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- deration of .£650 lawful ni<>ne\ of Pennsylvania, to Griffith Jones. ,,"'"'''' •> Record. in fee, for all that the said messuage or tenement, plantation and tract of land, and the several parcels of swamp, marsh and cripples lying between the said land and the creek. Duly executed and acknowledged 22* July, 1740. Recorded *WMohia 21 August, 1740, in Deed Hook (.'. No. 2, page 287. !'i',? cl the deed. DCftL — Griffith Jones to Joseph Levis, m fee, for same last L745. . May 21 mentioned premises. Recited DCCtt. — Joseph Levis and wife, in consideration of £ 1800, 1750. r Nov. 5. lawful moncv of Pennsylvania, to Robert Wain, in fee, lor saint; j j \ tewed last mentioned premises. Record. 10 Duly executed and acknowledged same day. Recorded March 17, 1792, in Deed Book D. No. 33, page 237. 1754. March 23. DCCo*. — Robert Wain and wife, as well for and in considera- Viewed tion of £550, lawful money of Pennsylvania, as of the payment ?, ec0 p of one full moiety or half part of £900, mortgage moneys, which duced and Richard Wain, junior, hath undertaken to pay to the said Richard Wain, junior, in fee, for the one full, equal and undivided moiety or half part of and in the said last mentioned premises. Under and subject to the payment of the one full moiety or half part of the said mortgage moneys, and interest on the said moiety. Duly executed and acknowledged, 5 August, 1761. Recorded secure the November 5, 1761, in Deed Book H. No. 12, page 441. payment of £900, with interest. Robert Wain to Robert Moore. — Recorded in Mortgage Book X. No. 1, page 315. — 1701, Oct. G. Satisfaction of said Mortgage entered of Record. Examined. 1750. Nov. 6. Mortgage of said pre HUM'S tO 1761. An-. 6. Viewed Record. Also Pro- duced and Examined. JDCClJ. — Robert Wain and Richard Wain to Edward Stiles, reci- ting (inter alia), the last mentioned deed to the said Richard Wain, by the name of Richard Wain, jr., and that the said Robert Wain and Richard Wain did make a parol or verbal partition and divi- sion between them of the premises, whereby the messuage or tene- ment tract of upland and meadow ground herein mentioned and described, and intended to be hereby granted and conveyed, were agreed to be allotted, assigned, released and confirmed imtr> the said Richard Wain, his heirs and assigns forever, in severalty, as his and their full part, purpart, share and dividend of and in all and singular the premises; and that the said Richard hath bar- gained and sold, and agreed to convey the same messuage, tract of upland and meadow ground, allotted for his purpart aforesaid, with the appurtenances and the fee simple and inheritance thereof, unto the above named Edward Stiles, his heirs and assigns, for- ever, for the sum of £1400, lawful money of Pennsylvania. The said Robert Wain, for rendering the partition aforesaid firm and effectual in law, and in consideration of 5s. And the said Richard Wain, for and in consideration of the aforesaid sum of £1400, granting and confirming unto the said Edward Stiles, in fee, all that messuage or tenement, plantation and tract or parcel of up- land and meadow, situate, lying and being in Oxford township, in 11 the county of Philadelphia, butted, hounded and described as fol- lows, viz. beginning at a stake on the side of the road leading from Charles Willing' s plantation to Frankford; and at a corner of the said Robert Wain's land, being other part of the great tract aforesaid ; thence by the said Robert Wain's land, the six next fol- lowing courses and distances, to wit: south 31 degrees east, 93 perches and four-tenth parts of a perch, by the lane or avenue lead- ing to the house south 58 degrees, west 16 perches and four-tenth parts of a perch, south 31 degrees east 24 perches and eight-tenth parts of a perch, south 36 degrees west, 2 perches and two-tenth parts of a perch, to a stone, south 49 degrees and an half west 45 perches and three-tenth parts of a perch to another stone, and south 39 degrees and an half east 17 perches and five-tenth parts of a perch, to Frankford or Tacony creek aforesaid ; thence down the same creek, according to the several courses thereof, to a stone at the corner of Charles Willing's land; thence by the said Willing's land north 26 degrees west 63 perches, to a post on the side of the aforesaid road; and thence along the same road south 85 degrees west 174 perches, to the place of beginning: containing, in the whole, 113 acres and 20 perches, viz. 74 acres 3 roods and 14 perches of upland, and 38 acres 1 rood and 6 perches of meadow ground (being the land and meadow ground allotted for the purpart of the said Richard Wain). Duly executed and acknowledged 8 August, 1761. Recorded 28 October, 1761, in Deed Book H. No. 15, page 7. 