEEAL GEAXT down upoa this devoted band about to hurl itself into the breach — per- chance into the jaws of death. Thousands of men in arms flashed on every hill. Every one was speechless. Even men of tried valor — vet- erans insensible to the shouts of contending battalions, or nerved to the shrieks of comrades suffering under the torture of painful agonies — stood motionless as they directed their eyes upon the spot where soon the terror of a buried agency would discover itself in wild concussions and contortions, carrying annihilation to all within the scope of its tre- mendous power. It was the seeming torpor which precedes the antago- nism of powerfid bodies. Five minutes had elapsed. It seemed like an existence. Five minutes more, and yet no signs of the expected exhibi- tion An indescribable sensation of impatience, blended with a still active anticipation, ran through the assembled spectators. A small pall of smoke now discovered itself; every one thought the crisis had come, and almost saw the terrific scene which the mind had depicted. But not yet. Every eye now centered upon the smoke, momentarily grow- ing greater and greater. Thus another five minutes wore away, and curiosity was not satisfied. Another few minutes, then the explosion; and upon the horizon could be seen an enormous column of earth, dust, timbers, and projectiles lifted into the air at an altitude of at least eighty feet. One entire face of the fort was disembodied and scattered in particles all over the surrounding surface. The right and left faces were also much damaged; but fortunately enough of them remained to afford an excellent protection on our flanks. No sooner had the explosion taken place than the two detachments acting as the forlorn hope ran into the fort and sap, as already mention- ed. A brisk musketry fire at once commenced between the two parties, with about equal effect upon either side. No sooner had these detach- ments become well engaged than the rest of Leggett's Brigade joined them and entered into the struggle. The regiments relieving each other at intervals, the contest now grew severe; both sides, determined upon holding their own, were doing their best. Volley after volley was fired, though with less carnage than would be supposed. The Forty- fifth Illinois charged immediately up to the crest of the parapet, and here suffered its heaviest, losing many officers in the assault. After a severe contest of half an hour, with varying results, the flag of the Forty-fifth appeared upon the summit of the work. The position was gained. Cheer after cheer broke through the coufusion and uproar of the contest, as-tiring the troops everywhere along the line that the Forty-fifth was still itself. The colonel was now left alone in command AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 287 of the regiment, and he was himself badly bruised by a flying splinter. The regiment had also suffered severely in the line, and the troops were worn out by excessive heat and hard fighting. Relief was necessary. Accordingly another Illinois regiment was ordered up and the Forty-fifth drawn off — this was six o'clock p. at. After this the action was kept up briskly but steadily for several hours, until dusk, when the firing lulled and the men took a respite. While the Forty-fifth was so hotly engaged in the fort, the Twenty-third Indi- ana followed its first detachment into the sap, from which place they were to hold the rebel* at bay during the contest for the fort. The reb- els fought desperately as well at this point as the other ; but the char- acter of the engagement was different, the troops firing at each other over breastworks of earth. This regiment displayed great gallantry and did excellent service in its way. In consequence of the limited space in which to fight, not more than one regiment could act in either place at the same time ; accordingly regiments were relieved by regiments as rapidly as the necessities of the occasion demanded. During the hottest of the action General Leggett was in the fort in the midst of his troops, sharing their dangers and partaking of their glory. While here, a shell from one of the enemy's guns exploded in a timber lying on the parapet, distributing splinters in all directions, one of which struck the General on the breast, knocking him over. Though some- what bruised and stunned, he soon recovered himself, and taking a chair, sat in one of the trenches near the fort, where he could be seen by his men. The explosion of the mine was the signal for the opening of the artil- lery of the entire line. The left division of General McPherson's Seven- teenth or centre Corps opened first, and discharges were repeated along the left through General Ord's Thirteenth Corps, and Herron's extreme "left division," until the sound struck the ear like the mutterings of distant thunder. General Sherman, on the right, also opened his artil- lery about the same time and occupied the enemy's attention along his front. Every shell struck the parapet, and, bounding over, exploded in the midst of the enemy's forces beyond. The scene at this time was one of the utmost sublimity. The roar of artillery, rattle of small arms, the cheers of the men, flashes of fight, wreathes of pale blue smoke over different parts of the field, the bursting of shell, the fierce whistle of solid shot, the deep boom of the mortars, the broadsides of the ships of war, and added to all this, the vigorous replies of the enemy, set up a diu which beggars all description. The peculiar configuration of the 288 GENERAL GRANT field afforded an opportunity to witness almost every battery and every rifle-pit within seeing distance, and it is due to all the troops to say that every one did his duty. After the possession of the fort was no longer in doubt, the pioneer oorps mounted the work with their shovels and set to throwing up earth vigorously in order to secure space for artillery. A most fortunate pe- culiarity in the explosion was the manner in which the earth was thrown out. The appearance of the place was that of a funnel, with heavy sides running up to the very crest of the parapet, affording ad- mirable protection not only for our troops and pioneers, but turned out a ready made fortification in the rough, which, with a slight application of the shovel and pick, was ready to receive the guns to be used at this point. Miraculous as it may seem, amid all the fiery ordeal of this afternoon's engagement, one hundred killed and two hundred wounded is a large estimate of casualties on our side. From a lookout on the summit of an eminence near the rebel works the movements of the enemy could be plainly watched. An individual in the tower, just prior to the explosion of the mine, saw two rebel regi- ments marching out to the fort. Of a sudden — perhaps upon seeing the smoke of the fuse — the troops turned about and ran towards the town in perfect panic. They were not seen again during the fight; but other regiments were brought up to supply their place.* Another correspondent gives the following brief sketch of the explosion : This morning the work was completed, an immense quantity of gun- powder was stored in the cavity prepared to receive it, and the fuse train was laid. At noon the different regiments of the Seventeenth Corps, selected to make the assault upon the breach when it should have been effected, were marshalled in long lines upon the near slopes of tho hills immediately confronting the doomed rebel fortifications, where, dis- posed for the attack, they impatiently awaited the denouement. The rebels seemed to discover that some movement was on foot, for from the moment our troops came into position until the explosion took place their sharpshooters kept up an incessant fire from the whole line of their works. At length all was in readiness ; the fuse train was fired, and it went * Army Correspondence. AND IIIS CAMPAIGNS. 289 fizzing and popping through the zigzag line of trenches, until for a moment it vanished. Its disappearance was quickly succeeded by the explosion, and the mine was sprung. So terrible a spectacle is seldom witnessed. Dust, dirt, smoke, gabions, stockades, timber, gun-carriages, logs — in fact, every thing connected with the fort — rose hundreds of feet into the air, as if vomited forth from a volcano. Some who were close spectators even say that they saw the bodies of the poor wretches who a moment before had lined the ramparts of the work.* As soon as the explosion had taken place, the greatest activity was manifested along the whole line, under the soul-inspiring orders of General Grant. The following is a specimen of the emphatic style with which that general calls for vigilance on the part of his troops : June 25, 1863. General Obd : — McPherson occupies the crater made by the explosion. He will have guns in battery there by morning. He has been hard at work running rifle-pits right, and thinks he will hold all gained. Keep Smith's Division sleeping under arms to-night ready for an emergency. Their services may be required particularly about daylight. There should be the greatest vigilance along the whole line. U. S. Grant, Major- General. In the mean time, the gunboat fleet off Warrenton com- menced a bombardment of the enemy's forts. This was kept up without intermission until midnight, when it was slackened to desultory shots. The fuses of the shells as they ascended in the air were easily distinguishable, and looked in their course like shooting meteors. When they would strike the shell would explode with a terrific report. Some of the shells exploded in the air, and the flashes which they emitted looked like an immense piece of pyrotechny. * Army Correspondence. 13 290 GENERAL GRANT CHAPTER XL. THE SURRENDER OP VICKSBURG. Aftee the explosion of the mine, and the occupation of that part of the rebel works, General Grant resumed the operation of constructing parallels, for the purpose of ap- proaching near enough to the rebel fortifications to take them by a sudden dash. As the U. S. troops advanced, the rebels retired, constructing inner lines of defences as the outer ones were taken. On the 28th of June the Union lines were thirteen hundred yards nearer the city than the original works. As these hues were advanced on all sides at the same time, the rebel area of operations became more and more circumscribed. During this bombardment every effort was made to re- duce the rebel works without unnecessarily damaging the city: On this subject a correspondent writes as follows : Be it understood, that at no time has General Grant sought the destruc- tion of the city. He wishes to spare it for the city itself, and because it con- tains women and children. As long as the rebel army connnes its opera- tions outside its limits the city will remain intact. If it had been necessary to destroy the city, our guns now in range could have accom- plished the work. The capture of Vicksburg is a foregone conclusion. We get the evidence of the fact from the rebels themselves. A few days ago a rebel mail was captured coming out from Vicksburg, in which were let- ters from prominent men in the rebel army, who state that they cannot hold out much longer, and informing their friends that they expect to spend their summer in northern prisons. Better evidence of the con- dition of things in the rebel army cannot be desired. So far as tho siege of this place goes, I presume the people at home AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 291 in their easy chairs, think it ought to have been finished long since. To such let me say. could they be present here, and make a tour of the country in this vicinity, and see the configuration of the country, its broken topography, its high and abrupt hills, deep gullies, gorges and dilapidated roads, they would then realize the difficulties of the work. Then there is a large army to feed, great materiel to be brought into position, all of which demands large transportation, and the united ef- forts of thousands of men. General Grant acts independently of opinions of the public. He fully realizes the responsibility of his position, and in the duty before him, he is determined to accomplish his work with as great an economy of human life as possible. He feels now that the prize is within his grasp, and a little patience will achieve all, which, if rashly sought, might cost the lives of the brave army with whom he has gained so mauy vic- tories.* General Sherman's expedition returned from the special duty assigned it without meeting anywhere near the doom- ed city the rebel army under General Joseph E. Johnston. The commander, however, obtained sufficient intelligence of the rebel movements to decide General Grant as to his plan of operations immediately after the reduction of Vicksburg. The bombardment and approaches steadily progressed, and it was whispered about among the troops that on the following anniversary of the day of Independence a grand assault was to be made, for the purpose of taking the place by storm. The rebels, doubtless, were apprised of this fact, or at least suspected it, for, on the moving of the previous day, July 3d, 1863, a flag of truce left the rebel lines, with a sealed communication for General Grant, borne by General Bo wen and Colonel Montgomery. The bearers of the document having been taken to the nearest general head-quarters, a courier was at once dispatched with all possible haste to the chief commanding office. * Army Correspondence. 292 GENERAL, GRANT i On opening the document General Grant found the fol lowing communication addressed to himself: Head-Quarters, Vicksburg, July 3, 1863. Major-General Grant, commanding United States forces : General : — I have the honor to propose to you an armistice for — hours, with a view to arranging terms for the capitulation of Yicks- burg. To this end, if agreeable to you, I will appoint three commis- sioners, to meet a like number to be named by yourself, at such place and hour as you may find convenient. I make this proposition to save the further effusion of blood, which must otherwise be shed to a frightful extent, feeling myself fully able to maintain my position for a yet indefinite period. This communication will be handed you, under a flag of truce, by Major-General James Bowen. