cJoxXo oJvTTuJu Glass F5 34- Book .bCt FACTS ABOUT INDIANAPOLIS INDIANS ISSUED BY THE COMMERCIAL CLUB INDIANAPOLIS Fads About Indianapolis Indianapolis has a population of 215,000, and ranks twentieth city in the United States. In the last ten years it has made the largest gain of any city in the country. The net gain being 60.4 per cent; Chicago second, with a net gain of 54 per cent. It is within 35 miles of the center of population of the United States. More than 1,500,000 people are within two hours' ride of the city. 2,300 manufacturing plants, em- ploying 33,000 people and paying $15,000,000 in wages annually. Indianapolis is noted for its free- dom from labor strikes and disturb- ances. By means of 32 steam railroads and interurban lines all the great cities of the Central West can be reached in five hours. Indianapolis has the only great Union Interurban Passenger and Freight Station in the world. All freight depots are located in the heart of the city, within a radius of four squares. A Belt Railroad surrounds the city, expediting shipments and furnishing factory sites. 150 miles electric street railroad under one system, at a four-cent fare, with universal transfers. HO miles of paved streets, 151 miles of sewers, 245 miles of water mains. Sanitary conditions the best. Within 50 miles of the most ex- tensive coal fields in the world. Mine run coal laid down in the city at an average of $1.25 per ton. Headquarters of the Independent and Central Union Telephone Com- panies. Rates for offices and stores $2.00 and #3.50 per month; resi- dences, $1.50 to $2.00. The resources of our Banks and Trust Companies aggregate #45,- 000,000. Indianapolis is the fifth largest publishing city in the United States. Indianapolis is noted the world over for its beautiful shaded streets and comfortable homes, second only to Philadelphia in the number of working men who own their own homes Eight public parks within the city limits, covering 1,311 acres and three parks just outside with 310 acres. Indianapolis is recognized by educators as having a model school system. Seventy school buildings and two great High Schools, one Academic and one Manual Training. A large Central Library with numer- ous branches in all parts of the city. Forty-five hotels affording the best accommodations in the West. 165 churches with a membership of 65,000. New $2,000,000 Post Office and Federal Building just finished, com- pletes chain of fine public buildings second only to Washington. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ADDRESS ROBERT G. McCLURE Sec'y. ., MERCIAL CLUB, INDIANAPOLIS / / LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II III Mill!! Ill Mill! 014 432 930 2 ,-ff-^ - " l