2HJtll of Edward Stiles, devising in the words following, to ]7'.i:;. wit: "Item — I give and bequeath unto my beloved son, James Se P t- 16 ' " Stiles, my mansion-house or country-seat, &c, two contiguous Q^^ a] " tracts of land thereto belonging, situate on the southerly side of on Record. " Tacony road, in Oxford township, in the county of Philadelphia, " together with the respective appurtenances, to hold to him, my "said son, James Stiles, for and during all the term of his natural " life ; and from and immediately after the decease of him, my " said son, James, I do give and devise all and singular the afore- " said messuages, tenements, lots, lands, rent charge and premi- " ses, with the appurtenances, unto all the children of my said son, " James, which shall be living at the time of his decease, and the " lawful issue of such of them as shall be then deceased, their se- " veral and respective heirs and assigns forever, in equal parts, as " tenants in common, so, nevertheless, that such lawful issue take 12 " and receive such part and share only which his, her or their de- " ceased parent might have had and taken if then living." Duly proved 27 and 29 February, 1804, and registered at Phi- ladelphia, among Wills of 1804, No. 24. Also recorded in Book of Wills, No. 1, page 182. Recited. The said James Stiles departed this life before his father, the said Edward Stiles, leaving issue three children, namely, Edward James Stiles, Benjamin Stiles and Margaret Love Stiles, to and in whom the said premises, with the appurtenances, vested in equal shares as tenants in common, in fee, according to the said lust will and testament of their grandfather, the said Edward Stiles. The said Margaret Love Stiles afterwards intermarried with Stephen Duncan. Viewed Record. In the District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, December Term, 1811. No. 632. Rawlb, jr. Edward J. Stiles vs. Rawlb. Benjamin Stiles, Stephen Dun- can and Margaret L. Duncan, late Margaret L. Stiles, his wife. Narr. Nov. 27, 1811. Sums, partition. Appears endorsed on writ, December 4, 181 1. Judgment confessed quod partitio fiat. W. Rawle, for Defendants. Dec. 23, 1811. Breve de partitione facienda, M. 1812. No. 23. Tested 7 December, 1811. Returnable 1 Monday March, 1812. 1812. — day of — Viewed Original oa Record. Return of Partition under the hands and seals of Francis John- ston, Esq., High Sheriff of and for the City and County of Phi- ladelphia, and inquest, whereby (inter alia) all that messuage, plantation and tract of upland and meadow, called " Port Royal Farm," situate in Oxford Township and County of Philadelphia, (described according to the courses and distances in the last men- tioned deed), containing 113 acres and 20 perches, but which, on a late resurvey thereof, made by Samuel Hains, is found to contain \ \ 3 acres 1 rood and 22 perches, within bank, and is supposed to 13 contain in the whole, to low water mark, in the said creek, 121 acres 1 rood and 22 perches, was assigned and delivered unto Benjamin Stiles, to be held in severalty by him, the said Benjamin Stiles, his heirs and assigns, forever. April 1, 1812. Judgment that Partition remain firm and .stable forever. 53CPtJ. — Benjamin Stiles and wife, in consideration of $30,000, isic. to Stephen Duncan, of the City of Philadelphia, in the State of A P ril l ' ) - Pennsylvania, gentleman, in fee, for same last mentioned premises. ^ tewed i Record. Duly executed and acknowledged 20 April, 1816. Recorded Also 26 April, 1816, in Deed Book M. R. No. 9, page 67. Produced 1 r ° and Examined. HJCftt. — Stephen Duncan, of the County of Philadelphia, in 1833. the State of Pennsylvania, Esq. and wife, in consideration of (>llt $5000, to Stephen Duncan, of the city of Natchez, in the State of gi-Tfj Mississippi, Esq., in fee, for said last mentioned premises, under Also and subject to the payment of a certain mortgage debt, or princi- j pal sum of $12,000, with interest, secured on said premises, by an Examined. indenture of mortgage, dated the 28th day of June, A. D. 1820. Recorded in Mortgage Book I. W. No. 2, page 616, &c, given Satisfac- c ° 1 c ° tloll (it and executed by Stephen Duncan, the grantor herein, to Hannah sa id Mort- Chancellor. "; f' teredoi re- Duly executed and acknowledged 19 September, 1833. Re- cord on 28 corded September 27, 1833, in Deed Book A. M. No. 42, page Feb - 1843< 282. iPofoJCt* Of SlttOtMUJ), under the hands and seals of Stephen 1852. Duncan, of the City of Natchez, in the State of Mississippi, planter, and Catharine A. Duncan his wife, constituting ami ap- Recor( j pointing M. B. Mahony, of the City of Philadelphia, in the State Also of Pennsylvania, their true and lawful attorney, and authorizing ftnd ' him in the words following, to wit: " for us and in our name, place Examined. "and stead, to grant, bargain, sell and convey, in fee simple," said last described premises " as a whole, or in parts, with the appur- *« tenances, and all our right, title and interest in and to the same, 14 " to such person or persons, and for such price or prices, and in "such terms as to our said attorney may seem proper, and to sign, "seal, execute, and as and l'or our act and deed, deliver and ac- knowledge a deed r o » • <« n v l / • ^v 1 c\ -a? *!,•.?* ^ V % \L^Lf* «^ <<&■ , o " • ^ . L / • . ^ <& v - O * Q . Ili' II' I II! LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 005 300 875 6 «