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. C. Pembertok. To this General Grant replied as follows : Head-Quarters, Department of Tennessee, ) In the Field, near Vicksburg, July 3, 1863. f Lieutenant-General J. C. Pemberton, commanding Confederate forces, &c. : General : — Your note of this date, just received, proposes an armis- tice of several hours, for the purpose of arranging terms of capitula- tion through commissioners to be appointed, &c. The effusion of blood you propose stopping by this course, can be ended at any time you may choose, by an unconditional surrender of the city and garrison. Men who have shown so much endurance and courage as those now in Vicks- burg, will always challenge the respect of an adversary, and I can assure you will be treated with all the respect due them as prisoners of war. I do not favor the proposition of appointing commissioners to arrange termsw capitulation, because I have no other terms than those indicated above. I am, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant, U. S. Grant, Major- General. General Bowen expressed a wish to converse with the chief General on this important matter ; but the latter at once declined. General Bowen then requested that Gen- eral Grant would meet General Pemberton on neutral AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 203 ground, as more could be arranged at one personal inter- view than by an exchange of numerous dispatches. Gene- ral Grant very readily replied he would willingly do so in person, offering to meet General Pemberton the same afternoon at three o'clock, and consult with him on the terms he would grant the garrison. This reply was placed in the hands of the rebel messengers, who, blindfolded, were conducted back to the place of entrance to the Union lines, and were there set at liberty, to return to General Pemberton with the answer. Nothing more was now done until afternoon. The ar- tillery re-opened, and the siege went on as before. By noon, however, the general promulgated his orders, requir- ing a temporary cessation of hostilities. The following interesting account of the interview be- tween Generals Grant and Pemberton, is given by one who had followed the army during the whole campaign : At three o'clock precisely, one gun, the prearranged signal, was fired, and immediately replied to by the enemy. General Pemberton then made his appearance on the works in McPherson's front, under a white flag, considerably on the left of what is known as Fort Hill. General Grant rode through our trenches until he came to an outlet, leading to a small green space, which had not been trod by either army, nere he dismounted, and advanced to meet General Pem- berton, with whom he shook hands, and greeted familiarly. It was beneath the outspreading branches of a gigantic oak that the conference of the generals took place. Here presented the only space whi'jn had not been used for some purpose or other by the contending armies. The ground was covered with a fresh, luxuriant verdure ; here and there a shrub or clump of bushes could be seen standing out from the green growth on the surface, while several oaks filled up the scene, and gave it character. Some of the trees in their tops exhibited the effects of flying projectiles, by the loss of limbs or torn foliage, and in their trunks the indentations of smaller missiles plainly marked the occurrences to which they had been silent witnesses. The party made up to take part in the conference was composed as follows : 294 GENERAL GRANT United Stales Officers. Major-General U. S. Grant. Major-General James B. McPherson. Brigadier-General A. J. Smith. Relel Officers. Lieutenant-General John C. Pemberton. Major-General Bowen. Colonel Montgomery, A. A.-G. to General Pemberton. "When Generals Grant and Pemberton met they shook hands, Colonel Montgomery introducing the party. A short silence ensued, at the ex- piration of which General Pemberton remarked : "General Grant, I meet you in order to arrange terms for the capitu- lation of the city of Vicksburg and its garrison. "What terms do you demand?" " Unconditional surrender" replied General Grant. " Unconditional surrender?" said Pemberton. "Never, so long as I have a man left me! I will fight rather." " Then, sir, you can continue the defence" coolly said General Grant. " Mij army has never been in a better condition for the prosecution of the siege." During the passing of these few preliminaries, General Pemberton was greatly agitated, quaking from head to foot, while General Grant experienced all his natural self-possession, and evinced not the least sign of embarrassment. After a short conversation standing, by a kind of mutual tendency the two generals wandered off from the rest of the party and seated themselves on the grass, in a cluster of bushes, where alone they talked over the important events then pending. General Grant could be seen, even at that distance, talking coolly, occasionally giving a few puffs at his favorite companion — his black cigar. General McPherson, General A. J. Smith, General Bowen, and Colonel Montgomery, imitating the example of the commanding generals, seated themselves at some distance off, while the respective staffs of the generals formed another and larger group in the rear. After a lengthy conversation the generals separated. General Pem- Dorton did not come to any conclusion on the matter, but stated his intention to submit the matter to a council of general officers of his com- mand ; and, in the event of their assent, the surrender of the city should be made in the morning. Until morning was given him to consider, to 1 i AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 295 determine upon the matter, and send in his final reply. The generals now rode to their respective quarters.* General Grant next conferred at his head-quarters with his corps and division commanders, and sent the following letter to General Pemherton, by the hands of General Logan aud Lieutenant-Colonel Wilson : Head-Quarters, Department of Tennessee, ) Near Vicksburg, July 3, 1863. f Lieutenant-General J. C. Pemberton, commanding Confederate forces, Vicksburg, Miss: General : In conformity with the agreement of this afternoon, I will submit the following proposition for the surrender of the city of Vicks- burg, public stores, &c. On your accepting the terms proposed, I will march in one division, as a guard, and take possession at eight o'clock to-morrow morning. As soon as paroles can be made out and signed by tho officers and men, you will be allowed to march out of our lines, the officers taking with them their regimental clothing, and staff, field, and cavalry officers one horse each. The rank and file will be allowed all their clothing, but no other property. If these conditions are accepted, any amount of rations you may deem necessary can be taken from the stores you now have, and also the necessary cooking utensils for preparing them; thirty wagons also, counting two two-horse or mule teams as one. You will be allowed to transport such articles as cannot be carried along. The same conditions will be allowed to all sick and wounded officers and privates, as fast as they become able to travel. The paroles for these latter must be signed, however, whilst officers are present, authorized to sign the roll of prisoners. I am, General, very respectfully, Tour obedient servant, U. S. Grant, Major- General The same correspondent, whose description of the inter- view between the generals has already been given, writes under date of July 4th, as follows : From the time of the breaking up of the conference of generals, till * Army Correspondence. 296 GENERAL GRANT this morning, when the surrender became an irrevocable fact, the im- patience and restlessness of the entire army was greater than can possibly be imagined. The troops ceased their customary vigilance and wandered from camp to camp in a state of listless reaction. There was no firing from the trenches or batteries, for orders had been promulgated that all operations of a hostile character should cease until resumed by authority from head-quarters. This was the first instance of a cessation of firing since our arrival. The existence of the two armies was not perceptible except in the presence of the troops. Everywhere silence and relaxation reigned. It was a change from the most exacting duty on the one hand, to the most extreme idleness on the other. The only appearance of duty by either army was on the part of a few sentinels, national and rebel, posted at various points along our linos and the rebel works, to keep back the curious of our own men, as well as to stay the desire of the enemy to penetrate within our lines and see the perfect network of approaches by means of which we have advanced unharmed up to the very ditches of their forts. The remainder of yesterday was passed by many of the soldiers of both armies in chats upon various matters connected with the campaign. Knots of a half dozen of our men, and a like number of rebels, could be seen here and there reclining upon the exterior slope of the enemy's works, engaged in enthusiastic conversation, not unfrequently relieving its monotony by physical application upon each other, to enforce the veracity of their assertions, when doubted by the opposite party. Thus did they wile away the hours of the evening until tattoo, when the soldiers of each side, excepting those on sentinel duty, disappeared. During the night no startling occurrences happened, all being quiet. The morning of this thrice glorious Fourth dawned with a cloudless sky, and, even ere the sun had risen, the camps were alive with an anticipating and impatient set, whose loquacity poured itself forth, in a confusion of languages which might be heard ringing in the clear air at a distance several times the usual compass of the human voice. Nor were the speculations of the men less various than their language. One had his reasons for knowing that the rebels were using the present mo- ments of respite to strengthen themselves, or to consolidate their force on some unexpected point of attack, or perhaps to effect some other designs equally as nefarious, of which we were not aware. Some said the enemy had no intention of surrendering, but, fearing a first class Fourth of July bombardment, they hit upon the present plan of eluding euch a direful visitation and its necessary results. In this way rea- AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 207 doned many. Another set thought, if it really were the intention of the enemy to surrender, it was time they were coming to a conclusion. They " could not see why they did not do so at once," they " thought the rebels were playing a sharp game," and so forth; every man giving himself a vast amount of unnecessary trouble and conce-n. Thus time moved along heavily, each moment passing like a duration of almost weeks, until the eventful time had arrived, and it was known to a certainty that Vicksburg had indeed surrendered. Having a few hours leisure this morning, prior to the arrival of the dispatch from General Pemberton, stating he was ready to surrender, I took occasion to visit General Grant, and found everybody about his head-quarters in a state of the liveliest satisfaction. It was evident the glorious events of the day were duly appreciated. The General I found in conversation more animated than I have ever known him. He is evidently contented with the manner in which he has acquitted himself of the responsible task which has for more than five months engrossed his mind and his army. The consummation is one of which he may well be proud. From Bruinsburg to Vicksburg, nineteen days, presents one of the most active records of marches, actions, and victories of the war. All the combined operations of our armies, for a similar length of time, cannot equal it. It is unparalleled, the only campaign of the war which has involved celerity of movement, attack, victory, pursuit, and the annihilation of the enemy. But of this I have occasion to speak in another place, and will therefore drop it for the present. Among other things, the General signified his intention to enter into an immediate pursuit of the rebel Johnston. He was ready as soon as he received Pemberton's final reply to order the troops under Sherman (then resting this side of the Big Black) across the river, while the contingent forces held at Haines and Snyder's bluffs were to follow, overtake and effect a junction with the other troops. This would create a force equal to all the possibilities of the campaign, and irretrievably wrest Southern Mississippi, with the towns of Jackson, Canton, and Meridian, from the possession of the enemy. Such action would restore a largo territory to the government, and weaken the enemy correspondingly by subtracting so much from his already limited resources. From General Grant I returned to the head-quarters of the Seven- teenth (McPhersou's) Corps, and found the same prevailing good humor that I remarked everywhere else.* * Army Correspondence. 13* 298 GENERAL GRANT The officers who received General Grant's letter stated that it would be impossible to answer it by night, and it was not till a little before the peep of day that the pro- posed reply was furnished. Early in the morning, how- ever, a messenger arrived at the Union lines with the fol- lowing letter from General Pemberton : Head-Quarters, Vicksburg, July 3, 1863. Major-General Grant, commanding United States forces : General: — I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your com- munication of this date proposing terms for the surrender of this garrison and post. In the main your terms are accepted; but in justice both to the honor and spirit of my troops, manifested in the defence of Vicks- burg, I have the honor to submit the following amendments, which, if acceded to by you, will perfect the agreement between us. At ten o'clock to-morrow I propose to evacuate the works in and around Vicks- burg, and to surrender the city and garrison under my command by inarching out with my colors and arms and stacking them in front of my •present limits, after which you will take possession ; officers to retain their side arms and personal property, and the rights and property of citizens to be respected. I am, General, yours, very respectfully, J. C. Pemberton, Lieutenant- General. This was a proposal for the besieged to march out with the honors of war, only allowed to garrisons after a very obstinate and brave defence. It is entirely optional on the part of the victor to allow such a privilege, and many com- manders have entirely refused it. General Grant, however, with his accustomed magna- nimity to the conquered, acquiesced in the request as fol- lows: Head-Quarters, Department of Tennessee, ) Before Vicksburg, July 4, 1863. ) Lieutenant-General Pemberton, commanding forces in Vicksburg : General : — I have the honor to acknowledge your communication of the 3d of July. The amendments proposed by you cannot be acceded to in full. It will be necessary to furnish every officer and man with a AXD HIS CAMPAIGNS. 