•'^ •'''<^ <■ .•. v^^v ^^ ^^/•:rt^-^\o^'' v^N'^ \/^f>J\.^^ >^ '^-o^^-'^^y' X'^^'y"" "v^^v' \J'^-V^ "V'^ 7VT» A o t> t^"^ %^ ^^•n.- ^.. ^'^ -^^ wj c ,0' H^xW »^/° ^^- -"^ o ' . . 1 t ^- ;<. ^oV \, « .0.^ •Ave-' , D ■ ' V , I- • p,. •' -^i- ^•^°o V i ,^^ •n-0^ H q.., .c^-^r .,<:/ •*•_ ,0 •■ > ,o'^ ^v '< yj^^'. ^^ "•rf.'^v ,0^'' .^^ V^^ "^ ^'^V Jo ^ ^^" .'^ ^^?p*-" ^^, .r,'^ "^o \ : o5 °<. - — ^^* ... %_ 'f -oV^^ • •••/v . . ' 1 .j> «, Q. U A K E R REKOVAL CERTIFICATES C R E E K E R M MEET I N G M N T H L Y D u T C H E S S C U N T Y. N E W Y R K 1787 to 1802 (inc.) Allen, Sion Allen, having removed sometime since, Clear of Llarriage engagements, from Creek to M. LI. of Rhode island, 22 of 6m, 1787. Hunt, James Hunt having removed to Saratoga from Creek, 20 of 4m, 1787. Davis, Anthony Davis about to remove. Clear of L!arriage engagements, from Swanzey to Creek, 3 of 7m, 1786. Clapp, James Clapp, son of Joseph, now placed as apprentice, from Nmepartners to Greek, 23 of llm, 1786. Thompson, Jonathan Thompson having removed with parents to Saratoga from Creek, is of 8m, 1787. Sheffield, Kathan Sheffield, " a lad placed in the verge of your meeting" to l\inepartnets from Greek, 18 of 8m, 1787. -2- Powell, Samnel Pov/ell removed with family from "Shapequa" to Greek, 9 of l2m, 1785. Haviland, Timothy Haviland, removed from Oblong to Creek, 11 of 8m, 1786. Bunker, Peleg Bunker, removed sometime since with 3 children, Ursula, Prince and Lydia, from Nantucket to Greek, 27 of llm,1786. Peak, William Peak ahout to remove with family, recommends him and two sons, Nathan and Seth, from Ninepartners to Creek, 23 of 11m, 1786. Hallo ck. Isaac Hallock, Elder, about to remove from Ninepartners to Greek, 18 of 5m, 1787. Halstead, James Halstead, about to remove to "Shapiqua*^ from Greek, 20 of 4m, 1786. Case. Daniel Case, (Certificate of Unity) to Uxbridge, N. E. from Creek, 21 of 9m, 1787. Soule, Jonathan Soule, a lad, son of James Soule, (dec'd. ) havin~ removed to live with his uncle Jonathan Soule, from Danby to Greek, 15 of 6m, 1786. Hull, John Hull "orderly young man" "Clear of L!arriage engagements- from Fliihing to Creek, 1 of 2m, 1787. -3- Gifford, Humphrey Gifford a"bout to remove from Kinepartners to Creek, 17 of lm,1787. Hull, James Hull (minor) son of Joseph (who requests certificate) having gone to live with his brother John- from Flushing to Creek, 1 of 2m, 1787. Gardner, Lydia Gardner, Clear of Ivlarriage engage- ments, having removed from Nine- partners to Creek, 19 of Im, 1785. Carpenter, Lydia Carpenter, ahout to remove with hsuhand, from Nine partners to Creek, 18 of l5m, 1786. Wright, Lfary Wright, wife of Jonathan, about to remove from ShaDpaqua to Creek, 11 of 5m, 1787. Butts, Hannah Butts, wife of John, about to remove with husband and children. Recommend her and 3 little daughters, Lydia, I.!ary and Hannah; from Nine- partners to Greek, 19 of 12m, 1787. Irish. Judith Irish having removed with husband from Oblong to Creek, 14 of 5m, 1787. Gifford, Hannah Gifford, wife of