L7C64 Glass, Y \^^ Book .Ln C, (n -1 UEL BEKK5HIRE BANT4M LAKE HOUSE UTCHFIELD, CONN. HOTEL BERKSHIRE AND THE Bantam Lake House LITCHFIELD, CONN. Written and Designed hy Harry Clinton HEMINWAY & CLINTON Copyrighied, 1908, hy Heminway & Clinton T^ro^netors ■ L-tOONGHE?3 I wo CoDiej Keccivtx JUN 16 1908 M>>#yiiA>i< ciiui' Ju Hi IvX OLASSA XXc, «i. ■ w .'. *. COPY ""''''' I The Bantam Lake House, located on the famous J3an- tam Lake, and the Hotel Berkshire, two miles distant, in the Garden town of Litchfield, in the Litchfield Hills, 1200 feet ahove sea level. Three hours from New York on the New York. New Haven and Hartford Railroad. Fishing — Bathing — Bo-wling — Boating — Golf — Tennis — Driving — Horsetack Riding — Music — Recuperation, Health and Rest. The Hotel Berkshire is situated ninety-eight miles from New York, in Hotel the okl liistoric town of Litchtiehl, Conn., twelve hundred feet above sea level, Berhsliire at the summit of the Litehtield Hills, whieh are a eontinuation of the Berk- shire Hills. Towering in the distance are Mount T(mi, Mount Moliawk and the Ivy Mountains. Away to the nortli are the White Mountains. Litehtield is ])urely a Summer resort and residential town. Picture yourself at tile sunnnit of tlie Litehtield Hills, twelve hundred feet above sea level, where a regu- lar cool temperature prevails, surrounded by extending lawns, well-kei)t shrubbery, in- tertwined with smooth roadways, ex- tending away miles into the distance, dotted here and there with old ('olonial Imnics, cx(|uisite little (^)ueen Aime cot- tages, all shaded by an overhanging forest centTiries old, wliicli affords many sliad.\- nooks and (luiet i)athways of far more than ordinary beauty. I'ci-haps you stop to rest for a while on one of the many rustic ])enches . at the foot of some giant elm or maple, where you are fanned l)v cool ln-cezes Hllb '^MBHiifeii 1 1 i ■tter,:-^^*^-^^^^: ^^I^^C* .Ve^.r~v ^E!¥. ?J%i^ ^■-■IC*..,- h -\ ' ■■*> ■■■' .i-^ if.. ^> -io-' " s. 'BunCam Lake and an atniosi)liere surcharged with health-giving invigoration ; tlie sun peeping at you througli the branches as if jealous of this ],eace and (luiet you have found— peace and quiet bi-oken only now and then by the carolling of many birds and tlie gentle wafting of the leaves oi- the tread of some pleasure-seeker like yourself. ]lei-etlic ll,,(,.| I'.crkshire is situated, in the vei'y heart of this garden spot, with an ex])aiise of well-kept lawns, stretching away from the broad veranda into the park be- low. Tw.. miles away in the distance are the spai'kiing waters of Bantam Lake. The Hotel Berkshire is a modern building, five stories in height, (hie hundred and seventy-iive guests can be accoimiiodated. The secc.nd. thir.l, fourth and tiftli floors are devoted exclusively to spacious and airy rooms, furnished with excellent bed-cham- lier fittings, while the entire first floor is used for ol'lice, parlors, writing room, reading roum, dining room, lounging room, and rece])tion room; all furnished in a way to please and iiisui-e tlie best of com- fort. The windows of all the bed-eham- bers have a commanding view of the sur- rounding count r>-. A very fine wide ver- anda extends the entire length of the build- Nurth Street. LltchficlJ Scene on the Drive from Hotel Berkshire to Bantam Lahe Ho ms:, and provides a dcli.u'litfnl loniig'ini? place. Ilammoeks, swings and rustic seats are pro- vided for tiiose who wish tliem. The dining rnoiii is lai-ge and coinroi-tahle, extending over one-half of tlie tii'st tloor. It is very well furnished. Every convenience and the very best of service are here rendered. Each room is fitted with hell service connecting with the ofiice. The (.ftice staff will be glad to give all information to guests concerning the surrounding country, and the drives, etc. From the look-out tower on the toj) of the Hotel a very fine paiioi-aniic view of the country for miles around is to he iiail. Open plumbing and modei-n ])orcelain baths ai'e conveniently located on each and eveiy Hoor. The building contains a modei-n elevator, and is electric lighted throughout. The Hotel Berkshire and Bantam Lake House Coach meets all trains and tranfers guests arriving to the hotels. Itl ^^* .'^ Another VjVw d/' Woti'/ 'Bcrhshiri- In order that our guests ^he Drive and Coach Line from Hotel Berkshire to Bantam Lake House may fuUj" le to guai-antee a i-etined and select social atmos- pliei-e. sucii as the most fastidious need not hesitate to enter. Young l)e(>ple will find this a most delightful place to sjjend a vacation, as there is always good society, with i)lenty of anuisements and diversions. A Corner of the ^Vfusic Room Golf Links rbuto by W. II. Suuluid The 0)d VC^el/ }n the Grounds of Henri/ VC^arJ Beecher Home mm ^. 