299 parole signed by himself, which, with the completion of the rolls of prisoners, will necessarily take some time. Again, I can make no stipu- lation with regard to the treatment of citizens and their private property. Wlrile I do not propose to cause any of them any undue annoyance or loss, I cannot consent to leave myself under restraint by stipulations. The prop- erty which officers can be allowed to take with them will be as stated in the proposition of last evening — that is, that officers will be allowed their private baggage and side arms, and mounted officers one horse each. If you mean by your proposition for each brigade to march to the front oftlie lines now occupied by it, and slack their arms at ten o'clock A. M., and then return to the inside and remain as prisoners until properly paroled, I will make no ob- jection to it. Should no modifications be made of your acceptance of my terms by nine o'clock a. it., I shall regard them as having been rejected, and act accordingly. Should these terms be accepted, white flags will be displayed along your lines to prevent such of my troops as may not have been notified from firing on your men. I am, General, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, U. S. Grant, Major- General U. S. A. After a very short consultation with his general officers, the commandant of Vicksburg sent the following reply : Head-Quarters, Yicksbdrg, July 4, 1863 Major-General U. S. Grant, commanding United States forces, etc. : General : — I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your com- munication of this date, and, in reply, to say that the terms proposed by you are accepted. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. C. Pemberton, Lieutenant- General. At ten o'clock on the morning -of July 4th, the above final dispatch was received from General Pemberton, and he stated that he was ready to capitulate. General Grant at once telegraphed to General McPherson's head- quarters with instructions that the Seventeenth Corps be ordered under arms immediately, to be in readiness to move instantly into the city upon the receipt of orders to that effect. Shortly after the hour above mentioned, the rebel works 300 GENERAL GRANT were surmounted by a large number of white flags along the entire lines, extending from right to left. This was the signal of surrender. Soon the enemy marched out by regiment, on McPherson's front, and stacked their arms and returned within, where they were paroled in a body, prior to the individual parole of each man. The privilege allowed by General Grant to the enemy of stacking their arms outside of their fortifications somewhat crowded matters, as the Union works were so close that the enemy was pressed for room in order to avoid tres- passing beyond the small strip of unoccupied territory lying between the works of the two armies. However, after considerable difficulty, the arms, excepting those of several regiments, were deposited according to the provis- ions of the surrender, without encroachment upon our ap- proaches. In attendance upon the capitulation of the rebels there were a number of line officers and privates of the Union army as lookers on. N"o one had been delegated by General Grant to superintend the matter, out of courtesy to t/tc enemy, whose noble defence had won them the highest esteem of both officers and men. The surrender, there- fore, appeared, as it were, a volition, and not of compul- sion ; and was hardly known until some time after, owing to the quietness with which it was conducted. • General Grant had wisely taken this matter into consideration, and prevented the lips of the incautious and uncalculating from uttering remarks of no good to the Union cause, and not in the least calculated to keep alive that harmony of feeling which turned out to be one of the most noticeable features of the occasion. As it was, as the General had desired, the enemy was allowed to conduct the matter according to his own liking, so it was done within the limitations of the previously stipulated terms of capitulation. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 301 Several regiments not having room to stack arms with the rest of the command, deposited them at the Court House. Three hours elapsed before the last of the rebel regi- ments had surrendered their arms. During this time General John A. Logan was engaged in getting his troops in readiness tor subsequent movements. , f02 GENERAL GRANT CHAPTER XLI. OCCUPATION OF VICKSBURG. — THE LOSSES. The Fourth of July, 1863, was one of the most impor- tant in the history of the United States, and of its armies. On this day the glad tidings of victory in Pennsylvania was sounded throughout the land, and on this day the vic- torious " Army of Tennessee" took possession of the boast- ed stronghold of the rebels — " the Gibraltar of the Mis- sissippi" — Vicksburg. The entrance into the city of Vicksburg is thus describ- ed by a participant : It was about one o'clock p. m., before matters had assumed such a stage of completion as would admit of the entrance of the city by our troops. A slight further detention was also occasioned awaiting the pioneer corps, thrown out in advance, to open a passage through the breastworks and across the ditches and rifle-pits of the enemy. After this was finished, no further obstructions presented themselves, and the column moved forward. The order of march was by a seniority of brigade commanders, with an exception in the case of the Forty -fifth Illinois Infantry, Colonel J. A. Maltby, which was specially ordered to lead the column, in consequence of heroic conduct during the siege and operations in the campaign against Vicksburg. The order of formation, in the march into the city, was as follows : Major-General U. S. Grant and staff. Major-General J. B. McPherson and staff. Major-General J. A. Logan and staff. Brigadier-General M. D. Leggett, First Brigade, Third Division, led by the Forty-fifth Illinois Infantry. Brigadier-General Z. B- G. Ransom, First Brigade, Seventh Division, temporarily assigned to Logan. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 303 Brigadier-General John Stevenson, Second Brigade, Third Division; and with each brigade its batteries, baggage train, &c. The division of General John E. Smith, though part of the Seven- teenth Army Corps which was designated by General Grant to occupy the city, was held outside of the works as a kind of outer line of guards to prevent the escape of prisoners. After passing through several inner lines of the rifle-pits and breast- works, the column of occupation penetrated the suburbs of the city, and marched through its principal streets to the Court House. As might be expected, from the long schooling the city had received under the influ- ence of the secession conspirators, no demonstrations of satisfaction at our arrival were made along the line of march ; but on the contrary, houses were closed, the citizens within doors, and the city was wrapped in gloom. It seems as if the population anticipated their next step would be into the grave. Upon arriving at the Court House, the troops were drawn up in line facing the building. This done, the ceremony of possession was com- pleted by the display of the flags of the Forty-fifth Illinois Infantry, and of the head-quarters of the Seventeenth Corps, from the dome of the Court House. Upon the appearance of the flags the troops cheered vociferously, making the city ring to its very suburbs with shouts of the votaries of liberty. It was an occasion which few ever have the opportunity of witnessing, and one which will secure a life-long remembrance in the minds of all present. In consideration of the active part taken by the Seventeenth Corps in the campaign which consummated in the capture of Vicksburg, that com- mand was designated by General Grant to take possession of the city. General Logan's Division occupied within the works, while General John E. Smith held the Union works without. General McArthur continued with General Sherman's army in its operations against Johnston. In view of General Grant's plans, Major-General McPherson was ap- pointed to the command of the new district about to be formed, and having Vicksburg for its centre. Major-General Logan commanded the city and its environs. The Provost-Marshal's department was placed in charge of Lieutenant- Colonel James "Wilson, Provost-Marshal of the corps — Provost-Guard, Forty -fifth Illinois Infantry. A number of subordinate officers had to be created to carry out the laborious and endless details which naturally occur in the administra- 304 GENERAL GRANT tion of a city in population as large as the present. However, as initia- tory measures, the above answered every purpose, and the workings of the plans were harmonious and effective. There were no disgraceful scenes of rapine, violence or insult to note, nor had nny thing occurred to compromise as a mass the soldiers of the government. There were a few iustances of battering down store doors, to examine the contents of the establishments, but this ivassoon stopped upon the inauguration of the provost-guard. One rather unaccountable fact was the trouble the guard experienced in keeping down the rebel soldiery. The people feared the thieving proclivities of their own men even more than ours. It was not long, however, before the efficient guard patroling the city had picked up all vagrant individuals, compelled them to disgorge, and then quietly consigned them to the peaceable retirement of the guard- house, to await their trial before his worship, the Provost-Marshal. The aforesaid establishment is already quite populous with miscreant secesh, and a slight sprinkling of our own unfortunates. While they are amongst us they must expect to be obliged to conduct themselves like soldiers, and obey the newly inaugurated authority now ruling and in- suring order and security to the inhabitants and property within the city. The quiet which now prevails everywhere is astonishing, and re- flects great credit upon the abilities and judgment of those at the head of affairs. After the surrender of the city was officially known to the transport- ation officers in charge of steamboats at Chickasaw Bayou, there was a general, mixed and laughable stampede of boats out of the Yazoo and down the Mississippi for the levee of Vicksburg. The John H. Groesbeck, being the office boat of the Chief of Transportation, appropriated the advance of the Yazoo River batch. The transports, however, were not the first to arrive befote the city, for the Neptune of the Mississippi was on the alert, and impatiently awaited the course of events under full steam. No sooner was the flag thrown to the breeze from the Court TTouse than the Admiral's glass caught sight of its beautiful folds, and in due time his vessel steamed down to the city, followed by all the gunboats in the neigh- borhood, and took possession of a few feet of river front. All this was duly done, after the authority of the army of the United States was socurcd beyond doubt. In less than four hours after the city had capitulated, the levees were lined with steamers as far as the eye could reach. At least seventy-five hud arrived up to that time, and more were coming in hourly. All the AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 305 boats from below, as well as those from above, were there to swell the number. The city had the appearance of a great inland commercial metropolis. The levees were almost instantaneously covered with a busy, moving crowd of humanity, pushing hither and thither, as if they were old residents, and the city had not experienced the interregnum of intercourse with the outer world, which had been her fate for nearly two years. Many of the boats had already commenced to discharge their cargoes, which, of course, occasioned a lively activity on shore, while teams and men were busily engaged in hauling the different stores to their respective destinations. It may be said that Vicksburg is once more a living city. Reclaimed from her late oppressors, she is free to share with her sister cities the numerous opportunities which have been restored to them by the rein- stated authority of our great, and glorious, and ever to be perpetuated republic* The value of the reduction of Vicksburg was not only great in a moral, political, and strategical point of view; but it possessed still further importance by inflicting a severe loss upon the rebels, in both men and material. The following is a rough estimate of the number of offi- cers, soldiers, and ordnance, which fell into the hands of the United States authorities with the city of Vicksburg: One Lieutenant-General, John C. Pemberton, late com- mandant of the army for the defence of Vicksburg. Nineteen Major and Brigadier-Generals, as follows : — Major-General Bowen, Major-General Martin L. Smith and Major-General Forney ; Brigadier-Generals Barton, Coch- ran, Lee, Vaughn, Reynolds, Baldwin, Harris, Taylor, Cummings, Stevenson of Georgia, Hebart, Wall of Texas, commanding Texan Legion; Moore, Schoep, Buford, and Cockerell. Over four thousand field, line, and staff officers. About twenty-three thousand effective men, non-commis- sioned officers and privates, and over six thousand men in hospital. * Army Correspondence. S 06 GENERAL GRANT Ninety siege-guns. One hundred and twenty-eight field-pieces. Thirty-five thousand (approximately) muskets and rifles, principally Enfield, and in excellent order. Powder and shell for ordnance of different calibre in abundance. A large quantity of miscellaneous matter, such as wag- ons, a few animals, armorers' tools, machinery, &c. Among the military establishments taken possession of were the arsenal, well supplied with unused rifles, and the foundry, with all conveniences for casting shot, shell, and cannon, and capable of doing a great deal of other work of a similar character, such as casting. The troops taken prisoners were mainly composed of Mississippians, called " The State troops," Georgians, Ala- bamians, Louisianians, Missourians, and regulars. The following is a table compiled from various sources, and showing, at a glance, the estimated losses of the rebels, in men, from the commencement of the campaign, on April 30th, to the final surrender of the city : Prisoners. Lieutenant-General 1 Major and Brigadier-Generals 19 Field, staff, and line officers 4,600 Non-commissioned officers and privates 30,000 Total, without regard to rank 34,620 Killed, Wounded, and Stragglers. Killed in battles and skirmishes 1,000 "Wounded in battles and skirmishes 4,000 Captured in hospitals in Vieksburg and elsewhere 6,000 Stragglers, including men cut off and unable to rejoin their com- mands 800 Total 11,800 AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 307 Recapitulation. Total prisoners 31,620 Killed, wounded, and in hospital 11,000 Stragglers, &c 800 Making a loss to the enemy, in sixty-five days, of 40,420 The following table also shows the losses of material sustained by the enemy during the same length of tiufe: Field Artillery. Pieces. Captured in battle 83 At Vicksburg 128 Total 211 Siege Artillery. At Vicksburg 90 Captured Small-Arms. In battle 10,000 At Vicksburg , 35,000 Total 45,000 Recapitulation. Artillery captured 301 Muskets and rifles 45,000 Besides this, a number of field-pieces and siege-guns were destroyed at Jackson, Haines and Snyder's Bluffs, which are not included in the above estimate.