Humplirey, about to remove from Kinepartners to Greek, 20 of 6m, 1787. -4- Prost, George Frost, having removed from Shapeque, 11 of 4m, 1788. Gardner, Ezra Gardner, having settled at Cruii Elbov;; from Kinepartners ^Lu Qrijuk , 16 of 4m, 1788. Palmer, Aaron Palmer, youth, having removed, apprentice of Humphrey Gifford, from Kinepartners to Creek, 16 of 4m, 1788. Folger, Anna Folger, wife of Abraham, having removed with S children, I>!ary and V/illiam, to live at Hudson again^ from Nantucket '.In firwi ^, 23 of 6m, 1787. Folger, Hepzibah Polger, Clear of I.'larriage engage ments, having removed from Kinepart- ners to Creek, 7 of 10m, 1788. Coffin, Catherine Coffin, having returned to Ilantucket from Creek, 22 of 11m, 1788. VinTsent, Sarah Vincent, wife of Levi, having removed with husband from Kinepartners to Creek, 18 of 6m, 1788. Cock, Hhoda Cock, Clear of I.!arriage engagements, having removed from Harrisons r'urchase to Creek, 13 of 11m, 1788. -5- Xnowles, William Knowles, alDout to remove with wife Tabitna and 3 small cMldren, Mary, Susanna and Abigail- from Sliapa(iiia to Creek, 11 of Ym, 1788. Hoag, Tabitha Hoag, vdfe of Abraham, having removed with her husband from Kme- partners to Creek, 16 of 7m, 1788. Gardner, Lydia Gardner, wife of Ezra, having re- moved from Ninepartners to Greek, with husband, (no date) Thorn, Produce Thorn, wife of Stevenson, having removed with 2 daughters, Elizabeth and Hannah, from Shappaqua to Creek, 11 of 7m, 1788. Jacacks, Llary Jacacks, Clear of Llarriage engagements, daughter of Benjamin Jaoacks, having removed with her Father from Kinepart- ners to Creek, 16 of 5m, 1788. Jacacks, Sarah Jacacks, wife of Benjamin, having removed with her husband and daughters, Meriam. Lvdia, Phebe, Anna, "Delaly" (Delillah7 ana two sons, Joseph and Benjamin, from KineiDartners to Creek, 16 of 5m, 1788. i;7right, Phebe V^right, Clear of Llarriage enga^ments, daughter of Job; from Shapaqua to Creek, 11 of 7m, 1788. -6- Mollineux, Rhoda Mollineux, wife of Gideon, from Shapaqua to Greek, 9 of 11m, 1787. Dean, Sarah Dean, wife of Jeremiah, and family, from llinepartners to Greek, 17 of iOm, 1787. Ferriss, Baker, Ruth Perriss, widow, and daughter Ruth, from Oblong to Creek, 17 of 4m, 1786. Isaac Baker, Clear of I'.!arriage engagements, from Creek to Saratoga, 16 oi om,1788. Gardner, Susanna Gardner, Clear of Harriage engage- ments, from Kinepartners to Greek, IS of 4ra, 1788. Butt, John Butt, Jr., from Kinepartners to Creek, 19 of 12m, 1787. Hoag, William Hoag and sons, Elkanah, TTilliam and David. (Elkanah and William, Jr. , Clear of carriage engagements), from Creek to Oblong, 33 of 5ra, 1789. Hoag, Hannah Ho iaugn ag, vdfe of TJilliam and three «,^^huers, Hannah, _ Charity and Ann. Hannah, Clear of Harriage engage- ments), also daughter Elizabeth. Clear of Marriage engagements) to Oblong from Creek, ^ of 3m, 1789. f Jenkins , Kezia Jenkins and husband, to Hudson from Kan tucket, 23 of 6ra, 1787. -7- Irish, Judith Irish, wife of Jedediah, and husTDand. from