1 K^^ 1 c' s^^f^''7^jj( ^ul^B r \'Lf''^ V -?3i "■''"■-: * ^ H H HhI bHH mhh I i 1 ■ ■ i ■ ;; •^l^^t; "-"'"rja H H MH^^^^^^^fl • ' --« ^^^1 ^^Hj ^HIMmSAi^; t t wBm <■ - ' . ^^!^^^^^^^^H ^^^H WsSiSSy'si^tkA - -i^M iBMi ii?"-- ' mH jj^H^H Rowing on the River S45 a FaTnily Resort Hotel Beiksliire is iu every way an ideal spot for the Sum- mer outing of the family. Here the overworked business man, worn and racked by the responsibilities of business, and the tired mother, weary with the cares of the household and the family, the children, pale for the want of exercise, in pure air and healthful outdoor surronndinos, will all find speedy recuperation and raiiidly increasing health. Here the full-grown members of the family can lounge in easy rustic chairs, or stroll away into the country lanes; while the children, free as the air they breathe, can exercise out of dooi's without disturbing any one, to the full satisfaction of their young and bounding hearts, and to their in- finite delight. What peace and comfort come to one in the quiet silence of the evening, what rest comes to the weary mind and body at sui-li a time, and what i-estful sleep fol- lows in the cool, pure atmosphere, floating through the open windows on a Sunnner's night, when weary mortals in the crowded cities are sweltering in the almost unbearable heat! A few weeks of such recuperation will bring back ]>erfect health. Churches of all denominations are in Litchficlil and the Coach will convey guests wishing to attend same from the Bantam Another v;ew of Souci. Scr.et. LhchfiM. Co„n. l^i'l^c Housc to Lltchfield ou Suudays. The Casino Bantam Lake House Down Among the Daisies A. Private Dining Room V(/aitmg for the Party to Arrive The OU Co/onnt/ Fireplace The Boa t Landing A. 9^ooh on Bantam Lahe Withont the prop- er and appetizing food an outing at a Summer re- sort is of little benetit. A sjiecial feature at tlie Hotel Berkshire is the excellent cuisine. The menu is so arranged that it offers an extensive variety and an almost entirely ditferent bill of fare each day during the entire season. The best of everything is provided, and the management takes pride in saying that it is prop- erly prepared and served. The choicest of meats and all varieties of lisli aiid game are conspicuous features. Pure milk and cream ari' supplied in abun(hTnce. All fresh fruits and vegetables in season are con- stantly on hand. The canned article is here entirely discarded. From the staples of the table to the delicate cream all is right. The water supply comes from deep wells of sparkling spring water. Tahle ^■« I' \^m Bantam Lake HouSf Tiie Bautam Lake House is a tirst-class Sumiiicr resort, con- 'The Bantam ducted on the European plan, and is managed in conjunction witli Lake House tlie Motel Berkshire. The Hotel occupies an ideal h)cation on Bantam Lake. Every appointment is tii-st-class. The cuisine is excellent, and the service the best. The grill rooms are uni(|ue and furnished in a way to give one a feeling of luxury and comfort. The Hotel stands on an eminence overlooking the Lake, while its lawns and groves slope down to the water, some T.") yards away. The grove of pine, cliestimt and oak which surrounds the I'.antam Lake House is noted far and near for its natural grandeur and beauty. Boats can be rented here at the boat liv- ery connected with the Hotel, for tishing or pleasure, liait of all kinds will he found for sale at the boatliouse. The Bantam Lake House can accommodate al)Out forty guests. The rooms are large, comfortable, cool, and well kept. The grill is in charge of a chef of acknowledged reputation. :\leals will be served a la carte, single or to parties, at all hours. The cafe and grill are stocked with the best the market affords. For rates, etc., see the Bantam Lake House rate card enclosed. Excellent stable accommodations and storehouse for automobiles are connected with the Bantam Lake House. jNloderu open plumbing, old-fashioned Colonial fireplaces an withont eiiange in three hoars. Liteh- licld may also be reaelied l)y taking the Nan- gatnek Division of tiic Xew York, Xew Haven and Hartford IJailromh 1o Torring- lon, ('onii., tlicncc H\'c niih's by stage to the door of tile Hotel Berkshire. For a)! further in formation , rat/wai/ time tah/es ana rate card, aftf^ly to HEMINWA Y & CLINTON 'Profirn-tors Hotel Berhshire and Bantam Lake House P. O Address: LITCHFIELD. CONN. Sin Old Colonial Home in Litchfuui. (..'..ii f rm ^P^0^j ^^^>^..-- |'ol..Al I j/ \-V~Sk, ""'"7"\ll ■X^-'-''^ . V .'kX.; * -"v^:^^* ^^^'^ \ / ""rf'-i'-j,.--.* ^^-..I ■•","■"'1 ."/it-" "-;,■" j"''!^\ // I »f " L*. V ^tA' --"C- ^. '.' m„y OBOOM.VN ^ \ „>^ /^.^^ff^Sr^-^^—^^ Railway MaP. N.w York. New Haven and Hartford Railroad. Lnchfeld is Marked * m 16 »9u^ A. View on the River LIBRARY OF CONGRESS iw] ^:K\n 014 111 906 4 "^*<^ ^— ^ -i- '^*' .fh-^'^'