* General Grant, in his official report, sums up the Union losses, during the series of battles of the Vicksburg cam- paign, as follows : Killed. Wounded. Missing. Total. Port Gibson, 130 Fourteen-Mile Creek (skirmish) . 4 Raymond, 69 Jackson, 40 Champion's Hill, 426 Big Black Railroad Bridge, . . 29 Vicksburg, 245 Grand Total, 943 7,095f 537 8,575. * New York Herald estimates. See also Appendix G. {■Nearly ono-half of the wounded returned to duty within a month. 718 5 853 24 — 28 341 32 442 240 6 2S6 1,842 189 2,457 242 2 273 3,688 303 4,236 308 GENERAL GRANT General Recapitulation. Rebel losses in killed, wounded, stragglers, and pris- oners, 46,420 Union losses, do. do. do. do. 8,575 Balance in favor of Grant, 37,845 In addition, therefore, to the immense quantity of stores secured with the reduction of Vicksburg, a balance of nearly thirty-eight thousand men had to be placed to the credit of Grant's services during this campaign. The following extract, from General Grant's report, will show how the army subsisted during the first twenty days of the Vicksburg campaign : In the march from Bruinsburg to Yicksburg, covering a period of twenty days, before supplies could be obtained from government stores, only five days' rations were issued, and three days of those were taken in haversacks at the start, and were soon exhausted. All other subsist- ence was obtained from the country through which we passed. The march was commenced without wagons, except such as could be picked up through the country. The country was abundantly supplied with corn, bacon, beef, and mutton. The troops enjoyed excellent health, and no army ever appeared in better spirits, or felt more confident of success. General Halleck, in his Annual Report of the War, thus speaks of the, administration and success of the Depart- ment of the Tennessee : At the date of my last Annual Report, Major-General Grant occupied "West Tennessee and the northern boundary of Mississippi. The object of the campaign of this army was the opening of the Mississippi River, in conjunction with the army of General Banks. General Grant was instructed to drive the enemy in the interior as far south as possible, and destroy their railroad communications; then to fall back to Memphis and embark his available forces on transports, and with the assistance of the fleet of Admiral Porter, reduce Vicks- burg. The first part of this plan was most successfully executed, but the right wing of the army sent against Vicksburg, under Major-Gene- ral Sherman, found that place much stronger than was expected. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 309 Two attacks were made, on the 28th and 29th of December; but fail- ing in their object, our troops were withdrawn, and while waiting for re-enforcements from General Grant, moved up the Arkansas River to Arkansas Post, which place was, with the assistance of the gunboats, captured on the 11th of January. Our loss at Vicksburg was 191 kill- ed, 982 wounded, and 75G missing; at Arkansas Post, 129 killed, 831 wounded, and 17 missing. "We captured at the latter place 5,000 pris- oners, 17 pieces of cannon, 3,000 small-arms, 46,000 rounds of ammuni- tion, and 5G3 animals. General Grant now assumed the immediate command of the army on the Mississippi, which was largely re-enforced. Being satisfied by the result of General Shermaii's operations that the north line of the enemy's works was too strong to be carried without a very heavy loss, he directed his attention to opening the canal, which had been commenced the year before by General Williams, across the peninsula on the west bank of the river. This canal had been improperly located — its upper terminus being in an eddy, and the lower terminus being exposed to the enemy's guns ; nevertheless, it was thought that it could be completed sooner than a new one could be constructed. "While working parties, under Captain Prince, chief engineer of that army, were diligently employed upon this canal, General Grant directed his attention to several other projects for turning the enemy's position. These are fully described in his official report. The canal proving impracticable, and his other plans being unsuccessful, he determined to move his army by land down the west bank of the river, some seventy miles, while transports for crossing 6hould run past the enemy's batteries at Vicksburg. TJie danger of running the batteries being very great, and the roads on the west side in horrible condition, this was a difficult and hazardous expedient; but it seemed to be the only possible solution of the problem. The ex- ecution of the plan, however, was greatly facilitated by Admiral Farra- gut, who had run two of his vessels past the enemy's batteries at Port Hudson and Grand Gulf, and cleared the river of the enemy's boats be- low Vicksburg; and finally, through the the indomitable energy of the com- manding-general and the admirable dispositions of Admiral Porter for running the enemy's batteries, the operation was completely successful. The army crossed the river at Bruinsburg, April 30th, turned Grand Gulf, and engaged the enemy near Port Gibson on the 1st, and at Four- teen-Mile Creek on the 3d of May. The enemy was defeated in both 310 GENERAL GEANT engagements, with heavy loss. General Grant now moved his forces hy rapid marches to the north, in order to separate the garrison of Vicksburg from the covering army of Johnston. This movement was followed by the battles of "Raymond," May 12th; of "Jackson," May' 14th ; of " Champion's Hill," May 16th, and of " Big Black River Bridge," May 17 th — in all of which our troops were victorious. General Grant now proceeded to invest Vicksburg. In order to facilitate General Grant's operations by destroying the enemy's lines of communication, and prevent the early concentration of auy re-enforcements, Colouel (now Brigadier-General) Grierson was sent with a cavalry force from La Grange on the 17 th of April to trav- erse the interior of the State of Mississippi. This expedition was most successfully conducted. It destroyed many of the enemy's railroad bridges, depots, and much rolling stock, and reached Baton Rouge, Lou- siana, in safety on the 2d of May. On returning to Vicksburg, General Grant found his forces insufficient to entirely invest the enemy's works. There was, therefore, danger that the two bodies of the enemy under Pemberton and Johnston might yet effect a junction, as it was known that the latter was being largely re-enforced from Bragg's army in Middle and East Tennessee. Under these circumstances General Grant determined to attempt to carry the place by assault. Two unsuccessful attacks were made May 19th and 22d; but as re-en- forcements reached him a few days after, sufficiently large to enable him to completely invest the rebel defences, he resorted to the slower but more certain operations of a regular siege. By the 3d of July his saps were so far advanced as to render his success certain, and on that day General Pemberton proposed an armistice and capitulation, which were finally accepted, and Vicksburg surrendered on the 4th of July. In the language of General Grant's official report, the results of this short campaign were: " The defeat of the enemy in five battles outside of Vicksburg, the occupation of Jackson, the capital of the State of Mississippi, and the capture of Vicksburg and its garrison and munitions of war; a loss to the enemy of 37,000 prisoners, among whom were fifteen general offi- cers; at least 10,000 killed and wounded; and among the killed, Gener- als Tracy, Tilghman, and Green, and hundreds, and perhaps thousands of stragglers, who can never be collected and organized. Arms and munitions of war for an army of sixty thousand have fallen into our hands, besides a large amount of other public property, consisting of railroad, locomotives, cars, steamboats, cotton, etc. ; and much was de- stroyed to prevent our capturing it." Wlien we consider the character of the country in which this army ope" AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 311 jted, the formidable obstacles to be overcome, the number of forces and the strength of the enemy's works, toe cannot fail to admire the courage and en- durance of the troops, and the skill and daring of their commander. No more brilliant expbit can be found in military history. It has been alleged, and the allegation has been widely circulated by the press, that General Grant, in the conduct of his campaign, positively disobeyed the in- structions of his superiors. It is hardly necessary to remark that General Grant never disobeyed an order or instruction, but always carried out to the best of his ability every wish or suggestion made to him by the government. Moreover he has never complained that the government did not furnish him all the means and assistance in its power, to facilitate the execution of any plan he saw fit to adopt. While the main army of Tennessee was operating against Vicksburg, the enemy's force, on the west side of the river, made unsuccessful at- tacks on Milliken's Bend and Lake Providence on the 6th and 10th of June. Our loss in the former was 101 killed, and 285 wounded, and 266 missing. The loss in the latter was not reported. It is represent- ed that the colored troops in these desperate engagements fought with great bravery ; and that the rebels treated this class of prisoners of war, as well as their officers, with great barbarity. It has not been possible, however, to ascertain the correctness of these representations in regard to the treatment of these prisoners. After the capture of Vicksburg, General Grant reported, that his troops were so much fatigued and worn out with forced marches and the labors of the siege as to absolutely require several weeks of repose before undertaking another campaign. Nevertheless, as the exigencies of the service seemed to require it, he sent out those who were least fatigued on several important expeditions, while the others remained at Vicksburg to put that place in a letter defensive condition for a small garrison. When the news of this glorious victory officially reached the President, he wrote an autograph letter to General Grant, of which document the following is a copy : Executive Mansion, "Washington, July 13, 1863. To Major-General Grant : My Dear General: — I do not remember that you and I ever met per sonally. I write this now as a greatful acknowledgment for the almost inestimable service you have done the country. I wish to say a word fur- ther. "When you first reached the vicinity of Vicksburg, I thought you 112 GENERAL GRANT should do what you finally did — march the troops across the neck, run the batteries with the transports, and thus go below ; and I never had any faith, except a general hope that you knew better than 1, that the Yazoo Pass expedition and the like could succeed. When you got below and took Port Gibson, Grand Gulf, and vicinity, I thought you should go down the river and join General Banks; and when you turned northward east of the Big Black, I feared it was a mistake. I now wish to make a personal acknowledgment that you were right and J was wrong* Yours, very truly, A. Lincoln. Several gentlemen were near the President at the time he received the news of Grant's success, some of whom had been com plaining of the rumors of his habit of using intoxicating drinks to excess. " So I understand Grant drinks whiskey to excess?" in- terrogatively remarked the President. " Yes," was the reply. "What whiskey does he drink?" inquired Mr. Lincoln. " "What whiskey ?" doubtfully queried his hearers. " Yes. Is it Bourbon or Monongahela ?" " Why do you ask, Mr. President ?" " Because, if it makes him win victories like this at Vicksburg, I will send a demijohn of the same kind to every general in the army." His visitors saw the point, although at their own cost. It is stated that General Grant entered Vicksburg on July 4th, 1863, with a cigar in his mouth. In alluding to * It is currently stated that when Adjutant-General Thomas visited the Department of the Tennessee, early in April, 18G3, he carried in his pocket an order from the President to displace and remove General Grant from his command, if the facts proved to be as they were reported at the national capital. Perhaps President Lincoln's note refers indirectly to that order. It is needless to add that General Thomas, on his arrival at