Creek to Oblong, 28 of 8m, 1788. Stringham, Thomas Stringham and wife I.Iary and 3 small children, Anna, Sarah and Isaac, from Creek to Saratoga, 20 of 2m, 1789. Co gge shall, Elizabeth Coggeshall, minor daughter o: Abigail widow, from Greek to Saratoga, 17 of 4m, 1789. TJorth, Richard T/orth, Jr., and young sons, David, T^alter and Joseph- from Creek to Nantucket, 19 of 6m, 1789. Hoag, Jonathan Hoag. Jr., about to remove to Phillips town with two sons, Thomas and George- from Greek to Kinepart- ners. 19 of 6m. 1789. Worth, Elisabeth 'iTorth and two daughters, Anna and Phebe, about to remove with husband to Nantucket from Greek, 19 of 6m, 1789. Allen, Mercy Allen, wife of Jedjiediah, from Creek to New Cornwall, 18 of 9m, 1789. Mo ores. Elizabeth Iloores, Clear of Ilarriage engage- ments, from Creek to Saratoga, ? of ?, 1789. -8- Talcott, Josepli Talcott, from Greek to Kinepartners, 21 of 5in, 1790. Talcott, Sarah Talcott, with her husband, from Creek to Kinepartners, 21 of 5m, 1790, Hoag, Phebe Hoag, having removed with her husband to settle near Lake Champlain. from Greek to Saratoga, 21 of 5m, 1790, Car ley. Llargaret Garley, wife of John, from Creek to Saratoga, 19 of 2m, 1790. Butts, Hannah, wife of John Butts and children, Lydia, Liar^^, Hannah and Jane, from Greek to liinepartners, 16 of 7m, 1790, Carley, John Garley, from Creek to Saratoga, 19 of 4m, 1790. Brown, Thomas Brown, Jr., Clear of Llarriage en- fa^ements, from Greek to New York, rof 8m, 1790. Haviland, Timothy Haviland. from Greek to Oblong, my naviiana. ir 21 of 8ra, 1790. Lester, Mary Lester, daughter of L^urray, with Father, from Creek to Kinepartners, 17 of 9m, 1790. Bunker, Susanna Bunker, wife of Latham, and husband from Creek to Kantucket, 17 of 9m, 1790. -9- Willians, Elizabeth Williams, v/idow, and little daughter Phehe, from Greek to KantQcket, 17 of 9m, 1790. Allen, John Allen and wife L!argaret and sons, Abraham and Jonathan, from Creek to Ninepartners, 22 of 10m, 1790. Hicks, Alsop, Sarah, wife of Stephen Hicks, and husband, from Greek to Hew York, 22 of 10m, 1790. John and I'ary Alsop, (he an elder) , from Creek to Hew York, 18 of 11m, 1790. Bunker, liarian, vdfe of William Bunker and daughter Kepzibah, from Creek to New York, 17 of iSm, 1790. Talcott, Hannah Talcott, from Creek to Ninepartners, 19 of 11m, 1790. Hoag, Joseph Hoag and wife Huldah and little children. Phebe, Ha than, llartha and Hannah; from Greek to Ninepartners, 18 of ^, 1791. Cronkhite, Rachel Cronkhite and husband Peter, from Creek to Saratoga, 18 of 2m, 1791. Hoag, Abraham Hoag and wife Tabitha and son Asa, from Creek to Ninepartners, 22 of 4m, 1791. -10- Hoag, Elijah Hoag, from Greek to Saratoga, 18 of 3m, 1791. White, John V/hite and wife Hannah, from Greek to Kinepartners, 16 of 9m, 1791. Holmes, Stephen Holmes, from Creek to Kinepartners, 18 of 5m, 1792. Niles, Nathaniel Kiles, from Creek to Hudson, 22 of 3m, 1799. Sweet, Lydia Sweet, from Creek to Ohlong, 22 of 3m. 1799. Tripp, Lot Tripp, from Creek to New York, 2D of Im, 1792. White, John White, Jr., and wife Edih; from Creek to Kinepartners, 22 of 6m, 1792. Brown, James Brown and wife Elizaheth and young sons, Nathaniel and John; from Greek to Kinepartners, 17 of 2m, 1792. Hoag, Peake, David Hoag, from Creek to Saratoga, 17 of 2m, 1792. William Peake and wife Jcne.and children, Elizabeth, Kathan and ^eth, from Creek to ginTBncx Saratoga, 17 of 2m, 1792. -11- CiLristy, John Christy and wife Anne- from Greek to Ninepartners, 15 of 3m, 1792. Earl, Stephen Sari, (Clear of Marriage engage- ments), from Creek to East Hoosack, 2D of 4m, 1792. Corhin, David Corbin, removed to Perrisbiirg, from Creek to Saratoga, 7 of 2m, 1792. Alley, Bunker, Ennis Alley, Clear of Marriage engagements, from Creek to New York, 18 of 5m, 1792. Barzilla Bunker and wife Lydia, and chil- dren, George, llercy, EMce and Reuben, from Creek to Kew York, 18 of 5m, 1792. Halstead, Zeruah Halstead, removed to Amawalk from Creek to Chappaqua, IS of 5ra, 1792. Butts, Iiiary Butts, from Creek to Ninepartners, 33 of 7m, 1792. Butts, John Butts, from Creek to Ninepartners, 21 of 9m, 1792. Hoag, Jonathan Hoag, Jr., and wife Phebe and 2 sons. 2Iiiah and Nathaniel; from Greek to Saratoga, 15 of 2m, 1793. -12- Garpenter, Stephen Carpenter and wife Hannah, and children, Phebe, 7'illiam and ^arah, from Creek to Saratoga, 19 of 4ci,1793. Hoag Powell, Elihu Hoag and v;ife Doroas (Powell), removed to Lbnkton; from Creek to Saratoga, 33 of 2m, 1793. Haight, Mary Haight, daughter of Thomas, Clear of fiarriage engagements, from Creek to Ninepartners, 19 of 2m, 1793. Comstock, Matthew Gomstock, from Creek to Ninepart- ners, 21 of 6m, 1793. Cornell, Edward Cornell, Clear of Marriage engage- ments, from Creek to Saratoga, 19 of 4in, 1793. Palmer, Joseph Palmer, (minor), removed to Perris- burg; from Creek to Saratoga, 21 of 6m, 1793. Halstead, Samuel Halstead and little son Stephen. from Greek to Amawalk, 20 of 9m, 1793. Palmer, Keese, Allen, Tvlar Palmer and wife ^^achel and children, Enoch. Tvlar, Israel Peter and '^arah, from Creek to Saratoga, 20 of 12m, 1793. Trfilliajn Keese and wife Permelia (Allen). removed to Peru, Clinton Co. Prom Creek to Saratoga, 21 of 2m, 1794. -13- Hoaff, Tabitha Hoag, Clear of Carriage enga^- ^* men ts. from Greek to oaratoga, 21 of 2m, 1794. Wood Samuel Wood, wife Llary, and children, "°° ' Phebe. Sarah, Silas. Samuel and. John; Fitzgerald, also |hehe ^'itzgerald under their care; ^ * from ?iesthury to Greek, 16 of Im, 17yd. Lane Benjamin Lane and v/ife Dehorah, and ^^^' J children, Eary and Slizaheth- from Creek to Oblo4g, 18 oi 4m, 1794. Hoaff Sarah Hoag, widow, and daughters Sarah ^°^' and Tahitha; the widow and Sarah clear of Marriage engagements. ^?>emoved to Pittstown; from Creek to oaratoga, 21 of Sm, 1794. Briee-s Sarah Briggs, wife of Eenry, from Creek to ^^^S^^' "Hudson and Goeymans ratten", 18 of 4m, 1794. x^^^iA Daniel Field. (Clear of Llarriage engage- Pield, ^^^ ments) / from Creek to Ghappaqua, 22 of ilm, 1793. Marshall. Ha:.a.