Milliken's Bend, found matters far different than were represented at Washington, and he, therefore, thought it more judicious not to remove the ordor from his pocket, nor General Grant from his command. AXD HIS CAMPAIGNS. * 313 this fact, a newspaper of strong Southern proclivities re- marked as follows : We pardon General Grant's smoking a cigar as he entered the smouldering ruins of the town of Yicksburg. A little stage effect is admissible in great captains, considering that Napoleon at Milan wore the little cocked hat and sword of Marengo, and that snuff was the in- evitable concomitant of victory in the great Frederick. General Grant is a noble fellow, and by the terms of capitulation he accorded to the heroic garrison, showed himself as generous as Napoleon was to Wurmser at the surrender of Afantua. His deed will read well in history, and he has secured to himself a name which posterity will pronounce with veneration and grati- tude. There is no general in this country or in Europe that has done harder work than General Grant, and none that has better graced his victories by the exercise of humanity and virtue. What we learn of the terms of capitulation is sufficient to prove General Grant to be a generous soldier and a man. A truly brave man respects bravery in others, and when the sword is sheathed considers himself free to follow the dictates of humanity. General Grant is not a general that marks his progress by proclamations to frighten unarmed men, women, and children ; he fulminates no arbitrary edicts against the press ; he does not make war on newspapers and their correspondents : he flatters no one to get him- self puffed ; but he is terrible in arms and magnanimous after the battle. Go on, brave General Grant; pursue the course you have marked out for yourself, and Clio, the pensive muse, as she records your deeds, will rejoice at her manly theme. Among the results of the fall of Vicksburg is one that must not be overlooked — Port Hudson. As soon as the garrison had surrendered, General Grant notified General Banks of the fact, and that officer at once imparted the glorious intelligence to his command. Like lightning the welcome news flew along the line, and the Union pickets joyously informed the rebel sentinels that their boasted stronghold had fallen. It did not take long for the tidingb to reach the rebel head-quarters, and the same day the commandant at Port Hudson sent the following dispatch to General Banks : 14 314 m GENERAL GRANT Head-Quarters, Port Hudson, La., July 7, 1863. General: — Having received information from your troops that Vicks- burg has been surrendered, I make this communication to ask you to give me the official assurance whether this is true or not, and if true I ask for a cessation of hostilities, with a view to the consideration of terms for sur- rendering this position. I am, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Frank Gardner, Major- General commanding Confederate States forces. To Major-General Banks, commanding U. S. forces near Port Hudson. General Banks, early the next morning, replied as fol lows : Head-Quarters, Department op the Gulf, ) Before Port Hudson, July 8, 1863. \ General: — In reply to your communication, dated the 7th instant, by flag of truce received a few moments since, I have the honor to inform you that I received yesterday morning, July 7th, at forty-five minutes past ten o'clock, by the gunboat General Price, an official dispatch from Major-General Ulysses S. Grant, United States Army, whereof the fol- lowing is a true extract : — Head-Quarters, Department of the Tennessee, i Near Vicksburg, July 4, 18G3. \ Major-General N. P. Banks, commanding Department of the Gulf: General : — The garrison of Vicksburg surrendered this morning. The number of prisoners, as given by the officers, is twenty-seven thousand ; field artillery, one hundred and twenty-eight pieces ; and a large num- ber of siege-guns, probably not less than eighty. Your obedient servant, U. S. Grant, Major- General. I regret to say that, under present circumstances, I cannot, consist- ently with my duty, consent to a cessation of hostilities for the purpose you indicate. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, N. P. Banks, Major-General Commanding. To Major-General Frank Gardner, Commanding Confederate States forces, Fort Hudson. It appears that the unwelcome news was all that was wanting to decide the fate of Port Hudson. In fact, after Vicksburg had capitulated, Port Hudson was untenable. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 315 The rebel commandant, therefore, immediately dispatched the following communication to General Banks : Port Hudson, July 8, 1863. General : — I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your com- munication of this date, giving a copy of an official communication from Major-General U. S. Grant, United States Army, announcing the surren- der of the garrison of Yicksburg. Having defended this position as long as I deem my duty requires, I am willing to surrender to you, and will appoint a commission of three officers to meet a similiar commission appointed by yourself, at nine o'clock this morning, for the purpose of agreeing upon, and drawing up- the terms of surrender, and for that purpose I ask a cessation of hostili- ties. Will you please designate a point outside of my breastworks where the meeting shah be held for this purpose? I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Frank Gardner, commanding Confederate States forces. To Major-General Banks, commanding United States forces. General Banks replied at once in the following Ian guage : Head-Quarters, United States Forces, ) Before Port Hudson, July 8, 1863. J General: — I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your com- munication of this date, stating that you are willing to surrender the garrison under your command to the forces under my command, and that you will appoint a commission of three officers to meet a similar commission appointed by me, at nine o'clock this morning, for the pur- pose of agreeing upon and drawing up the terms of surrender. In reply I have the honor to state, that I have designated Brigadier- General Charles P. Stone, Colonel Henry W. Birge, and Lieutenant- Colonel Richard B. Irwin, as the officers to meet the commission ap- pointed by you. They will meet your officers, at the hour designated, at a point where che flag of truce was received this morning. I will direct that active hostilities shall entirely cease on my part, until further notice, for the purpose stated. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, N. P. Banks, Major- General Comijjfading. To Major-General Frank Gardner, commanding Confedmae States forces, Port Hudson. 316 GENERAL GRANT The following announces the result of the surrender : Head-Quarters, Department of tee Gulf, ) Nineteenth Army Corps, Fort Hudson, July 10, 1863. J To General H. W. IIalleck : Sir: — I have the honor to inform you that, with this post, there fell into our hands over five thousand five hundred prisoners, including one Major-General and one Brigadier-General ; twenty pieces of heavy artil- lery, five complete batteries, numbering thirty-one pieces of field artil- lery; a good supply of projectiles for light and heavy guns, 44,800 pounds of cannon-powder, five thousand stand of arms, and one hun- dred and fifty thousand rounds of small-arm ammunition, besides a small amount of stores of various kinds. "We captured, also, two steamers, one of which is very valuable. They will be of great service at this time. ^ I am, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant, N. P. Banks, Major-General Commanding* * General Banks, by his operations around Port Hudson during May and June, 1863, rendered val_able assistance to General Grant in the prosecution of the siege of Vicksburg. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 31V CHAPTER XLII. THE PURSUIT OF JOIINSTON. — SECOND CAPTURE OF THE CITY OF JACKSON. General Grant having learned, as before stated, that General Joseph E. Johnston intended to attack him in the rear, if he could find an opportunity, or, at least, so harass him as to cause him, if possible, to raise the siege of Vicks- burg, sent a force, under General W. T. Sherman, to resist his advance. General Johnston did not attack; therefore General Grant determined to attack him the moment Vicksburg fell, and of this fact General Sherman was notified. It had been planned that the grand assault on Vicks- burg should have taken place on July 6th, and General Grant therefore ordered General Sherman in the m^an time to have up supplies of all descriptions, so that he might be able to move at a moment's notice, should the assault prove a success, of which fact the General appeared to have no doubt. General Sherman at once made his preparations, and (adds Grant in his report) " when the place surrendered on the 4th, two days earlier than J had fixed for the attack, General Sherman was found ready, and moved at once with a force increased by the addition of the remainder of both the Thirteenth and Fifteenth Army Corps, and is at present (July 6th) investing Juck- son, where Johnston has made a stand." 318 GENERAL GRANT The rebel general, on finding the Union troops had been sent in pursuit of his forces, fell back within the defences of the Mississippi State capital, where* he issued the fol- lowing proclamation to his troops : Head-Quarters, on the Field, July 9, 1863. Fellow-Soldiers : — An insolent foe, flushed with hope by his recent success at Vicksburg, confronts you, threatening the people, whose homes and liberty you are here to protect, with plunder and conquest. Their guns may even now be heard as they advance. Tlie enemy it is at once the duty and the mission of you, brave men, to chastise and expel from the soil of Mississippi. The commanding general confidently relies on you to sustain his pledge, which he makes in advance, and he will he with you in the good work, even unto the end. The vice of " straggling" he begs you to shun, and to frown on. If needs be, it will be checked by even the most summary remedies. The telegraph has already announced a glorious victory over the foe, won by your noble comrades of the Virginia army on Federal soil ; may he not, with redoubled hopes, count on you, while defending your fire- sides and household gods, to emulate the proud example of your brothers in the East-? The country expects in this, the great crisis of its destiny, that every man will do his duty. Joseph E. Johnston, General Commanding. The army under General Sherman had advanced steadi- ly, and was now gradually encircling the city. On the 12th of July he had invested the city from Pearl River, on the north of Jackson, to the same stream south of the place. The Pearl River runs directly through the city. By this means, General Sherman succeeded in cutting off many hundred cars from the Confederacy. While investing the city, General Sherman on the 11th of July sent a company of cavalry on a foraging expedition, and during the trip the command ascertained that the extensive library, for- erly belonging to the rebel President, was secreted in a house near by. The cavalry at once proceeded to the house, and there found thousands of volumes of books, AND HIS CAMPAIGN'S. 319 and several bushels of private and political papers, belong- ing to Davis, written by persons North and South, who had been engaged in the plot of inciting the rebellion. Some of these papers were carried into camp, and served as novel literature for the officers and men. In addition to these, several valuable gold-headed walk- ing-canes were found, one of them presented to Davis by Franklin Pierce. On another one was the inscription, "From a Soldier to a Soldier's Friend." In many of the letters the subject of secession was warmly discussed. Some of these letters date back as far as 1852. Many of the more prominent writers accepted the separation of the North and South as a foregone con- clusion, but only disagreed how and when it should be done. Davis is alluded to as the political Moses in this measure, and the allusions to him would seem as if he were looked upon in the light of a demigod. On the morning of July 12th, General Sherman sent a battalion of cavaby on an expedition about fifteen miles east of Jackson, for the purpose of destroying the railroad bridges, culverts, rolling stock, or any thing else of value to the rebel government or its military authorities. During the greater part of the preceding night the in- vesting forces made arrangements for a cannonade of the enemy's works. A premature movement of a portion of the line nearly caused a failure of the expedition, but a prompt action on the part of the commanding general remedied the evil. On the 13th of July the rebels made a sortie from their works and advanced a brigade of infantry and several bat- teries of artillery against the right of the line, with the in- tention of breaking it. The advance was very sudden and was made under the cover of a heavy fog ; but the sortie was met with a determined resistance. In a short time H 20 GENERAL GRANT after the enemy had opened the attack, the whole of the right wing was in line of battle, ready for an emergency. On the night of June lGth, General Joseph E. Johnston with a portion of his army evacuated Jackson and retreat- e 1 in great haste towards the east. Had he not made good his retreat on that night, the whole garrison would have been the next day in great danger of capture by a complete investment of the city. The following accounts from army correspondents give interesting details of the advance to, and second occupation of the city of Jackson : While the surrender of Vicksburg was in progress, General Grant arranged Ins plans for the capture of this town, and intrusted the affair to General Sherman. Accordingly, on the morning of the 5th of July, tho Ninth Army Corps, which was then encamped on the Yazoo River, in the vicinity of Haines Bluff, took up the line of march, forming the left wing of tho advancing column. The other corps had marched on tlio right of the Ninth. After a few days of skirmishing, which resulted in the falling back of the rebels to their line of defensive works around the town, the siege regularly commenced, but was of