^Ijarshanj^(.i^^^^^^^^ Saratoga, 16 of 5m, 1794. -14- Hoag, Martha Hoag, widow, from Greek to Kine- partners, 18 of 7m, 1794. Underwood, Joseph Underv/ood and wife Elizabeth and children, John, Gornelius and Benjamin; from Creek to Ninepartners, 25 of 3m, 1794. Peckum, Seth Peclcuifi, about to remove to Pitts town, to the I.I, I.I. ■ at Easttown, Saratoga; from Creek, 19 of 9m, 1794. Peclram, Eheuhen Peckiira, (Clear of Carriage engage- ments), to East Town from Creek, 19 of 9m, 1794. Peckum, Benjamin Peckum, wife I.Iary and infant SteDhen; to Bast Town from Creek, 22 of 8m, 1794. Jacocks, ilary Jacocks and husband, from Creek to Ninepartners, (no datej. Macomber, Hannah, wife of Gardner Llacomber, from Creek to Saratoga, 19 of 12m, 1794. Hoag, Llary Hoag, (daughter of Sarah HHag, widow). Clear of i^rriage engagements, from Creek to Kineioartners, 19 of 12m, 1794. Palmer, Joel Palmer, from Creek to Danby, 17 of 2m, 1797. -15- Hartley, Jane Hartley. (Clear of Carriage engage- ment), to Greek from Marsden I.I. H, , held at Grawthawbooth, Lancaster Co., England, 10 of 9in, 1794. Stratton, Benjamin Stratton and wife Juditli, from Greek to New York, 17 of 4n, 1795. Hoag, 0"bedia]i Hoag and wife Hannah, from Greek to East Town, 17 of 4m, 1795. Barber, Gideon Barber, from Greek to Hudson — Goeymans, 17 of 4m, 1795. Jacocks, Anne Jacocks, minor, and her brother, from Greek to Kinepartners, 33 of 3m, 1795. fright. Mary YTright and husband Jonathan, from Greek to Ball town, to Saratoga, 20 of 3m, 1795. Stratton, Elizabeth Stratton, (Clear of marriage engagement), and her parents, from Greek to New York, 17 of 4in, 1795. Otis, tiary Otis, wife of Ephraim, from Greek to Saratoga, 22 of 5m, 1795. Mosher, Bidder, Eliakim kosher and wife Tary and children, L!iartha and Abraham; and ap-orentice, Joseph Ridder; from Greek to Hudson, 22 of 5m, 1795. -16- Kinyon, Benjamin Kinyon and wife Abigail; from Creek to East Town, 22 of 5m, 1795. Allen, Martha Allen, widow, (Clear of Ilarriage engagement }, from Creek to Hudson, 22 0? 5m, 1795. Clapp, James Clapp and wife Fhebe afcd cliildreii, JacoDj Sarah, Thomas, Nicholas, Hannah and James; from Creek to Rinepartners, 17 of 4m, 1795. Torry, Mary Torry, minor, da-ijghter of Ebenezer, frfom Creek to Oblong, 18 of 9m, 1795. Thorn, Southwick, Phebe Thorn, from Creek to Kinepartners, 17 of 7m, 1795. Chad Southwick, (Clear of I.Iarriage en- gagement), from Greek to Danby, 16 or 10m, 1^95. Mead, Zacheus L'ead, from Creek to Ninepartners, . 3D of 11m, 1795. Casten, Llartha Casten, returned to Purchase from Creek, 19 of 2m, 1796. Wood, Samuel Y.'ood and wife Mary and children, Phebe, Sarah, Silas, Samuel. Jolm, Isaac and I-ary- from Creek to Purcliase, 22 oi 4m, 1796. -17- Oddie, Eotert Oddie, (Clear of Llarriage engage- ment), from Creek to Hew York, 22 of 4ri, 1796. Gardner, Ezra Gardner and v/ife Lydia and 2 sons, Daniel and Solomon, from Creek to Hudson, 22 of 10m, 1796. Barber, J;iarcy Barber, (Clear of Llarriage engage- ment), from Greek to Hudson, lb of 10m, 1796. Hoag, Catherine Hoag, wife of Ezekiel, from Creek to Saston, 22 of Im, 1796. Oakley, Elizabeth Oakley, (C.ear of Marriage engagement"), from Greek to Saratoga. 