even much briefer duration than the most sanguine expected. Our forces surrounded the city on the north, west, and south sides. As early as the morning of the 10th, suspicion was aroused that the rebels were or intended evacuating, and in order to ascertain the truth a charge of the whole line was or- dered at eleven A. M. The signal was two cannon-shots. The troops of the whole force selected to make a feint of an assault were drawn up in line, and as the guns boomed the second shot, away they dashed at the rebel works. They were received, hoiuever, with a steady and heavy fire, which gave no doubt of the presence of an enemy in force, and the test having been successful, ihey were withdrawn, after sufferiug but slight loss. In the evening a reconnoissance was made to within a short distance of the rebel fortifications; and the tramp of a column of troops in motion, intermingled with the commands of the officers, and a confused bustle of noises, was distinctly heard, indicating that the evacuation had commenced. Daylight on the morning of the 17th left little doubt that such was in fact the case. One brigade was ordered forward as skirmishers, with AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 321 another in support. Approaching the rebel works, they found thorn tenantless, and the brigade, reforming in column, dashed into the town on the double quick. No enemy presented himself, but on the outskirts stragglers to the number of 157 were captured. The troops soon pushed to the centre of the town, and raised the Stars and Stripes on the State- House. The town at this time was almost enveloped in smoke from the burn- ing buildings. The troops all around the line soon observed so evident an indication of a retreat, and in a short time detachments of the Thir- teenth and Fifteenth Corps sallied in from the south and west sides. A check, however, was suddenly given to this movement, when it was dis- covered that the rebels in leaving had planted torpedoes in the roads, which exploded when trodden upon. Fortunately, the injury inflicted by these cowardly instruments was not very extensive. The first killed was a citizen who was flying from the burning town. Another exploded under a group of soldiers, killing or wounding about six of them, and a third blew up a wagon while passing over it. The evacuation by the rebels, as far as can be ascertained from the reports of citizens and prisoners, commenced soon after sundown and continued until two o'clock of the morning of the 1 7 th, when only a rear guard was left to apply the. torch to the buildings selected for de- struction. Of course the retreat was over the Pearl River, in the direction of Me- ridian, on the line of the Jackson Railroad. The burned district embraces the business portion of the town, though a number of private residences were also fired. The burned buildings lie principally on State, or Main and Capitol streets. In addition to these and their contents, the rebels destroyed a large quantity of cotton, the bales of which they rolled iuto the streets and ignited. The tracks of the railroad are reported torn up for many miles beyond the river. In the town they are comparatively uninjured. A number of cars, which are in pretty good condition, also escaped destruction. In addition to the one hundred and fifty-seven prisoners captured by General Ferrero's Brigade, many others were subsequently taken, swell- ing , who was then besieged in Knoxville. "We have reliable in- formation that General Sherman has successfully accomplished his object, and that Longstreet is in full retreat towards Virginia. But no details hare been received with regard to Sherman's operations since he crossed the Hiwassee, nor of Burnside's defence of Knoxville. It is only known that every attack of the enemy on that place was successfully repulsed. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, H. "W. Halleck, General-in-Chief. Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War. On December 5, 1863, General Burnside, the commander at Knoxville, issued a congratulatory order to his troops in reference to the raising of the siege, which had lasted about three weeks. An army correspondent writing from Knoxville, states as follows : Now that the campaign has developed itself, it may not be considered contraband information to say that, in holding Knoxville, General Burn- side has played an important part in the grand campaign of General Grant. Some incline to the belief that with the troops under his command, General Burnside could have checked Longstreet on the Tennessee River, and there kept him, transferring the scene of the contest from Knoxville to the vicinity of Loudon or Kingston. But by doing so Long- street would liave been within supporting dista.nce of Bragg. To draw him, therefore, still further away from Chattanooga, General Burnside slowly re- treated before him until he reached Knoxville, where, of course, his plan was to keep him in efforts to take the city ivhile General Thomas might fall upon and rout the army of Bragg, diminished as it ioos by the withdrawal of Long- streeCs command. How egregiously he fell into the trap, and how successfully tlie other portion of the programme was carried out at Chattanooga, are now fully known from the history of the past few weeks. Bragg, in the first place, has been thoroughly routed, and Longstreet, after vain efforts to capture this city by siege and assault, as an offset to the defeat of Bragg, has been compelled to raise the siege and retreat, an inglorious fugitive, towards Virginia. On Nov. 13, when Longstreet crossed his advance 424 GENERAL GRANT guard over the Tennessee, it would have been an easy matter with General Burnside to have driven it back again, destroyed the pontoon bridges, and by planting his artillery on the hills this side of the river, prevented a recross- ing ; but the part assumed him by General Grant wasjfp lure his antagonist on. Longstreet discovered his mistake too late. Letters -written by his officers and captured by our forces, show that when the fighting commenced at Chattanooga he was extremely puzzled as to what part he should take. The capture of Knoxviile seemed a very difficult mat- ter, and he entertained ideas of abandoning the siege for the purpose of returning to Bragg ; but when the latter was defeated, and when he saw that Thomas was now between Bragg and himself, he endeavored to re- trieve the disaster in a measure by the capture of Knoxviile. Hence the desperate assault of the 29th ult. That he was preparing for another attack when our re-enforcements reached us vie have the best of evidence. So far as capturing the city is concerned, we know that he could not have done it by actual righting. The garrison was all sufficient in this respect. But, if unmolested in the siege, he might have starved us out, and hence the necessity of re-enforcements. It may be that the programme also embraced his rout, if not capture, before he could get away from Knox- viile. If so, he took the alarm in time, and is now well on his way to re- enforce Lee. How far he will succeed in escaping time will develop.* The rebels now began to be seriously worried about General Grant's movements, and the following article appeared in one of their principal journals : " Sallust," the well-informed and trustworthy correspondent of the Dispatch, telegraphing from Resaca, under date of December, 1S63, states, in substance, that the wagon roads are in a horrible condition, that the enemy cannot advance without the railroad, that they have no cars, and that the probabilities are that no movement in force upon Dal- ton and Atlanta will be made till next spring. With great general con- fidence in the accuracy of statement and correctness of judgment of this correspondent, we should, nevertheless, be exceedingly sorry to learn that his opinions are derived from the general now commanding the rem- nant of Bragg's army, and that they are shared by the President and * Army Correspondence. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 425 War Department at Richmond. To count upon the tardiness of Grant's movements, in consequence of the condition of the turnpikes or the railroads, would be suicidal. Grant has proved that he can do what so few of our gene- rals have been able to accomplish— follow up a victory — in spite of natural obstacles; and it is certain that lie will not permit himself now to be stopped, either by mud or by a want of cars. These difficulties are by no means insurmountable. Every one remembers the sanguine predictions of the impossibility of car- rying on the siege of Vicksburg. Gentlemen owning plantations on which Grant's army was encamped before Vicksburg, declared that the soldiers would perish for lack of water, or die like sheep with the rot, from drink- ing such as they could obtain. Moreover, we were told that the mala- rious diseases of the climate would decimate his army, and compel him to raise the siege. Further, it was stated by the same reliable operator, who is now at work in Atlanta, cheering us with the assurance that the Yankees lost at least twenty thousand men in the assault on Lookout Mountain, that Grant had lost quite fifty thousand of the flower of his army in the various attempts to storm the intrenchments at Vicksburg. How utterly fallacious all these predictions and assertions proved ! The siege of .Vicksburg progressed steadily to its conclusion, without, so far as we have ever learned, any serious impediment ivliatever. In spite of water, cli- mate, diseases, and repeated repulses, Grant compelled Pemberton to sur- render in less than three months from the day the siege began. Shall we again be the dupes of ill-founded hopes ? Shall we rely for safety upon mud and not upon men ? ( Shall we trust to cars and not to energy ? Heaven forbid ! The railroad from Nashville to Chattanooga is, doubtless, now open, and trains running all the way through. On this railroad any quantity of cars and engines necessary to stock the road from Chattanooga to Atlanta, may be brought through in less than a week's time. Two weeks more will be all that Yankee activity and ingenuity will demand to complete the re-building of but ned bridges. But we doubt if Grant will await the arrival of cars and the completion of bridges. He has plenty of transportation, and the whole North behind him to supply horses and wagons as fast as they break down. ****** What is to be done must be done without one moment's delay, and much must be given up in order that something may be saved. Grant's goal is Atlanta. He will be there before Christmas, and haif the cotton remaining in the Confederacy will be in his hands or destroyed, unless 426 GENERAL GRANT a truly great general and a great army are placed athwart his path with- in three weeks from this day.* The Chattanooga-Knoxville campaign ended, General Grant issued the following congratulatory order to his command : Head-Quarters Military Division op the Mississippi, in the Field, Chattanooga, Tennessee, Dec. 10, 1863. [General Orders, No. 9.] The General Commanding takes this opportunity of returning his sin- cere thanks and congratulations to che brave armies of the Cumberland, the Ohio, the Tennessee, and their comrades from the Potomac, for the recent splendid and decisive successes achieved over the enemy. In a short time you have recovered from him the control of the Tennessee River from Bridgeport to Knoxville. You dislodged him from his great strong- hold upon Lookout Mountain, drove him from Chattanooga Valley, wrested from his determined grasp the possession of Missionary Ridge, repelled with heavy loss to him his repeated assaults upon Knoxville, forcing him to raise the siege there, driving him at all points, utterly routed and discomfited, be- yond the limits of the Stale. By your noble heroism and determined courage, you have most effectually defeated the plans of the enemy for regaining possession of the States of Kentucky and Tennessee. You have secured positions from which no rebellious power can drive or dis- lodge you. For all this the General Commanding thanks you collectively and individually. The loyal people of the United States thank and bless you. Their hopes and prayers for your success against this unholy re- bellion are with you daily. Tteir faith in you will not be in vain. Their hopes will not be blasted. Their prayers to Almighty God will be an- swered. You w ill yet go to other fields of 'strife; and ivith the invincible bravery and unflinching loyalty to justice and right which have character- ized you in the past, you will prove that no enemy can withstand you, ami that no defences, however formidable, can check your onward march. By order of Maj.-Gen. U. S. Grant. T. S. Bowers, A. A.-G. At the time General Grant issued the above order he was far from being in good health, as may be gathered from the following extract from a correspondent's letter: * Richmond (Yn.) Whig, December, 1SG3 AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 427 General Grant is still suffering from his fall at New Orleans, has grown thin and stooping, and shows marks of so great a loss of health and strength as to create fear of his recovery, though he still works as indefatigably as ever. When it was announced at General Grant's head- quarters that Bragg had been removed and Hardee put in command of the rebel army, the General quietly remarked: "He is my choice," — an opinion that seems to be very generally entertained in both armies.