19 of 2m, ite. Underbill, Sarah Underbill, (minor), daughter of Jerusha- from Creek removed to her Grandfather at Ghappaqua; 22 of 7m, 1796. Allen, Othenial Allen and wife Keziah, from Creek to Easton, 20 of 5m, 1796. Allen, Jedediah Allen. 2nd., and wife ^^ercy, and children Othenial, Catherine, Abraham and George; from Creek to Easton, 20 of 5m, 1796. Jones, Richard Jones and wife Huth, from Creek to Kinepartners, 3D of 5m, 1796. -18- Hull, Powell, Gomell, John Hull, (Clear of Llarriage engagement), from Greek to Nev/ York, 22 of 7ni,1796. Elizabeth Powell and husband Obediah and children, I.Iary, Anne, Rhoda, Sarah, Patience and minor son T^illiam; from ?, to ?. 17 of 6m, 1796. Elisha Cornell, (Clear of Llarriage engage- ment), from Creek to Kinepartners, 16 of 12m, 1796. Gifford, Pecknm, Peckum, Ti tns , Obediah Gifford, from Creek to Hudson, 16 of 12m, 1796. Nathan Peckum from Creek to Easton, 19 of 5m, 1797. (Clear of llarriage engagement). Samuel Peckum, (Clear of I.!arriage engage- ment), from Creek to Saston, 19 of 5m, 1797. Richard Titus, from Creek to '.Testbury, 18 of 11m, 1796. Hoag, Szekiel Koag, from Creek to East Tov/n, 21 of lOm, 1796. Thompson, Elias Thompson, from Creek removed to ^ Coeymans, to Hudson, 18 of 8m, 1797. Hull John Hull, son of Joseph Hull, (dec'd.), * from New York to Creek, 16 of 8m,l'J'97. -19- Rasimiore, Abigail Hushmore, (formerly Griff en), Griffen, wife of Thomas Rushmore, from Creek to Hudson, 19 of Im, 1798. Austen, Sarah Austen, wife of John, and little L'ahi table, from Creek to Danby, 19 of Im, 1798. Underhill, Jerusha Underbill, widow, Clear of I'arriage engagement, from Creek to Chappaqua, 19 of Im, 1798. Case, Jo be Case, from Creek to Hudson, 16 of 2m. 1798. Austen, John Austen, from Creek to Danby, 16 of 2m, 1798. l!ott. Case, Kathan Case, from Creek to Hudson, 16 of 3m, 1798. Mo sher , Phebe Llosher and husband Richard, from Creek to llinepartners, 16 oi 6m, 1797. Gifford, I'lary Gifford and husband, from Creek to Hudson, 16 of 11m, 1796. -2D- vt neaver, Soriah Weaver and husband Joseph with 4 children, Daniel "'. , Lydia, Patience and reter: from Greek to Oblonff, 16 of Sm, 17§8. Case, Ruth Case, wife of Job; from Greek to Hudson, 16 of 3m, 1798. Upton, Edward Upton and wife Elizabeth; from Creek to Hudson, 18 of 5m, 1798. Mosher, Thomas Mo she r and wife (not named) and 8 children, Joshua, Huth, Phebe, Willi am, I-ary, Deborah, Hannah and Henry; irom Ureek to Nmepartners, ^.0 of 7m, 1798. °o ^ "^^ 1^ . t • . ■^ * -^t, /.c:^.^°o .-^^.t^%v .0^..--.,%, ,-^*\t!4^>v -^^0^ ^°-n^. r-'^; V>^ . , . -J'. A> ■y > .>^- s^'h <^- .v.>> >-o^ v^^- .^'^'^x.. t-o'^ ^-9^' .^'\ 4* /rv^;?/;" ■e. jp-n^. .V ^ %,,^ -^Ao^ .0 v.^^ "■^^. A-JV" sooKB'sD'v: •^^ A^ '<■ ^-^'^" ■j^. V-^^ c,-/'. ^^° ^ >:^l:- ^^v - - ' <> v^ •1 o • O j^ iJo 4f ' • ', * '♦ «i*. 1^ . ' • \. •"?V» <* • -"1. '■■:' -r- ^-•. .v^