* In connection with the foregoing paragraph it is neces- sary to state that General Bragg was removed from his command for his defeat at Chattanooga, and was tempora- rily succeeded by General Hardee. It was announced from Chattanooga on December 7th that General Grant had captured, from the commencement of the war up to that date, no less than four hundred and seventy-two cannon and ninety thousand prisoners, with small arms innumerable. The following remarks are reported to have been writ- ten by Colonel Ely S. Parker — Indian Sachem and Chief of the Tonawanda tribe and Seneca Nation of Indians, and who became a member of General Grant's staff — in rela- tion to the conduct of the commanding general during the battles around Chattanooga : I need not describe to you the recent battle of Chattanooga. The papers have given every possible detail concerning it. I may only say that I saw it all, and was in the five days' fight. Of General Grant's staff ODly one was wounded, a Lieutenant Towner, Assistant Chief of Artillery, whose parents formerly lived at Batavia, N. Y., but now of Chicago. It has been a matter of universal wonder in this army that Gen- eral Grant himself was not killed, and that no more ancid-nts occurred to his staff, for the General ivas always in the front (his staff with him, of course), and perfectly heedless of the storm of hissing bullets and scream- ing shell flying around him. His apparent want of sensibility does not arise from heedlessness, heartlessness, or vain military affectation, but from a sense of the responsibility resting upon him when in battle. "When 428 GENERAL GRANT at Ringgold, we rode for half a mile in the face of the enemy, under an incessant fire of cannon and musketry, nor did we ride fast, but upon an ordinary trot, and not once do I believe did it enter the General's mind that he ivas in danger. I was by his side and watched him closely. In riding that distance we were going to the front, and I could see that he was studying the positions of the two armies, and, of course, planning how to defeat the enemy, who was here making a most desperate stand, and was slaughtering our men fearfully. After defeating and driving the enemy here we returned to Chattanooga. Another feature in General Grant's personal movements is, that he requires no escort beyond his staff, so regardless of danger is he. Roads are almost useless to him, for he takes short cuts through fields and woods, and will swim his horse through almost any stream that ob- structs his way. Nor does it make any difference to him whether he has daylight for his movements, for he will ride from breakfast until two o'clock in the morning, and that too without eating. The next day he will repeal the dose, until he finishes his work. Now such things come hard upon the staff, but they have learned how to bear it. General Grant has the reputation of being the best rider in the army ; and an eye-witness to his movements during the battle of Chattanooga relates that when he spurred from one portion of the Held to another, his staff very soon strung out like the tail of a kite. The General always leads. The following amusing incident took place during the Chattanooga campaign : During the dark days of the siege, when food and forage were scarce, and the ghastly corpses and bleached skeletons of starved mules lined the thoroughfares thereabouts, General Grant and Quarter- master General Meigs arrived in Chattanooga. Taking an airing on horseback one afternoon, they passed the carcass of a huge mule lying by the roadside, whose " ill-savor went up" before and around them. The hero of Vicks- burg removed his briar root from his lips, and remarked sorrowfully, " Ah, General, there lies a dead soldier of the Quartermaster's Department." "Yes, General," replied AXD niS CAMPAIGNS. 429 the Quartermaster General, in subdued tones, " in him you see the ' ruling passion strong iu death' exemplified, for the old veteran has already assumed the offensive." From a private letter from an officer the following inci- dent has been gleaned : A groat many prisoners have been brought in. The charge of the army on Mission Ridge astounded Bragg. Breckinridge's headquarters were on the Ridge, in full view of our troops. A lady who lives there told our troops the following: "Before you all came up here, I asked General Bragg, ' What are you going to do with me, General?' He says to me, ' Lord I madame, the Yankees will never dure to come up here.'' And," she added with a blubber, "it was not fifteen minutes till you were all around here." 430 GENERAL GRANT CHAPTER LV. HONORS TO GENERAL GRANT. — THANKS OF CONGRESS. — GOLD MEDAL. The intelligence of General Grant's victorious mountain campaign in Tennessee and Georgia-was announced in Wash- ington on the day of the first assembling of the United States Congress for 1863-'4. Mr. Washburne, the repre- sentative for Galena, in the House, immediately gave notice of the introduction of two bills, one " to revive the grade of Lieutenant-General of the army," and the other " to pro- vide that a medal be struck for General Grant, and that a vote of thanks be given him and the officers of his army." It did not require either any very acute mental penetration or a knowledge of the intimate relations of Congressman Washburne with General Grant, to understand the meaning afM bearing of the above bill for the revival of the grade of Lieutenant-General. The object was nothing more nor less than the elevation of Mnjor-General Grant to that position. It was not the intention of those who desired the further promotion of General Grant to take him away from his command, and substitute him for the General-in-Chief. It was their conviction that he would be most useful in the field, and hence they wanted him to remain at the head of his great army, but to exercise, at the same time, from the field, the functions of a General-in-Chief. Mr. Washburne's motion relative to the joint thanks of Congress and the Gold Medal did not require long deliber- ation. The members of both Houses were thoroughly con- AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 431 vinced that General Grant deserved the thanks of the nation, and when that resolution was brought up, it was passed by both Congress and Senate without opposition, and received the President's signature within ten days of its introduction. It then became the first law of the session of 1863-4. The following is a copy of the official document : LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. Passed at the First Session of the Thirty-eighth Congress. [Public Resolution No. 1.] Joint Resolution of thanks to Major-General Ulysses S. Grant and the officers and soldiers who have fought under his command during this rebellion ; and providing that the President of the United States shall cause a medal to be struck, to be presented to Major-General Grant in the name of the people of the United States of America. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the thanks of Congress be and they hereby are presented to Major-General Ulysses S. Grant, and through him to the officers and soldiers who have fought under his com- mand during this rebellion, for their gallantry and good conduct in the battles in which they have been engaged ; and that the President of the United States be requested to cause a gold medal to be struck, with suit- able emblems, devices, and inscriptions, to be presented to Major-Gen- eral Grant. Sec 2. And be it further resolved, That, when the said medal shall have been struck, the President shall cause a copy of this joint resolution to be engrossed on parchment, and shall transmit the same, together with the said medal, to Major-General Grant, to be presented to him in the name of the people of the United States of America. Seo. 3. And be it further resolved, That a sufficient sum of money to carry this resolution into effect is hereby appropriated out of any monoy in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. SCHUYLER COLFAX, Speaker of the House of Representatives. H. HAMLIN, Vice-President of the United States and President of the Senate Approved December 17, 1883. ** ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 432 GENERAL GRANT The resolution having become a law of the land, it was necessary that a design should at once be made for the meilal. The following by Leutze was announced* as the one selected by the committee having the matter in charge : " The obverse of the medal was to consist of a profile like- nnss of the hero, surrounded by a wreath of laurels ; his name and the year of his victories inscribed upon it, and the whole surrounded by a galaxy of stai's. The design for the reverse was original, appropriate, and beautiful. It was the figure of Fame seated in a graceful attitude on the American eagle, which, with outspread wings, seems preparing for flight. In her right hand she held the sym- bolical trump, and in her left a scroll on which were in- scribed the names of the gallant chief's various battles, viz.: Corinth, Vioksburg, Mississippi River, and Chat- tanooga. On her head was a helmet, ornamented in Indian fashion, with feathers radiating from it. In front of the eagle, its breast resting against it, was the emblematical shield of the United States. Just underneath this group, their stems crossing each other, were single sprigs of the pine and the palm, typical of the North and South. Above the figure of fame, in a curved line, the motto, "Proclaim Liberty throughout the Land." The edge was surrounded, like the obverse, with a circle of stars of a style peculiar to the Byzantine period, and rarely seen except in illuminated MSS. of that age. These stars were more in number than the existing States — of course, including those of the South — thereby suggesting further additions in the future to the Union." Other honors were paid him by societies, electing him honorary life member, &c. The following are selected as instances to show the manner in which he received these tokens of appreciation : * New York Evening Post. ANT> HIS CAMPAIGNS. 433 At the anniversary of the Missionary Society of the Cin- cinnati Conference held in 1863, that body elected General Grant an honorary member. Rev. J. F. Marlay commu- nicated the fact to the General, and the following is his reply : Chattanooga, Bee. 1, 1863. Rev. F. Marlay, Secretary Society: Dear Sir: — Through you permit me to express my thanks to the society of which you are the honored secretary, for the compliment they have seen fit to pay me by electing mo one of its members. I accept the election as a token of ear net t svpport, by members of tlie Methodist Missionary Society of the Cincinnati Conference, to tlie cause of oui country in this hour of trial. 1 have the honor to be, very truly, your obedient servant, U. S. Grant, Major- General U. S. A. The following interesting correspondence explains itself: Morristown, Dec. 9, 1863. To Major-General U. S. Grant : Dear Sir: — I have the pleasure of informing you that the church of which I am pastor, the Methodist Episcopal Church of this town, highly appreciating your services for your country, and rejoicing in the victories which God has wrought out through you and your noble army, and praying that you may be spared to see the end of this accursed rebellion, have contributed one hundred and fifty dollars ($150) to constitute you a life director of the Missionary Society of the M. E. Church. Will you please direct where we shall send your Certificate ? May God A.lmighty bless and keep you, and continue to crown your arms with victory and triumph 1 With sincere admiration and respect, I am, dear General, yours truly, Lewis R. Dunn, Pastor of the M. E. Church, Morristown, X. J. Head-Quarters Mil. Dist. of toe Miss., ) Chattanooga, Tenn., Bee. 16, 1863. [ To the Rev. Lewis R. Dunn, Pastor of M. E. Church, Morristown, N. J. Sift: — In reply to your letter of Dec. 19th, to Maj.-Gen.U. S. Grant, he directs me to express his gratitude to the Christian people of Morria 19 434 GENERAL GRANT town for their prayerful remembrance of him before the throne of the Most High, and to thank them, through you, for the honor conferred upon him. Be good enough to send his Certificate of Membership to Mrs. U S. Grant, Louisville, Kentucicy. Very resp'y. your ob't ser't, J. II. Wilson', Brig.-Gen. On the thirteenth clay of January, 1864, the following resolution, moved by Mr. Reed, was adopted by the Legis- lature of the State of New York : Resolved, That the thanks of the people of this State be tendered to General Grant and his Army for their glorious victories in the valley of the Mississippi, and the still more glorious victory at Mission Ridge and Lookout Mountain, and that a certified copy of this resolution be forward- ed to General Grant. The Legislature of the State of Ohio also presented him with a vote of thanks. The following is the description of a handsome pair of revolvers in course of construction at the Colt's arm manu facturing establishment designed to be presented to General Grant : The handles are of black horn, beautifully polished, and the barreli magazines, and other steel parts are elaborately inlaid with pure gold, which is beaten into a design previously cut out of the steel. The other ornaments, guard, &c, are of a solid gold. The pair are to be enclosed la a handsome rosewood box, lined with velvet, and accompanied by all the tools, &c, belonging to them — the cartridge-boxes, kc, being manu- factured of silver. "When finished these pistols will equal any pair that has ever left the establishment.* * Hartford (Ct) Times. I AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 4?5 CHAPTER LVL LIEUTENANT-GENERAL. CONGRESSIONAL NOMINATION". The bill introduced by Mr. Washburne for the revival of the grade of Lieutenant-General of the United States Army, having in the due course of business been read and referred to the military committee of the House of Con- gress, was slightly amended, and came up on February 1st, 1864, for final action of that portion of the law-making power. The amended bill introduced was thus worded : Be it enacted by the Senate and Rouse of Representatives of the Unite. States of America in Congress assembled, That the grade of Lieutenant General be, and the same is hereby, revived in the Army of the Unite? States of America ; and the President is hereby authorized, whenever he shall deem it expedient, to appoint, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Senate, a commander of the army, to be selected, during war, from among those officers in the military service of the United States, not below the grade of Major-General, most distinguished for courage, skill, and ability; and who, being commissioned as Lieutenant- General, shall be authorized, under the direction of the President, to command the armies of the United States. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Lieutenant-General appoint- ed as hereinbefore provided, shall be entitled to the pay, allowances, and stafT specified in the fifth section of the act approved May 28th, 1798; and also the allowances described in the sixth section of the act approved August 23d, 1812, granting additional rations to certain officers : Provided, That nothing in this bill contained shall be construed in any way to affect the rank, pay, or allowances of Winfield Scott, lieutenant general r>y brovet, now on the retired list of the army. 430 GENERAL GRANT Mr. Famsworth opened the debate by a recommendation that the bill should be passed that morning. Mr. Garfield, formerly chief of staff to General Rose- crans, having opposed the motion, Mr. Farnsworth addressed the House as follows : Mr. Speaker, the argument of my colleague of the Committee on Mil- itary Affairs who has just taken his seat, is a twofold argument. I un- derstand his first argument to be that the war has not progressed far enough, and that we have not given our generals in the field a sufficient term of trial to enable the President to select with proper judgment a man upon whom to confer the rank of lieutenant-general. His second argument is, that the General toward whom this legislation is directed is so great and so successful a general that it would be dangerous to take him from the field and put him in command of the entire Army of the United States. In answer to the first branch of the gentleman's argument I have only this to say: we are now very near to the close of the third year of this war, and while it is true that many generals in the army may be up to-day and down to-morrow, and that their fortunes fluctuate, is not true of the general to whom this legislation applies. His star has been steadily rising. He has been growing greater and greater day by day, rising from an ob- scure position, scarcely known out of the county in •which he resided. By his masterly ability he now stands, without saying any thing to the disparagement of other generals, head and shoulders over every other gene- ral in the Army of the United States. He has been tried, tried long enough ; and if his star were to go down to-morrow he has still done enough to entitle him to this prize. After some further debate Mr. Ross submitted the fol- lowing amendment, to be added to the act : And that we respectfully recommend the appointment of Major Gene- ral U. S. Grant for the position of lieutenant-general. On this amendment a spirited debate ensued in favor of General Grant, when Mr. Washburne took the floor and said: I had not intended to submit any remarks on this bill. I have made no preparation whatever to speak to its merits ; and if I had I should be AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 437 unable to do so on account of the present state of my health. No subject of less importance than this, no bill in which I felt a less degree of in- terest, could have brought me to the House to-day. I had not looked for the opposition to the bill which has been manifested. The bill hav- ing been printed, and its provisions being very simple and easy of com- prehension. I supposed we should have come to a vote without extended debnte, as every member of the House had undoubtedly made up his mind as to how he would vote on the question. The proposition is to revive the grade of lieutenant-general, for the purpose of conferring it not only for the recognition of distinguished and exceptional services already rendered to the country, but for the practical purpose of investing full command of the army in the party receiving the appointment, in subordination, of course, to the Command- er-iu-Chief under the Constitution. I do not propose to enter upon the reasons whicli I supposed would control the House in passing this bill. Those reasons must suggest themselves to all men who love our country and the flag. They spring from the admiration which a great and magnanimous people must ever feel for deeds of heroism and for public service of untold value, and for which no reward can be esteemed too great. The question has been raised as to who will be appointed under the bill in the event of its passage. I take it there is no gentle- man upon this floor who has really any doubt upon whom this appoint- ment will be conferred. Under the language of the bill, referring to most eminent and distinguished service, I think one individual, and one individual alone, is pointed out so distinctly that no man can misunder- stand. A great deal has been said as to what might have happened if some such bill had passed two years ago; that such or such a man might have received the honor, and implying that the party upon whom the honor may be conferred under this bill may prove himself unworthy. How much, I woidd ask, is now to be required of a general before he can have the confidence of this House ? lias not General Grant earned that confidence, and proved himself worthy of full trust in the greatest posi- tions ? I demand to know ivhat would have teen our position as a nation in the present struggle had it not been for the achievements of General Grant? Where can you point to a series of greater triumphs than he has achieved, a more complete succession of victories, which are unsurpassed in histciy, and which for the brilliancy of their achievement, and in furtherance of the great cause in which he has so nobly fought, have jiade his name and his fame as lasting as the history of the nation? 438 GENERAL GKANT I have spoken of the interest I feel in this bill, but if I know myself it is a feeling that rises far above the considerations of personal friend- ship which I entertain for the distinguished soldier whose name lias been connected with it. I am not here to s})eo.k for General Grant. No man with his consent has ever mentioned his name in connection with any 2)osition. I say what I know to be true when I allege that every pro- motion he lias received since he first entered the service to. put down this rebellion was moved without his knowledge or consent ; and in regard to this very matter of lieutenant-general, after the hill ivas intro- duced and his name mentioned in connection therewith, he wrote me and admonished me that he had heen highly honored already by the Government, and did not ask or deserve any thing more in the shape of honors or promo- tion ; and (hat a success over the enemy was what he craved above every thing eke; that he only desired to hold such an influence over those under his command as to use them to the best advantage to secure that end.* Such is the language of this patriotic and single-minded soldier, ambitious only of serving his country and doing his whole duty. Sir, whatever this House may do, the country will do justice to General Grant. We can see that. I think I can appreciate that myself. After the battle of Shiloh, a little less than two years ago, a wave of calumny and detraction swept over General Grant with a power that would have overwhelmed any man of less strength and courage. My neighbor and my friend, appointed upon my own recommendation, I sought in my place on this floor the earliest occasion to tell the country something of this general, denunciations of whom were ringing from one end of the country to the other. I believe I can say I scarcely had the sympathy of a single member on this floor in making that speech, which was only regarded as a somewhat extravagant defence of a friend. Willing to take the responsibility of standing by my record then, I now appeal to history for my justification, and ask if General Grant has not far transcended every thing that I claimed for him. It cannot certainly, Mr. Speaker, be necessary for me to enter into any detail of the services of General Grant to the country. They are as familiar as household words to our constituents, if not to us here. Why necessary to recount that long list of triumphs and of victories from Belmont to Lookout Mountain? Look at what this man has done for his country, for humanity and civilization — this modest and unpre- tending general whom gentlemen appear to be so much afraid of. Ee * Another evidence of General Grant's remarkably retiring modesty. AND HIS CAMPAIGNS. 439 has fought more battks and won more victories than any man living; he has captured more prisoners and taken more guns than any general of modem times. To us in the great valley of the West he has rendered a service in opening our great channel of communication to the ocean, so that the great Father of Waters now goes " unvexed to the sea, "which endears him to all our hearts. Sir, when his blue legions crowned the crest of Vicksburg, and the hosts of reb.idom laid their arms at the feet of this great conqueror, the rebel confederacy was cut in twain and the back- bone of the rebellion broken. I speak of the fall of Vicksburg. I might speak of what went before. It was my good fortune to be with General Grant, and with that noble army, every man of whom is a hero, at the commencement of the expedition which culminated in the taking of Vicksburg. We all know how ill at ease the public mind was last winter pending General Grant's operations on the lower Mississippi. The expedition by Gren- ada, the opening of the canal, the opening of the bayous had not suc- ceeded : the country saw all the attempts to flank that stronghold likely to prove abortive, and there was great anxiety. But with un- shaken confidence in himself General Grant pursued the even tenor of his way, and with entire reliance upon his success in the plan finally adopted, and which could not be undertaken until the river and bayous should sufficiently recede to enable them to move. Then, sir, was seen that bold and daring conception which I say is wit/iout parallel in all mili- tary history. It was to send his army and his transportation by land on the Louisiana side from Milliken's Bend to a point below Vicksburg, and then run the frowning batteries of that rebel Gibraltar, with its hun- dreds of guns, with his transports, and thus enable him to cross the river below Vicksburg, and get on to the shores of Mississippi, *The country was startled at the success which attended the running of those batteries by the frail Mississippi steamboats used as transports, and the rebels stood aghast when they saw seven or eight transports and all of Porter's gunboats below Vicksburg. There was something in this matter of running those batteries by the transports which deserves more than a passing notice, as showing the indomitable spirit and courage of that magnificent army. Certain boats were detailed for the extraordinary and hazardous service of run- ning the batteries, but, with one exception, the crews of all the boats re- fused to go. The provost marshal was then ordered to beat up for vol- unteers. No sooner was the notice given than soldiers rushed in for the service, and at once many times the number that was called for was fill- 440 GENERAL GRANT ed — pilots, engineers, firemen, and deck-hands, in the greatest numbers offered themselves. From one regiment, known as the Lead Mine regi- ment, raised in my own section, no less than one hundred and sixteen men and sixteen commisioned officers volunteered for that dangerous yet glorious service. The consequence of all this was that rtsort was liad to lot as to who should have the privilege of risking life in that unparal- leled adventure. One nolle boy from my own city, who had. drawn tlte prize, was offered $100 in greenbacks for his chance, which he refused to take, but courageously held on and successfully passed not only the Vicksburg but the Grand Gulf batteries. What language can do justice to an army animated by such a spirit? "What triumphs and what glories might not justly be expected from it? The transports and gunboats below the batteries, the army reaches by land marches Perkins's plantation, twenty miles above, and Hard Times landing, nearly opposite Grand Gulf. It was supposed that Admiral Porter, who always seconded General Grant with a zeal equal to his courage and ability, could reduce the batteries at Grand Gulf, after which the troops were to be crossed over in the transports, and were to land and carry the place by assault. But after five hours and a half of the most desperate naval fighting ever seen upon this continent, the brave Porter drew off his shattered fleet, unable to effect a reduction of the principal battery. During all of this time the army had been wait- ing with intense impatience for the time to come when the guns of the batteries should be silenced and they could land, and great was the disappointment when it was known that the fleet had failed to reduce the works. It seemed then that all had miscarried, and that the expe- dition, on which so many hopes hung, would be a failure. At that moment was seen in General Grant that greatest of all gifts of a military man — the gift of deciding instantly amid the pressure of the great- est emergencies. I was with him when Porter reported his inability to reduce the batteries, and in an instant he made his new dispositions, and gave his orders. They were, to debark all his troops, and march them down three miles below Grand Gulf, "and," said he, "after nightfall I will run every transport I have below their batteries, and not one shall be injured." And, sure enough, when it became dark, Porter again at- tacked the batteries with his fleet, and amid the din and clatter of the attack, the transports all safely passed Grand Gulf. And, sir, it was a noble sight as this grand army was about to bivouac at Disharoon land- ing, three miles below Grand Gulf, with their camp fires burning brightly on that soft April night, when these transports, one by one, escaping all AND niS CAMPAIGNS. 441 serious injury from the terrific tempest through which they had passed, rounded to, responding to eager inquiries, "All is well," and which was followed by such a shout as our brave and patriotic soldiers only can give. Early the noxt morning this whole army was again embarked on board the gunboats and transports, bound down tlie Mississippi, for '• Cowes and a market," for some place where a landing could be made on solid ground on the Mississippi side. And that was a proud spectacle when the grim old iron-clad Benton, the flag-ship of Admiral Porter, on which was General Grant, led the way down the river, the entire fleet and the transports following. She landed at a dilapidated plantation called Bruinsburg, and General Grant the first man to go ashore to se